; n©!^^ ii®^^ nsjivs usv PREPARED BY MARIAN E. TOBEY ASSISTANT TO THE SUPERINTENDENT 1920-21 COPYRIGHTED BY F. D. BOYNTON DECEMBER, 1921 ^1 \ ' ■ \ PREFACE 'Books are keys to wisdom's treasure; Books are gates to lands of pleasure; Books are paths that upward lead; Books are friends. Come, let us read." — Emilie Poulsson ...p- EADING, like play for the body, is the natural exercise of a healthy mind. Parents, who are justly solicitous about the companions of their children, frequently pay little or no attention to the selection of their general reading. This is a serious mistake. A child sitting under a tree by the river reading a book is a beautiful picture, but whether he is being helped or injured depends upon the book. The influence of bad books cannot be esti- mated. Do not leave the selection of books to the suggestion of im- mature companions or to the unguided fancy of childhood." —Frank David Boynton 4698b3 • •••••••• • • ••••••»•• ■ \ ••. / / *• *•. / .* :>.•?•:::*: OUR RESPONSIBILITY -S.?.::-**: HEN a child has been taught to read, we have placed in his hands a very sharp edged tool. Whether he is going to use it to his advantage or not depends upon what he reads. With those who were responsible for his learning to read also rests to a large degree, the responsibility of determining what he will read. It is then, for those who know the fields of literature to lead youth through the mists of a veritable Niagara of so called "Children's Books" to Literature for Children, to those true literary selections suited to their years and chosen from the great writers; to those books which stand the tests for good literature. Children while fascinated by the reading of the present moment may thus absorb from that which they read, the worth-while thoughts of the great writers of all ages and will see clearly in the imaginary lives of the story people those forces which make for strength of character in not only one nation but those which last through the countless generations of all peoples. Moreover, it is as much what children do in their playtime as in their consciously directed work time that moulds character in growing boys and girls. So in their many hours of reading if children have been exposed to the worth-while thought in good books they will later be unattracted by the mediocre or common. They will in all proba- bility continue to choose for their reading those books which picture in admirable and charming characters the things which make for highest happiness in right living. Believing that this great responsibility is ours, it has always been our conscious purpose to place before the children of the Ithaca Public Schools many of the best books for children's reading. This past year several hundred carefully selected volumes have been put into the hands of the children. A Children's library has been established in every elementary school in the city. This makes it possible for each room and consequently all children to have free access to some good books for their spare time reading. SOME GOOD COLLECTIONS OF POETRY FOR CHILDREN Bergengren Jane, Joseph and John, Their Book of Verse Burt Poems Every Child Should Know Brown Pocket Full of Posies Browning The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Illus. by Dunlap Carson Poems for Liitle Men and Women Illus. by Taylor Chesholm Golden Staircase Farrar Songs for Parents Field Love Songs of Childhood Trumpet and Drum " Poems of Childhood, Illus. by Parish Lullaby Land, Illus. by Robinson Foley, J. W. Boys and