5 2 8 8 9 2 3 • 5} ■ o LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON IMPEACHMENT COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER 'V^ /v r --.■■^:-0;- ,^::'' ly t M A ^V ■■■' '■, i'?"-. j'' ': % m-i ;-t*TW-- ■«" LTB'RARY ()]■■ CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON IMPEACHMENT I COMPILED L'NDER THE DIRECTION OF AFPLETON PRENTISS CLARK (iRlFFlX CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER J • ' ^ J J . > . , ', ' ' > ' J ' ' » ; . ^j , ' J » J .) > t>ji}j>j WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 11MI5 112845 * • • . .. • 1 .*. ••• . •*'. • ''' ','• • • •: • • . • , • • PREFATOEY NOTE This list WHS compilod with roforence to the inipoachnipnt case now before (Jongress. It iiichides reports of trials, discussions, constitu- tional treaties, with some woi-ks on inipeachiiient in P^noHsh law. It may be said that the best historical statement of impeachment in this country is o-iven in Fosters "" Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States." It also gives an exposition of proceedings and an account of State impeachment trials. Writers on the Constitution noted in the list are Curtis, Hare, Miller, Paschal, Story, and Tucker. Reports of the trials of the following are noted in the list: William W. Belknap, William Blount, Samuel Chase, \\'est II. IIunii)hreys. Andrew Johnson, flames H. Peck, John Pickering, and Charles Swayne. The historical development of the constitutional {>ro\ i-^ions for impeachment is set forth in the Federalist and in the I)el)ates of the Federal Convention of 1787, as reported I)y Madison. A. P. C. (JUIFFIX Ch lef BihUiKj raphe r llKKIiERT 1'ltnam Llhrarlan of C<>ti. 8-. {American statesmen) Inipt'achn)ent of Judjic Pickering, p. 80; Of Judge Clia.se, pp. 81,82, 05-10], 130-152; Pditiral tlieory of inipeaclinient, pp. l.Sl-182; Legal theory of im])eucliinent, pp. 133, 134, 13()-13S; Criminality necessaiy to secure impeachment, pp. 133, 136. Adams, riolin Quinc}'. Memoirs. Comprlsiiio- poition.s of his dijirv rroin 17!>5 to 184S. Editod by Charles Francis Adams. Vol. 1. PldladelpJua: -/. I>. Llpplncott d; co., I87J4,. ix^o^tl pp. 8\ Rules of impeachment, pp. 318, 326; Evidence, p. .358; On the nature of impeachment, pp. 321-326, 3-55; Powers of impeach- ment, pp. 359, 362; Impeachment of Judge Chase, pp. 319-364; Form of question, pp. ;)60-.'!62; Payment of witnesses, pp. 361, .367, .368, 372; Argument that the state is not a court, pp. 322,324; Impeachment impossiVjle to he maintaintil, pp. 325, 327; Prece- dent for postponement of impeachment, ]•. .■'>4S; On evidence of an opinion, ]>. .353. Anson, S'n- William R. Tlic law and custom of the coii.stitution. 8d cd. OxfonJ: At the (Jlarendon jyi-ess^ 1897 . '2 voh. 5^. Impeachment, pt. 1, pp. 351 cl seq. Barnard, (icoroc (r. Proeeedinos in the eoiirt <»t' iiiii)eachmeiit in the matter of the impeachment of George G. liarnard, Justice of the Supreme court of the State of New York. Osinego: R. J. Ollphant, 1875. 3 vols. 8^. Belknap, William W. Proceedinus of the Senate sittino- for the trial of \Villiam W. Piclkna]). late secretary' of war, on the arti- cles of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representa- tives. Forty-fourth congress, first session. Washington: Government iwinting office, 1876. (^), 1166 pp. 5 15101—05 2 fi SELECT LIST OF REFPIKENCES ON IMPEACHMENT Blount, ^Villiam. Procoedings on the impeachment of William Blount, a Senator of the United States from the .state of Tennessee, for hioh crimes and misdemeanors. Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Gale.% 1799. 10'2 pp. 5^. Boutwell, (ieorge S. Reminiscences of sixty years in public affairs. ±\eio York: McClure., PJdUljJS (& co.^ 190'2. % vols. 8^. Impeachment, vol. 2, p. 10; Law of impeachment, vol. 2, p. 114; Impeachment of President Johnson, vol. 2, pp. 55, 96, 112, 113. Chase, Samuel. The answer and pleas of Samuel Chase, one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, to the articles of impeaclmient exhibited against him in the said court, by the House of Representatives of the United States, in support of their impeachment against him, for high crimes and misdemeanors, supposed to have been by him committed. Philadelphia: Published and sold by all the booksellers^ 1805. SJ^pp. m°. Library of Congress copies bound in Duane Pamphlets, vol. 12; Miscellaneous Pamphlets, vol. 329. The answer and pleas of Samuel Chase, one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, to the articles of impeachment, exhibited against him in the Sen- ate, by the House of Representatives of the United States. Nefwburyport: Published by Angier March., 1805. 7'2 p)p. 8^. (Authentic.) Impeachment of Samuel Chase, esq., one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, with the articles exhibited against him \iy the House of Representatives; in support of their charges for high crimes and misdemeanors: supposed to have been committed by him: with his answer and pleas. Likewise the repli- cation of the House of Representatives. Baltimore: Printed for Keatinge's book store., 1805. 68 pp. 8°. Bound with Report of the trial of the Hon. Samuel Chase, Balti- more, 1805. 8°. Exliibits, accompanying the answer and plea of Samuel Chase, one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. [Phlladelphlaf 1805.] 54, pp. 8°. Library copy bound in Duane Pamphlets, vol. 114. SELECT LIST OB^ KEFERENCES ON IMPEACHMENT 7 Chase, Suiimel. Report of the trial of the Hon. Samuel Chase, one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, before the high court of impeachment, composed of the Senate of the United States, . . . with the necessary documents and official papers, from his impeachment to iinal acquittal. Taken in short hand, b}' Charles Evans. Baltiriiore: S. Butler and G. Keatinge^ 1805. (6'), ^230, 205- 268 pp. 8°. Trial of Samuel Chase, an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, impeached by the House of Representatives, for high crimes and misdemeanors, before the Senate of the United States. Taken in short-hand, by Samuel H. Smith and Thomas LI03 d. Washington city: Printed for Samuel II, Smithy 1805. 2 vols. 8°. Curtis, Georg-e Ticknor. Constitutional history of the United States from their declaration of independence to the close of their civil war. JVew York: Harper ck brothers, 1889-1896. 2 vols. 8°. Impeachment, vol. 1, pp. 422, 426, 465, 481, 482, 483, 569, 579; vol. 2, p. 696. Dwight, T. W. Trial by impeachment. {Ill American law register, vol. 15, Mar., 1867, pp. 257-283.) The Federalist; A connnentary on the Constitution of the United States. Reprinted from the original text of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. JVeuj York: (r. P. Putnam^ s soiis^ 1902. xi'v., (i), 586 pp. 12°. The Senate viewed as a court of Impeachment, pp. 407^12; Objec- tions to the power of the Senate to sit as a court for impcachineuts further considered, pp. 412-418. /N The Federalist and other constitutional papers, by Hamilton, Jav, Madison, and other statesmen of their time, with a full index. Edited by E. H. Scott. Chicago: Albert, Scott tC' company, 189 J4.. 2 vols. 8°. Impeachment, pj). 499, 607, 663, 707; Improperly lodged witli the Senate, p. 858; In Massachusetts, p. 500; Methods of, p. 491; Pow- ers of Senate in, p. 491. It has not been thought necessary to note hero all the editions of the Federalist. The various additions are described in the intro- duction to Lodge's edition. The above noted are convenient and easily accessible editions. 8 sp:lect list of references on impeachment Foster, KoQ-er. Coiiiinentarios on the Constitution of the United States, historical and juridical, with ol)servations upon the ordinary provisions of state constitutions and a comparison with the constitutions of other countries. Volume I. Bo)1>- 5^. Sections 8G-111: Provisions of the Constitution concerning impeach- ment; Origin of impeacliments; Proceedings in the Convention as to impeachment; Reasons for the trial of impeachments by the Senate; History of impeachments before the Senate of the United States; Persons subject to impeachment; Impeachment after expi- ration of official term; Impeachable offences; Convictions upon impeachniejit in the Ihiited States; Causes for which public oflicers may be removed; Removal ()f judges; Preliminary pro- ceedings on impeachments; Articles of impeachment; Service of process on impeachment; Managers of imijeachraent and counsel for prosecution; Swearing of the Senate; Appearance of the accused; Pleadings for the respondent; Replication; Proceedings on the trial of an impeachment; Evidence upon impeachment trials; Arguments of counsel; Decision upon impeachment; Impo- sition of penalty upon conviction; Pardons to impeachmeiits; Concluding observations on impeachments. Ai)iiendix: State impeachment trials. Hare, J. 1. Clark. American constitutional law. Boston: Little, Brovm^ and corapany., 1889. 