Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.arcliive.org/details/abcoflifeinsuranOOwillricli THE ABC OF Life Insurance. By CHARLES E. WILLARD. ^ OF THE \ NIVERSITY OF . ypOURTH EDITION. i PUBLISHED BY i THE : SPECTATOR COMPANY 1 New York. 1897 :t^ERAL Entered in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C, in the year 1897, by The Spectator Company, New York. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. To ejcr^iain and illustrate some of the fundamental and ele- mentary principles of Life Insurance so simply that they can rpor^vJily fc understood by men who have not been specially trained i>fnathematicians, or have not had their attention par- iCIarly directed to the theory and mathematics of Life Insur- ance, 4 tne aim of this Uttle book. For those who already possess this elementary knowledge, there are many excellent hand-books which carry the discussion much further, and cover the entire subject in the ablest and most satisfactory manner. But as an introduction to these, a beginning, an **easy lesson," it is hoped that the following pages will have their use. They owe their existence to the impossibility of findmg among the text-books already published anything which seemed exactly adapted to this purpose. C. E. W. New York, November i, 1888. ^ PREFACE, TO FOURTH EDITION, A demand for the ABC requiring a fourth edition to meet it is evidence that every year a very considerable number of men wish to know what Life Insurance is. It is a pleasure to pre- sent to them a revised and enlarged edition of the book, con- taining a more extended discussion of net premiums, a presen- tation of the theory of surrender values and surrender charges,, and a new table of *' Combined Experience, 4 per cent" net premiums, and, in its references to the actual conduct of the business, informing to the latest practice. C. E. W. New ^'ork, November i, 1897. THE ABC OF LIFE INSURANCE CHAPTER I. A PRELIMINARY STUDY. Insurance, in its simplest form, is indemnity for loss. Or it may be described as a method of distributing an individual's loss among a large number of other persons who are willing to assume each his small share of it, ia return for the certainty that if a similar loss falls upon any- one of them, the loser, or those dependent upon him, will in like manner be indemnified. If a building or stock of goods is burned, so much capital is destroyed. If a pro- ductive human life ends, so much capital in another form is destroyed. For convenience in apportioning the loss, or dividing it among those interested, the machinery and organ- ization of a company are invoked. The company contracts to pay the loss, the company collects the premium, the company pays the loss if it occurs. Consequently, the com- Note. — It is sometimes flippantly said that insurance is simply a form of gambling, the company betting a large sum that a certain loss will not occur, the insured bettinsf a small sum that it will; if the loss occurs, the company pays the bet. In so foolish a statement as this, only the element of chance is taken into account. No consideration is had of the fact that the insured receives the worth of his money, in any event, in the protec- tion afforded — the certainty that he will be indemnified if the loss falls on him. A bet involves the payment of money without any equivalent in return. 6 The A B C of Life Insurance, pany is said to insure each individual, but it must be remembered that the actual function of the company is that of a medium through which the business is transacted, and that the result is simply the apportionment of such individual losses as occur, among a large number of insured who assume the payment of these losses from year to year in order that they may themselves claim a like indemnity should the occasion arise. If this fact were thoroughly understood in life insurance, as it is in fire, more correct ideas of the values of life policies would prevail even among those who have no technical knowledge of the subject. Two or three elementary principles constitute the foun- dation of all life insurance. They are so simple that they need only to be presented to be comprehended by any person of ordinary intelligence. Their practical application to various contingencies may, and often does, involve mathematical calculations which are not only very lengthy but also very intricate. This fact has thrown a veil of mystery over the whole subject, which does not properly belong to it. One need not be an actuary or expert mathematician to have a very fair knowledge of the funda- mental principles. The following example will enable us to study these principles : // should be understood in advance that the supposed con- ditions of this example^ so far as the rate of 7nortality {or number of deaths in a year) is concerned, are not those which we meet in actual experience. The ter7n of life is shortened from ninety -six years to fifty, that the calculation may be proportionately shortened. The number of deathc^ each year, and the amount of insurance on each individual^ are purposely such as to make the calculation very simple^ and susceptible of instant verification. Consequently, our I The A B C of Life Insurance. results will not be the results of actual experience. The premium will be very much too high, the annual cost of the insurance very much too great, the accumulation of reserve very much too rapid. But the two or three elementary principles which we wish to study are perfectly and exactly illustrated. As will be shown later on, the same process applied to the conditions which actually exist, will secure correct results. Bearing the above in Mind : Let us suppose that a company is formed of i ooo men ; that the age of each man is 40 ; that each is insured for $ijop^»that 100 men will die during the first and each succeeding year ;* that every man remains in the company until his death occurs ; that the company receives nothing for interest on money in its hands, and pays nothing for the expense of conducting the business. Suppose, also, that for the sake of convenience these men agree to pay a uni- form amount each year so long as they live, as a premium for the insurance. It is evident that the total amount of insurance to be paid would be 1000 x $1100, or $1,100,000. It is also evident that there would be 1000 men to pay premiums the first year, 900 the second year, 800 the third year, and so on. The total number of premium payments made would be 5500. Each payment therefore must be $1,100,000 -f- 5500, or $200, which, upon our assumption, * As a matter of fact, we should expect that the number of deaths among 1000 men, age 40, would be but 9 or 10 the first year, and that i or 2 of the 1000 men would survive the age of 90. To make our supposition conform to these facts would extend our calculation over 50 years. The assumption which is made above, reduces the term to 10 years, and so avoids the tediousness of the calculation based upon the longer, actual term. 8 The A B C of Life Insurance, would be the anriTial, whole-life premium for an insurance ot $1 loo upon the life of a man aged 40. The results would be as follows : i.cxx) X $200 = 100 X $1,100 =: $200,000, Premiums received beginning of 110,000, Losses paid durmg $90,000, Amount in hand at end of 900 X $200 = $180,000, Premiums received beginning of $270,000, Total am't in hand beginning of 100 X $1,100 = 110,000, Losses paid during $160,000, Amount in hand at end of 800 X $200 = 160,000, Premiums received beginning of $320,000, Total am't in hand beginning of 100 X $1,100= iio.ooo, Losses paid during $210,000, Amount in hand at end of 700 X $200 = 140.000, Premiums received beginning of $350,000, Total am't in hand beginning of 100 X $1,100= 110,000, Losses paid during $240,000, Amount in hand at end of 600 X $200 = 120,000, Premiums received beginning of $360,000, Total am't in hand beginning of 100 X $1,100= 110,000, Losses paid during $250,000, Amount in hand at end of 500 X $200 = 100,000, Premiums received beginning of $350,000, Total am't in hand beginning of loo X $1,100= iio.ooo. Losses paid during $240,000, Amount in hand at end of 400 X $200 = 80,000, Premiums received beginning of $320,000, Total am't in hand beginning of ICO X $1,100= 110,000, Losses paid during $210,000, Amount in hand at end of First Year, Age 40. Second Year, Age 41. Third Year, Age 42. Fourth Year, Age 43. 1 Fifth \ Year, I ^ge 44- ) Sixth S- ifear, Age 45. Seventh Year, Age 46. 