GIFT OF M^^ZL GIT ^-T 'V^ W^ CHICO STATE NORMAL SCHOOL BULLETIN No. 7 Common Essentials in Spelling A Word List and Teacher's Manual for Elementary Schools BY C. K. STUDLEY and ALLISON WARE Califoenia State Peintinq Office 1914 CHICO STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Bulletin No. 7 Common Essentials in Spelling A Word List and Teacher's Manual for Elementary Schools BY C. K. STUDLEY and ALLISON WARE California State Printing Office 1914 9808 Copyright 1914 hy C. K. Studley and Allison Ware. PREFACE. There is a good deal of legitimate complaint concerning the present day grammar school course of study. It is charged that our standards are too exacting, our texts too voluminous, our subjects too congested, the teacher's time overcrowded, and a vast mass of work prescribed that must, necessarily, be done in a hasty, helter-skelter manner. In addition to these complaints, and largely as a result of the facts which they allege, come other charges: that an undue percentage of chil- dren are over age, that far too many boys and girls drop out before finishing the common school course ; that those who stay are thinly plated with an unsubstantial smattering of many things, and really have very little thorough grounding in even the commonest essentials of the common schools. In an age of criticism, complaint sometimes becomes quer- ulous and unreasonable. Nevertheless, a good deal of the complaint that is made regarding the overcrowding of our curriculum Avith surplusage is undoubtedly well founded. Reading, writing, and arithmetic were a generous education in the day of Daniel Boone and those who followed him into the frontier. Taken alone, they no longer constitute a prepa- ration for life. The world has changed and its requirements^ standards, and demands have likewise changed. The curricu- lum of to-day with its reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling, composition, language, grammar, literature, geography, his- tory, civics, physiology, nature study, art, music, domestic science, manual training, and agriculture, consists of subjects as fundamental, when judged by the standards of our time, as was the meager curriculum of the frontier school in its own day. Sufficient unto each day is the curriculum thereof! The thing we need to do in all our common school subjects is to find their living values. If we can prune out all the dead wooH, all the mistletoes of tradition, all the ring-knots 4 PREFACE. of pedantry that have grown in the subject-matter of our courses, we will considerably thin out the tangle. In the making of text-books and in the organization of courses of study, there should be to-day one primary consid- eration, namely, what are the fundamental essentials and the necessary minimum standards that shall be established in organizing the subject-matter of each common school course of study? To answer this question we must apply the acid test of general, human usefulness to every detail of the com- mon school course. Those portions of any subject which are dear only to the specialist, which are used only by a small number of men and women, which are survivals of tradition, or which are the sand ballast of the scholarship that concerns itself with subjects rather than with children and their life needs, must be thrown overboard before we will have room for the real cargo and a fair chance to bring it into port. THE COURSE IN SPELLING. The course of study in spelling represented by the text-book in current use in the State of California, is fairly water-logged with the surplus of dead-weight ballast that it contains. It consists of over twelve thousand different words. This is four times as many words as any thoughtful estimate based upon an examination of the world's use has prescribed for common school study. There w^as a time when a poor word list did not do much acute mischief. In the day when there were but three or four established subjects in the elementary curriculum a teacher might well spend time teaching catch-words, odd words, rare words, and, in general, two or three times as many words as common use required people to write. There may have been then, as we are now assured, grammar school students who could spell every proper name in the Bible, and evei:y^ word in the unabridged dictionary. In the crowded curriculum of to-day the teacher can not teach the spelling of all the words in the unabridged dic- tionary, or all the names in the Bible. Neither has she time for trick-words and tongue-twisters, such as delighted the schoolmaster fifty years ago. She has time, possibly, with earnastness and a clear course of study, to get results that will meet to-day's demands. But, first of all, there must be a clear course of study. A LIST OF WORDS IN COMMON WRITTEN USE. The purpose of the following word list is to provide the teacher with suitable subject-matter for a common school course in spelling. The effort has been made to set in order only such words as are commonly used in writing by Amer- icans of the present day. Frankly, those who prepared this list have followed the simple rule that a word that it is neces- sary for our children to learn to spell in school is one that 6 THE COURSE IN SPELLING. there will be a high probability of their having to write at some future time. It would seem clear that no child should be forced to learn to spell a long array of technical terms because some one child in ten thousand might later become a professor of anatomy; that, in so far as possible, children should not be required to learn to spell long lists of words which would be written only in school and never put to common use later ; and that, finally, every child should learn to spell those words which in all prob- ability he and his fellows would find occasion to use more than once in writing, not only in their school lives but later in their outside correspondence and affairs. The following list is founded upon an examination of the actual use of words, in writing, by a very large number of children and adults. In the first place, it incorporates 542 words found by Dr. Ayres of the RusSuell Sage Foundation to be most fundamentally common in American written usage. This Russell Sage Foundation list has been a valuable force in directing thought as to the best way of determining the truth concerning the relative value of material in the course of study. It has brought home the importance of studying results and the superior value of facts as compared with per- sonal opinion in, the determination of standards of value. The word list prepared by Miss Effie McFadden and Dr. Frederic Burk of the State Normal School, San Francisco, California, has also been of material value in the preparation of this list. The San Francisco list consisted of all the words used two or more times in 91 letters, containing a total of 19,288 words. These letters, like those for the most part used ill the Ayres investigation, were letters of common correspond- ence involving simple business transactions, social communica- tions, family letters, love letters, etc. They contained a total of 6,916 different words, but only 840 were found to be used more than twice. This list included and verified most of the words in the Ayres list. THE COURSE IN SPELLING. 7 Finally, for this specific work and in addition to the experi- ence of the Ayres investigation and the San Francisco Normal School study, the authors of this list collected 920 compo- sitions, written by children in school from the third to the eighth grade, inclusive, and made a count and an analysis of every word contained therein. These 920 compositions, selected at random from the city and rural schools of the Chico district, showed substantially all the words that written school exercises of children required them to use. An aggregate of nearly 200,000 words was thus passed over and inspected, and from that number 3,459 differ- ent words or different forms of the same words were found to be used. Some of the words were unusual and had evidently been brought in by children who desired to express an unusual interest or whose experience had been quite apart from that of their fellows. 'Many proper names were found. A large number of words technically used in teaching grammar and geography, such as subjunctive and equinoctial, had worked their way into the occasional use of the children. All such words, not clearly of common written use in life, were omitted in the final compilation that follows. There has been much discussion as to whether there should be thirteen thousand or seven hundred words in the spelling word list and the discussion has ranged all the way from the higher to the lower figure. It does not seem possible for us to settle this question by a priori debate, or through any oracular process whatever. The nearest approximation to the truth that we seem to be able to reach is found by listing all the words in common written use outside of school and then to count them. The number of words that we have found as a result of our compilation is 3,470. This number may seem too many, or it may seem too few to those who glance at it, but we respectfully submit that no off- hand opinion will help the matter. New and better evidence will doubtless in time be presented, but it must be based upon 8 THE COURSE IN SPELLING. a further and better study of general use. If we are ever to get beyond guess work we must set a standard for the selection of our spelling content. The simplest, truest standard is that children should learn to spell in school those words that we find children and adults commonly having need to write. The words in the following spelling list have been tested by this standard. SOME ADVANTAGES. There are several substantial gains that come to the teacher and the pupil with a short word list. It is obvious that a standard of spelling accuracy may be secured with a word list of 3,470 words that would not be possible with two, or three, or four times as many words. It is obvious also that the shorter list will make possible a smaller number of new words per day, a better method of presentation, more systematic reviews, and the probability of intelligent, self-directed appli- cation in the school and outside writing. These are all impor- tant advantages in the short list ; but the list was not shortened in order to bring them about. The length of the list has been determined by the standards of common use. Long or short,' hard or easy, the children of the land should learn to spell the words which they, in school and out, will be required to write. And it is upon this proposition that the following compilation has been made. GRADING BASED ON SCHOOL USE. As has been said, there was an aggregate of 3,459 words in the compositions that served as a basis for original investiga- tion. These words were listed so as to show the number of times every one was used in every half year of the elementary school. In this way the authors had some guide beyond their own conjecture as to where such words were first commonly written by children. It was found, for example, that children in the third and fourth grades did not write the words earth and cottage, but that such words were written by children in the upper grades as follows : earth in the fifth and cottage in the seventh grade. On the other hand, it was found that some THE COURSE IN SPELLING. 9 harder words, such as neither and piece, were very commonly written in the third and fourth grades and that the compo- sition needs of children in those years seemed, unmistakably, to require their use. With such modification as suggested itself in order to correct manifest incongruities, the actual experience of children in the use of written English has been accepted substantially as a basis for the grading of the lessons. Provision has, therefore, been made that words shall be taught before the term or year in which they are commonly written ; but not so long before as to become stale and forgotten by the time they are to be used. THE PROGRESS OF THE PUPIL. In planning the course, a minimum of one hundred and seventy recitations per year has been assumed. There are few schools in which it will be less than this, and many where it will run somewhere between two hundred and two hundred and twenty daily spelling periods. Ordinarily, California rural schools approximate from one hundred and seventy to one hundred and eighty days of school work per annum. Such schools will have no difficulty in teaching this word list in the third to seventh grade, inclusive. City schools, however, with between one hundred and ninety and two hundred days per annum, should make more rapid progress. In such schools, it will not be impossible for classes to complete the word list before the expiration of the sixth grade. In any event, it is not important to specify just how long a pupil or a class must take to finish the spelling list. Indeed, it is impossible to state in advance what time will be required in any given case. It is important, however, that every child should make its way through this work, and so far as possible through all other work, as rapidly as thorough instruction and good results may justify. There is no sense in speed based upon inaccuracy and on the other hand there is surely no good reason for undue retardation simply for the purpose of main- taining some preordained schedule of progress. 10 THE COURSE IN SPELLING. Progress in rural school and city school alike should be at the rate that experience proves the pupils to be able to go. In the rural school, as has been indicated, the work can be done in the manner suggested, in not more than five years, from the third to the seventh grade, inclusive. In the city schools, with their longer terms, it may be possible to teach the course thoroughly in four years, from the third to the sixth, inclusive. ARRANGEMENT BY GRADES. Formal spelling is generally begun in the second or third grade. The plan proposed here suggests the introduction of work in the third grade. Children do very little writing before the third grade, and have little chance to use and limited opportunity to review such spelling as they may be taught. At the same time, a considerable amount of incidental spelling is acquired in connection with the reading and language work of the first and second years. The lessons planned here for the third grade may be begun in the second, should school author- ities desire it that way. In the first year of spelling, whether it be in the third or second grade, two new words a day are taught. The new word list increases at the rate of one per year until in the seventh grade six new words are introduced every day. With a short new word list it is possible to teach as well as to assign the new words. The number of new words introduced in each grade is as follows: third grade, 340; fourth grade, 530; fifth grade, 700; sixth grade, 880; seventh grade, 1,020; total for the grammar grade course, 3,470. The Appendix contains a list of 462 additional words. METHODS OF TEACHING SPELLING. 11 METHODS OF TEACHING SPELLING. The plan of assigning children every day a list of from ten to twenty words and asking them to go home and learn them by themselves, is, on the whole, unsuccessful. Some children, under such circumstances, can teach themselves how to spell. Indeed, we have heard of a number of great men who received practically all of their education outside of school; but we do not accept these isolated facts as a foundation for the theory that school instruction is unnecessary. The public schools are founded upon the theory, and we believe it to be a sound one, that a competent teacher interested in her work can teach a child better than he can teach himself. That is to say, such a teacher can direct a child's attention, shape his environment, stimulate his interest, and organize his energies in such a way that he will learn in less time and to better purpose than if he were cut adrift or forced to pick up his information around the neighborhoood. For this general reason, but more specifically because in a general, practical way it has abundantly proved its worth, we suggest and urge that this word list be taught. In the long run it will be easier for the teacher and much better for the children if, instead of passing groups of words to the children for instruction each day, a systematic method is employed. The method that is suggested consists of the following prin- cipal parts: 1. Instruction; 2. Study; 3. Lesson hearing; 4. Correction of errors; 5. Review. INSTRUCTION. ^ Spelling may be successfully taught with text-books in the hands of the children, or with but one text-book in each class- room and that in the hands of the teacher. The latter plan may be a little more difficult to handle, but has one important advantage. It absolutely insures a certain amount of instruc- tion at the time the lesson is assigned. 12 METHODS OF TEACHING SPELLING. Assuming, then, that the children are without texts, the teaching of the new lesson is taken up in the following fashion : The children are at their seats with pencil and paper. The teacher pronounces from the text the first new word of the next lesson. The children pronounce the word individually and in chorus and use it in sentences of their ovm making. The teacher uses it in sentences of her making for the purpose of more clearly defining and illustrating its values. Then the teacher writes the word on the board. The children spell it from the board individually, then in chorus. The class may then trace it in the air, spelling in chorus as they do so. Finally, the children write it on their study slips. Each succeeding new word is treated in the same manner. In case recent reviews have indicated that any word has been poorly learned in a former lesson^ it should be retaught with the new words. The time required for careful instruction in the two new words regularly assigned for each day in the third grade might properly range from two to three minutes. In the seventh grade the six words taught will require from five to seven minutes. It may be objected that this takes time. It does, but in the long run it saves a great deal of time to both teacher and child, for it prevents the blundering, wasteful business of first errors, and renders unnecessary that most difficult educational process — the correction of mistakes. It will take less time in small classes of two and three in rural schools than in the larger classes, ranging from forty to sixty, in city departments. In any case, enough time should be put upon the introduction of a new word to assure the teacher that every child in the class has given it attention and has had impressed upon his memory its correct form by hearing, seeing, saying, and writing it. STUDY. The pupils must be required to give their study list, con- taining the new words that have been taught them as above described, enough attention to strengthen and impress their METHODS OF TEACHING SPELLING. 