2 voh. 8'-'. Impeachment, pp. 210, 211, 855. Hart, Albert Bushnoll. Salmon Portland Chase. Boston: Iloug/iton, Mifflin and company., 1899. -ix, (3), 4.65 » />p. 12^. {America)) states/nen) liupeachmciit of Pivsident Johnson, pp. 358-360. [Hatsell, riolin. I Precedents of proceedino-,s in the House of Com- mons: under separate titles. With observ^ations. In four volmnes. Vol. IV, relatincj to conference, and impeach- ment. A new edition, with additions. London: Printed hy Luke ILansard and mns^ 1818. a?, 51^2 pp. 4 '{■ o > Jefferson, Thomas. Impeachment. {In Jeffersonian cyclopedia, pp. 416-417. New York, 1900. 8°.) Johnson, Andrew. The great impeachment and trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. Bldladelplda: T. //. Peterson cb hrot/iers, [18681 '(-), ^^- 2892^]). 8'\ Proceedings in the trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, before the United States Senate, on articles of impeachment exhibited l\v the House of Keprescwitative.s. With an appendix. Was/ling ton: F. dc J. Eives <& Geo. A. Bailey, 1808. 1090, 50, xxviii pp. 8'\ % SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON IMPEACHMENT 9 Johnston, Alexander. Impeachments. {In Lalor, John J., nf. CyclopHnlia of political science, political economy, ami of the jiolitical history of the Uniti'. Portrait. 8°. Impeachment of President Johnson, pp. .332, 347-351. Story, Josey)!!. (^onunentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 5th ed. by Melville M. Bigelow. lioxton : Little, Broton, and company, 1891. 2 vols. 8°. Impeachment by House of Representatives, 1|688, 689, 742; Trial of im])eachnient by the Senate, ^742-813; Proceedings on impeach- ment, TI781, S06-811; Extent of judgment on impeachment, ^781- 789; Impeachment of President and ^'ice-president, ^777, 786-813; Who liable to impeachment, 1|788-795, 813n; For what offences, TI796-805; Pardon does not extend to impeachment, 111490, 1501- 1502. Sumner, Charles. The chief justice, presiding in the Senate, can not rule or vote. Opinion in the case of the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, March 31, 1868. ( In his Works, vol. 12, pp. 282-317. Boston, 1877. 8°. ) SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON IMPEACHMENT 11 Sumner, Charles. Con.stitutional i"cspoiisil)ilitv of Senators for their votes in cases of inipeaclnnent. Kesolutions in the Senate, June 3, 1S68. (/// Ills WorkH, vol. 12, pp. 41 l-4i:;. Boston, 1877. S°.) Expulsion of the l*resi(lent. Opinion in the ease of the impeachment of Andrew rJohnson, Ma}' 26, 1868. {Li his Works, vol. 12, pp. 318-410. Boston, 1877. 8°.) The impeachment of the President. The ri^ht of the Presi- dent of tiie Senate pro tem. to vote. Remarks in the Sen- ate, March 5, IStiS. {In his Works, vol. 12, pp. 272-281. Boston, 1877. 8°.) Sumner, William Graham. Andrew »Jackson as a public man; what he was, what chances he had, and what he did with them. Boston: Houghton^ Miffiln and corii2)any^ 1882. vi^ lfi2 pp. 12°. {American statesmen.) Impeachment, i.p. 174, 802, 303, 311. Sutherland, William A. Notes on the Constitution of the United States, showing" the construction and operation of the con- stitution as determined b}^ the federal Supreme court and containing references to illustrative cases from the inferior federal courts and state courts. Soyji Francisco.^ Bancroft- Whitney company.^ 190 Jf.. xt\ 973 pp. 8^. Impeachment, pp. 48, .^4, 495, 551. Tilden, Samuel .1. Impeachment, its nature and object. {In his Writings and speeches, vol. 1, pp. 472-482. New York, 1885. 8".) Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. Translation by Henry Reeve, as revised and annotated from the author's last edition by Francis Bowen. With an introduction by Daniel C. Gil man, JVew Yorh: The Century co., 1808. 3 vols. Frontispiece. Folded map. 6'^. Impeachment, England, France, and Iniled ."^tates, vol. 1, pp. l:;4 rl seq.; A rare r&sort, vol. 1, p. 131; A state's decline evidenced by impeachment, vol. J, p. \'.\S); Impoachmeiit in (he United States, vol. 1, p. 151; vol. 2, pp. -131, 432; In Fev the House ol' Representatives of high crimes and mis- demeanors. [Jan. '22, 1798. | iv, 4 pp. 8-^. House reports. Further re[)oi"t of the committee, appointed on the eighth July last, to prepare and report articles of impeachment against William Blount, a Senator of the United States, impeached by the House of Repre- sentatives of high crimes and misdemeanors. 25th Janu- ary, 1798. [rhdadelph'la\: Printed hij John Fenno, [1798\ 11 /)j>. 8'\ House of Represeoitatives. Deposition of Gen. Elijah Clark, of the state of Georgia, respecting a letter from iiiiu to Don Diego Morphy, consul of His Catholic Majestj^ at Charleston, South-Carolina, containing the answers of the said deponent to certain interrogatories framed by the conunittee ai)pointed on the 2d of Februar}^ last. 27th April, 1798. 8 pp. 8. 7th Congress, 2d session. The debates and proceedings in the (Jongress of the United States. Wdshington: Gales i& Seaton, 1H51. 8^. {Annals of the Congress of til c United States, vol. 12.) Iinpcachnieiit of John Pickering: Action in House, cols. 460, 544, 641, 642, 644, ()45; In Senate, cols. 267, 268. Htli Congress. Tlie debates and proceedings in the Congress of the United States. Washington: Gales <& Seaton, 1852. 2 vols. 8°. (Annals of the Congress of the United States, vols. 13-14-.) Impeachment of John Pickering: Action in House, vol. 18, cols. 880, 790, 794, 796, 797, 801, 884, 1087, 1097; In Senate, vol. 13, cols. 27, 76, 224, 225, 268, 270, 271, 275, 298, 315. Impeachment of Samuel Chase: Action in House, vol. 13, cols. 806, 820,824, 850, 876, 1093, 1124, 1171, 1182, 1184, 1237; vol. 14, cols. 680, 726, 728, 731, 747, 762, 763, 776, 783, 791, 872, 1175, 1180, 1182, 1183, 1184; In Senate, vol. 13, cols. 272, 274; vol. 14, cols. 50, 52, 81, 89, 92, 93, 98, 100, 101-150, 151, 152, 153, 177-201, 202-669. Impeachment, rules for cases of, etc., vol. 14, cols. 18, 19, 21, 32, 41, 57, 58, 63, 68. SELECT LIST (»K KEKEKENCES ON IMI'KACHMENT 13 United States. pp. 8 . Report of "the managers ai)pointed on the part of this House, to appear at the bar of the Senate, for the pur- pose of ,supportin<)^ tlie articles of inii)ea('hmeMt against John Pickering', district judge of the district of New- Hampshire, for high crimes and misdemeanors.'"' March 6, 1801. {In Uiiitcil States. 8th Congre.s.s, 1st se.-^j^ion. .J Chai'les Sw ay ne. Report from the Committee on the judii-iary. Maich 25, 1904; April 1, 1904. 2 pts. 8-. Pt. 1, majority report, presented by ^Ir. Palmer. Pt. 2, minority report, presented by Mr. Gillett. 58th Congress^ 3d session. Extracts from Journal of the Senate of the United States of America in cases of impeachments. December 16, 1904. Printed conformtihly to a resolution of the Senate. WasJiingtoii: Goveomnient printing o^ce^WOJi. Jf99 pp. 8^. Impeachment of Judge C'harles Swa3'ne. Evidence before the subcommittee of the rludiciary connnittee of the House of Representatives. From Fel)ruary 13, 1904. to November 29, 1904. Wa.^Jiington : Govei'nvtcnf prriniing <>-[fice., WOJ/.. a-ii, GOO ])p. 8°. ., Van Nest, C. ^^'illctt. Impeachable oflenses under the Constitution of the United States. {In Aiaer^ican law revieio., vol. 16., Nov.., 1882., pp. 798-817.) IT) SELECT LIST OK KKFKRENCES ON IMPEACHMENT Wharton, l"'rrtiuis. State trials of the United States duriiio- tlie administrations of Washing-ton and Adiuns. A\'ith refer- ences, historical and professional, and preliminar}' notes on the politics of the time. PluUal'Iph'Hi: Carey and Hart, 181^9. iv, 727, (1) pp. 5^^. "Impeachment of William Blount, a Senator of the LJnited States, for misdemeanour," pp. 200-321. Williams, Tliomas. Aroument of Tiiomas Williams, one of the man- aovrs on the part of the House, before the Senate of the United States, sitting for the trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, impeached of high crimes and misdemeanors. I ]V(ish!)t(/t(/n: Congressional Glohe office, 1868.] 24 pp. 8^. Wright, Marcus ,J. Some account of the life and services of William Blount, . . . together with a full account of his impeach- ment and trial in Congress, and his expulsion from the U. S. Senate. K J. Cray, Wa^hhu/fon, D. C. \]884\. IJfj pp. 8''\ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON IMPEACHMENT COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ] CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER ■ I 1 FIRST EDITION s APPLETON PRENTISS CIARK GRIFFIN i SECOND EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS \ HERMANN H. B. MEYER ■ WASHINGTON 11 ■ ■ GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE '. For sale by the 1912 -! Superintendent of Documents Price 10c \ Oovernnient Printing Office 1 i ■1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON IMPEACHMENT COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER FIRST EDITION APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN SECOND EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS HERMANN H. B. MEYER ,,„^OU'^HERN BRANCH i^NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, ' *U)S ANGELES. CALIF. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 1 i i^ 8 4 a L. C. card, 12-35011 « • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • « « • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• B • . • • • • • • ^ • • • • • •* • • •/•: • • •: • • • • « • • • . •• ••• .* • • • • •• • * • • ••< • • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Prefatory note 5 General 7-14 Cases : William Blount 15-16 John Pickering 17 Samuel Chase 17-19 James H. Peck. 20-21 West Hughes Humphreys 21-22 Andrew Johnson 22-27 William Worth Belknap 27-28 Charles Swayne 28-29 Robert Wodrow Archbald 29-30 State impeachments 31 George G. Barnard 31-32 Impeachments in foreign countries: Great Britain 33-34 Cases 35 France 35 Author index 37-38 3 PREFATORY NOTE The first edition of this list was prepared at the time of the trial of Judge Charles Swayne in 1904. This second edition is issued to meet a similar need occasioned b}^ the impeaclmient proceedings against Judge Robert W. Archbald. A simple classificaticm of the material has been made by arranging separately, under approjM-iate headings, writings devoted to any particular trial. Reports of the trials of the following will ])e found arranged in chronological order: William Blouiit, John Pickering, Samuel Chase, James H. Pecic, West H. Humphreys, iVndrew Johnson, William W. Belknap, Charles Swayne, Robert W. Archbald. A brief section on impeachment in English law, with a few refer- ences to the trials of Warren Hastings and Lord !Melville, have been included as indicating the source of much of our own procedure. Writers on the Constitution noted in the list are Curtis, Foster, Hare, Miller, Paschal, Pomeroy, Rawle, Story, Sutherland, Tucker, Watson and Willoughby. The historical development of the constitutional provisions for impeachment is set forth m the Federalist, in the Debates of the Federal Convention of 17S7, as reported by ^iadison, and in Farrand's "Records of the Federal Convention of 1787." The latter includes a full index on the impeachment clauses of the Constitution, volume 3, pages 635-636. Foster's "Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States" gives probably the best historical statement of impeachment in tliis country. A lengthy a})pendix gives an exposition of proceedings and accounts of impeachment trials in tlie states. H. H. B. Mkyeii Cli i (f Bill i ogra ph er Herbert Putnam Lihrariari of Congress Washington, D. C, August 17, 1912 y SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON IMPEACHMENT GENERAL Fo. English procedure, see Nos. 171, 175. 1 Adams, Henry. John Randolph. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and comjyany, [1DU8?] 3 p., I, 326 p. IS'"^. (American statesmen, ed. hy J. T. Morse, jr. [v. 16].) First published 1882. Impeachment of Jud2;e Pickering: p. 80; Of Judge Chase: p. 81,82, 95-101, 130-152; Political theorj- of impeachment: p. 131-132; Legal theory of impeachment: p. 133, 134, 13G-138; C'riminality necessary to secure impeachment: p. 133, 136. 10—11966 E176.A53 vol. 16 2 Adams, John Qiiincy. Memoh-s, Comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. Vol. 1. Philadelplda, J. B. Lippincott c£' co., 1S74- "'^j, 551 p. 23'^^. Rules of impeachment: p. 318, 326; Evidence: p. 358; On the nature of impeachment: p. 321-326, 355; Powers of impeachment: p. 359, 362; Impeachment of Judge Chase: p. 319-364; Form of question: p. 360-362; Payment of witnesses: p. 361, 367, 368, 372; Argu- ment that the state is not a court- p. 322, 324; Impeachment impossible to be maintained: p. 325, 327; Precedent for postpone- ment of impeachment: p. 348; On evidence of an opinion: p. 353. 4 Ashley, Roscoe Lewis. The American federal state; a text-book in civics for high schools and academies. ^____ New Yorlc, London, The Macmillari company, 1902. xlv, ^ . 599 p. 21'="'. Impeachment: p. 173, 238-239, 334, 359. 2-5846/4 JK251.A8 5 Bryce, James. The American commonwealth. Xew ed., com- pletely rev. throughout, with additional chapters. A^ew Yoric, The MacmiUan company, 1910. 2 v. 21*^^. ^ Impeachment of executive officers: v. 1, p. 50, 90. 212. 505; Impeach- ment of judges: v. 1, p. Ill, 231, 563. 10-26931 JK246.B9 1910 6 Carrington, Walter. Impeachment. ^ ^,^-- {In American and English cyclopaedia of law. 2(1 ed. Northport, L. I., 1900.- 2Q>Y^. V. 15,'p. 1061-1073.) 7 The Causes for which a President can be impeached. Atlantic monthly , Jan. 1867, v. 19: 88-92. AP2.A8, v. 19 ■ ^' 7 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 8 Curtis, George Ticknor. Constitutional history of the United States, from their declaration of independence to the close of their civil war. New Yorlc, Harper c&hrothers, 1897. 2 v. 2SY'^. Impeachment: v. 1, p. 422, 426, 4G5, 481, 482, 483, 569, 579; v. 2, p. 696. 9-21468t JKl 16.086 9 Gushing, Luther Stearns. Lex parliamentaria americana. Ele- ments -of the law and practice of legislative assemblies in the United States of America. 9th ed. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 187^. xxxvi, 1063 p^ impeachment: p. 131, 411, 977-989. 9-26756 JK1096.C93 10 Dwight, T. W. Trial by impeachment. \y American law register. Mar. 1867, v. 15: 257-283. ■11 Farrand, Max, ed. The records of the Federal convention of 1787. New Raven, Yale university press; {etc., etc.], 1911. 3 v. 26^^^. /For a full index on the impeachment clauses of the Constitution, see "^ol. 3, p. 635-636. 11-5506 JK141 1911 12 The Federalist. The Federalist, a commentary on the Consti- tution of the United States; being a collection of essays written in support of the Constitution agreed upon Sep- tember 17, 1787, by the Federal convention, reprinted from the original text of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison; ed. by Henr}^ Cabot Lodge. New YorTc dD London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1902. xlv, 586 p. Bibliography: p. xxxv-xlii. The Senate viewed as a court of impeachment: p. 407-412; Objec- tions to the power of the Senate to sit as a court for impeachments further considered: p. 412^18. It has not been thought necessary to note here all the editions of the Federalist. The various editions are described in the introduc- tion to Lodge's edition. 4-15626/6 JKl 54 1902 13 Finley, John Huston, and John F. Sanderson. The American executive and executive methods. New Yorlc, The Century Co., 1908. 5 p. l, 3-352 p. 20'"^. {TJie American state series.) Impeachment: p. 60-64. 8-33813 JK516.F5 LIST OF REFERENCES OX IMPEACHMENT 14 Foster, Roger. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, historical and juridical, \dth observations upon the ordinary i^rovisions of state constitutions and a com- parison with the constitutions of other countries, v- 1. Paris [etc.] G. E. Stechert; Boston, The Boston hooTc company, [etc., etc.] 1S96. viii, 713 p- 24^"^. Sections 86-111: Pro\'isions of the Constitution concerning impeach- ment; Origin of impeachments; Proceedings in the Convention as to impeachment; Reasons for the trial of impeachments by the Senate; History of impeachments before the Senate of the United States; Persons subject to impeachment; Impeachment after expi- ration of official term; Impeachable offences; Convictions upon impeachment in the United States; Causes for which public officers may be removed; Removal of judges; Preliminary pro- ceedings on impeachments; Articles of impeachment; Ser\ace of process on impeachment; Managers of impeachment and counsel for prosecution; Swearing of the Senate; Appearance of the accused; Pleadings for the respondent; Replication; Proceedings on the trial of an impeachment; Evidence upon impeachmeat trials; Arguments of counsel; Decision iipon impeachment; Impo- sition of penalty ujion conviction; Pardons to impeachments, Concluding observations on impeachments. Appendix: State impeachment trials. 5-4624t JK241.F76 15 Hare, John Innis Clark. American constitutional law. [1st ed.] Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1889. 2 v. 2I^Y'^. — ■ — Impeachment: p. 210, 211, So."). 9-21642t JK241.H28 16 Hart, Albert Bushnell. Actual government as applied under American conditions. New Yorlc [etc.], Longmans, Green,and co., 1903. xliv, 599 p. If. pi., 8 maps (incl. front.) 2 tab., 2facsim., diagr. 20\'^^. (American citizen senes, ed. by A. B. Hart.) Impeachment: p. 130, 153-154, 300, 304-307. 3-190S0'3 JK421.H3 17 Hildreth, Richard. The history of the United States of America. Rev. ed. New York, Harper & brothers, 1880. 