300 X $200 = 60,000, Premiums received beginning of $270,000, Total am't in hand beginning of 100 X $1,100= 110,000, Losses paid during $160,000, Amount in hand at end of 200 X $200= 40,000, Premiums received beginning of $200,000, Total am't in hand beginning of 100 X $1,100= 110,030, Losses p-^id during Eighth Year, Age 47. Ninth Year, Age 48. $90,000, Amount in hand at end of j 100 X $200 = 20,000, Premiums received beginning of ^ T th $110, oco. Total am't in hand beginning of Y Year, 100 X $1,100= 110,000, Losses paid during J 8' 49' 00 Now it is evident that the principles involved in fixing the premium and collecting the necessary amounts to pay losses in full, until the last contract is met, must be the same whether the death rate be 9 or 100 per annum, and the term 10 or 50 years. Let us see, then, what can be discovered by a study of the above. In the first place it is evident that the cost of the insur- ance — i. e., the amount of the losses in any one year divided by the number of men living at the beginning of that year — ^varies from year to year, although the annual premium remains the same. The losses for the first year are $110,000. The number of men to pay premiums is 1000. The cost of the insurance, therefore, is $110,000-5-1000, or $110 per man. The second year the losses are $110,000. There are but 900 men, how- ever, to pay premiums, 100 men having died. Conse- quently, the cost of the insurance is $110,000 -^ 900, or $122.33 P^r man. In the same way the cost the third year is $110,000.00-7-800, or $137.50 per man; the fourth year, $110,000-^700, or $157.14 per man — and so on. When we reach a point where more than one-half lo The A B C of Life Insurance. of the original number of men is dead, or will have died before the end of the year, the cost will exceed the premium. Thus, in the sixth year, the cost is $110,000 -^ 500, or $220.00 per man. And, from this point, the cost con- tinues to exceed the premium by an annually increasing amount to the end. It is evident, therefore, that a uniform or, as it is usually called, a " level " premium, involves the annual payment of a sum in excess of the current cost of the insurance during a part of the term, and the annual payment of a sum less than the current cost of the insurance during the remainder of the term. Consequently; whatever is overpaid during the former portion of the term must be held in hand, reserved^ to provide against the deficit which would other- wise occur during the latter part of the term. The same fact appears from an inspection of the figures above, without stopping to calculate the cost of the insur- ance. Thus we see that the premiums received exceeded the losses paid by $90,000 the first year, $70,000 the second year, and so on up to the sixth year. Then the losses began to exceed the premiums, the excess being $70,000 in the ninth year, and $90,000 in the tenth year. If, now, the company finding itself with $90,000 in hand at the end of the first year, $160,000 at the end of the second year, $210,000 at the end of the third year, had overlooked the call to be made upon these funds in the future, and had spent or, through carelessness or misfortune, lost some of these funds, had failed to keep the full amount intact, there would have been finally a deficit of exactly the amount so lost or spent. Ten thousand dollars a year might be spent for several successive years without affecting the company's ability to pay its current losses, but the time would surely come when the absence of the money would show itself in The A B C of Life Insurance, ii the inability of the company to carry its contracts of insur- ance to the end. It is plain, therefore, that at the end of each year the company would have in its possession a sum of money which it must carefully reserve for the future fulfillment of its existing contracts. Another point. At the beginning of each year (for the above example supposes that the company receives all its premiums at the beginning of the year), there would be on hand the money brought over from the preceding year plus the premiums for the current year. A portion of this total amount would have to be held for the payment of the current losses of this year. To distinguish this from the amount to be carried forward at the end of the year, we will call it the insurance reserve. Since this would be paid out at intervals during the year, as losses occurred, the sum left in the company's hands would slowly diminish until, at the end of the year, the insurance reserve would be entirely (and properly) expended in the payment of losses, and only that amount of money which must be held for the future would remain. This latter amount, since it must be held for a series of years, and might be invested in interest-bearing securities, we will call the investment reserve. This suggests another point, viz.: that while the reserve of a policy may be said to increase each year that the insur- ance is in force, this increase, so long as premiums are paid, is not an absolutely uniform one. The reserve is greater at the beginning of the year, because it includes both the insurance and the investment portions ; diminishes during the year, because the insurance portion is expended grad- ually in the payment of losses ; but at the end of each year is greater than at the end of the preceding year, because the investment portion of that year is added to the investment portion of the preceding year or series of years. 12 The A B C of Life Insurance. If we divide the amount of money in the hands of our supposed company at the end of the first year by the num- ber of survivors at the end of that year, we have $90,000 -^ 900, or $100. This is the amount of reserve for each policy (or insurance) at the end of the first year. After the pre- miums have been paid at the beginning of the second year, and before any deaths have occurred for that year, the reserve on each policy would be $270,000 -5- 900, or $300. At the end of that year the reserve would be $160,000 -5- 800, or $200 on each insurance. By putting the figures of reserves at the beginning and end of several years in parallel col- umns, this point will be more clearly seen : Beginning End of Year. of Year. Reserve second year $3cx) $20c Reserve third year 400 30c Reserve fourth yeai 500 400 Reserve fifth year 600 500 This may be represented by a diagram as follows : Fifth Year. 2 \A 'S w *s a •a '& •F5, & ^ & Perhaps the function of the investment reserve may be shown in another way. Suppose that the company of 1000 I^n The A B C of Life Insurance. 13 b had agreed to pay each year the exact cost of the insurance for that year. Taking our figures of cost on page 8, the results would be as follows : 1,000 X $110 =$110,000, Premiums rec'd beginning of ^ p' st ' 100 X $1,100 = 110,000, Losses paid during i Year, 00, Amount in hand at end of J & 4 • I. $122.23 = $110,000, Premiums rec'd beginning of ^ 5, , 100 X $1,100 = 110,000, Losses paid during i Year, — I Age 41 00, Amount in hand at end of j ^ "* ' 800 X $137.50 = $110,000, Premiums rec'd beginning cf "^ Th' d 1 00, Amount in hand at end ot J etc., etc., etc. Here, as the increasing premiums take care of the current losses for each year, there is no need of carrying any amount forward from one year to another, and the investment re- serve disappears altogether. The insurance reserve at the beginning of each year is the full amount of the expected losses for that year. As these losses occur and are paid the reserve diminishes, and at any time during the year is measured by the amount of expected losses for the re- mainder of the year. At the end of the year, all losses having been paid, it is nothing. It appears then, that, leaving out the question of ex- penses, the level premium is made up of two parts — the insurance portion, which pays the current losses of the year, and the investment portion, whose sole purpose and use are to keep the premium level. The investment reserve (and this is what is usually meant by the term *' Reserve ") may be defined as that part of a level or uniform premium, not needed for current losses, which is set aside for pur- 1^ The A B C of Life Insurance, poses of accumulation, to be used, with its accretions, im payment of future losses. Incidentally, it should be noted that the reserve of each \ policy in our example at the tenth or final year, plus the premium for that year, is $iioo, and that the actual cost of the insurance for that year is also $iioo, From this preliminary study, then, it is evident that a company must either collect an annually increasing pre- mium, correctly adjusted to the annually increasing cost, or must accumulate from a level or uniform premium an invested reserve fund; that this reserve, if accumulated, must be kept intact until needed for its legitimate purpose, viz.: the payment of such a portion of each policy as that policy has contributed to it; that the waste or loss of this reserve means ultimate bankruptcy, on account of the increasing cost of the insurance for which the level premium, without the accumulated reserve, does not provide ; and that the reserve upon any policy increases with the age of that policy or the number of years it has been in force. We can also see that the man who wishes insurance must continue Note. — Another definition of a reserve is " The difference between the present value of the insurance, and the present value of the future premiums on that insurance." As an illustration of this definition, our example is very crude, since it ignores the question of compound interest, which is the important factor in determining present values. Neverthe- less, it suggests the method of calculating the reserves for insurances at different ages and under policies upon which premiums have been paid for different terms of years, as actually practiced. Thus, in our supposed company, at the end of the third year there were 700 survivors, upon each one of whom there was an insurance of $1100, or a total of $770,000. The total amount of premiums to be paid during the remainder of the term of years covered by the example was $560,000. Of course, if interest is to be ignored, there is no difference between present and future values. Consequently, the present values of the insurances and of the future premiums would be