13 knowledge of the spelling. This study time should be pro- vided at school and in class. The spelling study should not immediately precede the written lesson. Otherwise, it may become a mere cram for a temporary knowledge sufficient to tide over the hearing of the day's leSvSon. The amount of time required for studying the two new words a day taught in the third grade, and the six new words taught in the seventh, will range possibly from four to eight minutes. A longer time in either case will probably mean mere diffusion of attention. If necessary, because of departmental system or program requirements, the teacher may provide time for the study of the advanced lesson at the beginning of the spelling period; then assign and teach the new words for the next day ; and then proceed with the written lesson based upon yesterday's assignment. This will provide at least a minimum interval between the study and the hearing of the lesson. LESSON HEARING. In this the children should use some one of the better forms of spelling blanks, preferably those that provide for detaching each day the lesson of the day before as written and finally corrected, and that contain stubs on which misspelled words may be correctly written. With pen and ink, and such blanks before them, the children write the words of the lesson as the teacher dictates them. Each word should be distinctly pro- nounced once. In case a word is a homonym — that is, pro- nounced the same as another word but spelled differently- — as in the case of our or hour, bare or bear, then the teacher must use the word in a sentence to indicate clearly just which one of the two is meant. Homonyms should always be treated sepa- rately. To associate them, either in the instruction or the review, is artificially to create a confusion that naturally does not exist and that may easily be avoided. In the case of words that are spelled the same but pro- nounced differently, such as lives and lives, the teacher will, of course, indicate the word she means by the pronunciation 14 METHODS OF TEACHING SPELLING. that she gives it. A foot note will be found in the case of all such words, illustrating the use of these words in sentences. These words that are spelled the same but pronounced dif- ferently, should be given one pronunciation and the cor- responding nieaning in the first lesson, and the other pro- nunciation and meaning in some of the subsequent reviews. In this way, without confusion, the class will learn that the same spelling really stands for two or more entirely different words and each of them will be carefully and separately taught and reviewed. As each word is pronounced the children should write it, without hesitation or delay. From ten to fifteen seconds is ample time in which each word may be pronounced and written. When a child can not write a word promptly he has not safely learned how to spell it. The surest sign of a poor speller is hesitation. In the third grade there are two new and eight review words, a total of ten to be written in each daily test. The pronuncia- tion and writing of each lesson will, therefore, require from two to three minutes. In the seventh grade there are twenty words — ^six new and fourteen review. The time required there for the daily lesson hearing will not be much longer than in the third grade, for the children are able to write more rapidly. Even with the increased number of words, the lesson in the seventh grade may be written in three or four minutes. CORRECTION OF ERRORS. After the words have been written the pupils should pass their papers and the teacher should dictate the spelling slowly and distinctly while each child grades his neighbor's spelling lesson. The papers should then be returned to their owners. Any word misspelled should be corrected immediately by writ- ing it in correct form on the stub provided for that purpose. Words thus misspelled and corrected shall be assigned to the individuals concerned for special study, together with the new words in the next day's assignment. METHODS OF TEACHING SPELLING. 15 In classes where this or similar systematic methods of instruction are followed, misspelled words will be few. Classes will be one hundred per cent correct in their daily lessons as a rule rather than as an exception. But, in any case, if a word is found to be commonly misspelled it should be retaught by the teacher along with the new words in the next lesson and it should be reviewed more often thereafter than is regularly provided in the word list. SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS. No matter how well spelling may be taught, permanent results will depend in large part upon the character of the reviews. The absence of regular systematic reviews in spelling and other formal subjects is one of the reasons why our results are often not as permanent and our instruction not as thorough as we would wish. An automatic, cumulative review is provided in this course for all words taught. Each day's lesson is principally review. If a new word has been taught, it is, of course, repeated the next day by means of the written spelling. Thereafter, it passes automatically into a review system. Its first reappear- ance is three days after it is taught, at which time it appears as one of the review words in the written spelling lesson. It appears again within a short time and thereafter it passes in rotation before the pupil for review again and again in future lessons. All words of reasonable difficulty appear at least ^Ye times. Some of the harder words, however, have been introduced more often, and some of the easier ones have been given a smaller number of repetitions. The teacher should use the stub upon which the children have corrected their misspelled words as an index to the special need of students and the class as a whole. Words commonly found there should be reviewed more often than is regularly provided in the word list. Twenty-two words, such as cat and dog, have been intro- duced directly into the reviews of the first few lessons. It is 16 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. assumed that children will have been taught these words in their reading and language work and will need no instruction in their spelling. Nevertheless, in order to test the validity of the assumption, the words have been introduced once by way of review. A final review has been added at the end for the purpose of giving adequate repetition and drill of the spelling of the words that were taught in the last lessons of the series. AVOID UNNECESSARY INSTRUCTION AND REVIEW. The spelling of most of the words printed as new words in the first one hundred lessons may be already known to the children. If this be true, the fact Avill be immediately detected by the teacher when the words are taken up for instruction, and most of the time ordinarily spent in that work may be saved. In case it is obvious that any word is already known by the class, time should not be spent in teaching it. Similarly, the teacher may see that many of the simpler words of the first lessons and some of the later words do not need as many reviews as are provided. In this case such words should, of course, be dropped. In case the number of review words per lesson be found too many because of lack of time and other program demands, the teacher may omit each day from the written lesson two or three or four of the words which the pupils have learned most thoroughly. A SIMPLE, TIME-TESTED METHOD. There is nothing new or startling about the method that is here proposed. Good teachers have long used it and many text-books describe it in their introductions. It is simple, direct, and practical. The teacher will note that all by-play in the way of pictures, games, story telling, nature study, literary-gem hunting, and other affiliated diversions have been kept out of the suggested method. It will be noted also that we have omitted word analysis, the study of diacritical marking, and the presentation METHODS OF TEACHING SPELLING. 17 of spelling rules, more honored in the breach than in the observance. This has been done that time and attention may be withheld from content and methods of a speculative sort and concentrated upon results definitely desirable and wholly within the reach of any class and teacher. Throughout the work, the teacher should keep a careful record of the progress of her children and the averages of her class. With a reasonable interest upon her own part in the result, it will not be hard to awaken in the class and the whole community an interest in the spelling records of the boys and girls. The spelling match and interclass contest will, under sound management, help to establish helpful rivalry. Best of all incentives is the personal pride that ever\" child may be led to feel in keeping his own record clean. Children like to do the things they can do well, and there is no reason why any child should not usually be perfect in a well graded, well taught spelling course. As in all formal work, the spelling lesson should be brisk and filled with quick action and response. RESULTS. This course aims to include only the words that people com- monly need to write. It seeks to put the teacher's time upon spelling essentials that are one hundred per cent worth while to all the children of the elementary schools. If the spelling of this minimum list of words is to be taught in such a way as to produce maximum efficiency, it must be taught in such a way as to get permanent results. There is no use to have known how to spell a word and to have forgotten it, or to have known how to spell it and to have half -forgotten it. Words that may just as well be taught and forgotten may very much better be left out entirely. There is no dead wood in the list that follows, and every word there should be taught and rememhered. It may seem that undue emphasis has been placed upon instruction and that some of the reviews herein are redundant. Perhaps, in some cases, this may be found to be true ; if so, the 2— 9S08 18 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. justification is that we are here trying to secure definite and lasting results and have suggested a safe margin of efficiency in the teaching. When it comes to real essentials, we would rather be too thorough than too slack. The whole plan and purpose of this course is very simple: it proposes a word list without surplusage and a direct, simple method, adequate to insure results. It is the purpose of this combination to give to all the children of the elementary schools, thoroughly and in lasting form, the ability to spell the words that later school and life demands will commonly require them to write. SPELLER. 19 THIRD GRADE. SPELLING. 1 2 3 4 5 bet ter house might when cries far put sun a bout girl and can far put sun one get do for hat boy cat better house might top you pan bit gun but cow dog fun hen did box leg bed fly by day fat has her got was big let pet 6 7 life shelf often told about girl his ran when cries cap hid man run bad bag may she dig ball 8 9 write farm chop how often told see fun life shelf lap bat the may hit hop fat man pig hot 10 rab bit mile chop day write one can big but top 20 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 11 12 13 14 15 sup per a fraid glad old took where cup live ship • wrong how mile where cup live see far put sun when farm rabbit supper afraid glad bit better house might about run got box his let bed you man leg bad did may was gun hen ran get pan her fly 16 17 18 19 20 bird hunt milk which God fast race tell after cut ship wrong fast race tell girl often told chop how old took bird hunt milk cries life shelf write farm pet has bag hit day hat dig ball fat hop cap hid for Pi^ hot had fun lap bat • cow 21 22 23 24 25 lives^ shot wouldn't funny hurt once cry- cried rain mill after cut once cry cried mile where cup live ship which God lives- better would n 't rabbit supper afraid shot old was get and glad did pan but one had house can bit let gun you box top May far put nives : The man lives in town. Olives : The people were afraid they would [ lose their lives. SPELLER. 26 27 28 29 30 than all goes what torn while dance lid short yard rain mill while dance lid wrong fast race tell which took hurt than all goes might bird hunt milk after funny about her often ran sun has girl bad ball leg cries life told she when hat his shelf write 31 32 33 34 35 black reach miss dark lie feed ice that going only what yard black ice that God once shot cried rain short torn feed reach miss cut lives cry would n 't funny chop how big bed glad see bat supper afraid live pig rabbit where cup ship farm mile run got old 36 37 38 39 40 show year feet ink their town blue read^ money white going only show blue read^ dark lie town year feet mill than dance lid short hurt while all goes what gun bird hunt milk which took fast race tell after wrong pet dig bag hit fly cap hid lap God 21 ^read : You should read good books. *read : He read the letter. 22 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 41 42 43 44 45 al most gone lift shoes yel low dear good open toys book money white dear good open ink their almost gone lift yard feed ice that going torn * black reach miss dark cut shot funny far put hop cry rain hurt might lives would n't had house sun once cried better mill than 46 47 48 49 50 feU into them al ways goose ready mon key who deep like toys book fell monkey who shoes yellow ready into them only town blue read money lie show year feet ink while cries life short yard when dance lid shelf write about . groes often told chop all girl what torn black 51 52 53 54 55 other tree both re cess month sick yes fence its then deep like sick yes fence always goose other tree both white dear good open toys their almost gone lift shoes feed ice supper afraid live farm rabbit where cup old how mile that going lie reach miss dark glad ship SPELLER. 56 57 58 59 60 whose gate lit side give any gave out tried be hind its then any gave out recess month whose gate lit book ready monkey them always yellow fell into who deep only town blue read money show bird hunt milk which took fast race tell after wrong year feet ink their 61 62 63 64 65 five jam there arms gray rest more why didn't Uttle tried behind rest more why side give five jam there goose other tree both recess like sick yes fence its God lives wouldn't funny better almost once cried rain hurt dear shot gone lift house cut cry good open mill 66 67 68 69 70 over two broke ride mom ing sit ting your fine job these didn't little sitting your fine arms gray over two broke month whose gate lit side then any gave out tried shoes book bell goes often toys while ready into what than about cries monkey them yellow all dance lid who 23 24 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 71 72 73 74 75 wild die giv ing six bro ken ask gum left under find ride these ask gum left gives morning wild die giving behind five jam there arms short rest more why didn't torn yard like sick yes always write feed ice miss deep black other rabbit supper job goose reach tree that 76 77 78 79 80 right moss will died long jug they ate off papa under find jng they ate six broken right moss will gray over two broke ride little sitting your fine job both going month whose year fence recess then any gate dark its only wrong gave afraid lie show town blue 81 82 83 84 85 sky fish river moth er wind^ upon toes kid think . away off papa upon toes kid died long sky fish river morning wild die giving six these ask gum left under lit side which white rest out tried give almost lives feet ink their dear jam read money behind five more 'wind : The wind blew hard. SPELLER. 25 86 87 88 89 90 don't look sleep buy ing rock pull paper use^ bell kill think away pull paper . use* mother wind^ do n 't look sleep broken right moss will died find jug they ate off would n 't there open little yellow cried why arms shoes over gone funny didn't toys book good lift gray sitting two 91 92 93 94 95 move winter dress low sled thing awake hadn't even very bell kill thing awake hadn't buying rock move winter dress long sky fish river mother papa upon toes kid think your fine job these deep fell into them always goose ready monkey who wild like broke ride morning ask die 96 97 98 99 100 cake rode much wish dug floor kind this back have even very poor kind this low sled cake rode much wind don't look sleep buying away pull paper use bell gum left under going recess other tree broken find its sick yes both right moss giving six fence jug they *wind : Wind the string on the spool. *use: Of what use are the flowers in the garden ? 26 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 101 102 103 104 105 lot small fog room mud pick wait ed ever kiss through back have pick waited ever wish dug lot small fog rock move winter dress low kill thing awake hadn't even mouth whose off long sky then any year papa upon will town gate lit side ate died gave out tried 106 107 108 109 110 with hall din ner pic nic came eye walk snow face food kiss through eye walk snow room mud with hall dinner sled cake rode much wish very floor kind this back money give white rest away fish behind almost mother jam toes river dear wind more their kid five think don't 111 112 113 114 115 rose must with out ear dish lad tie hide hand pic ture face food lad tie hide picnic came rose must without dug: lot small fog room have pick waited ever kiss pull arms gray buying rock there didn't little bell kill look sleep toys yellow two paper use sitting over your SPELLER. 27 116 117 118 119 120 some car run ning name woman wall foot lady till hill hand picture wall foot lady ear dish some car running mud with hall dinner picnic through eye walk snow face ready thing Avinter morning always move monkey wake these ask broke ride them dress wild fine job who hadn't low 121 122 123 124 125 egg does some thing can't sad happy piece want fork him till hill happy piece want name woman QgS does something food rose must without ear came lad tie hide hand even gum left under going very cake six broken find sled floor rode much right die giving kind this jug 126 127 128 129 130 near woke end done soon time barn hav ing hold cent fork him time barn having can't sad near woke end dish some car running name picture wall foot lady till wish moss month whose small back they will any waited its dug ate pick off recess have lot died gate 2S CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 131 132 133 134 135 fond safe new won't drum puppy large tin hole hay hold cent puppy large tin done soon fond safe new woman ^^^ does something can't hill happy piece want fork gave papa upon fish river fog room tried toes kid ever sky mud with hall long kiss through eye walk 136 137 138 139 140 mama sorry city said nice pink way fox last tip hole hay pink way fox won't drum mama sorry city sad near woke end done him time barn having hold dinner Avind do n't look didn't snow picnic pull paper sleep mother away came lad use think face food rose must 141 142 143 144 145 would duck many stayed come baby- heel place well fry last tip baby heel place said nice would duck many soon fond safe new won 't cent puppy large tin hole tie bell hand your some gray without rock dish wall sitting hide kill picture thing buying ear two move car SPELLER. 146 147 148 149 150 sat not wore dust mas ter lay- tired bed held play well fry lay tired bed stayed come sat not wore drum mama sorry city said hay pink way fox last foot lady name hill egg • winter morning till even happy wate dress low sled cake running hadn't woman very floor 151 152 153 154 155 Still com ing from noth ing worn were saw layed mice been held master still saw layed dust play were coming from nice would duck many well tip baby heel place stayed giving kind this sad near does something can't him time piece want fork wish dug rode much going back have 156 157 158 159 160 doing met log stood cook help pres ent bug went frog mice been help present bug nothing worn doing met log come sat not wore dust fry lay tired bed held woke having hold cent puppy barn pick small fog room lot died waited ever kiss end done soon fond safe 29 30 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 161 162 163 164 165 school now work each men led today be fore here pret ty went frog led today before stood cook school now work master still coming- from nothing play Avere saw laved mice large new won 't drum mama mud with hall dinner picnic through eye walk snow face tin hole hay pink wind 166 167 168 169 170 sum mer could seven nut be gan wet full leaf too easy here pretty wet full seven each men summer could leaf worn doing met log stood been help present bug went way food rose nice baby sorry fox last tip buying don't city said tie bell came lad must would without SPELLER. 