Girls Holbrook Hiawatha Primer Longfellow Childrens' Own Longfellow Illus. by several American artists Courtship of Miles Standish, Illus. by Wyeth Songs of Hiawatha, Illus. Lucas Another Book of Verses for Children Macaulay Lays of Ancient Rome Olcott Story Telling Ballads Riley Child Rymes Book of Joyous Children Sherman Little Folks' Lyrics Illus. by Sowerby Stevenson Child's Garden of Verses Illus. by W. Smith, Robinson, Storer Stevenson, B. E. Home Book of Verse for Young Folks Illus. by Pogany Whittier Child Life— Poems Wiggin, K. Pinafore Palace Posy Ring " Golden Numbers Atlantic Grosset Houghton Rand Huntting Putnam Yale Scribner Scribner Houghton Houghton Rand Holt Bobbs Houghton Huntting Scribner Holt Holmes Houghton Doubleday [8] SOME FAVORITE EDITIONS OF MOTHER GOOSE RHYMES Mother Goose, lUus. by Rackham Century The Old Mother Goose Nelson Mother Goose Huntting The Little Mother Goose, Illus. by J. W'Smith Dodd Our Old Nursery Rhymes, Illus. by LeMair Huntting Little Songs of Long Ago, Illus. by LeMair Real Mother Goose, Illus. by Enwright Rand Nursery Rhyme Picture Book, by Brooks Warne Caldecott Hey Diddle Diddle Book The Complete Mother Goose, Illus. by Betts Stokes Wonder Book of Mother Goose, Illus. by Choate "When buying books for the littlest ones it is best to buy only those that are positively good." •t-^CO^^)' SOURCE BOOKS OF STORIES FOR MOTHER'S REFERENCE Bailey For the Children's Hour Stories Children Need Firehght Stories Milton B, Bryant Stories to Tell the Littlest Ones Best Stories to Tell to Children Houghton Coe First Book of Stories Second Book of Stories Third Book of Stories " Colum The King of Ireland's Son Macmillan Curry-ClippingerChildrens* Literature Rand Evans Worthwhile Stories Milton B. Harris Uncle Remus, His Songs and Sayings Appleton " Nights with Uncle Remus Houghton Hill Bible Stories for Children Huntting Hoxie Kindergarten Stories Milton B. Jacobs Old English Fairy Tales Putnam " More Old English Fairy Tales " Lindsay and Poulsson Joyous Guests Lothrop Lindsay Mother Stories Milton B. Olcott Good Stories for Great Holidays Houghton Perrault French Fairy Tales Dutton Steel, Flora A. Old English Fairy Tales, Illus. by Rackham Macmillan Tyler Twenty-Four Unusual Stories Harcourt Wheelock Kindergarten Children's Hour Vol. I Houghton Wiggin and Smith Tales of Laughter " Stewart Tell Me a True Story " [9] SOME GOOD COLLECTIONS OF FAIRY TALES Andersen Angeldorff Andersen Armfield Browne Grierson, E. Griff is Henderson Kingsley Land, Andrew Olcott Martens, Fred Perrault Steel, Flora A. Jacobs Rhys Stokes Andersen's Fairy Tales Illus. Golden Books Ser. Huntting Fairy Tales, Illus. Walker Doubleday Andersen Fairy Book Illus., Choate and Curtis Stokes Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales, Danish ed. Button Andersen's Fairy Tales, Illus. Robinson McKay Wonder Tales of the World Harcourt The Wonderful Chair and the Tales it Told Heath Scottish Fairy Book, Ulus. Stokes Books of Fairy Tales Crowell Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales Harper The Heroes or Greek Fairy Tales Ginn Blue Fairy Book, Illus. by Godwin Huntting The Book of Fairies and Elves Houghton The Chinese Fairy Book Stokes Fairy Tales, Illus. by Robinson Dutton " Rackham English Fairy Tales, Illus. by Rackham Macmillan Old English Fairy Tales Putnam More Old English Fairy Tales English Fairy Tales Dutton Wonder Book of Fairy Tales Stokes Illus. by Choate and Curtis -.