6 v. 22^"^. Impeachments: Blount, v. 5, p. 187, 2S1, 282; Pickering, p. 510-511; rhase, p. 511-512, 540-544; Pennsylvania judges, p. 512. 514. 5:>2. 4-17780 2 E178.H682 x/ ■\(-in 18 Impeachment. ..„. {III Encyclopaedia britannica. 11th ed. New York. 1910. 30'' V. 14, p. 340-341.) AE5.E36,v.li 19 Impeachment. , {In New international encyclopaedia. New York, 1900. 2tV^. v. 10, p. 501-502.;) AE5.N55.V.10 20 Impeachment from a legal point of view. Nation, Mar. I4, 1867, v. 4: 214-215. AP2.N2,v.4 10 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 21 Impeachment of judges. ^ Washington law reporter, Dec. 2, 187S, v. 6: 380. 22 Impeachment of the President. [Attempt of Mr. Botts, of Vir- ginia, to secure the impeachment of President Tyler.] Law reporter, Aug. ISJ^-Jj., v. 7: 161-169. 23 Impeachment of U. S. judges. ^yestern jurist, June, 1873, v. 7: 323-324. 24 JeflFerson, Thomas. Impeachment. (In his Jeffersonian cyclopedia. New York, 1900. 30''™. p. 416-417.) 25 Johnston, Alexander. Impeachments. (In Lalor, John J., ed. Cyclopsedia of political' science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States. Chi- cago, 1883. 25'-'°. V. 2, p. 480-485.) H41.L22, v. 2 28 Lawrence, William. The law of impeachment. , American law register, Sept. 1867, n. s. v. 6: 64-1-680. 27 Madison, James. The papers of James Madison, purchased by order of Congress; being his correspondence and reports /of debates during the Congress of the confederation, and his reports of debates in the Federal convention; now published from the original manuscripts, ... under the superintendence of Henry D. Gilpin.* 'Washington, Langtree & 0' Sullivan, I84O. 3 v. facsims. Impeachment discussed in the Federal convention: Power of impeachment to belong to House of representatives: p. 737, 1228, 1545, 1606; Trial of impeachment by national judiciary: p. 734, 855, 892, 1132, 1137, 1238, 1438; Impeachment under juris- diction of the Supreme Court: p. 743, 1238; Impeachment not to be tried by jury: p. 1239, 1441; Trial of impeachment by the Senate: p. 1485, 1528, 1531, 1541, 1546, 1607; Impeachment of the President: p. 743, 779, 860, 872, 1127, 1143, 1151, 1153, 1193, 1204, 1224, 1237, 1434, 1487, 1528; Impeachment of the Supreme judges: p. 1369, 1399; Impeachment of the heads of departments: p. 1369; Judgment on it: p. 1239, 1530; Extent of the judgment under it: p. 1239, 1546, 1607; Pardon not to extend to impeach- ment: p. 1433, 1555, 1617; No pardon in impeachment by the President: p. 743, 1237, 1555, 1617; Conviction under it: p. 1239, 1486, 1528, 1530, 1531, 1546, 1607; Its inefficacy against the Presi- dent: p. 767, 1134. 6-17045 JK111.M2 LIST OF EEFERENCES ON IMPEACHMENT 11 28 Mechem, Floj^'d R. A treatise on the law of public offices and ^,<^ oflicers. CJdcago, Calhghan and co'., 1890. cxvii, 7dl p. £3i>'^"'. By impeachment: p. 299-303. 29 Miller, Samuel Freeman. Lectures on the Constitution of the United States. N^w Yoric and Albany, Banks and hrotlurs, 1S93. xxi, 76-5 p. 24'"^. House of representatives, power of impeachment: p. 201; Proceed- ings in case of impeachment: p. 202; Impeachment not subject to the operation of the pardoning power: p. 1G7; Impeachment of President: p. 171; Senate the court in such cases: p. 213-215; Offenses charged may also be prosecuted in the ordinan,' courts: p. 501-502. * 2-19694 JK241.M66 30 Paschal, George Washington. The constitution of the Unitetl States defined and carefully annotated. With an ap- pendix, supplement, and index thereto. [3d ed.] '^ Washington, D. C, Tl'. //. Morrison, 1882. xx, xxa-xxc, [xxi]-lxxii, 644 V- ^^ '^'"• Impeachment: p. 24, 72; 25, 81; 25, 82; 35, 170: 36, 185; 37, 209. 2-14916 JK241.P27 1882 31 Pomeroy, John Norton. An introduction to the constitutional law of the United States. Especiall}' designed for stu- dents, general and professional. 0th ed., rev. and eiil.. by Edmund II. Bennett. Boston and New York, Ilougldon, Mijfiin and company, 1886. xxxviii, 709 p. 23'='". Impeachment: p. 84, 99, 118, 598-612. 9-21072 JK241.P78 1886 32 Rawle, William. A view of the Constitution of tlu' United States of America. 2d ed. '^-^PMladelpMa, P. II. Nicliin, 1829. H?f, [9]-S49 p. 24'"^. "Of impeachments": p. 209-219, 273. 9-25931t JK216.R25 33 Schurz, Carl. Life of Henry Clay Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, [1909?]. /2 V. 18'=™. (American statesmen, ed. hg J. T. ^fors(, jr. [v. 19-20].) First published 1887. Impeachment impracticable as a puni.-^hmcnt for corrupt removals: V. 2. p. 64-05. 10-12017 E176.A53,vol.l9-20 M 12 LIBRARY OF COXGRESS 34 Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States: with a preHminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and states before the adbption of the Constitution. 5th ed., by Melville M. Bigelow. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1905, 1891. 2 v. 24'^'^. Impeachment by House of representatives: T|688, 689, 742; Trial of impeachment by the Senate: ^742-813; Proceedings on impeach- ^^-- ment: ^781,806-811; Extent of judgment on impeachment; lf781- 789; Impeachment of President and Vice-president: ^777, 786-813; Who liable to impeachment: ^788-795, 813n; For what offences: ^796-805; Pardon does not extend to impeachment: ^1490, 1501- 1502. 8-27554 JK211.S72 35 Sumner, Charles. The chief justice, presiding in the Senate, . can not rule or vote. Opinion in the case of the impeach- / ment of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, V March 31, 1868. » (7ft Ms Works. Boston, 1877. 22''™. v. 12, p. 282-317.) E415.7.S95,v.l2 36 Constitutional responsibility of Senators for their votes in cases of impeachment. Resolutions in the Senate, June 3, 1868. {In his Works. Boston, 1877. 22^"". v. 12, p. 411-413.) E415.7.S95,v.l2 37 The impeachment of the President. The right of the President of the Senate pro tem. to vote. Remarks in the Senate, March 5, 1868. (In his Works. Boston, 1877. 22^°!. v. 12, p. 272-281.) E415.7.S95,v.l2 38 Sumner, William Graham. Andrew Jackson. Boston and New Yorlc, Houghton Mifflin company, [1909?]. 4 p. I., 503 p. 18'^'^. {American statesmen, id. hy J. T. Morse, jr. [v. 17].) First published 1883. Impeachment: p. 220, 353, 354, 364. 10-12015 E176.A53,vol.l7 39 Sutherland, William Angus. Notes on the Constitution of the United States, showing the construction and operation of the Constitution as determined by the federal Supreme court and containing references to illustrative cases from the inferior federal courts and state courts. San Francisco, Bancrojt-Vi'Mtmy company, 1904- xv, 973 p. 23^"". Impeachment: p. 48, 54, 495, 551. 4-21695 JX241.S96 40 Taylor, ITannis. The American law of impeachment. ■~- North American review, Apr. 1905, v. ISO: 502-512. AP2.N7,v.l80 J LIST OF REFEEENCES OX IMPEACHMENT 13 41 Thomas, David Y. The law of impeachment iu the United States. — _ American political science review, May, 190S, v. 2: 378-395. JAl.A6,v.2 42 Throop, Montgomery II. A treatise on the law relating to pub- Uc officers and sureties in official bonds. New Yorlc, J. Y. Johnston co., 1892. clxix, 963 p. 23'"^. "^~ --— Removal by impeachment: p. 354, 390-392, 396, 816-817. 43 Tilden, Samuel Jones. The ^\Titings and speeches of Samuel J. Tilden. Ed. by John Bigelow. New Yorl-, Ilarjycr and hrothrrs, 1885. 2 v. 23'^^. "Impeachment, its nature and object": v. 1, p. 472-482. 9-28977 E415.7.T57 44 Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel de. Democracy / in America (translated by H. Reeve) with special intro- ductions by John T. Morgan . . . and Hon. John J. Ingalls. Kev. ed. New YorTc, The Colonial ])ress, ['^1899]. 2 v. pi., port., jacsim. 23'^^. {The world's great classics library.) Impeachment, England, France, and United States: v. 1, p. 134 et seq.; A rare resort: v. 1, p. 131; A state's decline evidenced by impeachment: v. 1, p. 139; Impeachmonts in the United States: V. 1, p. 151; v. 2, p. 431^32; In Federal and state constitutions: v. 1, p. 138; Offenses subject to impeachment vaguely described: v. 1, p. 138. Nov. 16, 99-154 JK216.T7 1899a 45 Tucker, St. George. View of the Constitutii)n of the United States. (7n Blackstone's commentaries . . . By St. Georgo Tucker. Phila- "^—— ~ delphia, 1803. 22'"'". v. 1, p. 140-377.) Impeachment: p. 200, 331, 335. 46 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on the judiciary of the House of representatives uj)on the articles for the impeachment of Lebbeus R. Wilfloy, judge of the United States' court for China. Washington, Govt, print, of., 1908. 274 P- 23^'"". Hearings February 24 to March 3, 1908. 8-30085 JK1595 1908 46a Senate. Extracts from the journal of the United States Senate m all cases of impeachment presented by the House of representatives, 1798-1904. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 594 l^- 23^'"'. {62d Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 876.) Impeachments of Williani Blount; John Pickering; Samuel Chase; James H. Peck; West H. Humjilireys; Andro^v Johnson; William W. Belknap; Charles Swayne. A reprint of the 1904 edition, with the trial of Judtre Swaync added. 12-35941 JK1079.A3 1912 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 47 TJ. S. Congress. Senate. Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, in cases of impeaclinients. Feb. 20, 1805. Washington, Printed hg Gales & Beaton, 1821. J^l 9-527 _p. 22^'^. {In Senate journals, V. 3.) J3l,v.3 Contents. — Record of the proceedings of the high court of impeach- ment, on the trial of William Blount: p. 483-491; The trial of John Pickering: p. 493-507; The trial of Samuel Chase: p. 509-527. The first ed. was published in Washington, printed by W. Duane & son, 1805. 140 p. 48 Rules of procedure and practice in the Senate when sitting on the trial of impeachments, as adopted by the Senate, Mar. 2, 1868 and amended Mar. 31, 1868 and Apr. 3, 1868. ^VasUngton, Govt, print, off., 186S. 7 j). 23''^. 1-9214 , JK1268 1868 49 Standing rules for conducting business in the Senate of the United States together with the rules of procedure and practice in the Senate wdien sitting on the trial of impeachments. Washington, Govt, print, off'., 1890. 79 p. 23"'''. 1-9228 JK1266 1890 50 Van Nest, George Willett. Impeachable offences under the Con- stitution of the United States. [Boston? 1882f] [1], 798-819 p. 2I^<^^. Reprinted irom American law review, Nov. 1882, v. 16: 798-817. 5-4620t JK446.V3 51 Watson, David Kemper. The Constitution of the United States, its history, application and construction. Chicago, Callaghan & company, 1910. 2 v. 24i"^- Impeachment: v.l, p. 207-223; v. 2, p. 1027-1038. 10-19949 JK268.W3 52 Weeks, William F. The impeachment of federal officers. Harpers weeMy, Jan. 28, 1905, v. 49: 118-121. AP2.H32,v.49 53 Williams, F. L. The law of impeacliment. {In Bar association of the state of Kansas. Fifteenth annual meet- ing, 1898. Clay Center, 1898. 21'''". p. 62-66.) 54 Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. The constitutional law of the United States. New York, Baker, Voorhis & company, 1910. 2 v. 24'^™. "Impeachment": v. 2, p. 806, 1121-1124. 10-25891 JK268.W6 CASES WILLIAM BLOUNT • 1798 See also Nos. 17, 46, 46a, 47. irner, Frederick J. Documents on the Blount conspiracy, 1795-1797. American Mstorical review, Apr. 1905, v. 10: 574.-606. Bibliographical foot-notes. E171.A57,v.lO 56 U. S. 5th Cong., 3d sess., 1798-1799. Senate. Proceedings on the impeachment of William Blount, a senator of the United States from the state of Tennessee, for liigh crimes and misdemeanors. Phihdelpltia, Printed hy J. Gales, 1799. 102 p. 23'"". Blount was charged with conspiring to aid Great Britain in wresting the Floridas and Louisiana from Spain. 7-9635 E302.6.B6U5 \/' 57 Congress. House. Deposition of Gen. Elijah Clark, of the state of Georgia, respecting a letter from him to Don Diego Mori)hY, consul of His Catholic Majesty, at Charles- ton, South Carolina, containing the answers of the said — ---_.„ dej)onent, to certain interrogatories framed by the Com- mittee appointed on the 2d of Februar}' last [to enquire into the nature and extent of the conspiracy of "William Blount]. [PhiladelpMa], 1798. S p. 22^'". {[U. S. 5th Cong. 2d sess. House. Doc.] April 27, 179S.) 58 Committee on impeachment of ^Yiniam Blount. Report of the committee of the House of representatives of the United States, appointed to jirepare and report articles of impeachment against William Blount, a senator — of the United States, impeached of high crimes and mis- demeanors. Printed by order of the House of repre- sentatives. [Philadelphia], Printed hg J. Fenno, [1797]. 1 p. I., vi, [3]-16, clx p. 21Y"K [5th Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. Nov. 30, 1797.] 8-15385 E302.6.B6U6 15 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 59 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on impeachment of William Blount. Further report from the committee, appointed on the eighth of July last, to prepare and repoi^t articles of impeachment against William Blount, a senator of the United States, impeached by the House of representatives ^^'"^ "^ of high crimes and misdemeanors. [Philadelphia, 1798.] iv, 4 p. 21^^^^. Ijth Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. Jan. 22, 179S.] 60 " Further report of the committee, ap- pointed on the eighth July last, to prepare and report articles of impeachment against William Blount, a Senator of the United States, impeached by the House of repre- sentatives of high crimes and misdemeanors. 25th Jan- uary, 1798. [Philadelphia], Printed hy John Fenno, [1798]. 11 p. 21h"". ([/5th Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc] Jan. 25, 1798.) 61 Further report of the managers appoiuted to conduct the impeachment against William Blount. 20th Dec. 1798. Published by order of the House of rep- ' resentatives. [Philadelphia, Printed hy John Fenno, 1798.] 4 P- 21 <^^. {[5th Cong. 2d sess. House. Doc] Dec 20, 1798.) 62 Wharton, Francis. State trials of the United States during the administrations of Washington and Adams. With refer- ences, historical and professional, and preliminary notes on the politics of the time. Philadelphia, Carey and Hart, 1849. iv, 727, (1) p. 23'='". "Impeachment of William Blount, a Senator of the United States, for misdemeanour:" p. 200-321. 63 Wright, Marcus Joseph, Some account of the life and services of William Blount. Together with a full account of his impeachment and trial in Congress, and his expulsion from the U. S. Senate. Washington, E. J. Gray, [^1884]- iv p., 1 I., [7]-142 p. front, ipdrt.) 23''"'. 7-8631 E302.6.B3W9 V/ y LIST OF REFERENCES OX IMPEACHMENT 17 JOHN PICKERING 1803 See also Nos. 1, 17, 4G, 4Ga. 47. 64 U. S. 7t}i Cong. 2d sess. The debutes and proeeedinj^s in the Congress of the United States. Washington, Gales d) Seaton, 1S61. 25^'^"'. {Annalx oj the Congress of the United States, v. 12.) Impeachment of John Pickering: Action in. House, cols. 460, 544. 641, 642, 644, 645; In Senate, cols. 2G7, 268. Jll.A5,v.l2 65 8th Cong. The debates and proceedings in tlie Congress of the United States. Washington, Gales c£' Seaton, 1852. 2 v. 25Y'"- {Annals of the Congress of the United States, v. 13, 14-) Impeachment of John Pickering: Action in House, v. 13, cols. 380, 790, 794, 796, 797, 801, 884, 1087, 1097; In Senate, v. 13. col.-. 27,76,224,225,268,270,271,275,298,315. Jll.A5,v.l3 66 Congress. House. Keport wiih artich>s of iiu|)L-achiueut against John Pickering. [Washington, 1803.] 9 p. 23^"". {[8th Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc] Dec. 27, 1803.) 67 Report of ''the managers appointed on the part of this House, to appear at the bar of the Senate, for the purpose of support hig the articles of impeachment against John Pickering, (Ustrict judge of the district of Xew- ~~'^^ Hampsliire, for liigh crimes and misdemeanors." March 6, 1S04. {In U. S. 8th Congress, 1st session. Journal of the House of repre- sentatives. Washington, [1804]. 22"^"'. p. 524-527.) SAMUEL CHASE 1804-1805 See also Nos. 1,2, 17, 46, 46a, 47. 68 Chase, Samuel. The answer and pleas of Samuel Chase, one of the assocate justices of the Supreme Cotu't of the Ignited States, to the articles of impeachment exhibited against him in the said court, by the House of Hepresentativ(\s of the United States, in support of their impeachment against him, for high crimes anil misdemeanors, supposed to have been by him committed. Printed by order of the Senate. Washington city, Wm. Duane & son, 1805. 84 p- 19^'^". Library of C0, 151, 152. l.VV 177-201, 202-669. Impeachment, rules for cases of, etc., vol. 14, coLh. 18, 19, lil, 32, 41, 57,58,63,68. Jll.AS.v. 13.14 77 Congress. House. Articles exliibited In- thr Ihnjse of representatives of the United States, in tlie name of tliem- selves and of all the people of the United States, against Samuel Chase, one of tlie associate justices «)f the Supreme Court of the United States, in maintenance and support of their impeaclmient against iiim, fi>r high crimi's and mis- demeanors. Dec. 4, 1804. {In 17. S. 8th Cong., 2d eess. Journal of the House of represent- atives. Washington, 1826. 22<"'". p. 31-14.) 78 Committee to enquire into the ojficial conduct of Samuel Chase. Report. _ [Washingto7i], 1804- (4), 75, (/) p. 21^"". {[U. S. Sth Cong. 1st sess. House. Doc] }[ar. 6, I8O4.) 79 Report on th(^ iiupc:i( Imu-nf of Judge Chase. [Washington, I8O4.] 7 p. 21"". {[8th Cong., 1st .vr«^. House. Doc] Mar. 26, I8O4.) 20 LIBRAKV OP XTGNGRESS JAMES H. PECK 1830 See also Nos. 46, 46a. 80 Impeachment of Judge Peck. 1/ American jurist, Oct. 1830, v. 4-' 'ilo-417. 