31 FOURTH GRADE. 1 above 2 bom 3 pump 4 stud y ing 5 shoot first stove shook sharp across coun try lying vine vis it creek too heel first stove shook nut began country born first cook easy above lying pump frog led today before here bet school now work each would try many stayed keep baby hide place well fry fill beg doll rob come buying tall cold some foot ago ear dish wall bay without duck picture car winter 6 7 8 9 10 stump hour act flat shore bot torn bor row made stream pop pies stopped make crib put ting voice sharp across call borrow made studying shoot bottom hour crib visit creek stump make act pretty wet stopped leaf too men summer full seven nut jar hadn't could dust pad running tired woman held does lay not wore QSS say sat name bed happy piece lady war hill play still hoop till hug master there 32 CHTCO NORMAL SCHOOL. 11 12 13 14 15 quar rel stunt bought cute bow^ vol ca no porch flew marble flower shoul der mak ing hugged hung a gain stream poppies volcano porch flew flat shore quarrel stunt bought putting voice shoulder making hugged easy first stove pump sharp began above born shook studying something country lying vine visit dam flag him time dot want fork mice woke end saw layed nothing barn help coming from lost been doing can't sad near worn having 16 17 18 19 20 street sunny sweet a gainst dan cing quit wading quick sign for get shut brave table wagon hun dred marble flower quit wading quick cute bow2 street sunny sweet hung again shut brave table across bottom borrow made stream shoot stump hour crib flat creek stopped make act putting mop paw cent puppy large done waited fond safe through present soon nap cook tin met bug went frog tag hold log stood rag led 'bow : The girl has a how of ribbon on her hair. 2bow: He made a low bow and left the room. SPELLER. 21 22 23 24 25 march hungry- mark waist rake age dead quiet take sil ver form break silk rainy wal nut sign forget age dead silk against dancing ]\Iarch hungry quiet wagon hundred form break mark voice shoulder making hugged hung poppies volcano porch flew marble shore quarrel stunt bought cute school today tap ten sorry new- won't dinner picnic wet hole work pink men tub now before each pretty summer tan drum here way fox 26 27 28 29 30 swim ming hurry bread air bridge June forty inch four since mat ter deer mean desk porch rainy walnut matter deer mean take silver Jime forty inch waist rake swimming hurry bread again table brave table wagon flower shut wading quick sign bow quit sunny sweet against city street too count^'y tall full seven fill try stove last leaf ago began born said tip first easy lying could would above beg duck -9808 34 CHIC ?0 NORMAL i 3CH00L. 31 32 33 34 35 ranch warm dying mid die dig ging sing alive found alone fresh talk bright In di an bring in side desk porch talk bright Indian four since sing alive found air bridge ranch warm dying hundred form break silk rainy forget age dead quiet take dancing ]\Iarch hungry mark waist heel cold stayed visit across hand vine well keep creek many shook rob fry jar place pump studying come running doll picture sharp shoot lay 36 37 38 39 40 mine July broth er invite sir rang watch dime min ute teach er sink also friend rath er water bring inside sink also friend alone fresh rang watch dime middle digging mine July brother walnut matter deer mean desk silver June forty inch four rake swimming hurry bread air stopped had n 't make act dust stump tired war mad held bottom not call crib putting sat borrow woman bed stream hoop hour wore hug flat SPELLER. 41 42 43 44 45 watch sis ter front along frown swim missed dirt ditch is n't read er iron brought frost most rather water reader iron brought minute teacher swim missed dirt invite sir watch sister front porch talk bright Indian bring since sing alive found alone bridge ranch warm dying middle happy voice there shoulder porch play say something saw stunt master poppies dam coming making pad piece volcano can't layed shore still quarrel flag from 46 47 48 49 50 angry swing but it self rea son real week dive moun tain team sixty an oth er fruit skate west frost most sixty another fruit ditch isn't real week dive along frown angry swing but inside sink also friend rather fresh rang watch dime minute digging mine July" brother invite mice lost worn tan won 't nothing cute dot today work bought marble flower dead before hugged hung help hungry tap flew been bow break dinner 35 36 CniCO NORMAL SCHOOL. 51 52 53 54 55 an swer fun ni est rich wheel doc tor buck et lucky skin ants fur doesn't mouth tea buggy jelly skate west doesn't mouth tea mountain team bucket lucky skin itself reason answer funniest rich water reader iron bought frost teacher swim missed dirt ditch sir watch sister front along mark ten rainy silver swimming quiet men sorry rake June silk waist wet could matter each pretty tub full said here take summer walnut seven 56 57 58 59 60 mow^ term build jump ing slay rid when ev er Tues day muddy thick slap any one game riding whip buggy jelly slap anyone game ants fur rid whenever Tuesday wheel doctor mow^ term build most sixty another fruit skate isn't real week dive mountain frown again swing but itself hurry doing pre sent' paw soon deer having street sunny log forty mop quit bug cent nut done shut wading quick too angry met brave sweet Unow : Did you mow the grass? of the hay mow. *mow : The hen flew out > SPELLER. 61 62 63 64 65 any thing built ribbon whis per door dol lar just slide any how get ting gar den nam ing third bull lunch riding whip garden naming third muddy thick dollar just slide jumping slay anything built ribbon west doesn't mouth tea buggy team bucket lucky rich ants reason answer funniest skin wheel table sign dancing school bread nap frog hundred INIarch inch went against forget now mean stood rag tag age above cook wagon led form first 66 67 68 69 70 nearly thir teen bul let kept slipped rifle whis tie down neck though slid ing apple given ring whole bull lunch sliding apple given anyhow getting rifle whistle down whisper door nearly thirteen bullet jelly slap anyone game riding fur rid whenever Tuesday muddy doctor mow term build jumping country air porch alive warm began born since bright 'stayed easy stove ranch pump dying desk lying talk shook Indian four bridge sing vine found 37 38 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 71 72 73 74 75 any where goat rise wife drew bush es kick smart a round good bye draw nei ther thought busy kind ness ring whole draw neither thought neck though brushes kick smart kept slipped anywhere goat rise whip garden naming third bull thick dollar just ribbon anyhow slay anything built slide whisper studying alone digging stopped hour sharp bring inside also borrow visit shoot fresh hadn't make alone across stump July dime middle creek bottom watch brother 76 77 78 79 80 nest smell but ter king snake rose three dream night threw window a sleep gold roar wing busy kindness window asleep gold around goodbye rose three dream wife drew nest smell butter lunch sliding apple given ring getting rifle whistle down neck door nearly thirteen bullet kept friend invite water swim poppies wore sir flat master voice act rather stream reader missed crib teacher putting shore iron made minute watch sister front SPELLER. 81 82 83 84 85 babies grab hope wolf calf cage kissed smoke band grabbed drink nine thou sand driving kite roar wing drink nine thousand night threw cage kissed smoke king snake babies grab hope whole draw neither thought busy though bushes kick smart around Slipped anywhere goat rise wife dirt coming porch most flew brought ditch making real bought quarrel along layed sixty hugged volcano frost frown angry swing shoulder stunt isn't nothing week 86 87 88 89 90 noise throw April drove sold rob ber women grain noon tied so da bang kitten roof won der driving kite soda bang kitten band grabbed robber women grain wolf calf noise throw April kindness window asleep gold roar goodbye rose three dream night drew nest smell butter king cute bow fruit quit sunny hung flower term shut wading marble again whenever Tuesday brave another dive anyone build muddy worn but street game jumping 40 91 bank nose grand roof noon drove wing threw snake riding quick sweet table slay CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 92 93 94 knew roost er worse drop sol dier bas ket camp tipped dropped wonder tied sold drink cage babies thick whip dollar anything garden grand nose bank nine kissed grab against wagon sign just built camp drop knew thousand smoke hope naming dancing forget hundred slide 95 candy grand ma know tipped soldier rooster driving band wolf ribbon third school age March 96 97 oak to geth er root won some bod y bat tie dropped basket worse kite grabbed calf form anyhow whisper hungry bull know grandma candy soda robber noise mountain dead itself break skate 98 care ear ly grand pa somebody root oak bang women throw reason team mark west quiet 99 known oats rope battle won together kitten grain April silk answer doesn't bucket waist 100 some times touch wreck grandpa early care roof noon drove pretty funniest take mouth lucky SPELLER. 101 102 103 104 105 bath great round yell ing ought earn laid hop ping Mon day car ried care ful ' clock toward knife east rope wreck careful o'clock toward oats touch earn laid hopping known sometimes bath great round wonder grand camp tipped dropped tied nose drop soldier basket sold bank knew rooster worse rich walnut matter leaf slap rake ants seven hurry rid skin buggy June deer lunch tea wheel fur forty door summer swimming doctor mow getting 106 107 108 109 110 green track zone grew rubber row yet cart lay ing bead soup beach eat en him self grow knife east green beach eaten Monday carried soup yet cart yelling ought row track zone know somebody battle grandpa rope grandma root won early oats candy oak together care known east mean four thirteen sing ought country desk since talk carried nearly air bridge down bread rifle whistle ranch bullet inch sliding apple porch given 41 42 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 111 112 113 114 115 south train bear caught rule catch eight ei ther land spear lame out side grown own travel himself grown lame outside grown laying- bead catch eight either grew rubber south train bear wreck careful o'clock toward knife touch earn laid hopping Monday sometimes bath great round yelling bright warm whole draw kick alive dying studying middle neither kept found though bring inside ring Indian bushes alone digging neck slipped anywhere goat fresh 116 117 118 119 120 beau ti ful ground sack trick spell chain lake be cause chair e nough e lev en owner guess laughed pack age own travel eleven owner sack land spear chain lake guess caught rule beautiful ground because east soup beach eaten himself carried row yet cart laying ought green track zone grew thought July dime rose rather rise busy drew invite smell smart wife friend nest sir also brother kindness minute three watch around goodbye window teacher SPELLER. 121 122 123 124 125 bee chase safe ly spent ever e ven ing lawn trying po em lazy guessed add chas ing hasn't being laughed package guessed add chasing chair enough evening lawn trying trick spell bee chase safely grow lame outside grown own bead catch eight either land rubber south train bear • caught gold king reader threw cage asleep night watch dirt babies water roar sister snake drink dream iron swim brought ditch butter missed front wing along 126 127 128 129 130 pail spot half sand spring same chew ing park be long- lose trip ev er y thing spool ex am pie chick en hasn't being trip everything spool poem lazy same chewing park spent ever pail spot half travel eleven owner guess laughed spear chain lake because chair rule beautiful ground sack trick grab isn't band calf another frost thousand real swing soda nine most wolf grabbed noise frown smoke angry week again kissed hope sixty kite robber 43 44 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 131 132 133 134 135 ha,Tid ful hair bent lean trou ble paid pansy hang sau cer berry start bend par ty tumble f ac ing example chicken start bend party belong lose paid pansy hang sand spring handful hair bent package guessed add chasing hasn't enough evening lawn trying poem spell bee chase safely spent but bang grain Tuesday sold throw whenever pre sent' noon jumping dive April kitten sold wonder women term build drove muddy fruit anyone game roof tied 136 137 138 139 140 lead leav ing chil dren ex cept best stand ber ries hard chop hap pi est child save class stairs truly tumble facing child save class saucer berry stand berries hard lean trouble lead leaving children being trip everything spool example lazy same chewing- park belong ever pail spot half sand riding anything camp tipped worse bank whip built rooster slide grand garden knew naming basket slay thick just soldier third nose dollar drop ribbon dropped SPELLER. 141 142 143 • 144 145 field cir cus least Sun day be yond fairy- horn tune vase fa ther path stick clean be tween let ter stairs truly path stick tune chop happiest fairy horn least except best field circus clean chicken start bend party tumble lose paid pansy hang saucer spring- handful hair bent lean grandma oak together west grandpa whisper somebody mountain care bucket candy bull battle reason answer anyhow itself skate early oats know root won team doesn't 146 147 148 149 150 peach es far ther turn ligrht twelve climb liv ing bite pea nuts clock hate sec end fear stuck head vase father hate living fear Sunday letter climb farther bite between beyond peaches second turn facing child save class stairs berry stand berries hard chop trouble lead leaving children except rope sometimes bath silver doctor known mouth tea ants laid waist touch earn wheel fur wreck lucky skin great o'clock funniest rich careful buggy jelly 45 46 CHJCO NORMAL SCHOOL. 151 152 153 154 155 stop hear heard blind heat bit ten stock ing f eath er seed va ca tion seem clothes pen cil lik ing stole bold corn cost pole popped peanuts clock bitter stocking feather light twelve stop corn cost stuck head bold hear pencil truly path seem clothes heard happiest fairy stick clean between best field horn tune vase hopping rid circus least Sunday knife yelling carried soup yet round slap lunch nearly sliding toward mow east green track Mondaj^ door getting rifle himself ought row beach 156 157 158 159 160 board feel send line pinched self stone board sent lion coat using her self twen ty stool pie tail shall stud y store seed stole pie tail board pole vacation coat stone send blind heat self using herself liking popped board feel shall letter hate second fear stuck father climb living bite peanuts beyond peaches farther turn light thirteen laying rubber south lame apple bullet given neck anywhere zone eaten grow ring thought whistle down kept catch bushes cart grew bead slipped whole SPELLER. 47 161 162 163 164 165 boat coast Fri day stood cold sev en teen home sev en ty body him self uncle loaf use less felt sev er al story strong horse sheep our sent lion seventeen home Friday line pinched boat coast horse study- store story strong useless twenty stool uncle loaf seventy head seem clothes pencil liking clock bitten stocking feather seed twelve stop hear heard blind train bold corn cost pole draw goat own travel wife outside either land smart chain bear kick neither rise around eight grown spear beautiful eleven 166 167 168 169 170 few set sew ing couldn't lone ly shake hon est plum hop ing pock et fif teen loaf cook ies share un hap py son push love fire use body himself shake set plum stood cold few push sewing sheep our son loaf love felt several fifteen honest cookies stole coat using herself twenty vacation self stone board sent heat board feel send line popped pie tail shall study owner sack trick package dream drew kindness window three smell ground guess chair spell bee goodbye nest rose asleep butter . lake because laughed enough gold 4S CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. FIFTH GRADE. able hoping store evening trying eagle fire stool guessed night cot ton share lion safely roar fourth could n't pinched blot pocket 2 story chase chasing hur ried use uncle lawn snake A mer i can unhappy seventeen add threw odd lonely boat pro vid ed eagle 3 strong wing- hasn't sure fourth loaf spent babies wash able home poem cage acorn cotton coast swung hurried 4 horse drink being blow odd useless ever grab ear li est American seventy lazy kissed four teen blot Friday cough sure 5 sheep nine same hus band acorn felt trip hope mare provide body pail smoke page wash stood SPELLER. 49 purse blow 6 our spot everything should fourteen several thousand wolf Eng lish swung himself chewing band wasn't earliest cold waste husband 7 son driving spool acres page fifteen half calf count mare shake park grabbed earth cough few bod ies should 8 push kite example f rac tion wasn't loaf sand noise ill English honest belong robber mar ket purse set paint . count 9 love soda throw sight earth cookies spring women trHrking acres plum lose chicken wave waste sewing pussy ill 10 fire handful start ad di tion fraction share bang hair coun ty market hoping paid April eas i ly bodies couldn't ' bowl sight 11 use pansy hang freeze wave unhappy bend kitten I'll taking pocket grain bent mar ried paint lonely 4—9808 50 CHICO NORMAL Si OHOOL. 12 pair addition fourth party roof silly- easily cotton drove lean quail county eagle noon saucer tale pussy able 13 ad dress freeze odd tumble facing court married American trouble sold- east ern I'll hurried berry tied fright en bowl blot 14 bone silly acorn wonder grand im prove tale wash bank lead marry quail sure nose stand pale pair provide queer court 15 fourteen child leaving sin cere ly frighten earliest knew berries tame eastern blow drop camp weak address swung 16 aft er noon improve page save class cousin pale mare children rooster edge marry husband hard soldier fro zen bone cough 17 bon net sincerely was n 't except tipped inches weak English chop pup match tame should stairs worse queen queer purse SPELLER. 1 18 pa rade cousin earth best basket bamboo frozen count happiest . dropped sixth edge acres truly candy wear afternoon waste ahead inches 19 market pin path cov ered queen ill field grandma eight een match fraction fairy know bar ley bonnet bodies fully bamboo 20 wave oak nor in close wear taking root circus mask sixth sight somebody horn ques tion parade paint par eel covered 21 easily stick clean size barley county least together tar get eighteen addition tune won weed ahead pussy week ly inclose 22 married battle Sunday al low question I'll care vase crab mask freeze early between eight y fully bowl bot tie size 23 tale grandpa father fur ther weed silly tar letter in crease^ target quail beyond known mate parcel pair 51 Mn crease' : You should increase your bank account by adding money to it eacli montli. 