}.... SOME GOOD COLLECTIONS OF BIBLE STORIES Beale Stories from the Old Testament Hill Bible Stories for Children Loveland Hero Stories from the Old Testament Tappan An Old, Old Story Book Stewart Tell Me A True Story Olcott Bible Stories to Read and Tell Huntting Rand Houghton Revell Houghton [10] SOME GOOD BOOKS FOR THE YOUNGEST READERS Adelborg Otillia Brooke, Leslie Bryant, S. C. Bannerman H. Burgess, G. Greenaway, K. Kilbourne 10 books in set. All good. O'Neil, Rose Potter, B. Lang Putnam Lefevre, F. Perkins Sylvester-Peter Grover Clean Peter and Children of Grubby Lea The Golden Goose and Three Bears Johnny Crow's Garden Three Little Pigs and Tom Thumb Stories to Tell the Littlest Ones Little Black Sambo, (Rest of series not so good) Goops, And How To Be Them Goops Tales The Marigold Garden Under the Window Baby Elephant and the Zoo Man Baby Lion and the Bumphead Animal Baby Dick Duck and the Dangerous Dogs Baby Kangeroo, Etc. Baby Zebra, Etc. The Kewpie Primer Tale of Peter Rabbit " Benjamin Bunny " " Squirrel Nutkin " " Tom Kitten " Jemima Puddleduck " " Timmy Tiptoes The Roly Poly Pudding The Pie and the Patty Pan Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc. The Little Gingerbread Man The Cock, the Mouse, and the Little Red Hen Little Red Hen Story Book, Illus. by Rich. Three Little Pigs, Illus. by Beam Dutch Twins Primer Happy Hour Stories Sunbonnet Babies Primer Longmans Warne Houghton Several editions Stokes Warne Penn Stokes Warne Longmans Jacobs Winston Rand Houghton American Rand —e-^^M^^). SOME BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS Alden, R. M. Why the Chimes Rang and Other Stories Bobbs Aanrud, Hans Lisbeth Longfrock (From the Norwegian) Ginn Austin Betty Alden Babbitt Jataka Tales Rand Bailey The Little Man with One Shoe Little Barrie Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens Silver Bates, K. L. In Sunny Spain Dutton Beecher, T. K. In Time with the Stars Boyeson Boyhood in Norway [11] Scribner Bouvet Bowen Brown, A. F. Brown, E. A. Brown, F. R. Brownell, A. M. Bryant Burgess Burnett, F. H. Cady, Harrison Carroll, Lewis Carrick, Valery Carryl, Chas. Cheswick Colum, Padraic Coolidge, Susan Cooper Comstock, A. B, Craik, D. M. Dix, Beulah M. Ewing, J. H. Gate, Ethel M. Hale Harris, Joel C. Hawkes, Clar. Hill, Mar. L. Hunt, Clara Jewett, S. 0. Kipling, R. Lamprey Lagerlof Lorenzini Lamb Lindsay MacDonald Maeterlinck Malory Meigs, Cornelia Sweet William The Enchanted Forest Macmillan Lonesomest Doll Houghton In the Days of Giants " The Silver Bear Lothrop Granny's Wonderful Chair Heath Thankful Spicers Scribner Best Stories to Tell to Children Houghton , Bird Book, Ulus. by Fuertes Little Animal Book " " " . " ' Old Mother West Wind Adventures of Johnny Chuck " " Buster Brown Tommy and the Wishing Stone (Series) Little Lord Fauntleroy Scribner Sara Crewe Caleb Cottontail Houghton Alice in Wonderland, Illus. by Tenile Macmillan Picture Tales from the Russian Stokes Davy and the Goblin Houghton Robin Hood, Illus. by Wyeth Huntting The Girl Who Sat by the Ashes Macmillan Mischief's Thanksgiving Ginn An Argosy of Fables, Illus. by Branson Stokes The Pet Book Comstock Little Lame Prince, Illus. by Dunlap Rand Merry Lips, Soldier Rigdale Macmillan Jackanapes Ginn Tales from the Secret Kingdom Yale Univ. Peterkin Papers and the Last of the Peterkins Houghton Uncle Remus and Bre'r Rabbit, Illus. by Conde Stokes Master Frisky Crowell Bible Stories for Children, Illus. by Slade Huntting About Harriet Little House in the Woods Houghton God's Troubadour Crowell Betty Leicester Houghton Just So Stories Page Jungle