their full amounts. The difference, $210,000, is the amount of the reserve at the end of the third year given in our example. The A B C of Life Insurance, 15 to pay his premiums thereon ; that the men who die during the earlier part of the term do not pay the company, in pre- miums, an amount equal to the amount of their insurance ; and that the men who live to the latter part or end of the whole-life term pay, in premiums, more than the amount of their insurance. Simple and elementary as is the preceding discussion, it will repay careful study by anyone unfamiliar with the theory of insurance. And when its points have been mas- tered thoroughly, the preparation will be ample for a ready understanding of what follows in this little volume. Our illustration was based upon the supposition that the 1000 men were all of the same age ; that no other men came into the arrangement; that none of the original number dropped out by the way ; that in each year the number of deaths was exactly what it was expected to be when the company was formed ; that nothing was realized for interest by the investment of funds on hand ; and that there was no expense connected with the transaction of the business. In actual experience, men of all ages are insured in the same company; new members are continually coming in; old ones are dropping out ; new sets of reserves are taking the places of those which have been applied in the payment of losses or have been withdrawn ; the rate of mortality varies more or less from the tabular rate ; interest is received on investments; and expenses are incurred in various ways. An attempt will be made in the following pages to discuss some of these matters briefly and simply, but to carry the discussion only so far as may be necessary to an intelligent comprehension of the subject in a somewhat general way. 1 6 The A B C of Life Insurance. CHAPTER II. MORTALITY TABLES. If insurance is simply a method of distributing or appor- tioning individual losses among a large number of persons who enter into the arrangement for mutual protection, the fact will at once suggest itself that each person should pay not only in proportion to the amount of his possible loss, but also in proportion to the likelihood that that loss will occur. Risks are classified for fire insurance according to the hazard of fire. In like manner, the life most likely to end should pay the highest premium. Asid : from the special risk to which any individual hfe may, at any given time, be subjected by reason of sickness or accident, it is evident that the older a man grows the nearer he is to death. Consequently, in determining the amount of premiums which any individual should pay, it is evident that his age must be the prime factor. The first thing, then, to be determined is the effect of age upon the rate of mortality — in other words, how many deaths within a year may be expected among a given number of men of any given age. No business in the world has a more reliable basis upon which to make its calculations than that of life insurance. The rate of mortality among lives of different ages has been made a matter of study and record for more than 150 years. The tabulated results are known as " Mortality Tables" or "Tables of Mortality." The A B C of Life Insurance, 17 The first used as a basis for life insurance was the North- ampton Table. This was formed by Dr. Price from obser- vations on the mortality in the town of Northampton, Eng- land, from 1735 to 1780. This table is no longer used for valuations, and has never been used in this country. The Carlisle Table was formed by Mr. Milne from obser- vations in the town of Carlisle, England, from 1778 to 1787. It is still in use to a limited extent. The Actuaries* or Combined Experience Table, published in 1843, was compiled from the experience of seventeen English companies. It is used in this country as the legal standard for computing reserves with four per cent interest, but in England has been largely superseded by the later Actuaries' or H. M. (Healthy Males) Table. The Farr Table, No. 3, was constructed by Dr. Farr from observations upon the mortality of the entire population of England, and was published in 1864. It is not now in use. The American Experience Table was formed from the experience of the Mutual Life of New York by Mr. Sheppard Homans, actuary of that company. It is in general use in this country for the computation of premiums, and as the legal standard for computing reserves with four and one- half per cent interest. The experience of thirty American companies was tabu- lated by Mr. L. W. Meech, and the results pubHshed in 1 88 1. This table is generally known as the Meech Table. It is very valuable as a record of actual experience, but is not used in valuations. For present purposes it is necessary to give the Actuaries* and American ExperienceTables only. These will be found on pages 68, 71 and 72. From the latter table anyone who is interested to do so, and has the time to spare, can substitute the proper figures i8 The A B C of Life Insurance. for those given in the preHminary example, and can calcu- late the necessary annual, whole-life premium for any age without allowance for interest or expenses. By dividing the number of deaths during any year by the number of persons living at the beginning of that year, we obtain the percentage of mortality as given in connection with these tables. From the mortality tables, also, by averaging the after-life time of the number of persons living at any given age, we obtain the table of the Expectation of Life given on page 50. This table is interesting, but not particularly useful. It is never employed in making calculations. The supposition that the annual premium to be paid by a person of any given age is the sum which, invested at four or four and a half per cent during the "expectation" of that person, would equal the amount insured ; or that the present value of an insurance, payable at death, can be ascertained by discounting the amount of the insurance at four or four and a half per cent for the number of years represented by the " expectation " of the insured, is wholly erroneous. So, too, the average age of a number of Hves is not a reliable measure of the risk upon them all. Thus, the average age of 10 men aged 98, and 10 men aged 30, would be 64 years. Among these 20 men we should expect at least 10 deaths during the year, while among 20 men aged 64 we should not expect more than one death. The A B C of Life Insurance, 19 CHAPTER III. NET PREMIUMS, A net premium is one in the calculation of which due allowance has been made for the interest which a company may receive upon its investments, but with no allowance for the expenses of the business. Thus far we have, for the sake of simplicity, neglected the question of interest. But, since a company may realize con- siderable amounts in the way of interest upon judiciously invested funds, not needed for present use, it is plain that, in determining the premium which it is necessary to charge, due consideration of this source of income should be had. Obviously, the rate of premium will be reduced by the fact that interest receipts are to be added to the company's in- come. If too great a reduction is made, however, the pre- mium will not be sufficient. And, as life insurance contracts may cover a very long period, premiums must be based upon assumptions which are likely to be realized in actual ex- perience through an indefinite term of years. With this fact in view, 4 per cent has been taken as the probable rate of interest, in ihe calculation of premiums. The following explanation of the method of calculating a net annual premium for an insurance for the term of five years, presents only the very simplest form of such calcula- tions, the design being rather to illustrate principles and the method of their application, than to present or attempt to demonstrate intricate mathematical problems. 20 The A B C of Life Insurance. What should be the net annual premium (level) for an in- surance of $1000, for the term of 5 years only, upon the life •of a man aged 40, according to the American Experience Table with 4 per cent interest ? An annuity is the recurring annual payment of a uniform amount. Consequently the annual premium is an annuity paid by the insured to the company. Manifestly, there- fore, the proper method of ascertaining the required pre- mium is to ascertain the present value of the insurance, and then to determine the amount of an annuity whose present value is equal to the present value of the insurance. We will calculate the present value of an insurance for $1 and then find the corresponding annuity. The latter will be the annual premium for an insurance of $1, which must be multiplied by the number of dollars of any desired insurance to obtain the necessary premium therefor. In thiSy and in all similar calculations ^ the premium is considered payable at the beginning of the year, and the loss at the end of the year. Present value of (or, in other words, single premium for) an insurance of $1, for a term of 5 years, upon the life of a man aged 40. By the American Experience Table (page 68) it appears that, out of 78,106 person living at age 40, there will die In the I St year, 765 persons In the 2d " 774 In the 3d '' 785 In the 4th " 797 In the 5th " 812 An insurance of $1, therefore, upon each person, would require the payment of $765.00 at the end of the first year, $774.00 at the end of the second year, and so on. From the I The A B C of Life Insurance. 