81 Peck, James H. Letter from James H. Peck, to the Speaker of the House of representatives of the United States, trans- mitting an explanation in answer to the charges preferred against him, as judge of the district court of the United States for the district of ^lissouri, by Luke E. Lawless. Apr. 14, 1830. ^— [Washington, 1S30.] 53 f. 23^"^. (U.S. 21st Cong. 1st sess. House. Rept. 359.) 201 82 Memorial of James H. Peck, judge of the district com't of the United States for the district of IMissomi. Apr. 5, 1830. [WasUngton, 1830.] 6 p. 23^'"'^. (U.S. 21st Cong. 1st sess. House. Rept 345.) 201 83 Opinions of James H. Peck, judge of the district court of the United States for the district of ^Missouri. [Ordered printed, Jan. 7, 1831.] ''^ [Washington, 1831.] 52 p. 23i<^. (U.S. 21st Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 27.) 203 84 Stansbury, Arthur J. Report of the trial of James H. Peck, judge of the United States district court for the district of Missouri, before the Senate of the United States, on an impeachment preferred by the House of representatives against him for high misdemeanors in office. Boston, Hilliard, Gray and co., 1833. iv, 592 p. 22'^'^. 85 U. S. 21st Cong., lst-2d sess. Register of debates m Congress. Vol. 6-7. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1830-1831. 3 v. 25^'^'". Impeachment of James H. Peck: Action in House: v. 6, pt. 2, p. ~^"^ 736-739, 746-753, 789, 810, 814-815, 818, 819, 863, 866, 869, 872, 1134, 1135; V. 7, col. 354-357, 377-378, 380, 382-384, 386, 389, 392, 393, 399, 400, 517, 519, 522, 527, 530-532, 537, 539, 541, 543, 544. Action in Senate: v. 6, pt. 1, p. 383-385, 405, 411-413, 132, 455, 456; V. 7, col. 3-i, 9-29, 33^1, 44-45 Jl l.D5,v.6-7 LIST OF REIEEENCES ON IMPEACHMENT 21 86 U. S. Congress. House. Article cxliihilcd \,\ the House of representatives of the United States, in the name of them- selves and of all the people of the United States, ajijainst James H. Peck, judge of tlie district court of the United ^ States for the district of Missouri, in maintenance and support of their impeachment against him for liigh misde- meanors in office. Apr. 29, 1S30. [WasMngton, 1S30.] 4 p. 23Y"\] {21x1 Cong. 1st sr.J. ^UK ^ AP2.H3,%-.113 104 Impeachment. Proceedings of the Senate sitting for the trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, on articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of repre- sentatives, 1868. ' ' (/^ Appleton's annual cyclopaedia. New York, 1871. 26'". v.S. p. 352-372.) AE5 A7.V.8 105 Impeachment. [President Johnson.] American law .review, Apr., Jul'j, 1S6S, v. 2: 547-o66; ^- ji^j-777. 106 Impeachment trial [President Johnscm.] American journal of education, 1S69, v. IS: 225-233. Lil 1 A. I ,v.l8 1/ 2-i LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 107 Johnson, Andrew. The great impeachment and trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. PhiladelpUa, T. B. Peterson cfc Irothers, [1868]. {2), 11- 289 p. 23^'^^. lOS Jones, Thomas Laurens. Impeachment of the President. Speech, deHvered in the House . . . February 24, 1868. Washington, F. & J. Rives cfc G. A. Bailey, printers, 1868. 8 p. 23"'^. JK595.1868.J7 9— 259351 109 McCall, Samuel Walker. Thaddeus Stevens. Boston and New YorJc, Houghton Mifflin company, [1909?]. vi p., 1 I., 369 p. 18"'K (American statesmen, ed. hy J. T. Morse, jr. [v. 31].) First published 1899. The impeachment of President Johnson: p. 322-348. 10-11958 E176.A53,vol. 31 110 "The Nation" and impeachment. [Letter to editor.] ^-- Nation, Feh. 28, 1867, v. 4; 175. ap2.N2,v.4 111 Pruyn, John VanSchaick Lansing. Impeacliment of the Presi- dent. Speech in the House of representatives, February 24, 1868, on the resolution reported from the Committee ^ on reconstruction to impeach the President of the United States of high crimes and misdemeanors in office. [ Washington, Printed at the Congressional glohe office, 1868.] 8 p. 23"'K CA 9-2543 Unrev'd E666.P97 112 Rhodes, James Ford. History of the United States from the compromise of 1850. New YorJc, London, The Macmillan company, 1910-1912. 6 V. maps {partly fold.) 22^^"^. Impeachment of President Johnson: v. 6, p. 98-157. 5-12579 E415.7.R475 113 Ross, Edmund Gibson. History of the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, president of the United States, by the House of representatives, and his trial by the Senate, for high crimes and misdemeanors in office, 1868. [Santa Fe, N. M., New Mexican printing co.], 1896. 2 p. I., 180 p. 24^"^. Preface by David B. Ilill. ] 1-23197 E666.I182 114 Sears, Edward I. Impeachment of the President. ---- Xational quarterly review. Mar. 1868, v. 16: 372-382. AP2.N35,v.l6 LIST OF REFERENCES OX IMPEACHMENT 25 115 Sears, Edward I. The impeachment trial and its results. National quarterly review, June, 1S6S, v. 17: l.'i'i-l-JO. ^ AP2.N35,v.lT IIG Sherman, John. John Sherman's liecolloctions of forty years in the House, Senate and Cabinet. An autobioj^raphy. Chicago, Aeiv Yorlc [etc.], Tlic \\triur company, ISUo. ~ r. fronts., 'plates, ports., facsvms. 2JfY^. "Impeachment of Acdrew Johnson": p. 4i:J— 432. 4-17358/2 117 Storey, Moorfield. Charles Sumner. Boston and New Yorlc, Ilouyldon Mifflin conipany, [1909?]. 3 p. I., 4^6 p. 1S'^"\ {American statesmen, id. by J. T. _— — — Morse, jr. [v. 30].) First published 1900. Impeachment of President Johnson: p. 332, 347-351. 10-11957 E176.A53,vol. 30 118 Sumner, Charles. Expulsion of the president. Opinion of Hon. Charles Sumner ... in the case of the impeacli- ment of i^drew Johnson, president of the United States. Wasldngton, Gov't print, off., ISO'S. 52 p. 23"". 5-10307 E666.S96 119 Same. (In hi.-^ Works. Boston, 1877. 2^"^. v. V2. p. 272-281.) E-115.7.S95.V.12 120 U. S. 40t7i Cong., 2d sess., 1S67-1S68. Senate. Proceeilinp^ in the trial of Andrew Johnson, Pre.sident of the United States, before the United States Senate, on articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of repre.-^entaiivcs. y-^ith. an appendix. Washington, F. & J. Rives cL- Geo. A. Baihy, 1S6S. "'■^-\ 50, xzviii p. 25'^'^. ]^2i Supplement to tiie Congressional Globe con i tun- ing the proceedings of the Senate sitting for the trial of ^Indrew Johnson, President of the United States. ^^"- Washington City, PuhUshcd hy F. cO J. Rives d' George A. Bailey, 1868. xiv, 526 p. 30<="K J11.G5 1868 122 Congress. House. Ailiclcs of hiipeachment exhibited bv tlie House of representative^ against Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. r [Washington, Govt, print, off.], 1868. 8 p. 23^"*. iV'th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Mis. doc. 42.) 1319 Same. [With testimony.] [Washington, Govt, print, off.]. 1868. 15 p. 23^"'. i4"th Cong., 2d sess. House. Mis. doc. 91.) 1350 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 123 U. S, Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary. Impeach- ment of the President. Report. Nov. 25, 1S67. [ Washington, Govt, print, of.], 1867. . Ill, vi, 1208 p. 23h ^'^. {/fOth Cong., 1st sess. House. Repf. 7.) The majority and minority reports are contained in the first 111 p. and the testimony taken before the Judiciary committee in the 2d sess. 39th Cong, and 1st sess. 40th Cong, follows, having separate title-page. 1314 124 — Official conduct of the President. Re- port. Feb. 28, 1S67. [Washington, Govt, print, of.], 1 367. 2, 1 p. 23hJ'^. {39th Cong., 2d sess. House. Rept.31.) 1305 125 Select committee of managers of impeachment. Impeachment managers' investigation. Report. May 25, 1868. {Washington, Govt, print, off.], 1868. 12 p.' 23^^'. (40th Cong., 2d sess.. House. Rept. 44-) 1357 126 Raising of money to be used in impeach- ment. Report. July 3, 1868. {Washington, Govt, print, of], 1868. 48 p. 23h"\ (40th Cong., 2d sess. House. Rept. 75.) 1358 127 Senate. Select committee on the impeachment of Andrew Johnson. Report, submitting the following rules of procedure and practice in the Senate when sitting as a high court of impeachment. Feb. 28, 1868. {Washington, Govt, print, of], 1868. 5 p. 23^'''. (40th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Rept. 59.) 1320 128 Supreme court. Letter from the Hon. S. P. Chase, Chief justice of the United States, submitting some obser- vations in respect to the proper mode of proceeding upon the impeachment which has been preferred by the House of representatives against the President nov/ in office. Mar. 4, 1868. {Washington, Govt, print, of], 1868. 2 p. 23^^. (40th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Mis. doc. 43-) 1319 129 Welles, Gideon. Diary of Gideon AVellcs, secretary of the Navy under Lincoln and Johnson, with an introduction by ---^ John T. Morse, jr. Boston and New YorJc, Houghton Mifflin company, 1911. 3 V. fronts., ports. 24h^^. Impeachment, see Index, v. 3, p. 622. 11—28338 E468.W44 Printed in part in Atlantic monthly, Xov.