Tales, First Book Children of Ancient Britain Little Wonderful Adventures of Nils Huntting Pinnochio (Collodi), Golden Book Ser. Tales from Shakespeare, Illus. by Price Scribner Bobby and the Big Road Lothrop Princess and the Goblin Lippincott Illus. by J. W. Wilcox; Smith Huntting At the Back of the North Wind Huntting Bluebird for Children Silver King Arthur Scribner Kingdom of the Winding Road Macmillan [12] Otis Toby Tyler Harp er Orton, Helen F Prince Rover of Clover Farm Stokes Ollivant Bob, Son of Battle Doubleday Paine, A. B. Arkansaw Bear Altemus " Hollow Tree and Deep Woods Silver Peary Snow Baby Houghton •' Children of the Cold Perkins, Lucy F. The French Twins " " The Belgian " " The Scotch " " The Puritan " " The Italian " Phillips Wee Ann " Little Friend Lydia " Pyle Wonder Clock Harper " Garden Behind the Moon Scribner Rankin Dandelion Cottage Holt Richards, Laura Captain January Page " Quicksilver Sue " •' " Joyous Story of Toto " " When I Was Your Age " Sewell Black Beauty, Illus. by Cecil Alden Jacobs Spyri Tis, A Little Alpine Waif " Heide, Illus. by Enwright Huntting Steel, Flora A. The Aventures of Akbar Stokes Stockton Fanciful Tales Scribner Stein, Evaleen The Christmas Porringer Gabriel and the Hour-book Page Smith, Mary P Jolly Good Times Little Tappan, Eva M. An Old, Old Story Book Houghton " When Knights Were Bold " Williston Japanese Fairy Tales, 2 Vols. Rand White, Eliza An Only Child Peggy in Her Blue Frock Houghton Wiggin, Kate W. Bird's Christmas Carol " Wiggin-Smith Arabian Nights Page Yonge The Little Duke, Illus. by Minar Macmillan [13] BOOKS FOR OLDER GIRLS Abbott, Jane "Aprilly" Lippincott Adams, Kath. Mehitable Macmillan Ashmun, M. Heart of Isabel Carlton Marian Frear's Summer Isabel Carleton at Home •* Alcott, Louise Old Fashioned Girl Eight Cousins Little Women, Illus. by J. W. Smith Little Men, Illus. by Birch Little Antin, Mary The Promised Land Houghton Barrie Little Minister Scribner Bailey, C. S. Blackmore's Lorna Doone Milton Bradley Bosher, Kate L . Mary Gary Brown, K. H. Hallowell Partnership Scribner Brazil, Angela Popular Schoolgirl The Head Girl at the Gables Stokes Burnett, F. H. Secret Garden Century Canfield, D. Understood Betsy The Bent Twig Holt Cody, Grace E. Elinor's Junior Hop Appleton Clemens, Prince and the Pauper Harper Curtis A Little Maid of Province Town Dickens, Chas. Christmas Carol, Illus. by Rackham Lippincott Daskam, J. Smith College Stories Scribner Dodge, Mary M. Donald and Dorothy Century Du Bois, Mary Elinor Arden, Royalist " Dix. Beulah M. Betty Bide at Home Holt Gilchrist, Beth Cinderella's Grandmother Kit, Pat, and a Few Boys Century " Helen Over the Wall Penn Humphrey, G. Women in American History Bobbs Irving Rip Van Winkle, Illus. by Wyeth Huntting Jacobs, C. D. Texas Blue Bonnet Page Jewett, S. 0. White Heron Betty Leicester Houghton Keller, Helen Story of My Life Grosset Lee, Jeanette Uncle William Century Livingstone, W , White Queen of the Okoying Doran Little, Frances The Lady of the Decoration Century Martin, Geo. M. Emmy Lou " Mattos Tyltyl, Story of the Betrothal Dodd Meigs, Cornelia Pool of the Stars The Windy Hill Macmillan Montgomery Anne of Green Gables Page " " Avon Lea " " Rilla of Ingleside Stokes Rankin, Carroll Dandelion Cottage Holt •' " Girls of Highland Hall " " " Adopting of Rose Marie " [14] Richards, L. When I Was Your Age Page Florence Nightingale, The Angel of the Crimea Appleton Margaret Montfort Page " Three Montforts Rice, Alice H. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch Singmaster, E. When Sarah Went to School Houghton When Sarah Saved the Day Thackeray, T. M. The Rose and the Ring, lUus. by G. Browne Stokes Webster Just Patty Grosset When Patty Went to College Daddy Long Legs Wiggin, Kate D. Bird's Christmas Carol Houghton Mifflin Rebecca of Sunny brook Farm " " " Timothy's Quest Sweetser, K. D. Ten Girls from History Harper Boys and Girls from George Elliot VanDyke, H. The Other Wise Man Zollinger Widow O'Callaghans' Boys McClurg BOOKS FOR OLDER BOYS Alden Moral Pirates Harper Aldrich Story of a Bad Boy Houghton Baldwin Sampo, Illus. by Wyeth Scribner Barbour For the Honor of the School Grosset " Lost Dirigible Appleton " Spirit of the School " Boyer Johnnie Kelly Houghton Bishop Tom of the Raiders Harcourt Bennett Master Skylark Century Cervantes Don Quixote, Retold by Judge Parry, Illus. Crane Lane Church Iliad for Boys and Girls Macmillan Clemens Tom Sawyer Prince and the Pauper Huck Finn Harper Cooper Last of the Mohicans, Illus. by Wyeth Scribner " " Illus. by Boyd Smith Holt " The Pilot Putnam Colum Adventures of Odysseus and Tales of Troy Appleton Curtis In the Land of the Head Hunter World Book Dana Two Years Before the Mast Houghton Davis, R. H. Boy Scouts and Other Stories Scribner Dickens David Copperfield Dutton Paris Winning Their Way Stokes French, Allen Story of Grettir the Strong Dutton Garland Boy Life on the Prarie Harper Grey Last of the Plainsmen [15] Grosset Gollomb Gore Griffis Griswold Hawkes C. Heyliger Hughes Hunting Holland Hill Hagedorn Henry Hasbrouck Johnson Kipling Masefield MacDonald Masters Moran Nicolay Page Pyle Rolt-Wheeler Roosevelt Seton- Thompson Stevenson Schultz Scott Tarbell Tappan Washington Whitlock Wiggin-Smith Wyss Zollinger That Year at Lincoln High Boyhood of Abraham Lincoln Young Peoples' History of the Pilgrims Deering of Deal Shaggycoat King of the Thundering Herd Don Strong of the Wolf Patrol High Benton, Worker Tom Brown's School Days Sandsy's Pal Knights of the Golden Spur King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table On the Trail of Washington Boys' Life of Roosevelt Ransom of Red Chief and Other Stories Boys' Parkman Varmint Puck of Pook's Hill Captains Courageous Kim Second Jungle Book Martin Hyde Jim Davis Skipper John of the Nimbus Mitch Miller Kwahu, The Hopi Indian Boy Boys' Life of Lincoln " " Lafayette Two Little Confederates Story of King Arthur, etc. Jack Ballister's Fortunes Men of Iron Otto of the Silver Hand Champions of the Round Table Boys' Book of the World War Stories of the Great West Biography of a Grizzly Wild Animals I Have Known On the Trail of Sandhill Stag Treasure Island, lUus. by Wyeth Kidnapped, Illus. by Wyeth In the Great Apache Forest Ivanhoe, Illus. by Boyd Smith Boy Scouts' Life of Lincoln Our European Ancestors American Hero Stories Up From Slavery Abraham Lincoln Arabian Nights, Illus. by Parish Swiss Family Robinson Washington Square Classics Widow O'Callaghan's Boys [16] Macmillan Bobbs Houghton Macmillan Jabobs Grosset Appleton Harper Harper Century Jacobs Appleton Harper Doubleday Little Doubleday Stokes Penn Macmillan American Century Harper Scribner Century Harper Scribner Lothrop Century Grosset Scribner Huntting Houghton Macmillan Houghton Burt Small Page Jacobs McClurg :X^r 1 r'-- 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED tiTBRART SCHOOL LIBRAffl This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. MAR 2 5 1966 ^*;^.-iTo:.nLL OCT ? 4 1W fir* Rl^rJI^P} iP'\r w» Vr, i9irrf!vcL.ET n ^^^1 T r> 01 An^ A