UC-NRLF B 3 1M3 Oil * ,/, r#$jm .Y A, m li/X #V " """ 0^. " i -- - N" " wto. V -fo -, V f - - r I V CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF JARED SPARKS; WITH A LIST OF THE HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COLLECTED BY HIM AND NOW DEPOSITED IN THE LIBRARY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. CAMBRIDGE: $tinteti at tlje 1871. E3 37 PREFACE. 1HIS Catalogue is derived from the books in the library and from two imperfect but not unfaithful lists of titles. It is largely indebted to the laborious altera tions, and to the attention, generously offered, of Mr. Cogs well, formerly of the Astor Library. Thanks are due to the unfailing kindness, the learning, and the counsels of Mr. Ezra Abbot, one of the librarians of Harvard University. Many suggestions from Mr. Henry Stevens, and some of the notes, should be acknowledged. The present form of the Catalogue, however, is due to the editor, Mr. Cutter, librarian of the Boston Athenseum, who has prepared the manuscript for and carried it through the press. The library of Mr. Sparks possesses valuable, quaint, and unique volumes. There are also many not always easily found, which correspond to his expressed intention to " own every book he might wish to use." For its " Historical MSS." it has long been known. These papers were collected with intuitive skill and increasing ability during various tours, un dertaken since 1819 for the purpose : first, in the thirteen original States ; often elsewhere in his own enlarged country ; three times in prolonged visits to Europe ; by means also of his extensive correspondence during the years 1819-1866. These letters are arranged in sixty large volumes, with a daily index. The Journals of the tours point out the deposits of many unknown treasures ; sketching scenes, characters, and incidents; thus preserving information, and reproduc ing reminiscences of a period far more remote. The Bound Historical Manuscripts, now the property of his son, with a conditional reversion to Harvard University, were at once placed within their own oaken cabinet, in the library 416 iv Preface. of the University. Mr. Sparks, himself disabled from the fruition of so much preparation, by an accident which never ceased to affect his right arm, felt every suffering alleviated in the gratification which he could afford to others. He used these treasures with a lavish and cheerful bounty which told nothing of the patient endurance of the daily disappointment he could not always conceal from his familiar friends. Their effects are already to be traced in the many useful works which acknowledge these sources of information ; perhaps, as has been said, in the more critical investigation, more enlarged interest, and more zealous research which have been stimulated in others. Through his foresight they must have an increas ing influence upon historical literature in the development of that Good he sought, of that Truth to which his life was devoted. , I have thought it well to add to the Catalogue a list of these papers, which the editor has been enabled to prepare by the kindness of the officers of the University Library. Though necessarily brief, it may serve as a guide till a more complete calendar shall be published. M. c. s. NOTE. IN the preparation of this Catalogue all exaggeration in describ ing the condition and value of the volumes has been studiously avoided. The epithets scarce and rare have been sparingly used ; perhaps it would have been better to omit them altogether, since the collectors of American rarities may be supposed to know what books are rare, and the students of American history care more for the importance and authenticity than for the scarcity of the works they would buy ; moreover, experience soon teaches the latter that publications of the sixteenth century relating to America weigh against gold ; that American imprints of the seventeenth century require a long purse in their purchaser ; that books and pamphlets on our Revolution are not to be found in every bookstore, nor even in every library, historical or general ; and that many works relating to the early settlement of the West have excited an in terest in readers fatal to their preservation either at the West or the East. To those who know these facts, a slight examination of the Catalogue will show that some of the books are extremely rare, that a very large proportion of the library is uncommon, and that nearly the whole of it is of decided historical value. Mr. Sparks selected his books very carefully ; he had a keen eye for whatever could be of use to him in the great historical works which he performed or which he meditated ; and he had both the will and many opportunities for procuring what he needed ; in con sequence, his library has attractions for both the bibliomaniacs and the scholars, not that the two are always distinct classes. The Catalogues put into my hands, have been revised as carefully as circumstances would permit. I have not in general been able to compare the titles with the books, and have therefore been obliged to leave some things which appeared to me of doubtful accuracy. A few titles of books which may not now belong to the library have been inserted from Mr. Sparks s list; these are generally to be known by the absence of any description of the binding. The notes signed J. s. are generally copied from memoranda written by M. Sparks on the fly-leaves of the volumes to which they refer. c. A. C. The Works in this Library are almost without exception marked with the au tograph of Mr. Sparks. The following beautiful volumes constitute a nearly complete set of his works, prepared by himself for his sou. They have been generally, perhaps entirely, omitted from the catalogue. I. SPARKS, Jared. An Account of the Manuscript Papers of George Washington, which were left by him at Mount Vernon. With a Plan for their Publication. Half morocco. 8 Boston, 1827 II. A Collection of Essays and Tracts on Theology from Various Authors, with biographical and critical Notices. With a Plan for their Publication. Original Prospectus. Calf. 6 vols. 12 Boston-London, 1823-26 III. Lives of various Persons, published in the " Theo logical Essays and Tracts." Turretin Abauzit. Blackburne, Hoadley, Whitby, Hare, Newton, Robinson, Cogan, Penn, Emlyn, Hales, Foster, Taylor. Half turkey. 12 Boston, London, 1823-26 IV. Correspondence of the American Revolution. Being the letters of Eminent Men to George Washington. Edited from the original Manuscripts. Calf, gilt. 4 vols. 8 Boston, 1853 V. The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution. Published conformably to a Resolution of Con gress. Calf. 12 vols. 8 Boston, 1829-30 VI. Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Ben jamin Franklin. Calf. 12 London, 1823 VII. A Historical Outline of the American Colonization Society, with Remarks on the advantages and practicability of colonizing in Africa the free people of color in the United States. From the North American Review for January. 12 Boston, 1824 VIII. Leben des beriimten Americanischen Reisenden John Ledyard. Aus dem Englischen von D. C. Michaelis. Half morocco. 12 Leipzig, 1829 IX. Leben und Brief wechsel Georg Washington nach dem Eng lischen des Jared Sparks im Auszuge bearbeitet. Heraus- gegeben von Friederich von Raumer. Half calf . 2 vols. 8 Leipzig, 1839 X. Letters on the Ministry. Ritual and Doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Calf. 8 Baltimore, 1820 XL Library of American Biography. Calf. 10 vols. 16 Boston-London, 1834-38 XII. Same. Second Series. Uniform as 25 vols. Calf. 15 vols. 16 Boston, 1844-48 XIII. ; The Works of Benjamin Franklin. With Notes, and a Life of the Author. Calf. 10 voh. Large 8 1836-40 XIV. The Life of Benjamin Franklin, containing the Autobiography, with Notes, and a Continuation. Calf. 1 vol Large 8 Boston, 1844 XV. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Printed by Mr. Sparks permission from his Life of Franklin. Calf. Dessau ; Katz Brothers. Berlin, Hamburgh, Vienna, Am sterdam, Paris, Trieste, Venice, Verona, Turin, 1854 XVI. The Writings of George Washington, being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and other papers, official and private. Selected and published from the orig inal Manuscripts, with a Life of the Author. Notes and Illustrations. Calf. 1 2 vols. Large 8 Boston, 1834-37 XVII. - Life of Washington. His Diaries and Speeches, and Various Miscellaneous Papers. Calf. 2 vols. London, 1839 XVIII. Life of George Washington. Calf. 8 Boston, 1839 Another. 17th Edition. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1866 Life of George Washington. Abridged by the Au- Calf. 2 vols. Boston, 1 840 Vie, Correspondence, et ecrits de Washington. Publiees d apres 1 edition Arnericaine, et precedes d une Introduction sur I influence et le caractere de Washington dans la Revolution des Etats Unis. Par M. Guizot. Half calf. 6 vols. Paris, 1840 The folio Map contains a note by Mr. Sparks. " This volume accompanies Guizot s Translation of Sparks s Edition of Washington s Writings. The plans and drawings are all copied from that Work " with no acknowledgment. XXII. - Life of Gouverneur Morris, with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers, detailing events in the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and in the political History of the United States. Calf. 3 voh. 8 Boston, 1832 XXIII. Memorial de Gouverneur Morris, Ministre Plen- ipotentiare des Etats-Unis en France, Suivi d Extraits de sa Correspondence, et de ses papiers. Traduit de PAnglais de Jared Sparks, Auteur de la Vie de Washington, de Franklin, etc. Par Augustin Gaudais. Half calf . 2 voh. 8 Paris, 1842 XXIV. The Life of John Ledyard, the American Travel ler, comprising Selections from his Journals and Corre spondence. Calf. 8 Cambridge, 1828 Note by Mr. Sparks, from Henry Seymour, a relation of Ledyard. " He was above the middle stature, not tall, nor corpulent; athletic, firm, robust; light hair, aquiline nose, broad shoulders, and full chest." No work of Mr. Sparks was more a labor of love than this. To explore Africa, under the 3 auspices of the British African Society was his strongest wish, " pausing at Morocco, studying one year in Timbuctoo the manners, customs, institutions, trade," with other information, following " the Niger to its mouth, which is probably a large lake in the interior," thence to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope, Abyssinia, Egypt, or " other coasts. The African Society did not accept the proposition of the Harvard student. XXV. Washington. Fondation de la Republique des Etats Unis d Amerique. Vie de Washington. Histoire de la Guerre de 1 Independence. Traduit de PAnglais de M. Jared Sparks, par M. Ch , et precede d une Introduction. Par M. Guizot. Turkey morocco. 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1851 XXVI. Selections from a Discourse delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Harvard University. Half tur key morocco. 12 1832 XXVII. and Mahon. 1. Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others on the mode of editing Washington s Writings. 2. The Same, London edition. 3. Review of Lord Mahon s History of the Revolution, by J. G. Palfrey. 4. " Letter to Lord Mahon." 5. " Remarks." 6. Force s Notes on Mahon s History of the Declaration of Independ ence. Calf. 12 Boston-London, 1852-55 XXVIII. Inquiry into the comparative tendency of the Trinitarian and Unitarian Doctrines. Jn a Series of Let ters to the Rev. Dr. Miller of Princeton. Half calf , gilt. 8 Boston, 1823 XXIX. Harvard College. Collection of Public Papers during the Presidency of Mr. Sparks. Inaugural, Reports, Memorials, etc. Half calf . 2 vols. 8 Cambridge and Boston, 1849-50-52 XXX. Boundary Question and the " Red Line Map," with extracts from Speeches, Journals, Reviews, concern ing the use made of the Red Line Map, and other Maps, in negotiating and confirming the Treaty of Washington. The " Contents " are in Mr. Sparks s autograph. Half morocco. Folio 1852-55 OMISSIONS. 229a BELSHAM, Thomas. Epistles of Paul the Apostle. Trans lated, with an Exposition and Notes. 490a CHALMERS. With a Preface by Mr. Sparks. Signed with his written Initials. Turkey morocco. 1848 2636a TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis DE. Report made to the Chamber of Deputies on the Abolition of Slavery in the French Colonies. Translated by M. c. s. With Autograph of the Author, and Eulogies. Half calf. 8 Boston, 1839 This work has been overlooked in the collections of De Tocqueville s works in America. In 2716. View of Fort George, New York, 1763. ATLAS, by William G. Faden, Geographer to the King. In this important atlas the maps illustrate the War until the battle of York- town, Oct. 1781. The Table of Contents is a Manuscript. The N. E. Bound ary Line on the map of the British Colonies (1.777 is given), contrasts curi ously with the shrunken Line which with great indulgence marks the sub sequent concessions on the next map. MAP of the United States of North America, according to the Treaty. Engraved by Wm. Faden, 1783. Mr. Sparks speaks of it as " a curious map " published in London before the treaty was ratified. These maps were much consulted on the question of boundary in 1842. In the " N. A. Review," April 1843, Mr. Sparks says " Faden s map of 1785, is the earliest English authority produced in favor of British claims. A copy was brought over by Lord Ashburton. The Maine Commissioners called it a small one, of small pretensions. A map worthy of more consideration is that published 1783, by Faden. It is about two feet square, and the boundaries marked on it correspond with the greatest ex actness to the American construction of the Treaty. Faden points to the Province of Sagadahoc as a new concession." Mr. Sparks observes of him, " No man in England was more competent." " We are bound to regard this map as conclusive of English opinion at that date." It is thought that this map cannot easily be found in our public libraries. This copy was used in the discussions of 1842. Neither is common. The costly MS. of Homer and Alcedo were procured at an expense hardly exceeded by that incui-red for any of those now placed in Harvard Library. The Bound Historical Manuscripts, of which a List is attached to this Cata logue, should have been marked as those conditionally bequeathed to the Library in which they are now deposited. They are of course not included in any proposed sale. M. c. s. Catalogue* BBOTT, G. D. The Family at Home. 5th Ed. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1836 2 ABBOTT, Jacob. The Teacher. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1836 3 ABBOTT, John S. C. History of the Civil War in America. Vol. I. Half calf. 8 New York, 1863 4 ABEJA Argentina, La. 2 vols. in 1. Half sheep. 8 Buenos Aires, 1822-23 5 ABERNETHY, John. Tracts and Sermons. Boards. 8 London, 1751 6 ABINGDON, Earl of. Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq., to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the Affairs of America. 6th Ed. 8 Oxford, N. D. This 6th edition contains, for the first time, a long Dedication. Sound in half calf with this is: POWNALL, Gov. Thomas.] A Memorial most humbly addressed to the Sover eigns of Europe on the Present State of Affairs between the Girt and New World. 8 London, 1780 " As Governor Pownall did not die till several years after the publication of this Pamphlet, the statement [ written by a friend of mine who is lately dead ] in the Preface [signed * # * * * Editor] must be fictitious, intended probably to disguise the UMUIC of the real author." j. s. 7 ACARETE.] A Relation of Mr. R. M. s Voyage to Buenos Ayres, and from thence by Land to Potosi. Map. Calf. 16 London, 1716 A reprint of the translation, published in 1698, of the " Voyage du Sieur Accar- rete a Buenos Ayres " in Thevenot s Collection. 8 ACCUM, Frederick. Elements of Crystallography. Plates. Boards. , 8 London, 1813 9 ACONTIUS, Jacobus. Stratagematum SatanaB Libri Octo. Old calf. 16 Oxtnn, 1631 10 ACOSTA, JOSEPH DE. Histoire Natvrelle et Moral le des Indes, tant Orientalles qu Occidentalles. Traduite par Reg- nault. Derniere Edition. Boards. 16 Paris, 1600 1 1 Same. Derniere Edition. Vellum. Thick 8 Paris, 1616 12 ADAIR, James. The History of the American Indians. Map. Half calf. 4 London, 1775 13 ADAMS, Hannah. A Dictionary of All Religions. 4th Edition. Sheep. 8 New York, 1817 2 Catalogue of the Library 14 ADAMS, John. Works, with a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations, by his Grandson, Charles Francis Adams. Cloth. 10 vols. 8 Boston, 1856 15 Correspondence, originally published in the Boston Patriot. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1809 16 Another copy. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1809 17 A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 London, 1787 18 Same. 3d Ed. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1797 19 * Discourses on Davila ; Papers on Political History. By an American Citizen. Half sheep. 8 Boston, 1805 20 Novanglus [J. Adams], and Massachusettensis [Daniel Leonard], or Political Essays published in 1774 and 1775, on the Principal Points of Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies. To which are added Letters, lately written by President Adams to William Tudor, some never before published. Boards. 8 Boston, 1819 21 Eighteen Eulogies, Orations, etc., in Commemoration of Adams and Jefferson. Bound in one volume. Half sheep. 22 ADAMS, Mrs. The Letters of the Wife of John Adams. 2 vols. Letters of John Adams to his Wife. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. 2 vols. Portraits. Cloth. Together 4 vols. 16 Boston, 1841 23 ADAMS, John Quincy. The Duplicate Letters, the Fisheries, and the Mississippi ; Documents relating to the Negotiation of Ghent. Boards. 8 Washington, 1822 24 Same. 2d Edition. Halfrussia. 8 Louisville, 1823 25 Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Cambridge, 1810 26 Oration on Lafayette. Morocco. 8 Washington, 1835 With Mr. Adams s autograph. 27 ADAMS, Nehemiah. The Friends of Christ in the New Testa ment. Thirteen Discourses. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1853 28 ADOLPHUS, John. History of England. 4th Ed. Boards. 3 vols. 8 London, 1817 29 ADSONVILLE, or Marrying Out. A Narrative Tale. Boards. 12 Albany, 1824 30 AESCHYLUS. The Prometheus and Agamemnon. Translated into English Verse, by H. W. Herbert. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1849 31 AFFAIRES de 1 Angleterre et de 1 Amerique. Half calf. 15 vols. bound in 9. 8 Anvers, 1776-79 " This work appears to have been an imitation or translation of Almon s Re membrancer. Among its editors, according to Barbier, were Franklin, Count de Gebelin, Robinet, etc." Rich. 32 AFRICA. Proceedings of the Association for promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1810 of Jared Sparks. 3 33 AFRICA. Report of Mr. Kennedy on the Memorial of the Friends of African Colonization. Unbound. pp. 1088. 8 Washington, 1843 34 AFRICAN Institution. [Reports of the Committee and Directors for 1807-25.] 4 vols., half calf, and 3 nox. paper. 8 London, 1811-25 35 AFRICAN Slave Trade.] 7 works in 2 vols. Half calf. 8 London, 1786-92 Contains: Clarkson s Slavery and Commerce of the Human Speoies. Sheffield s Project for Abolishing 1 the Sl ave Trade, Muncaster s Historical Sketches of the Slave Trade, An Account of the Insurrection in Saint Domingo, etc. 36 AGASSIZ, L. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States. Cloth. 4 vols. 4 Boston, 1857-62 37 AGE Reviewed, The. A Satire in Two Parts. Boards. 8 London. 1827 38 AIKIN, Lucy. Epistles on Women. With Miscellaneous Poems. Boards. 4 London, 1810 39 Memoir of John Aikin, M. D. With a Selection of his Miscellaneous Pieces. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 40 Memoirs of the Court of James I. 3d Ed. Portrait. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1823 41 Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 6th Ed. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London. 1826 42 AINSWORTH, Robert. An Abridgement of the last Quarto Edition of his Dictionarv, English and Latin. By Th. Mo- rell. 6th Ed. Sheep, worn. 8 London, 1804 43 Same.. Enlarged by T. Morell and by J. Carey. 2d Ed. Half calf. 1 vol. bd. in 3. 4 London, 1823 44 AKENSIDE, Mark. The Pleasures of the Imagination and other Poems. Boards 18 New York, 1819 45 ALBERTI DI VILLANUOVA, Francesco d . Dizionario Univer- sale, Critico, Enciclopedico, della Lingua Italiana. Half sheep. 6 vols. in 3. 4 Lucca, 1797-1805 46 Nouveau Dictionnaire Fran9ois-Italien. Old calf. 2 vols. Marseille, 1771-72 47 ALLEN, ETHAN. A Brief Narrative of the Proceedings of the .Government of New York, relative to their obtaining the Juris diction of that Large District of Land to the westward from Connecticut River, which, antecedent thereto, had been patented by New Hampshire. Half calf. 23 pp. of Ms., pp. 15 to 206 printed, and 1 1 pp. cf Ms. 12 Hartford, N. D. 48 - A Narrative of his Captivity, from his being taken by the British, near Montreal, 25th September, 1775, to his Ex change, 6th of May, 1778. Written by Himself. Half calf. 12 Albany, 1814 49 REASON THE ONLY ORACLE OF MAN, or a Compendu- ous System of Natural Religion. Fine large copy. EXCKSSTVE- LY RARE. 8 Benmngton : Has well and Russell, 1784 The greater part of the impression was destroyed by fire. 4f Catalogue of the Library 50 ALLEN, Ethan, and FAY, Jonas. A Concise Refutation of the Claims of New Hampshire and Massachusetts-Bay to the Ter ritory of Vermont. With Occasional Remarks on the long- disputed Claim of New York. Published by order of the Governor and Council of Vermont. Half morocco. Scarce. 8 Hartford, [1780?] 51 ALLEN, Thaddeus. An Inquiry into the Views, Principles, Services, and Influences of the Leading Men in the Origina tion of the American Union. Vol. 1. (of 3). Cloth. 8 Boston, 1849 52 ALLEN, Rev. W. Elements of English Grammar. 2d Ed. Sheep. 12 London, 1824 53 ALLEN, William. An American Biographical and Historical Dictionary. Sheep. 8 Cambridge, 1809 54 ALLIBONK, S. A. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors, Living and Deceased. Containing Thirty Thousand Notices. Vol. I. Cloth. Imp. 8 Philadelphia, 1858 55 ALMANACH Royal, Annee 1781. Old morocco. Curiously gilt. 8 N. p., N. D. 56 ALMON, John.] Biographical, Literary, and Political Anec dotes of Eminent Persons of the Present Age. Never before printed. With an Appendix of Scarce Papers. Half calf. 3 vols. 8 London, 1797 57 AMERICA ; or a General Survey of the Political Situation of the several Powers of the Western Continent. By a Citizen of the United States. Half cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 58 AMERICAN Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. Vol. I. Boards. 4 Boston, 1785 59 Same. New Series. Vol. I. Cloth. Vols. II. to VIII. Paper. 8 vols. 4 Cambridge and Boston, 1833-63 [Nine Papers from the " Memoirs " published separate- Paper. 4 1854 Proceedings. Vols. I., II., III., IV., in three parts, VI., pp. 1-88. Paper. 8 Boston and Cambridge, 1848-62 ( With a duplicate of Vol. I., in parts, and a part of Vol. 11.) 62 AMERICAN Almanac, and Repository of Useful Knowledge. Paper. 32 vols., including a duplicate of 1857. 12 Boston, 1830-61 63 AMERICAN Annual Register, for 1796. Half sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1797 64 Another copy. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1797 65 AMERICAN Annual Register. For 1825-29 Half russia. 3 vols. 8 New York, 1827-30 66 Same. For 1827-31. Half cloth. 3 vols. 8 New York, 1830-32 of Jared Sparks. 5 67 AMERICAN Antiquarian Society. Archseologia Americana, Transactions and Collections of the Society. Vols. L, II., boards; III., IV., cloth. Also Vols. II. and III., Part I. 5 vols. 8 Worcester and Cambridge, 1820-60 68 Catalogue of Books in the Library. Half cloth. 8 Worcester, 1837 69 Proceedings. February, 1849, to October, 1865. Wanting, April, 1857, and Oct. 1859. 29 unbound pamphlets. Worcester, Cambridge, and Boston 70 AMERICAN ARCHIVES. Fourth Series. 1774-76. Fifth Series. Vols. L, IF., July 4 to October 31, 1776. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force. Half russia. 8 vols. Folio. Washington. 1837-51 Only one volume more, Vol. III. of the Fifth Series, was ever published. 71 AMERICAN Association for the Advancement of Science. Pro ceedings. Paper. 14 vols. 8 1849-61 Vol. I. was published at Philadelphia, Vol. II. at Boston, Vol. III. at Charleston, Vols. IV.-VI. at Washington, and Vols. VII.-XIV. at Cambridge. There are 2 copies of Vols. II. and VI. 72 AMERICAN Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1863. Paper. 8 Washington, 1861 73 AMERICAN Ethnological Society. Transactions. Vol. I. Paper. 8 New York, 1845 74 AMERICAN Farmer, The. John S. Skinner. Editor. Half sheep. 5 vols. 4 Baltimore, 1821-23 75 AMERICAN Institute of the City of New York. Seventh An nual Report. Cloth. 8 Albany, 1849. 76 AMERICAN Journal of Education. Vol. I. ; Vol. II., No. 6. Unbound. 8 Boston, 1826-27 77 AMERICAN Journal of Education and College Review. Edi tors : A. Peters and Henry Barnard. Vols. I.. II., III. 1-4. Unbound. 8 New York, 1855-57 78 AMERICAN Jou r nal of Science and Arts. Conducted by Benj. Silliman. 1st Series, Vol. XXIX., Oct. 1835, to 1866 ; want ing, 1st Series, Nos. 67 and 75, and 2d Series, No. 73. Un bound. 63 vols. 8 New Haven, 1835-66 79 AMERICAN Literary Gazette and Publishers Circular. Vols. I. and II. complete ; 7 Nos. of Vol. III., 4 Nos. of Vol. IV. Unbound. 8 Philadelphia, 1863-65 80 AMERICAN LOYALISTS: Three Tracts, neatly bound in half calf. London, 1788 1. The Case of the American Loyalists considered. 8 N. P [1783] 2. A Free and Candid Review of "Observations on the Commerce of the American States." 8 Lnruhm, 1784 3. The Claim of the American Loyalists maintained. [By Gallowav.l 80 London, 1788 81 AMERICAN Medical and Philosophical Register. Conducted by D. Hosack and J. W. Francis. Boards. 4 vols. 8 New York, 1814 82 AMERICAN Military Pocket Atlas. Half calf. 8 London, [1776] 6 Catalogue of the Library 83 AMERICAN Monitor ; devoted to the Affairs of South Amer ica. Half calf. 2 voh. 8 London, 1824-25 84 AMERICAN Monthly Magazine. Unbound. Vols. I. III., want ing Vol. I, No. 8 ; III., Nos. 5-12. 3 voh. 8 Boston, 1829-31 85 AMERICAN Museum. Sheep. Vols. I.-VIL, 1X.-XIL 12 voh. 8 Philadelphia, 1788-92 87 AMERICAN Nepos. A Collection of the Lives of the most Eminent Men, who have contributed to the Discovery, Settle ment, and Independence of America. Sheep. 12 Baltimore, 1805 88 AMERICAN Philosophical Society. Catalogue of the Library. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 89 - Proceedings. Vols. IV.-IX., Vols. IV. and VII. be ing imperfect. Unbound. 8 Philadelphia, 1845-65 90 Transactions. Vol. I., Jan. 1, 1769, to Jan. 1, 1771. Half calf. 4 Philadelphia, 1771 91 Same. Vol. II. New Series. Boards. 4 Philadelphia, 1825 92 Transactions of the Historical and Literary Com mittee. Vol. I. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1819 Chiefly occupied with "An Account of the History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neighbouring States. By the Rev. John Heckewelder, of Bethlehem ; " and " A Correspond ence between the Rev. John Heckewelder and Peter S. Duponceau. respect ing the Languages of the American Indians." 93 AMERICAN Quarterly Review. Half calf . 15 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1827-34 94 AMERICAN Register ; or, Summary Review of History, Pol itics, and Literature. Half calf. 2 voh. 8 Philadelphia, 1817 95 AMERICAN Register. John Hancock, Editor. Vol. I., Nos. 1-6. Unbound. 8 Cambridge, 1861 96 AMERICAN Remembrancer. Halfrussia. 3 voh. bound in 1. 8 Philadelphia, 1795 97 AMERICAN Review of History and Politics, and General Re pository of Literature and State Papers. Half calf. 4 voh. 8 Philadelphia, 1811-12 98 AMERICAN Revolution.] A Detail of some Particular Ser vices in America, 177679, from the Journal kept on board of the Ship Rainbow. Printed for Ithiel Town. Cloth. 12 New York, 1835 99 Documentary History of the Revolution. Letter from the Secretary of State, on the Contract with M. St. C. Clarke and Peter Force. Half mor. 8 [ Washington, 1834] 100 A History of the American Revolution. Published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. First Amer. Ed. Half morocco. 18 Boston, 1832 101 AMERICAN Sketches. By a Native of the United States. Boards. Two copies. 12 London, 1827 of Jared Sparks. 7 102 AMERICAN State Papers. Documents Legislative and Ex ecutive of the Congress of the United States. Half russia. 21 vols. 8 Washington, 1832-34 Contents: " Foreign Relations," 4 vols. "Finance," 3 do. "Commerce and Navigation," 2 vols. "Military Affairs," 2 do. "Public Lands," 3 vols. " In dian Affairs," 2 do. " Miscellaneous," 2 vols. "Claims." "Post Office." "Naval Affairs." 103 AMERICAN Statistical Association. Collections. Vol.1. Parti. Boston, 1843 104 AMERICAN Tariffs. Papers relative to the Tariffs of 1824 and 1828. Presented to the House of Commons. Paper. Folio. [London.] 1828 105 AMERICAN TRACTS. 35 pamphlets, most of them RARE, and all historically important, uniformly bound in 7 volumes, half calf. I. 1765-67. 1. A Defence of (he New-England Charters. By Jer. Dummer. 80 London, [1765] 2. An Application of some General Political Rules to the Present State of Great Britain, Ireland, and America. 8 London, 1766 3. Two Papers on the subject of taxing the British Colonies in America. 8 London, 1767 4. Au hentic Account of the Proceedings of the Congress held at New York in 1765, on the American Stamp Act. 8 N P. 1767 5. The Late Occurrences in North America, and Policy of Great Britain. 8 London, 1766 II. 1765-67. 1. An Account of a Late Conference on the Occurrences in America. [By Joshua Steele.] 8<> London, 1766 2. Considerations on behalf of the Colonists. [By James Otis.] 2d Ed. 8 London, 1765 3. The Justice and Necessity of taxing the American Colonies demonstrated. With a Vindication of the Authority of Parliament. 8 Limdon, 1766 4. The Kxam, nation of Franklin [betore Parliament,] relative to the Repeal of the Stamp Act in 1776. 8 N. P. 1767 5. The Conduct of the late Administration examined, relative to the Stamp- Act. [By Charles Lloyd, Private Secretary to Mr. Grenville.] 2d Ed. 8 London, 1767 III. 1766-68. 1. A Short History of the Conduct of the Present Ministry, with regard to the Stamp Act. 2d Ed. 8 London, 1766 2. Corrrot Copies of the Two Protests against the Bill to repeal the Stamp Act of last Session; with Lists of the Speakers and Voters. 8 Purls, 1766 3. A List of the Minority in the House of Commons, who voted against the Bill to repeal the Stmp Act. 8 Pans, 1766 4. Letter- from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. [By J. Dickinson.] 8 London, 1768 5. The True Sentiments of America, contained in a Collection of Letters sent from the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, to several Persons of High Rank in this Kingdom. [Compiled by Thomas Hollis.] 8<> London, 1768 IV. 1770-76. 1. The Letters of Gov. Hutchinson and Lieut. Gov. Oliver, etc. 2d Ed. 80 London, 1774 2. Taxation no Tyranny. [By Dr. Johnson ] 3d Ed. 8 London, 1775 3. The Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America. [By Sir John Dalrymple.] 8 London, 1776 4. Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents. [Bv Edmund Burke.] 3d Kdition. 8 London, 1770 V. 1776-78. 1. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadelphia, Mav 10, 1775. 8 London~1776 8 Catalogue of the Library 2. Common Sense; addressed to the Inhabitants of America. [By Tom Paine.] 8 London, 1776 3. Plain Truth; addressed to the Inhabitants of America. Written by Candi- dus. 2d Ed. 8 London, 1776 4. Additions to Common Sense ; addressed to the Inhabitants of America. 8 London, 1776 5. An Oration in Memory of General Montgomery, and of the Officers and Soldiers who fell with him, December 31, 1775, before Quebec. By Wil liam Smith, D. D. 2d Ed. 8 London, 1776 6. Me Finsal; a Modern Epic Poem. [By J. Trumbull.] 8<> London, 1776 7. Remarks upon Gen. Howe s Account of his Proceedings on Long Island. [By Israel Mauduit.] 8 I^ondon, 1778 VI. 1776-78. 1. Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty. By Richard Price. 6th Ed. 8 London, 1776 2. Remarks on a Pamphlet lately published by Dr. Price. [By Dr. Ferguson.] 80 London, 1776 3. Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty. By Richard Hey, M. A. 8<> London, 1776 4. The Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America; being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. 3d Ed., with Additions. 8 London, 1776 " S;iid to have ben written by Sir John Dalrymple. See Rich s Catalogue, p. 236. Others say by James Macpherson. See his Life in Chalmers s Biographical Dic tionary. Sir James Mackintosh considered Dalrymple the author." J. s. 5. Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq. to the Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America. By the Earl of Abingdon. 8 Oxford, N. D. 6. Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America; and the Means of Conciliation. By William Pultenev, Esq. 3d Ed. 8<> London, 1778 VII. 1776-81. 1. The Examination of Joseph Galloway, before the House of Commons. With Explanatory Notes. 2d Ed. 8 London, 1780 2. Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. 4th Ed. 8 London, 1780 3. A Reply to the Observations of Lieut. Gen. Sir William Howe, on a Pamphlet entitled Letters to a Nobleman. By the Author of Letters to a Nobleman. 2d Edition. 8 London, 1781 106 AMERICAN Unitarian Association. Quarterly Journal. Yols. I.- VI., wanting Vol. L, nos. 2 and 3 ; II. 1, 4 ; III. 4 ; but with 6 duplicates. Unbound. 6 vols. 1 2 Boston, 1853-59 107 Monthly Journal. Vols. I.-VIL, wanting III., no. 2, but with 12 duplicates. Unbound. 1 vols. 12 Boston, 1860-66 108 AMERICAN War.] An Impartial History of the War in Amer ica, between Great Britain and her Colonies, to the End of 1779. Caff. 8 London, 1780 109 The History of the War in America between Great Britain and her Colonies, to 1778. 2 vols. Vol. III. to 1783. Calf. Together 3 vols. 8 Dublin, 1779-85 Vol. III. is quite rare. 110 AMERICAN S Guide. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1833 111 AMKS, Fisher. Works, compiled by a Number of his Friends. To which are prefixed Notices of his Life. Boards. 8 Boston, 1809 112 Same. With a Selection from his Speeches and Correspondence. Edited by his son, Seth Ames. Cloth. 2 voh. 8 Boston, 1854 113 AMES, Nathan.] Childe Harvard, a Romance of Cambridge. By Senor Alguno. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1848 of Jared Sparks. 9 114 ANACREON. Ad Fidein vet. MS. Vatican, emendatus Studio Josuae Barnes. Editio 3 a . 3 Portraits. Calf. 1Q Londini, 1734 115 ANCILLON, Frederic. Essais Philosophiques. Paper 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1817 116 Tableau des Revolutions du Systeme Politique de 1 Europe depuis la Fin du xv e Siecle. Nouvelle Ed. Half calf. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1823 117 ANDRE D ARBELLES.] Memoire sur la Conduite de la France et de 1 Angleterre a 1 egard des Neutres. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1810 118 ANDREWS, John. History of the War with America, France, Spain, and Holland, 1775-83. With Portraits, Maps, and Charts. Sheep. 4 vols. 8 London. 1785-86 119 ANDREWS, Bp. Lancelot. Preces Privatae Quotidianae, Graece et Latine. Ed. altera. Cloth. 18 Londini, 1828 120 Same. Translated by Rev. Peter Hall. Morocco. 18 London. Pickering, 1830 121 Another copy. Cloth. 18 London, Lackey, 1831 122 ANDREWS, Win. S. A Treatise upon Theological Subjects. Half cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1829 123 ANDROS, Thomas. The Old Jersey Captive; a Narrative of the Captivity of Andros (now Pastor of the Church in Berk ley,) on board the Old Jersey Prison Ship at New York, 1781. Half morocco. 18 Boston, 1833 124 ANECDOTES Anglaises et Americaines, 1776-83. Half sheep. 2 vols. in 1. S Paris, 1813 125 ANGLO-INDIAN. A Letter from an Artist in India, to his Mother in England. Cloth. 8 Calcutta, 1849 126 ANGLO-SAXON, The. [Prospectus and Part II.] Paper. 8 London, 1849 127 ANXALS of Science. A Record of the Inventions and Im provements in Applied Science. Vol. I. complete. Vol. II. Nos. 1. 3, 4, 5. Unbound. 8 Cleveland, 1852-54 128 ANQUETIL, Louis Pierre. LTntrigue du Cabinet r sous Henri IV. et Louis XIII. terminee par la Fronde, oe Ed. Sheep. 4 vols. 12 Paris, 1809 128a Motifs des Gtierres et des Traites de Paix de la France, 1648-1783. Half calf . 8 Paris, I 1 An 6 129 ANTONINUS, Marcus Aurelius. Eorum quae ad seipsum Libri XII. Post Gatakerum. Old calf. 12 Glasguce, Foulis, 1744 130 Meditations. Translated, with a Life, Notes, etc., by R. Graves. Half cloth. 8 London, 1826 131 ANVILLE, J. B. B. D . Compendium of Ancient Geography. Translated. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1814 10 Catalogue of the Library 132 APOLLONIUS, LEVINUS. LEVINI APOLLONII GANDOBRV- GANI, Mittelbvrgensis, de Peruuiae, Regionis. inter Noui Orbis prouincias celeberrimae, inuentione : & rebus in eadem gestis, Libri V. ... Breuis. exactaque Noui Orbis, & Peru uiae regionis chorographia. Map wanting, otherwise a fine copy. Calf. Sm. 8 Antverpiae, apud Jo. Bellerum, M D LXVII. 133 APPLETON S Companion Hand-Book of Travel to the United States and British Provinces. Cloth. 10 New York, 1861 134 Same. 1G New York, 1862 135 APURVA KRISHNA BAHADUR. Lives of the Maha Raja Apurva, his Father, etc. Sheep. 8 Calcutta, 1847 The lives in English are followed by a poem in Persian, by Apurva, who pre sented the volume to Mr. Sparks. 136 ARABIAN Nights Entertainments. To which is added a Se lection of New Tales. With an Introduction and Notes by J. Scott. Calf. 6 vols. 18 London, 1811 137 ARCHDALE, John. A New Description of that Fertile and Pleasant Province of Carolina. With Notices of the Early History of South Carolina. Half sheep. 8 London, 1707 ; reprint, Charleston, 1822 Gov. Archdale introduced the cultivation of rice into Carolina.- -Rich. 138 ARDECHE, P. M. L. de. Histoire de 1 Knipcreur Napoleon; iilustree par Horace Vernet. Paper. Large 8 Paris, 1839 139 ARGENSON, R. L. de Voyer, Marquis D . Considerations sur le Gouvernement Ancien et Present de la F ranee. Calf. 8 Amsterdam, 1764 140 ARISTOPHANES. The Birds. With Notes by C. C. Felton. Cloth. 1-2 Cambridge, 1849 With Pres. Felton s autograph. 141 ARISTOTELES. Ethics and Politics. Translated by J. Gillies. 3d Ed. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1813 142 ARMSTRONG, Gen. John. Treatise on Agriculture. Hoards. 8 Albany, [1820] 143 Notices of the War of 1812. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1836-40 144 ARNAULD, Antoine, and Lancelot. Grammaire Generate et Ruisonnee de Port- Royal. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1803 145 ARNOLD. Benedict. Proceedings of a General Court Mar tial for the Trial of Arnold. With an Introduction, Notes and Index. Hoards. 8 New York, 1865 One of 100 copies, " privately printed," and presented by ( ram-is S. Hoffman, with his autograph. A fac-simile reprint of the Original, published in Philadel phia in 1780; contains a finely engraved portrait ot Arnold. 146 ARNOLD, Thomas. Introductory Lectures on Modern His tory. Cloth. 8 Oxford, 1842 147 Same. Edited from the 2d London Ed., with a Preface and Notes by Henry Reed. Cloth. 12 New York, 1845 of Jared Sparks. 1 1 148 ARNOULD, Ambroise Marie. Resultats des Guerres, des Ne- gociations, et des Traites qui ont precede et suivi la Coalition contre la France ; pour servir de Supplement an Droit Pub lic de 1 Europe de Mably. Half sheep. 8 Paris, 1803 149 Systeme Maritime et Politique des Europeens pen dant le 18 e Siecle ; fonde sur leurs Traites. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1797 150 ARRIANUS. History of the Expedition of Alexander the Great. Translated by Mr. Rooke. Boards. 8 London, 1813 151 ART, L , de verifier les Dates des Faits Historiques. 37 vols. half calf, the rest paper. 42 voh. 8 Paris, 1818-44 There are duplicates, in paper, of vols. 36, 37, 38, 39, 41. 152 ART Recreations. By Mme. L. B. Urbino, Prof. H. Day, and others. Illustrated. Boston, 1860 153 ASHLKY, John. Memoirs and Considerations concerning the Trade and Revenues of the British Colonies in America. Old calf. 8 London, 1740 154 ASPIN, J. The Naval and Military Exploits of the Reign of George III. Cloth. 18 London, 1820 155 ASTOR Library. Alphabetical Index of the Books now col lected, and of the proposed Accessions. C/oth. 8 N. T. 1851 156 ASTRONOMICAL Journal, The. Unbound. Wanting, Vol. V., Nos. 8-18, VI. 19. 6 vols. 4 Camb. and Albany, 1851-61 157 ATHENAEUM Club. Rules and Regulations, etc. Cloth. 3 vols. 18 London, 1838-40 158 AUGUST, E. F. Vollstandige logarithmische und trigono- metrische Tafeln. Boards. 16 Berlin, 1846 159 AUSTIN, James Trecothick. The Life of Elbridge Gerry. With Contemporary Letters. Portrait. Half cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1828-29 160 AUTHENTIC Papers relative to the Expedition against the Charibbs, and the Sale of Lands in the Island of St. Vin cent. Half mor. 4 London, 1773 161 AUTUMN Leaves. Original Pieces in Prose and Verse. Cloth. 16 Cambridge, 1853 162 jj) ACHE, Alex. Dallas. Report on Education in Europe to ^** the Trustees of the Girard College for Orphans. Cloth* 8 Philadelphia, 1839 163 BACIIK, Lieut. R. Notes on Colombia, taken in the Years 1822-23, with an Itinerary of the Route from Caracas to Bogota. Half cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 164 BACON, Sir Francis. Works. Boards. 12 vols. 16 London, 1818 165 BACON, Leonard. Thirteen Historical Discourses, on the Completion of Two Hundred Years, from the Beginning of the First Church in New Haven. Cloth. 8 N. Haven, 1839 166 BAILKY, Isaac. American Naval Biography. Sheep. 12 Providence, 1815 12 Catalogue of the Library 167 BAILEY, Nathan. Dictionary English-German and German- English. Ganzlich umgearbeitet von J. A. Fahrenkriiger. 10 te Aufl. Sheep. 2 vols. in 1. 8 Leipzig, 1801 168 BAILEY, Samuel.] Essays on the Formation and Publication of Opinions, and on Other Subjects. 2d Ed. Boards. 8 London, 1826 169 ] Essays on the Pursuit of Truth. Half cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1831 170 BAILLIE, Joanna. Complete Poetical Works. 1st Amer. Ed. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1832 171 BAILLY, J. S. Lettres sur 1 Atlantide de Platon, et sur 1 An- cienne Histoire de 1 Asie. Calf. 8 Paris, 1779 172 BAIRD, Robert, Visit to Northern Europe. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1842 173 BALDWIN, Ebenezer. Annals of Yale College, from its Foun dation to 1831. Cloth. 8 New Haven, 1831 174 BALFOUR, Walter. An Inquiry into the Scriptural Doctrine concerning the Devil and Satan, and into the Extent of Duration expressed by the Terms Olim, Aion, and Aionios. 2d Ed. .Sheep. 12 Charlestown, 1827 175 BALTIMORE. 33d Annual Report of the Board of Commis sioners of Public Schools. Cloth. 8 Baltimore, 1862 176 BANCROFT. Aaron. An Essay on the Life of George Wash ington. Sheep. 8 Worcester, 1807 177 Sermons. Boards. 8 Worcester, 1822 178 BANCROFT. George. History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. [With duplicates of Vols. IV. and V.] Cloth. 8 vols. 8 Boston, 1834-60 179 _ Poems. Boards. Scarce. 12 Cambridge, 1823 180 BANK of the United States.] An Exhibit of the Losses sus tained at the Office of Discount and Deposit, Baltimore, under the Administration of James A. Buchanan, President, and James W. M Culloh, Cashier. Boards. 8 Baltimore, 1823 181 BANKS. The Condition of the Banks throughout the Union. Cloth. 8 [Washington, 1856] 182 BANNISTER, S. British Colonization and Colored Tribes. Cloth. 12 London, 1838 183 Humane Policy ; or, Justice to the Aborigines of New Settlements. Cloth. Map. 8 London, 1830 184 BARBAULD, Mrs. Anna Laetitia. Poems. From the London Edition. Boards. 18 Boston, 1820 185 Works. With a Memoir by Lucy Aikin. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1825 186 BARBE MARBOIS, Frangois, Marquis."] Complot d Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton, Septembre, 1780. Orne de deux Por traits et d une Carte. Calfi 8 Paris, 1816 187 Histoire de la Louisiane, et de la Cession de cette Colonie par la France aux Etats-Unis de rAmerique Sep- of Jared Sparks. 13 tentrionale ; precedee ,d un Discours sur la Constitution et le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis. Map. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1829 "A remarkable work, abounding in curious documents. Marbois was, more than any one else, entitled to write on this subject." Biogr. Univtrstlle. 187a Another copy. Map. Half calf . 8 Paris, 1829 188 Journal d tin Deporte non Juge, ou Deportation en Violation des Lois, decretee le 18 Fructidor An V. (4 Sept., 1797). Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1835 At the end of Vol. II. is " Voyage dnns Pinte rieure du Contin*>nte de la Guyane, chez les Indiens Rocouyens,* par Claude Toug, mulatre, en 1769." 189 BARBER, John W. Historical Collections of Connecticut. 8 Hartford, 1838 190 Historical Collections of Massachusetts. With Geo graphical Descriptions. With 200 engravings. Sheep. 8 Worcester, 1839 191 The History and Antiquities of New England, New York, and New Jersey. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. Sheep. 8 Worcester, 1841 192 History and Antiquities of New Haven (Conn.), from its Earliest Settlement. With engravings. Cloth. 12 New Haven, 1831 193 and HOWE, Henry. Historical Collections of New Jersey. With 230 engravings Sheep. 8 New York, 1845 194 Same. With 120 engravings. 8 New York, 1846 195 BARHAM, Thomas Foster. Philadelphia ; or, The Claims of Humanity. A Plea for Social and Religious Reform. Cloth. 8 London, 1858 196 BARKER, E. H. The Claims of Sir Philip Francis, K. B., to the Authorship of Junius s Letters disproved, etc. Boards. 12 London, 1828 197 BARNARD, Samuel. A Polyglott Grammar of the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Greek, Latin, English, French, Italian, Span ish, and German Languages. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1825 198 BARNEY, Mary. Biographical Memoir of the late Commo dore Joshua Barney, from Autographical Notes and Jour nals. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1832 199 BARON, HARTLEY, and others. Six rare tracts bound in one volume. Half calf. 1. History of the Colonization of the Free States of Antiquity: applied to the Present Contest between Great Britain and her American Colonies. By Mr. Baron. 4<> Londn, 1777 11 Dr. Symonds confutes this Treatise. See his Remarks on it ; and a notice of tbe same in the Gent. Magazine for 1778." j. s. 2. Letters on the American War. By David Hartley. 3d Ed. 4<> London, 1778 Each Letter is signed with Hartley s autograph. 3. Observations upon the Effects of certain late Political Suggestions. By the Delegates of Georgia. 4 Philadelphia, 1781 4. Address to the Kulers of the State. By a Friend to Great Britain. 4" London, 1778 5. Authentic Rebel Papers seized at St. Eustatius, 1781. 4 London, 1781 6. The Revolution in 1782 impartially considered. 2d Ed. 4 London, 1782 14- Catalogue of the Library 200 BARRETT, Solomon, Jr. The Principles of Grammar. Eng lish, Latin, Greek, German, Spanish, and French. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1852 201 HARRINGTON, Bp. Shute. The Political Life of William Wildman, Viscount Barrington. Calf. 8 London, 1815 201a BARRY, John S. History of Massachusetts. Cloth. 3 vols. 8 Boston, 1855-57 2015 BARRY, William. History of Framingham, Mass. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1847 201c BARSTOW, George. History of New Hampshire. Cloth. 8 Concord, N. H. 1842 202 BARTH, Henry. Travels and Discoveries in North and Cen tral Africa in the Years 1849-55. 2d Ed. With several maps and colored plates. Cloth. 5 vols. 8 London, 1857-58 203 BARTLETT, John. A Collection of Familiar Quotations. 3d Ed. With Supplement. Cloth. 2 vols. 16 Cambridge, 1856 204 BARTLETT, John R. Dictionarv of Americanisms. Cloth. 8 New York, 1848 205 The Progress of Ethnology. Paper. 8 New York, 1847 206 BARTON, Benjamin Smith. New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. Half sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1798 207 BARTON, William. Memoirs of David Rittenhouse, LL. D., F. R. S. Portrait. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1813 208 BARTON, William P. C. Hints for Naval Officers cruising in the West Indies. Boards. 12 Philadelphia, 1830 209 Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States. Vol. I., 2d Ed. 50 plates. Half morocco. 2 vols. 4 Philadelphia, 1825, 18 210 BATAILLE de Malangueule. Relations diverses sur la Bataille du Malangueule, gagne le 9 Juillet, 1755, par les Francois sous M. de Beaujeu, Commandant du Fort du Quesne, sur les Anglois sous M. Braddock. Recueillies par J. M. Shea. Cloth. 8 Nouvelle York, 1860 100 copies printed. 211 BATES Outlines of Anci- nt History. 12 London, 1833 212 BAXTER, Richard. A Call to the Unconverted. Cloth. 8 Romsey, 1816 213 BAYLE, Pierre. Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. 5 e Edition. Avec la Vie de 1 Auteur, par M. Des Maiseaux. 5 tomes, folio, 1740 214 (Euvres Diverses. 4 tomes, folio. La Hay e, 1727-1737 215 Remarques Critiques sur le Dictionnaire de Bayle. Premiere Partie. Folio. Paris. 1835 216 BAYLIES, Francis. Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth, from 1620 to 1641. Half doth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1830 of Jared Sparks. 15 217 BEATSON, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, 1727-83. Calf. 6 vo/s. 8 London, 1804 218 BEATTIE, James. The Minstrel, or the Progress of Genius, and other Poems. Illustrated by Westall. Coif. 12 London^ 1817 219 BEAUFORT D HAUTPOUL, La Comtesse DE. Cours de Littera- ture Ancienne et Moderne. Paper. 12 Pan s,, 1815 220 BEAUMONT, Gustave de. Marie, on 1 Esclavage aux Etats- Unis ; Tableau de Moeurs Americaines. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1835 In first volume some pages of Notes are wanting. 221 BEAUTIES of Fox, North, and Burke ; selected from their Speeches. 2d Ed. With etched caricatures of Fox. North, and Burke. Half morocco. 8 London, 1784 222 BEAUZEE, Nicolas. Grammaire Generale. Paper. 8 Paris, 1819 223 BECKFORD, William. A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica. Half calf . 2 vols. 8 London. 1790 224 BEECHER, Catharine E. Suggestions respecting Improve ments in Education. Half cloth. 8 Hartford, 1829 225 BEECHER, Lyman. Six Sermons on Intemperance. Half cloth. 12 Boston, 1827 226 BELKNAP, Jeremy. American Biography. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1794-98 227 History of New Hampshire. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 Philadelphia,, 1784 228 Life. With Selections from his Correspondence and other Writings. By his Grand-daughter. Cloth. 16 New York, 1847 229 BELSHAM, Thomas. The Bampton Lecturer reproved ; a Reply to C. A. Moysey, against the Unitarians. Boards. 8 London, 1819 230 A Calm Inquiry into the Scripture Doctrine con cerning the Person of Christ. 2d Ed. 8 London, 1817 231 Discourses, Doctrinal and Practical, in Essex Chapel. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1826-27 232 Memoirs of Rev. Theophilus Lindsey. 2d Ed. Boards. 8 London, 1820 233 A Summary View of the Evidence and Practical Importance of the Christian Revelation. 2d Ed. 8 London, 1809 234 BELSHAM, William. Memoirs of the Reign of George III. 3d Ed. Calf. 2 vols. 8 Dublin, 1796 235 BEN DAVID. A Reply to Two Deistical Works, " The New Trial of the Witnesses," and G. Smith s " Not Paul but Jesus." Boards. 8 London, 1824 235a BENHAM, Daniel. Memoirs of James Hutton. Cloth. 8 London, 1856 16 Catalogue of the Library 236 BENNETT, Rev. John. Letters to a Young Lady. 5th Amer. Ed. Sheep. 18 Philadelphia, 1809 237 BENSON, George. A Collection of [Nine] Tracts. Calf. 8 London, 1748 238 BENTALOU, Paul.] Pulaski vindicated from an Unsupported Charge, inconsiderately or malignantly introduced in Judge Johnson s Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Major- General Nathaniel Greene. Half morocco. 8 Baltimore, 1824 " This book WRS written by Paul Bentalou, Esq., who had been a Captain in Pulaski s Legion, and who resided many 3~ears in Baltimore. It was presented to me by the author, a most worthy and respectable gentleman." j. s. 239 BENTON, Thomas H.] Thirty Years View; or, a History of the Working of the American Government, from 1820 to 1850. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1854 240 BENZONI, GIROLAMO. LA HISTORIA DEL MONDO Nvovo di M. Girolamo Benzoni Milanese. La qval tratta dell Isole, & Mari ntiouamente ritrouati, & delle nuoue Citta da lui proprio vedute, per acqua & per terra in quattordeci anni. FIRST EDITION, SCARCE ; a sound copy but some leaves stained. Portrait and Wood-cuts. With the autograph of Mr. Sparl Small 8 Venetia : [Colophon] F. Rampazetto, M D LXV. Benzoni, a man of clear intellect and tenacious memory, according to his coun trymen, Morigia and Piccinelli, travelled in the New World from 1541 to 1555. His book was widely read, and both the original and the Latin, French, German, and Fl-mish translations have become very rare. "The Italian s evidence respecting the famous and unfortunate province of Cum^na is pecul iarly valuable, as conveying a deep insight into the social condition of the Indian and Spai ish communities on that desolate coast, at the most crucial period of its existence." Admiral Smyth. 241 BERGERON, Pierre. Voyages faits principalement en Asie dans les XII.-XV. Siecles, par Benjamin de Tudele, Jean du Flan-Carpin, N. Ascelin, Guillanme de Rubruquis, Marc Paul, Venitien, Haitou, Jean de Mandeville, et Ambroise Contarini. Calf. 2 vols. in I, folio. La ffaye, 1735 Second Ed. ; the first was printed at Leyden, 1729. 242 BERKELEY, George. Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous. 2d Ed. Half calf. 16 London, 1725 243 BERLIN. K. Akademie der VVissenschaften. Monatsbericht [Jan.-Aug. 1866]. Unbound. 8 Berlin, 1866 244 BERNARD and HUTCHINSON. Three pamphlets, neatly bound in half calf . 1. Letters to the Earl of Hillsborough, from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, and His Majesty s Council for the Province of Massachusetts-Bay. 8 Boston, printed, 1769 ; reprinted, London, N. D. 2. Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America; and the Principles of Law and I olity, applied to the American Colonies. Written by Gov. Ber nard, at Boston, in 1763. Added, the Petition of the Assembly against the Governor, his Answer, and the Order of the King in Council. 80 London, 1774 3. The Letters of Gov. Hutchinson and Lieut. Gov. Oliver, etc. With the Assemb y s Address, and the Proceedings of the Lords Committee of Council etc. 2dEd. 80 Reprint, London, 1774 of Jared Sparks. 17 i "For an account of the particulars attending the transmission of Hutchinson s Letters from England to Boston, and the transactions thereon, see Franklin s Works, vol. 4, pp. 405-455, Sparks Edition." J. s. 245 BESCHKK, . Theorie Nouvelle et Raisonnee, du Participe Francois. Paper. 12 Paris, 1810 246 BEVERLEY, Robert.] The History of Virginia, in Four Parts. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. 2d Ed. revis d and enlarg d by the Author. 15 plates, the 4th misslny. Calf. 8 London, 1722 " Quaint and agreeable." The engravings are copied from De Bry s Latin edition of Hariot s " Adtniranda Narratio." 247 BIBLE. Testament! Veteris Biblia Sacra. Scholiis illustr. ab Im. Tremellio et Fr. Junio. Ace. Libri Apocryphi, Latine reclditi et Notis aucti a F. Junio. Adjtmximus Novi Testament! Libros ex Sermone Syriaco a Tremellio, et ex Graeco a Th. Beza in Latinum conversos. Half russict. Small 4 Londini, 1585 248 The Holy Bible, with the Apocrypha. With J. Brown s Concordance, etc. Sheep. 4 New York, 1814 249 The Holy Bible. Morocco. Gilt. 2 voh. royal 8 Boston, 1831 1 > Die Bibel. Nach der deutschen Uebrrsetzung Luthers. 40 plates. Calf. 12 Basel, 1814 251 Novuni Testamentum. Graece ex Rec. Jo. Jac. Gries- bachii, cum selecta Lecdonum Varietate. Half calf . 2 vols. 8 Lipsice, G. J. Goschen, 1805 ; Cantab. Nov-Anglorum, 1809 Interleaved, with manuscript notes. 252 Graece. Cura Leusdenii et Griesbachii. Morocco. 18 Glasyuce, 1817 252a Cum Yersione Latina A. Montani, Auctore J. Leus- den. Ed. l a Americana. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1806 253 Ex Seb. Castalionis Interpretatione. Calf. 2 vols. 16 Glasgiiee, 1758 254 The New Testament in an Improved Version upon the Basis of Archbp. Newcome s Translation. Morocco. 18 London, 1808 255 Same. 4th Edition. Boards. 8 London, 1817 256 New Testament. Translated by L. A. Sawyer. Morocco. 12 Boston, 1858. 257 Le Nouveau Testament, traduit sur 1 original Grec, avec des Remarques, par Jean Le Clerc. Half calf. 2 vols. in 1. 4 Amsterdam, 1703 The title-page of Vol. I. and the first eight pages of Vol. II. are in manuscript. 258 Le Nouveau Testament, traduit sur le Vulgate, par Lemaistre de Sacy. Half sheep. 12 Paris, 1832 259 BIBLIOTECA Americana, La; o Miscelanea de Literatura, Artes, i Ciencia : Por una Sociedad de Americanos. Tomo I. Half calf. $ London, 1823 2 18 Catalogue of the Library 260 BICKELL, Rev. R. The West Indies as they are ; a Real Picture of Slavery. Boards. 8 London, 1825 261 BICKERSTAFF, Jacob. Dr. Houstoun s Memoirs of his Own Life-Time. Half calf . 8 London, 1748 262 BIDDLE, Richard.] Memoir of Sebastian Cabot. 8 London, 1831 263 BIGELOW, Jacob. Elements of Technology. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1829 264 BIGNON, L. P. E. Les Cabinets et les Peuples, 1815-1822. 2 e Ed. 8 Paris, 1823 265 BIGOT, J. Copie d une Lettre Escrite par le Pere Jacques Bigot, de la Compagnie de Jesus, 1 An 1684. Cloth. 4 Manate, 1858 The two editions were published in the same year; this is the 2d, with correc tions. Only 100 copies were printed. 266 Relation de ce qui s est passe de plus remarquable dans la Mission Abnaquise de Sainct Joseph de Sillery, et dans PEstablissement de la Nouvelle Mission de Sainct Fran- 9015 de Sales, 1 Annee 1684. Cloth. 4 Manate, 1857 Only 100 copies printed of this and the next. 267 BIGOT, Le Pere Vincent. Relation de ce qui s est passe de plus remarquable dans la Mission des Abnaquis a 1 Acadie, 1 Annee 1701. Cloth. 4 Manate, 1858 268 BINNEY, Horace. An Inquiry into the Formation of Wash ington s Farewell Address. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1859 269 BIOGRAPHIA Americana. A Historical and Critical Account of Distinguished Persons in North America ; from the Settle ment. By a Gentleman of Philadelphia. Sheep. 8 New York, 1825 270 BIOGRAPHIE des Quarante de 1 Academie Frangaise. 2 e Ed. Paper. 8 Paris, 1826. 271 BIOGRAPIIIE Nouvelle et Complete des Pairs de France, comprenant les 76 Pairs de la Promotion du 5 Nov. 1827. Publiee par A. R. Paper. 16 Paris, 1829 272 BIOGRAPHIE Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne. [With the Supplement.] Half calf \ 85 vols. 8 Paris, 1811-62 Vol. 85 is in paper. Vols. 53-55 contain the " Partie Mythologique." 273 BIOGRAPHIE, Universelle et Portative des Contemporains. 250 portraits. Half calf . 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1826 274 BIRD, Joseph. Gleanings from the History of Music. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1850 275 BLACK Plawk. Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Hawk ; Embracing the Tradition of his Nation, etc. Dic tated by Himself. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 276 BLACKRIE, Alexander. A Disquisition on Medicines that dissolve the Stone. Half sheep. 12 London, 1766 277 BLACK S Picturesque tourist of Ireland. 2d Ed. Cloth. 16 Edinburgh, 1857 of Jared Sparks. 1 9 278 BLACK S Picturesque Tourist through England and Wales. Cloth. 8 Edinburgh, 1857 279 BLACKSTONE, Sir William. Analysis of the Laws of Eng land. Paper. 24 London, 1821 280 - Commentaries on the Laws of England. 13th Ed. With Notes and Additions by E. Christian. Calf. 4 vols. 8 London, 1800 281 BLAND Papers. Being a Selection from the Manuscripts of Colonel Theodorick Bland, Jr. Edited by Ch. Campbell. Half calf. 2 vols. in 1. 8 Petersburg, 1840-43 This collection of papers relating to the Revolution has become scarce. 282 BLISS, Leonard, Jr. The History of Rehoboth, Bristol County, Mass, comprising a History of Seekonk, and Paw- tucket. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1836 See a notice of this work in the " North Amer. Rev.," Vol. XLIII. The author was assassinated at Louisville, Ky. 283 BLOME, Richard.] L Amerique Angloise, on Description des Isles et Terres du Roi d Angleterre dans FAmerique. Tra- duit de F Angloise. Maps. Paper. 16 Amsterdam, 1688 284 BLOODGOOD, S. DeWitt] An Englishman s Sketch-Book ; or Letters from New York. Half cloth. 12 New York, 1828 285 BLOUNT, Sir Thomas Pope. De Re Poetica ; or Remarks upon Poetry. No title-page. Half russia. 4 London, 1694 286 BLUNT, Joseph. A Historical Sketch of the Formation of the Confederacy, particularly with reference to the Provin cial Limits and the Jurisdiction of the General Government over Indian Tribes and the Public Territory. Boards. 8 New York, 1825 287 Speeches, Reviews, Reports, etc. Cloth. 8 New York, 1843 288 BOESNIER.] Le Mexique Conquis. [Poeme.] Calf. 2 vols. in 1. 16 Paris, 1752 289 BOGEN, F. W. The German in America, Advice for Emi grants. Also a Reader. Cloth. 18 Boston, 1851 290 BOILEAU DESPREAUX, N. CEuvres Completes. Sheep. 3 vols. 12 Paris, 1812 291 BOLINGBROKE, Henry. A Voyage to the Demerary. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 113 292 BOLTNGBROKE, Henry St. John, Viscount. Letters on the Study and Use of History. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1808 293 BOLLAN, William.] Colonise Anglicanae Illustrate ; or the Acquest of Dominion and the Plantation of Colonies by the English in America; with the Rights of the Colonists ex amined, stated, and illustrated. Boards. 4 London, 1762 " A very learned work, but of which unfortunately, no more was published. The author was William Bollan, the Massachusetts agent in England from 1745 to 1762." Rich. 294 ] The Ancient Right of the English Nation to the American Fishery. Half calf . 4 London, 1774 20 Catalogue of the Library 295 BOLLAN, William.] Continued Corruption, Standing Armies, and Popular Discontents considered. Half morocco. 4 London, 1768 " An important tract." Rich. 296 - ] Petitions of Mr. Bollan, Agent for the Council of Massachusetts Bay, lately presented to the Parliament. Half morocco. 4 London, 1774 297 BOLTON, Robert A History of the County of Westchester, from its First Settlement. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1848 298 BONAPARTE, Charles Lucien. Observations on the Nomen clature of Wilson s Ornithology. Hoards. 8 Philadelphia, 1826 299 BONNECHOSE, Emile DE. Histoire d Angleterre jusqu a rEpoque de la Revolution Fran9aise, avec un Resume des Evenements jusqu a nos Jours. Half morocco. 4 vols. 8 Part s, 1859 300 BONNET, E. Tableau des Etats-Unis de I Amerique au Com mencement du XIX e Siecle. Paper. 8 Paris, 1816 301 BONNET, Henry Kaye. Life of Jeremy Taylor. Portrait. Hoards. 8 London, 1815 302 BOOKE OF COMMON PRAYER and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England. Calf. 16 London, 1635 In the same volume: Novum Testamentum ; cum Notis Stephani, Scaligeri, Casavboni. 16" Lundini, 1636 Also: The Whole Book of Psalmes collected into English Meeter by Thomas Sternhold and John Hopkins. Old calf. 16 London, 1636 302a Same. Velvet. 48 London, 1858, 3026 Same. According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, with the Psalter. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1831 303 BOSSANGE, Hector. Catalogue de Livres Fran^ais, Anglais, Allemands, Espagnols, Grecs, et Latins, Italiens, Portugais, Orientaux, etc. Half morocco. 8 Pttris, 1845 303a Ma Bibliotheque Frangaise. Half Turkey morocco. 16 Paris, 1855 3036 Another copy. Half Turkey mor. 16 Paris, 1855 304 BOSTON Athenaeum. Catalogue of Books in the Library. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1827 305 BOSTON Book. Collection from Important Authors. 12 Boston, 1837 306 BOSTON Directory. For 1849-50,1851,1852,1856,1858, 1861. Half cloth. 8 Boston, 1849-61 307 BOSTON Public Library. Index to the Catalogue of the Lower Hall. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1858 308 BOSWELL, James. Life of Johnson. 7th Ed. Calf. 5 vols. 18 London, 1811 509 BOSWORTH, Joseph. Compendious Grammar of the Primitive English or Anglo-Saxon Language. Boards. 8 London, 1826 of t7ared Sparks. 21 310 BOSWORTH, Joseph. Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. With an Introduction on the Origin and Progress of Alpha betic Writing. Boards. 8 London, 1823 311 BOTTA, Carlo. Histoire de la Guerre de I lndependance des Etats-Unis d Amerique. Traduite de 1 Italien, et precedee d une Introduction, par Sevelinges. Maps. Half calf . 4 voh. 8 Paris, 1812-13 312 History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. From the Italian, by Geo. Alex. Otis. 8th Ed. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 New Haven, 1838 313 History of Italy during the Consulate and Empire of Napoleon Buonaparte. From the Italian. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1828 314 BOUCHER, Jonathan. A View of the Causes and Conse quences of the American Revolution ; in Thirteen Discourses. Calf. 8 London, 1797 315 BOUCHER DE LA RICHARDERIE, G. Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages. Paper. 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1808 316 BOUGEANT, Le P. Histoire des Guerres et des Negociations qui precederent le Traite de Westphalie, sous le Regne de Louis XIII. et le Ministere des Cardinaux Richelieu et Maz- arin. Calf. 3 vols. 4 Paris, 1767 317 BouRGOixGr. Tableau de 1 Espagne Moderne. 3 vols. 8, avec Atlas, Paris, 1823 318 BOWDITCH, N. Ingersoll. A History of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Not published. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1851 From the author, with his autograph. 319 Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch, by his Son. With Portraits, Autograph of the Author, and Autograph Letter of N. Bowditch. Half cloth. 4 Boston, 1839 Originally printed as part of the 4th volume of the Translation of the w Me ca- nique Celeste." 320 - - Suffolk Surnames. 2d Ed. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1858 321 BOWKN, Francis. Critical Essays on a Few Subjects Con nected with the History and Present Condition of Speculative Philosophy. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1842 322 Documents of the Constitution of England and America. Edited with Notes. Cloth. 8 Cambridge, 1854 323 Lowell Lectures on the Application of Metaphysical and Ethical Science to the Evidences of Religion. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1849 324 - The Principles of Political Economy applied to the Condition, the Resources, and the Institutions of the Amer ican People. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1856 325 A Treatise on Logic, or the Laws of Pure Thought ; comprising both the Aristotelic and Hamiltonian Analyses of Logical Forms. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1864 %2 Catalogue of the Library 326 BOWEN, T. J. Central Africa. Adventures and Missionary Labors in the Interior of Africa, 1849-56. Cloth. 12 Charleston, 1857 327 BOWRING, Sir JOHN. Matins and Vespers. Morocco. 18 Boston, 1827 328 Poetry of the Magyars. 12 London, 1830 329 Servian Popular Poetry. Translated. Boards. 12 London, 1827 Presented by the translator. 330 Specimens of the Russian Poets ; with Biographical Notices. Boards. 12 Boston, 1822 331 Specimens of the Polish Poets; with Notes and Ob servations on the Literature of Poland. Boards. 12 London. 1827 332 BOYCE, Edmund. The Belgian Traveller. 5th Ed. Morocco. 18 London, 1827 333 BOYER, A., and others. Dictionnaire Anglais-Frangais et Frangais-Anglais. Half morocco. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1829 334 French Dictionary. No title-page. 335 BOZMAN, John Leeds. A Sketch of the History of Mary land during the First Three Years after its Settlement Sheep. 8 Baltimore, 1811 336 The History of Maryland from its Settlement in 1633 to the Restoration in 1660. Sheep. 8 Baltimore, 1837 The " Sketch" is incorporated, in a revised form, into the " Historj*." 337 BRACKENRIDGE (Hugh Henry).] Death of General Mont gomery, in storming the City of Quebec ; a Tragedy. By the Author of a Dramatic Piece on the Battle of Bun ker s Hill. Half morocco. Scarce, pp. 68. 8 Norwich, by J. Trumbull, for J. Douglass Me Doug all, Providence. 1777 338 Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, in 1794. Boards. Scarce. 8 Philadelphia, 1795 339 BRACKENRIDGE, H. M. Voyage to South America, per formed by order of the American Government in 1817-18, in the Frigate Congress. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Baltimore, 1819 340 Speeches on the Jew Bill in the H. of Delegates of Maryland, with those of W. G. D. Worthington, and John T. Tyson. 8 Philadelphia, 1829 341 BRADFORD, Alden. Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men in New England. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1842 342 History of Massachusetts, from 1764 to 1820. Boards. 3 vols. 8 Boston, 1822-29 343 Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, Pastor of the West Church and Society in Boston, from June, 1747, to July, 1766. Cloth. Portrait. 8 Boston, 1838 of Jared Sparks. 23 344 BRADFORD, Gov. William. History of Plymouth Plantation. Reprinted from the Massachusetts Historical Collections. Edited, with Notes, by C. Deane. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1856 Only 50 copies privately printed. 345 BRAINARD, John G. C. Occasional Pieces of Poetry. Boards. 12 New York. 1825 346 BRANCH, Thomas. Principia Legis et Kquitatis ; being an Alphabetical Collection of Maxims [etc.] in Law and Equity. Sheep. 8 Richmond 1824 347 BRAUNS, Ernst. Ideen iiber die Auswanderung nach Amer- ika. Half sheep. 8 Gottmgen, 1827 348 BRERETON, J. A. Florae Columbianae Prodromus. Half cloth. 16 Washington. 1830 349 BRKSSANY, Le R. P. F. J. Relation Abregee de quelques Mis sions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle France. Traduit de 1 ltalien, et augmente par le R. P. F. Martin. Paper. & Montreal, 1852 350 BREWSTER, Abel.] Free Man s Companion. Calf. 8 Hartford, 1827 351 BREWSTER, Charles W. Rambles about Portsmouth. Sketches of Persons, Localities, and Incidents of Two Cen turies ; principally from Tradition and Unpublished Docu ments. Cloth. 8 Portsmouth. 1859 352 BREWSTER, David. The Life of Sir Isaac Newton. Cloth. 18 New York, 1835 353 BRIDGMAN, Thomas. Epitaphs from Copp s Hill Burial Ground, Boston. Cloth. Scarce. 1*2 Boston, 1851 354 Inscriptions on the Stones in the Grave Yards of Northampton and other Towns in the Valley of the Connecti cut. Cloth. Scarce. 12 Northampton, 1850 355 The Pilgrims of Boston and their Descendants ; with an Introduction by Edward Everett. Also, Inscriptions from the Monuments in the Granary Burial Ground. Cloth. 8 New York, 1856 356 BRIGHTLAND, J. Grammar of the English Tongue. With Logick, Rhetorick, Poetry. 7th Ed. Calf. 12 London, 1746 357 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, J. P., and CLAVIERE, Etienne. The Commerce of America with Europe. Showing the Impor tance of the American Revolution to the Interests of France. Sheep. 12 New York. 1795 358 BRITISH and Continental Titles of Honor. By a Traveller. New Edition. Cloth. & London, 1842 359 BRITISH Empire. Statistical Illustrations of the Territorial Extent and Population, Commerce, Taxation, Consumption, Insolvency, Pauperism, and Crime of the British Empire. Cloth. 8 London, 1825 360 BRITISH Imperial Calendar for 1841. Morocco. 12 London, [1841] 24 Catalogue of the Library 361 BROOKE, Wesley. Julia. A Poem. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1855 362 BROOKS, Rev. Charles. A Family Prayer-Book, containing Forms of Morning and Evening Prayers. Boards. 12 Cambridge, 1821 363 BROOKS, N. C. The Literary Amaranth, or Prose and Poetry. Morocco. 12 Baltimore, 1840 364 BROUGHAM, Henry, Lord. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the Time of George III. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1839 365 Same. Cloth. 3 vols. 16 London, 1855-56 366 An Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers. Calf. 2 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1803 367 Lives of Men of Letters of the Time of George III. Cloth. 16 London, 1855 368 Lives of Philosophers of the Time of George III. Cloth. 16 London, 1855 369 Political Philosophy. Cloth. 3 vols. 8 London, 1842-44 370 Sketches of Public Characters, Discourses and Es says. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 Philadelphia, 1839 371 BROWN, Henry. The History of Illinois, from its first Dis covery and Settlement to the present Time. Map. Cloth. 8 New York, 1844 372 A Narrative of the Anti-Masonick Excitement in the Western Part of the State of New York, 1826-29. Boards. 12 Batavia,N. T. 1829 373 BROWNE, Mrs. Frances Elizabeth. Poems Cloth. 16 Cambridge, 1846 374 . Another copy. Cloth. 16 Cambridge, 1846 375 BROWN K, Sir Thomas. Miscellaneous Works. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1831 376 BROWNE, Thomas. Viridarium Poeticum. Sheep. 8 Londini, 1799 377 BROWNLEE, William Craig. A Careful Inquiry into the Nature and Tendency of the Religious Principles of the S >ciety of Friends, called Quakers. Boards. 8 Phila. 1824 378 BROWNLOAV, W. G. Sketches of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Secession, with a Narrative of Personal Adven ture among the Rebels. With the authors autograph. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1862 379 BROWNSON, Orestes A. The American Republic; its Con stitution, Tendencies, and Destiny. Presentation copy. Cloth. 8 New York, 1866 380 BRYAN, Daniel. The Appeal for Suffering Genius : a Poem. Boards. 8 Washington City, 1826 381 The Lay of Gratitude ; Poems occasioned by the Recent Visit of Lafayette to the United States. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1826 of Jared Sparks. 25 382 BRYAN, Daniel. Lay of Gratitude and Suffering Genius. 2 vols. 12 Washington, 1826 383 The Mountain Muse ; Comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone. 12 Harrisburg, 1813 384 BRYANT, W. C. The Fountain and other Poems. Boards. 12 New York, 1842 385 BUCCANEERS. The Buccaneers, a Romance of our own Coun try in its Ancient Day. Half cloth. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1827 386 BUCHAN, Peter. Scriptural and Philosophical Arguments, that Brutes have Souls, and that their Souls are Immortal. Boards. 12 Peterhead, 1824 387 BUCHANAN, George. Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis Poetica. Ejusdem Tragcedia quae inscribitur Jepthes. Calf, neat. 32 Lutetian, 1575 With autograph of Andrews Norton, by whom it was bequeathed to Mr. Sparks. 388 BUCHANAN, James. Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians. Boards. 8 London, 1824 389 BUCHANAN, Robert. Culture of the Grape, and Wine-mak ing. With Cultivation of the Strawberry, by N. Longworth. Cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1852 390 BUCKINGHAM, Joseph T. Annals of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1853 391 Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. Portrait. Cloth. 2 vols. 16 Boston, 1852 392 Specimens of Newspaper Literature ; with Personal Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Reminiscences. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1850 393 BUCKMINSTER, Joseph S. Sermons, with a Memoir. 3d Ed. Portrait. Boards. 8 Boston, 1821 394 Sermons. Half cloth. 8 Boston, 1829 395 BUDINGTON, William I. The History of the First Church, Charlestown, in Nine Lectures, with Notes. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1845 396 BUENOS AIRES. Registro Official. 4 vols. in 2. 8 Buenos Aires, 1821-24 397 BULFINCH, Thomas. The Age of Chivalry. Cloth. 12 Boston,lSQl 398 The Age of Fable. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1863 399 Legends of Charlemagne. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1863 400 BULLOCK, W. Six Months Residence and Travels in Mexico. 8 London, 1824 401 BURCH, Samuel. General Index to the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4, 1789, to March 4, 1827. Half sheep. 8 Washington. 1828 402 BURP:, G. F. DE. Bibliographic Instructive ; ou Traite de la Connaissance des Livres Rares et Singuliers. Belles Lettres. Half sheep. 2 vols. 16 Paris, 1765 $26 Catalogue of the Library 403 BURGE, G. F. DE. Same. Jurisprudence, et Sciences et Arts. Half sheep. 16 Paris, 1764 404 BURGOYNE, General. A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, and verified by Evi dence ; with a Collection of Authentic Documents. Written and collected by himself. Autograph Letter of Burgoyne in serted. Map. Half calf . 4 London, 1780 "The materials of his interesting story will be held in high estimation by his torians." North Amer. Rev. 405 An Enquiry into and Remarks upon the Conduct of Lieutenant Gen. Burgoyne. The Plan of Operation for the Campaign, 1777. The Instructions from the Secretary of State. And the Circumstances that led to the Destruc tion of the Northern Army. Maps. Half morocco. 8 London, 1780 406 BURIGNY, J. L. DE. Life of Grotius. Calf. 8 Loud. 1754 407 BURK, John. History of Virginia from its Settlement to the Present Day. Continued by Skelton Jones and Louis Hue Girardin. Sheep. 4 vols. 8 Petersburg, 1804, 1805, 1816 All the volumes are scarce, and the fourth volume is very scarce. 408 BURKE, Edmund.] Account of the European Settlements in America. 2d Ed. Calf. 2 Maps. 2 vols. 8 London, 1758 409 Works. Cloth. 9 vols. 8 Boston, 1839 410 BURLAMAQUI. J. J. The Principles of Natural and Politic Law. Translated by Nugent. 6th Ed. Law calf. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1823 411 BURNABY, Andrew. Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America, in 1759 and 1760. 3d Ed. Boards. 4 London, 1798 412 BURNAP, George W. Discourses on the Rectitude of Human Nature. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1850 413 Lectures on the Sphere and Duties of Woman, and other Subjects. Cloth. 12 Baltimore, 1841 414 Lectures to Young Men. Cloth. 12 Bait. 1840 415 Popular Objections to Unitarian Christianity an swered. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1848 416 BURNET, Jacob.] Notes on the Early Settlement of the North Western Territory. Cloth. 8 Cincinnati, 1847 417 BURNEY, James. Chronological History of North Eastern Voyages of Discovery, and of the Early Eastern Navigations of the Russians. Boards. 8 London, 1819 418 BURNS, Robert. Poetical Works. 18 London, 1817 419 BURT, H. M. Illustrated Guide of the Connecticut Valley. Cloth. 16 Springfield, 1866 420 BURTON, Robert.] The Anatomy of Melancholy. By Democritus Junior. 12th Ed. Boards. 2 vols. Lond. 1821 of Jared Sparks. 27 421 BUTCHER, Edmund. Discourses on our Lord s Sermon on the Mount. Boards. 12 London, 1825 422 BiJTKL-Du.MONT, George Marie.] Histoire et Commerce des Colonies Angloises dans 1 Amerique Septentrionale. Calf. \K Londres, 1755 423 BUTLER, Charles. The Book of the Roman Catholic Church. Boards. 8 London, 1825 424- - Reminiscences. Boards. 12 New York, 1824 425 Another copy. Boards. 12 New York, 1824 426 BUTLER. Joseph. Bp. Analogy of Religion to the Constitu tion and Course of Nature. Edited by G. R. Crooks. Cloth. 12 New York, 1852 426a Works. With a Life of the Author by Dr. Kippis. Half cloth. 2 vols. 12 Cambridge. N. E. 1827 427 BUTLER, Mann. A History of the Commonwealth of Ken tucky, from its Exploration and Settlement by the Whites, to the Close of the Northwestern Campaign in 1813. With the Settlement of Western Virginia. 2d Ed. Morocco. 12 Cincinnati, 1836. 428 BYLES (MATHER). Discourses in Boston. Bounding vol. 8 namely : 1. THE CHAHACTKR of the Perfect and Upright Man; his Peaceful End de scribed; and Our Duty to observe it laid down. In a Discourse on Psalm xxxvii. : 37. Unlf title, title and 27 pp. Boston, S. Gernsh, 1729 2. A DISCOUKSK on the Present Vileness of the Body and its Future Glorious Change by Christ. To which is added, a Sermon on the Nature and Impor tance of Conversion. Both occasionally deliver d at Dorchester April 23. 1732. Hlf title, title, ii, 14, 10 pages and, An Hymn to Chri-t for our Regeneration and Insurrection, 1 p. Boston, by Kaetlnnd and Green, for N . Proctor, 1732 3. THE GLomKsof the Lord of Hosts, and The Fortitude of the Religious Hero. A Sermon preached to the ancient and ho ourabl" Artillery Company June 2. 1740. Being the Anniversary of their Klection of Officers. 31 />/>. Boston, by T. Fleet and J. Mwnrds, 1740 4. AFFECTION on Things Above. A Discourse Delivered at the Thursday-Lec ture in Boston, December llth 1740. 20 payes. With a hymn entitled, The Comparison, the Choice, and the Enjoyment. Boston by G. Rogers and D. Foic/e, for J. Edwards and H. Foster, 1740 5. THE PKAYKu and the Plea of David, T<> be delivered from Blood-Guiltiness, Improved in a Sermon At the ancient Thursday-Lecture in Boston, May 16th 1751. Before the Execution of a young Negro" Servant, for Poison ir g an In fant. 20 pp. Boston. S. Kneeland, 1751 6. GOD THE STRFNGTH and Portion of His People, under all the Exigencies of Lit * 1 and Dea h: a Funeral Sermon On the Honourable Mrs. Katherine I Mimmer, the Lady of His Honour William Dummer, Esq : late Lieutenant-Governour and Commander in Chief over this Province. Preach d at Boston, January 19. 1752. The Lord s-Day after her Death and Burial, pp. 24, (1). Boston, by John Draper, 1752 Thi valuable volume has the following autograph inscriptions: Francis W. P. Greenwood, bought at a stall in Glasgow. May 31, 1821. Jared Sparks, Dec., 182t>, and in Mr. Sparks s writing, Mather Byles s Discourses: Prearhed at Va rious Times in Boston. The first three tracts hear evidence of having been care fully read and corrected by the author him- elf, in notes some of which are so curious that no editor or third person could possibly guess their true meaning. Inserted in the volume is a mezzotint Portrait of Mr. Byles, painted and en graved by P. Pelham. 429 BYRD, William. The Westover Manuscripts ; containing 8 Catalogue of the Library the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina. Half calf . 8 Petersburg, 1841 430 BYRON, Lord. Works. Half calf . 4 vols. 8 London, 1823 431 /jf ABANIS, P. J. G. GEuvres Completes, accompagnees ^- d une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrag^s. Half calf . 5 vols. 8 Paris, 1 823-25 432 CADALSO, Don Jose. Cartas Marruecas y Poesias Selectas. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1827 433 CAILLIE, Rene. Journal d un Voyage a Temboctou et a Jenne. Avec une Carte Itineraire et des Remarques Geographiques, par M. Jomard. Paper. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1830 434 CAIN the Wanderer ; a Vision of Heaven ; Darkness ; and other Poems. Boards. 8 London, 1829 435 CALDCLKDGH, Alexander. Travels in South America during 1819-21. Vol. II. Boards. 8 London, 1825 436 CALDRRON DE LA BARCA, Madame. Life in Mexico, during a Residence of Two Years in that Country. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1843 437 CALDWELL, Charles. Discourse on the Genius and Charac ter of the Rev. Horace Holley. Half cloth. 8 Boston, 1828 438 Thoughts on the Original Unity of the Human Race. 2 d Ed., with Additions. Cloth. 16 Cincinnati, 1852 439 CALHOUN, John C. Disquisition on Government, and a Dis course on the Constitution and Government of the United States. Edited by R. K. Cralle. Calf. 8 Columbia, S.C. 1851 440 CALLKNDKR, John. Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of Rhode Island. 8 Providence, 1838 441 CALVERT, George H. Arnold and Andre. An Historical Drama. Cloth. 12 Boston. 1864 442 Joan of Arc : a Poem. In Four Books. Cloth. 16N. P. 1860 443 CAMBRIDGE Directory, The. For 1849, 1854 (3 copies), 1856, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1861. Cloth. 12 and 16 Cambridge. 444 CAMP, George Sidney. Democracy. Cloth. 18 New York, 1841 445 CAMPAN, Madame J. Memoires sur la Vie Privee de Marie- Antoinette. 5 e Ed. Half calf. 3 vols. 8 Paris. 1826 446 CAMPBKLL, Charles. Introduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. Cloth. 8 Richmond, 1847 Presented by the author, with hie autograph. 447 CAMPBELL, John. Travels in South Africa. Sheep. 8 London, 1815 448 CAMPBKLL, John W. A History of Virginia, from its Dis covery till 1781, with Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Characters. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1813 of Jared Sparks. 29 449 CAMPBKLL, Thomas. The Pleasures of Hope, Gertrude of Wyoming, and other Poems. 6th Ed. Calf. 2 vols. 1 6 London, 1816 450 Poetical Works. Illustrated by Turner. Half mo rocco. 8 London, 1837 451 Specimens of the British Poets; with Biographical and Critical Notices, and an Essay on English Poetry. Calf. 7 vols. 12 London, 1819 452 Theodric, a Domestic Tale ; and other Poems. Boards. 18 New York, 1825 453 CAMPBELL, William W. Annals of Tryon County ; or the Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution. Cloth. 12 New York. 1831 454 CANADA. Collection de Memoires et de Relations sur 1 His- toire Ancienne du Canada d apres des Manuscrits recemment obtenus des Archives et Bureaux Publics en France. Half calf. 8 Quebec, 1840 455 Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, Declarations, et Arrets du Conseil d Etat du Roi, concernant le Canada. Calf. 2 vols. 4 Quebec, 1803 456 Government of Canada. Debates of the House of Commons in 1774, on the Bill for making more Effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec. With a Map of Canada. Cloth. 8 London, 1839 457 Magasin du Bas-Canada, Journal Litteraire et Scien- tifique. Tome I. M. Bibaud Editeur. Half sheep. 8 Montreal, 1832 458 Memoires sur le Canada, 1749-60. En Trois Parties; avec Cartes et Plans lithographies. 8 Quebec, 1838 In the same volume : Collection de Mdmoires et de Relations sur 1 Histoire An cienne du Canada. 80 Quebec, 1840 459 CANADIAN Tourist, The. With a Map of the British Amer ican Provinces. Cloth. 18 Montreal, 1856 460 CANCELLIERI, Francesco. Dissertazioni Epistolari Biblio- grafiche sopra Cristoforo Colombo, Discopritore dell America, e Giovanni Gersen di Cavaglia, Autore del Libro De Imita- tione Christi. Paper. 8 Roma, 1809 461 CAPEFIGUE, B. H. R. Louis XVI. Half calf . Large 8 Bruxelles, 1845 462 Louis XVI. ses Relations Diplomatiques avec 1 Eu- rope, 1 Inde, 1 Amerique, et 1 Empire Ottoman. Half morocco. 12 Paris, 1856 463 CARE (Henry). English Liberties, or the Free-born Sub ject s Inheritance. Containing Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, the Statute De Tallagio non concedendo, the Habeas Corpus Act, and several other Statutes, with Comments. Likewise of Ship-Money, etc. Continued with large Addi tions by William Nelson. 6th Ed. Corrected and improved. SO Catalogue of the Library Sheep, pp. viii, 350, with 6 pages of Subscribers names. SCARCE. 8 Providence, R. I., by John Carter, at Shakspear s Head, 1774 The long list of Subscribers is an unusually interesting one, giving the names and addresses of about 450 persons all over New England, including a few outsiders. 464 CAREY, D. Beauties of the Modern Poets ; in Selections from the Works of Byron, Moore, Scott, Campbell [etc.]. Boards. 12 London, 1826 465 CAREY, M. Miscellaneous Essays. Half doth. 8 Philadelphia, 1830 466 The Olive Branch, or Faults on Both Sides. 3d Ed. Boards. 12 Boston, 1815 467 Vindiciae Hibernicae, or Ireland Vindicated. 2d Ed. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1823 468 CARLYLE, Thomas. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Clofh. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1838 469 . The French Revolution ; a History. 3 vols. in 2. 12 .Boston, 1838 470 Sartor Resarttis. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1836 471 CARNE, M. Du Gouvernement Representatif en France et en Angleterre. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1841 472 CARPENTER, L. Examination of the Charges made against Unitarians and Unitarianism, and the Improved Version by the Right Rev. Dr. Magee. Boards. 8 Bristol, 1820 473 . Unitarianism the Doctrine of the Gospel. 3d Ed. Boards. 12 Bristol, 1823 474 CARROLL, B. R. Historical Collections of South Carolina. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1836 475 CARTER, N. H. Letters from Europe. Half cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1827 476 CARTIER, Jacques, and others. Voyages de Decouverte an Canada, entre les Annees 1534 et 1542, par Jacques Quartier, le Sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonse de Xanctoigne, etc., suivis de la Description de Quebec et de ses Environs en 1608, et de divers Extraits relativement au Lieu de 1 Hiverne- ment de Jacques Quartier en 1535-36. Avec Gravures Fac simile. Half calf. 8 Quebec, 1843 One of the engravings is a very curious fac-simile of a print in Champlain s Voyages, edition of 1613, representing the first house built in Quebec, in 1608. 477 CARTWRIGHT, John. The English Constitution produced and illustrated. Boards. 8 London, 1823 478 CARTWRIGHT, Major John.] American Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain. New Edition. With a map of " British America," bounded and divided as proposed by the author. Half calf , neat. 8 London, 1775 479 CAUUTHERS, E. W. Revolutionary Incidents, and Sketches of Character, chiefly in the " Old North State." Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1854 of Jared Sparks. 31 480 CART, Thomas G. Memoir of Thomas Handasyd Perkins ; containing Extracts from his Diaries and Letters. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1856 481 CASAS, BARTHOLOME DE LAS. TYRANNIES ET CRVAVTEZ des Espagnols, perpetrees es Indes Occidentales, qu on dit le Nouueau Monde ; brieuement descrites en Langue Castillane ; fidelement traduite par laqves de Miggrode. Old calf. 8 Paris, 1582 482 CASS, Lewis.] France, its King, Court, and Government. By an American. Cloth. 8 New York, 1840 483 CATKSBY, Mad. Juliette. Lettres ; par Mad. Riccoboni. Paper. 16 Paris, 1814 484 CAVENDISH, Sir Henry. Debates of the House of Com mons during the Tiiirteenth Parliament of Great Britain, 1768-74. Paper. 7 parts. London, 1840-43 These are the first seven out of sixteen parts published. The} contain a great number of Burke s speeches which had never before appeared in print. 485 CKRVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel DE. Don Quijote de la Man- cha. Nueva Ed. cor. por Fr. Sales. Calf. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1836 486 CHALMERS, Alex. The British Essayists; with Prefaces, Historical and Biographical. Calf. 38 vols. 18 Lond. 1833 487 The General Biographical Dictionary. New Ed. Enlarged. Calf. 32 vols in 16. 8 London, 1812-17 488 CHALMERS, George. A Collection of Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1790 489 An Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain and of the Losses of her Trade, from Every War since the devolution. Half calf. 8 London, 1802 490 Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies, from State Papers. Vol. I. Turkey morocco. 8 Boston, 1845 The author carefullv suppressed the original edition, either " owing to the separation of the colonies, which happened just at the season for publication, namelv, December 1782, or the prior cause in April precedent, the dismission of a Tory administration." The Boston edition was printed from the author s MS. 491 Opinions on Interesting Subjects of Public Law and Commercial Policy arising from American Indepen dence. New Ed. 8 London, 1785 492 Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on various Points of English Jurisprudence, chiefly concerning the Colonies, Fisheries, and Commerce. Rare. 2 vols. 8 London, 1814 493 Political Annals of the Present United Colonies, from their Settlement to the Peace of 1763 ; compiled from Records, and authorised often by the Insertion of State- Papers. Book I. [all that was published]. Calf. Scarce. 4 London, 1780 82 Catalogue of the Library 494 CHALMERS, Thomas. On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1833 495 CHAMBATJD, L. Grammar of the French Tongue. Sheep. 12 London, 1805 496 Exercises. Sheep. 12 London, 1815 497 CHAMPION, Richard. Considerations on the Present Situa tion of Great Britain and the United States of America. 2d Ed. Hoards. 8 London, 1784 498 CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL DE. LES VOYAGES DV SIEVR DE CHAMPLAIN XAINTONGEOIS, cupitaine ordinaire pour le Roy en la marine. Divisez en Devx Livres. on, lovrnal tres- fidele des observations faites es descouuertures de la Nou- uelle France .... Ensemble deux cartes geografiques : la premiere seruant a la nauigation, dressee selon les compas qui nordestent, sur lesquels les mariniers nauigent : Fautre en son vray Meridien, auec ses longitudes & latitudes : a laquelle est adiouste le voyage du destroict qu ont trouue les Anglois, au dessus de Labrador, depuis le 53 e . degre de lati tude, iusques au 63 e . en 1 an 1612. cerchans vn chemin par le Nord, pour aller a la Chine. Maps and plates. Half calf. Good copy. 4 Paris, chez Jean Berjon, M. DC. xm. With the nntograph of Mr. Sparks. " This volume contains an account of his [Champlain s] nret voyage in 1604, his second in 1610, and hi- third in 1611. At the end of the book is an account of his fourth voyage, in 1613, apparently printed separately, after the first three were published." Rich. 499 CHANDLER, Peleg W. American Criminal Trials. Two por traits. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1841-44 500 CHANDLER, Thomas Bradbury. The Life of Samuel John son, D. D., the first President of King s College in New York. Containing an Account of the Institution and Rise of Yale College, and of King s (now Columbia) College. Sheep. 12 New York, 1805 501 CHANNING, Edward T. Lectures to the Seniors in Harvard College. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1856 502 CHANNING, William Ellery. Discourses. Autograph Jitter of the Author inserted. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1832 503 Discourses, Reviews, and Miscellanies. (2 copies.) Cloth. 8 Boston, 1830 504 CHAPMAN, Isaac A. A Sketch of the History of Wyoming. With a Statistical Account of the Valley and Adjacent Coun try. Bv a Gentleman of Wilkesbarre. Sheep. 12 Wilkesbarre, Penn. 1830 505 CHAPMAN, Thomas. Essay on the Roman Senate. Old calf. 8 Cambridge (Eng.), i750 506 CHAPONE, Mrs. Hester. Works. Prefixed, An Account of her Life. Calf. 4 vols. 24 Boston, 1809 of Jared Sparks. 33 507 CHAPPE D AUTEROCHE. Voyage to California to observe the Transit of Venus. With an Historical Description of the Author s Route through Mexico, and the Natural History of that Province. Also a Voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee. By Monsieur de Cassini. Boards. 8 London, 1778 508 CHARLKS I. AN EXACT COLLECTION of all Remonstrances, Declarations, Votes, Orders, Ordinances, Proclamations, Pe titions, Messages, Answers, and other Remarkable Passages betvveene the King and his High Court of Parliament. Old calf. 4 London. 1642 508a CHARLESTON Library Society. Catalogue of the Books. Paper. 8 Charleston, 1826 509 CHARTERS of Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, Pt-ns\lvania, Massachusetts Bay, and Georgia. Prefixed, a Faithful Nar rative of the Proceedings of the North American Colonies, in consequence of the Late Stamp-Act. Map. Sheep. London, 1766 510 CHAS, J., and LEBRUN. Histoire Politique et Philosophique de la Revolution de I Amerique Septentrionale. Boards. % Paris, An ix. [1801] 511 CHASTELLUX, F. J., Marquis DE. De la Felicite Publique, on Considerations sur le Sort des Homines dans les Differentes Epoques de 1 Histoire. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1822 512 Travels in North America, 1780-82. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1787 513 CHATEAUBRIAND, F. A., Vicomte DE. Essai Historique, Poli tique et Moral sur les Revolutions Anciennes et Modernes, considerees dans leur Rapport avec la Revolution Francaise. Half calf. 8 London, 1814 514 Travels in Greece, Palestine, E^ypt, and liarbary. 1803-7. Translated by F. Shoberl. Sheep. 8 Phila. 1813 515 CHATEAUNEDF, A. Le General La Fayette, Memoires Au- thentiques. 8 Paris, 1831 516 CHAUFEPIE, Jaques George de. Life of Servetus, translated from the French by James Yair. 8 London, 1771 517 CHAUMONOT, P. J. M. La Vie du R. P. Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumonot, de la Compagnie de Jesus, Missionnaire dans la Nouvelle France, ecrite par lui-meme, par ordre de son Supe- rieur, 1 An 1688. Cloth. 4 Nouvelle York, 1858 Only 100 copies printed. 518 Suite par un Pere de la meme Compagnie, avec la Maniere d Oraison du venerable Pere, e"crite par hii-merne. Cloth. 4 Nouvelle York, 1858 519 CHAUNCY, Charles. The Appeal to the Public answered in behalf of the Non-Episcopal Churches in America. Unbound. 8 Boston, 1768 520 Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England. Old calf. 8 Boston, 1743 34< Catalogue of the Library \ 521 CHAUNCY, Charles, Twelve Sermons. Sheep. 8 Bost. 1765 522 CHEETHAM, James. Life of Thomas Paine. Boards. 8 New York, 1809 523 CHKEVER, George B. American Common-Place Book of Poetry, with Notes. Boards. 12 Boston, 1831 524 Studies in Poetry, embracing Notices of the Lives and Writings of the Best Poets in the English Language. Boards. 12 Boston, 1830 525 CHESTERFIELD, Earl of. Miscellaneous Works. Prefixed, Memoirs of his Life. Calf. 3 vols. 8 DuUin, 1777 526 CHILD, Sir Josiah. A New Discourse of Trade. Added, a Small Treatise against Usury. 5th Ed. Vellum. 16 Glasgoiv, 1751 527 CHILD, Mrs. Lydia Maria.] The Rebels, or Boston before the Revolution. Boards. 12 Boston, 1825 528 CHILDE, Edward Vernon.] Letters to the London t% Times," and the New York " Courier and Inquirer." By a" States "- Man. Cloth. 12" Boston, 1837 529 CHILLINGWORTH, William. An Historical and Critical Ac count of his Life and Writings. Old calf. 8 London, 1725 530 CHIPMAN, Daniel. Life of Hon. Nathaniel Chipman, LL. D., formerly Member of the United States Senate, and Chief Justice of the State of Vermont. With Selections from his Miscellaneous Papers. Cloth. 2 copies. 8 Boston, 1846 531 Memoir of Colonel Seth Warner. To which is added the Life of Colonel Ethan Allen, by Jared Sparks, LL. D. Cloth. 16 Middlebury, 1848 532 CIIITTY, Joseph. A Practical Treatise on Bills of Exchange. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1821 533 CHOISEUL, C. G., Due DE PRASLIN. Memoires; ecrits par lui- meme, et imprimes sous ses Yeux dans son Cabinet a Chant- eloup, en 1778. 2 vols. 8 Chanteloup, 1790 534 CHOMPRE P. C. Dictionnaire ; Abrege de la Fable. Sheep 18 Paris, 1756 535 CHRISTIAN Disciple, The. 1st Series, Vol. I.- VI ; 2d Series, Vol. I.-III. Half morocco. 9 vols. 8 Boston, 1813-22 536 Same. New Series. Vol. I., II., wanting No. 5 of Vol. I. Unbound. 8 Boston, 1819-20 537 CHRISTIAN Examiner, and Religious Miscellany. 21 Vols. No. 132 duplicate. Unbound. 8 Boston, 1844-64 538 CHRISTY, David. Cotton is King ; or the Culture of Cotton, and its Relation to Agriculture, Manufactures, and Com merce. 2d Ed. Enlarged. Cloth. 16 New York, 1856 539 CHURCH, Thomas. History of Philip s War, commonly called the Great Indian War, of 1675 and 1676. Also of the French and Indian Wars at the Eastward, in 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696, and 1704. With Notes. By S. G. Drake. 2d Edition with Plates. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1827 of Jared Sparks. 35 540 CICERO, Marcus Ttillius. Brutus, or History of Famous Orators. Also his Orator. Translated by E. Jones. Calf. 8 London, 1776 541 Cato and Laelius, or Essays on Old Age and Friend ship. With Remarks by W. Melmoth. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 London, 1795 542 Cato Major, sen de Senectute. Somnimn Scipionis. Paper. 24 Parisiis, 1796 543 Cato Major, or a Discourse on Old Age. With Ex planatory Notes. [By James Logan.] Paper. 8 Philadelphia. PRINTED BY B. FRANKLIN, N. D. Wrongly ascribed to Dr. Franklin as translator. 544 Letters to several of his Friends ; with Remarks by William Melmoth, Esq. 5th Ed. With Index. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 London, 1799 545 On Oratory and Orators, with Notes. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1808 546 Opera Omnia, ex Recensione Novissima J. A. Er- nesti, cvm eivsdem Notis et Clave Ciceroniana. Russia. 20 vols. 12 Bostonice, 1815, 16 547 De Re Pvblica qvae svpersvnt. Edente Angelo Maio. Half calf. 8 Roma, 1823 548 La Republique d apres le Texte inedit, recemment di couvert et commente par M. Mai, avec une Traduction Franchise. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Parts, 1823 549 Three Books of Offices in English, with Notes. By T. H. O. Cockman. Calf. 12 I^ndon, 1739 550 The Tusculan Disputations, Book First ; the Dream of Scipio ; and Extracts from the Dialogues on Old Age and Friendship. With Notes, by Thomas Chase. Cloth. 16 Cambridge, 1851 551 Vom Wesen der Gotter ; iibersetzt, und mit Annier- kungen erlautert, von C. F. Michael is. Paper. 12Munchen,1829 552 CINCINNATI. Proceedings of the General Society of the Cincinnati, with the Original Institution of the Order. To which are annexed the Act of Incorporation by Pennsylva nia, the By-Laws of the Pennsylvania Society, and the Tes timonial to the Memory of General Washington, as adopted by the Meeting of the General Society in May, 1800. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1841 553 CIST, Charles. Cincinnati in 1841. doth. 12 Cincinnati, 1841 554 The Cincinnati Miscellany, or Antiquities of the West. Oct. 1, 1844-Apr. 1, 1846. Half cloth. 2 vols. 8 Cincinnati. 1845-46 555 CLARENCE Club. Rules and Regulations, with a List of the Members. Boards. 18 London, [1837] 36 Catalogue of the Library 556 CLARENDON and ROCHESTER. The Correspondence of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and of his Brother Laurence Earl of Rochester ; with the Diary of Lord Clarendon from 1687 to 1690. Edited with Notes by S. W. Singer. Boards. 2 vols. 4 London, 1828 557 CLARK, Daniel. Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson and of his Connexion with Aaron Burr; with a Full Refutation of his Slanderous Allegations in relation to the Character of the Principal Witness against him. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1809 558 CLARK, Thomas. Naval History of the United States, from the Commencement of the Revolutionary War. 2d Ed. Boards. 2 vols. 12 Philadelphia, 1814 559 CLARKE, Adam.] A Bibliographical Dictionary, containing a Chronological Account, alphabetically arranged, of the most Curious, Scarce, Useful, and Important Books in all Depart ments of Literature. Boards. 6 vols. 12 Liverpool, 1802 560 ] Bibliographical Miscellany ; or Supplement to the Bibliographical Dictionary. Boards. 2 vols. 12 London, 1806 561 CLARKE, L. H. Report of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention of the State of New York, held in Albany, August, 1821. Boards. S N. Y. 1821 562 CLARKE, Matthew St. Clair. Legislative and Documentary History of the Bank of the U. S. 8 Washington, 1832 563 CLAVIGERO, Abbe D. F. S. The History of Mexico. Trans lated from the Italian by Charles Cullen. Sheep. 3 voh. 8 Philadelphia, 1817 " A mine of precious historical documents, containing valuable lists of others in the Mendoza, the Vatican, and the Boturini collections." Stevens. 564 CLAY, Henry. Speeches in Congress. Prefixed, a Biograph ical Memoir. With a Portrait, and an autograph letter of the author inserted. Half cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1 8 2 7 565 Life and Speeches, compiled and edited by Daniel Mallory. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1843 566 Obituary Addresses on the Occasion of his Death. 2 copies. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1852 567 CLEVELAND, Mrs. Dorcas. [Dialogues, etc.] Half morocco. 5 pamphlets in 1 vol. 12 Boston, 1827-29 568 CLEVELAND, Henry R. Remarks on the Classical Educa tion of Boys. Cloth. 18 Boston, 1834 569 Selection from his Writings. With a Memoir by George S. Hillard. Printed for Private Distribution. Boards. 16 [Boston,] 1845 570 CLEVELAND, Richard. A Narrative of Voyages and Com mercial Enterprises. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 Cambridge, 1842 Presented by the author, with his autograph. 571 Same. Paper. 8 London. Moxon, 1842 572 Same. With Illustrations by Billings. 3d Ed. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1850 of Jared Sparks. 37 573 CLINTON, De Witt] Letters on the Natural History and Internal Resources of the State of New York. By Hiberni- cus. Naif calf. 12 New York, by Bliss $ White, 1822 On the fly-leaf, in the autograph of Mr. Sparks, is "Jared Sparks, from the Ati- thor DeWitt Clinton, Albany, Oct. 7th, 1826." This, if anything were needed, would settle the authorship of these interesting Letters. 574 CLINTON, Sir Henry. Narrative relative to his Conduct dur ing Part of his Command of the King s Troops in North America. 4th Ed. Not common. Half calf . 8 London, 1783 575 Same. 6th Ed. Half sheep. 8 London, 1783 576 CLOQUET, Jules. Recollections of the Private Life of Gen eral Lafayette. With 45 engravings. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1836 577 COAST Survey. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey. 1852-54,56-62. Cloth. 10 vols. 4 Washington, 1856-64 578 COBBETT, William. French Grammar. New Ed. Boards. 12 London, 1829 579 A Grammar of the English Language, for the Use of Soldiers, Sailors, Apprentices, and Plough-Boys. 2d Ed. Boards. 12 London, 1819 580 Porcupine s Works, containing various Writings and Selections, exhibiting a Faithful Picture of the United States of America ; comprising also a Complete Series of Historical Documents and Remarks, from the End of the War, in 1783. to the Election of the President in March, 1801. Half calf. 12 vols. 8 London, 1801 " Cobbett must be studied by all who would understand the party questions," etc. Ktnt. 581 COCHRANE, Charles Stuart. Residence and Travels in Co lombia in 1823 and 4. 2 vols. 8 London, 1825 582 COCHRANE, John D. Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, from the Frontiers of China to the Frozen Sea in Kamtchatka, 1820-23. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 583 COOKINGS, George.] The American War, a Poem, in Six Books. Half cloth. 8 London, 1781 With a curious Engraving of the battle of Bunker Hill. 584 CODICE Diplomatico Colombo-Americano; ossia Raccolta di Document! Originali e Inediti, spettanti a Christoforo Colom bo, alia Scoperta ed al Governo dell America. Pubblicato per Ordine degl lll mi Decurioni della Citta di Geneva. Pa per. 4 Genova, 1824 585 COFFIN, Charles. The Lives and Services of Maj. Gen. John Thomas, Col. Thomas Knowlton, Colonel Alexander Scammell, Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn. Cloth. 12 New York, 1845 586 Another copy. 12 New York, 1845 38 Catalogue of the Library 587 COGHLAN, F. Handbook for Travellers in Northern Italy. Cloth. 16 London, 1857 588 COLBERT, J. B., Marq. DE TORCY.] Memoires de M. de * * * * pour servir al Histoire des Negociations depuis le Traite de Riswick jusqu a la Paix d Utrecht. Calf. 3 vols. 18 La Haye, 1756 589 GOLDEN, Cadvvallader. The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are Dependent on the Province of New York. With Accounts of the several other Nations of Indians. Map. Half rmsia. 8 London, 17 47 " The three London editions differ from one another only in the titles, but in all of them are some differences from the New York edition, which drew forth a protest from the author." Stevens. 590 COLEMAN, Lyman. Historical Text Book and Atlas of Bib lical Geography. Cloth. Large 8 Philadelphia, 1854 591 COLERIDGE, SHELLEY, and KEATS. Poetical Works. Calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1831 592 COLLECTION des Constitutions, Chartes et Lois Fondamen- tales des Peuples de I Europe et des Deux Ameriques. Par P.-A. Dufau, J.-B. Duvergier et J. Guadet. 5 vols. half turkey morocco, and 1 vol. paper. 8 Paris, 1823 593 COLLECTION d Opuscules Philosophiques et Litteraires. Discours par Sylvain Van de Weyer, De Reiffenberg, et Cou sin. Paper. 8 Bruxelles, 1840 With Van de Weyer s autograph. Only 150 copies published. 594 Another volume. Par M. Van Meenen. 16 Bruxelles, 1840 595 COLLECTION of Hymns, and Liturgy for the Use of Evan gelical Lutheran Churches. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1814 596 COLLECTION, A, of Interesting, Authentic Papers relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America ; shewing the Causes and Progress of that Misunderstanding, 1764-75. Half calf. 8 London, 1777 The running title is " Prior Documents." For the Collection which this pre cedes, see " Remembrancer." Mr. Sparks notes that " the Letters from John Hughes," who was recommended by Franklin as chief distributor of stamps in Pennsylvania, " were first published in a supplement to the Pennsylvania Journal, Sept. 4, 1766." In the same volume : Journal of the Proceedings of Congress, at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1775 to April 30, 1776. 80 London, 1778 597 COLLECTION of Interesting Reports and Papers on the Navi gation and Trade of Great Britain, Ireland, and the British Colonies in the West Indies and America, with Tables of Tonnage, and of Exports and Imports, etc., etc. Boards. 8 [London.] 1807 598 COLLECTION of Psalms and Hymns, for Social and Private Worship. 2dEd. Calf. > 12 New York, 1822 599 COLLINGWOOD, G. L. A Selection from the Public and of Jared Sparks. 39 Private Correspondence of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood ; interspersed with Memoirs of his Life. Half cloth. 8 New York, 1829 600 COLLINS, Arthur. Peerage of England. Augmented and continued by Sir Egerton Brydges. Calf. 9 vols. 8 London, 1812 601 COLLINS, Lewis. Historical Sketches of Kentucky ; em bracing its History, Antiquities, and Natural Curiosities, Geo graphical, Statistical, and Geological Descriptions, with Anecdotes of Pioneer Life, and more than One Hundred Biographical Sketches. Forty engravings. Sheep. & MaysvilU, 1847 602 COLMAN, Henry. Sermons on Various Subjects. Boards. 8 Boston, 1820 603 COLMAN, J. F. The Island Bride, and other Poems. Boards. 16 Boston, 1846 604 COLOMBIA : a Geographical, Statistical, Agricultural, Com mercial, and Political Account of that Country. 2 vols. 8 London, 1822 605 Cuerpo de Leyes de la Republica de Colombia. Tomo 1 Half calf. 4 Bogota, 1822 606 Ensayo Politico. El Sistema Colombiano. 8 Nueva York, 1823 607 - Letters written from Colombia, during a Journey from Caracas to Bogota, and thence to Santa Martha, in 1823. Boards. Mop. 8 London, 1824 608 Notes on Colombia taken in 1822, 1823. By an Officer of the United States Army. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 609 State of Colombia, or Reports of the Secretaries of State of the Republic. Translated from the Official Docu ments. Boards. 8 London, 1824 610 COLONIAL Policy, The, of Great Britain, with relation to her North American Provinces and West India Possessions. By a British Traveller. Half sheep. 8 London, 1816 611 COLONIAL TRADE. 13 Pamphlets, all rare, relating to colo nial trade. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 1728-62 I. 1. Observations on the Assiento Trade. London, 1728 2. View of the Depredations committed by the Spaniards on the British Trade. Ijundon, 1731 3. Importance of the British Plantations in America to this Kingdom, pp. 114. London, 1731 4. Some Considerations on the Trade between the Northern Colonies and the Sugar Islands. 1732 5. Two Letters and several Calculations on the Sugar Colonies and Trade. London, 1738 6. His Catholick Majesty s Manifesto. London, 1739 7. Examination of a Pamphlet entitled: His Catholic Majesty s Manifesto. London, 1739 8. Observations upon the Manifesto, [etc.] London, 1739 II. 1. Considerations upon the Present State of our Affairs, at home and abroad. London, 1739 2. Review of all that has passed between the Courts of Great Britain and Spain relating to our Trade and Navigation. London, 1739 4*0 Catalogue of the Library 3. Great Britain s Complaints against Spain impartially examined. Lond., 1740 4. The State of Trade in the Northern Colonies considered, with an Account of their Produce, and a Particular Description of Nova Scotia. London, 1748 5. Examination of the Commercial Principles of the Late Negotiation between Great Britain and France, in 1761. [Written by Burke in Reply to Frank lin.] pp. 108. London, 1762 612 COLONIES. A Concise Historical Account of all the Brit ish Colonies in North America. Half calf. 8 London, 1775 613 Histoire de la Fondation des Colonies des Anciennes Republiques. Traduite de 1 Anglais [par Cerisier]. Half calf. 8 Utrecht, 1778 614 COLONIZATION, etc. 5 Pamphlets. Half calf . 1. American Colonization Society. 2d, 3d Reports. 8 Washington, 1819-20 2. American Anti-Slavery Convention. Minutes of the 15th Convention. 80 Philadelphia, 1818 3. View of the Policy of permitting Slaves in the States west of the Mississippi. By Jos. D. Learned. 80 Bultlmoi-e, 1820 4. Coker, Daniel, Journal. 80 Baltimore, 1820 5. On Internal Improvements in North Carolina. 8 Raleigh, 1819 615 COMBE, Andrew. Principles of Physiology. Cloth. 18 New York, 1841 616 Treatise on the Physiological and Moral Management of Infancy. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1840 617 COMBE, George. The Constitution of Man. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1829 618 COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS. Digest of the Commercial Regulations of the different Foreign Nations with which the United States have Intercourse. Washington, 1824 619 COMSTOCK, J. L. Elements of Mineralogy. Sheep. SBos on, 1827 620 COMTE, Ch. Histoire de la Garde Nationale de Paris. Paper. 8 Paris, 1827 621 Traite de Legislation, ou Exposition des Lois Gene- rales, suivant lesquelles les Petiples prosperent, deperissent, ou restent Stationnaires. Half calf. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1826-27 622 CONDER, Josiah. The Star in the East ; with other Poems. Boards. 12 London, 1824 623 CONGRESS. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Pat ents. Unbound. (2 copies.) 8 [ Washington. ] 1846 624 History of Congress ; exhibiting a Classification of the Proceedings of the Senate and the House of Represent atives, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1793. Paper. 8 Philadelphia, 1843 625 Journal of Congress, from 1774 to 1788. Sheep. 4 vols. 8 Washington, 1823 626 Journals of the First Session [etc.] of the Senate of the United States of America, begun at New York, March 4, 1789. Calf. 5 vols. 8 Washington, 1820-21 627 Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate, First to Nineteenth Congress. Calf. 8 Washington, 1828 of Jarcd Sparks. 41 628 CONGRESS. Journal of the House of Representatives. [From the 1st Session of the First Congress, to the 3d Session of the Thirteenth.] Sheep. 9 vols. 8 Washington, 1826 629 President s Messages and Accompanying Documents relating to South America. Half calf . 8 Washington, 1818 630 - [President s Messages and Accompanying Docu ments on Various Occasions.] Half calf . 16 vols. 8 Washington. 1823-55 631 Register of Debates in Congress ; comprising the Leading Debates and Incidents of the 2d Session of the 18th Conoress. Vol. I. Boards. 8 Washington, 1825 632 Report of the Commissioner of Patents. Unbound. 8 Washington, 1845 633 Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Unbound. 8 Washington, 1850 634 Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances, Dec. 24, 1849, half morocco ; and for 1852, and 1855, unbound. 8 [Washington, 1849] 635 Reports of the Secretary of War, with Reconnais sances [in New Mexico, Texas, etc.] Cloth. 8 Washington, 1850 636 Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of. from the First Meeting thereof to the Dissolution of the Confed eration. Sheep. 4 vols. 8 Boston, 1821 637 Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library of Con gress. Half morocco. 8 Washington, 1827 638 The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress; with Important State Papers and Public Documents, and all the Laws of a Public Nature ; with a Copious Index. From March 3, 1789, to March 3, 1791. inclusive. Compiled from Authentic Materials by Joseph Gales, Senior. Sheep. 2 vols. Washington, 1834 639 CONGRESSIONAL Register. Debates in Congress, 1789. Ko title-page. Commences on p. 57 and continues to p. 600. Half sheep. 8 640 CONNECTICUT. Acts and Laws of His Majesty s English Colony of Connecticut in New-England in America. Old calf. Scarce. Folio. New London, 1750 641 The Code of 1650; a Compilation of the Earliest Laws and Orders of the General Court; also the Constitu tion or Civil Compact, entered into by Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, in 1638-9. To which is added some Ex tracts from Laws and Judicial Proceedings of New Haven Colony, commonly called BLUE LAWS. Half calf . Curious frontispiece, pp.120. 12 Hartford, 1822 642 - Sketch of Connecticut Forty Years since. Boards. 12 Hartford, 1824 643 CONSIDERATIONS on the Provisional Treaty with America, and the Preliminary Articles of Peace with France and Spain. Half calf. 8 London, 1783 42 Catalogue of the Library 644 CONSTANT, Benjamin. De la Religion, consideree dans sa Source, ses Formes, et ses Developpements. Half calf. (T. 1, 2 e Edition.) 5 vols. 8 Paris, 1826-31 645 CONSTANTINOPLE and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, illustrated. In a Series of Drawings from Nature by Thomas Allom. First Series. Embossed morocco. 4 London, N. D. 646 CONSTITUTIONS, The, of the several Independent States of America ; Declaration of Independence ; Articles of Con federation, etc. Half calf. 8 London, 1782 647 CONWAY, Moncure D.] The Rejected Stone ; or Insurrec tion vs. Resurrection in America. By a Native of Virginia. 2d Ed. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1862 648 COOKE, C. T. Observations on the Efficacy of White Mus tard Seed in Affections of the Liver. Half cloth. 12 New York, 1827 649 COOKE, Josiah P., Jr. Elements of Chemical Physics. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1860 650 Elements of Chemistry. Part I. Chemical Physics. Flexible cloth. 8 N. T. p. 651 COOLIDGE, Austin J., and MANSFIELD, J. B. A History and Description of New England, General and Local. Vol. I., Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. 8 Boston, 1859 652 COOPER, J. Fenimore.] Homeward Bound, or the Chase ; a Tale of the Sea. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 Philadelphia, 1838 653 The Last of the Mohicans ; a Narrative of 1757. Boards. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1826 653a Red Rover. 2 vols. 12 Philadelphia, 1828 654 COOPER, Myles.] (1.) A Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans on our Political Confusions ; in which the Neces sary Consequences of violently opposing the King s Troops, and of a General Non-Importation, are fairly stated. Half calf. 8 New York, 1774 In the same volume : 2. LEE, Gen. Charles.] Strictures on a " Friendly Address." 80 Philadelphia, 1774 3. The General attacked by a Subaltern, or the Strictures on the Friendly Ad dress Examined. 8 Boston, printed. Reprinted, New York, N. D. 655 COOPER, Thomas. The Institutes of Justinian. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1812 656 Lectures on the Elements of Political Economy. Half cloth. 8 Columbia, 1826 657 COPYRIGHT.] Minutes of Evidence taken before the Com mittee on Acts of 8 Anne, and 15 and 41 Geo. III. Paper. Folio. [London, ] 1813 658 Minutes of Evidence before the Select Committee on the Copyright Acts of 8 Anne, c. 19 ; 15 Geo. III., c. 53 ; 41 Geo/IIL, c. 107; and 54 Geo. III., c. 116. Paper. Folio. [London, ] 1818 of Jared Sparks. 43 659 COQUEREL, Charles. Histoire des Eglises du Desert chez les Protestants de France. Paper. 2 voh. 8 Paris, 1841 660 CORNEILLE, Pierre. CEuvres Choisies. Hoards. 4 voh. 8 Paris, 1822 661 CORNEILLE, Thomas. CEuvres Choisies. Boards. 8 Paris, 1822 662 CORNWALLIS, Charles, First Marquis. Correspondence, edited by C. Ross. 3 vols. 8 London, 1859 663 CORRESPONDANCE Politique et Confidentielle Inedite de Louis XVI. Sheep. 2 vols. in one. 8 Paris, 1803 " Apocryphal." Bingraphie Unicerselle. 664 CORTES, Hernando. The Despatches of Hernando Cortes, the Conqueror of Mexico, to the Emperor Charles V. Writ ten during the Conquest, and containing a Narrative of its Events. Now first translated from the Original Spanish, with an Introduction and Notes, by George Folsom. Boards. }% New York, 1843 665 COURIER de 1 Europe, Gazette Anglo-Francoise. Vol. I.-IV., V., VII.-XVIII. Boards. 16 voh. ^Londres, 1777-85 " Very rare. Presented to me by Mr. Christopher Hughes in Brussels, June 16th", 1828." j. s. Vols. I., II., VII., XIII., XVI., XVII. lack some numbers. 666 COURIER du Bas-Rhin. Half calf . 2 vols. 4 N. P. 1776-77 667 COURS Elementaire et Progressif de Dessin. Elegantly ex ecuted. 105 nos. 4 Paris, 1840 668 COUSIN, Victor. Course of the History of Modern Philoso phy. Translated by O. W. Wight. Cloth. 2 vols. ,8 New York, 1852 669 Fragments Philosophiques. 3 e Ed. Paper. 2 vols. S Paris, 1838 670 Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prus sia. Translated by Sarah Austin. Cloth. 18 New York, 1835 671 COVENTRY Mysteries. Ludus Coventriae. A Collection of Mysteries formerly represented in Coventry on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. 8 London, 1841 672 COWPER, William. Private Correspondence with several of his most Intimate Friends; now first published from the Originals. Boards. 12 Boston, 1824 673 Poems ; with a Brief Account of his Life. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1802 674 COXE, Daniel. A Description of the English Province of Car- olana, by the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French La Louisiana, as also of the Great and Famous River Mescha- cebe, or Missisipi, the Five Vast Navigable Lakes of Fresh Water, and the Parts adjacent. With an Account of the Commodities of the Province, and Considerations on the Consequences of the French making Settlements there. 2d Ed. With curious old Map. Sheep. 8 London, 1726 44 Catalogue of the Library 675 COXE, Tench. A View of the United States, in a Series of Papers written between 1787 and 1794. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1794 676 COXE. William. Espana bajo el Rein ado de la Casa de Bourbon. Traducida al Espafiol con ]S T otas, y un Apendice, por J. de Salas y Quiroga. Paper. 4 vols. 16 Madrid, 1846-47 677 L Espagne sous les Rois de la Maison de Bourbon. Trad, en Franais, avec des Notes et des Additions, par An dres Muriel. Half calf . 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1827 678 Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough, with his Original Correspondence ; collected from the Family Records at Blenheim, etc. ; with Portraits, Maps, and Military Plans. 2d Ed. Boards. 6 vols. 8, and with Atlas 4 London, 1820 679 CRABB, George. English Synonymes Explained, in Alpha betical Order ; with Examples. 2d Edition. Half turkey morocco. 8 London. 1818 680 Poems. Calf. 12 Philadelphia, 1808 681 CRAFTS, William. A Selection, in Prose and Poetry, from his Miscellaneous Writings. With a Memoir of his Life. Half cloth. 8 Charleston, 1828 682 CRKSAP, Michael. Biographical Sketch of his Life. Half morocco. 12 Cumberland, Md.: For the Author, by J. M. Buchanan, 1826 683 CREVECCEUR, Hector St., John de.] Voyage dans la Haute Pennsylvania, et dans 1 Etat de New- York, par un Membre Adoptif de la Nation Oneida. Trad nit et publie par 1 Au- teur des Lettres d un Cultivateur Americain. Map and plates. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1801 " Though called a translation this is believed to be an original work by M. de Crevecojur, whose initials only appear at the end of a very neat dedication to Washington." Stevens. Briefe eines Americaiiischen Landsmann in den Jah- . ren 1770 bis 1781. 3 vols. 16 Leipzig, 1788-89 Haz itt called the original " One of the few well-written books produced by American authors." 684 CRITICAL Researches in Philology and Geography. Hoards. 8 Glasgow, 1824 685 CRITICISMS on the Rolliad. Part I. 8th Ed. Covers and frontispiece wanting. 8 London, 1788 686 CROMBIE, Alexander. An Essay on Philosophical Necessity. Sheep. 8 London, 179*3 687 CROZET, M. Nouveau Voyage a la Mer du Sud. Calf. 8 Paris, 1783 688 CRUDEN, A. Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament. Added, a Life of the Author, by Alexander Chalmers. Calf. 4 London, 1810 689 CRUMMELL, Alexander. The Future of Africa ; being Ad dresses, Sermons, etc., delivered in Liberia. 2d Ed. Cloth. 12 New York, 1862 of Jared Sparks. 45 690 CUBI Y SOLER, M. Gramatica de la Lengua Castellana. Sheep. 18 Baltimore, 1824 691 New Spanish Grammar. 2d Ed. Half calf . 12 Baltimore, 1825 692 La Frenolojia i sus Glorias. Lecciones, ilustradas con Profusion de Autenticos Retratos. Paper. pp. 1160. 8 Barcelona, 1853 693 Traductor Espanol ; a New System for translating Spanish. Sheep. 12 Baltimore, 1826 694 Le Traducteur Frangois ; a New System for trans lating French. Paper. 1 2" Baltimore, 1826 695 Traductor Ingles, 6 Sistema para aprender a tradu- cir la Lengua Inglesa. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1840 696 CUMBERLAND, Richard. Memoirs, by himself. Sheep. 12 New York, 1806 697 GUMMING 8, Preston. A Dictionary of Congregational Usages and Principles. Stereotype Edition. Enlarged. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1853 698 CURTIUS RUFUS, Q. The Life and Death of Alexander the Great, in Ten Books. A little defaced. Old calf. 16 London, 1670 699 CUR WEN, Samuel. Journal and Letters of a Loyalist-Refugee in England, during the American Revolution. With Notices of many Loyalists, etc., by G. A. Ward. Cloth. 8 New York, 1842 700 Same. 3d Ed. Cloth. 8 New York, 1845 701 GUSHING, Abel. Historical Letters on the First Charter of Massachusetts Government. Half cloth. 18 Boston, 1839 702 GUSHING, Caleb. The History and Present State of New- buryport. With the author s autograph. Half cloth. 12 Newburyport, 1826 703 Reminiscences of Spain ; the Country, its People, History, and Monuments. Half cloth. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1833 704 GUSHING, Mrs. Caroline W.] Letters Descriptive of Public Monuments, Scenery, and Manners in France and Spain. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 Neivburyport, 1832 Printed for private distribution. 705 CUSTIS, George Washington. Pocahontas, or the Settlers of Virginia, a National Drama, in Three Acts. Half turkey morocco. 12 Philadelphia, 1830 Presentation copy. 706 CUTTER, William. The Life of Israel Putnam, Major- Gen eral in the Army of the American Revolution. Cloth. 12 New York, 1847 707 CCVIER, G. Essay on the Theory of the Earth. With Mineralogical Notes [etc.]. By Profess or Jameson. 3d Ed., with Additions. Calf. 8 Edinburgh, 1817 4<6 Catalogue of the Library 708 TjTl ALL, Mrs. C. H. " Woman s Right to Labor." Cloth. W 16 Boston, 1860 709 DALRYMPLE, Sir John.] The Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. Half calf, neat. pp. 60. 8 London, 1775 " Said to have been written by Sir John Dalrymple, and printed at the public expense to be distributed in America, to cooperate with a late conciliatory resolution of ihe House of Commons. It is replete with expressions of tender affection for the colonies, and paints the measures and intentions of the gov ernment in the softest and most pleasing colors." Monthly Review. 710 DAMPMARTIN, A. H. La France sou? ses Rois ; Essai His- torique sur les Causes qui ont prepare et consomme la Chute des Trois Premieres Dynasties. Half morocco. 5 vols. 8 Lyon, 1810 711 Same. Paper. 5 vols. 8 Lyon, 1810 712 DANA, Mrs. Mary S. B. Letters chiefly in reply to Argu ments in support of the Doctrine of the Trinity. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1845 713 DANA, Richard H. Poems. Half cloth. 18 Boston, 1827 714 DANA, Richard H., Jr. To Cuba and Back. A Vacation Voyage. Cloth. 12 Boston. 1859 715 DANTE, Alighieri. Opera Poetiche, con Note di Diversi. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Parigi, 1836 716 DANVERS. Account of the Centennial Celebration, June 16th, 1852, with the Proceedings of the Town in relation to the Donation of George Peabody. Cloth. 8 N. p. 1852 717 DARBY, William. The Emigrant s Guide to the Western and Southwestern States and Territories. Sheep. Map of the U. S. 8 New York, 1818 718 Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana. Half morocco. 8 Philadelphia, 1816 719 View of the United States, Historical, Geographical, and Statistical. Half morocco. Maps, etc. 18 Philadelphia, 1828 720 DAR1EN. A JUST AND MODEST VINDICATION of the Scots Design For the having Established a Colony at Darien. With a Brief Display, how much it is their Interest, to apply them selves to Trade, and particularly to that which is Foreign. Calf. 15 prel. leaves and 214 pp. 8 N. p. 1699 Fine copy, with the autograph of Mr. Sparks. 721 DARIEN. A DEFENCE OF THE SCOTS SETTLEMENT AT DARIEN. With An Answer to the Spanish Memorial against it. And Arguments to prove that it is the Interest of Eng land to join with the Scots, and protect it. To which is added a Description of the Country, and a Particular Account of the Scots Colony. Half morocco. Neat. 4 I., pp. 86. 8 Edinburgh, 1699 Almost everything that relates to the Scotch Settlement at Darien is very scarce, and all is interesting. of Jared Sparks. 4-7 722 DARLINGTON, William. Memorials of John Bartram and Humphry Marshall ; with Notices of their Botanical Con temporaries. With Illustrations. Cloth. 8 Phila., 1849 723 BAKU, Le Comte P. A. N. B. Histoire de la Republique de Venise. 2 e Ed., corrigee. Half calf . 8 voh. f Paris. 1821 724 DAUNOU, Pierre Claude Francois. Cours d Etudes Histor- iques. Paper. With a general index. 20 vols. 8 Paris, 1842-49 725 DAVENPORT, R. A. Commonplace Book of Epigrams. l% Edinburgh. 1825 726 DAVIDSON, Lucretia M. Amir Khan and other Poems. With a Biographical Sketch by S. F. B. Morse. Half calf. 12 New York. 1829 727 DAVIDSON. L. M. Poetical Remains collected by her Mother, with a Biography. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1841 728 DAVIS, Emerson. The Half Century ; or a History of Changes and Events, chiefly in the United States, between 1800 and 1850. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1851 729 DAVIS, Matthew L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr; with Miscel laneous Selections from his Correspondence. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1836-37 730 DAWSON, Henry B. The Assault on Stony Point by General Anthony Wayne, July 16, 1779. Map, Facsimiles, and Notes. Only 250 copies printed. 4 Morrisania, 1863 Forms Part XI. of Dawson s " Gleanings from the Harvest Field of American History." 731 Battles of the United States by Sea and Land; em bracing those of the Revolutionary and Indian Wars, the War of 1812, and the Mexican War; with Important Official Documents. With numerous Engravings from Paintings by Alonzo Chappel. Unbound. 2 vols. in 40 parts. 4 New York, N. D. 732 DAY, Sherman. Historical Collections of the State of Penn sylvania, containing a Copious Selection of the most Interest ing Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities, both General and Local, with Topographical Descriptions of every County, and all the Larger Towns in the State. Sheep. 165 Engravings. 8 Philadelphia, N. D. 733 DAY, Thomas. Reflexions upon the Present State of Eng land, and the Independence of America. 2d Edition. Half calf. 8 London, 1782 734 DEANE, James. Ichnographs from the Sandstone of Con necticut River. 46 Plates. 4 Boston, 1861 735 DEANE, Samuel. History of Scituate, Massachusetts, from its First Settlement to 1831. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1831 736 DEANE, Silas. An Address to the Free and Independent Citizens of the United States. Morocco, pp. 30. Stnatt 8 Hartford, 1784 4-8 Catalogue of the Library 737 DEANE, Silas. Memorial of the Heirs of Silas Deane, formerly Political and Commercial Agent in Europe, and one of the Ambassadors of the United States in France, in the Revolu tionary War. Half turkey morocco. No title-page. 8 N. P. [1835] 738 Papers in relation to the Case of Silas Deane. Now first published from the Original Manuscripts. Half turkey morocco. 8 Philadelphia, 1855 7SSa Same. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1855 739 Paris Papers ; or Mr. Silas Deane s late Intercepted Letters to his Brothers and other Intimate Friends in Amer ica. To which are annexed for Comparison the Congres sional Declaration of Independence in July, 1776, and that now inculcating among the Revolted Provinces, with the never-to-be-forgotten Orders of tlie Rebel General in August, 1776, for preventing a Pacification. Half calf \ neat. 16 New York,y. D. " Very rare." j. s. The two Declarations are printed face to face, numbering 11 pages each. 740 DEARBORN, Nathaniel. Boston Notions ; an Authentic and Concise Account of "that Village," from 1630 to 1847. Morocco. 18 Boston, 1848 741 DE BRAHM, John Gerar William. History of the Province of Georgia, with Maps of Original Surveys. Cloth. Folio. Wormsloe, 1849 Presented by the Editor, George Wyrnberley-Jones, with his autograph. 742 DE KAY, James E. Anniversary Address on the Progress of the Natural Sciences in the United States. Boards. 8 New York, 1826 743 DELACROIX, J. V. Constitutions des Principaux Etats de 1 Europe, et des Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique. Calf. 6 vols. 8 Paris 1791-1801 744 DELAFIELD, John, Jr. Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiqui ties of America. With " A View of the Causes of the Supe riority of the Men of the Northern over those of the Southern Hemisphere." By James Lakey. Cloth. Plates. 4 New York, 1839 745 DELAPLAINE, Joseph. Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished American Characters. Vol. I., Parts 1 and 2. Boards. 4 Philadelphia, 1815-17 Only three parts, according to Rich, were ever published. The present volume contains twelve lives and portraits. 746 DELAVIGNE, A. Manuel Complet des Aspirants au Bacca- laureat es-Lettres. Paper. 18 Paris, 1828 747 DELAWARE. LAWS of the State of Delaware, 1700-1813, published by Authority. Sheep. 5 vols. 8 New Castle, Wilmington, Dover, 1797-1820 748 The Delaware Register and Farmer s Magazine, Feb. 1838-Jan. 1839. Half sheep. 2 vols 8 Dover, 1838-39 of Jared Sparks. 49 749 DE LOLME, J. L. The Constitution of England. 5th Ed. Calf. 8 Dublin, 1785 750 Same. Paper. 2 vols. 24 London, 1820 751 DEMOCRATIC Age, The. Edited by C. E. Lester. Nos. 1-4. Unbound. 8 New York, 1858-59 752 DEMOSTHENES. The Orations of Demosthenes. Translated by Th. Leland. New Ed. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1814 753 DENTON, Daniel. A Brief Description of New York, with the Places adjoining. Likewise the Customs of the Indians there. New Edition, with Notes, by Gabriel Furman. Cloth. 8 New York, 1845 " Go wan 1 s Bibliotheca Americana, No. 1." 754 DEPERTHES, J. L. H. S.] Le Guide de 1 Histoire ; continue par Nee de la Rochelle. Naif calf. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1803 755 DEPONS, F. A Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra Firma, or the Spanish Main, during 1801-04. Translated from the French. Boards. 3 vols. 8 New York, 1806 756 DESIGNS AND PORTRAITS. A collection of fine steel engrav ings for vignettes, etc. Half morocco. 757 DETAIL, THE, AND CONDUCT, of the American War, under Generals Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and Vice Admiral Lord Howe, with a State of the whole of the Evidence given before a Committee of the House of Commons ; and the Celebrated Fugitive Pieces, which are said to have given Rise to that Important Enquiry. The whole exhibiting a Circumstantial, Connected, and Complete History of the Real Causes, Rise, Progress, and Present State of the American Rebellion. The Third Edition. Half calf . 190 pp. 8 London, by Richardson fy Urquhart, 1780 The very considerable additions to this third edition are indicated in the table of contents. This is no doubt an interesting and important collection of Papers, but the compiler has managed to twist them to conform to his own views. The work was highly commended by the Monthly Review." But Mr. Sparks has written on the fly-leaf the following more just estimate of it: u lt is the prin cipal object of this collection of papers to attack and injure the characters of Sir William Howe, Lord Howe, and General Burgoyne. Facts are every where distorted, opinions are perverted by prejudice and a vindictive spirit, " ofte " every e and a vindictive the representations are extravagant and often false." 758 DEW, Thomas R. Lectures on the Restrictive System, de livered at William and Mary College. Half cloth. 8 Richmond, 1829 759 DEWEES, Capt. Samuel. A History of his Life and Services. Written in part from Manuscript, and compiled by John Smith Hanna. Sheep. 12 Baltimore, 1844 760 DEWEY, O. The Old World and the New. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1836 761 DE WITT, Cornells. Thomas Jefferson, Etude Historique sur la Democratic Americaine. 8 Paris, 1861 This originally appeared as a series of articles in the " Revue des Deux Mondes." .50 Catalogue of the Library 762 DEXTER, Samuel, Reminiscences of, originally written for the Boston Evening Transcript. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1857 763 DICKENS, C. Master Humphrey s Clock. Paper. 3 voh. 16 Leipzig, 1846 764 DICKINSON, John. Political Writings of John Dickinson, late President of the State of Delaware, and of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Wilmington, 1801 765 DICTIONNAIRE de 1 Academic Franchise, augmente par 1 Aca demic elle-meme. Cinquieme Edition. Half calf . 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1822 766 DINSMOOR, Robert. Incidental Poems, with Letters, and a Sketch of the Author s Life. Half doth. 12 Haverhill, 1828 767 DIODORUS Siculus. Historical Library. To which are added the Fragments of Diodorus. Translated by G. Booth. Boards. " 2 voh. 8 London, 1814 768 DISNEY, John. Memoirs of Arthur Ashley Sykes. Half calf. 8 London, 1785 769 D ISRAEL, L. S. Talmudic Maxims translated. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1848 770 DISRAELI, B. Coningsby, or the New Generation. Half cloth. 3 vols. 12 London, 1844 771 DITSON, George Leighton. Circassia, or a Tour to the Cau casus. Cloth. 8 New York, 1850 772 Dix, William Giles. Pompeii and other Poems. Boards. 16 Boston, 1848 773 ] Wreck of the Glide ; with an Account of Life and Manners at the Fiji Islands. Boards. 12 Boston, 1846 774 DOANE, George W. Songs by the way, chiefly Devotional. Boards. 12 New York, 1824 775 DODD, William. Beauties of Shakspeare. Boards. 24 London, 1818 776 DODDRIDGE, Rev. Dr. Joseph. Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars, of the Western Parts of Virginia & Penn sylvania, 1763 until the Year 1783 inclusive. Together with a View, of the State of Society and Manners of the First Set tlers of the Western Country. With autograph of Mr. Sparks. Sheep. SCARCE. 12 Wellsburgh. Va.,for the Author,^ 1824 777 DODDRIDGE, Philip. The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. With an Essay, by J. Foster. Cloth. 12 N. Y. 1835 778 DODSLEY, R. A Collection of Poems by Several Hands. 5th Ed. Calf. 6 vols. 8 London, 1758 773 a THE ANNUAL REGISTER. Or a View of History, Politicks, and Literature, 1758-1780. Calf. 23 vols. 8 London, 1762-80 There are also duplicates of the 7 volumes from 1775 to 1781; in half calf. 7785 [Continued from 1781 to 1800 ; wanting only the volumes for 1790 and 1792.] Calf. 20 vols. 8 London, 1782-1810 of (Tared Sparks. 51 77 Sc DODSLEY, R. THE ANNUAL REGISTER. A General Index from 1758 to 1792. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1783-99 779 DORRINGTON, Theophilus. A Familiar Guide to the Right and Profitable Receiving of the Lord s Supper. Wherein also the Way and Method of our Salvation is briefly and plainly Declar d. The Seventh Edition. Sheep. Tliree prel. leaves, and 114 pp. I Q Boston : Re-Printed by J. FRANKLIN, for .Eleazer Phillips at Charlestoivn, 1718 780 DOUGLAS, William. A Summary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, Progressive Improvement, and Present State of the British Settlements in North America. Calf. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1755 781 DRAKE, Benjamin. Life and Adventures of Black Hawk ; with Sketches of Keokuk, the Sac and Fox Indians, and the late Black Hawk War. Cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1838 782 DRAKE, Daniel. Systematic Treatise, Historical, Etiological, and Practical, of the Principal Diseases of the Interior Val ley of North America, as they appear in the Caucasian, Afri can, Indian, and Esquimaux Varieties of its Population. Sheep. 8 Cincinnati, 1850 782 Same. Edited by S. H. and F. G. Smith. 2d Series. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1854 783 Natural and Statistical View, or Picture of Cincin nati and the Miami Country, illustrated by Maps. With Ob servations on the late Earthquakes, the Aurora Borealis, and South-West Wind. Boards. 12 Ci?icinnati, 1815 784 DRAKE, Joseph Rodman, and HALLECK, Fitz Greene. The Croakers. First Complete Edition. Paper. 8 New York: Bradford Club, 1860 One hundred copies printed. 785 DRAKE, Samuel G. The Book of the Indians ; or Biography and History of the Indians of North America. 8th Ed. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1841 786 History and Antiquities of Boston. Half turkey morocco. Large 8 Boston, 1856 787 The Old Indian Chronicle : a Collection of Exceed ing Rare Tracts published in the Time of King Philip s War, by Persons residing in the Country. Cloth. 18 Boston, 1836 788 Tragedies of the Wilderness; or True and Authentic Narratives of Captives carried away by the Indians from the various Frontier Settlements. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1846 789 DRAYTON, John. Memoirs of the American Revolution, from its Commencement to 1776 ; as relating to South Carolina, and occasionally referring to North Carolina and Georgia. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Charleston, 1821 Fisher s copy, half morocco, sold for $16.00; Morrell s, $22 00; Rice s, $24.50. 790 View of South Carolina, as respects her Natural and Civil Concerns. Half morocco. Scarce. 8 Charleston, 1802 Sold, Rice, $12-25. 52 Catalogue of the Library 791 DREW, Samuel. Original Essay on the Immateriality and Immortality of the Human Soul. 4th Ed. Boards. 8 London, 1819 792 DROWN, S. De Witt. Record and Historical View of Peoria, from the Discovery by the French Jesuit Missionaries. Half doth. 16 Peoria, III. 1850 793 DROZ, Joseph. Histoire du Regne de Louis XVI., pendant les Annes ou Ton pouvait prevenir ou diriger la Revolution Frangaise. Paper. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1839-42 794 DRUMMOND, Sir W. Origines ; or Remarks on the Origin of several Empires, States, and Cities. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1824-25 795 DRUMMOND, William, of Hawthornden. Poems, with Life by Peter Cunningham. Calf gilt. 16 London, 1833 796 DUANE, William. Military Dictionary. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1810 797 Du DEFFAND, Marquise. Lettres a Horace Walpole. Let- tres a Voltaire. Nouvelle Edition, augmentee des Extraits des Lettres d Horace Walpole. Half calf . 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1824 798 Du MARSAIS, C. C. Logique, et Principes de Grammaire. Calf. 8 Paris, 1769 799 DUMAS, Le Lieut. Gen. Comte M. Souvenirs de 1770 a 1836. Paper. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1839 800 Du MESNIL, Marie. Memoires sur le Prince le Brun, Due de Paisance. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1828 With the author s autograph. 801 DUNCAN, John M. Reply to Dr. Miller s Letter to a Gentle man of Baltimore, in reference to the Case of Rev. Mr. Duncan. Boards. 12 Baltimore, 1826 802 DUNLAP, William. History of the New Netherlands, Prov ince and State of New York, to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. Half cloth. With Portrait and Map. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1839-40 803 History of New York, for Schools. Cloth. 2 vols. 18 New York, 1837 804 Du PONCEAU, Peter S. Dissertation on the Nature and Ex tent of the Jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States. With a Brief Sketch of the National Judiciary Powers exer cised in the United States prior to the Adoption of the Fed eral Constitution, by Thomas Sergeant. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 805 DUPONT, Pierre-Samuel. Le Pacte de Famille et les Con ventions Subsequentes, entre la France et 1 Espagne. Half calf. 8 N. P., 1790 806 DUPONT DE NEMOURS, P. S. Lettre a la Chambre du Com merce de Normandie, sur le Memoire relativement au Traite de Commerce avec PAngleterre. Paper. 8 Rouen, 1788 of Jared Sparks. 53 807 DUVEYRTER, Ch. Histoire des Premiers Electeurs de Paris en 1789. Paper. 8 Paris, 1828 808 DUYCKINCK, Evert A.] Memorial of John Allan. Paper. 8 New York: Bradford Club, 1864 809 E. A. and G. L. Cyclopaedia of American Litera ture. Cloth.- 2 vols. imp. 8 New York, 1855 810 DWIGHT, H. E. Travels in the North of Germany. Half doth. 8 New York, 1829 811 DWIGHT, Theodore. The Character of Thomas Jefferson, as exhibited in his own Writings. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1839 812 History of the Hartford Convention. Cloth. 8 New York, 1833 813 DWIGHT, Timothy. Remarks on the Review of Inchinquin s Letters in the Quarterly Review. Half calf . 8 Boston, 1815 814 Travels in New England and New York. Sheep. 4 vols. 8 New Haven, 1821-22 An autograph letter of the author inserted. 815 DYER, George. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Robert Robinson. Half calf . 8 London, 1796 816 ATON, Cyrus. Annals of the Town of Warren ; with the Early History of St. George s, Broad Bay, and the Neighboring Settlements on the Waldo Patent. Cloth. 12 Hallowell, 1851 817 ECKFELDT, Jacob R., and Du Bois, William E. A Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations, struck within the Past Century. With Recent Statistics of the Production and Coinage of Gold and Silver in the World, and Useful Tables. Numerous Engravings of Coins. Cloth. 4 Philadelphia, 1842 818 EDDIS, William. Letters from America, Historical and De scriptive ; comprising Occurrences from 1769 to 1777. Sheep. 8 London, 1792 819 EDEN, William. Four Letters to the Earl of Carlisle. On certain Perversions of Political Reasoning, etc. Half calf. Small 8 London, 1780 820 EDGE-HILL, or the Family of the Fitzroyals ; a Novel. By a Virginian. Vol.11. Half cloth. 12 Richmond, 1828 821 EDINBURGH Encyclopaedia. Conducted by David Brewster. Boards. 18 vols. 4 Philadelphia, 1832 822 EDINBURGH Gazetteer. 9 nos. imperfect. 8 Edinburgh, 1818-22 823 EDINBURGH Review, The ; or Critical Journal. Halfrussia. 55 vols. 8 New York and Edinburgh, 1813-32 The Edinburgh Edition begins with Vol. XV. 824 Same. 1842, 44-59, inclusive. Unbound. 8 Edinburgh, 1842-59 825 General Index, from its Commencement in Oct., 1802, to Vol. XX., in Nov., 1812. Boards. 8 New York, 1816 5^ Catalogue of the Library 826 EDSON, Theodore. Memoir of Warren Colburn. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1856 827 EDWARDS, Richard, and HOPEWELL, M. Great West and her Commercial Metropolis, Embracing a Complete liistory of St. Louis. Cloth. 8 St. Louis, N. D. 828 EIGHTY Years Progress of the United States, from the Rev olutionary War to the Great Rebellion. By Eminent Lit erary Men. To which are annexed Articles on Canada. Morocco. 8 New York, 1864 829 EIKON Basilike. The Pourtraiture of His Sacred Majestic in his Solitudes and Sufferings. Old calf. RARE. 24 1648 With: A Perfect Copie of Prayers used by His Majestie in the Time of his Sufferings. Also a Copie of a Letter from the Prince, [pp. 10.] Printed Anno Domini 1649. " King Charles was beheaded in January, 1648. This is probably the first edi tion. This, however, is uncertain, because many editions were printed in the first \ear." j. s. Laing says, that " had the work appeared a week sooner it might have preserved the King." 830 ELEGANT Extracts. Originally compiled by the Rev. Vices- imus Knox. A New Edition prepared by James G. Percival. Cloth. .Engravings. 6 vols. 8 Boston, 1842 831 ELIOT, John. A Biographical Dictionary of the First Set tlers, and other Eminent Characters among the Magistrates, Ministers, Literary and Worthy Men in New-England. Sheep. 8 Salem, 1809 832 ELIOT, Samuel. Manual of United States History. From 1452 to 1850. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1856 833 ] Passages from the History of Liberty. Boards. 1Q Boston, 1847 834 ELIOT, S. A. A Sketch of the History of Harvard College and of its Present State. Boards. 16 Boston, 1848 835 ] Observations on the Bible, for Young Persons. Cloth. ~ 12 Boston, 1842 836 ELIOT, W. H.] Description of the Tremont House. 4 Boston, 1830 837 ELIZABETH. A DECLARATION of the Cavses mooving the Qveene of England to giue aide to the Defence of the People afflicted and oppressed in the Lowe Countries. Title and 20 pp. 4 London, Imprinted by Christopher Barker. With : An Addition to The Declaration : Tovching the Slavn- ders published of Her Maiestie. 6 pp. London : by Christopher Barker, 1585 " This remarkable Declaration by Queen Elizabeth fully justifies by precedent the part taken by France in aiding the American Colonies at the time of their Revolution." j. s. 838 ELLET, Mrs. Elizabeth F. Domestic History of the Ameri can Revolution. Cloth. 16 New York, 1850 839 The Women of the American Revolution. Cloth. 3 vols. 12 -New York, 1848-50 of (Tared Sparks. 55 840 ELLIOT, Ebenezer. The Splendid Village, Corn-Law Rhymes, and other Poems. Cloth. 16 London, 1834-35 841 ELLIOT, Jonathan. The Debates, Resolutions, and other Proceedings in Convention, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. Collected and revised from Contemporary Publications. Half cloth. vols. 8 Washington, 1827-30 842 EMERSON, Frederick. The North American Arithmetic. Half cloth. 12 Boston, 1829 843 EMERSON, R. W.] Nature. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1836 844 EMERY, Samuel Hopkins. The Ministry of Taunton. with Incidental Notices of other Professions. Cloth. 2 vols. W Boston, 1853 845 EMLYN, Thomas. Works, Containing A Collection of Tracts, and Sermons. With Memoirs of the Author. 4th Ed. Old calf. Portrait. 3 vols. 8 London, 1746 846 EMMONS, William. The Battle of Bunker Hill, an Historical Poem in Four Cantos. 6th Ed. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1856 847 EMORY, W. H. Notes of a Military Reconnaissance from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to San Diego in California. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1848 848 ENCYCLOPEDIA Americana. Edited by Francis Lieber, as sisted by E. Wigglesworth. Cloth. 13 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1830-35 849 ENDICOTT, Charles M. Memoir of John Endecott, First Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Being also a Succinct Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colony, from 1628 to 1665. Cloth. 4 Salem, 1847 850 ENFIELD, William. The History of Philosophy from the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Present Century. Calf. 2 vols. 4 London, 1791 851 ENGEL, Samuel.] Essai sur cette Question : Quand et com ment PAmerique a-t-elle ete peuplee d Hommes et d Ani- maux? Calf. 5 vols. in 4. 12 Amsterdam, 1767 " Engel maintains in this book that before the deluge the waters were not so abundant as they are now, and that the two hemispheres, not being so widely separated, the passage from the old world to the new was easier." Biog. Univer. 852 Me moires et Observations Geographiques et Cri tiques sur la Situation des Pays Septentrionaux de 1 Asie et de PAmerique. Half calf. 4 Lausanne, 1765 853 ENGLISH Grammar, A Short Introduction to. With Critical Notes. Cloth. 18 London, 1789 854 ENGLISH Grammar, The First Principles of, in Verse. 8 London, 1767 855 ENGLISH Language, A New Grammar .of the. Half sheep. 18 Boston, 1834 856 Same. Half morocco. 12 Boston, 1834 857 ENGLISH Language, Five tracts on the. Cloth. 12. 1. An Abstract of English Grammar and Rhetoric. In a New Method. By D. Turner. London, 1739 56 Catalogue of the Library 2. An Account of the Trial of the Letter Y alias Y. By Thomas Edwards. London, 1753 3. Observations upon the English Language. London, N. D. 858 ENGLISH Language, Eight tracts on the. Boards. 8. 1. Two Grammatical Essays. 1. On a Barbarism in the English Language in a Letter to Dr. S. 2. The Necessity of Grammatical Knowledge to a Right Interpretation of the Scriptures. London, 1768 2. Animadversions upon [Kames s] Elements of Criticism; with an Appendix en Scoticism. By J. Elphinston. London, 1771 3. Elements of the Grammar of the English Language. By C. Coote. pp. 282. London, 1788 4. Dictionary of the English Language. By H. Croft. London, 1788 859 ENGLISH Minstrelsy ; a Selection of Fugitive Poetry from the Best English Authors. Calf. 2 vols. 16 Edinburgh, 1810 From the Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood, with his autograph. 860 ENSAYO Politico. El Sistema Colombiano, Popular, Electivo, y Representative, es el que mas conviene a la America In- dependiente. Half sheep. 8 Nueva-York, 1823 861 ENTICK, John. The General History of the Late War in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Vol. I. (of five). Half sheep, worn. 8 London, 1763 862 EPICTETUS. Enchiridion, with Simplicius his Commentary. Half sheep. 8 No title-page or date. 863 Works, translated by Elizabeth Carter. 3d Ed. Sheep. 2 vols. 12 London, 1768 864 EPISTOL^E Ecclesiasticae Praastantium ac Eruditorum Viro- rum. Vellum. Folio. Amstelcedami, 1704 865 ERNESTI, J. A. Elements of Interpretation, translated with Notes by Moses Stuart. Boards. 12 Andover, 1822 866 ERRO, Juan Bautista DE. The Alphabet of the Primitive Language of Spain, and a Philosophical Examination of the Antiquity and Civilization of the Basque People. Half cloth. 8 Boston, 1829 867 ESPANOL Constitncional, El, 6 Miscelanea de Politica, Cien- cias y Artes, Literatura, etc. Periodico Mensual. (Vol. I., 3d Ed.) Half calf. 4 vols. 8 Londres, 1820 868 ESTAING, Comte D . Extrait du Journal d un Officier de la Marine de 1 Escadre de M. le Comte d Estaing. Half calf. 8 N. P. 1782 869 ESTRADES V Comte D . Lettres, Memoires, et Negotiations. Nouvelle Edition, dans laquelle on a retabli tout ce qui avoit ete supprime dans les Precedentes. Sheep. 9 vols. 12 Londres, 1743 870 EUTROPIUS. Historic Romanae Breviarium. Calf. 8 Londini, 1716 871 EVANS, Hugh D. An Essay on Pleading, with a View to an Improved System. Law calf. 8 Baltimore, 1827 872 EVERETT, A. H.] America. By a Citizen of the United States. Half calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 An autograph letter of the author inserted. of Jared Sparks. 5J 873 EVERETT, A. H.] Europe; or A General Survey of the Present Situation of the Principal Powers, with Conjectures on their Future Prospects. By a Citizen of the United States. 8 Boston, 1822 874 New Ideas on Population ; with Remarks on the The ories of Malthus and Godwin. 2d Ed. Boards. 8 Bost. 1826 With the autograph of Edward Everett. 875 EVERETT, Edward. A Defence of Christianity against the Work of George B. English. Calf. 12 Boston, 1814 876 The Life of George Washington, prepared for the " Encyclopedia Britannica." Cloth. 12 New York, 1860 Presented by the author, with his autograph. 877 EXILES in Virginia : with Observations on the Conduct of the Society of Friends during the Revolutionary War ; compris ing the Official Papers of the Government relating to that Period, 1777-78. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1848 878 EXPEDIENCY, The, of securing our American Colonies by settling the Country adjoining the River Missisippi, and the Country upon the Ohio. Half morocco, neat. 12 Edinburgh, 1763 879 EXPOSITION of the Weakness and Inefficiency of the Gov ernment of the United States. Half cloth. 12 N. P. 1845 880 EXTRACTS from the Proceedings of the High Court of Vice- Admiralty in Charleston. South Carolina, upon Six several Informations adjudged by the Honourable Egerton Leigh, Esq., Sole Judge of that Court, and his Majesty s Attorney- General in the said Province, in 1767 and 1768. With Ex planatory Remarks, Copies of Two Extraordinary Oaths, and Observations on American Custom-House Officers and Courts of Vice- Admiralty. Half turkey morocco. Large 8 Charlestown, [1768 ?] 881 -4JWABRICIUS, J. A. Bibliotheca Latina aucta Diligentia & J. A.Ernesti. Half calf . 3 vols. 8 Lipsia, 1773-74 882 FAIRCHILD, J. H. Farewell Address to the Payson Church. Cloth. pp. 63. 16 Boston, 1858 883 . Remarkable Incidents in the Life of Rev. J. H. Fairchild. With a Portrait. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1855 884 FALCONER, Thomas. On the Discovery of the Mississippi, and on South Western Oregon, and the North Western Boundary of the United States. With a Translation from the original Ms. of Memoirs, etc., relating to the Discovery of the Mississippi, by Robert Cavelier de LA SALLE, and the Chevalier Henry de Tonty. Cloth. 12 London,^ 1844 885 FANNING, Nathaniel. Memoirs of the Life of Captain N. Fanning, an American Navy Officer, who served during part of the American Revolution under Com. John Paul Jones. Sheep. 12 New York, 1808 58 Catalogue of the Library 886 FARLEY, Stephen. Discourses and Essays on Theological and Speculative Topics. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1851 887 FARMER, Hugh. A Dissertation on Miracles. 3d Ed. Calf. 12 London, 1810 888 An Essay on the Demoniacs of the New Testament. 2d Ed. Calf. 12 London, 1805 889 An Inquiry into the Nature and Design of Christ s Temptation in the Wilderness. 4th Ed. Calf. 12 London, 1805 890 FARMER, John. A Genealogical Register of the First Set tlers of New England ; containing an Alphabetical List of the Governours, Deputy-Governours, Assistants or Counsellors, and Ministers of the Gospel in the several Colonies, from 1620 to 1692, &c. With Genealogical and Biographical Notes, collected from Ancient Records, etc. Half cloth. 8 Lancaster, Mass. 1829 891 FARMER S Monthly Visitor. Vols. XII. and XIII. complete. Unbound. 8 Manchester. N. H. 1852-53 892 FEARN, John. Anti-Tooke ; or an Analysis of the Principles and Structure of Language, Exemplified in the English Tongue. Boards. 8 London, 1824 893 FEDERALIST, The, on the New Constitution, written in 1788, by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay ; with the Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, on the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793. Sheep. 8 Hallowell, Me. 1826 894 FELLOWES, Robert. A Picture of Christian Philosophy. 4th Ed. Sheep. 8 London, 1803 895 FELLOWS, John. The Veil Removed ; or Reflections on David Humphrey s Essay on the Life of Israel Putnam. Cloth. 12 New York, 1843 896 Another copy. Cloth. 12 New York, 1843 897 FELT, Joseph B. An Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency. Illustrated. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1839 898 FELTON, J. B. The Horse-Shoe, a Poem. Boards. pp. 29. 12 Boston, 1849 899 FENELON, F. de S. de la M. The Adventures of Telemachus, in French and English. Sheep. 2 vols. 12 London, 1787 900 Selections from his Writings, with a Memoir of his Life, by Mrs. E. L. Follen. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1831 901 FERGUSON, Adam. An Essay on the History of Civil Society. 7th Ed. Calf. 8 Boston, 1809 902 FERMIN, Philippe. Description Generale, Historique, Geo- graphique et Physique de la Colonie de Surinam. Plates and map. Calf. 2 vols in 1. 8 Amsterdam, 17,69 903 FEBRAND, A. F. C., Comte. L Esprit de 1 Histoire. 6 e Ed. Half calf. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1826 904 FERRER DEL Rio, A. Historia del Reinado de Carlos III. en Espaila. Paper. 4 vols. 8 Madrid, 1856 of Jared Sparks. 59 905 FIELDING, Thomas. Select Proverbs of all Nations. Mo rocco. 18 London, 1824 906 FILANGIERI, G. GEuvres, traduites de 1 Italien. Nouvelle Edition, accompagnee d une Commentaire par M. Benjamin Constant. Half calf . 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1822 907 FILSON, John. The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucke ; and an Essay towards the Topography and Natural History of that Important Country. With, The Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, one of the First Settlers ; The Minutes of the PiankashaAv Council, held at Post St. Vincents, April 15, 1784; An Account of the Indian Nations within the United States. Half morocco, neat. Rare. 8 Wilmington, James Adams, 1784 Sold, Morrell, $14.00. The Map mentioned on the title-page never was pub lished. 908 FINDLEY, William. History of the Insurrection in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, in the Year 1794. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1796 Sold, Roche, $14.25; Fisher, $12.50; uncut, $19.50; Rice, $22.00. 909 FISHER, P. The Angler s Souvenir. Engravings. Half turkey morocco. 12 London, 1835 910 FITCH, Gov. THOMAS.] REASONS why The British Colonies, in America, Should not be charged with Internal Taxes, by Authority of Parliament ; Humbly offered For Consideration, In Behalf of the Colony of Connecticut. Half morocco. SCARCE. pp. 39. New Haven, M DCC LXIV With Mr. Sparks s autograph on the title, and on the last page this note in his hand: " For a notice of this Pamphlet see Pitkins s History of the United States, I. 165; and lugersoll s Letters, p. 2." 911 FLANDERS, Henry. The Lives and Times of the Chief Jus tices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1855-58 912 FLASSAN, Le Comte G. DE R. DE. Histoire de la Diplomatic Franchise, on de la Politique de la France, depuis la Fonda- tion de la Monarchic jusqu a la Fin du Regne de Louis XVI. 2 e Ed. Half calf. 7 vols. 8 Paris. 1811 913 FLEMING, A. Lessons in Geography and Astronomy on the Globes. Half morocco. 12 Boston, 1844 914 FLINT, Timothy. A Condensed Geography and History of the Western States, or the Mississippi Valley. Vol. II. Half cloth. 8 Cincinnati, 1828 915 Biographical Memoir of Daniel Booue, the First Settler of Kentucky. With Incidents in the Early Annals of the Country. Half cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1833 916 Indian Wars of the West; containing Biographical Sketches of those Pioneers who headed the Western Settlers in repelling the Attacks of the Savages. Sheep. 12 Cincinnati, 1830 60 Catalogue of the Library 917 FLORID A-BLANC A, J. MONINO, Conde DE. Representation hecha al Senor Rey D. Carlos III., en 10 de Octubre de 1788. Half calf. 16 Madrid, 1829 " Printed at Madrid 1829 for private circulation." J. s. 918 FLORUS, L. A. Rerum Romanorum Epitome. Ed. 3 a . Calf. 8 Londoni, 1727 919 FLUGEL, J. G. Complete Dictionary of English and Ger man and German and English. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Leipsic, 1830 920 A Practical Dictionary. Part L, English and Ger man ; Part II., German and English. Half calf \ 8 Leipsic and Hamburg, 184752 921 Praktisches Handbuch der Englischen Correspon ded. Half sheep. 8 Leipzig, 1827 922 Praktisches Handbuch der Englischen Sprache. Boards. 8 Leipzig, 1826 923 The Selector, or a Choice Collection of Miscellane ous Pieces, in Prose and Poetry, from the Best English Writers. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Leipsic, 1827 924 Vollstandige Englische Sprachlehre. Boards. 16 Leipzig, 1824 925 FEDERALIST, The : a Collection of Essays in Favor of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Fcederal Convention, Sept. 17, 1787. Reprinted from the Original Text. With an Historical Introduction and Notes, by Henry B. Dawson. Vol. L Cloth. 8 New York, 1863 926 FOLLEN, Charles. A Practical Grammar of German. 3d Ed. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1834 927 FOLSOM, George. History of Saco and Biddeford ; with Notices of other Early Settlements, and of the Proprietary Governments in Maine. Boards. 12 Saco, 1830 928 Another copy. 12 Saco. 1830 929 FONTENELLE, B. LE B. DE. CEuvres, precedees d une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages. Portrait. Half calf. 5 vols. 8 Paris, 1825 930 FOOTE, William Henry. Sketches of North Carolina, His torical and Biographical. Cloth. 8 New York, 1846 931 FORBES, John. The Physiological Effects of Alcoholic Drinks. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1848 932 FORCE, Peter. The National Calendar. For 1821, 29, 33, 35. Half morocco. 4 vols. 12 Washington, 1821-35 933 Tracts relating to the Origin, Settlement and Prog ress of the Colonies in North America, from the Discovery of the Country to 1776. Half cloth. 4 vols. 8 Washington, 1836-46 934 FORCELLINI, E., and FACCIOLATI, J. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, edidit, Anglicam Interpretationem in locum Italica3 substituit, et Gesneri Indicem Etymologicum adjecit J. Bailey. Calf. 2 vols. 4 Londini, 1828 of Jared Sparks. 61 035 FORSTER, Anthony. Sermons, chiefly of a Practical Nature, to which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author s Life. Sheep. 8 Raleigh, 1821 936 Another copy. Calf. 8 Raleigh, 1821 937 FOSTER, John. Essays, in a Series of Letters. 5th Ed. Calf. 8 London, 1813 938 FOSTER, J. W., and WHITNEY, J. D. Report on the Geology and Topography of a Portion of the Lake Superior Land District in Michigan. Part I., Copper Lands. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1850 939 FOTHERGILL, A. An Address to the King and Parliament of Great Britain, on Preserving the Lives of the Inhabitants. 3d Ed. Boards. 8 London, 1783 940 FOUR Old Plays : Three Interludes Thersites, Jack Jugler, and Heywood s Pardoner and Frere and Jocasta, a Trag edy. By Gascoigne and Kin wel marsh. With an Introduc tion and Notes [by Francis J. Child"]. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1848 941 FOWLER, William C. English Grammar. The English Language in its Elements and Forms. With a History of its Origin and Development. Cloth. 8 New York, 1850 942 Memorials of the Chaunceys, including President Chauncey, his Ancestors and Descendants. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1858 943 Fox, Charles J. History of the Early Part of the Reign of James II. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1808 944 Fox, Ebenezer. Adventures in the Revolutionary War. 18 Boston, 1847 945 FOY, M. Sebastien. Discqurs, precedes d une Notice Bio- graphic[ue, par Tissot, d un Eloge, par Etienne, et d un Essai sur 1 Eloquence Politique en France, par Jay. 2 e Ed. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1826 946 Histoire de la Guerre de la Peninsule sous Napo leon ; precedee d un Tableau Politique et Militaire des Puis sances Belligerantes. Paper. 4 vols. 18 Bruxelles, [1827] 947 FRANCE, La, considered sous le Rapport de la Geographic Physique et Politique. Paper. 24 Paris, 1828 948 FRANCIS, J. W. Old New York ; or Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years. Cloth. 12 New York, 1858 949 FRANCIS, John W., Jr. A Memorial of his Life and Charac ter. Morocco, gilt. 8 New York, 1855 950 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. A Book for the Young and the Old. Cloth. 16 Cambridge, 1852 951 Two other copies. Cloth. 16 Cambridge, 1852 952 A Collection of the Familiar Letters and Miscellane ous Papers of Benjamin Franklin. 12 Boston, 1833 953 Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals. Half calf. 3 vols. 8 London, 1806 62 Catalogue of the Library 954 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Correspondance Inedite et Secrete, depuis 1 Annee 1753, jusqu en 1790. Publiee pour la pre miere Fois en France, avec des Notes, Additions, etc. Paper. 2 voh. 8 Paris, 1817 955 ] A DISSERTATION ON LIBERTY AND NECESSITY, Pleasure and Pain. Half calf. 8 London, 1725 This pamphlet was " written by Franklin when he was nineteen years old." ,T. f . " This is a facsimile reprint by Char es Whittingham, London, from the original edition in the possession of Henry Stevens, Esq., G. M. B., Vermont House, 49 Camden Square, London." Mr. Stevens reprinted an edition of only 25 copies, the above being the only one he has permitted to go out of his hands. 956 - Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia, in America. To which are added Letters and Papers on Philosophical Subjects. Half calf. 4 London, 1769 957 Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Ben jamin Franklin. 12 London, 1833 958 An Historical Review of the Constitution and Gov ernment of Pennsylvania. 8 London, 1759 959 ] The Interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guada- loupe. To which are added Observations concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc. Half mo rocco, pp. 47. The last page is slightly defective. 8 London, 1760 Appended to this is a pamphlet of 7 pages, without title-page, called: "Re marks on a late Protest agaiust the Appointment of Mr. Franklin as an Agent for this Province." 960 Life and Writings. By Jared Sparks. 10 voh. 8 Boston, 1836 961 The Life of Benjamin Franklin, including a Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the War of Independence, and of the Various Negotiations at Paris for Peace ; with the History of his Political and other Writings. Half cloth. 12 London, 1826 962 Memoirs written by Himself, and continued to his Death by his Grandson, William Temple Franklin; com prising his Private Correspondence. 6 voh. 8 London, 1818-19 963 Memoirs, written by Himself, and continued by his Grandson and others. Sheep. 2 voh. 8 Philadelphia, 1834 964 Miscelanea de Economia, Politica, y Moral, ex- tractada de las Obras de Benjamin Franklin, y precedida de una Noticia sobre su Vida. Traducida del Frances por R. Mangino. Half turkey morocco. 2 voh. 18 Paris, 1825 965 CEtivres, etc. Traduites de 1 Anglois sur la 4 e Ed. Par M. Barbeu Dubourg. Avec des Additions Nouvelles, et des Figures en Taille Douce. Calf. 2 voh. 4 Paris, 1773 966 Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces. of Jared Sparks. 63 Now first collected, with Explanatory Plates, Notes, and an Index to the Whole. Half cloth. 8 London, 1779 967 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. La Science du Bonhomme Richard, precedee d un Abrege de la Vie de Franklin, et suivie de son Interrogatoire devant la Chambre des Communes. Half calf. 16 Paris, I An II 968 ] The same. 2 e Edition, exactement seinblable a la Premiere. Half calf . 12 Philadelphie et Paris, 1778 This volume also contains: Franklin s Examination before the English Parlia ment, in Feb. 1766; the Constitution of Pennsylvania, as established in July 1776 ; and the examination of Mr. Penn before Parliament in Nov. 1776. 969 ] SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THE REV. MR. HEMPHiLL ; with a Vindication of his Sermons. The Second Edition. 16 Philadelphia, Printed and sold by B. FRANKLIN, 1735 Also: A LETTER TO A FRIEND IN THE COUNTRY, Contain ing the Substance of a Sermon Preached at Philadelphia, in the Congregation of The Rev. Mr. Hemphill, Concerning the Terms of Christian and Ministerial Communion. pp. 40. 16 Printed and sold by B. FRANKLIN, at the new Printing- Office near the Market, Philadelphia, 1735 Neatly bound in one volume, half calf. These pamphlets are confidently ascribed to Franklin by Mr. Sparks, who says of them: "I have never seen or heard of another copy, nor have I ever seen their titles in any catalogue of books." See also Sparks Franklin, p. 125. 970 Vie de Benjamin Franklin, ecrite par Lui-meme. Traduite de 1 Anglais, avec des Notes, par J. Castera. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1798? 971 The Way to Wealth, or Poor Richard improved. Half calf. Fine Portrait of Franklin. 16 Paris, 1795 With a translation into French; a letter of Franklin, and a French version of it; an original French letter of his to Madame * *; Dialogue entre la Goutte et Franklin; Vers sur le meme sujet; Avis a ceux qui voudroient aller s etablir en Amerique ; Epitaphe de Franklin. 972 Works. Calf. 2 vols. 12 London, 1793 973 Works. Calf. 24 London, 1809 974 Works on Philosophy, Politics, and Morals. Duane s Edition. 6 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1809-17 975 The same. 1809-18 976 Works, containing several Political and Historical Tracts not included in any Former Edition, and many Letters, Official and Private, not hitherto published ; with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By Jarecl Sparks. Half turkey morocco. 10 vols. 8 Boston, 1840 976 Same. Cloth. Large paper. 10 vols. 8 Boston, 1840 977 Memorial of the Inauguration of the Statue of Frank lin. Cloth. (3 copies.} 8 Boston, 1857 978 Same. Large paper. Cloth. 4 Boston, 1857 979 FREE, John. An Essay towards an History of the English Tongue. Half calf . 8 London, 1788 64 Catalogue of the Library 980 FREE Thoughts on Despotic and Free Governments, as con nected with the Happiness of the Governor and the Gov erned. Half sheep. 8 London, 1781 981 FREEMAN, James. Sermons and Charges. New Edition. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1832 982 Sermons on Particular Occasions. 3d Ed. Boards. 12 Boston, 1821 983 FREMONT, J. C. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North Califor nia in 1843-44. Unbound. 8 Washington, 1845 984 FRENCH, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana, embrac ing many Rare and Valuable Documents, relating to its Natural, Civil, and Political History. Cloth. 3 vols. 8 New York, 1846-51 985 Historical Memoirs of Louisiana, to the Departure of Gov. O Reilly in 1770. With Notes, forming the Fifth of the Historical Collections. Cloth. 8 New York, 1853 986 FRENCH CLAIMS. To the People of the United States. Paper. 8 Philadelphia, 1807 A statement of the transactions of the American Commissioners at Paris, under the Convention of April 1803, for the settlement of claims by American citi zens for spoliations by the French Government. 987 FREY, Joseph Samuel C. F. A Hebrew Grammar in Eng lish. Half calf. 8 London, N. D. 988 FRISBIE, Levi. A Collection of his Miscellaneous Writings, with Notices of his Life. By Andrews Norton. Boards. 8 Boston, 1823 989 FROBISHER, MARTIN. DE MARTINI FORBISSERI ANGLI NAVIGATIONS IN REGIONES OCCIDENTIS ET SEPTENTRIONIS Narratio Historica, ex Gallico Sermone in Latinum translata per D. Joan. Tho. Freigivm. Fine copy in morocco. 44 leaves. 1 6 \_Colophon~] Noribergce imprimebatur, in Officina Catharince Gerlachin S$ Hceredum lohannis Montani, Anno cio ic xxc With a wood-cut : "Pictvra vel Delineatio Hominvm nvper Ex Anglia advec- torum una cum eorum armis tentoriis, & naviculis." The original drawing in water colors of this cut, representing a man, wife, and child, probably by John White, afterwards Governor of Virginia, is now preserved in the Granville Library in the British Museum. 990 FROGER, T. RELATION OF A VOYAGE in 1695, 1696, 1697 on the Coasts of Africa, Streights of Magellan, Brasil, Cayenna, and the Antilles, by a Squadron of French Men of War, under the command of M. de Gennes. Illustrated with divers Strange Figures drawn to the life. Wanting the engraved frontispiece. Calf. Small 8 London, 1698 991 FROST, Mrs. J. Blakeslee. The Rebellion in the United States; or the War of 1861 ; a Complete History of its Rise and Progress. Taken from Documents. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Hartford, 1862-63 992 FROTHINGHAM, Nathaniel L. Sermons in the Order of a Twelvemonth. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1852 of Jared Sparks. 65 993 FROTHIXGHAM, Richard. Life and Times of Joseph War ren. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1865 Tbis and the next presented by the author, with his autograph. 994 A Tribute to Thomas Starr King. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1865 995 History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill. Also an Account of the Bunker Hill Monument. With Documents and Maps. Cloth. Large 12 Boston, 1849 996 FRY, Elizabeth. Observations on the Visiting, Superintend ence and Government of Female Prisoners. Boards. 12 London, 1827 997 FUNES, Gregorio. Ensayo de la Historia Civil del Paraguay, Buenos- Ay res, y Tucuman. 3 vols. Paper. 4 Buenos- Ayr es, 1816 998 FURNESS, William H. Jesus and his Biographers ; or the Remarks on the Four Gospels revised, with Copious Addi tions. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1838 999 Remarks on the Four Gospels. Cloth. 12 Phil. 1836 1000 /f^AGE, Thomas. Nouvelle Relation, contenant ses Voyages dans la Nouvelle Espagne, traduit par le Sieur de Beaulieu Hues O Neil. 2 vols in one. Sheep. 18 Paris, 1676 1001 GAILLARD, G. H. Histoire de la Rivalite de la France et de 1 Angleterre. Half calf. 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1818 1002 GALIGNANI S New Paris Guide, loth Ed. Paper. 16 Paris, 1827 1003 Same. For 1857. Morocco. 16 Paris, 1857 1004 GALLATIN, A. The Right of the United States of America to the North-Eastern Boundary claimed by them. With an Appendix and Eight Maps. Half doth. 8 New York, 1840 1005 GALLERY of Illustrious Americans, containing the Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Twenty-Four of the most Eminent Citizens of the American Republic since the Death of Washington. Cloth. Folio. New York, 1850 1006 GALLOWAY, Joseph.] A Candid Examination of the Mu tual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies ; with a Plan of Accommodation on Constitutional Principles. Not com mon. London, 1780 1007 Examination before the House of Commons, in a Committee on the American Papers. With Notes. Half calf. 8 London, 1779 1008 Same. Edited by Thomas Balch. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1855 1009 GANILH, Charles. An Inquiry into the Various Systems of Political Economy. Translated from the French, by D. Boileau. Half calf . 8 New York, 1812 66 Catalogue of the Library 1010 GANG, John. Biographical Memoirs. Written principally by Himself. Boards. 12 New York, 1806 1011 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Histoire de la Conquete de la Floride, ou Relation de ce qui s est passe dans la Decouverte de ce Pays par Fernand de Soto. Traduit en Francois par P. Richelet. Calf. 12 Paris, 1711 " The 1st Edition of this translation was published in 1670." J. s. 1012 Geschichte der Eroberung von Florida, aus dem Spanischen in die Franzosische, und aus dieser in die Teutsche Sprache uebersetzet von Meier. Boards. 12 Zelle, 1753 1013 Histoire des Yncas, Rois du Perou ; traduite par Jean Baudoin. Old calf. 2 vols. 18 Amsterdam, 1704-15 1014 GARDEN, Alexander. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America, with Sketches of Characters of Persons the most distinguished, in the Southern States, for Civil and Military Services. Boards. Rare. 8 Charleston, 1822 1015 Anecdotes of the American Revolution. 2d Se ries. Half cloth. Rare. 12 Charleston, 1828 1016 GARDEN, Le Comte DE. Histoire Generale des Traites de Paix et autres Transactions Principales entre toutes les Puissances de 1 Europe, depuis la Paix de Westphalie ; Ou- vrage comprenant les Travaux de Koch, Schoell, etc. ; en- tierement refondus et continues jusqu a ce Jour. 1-12, turkey morocco ; 13. 14, paper. 14 vols. 8 Paris, N. D. 1017 Traite Complet de Diplomatic, ou Theorie Generale des Relations Exterieures des Puissances de 1 Europe. Half turkey morocco. 3 vols. Paris, 1833 1018 G[ARDERA], F. B. Le Lecteur Fran9ais de la Jeunesse. Half morocco. 12 Northampton, 1826 1019 GARLAND, Hugh A. The Life of John Randolph of Roa- noke. Cloth. With 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1850 1020 GARNEAU, F. X. Histoire du Canada, depuis sa Decouverte jusqu a nos Jours. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Quebec, 1845-46 1021 The Same. 3 e Edition, corrigee. Paper. 3 vols. 8 Quebec, 1859 1022 GARNER, John. Le Nouveau Dictionnaire Universe], Fran- c,ois-Anglois. Sheep. 2 vols. 4 Rouen, An X. 1802 1023 GARRARD, Lewis H. Chambersburg in the Colony and the Revolution. A Sketch. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1856 1024 GAY, John. Fables. Sheep. 24 Paris, 1800 1025 GAYARRE, Charles. Histoire de la Louisiana. Vol. I. Paper. 8 Nouvelle Orleans, 1846 1026 Louisiana: its History as a French Colony. 3d Series of Lectures. Cloth. 8 New York, 1852 1027 GAZETA de Colombia. [From Sept. 6, 1821, to Dec. 28, 1823.] Half sheep. Scarce. Cucuta and Bogota. The first 12 Nos. were published at Cucuta, in 4, the rest (called " Gaceta de Colombia ") at Bogota, in folio. of Jared Sparks. 67 1028 GEE, Joshua. The Trade and Navigation of Great Britain considered ; New Edition, with Interesting Additions by a Merchant. Calf. 12 London, 1767 1029 GELLIUS, Aulus. The Attic Nights. Translated by W. Beloe. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 London, 1795 1030 GENERAL Index to the Bills, Reports, Accounts, and other Papers, printed by Order of the House of Commons : 1801-26. Paper. Folio. \_London~], 1829 1031 GENERAL Repository and Review, The. Half russia. 4 vols. 8 Cambridge, 1812-13 1032 GENET, E. C. Memorial on the Upward Forces of Fluids, and their Applicability to several Arts, Sciences, and Pub lic Improvements. Boards. 8 Albany, 1825 1033 GENEVA. The Doctrine of the Church of Geneva illus trated, in a Series of Sermons preached by the Modern Divines of that City. Edited by J. S. Pons. Boards. 8 London, 1825 1034 GEORGIA Historical Society. Collections. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Savannah, 1840-42 1035 Documents. 8 Washington, 1827 1036 GERALDINE of Desmond; or Ireland in the Reign of Eliza beth. Boards. 3 vols. 12 London, 1829 1037 GETTY, J. A. The Art of Rhetoric. By J. Holmes. Added, Quintilian s Course of an Ancient Roman Educa tion, etc. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1849 1038 GIBBES, R. TV. Documentary History of the American Revolution, consisting of Letters and Papers relating to the Contest for Liberty, chiefly in South Carolina, in 1781 and 1782. From Originals in the Possession of the Editor, and from other Sources. Paper. 8 Columbia, S. C. 1853 1039 The Same. Cloth. 8 New York, 1855 1040 GIBBON, Edward. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Calf. 12 vols. 8 London, 1802 1041 - - Miscellaneous Works. With Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by himself. Calf. 3 vols. 8 Dublin, 1796 1042 GIBBS, George. Memoirs of the Administrations of Wash ington and John Adams, edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1846 1043 GILLIES, John. The History of Ancient Greece, its Colo nies and Conquests. 2d Amer. Ed. Sheep. 4 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1822 1044 OILMAN, D. C. A Historical Discourse in Norwich, Conn., Sept. 7. 1859. 2d Edition. Paper. 8 Boston, 1859 1045 GILMOR, Robert. Catalogue of a Collection of Autographs in his possession. Part I. Foreign Collection. Cloth. 16 Baltimore, N. D. 1046 GiRAULT-DuviviEB, C. P. Grammaire des Grammaires. 6 e Edition. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1827 68 Catalogue of the Library 1047 GLASS, Francis. A Life of George Washington, in Latin Prose. Cloth. 12 New York, 1835 The preface contains a very interesting account of the author of this curious book. 1048 GODMAN, John J. American Natural History. Vol. I. Part I. Mastology. Covers gone. 8 Philadelphia, 1862 1049 GOERTZ, Comte J. Memoire, on Precis Historique sur la Neutralite Armee et son Origine. Half calf . 8 Basle, 1801 1050 GOETHE, J. W. VON. Iphigenia in Tauris. A Drama. Translated by G. J. Adler. Boards. 12 New York, 1850 1051 Leiden des jungen Werthers. Half calf. 16 Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1795 1052 GOLDONI* Carlo. Opere. Vols. I.-XXXI., wanting vols. V., IX., XL, XX., XXL, XXIIL, XXIV. Paper. 24 vols. 16 Lucca, 1788-93 1053 GOLDSBOROUGH, Charles W. The United States Naval Chronicle. Vol. I. [all that was published]. Boards. 8 Washington City, 1824 1054 GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Essays, Poems, and Plays. Calf. 24 London, 1816 10540 Miscellaneous Works, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings. Boards. With Portrait. 4 vols. 8 Glasgow, 1816 1055 Miscellaneous Works. Edited by Washington Irving. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1830 10550 Roman History. 12 Philadelphia, 1826 1056 GOOD, J. M. The Book of Nature; to which is now pre fixed a Sketch of the Author s Life. Sheep. 8 New York, 1831 1057 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Alex. Geddes. Calf. 8 London, 1803 1058 GOODRICH, Charles A. A History of the United States of America. 5th Edition. Engravings. Sheep. 18 Bellows Falls, Vt. 1825 1059 Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Inde pendence. Half cloth. ^ 8 New York, 1829 1060 GOODRICH, Samuel G. Les Etats-Unis d Amerique. Aper9u Statistique, Historique, Geographique, Industriel, et Social. Paper. 8 Paris, 1852 10600 ] Lives of Celebrated American Indians. Cloth. 16 New York, 1844 1061 GOODWIN, Isaac. Town Officer, or Laws of Massachusetts relative to the Duties of Municipal Officers. Sheep. 18 Worcester, 1829 1062 GOODY Two Shoes. First Worcester Edition. 24 Worcester, 1787 1063 GORDON, Thomas F. Digest of the Laws of the United States. With Notes Explanatory and Historical. Calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 of Jared Sparks. 69 1064 GORDON, Thomas F. Gazetteer of the State of New Jersey. Map. Sheep. 8 Trenton, 1834 1065 Gazetteer of the State of New York. Map of the State, and of each County, Plans of the Cities, etc. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1836 1066 The History of America. Vol.11. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1831 1067 The History of Pennsylvania, from its Discovery by Europeans, to the Declaration of Independence, in 1776. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1829 1068 GORDON, William. The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States; including an Account of the Late War, and of the Thirteen Colonies, from their Origin to that Period. Calf, the bind ing of Vol. I. loose. 4 vols. 8 London, 1788 " The work is an immense collection of facts presented with great impartial ity." Prof. Smyth. 1069 GOSSON, Stephen. The School of Abuse. A Pleasant In vective against Poets, Pipers, Players, Gesters, &c. 8 London, 1841 1070 GOUDAR, L. Gramatica Italiana e Francese. Half sheep. 18 Geneva, 1803 1071 GOULD, David. Life of Robert Morris. With Extracts from his Speeches, illustrating his Biography, and the Early History of Finance, Banking, and Commerce in the United States. Cloth. 18 Boston, 1834 1072 GRJEC^E Grammatices Rudimenta ; in Usum Scholae Eton- ensis. Boards. 12 London, 1826 1073 GRATER, Francis. German and English Phrases and Dia logues. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1831 1074 GRAHAME, James. The History of the Rise and Progress of the United States of North America, till the British Rev olution in 1688. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1827 " Grahame has published the best book that has anywhere appeared in the history of the United States." North Amer. Review. 1075 The History of the United States of North Amer ica, from the Plantation of the British Colonies till their Revolt and Declaration of Independence. Cloth. vols. 8 London, W36 1076 GRAND-PIERRE, J. H. Quelques Mois de Sejour aux Etats- Unis d Amerique. Paper. 12 Paris, 1854 1077 A Parisian Pastor s Glance at America. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1854 1078 GRANT, Charles. A Poem on the Restoration of Learning in the East. Boards. 18 Georgetown, 1824 1079 GRATTAN, T. C.] High-Ways and By- Ways. 3d Series. Vol. II. Half cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1827 1080 GRAVES, George. British Ornithology ; being- the History, with a Coloured Representation of every Known Species of British Birds. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1811-13 70 Catalogue of the Library 1081 GRAVIER, Jacques. Relation ou Journal du Voyage clepuis le Pays des Illinois jusqu a 1 Embouchure du Mississipi. Cloth. pp. 68. 4 Nouvelle York, 1859 1082 GRAY, Asa. Genera Florae America Boreali-Orientalis illustrata. Vol. I. Cloth. Royal 8 Boston, 1848 1083 GRAY, F. C. Prison Discipline in America. Paper. 8 Boston, 1847 1084 GRAY, Thomas. The Bard ; with Illustrations from Draw ings by Mrs. J. Talbot. Cloth. 8 London, 1837 1085 Works ; with Memoir of his Life and Writings by W. Mason. Half turkey morocco. 2 vols. 4 London, 1814 1086 GRAYDON, Alexander.] Memoir of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania, within the Last Sixty Years. Sheep. 12 Harrisburgh, 1811 Graydon was a naval captain in the Revolutionary War. 1087 Memoirs of his Own Time, with Reminiscences of the Men and Events of the Revolution. Edited by J. S. Littell. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1846 1088 GREAT Britain. Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education. Paper. Folio. London, 1841 1088 Report from the Poor-Law Commissioners, on the Training of Pauper Children. With Appendices. Cloth. 8 London, 1841 1089 GREENE, George W. Biographical Studies. Cloth. 12 New York, 1860 1090 Historical View of the American Revolution. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1865 1091 GREENHOW, Robert. History of Oregon and California. 8 Boston, 1845 1092 Memoir, Historical and Political, on the Northwest Coast of North America, and the Adjacent Territories ; illustrated by a Map and a Geographical View of those Countries. By Robert Greenhow. Half calf . 8 Washington, 1840 1093 GREENLEAF, Moses. A Survey of the State of Maine in reference to its Geographical Features, Statistics, and Polit ical Economy; with Maps. Half russia. 8 Portland, 1829 1094 GREENWOOD, Francis William Pitt. A History of King s Chapel in Boston, the First Episcopal Church in New Eng land ; comprising Notices of the Introduction of Episcopacy into the Northern Colonies. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1833 1095 Miscellaneous Writings. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1846 1096 Sermons. Portrait. Cloth. (2 copies.) 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1844 1097 Sermons of Consolation. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1842 1098 GREENWOOD, James. An Essay towards a Practical Eng lish Grammar. 5th Ed. Calf. 12 London, 1753 of Jared Sparks. 7 1 1099 GREGOIRE, Abbe Henri. An Enquiry, concerning the In tellectual and Moral Faculties, and Literature of Negroes ; with an Account of the Life and Works of Fifteen Negroes and Mulattoes distinguished in Science, Literature, and the Arts. Translated by D. B. Warden. Naif sheep. 8 Brooklyn, 1810 1100 GRENVILLE, R. P. T. N. B. C., 2d Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. Memoirs of the Court and Cabinet of George III. From Original Family Documents. Portraits. Cloth. 4: vols. 8 London, 1853-55 1101 GRENVILLE Papers : Being the Correspondence of Richard Grenville Earl Temple, K. G., and the Right Hon. George Grenville, their Friends and Contemporaries. Edited, with Notes, by W. J. Smith. Cloth. 4 vols. 8 London, 1852 1102 GRIFFET, Le R. P. Henri., Traite des Differentes Sortes de Preuves qui servent a Etablir la Verite de 1 Histoire. Nouvelle Ed. augm. Calf. 12 Rouen,lll5 1103 GRIFFITH, William.] Historical Notes. Boards. 8 N. P. [1825] - " This book was never published. The author was W. Griffith of New Jer sey, whose death prevented the continuance of the work, and the completion of* this unfinished volume." J. s. " It has since been published, in 1843, with a title-page." J. s. An autograph Utter of W. Griffith, relating to the work, accompanies this volume. 