-Dec. 1910, v. 106: C80- 689, 818-828. AP2.A8,v.l06 LIST OF REFERENCES ON IMPEACHMENT 27 130 Williams, Thomas. Argument (»f Thomas Williams, one of the managers on the part of the House, hcfore the Senate of the United States, sitting U)T the trial of Andrew Johnson, — President of the United States, impeached ..f high crime!; and misdemeanors. [Washington, Congressional Ghhe office, [I S6S]. 24 p. 23^. WILLIAM >X'ORTH BELKNAP 1876 See also Nos. 46, 4Ga. 131 Belknap, William Worth. Impeachment; Articles; Answer of Belknap; Replication of the House of representatives; ' — — Rejoinder of Belknap; Surrejoinder of the House. [WasUngton, Govt, print, off., 1S76.] 16 p. 23^". 132 The Belknap impeachment trial. y / Central law journal, May 12, 1876, v. 3: 300-301. 133 Cragin, Aaron Harrison. Opinion delivered hv TI<>n. Aaron H. Cragin, in the United States Senate, May 20, 1S76, on the question ' 'Whether W. W. Belknap, the respondent, is amenable to trial by impeachment for acts done as socre- i tary of war, notwithstanding his resignation of said \ office." Washington, 1S76. 16 p. 21^'^. 9_26774t JK1079.B4C88 134 Impeachment of William AV. Belknap. {In Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, 187G. New York, 1R8.3. 2G'-". -^ n. s. V. 1, p. 686-691.) AES.AT.n.s.v.l 135 U. S. Uth Cong. 1st sess. Congressional record : containing the proceedings and debates of the 44th (\mgress, 1st session. Vol. 4, pt. 1-6. Washington, Govt, print, of., 1S76. 6 v. JO'"'. Impeachment of William W. Belknap: Action in the House, ji. 4U, 1115, 1392, 1426-1433, 1528-1539, 15(;4-1574, 2()S1 -20S2. 2137, 21.M>- 216l' 2186, 2512-2513, 2521, 3871-3874, 5522. 5563. 5663. Jll.R5,v.4.pt.l 8 136 44tJi Cong., 1st sess., 1S75-1S76. Senate. Proceedings of the Senate sitting for the trial of AVillinm W. Belknap, late Secretary of war, on the articles of imi>eachment ^ exhibited by the House of rejiresentatives. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1S76. {2), 1166 p. 23^"'. 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 137 U. S. Congress. House. Articles of impeachment exhibited b}' the House of representatives against WiUiam W. Bel- knap, late Secretary of war, ^WasUngton, Govt, print, off., 1876.] S p. 23^"^. {J^J^tli Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Mis. doc. 84-) 1665 138 In the Senate of the United States, sitting for the trial of William W. Belknap upon articles of impeach- ment. Replication of the House of representatives to the plea of William W". Belknap to articles of mipeachment. -._ [Washington, Govt, print, of., 1876.] 2 p. 23h"'K {Uth Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Mis. doc. 92.) 1665 139 Committee on expenditures in the War dept. Malfeasance of W. W. Belknap, late Secretar}^ of war. [Washington, Govt. pHnt. off., 1876.] 11 p. 23^'"^. {Uth ~ — Cong. 1st sess. House. Rept. 186.) 1708 140 — ■ — — ■ — — — - Committee on impeachment of W. W. Belknap. Report of the House managers on the impeachment of W. W. Belknap, late Secretary of war. Aug. 2, 1876. -^^^ [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1876.] 2 p. 23^''. (Uth Cong. Istj^ess. House. Rept. 791.) 1713 141 Committee on the judiciary. Impeachment of W. W. Belknap. Report. Mar. 8, 1876. ^— ^ [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1876.] 1 p. 23^"^^- iWh Cong. 1st sess. House. Rept. 222.) 1708 142 ■ Impeachment of William W. Belknap. Report. Mar. 30, 1876. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1876.] 8 p. 23Y'\ {Uth ^_ Cong. 1st sess. House. Rept. 3U-) 1709 CHARLES SWAYNE 1904-19C5 See also No. 46a. 143 Impeaching federal judges. Chautauqu,an, Feb. 1905, v. Ifi: 505. AP2.C48,v.40 144 Littlefield, Charles E. The impeachment of Judge Swayne. Green lag, Apr. 1905, v. 17: 193-207. 145 U. S. 58th Cong., 3d sess., 1904-1905. Senate. Proceedings of the Senate of the United States in the matter of the mipeachment of Charles Swayne, judge of the District court of the United States in and for the Northern dis- trict of Florida. Washington, Govt, print, of, 1905. 725 p. 23'"^. {58th Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 194.) 4773 5-13019 LIST OF BEFEREXCES ON IMPEACHMENT 29 145a U. S. Congress. House. Piocecdinp^s in tiic House of repre- sentatives, Fift\'-eiglitli Conti;ress coneernin;^ the im- peachment of CJiarles Swayne, judge of the northern district of Florida. Washivgton, Govt. imnt. off., 1912. 700 p. 23\'^. JK1595.S8 1912 146 Committee on the judiciartj. linpeuchment. Evidence before the Committee on the judiciarj' of tlie House of representatives on the resolution concerning — ^^ Charles Swayne, judge of the United States District court for the Northern district of Florida. Marcli LM, 1904. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1904. 360 p. 23<^'^. 5-14196 147 Impeachment of Judge C'iiarles Swayne. Evidence before the subcommittee of the Judiciary com- mittee of the House of representatives . . . From Fel>- ^ ruary 13, 1904, to November 29, 1904, on the resolution concerning Charles Swayne, judge of the United States district court for the northern district of Florida. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1904. hii, 600 p. 23'">. Subcommittee: Henry W. Palmer, Heury D. Clayton, J. X. Gillett. "Report" (House report no. 1905, 5Sth Cong., 2d poss.): p. iii-xxv. "Views of the minority" (House report no. 1905, pt. 2, 58th Cong., 2d sess.): p. xx\'ii-Ixii. 5-30321 148 Judge Charles Swayne. Kejxut. Mar. 25, Apr. 1, 1904. [Washington, Govt, print, off., IO04.] 23, 36 p. 23^"*. {58th Cong. 2d sess. House. Rept. 190.5. pt. 1. 2.) 4582 ROBERT WODROW ARCH BALD 1912 149 Archbald, Robert Wodrow. Answer to the articles (^f impeach- ment exhibited against him by tlie House of reprc^^enta- -^-.^_ tives of the United States. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 24 p. 2-^^'". 'T' ^ 62d Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. SS6.) 12-35942 Also printed in Congressional record, 62d Cong. 2d sess., v. 48, no. 196 (current file): 10447-10455. 150 Sterling, John A. Impeachment of Judge Kobert W. .Vrciibahl. Speech in the House, July 11. I'.tl2. Congressional record. 62d Cong. 2d sess., v. 4S, no. 1S2 {current file): 9506-95 14. 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 151 U. S. Congress. House. Ai-tic4cs of impeachment presented against Robert W. Archbald, additional circuit judge of the United States from the third judicial district. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 12 p. 23h'''^. {62d Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 87 Jj.-) 12-35931 152 U. S. Congress. House. Debate in the House, July 11, 1912, on the impeachment of Judge Robert W. Archbald. Congressional record, 62d Cong. 2d sess., v. Jf.8, no. 181 {current file): 946O-9477. Articles of impeachment: p. 9460-9462; Alemorandum submitted on behalf of Judge Archbald: p. 9466-9470. 153 Committee on the judiciary. Robert W. Arch. bald, judge of theJLJnited States commerce court. Report- July 8, 1912. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912.] 52 p. 27^'''^. (62d ^ Cong. 2d sess. House. Rept. 946.) Articles of impeachment: p. 29-52. 12-35908 Also printed in Congressional record, 62d Cong. 2d sess., v. 48, no. 178 (cvu-rent file): 9302-9313. 154 Senate. Debate m the Senate, July 15, 16, 1912, I on the unpeachment of Robert W. Archbald. xj Congressional record, 62d Cong. 2d sess., v. 48, no. I84 (current file): 9560-9568; no. 185: 9619-9620. 155 Proceedings in the Senate, July 16, 19, 29, Aug. 1, 3, 1912, on the unpeachment of Robert W. Archbald. Congressional record, 62d Cong. 2d sess., v. 48, no. 185 (current file): 9625-9626; no. 188: 9844-9847; no. 196: IO447- 10455; no. 199: 10678-10682; no. 201: 10894-10902. Replication of the House: p. 10679. Adjourned until Dec. 3, 1912. 156 Webb, Edwin Y. Impeachment of Judge Robert W. Archbald. Speech in the House, July 11, 1912. Congressional record, 62d Cong. 2d sess., v. 48, no. 186 (current file): 9715-9720. STATE IMPEACHMENTS See also Nos. 12, 17, 44. 157 Foster, Roger. State impeachment trials. ^ iln his Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. Boston, 1896. 24*"" v. 1, Appendix, p. G33-713.) Brief summary of colonial and subsequent state imiwachni.rit tri.iU. with bibliographical note.-. JK241.F76 158 Holden, AVilliam W. Trial ol' William W. llolden, ^rovernor ..f Xorth Carolina, l)efore the Senate of North Carolina, on impeachment by the House of representatives f«»r hijjh crimes and misdemeanors. Pub. by order of the Senate. Raleigh, "Sentinel" i^rinting office, 1S71. 3 v. 21\'='^. 8-36434 159 The Impeachment of Judge Hubbell, of Wisconsin. . Law reporter, Mar. 1854, '^- 16: 601-622. 160 Impeachments in TUinois. — National corporation reporter. Mar. 16, 1905, v. 30: 127. 161 Jackson, .Ubert. Official report of the trial of the Hon. Albert Jackson, Judge of the Fifteenth judicial circuit, before the Senate, composing the liigh court of impeachment of the state of Missouri. Reported 1)y Thomas J. Ilemlerson. Jefcrson city, IF. G. Cltecney, 1S5.9. /fSO p. 7?