52 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. par lor allow frighten bud peaches Chi nese eighty eastern oats climb qui et ly crab court rope wreck taste weekly address August further 25 pale hate farther gain mate marry sometimes living e lee trie increase^ improve touch second era die bottle bone brain Chinese 26 weak rug turn in ereas ing taste tame bath bite maybe quietly sincerely earn careful part parlor queer quite gain 27 frozen fear clock taught cradle edge bill head al read y electric cousin twelve great el e phant August afternoon skat ing increasing 28 queen laid light weigh part match 'clock peanuts braneh maybe inches less stuck gas brain bonnet erawl taught 29 wear round knife in jured elephant sixth hopping pond meant already parade toward stop pass quite bamboo *in' crease : The increase in the size of the school made it necessary to buy more desks for the pupils. SPELLER. 30 rail weigh barley bitten trot al though gas eighteen seem Monday else branch covered bold yelling geese skating ahead slept injured 31 question hear com break fast pass mask stocking tuck among meant inclose clothes heard Feb ru a ry crawl fully 32 teach although weed feather green rage geese target pencil soup crazy else size cost row empty rail parcel cream breakfast 33 eighty win liking gen er ous February crab blind pole injury among allow seed track sleep y slept weekly meal rage 34 mate boot yet past empty increase heat beach tear^ crazy further vacation himself rail road teach bottle an i mal generous 35 taste stole self crops sleepy quietly popped zone enemy injury Chinese board cart gen tie cream parlor 53 'tear : I saw a tear in his eye. 54 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 36 board past cradle coat eaten slid railroad electric pie grew in stead tear^ gain feel laying med i cine meal August 37 nse crops part stone snap pas sen ger enemy maybe using grow teas ing gentle increasing tail south apron animal brain engine slid 38 elephant send shall brush medicine already board rubber giant instead taught herself bead meet broad quite cross line 39 catch teasing branch pasture sent lame rise weigh rap id ly twenty passenger gas skating slice study apron Ca na di an brush 40 pass pen lion tel e graph meet meant fall stool ap pear giant injure . pinched store en joy engine crawl Sep tern ber pasture 41 geese boat eight cattle slice else seventeen outside gift rapidly although train bear crow cross rail *tear : Do not tear your book. SPELLER. 42 in tend ed telegraph February pill story melon enjoy among uncle either pear appear breakfast pipe grown re cite Canadian slept 43 slowly cattle empty coast caught tend crow crazy home land west em gift rage loaf own Cal i f or ni a September teach 44 arc tic melon sleepy strong rule equal recite injury clap spear glass pear generous Friday travel crumbs intended cream 45 in ter est ed tend railroad seventy Jew bump California tear useless stood en tered western past horse badly god dess slowly meal 46 cup board equal gentle felt beautiful melt ing crumbs enemy sheep chain re fresh ment glass crops fool eleven tent arctic animal 47 peas bump medicine base several smoth ered goddess instead cold our armful entered slid himself ground e qua tor interested board 55 56 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 43 bunch es melting apron few son weath er tent teasing shake lake bun die refreshment passenger fifteen owner got ten cupboard raise cure smothered 49 meet sack guess invent equator giant set honest mend armful brush because loaf pearl peas engine re lieve weather 50 slice push trick cans ing gotten rapidly sewing chair test bundle pasture plum laughed army- bunches cross buried invent 51 enjoy cookies enough ex am ine pearl appear love fun gov em ment mend telegraph spell ham cut ting cure Canadian in ven tion causing 52 crow mug hoping mem ber army gift package share remain test cattle couldn't bee wide • relieve September peck examine 53 recite fire pocket soap cutting pear grin unhappy a rith me tic government melon lonely use damp buried intended SPELLER. 57 54 Sac ra men to member western net safely bus i ly wide tend evening trying ex am i na tion . remain slowly guessed able grace ful invention California in vi ta tion soap 55 crumbs eagle chase merry- damp glass cotton lawn repeat arithmetic equal fourth add thir ty peck arctic ped die busily 56 goddess chasing cotton soft ly graceful entered able fourth willow examination I bump eagle spent arrive Sacramento interested but ter flies merry 57 tent poem sure ex cit ing thirty refreshment provide wash da,n dy repeat melting has n't acorn grace ful ly invitation cupboard is land softly 58 equator ever blow mes sen ger arrive armful swung being peek willow smothered lazy earliest reply peddle peas thumb exciting 59 gotten fourteen cough song gracefully bundle trip same wound^ dandy weather pail husband ar rest butterliies bimches 'wound: The wound, made by the knife, healed slowly. CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 61 Oc to ber messenger pearl spot chewini butch er reply mend mare everyth dan ger peek invent page purse grape island cure but ton song 60 army should half ex cuse^ arrest test driving wasn't grave wound^ relieve English park dare thumb causing ex er cis es butcher 62 cutting waste count jack rab bit grape government spool sand mid night danger examine acres earth res cue October buried peep mg sor row win ning thun der excuse* dare grave button 63 wide remain member invention belong bodies example fraction spring ill 64 aunt jackrabbit damp lose sight daugh ter rescue arithmetic paint handful grav el midnight soap chicken market jail exercises peck 65 cab bage sorrow graceful taking pussy mil lion thunder examination paid start re turn winning busily wave addition those keeping Sacramento ^wound: He wound the string around his hand. ^excuse : He brought an excuse for being late. ♦excuse : It is hard to excuse the bad conduct of others. ex pect peel sort windy au to mo bile Wednes day ex plain fatten SPELLER. t 66 daughter thirty country bend jail repeat pansy bowl gravel merry easily bent aunt invitation 67 million arrive freeze party those willow hang married return softly I'll lean cabbage peddle 59 Wash ing ton peel jeal ous windy gyp sy sort sound expect 68 gracefully trouble court dandy address facing exciting berry eastern butterflies 69 Jap a nese Wednesday reply pair quail mild fatten peek silly tumble tick et explain messenger saucer tale wipe automobile island -, av e nue gypsy 70 arrest lead stand depth jealous wound frighten improve gro cer y sound song bone child jerked Washington thumb calves fact miner rid den mild wipe ticket Japanese 71 grape danger butcher October marry leaving pale queer berries sincerely 60 GHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 72 peo pie depth dare tame children south em jerked grave save afternoon within grocery excuse weak hard tight avenue button 73 awoke fact rescue cousin pup denied ridden midnight class frozen can not miner jackrabbit edge except failed calves exercises 74 growl southern thunder bonnet stairs joined tight winning chop match mind within sorrow inches best sow people peeping per haps denied 75 jail queen pin ripe failed gravel happiest truly to mor row cannot daughter parade bamboo won der f ul awoke aunt 76 a while joined those sixth nor fair sow return field ahead mir ror mud million wear fairy spade growl cabbage cap i tal ripe 77 windy covered circus gi'iz zly tomorrow sort path barley per son wonderful peel eighteen horn to night perhaps expect SPELLER. 61 78 de ny ing fair fatten fully mask jour ney spade explain stick least roast mirror Wednesday inclose question wool en awhile automobile No vem ber grizzly 79 sound parcel clean card tonight gypsy tune target mouse person jealous size Sunday spar kling capital Washington den tist journey 80 wipe weed allow guard woolen ticket weekly between piano roast mild vase crab tooth denying Japanese fair ies card 81 jerked tar bottle judge sparkling grocery eighty father roll mouse depth beyond further word November avenue bale guard 82 ridden increase peaches fault tooth miner bud parlor mule piano fact mate climb speak ing dentist calves car pet judge 83 tight Chinese farther guide word within hate taste pinch ers roll southern quietly rug tore fairies people 62 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. depot fault failed August electric juicy speaking cannot living second route mule denied gain cradle worm bale awoke 85 bal loon guide sow brain turn family- tore mind bill maybe music pinchers joined increasing bite speed carpet growl case juicy 86 wonderful part quite French worm tomorrow fear twelve pil low route ripe less head trade depot perhaps • de serve family 87 spade taught peanuts keep sake speed mirror light elephant rush music fair already stuck worry balloon awhile des ert French 88 tonight skating branch kin dling trade person pond stop rung ^ pillow grizzly weigh gas worst case capital fas tened keepsake 89 woolen crawl bitten my self worry roast rail pass spoke rush journey injured meant ban ner deserve denying SPELLER. 90 gulf kindling sparkling althougrh hear pine worst mouse trot geese trail rung card else stocking cause desert November bark myself 91 tooth slept tuck haven't banner piano clothes among saddle spoke guard breakfast heard carrot fastened dentist cave pine- 92 word February pencil kitchen cause roll feather rage spoon trail judge teach cost world gulf fairies 93 • dew haven't speaking crazy empty nail carrot mule win boot spread saddle fault blind liking wrote bark bale die tion a ry kitchen 94 tore cream heat hail world pinchers meal injury trans f er spoon guide generous sleepy yam cave carpet 95 din ing nail worm past stole kneel wrote route vacation railroad tramp spread juicy tear popped your self dew depot 64 CHIG( 5 NORMAL SC 96 'HOOL. fear f ul hail speed animal enemy nar row 3'arn music board coat writing transfer family crops gentle young dictionary balloon 97 bathe tramp trade broad slid dip ping kneel pillow snap stone hammer yourself French medicine instead knee dining case 98 eel lar narrow worry raise grin feast j'-oung rush using teasing I tal ian writing keepsake passenger tail di rect fearful deserve 99 han die dipping worst apron board cen ter knee rung send brush neat ly hammer kindling engine herself sail bathe desert 10O labor feast banner giant sent sail or direct spoke line cross beat Italian myself meet twenty trav el er cellar fastened 101 need center cause pasture study sprin kle sail trail pen slice cen tu ry neatly pine rapidly pinched ferry handle gulf SPELLER. 6a 102 plan sailor carrot Canadian pill square traveler saddle fall appear dis ap pear beat haven't telegraph store hap pi ly labor bark , 103 hand ker chief ferry western enjoy seventeen beaten century Jew boat September Thurs day sprinkle ladies pipe uncle fever need stack 104 dis cov ered happily young cattle coast la dies disappear writing story crow plank plan narrow gift stack square fearful 105 negro beaten world melon loaf sam pie fever spoon clap recite trav eled Thursday kitchen pear strong De cem ber handkerchief cave 106 chang ing slowly wrote plank tramp har ness Friday spread discovered kneel sand wich tend nail yourself dining plat form seventy dew 107 dis ease sample yarn California fool tribe December transfer useless equal nee die traveled hail arctic stood beau ty negro dictionary 5—9808 t>6 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 108 fierce harness knee glass felt she! ter platform hammer body interested lamb sandwich dipping crumbs base cherry changing bathe 109 w dis pute tribe direct bump cold neigh bor beauty Italian sheep goddess sa loon needle feast entered himself be came disease cellar 110 fifth shelter sail cupboard tent Ian guage cherry neatly by several cheese lainb center melting refreshment fifty fierce handle 111 har vest neighbor traveler peas smothered play ful became beat equator fifteen sta tion saloon sailor shake armful dis trict dispute labor 112 hating language ferry bunches fun state fifty century honest bundle neph ew cheese sprinkle weather loaf dis tance fifth need 113 lark playful happily gotten ham trot ting district disappear push sewing be come station square cure invent fight ing harvest plan SPELLER. 114 sat is fied state fever pleas ant distance Thursday chief nephew beaten haul hating handkerchief 67 invention cookies wide relieve arithmetic mus 115 lately trotting stack Sacramento could n't sav age fighting plank able net begged become ladies busily hoping finger lark discovered 116 nick el pleasant December mend examine ' trout haul traveled plum fire chim ney chief sample pearl government hatched satisfied negro 117 plug savage platform causing use steep finger sandwich love peck di vi sion begged harness test soap laugh ter lately changing 118 nine ty tribe trout buried remain steel beauty hatched cutting damp cir cle needle chimney share member health y disease nickel 119 plow shelter steep lonely eagle true cherry laughter pocket examination divide lamb division unhappy cotton law fierce plug 6S CHI CO NORMAL SCHOOL. 120 scratch steel became invitation fourth beg gar healthy saloon gracefully repeat fir circle neighbor merry blot ninth ninety dispute 121 poi son true fifty thirty American step ping law cheese hurried softly firm divide language peddle odd noisy plow fifth 122 screamed begg-ar district provide sure begin ninth station acorn arrive hear ing fir playful willow wash polar scratch harvest 123 truth stepping distance butterflies exciting cit ies noisy nephew gracefully blow leak ing firm state swung dandy sea poison hating 124 stepped begin fighting island fourteen claimed polar become earliest peek lieavy hearing trotting messenger cough po lice man screamed lark 125 trunk cities haul reply thumb dodge sea chief. wound mare lean ing leaking pleasant husband song se cret truth satisfied SPELLER. 126 begun claimed finger arrest October fish er man policeman begged danger purse none heavy savage page butcher stiff stepped lately 127 be gin ning dodge hatched grape English heav en secret chimney should excuse poor leaning trout button wasn't turkey trunk nickel • 128 don key fisherman laughter grave acres learn stiff division waste exercises sec tion none steep dare count be lieve begun plug 129 fitted heaven healthy jackrabbit midnight north em turkey circle peeping fraction stoop poor steel bodies rescue clear beginning ninety 130 dou ble learn law sorrow market leave believe divide ill thunder sto ries section true winning paint nurse donkey plow 131 fixing northern ninth aunt taking no tice clear fir sight gravel twelfth stoop beggar daughter wave Ger man fitted scratch 70 CHICO NORMAL , SCHOOL. 132 height leave noisy cabbage addition seen nurse firm jail return les son stories stepping million country Christ mas double poison 133 length notice polar those bowl seek German hearing easily peel below twelfth begin expect freeze flake fixing screamed 134 • obey seen sea sort windy storm Christmas leaking Wednesday married clerk lesson cities I'll automob: hiding height truth po ny seek twenty- five flake doz en below let ting length 135 policeman explain heavy pair claimed fatten stepped silly Washington quail be sides flame post ugly storm hiding clerk obey • 136 secret leaning dodge trunk jealous tale Japanese address gypsy sound 137 cllfiF twenty-five stiff mild eastern high er letting none court wipe post mas ter dozen fisherman ticket frighten sense pony begun SPELLER. 71 138 drank ob ject^ sell twig strange potato drawer twin stories leave double German 139 avenue bone depth improve grocery marry sev en ty- three upper float ing light ning closed sew occur highest twelfth notice fixing Christmas 140 jerked pale fact queer calves sincerely twin strange drawer po ta to flame post besides lesson seen height . turkey 141 miner southern tame ridden weak people high est closed occur sew higher sense postmaster cliff poor within cousin heaven afternoon awoke beginning tight edge believe 142. stray cean bi cy cle flock object^ twig sell drank section learn donkey clear 143 denied frozen cannot bonnet failed inches un fair upper stoop stretched lightning northern lis ten floating fitted closing seventy-three nurse 'ob'ject: He saw a queer object on the floor, ^object': Why do you object to my actions? growl sow match joined mind queen 72 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 144 tying ocean flake perhaps bamboo pound flock below parade to-morrow dried bicycle seek ripe sixth hired stray length 145 oil stretched hiding wonderful awhile string closing clerk mirror ahead bind listening storm wear fair hiring unfair obey 146 pray pound letting spade eighteen strip hired dozen covered grizzly cloud y dried twenty-five capital barley live ly tying pony 147 - sewer string ugly person inclose drying hiring flame fully denying folks bind post tonight mask pen ing oil besides 148 pre cious strip sense journey parcel struck lovely postmaster question woolen upper cloudy higher roast size Thanks giv ing pray cliff 149 shad ow drying twig November weed bit ing opening sell target mouse drip folks object card weekh' sue cess sewer drank 150 shade struck lightning sparkling guard club Thanksgiving floating dentist eighty f ol lowed upper upper tooth piano his tory precious seventy-three SPELLER. 151 load ed success drawer further use ful drip strange judge such biting twin increase press shadow fairies roll black smith potato word 152 op po site history occur mule sud den ly followed closed Chinese val en tine club highest speaking color shade fault quietly foggry sew parlor 153 shak ing useful flock taste pre par ing press bicycle guide orange such ocean August loaves blacksmith stray pinchers drip ping loaded carpet 154 gain hitched suddenly closing route sugar color listen electric drive valentine stretched depot home ly foggy unfair cradle organ opposite tore 155 juicy shed preparing hired bale or chard loaves dried increasing val leys orange pound brain com mon dripping tying family lo cat ed shaking worm balloon 73 T4 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 156 price sugar hiring quite loan homely bind speed blan ket drive string case shame organ oil taught force hitched music 157 French pris on er orchard lively already lone some common cloudy trade sun shine valleys strip deserve ves sel located pray elephant Jan u a ry shed pillow 158 keepsake shep herd loan opening skating wade shame folks worry or phan blanket drying weight shelves force sewer desert con ti nent price rush 159 branch veg e ta ble lonesome Thanksgiving rung suit vessel upper injured prize sunshine struck fastened drown January precious meant hoi ly prisoner kindling 160 worst for est wade success banner loose shelves drip spoke vie tim orphan biting although pro duce continent shadow gulf sheet shepherd myself rail SPELLER. 