1104 - Historical Notes of the American Colonies and Revolution, from 1754 to 1775. Half cloth. 8 Burlington, N. J. 1843 1105 GRISWOLD, Rufus W. The Prose Writers of America; with a Survey of the History, Condition and Prospects of American Literature. With Portraits from Original Pic tures. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1847 Presented by the Editor with his autograph. 1106 GROTIUS, Hugo. The Rights of War and Peace, including the Law of Nature and of Nations, from the Latin. With Notes from the Best Political and Legal Writers, by A. C. Campbell. Boards. 3 vols. 8 Pontefract, 1814 1107 GRYNJEUS, Simon.] Novvs ORBIS Regionvm ac In- svlarvm Veteribvs incognitarvm, una cum tabula cosmo- graphica, & aliquot alijs consimilis argumenti libellis .... Adiecta est hvic postremae Editioni Nauigatio Caroli Cae- saris auspicio in Comltijs Augustanis instituta. Folio. Basilea, 1537 A very valuable collection of voyages of the 15th and 16th centuries, of which the original accounts are hardly to be found. This is the third Latin edition, and contains one more piece than the other two, published at Basle and Paris, both in 1532. For a full description of the work see Harrisse s " Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima," p. 291, etc., and p. 357. i In the same volume : Notitia vtraqve cvm (Mentis tvm Occidentis vltra Arcadii Honoriiqve Cae- sarvm Tempora. Praecedit Alciati Libellus, De Magistratib % etc. With curious old wood -cuts. Folio. Halfrussia. Basilice, Fruben., 1552 7% Catalogue of the Library 1108 GUIDE to Northern Archaeology, edited by the Earl of Elles- mere. Paper. 8 London, 1848 1109 GUIDO, a Tale ; Sketches from History, and other Poems. By lanthe. Half cloth. 12 New York, 1828 1110 GUIZOT, Frangois Pierre Guillaume. Essais sur PHistoire de France. Paper. 8 Paris, 1833 1111 Essay on the Character and Influence of Washing ton in the Revolution of the United States. Translated. Paper. 16 Boston, 1840 1112 Same. 2d Edition. With Portrait of Washington from Houdoris Bust. Cloth. 16 Boston, and Camb. 1851 1113 Another copy. Cloth. 16 Boston, and Camb. 1851 1114 Histoire de la Civilisation en France. Paper. 5 vols. 8 Paris, 1829-32 1115 Histoire de la Civilisation en France. 2 e Edition. Paper. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1840 1116 Histoire de la Republique d Angleterre et de Cromwell (1649-58). Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1854 Presented by the author, with his autograph. 1117 Histoire de la Revolution d Angleterre, depuis 1 Avenement de Charles P r jusqu & la Restauration de Charles JI. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1826-27 1118 Histoire Generale de la Civilisation en Europe, depuis la Chute de 1 Empire Romain jusqu a la Revolution Frangaise. Paper., 8 Paris, 1828 1119 Same. 3 e Ed. Paper. 8 Paris, 1840 1120 Same. Translated. Cloth. 12 New York, 1840 1120a Histoire desOrigines du Gouvernement Represen- tatif en Europe. Half turkey mor. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1851 1121 GURLEY, Ralph R. Life of Jehudi Ashmun, late Colonial Agent in Liberia. With an Appendix. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1835 1122 Mission to England in behalf of the American Col onization Society. Cloth. 12 Washington, 1841 1123 GURNET, Joseph J. Observations on the Religious Pecul iarities of the Society of Friends. 2d Edition. Uncut. Boards. 8 London, 1824 1124 GUYOT, Arnold. The Earth and Man. Translated by C. C. Felton. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1849 "Hommage de 1 auteur." 1125 JCJ * * * * , Ze Comte D . Considerations Generates sur la JJJ Theorie de 1 Impot et des Dettes. Paper. 8 Paris, 1825 1126 HAKLUYT, RICHARD. THE PRINCIPAL NAVIGATIONS, VOYAGES, TRAFFIQVES, AND DISCOVERIES of the Eng lish Nation, made by sea or ouerland, to the remote and farthest distant Quarters of the Earth, at any time within of Jared Sparks. 73 the Compasse of these 1 600 Yeres : Diuided into three seuerall Volumes, according to the Positions of the Regions whereunto they were directed. Black Letter. Russia. Fine copy, but the running-title of a few leaves in Vol. 1. clipped. 3 vols. in 2. F London, George Bishop, Ralph Newberie, and Robert Barker, 1599-1600 1127 HALE, Salma. Annals of Keene, from its Settlement in 1734 to 1790. [Second Edition.] With Additions and a Continuation to 1815. Half morocco. 8 Keene, 1851 1128 HALES, J. Works of the ever Memorable Mr. John Hales of Eaton. Now first collected. 3 vols. 16 Glasgow, 1765 1129 HALIBURTON, Thomas C. An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. Map and Engravings. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Halifax, 1829 1130 HALKETT, John. Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America ; with Remarks on the Attempts made to convert and civilize them. Boards. 8 London, 1825 1131 HALL, Capt. in Howe s Regiment. ] The History of the Civil War in America. Vol. I. [all that was published]. Compre hending the Campaigns of 1775-77. 2d Edition. Boards. 8 London, 1780 1132 HALL, Capt. Basil. Travels in North America in the Years 1827 and 1828. Boards. 3 vols. 12 Edinburgh, 1829 1132 Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico. 2 vols. 12 Edinburgh, 1824 1133 HALL, Benjamin H.] A Collection of College Words and Customs. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1851 1134 History of Eastern Vermont, from its Earliest Set tlement to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. With a Biographical Chapter and Appendixes. Cloth. 8 New York, 1858 1135 HALL, Col. Francis. Colombia, its Present State in respect of Climate, Soil, Productions, Population. With an Orig inal Map, and Itineraries, partly from Spanish Surveys, partly from Actual Observation. Boards. 8 London, 1824 1136 HALL, H. Reports on Revolutionary Claims. Half sheep. 8 Washington, 1840-43 1137 HALL, James. A Memoir of the Public Services of William Henry Harrison. Cloth. 18 Philadelphia, 1836 1138 Legends of the West. Cloth. 12 New York, 1854 1139 HALL AM, Henry. The Constitutional History of England from the Accession of Henry VII. to the Death of George II. Half cloth. 3 vols. 8 Boston, 1829 1140 Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the XV., XVI., and XVIIth Centuries. Half calf. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1839 1141 View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 7th Edition. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1840 J4f Catalogue of the Library 1142 HAMILTON, Alexander. Works; comprising his most Im portant Official Reports ; an improved Edition of the Fed eralist ; On the New Constitution, written in 1788 ; and Pa- cificus on the Proclamation of Neutrality, written in 1793. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 New York, 1810 With portraits of Hamilton, Madison, and Jay. This edition contains some matter not included in the edition of 1851. 1143 Works; comprising his Correspondence, and his Political and Official Writings, exclusive of the Federalist. Published from the Original Manuscripts deposited in the Department of State, by Order of the Joint Library Com mittee of Congress. Edited by John C. Hamilton. Cloth. 7 vols. 8 New York, 1851 1144 HAMILTON, G. The English School, from the Days of Ho- f*rth to the Present Time. Engraved in Outline upon teel. Cloth. 4 vols. 12 London, 1831-32 1145 HAMILTON, John C. History of the Republic of the United States of America, as traced in the Writings of Alexander Hamilton and of his Cotemporaries. Cloth. 6 vols. 8 New York, 1857-60 1146 The Life of Alexander Hamilton. By his Son. Cloth. 2 vols., the 2d being of the 2d Ed. Scarce. 8 New York, 1834-41 1147 HAMILTON, Thomas.] Men and Manners in America. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1833 1148 HAMILTON, Sir William. Metaphysics, collected, arranged and abridged, by F. Bowen. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1861 1149 HAMMOND, Jabez D. The History of Political Parties in the State of New York, from the Ratification of the Federal Constitution to Dec. 1840. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Albany, 1842 1150 HARBY, Isaac. A Selection from his Miscellaneous Writ ings. With a Memoir of his Life, by A. Moise. Half cloth. 8 Charleston, 1829 1151 HARDIE, James. The New Universal Biographical Dic tionary, and American Remembrancer of Departed Merit. Sheep. Portraits. 4 vols. 8 New York, 1805 1152 HARDWICKE, R. Shilling House of Commons for 1858. Cloth. 24 London, N. D. 1153 HARDY, Francis. Memoirs of the Political and Private Life of James Caulfield, Earl of Charlemont, etc. Hand somely bound in calf. 2d Edition. 2 vols. 8 London, 1812 1154 HARPER S Ferry. Reports of the Majority and Minority of the Select Committee on the Harper s Ferry Invasion. Cloth. 8 I Washington, 1860] 1155 HARRING, Harro. Poland under the Dominion of Russia. From the German. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 1156 HARRINGTON, James. The Common- Wealth of Oceana. Dedicated to the Lord Protector. Old calf. 8 N. P. [1656] of Jared Sparks. J5 1157 HARRIS, James, 1st Earl of Malmesbury. Diaries and Cor respondence ; containing his Missions to the Courts of Madrid, Frederick the Great, Catherine IT. and the Hague ; and his Special Missions to Berlin, Brunswick, and the French Republic. Edited by his Grandson. Calf. 4 vols. 8 London, 1844 1158 HARRIS, James. Hermes, or a Philosophical Inquiry con cerning Vniversal Grammar. 6th Edition. Sheep. 8 London, 1806 1159 HARRIS, John. A Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1705 1160 HARRIS, Thaddeus Mason, D. D. Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe, Founder of the Colony of Georgia, in North America. Cloth. Portrait. 8 Boston, 1841 Presented by the author, with his autograph. 1161 The Natural History of the Bible. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1820 1162 HARRIS, Thaddeus William. A Treatise on some of the Insects of New England Injurious to Vegetation. Cloth. Engravings. 8 Cambridge, 1842 1162a Same. With richly colored engravings. 8 Boston, 1862 1163 HARRIS, William Thaddeus. Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Cambridge. With Notes. Half cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1845 1164 HARRISON, Gen. William Henry. Remarks on certain Charges made against him by the Republic of Colombia. Half calf. 8 Washington, 1830 With the autograph of Gen. Harrison, presented by him to Miss Silsbee, afterward Mrs. Sparks. Also: Discourse on the Aborigines of the Valley of the Ohio; in which the Opinions of the Conquest of that Valley by the Iroquois, or Six Nations, in the 17th Century are examined and contested. Half calf. 8 Cincinnati, 1738 1165 HARTLEY, David. Observations on Man. 4th Ed. 2 vols. To which is prefixed a Sketch of the Life and Character of Dr. Hartley. 3d Ed. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 London, 1801 1166 HARVARD Magazine, The. Vols. I.-IV., and Vol. V. No. 1. Unbound. 8 Cambridge, 1854-59 1167 HARVARD University. Astronomical Observatory. Ac count of the Great Comet of 1858, by G. P. Bond. Paper. 4 Cambridge, 1862 With 51 beautiful plates, representing the comet in different stages. 1168 - Annals. Vol. I. Part I. Cloth. 4 Camb. 1856 1169 A Catalogue of Standard, Polar, and Clock Stars, for the Reduction of Observations in Right Ascension. By T. H. Safford. Paper. 4 Cambridge, 1863 H70 - Results of Observations made under W. C. Bond. Zone Catalogue of 5500 Stars, between the Equator and 20 North Declination, observed during 1852 and 1853. Paper. 4 Cambridge, 1855 76 Catalogue of the Library 1171 HARVARD University. Law School. A Catalogue of the Students of Law from the Establishment of the School to the End of the 2d Term in 1851. Unbound. 12 Camb. 1851 1172 Laws of Harvard College, for the Use of the Stu dents. Half morocco. 8 Cambridge, 1814 1173, Library. Catalogue. 5 vols., and a duplicate of Vol. V.,the First Supplement. Half cloth. 8 Cambridge, 1830-34 1174 HASKINS, James. Poetical Works. Edited by H. Baldwin. Cloth. 12 Hartford, 1848 1175 HAUTEFEUILLE, L. Basile. Des Droits et des Devoirs des Nations Neutres en Temps de Guerre Maritime. Half turkey morocco. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1848-49 1176 HAUTERIVE, Le Comte D .] De 1 Etat de la France a la Fin de 1 An VIII. Boards. 8 Paris, 1800 1177 Faits, Calculs, et Observations sur la Depense d une des Gran des Administrations de 1 Etat a toutes les Epoques depuis la Regne de Louis XIV. jusqu en 1825. Paper. 8 Paris, 1828 1178 HAWKINS, Alfred. Picture of Quebec, with Historical Recollections. Turkey morocco. 12 Quebec, 1834 1179 HAWKS, F. L. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States of America. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1836 1180 Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, in 1852-54, under Com. M. C. Perry. With numerous Illustrations. Cloth. 8 New York, 1856 1181 HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. The House of the Seven Gables ; a Romance. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1851 1182 HAYDEN, Horace H. Geological Essays; or Inquiry into Geological Phenomena in America and elsewhere. Boards. 8 Q Baltimore, 1820 1183 HAYDN, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates. Cloth. 8 London, 1841 1184 HA YLEY, William. The Life of Milton. With Conjectures on the Origin of Paradise Lost. Calf. 8 Dublin, 1797 1185 HAYWARD, John. A Gazetteer of Massachusetts. Revised Edition. Half morocco. 12 Boston, 1849 1186 A Gazetteer of New Hampshire. Half morocco. 12 Boston, 1849 1187 A Gazetteer of the United States. With Statistical Tables and Map. Sheep. 8 Hartford, 1853 1188 HAZARD, Ebenezer. HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS; consist ing of State Papers and other Authentic Documents, in tended as Materials for an History of the United States. Half calf. 2 vols. 4 Philadelphia, 1792-94 Sold, Bice, $33.00. The second volume is scarce. 1189 HAZARD, Samuel. Annals of Pennsylvania, 1609-82. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1850 of Jared Sparks. 77 1190 HAZARD, Samuel. The Register of Pennsylvania. Devoted to the Preservation of Facts and Documents, respecting the State of Pennsylvania. Vol. I.-III. Half calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1828-29 " Emboctying a vast mass of information not to be found elsewhere." RICH. There should be 16 volumes. 1191 HAZELWOOD. Plans for the Government and Liberal In struction of Boys in Large Numbers ; as practised at Hazel- wood School. Boards. 8 London, 1825 1192 HAZLITT, William. Characters of Shakspeare s Plays. Calf. 12 Boston, 1818 1193 Lectures on the English Poets. Calf. 8 London, 1818 1194 Select British Poets. Half russia. 8 Lond. 1824 1195 HEAD, Sir E. W. " Shall " and " Will " ; Two Chapters on Future Auxiliary Verbs. 2d Ed. Cloth. 16 London, N. D. 1196 HEAD, Copt. F. B. Rough Notes, taken during some Rapid Journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. Boards, loose. 12* Boston, 1827 1197 HEATH, William. Memoirs, containing Anecdotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles, and other Military Events, during the American War. Written by Himself. Sheep, loose. 8 Boston, 1798 1198 HEBBE, G. C. Universal History. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1848 1199 HEDERICUS, B. Gragcum Lexicon Manuale. Ed. Nova. Calf. 4 Londini, 1816 1200 HEEREN, A. H. L. Historical Treatises: The Political Consequences of the Reformation. The Rise, Progress, and Practical Influence of Political Theories. The Rise and Growth of the Continental Interests of Great Britain. Translated from the German. Cloth. 8 Oxford, 1836 1201 Manuel Historique du Systeme Politique des Etats de 1 Europe. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1821 1202 History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies, from the Discovery of America to the Independ ence of the American Continent. Half cloth. 2 vols. 8 Northampton, 1829 1203 Manuel de 1 Histoire Ancienne. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1823 1204 Manual of Ancient History. From the German. Cloth. 8 Oxford, 1833 1205 Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece; translated by George Bancroft. Boards. 8 Boston, 1824 1206 Another copy. Boards. 8 Boston, 1824 1207 HEINE, W. Graphic Scenes in the Japan Expedition; 10 Plates and an Illustrated Title-Page. In Portfolio, half tur key morocco. New York, 1856 78 Catalogue of the Library 1208 HELMS, Antoine Zacharie. Voyage dans 1 Amerique Me ri- dionale, commenc.ant par Buenos-Ayres et Potosi, jusqu a Lima ; traduit de 1 Anglais par M. B. B. D. V. Paper. 8 Paris, 1812 1209 HEMANS, Mrs. Felicia. The League of the Alps, the Siege of Valencia, the Vespers of Palermo, and other Poems. Boards. 8 Boston, 1826 1209a - Complete Works. Sheep. Philadelphia, 1836 1210 HENING, William W. The Statutes at Large; being a Col lection of all the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature in the Year 1619. Sheep. 13 vols. 8 New York and Philadelphia, 1823 1211 HENNEPIN, Louis. NOUVELLE DECOUVERTE d un tres fraud Pays Situe dans 1 Amerique, entre Le Nouveau lexique, et La Mer Glaciale, avec les Cartes et les Figures necessaires, & de plus FHistoire Naturelle & Morale, et les avantages qu on en peut tirer par Fetiblissem. des Colon. Sheep. 12 Amsterdam, A. van Sommeren, 1698 First printed at Utrecht in 1697. This copy has no maps, but contains two en- gravmr- - -* ^ - . ^ T - Bshed. gravmgs, one of which is a view of the Falls of Niagara, the first ever pub- lit " 1212 HENRY, John Joseph. An Accurate and Interesting Ac count of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes, who traversed the Wilderness in the Campaign against Quebec, in 1775. Sheep. 12 Lancaster, 1812 1213 HENRY, Robert. The History of Great Britain, on a New Plan, 5th Edition. Calf. 12 vols. 8 London, 1814 1214 HENRY, T. C. An Inquiry into the Consistency of Popular Amusements with the Profession of Christianity. Boards. 12 Charleston, 1825 1215 HENTZ, Caroline Lee. Lovell s Folly. Cincinnati, 1833 1216 HERBERT, George. Life and Writings; with the Syna gogue, in imitation of Herbert. Morocco. 18 Lowell, 1834 1217 HERDER, J. G. VON. Idees sur la Philosophic de PHistoire de PHumanite. Ouvrage traduit de I Allemand, et precedee d une Introduction, par E. Quinet. Paper. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1834 1218 HERN DON, Wm. L., and GIBBON, Lardner. Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon. Maps. Cloth. 4 vols. 8 Washington, 1853-54 1219 HERODOTUS. Historiarum Libri IX. Ex Recensione J. Schweighaeuseri. Boards, uncut. 2 vols. 8 Londini, 1824 1219a Historiarum Libri IX. Latine, ex Versions J. Schweighaeuseri. Boards, uncut. 8 Londini, 1824 1220 Herodotus, translated, with Notes, by W. Beloe. 4th Edition. Boards. Map. 4 vols. 8 London, 1821 1221 History, translated by Isaac Littlebury. New Edi tion. Boards. 8 Oxford, 1824 of Jared Sparks. 79 1222 HERSCHEL, John F. W. A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy. Half cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1831 1223 HERTZBERG, E. F., Comte DE. QEuvres Politiques; pre- cedees d une Notice sur sa Personne. Half calf . 3 vols. 8 Berlin, 1795 1224 HERVEY, T. K. Illustrations of Modern Sculpture; En gravings, with Descriptive Prose and Illustrative Poetry. Unbound. Folio, London, 1832 1225 HESIODUS. Opera et Dies. Con L codici riscontrata, emendata la versione Latin a, aggiuntavi 1 Italiana in terza rime. Half calf . 4 Firenze, 1808 1225a Remains. Translated into Verse, by C. A. Elton. Boards. 1 2 London, 1812 1226 HE WATT, Alexander.] An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. Caff. 2 vols. 8 London, 1779 1227 HE WES, George R. T. Traits of the Tea Party ; being a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, one of the last of its Sur vivors ; with a History of that Transaction. By a Bostonian. Cloth. 18 Boston, 1835 1228 HIBBERT, Samuel. Sketches of the Philosophy of Appari tions ; an Attempt to trace such Illusions to their Physical Causes. Boards. 8 Edinburgh, 1825 1229 HILDRETH, S. P. Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the Pioneer Settlers of Ohio, with Occurrences in 1775. With A Journal of Occurrences which happened in the Circles of the Author s Personal Observation, in the Detach ment commanded by Col. Benedict Arnold, consisting of Two Battalions from the Army at Cambridge, Mass., in 1775. By Col. R. J. Meigs. Morocco. 8 Cincinnati, 1852. 1230 Original Contributions to the American Pioneer. Half cloth. " 8 Cincinnati, 1844 1231 HILL, F. S. The Memorial. 18 Boston, 1826 1232 HILLARD, George S. A Memoir of James Brown; with Obituary Notices and Tributes of Respect from Public Bodies. Portrait. Cloth. Privately printed. 8 Boston, 1856 1233 HILLIARD, Francis. The Elements of Law; being a Com prehensive Summary of American Civil Jurisprudence. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1835 1234 HILLIARD D AUBERTEUIL, M. Essais Historiques et Poli tiques sur les Anglo-Ainericains. Maps and Engravings. Calf. 2 vols. 8 Bruxelles, 1781-82 1235 HINKLEY, Edward. Tables of the Prime Numbers, and Prime Factors of the Composite Numbers, from 1 to 100,000. Cloth. 8 Baltimore, 1853 1236 HINMAN, Royal R. A Catalogue of the Names of the First Puritan Settlers of Connecticut, with the Time of their Ar- 80 Catalogue of the Library rival in the Colony, their Standing in Society, and| their Place of Residence. No. I. Half turkey morocco. 8 Hartford, 1846 1237 HINMAN, Royal R. A Historical Collection, from Official Records, Files, etc., of the Part sustained by Connecticut during the Revolution. Cloth. 8 Hartford, 1842 1237 a Another copy. 8 Hartford, 1842 1238 Letters from the English Kings and Queens Charles II., James II., William and Mary, Anne, George II., etc., to the Governors of Connecticut, with the Answers, from 1635 to 1749; and other Ancient and Curious Documents. Compiled from Records in the Office of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut. Cloth. 12 Hartford, 1833 1239 HINTS to my Countrymen. By an American. Half cloth. 12 New York, 1826 1240 HIRST, H. B. Endymion, a Tale of Greece. Boards. 16 Boston, 1848 1241 HISTOIRE de la Derniere Guerre, 1756-63. Half calf . 16 Cologne, 1770 1242 HISTORICAL and Descriptive Lessons. Half sheep. 18 Brattleboro , 1828 1243 HISTORICAL Magazine, The American, Vol. I. Nos. 1 to 6. Half turkey morocco. 8 [New Haven, ] Jan. to June, 1836 1244 HISTORICAL Magazine, and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America. 10 vols. with duplicates of Vol. I. No. 8, and II. 3 and 9. Un bound. 8 and small 4 Boston, and New York, 1857-66 1245 HISTORICAL Pamphlets, relating to America, 1783-95. Half calf. In one vol. 1. Considerations on the Provisional Treaty with America, and the Prelimina ry Articles of Peace with France and Spain. 8 London, 1783 2. Considerations on the Present State of the Intercourse between his Majesty s SUGAR COLONIES and the United States, pp. 54. 8 N. T. p. [1784] 3. Review of the Government and Grievances of the Province of QUEBEC, since the Conquest by the British Arms. pp. 111. 8 London, 1788 4. The Present State of MARYLAND. By the Delegates of the People, pp. 28. 8 London, 1787. 5. Vindication of Mr. RANDOLPH S Resignation, pp. 103. 80 Philadelphia, 1795 1246 HISTORICAL Pamphlets, relating to America. Collected by Mr. Sparks. Half calf. Uniformly bound in 6 vols. I. 1834-37. % pamphlets. 1. Observations relative^to the Execution of Major John ANDRE as a Spy, in 1780, correcting Errors and refuting False Imputations. By James THACHEK, M. D., who was Present at the Execution. From the N. E. Mag. 1834. 8 N. T. p. 2. History of the Battle of Breed s Hill, by Major-Generals William Heath, Henry Lee, James Wilkinson, and Henry Dearborn. Compiled by Charles COFFIN, pp. 36. 8 Poi-tland, 1835 3. A Discourse on the Private Life and Domestic Habits of William Penn. By J. Francis FISHER, pp. 40. 8<> Philadelphia, 1836 4. An Address in Commemoration of the Battle of Bunker Hill. By Alexan der H. EVERETT, pp. 71, (1). 8 Boston, 1836 of Jared Sparks. 81 6. Memoir on the History of the Treaty made by Penn with the Indians in 1682. By Peter S. Du PONCEAU and J. Francis FISHER. 8 Philadelphia, 1836 8. A Brief Account of Emissions of Paper Money made by the Colony of RHODE-ISLAND, pp. 48. 8 Providence. 1837 II. 3837-39. 7 pamphlets. 2. Historical Address in Dedham, Sept. 21, 1836, being Second Centennial An niversary of the Incorporation of the Town. By Samuel F. HAVEN. 80 Dedham, 1837 4. Historical Discourse in New Haven, April 25, 1838, the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Settlement or the Town and Colony. By James L. KINGSLEY. 8 New Haven. 1838 III. 1839-40. 10 pamphlets. 4. The Battle of Long Island. By Samuel WARD, Jr. Map. 80 New York, 1839 6. History of the First Church and Parish in Dedham, in Three Discourses, de livered on the Completion, Nov. 18, 1838, of the Second Century since the Gathering of said Church. By Alvan LAMSON, D. D. 8 Dedham, 1839 10. Discourse at Barnstable, Sept. 3, 1839. The Second Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Cape Cod. By J. G. PALFREY. 8 Boston, 1840 IV. 1841-43. 10 pamphlet*. 1. Oration at Charlestown, June 17, 1841, in Commemoration of the Battle of Bunker Hill. By G. E. ELLIS. 8 Boston, 1841 3. Discourse before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Feb. 21, 1842, on the Colonial History of the Eastern and some of the Southern Stares. Bv J. R. TYSON. 8 Philadelphia, 1842 4. The Social and Intellectual State of Pennsylvania, prior to 1743. By J. R. TYSON, pp. 23. 80 Philadelphia, 1843 5. Notice sur la Colonie de la Nouvelle Suede. Par H. TERNAUX-COJMPANS. pp. 29. With afac-simile of an ancient map. 8 Paris, 1843 6. Historical Sketch of Continental Paper Money. By Samuel BRECK. pp. 40. 80 Philadelphia, 1843 7. An Address at the Laying of the Corner-Stone of the Bunker Hill Monu ment, June 17, 1825. By Daniel WEBSTER. Boston, 1843 8. An Address at the Completion of the Bunker Hill Monument, June 17, 1843. By Daniel WEBSTER, pp. 20. 8 Boston, 1843 9. The Colonization and Subsequent History of New Jersey. By W. B. LAW RENCE. 80 Somerville, N. J. 1843 V. 1843-44. 9 pamphlets. 1. An Address to the People of Rhode Island, Newport, May 3, 1843. By W. G. GODDARD. 80 Providence, 1843 3. Charters and Legislative Documents illustrative of RHODE ISLAND History. 8 Providence, 1844 8. Memoir of Capt. Nathan HALE. 8 New Haven, 1844 9. Address before the N. Y. Historical Society, "at its Fortieth Anniversary, Nov. 20, 1844; bv J. R. BRODHEAD. 80 New York, 1844 VI. 1844-45. 11 pamphlets. 1. The Life and Services of Maj. Gen. John Thomas. Compiled by C. COP- FIN. 80 New York, 1844 3. Discourse before the Society of the Sons of New England of Philadelphia, on the History of the Early Settlement of their Countrv ; by S. BRECK. " 80 Philadelphia, 1845 4. Memoirs of the Pilgrims at Leyden. By Geo. SUMNER. 8 Cambridge, 1845 7. The Providence of God in the Settlement and Protection of Georgia. A Sermon. By W. B. STEVENS. 8 Athens, Ca. 1845 8. Discourse on the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Penn. By J. R. TYSON. 8 Philadelphia, 1845 9. Discourse on the Life and Character of George Calvert, the First Lord Balti more. By J. P. KENNEDY. 8 Baltimore, 1845 From the Author, with his autograph. 1247 HISTORICAL Tracts, mostly rare, relating to the Colonies, bound in half calf. 8 vols. I. 1700-33. 1. An Enquiry into the Causes of the Miscarriage of the Scots Colony at DARIEN. 8 Glasgow, 1700 6 Catalogue of the Library 2. The Importance of the British Plantations in America to this Kingdom. 8 London, 1731 3. A New and Accurate Account of the Provinces of South Carolina and Georgia. [By James OGLETHQRPE.] 8 London, 1732 4. A Letter from SOUTH CAROLINA, giving an Account of the Soil, Air, Prod uct, Trade, Government, Laws, Religion, People. Military Strength, etc. By a Swiss Gentleman. 2d Edition. 8 London, 1732 5. The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in VIRGINIA, as represented by them selves. 80 London, 1733 II. 1740-43. 1. A Genuine and Particular Account of the taking of Carthagena by the French and Buccaniers in 1697. By the Sieur POINTIS, Commander-in-Chief. 80 London, 1740 2. A Geographical and Historical Description of the Principal Objects of the Present War in the WEST INDIES. Map of the West Indies. 8 London, 1741 3. An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena. 2d Edition. 8 London, 1743 III. 1742-54. 1. A State of the Province of GEORGIA, attested upon Oath in the Court of Savannah, Nov. 10, 1740. 80 London, 1742 2. The Present State of the Country and Inhabitants, Europeans and Indians, of LOUISIANA. By an Officer at New Orleans. Translated from the French. 80 London, 1744 3. An Accurate Journal of the Proceedings of the New-England Land-Forces, during the Late Expedition against the French Settlements on CAPE BRE TON. 80 Exon. 1746 4. A Letter from William SHIRLEY, Governor of Massachuset s Bay, to the Duke of Newcastle; with a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg, and other Operations during the Expedition. 8 London, 1746 There are some curious verbal differences between this Journal and that contained in No. 3, although they are evidently intended for the same account. 5. A Short Narrative and Justification of the Proceedings of the Committee appointed by the Adventurers to prosecute the Discovery of the Passage to the Western Ocean of America, and to open and extend the Trade and settle the COUNTRIES BEYOND HUDSON S BAY. 8 London, 1749 6. A Short State of the Countries and Trade of North America; claimed by the HUDSON S BAY COMPANY, under pretence of a Charter for ever, of Lands without Bounds or Limits. 8 London, 1749 7. Observations on the Inhabitants, Climate, Soil, Rivers, Productions, Ani mals, and other Matters worthy of Notice. By John BARTRAM, in his Travels from Pensilvania to Onondago, Oswego, and the Lake Ontario, with a Curious Account of the Cataracts at Niagara, by Peter Kalm. 80 London, 1751 8. The Journal of Major George WASHINGTON, sent by Robert Dinwiddie, Commander-in-Chiet -of Virginia, to the Commandant of the French Forces on Ohio. Map wanting. So London, 1754 IV. 1755-57. 1. Reflections upon the Present State of Affairs, at Home and Abroad. 8 London, 1755 2. A Brief State of the Province of PENNSYLVANIA: in which the Conduct of their Assemblies for several Years past is examined, and the True Cause of the Continual Encroachments of the French displaj-ed- Small 8 London, 1755 3. A Fair Representation of His Majesty s Right to Nova Scotia or Acadie. Briefly stated from the Memorials of the English Commissaries. 8 London, 1756 4. The Conduct of the Ministry impartially examined. 80 London, 1756 6. The Military History of Great Britain for 1756-57. Containing a Letter from an English Officer at Canada, taken Prisoner at Oswego, exhibi ing the Cruelty of the French. Also a Journal of the Siege of Oswego. Plan wanting. pp. 125. 8 London, 1757 V. 1757-60. 1. Memoirs of the Principal Transactions of the Last War between the English and French in North America. pp. 102. 8 London, 1757 2. A Vindication of Mr. PITT. Relative to the Affair at Rochfort. By a Mem ber of Parliament. 8" London, 1758 3. A Reflation of the Letter to an Hon ble Brigadier-General, Commander of His Majesty s Forces in Canada. By an Officer. 2d Ed. 8 London, 1760 of Jared Sparks. 88 4. A Letter to an Honourable Brigadier General [G. TOWNSHEND]. 8<> London, 1760 " For an account of this pamphlet see Walpole s George III. Vol. I. p. 21. See also Sparks Life of Charles Lee, Amer. Biog. Vol. XVIII. p 15." J. s. 5. Considerations on the Present German War. 3d Ed. [By Israel MAUDUIT. See Walpole s Geo. III. Vol. I. p. 33.] pp. 144 . 8 London. 1760 VI. 1760-62. 1. The Conduct of the Ministry impartially examined. 8 London, 1760 2. The Interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. [By FRANKLIN.] pp. 58. 8 London, 1760 3. A Letter addressed to Two Great Men, on the Prospect of Peace. [By the EARL OF BATH.] 2d Ed. 8 London* 1760 " The Two Great Men were Win. Pitt and the Duke of Newcastle." j. s. 4. Remarks on the Letter address d to Two Great Men. 8 London, N. D. 5. An Examination of the Commercial Principles of the late Negotiations be tween Great Britain and France in 1761. [By E. BURKE.] pp. 100. 80 London, 1762 VII. 1761-62. 1. A Letter to the EARL OF B * * * , on a Late Important Resignation and its Probable Consequences. 80 London, 1761 2. A Second Letter to the EARL OF B * * * . 8 London, 1761 3. A Review of Mr. PITT S Administration. pp. 141. 8 London, 1762 4. A Letter to the EARL OF BUTE, on the Preliminaries of Peace. 8 London, 1762 VIII. 1762-70. 1. An Authentic Journal of the Siege of the Havana. By an Officer. With a Plan. 80 London, 1762 2. A Review of the Arguments for an Immature Peace. 8 London, 1763 3. Considerations which may tend to promote the Settlement of our New West-India Colonies. 80 London, 3764 4. A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity-School in Lebanon, Conn. Founded and carried on by that Faithful Servant of God, the Rev. Mr. Eleazar WHEELOCK. 8 London, [176H] 5. A Concise Historical View of the D fficulties, Hardships, and Perils which attended the Planting and Progressive Improvements of New England, of its Long and Destructive Wars, Expensive Expeditions, etc. By Amos ADAMS, of Roxbury. 8 London, 1770 1248 HISTORICAL Tracts relating to the American devolution. Half calf. 12 vote. A very important collection. I. 1764-65. 4 pamphlets. 1. The Rights of the British Colonies asserted and proved. By James OTIS. pp. 120. 80 Boston, print ed ; London, reprinted, N. D. " First published in 1764 ; near the beginning of the 3 ear." j. s. 2- Considerations relative to the North American Colonies. pp. 48. 8 London, 1765 3. The History of the Minority, during 1762-65. 4th Impress : on. 8 London, 1766 II. 1766. 1. A Succinct View of the Origin of our Colonies, with their Civil State. 80 London, 1766 2. A Full and Free Inquiry into the Merits of the Peace; w th Strictures on the Spirit of Party. pp. 160. 8 London, 1765 3. The Rgulations lately made concerning the Colon es and the Taxes im posed upon tbem, considered. [By Geo. GRENVILLE.] pp. 114. London, 1765 " In the title-page of the third edition of this Tract, published by Wilkie in the year 1775, it is stated to have been written By the late Right Honorable George Grenville, As VVilkie published the first edition, he must of course have kuowu that Grenville was the real author, or he would not have afterwards printed his name on the title^ page." " This pamphlet must have been published eariy in the Year 1765, before the passing of the Stamp Act. See p. 101." J. s. 4. Four Dissertations on the Reciprocal Advantages of a Perpetual Union between Great Britain and her American Colonies. 8 London, N. D. 84* Catalogue of the Library III. 1766. 1. Protest against the Bill to repeal the American Stamp Act, Last Session. 8 Paris, 1T66 2. The Crisis; or a Full Defence of the Colonies. pp. 30. 80 London, 1766 3. The Celebrated Speech of a Celebrated Commoner. 80 London, 1766 4. An Application of some General Political Rules to the Present State of Great-Britain. 80 London, 1766 5. A Short History of the Conduct of the Present Ministry, with regard to the American Stamp Act. 8 London, 1766 6. The Late Occurrences in North America, and Policy of Great Britain. pp. 42, and one, page, of advertisements. 8 London, 1766 7. Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, for the purpose of raising a Revenue, by Act of Parliament. [By Mr. Du- LANEY, of Maryland.] 8 London, 1766 The 1st edition "was published at Aunapolis, Oct. 16th, 1766. A 2d edition was published at the same place, a few days afterwards." "Pitt praised this pamphlet. See Chatham s Correspondence, Vol. III. p. 192." J. s. 8. The True Interest of Great Britain, with respect to her American Colonies. pp. 51. 80 London, 1766 IV. 1767-68. 1. The Conduct of the Late Administration examined. With Documents. [By C. LLOYD.] 8<> London, 1766 " Charles Lloyd was private Secretary to Mr. Grenville, and the following pamphlet was of course written under his eye. See Biographical, Literary, and Political Anec dotes. II. 110." J. s. 2. Two Papers on the Subject of taxing the British Colonies in America. pp. 22, and one page of advertisements. London, 1767 3. The True Sentiments of America. pp. 158. 8 London, 1768 Two pages of Manuscript Notes and Comments, in Mr. Sparks handwriting, are prefixed to this pamphlet. The first 58 pages of it are by Samuel Adams. V. 1770-74. 1. An Appeal to the World ; or a Vindication of the Town of Boston from many False and Malicious Aspersions, contained in certain Letters and Memorials, written bv Governor Bernard, etc. [By Samuel ADAMS.] 8 London, 1770 2. Observations on a Pamphlet. entitled/Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents. By Catharine MACAULAY. 8 London, 1770 3. Observations upon the Report made by the Board of Trade against the Gren ada Laws. 80 London, 1770 4. The Political Detection. [By Arthur LEE.] pp. 151. 8 London, 1770 5. America vindicated from the High Charge of Ingratitude and Rebellion. By a Friend to both Countries. pp. 48. 8 Devizes, 1774 6. The Justice and Policy of the Late Act of Parliament, for the Government of the Province of Quebec. [By W. KNOX.] 8 London, 1774 VI. 1774-75. 1. A Summary View of the Rights of British America. Set forth in some Res olutions intended for the Delegates of the People of Virginia, now in Conven- .- TT _ mi T T rj vr>3 *.! tion. [By Thomas JEFFERSON.] 2d Edition. 80? Williamsburg, \ , printed ; Reprinted, 8 London, 1774 2. A Letter to the Earl of Chatham on the Quebec Bill. 4th Ed 80 London, 1774 3. Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Col onies in North America. pp. 160. 8 London, [1774] " In the Monthly Review the authorship of this Tract is ascribed to Mr. Robin son. 1 J. s. 4. The Interest of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain, in the Present Contest wi h the Colonies. 8 London, 1774 5. Authentic Papers from America; submitted to the Dispassionate Considera tion of the Public. 80 London; T. Becket, the Comer of the Adelphi in the Strand. 1775 In a " Postscript," is the following : " A copy of the petition to the King, from the Gen eral Congress in America, having been published, in a pamphlet printed for T. Becket in the Strand, we, to whom the care of presenting and publishing that petition was committed by the Congress, think it our duty to inform the public, that the above- mentioned Copy is surreptitious, as well as materially and grossly erroneous. The agents have deferred making the petition public out of respect to the King and Parlia ment, his Majesty having declared his intentions of laying it before his two houses of Parliament aa soon as they meet. WILLIAM BOLLAN. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. " Jan. 17, 1775. ARTHUR LEE." of Jared Sparks. 85 6. A Speech intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons, in sup port of the Petition from the General Congress at Philadelphia. By the Au thor of an Appeal to the Justice and Interests of Great Britain. 80 London, 1775 VII. 1775-77. 1. A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Col onies; with a Plan of Accommodation on Constitutional Principles. [By Jo seph GALLOWAY.] 8 New York, 1775 2. The Declaration by the Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the Causes and Necessity of taking up Arms. 8 London, 1775 3. A Second Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People, on the Measures respecting America. By the Author of the First. 8 London, 1795 4. A Series of Answers to certain Popular Objections against separating from the Rebellious Colonies, and discarding them entirely; being the Concluding Tract of the [Rev. Josiah TUCKER.] . 8 Glocester, 1776 5. A Letter to the Rev. Josiah Tucker, in Answer to bis Humble Address. By . Samuel ESTWICK, Assistant Agent for Barbados. 8 London, 1776 VIII. 1774-77. 1. An Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain, in the Present Disputes with America. 8 London, 1774 2. I)e Tumultibus American!?, deque eorum Concitatoribus. [By Edward BEN- THAM.] 8 0XOWM, 1776 " A pompous declamatory production." Monthly Revieiv. 3. Remarks on the Evidence on the Petition presented by the West-India Plant ers. 8 London, 1777 4. Peace the Best Policy. By Matt. ROBINSON. 8 London, 1777 5. Essays on the Real and Relative Interests of Imperial and Dependent States, and o n the Means of Emancipating Slaves without Loss to their Proprietors. 80 Newcastle, 1777 IX. 1778-79. 1. A Short History of the Opposition during the last Session of Parliament. [By James MACPHEKSON.] 3d Ed. 8 London, 1779 2. A Short Defence of the Opposition. 8 London, 1778 3. Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America. By William PUL- TENY. 4th Edition. 80 London, 1778 4. The Substance of Burgoyne s Speeches, on the 26th of May. With Wash ington s Letter to Burgoyne, etc. London, 1778 5. Anticipation. [By Richard TICKELL.] 4th Ed. 8<> London, 177 X. 1779-81. 1. Candid Narrative of the Transactions of the Fleet under Lord Howe. 8<> London, 1779 2. Considerations on the Present State of Public Affairs, and the Means of rais ing the Necessary Supplies. By W. PULTENEY. 8 London, 1779 3. A Short History of the Opposition of Parliament. [By James MACPHEK SON.] 2d Ed. 80 London, 1779 4. A Short Defence of the Opposition. [By J. E. WILMOT.] 8 London, 1779 5. A Letter from Lieut.-Gen. BURGOYNE to his Constituents, upon his Late Res ignation. 8 London, 1779 6. The Green Box of Monsieur de Sartine, found at Mademoiselle Du The" s Lodgings. [By TICKELL.] 80 N. p. 1779 7. Considerations upon the American Enquiry. 3d Ed. 8 London, 1779 8. Cui Bono? or an Inquiry, what Benefits can arise either to the English or the Americans, the French, Spaniards, or Dutch, from the Greatest Successes in the Present War? By Josiah TUCKER. 8 Clocester, 1781 XL 1766-75. 1. An Examination of the Rights of the Colonies, upon Principles of Law. 80 London, 1766 2. Case of Great Britain and America. 2d Ed. 8 London, 1769 3. An Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain, in the Present Disputes with America. 80 London, 1774 4. A Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans on our Political Confusions; in which the Consequences of violently opposing the King s Troops, and of a General Xon- Importation, are fairly stated. 80 Neio York, 1774 " Supposed to have been written by Dr. Myles Cooper, President of King s College in New York." J. s. 5. The Other Side of the Question; or a Defence of the Liberties of North- America, in Answer to a Late Friendly Address. 80 New York, 1774 86 Catalogue of the Library 6. Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress, at Phila delphia, Sept. 5, 1774; wherein their Errors are exhibited and their Reason ings confuted. By a Farmer. 8 London, 1775 7. A View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies. By the Author of Free Thoughts, etc. 8 XowZon/1775 8. A Letter to Lord Camden on the Bill for restraining the Trade and Fishery of the Four Provinces of New England. 8 London, 1775 XII. 1778-88. 1. The Memorial of Common-Sense upon the Present Crises between Great- Britain and America. 80 London, 1778 2. The Conciliatory Bills considered. pp. 39. 8<> London, 1778 3. The Claim of the American LOYALISTS reviewed and maintained. 80 London, 1788 4. A Reply to Lieut.-Gen. BURGOYNE S Letter to his Constituents. 3d Ed. 8 London, 1780 5. A Translation of [Paine s] Memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe upon the Present State of Affairs between the Old and New World, into Common Sense and Intelligible English. pp. 45. 8 London, 1781 6. Three Letters to Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Howe. 8<> London, 1781 7. The Case and Claim of the American Loyalists. Printed by order of their Agents. 8 London, 1783 8. Observations on the Fifth Article of the Treaty with America; and on a Judicial Enquiry into the Merits and Losses of the American LOYALISTS. Printed by order of their Agents. The last leaf soiled. 8 London, 1783 9. Letter from Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry CLINTON to the Commissioners of Public Accounts, relative to some Observations in their 7th Report, which may im ply Censure on the Late Coinmanders-in-Chief in North America. 80 London, 1784 1249 HISTORY of Democracy in the United States. By the Author of the Republic of the United States of America. No. 1-4. Unbound. 8 Boston, [1852] 1250 HISTORY of the United States, from their First Settlement as Colonies, to the Close of the War with Great Britain, in 1815. Boards. 8 London, 1826 1251 HODGKINS, E. A Series of Mercantile Letters. Notes for Germans, by J. G. Fliigel. Boards. 12 Leipsic, 1822 1252 HODGSON, Adam. Remarks during a Journey through North America in 1819-21. Boards. 8 New York, 1823 1253 HOLDEN, H. A Narrative of the Shipwreck, Captivity, and Sufferings of Horace Holden and Benj. H. Nute, cast away on the Pelew Islands in 1832. Cloth. 18 Boston, 1836 1254 HOLLAND, E. G. Reviews and Essays. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1849 1255 HOLMES, Abiel. American Annals, or a Chronological History of America, from its Discovery in 1492 to 1806. Boards. An autograph letter of the author inserted. 2 vols. 8 Cambridge, 1805 1256 Same. 2d Edition. Half cloth. 2 vols. 8 Cambridge, 1829 1257 The Life of Ezra Stiles, President of Yale College. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1798 1258 HOLMES, O. W. Poems. Boards. 12 Boston, 1849 1259 HOLYOKE, E. A. An Ethical Essay. With a Memoir by J. Braze r. Morocco, gilt. 8 Salem: privately printed, 1830 1260 HOMERUS. Opera Omnia: ex Recensione et cum Notis S. Clarkii. Cura J. A. Ernesti. Half calf. 5 vols. 8 Glasgua, 1814 of Jared Sparks. 87 1261 HOMER. The Iliad and Odyssey, translated into English Blank Verse. By W. Cowper. Boards. 4 vols. 8 Boston, 1814 1262 The Iliad, and the Odyssey. Translated by A. Pope. Half calf. 3 vols. 18 Philadelphia, 1822 1263 The Iliad, translated by A. Pope. Calf. 32 London, 1807 1264 Same. Calf. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1808 1265 The Odvssey of Homer, translated by Pope. Calf. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1808 1266 HOMES of American Authors; comprising Anecdotical, Personal, and Descriptive Sketches. With Views of their Residences, and Fac-simile of the Manuscript of each Author. Cloth. 4 New York, 1853 1267 HOOGEVEEN, Henricus. Doctrina Particvlarvm Lingvae Grascse. Editio 2 a . Half calf. 8 Lipsta, 1806 1268 HOOKE, N. The Roman History, from the Building of Rome to the Ruin of the Commonwealth. With Engrav ings. 6th Edition. Half calf. 8 vols. 8 Dublin, N. D. 1269 HOPE, Thomas. An Historical Essay on Architecture, il lustrated from Drawings made by him in Italy and Ger many. 2d Edition. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 London, 1835 1270 HOPKINS, J. The Patriot s Manual. Sheep. 12 Utica, 1828 1271 HOPKINS, Samuel. The Puritans; or the Church, Court, and Parliament during the Reigns of Edward VI. and Elizabeth. Cloth. 3 vols. 8 Boston, 1859-61 1272 HOPKINS, Stephen.] The Grievances of the American Colonies candidly examined. Half calf . Reprinted. 8 London, 1766 1273 HOPKINSON, Francis. Miscellaneous Essays and Occasional Writings. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1792 1274 HORATIUS. Carmina Expurgata : Cum Notis Anonymis. Half cloth. 8 Londoni, 1824 1275 Editio Stereotypa. Morocco, gilt. 16 Parisiis, Didot, 1800 1276 Works, with Notes. By E. Moore. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1850 1277 HORNE, Thomas Hartwell. An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, and a Memoir of the Public Libraries of the Antients. With Engravings. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1814 1278 HOSACK, David. Essays on Various Subjects of Medical Science. Boards. 3 vols. 8 New York, 1824-30 1279 Memoir of De Witt Clinton. Half cloth. Portrait. 4 New York, 1829 1280 HOUGH, F. B. A Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip s Indian War of 1675, 76, by John EASTON of Rhode. 88 Catalogue of the Library Island. With other Documents concerning this Event in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York. From the Originals, with an Introduction and Notes. Map. Paper. 4 Albany, 1858 100 copies printed. 1281 HOUGH, F. B. Papers relating to the Island of Nantucket, with Documents relating to the Original Settlement of that Island, Martha s Vineyard, and other Islands Adjacent, known as Duke s County, while under the Colony of New York. Compiled from Official Records in the Office of the Secretary of State at Albany, New York. By Franklin B. Hough. Half turkey morocco. 4 Albany, 1856 One of " 150 copies, printed for private distribution." Presented by the editor with his autograph. 1282 Ho VET, C. M. The Fruits of America, containing richly Colored Figures and Full Descriptions. Vols. I. and II. complete. Vol. III. Nos. 1-3. Unbound. Royal 8 Boston, 1847-59 1283 HOWE, Henry. Historical Collections of Ohio. 177 En gravings. Sheep. 8 Cincinnati, 1847 1283a Historical Collections of Virginia. With over 100 Engravings. Sheep. 8 Charleston, S. C. 1845 1284 HOWE, Samuel G. An Historical Sketch of the Greek Revolution. Map. Half cloth. 8 New York, 1828 1285 HOWELL, James. Epistolae Ho-Elianae ; Familiar Letters, Domestic and Foreign, llth Ed. Old calf . % Lond. 1754 1286 HOWISON, Robert R. A History of Virginia, from its Dis covery to the Present. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1846 and Richmond, 1848 1287 Ho WITT, Mrs. Mary. A Popular History of the United States. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1860 1288 HOYT, E. Antiquarian Researches ; comprising a History of the Indian Wars in the Country bordering Connecticut River and Parts Adjacent, and other Interesting Events, from the Landing of the Pilgrims to the Conquest of Canada by the English in 1760 ; with Notices of Indian Depreda tions in the Neighboring Country. Boards. 8 Greenfield, Mass. 1824 1289 HUBBARD, WILLIAM. A NARRATIVE OF THE TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS IN NEW ENGLAND, from the First Plant ing thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years, 1675 and 1676. To which is added a Discourse about the Warre with the Pequods In the Year 1637. The map wanting. Half calf. 4 Boston, Printed by John Foster, 1677 On the fly leaf, " Presented to me by Mr. Greenwood, Nov. 1826." J. s. 1290 HUBBARD, WILLIAM. A NARRATIVE OF THE INDIAN WARS IN NEW-ENGLAND, from the First Planting thereof of Jarcd Sparks. 89 in the Year 1607 to the Year 1677. Containing a Relation of the Occasion, Rise and Progress of the War with the In dians in the Southern, Western, Eastern, and Northern Parts of said Country. Remarkably pure and perfectly uncut copy, very rare in this condition, unbound. 12 By John Boyle, Boston, 1775 With the autograph of Mr. Sparks on the title-page. 1291 HUBLEY, Bernard. The History of the American Revolu tion, including the most Important Events and Resolutions of the Honourable Continental Congress during that Period, and also the most Interesting Letters and Orders of his Ex cellency, General George Washington, Com mander-in- Chief of the American Forces. Vol. I. [All that was published. ] Very fine copy. Boards, uncut. With the autograph of Mr. Sparks. VERY RARE IN THIS CONDITION. 8 For the Author by Andrew Kennedy , Northumberland, Penn. 1805 1292 HUET, P. D. Histoire du Commerce et de la Navigation des Anciens. Calf. 8Lyon,1763 1293 HUGO, Victor. Les Feuilles d Automne. Paper. 8 Bruxelles, 1835 1294 HULL, William. Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of Gen. Hull, prepared from his Manuscripts by his Daughter, Mrs. Campbell; with the History of the Campaign of 1812, and Surrender of Detroit, by his Grandson, J. F. Clarke. Cloth. 8 New York, 1848 1295 HUMBOLDT, F. H. A. Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. Translated from the Original French by J. Black. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1811 1296 Tableaux de la Nature, oti Considerations sur les Deserts, sur la Physionomie des Vegetaux, et sur les Cata- ractes de 1 Orenoque ; traduits par J. B. B. Eyries. Boards. 2 vols. in one. , 12 Paris, 1808 1297 Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en 1799-1804, par Humboldt et Bonpland ; redige par Humboldt. Avec Deux Atlas. Tome I. Half morocco . folio, Paris, 1814 1298 HUME, David. Essays and Treatises on several Subjects. A New Edition. Calf. Autograph letter of the Author in serted. 2 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1817 1299 The History of England, with the Author s Last Corrections, a Short Account of his Life, by himself. Boards. 8 vols. 8 London, 1823 1300 HUMOURS of Utopia ; a Tale of Colonial Times. By an Utopian. Half cloth. 2 vols. 12 Philadelphia, 1828 1301 HUMPHREYS, David. An Historical Account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Calf. 8 London, 1730 90 Catalogue of the Library 1302 HUMPHREYS, Col. David. An Essay on the Life of Major Gen. Israel Putnam. With an Historical and Topographical Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle. By S. Swett. Boards. 12 Boston, 1818 1303 Miscellaneous Works. Sheep. 8 New York, 1790 1304 HUNT, Leigh. A Book for a Corner. Eighty wood engrav ings. Cloth. 16 London, 1851 1305 HUNTER, Joseph. Collections concerning the Church or Congregation of Protestant Separatists, formed at Scrooby, in North Nottinghamshire, in the Time of King James I : the Founders of New-Plymouth, the Parent-Colony of New- England. Cloth. 8 London, 1854 1306 HUTCHESON, F.] An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. 4th Ed. Half calf . 8 London, 1738 1307 HUTCHINS, Levi. Autobiography ; with a Preface, Notes, and Addenda by his Youngest Son. Private edition. Cloth. 16 Cambridge, 1865 1308 HUTCHINS, Thomas. A Topographical Description of Vir ginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, compre hending the Rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Sioto, Cherokee, Wa- bash, Illinois, Mississippi, etc. Half sheep. 8 London, 1778 The greater part, says Hutchins, " done from my own Surveys preceding and duriner the last war, and since in many reconnoitering tours between 1764 and 1775." Sold, Morrell, 1869, $12.00. 1309 HUTCHINSON, Thomas.] A Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. Half calf. 8 Boston, 1769 Sold, Rice, $22.00. 1310 The History of Massachusetts, from the First Set tlement thereof in 1628, until 1750. 3d Ed. With Ad ditional Notes and Corrections. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1795 1311 Same. From 1750, until June, 1774. Vol. III. Sheep. 8 London, 1828 1312 HYDE, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon. The History of the Rebellion, with an Historical View of t{ie Affairs of Ireland. New Edition, with all the Suppressed Passages ; also the Unpublished Notes of Bishop Warburton. Half cloth. 6 vols. 8 Boston, 1827 1313 HYMNS for the Use of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Revised Edition. Sheep. 16 New York, N. D. 1314 HYMNS, selected from various Authors for the use of the Unitarian Church in Washington. Boards. 18 Washington, 1821 1315 JJrMITATION of Jesus Christ, from the Latin ascribed JJj| to Thomas a Kempis ; with an Introduction and Notes by Thomas Frognall Dibbin, D. D. Cloth. With an Engraved " Ecce Homo" from Guercino. 8 London, 1828 of Jared Sparks. 91 1316 Imlay, George. A Topographical Description of the West ern Territory of North America. 2d Edition, with Addi tions. Half calf. Thick 8 London, 1793 This includes J. Filson s Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky; Maj. Jonathan Heart s Observations on the Ancient Works, the Native In habitants of the Western Country; Th. Hutchins s Historical Narrative and JCopo^raphica! Description of Louisiana, and his Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina; Franklin s Remarks for those who wish to become Settlers in America; and Patrick Kennedy s Journal up the Illinois River. 1317 Same. 3d Edition, with Great Additions. 8 London, 1797 1318 IMPERIAL Dictionary of Universal Biography. 34 parts. Imp. 8 London, etc. N. D. 1319 INDIAN Treaties, and Laws and Regulations relating to Indian Affairs. Half cloth. 8 Washington City, 1826 1320 INDIANS. Laws of the Colonial and State Governments relating to Indians and Indian Affairs, from 1633 to 1831. Cloth. 8 Washington City, 1832 1321 INGERSOLL, Charles M. Conversations on English Gram mar. 4th Ed. Half sheep. 12 Portland, 1824 1322 INGERSOLL, Edward. A Digest of the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4, 1789 to May 15, 1820. Calf^ 8 Philadelphia, 1821 1323 An Inquiry into the Present State of the British Navy. Together with Reflections on the Late War with America. By an Englishman. Boards. 8 London, 1815 1324 INTELLIGIBLE Railway Guide for Great Britain and Ireland. Paper. 16 London, 1858 1325 IRELAND, John B. Wall-Street to Cashmere. A Journal of Five Years in Asia, Africa, and Europe, 1851-6. With nearly one hundred Illustrations. Cloth. 8 New York, 1859 1325a IRELAND. Sixth Report of the Commissioners of National Education. Paper. Folio, London, 1840 1326 IRVING, D. The Elements of English Composition. 5th Edition. Boards. 12 London, 1821 1327 IRVING, P. M. Life and Letters of Washington Irving. Cloth. 4 vols. 8 New York, 1862-64 1328 IRVING, Washington. Biography and Poetical Remains of the late Margaret Miller Davidson. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1841 1329 Life of George Washington. Cloth. 5 vols. 4 New York, 1855-59 Of the 4to edition only 110 copies were printed. 1330 Same. Cloth. 5 vols. 8 New York, 1855-59 Presented by the author, with his autograph. 1331 Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus. Naif cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1831 9^ Catalogue of the Library 1332 IZARD, R. Correspondence from 1774 to 1804; with a Short Memoir [by his Daughter, Mrs. Ann Izard Deas]. Vol. I. [all that was published]. Cloth. Portrait. (2 copies.) 12 New York, 1844 An autograph letter of the author inserted. 1333 JVACKSON, JAMES. Another Letter to a Young JJ| Physician ; and some other Medical Papers. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1861 1334 A Memoir of James Jackson, Jr., M. D., with Med ical Cases collected by him. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1835 1335 JACKSON, Wm. The Constitutions of the several States of America, Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Con federation. Sheep. 8 London, 1 783 1336 JACOB, Giles. The Law Dictionary, Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the English Law; Enlarged by T. E. Tomlins. Sheep. 6 vols. 8 New York, 1811 1337 JAHN, J. An Introduction to the Old Testament. With Notes by S. H. Turner and W. R. Whittingham, A. M. Half cloth. 8 New York, 1827 1338 JAMES, Miss Maria. Wales and other Poems. With an Introduction by A. Potter. Cloth. 12 New York, 1839 1339 JAMIESON, John. An Etymological Dictionary of the Scot tish Language. Abridged. Calf. 8 Edinburgh, 1818 1340 JARDINE, Sir William. The Natural History of Humming- Birds, with 35 Plates, Colored, Numerous Wood-cuts, and Memoir of Linnaeus. Half calf. 2 vols. 16 Edinburgh, 1833 1341 JAY S TREATY. Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Naviga tion between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, conditionally ratified by the Senate of the United States at Philadelphia, June 24, 1795. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1795 1342 JAY, William. The Life of John Jay ; with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1833 1343 JEFFERSON, Thomas. A Manual of Parliamentary Practice, for the Use of the Senate of the United States. Half mo rocco. 18 Washington, City , 1820 1344 Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies, from his Papers. Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph. 2d Edition. With autograph letter of the author. Half cloth. 4 vols. 8 Boston, 1830 1345 Notes on the State of Virginia. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1825 An autograph letter of the author inserted. 1346 ] Observations sur la Virginie, par M. J * Traduites de 1 Anglois. Map. Paper. 8 Paris, 1786 Jefferson says, in the " Advertisement " to the edition of 1787, that he " had a of Jared Sparks. 93 few copies of his notes printed [in 1782], which he gave among his friends; and a translation of them has been lately published in France, but with such alterations as the laws of the press in that country rendered necessary." 1347 JEFFERYS, Thomas. The Great Probability of a North- West Passage ; deduced from Observations on the Letter of Admiral de Fonte. With Three Explanatory Maps. Half calf. 4 London, 1768 1348 JKNKINSON, Charles, Earl of Liverpool. A Collection of all the Treaties of Peace, Alliance, and Commerce between Great Britain and other Powers, [from 1648 to 1783]. Calf. 3 vols. 8 London, 1785 1349 Same. 1688 to 1771. 2 vols. 8 London, 1772 1350 JENNINGS Landscape Annual for 1835; or Tourist in Spain, Gilt, turkey morocco. 8 London, 1835 1351 JEVONS, Thomas.] Remarks on Criminal Law, with a Plan for an Improved System, and Observations on the Preven tion of Crime. Half cloth. 8 London, 1834 1352 JEWETT, I. Appleton. Memorial of Samuel Appleton, of Ipswich, Mass., with Genealogical Notices of some of his Descendants. With engravings. Morocco. 8 Boston, 1850 1353 JOBERT, Le P. Louis.] The Knowledge of Medals. From the French. Calf. 8 London, 1697 1354 JOE MILLER S Jests. With Copious Additions. 2d Edition. Cloth. 16 London, 1846 1355 JOGUES, Le R. P. Isaac. Novum Belgium, Description de Nieuw Netherland, et Notice sur Rene Goupil. With map. Cloth. 8 New York, 1862 Only 100 copies printed. 1356 JOHNSON, Alexander B. The Philosophy of Human Knowl edge, or a Treatise on Language. Half cloth. 8 New York, 1828 1357 JOHNSON, Samuel, LL. D. A Dictionary of the English Language. To which is prefixed a History of the Lan guage. Half calf. 2 vols. 4 London, 1822 1358 - Same. With Corrections, and with the Addition of several Thousand Words. By H. J. TODD. 2d Edition. Calf. 3 vols. 4 London, 1827 1359 Same. Abridged from Todd s Enlarged Quarto Edition. By A. CHALMERS. Loose. Boards. 8 London, 1824 1360 - Life; with Maxims and Observations, selected from his Works and arranged in Alphabetical Order. Half morocco. 12 Boston, 1834 1361 - Works. A New Edition. With an Essay on his Life and Genius by A. Murphy. Calf. 12 vols. 18 London, 1816 1362 JOHNSON, William. Sketches of the Life and Correspond ence of Nathanael Greene, Major General of the Armies 94< Catalogue of the Library of the United States in the Revolution. Compiled chiefly from Original Materials. Not Common. Sheep. 2 vols. 4 Charleston, 1822 1363 JOHNSON, W. R. Introduction to Greek, with a Key. Half sheep. 12 Boston, 1829 1364 JOHNSON W. R. A Report to the Navy Department of the United States on American Coals applicable to Steam Navi gation. Paper. 8 Washington, 1844 1365 JOHNSTON, A. K. Dictionary of Geography. Half russia. 8 London, 1852 1366 JOHNSTON, Charles. A Narrative of the Capture and Ran som of Charles Johnston, by the Indians, on the Ohio, in 1790 ; with the Fate of his Companions, one of whom suf fered at the Stake. Half cloth. 12 New York, 1827 1367 JOINVILLE, Le Prince DE. Campagne de 1 Armee du Poto mac, Mars-Juillet, 1862. Paper. 8 New York, 1862 1368 JOLY DE SAINT- VALIER. Histoire Raisonnee des Operations Militaires et Politique de la Derniere Guerre. Half calf . 8 Liege, 1783 1369 JONES, John Paul. The Life of Paul Jones, from Original Documents in the Possession of J. H. Sherburne. Boards. Small 8 London, 1825 1370 Life and Correspondence, including his Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman. From Original Letters and Manuscripts in the Possession of Miss Janette Taylor. Half cloth. 8 New York. 1830 " This volume was sent to me by Miss Janette Taylor, a niece of Paul Jones s; and all the manuscript notes are in her handwriting." J. s. 1371 JONES, Jo. Seawell. A Defence of the Revolutionary His tory of North Carolina from the Aspersions of Mr. Jefferson. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 1372 Memorials of North Carolina, pp. 87. Cloth. 8 New York, 1838 1373 JONES, Richard Roberts. Memoir ; exhibiting a Remarka ble Instance of Partial Power and Cultivation of Intellect. Boards. 8 London, 1822 1374 JONES, S. Pittsburgh in 1826. Boards. 12 Pittsburgh, 1826 1375 JONES, Sir William. An Essay on the Law of Bailments. 2d Edition. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1804 1376 JORTIN, John, D. D. The Life of Erasmus. Calf. 3 vols. 8 London, 1808 1377 JOSEPHUS, Flavius. Genuine Works. Translated by W. Whiston. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 Springfield, 1809 1378 JOSSE, A. L. Grammaire Espagnole Raisonnee. o e Edi tion. Half calf. 8 A Londres, 1810 1379 A Grammar of the Spanish Language, with Prac tical Exercises. Revised by F. Sales. Sheep. 2 vols. in one. 12 Boston, 1822 1380 Same. Calf. 2 vols. in one. 12 Boston, 1825 of Jared Sparks. 95 1381 JOSSE, A. L. Same. [Enlarged by F. Sales. 3d Amer ican Ed. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1827 1382 Another copy. 12 Boston, 1827 1383 JOSSE LYN, JOHN. NEW-ENGLAND S RARITIES Discov ered : in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants of that Country. Together with The Physical and Chyrurgical Remedies wherewith the Natives Constantly use to Cure their Distempers, Wounds, and Sores. Also A perfect De scription of an Indian Squa in all her Bravery ; with a Poem not improperly conferr d upon her. Lastly a Chronological Table of the most remarkable Passages in that Country amongst the English. Illustrated with cuts. Sheep. Sm. 8 London, G. Widdowes, 1672 Presented by Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood to Mr. Sparks, Dec. 1826; with two autographs of Mr. Sparks. This copy, priced by some bookseller a genera tion ago at 6 shillings, is now worth as many pounds. Sold, Allan, $40.00. 1384 JOURNAL de la Guerre du Micissippi centre les Chicachas, en 1739 et finie en 1740. Par un Officier de 1 Armee de M. de Nouaille. Cloth. 4 Nouvette York, 1859 100 copies printed. 1385 JOURNAL of the Proceedings of a Convention of Literary and Scientific Gentlemen, in the Common Council Chamber of the City of New York, Oct., 1830. Half cloth. 8 New York. 1831 1386 JOURNALS OF ASSEMBLIES : New York, Maryland, Pennsyl vania, North Carolina. Half calf . 7 vols. in 1. Folio. Fish-Kill, New lork, etc. 1779-90 1387 JOUTEL, Rene. Journal Historique du Dernier Voyage que feu M. de LA SALE fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, pour trouver 1 Embouchure et le Cours de la Riviere de Missicipi. Ou Ton voit 1 Histoire Tragique de sa Mort, et plusieurs Choses Curieuses du Nouveau Monde. Redige et mis en ordre par M. de Michel. Old calf. Map. Rare. 8 Paris, 1713 1388 JOUTEL, R. C. DE. A Journal of the Last Voyage per- form d by Monsr. de la Sale, to the Gulph of Mexico, to find out the Mouth of the Missisipi River; containing an Ac count of the Settlements he endeavour d to make on the Coast of the aforesaid Bay, his Unfortunate Death, and the Travels of his Companions for the Space of Eight Hundred Leagues across that Inland Country of America, now call d Louisiana (and given by the King of P>ance to M. Crozat), till they came into Canada. With an Exact Map of that Vast Country, and a Copy of the Letters Patents granted by the K. of France to M. Crozat. Calf. 8 London, 1714 1389 JOUY, E. La Morale appliquee a la Politique. 2 e Edition. Paper. 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1822 96 Catalogue of the Library 1390 JUAHROS, Domingo. A Statistical and Commercial History of the Kingdom of Guatemala in Spanish America. Trans lated by J. Baily. With two maps. Boards. 8 Lond. 1823 1391 JULLIEN, A. La France en 1825, ou mes Regrets et mes Experances, Discours en Vers. 2 e Ed. Paper. 8 Paris, 1825 1392 JUNIOR United Service Club. System of Management, with a Detail of the Duties of the Servants, etc. Paper. 1 6 N. P. N. D. 1393 The Rules and Regulations. Half morocco. 16 London, 1839 1394 JUNIUS, including Letters by the same Writer under other Signatures, and his Private Letters to H. S. Woodfall. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1836 1395 "A Letter to an Honourable Brigadier-General, Com- mander-in-Chief of His Majesty s Forces in Canada" [Lord George Townshend]. Now first ascribed to Junius. With " A Refutation." Edited by N. W. Simons. London, 1841 1396 Posthumous Works, with an Inquiry respecting the Author ; also a Sketch of J. Home Tooke. Half cloth. 8 New York, 1829 1397 JUNIUS, Franciscus. Etymologicum Anglicanum, edidit E. Lye. Praemittuntur Vita Auctoris et Grammatica Anglo- saxonica. Calf. Folio. Oxonii, 1743 1398 JUSTINUS. De Historiis Philippicis et Totitis Mundi Ori- ginibus. Interpretatione et Notis illustravit P. J. Cantel. Eclitio 4 a . Calf. 8 Londini, 1774 1399 * AIMES, Henry Home, Lord. ] Elements of Criticism. j!{%, 7th Ed. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1788 1400 Sketches of the History of Man. 2d Ed. Calf. 4 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1778 1401 KALM, P. Travels into North America. Translated by J. Foster. 2d Ed. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1772 1402 KANE, T. L. The Mormons : a Discourse before the His torical Society of Pennsylvania, March 26, 1850. Paper. 8 Philadelphia, 1850 1403 KAPP, Friedrich. The Life of Frederick William von Steuben, Major General in the RevolutionaryArmy. Cloth. Portrait. 12 New York, 1859 1404 KEIGHTLEY, T. The History of Greece. With a Chrono logical Table of Contemporary History, by J. T. Smith. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1839 1405 KEITH, Sir William, Bart., Gov. of Pennsylvania. A Col lection of Papers and other Tracts. Calf, fine copy. 12 London, 1740 Contains : A Discourse on the Present State of the British Plantations in America, A Report to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations in 1718. of Jared Sparks. 97 1406 KENNEDY, Jos. C. G. Preliminary Report on the Eighth Census, 1860. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1862 1407 KENNET, Basil. Antiquities of Rome. A New Edition. Sheep. 8 Edinburgh, 1812 1408 KENT, James. Commentaries on American Law. 2d Ed. Law calf. 4 vols. 8 New York, 1832 1409 KENYON, John. A Day at Tivoli ; with other Verses. Cloth. 8 London, 1849 1410 Poems, for the most part Occasional. Boards. 8 London, 1838 1411 Rhymed Plea for Tolerance. In Two Dialogues. With a Prefatory Dialogue. 2d Ed. Cloth. pp. 133. Small 4 London, 1839 1412 KEPPEL. George Thomas, Earl of Albemarle. Memoirs of the Marquis of Rockingham and his Contemporaries. With Original Letters and Documents now first published. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 London, 1852 1413 KERCHEVAL, Samuel. A History of the Valley of Vir ginia. Sheep. 12 Winchester, 1833 1414 KETTELL, Samuel. Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices. Half cloth. 3 vols. 12 Boston, 1829 Vol. III. contains a Bibliographical and Chronological List of American Poets. 1415 KEY to the Peerage. Cloth. 12 London, 1828 1416 KIEPERT, Heinrich. Four Maps to accompany the Biblical Researches in Palestine of E. Robinson. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1856 1417 KILBOURN, John. The Ohio Gazetteer, or Topographical Dictionary. 7th Ed. Carefully revised and corrected. Sheep. 12 Columbus, 1821 1418 Same. 8th Ed. Paper. 12 Columbus, 1826 1419 KILTY, J. The Land-Holder s Assistant and Land-Office Guide ; being an Exposition of Original Titles, as derived from the Proprietary Government, and more recently from the State, of Maryland. Sheep. 8 Baltimore, 1808 1420 KING, Lord Peter. Life of John Locke, with Extracts from his Correspondence, Journals, and Common-Place Books. Boards. 4 London, 1829 With portrait and fac-similes of Locke s, Newton s, and Shaftesbury s hand writing. 1421 KING, William. An Essay on the Origin of Evil. Trans lated from the Latin with Notes, by Edmund Law. 2d Ed. Old calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1732 1422 KING, William R. Obituary Addresses on his Death. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1854 1423 KING S Chapel Liturgy. 2d Ed. Calf. 8 Boston, 1811 1424 KIP, William Ingraham. The Early Jesuit Missions in North America ; compiled and translated from the Letters 98 Catalogue of the Library of the French Jesuits, with Notes. Cloth. Map published by the Jesuits in 1664. 12 New York, 1846 1425 KIIIKHAM, Samuel. An Essay on Elocution. 2d Ed. Sheep. 12 Baltimore, 1834 1426 KIRKLAND, Mrs. C. M. Western Clearings. Paper, de faced. 16 New York, 1845 1427 KITTO, John. The Popular Cyclopaedia of Biblical Litera ture, condensed. With Numerous Engravings. Cloth. Large 8 Boston, 1851 1428 KLUIT, A. Jets over den Laatsten -Engelschen Oorlog met de Republiek en over Nederlands Koophandel, deszelfs Bloei, Verval, en Middelen van Herstel. Paper. 8 Amsterdam, 1794 1429 KNOWLES, James D. Memoir of Roger Williams, the Founder of the State of Rhode-Island. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 1 130 KNOX, Captain John. An Historical Journal of the Cam paigns in North- America for 1757-60 ; containing particu larly the two Sieges of Quebec, Descriptions of the Coun tries where the Author has served, with their Climates, Soil, Produce, and Diary of the Weather. Half calf. 2 vols. 4 London, 1769 Sold, Whitmore, $24.00 ; Rice, $34.00. 1431 KNOX, Vicesimus. Winter Evenings; or Lucubrations on Life and Letters. Sheep. Wanting 6 leaves in Vol. 1. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1805 1432 KNOX, William.] The Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies reviewed. Half cloth. 8 London, 1769 Ascribed to William Knox on the authority of Rich. Hollis, according to Mr. Sparks, says that it was written by Israel Mauduit. This copy contains some MS. notes" by Mr. Sparks. 1433 KOCH, C. G. DE. Tableau des Revolutions de 1 Europe, depuis le Bouleversement de 1 Empire Remain en Occident jusqu a nos Jours. Nouvelle Edition. Half calf . 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1814 1434 4 A BRIE. Jacques. Premiers Rudimens de la Con- <^ stitution Britannique. 8 Montreal, 1827 1435 LA BRUYERE, JeanDE. Les Caracteres, suivis des Carac- teres de Theophraste, traduits du Grec par le meme. Paper. 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1813 1436 LACINIUS, J. Pretiosa Margarita Novella de Thesavro ac Pretiosissimo Philosophorvm Lapide. Collectanea ex Ar- naldo, Rhaymundo, Rhasi, Alberto, et Michaele Scoto. Sheep. 16 [ Venetiis :] Aldus, 1546 "This volume," says the "Biographic Universelle," "is very rare." The f resent copy is in excellent condition. , A CONDAMINE. Charles Marie. Lettre sur FEmeute Populaire excitee en la Ville de Cuenca an Perou, le 29 of Jared Sparks. 99 d Aout 1739, centre les Academicians des Sciences, envoyes pour la Mesure de la Terre. Boards. 8 N. P. 1745-46 1438 LA CONDAMINE, Charles Marie. Mesure des Trois Premiers Degres du Meridien dans 1 Hemisphere Austral. Calf. 4 Paris, 1751 1439 LACRETELLE, C. J. Histoire de France, pendant le 18 e Siecle. Calf. 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1808-12 1440 LACRETELLE, P. L. CEuvres, avec Portraits et Tableaux. Boards. 2 vols. (0/6.) Paris, 1824 1441 LA CROIX, M. DE. Constitutions des Principaux Etats de 1 Europe. 6 torn, 8 Paris, 1791-1801 1442 A Review of the Constitutions of the Principal States of Europe and of the United States of America. 2 vols. 8 London, 1792 1443 LACTANTIUS, Lucius C. Opera Omnia quae supersunt lo. G. Walchius recensuit et Criticis Commentariis inlus- travit. Paper. 12 Lipsia, 1715 1444 LADVOCAT, Jean Baptiste. Dictionnaire Historique Portatif. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1761 1445 LAENSBERG, Mathieu. Le Yeridique Almanac Liegeois pour 1829. 18 Liege, 1829 1446 LAET, JOANNES DE. Novvs ORBIS, seu Descriptions Indiae Occidentalis Libri XVIII. Novis Tabulis Geographi- cis et variis Animantium, Plantarum, Fructuumque Iconibus illustrati. Old calf. Good copy of an important work. Folio. Lugd. Batav. apud Elzevirios, 1 633 1447 LAFAYETTE, Gilbert Motier, Marquis DE. Itineraire du General Lafayette de Grenoble a Lyon ; precedee d une Notice Historique sur cet Illustre Citoyen. Paper. 8 Lyon, 1829 1448 Memoires Historiques et Pieces Authentiques sur M. de La Fayette, pour servir a 1 Histoire des Revolutions. Half calf. 8 Paris, an II. [1794] An autograph letter of La Fayette inserted. 1449 Memoires, Correspondance, et Manuscrits ; publics par sa Famille. Half turkey mor. 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1837 1450 Memoirs, Correspondence, and Manuscripts. Vol. I. Cloth. 8 New York, 1837 1451 10 pamphlets relating to him, bound in 1 vol., half sheep. 8 1824-35 1452 LA HARPE, Bernard DE. Journal Historique de 1 Etab- lissement des Fran9ais a la Louisiane. Half calf . 8 Nouvelk Orleans, 1831 1453 LA HARPE, J. F. Cours de Litterature Ancienne et Moderne. Half calf . IS vols. 8 Paris, 1826 1454 LAING, Major Alexander Gordon. Travels in the Timan- nee, Kooranko, and Soolima Countries, in Western Africa ; with Plates and a Map. Boards. 8 London, 1825 100 Catalogue of the Library 1455 LAMB, Charles. Letters, with a Sketch of his Life, by T. N. Talfourd. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 London, 1837 1456 Literary Sketches and Letters. Cloth. 12 New York, 1848 1457 Poetical Works. Cloth. 16 London, 1836 1458 Prose Works. Cloth. 3 vols. 8 London, 1836 1459 LAMBERT, Edward R. History of the Colony of New Haven, before and after the Union with Connecticut. Cloth. 12 New Haven, 1838 1460 LAMPREDI, Giov. Maria. Du Commerce des Neutres en Terns de Guerre. Traduit par J. Peuchet. Half calf . 8 Paris, an X. [1802] 1461 LANDER, Sir T. D., and Capt. Thomas Brown. The Mis cellany of Natural History. Volume I. Parrots. Cloth. 12 Edinburgh, 1833 1462 LANE, George M. SmyrnaBorum Res Gestae et Antiqui- tates. Cloth. 8 Gottingce, 1851 1463 LANGEAC, Le Chevalier DE. Colomb dans les Fers. ISpitre, precedee d un Precis Historique sur Colomb. Paper. 16 Londres, 1782 1464 LANJUINAIS, J. D. Constitutions de la Nation Fran9aise. Sheep. 2 vols 8 Paris, 1819 1465 LANMAN, J. H. History of Michigan, Civil and Topograph ical, in a Compendious Form ; with a View of the Surround ing Lakes. Cloth; with a Map. 8 New York, 1839 1466 LARDNER, N. Memoirs of his Life and Writings. Con taining a Catalogue of his Works, Letters relating to them, etc. Also Eight Sermons. Calf, with portrait. 8 London, 1769 1467 LA SALLE, Robert Cavelier, Sieur DE. Relation du Voyage entrepris, pour decouvrir dans le Golfe du Mexique 1 Em- bouchure du Fleuve de Missisipy. Par son Frere M. Cave lier, 1 un des Compagnons de ce Voyage. Cloth. 4 A Manate, 1857 1468 LAS CASES, Count DE. Memorial de Sainte Helene. Jour nal of the Private Life and Conversations of Napoleon at Saint Helena. Vol. I. Part I. Boards. 8 Boston, 1823 1469 LASERRE. Le Chevalier Barbier DE. Essais Historiques et Critiques sur la Marine de France, de 1661 a 1789, et des Principaux Objets qui y sont relatifs. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1814 1470 LAUBESPIN, Comte Em. de.] Memorial Portatif de Chrono- logie, d Histoire Industrielle, d Economie Politique, de Bio graphic, etc. Paper. 2 pts. 12 Paris, 1829 1471 LAURENS, Henry. The Candor of Henry Laurens, Esq., manifested by his Behaviour to Mr. Edmund Jenings. Half turkey morocco. 4 London, [1783] 1472 Mr. Laurens s True State of the Case, by which his Candor to Mr. Edmund Jenings is manifested, and the Tricks of Jared Sparks. 101 of Mr. Jenings are detected. [Privately printed.] Half turkey morocco. 4 London, 1783 1473 LAURENS, Henry. A Full Manifestation of what Mr. Henry Laurens falsely denominates Candor in himself and Tricks in Mr. Edmund Jenings. Half turkey mor. 4 London, 1783 1474 LAVALLEE, Theopbile. Histoire de Paris, depuis le Temps des Gaulois jusqu a nos Jours. 2 e Edition. Paper. 2 vols. 12 Paris. 1857 1475 LAW, William. Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. With Account of the Author, and Three Letters to a Friend. Calf. 12 Boston, 1818 1476 LAW, The, of the Territories. Cloth. 12 Phil 1859 1477 LAWRENCE, William Beach. An Address at the Opening of the Eleventh Exhibition of the American Academy of the Fine Arts, May 10, 1825. 8 Neio York, 1826 1478 - Visitation and Search; or an Historical Sketch of the British Claim to Exercise a Maritime Police over the Vessels of all Nations, in Peace as well as in War ; with an Inquiry into the Expediency of terminating the Eighth Article of the Ashburton Treaty. 8 Boston. 1858 1479 LAWRENCE, W. R. Extracts from the Diary and Corre spondence of the Late Amos Lawrence. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1825 1480 LAWRENCE Academy, Groton, Mass. The Jubilee, July 12, 1854; with General Catalogue. Paper. 8 New York, 1855 1480a LAY, G. T. The Chinese as they are. Paper. 8 Albany, 1843 14805 LEAKE, Isaac Q. Memoir of the Life and Times of Gen eral John Lamb, who commanded the Post at West Point at the Time of Arnold s Defection. Cloth. 8 Albany, 1850 1480c LE BOUCHER, O. J.] Histoire de la Derniere Guerre entre la Grande Bretagne. et les Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique, la France, 1 Espagne, et la Hollande, 1775-83. Maps. Calf. 4 Paris, 1787 With a curious MS. note relating to the suppression of an attack upon De Castries, Ministre de la Marine. This book was thought worthy of a new edition in 1830. 14806? Another copy. Paper. 1480e LEBRUN, Isidore. Tableau Statistique et Politique des Deux Canadas. Paper. 8 Paris, 1833 1481 LE CLERCQ, Le P. Chrestien. ETABLISSEMENT DE LA FOY DANS LA NouvELLE FRANCE. Contenant FHistoire des Colonies Fra^oises, & Decouvertes qui s y sont faites jusques a present. Avec une Relation Exacte des Expedi tions & Voyages Entrepris pour la Decouverte du Fleuve Mississipi jusques au Golphe de Mexique. Par Ordre du Roy. Sous la Conduite du Sieur de la Salle, et de ses di- verses Avantures jusques a sa Mort. Ensemble les Victoires rernportees en Canada sur les Anglois & Iroquois en 1690, Catalogue of the Library par les Armes de sa Majeste, sous le Comman dement de Monsieur le Comte de Frontenac, Gouverneur & Lieutenant General de la Nouvelle France. Par le P. C. L. C. Calf. 2 vols. 16 Paris, Amable Auroy, M DC LXXXI " An extremely rare work. Soon after its publication it was suppressed by the French Government, and very few copies were circulated. It is pecul iarly valuable as containing the first original account of the discoveries of La Salle by two missionaries who accompanied him. From this book also Hennepin drew the account of his pretended discovery of the Mississippi river." j. s. 1482 LECTURES (27) in the University of London.] Half calf . 2 vols. 8 1828-49 1483 LEDERER, JOHN. THE DISCOVERIES OF JOHN LEDERER, In three several Marches from Virginia, To the West of Carolina, And other Parts of the Continent; Begun in March 1669, and Ended in September 1670. Together with A general Map of the whole Territory which he trav ersed. Collected and translated out of Latine from his Discourse and Writings, by Sir William Talbot, Baronet. Half calf. The map wanting. 4 I, pp. 27. Sm. 4 London, Samuel Heyrick, 1672 1484 LEDYARD, J. A Journal of Cook s Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and in quest of a North- West Passage in 1776-79. Half calf, neat. 12 Hartford, 1783 The title-page and the last 8 pages are in neat MS, and the map is traced from the original. An autograph letter of Pres. JEFFKKSON relating to Ledyard is inserted. 1485 LEE, Major General Charles. Life and Memoirs. With his Political and Military Essays. Also Letters. Sheep. 12 New York, 1813 1486 Proceedings of a General Court-Martial, held at Brunswick in the State of New Jersey, by order of his Ex cellency, Gen. Washington, for the Trial of Major-Gen. Lee, July 4th, 1778, Major-Gen. Lord Stirling, President. Paper. 8 New York, 1864 One of 100 copies " privately reprinted." 1487 LEE, Gen. Henry. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. Half sheep. Uncommon. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1812 1488 LEE, Major Henry, son of the preceding. The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas; with Remarks on Johnson s Life of Greene, and an Appendix of Original Documents relating to the Revolution. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 1489 Observations on the Writings of Jefferson, with Reference to the Attack they contain on the Late Gen. Henry Lee. In Letters by H. Lee. 2d Edition, with an Introduction and Notes, by C. C. Lee. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1839 1490 LEE, Richard Henry. Life of Arthur Lee, LL. D. With his Correspondence, and his Papers on Diplomatic and Political Subjects. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1829 An autograph letter of A. Lee is inserted. of Jared Sparks. 103 1491 LEE, Richard Henry. Memoir of Richard Henry Lee, and his Correspondence with the most Distinguished Men in America and Europe, illustrative of the Revolution. By his Grandson Richard H. Lee. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Phil. 1825 1492 LEE, Samuel. A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lan guage of New Zealand. 12 London, 1820 1493 LEFRANC, Em. Nouveau Manuel des Aspirans au Baccalau- reat es-Lettres. 4 e Edition. Half calf . 18 Paris. 1494 LEGENDRE, A. M. Elements of Geometry. Translated from the French by John Farrar. New Edition. Enlarged. Half cloth. 8 Boston, 1838 1495 LEIGH, Samuel. New Picture of London. Morocco. 18 London, 1824-25 1496 New Pocket Road-Book of England, Wales, and Part of Scotland. 2d Edition. 55 county maps. Morocco. 18 London, 1826 1497 The Same. 6th Edition, revised. London, 1837 1498 LEISURE Hours at Sea ; a few Miscellaneous Poems. By a Midshipman of the United States Navy. Boards. 12 New York, 1825 1499 LEMARE, Pierre-Alexandre. Cours de Langue Fran9aise. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1819 1500 LE MASCRIER, L Abbe Jean-Baptiste.] Memoires Histor- iques sur la Louisiane, contenant ce qui y est arrive de plus Memorable, depuis 1 Annee 1687 jusqu a present. Ouvrage enrichi de Cartes et de Figures. Calf. 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1753 1501 LEMPRIERE, J. A Classical Dictionary. Sheep. 8 New York, 1809 1502 Universal Biography. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1810 1503 LEONARD, Daniel.] Massachusettensis : or a Series of Let ters, containing a Faithful State of many Important and Striking Facts, which laid the Foundation of the Present Troubles in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. Half calf, neat. Reprint. 8 London, 1776 1504 LE PAGE DU PRATZ. History of Louisiana, or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina. New Ed. Boards. Scarce. f 8 London, 1774 1505 LERMINIER, E. Etudes d Histoire et de Philosophic. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1836 1506 LESTER, C. Edwards.] The Condition and Fate of England. 2d Ed. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1845 1507 and A. Foster. The Life and Voyages of Ameri- cus Vespucius. Cloth. 8 New York, 1846 1508 LETAMENDI, Agustin. Notas Historicas sobre la Revolu- cion de Espaiia, 1814-1823. With the author s autograph. Half sheep. 8 Charleston, 1826 104 Catalogue of the Library 1509 LETTER from a Virginian to the Members of the Congress to be held at Philadelphia on the First of September, 1774. Half calf, neat. Reprint. 8 London, 1774 With the autograph of F. Maseres. 1510 LETTER to G. G. [George Grenville]. Half calf . 8 London, 1767 1511 LETTERS from Cockney Lands. 4th Edition. Boards. 12 London, 1827 1512 LETTERS to a Protestant Divine in Defence of Unitarianism. By another Barrister. Boards. 8 London, 1824 1513 LETTERS to the Ministry, from Governor Bernard, General Gage, and Commodore Hood. Half calf . Reprint. 8 London, N. D. 1514 LEVASSEUR, A. Lafayette en Amerique en 1824 et 1825, ou Journal d une Voyage aux Etats-Unis. Orne de douze Gravures et d une Carte. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1829 1515 LEVIS, Pierre-Marc Gaston, Due DE. Souvenirs et Portraits, 1780-89. Nouvelle Edition, augmentee d Articles supprime s par la Censure de Buonaparte. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1815 1516 LEVIZAC, J. P. V. L. DE. L Art de parler et d ecrire la Langue Frangaise. 7 e Ed. Sheep. 2 vols. in one. 8 Paris, 1822 1517 LEWIS, George Cornewall. An Essay on the Government of Dependencies. Boards. 8 London, 1841 1518 LEWIS, John. Analytical Outlines of the English Lan guage. Sheep. Richmond, 1825 1519 Another copy. Boards. 8 Richmond, 1825 1520 Tables of Comparative Etymology and Analogous Formations in the Greek, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, English, and German Languages. 4 Philadelphia, 1828 1521 Observations on the Objects and Progress of Philo logical Inquiries. 8 Fredericksburg, 1827 1522 LHOMOND, Charles-Francois. Elements de la Grammaire Latine. Vellum. 12 Paris, 1812 1523 LIEBER, Francis. A Constitution and Plan of Education for Girard College for Orphans. Half cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1834 1524 LIEBIG, Justus, Baron VON. Animal Chemistry, or Organic Chemistry in its Application to Physiology and Pathology. Edited from the Author s MS. by W. Gregory. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1842 1525 Organic Chemistry. Cloth. 8 Cambridge, 1841 1526 LINCOLN, Solomon, Jr. History of Hingham, Mass. Half cloth. 12 Hingham, 1827 1527 LINGARD, John. A History of England, from the Invasion by the Romans. 5th Ed. Half calf. 8 vols. 8 Paris, 1840 1528 LITTELL S Living Age. Nos. 1 to 43, and 201, except Nos. 2, 10, 15, 18, 19,21,42. Unbound. 37 nos. 8 Bost. 1844-45 of Jared Sparks. 10 3 1529 LITTLE Pretty Pocket Book. First Worcester Edition. 24 Worcester, 1787 1530 LIVERMORE, George. An Historical Research respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes, as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers. Paper. 8 Boston, 1862 From the author, with his autograph. 1531 LIVINGSTONE, David. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, including a Sketch of Sixteen Years Residence in the Interior. Portrait, Maps, and Illustrations. Cloth. 8 London, 1857 1532 LIVIUS, Titus. The History of Rome. Translated, with Notes by G. Baker. Sheep. 6 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1823 1533 LOBECK, J. F. Questiones lonicae. Fasciculus I. Paper. With the author s autograph. 8 Regimontii Prussorum, 1850 1534 LOCKE Amsdem, or the Schoolmaster; a Tale. Paper. 12 Boston, 1847 1535 LOCKE, John. The Works of John Locke, llth Ed. Boards. 10 vols. 8 London, 1812 1536 Locke s Essay for the Understanding of St. Paul s Epistles ; and Le Clerc on Inspiration. Boards. 18 Boston, 1820 1537 LOCKHART, J. G. Reginald Dalton. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1823 1538 LOMENIE, Louis DE. Beatimarchais et son Temps. Etudes sur la Societe en France au XVIIP Siecle, d apres des Documentes Inedits. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1856 1539 Beaumarchais and his Times. Translated by H. S. Edwards. Cloth. 12 New York, 1857 1540 LONDON University. The London University Calendar, 1850. 2d Ed. Cloth. 12 London, N. D. 1541 LONDON ; what to see, and how to see it. Cloth. Illustra tions. 1 6 London, 1857 1542 LONG, Major S. H. Account of an Expedition from Pitts burgh to the Rocky Mountains, 1819-20. Maps and Plates. Boards. 4 Philadelphia, 1822 1543 Same. Compiled by E. James. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1823 1544 Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter s River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., in 1823. Compiled from the Notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating, and Colhoun, by W. H. Keating. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 1545 LONGCHAMPS, I Abbe P. DE.] Histoire Impartiale des Evenemens Militaires et Politiques de la Derniere Guerre, dans les Quatres Parties du Monde. Calf. 3 vols. 12 Amsterdam, 1785 1546 ] Same. Half calf. 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1785 106 Catalogue of the Library 1547 LONGFELLOW, H. W. The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other Poems. Cloth, gilt. 16 Boston, 1858 1548 Evangeline, a Tale of Acadie. Boards. 16 Boston, 1847 1549 The Golden Legend. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1851 1550 LONGINUS, D. On the Sublime ; in Greek together with the English Translation. By W. Smith. Sheep. 12 Baltimore, 1810 1551 LOOMIS, Elias. The Recent Progress of Astronomy, especially in the United States. Cloth. 12 New York, 1850 1552 Same. 3d Ed., re-written and enlarged. Half calf. 12 New York, 1856 1553 LORD, John. A Modern History, from the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon. Half morocco. 8 Phil. N. D. 1554 LORD, W. W. Andre, a Tragedy, in Five Acts. Cloth. 12 New York, 1856 1555 LORING, Charles G. England s Liability for Indemnity : Remarks on the Letter of " Historicus." Paper. 8 Boston, 1864 1556 Neutral Relations of England and the United States. Paper. 8 Boston, 1863 1557 and FIELD, E. W.] Correspondence on the Pres ent Relations between Great Britain and the United States. Paper. 8 Boston, 1862 1558 LOSSING, Benson J. Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six, or the War of Independence ; a History of the Anglo- Americans from the Union of the Colonies against the French, to the Inauguration of Washington. With numer ous Engravings. Cloth. 8 New York, 1847 1559 The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution; or Illustrations, by Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biogra phy, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the War for In dependence. With several hundred Engravings on Wood. Half turkey morocco. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1851-52 1560 Louis XVI. Correspondance Inedite, avec des Observa tions par Helene M. Williams. 2 tomes en I. 8 Paris, 1803 1561 LOUISIANA. The Laws of Las Siete Partidas, which are still in force in Louisiana. Translated from the Spanish by L. M. Lislet and Henry Carleton. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 New Orleans, 1820 1562 LOUVILLE, C. ,A. d Allonville, Marquis, &c. Me moires Secrets stir 1 Etablissement de la Maison de Bourbon en Espagne. Half calf . 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1818 1563 LOUVRE. Guide through the Galleries of Paintings. Half cloth. 12 Paris, 1855 1564 LOWE, Joseph. The Present State of England in regard to Agriculture, Trade, and Finance. Boards. 8 New York, of Jared Sparks. 107 1565 LOWELL, Mrs. A. C. Seed Grain for Thought and Discus sion ; a Compilation. Cloth. 2 vols. 16 Boston, 1856 1566 LOWER, M. Antony. English Surnames. Essays on Family Nomenclature, Historical, Etymological, and Humorous. With Chapters of Rebuses and Canting Arms. Cloth. 12 London, 1842 1567 LOWMAN, Moses. Three Tracts. I. Whether the Appear ances under the Old Testament were Appearances of the True God himself, or only of some other Spiritual Being. II. On the Schechinah. III. Texts of Scripture relating to the Logos considered. Paper. 8 London, 1756 1568 LUCANUS, M. A. De Bello Civili, cum Grotii Farnabii Notis Integris et Variorum Selectissimis. Editio Nova. Halfrussia. 8 Londini, 1818 1569 LUCIANUS. Colloquia Selecta, et Timon. Cebetis Tabula. Menandri Sententiae Morales. Graece et Latine. Notis illustravit T. Hemsterhuis. Vellum. 18 Basilitz, 1771 I569a Dialogues selected from Lucian, with his Method of writing History. Translated by Wm. Ford. Sheep. 12 Dublin, 1785 1570 , Excerpta quaadam ex Luciani Operibus, per N. Kent. Ed. 5 a . Calf. 8 Londini, 1771 1571 LUCRETIUS, Titus. De Rerum Natura ; ad Exemplar G. Wakefield, cum Notis. Calf. 4 vols. 8 Glasguce, 1813 1572 Of the Nature of Things, translated into English Verse by Tho. Creech. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Land. 1714-15 1573 LUDEWIG, Hermann. E. The Literature of American Local History. Cloth. 8 New York, 1846 1574 LUNT, George. The Age of Gold, and other Poems. Boards. 16 Boston, 1843 1574a Three Eras of New England. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1857 1575 LUSHINGTON, S. R. The Life and Services of General Lord Harris, G. C. B.. during his Campaigns in America, the West Indies, and India. Portrait. Cloth. 8 London, 1840 1576 LUTHER S German Version of the Gospel of John ; with an Interlinear English Translation, by C. Follen. Sheep. 12 Cambridge, 1835 1577 LYELL, Sir Charles. The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man. With Remarks on the Origin of Species by Variation. With Wood-cuts. Cloth. % Philadelphia, 1863 1578 LYMAN, Theodore. The Diplomacy of the United States ; an Account of the Foreign Relations of the Country, from the First Treaty with France in 1778, to the Treaty of Ghent, in 1814, with Great Britain. Half calf. 8 Boston, 1826 1579 LYRA Germanica. [First Series.] Cloth. 12 New York, 1859 108 Catalogue of the Library 1580 LYTTLETON, Thomas, Lord. Letters ; with a Memoir of the Author. Sheep. 8 Troy, 1807 1581 LYSIAS. The Orations of Lysias and Isocrates, translated by J. Gillies. Calf.. 4 London, 1778 1682 jirkirABLY, L Albe G. B. DE. Collection Complete des ^j^TJ. CEuvres de Mably. Fine copy, calf. 15 vols. 8 Paris, 1794-95 Mably s * Remarques sur le gouvernement et les lois des Etats-Unis," was the occasion of Adams Defence of the Constitution of the United States. 1583 MACAULAY, Mrs. Catharine. The History of England, from the Accession of James L, to the Elevation of the House of Hanover. Old calf. 5 vols. 8 London, 1769-72 1584 MACAULAY, T. B., Lord Macaulay. Critical and Miscel laneous Essays. Cloth. 3 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1841 1585 - The History of England from the Accession of James II. Cloth. 4 vols. 8 London, 1853-55 1586 - Lays of Ancient Rome. .Bevelled, half calf . 4 London, 1847 1587 M CALL, Capt. H. The History of Georgia, up to the Present Day. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Savannah, 1811-16 One of the rarest of State Histories. Sold, uncut, at Morrell s sale for $42.00, at Rice s for $52.00. 1588 M CLUNG, John A. Sketches of Western Adventure ; the most Interesting Incidents connected, with the Settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794. Half cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1832 1589 M CLURE, David, and Elijah Parish. Memoirs of the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock. Sheep. 8 Newburyport, 1811 1590 M CULLAGH, W. Torrens. The Use and Study of History. Cloth. 8 Dublin, 1842 1591 M CULLOCH, J. R. A Discourse on the Rise, Progress, Objects, and Importance of Political Economy. Boards. 8 Edinburgh, 1825 1592 - Another copy. Paper. 8 Edinburgh, 1825 1593 McCuLLOH, James H., Jun. Researches on America ; rela tive to the Aborigines, etc. Boards. 8 Baltimore, 1817 1594 - Researches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, con cerning the Aboriginal History of America. Map. Half cloth. 8 Baltimore, 1829 1595 MACDONALD, Norman. Maxims and Moral Reflections. Half cloth. 12 New York, 1827 1596 MACDONNEL, D. E. A Dictionary of Select and Popular Quotations which are in Daily Use. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1810 1597 MCDONNELL, Alexander. Considerations on Negro Slavery. With Authentic Reports, illustrative of the Actual Condition of the Negroes in Demerara. Boards. 8 London, 1824 1598 McGuiRE, E. C. The Religious Opinions and Character of Washington. Cloth. 12 New York, 1836 of Jared Sparks. 109 1599 McHENRT, James. The Wilderness; or Braddock s Times. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1823 1600 MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo. The Art of War. In Seven Books. Boards. 8 Albany, 1815 1601 Discourses upon the First Decade of Livius ; trans lated out of the Italian. With his Prince ; with some Mar ginal Animadversions, noting and taxing his Errors. By E. D. Old calf. 16 London, 1674 1602 The Florentine Histories. Translated from the Edition of G. B. Nicolini by C. E. Lester. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1845 1603 Another copy. Paper. New York, 1845 1604 CEuvres Completes, traduites par J. V. Peries. Half calf. 12 vols. 8 Paris, 1823-26 1605 MclNiscON, John. Principles of Political Economy, and of Population. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1825 1606 MACKAY, Andrew. A Collection of Mathematical Tables. Sheep. 8 London, 1804 1607 MACKENZIE, Alexander Slidell. Life of Commodore Perry. Cloth. 2 vols. 18 New York, 1841 1608 Life of Paul Jones. Cloth. 2 vols. 16 Boston, 1841 1609 Life of Stephen Decatur, a Commodore in the Navy of the United States. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1846 1610 MACKENZIE, Roderick. Strictures on Lt. Col. Tarleton s History " of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the South ern Provinces of North America." Boards. 8 London, 1787 Scarce ; sold Rice, $11.50. 1611 MACKINTOSH, J. The Discovery of America by Christo pher Columbus, and the Origin of the Nprth American In dians. Half cloth. 8 Toronto, 1836 1612 MACKINTOSH, Sir James. A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations. 4th Edition. Boards. 16 London, 1828 1613 A General View of the Progress of Ethical Philos ophy, chiefly during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Cen turies. Half cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1832 1614 History of the Revolution in England in 1688. Half calf. 2 vols. "8 Paris, 1840 1 615 M MAHON, Bernard. The American Gardener s Calendar. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1806 1616 McMAHON, John V. L. An Historical View of the Gov ernment of Maryland, from its Colonization to the Present Day. Vol. I. Cloth. 8 Baltimore, 1831 The author suppressed this work soon after the issue of Vol. I., and before many copies were sold, so that it is scarce. 1617 M QUEEN, James. The West India Colonies; the Calum nies and Misrepresentations circulated against them by the Edinburgh Review, Mr. Clarkson, Mr. Cropper, etc., refuted. Boards. 8 London, 1 824 110 Catalogue of the Library 1618 MACRAY, J. Stray Leaves, including Translations from the Lyric Poets of Germany, with Brief Notices of their Works. 12 London, 1827 1619 M ViCKAR, John. Domestic Narrative of the Life of Sam uel Bard, M. D. Boards. 8 New York, 1822 1620 First Lessons in Political Economy. 18 Boston, 1835 1621 The Professional Years of John Henry Hobart, D. D. Sheep. 12 New York, 1836 1622 MADISON, James. The Papers of James Madison, purchased by order of Congress ; being his Correspondence and Re ports of Debates during the Congress of the Confederation, and in the Federal Convention ; published from the Origi nal Manuscripts, under the Superintendence of H. D. Gilpin. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 Mobile, 1842 An autograph letter of Madison inserted. 1623 MAGENDIE, F. A Summary of Physiology. Translated from the French by J. Revere. 2d Edition. Boards. 8 Baltimore, 1824 1624 MAHLMANN, A. Gedichte. Paper. 16 Halle, 1825 1625 MAINE Historical Society. Collections. Vol. I. Cloth. 8 Portland, 1831 This volume is very rare, nearly the whole impression having been destroyed by fire. 1626 MAISTRE, Count Xavier DE. Russian Tales, translated by Wallenstein. Boards. 16 Philadelphia, 1826 1627 Another copy. Boards. 16 Philadelphia, 1826 1628 MALOUET, Pierre-Victor. Collection de Memoires et Cor- respondances Officielles sur 1 Administration des Colonies. Half sheep. 5 vols. 8 Paris, An X. [1802] 1 629 MALTHUS, T. R. Principles of Political Economy. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1821 1630 MANDRILLON, Joseph. Le Spectateur Americain, on Re- marques sur 1 Amerique Septentrionale, et sur les Etats-Unis ; suivi de Recherches Philosophiques sur la Decouverte du Nouveau-Monde. 2 e Edition. Calf. 8 Amsterdam, 1785 1631 MANN, Horace. A Few Thoughts for a Young Man. Flex ible cloth. pp. 84. 16 Boston, 1850 Presented by the author, with his autograph. 1632 MANSFIELD, Edward D. The Political Grammar of the United States. Cloth. 12 New York, 1834 1633 MANTE, Thomas. The History of the Late War in North- America and the Islands of the West-Indies ; including the Campaigns of 1763-64 against his Majesty s Indian Ene mies. Half sheep. 4 London, 1772 Sold, Morrell, $22.00; Rice, $56.00. 1 634 MANUAL of Liberty, The ; or Testimonies in Behalf of the Rights of Mankind. Sheep. 8 London, 1795 of Jared Sparks. Ill 1635 MANUSCRIPTS. BIBLIOTECA AMERICANA. Catalogo de los Autores que ban escrito de la America en Differentes Idiomas y Noticia de sti Vida y Patria, anos en que vivieron y Obras que escribieron. Compuesta por el Mariscal de Campo D. Antonio de ALCEDO, Gobernado de la Plaza de Coruna. Ano de 1807. " Copied in 1843 from the original manuscript in the possession of Mr. 0. Kich of London. The original was found by him in Madrid. This volume con tains 1300 pages." j. s. It cannot "be necessary to dilate upon the im portance of this manuscript. It has never been published, nor has it been superseded by later publications. Moreover, the insertion of notices of the lives of the authors is a feature of the very highest value. 1635a - BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA, by Arthur HOMER D. D., Fellow of Mag. Coll., Oxford. Half turkey morocco. 12 vols. " This work was intended for publication by the author, and he sent out printed proposals for that object. But it was never published. After his death, the manuscript was purchased by Sir Thomas Phillips of Middle Hill, Worcestershire, in whose possession I saw it in November, 1840. By his per mission the original manuscript was sent to London, where this copy was made for me in 1841." j. s. The work extends to 1600 pages, closely writ ten. With an autograph letter of the author to the Rev. Win. Bentley, of Salem, Mass., who furnished the author with valuable information, and whose knowledge about books relating to America was important to various European scholars, as evinced by his contributions to the collection of the Ebeling Library, now in the Library of Harvard College. This work, too, has never been superseded. It should be secured for some public library. 1636 AUTOGRAPHS (14) used in Sparks s " American Biography." Contents: Autographs of Ethan ALLEN, Wm. EATON, Jonathan EDWARDS (a letter to Washington), the Apostle ELIOT, Wm. ELLERY, W. JOHNSON, Cotton MATHER, Gen. MONTGOMERY, Wm. PINKNEY, D. RITTENHOUSE, Rob. ROGERS, Gen. STARK, Seth WARNER, Ephraim WILLIAMS. 1637 MARCET, Mrs. Jane H.] Conversations on Political Econ omy. Half calf. 1 2 Philadelphia, 1817 1638 MARCY, Randolph B. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana in 1852. By R. B. Marcy, assisted by George B. McClellan. With Reports on the Natural History, and nu merous Illustrations. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1854 1 639 MARINER, W. An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands ; with an Original Grammar and Vocabulary of their Language. 2d Edition. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1818 1640 Same. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1820 1641 MARKHAM, Mrs. History of England to the Reign of Vic toria. Half morocco. 12 New York, 1859 1642 MARLIANI, Manuel DE. Histoire Politique de 1 Espagne Moderne. Half turkey morocco., 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1840 1643 MARMONTEL, Jean Frangois. Ele*mens de Litterature. Pa per. 6 vols. 12 N. P. 1787 1644 CEuvres Posthumes. Calf \ 4 vols. 12 Paris, 1806 1645 - Grammaire. Sheep. 12- Paris, 1806 Catalogue of the Library 1646 MARQUETTE and JOLIET. Voyage et Decouverte de quel- ques Pays et Nations de I Amerique Septentrionale, par le P. Marquette et Sr. Joliet. Paris, chez Estienne Michallet rue S. Jaques a I Image S. Paul, M. DC. LXXXI. Avec privi lege du Hoy. Full turkey morocco, gilt edges. 16 Paris, 1845 One of 125 copies reprinted by Mr. Rich, and presented to Mr. Sparks, with his autograph. 1647 MARRYAT, Capt. Frederick. The Settlers in Canada; writ ten for Young People. Paper. 16 Leipzig, 1844 1648 MARSDEN, William. A Grammar of the Malayan Lan guage, with an Introduction and Praxis. Boards. 4 London, 1812 1649 MARSEILLAISE. La Marseillaise illustree. Half morocco. Imperial 8 Paris, 1840 1650 MARSH, John. An Epitome of General Ecclesiastical His tory. 12 New York, 1828 1651 MARSHALL, Christopher. Passages from his Diary, kept in Philadelphia and Lancaster during the American Revolu tion. Edited by W. Duane. Vol. I. 1774-77. Paper. 12 Philadelphia, 1839-49 1652 Passages from the Remembrancer. Edited by W. Duane, Jr. Half calf , neat. 12 Philadelphia, 1839 1653 MARSHALL, Humphrey. The History of Kentucky; ex hibiting an Account of the Modern Discovery, Settlement, Progressive Improvement, Civil and Military Transactions, and the Present State of the Country. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Frankfort, 1824 1654 MARSHALL, John. History of the Colonies planted by the English in North America, from their Settlement to the War of Independence. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 Originally prefixed to the Author s Life of Washington. 1655 ] The Life of George Washington. Maps. Half sheep. 4 Philadelphia, 1807 1656 - The Life of George Washington. To which is pre fixed a Compendious View of the Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of North America. Sheep. 5 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1804-7 1657 Same. 2d Edition, revised. Sheep. With atlas. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1832 In this edition the History of the Colonies is omitted. 1658 MARTENS, Charles DE. Guide Diplomatique, ou Traite des Droits, des Immunites et des Devoirs des Ministres Publics, des Agens Diplomatiques et Consulates, dans toute PEten- due de leurs Fonctions. Nouvelle Edition, augmentee par Hoffmanns. Half calf . 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1837 of Jared Sparks. 113 1659 MARTENS, G. F. DE. Precis du Droit des Gens Moderne de FEurope, fonde sur les Traites et 1 Usage. Nouvelle Edition, avec des Notes de M. S. Pinheiro-Ferreira. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1831 1660 Recneil de Traites d Alliance [etc.] des Puissances et Etats de 1 Europe, avec Deux Supplements. Half calf . 17 vols. 8 Gottingue, 1795-1827 1661 MARTIN, F.-X. The History of Louisiana from the Earliest Period. Boards. Scarce. 2 vols. 8 New- Orleans, 1827-29 1662 The History of North Carolina from the Earliest Period. Boards. Scarce. 2 vols. 8 New-Orleans, 1829 1663 MARTINEAU, Miss H. Life in the Sick Room. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1844 1664 Miscellanies. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1836 1665 - Society in America. Cloth. 2 vols. 12JV. T. 1837 1666 MARYLAND. A RELATION OP MARYLAND; Together, with A Map of the Countrev, The Conditions of Plantation, His Majesties Charter to the Lord Baltemore, translated into English. Half calf , neat. pp. 56. 4 These Bookes are to bee had, at Master William Peasley Esq; his house ; or in his absence, at Master lohn Morgans house, London, 1635 Wants the Charter, but contains the Map, which is usually wanting. EXCES SIVELY KARK. 1666a Catalogue of the Library of the State of Maryland. Dec. 1837. Boards. 8 Annapolis, 1837 1667 The Constitution of the State, adopted by the Con vention of Delegates assembled at Annapolis, Nov. 4th, 1850. With Marginal Notes and an Appendix, by E. 0. Hinkley. Sheep. 8 Baltimore, 1851 1668 LAWS at large, with Indexes. Now first collected. With Notes, etc., relative to the Constitution. The Charter, with an English Translation. By Thomas Bacon, [etc.] Folio, law calf. Scarce. Annapolis, 1763 1669 LAWS made since 1763, consisting of Acts of As sembly under the Proprietary Government, Resolves of Convention, the Declaration of Rights, the Constitution and Form of Government, the Articles of Confederation, and Acts of Assembly since the Revolution. Calf. Scarce. Folio. Annapolis, 1787 1670 Papers relating chiefly to the Maryland Line dur ing the Revolution. Edited by T. Balch. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia. 1857 1671 Proceedings of the Conventions of the Province, held at Annapolis, in 1774-76. Sheep. 8 Baltimore, 1836 1672 MARYLAND, NORTH CAROLINA, LOUISIANA. Lists of Manuscript Papers. Half calf. (1.) Four Reports " of D. Ridgeley in relation to the collections of documents, papers, etc., ordered to be deposited in the council chamber." 8 Annapolis, 1836-38 1 1 4 Catalogue of the Library (2.) A leaf from the "Journal of Proceedings of the House of Delegates," Maryland, containing a Report concerning the purchase of " certain papers relative to the early history of Maryland." (3.) Three Letters from Gov. Sharpe in 1754. 8 (4.) " Indexes to Documents relative to North Carolina during its Colonial Existence; now on file in the Offices of the Board of Trade and State Paper Offices in London " 8 Raleigh, 1843 (5.) "Analytical Index of the Public Documents relative to Louisiana, de posited in the Archives of the Department de la Marine et des Colonies at Paris." 80 New Orleans, 1841 1673 MASEKES, Baron F.] Additional Papers concerning the Province of Quebeck. Calf. 8 London, 1776 1674 ] The Canadian Freeholder; in Two Dialogues be tween an Englishman and a Frenchman settled in Canada. Vol. I. Half calf. 8 London, 1777 1675 ] Occasional Essays on Various Subjects, chiefly Political and Historical. Boards. 8 London, 1809 1676 MASSACHUSETTS. Abstract of the School Returns for 1841-44. Half cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1842-44 K ,77 Acts and Resolves. 1845. Paper. 8 Boston, 1845 1678 Address of John A. Andrew to the Legislature. Paper. 8 Boston, 1864 1 679 Board of Education. [Annual Reports, viz : 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14-18, 20, and 26.] 8 Boston, 1844-63 With duplicates of 12 and 16. 1680 The Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay. Half calf \ 8 Boston, 1814 1681 Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of Massachusetts in 1788, which ratified the Constitution of the United States. Calf. 8 Boston, 1856 1682 Journal of the Convention for framing a Constitu tion of Government for the State, Sept. 1, 1779-June 16, 1780. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1832 1 683 The Journals of each Provincial Congress of Massa chusetts in 1774 and 1775, and of the Committee of Safety; with an Appendix. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1838 1684 Papers relating to Public Events in Massachusetts preceding the American Revolution. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1856 1685 Speeches of the Governors of Massachusetts from 1765 to 1775 ; and the Answers of the House of Representa tives; with their Resolutions and Addresses for that Period. And other Public Papers relating to the Dispute between this Country and Great Britain. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1818 1686 Statistics of the Condition and Products of certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts, for the Year Ending April 1, 1845. Prepared by J. G. Palfrey, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Paper, cloth back. 8 Boston, 1846 1687 Supplement to the General Statutes. No. 6. Legislation of 1865. Paper. 8 1865 1688 MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. Catalogue of the Library. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1859-60 of Jared Sparks. 115 1689 MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society. Collections. 1792- 1865. 34 vols. half sheep, 3 cloth. Fine copy. 37 vols. 8 Boston, 1806-65 1690 Same. Vol. I.-XXXIV. Boston, 1806-58 1691 Proceedings. 1855-64. Cloth. 5 vols. 8 Boston, 1859-64 1692 MASSACHUSETTS Register, The, and United States Calendar for 1834, 47-52, 62. Half morocco, and cloth. 8 vols. 16 Boston, 1834-62 1693 MASSEY, William. A History of England during the Reign of George III. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 London, 1855-58 1694 MATHER, COTTON. The Life and Death Of the Re- nown d Mr. John Eliot, Who was the First Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America. The Second Edition carefully corrected. Half calf. A stained and short copy, some leaves cropped. 3 /., pp. 136. Small 8 London, John Dunton, MDC xo I " Francis W. P. Greenwood s, bought in Liverpool, May, 1821." 1695 Magnalia Christi Americana. 1st American Edi tion, from the London Edition of 1702. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Hartford, 1820 1695a MATHER, Increase. Discourses. Old calf . 1. [Ko/iijToypa^ta. Or a Discourse concerning Comets.] Title-page wanting, but otherwise entire. 5 l.,pp. 143. Sm. 80 Boston, 1683 2. Heaven s Alarm to the World; or a Sermon, wherein is shewed That Fearful Sights And Signs in Heaven are the Presages of Great Calamities at hand. Preached at the Lecture of Boston in New-England; January, 20. 1680. The Second Impression. 4 I., pp. 38. Sm. 8 Boston, 1682 3. The Latter Sign Discoursed of, in a Sermon preached at the Lecture of Bos ton in New-England, August, 31. 1682. Wherein is shewed, that the Voice of God in Signal Providences, especially when repeated and Iterated, ought to be hearkned unto. pp. 32. No. 3, though paged separately, has a register continuous with No. 2. 1696 MATHER, SAMUEL. The Life of the very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, D. D. & F. R. S,, Late Pastor of the North Church in Boston, Who died Feb. 13. 1727,8. Fine copy. Calf. SCARCE. 8 Boston, for Samuel Gerrish, 1729 1697 MATHEWS, J. M. The Bible and Men of Learning. Cloth. 8 New York, 1859. 1698 MATTHISON, Gilbert Farquhar. Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, in 1821 and 1822. 8 London, 1825 1699 MAUGHAM, R. A Treatise on the Laws of Literary Prop erty, comprising the Statutes and Cases relating to Books, Manuscripts, Lectures. Boards. 8 London, 1828 1700 MAUREPAS, J. F. P., Comte DE. Memoires. 3 e Edition. With 11 caricatures. Half calf . 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1792 1701 MAURER, F. J. V. D. Commentarius Grammaticus Criticus in Vetus Testamentum. Paper. 3 pts. 8 Lipsice, 1832-34 1702 MAXWELL, Caroline. Beauties of Ancient English and Scottish History. Half cloth. 8 London, 1828 116 Catalogue of the Library 1703 MAYER, Branz. Captain Canct ; or Twenty Years of an African Slaver. Written out and Edited from the Captain s Journals, Memoranda, and Conversations. Cloth. 12 New York, 1854 1704 MAYER, M. DE. Vie Publique et Privee de Charles Gra- vier, Comte de Vergennes, Ministre d Etat. Half calf . 8 Paris, 1789 1705 MAZZEI V Philip.] Recherches Historiques et Politiques sur les Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique Septentrionale ; ou Ton traite des Etablissemens des Treize Colonies, etc. Boards. 4 vols. 8 Colle, 1788 " The author was assisted in the work by the celebrated Condorcet. Mazzei was an Italian by birth, who migrated to America before the Revolution." Rich. 1706 MEASE, James. The Picture of Philadelphia, its Origin, Increase, and Improvements. Boards. 12 Phil. 1811 1707 MEISEL, H. Cours de Style Diplomatique. Half calf . 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1826 1708 MELISH, John. A Geographical Description of the United States. Half morocco. 8 Philadelphia, 1816 1709 MELMOTH, William. Fitzosborne s Letters on several Sub jects. From the 12th London Edition. Calf. 12 Boston, 1815 From "Wm. H. Eliot, with his autograph. 1710 MEMOIRE CONTENANT LE PRECIS DES FAITS, avec leurs Pieces Justificatives, pour servir de Reponse aux Observa tions envoyees par les Ministres d Angleterre dans les Cours de 1 Europe. Calf. 12 Paris, 1756 " Very rare." J. s. 1711 MEMOIRE CONTENANT LE PRECIS DES FAITS, avec leurs Pieces Justificatives, pour servir de Reponse aux Observa tions envoyees par les Ministres d Angleterre dans les Cours de 1 Europe. Calf. pp. vi. and 198. 4 Paris, 1756 This book also is marked " very rare " by Mr. Sparks ; and is not mentioned in Rich, Stevens, or Smith. 1712 MEMOIRE sur les Principes et les Lois de la Neutralite Mar itime, accompagne de Pieces Officielles Justificatives. Half sheep. 8 Paris, 1812 1713 MEMOIRES de la Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, 1848-49. With 4 pamphlets published by the Society. Paper. 8 Copenhague, 1852 1714 Same. 1850-60. With 8 pamphlets published by the Society. Paper. 8 Copenhague, 1861 1715 MEMORIAL The ; a Christmas and New Year s Offering. Edited by F. S. H. Half cloth. 18 Boston, N. D. 1716 MEN of the Time, The. Cloth. 12 New York. 1852 1717 MENTOR, or Dialogues between a Parent and Children. Sheep. 12 Lexington [%.], 1828 1718 MERCER, John. An Exact Abridgement of all the Public of Jar ed Sparks. 117 Acts of Assembly of Virginia, in Force and Use. With Precedents, and Tables. Sheep. Covers somewhat defaced. 8 Williamsburg, 1737 1719 MESANGE, Le R.P. Cordelier Pierre de. La Vie, les Avan- tures, et le Voyage de Groenland. Avec une Relation bien circonstanciee de 1 Origine, de 1 Histoire, des Moeurs, et du Paradis des Habitans du Pole Arctique. Calf. Frontis piece. 2 vols in 1. 12 Amsterdam, 1720 1720 METCALF, D. An Inquiry into the Nature, Foundation, and Extent of Moral Obligation. Cloth. 2 copies. 12 Boston, 1860 1721 METCALF, Theron.] Digest of the Cases decided in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachu setts, March, 1816-Oct. 1823. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1825 1722 MEXICO. Bosquejo Ligerisimo de la Revolucion de Megico. desde el Grito de Iguala hasta la Proclamacion Imperial de Iturbide. Por un Verdadero Americano. Paper. 12 Philadelphia, 1822 1723 MICHAUX, F. A. The North American Sylva. Vol. I. Im- perfect. Boards. 8 Paris, 1819 1724 Travels to the Westward of the Alleghany Moun tains in the States of the Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and Return to Charlestown through the Upper Carolinas. Boards. 8 London, 1805 1725 MICHELET, Jules. Histoire de France. 2 e Edition. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1835 1726 Histoire Remain e. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1831 1727 Precis de 1 Histoire Moderne. 6 e Edition. Aug- mentee. Half calf . 8 Paris, 1840 1728 and Quinet, E. The Jesuits. Edited by C. Ed wards Lester. Paper. 12 New York, 1845 1729 MIDDLETON, C. The Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Calf. 3 vols. Boston, 1818 1730 Same. 3 vols. 8 Boston, 1827 1731 MICINET, F. A. Histoire de la Revolution Franchise. 4 e Edition. Sheep. r 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1827 1732 Same. 6 e Edition. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Bruxelles, 1835 1733 MILL, James. Elements of Political Economy. 2d Edi tion. Half calf. 8 London, 1824 1734 MILL, John Stuart. Principles of Political Economy, with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy. Cloth. 2 voh. 8 Boston, 1848 1735 MILL, Nicholas. The History of Mexico, from the Spanish Conquest to the Present Era. Boards. 8 London, 1824 1736 MILLAR, John. An Historical View of the English Gov ernment, from the Saxons to 1688. Boards. 4 vols. 8 London, 1818 118 Catalogue of the Library 1737 MILLER, John. A Description of the Province and City of New York, with Plans of the City and several Forts, as they existed in 1695. Now first printed from the Original Man uscript. Boards. 8 London, 1843 1738 Another copy. Cloth. 8 London, 1843 1739 Same. A New Edition, with an Introduction and Copious Historical Notes. By John Gilmary Shea. Cloth. 8 New York, 1862 1740 MILLER, Samuel. A Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1803 1741 MILLS, R. A Treatise on Inland Navigation. With a map. Half morocco. 8 Baltimore, 1820 1742 Statistics of South Carolina, including a View of its Natural, Civil, and Military History. Half cloth. 8 Charleston, 1826 1743 MILNES, R. M. Poems of many Years. A New Edition. Boards. 12 Boston, 1846 1744 MILTON, John. De Doctrina Christiana Libri Duo Posthu- mi. Boards. 4 Cantabrigice, 1825 With fac-similes of Milton s handwriting, as found in this treatise, and as represented in two of his sonnets. 1745 A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, compiled from the Scriptures alone. Translated by Charles R. Sumner. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1825 1746 Familiar Letters ; translated from the Latin, with Notes, by John Hall. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1829 1747 Poetical Works. A New Edition, with Notes and a Life. Half turkey morocco. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1834 1748 Same. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1836 1749 Same. With his Life. Calf. 2 vols. 2 4 Baltimore, 1813 1750 Prose Works ; with a Life, interspersed with Trans lations, and Critical Remarks, by C. Symmons. Calf. 7 vols. 8 London, 1806 1751 MINER, Charles. History of Wyoming. With maps and plates. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1845 1752 MINOT, George Richards. Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from 1748 to 1765. With an Introductory Sketch of Events from its Original Settlement. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1798, 1803 1753 The History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts in 1786, and the Rebellion consequent thereon. 2d Edition. Boards. 8 Boston, 1810 1754 MINUCIUS Felix, M. Octavius, ex Recensione Jacob! Gronovii. Accedunt Caecilius Cyprianus de Idolorum Van- itate, et Julius Firmicus Maternus de Errore Profanarum Religionum. 8 Lugduni Batavorum, 1709 1755 MISCELLANEOUS Poems, selected from the United States Literary Gazette. Half cloth. 18 Boston, 1826 of Jared Sparks. 1 1 9 1756 MISCELLANEOUS Theological Tracts. Half calf . 8 1757 MITCHELL, John, M. L>.~\ The PRESENT STATE of Great Britain and North America, with regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade, and Manufactures, impartially consid ered. 4 prel. leaves, xvi. and 364 pp. Calf. 8 London, for T. Becket and P. A. de Hondt, 1767 Mr. Sparks has left his autograph on the fly-title, and this valuable note. " By Dr. John Mitchell who resided long in Virginia, a physician and eminent Botanist." Part III. of the volume bears evidence of having been carefully read and studied by Mr. Sparks. 1758 MITFORD, William. The History of Greece. Sheep. 8 vols. 8 Boston, 1823 1759 MOLIERE, J. B. P. DE. CEuvres Completes, avec les Notes de tous les Commentateurs. Half calf \ 8 volt. 8 Paris, 1823-24 1760 CEuvres. Precedees d une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages, par M. Sainte Beuve. Vignettes par Tony Jo- hannot. Half turkey morocco. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1835 1761 MOLINA, J. I. The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili. Half calf. Map. 2 vols. 8 Middletown, 1808 1762 MOLLIEN, G. Voyage dans la Republique de Colombia en 1823. Paper. Map and views. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1824 1763 Travels in the Republic of Colombia in 1822 and 1823. From the French. Boards. 8 London, 1824 1764 MONETTE, John W. History of the Discovery and Settle ment of the Valley of the Mississippi by the Three Great European Powers, Spain, France, and Great Britain, and the Subsequent Occupation, Settlement, and Extension of Civil Government by the United States, until the Year 1846. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1846 1765 MONROE, JAMES. A VIEW OF THE CONDUCT OF THE EXECUTIVE, in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, connected with the Mission to the French Republic, during 1794, 5, & 6. Illustrated by his Instructions and Corre spondence, and other Authentic Documents. [With a copy of WASHINGTON S MS. Comments.] Half calf. Interleaved. 8 Philadelphia, 1797 " The manuscript notes contained in this volume were copied at Mount Ver- non from the Originals in the handwriting of Washington, as they were found in a copy of Monroe s View left by Washington in his library. Copied, April 1827, by Jared Sparks. See Washington s Writings, Vol. XL, p. 504." J. s. The notes to the View were reprinted in the volume referred to, but those on the Instructions and Correspondence have nevfr be?n published. Extremely valuable and absolutely UNIQUE. 1766 MONTAGU, Lady Mary Wortley. Works, including Corre spondence, Poems, and Essays. Published from her Genuine Papers. Calf. 5 vols. 12 London, 1803 1767 MONTAIGNE, Michel DE. Essays, translated, with Amend ments from the most Accurate Edition of Peter Coste. 9th Edition. Hoards. 3 vols. 8 London, 1811 1768 MONTBAUEY, A. M. L. de Saint Maurice, Prince DE. Me- moires Autographies. Paper. 3 vols. Paris, 1826-27 10 Catalogue of the Library 1769 MONTBAREY, A. M. L. de Saint Maurice, Prince DE. Same. Half turkey morocco. Imperfect. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1826 1770 MONTCALM, Le Marquis de. Lettres a MM. de Berryer et de la Mole, 1757-59. Avec une Version Angloise. Half calf. 8 London, 1777 1771 MONTESQUIEU, C. de S., Baron DE. OEuvres Completes. Nouvelle Edition, avec des Notes d Helvetius sur 1 Esprit des Lois. Calf. 12 vols. 24 Paris, 1795 1772 The Spirit of Laws. Translated from the French. 5th Edition. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1794 1773 MONTESQUIEU, Charles de Secondat, Baron DE. A Com mentary and Review of his Spirit of Laws. Half sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1811 1774 MONTGAILLARD, G.-H. Rocques, Abbe DE. Histoire de France, depuis la Fin du Regne de Louis XVI. jusqu a 1825. 4 e Edition. Half calf. $ vols. 8 Paris, 1828 1775 MONTGOMERY, James. Greenland and other Poems. Boards. 8 London, 1819 1776 . Prose by a Poet. 2 vols. 18 Philadelphia, 1824 1777 MONTGOMERY, Robert. A Universal Prayer; Death; A Vision of Heaven ; and A Vision of Hell, etc., etc. Half cloth. 12 Boston, 1829 1778 MONTHLY Anthology and Boston Review; containing Sketches arid Reports of Philosophy, Religion, History, Arts, and Manners. Half morocco. 9 vols. 8 Boston, 1804-10 1779 MONTHLY Military Repository. By Charles Smith. Sheep. 2 vols in one. 8 New York, 1796 Contains much interesting matter relating to the Revolution. 1 780 MONTHLY Miscellany. The Monthly Miscellany of Religion and Letters. Vols. VIT.-IX. complete. Unbound. 8 Boston, 1842-43 1781 MONTHLY Religious Magazine, The, and Independent Jour nal. Vols. XV.-XX., XXVI. No. 3, XXXI V.-XXXVI. ; wanting XIX. No. 1. Unbound. 8 Boston, 1856-66 1782 MOORE, Frank. Diary of the American Revolution. From Newspapers and Original Documents. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1860 Presented by the Editor, with his autograph. 1783 Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution. With Notes and Illustrations. Cloth. 12 New York, 1856 1784 _ . The Rebellion Record; a Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, etc. Half turkey morocco. 3 vols. Large 8 New York, 1861-62 1785 MOORE, Geo. H. The Treason of Charles Lee, Major General Second in Command in the American Army of the Revolution. Cloth. 8 New York, 1860 of Jared Sparks. 1786 MOORE, H. .N. Life and Services of Gen. Anthony Wayne. Founded on Documentary Evidence. Engravings. Cloth. 18 Philadelphia, 1845 1787 MOORE, Jacob Bailey. Memoirs of American Governors. Vol. I. [The only one published.] Cloth. 8 N. Y. 1846 1788 Annals of Concord. 8 1824 1789 MOORE, Thomas. The History of Ireland. Half calf . 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1837-40 1790 The Loves of the Angels, a Poem. Boards. 18 New York, 1823 1791 Memoirs of the Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1825 1792 Odes of Anacreon, translated into English Verse, with Notes. 2 vols. The Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little. I^pistles, Odes, and other Poems. Sheep. 4 vols. 24 New York, 1805-07 1793 MORE, Miss Hannah.] Ccelebs in Search of a Wife. Half calf. 2 vols. 24? New York, 1810 1794 MORE, Sir Thomas. A most Pleasant, Fruitful, and Witty Work of the Best State of a Public Weal, and of the New Isle called Utopia ; translated into English by Raphe Rob inson, 1551. New Edition, with Notes, (including the whole of Dr. Warner s,) and a Biographical and Literary Introduc tion, by T. F. Dibdin. Boards. 2 vols. Small 8 London^ 1808 1795 MOREHEAD, James T. An Address in Commemoration of the First Settlement of Kentucky. Paper. 8 Frankfort, Ky. 1840 1796 MORELLET, Andre. Melanges de Litterature et de Philos ophic du 18 e Siecle. Half calf . 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1818 1797 MORENO, Mariano. Vida y Memorias del Dr. Mariano Moreno. 8 Londres, 1812 1798 MORERI, Louis. Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique. Avec Supplement et Nouveau Supplement. 10 vols. Folio. Paris, 1732-49 1799 MORGAN, William Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Richard Price. Boards. 8 London, 1815 1800 MORISON, J. H. Life of the Hon. Jeremiah Smith. Cloth. Portrait. 12 Boston, 1845 1801 MORPHY. Paul. His Exploits and Triumphs, in Europe. By his late Secretary, doth. 12 New York, 1859 1802 MORRIS, Lewis. The Papers of Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey, from 1738 to 1746. Cloth. 8 New York, 1852 1803 MORRIS, Mrs. Margaret. Private Journal kept during a Portion of the Revolutionary War, for the Amusement of a Sister. Cloth. 4 Philadelphia, 1836 Only fifty copies printed. Catalogue of the Library 1804 MORRIS, Robert. A Statement of the Accounts of the United States of America, 1781-84. Folio. Phil 1785 An autograph letter of the author inserted. 1805 MORSE, Jedidiah. Annals of the American Revolution ; or a Record of the Causes and Events which produced, and terminated in the Establishment and Independence of the American Republic. Curious Plates. Sheep. 8 Hartford, 1824 1806 MORTON, Nathaniel. New England s Memorial. 5th Edi tion by John Davis. 8 Boston, 1825 1807 MORTON, Samuel George. Crania Americana, or a Com parative View of the Skulls of various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America ; to which is prefixed an Es say on the Varieties of the Human Species. Illustrated by Seventy-Eight Plates and a Colored Map. Cloth. Folio, Philadelphia, 1839 Sold, Reed, $32.50. 1808 MOSELEY, Joseph. Political Elements, or the Progress of Modern Legislation. Boards. 12 London, 1852 1809 MOTLEY, John Lothrop. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. Cloth. 3 voh. 8 New York, 1856, 1859 1810 MOULTON, Joseph W. History of the State of New York. Part II. Novum Belgium. Boards. Maps. 8 N. Y. 1826 Scarce; the two volumes together are very scarce. Part I. appeared in Io2*x* 1811 MOULTRIE, William. Memoirs of the American Revolution, so far as it related to the States of North and South Caro lina and Georgia. Sheep. 2 voh. &> New York, 1802 Sold, Rice, $34.00. 1812 MOUNT Auburn Cemetery. Notes on Mount Auburn Cem etery, Edited by an Officer of the Corporation ; intended to serve as a Stranger s Guide Book. Flexible cloth. 18 Boston, N. D. 1813 MOUNT Auburn. Highly finished Line Engravings. From Drawings by James Smilie. With Descriptive Notices by Cornelia W. Walter. Unbound. 4 New York, 1847 1814 MOUSTALON, M. La Morale des Poetes, ou Pensees Ex- traites des plus Celebres Poetes Latins et Francais. Half sheep. 12 Paris, 1814 1815 MULLER, Johann VON. An Universal History, translated from the German. Boards. 3vols. 8 London, 1818 1816 MUHLENBERG, Henry A. The Life of Major-General Peter Muhlenberg, of the Revolutionary Army. Cloth, gilt. 12 Philadelphia, 1849 1817 MULCASTER, Richard. The First Part of the Elementarie which entreateth chefelie of the right Writing of our Eng lish Tung. Half calf. Small 4 Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautroullier, dwelling in the blah-friers, by Lud-aate, 1582 All that was published. of Jared Sparks. 123 1818 MULFORD, Isaac S. Civil and Political History of New Jersey. Cloth. 8 Camden, 1848 1819 MULTUM in Parvo. A little volume of miscellanies so lettered. Half calf. 1. The Glorious Life and Actions of St Whigg: of his Country, Parentage, Birth, Kindred. Education, Marriage, Childrm, etc. 16 London, 1703 2. The True Picture of a Modern Whig. 2d Ed. 16 London, 1701 3. Remarks on Mr. Walpole s Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England. Part I. 16<> Tendon, 1759 4. Three Letters to the Rev. Dr. Price; upon his Fast-Sermon. By a Cobler. pp. 35. 16 London, 1779 1820 MURDEN, J. R. The Art of Memory reduced to a Sys tematic Arrangement ; exemplified under the Two Leading Principles, Locality and Association ; with a Specimen of a Mnemonic Dictionary. With Engravings. Boards. 8 New York, 1818 1821 MURIEL, Don Andres. Gobierno del Senor Rey Don Carlos III, 6 Instruccion Reservada para Direccion de la Junta de Estado que creo este Monarca. Boards. 8 Paris, 1838 1822 MURPHY, H. C.] Jacob Steendam. A Memoir of the First Poet in New Netherland ; with his Poems descriptive of the Colony. Paper. 8 The Hague, privately printed, 1861 1823 MURRAY, Hugh. Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America ; including the United States, Canada, the Shores of the Polar Sea, and the Voyages in Search of a North- West Passage ; with Observations on Emigration. With a Map. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Lond. 1829 1824 MURRAY, James. An Impartial History of the War in America, with the Charters of the several Colonies, and other Authentic Information. With Maps and Portraits. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Newcastle upon Tyne, [1782] 1825 MURRAY, J.] Handbooks for Travellers. France. 6th Edition, with an Account of Corsica. Cloth. 12 London, 1857 The Continent, llth Edition. Cloth. 12<> I^ndon, 1856 Switzerland. 7th Edition. Cloth. 12 London, 1856 Central Italy. Part I. Southern Tuscany and Papal States. With a Trav elling Map. 3d Edition. Cloth. 12 London, 1853 Northern Italy. 7th Edition. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 London, 1858 London in 1856. By Peter Cunningham. Cloth. 16 London, 3856 1826 MURRAY, Lindley. An English Grammar. 2d Edition. Calf. 2 vols. 8 York, 1809 1827 Same. 1st Connecticut Edition. 12 Hartford, 1805 1828 Lecteur Frangois, ou Recueil de Pieces, en Prose et en Vers, tirees des Meilleurs Ecrivains. Sheep. 12 New York, 1803 1829 MUSARUM Anglicanarurn Analecta : sive Poemata quaedam Melioris Notae, sen hactenus inedita, seu sparsim edita. Editio 3 a . Calf. 2 vols. 12 Londini, 1714 1830 MUSEE Royal. Description des Antiques du Musee. Pa per. 12 Paris, 1820 Catalogue of the Library 1831 MUSHLEA, Ezekiel. The Indigo Planter s Manual. Boards. 4 Calcutta, 1826 1832 jjjjf APIER, W. F. P. History of the War in the Penin- jS\ sula and in the South of France, 1807-14. 3 vols. 8 London, 1831 1833 [NAPIONE, Gian-Francesco, Count. ] Del Primo Scopritore del Nuovo Hondo. 8 Firenze, 1819 1834 NAPOLEON I. The Officer s Manual. Napoleon s Maxims of War. Flexible cloth. 24 New York, 1861 1835 NARES, Robert. A Glossary, or Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, etc. in the Works of English Authors, particularly Shakespeare and his Contemporaries. Half turkey morocco. 4 London, 1822 1836 Elements of Orthoepy ; containing a Distinct View of the whole Analogy of the English Language ; in Pronun ciation, Accent, and Quantity. Half turkey morocco. 8 London, 1784 1837 NATIONAL Almanac, and Annual Record for 1863. Paper. Small 8 Philadelphia, 1863 1838 NATIONAL Gallery, The, of Pictures by the Great Masters. Half turkey morocco. Engraved title-page. 2 vols. 4 London, N. D. 1839 NATIONAL Portrait Gallery, The, of Distinguished Ameri cans. Conducted by J. B. Longacre and J. Herring. Com plete in 49 nos. Unbound. 4 vols. 8 New York, 1834-39 1839a NATIONAL Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, with Biographical Sketches. Turkey morocco, gilt edges. 4 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1854 1840 NATIONAL Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans: from Original Full Length Paintings by Chappel. With Bio graphical and Historical Narratives, by E. A. Duyckinck. In 60 parts, unbound, with duplicates of Parts 1-6. 2 vols. 4 New York [1862] 1841 NAVARRETE, Don Martin Fernandez DE. Coleccion de los Viages y Descubrimientos que hicieron por Mar los Espan- oles desde Fines del Siglo XV., con varies Documentos Ineditos concernientes a la Historia de la Marina Castellana y de los Establecimientos Espanoles en Indias. Paper. 3 vols. (0/5). 4 Madrid, 1825-29 1842 NEAL, Daniel. The History of the Puritans or Protestant Non-Conformists. Old calf. 4 vols. 8 London, 1732-38 1843 NEALE, J. One Word More; for the Reasoning and Thoughtful among Unbelievers. Half morocco. 12 Portland. N. D. of Jared Sparks. fS44 NEALE, Sir Harry. A Reply to Erroneous Statements and Unwarranted Reflections in Shaler s Sketches of Algiers. 8 Malta, 1826 1845 NECKER, Jacques. Du Pouvoir Executif dans les Grands- Etats. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 N. P. 1792 184G Sur rAdministration de M. Necker. Par Lui-meme. Half calf. 8N. P. 1791 1847 Historical Review of the Administration of Mr. Necker, written by Himself. Half sheep. 8 London, 1791 1848 NEILSON, Charles. An Original, Compiled, and Corrected Account of Burgoyne s Campaign, and the Memorable Bat tles of Bemis s Heights, Sept. 19, and Oct. 7, 1777; from the most Authentic Sources of Information. Cloth. With map. 12 Albany, 1844 1849 NEPOS, Cornelius. Vitae Excellentium Imperatorum, Notis Interpretum Omnium illustrate. Half sheep. 8 Patavii, 1733 1850 De Yitis Excellentium Imperatorum. Interpreta- tione et Notis illustravit Courtin. Calf. 8 Londini, 1780 1851 NETHERLANDS. [Dutch Papers relating to the Amer ican Revolution.] Half turkey morocco. 3 vols. Folio, 1777-84 A set of diplomatic papers relating to the negotiations of the States-General with the United States and with Great Britain in regard to the American Revolution, and published by the States-General at various dates from 21 Feb. 1777, to 20 Mei, 1784. " Obtained from the Public Archives at the Hague, 1857." j. s. Of the highest importance and probably UNIQUE in this country. Indeed, from the manner of publication, at various times, in de tached" papers for distribution to the diplomatic corps, it is not unlikely that no other complete copy exists, except in the Dutch archives. 1852 NEW and General Biographical Dictionary. New Edition, enlarged. Calf. 15 rols. 8 London, 1798 1853 NEUMAN, Henry. Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1823 1854 NEWCOME, William. An Attempt towards an Improved Version, a Metrical Arrangement, and an Explanation of the Twelve Minor Prophets. Calf. 8 Pontefract, 1809 1855 NEW England Historical and Genealogical Register: pub lished quarterly, under the Direction of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Unbound. 20 vols. 8 Boston, 1847-66 1856 NEWFOUNDLAND. Four Letters concerning Avalon in Newfoundland, viz : From Captaine Edward Wynne, Governour of the Colony at Ferryland, July, 1622. pp. 5. From C:iptaine Daniel Powell, who Conducted the new Supply of Men that went for the Plantation the last Spring; dated at Ferryland, 28 July, 1622. From Captaine Wynne, 17 August, 1622. pp. 7. From N. H. A Gentleman liuing at Fern-land, 18 August, 1622. pp. 3. pp. 18. Half morocco, neat. SCARCE. 4 [London, 162-.] Catalogue of the Library 1857 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Acts and Laws of His Majesty s Prov ince of New Hampshire in New England. Sheep. Folio, Portsmouth, 1771 1858 Festival of the Sons of New Hampshire, with the Speeches, etc., celebrated in Boston, Nov. 7, 1849. Paper. 8 Boston, 1850 1859 The Laws of the State of New Hampshire enacted since June 1, 1815. Vol. II. Sheep. 8 Concord, 1824 With autograph of Isaac Hill. 1860 NEW HAMPSHIRE Historical Society. Collections. Boards. 5 vols. 8 Concord, 1824-37 1861 Another copy of Vol. 1. 1862 Collections, Historical and Miscellaneous; and Monthly Literary Journal. Volume I. [II.?] for 1823. Vol. III. Half cloth. 8 Concord, 1823-24 1863 NEW JERSEY. Acts of the General Assembly of the Prov ince, from the Surrender of the Government to Queen Anne, 17th April, 1702, to 14th Jan., 1776. Compiled by S. Allinson. Sheep. Folio, Burlington, 1776 1864 Acts of the Council and General Assembly from the Establishment of the Present Government to the End of the First Sitting of the Eighth Session, 24 Dec., 1783; with the Constitution prefixed. With an Index. Compiled by P. Wilson. Half sheep. Folio, Trenton, 1784 1865 The Acts of the General Assembly, from the Sur render of the Government, in the Second Year of Queen Anne, to this Present Time. By S. Nevill, Esq. Old calf, worn. Folio, N. P. 1752 1866 Same. From 1753 to 1761. Vol. II. Sheep. Folio, Woodbridge, 1761 1867 The Grants, Concessions, and Original Constitu tions of the Province ; the Acts passed during the Proprie tary Governments, etc., before the Surrender thereof to Queen Anne ; the Instrument of Surrender and her Accept ance ; Lord Cornbury s Commission and Instructions. Col lected by A. LEAMING and J. SPICER. Calf. Folio, fhiladelphia, N. D. 1868 Laws; published by W. Paterson. Sheep. Folio, Neivark, 1800 1869 NEW JERSEY Historical Society. Collections. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 N. P. 1846-7 1870 Same. Volume I. East Jersey under the Proprie tary Governments. Drawn principally from Original Sources. By VV. A. Whitehead. With an Appendix. Cloth. 8 N. P. 1846 1871 Proceedings. 3 vols. in one. Half turkey morocco. 8 Newark, 1847-49 1872 Same. Vol. IV. to VII., VIII. No. 1, IX. No. 2. Unbound. 8 Newark. N. J. 1849-56 of Jared Sparks. 127 1873 NEWMAN, Sylvanus Chace. Rehoboth in the Past. An Historical Oration, 4th of July, 1860. Cloth. 8 Pawtucket, 1860 1874 NKWS from New-England, being a True and Last Account of the Present Bloody Wars carried on betwixt the Infidels, Natives, and the English Christians, and Converted Indians of New-England, declaring the many Dreadful Battles fought betwixt them ; as also the many Towns and Villages burnt by the Merciless Heathens. Licensed Aug. 1. Lon don, 1676. Cloth. 4 Boston: Reprinted for Samuel G. Drake, 1850 1875 NEWTON, Sir Isaac. The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, translated by A. Motte. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 London, 1819 1876 NEW YORK City during the American Revolution ; a Col lection of Original Papers (now first published) from the Manuscripts in the possession of the Mercantile Library Association of New York City. With plan of the City in 1766-67. Privately printed. Cloth. 4 [New York], 1861 1877 NEW YORK Colony. Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of New York, from 1743 to 1776, inclusive. Sheep. Folio, Albany, 1820 1878 Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony. 1743-65. Sheep, a little defaced. Folio, N. T.-P. 1879 Laws, from 1691 to 1751. Published according to an Act of the General Assembly. Sheep. Folio, New York, 1752 1880 Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York ; procured in Holland, England, and France, by J. R. Brodhead, Agent of the Legislature. Edited by E. B. O Callaghan. With a General Introduc tion by the Agent. Cloth. 10 vols. 4 Albany, 1856-58 1881 NEW YORK, Province of. The Commercial Conduct of the Province considered, and the True Interest of that Colony attempted to be shewn. In a Letter to the Society of Arts. Half morocco. 4 \_New York,~\ 1767 1882 NEW YORK State. The Documentary History of the State of New York, arranged by E. B. O Callaghan. Cloth. 3 vols. with a duplicate of Vol. III. 8 Albany, 1 849-50 1883 Same. 4 vols. 4 Albany, 1850-51 1884 Journal of the Assembly for 1781. Sheep. Folio, Albany, 1820 1885 Laws, comprising the Constitution, and Acts of the Legislature since the Revolution, from the First to the Twelfth Session, inclusive. Calf. 2 vols. Folio, New York, 1789 1886 Journals of the Provincial Congress, Provincial Convention, Committee of Safety and Council of Safety of the State. 1775-77. Calf. 2 vols. Folio, Albany, 1842 Catalogue of the .Library 1887 NEW YORK State. Miscellaneous Papers on the agency of J. R. Brodhead. Half calf , neat. 8 1888 Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1821, for amending the Constitution of the State. Boards. 8 Albany, 1821 1889 State Library. Annual Report of the Trustees. Cloth. 8 New York, 1858 1890 Catalogue, 1846, 1850, 1855. Paper. Sheep. Half morocco. 5 vols. 8 Albany, 1846-57 1890(7 Catalogue of the Books on Bibliography, Typog raphy, and Engraving. Half turkey mor. 8 Albany, 1858 1891 Seventy-First Annual Report of the Regents of the University. Paper. 8 Albany, 1858 1892 NEW YORK Historical Society. Collections. Vol. I.-IV., and 2d Series, Vol. I. II. Boards and cloth. 6 vols. 8 New York, 1811-49 1893 Proceedings. For 1844. Paper. 8 New York, 1845 1894 NEW YORK Society Library. Catalogue of Books. Half morocco. 8 New York, 1813 1895 NEW YORK State Agricultural Society. Transactions. Vol. VIII. 1848. Cloth. 8 N. P. 1849 1896 NICHOL, J. P. Views of the Architecture of the Heavens. Cloth. 12 New York, 1840 1897 NICHOLS, I.] A Catechism of Natural Theology. Cloth. 12 Portland, 1829 1898 NICOLAS, Sir N. H. The Chronology of History ; contain ing Tables, etc., indispensable for ascertaining the Dates of Historical Events, and of Public and Private Documents, from the Earliest Periods. 2d Ed. Cloth. 16 Lond. 1838 1899 Observations on the State of Historical Literature, and on the Society of Antiquaries, and other Institutions for its Advancement in England. Boards. 8 Lond. 1830 1899a Another copy. Cloth. 8 London, 1830 1900 NIEBUHR, B. G. The History of Rome by B. G. Niebuhr, translated by J. C. Hare and C. Thirlwall. Vol. I. Boards. 8 Cambridge, 1828 1901 NIGHTINGALE, Florence. Notes on Nursing. Cloth. 12 New York, 1860 1902 NILES, Hezekiah. Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America. Sheep. 8 Baltimore, 1822 1903 - - The Weekly Register. [Sept. 1811, March, 1827] Half calf. 32 vols., including an Index, 8 Baltimore, 1811-27 1 904 NILES, Samuel. A Brief and Plain Essay on God s Won der-Working Providence for New-England, In the Reduc tion of Louisburg, and Fortresses thereto belonging on Cape-Breton. [In Verse.] Half morocco. Small 8 N. London, T. Green, 1 747 1905 NOEHDEN, George Henry. A Grammar of the German Language. 3d Ed. Revised. Calf. 12 London, 1816 of Jarcd Sparks. 1^9 1900 NOEIIDEN, George Henry. Same. 4th Ed. Boards. 12 London, 1823 1907 Exercises for Writing German. Sheep. 12 London, 1809 1908 NOEL, Francois Joseph. Dictionnaire Historique des Per- sonnages Celebres de 1 Antiquite. 2 e Ed. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1824 1909 Gradus ad Parnassum, ou Nouveau Dictionnaire Poetique Latin-Frangais. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1810 1910 NOLLET, JJAbbe J. A. Lettres sur 1 Electricite. 2 e Edition. Calf. 3 vols. 16 Paris, 1764-70 1911 NORTH, F., Earl of Guilford. Histoire de 1* Administration de Lord North, 1770-82, et de la Guerre de 1 Amerique Septentrionale ; suivie du Tableau Historique des Finances d Angleterre, depuis Guillaume III. jusqu en 1784. Half calf. 8 Londres, 1784 The English original of this is important and somewhat scarce. 1912 - ] The History of Lord North s Administration, to the Dissolution of the Thirteenth Parliament, Old calf. 8 Dublin, 1782 1913 NORTH American Boundary. Correspondence relating to the Boundary between the British Possessions in North America and the United States, under the Treaty of 1783. Maps. Paper. Folio. London. 1840 1914 NORTH American Review, The. Vol. I.-C1IL, and General Index, 1815-27. 104 vols. 8 Boston, 1815-66 The first 41 vols. are bound in half calf, the rest unbound. There are dupli cates of Nos. 90, 92, and 100. 191 4<x General Index from 1815 to 1827. Half cloth. 8 Boston, 1829 1915 NORTH CAROLINA. A Complete Revisal of all the Acts of Assembly, now in Force and Use, with the Titles of all such Laws as are Obsolete, Expired, or Repealed. Calf. Folio. Newbern, 1773 1916 Laws. Sheep. Folio. Edenton, 1791 1917 Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of North Carolina, at Hillsborough, 21st July, 1788, for the Purpose of deliberating on the Constitution recommended by the General Convention at Philadelphia. Boards, loose. 8 Edenton, 1789 1918 NORTON, Andrews. Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. Boards. 3 vols. 8 Boston and Cambridge, 1837-44 From the author, with his autograph. 1919 Internal Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gos pels. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1855 1920 The Pentateuch ; and its Relation to the Jewish and Christian Dispensations. Edited by J. J. Tayler. Cloth. 16 London, 18 Go 9 ISO Catalogue of the Library 1921 NORTON, A. A Statement of Reasons for not believing the Doctrines of Trinitarians, concerning the Nature of God and the Person of Christ. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1833 From the author, with his autograph. 1922 Same. 3d Edition, with Additions, and a Biograph ical Notice of the Author. Boston, 1851) 1923 Tracts concerning Christianity. Cloth. 8 Cambridge, 1852 1924 A Translation of the Gospels, with Notes. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1855 1925 Verses. Cloth. 8 [N. p.] 1853 1926 NORTON, Charles E.] Considerations on some Recent Social Theories. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1853 1927 Notes of Travel and Study in Italy. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1860 1928 Another copy. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1860 1929 NORTON, John. Memoir of John Cotton. With Notes by Enoch Pond. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 1930 NOUVEAU Dictionnaire Historique ; ou Histoire Abregee de tons les Homines qui se sont faits un Noni par des Talens, des Yertus, des Forfaits, des Erretirs. 7 e Edition. 13 vols. 8 Lyon, 1789-1805 1931 NOUVELLE Instruction pour les Gardes des Eaux et Forets. Nouvelle Ed. augni. Sheep. 12 Paris, 1765 1932 NOTES, George R. A New Translation of the Book of Psalms, with an Introduction. Half cloth. 12 Boston, 1831 1933 Same. 12 Boston, 1833 1934 NUGENT, Thomas. The New Pocket Dictionary of French and English. Sheep. 18 Philadelphia, 1810 1935 NUNEZ, Alvar, Cabe9a de Vaca. Narrative, translated by Buckingham Smith. With 8 maps. Privately printed. 4 Washington, 1851 1936 NUNEZ, Ignacio. Esquises Historiques, Politiques, et Sta- tistiqties de Buenos Ayres, Rio de la Plata et Bolivar, trad, de 1 Espanol. Paper. 8 Paris, 1826 1937 NUTTALL, Thomas. An Introduction to Systematic and Physiological Botany. 12 Cambridge, 1827 1938 NYLANDER, Gustavus Reinhold. Grammar and Vocabulary of the Bullom language. Boards. 16 London, 1814 1939 /fa BE RON S VISION. 8 London, 1843 1940 OBSERVATEUR, ci-devant, La Biblioth-eque Canadienne. Odd numbers from July 1830 to July 1831. 8 Montreal 1941 O CALLAGHAN, E. B. History of New Netherland ; or New York under the Dutch. Cloth. With fac-simile of an old map. &> New York, 1846 1942 ODELL, J. An Essay on the Elements, Accents, and Pros ody of the English Language. Boards. 12 London, 1806 of Jarcd Sparks. 131 1943 OTlALLORAN, or the Insurgent Chief; an Irish Historical Tale of 1798. Boards. 2 vols. 12 Philadelphia, 1824 1944 OHIO Historical and Philosophical Society. Transactions. Part II. Vol. I. Half sheep. 8 Cincinnati, 1839 1945 OLDEN TIME; a Monthly Publication devoted to the Preservation of Documents, etc., in relation to the Early Explorations, Settlement, and Improvement of the Country around the Head of the Ohio. Edited by N. B. Craig. Complete. Half calf . Scarce. 2 vols. 8 Pittsburgh, 1846-48 1946 OLDMIXON, J. Clarendon and Whitlock compar d. 2d Edition. Half calf . 8 London, 1737 1947 OLD TESTAMENT.] The Holy Bible. Calf. RoyalS* New York: Amer. Bible Society, 1855 This is bound in two volumes, and contains the Old Testament alone. 1948 OLD WHIG, The, or the Consistent Protestant. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1739 " This work," says a manuscript note, " was written principally by Dr. Chandler and James Foster." 1949 OLIVER, Samuel, Jun. A General Critical Grammar of the English Language, on a System Novel and Extensive. Prefixt, a Discourse on the Study of Languages. Boards.* 8 London, 1825 1950 OLIVET, J. T., Abbe D . Remarques sur la Langue Fran- 9oise. Nouvelle Edition. Paper. 12 Paris, 1807 1951 Traite de la Prosodie Franchise. Nouvelle Edition. Paper. 12 Paris, 1810 1952 ONDERDONK, Henry, Jr. Documents and Letters to illus trate the Revolutionary Incidents of Queens County ; with Narratives, Notes, and Additions. Revolutionary Incidents of Suffolk and Kings Counties ; with an Account of the Battle of Long Island, and the British Prisons and Prison- Ships at New-York. Half calf. 2 vols, 12 New York, 1846-49 1953 ORD, George. Supplement to the American Ornithology of Alexander Wilson. Containing a Sketch of the Author s Life, with a Selection from his Letters, and a History of Birds intended to compose Part of his Ninth Volume. With Plates engraved from Wilson s Original Drawings. Half morocco. Folio, Philadelphia, 1825 1954 ORDERLY Book of that Portion of the American Army stationed at or near Williamsburg, Va., under the Command of Gen. Andrew Lewis, March 18, to Aug. 28, 1776. Printed from the Original Manuscript with Notes and Intro duction by C. Campbell. Paper. 8 Richmond, Va., 1860 One hundred copies privately printed in this form. 1955 ORGANISATION et Reglemens de 1 lnstitut des Sciences, Lettres, et Arts. Boards. 24 Paris, 1807 1956 ORNEMENS de la Me mpire ; ou les Traits Brillans des Poetes Frai^ais. Nouvelle Edition. Sheep. 18 Paris, 1821 132 Catalogue of the Library 1957 ORRERY, John Boyle, Earl of. Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift. Calf. Portrait. 8 London, 1752 1958 OTIS, James. A Vindication of the British Colonies. Half calf, neat. Good copy of an important tract. 8 Boston, printed : reprinted London, 1769 1959 OUR Book; a Call from Salem s Watch-Towers. Boards. 12 Salem, 1844 1960 OUR Country, in its Relations to the Past, Present, and Future. Original Articles, in Prose and Verse, by Ameri can Writers. Edited by Mrs. Lincoln Phelps. Cloth. 12 Baltimore, 1864 1961 OUTLINES of Ancient History, from the Deluge to the Divis ion of the Roman Empire. Boards. 12 London, 1833 1962 OVALLE, Alonso DE. Historica Relatione del Regno di Cile. 4 Roma, 1646 " There is even yet a doubt which is the original edition, the Italian or Span ish, both having been printed at Rome the same year." Stevens. 1963 OVIDIUS. Excerpta. Sheep. 12 Bostonice, 1827 ^964 -- Metamorphoseon Libri XV. Notis illustravit Daniel Crispinus Helvetius. Ad Usum Delphini. Calf. 8 Londini, 1785 1965 Tristitium L. V., Epistolarum ex Ponto Libri IV. et Ibis. [Also,] Fastorum Libri VI. Boards. 2 vols. in 1. 16 Mannhemii, 1791-92 1966 OWEN, David Dale. Report of a Geological Survey of Wis consin, Iowa, Minnesota, and a Portion of Nebraska. Cloth. 4 Philadelphia, 1852 1967 OXFORD and Cambridge University Club. Rules and Regu lations. Cloth. 16 London, 1838 1967a University and City Guide. 12 Oxford, 1828 1968 ^fcAINE, MARTYN. A Discourse on the Soul and In stinct, physiologically distinguished from Materialism. Enlarged Edition. Cloth. 12 New York, 1849 1969 - The Institutes of Medicine. 5th Edition. Sheep. 8 New York, 1859 1970 -- Letters on the Cholera Asphyxia, as it has appeared in the City of New York. Half cloth. 8 New York, 1832 1971 PAINE, Robert Troup. Memoir of Robert Troup Paine. By his Parents. Printed for Private Distribution. Turkey morocco. 4 New York, 1852 1972 PAINE, Thomas. A Letter to the Earl of Sheiburne, on his Speech, July 10, 1782, respecting the Acknowledgement of American Independence. Half calf , neat. 8 London, 1783 1973 . - Letter addressed to the Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America. Half calf . 8 London, 1783 of Jared Sparks. 138 1974 PAINE, Thomas. Political Writings. To which is prefixed a Brief Sketch of the Author s Life. Hoards. 2 vols. 8 Charlestown (Ms.) 1824 1775 PALERMO. Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Atti. Nuova Serie. Vol. I. Paper. 4 Palermo, 1845 1976 PALEY, William. Sermons on Various Subjects. Naif cloth. 8 Boston, 1827 1977 PALFREY, John Gorham. Academical Lectures on the Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities. Cloth. 4 vols. 8 Boston, 1838-52 1978 Another copy. 4 vols. 8 Boston, 1838-52 1979 Another copy of Vol. IT. 8 Boston, 1840 1980 Discourses on Intemperance. 18 Boston, 1827 1981 ] A Harmony of the Gospels on the Plan proposed by Lant Carpenter. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1831 1982 History of New England. Cloth. With plans, maps, and other illustrations. 3 vols. 8 Boston, 1858-64 1983 Lowell Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity. With a Discourse on the Life and Character of John Lowell, Jr., by Edward Everett. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1843 1984 Sermons on Duties belonging to some of the Con ditions and Relations of Private Life. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1 834 1985 Another copy. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1834 1986 The Relation between Judaism and Christianity. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1854 1987 The Theory and Uses of Natural Religion. Calf, gilt. pp. 76. 8 ^Boston, 1839 1988 PALGRAVE, Sir F. An Essay upon the Original Authority of the King s Council. Cloth. 8 London, 1834 From the author, with his autograph. 1989 History of the Anglo-Saxons. Cloth. 18 London, 1837 1990 PALMER, A. A Key to the Endless Self-Computing Scale, showing its Application to the Different Rules of Arithme tic, etc. Cloth. 18 Boston, 1844 1991 PAMPHLETS, Miscellaneous. Uniformly bound in half sheep. 23 vols. 8 Chief contents : Vol. I. 1778-1813. ETHAN ALLEN S ANIMADVERSORY ADDRESS to the Inhabitants of Vermont, pp. 24. 1778. A pamphlet relating to Baron Steuben. 1786 ( ?) Eumenes, Papers relating to the Constitution of New Jersey. NARRATIVE OF ETHAN ALLEN S CAPTIVITY by the British. Philadelphia, 1799. (EXTREMELY SCARCE. Fisher s copy sold for $56.00.) Ira Allen s Address to the Freemen of Vermont. 1808. Political Con stitution of the Spanish Monarchy, 1812. Translated by D. Robinson. II. 1816-22. Wordsworth s Letter to a Friend -of Robert Burns: London, 1816. Sketches of American Orators. 16. Webster s Discourse at Plymouth, 1820. Report on the U. S. Gold Coins: 1821. Du Ponceau on the Early History of Pennsylvania. Griffith s Sketches of the Early History of Maryland. 134* Catalogue of the Library III. 1822-24. Edwards s Remarks on the Appropriation of Territory for Educational Purposes. De Witt Clinton s Phi Beta Discourse. C. J. Ingersoll s Oration before the Am. Phil. Society. Everett s Letter to John Lowell. IV. 1824. T. Pickering s Review of the Adams and Cunningham Cor respondence, pp. 144. Pulaski vindicated. Hull s Memoirs of the No th Western Campaign, in 1812. pp. 239. Griffith s Annals of Balti more, pp. 240. V. 1824-25 Everett s Phi Beta Oration. R. D. Owen s System of Edu cation at New Lanark, Glasgow. G. C. Verplanck s Address before the Academy of Fine Arts. J. G. Carter s Letters to Hon. Wm. Prescott. VI. 1825-26. S. Brown s Comparative View of the Systems of Pesta- lozz; and Lancaster. Report and Act concerning Practical Arts and Sciences in Massachusetts. VV. B. Lawrence s Address before the Academy of Fine Arts. D. Hoffman s Lecture in the University of Maryland. W. R. Johnson s Examination of " Remarks," on a Second College in Connecticut. 1825. A List of Patents, etc., from 1790 to 1826. VII. 1825. S. Lewis s Strictures on Livingston s Penal Code. Hopkins on Electricitv, with a Letter from Jefferson. Everett s Oration at Concord, April 19. E. Phinney s Hist, of the Battle of Lexington. D. Porter s Exposition of the Foxardo Expedition, pp. 107. C. Davies s Address at Fryeburg. C. J. Ingersoll s Discourse on the Landing of Wm. Perm. VIII. 1824-25. J. W. Moulton sViewof the City of New Orange (now New York) in 1673. 1825. Memorial of the Chancellor of Maryland. Wash ington s Letters to the Marquis of Chastel lux. Remarks on an Article in the N. A. Rev. on Pulaski. S. Sweet s Notes to a Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle. C Sprague s Fourth of Julv Oration. Everett s Oration at Plymouth. 1824. IX. 1822-26. De Witt Clinton on the Otsego Bass. 1822. J. A. Jones on British Calumnies of America. 1826. A. Laussat on Equity in Pennsylva nia. G. Powers on the N. Y. State Prison at Auburn. R. Vaux on the Improvement of the Prisons, etc., in Pennsylvania. Story s Phi Beta Dis course. X. 1826. S. Swett s Hist, of Bunker Hill Battle. J. Quincy s Fourth of July Oration, pp. 30. F. W. P. Greenwood s Sermon on the Puritans. T. J. Wharton on the Landing of Penn. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. Richmond. Henry Banks s Vindication of John Banks and Gen. Hemy Lee. Incomplete. Bentalou s Reply to Judge Johnson on Pu laski. pp. 41. Richard Ray on Classical Literature. XI. 1826-27. E. Everett s 4th July Oration. 1826. Narrative concerning the Promises made to the Revolutionary Officers. J. Willard s Sketches of Lancaster, 1826, pp. 90. J. A. Hillhouse s Phi Beta Oration, New Haven. S. Reed on the Growth of the Mind. H. D. Gilpin s Discourse before the Phil. Academy of the Fine Arts, 1827. XII. 1827-28. N. W. Senior s Int. Lecture on Political Economv, Lond. Miss Aikin s Memoir of Miss Benger. Lond. E. Ripley s History of the Con cord Fight. Du Ponceau s Eulogy of W. Tilghman. Report" on a Monu ment to John Paulding. Including the Original Account of the Trial of Andre. S. F. B. Morse s Discourse on Academies of Arts- XIII. 1828. J. Mease on the Penitentiary System of Pennsylvania. Gallau- det on Female Education, pp. 34. R. J. Bryce on a System of National Education for Ireland. Lond. XIV. 1829-30. Supplement to the List of Patents continued. Essay on the Production and Circulation of Water. Troy. John Brazer s Discourse at the Interment cf E. A. Holyoke. James Renwick s Discourse on De Witt Clinton. Essays on the "Condition of the N. A. Indians, pp. 112. Story s Inaugural Discourse. Curiosity, a Poem, by Charles Sprague. 1829. pp. 30. R. H. Dana s Poem before the Porter Rhet. Society. 1829. James Kent s Disc, before the N. Y. Hist. Soc. 1829. XV. 1830. Three Lectures on the Cost of obtaining Money, etc. By N. W. Senior. Lond. Josiah Quincy s 2d Century Address. Boston. Lewis Cass s Discourse before the Hist. Soc. of Michigan. H. A. S. Dearborn s 2d Cent. Address. Roxbury. T. Gray s Poem in Commemoration of the First Settlement of Roxbury. W. Sullivan s Discourse at Plymouth, Dec. 22. XVI. 1830. A. H. Everett s Oration in Boston, July 5th. Thoughts on Education; a Poem, by D. Br} r an. of Jarcd Sparlcs. 135 XVII. 1831. James Kent s Phi Beta Address at New Haven. J. Madi son s Discourse on the Death of Washington. J. G. Palfrey s, T. Burgee s, and J. Q. Adams s 4th of July Orations. , XVIIT. 1831. M. Saulnier. "Observations eur les Finances des Etats-Uris. Journal of the Convention of New Jerspy in 1776. pp. 100. Declaration of Independence by the Citizens of Mecklenburg County, in 1775. Journal of the Provincial Congress of N. C. in 1776. XIX. 1852. W. B. Lawrence s 2 Lectures on Pollt. Economy. \V. B. Law rence on the Representative Institutions of the U. S. Conduct of the Ad ministration. XX. 1832. D. Hoffman s Lecture at the Univ. of Md F. C. Gray s Ora tion on the 100th Anniv. of the Birth of Washington. C. Cuehing s 4th of Julv Oration. XX!" 1833-34. M. Carey s Appeal to the Rich in behalf of the Labourers. Remarks on Ty tier s View of the Progress of Discovery. J. Quincy on Harv. Coll. Librarv. E. Everett s 4th of July Oration at Worcester. 1833 W. Biglow s Poem on Intemperance Sup. Court of the U. S. H. Wheaton rs. R. Peter?. * XXI f. 1834. Differences between Com. O. H. Perry and Capt. J. D. Elliott. C. C. Felton s Inaug. Discourse. V . H. Gnrdmer on Classical Learn ing-. D. Drake on the History, etc., of the West. pp. 56. Do. on the Phi , of Discipline. J. P. Kennedy on William Wirt. XXIII. 1835. F. Everett s Address at Lexington. B. D. Whnslow s Class Poem. J. Bowring on the Lang, and Lit. of the Magyars, pp. 50. E. Everett s Addr. at Bloody Brook, pp. 44. J. Story on the Life, etc. of John Marshall, pp. 74. E. Everett s 4th of July Oration at Beverly. 1992 PAMPHLETS on Slavery in the West Indies and elsewhere. Half sheep. 5 vols. 8 1822-1835 1993 PARADISE of Coquettes, The; a Poem; in Nine Parts. Calf. 18 Boston, 1816 1994 PARK, Mungo. Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa ; in 1795-97. With Geographical Illustrations of Africa, by Major Rennell. Sheep. 12 New York, 1813 1994a PARKER, Edward L. The History of Londonderry, com prising the Towns of Derry and Londonderry, N. H. With a Memoir of the Author. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1851 1995 PARKER, Joel. International Law, Case of the Trent. Paper. pp. 66. 8 Cambridge, 1862 1996 PARKER, John A. The Quadrature of the Circle. Con taining Demonstrations of the Errors of Geometry in find ing the Approximation in Use, the Quadrature of the Cir cle, and Practical Questions applied to the Astronomical Circles. Cloth. 8 New York, 1851 A small edition "printed for free distribution." 1997 PARKES, Joseph. A History of the Court of Chancery, with Practical Remarks on the Recent Commission. Boards. 8* London, 1828 1998 PARKES, Samuel. The Chemical Catechism. Sheep. 8 New York, 1818 1999 PARKMAN, Francis, Jr. The California and Oregon Trail ; Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. Cloth. 12 New York, 1849 2000 France and England in North America. A Series of Historical Narratives. Part I. Pioneers of France in the New World. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1865 ^36 Catalogue of the Library 2001 PARKMAN, Francis, Jr. History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the War of the North American Tribes against the Eng lish Colonies after the Conquest of Canada. Cloth. 8 Boston. 1851 2002 PARLIAMENTARY Debates. The History, Debates, and Pro ceedings of both Houses of Parliament ; from 1743 to 1774. Old half calf. 7 vols. 8 London. 1792 2003 PARLIAMENTARY History and Review for 1825-1827. 8 London, 1826-28 2004 PARLIAMENTARY Papers and Abstracts, 1826-27. Boards. 8 London. 1827 2005 PARLIAMENTARY Register, The ; or Proceedings and De bates of the House of Commons during the Fourteenth Parliament Old half calf . 17 vols. 8 London, 1774-80 2006 During the Session of the Fifteenth Parliament. Old half calf. IS vols. 8 London, 1781-85 These two Series of the Parliamentary Register are bound as one; Vols. 22 and 23, however, not being uniform. 2007 PARRHASE, Theodore. Parrhasiana, on Pensees Diverses sur des Matieres de Critique, d Histoire, de Morale, et de Politique. Vellum. 2 vols. 16 Amsterdam, 1699-1701 2008 PARSONS, Theophilus. Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachu setts ; with Notices of some of his Contemporaries. By his Son, Theophilus Parsons. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1859 2009 PARSONS, Usher. The Life of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart., the only Native of New England who was created a Baronet during our Connection with the Mother Country. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1855 2010 PARTON, James. Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. Cloth. 4 portraits. 2 vols. Large 12 New York, 1864 2011 PASCAL, Blaise. Thoughts on Religion and other Subjects. A New Translation, and a Life, by E. Craig. Boards. 12 Edinburgh, 1825 2012 PATENTS. Report of the Commissioner of Patents for 1849-50. Part II. 1852. Part II. Half morocco. 4 vols. 8 Washington, 1850-53 2013 PATERCULUS, C. V. Historiae Romanae Libri Duo. Calf. 8 Londini, 1730 2014 PAULDI.NG, James K. A Life of Washington. Cloth. 2 vols. 18 New York, 1835 2015 PAUSANIAS., Description of Greece, translated from the Greek. With Notes, by Thomas Taylor. With maps and views. Boards. 3 vols. 8 London, 1824 2016 PAZOS, Vicente. Letters on the United Provinces of South America. From the Spanish, by P. H. Crosby. Boards. 8 New York, 1819 2017 PEABODY, Andrew Preston. Christianity the Religion of Nature. Lectures before the Lowell Institute. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1864 of Jared Sparks. 137 2018 PEABODY, Andrew Preston. Lectures on Christian Doctrine. 2d Edition. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1844 2019 PKABODY, Miss Elizabeth P. First Steps to the Study of History. Half cloth. 12 Boston, 1832 2020 ] Record of a School, exemplifying the General Principles of Spiritual Culture. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1836 2021 PEABODY, George. An Account of the Proceedings at the Dinner, given by him to the Americans connected with the Great Exhibition, at the London Coffee House, on the 27th October, 1851. Cloth, gilt. 8 London, 1851 " Printed for Private Distribution." 2022 PEACOCK, George. Observations on the Statutes of the University of Cambridge. Cloth. 8 London, 1841 2023 PEASE, John C., and John M. Niles. A Gazetteer of the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island. With an Accurate and Improved Map of each State. Sheep. 8 Hartford, 1819 2024 PEIRCE, Benjamin. A History of Harvard University, from its Foundation, 1636, to the American Revolution. Half cloth. 8 Cambridge, 1833 2025 PEIRCE, Benjamin, Jr. Physical and Celestial Mechanics; in Four Systems of Analytic Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics, Potential Physics, and Analytic Morphology. Analytic Me chanics. Cloth. 4 Boston, 1855 2026 PEMAQUID. Papers relating to Pemaquicl and Parts Ad jacent in the Present State of Maine, known as Cornwall County when under the Colony of New York. Compiled from Official Records in the Office of the Secretary of State at Albany, N. Y., by Franklin B. Hough. Paper. 8 Albany, 1856 2027 PENNSYLVANIA. The Acts of the General Assembly, passed between the 30th of Sept., 1775, and the Revolution. Calf. Folio. Philadelphia, 1782 2028 The Charters of the Province of Pensilvania and City of Philadelphia. Old calf, worn. MS. title. Folio. Philadelphia, printed and sold by B. Franklin, 1742 Rice s copy sold for $17.00. 2029 Debates of the Convention of the State of Penn sylvania on the Constitution proposed for the Government of the United States. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Taken accurately in Short-Hand by Thomas Lloyd. Boards, a little loose. Very rare. 8 Philadelphia, 1788 This seems to have been the only volume published. 2030 Laws from Oct. 14, 1700. Reptiblished under the Authority of the Legislature. Sheep. 6 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1810-22 2031 Letters and Papers relating chiefly to the Provin cial History of Pennsylvania, with some Notices of the Writers. Paper. Privately printed. ,2 vols. 12 Philadelphia, 1855 138 Catalogue of the Library 2032 Minutes of the Convention which commenced at Philadelphia November 29th, 1789, for the purpose of re viewing the Constitution of this State. Half sheep. Folio. Philadelphia, 1789 2033 Minutes of the Provincial Congress, from the Or ganization to the Termination of the Proprietary Govern ment. Sheep. 3 vok. 8 Harrisburg, 1838-40 2034 The Proceedings relative to calling the Conventions of 1776 and 1790. The Minutes of the Convention that formed the Present Constitution of Pennsylvania, together with the Charter to William Penn, the Constitutions of 1776 and 1790, and a View of the Proceedings of the Con vention of 1776, and the Council of Censors. Boards. 8 Harrisburg, 1825 2035 Votes and Proceedings of the House of Repre sentatives, beginning the 14th of Oct., 1707. Vol. II. Calf. Folio. Philadelphia, 1753 2036 PENNSYLVANIA. An Historical Review of the Con stitution and Government of Pennsylvania, from its Origin ; so far as regards the several Points of Controversy which have, from Time to Time, arisen between the several Gov ernors of that Province, and their several Assemblies. Founded on Authentic Documents. Calf. 8 London, 1759 This book has been ascribed to Dr. Franklin as its author; also to his son, the Governor of New Jersey, and to Joseph Galloway. But according to a note of Mr. Sparks, it was not written by either of them. 2037 PENNSYLVANIA CHRONICLE AND UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER. From Feb. 1, 1768 to Jan. 22, 1770. Vol. II., III. Half calf, worn. 4 Philadelphia. 2038 PENNSYLVANIA. ETAT PRESENT de la Pensilvanie, ou Ton trouve le Detail de ce qui s y est passe depuis la Defaite du General Braddock jusqu a la Prise d Oswego, avec une Carte Particuliere de cette Colonie. Half calf. Map. pp. 128. 8N. P. 1756 2039 PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST. No. 147-281, Dec. 30, 1775 Nov. 7, 1776, with several omissions. Half sheep. 4 Philadelphia, 1775-76 2040 PENNSYLVANIA Historical Society. Bulletin. Vol. I., 1845- 1847. Half calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1848 2041 Contributions to American History. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1858 2042 Memoirs. Vol. I-IIL, and Vol. IV., part 1. Boards, loose. 8 Philadelphia, 1826-40 2043 PENNSYLVANIA State Trials : containing the Impeachment, Trial, and Acquittal of Francis Hopkinson and John Nichol son. Vol. I. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1794 This seems to have been the only volume published. 2044 PERCIVAL, James G. Poems. Boards. 8 New York, 1823 of Jared Sparks. 139 2045 PERCY, Thomas.] Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Boards. 3 voh. 8 London, 1812 2046 PERDICARIS, G. A. The Greece of the Greeks. Cloth. 2 voh. 12 New York, 1845 2047 PERIODICAL Press, The, of Great Britain and Ireland, their Moral and Political Influence. Boards. 12 London, 1824 2048 PERKINS, James H. Annals of the West, from the Discov ery of the Mississippi Valley, to 1845. Compiled from the most Authentic Sources. Sheep. 8 Cincinnati, 1846 2049 Same. 2d Ed. Enlarged by J. M. Peck. Sheep. 8 St. Louis, 1850 2050 PERKINS, Samuel. A History of the Political and Military Events of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain. Sheep. 8 New Haven, 1825 2051 PERNETY, Ant. Jos.] Examen des Recherches Philoso- phiques sur 1 Amerique et les Americaines, et de la Defense de cette Ouvrage. Boards. 2 voh. 16 Berlin, 1771 2052 PETERS, Samuel.] A GENERAL HISTORY OF CONNECTI CUT, from its First Settlement under George Fenwick, to its Latest Period of Amity with Great Britain. 2d Edition. Sheep, worn. Scarce. 8 London, 1782 " For the general character of this work, its errors and falsehoods, see Profes sor Kingsley s Historical Discourse, p. 83." J. s. 2053 A History of the Rev. Hugh Peters. Boards. 8 New York, 1807 2054 PETRARCA, F. Le Rime ; le Stanze e 1 Orfeo del Poliziano, con Note de Diversi. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Parigi, 1836 2055 PETRONJ, S. E. Napoleonide. Sheep. 4 Napoli, 1809 2056 PH^EDRUS. Fabularum ^Esopicarum Libri V. Accesse- runt Publii Syri et aliorum Sententiae. Calf, gilt. 24 Parisiis, Anno Reip. VI. [1798] 2057 Same. With Notes, and Vocabulary. Sheep. 12 "Baltimore, 1827 2058 PHELPS, Austin. The Still Hour, or Communion with God. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1860 2059 PHILADELPHIA in 1824. Half mor. 18 Philadelphia, 1824 2060 - The Stranger s Guide in Philadelphia. With a Map, and Illustrations. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1861 2061 PHILADELPHIA Library Company. Catalogue of the Books; to which is prefixed a Short Account of the Institution. Half cloth. 2 voh. Large 8 Philadelphia, 1835 2062 PHILLIPS, George. Bigotry: a Satire in Hudibrastic Verse. Cloth. 8 London, 1856 2063 PHILLIPS, Willard. A Manual of Political Economy, with Particular Reference to the United States. Half cloth. 8 Boston, 1828 2064 Propositions concerning Protection and Free Trade. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1850 2065 PHILLIPS, William. An Outline of Mineralogy and Geol ogy. Sheep. 12 New York, 1816 14*0 Catalogue of the Library 2066 PJCKBOURN, James. A Dissertation on the English Verb. Calf. 8 London, 1789 2067 PICKELL, John. A New Chapter in the Early Life of Washington, in Connection with the Narrative History of the Potomac Company. Cloth. 8 New York, 1856 2068 PICKERING, Octavius. Reports of Cases argued and deter mined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Vol. I. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1824 2069 PICKERING, Timothy. A Eeview of the Correspondence between John Adams and W. Cunningham, from 1803 to 1812. 2d Ed. Paper. 8 Salem, 1824 2070 PIERPONT, J. Airs of Palestine : a Poem. Calf. 18 Boston, 1817 2071 Proceedings of an Ecclesiastical Council in the Case of the Proprietors of the Hollis St. Meeting House, and Rev. J. Pierpont. Paper. 8 Boston, 1841 2072 PIETAS Quotidiana. Prayers and Meditations for Every Day in the Week. 16 London. 2073 PILKINGTON, Matthew. The Dictionary of Painters ; a Complete Account of the most Distinguished Artists, from 1250 to 1767. Calf. 4 London, 1770 2074 PINKNEY, E. C. Poems. Boards. 18 Baltimore, 1825 2075 PINTO, Isaac. Letters on the American Troubles ; trans lated from the French. Half morocco, neat. pp. 89. 8 London, for John Boosay $ J. Forbes, Hackney, 1776 With the autograph of Mr. Sparks on the title, and on the fly-leaf the follow ing: " Dumas, in a letter to Dr. Franklin, speaks of the Jew, Pinto, whose venal pen has been employed in the most insolent manner against the Amer icans. " See " Dipl. (Jorresp. of the Am. Revolution," Vol. IX. p. 265. 2076 PIPER, R. U. The Trees of America. 4 Nos. [all that were published^. Unbound. 4 Boston, 1855-58 2077 PITKIN, Timothy. A Political and Civil History of the United States of America, from 1763 to the Close of the Administration of Washington. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 New Haven, 1828 2078 A Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America ; its Connection with Agriculture and Manufactures ; and an Account of the Public Debt, Reve nues, and Expenditures of the United States. 2d Edition. Without covers. 8 New York, 1817 2079 PITMAN, R. B. A Succinct View and Analysis of Authentic Information, extant in Original Works, on the Practicability of joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Ship-Canal across the Isthmus of America. Boards. 8 London, 1825 2080 PITT, William, 1st Earl of Chatham. Anecdotes of his Life, and of the Principal Events of his Time, with his Speeches in Parliament from 1736 to 1778 ; by J. Almon. 3d Edition. Calf. 3 vols. 8 London, 1793 of Jared Sparks. 2081 PITT, William, 1st Earl of Chatham. Correspondence. Edited by the Executors of his Son, from the Original Manuscripts. Cloth. 4 vols. 8 London, 1838-40 2082 PLATO. The Cratylus, Phaedo, Parmenides, and Timaeus. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor. With Notes on the Cratylus, and an Explanatory Introduction to each Dialogue. Half calf. 8 London, 1793 2083 PLATON. The Present State of the Greek Church in Rus sia, or a Summary of Christian Divinity. Translated from the Slavonian, by R. Pinkerton. Boards. 12 New York, 1815 2084 PLAYFAIR, John. Dissertation : exhibiting a View of the Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science since the Revival of Letters. Part II. Paper. 8 Boston, 1820 2085 PLINIUS, C. Caecilius Secundus. Lettres, en Latin et en Franfais, suivies du Panegyrique cle Trajan, traduites par M. de Sacy. Sheep. 3 vols. 12 Qhrmont, 1809 2086 Letters. Wi h Remarks by William Mel moth. 5th Ed. Calf. 2 vols. London, 1770 2087 PLUTARCHUS. Lives, translated, with Notes Critical and Historical, and a Life of Plutarch. By J. and W. Lang- horne. Half calf . 6 vols. 8 London, 1823 2088 PLYMOUTH Patent, The First, granted June 1, 1621. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript. Edited by Charles Deane. Cloth. Privately printed. pp. 16. 4 Cambridge, 1854 One hundred copies printed in this form. 2089 POE, Edgar Allan. The Literati : some Honest Opinions about Autorial Merits and Demerits. With a Sketch of the Author, by Rufus Wilmot Griswold. Cloth. 12 New York, 1850 2090 Works of, with Notices of his Life and Genius. By N. P. Willis, J. R. Lowell, and R. W. Griswold. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1850 2091 POINSETT, Joel R.] Notes on Mexico, made in the Autumn of 1822. Boards. Map wanting. 8 Philadelphia, 1824 2092 POLITICAL and Satirical History of the Years 17o6-60, in a Series of One Hundred and Four Humorous and Enter taining Prints. 5th Edition. Vol. I. A Political and Sa tirical History displaying the Unhappy Influence of Scotch Pre valency in 176163. Vol. II. Sheep. Very curious. 2 vols. Small 4 London, N. D. 2093 POLITICAL Economy. Summary of the Practical Princi ples of Political Economy. By a Friend of Domestic In dustry. Boards. 8 Cambridge, 1826 2094 POLITICAL Register, The, and Impartial Review of New Books, by J. Almon. With engravings. Calf. 11 vols. bound in 6. 8 London, 1767 to 1772 Catalogue of the Library 2095 POLITIQUE Hollandais, Le. Half calf. 5 vols. 8 Amsterdam, 1781-83 A political journal, published every; Monday at Amsterdam; Feb. 12, 1781- Aug. 11, 1783. Very interesting, giving the Dutch views of the last years of the American Revolution. 2096 POLLARD, Edward A. Observations on the North : Eight Months in Prison and on Parole. Cloth. 8 Richmond, 1865 " The last book published in the South, while under rebel rule." 2097 POLYBIUS. General History. Translated by Mr. Hamp ton. 4th Edition. Calf. 3 vols. 8 London, 1809 2098 PONCET de la Grave, G. Precis Historique de la Marine Royale de France, depuis 1 Origine de la Monarchic jusqiT an Roi regnant. Calf. 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1780 2099 PONS, J. S. The Doctrines of the Church of Geneva illus trated in a Series of Sermons preached by the Modern Di vines of that City. 8 London, 1825 2100 POPE, Alex. Works. Printed verbatim from the 8 Edi tion of Mr. Warburton. Sheep. 6 vols. 12 London, 1788 2101 POPKIN, John S. Memorial of. Edited by Cornelius C. Felton. Cloth, with fine portrait. 12 Cambridge, 1852 2102 PORXY, M. A. The Elements of Heraldry. Calf. With 24 copper plates. 8 London, 1765 2103 PORQUET, Louis Fenwick DE. The Turning of English Idioms into French at sight. Boards. 18 Boston, 1833 2104 PORSON, Richard. Letters to Mr. Archdeacon Travis in answer to his Defence of the Three Heavenly Witnesses. 1 John v. 7. Calf. 8 London, 1790 2105 PoiiT-Royal Greek Grammar.] A New Method of learn ing with Facilitv the Greek Tongue. Translated from the French by T. Nugent Calf. 8 London, 1817 2106 Pour-Royal Latin Grammar.] A New Method of learning with Facility the Latin Tongue. Translated from the French by T. Nugent. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1803 2107 PORTRAITS. 5 vols., 7 in. by 10. Handsomely bound in half turkey morocco. A very interesting collection of about 575 valuable portraits of eminent men and women, selected from a great variety of sources, and neatly mounted in alphabetical order. Names in quotation marks are in the hand writing of Mr. Sparks, the others are printed. Vol. T. Sir Ealph Abercrombie (3), Lady Harriet Ackland, John Adams (2), Samuel Adams (2), Phil. Afleck, W. C. Keppel, Earl of Albemarle, Geo. Keppel, E. of Albemarle, Duke of Alva, Gen. Amherst, Major Andre (3), Lord Auson (2), Admiral Arbuthnot, Benedict Arnold (2), Dunning, Lord Ashburton, Sir Samuel Auchmuty, Azel Backus, D. D., Col. Francis Barber, Commodore Barney (2). Ban-as* Col. Barre* (2), Hon. Samuel Barrington, William, Vis count Barrington, Commodore John Bar r } r , " Col. Barton," Henry, Earl Ba- thnrst. Vice Admiral John Bazely, Beaumarchais, Duke of Bedford, Belle- Isle, Bernadotte, Capt. Nicholas Biddle, Biron Due de Lauzun, Lieut. -Gen eral Blakeney, James Bolland, Buonaparte, Admiral Boscawen, Carlo Botta, Elias Boudinot, LL. D., Bougainville, Bouille , L. H. F. de Bourbon, Hon. James Bowdoin, Joseph Brant Thayendenegea, a Mohawk Chief (2), Sir Piercy Brett. Kt., Viscount Bridport, Francis Egerton, Duke of Bridgewater, De Broglie, John Brooks, M. D. (2), Ferdinand, Uuke of Brunswick Wolfen- of Jared Sparks. 143 buttle, Gen. Burgoyne (3), Edmund Burke (3), Aaron Burr, Lord Bute (3), Admiral Byner, Admiral Byron, Sebastian Cabot, Charles, Earl of Carnden, Lord Chancellor (3), John" Jeffries Pratt, Marquis Camden, Frederick, Earl of Carlisle (2), Gen. Sir Guy Carleton, Charles Carroll, of Carrollton (2), John Carroll, First Archbishop of Baltimore, Capt. Jonathan Carver, " Cath arine II.," Empress of Russia (2), Lord John Cavendish, Charles I., Charles II., Charles HI. of Srain, Charles X. Roi de France, Samuel Chase, Comte de Ohatellux, (sic), Earl Chatham (2), Choiseul, Christian VII. King of Den mark, Another with the verses addressed to him in France, by the Abbe de Schone, Gen. George Rogers Clarke (2), Major Gen. Arthur St. Clair, Gov. George Clinton (3), " Sir Henry Clinton," Geo. Clymer, Hon. Daniel Cobb, Lord Cochran, Sir Isaac Coffin. Golden (6), Vice Admiral Sir George Collier. Vol. II. Christopher Columbus, IIoA Gen. Con way, Hon. Charles Wolfran Cornwall, Speaker of the House of Commons, Rt. Hon. Charles Cornwallis, Earl Corn wallis (2), Marquis Cornwallis -(2), Marchioness Cornwallis, Charles, Mar quis Cornwallis, Hon. William Cornwallis, 1802, De Crillon, Crillon, Cromwell, Conde , Enoch Crosby, the True Harvey Birch, Duke and Duchess of Cum berland, Late Duke o f Cumberland. 1807, Vice and Rear Adm. Sir Roger Cur tis (3). Geo. Washington Custis (Savage), Richard Dale (2), General Sir Hew. Dalrymple, Saml. Danforth, M. D., Rear Admiral Geo. Darley, William, Earl of Dartmouth, Wm. Richardson Davie, Silas Dean, Dearborn (2), Com. Stephen Decatur, Destouches, Duke of Devonshire, Adm. Dishy, John Dickinson, George Bubb Doddington, Baron of Melcombe Reris, John Syng Dorsey, M. D., Gen. Dowdeswell, Sir Francis Drake, Sir William Draper "(2), Win. Henry Drs-yton, Sir David Dundas, Du Quesne, Wm. Eden, John, Earl of Egmont, George O Brien Wyndham, Earl of Egremont, Sir John Eliot, Gen. Eliot, Sir Geo. Augustus Elliot, Lord Heathfield, Gen. Elliot, Oliver ElNworth (2), Adm. Vise. Exmouth, D Estaing, Rear Admiral Sir W. G. Fairfax, the Gallant Captain Farmer, Adam Ferguson, Commodore Charles Fielding, Aug. Henrv Fitzroy, Duke of Grafton (Biographical Notice), Wil liam Floyd, Charles" James Fox (4), Ebenezer Fox, Rt. Hon. Henry Fox, "Sir Philip Francis" "Franklin" (13), "Mrs. Franklin." Gen. Simon Fra- ser, Lieut. Gen. Alex. Mackenzie Frazer, Frederick the Great (2), Nathaniel Freeman, Gen. Gage, James Gambier, Baron Gambier, Peter Ganswood, Gen. Gates, Medal voted to Gen. Gates, Admiral Sir Francis Geary, George II. (Kneller), Georee III. (4), Francois Gerard, Elbridge Geny, Lord George Germain, Gibbon (Reynolds), M. Gist, John Glyn,Lord George Gor don, Granville Levison Gower, Marquis of Stafford, Duke of Grafton, J. Gra ham, Historian. Marquis of Granby, Rt. Hon. Thomas Lord Graves (2), De Gras.^e, Major General Nathanael Greene (6). Vol. III. Right Honbie George Grenville (3), Sir Charles Grey, K. B., Right Hon^e Thomas Grenville, Guichen, Gustavus III. King of Sweden, Joseph Haber- sham, Earl of Halifax, Saville, Marquis of Halifax, Alexander Hamilton (2), Hampden, Hon^e John Hancock (3), Admiral Sir Charles Hardy (3), Philip, Earl of Hardwicke (York), Charles Stanhopp, Earl of Harrington, James Harrington, Gen. Harris, David Hartley," Hartley" (sketch in ink), Francis Hawdon, Marquis of Hastings, Lord Hawke, Adm. Ed. Lord Hawke, Hon. Wm. Heath, George Aug. Elliot, Baron Heathfield and Gibraltar (2), Henry III., Henry VIII., Patrick Henry (2). Captain Henry X 2), Joseph He ACS, Thomas ifeyward, Junr., Gen. Hill, Right Hon. Earl of Hillsborough, Right HonWe Lord Samuel Hood, Admiral of the Blue (3), Robert Hopkins, Esq., Commodore of the American Sea Forces (2), Francis Hopkinson (2), John Eager Howard, Admiral Lord Viscount Richard Howe. Commander-in- Chief of the Fleet in N. America (4), Gen. Howe (2), G. R. T. Hewes, one of the destroyers of the tea in Boston Harbour, Sir Edward Hughes, K. B., Ad miral of the Blue, David Humphreys, James Jackson, James I., James II., James V., John Jay, Thomas Jefferson (4), Ri^ht Hon. C. Jenkinson, The Chev. John Paul Jones (3), Sir William Johnson, Bart., Josephus Secundus Romanorum Rex, Joubert, Gdneral en chef de I arme e d ltalie, Right Hon b e Lord Keith, K. B., Vice Admiral of the Red Squadron. Rear Admiral Rich ard Kempenfelt (3), Hon. Augustus Keppel, Lord Keppel, Commodore Kep- pel, Thaddeus Kosfiusko (4). Major General Henry Knox (2), Right Hon. Marquis de La Fayette (4), John Langdon, Laperouse, Henry Laurens, Esq., Law, Lt. Colonel Leger, General Lee, Henry Lee, Richard Henry Lee (3), Francis Lewis, Morgan Lewis, Major General Benjamin Lincoln, Charles 144 Catalogue of the Library Earl of Liverpool, Philip Livingston, Robert R. Livingston, "William Living ston, Locke (Kneller), Capt. Gen. Earl of Loudoun, Alexander, Lord High Chancellor Loughborough (2), Louis XIV., Louis XV., Louis XVI., Louis XVIII., Louvois, Lowendhal, Hon. Capt. James Luttrell, Thomas Lynch, Junr. Vol. IV. George, Earl of Macartney, Thomas M. Kean, James Madison, J. Montague, Duke of Manchester, Earl Mansfield (2), Marl borough (Kneller), Martin Luther, Mary, Queen of Scots, Maurepas, Sir Joseph Mawbrey, Gen. Sir Wm. Medows, Mariguy, Gen. Francis Marion, Arthur Middleton, Gen. Thomas Mifflin (3), Earl Moira (delicately colored), Major Gen. Robert Monckton, Governor of New York, Moncrif, Montcalm, Gen. Montgomery, Richard Mont gomery, Brig.-Gen. Morgan, "Gouverneur Morris" (2), Robert Morris (2), Major* Gen. Moultrie, Governor of S. ^Carolina (2), Alexander Murray, James Stuart, Earl of Murray, Regent of Scotland, General Murray, Lord Nelson, A. M. De Noailles, Right Hon. Lord North (2), Hugh, Earl of North umberland, Right Hon. Robert, Earl Nugent, General Oglethorpe, William, Prince of Orange Nassau, Walpole, Earl of Orford, Due d Ork ans, James Otis, William Paga, Robert Treat Paine, Mr. Thomas Paine (2), Sir Hugh Palliser, " Mungo Park," Adm. Sir Hyde Parker, Adm. Sir Peter Parker (3), Capt. Sir Rich. Pearson, Wm Penn (2), Louis Jean Marie Due de Penthievre, Earl Hugh Percy, Lord Piercy, Hugh Peters, a Remarkable Character in the time of Oliver Cromwell and supposed to be one of the Masked Executioners of King Charles the First, "Philip II.," Rt. Hon. Constantino John Phipps, Gen. Andrew Pickens, La Motte-Picquet, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Wm. Pinkney, Wm. Pitt (2), Admiral Pocock, Com. Sir Howe Riggs Pop- ham, Joseph, King of Portugal, Duke of Portland (2), Hiram Powers, Com. Ed. Preble (2), Preble Medal, Rev. Dr. Price, Rev. Joseph Priestley (2), Samuel Puffendorf, Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam (3), W. Ralegh, with fac-simile of his signature, (2), Eammohun Roy, David Ramsav, M. D. (2), Peyton Randolph, Lord Francis Rawdon (2), George Read, Gen. Reed (2), Paul Revere, Duke of Richmond, Rt. Hon. Richard Rigby, David Rittenhouse, LL. D., F. R. S., Robertson, Sir Thomas Robinson (Lord Grantham), " Ro- chambeau," Marquis of Rockingham (3), Lord Rodney (2), James Ross, Vice Admiral Sir John Lockhart Ross, Sir W. M. Rowley. Vol. V. Benjamin Rush (2), Benjamin Rutledge, John Rutledge, Lord Viscount Sack- ville, Deborah Sampson, " who served for three years during the Revolution as a common soldier " (unskillfully tinted), John, Earl of Sandwich, Rear Admiral Sir James Saumarez, John Schank, R. N., Maj. Gen. Philip Schuy- ler (2) "Bishop Seabury," Selden (Lely), Antony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury, The Rt. Hon. Lord Sheffield, Wm. Fitzmaurice Petty, Earl of Shelburne,* Marquis of Lansdowne (Reynolds), Gov. Isaac Shelby, Roger Sherman, Rt. Hon. Robert Molyneux Lord Shuldham, St. Simon. "Princess Sophia, " successor to the crown of England after Q.ueen Anne," Stanislaus Augustus, King of Poland, Maj .-Gen. John Stark, Thomas Stone, Rt. Hon. Lord Stormont, Win. Stoughton, Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Stuart, Lord Suf folk, Suftren, Maj.-Gen. John Sullivan, Maj. -Gen. Thomas Sumter, Charles Howard, Earl of Surrey, Col. Benjamin Tallmadge, Maj. -Gen. Tarleton (colored) (2), Earl Temple, " 1 w d avoid haying this hand too commonly seen, at a proper time you shall know me, Junius" (3) (This collection con tains several names suggested as authors of the letters of Junius, The Gran- ville-Temple Family, Sackville, Sir Philip Francis, and Lord Chatham), TAbbe Terray, James Thacher, M. D., Charles Thompson, Lord Edward Thurlow (2),"Thurot, Rt. Hon. Charles Townshend, Chancellor (2), Jona than Trumbull, John Trumbull, Josiah Tucker, Dean of Gloucester, Sir Henry Vane (2), Peter Van Schaick, Vaudreuil, Vergennes, Admiral Hon. Ed. Ver- non (2), Capt. Richard Budd Vincent, Lord St. Vincent, Rt. Hon. Sir John Jetvis, Earl of St. Vincent, Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, Maj.-Gen. Ar- temas Ward (President of Council), John Warren, M. D., " Gen. Joseph Warren" (2), Sir Peter Warren (2), George Washington (9), Martha Wash ington (4), Wm. Washington, Brig.-Gen. Anthony Wayne (3), Daniel Webster (2), L d Weymouth, the disgusted Secretary, George Whitefield, "Eli Whitney," John Wilkes (4), one with " magna charta " under his ink stand, one on his election, " Col. Willet," William and Mary, Gen. Jonathan Williams (2), Gen. Otho Holland Williams, James Wilson, John Wither- spoon (2), Oliver Wolcott, Gen. James Wolfe (2), Maj.-Gen. Wooster (2), George Wythe. of Jarcd Sparks. 145 2108 POTTS, Stacy G. Village Tales. 12 Trenton, N. J. 1827 2109 POULLIN DE LUMIXA, E. J.] Histoirc de la Guerre centre les Anglois. Calf. 8 Geneve, 1759 "Tliis work relates almost entirely to the French War in America." Rich. 2110 POUSSIN, G. T. Considerations sur le Principe Democra- tique qui regit 1 Union Americaine, et de la Possibility de son Application a d autres Etats. Paper. Map. 8 Paris, 1841 2111 POWERS, Grant. Historical Sketches of the Discovery, Settlement, and Progress of Events in the Coos Country and Vicinity, principally between 1754 and 1785. Sheep. 12 Haverhill, 1841 2112 POWNALL, Gov. Thomas. The Administration of the British Colonies. 5th Ed. Half morocco. 2 vols. 8 London, 1774 2113 Memorial addressed to the Sovereigns of Amer ica. Half calf. W London, 1783 2114. ] A Memorial most humbly addressed to the Sov ereigns of Europe on the Present State of Affairs between the Old and New World. 2cl Ed. Half calf . 8 London, 1780 Also: Two Memorials, not" originally intended for Publication, now published with an Explanatory Preface; by Governor Pownal. London, 1782 2115 PRADT, I). D., I Abbe DE. Europe and America in 1821, with an Examination of the Plan laid before the Cortes of Spain, for the Recognition of the Independence of South America. Translated from the French by J. D. Williams. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1822 2116 Examen del Plan presentado a las Cortes para el Reconocimiento de la Independencia de la America Espa- nola. Sheep. 8 Burdeos, 1822 2117 PRAY, Lewis G. Historical Sketch of the Twelfth Con gregational Society in Boston. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1863 2118 PRESCOTT, Miss. Resignation. An American Novel. 12 2 vols. 1825 2119 PRESCOTT, William Hickling. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, He man do Cortes. Cloth. 3 vols. 8 New York, 1843 Presented by the author, with his autograph. 2120 History of the Conquest of Peru, with a Prelimi nary View of the Civilization of the Incas. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1847 Presented by the author, with his autograph. 2121 History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic. [Vol. II., loth Ed.] Cloth. 3 vols. 8 Boston. 1838-59 2122 History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. Cloth. 3 vols. 8 Boston, 1855-58 Presented by the author, witli his autograph. 146 Catalogue of the Library 2123 PRESCOTT, W. H. Memoir of the Honorable Abbott Law rence, prepared for the National Portrait Gallery. Cloth. With portrait. 4 N. P. 1856 2124 Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Soci ety in respect to his Memory, February 1, 1859. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1859 2125 PRESENT STATE, THE, OF THE CONTROVERSY between the States of New-York and New-Hampshire on the one part, and the State of Vermont on the other. Half morocco. 12 Hartford, 1782 2126 PRICE, Richard. A Review of the Principal Questions in Morals. 3d Ed. Enlarged with a Dissertation on the Being and Attributes of the Deity. Calf. 8 London, 1787 An autograph letter of the author inserted. 2127 - . - -- . . .. Answers to his Pamphlets on Civil Liberty. Half calf. 8 1. Remarks. London, 1776 2. Cursory Remarks. By a Merchant. London, 1776 3. Letter by the Author of the Defence of the American Congress. London, 1776 4. Lelttrs by John Stevenson. London, 1778 2127a PRIESTLEY, Joseph. Disquisitions relating to Matter and Spirit. 2cl Ed. The Do ctrine of Philosophical Necessity illustrated. 2d Ed. Halfrussia. 2 vols. 8 Birmingham, 1782 2128 Lectures on History and General Policy. Sheep, 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1803 An autograph letter of the author inserted. 2129 Memoirs, to 1795, by Himself; with a Continuation by his Son, and Observations on his Writings by T. Cooper, and W. Christie. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Northumberland, 1806 2130 The Rudiments of English Grammar. Sheep. 12 London, 1798 2131 . Views of Christian Truth, Piety, and Morality. Selected from the Writings of Dr. Priestley. With a Me moir. 12 Cambridge, 1834 2132 PRIESTLEY, Joseph, and PRICE, R. A Free Discussion of the Doctrines of Materialism and Philosophical Necessity. Half russia. 8 London, 1778 2133 PRIESTLEY, Rev. Timothy. The New Evangelical Family Bible ; or a Complete Paraphrase, Exposition, and Com mentary. With engravings. 2 vols. 4 London, 1804 2134 PRINCE, Thomas. A Chronological History of New Eng land, in the Form of Annals ; from the Discovery of Capt. Gosnold in 1602, to the Arrival of Governor Belcher in 1730. With an Introduction. A New Edition. Boards. 8 Boston, 1826 of Jar eel Sparks. 14*7 2135 PRISONER S Friend ; a Monthly Magazine devoted to Crim inal Reform. Vols. II. to VIII. Unbound, incomplete. 8 Boston, 1849-56 2136 PRITTS, J. Incidents of Border Life, Illustrative of the Times and Conditions of the First Settlements in Parts of the Middle and Western States. To which are added Brief Historical Sketches of the War in the North- West, embracing the Expeditions under Gens. Harmur, St. Clair, and Wayne. Sheep. 12 Chamber sburg, 1841 2137 PROCLUS, B. Opuscula Omnia. Nunc primum Graece et Latine edita. Old calf. 16 Lvgdvni Batavorum, 1617 2138 PROCTOR, Robert. Narrative of a Journey across the Cor dillera of the Andes, and of a Residence in Lima and other Parts of Peru, in 1823 and 1824. Boards, defaced. & London, 1825 2139 PROUD, R. The History of Pennsylvania, from the Set tlement under Penn, in 1681, till after 1742 ; with an In troduction respecting the Life of W. Penn, Prior to the Grant of the Province, and the Society of the People called Quakers. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1797-98 2140 PUFENDORF, Samuel. De Officio Hominis et Civis, secun- dum Legem Naturalem. Old calf. 8 Trqjecti a. R. 1740 2141 PUNCH, or the London Charivari. Vols. XXIV. to XXXV., lacking 21 Nos. Unbound. 4 London, 1853-58 2142 PURVIAXCE, Robert. A Narrative of Events which occurred in Baltimore during the Revolutionary War. Cloth. 12 Baltimore, 1849 2143 PUTNAM, George Palmer. American Facts. Notes and Statistics relative to the Government and Resources of the United States. Cloth. With Portraits and a Map. 12 London, 1845 2144 PUTNAM, Israel, Major-General Putnam. A Correspond ence on this Subject with the Editor of the "Hartford Daily Post," by " Selah " of that City, and Henry B. Daw- son, of White Plains, N. Y. Paper. 8 Morrisania: printed for Private Circulation, 1860 Part VI. of "Gleanings from the Harvest Field of American History." 2145 PUTNAM, J. M. English Grammar. Half sheep. 18 Cambridge, 1825 2146 /QUARANTINE and Sanitary Convention; Third Na tional Proceedings and Debates, held in the City of New York, April, 1859. Cloth. 8 New York, 1859 2147 QUARTERLY Oriental Magazine Review and Register. Half russia. 2 vols. 8 Calcutta, 1824 2148 QUARTERLY Review. Half russia. 47 vols. 8 New York, Boston, and London, 1809-32 The London Edition begins with Vol. XXIX. 148 Catalogue of the Library 2149 QUARTERLY REVIEW. 64 unbound numbers of the Lond. Ed., 1841-9. 2150 QUEBEC. An Account of the Proceedings of the British and other Protestant Inhabitants of the Province of Quebeck, in North America, in order to obtain a House of Assembly in that Province. Half calf . 8 London, 1775 2151 Additional Papers concerning the Province of Quebec. 8 London, 1776 2152 Picture of Quebec, 1844-45. By Alfred Hawkins. Morocco. 12 Quebec, 1844 2153 . [Report of the Council of the Literary and Histor ical Society of Quebec, for the Year ending the llth Jan uary, 1843.] Halfrussia. 8 Quebec. 2154 Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Founded Jan. 6, 1824. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Quebec, 1829-31 2155 QUINCY, Eliza S. M. Memoir of the Life of Eliza S. M. Quincy. Cloth. Not published. 4 Boston, 1861 2156 QUINCY, Josiah, Jr. Observations on the Boston Port-Bill ; with Thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. Half calf. 8 Reprint, London, 177 2157 QUINCY, Josiah, Pres. The History of Harvard University. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Cambridge, 1840 2158 The History of the Boston Athenaeum, with Bio graphical Notices of its Deceased Founders. Cloth. 8 Cambridge, 1851 2159 Memoir of John Quincy Adams. Cloth. With fine Portrait. 8 Boston, 1858 21 GO Memoir of Josiah Quincy, Jr. Boards. 8 Boston, 1825 2161 Another copy. Boards. 8 Boston, 1825 2161a QUINCY, Josiah, the younger. Essays on the Soiling of Cat tle, illustrated from Experience ; arid an Address, containing Suo-o-estions which may be useful to Farmers. Cloth. pp. 64. 8 Boston, 1859 2162 QUINCY, Josiah P.] Lyteria, a Dramatic Poem. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1854 2163 QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius. Institutes of the Orator. Translated with Notes, by J. Patsall. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1774 2164 Opera. Boards. 4 vols. 8 No title-page. 2165 $<J ACINE, Jean. CEuvres Complettes ; avec le Commen- 2L%< taire de M. De Laharpe, et augmented de plusieurs Morceaux Inedits. Calf. 7 vols. 8 Paris, 1807 2166 QEuvres Completes, avec les Notes de tons les Commentateurs. 4 e Edition. Paper. 7 vols. 8 Paris, 1825 2167 RAGUENET, Frangois. Histoire du Vicomte de Turenne. Nouvelle Edition. Sheep. 16 Eiom, 1817 of Jared Sparks. 149 2168 RAGUET, Condy. A Treatise on Currency and Banking-. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1839 2169 RALEIGH, Sir Walter. Judicious and Select Essayes and Observations upon the First Invention o& Shipping, the Misery of Invasive Warre, the Navy Royall and Sea-Ser vice. With his APOLOGIE FOR HIS VOYAGE TO GUIANA. Calf. Portrait. 16 London, Humphrey Moseley, 1650 2170 Remains : Maxims of State. Advice to his Son, &c. Calf. Portrait. 18 London, 1702 2171 RAMMOHUN ROY. Appeal [and Second Appeal] to the Christian Public in defence of the " Precepts of Jesus." [And other Tracts.] Half sheep. 8 Calcutta, 1820-21 An autograph letter of the author inserted. 2172 The Precepts of Jesus. 8 New York 1825 2173 RAMSAY, Allan. The Gentle Shepherd, a Pastoral Comedy. With Notes, and an Original Memoir of the Author. Boards. 18 Glasgow, 1822 2174 Poems ; with New Additions and Notes ; to which is added the Gentle Shepherd, a Scots Pastoral Comedy, with Songs; also a Glossary. Calf. 12 Dublin, 1733 2175 The Tea-Table Miscellany : a Collection of Choice Songs, Scots and English. Vol. I. Old calf. 18 Edinburgh, 1775 2176 RAMSAY, David. The History of South Carolina, from its First Settlement in 1670, to the Year 1808. Maps. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Charleston, 1809 2177 The History of the American Revolution. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1789 2178 The History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Trenton, 1785 2179 The Life of George Washington. Boards. Por trait. 8 New York, 1807 2180 RAMSEY, J. G. M. The Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Cloth. 8 Charleston, 1853 2181 Another copy. Cloth. 8 Charleston, 1853 2182 RANKE, Leopold. Civil Wars and Monarchy in France, in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Translated by M. A. Gar- vey. Cloth. 12 New York, 1853 2183 RAUMER, Friedrich VON. America and the American Peo ple. Translated from the German by William W. Turner. Cloth. 8 New York, 1845 2184 England in 1835 ; Letters during a Residence in London and Excursions into the Provinces. Translated by Sarah Austin and H. E. Lloyd. Cloth. 8 Phil. 1836 2185 RAWLE, William. A View of the Constitution of the United States. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1825 150 Catalogue of the Library 2186 EAT, Richard. An Address before the American Academy of the Fine Arts, Nov. 17, 1825. Boards. 4 New York, 1825 2187 RAYMOND, Daniel. The Elements of Political Economy. 2d Edition. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Baltimore, 1823 2188 RAYMOND, Frar^ois. Dictionnaire des Termes appropries anx Arts et aux Sciences, et des Mots Nouveaux que 1 Usage a consacres. Half calf \ 4 Paris, 1824 2189 RAYNAL, G. T. F., Abbe DE. A Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Translated by J. 0. Justamond. Sheep. Maps. 8 vols. 8 London, 1788 2190 Revolution de I Amerique. Paper. 8 Londres, 1781 2191 RAYNEVAL, Joseph Mathias Gerard DE. De la Liberte des Mers. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1811 With Pencil Notes by J. s. 2192 Institutions du Droit de la Nature et des Gens. Nouvelle Edition. Morocco. 2 vols. Paris, 1832 2193 RECHERCHES. Second Supplement aux Me moires con- cernant FHistoire des Chinois par les Missionaires de Pe-kin, contenant des Recherches Historiques et Geographiques sur le Nouveau Monde. Sheep. Map and engravings. 8 Paris, 1786 2194 RECORD Commission. A Description of the Contents, Ob jects, and Uses of the Works printed by the Commission. Boards. 8 London, 1831 2195 RECUEIL d Arrests du Roi. Calf, binding imperfect. N. T.-P. 12 [Amsterdam, 1720] 2196 RECUEIL de divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en TAme- rique qui n ont point este encore publiez ; contenant 1 Ori- gine, les Moeurs, les Coutumes, et le Commerce des Habitans de ces Deux Parties du Monde. Old calf. 4 Paris, 1684 " Translated from the English by Henri Justel. First published in 1674." J. s. 2197 REDDIE, James. Inquiries Elementary and Historical in the Science of Law. Half cloth. 8 London, 1840 2198 REED and CADWALADER. A Reprint of the Reed and Cadwalader Pamphlets, with an Appendix. Paper. 4 [Philadelphia, ] 1863 100 copies printed. With a manuscript letter of William B. Reed. 2199 REED, William B. Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed, Military Secretary of Washington at Cambridge. Cloth. With portrait. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1847 2200 The Life of Esther de Berdt, afterwards Esther Reed, of Pennsylvania. Cloth. Privately printed. 12 Philadelphia, 1853 2201 REGISTRE des Baptesmes et Sepultures qui se sorit faits ou Fort Duquesne pendant les Annees 1753-56. Cloth. 4 Nouvelle York, 1859 of Jared Sparks. Lol 2202 REGISTRO Estadistico de La Provincia de Buenos Aires. Half sheep. 16 nos. in 1 vol. 8 Buenos Aires, 1822-24 2203 REGNAULT-WAKIN, Jean. Histoire du General Lafayette en Amerique, precedee d une Notice sur sa Vie. Paper. 8 Paris, 1832 2204 Memoires pour servir a la Vie du General La Fayette, et a 1 Histoire de 1 Assemblee Constituante. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1824 2205 REICHARD. An Itinerary of Germany, or Traveller s Guide. Morocco. 12 London, N. D. 2206 REID, - ?] Bibliotheca Americana; a Chronological Catalogue of Books, State Papers, etc , upon North and South America, in Print and Manuscript. Boards. 4 London, 1789 * This book has been variously ascribed to Dalrymple, Homer, Long, and with more probability, by Homer himself to Reid." Sabin. 2207 REID, Thomas. " Works. With Life, by Dugald Stewart. With Notes by the American Editors. Calf. 4 vols. 8 CJiarlestown, 1813-15 2208 RELACION del ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes, de la Fragata de S. M. Santa Maria de la Cabeza, en los Anos de 1785 y 1786. Boards. 4 Madrid, 1788 2209 RELATION de ce qui s est passe dans la Mission de Plmmacu- lee Conception, au Pays des Ilinois, depuis le Mois de Mars, 1693, jusqu en Fevrier, 1694. Par le R. Pere Jacques Gravier, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Cloth. Small 4 Manate, 1857 2210 Three other copies. Small 4 Manate, 1857 2211 RELATION de ce qui s est passe de plus Remarquable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, les Annees 1672 et 1673, par le R. P. Claude Dablon, Superieur des Missions de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France. Cloth. 8 Nouvelle York, 1861 2212 Same. Les Annees 1673 a 1679. Cloth. 8 Nouvelle York, 1860 100 copies printed of each. 2213 RELATION de la Mission du Missisipi du Seminaire de Que bec en 1700. Par MM. de Montigny, de St. Cosme, et Thaumur de la Source. Cloth. 8 Nouvelle York, 1861 100 copies printed. 2214 RELATIONS des Jesuites ; contenant ce qui s est passe de plus Reinarquable*dans les Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, dans la Nouvelle France. Ouvrage publie sous les Auspices du Gouvernement Canadien. Half turkey mo rocco. 3 vols. 8 Quebec, 1858 2215 RELATIONS des Jesuites sur les Decouvertes et les autres Evenements arrives en Canada et au Nord et a 1 Ouest des Etats-Unis (1611-1672). Par le Dr. E. B. O Callaghan. Traduit de 1 Anglais avec quelques Notes, Corrections, et Additions. Half morocco, neat. 16 Montreal, 1850 153 Catalogue of the Library 2216 REMEMBRANCER, The. The Remembrancer, or Impartial Repository of Public Events. Half calf . 17 vols. bound in 10. London, 1775-1784 Vol. 1st is of the 2d Edition, and contains a " Map of the Environs of Boston in 1775," together with a " plan of Boston," a "chart of Boston Harbour," and a "Map of 40 miles round Boston." For the so-called " Prior Docu ments," see Collection, No. 596. 2217 REMINISCENCES of the French War ; containing Rogers Expeditions with the New-England Rangers under his Com mand, as published in London in 1765 ; with Notes and Il lustrations, and the Life and Military Services of Maj. Gen. John Stark ; with Notices of other Officers distinguished in the French and Revolutionary Wars. Half cloth. 12 Concord, N. H.. 1831 2218 RENDORP, Joachim. Memorien dienende tot Opheldering van het Gebeurde geduurende den Laatsten Engelschen Oorlog. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Amsterdam, 1792 2219 REPOSITORY, The ; containing various Political, Philosoph ical, Literary, and Miscellaneous Articles. Half sheep. 2 vols. 8 London, 1788-89 2220 RESTE, r Bernard DE. Histoire des Peches, des Decouvertes, et des Etablissemens des Hollandois dans les Mers du Nord. Calf. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1800 2221 REVUE des Deux Mondes. 1 Juin, 1841, 1 Fev., 1846, 1 Avr., 1857. Unbound. 8 Paris, 1841-57 2222 REVUE Frangaise. Half calf. 10 vols. in 5. 8 Paris, 1828-29 2223 REYNOLDS, John. The Pioneer History of Illinois. Cloth. 12 Belleville, Illinois, 1852 2224 RHODE Island Historical Society. Collections. Vol. II-IV. Paper and cloth. 4 vols. 8 Providence. 1827-38 2225 RICARDO, David. On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Half calf . 8 Georgetown, D. G. 1819 2226 RICE. Nathan P. Trials of a Public Benefactor, as Illus trated in the Discovery of Etherization. Cloth. 12 New York, 1859 2 copies; one presented by Dr. Morton, -with his autograph. 2227 RICH, O. A Catalogue of Books relating principally to America. [From 1506 to 1700.] Cloth. $ London, 1832 2228 Bibliotheca Americana Nova. [1711-1800.] Half morocco. 8 London, 1835 2229 Supplement [to the latter]. Cloth. 8 London, 1841 2230 Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Vol. II. [1801-44.] 8 London, 1844 2231 A General View of the United States of America. Cloth. 16 London, 1833 2232 RICHARD. Le Veritable Conducteur Parisien. Paper, worn. 16 Paris, 1828 of Jarcd Sparks. 2233 RICHARDSON, C. J. Architectural Remains of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James 1st; from Accurate Drawings and Measurements taken from Existing Specimens. Vol. I. In 2 parts. Half cloth. Folio. London, 1838-40 This volume contains 12 pages of letter-press and 30 tinted lithographs. In Part 1st is written : " To Jared Sparks, Esq., from Ld. Holland, as a token of his remembrance and sincere regard and respect, 8th of June, 1839." Part 2d was sent to Mr. Sparks after the death of Lord Holland, by his Lord ship s express direction. 2234 RIDGELY, David. Annals of Annapolis, from the First Set tlements in 1G49, until 1812. Cloth. 12 Baltimore, 1841 2235 RIKDESEL, Madame DE. Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of American Independence, and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. Translated from the German [by M. de Wallenstein]. Calf, gilt. 12 New York, 1827 2236 RINGGOLD, Cadwalader. A Series of Charts, with Sailing Directions, embracing Surveys of California. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1851 2237 Rio DE LA PLATA. An Account, Historical, Political, and Statistical, of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata. Translated from the Spanish. Cloth. 8 London, 1825 2238 RIVES, William C. History of the Life and Times of James Madison. Vol. I. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1859 2239 ROBBINS, Archibald. A Journal, comprising an Account of the Loss of the Brig Commerce of Hartford (Con.), James Riley, Master, upon the Western Coast of Africa, August 28, 1815. Sheep. Map. 12 Hartford, 1817 2240 ROBBINS, Chandler. A History of the Second Church, or Old North, in Boston. To which is added a History of the New Brick Church ; with Engravings. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1852 2241 Memoir of Hon. William Appleton. Morocco. 8 Boston, 1863 2242 ROBERTS, William. An Account of the First Discovery and Natural History of Florida, with a Particular Detail of the several Expeditions and Descents made on that Coast. Col lected from the Best Authorities. Calf, maps. 4 London, 1763 2243 ROBERTSON, William. The History of America. Boards. 3 vols. 12 Chiswiclc, 1824 " The list of authorities iised by Robertson constitutes one of the best cata logues of books relating to America, made up to the time of the American Revolution." Stevens. 2244 - The History of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary, and of King James VI. till his Accession to the Crown of England. Boards. 3 vols. 12 Chiswiclc, 1824 2245 The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. Boards. 4 vols. 12 Chiswiclc, 1824 Catalogue of the Library 2246 ROBIN, L Abbe. Notiveau Voyage dans 1 Amerique Septen- trionale, en 1 Annee 1781 ; et Campagne de FArmee de M. le Comte de Rochambeau. Calf. pp. v. to ix. and 222. 8 Philadelphie, 1782 Also, bound in the same volume : Supplement aux OEuvres de J. J. Rousseau. pp. 208. 8 Amsterdam, 1779 Lettre de M. D. L. C. a M * * * . Sur le sort des Astronomes qui out eu part aux Dernieres Mesures de la Terre depuis 1735. L"tt.re de M. Godin, et 1 Aventure Tragique de Madame Go tin dans son Voyage de la Province de Quito a Cayenne, par le Fleuve des Amazones. 8 N. T.-P. Reflexions sur 1 Etat Actuel du Credit Public de 1 Angleterre et de la France. pp. 56 and (3). 8 N. p. Novembre, 1781 2247 ROBINSON, Edward, and SMITH, E. Biblical Researches in Palestine, and in the Adjacent Regions. A Journal of Trav els in 1838. By E. Robinson and E. Smith. With New Maps and Plans. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1856 2247a - Later Biblical Researches, in 1852. 2d Ed. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1857 2248 ROBINSON, M.] Considerations on the Measures carry ing on with respect to the British Colonies in North Amer ica. Half calf. Reprint. 8 Boston, 1774 2249 ROBINSON, Samuel. A Catalogue of American Minerals, with their Localities. Boards. 8 Boston, 1825 2250 ROBINSON, William Davis. Memoirs of the Mexican Revo lution, including a Narrative of the Expedition of General Xavier Mina. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1820 2251 ROCHAMBEAU, J. B. D. de V., Comte DE. Memoires Mili- taires, Historiques, et Politiques. Half calf . 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1809 2252 ROCQUE, M. A. A SET OF PLANS AND FORTS IN AMERICA. Reduced from Actual Surveys. Square 12 London^ by Mary Ann Rocque, 1765 This curious volume contains 30 plans of towns and forts, viz. : New York City, Albany, Montreal, Louisburg, Quebec, Fort Frederick, Halifax, Sche- nectady, Forts Niagara, Albany, Ticonderoga, Stanwix, Edward, George, Narrows near New York, Ligonier, Herkimer s house, Bedford Blockhouse, Oneida, Saratoga, William Henry, Boyal Block House, Crown Point, Fron- tenac, Redoubts at Crown Point, Fort William Henry, Fort at Oswego Falls, Fort Pitts Burgh, Brewerton, and Ontario. With autograph, " Jared Sparks. Presented to me by Col. Aspinwall, Nov. 1840, London." 2252a ROGERS, Robert. A Concise Account of North America, containing a Description of the British Colonies. Calf. 8 London, 1765 22525 Journals of Major Robert Rogers. Calf. 8 London, 1765 2253 ROGERS, Samuel. Poems. Half turkey morocco. Illustrated by Stothard and Turner. 8 London, 1834 2254 ROGERS. Thomas J. A New American Biographical Dic tionary. 3d Edition. Sheep. 8 Easton, Penn. 1824 2255 ROGET, Peter Mark. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, classified and arranged so as to Facilitate the Ex pression of Ideas and Assist in Literary Composition. Cloth. 8 London, 1852 of Jared Sparks. 155 2256 ROLLTAD, Criticisms on the. Part First. 8 London, 1788 2257 ROMILLY, Sir Samuel.] Observations on a late Publication, intituled Thoughts on Executive Justice [by Dr. Madan], To which is added a Letter [by Dr. Franklin to B. Vaughan], containing Remarks on the same Work. Paper. 16 London, 1786 2258 ROSCOE, Henry. Conversations on the English Constitu tion. Boards. 12 London, 1828 2259 - - The Life of William Roscoe, by his Son, Henry Roscoe. Cloth. 2 voh. 8 Boston, 1833 2260 ROSCOE, William. Additional Observations on Penal Juris prudence and the Reformation of Criminals. Paper. 8 London, 1823 2261 ROTA, P. R. A Key to Bottarelli s Italian Exercises. A New Edition. Sheep. 12 London, 1822 2262 ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. QEuvres. Boards. 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1823 2263 Roux, Alphonse A. New Zetetic Method for English and French Composition. Half morocco. 12 New York, 1848 2264 ROYAL Geographical Society. Journal. Vol. XXVI. Pa per. 8 London, [1856] 2265 ROYALL, Mrs. Anne. Pennsylvania; -or Travels continued in the United States. Boards. 2 vols. 12 Washington, 1829 2266 The Tennessean ; a Novel, founded on Facts. Boards, loose. 12 New Haven, 1827 2267 RUBIC, G. The British Celestial Atlas ; containing Twelve Quarto Maps, adapted for Every Night throughout the Year. Half turkey morocco. Imperial 8 London, 1830 2268 RULHIERE, C. C. DE. Histoire de 1 Anarchic de Pologne, et du Demembrement de cette Republique. Sheep. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1819 2269 ] PORTRAIT DU COMTE DE VERGENNES, Ministre et Secretaire d Etat au Departement des Affaires Etrangeres. Half calf. 8N. P. 1788 " This portrait is published in the (Euvres de Rulhiere with alterations in the style, but not in the matter. The notes are omitted." J. s. ; Si Rulhiere dans le portrait qu il a fait [de Vergennes] alaisse quelques-unes de ses belles qualites dans 1 ombre pour mettre ses ridicules dans un plus grand jour, c est moins la verit qu il a trahie que 1 amitie qu il a trop eeoute e." Vie de llulhiere, p. xxxv. 2270 OEuvres. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1819 2271 RUPP, I. D. History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon, and Schuylkill Counties. Sheep. 12 Harrishurg, 1845 2272 RUSH, Benjamin. Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind. 3d Edition. Calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 2273 RUSH, James. The Philosophy of the Human Voice. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 Catalogue of the Library 2274 RUSSELL, J. A Tour in Germany and some of the South ern Provinces of the Austrian Empire, 1820-22. 3d Edi tion. Boards, a little loose. 2 vols. 12 Edinburgh, 1825 2275 RUSSELL, Lord John. Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox. Cloth. 3 vols. 8 London, 1853-54 2276 RUSSELL, W.] The History of Modern Europe. A New Edition. Sheep. 6 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1822 2277 ABINE, Lorenzo. The American Loyalists, or Bio- pg graphical Sketches of Adherents to the British Crown in the War of the Revolution ; with a Preliminary Historical Essay. Cloth. pp.733. 8 Boston, 1847 2278 Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the Ameri can Revolution, with an Historical Essay. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1864 From the author, with his autograph. 2279 Notes on Duels and Duelling, alphabetically ar ranged ; with a Preliminary Historical Essay. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1855 2280 Report on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1853 2281 SACY, C. L. M. DE. L Honneur Fra^ois, on Histoire des Vertus et des Exploits cle notre Nation, depuis 1 Etablisse- ment de la Monarchic jusqu a nos Jours. Calf. 12 vols. 12 Paris, 1783-84 2282 SAGEAN, Mathieu. Extrait de la Relation des Avantures et Voyage de Mathieu Sfigean. 4 Nouvelle York, 1863 " A fiction throughout." j. s. 2283 ST. AUGUSTIN DE TRANCHEPAIN, La Rev. Mere. Relation du Voyage ,des Premieres Ursulines a la Nouvelle Orleans, et de leur Etablissement en cette Ville. Avec les Lettres Circulaires de quelques unes de ses Soeurs, et de la dite Mere. Cloth. 4 Nouvelle York, 1859 100 copies printed. 2284 ST. CLAIR, Major General. A Narrative of the Manner in which the Campaign against the Indians, in 1791, was con ducted. Under the Command of Major Gen. St. Clair. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1812 2285 SAINT-GERMAIN, Claude-Louis, Comte DE. Memoires, ecrits par lui-meme. Calf. 12 Amsterdam, 1779 2286 SAINT VINCENT, Island of, Papers relating to the. 4 London, 1783 2287 SAINTE-CROIX, G. E. J. G., Baron DE. Des Anciens Gou- vernemens Federatifs, et de la Legislation de Crete. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1799 2288 Histoire des Progres de la Puissance Navale de 1 Angleterre. Nouvelle Edition, augmentee. Sheep. 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1786 of Jared Sparks. 157 2289 SAINTE-PALAYE, J. B. DE LA CURNE DE. Memoirs of the Life of Froissart. With an Essay of his Works, and a Criti cism on his History. Translated by Thomas Johnes. Boards. 16 London, 1801 2390 SALES, Francis. Colmena Espaiiola ; 6 Piezas Escogidas de Varies Autores Espailoles. Sheep. 18 Boston, 1825 2291 Rudiments of the Spanish Language. Sheep. 18 Boston, 1826 2292 Seleccion de Obras Maestras Dramaticas. Por Calderon de la Barca, Lope de Vega, y Moreto. Half calf . 12 Boston, 1828 2293 SALLIER, Guy-Marie. Annales Franchises, depute le Com mencement du Regne de Louis XVI., jusqu aux Etats Gen- eraux. 1774 a 89. Half calf . 8 Paris, 1813 2294 SALLUSTIUS, C. C. Belli Catilinarii et Jugurthini Historiae. Sheep. 12 Novi Eboraci, 1817 2295 - CEuvres de Salluste. Traduction Nouvelle, par Dureau-Delamalle. Half calf \ 8 Paris, 1808 2296 Opera Omnia. Interpretatione et Notis illustravit D. Crispinus. Calf. 8 Londini, 1 784 2297 SANCERRE, Comtesse DE. Lettres ; suivies d Aloise de Liv- arot ; par Madame Riccoboni. Paper. 2 vols. 16 Paris, 1814 2298 SANDERS, Prince. Haytian Papers. A Collection of the very Interesting Proclamations and other Official Docu ments, with some Account of the Rise, Progress, and Pres ent State of the Kingdom of Hayti. .Boards. 12 Boston, 1818 2299 SANDERSON, John. Biography of the Signers to the Dec laration of Independence. Boards. Engraved title-page. 9 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1820-27 2300 SANEORD, Ezekiel. A History of the United States before the Revolution, with some Account of the Aborigines. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1819 2301 and WALSH, R. The Works of the British Poets, with Lives of the Authors. Calf. 50 vols. 18 Philadelphia and New York, 1819-23 2302 SARGENT, Col Winthrop. Diary of Col. Winthrop Sargent, Adjutant General of the United States Army during the Campaign of MDCCXCI. Now first printed. Cloth. 4 Wormsloe, 1851 Privately printed. The impression limited to forty-six copies. 2303 SARGENT, Winthrop. The History of an Expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755 ; under Major-General Edward Braddock. Edited from the Original Manuscripts. Cloth. Engraved frontispiece. Maps and plans. 8 Philadelphia, 1855 158 Catalogue of the Library 2304 SARGENT, W. Loyalist Poetry of the Revolution. Half turkey morocco. 4 Philadelphia, 1857 Only 99 copies printed ; now scarce ; Fisher s copy, uncut, sold for $85.00. 2305 The Life and Career of Major John Andre, Adju tant-General of the British Army in America. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1861 2306 SARRANS, B. Lafayette et la Revolution de 1830; Histoire des Choses et des Hommes de Juillet. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1832 2307 SAUER, M. An Account of a Geographical and Astronom ical Expedition to the Northern Parts of Russia by Com modore Joseph Billings, 1785-94. Boards. 4 London, 1802 2308 [SAUXDERS, Mrs. E.] Reviews of a Part of Prescott s His tory of Ferdinand and Isabella, and of Campbell s Lectures on Poetry. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1841 2309 SAURIN, James. Sermons, translated from the Original French. Boards. 7 vols., wanting Vol. I. Schenectady, 1813 2310 SAVAGE, James. A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, showing Three Generations of those who came before May, 1692 ; on the basis of Farmer s Register. Cloth. 4 vols. 8 Boston, 1860-62 2311 SAVAGE, Richard. Poetical Works, with the Life of the Author. Sheep. 16 New York, 1805 2312 S AXE-WEIMAR, Bernhard, Duke of. Travels through North America during 1825 and 1826. Half cloth. 2 vols. in one. 8 Philadelphia, 1828 2313 SAY, Jean Baptiste. A Treatise on Political Economy, or the Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Wealth. Translated from the 4th Edition of the French by C. R. Prinsep, with Notes by the Translator. Half calf . 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1821 2314 Same. With Notes by C. C. Bidclle. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 2315 SCHILLER, Frederich VON. Maria Stuart, ein Trauerspiel. Paper. 16 Stuttgart and Tubingen, 1825 2316 Poems and Ballads, with a Brief Sketch of the Author s Life. Translated by Sir E. B. Lytton. Half cloth. Small 4 Leipzig, 1844 2317 . Sammtliche Werke, mit Stalilstichen. Half calf. 12 vols. 8 Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1835-36 2318 Works. Historical and Dramatic. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 London, Bohn, 1846 2319 SCHLEGEL. Friedrich. Tableau de ITIistoire Moderne, de Frederic Schlegel. Traduit de 1 Allemand par M. J. Cher- buliez. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1831 2320 SCHLOSSER, F. C. Histoire des Revolutions Politiques et Litteraires de PEurope an 18 e Siecle. Trad, de 1 Allemand parW. Suckau. Naif calf. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1825 of Jared Sparks. 159 2321 SCHOELL, Fred. Archives Historiques et Politiques. Half ca lf, 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1818-19 2322 Ilistoire Abregee des Traites de Paix entre les Puissances de 1 Europe deptiis la Paix de Westphalie. Par feu M. de Koch. Ouvrage continue jusqu an Traite de Paris de 1815. Half calf \ 15 vols. Pans, 1817-18 2323 Recueil de Pieces Officielles, destinees a detromper les Francois sur les l^venemens qui se sont passes depuis quelques Annees. Half calf . 9 vols. 8 Paris, 1814-16 2324 SCHOOLCRAFT, Henry R. A View of the Lead Mines of Missouri. Boards. 3 Engravings. 8 New York, 1819 2325 Narrative Journal of Travels through the North western Regions of the United States, 1820. Boards. Map and 8 Engravings. 8 Albany, 1821 2326 Notes on the Iroquois. 8 New York, 1846 With an autograph letter of the author. 2327 SCHREVELIUS, Cornelius. Lexicon Manuale Graeco-Lati- num et Latino- Graecum. 8 Novi Eboraci, 1841 2328 - Greek Lexicon translated into English with many Additions by John Pickering. 8 Boston, 1826 2329 SCHULZE, P. Original Designs in Monumental Art. Vol. I., 6 nos., Vol. II., 2 nos. Unbound. 4 Boston, 1851-53 2330 SCOTT, John. A Visit to Paris in 1814: being a Review of the Moral, Political, Intellectual, and Social Condition of the French Capital. Half calf . 12 Philadelphia, 1815 2331 SCOTT. Sir Walter. Miscellaneous Prose Works. Half ca lf, 6 vols. 12 Boston, 1829 2332 Tales of a Grandfather, (1st Series). 2 vols. 18 Philadelphia, 1828 2333 Paul s Letters to his Kinsfolk. Half calf . 12 Philadelphia, 1816 2334 Poetical Works. Calf. 12 vols. 12 Edinburgh, 1851 9335 The Doom of Devorgoil. Auchindrane. 12 New York, 1^0 233G The History of Scotland. Half calf . 8 Paris, 1838 2337 Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border ; consisting of Historical and Romantic Ballads, collected in the Southern Counties of Scotland ; with a few of Modern Date, founded upon Local Tradition. 5th Ed. Boards. 3 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1812 9338 Waverley Novels. Parker s Edition. Cloth. With Plates. 54 vols. 12 Boston, 1830-34 2339 SCRIBE, Eugene. Theatre. Operas. Vol. IV. Paper. 12 Paris, 1857 2340 SCRIPTURE Doctrine of Materialism. By a Layman. Boards. 12 Philadelphia, 1823 2341 SCRIPTURAL Interpreter, The. Vol. V., complete. Vol. VI., Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Vol. VII., Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Un- oouna , 12 Boston, 1834-36 160 Catalogue of the Library 2342 SECRET Proceedings and Debates of the Convention assem bled at Philadelphia, in 1787, for the purpose of forming the Constitution of the United States of America. From the Notes taken by the late Robert Yates. Sheep. 8 Albany, 1821 2343 SEDGWICK, Theodore, Jr. A Memoir of the Life of William Livingston, Member of Congress, 1774-76, Delegate to the Federal Convention in 1787, etc. With Notices of Mem bers of his Family. Cloth. 8 New York, 1833 2344 SEGUR, L. P., Comte DE. CEuvres Completes ; par P. Tar- dieu. Half coif . Portrait and Plates. 30 vols. 8 Paris, 1824-26 2345 SELECTIONS from the Poetical Literature of the West. Boards. 12 Cincinnati, 1841 2346 SELECT Journal, The, of Foreign Periodical Literature. [Edited by Andrews Norton and Charles Folsom.] Half calf. 4 vols. 8 Boston, 1833-34 2347 Another copy. Unbound. 4 vols. Ibid. 2348 SENAC DE MEILIIAN, Gabriel. Du Gouvernement, des Moeurs, et des Conditions en France, avant la Revolution ; avec le Caractere des Principaux Personnages du Regne de Louis XVI. Half calf. SAParis 9 18U 2349 SENECA, Lucius Annaeus. Epistolae, ex Recensione I. Lipsii et To. Fr. Gronovii. Half mor. 24 Lugd. Bat. 1649 2350 Same. Translated into English. Half russia. 4 London, 1786 2351 CEuvres. Traduction de Lagrange. Avec des Notes de Critique, d Histoire, et de Litterature. Calf. 7 vols. 8 Tours, An III. (1794) 2352 SERMONS and Tracts. Half calf. 6 vols. 8 1812-35 The 1st volume contains sermons by Chaining, Btecher, Kirkland, Loomis (Mr. Sparks s teacher), Ware, Eddy, etc. The other volumes contain his torical sermons and addresses, including the only sermon which Mr. Sparks ever consented to print, delivered when chaplain in Congress, on the death of his friend William Pinkney, whose portrait is in Vol. III. of No. 2107. 2353 SEW ALL, II. D. A Collection of Psalms and Hymns. Boards. 12 New York, 1820 2354 SEWARD, ANNA. MONODY ON MAJOR ANDRE. To which are added Letters addressed to her by Major Andre in 1769. Half calf. 4 Lichfield, 1781 The Letters are said to have been the creation of Miss Seward s own imagina tion. 2355 SEWARD, W. II. Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams. With the Eulogy delivered before the Legislature of New York. Cloth. 12 Auburn, 1849 2356 SEXAGENARY, or Reminiscences of the American Revolu tion. Half calf. , 12 Albany, 1833 2357 SEYBERT, A. Annales Statistiques des Etats-Unis ; traduit de 1 Anglais par C. A. Scheffer. Paper. 8 Paris, 1820 of Jar ed Sparks. 161 2358 SHAFTESBURY, A. A. Cooper, Earl of. Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. 2d Ed. corrected. Calf. 3 vols. 8 N. P. 1714 2359 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY. PUBLICATIONS. Complete in 48 vols. Cloth. 8 London, 1841-53 2360 SHAKESPEARE, William. The Beauties of Shukspeare. 3d Ed. Sheep. 12 London, 1784 2361 Dramatic Works of, with a Life of the Poet, and Notes, Original and Selected. Cloth. Large paper. 7 vols. 8 J3oston, 1836 2362 - Plays, from the Text of the Corrected Copy left by the Late George Steevens, Esq. With Notes ; a History of the Stage ; a Life of Shakspeare, etc. A New Edition. Calf. 9 vols. 8 London, 1811 2363 Prolegomena to the Dramatick Writings of. Calf. 18 London, 1788 2364 SHARP, Granville. An Account of the Constitutional English Policy of Congregational Courts, and more partic ularly of the Great Annual Court of the People, called the View of Frankpledge. With a Memoir of the Author by J. I. Burn. Cloth. 18 London, 1841 2365 - Another copy. Cloth. 18 London, 1841 2366 SHAW, Samuel. Journals of Major Shaw, the First Amer ican Consul at Canton. With a Life of the Author, by Josiah Quincy. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1847 2367 SHAW, Thomas B. Outlines of English Literature. With a Sketch of American Literature. By Henry T. Tucker- man. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1852 2368 SHEA, John Gilmary. Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley ; with the Original Narratives of Mar- quette, Allouez, Membre, Hennepin, and Anastase Douay. With a fac-sirnile of the newly-discovered Map of Marquette. Cloth. 8 New York, 1852 2369 History of the Catholic Missions among the Indian Tribes of the United States, 1529-1854. Cloth. 12 New York, 1855 2370 SHEFFIELD, J. B. H,, Lord. Observations on the Commerce of the American States. A New Edition. Half sheep. 8 London, 1784 With an autograph note from Lord Sheffield. 2371 SHENANDOAH, The Valley of the. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1824 2372 SHENSTONE, William. Works in Verse and Prose. 3d Ed. Calf. 3 vols. 16 London, 1768-69 2373 SHEPARD, THOMAS. THE CLEAR SUNSHINE OF THE GOSPEL breaking forth upon the Indians in New-England ; or an Historical! Narration of Gods Wonderful! Workings upon Sundry of the Indians, both Chief Governors and Com- 11 Catalogue of the Library mon-people, in bringing them to a Willing Submission to the Ordinances of the Gospel. Half city neat, the sides of a few leaves slightly cropped, olherwise a jive copy. 4 London, John Bellamy, 1648 Sold, R ; ch, $22.00. 2374 SHERIDAN, Thomas. A General Dictionary of the English Language, to establish a Standard of Pronunciation. Pre- fixed, a Rhetorical Grammar. Calf. 2 vols. in 1. 4 London, 1780 2375 SHERLOCK, William. A Practical Discourse concerning a Future Judgment. Old calf. 8 London, 1731 2376 A Practical Discourse concerning Death. Boards. 8 London, 1810 2377 SHERMAN, John. The Philosophy of Language illustrated. Sheep. 1 2 Trenton-Falls, 1826 2378 SHER WIN, Thomas. Elementary Treatise on Algebra. Half morocco. 12 Boston, N. D. 2379 SIBLEY. John Langdon. A History of the Town of Union, in the. County of Lincoln, Maine. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1851 2380 Notices of the Triennial and Annual Catalogues of Harvard University. Paper. 8 Boston, 1865 2381 SIDEREAL Messenger. The Sidereal Messenger ; a Monthly Journal devoted to Astronomical Science. Edited by O. M. Mitchell. Unbound. 2 vols. 4 Cincinnati, 1846-48 2382 With Duplicates of Vol. II., Nos. 1-4. . 2383 SIDNEY, Algernon. Discourses on Government. From an Original Manuscript. Added, an Account of the Author s Life. Boards. With Portrait. 3 vols. 8 New York, 1805 2384 SIDNEY, Sir Philip. The Countess of Pembroke s Arcadia. The 10th Edition, with his Life and Deaih ; the "Defence of Poesie," etc. Old calf, luorn. Folio. Title and " table" mutilated. London, 1655 2385 SIDONS, C. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Norclamerika, nach ihrem politischen, religiosen, und gesellschaftlichen Verhiiltnisse betrachtet. Paper. 2 vols. in one. 16 Stuttgart, 1827 2386 SIGOURNEY, Mrs. Lydiall. Pleasant Memoirs of Pleasant Lands. 2d Ed. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1844 2387 SILJESTROM, P. A. Resai Forenta Staternn. Forsta Delen. Om Bildningsmedlen och Bildningen i Forenta Staterna. Paper. 8 Stockholm, 1852 2388 SILLIMAN, Benjamin. A Visit to Europe in 1851. With Illustrations. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1854 2389 . Remarks made on a Short Tour between Hartford and Quebec, in the Autumn of 1819. Boards, loose. 12 New Hai-en, 1824 2390 SILYESTRE ds SACY, Ant. Is. Principes de Grammaire Generate. 5 e Ed. Paper. 12 Paris, 1824 of Jared Sparks. 1 63 2391 SIMCOE, Lieut. Col J. G. Simcoe s Military Journal. A History of the Operations of a Partisan Corps, called the Queen s Rangers, commanded by Col. Simcoe, during the Revolution ; with a Memoir of the Author, etc. Boards. 8 New York, 1844 2392 SIMMONS, James "Wright. The Greek Girl ; a Tale in Two Cantos. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1852 2393 SIMMS, Jeptha R. History of Schoharie County, and Border Wars of New York. Cloth. Engravings. 8 Albany, 1845 2394 SIMMS, William Gilmore. Early Lays. Boards. 12 Charleston, S. C. 1827 9395 The Life of Francis Marion. Cloth. 12 New York, 1844 2396 Lyrical and other Poems. Boards. 12 Charleston, 1827 Presented by the author. 2397 SIMON, Pedro. Noticiasde las Conquistas de Terra-Firme. Vellum. Folio. 1626 This is the 1st volume; Vol. II. and Til. not having been print d, according to Pinelo. There is no printed title or date, but it seems to be otherwise complete. 2398 SIMOND, L.] Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain, 1810-11. Half russia. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1815 2399 SiMPKlNSON, John Nassau. The Washingtons, a Tale of a Country Parish in the 17th Century, based on Authentic Documents. Cloth. Engravings. 8 London, 1860 2400 SIMPSON, Thomas. A Treatise of Algebra. 8th Ed. Sheep. 8 London. 1804 2401 SINCLAIR, John. Observations on the Scottish Dialect. Calf. 8 London, 1782 2402 Correspondence ; with Reminiscences of the most Distinguished Characters, \vho have appeared in Great Britain and in Foreign Countries, during the Last Fifty Years. Illustrated by Fac similes of Two Hundred Auto graphs. Boards. Portrait. 2 vols. 8 London, 1831 2403 The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire. Half calf . 8 Dublin, 1785 2404 Six Codes, Les, precedes de la Charte Constitutionelle et de ses Lois Oganiques. Sheep. pp. 984. 8 Pur is, 1828 2405 SKETCHES of the War between the United States and the British Isles; intended as a Faithful History of nil the Ma terial Events from the Time of the Declaration in 1812, to and including the Treaty of Peace in 1815. Sherp. 2 vols. 8 Rutland, Vt. 1816 .2406 SKINNER, Stephen. Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae, seu Explicatio Vocum Anglicarum Etymologica ex Linguis Duodecim. Old calf . Folio. Londn.i, 1671 2407 SLAVERY. Further Papers and Returns, relating to the Slave Population of Jamaica, St. Christophers, and the Bahamas. Paper. Folio. London, 1823 164< Catalogue of the Library 2408 SLAVERY. Correspondence relative to the Condition and Treatment of Slaves at Honduras ; 1820-1823. Paper. Folio. London, 1823 2409 - Papers presented pursuant to Address ; viz : Acts - of Colonial Legislatures for Registry of Slaves. Paper. Folio. London, 1823 2410 SMART, B. H. Beginnings of a New School of Metaphys ics, Three Essays. Cloth. 8 London, 1839 2411 The Accidence and Principles of English Gram mar. Cloth. 1 2 London, 1 841 2412 SMELLIE, William. The Philosophy of Natural History. With an Introduction and Additions, by John Ware. Boards. 8 Boston, 1824 2413 SMILES, Samuel. Self-Help, with Illustrations of Character and Conduct. Cloth. 12 New York, 1860 2414 SMITH, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. A New Edition. Boards. 3 vols. 8 London, 1822 2415 The Theory of Moral Sentiments; and a Disserta tion on the Origin of Languages, Calf. 2 vols. in 1. 8 Boston, 1817 2416 Works. A New Edition, with a Life of the Author. Half calf. 5 vols. 12 London, 1822 2417 SMITH, Buckingham. Coleccion de varies Documentos para la Historia de la Florida y Tierras Adyacentes. Vol. I. [all that was published.] Unbound. 4 [Madrid, 1856] 2418 Three other copies. 4 [Madrid, 1856] 2419 SMITH, Charles. The American War, 1775-83. Old calf . 8 New York, 1797 See also "Monthly Military Repository," No. 1779. 2420 SMITH, Elbert H. Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak ; or Black Hawk, and Scenes in the West. A National Poem, in Six Cantos. Cloth. 12 New York, 1849 2421 SMITH, Mrs. E. Yale. History of Newburyport, from the Earliest Settlement of the Country. With a Biographical Appendix. Cloth. 8 Newburyport, 1854 2422 SMITH, Horace and James.] Rejected Addresses ; or the New Theatrurn Poetarum. Boards. 16 Boston, 1840 2423 SMITH, Horace W. Nuts for Future Historians to Crack. Containing the Cadwalader Pamphlet, Valley Forge Letters, etc. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1856 2424 SMITH, Captain JOHN. THE GENERALL HISTORIE OF VIRGINIA, NEW ENGLAND, AND THE SUMMER ISLES, from their First Beginning, An. 1584 to 1 626. With the Proceed ings of those severall Colonies, and the Accidents that befell them in all their lournyes and Discoveries. Also the Maps and Descriptions of those Countryes. Old calf. Folio, London, 1626 This copy answers to Rich s description of the First Edition of Smith s History of Jared Sparks. 165 of Virginia, even to the omission of pages 97 to 104. It has no title-page, and but one portrait, on an imperfect map of New England. "Given to Christopher Hughes by his friend Sir Thomas Baker, K. C. B.. 24 August 1834, the Shrubbery, Walker, near Dent, Kent; " and by Mr. Hughes to Mr. Sparks. 2425 SMITH. The Trve Travels, Adventvres, and Observations of Captaine lohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America, beginning about 1593, and continued to 1629. Vol. I. || The Generall Historic of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer lies. Vol. II. From the London Edition of 1 629. 2 vols. in one. Calf. 8 Richmond, 1819 2426 SMITH, Joshua Hett. An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre. To which is added a Monody on the Death of Major Andre by Miss Sevvard. Calf. Fine portrait of Andre, and Map. 8 London, 1808 2427 SMITH, Joshua Toulmin. The Northmen in New England, or America in the Tenth Century. Cloth. Maps. 12 Boston, 1839 2428 SMITH, Samuel Stanhope. An Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. 2d Edition, enlarged. Calf. 8 New Brunswick, 1810 2429 SMITH, Seba. New Elements of Geometry. Cloth. 8 New York, 1850 2430 SMITH, Thomas. Extracts from the Journals kept by the Rev. Thomas Smith, from 1720, to 1788 ; with an Appendix containing a Variety of other Matters, selected by Samuel Freeman, Esq. Boards, uncut. Scarce. 12 Portland: by Thomas Todd $ Co. 1821 2431 SMITH, William. Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin. De livered March 1, 1791, in Philadelphia, before Congress, and the American Philosophical Society. Half morocco. 8 London, 1792 2432 History of Canada from its First Discovery to the Peace of 1763. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Quebec, 1815 2433 - History of New York, from the First Discovery to 1732. To which is annexed a Description of the Country. With a Continuation to 1814. Boards. 8 Albany, 1814 2434 SMITH, William R. The History of Wisconsin, in Three Parts, Historical, Documentary, and Descriptive. Compiled by direction of the Legislature. Madison, Wis. 1854 2435 SMITHSONIAN Institution. Annual Report of the Board of Regents for 1854-57, 59-62. Cloth. 8 vols. 8 Washington. 2436 SMYTH, William. Lectures on History. Second and Con cluding Series. On the French Revolution. Cloth. 3 vols. 8 London and Cambridge, 1840 2437 Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations to the Close of the American Revolu tion. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Cambridge and London, 1840 J66 Catalogue of the Library 2438 SMYTH, W. Same. With a Preface, List of Books on Ameri can History, etc. By Jared Sparks. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Cambridge, 1841 2439 Another copy. Half calf . 2 vols. Cambridge, 1841 2440 Same. 2d Amer. Edition. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Cambridge, 1843 2441 SMOLLETT, Tobias. The History of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second ; a Continua tion of Hume. Boards. 5 vols. 8 London, 1823 2442 SOCIETE de Geographic. Bulletin. Tome 3-9. Hoards. 7 vols in 4. 8 Paris, 1825-28 2443 SOLDIER S Pocket Bihle, The; an Exact Reprint of the Original Edition of 1643. With a Prefatory Note, by George Livermore. pp. 16. Boards. 16 Cambridge, 1861 2444 SOMERVILLE, Mary. Physical Geography. With Notes and a Glossary, by W. S. W. Ruschenber^er. Cloth. ^^Philadelphia, 1859 2445 SOMERVILLE, William C. Letters from Paris on the Causes and Consequences of the French Revolution. Boards, loose. 8 Baltimore, 1822 2446 SONGS of England and Scotland. Vol. I. Cloth. 12 London, 1835 2447 SOPHOCLES, E. A. History of the Greek Alphabet, with Remarks on Greek Orthography and Pronunciation. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1848 2448 SOTO, H. DE. LETTER of Hernando de Soto, and Memoir of Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda. Translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. Cloth. 4 Washington, 1854 " These translations are made from MSS. in the Original Spanish, belonging to the Historical Collection of James Lenox, Esq. One Hundred Copies have been printed for G. W. R [iggs]." 2449 SOULAVIE, L Abbe Jean-Louis Giraud. Mernoires His- toriques et Politiques du Regne de Louis XVI., depuis son Mariage jusqu a sa Mort. Naif calf. 6 vols. 8 A Paris, An X. (1801) 2450 SOULES, Frangois. Histoire des Troubles de TAmerique Anglaise, ecrite sur les Memoires les plus Authentiques. Avec des Cartes. Calf. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1787 2451 SOUTHERN Review, The. Half calf . 4 vols. 8 Charleston, 1828-29 A valuable exponent of Southern ideas. Hugh S. Legare was the editor and Thomas Cooper one of the contributors. 2452 SOUTHEY, Robert.] Letters from England, by Espriella. Vol. I. Sheep. 24 Philadelphia, 1818 2453 SOUVERATN.] Le Platonisme devoile, ou Essai touchant le Verbe Platonicien. Boards. 16 Cologne, 1700 2454 SPAIN. Papers relative to the Late Negotiation with Spain, and the taking of Falkland s Island from the English. Half calf. 4 London, 1777 of (Tared Sparks. 167 In tlie same volume : Plan offered by the F^rl of Chatham to the House of Lords, entitled, A Provisional Act for settling the Troubles in America. 4 LoruAm, 1775 2455 SPAIN. Papers relative to the Rupture with Spain, laid before Parliament, Jan. 1762. pp. 71. 4 London, 1762 In /lie sime vnlume: Historical Remarks < n the Taxation of Free States, in a Serits of Letters to a Friend. [By Sir William MEREDITH.] Halfrttlf. pp 82. 4 London, 1778 " Mr. Rich says that only thirty copies of th s last tract were printed. 5 J. s. 2456 El Espanol Constitucional. Nos. 1-29. 1818- 1824. 4 vols. 8 London, 1820-24 2457 SPAIN, ENGLAND, and FRANCE. Three Tracts. Half calf. 1. Expose des Motifs de la Conduite de Sa Majeste* Tres-Ohretienne relative- ment a 1 Angleterre. Avec un Precis de c-nx qoi ont guide Sa Majeste" Catholique dans sa Fa^on d agir a 1 egard de la meme Puissance. No title- pn<je. 4 Madrid, 1779 " See a translation of the two preceding Mnnifestos in the Annual Register for 1779, pp. 3 37, 390. Also the Answers ibid. pp. 385, 397. The Answer to the Expose was written by Gibbon in French. J. s. 2. M&noire Jngtificatif de la Conduite de la Grande Bretngne, en arretant les Navies Etrangers et les iMunit ; ons de Guerre, destine es aux Insurerens de PAme rique. [Bv Sir James Marriott.] 4 Lonu res, 1779 3. Observations sur le Memoire Justiticatit de la Cour de Londres. pp Si. 4 Paris, 1780 " These Observations are in answer to the Memoire Justificatif written by Gibbon in replv to the Expose des Motifs, and not to the Memoire Justificatif contained in this volume." j. s. 2458 SPANISH America. Outline of the Revolution in Spanish America. By a South-American. Boards. 8 Lond. 1817 2459 SPARKS. JARKD. An Account of the Manuscript Papers of George Washington, left by him at Mount Vernon. With a Plan for their Publication. Half morocco. 8 Boston, 1827 2460 A Collection of Essays and Tracts in Theology. Half calf. 6 vols. 12 Boston, 1823-26 2461 Another copy. Calf. 6 vols. 12 Boston, 1823-26 2462 Two other copies. Unbound. Each 6 vols. 12 Boston, 1823-26 2463 Correspondence of the American Revolution, being Letters of Eminent Men to George Washington, from the Time of his taking Command of the Army, to the End of his Presidency. Edited from the Original Manuscripts. Half calf, very neat, raised lands, and red edyes. 4 vols. 8 Boston, 1853 2464 Another copy. Cloth. 4 vols. 8 Boston, 1853 2465 The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution. Being the Letters of Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, John Adams, John Jay, Arthur Lee, William Lee, Ralph Izard, Francis Dana, William Carmichael, Henry Laurens, John Laurens, M. Dumas, and others, concerning the Foreign Relations of the United States during the Whole Revolution ; together with the Letters in Reply from the Secret Committee of Congress, and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Also the Entire Correspondence of the French Ministers, Gerard and Luzerne, with Congress. 168 Catalogue of the Library Published under the direction of the President of the United States, from the Original Manuscripts in the Depart ment of State, conformably to a Resolution of Congress, of March 27th. 1818. Sheep. 12 vols. 8 Boston, 1829-30 2466 SPARKS. The Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States of America. Sheep. 1 vols. 8 Washington, 1833-34 2467 Another copy. 7 vols. 8 Washington, 1833-34 2468 Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Ben jamin Franklin. Calf. 12 London, 1833 2469 An Historical Outline of the American Colonization Society. Half turkey morocco. 8 Boston, 1824 2470 An Inquiry into the Comparative Moral Tendency of the Trinitarian and Unitarian Doctrines ; in a Series of Letters to the Rev. Dr. Miller, of Princeton. Boards. 8 Boston, 1823 2471 Leben des beriihmten Amerikanischen Reisenden John Ledyard. Aus dem Englischen von C. F. Michaelis. Half morocco. 1 2 Leipzig, 1 829 2472 Leben und Biefwechsel Washingtons. Nach dem Englischen im Auszuge bearbeitet von F. von Raumer. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Leipzig, 1839 2473 Letters on the Ministry, Ritual, and Doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 2d Edition. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1819 2474 Five other copies. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1819 2475 Same. Boston, 1824 2476 The Library of American Biography. Cloth. 10 vols. 16 Boston, 1834-37 2477- Another copy. 10 vols. 16 Boston, 1834-37 2478 Five copies of Vol. V. 16 Boston, 1836 2479 Same. Second Series. Cloth. 15 vols. 16 Boston, 1844-48 2480 Two other copies. Cloth. 15 vols. 16 Ibid. 2481 The Life of Benjamin Franklin ; containing the Autobiography, with Notes, and a Continuation. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1857 2482 The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Calf. 2 vols. in one. 18 Dessau, 1854 2483 The Life of George Washington. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1839 2484 Same. 17th Ed. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1866 2485 Same. Abridged by the Author. Cloth. 2 vols. in one. 12 Auburn, 1851 2486 Life of George Washington ; abridged by the Au thor. Calf. 2 vols. \ Boston, 1840 2487 Another copy. Cloth. 2 vols. 16 Boston, 1840 2488 The Life of Gouverneur Morris, with Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers ; detail- of Jared Sparks. 169 ing Events in the American Revolution, the French Revo lution, and in the Political History of the United States. Half cloth. 3 vols. 8 Boston, 1832 2489 SPARKS. Life of John Ledyard, the American Traveller. Half turkey morocco. 1 6 Boston, 1828 2490 - Same. 16 Boston, 1847 2491 Same. Half morocco. 16 JBbrfon, 1864 2492 - - Washington. Fonclation de la Republique des Etats- Unis d Amerique. Vie de Washington, traduite de 1 An- glais de M. Jared Sparks par M. Ch. . . et precedee d une Introduction par M. Guizot. Turkey morocco. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1851 2493 SPAULDING, John H. Historical Relics of the White Mountains. Also a Concise White Mountain Guide. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1855 2494 SPEECHES on the Jew Bill in the House of Delegates of Maryland, by H. M. Brackenridge, Col. W. G. D. Worthing- ton, and John S. Tyson. Together with an Argument on the Chancery Powers, and an Eulogy on Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, etc. By H. M. Brackenridge. Half cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1829 2495 SPENCE, Joseph. Anecdotes, Observations and Characters of Books and Men ; collected from the Conversation of Pope, etc. Now first published from the Original Papers, with Notes, and a Life of the Author. By S. W. Singer. Boards. 8 London, 1820 2496 SPKNCER, Herbert. Education, Intellectual, Moral, and Physical. Cloth. 12 New York, 1861 2497 First Principles. Nos. 1-4. Paper. 8 New York, 1860 2498 SPIX, Joh. Bapt. and MARTIUS, C. F. Travels in Brazil, 1817-20. 2 vols. 8 London, 1824 2499 SPOFFORD, Jeremiah. A Gazetteer of Massachusetts. With a Map of the State. Sheep. 12 Newhmjport, 1828 2500 SPRAGUE, William B. Annals of the American Pulpit ; or Notices of American Clergymen of various Denominations, from the Early Settlement of the Country to the Close of 1855. With Historical Introductions. Cloth. 8 vols. 8 New York, 1857-65 2501 Lectures to Young People. Cloth. 12 New York, 1830 2502 Lectures on Revivals of Religion ; with an Intro ductory Essay by Leonard Woods. Cloth. 8 Albany, 1832 2503 Visits to European Celebrities. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1855 2504 Letters on Practical Subjects to a Daughter. 12 New York, 1838 Catalogue of the Library 2505 SQUIER,E. G. American Archaeological Researches. The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the Reciprocal Prin ciples of Nature in America. Cloth. 8 New York, 1851 2506 Collection of Rare and Original Documents and Relations, concerning the Discovery and Conquest of Amer ica. Chiefly from the Spanish Archives. Published in the Original, with Translations, Illustrative Notes, Maps, and Biographical Sketches. Paper. 4 New York, 1860 2507 - and DAVIS, E. H. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. Cloth. 4 New York, 1848 2508 STAEL-HOLSTKIN, A. L. G.!$.,Baronne DE. Considerations sur les 1 rincipaux Evenemens de la Revolution Francoise. Ouvrnge Posthmne, public par le Due de Broglie et le Baron de Sta el. 2 e Edition. Calf. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1818 With an autograph letter of the authoress. 2509 STAEL-HOLSTEIN, Auguste Louis DE. Notice sur M. Necker. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1820 2510 STAMMBUCHS-Aufsa tze ; bestehend in 600 der gel un gens ten Stellen aus den Werken der vorziiglichsten Schriftsteller der Welt. 7 e sehr vermehrte Auflage. 24 Hamburg, 1829 2511 STANHOPE, Philip Henry, Viscount Mahon, Earl Stanhope. History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles. Cloth, and half cloth. 7 vols. 8 London, 1839-54 2512 Miscellanies. Cloth. 12 London, 1863 2513 STANSBDRY, Joseph, and ODELL, Jonathan. Loyal Verses, relating to the American Revolution. Now first edited by Winthrop Sargent. Paper. 4 Albany, 1860 2514 STANLEY, Thomas. The History of Philosophy. 3d Edi tion. To which is added the Life of the Author. Also, The History of the Chaldaick Philosophy. Old calf. Folio. London, 1701 2515 STARK, C. Memoir and Official Correspondence of Gen. John Stark. Calf. 8 Concord, 1860 2516 STARK, John. Reminiscences of the French War, and Me moir of General Stark. 12 Concord, N. H. 1831 2517 STEDMAN, C. The History of the Origin, Progress, and Termination of the American War. Calf. 2 vols. 4 London* 1794 With 15 large military maps from the original drawings of the British engi neer corps. N- t common; sold, Fisher, $38.00; Morrell, $38.00. 2518 STATO, Dello, e delle Sorte delle Colonie degli Antichi Popoli. Paper. 16 Filadeljia, 1780 2519 STEPHANUS, Carolus. Dictionarium Historicum, Geographi- cum, Poeticurn. Old calf . Folio. Londini,lQ8Q 2520 STEPHEN, James, Esq. The Slavery of the British West India Colonies, as it exists both in Law and Practice, and compared with the Slavery of other Countries Antient and Modern. Vol. I. Law. Boards. 8 London, 1824 of Jarcd Sparks. 2521 STERNE, Laurence. The Beauties of Sterne. Sheep, a little loose. 18 Boston, 1807 2522 Works. With a Life of the Author, by himself. Boards. 4 vds. 12 London, 1823 2523 STEUBKN, Baron F. W. VON. Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States. Sheep. 12 Portsmouth, 1794 2524 STEVENS, William Bacon. A History of Georgia, from its First Discovery by Europeans to the Adoption of the Pres ent Constitution in 1788. Cloth. Five portraits. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1847-59 2525 STEVENSON, William. Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation and Commerce. 8 Edinburgh, 1824 2526 STEVENSON, W. B. A Historical and Descriptive Narra tive of Twenty Years Residence in South America. Boards. 3 vols. 8 London, 1825 2527 STEWART, Dugald. Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1814 2528 STEWART, J. A View of the Past and Present State of the Island of Jamaica; with Remarks on the Moral and Phys ical Condition of the Slaves, and on the Abolition of Slav ery in the Colonies. Boards. 8 Edinburgh, 1823 2529 STILES. P:ZRA. A History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I. Major-General Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell : who, at the Restoration, 1660, fled to America ; and were secreted and concealed, in Mas sachusetts and Connecticut, for near Thirty Years. With an Account of Mr. Theophilus Whale of Narragansett, sup posed to have been also one of the Judges. Portrait of Dr. Stiles, by Doolittle from a painting by R. Molthrop. Maps and plates. Sheep. 12 Hartford, by Elisha BabcocJc, 1794 Rare. Sold, Fisher, $11.50; Morrell, $20.00; Rice, $16.00. 2530 - - The United States elevated to Glory and Honor. A Sermon preached before His Excellency Jonathan Trum- bull, Governor, and the General Assembly of Connecticut. Half calf. 8 New-Haven, T. $ S. Green, 1783 " President Stiles poured forth facts, reasonings, and prophecies in an extraor- dinay profusion. It is a treasury of valuable facts in the civil and ecclesi astical concerns of the country. It was reprinted at London in a splendid style as a liferary curiosity." KINGSLEY S Life of Stiles. 2531 STILES, William H. Austria in 1848-49 : a History of the Political Movements in Vienna, Milan, Venice, and Prague ; the Campaigns of Lombardy and Novara ; the Revolution in Hungary, etc. Portraits. Cloth. 8 New York, 1852 2532 STIPP, G. W. WESTERN MISCELLANY, or Accounts, His torical, Biographical, and Amusing. Sheep. RARE. 16 Xenia, 0. 1827 This curious and rare volume contains much interesting matter relating to the early history of Kentucky, and the exploits of Colontls Boone and Logan. Catalogue of the Library 2533 STITH, William. The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia ; being an Essay towards a General History of this Colony. Calf. Scarce. "S Wiiliamsburg, William Parks, 1747 Has pold, H. A. Smith, $35.00, Whitmore, $31.00, Rice, $47.00, Morrell, 1869, $31.00. 2534 STOBO, Robert. Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo, of the Virginia Regiment. Cloth. 18 Pittsburgh, 1854 2535 STODDARD. A Genealogy of the Family of Anthony Stod- dard, of Boston. Boards. 8 Boston, 1 849 2536 STODDARD, Major Amos. Sketches, Historical and De scriptive, of Louisiana. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1812 2537 STOKES, Anthony. A View of the Constitution of the Brit ish Colonies in North America and the West Indies at the Time the Civil War broke out on the Continent of Amer ica. Half cloth. 8 London, 1783 2538 STONE, E. M. History of Beverly, Civil and Ecclesiasti cal, from its Settlement in 1G30 to 1842. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1843 2539 The Life and Recollections of John Rowland. Cloth. 12 Providence, 1857 2540 STONE, William L. The Life and Times of Sir William Johnson, Bart. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Albany. 1865 2541 Life of Joseph Brant Thayenclanegea ; includ ing the Border Wars of the American Revolution. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1838 2542 STORK, William.] A Description of East Florida, with a Journal kept by John Bartram, of Philadelphia, Botanist, upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John s, as far as the Lakes. 3d Ed. enlarged. Half calf. 4 London, 1769 2543 ] An Account of East-Florida, with Remarks on its Future Importance to Trade and Commerce. Half calf. 8 London, [after Oct. 1763] 2544 STORY, Joseph. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. Sheep. 3 vols: 8 Boston, 1833 2545 The Miscellaneous Writings, Literary, Critical, Ju ridical, and Political, of Joseph Story. Now first Collected. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1835 With an autograph letter of the author. 2546 The Power of Solitude. A Poem. In Two Parts. Half calf, neat. Small 8 Boston, N. D. " First edition." J. s. Presented to the mother-in-law of Mr. Sparks on her marriage. Published with the usual date the next year. 2547 STORY, William W. Life and Letters of Joseph Story. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1851 2548 Poems. Boards. 12 Boston, 1847 2549 STRACIIEY, William. The Historic of Travaile into Virgi nia Britannia, expressing the Cosmographie and Comodities of Jared Sparks. IJS of the Country, together with the Manners and Customes of the People. Now first edited from the Original MS. in the British Museum, by R. H. Major. Cloth. 8 London, HaUuyt Society, 1849 2550 STRICTURES on the Philadelphia Mischianza or Triumph upon leaving America unconquered. With Extracts con taining the Principal Part of a Letter published in the " American Crisis." In order to show how far the King s Enemies think his General deserving of Public Honours. N. B. A flattering Account of this Mischianza was pub lished in the " Philadelphia Gazette," and copied into the " Morning Post," the 13th of July last ; and a Larger one by a still more flattering Panegyrist may be found in the " Gentleman s Magazine " for August last. Half morocco. 8 London, 1779 2551 STUART, Gilbert.] An Historical Dissertation concerning the Antiquity of the English Constitution. Sheep. 8 Edinburgh, 1768 2552 STUART, I. W. Life of Captain Nathan Hale, the Martyr- Spy of the American Revolution. With Illustrations. Cloth. 12 Hartford, 1856 2553 Another copy. 12 Hartford, 1856 Already somewhat scarce. Sold, Wight, $5.75. 2554 SUETONIUS Tranquillus, C. Opera omnia. Interpretatione et Notis illustravit A. Babelonius. Calf. 8 Londini, 1718 2555 SULLIVAN, James. The History of the District of Maine. Sheep. Map. 8 Boston, 1795 2556 SULLIVAN, William.] Familiar Letters on Public Charac ters and Public Events, from the Peace of 1783 to the Peace of 1815. * Cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 2557 SULLY, Maximilien de Bethune, Due DE. Memoires. Nou- velle Edition. Sheep. 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1814 2558 SUMNER, William H. Memoir of Increase Sumner, Gover nor of Massachusetts. With a Genealogy of the Sumner Family. Cloth. " 8 Boston, 1854 2559 SWEETSER, W. Mental Hygiene. 2d Ed. re-written. Cloth. 12 New York, 1850 2560 SWIFT, Jonathan. Works ; with Notes and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott. 2d Ed. Calf. 19 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1824 2561 SYKES, A. A. The Scripture Doctrine of the Redemption. Calf. 8 London, 1756 2562 ^i^ACITUS, Caius Cornelius. CEuvres. Avecdes Notes Ifjx sur le Texte. 4 e Edition, par J. H. Dotteville. Half calf. 7 vols. 8 Paris, 1799 2563 - Opera, ex Recensione lo. A. Ernesti denuo curavit J. J. Oberlinus. Russia. 3 vols. 12 Bostonice, 1817 Catalogue of the Library 2564 TACITUS. The Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, Notes, Supplements, etc., by Arthur Murphy. 2d American Edition. Sheep. 6 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1822 2565 TALLMADGE, Benjamin. Memoir, prepared by himself at the Request of his Children. Cloth. 8 New York, 1858 2566 TARLETON, Lieut. Colonel Banastre. A History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America. Calf. 8 Dublin, 1787 2567 TASSO, Torquato. La Gerusalemme Liberata, con le Figure de Giambatista Piazzetta. Half morocco ; the margin of the leaves stained. Folio. Venezia,1745 2568 TAYLOR, James W. History of the State of Ohio. Eirst Period, 1650-1787. Cloth. 12 Cincinnati, 1854 2569 TAYLOR, Jeremy. A Discourse of the Liberty of Prophe sying, with its Just Limits and Temper. A New Edition. Boards. 8 London, 1817 2570 The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying. 28th Ed. Calf. S London, 1812 2571 - The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living. 29th Ed. Calf. 8 London, 1815 2572 TAYLOR, W. C. A Manual of Ancient and Modern His tory. Revised, with a Chapter on the History of the United States, by C. S. Henry. Cloth. 8 New York, 1845 2573 The Natural History of Society in the Barbarous and Civilized State ; an Essay towards discovering the Origin and Course of Human Improvement. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1841 2574 The Student s Manual of Modern History. 3d Ed. enlarged. Cloth. 12 London, 1843 2575 TKATRO Scelto Italiano, publicato da P. Bachi. Cloth. 12 Cambrigia, 1829 2576 TEFFT, B. F. Webster and his Master-Pieces. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Auburn and Buffalo, 1854 2577 TEMPLE, Sir William. Works. With Life and Character, by a Particular Friend. Old calf. Portrait. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1750 2578 Works. Complete. With the Life and Character of the Author, enlarged. A New Edition. Boards. 4 vols. 8 London, 1814 2579 TENNYSON, A. Poems. Boards. 2 vols. 16 Boston, 1842 2580 TERENTIUS, P. Comcedias, ex Recensione Lindenbrogii, cvin Notis Variorvm. Vellum. 2 vols. 16 Jenae, 1785 2581 TERNAUX-COMPANS, H. Archives des Voyages, ou Collec tion d Anciennes Relations, Inedites on tres Rares, de Let- tres, Memoires, et autres Documents relatifs a, la Geographie et aux Voyages. Tome I. Paper. 8 Paris, [1840?] 2582 TERRA Australis Cognita; or Voyages to the Terra Aus- tralis or Southern Hemisphere during the 16th-18th Cen turies. Half calf. 3 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1766 of Jared SparJcs. IJ5 2583 TESORO della Prosa Italiana; nuovamente orclinato da E. Alberi. Edizione 2 a . Paper. Large 8 Firenze, 1841 2584 TEXAS, A Visit to. Cloth, map. 12 New York, 1834 2585 THACHER, James. A Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War. With Biographical Sketches of several General Officers. 2d Edition. Half cloth. 8 Boston, 1827 2586 History of the Town of Plymouth, from its First Settlement in 1620, to 1832. Cloth. 12 Boson, 1832 2587 THACHER, Samuel C. Sermons. With a Memoir by F. W. P. Greenwood. Boards. 2 copies. 8 Boston, 1824 2588 THATCHER, Benjamin B. Memoir of Phillis Wheatley. 12 Boston, 1834 2589 THEOCRITUS, Bion, Moschus, and Tyrtaens. Translated by R. Pohvhele. With Dissertations and Notes. New Edition. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1811 2590 THEOLOGICAL Repository, The. [Edited by Priestley and others.] Half russia. 6 vols. 8 London, 1784-95 The names of most of the contributors are written in the tables of contents. 2591 THEOPHRASTUS. History of Stones, with an English Ver sion and Notes. 2d Edition, by Sir John Hill. Sheep. 8 London, 1774 2592 THEVENOT, MELCHISEDECH. RECUEIL DE VOYAGES. Half calf. Small 8 Paris, 1681 Tliis collection contains: 1. "Avis." pp. 16. Particularly valuable f<T its table of contents, in four parts, of the different " Relations" which had been published in Thevenot s folio collection up to the date of this volume. 2. "Decouverte de quelques Pays et Nations ( 7 e I Amerique Septentrionale." pp. 43. By Father Marquette and the Sieur Joliet; w.th a map of the Mis sissippi. 3. " Discours sur TArt de Navisation." With plate. 4. " Voyage d un Ambassadeur que le Tzaar de Moscovie envoy a par terre a la Chine, 1 Anne e 1653." pp. J8. 5. " Carte de la Route d Abel Tasman autour de la Terra Australe," 20 by 15 in. 6. "Les HHoires Naturelles de 1 Ephemere, et du Cancelhis ou Bernhard 1 Hermite, dec-rites et represented par Figures, par Mr. Swammerdam." 7. " Le Cabinet (le Mr. Swammerdam." "This volume is rare, and particularly valuable as containing Marquette s narrative of his voyage down the Mississippi, nine years before I a Salle. The map is extremely curious, as being the first that was ever published of the Mississippi river." j. s. The engravings to illustrate Swaimnerdam a natural histories, are, w r ith one exception, admirably distinct and delicate. Ti e only deficiency in the volume is, that it does not contain the m p adver tised in its table of contents, entitled: "Carte de la Dei-ouverte de la Terre de Felmer; " a deficiency also found in the copy in the library of Harvard College. 2593 THIERRY, Augustin. Histoire de la Conquete de 1 Angle- terre par les Normands. 2 e Edition, avec Atlas. Half calf . voh. S Pan s, 1826 2594 Lettres sur 1 Histoire de Erance. o e Edition. Paper. 8 Port s, 1836 2595 THIERS, A. Histoire de la Re volution Francaise. Half calf . 10 vols. 8 Parts, 1824-27 2596 Same. Paper. 6 vols. 8 Bruxelles, 1834 176 Catalogue of the Library 2597 " THINGS New and Old," for the Glory of God, and Everlast ing Benefit of all who read and understand them. By a Descendant from one of the Early Puritanic Governors. Cloth. 8 Portland, 1845 2598 THOMAS a Kempis. De Imitatione Christi Libri Quatuor. Cloth. 18 Londini, Pickering, 1827 2599 THOMAS, B. F. Speeches in the Thirty Seventh Congress and in the Vacation. 8 Boston, 1863 2600 THOMAS, E. S. * Reminiscences of the Last Sixty Five Years, commencing with the Battle of Lexington. Also Sketches of his own Life and Times. Vol. I. Cloth. 12 Hartford, 1840 2601 THOMAS, ISAIAH. THE HISTORY OF PRINTING IN AMER ICA. With a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. To which is prefixed a Concise View of the Discovery and Progress of the Art in other Parts of the World. Calf. 2 voh. 8 Worcester, 1810 Fine copy, with the autograph of Mr. Sparks. 2602 THOMAS the Rhymer. The XLV Chapter of the Prophe cies of Thomas the Rhymer, in Verse ; with Notes and Illustrations. Dedicated to Doctor Silverspoon, Preacher of Sedition in America. Half morocco, pp. 19. 8 Edinburgh, 1776 2603 THOMPSON, Benjamin F. History of Long Island. Cloth. Plates. 8 New York, 1839 2604 THOMPSON, Daniel P.] The Green Mountain Boys, a His torical Tale of the Early Settlement of Vermont. Cloth. Z vols. in \. 12 Boston, 1848 2605 History of the Town of Montpelier, from the Time it was first chartered, in 1781, to 1860. Cloth. 8 Montpelier, 1860 2605a ] The Rangers, or the Tory s Daughter ; a Tale Illustrative of the Revolutionary History of Vermont. Cloth. 2 vols. in 1. 12 Boston, 1851 2606 THOMPSON, G. A. The Geographical and Historical Dic tionary of America and the West Indies. Containing an entire Translation of the Spanish Work of Colonel Don Antonio de Alcedo, with large Additions and Compilations. Half calf, 5 vols. 4 London, 1812-15 2607 THOMPSON, John S. The Monotessaron ; or the Gospel History. 8 Baltimore, 1829 2608 THOMPSON, Mrs. Katharine.] The Queens of Society. Cloth. 12 New York, 1860 2609 THOMPSON, William. An Inquiry into the Principles of the Distribution of Wealth most Conducive to Human Hap piness. Boards. 8 London, 1824 2610 Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women, against the Pretensions of the Other Half, Men, to retain of Jared Sparks. 177 them in Political, and thence in Civil and Domestic Slavery. Boards. 8 London, 1825 2611 THOMPSON, Zadock. A Gazetteer of Vermont. Sheep. 12 Montpelier, 1824 2612 - - History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical, with a New Map, and 200 Engravings. Sheep. 8 Burlington, 1842 " One of the best and most conscientious abridged histories we have of any State." Stevens. 2613 THOMSON, Charles. The Ordinances of the Mines of New- Spain. Boards. 8 London, 1825 2614 THOMSON, James. The Seasons. With the Life of the Author, by P. Murdoch. Boards. 8 London, 1811 2615 Works, with his Last Corrections and Life. Calf. 3 vols. 8 London, 1802-3 2616 THOMSON, John Lewis. History of the Wars of the United States, from the Earliest Colonial Times to the Close of the Mexican War. Cloth. 2 vols. in one. ti Philadelphia, 1854 2617 THOMSON, W. M. The Land and the Book; or Biblical Illustrations drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land. Cloth. Maps, en gravings, etc. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1860 2618 THORNTON, John Wingate. Colonial Schemes of Popham and Gorges. Half cloth. 8 Boston, 1863 2619 The First Records of Anglo- American Coloniza tion : their History. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1859 2620 - The Landing at Cape Anne, or the Charter of the First Permanent Colony on the Territory of the Massachu setts Company. Now discovered and first published from the Original Manuscript. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1854 2621 - The Pulpit of the American Revolution ; or the Political Sermons of the Period of 1776. With a Historical Introduction, Notes, and Illustrations. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1860 2622 THRUSH, Thomas. Letters to the Jews. Boards. 8 York, 1829 2623 THUCYDIDES. The History of the Grecian War. Trans lated by Th. Ilobbes. Boards. 8 London, 1822 2624 - The History of the Peloponnesian War. Trans lated by William Smith. New Edition. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1812 2625 The Same. Newly translated with Copious Anno tations, by S. T. Bloomfield. Half cloth. 3 vols. 8 London, 1829 2626 TIBY, Paul.] Esquisses Rornantiques ; ou Melanges Litte- raires; en Vers et en Prose. Paper. 18 Paris, 1827 With (he author s autograph. 2627 TICKELL, Richard.] Anticipation : containing the Sub stance of his M y s Most Gracious Speech to both H s 1?8 Catalogue of the Library of P t, on the Opening of the Approaching Session. Ninth Edition. Half calf , neat ; the last leaf defective. 8 London, 1778 2628 TICKELL, Richard.] La Cassette Yerte de Monsieur de Sar- tine trouvee chez Mademoiselle Du The. 6 e Edition revue et corrigee sur celles de Leipsic et d Amsterdam. Half calf. pp. 76. 8 La Haye, chez la Veuve Whisker field^ in de platte Borze by de Vrydogmerkt, 1779 Also the translation, The Green Box of M. de Sartine. 8 London, 1779. Franklin plays a prominent part in this squib. 2629 TICKNOR, George. History of Spanish Literature. 3 vols. 8 New York, 1849 Presented by the author, with his autograph. 2630 TILLOTSON, John. Sermons on several Subjects and Occa sions. Old calf . 12 vols. 8 London, 1742-43 2631 TIMON, a Play. Now first printed. Edited by the Rev. Alex. Dyce. Cloth. 8 London, Shakespeare Society, 1842 2632 TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis Charles Henri Clerel DE. De la De mocratic en Amerique. Paper. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1835-40 2633 Democracy in America.. Translated by H. Reeve. . With an Original Preface and Notes, by J. C. Spencer. Cloth. 8 New York, 1838 2634 The Same. Edited, with Notes, the Translation re vised and in great part rewritten, and the Additions made to the Recent Paris Editions now first translated, by Francis Bowen. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Cambridge, 1862 2635 L Ancien Regime et la Revolution. Paper. 8 Paris, 1857 2636 Memoir, Letters, and Remains. Translated. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1862 2637 TOD, Thomas.] Consolatory Thoughts on American Inde pendence. By a Merchant. Half calf . 8 Edinburgh, 1782 2638 TODD, Mrs. Susan Hill. Occasional Poems ; a New Year s Offering. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1851 2639 TOKEN and Atlantic Souvenir. Edited by S. G. Goodrich. Turkey morocco. 12 Boston, 1838 2640 TOMLINE, George. Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1821 2G41 TONE, Theobald Wolfe. Life. Written by himself, and continued by his Son. Half cloth. 2 vols. 8 Washington, 1826 2642 TOOKE, W. View of the Russian Empire during the Reign of Catharine II. 2d Ed. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 London, 1800 2643 TORY PAMPHLETS, 1774-75. Nine scarce tracts in 1 vol. so lettered. Half calf . 8 1. THE OTHER Side of the Question; or a Defence of the Liberties of North America. In Answer to [Cooper s] Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans. By a Citizen. [Not a Tory Pamphlet.] 30 pp. 8 New York, by James Rivington, 1774 of Jared Sparks. 179 2. AN ENGLISHMAN S Answer to the Address from the Delegates to the People of Great Britain, in a Letter to the several Colonies which were represented in the late Continental Congress. Half title and 26 pp. 8 New York, by James Rivington, 1775 3. PILLS for the Delegates; or the Chairman chastised, in a Series of Letters addressed to Pe} ton Randolph, Esq. ; on his Conduct as President of the General Congress: held at the City of Philadelphia, September 5, 1774. By Grotius. Originally published in the "Massachusetts Gazet e," and now first collected. 32 pp. 8 New York, by James Rivington, 1775 4. THE Two CONGRESSES cut up; or a few Remarks upon some of the Votes and Resolutions of the Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia in Septem ber, and the Provincial Congress, held at Cambridge, in November, 1774. By a Friend to Peace and Good Order. So Boston, Printed; New York, Reprinted by James Rirington, [1775] 5. WHAT THINK ye of the Congress now? Or an Enquiry how far the Americans are bound to abide by and execute the Decisions of the late Congress. [By Kev. Thomas B. CHANDLER.] 48 pp. 8 New York, by James Rivington, 1775 6. A PLAN of the proposed Union between Great Britain, and the Colonies of New-Hamp-lnre, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island, New-York, New- Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware Counties, Virginia, North Caro lina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Which was produced by one of the Delegates from Pennsylvania, in Congress, as mentioned in the preceding Work. [By Galloway.] 4 pp. 8 [Neiv York, by James Rivington, 1775] 7. THE TRIUMPH of the Whigs; or t other Congress convened. 8 pp. 8 Ncio York; by James Rivington, 1775 8. AN ALARM to the Legislature of the Province of New York occasioned by the present 1 olitical Disturbances, in North America; Addressed to the Hon. Representatives of the General Assembly convened. 15 pp. 8 New York, by James Rivington, 1775 9. SHORT ADVICE to the Counties of New York. By a Country Gentleman. 15pp. 8 New York, by James Rivington, 1774 This very rare volume, in fine condition, bears the autograph of Mr. Sparks, and the table of contents in his handwriting. 2644 TORRE Y, Jesse. The Moral Instructor. 5th Ed. 12 Philadelphia, 1827 2645 TOULONGEON, F. E. Histoire de France depuis la Revo lution de 1789. Avec Cartes et Plans. Half sheep. 7 voh. 8 Paris, 1801-10 2646 TOWLE, Nathaniel C. A History and Analysis of the Con stitution of the United States. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1860 2647 TOWNSEND, Rev. Joseph. Free Thoughts on Despotic and Free Governments. 12 London, 1781 2648 TRACTS ON THE" REVOLUTION. 8 pamphlets in 1 vol. Half calf. 8 viz.: 1. A SPEECH intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Char ters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. The Second Edition [by Bishop SHIPLEY]. viii. and 36 pp. 80 London, 1774 2. A LETTER from a Virginian to the Members of the Congtvss to be held at Philadelphia, on the 1st of September, 1774. Wanting all after p. 26. 8<> Printed in the year 1774 3. STRICTURES on a Pamphlet entitled, "A Friendly Address to all Reason able Americans, on the Subject of our Political Confusions." Addressed to the People of America. [By Gen. Charles LEK.] 12 pp. 12 New York, Printed ; Boston, Reprinted, by I. Thomas, 1775 4. A PLAN for conciliating the Jarring Political Interests of Great Britain and her North American Colonies, and for promoting a General Re Union through out the whole of the Bnti-h Empire, xviii.pp. 8 London, for J. Ridley, 1775 5. A FEW REMARKS upon some of the Votes and Resolutions of the Conti nental Congress, held at Philadelphia, in September, and the Provincial Congress held at Cambridge in November, 1774. By a Friend to Peace and Good Order. 20 pp. 80 Printed for the Purchasers, 1775 180 Catalogue of the Library 6. THE STRICTURES or the Friendly Address exam ned, and a Refutation of its Principles attempted. Addressed to the Pt-ople of America. 14 pp. 8 Printed in the Year 1775 7. A CANDID EXAMINATION of the Mutual Claims of Great Britian and the Colonies: with a Plan of Accommodation, on Constitutional Principles. [By Joseph GALLOWAY.] 62 pp. 8 Ntw York, by James Rivinyton, 1775 8. THK RIGHTS of Great Britain asserted againct the Claims of America; being an Answer to the Declaration of the Gei.eral Coimr ss. 7th Edition. To which is now added a Refutation of Dr. Price s State of the National Debt. [Said to be written by Sir John Dalrym pie. See Rich s Catalogue, p. 6.] iv. and 84 pp. with 1 folded sheet." 80 Londtm,fr T. Cadtll, 1776 9. A LETTER to the Earl of Abingdon, discussing a Position relative to a Fundamental Right of the Constitution; contained in his Lordship s Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq., to the Sheriffs of Bristol. By John Cartwright. 48/?/>. 8 London, by J. Almon, 1778 The table of contents to this valuable volume is in the handwriting of Mr. Sparks, and on the title of the first tract is his autograph. 2649 TRACTS, Theological. 7 in 1 vol. Half sheep, worn. 8 London, 1719-21 2650 TRACY, Le Comte Destutt. A Treatise on Political Econ omy. Translated from the Unpublished French Original. Sheep. 8 Georgetown, 1817 2651 TRACY, Joseph. The Great Awakening. A History of the Revival of Religion in the Time of Edwards and Whitefield. Portrait of Whitefield. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1842 2652 TRADE and Commerce, an Essay on ; containing Observa tions on Taxes, Reflections on the Importance of our Trade to America, etc. Calf. 8 London, 1770 2653 TRAITS of the Aborigines of America. A Poem. Sheep. 12 Cambridge, 1822 2654 TREMLETT, John. Six Sets of Prayers for the Use of Christian Families. Half calf . 