^"'. 162 Prescott, James. Report of the trial by im|)eachment of James Prescott, Escjuire, judge of the Proi)ate of wills, cV:c. for the county of Middlesex, for misconduct and maladmin- istration in olTico, before the Senate of Massachusetts, in the j^ear 1821; with an appendix containing an acroimt of former imj^eachments in the same state. By Octavius Pickerins and William Howard Gardiner. Boston, Daily advertiser, 1S21 . 225 p. ? I cm 163 Shibley, George H. The pardoning of the anarchists: is Gov- . / ernor Altgeld liable to imj)eachment f ^^ Green lag, Oct. 1S93, v. 5: 470-^73. GEORGE G. BARNARD 1875 164 Barnard, George G. Proceedings in the court of imi>earlim<'ni in the matter of the impeachment <^f George G. Parnard, Justice of the Supreme court of the State of Xew York. jOswego, R. J. Olipliant, 1S75. 3 v. 23'^'". 32 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS 165 Impeachment of an American judge. Law times, Sept. 7, 1872, v. 53: 354-355. From New York Herald, Aug. 22, 1872. Also printed in Irish law times, v. 6: 477-478. 166 Impeachment of Judge Barnard. \ I Albany law journal, May IS, 1872, v. 5: 315-316. 167 The trial of Judge Barnard. • V I Albany law journal, July 27, Aug. 3, 1872, v. 6: 67; 79. 168 The vote on the impeachment [Judge Barnard]. V j Albany law journal, Aug. 24, 1872, v. 6: 130-131. y IMPEACHMENTS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES GREAT BRITAIN 169 Anson, Sir William Reynell, 3d hart. Tlio law and custom of the constitution. Vol. I. Parlianicnl . Ith ed. (H»()0): reissue rev. (1911). /- Oxford, Clarendon press; New YorJ: [itc], 11. Frrrwdr, Iff 11. xxvi, 404 J). 23'^'^. Impeachment: p. 31, 363-366, 385. 12-9684 JN118.A66 170 Hallam, Henry. The constitutional history of Enj^land, from the accession of Henry vii. to the death of Gcor'jc 11. New YorJc, A. C. Armstrong and son, 1897. : l.oy". ^ {HaUaTri's works, vol. iii-iv.) Impeachment: v. 1, p. 350-351, 364; v. 2, p. 171-17S, 200-201. 4-4620/2 JN175.H2 1897 171 [Hatsell, John.] Precedents of proceedings in the House of commons: with observations. A new ed., with addition.*?. London, Printed hy L. Hansard and som< of prrwns imjM\uhor. .',, 1868, v. 4o: 213-216. AP4.L4,v.46 174 Impeachment of colonial judges. Solicitor's journal and nportir, Sept. 13, 1862, v. 6: S04-S05. 54453°— 12 3 33 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 175 May, Thomas Erskine, baron Farnborough. A treatise on the hiw, privileges, proceedings and usage of Parliament. By Sir Thonias Erskine May ... lltiied. (Rev. from the 10th ed., of 1893, ed. by Sir Reginald F. D. Palgrave, K. c. B., and Alfred Bonham-Carter . . . Books i. and II. ed. by T. Lonsdale Webster . . . book iii. ed. by Wil- liam Edward Grey. London, W. Clowes and sons, limited, 1906. liii, 1001, [1] p. i^r;i cm Chap. XXIV: Impeachment by the Commons. 6-46270 JN594.M24 1906 176 Memorable impeachments [in the House of commons]. \^i Leisure hour, 1881, v. 30: 661-667. AP4.L4,v.30 177 Pike, Luke Owen. A constitutional history of the House of lords. London and New York, Alacmillan and co., 1894- xxxv, 405, [1] p. 23^^. Impeachment: v. 2, p. 179, 205-206, 228-234. 1-19011 JN621.P5 178 Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, hart. A liistory of the criminal law of England. London, Macmillan and co., 1883. 3 v. ^5^'". Impeachment: v. 1, p. 146-160; List of impeachments: p. 159. 2-25751 CASES WARREN HASTINGS 1788-1794 179 Hastings, Warren. The history of the trial of Warren Jla.slinjrs, Esq., Late Governor-general of Bengal, heforc the high court of Parliament, on an impeachment hy the (\»nimon.s ' of Great-Britain, for high crime and misdemeanours. London, J. Dehrett, 1796. Various paf/ing. 22^""*. 180 The trial of Warren Hastings, Esq., complete from February 1788, to June 1794; with a ])reface, containing the history of the origin of the impeachment, a list of the changes in the High court of justice, pending the trial, and the debate in the House of commons, on the motion of thanks to the managers. London, J. Owen, 1794. 2 v. 21 y". VISCOUNT MELVILLE 1806 181 Melville, Henry Dundas, 1st viscount. A comj)endious report of the trial of Henry viscount Melville, uj)<)n the impeach- — ment of the Commons for high crimes and mi.sdenioanors. London, Printed for J. Aspeme, 1S06. {4), 237, I4 p. 21 '^"•. 182 The trial, by impeachment, of Henry Lord vi.M-mint MelviUe, for high crimes and misdemeanors, before the House of peers, in Westminster hall, between the 'J9th of - April and the 17th of May, ISOH. Edinburgh, Printed for, and hy J. linhirtson, Olivir ct* co.. 1806. {4), 304, (S) p. 22'^. FRANCE See also No. 44. 183 Lair, Adolphe Emile. Des hautes cours politiques en France et a I'etranger et de la niisc en accusation du i)r6sident de la republique et des ministres: ^tude de droit coiistitutiomicl et d'histoire politique. Paris, A. Fontemoing, [1SS9]. 2 p. I, xxiv, 436 p. ^5^"'. l-F-3098 JN2814.L2 35 AUTHOR INDEX [The numbers refer to Adams, Henry 1 Adams, Charles Francis 2 Adams, John Quincy 2 Allen, W. F 92 Anson, Sir William Reynell, 3d hart 169 Archbald, Robert Wodrow 149 Ashley, Roscoe Lewis 4 Barnard, George G 164 Belknap, William Worth 131 Bennett, Edmund H 31 Bigelow, John 43 Bigelow, Melville M 34 Brj'^ce, James 5 Butler, Benjamin Franklin 93 Carrington, Walter 6 Chase, Samuel 68-74 Chase, Samuel P 128 Cragin, Aaron Harrison 133 Curtis, George Ticknor 8 Cushing, Luther Stearns 9 Davis, Garrett 94 Dewitt, David Miller 95 Dunning, William A 96, 97 Dwight, T. W 10 Evans, Charles 72 Farrand, Max 11 Fessenden, Francis 98 Finley, John Huston 13 Foster, Roger 14. 157 Gardiner, William Howard 162 Godkin, E. L 99-101 Grey, William Edward ] 75 Hallam, Henry 1 70 Hamilton, Alexander 12 Hare, John Innis ( "lark 15 Hart, Albert Bushnell 16, 102 Hastings, Warren 179, 180 Hatsell, John 171 Henderson, Thomas J 161 Hildreth, Richard 17 Hill, David B 113 Hill, Frederick Trevor 103 Holden, William W 158 items, not to pages.) Howell, T. B 172 Howell, Thomas J 172 Ingalls, John J 44 Jackson, Albert 101 Jardine, David 172 Jay, John 12 Jefferson, Thomas 24 Johnson, Andrew 107 Johnston, Alexander 25 Jones, Thomas Laurens 108 Lair, Adolphe Emile 183 Lawless, L. E 89 Lawrence, William 26 Littlefield, Charles E 144 Lloyd , Thomas 73 Lodge, Henry Cabot 12 McCall, Samuel Walker 109 Madison, James 12, 27 May, Thomas Erskine, haron Farn- borough 175 Mechom, Floyd R 28 Melville, Henry Dundas. 1st vis- count 181, 182 Miller, Samuel Freeman 29 Morgan, John T 44 Morse, John T., jr 129 Palgrave, Sir Reginald F. D 175 Paschal, George Wa.shington 30 Pock. James H 81-83 Pickering, Octavius 162 Pike, Luke Owen 177 Pomeroy, John Xnrton 31 Prescott, James 162 Pruyn. John VanSchaick Lansing. 1 1 1 Rawle, William 32 Reeve, H 44 Rhod(>s, James Ford 112 Ross, Edmund GibsDU 113 Sanderson, John F 13 Schurz. Carl .33 Sears, Edward 1 114, 115 Sherman, John 116 Shibley, George H 163 Smith, Samuel H 73 o — O/ 38 AUTHOR INDEX Stansbury , Arthur J 84 Stephen, 5tV James Fitzjames, bart. 178 Sterlin2;, John A 150 Storey, Moorfield 117 Story, Joseph 34 Sumner, Charles 35-37, 118, 119 Sumner, William Graham 38 Sutherland, William Angus 39 Taylor, Hannis 40 Thomas, David Y 41 Throop, Montgomery H 42 Tilden, Samuel Jones 43 Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri JIaurice Clerel de 44 Tucker, St. George 45 Turner, Frederick J 55 U.S. 7 th Cong., 2dsess 64 Sih Cong 65, 76 21st Cong 85 37th Cong., 2d sess 90 44th Cong., 1st sess 135, 136 5Sth Cong., 3d sess 145 Congress. House 57, 66, 67, 77, 86, 122, 137, 138, 145a, 151, 152 Committee on expenditures in the War dept 139 Committee on impeachment of W.Blount 58-61 U. S. Congress. House. Com- mittee on impeachment of W. W. Belknap 140 Committee on the j udicianj . 46, 87, 91,123 ,124,141,142,146-148,153 Committee to enquire into official conduct of Samuel Chase 78,79 Select committee of managers of impeachment 125, 126 Senate 46a, 47-49, 56, 74, 88, 89, 120, 121, 136, 145, 154, 155 Select committee on the im- peachment of Andrew John- son 127 Supreme court 128 Van Nest, George Willett 50 Watson, David Kemper 51 Webb, Edwin Y 156 Webster, T. Lonsdale 175 Weeks, William F 52 Welles, Gideon 129 WTiarton, Francis 62 Williams, F. L 53 Williams, Thomas 130 Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. . . 54 Wright, Marcus Joseph 63 o .AN 2 5 7930 :\ MAY 2 6 1956 Ot.bi 1951 ^ OCT 25 1^73 .X^ ^"33^ tDURL_ NOV /ii DEC 59 19^8 HPT 26 11973 MOV®? 1373 ano Booi^ BOX 5)' -T El V u D M 10 AN DESl^ OCT r tses ^'imuilUllM P.M. 4I5I6 I AJ;i Iters J Syracuse, IV. I PLEASP DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD Z ■'i s University Research Library ;) I 7** -\> /'■:■!■,_ 4p^ J':»i-'.- . 1 '\