161 sure suit history bark OS trich drown followed trail loss prize club geese clus ter holly shade cause blue vegetable pine 162 slept losing loose blacksmith haven't shell produce press breakfast prob a bly victim such saddle our selves sheet useful February view forest loaded 163 wound cool ostrich foggy dew pro mot ed cluster color generous honey loss valentine spread shone blue suddenly nail dull sure opposite 164 wrote drowned shell dripping cave loud ourselves loaves world sur prise probably orange empty block view preparing spoon fort losing shaking 165 kitchen for got ten promoted homely injury ver tak en shone drive hail resort honey sugar sleepy sur pris ing dull hitched transfer copy organ dictionary meal 75 76 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 166 hos pi tal loud located yarn lumber block common tear shirt surprise valleys dining proud fort orchard railroad dumped drowned shed 167 kneel howled overtaken force tramp owe surprising shame animal sweet resort blanket yourself bloody copy loan enemy for tune forgotten price 168 fearful hotel lumber January narrow prop er proud vessel bathe voy age shirt sunshine writing shock dumped lonesome broad Lin coin hospital prisoner young • 169 bloom owe continent dipping shop bloody shelves medicine mail sweet orphan hammer proved fortune wade raise during howled shepherd 170 knee cop per proper holly cellar swel ling shock drown passenger oc cu py voyage prize feast wake Lincoln suit apron fought hotel vegetable Italian SPELLER. SIXTH GRADE. a board shop sheet handle beam proved produce sailor chores mail victim center debt or during loose traveler en gage ment bloom forest direct fright f ul swelling 2 blue sprinkle how ev er wake swift square leaky occupy loss century' mu si cian fought ostrich disappear per cent copper sure ferry pupil handkerchief 3 beam view sat is fy happily debtor ourselves stale Thursday chores probably total discovered engagement shell widow fever aboard losing ab sent^ however 4 dull ladies frigid musician shone December beast leaky honey j)lank en gi neer percent promoted sample de cent frightful cool negro cig a rette stale 5 fort changing human widow block disease leap satisfy surprise harness mus tache total loud fierce per feet pupil drowned sandwich 'ab' sent : He was absent on account of sickness. 78 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. pure frigid copy dispute scat ter engineer surprising cherry Cin cin na ti beast resort neighbor trace decent overtaken language winner absent^ forgotten saloon de cide human 7 dumped harvest ac cept mustache proud cheese f u ner al leap shirt station cir cu la tion perfect lumber hating enjoyable cigarette hospital district be com ing pure 8 fortune nephew hun ger Cincinnati bloody satisfied lemon scatter sweet distance mutton winner owe trotting per mit^ trace howled pleasant pur pose accept 9 Lincoln chief scent circulation shock haul wiping funeral voyage nickel trad ing enjoyable proper begged stare decide hotel trout ac cept a ble hunger 10 duriflg plug cas tie lemon proved circle de ci sion permit^ mail division level becoming shop healthy scene mutton bloom true 'ab sent' : Do not absent yourself from your place of business. 2per' mit : He had a permit to hunt. ='per mit' : They would not permit him to go home. SPELLER. 11 clapped scent fought divide en ter tain ment trading wake beggar beer wiping occupy scratch qual i ty stare swelling ninth name sake purpose copper stepping per mis sion castle 12 engagement truth ice berg level debtor noisy trap decision chores cities starch scene beam scream wire acceptable aboard leaking ac count 13 entertainment percent stepped dec rat ed quality musician sea fur ni ture beer leaky claimed lick namesake however policeman scis sors clapped frightful heavy be have iceberg 14 widow trunk en tire ly starch total secret phrase trap stale leaning i ci cle wire satisfy beginning worth 1 permission pupil dodge sta tion er y^ decorated 15 decent donkey na tion lick engineer turkey quan ti ty furniture beast learn cli mate scissors frigid heaven tramp account absent section 79 'stationery : You may buy pencils and paper at the stationery store. 80 CHI CO NORMAL SCHOOL. trav el ing entirely ID perfect believe phys ic al icicle mustache fitted ideal phrase leap clear ache worth human double dec ra tion behave cigarette northern be liev ing nation 17 winner leave envy- climate trace fixing idle quantity Cincinnati stories na tive tramp scatter notice score stationary pure nurse steady physical 18 enjoyable twelfth light en ache circulation height quar ter ideal funeral German cloak decoration accept Christmas f u ture traveling decide lesson nat u ral envy 19 permit length sea sick native mutton obey active idle lemon hiding de feat score hunger dozen gam ble believing becoming letting belt lighten 20 stare besides phys i ol gy quarter trading sense wor ried future wiping flame e qual ly steady scent postmaster like ly cloak purpose cliff SPELLER. 81 21 quar rel ing seasick scene drank steer defeat level object wrapped active decision twig ad mit ted gamble castle seventy-three er rand natural acceptable lightning be neath physiology 22 namesake twin gSL rage equally quality drawer lily worried beer potato New York likely entertainment occur search belt clapped sew i die ness steer 23 wire stray Bal ti more admitted starch bicycle treat ing wrapped trap ocean clos et errand iceberg stretched de fense quarreling permission listen admit garage 24 scissors closing cloth New York lick tying error lily furniture pound gath er ing search . decorated dried bis cuit beneath account hired de fense less Baltimore 25 worth oil ill ness closet icicle hiring nee es sa ry treating phrase pray sea son defense entirely cloudy liq uid idleness behave lively 6—9808 82 CHICO XORMAL SCHOOL. 26 pi geon cloth tramp sewer ra cing gathered climate drying Dutch error quantity precious trem ble biscuit nation struck stingy admit stationery 27 Thanksgiving stom ach illness decoration shadow Chris tian season ache biting writ ten necessary ideal success image liquid physical history list defenseless traveling shade neg lect racing 28 score useful piled tremble native loaded rain fall Dutch idle such seat ed stingy envy opposite bit ter pigeon believing suddenly ad van tage Christian 29 future valentine cloth ing image cloak color de fend written quarter foggy es cape list lighten shaking gas line stomach steady preparing ad ven ture piled 30 gamble loaves bled seated defeat dripping coal rainfall active hitched de layed bitter seasick sugar essay neglect natural homely SPELLER. 31 gen er al clothing likely orchard im ag ine escape equally valley local defend worried common ne groes gasoline physiology located pinned advantage belt price rais ing bled 32 errand loan se ere cy delayed admitted blanket trimmed coal wrapped shame yes ter day essay steer prisoner advice adventure quarreling lonesome etc. imagine 33 search lonesome de light ed negroes New York January gen er al ly local lily vessel cof fee pinned garage shepherd bleed general beneath orphan im me di ate ly secrecy 34 defense shelves lo ca tion yesterday closet continent neigh bor hood trimmed treating vegetable pitch er advice Baltimore suit raisin raising idleness dro^vn Buffalo delighted 35 biscuit holly straight coffee gathering forest trou ble some generally error loose youth bleed cloth victim af fee tion ate ly etc. admit produce S3 84 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 4e boil location liquid sure strap pitcher season ostrich coin neigrhborhood necessary swift de light f ul raisin illness blue gen tly immediately defenseless losing humming straight stingy probably e vap rate youth tremble view im por tance troublesome Dutch promoted Lord affectionately racing honey news pa per Buffalo pigeon 38 shone pity strap list drowned rank delightful image surprise seem ing coin written forgotten trough gently Christian overtaken zero boil stomach volcano straw evaporate 39 bitter surprising af ford Lord seated copy bolt importance rainfall hospital col lar newspaper piled proud de liv er y humming neglect dumped event rank 40 gasoline howled gen u ine trough escape bloody chose seeming defend fortune selfish zero clothing hotel nice ly pity advantage proper SPELLER. 41 love ly afford essay voyage St. Lou is collar delay Lincoln rapped bolt coal mail trust delivery bled proved Co him bus straw adventure during strict genuine 42 pinned copper agent selfish negroes swelling colt chose local occupy de scribe nicely imagine wake ex act ly event general fought bon fire St. Louis 43 advice aboard gloom y trust yesterday frightful im pos si ble rapped trimmed pupil sen tence Columbus secrecy absent pitied lovely raising beam rate agent 44 delighted however nine teenth describe coffee satisfy lov ing colt generally frigid strike exactly bleed debtor truth f ul strict etc. leaky stripe gloomy 45 location stale tun nel sentence raisin beast a gree a ble impossible pitcher chores comb pitied neighborhood musician ex am in ing bonfire immediately total 85 so boom gov erned im pu dent sep a rate^ pla cing lung rat tie no bod y stu dent twen ti eth CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 4€ nineteenth loving strike truthful rate tunnel comb agreeable examining affectionately engineer youth engagement troublesome percent straight widow Buffalo decent 47 stripe gently delightful coin strap boil cigarette pure decide becoming human 48 a greed gov em or boss de serv ing com fort governed separate^ impudent placing boom newspaper Lord importance evaporate humming scatter accept hunger leap Cincinnati 49 ex eel lent servant in clud ed non sense plain rattle student nobody twentieth lung zero trough seeming rank pity funeral lemon mustache trace circulation 50 re al ly machine stub bom twice a gree ment governor deserving boss comfort agreed delivery collar bolt afford straw perfect mutton winner enjoyable permit ^separate : He did two separate pieces of work. ^separate : We Jiad to separate the shell from the kernel of the nut. SPELLER. 87 51 both er servant nicely purpose com mence nonsense selfish acceptable de sign included chose clapped ex cite plain genuine permission grade excellent event scent set tie machine 52 Columbus castle in com plete twice trust entertainment ma chin er y stubborn rapped iceberg plane agreement St. Louis wiping re ceipt bother lovely decision north west er ly commence 53 exactly beer stuff excite describe trap ng li est design colt trading aid grade agent level com menc ing bother strict quality brag incomplete 54 pitied starch grad u ate plane sentence stare des per ate machinery impossible scene ex cur sion receipt gloomy namesake set tie ment settle bonfire wire in deed stuff 55 truthful account mad ness aid strike behave note ugliest loving stationery plank commencing nineteenth traveling re ceive northwesterl V rate decorated 88 CHI CO NORMAL SCHOOL. EC stung graduate examining entirely un a ble excursion comb nation aimed desperate agreeable physical de stroyed settlement tunnel furniture brag ging brag stripe phrase com pa ny governed 57 madness quantity ex pense separate plank ideal grad u al ly impudent note lick sev enth placing receive icicle num ber boom indeed climate in de pend ent unable 58 twentieth ache madam destroyed student scissors plas tered aimed nobody worth re cent bragging rattle tramp Span ish stung lung decoration style expense 69 comfort believing alike seventh deserving steady bragged gradually boss belt com pare number governor envy grand fa ther company agreed natural de tect ive madam 60 plain lighten ex pen sive recent nonsense seasick in di ca tion plastered included physiology Chi ca go Spanish servant idle maid en independent excellent quarter SPELLER. 61 please alike agreement active se vere ly compare twice worried rec og nize bragged stubborn native un com fort a ble grandfather machine cloak suffered style really defeat 62 shape al to geth er brass con ceal gram mar expensive Chicago indication maiden detective grade excite design commence bother equally score future gamble likely de ter mined ex pla na tion in doors main plen ty severely uncomfortable recognize suffered please receipt plane machinery incomplete settle quarreling beneath idleness admit steer 64 oath rec om mend sup ply un der stand a mount altogether conceal brass grammar shape commencing aid ugliest stuff garage Baltimore cloth wrapped northwesterly lily shape less breast con duct or de vel op grass explanation main indoors plenty determined settlement excursion desperate graduate brag treating error admitted New York closet 90 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. infant recommend receive gathering Span iard understand plank errand blige supply note search poetry amount madness defense rec ord^ oath indeed biscuit ex plore breast bragging defenseless sup port develop destroyed pigeon un ex pect ed conductor aimed stomach an chor grass unable neglect de vel op ment shapeless stung illness breath expense 68 Spaniard racing con quered seventh poetry Christian ex press gradually oblige piled grate number record^ necessary shap ing company infant Dutch anger support 69 Spanish written breathe anchor recent rainfall con di tion unexpected plastered season di a mond development madam tremble ex tend ed explore independent image grate f ul conquered 70 grandfather seated in i tial grate compare liquid man age express bragged stingy oc ca sion shaping alike list point breath style bitter 'rec' ord : His record was not more than fifty per cent. =^re cord' : The teacher did not want to record it in the book. SPELLER. 71 refer breathe maiden advantage sup pose diamond Chicago adventure un for tu nate condition indication general anx ious extended expensive raising bruise anger detective clothing 91 72 con tain initial dif fi cult occasion fable manage grease point sher iff grateful suffered bled uncomfortable imagine recognize secrecy severely defend please coal 73 in ju ri ous suppose grammar local man age ment anxious conceal trimmed i^ DC cur rence unfortunate brass escape police bruise altogether delayed re fused refer shape negroes sure ly difficult 74 plenty yesterday u nit ed grease main gasoline any bod y fable indoors essay bud ding sheriff explanation pinned f ac to ry contain determined advice con ver sa tion management 75 amount etc. dis a gree a ble police understand immediately greased occurrence supply Buffalo shine refused recommend boil pol ish injurious oath delighted 92 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. in no cent united grass location man a ger budding develop straight oc curred anybody conductor strap re gret factory breast generally sur face surely shapeless neighborhood in quired disagreeable 77 record troublesome man ner shine poetry coin offer greased oblige coffee poked polish Spaniard pitcher shin ing conversation infant mouth rel a tive manager 78 development delightful sur ren der regret anchor bleed un load ed occurred unexpected raisin any way surface support affectionately bug gies innocent explore gently cop ied manner 79 shaping humming dis ap point ed poked grate pity fail ure offer express straw greed y shining conquered event shipped inquired breath evaporate hare surrender 80 extended rank man u f ac ture anyAvay diamond afford office unloaded condition genuine po si tion buggies breathe importance re lief relative anger seeming SPELLER. 81 sus pect disappointed point bolt untie greedy occasion importance ap proach failure manage Lord burn shipped initial trough dis grace copied grateful collar cord manufacture 82 bruise selfish fake position anxious newspaper grinned office unfortunate zero shout relief suppose delivery olive hare refer nicely in sect untie 83 sheriff lovely margin burn grease strict pos sess approach fable bonfire re li gion disgrace difficult rate sweet heart suspect contain St. Louis un wrapped fake 84 refused agent arose shout police gloomy Rus sian grinned occurrence nineteenth dis grace ful olive management rapped growth cord injurious colt burnt margin 85 factory impossible fa mil iar religion budding loving in sist ed possess anybody trust mar riage sweetheart united describe shov el insect surely sentence 04 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. onion arose polish strike pos ses sion disgraceful shine Columbus re mark Russian greased exactly uptown growth disagreeable pitied Swede unwrapped conversation truthful ar riv al familiar 87 surface stripe busi ness marriage regret boom cost ly insisted occurred lung dis play shovel manager agreed f am i lies burnt innocent tunnel gro cer ies possession 88 shining governed shut ting . uptown poked rattle mass remark offer governor in spect Swede manner agreeable op er ate onion inquired impudent pos si ble business 89 buggies nobody shown display anyway boss re mark a ble costly unloaded comb Pitts burg families surrender separate use less arrival relative student ar riv ing shutting 90 shipped deserving cabin inspect greedy examining cot tage mass failure placing dis missed operate disappointed twentieth fa mous groceries copied comfort SPELLER. 95 91 groaned shown relief excellent in stant ly Pittsburg position really mash remarkable office bother opinion useless manufacture settle pour possible hare servant re mem ber cabin 92 disgrace machine tab let dismissed burn commence ar ti cles cottage approach incomplete cal i CO famous untie included dis tress arriving suspect stubborn cou pie instantly 93 olive design favor opinion shout machinery grove mash grinned nonsense in struc tion pour fake twice meadow groaned cord excite op pos ing tablet 94 sweetheart plane pow der calico religion plain re mind article • possess agreement San Fran cis co distress margin grade value remember insect receipt tacks favor 95 growth northwesterly a shamed instruction disgraceful brag Mex i can grove Russian indeed cour age meadow arose stung dis tant couple unwrapped stuff 96 fa vor a ble guest Por tu gnese mean time or der CHI CO NORMAL SCHOOL. 96 powder San Francisco remind value opposing shovel marriage insisted familiar burnt graduate madness unable ugliest desperate 97 pow er ful re moved sig nal tank val u a ble ashamed courage Mexican distant tacks Swede uptown remark possession onion note aimed aid excursion plank 98 aside cane dis turbed fa vor a bly Irish guest meantime Portuguese order favorable families display costly business arrival destroyed commencing settlement receive bragging 99 COW ard in tro duced mea sles or di na ry power removed tank signal valuable powerful operate inspect mass shutting groceries company independent style detective expense 100 rent si lence tar di ness vast assist cane favorably disturbed Irish aside useless Pittsburg remarkable shown possible madam alike expensive seventh plastered SPELLER. 