12 London, 1813 2655 TKESCOT, William Henry. The Diplomacy of the Revo lution ; an Historical Study. Calf. 12 New York, 1752 2656 The Diplomatic History of the Administrations of Washington and Adams, 1789-1801. Half calf . * 12 Boston, 1857 2657 TRIOMPHE du Nouveau Monde ; Reponses Academiques, formant un Nouveau Systeme de Confederation. Par FAmi du Corps Social. Calf. 2 voh. in one. 8 Paris, 1785 2658 TRUMBULL, Benjamin. A Complete History of Connecti cut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from the Emigration of its First Planters in 1630, to 1764, and the Close of the Indian Wars. Vol. II. Sheep. 8 New Haven, 1818 2059 . A General History of the United States of Amer ica, from the Discovery in 1492, to 1792. Vol. I. Exhibit ing a General View of the Principal Events from the Discovery of North America, to 1765. Boards. 8 Boston, 1810 No other volume was published. 2660 TRUMBULL, John. Autobiography, Reminiscences, and Let ters, from 1756, to 1841. Cloth. Portrait. 8 New York, 1841 2661 TUCKER, G. The Life of Thomas Jefferson. Cloth. Por trait. 2 voh. 8 Philadelphia, 1837 of Jared SparJcs. 181 2662 TUCKER, Josiah, D. D., Dean of Glocester. Four tracts on American Affairs. Bound in one volume. Half calf. 8 Glocester, 1775-76 2663 TUCKEKMAN, Henry T. John W. Francis, M. D. A Bio graphical Essay. Cloth. 12 No title-page or date. 2664 The Life of Silas Talbot, Commander in the Navy of the United States. Turkey mor. 18 Neiv York, 1850 2665 TUCKEY, J. K. Narrative of an Expedition to explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816. Half calf. 8 New York, 1818 2666 TUDOR, William. The Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts : containing also Notices of some Contemporary Characters and Events, from 1760, to 1775. Boards. 8 Boston, 1823 2667 TUPPER, M. F. Proverbial Philosophy. 1st and 2d Series. Paper. 2 vols. 16 New York, 1845 2668 TURGOT, A. R. J. Baron de VAulne. GEuvres. Precedees et accompagnees de Memoires et de Notes -sur sa Vie, son Administration, et ses Ouvrages. Paper. 9 vols. 8 Paris, 1810-11 2669 ViedeTurgot. Half sheep. 8 A Berne, 1787 2670 TURNER, Henry. Sermons. To which are added a few Occasional Addresses. 2d Edition. Boards. 8 Newcastle, 1823 2671 TURNER, Sharon. The History of the Anglo-Saxons. Half calf. 3 vok. 8 Paris, 1840 2672 TURPIN, F. H. Histoire du Gouvernement des Anciennes Republiques. Ou Ton decouvre les Causes de leur Elevation et de leur Deperissement. Calf. 12 Paris, 1769 2673 TYSON, Job R. The Lottery System in the United States. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1837 From the author, with his autograph. 2674 TYTLER, A. F., Lord Woodhouselee. Universal History, to the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1838 2675 - NION of Churches, The, in the Spirit of Charity; with Articles of Association, and Ritual. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1865 2676 UNITARIAN Miscellany and Christian Monitor, 1821-24. [Edited by Jared Sparks.] Calf. 6 vols. 12 Baltimore, 1822-24 2677 UNITARIANISM. Letters to a Protestant Divine in Defence of Unitarianism. By Another Barrister. Second Edition. 8 London, 1824 2678 UNITARIANS. Reports presented to the Western Conference, May 1854. Cloth. 4 Louisville, 1854 2679 UNITED Mexican Mining Association. Report of the Court of Directors ; addressed to the Shareholders. Boards. 8 London, 1825 182 Catalogue of the Library 2680 UNITED STATES. Convention between the United States of America and the French Republic. 8 Philadelphia, 1807 2681 A General View of the United States of America. 18 London, 1833 2682 JOURNAL, Acts, and Proceedings of the Convention, assembled at Philadelphia, May 14, and dissolved Monday, Sept. 17, 1787, which formed the Constitution of the United States. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1819 2683 . Same. 2684 Laws of the United States of America. Published by Authority. Sheep. 12 vols. 8 Phil. 1796[-1814]. 2685 Manufactures of the United States in 1860. Half russia. 4 Washington, 1865 2686 The Seventh Census of the United States, 1850. J. D. B. De Bow, Superintendent of the United States Cen sus. Half russia. pp. cxxxvi., 1022. 4 Washington, 1853 2687 A Sketch of the Internal Condition of the United States of America, and of their Political Relations with Europe. By a Russian [A. Eustaphieve ?] Translated from the French, with Notes. Half cloth. 8 Bait. 1826 2688 State Papers and Publick Documents of the United States, from the Accession of Washington. 3d Edition, in cluding Confidential Documents. Boards. 12 vols. 8 Boston, 1819 2689 - A Statement of the Accounts of the United States of America, during the Administration of the Superintendant of Finance, commencing with his Appointment, on the 20th Day of February, 1781, and Ending with his Resignation, on the 1st Day of November, 1784. Half sheep, much defaced. Folio, Philadelphia, 1785 2690 Statistical View of the United States, being a Com pendium of the Seventh Census. By J. D. B. De Bow. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1854 2691 UNITED STATES Army and Navy Journal. Unbound. 2 vols. Folio, New York, 1863-65 2692 UNITED STATES BANK. Legislative and Documentary His tory of the Bank of the United States. Compiled by M. St. Clair Clarke and D. A. Hall. Half russia. 8 Washington, 1832 2693 UNITED STATES Register; Supplement for July 1829. Half morocco. 18 Washington, 1829 2694 UNIVERSITIES. Parliamentary Reports, Evidence and Documents, respecting Scotch Universities. 5 vols. Folio, London, 1837 2695 UPDIKE, Wilkins. Memoirs of the Rhode-Island Bar. Cloth. Boston, 1842 2696 UPIIAM, Charles W. Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem, in 1692. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1831 of Jared Sparks. 1 S3 2697 USSIIER, G. Neville. The Elements of English Grammar. Cloth. 12 Glocester, 1786 2698 VIAIL, EUGENE A. De la Litterattire et des Hommes iJ/ de Lettres des Etats-Unis d Amerique. Paper. 8 A Paris, 1841 2699 Notice sur les Indiens de 1 Amerique du Nord, ornee de quatre Portraits colories, dessines d apres Nature. Map. Paper. 8 Paris, 1840 2700 VAINES, Dom DE. Dictionnaire Raisonne de Diplomatique, contenant les Regies Principales et Essentielles pour servir a dechiffrer les Anciens Titres, Diplomes, et Monuments ; ain<i qu a justifier de leur Date et de leur Authenticite. Half calf. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1773-74 2701 VALIN, R. J. Commentaire sur FOrdonnance de la Marine. 2 e Edition. Half cloth. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1841 2702 VALPY, Richard. The Elements of Greek Grammar, with Notes. Sheep. , 12 Boston, 1814 2703 VANIERE, P. Gradus ad Parnassum. Edition de M. Noel. 8 Paris, 1810 2704 VAN SCHAACK, Henry C. The Life of Peter Van Schaack, embracing Selections from his Correspondence and other "Writings, during the American Revolution and his Exile in England. Cloth. Portrait. 8 New York, 1842 2705 VATEII, J. S. Untersuchungen iiber Amerika s Bevolkerung aus dem altem Continente. Half sheep. 8 Leipzig, 1810 2706 VATTEL, Emmerich DE. The Law of Nations. From the French. Calf, slightly injured on the hack. 8 London, 1793 2707 VAUGHAN, William. Tracts on Docks and Commerce, now first collected. With an Introduction, .Memoir, and Miscel laneous Pieces. Cloth. 8 London, 1839 2708 VENEGAS, Miguel.] Histoire Naturelle et Civile de la Californie. Traduite par M. E[idous]. Map. Calf. 3 vols. 16 Paris, 1767 2709 VENTURINI, C. Chronik des 19 en Jahrhunderts. I er Band, das Jahr 1826 enthaltend. Paper. 8 Leipzig, 1828 This work, although only the first volume, is complete in itself; containing a very full history of the "year 1826. 2710 VERGENNES, Charles Gravier, Comte DE. Memoire His- torique et Politique sur la Louisiane. Accompagne d un Precis de la Vie de ce Ministre, et suivi d autres Memoires sur I lndostan, Saint Domingue, la Corse, et la Guyane. Orne du Portrait de M. de Vergennes. A Paris, An X.-IS02 " This Memoir was not wriften by Vergennes. See Life of La Salle in the American Biography, Vol. XL, p. 183." J. s. The portrait is wanting. 2711 VERMONT Quarterly Gazetteer. Nos. 1-6. Ludlow, Vt. 1860-63 2712 VERMONT State Papers; being a Collection of Records and Documents, connected with the Assumption and Establish- Catalogue of the Library ment of Government by the People of Vermont. Compiled by William Slade. Sheep. 8 Middlebury, 1823 2713 VERPLANCK, G. C. An Essay on the Doctrine of Con tracts ; being an Inquiry how Contracts are affected, in Law and Morals, by Concealment, Error, or Inadequate Price. Boards. 8 New York, 1825 2714 Vico, G. B. QEuvres Choisies, contenant ses Memoires, ecrits par lui-meme, La Science Nouvelle, les Opuscules, Lettres, etc. Paper. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1835 2715 Principes de la Philosophic de 1 Histoire. Traduits par Jules Michelet. 2 torn. 18 Bruxelhs, 1835 2716 VIEWS and Designs, 88, mounted, 7 in. by 10. Half turkey morocco. Many of these well illustrate the MSS. Maps hereafter described. Environs of Boston, with three wharves; Boston Common, with one large tree, cattle, tents, and abouta dozen houses insight; North view of Castle William in the Harbor of Boston ; Faneuil Hall; Old State House in Bos-ton, Chariot Street, and distant Masts; Destruction of the Tea in Boston Harbor (3 views); Southwest view of the Light-house at the Entrance of Boston Harbor; Liberty Tree, with Houses; Boston with the Environs, Dorrhester Flats, and Noddle s Island, and Redoubts; Boston (2 viwws); Bos on Common; Faneuil Hall from the Water; Bunker Hill Monument; The Green in Lexington, where the British first fired on the Amercans; Battle of Lexington (" The old square meeting-house seen in both," " The Pub ic and Me," Major Pit- cairn, the Provincial Company, &c. are marked; colored); 3 views of the Battle of Lexington, rudely engraved; Concord in 1776; 2 rude engravings, of the Battle of "Bunker s Hill; Charlestown from the Dome of the "State House;" Mop of Charlestown and Vicinity, Position of Americans and Brit ish at the Battle, 17 June 76; Original drawing of a Map made for Ellis Life of Mason, in the Amer. Biograph}*; New London from Mainwaring s Hill; Gen. Putnam s Escape from the British at Horse-neck; New York, from the Water, with Shipping; Old City- Hal I, New York; Plan of the Bat tle of Long Island; The Beverly Hons , Arnold s Head-quarters when com mander at West Point; Battle-field of Brandy wine; Smith House at Haver- straw, Scene of the Conference between Arnold" and Andre; Capture of Andre* ; Monument to Andre* in Westminster Abbey; Monument of John Paulding, Captor of Andre"; Storming of Stony Point, on the Hudson; F< rt Clinton, We^t Point; Fort Putnam, West Point; Military School, Wtst Point: Cats- kill M untains and the Steamboat; Pali^es on the Hudson; Death of Gen. Montgomery; Monument to Montgomery; Capture of Prescott at Rhode Island; Rums of Ticonderoga, Lake Chnmpla n ; Fort Tic>nderoga; Ruins of Fort Ticonderoga, Lake George; Near Skeenesborouah on Lake Cham* plain; Ticonderoga, Saratoga; Plan of the Battle of Bennington, on a branch of the Hoosac; Sketch of Burgoyne s Head-quarters, Burgoyne s Surrender; Plan of Battles of Stillwater and Sara o.ga, with Burgoyne s Head-quarters and Camp, The Hudson ; Surrender of Burgoyne (rude engrav ing); Germ an town Battle, Chew s House; MeHal to Gen. Gates on the Sur render of Burgoyne; Declaration of Independence; Gen. Le taken prisoner by Col. Harcourt; Group at the Battle of IVr t n.26 Dec., 1776; Plan of the Battles of Trenton and Princeton ; Washington passing the Hudson; Descent to the Valley of Wyoming; " Monmou h Battle-ground;" View from the Hill at Bordentown; Washington taking leave of his Comrades in Arms; Inauguration of Washington; Mount Vernon ; Washington House, Mount Vern ii ; Birth-place of Washington ; Tomb of Washington ; Yorktown; Rii hmo: d; Cornwallis resigning his Sword to Washington; Potomac; Sur render of Crnwatlis at Yorktown. Oct. 19, 178L; Jamestown; Haddril s Point, rear Charleston, S. C. ; Pulaski s Monument, Episcopal Church, Sa vannah; Mackinac; Pittsburgh; Du Quesne; Independent Church in Balti more where Mr. Sparks was ordained the first pastor, 1819, Dr. Channing preaching the ordination sermon); Annual Medal of Royal Society " awarded to Franklin"; "Franklin Medal"; Stonehenge, with number and dimensions of stones. . of Jarcd Sparks. 185 2717 VIGNERON, J. Maitre Italien, on Nouvelle Grammai re Pra tique Frai^oise et Italienne. Calf. 8 Lyon, 1811 2718 VILLEMAIN, Abel Francois. Cours de Litterature Fran- c,aise. Paper. 8 Paris, 1828 2719 VINCE, Rev. S. The Principles of Fluxions, for the Use of Students. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1812 2720 VIKGILIUS MARO, Publius. Opera, cum nppositis Italico Carmine Interpretationibus. ac Notis. Vellum. 3 vols. 8 Mediolani, 1783-85 2721 Bucolica, Georgica, et -ZEneis. 1 2 Paris, 1794 2722 Same. Morocco, gilt. 16 Parisiis, Didot, 1798 2723 Same. With English Notes, by Fr. Bowen. Sheep, a little defaced. 8 Boston, 1842 2724 VIRGINIA. [Proceedings and Ordinances of Conventions held at Richmond and Williamsburg in 1775 and 1776.] Reprinted by a Resolution of the House of Delegates. Half sheep. 4 Richmond, 1816 2725 VOICE, A, from the Newsboys. Cloth. 2 copies. 12 [New York] 1860 2726 VOCABOLAJUO Ttaliano e Greco. Boards. 18 Venetia, 1815 2727 VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. DE. (Euvres Completes. Sheep. 70 vols. 8 Paris, 1785-89 " Beaumarchais s Edition. See a curious account of this Edition in Lom<i- nie s Beaumarchais et son Temps, Tom. II. p. 213." J. s. 2728 - Histoire de Charles XIL, Roi de Suede. Edition Stereotype de Didot. 16 Paris, 1817 2729 Romans. Sheep. 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1818 2730 Theatre. Paper. 9 vols. 12 Paris, 1809 2731 VKEI-IDE, Pieter. Essai sur la Liberte du Commerce Mari time, et sur la Merite de 1 Industrie Nation ale. Traduit de Hollanclais. 12 La Haye, 1824 2732 JHIiJAGEXAAR, Jan. Verzameling van Historische en * Politieke Tract aaten. Paper. 8 Amsterdam, 17?6 2733 WAIXWRIGIIT, Rev. J. M. Sermons upon Religious Educa tion and Filial Duty. Cloth. 8 New York, 1829 2734 WAKEFIELD, Gilbert. An Enquiry into the Opinions of the Christian Writers of the Three First Centuries concerning the Person of Christ. Boards. 12 London, 1824 2735 Five tracts bound in 1 volume. Half sheep, ivorn. 8 Warrington, and London, 1781-95 2736 Memoirs. Written by Himself. A New Edition, with Corrections. Calf. 2 vols. 8 London, 1804 2737 WALKER, John. A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary. 8 London, 1818 2738 Elements of Elocution. Illustrated by Copper- Plates, Explaining the Nature of Accent, Emphasis, Inflex ion, and Cadence. 3d Edition. Calf. 8 London, 1806 186 Catalogue of the Library 2739 WALKER J. A Key to the Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names. 8 Boston, 1808 2740 WALKER, Samuel.] Letters Descriptive of the Virginia Springs. By Peregrine Prolix. 2d Edition. Cloth. 18 Philadelphia, 1837 2741 WALLIS, John. Grammatica Lingvae Anglicanae. Calf. 8 Londini, 1765 2742 WALN, Robert, Jr. Life of the Marquis De La Fayette. Boards. Portrait. 8 Philadelphia, 1825 2743 WALFOLE, Horace. Memoirs of the Reign of King George III. Now first published from the Original MSS. Edited, with Notes, by Sir Denis Le Marchant. Cloth. Portraits. 4 vok. 8 London, 1845 Continued in the following: 2744 Journal of the Reign of King George III., from the Year 1771 to 1783. Now first published from the Orig inal MSS. Edited, with Notes, by Dr. Doran. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 London, 1859 2745 WALSH, Robert. An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America. Boards, a little loose. 8 Philadelphia, 1819 With an autograph letter from the author. 2746 ] A Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the French Government, including a View of the Taxation of the French Empire. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1810 2747 WALTON, Bryan.] Tntroductio ad Lectionem Linguarum Orientalium. Calf. 24 Londini, 1655 2748 WALTON, Izaak. Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Her bert, and Sanderson. Cloth. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1832 2749 WALTON, W. An Expose of the Dissensions of Spanish America. Paper. 8 London, 1814 2750 Another copy. Boards. 8 London, 1814 2751 Present State of the Spanish Colonies. Half rus- sia. 2 vols. 8 London, 1810 2752 WARBURTON, W.] Letters from a Late Eminent Prelate to one of his Friends. 2d Edition. Calf. 8 London, 1809 2753 WARD, J. Four Essays upon the English Language. Half calf. 8 London, 1758 2754 WARDEN, D. B. Description Statistique, Historique, et Politique, des Etats-Unis de I Arncrique Septentrionale, de- puis PEpoque des Premiers Etablissemens jusqu a nos Jours. Paper. 5 vols. 8 Paris, 1820 2755 Recherches sur les Antiquites de PAmerique Sep tentrionale. Paper. 4 Paris, 1827 2756 WARE, Henry. Letters addressed to Trinitarians and Cal- vinists. 2d Edition. Unbound. 8 Cambridge, 1820 2757 WARE, Henry, Jr. Works. Cloth, with portrait. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1846 of Jarcd Sparks. 1 87 2758 WARE, James. The Pocket Farrier. Slieep. 12 N. P. 1828 2759 WARE, John. Memoir of Henry Ware, Jr. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1846 2760 WARREN, J. C. Address before the American Medical As sociation. 8 Boston, 1850 2761 Etherization ; with Surgical Remarks. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1848 2762 WARREN, J. Mason. Recent Progress in Surgery. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1864 2763 WARREN, Mrs. Mercy. History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution. With Biograph ical, Political, and Moral Observations. Sheep. 3 vols. 8 Boston, 1805 2764 ] THE GROUP, as lately acted and to be re-acted to the Wonder of all Superior Intelligences, nigh Head-Quar ters at Amboyne. Half calf , neat. SCARCE. pp. 22. 8 Boston, Edes and Gill, 1775 " Written by Mrs. M. Warren, Sister of James Otis. Vid. Tudor * Life of Otis, p. 232." J. s. Against the names of the Dramatis Person* are writ ten those of the persons whom they are supposed to represent. 2765 WARTER, John Wood. Appendicia et Pertinentiae : or Pa rochial Fragments relating to the Parish of West Tarring, and the Chapelries of Heene and Durrington in the County of Sussex ; containing a Life of Thomas a Becket. Cloth. 8 London, 1853 2766 ] The Last of the Old Squires. Cloth. Small 4 London, 1854 2767 ] The Sea-Board and the Down; or my Parish in the South. By an Old Vicar, etc. Cloth, with illustrations. 2 vols. 4 London, 1860 2768 WASHBURN, Emory. Sketches of the Judicial History of Massachusetts from 1630 to the Revolution in 1775. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1840 2769 A Collection of Speeches of the President of the United States. 12 Boston, 1796 2770 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Diary ; from the First Day of October, 1789, to the Tenth Day of March, 1790. From the Original Manuscript now first printed. Paper. 8 New York, 1858 " One hundred copies privately printed," by "the Club," the predecessor of the Bradford Club. Edited by Benson J. Lossing. 2771 Diary of George Washington, from 1789 to 1791. Embracing the Opening of the First Congress, and his Tours through New England, Long Island, and the Southern States. Together with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio in 1753. Edited by Benson J. Lossing. Cloth. 12 New York, 1860 2772 Epistles, Domestic, Confidential, and Official, from General Washington. Written about the Commencement O 188 Catalogue of the Library of the American Contest, when he entered on the Command of the Army of the United States. With an Interesting Series of his Letters, particularly to the British Admirals, Arbuthnot and Digby ; to General Sir Henry Clinton, Lord Cormvallis, Sir Guy Carleton, Marquis de la Fayette, etc., etc., to Benjamin Harrison, Esq., Speaker of the House of Delegates in Virginia, to Admiral the Count de Grasse, General Sullivan, respecting an Attack of New York, in cluding many Applications and Addresses presented to him, with his Answers ; Orders and Instructions, on Important Occasions, to his Aids de Camp, etc., etc., etc. None of which have been printed in the Two Volumes published a few Months ago. Boards. 8 New York, printed ; reprinted, London, 1796 "All the letters in this volume to p. 66 are spurious, not having been written by Washington. See Washington s Writings, Vol. XL, pp. 184, 192." Note by Mr. Sparks. This is another reprint of the Spurious Letters," (see Nos. 2777, 2778 of this catalogue) with more than 200 pages of genuine documents added. 2773 WASHINGTON, George. Facsimile of Washington s Ac counts, from June, 1775 to June, 1783. Morocco. Folio. Washington, 1833 2774 Farewell Address to the People of the United States of America. Cloth. 4 New York, 1850 This is one of 175 copies printed for presents only. It was given to Mr. Sparks by Mr. James Lenox, of New York, whose autograph it contains. Stuart s well-known full-length portrait of Washington, and another portrait by James Peale, are prefixed. 2775 Letters from his Excellency General Washington, to Arthur Young, Esq., F. R. S. ; containing an Account of his Husbandry, with a Map of his Farm, his Opinions on various Questions in Agriculture, and many Particulars of the Rural Economy of the United States. Half calf, neat. 8 London, 1801 2776 Letters from his Excellency, George Washington, President of the United States of America, to Sir John Sinclair, Bart, M. P., on Agricultural and other Interesting Topics. Engraved from the Original Letters, so as to be an Exact Fac-simile of the Handwriting of that Celebrated Character. Turkey morocco, very neat. 4 London, 1800 2777 - Letters from General Washington To several of his Friends in the Year 1776. In which are set forth A fairer and fuller View of American Politicks, than ever yet transpired, Or the Public could be made acquainted with through any other Channel. Together with the Rev. Mr. Jacob Duche s (late Chaplain to the Congress) Letter to Mr. Washington, and an Answer to it, by Mr. John Parke, a Lieutenant-Colonel in Mr. Washington s Army. Half calf. Fine copy. Title and 53 pp. 8 Print ed [at New York by James Rivington,~] in the Year 1778 On the title-page is the autograph of Samuel Adams, an^ on another the fol lowing, " Spurious Letters ascribed to Washington. First published in Lon- of Jared Sparks. 189 don. This edition \vas probably printed in New York, while the British had possession of that city. See Sparks s Life of Washington, p. 246." 2778 WASHINGTON, George, Letters, etc. Another copy. Cvoth. This copy contains the following note in Mr. Sparks s handwriting: "The Letters here ascribed to Washington are spurious. None of them were writ ten by him. This is the first edition, and it was published by the enemy in New York. It was afterwards re-published, and widely circulated in Eng land." 2779 Same. Letters from General Washington to several of his Friends in the Year 1776. In which are set forth a Fairer and Fuller View of American Politics than ever yet transpired, or the Public could be made acquainted with through any other Channel. Half calf, neat. pp. 73. 8 London, 1777 2780 - Official Letters to the Honourable American Con gress, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1759 " A Fragment." J. s. 2781 - - Same. 2 vols. 12 Boston, 1796 2782 Same. 2d Boston Edition. Sheep. 2 vols. 12 Boston 1796 The binding of the second volume is a little injured. 2783 Reprint of the Original Letters from Washington to Joseph Reed during the American Revolution. Referred to in the Pamphlets of Lord Mahon and Mr. Sparks. By William B. Reed. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1852 " See a reply to this book in a pamphlet entitled: Remarks on a Reprint of the Original Letters, etc. By Jared Sparks, Boston, 1853." j. s. 2784 Revolutionary Orders of General Washington, is sued during the Years 1778, 80, 81, and 82, selected from the MSS. of JOHN WHITING, Lieut, and Adjutant of the 2d Regiment, Massachusetts Line, and edited by his Son, H. Whiting. Cloth. 8 New York and London, 1844 2785 Eulogies and Orations on Washington. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1 800 Funeral Oration by Maj.-Gen. Henry Lee; Eulogy by George R. Minot; Eulogy by Jonathan M. Sewall; Oration by Gouverneur Morris; Eulogy by Thomas Paine; Eulogy by John Brooks; Oration by David Ramsay"; Masonic Eulogy by George Blake; Oration by Fisher "Ames; Eulogy by Timothy Bigelow; "Eulogy by John Davis; Funeral Eulogy by Rev. William Linn; Oration by Jeremiah Smith; Oration by Joseph Blyth; Oration by Isaac Parker; Funeral Oration by Rev. John M. Mason; Eulogium by Major William Jackson; Eulogy by Charles Pinckney Sumner; Funeral Oration by Josiah Dunham; Discourse by Rev. John Thornton Kirkland. 2786 Eloges Funebres de Washington. Par Louis Fon- tanes et J. F. Dubroca. Half calf ] neat. 16 Paris, 1835 2787 Illustrations of the Principal Events in the Life of Washington. To be completed in Twelve Numbers. Each embellished with Four highly finished Engravings. From Original Paintings, by the most Eminent American Artists. Edited by Jared Sparks. No. 1. 4 Boston, Charles Thomas and Company, N. D. Edited by Mr. Sparks solely from his interest in the publishers, who were not able to carry out the design. The work was never published, and no copy is known to exist in any library. 190 Catalogue of the Library 2788 WASHINGTON, George. Vie, Correspondance et Ecrits de "Washington ; publics d apres 1 Edition Americaine, et prece des d une Introduction sur ITnfluence et le Caractere de Washington dans la Revolution des Etats-Unis d Amerique ; par M. Guizot. Paper. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1840 With Guizot s autograph. 2789 Same. Half calf, neat. 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1840 " The name of Mr. Sparks is strangely omitted from the title-page, a singular fact never accounted for." G. ELLIS S Memoir ofJared Sparks. This translation has passed through many editions in many lands, under the name of " Guizot s Washington." The introduction is not less creditable to the translator than his varied and excellent original works. In the Illus trated Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of 1851 (Vol. II. p. 693), there is "a casket in the Florentine style made to contain an autographical work by M. Guizot, entitled The Life of Washington. " 2790 The Life of General Washington, First President of the United States, written by himself; comprising his Memoirs and Correspondence as prepared by him for Pub lication, including several Original Letters now first printed. Edited by C. W. Upham. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 London, 1852 " This work was suppressed by the Circuit Court of the United States as an invasion of copyright. The stereotype plates were then sent to England and sold there." j. s. 2791 The Writings of George Washington, being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and other Papers, Official and Private ; selected and published from the Orig inal Manuscripts, with a Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations, by Jared Sparks. Cloth. 12 vols. 8 Boston, 1855 2792 WASHINGTON. A Winter in Washington. 2 vols. 12 1824 2793 WASHINGTONIANA, The : Containing a Sketch of the Life and Death of Washington ; with a Collection of Elegant Eulogies, Orations, Poems, etc. sacred to his Memory. Also all his most Valuable Public Papers and his Last Will and Testament. Sheep. 8 Lancaster : W. Hamilton, 1802 F. Johnston and W. Hamilton were the editors of this. See Hist. Mag., April, 1858. 2794 WATERBURY, J. B. Considerations for Young Men. Cloth. 16 New York, N. D. 2795 WATSON, John F. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylva nia in the Olden Time ; Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents of the City and its Inhabitants, and of the Earliest Settle ments of the Inland Part of Pennsylvania, from the Days of the Founders. Cloth. Engravings. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1845 2796 WATSON, Richard. Miscellaneous Tracts on Religious, Po litical, and Agricultural Subjects. Boards. 2 vols. 8 London, 1815 2797 Two Apologies ; one for Christianity, the other for the Bible. Calf. 8 London, 1820 of Jared Sparks. 191 2798 WATT, Robert. Bibliotheca Britannica ; or a General In dex to British and Foreign Literature. Half russia. 4 voh. 4 Edinburgh, 1824 2799 WATTS, A. A. Poetical Sketches, with other Poems. 4th Edition. Illustrated with Engravings from Designs by T. Stothard, and W. Nesfield. Boards. 16 London, 1828 Presented by the author, with his .autograph. 2800 WATTS, Isaac. The Psalms of David imitated in the Lan guage of the New Testament. A New Edition, by Timothy Dwight Calf. 32 New York, 1816 2801 and DODDRIDGE, Philip. Memoirs by Jennings, Gibbons, Johnson and Palmer, and Dr. Andrew Kippis. Sheep. 8 Boston, 1793 2802 WAYLAND, Francis. Memoir of the Rev. Adoniram Jud- son, D. D. Cloth. 2 voh. 12 Boston, 1853 2803 The Elements of Political Economy. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1851 2804 Thoughts on the Present Collegiate System in the United States. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1842 2805 WEBER, George. Outlines of Universal History. Trans lated from the German by M. Behr. Revised, with the addition of a History of the United States of America, by Francis Bowen, A. M. Cloth. 2 copies. 8 Boston, 1853 2806 WEBSTER, Daniel. Works. Cloth. 6 voh. 8 Boston, 1851 "Subscribers Copy," with Mr. Webster s autograph, and an autograph letter by him. 2807 WEBSTER, Noah. A Compendious Dictionary of the Eng lish Language. Sheep. 12 Hartford, 1806 2808 An American Dictionary of the English Language. Half calf. 2 voh. 4 New York, 1828 2809 Same. Revised and enlarged by Chauncey A. Goodrich. With Pronouncing Vocabularies of Scripture, Classical, and Geographical Names. Calf. 4 Springfield, Mass. 1848 2810 WEBSTER, Pelatiah. Political Essays. Calf. 8 Philadelphia, 1791 2811 WEBSTER S Royal Red Book, or Court and Fashionable Register. Cloth. 4 London, 1857 2812 WEEMS, M. L. The Life of George Washington. 29th Edition, greatly improved. Sheep. J&ight engravings. 12 Frankford, 1826 With an autograph letter of the author. 2813 WELLS, N. A. The Picturesque Antiquities of Spain, with Illustrations representing Moorish Palaces, Cathedrals, and other Monuments of Art contained in Burgos, Valladolid, Toledo, and Seville. Cloth. 8 London, 1846 2814 WESSENBERG, T. H. Life in Athens in the Time of Peri cles. Cloth. 15 London, n. D. 19- Catalogue of the Library 2815 WEST Point, Military Academy at. Catalogue of the Li brary. Paper. 8 New York, 1853 2816 WHAT ELY, Richard. Elements of Rhetoric, comprising the Substance of the Article in the Encyclopaedia Metropoli- tana ; with Additions, etc. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1833 2817 WHEARE, Degory. The Method and Order of reading both Civil and Ecclesiastical Histories. Old calf. Small 8 London, 1698 2818 WHEATLEY, Phillis. Poems on various Subjects, Religious and Moral. Half calf , neat. Portrait. 8 London, 1773 2819 WHEATON, Henry. An Address at the Opening of the New York Athenaeum, Dec. 14, 1824. Boards. 8 New York, 1825 2820 Elements of International Law, with a Sketch of the History of the Science. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1836 2821 The Same. 3d Edition. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1846 2822 Enquiry into the Validity of the British Claim to a Right of Visitation and Search of American Vessels sus pected to be engaged in the African Slave-Trade Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1842 2823 History of the Northmen, or Danes and Normans, from the Earliest Times to the Conquest of England by William of Normandy. Half cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1831 2824 Histoire des Peuples du Nord,ou des Danoisetdes Normands. Traduit de 1 Anglais par Paul Guillot. Paper. 8 Paris, 1844 2825 Some Account of the Life, Writings, and Speeches of William Pinkney. With extract of a Sermon on Pink- ney by Mr. Sparks. Half cloth. Portrait. 8 New York, 1826 2826 WHEATON vs. PETERS, Report of the Copy-Right Case of, decided in the Supreme Court of the United States. Hoards. 8 New York, 1834 2827 WHEELER, John H. Historical Sketches of North Car olina, from 1584 to 1851. Compiled from Records, Official Documents, and Traditional Statements. Cloth. Engrav ings. 2 vdls. in one. 8 Philadelphia, 1851 2828 WHEELER, William A. An Explanatory and Pronouncing Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction. Cloth. 16 Boston, 1865 2829 WHISTON, Win. Historical Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Samuel Clarke. Calf. 8 London, 1730 2830 Memoirs of his Life and Writings. Containing Me moirs of several of his Friends also. Written by himself. Old calf. 8 London, 1749 2831 WHITE, Daniel Appleton. New England Congregationalism in its Origin and Purity ; illustrated by the Early Records of Jared Sparks. 193 of the First Church in Salem, and various Discussions per taining to the Subject. Cloth. 8 Salem, 1861 2832 WHITE, Gilbert. The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. New Edition, with Notes by several Eminent Naturalists; and an Enlargement of the Naturalist s Cal endar. Cloth. 8 London, 1833 2833 WHITE, H. Elements of Universal History, on a New Plan. Morocco. 12 Edinburgh, 1843 2834 WHITE, H. K. Remains. With an Account of his Life by Robert Southey. Boards. 2 vols. 18 New York, 1820 2835 WHITE, Joseph M. A New Collection of Laws, Charters, and Local Ordinances of the Governments of Great Britain, France, and Spain, relating to the Concessions of Land in their Colonies ; with the Laws of Mexico and Texas on the same Subject, and Judge Johnson s Translation of Azo and Manuel s Institutes of the Civil Laws of Spain. Law calf. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1839 2836 WHITE, R. G. National Hymns ; how they are written and how they are not written. Cloth. 12 New York, 1861 2837 WHITFIELD, HENRY. STRENGTH OUT OP WEAKNESSE ; Or a Glorious Manifestation Of the further Progresse of the Gospel among the Indians in New-England. Held forth in Sundry Letters from divers Ministers and others to the Cor poration ... for promoting the Gospel among the Heathen in New-England . . . Pulished \_sic~] by M r Henry Whit- field late Pastor of Gilford . . . Half morocco, good copy. 8 I., pp. 40. 4 London : John Blague and Samuel Howes, 1 652 Three editions were issued in 1652. This has STRENGTH in capitals, the first address to the reader signed by 14 names, and the second dated 28th of . February, 1651. One of the editions brought $25.00 at Morrell s sale. 2838 WHITING, H. Sannillac, a Poem. With Notes. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1831 2839 Ontwa, the Son of the Forest. 8 New York, 1822 2840 WHITTIER, J. G. Poems. Illustrated by H. Billings. Turkey morocco, gilt. 8 Boston, 1849 2841 WHOLE Duty of Man, The New ; containing the Faith as well as Practice of a Christian ; made easy for the Practice of the Present Age. Sheep, binding loose. 8 London, N. D. 2842 WIELAND, C. M. Oberon, a Poem ; from the German by W. Sotheby, Esq. Calf. 2 vols. 12 Newport, 1810 2843 WILKINS and HAMILTON. Political Controversy. In one volume. Half calf. 1. Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress, at Philadel phia, Sept. 5, 1774. By a Farmer [Isaac WILKINS]. pp. 24. 8 N. p. 1774 2. The Congress Canvassed, or an Examination into the Conduct of the Del egates at Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1774. By A. W. Farmer [Isaac WILKINS]. pp. 27. 80 N. p. 1774 3. A Full Vindication of the Measures of the Congress from the Calumnies of their Enemies; in Answer to a Letter under the Signature of A. W. Far mer. [By Alexander HAMILTON.] pp. 35. 8 New Ywk, 1774 4. A View of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies. In a 13 194 Catalogue of the Library Letter to the Author of a Full Vindication. By A. W. Farmer [Isaac WIL- KINS]. pp. 37. 8 Ntw York, 1774 5. The Farmer Refuted; or a more Impartial and Comprehensive View of the Dispute between Great Britain and the Colonies; In Answer to a Letter from A. W. Farmer. [By Alexander HAMILTON], pp. 78. 8 New York, 1775 ; Nos. 3 and 5 of these pamphlets are remarkable as haviog been the first published productions of Alexander Hamilton; and the more extraordinary as having been written at so early an age. He was born Jan. llth, 1757; and No. 3 was published in 1774, before he was 18 years old; and No. 5 two or three months after he had arrived at that age " j. s. 2844 WILKINS, John. Mathematical and Philosophical Works ; with the Author s Life and an Account of his Works. Sheep. 2 voh. 8 London, 1802 2845 WILKINSON, Eliza. Letters of Eliza Wilkinson during the Invasion and Possession of Charlestown, S. C. by the Brit ish in the Revolutionary War. Arranged by Caroline Gil- man. Cloth. 12 New York, 1839 2846 WILKINSON, Gen. James. Diagrams and Plans, illustrative of the Principal Battles and Military Affairs, treated of in Memoirs of my own Times. Half sheep. 4 Philadelphia, 1816 2847 Memoirs of my own Times. Sheep. Scarce. 3 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1816 "With an autograph letter of the author. 2848 WILLARD, Mrs. Emma Hart. A Series of Maps to Wil- lard s History of the United States. 4 New York, 1828 2849 WILLARD, Joseph. An Address in Commemoration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of Lan caster, Mass. With an Appendix. Paper. 8 Boston, 1853 Presented by the author, with his autograph. 2850 WILLARD, Samuel. Rhetoric. 18 Boston, J830 2851 WILLARD, Sidney. Memories of Youth and Manhood. Cloth. 2 vols. 16 Cambridge, 1855 2852 WILLETT, Col. Marinus. A Narrative of his Military Ac tions, taken chiefly from his Own Manuscript by his Son. Half cloth. Portrait. VERY SCARCE.. 8 New York, 1831 2853 WILLIAMS, Mrs. Biography of Revolutionary Heroes ; containing the Life of Brig. Gen. William Barton, and also of Capt. Stephen Olney. Cloth. 12 Providence, 1839 2854 WILLIAMS, Mrs. C. R. Original Poems on various Subjects. Boards. 18 Providence, 1828 2855 Religion at Home, a Story founded on Facts. 12 Providence, 1829 2856 WILLIAMS, Edwin. The Statesman s Manual, Addresses, and Messages of the Presidents of the United States, In augural, Annual, and Special, from 1789 to 1846. Com piled from Official Sources. Cloth. 2 vols. 8 New York, 1846 2857 WILLIAMS, John. A Free Inquiry into the Authenticity of the First and Second Chapters of St. Matthew s Gospel. 2d Ed. Calf. 8 London, 1789 of Jared Sparks. 195 2858 WILLIAMS, John Lee. A View of West Florida. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1827 2859 Another copy. Half cloth. Philadelphia, 1827 2860 The Territory of Florida, or Sketches of the To pography, Civil and Natural History, of the Country, the Climate, and the Indian Tribes, from the First Discovery to the Present Time. With a Map, Views, etc. Cloth. 8 New York 1837 2861 WILLIAMS, Samuel. The Natural and Civil History of Ver mont. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Burlington, Vt. 1809 2862 WILLIAMS, Stephen W. A Biographical Memoir of the Rev. John Williams, First Minister of Deerfield, Mass. ; with a Slight Sketch of Ancient Deerfield, an Account of the Indian Wars in that Vicinity ; and the Journal of the Rev. Dr. Stephen Williams, of Longmeadow, during his Cap tivity, and other Papers. Cloth. 12 Greenfield, Mass. 1837 2863 WILLIAMSON, Hugh. The History of North Carolina. Sheep. Map. Scarce. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1812 With an autograph letter of the author. 2864 WILLIAMSON, William D. The History of the State of Maine, from its First Discovery, A. D. 1602, to the Separa tion, A. D. 1820. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Hallowell, 1832 2865 WILLIS, N. P. Sketches. Half cloth. 8 Boston, ]827 2866 WILLIS S Price Current of Literature, and Monthly Book Advertiser. New Series. Nos. 11, 14, 16, 18-24. Un bound. 4 London, 1851-52 2867 WILLIS, William. The History of Portland, from its First Settlement ; with Notices of the Neighbouring Towns, and of the Changes of Government in Maine. Part II. From 1700 to 1833. Cloth. 8 Portland, 1833 2868 WILMINGTON Committee of Safety. Proceedings of the Safety Committee for the Town of Wilmington, N. C., 1774- 1776. Printed from the Original Record. Half morocco, neat. pp. 76. 8 Raleigh, 1844 2869 WILMOT, John Eardley. Historical View of the Commission for Enquiry into the Losses, Services, and Claims of the American Loyalists, in 1783. With an Account of the Compensation granted to them by Parliament in 1785 and 1788. With Plate of "Reception of the American Loyalists by Great Britain, in the Year 1783." Boards. 8 London, 1815 2870 WILSON, Alexander, and Sons. Selections from the Speci men Book of Alex. Wilson and Sons, Glasgow Letter Foundry. Calf. 4 London, 1834 2871 WILSON, Prof. John. Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. 12 New York, 1822 2872 WILSON, John. Treatise on English Punctuation. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1850 196 Catalogue of the Library 2873 WILSON, Thomas. Sacra Privata. 16 London, 1826 2874 Biography of the Principal American Military and Naval Heroes during the Revolutionary and Late Wars. 2d Ed. revised. Sheep. 2 vols. 12 New York, 1821 2875 WINGFIELD, Edward Maria. " A Discourse of Virginia." Now first printed from the Original Manuscript in the Lam beth Library. Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Charles Deane. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1860 " From American Antiquarian Society s Transactions, Vol. IV. One hun dred copies privately printed " for Mr. Deane. Fowle s copy, uncut, sold for $45.00. 2876 WINKLE, B. Architectural and Picturestic Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales. Cloth. 2 vols. (of 3). 8 London, 1838 2877 WINSLOW, Hubbard. Elements of Intellectual Philosophy. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1850 2878 WINS OR, Justin. A History of the Town of Duxbury, Mass., with Genealogical Registers. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1849 2879 WINTHROP, John. The History of New England from 1630 to 1649. With Notes. By James Savage. Boards. 2 vols. 8 Boston, 1825-26 2880 WIRT, William. Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. 3d Ed. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1818 With an autograph letter of the author. 2381 WITHERS, ALEXANDER S. CHRONICLES OF BORDER WARFARE, or a History of the Settlement, by the Whites, of North-Western Virginia: and of the Indian Wars and Massacres, In that Section of the State ; with Reflections, Anecdotes, etc. Half calf. VERY RARE. pp. 319, (5). 12 Clarksburg, Va., Joseph Israel, 1831 2882 WITHERSPOON, Rev. John. Lectures on Moral Philosophy. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1822 2883 WITHINGTON, William. The Growth of Thought as affect ing the Progress of Society. Half morocco. 12 Bost. 1851 2884 WITT, CORNELIS DE, and GUIZOT, F. P. G. Histoire de Washington, et de la Fondation de la Republique des Etats-Unis. Paper. 8 Paris, 1855 2885 WOOD, JOHN. THE HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF JOHN ADAMS. Boards, loose. 8 New York, 1802 Title-page mutilated. This book was suppressed, and it is said that not more than a dozen copies escaped. 2886 WOOD, Silas. Sketch of the Settlement of the several Towns on Long-Island ; with their Political Condition to the End of the Revolution. Half cloth. 8 Brooklyn, N. Y. 1828 Scarce, Morrell s copy sold for $20.00. 2887 WOODARD, David. The Narrative of Capt. D. Woodard and Four Seamen, who lost their Ship while in a Boat at Sea, and surrendered themselves up to the Malays in the Island of Celebes. 2d Ed. Boards. 8 London, 1805 of Jared Sparks. 197 2888 WOODBRIDGE, William Channing. A System of Universal Geography. Half sheep. 12 Hartford, 1827 2889 WOOLSEY, T. D. An Historical Discourse pronounced before the Graduates of Yale College, Aug. 14, 1850. Boards, 8 New Haven, 1850 2890 WORCESTER, Joseph E. A Comprehensive Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language. 12 Burlington, Vt. 1831 2891 A Comprehensive Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language. Morocco. 12 Boston, 1835 2892 A Dictionary of the English Language. Half turkey morocco. 4 Boston, 1860 From the author, with his autograph. 2893 - - An Epitome of Geography. 18 Boston, 1826 2894 Elements of History, Ancient and Modern. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1850 2895 A Gazetteer of the United States, abstracted from the Universal Gazetteer. & Andover, 1818 2896 A Geographical Dictionary, Ancient and Modern. Sheep. 2 vols. 8 Andover, 1817 2897 - Historical Atlas accompanying Worcester s Epitome of History. 4 Cambridge, 1827 2898 - - A Universal and Critical Dictionary of the English Language. Cloth. Large 8 Boston, 1846 2899 WORDSWORTH, William. A Description of the Scenery of the Lakes in the North of England. 4th Edition, with Ad ditions and Remarks upon the Scenery of the Alps. Hand somely bound in half turkey morocco. With map of the Lake District. 12 London, 1823 2900 - Poetical Works. Boards. 4 vols. 12 Boston, 1824 2901 WORLD Without Souls, A. 12 Baltimore, 1810 2902 WREATH, The. Containing the Minstrel and other Favorite Poems. Boards. 24 London, 1815 2903 WRIGHT, G. N. Scenes in North Wales. Boards, loose. 36 Engravings. 12 London, 1833 2904 WRIGHT, Richard. A Review of his Missionary Life and Labors. Written by Himself. Boards. 12 London, 1824 2905 WRIGHT, Thomas. The History of France, from the Earli est Period. Beautifully illustrated with Engravings on Steel. Parts 1 to 7. Unbound. Imp. 8 London, N. D. 2906 WYMAN, Morrill. Practical Treatise on Ventilation. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1846 2907 WYNNE, James. Private Libraries of New York. Cloth. 8 New York, 1860 2908 WYNNE, John H. A General History of the British Em pire in America ; containing an Historical, Political and Commercial View of the English Settlements. Calf, loose. 2 vols. 8 London, 1770 198 Catalogue of the Library 2909 WYNNE, Richard. An Universal Grammar. Sheep. 12 London, 1775 2910 WYOMING. The Poetry and History of Wyoming: con taining Campbell s Gertrude, and the History of Wyoming, to the Beginning of the Present Century, by William L. STONE. Cloth. 12 New York, 1841 2911 WYTFLIET, Cornelius. DESCRIPTIONS PTOLEMAICJE AVG- MENTVM ; SIVE OcciDENTis NOTITIA. 2 a Editione avcta. Half Vellum. With 19 curious Maps. 8 Lovanii, 1598 2912 / i?ENOPHON. Cyropaedia. Translated by M. Ashley. ^ Calf. 8 London, 1803 2913 Cyri Expeditio. Juxta Editionem Thomas Hutchin- son. Calf. 8 Oxonii, 1805 2914 - The Expedition of Cyrus, and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand. Translated, with Notes, by Edward Spel- man. Sheep. , 2 vols. 8 Cambridge \_Eng.~], 1776 2915 The same. Boards. 8 London, 1811 2916 The Minor Works of Zenophon. Translated by several Hands. Calf. 8 London, 1813 2917 History of the Affairs of Greece, translated by William Smith. 4 London, 1770 2918 De Cyri Institutions Libri Octo. Graeca recognovit, cum Codice MS to Oxoniensi et omnibus fere Libris editis contulit Thomas Hutchinson. Sheep. 8 Londini, 1782 2919 ATES, John V. N., and MOULTON, Joseph W. History 5 of the State of New-York, including its Aboriginal and Colonial Annals. Vol. I. Part I. Boards. Maps. 8 New York, 1824 2920 YOUNG, Alexander. Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts- Bay, from 1623 to 1636. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1846 2921 Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1625. Cloth. With portrait of Gov. Window. 8 Boston, 1841 2922 YOUNG, Edward. Night Thoughts. 12 London, 1817 2923 ^ARATE, Agustin DE. Histoire de la Decouverte et de ^J l a Conquete du Perou. Traduite de 1 Espagnol. Sheep. 2 vols. 16 Pans, 1716 2924 ZIMMERMANN, J. G. Essay on National Pride. Sheep. 8 New York, 1799 2925 Solitude. Morocco. 2 vols. 24 New York, 1813 of Jared Sparks. 199 PAMPHLETS. [The unbound Pamphlets are classified and alphabetically arranged under the following heads.] 2926 Agriculture. 10 Pamphlets. 2927 Almanacs. 1829-60. 31. 2928 Astronomy. 25. 2929 Biographies, Eulogies and Funeral Discourses. 193. Including : J. Q. Adams by Everett, Martin Behaim by Morris, Aaron Burr by Davis, Calhoun by Rheft" 4 on Benj. Franklin, 3 on Jefferson. A. Lincoln by Lowe, Sprague, Sumne% an i Thompson, Logan by Brantz Mayer, Munroe by Adams/Washington byDoane, Ellis, and Lieber, and 12 on D. Webster. 2930 Boston, Literary and Statistical Pamphlets. 12. 2931 Cambridge City Documents. 21. 2932 Catalogues and Papers of Literary Institutions. 165. 2933 Catalogues of Books relating to America. 27. 2934 Catalogues of Miscellaneous Books. 119. 2935 Catalogues of Public Libraries. 12. 2936 Catalogues of Paintings. 22. 2937 Coast Survey. 14. 2938 Colonization. 11. 2939 Dudley Observatory. 9. 2940 Foreign. 30. 2941 Geography. 31. Including: Benton, T. H., On Western Geog. and the Pacific R. Road. Considerations on a Ship-Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific. 1836. Craig on the Boundary Line between Penn. and Va. 1843. Force, P. Grinnell Land. 1852. Supplement 1853. Fremont s Memoir on Califor nia. 1849. Fremont s Letter to Nat. Intell. 1854. Mississippi Inundations. 1852. Pickett s Eight Days in New Orleans. 1847. Pope s Report on Minnesota. 1850. 2942 Guide Books. 39. 2943 Harvard College. 229. 2944 History. Colonial America. 34. Including: E. C. Benedict on the Beginning of America. 1863. Commem oration of the Conquest of New Netherland. 1864. H. B. Dawson. Sons of Liberty in N. Y. 1859. Destruction of the Gaspee. 1845. T. Don aldson on Am. Col. History. 1849. Goffe, the Regicide. By F. B. Hough. 1865. Hatfield and Deerfield Attack on. 1859. (2 copie*.) H. Hudson in Holland. 1859. Kentucky s Ancient Hist. 1824 Maryland Pilgrims. 1846. Maryland 200 Years Ago. 1852. Mass. Declaration of Independence. 1862. Narraganset Patent. By T. Aspinwall. 1863. Northmen in America. Ib61. Penn. Colonial Kecords. 1851. A. J. Pickett on De Soto s Invasion. 1849. J. A. Poor on the First Colonization of N. E. 1863. Popham s Colony. 1864. Rosier s Narrative. 1860. L. Sabine on Gen. Wolfe. 1859. (2 copies). E. G. Squier on New Mex ico. 1848. Squier on the Mounds of the West. 1847. Squier on the Monuments of the Mis=s. Valley. 1847. F. A. de Varnhagen on the 1st Voyage of Vespucius. 1848. Varnhagen on the 2d Voyage of Vespucius. 1848. Verrazzano s Claims. By B. Smith. 1864. Captain Wadsworth a Monument. 1852. Washington s 1st Campaign. 1848. (2 copies). C. Whittlesey on Lord Dunmore s Expedition. 1842. 200 Catalogue of the Library 2945 History, American Revolution. 24. British Invasion of N. C. 1853. Bunker Hill Battle. Oration by Everett. 1850. Bunker Hill. Who commanded? By S. Swett. 1850. Bunker Hill. Frothingham s Reply to Swett. 1850. J. D Butler on the Battle of Bennington. (2 copies ) 1849. Canada, Invasion of in 1776. C. Carroll s Visit to Canada. 1845 Employment of Negroes. By G. H. Moore. 1862 Exchange of Prisoners. By G. Bancroft. 1862. The same. By G. T. Curtis. (3 copies). 1861. P. Force on the Declaration of Indepen dence. 1855. Hubbardton, Battle of. By H. Clark. (2 copies). 1859. David How s Diary. 1865. Leslie s Retreat. By C. M. Endicott. 1856. Melvin s Journal. 1857. Officers of the Continental Army. 1849. Senter, Isaac. Journal. 1846. Sullivan s Island, Defence of. * 1825. J. Towrsend on the Battle of Brandy wine. 1846. Valley Forge Forger ies. 1856. 2946 History, Recent. 11. J. Q. Adams Jubilee of the Constitution. 1839. Battle of Lake Erie. By U. Parsons. 1852. A. Burr s Arrest. National Name; Report. 1845. N. E. Boundary Question. By T. C. Grattan. 1843. The same. By Gallatin and Webster. 1843. Ordinance of 1787. By E. Coles. 1856. Seat of Government of the U. S. By J. B. Varnum, Jr. 2 editions. 1848 and 1854. 2947 History, The Rebellion. 74. Gov, Andrew s Address. 1863. Attorney-General on Suspension of Habeas Corpus. 1861. Battle of Five Forks. 1866. Border States their Power and Duty. 1860. Gov. Call on Union, Slavery, Secession. 1861. Anna E. Carroll s Reply to J. C. Brtckenridge. 1861. Chase of the Rebel War Steamer " Oreto." 1862. W. H. Collins Three Addresses to the People of Md. 1861. Concessions and Compromises. I860. B. R. Curtis on Executive Power. (3 copies.) 1862. G. T. Curb s 4th of July Oration. 1862. Drift of the War. 1861. G. E. Ellis s Preservation of the States United. 1860. E. Everett on the Questions of the Day. 1861. Union Club Address. 1863. Addr. in Fanueil Hall. 1864. - W. J. Flagg s Speech. 1863. 0. W. Holmes s 4th of July Oration. 1863. J. Holt s Letter on the Duty of Kentucky. 1861. J. P*. Kennedy s Appeal to Maryland. 1861. F. Lieber on the" Constitution, 1861; and On Guerilla Parties. 1862. J. A. McDougall on the Arrest of Gen. Stone. 1862. Maryland House of Delegates. 2 Reports. 1861. B. Mayer s Addr. for the Md. Union State Comm. " Merchant of Philadelphia " on the Irrepres sible Conflict. 1860. R. T. Merrickon the Eman. Proclamation. 1862. Necessities and Wisdom of 1861. By S. Nott. 1861. Joel Par ker on Habeas Corpus. 1861. Right of Secession. 1861. Charac ter of the Rebellion. 1862. Domestic and Foreign Relations. 1862. War Powers of Cong, and the President. 1863. T. Parsons on the Constitu tion. 1861. - Personal Liberty Laws of Mass. 1861. Right of Ameri can Slavery. ByT. W. Hoit. 1860. Rights of the South defended in the Pulpits of N. O. D. Sears on Contrabands and Vagrants. 1861. Secession its Effect on Commerce. 1861. Slavery and Serfdom. 1861. Southern Privateersmen. B. C. P. Daly. 1862. C. Sumner on Union and Peace. (2 copies.) 1861. On the Rebellion; on Indemnity and Secu rity. 1862. Slavery and the Rebellion. 1864. On Protection of Freedmen. 1865. T. Swann on the Federal Union. 1863. Judge Taney s Opinion in the Case of John Merryman. 1861. The Question before us. 1862. The War, and Why it is. 1862. H. T. Tuckfrman on the Rebellion. 1861. C. L. Vallandigham on the Civil War. 1863. H. J. Vandyke on Abolitionism. 1860. D. A. Wells. Our Burden and our Strength. 1864. J. Willard on the Rebellion. 1863. T. Williams on the Restora tion of the Union. 1864. R. Yates. 4th of July Oration. 1865. 2948 History, Pamphlets relating to Individual States. 72. Harris on California. Taylor. 1st Voyage to Cal. Bushnell. Speech for Connecticut. Conn. vs. the Atlantic Monthly. 1865. Ruggles Semi- Cent. Addr. 1864. Observations on Stevens s Georgia. 1849. Ward s Addr. to the Hist. Soc. 1858. C. Folsom on a Latin Inscription at Gas- tine, Maine. 1864. Folsom s Disc, before the Hist. Soc. 1847. Win- throp s Address. 1849. Brown s Disc, before the Hist. Soc. of Maryland. of Jared Sparks. 1850. Norris on the Quakers in Md. 1862. Polk on Rom. Cath. Toler ation in Md. 1846. Bouton s Hist, of the 1st Ch. in Concord, Mass. Green s Oration at Maiden. 1849. Lewis s Hist, of Lynn. Part I. 1829. Moore s Annals of Concord. 1824. Proctor s Addr." at Danvers. 1852. Rantoul, at the Celebration in Concord. 1850. Sunnier at the Plym outh Festival. 1853. Celebration of the Founding of St. Louis, Mis souri. 1847. Doane s Hist. Address on N. J. 1846. Phillip s on N. J. Bills of Credit. 1863. Sprague s Disc, at the Princeton Jubilee. 1862. Atkinson s Addr. before the Hist. Soc. of N. C. 1855. Swain s Report on Doc. Evidence of the Hist. 1857. Celebration of the First Settlement of Ohio. 1835. Drake s Disc, on the Hist, of the West. 1834. Gal lagher s Disc, before the Hist. Soc. 1850. Wickes on the Church in Ma rietta. 1847. Armstrong s Addr. before the Hi?t. Soc. of Penn. 1852. Cadwalader s Reply to Reed. 1783 (repub. 1846). Conrad s Address on the Landine of Penn. 1853. Duponceau on the Early Hist of Pa. 1821. Library Company of Phil. Mayer s Disc, before the Hist. Soc. 1852. Paper Money in Pa. 1862. Reed s Addr. before the Hist. Soc. 1848. Tyson s Di?c. * 1831. Tribute to the Irish and Scotch Settlers. 1856. pp. 171. Arnold s Disc, before the Hist. Soc. of R. L 1853. Durfee s Disc. 1847. Greene s Disc. 1849. King s Sketch of the Redwood Library. 1860. Old Stone Mill at Newport. 1851. Wayland s Disc, on R. I. Affairs. 1842. Preston at King s Mountain, S. C. Celebration. 1855. Trescott s Oration before the Hist. Soc. 1859. Butler. Deficiencies in the History of Vermont 1846. Thompson s Addr. before the Hist. Soc. 1850. Ap peal for the Colonial Hist. of Va. 1S44. Appeal for the Wisconsin Hist. Soc. 1862. First Annual Rep. 1855. History of Madison, the Capital. 1857. 2949 Inaugural Addresses. 19. 2950 Indians. 10. Account of the " Illinois and Ouabache Land Companies." 1796. Coates. Origin of the Amer. Indians. 1834. Creek Indians. 1848. Cusick s Sketches of the Six Nations. 1848. Indian Remains in Gf orgia. 1859. Inquiries respecting the Indian Tribes in the U. S. Onondaga and French Dictionary. By J. G. Shea. 1860. Reports of the Commissioner of Ind. Affairs. "1848/50. Squier on the Algonquins. 2951 Literary Addresses. 73. 2952 Medical. 46. 2953 Miscellaneous. 160. 2954 Natural History and Geology. 23. 2955 New York State Documents. 12. 2956 Orations and Addresses. 21. 2957 Periodicals, Odd numbers. 90. 2958 Personal. 42. Adams, J. Vindication of Isaac Davis. 1850. Adler, J. G. " My Univer sity Life." 1854. Armstrong s Resignation of War Office in 1814. Brooks, E. Controversy with J. A. Lowell. 1848. Channing, Walter. " My Own Times." 1845. Cobbett, Wm. " The Republican Judge," etc. London, 1798. Copeland, R. M. Reasons for his discharge from the U. S. Service. Coxe. Controversy with Watkins. 3 pamphlets. 1833. Dick- erson vs. Townsend Ward. 1853. Drake Family in America. 1845. Evans, Mrs. A. C. D. Petition to Congress. 1851. Forster. Vindication of Penn. (2 copies.) 1850. Kosciusko. 6 pamphlets concerning his heirs. 1847-49. Lafayette. A ses Collegues and Itindraire. 1832. Macreadj . English Letters in Vindication of him. 1849. Massachusetts Rich Men. 1851. Mitchell, Maria. The King of Denmark s Award to her. 1849. Norton, Mrs. C. Personal Experience of English Laws. London, 1854. Paine, Thomas. Letter to Washington. 2d Ed. -London, 1797. Palfrev, J. G. Letter to a Friend. 1850. Patterson, Mad. Eliza beth, contre S. A. I. Le Prince Napoldon. 1851. Pulaski. Bentalou s reply to Johnson concerning him. Quincy, Josiah. Vindication of James Grahame. 1846. Shaler, Wm. Erroneous Statements refuted by Sir H. Neale. Malta, 1826. Taylor, Janette. Memorial. 1836. Washington. SOS Catalogue of the Library Portrait. Webster, John W. Illegality of his Trial. By L. Spooner. 1850. Weller, J. B. Complimentary Dinner to him in California. 1857. West, G. M. His Impostures and Calumnies. Wheatley, Phillis. Let ters. Collected by Charles Deane. Privately printed. 1864. 2959 Poetical and Dramatic. 25. 2960 Political, previous to 1840. 16. 2961 1840-49. 35. 2962 1850-59. 86. 2963 1860-66. 39. 2964 Prison Discipline. 13. 2965 Proceedings of Societies. 29. 2966 Religious and Theological. 62. 2967 Reports of Libraries. 15. 2968 Reports of Religious Societies. 17. 2969 Reports of Schools. 16. 2970 Reports on Education. 34. 2971 Salem Documents. 2972 Sanitary. 11. 2973 Scientific. 66. 2974 Sermons, Commemorative. 17. 2975 Dedication. 8. 2976 Election, Farewell, and Fast. 14. 2977 Miscellaneous. 46. 2978 Slavery. 46. 2979 Smithsonian Institution. 20. 2980 Temperance. 13. 2981 Useful Arts. 26. 2982 Various Literary Addresses. 31. of Jared Sparks. 203 MAPS. Published by J. H. Colton. Mounted Wall Map. 52X40 in. 1855 2 AMERICAN Atlas, delineating chiefly the Britten Colonies. 30 maps. Half sheep. Folio, London, 1778 3 AMERIQUE Septentrionale. Par le S r- D Anville. Cloth back, folded. Scale of WO miles to an inch. Paris, 1746 4 ARNOLD S Plot of Treachery. A rude Plan without name or date. 26X50 5 ASIA. Published by J. H. Colton. Mounted Wall Map. 53X41- 1855 6 ATLAS de 1 Archeologie du Nord, representant des Echantillons de 1 Age de Bronze et de 1 Age de Fer. PtibJie par la Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Half cloth. Folio, Copenhague, 1857 [OSTON AND VICINITY. By J. G. Hales. Cloth back, folded. A mile to an in. 1820 8 - Same. Cloth back, folded. 1833 9 BOSTON and the Country Adjacent. H. F. Walling. Mounted Wall Map. 31X41. 1860 10 BOUCHETTE S Time Tables, with Pocket Map of Part of North America. Toronto, 1857 11 BRADDOCK, and Battle of Gt. Meadows. 18x28. N. D. Two Manuscript Plans bearing this title in Mr. Sparks s writing. 12 BRADFORD, T. G. A Comprehensive Atlas, Geographical, Historical, and Commercial. 64 maps, besides Engravings and Tables. Half morocco. 4 Boston, 1835 13 BRITISH and French Dominions in North America. 33 miles to an inch. Reprinted from the edition of 1755 14 BRITISH Provinces of North America. Pocket map, cloth back. 30 miles to an in. London, N. D. 15 AMBRIDGE. By H. F. Walling. Cloth back, folded. ^^ 500 feet to an inch. Boston, 1854 16 CAMPAIGNS in North America. Half sheep. Folio. 44 maps and plans, published in London at various dates, from 1777 to 1784; including the "Action on Bunker s Hill," "Environs of Boston," and " Town of Boston." 17 CANADA. Compiled from the Latest Authorities, folded. 30 miles to an in. Montreal, N. D. Catalogue of the Library 18 CARTE Comparative et Synchronique de 1 Etendue Territoriale de France, Angleterre, Russie, 1740-1840. 23X32. N. D. 19 CENTRAL AMERICA. Pocket map. 1852 20 CENTRAL AMERICA. Folded in cloth covers. 16 miles to an inch. 1856 21 CERRO GORDO, Battle of. 550 yards to an inch. 1847 22 CHESAPEAKE and Ohio (proposed) Canal. 4 miles to an inch. N. D. 23 CLEVELAND and its Environs. Surveyed and published by Ahaz Merchant. Mounted on cloth without roller. 20 X 28. 1835 24 ASTEKN" VIRGINIA. Printed at the Coast Survey Office. ^^ 19X22. 1862 25 EMORY, W. H. Military Reconnoissance of the Arkansas, Rio del Norte, etc. 25 miles to an inch. 1847 26 ENGLAND. Cloth hack, folded. 15 miles to an inch. Edinburgh, 1821 27 ESSEX COUNTY. Cloth hack, glazed, and folded. Ijf miles to an in. Boston, 1825 28 EUROPE. Published by J. H. Colton. Mounted Wall Map. 55X43. 1856 29 -fftlNLEY S GENERAL ATLAS. 60 Maps. Half morocco. f* 4 Philadelphia, 1824 30 FLORIDA, connected with the Delta of the Mississippi. 11 miles to an inch. 1829 31 FLORIDA, Part of. Scale of miles to an inch. N. D. 32 FLORIDA. Scale of 12 miles to an inch. 1846 33 ERASER RIVER Gold Fields. 1858 34 4SuDSON RIVER. Pocket Map. **f Scale of 4 miles to an inch. 1829 35 H|NDIA. By A. K. Johnston. Scale of 100 miles to an inch. Edinburgh, 1857 36 JOHNSON S New Illustrated Family Atlas. 65 maps, some w of them double. Half morocco. Folio, New York, 1865 37 ^pAVOISNE S ATLAS. [Historical, Genealogical, Chrono- 3i/ logical and Geographical.] 1st American Edition. Half morocco. Folio, Philadelphia, 1820 38 LONDON. Cruchley s New Plan, improved to 1828. Cloth back, folded. 356 yds. to an in. 39 LONDON. Mogg s Map of the Country 24 miles round Lon don. Cloth hack, folded. 2 miles to an in. N. D. 40 LONG ISLAND, with the Environs of New York and the South ern part of Connecticut. Cloth hack, folded. 2 miles to an inch. New York, 1844 of Jared Sparks. 41 LUCAS S Cabinet Atlas. 104 Maps. Halfrussia. 4 Baltimore, 1826 42 LYNN and Saugus. J a mile to an inch. 1829 43 ^TVtyAINE AND THE ADJACENT PROVINCES. [In refer- ^njT|, ence to the N.-E. Boundary Question.] 25 miles to an inch. Washington, 1830 44 MARCY, R. B. 2 maps to accompany his Survey of the Upper Red River, etc. Folded in cloth covers. 1852 45 MARYLAND, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York. [A manuscript map without date. Somewhat torn.] 20X43 45a MEXICO, Battles of. ^ mile to an inch. 1847 46 MEXICO. Pocket Map. \\5milestoanin. Philadelphia, 1847 47 MIDDLESEX County. Under the direction of Henry F. Wall ing. Mounted Wall Map. 60X59. 1857 48 MONTGOMERY County, Pennsylvania. Pocket Map. 1829 49 EW ENGLAND. By Nathan Hale. Cloth back, folded. &+ 8 miles to an inch. Boston, 1826 50 NEW JERSEY. Gordon s Map. Cloth back, folded. 3 miles to an inch. 1828 51 NEW MEXICO. 25 miles to an inch. 1851 52 NEW YORK. Surveys in the War. [Four different Manu script maps of the vicinity of New York and Philadelphia during the Revolution, bearing the above title, of various sizes. Some of them are a little torn.] 53 NEW YORK County Maps. 16 Pocket Maps. 54 NEW YORK. City and County Map of New York, Brooklyn, Williamsburgh, Jersey City, and the Adjacent Waters. By D. G. Johnson. Cloth back, folded. 29x54. New York, 1846 55 NEW YORK State. Pocket "Map. Utica, 1827 56 NORWICH, Conn., from Actual Survey by William Lester, Jr. Mounted. 18X28. 1833 57 /I%HIO. 20 miles to an inch. 1821 58 OREGON Territory. By the U. S. Ex. Exp. (3 copies.) 50 miles to an inch. 1841 59 J^ARIS. New Plan of Paris, with Ribbon. Probably 1855 60 Le Promeneur atix Environs de Paris. N. D. 61 PARIS. Nouveau Plan de la Ville de Paris. 1828 62 PENNSYLVANIA. By John Melish. Cloth back, folded. 5 miles to an inch. 1825 63 PHILADELPHIA and Environs of Philadelphia, survey d by N. Scull and G. Heap, engraved by Will m Faden. 1777. Mounted. 18X24. Reprinted 206 Catalogue of the Library 64 PHILADELPHIA COUNTY. Pocket Map. 1 miles to an inch. 65 PRANG S Naval Expedition Maps, containing Eight different Maps [on one sheet]. 20X"24. 1862 66 fcT. JOHN S RIVER, Florida. [A Manuscript Sketch from ^ Mr. Buckingham Smith, 1850.] 67 SAN FRANCISCO to Shanghae. [Map of the Pacific Ocean.] 2 copies. No scale or date, 1861 67 SEAT of the War. Bird s-Eye View of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, etc. 22x30 68 SEVASTOPOL. Pocket Map. One-sixth of a mile to an in. Boston, N. D. 69 SOUTH CAROLINA. From District Surveys ordered by the Legislature. Mounted Wall Map. 58X43. N. D. 70 P| EXAS, and the Countries Adjacent. ^^ 70 miles to an inch. 1844 71 TEXAS, Oregon, and California. Mitchell. Pocket Map. Philadelphia, 1846 72 TOLL AND COUNTY, Conn. Mounted Wall Map. 51X45. 1857 73 TURKEY. Carte de la Plus Grande Partie de la Turquie d Eu- rope. Par Gaetan Palma. 29X^1. Trieste, 1811 74 = NITED STATES. Slavery vs. Freedom. Pocket Map. ** 1856 75 UNITED STATES. No scale or date. Hartford. 76 UNITED STATES, the British Provinces, Mexico, and the West Indies. By J. H. Colton. Mounted Wall Map. 57X21. 1855 77 UNIVERSAL History Illustrated. By S. G. Goodrich. Mounted. 27X46. New York, N. D. 78 J^IRGINIA. 27 miles to an inch. N. D. 79 ^WASHINGTON. Military Plans drawn during the ^^ Revolution. " Autographs given to me by Colonel Washington when he took away Gen. Washington s Papers." J. s. 1. Plan of the Encampment and Peninsula of Verplank s Point. S. De Witt Geogr. Sept. 19th, 1782. 2. Plan of the Camp on Werplank s Point. N. D. 3. Plan of the Camp and Manoeuvres of the Army at Verplank s Point. 4. Sketch of Hudson s River and Soundings neaV Polopel s Island. 5. "A Map of the Narra Gansett Bay in the Colony of Rhode Island, by Lieut. Col. Putnam, Jan. 7, 1776. Presented to his Excellency George Washington, Esq." Somewhat torn. 6. Plan of Gwyn s Island, Virginia. 7. Plan of the Redoubts near Philadelphia, Ap. 1778. A rough sketch, some what torn. of Jared Sparks. 207 8. Plan of the Works on Winter Hill, near Cambridge, July, 1775. 9. Sketch of Roads about Springfield, N. J. 10. From Springfield to Morristown. 11. "Plan of Rhode Island, the different Operations of the French Fleet and the American Troops," etc. From the 19th to the 30th of August, 1778. Some what defaced, but very well executed. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Plan of the Route of the Enemy from Charlotte. Signed " Nelson fecit; non fecit, scripsit." 9xU. 12 Oct. 1780 This route is marked with a dotted line between Charlotte and the Catawba River. FORT CONSTITUTION. Two very early sketches, probably sent in January, 1778, a discussion having arisen in favor of the site of West Point for a fort. It had been suggested by Gov. Clinton, was favored by Putnam, but opposed by Radiere, the engineer! Each 19x15. May, 1776 On one of these Mr. Sparks has marked the site of West Point, then a blank ; the fort there was afterwards constructed under Kosciusko. On the other he has written, " See Lord Sterliug s Letter to Washington, June 1st, 1776. This Fort was destroyed by the British, Oct. 1777. FORT CONSTITUTION. Plan of Fort proposed on the East of Fort Constitution, by Isaac Nicoll. 12x13. Isaac Nicoll, 76 Folded, as if sent by letter to Gen. Washington. FORT CUMBERLAND. " A sketch of the Situation of Fort Cumberland." 12X13. July, 1758 This is in the handwriting of Washington. It is his own sketch of his position. The Block House, and " New Store," which he considered so defenseless, are the only separate buildings. Will s Creek is marked, the road along its bank to the Fort indicated, and the " Road towds Fort Duquesne. On this road all prospect of victory depended. The influence of Washington, then 26, was used in vain, and Braddock s defeat followed. This is Washington s sketch of his dreary position where his judgment gave him little hope of success. FORT ISLAND, with the batteries on the banks of the Delaware, bv Major Henry. 13X8|. 16 Oct. 1777 Explanations in French and imperfect English. The shoals are marked "almost drouned," or " drouned in heigh tide." The author intimates that his " barbouillage," sketched on a gun-carriage, without rule, compass, or measure, is but an ^approxima tion, 1 interrupted by the bursting of two bombs, one of which carried away his " ecri- toire," the other furrowed the place where he sat. FORT MIFFLIN, by Lewis Henry. 15X19. Nov. 10, 1777 " In Mudy iland." Represents the fortified banks of the Delaware, position of the ships, line of fire, Hog Island, including the confluence of the " Schuilkill " and Dela ware. Labelled by Washington " Mudd Island." This belongs to a very interesting series, made by one of the besieged, a brave officer, whose Journal was daily forwarded to Washington. FORT MIFFLIN, with twenty references in French and English. 13xl6. November 10, 1777 " Mudy iland, almost drouned in heigh tide." " The Engineer, author of this imperfect Draugh begg indulgence for it ; Considering that he has not paper, pen, rule, neither cir- cel, and being disturbed by good many Shells or cannon balls flying in the fort. Lewis Fleury." FORT MIFFLIN. Plan of attack, with ordnance, distances, "floating battery," and references. Nov. 1777 It is directed to " his excellency Gen. Washington, head Quarter," and labelled by him "Mudd Island attack. Plan," near the Seal. By Mr. Sparks these three maps are labelled, " Plans of Fort Mifflin and of the Attack." FORT MONTGOMERY; a distant View on the Hudson. FORTS ON THE HUDSON. Plan of Hudson s River and Martlett s Rock, afterwards Fort Constitution, destroyed Oct. 1777. 31x13. 1776? In two similar sheets, both worn as by use. The first is a sketch with careful soundings of Hudson s River " at half tide " from Stony Point to Polypheme p Island. At Martlett s Rock, afterwards Fort Constitution, the "landing," the curtain fronting the river with 14 mounted cannon, the wharf, store house, Block House, and Barracks " are marked. The opposite site of West Point is marked by a tree somewhat larger than cither. Burn s house is there, Moore s, Verplank s, the Points, Ferries, and Creeks, Tarrytown and Fort Montgomery, Antony s Nose, and Poop Lopes Kill. " By good information there ia a wagon road from Poop Lopes Kill to West Point." Haverstraw and Tappan Bay occupy the second and similar sheet. With " a Table of distances bv Computation, having no Instruments to ascertain the true bearings." 31x13. 1776? 208 Catalogue of the Library " Drawn by request under the Inspection of the Commissioners of Fortifications in the Highlands, province of New York, by James Grinnell." Hudson s River through the Highlands, from " Hausbrook s to King s Ferry." A drawing dedicated to his Excellency George Clinton. By Thomas Macbin. 13x46. 4 Jan. 1778 Geo. Clinton was Brigadier General of Militia, was often in command near the Hudson, at Fort Montgomery and in various expeditions. Gen. Washington, Aug. 17, congratulates the Council of Safety at N. Y. on his appointment as Governor. His anxiety for New York rather outstripped the judgment of others, but if this was an error it was more than forgiven bv his fellow citizens. As a map, it is a curious sequel to the two previous sketches. Houses with one chimney have thickened ; among those with two is Robin son s. The tragedy of its hospitality softens even the memory of treason. Poop Lopes Kill has become Poplopens. Many country roads are distinctly drawn. West Point is well fortified, and from Antony s Nose one may see Fort Clinton in communication with Fort Montgomery. A Rough Map of Fort; Montgomery, showing the situation of Puplope s Point, Ground plan of the Buildings, &c., &c. G. T. P. Hudson s River. 16^x19 Mr. Sparks has added, " For the explanation see Lord Sterling s letter to Washington, dated June 1, 1776." GERMANTOWN. Sketch of the Surprise of, by the American Forces commanded by Gen. Washington. 19x22. 12 March, 1784 A fac-simile traced from a map by Lieut. J. Hills, 4th Oct. 177 published in London by William Faden, Geographer to the King. HOBKIHK S HILT, Battle. 19X13J. 1 Aug. 1783 A fac-simile traced from a map by Col. Henry Vallancey, 25th April, 1731, and published by William Faden, London. PHILADELPHIA. " Wiew " of the Enemy s fleet. Sent to Washington by Lieut. Fleury, 19th Jan. 1778. The names of the English ships are written beneath each. The French spelling of the other names is quaint. QUKBEC. " Plan of Quebec." With the Americans besieging it. By Gen. Ar nold. Winter of 1778. " The siege of Quebec." J. s. Very carefully drawn. The river is encumbered with ice. The points of historical interest are numerous ; as the position of Head Quarters of his troops, " where the materials are carried to build our batteries, out of view of the town," the spot where Gen. Montgomery fell, and where " the dotted line shews the Rout the troops took under the General through deep snow without any path." STONY POINT. 16x13. 3 July, 1779 Written " Stone Point." Labelled by Gen. Washington and marked by him, " From Gen. Heath, 3 July, 1779." " The importance of these two points to the enemy is too obvious to need explanation." Stony Point was taken 15th July by Wayne, and Washington says to Congress, " Lieut. Col. Fleury commanded one of the attacks." Therefore this is the map employed. STONY AND VEKPLANK S POINTS, and the works of the British army. Marked " North or Hudson River." Very carefully drawn in a similar position to that sent by Gen. Heath to Washington, and found with that in Mr. Sparks s Library. VIRGINIA. Virgmie, Maryland, en deux Feuilles, par Fry and Jefferson. Traduit, corrige, augmente. Two maps. Complete in themselves. 28X19. Pam, 1777 Col. Joshua Fry, who died a f , Will s Creek, was born in Somersetshire, England, educated in Oxford, a Professor of Mathematics in William and Mary s College, Virginia, afterwards a member of the House of Burgesses, and distinguished as a public man. Several of Washington s letters from Great Meadows, 1754, are addressed to him. With Mr. Peter Jefferson he ran the boundary line between Maryland and Virginia, and published " a map which h;is great repute," and is in fact very remarkable for that date. Mr. Sparks quotes, " He was a man of so clear a head, FO mild a temper, at>d so good a heart, that he never failed to gain th esteem of all who knew or were concerned with him." These " Feuilles," are " corriges, augmentes," from their English map of " the most Inhab itable parts of Virginia," then a comprehensive term, " engraved by T. Jeffries, London. 1751." [The following are among the MSS. Maps of great interest, as being apparently copied, combined or made for Mr. Sparks: ] BATTLE FIELDS of the Revolution. Eleven Manuscript Plans. On cloth, folded. 25x52 Monmouth, Valley Forge, Yorktown, Barren Hill, Battle of Long Island, Forts Clinton and Montgomery, Fort Washington, White Plains, Trenton and Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown. These are all skillfully prepared for Mr. Sparks, and labelled by him, and form a complete and perfectly preserved set. BRANDYWINE, BATTLE OF. "In which the rebels were defeated." 18ix22. Sept. 11, 1777 From Werner. A beautiful colored drawing of the country and position around the Brandywine. " The Birmingham meeting-house is one mile from Osborne s Hill. Between these places the battle was fought on ascending ground." Journal of j. s. of Jared Sparks. 209 FORT SCHUYLER, Siege of. Drawn by Lieut. Fleury. HX16J. Sept. 1777 A copy made by G. II. Bowen for Mr. Sparks. LAKE CHAMPLAIN, Arnold s action on. 22^x11. Oct. 12,1776 Labelled by Mr. Sparks. A slightly tinted sketch, highly finished, from an English original, with account of the Battle and elaborate lists of the two fleets, the commanders of each vessel, her ordnance and fate. A large English force is described, beside " thirty fighting vessels. " " TICONDEROGA." " Copied from the map used at Gen. St. Clair s Trial," and also used by Mr. Sparks. 13x19. 1777 VALLEY FORGE. 13x23. 1777 On the back an autograph note from Gen. Armstrong says : " This sketch was obtained through a son of Gen. Wayne, from William Davis, Esq., an intelligent and very remark able gentleman who resided within limits of the camp during its continuance there." The sketch was presented to Mr. Sparks by Gen. Armstrong, in 1833. VALLEY FOKGK. Brouillon et Plan de Camp de Vallee Forge. "Encampment at Valley Forge." Ilixl5|. 1777 A sketch d elicately executed for Mr. Sparks. The position of some redoubts in this map is believed to have been altered at General Lafayette s suggestion. Lafayette rode with Washington when the work was dictated by him "as it seemed to me by magic, by an intuition of which I had no conception." YORKTOWN aii l GLOUCESTER, Va. A Plan of York Town and Gloucester, in the Province of Virginia. Fac-simile, beautifully traced from an actual Survey by Lieut. John Hills, with the attack and operations of the American army, on a scale of nearly 500 ft. to an inch. Published by Wm. Faden, Geographer to the King. 29fx23. London, 7 Oct. 1784 The following nine maps, preserved in the same envelope, are those referred to in the following ext r act : " Lafayette has drawings of all the actions in which he was engaged in America, and also a map of the Virginia campaign He has allowed me to take them to Paris, rue Faubourg Parisienne, No. 36, from the MSS. at Lagrange, and they were all copied under the eye of Lafayette." j. s. BARRENHILL, Penn. Plan de la Retraite de Barrenhill en Pensilvanie. Gen. Lafayette was surrounded by the English and Hessians. Beautifully finished and colored. With fourteen notes on the battle. GLOUCESTER, Carte de 1 action de. 17^x21 J. 25 Nov. 1777 Apparently by Legende. Colored and highly finished. The action was between Lafayette and the troops of Cornwallis. MoMMOUTH, Battle of. 14x29. June 28, 1778 Beautifully finished. The title is in the handwriting of Mr. Sparks. The map in fine order. MONMOUTH, Battle of, between Gen. "Washington and Gen. Clinton, of the Eng lish army. Legende. 16X1!). 28 June, 1778 This French manuscript map is finely designed and executed. The story of the battle is well indicated, beginning with the first batteries of Gens. Lafayette and Green, and Lord Sterling. Colored, with 24 references. MONMOUTH, Plan de 1 aft aire de. Legende. 28 June, 1778 A map similar in notes and finish, but not the same. Slightly tinted. Apparently taken from the other. RHODE ISLAND, ISLAND OF. Plan de Rhode Island, avec les dhTe rentes opera tions de la Flote Fran9aise et des Troupes Ame iicaines. 14x20. Aug. 9-31, 1778 From the 9th to the 30th nnd 31st of August, when the Americans retreated. Two beautifully finished and very interesting maps of Rhode Island; the hills of the Island, the private estates, the residence of Bishop Berkeley, -with other familiar sites, are delineated. Here, too, is Narra Ganset Bay, the posi ions of the hostile fleets of Count d Estaing, and Lord Howe, the intended point of junction of the French troops with Lafryerte, and the course of the subsequent retreat. Mr. Sparks has added the house where Gen. Prescott was captured by Barton, near which the skirmishing began. 26 references. 4-5 mile to 1 inch. Carte des Positions occupees par les Troupes Ame ricaines apres leur Retraite de Rhode Island, le 30 Aout 1778. 15x21. Aug. 30, 1788 Colored. AVith the positions of Gens. Lafayette and Sullivan at Tiverton and at Provi dence, Mount Hope, Seakonnet Point, Narra Gansett Beach (" Boston Neck"), and Point Judith. TRUDRUFFIN, British Camp at, from the 13th to 21st of September, with the attack made by Maj. Gen. Gray against the rebels near White Horse Tavern. 19 references. " 11X17. 1777 14 10 Catalogue of the Library 80 WILKINSON S Atlas Classica. 53 maps and tables. Half calf. 4 London, 1808 81 WILKINSON S General Atlas of the World. 2d Edition. 48 maps. Half morocco. 4 London, 1809 82 WORCESTER, J. E. Historical Atlas. (3 Editions.) Half morocco. Folio. Boston, 1833, 52, and 56 of Jar ed Sparks. AUTOGRAPHS. [This valuable volume, prepared by Mr. Sparks, and verified by his hand, is reserved for private sale. It will only be sold at a very high valuation. It will not be exhibited, but any one who proposes to purchase can see the collection at Cam bridge by previous appointment.] FOLIO VOLUME, collected and arranged by Mr. Sparks, interleaved and containing AUTOGRAPHS OP WASHINGTON, FRANKLIN, AND LAFAYETTE. Morocco gilt. Autographs of the highest interest. 8 Two of these are the originals of fac-similes in the " Life and "Works of Wash ington." AUTOGRAPHS OF WASHINGTON. Page 1. The Chain and Poles 1746. JEt. 14. " 2. Title of a Book of Surveys. JEt. 17. " 3. Mathematical Drawings." JEt. 18. " 4. Order of Battle. " 5. Envelope addressed to Mr. Anthony Whiting at Mount Vernon, 1793. " 6, 7, 8. Letter to Edmund Randolph. 6th October, 1794. " 9, 10. Letter to James Madison, Esq., on the situation in America of George La Fayette. Philadelphia, 6 March, 1796. " 11, 12, 13. Letter to Mr. James Anderson " concerning Richard Park inson, who wrote an account of his travels in America." Mount Ver non, 3d Nov., 1798. " 14, 15, 16. Terms on which the Farms at Mount Vernon may be ob tained (leased). Feb. 7, 1796. With a Table of Rotation of Crops. " 17. Signatures, &c., of George Washington. March 12, 1744, 5. JEt. 12. Eleventh day of November, 1749. JEt. 17. Fort Loudon, 10th September, 1757. JEt. 25. New York, 29th of April, 1776. JEt. 54. Mount Vernon, December 10th, 1799. " Four days before his death." j.s. AUTOGRAPHS OF FRANKLIN. Page 1. Articles of Faith. " Franklin s handwriting." "" 2. The Mother Country, a Song. " Franklin s handwriting." " 3, 4. Fragment on the parable of the Good Samaritan. " Franklin s handwriting," 1757. " 5. Letter to Mrs. Franklin. London, Oct. 5, 1768. " 6. Envelope addressed to Mrs. Franklin. " 7. Concerning the Battle of Brandy wine, 1777. " Franklin s hand writing." " 8, 9, 10. THE EPHEMERA. In a Letter to Madame Brillon, of Passy, then at Moulin, Joly Passy, Sept. 20, 1778. This is perhaps the most graceful of the author s jeux d esprit. " 11, 12. Instructions to W. T. Franklin. Passy, Nov. 20, 1778, with signatures of Franklin and Adams. " 13, 14. Paper of Enquiries annexed. " 15,16,17. Private Instructions to W. T. Franklin. Signed by Frank lin and Adams. " 18. Declaration. " Dr. Franklin s handwriting," 1778. " 19,20, 21, 22. Franklin s draft of his "last speech in the Convention for forming the Constitution of the United States, with his corrections, September, 1787." j. s. " 23, 24, 25. " Fac-simile of Franklin s handwriting," Letter to Rev. Mr. Whitefield, July 2d, 1756, Letter from Mrs. Sarah Bache, daughter of Catalogue of Jared Sparks. Dr. Franklin, addressed to Gen. Washington. Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1780. With Message from Dr. Franklin. AUTOGRAPHS OF LAFAYETTE. Pages 1, 2, 3, 4. Letter to Washington, written during the exile of Lafayette. Holstein, August 20th, 1798. 5. Letter to Mr. Sparks, accompanying copies of this correspondence of Lafayette with General Washington during the Virginia campaign, also of letters relative to the campaign of 1781. La Grange, March 28, 1830. [On account of the unique interest of the following letters relating to Lafayette, they will be offered separately.] AUTOGKAPH of LAFAYETTE, marked by Mr. Sparks, " Written in Prison." The letter, dated Magdebourg 15 Mars, 1793, is addressed to the Princess D H6nin. It contains 4 pages, and is a painful sketch of the sufferings and exhaustion of himself and his companions, and of the strong, drear, and unwholesome citadel itself. " I have," he says," neither ink, nor pen, nor paper. By a miracle J possess this sheet, and I -write with a tooth-pick. I know not how it will reach you, I entreat the most invio lable discretion, on which the fortune and the life of another depends." It is enclosed in a letter to General Washington, labelled in his handwriting, "From J. B. Church, Esq. ,16 Aug. 1793, ; beginning, " The Princess D Henin has confided to me the enclosed letter from our unfortunate friend Lafayette, with a request that I would convey it to your Excellency." Washington had already forwarded 200 guineas. The Index to bis " Life and Writings " points out 14 letters from him on this subject. The son of Lafayette was cherished in his own home at Mount Vernon. [The following will also be separately sold.] Letter from Gen. Burgo.yne to Gen. Gates, Cambridge, Dec. 12, 1777, complaining of payment in gold; of the desertion of his soldiers. Alluding to the delay of embarkation, also to Major Ackland. The following are Autographs inserted in the volumes of the Library : Letter from David Hume, Edinburgh, 7 Feb., 1772. Complains that Chris tians, Whigs, Tories, English, Irish and Welsh are against him. " " Dr. Priestly to James Taylor, Dec. 26, 1803: " I see that I have not lived or written in vain." Madame Necker de Stael Holstein. begun by an amanuensis, Mes sage to Moreau. " " Rev. Mr. Weems to Gen. Washington, Dumfries, 20 Aug., 1799. Labelled by Washington. " " Gen. Wilkinson to Gen. Washington, Fort Washington, Nov. 1, 1792. Presenting 2 Kegs of Salt Fish. Labelled by Washington, i " " D. Webster, May, 1828 ; Jos. Story, April 24,1824; H. School- craft, Feb. 21, 1848; A. H. Everett, Boston, Ap. 27, 1825. " " Robert Morris to Gouverneur Morris, New York March 4, March 30, 1789. Describes Affairs at the opening of Congress, visits, " ring ing of bells, firing of guns," public feeling, etc. " " J. Madi?on to Jared Sparks, Montpellier, Jany. 20. 1824. " " James McHenry to Washington, Baltimore, 1 June, 1788, intro ducing Comm ner Barne}-. Labelled by Washington. " " Arthur Lee, New York, Sept. 19, 3786. Danger from the Corrup tion of Manners in Massachusetts and the ijeighbouring States. " " Ralph Izard to Gen. Washington. Labelled by Washington, Phil* 23 June, 1783. " " A. Holmes to Jared Sparks, April 5, 1834. Facts about Gov. John^tone. " " Rev. Timothy Dwight to Gen. Washington. Labelled by Wash ington. Ab ut Dwight s Conquest of Canaan. " " Wm. E. Channing to Charles Folsorn, Esq., Nov. 8, 1832. A generous acknowledgment of obligations u that you may know how truly grateful I ain to you." LIST OF BOUND HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS DEPOSITED IN THE LIBRARY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. [In the present list the titles and the notes are, for the most part, those endorsed upon the papers by Mr. Sparks. They are usually given in his own words, except where dates have been added, or where slight verbal changes have been made for the sake of brevity. Brackets have occasionally been used to distinguish state ments for which he" is not responsible.] I. ENGLISH. INSLIE, Thomas. Journal of the most Remarkable Oc- currences in the Province of Quebec from the Appear ance of the Rebels in September 1775 until their Retreat of the 6th of May, 1776. [The original MS.] From the manuscripts of George Chalmers. Bought in Lon don, 1843. 2 BENNETT, Joseph. Abstracted Historical Account of New- England. To which I have added the History of our Voiage there, 1740. [The original MS.] Presented to me by William Vaughan, Esq. London, Dec. 2, 1840. 3 BOARD OF TRADE. Journal. 1766-1767. [The Original, or a very early copy.] From the manuscripts of George Chalmers. Bought in London, 1843. 4 BERNARD. The Papers of Sir Francis BERNARD, Governor of New Jersey, and afterwards of Massachusetts. 13 vols. Vol. I. -VIII. Letter Books. 1758-72. New Jersey, Massachusetts. Vol. IX.-XII. Original Correspondence. 1758-79." Massachusetts. Vol. XIII. Orders and Instructions. 1758-1761. New Jersey, Massachusetts. With repeated signatures of George the III. and the great seal, also autographs of Wm. Pitt, and Hillsborough, memorable chiefly for his subsequent conference with Franklin. Bought in London, 1848. These papers contain the official letters of Gov. Bernard, written from New Jer sey, until he left his residence at Perth Amboy, (sailing in the " Province sloop " sent from Boston, July, 1760,) after that from Massachusetts and from England. He was an earnest man, sufficiently so to suffer from the earnestness of others. He was not wholly insensible to the folly of the home government. While sub jecting all things to their interest, he was not unconscious of the interest of her colonies, nor unwilling to share any prospect for good which might open before them. He was active in the service of the " Indian College." It sheuld be not just here, nor there, but in the desirable location proposed for it "in our township." His suggestions were not unwise. He strongly urged the settle ment of the ten townships in Maine, having plans, not too philanthropical, of transplanting there the few hundred reluctant French, still left in New England. He was eager about the settlement east of the St. Croix, the river next to the Appendix. most westerly river which enters that Bay." These lands however, ranged east, north, and west of his own grant of Mount Desert, "an island well adapted" to the making of potash. Thus it is that the relics of her noble forests must now be sought amid precipices rarely scaled. The Governor forfeited his American estates. His son, however, remained on hand in Maine, and eventually shared with Mine, de Gregoire the unoccupied land of that silent Acadia. The Province of Massachusetts had long been a thorn in the side of Great Britain. She called for armies, and their success bore spoils exclusively to her own feet which passed all her expectations. She demanded profit. Why not with the same result? Certainly not an unprofitable, Massachusetts was not a comfortable colony. Insubordination, confusion, alarm, are the successive complaints of these interest ing letters. The Governor suggested troops. The letter arrived for a regiment to be ordered from Halifax. Such was the effort of England. Sir Francis writes : " Gen. Gage, who knows my situation, when death is publicly denounced against those who are concerned in bringing troops here, is so kind as to conceal the contents of the dispatches from me. One regiment will be enough for safety, but not enough to awe the town." June 25, 1768, he is " anxious about Castle William" (afterwards Fort Independence, now Fort Warren), but relieved by Com. Hood [see three Portraits, No. 2107.] There are now about the Castle [see engraving in Views and Designs] one 50-gun ship, two sloops of 16 guns each, and two armed cutters." "I have been much persuaded to go to the Castle when the troops shall arrive. I do not choose to show a want of resolution ; a short time will shew ivhether Boston is to belong to Great Britain or not. 11 Aug. 8, however, he writes from " Jamaica Farm." " I am charged with leaving the town when the troops arrived. At that time I resided at my house in Roxbury, four miles from Boston. I was at the Castle before the ships had all come to anchor, and every morning before ten o clock." (It seems he had not remembered to give the officers the expected dinner.) "We have determined to remove the troops to Boston." Aug. 20-23, the attempted " distribution of stamps " was followed by the attack on Hutchinson s house. The Governor now dates from Castle William, Sept. 18, 68, he suggests the prorogation of the Assembly to Salem, doubts not his own power, but requests an order from London. " I am wholly at the mercy of the mob. I have no place of safety to resort to but this fort, with a weak garrison. Here, I have got my wife and younger children." After his return to Pall Mall, however, there is still for the governor a "bitter disappointment." His son omitted to forward from America two casks, ordered by Lady Bernard, of cranberries. " The house full of guests, and no fruit ia season for pyes." 5 CHALMERS. American Papers. 1793-1805. 2 vols. From the manuscripts of George Chalmers. Bought in London, 1843. [A collec tion of original papers, copies, and notes, relating to America, but chfefly to the British colonies.] 6 CHALMERS. Annals of the United Colonies, Part Second. Copied from the original manuscript. A continuation of Chalmers s " Political Annals of the United Colonies." The "First Part "was published in 1780. There is a preface written by Mr. Sparks in the Boston edition (published in 1845 from a printed copy, suppressed in 1782) of Chalmers s Introduction to the " His tory of the Revolt." "I have endeavored to state the character of Chalmers s writings on the colonies, and the principles and points which he aims to estab lish." Journal of j. s. Dec. 1844. 7 CHALMERS. Letter to Lord Mansfield, on the History of the American Colonies; by George Chalmers. Written in 1780. Copied from the original manuscript in the handwriting of Chalmers, 1846. The following memorandum is at the beginning of the Manuscript in Chalmers s hand writing: "This Letter to Lord Mansfield was really sent to his Lordship as a letter; and it was read by his Lordship, who said that he would warrant the truth of it." 8 CHALMERS. Notes and Extracts ; relating to Maryland and Virginia. 1727-61. In the handwriting of George Chalmers. Bought in London, 1843. 9 CHALMERS. Papers, relating to Massachusetts and Plymouth. From the manuscripts of George Chalmers. Bought in London, 1843. Appendix. Letters of Governor SIIARPE and others ; chiefly concerning the American Revolution. Copied from the originals, in the Office of the Secretary of State of Maryland, 1843. Also : Letters from John BARCLAY, 1782, Ch. Pinckney s Speech in Congress, Aug. 16, 1786 (printed), and a State of the Emissions of Paper Money by Congress, 1780. 10 CHALMERS. Papers relating to New England. 1635-86. 4 vols. From the manuscripts of George Chalmers. Bought in London, 1843. [Mostly copies and memoranda in Chalmers s handwriting.] 11 CHALMERS. Papers relating to New Jersey. 1683-1775. From the manuscripts of George Chalmers. Bought in London, 1843. [Original papers, and copies and memoranda in the handwriting of Chalmers.] 12 CLINTON, G., and others. Selections from the Manuscript Papers of Gov. George CLINTON (1775-83), Genl. WASHING TON (relating to Paul Jones), and Genl. LINCOLN (1777-83). 13 CLINTON, H. Correspondence between Sir Henry CLINTON and Gen. HALDIMAND, etc. 1779-81. Relating principally to the affairs of Vermont, the Indians, and events in the West, and Canada. Copied from the originals in the London Institution, from the papers of Sir Guy Carleton. 14 CLINTON. Notes on Stedman s History of the American War. Transcribed from a copy of Stedman s " History of the War," in the Library of Mr. Brown, of Providence, in which they are written in the margin, in the hand writing of Sir Henry Clinton, with the initial " C." at the end of each note. March, 1846. 15 DELAWARE, etc. 1. Papers from the Public Offices in Dela ware, selected in June, 1826. 2. From the Papers of Baron STEUBEN in the New York Historical Society s Library, selected in 1827. 3. Fourteen Letters from George READ to Caesar A. Rodney, 1774-79. The originals in the possession of Caesar A. Rodney. , 4. Further Selections from the Papers of Baron STEUBEN. [In French.] Lent to me by Governor De Witt Clinton, in 1827, and since de posited in the Library of the New York Historical Society. 16 FRANKLIN. Letters to Benjamin Franklin, from various Per sons. Copied from the originals, while they were in my hands for writing the Life of Franklin. 1843. 17 FRANKLIN. 1. Memorial by Franklin and Samuel Wharton concerning a Grant of Western Lands. 1780. 2. Letter from Richard BIDDLE concerning Franklin s Writ ings. 1834. 18 FRANKLIN. Notes and Memoranda, used in writing a Contin uation of Franklin s Life ; and in preparing an edition of his Works. 1836-40. . 1. Particulars concerning Franklin s Family. 2. Notes used in writing a Con tinuation of the Life of Franklin. 3. Notes for a Preface to Franklin s Works. 4. First Sketches of an Arrangement of Franklin s Writings for an Edition of his Works. 19 FRANKLIN. 1. Papers relating chiefly to Franklin. Papers sent to me by Wm. C. Folger, of^Nantucket. Used in writing the Life 216 Appendix. of Franklin, 1839. Mr. FISHER S Letters. &c. Papers copied from the orig inals in possession of Thos. J. Wharton, Philadelphia. Sept. 1837. Papers, copied from Manuscripts in the Library of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Sept. 1837. Papers copied from the Philadelphia Newspapers. Dialogue, doubtless the piece alluded to by Franklin, in his Autobiography, speaking of Hemphill, " I wrote for him two or three pamphlets, and a piece in tbe Gazette of April, 1735." 2. Papers relating to the WASHINGTON FAMILY. Copied chiefly from the County Histories, in the London Institution, Moorfields, 1829. Used in writing the Life of Washington. 20 1. FRANKLIN. In the Athenaaum of Philadelphia are the volumes of pamphlets, which formerly belonged to Dr. Franklin. Among them are six pamphlets which contain mar ginal notes in his own handwriting. This volume contains the titles of the pamphlets, Dr. Franklin s notes, and the passages of the pamphlets on which he remarks. Copied in 1829, under the care of Mr. John Vaughan. 2. SULLIVAN. 1775-88. Selection from the papers of General Sullivan, now in possession of his grand son, Dr. Steele, of Durham, N. H., who put them into my hands. They have since been deposited in the Athenaeum at Portsmouth. Selected in 1827. 3. TRUMBULL S Papers. 1775-78. 21 FRAZEH. Letters from Persifer Frazer, an Officer in the Army of the Revolution. 1776-1778. Copied from the originals in Philadelphia, 1844. 22 GATES, etc. 1. Selection from Gen. GATES S Papers in the Library of the New York Historical Society. Selected 1827. 2. Papers from the Public Offices in Mass tts 75. 3. Major WEMYS S Papers Sketches of the Characters of the General Staff Officers and Heads of Departments of the British Army (the Northern Army excepted) ; and two other papers, relating to Cornwallis. Copied from the MS. papers of Major (afterwards Lieut.-Col.) Wemyss (a British officer), who served with distinction during the war, particularly in South Caro lina. He died at an advanced age in New York, in 1833 or 1834, arid his papers were left in charge of the Rev. Wm. Ware, of that city. 4. A Diary Kept by Lieut. Obadiah GORE, in Major-Gen. SUL LIVAN S March to Genessee River, in 1778. 23 GRANTHAM. England and Spain. Correspondence of Lord Grantham, British Ambassador in Spain. 1776-79. 2 vols. Copied from the originals in the State Paper Office, London, 1857. 24 HAMILTON, Alexander. Official Letters, as Secretary of the Treasury, to Wm. Short, 1789-95. Copied from the originals left me by Mr. Short, in Philadelphia, 1831. Also Miscellaneous Letters, 1784-99, including Washington s to Madison, copied by me from the originals, April, 1830, at Mr. Madison s house at Montpelier. 25 KNOX. Selections from the Papers of Gen. Henry KNOX, Gov. Samuel WARD, Gen. Charles LEE, Captain KIRKWOOD, Samuel HARRIS, Silas DEANE. Relating chiefly to the Revolu tion. 1765-80. Copied from the originals, 1845. 26 LEE. Letters from Gen. Charles Lee to his Sister. 1756-81. The thirty-four letters to his sister, Miss Sidney Lee, were copied from the originals in England, and sent to me by Sir Henry Bunbury, 1845. [The vol ume contains two other letters of Lee and several relating to him.] Appendix. 217 27 LEISLER. A Modest and Impartial Narrative of the Great Oppressions That the Inhabitants of Their Majesties Province of New- York Lye under By the Extravagant and Arbitrary Proceedings of Jacob Leysler and his Accomplices. Printed at New York and Reprinted at London. 1690. "Copied from a pamphlet in the British Museum, 1843. Written by a violent enemy to Leisler; neither just, candid, nor impartial." J. s. Bound with this is : Copy of an Act of Parliament for revers ing the attainder of Jacob Leisler and others. 1696. And: Copy of a letter which Captain Leisler wrote to King William. " Mentioned in Smith s New York, pp. 59, 60. For an account of the affair and an extract of a letter from Capt. Leisler to the Gov. of Massachusetts, see Hutchinson s Massachusetts, I. 392, 393." c. F. H. 28 MAPS. Plans of General Braddock s March, and of the Battle of the Monongahela. Early French Maps of Canada, Louisi ana, and Mexico. Plan of the Battle of Bennington. [The last is MS.; the others printed. See Washington s MS. sketch of Cumber land, and the road which Braddock refused to follow.] 29 MARYLAND and NEW YORK. Selection from Papers in the Public Offices. New York papers examined at Albany, October, 1826. Maryland papers selected in June, 1826. 30 MISCELLANEOUS Manuscripts. 1582-1713. 1. Recoil of Davyd INGRAM of thinges w ch he did see in Travelinge by lande for [from ?] the moste northerlie pte of the Baye of Mexico throtighe a greate pte of Ameryca untill w th in fivetye leagues of Cape Britton. 1582. Many parts of this narrative are incredible, so much so as to throw a distrust over the whole; yet it is not improbable that the two sailors passed through the interior of the country, and found a French vessel somewhere on the coast of the St. Lawrence. See Hakluyt s Voyages, Vol. III. p. 487. [Published in P. C. Weston s privately printed " Documents," pp. 5-24.] 2. Inducements to a Voyage to America. 3. Affairs in Virginia, 1622 ; in answer to Capt. Nath. Butler. 4. Journal of Thomas BATTS and two others, from Virginia beyond the Apalachian Mountains. 1671. 5. John MITCHELL S Remarks on this Journal. 6. Abstract of the Laws of New England. 7. Relation concerning the Estate of New England; about 1637. 8. Charles LOD WICK S Account of New York. 1692. The above papers Avere copied from the originals in the British Museum, 1841. 31 MISCELLANEOUS Papers. Unbound. 32 MISCELLANEOUS Particulars, and Copies from Manuscripts examined in London and Paris, 1828-29. 1778-98. 2 vols. Vol. I. European, Vol. II. American. The extracts translated from the correspondence of Vergennes, Ge>ard, and Lu- zerne are taken from the originals in the public offices in Paris. Other extracts are from the originals in the public offices in London. Many of the particulars concerning the war were communicated to me by Lafayette at La Grange, Nov. 1828. 33 MISCELLANIES. A commonplace book of Mr. Sparks s. 18 Appendix. 34 MORRIS. Papers of Gouverneur Morris, being Letters and Extracts from his Diary. Copied from the originals. Used in writing his life. 35 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Selection from the Papers in the Office of the Secretary of State. Selected in October, 1826. 36 NEW JERSEY, etc. Selection from the Papers in the Public Offices of New Jersey, 1777-85 (selected in June 1826), North Carolina, 1764-79, and South Carolina, 1768-83 (selected in May, 1826). 37 NEW YORK. Extracts from the Journals of the New York Provincial Congress and Conventions, from 1775 to 1778. Copied from the originals in the Secretary s Office, Albany, April, 1831. These are to be taken in connection with another set of extracts copied from the same Journals, and which are bound with my papers, in a volume lettered, " New York Maryland" [No. 30]. 38 NEW YORK and VIRGINIA Papers. 1740-76. Copied from the originals now in the possession of Col. Thos. Aspinwall, London (1845), formerly belonging to George Chalmers. 1. Letters from De Lancey, Smith, Livingston, Watts, and others, to General Moncton, Governor of New York ; relating to Affairs between 1760 & 1770. Moncton was at this time in England. His place in the government was supplied by Lieutenant-Governor Golden. The writers of the letters were mostly mem bers of the Council. Moncton resigned in 1765, and was succeeded by Sir Henry Moore. 2. Correspondence concerning Lord Dunmore s Operations in Virginia. 1775, 1776. 39 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1. Papers from the N. Y. Historical Society, relating to the Revolution, viz., those of Lord STERLING, Col. STEWART, Col. McLANE, Wm. DUER, and others. Selected in October, 1826. 2. Selection from Gen. GATES S Papers. 3. Selection from Gen. STARK S Papers. Copied from the originals furnished by his son, Major Stark. August, 1827. 4. Correspondence between John ADAMS and Roger SHER MAN on the Constitution of the United States. The original letters are in the possession of Mr. Baldwin of Albany, a grandson of Roger Sherman. Copied, Albany, Oct. 6th, 1826. 40 PEACE OF 1783. 1. The Entire Correspondence of Mr. OS WALD, in the Negotiation of the Peace of 1782 with the American Commissioners in Paris. Copied from a manuscript volume in the possession of the Marquis of Lansdowne London, February, 1829. 2. Correspondence of Mr. GRENVILLE and FITZHERBERT. Copied from the originals in the office of Foreign Affairs in London. 41 POLLOCK. Correspondence of Oliver Pollock at New Or leans, 1776-82; and other Papers relating to the Revolution, including Copies from Col. Eland s Papers, 1777-82; also Miscellaneous Papers, one of which is a letter of " Lafayette, while in Prison at Magdeburg, 15 Mars, 1793." Pollock s letters copied from the originals in the Department of State at Wash ington, 1854. Appendix. 219 42 QUEBEC. 1. Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1775. [Original. See MS. map, Maps, No. 79.] 2. Narrative of Facts relative to American Affairs. [1768.] [Printed. Endorsed in a contemporary hand, "This paper is giv [torn] in your Secrecy I [? torn] desire that you will [torn] any person whatever."] From the manuscripts of George Chalmers. Bought in London, 1843. 43 REVOLUTIONARY PAPERS. British Papers relating to the American Revolution. 4 vols. Vol. I. 1764-1774. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York. Copied from the originals in the State Paper Office, London ; selected by me in August, 1840. Vol. II. 1764-74. New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia. Selected in September and October, 1840. Vol. III. 1764-75. Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Military. State Paper Office, Sept. and Oct. 1840. Also, Commissions and Instructions to Governors. Copied from the Records in the Privy Council Office, London ; selected by me in August, 1840. Vol. IV. The same. 1763-1774. British Papers, etc. copied from the originals in the Board of Trade (Old Plantation Office); selected by me in August and September, 1S40. Also, Miscellaneous Papers, relating to the Colonial His tory. Miscellaneous Papers, etc. copied from the originals (or Records), in the British Museum, and in the possession of Sir Thomas Phillips, Worcestershire; selected by me, 1840. 44 REVOLUTION. 1. Letters relating to the Stamp Act. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Georgia. 2. COLONIAL PAPERS. Minutes taken in the Board of Trade, Oct. 1840, 1763-67; Commissions. Instruc tions, and Grants, 1670 ( copied from the Harleian MSS. ) ; Proceedings of the Com mittee of Trade and Plantations on the Subject of making Void the Charter of Massachusetts Bay, 1677-78 (copied from the " Journal of Trade and Planta tions" in the possession of Sir Thomas Phillips, Nov. 15, 1840); A Representa tion of the Commissioners of Trade, etc. on the State of the Colonies 1721 (MS. King s Library, 192, p. 1); Scheme of Government for the West Indies; appar ently a Supplement to the preceding paper. (By West Indies is here meant all the American Colonies. MS. King s Library, 192, p. 972); Journal of Brad- dock s Expedition (MS. King s Library, 199); Petition to the King, concerning Paper Money in the Colonies, probably about 1760 (MS. Sir T. Phillips, Nov. 1840); Project of a Bill for uniting the Proprietary and Charter Governments to the Crown, probably about 1696 (ibid.)- Petition to the Queen, 1706, concerning the Proprietary and Charter Governments (ibid.). 45 REVOLUTION. British Papers relating to the American Rev olution ; selected from the Correspondence of the British Com- manders-in-Chief. 1775-83. 2 vols. Sir Guy CARLETON, afterwards Lord Dorchester, was the last commander-in- chief of the British Army in America, during the American Revolution. The official papers of his predecessors, Sir William HOWE and Sir Henry CLINTON, came into his possession when he took the command. These, with his own pa pers, were taken by him to England at the time of the Peace. After his death they fell into the "hands of another person (Mr. Simmons, his secretary), who presented them to the Royal Institution in London. I examined them all in November, 1840, and made the following selection. The originals are comprised in more than forty volumes. Judge Marshall considers the speech of Sir Guy Carleton to the Indians a forgery. Mr. Wm. Smith of Quebec wrote to me: " I passed several days with his Lord ship. He told me 26 Oct. 1803, that he made his speech in Feb. 1794 out of his own spontaneity ; that he received no orders from government." Journal of j. s. 46 REVOLUTION. Dates of the Principal Events during the Rev olution. Taken principally from original letters, and other manuscript papers written at the time. Appendix. 47 REVOLUTION. Diaries and Letters relating to the Revolution. 1773-1778. Extracts from an original Diary by Thos. Newell. Boston, 1773, 1774. Ex tracts copied from Capt. Benj. Warren s Diary, Saratoga and Cherry Valler, 1774-78; lent me by Mr. Doggett of New York. W. Whipple to J. Brack- ett, 1776. Battle of Rhode Island; a letter dated Providence, 16th Sept. 78, from James Lanman. Letters, etc. copied from Gen. Glover s Papers; furnished to me by Col. Swett. Biographical Sketch of Captain Eliakim Littell. Copied from the originals. 48 REVOLUTION. Journals and Papers relating to the Revolu tion. Collected from various sources, 1845. 1. Journal kept by Margaret MORRIS, residing at Burlington, N. J., Dec. 1776. 2. Journal of a Campaign from Philadelphia to Paulus Hook by the late Algernon ROBERTS, Lower Merion Township, Montgomery. 3. Battle of Long Island. 4. Notes used in writing the Life of Arnold. 5. Gen. GREENE S Letter on the Battle of Bunker s Hill. 6. Resolves concerning Hutchinson s Letters. In Council, June 25, 1773. 7. Proposal in R. Island for a Continental Navy, August, A. D. 1775. 8. Letter from Gov. FRANKLIN to the Earl of Dartmouth. Perthamboy, January 5, 1776. 9. Robt. MORRIS S Letter on the Declaration of Independence. July 20th, 1776. 10. WASHINGTON S Letter to Gen. Hazen concerning Capt. Asgill, 5th June, 1782. 11. Contents of a Volume of Rolls of the Virginia Line of the Continental Army, collected by Mr. Hall. 12. CAMPBELL and SHELBY S Account of the Battle of King s Mountain, Oct. 7, 1780. 13. Battle of the Monongahela. A List of the Officers who were present, and of those killed and wounded, July 9, 1755. 49 REVOLUTION. Miscellaneous Papers. Relating chiefly to the Revolution. 3 voh. Collected from various sources. 1843. Vol. I. 1. B. CHURCH S Statement of his Trial, Oct. 1775. A true copy from the original, by Sam. Eliot, Junr. 2. Col. John E. HOWARD S Account of the Battle of German- town. Given me by Col. Howard, 1827. 3. Col. Rob. TROUP S Account of Conway s Cabal. Given me by Col. Troup, with whom I conversed on the subject of it. 4. Report of a Committee concerning Deane and A. Lee. 5. American Annals; or Hints and Queries for Parlement Men, 1775. Printed at the private press of George Allan at Darlington. Presented to me by O. Rich, in London, 1840. 6. ARMSTRONG S Letters [to Mr. Sparks] concerning the Northern Campaign, 1777. Appendix. 7. Copies of the Newburg Addresses. Furnished to me by the author of them, Gen. John Armstrong, Jan. 1837. 8. Notes on Kosciuszko, by Gen. ARMSTRONG, Aug. 1837. 9. Gen. Geo. CLINTON S Reasons against evacuating New York, 1776. A copy furnished by Gen. Armstrong. 10. John Dickinson s Draft of Instructions to the Commission ers in Europe, 1779. [Original.] Apparently not adopted. 11. Curious Letter to Dr. Franklin at Passy relating to a Pro posed Reconciliation between England & the U. States, 1779. Copied [by Mr. Sparks] from the originals in the Archives des Affaires Etran- geres, Paris, 1829. Dr. Franklin attached some degree of importance to these papers, because he believed them to have been seen and approved by the Brit ish ministry. His answer (Diplomatic Corr. of the Revolution, III. 45; Frank lin s Works, VIII. 278) is one of the most remarkable of his compositions. 12. Articles copied from the Philadelphia newspapers, relating to public affairs, 1779-81, some of them written by Gouver- neur Morris. 13. Papers relating to Arnold and Andre. [Originals and copies.] Used in writing the Life of Arnold. 14. Correspondence of Count de GRASSE, 1782-83. [In French.] Transmitted to me by Lafayette. 15. Count de ARANDA S Letter to the King of Spain on the Independence of the American Colonies, 1783. Curious. [In Spanish, with an English translation by M. de Wallenstein.] Procured for me in the Spanish Offices at Madrid, by A. H. Everett. A French translation in the French edition of Coxe s History of the Bourbons, Paris, 1827. There is good reason to believe that the above paper was not written by Count d Aranda. 16. Luz ERNE S Memorial to Congress, 1779, respecting a plan of commerce. 17. Memoranda of Papers copied in Various Public Offices, examined by me, 1826. 18. Memoranda of Papers in the Archives des Affaires Etran- geres, Paris, examined in 1828. 19. Biographical Memoranda of John JAY, and copies of two letters. 19a. Copy of a letter of J. ADAMS, Sept. 13, 1783. 20. Hamilton s Speech and Correspondence. The Letters copied from the originals in the Treasury Department, Washington, 1830. The office has since been burned and the originals destroyed. 21. Correspondence between John Quincy ADAMS and Charles PINKNEY respecting the Draft of the Constitution, 1818. Copied from the originals in the Department of State, at Washington. Vol. II. 1. Autographs before and during the Revolution till 1775. 2. Papers relating to the Affair at Ticonderoga, 1777. [Probably the same that were used at Gen. St. Clair s court-martial, in which Mr. Sparks, "who saw the General at Havre de Grace, with Moreau, took a great in terest. Copies. The map then used is among the maps in Mr. Sparks s Library. See p. 209. J 3. Autographs, 1777-82. 4. A Report of a Committee of Convention, of a Form of Gov ernment for the State of Massachusetts Bay. [Printed.] N. P. [Dec. 1777.] S pp. 8. Appendix. Vol. III. 1. Autographs, 1778, 1779. 2. Various Statements concerning Continental Money. 3. Autographs, 1779-83. 50 REVOLUTION. Letters and other Papers. Copied from the originals in the office of the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania. 1826. [A large number of the portraits of actors mentioned in these papers, British as well as American, will be found in the collection of portraits, No. 2107.] The battle-fields are also largely illustrated by the maps as well as views (No. 2716) of places or of houses.] 51 REVOLUTION. Memoranda, Historical. Chiefly relating to the Revolution. 52 REVOLUTION. Miscellaneous Papers. 3 vols. Collected from various sources. Vol. I. 1. DUBOURG S Letter to Franklin, June 1776. 2. Selections from the Papers of Silas DEANE, 1776-85. Copied from originals in the possession of his son. 3. Letters from John ADAMS and the Commissioners in Paris, 1778-83. Copied from Adams s Letter Books. 4. Letter from RAYNEVAL to Monroe, and Extracts from Rayneval s Correspondence. Copied at Mr. Madison s, April, 1830. I have since seen the whole of Rayneval s Correspondence in the Public Archives in Paris. See large extracts in my French Papers. 5. Matthew RIDLEY S Letters and Journal. 1782-83. Containing many errors and false suspicions respecting men and things in Paris (particularly Dr. Franklin), as may be seen by my French MSS. relating to that time, and also Franklin s " Life and Writings." 6. Count D ESTAING S Correspondence. Copied from the originals in the Marine Department, Paris, 1841. Vol. II. 1. ARNOLD S Expedition to Canada. The original in possession of Judge Edwards of New York. This copy given me by B. R. Ward, Feb. 1831. [Arnold s original manuscript map of Quebec and his operations, etc., is among the Maps, No. 79.] 2. ARNOLD S Letters, 1775-80. 3. Report concerning the Highlands and Ticonderoga, Nov. 1775. [See " view " of his headquarters at Beverly House, and various MS. Maps. 4. Canada Expedition. Copied from MSS. in the Amer. Phil. Soc., Philadelphia, Feb. 1831. 5. Letters from Gen. GREENE and others. 6. Life of Gen. Morgan. 7. Correspondence between Beverly ROBINSON and Ethan ALLEN, 1780-81. 8. Selections from John LANGDON S Papers, 1774-83. The originals in possession of his daughter, Mrs. Elwyn, of Philadelphia. Ex amined Jan. 1831. 9. Records of Councils of War, copied from Washington s Papers, 1775-81. Vol. III. 1. Wm. S. JOHNSON S Letters, 1753-70. Copied from papers now in possession of Wm. S. Johnson of New York, March, 1831. 2. William LIVINGSTON S Letters, 1776-77. From papers of Theodore Sedgwick, Jr., New York, June, 1832. Appendix. 3. Charles LEE S Letters, 1776-80. 4. Gen. CONWAY S Letters, 1777-78. 5. Account of Baron Steuben. 6. Letters from LAFAYETTE to Congress, 1777-82. 7. Destruction of the Tea ; Information of Hugh WILLIAM SON. See Letters on the subject in Gov. Bernard s papers, dated from Castle William. 8. Memoranda taken from Papers in the State House, Mass. 9. Report concerning Fort Montgomery, 1777. 10. REED and ELWYN S Account of the Battle of the Brandy- wine. [See the MSS. maps of this battle, No. 79.] 11. Plan of Operations for 1778. From a paper in Washington s handwriting. 12. Operations at Newport, 1778. [See the definite detail in the maps of R. I. and vicinity, No. 79.] 13. D ESTAING S Letter to Congress, 1778. 14. Gouvr. MORRIS S Letters. 15. British Attack upon N. Haven, 1779. 16. Hamilton and Dr. Gordon, 1779. 17. Combined Operations, 1780. 53 REVOLUTION. Miscellaneous Papers ; relating chiefly to the Revolution, 1752-79. [The original papers.] From the Manuscripts of George Chalmers. Bought in London, 1843. 1. Salaries of Colonial Officers, 1752. 2. A Review of the Conduct of the Minority. 3. Considerations on America s being dismembered from the British Empire. 4. Major MORRIS S Account of the Affair at Trenton, 1776. 5. Meetings in London concerning the Loyalists, 1779. 54 REVOLUTION. Miscellaneous Papers relating to the Revolu tion, 1777-1782. 1. Journal of a British Officer in General HOWE S Army, 1777. Copied from the original. 2. Papers relating to the Northern Campaign in 1777. 3. Letters, etc., copied from the Manuscript Papers of General William IRVINE. Sent to me by Mr. W. A. Irvine, of Pennsylvania; 1847. 4. Letters, etc., copied from the originals among the Papers of Arthur LEE, deposited in the Library of Harvard College, 1856. 55 REVOLUTION. Papers relating to the Attempted Negotiations between England & the United States, during the War of the Revolution, 1776-79. Copied from the originals in the State Paper Office, London, under the direction of Mr. John G. Palfrey, 1856. Inserted, but not bound in this volume, are " Notes in the handwriting of Henry Strachey [1776], Secretary, &c., &c., in the possession of George H. Moore." 56 REVOLUTION. Selections and Memoranda made in the Public Offices of London and Paris, and in the British Museum, 1840-41. Appendix. 57 REVOLUTION. Selections from the Manuscript Papers of General LINCOLN (1779-87), General WASHINGTON (1777-81), Dr. FRANKLIN (1776-82), and others, and Letters from John BARTRAM to Jared Eliot (N. D., and 1752-62) ; also papers on colonial trade, 173f-48. 58 REVOLUTION. Selections from the Military Correspondence during the American Revolution. Copied from the original papers in the State Paper Office. London, Jan., Feb., March, 1829. 59 RHODE ISLAND and GEORGIA. Selection from Papers in the Public Offices. Rhode Island selected, Sept. 1826. Georgia selected, Ma}-, 1826. 60 SCHUYLER, etc. 1. Selections from General (Philip) SCHUY- LER S Papers, 1775-81. 2. From Colonel (Peter) GANSEVOORT S Papers, 1777, etc. 3. Papers in the Public Offices of Mass" 8 , concerning the Affairs at Ticonderoga, 1775. 4. From an Orderly-Book, kept by Col. Ruggles WOODBRIDGE, ofHadley, Mass., 1776. 5. From Peter Van SHAACK S Papers, relating to the Loyal ists. Written in London. 6. Major Wm. CROGHAN S Journal, 1780. 61 STORMONT. England and France. Correspondence of Lord STORMONT, British Ambassador in France. 1776-78. 2 vols. Copied from the originals in the State Paper Office, London, 1857. 62 THOMSON. Selection from the Papers of Charles THOMSON (1765-93). Selected in March, 1828, from papers in possession of his nephew, Mr. John Thomson, resident in Newark, Delaware. Contents: Biographical Notes of C. Thomson, by John F. WATSON; Observations on Mr. Keed s notes delivered to AV. H. D[raylon concerning John Dickinson]; Resolutions of the merchants in Philadelphia; Letters of THOMSON, WASHINGTON, FKANKLIN, DICKINSON, JEFFERSON, JAY, etc. 63 WASHINGTON S Addresses. 1782-97. Copied from the records among Washington s papers. 64 WASHINGTON S Cabinet Papers ; 1789-96. 2 vols. Copied from the originals. 65 WASHINGTON. Letters to various Persons, 1754-89. 5 vols. Copied from the originals while they were in my possession. Not printed in " Washington s Writings." 66 WASHINGTON. Letters to George Washington, 1775-99. 2 vols. Copied from the originals. 67 WASHINGTON. Letters to George Washington, 1777-83. Copied from the originals. 68 WASHINGTON and the French War. 1. Curious Diplomatic Papers relating to the Origin of the War of 1756. Copied from original papers in the possession of the Marquis of Lansdown", London, March, 1829. 2. Operations on the Frontier of Virginia, 1754, 1755. Selections copied from the Papers in the office of the Board of Trade, London, March, 1829. 3. Operations in Virginia, 1754-57. Appendix. Extracts from Governor Dixwromf s Letter-Books, now in possession of J. Hamilton, Cumberland Place, London, March 19, 1829. 4. Affairs in North Carolina, 1765-70. Extracts from Governor TRYON S Letter-Books, now in possession of 0. Rich, London, March 19, 1829. 5. Account of the Siege of Worcester, 1646, in which Sir Henry Washington was distinguished. Copied from Nash s " History of Worcestershire," Vol. II., Appendix. 69 WASHINGTON to Lafayette. 1777-98. I received this volume from General Lafayette, December 25th. 1830. It consists entirely of letters from General Washington to General Lafayette, between the years 1777 and 1798. Copied under the direction of Lafayette at La Grange. 70 VERMONT. Papers relating to the Intercourse between the Inhabitants of Vermont and the British Authorities in Canada. 1780-82. Also, concerning Military Operations in the West. Copied from the originals in the Royal Institution, London, 1844. 71 VIRGINIA. Selection from the Papers in the Council Cham ber, in Virginia. 1773-96. Selected in May, 1826. 72 YORKE. England and Holland. Letters and Extracts from the Correspondence of Sir Joseph YORKE in Holland. Jan. 1776-Dec. 1780. [Copied from the originals in the State Paper Office, London, 1857 ?] II. FRENCH. 73 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Correspondence chiefly between the French and Spanish Ministers, concerning the American Revolution. 1776-78. Copied from the [French] originals in the Archives des Affaires 6trang6res, Paris. This volume consists of duplicates of copies in the 1st and 2d volumes of my "French Manuscripts" [No. 80]. 74 DUMAS. Correspondence of Charles W. F. Dumas, Official Agent for the United States in Holland during the Revolution. 1777-1783. [French.] Copied from the originals in the Department of State. 75 FAVIER, Jean Louis. Letters, Memoirs and Considerations, on the American War. 1778-80. Copied from the originals in the Archives des Affaires Etrangeres, Paris, 1831. The last paper, pp. 26-146, is " Considerations sur Forigine, la suite, la conduite, la succes, et le resultat le plus apparent de la guerre prdsente," which, says Mr. Sparks, " written with ability, contains many fallacies and erroneous con pctures." 76 FRANCY, DE. Letters to Caron Beaumarchais. 1778-79. Copied from the originals in the possession of Beaumarchais descendants. Paris, 1856. Francy was an agent for Fettling Beaumarchais accounts in the United States. [Concerning Beaumarchais claims, much remains in the handwriting of Mr. Sparks.] 77 FREDERIC the Great, K. of Prussia. Correspondence with his Ambassadors in London and Paris, on American Affairs, 1776. These copies were procured for me from the Public Offices in Berlin, by Mr. Henry Wheaton, the American Minister at that Court, 1844. They are preceded by Mr. WHEATON S Correspondence with Baron Billow. 78 FRENCH Papers on the American Revolution. This volume consists of Papers selected by me in the Archives de la Guerre, and the Archives dee Affaires Etrangeres, in Paris, 1828. 15 Appendix. 79 FRENCH Papers relating to* the American Colonies, 1766- 1769. Copied from the originals in the Archives des Affaires Etrangeres in Paris, and sent to me by Mr. DE WITT. 1858. [Mr. DE WITT is son-in-law of M. Guizot s, and has since published a Life of Th. Jefferson.] 80 FRENCH Papers, relating to the American Revolution. 1776- 82. 6 vols. Copied from the originals in the Archives des Affaires Etrangeres in Paris. Selected partly by M. Bulos, in 1831-33, partly by me in 1840-41. 81 GERARD. Papers of M. GERARD, French Minister in the United States. 1778, 1779. Copied from the originals in the Department of State at Washington; translated and printed in the 10th vol. of the Diplomatic Correspondence. 82 HOLLAND. Correspondence between Count de VERGENNES and the French Minister in Holland, respecting the Affairs of the American Revolution. 1776-82. Also : Extracts from Three Letters to the French Ambassador in Russia, in 1781. Copied from the originals in the Archives des Affaires Etrangeres, in Paris, partly in the year 1832, and partly in 1841. 83 HOLLAND. Correspondence [translated] between the Abbe DESNOYERS and Count de VERGENNES, and other papers, re lating to the American Revolution and the attitude of Hol land. 1776-81. Unbound MSS. 84 LAFAYETTE. Copies of Letters from Lafayette to Washing ton, and to other Persons, during the American Revolution. In French, some in English. Sent to me by Lafayette, 1829. 85 LAFAYETTE. Correspondence and Papers, in French, relating to the American and French Revolutions. 1777-92. These copies were sent to me by General Lafayette in the year 1829. The re marks prefixed to each part, and the marginal notes, were dictated by La fayette. 86 LAFAYETTE S Papers. 1776-1815. These copies [in French] were sent to me by General Lafayette in the year 87 LAFAYETTE. Letters from General Lafayette to General Washington ; during the American Revolution. These copies were sent to me by General Lafayette, 1832. 88 LAFAYETTE. Letters from Lafayette to Washington. 1782- 92. Copied from the originals, and sent to me by Geo. W. Lafayette. 89 LAFAYETTE. Letters from, to, and about Lafayette. 1792 to 1799. Copied from the originals. 90 LA LUZERNE. Papers of M. de la Luzerne, Minister from France to the United States. 1778-1783. Copied from the originals in the Department of State at Washington ; translated and printed in the 10th volume of the" Diplomatic Correspondence of the Amer ican Revolution." 91 LA SALLE. Papers relating to the Discoveries of Cavelier de la Salle in America. Copied from the original manuscripts in the Public Offices of Paris. [Mr. Park- man has made great use of these papers.] Appendix. 92 MONTMORIN. Correspondence between Count de MONTMORIN and Count de VERGENNES. 1778-82. Unbound MSS. * 93 WALLENSTEIN. Sketches of a Diplomatic History of the American Revolution ; by Jules de Wallenstein ; and other Manuscripts. These are the originals, given to me bv M. de Wallenstein. He did not pursue the project cf the His ory. M. de Wallenstein was for several years attached to the Kowian Legation in the United States. He had previously been connected with the Russian Legation in Spain. After leaving the United States, he was Consul General from Russia in Brazil, and resided at R o Janeiro. 1. Diplomatic History of the American Revolution. Written in 1830. 2. Causes and Principles of the Alliance between France and the United States, 1778. A valuable paper. 3. Annals of the Insurrection of the Spanish Colonies and the Cotemporary History of the Mother Country. In English; translated in 1826. 94 VOYAGE au Continent Americain par un Francois en 1777, el Reflexions Philosophiques sur ces Nouveaux Republicans. Copied from the original in the Bibliotheque du Roi, Paris, 1841. III. SPANISH. 95 GRIMALDI, etc. Correspondence of the Marquis de GRIMALDI, Count de FLORIDABLANCA, and Count de ARANDA, during the American Revolution. 1776-82. 2 vols. Copied from the originals in the Public Archives of Madrid. 1854. [In Spanish. The copies of Aranda, Vergennes, and the Marquis of Almadova, were p-ocured through Guyangos, with the aid of Calderon de la Barca, and Buckingham Smith, then officially in Spain.] 96 SPANISH. GRIMALDI, etc. Correspondence of the Marquis de Grimaldi, Count d Aranda, and Count de Floridablanca, during the American Revolution. 1776-80. Copied from the originals in the Royal Archives of Simanca^, in Spain, 1855. "These, like the letters of Washington, were transcribed either from the letter books of their author, or the original drafts." 97 MIRALLES, etc. 1. Letters of Juan de MIRALLES, from Charleston, S. C., and Philadelphia, to the Governor of Ha vana, 1778-80. The original Letters. Miralles died in Washington s camp at Morristown, Apr. 28, 1780. 2. Letters of Francisco REND ON from Philadelphia to the Governor of Havana, 1780. Original Letters. 98 PAPELES varios de America. 17 vols. A collection of orig nal official papers relating to the affairs of those Spanish provinces in America which now belong to the United States, during the last quarter of the 18th century. The following list came from Spain with the papers: 1. Correspondence of Rendon from Philadelphia, 1780-81. 2 vols. 2. One bundle of papers containing also letters of Rendon, consultas of the Conseyo de Indias, copies of secret letters Appendix. from London, original letters from one Miralles employed by our government, and some papers relating to Cuba, and bear ing on the commissions and instructions to Miralles. 1 vol. 3. Dispatches of the governors de los Provincias internas de Nuevo Esparia, Tejas, Sonora, Cinaloa, California, Nuevo Mexico, &c., 1768-86. 6 vols. 4. One bundle of papers relating to the same provinces. 1 vol. 5. Papers relating to the provinces of Nicaragua, Honduras, Mosquitos, &c., 1743-78. 3 vols. 6. Papers relating to the proceedings to dislodge the English from the " Island of Roatan." 1 vol. 7. Papers relating to Guatimala y Yucatan, 1743-84. 2 vols. 8. Papers relating to Panama y Puerto Velo, 1751-97. 1 vol. " With the purchase came a note from Spain, I have no doubt that the States of Texas and California would be glad to purchase these papers. These papers do not strictly belong to the bound historical MSS. Mr. Sparks received them like the others in packages or portfolios, but never bad ti.em bound. They are the sources of the History of our Spanish possessions, and no account of these countries can be complete without them; and his family prefer to consider them a part of this costly collection, which the wise research of so many years has accumulated." s. 99 PAPERS [in Spanish] relating to the Early Settlements of Louisiana. 1697-1764. Copied from the originals in the public offices of Paris. 100 RENDON, etc. 1. Letters of Don Francisco RENDON, from Philadelphia, May 10-Dec. 30, 1780. Translated from the originals by H. Ware, Sept. 1857. 2. Letters of Juan de MIRALLES, Feb. 13, 1778, to Jan. 30, 1779. Translated. 3. Extracts translated from the Historia del Reinado de Carlos III. en Espana, ppr A. FERRER DEL Rio. 4. Revista Espanola de Ambos Mundos, Mayo de 1855. Ex tract from the article El Conde Aranda. 5. Succinct Memoir of the Operations of Galvez in Louisiana and Florida, 1781-1782. Translated from the Spanish. Unbound MSS. 101 SPANISH Operations in Louisiana, 1781-83. Copied from a [Spanish] manuscript in the possession of M. Ternaux-Compans, Paris, 1843. 102 SPANISH Papers. Feb. 2, 1777, to Feb. 6, 1778. Transla tion. Letters of Count de ARANDA, and Count de FLOR ID ABLANCA, 1776-80. To the Count de Aranda, 1778. Unbound MSS. IV. MISCELLANEOUS. 103 HOLLAND. Historische documenten betreffende de Ameri- kaansche zaken van de jaren 1775-83, afgeschreven naar de origiualen in het Ryks Archief te sGravenhage. 7 vols. In Dutch, with an English translation. 104 VERRAZZANO, Giovanni de. 1. Letter to the King of France, 1524. Copied from the original Italian in the Magliabecchian Library, in Florence. Procured by Mr. Edward Everett. Appendix. 2. NEW SWEDEN. " Extrait historique sur la colonie Nova Suecia." By J. F. BAHR. Sent to Mr. Sparks from Sweden, 1835. With a map, and three letters to C. Hughes from J. F. Bahr, the first beginning, " Voici quelques notices, ramas- sees a la hate, sur la colonie." 105 WARTON. Vita lohannis Fabricii, Militis Angli, scripta Anno 1685. Life of Captain John Smith, in Latin. Copied from the original in the Lam beth Library, London, at my request, 1833. 1 Among very many similar obligations, Mr. Sparks felt perhaps most deeply the many kindnesses of Lord Holland, the proofs of which did not cease with life, and his important services, in which Sir James Mackintosh took an almost equal share. Not less persevering was the interest of the Marquis of Lansdowne. Conspicuous among his good offices was the free offering of his family (the Shelburne) papers. Lord Brougham " insisted that in case I should find any difficulty in prosecuting my historical researches in London, I should apply to him, and he would aid me in anyway in his power." u Throughout the whole business, I have received from Lord Normanby the greatest courtesy." The politeness of Sir Heury Ellis, and of Sir Francis Palgrave; the friendly deeds of Colonel Aspinwall, and Mr. Petty Vaughan, "who was never weary of doing good acts," all were held in grateful remem brance. Our own ambassadors in France as in England, were true to the interests of American History. In Sir Robert Peel alone an obstacle was found. He was sup posed to be " influenced by opposition to the wishes of Mr. Huskisson," whose ac tive exertion was most obliging. A reference to Sir Geo. Murray overruled the difficulty. "I have the strongest reason to be gratified with the civilities and lan guage of the Earl of Aberdeen " in the Foreign Office, where was the Oswald Cor respondence, etc., etc. In the British State Paper Office were found the New York and New Jersey Papers, " which had hitherto been overlooked, and are very valuable." Hence were derived other important MSS., and also from the Royal Institution, the Privy Council Office the Board of Trade, the British Museum, the Office of Journals and Papers, and many private collections. All was so arranged that Mr. Sparks was enabled to have copying continued in Europe, and to send for manuscripts for himself, and to point them out to others, naming hall, shelf, and page, during the years which followed his return to America. At every point of his journey from Brussels through Bonn, Gottingen, Leipzig and Frankfort to Paris, he was fortunate. On his second visit, 1840, that he might pursue researches commenced in 1828, instructions were given for their continuation by the courtesy of M. Guizot, the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the French Court. This gen tleman published about that time his translation of Mr. Sparks s " Life and Writings of Washington," introduced by a noble essay on the subject. In 1828, after three and a half mouths of labor, all the work of Mr. Sparks was taken from him by order of M. Rayneval, when all his friends, M. Ferronays, La Fayette, le Comte d Hauterive, Hyde deNeuville Ferussac, and the Marquis de Marbois, whose literary labors he had shared, had left Paris. Not allowed to copy, he at once began an abridgment of these MSS. in his own hand. u But the historical materials will amply reward me for the labor. . . . Should no ill luck befall them, they will one day become a tribute of great value to the History of the United States." In these 230 Appendix. archives he afterwards found the letter of Franklin to the Count de Vergennes, de scribing the map on which lie had marked with a STRONG RED LINE the boundary of the United State?, as fixed by the treaty, and here among the maps it was found, a map almost as much opposed to American claims as was the map presented to George III. at the same time by the English Commissioners to those of Great Britain. " My researches were continued in the archives till I had examined all the papers relating to the United States, and taken notes and extracts of all that I deemed im portant." The MSS. relating to France and Spain were considered of a very deli cate nature, and Mr. Sparks felt bound to restrain himself in selection where all, with this caution, were left to his discretion. He allowed none to be published, ex cept so far as they supplied historical facts and illustrations. From the War De partment there is a " curious " manuscript relating to Braddock s defeat, and the sub sequent war in America. The very valuable papers relating to La Salle, Tonty, and Joliet, are chiefly from the Marine Department; and the Bibliotheque Royale fur nished an original Journal of Iberville s voyages, a missionan s account of the Illinois Indians, 1693, " What Perricault saw during four years in Louisiana," and Bernard de la Harpe s voyage, 1718-22. Among other friends from whom he acknowledged much kind attention were M. Champollion, M. Jomard, M. Mignet, and M. de Tocque- ville, in a part of whose work on America he was pleasantly associated. "Paris is the spot where more knowledge can be obtained on a given subject than any other." The valuable information owed to Lafayette, was conveyed, not only in person at Paris, and in the daily intercourse at La Grange (Journal), but in abun dant manuscripts transmitted fully to America. u I can," said Lafayette, " conceive of no better employment for myself." A list of the French officers who served in America is derived from the kindness of Mr. Warden. The remarks are dictated by Lafayette. The Depot de la Guerre was rich in details of the military affairs of America, and of the Canadian wars, containing the correspondence of Montcalm and papers relat ing to the mission of the Baron de Kalb. But nowhere was found any paper sustain ing the charges on the affair of Jumonville. During the tour of 18 iO, Mr. Sparks continued to select with laborious care, in France as in England, many important works for the University at Cambridge, whose line collection was thus greatly enriched. NOTE ON HOMER S " BIJJLIOTHECA AMERICANA." (See Catalogue, No. 1635a.) A printed prospectus of this unpublished work Mr. Sparks found during his resi dence at Mount Vernon, among the papers of Washington. He could discover no clew to the MSS. until the year 1840, when, chiefly to examine it, he passed a week among the large collections of Sir Thomas Phillips, Avhose " liberal and generous hospitality " was not confined to the receptions in his own house. He was permitted to take the Manuscript to London, and have it copied Friday, 6th Nov., 1840. " There are five volumes, one of which appeared to have been his first sketch, and the other four the work as completed. In the whole they extend to about 1600 pages closely written, being a list of books relating to America, as far as he was able to find them, or their titles, alphabetically arranged according to the Authors names, and the principal heads of the subjects of anonymous works, with references to the Libraries where they are to be found. Altogether it is a work of extraordinary labor and of great intrinsic value." "Mr. Homer was a fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford." " Examining Spanish Manuscripts, Miss Phillips has copied the full-length portrait of Montezuma, which I shall send to Mr. Prescott, with the titles of tbese papers and some account of their contents." He mentions the " draft of a bill for taking away the charters of all the proprietary and charter colonies 1687, never passed," and a similar report from tae Board of Trade to Queen Anne. NOTE ON ALCEDO S BIBLOTECA AMERICANA." (See Catalogue, No. 1635.) It will be proper to call attention here to this work, and to add to the previous note that the anonymous titles are arranged in a supplement, and followed by an Index to the whole work. ERRATUM. Page 207, lines 30 and 37. For Henty read Fleury. CATALOGUE OF $rtnteti Books anti of jWanuscrtpts BELONGING TO PROF. HENRY WARD POOLE, NOW RESILING IN THE CITY OF MDXICO : Comprising many rare and curious Books, in various Departments of Literature, and in about Seventy Languages ; early printed Books, from 1469 to 1473 ; Ancient Manu scripts ; the Original MS. Maps of Captain Cook and his Officers; rare Voyages and Travels, etc., including the most valuable and rare works of the general Library, and of that collected in Mexico during the past Ten Years. With Descriptions and Explanations of several u hich are UNIQUE, or unknown to Bibliographers. ALSO, FINE AND VALUABLE SPANISH AND MEXICAN PAINTINGS, PRECIOUS STONES, JEWELS, COINS, ETC., COLLECTED IN MEXICO DURING THE SUPPRESSION OF THE CONVENTS IN 1861. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, MAY 24, 25, AND 26, 1871, IN THE LIBRARY SALESROOM OF LEONARD & CO. NO. 60 BROMFIELD STREET, BOSTON. SALES TO COMMENCE EACH DAY AT 10 O CLOCK. CAMBRIDGE: at tfte 1871. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any question arise between bidders the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. The purchasers to give in their names and residences, and to make a deposit, if required, in part payment of the purchase money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be imme diately put up again and resold. III. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer s expense, within three days after the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid previous to the delivery of the goods. IV. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, any money that may have been deposited will be forfeited ; and all goods not removed within the time named may be resold by pub lic or private sale, on account of the purchaser ; and any deficiency occurring at such resale to be made good by the said purchaser. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed. All notices of imperfections must be made within a week from the last day of sale. No allowance will be made for stained, soiled, or short leaves. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be delivered during the Sale. LEONARD & CO. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may hare their purchases faitJtfully executed by the auctioneers, at a charge of Jive per cent, on the amount of bills. Catalogue OF FEINTED BOOKS AND OF MANUSCRIPTS BELONGING TO PROFESSOR HENRY WARD POOLE, NOW RESIDING IN THE CITY OF MEXICO : INCLUDING ALL THAT WAS MOST VALUABLE AND RARE OF HIS GENERAL LIBRARY, AND THE MOST CHOICE OF HIS COLLECTIONS IN MEXICO, DURING THE PAST TEN YEARS. WITH DESCRIPTIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF SEVERAL WHICH MAY BE UNIQUE, OR UNKNOWN TO THE BIBLIOGRAPHERS. BEDEKER, ou 1 Art deconserver la Beaute. 2 vols. in 1. Calf. 12 Amsterdam, 1774 2 ABERCROMBIE, J. Intellectual Powers. Half morocco. 12 New York, 1840 3 ALCHYMISTES, Ex. J. Principes des, sur le Pierre Philoso- phale, etc. Calf. 12 Paris, 1711 4 ALEMAN, MATEO. Vida y Hechos del Picaro Guzman de Alfarache Atalaya de la Vida humana. ENGRAVINGS. 2 vols. in 1. Calf. 8 Amberes, 1681 Fine copy of this chief work mpicaretque literature. 5 ALEMAN, M. Guzman de Alfarache. Sheep. 8 Madrid, 1661 6 AMAZON, Exploration of the Valley of the. Under HERNDON and GIBBON. MANY ILLUSTRATIONS. 2 vols. Cloth. 8 Washington, 1853-54 7 AMENIDADES FILOSOFICAS. Maximas Morales, etc. Half morocco. 12 Barcelona, 1804 8 AMERICA. Voyage a la Guiane, eta Cayenne, en 1789. Cartes et Gravures. Half calf. 8 Paris, An vi. 9 AMERICAN MAPS! N. Am. about 1795, etc. Folded in 8 hf. cf. 10 AMORETTI, C. Viaggio al Tre Laghi, etc. Half calf. 18 Milano, 1824 11 ANA. LINGUETIANA. Principes, Maximes, Pensees, Para doxes et Aventures. D AvAL. Hoards. 18 Paris, 1801 12 PERRONIANA ET THUANA. Pensees Judicieuses, Bons Mots, etc. Calf. 12 Cologne, 1694 1 CATALOGUE. 13 ANA. SORBERIANA, ou Bons Mots, Recont. agreables, etc., cle S. SORBIEEE. Calf. 12 Paris, 1694 14 ANACRKONTE E SAFFO. Le Odi di, in Versi Ital. d. F. S. de ROGATI. 2 vols. in 1. Half calf. 8 Colle, 1782 15 AXQUETIL, L. P. L Histoire Universelle. 3 e Edition, revue par Jo UD AT. Tom. 3 wanting. II vols. Calf. 12 Paris, 1807 Well written, instructive, and curious. 16 ANACHARSIS. Voyage de, En Grece. Many engravings. 3 vols. RoyalS London, 1796 17 ANALYST, THE. Miscellaneous Papers. Cloth. 12Neiv York, 1840 18 [ANDREA.] Satire di Pietro Nelli. Plates. Sheep, gilt. 12 London, 1786 " Graziossissimi e rari." 19 ANTONINUS M. Imperator. His 12 looks addressed to himself. In Greek, with Latin translation, Notes, Indexes, etc. Frontis piece. Calf. 8 Oxon. 1704 Fine edition and copy of these Thoughts, which a Catholic Father has said "should make one blush like scarlet on self comparison with the heathen An toninus." 20 ANTONINUS, MARCUS AURELIUS. The Roman Emperour. His Meditations concerning Himself. Treating of a Natural Man s happinesse ; wherein it consisteth, and of the meanes to at tain e unto it. Translated by Meric CASAVBON, with notes etc. FINE COPY. Vellum. 4 London, 1635 21 ANTONINUS, M. De Rebus Suis. Greek and Latin, with com mentary. Edition Gataker. Autograph and notes of BAR- CIA. Sheep. 4 Londini, 1697 22 ANTONINON LIBERALIS Metamorphoseis Tnterp. Xylander. Greek et Latin. Vellum. 24 Amstel. 1 676 23 APULEIUS. Metamorphoses of. Translated by G. HEAD. Cloth. 8 London, 1852 24 ATALZAIDE. Ouvrage Allegorique. Uncut. 12 Imprime ou Von a pu, 1746 25 ATKINSON, J. Navigation and Tables, etc. 2 copies. Sheep. 8 London, 1759 ATLASES. 26 RUSSIA. Atlas Russicus. Very extended and detailed Maps of Russian Empire. Large folio. Imper. Acad. Petropoli, 1745 27 SENEX, J. About 33 Maps, including British Empire in America. CURIOUS. Large folio, London, 1719 28 DE LISLE, G. Atlas Nouveau. Contenant les Cartes et des Empires ... . du Monde. Fine copy of this elaborate work, 3 vols., large folio, half calf. J. Covens, Amsterdam. 29 EAST INDIA PILOT, or Oriental Navigator. Complete collec tion of Charts, Maps, Plans, etc. of the Indian and China Seas, etc. 2 vols. Russia. Very large folio. London. 30 ILES BRITANIQUES. About 32 Maps. Large folio, sheep. Has stamp in gold of Napoleon s " Depot des Vai?seux," etc. CATALOGUE. O 31 CHAUCHARD, Capt. Maps of Germany, Holland, etc. 25 fine large detailed Maps to join in one extending from Den mark to Malta. Boards. Large folio, London, 1800 32 CHANNEL PILOT. English Channel, Thames, etc. By W. HEATHER. Boards. Large folio, London. 33 KITCHENS. General Atlas of the Whole Universe. 40 Maps on G6 Plates, particularly distinguishing the United States. Boards. Large folio, London, 1800 34 MICIIKLOT, Hydrog. du Roi. Charts of Europe. Section of Frigate. Large folio, Paris, 1732 35 HURD, Capt. Channel Atlas for use of Royal Navy. Half morocco. Large folio, London, 1811 36 SENEX and MAXWELL. North America 1710, and other Maps. Large folio. 37 PENE, CASSINI, etc. De Fransche Neptunus. Large collection of Dutch Maps. Large folio, Amsterdam, 1793 38 CARTES des Pays Bas (Angleterre, France, etc.), de Friex. Boards. Folio, Paris, 1744 39 ARCHBOLD, J. F. Practice of Attorneys in Courts of Law. 2 voh. Boards. 12 London, 1844 40 ARGUS, A. Tempers, Manners and Foibles of Young Per sons. PLATES. Sheep. 12 London, 1823 41 ARIOSTO, L. L Orlando Furioso. With 5 Additional Cantos. 48 FINE PLATES. 4 voh. Sheep. 18 Londra, 1781 42 ARIOSTO. Roland le Fvrievx. Trad, par F. de ROSSET. En- richi de Figures. Literal prose translation of the Orlando, and 5 additional Adventures. RARE AND CURIOUS. 2 vols. in 1. Sheep, gilt. 4 Paris, 1643-44 43 ARISTOPHANE, Comedies d . Trad, du Grec, par M. ARTAUD. Half calf. 12 Paris, 1841 Fine complete edition, with Notes, etc. 44 ARROWSMITH, A. Large Map of North America. About 5 feet by 4, backed with linen and folded in case. VERY DETAILED AND EXACT. Eoijal 8 London, 1795 45 ATHEES, Dictionnaire des, par STL VAIN M . . . L. EXTREMELY and deservedly SCARCE. Boards. 8 Paris, An VIH. " II mettait dans le nombre des Athens, Jesus-Christ, et le Saint- Esprit, Job, Jacob, Esaie. Saint-Paul, St. Athanase, St. Augustine, etc." GUILLON, Hist. Gen. de la Philos. ii. 416. 46 AVILA, J. DE. Indulgencias que pueden ganar los Fieles, etc. Vellum. 1 2 Mexico, 1787 ACON, F. Novum Organum Scientiarum. In Eng lish by Dr. Shaw. Half calf . $ London, 1813 ilfaAnTjJrt^YlJ 48 BALLEXSERD. L Education Physique des Enfans, Depuis la Naissance .... a 1 age de puberte. Calf. 12 Paris, 1765 4 CATALOGUE. 49 BALZAC, H. DE. Romans et Contes Philosophiques. 4 vols., uncut. 18 Bruxelles, 1837 50 BALZAC, Le Sieur de. Socrate Chrestien, et autres oeuvres. Calf. 8 Pan s, 1657 51 BANKES, I. Universal Geography. Many curious Engravings of Customs. Half bound. folio, London. 52 BANVARD, J. Wisdom, Wit, and Whims of Ancient Philoso phers. Cloth. 12 New York, 1855 53 BARBIER, A. A. Nouv. Bibliotheque d un Homme de Gout. 5 vols. Morocco bach. 8 Pans, 1808 54 BARON, A. Hist, de la Literature Fran^aise. Half morocco. 18 BruxeUeg, 1833 55 BARROW, J. Tour in Austrian Lombardy, Northern Tyrol, and Bavaria. Cloth. 8 London, 1841 56 BARTHELEMY. Abre ge du Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece. Illustrated. 2 vols. in 1. Sheep. 12 Paris, 1838 57 BASTIEN, J. F. Calend. du Jardinier. Gardening. Uncut. Thick 12 Paris, 1807 58 BEAUCHAMP, AL. DE. Histoire des Campagnes de 1814-15. 2 parts. 4 vols. Russia gilt. 8 Paris, 1816-17 The anti-Bonapartist author celebrates the usurper s ruin and the reestablish- ment of the throne. 59 BEAUHARNAIS, Comtesse de. I/AVEUGLE PAR AMOUR, L/ABATLARD SUPPOSE, ou le Sentiment a Fepreuve. 2 vols. Unbound. Paris, 1780 60 BEAUMONT, MAD. L. DE. Le Magasin des Jeunes Dames. 4 vols., uncut. 18 Paris, 1821 61 BECKFORD, W. Vathek ; an Arabian Tale. Boards. 16 London, 1856 62 BELKNAP, JER. Discovery of America ; with Four Disser tations : On the Circumnavigation^ of Africa by the Ancients ; MARTIN BEHAIM as discoverer of America ; The Honey-Bee, a native of America ; and Colour of Native Americans. Un cut. 8 Boston, Apollo Press, 1792 63 BELLINI, V. Beatrice di Tenda. The Opera, with Music. Long music folio. Napoli. 64 BELLINI, V. II Pirata. The Complete Opera Music, with Colored Plates of the splendid scenery. Boards. Long music folio. Milano. 65 BELOT, J. La Chiromance, Physionomie, Art de Memoire, Divinations, Augures et Songes, etc. PLATES. Half bound. 8 Lyon, 1649 66 BELZONI, G. Adventures in Egypt and Nubia ; Discoveries, etc. 25 PLATES. Cloth. 18 New York, 1843 67 BENTHAM, JER. Defence of Usury : Impolicy of Legal Re straints on Pecuniary Bargains, with Letter to Adam Smith. Sheep. 16 Philadelphia, 1796 68 BENTIVOGLIO, Card. Lettres aux prem. Princes de 1 Eu- rope. Italien et Fran9ois. Calf. 12 Paris, 1696 CATALOGUE. t> 69 BERGGREX, J. Guide Francais-Arabe Vulgaire. Arabic Dic tionary with Map of Syria, etc. Uncut. 4 Upsal, 1844 70 BERLIN UND POTSDAM. Beschreibung der Koniglichen Resi- denzstadte Fred, the Great. Sheep. 2 voh. 12 Berlin, 1779 71 BERNOULLI, J. Sextenary Tables, exhibiting at sight any Pro portion not exceeding 600 seconds or 10 minutes. Calf. 4 London, 1779 72 BERTOLDO, BERTOLDINO E CACASENO. CURIOUS. 20 Plates. Morocco. 2 vols. 16 Venezia, 1791 Satirical and comical adventures of a very astute countryman at court, and of his family. Original of much current wit. 73 BERTOLOTTI, D. Viaggio al Lago di Como, etc. Unbound. 18 Como, 1824 74 BERTRAND, CARDINAL. Latin Manuscript, date previous to 1348 ivhen the Cardinal died. " Postillia on the Four Gos pels" " Hie INCIPIT POSTILLIA." Calf. Thick 4 Very neatly and carefully written: black and red. 75 BERZELIUS, JAC. Om Blasrorets anvandande i Kemien och Mineralogien. Boards. 12 Stockholm, 1820 The original work of the inventor of Blow-pipe Chemistry. 76 BETTINELLI, S. Risorgimento d ltalia, negli Studj, nelli Arti, etc. Half calf. 2 vols. 12 Bassano, 1786 77 BIANCHI, I. Delia Felicita Meditazioni. Uncut. 8 Venezia, 1825 78 BIBLE, Black Letter, Fragment of, with Common Prayer, etc. English Authorized Version? 4 London, 1624 79 BIBLE. La Sacra Biblia ; translated by G. DIODATI, with Com pendium, Chronology, etc. Morocco. 8 Londra, 1819 80 BIBLE. SACY, LE MAISTRE DE. Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament. Representee avec des Figures et des Explications Edifiantes, tirees des Saints Peres, pour regler les mceurs dans toutes sortes de conditions. Several hundred plates. One on each folio. CURIOUS AND RARE. Sheep. Thick 4 Paris, 1752 This beautiful and elaborate work is from the convent of " La Profesa " in Mex ico. The quaint engravings represent almost the entire Bible, and powerfully stimulate to the reading of the entire book. 81 BIBLE. Istoria del Testamento Vecchio e Nuevo. F. DONA- DO. 135 Wood-cuts. Vellum. 12 Venezia, 1786 Principal subjects of the Bible with curious wood-cuts. 82 BIBLIOGRAPHIA ANTIQUARY, sive Introductio in Notit. Scrip, qui antiq. Hebraicas, Graecas, Roman, et Christafias Scripti illustravit. Sheep. 4 Hamburg et Lipsicz, 1716 83 BIBLIOGRAPHY. BRETOY, A. P. Neoellenike Philologia. Greek Title, i. e. New Greek Philology, or Catalogue of Books since Fall of Byzantine Empire. Uncut. 2 vols. 8 Athenais, 1854 84 CREVENNA, P. A. B. Catalogue de Livres. With the prices. Calf. 5 vols. in 3. 8 Amsterdam, 1789 CATALOGUE. 84* BIBLIOGRAPHY. DE BURE. Suppl. a 1 Bibliog. Inst. ou Catal. des GAIGNAT. With MS. prices. Catal. 3,542 titles. Rare books. Classified, with Index of Authors. Calf. 2 vols. in 1. 8 Paris, 1799 85 PINELLI, M. Catalogue of Magnificent Library of. Half bound. 8 London, 1789 86 MELLO, A. C. Pat. de. Cat. de Livres de feu. Of. 8 Paris. 87 BIBLIOTHEQUE d un Homme de Gout. 4 torn, in 2 vols. Calf. Paris, 17#8 88 BIOT, J. B. Geometric Analytique, etc. Interleaved. MS. Examples. Half calf . 12 Paris, 1813 88* BIOT, J. B. Hist. Gen. de Sciences pendant La Re vol. Franc. Half morocco. 8 Paris, 1803 89 BIRD, J. B. Laws respecting : I. Landlords, etc. II. Wills. III. Masters and Servants, etc. IV. Parish Affairs, etc. Calf. 4 vols. in 1. 8 London, 1806-08 90 BLAIR, J. Chronology and History of the World, from the Creation to the Year of Christ 1 802. Illustrated in LVII Tables. Four reach to First Olympiad ; each of following 53 contains a half century. Boards. Folio, London, 1803 Maps and engraved tables, showing the state of the world for each year, the eminent men, events, etc. 91 BLANCORD, S. Physical Dictionary, Anatomy, Medicine, etc. Calf. 8 London, 1708 92 BLUNT S American Coast Pilot. By L. Furlong. Fourth Edi tion. 8 Neivhtryport, 1804 93 BOCCAGE, MAD. Du. Le Paradis Terrestre. PLATES. 8 London, 1760 BOCCAGE, MAD. Du. LA COLUMBIADE, ou la Foi portee an Nouveau Monde. PLATES. Calf. 2 vols. in 1. 8 Paris, 1761 94 BOILEATJ. CEuvres de. Avec notes par AMAR. Autog. R. CHOATE. Half morocco. 12 Paris, 1848 95 BOINVILLIERS, J. F. Dictionnaire Francais-Latin. Sheep. 12 Paris, 1835 96 BOLINGBROKE, Lord. Letters of, to Windham, Pope, etc. Important. Sheep. 8 London, 1753 97 BOMBET, L. A. C. Life of Haydn; Life of Mozart, etc. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1839 98 BONAPARTE. Correspondence et relat. de J. FIEVRE avec, 1802-13. 3 vols. GAY, SOPHIE. Un Marriage sous 1 Empire. 2 vols. BEATJVOIR, R. DE. Le Cafe Procope. 6 vols. Cloth. 18 Bruxelles, 1835-37 99 BONNET, CH. CEuvres d Histoire Naturelle et de Philosophic. PORTRAIT AND PLATES. 18 vols. Boards, uncut. 8 Neuchatel, 1779-83 100 BOOTH, H. Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Map and engravings. Uncut. Royal 8 Liverpool, n. d. 101 BORDEN, S. Formulae for Locating and Constructing Rail roads. 2 copies. Calf. Royal 8 Boston, -1851 CATALOGUE. 1 102 BORDEN, T. Recherches sur le Fouls, par rapport aux Crises. Half morocco. 12 Paris, 1756 103 BOSCHE, E. T. Portuguese Grammar and Exercises. 2 rots. Unbound. 12 Hamburg, 1853 104 BOSSUKT, J.-B. L Histoire Universelle. Autograph of Rufas Choate. Half calf . 8 Paris, 1826 105 BOSTON, T. Human Nature in its Four-fold State. Ser mons, etc. Calf. 8 Edinburgh, 1744 106 BOSTON ALMANAC. No. 1, for 1836. Perfect, with map. Boards. 18 Boston, 1836 107 BOSTON ALMANAC, 1838 to 1859. 22 vols. Duplicates : 1841, 1841, 1842, 1846, 1856, 1857. 28 vols. 108 BOSTON SCHOOL REPORTS, 1857, 1858, 1859. 3 vols. in cloth. 12 Boston 109 BOSWELL, JAMES, Esq. (Dr. Johnson s Biographer.) Tour to Corsica. Maps. Calf. 8 London, 1769 110 BOTTI, G. I Boccali di Montelupo, Perduti Monument!. Sheep. . 18 Firenze, 1818 111 BOUCIIITTE. Histoire Ancienne. COLORED MAPS. Half morocco. 4 Paris, 1844 112 Bo WD ITCH, N. New American Practical Navigator. FIRST EDITION. Sheep. 8 Newburyport, 1802 113 BOWDITCH, N. New American Practical Navigator. FOURTH EDITION. Sheep. 8 Neiv York, 1817 114 BOWDITCH, N. New American Practical Navigator. SEV ENTH EDITION. Sheep. 8 New York, 1833 115 BOWDITCH, N. Practical Navigator ; containing all necessary Tables, etc. FOURTEENTH EDITION. Sheep. 8 New York, 1845 116 BOWDOIN, J. (Pres. Am. Acad.) Philosophical Discourse, Nov. 8, 1780. Uncut. 8 Boston, 1780 117 [BOYER, J. B. DE, Marquis d Argens.] Lettres Cabalis- tiques, ou Correspondence entre deux Cabalistes, clivers Es- prits Element, et le Seigneur Astaroth. Avec Figures. 6 vols. in 3. Half calf. 16 La Haye, 1741 118 [BOYER.] Letters Cabalistiques. Another copy. 6 vols. in 3. Boards. La Haye, 1741 119 BOYLE, ROBERT. Six Physiological Essays. CURIOUS. Sheep. 4 London, 1668-69 120 BRACE, C. L. The Norse-Folk; Norway and Sweden. Engravings. Cloth. 12 Neiv York, 1857 121 BRADLEY, A. Map of the United States, with Post Roads, Counties, Distances, Rivers, etc., 4 feet 5 inches by 3 feet 2, backed and folded. 8 [Washington ] 1804 An important and scarce map, in perfect condition. 122 BRADLEY, T. Practical Geometry, Linear Perspective, and Projection. 8 plates and many cuts. Cloth. 8 London 123 BRAZIL AND BUENOS AYRES. Geographical History, and Topographical Description. MAP, and many FINE ENGRAV INGS. 2 vols. Half morocco, gilt. 12 London, 1825 CATALOGUE. 123* BRENTON. Vice Admiral Sir Jahleel. Memoir of, by his Son. Portrait. Cloth. Thick 12 London, 1855 124 BRISSONIUS, Barn. De Veteri Ritu Nvptiarvm et Jure Connubiorum. Vellum. Thick 24 Lug. Bat. 1641 125 BROTHERS, R. Prophecies, Restoration of Jews in 1798, under their Revealed Prince and Prophet. Wrote by Him self. 2 Parts. Also: Testimony of N. B. HALHED, M. P. 3 vols. in 1. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1795 This self- styled Prince and Prophet, by special revelation, announces the ful fillment of the Scriptural prophecies^ much as did afterwards Father Miller. One respectable disciple and member of Parliament dared to defend the doc trine and the Prophet. 125* BROWN, J. Manners and Principles of the Times. Half calf. 16 Boston, New England, 1758 126 BROWN, S. R. Western Gazetteer and Emigrants Directory. Sheep. 8 Auburn. N. Y., 1817 127 BRUEYS ET PALAPRAT. CEuvres Choisies. 2 vols. in 1. Half morocco. 16 Paris, 1812 128 BRUNET, J. C. Manuel du Libraire et Amateur de Libres. 3 e Edition. 4 vols. Half calf . 8 Paris, 1820 129 BRUYERE, M. DE LA. Works. Translated by N. ROWE. 2 vols. Calf. 8 London, 1723 Book-plate of Samuel Rogers. 130 BRYANT, W. C. The Embargo ; or Sketches of the Times ; a Satire, with other Poems. Uncut. 12 Boston, 1809 BRYANT S first published poem. SCARCE. 131 BUFFON, LECL. DE. Hist. Nat. de 1 Or, 1* Argent, Cuivre, etc. Boards. Paris, An vin. 132 BUFFON. Histoire Naturelle des Mineraux. 9 vols. Boards. Gilt. 12 Deux Fonts, 1790 133 BUNGENER, F. Trois Sermons sous Louis XV. Uncut. 12 Paris, 1854 134 BUNYAN, J. Taith y Pererin. Pilgrim s Progress, in Welsh. Many plates. Cloth. Royal 8 Lundain, n. d. 135 BURE, G. F. DE. Bibliographic Instructive: connois. des Livres Rares. 6 vols. Calf. . 8 Paris, 1764-68 136 BURNS, R. The Works of, Life, etc., Poems, Letters, Glossary, etc. Calf. 12 New York, 1830 137 BURTIN, F.-X. DE. Traite theor. et practique des connois. necessaires a tout Amateur de Tableaux. Tome I. Calf. 8 Bruxelles, 1808 This volume is complete in itself, and very useful in the judgment of paintings, their care, restoration, etc. 138 BURRIT, E. H. Logarithmick Arithmetic!*, Logar. & Astron. Tables. Sheep. 8 Williamsburgh, Mass., 1818 139 BUSSI-RABATIN, Le Comte de. Histoire Amoreuse des Gaules. 3 vols. Morocco, gilt. 8 Paris, 1829 140 BUTTMANN, P. Griechische Grammatik. Half sheep. 12 Berlin, 1818 141 BYRON, LORD. The Works of, with Illustrations. Sheep. Royal 8 Philadelphia, 1851 CATALOGUE. 9 142 iRp^asal^ESAR, Les Commentaires de. Trad. nouv. le texte en regard, avec des notes, index, cartes, etc., par BOTIDOUX. 5 vols. Half morocco. 8 Paris, 1809 143 OESARIS Commentarii. Calf. 18 Glasguai y 1750 144 C^SARIS, C. Julii. Complete Works. Delphin Edition. Notes, vocab. Sheep. 8 Londini, 1800 145 CAILHAVA. De 1 Art de la Comedie. 4 vols. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1772 Garrick s copy, with his Book-plate. 146 CAILHAVA. The Same. 2 me EDITION. 2 vols. Half sheep. 8 Paris, 1786 147 [CALLENDER, J. T.] Political Progress of Britain ; Abuses, etc. Uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1795 Warnings to America from English History. Commended by Jefferson. 148 CALVERT, DR. J. Anthems of Temple Church, etc. Red and Black. Cloth. Royal 8 London, 1844 149 CALVILLO, J. B. D. Los Males que puede Causar la Desunion entre Espanoles Ultramarines y Americanos. Unbound. 8 Mexico, 1810 First discourse of this reverend champion of the king, eighteen days after Hidalgo s Declaration of Independence. Calvillo afterward preached a ser mon, giving thanks to the Virgen de los Remedies, for her special services in destroying the Mexican insurgents. 150 CAMOENS, Luis DE. Luisada. In Oria. Portuguese. Half morocco. 16 ft. p. n. d. 151 CAREY, MATHEW. American Pocket Atlas. 20 Maps, and description of each. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1814 Good maps of the States as then existing. 152 CAREY, M. Account of the Late Malignant Fever in Phila delphia. Uncut. 8 Philadelphia, Nov. 23, 1793 List of deaths, and of burials, classified by the religious persuasions. Cruel treatment of the sick and well by the alarmed vicinity. Noble personal ser vices in the hospitals, by Stephen Girard and others. Meteorological obser vations, etc. 153 CARIONIS. Chronicon, Ph. Melanchthon et C. Peucero. 2 vols. JZmbossed vellum. 16 /. le Preaux, 1593 154 CARTE GENERALE entre les trois Empires, on Theatre de la Guerre Presente. Also, Maps of Albanie, Bog et Dnieper, Constantinople, and Dardanelles. In case. 4 Tienne, 1788 155 CART WRIGHT, THOMAS. Historia Christi Salv. Nost. et Rerum ab eo gestarum, ex 4 Evang. Lib. Tertio. Calf. 4 n.p. 1630 Autograph of " ISAAC FOSTER, 10th of 9th mo., [16] 72," and of J. G. PEUCIVAL. 156 CART WRIGHT, TH. Comment, in Proverbia Solomonis. Prafatio J. POLYANDRI. Calf. 4 Lug. Bat. 1617 157 CARYALHO, S. N. Travel and Adventure with Fremont s Expedition. Cloth. 12 New York, 1857 158 CASTIL-BLAZE. De 1 Opera en France. 2 vols. Half morocco. 8 Paris, 1826 10 CATALOGUE. 159 CATULLUS. (Autograph of RUFUS CHOATE.) HORACE, Hun ter s ; CICERO S Brutus ; HORACE, Hilper, 1830 ; OVID ; JEsop in Greek. 6 vols. 160 CAYETANO DE LIMA, L. Grammatica Franceza-Portugueza. 2 parts in 1 vol. Sheep. 4 Lisloa, 1732-33 161 CKLLARIUS. Fashionable Dancing. Designs by Gavarni, in tints and gold. Encyclopaedia of the, Art. Boards. 4 London, Bogue, 1847 162 CENSOR, THE. Complete, 96 numbers, Apr. 11, 1715 to June 1, 1717. 3vols.ini. Calj. 24 London, 1717 163 CENSORINI. Liber de Die Natali, etc. Of. &> Lug. Bat. 1743 He wrote, A. D. 238, on chronology, sciences, etc. 164 CENTRAL AMERICAN Affairs, and Enlistment Question. Cloth. 12 Washington, 1856 165 CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE. Vida y Hechos del Ingenioso Hidalgo, Don Quixote de La Mancha. 3 volumes. Boards. 4 London, 1781 166 CERVANTES. Don Quijote, etc. Half mor. 12 Paris, 1844 167 CERVANTES. Don Quixote, etc. Con muy bellas Estampas gravadas por FOLKEMA. Tom. 1 V. wanting. 3 vols. Calf. 18 En Haia, 1744 A choice edition, with the excellent and full life of Cervantes, by MAYANS y SISCAR. " Recherche" a cause des jolies figures de Folkema dont elles sont orrises." BRUNEI. 168 CERVANTES. Don Quijote, etc. ttlust. by Tony JOHANNOT, etc. Uncut. 4 Paris, 1851 169 CERVANTES. Life and Exploits of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated by C. JARVIS. 4 vote, in 2. Cloth. 18 Philadelphia. " Of all the books of fiction, I know of none that equals Cervantes History of Don Quixote, in usefulness, pleasantry, and a constant decorum." - JOHN LOCKE. 170 CERVANTES. Don Quichotte de la Manche. Trad, par FLORIAN. Half turkey. 12 Pam|1847 171 CERVANTES. Don Quichotte, etc. 20 ENGRAVINGS. Uncut. 12 Paris. 172 CESAROTTE, M. Pronea Componimento Epico. Dedicated to Napoleon. Half calf . Royal 8 Brescia, 1807 173 CICERONIS, M. T. Opera Omnia. FINE AND RARE EDITION, in perfect order and in original calf binding. 9 vols. in 8. Calf. 8 Lutetia, Paris, 1573 Is paged continuously to end, page 5459. Has Privelegium of Charles IX. in year of his Massacre of St. Bartholomew. 174 CICERO. Three Aldines. 1. De Oratore. 2. Brutus. 3 Orator. Calf. 8 Venet. 1546 175 CICERO. Eclogae, gesammelt von D OLIVET. Half sheep. 12 Zurich, 1783 176 CICERONIS Oratfones. Notis. Illust. Sheep. 12 Bostonice, 1832 CATALOGUE. 11 177 CICERO. Tusculan Disputations, Dream of Scipio, etc. Au tograph of RUFUS CHOATE. Cloth. 12 Cambridge, 1851 178 CICERO. I. De Nat. Deorum ; De Divinatione ; De Fato ; De Legibus. II. De Officiis ; De Senectute ; De Arnicitia ; Paradoxa Stoicorum, etc. Ex D. LAMBINI emend. 2 vols. in I. Half calf . 8 Lvtetice, 1573 179 CICERONIS Qua? ad Jus Spectant. Autograph o/R. CHOATE. Half morocco. 8 Marburgi, n. d. 180 CLARKE, J. Education of Youth in Grammar Schools. Also FLORUS, with English translation, and MAKING OF LATIN. 3 vols. 12 London, 1740 181 CIIAMBRAY, Le M. de. Philos. de la Guerre ; suiv. d. Me langes. Uncut. 8 Paris, 1829 182 CiiAMPOLLiON-FiGEAC, A. Poesies de Ch. d Orleans. Broche. 12 Paris, 1843 183 CHARLETON, W. Wits of Men. Mystery of Vintners ; the various Sicknesses of Wines and their Remedies. 2 curious ivorks, in 1 vol. Sheep. 18 London, 1692 184 CHATEAUBRIAND. Celuta ; or the Natchez. An Indian Tale (of Louisiana). 3 vols. Half morocco. 12 London, 1835 185 CIIANTELOUP, HERV. DE. Nouv. Traite de Serins de Can- arie. ENGRAVINGS. Half calf . 18 Paris, 1785 Complete instructions for canaries, and other birds ; with music to teach them. 186 CHASLES, PHILAR. Etudes sur 1 Espagne. Broche. 12 Paris, 1847 187 [CHAUMEIX.] La Petite Encyc. ou Diet, de Philosophes. Unbound. 12 Anvers, 1772 188 CHESNEY, Col. Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828-29. 12 New Tbr/l-,1854- 189 CHESS. Traite theor. et pract. du Jeu des Echecs, par ime Societe d Amateurs. " Get ouvrage, fort rare a pour auteurs MM. LEGER, CARLIER, BERNARD et VBBDOSI." 190 CHESTERFIELD, American. Selections from, and from others. Morocco. 24 Philadelphia, 1833 191 CIIEVELLIER, A. L Origine de I lmprimerie de Paris. Dis. Hist, et Critique. RARE and IMPORTANT. Early Printed Books. Calf. Folio, Paris, 1694 " Plein de grands recherches." HOEFFEF. 192 CHICKERING, J. Life and Character of. Portrait. Boards. 12 Boston, 1854 193 CIIIMALPOPOCA GALICIA, F. Silibario de Idioma Mexicano. Uncut. 12 Mexico, 1859 Primer, Vocabulary, and Reading Exercises in the original language of the capital of Mexico. 194 CHOISY, L Abbe de. Voyage de Siam 1685-86. Calf. 12 Paris, 1687 By a whim of his mother, De Choisy was dressed as a girl up to the age of eighteen. The King of Siam declined being converted, as the Abb pro posed, but sent him home with fine presents. CATALOGUE. 1 95 CHOMPRE. Diet, de la Fable. Pour 1 intelleg. des Poetes, Tableaux, etc. Sheep. 16 Avignon, 1817 196 CHOYSELAT, P. LE. Discovrs GEconomique. De 500 livres tirer 4500. Fine half turkey. 8 Rouen, 1612 197 COAST SURVEY, U. S. Reports, with Maps, for 1851/52, 53, 54, 55, 56. 1 vol. 8 ; 6 vols. 4to. Cloth. Washington. 198 CODE CIVIL DES FRANCAIS. 2281 articles. Table raisonee. Sheep. 18 Paris, 1804 199 COLECCION DE PlEZAS DE SOLIS, CERVANTES, QuEVEDO, etc. Sheep. 2 vols. 18 Madrid, 1821 200 COLLINGWOOD, G. L. N. Life and Correspondence of Ad miral Collingwood. Half calf. 4 London, 1828 201 Another copy. Half morocco. 4 London, 1828 202 COLLINGWOOD. Life and Correspondence. 2d Edition. FINE COPY. 2 vols. Half calf. 8 London, 1828 203 COLLOT, A. G. French Grammar and Exercises. Pronounc ing French Reader. 2 vols. Half mor. 12 Philadelphia, 1844 204 COMBE, AND. Physiology. Health, and Physical and Mental Education. Cloth. 12 New York, 1834 205 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION, United States Secretary of Treasury on. Cloth. 12 Washington, 1855 206 COMMON PRAYER, Book of. With the Psalter. Morocco, gilt. Royal 8 New York, 1843 207 COMMON PRAYER, Book of. 2 neat morocco, illuminated title. 4 copies. Philadelphia, 1857, etc. 208 COMMINES, PH. DE. Historic of. Folio, London, 1614 Autograph of R. RANTOUL, JR. 209 COMSTOCK, J. L. Botany ; illustrated by many wood-cuts. Sheep. 12 New York, 1835 210 CONCORDIADE PLATEROS, Batihojas y Tiradores en Venera- cion del Sefior Ecce-Homo y S. Antonio de Padua. Un bound. 12 Mexico, 1850 With the miraculous " Virgen de la Cabeza," Mexico, 1843, etc., 4 in all. Society of Mexican Silversmiths, and others, to worship two images in the Cathedral ; to which indulgences were conceded by Pope Pius V., and some additional by the Bishop of Mexico, 4th November, 1844. " 240 days of indulgence for every word that these members shall pray," etc. Great is Diana of the Ephesians ! 211 CONDILLAC. CEuvres Completes, revues, corrigees par 1 Au- teur, et imprimees sur ses Manuscrits Autographes. 30 vols. Marbled sheep, gilt. Paris, 1803 212 CONTES ARABES. Les Mille et Une Nuits. KRUDNER, MAD. DE. Valerie. DE STAEL, MAD. Corinne. 3 works, illustrated, in 1 vol. uncut. 4 Paris. 213 COOK, Captain J. Voyages Round the World, 1768-1779. The most complete account, with all maps, engravings, etc. Published under direction of G. W. Anderson. To which are added various other voyages. 2 vols. Sheep. Folio, London. CATALOGUE. 13 : COOK, CAPTAIN JAMES. MANUSCRIPTS. AUTOGRAPH Manuscript Maps by the Great Circumnavi gator Captain JAMES COOK, neatly drawn on sheets 32 X24 in. ; some on double sheets. His original chart used on second voyage, and a large collection of maps used by him, and engraved copies of his own. All bought in London. 214 1 SEA COAST OF NEW SOUTH WALES on the East Coast of New Holland, from Point Hicks to Block Head, by Lieut. J. COOK, Commander of His Majesty s Bark the ENDEAVOUR, 1770. [First Voyage, 1768-71.] 215, 216, 217. 2, 3, 4 Same title, but in continuation respectively to CAPE MORTON, CAPE PALMERSTON, and CAPE FLATTERY 1770. 218 5 A PJan of KING GEORGE S ISLAND, or OTAHEITE, lying in the South Sea. By Lieutenant I. COOK. 219 6 A Chart of Part of NEW ZELAND, or the Island of AEHEI- NOMOWE, lying in the South Seas. By Lieut. J. COOK, Com mander of the Endeavour, 1770. Here is MERCURY POINT, where he observed the transit of Nov. 1769. " Strong position against natives. Excellent and abundant oysters." 220 7 Same title, but of ISLAND OF TOVYPOENAMMU. 1770. 221 8 COOK and CLERKE. A Chart showing the Principal Tracks of the Discoverers in the Southern Ocean by Lieut. Charles CLERKE. DRAWING with original plotting of the RESOLUTE S course. CLERKE made his first voyage round the world with Commodore Byron ; ap pointed by Captain Cook, 24th May, 1771; prepared this chart and used it on the Resofute, on Cook s second voyage. The ship s course was evidently plotted at sea. Pie commanded the Discovery on the third voyage, and took general command of the expedition after the murder of Cook at Owyhee. After a vain attempt to penetrate the Polar Sea, he died August 27, 1778, at sea. 222 9 A clean copy of Clerke s chart, No. 8. 223 10 DALRYMPLE, ALEX. Map of the Lands around the North Pole, 1789. Greater part in MS. DALKYMPLE was to have commanded the expedition, but demanding a naval ok appointment, and refusing to go without it, COOK was put in his place. .He collected and prepared a great number of maps which are in this collection and containing all that could be gathered from previous discoverers. 224 11 COOK S MS. Maps of New Zeland, Falkland Islands, Marble Island, etc. Surveyed in 1769-70. 10 sheets. 225 12 Piano del Rio DE LA PLATA. Por D. XAV. ANT. MUNOZ. MS., and 14 other MS. Maps of the Cook Collection. 226 13 LABRADOR. By Lieut. R, Curtis, in 1773. MS. 227 14 MONTE VIDEO. Rio de la Plata, etc. By ZAVALOS, etc. 8 colored maps and views on I sheet, MS. 228 15 YOUNG, R. P. Large Chart. H. M. ship Thetis, from England to St. Helena, convoying Indiamen ; with Views of St. Helena, etc. 1777. MS. 14 CATALOGUE. 229 16 EAST INDIA Company s Snow VIPER 1787-89. Surveys, maps, and many colored views, on 17 sheets MS. 230 17 GUISON, M/(Ing. Agricole.) 7 MSS. PLANS, namely, Carte du Terrain concede a* la Compagnie de la Guiane, etc. Large drawing paper. Cayenne, 1778 Complete plans of the territory, with lots of the members, who proposed rais ing coffee, chocolate, cotton, sugar, etc., by the Dutch system of irrigation, admitting the water to the lowland; and of the method of irrigating, the apparatus, etc. They are finely executed and instructive. 231 18 JOHNSTON, W. Geog.-Hydr. Survey of Isle of Madeira, etc. 1791. Fine map and Views. View of Madeira, and sailing directions. Compiled by Alexander DALRYMPLE. Views, etc., by LAVAL. 3 sheets. 232 19 PLAN OP GIBRALTAR, Spanish Lines, and Works the Ene my have erected since 20 June, 1779. By WM. GREEN, Chief Engineer and Colonel. PRIVATE GOVERNMENT MS. PLAN. Fine large detailed drawing of the Fortress. With 2 other MS. plans of the whole Peninsula and Bay of Gibraltar. 233 20 PORT EGAIONT at Falkland Islands. By Lieut. J. Cath- cart, 1773. Another map, and a view. 3 fine MSS. 234 21 COOK S Maps. a. North- West Passage Attempted, b. Coast from Patagonia to Rio de la Plata. Falkland Islands, etc. 2 MSS. 235 22 Lot of tracings of previous maps prepared for Captain COOK. 236 23 COOK, J. 35 engraved maps of his Voyages and Dis coveries, being copies of the original drawings in this list and his detailed surveys, and large maps of the world, with his own and other voyages traced. With a MS. Spanish map by Domingo Perler, " Costa Oriental " South America. 237 23* CONICAL Projection of Europe to North Pole, etc. COOK S. 4 MS. plans. 238 24 OLD and Scarce Charts and Maps. Dutch, French, etc., being the most important previously to Captain Cook. 17 MS. and engraved. 239 25 SCOTT, T. Van Dieman s Land. A large and detailed Map, with the Land Grants and owners names, by the Gov t Surveyor. London, 1824 241 COOPER, T. THESAVRVS LINGVO Romanse et Bri- tannicag, tarn accurate congestus, ut nihil pene en eo desyde- raripossit, quod vel L:\tinecomplectaturamplissimiis Stephani Thesaurus, vel Anglice, toties aucta, Eliotae Bibliotheca. Ace. Diet. Historicum et Poeticum. RARE. Calf. Folio, Londini, 1573 Useful for English of time of Queen Elizabeth, who for this work took the author under "her immediate protection and promoted him to various bishop rics. Highly prized. 242 COSAS DE ESPANA, or Going to Madrid and Barcelona. Cloth. 12 New York, 1855 CATALOGUE. 15 243 COSTUMES. TRAJES DE LAS ORDENES RELIGIOSAS T MILITARES. 81 colored plates of Friars, Nuns, and Military Orders, with historical descriptions. Sheep. RARE. Folio. Published by subscription in numbers in Madrid, n. d. 244 COULTAS, H. Principles of Botany. The Phanerogamia. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1854 245 COURT DE GEBELIN. Monde Primitif, analyse et compare avec le Monde moderne considere dans son genie allegorique, etc. Various works on Grammatique Universelle, Origine du Langage, Hist, du Calendrier, Diet. Etymologique, Origines Latines, Origines Grecs, etc. Plates CURIOUS and SCARCE. 9 vols. Calf. 4 Paris, 1773-82 " Of the highest importance in mythology and literature." 246 COURTING, The Art of. Published for the Amusement of American Youth. RARE. Sheep. 12 Neivburyport, 1795 247 COXE, D. Description of the English Province of CARO LINA, by the Spaniards called Florida, and by the French Louisiane. The river Meschacebe, and communication with the South Sea ; the Five Great Lakes, etc. RARE. Calf. 8 London, 1741 See PRATZ, La Louisiane No. 740. 248 CROZERIO, Dr. De la Medicine Homopathique. Boards. 8 Paris, 1835 249 CRUZ, RAMON DE LA. Sainetes. Discurso de A. DURAN, etc. 2 vols. Sheep. 8 Madrid, 1843 250 CUBI Y SOLER, M. Le Traducteur Francois. With vocabulary. Sheep. 12 Boston. 1828 251 CUMMINGS, S. Western Pilot ; Charts of Ohio and Missis sippi Rivers, etc. Half sheep. 8 Cincinnati, 1836 Descriptions of towns on their banks, tributaries, and directions-for navigation. 252 CUMMING, T. G. Suspension Bridges of Menai Straits, etc. Plate. 8 London, 1824 253 CUISINIERE BOURGEOISE ; L Office, etc. Shp. 12 Pam, 1807 254 CUVIER, G. Les Revolutions de la Surface du Globe. 6 me Edition., Plates. Fine calf. 8 Paris, 1830 ACOSTA, J. A new Grammar, French, English, and Spanish. Vellum. 8 Brussels, 1752 256 D ALQUIE. La Science et 1 Ecole des Amans. Moyens infallibles de triompher en Amour. Vel. 12 Amst. 1677 257 DALSON, A. F. Survey of Coal Lands of the McKean and Elk Company in Pennsylvania. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1857 Fine colored maps and model work of this distinguished Engineer of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey, and now Director of the Mint at Helsing- fors. 258 DANVERS (MASS.). Centennial Celebration, June 16, 1852. Many Portraits, including two of George Peabody. Poems refer ring to this venerable witch-haunted town, and additional docu ments interleaved. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1852 16 CATALOGUE. 259 D ANVILLE. Ancient Geography. With Maps, etc. 2 vols. Sheep. 8 New York, 1814 260 DAUMAS, Lt.-Col. Le Sahara Algerien, Etudes, Geog. Stat. et Hist. Uncut. Royal 8 Paris, 1845 261 DAVIES, T. A. Cosmogony, or Mysteries of Creation. The ology vs. Science. Cloth. 8 New York, 1857 262 DAVIS, A. D. The Great Harmonia ; Natural, Spiritual, and Celestial Universe. 3 vols. Cloth, loose. W Boston, 1851-52 263 DAY, C. W. Maxims, Experiences, etc., of Agogos. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1844 264 DEDEKINDUM, F. De Morum Simplicitate. Rustic Life. Calf. 8 Francf. 1575 265 DE FIVAS, A. Classic French Reader. Vocabulary. Autog. R. CIIOATE. Half morocco. 12 New York, 1854 266 DEGERANDO. Le Visiteur du Pauvre. Half calf. 18 BruxeHes, 1828 267 DELACROIX, J. V. Le Spectateur Francois pendant le Gouv. Revolutionaire. 8 Paris, An in. 268 DELAMARCHE, F. Russie d Europe. Map, backed, in case. Paris, 1832 269 DELAMBRE. Tables du Soleil. BURG. Tables de la Lime. Unbound. 4 Paris, 1806 270 DELEEN, C. Swedish and English Dictionary. Half mo rocco. Square 16 Orebro, 1829 271 DELILLE, J. L Homme des Champs. PORTRAIT. Boards. 16 Zwickau, ISIS 272 DEMOGEOT, J. Hist, de la Litterature Frangaise. Uncut. 12 Paris, 1852 273 DE MOIVRE, A. The Doctrine of Chances (IN GAMBLING). Calf. 4 London, 1718 274 DEMOSTHENES. Orations in Greek. Calf. 8 Aldus Venetiis, 1554 275 DEMOSTHENES. Orations in English. By LELAND. Cloth. 12 London, 1828 276 DEMOUSTIER, C. A. La Mythologie. Plates. 6 parts in 3 vols., uncut. 18 Paris, 1817 277 DESSIOU, J. F. Le Petit Neptune Frangais, or French Coasting Pilot. Plates and engravings. Calf, gilt. 4 London, 1805 278 D ESTRADES, Le Marechal, COLBERT, etc. Lettres et Nego- ciations de, Ambassadeurs a la Paix de Nimeque, Instr. du Roi, etc. 3 vols. Calf. 12 La Haye, 1710 279 DICK, T. The Practical Astronomer. 100 Engravings. . Cloth. 12 New York, 1846 280 DICKENS, C. Dombey and Son. Best original edition ; and illustrations, by HALBOT K. BROWN. FINE COPY. Half turkey, gilt. Royal 8 London, 1848 281 DICKENS, C. Dombey and Son. Cloth. 12 London, 1858 CATALOGUE. 17 282 DICKENS, C. David Copperfield. Cloth. 12 London, 1858 283 DICKENS, C. Pictures from Italy. JAMESON, Mrs. Essays. 2 rols. in 1. Cloth. 12 New York, 1846 284 DICKENS, C. Little Paul. Cloth. 18 New York. 285 DICTIONNAIRE de 1 Academic Framboise. 2 vols. 1786. SUP PLEMENT. 2 me Ed. 3 vols. Half russia. 4? Pan s, 1827 286 [DILLY.] De 1 Ame et de la Connois. des Betes. Spiritualise des Animaux. Calf. 16 Amsterdam, 1691 287 [DODSLEY, R.] The Preceptor ; Containing a General Course of Education, wherein the First Principles of Polite Learn ing are laid down, etc. Numerous Engravings, including many on the Fine Arts. 2 vols. Calf. 8 London, 1783 288 DOMEIER, E. A. Descriptive Road- Book of Germany. MAPS. Morocco. 18 London, 1830 289 DOMINGUEZ, F. Catecismo de la Doctrina Cristiana en Idioma TOTONACO. Uncut. 12 Puebla, 1837 Contains also vocabularies of the two Mexican languages of the SIERRA BAJA and SIERRA ALTA. 290 DOMINI BERTRANDI CARDINALIS. Very neat MS., black and red. Calf. Thick 4 ante 1348 " Cardinal Bertrand wrote volumes which are highly prized by the learned." MORONI, Diet. Eccl. 291 DONN, J. Hortus Cantabrigiensis ; or Accented Catalogue of Indigenous and Exotic Plants. VERY USEFUL ; with figures. Half calf. 8 London, 1831 292 DOWNMAN, H. Infancy ; or Management of Children. Half calf. 8 Edinburgh, 1790 293 DRAKE, E. C. Voyages and Travels. The most interesting ; with many engravings and many additional at end. Thick folio, London, 1770 294 DUCOM. Cour Compl. d Observations Nautiques. Tables, etc. Sheep. 8 Bordeaux, 1835 295 DUFRESNOY. Sur les Apparitions, les Visions et les Songes. 4^ vols. Boards. 12 Avignon, 1751 296 DUHRING, Dr. H. Essays on Human Happiness. Cloth. 12 London, 1848 297 DUMAS, A. Les Trois Mousquetaires. 2 vols. Brocfie. 12 Paris, 1850 298 DUMAS, A. Jehanne la Pucelle. Brux. 1842. SUE, E. Therese Dunoyer. 2 vols. Brux. 1842. KARR, A. Gene- vieve. 2 vols. Paris, 1845. GIRARDIN, Mad. La Canne de M. de Balzac. Bruxelles, 1836. 6 vols. 12 unbound. 299 DUMERIL, C. Histoire Naturelle de les Lycees Nationaux. Vellum. 8 Paris, 1804 300 DUNN, S. Atlas of Geography and Cosmography, describing the Heavens and the Earth. With 62 elegant copper plates. Half calf. Folio, London, 1778 2 18 CATALOGUE. 301 DUNOTER. Revolution du 24 Fevrier. Unc. 8 Paris, 1849 302 DUKAND, D. Histoire Naturelle de 1 Or et de 1 Argent, de Pline, avec le Texte Latin ; et Poems. Plate. Folio, London, 1729 " Very eloquent French Protestant preacher in London." WATT. This is marked " rare." 303 DURONCERAY. Baithele, on . . le Jalousie. PL. 2 vols. in 1. Half calf. 12 Paris, 1808 304 [DUTENS, L.] Recherches sur 1 Origine des Decouvertes attrib. aux Modernes. (LOST ARTS.) 2 vols. in 1. Calf. Paris, 1766 305 [J|Sp|!^BEL, J. -G. Manuel du Voyageur en Suisse. 7 Plans et Cartes. Calf. Thick 12 Paris, 1818 Full instructions for travelling on the glaciers, etc., and Swiss vo cabulary. 306 EBELING, C. D. Portugal. Description, Geography, etc., in German. Half bound. 8 Hamburg, 1808 307 ECOLES NORMALES, Seances de, Recueillies par des Steno- graphes et revues paries Professeurs. Nouvelle Ed. 13 vols. Sheep, gilt. 8 Paris, 1800-01 Very interesting, and indicating great hopes for French education after the revolution. 308 EDGEWORTH, MARIA and R. L. Practical Education. 3 vols. Calf. 8 London, 1801 309 EDGEWORTH, MARIA and R. L. Practical Education. 2 vols. 4 London, 1798 310 EKMAN, F. J. Beskrifning om Runo i Liffland. Uncut. 8 Tavastehus, 1847 311 ELD ON, A. Continental Traveller s Oracle. 2 vols. Boards. 12 London, 1828 312 ELIOT, S. A. Observations on the Bible, for Young Persons. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1842 313 EMBLEMATA. Silv. a Petra Sancta SIMBOLA HEROICA. 260 large emblems and curious Jigures and many smaller ones, engraved on copper and printed in the text. SCARCE. Sheep. 4 Amstelcedami, 1682 314 BOXHORNII, M. Z. Emblemata Politica. Ace. D. Rom. Imperio. FINE PLATES. Vellum. 24 Amstel. 1651 315 EMERSON, W. Discourse. Boston Female Asylum. Sep tember 20. Uncut. 8 Boston, 1805 316 EMLYN, T. Humble Inquiry into the Scripture Account of Jesus Christ. UNITARIANISM. Uncut. 8 Boston, 1790 317 EMORY, W. H. United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. Vol. I. Colored illustrations. Cloth. 4 Washington, 1857 318 ENGLISH SONGS, Book of, 16th to 19th Century. Illustrated. Cloth, gilt. 12 London, 1851 CATALOGUE. 19 319 ENGRAVINGS. ENGELBRECHT, M. 12 Ancient Engravings of the Life of Jesus. Colored. 14 X 10 in. 320 - SANTA ROSA DE VITERBO. 33 Fine Line Engravings, each with its Explanation ; illustrating her Life and Miracles. Engraved by JOSE DE NAVA, in Puebla, Mexico. CURIOUS AND SCARCE. In the ancient style, when faith was stronger than in these latter days ; mav be classed with those of SEBASTIAN DE APARICIO, No. 818. Only complete copy seen, and received of Rev. Augi^tin Fischer, then collecting for the Emperor Maximilian, and afterwards his director. Among other miracles, Jesus Christ is represented coming to the chamber of Sta. Rosa to celebrate his marriage with her. 321 ENTICK, J. Tyronis Thesaurus. Latin-English Dictionary. Sheep. Square 12 Baltimore, 1811 322 EPICTETVS. His Morals, with Simplicivs his Comment. Made English from the Greek by G. STANHOPE. With addition of Life of Epictetus. Calf. 8 London, 1700 323 EPICTETI. Stoici Philosophi Enchiridion. Greek. Comment. of Arrian, and various related Writings of Porphyrius, etc., with Latin trans, by H. WOLF. FINE EDITION. Vellum. 8 Cantab. 1655 324 EPICTETE, MANUEL D . Trad, du Grec. Comment, Disserta tions, etc. Calf. 8 Paris, 1790 325 EPIGRAMMATA ET POEMATIA VETERA. Calf. 12 Paris, 1590 " Spirited things, not obtainable elsewhere except in a great library." 326 ERCILLA Y ZUNIGA. La Araucana, Poema. 27 ENGRAV INGS. Unbound. Royal 8 Madrid, 1852 327 ERASMI, Roterd. Colloquiorum Famil. Opus Aureum. Autograph of R. CHOATE. Calf. 8 London, 1750 328 ERASMUS, Ciceronionus ; sive, De optimi genere dicendi. Half calf. 8 Neap. Hemet. 1517 329 ETHIKE POIESIS ; sive Gnomici Poetas Graeci. BEUNK, Greek and Lat. Fine calf, gilt. 12 Argent. 1784 330 EUCLIDE, Gli Elementi di. Ed. P. DECHALES, Soc. Jesu. Half vellum. 12 Bergamo, 1785 331 EURIPIDES, Tragoediae Sex. Greek, with Metres. Cloth. 16 Oxonii, 1848 332 EWING, A. Practical Mathematics ; Logarithms. PLATES. Sheep. 8 Edinburgh, 1779 333 EZZELINO il Tirano, Hist. di. PORTRAIT. Boards. 18 Padova, 1668 334 IPf^lACTS ON ANTHRACITE OR LEHIGH COAL, of the Great Mines of Mauch Chunk. Uncut. 12 Boston, 1825 Certificates needed to extend to Boston the use of anthracite which had been burnt in Philadelphia thirteen years already. Autogr. of Gov. Jno. Davis. 335 FARRAR, J. Trigonometry, Topography, Astronomy, etc. Logar. Tables. Boards. 8 Boston, 1828 20 CATALOGUE. 336 FARRAR, J. Astronomy. Cambridge Physics. Boards. 8 Cambridge, 1827 337 FAUCON, N. Bibliotheque Portative. Pieces Choisies en Prose. Boards. . 8 Boston, 1810 338 FAUVEL-GOURAND, F. Phreno-Mnemotechnic Dictionary. Philos. Classif. of all Homophonic Words in English Lan guage. Artificial Memory. Cloth. 8 New York, 1844 339 FEE, A. L. A. Voyage autour de ma Bibliotheque. BUN- GENER, L. F. Trois Sermons sous Louis XV. GIRARDIN, ST. M. Souvenirs de Voyages et d Etudes. 3 ivorks. Br. 1.2 Paris, 1850-56 340 FENELON. Telemaque, Aventures de. PLATES. Sheep. 8 Londres, 1767 341 FENELON. Telemaque. Ed. J. NANCREDE. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1797 342 FENELON. Aventures de Telemaque. ENGRAVINGS. Sheep. 12 Toulouse, 1804 343 FENELON. Adventures of Telemachus and Adventures of Aristonous. 5 vols. in 1. Calf. 12 London, 1707 344 FENELON. Aventuras de Telemaco. Sheep. 12 Paris, 1804 345 FENELON. L Education des Filles. Half sheep. 18 Paris, 1821 FABLES. MENTOR CHRETIEN. 3 vols. 346 FENELON. Vies des Ancien Philosophes; leurs Maximes, etc. Uncut. 8 Paris, 1811 347 FENELON. Life and Writings. Half calf. 12 Boston, 1829 348 FENNELL, J., Apology for the Life of. Written by himself. CURIOUS. Boards. * 8 Philadelphia, 1814 349 FERGUSON, J. Astronomy expl. upon Newton s Principles, and made easy to all. Calf. 8 London, 1803 350 FEYJOO, B. J. Obras Completas. I. TEATRO CRITICO Universal, para desengano de Errores Comunes. 8 tomos. IT. CARTAS ERUDITAS Y CURIOSAS, impugnando varies opi- niones comunes. 5 tomos. III. OBRAS APOLOGETICOS. IV. INDICE. 15 vols. Spanish sheep. 4 Madrid, 1765-74 Feyjoo is highly esteemed for his good sense and skill in exposing false notions, and as recording the ideas prevalent in his time. He even man aged to make known the doctrines of Martin Luther. Among many other admirable articles are notable the best that exist on music, in its science, history, and aesthetics. His style is delightful, and all the articles are readable. 351 FETIS. La Musique mise a la Portee de Toute le Monde. Half morocco. 8 Paris, 1830 352 FIRENZE. Guida della Citta di. Map and plates. Unbound. 12 Firenze, 1822 353 FIRENZE. Rarita e Bellezze della Citta di. Map. Calf. 12 Firenze, 1798 CATALOGUE. 21 354 FIRMIANO, PETRO. Gyges Gallus. Seculi Genius. 2 vols. in 1. Silk. Thick 24 Parisiis, 1663-65 355 FISKE, N. (of Brookfield, Mass.). The Moral Monitor; Vol. I. (all published ?) with Life. 74 Essays published in the |. " Massachusetts Spy," under the title of the " WORCESTER SPEC ULATOR ; " and elsewhere. Sheep. 12 Worcester, Mass., Is. Thomas, 1801 356 FLACH-FRANCOWITZ. Disputatio de Orig. Peccato et Lib. Arbit, etc. RARE. Unbound. 4 ra. p. 1563 The learned and famous Protestant agitator, but, it would seem, varying from the Lutherans. 357 FLORIAN, (Euvres de, Galatee, Estelle, Gonzalve, Theatre, Fables, Nouvelles. 8 vols. Marbled sheep, gilt. 8 Paris, 1784-92 358 FLORIAN, Fables de. Ornee de Figures. Sheep. 16 Perns, 1821 359 FLORUS, L. A. Subj. L. AMPELIUS. FRONTIS. Calf. 18 Londini, 1715 360 FORCE, P. Supplement to Grinnell Land. ARCTIC MAP. Unbound. 8 Washington, 1853 361 FOURCROY, A. F. "Systeme des Connoisances Chirniques et de leur application aux phenomenes de la Nature et de 1 Art. 11 vols. Marbled sheep, gilt. 8 Paris, An ix 362 FRANCCEUR, L.-B. Cotirs Complete de Mathematiques Pures. 2 vols. Half calf . 8 Paris, 1828 Traite de Mecanique Elementaire. Hf. calf. 8 Paris, 1825 363 FRANKLIN, B. Life of. Written by himself. Pages 3 to 10 wanting. Sheep. 12 Salem, 1796 364 FREDERIC LE GRAND, Roi DE PRUSSE. (Euvres Posthumes de. 15 vols. Sheep. 8 Berlin, 1788-89 365 FREELIXG, A. London and Birmingham Railway Compan ion. Map and Description. Cloth. " 18 London. 366 FREEMAN, S. American Clerk s Magazine, Law Forms, etc. 2 copies. Sheep. 