21 table of present values of $1 (page 76) we find that the Present value at 4 per cent of $1 payable in i year is $0.961538. Present value at 4 per cent of $1 payable in 2 years, is $0.924556, etc. Therefore the present value of the above losses is as follows : Of the $765.00. $765 X .961538 ^7355? Ofthe 774.00, 774 X .924556 715.60 Ofthe 785.00, 785 X .888996 697.86 Of the 797.00, 797 X .854804 681.28 Of the 812.00, 812 X .821927 667 40 Total present value of losses $3,497-72 If the 78,106 persons living at the beginning of the term were to divide this present value into 78,106 single pay- ments, to be made at once, the result would be $3,497.72 -i- 78,106, or $0.04478, and this would be the present value of an insurance of $1, and consequently the single pre- mium which each man should pay in advance for such an insurance. But we wish to find an annual premium (or annuity) whose present value shall equal the above present value of the insurance. This will, of course, be an annuity for 5 years contingent upon the lives of 78,106 persons, aged 40. We will first find the present value of such an annuity for $1. By the same table of mortality, we find that if each per- son living at the beginning of each year should pay $1, the company would receive At the beginning ofthe ist year, $78,106.00. At the beginning ofthe 2d year, 77,341.00. Lt the beginning of the 3d year, 76,567.00. Lt the beginning of the 4th year, 75,782.00. At the beginning of the 5th year, 74.985.00. 22 The A B C of Life Insurance. Of course, the present value of the first payment would be the entire amount of that payment, since it is made at once. The present value of the second payment would be the present value of -that amount payable in i year ; of the third, the present value of that amount payable in 2 years ; and so on. Resorting again to the table of present values of $1, we have Present value of the $78,106.00 $78,106.00 1 Present value of the 77,341.00 = $77,341 x .961538 74,36631 Present value oi the 76.567.00 = 76,^67 x ,924556 70,790.48 Present value of the 75,782.00 = 75,782 x .888996 67,369.89 Present value of the 74,985.00 = 74,985 x .854804 64,097.48 Total present value of all the payments $354-73° i^ This total depends upon the lives of 78,106 persons — the number living at the beginning of the first year. Conse- quently, the amount depending upon the life of any one per- son must be $354,73o-i6 ^ or $4.54164. This, then, is the 78,106 present value of an annuity of $1 for 5 years, contingent upon the life of a person aged 40. This value is much larger than the value of the insurance, which is only $0.04478. Consequently the required annuity or annual premium will be only . of $1, or $0.00986. This is the net annual premium for an insurance of $1 for the term of 5 years on a life aged 40. The premium for an insurance of $1000 would be 1000 x $0.00986, or $9.86. It will'be seen at once that, if the term of the insurance instead of being limited to 5 years, had covered the entire term of life according to the American Experience Table, the result would have been the net annual, whole-life pre- mium. The A B C of Life Insuraui.^, 23 The following example carries the premium, interest, re- serve and loss accounts through the five-year term, with the above premium and with the rate of mortality shown by the American Experience Table : 78,106 X $9.86 = $770,125 16, Premiums rec'd beginning of ' 30,805.01, 4 per cent interest 765 77,341 774 76,567 X 785 ^800.930,17, Total 765,000.00, Death claims during $9.86 : $35,930.17, Reserve end of 762.582.26, Premiums rec'd beginning of ^ 512 43, Total beginning of 31,940.50, 4 per cent interest $830,452.93, Total 000 = 774,000.00, Death claims during $56,452.93, Reserve end of ).86 = 754,950,62, Premiums rec'd beginning of ^ $811,403.55, Total beginning of 32,456 14, 4 per cent interest $843,859.69, Total Jiooo = 785,000,00, Death claims during 75,782 X $9 86 : 797 74.985 X $9.86 : 812 X $1000 : $58,859.69, Reserve end of 747,210.52, Premiums rec'd beginning of ' $806,070.21, Total beginning of 32,242.81, 4 per cent interest $838,313.02, Total 797,000.00, Death claims during $41,313.02, Reserve end of 739,352.10, Premiums rec'd beginning of ^ $780,665.12, Total beginning of 31,226.60, 4 per cent interest $811,891.72, Total : 812,000.00, Death claims during First Year, Age 40. Second Year, Age 41. Third Year, Age 42. Fourth Year, Age 43. Fifth Year, Age 44, Excess of death claims, $108.28 The excess of the death claims, $108.28, represents about one-seventh of a cent for each person living at the end of 24 The A B C of Life Insurance, the fifth year. It is impossible to express the premium more exactly, in dollars and cents, than $9.86. A premium of $9.87 would show an excess of receipts over death claims of about $4,207.52, or 5.6 cents for each person living at the end of the term. Endowment policies, so-called, are, strictly speaking, en- dowment insurance policies. To the agreement to pay say $1000 in the event of death within the endowment term, they add the agreement to pay $1000 also provided the insured shall live to the end of that term. Thus if A has what is usually called a " twenty-five-year endowment " policy, his beneficiaries will receive $1000 if he shall die within the twenty-five years, and he will himself receive $1000 if he shall live out the twenty-five years. Manifestly here is a double provision, the one contingent upon death and the other upon life. The former is pure insurance, the latter is pure endowment. What should be the net annual premium for a five-year endowment insurance of $1000 upon the life of a man aged 40, according to the American Experience Table, with four per cent interest ? The net premium for the insurance part of this contract we have just found to be $9.86. If, then, we ascertain the net premium for the endowment part and add it to the $9.86, the result will be the net premium for the double contract. Pure endowment provides nothing for the beneficiaries of those who die, but is solely concerned for those who live. Consequently for our immediate purpose we wish to know the probable number of persons who will be living at the beginning of each year to pay premiums, and the probable number who will survive the fifth year and, on the first day of the sixth, will be living to claim the endowment. The I The A B C of Life Insurance, 25 probable number of premium payments will, of course, be the same as in the preceding example. A glance at the American Experience Table shows that the probable num- ber of persons who will live out the five-year term and reach age 45 will be 74,173. A pure endowment of %\ for each of these will, of course, amount to $74,173. The method of computing the net annual premium necessary to provide this amount is practically the same with the method of com- puting the insurance premium already explained, viz.: as- certain the single premium for the pure endowment, and then the equivalent five-year annuity. Since no part of the pure endowment is payable until the expiration of five years, while at that time the whole must be paid, it is evident that the present value would be the present value at four per cent of $r, payable in five years, multiplied by the total amount of the pure endowment. $745173 X .821927 =$60,964.79, the present value. If the 78,106 living at the beginning of the term were to divide this into 78,106 single payments, to be made at once, the result would be $60,964.79 -f 78,106 = $0.78050, which would be the net single premium which a man aged 40 should pay in advance to secure a pure endowment of $1 at the end of five years. Now, as we found on page 22, the present value of an annuity of $1 for five years, contingent upon the life of a person aged 40, is $4.54164. This is larger than the value of the pure endowment, and consequently the required an- nuity will be ^ '^^^ of $1, or $0.17186, which is the net 454,164 annual premium for a five-year pure endowment of $1 on the life of a man aged 40. The premium for such an en- dowment of $1000 would be, of course, 1000 x $0.17186, or $171.86. Add the pure insurance premium, $9.86, to 26 The A B C of Life Insurance, the pure endowment premium, $171.86, and we have $181.72 as the net annual premium for an endowment in- surance (ordinarily termed endowment) of five years on the life of a man aged 40. On page 23 an example carried the insurance part of this contract through the five years. The subjoined carries the endowment part through the same period. 78,106 X $171.86 = $13,423,297.16, Prems. rec'd beginning of ^ p. . 536,931.89, 4 per cent interest j. Year, * Age 40. $13,960,229.05, Reserve end of J 77,341 X $171.86 = 13,291,824.26, Prems. rec'd beginning of ; $27,252,053.31, Total 1,090,082.13, 4 per cent interest $28,342,135.44, Reserve end of 76,567 X $171.86 = 13,158,804.62, Prems. rec'd beginning of ^ Second Year, Age 41. Third Year, Age 42. Fourth Year, Age 43. $4 [,500, 940. 