97 101 can non introduced famous bragged crack ordinary dismissed indication Scotch measles cottage gradually gfuilty power cabin recent in tro due tion coward arriving 102 compare as ton ish silence pour Chicago can die vast opinion number dough tardiness mash Spanish fern assist instantly grandfather gutter rent groaned 103 maiden cramp crack distress please meas ure guilty calico shape or i gin Scotch articles determined Boston introduction tablet oath repair cannon remember 104 severely sit u a tion candle meadow altogether tax fern instruction explanation vel vet dough grove recommend at tack gutter favor recognize can yon astonish couple 105 brass crash powder Boston indoors down ward San Francisco measure supply figure remind origin uncomfortable habit value repair conceal ir ri gate opposing cramp main 7—9808 98 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 106 mem o rize tax distant understand owing attack courage suffered prac tice velvet Mexican grammar skill canyon ashamed plenty re plied situation tacks 107 amount tear ing downward order shapeless vil lage habit meantime infant at tacked figure Portuguese explore cap i top irrigate guest breath creep crash favorable 108 breast dray owing valuable Spaniard fi nal ly skill tank support han dling practice signal conquered ivory replied removed develop memory memorize powerful oblige - 109 oys ter village Irish unexpected prac tic ing capitol favorably express rep re sent attacked disturbed conductor skill f ul creep cane poetry tease tearing aside 110 anchor vine yard finally power grate at tend ivory ordinary grass cap tain handling measles record crew memory introduced development drawn dray coward shaping 'capitol : The capitol was the largest building in the city. SPELLER. g 111 fin ished practicing assist anger hanged skillful vast grateful jailer represent tardiness refer men tion tease silence contain blige oyster rent 112 breathe pre f er attend introduction initial re port crew guilty suppose slave captain Scotch difficult teeth drawn crack condition vi lence vineyard cannon 113 manage at tend ance hanged gutter unfortunate care f ul ly mention fern fable drift ed jailer dough diamond flash oblige candle occasion hand some finished astonish 114 anxious crime report repair grease jeal ous y slave Boston extended mer chant violence origin point oc cu pied teeth measure bruise prep a ra tion prefer cramp 115 sheriff re quest carefully canyon injurious sleeve flash attack surely tel e phone drifted velvet conversation violet handsome tax innocent caring attendance situation management 100 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 116 at ten tion jealousy irrigate united crip pled occupied habit disagreeable dnmk merchant figure manager fled preparation downward occurrence hap pened crime crash 117 anybody jel lies sleeve replied greased mere violet skill occurred odor telephone practice police pre pare caring owing budding re quire request memorize 118 shine slip crippled creep regret ter ri ble fled capitol refused Dan ish drunk attacked factory at tempt happened village polish car pen ter attention tearing 119 surface crowd mere memory inquired flowed prepare ivory relative har bor odor handling copied jew el require finally hare mes sage jellies dray 120 manner at tract terrible tease surrender car riage attempt skillful disappointed crown Danish represent manufacture driv en carpenter practicing offer flume slip oyster unloaded pad ded pres i dent re sist smelt ter ri f y flowed jewel harbor message crowd SPELLER. 121 drawn crew captain attend vineyard 101 failure office poked anyway greedy 122 violin at tract ive cash drug foot ball carriage driven crown flume attract oblige mention jailer hanged finished position shining buggies shipped relief 123 cruel haste jew el ry Greek pain president smelt resist terrify padded violence teeth slave report prefer suspect cord insect unwrapped untie 124 pre tend attractive pride drug re spect ful ly cash smile football ter ri to ries violin handsome flash drifted carefully attendance fake margin arose approach grinned 125 visitor haste autumn Greek ceil ing jewelry drug gist pain fore ing cruel preparation occupied merchant jealousy crime possess Russian burn shout religion 102 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL.. 126 . cm el ly pride caring disgraceful has ty smile violet disgrace jol ly respectfully telephone olive metal territories sleeve sweetheart pain f ul pretend request 127 growth re spond ed autumn happened burnt smok ing druggist fled onion ter ri to ry ceiling drunk arrival volume forcing crippled groceries cell visitor attention 128 familiar avoid hasty require possession crush jolly prepare business due painful odor shutting fore noon rtietal mere insisted health cruelly jellies 129 remark joyful smoking carpenter costly min ing volume attempt mass palm territory Danish marriage priest cell terrible uptown re venge responded slip 130 display smooth crush message inspect the a ter forenoon jewel shovel volt due harbor Swede a wak en ed health flowed families cer tain avoid crowd operate SPELLER. 131 crust mining flume possible dumb priest driven arriving for get f ul palm crown groaned heap revenge carriage remember juice joyful attract 132 shown mint theater terrify cabin panel awakened smelt instantly re view volt resist tablet sneak certain president remarkable prince smooth padded 133 cottage them selves dumb football mash wages heap drug articles awful forgetful cash Pittsburg cer tain ly juice attractive dismissed du ties crust violin 134 opinion cul ti vate panel pain calico for get ting sneak Greek . useless heart review jewelry famous jun gle prince haste pour mis chief mint cruel 135 distress pa rad ing wages territories couple Cleve land certainly smile opposing snow flake awful respectfully tacks prin ci pal duties pride favorable thief themselves pretend favor 103 104 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 136 wander forgetting forcing powder Yan kee jungle druggist ashamed chance heart ceiling guest duty mischief autumn grove for mer ly cultivate visitor 137 remind curl Cleveland painful Mexican heav i est principal metal Portuguese jury snowflake jolly instruction miser thief hasty San Francisco prin ci pie parading cruelly 138 courage par don Yankee cell meantime reward duty volume meadow solid chance territory value thin formerly smoking distant ware wander responded 139 order bail jury health powerful charge principle forenoon aside ea ger ly heaviest due coward for tu nate miser crush rent heav i ly curl avoid 140 removed cur tain reward revenge cane jus ti fy thin priest introduced mis er a ble solid palm silence parents ware mining signal rising pardon joyful disturbed SPELLER. 141 print charge awakened measles sore fortunate volt tardiness thirst y eagerly theater favorably warn ing heavily smooth ordinary bake bail chat ter ing certain 142 daily justify heap valuable ear nest ly parents forgetful Irish for ward miserable dumb power help f ul rising crust assist jus tice curtain mis take juice 143 part ner warning prince mint risk ing chattering sneak cannon sor row ful thirsty review astonish pris on bake panel situation thrash ing print wast ing sore 144 bal ance earnestly duties themselves cheer helpful certainly measure dairy daily awful Scotch eas i er forward wages fern foul mistake hello justice 145 jus ti fied risking mischief cultivate mixed partner jungle origin Philadelphia sorrowful heart velvet pri vate prison forgetting guilty rob ber y wasting source thrashing 105 106 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 146 threat balance thief parading weak en easier principal introduction ba na na cheer snowflake repair cheer f ul ly foul Cleveland canyon daisy dairy ef feet hello 147 foun da tion justified formerly wander hero private duty memorize keep er mixed chance tearing mod em robbery Yankee downward patch Philadelphia rocky source 148 pro ceed threat principle principle sowed cheerfully heaviest owing thread weaken jiiry village weath er daisy miser finally band age banana cheer f ul effect 149 dan ger ous foundation ware pardon e lee tion modern thin attacked f ra grant hero solid handling he roes patch reward habit ker sene keeper mod est rocky 150 pa tient proceed heavily bail pro due tion weather fortunate ivory rot ten sowed eagerly Boston spared bandage charge figure throat thread wed ding cheerful SPELLER. 107 151 Turk dangerous rising curtain ban quet heroes parents oyster cher ries election miserable practice dark ness kerosene justify capitol € lee trie i ty fragrant fraud modest 152 hind patient chattering mistake ket tie spared warning attend mon ster production thirsty irrigate pat tern throat print replied prof it a ble rotten rough wedding 153 spe eial Turk justice daily tide darkness helpful jailer weight banquet forward memory barb electricity earnestly vineyard chest cherries dashed fraud 154 e lev enth hind wasting partner frame pattern thrashing teeth hinge kettle prison finished king dom profitable sorrowful prefer moon monster pause rough 155 pro gress special foul balance ruin barb easier attendance speech tide dairy practicing timid chest cheer hanged wel come weight bare dashed 108 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 156 chil ly eleventh source justified date kingdom robbery jealousy em ployed frame private represent freak moon Philadelphia captain hoi i day hinge knead pause 157 moose progress effect threat pave ment timid daisy telephone prom ise ruin cheerfully slave rude welcome banana skillful spend speech tiny bare 158 were n't chilly rocky bandage bar ren freak patch fled choose date modern crew death holiday foundation mention emp tied employed freight knead 159 honor moose weather modest knowl edge rude thread jellies mos qui to pavement sowed tease pay a ble spend proceed drawn prompt promise rural tiny 160 spi ces weren't kerosene dangerous New Or le ans death heroes terrible west ward barren fragrant oblige base ment emptied election violence range choose deal er freight SPELLER. 109 161 en close fre quent ly hooked knock mo tioned pay ment prop er ty sad dest spill to bac CO wheat bath iiig chos en debt en e mies fried hope ful knit ting mo tor cy cle peak pro por tion sake split to ma toes whisk ers en gaged fright hope less knot mount honor payable knowledge prompt mosquito rural spices basement New Orleans range westward dealer enclose knock frequently motioned hooked payment property tobacco saddest hopeful enemies knitting kingdom hinge frame eleventh bare chosen wedding throat rotten production 162 fraud electricity cherries banquet 163 rough profitable pattern monster 164 chest weight special dashed 165 fried debt hopeful enemies patient harbor crime request Turk driven attention carefully kettle padded sleeve crippled pause attractive drifted merchant knitting jewelry drunk occupied 110 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 166 peal pro tect salad spo ken tongue who ev er large ly mouth f ul pe cul iar pro tec tion salm on spoiled law yer mov a ble pedal pump kin salt spoon ful motorcycle timid tomatoes sake speech smile peak ruin violet split progress preparation proportion welcome whiskers hopeless engaged knot fright mount peal spoken protect tongue salad whoever 167 knead holiday freak employed 168 tiny spend promise pavement chilly visitor caring happened moose hasty slip crowd tool whom Brit ish lead er mus cle pen nies punc tu a tion satin sport tooth ache whol ly tossed largely protection mouthful salmon peculiar spoiled lawyer pumpkin movable salt pedal spoonful freight emptied death choose 170 rural prompt payable mosquito weren't territory attract mere knowledge forenoon flowed carriage SPELLER. Ill SEVENTH GRADE. pun ish tool dealer New Orleans sta ble leader chose spices a bil i ty whom basement odor can di date muscle westward Danish dif f er ent British ex cep tion al pennies arise punctuation 2 pa^'ment frequently com pe tent toothache motioned enclose group satin knock crown in fe ri or wholly hooked prepare li cense sport nat u ral ly tossed cozy punish 3 bathing saddest per spi ra tion candidate wheat property quar rel some stable tobacco attempt secure different spill jewel tis sue ability wharves exceptional steam er arise 4 knitting debt a bol ish inferior hopeful chosen cap tured competent fried require dif f er ence license enemies carpenter inform group lil ies naturally 112 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. ar range motorcycle cozy quarrelsome com pe ti tion sake secure wharves ex haust ed peak perspiration message naugh ty split tissue flume ques tion a ble proportion se cu ri ty tomatoes 6 steamer creaked whiskers captured gi-ub mount difference lilies pe ti tion knot abolish violin stom ach ache hopeless inform cruel title fright what ev er engaged 7 whoever ab sence arrange protect di ges tion naughty tongue peal in for ma tion competition spoken pretend quit ting questionable salad president whom so ev er exhausted car ri er security o ca reer creaked spoiled mouthful ex hi bi tion stomachache salmon largely lin ing grub protection haste se cure ly title peculiar pride ab so lute ly petition di min ished whatever spoonful cream er y absence movable ax rang ing quitting salt lawyer nee es sa ry digestion pumpkin resist stor ing whomsoever pedal cash ex er tion information guar an tee carrier SPELLER. 113 10 com plete ly career pennies whom grudge securely muscle tool pheas ant exhibition leader respectfully toil ing absolutely British smelt ar range ment lining in hab it ant diminished 11 com plex ioned creamery 1 1 tossed satin liv er y storing wholly punctuation need ful arranging toothache drug phys i cal ly exertion sport Greek quo ta tion necessary sel dom guarantee 12 strict ly completely exceptional stable ere ate toiling different punish tomb stone grudge candidate terrify whole some arrangement ability pain ab surd pheasant di plo ma inhabitant 1^ art ist complexioned lo naturallj' competent car ry ing physically license arise ex pe di tion livery inferior territories guard i an quotation group cruelly in sane needful lodge seldom 14 com plete strictly It wharves perspiration nerv ous wholesome tissue cozy phy si cian create secure responded rag ing absurd quarrelsome avoid se lect ed tombstone ton sil diploma -9808 114 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 15 Strug gle artist lilies abolish wine guardian inform steamer a bun dant carrying difference autumn car ries insane captured smoking dis as ter expedition ex pe ri ence lodge 16 ashes complete 1 V security competition com par i son raging questionable arrange E pis CO pa lian nervous naughty crush in sert ed selected exhausted ceiling lov a ble physician niece tonsil 17 crea ture struggle whatever grub pierce wine title creaked rare ly carries stomachache jolly sen ate abundant petition due wisdom disaster topic experience 1S stu di ous ashes lO carrier digestion a bun dance inserted whomsoever absence cred it or comparison quitting druggist gym nas tic lovable information metal in sin u ate Episcopalian ma chin ist niece 19 as so ci a tion career creature rarely cat a log securely senate topic expert exhibition pierced volume dis ci pline absolutely wisdom forcing nine ti eth lining sen sa tion diminished SPELLER. 115 20 com pli ment pi o neer ras cal stum ble tough wisely a bused cau tion dis po si tion ex treme ly has ti ly in spec tion as sume com pose mag ni f y nom i nate pleas ure sentiment cred it a ble ex qui site gym na si um in sist ence mag a zine sense less dis cuss noble pit i f ul re al i ty stu pid i ty with er studious gymnastic abundance insinuate creditor machinist association discipline catalog ninetieth expert sensation compliment stumble pioneer tough rascal wisely abused extremely caution hastily disposition inspection assume nominate compose pleasure magnify sentiment guarantee exertion storing necessary 21 inhabitant arrangement toiling pheasant 22 seldom quotation physically needful 23 diploma absurd wholesome tombstone 24 lodge insane guardian expedition arrangmg creamery painful cell grudge completely health joyful livery complexioned smooth crust create strictly theater dumb carry mg artist mint mining 116 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. tour ist creditable tonsil nervous ac ci dent insistence selected complete cau tious ly exquisite raging panel dis guise magazine physician palm ex ter nal ly gymnasium hard ship senseless 26 as sum ing discuss experience wine com po si tion reality disaster struggle in sol vent noble carries volt mag nif i cent stupidity abundant forgetful bough pitiful sen si ble wither 27 crim i nal tourist niece comparison planned disguise lovable ashes read i ly accident inserted review sub ject^ externally Episcopalian priest trace a ble cautiously witty hardship 28 ac ci den tal ly assuming £0 topic pierce ceas ing magnificent wisdom creature re al ize composition senate awakened sub scrip tion bough rarely heap trac ing insolvent wives sensible 29 assure criminal machinist abundance choir subject^ insinuate studious bash f ul planned gymnastic sneak deal traceable creditor revenge faint ed readily haunt ed witty 'sub' ject : Arithmetic is sometimes considered a difficult subject. ==sub ject' : Wliy should they subject him to all of that punishment? SPELLER. 1 30 com pro mise accidentally sensation catalog di vorce subscription ninetieth association in stinct ceasing discipline certain sep a ra tion tracing expert juice mag ni fied realize con se quent ly wives 31 • crit i cism assure wisely pioneer a dopt ed deal tough compliment no tice a ble choir stumble prince pleas ing fainted rascal themselves rea son a ble bashful sue ceed haunted 32 inspection trapped compromise caution ac com mo date separation hastily abused con cemed divorce extremely cultivate Bap tist magnified disposition parading faith f ul instinct hazel consequently 33 wom an ly criticism sentiment compose eel e bra ted pleasing pleasure assume at tached adopted nominate wander in stru ment reasonable magnify wages main tain noticeable plentiful succeed 34 senseless crit i cize trapped exquisite not a ble Baptist magazine creditable rea son a bly accommodate insistence forgetting se ri ous faithful gymnasium Cleveland trash concerned ac com plish hazel 117 118 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 35 wres tie womanly wither noble au di ence instrument stupidity discuss cem e ter y celebrated reality Yankee do mes tic maintain pitiful awful faith ful ly attached healed plentiful "iR sue ceed ed criticize hardship accident con ceit ed serious externally tourist in sult^ notable disguise heart ma la ri a trash cautiously chance plumb ing reasonably treas ure accomplish 37 sensible crit i ciz ing wrestle composition notary domestic bough assuming re cep tion audience magnificent certainly serv ice faithfully insolvent jungle yield cemetery ac cu rate healed 38 witty sue cess ful dread ful planned au thor succeed traceable criminal eer e mo ny malaria subject principal fash ion a ble conceited readily duty heart i ly plumbing insult^ on treasure con elude serv ice a ble 39 wives ceasing in sur anee criticizing tracing accidentally ma li cious service subscription duties plural notary realize mischief ree i pe yield reception accurate Mnsult': Do not insult your friends by using improper language in their presence. 2in' suit : They considered his actions an insult to the ladies of the party. SPELLER. 119 40 no tion successful haunted choir suf frage fashionable fainted assure crys tal author deal thief trem bling heartily bashful formerly yield ed ceremony ac cus tomed dreadful Ai av er age conclude consequently divorce cer tif i cate plural magnihed compromise dreamed insurance separation curl heed recipe instinct pardon in teg ri ty malicious Con gre ga tion al ist serviceable An con clu sion notion succeed adopted f au cet trembling- reasonable criticism nour ish ment suffrage pleasing- bail poi son ous yielded noticeable curtain re cit al crystal sewed accustomed 43 cul ti va tor average hazel accommodate suf fi cient heed faithful trapped trial certificate Baptist heaviest youth ful integrity concerned reward ac knowl edge dreamed cham pi on Congregationalist A A await conclusion plentiful celebrated con demned poisonous maintain womanly duly faucet instrument charge heir recital attached justify Pres by te ri an nourishment man ag ing sewed 120 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 45 cun ning cultivator accomplish notable f es ti val youthful trash criticize nui sance sufficient serious jury pol i cy acknowledge reasonably eagerly reck less trial ship ment champion 46 svLg gest await healed audience trifle heir faithfully wrestle youth ful condemned domestic miserable ac quaint ance Presbyterian cemetery miser change a ble duly du ra ble managing 47 treasure aw ful ly cunning conceited f ea ture policy plumbing fortunate con duct festival malaria parents in tel lect reckless insult man age a ble nuisance pol i tics shipment 48 cu ri ous suggest accurate notary heir ess acquaintance yield criticizing nu mer ous trifle service principle rec ol lee tion changeable reception ware shop ping youthful tri fling durable 49 serviceable sug ges tion awfully insurance ac quaint ed intellect recipe conclude char ac ter feature plural heavily e con my manageable malicious rising herd ed conduct - in tel li gence politics SPELLER. 