12 Boston, Is. Thomas, 1802 367 FROSSARDUS ET COMIN^VS, P. Dvo Gallicarvm Rervm Scriptores, Nobilissimi lo. Sleidan, notis et Index. Vellum. Thick 16 Francofvrti, 1584 368 FULLER, T. Introductio ad Sapientiam : or Art of Ri^ht Thinking. Calf. 8 London, 1731 369 |pflJALILEO. Galilaei Gal. SYSTEMA COSMICUM. Mun- di Systema. Ptolomaico et Copernico. Sheep. 4 Lug. Bat. 1699 Fine copy of the great astronomer s works. 370 GALVEZ DE CABRERA, Maria Rosa. Obras Poeticas. 3 vols. Sheep* 8 Madrid, 1804 371 GARDINER, W. Music of Nature, with Curious and Interest ing Illustrations. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1856 22 CATALOGUE. 372 GAY-LUSSAC et ARAGO. Annales de Chimee et de Phy sique. 3 vols. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1829 373 GEITLIN, G. Principia Grammat. Neo-Persica3. Uncut. 8 Helsinfors. 374 GENDRE. Moeurs et Coutumes des Francois. Calf. < 12 Paris, 1753 375 GENLIS, Mad. de. Le Petit La Bruyere, ou Caract. et Moeurs des Enfans de le Siecle. Also ; Pen sees Diverses. Half morocco. 12 Paris, 1824 376 GENLIS, Mad. de. Les Annales de la Vertu, ou Histoire Universelle. 5 vols. Half calf . 12 Paris, 1802 377 GENTILIS, Scip. In L. Apuleii Apologiam. Vellum. 8 Hanovice, 1607 378 GENTILIS, Al. De Jure Belli. Calf. 8 Hanovice, 1598 379 GERARD, J. Lion Hunting and Sporting in Algeria. Engrav ings. Boards. 12 London, 1856 380 GERARD, Capt. ALEX. Account of Koonawur in the Hima laya, etc. With a large map. INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT. High Mountain Surveys. Cloth. 8 London, 1841 381 GEOGRAPHIA ANTIQUA. 33 Maps beautifully engraved from CELLARIUS. Half hound. 4 London, 1809 382 GIBBON, Lt. Exploration of Valley of Amazon. MANY ILLUSTRATIONS. Cloth. 12 Washington, 1854 383 GILLIS, Lieut. J. M. U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, 1849-52. Vol. I. Chili. II. Ancles and Pampas, Natural History. MANY PLATES. 2 vols. Cloth. 4 Washington, 1855 384 GIRANDEAU DE ST. GrERVAis. Die Syphilitischen Krank- heiten. Nebst Anhange iiber die Prostitution. Portrait and original colored plates. 2 vols. in 1. Uncut. Leipzig u. Paris, 1841 385 GIRAULT, A. N. French Colloquial and Grammatical Ex ercises. Half morocco. 12 Philadelphia, 1846 386 GLASSIUS, SALOMON. Philologiae Sacrse. Old and New Testaments. Calf. 4 Jence, 1623 387 GOLDSMITH, Dr. History of England. PINNOCK S, and continued to 1832. 30 ENGRAVINGS. Half morocco. 12 Philadelphia, 1845 388 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Complete Works. Vicar of Wake- field, Citizen of the World, Poems, Plays, etc. Engravings. Cloth. 8 London, 1852 389 GOLDSMITH, 0. Poems, Plays and Essays, Life, etc. 2 copies. Cloth. 16 London, 1845 390 GOLDSMITH, Dr. Le Cure de Wakefield. Prem. Partie. Sheep. 12 New York, 1816 391 GOSSELIN. Geographic des Grecs Analysee, Les Systemes d Eratosthenes, Strabon et Ptolemee, comparee. FINE COPY. Turkey. 4 Paris, 1790 CATALOGUE. 23 392 GRAFIGNY, MME. CEuvres, et Lettres d Aza. 2 voh. Uncut. 18 Paris, 1819 393 GRAHAM, B. Elements of Chemistry, and its Application to the Arts. Notes and Additions by R. BRIDGES. MANY ENGRAVINGS. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1843 394 GRANBERG, P. A. English and Swedish Dictionary. Half morocco. 16 Orebr o, 1832 395 [GRANT, Mrs. A.] Letters from the Mountains, 1773-1807. 2 voh. Boards. ~ Boston, 1809 Printed by influence of Rev. Dr. Lowell, and the proceeds sent to the au thoress in Scotland. 396 GRAVENBERCH, WIRNT VON. Wigalois der Hitter mit clem Rade. Half calf . 12 Berlin, 1819 397 GREELEY, H. Hints towards Reforms ; in Lectures, Ad dresses, etc. Cloth. 12 New York, 1850 398 GREGORY, POPE. Super Novum Testamentum. CURIOUS. Original boards and vellum, brass edges and clasps. 4 Argentine, 1516 399 GRIMM, Baron de (ET DIDEROT). Correspondence Lit- teraire, Philosophic et Critique, addressee a un souverainc d Allemagne, 1753-69 (wants torn. IV). 15 vols. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1813 400 GROSSI, T. I Lombard! alia prima crociata. 2 vols. in 1. Half calf. Livorno, 1828 401 GUER, J. A. Hist. Critiq. de 1 Ame des Betes ; Sentiments de les Philosophes Anciens et Moderns. 2 vols. Calf. Amsterdam, 1749 402 [GUESNOIS.] Entretiens d Ariste et d Eugene. Isouv. Ed. Calf. 12 Paris, 1737 403 GUICCIARDINE, Fr. Aphorisms, Civil and Military. RARE. Calf. Folio, London, 1629 404 GUICGIARDINI, F. La Historia d ltalia. FINE COPY. Calf. 4 Venetia, 1575 405 GUIDE to Domestic Happiness. THE REFUGE. Plates. 2 vols. in 1. Sheep. 12 New Haven, 1807 406 GUMMERE, J. Surveying, and Mathematical Tables. PLATES. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1820 407 GUTHRIE, W. Geographic Universelle. LARGE FRENCH ADDITIONS. 3 vols. Sheep. 8 Paris, An vn 408 GUY S Elements of Astronomy. PLATES. Half morocco. 16 Philadelphia, 1841 409 SPlI^ATCANAj Cuba Artes, Comercio e Industrias de la. MAP, VIEWS, etc. Cloth. 8 Habana, 1859 410 HALES, S. Vegetable Statics : experiments on Sap in Vege tables. MANY PLATES. Calf. 8 London, 1727 411 HAMILTON, ELIZ. Elementary Principles of Education. Boards. 2 vols. 12 Alexandria, 1803 24 CATALOGUE. 412 HAMILTON, Sir W. Mt. Vesuvius, Etna, and other Volcanos. Half calf. 12 London, 1773 Plates and Map, with explanation of the burial of Ilevculaneum, etc. 413 HANBURY, W. Complete Body of Planting and Gardening. MANY PLATES. 2 vols. Calf. Folio, London, 1770 414 HASSLER, F. R. Analytic Trigonometry, Plain and Spherical. Half sheep. 8 New York, 1826 415 HEDERICI. Lexicon. Greek. Calf. 4 London, 1816 416 HEEREN, A. H. L. L Histoire Ancienne ; sous le rapport des Constitutions, Commerce et Colonies. 3 e Ed. auajm. Uncut. 8 Paris, 1836 417 HEINSIUS, D. Eloge de 1 Ane. Trad. L. COUPE. Boards. 18 Paris, 1796 418 [HELVETIUS, C. A.] De 1 Esprit. 2 vols. Half vellum. 12 Amsterdam, 1759 419 HELOT, L. et H. Dictionnaire Frangais-Arabe et Arabe- Frangais. Cloth. 16 Paris, n. d. "With Arabic alphabet, and all the words with pronunciation in French letters, explanations, etc. 420 HENRY, WM. Experimental Chemistry. Notes and Addit. by B. SILLTMAN. ENGRAVINGS. 8 Boston, 1840 421 HERYEY, J. Theron and Aspasio ; Dialogues and Letters on most important and interesting subjects. 2 vols. Sheep. 12 Edinburgh, 1775 422 HEWINS, J. M. Hints concerning Church Music, the Liturgy, etc. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1857 423 HIND, J. R. The Solar System, including the recent Dis coveries. Boards. 12 New York, 1852 424 H1NDUSTANEE. GILCHRIST, J. B. The Hindee-Roman Orthopigraphical Ultimatum. Pronunciation of Oriental Lan guages, One Hundred Tales, etc. Hf. cf. gt. 8 London, 1820 425 - - GILCHRIST, J. B. Dialogues, English and Hindusta- nee. Half calf gilt. 8 London, 1 820 426 - GILCHRIST, J. B. The Stranger s Infallible East India Guide. Grammatical Compendium of the Languages of all India. 3 vols. Half calf , gilt. 8 London, 1820 427 - SHAKESPEAR, J. Grammar of the Hindustani Lan guage. 2d Ed. Half russia. 4 London, 1818 428 HISTOIRES CHOISIES, de 1 Ancien Testament, en Latin et en Frangois. Sheep. 12 Paris, 1776 429 HODGE, M. Excerpta e Poetis Gra3cis, cum notis. Boards. 8 London, 1820 430 HODGSON, W. B. Northern Africa, Sahara, and Soudan. Vo cabularies^ etc. Unbound. 8 New York, 1844 431 HCEFER, FERD. Nomenclature et Classif. Chimiques, suivies d un Lexique Historique et Synonym ique, com. les noms an- ciens, etc., etc. Half calf . 12 Paris, 1845 432 HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. Poems. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1856 CATALOGUE. 25 433 HOLMES, O. W. Poems. Portrait. Half calf. 8 Boston, 1858 434 HOMER. Iliad in Greek. 2 vols. Calf. 12 Glasguce, 1747 435 HOMER. Iliad in Greek, with Latin transl. 2 vols. Sheep. 12 Glasgua, 1777 436 HOMER. Iliad, Mattaire s, in Greek Adj. Index Verb. 2 vols. in 1. Sheep. London, 1816 437 HOMER. Iliad, ex recen. HEYNE. Shp. 8 Nov.Eboraci, 1834 438 HOMER. Odyssey. Text of Wolf, with Notes, etc. by OWEN. Sheep. 12 New York, 1846 439 HORATIUS, Fl. Opera, with paraphrase by LUBINUS. Sheep. 4 Francofurti, 1612 440 HORATIUS. Opera. Half calf . 12 Rotterdam, 1677 441 HORATIUS. Opera, with JUVENAL added. RARE. Half calf . 8 Basilea, 1523 442 HORACE. Works. Poetical. Trans, by P. FRANCIS. Calf. 12 Edinburgh, 1779 443 HORACE. Works. Trans, into English by C. SMART. Notes by BUCKLEY. Cloth. 12 London, 1852 444 HOWE, J. Sermon to Society for Reformation of Manners. Sheep. 12 London, 1698 445 HUMBOLDT, Al. de. Atlas Geographique et Physique du Royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Half russia. Large folio, Paris, 1811 The original and now scarce collection of fine Mexican Maps, Sections, Views, etc. 446 HUMBOLDT, Baron de. Personal Narrative of Travel to Equinoctial Regions. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1815 447 HUMBOLDT, Al. Baron de. Ensayo Politico sobre el Reino de la Nueva Espana. 4 vols. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1822 448 HUNTER, W. Travels through France, Turkey, and Hungary in 1792. Map. Boards. 8 London, 1796 SLA, J. F. de. Triunfo del Amor. Half bound. Royal 8 Madrid, 1747 450 ISOCRATES. Orations and Epistles, in Greek and Latin, with additions. Vellum. Folio, H. Stephanus, 1593 451 ITALIAN. Old Comedies, Poems, etc. GUAZZO, M. Discor- dia d Amore 1524. PARABOSCO. II Pellegrino 1552. etc. CHOICE WORKS. In neat vellum and hf. Id. 20 vols. 12 etc. 452 ITALIE, Man. du Voyageur en. Description of Rome, Na ples, etc. Uncut. Thick 18 Paris, 1839 453 fd^|||ANEWAY, J. Holy Lives of Children .... of New England, in whom the Fear of God was remark ably Budding. 2 copies, in sheets. 12 Boston, Z. Fowle, in Back St. 1771 454 JESS, Z. Practical Surveying, Logarithmic Tables. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1814 26 CATALOGUE. 455 JEUX, ACADEMIE UNIVERSELLE DES. (Chess, etc.) Uncut. Thick 12 Paris, 1739 456 JOE MILLER S Jests ; or Wit s Vade-Mecum. Cloth. 16 London. 457 JOHNSON, Dr. SAM. The Idler, by the Author of the Ram bler ; with additional Essays. Portrait of Dr. Johnson. 2 vols. Sheep. 12 London, 1790 458 JOHNSON, T. Questiones Philosophic^, Auctoribus ad- ductis. Calf. 8 Cantab. 1741 459 JONES, E. Emperor s Vigil. Crimean War. Boards. 12 London, 1856 460 JOURNAL DES SCAVANS, 1665-1686. Many plates. 10 vols. Vellum. 18 Paris, 1679, etc. A very interesting record of science, literature, astronomy, mechanics, Prot estantism, etc. In the 6th volume are engravings of a machine which mul tiplies and divides, an apparatus for flying, a cotton-gin; and any of the volumes, wherever opened, shows curious matters. 461 JUDEN, JAC. Forsok till utredande af. FINSKA Sprakets Grammatik. Finnish Grammar, and 3 other works, in 1 vol. 12 Wiborg, 1818 462 J[ULLIEN], M. A. Sur 1 Emploi du Temps, etc. Uncut. 8 Paris, 1810 463 JUNIUS, The Letters of. " Stat Nominis Umbra." Rus sia. 4 Edinburgh, 1799 464 JUNIUS AND His LETTERS. Affairs of Great Britain and America, 1763-85. Uncut. 8 Boston, 1831 465 JUSTINI. Ex Trogi Pompeii Hist. Externis Lib. xxxxiiii.; ac. Sexto AURELIO. Hf. cf. rare. 8 Lugdvni, Seb. Tryph. 1555 466 JUSTINII Historia. Totius Mundi origin. Calf. 1S Amstel 1638 467 JUSTINUS de Hist. Philippicis et Totius Mundi orig. Del- phini. Sheep. 8 London, -1797 468 [K^^IARR, A. Les Femmes. Broche. 12 Paris, 1856 469 KEMPIS, T. A. De Imitatione Christi. Ac Preces et Hymni. Engravings. Half morocco. 16 Lipsice, 1852 470 KEMPIS. Nachfolgung Christi. Cloth. 16 Kempen, 1842 471 KEMPIS. Imitacion de Cristo. Trad. Nieremberg. Plates. Sheep. 8 Madrid, 1791 472 KEMPIS. Imitazione de Cristo. Trad. Cesari. Unbound. 12 ffilano, 1829 473 KEMPIS. Limitation de Jesus-Christ. Trad. De Beuil. Plates. Calf. 16 Bruxelles, 1708 474 KEITH, T. Use of the Globes ; Philos. View of Earth and Heavens, etc. Sheep. 8 New York, 1819 475 KENNETT, B. Antiquities of Rome. Many fine engravings. Calf. 80 London, 1721 CATALOGUE. 27 476 KKRATRY, A. H. Inductions, Morales et Physiologiques. Uncut. S Paris, 1817 477 KKRATRY, A. H. Les Derniers des Beaumanoir. 4 vols. Uncut. 16 Paris, 1825 478 KIDDKR, Bishop R. Demonstration of the Messias ; proved especially against the Jews. 3 vols. Calf. 12 London, 1684-1700 Bishop Kklder died, crushed beneath the ruins of the Episcopal Palace, in 1708. 479 KIMBALL, R. B. Romance of Student Life Abroad. Cloth. 12 New York, 1853 480 KIREEVSKY. Hist, des Legislateurs Chimistes, Lavoisier, Davy, etc. Franckf. 1843. DE Bucn. Descr. Mineralo- gique de Landeck. 12 vols. Unbound. Paris, 1805, etc. 481 KLEE, F. Le Deluge ; Considerations Geolog. et Hist, stir les derniers Cataclysmes du Globe. Uncut. 12 Paris, 1847 482 KLETKE,H. Walhalla. Die Deutsche Prosa des 18 Jahrhun- derts in Biog. u. Charakt. Proben. Uncut. Royal 8 Berlin. 483 KNIGHT, R. P. Principles of Taste. Calf. 8 London, 1805 484 KNIGHT ERRANTRY. Les Hauts Faits d Esplandian, suite d Amadis des Gaules. 2 vols. Calf. 12 Amsterdam, 17 51 485 - HISTOIRE DE HUON de Bordeaux, Pair de France. Boards. 4 Troyes, 1726 486 -- HISTOIRE DE LES QUATRE FILS AYMON, par H. de VILLENEUVE. Unbound. 16 Paris. 487 [^g^lACRETELLE, C. J. Revolution Fran^ais Directoire Executive. Engravings. 2 vols. Half calf. 488 LACRETELLE, C. J. Convention Nationale. Engravings. 2 . vols. Sheep. 18 Paris, 1806 489 LACROIX, S. F. Calcul. des Probabilites. Unbound. l2Bruxelles,lS35 490 LACROIX. Elements of Algebra. Translated by SPILLER. Uncut. 12 London, 1835 491 LACROIX and BEZOUT. Plane and Spher. Trigonometry ; Appl. of Algebra to Geom. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1837 492 LADREYT, C. Repertoire de Litterature Fran^aise. Cloth. 12 Philadelphia, 1842 493 LAFAGE,A.de. Plain- Chant Romain. Paris, 1853. Livres Choratix. 2 vols. in 1. Half calf . 8 Malines, 1855 494 LA FIGANIERE, F. F. Manuscritos Portuguezes no Museu Britanico. Unbound. 8 Lisboa, 1854 495 LA FONTAINE, JEAN DE. FABLES Choisies, Mises en Vers. Nouvelle Edition, Gravee en taille-douce. Les Figures par le Sr. FESSARD, le Texte par le Sr. MONTULAY. Dediees aux Enfans de France. 6 vols. Pine calf, gilt. 8 Paris, 1765 A royal edition for the king and princes. No letter-press admitted. 238 Fables, each with a full-page plate and two at beginning and end. Also, engraved Lives of La Fontaine and of Esope, Dedications, etc. 28 CATALOGUE. 496 LAFoNTAiNE,J.de. QEuvres de. Nouvelle Edition. Vig nettes. 3 vols. Sheep. 4 Anvers, 1726 Fine complete edition of the Fables, Contes, etc. 497 LA FONTAINE, J. de. Fables Suivie d Adonis. 2 vols. in 1. Half calf. Paris, 1836 498 LA FONTAINE, J. de. Fables de. Boards. 12 Paris, 1843 499 LA FONTAINE, J. de. Le Favole. Trad, in Versi Italiani de PETRONJ. 3 vols. Uncut. 18 Londra, 1822 500 LAGUY, G. DE. The Knout and the Russians. Translated by J. BRIDGEMAN. Cloth. 12 London, 1854 501 LAHARPE, J. F. Lycee, on Cours de Litterature Ancienne et Moderne. 18 vols. Marbled sheep, gilt. 8 Paris. 1799 502 LAHARPE. The same. Revue, corrigee, etc. par AUGER. 8 vols. Uncut. 12 Paris, 1813 503 LALANDE, J. J. F. Astronomic. Plates. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1775 504 LALANDE, J. de. Astronomic des Dames. Sheep. 18 Paris, 1820 505 LALANNE, L. Curiosites Biographiques. Broche. 12 Paris, 1858 506 LAMB. A Fresh Suit against Independency; National Church- way Vindicated. 8 London, 1677 507 LANGHORNE, Dr. Correspondence of Theodosius and Con- stantia, before and after her taking the Veil. Engravings. Calf. 18 London, 1807 508 LANOTTI, G. Rime. Half morocco. 12 Bononia, 1724 509 LAPORTE, Count de. A French Grammar. Sheep. Thick royal 8 Boston, 1844 510 LARDNER, D. Railway Economy ; Management and Prac tical Results. Cloth. 12 New York, 1850 511 LATHROP, J. The Present War Unexpected, Unnecessary and Ruinous. Two Fast Day Discourses. 23 July and 20 August. Uncut. 8 Boston, 1812 512 LATHROP, J. Discourse preached December 15, 1774, the Day appointed by the Provincial Congress for Thanksgiving, etc. With notes on the political situation. 2 copies. Uncut. 8 Boston, 1774 513 LATOUR, A. DE. L Etude de 1 Histoire en France en 19 Siecle. Uncut. 8 Paris, 1835 514 LAWRENCE, W. R. Life and Correspondence of Amos Lawrence. PORTRAIT. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1856 515 LEADBETTER, C. Astronomy; True System of the Planets: For Discovering Longitude at Sea. PLATES. Calf. 4 London, 1787 516 LEBEAU. L Histoire du Bas Empire. Abrege. 2 vols. Uncut. 12 Paris, 1819 517 LECLERC. Etudes de I Homme fait en Faveur de 1 Homme a former. 2 vols. Half calf. 8 Paris, 1789 CATALOGUE. 29 518 LEE, -C. A. Geology : Formations and Minerals of the United States. ENGRAVINGS. Half sheep. 18 New York, 1840 519 LEGENDRE, A. M. Geometry. Translated by J. FARRAR. Boards. 8 Boston, 1831 520 LEIBNITZ. CEuvres Philosophiques, Latines et Francoises. Edited by R. E. Raspe. FINE COPY. Calf. Folio, Amsterdam et Leipzig, 1765 521 LEMPRIERE, J. Universal Biography. Half turkey. Royal 8 London, 1808 522 LENNOX, Lord WM. Percy Hamilton ; Adventures of a Westminster Boy. 3 vols. Half morocco. 8 London, 1851 523 LEON Y GAM A, ANT. DE. Description Historica y Cro- nologica de las Dos PIEDRAS que con ocasion del nuevo em- pedrado que se esta formando en la plaza principal de Mexico, se hallaron en ella el aiio de 1790. Explicase el sistema de los Calendarios de los Indies, etc. PLATES. 4 Mexico, 1792 These two stones, one an idol, and the other the AZTKO CALENDAR, were buried by the Mexicans on the approach of the Spaniards in 1521, and remained within eighteen inches of the surface for two hundred and seventy years, when they were found in digging a drain. The Calendario weighs about fiftv tons, and has sculptured upon it the symbols of their astronomical sys tem, which had previously been found described in manuscripts. The other stone was a colossal idol. 524 CALENDARIO AZTECA. Fine Photograph, 12 inches in diameter, in best light and execution. Showing perfectly all the sculpture and even the grain of the stone; of the greatest service "in connection with this description of LEON. 525 LESQUEREUX, LEO. (Botanist of Pennsylvania Geological Survey.) Fossil Plants of the Coal Measures of the United States. With figures of new species. Cloth. 8 Pottsville, 1858 526 LE SAGE. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. Ed. Stereot. 5 vols. in 2. Half morocco. 18 Paris, 1829 527 LE SAGE. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. MANY PLATES. 4 vols. Sheep. 18 Londres, 1790 528 LE SAGE. La Diable Boiteux. Augmentee. Half morocco. 18 Paris, 1805 529 LESSING, G. E. Fabeln. PLATES. Uncut. 12 Berlin, 1801 530 LEVIZAC. French Grammar. Revised by T. PASQUIER. Sheep. 12 New York, 1829 531 LEV T ER, C. Tom Burke of Ours. ILLUSTRATED. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1849 532 LEWIS, SAM., and others. Maps of the several States, etc. Folio, Philadelphia, 1794-95 533 LEWIS, W. Chess-Board Companion. Boards. 24 London. 534 LIFE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Sheep. 12 Dublin, 1763 535 LINN, J. B. Answer to J. Priestley s " Socrates and Jesus Compared." Uncut. 8 Philadelphia, 1803 30 CATALOGUE. 536 LINNEUS. Le Systeme de la Nature. Abrege par GILBERT. PLATES. , Uncut. 8 Paris, 1802 537 LITTRE, E. Conservation, Revolution et Positivisme. Cloth. 12 Paris, 1852 538 LIVII PATAVINI, T. Historia Cura. C. F. BOEHMERT. 4 vols. in Z. Half calf. 12 Lipsiae, 1825 539 LIVERMORE, CH. Remarks on Public Libraries. Cloth. 8 Cambridge, 1850 540 LOCKE, J. Some Thoughts Concerning Education. Fourth )U" ,//: Edition, enlarged. Calf. 8 London, 1699 Published during Locke s lifetime and with his original language, since changed. 541 LOCKE, J. Essay Concerning Human Understanding. 2 vols. Calf. 8 London, 1796 542 [LOCKE.] Grandes Descubrimientos Astronomicos .... por Sir Juan Herschell. CURIOUS. Unbound. 8 Mexico, 1835 Mexican Version of Locke s Moon Hoax. 543 LOCKE, JOHN. Common-Place-Book to the Holy Bible. Re vised by W. Dodd. Half calf. 8 London, 1824 544 LOCKE, JOHN. Essay Concerning Humane Understanding. PORTRAIT. Calf. Folio, London, 1695 545 LOGARITHMS, Tables, and Construction. Sines and Tangents. Boards. 4 Philadelphia, 1802 546 LOGARITHMS, Tables of (Lalande s). BEST FOR GENERAL USE. Half morocco. 16 London, 1839 547 LOGARITHMORUM. Tangent et Secant. Auct. D. OZANAM. Calf. 8 Amstelod. 1697 548 LONDON, New Pocket Map of. Backed in case. 8 1790 549 LOWELL, J. JUN. Oration, 4th July, 1799, in the Town of Boston. Uncut. 8 Boston, 1799 550 LOPE DE VEGA. El Perigrino en su Patria. Vellum. 4 Madrid, 1733 551 LUCIAN. Dialogues, with literal translations in Latin. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1806 552 LUCRETII CARI. De Rerum Naturae. Ex. rec. Bipontina. Ed. AMAR. Unbound. 24 Paris, 1822 553 LUCRETIUS C. Les CEuvres de Lucrece. Trad, avec Re- marques par COUTURES. 2 vols. Mor. gilt. 12 Paris, 1692 554 LUDOLPHUS, J. History of Ethiopia, Abessinia and King dom of Prester John. Copper plates. Calf. Folio, London, 1682 555 Luis DE LEON. Obras, Traduccions, Perifrasis de Psalmos, etc. Vellum. 12 Valencia, 1785 556 LVLLI, RAYMVNDI. Codicillvs. Svo. Half morocco. Part of an old work on alchemy, etc., in Latin, with interleaved and neat French translation. CATALOGUE. 31 557 [Rf^*p]ACARTNEY S Embassy to China. Portrait of Emperor of China. Sheep. 12 London, 1795 558 MACHIAVEL, CEuvres de. Traduct. nouv. par T. GUIRAU- DET. PORTRAIT. FINE COPY. 9 vols. Sheep, gilt. 8 Paris, 1803 559 MACKAY, A. Finding Longitude at Sea. PLATES. Sheep. 8 Aberdeen, 1801 560 MACQUER, P. Annales Romaines. L Hist. Romaine. Half sheep. 8 La Haye, 1757 561 MAILLEBOIS, Marechal de. Cartes -Geog., Topog., Plans des Marches, Sieges, Batailles, etc., en Italic, pendant les Campagnes de 1745-1746, por les Amies comb, de France et d Espagne, command, par Mallebois. Large folio, half bd. Paris, L lmpr. Roy ale, 1775 81 fine and detailed plates in perfect condition. 562 MAGINI, lo. ANT. Ephemerides Coelestivm Motvvm. Ab anno 1581 usque ad annum 1620, segundum Coper nici hy potheses . . . Item tract. IV. Isagoge in Judiciarum Astro- logium ; De usu Ephemeridum ; De Annis revolutionibus ; et De Stellis fixis. VERY RARE. Fine old calf, embossed. 4 Venetiis, 1582 A fine copy of this elaborate astronomical and astrological work. It has cal culations and pictorial projections of eclipses, horoscopes, etc. 563 MAGIRI, IOAN. Physiologiae Peripateticae Lib. sex. Cum Comment. Precepta, Platon. Aristot. Zabarella, Mercenario, Erasto, Scaliger, etc. Old calf. 8 Geneva, Ph. Albert. 1638 Autog. "JOHANNES WHITTINGUS anno partus salutiferi, 1G48." " BUCK- INGHAMI, 1696," and of " PERCIVAL." 564 MALHERBE, Poesies de. Uncut. 18 Paris, 1817 565 MALO, C. Le Merite des Femmes. PLATES. Hf. vel. 24 Paris 566 [MALLEBRANCHE, N.] De la recherche de la Verite. Calf. 12 Paris, 1674 567 MANDEL, FR. Poesie Lyrique Portugaise. Trad, par SANE. Avec le texte en regard. Uncut. 8 Paris, 1808 568 [MANDEVILLE, B.] Pensees Libres sur la Religion, 1 Eglise, etc. 2 vols. in 1. Calf. 16 La Haye, 1722 569 MANDEVILLE, H. Course of Reading. Cl 12 N. York, 1850 570 MANSTEIX, Baron de. Russia, from 1727 to 1744. Maps, etc. Calf. 4 London, 1773 571 MANUSCRIPT. COFRADIA de San Benito y Coronacion de Christo, Mexico, Constituciones, 1637, etc. Bula Pontificia, en Romance, de Clemente VIII., 1600. Indulgencias que se daba a los Cofrades, etc. 62 neat and illuminated folios. Folio in parchment case. Has illuminated representations of the Holy Virgin, of Christ crowned with 32 CATALOGUE. thorns, and the Patron Saint, who appears more like a negro than like a Chinese. Contains the law-suit in which seem to have concern, the So cieties of the " Chinos de Santo Christo," of Mexico, and the " Negros de la Santa Veracruz." 572 MANUSCRIPTS. Convent of Belemitas, Mexico. 84 Vales, signed by the Priora for expenses, with notes on repairs, accounts of Masses, etc. 573 MANUSCRIPT. ESCOBAR, PHIL. DE. Latin Poems, Orations, etc. At beginning a good pen-drawing of the Crucifixion. Thick 4to, unbound. Curious collection by Escobar of Cuenca, Jesuit, and skilled in the Latin tongue. 574 MANUSCRIPT. Inventory of Mexican Church Property : the building, its contents, vestments, images, and an extraordi nary quantity of clothing and jewels belonging to each. 16 folios in parchment portfolio. Mexico, 1824 575 MANUSCRIPT. Records of the Convent of SAN AGUSTIN, Mexico, commencing " En el Pueblo de Cuatla de Amilpas, 20 Oct. 1587." 107 folios, large thick paper. Mexico, 1587 Account in form and detail of the rents of houses belonging to Convent of San Agustin for 1812. 6 large folios. Mexico, 1812 576 MANUSCRIPT. Relation de la Aparicion . . . . de San Miguel en Nativitas en Puebla de los Angeles, Mexico, en 1031. Dedicado a la Majestad Catolica del Rey por Pedro Salmeron, Clerigo Presbytero. Neat Manuscript, 26 folios. Unbound. . 8 Impr. Mexico, 1645 An important document, containing not only the Aparicion of St. Michael to a humble Indian, and the production of a miraculous healing spring, but also historical references on Mexican events. Should accompany the Apari- ciones of Guadalupe, No. 933, claimed to have happened one hundred years before, but which MUNOZ asserts were not spoken of till long after. It is here stated that the famous Bishop of Puebla, PALAFOX (1640), went and eaid mass at the spring, and that the Virey also granted permission to col lect alms for its worship. There follows a chronicle of miracles wrought. 577 MANUSCRIPT. SPANISH INQUISITION. The Rev. Damian GIRALT of the Monastery of Banolas in Calaluiia, ratifies his accusation of Pedro Boixo, stocking-loom maker, and puts it in due form for the Holy Office. Three Presbyters assist and sign the document, 19 April, 1790. 20 folios, containing records dated 1563, etc. 10 folios do. 2 deeds in Latin, 1601 ; and 8 other documents of the Holy Office for defend ing the true religion. 12 Manuscripts. 578 MAPS AND GLOBES, The Construction of. 15 Methods of Projecting. IS Plates. Calf. % London, 1717 579 MARSH, JONAT. Sermon at Barkhemsted, Christmas, 1787. Uncut. 8 Hartford, Conn. 1788 580 [MARCHAND, M. P.] Histoire de 1 Origine et des pre miers progres de I lmprimerie. RARE AND IMPORTANT. Calf. 4 La Haye, 1740 581 MARSAIS, C. C. DU. Des Tropes, ou des Dif. Sens d un Mot. * Sheep. 12 Paris, 1805 CATALOGUE. 33 582 MARSILLI, L. F."C. DE. Histoire Physique de la Her. Ou- vrage enrichi de figures. MANY PLATES. Sheep. Folio, Paris, 1795 583 MARINA, F. M. Theorie des Cortes, de Castille, etc., trad. FLEURY. 2 voh. Uncut. 8 Paris, 1822. 584 MASONES, Origen de los Caballeros Masones. And two others,, on Free Masonry in Mexico. Mexico, 1826-1831 585 MASSACHUSETTS Internal Improvements. Reports on Rail roads from Boston to the Hudson River, and to Providence ; with Maps, Sections, etc. Unbound. 8 Boston, 1829- Governor DAVIS S copy. 586 MAXWELL, TV. H. Sports in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Cloth. 12 London, 1853- 587 MAZZINI, G. L ltalia del Popolo. Sept. 1849 to May, 1850. 9 Parts. Losanna, 1849 ; Paris f 1850 Important on Italian independence and unity. 588 MEARES, Capt J. Cartes, Vues, Portraits, etc., relatifs aux Voyages de. 28 Plates, fine portraits, American discoveries, etc. Uncut. 4 Paris, An in. 589 MEIKLE, J. The Traveller : Meditations on Board a Man of War. Sheep. 18 New York, 1813 590 MEGALANTIIROPOGENESIE, Essai sur la ; ou 1 Art de faire des Enfans d Esprit que deviennent de grands-hommes. Boards. 12 Paris, 1801 591 MELLISH, J. Large State Map of Pennsylvania. 7 ft. by 5, backed and folded. Philadelphia, 1826 592 MENCKEN, J. B. De Charlataneria Eruditorum. FRONTIS PIECE. Calf. 8 Lipsice, 1715 593 MENKENII, J. B. De Charlataneria Eruditorum. De Cir- cumforanea Liter. Vanitate. Boards. 12 Amstelod. 1716 594 MENSEL, J. G. Histor.-Litter.-Bibliographisches Magazin. Tomes 5-8 in 1. Boards. 8 Chemnitz, 1792 595 MERCANTILE LIBRARY, Boston. Catalogue. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1854 596 MERCERI, Joannis. Commentarii in lobum et Salomonis Proverbia, Ecclesiasten, Cantica Canticorum. Vellum. Folio, Lug. -Bat. F. HacMi, 1651 597 MERITON, G. Irish Statutes, and English Statutes relating to Ireland. Calf. 8 Dublin, 1724 598 MEXICO. Contestacion del Ili mo Sr. Arzobispo, on Nation alization of Church Property. Morelia, 1856. CLUSERET, G. Mexico and the Solidarity of Nations. New York, 1866. THE MONROE DOCTRINE, etc. Unbound. 3 vols. 8 599 MEXICO. Esposicion de los Conservadores al General Almonte, and 8 other tracts relative to the French Interven tion in Mexico. 9 vols. Unbound. 8 Mexico, 1863 600 MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE. Very important documents rela tive to the Independence. 18 MANUSCRIPTS, neatly written. Unbound. + 4 Mexico, 1821 Some are noted as having been printed on the press of the Army, but these 3 34 CATALOGUE. are very rare. The collection was made by some one who had access to originals, and probably by the celebrated Mexican writer, J. FERNANDEZ LIZAKDI, whose inifials" are appended to several. Some are noted as having been printed on the press of the army. These giye particulars from the first Ac/a of ITURBIDE, March 1, 1821, to the entrance of the army into the capital. 1. ACTA Celebrada en Iguala el 1 de Marzo, 1821, y Juramento que al dia siguiente presto el Sefior ITURBIDE con la ofkialidacf y tropa de MI mando. [ 2. PROCLAMA de ITUKBIDE, Cuartel General, con direction a Mexico, 14 de Julio de 1821. 3. VERSOS voleros Independientes. "America feliz/ etc. 4. Dos Palabritas del Pensador [J. L. LTZARDI], a los E^paiioles obstinados refidentes en Mexico. Tepozotlan, Agosto 20. 5. PROCLAMA de ITURIJIDE. Campo sobre Mexico, Agosto G de 1821. 6. CARTA reservnda del Key Don Fernando VII., a su Virey de Mexico. Don Juan Ruiz de APODACA. Madrid 24 Diciembre de 1820. The King of Spain desires that the Viceroy Apodaca shall contrive to re lease him from prison, and help him to gK to Mexico. The other documents are interesting, and all should go together, including "EL IXDIO INDEPENDIENTE," who gives his views on the situation like a Mexican Hosea Biglow. 601 MEXICAN LANGUAGES. COLECCION POLIDIOMICA MEXICANA, que contiene LA ORACION DOMINICAL en 52 idiomas indigenas de aquella republica. RARE. Unbound. 4 Mexico, 1860 The LORD S PRAYER, in fifty-two of the languages of Mexico and California, collected from MSS. in the convents and libraries there. With description, introduction, and locality where each is, or was spoken. 602 MEZERAY. L Histoire de France. Plates of the Kings. 4 vols. Calf. 4 Amsterdam, 1743 603 MlENTRAS NO HAY INQUISICION, SE ACABA LA RELIGION. Unbound. 8 Mexico, 1833 A vigorous plea for the restoration of the Inquisition in Mexico in 1833. 604 MILNE, DAVID. Essay on Comets. FIRST PRIZE. Half cloth. 4 Edinburgh, 1828 604* MILNER, J. Practical Grammar of Latin Tongue. Very full Sheep. 8 London, 1742 605 MILLOT, C.-F.-X. Elemens d Histoire Generate. Hist. Ancienne. 4 vols. Calf. 12 Paris, 1772 605* MILLOT, L Abbe. L Histoire d Angleterre, jusqu au George II. 3 vols. L Hist. de France, jusqu au Louis XV. 3 vols. 6 vols. Calf. 12 Paris, 1773-74 <606 [MIRABEAU, V. R. Marq. de.] Philosophic Rurale. RARE. 3 vols. Uncut. ^12 Amsterdam, 1764 607 MIRABEAU. Lettres Originates de. Ecrites du Donjon de Vicennes, 1777-80. 4 voh. Sheep. 12 Paris, 1792 608 MOGG, ED. Survey of High Roads of England and Wales. Colored maps, fine calf gilt. 4 London, 1816 609 MOLIERE, J. P. (Euvres Completes. 6 vols. Sheep. 1S Paris, 1816 610 MONTAIGNE, M. Seign. de. Les Essais. Nouv. Edit. Exactement purgee des defauts cles precedentes, selon levray original. Life, Notes, etc. FINE EDITION AND COPY. Calf. Folio, Paris, 1652 611 MONTAIGNE. Les Essais, etc. Notes de M. COSTE. 10 vols. Half morocco. 24 London. CATALOGUE. 35 612 MONTENGON, P. El Rodrigo, Romance Epico. Sheep. 8 Madrid, 1793 613 MONTESQUIEU. De 1 Esprit des Lois. 5 vols. in 3. Half calf. Paris, 1827 614 MONTESQUIEU. De 1 Esprit des Lois. 5 vols. Sheep. 24 Paris, 1803 615 MONTESQUIEU. Grandeur des Remains, etc. PLATES. Calf. 12 Paris, 1755 616 MONTESQUIEU. (Euvres Melees et Posthumes. 2 vols. LETTRES PERSANS. 2 vols. Commentaire sur 1 Esprit de Lois, par D. de TRACY. 5 vols. Uncut. 18 Paris, 1815-22 617 MONTESQUIEU. Temple de Gnide ; et Essai sur la Gout. Calf. 12 Londres, 1760 618 MONTUO, H. De Activa Medicinae. Lugd. 1557. RAN- zovii, H. De Conservauda Valetudine. Antverpice, 1580. CODRONCHI. B. De Annis Climacteris ; nee non De ratione vitandi Pericula. Colonies, 1623. 3 old works in 1 vol. 8 Vellum. 619 MORATIN. Comedias Completas. FINE. 2 vols. Uncut. 12 Paris, 1821 620 MORE, T. Utopia. Also, History of Richard III. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1834 621 MORSE, J. American Universal Geography. Maps. 2 vols. Sheep. For I. Thomas, 8 Boston, 1805 622 MORSE, J. American Gazetteer. With Maps. Sheep. Is. Thomas, 8 Boston, 1797 623 MORSE, J. Gazetteer of Eastern Continent. 18 Maps. Sheep. 8 Charlestown, 1802 624 MOORE, J. Campaign of Sir J. Moore, and British Army in Spain. Engravings. Calf. 4 London, 1809 625 MOORE, J. H. Seaman s Complete Daily Assistant. Nav igation. Tables. Sheep. 8 London, 1785 626 MOORE, THOMAS. Irish Melodies. 4th Edition, with the original Advertisements, and the Prefatory Letter on Music. Engravings. Half calf , gilt. 8 London, 1823 627 MORGAN, Lady. L ltalie. Trad, de 1 Anglais. 4 vols. Boards. 8 Paris, 1821 628 MORIN, A. Aide-Memoire de Mecanique Practique. VERY USEFUL. Morocco, gilt. 8 Paris, 1843 629 M ORISON, J. Important Duty of Renewing our Solemn Covenants. Edinburgh, 1767. MUCKARSIE, J. Truth and Peace Vindicated, Burgess-Oaths, etc. Edinburgh, 1767 TENNFNT, G. (Minister in New Jersey.) Principles of the Moravians. London, 1743. 4 vols. in 1. 8 Calf. 630 MOSHEIM, J. L. VON. Aiiderweitiger Versuch einer voll- staencligen und unpartheyischen Ketzergeschichte. History of Michael Servetus, etc., with his portrait, with flames. 2 vols. Uncut. 4 Helmstadt, 1748. Neue Nachrichten . . M. Ser- veto. 4 Helmstadt, 1750. 3 vols. 36 CATALOGUE. 631 MR. SPONGE S SPORTING TOUR. By the Author of " Handley Cross," "Jorrocks s Jaunts," etc. 13 colored engravings on Steel, and 84 on Wood, by JOHN LEECH. Original cloth. Large margin. 8 London, 1853 A treasury of fun, with Leech s best drawings, and fine impressions, and coloring. 632 M QUEEN, J. Northern and Central Africa, and River Niger. MAPS. Half calf . 8 Edinburgh, 1821 633 MUNTER, G. W. Gesch. Grundl. zur Geisteslehre des Men- schen. Half cloth. 8 Halle, 1850 634 MULLER, J. Fortification. PLATES. Sheep. 8 London, 1799 635 MURRAY, LINDLEY. Lecteur Francois. Good French selec tions. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1812 636 MURRAY, L. Le Pouvoir de la Religion. Sheep. 12 Londres, 1802 637 MY GRANDFATHER S FARM ; or Pictures of Rural Life. Boards. 12 Edinburgh, 1829 638 S?^5?8 :ANI > B - Historia de la Republica Veneta. Sheep. 4 Venetia, 1653 639 NAPOLEON, Military Maxims of. Translated from the French. Cloth. 12 New York, 1845 640 NAPOLEON, Bon Mots de. Paris. BONAPARTIANA, Re- ponses, Actions, etc., par COUSIN d AvAL. 2 vols. Paris, 1801. RICARD, A. Eldge de Jean Raisin et de sa bonne mere La Vigne. Paris, 1853. PROPHETIES de Th. Moult, Prov. de Agricult. les Chevaux, etc. Paris. VENETTE, Dr. Tableau de 1 Amour Conjugal. 4 vols. Paris, 1852. 9 vols., IQmo, unbound. 641 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, etc. Life, Anecdotes, etc. Sheep. 12 Hudson, 1813 642 NARDINI, L. Lettere Familiari degli autori piu celebri. Uncut. 12 Milano, 1829 643 NATIONALSTOLZE, VON DEM. Plates. Calf. 12 Zurich, 1758 644 NAUTICAL ALMANAC and Astronomical Ephemeris. Pub lished by order of the Lords of the Admiralty for 1823, 1841, 1849 to 1858. 12 vols., 3 half calf and morocco, 9 uncut. 8 London, 1820-54 645 NAUTICAL ALMANAC. Blunt s American Edition, 1813, 1814, 1816, 1820, 1825. 3 vols. 12 New York, 1811-23 646 NAUTICAL ALMANAC. Ephemerides Nauticas ; ou Diario Astronomico 1789-1825. 14 vols. in 4. Half calf. 8 Lisboa, 1788-1824 Portuguese Nautical Almanac, with MS. notes and corrections. Seems to have belonged to the Editor. Has list of members of the Royal Academy, and other information. CATALOGUE. 37 647 NAUTICAL ALMANAC. Requisite Tables for use with. Half bound. 8 London, 1781 648 NEW TESTAMENT. In GREEK. Ex recen. J. J. Griesbach cum selecta lect varietate. Half bound. 8 Cantab. Nov. Anglorum, 1809 649 NEW TESTAMENT. Le Nouveau Testament. Trad, de L. M. DE SACY. 2 vols. Boards. 8 Boston, 1810 650 NEW TESTAMENT. Martin Luther s. In German. Aut. J. G. PERCIYAL. Sheep, clasps. 12 Germantown (Penn.), 1808 651 NEW TESTAMENT. In DANISH. Sheep. 12 London, 1827 652 NEW TESTAMENT. In GERMAN. Sheep. 12 Philadelphia, 1830 653 NEW TESTAMENT. In GREEK. Shp. 12 New York, 1842 654 NEW TESTAMENT. In SWEDISH, and English parallel col umns. Injured. Sheep. 12 New York, 1854 655 NE PAS CROIRE CE QU ON VOID. Histoire Espagnole. Vellum. 12w. p. 1673 656 NEWMANN, C. Chemical Works, with large Additions, etc. By W. Lewis. 2 vols. Calf. 8 London, 1773 657 NICHOL, J. P. Architecture of the Heavens. PLATES. Cloth. 12 New York, 1842 658 NIGHTINGALE, J. English Topography, Geography, History, and Statistics. Description of England and Wales, with ac curate Map of each County. Half morocco. 4 London, 1809 659 NOBLE, M. Le. Dialogues entre le Diable Boiteux et le Diable Borgne. PLATES. CURIOUS. 8 tomes in 1. Amsterd. 1708 660 jjgpjflCKLEY, S. History of the Saracens, Mohammed, etc., to llth Caliph. FINE COPY. Fine calf, gilt. 8 London, 1848 661 ODELEBER, O. F. Napoleons Feldzug in Sachsen im 1813. Half calf. 8 Dresden, 1816 662 ODIORNE, T. Poems. Frontispiece. Sheep. . 12 Boston, 1792 663 OEHLENSCHLAGER. Pronouncing German Dictionary. Ger man-English and English-German. Half morocco. Square 16 Philadelphia, 1852 664 O FLANAGAN, J. R. Impressions at Home and Abroad. 2 vols. Half calf. 8 London, 1837 665 OLMSTED, A. F. Chemistry ; Experiments and Application to Arts, etc. ENGRAVINGS. Sheep. 12 New Haven, 1851 666 OLMSTED, Prof. D. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. Half morocco 12 New York, 1844 667 OLMSTED, Prof. D. Natural Philosophy. Sheep. 8 New Haven, 1833 38 CATALOGUE. 668 OPERAS AND FARCES. Fifty-two. MILTON S Comus ; GAY S Beggar s Opera ; Miss in her Teens ; and nine others by GARRICK. Calf. 8 London, 1811 669 ORTON. J. W. Miner s Guide, and Metallurgist s Directory. Cloth. 18 New York, 1849 670 O SULLIVAN, D. Elegant Extracts from British Prose "Writ ers. Boards. Thick 12 Paris, 1832 Presentation copy to J. FENIMOEE COOPER; who has written on p. 734: " This is an error. My family emigrated to America in 1679, and settled at Coopers- town in 1786." 671 OVIDIUS. Opera Omnia. Notis HEINSII et CNIPPINGII. 3 vols. Half calf. 12 Lug. Bat. 1670 672 OVIDIUS. Opera Omnia. 3 vols. Calf. 16 Amstelodami, 1735 673 OVID. Metamorphoses. N. BAILEY. Prose Version. Notes, etc. Sheep. 8 London, 1793 Also, HORACE and VIRGIL, with Notes, marginal translation, and vocabularies. Title-pages wanting. 8 London. 674 OVIDE. I/ART JD AIMER. Traduct. nouv. Remarques Myth, et Litteraires. Half calf . 8 Paris, 1803 675 OWENI, IOAN. Epigrammatum. RARE, CURIOUS. ENGRAV INGS. Boards. 24 Wratislavice, 1658 676 OZANAM, J. Recreations, Mathematical and Physical ; Prof itable and Delightful Problems. Many engravings. CURIOUS AND USEFUL. Calf. 8 London, 1708 |ACIFIC RAILROAD. Reports of Explorations and Surveys: I.-VII. Many fine illustrations. 7 vols. Half lound. 4 Washington, 1855-57 678 PAGENSTECHER, A. A. De Jure Virginum et Virg. Flor. Ecloga. Vellum. 12 Brema, 1709 679 PAREDES, IGN. DE. Comp. de Jesus. Christianoyotl Mex- icanemachtiloni, etc. [Title-page is very full and in Mexican. Contains the DOCTRINA of RIPALDA, and all necessary in struction.] Engraved frontispiece. RARE. Sheep. 8 Mexico, 1758 A perfect copy of this highly prized book. EIPALDA being easily obtained in familiar languages, this is" useful for the study of the AzxECA*or MEXICAN tongue. 680 PARK, MUNGO. Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa. PLATES. Calf. 4 London, 1799 Complete account of these most interesting travels. 681 PASOR, G. Lexicon Greco-Lat. in Novum Testamentum ; also Etyma Nominum-Prop. Half vellum. 12 Herborn, 1623 D un usage merveilleux aux Ecoliers. BAYLE art. PASOR. 682 PASOR, G. Lexicon Graeco-Lat. in Novum Testamentum. Half vellum. 12 London, 1650 683 PATENT OFFICE Reports, 1849, 1850, 1853, 1854, Mech. 1, 2 ; 1855, Mech. 1, 2 ; 1856 Mech. 1, 2, 3, Agric. 10 vols. Cloth, 12 CATALOGUE. 39 684 PATRICK, J. Psalms of David in Metre ; with the Tunes used. Autographs of "Tnos. FOXCROFT, 1732," and " RICH D CRANCH." Sheep. 12 London, 1724 Quaint language, with music and difficult words explained for the common people. 685 PATRIOTIC ADDRESSES to the President of the United States, and Answers. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1798 686 PATOUN, A. Navigation. From First Principles. Tables. Unbound. 8 London, 1762 687 PEABODY Library, South Danvers. Catalogue, with Peabody documents inserted. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1855 688 PELHAM, W. System of Notation applied to Johnson s Ras- selas. Boards. " 12 Boston, 1808 689 PENN, WILLIAM. No Cross, No Crown. Part I. Nature and Discipline of the Holy Cross of Christ ; The Denial of Self the only Way to the Rest and Kingdom of God. Part II. Sayings of Men, Eminent for their Greatness, Learning or Virtue. A Life of Strict Virtue ; namely, to Do Well and Bear 111 is the Way to Lasting Happiness. 8th Edition. A few leaves wanting. SCARCE. Sheep. 8 Leeds, 1742 690 [PEREZ, A.] Vita della Picara Giustina Diez ; Regola de gli animi licentiosi. 2 vols. Boards. V^Venetia, 1624 "A fiction of very doubtful morality, written by a Dominican monk, Perez." TICKXOR, Span. Lit. See No. 4, ALKMAN. 691 PERRIX, J. French Grammar. Sheep. 12 London, 1808 692 PERRIN. Fables Amusaiites, with English translations, etc. 16 Philadelphia, 1832 693 PERROT, N. Apothegmes de Anciens. Of. 12 Paris, 1664 694 PERSIUS. Satire VI. Recens. G. L. KOENIG. Half calf . 8 Gottingen, 1803 695 PETRARCA, FR. Sonetti e Canzoni di M. F. Petrarca in Vita de M. Laura. FINE CURIOUS PLATES. Title wanting. Vellum. 16 Lyone, 1558 696 PETRARCA, FR. Le Rime. Trat. da migliori Esemplari. 2 vols. Sheep, gilt. 18 Aviynone, 1812 697 PHELIPE, Reyde Espafia. Manuscript. The King of Spain s Orders respecting Property in Mexico, with the Great Seal. 57 folios, unbound: 1 622 Another deed follows, dated City of Mexico, 23d Jl/ardi, 1733. 698 PHILOSOPHE de Sans Souci (FREDERIC the Great). Oti- vrage digue du Grand Monarque. Boards. 12 Potsdam, 1760 699 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS of the Royal Society for 1825, 6, 7, 8. Plates. 4 vols. Calf. 4 London, 1825-28 Containing articles especially important. 700 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS and Collections to the end of 1700, Abridged and Disposed under General Heads. 3 vols. The Same, 1700 to 1732. 4 vols. Plates. Calf. 4 London, 1722-33 40 CATALOGUE. 701 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. From Commencement to 1750. 5th Edition. Latin Papers now first translated into English. PLATES. 12 vols. Calf. 4 London, 1749-56 702 PHCEDRI. Fabulae ^Esopi. Cloth. 16 Oxonii, 1849 703 PIAZZA, G. De la Specula Astronomica di Palermo. Boards. Folio, Palermo, 1792 704 PIERCE, B. Treatise on Sound. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1836 705 PIERCE, J. Vindication of the Dissenters against Church of England. Calf. 8 London, 1718 706 PIEROTTI, G. D. II Giardino del Parnaso. Da Dante al Metastasio. 2 vols. Half calf . 12 Edinburgh, 1811 707 PIGAULT-LEBRUN. Angelique et Jeanneton. PLATES. 2 vols. in 1. Sheep. 12 Paris, 1803 708 PIKE, NICOLAS. Complete System of Arithmetic, for Citi zens of the United States. 2d Edition. Revised and en larged by E. ADAMS, Preceptor of Leicester Academy. Sheep. 8 Isaiah Thomas, Worcester, Mass. 1797 Phe first great American arithmetic; has recommendations from Harvard, Yale, etc., and Preface by I. Thomas. 709 PIMENTEL, Francisco (CondedeHeras). Cuadro Descrip- tivo y Comparative de las LENGUAS INDIGENAS de MEXICO. OUT OF PRINT. SCARCE. Vol. I. pp. 52 -[- 539 -f-2. Vol. 7/6-1-427. 2 vols. Antique, half turkey. 8 Mexico, 1862-65 Obra premiada por la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y P^sladistica. The report of this society on the work is bound in. The most complete work on the Mexican languages, and indispensable to their study. The author, being wealthy and having access to scarce books and MSS., has collected grammars, vocabularies, and descriptions of some thirty-two languages, which with their dialects and various names would double the list of titles. Having been a pupil of the learned Padre Najera, skilled in the Mexican tongues (and a member of the American Philosophical Society), and whose papers and books he received, special advantages were possessed which the Count has here improved. Several thousand dollars would be quickly spent in buying the documents whose matter is here printed. 710 PINKERTON S Voyages of Spallanzani, Botirgoanne, Coxe. Plates. Sheep. 4 n. d. 711 PINKERTON J. Modern Geography. Vol. I. Europe, II. Asia, III, America, Africa. Fine copy. 3 vols. Russia. 4 London, 1807 712 PLANTA, E. New Picture of Paris ; Stranger s Guide. Maps, views, etc. Morocco. 18 London, 1820 713 PLATO. Omnia Opera, ex vetustissimorum exemplarium collatione multo mine quam antea emendatioria. In Greek. FINE EDITION AND COPY. Vellum. Curiously embossed. Folio, Basil, 1550 714 PLATO. Five Dialogues, viz. ; Amatores, Euthyphro, Apol. Socrates, Crito, et Phcedo. In Greek with Latin trans, notes, etc. By N. FORSTER. Half calf. 8 Oxon. 1752 715 PLATONIS, Dialogi. Nine Dialogues in Greek. Notes by H. STEPHENS, etc. 3 voh. in 1. Half sheep. 18 Lips. 1770-73 716 PLATONIS. Phaedonem, etc. Animadversiones in. Atict. GOTLEBER. Half sheep. 8 Lips. 1771 This and last noted as prize volumes to Ch.-J. EISENSTUCH. See Convers. Lex. CATALOGUE. 41 717 PLOTO, J. B. Tractatus de in Litem Juranclo. Fine vellum binding embossed with religious subjects, and stamped 1574. 8 Venetiis, 1570 718 PLUTARCH. Complete Works in Greek. With Latin translation, in parallel columns, by Cruser and Xylander. Notes, Indexes, etc. Vol. I. THE LIVES. II. THE MORALIA. 2 vols. Old sheep. Folio, Francofurti, 1 620 710 PLUTARCHI. Vitas Parallalae. The Lives, in Greek, complete. 9 vols. in 3. Half morocco. 16 Lipsce, 1812 720 PLUTARCH. Delay of the Deity in the Punishment of the Wicked. Autograph of R. CHOATE. Cloth. 12 Andover, 1844 721 PLUTARCH. Sur les Delais de la Justice Divine. Trad, avec Add. et Notes, par DE MAISTRE. Suivie de la trad, du meme par AMYOT. Uncut. 8 Lyon, 1839 722 PLYNII SBCVNDI. (C.) NATURALIS HISTORIC LIBER PRIMUS DE HIS QU^E SINGULIS LIBRIS CONTINENTER IN- CIPIT FOELICITER. [So the book begins. } Ends with Colo phon, which terminates thus : Conradus Suueyheym : Arnoldus panartzq : magistri Rome impresserunt talia mtilta simul M. CCCC. LXX1II. die Veneris vii. Mail. Old calf, on boards. Printed by SWEYNHEIM and PANARTZ, Large folio, Rome, 1473 The first book printed in the round or Roman letters (not black letter). Sweyn- heim first introduced printing into Italy, and barely escaped starvation. These printers sent the petition to the Pope, sfating that they had printed sheets in their house, but no necessaries of life. This is a fine, perfect, and clean copy of this rare and desirable edition. 723 PLINII SECUNDI. Historian Mundi, Libri xxxvii. Fine clean copy. Sheep. Folio, Lugduni, 1561 724 PLIXE. Histoire Nat. des Animaux. Trad. P. C. B. Gue- rault. 3 vols. Unbound. 8 Paris, 1802 725 POETICAL WORKS of ROGERS, CAMPBELL, J. MONTGOMERY, LAMB, aild KIRKE WHITE. Complete in 1 vol. PORTRAITS. White calf, gilt. 8 Philadelphia, 1845 726 POMEY, FR. (Soc. Jes.). Pantheum Mythicum. Some of the plates gone. Calf. 8 Amstelod. 1730 727 PONTMARTIN, A. Contes et Nouvelles. Bds. 12 Pans, 1856 728 POOLE, II. W. Exercises in English Reading, selected for his Pupils in the National College of Mineria. Large paper. Only Sprinted. Half morocco. Small folio, Mexico, 1862 Privately printed during the French invasion, when it was impossible to obtain books. Extracts from Dickens, Holmes, Lowell, Aytoun, etc., were set up, some from memory, as no copies of the authors could be obtained, and varia tions may be excused in consideration of having been printed in presence of the enemy, and French bayonets sent to control American affairs. 729 POOLE, H. W. PERFECT INTONATION and the Enharmonic Organ. 8 New Haven, 1850 730 POOLE, H. W. PERFECT HARMONY in Music, Theor. and Practically. New Enharmonic Keyboard for Organs, Piano fortes, etc. Engravings of Keyboard. 8 New Haven, 1867 42 CATALOGUE. 731 POOLE, H. W. ON THE MUSICAL RATIOS, and our Pleasure in Harmonious Sounds. Unbd. 8 New Haven, 1868 732 POOLE, JOSUA. The English Parnassus ; or a Help to Eng lish Poesie. A complete collection of all the Rhythminop Monosyllables, the choicest Epithets and Phrases, etc. Half calf. 8 London, 1677 733 POOLE, SOPHIA. The Englishwoman in Egypt, in 1842-44, with E. L. Lane. 2 vols. in 1. Half calf . London, 1851 734 POOR ROBIN S Almanac for 1777. Containing a two-fold Calendar, viz : The good .... English Account ; and also the Whimsey-headed, Sap-sculled .... Account of Sorry Saints and Sad Sinners. With 8 other Almanacs of 1777, in 1 vol. Morocco. 8 London, 1777 A satire on the astrology, mathematics, puzzles, and saintly calendars of its day. In place of the usual canonized names, appear "Kissing Kate," " Lying Lowe," etc. Franklin s " Poor Richard " would seem to be related to this. The other Almanacs are neatly bound with this, and have parchment ribbons for easy access, worth attention in binding dictionaries and collec tions of several works in one volume. 735 POPE, A. Essai sur FHomme ; avec 1 Anglois. Calf. 8 Pan s, 1780 736 POPE, A. Les (Euvres Choises. Trad, par Du RESNEL. Sheep. 18 Pans, 1766 737 [POREE, C. B.] Histoire de Don Rammcio d Aletez. CURI OUS. PLATES. Sheep. 2 vols. 12 Venise [Rouen], 1740 " C est un tableau satirique des moeurs des moines relaches et des desordres de leur couvens." QUKKARD. 738 PORSON, R. Adversaria. Notae et Emend, in Poetas Gracos. Half sheep. 8 Lips. 1814 739 POUSSIN, G. T. De la Puissance Americaine. Uncut. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1848 740 PRATZ, LE PAGE DU. Histoire de la Louisiane, Decouverte, Geogr. Hist. Natur. Moeurs. Deux Voyages dans le Nouveau Mexique. 40 Planches. Sheep. 3 vols. 12 Paris, 1758 Important as showing the French claims to the Southern territory now occu pied by several States, but claimed also by the English under the name of " Carolina." See COXE, No. 247. 741 PRESSLER, M. R. Messknecht und sein Praktikum. 483 ENGRAVINGS. Cloth. 12 Braunschweig. A course of arithmetical, mathematical, trigonometrical, and mechanical operations, and their solution by means of an instrument which is provided and kept within the binding. 742 PRET-A-BOIRE, BONIFACE. Eloge funebre et historique, de tres-Court, tres-epais. . . . Pantaleon Tire-Point, Tailleur d Habits. Half morocco. Sn.p.l776 743 PRICE, R. Justice and Policy of War with America. Un cut. 8 Boston, 1776 744 PRISON DISCIPLINE Society. Boston, Reports 1-4. 1826-29. Half bound. 12 Boston. 745 PUFFENDORF, S. History of Europe. Calf. 8 London, 1702 CATALOGUE. 43 746 PULTENKY, R. History and Biography of Botany in England. 2 vols. Calf. 8 London, 1790 747 PUSSY, Mine. F. DE. Le Grand-Pere et ses 4 Petits-Fils. Half morocco. 12 Boston, 1854 748 |(j^g^,UILLETI, CL. Callipredia ; Sen de Pulchrae Prolis habendae rationes. SAMMARTHANI, Scaev. Paedotro- phiae. CURIOUS. 2 works in 1 vol. Calf. 12 Lond-ini, 1708 749 QUINTANA, M. J. Obras Completas. Uncut. Royal 8 Madrid, 1852 750 QUINTILTANT Declamationes. Cum Dialog. De Cans. Corrup. Eloq. Calf. 8 Oxon. 1692 751 QUINTILIANUS. Institutiones Oratorum. Calf. 8 Seb. Gryphiun Lugduni, 1538 L Abbe. Fleurs de la Poesie Frangaise. Boards, gilt. 8 Tours, 1842 753 RACINE. CEuvres, illustree par Pauquet. CORNEILLE. CEuvres, illus. par Pauquet. CUSTINE, M. de, La Russie. ^ copies. 4 vols. Unbound. 4 Amyot, Paris. 754 RAILROADS, History of. PLATES. Cloth. 18 Boston, 1833 755 RAILWAY MAPS. Irish Railway Commission. Plans of the several lines, 1857; Sections of same, 1857. 2 vols. folio. 3ft. X 1. 756 - STEVENSON, R. Plans of Extension of London and Birmingham Railway through London. Folio, 2J X % ft- London, 1845 757 RAMSAY, ALLAN. The Gentle Shepherd. Pastoral with songs. Curious for its treatment and its quaint Scotch dia lect. In same volume are several other works. 12 Edinburgh, 1722, etc. 758 RAMSEY, J. Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in British Sugar Colonies. Calf. 12 Dublin, 1784 759 RAWSON, J. (Aid to General Sullivan.) Military Duty for Mili tia of United States. 8 Dover, N. H., 1793. Military Mentor. 2 vols. Salem, 1808. Capt. Grafton s Camp and March, 1854, and other Military Works. 8 vols. 760 RAY, J. (F. R. S. 1667.) Three Physico-Theological Dis courses, concerning: The Primitive. CHAOS, The DELUGE, The Dissolution of the WORLD and future Conflagration. COP PER PLATES OF FOSSILS, etc. Calf. 8 London, 1721 Interesting early speculations on the geological formation of the earth, and its theological difficulties. 44 CATALOGUE. 761 REAUMUR, R. A. F. DE. Art de faire Eclorre et d Elever en toute saison cles Oiseaux Domestiques de toutes especes. MANY PLATES. 2 vols. Calf. 12 Paris, 1751 Ingenious description and plates of artificial hatching and care of fowls. PERCIVAL S autograph. 762 RECUEIL d Histoires. Interessantes, Amusantes et Gulantes. Half bound. 24 La Haye, 1752 763 REDARES. L Art de prendre les Taupes, etc. Uncut. 18 Paris, 1850 764 REFLECTOR, The. Human Affairs as they are ; and may be Improved. Calf. 8 London, 1750 765 REGNAULT, LE P. Entretiens Physiques d Ariste- et d Eu- doxe. MANY PLATES. 4 vols. Calf. 12 Paris, 1732 766 RELIGIOUS TRADESMAN. With Preface by Dr. Isaac Watts. Sheep.. 12 Charlestown, 1804 767 RENE, E. Essay des Merveilles de Nature. Parchment. 8 Paris, 1644 768 RETZ, Cardinal de. Memoires du, et du regne de Louis XIV. 4 vols. Sheep. Geneve, 1777 769 REYNARD THE Fox. Wants title-page. ILLUSTRATIONS. Cloth. 4 Edinburg. 770 REYRAC, L Abbe de. Hymne au Soleil, etc. PORTRAIT. Russia. 16 Amsterdam, 1781 771 RHODE ISLAND COAL. Enquiry into the Chymical Charac ter, etc. 12 Boston, 1808. OBSERVATIONS on Same, and Certificates. 2 vols. Uncut. 8 1814 772 RICHELIEU, Gardinale. Testament Politique de. 2 parts in 1 vol. Sheep. 12 Amsterdam, 1709 773 RICHARD, J. Description Historique et Critique de 1 Italie. 6 vols. Calf. 12 Paris, 1803 774 RICHTER, Jean-Paul. Titan. Trad, par PH. CHASLES. 4 vols. Uncut. 18 Bruxelles, 1835 775 RIVARD, F.-D. Gnomonique, ou 1 Art de Faire cles Cadrans. Calf. 8 Paris, 1746 776 RIVARD. TRAITE de la Sphere. Paris, 1743. TRAITE du Calendrier. 2 vols. in 1. Calf. 8 Paris, 1744 777 Rios, J. DE M. Complete Collection of Tables for Naviga tion and Nautical Astronomy. Halfrussia. 4 London, 1809 778 ROBERTO MACARIO. Half morocco. 4 Mexico, 1860 Fifty excellent Mexican lithographs and sketches of this celebrated character, who held that honesty was not the best polic} T . 779 ROBINSON CRUSOE, Adventures de. Imite de 1 Anglois. PLATES. 2 vols. in 1. Sheep. f 18 Paris, 1808 780 ROCHELLE, M. Roux DE. Etats-Unis d Amerique. Map and 98 engravings. Uncut. . Royal 8 Paris, 1853 781 ROEMER, J. First French Reader. (Mezzofanti s system.) Half morocco. 12 New York, 1851 CATALOGUE. 45 782 ROEMER, J. Second French Reader. (Mezzofanti s.) Half morocco. 12 New York, 1851 783 ROGACCI, B. Soc. Jes. L Ottimo Stato. Hoards. 12 Venezia, 1725 784 ROGERS, H. D. Reports of Geological Survey of Pennsyl vania. SCARCE. 3 vols. Unbound. 8 Harnsburg, 1838-39 785 ROLLIN, C. Histoire Ancienne des Egyptiens Assyr. Baba- lon. Medes, Perses, etc. 13 vols. Sheep. 12 Amst. 1736 786 ROLLIN, C. History of the Arts and Sciences of the Antients. Plates. 4 vols. Sheep. 8 London, 1737 787 ROMANCERO GENERAL, 6 Colecion de Romances Castellanos anteriores al Siglo XVIII. Ed. DURAN. 2 vols. Unbound. Royal 8 Madrid, 1851 788 ROMANS POPULAIRES, Illustres par BERTAIL. Andre le Savoyard, par Paul de Kock, (Eil-du-Faucon, par F. Cooper. Les Barons de Felsham, Precaution, etc. 5 works in 1 vol. Uncut. 4 Paris. 789 ROMANG, J. P. System der Natiirlichen Religions lehre. Half sheep. 8 Zurich, 1841 790 RONAYNE, P. Gent. Treatise of Algebra, Arithmetical and Geometrical. Calf. 8 London,^ 1727 791 ROSE, H. Chemical Tables, for calculation of Quantitative Analyses. Recalculated by W. P. Dexter. 2 COPIES. Cloth. Royal 8 Boston, 1850 792 ROUSSEAU, J. J. (Euvres Completes. Nouvelle edition. Classee par ordre de matieres, et ornee de 90 gravures. VERY FINE PLATES. 38 vols. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1788-93 Beautiful edition ; has the volume of music, and colored plates of botanv. Three of the volumes have a difference in binding. 793 ROUSSEAU, J. J. Contestacion avec Hume. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1793 794 ROUSSEAU, J. J. Pensees et Maximes. Sheep. 8 Part s, 1793 795 ROUSSEAU, J. J. Pour et Centre. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1793 796 ROUSSEAU, J. J. Confessiones, Emile, Heloise, Lettres, Philosophic, with the Jine plates, but some volumes wanting. 15 vols. Sheep. 8 Paris, 1793 797 ROYAL BLUE BOOK and Fashionable Directory. Embossed morocco, gilt. 18 London, 1843 798 RUSSELL, TV. History of America, with Account of Present Unhappy Contest between Great Britain and her Colonies. PLATES. 2 vols. Sheep. 4 London, 1778 799 RUSSICHE ANEKDOTEN, of Peter and Catherine. Boards. 12 Petersburg \_Ruisia~\, 1764 800 RUSSIAN BOOKS, in Russian Characters. 1. CHEMISTRY. Halfrussia. 8 St. Petersburg, 1832 2. MATHEMATICS and MECHANICS. Half calf . 8 St. ^Petersburg, 1838 3. Engineering School Journal. Boards. 8 St. Petersburg. 46 CATALOGUE. 801 RUSSIAN BOOKS. History of Emperor Nicholas, etc. In Rus sian characters. 10 vols. Uncut. St. Petersburg. 802 RUSSIAN-FRENCH GRAMMAR. Exercises ; Phrases, etc. Uncut. 8 Moscow, 1817 803 fff3gi^ DE MIRANDA, F. Obras do. Nova Edigao e augm. 2 vols. Sheep. 8 Lisboa, 1784 804 SAFFORD, J. M. Geological Record of Tennessee. With Geological Map of State. Unbound. 8 Nashville, 1856 805 SALEM WITCHCRAFT. More Wonders of the Invisible World, by R. Calef. London, 1700. Reprint, Salem. 806 SALOMONE FIORENTINO, Poesie di. Nuova Ed. con aggiunte. 2 vols. Sheep. 16 Livorno, 1815 807 SALTER, T. F. Gent. Angler s Guide. 25 ENGRAVINGS. Boards. 12 London. 808 SAND, GEORGE. Jaques. Leone Leoni. Quelq. refl. s. Rousseau. Valentine. La Marquise. Illustrated by Tony Johannot. Uncut. 4 Paris, 1853-54 809 SAND, GEORGE. Les Sept Cordes de la Lyre. Gabriel. Half calf. 1 2 Paris, 1843 810 SAND, GEORGE. Le Secretaire Intime. Cl. 8 Paris, 1827 811 SANDEAU, J. Sacs et Parchemens. Boards. Paris, 1856 812 SANTEUIL, J. Vie et Bon Mots. His quarrel with the Jesuits, etc. Calf. 12 Amsterdam, 1752 813 SAN FELIPE DE JESUS. A Series of sixteen fine water colored drawings, by the celebrated Mexican artist and en graver, J. M. MONTES DE OCA. Illustrative and Emblemati cal of the Life, Martyrdom, in Japan, and Canonization of this Saint, born in the City of Mexico, and adopted as Prin cipal Patron of Mexico. Finely colored and illuminated with gold. Folio, interleaved with silk blotting leaves, morocco gilt, with emblems.^ Represents the figures shown in the magnificent procession and celebration in honor of San Felipe in Mexico, and drawn in commemoration of that occasion. There is also inserted : MEMORIAL de la Madre de S. Felipe de Jesus presentado en Cabildo, 26 Enero de 1629. With Reflexiones por J. F. L [IZARDI]. 8 Mexico, 1821 Although the histories represent the young Felipe as being of rich and noble family, and tempted by the devil to leave religion and be a merchant, j et his mother, Antonia, here asks the City Council to help her in her poverty, men- tioni-Tg the merits of her canonized son. The city awarded her accordingly, a dollar daily ! And afterwards many thousands were spent on the celebra tion here recorded. 814 SAN FELIPE DE JESUS, Protomartir de Japon, Vida del Inclyto Mexicano. Anadidas algunas obvias reflexiones en honor del mismo Heroe esclarecido y de csta dichosisima CATALOGUE. 47 ciudad feliz en ser su Patria. 31 engravings ly MONTES DE OCA. Morocco. 8 Mexico, 1802 These histories are a curious mixture of the real and the mystical, of Mexico, Japan, etc. The miracles were proved before notaries, and the documents, in a thick folio, exist in Mexico still. This may be classed with the even more romantic Mexican saint, SAN SEBASTIAN DE APAKICIO, No. 818, which see. 815 SAN FELIPE DE JESUS, Patron cle Mexico, Historia de. Novel u historica y religiosa, por E. RIVIERE. Con Estampas dibujadas por el An tor. Uncut. 8 Mexico, 1853 A readable, sensational version, with descriptions of the beautiful climate and scenery of Mexico, romantic but true. 816 SANTA MARIA DE LOS ANGELES, DE MEXICO. Disertacion Critico-Theo-Filosofica, sobra la Conservacion de la Santa Imagen de Nuestra Senora de los Angeles, que se venera extramuros de esta Ciudad de Mexico. Por El R. P. Fr. PEDRO PABLO PATINO. Unbound. 4 Mexico, 1801 One of the notable Saints of Mexico, not so much for miraculous origin like that of Guadalupe, but for its preservation, b-ing painted on a wall of adobe or clay. The manuscript documents accompanying show that although its origin is claimed to have been in 1695, it attracted the attention of the Arch- bishop and the Inquisition in 1745, and here is the original order to stop such worship, to close the doors and windows of the oratorio where it was, and to cover the image. It was also ordered to discontinue the collection of money, and to deliver up the whole property existing. Like the Guadalupe appari tion (see Xo. 933) the antiquity of origin is shown by these papers to have been a later idea. But by efforts here shown the image triumphed, and we have the order of the Virey, Feb. 18, 1770, to collect money, and the plan of the Contador, Sept. 4, 1785, to give greater splendor to the worship of this " Imagen Portentosa." 817 MANUSCRIPT OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS relative to the above : 1. The order in 1745, to put an end tot he worship, to destroy (lorrar) the picture, and deliver the jewels, etc. ; which being executed, an Inventory is given. 2. Decree rec ognizing this worship, signed (autograph) by the Archbishop "ALONZO, Arzbpo de Mexico," Oct. 17, 1777. 3. Permis sion of the Virey MAYORGA to collect offerings, Feb. 18, 1780, etc. 12 MSS. in 8 folios, Mexico, 1745-85 818 SEBASTIAN DE APARICIO. Vida Prodigiosa del Ven erable Siervo de Dios, Fray Sebastian de Aparicio, Religioso Lego de la Regular Observancia de N. P. S. Francisco, e Hijo de la Provincia del Santo Evangelic de Mexico, su author El Rev. Padre Fray JOSEPH MANUEL RODRIGUEZ, Ex-Lector de Sagrada Teologia, Predicador General, Notario Apostolico, Chronista Gen. Del Orden de N. S. P. S. Francisco, en esta Nueva Espana, Com. Visitador de su Orden Tercero de esta Ciudad de Mexico, y actual Custodio de dicha Santa Provincia. Vellum. 4 Mexico, Zuniga y Ontoveros, 1769 The history of this Mexican saint, contained in these volumes, and the ex traordinary and unique collection of engravings herewith, is, perhaps, the s f rangest known. Mysticism apart, he was born in Galicia, in Spain, in 1502, came early to Mexico, introduced ox-carts, and the training of animals 48 CATALOGUE. to draw them, transported silver, gained the good-will and help of the savages, like William Penn, and was an industrious, honest, and charitable man. According to the ecclesiastical account, ,he left Spain to escape a succession of attacks, which may be classed with those experienced by Joseph in the palace of Potiphar. Having taken monkish vows, he declined advantageous offers of marriage, but after prayerful reflection was espoused to a maiden of twelve years, who, an orphan, "had no protector and whom he guarded with purely paternal care. On her death, he took another partner in like manner, and of the same tender age. This action has been debated in the cloisters of both hemispheres, and whether there was any violation of monastic vows. Sebastian also was tried with every temptatio n and moles tation that the powers of .darkness could invent and put in practice. His de fense was valiant, courageous, and sometimes even comical. Angels came to his aid. Angels and saints assisted him in his ordinarv affairs ; they carried his teams over impassable ravines, sustained his broken axle-trees, and never abandoned him. The most intimate particulars of the whole his tory are given in the text and plates. The latter were never published, and not another set of the impressions has been known or heard of. It is said that the drawings and engravings were prepared in support of the desired canonization in Rome, in 1789, but that in consequence of a want of faith in the evidence, only the degree of " Beatificacion " was conceded, and the plates kept unused, as calculated rather to stimulate unseemly diversion than holy reverence. Two of these copper-plates were rescued from the melting pot, and accompany the only existing series of impressions known. 819 SEBASTIAN DE APARICIO. Compendio della Vita del Beato SEBASTIANO D APPARIZIO. Laico Professo ... del P. S. Francisco della Prov. del Santo Evangelic nel Messico. De dicate alia Maesta del Re Cattolico Carlo Quarto dal Padre Matteo Ximenez. Half morocco. 4 Roma, 1789 820 - - COLECC10N DE ESTAMPAS que representan los principales pasos, [h]echos, y prodigies del BTO. FRAI SEBAS TIAN DE APARIZIO Religo. Franciscano de la Provincia del Sto. Evangelio de Mexico. Dispuesta por el R. P. Fr. MATEO XIMENEZ, del mismo Orden y Provincia, y Postulador de la Beatificacion del expresado Siervo de Dios. Por el incisor PEDRO BOMBELLI. Morocco. 4 Roma, ano de 1780 Probably a UNIQUE, certainly an extremely scarce collection of 129 line engraving?, complete, with the engraved title, 130. These plates are elaborate and finished, and contain much detail. Besides the general subject, there is much of episodes, views in pictures on the walls, through open windows and doors, and illustrative or related action in the background, Avith the same personages, seen in the front. A notable . union of real Mexican scenery, architecture, dresses, customs, and people with highly wrought mystical, monastic, and miraculous incidents. Mexican artists have furnished many of these sketches, but some have been worked up in Rome, where all were engraved by Bombelli, under the direction of the Padre Ximenez, who had charge of the presentation of the merits of this candidate for canonization. Each plate has a descriptive title in Spanish. Impressions from one of the two plates which exist may accompany some of these catalogues. No. 46 represents the Saint taking the Ilabito to serve the nuns in the Convent of Santa Clara, in the city of Mexico, to which he had given all hi* property. A nondescript creature, in the service of the Evil One, is striving to prevent this holy resolution with a boat-hook, and there are two additional glimpses of the persecutions suffered at the hands of the fiends below. 821 SARGENT, L. M. Tlie Culex of Virgil; with English Tr. in Verse. Uncut. 8 Boston, 1807 822 SARGENT, L. M. Coelii Symposii JEnigmata. Uncut. 8 Boston, Nov. Aug. 1807 CATALOGUE. 49 823 SAVERIEN. Hist, de Prog, de 1 Esprit Humaine et de les Sciences. Calf. 8 Paris, 1777 824 SCHELHORNII, J. G. Arncenitates Hist. Eccles. et Literariae. (Of Rare Books, etc.) 2 vols. Cf. 12 Franc. $ Lipsia, 1737-38 825 SCHILLER. Siimmtliche Werke. Uncut. Royal 8 Philadelphia, 1855 826 SCHILLER, J. C. F. Maria Stuart ; ein Trauerspiel. Half morocco. 12 Stuttgart, 1825 827 SCHNEITLER, C. F. Messkunst. 177 engravings. Half turkey. 8 Leipzig, 1850 Most complete and important works, on surveying, topography, and geodet- ical operations. 828 SCHNEITLER, C. F. Instrumente und Werkzenge der Mess kunst. 227 engravings. Half turkey. 8 Leipzig, 1852 829 SCHREVILII, C. Lexicon. Greek-Latin, et Latin-Greek. Sheep. Royal 8 New Tork, 1825 830 SCOTLAND. 3 Maps, with Plan of Edinburgh, backed and folded in. 1*2 London, 1834 831 SCOTT, Sir W. Poetical Works. PORTRAIT. 7 vols. Un cut. 16 Paris, 1837 832 SCOTT, W. Chronicles of the Canongate. FINE EDITION. 2 vols. Half morocco. 8 Edinburgh, 1827 833 SCOTT, W. The Lady of the Lake. FINE ENGRAVINGS from WE STALL. Fine calf, embossed, gilt. 8 London, 1811 834 SENECA, L. A. Tragicos. Ex recens. et Museo P. Sci- VERII. JUST. LIPSII Animad. in Trag. Senecae. P. SCRI- VERII. Collect. Vet. Tragicorum, etc. FINE COPY. 3 vols. in 1. Vellum. Thick 8 Lug. Bat. 1620 835 SENECA. Opera qua? exstant omnia a Ivsto Lipsio emend, et schol. illustr. Ed. 4 to - FINE ENGRAVINGS. Vellum, gilt. Folio, Antverpice Plant. 1651 836 SENECA S MORALS, by Sir Roger L Estrange. Also a Dis course. PLATES. Calf. 8 London, 1729 837 SERMONS published since the Reformation, Index to. Texts in order as in Bible. Interleaved and continued in MSS. Autograph of RICH. CRANCH. Bds. Royal 8 London, 175 838 SEXTI EMPIRICI, Opera quae extant. Greek and Latin. V lum. Folio, Genevce, 1621 839 SHAW, S. Minister in London. Works. Religious Tracts, etc. 2 vols. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1821 840 SHAW, Dr. Voyage dans le Regence d Alger. Trad. etc. par J, MACCARTHY. MAP. Uncut. 8 Paris, 1830 841 SIDNEY, ALGERNON. Discourses concerning Government. With the Paper delivered to the Sheriffs immediately before his Death. Calf. Folio, London, 1704 842 Same. 2 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1750 843 SIDNEY, S. The Railway System Illustrated, with Map of England. Cloth. Royal 8 London, 1846 50 CATALOGUE. 844 SIMPSON, T. Algebra; and Application to Geometrical Problems. Sheep. 8 Philadelphia, 1809 845 SINCERI, J. Itinerarivm Galliae. CURIOUS. Vellum. 18 Geneves, 1627 846 SMITH, ADAM. Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Na tions. 2 vols. 4 London, 1786 847 SMITH, A. La Richesse des Nations. Trad. J. A. ROUGHER. 5 vols. Calf. 8 Paris, n. d. 848 SMITHSONIAN Institute Reports, 1856-1857. 2 vols. Cloth. 12 Washington. 849 SOPHOCLIS TRAGEDIJB. Notis WEISE, SCHAKFER, etc. 2 vols. in 1. 16 Lipsice, 1841 850 SOPHOCLE. TRAGEDIE DI SOFOCLE. Trad, da Felice Bel- lotti. 3 vols. in 1. 16 Torino, 1829 851 SOUTHARD, L. H. Course of Harmony. Examples and Exercises. Cloth. 8 Boston, 1855 852 [SOUTHEY, R.] Espriella s Letters from England. Trans, from the Spanish. 2 vols. 18 New York, 1808 Satires on the English, as if seen by a Spaniard. 853 SOUVESTRE, E. Un Philosophe sous les Toits. Journal d un Homme Heureux. Ouvrage coronne par 1 Acad. Fran. Half morocco. 12 Paris, 1856 854 SOUVESTRE, E. The Lake Shore ; or The Slave, Serf, and Apprentice. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1855 855 SOUVESTRE, EMILE. Leaves from a Family Journal. Cloth. 12 New York, 1855 856 SPALDING, J. (Minister Tabernacle Church, Salem.) The Coming and Kingdom of Christ. Sheep. 12 Salem, 1796 857 SPEAKING, Art of. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1795 858 SPECVLVM MARIANVM. [So LETTERED.] A collection of about 237 fine line Engravings of different Images, Shrines, Pictures, etc., of the VIRGIN MARY, in her various " ADVOCACIONES ; " alone, and with Jesus, St. Joseph, saints and angels ; also the principal female saints and martyrs. Finely engraved by ENGELBRECHT, PFEFPEL, LEOPOLD ; probably a unique collection. From the Library of the Convent of Belemitas in Mexico, sold in 1861. First en graving is " CLYPEUS PURITATIS." Size, 5J X 4 inches. Red morocco. 859 SPECVLVM AMORIS. [So lettered, and title of first En graving.] Collection of about 185 fine line Engravings, representing OUR SAVIOUR S Life, Passion, The Via Crucis, The Hostia, etc. In the same manner as last, and by same engravers. Size, of X 4 inches. Red morocco. 860 SNELLMAN, J. W. . Larobok i Psychologies Half calf. 8 Stockholm, 1837 861 SPENSER S FAIRY QUEEN, Tales from. Engravings. Cloth. Square 1 6 London, 1846 CATALOGUE. 51 862 SPIERS, A. Dictionnaire. 1. Anglais-FranQais. 2. Fran- 9ais-Anglais. 5 me Edition. 2 vols. Sheep. Royal 8 Paris, 1853 863 SPURZHEIM, J. G. Principles of Education founded on the Nature of Man. EXAMINATION of Objections to Gall and Spurzheim, etc. 2 Works. 2 vols. Half morocco. 12 Boston, 1833 864 SPURZHEIM, J. G. Philos. Catechism of the Natural Laws of Man. Cloth. 18 Boston, 1832 865 STAEL, Mad. de. Corinne, on 1 Italie. Half morocco. 12 New York, 1857 866 STATUTES from the beginning of MAGNA CHARTA ; an Exact Abridgement of all, down to 1689. With a complete Table. Calf. 8 London, 1708 Very convenient arrangement under subjects and alphabetically ; curious and useful for obtaining a general idea of the ancient English laws and customs, including those before the Reformation. 867 STEIN, E. Nouvel Essai sur le Jeti des Echecs ; avec des Reflexions Militaires relatives a ce Jeu. RARE AND CURIOUS. Boards. 8 La Haye, 1789 With list of subscribers to this scientific and moralized book on chess. 868 [STEELE, Sir RICHARD.] The Englishman ; Sequel to the Guardian. Calf. 12 London, 1713-14 Steele was expelled from Parliament in 1713 for his " scandalous papers " in <; The Englishman." 869 STEPHENSON, R. London and Birmingham Railroad. Map. Backed and folded. Cloth. Royal 8 London, 1836 870 STOWE, H. B. Dred. In German. 2 vols. in 1. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1856 871 ST. PIERRE, B. Voyages of Amasis, in French and Eng lish. Sheep. 12 1. Thomas, Boston, 1795 872 ST. PIERRE, B. Paul und Virginie. 20 engravings. Cloth. 12 Leipzig, 1844 873 STRABONOS Geographicon, Bibloi 17. GEOGRAPHY in Greek and Latin, in parallel columns. Edit. CASABONUS and XYLANDER. Old calf. Folio, Geneva, 1587 874 STRAUCHIUS, G. Breviarium Chronologicum. In English. Calf. 8 London, 1699 875 STRICKLAND, W. Reports of Canals, Railways, Roads, etc. to Pennsylvania Society of Internal Improvement. Many plates. Half morocco. Large folio, Philadelphia, 1826 876 STEUBEN, Baron de. Late MAJOR GENERAL and INSPECTOR GENERAL of the ARMY of the UNITED STATES. Regulations for Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States. The United States Militia Act, May 1792. Massachusetts Militia Act, June 22, 1793. 8 Copper plates. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1794 877 SWIFT, J. Voyages de Gulliver. 2 vols. in 1. Cloth. 18 Paris. 52 CATALOGUE. 878 SYDNEY, T. History of England. Its Constitution, Litera ture, Characters, etc. Upwards of 100 beautiful Copper Plates. Sheep. Folio, London, 1713 879 SUETONIUS. Tranq. ex recen. J. G. Groevii. MANY NOTES. Engravings. 4 Traj. ad Rhenum, 1708 880 SUETONIUS. Tranq. The Ca3sars. Plates and notes of OUDENDORP, etc. 2 vols. Half calf . 8 Lug. Bat. 1751 881 SUETONIVS. Tranquillvs, C. Emperors, with plates. Calf. 12 Paris, 1644 882 SULLIVAN, W. Moral Class Book. Sheep. 12 Boston, 1831 883 SULLIVAN, W. Oration, July 4, 1803. Author s autograph presentation. Uncut. 8 Boston, 1803 Works in Latin. Vellum. Thick 18 Amstelod. J. Blaev. 1599 885 TACITE, ANNALES DE. Trad, par LA BLETERIE. Fine Plates. 3 vols. Calf. 12 Paris, 1768 886 TALBOT, G. H. French Pronunciation, in 24 Rules. Half morocco. 12 New York, 1854 887 TASSO, T. Gerusalemme Liberata. Aminta. Uncut. 1 2 Paris 888 TAYLOR, J. and Dr. S. JOHNSON. Sermons. 2 Copies. Sheep. ^ 8 Walpole, N. H. 1806 889 TEATRO ESPANOL, Tesoro del, Desde su Origen (1356), hasta nuestros dias. Arreglado por E. de OCHOA. 5 vols. Half morocco. 8 Paris, 1838 An immense and rich treasure of the Spanish Theatre. 890 THAMES. Lithographic View of North Bank of, and Plan for its Improvement. 7 Views, 3 feet by 1. Folio, London, 1825 891 THIERS, M. A. De la Propriete. Uncut. 8 Paris, 1848 892 THIERSCH, F. Griechische Grammatik. Uncut. 8 Leipzig, 1818 893 THOMSON, D. Lunar and Horary Tables, Navigation. Cloth. 8 London, 1849 894 THOMSON, J. The Seasons. Life. Essay on the Poem. ENGRAVINGS. Calf. 12 New York, 1802 895 THOMSON, J. The Seasons. Fine plates. Calf. 12 London, 1758 896 THOMSON. Les Saisons. Sheep. 18 Paris, 1792 897 [THOMPSON, Gen. T. P.] Theory and Practice of Just In tonation : with a View to the Abolition of Temperament. Description and Use of the Enharmonic Organ. With an Appendix on the Enharmonic of the Ancients. Unbound. 8 London, 1850 A valuable contribution to musical science by the learned editor of the " West minster Review" and leader in English reforms. CATALOGUE. 53 898 THOU, J. A. DE. Mem. de la Vie de. Enrich, de Portraits, etc. Calf. 12 Amsterdam, 1713 899 THORNTON, R. J. Elements of Botany. Many plates. 2 vols. Half morocco. Royal 8 London, 1812 900 TIDD, WM. The Practice of the Superior Courts of Law. in Personal Actions and Ejectment, etc. Calf. 8 London, 1833 " Oh! what a beautiful writer is Mr. Tidd! " URIAH HEEP. 901 TILLET, T. DU. Les Honneurs et Monumens accord, aux illustres Savans. Calf. 12 Paris, 1734 902 TOCQUEVILLE, C. de. Coup d CEil sur le Regne de Louis XVI. Uncut. 8 Paris, n. d. 903 TOLANDO, J. Adeisdaemon, sive Titus Livius a Supersti- tiones Vindicatus. Calf. 12 Maguecom. 1707 904 TRANTWINE, C. J. Excavations and Embankments. Calcu lated by Diagrams. Cloth. 8 Philadelphia, 1851 905 TREDGOLD, T. Railroads and Carriages. 4 Eng. & Num. Tables. Boards. 8 London, 1825 906 TROLLOPE, Mrs. Domestic Manners of the Americans. Lith ographs. Cloth. 12 New York, 1832 907 TURKISH LANGUAGE. Practical Grammar, Dialogues and Vocabulary. W. B. BARKER. Limp cloth. 16 London, 1854 908 TURNER, E. Elements of Chemistry ; including Recent Discoveries and Doctrines. 2d Ed. Interleaved, with Notes in MS. Half calf. Thick 8 London, 1828 909 TURNER, R. Book-keeping, by Italian Method. Half sheep. 12 Boston, 1. Thomas, 1794 LPIANI, Dom. Fragmenta. Recens. G. HUGO. Boards. 8 Berolini, 1822 911 UNITED STATES CENSUS. Statistical View by DE Bow, Sup t. Cloth. 12 Washington, 1859 912 UNITED STATES, Map of. French. TARDIEU S. Backed folded in 12 Paris, 1806 913 UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Address and Recommendations to the States. Uncut. Philadelphia, 1783, 8 Boston, 1783 914 UNIVERSAL REPERTORY of Modern Songs: now Singing. Sheep. 16 Alcester fy London, n. d. 915 USES AND ABUSES OF AIR. Ventilation of Houses. ENGRAV INGS. Unbound. 12 New York, 1848 91 G 2UtlUO, LEONARDO DE. Sermones Quadrigesemales. BEAU TIFULLY PRINTED, CLEAN AND PERFECT. Half calf. Thick 4 Venetiis, Hailbrun et Franfordia socios, 1473 54 CATALOGUE. 917 iRf^S!l A ^ ERE MAXIME. Faits et Paroles Memorables. Trad. nouv. C. A. F. FREMION. FINE COPY. 2 vols. Fine calf. 8 Paris, 1827 918 VALERII MAXIMI. Libri IX. Factorum Dictorumque Memo- rabilium. Many notes. Vellum. 4 Leidce, 1726 919 VAST, M. Itinerario Istrutivo de Roma. Many engravings. 2 vols. Boards. 12 Roma, 1794 920 [VAYER.] Cinq Dialogues. Imitation des Anciens par ORAT. TUBEBO." Calf. 12 Mons, 1673 921 VEAUX, De la. Les Nuits Champetres. Lausanne, 1784. ZIRPIIE, ou Mem. d une Chienne, redig. par elle-meme. Paris, 1802. JE suis PUCELLE, Hist. Veritable. 12 La Haye, 1767. 3 vols. Unbound. 922 VENERONI. Edition of ROLANDI. -Compl. Italian Master. Sheep. 12 London, 1823 923 VENERONI. Grammaire Frangoise et Italien. Nouv. Ed. Half sheep. 8 Lyon, 1792 924 VERE, K. Der Compass der Weisen. 12 Berlin, 1782. DES Hermes Trismegistes wahrer alter Naturweg. CURIOUS PLATES. 2 vols. in 1. Boards. 12 Leipzig, 1782 925 VERICOUR, L. R. DE. Modern French Literature. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1848 926 VICISSITUDES de PInstruction Publique en Piemont : par BRAYDA, Ch. BOTTA, et GIRAUD. During French occupation. Half morocco. 8 Turin, An xi. 927 VICKARS, Capt. HEADLEY, 97 th Regiment. CRIMEAN WAR. Portrait. Cloth. 18 New York, 1858 928 [VILLEMERT, B. DE.] L Ami des Femmes. Neat, half morocco. 8 Hambourg, 1758 929 VINCE, S. Practical Astronomy. PLATES. Calf. 4 Cambridge, 1790 930 VINCE, S. Elements of Astronomy, for Students of tbe University. 2 d Edition. Calf. 8 Cambridge, 1801 931 UtUCntttUS J$lQfoclCeiUUS SPECULUM NATURALE. 4 vols. in 2. Original binding. Calf. Large thick folio, J. Mentel, Strasburg, 1469-73 Vincentius died in 1264. This work is of the class of Pliny s " Natural History " and Humboldt s "Cosmos," in which it is cited, and gives all that was known up to its time. There is a considerable party that claims that Mentel was the first inventor of printing. They assert that he was betrayed by a domestic named Jean Gensfleisch, who communicated his master s secret to John Guttenberg, who removed to Mentz, where, aided by John Faust and Peter Schoeffer, he practiced the art. Marchand, "Hist, "de I lmprimerie " (see No. 580), adds to the fourteen works bearing the names of Faust and Schoeffer, these of Vincentius, and declares them to have been printed by the same, or with the same types and paper, arid to have the same water marks. These volumes show the marks described. * A work of vast labor, and the largest perhaps printed in these primitive times." WATT, ii. 935. It is referred to by Humboldt, and is a repository of ancient knowledge. CATALOGUE. 55 932 TJiltCentittS 3JelobaCettCt8. SPECULUM HISTORIALE. 2 vols. in 1. Original binding. Calf. Large thick folio, J. Mentel, Strasburg, 1469-73 933 VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE DE MEXICO (La). Menioria sobre las Apariciones y el Culto de Nuestra Seiiora de Guadalupe de Mejico, leida en la Real Academia de la Historia por su individuo supermerario Don Juan Bautista Munoz. MANU SCRIPT, 28 pages. 4 Madrid, 1794 RESPUESTA a la Memoria de J. B. Munoz. MANUSCRIPT, 176 pages. 4 Mexico, 1818 The history of this patron saint is a most important part of the history of Mexico, "it has been believed that the Virgin appeared several times to the Indian, Juan Diego, in 1531, on the barren hill of Tepeyac, with the object of convincing him and the Archbishop Zumarraga of the reality of her presence, and the necessity of having a sanctuary built for her worship. She at last prevailed, by sending to the archbishop, Juan Diego, with his aynte full of roses, and her own image stamped on this same cloth. The temples and cloister which were built are famous for their immense treasure. But the historian, Munoz, declares in this paper that he has had access to a multitude of letters of Zumarraga, and other documents, from which it is certain that these miraculous appearances were not mentioned until a cen tury or two afterwards ; although the image is referred to, but not as having any special merit. Only in 1737 was this Saint declared palrona principal of the city of Mexico; and in 1747, of the whole of New Spain. Munoz begins as follows, which sounds like Martin Luther : "With the death of the Apostles and Evangelists, the canon of the Sacred Scriptures, and the deposit of the dogmas of our holy religion was closed. No subsequent deed or doctrine, since this was not contained nor announced in the divine books, nor in the apostolic traditions, can ever augment the mim- ber of the articles of the Christian faith, of that faith and belief without which it is impossible to please God." The high reputation of the royal historian, and his declaration that the mirac ulous origin of Guadalupe was a pious fraud, when it first was knbwn in Mexico, in 1818, by means of this MS., roused a terrible storm. The answer here contained, is also ably written, and contains important historical informa tion. DEFENSA GUADALUPANA escrita por D. M. G. MARIN, contra la disertacion de D. Juan Bautista Munoz. Unbound. 8 Mexico, 1819 MANIFIESTO de la JUNTA GUADALUPANA ii los Mexicanos, y Disertacion Historica-critica sobre la Aparicion de N. S. en Tepeyac : por C. M. de BUSTAMENTE. Unbound. 8 Mexico, 1831 On this three hundredth anniversary of the asserted aparicion, it was proposed to bring the image" into the capital; but this was defeated by Kev. Dr. Aguirre and others. There is evidence that the public faith had grown weaker. Here is a history with defense of the traditions, with citations in the Mexican language ; and attempts to repair the breaches opened by Munoz. 934 VIRGIL S WORKS. Literally translated by DAVIDSON. Various Readings, etc. Cloth. 12 London, 1857 934* VIRGIL. Opera, Var. Lect. etperpet. Adnot. C. G. HEYNE. 4 vols. Calf. 8 Lipsia, 1767 Has catalogue of all editions of Virgil. 935 VIRGILIUS. Opera. (Title-page wanting.} Half calf . 8 Aldus, 1576 936 VIRGIL, The Works of. Literally translated into English Prose, by DAVIDSON. Cloth. 12 London, 1855 56 CATALOGUE. 937 VITTORK VETTORE. Le Rime Piacevoli. [Figure of Cat with Mouse forms part of title-page. ] Sheep. 8 Mantova, 1755 938 VOLTAIRE. CEuvres Completes. 100 tomes. [Tome 71 out. ] Sheep. 12 Basle, 1792 Convenient size to hold in the hand for reading, supposing there is still any body who reads this author. 939 VOLTAIRE. Table Analytique et Raisonnee de Matieres par GOUJON. Uncut. 8 Paris, 1819 940 VOLTAIRE. La Henriade ; Poeme ; avec Notes. Sheep. 18 Paris, 1815 941 VOLTAIRE. Contes, Satires, Epitres, Poesies, etc. Uncut. 12 Paris, 1842 942 VOLUSENO, F. (F. WILSON, born in Scotland, 1500.) De Animi Tranquilitate Dialogus. Golf. 12 Edinburgh, 1751 943 igp^ggjAKELY, A. Mariner s Compass Rectified. Naviga Enlarged. Sheep. 8 London, 1776 944 [WALKER.] Education, especially of Young Gentlemen. Calf. 8 Oxon. 1673 945 WARNER, J. Studies in Organic Morphology. Abstract of Lectures in 1855, 1856. With Historical Notices of this Sci ence. WITH 181 FIGURES. Unbound. 8 Philadelphia, 1857 Mr. Warner in the public journals, declared that he had sent his MSS. on this subject to Cambridge for examination, and could never obtain them again, while the subject was being treated originally in the same locality. 946 W ATKINS, F. L Exercise du Microscope. Sheep. 12 Londres, 1757 947 WATTS, I. Astronomy and Geography. Plates. Calf. 8 London, 1728 948 WATTS, Dr. I. Miscellaneous Thoughts in Prose and Verse. Sheep. 12 Portsmouth, N. H. 1796 949 WELLS, Dr. EDW. The Young Gentleman s Arithmetic; The Young Gentleman s Geometry; Trigonometry; Me chanics; Optics ; Astronomy; Chronology; and Dialling. 8 vols. in 3. Coif. H London, 1713-17 950 WELTON, Dr. R. Christian Faith and Practice. PORTRAIT. Calf. 8 London, 1724 951 WHITE MOUNTAINS. Map, with Views, Elevations, Distances, etc. Cloth. 8 952 WIGHTMAN, J. M. Annals of the Boston Primary Schools, 1818 to 1855. Cloth. 12 Boston, 1860 953 WILBERFORCE, W. Religion of Professed Christians con trasted with Real Christianity. Portrait. 01. 12 New York, 954 WILSON, HENRY. Navigation New Modelled. Tables, etc. Sheep. 8 London, 1761 955 WINTIIROP, JOHN. Two Lectures on Comets at Harvard College in April, 1750. With Appendix on Revolutions of Comet, which then appeared. Uncut. 8 Boston, 1759 CATALOGUE. 57 956 fWoLCOT J.I Works of Peter Pindar, Esq. 2 vols. Sheep. 18 New York, 1794 957 WOIILER, F. Oorganiska Chemiem i Sammandrag. Uncut. 8 Stockholm, 1836 958 WOLTERBEEK, J. L. Katechismus des Bijbels. Half sheep. 12 Amsterdam, 1823 959 WOOD, N. Railroads, Tables, etc. Plates. Boards. 8 London, 1825 960 WORCESTER, J. E. Universal Gazetteer. Ancient and Mod ern. 2 vols. Royal 8 Boston, 1823 961 ^f^ ENOPHON - De C y ri Expeditione. T. HUTCHIN- SON. FINE COPY. Russia, gilt. 4 Cantabr. 1785 962 XENOPHON. De Instit. Cyri. Greek and Latin. Ed. T. HUTCHINSON. Sheep. 4 Oxon. 1727 963 XEXOPHON S Griechischer Geschichten. Ed. BOTHE. Half sheep. 8 Leipzig 1823 964 XEXOPHONTIS Memorabilia SOCRATIS Diet. Lib. IV. Greek with Latin trans. Notes, etc., by E. EDWARDS. 965 iRF@i5iOUNG, DR. Night Thoughts, on Life, Death, and Immortality ; Life of the Author, and Paraphrase of Book of Job. ENGRAVINGS. Sheep. 12 London, 1780 966 YOUNG, J. R. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry ; applic. to Navigation and Astronomy : Logarithmical and Trigonomet rical Tables. Boards. 8 Philadelphia, 1835 967 YRISARRI Y PERALTA, J. M. Sermon Moral predicado en presencia del Exmo. Sr. Virrey. NEAT MANUSCRIPT. Un bound. 4 Mexico, 1817 968 j^^5gOLLIKOFFER, G. J. On Education. Boston, 1809. LATHROP. Thanksgiving Sermon. Boston, 1774. WEBSTER, D. Bunker Hill Address. Boston, 1843. KING, D. P. Address at Danvers on Sixteenth Anniversary of Battle of Lexington. 4 vols. Unbound. 8 Salem, 1835 969 ZVNIGA. Origen de las Ylvstrisimas Casas de MONCAYO y ZVNIGA ; dedicado a Joseph Moncayo de Zvniga de la No- bilisima Civdad de los Angeles [? . e. Puebla, Mexico]. ILLU MINATED MANUSCRIPT, TITLES OF NOBILITY. Vellum. Large folio, 1680 On twenty-seven large folios, containing the origin and history of this noble Spanish and Mexican family. With a large chart emblazoned with the arms of the founder, who is" painted in his armor, and of twenty-three prin cipal families related to the succession. 58 CATALOGUE. 970 MANUSCRIPTS in the Mexican language relating to a Cacicazgo, or titles of Mexican nobility, conceded to a Mexican Cacique by the King and Cortez. Folio, Mexico, cir. 1521 With a translation of same into Spanish, etc. Also, two ancient paintings of Mexican kings. These j are of great estimation, and will be more particularly described at the exhibition or sale, not being at hand, having been deposited for safe keeping. 971 SENEX, Johan (Reg. Soc. Sod.). Globus Terr-aqeus. Globus Coelestis, with above 2,000 stars never before given. 15 inches diameter. London, 1740 A pair of fine ancient Globes, mounted, with finely engraved brass meridians, circles, etc., horizons with all details 5 each star has its name in several an cient and modern languages; the celestial southern hemisphere needs repairs. 972 FRENCH BOOKS, mostly odd volumes, but kept as useful. 33 vols. 973 ENGLISH BOOKS, 35 volumes complete, 4 volumes odd. 39 vols. Catalogue of COLLECTED IN MEXICO, IN 1861, FROM THE CONVENTS AND CHURCHES SUPPRESSED BY THE GOVERNMENT. ESUS IN THE GARDEN, 15 by 18 inches. 2. JESUS SCOURGED, 15 by 18 inches. 3. JESUS CROWNED WITH THORNS, 15 by 18 inches. 4. JESUS BEARING THE CROSS, 15 by 18 inches. 5. SAINT MICHAEL, 12 by 10 inches. Miguel Cabrera. 6. ST. JOSEPH WITH INFANT JESUS, on copper, 10 by 3 inches. 7. " EL BEATO FRANCISCO DE GERONIMO," on copper, 5 by 4 inches. 8. NUESTRO PADRE SAN CIRILO, CONSTANTINOPOLITANO, CONFESOR. With Angel presenting tablets, etc. Canvas only. 7 feet 1 inch by 5 feet 6 inches. Miguel Cabrera, dr. 1767 "Cabrera has the contours of Corregio, the animation of Dominichino, and the pathos of Murillo. His episodes, such as his angels, etc., are of rare beauty." BELTRAMI. Miguel Cabrera ranks as the first of Mexican ecclesiastial masters, and his later and best works have commanded very high prices. He painted during a period of fifty years, 1749 to 1799. A picture of this size, of the last date, was sold in 1861, "for $3,000, even in the hurried sale of those days of the Reforma tion. Cabrera was of pure Mexican race, the Zapoteca, and one whom Humboldt had in view when he expressed his favorable judgment on the genius and capacity of this people. Those interested are referred to a notice of Mexican painters, given as an introduction to Mr. Leonard s catalogue, of his sale of Mexican and Spanish paintings in Boston, January 12, 1871. 9. NUESTRO PADRE SAN JUAN DAMOSCENO. With the Virgin. Canvas only. 7 feet I inch by 5 feet 6 inches. Miguel Cabrera, dr. 1767 Companion to No. 8. Both fine examples, and now impossible to obtain except at a high price. These Angels, Virgins, and episodical adornments of Cabrera s canvases, the soldiers when pressed by hunger used to cut out with their swords, and convert into gold. 10. FEDERICO ALEJANDRO BARON DE HUMBOLDT, CONSEJERO DE MlNAS DE S. M. EL REY DE PRUSIA, MlEM- BRO DE VARIAS ACADEMIAS DE SCIENCIAS, ANO DE 1803. Original Portrait of Humboldt, painted from life in Mexico. 32 by 25 inches. Jose Maria Vasquez, 1803 This interesting and valuable picture of the youthful Humboldt, then just establishing his future fame, was painted for the Prior of the Convent of San Agustin, where Humboldt was entertained and made his observations. Another copy, exactly similar, was made for the College of Mineria, where it now is the most prized ornament, and which has particularly interested visitors to Mexico. During the serious changes which occurred in 1861, this picture was secured. The young man looks in vigorous condition for field work, and has his sextant, etc. The snowy peak of Popocatepetl is seen behind. This is the same which was exhibited at the late Humboldt Centennial in Boston. 60 CATALOGUE. 11. LA ADORACION DE LOS SANTOS REYES. 48 ly 82 inches. Bart. Estev. Muritto dr. ano de 1648 The most valuable picture of the collection made in Mexico in 1861 This pic ture was there appraised at from $2,000 to $3,000. The " Wise Men " are rep- resented as the " Three Kings" of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and thev come in due magnificence to adore, and with rich presents. The King of Spain is the European representative, and kneeling to salute the foot humbly to kiss the smallest toe of the Divine Child, who is seated in his Mother slap, and radiant Avith youthful grace. As was the custom of the master of Sevilla, there is a sympathetic blending of human beauty, both in the Virgin Mother and the Infant, who is keeping an eye on the royal visitor, as if half doubtful of his intentions. The costumes, and attendants, and presents, set off the humble abode. The painting is recommendable, even to those who might object to ecclesiastical subjects in general. etc* COLLECTED IN MEXICO. AIR OF GOLD EAR-RINGS with 4 emeralds of about 3 carats ; 2 pendent pearls of value have been re moved. 13. EMERALD in gentleman s breastpin, about 3J carats. 14. TOPAZ, 36 carats, finely cut. 15. TOPAZ, 34 carats, brilliant. 16. TOPAZ, 31 carats, straw color. 17. TOPAZ, 20 carats. 18. TOPAZ, 11 carats, brilliant white ; was pronounced a white sapphire. 19. TOPAZES, 8J and 7J carats, deep golden yellow. 20. EMERALD, 3 T 3 8 ? carats. 21. GOLD RING with emerald, about 1 carat, good color, and 10 diamonds around ; Mexican mounting. 22. EMERALD, about 4^- carats, fine color and perfect ; a beautiful stone. 23. SAPPHIRE, 13J carats, finely cut in facets. From a Mexican gold and jewelled church Hostia. Rubies cut and ready for mounting, good stones, some very fine ; also from dismounted Hostia. 24. RUBIES, 22 stones, weight 4^ carats. 25. RUBIES, 28 stones, weight 5 T \j- carats. 26. RUBIES, 11 stones, weight 8-j% carats. 27. FOUR RARE MEXICAN DOLLARS, of Emperor Agustin Itur- bide, 1822-23. 1 dollar coined in Mexico, 1784. 28. NINE MEXICAN SILVER QUARTILLAS, 1804-61 ; and Maxi milian s dime and half-dime, 1864. 29. MEXICAN GOLD MEDAL. Our Saviour, " Verbum caro factum est." Reverse, " Yo soy el camino," etc. About f inch diameter. 30. PAIR OF GOLD SLEEVE BUTTONS, Mexican, with Caracol shells, polished. 31. MEXICAN CROSS OF HONOR. " Grand Cross, Commander of the Mexican and Imperial Order of Guadalupe," established by the Emperor Iturbide, restored by Maximilian, and granted to a favorite by the latter. In the centre is the Mexican Eagle with Crown and Sceptre, in gold ; next is a circle of 60 Rubies, weighing about 3^- carats ; also 46 small Emeralds and 4 larger, of about 13 carats. Made by Kretly, Paris, cost $180. 62 CATALOGUE. 32. MAGNIFICENT GOLD SNUFF-BOX, elegantly engraved and enameled, with an exquisitely perfect painting on enamel, of Paris adjudging the prize "To the most beautiful." The three celestial competitors are present, and also the son of the victorious goddess. This is a masterpiece of miniature painting, and the subject chosen conve} T s delicate homage to the fair recipient of this gift. Around the picture are 74 most perfect and equal orient pearls. This belonged to the Conde de Cer vantes of Mexico, having been a noble marriage gift to that family, as i3 indi cated by the hymeneal altar on the lower side, where two hearts are flaming with affection. The box has been valued at from $500 to $800. 33. .AN .AGATE AND GOLD ODOR-CASE, also belonging to the Count of Cervantes. This is beautifully cut from a single stone, the cover being also from a single stone. It is encased and hinged with gold, and bears on enamel " Gage d Amour et d Amitie." 34. MEXICAN GOLD CHAIN-BRACELET, with padlock clasp and carbuncle stone. 35. PAIR OF ANCIENT MEXICAN GOLD EAR-RINGS, with 4 dia monds, about 1 carat ; a large gold ring ; a small gold cross. 36. CORNELIAN CANE-HEAD, with its silver and gold connection ; about three inches long. ReneW 1W* -4 63 W. .1 M YC 69293 I M - &J X jfy *M^J8 > \ if fa f