06, Total 1,660,037.60, 4 per cent interest $43,160,977.66, Reserve end of 75,782 X $171.86= 13,023,894.52, Prems. rec'd beginning of $56,184,872.18, Total 2,247,394.89, 4 per cent interest $58,432,267.07, Reserve end of 74,985 X $171.86= 12,886,922.10, Prems. rec'd beginring of ") $71,319,189.17. Total [ ™^^ 2,852.767.57, 4 per cent interest 1 Age 44. $74,171,956.74, Fund in hand end of ) r Amount required to pay \ 74,173 X $1000 = 74,173,000 00, ■? endowments at the be- | Sixth (^ ginning of \ Yea'-, Age 45. Excess of endowments, $1,043.26, j This excess of the endowments over the fund in hand is less than a cent and a half for each person living at age 45 and consequently entitled to draw $1000 from the fund. The addition of one cent to the annual premium would I ^H The A B C of Life Insurance. 27 have made the fund in hand exceed the amount required for the endowment by about $3275. For the sake of the demonstration and of the lessons'* which may be learned from the illustration, we will now take the net premium, $181.72, for the pure insurance and the pure endowment combined, and by an example which will be, of course, a combination of that on page 23 and that on page 26, will carry the premium, interest, death loss, reserve and endowment accounts through the five-year term. 78,106 X $181 72 : 765 X $1000 : 77,341 X $181.72 : 774 X $1000 : 76,567 X $181.72 : 785 X $1000 : 75,782 X $181.72 : 797 X $1000 = : $14,193,422.32, 567,736.90, $14,761,159.22, : 765,000.00, $13,996,159.22, : 14,054,406 52, $28,050,565.74, 1,122,022.63, $29,172,588.37. 774,000.00, $28,398,588.37, ■• 13.913.75524, $42,312,343.61, 1,692,493.74, $44,004,837.35, 785,000.00, $43,219,837 35, : 13,771,105.04, $56,990,942.39, 2,279,637.70, $59,270,580.09, 797,000.00, $58,473,580.09, Prems. rec'd beginning of 4 per cent interest Total \ Death claims during Reserve end of Prems. rec'd beginning of ") Total beginning of 4 per cent interest Total Death claims during Reserve end of Prems. rec'd beginning of ' Total beginning of 4 per cent interest Total Death claims during ResTve end of Prems. rec'd beginning of ' Total beginning of 4 per cent interest Total Death claims during Reserve end of First . Year, Age 40. Second Year, Age 41. Third Year, Age 42. Fourth Year, Age 43. 28 The A B C of Life Insurance, 74.985 ^ $181.72 = 13,626.274.20, Prems. rec'd beginning of ^ $72,099,854.29, Total beginning of 2,883,994.17, 4 per cent interest •ay "^ Sixth in- > Year, ) Age 45. Fifth Year, $74,983,848.46, Total I Age 44. 812 X $1000 = 812,000.00, Death claims during $74,171,848.46, Fund In hand end of C Amount required to pay 74,173 X $1000= 74,173,000.00, ^endowments at begin- Cning of Deticit... $1,15154 This deficit is made up of the " excess of death claims, $108.28," found on page 23, and the "excess of endowments, $1,043.26," found on page 26. An addition of five-six- teenths of a cent to the premium would be more than suffi- cient to cover it. A comparative study of these three examples on pages 23, 26 and 27 can be made interesting and instructive. Note that in the first (five-year term insurance) the reserve increases for a while, then decreases, and finally is exhausted in the payment of the fifth year's death claims ; that in the second (pure endowment) the reserve increases steadily to the end of the term, and is then exhausted in the payment of the endowments ; that in the third (endowment insurance) the reserve steadily increases from year to year, is always at the end of any given year the sum of the reserves for the cor- responding year in the first and second examples, and is finally exhausted in the payment of the fifth year's death claims and of the endowments. Note also that the reserve at the end of any year contains a certain amount, greater or smaller as the case may be, which has been derived from premium payments (with interest thereon) made by persons who have died. Note also the part which compound inter- est plays, and the vital importance of the interest earnings to any company. The A B C of Life Insurance. 29 Still further, in term insurance, as illustrated in the first example, the fund in hand at the end of the fifth year is not equal to the total amount of the outstanding insurance, but ' is equal to the amount of insurance which is to be paid as death claims during that year. Under the endowment in- surance the fund in hand at the end of the fifth year is equal to the total amount of the outstanding insurance, because every person insured will have a claim upon the fund either because of his death during the fifth year or because of his survival to the beginning of the sixth. Whole-life insurance must provide a fund at the end of the last year which shall equal the total amount of the outstanding insurance, because, by the end of that year, the few survivors who began the year will have died. It is often said that a whole-life policy (American Experience Table) is " prac- tically an endowment at age 96.'' This is correct to the extent that the reserve under such a policy at age 96 will equal the face of the policy — the full amount of the insur- ance. It has happened at least once in the history of life insurance in this country that a man holding a whole-life, annual-premium policy carried the policy and paid the pre- miums until he was 96 years old. According to the Mor- tality Table he should have been dead. He had made all the payments theoretically required under his contract, and the accumulated reserve under his policy was equal to the full amount of his insurance. Very properly, the company in which he was insured paid him his money without waiting for his actual demise. For the sake of brevity a five-year endowment was chosen for our example. In actual practice so short endowments are rarely issued, and consequently the very great disproportion between the insurance and the endowment elements which Vears in the preceding examples exists in frequen tly in 30 The A B C of Life Insurance. practice. The premiums under longer endowments — ten, fifteen, twenty-five or more years- — must, of course, make provision for a greater amount of death claims during the term, and for a smaller amount of endowments at its end. The foregoing illustrations show that a considerable amount of work is involved in determining the premium for ordinary forms of insurance for one age only, and for so short a term as five years. It will be seen at once that the computation of premiums for every age and for long terms would be an exceedingly laborious process. And when dif- ferent forms of insurance and contingencies involving more than one life are to be considered, the mathematical prob- lem may be one of great intricacy and difficulty. Log- arithms, the processes of algebra, and various devices, such as ** Commutation Columns," for lightening the labor of computation, are employed by the actuaries or expert mathe- maticians who make the calculations. One who desires to acquaint himself with the mathematics of Hfe insurance can find a large number of text books from which to choose. For our purpose it is unnecessary to follow the subject further. Tables of net annual and single whole-life pre- miums will be found on pages 69 and 73. The A B C of Life Insurance . 31 CHAPTER IV. GROSS OR OFFICE PREMIUMS. To the net premium must be added a certain amount with which to pay the expenses of conducting the business and to provide for contingencies. This amount is called the margin or loading. It is usually a percentage of the net premium. The loading and net premium together con- stitute the gross or office premium — that which the com- pany charges for the insurance. Thus, from our example illustrating the computation of a net premium we have Net premium for a five-year term insurance of $1000, age 40 $9.86 Margin or loading, say 33^^ per cent 3.29 Gross or office premium $13-15 The loading is usually a percentage of the net premium. Its amount varies with the form of the insurance and the objects which the company has in view. If it is intended to return a portion of the premium in the shape of divi- dends to the policyholder, the loading will be higher than when no such return is contemplated. Premiums so loaded are called "mutual" or "participating" premiums. Those from which no dividend is paid are called "stock " or " non- participating " premiums. All annual premiums are supposed to be paid at the beginning of the policy year. If, by consent of the com- pany, the premiums are paid semi-annually or quarterly, the unpaid installments of the annual premium are called "deferred" premiums. Interest is charged on them, and 32 The ABC of Life Insurance, their amount is always deducted from the amount of the insurance in case of a claim. As has already been stated, premiums are computed upon the theory that the full annual premium is paid at the beginning of the year, and the premiums are smaller than they would otherwise be. Consequently the company is fairly entitled to retain the unpaid installments. This is equity also between different poh'cyholders. One man pays a full annual premium and dies within three months. Another who has taken his insurance at the same premium rate, theoretically, pays but one- quarter of his annual premium and also dies within three months. Manifestly equity between these two men, insur- ants in the same company, would be observed by deducting from the amount of insurance on the latter the amount of the three unpaid quarters of his annual premium. An analysis of the first year's whole-life premium at differ- ent ages, showing what portion of the net premium is in- tended for death claims and what for reserve, the amount of a uniform loading of forty per cent at all ages, and the gross premium made up of these three items, is given on page 70. Special attention is called to the note regarding this table on page 77. The A B C of Life Insurance. 