50 fee ble curious dreadful author con quer or recollection heartily successful awk ward heiress fashionable print man u f ac ture shopping ceremony daily Cath lie numerous shrugged trifling R1 cu ri OS i ty suggestion accustomed suffrage polls economy yielded notion rec om men da tion acquainted trembling partner suit a ble herded crystal balance trol ley character ad vance intelligence CO awn ing feeble Congregationalisi : certificate charg ing manufacture integrity average ed u cate conqueror heed sore her ism Catholic dreamed earnestly in ten tion awkward mar shal shrugged 53 sewed con fess curiosity faucet Meth dist suitable recital conclusion bli ging polls poisonous risking re cov er ing trolley nourishment thirsty shrewd recommendation truck advance 54 champion cur rent awning sufficient pop u lar heroism acknowledge cultivator su i cide charging youthful forward ac quired intention trial sorrowful ed u ca tion educate f el low marshal 121 122 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 55 Scot tish confess managing condemned char i ta ble recovering Presbyterian await hid e ous Methodist heir dairy in ter rupt shrewd duly warning marvel obliging ob tain truck 56 shipment con fi den tial current festival pop u Ions acquitted reckless cunning re f erred popular policy helpful shriek education nuisance prison truant suicide ac tion fellow 57 curve Scottish durable trifle summit interrupt changeable suggest ac tu al ly charitable acquaintance easier bacon marvel youthful justice ef fi cient hideous hint obtain * 58 char i ty confidential politics feature f er tile shriek manageable awfully in te ri or populous intellect thrashing mar vel ous truant conduct foul oc ca sion al ly referred pop u la tion action 59 trifling con nect ed curve heiress re f er ring bacon shopping curious sig naled summit recollection chattering trus tee efficient numerous wasting ad joumed actually cheat ed hint SPELLER. 123 cush ion charity intelligence acquainted sunk marvelous herded suggestion badge fertile economy weaken com pos ing occasionally character sowed effort interior hoarse population 61 cus torn connected O 1 shrugged conqueror flee ing trustee Catholic feeble in ter pret referring manufacture foundation ma te ri al adjourn awkward proceed pos i tive signaled sig na ture cheated 62 advance omit cushion polls ref er ence composing trolley curiosity superintendent sunk suitable justified tube effort recommendation threat admire badge check hoarse 63 marshal bag gage custom charging con scious material intention awning elbow fleeing heroism mixed hoarse ly positive educate Philadelphia mat i nee interpret sim i lar signature 64 cyl in der omit truck Methodist flight tube shrewd confess in ter fere reference recovering banana mit ted admire obliging thread pos si bly superintendent su per vis or check 124 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 65 re f us al baggage fellow popular twine hoarsely education current ad mir ing conscious acquired private dam age matinee suicide cheerfully balk elbow cheat similar 66 obtain con science cylinder charitable em bar rass omitted marvel Scottish flutter flight interrupt modern hoi lowed possibly hideous weather in ter val interfere sim pie supervisor 67 action mat tress refusal populous pos si bil i ty damage truant confidential simply twine shriek robbery ad ver tise balk referred daisy twi light admiring choos ing cheat 68 op er a tion conscience hint summit re gard less hollowed efficient curve sup plies embarrass bacon source typhoid interval actually effect be gin ner flutter considerably simple 69 su preme mattress population fertile dealt advertise occasionally rocky em broid er y possibility marvelous dangerous force ful ly twilight interior blossom in ter view simply home ward choosing SPELLER. 125 70 mean ness Operation cheated referring op era typhoid adjourned connected re gret ted regardless trustee patient post pone beginner signaled Turk sim plic i ty supplies un cer tain considerably 71 ' sur geon supreme / 1 hoarse sunk ad ver tis ing forcefully effort cushion de ceit dealt composing election holy interview badge production in va lid^ embroidery chron ic homeward 72 signature be hav ior meanness fleeing for ci ble postpone positive custom em er aid opera material banquet con sist ing simplicity interpret fragrant med die regretted reg u lar uncertain 73 check poul try choc late reference ob ser va tion surgeon admire omit sin gu lar holy tube spared ad mis sion advertising superintendent rotten e mer gen cy invalid^ deceit 74 similar chronic un con scious con sid er conscious sus pi cious behavior matinee baggage bar bar ous cpnsisting hoarsely cherries for bid den forcible elbow monster dar ling meddle emerald regularly Mn' va lid : She was so badly injured that she will be an immlid the remainder of her life. -in val' id : They declared the law to be invalid. 126 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 75 in va sion poultry supervisor flight ho n or a ble admission possibly cylinder pow er less observation omitted heroes me di um emergency interfere pattern op po nent singular sit u a ted chocolate 7fi re joice unconscious cheat twine un der take forbidden balk refusal swept suspicious damage kerosene bar g^ain darling admiring throat dawn barbarous choice consider 77 simple con sid er a ble invasion embarrass for eign honorable interval conscience ho ri zon powerless hollowed electricity em pha size medium flutter profitable in ti mate situated re la tion opponent 78 meek rejoice # o choosing possibility prac ti cal bargain twilight mattress op por tu ni ty undertake advertise wedding six ti eth dawn simply fraud un grate f ul swept con tact choice 79 lie considerably swin die considerab regardless ad ver tise ment emphasize beginner operation cir cu late foreign typhoid rough in ves ti gate intimate supplies special de ceit f ul horizon be lief relation SPELLER. 127 80 for giv en meek homeward dealt em ploy ee sixtieth interview supreme hor rid practical forcefully eleventh mel low ungrateful embroidery progress prac ti cal ly opportunity skel e ton contact 81 op pres sion swindle O 1 uncertain opera re li a ble investigate simplicity meanness sym pa thy advertisement postpone ruin advise deceitful regretted weight un har nessed circulate cir cu la ting belief 82 chronic ben e fit ed forgiven advertising de ceive mellow- invalid surgeon con ta gious employee holy hinge em ploy er practically deceit speech for giv ing horrid hor ri ble skeleton 83 regular in ves ti ga tion oppression forcible mer chan dise advise meddle behavior prai rie reliable consisting employed op press ing unharnessed emerald timid rem e dy sympathy skinned circulating 84 chocolate Latin benefited observation un hitched employer emergency poultry ad vis ing deceive admission freak de ceiv ing forgiving singular holiday cir cuit contagious birth horrible 128 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. con test investigation consider suspicious en coun ter oppressing darling unconscious in vis i ble merchandise forbidden dashed f oun tain remedy barbarous pause hor ror prairie slant skiimed 86 mer ci ful Latin situated honorable preach er deceiving opponent invasion re mov al unhitched medium knead or di na ry circuit powerless moose syrup advising VL ni ver si ty birth 87 choice af fair contest undertake cir cum stan < 3es fountain dawn rejoice blend encounter bargain were n't de ci sive horror swept honor host ess invisible mere ly slant free ly merciful relation foreign con sti tu tion ordinary intimate considerable en cour age preacher emphasize spices ir reg u lar syrup horizon pavement or gan ize removal pre cede university so rep e ti tion affair 09 contact practical slaugh ter decisive ungrateful meek aft er wards circumstances sixtieth rude nn luck y hostess opportunity death cit i zen blend de Clare merely SPELLER. 129 90 sys tern at ic freely belief advertisement bless irregular deceitful swindle en deav or constitution investigate payable con suit ed organize circulate basement free dom encourage humane precede Q1 ir re sist i ble repetition 9 1 skeleton employee mer ri ly unlucky practically forgiven pre ced ed slaughter mellow knowledge slight citizen horrid promise un no ticed afterwards am bi tion declare 92 circulating rig i nal systematic reliable re place consulted unharnessed oppression sys tem bless advise choose bios som freedom sympathy mosquito de crease endeavor civ i li za tion humane 93 horrible con tempt irresistible deceive en dur ing slight forgiving benefited hu mor ous merrily employer emptied midst unnoticed contagious prompt pre ferred preceded slip per y ambition 94 frail original •ft skinned merchandise ir ri tate blossom remedy chose or na ment replace oppressing tiny re quir ing decrease prairie serious tac kle system un pleas ant civilization 9 — 98 OS 130 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 95 blu ish contempt birth unhitched de ject ed midst circuit Latin f ran tic enduring deceiving freight is sue preferred advising rural ounce humorous re served slippery 96 civ i lized frail slant encounter en dur ance requiring horror contest bus tier irritate fountain enclose might y tackle invisible property pre mi um ornament slop py unpleasant Q7 a muse ment bluish J7# university preacher tan gle issue syrup merciful un rea son a ble dejected ordinary frequently blur ounce removal saddest de lib er ate ly frantic claw ing reserved QA con tin u al ly civilized S70 merely circumstances a mus ing mighty hostess affair en dure endurance decisive debt jammed premium blend enemies out rage hustler res i dent sloppy 99 con tin ue amusement precede constitution fret blur organize freely hy gi ene tangle irregular proportion might i er deliberately encourage knock pre sent ed unreasonable slush clawing SPELLER. 100 u sual continually declare slaughter angel jammed citizen repetition tariff amusing unlucky tobacco bluff outrage afterwards fried del i cate endure cleanse resident 101 con tract continue humane bless en er get ic mightier freedom systematic hymn fret consulted mentioned mil lion aire presented endeavor bathing pret ti est hygiene slyly slush 102 f ric tion usual ambition merrily jan i tor bluff unnoticed irresistible ver land angel slight knitting re sem ble delicate preceded tomatoes task tariff upset cleanse 103 ankle contract civilization replace clean ly millionaire decrease original energy energetic blossom whiskers f riv lous prettiest system peal min is ter hymn re spect a ble slyly 104 boast friction slippery enduring del i ca cy resemble preferred contempt con tra ry janitor midst protect idea task humorous mouthful jarred overland smil ing upset 131 132 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 105 be di ent ankle unpleasant irritate tax a tion frivolous tackle frail an nounce ment cleanly requiring movable clev er minister ornament fright en force energy ig no ranee respectable 106 pret ti er boast reserved dejected urge contrary ounce bluish bonny jarred issue pedal de li cious delicacy frantic hopeless f ron tier idea con trib u ted smiling 107 jolt ed obedient sloppy endurance annoy clever premium civilized ob li ga tion taxation mighty salad clos er enforce hustler peculiar re spon si bil i ty announcement tax a ble ignorance 108 mis er a bly prettier clawing tangle boost urge deliberately amusement pre vl ons frontier blur knot con trol delicious unreasonable tongue sober bonny • urg ing contributed 1 109 del i ca tes sen jolted resident amusing mis tress closer outrage continually fuel annoy jammed protection so cia ble responsibility endure pumpkin jos tied obligation sec re ta ry taxable SPELLER. i; 110 e nor mous miserably slush fret oc ca sion control presented continue ig no rant boost mightier salmon tel e gram sober hygiene spoiled pried previous u su al ly urging 111 an noy ance delicatessen cleanse angel clung sociable delicate usual il le gal mistress bluff spoonful en ter prise jostled tariff succeeded priv i lege fuel mist secretary 112 bore enormous slyly energetic de lin quent telegram prettiest contract jour nal occasion millionaire punctuation fulfill pried hymn British con trolled ignorant res tau rant usually 113 oc ca sion al ly annoyance upset janitor tern per a ture enterprise task friction coarse clung resemble . toothache fund privilege overland muscle ut ter ly illegal dem crat ic mist 114 so cial bore respectable cleanly annual fulfill minister ankle judicial delinquent frivolous wholly con ven ience controlled energy pennies il leg i ble journal bound a ry restaurant las 134 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. ~ 115 mis un der stand ing occasionally smiling delicacy en thu si as tic fund jarred boast oc cu pa tion temperature idea tossed re tail utterly contrary punish va cant coarse so ci e ty democratic 116 proc ess social ignorance taxation anxiety convenience enforce obedient tern po ra ry annual clever cozy coach illegible announcement competent en thu si asm judicial judg ment boundary 117 bou quet misunderstanding contributed urge f u ri ous retail frontier prettier depart enthusiastic delicious perspiration oc cur ring vacant bonny abolish vac ci nate occupation rheu ma tism society 118 con ven lent process taxable annoy sole coach responsibility jolted an tic i pate anxiety closer ability tempt enthusiasm obligation group mis used temporary soul judgment 119 coax bouquet urging miserably il lus trate occurring control Methodist an ti ci pate furious previous quarrelsome mix ture vaccinate boost captured de pos it depart pro f es sion rheumatism SPELLER. 135 120 boy cott convenient secretary mistress en ti tied tempt jostled delicatessen June tion sole sociable candidate con ven tion misused fuel inferior fury procession of f ense soul 121 van ish coax usually occasion right f ul mixture pried enormous brav er y illustration telegram secure de scend ed deposit ignorant difference tenth anticipate col lect profession 122 sou ve nir boycott mist clung a pol gize convention privilege annoyance . gale entitled enterprise different im ag i na ry fury illegal license con vie tion junction en vied offense 123 model vanish restaurant delinquent risen descend controlled bore junior rightful fulfill tissue panic tenth journal exceptional tend en cy bravery resign collect 124 pro gram souvenir democratic temperature spe cial ty imaginary utterly occasionally bride groom apologize fund naturally keen conviction coarse wharves de scend ant gale im mense envied 136 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 125 va ri ous model boundary annual col lege panic illegible social pro gress ive risen convenience absence gen er os i ty tendency judicial career mois ture junior robe resign 126 con vinced program society enthusiastic en vi ous keen vacant misunderstanding par a lyzed specialty retail lilies ten nis descendant occupation arrange va ri e ties bridegroom spe cial ly immense 127 ap pe tite various judgment anxiety Prot es tant progressive enthusiasm process gen er a tion college coach competition colo nel moisture temporary creaked im mi grant generosity mois ten robe 128 brief convinced cheated rheumatism ep i dem ic tennis hoarse vaccinate kin died envious custom digestion de scrip tive varieties omit exhibition pa ral y sis paralyzed rogue specially 129 prom i nent appetite soul illustrate apply colonel misused convenient de sire Protestant tempt exhaustion spec i men immigrant procession petition col ny generation gen ial moisten SPELLER. 131 130 ter ror brief profession sole bril liant descriptive deposit coax va ri e ty epidemic mixture information oor dial ly paralysis anticipate lining im mi gra tion kindled e qual ize rogue 131 knelt proininent offense entitled rub bish specimen fury boycott ap plied apply convention naughty par tic u lar colony junction stomachache ter ri fied desire e quip ment genial 132 mo las ses terror collect rightful spec ta cle cordially tenth vanish brisk ly brilliant descended quitting pro nounce immigration bravery securely de sir a ble variety vaude ville equalize 133 col umn knelt envied apologize ghost particular conviction souvenir par tial rubbish imaginary title label terrified gale absolutely thank f ul applied - sac ri fice equipment 134 im mov a ble molasses resign risen con ten tion pronounce tendency model mo ment spectacle panic security spir it desirable junior carrier pro noun cing briskly • ven ti la tion vaudeville 138 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 135 ap ply ing column immense specialty e quipped label descendant program lain ghost keen diminished mon u ment thankful bridegroom creamery com bine partial salary sacrifice 136 de scrib ing immovable robe college brit tie spirit moisture various gi gan tic contented progressive completely spite ful pronouncing generosity complexioned corpse moment im par tial ventilation 137 par tial ly applying specially envious vie to ri ous monument varieties convinced com bi na tion equipped tennis strictly ap pli ca tion combine paralyzed arranging glad den lain de spatch salary 138 there fore desiring moisten Protestant pro pri e tor spiteful immigrant appetite cor po ra tion brittle colonel grudge buff corpse generation livery erect gigantic land scape impartial 129 ap point partially rogue epidemic es cort^ application paralysis brief im pa tient victorious descriptive create glimpse gladden kindled necessary com bin ing combination lat ter despatch ^es' cort : The £ soldiers went as an escort to see the man safely home. SPELLER. 139 140 de spise therefore genial apply bulb buff colony prominent im po si tion proprietor specimen pheasant cor rec tion erect desire tombstone moral corporation sale landscape 141 pros per i ty appoint equalize brilliant ther mom e ter glimpse immigration terror ap point ment escort^ cordially storing des ti na tion combining variety toiling victory impatient com mand latter 142 splashed despise equipment rubbish bur den correction terrified knelt pa tience bulb particular physically es sen tial moral applied exertion cor rect ly imposition glis ten sale 143 im pressed prosperity vaudeville spectacle sang destination desirable molasses pa tri ot ism thermometer pronounce arrangement com menced victory briskly quotation vict uals appointment ap pre ci ate command 144 mort gage bur glar sacrifice ■ ghost splen did splashed thankful column launch essential label guarantee . thieves burden partial inhabitant pros per ous correctly patience glisten 2es corf : They promised to escort him through the dangerous region. 