33 CHAPTER V. RESERVES J LOANS ; REINSURANCE, But little need be added to what has already been said concerning reserves. Their nature and function have been fully explained. Nor is it necessary to attempt an explana- tion of the method of calculating them. Remembering the definition of a reserve, " the difference between the present value of the insurance and the present value of the pre- miums thereon," it will be seen that compound interest is again an important factor. The interest received upon the fund representing the reserve, or upon the securities in which that fund is invested, may be added to the fund from time to time, thus lessening the amount of the principal which must be set aside for investment. To put it in another way, it is evident that if a company is to receive interest on its investments, it need not reserve so much money at the present time to meet a certain amount of future liabilities as it would have to reserve if no interest were to be received. Also, the higher the rate of interest the smaller the reserve required. If you must have $1000 at the end of a year, and can get but 4 per cent interest, you must put aside or reserve at the beginning of the year $961.54. But if you can get 10 per cent you need reserve only $909.09. Reserves are usually calculated upon the basis of the Actuaries' Table with 4 per cent interest, or the American Experience Table with ^\ per cent interest. Of course those calculated on the latter basis are the smaller. The following table shows the 34 The A B C of Life Insurance, reserves on a policy of $1000, issued at age 35, computed according to the different standards: American Experience Actuaries' with \%, per cent Interest, with 4 per cent Interest. End of 1st year $9.82 $11.48 End of 5th year S3.20 6134 End of loth year 1 17-45 133 41 End of 15th year 193-43 21430 End of 20th year 279.59 301.35 The percentage of difference decreases with the age of the policy, that is, the number of years it has been in force. Tables of Reserves according to the higher standard, the Actuaries' Table of Mortality with 4 per cent interest, are given on pages 74 and 75. These are the reserves on pre- mium-paying, ordinary life policies. The reserves on paid-up policies are, of course, the net single premiums given in the table on page 73. There are many forms of insurance, as will be seen from chapter VI I. Each corresponding form of policy has its own special premium, which must, of course, provide for its own sufficient reserve. The net premiums and reserves given in the tables herewith, are those on the most ordinary form of life policy only. These are sufficient, in the wav of elementary illustration, for the present purpose. From the nature of a reserve, it is always reckoned a liability of the company. It must be kept intact for its proper use, as already explained. If it is not, and the im- pairment is too great to be made good, the laws of the dif- ferent States require, under differing conditions, the winding up of the company, upon the theory that, although the company may be amply able to pay its current claims, the time will surely come when it will be unable to do so. Consequently the matter of suitable investments which shall be safe, and at the same time shall return a fair rate of in- The A B C of Life Insurance, 35 terest, is one of prime importance to a company. The laws of most States prescribe the forms of investments which a company may make. It should be noted in passing that the larger the reserve on a poHcy, the less the amount which the company has at risk in the insurance. Thus, if the reserve on a policy of $1000 is $500, it is evident that the company need add but $500 from its current income to make up the full amount of the insurance. From this point of view, and regarding the reserve in the light of a deposit made by the policy- holder with the company, Mr. Elizur Wright gave to the re- serve the definition of " self-insurance." The actual loss to a company through death claims is not the total amount of those claims, but the difference between that amount and the total amount of the reserves credited to the policies under which the claims are paid. The following table shows the accumulation of the re- serve under a policy of $1000, ordinary Hfe plan, issued at age 40. Column i gives the portion of the premium which is set aside each year for reserve. This diminishes each year, as the actual cost of insurance increases each year. Column 2 gives the total amount of the reserve held by the company at the end of each year. Of course, at the end of the first year, this is the reserve portion of the first year's premium, with one year's interest at four per cent added. At the beginning of the second year, the reserve portion of the second year's premium is added to the total amount of reserve held at the end of the first year. To this sum, one year's interest at four per cent is added, and the total is the reserve at the end of the second year. And so on for each year. The net amount at risk is obtained by subtracting the re- serve held by the company at the end of each year, from $1000, the full amount of the insurance. 36 The A B C of Life Insurance. Accumulation of Reserve; Decrease of Amount AT Risk. Amount insured, $1000. Ordinary life plan. Age at issue, 40. Reserve computed according to American Ex- perience Table, with four per cent interest. Year. Reserve Portion of Premium. Accumulated Re- serve at End of Year Net Amount at Risk. 1st $13.06 12.99 12.91 12.82 12.70 12.57 12.40 12.22 12.00 11.73 11.43 11.08 10.71 10.29 9.83 9.34 8.80 8.23 7.65 6.96 etc. $13.59 27.65 42.18 5720 72.70 88.68 105-13 122.05 139.41 157.19 175.37 193-91 212.80 232.02 251-52 271.30 291.31 311-52 33191 352.42 etc. $986.41 972.35 957-82 942 80 927.30 911.32 894.87 877-95 860.59 842.81 824.63 806.09 787.20 2d Qd , o*-* • 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Qth lotn nth i2th iqth 14th 767.98 748.48 728.70 15th i6th 17th 708.69 688.48 668.09 i8th 19th 20th 647-58 etc. etc. Premiums are sometimes paid, by consent of the com- pany, partly in cash and partly in notes. These notes are available as a part of the reserve. The cash part of the premium is used to pay expenses and current losses, and the note is laid away as part of the reserve. Such notes are called " premium notes " and in reality constitute a loan to the policyholder. The premium note system has not always proved very satisfactory. The notes accumulate and finally constitute a considerable lien upon the insurance, which is deducted from the amount of the insurance in case The A B C of Life Insurance. 37 of claim. In companies whose dividends are large, the accumulation of these notes is diminished by applying the dividends towards their payment. There are very few com- panies at present which use the note system. Policies having a large reserve value are sometimes used as collateral for loans. Their main value for such purpose lies in the reserve. The insurance itself is payable only upon the happening of a certain contingency, /. ^., the death of the insured, and, of course, constitutes a very indefinite form of security. Endowments (policies payable when the insured reaches a certain age, or at prior death) are more available as collateral security, but even here the definite value of the collateral is largely dependent upon the amount of the reserve. The amount of money allowed by a company for the surrender of a policy is governed by the reserve, unless the insured is in poor health. In that case the prospect of his early death, which would make the policy a claim for the full amount of the insurance, would give an added present value to the policy. It is evident, however, that, if the insured be in good health, the reserve on his policy represents his entire equity in the insurance, since the remaining portion of his premiums has been used for the payment of current losses and expenses. As a matter of fact, the reserve represents more than the entire equity of the policyholder and, for that and other reasons, should be subject to a " surrender charge." This will be considered in a subsequent chapter. In cases of reinsurance, the reserve is again the important element of the transaction. If a company wishes or is forced to withdraw from business, it sometimes reinsures its risks, i. c ^u .t wi ^f> hJ.S •>•> a Pi ^•^ PQ ^ 66.797 i,c9i 65.706 1. 143 64563 1,199 63.364 1,260 62,104 1325 60.779 1.394 59.385 1,468 57,917 1,546 56.371 1,628 54.743 1. 713 53.030 1.800 51.230 1,889 49341 1,980 47.361 2,070 45.291 2,158 43.133 2243 40,8qO 2 321 38,569 2,391 36,178 2,448 33.730 2,487 3^243 2505 28,738 2.501 C6237 2,476 23,761 2431 21,330 2369 i8,q6i 2 291 16,670 2,196 14.474 2,091 12,383 1,964 10,419 I 816 8603 1,648 6.955 1,470 5,485 1,292 4,193 1,114 3.079 933 2,146 744 1,402 555 847 385 462 246 216 137 79 58 21 18 3 3 The A B C of Life Insurance, 69 Net Premiums for a Whole- Life Insurance of $1000. Based upon the American Experience Table of Mortality, with 4 per ceilt interest. Age. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ^i 36. 38 39 40 41, 42 43 44. 45' 46 47 48, 49 SO. 51 52. S3 S4. 56. 57 58 59 60 61 62 64 65 Single Pre- miums which are also Net Reserves on Paid-up Policies, $247.77 251-85 256.08 260.47 265.04 269.79 27474 279.87 285 21 29075 296.51 302 50 308 71 315 17 321.86 328.81 33602 34850 35124 359-27 367-57 376.17 385.06 394-25 403-75 41355 423 66 434.06 444.76 455-74 466.99 47848 490.21 502.15 514.31 526.65 539.15 551 81 564.59 577.48 590.46 603.49 616.56 629.63 642.69 655.70 Annual Premiums During Life. $12 67 ^2.95 13.24 13-54 13-87 14.21 14.57 14-95 15-35 1577 16 21 f6.68 17 18 17.70 18.25 18.84 19.46 20.12 20 82 21.57 22.35 23.19 24 08 2503 26.04 27.12 28 27 29.50 30. 8 E 32.21 3370 3529 36.98 3879 40.73 42.79 45.00 47-35 49.87 5257 55-45 58.54 6t 84 65 39 69 18 7325 Annual Premiums for Twenty Years. $18.73 19.05 19-38 19.72 20.08 20.46 20.85 21.26 21.68 22.13 22.59 23.08 23.59 24.12 24-67 25.26 2587 26.51 27.18 27.88 28.68 29.41 30.24 31 II 32.03 33.00 3404 35.14 3630 37.55 38.86 4027 41.76 43.36 4506 46.88 48.84 50.93 53-17 55-59 58.18 60.98 63-99 67.24 7075 74 54 Annual Premiums for Fifteen Years. SP22.53 22.91 23.30 23.71 24.14 24.58 25.05 25-53 26.03 26.56 27.10 27.67 28 27 28.89 29-53 30.20 30.91 3164 32-41 33-21 34.05 34-93 35-85 36.82 37.83 38.90 40.02 41.21 42.45 43.76 45 14 46.60 48-13 49.76 51.47 53-29 55.21 57.26 59-44 61.76 64.25 66.90 69.74 72.79 76.07 7959 70 The A B C of Life Insurance. Annual Premiums— Analysis of First Year's Premium, Different Ages, $icxx) Whole-Life Insurance. Participating Rate. AGE. Net Premiums, American Ex- perience Table of Mortality, with 4 Per Cent Interest. Portion for Death Claims. $7-71 7.76 7.Z2, 7.88 7.96 803 8.11 8.20 830 8.40 8.51 8.64 877 8-93 9 TO 9.29 9.49 9.71 9-95 10.24 10.5s 10 92 11.32 11.79 12.34 12.97 13.67 1445 15.33 16 30 17-38 18.60 1993 21.40 23.10 24.85 Portion for Reserve. $650 6.81 7- 13 7-47 7.8r 8.18 8.57 8.98 9.40 986 IO-33 10.82 11-35 11.89 12.47 1306 13.70 1437 15.08 15.80 16.57 17.35 18.18 19 02 1987 2073 21.62 22.53 23.46 24-43 25.41 26.40 27.42 28.67 2953 30.60 Total Net Premiums $14.21 1457 149s 15-35 1577 16 21 16.68 17 18 17.70 18.25 18.84 19.46 20.12 20.82 21.57 22.35 23.19 24 08 2503 26.04 27.12 28.27 2950 30.81 32.21 3370 3529 36.98 3879 40.73 42.79 4500 47.3s 49.87 52.57 55-45 Loading. $5-63 583 5.98 6.13 6.30 649 6.67 6.87 7.08 7-30 7-54 7 79 8.05 8.33 8.62 8.9s 9.28 9.64 10.02 10.42 10.85 IT. 31 11.80 12.32 12 88 1348 14 IT 14.80 15.52 16.29 17 12 18.00 18.94 1995 21.03 22.18 See Explanatory Notes on Page 77. The A B C of Life Insurance. 71 ^^K Actuaries' or Combined Experience Table ^^ OF MORTALfTY. The following table was prepared by a committee of eminent actuaries on the data afforded by the combined experience of seventeen of the principal life insurance offices in England. It was deduced from 62,537 assurances. Some of the objections advanced against it are that certain lives have been more than once assured, have appeared twice or oftener as elements of the calculation, and that the data for the older ages were insufficient. The average duration of all the policies was a little less than eight and a half years. The later Actuaries' or H. M. (healthy males) Table is now more generally used in England. The American Experience Table furnishes a better standard than either for American lives. Age. |i 3 Ratio of Deaths During the Year to Number Living at the Beginning of the Year. Age. :>o ►J bJO is I 3 3 10 IT 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 100,000 99.324 98,650 97.978 97.307 96,636 95.965 95.293 94,620 93.945 93.268 92,588 91.905 91,219 90,529 676 674 672 671 671 671 672 673 675 677 680 683 686 S^ 694 .006760 .006786 .006812 .006848 .C06896 .006944 .007003 .007062 .007134 .007206 .007291 .007377 .007464 .007564 .007666 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 p::::::: P::::::: 39 89.835 89.137 ^7,726 87,012 86,292 85.565 84.831 84,089 83.339 82,581 81,814 81,038 80.253 79.458 698 703 708 714 720 72.7 734 742 750 758 767 776 785 Q S ** fi3^ .007770 .007887 .008006 .008139 .008275 .008425 .008578 .C08747 .008919 .009095 .009288 .009485 .009687 .009906 .010131 72 The A B C of Life Insurance, Actuaries' or Combined Experience Table OF Mortality. {Continued front preceding ^age^ •r 5 ^ 1) 4) « 5 « 78,653 77.838 77,012 76.173 75.316 74.435 73.526 72,582 71,601 70.580 69.517 68,409 67.253 66,046 64,785 63,469 62,094 60658 59.161 57.600 55.973 54.275 52,505 50,661 48,744 46,754 44.693 42.565 40.374 38,128 ^2 815 826 839 857 881 909 944 981 1,021 1,063 1,108 1. 156 1,207 1,261 1,316 1.375 1.436 1.497 1,561 1,627 1,698 1,770 1,844 1.917 1,990 2,061 2,128 2,191 2,246 2,291 •5 rt rt*^ .0 10362 .010612 .010894 .011251 .011697 .012212 .012839 .013517 .014260 .015061 •OI593Q .0^6898 .017947 .019093 .020313 .021664 .023126 .024679 .026386 .028247 .030336 .032612 .035120 .037840 .040826 .044082 .047614 .051474 .055630 .060087 70 71 72 73 74 75 1^ 77 78 79 80 8i 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9C 92 93 94 96 97 98 99 4> U ,£i OS i!< t> «.• ^^ ^2 'l> 1^ %-i 9 ^^ 55 35.837 2.327 33.510 2,351 31.159 2,362 28,797 2.358 20,439 2.339 24,100 2,303 21,797 2,249 19.548 2,179 17.369 2,092 ^S^277 1,987 13.290 1,866 11,424 1.730 9.^94 1,582 8,112 1.427 6,685 1,268 5.417 1,111 4.306 958 3.348 81E 2,537 673 1,864 545 1.3^9 427 892 322 570 231 339 155 184 95 89 52 37 24 13 9 4 3 I I The A B C of Life Insurance, 73 Net Premiums for a Whole-Life Insurance of $1000. Based upon the Combined Experience Table of Mortality, with 4 percent interest. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36. 37 38. 39 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. 45- 46. 48. 49. 50- 51- 52. 53- 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64, 65. $251.88 256.57 261.38 266.34 271.49 276.80 282.29 287.98 293.84 299.91 306.14 312.61 319-31 326.15 33327 340.61 348.16 356.00 364.08 372.42 381.04 38996 399- 18 408.69 418.49 42857 438.84 449-34 460.04 470.88 481.92 493" 504.46 515-97 527-59 539-32 551-15 563-12 57515 587.27 599-43 611.62 62385 636 00 648.11 660.19 $12.95 ' 13.27 13.61 13.96 M-33 14.72 15 13 1556 16. OT 16.48 16.97 1749 18.04 18.62 19.23 19.87 20.54 21.26 22 02 22.82 23.68 2459 25-55 26.58 27.68 28.85 30.08 31-39 32.77 3423 35-78 37.42 39-15 41.00 42.95 4503 47-23 4957 5207 5472 5756 60.57 6378 67.20 70.84 74.72 Annual Annual Premiums Premiums for , for Twenty Fifteen Years. Years. $19.00 $22.86 ' 19-37 23.29 1976 23-75 20.15 24.22 20.57 2471 21.00 25 21 21.44 25-74 21.90 26.28 2238 26.84 22.88 27-43 23-39 28.03 2393 28.65 24.49 29.30 25.07 29-97 25.68 30.67 26.32 31.40 26.98 32.15 27.67 32.94 28.40 33-76 29.17 3462 29.98 35-53 30.83 3647 31-74 37-47 32.69 3852 3371 39-63 34-77 40.78 3590 41.99 37.08 ^53-25 38.32 44.57 39-63 45-95 41 02 47-38 42.48 48.89 4402 5046 45-66 52.12 47-39 53.86 4924 5569 51.20 57.63 5329 59.67 55 53 61.84 57-92 64.15 60.49 6660 63.24 69.21 66.18 71.99 69-33 74.96 72.71 78.12 7634 81.50 74 The A B C of Life Insurance, Ordinary, Continued-Payment, Whole-Life. net value, or reserve of a premium-paying policy of $1000, at the end of various years, actuaries* table, 4 per cent ist Year. 7.60 7.91 8.24 8.58 8.93 9-31 970 lO.II 10.54 11.00 II 48 11.99 12.55 13 12 1374 14.41 15 12 15.85 1659 17.30 18.01 18.69 1939 20.10 20.86 21.62 22.39 23.19 24.00 24.85 25.72 26.61 27.56 28.52 29.50 3045 ad Year. 15-45 16.09 1675 17.43 18.16 18.91 19.70 2054 21 42 22.35 23.33 24.39 2551 26.69 27.96 29.31 30.73 32.18 33-59 34.99 3636 37.71 39.10 40.54 42.02 43-52 4506 46.63 48.26 49.94 51.65 53.43 55-29 57.18 5905 60.90 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th Year. Year. Year. Year. Year. $ $ $ $ $ 2356 31.94 40.58 49-51 58.73 24.52 3324 42.24 51-52 61. II 2553 34.60 4396 53.62 6359 26.58 36.02 4576 5581 6620 27.68 37.50 47.64 58.12 68.93 28.83 3906 49.63 60.54 71.80 30.03 40.70 51 71 63.08 74.84 31.31 42-43 53.91 65.78 7804 32.65 44-25 56.25 68.63 81.43 34.07 46.20 58.71 71.65 85.03 35.59 48.25 61.34 74-86 88.84 37.19 50.43 64.11 78.26 92.87 38.90 52.75 67.08 81.87 97.09 40.72 55-22 70.20 85.62 101.43 4^.65 57.83 73.46 8948 105.88 44.70 60.55 76.79 93-42 110.36 46 81 6329 80.16 97-35 114.85 4891 66.04 83-49 101.26 119.32 5100 68.73 8678 105.13 123 80 53.02 71.38 90.04 109.02 128.28 55.04 7403 .93 34 11294 13280 57.05 76.72 96.67 116.90 137.38 59.14 79.47 100.09 120.95 142.05 6128 82.30 103-57 125.09 146.83 63.47 85.19 107.14 129.34 151-73 65.70 88.13 110.79 133.67 15672 67.98 91.14 114-53 138.09 161.84 70.33 94-24 118.34 142.64 167.09 72.74 97.42 122 29 147.32 172.47 75.22 100.70 12635 152.12 177-93 77.78 10408 130.51 156.98 183.46 80.42 107.55 134-72 161.90 189.01 83-15 III. 07 138-99 166.84 194-59 85.88 114 59 14323 171.76 200.14 88.60 118 08 147 46 176.66 20563 91.28 121 54 151-63 181.49 2ir.02 See Explanatory Notes on Page 77. The A B C of Life Insurance. 75 Ordinary, Continued-Payment, Whole-Life. net value, or reserve of a ^remium-paying policy of $1000, at the end of various years, actuaries' table, 4 per cent. ( Continued from preceding page. ) gth Year. $ 7806 8452 87.99 91.64 95-48 99-53 103.82 108.36 11315 118. 16 12335 128.69 134.10 139.60 145-14 150.73 156.33 161.94 167.56 17324 179.12 184.90 190.90 197.06 203.34 209.76 216.27 222.86 229.51 236. 19 242.87 249-54 256.13 262 63 269.02 loth Year. $ 88.20 91.76 95-50 99-43 103.56 107.91 112.51 117-37 122.50 127.86 133-41 139-13 144.97 150 89 15689 162.97 169.09 175.22 181.37 187.54 193-79 2C0.13 206.59 213.19 21995 226.84 233.82 240.88 248.00 255.18 262.35 269.52 276.63 283.65 290.58 297.42 iSth Year. $ 144.12 149.99 156.17 162.65 169.41 176.42 183.65 191.06 198.65 206.39 214.30 222.36 230.54 238.83 247.22 255-70 264.25 272.83 281.47 290. 19 299.01 307.89 316.86 325-89 33498 344-07 353-18 362.24 37^-25 380.21 389.11 397.92 406.65 415.26 423-74 432.09 20th Year. $ 209.84 218.13 226.62 23531 244.20 25329 262.57 272,02 281.64 291.42 301-35 311.42 321.60 331 91 342.33 35284 363-37 37390 38439 394.86 40530 415-71 426.07 43637 446.62 45679 466.88 476.87 48676 496-55 506.21 515.79 525-16 534-43 543.52 552.49 25th Year. $ 283 60 29372 30403 314-51 325.18 336.02 347.02 358-17 36949 380.94 392.53 404.18 41589 427.60 439-31 450.97 462.54 47398 485-29 496.45 507-49 518.41 52923 53992 55049 560.91 571 20 581.36 591-36 601.20 610 89 620.47 630.03 639 68 649.52 659.75 ^oth Year. $ 362.97 374.60 386.39 398.34 410.44 422 68 434.90 447.38 459.80 472.23 484.64 497.00 50927 52142 533 44 545-32 55702 568.53 57985 59097 601 90 612 65 623.26 633.69 64393 654.00 663.94 673.82 68374 693-81 70415 714-83 72588 737.37 749.24 761.42 35th iTear. 446. IT 458.86 471.67 48452 497.38 510.21 52301 535-72 548.34 560.83 57320 58542 597-47 609.34 621 01 63247 644.11 654-71 665.47 67599 686.30 696.43 706.46 716.50 726.61 73693 747-48 758.32 769.48 780.92 79251 804 24 815.99 827.41 838.15 847-87 See Explanatory Notes on Page 77. 76 The A B C of Life Insurance. Present Value of $i Due at End of Year in from One to Forty Years from the Present Time. No. OF Years. 3 4 c 6 7 8 9 lO TI 12 13 14 15 i6 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Four Per Cent. ,961538 924556 888996 854804 821927 790315 759918 730690 702587 675564 649581 624597 600574 577475 555265 533908 513373 493628 474642 456387 438834 421955 405726 3901 2 I 3751 17 360689 346817 333477 320651 308319 296460 285058 274094 263552 253415 243669 234297 225285 216621 208289 Four and One-Half Per Cent. 956938 915730 876297 838561 802451 767896 734828 703185 672904 643928 616199 589664 564272 539973 516720 494469 473176 452800 433302 414643 396787 379701 363350 347703 332731 318402 304691 291571 279015 267000 255502 244500 233971 223896 214254 164525 196199 877501 179665 I 71929 Five Per Cent. 952381 907029 863838 822702 783526 746215 710681 676839 644609 613913 584679 556837 530321 505068 481017 458112 436297 415521 395734 376889 358942 341850 325571 310068 295303 281241 267848 255094 242946 231377 220359 209866 199873 190355 181290 135282 164436 156605 149148 142046 Six Per Cent. The A B C of Life Insurance. 77 EXP LAN A TOR*y NO TES. Pages 74 and 75. — Reserves are calculated upon the basis qj net pre- , miums. The amount of loading, added to the net premium to make the'^ gross premium, does not aftect the reserve. Upon the same kind of a policy, issued at the same age and with the same number of premiums paid, the reserve would be the same, no matter what amount of annual premium might be charged for the insurance. Under premium-paying policies, the amount of the reserve depends upon the age of the insured at the time the policy was issued, and the number of premiums paid. Under paid-up insurance, the amount of the reserve depends entirely upon the age of the insured at the date for which the reserve is computed. The reserves given are based upon the Actuaries' Table of Mortality, with 4 per cent interest. See pages 33 and 34. For the sake of exactness it should be said that, while these reserves are for the most part greater than those based upon the American Experience Table, with 4^ per cent interest, the latter are the greater at the very highest ages. The reason for this is that according to the American Table the term of life ends with age 95, while according to the Actuaries' it continues to age 100. Page 73. — The net single premiums given are also the net values or reserves of a paid-up pohcy of $1000 at the different ages. To esti- mate pretty nearly the amount of paid-up insurance which a company would allow for the surrender of an ordinary whole life policy with pre- miums payable annually, ascertain the reserve on that policy according to the table of reserves on pages 74 and 75, and divide 90 per cent of it by the single premium given for the age actually attained by the policyholder at the time of surrendering his original pohcy for paid-up insurance. Page 70.— This table shows the component parts of both the net and the gross (or office) premiums at different ages, for an insurance of $1000, payable at death. This analysis, however, is correct for ihejftrst year of the insurance at each age only. Each subsequent year the portion of the premium used for death claims is greater, and the portion used for reserve is smaller than these respective portions for the first year. The accumu- lated reserve incre^ises each year by the addition of that year's reserve portion of the premium and of interest, as is shown in table on page 36. The "loading" remains the same theoretically for each year of the insur- ance, although the amount actually collected by the company will vary wirh the amount of dividend allowed on that account. WH/T IS THOUGHT OF THE/ B C OF LIFE INSURAp. OPINIONS OF EXPERTS. COL. J A COB L» GREENE, President Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company y Hartford^ Conn. *' I find it, as I expected from its authorship, to be a clear and concise statement of the matters therein treated, and I should think that it would be useful for the purpose which I presume it is intended to serve — the instruction of new agents. It has the advantage of some other elementary works which I have seen, of much greater brevity." HON. JAMES G. BATTERSON^ President Travelers Insurance Company., Hartford^ Conn. " It is a very plain and intelligent statement of the case. I am glad that you have kept out of the actuarial field. The various propositions stated arithmetic^ ally can be easily comprehended. Clear away mysteries from life insurance and the people will take it. You have done a good and useful work." DAVID PARKS FACKLER, Consulting Actuary, New York. *' I have endeavored to read through your little treatise with the attention due to its compact and masterly style For the purpose it has in view it seems to excel anything I have seen, and I hope it will have the wide circulation it merits." SHEPPARD HOMANS, Consulting Actuary, New York, " The ' A B C ' is the modest title of a manual of life insurance which should •be studied by every canvassing agent. It is not ©nly full of valuable information relating to the fundamental principles of the business, couched in language free from algebraic formulas, but it contains information concerning the practicdl application of these principles which is of great value to the student," OPINIONS OF PRACTICAL FIELD MEN. SUDLOW &> MARSH, Indianapolis, Ind. ** We have looked it over very carefully, and are very glad to say that we think it will subserve a most desirable purpose in the education of agents. Further, the tables contained therein are very simple, decidedly good, and will prove of great assistance in soliciting business. It meets our hearty commendation." R. L. DOUGLAS, Philadelphia, Pa, *' It is an exceedingly instructive and enjoyable production. What a contrast between to-day and twenty years ago ! Then, and even at a much later period, it was generally supposed that the subject of life insurance was a mystery beyond the reach of ordmary intellects. Mr. Elizur Wright and Mr. Sheppard Homans punctured that illusion. This book of yours is another long stride in advance You take the bed rock and build from it " The A B C of Life Insurance, 79 WHAT IS THOUGHT OF THE A B C OF LIFE INSDRANCE.-c.«/.««.rf. HON. JOHN A. FINCH, the well-known insurance lawyer of Indianapolis, in a recent lecture before the senior class of the Medical College of Indiana of the University of Indianapolis, commended A B C OF LIFE INSURANCE as follows: If your interest should be general in the subject (of life insurance), so that you wish to know something of the principle or principles which underlie the business of life insurance, I know of no better work to recommend you to than a little book called A B C OF LIFE INSURANCE, published by The Spectator Company, New York. There is also a book by M. M. Dawson, entitled ELEMENTS OF LIFE INSURANCE; also THREE SYSTEMS OF LIFE INSURANCE, both by the same publishers, all of which you will find profitable. Mr. Finch has also given the following endorsement of A B C OF LIFE INSURANCE : I believe I have in my office as nearly a complete set of books on the subject of life insurance as can be collected, and I am free to say that I think there is more meat in A B C OF LIFE INSURANCE than in any single book for the beginner in the study of the principles of life insurance. I think the insurance companies would do themselves and the public service if they would buy this little book and give a copy to each student in the law schools of the country. I am, perhaps, a little over hopeful, but I believe the popular impression of life insurance as reflected in the decisions of the courts and the acts of our legislatures is very largely attributable to ignorance ; and I believe this could be removed by proper missionary work. I 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK PROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. n:^^^tS^j^^:^'-Zdiate recall (F7763sl0>476B .General Library University of California Berkeley YClGbll^V