140 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 145 cor re spond impressed ventilation contention mos qui toes commenced pronouncing immovable es pe cial ly sang spirit seldom pros pect victuals moment diploma im pres sion patriotism sprin kling appreciate 14fi des ti tute applying 1 to burglar lain peace a ble mortgage salary equipped glory- thieves combine artist sat is fac to ry splendid monument complete laun dry prosperous thir teenth launch 147 ap pre ci a tion correspond Itf impartial brittle vig or ous prospect corpse describing es tab lish mosquitoes spiteful struggle moun tain ous impression gigantic carrying com mer cial especially in can des cent sprinkling 148 cor re spond ence destitute despatch victorious bus ier satisfactory gladden partially glo ri ous peaceable application nervous law f ul ly laundry combination comparison de struc tion glory peace a bly thirteenth 149 prov ing appreciation landscape proprietor ap pro pri ate mountainous erect therefore de struc tive vigorous buff expedition squeeze commercial corporation physician com mis sion establish virtue incandescent SPELLER. 14 150 saving correspondence latter escort calendar lawfully combining appoint through busier glimpse carries es teem destruction impatient inserted cost li est glorious glued jjeaceably 151 in ca pa ble proving sale bulb stage squeeze moral despise cam e ra appropriate correction guardian mourn ing commission imposition raging vis i ble destructive pub lish virtue 152 pe cul i ar i ty saving command thermometer thought f ul esteem victory prosperity la zi ness calendar destination abundant com mit ted costliest appointment Episcopalian scarce ly through de tails glued 153 ap prov al incapable glisten burden in ci dent mourning correctly splash mu nic i pal stage essential select e ter nal visible patience disaster punc tu al ly camera stamp publish 154 gor geous peculiarity appreciate sang pen nant committed victuals impressed coun cil thoughtful commenced lovable lee ture scarcely patriotism lodge seen er y laziness vol un teer details 142 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 155 threat ened approval burglar splendid approve eternal prosperous mortgage ev i dence incident thieves experience coun sel punctually launch niece in cur a ble municipal mus cu lar stamp 156 com mit tee gorgeous oppression sprinkling Turk ish lecture benefited impression de tect pennant investigation creature leg i ble scenery Latin studious grasp council scheme volunteer 157 thirteenth star threatened peaceable arch counsel laundry destitute pen i ten tia ry approve satisfactory association commit incurable glory compliment grat i tude evidence de vote muscular 158 puncture committee incandescent vigorous thun der legible commercial appreciation cam paign Turkish mountainous pierce waking grasp establish abundance ev i dent detect con tin u ance scheme 159 mu se um star peaceably busier in di ges tion commit destruction correspondence pur chase arch lawfully catalog star ing gratitude glorious pioneer ca na ry penitentiary waste ful devote SPELLER. 1 160 schol ar puncture virtue appropriate per form ance waking commission proving lei sure thunder squeeze rarely arch es evident destructive creditor thrilled campaign com pan ion continuance 143 161 cour a geous museum glued calendar in dig nant staring costliest saving pur pie indigestion esteem discipline ex ceed ing ly canary through stumble mut tered purchase sta tion a ry^ wasteful 162 de vot ing scholar publish stage lib er al arches visible incapable scold performance mourning senate graz ing thrilled camera gymnastic per ma nent leisure tidy companion 163 can ner ies courageous details thoughtful excel exceedingly scarcely peculiarity wealth y indignant committed ninetieth in di vid u ally muttered laziness tough course purple mu tu al stationary ^stationary : He runs a stationary engine. 144 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. 164 de voured devoting stamp incident lib er ty grazing punctually approval ar gued liberal eternal wisdom greet ed permanent municipal insinuate per mit ting scold com pel tidy 165 pur pose ly canneries volunteer pennant can ner y individually scenery gorgeous states man excel lecture topic ex eel lence course council machinist weary wealthy cour te ous mutual 166 ti ger devoured muscular approve ar gu ment greeted incurable threatened screw liberty counsel sensation di a gram permitting evidence gymnasium com pelled grippe argued compel 167 name ly purposely scheme Turkish in dulged excellent grasp committee seal cannery legible wisely pur sue weary detect abused tire some statesman cour te sy courteous 168 per son al tiger devote arch sculp tor diagram gratitude star li bra ry argument commit assume wharf compelled penitentiary creditable stead y screw diet grippe SPELLER. 145 169 na ture namely continuance thunder quan ti ties pursue evident puncture per spire indulged waking caution dwarf tiresome campaign exquisite quilt seal drear y courtesy 170 a broad personal wasteful indigestion di gest i ble wharf canary museum huge sculptor staring disposition in sur gent steady purchase magnify em i grant library dy na mite diet 10—9808 146 CHI CO NORMAL SCHOOL. GENERAL REVIEW. scholar fraction paralyzed performance janitor tennis leisure resemble varieties arches ankle specially thrilled cleanly appetite companion energy Protestant personal frivolous generation sculptor minister colonel library respectable immigrant wharf boast moisten steady delicacy brief diet contrary epidemic courageous idea kindled indignant jarred descriptive purple smiling paralysis exceedingly obedient rogue muttered taxation prominent stationary announcement apply devoting clever desire liberal enforce specimen scold ignorance colony grazing prettier genial permanent urge terror tidy bonny brilliant nature delicious variety quantities frontier cordially perspire contributed immigration dwarf annoy equalize quilt obligation knelt dreary responsibility rubbish SPELLER. canneries taxable applied excel miserably particular wealthy boost terrified individually previous equipment course control molasses mutual urging spectacle devoured mistress briskly liberty fuel pronounce argued . sociable desirable. greeted jostled vaudeville permitting secretary column compel enormous ghost purposely occasion partial cannery ignorant label abroad telegram sacrifice digestible pried immovable huge usually contention insurgent annoyance spirit emigrant illegal pronouncing dynamite enterprise ventilation statesman privilege applying excellence delinquent equipped weary journal lain courteous fulfill monument tiger controlled combine argument restaurant salary screw. occasionally describing diagram temperature brittle compelled coarse gigantic grippe utterly spiteful namely democratic corpse indulged social impartial seal annual partially pursue judicial victorious tiresome convenience combination 147 148 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. courtesy illegible application repetition boundary gladden citizen misunderstanding despatch irritate enthusiastic therefore ornament occupation proprietor declare retail corporation requiring vacant buff systematic society erect bluish . process landscape endeavor anxiety appoint dejected temporary escort consulted enthusiasm impatient frantic judgment glimpse humane ' bouquet combining issue furious latter freedom depart despise ounce occurring bulb irresistible vaccinate imposition reserved rheumatism correction jnerrily convenient moral civilized illustrate prosperity preceded procession thermometer endurance tempt appointment ambition misused destination hustler soul victory mighty coax command original anticipate splashed decrease mixture burden premium deposit patience civilization profession essential sloppy boycott correctly contempt entitled glisten amusement junction patriotism tangle convention victuals enduring fury appreciate SPELLER. 149 blur offense mortgage humorous vanish splendid deliberately bravery launch midst descended thieves continually collect prosperous preferred souvenir burglar amusing apologize correspond slippery imaginary mosquitoes frail conviction especially endure envied prospect jammed model impression resident risen sprinkling continue junior destitute hygiene tendency peaceably mightier apology satisfactory presented program ^ laundry usual specialty appreciation angel descendant vigorous tariff immense establish delicate various mountainous cleanse college commercial contract generosity incandescent energetic progressive correspondence hymn moisture busier millionaire convinced glorious prettiest envious lawfully slyly through destruction proving esteem committed appropriate costliest scarcely destructive incapable approval squeeze camera incident commission mourning municipal virtue visible eternal saving peculiarity punctually calendar laziness gorgeous 150 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. pennant stamp criticism council pitiful trapped lecture extremely choir scenery nominate divorce volunteer resistance adopted threatened reality accommodate approve hastily instinct evidence pleasure • noticeable counsel magazine concerned incurable stupidity deal muscular inspection separation committee sentiment pleasing Turkish senseless Baptist detect tourist magnified legible assuming reasonable scheme criminal faithful penitentiary accidentally haunted commit cautiously consequently gratitude composition succeed devote planned criticize puncture ceasing wrestle star insolvent notable arch readily audience thunder realize conceited campaign disguise attached waking magnificent insurance evident subject suffrage continuance subscription reception museum externally ceremony indigestion traceable malicious purchase tracing crystal staring sensible service canary wives fashionable wasteful assure plural grasp compromise yield SPELLER. 151 heartily intention possibility recipe intelligent supplies accurate shrugged admiring dreadful marshal hollowed serviceable confess simply average current typhoid conclusion Scottish damage cultivator confidential flutter await popular meanness trifle charitable surgeon certificate populace choosing faucet obliging considerably sufficient suicide supreme eondemned hideous cheat dreamed referred simple nourishment recovering behavior trial acquired twilight duly interrupt supplies poisonous shriek interval integrity shrewd balk heir education advertise recital marvel beginner acknowledge truant dealt Presbyterian obtain opera Congregationalist charity advertising champion connected forcible managing cushion embroidery cunning actually regretted suggest interior deceit awfully summit emerald curious fertile forcefully festival referring postpone trifle signal holy feature marvelous consisting heiress trustee interview 152 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. circulate nuisance adjourn horrid youthful effort emphasize conduct population sixtieth numerous occurring investigate policy depart intimate acquaintance furious ungrateful intellect bouquet deceitful recollection baggage practically reckless cylinder relation changeable fleeing contact manageable reference belief shopping conscious skeleton durable interpret prospect politics superintendent especially trifling interfere mosquitoes suggestion material correspond curiosity tube reliable awning hoarsely deceive acquainted omitted merchandise conqueror positive unhitched polls admire sympathy charging matinee contagious character possibly prairie awkward signature advising recommendation similar employer economy supervisor oppressing educate refusal deceiving manufacture conscience forgiving suitable mattress remedy heroism operation circuit herded twine circulating Catholic embarrass horrible composing simplicity skinned efficient invalid birth occasionallv meddle SPELLER. 153 chronic choice fountain poultry considerable ordinary unconscious meek decisive invasion swindle horror rejoice foreign syrup observation practical hostess suspicious advertisement organize honorable employee slant singular horizon university barbarous opportunity merely swept contest precede admission merciful repetition forbidden affair systematic medium encounter irresistible bargain preacher original emergency circumstances slaughter darling constitution merrily opponent invisible endeavour daAvn removal preceded chocolate- blend system consider irregular consulted situated encourage slight 154 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. APPENDIX. The following list of 462 additional words has been printed so that schools with excess energy and time may find a list containing supplementary spelling material. These words, as proved by the facts, are not as commonly written as the ones that have been placed in the list. They may be said to occupy a middle ground between the words rarely used in writing and the words commonly used. Many of them are words commonly encountered in reading and in general oral use, and therefore are a part of our work- ing vocabulary. Some of them may be common enough in the written use of teachers and others upon whom special demands are made. Nevertheless, the fact is, they are not in general written use and therefore can not fairly be included in a course of study that aims to serve the needs of all. abruptly federal allowance crepe cabinet coyote explorations currency almond credential legislature diary uneasy obstinate ghostly legally rapidity glacier orient sergeant magnanimous seminary obvious regiment abreast universe majestic legislator substance pendulum buzzing acceptance shrubbery faculty cactus rehearse oxygen cyclone shunned sensitive fertility survival unimaginable lessen variation subordinate surpassed tact abusive valise varied SPELLER. cedar dwarf liable amazed identify substitute cement portion adequate dignity reverence canvass glee solicit defied majesty rhubarb admirable penetrate precedent democracy rehearsal mental liability siege ridicule pardonable relapse solitary suitor sincerity pamphlet talkative perilous readiness vary malicious serial talented testify substantial amiable architect unruly cereal citrus accompany dignified divisible calculated gracious hospitable daisies chalk arisen fiber dilapidated climax lettuce granary humiliate pageant manifest drudgery session perpendicular hypocrite parallel remembrance meager unsatisfactory manipulate solemn accuracy perpetual medal declaration resemblance revenue calm slacked thaw flexible talented weapon adapted sleek ascended defy tastefully cocoanut camel venture duplicate additional ancient hysterical levy challenge assault shallow disapproved coffin armor grandeur 155 156 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. apartments edition pathetic chandelier impel patent disastrous miracle supervise grappled prejudice vaguely perseverance missionary alfalfa mantel presidential detain reservoir robust generate mantle sovereign allowable slough tickling caucus sluggish whirling device theory utensils magic weaver adored peacock thigh captivity reddish assembly denounce shift collapse capacity magistrate imaginable forfeit shield assistant limitation peasant echo particle surgical colonize shark valid imbecile symptom resignation mineral agency tapioca precise carnival vertical rivalry descent teachable precocious fracture vicious soprano litter tedious minor participate vicinity throbbed reclining villain whine sheer apricot thump sulphur chaperone asylum vagrant discipline immodest agriculture grievance commendable alcohol discord editorial carved apologize athletic detrimental disinfectant commerce macaroni gulch SPELLER. 157 habitual impelled eloquence mansion mirage mistletoe restored presumption ruffian smattering romped misspell plantation mischievous sphinx smelter routine rugged restrain spangled spinach sniffed tortured transplanted temptation whittle wretch vision tragedy yacht terrace wilful transaction vital authority sanitarium applaud complete barbarous liorizontal element conceive applause inaugurate sacred cholera aviation cone apprentice elevation salve dispose incentive eminent plateau misconstrue sarcasm soar prey indictment retreated royal sausage plead speedometer emphasis maximum rudder . schedule plumb mistreated concentrated medical primitive monopolize terrific sphere spiritual vulgar transport proficient testimony witness sprawling wavering transferable prohibit torrent wondrous sprout attentive aviator transient election complicate science attorney eligible tread compact incredible scoop elector aware beckoned 158 CHICO NORMAL SCHOOL. condense statistics .sterilize scornfully provoked optional infantile mortified negotiable confetti sediment quartz scoundrel tremendous stimulate begrudge blizzard type inherit coroner nugget scrambling trestle typical monopoly seized bragging squirrel mussel council promissory trinket existence screen purity juvenile pronunciation blurred strangled scribble statue nursery monstrous etiquette quorum stalk instil kindergarten treasury mustard unacquainted conqueror stature brandy treaty tuition coupon bleach quaint kodak equivalent triangle streak conspicuous startled opium inheritance quarantine raid scuffle normal strolling contradict turnip ordeal scum costume unanimous morgue execute ore prophet isthmus stuttered STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CHICO, CALIFORNIA. PUBLICATIONS. BULLETINS. Bulletin No. 1. School Gabdens fob Califobnia Schools. A manual and teacher's guide in the making of school gardens, especially designed to meet the conditions of California schools. Illustrated, 80 pages, 30 cents postpaid. B. M. Davis, Chico State Normal School. Bulletin No. 4. Lesson Plans in Aetthmetic. A series of lesson plans on notation and numeration, subtraction, division of common fractions, division of decimals, mensuration of the rectangle, surveying heights, and cash account. 17 pages, 10 cents postpaid. A. W. Stamper, Chico State Normal School. Bulletin No. 5. Part I, Map Geography. Part II, Journey Geography for Beginners. 96 pages, 30 cents postpaid. C. K. Studley, Chico State Normal School. Bulletin No. 6. Geogbaphy Coubse of Study (for use in the Fifth and Sixth grades). A series of lesson plans assisting the teacher in preparing and presenting an introductory course in Geography. It follows the California State Series introductory geography text and is designed to lighten the work of the teacher and at the same time bring out the true values of the subject 82 pages, 25 cents post- paid. C. K. Studley, Chico State Normal School. Bulletin No. 7. A Spelling Coubse fob Elementabt Schools. A series of spelling lessons consisting of words in common writ- ten use. These words are introduced a few at a time and adequate reviews are systematically provided. The introduction sets forth some fundamental principles of spelling methods. 112 pages, 25 cents postpaid. C. K. Studley and Allison Ware, Chico State Normal School. Outline Maps. A series of nine maps designed for use in teaching Map Geogra- phy and to accompany Part I, Bulletin 5. These maps afford the basis for a valuable type of seat work and provide an unusually effective drill in the teaching of map geography. Postpaid, per set of nine, 15 cents. C. K. Studley, Chico State Normal School. Address all orders and inquiries, and make all payments to the Bulletin Fund, State Normal School, Chico, California. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW MAR 28 1916 -FP 10 1919 fEB84 13t9 my gi920 JUL 13 \d2\ ^OV 16 1328 '" SENT ON ILL AUG 09 1999 U.C. BERKELEY 14192/ ^11^ n 97 ' 30m-l,'15 YR n 3 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY