. i-NRLF SUBJECT CATALOGUE OR FINDING LIST. TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. SUBJECT CATALOGUE OR FINDING LIST OF BOOKS IN THE REFERENCE LIBRARY WITH AN INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND PERSONAL NAMES. ft 1880. \ v>V f^'S' / $& Including additions made ^tp to February ist, 1889. TORONTO : JAMES MURRAY & COMPANY. FRONT STREET WEST. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT. 888. A. R. Bos WELL, Chairman. His WORSHIP THE MAYOR. JOHN TAYLOR. MAJOR MASON. JOSHUA INGHAM E. P. PEARSON. JUDGE MCDOUGALL. T. R. WHITESIDE. J. J. MURPHY. 188Q. EDWIN P. PEARSON, Chairman. His WORSHIP THE MAYOR. JOHN TAYLOR. JOSHUA INGHAM. R. A. PYNE, M.D. JUDGE MCDOUGALL. A. R. BOSWELL. J. J. MURPHY. JOSEPH GOLDING. Chief Librarian : JAMES BAIN, JR. Assistant Librarian and Secretary JOHN DAVY. CONTENTS. PREFACE .............. vii KEY TO ARRANGEMENT ix INDEX OF SUBJECTS xix CATALOGUE MISCELLANEOUS 1 CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND ...... 26ft RECENT ADDITIONS .......... 322 INDEX OF NAMES . . . 337 PREFACE. THE Toronto Public Library, which contains 53,560 volumes, was first opened for public use in 1884, and is divided into the Reference Library and the Central and Branch Circulating Libraries. For the first two years the efforts of the Management were devoted to the increase and organization of the Circulating Libraries, and it has only been during the past three years that they have attempted to lay the foundations of a Reference Library. The present Catalogue contains all accessions to the Library until February 1st, 1889, and covers the same ground as the Card Catalogue, which has been in use from the first, but differs from it, in being strictly a subject catalogue with complete indices. Where necessary, entries have been repeated under different subject-headings when the book refers to two or more subjects. Owing to the present composite character of the Library, the reader will also find it necessary to consult the catalogues and supplements of the Circulating Library for many of the most recent books. Periodical literature has grown to such dimensions and contains so much that is valuable, that the reader will always find it profitable to consult " Poole's Index to Periodical Literature" and "Supplement," (1882-87), and the quarterly numbers of the Index to Periodicals. The need of a handy Canadian bibliography has induced the Board to furnish a classified list of those Canadian books and books on Canada which they possess, which will be found at the end of this volume. In applying for books at the counter, it is only necessary to insert in the blank form the name and short title, with the number of the book required, thus : Guest. English Rhythms. 1722. 11. Books in the Hallam collection are marked by the letters H.C. preceding the number. [ ] implies that the book was published anonymously. KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. GENERAL CYCLOPEDIAS BOOKS OF THE CALENDAR READERS' HANDBOOKS . ' 1 QUOTATIONS ............ PROVERBS 2 ANECDOTES ....... FABLES 3 NATURAL SCIENCES. General Treatises and collected Essays NATURAL HISTORY General Treatises and collected Essays 5 Evolution ...... Heredity 7 ZOOLOGY Animal Morphology ....... Invertebrates Marine. Zoology ....... Infusoria ....'.' 9 Mollusca-Shdls and Shellfish . . 8 Vertebrates Ichthyology . . . . . . Herpetology . .......... Entomology ..... .10 Ornithology . . . . . Mammalia . . . . . . ' .12 Domestic Animals ...... Anthropology . . . . . . . .13 Botany 14 Astronomy ........... . . 16 Astrology 17 Cosmology ...... ...... 17 Volcanoes I 8 Physical Geography ....... 18 Geology ..:.-.... Paleontology ........ Mineralogy ........' Meteorology . . . . . .' .22 Aeronautics . ' ....". ' Chemistry . 22 ii REFERENCE LIBRARY. NATURAL SCIENCES Continued. Physics 23 Electricity and Magnetism 24 Acoustics 24 Microscope and Microscopy 24 Polariscope 24 Mathematics 25 THEOLOGY. BIBLE 25 Old Testament . ... 25 New Testament . . 25 Apocrypha .26 Commentaries general ... . . . - . 26 " special, Old Testament 27 " " New Testament . 27 Bibliography 28 Concordances 28 Bible Aids 28 Bible Lands and Customs 29 Bible History 29 Biblical Antiquities ....;.... 29 Biblical Biography ..... . . .29 History of Israel 30 Talmud . . . .30 History of Religion 31 Hibbert Lectures 31 Christian Antiquities 32 Life of Christ 32 Natural Theology g '..... 32 Evidences 33 Dogmatical Theology 33 Homiletics 34 Anti-Nicene Christian Library 35 Theological and Church Dictionaries , 36 Creeds 36 Prayer Books 36 Councils . ... - 37 Ecclesiastical History .37 Reformation 40 Controversial 40 Anglo-Israelism and the Ten^Tribes 41 Church and State 41 Prophetic ... 41 Missions 42 Inquisition ... . .... 42 Jesuits 42 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. THEOLOGY Continued. Mystics ........... 43 Swedenborg . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Seventh-day Adventism ......... 44 Egyptian and Chaldean Religions .44 Mohammedanism .......... 44 Brahmanism and Buddhism ........ 44 Parseeism . . . . .'---'. . . . . . 46 Chinese Religions .......... 46 Hymns ............ 46 Rationalism . . . . ... . . . .46 Spiritualism ........... 47 Witchcraft and Demonology ........ 47 Apparitions ........... 47 MENTAL AND MORAL SCIENCES. Essays and collected works ......... 47 English and Foreign Philosophical Library .... 48 History of Philosophy . . . . . . . . . .49 Philosophies ........... 49 Metaphysics ........... 50 Psychology 50 Logic 50 Ethics 50 Physiognomy .51 Temperance ........... 51 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES. Statistics 51 Year Books and Almanacs ........ 53 Civilization ............ 53 Social Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Political Economy .......... 55 Banking ........... 56 Finance ............ 56 Friendly Societies ......... 57 Insurance ........... 57 Exchange 57 Weights and Measures ......... 57 Commerce and Communication ........ 58 Fish and Fisheries 58 Political Science ........... 59 Constitutions and Government ....... 60 Elections 61 Parliament ........... 61 Jurisprudence . 62 International Law 62 Xll REFERENCE LIBRARY. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES Continued. Statute Law . . . . . . . . . . .63 Military Law 63 Law of Railways and Companies ....... 63 Trials 64 Education Reports, Calendars, etc. ......... 64 Education 65 Utopias 66 Rosicrucians ........... 66 Freemasonry . . .66 MEDICAL SCIENCE. Alimentary Canal . . . . . . . * . . 69 Anatomy 69 Aneurisms . . . . . . . " .. . . . .69 Bones 69 Brain 70 Breast . . . . 70 Children 70 Cholera , 70 Circulatory System . . . . . . . . .70 Diagnosis . . . . . . .'"..'*. . . . 70 Dictionaries and Encyclopaedic Works . . . '. . . . 71 Dietetics 71 Domestic Medicine . . .71 Electro-Therapeutics . . . . . . . . . 71 Epilepsy 71 Eye and Ear ........... 71 Fever '. .... 72 Fractures and Dislocations 72 General Treatises and Collections ....... 72 Germ Theory of Disease ......... 73 Gynaecology 73 Head 73 Health Resorts . . . . 73 Heart 73 Heredity > 74 Histology 74 Homoeopathy 74 Hospitals and Nursing ......... 75 Hydrophobia . . .75 Hygiene and Public Health . . 75 Insanity . .......... 76 Kidney .......... ^ .. 76 Larynx and Laryngoscope . .' . . . . . . . 77 Liver . . 77 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. xiii MEDICAL SCIENCE Continued. Materia Medica ........... 77 Medical Jurisprudence . -. . . . .. . 77 Microscope ............ 77 Midwifery ........... 77 Narcotics and Stimulants . . . ' . . . . . .78 Nervous System . . . . . .-- . . . 78 Orthopsedic Surgery .......... 78 Paralysis 78 Parasites and Worms . . . . . . . . .78 Pathology 78 Periodicals 79 Pharmacopeias .......... 79 Physiology ............ 79 Poisons 80 Principles and Practice ......... 80 Respiratory Organs .......... 80 Rheumatism ........... 80 Skin 81 Smallpox 81 Spine 81 Surgery 81 Therapeutics 82 Thermometry 82 Throat , 82 Tumours ............ 82 Urinary Organs, etc. . . . . . . . . . .82 Veterinarian ........... 83 INDUSTRIAL ARTS. General and Collected . . .83 Mines and Mining .......... 84 Metallurgy 84 Assaying 85 Coal and its Products ......... 85 Civil Engineering .......... 85 Surveying ........... 86 Mechanical Drawing 86 Railways 86 Tramways ........... 87 Steam-Engine ..... ...... 87 Mills and Mill work 87 Hydraulics 87 Building Materials and Construction 88 Lathe 88 Fire Protection , 88 XIV REFERENCE LIBRARY. INDUSTRIAL ARTS Continued. Sanitary Engineering . . . 88 Explosives 88 Telegraph, Telephone and Electric Light 89 Technology Carpentry and Cabinet-making 89 Colours . . . 89 Bookbinding .......... 89 Distilling . . . .90 Dyeing ........... 90 Leather . . 90 Metal-working .......... 90 Paper 90 Perfumery and Soap-making . 91 Printing . . . .... . . . . .91 Textile Fabrics 91 Tobacco 92 Vinegar ........... 92 Military Arts . . . .92 Yachts and Steamships 92 Forestry . . . ...... . . . .93 Agriculture . . . ....;.;.. . . . 93 Horticulture and Landscape Gardening , .94 Pomology . . . . . . 94 Aquarium . . . ........... . 94 Sports and Sporting . . ..... . . . . 95 Angling . . Equestrianism . . ... . . . . . 95 Games ..'... 95 Food 95 Cookery 95 FINE ARTS. General Treatises . 96 Painting 98 Freehand Drawing 99 Illuminating 99 Engraving and Etching 100 Decorative Art 100 Furniture 101 Architecture 101 Sculpture . 103 Costumes 103 Needle Work . 104 Pottery, Porcelain and Plate 104 Music . 104 Musical Instruments . . . . . . . . .105 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. XV LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Dictionaries ........... 105 Philology . . . . .107 Literature General Treatises 109 American . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Ancient , . . . . . 109 English 109 Fine Arts . . . 110 Flemish 110 French 110 German . . . . . . . . . . .110 Greek Ill Icelandic . . . . . . ..... . .111 Italian Ill Mediaeval . . . . Ill Norwegian, Swedish and Danish Ill Political Ill Scottish . . 112 Spanish . . . 112 Shakespeare ... 112 Troubadours . . . . . . . . . . .115 Epics and Romances of the Middle Ages . . . . . 115 Greek and Latin Classics, Texts and Translations . . . .116 Translations from French and German . . . . . . 116 Arber's English Reprints . . . . . . . . .117 Arber's English Scholars' Library . . . . . . . 119 Triibner's Oriental Series . . 119 Collected Writings . . 121 Selections . . . . . . ; . . . 129 Speeches ... - 130 Letters and Correspondence . . . . . , . . .131 Journalism 132 Social Life . . . . .132 Rural Life .132 Dialects ..... 132 Emblems . . 132 Wit, Humour and Satire . . . 133 Table Talk .133 Epitaphs . . 133 Epigrams . . . . . . , 133 Bibliography . . . . .134 Library Management and Aids . . .... . 136 Library Catalogues 136 Library Reports . . . . . . . 139 Trade and Sale Catalogues . . .... . . 140 XVI REFERENCE LIBRARY. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Continued. FICTION 141 POETRY Collections .144 Individual . 145 Drama and Dramatic Works 153 PERIODICALS Indexes and Lists 158 Periodicals . . .158 Transactions and Publications of Learned Societies 164 GEOGRAPHY, TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY. Atlases and Maps 174 Gazetteers 175 Geography ............ 175 Collections 176 General Travel 180 EUROPE England and Wales . , 181 London 183 Scotland , . . ... 183 Ireland .184 France . 184 Holland and Belgium . . . . . . . . .185 Germany and Austria- Hungary 185 Norway, Sweden and Denmark . . . . . . .185 Iceland 185 Switzerland and the Alps . 186 Spain and Portugal . .186 Italy 186 Russia 187 Turkey 187 Greece and the Levant , . . . . . . . . 187 ASIA General 188 Syria and Palestine . ' 188 Arabia . . . . . .189 Russian Asia . 189 Persia 190 Afghanistan and Central Asia . 190 India 190 Ceylon 191 Indo-China 191 China 191 Thibet . 192 Japan 192 Indian Archipelago . . . . . . ... .192 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. XV11 GEOGRAPHY, TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY Continued. AFRICA General 192 Morocco and Algiers ......... 193 Egypt and the Soudan 193 Abyssinia ........... 194 Eastern Africa . . 194 Central Africa . . .194 Western Africa ... 194 Southern Africa . . . . . . . . .195 Madagascar . . . . . . . . . 195 NORTH AMERICA Greenland . 195 United States 196 Mexico and Central America ........ 202 SOUTH AMERICA General 202 Venezuela, Columbia and Guiana ....... 203 Brazil 203 Argentine Confederation and Uruguay '. . , . . . 203 Chili and Peru 204 West Indies 204 Atlantic Islands 204 Australia and New Zealand .205 Polynesia and the South Pacific Ocean . . . . . 205 North Pacific Ocean . . 205 Arctic Seas and Regions 206 HISTORY AND ITS COLLATERALS. Ethnology 207 Pre-historic Archaeology . . . . . .:'-., . . 209 Mythology 210 Folk-lore 210 Philosophy of History .211 Chronology 211 Year Books and Registers 212 Every-day Books 212 Historical Miscellany 212 History of Civilization 212 Ancient History, Antiquities 213 History 213 Etruria, Antiquities . 213 " History 213 Ancient Egypt, Antiquities . . . . . . . . . 214 " History 214 Ancient Greece, Antiquities . . . 214 " History 214 XV111 REFERENCE LIBRARY. HISTORY AND ITS COLLATERALS Continued. Rome, Antiquities 215 " History . . . . 215 Mediaeval Europe 215 MODERN EUROPE England . . . . . 216 Antiquities . . . . 217 Documents and Collections .. . . . . . . . 217 Essays and Studies .......... 217 Constitutional and Parliamentary 217 General Histories 218 Celtic 219 Roman and Saxon . . . 219 Norman 220 Plantagenet 220 Lancaster and York . . . ' . . . . . . 220 Tudor . . ... . . . . . . .220 Early Stuarts .. ., . . . . . . 220 Commonwealth .... ...... 220 Later Stuarts, William III and Anne . - . . . 221 Hanoverian . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Nineteenth Century . . . . . .. . . . 221 Naval and Military . . 222 Local ...... 222 Wales . . . . . .222 Scotland, Antiquities . . . - . .\ 222 " History 222 Ireland, Antiquities 224 History . . ...... . . .224 France, Antiquities ... . . . . . . . 225 History . .... . A . . . .225 Holland and Belgium . - . - . - ' 226 Norway, Sweden and Denmark . 226 Germany and Austria-Hungary . 226 Russia 227 Spain and Portugal ... 227 Italy . . . 227 Gibraltar and Malta .... 228 ASIA Arabia . . . 228 Persia 228 Afghanistan . . . . 228' India . . . . . . . . - . 228 China . . . -229 Japan . . . . . . - 229 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. XIX HISTORY AND ITS COLLATERALS Continued. AFRICA Abyssinia . . . . . . . 229 Modern Egypt . . . . . . . . . . 230 Morocco . . . 230 NORTH AMERICA Greenland 230 Indians ;.'.'.'.'. . . 230 United States General Histories ......... 233 Constitution, Charters and Treaties ...... 234 Documents, State Papers and Official Reports .... 235 Colonial Period 237 Revolution 239 War 0/1812-15 . . . . . . . . . .239 Civil War .... . . ... . 240 Local and Special .......... 240 Naval . . . .... . . . . 242 Central America 242 South America 242 West Indies 243 Australia ............ 243 Polynesia . . ..... ..... 243 Treaties . . . . . . . ... . . 244 Military Records . . . . 2-44 Crusades . . . . 244 Chivalry 244 Heraldry and Genealogy 245 Numismatics ........... 246 Gypsies 246 Names . ... . 246 Colonies and Colonization 247 BIOGRAPHY. Biography Collective . . . ... . . s . . . .247 Individual 250 Directories, Army Lists, etc. . . . .... . .262 Patents and Patent Law . . . .... . . 262 Exhibitions . 264 XX REFERENCE LIBRARY. PART II. CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. Geology and Palaeontology 267 Mineralogy 273 Botany 274 Natural History i ....... 274 Natural Products and Resources 275 Railways and Canals 277 Census ... .......... 277 Atlases 277 Travel and Topography . 278 Almanacs and Annual Registers 288 Constitution ............ 288 Constitutional Documents and Treaties 289 Franchise 289 Naturalization ............ 289 Parliament 289 Parliamentary Documents and Debates 290 Statutes and Ordinances 291 Parliamentary Commissions and Reports . , . . . . . 292 Statute Law . . 292 Copyright . . . . .293 Trials 293 Municipal Documents ........... 294 History of Canada general . . . . . . . . 294 New France, 295 From, the Conqiiest to Establishment of Upper Canada . . . 298 U. E. Loyalists 298 From the Establishment of Upper Canada to the, Union . . 299 From the Union to Confederation . . . . . . . 299 Confederation .300 War of 1812-15 300 Rebellion of 1837-38 301 Fenian Invasions of 1869-70 302 Newfoundland .......... 802 New Brunswick ........... 302 Nova Scotia 303 Manitoba and North-West 304 British Columbia 305 Local Histories ....... .... 305 Ecclesiastical Histories 306 Boundary Disputes 307 Confederation 307 Emigration 307 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. xxi CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND Continued. Imperial Federation . . . 308 Nationality . ; 308 Fisheries 309 Reciprocity 309 Numismatics 309 Directories, etc 310 Biography 310 Prose Literature and Collected Works . . . . . . .314 Poetry and Drama . 316 Learned Societies 319 Manuscripts 320 Recent Additions 322 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Abiogenesis 4 Abyssinia 194, 229 Acoustics 24 Aeronautics 22 Afghanistan 190, 228 Africa 192 Agriculture 52, 55, 93 Alabama 327 Alaska , 241, 325 Algiers.. 193 Algonquin language 106 Alimentary canal 69 Alloys 90 Almanacs 53, 288 Alphabets 100 Alps 186 Ambulance 76 Americanisms 106 Amphibia 9 Anatomy 69, 99 Ancient history 213 Aneurism 69 Anecdotes 3, 130 Aneityumese language 106 Angling 95 Anglo-Israelism 41 Anglo-Saxon church 38 Anglo-Saxon language 105, 108 Animal morphology 7 Annual registers 288 Antarctic Ocean 205 Anthropology 13 Anti-Nicene Library 35 Antimony 271 Antiquities, Ancient World 213 Antiquities, Egypt 214 Antiquities, England 216, 328 Antiquities, Etruna 213 Antiquities, France 225 Antiquities, Greece 214 Antiquities, Ireland 224 Antiquities, Rome 215 Antiquities, Scotland 222 Ants 4 Apatite 271 Aphorisms 48 Apocrypha 26 Apparitions 47 Aquarium 94 Archery 95 Architecture 101, 332 Architecture, military 92 Arithmetic 25 Armour 92 Aryan language 107 Arabia 189, 228 Arber's reprints 117 Archaeology. 4 Arctic Ocean 206 Argentine Confederation. 203 Army lists 262 Arthurian legends 115 Arundel society 164 Asbestos 271 Assaying 85 Assyria 31, 44 Astrology 17 Astronomy 16 Atlantic 6 Atlases 174, 277 Australia 205, 243, 325, 335 Austria-Hungary 185, 226 Azores 205 Babylon 31, 44 Ballads 144 Balloons 22 Bampton lectures 33 Bank of England 56 Banking 56, 60 Barbadoes 5 Batrachians 9 Beer 90 Bees 10 Belgium 185, 226 Bible..... 25 Bible dictionary 28 Bible lands 29 Biblical antiquity 29 Biblical biography 29 Biblical history 29 Bibliography 28, 134 Biogenesis 4 Biography 247 Biology 4 Boats 92 Bones 69 Bookbinding 89 Boston 241 Botany 14, 274, 322, 327, 332, 333 Boundaries 307 Brahmanism 44, 120 Brain 70 Brazil 203, 227, 242 Bread 75 Breast 70 Bricklaying 102 Bridges 85 British Columbia 6, 305 British Guiana 203 Buddhism 44, 120 Building stone 21, 52 Burma , 120 Butter 93 Butterflies 10 Cabinet-making 89, 101 Cage birds 11, 12 Calculus . . _ 25 Calendars 1 California 241 Canada 267 Canals , 52, 63, 277 Candles 76, 91 Cape Breton 298 Capital 55 INDEX OP SUBJECTS. XX111 Carpentry 89 Carthage 213 Cat 8 Catacombs 32 Cattle 13 Cavalry 92 Cement 88 Census (Canada) 51, 277 Census (United States) 52, 277 Central America 202 Ceylon 7, 191 Chaldea 44 Chaldean language 105 Chalk 4 Chemical 52 Chemistry 4, 22, 43 Chess 95 Children 70, 75 Chili 204, 242 China 191, 229 China painting 104 Chinese 292 Chinook jargon 106 Chivalry 244 Cholera 70, 76 Christ 32 Christian antiquities 32 Chronology 211 Church dictionaries 36 Church of England 37, 38, 39 Church of Ireland 39 Church of Rome .37, 38, 39, 306 Church of Scotland 37, 39 Circulatory system 70 Cities 52 Civil engineering 85 Civilization 53, 212 Clergy reserves 306 Climatology. 6, 22 Coaching 95 Coal 4, 52, 85, 271, 273, 275, 276 Confucianism 46, 48 Colonies 247 Colonization 307 Colours . 89 Columbia 203 Comets 16 Commentaries 26, 27, 28 Commerce 58 Comparative anatomy . . . 7 Conchology 8 Concordances 2, 28 Confederation 307 Confessions 36 Congregationalism 38 Congress 61 Constitution 60, 288 Consumption . 80 Cookery 75, 95 Copper 19, 52, 271 Copyright .63, 262, 293 Coral 4 Cosmology 17 Costumes . ! 103 Councils 52, 91 Cree language 106, 107, 108 Creeds ...35, 43 Crusades 244 Crustacea 8 Crystallography 3, 21 Curling 335 Cyclopaedias 1, 145 Daco-Romanian language 105 Darwinism 4 Decoration 100 Decorative art 100 Deer 12 Democracy 60 Demonology 47 Denmark 185, 226 Desmids 16 Diagnosis 70 Dictionaries 105, 330 Dietetics 70, 75 Digestion 75 Directories 262, 310 Dissenters. 37 Distilling 90 Dog 13, 334 Domestic animals 13 Domestic medicine 71 Drainage 88 Drama 153 Drawing, freehand 99 Drawing, mechanical 4, 85, 86 Dress 76, 103 Duels 132 Dyeing 90, 91, 333, 335 Dynamite 88 Ear 71 Early English Text Society. . . . .164, 326 Earthquakes 18 Education 4, 64 Egypt. .4, 31, 44, 57, 60, 86, 193, 214, 313 Egyptian language 109 Elections 61, 289, 333 Electric lighting 76, 89 Electrical measurements 4 Electricity 24 Electrography 3 Electrometers ;.. 4, 24 Electro therapeutics 71 Emblems 132 Embryology 7 Emigration 307 Encyclopaedias 1, 109, 326 England, constitution 217 England, history 218 England and Wales 181 Entomology. . . 10, 274 Epigrams ; 133 Epilepsy 71 Episcopal Church of Scotland 39 Epitaphs : 133 Equations 25 Equestrianism 95 Essayists. , 122 Etching 96, 150 Ethics 48, 50 Ethnology.... 4, 207, 325, 327 Etruria 213, 326 Eudiometers 4 Europe, Mediaeval 216 Europe, modern 216 Every-day books 212 Evidences of Christianity 33 Evolution 4, 6 Exchange 57 Exhibitions 264 Eye 71 Fables 3 Famines . , ,52 XXIV REFERENCE LIBRARY. Ferns 14, 94, 328, 331 Fertilization 14 Fever 72 Fiction 141 Fine art 96 Fire-engines 88 Fires 76, 88 Fish 58,59, 95 Fisheries 59, 59, 309, 327 Florence 227 Flour 52 Fluorescence 4 Folk-lore 167, 210 Folk-lore Society 167 Foods 22, 92, 95 Forestry 52, 92 Fossils 20, 21 Fowling 95 Fox-hunting 95 Fractures '. 72 France, description 184 France, history 225 Franchise 61, 289, 333 Free trade 55 Freemasonry 06 French language 105, 106, 108 Friendly societies 57 Friesic language 108 Fruits 94 Funguses 14, 274, 334 Furniture 75, 101 Gaelic language 105, 106, 108, 109 Galleries.. 99, 327 Galvanized iron 90 Games 95 Gardening 94, 331 Gas 75 Gazetteers 175, 277 Genealogy 245, 322 Geography 18, 175 Geology 3, 18, 267, 327 German language 106, 107, 108 Germany, description 185 Germany, history 226 Gibraltar 59, 228 Gold 52, 272 Gothic languages 107 Grapes 94 Grasses 15 Greece, description 187 Greece, history 214 Greek language 106, 107 Greenland 42, 195, 230 Gunpowder 88 Gynaecology 73 Gypsies .' 109, 246 Hakluyt Society 167 Halifax 294, 298, 305 Harmony 105 Head 73 Health 75 Health resorts 73 Heart 73 Hebrew language 105 Hebrews 54 Heraldry 4, 245 Heredity 7, 74 Herpetology 9 Hibbert lectures 31 Highlanders 103, 223 Histology 74 Hittites 213 Holland 185, 226 Holy land 333 Homiletics 34 Homceopathy , 74 Horse 13, 95 Horticulture 94 Hosiery , 91 Hospitals 75 Huguenots 37 Humour 133 Huron language 108 Hydraulics 87 Hydropathy, 76 Hydrophobia 75 Hygiene 75, 88 Hymns 46 Iceland 185 Icelandic language 106 Ichthyology 9 Illuminating 99 Imperial federation 308 Index Society 169 India .54, 59, 60, 119, 190, 228 Indian Archipelago 192 Indians (North American) . . 230, 323, 324, 325, 330, 332 Indo-China, travels 191 Inductive sciences 5 Infectious disease 75 Infusoria 8, 274 Inquisition 42 Insanity 76 Insectivora 7 Insects 10, 274 Insolvency 63 Instinct 5, 6 Insurance, fire 57, 60, 328, 329 Insurance, life 57 Ireland 59, 184, 224 Irish language 106, 107, 108 Iron 52, 272, 275 Iroquois language 106, 107 Irrigation 335 Israelites 30 Italian language 105, 108 Italy, description 186 Italy, history 227 Jacobinism 212 Jamaica 11 Japan, arts 96, 102, 327 Japan, description 192 Japan, history 229 Jesuits 42, 297, 330 Journalism 132 Jurisprudence 62 Kansas 241 Kidney 76 Knights Hospitallers 68 Knights Templars 68 Koran 44, 120 Labour 48, 54 Lace 91 Lake Huron 18 Lake Superior 21, 278, 283, 323, 328 Land tenure 48 Language 4, 108 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. XXV Laryngoscope 77 Lathe 88 Latin language 105, 106 Latin literature 116 Law, international 62, 336 Law, maritime 336 Law, military 63 Law, statute 62, 292 Lead 19, 52, 271, 332 Leather. 90 Legislation 289 Letters 131 Literature, American 109 Literature, Ancient 109 Literature, Danish Ill Literature, English 109 Literature, Flemish 110 Literature, French 110 Literature, German 110 Literature, Greek Ill, 116 Literature, Icelandic Ill Literature, Indian 119 Literature, Italian Ill Literature, Norwegian Ill Literature, Phoenician 109 Literature, Scottish 112 Literature, Spanish 112 Literature, Swedish Ill Libraries 136 Lichens 15 Limes 88 Limestones 21 Linen , 91 Liquors , 334 Liturgies 35 Liver 77 Locks 90 Logic 50 London 183, 222 Louisiana 241, 327 Machinery 83 Madagascar 195 Madeira 205 Magnetism 24 Malta 186, 228 Mammalia 5, 7, 12, 274, 322 Man 13 Manitoba 304 Manufacturers 52 Manuscripts , . 320 Marine mammals 13 Marine zoology 8 Masonry 88, 102 Materia medica 77 Massachusetts 238, 241, 325, 332 Mathematics . 25 Measures 57 Mechanics 23 Medical jurisprudence 77 Medicinal plants 14 Medicine 4, 69, 80 Metallurgy 84 Metaphysics 50 Meteorology 22, 76 Meteors 17 Methodism 38, 306, 330 Mexico 31, 54, 202, 242, 323, 329 Mica 272 Michigan .241, 329, 334 Microscopes 4, 24, 77 Midwifery 77 Military records 244 Mills 87 Mineralogy 18, 21, 271, 273 Mines 84 Mining 52, 84, 327 Miracle plays 32 Missions 306 Mohammedanism 44 Mollusca 8 Money 55 Montreal 278, 286, 294, 297, 305 Monasteries 38 Moon 17 Moravians 37 Morocco 193, 230 Mosses 14 Moths 10 Murray's handbooks 182 Music 3, 48, 104 Musical instruments 105 Mystics 43 Mythology 210 Names 246 Narcotics 78 Nationality 308 Natural history 4, 5 Natural philosophy 5 Natural theology 32 Naturalization 289 Needlework 104, 322 Nerves 78 New Brunswick 298 New England 238 Newfoundland 297, 323, 328 New Hampshire 323. 330 New Plymouth 332, 336 New South Wales 243 Newspapers 52, 132 New Sydenham Society . . 170 New York 21, 241, 325 New Zealand, description 205 New Zealand language 107 Next of kin 262 Niagara Falls .... 279, 280, 282,284, 286, 287, 328 Nickel 272 Nineveh 101 Norway, history 226, 327 Norway, description 185 Norwegian language 106 Nova Scotia 298 Novels 141 Nubia 333 Numismatics 246, 309 Nursing 75 Ocean 17 Opium 78 Optics 3 Orchards 10, 16 Organs 105 Oregon 241 Ormthology 5, 11, 274, 330 Painting 98 Painting, flowers 323 Painting, marine 330 Paleontology 4, 20, 21, 267, 273, 327 Palestine 188 Pantheism 46 Paper 90 XXVI REFERENCE LIBRARY. Paraguay 242 Paralysis 78 Parasites 78 Parliament 61, 289 Parliamentary documents 290 Parliamentary reform 61 Parseeism 46 Patent laws 324 Patents 262 Pauperism 54, 55, 63 Peat 272 Percy Society 171 Perfumery 91 Periodicals 158 Persia 5, 190, 213, 228 Peru, 31, 54, 204, 242, 329, 334 Petroleum 52, 85, 272 Pharmacology 77 Pharmacopaeias 79 Philology 107 Philosophy 47, 48, 49 Phoenicia, history 213 Phoenicians 54 Photography 4 Photo-micrographs 24 Physical geography 18, 275 Physiognomy 51 Physiology 4, 79 Physics.... 23 Phytogenesis 8 Pianoforte 104 Pigeons 11 Pilgrim fathers ... 40 Plastering 102 Plate 104 Playing-cards 95 Plays 153 Poetry 144 Poisons 22, 77, 80 Polariscope 24 Polynesia 49, 54, 205, 243 Pompeii 186 Popes 39 Population 54 Porcelain 104 Portraits 98 Portugal, history 227 Portuguese language 106 Pottery 104 Poultry... 12 Prayer-books 36 Pre-historic archaeology 209 Presbyterian church of Canada. . .38, 306 Prince Edward Island 334 Prince Society 172 Printing 91 Prophecy 41, 43 Protection. . . . 55 Proverbs 2, 120, 330 Psychology 48, 50 Pumps 87 Puritans 38, 39 Pyramids 214 Quakers 38, 39 Quebec 279, 282, 285, 298, 305 Quotations 2 Rabbit 13 Radiation 4 Railways 4, 52, 58, 63, 277 Rain.. 22 Rationalism 46 Readings 129 Reciprocity 309 Reformation 40 Representation 55, 60, 65 Reptiles 9 Rheumatism 80 Rhythms 110 Romance language 106 Rome 32, 37 Rome, descriptive 186 Rome, history 215 Rosicrucians 66 Rural life 132 Russia, description 187 Russia, history 227 Russian Asia, description 189 Salt 272 Sanitary 75, 88 Sanscrit language 107, 108 Satire 133 Saws 90 St. John 278 St. Mark 102 Scepticism 46 Schools 4, 60, 64, 76 Scotland 183, 222 Scottish language 106 Sculpture 97, 103 Sea-side 8 Sea-weeds 15 Senate 61 Sermons 35 Seventh-day Adventism 44 Sewage 88 Shakers 38 Shakespeare. . .106, 112, 173, 325, 328, 332, 333 Shakespeare Society 173 Shell-fish 8 Shipping 58 Silk 52 Silver 19, 52, 273 Skin 81 Sleep 50 Smallpox 81 Soap 76,91, 323 Societies (learned) 319 Sorrento work 100 Sound 24 Spain 186, 227 Spanish language 106 Speeches 130 Spine 81 Spiritualism 47 Sports 95 Stage 154 Stair-building 89 Stars 17 Statistics 51 Statutes 291 Steam 4 Steam-engine 87 Steamships 52, 92 Stimulants 78 Stock-exchanges 56 Storms 22 Strikes 52 Sun 4, 16 Surgery ..." 81 Surveying 86 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. XXV11 Sweden 185, 226 Swedenborg 43 Switzerland 86 Sydenham Society 173 Synonyms 106, 109 Syria 188 Table talk 133 Talmud 4, 30 Taxation 55 Technical education 4 Telegraphs 52, 89 Telephones 52, 89 Temperance 51 Tennessee, geology 21 Testament, old 25 Testament, new * 25 Texas 241 Theatre 154 Theology 25, 33 Therapeutics 77, 82 Thermo-dynamics 4 Thibet 192 Throat 82 Tin 90 Tobacco 52, 92 Tools 83 Toronto 278, 284, 287, 294, 305 Toxicology 80 Trade 55 Trade societies , 52, 54 Tramway 87 Translations 117 Treaties 244, 289, 331 Trees 14, 92, 332 Trials 64, 293, 322, 330 Troubadours 115 Trubner's oriental series 119 Tumours 82 Tunneling 85 Turkey 187 U. S. Loyalists 298 United States constitution 234 United States, description 196 United States history 233 United States, natural history 5 Universities 3, 5, 65 Upholstering 89 Ursulines 335 Uruguay 203 Utopias 66 Vancouver Island. . .6, 281, 284, 285, 305 Venezuela 203 Ventilation 75, 88, 345 Vermont 240, 334, 335 Veterinarian 83 Vinegar 92 Violin 105 Virginia 238 Volcanoes 18 Wages 52 Wales : 222 Washington 325 Water 75, 76, 88 Water colours 98, 99 Water power 52 Weather 22 Weaving , 91 Weights 57 West Indies , 204, 243 Windsor 222 Wine 90, 336 Winnipeg 279, 280 Wit ]33 Witchcraft 47 Wood carving 100 Wood engraving 96 100 Women 48, 54, 132 Woollens 52, 91 Wools 276 Waiting 91 Wycliffe 40 Yachts . 92 Yearbooks 212 Yucatan 242 Zinc 52 Zoology 4, 7, 267 ENCYCLOPEDIAS AND .A.IIDS TO ZR-ZE-A-IDIEIRS- GENERAL CYCLOPEDIAS. American Cyclopcedia, 16 vols. ...... 1881. Index : (by Conant) . . . 1883. R Appleton's Annual cyclopaedia, 12 vols. . . . 1876-87. R Bayle. Dictionary. (Edit by Maizeaux.) 5 vols. . 1734. 5165- 2 Bouillet. Dictioniiaire des sciences, de lettres et des arts . 1880. R Brockhaus 1 Conversations-lexikon. Thirteenth edition, 16 vols. . . . . . . 1882-7. R Supplement do 1887. R Chambers' and Rees. Cyclopaedia or universal dictionary, 4 vols 1786. 5155- 5 The same With plates, 5 vols. . . . 1778. 5155- 6 Chambers' (E.) Cyclopaedia or universal dictionary, 2 vols. . 1751. 5155- 4 Chambers' Encyclopaedia, 10 vols. .... 1883. R Chambers' Information for the people, 2 vols . . . 1883. R Crabbe. Universal historical dictionary, 2 vols. . . 1825. H.C. 5001 Encyclopaedia Britannica. Third edition. 40 vols. . . 1797. 5211- 1 The same Supplement to fourth, fifth and sixth editions, 13 vols. 1824. 5211-42 The same Ninth edition. 25 vols. . . 1888. R Goodholme. Domestic cyclopaedia of practical information 1878. 2612-5 Maunder. Scientific and literary treasury . . . 1858. H.C. 4941 Maunder. Treasury of knowledge 18*9. H.C. 4946 McClintock and Strong. Cyclopaedia of biblical and theo- logical literature, 10 vols. 1881. R Supplement, 2 vols. . . . 1887. R Penny Cyclopaedia with supplement, 29 vols. . . . 1833-43. 5213- 1 BOOKS OF THE CALENDAR. Chambers (Ed.) Book of days, 2 vols 1883. 1587-10 The same . . . 1863. H.C. 4977 Hone. (Ed.) Every day book, 3 vols n.d. 1587-9 Parker. (Ed.) Calendar of the Anglican church . 1851. 2984-9 READERS' HANDBOOKS. Adams. Manual of historical literature .... 1882. 1415- 2 Brewer. Readers' handbook . ... 1882. 1783-11 KEFERENCK LIBRARY. READERS' HANDBOOKS Continued. Edwards. Words, facts, and phrases .... n.d. 1783- 2 Fournier. L'Esprit dans 1'histoire 1882. 1782- 4 L'Esprit des autres 1882. 1782- 3 Pierce. Dickens' dictionary, (Ed. by Wheeler] . . u.d. 1783-9 Wheeler. Dictionary of the noted names of fiction . . 1880. 1783-10 Familiar allusions 1882. 1783- 1 QUOTATIONS. Abbott. Concordance to works of Alexander Pope . 1875. 1784- 4 Allibone. (Ed.) Great authors of all ages . . . 1880. 1784-7 Poetical quotations . . . . 1882. 1784- 6 Prose quotations .... 1882. 1785- 5 Ayscough. Index to Shakespeare 1791. 2767- 1 Ballou. (Ed.) Treasury of thought . . . . 1883. 1784-3 Bartlett. (Ed.) Familiar quotations . . . . 1883. 1783-6 Shakespeare phrase book . . . 1881. 1783-5 Bell. (Ed.) Dictionary of Shakespearean quotations . 1853. 1783-14 Bertram. (Ed.) Dictionary of poetical illustrations . 1883. 2984-4 Bohn. (Ed.) Dictionary of poetical quotations .. . 1882. 1783-3 Buchmann. Gefliigelte worte 1882. 1783-15 Cleveland. Concordance to the poetical works of John Milton 1867. 1786-16 Dictionary of illustrations adapted to Christian teaching 1883. 1784- 1 Dyce. Glossary to Shakespeare's works .... 1880. 1784- 8 Friswell. (Ed.) Familiar words 1866. 1783-13 Hale. (Ed.) Dictionary of poetical quotations . . . 1885. H.C. 4983 Henderson. (Ed.) Latin proverbs and quotations . 1869. 1784-9 Hoyt and Ward. (Eds.) Cyclopaedia of practical quota- tions .... 1883. 1784- 2 King. (Ed.) Classical and foreign quotations . . . 1887. 1783-17 Neve. Concordance to the poetical works of Cow per . 1887. 1784-11 New dictionary of quotations . . . . . . 1859. 1783- 4 Riley. (Ed.) Latin and Greek quotations . . . 1882. 1783-7 Southgate. (Ed.) Many thoughts for many minds, 1st and 2nd series .... n.d. 1784-10 Truths illustrated by great authors . . . . . 1877. 1782- 2 PROVERBS. Bohn. (Ed.) Polyglot of foreign proverbs . . . 1881. 1842-2 Gentleman's Magazine library. Dialect, proverbs, etc 1884. 1834- 1 Hazlitt. (Ed.) English proverbs .... 1882. 1842- 3 Long. (Ed.) Eastern proverbs and emblems . . . 1881. 1825- 1 Proverbs from the " praise of Yorkshire ale " 1697 (Folk- lore record, vol. 4) 1881. 1575-10 Ray. (Ed.) Handbook of proverbs, revised by Bohn . 1882. 1842-1 NATURAL SCIENCES. ANECDOTES. French anas, 2 vols. . . 1805. 1773- 6 Hindley. Tavern anecdotes and sayings . . . 1875. H.C. 2054 Jenning 1 . Anecdotal history of British parliament . . 1883. 1452-16 Nichols. Literary anecdotes of the XVIII. century, 9 vols. 1812. 1773- 1 Pegge. Anecdotes of the English language . . . 1844. 1715- 5 Seward. Anecdotes of distinguished persons, 4 vols. . 1796. 1773- 3 Sheridaniana. ........ 1826. 1773- 5 Thackerayana. . . . . . . . . . n.d. 1773- 4 Whitecross. Moral and religions anecdotes . . . 1852. H.C. 807 Zoological notes and anecdotes . . . . . 1852. H C. 41 FABLES. Fables, 2 vols . 1793. 5164- 6 The same. (Edited by Sir Royer L' E*trant-in Smith, Perso- Baluch frontier mission, 1870 1 Smith, Perso-Afghan mission, 1871-2. Vol. 2. Blanford, Zoology and geology. Garratt. Marvels and mysteries of instinct . . . 1862. H.C. 46 Gosse. Life in its lower, intermediate and higher forms 1857. H.C. 52 Romance of natural history . . . . 1861. H.C. 84 Hughes. Natural history of Barbadoes, folio . . . 1750. 5145-20 Jardine. The naturalist's library 40 vols. . . . 1833-53. H.C. 1-40 CUNTEXTS. Ornithology. ....... 1-4. Jardine. Birds of Great Britain and Ireland ; (1) Birds of prey, with memoir of Sir W Sibbald ; (2) Incessores, with memoir of W. Smellie ; (3) Rasores and Grallatores, with memoir of J. Walker ; f4) Natatores, memoir of A. Wilson. 5. Sun-birds ; memoir of R. Willoughby. 6-7. Humming birds ; memoir of Linnaeus and Pennant. 8. Game birds; memoir of Sir T. S. Rafflas. 9. Selby, pigeons ; memoir of Pliny, by A Crichton. 10, Parrots ; memoir of T. Bewick, by Turner. 11-12. Swainson, birds of Western Africa ; memoirs of J. Bruce and F. Le Vailliant, by A. Crichton. 13. Fly-catchers ; memoir of Baron Haller. 14. Jardine, Gallinaceous birds ; memoir of Aristotle, by A. Crichton. Mammalia 15. Smith, introduction to Mammalia; memoir of Dru Drury. 16. Jardine, lions, tigers, etc. ; memoir of Cuvier. 17. Macgillivray, British Quadrupeds ; memoir of A. Aldrovandi. 18-19. Smith, dogs ; memoir of P. S. Pallas and F. d'Azara. 20. Horse-i. asses, etc.; memoir of C. Gesner. REFERENCE LIBRARY. NATURAL HISTORY Continued. 21. Jardine, deer, antelopes, camels, etc. , memoir of P. Camper. 22. Goats, sheep, oxen, etc. ; memoir of J. Hunter. 23. Thick-skinned quadrupeds ; memoir of Sir H. Sloane. 24. Waterhouse, marsupialia ; memoir of J. Barclay. 25. Hamilton, Amphibious Carnivora and Herbiverous Cetacea ; memoir of F. Peron. 26. Whales; memoir of Lacepede. 27. Jardine, monkeys ; memoir of Buffon. Entomology. ....... 28. Duncan, introduction to entomology ; memoirs of Swammerdam and i.'e Geer. 29. British butterflies ; memoir of Wernier. 30. British moths, sphinxes, etc.; memoir of M. S. Merian. 31. Foreign butterflies ; memoirs of Lamarck. 32. Exotic moths ; memoir of Latreille. 33. Beetles ; memoir of Kay. 34. Dunbar, bees ; memoir of Huber. Fishes. 35. Bushman, fishes, their structure and uses ; memoir of H. Sal- viani. 36-37. Hamilton, British fishes ; memoir of W. Rondelet and A. Von Humboldt. 38. Jardine, perch family ; memoir of Sir J. Banks. 39-40. Schomburgh, fishes of British Guiana ; memoir of the author, and of J. L. Burckhardt. Kingsley. Naturalist's assistant 1882. 2315- 2 Kirby. Habits and instincts of animals, 2 vols. . . 1835. 2315-4 Lord. Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Colum- bia, 2 vols 1866. 2315- 5 Mivart. Lessons from nature as manifested in mind and matter 1876. 2315- 1 Pickering. Geographical distribution of animals and plants, 2 vols , quarto 1863-76. 5145-14 Pliny. Natural history, trans, by Bostoch and Riley, 6 vols. 1857. H.C. 58 Wallace. Geographical distribution of animals, 2 vols. 1876. 2314- 6 Island life . . . . . . . 1880. 2314-7 Contents. The dispersal of organisms; its phemmena, laws and causes Insular faunas and floras. Tropical nature and other essays . . . 1878. 2314- 8 Contents. Climate and physical aspects of the equatorial zone Equatorial vegetation Animal life in the tropical forests Hum- ming birds Colours of anima s and sexual selection Colours of plants and origin of the colour sense By-paths in the domain of biology Distribution of animals as indicating geographical changes Wallich. North Atlantic bed and observations on the pre- sence of animal life, quarto . . . 1862. 5144- 2 Wood. Natural history, illustrated, 3 vols. . . . n.d. 2314-1 Contents. Vol. 1. Mammalia. 2. Birds. 3 Reptiles. Nature's teachings, human invention anticipated by nature n.d. 2314- 4 Evolution. Allen. The colour sense, its origin and development . 1879. 2522- 6 Clark. Mind in nature .. 1865. 2324- 7 Darwin. Descent of man 1883. 2324- 3 Expressions of the emotions in man and animals 1873. 2324- 2 Origin of species . . . . . . 1882. 2324- 1 ZOOLOGY. EVOLUTION Continued. Darwirt. Variation of animals and plants under domesti- 1882. 2373-12 Haeckel. History of creation, 2 vols. 1883. 2324- 4 Evolution of man, 2 vols. ..... 1879. 2324- 5 Ponton. The beginning, its when and its how 1871. 2324- 6 Saporta et Marion. L'Evolution du regne vegetal, 3 vols. 1881. 2324- 8 Weismann. Studies in the theory of descent, 2 vols. 1882. 2327- 1 Heredity. 1874. 2316- 6 Hereditary genius and inquiry into its laws and consequences ...... 1869. 2316- 5 ZOOLOGY. General. Broderip. Zoological recreations ..... 1849. H.C. 42 Dobson. Monograph of the insectivora, parts 1-2 1882-3. 5143- 5 Figuier. Mammalia, their various orders and habits 1870. 2322- 7 Gosse. Introduction to zoology, 2 vols n.d. H.C. 85 Gubernatis. Zoological mythology, 2 vols 1872. 1566- 4 Huxley. The study of zoology (Lay Sermons) 1883. 2312- 7 Maclean. Mastodon, mammoth and man 1880. 2322- 9 Nicholson. Manual of zoology ..... 1880. 2322- 8 Tennant. Zoology of Ceylon (Ceylon, vol. 1) 1860. 1667- 2 Zoological notes and anecdotes ..... 1852. H.C. 41 843-87. 287 Animal Morphology. Agassiz. Essay on classification ..... 1859. 2322- 4 Balfour. Treatise on comparative embryology, 2 vols. 1880. 2323- 4 Bruch. Vergleichende osteologie des Rheinlachses, folio 1875. B.R. Fritsch. Untersuchungen iiber den feineren bau des lisch- gehirns, folio ...... 1878. 5145-11 Gegenbaur. Elements of comparative anatomy 1878. 2323- 5 Huxley. Anatomy of invertebrated animals 1877. 2323- 9 Anatomy of vertebrated animals n.d. 2323- 8 Jones. General outline of the organization of the animal kingdom ....... 1871. 2323- 3 Macalister. Introduction to animal morphology and syste- matic zoology ..... 1876. 2323- 6 Systematic zoology and morphology of verte- brate animals ..... 1878. 2323- 7 REFERENCE LIBRARY ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY Continued. Mivart. The cat 1881. 2323-2 Nicholson. Synopsis of the classification of the animal kingdom 1882. 2322- 6 Observations and experiments on the seminal vermiculi . n.d. 2323-10 Owen. Anatomy of vertebrates, 3 vols. . . . 1866. 2323- 1 Retzius. Das gehbrorgan der wirbelthiere, 2 vols., quarto 1881-4. 5145-12 Rolleston. Forms of animal life 1870. 2322-5 Schleiden. Contributions to phytogenesis (Syden ham soc'y) 1847. 2742- 5 INVERTEBRATES. Marine Zoology. n.d. 1870. 1865. 1860. 1862. 2333-14 B.C. 53 H.C. 54 2333-10 5254- 8 5144- 2 2333 2 2333- 1 5145-18 2344-12 5253- 1 H.C. 66 5265- 4 2332-14 B.R. 2333-13 H.C. 89 H.C. 3096 2333-12 5255- 1 Agassiz. (E. C. and A.) Seaside studies in natural history Gosse. Land and sea ....... Year at the shore ...... Lewes. Sea-side studies . , Murdoch. Marine invertebrates. (U. 8. expedition to Point Barrow, 1882-3) Wallich. North Atlantic sea-bed .... Infusoria. Hudson and Gosse. The rotifera, 2 vols. . . . 1886. Kent. Manual of the infusoria, 3 vols .... 1880-82. Mollusc a Shells and Shellfish. Agassiz. Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles, quarto ....... Dawson. Land and fresh water mollusca (Forty-ninth parallel) ....... Girard. Crustacea of South America. (U.S. expedition, 1849) Lovell. Edible mollusks of Great Britain and Ireland New York. Mollusca, by James E. DeKay. (Natural history of New York, vol. 4, 1843) Packard and Putnam. Crustaceans found in Mammoth cave ..... Perry. Conchology, or the natural history of shells, folio Sowerby. Genera of recent and fossil shells, 2 vols. Thorpe. British marine conchology Tristram. Terrestrial and fluviatile mollusca (Palestine ex- ploration survey) ..... White. History of British Crustacea .... Yarrow. Mollusca. (Wheeler's survey west of the 100th meridian, 1871-5) 1840. 1875. 1855. 1867. 1879. 1811. 1820-5. 1844. 1885. 1857. VERTEBRATES. VERTEBRATES. Ichthyology. (SEE ALSO FISH AND FISHING.) Cope and Yarrow. Fishes. (Wheeler's survey west of the 100th meridian) .... 1871-5. 5255- 1 Bushman. Fishes, their structure and use . . . 1853. If .C. 35 Gill. Ichthyology. (Report of U.S. explorations of Utah 1876) 5254- 1 Girard. Fishes of South America. (U.S. expedition 1849-50) 1855. 5253- 1 Fishes. (U.S. and Mexican boundary survey 1859) . .... . . . 5254-11 Fishes. (U.S. Pacific R.R. survey 1853-6) . 1859. 5256-10 Gunther. Introduction to the study of fishes . . . 1880. 2332-12 Hamilton. British fishes, 2 vols. (Naturalist's library) 1856. H.C. 36 Jardine. Perch family. (Naturalist's library) . . . 1856. H.C. 38 Massachusetts. Report on ichthyology, by D. H . Storer 1839. 2332-15 Mitchell. The herring 1864. 2332-13 New York. Fishes, by James E. DeKay. (Natural history of New York, vol. 3, 1842) . . . 5265- 3 Packard and Putnam. Description of fishes found in Mam- moth Cave .... 1879. 2332-14 Richardson. Fish of Hudson's Bay Territory (Fauna Boreali Americana), vol. 3, quarto . . . 1836. 5144- 3 Sappey. Sur le systeme lymphatique des poissons, folio 1880. 5145-10 Schomburgh. Fishes of British Guiana, 2 vols. (Naturalist's library) 1856. H.C. 39 Seeley. Fresh water fishes of Europe .... 1886. 2332-15 Tristram. Fresh water fishes. (Palestine exploration survey) 1885. H.C. 3096 Herpetology. Baird. Reptiles. (United States and Mexican boundary survey, 1859) 5254-11 Reptiles. (U.S. Pacific R.R, survey, 1853-6) . 5256-10 Figuier. Reptiles and birds . . . . . n.d. 2332- 1 Girard. Reptiles of South America. (U.S. expedition, 1849-52) 1885. 5253- 1 Massachusetts. Report on herpetology by D. H. Storer 1839. 2332-15 New York. Reptiles and amphibia by James E. DeKay. (Natural history of New York, vol. 3, 1842) 5265- 3 Tristram. Reptiles. (Palestine exploration survey) . 1885. H.C. 3096 Yarrow. Batrachians and reptiles. (Wheeler's survey west of the 100th meridian, 1871-5) . '. . 5255- 1 10 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Entomology. 1832. H.C. 107 Brown. Book of butterflies, sphinxes and moths, 3 vols. Canadian entomologist, vols. 1-12 1868-78. 283 Darwin. Fertilisation of orchids 1882. 2373- 9 Insectivorous plants ...... 1876. 2373-10 Denny. Monographia anoplurorum Britannia? 1842. 2327- 8 Dunbar. Bees. (Naturalist's library .... 1856. H C. 34 Duncan. Beetles. Naturalist's library) 1856. H.C. 33 British butterflies. (Naturalist's library) . 1856. H.C. 29 British butterflies. (Naturalist's library) 1856. H.C. 31 British moths, etc. (Naturalist's library) . 1856. H.U 30 Exotic moths. (Naturalist's library) 1856. H.C. 32 Entomologist (The). Vol. 9 . . . 1876. 2327- 5 Figuier. The insect world ...... 1869. 2327- 6 Harris. Insects injurious to vegetation .... 1884. 2327- 2 Hind. Essays on the insects injurious to wheat crops . 1857. 2327-13 Kirby. Insects of N. W. America (Fauna Boreali- Americana, vol. 3), quarto ...... 1837. 5144- 3 Massachusetts. Report on the insects injurious to vegeta- tion, by T. W. Harris . 1839. 2327-16 Moggridge. Harvesting ants and trap-door spiders 1873. 2327-12 Packard. Guide to the study of insects 1883. 2327- 4 Injurious insects of the West . 1877. 2327- 7 Monograph of the geometrid moths of the United States 1876. 5254-10 Our common insects ..... n.d. 2327-10 Provancher (L'Abbe). Petite faune entomologique du Canada, 3 vols. . ... 1877. 2327-14 Vol. 1. Les coleopteres. Vol. 2. Additions et corrections to do, 1877-9. Vol. 3. Les orthopteres, les nevropteres et les hym^noptfires. Ross. Butterflies and moths of Canada . . . 2327-11 Rye. British beetles I860. H.C. 73 Say. Description of the insects of North America, 2 vols. 1869. 2327- 3 Scudder. Butterflies and orthoptera of forty-ninth parallel 1875. 2344-12 Butterflies, their structure, changes and life histories ....... 1881. 2327- 9 Shuckard. British bees ....... 1866. H.C. 71 Stainton. British butterflies and moths 1867. H.C. 72 Staveley. British insects 1871. H.C. 67 British spiders ...... 1866. H.C. 08 Thorley. Nature, order and government of bees 1744. 2327-15 United States entomological commission, first annual report 1S7S. H.C. 78 United States entomological commission, second annual report ...... 1880. H.C. 103 United States. Entomology. (Wheeler's survey west of the 100th meridiah, 1871-5) 1875. 5255- 1 ORNITHOLOGY. 11 ENTOMOLOGY Continued. Weissmann. Studies in the theory of descent, 2 vols. . Wilson. Larvte of the British lepidoptera and their food plants . . , ... Ornithology. Adams. Smaller British birds ..... Allen. (Ed. ) Nuttall ornithological club bulletin Audubon. (J.J.) Birds of America, 4 vols. Atlas of illustrations .... Baird and others. North American birds land birds, 3 vols. '... The same Water birds, 2 vols. Baird. Birds. (U.S. Pacific R.R. survey) . Birds. (Colorado exploring expedition,) Birds. (U.S. and Mexican boundary survey, 1859) Cassin. Birds of South America. (U.S. expedition, 1849-52) Coues. Check list of North American birds . Birds of the North -West Key to North American birds .... Dionne. Les oiseaux du Canada Figuier. Reptiles and birds ..... Fulton. Illustrated book of pigeons, edited by L. Wright Gedney. Foreign cage birds ... . Gosse. Birds of Jamaica ...... Henshaw. Birds. (Wheeler's survey west of the 100th meridian, 1871-5) Ibis (The). 5th series. 5 vols. ..... Harvie-Brown. The capercaillie in Scotland Heermann and Kennedy. Birds. (U.S. Pacific R. R. sur- vey, 1853-6) Jardine. Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, 4 vols. Gallinaceous birds ...... Game birds ....... Humming birds, 2 vols. .... Sun birds . '. '. . . Lyell. Fancy pigeons ....... Massachusetts. Report on ornithology, by W T . B. 0. Peabody Mcllwraith. Birds of Ontario Minot. Land and game birds of New England Morris. History of British birds, 6 vols Nests and eggs of British birds, 3 vols. Murdoch. Birds. (U.S. expedition to Point Barrow, 1882-3) Newman. (Ed.) Montagu's British birds New York. Birds, by James E. DeKay. (Natural history of New York, 1844) 2 vols 1882. 2327- 1 1880. H.C. 100 1874. 2325- 1 1876. 2325- 6 1870. H.C. Ill B.R. 2325- 2 1884. 2325- 3 1853-6. 5256- 9 1861. 5255- 2 5254-11 1855. 5253- 1 1879. 2325-13 1877. 2325 7 1884. 2325- 5 1883. 2326- 6 n.d. 2332- 1 ii. d. 5161- 2 n.d. 2326- 3 1847. H.C. 1489 5255- 1 1883-8. 281 1879. 2325- 8 1866. H.C. 1 I860. H.C. 14 n.d. H.C. 8 n.d. H.C 6 1864. H.C. 5 n.d. 2326- 2 1839. 2332-15 1886. 2326 8 1877. 2325- 9 1870. H.C. 93 1879. 2325- 4 5254- 8 n.d. 2325-11 5265- 2 12 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ORNITHOLOGY Continued. Nuttall. Manual of ornithology water birds . . . 1834. 2325-12 Pope. Upland game birds and water fowl of the United States, portfolio ...... B.R. Ridgway. Manual of North American birds . . . 1887. 2325-15 Nomenclature of colors for naturalists . 1886. 2326-11 Ross. Birds of Canada . 1872. 2326- 4 Sclater. Catalogue of American birds .... .1862. 2325-10 Selby. Parrots. (Naturalist's library) .... 1866. H.C. 10 Pigeons. (Naturalist's library) . . . n.d. H.C. 9 Smith. The canary, its varieties, management and breeding 1876. 2326-5 Swainson. Birds. (Fauna Boreali Americana, vol. 2) . 1831. 5144- 3 Birds of Western Africa, 2 vols. . . 1861. H.C. 11 Fly catchers 1862. H.C. 13 Swaysland. Familiar wild birds, 3 vols. . . . 1883-7. 2326- 1 Tristram. Birds of Palestine. (Palestine exploration survey) 1885. H.C. 3096 Vennor. Our birds of prey 1876. 2325-14 Wright. Illustrated book of poultry 1880. 5161-3 Mammalia. Baird. Mammals of North America, quarto . . . 1859. 5143- 3 Mammals of South America. (U.S. expedition, 1849-52) Mammals. (United States and Mexican boundary survey) 1859. 5254-11 Mammals. (U.S. Pacific Railway survey, 1853-6) 5256-8 Caton. Antelope and deer of America .... 1S77. 2322- 1 Coues and Yarrow. Mammals. (Wheeler's survey west of the 100th meridian, 1871-5) 5255- 1 Coues. Fur bearing animals ...... 1877. H.C. 104 Drummond. Large game and natural history of South and South-East Africa .... 1875. 2322- 2 Hamilton. Amphibious carnivora and herbivorous cetacea. (Naturalist's library) n.d. H.C. 25 Whales. (Naturalist's library) . . . 1861. H.C. 26 Jardine. Deer, antelopes, camels, etc. (Naturalist's library) n.d. H.C. 21 Lions, tigers, etc. (Naturalist's library) . 1858. H.C. 16 Monkeys. (Naturalist's library) . . 1866. H.C. 27 Thick-skinned quadrupeds. (Naturalist's library) 1856. H.C. 23 Macgillivray. British quadrupeds. (Naturalist's library) 1866. H.C. 17 Massachusetts. Report on the quadrupeds by E. Emmons 1839. 2372-10 Murray. Geographical distribution of mammals, quarto 1866. ' 5143- 4 New York. Mammalia, by James E. DeKay, (natural history of New York, vol. 1, 1842) . 5265- 1 Nott. Wild animals photographed and described . . 1886. 2322-11 Richardson. Mammalia. (Fauna Boreali Americana, vol. 1) 1829. 5144- 3 VERTKBRATKS. 13 MAMMALIA Continued. Sanderson. Thirteen years among the wild beasts of India 1879. 2322- 10 Scammon. Marine mammals of the N.W. coast of North America, quarto ..... 1874. 5144- 5 Tristram. Mammals. (Palestine exploration survey) . 1885. H.C. 3096 Waterhouse. Marsupialia. (Naturalist's library) . . 1866. H.C. 24 Wood. Bible animals 1877. 2322-3 Domestic Animals. Dalziel. British dogs .n.d. 2317-11 Gill. Book of the rabbit 1881. 2317-12 Illustrations of famous American dogs, folio ... B.R. Jardine. Goats, sheep, oxen, etc. (Naturalists library) n.d. H.C.22 Jesse. History of the British dog, 2 vols. . . . 1866. 2317-9 Kennel club stud book, 1859-87, 14 vols 1862- 1 Low. Domesticated animals of the British Islands . n.d. 2317- 1 Seller and Stephens. Physiology at the farm . . . n.d. 2317-3 Sidney. Book of the horse n.d. 5161-1 Smith. Horses, asses, etc. (Naturalist's library) . . 1866. H.C. 20 Walsh. The horse in the stable and the field 1883. 2317-6 Anthropology. (SEE ALSO ETHNOLOGY.) Anthropological review, 1863-7, 5 vols. .... 288 Anthropological society of London memoirs, 2 vols. . 1863-6. 2316-1 1 Contents. Hunt, negro's place in nature Peacock, weight of the brain in the negro Bollaert, past and present populations of the new world Thurnam, Ancient, British and Gaulish skulls Bollaert, introduction to palaeography of America Pritchard, Viti and its inhabitants Bollaert, astronomy of the red man of America Davis, Neanderthal skull Bendyshe, history of anthropology. Vol. 2. Gibb, difference between the larynx of negro and white man Vambery, dervishes and hadjis of the East Harris, origin, manners, customs and superstitutions of the Oallinas people Bollaert, Maya hieroglyphic alphabet Beavan, on people inhab ting Spain Marshall, genealogy in connection with anthropology Shortt, description of a living microcephale Bower, history of ancient slavery, etc. Blumenbach. Anthropological treatises . . . 1865. 2316-12 Darwin. Descent of man 1883. 2324- 3 Figuier. Primitive man, illustrated . . . 1870. 2316-13 Geiger. Development of the human race .... 1880. 2522- 7 Haeckel. Evolution of man, 2 vols. . . . . 1879. 2324- 5 Latham. Natural history of varieties of man . . . 1850. 2316- 3 Maclean. Mastodon, mammoth and man . . . 1880. 2322- 9 Nott and Gliddon. Types of mankind .... 1855. 2316-4 Indigenous races of the earth . . 1857. 5151 3 Pouchet. Plurality of the human race . 1864. 2316-9 Prichard. Natural history of man, 2 vols. . . . 1855. 2316- 2 Researches into the physical history of mankind, 5 vols. . . . 1851. 2316- 1 14 REFERENCE LIBRARY. A NTHROPOLOG Y Continued. Smith. Natural history of the human species . . 1859. 2316-15 Thorns. Human longevity, its facts and its fictions . . 1873. 2316-14 Vogt. Lectures on man 1864. 2316- 7 Waitz. Introduction to anthropology .... 1863. 2316 8 BOTANY. Annals of the botanical society of Canada .... 1861-2. 1837- 4 Badham. Treatise on the esculent funguses of England 1863. H.C. 82 Bailey. Botanical collectors' handbook .... 1881. 2374- 6 Baillon. Natural history of plants, 8 vols. . . . 1871-88. 2376- 1 Balfour. Manual of botany . . . . . . 1875. 2374- 5 Barton and Castle. British flora medica . . . 1877. 2716-14 Bentley and Trimen. Medicinal plants. 4 vols. . . 1880. 2716-13 Bentley. Manual of botany 1882. 2373- 7 Berkeley. Cryptogamic botany 1857. 2376- 3 Handbook of British mosses . . . 1863. H.C. 80 Outlines of British fungology . . . . 1860. H.C. 81 Bigelow. Botany. (U.S. Pacific II. R. survey, 1853-6) 5256- 9 Brown. Manual of botany 1874. 2373- 1 Burmannus. Plantarum Americairarum, folio . . 1755. H.C. 5483 Cooke. British fresh-water alga?, 2 vols. . . . 1882-84. 2372-2 (Comp.) Gums produced in India, folio . 1874. 5163- 3 Handbook of British fungi . . . . . 1883. 2372- 3 Culpeper: Complete medical herbal, 2 vols. . . n.d. 2716-12 Darwin. (C. andF.) Power of movement in plants . . 1880. 2373-13 Darwin. (C.) Climbing plants 1882. 2373-8 Cross and self-fertilisation of plants . . . 1878. 2373-11 Fertilisation of orchids 1882. 2373- 9 Insectivorous plants ..'.... 1876. 2373-10 DeBarry. Morphology and biology of the fungi, mycetozoa, and bacteria 1887. 2372- 5 DeCandolle. Laws of botanical nomenclature . . . 1868. H.C. 79 Durand and Hilgard. Botanical report. (U.S. Pacific R.K. survey, 1853) . . . 5256- 5 Eaton. Ferns of North America, 2 vols. . . .1879-80. H.C. 5470 Emerson. Trees and shrubs of Massachusetts, 2 vols. 1887. 2656-13 Engelmann and Bigelow. Cactacae. (U.S. Pacific R.R. survey, 1853-6) . . 5256- 4 Engelmann. Cactacse. (U.S. and Mexican boundary survey, 1859) 5254-11 Farlow. Marine algte of New England . . . . 1881. 2376-7 Figuier. The vegetable world 1867. 2376- 5 Fitzgibbon. Canadian wild flowers, folio .... 1868. H.C. 5484 Gatty. British seaweeds, 2 vols 1872. 2377-6 Gifford. The marine botanist .... . 1853. H.C. 55 BOTANY. 15 BOTANY Continued. Gordon. Pinetum, a synopsis of all coniferous plants . 1880. 2376- 9 Gray. (Asa.) Botany of the Northern United States . 1856. 2376-4 Synoptical flora of North America. Gamopetalse 1886. 2372- 9 Gray. (S. O.) British sea-weeds .... 1867. H.C. 70 Gray, Torrey, Thurber and Engelmann. Botany. (Col- orado river exploring expedition) . . . 1861. 5254- 2 Hibberd. New and rare beautiful -leaved plants . . 1870. 2377-10 Hooker. British ferns 1861. 2377-13 Flora boreali Americana, vol. 1 . . . 1883. 5144-3 Icones plantarum, 4 vols 1842-48. 2374- 3 Species filicum, 5 vols 1846-62. 2374- 2 Hulme and Hibberd. Familiar garden flowers, 4 vols. . n.d. 2373- 3 Hulme. Familiar wild flowers, 5 vols. . . . . n.d. 2373- 2 Jackson. Guide to the literature of botany. (Index society) 1881. 1866-2 Vegetable technology. (Index society) . . 1882. 1866- 2 Kurz. Forest flora of British Burma, 2 vols. . . . 1877. 2374- 4 Lee. Trees, plants and flowers . ... 1854. H.C. 83 Leighton. Lichen-flora of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands .... 1879. 2376-6 Lesquereux and James. Mosses of North America . . 1884. 2376- 8 Lindley. Elements of botany 1861. 2377- 1 The vegetable kingdom 1847. 2377- 2 London. Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum, 8 vols. 1844. 2374- 1 Lowe. Beautiful leaved plants 1872. 2377-11 British grasses . . . . . . .1871. 2377- 5 Our native ferns, 2 vols 1874-1880. 2377-14 Macoun. Catalogue of Canadian plants. (Geological and natural history survey) .... 1883-6 2373-11 Vol. 1. Polypetalae Gamopetalse Apataltc Massachusetts. Herbaceous flowering plants, by C. Dewey 1839. 2372-10 Meehan. Native flowers and ferns of the U.S., 2 vols. 1878-9. 2372- 1 Mentzelius. Index nominum plantarum rnulti linguis, folio 1682. 5143- 1 Muller. The fertilisation of flowers .... 1 883. 2377- 3 Newberry. Botany. (U.S. Pacific R.R. survey, 1853-6) . 5256- 6 New York. Botany by John Torrey. (Natural history of New York, vols. 6, 7) 1843. 5265- 6 Palmer. Mushrooms of America . . . . 1885. 2377-15 Paxton. Botanical dictionary, revised by Heremaii . 1868. H.C. 102 Magazine of botany, 1 6 vols 1834-49. H.C. 963 Phillips. Flora historica, 2 vols 1829. H.C. 75 Pickering. Plants in their wild state, quarto . . . 1876. 5145-15 Plues. British ferns . . . . . . 1866. H.C. 74 British grasses 1867. H.C. 65 Pratt. Flowering plants, Brasses and sedges of Great Britain, 6 vols. ' n.d. 2376- 2 Pursh. Flora Americse septentrionalis . . . . 1814. 2372- 4 Rhind. History of the vegetable kingdom . . . 1855. H.C. 101 16 REFERENCE LIBRARY. BOTANY Continued. Robinson. Alpine flowers for English gardens . 1879. 2373- 4 Sachs. Text book of botany 1882. 2377- 4 Sandford. Exotic ferns and selagiiiella .... n.d. 2373- 6 Smith. Domestic botany 1871. H.C. 69 Sowerby (James and others) English botany, 12 vols. 1873-86. 2375- 1 Sutherland. Hardy herbaceous and alpine flowers 1871. 2373- 5 Torrey and Gray. Botany. (U.S. Pacific R.R. survey. 1853-6) 5256- 2 Torrey. Botany of California. (U.S. Pacific R.R. survey, 1853-6) 5256- 7 Botany. (U.S. and Mexican boundary survey, 1859) 5254-11 Botany. (U.S. Pacific R.R. survey, 1853-6) 5256- 5 Descriptions of plants. (U.S. Pacific R.R. survey, 1853-6, appendix) ..... 5256- 5 Traill. Plant life in Canada 1885. 2376-10 Tripp. British mosses, 2 vols. ..... 1874. 2377-7 Tristram. Flora of Palestine. (Palestine exploration survey) 1885. H.C. 3096 Twining. Illustrations of the natural orders of plants, 2 vols. 1868. 2377- 9 United States. Botany. (Wheeler's survey west of the 100th meridian) 1871-5. 5255- 1 Van Geert. Iconography of Indian azaleas . 1882. H.C 115 v Warner. Select orchidaceous plants, folio 1862. B.R. Wolle. Desmids of the United States .... 1884. 2372- 6 Fresh-water algse of the United States, 2 vols. 1887. 2372- 7 Woodville. Medical botany, 5 vols. .... 1810-32. H.C. 4300 Wooster. (Ed. ) Alpine plants, 2 vols. .... 1872. 2377- 8 ASTRONOMY. Arago. Popular astronomy, 2 vols. ..... 1855. 2334- 9 Ball. Story of the heavens 1885. 2335- 6 Blake. Astronomical myths . .... 1877. 2335- 5 Chambers. Handbook of descriptive astronomy . 1877. 2334- 5 Chauvenet. Manual of spherical and practical astronomy, x 2 vols n.d. 2334- 1 D'Auteroche. Voyage to California to observe transit of Venus . . . . . . 1778. H.C. 1313 Dray son, Motion of the fixed stars ..... 1874. 2334-12 1872. 2334-16 Grant. History of physical astronomy .... n.d. 2334-10 Guillemin. The heavens 1868. 2334- 8 The sun . 1870. 2335- 3 World of comets ..... 1877. 2334- 2 Herschel. Outlines of astronomy 1881. 2335- 1 Johnston. School atlas of astronomy .... 1856. 2334-17 Langley. The new astronomy . 1888. 2334-18 COSMOLOGY. 1 7 A STRONOM Y Continued. Ledger. The sun, its planets and their satellites 1882. 2335- 2 Loomis. Introduction to practical astronomy 1883. 2334- 7 Nasmyth and Carpenter. The moon .... 1885. 2335- 7 Neison. The moon ........ 1876. 2334- 6 Newcomb. Popular astronomy ..... 1883. 2334- 4 Nichol. The system of the world . 1846. H.C. 2018 Phipson. Meteors, aerolites and falling stars 1867. H.C. 77 Proctor. Essays on astronomy . 1872. 2334-13 Half hours with the stars .... 1882. 5154-24 Saturn and its system . 1882. 2334-15 Star atlas for students and observers 1877. 5154-26 The universe of stars . . . . . 1878. 2334-14 Siemens. Conservations of solar energy 1883. 2334-11 Smith. Illustrated astronomy ...... 1848. 5154-25 United States. (Astronomical expedition to the southern hemispere, Lieut. T. M. Gilliss, 6 vols.) 1849-52. 5253- 1 Astronomy and barometric hypsometry. (Wheeler's survey west of the 100th meridian, vol. 2, 1871-5) 5255- 1 Report on the total solar eclipse, B. F. Sands ...... 1869. 5253- 3 Reports on the total solar eclipses 1878-80. 5253- 2 Watson. Theoretical astronomy ..... 1881. 2334- 3 Webb. Celestial objects * 1881. 2335- 4 Astrology. Culpeper. Astrology. (Complete English physician, 2 vols.) n.d. 2716-12 DeTitus. Remarkable nativities .... 1789. 2335-16 Lilly. Introduction to astrology 1835. H.C. 4801 Morrison. Grammar of astrology 1849. 2335-15 COSMOLOGY. Gosse. The ocean 1854. H.C. 88 Hartwig. Polar and tropical worlds ' . ... 1874. 2336- 6 The polar world 1881. 2336- 5 The subterranean world . . . . 1881. 2336- 4 Pouchet. The universe, 2 vols . . . . . 1873. 2336-2 Reclus. The earth 1877. 2336- 1 The ocean, atmosphere and life, 2 vols . . 1873. 2336- 3 (2) 18 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Volcanoes. Bruce. Account of the most remarkable earthquakes . 1820. H.C. 2023 Campbell. Frost and fire, 2 vols. .... 1865. 2344- 4 Button. Hawaiian volcanoes. (Geological survey of U.S.) 1885. 5262-4 Fisher. Physics of the earth's crust . . . .1881. 2344-2 Phillips. Vesuvius 1869. 2344- 3 Scrope. Volcanoes, the character of their phenomena . 1862. 2344- 1 Zurcher and Margolle. Volcanoes and earthquakes . 1868. H.C. 2020 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Bates. Central and South America and the West Indies. (Stanford's compendium of geography) . 1882. 2337-12 Blackie. Etymological geography 1875. 2337- 6 Blodget. Physical geography. (Climatology of the U.S.) 1857. 2347- 1 Cooley. Physical geography 1876. 2337- 2 Haughton. Six lectures on physical geography . . 1880. 2337- 3 Hayden and Selwyn. North America. (Stanford's com- pendium of geography) . 1883. 2337-11 Herschel. Physical geography of the globe . . . 1869. 2337- 7 Hull. Physical history of the British Isles . . . 1882. 2337- 4 Johnston. Africa. (Stanford's compendium of geography) 1880. 2337- 9 Geography, physical, historical, political and descriptive 1881. 2337- 5 Keane. Asia. Edited by Temple. (Stanford's compendium of geography) .... 1882. 2337-10 Marsh. Man and nature 1864. 2337- 1 Maupertius. Measurement of a degree at the polar circle. (Pinkerton's voyages, vol. 1) . . 1808. H.C. 2000 Ramsay. Physical geology and geography of Great Britain 1878. 2337- 8 Rudler and Chisholm. Europe. (Stanford's compendium of geography) . . . 1885. 2337-14 "Wallace. Australasia. (Stanford's compendium of geo- graphy) 1883. 2337-13 GEOLOGY. Ansted. The great stone book of nature . . . 1863. H.C. 2027 Becker. Geology of the Comstock lode and Washoe district 1882. 5261-3 Bigsby. Geography and geology of Lake Huron, quarto 1824. 5144- 1 Blanford. Geology of Persia. (Report Eastern boundary commission, vol. 2, 1872) .... 2314- 5 Buckland. Geology and mineralogy, vol. 2, plates . 1870. 5144- 6 Campbell. Frost and fire, 2 vols 1865. 2344- 4 GEOLOGY. 19 GEOLOGY Continued. Canada. Report on geological surveys .... 1884. Geological and natural history survey reports 1 844-88. Chambers. (Robert) Ancient sea-margins . . . 1848. Close. Geology of county Cork. (See Cusack, F. M.) . 1875. Curtis. Silver-lead deposits of Eureka, Nevada, quarto 1884. Dawson. (G. M. ) Geology and resources forty-ninth parallel 1875. Featherstonhaugh. Geological reconnoissance to Coteau de Prairie, Wisconsin . . 1836. Figuier. World before the deluge . . . . n.d. Geikie. Palaeozoic geology in Britain. (Geikie's life of Murchison, 2 vols.) ..... 1875. Text-book of geology ...... 1882. Gosse. Omphalos, an attempt to untie the geological knot 1857. Grewingk. Orographischen der Nord-West-Kiiste Amerikas 1850. Hamilton. Basaltes of the northern coast of Ireland. ( Pink- erton's voyages, vol. 3) .... 1809. Hartt. (C. F.) Geology of Brazil. (See Agassiz, Louis) 1870. Hayden. (F. V. ) On the geology of the tertiary formations of Dakota, Nebraska. (See Leidy, Joseph) 1862. U.S. geological and geographical survey of Col- orado and adjacent territories, 3 vols. . 1867-75. U.S. geological survey of Montana and adjacent territory ....... U.S. geological survey of Wyoming and contigu- ous territory ...... Hull. 1872. 1871. 1882. 1823. 1878. 1883. 1883. 1832. 1843. Palseo-geographical and geological maps of the British Isles Humboldt. (A. de) On the superposition of rocks Hunt. Chemical and geological essays .... Huxley. Geological contemporaneity. (Lay Sermons) . Irving. Copper bearing rocks of Lake Superior, quarto Jackson and Alger. Mineralogy and geology of Nova Scotia Jukes. Geological survey of Newfoundland King. Systematic geology. (U.S. exploration of the fortieth parallel, 1878) Le Conte. Elements of geology ..... Lee. Note-book of an amateur geologist Logan and Hunt. Esquisse ge"ologique du Canada . Lyell. Elements of geology . . . . . . Geological observations on the U.S., Canada and Nova Scotia, 2 vols. ..... Principles of geology, 2 vols. .... Macfarlane. American geological railway guide Minnesota. Geology. Final report, N. H. Winchell, direc- tor, vol. 1 1872-82. Murchison. Siluria 1867. Murray and Howley. Geological survey of Newfoundland 1881. Newberry. Geology. (Report of Colorado exploring expe- dition, 1860) 1883. 1881. 1855. 1865. 1845. 1867. 1879. 2344-13 2343- 1 2341- 3 1463-12 5261- 7 2344-12 2342-14 H.C. 5263 2225-12 2342- 3 H.C. 2017 2341- 1 H.C. 2002 2315- 3 5145- 3 2342- 9 2342-11 2342-10 2337- 4 2342-12 2342-13 2312- 7 5261- 5 5144-8 2342-15 5255- 2 2342- 4 2342- 7 2341- 6 2342- 2 H.C. 1320 2342- 1 2342- 8 5262-12 2342- 6 2341- 2 5254- 2 20 REFERENCE LIBRARY. GEOLOGY Continued. Newberry. Geology. (Report of exploring expedition from Santa Fe, 1859) 5254- 3 New York. Geology by Vanuxem, Emmons, Hall, Mather. (Natural history of New York, vols. 9-12) 1842. 5265- 9 New Zealand. Geological survey reports .... 1882. 2344-14 Owen (D. D.) Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, 2 vols. . . . 1852. H.C. 91 Prestwich. Geology, chemical, physical and stratigraphi- cal, 2 vols 1886-8. 2341- 7 Ramsay. Geology of the island of Arran . . . 1842. 2313- 2 Physical geology and geography of Great Britain 1878. 2337- 8 Safford. (J. M.) Geology of Tennessee . . . 1869. 2341-5 Schiel. (J.) Geological report of the country. (U.S. Pacific R.R. survey, 1853-6) 5256- 2 Symonds. (W. S. ) Stones of the valley . . . 1857. H.C. 2022 United States. Geological survey, J. W. Powell, director, reports, vols. 2-6 1880-5. 5262- 1 Geology of portion of California, etc. ( W heel- er's survey west of .the 100th meridian, 1871-3, 2 vols.) ..... 1875-81. 5355-1 Viollet-Le-Duc. Mont Blanc 1877. 2342- 5 Paleontology. Agassiz. Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles, quarto 1840. 5145-18 Baily. Figures of characteristics of British fossils Palaeozoic 1875. 2345- 3 Balfour. Fossil botany. (Manual of botany) . . . 1875. 2374- 5 Conrad. Report on the palaeontology of southern Calfornia. (U.S. Pacific R.R. survey) .... 1853-6. 5256- 7 Figuier. World before the deluge n.d. H.C. 5263 Fontaine. Older mesozoic flora of Virginia . . . 1883. 5261- 6 Geological and natural history survey of Canada . . 2345- 5 Decade I. Salter Figures and descriptions of Canadian organic remains, 1859. II. Hall Graptolites of the Quebec group, 1865. III. Logan Preface, 1858. Billings Cystideae of the lower silurian rocks of Canada Billings Asteriadae of the lower siluria*i rocks of Canada. Salter and Billings Cyclocystoides of the lower Silurian rocks of Canada Jones Palaeozoic entomostraca of Canada. IV. Billings Crinoidese of the lower silurian rocks of Canada, 1859. Foord Contributions to the micro-palaeontology of cambro-silurian rocks, 1883. Dawson Fossil plants of the Devonian and lower carboniferous formations, 1871-82. Billings Pal teozoic fossils, vol. 1, 1865. 2345- 6 Palaeozoic fossils, vol. 2, part 1, 1874. Wbiteaves Contributions to Canadian palaeontology, vol. I, part 1, 1885. Palaeozoic fossiis, vol. 3, part I, 1884. Mesozoic fossils, vol. 1, parts I., II., III., 1876-84. Gosse. Omphalos, an attempt to untie the geological knot 1857. H.C. 2017 Hall. New species of fossils from Trenton limestone. (N. Y. state report, 1850) 1572-1 MINERALOGY. PALEONTOLOGY Continued. Huxley. Palaeontology and the doctrine of evolution . 1883. 2312-8 Leidy. The extinct mammalian fauna of Dakota and Ne- braska, quarto 1869. 5145-13 Maclean. Mastodon, mammoth and man . . . 1880. 2322-9 Marsh. Odontornithes, the extinct toothed birds of North America. (U.S. exploration of 40th parallel, 1878) ;>25o- 2 New York. Palaeontology. (Natural history of New York, vols. 18-21) 1844. 5265-18 Nicholson. Manual of palaeontology, 2 vols. . . . 1879. 2345- 2 Palaeontology of the Province of Ontario, 2 vols. 1874-5. 2345- 4 Owen. (Sir Richard) British fossil reptiles, 4 vols., quarto 1849-84. 5143-2 Palaeontology . . . . 1861. 2345- 1 Safford. Palaeontology. (Geology of Tennessee) . . 1869. 2341-5 Symonds. Stones of the valley 1857. H.C. 2022 United States. Palaeontology. (Wheeler's survey west of the 100th meridian, 1871-5) . . . . . 5255- 1 Walcott. Palaeontology of the Eureka district . . 1884. 5261 8 Whitfield. Brachiopoda and lamelli branchiata of New Jersey 1885. 5261- 9 MINERALOGY. Apjohn. Metalloids . 1865. 2346- 5 Brush. (J.) Determinative mineralogy and blowpipe 1882. 2346- 3 Buckland. Geology and mineralogy, atlas of illustrations 1870. 5144- 6 Burnham. Limestones and marbles . . . 1883. 2346- 2 Canadian gold fields. Report 1865. 2346- 6 Curtis. Silver-lead deposits of Eureka, Nevada . . 1884. 5261-7 Dana and Brush. A system of mineralogy . . . 1883. 2346- 1 Descriptive catalogue of the minerals of Canada (Colonial and Indian exhibition) 1886. 2346- 7 Featherstonhaugh. Lead and copper deposits in Wisconsin. 1847. H.C. 1345 Griffin. System of crystallography with its application to mineralogy 1841. 2313-2 Hartwig. The subterranean world . . . . 1881. 2336-4 Hatton and Harvey. Mineral resources of Newfoundland 1883. 1542- 1 Irving. Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior . . 1883. 5261- 5 Jackson and Alger. Mineralogy and geology of Nova Scotia, quarto . . . 1832. 5144- 8 Kobell. Instructions for the discrimination of minerals 1842. 2313- 2 Lord. Comstock mining and miners .... 1883. 5261- 4 New York. Mineralogy by L. C. Beck. (Natural history of New York, vol. 8) 1842. 5265- 8 Phillips. Introduction to mineralogy .... 1852. 2346- 4 Swineford. Mineral resources of Lake Superior . . 1876. 2342-16 Zirkel. Microscopical petrography. .(U.S. exploration of the fortieth parallel, 1S78) . . . . 5255-2 22 REFERENCE LIBRARY. METEOROLOGY. Arago. Meteorological essays ...... 1855. 2347- 6 Baddeley. Whirlwinds and dust-storms of India . 1860. 2347- 7 Plates to do 1860. 5154-22 Blasius. Storms, their nature, classification and laws n.d. 2347- 9 Blodget. Climatology of the United States 1857. 2347- 1 Chambers. The meteorology of the Bombay presidency . 1878. 5154-20 Diagrams and maps to do. .... B.R. Dove. The law of storms ...... 1862. 2347- 3 Fitz Roy. (Rear- Admiral). Weather book, a manual of practical meteorology .... 1863. 2347- 4 Galton. Meteorographica or methods of mapping the weather, quarto ..... 1863. 5154-21 Hartwig. The aerial world 1874. 2347-20 Lloyd. Meteorology of Ireland ..... 1877. 2352- 1 Loomis. Treatjse on meteorology ..... 1883. 2347- 8 Report of Royal Society on meteorological observations . 1840. 2347-12 Rowell. The cause of rain and its allied phenomena 1859. 2347- 5 Swainson. Weather-folk-lore 1873. 2347-10 Symons. Rain how, when, where and why it is measured 1867. 2347-11 United States. Astronomical expedition to the southern hemisphere, vol. 6 Magnetical and meteorological observations 1856. 5253- 1 Second meteorological report of James P. Espy ...... 1849. 5253- 5 Fourth meteorological report of James P. Espy 1857. 5253- 4 Report of the international polar expedition to Point Barrow ..... 1881-3. 5254- 8 AERONAUTICS. Hartwig. Flying machines and balloons. (Aerial world) 1874. 2347-20 Tumor. Astra castra, quarto 1865. 5154-25 Wise. History and practice of aeronautics 1852. 2347-19 CHEMISTRY. Apjohn. Manual of the metalloids ..... 1865. 2346- 5 1878. 2366-10 Bloxam. Chemistry, inorganic and organic 1883. 2367- 2 Laboratory teaching ..... 1879. 2366- 8 Blyth. Foods, their composition and analysis 1882. 2654-15 Poisons, their effects and detection . 1884. 2727-17 Boyle (Hon. Robt.) The sceptical chymist 1680. H.C. 2024 PHYSICS. 23 CHEMISTRY Continued. Brunton. Apparatus for physiological chemistry. (Science lectures at South Kensington, vol. 2) 2312-10 Chemical News, vols. 49-56 . . . . 1884-7. 281 Chemistry. Conversations on, 2 vols. .... 1813. H.C. 2025 Croft. Practical chemistry ...... 1860. 2367- 7 do do second edition 1870. 2367- 8 Crookes. Chemical analysis . . . . 1886. 2365- 1 Fownes. Organic chemistry ..... 1877. 2366- 6 Fresenius. Qualitative chemical analysis 1876. 23K7- 5 Quantitative chemical analysis 1876. 2367- 4 Hardwich. Photographic chemistry .... 1883. 2366- 9 Hunt. Chemical and geological essays 1878. 2342-13 Kensington, (Comp.) Analysis of foods 1877. 2366-11 Liebig. Chemical analysis of organic bodies 1842. 2313- 2 Muspratt. Chemistry, theoretical, practical and analytical. 2 vols 11. d. H.C. 5267 Ronalds and Richardson. Chemical technology, 5 vols. 1855-67. 2366- 3 Contents. Vols. 1,2. Fuel and its applications. 3-5. Acids, alkalies and salts. Roscoe and Schorlemmer. Treatise on chemistry . 1883-8. 2366- 2 Contents. Vol 1. Non-metallic elements. 2. Part 1 Metals. 2 Metals. 3. 1 Chemistry of the hydrocarbons and their derivatives. 2 do do do 3 do do do 4 Aromat c compounds. Roscoe. Technical chemistry. (Science lectures, South Kensington, vol. 2) 1879. 2312-10 Simon. Animal chemistry, 2 vols. (Sydenham society) . 1845. 2742- 6 Sutton. Volumetric analysis 1882. 2866- 5 Swedenborg. Principles of chemistry . . . 1847. 3015-13 Ure. Dictionary of chemistry 1828. 2366- 4 Valentin. Inorganic chemistry 1876. 2367- 6 Qualitative chemical analysis . . . 1880. 2366- 1 Wagner. Chemical technology 1881. 2367- 3 Watts. Dictionary of chemistry, 9 vols 1879. 2367- 1 Contents. Vol.1. A Conglomerate. Vol.6. First Supplement. 2. Conhydrine Gylge. 7. Second Supplement. 3. Haemaphein Mysonn. 8. Third Supplement, pt 1. 4. Nacrite Pyruvic acid. 9. do do 2. 5. Quadrantoxide Zymurgj . Wilson. Inorganic chemistry 1882. 2366- 7 Youmans. Chemical atlas, quarto 1855. 5145-17 PHYSICS. Deschanel. Treatise on natural philosophy, 4 vols. . 1883. 2352- 5 Part 1. Mechanics, hydrostatics and pneumatics. 2. Heat. 3. Electricity and magnetism. 4. Light and sound. Gregory. Treatise of mechanics, 2 vols. . . . 1815. 2352- 6 24 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PHYSICS Continued. Guillemin. Applications of physical forces . . . 1877. 1877. 1877. 2352- 3 2352- 4 2352- 1 Lloyd. Miscellaneous papers connected with physical science Thomson and Tait. Treatise on natural philosophy, 2 vols. 1886. 2352- 7 Tyndall. Contributions to molecular physics 1882. 2352- 2 Young. Lectures on natural philosophy, 2 vols. 1807. 5144- 4 Electricity and Magnetism. 1878. 2312-10 Bottomley. Electrometers. (S. Kensington lectures, vol. 1) Cuthbertson. Electrical electricity and galvanism 1807. 2353- 3 Faraday. Experimental researches in electricity, 3 vols. 1839-55. 2353- 2 Foster. Electrical measurements. (S. Kensington lectures, vol. 1) 1878. 2312-10 Maxwell. Treatise on electricity and magnetism, 2 vols. 1881. 2353- 1 Acoustics. 1882. 2354- 2 Everett Vibratory motion and sound .... Gurney. Power of sound ...... 1880. 2354- 1 Microscope and Microscopy. 1854. H.C. 4312 Beale. Microscope and its application to clinical medicine Second copy . . 1878. 2715-15 Carpenter. The microscope and its revelations 1882. 2355- 7 Davies. Preparation and mounting of microscopic objects n.d. 2355- 8 Gosse. Evenings at the microscope ..... n.d. H.C. 87 Griffith and Henfrey. The micrographic dictionary 1883. 2355- 4 Hogg. The microscope, its history, application and con- struction ....... 1883. 2355- 6 Marsh. Microscopical section-cutting .... 1882. 2355- 9 Martin. Microscopic mounting ...... 1878. 2355- 5 Robin. Traite du microscope ..... 1877. 2355- 3 Schleiden. Contributions to phytogenesis 1847. 2742- 5 Schwann. Microscopic researches in structure of animals and plants ...... 1847. 2742- 5 Sorby. Microscopes. (Science lectures at South Kensing- ton, vol. 1) 1878. 2312-100 Sternberg. Photo-micrographs and how to make them 1883. 2355- 1 Polariscope. Landolt. The polariscope and its practical applications 1882. 2355- 2 THEOLOGY. 25 MATHEMATICS. De Morgan. Elements of arithmetic . 1880. 2383- 9 System of practical mathematics . . 1845. H.C. 4545 Fleming. Geometrical solutions of the quadrature of the circle ....... 1850. 5144- 9 Maseres. (Baron) Cubick and biquadratick equations n.d. 2383-11 Affected algebraick equations 1800. 2383-12 Pryde. (Ed.) Mathematical tables 1883. 2383-10 Todhunter. Differential calculus 1881. 2383- 8 Integral calculus ...... 1883. 2383- 7 Young. System of practical arithmetic 1865. H.C. 4543 Key to do . . . . . . . 1856. H.C. 4544 THEOLOGY BIBLE. English. Bible. Accepted version, quarto . . . 1844. 5216- 6 Hexapla. Bagster, quarto - . . . . 1841. 5216- 4 Bible. Douay version 1846. H.C. 842 Scripture readings for use of schools in Ontario 1885. H.C. 763 Hebrew. Biblia hebraica. (Edited by Leusden) .' 1862. 3082-4 The same. (Edited by Van der ffooght), 2 vols. 1822. H.C. 878 Irish. Biobla naomhtha 1817. 3082- 5 Latin. Biblia sacra. Beza . . . . . .1651. 3083- 3 Polyglotta. Biblia sacra, 2 vols., folio . . . . n.d. 5216- 1 Hebraicus Grseca Latina Anglicana Germanica Gallica Italiana Hispanica. Old Testament. English. Isaiah re-arranged. Sharpe . 1877. 3083- 2 Ojibwa. Old Testament 1861. 3082-11 Psalms 1856. 3082- 9 New Testament. Cree. New Testament. Syllabic .... 1862. 3082-10 English. Tyndale's first printed English New Testament. (Arber's reprints) 1871. 3082- 6 Tyndale's New Testament of 1526. (Offer's reprint) 1836. H.C. 832 26 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Gospels with Wycliffe and Tyn- 1879. 1872. 1813. 1874. 1874-80. 3083- 1 3082- 7 H.C. 1068 3082- 3 3082- 1 NEW TESTAMENT Continued. English. Wycliffe and Purvey's New Testament . New Testament for English readers. Alford. 4 vols. ....... Esquimaux. Gospels ....... Gothic and Anglo-Saxon, dale's versions Greek. New Testament. Alford. 4 vols. Parallel New Testament, Greek and English, Scri- viener ....... Iroquois. New Testament Mohawk. St. Mark's Gospel, trans, by Brant St. Luke's Gospel, trans, by Hill St. John's Gospel, trans, by Norton Ojibwa. Testament. London ...... do. New York .... do. Toronto ..... 1882. 3082- 2 1880. 3083- 5 1787. H.C. 1787 1827. 3083- 8 1804. 3083- 7 1831. 3083- 6 1875. 3083- 4 1854. 3082-12 Apocrypha. Baring-Gould. Lost and hostile Gospels . Churton. Uncanonical and apocryphal Scriptures Cowper. Apocryphal Gospels .... Hone. Apocryphal New Testament The same The same. Chillicothe 1874. 1884. 1867. 1823. 1820. 1835. 3083-14 3083-13 3083-12 3083-15 H.C. 757 3083-16 Commentaries General. Bleek. Introduction to the New Testament, 2 vols. 1877-79. Clarke. Holy Bible with commentary, 6 vols. . . n.d. Contents. "Wl. 1. Genesis - Deuteronomy. Vol. 2. Joshua - Esther. Vol 3. Job-S. of Solomon. Vol. 4. Isaiah-Malachi. Vol. 5. Matthew- Acts. Vol. 6. Romans-Revelations. 1882-4. Ellicott. Old Testament commentary for English readers, 5 vols ........ Contents. Vol. 1. Genesis to Numbers. Vol. 2. Deuteronomy to Samuel. Vol. 3. 1 Kings to Esther. Vol. 4. Job to Isaiah. Vol. 5. Jeremiah to Malachi. New Testament commentary for English readers, 3 vols ........ 1883. Content*. Vol. 1. The four Gospels Acts Galations. Vol. 3. Ephe- siane to Revelations. Havernick. Introduction to the Old Testament . . 1852. Keil. Introduction to the Old Testament, 2 vols . 1882-4. Lapide. Commentarii in Scripturam sacram, 10 vols. . 1875. 3072- 3076- 3075-10 3075-11 3074- 1 3074- 2 3077- 1 Speaker's commentary. Edited by Canon Cook, 10 vols. . 1872-81. Old Testament, 6 vols. New Testament, 4 vols. . Contents. - Vol. 1. Genesis-Numbers. Vol.2. Josh ua-1 Kings. Vol. 3. 2 Kings-Esther. Vol. 4. Job-S. of Solomon. Vol. 5. Isaiah-Lamenta- tions. Vol. 6. Ezekiel-Malachi. Vol. 1. Four Gospels. Vol. 2. Acts. Vol. 3. Romans-Philemon. Vol. 4. Hebrews-Revelation. 3076- 4 BIBLE COMMENTARIES. 27 Bible Commentaries Special. Old Testament : - Genesis With a Talmudical commentary. Hershon . 1883. 3062. 2 Pentateuch. Keil and Delitzsch, 3 vols. 1878. 3074- 3 Colenso, 2 vols. ..... 1863. 3073-12 Macdonald, 2 vols. .... 1861. 3074- 4 Von Gerlach ...... 1860. 3074 5 Hengsteiiberg, 2 vols. 1847. 3074- 6 Joshua, Judges and Pviith. Keil and Delitzsch 1869. 3074- 7 Samuel. Keil and Delitzsch 1880. 3074- 8 Kings. Keil 1877. 3074- 9 Chronicles. Keil . . . . . 1878. 3074-10 Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. Keil .... 1879. 3074-11 Job. Delitzsch, 2 vols. ...... 1876. 3074-12 Psalms. Hengstenberg, 3 vols. . . . 1876. 3074-13 Murphy ....... 1875. 3074-14 Delitzsch, 3 vols. . . . 1880-81. 3074-15 1882. 3075- 1 Psalms cxix. Exposition. Bridges .... 1834. H.C. 831 Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes. Delitzsch 1877. 3073- 1 Ecclesiastes, Song of Soloman, Job, Isaiah. Hengsten- berg ......... 1876. 3073- 2 Ecclesiastes, paraphrasi poetica explicata. Le Brim 1653. H.C. 762 Proverbs. Delitzsch, 2 vols. .... 1880-2. 3073- 3 Isaiah. Delitzsch, 2 vols. .... 1879-80. 3073- 4 Alexander, 2 vols. ..... 1865. 3073- 5 Jeremiah. Keil, 2 vols. ...... 1880. 3073- 6 Ezekiel. Keil, 2 vols. 1876. 3073- 7 Hengstenberg ...... 1874. 3073- 8 Daniel and Zechariah. Hengstenberg 1848. 3073- 9 Daniel. Keil . . . . . . ' . 1877. 3073-10 Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. Keil and Delitzsch ...... 1880. 3073-11 Bible Commentar ies Special. New Testament: Matthew and Mark. Lange, 3 vols. 1880. 3072 2 St. Luke. Van Oosterzee, 2 vols. 1876-8. 3072- 3 Codet, 2 vols. 11. d. 3072- 4 St. John. Codet, 3 vols. 1883. ' 3072- 5 Hengstenberg, 2 vols. . . . 1879-80. 3072- 6 Lange, 2 vols. ..... 1872. 3072- 7 28 REFERENCE LIBRARY. BIBLE COMMENTARIES Continued. St. John. Luthardt, 3 vols. ..... 1876-8. 3072-8 Tholuck 1874. 3072- 9 Gospels and Acts of Apostles. Olshausen, 4 vols. 1871-5. 3072 10 Acts of the Apostles. Lechler and Gerok, 2 vols. 1869. 3067- 4 Romans. Codet, 2 vols. ..... 1882-3. 3067- 5 Philippi, 2 vols. 1878-9. 3067- 6 Olshausen . . . . 1878. 3067- 7 Corinthians. Olshausen . . . ... 1869. 3067- 8 Philippians, Titus and 1st Timothy. Ols'hausen and Wiesinger ....... 1866. 3067- 9 Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians and Thessalonians. Olshausen ........ 1864. 3067-10 1882-3. 3067-11 Epistle of St. John. Haupt 1879. 3067-12 Epistles of St. John. Ebrard .... 1860. 3067-13 Epistles of St. Paul. Coiiybeare and Howson 1869. B.C. 858 Parables of Jesus. Goebel ..... 1883. 3072-11 Sermon on the mount. Tholuck .... 1874. 3072-12 Words of the Apostles. Stier .... 1884. 3067- 3 Words of the Lord Jesus. Stier, 8 vols. 1879. 3067- 1 Words of the risen Saviour. Stier 1876. 3067- 2 Bibliography. Eadie. The English Bible 2 vols 1876. 3084- 5 Reuss. Bibliography of New Testament, 2 vols . 1884. 3084- 2 Concordances. Henderson. Dictionary and concordance of scriptural names 1869. 3085- 1 Inglis. Bible text cyclopaedia . . - . 1860. 3085- 2 Young. Analytical concordance to the Bible, quarto 1881. R. Bible Aids. Biblical reason why . . . . . . ."''". n.d. 3085- 3 Cassell. Bible dictionary, 2 vols. .... n.d. R. Cremer. Biblico-theological lexicon of New Testament Greek 1880. 5216- 5 Davidson. Introduction to study of New Testament, 2 vols. 1868. 3086- 3 1882. 3085-14 Green. Handbook to the grammar of the Greek Testament n.d. 3085. 4 Kitto. Cyclopaedia of Biblical literature, 3 vols. . 1869. H.C. 4986 Plumptre. (Ed.) Bible educator, 4 vols. n.d. 3086- 1 BIBLICAL BIOGRAPHY. 29 Bible Lands and Customs. Burden Oriental customs, 2 vols. . ... . . 1822. H.C. 850 Kitto. Bible history of the Holy Land 1867. H.C. 845 Scripture lands . 1850. H.C. 3022 Napier. Manufacturing arts in ancient times . . 1879. H.C. 4914 Stanley. Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history 1856. H.C. 861 Thomson. Land and the book, 3 vols. . . . 1881-86. 3087- 1 Van Lennep. Bible lands and customs . . . . 1875. 3087- 2 Bible History. Giles. Hebrew and Christian records, 2 vols. '. . . 1877. 3084-3 Home. On the Holy Scriptures, 5 vols. . . . 1839. 3084-4 Millington. Signs and wonders in the Land of Ham . . 1873. H.C. 805 Reuss. History of the New Testament, 2 vols. , . '1884. 3084-2 Westcott. On the canon of the New Testament 1881. 3086-2 Biblical Antiquities. Biblical archaeology. Transactions of the society . . 1872-88. 1865- 1 Proceedings do . . 1872-88. 1865- 1 DeCosta. Moabite stone . . . . . . 1871. 2975- 1 Knight. The arch of Titus 1867. 2975- 2 Renan. Age and antiquity of the book of Nabathsean agri- culture 1862. 2975- 4 Rule. Oriental records. Monumental . . . . n.d. 2975- 3 Rule and Anderson. Biblical monuments .... 1871. 2975- 5 Biblical Biography. Allen. Abraham, his life, times and travels . . . 1883. 3063- 2 Dewes. Life and letters of St. Paul .... 1882. 3082- 8 Macdonald. Life and writing of St. John . . . 1880. 3063- 3 Smith and Wace. (Edx.) Dictionary of Christian bio- graphy, 4 vols. . . . 1877-87. 3063- 4 Tomkins. Studies on the times of Abraham . . .n.d. 3063- 1 30 REFERENCE LIBRARY. HISTORY OF ISRAEL. Ewald. Antiquities of Israel ...... 1876. 3065- 2 History of Israel, 8 vols. .... 1883. 3065- 3 Contents. Vol. 1. Introduction and preliminary history. Vol. 2. History of Moses. 3. Rise and splendour of the Hebrew monarchy. 4. From the disruption of the monarchy to its fall. 5. History of Ezra and of the hagiocracy in Israel to the time of Christ. 6. Life and times of Christ. 7. The apostolic age. 8. The post-apostolic age under the Old Testament. Goldziher. Mythology among the Hebrews . . . 1877. 3065- 5 Hebrew migration from Egypt 1879. 3065- 6 Hengstenberg. History of the kingdom of God, 2 vols. . 1877. 3065- 9 Kurtz. History of the Old Covenant, 3 vols. . . 1870. 3065-8 Nash. Pharaoh of the exodus 1863. 3065- 1 Newman. History of the Hebrew monarchy . . 1865. 3064. 1 Sharpe. History of the Hebrew nation and literature . 1882. 3065- 4 Smith. Old Testament in the Jewish church . . 1881. 3064- 2 Prophets of Israel 1882. 3064- 3 Strachey. Jewish history and politics .... 1874. 3065-7 TALMUD. Barclay. Selections from the Talmud .... 1878. 3062- 6 DeSola and Raphall. (Trans.) Eighteen treatises from the Mishna .... 1845. 3062- 3 Deutsch. Literary remains 1874. 3062- 1 Contents. Memoir The Talmud Islam Lecture on the Talmud- Lecture at the Midland Institute, Birmingham Lecture on Semitic palaeography Three lectures on Semitic culture Egypt, ancient and modern Hermes Trismegistus Judaeo-Arabic metaphysics Les Apotres Five letters on the CEcumenical Council Apostolicse Sedis Roman passion drama -Semitic languages The Targums The Samaritan Pentateuch Book of Jasher Early Arabic poetry Arabic poetry in Spain and Sicily. Etheridge. Targums on the Pentateuch, Leviticus, Num- bers, Deuteronomy .... 1865. 3062- 8 Friedlander. ( Trans. ) Guide of the perplexed of Maimoni- des,3vols. 1881-85. 3062-7 Hershon. Genesis with a Talmudical commentary . 1883. 3062- 2 Talmudic miscellany 1880. 1825-16 (Trans.) Treasures of the Talmud . . 1882. 3062-4 Schroder. Satzungen und Gebrauche des Talmudisch-rab- binischen Judenthums . . . . 1851. 3062- 5 HISTORY OF RELIGION. HISTORY OF RELIGIO ^s Baring-Gould. Origin and development of religious belief, 2vols 1870. Part 1. Polytheism and monotheism. 2. Christianity. Barth. The religions of India 1882. Davids. Origin and growth of religion. (Hibbert lectures, 1881) 1880. IKVje*^ r-rr^Z*^ 2985- 1 1825-22 2974- 1 Deharbe. History of religion 1881. Dorman. Origin of primitive superstitions . . . . 1881. Inman. Ancient faiths, embodied in. ancient names, 2 vols. 1872-3. Keary. Outlines of primitive belief 1882. Kendrick. Phoenician religion, (Phcenica) . . . 1855. Kuenen. National religion sand universal religions, (Hibbert lectures, 1882) Lundy. Monumental Christianity ..... 1876. Moffat. Comparative history of religions . . . .n.d. Morley. (Ed. ) Illustrations of English religion . . n.d. Muller. Essays on the science of religion, (Chips from a German workshop, vol. 1) . . . 1880. Renan. Influence of Rome on Christianity. (Hibbert lectures, 1880) Renouf. Origin and growth of religion, (Hibbert lectures, 1879) Tiele. History of religion to the spread of universal religion 1880. Westropp and Wake. Ancient symbol worship . . 1875. Hibbert Lectures. 3026-11 2976- 1 2976- 3 2976- 4 1416- 6 2974- 1 2976- 2 2974- 2 1722- 6 1765- 1 2974- 1 2974- 1 2522- 4 2976- 5 1878. Muller. Lectures on the religions of India 1879. Renouf. Lectures on the religion of ancient Egypt 1880. Renan. Influence of the institutions, thought and culture of Rome on Christianity and the development of the Catholic church ..... 1881. Davids. Lectures on some points in the history of Indian Buddhism . . . . ... 1882. Kuenen. National religions and universal religions . 1883. Beard. Lectures on the reformation of the sixteenth century in its relation to modern thought and knowledge ....... 1884. Reville. Lectures on the ancient religions of Mexico and Peru 1885. Pfleiderer. Lectures on the influence of the Apostle Paul on the development of Christianity 1886. Rhys. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathendom 1887. Sayce. Lecture on the religion of ancient Assyria and Babylonia ....... 2974- 1 2974- 1 2974- 1 2974- 1 2974- 1 2974- 1 2974- 1 2974- 1 2974- 1 2974- 1 32 REFERENCE LIBRARY. CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES. Giles. Heathen records to the Jewish scripture history 1856. 2977-10 Hase. Miracle plays and sacred dramas 1880. 2977-11 Hone. Ancient mysteries described ..... 1823. 2977- 9 L'Epinois. Les catacombes de Rome .... 1879. 2977- 6 Maitland. Church in the catacombs . . ... 1847. 2977- 2 Marriott. Testimony of the catacombs 1870. 2977-3 Northcote. Epitaphs of the catacombs 1878. 2977- 4 Simpson. Old St. Paul's, chapters in the history of 1881. 2977- 7 Smith and Cheetham. (Eds.) Dictionary of Christian antiquities, 2 vols. 1875-80. 2977- 1 Terrill and Haycroft. Records of a church of Christ meet- ing in Broadmead, 1640-88 1865. 2977-12 Walcott. Sacred archaeology 1868. 2977- 8 With row. Catacombs of Rome . . 1877. 2977- 5 LIFE OF CHRIST. Clarke. Face of Jesus 1883. 3066-11 Dawson. Life of Christ n.d. 3066-17 Ewald. Life and times of Christ. (History of Israel, vol. 6) 1883. 3065- 3 Farrar. Life of Christ n.d. 3066-15 Geikie. Life and words of Christ ..... 1880. 3066-16 Hengstenberg. Christology of the Old Testament, 4 vols. 1875-8. 3066-10 Jameson. History of our Lord as exemplified in works of art, 2 vols. ....... 1881. 2673- 4 Lange. Life of the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 vols. 1872. 3066-12 Renan. Life of Jesus . . . . 1873. 3066- 9 Steinmeyer. History of the passion and resurrection of our Lord 1879. 3066-13 Strauss. New life of Jesus, 2 vols. ..... 1865. 3066- 8 Weiss. Life of Christ, 3 vols. . . 1883-4. 3066-14 NATURAL THEOLOGY. Beaven. Elements of natural theology .... 1850. 3025- 5 Bovell. Outlines of natural theology .... 1859. 3025- 4 Brougham. (Lord) Discourse of natural theology 1835. 3025- 3 Bushnell. Nature and the supernatural 1860. 3025- 1 Dawson. Archaia ........ 1860. 3026-15 Paley. Natural theology, 2 vols 1836-39. 3025- 2 THEOLOGY. 33 EVIDENCES. Auberlen. The divine revelation ..... 1874. 3026- 8 Blunt. Undesigned coincidences in the writings of the Old and New Testament . . . . 1871. 3026-13 Browne. Religio medici . . . . . . 1831. H.C. 830 Butler. Analogy of religion ...... 1829. 3026-14 Charteris. New Testament Scriptures. (Croall lectures, 1882) . . .... 3026- 6 Chateaubriand. Genius of Christianity . . . . 1856. 3026- 2 Deharbe. History of religion ...... 1881. 3026-11 Eaton. Permanence of Christianity. (Bampton lectures, 1872) 1873. 3026- 3 Ebrard. The Gospel history ...... 1876. 3026- 7 Grotius. (Hugo) The truth of the Christian religion . 1711. 3026-11 Hutton. Unconscious testimony ..... 1882. 3026-12 Leathes. -Religion of the Christ. (Bampton lectures, 1874) 1874. 3026- 4 Leland. View of the principal deistical writers . 1836. 3026- 9 McCosh. Christianity and positivism .... 1875. 3026-10 Method of the divine government 1882. 3026- 1 Row. Christian evidences viewed in relation to modern thought. (Bampton lectures, 1877) 1881. 3026- 5 THEOLOGY. Augustine, St. (Bishop of Hippo] Works. (Edited by Marcus Dods.) 15 vols. Contents. Anti-pelagian writings, 3 vols. . 1872-6. 2987- 3 City of God, 2 vols 1871. 2987- 4 Christian doctrine Enchiridion catechising on faith and the creed .... 1873. 2987- 6 Confessions of St. Augustine . . . 1876. 2987- 8 Donatist controversy 1872. 2987- 7 Lectures or tractates on the Gospel according to St. John. 2 vols 1873-4. 2987- 9 Letters of St. Augustine, 2 vols. . . . 1872-5. 2987-10 Manichaean heresy 1872. 2987- 5 On the Trinity 1873. 2987- 2 Sermon on the mount and harmony of the evangelists 1873. 2987- 1 Bouvier. Dissertatio in sextum decalogi prseceptum . n.d. 3027- Bulmer. Select letters 1842. 302220 Cunningham. Historical theology, 2 vols. . . . 1863. 3034-4 Delitzsch. System of Biblical psychology . . . 1879. 3033- Oens. Theologia moralis et dogmatica, 4 vols. . . 1832. 3027- 5 Dorner. Doctrine of the person of Christ, 5 vols. . 1880-84. 3033- 7 Div. I. First four centuries, 2 vols. II. From the end of the fourth century to the present time, 3 vols. History of Protestant theology, 2 vols. . . 1871. 3034- 1 System of Christian doctrine, 4 vols. . . 1881-3. 3033- 5 Flavel Treatise of the soul of man 1794. H.C. 820 Gebhardt. Doctrine of the apocalypse . . . 1878. 3032- 1 (3) 34 REFERENCE LIBRARY. THEOLOGY Continued. Hagenbach. History of Christian doctrines, 3 vols. 1881-83. 3034- 2 Heylyn. Historical and miscellaneous tracts, quarto 1681. 5244- 3 Hodge. Systematic theology, 4 vols. .... 1880-82. 3033-11 Hooker. Works, arranged by John Keble, 3 vols. . 1874. 2987-11 The same, 2 vols. ..... 1875. 2987-12 Hutton. Essays, theological and literary, 2 vols. 1880. 2987-13 Contents. Vo'. 1. Moral significance of atheism Atheistic explana- tion of religion Science and theism Popular pantheism What is revelation Christian evidences Historical problems of the fourth Gospel Incarnation and principles of evidence M. Renan's Christ M. Renan's St. Paul The hard church Romanism, Protestantism and Anglicanism. Vol. 2. Goethe and his influence Wordsworth and his genius Shel- ley's poetical mysticism Mr. Browning Poetry of the Old Testa- ment Arthur Hugh Clough Poetry of Matthew Arnold Tennyson Nathaniel Hawthorne. Martensen. Christian dogmatics .... n.d. 3033-10 Melia. The woman blessed by all generations . 1868. 3027- 2 Muller. Christian doctrine of sin, 2 vols. 1877. 3033- 6 Oehler. Theology of the Old Testament, 2 vols. 1882-3. 3033- 3 Oosterzee. Christian dogmatics 1874. 3033- 2 Practical theology 1878. 3033- 1 Parker. Tyne Chylde, my life and teaching 1883. 2987-14 Porter. The Christian's wedding ring . . . 1874. 2987-15 Priestley. Institutes of natural and revealed religion, 2 vols. 1782. 3032- 3 Sartorius. Doctrine of divine love .... 1884. 3033- 8 Schmid. Biblical theology of the New Testament 1882. 3032- 2 Shedd. History of Christian doctrine, 2 vols. 1884. 3034- 3 S. Thomae Aquinatis. Summae de veritate catholicae fidei contra gentiles, quarto 1878. 5216- 3 Summa theologica diligenter emen- data, Nicolai, Sylvii, Billuart et C. J. Drioux, 8 vols. 1880. 3027- 1 Taylor. (Bishop Jeremy) Works. (Edited by Heber). 1839. 1872. 2982- 1 3032- 4 Vinet. Outlines of theology ..... Watson. Collection of theological tracts, 6 vols. 1791. H.C. 852 Weiss. Biblical theology of the New Testament, 2 vols. 1882-3. 3033- 4 Whole duty of man, author of. Complete works . 1684. 5216- 2 HOMILETICS. 1882. 2965- 7 Baker. Meditations and disquisitions upon certain Psalms Barclay. Sermon preached after the funeral of the late John Cameron, Esq. ..... 1868. 2965-12 Bertram. Dictionary of poetical illustrations for pulpit and 1883. 1883. 2984- 4 2984- 5 Homiletic encyclopaedia Cook. Boston Monday lectures, 2 vols. 1881. 2965- 1 Contents. Vol. 1. Biology Orthodoxy Conscience Marriage Trans- cendentalism Heredity Vol. 2. Labour-SocialismMiraclesSpiritualism. ANTE-NICENE CHRISTIAN LIBRARY. HOMILETICS Continued. Dale. Nine lectures on preaching 1882. 2965- Dibdin. (Ed.) The Sunday library, a selection of nearly one hundred sermons from eminent divines, 6 vols . 1850. H.C. 751 Flavell. Husbandry spiritualized, or the heavenly use of earthly things 1669. H.C. 816 Huntingdon. The lawyer's complaint and the preacher's caustick 1789. 2965- 8 Latimer. Sermon on the ploughers. (Arber's English re- prints) 1869. 1734- 6 Lever. Sermons. 1550. (Arber's English reprints) . 1871. 1734-12 Marsden. Discourses for the festivals of the Church of England 1844. H.C. 870 McGill. Discourses preached on various occasions . 1853. 2965-11 Mountain. (Bishop of Quebec) Sermons and addresses v.d. 2965-10 New York missionary society, sermons preached before . 1796-9. H.C. 1379 Outlines of sermons on the Old Testament . . . 1882. 2965- 3 Prince. Sermon in Boston, thanksgiving day, July 18, 1745 1746. 2965- 9 Spencer. Things new and old, 2 vols 1869. 2965- 2 Thomas. (Ed.) The homilist. (Editor's series). 6 vols. 1876-8. 2966- 1 do (Excelsior series). 7 vols. 1879-82. 2966- 2 Three hundred outlines of sermons on the New Testament 1882. 2965- 4 Vinet. Homiletics, or the theory of preaching . . 1858. H.C. 864 ANTE-NICENE CHRISTIAN LIBRARY. Apocryphal Gospels, Acts and Revelations, vol. 16 . . 1870. 2986- 6 Apostolic fathers, vol. 1 1867. 2986-16 Arnobius Adversus gentes, vol. 19 1871. 2986- 9 Clementine homilies, Apostolical constitutions, vol. 17 . 1870. 2986- 4 Clement, of Alexandria, vols. 4, 12 . . . . 1867-69. 2986-15 Cyprian, together with Novatian, Minucius Felix, vols. 8,13 1868-69. 2986 13 Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alexandria, and Archelaus, vol. 20 . . . . . 1871. 2986-14 Hippolytus. Vols. 6, 9 . . . . . . 1868-69. 2986-10 Irenaeus. Vols. 5, 9 1868. 2986-10 Lactantius, together with the testaments of the twelve patriarchs, vols. 21, 22 . . . . 1871. 2986-11 Liturgies and other documents, vol. 24 . . . . 1872. 2986-12 Martyr (Justin) and Athenagoras, vol. 2 .... 1867. 2986- 7 Methodius, Alexander of Lycopolis, Peter of Alexandria and fragments, vol. 14 ... 1869. 2986- 5 Origen. Vols. 10, 23 1869-72. 2986- 3 Tatian. Theophilus and the Clementine recognitions, vol. 3 1867. 2986- 8 Tertullian, against Marcion, vol. 7 .... 1868. 2986- 2 Tertullian. Writings with extant works of Victorinus and Commodianus, vols. 11, 15, 18 . 1869-70. 2986 1 36 REFERENCE LIBRARY. THEOLOGICAL AND CHURCH DICTIONARIES. Blunt. Dictionary of sects, heresies, and schools of thought 1874. 2984- 2 Doctrinal and historical theology . . . 1872. 2984- 1 Brewer. Dictionary of miracles 1884. 2984- 8 Calendar of the Anglican church 1851. 2984- 9 Dictionary of the English church, ancient and modern . n.d. 2984-10 Hook. Church dictionary 1880. 2984- 6 Marsden. Dictionary of Christian churches and sects . n.d. 2984- 7 McClintock and Strong. Cyclopaedia of Biblical, theological and ecclesiastical literature with supplement, 12 vols. 1881-7. R. CREEDS. Benjamim. Jewish confirmation class-book 1885. 3062- 9 .Burnet. Exposition of the XXXIX. Articles of the Church of England ...... 1845. 3024- 3 ^Confession of faith used in the English congregation at Geneva 1843. H.C. 827 Confession of faith with the larger and shorter catechisms . 1874. H.C. 802 Hitchcock and Brown. Teaching of the Twelve Apostles 1885. 3024- 6 Pearson. Exposition of the creed ..... 1847. 3024- 4 Schaff. Creeds of Christendom, 3 vols. . . . 1881-82. 3024- 2 Contents. y i)l 1. History of creeds. 2. Greek and Latin creeds. 3. Evangelical creeds. Wilson. (Bishop) Instructions for the Indians in the doctrines of Christianity .... 1740. 3024- 5 Winer. Confessions of Christendom ..... 1881. 3024- 1 PRAYER BOOKS. ' Blakeney. The book of common prayer .... 1870. 3023-18 Bute (Marquis of , Tr.) Roman breviary, 2 vols. 1879. 3023- 1 .Common prayer book adapted for use in other Protestant churches .... 1852. H.C. 808 Trans, into jib way 1853. 3023-11 Trans, into Mohawk, Capt. Brant . 1787. H.C. 1481 With notes by Rev. Richard Mant . 1850. H.C. 877 Chemin de la Croix, en Cree 1883. 3023- 4 Goulburn. The collects of the day, 2 vols. 1882. 3023-17 1880. 3023- 2 Marie-Antoine. Le lis immacule ou manuel du pelerin de Lourdes n.d. 3032- 3 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 37 COUNCILS. Buckley. ( Trans. ) Canon and decrees of the council of Trent 1851. H.C. 81'^ Catechism of the council of Trent . . . 1852. H.C. 811 Concilii Tridentiiii, canones et decreta .... 1666. 3055-17 Kaye. Some account of the council of Nicsea . . 1853. 3055-14 Lambert. Canons of the first four general councils of the church n.d. 3055-16. Leto. Eight months at Rome during the Vatican council 1876. 3055-15 Manning; (Cardinal). Petri privilegium, three pastoral letters .... . 1871. 3027- 3- Contents. 1. Centenary of Saint Peter and the general council. 2. The (Ecumenical council and the infallibility of the Pope. 3. The Vatican council and its definitions. H.C. 876 Waterworth. Council of Trent 1848. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Anderson. History of the Church of England in the colonies, 3 vols. Baumgarten. Acts of the Apostles or the history of the church, 3 vols. . Bennett. History of Dissenters from 1808-1838 Bingham. Origines ecclesiasticae, or the antiquities of the Christian church, 9 vols. Contents. Vols. 1-7. Christian antiquities. 8. History of lay bapt'sm. 9. French church's apology. Bogue and Bennett. History of Dissenters from 1688-1808, 4 vols. ..... The same ....'. Brenan. Ecclesiastical history of Ireland .... Browning. History of the Huguenots .... Buchanan. Ten years' conflict, being the history of the disruption of the Church of Scotland, 2 vols. ....... Bunsen. Hippolytus and his age, 4 vols. Butler. Historical memoirs respecting the English, Irish and Scottish Catholics, 2 vols. Carew. Ecclesiastical history of Ireland Caswall. America and the American church Cave. Lives of the Apostles and the two evangelists, Saint Mark and Saint Luke ..... Lives of the most eminent fathers of the church, 3 vols Primitive Christianity . . . . . Collette. Cranz. History of the Moravian brethren Saint Augustine, sketch of his life and writings, A.D. 387-430 1856. 1863. 1839. 1840. 1808. 1808. 1864. 1840. 1849. 1852. 1819. 1835. 1851. 1840. 1840. 1840. 1883. 1780. 3036-14 3057- 7 3042- 6 3034- 5- 3042- 5 H.C. 833 3052- 4 3037-15 3042-10 3055- 1 fl.C. 4085 3052- 3 3036-16 3057- 4 3057- 5 3057- 9 3036- 6 38 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY Continued. Daniels. History of Methodism ..... 1880. Day. Monastic institutions, their origin, progress, nature and tendency ....... 1855. Dexter. Congregationalism as seen in its literature . . 1880. Dollinger. Fables respecting the popevS of the middle ages . 1871. Donaldson. The apostolical fathers ..... 1874. Evans. United society of believers in Christ's second appearing (Shakers) . . . . 1859. Fox. Journal of the life, travels and sufferings of, 2 vols. 1836. Godkin. Religious history of Ireland, primitive, papal and Protestant . ... . . . 1873. Gordon. Monasticon, an account of all the abbeys, churches and hospitals in Scotland at the reformation . 1868. Scotichronicon, comprising Bishop Keith's cata- logue of Scottish bishops, 3 vols. . . 1867-69. Gough. History of the people called Quakers, 4 vols. . 1789. Greenwood. Cathedra Petri. Political history of the Great Latin patriarchate, books 1-14 . . 1856-72. 3037-17 3052- 6 3037-18 3053- 2 3055, 5 3036- 5 3036- 4 3052- 2 3037- 1 3037- 2 3036- 1 3056- 4 Contents. Books 1-2. From the first to the close of the fifthcentury. 3-4-5. From the close of the fifth to the middle of the ninth century. 6-7-8. From the middle of the ninth to the close of the tenth century. 9-10-11. From the close of the tenth century to the Concordat of Worms (A D. 1122). 12-13 From the Concordat of Worms (A.D. 1122) to the close of the Pontificate of Innocent III. (A.D. 1216). 14. From the death of Innocent III. to the dawn of the reformation. Gregg. History of the Presbyterian church in Canada, vol. 1 1885. Hagenbach. History of the church in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 2 vols. . . 1869. Hatch. Organization of the early Christian churches . 1882. Hewitson. Our churches and chapels in Preston . . 1869. Hopkins. Puritans (The), or the church, court and parlia- ment of England under Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth, 3 vols. . . . 1859-61. Jennings. Ecclesia Anglicana . . . . . . 1882. Kennedy. The days of the fathers in Ross-shire . . 1861. 3042- 9 3056- 6 3057- 6 H.C. 817 Killen. The ancient church, its history, doctrine, worship and constitution n.d. Lingard. Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon church . . 1810. History and antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon church, 2 vols. ...... 1858. Malone. Church history of Ireland, 2 vols. . . 1880. Mant. History of the Church of Ireland, 2 vols. . . 1840. Marsden. History of the early Puritans . . . 1860. The same ' . 1853. History of the later Puritans . . . 1854. The same 1854. Mason. Persecution of Diocletian .... 1876. Milner. History of the Church of Christ, 5 vols. . . 1827. The same, with continuation .... 1860. 3042- 1 3043- 5 H.C. 814 3056- 3 3043- 2 3043- 3 3052- 5 H.C. 871 3042- 2 H.C. 843 3042- 3 B.C. 844 3056- 2 3056- 5 H.C. 850 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 39 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY Continued. Montalembert. Monks of the west, 7 vols. . . 1861-78. 3052-10 Conversion of England, 3 vo's.. . . 1867. 3052-11 Mosheim. Ecclesiastical history, 4 vols 1841. 3057- 2 The same 1848. H.C. 860 Moshemii. Historia Tartarorvm ecclesiastica . . . 1741. 3037-14 Mossman. History of the Catholic church of Jesus Christ 1873. 3053- 1 Murphy. The chair of Peter 1883. 3053- 4 Neale. (J. M.) History of the so-called Jansenist church of Holland 1858. 3037-16 Neal. (Daniel) History of the Puritans, 5 vols. . 1822. 3042- 4 O'Donnoghue. History of the church and court of Rome, 2 vols. 1846. 3053- 8 Palmer. Compendious church history .... 1845. 3053- 9 Poole. Saint Cyprian, life and times of ... 1840. 3057-10 Ranke. History of the popes during the 16th and 17th centuries, 3 vols 1841. H.C. 5339 Reid. History of the Presbyterian church in Ireland, 3 vols. 1853. 8042- 7 Renan. The Apostles . . . . . . 1869. 3056- 1 Rendall. The Emperor Julian, paganism and Christianity 1879. 3057- 8 Rohrbacher. Histoire universelle de L'Eglise Catholique annales ecclesiastiques, 16 vols. . 1876-7. 3054- 1 Russell. History of the church in Scotland, 2 vols. . 1834. H.C. 818 Schaff. History of the Christian church, 4 vols. . 1882-5. 3057-11 Contents.- -Vol. 1. Apostolic Christianity, A.D. 1-100. Vol 2. Ante- nicenc Christianity. A.D. 100-325. Vol. 3. Nicene and post-nicene Christianity, A.D. 311-600. Vol. 4. Mediaeval Christianity, A.D. 690-1073. Scott. History of the church of Christ, 3 vols. . . 1828. H.C. 867 Sewel. History of the people called Quakers, 2 vols. First edition 1799. 3036- 2 Second edition, 2 vols. 1834. 3036- 3 Shea. Catholic church in colonial days, 1521-1763 . 1886. 3054- 2 State of the Protestants of Ireland under King James . 1692. H.C. 824 Stevenson. History of the church and state of Scotland 1840. H.C. 866 Stoughton. Ecclesiastical history of England, 5 vols. 1867-74. 3043- 4 Contents. Vol. 1. Church of the civil wars. Vol. 2. Church of the commonwealth. Vols. 3-4. Church of the restoration. Vol. 5. Church of the revolution. Stowell. History of the Puritans in England . . 1850. H.C. 813 Thackeray. Ecclesiastical and political state of ancient Britain under the Roman emperors, 2 vols. 1843. 3043- 1 Lewis. Anatomy of the heretical synod of dissenters . 1720. 3043- 6 Danger of the church establishment of England 1720. 3043- 6 The scourge in vindication of the Church of England 1720. 3043- 6 Turner. Sacred history of the world, 3 vols. . . 1833-7. 3057- 1 Union memorials, secession and relief churches, May, 1847 1847. 3042- 8 Usher. Discourse on the religion anciently professed by the Irish and British 1815. H.C. 839 Walsh. History of the Irish church . . . 1869. 3052-1 40 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY Continued. 1850. H.C. 813 Wordsworth. Church history to the council of Nicaea, A.D. 325 1881. 3055- 3 Church history to the council of Constanti- nople, A.D. 325-381 1883. 3055- 4 St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome 1880. 3055- 2 Wortabet. Researches into the religions of Syria 1860. 3037-13 Reformation. Anderson. Ladies of the reformation .... 1857. 2273- 4 Beard. The reformation of the sixteenth century. (Hibbert lectures, 1883) 2974- 1 Benrath. Bernardino of Siena, a contribution towards the history of the reformation . . . 1876. 2247- 2 Blunt. Reformation of the Church of England, 2 vols. 1882. 3046- 5 Burnet. History of the reformation, 6 vols. 1820. 3046- 4 Creighton. Papacy during the reformation, 4 vols. 1882-7. 3045- 4 D'Aubigne. History of the reformation, 5 vols. 1841-53. 3046- 1 Reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin, 8 vols. ....... 1863-78. 3046- 2 D'Istria. Switzerland, the pioneer of the reformation, 2 vols. 1858. 3045- 2 Foxe. Acts and monuments, 8 vols. .... 1841. 3045, 7 Hagenbach. History of the reformation, 2 vols. . 1878-9. 3045- 1 Lechler. John Wiclif and his English precursors, 2 vols. 1878. 3044- 3 Lee. Historical sketches of the reformation 1879. 3044- 4 McGavin. The Protestant, 4 vols. in 2 . 1845. H.C. 847 Ranke. Popes of Rome, 2 vols. ..... 1846. 3045- 8 Reformation and anti-reformation in Bohemia, 2 vols. 1845. 3045 3 Roussell. Catholic nations and Protestant nations compared 1855. H.C. 862 Shoberl. Perscutions of popery, 2 vols. .... 1844. 3045- 6 Ullmann. Reformers before the reformation, 2 vols. 1855. 3046- 3 Vaughan. John de Wycliffe ...... 1853. 3044- 1 White. Massacre of St. Bartholomew '. 1868. 3045- 5 Wyclif. English works. (Early English text society, 1880) 3044- 2 CONTROVERSIAL. Answer to Scotch Presbyterian eloquence .... 1789. H.C. 823 Badenoch. (Ed.) England's sympathy with Germany 1874. H.C. 800 Barrow. Treatise on the pope's supremacy n.d. 3053- 3 Chiniquy. Cinquante ans dans FEglise de Rome 1885. 3044- 4 Cramp. Text-book of popery n.d H.C. 804 PROPHETIC. 41 CONTRO VERSI A L Con tinned. Edgar. Variations of popery Grant and Holyoake. Report of a public discussion Hyacinthe. (Pere) Catholic reform. Letters, fragments 1852. 1853. 1874. 1848. 1844. 1880. 1812. 1846. 3053- 6 H.C. 801 H.C. 821 3053- 5 H.C. 810 3037-11 3053- 7 H.C. 809 Kenrick. Primacy of the apostolic see vindicated Milner. The end of religious controversy Moore. Bigotry demolished ...... Nightingale. Portraiture of the Roman Catholic religion North British tracts for the times in reference to the atonement Powell. An essay on apostolical succession . Scotch Presbyterian eloquence displayed . ... The snake in the grass or Satan transformed into an angel of light Tyler. The worship of the Virgin Mary in the Church of Rome ........ 1840. 1738. 1697. 1851. H.C. 863 H.C. 822 H.C. 825 H.C. 875 ANGLO-ISRAELISM AND THE TEN TRIBES. Grant. The Nestorians or the lost tribes .... 1841. H.C. 849 Oxonian. (Pseud.) Israel's wanderings Simon. Hope of Israel ....... Ten tribes of Israel historically identified Willson. Letters to the Jews 1881. 1829. 1836. 1835. 2972- 2 2972- 1 H.C. 865 2972- 3 Worsley. American Indians descendants of the ten tribes 1828. H.C. 1459 CHURCH AND STATE. 184L 1825. H.C. 841 H.C. 837 Gladstone. The state in its relations with the church, 2 vols. Southey. Book of the church, 2 vols. .... PROPHETIC. Apocalyptic sketches respecting the second coming of our Lord . . ... . . . . . I860. 2972-16 Dissertations on the opening of the sealed book . . 1848. Douglas. The reign of peace, commonly called the millenium 1867. 2972-17 Peters. Theocratic kingdom of our Lord Jesus the Christ, 3 vols. 1884. 2972-12 Rabett. Lateinos, or the only proper and appellative name of the man whose prophetical number is 666 1835. 2972-15 Lateinos, the mark, or the name of the beast 1849. 2972-14 42 REFERENCE LIBRARY. MISSIONS. Beaven. Visit to Indian missions in Upper Canada 1846. 1686-19 Brainerd. Mission to the Indians ..... 1765. 2274- 9 Brown. History of the Christian missions, 3 vols. 1864. 3035- 8 Crantz. Missions of the United Brethren. (History of Greenland), 2 vols. ..... 1820. H.C. 1530 Douniol. (Ed. ) Mission du Canada, 2 vols. 1861. 3035- 3 Edkins. Christian conversion amongst the Chinese 1878. 2522- 5 Hawkins. Missions of the Church of England 1845. 3035- 9 Heckewelder. Mission amongst the Delaware and Mohegan Indians ...... 1820. H.C. 1483 Holmes. Historical sketches of the missions of the United Brethren, first edition .... 1818. 3035- 6 Second edition ....... 1827. 3035- 5 Humphreys. Historical account of the society for the pro- pagation of the Gospel in foreign parts 1730. 3035- 7 Laverdiere et Casgrain. (Eds. ) Le journal des Jesuites. 1645-68 .... 1871. 3035- 2 Loskiel. Missions among the Indians of North America 1794. 3035- 4 Marshall. Christian missions, 2 vols 1863. 3035-12 Marshman. History of the Serampore mission. (Carey, Marshman and Ward), 2 vols 1859. 2252- 1 Moffat. Missionary labours in Southern Africa 1842. 3035-10 Muratori. Relation of the mission of Paraguay 1759. H.C. 1261 Relations des Jesuites, 1611-72, 3 vols. .... 1858. 3035- 1 Ryerson. Hudson's Bay with missionary memorials 1855. H.C. 1072 Sherring. Protestant missions in India .... 1875. 3035-11 St. Boniface, Roman Catholic missions in. (Macoun's Man- itoba, 1882) 1684- 1 Thompson. Missionary voyages to New Jersey and the coast of Guiney . 1758. H.C. 1255 Wix. Six months of a Newfoundland missionary's journal 1836. 1684-16 INQUISITION. Davie. History of the Inquisition .... 1851. 3047- 3 Dellon. Account of the Inquisition at Goa 1812. 3047- 2 Rule. History of the Inquisition, 2 vols. 1874. 3047- 1 JESUITS. B. N. The Jesuits, their foundation and history, 2 vols. 1879. 3047-14 Constitutions societatis Jesu . 1838. 3047-13 Further discovery of the mystery of Jesuitisme 1658. H.C. 828 SWEDENBORG. 43 JESUITS Continued. Poynder. History of the Jesuits, 2 vols. . . . . 1816. 3047-12 Saint-Priest. History of the fall of the Jesuits in the eigh- teenth century .... 1845. H.C. 600 Steinmetz. History of the Jesuits, 3 vols. . . . 1848. 3047-15 MYSTICS. Fortescue. Introduction to theosophy . . . . n.d. 3013-10 Kenealy. Enoch, the second messenger of God, 2 vols. . n.d. 3013- 8 Vaughan. Hours with the mystics, 2 vols. . . . n.d. 2974- 4 SWEDENBORG. James. (Henry) Secret of Swedenborg .... 1869. 3014- 5 Swedenborg. Account of the last judgment and the Babylon destroyed 1864. 3015- 7 Angelic wisdom concerning the divine love and the divine wisdom . . . 1859. 3015- 5 Angelic wisdom concerning the divine provi- dence 1862. 3015- 2 Apocalypse explained, 6 vols. . . . 1854. 3014- 3 Apocalypse revealed, 2 vols. . . . 1851. 3014- 2 Arcana coelestia, the heavenly mysteries con- tained in the Holy Scripture, 14 vols. 1861. 3015-1 Christian religion of the new church . . 1863. 3014- 1 Earths in the universe and their inhabitants 1860. 3015- 6 Economy of the animal kingdom, 2 vols. 1846. 3015-11 Four leading doctrines of the new church 1846. 3015- 9 Heaven and hell, also the intermediate state 1866. 3015-14 Miscellaneous observations connected with the physical sciences . . . 1847. 3015- 3 On the Athanasian creed .... 1856. 3015-10 On the New Jerusalem and its heavenly doc- trine 1859. 3015- 4 Outlines of a philosophical argument on the infinite 1847. 3015- 8 Pamphlets 1864. 3015-12 Contents. On the divine love and the divine wisdom The coronis to the true Christian religion Brief exposition of the doctrine of the new church Exposition of the prophetic books of the word of the Old Testament and the Psalms of David Canons of the new church Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning charity Hieroglyphic key to natural and spiritual mysteries. Principia. (The) 2 vols 1846. 3015-15 Principles of chemistry .... 1847. 3015-13 Posthumous tracts, trans, by J. J. Garth Wil- kinson 1847. 3014- 4 44 REFERENCE LIBRARY. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISM. Andrews. History of the Sabbath .... 1873. 3012- 6 Constitutional amendment, or the Sunday, the Sabbath, the change and restitution . . . . . . 1873. 3012- 7 Smith. Thoughts on the book of Daniel . . . 1881. 3012- 1 do do Revelation . . . 1881. 3012- 2 White (E. G.) Great controversy between Christ and his angels and Satan and his angels, 3 vols. . 1870. 3012- 8 (James and Ellen G. ) Early life and Christian ex- perience of 1880. 3012- 4 ( J. ) Christian life and public labours of William Miller . . . . . . . 1875. 3012- 3 ( J. ) Early life and later Christian experence of Joseph Bates 1878. 3012-5 EGYPTIAN AND CHALDEAN RELIGIONS. Renouf. Religion of ancient Egypt, (Hibbert lectures, 1879) 2974- 1 Sayce. Religion of ancient Assyria and Babylon, (Hibbert lectures, 1887) 2974- 1 Tiele. Comparative history of the Egyptian and Mesopo- tamian religions 1882. 1825-30 MOHAMMEDANISM. Koran of Mohammed. Trans, by George Sale . . . 1855. H.C. 846 Lane. Selections from the Kur-an .... 1879. 1825- 7 Merrick. (Trans.) Life and religion of Mohammed as con- tained in the Hyat-ul-Kuloob . . . 1850. H.C 4088 Mesnevi, sherlf of Jelalu. Trans, by J. H. Redhouse . 1881. 1825-19 Qur'an. Trans, by E. H. Palmer, pt. 1-2 . . . . 1880. 3017- 6 Wherry. Comprehensive commentary on the Quran, 3 vols. 1882-85. 1826- 5 BRAHMANISM AND BUDDHISM. Earth Religions of India 1882. 1825-22 Bhagavad-Gita. Trans, by J. Davies . . . 1882. 1826- 9 Davids. On some points in the history of Indian Buddhism, (Hibbert lectures, 1881) ... . 2974-1 Davies. Hindu philosophy, the Sankhya Karika . 1881. 1825-23 Edkins. Chinese Buddhism 1880. 1825-12 Fausboll. Buddhist birth stories being the Jatakattha- vannana, 2 vols 1880. 1825-15 Fergusson and Burgess. Cave temples of India . . 1880. 2632-12 Gough. Philosophy of the Upanishads . . . 1882. 1826-1C Jacob. Manual of Hindu Pantheism. Vedantasara . . 1881. 1825-25 Johnson. Oriental religions, India, 2 vols. . . . 1879. 3016- 2 BRAHMANISM AND BUDDHISM. 45 BBAHMANJSM AND BUDDHISM Continued. Life or legend of Gaudama, the Buddha of the Burmese, 2vols 1880. 1825-11 Lillie. Buddha and early Buddhism .... 1881. 1825-8 Mahabharata, trans, into English prose by Protap Chundra Hoy . . 1883-8. 3016- 1 Vol. 1. Adi parva. 2. Sabha parva Vana parva. 3. Virata parva Udyoga parva. Muller. Buddhism (Chips from a German workshop), 4 veils. 1880. 1765. 1 Buddhist nihilism with a trans, of the Dhamma- pada (Science of religion) .... 1880. 1765- 1 On the religions of India (Hibbert lectures, 1878) 2974- 1 Ordinances of Manu. Trans, by A. C. Burnell . . . 1884. 1826-15 Rockhill. Life of Buddha and the early history of his order 1884. 1826-12 Sacred books of the East. (Edited by F. Max Mutter] Bhagavadgita, (The) with the Sanatsugatiya and the Anugita. Trans, by Kashinath Trimbak Telaiig 1882. 3017- 8 Buddhist Suttas. Trans, by T. W. Rhys Davids . 1881. 3017-11 Dhamrnapada. (The) Trans, from the Pali, being canonical books of the Buddhists. Trans, by F. Max. Muller 1881. 3017-10 Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king. (The) A life of Buddha, by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva. Trans, by Dharmaraksha and Beal 1883. 3017-19 Gaina-Sutras. Trans, by Hermann Jacobi, part 1 . 1884. 3017-22 Grihya-Sutras. (The) Trans, by Hermann Oldenberg, parts 1-2 1886. 3018- 4 Institutes of Vishnu. Trans, by Julius Jolly . . 1880. 3017-7 Laws of Manu. (The) Trans, by G. Biihler .' .'' 1886. 3017-25 Narada and some minor law books. Trans, by Julius Jolly 1888. 3018- 8 Sacred laws of the Aryas as taught in the schools of Apastamba, Gautama, Vasishtha, and Baudhayana ; parts 1-2. Trans, by G. Biihler . . . 1879-82. 3017- 2 Saddharma-pundarika. Trans, by H. Kern . . 1884. 3017-21 Satapatha-Brahmana, (The) according to the text of the Madhyandina school, parts 1-2. Trans, by Julius Eggling 1882-85. 3017-12 Sutta-Nipata. (The) Trans, from the Pali, being one of the canonical books of the Buddhists. Trans, by V. Fausboll, part 2 1881. 3017-10 Upanishads, parts 1-2. Trans, by F. Max Miiller . 1879-84. 3017- 1 Vedanta-Sutra's with Sankara's commentary. Trans. by G. Thebant . 1888. 3018- 9 Vedic hymns, part 1. Trans, by F. Max Miiller . 1888. 3018- 7 Vinaya texts. Trans, by T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg, parts 1, 2, 3, 3 vols. . 1881-5. 3017-13 Sankhya. Aphorisms of Kapila. Trans, by J. R. Ballantyne 1885. 1826-14 Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha. Trans, by Cowell and Gough 1882. 1826- 6 Texts from the Buddhist canon. Dhammapada. Trans, by S. Beal 1878. 1825- 2 Udanavarga, a collection of verses from the Buddhist canon. Trans, by W. H. Rockhill . . . 1883. 1826-11 46 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PARSEEISM. Pahlavi texts. Trans, by E. W. West, parts 1-3. (Sacred books of the East) ' 1880-82. 3017- 5 Zend Avesta. Trans, by James Darmesteter, parts 1-3. (Sacred books of the East) 1880-83. 3017-4 CHINESE RELIGIONS. Edkins. Religion in China . . . . . 1878. 2522- 5 Johnson. Oriental religions and their relations to universal religion, 2 vols 1879. 3016- 2 Mencius. The mind of, translated by Faber and Hutchin- son 1882. 1825-24 Texts of Confucianism. Trans, by James Legge, parts 1-2, (Sacred books of the East) .... 1879-85. 3017-3 HYMNS. Halfmoon. (Trans.) Collection of hymns in Muncey and English 1874. H.C. 758 Jones. ( Trans. ) Collection of Ojebway and English hymns n. d. H. C. 760 Sickles. (Trans.) Collection of hymns in the Oneida language 1855. H.C. 759 RATIONALISM. Barker. Modern skepticism, a life story . . . 1874. H.C. 803 Blavatsky, Isis unveiled, 2 vols. 1877. 2976- 6 Cairns. Unbelief in the eighteenth century . . . 1881. 3013- 5 Cudworth. Intellectual system of the universe, 2 vols. 1837-38. 3013- 1 Feuerbach. Essence of Christianity 1881. 2522- 9 Figuier. The day after death 1881. 2974- 5 Greg. Creed of Christendom, 2 vols. .... 1880. 2522- 3 Howitt. Colonization and Christianity . . . 1838. 3013- 9 Lecky. Rationalism in Europe, 2 vols 1883. 3013- 7 Mackay. Progress of the intellect, 2 vols. . . . 1850. 3013- 2 Mansel. Gnostic heresies of the first and second centuries 1875. 3013- 6 Newman. Phases of faith ...... 1850. H.C. 806 Physicus. (Pseud.) Candid examination of Theism . 1878. 2974-3 Plumptre. History of pantheism, 2 vols. . . . n.d. 3013-3 Scott. Rationalism of New England. (Constitutional liberty) 1882. 2412- 1 Spinoza. Tractatus theologico-politicus . . . 1862. 3013- 4 MENTAL AND MORAL SCIENCES. 47 SPIRITUALISM. Hibbert. Philosophy of apparitions . . . . 1824. 2973- 2 Home. Lights and shadows of spiritualism . . . 1878. 2973- 3 Shelhamer. Life and labour in the spirit world . . 1884. 2973- 4 Sinnett. The occult world 1882. 2973- 1 Spirit rapping in England and America, its origin and history n.d. H.C. 4804 WITCHCRAFT AND DEMONOLOGY. Boulton. Compleat history of magick, sorcery and witch- craft 1716. H.C. 4810 Conway. Demonology and devil-lore, 2 vols. . . 1879. 2973-19 Gilpin. Dsemonologia sacra, or treatise of Satan's temptations 1867. H.C. 875 History of the devil, ancient and modern . . . . n.d. H.C. 876 Lenormant. Chaldean magic, its origin and development n.d. 2973-18 Reville. The devil, his origin, greatness and decadence 1871. 2973-16 Williams. Superstitions of witchcraft . . . 1865. 2973-17 APPARITIONS. Glanvil. Saducismus triumphatus 1700. H.C. 4802 Hibbert. Sketches of the philosophy of apparitions . 1824. H.C. 4806 Second copy 1824. 2973- 2 Signs before death . . 1875. H.C. 2052 Mental and Moral Sciences. Essays and Collected Works. Bacon. Philosophical works, 15 vols. .... 1861 1745- 4 (For contents see Literature, collected works) Berkeley. (Bishop) Works of, 3 vols. . . . . 1820. 2513- 6 Fichte. Popular works with memoir by William Smith 1873. 2514- 3 Content. The nature of the scholar The vocation of man The doc- trine of religion. Fleming. Vocabulary of philosophy .... 1860. 2513- 7 48 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ESSAYS AND COLLECTED WORKS Continued. Hobbes. English works, 11 vols. . . . 1839-45. 2514-2 Latin works, opera philosophica, 5 vols, . 1839-45. 2514- 1 Locke. (John) Complete works, 10 vols. . . . 1801. H.C. 372 Mill. Dissertations and discussions, political, philosophical and historical. 4 vols 1875. 2512-11 Contents. Vol. 1. Right and wrong of state interference with corporation and church property The currency juggle A few observations on the French revolution Thoughts on poetry and its varieties Professor Sedgwick's discourse on the studies of the University of Cambridge Civilization- Aphorisms Armand C'arrel A prophecy Writings of Alfred De Vigny Bentham Coleridge. Vol. 2. M. De Tocqueville on democracy in America Bailey on Berkeley's theory of vision Michelet's history of France The claims of labour Guizot's essays and lectures on history Early Grecian history and legend Vindication of the French revolution of February, 1848, in reply to Lord Brougham and others Enfranchisement of women Dr. Whewell on moral philosophy Crete's history of Greece Appendix to the paper entitled " Vindication of the French revolution of 1848." Vol. 3. Thoughts on parliamentary reform Recent writers on reform Bain's psychology A few words on non-intervention -The contest in America Plato Austin on jurisprudence. Vol. 4. Endowments Thoi'n ton on labour and its claims Professor Leslie on the land question Taine, de 1'Intelligence Treaty obliga- tions Maine on village communities Berkeley's life and writings Grote's Aristotle L'Avere e 1'Imposta Papers on land tenure. Reid. Collected writings, with Sir W. Hamilton's notes, 2 vols 1872. 2512- 6 Contents. Inquiry into the human mind Essays on the intellectual powers of man Essays on the active powers of the human mind Account of Aristotle's logic Essay on quantity Account of the Uni- versity of Glasgow. English and Foreign Philosophical Library. 10. Allen. The colour-sense . . . . . 1879. 2522- 6 13. Appleton. (Dr.] His life and literary relics by J. H. Appleton 1881. 2232- 9 8. Edkins. Religion in China . . .... 1878. 2522- 5 19. Emerson at home and abroad, by Moncure Conway . 1883. 2274-12 15. Feuerbach. Essence of Christianity . . . 1881. 2522- 9 12. Geiger. Development of the human race . . . 1880. 2522- 7 5, 6. Greg. Creed of Christendom, 2 vols. . . . 1880. 2522- 3 20. Enigmas of life 1883. 2522-12 1-3. Lange. History of materialism, 3 vols. . . 1877-81. 2522- 1 17. Leopardi. Essays and dialogues of .... 1882. 2522-11 16. Mill. Auguste Comte and positivism . . . 1882. 2522-10 9. Physicus. (Pseud) Candid examination of theism . 1878. 2974- 3 11. Pole. Philosophy of music 1879. 2684-15 4. Simcox. Natural law, an essay in ethics . . 1878. 2522- 2 21. Spinoza. Ethic demonstrated in geometrical order and divided into five parts . 1883. 2522-13 7. Tiele. Outlines of the history of religion . . . 1880. 2522- 4 14 Quinet. (Edgar) His early life and writings by R. Heath 1881. 2522- 8 PHILOSOPHIES. 49 Extra Series. 3, 6, 7. Fornander. Account of the Polynesian race, its origin and migrations, 3 vols. 1878-85. 1483- 2 4, 5. Johnson. Oriental religions and their relation to uni- versal religion, 2 vols. . . ' . 1879. 3016- 2 1-2. Lessing. His life and writings by James Sime,. 2 vols 1877. 2245- 5 History of Philosophy. Enfield. History of philosophy . . . . . . 1837. 2512- 5 Lewes. Biographical history of philosophy, 2 vols. ; 1883. 2512- 3 Schwegler. History of philosophy n.d. 2513- 5 Whewell. History of scientific ideas, 2 vols. . . 1858. 2513- 3 History of the inductive sciences, 3 vols. . 1857. 2513- 3 Philosophies. Abbot. Scientific theism . . . > . . 1885. 2513-10 Comte. Positive philosophy. Trans, by H. Martineau, 2 vols 1875. 2512- 2 Cousin. Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good 1883. 2512- 4 Davies. (Trans.) The Bhagavad Gita. Hindu philosophy 1882. 1826-9 Dunnett. Philosophy of the memory .... 1862. 2513- 9 Godwin. Thoughts on man ... . . . . 1831. 2512-10 Gough. Philosophy of the Upanishads . . . 1882. 1826-10 Greg. Enigmas of life . . '.. '. '., '. . 1883. 2522-12 Grote. Plato and the other companions of Sokrates, 3 vols. 1875. 1767- 1 Huxley. Descartes' discourse touching the method of using one's reason. (Lay sermons) . . . 1883. 2312- 7 Kant. Critique of pure reason, 2 vols. .'.*' . . 1881. 2514- 4 Kirkman. Philosophy without assumptions . . . 1876. 2512-14 Lefevre. Philosophy, historical and critical . . . 1879. 2513-4 McCosh. Examination of J. S. Mill's philosophy . . 1880. 2512-7 Scottish philosophy 1875. 2512- 1 Mill. Examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy 1878. 2514- 5 Morell. Modern German philosophy, (Manchester papers) 1856. 2455-20 Plato. Dialogues trans, by Jowett, 5 vols. ... . 1885. 1767- 6 Stirling. Text-book to Kant 1881. 2512-9 Watson. Kant and his English critics . . . . 1881. H.C. 4501 Whewell. Novum organon 1858. 2513- 3 Philosophy of discovery . . . I860. 2513- 3 4 50 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Metaphysics. Hamilton. (Sir William) Lectures on metaphysics . 1860. 2515- 1 McCosh. Intuitions of the mind > 1882. 2512- 8 Mill. (James) Analysis of the human mind, 2 vols. . 1878. 2512-12 Parr. Metaphysical tracts 1837. 2512-13 Psychology. Allen. The colour-sense 1879. 2522- 6 Bain. Emotions and the will 1880. 2516- 4 Mental sciences, psychology and history of philo- sophy 1879. 2513- 1 Senses and the intellect 1868. 2516-3 Fosgate. Sleep psychologically considered . . . 1850. B.C. 4807 Jardine. Elements of the psychology of cognition . 1874. 2516- 1 McCosh. The emotions . 1880. 2516- 5 Sully. Pessimism, a history and a criticism . . . 1877. 2516- 2 Logic. Bradley. Principles of Logic 1883. 2524- 2 Gilbart. Logic for the million . . . . . 1865. 2524- 4 Hamilton. Lectures on logic 1860. 2524- 5 Mill. System of logic, 2 vols 1879. 2524- 3 Wallace. Logic of Hegel . 1874. 2524- 1 ETHICS. Bain. Moral science. Theory of ethics and ethical systems 1879. 2513- 2 Blackie. Four phases of morals, Socrates, Aristotle, Chris- tianity and Utilitarianism .... 1874. 2513- 8 Combe. (George) Moral philosophy .... 1841. H.C. 4506 Grote. Aristotle. Edited by A. Bain and G. C. Robertson 1880. 1767-2 Treatise on the moral ideals . . . . 1876. 2514- 6 Harless. System of Christian ethics .... 1880. 3022- 1 Hodgson. Theory of practice, 2 vols. . . . . 1870. 2532-3 Lieber. Political ethics, 2 vols , 1881. 2532- 2 Mackintosh. Progress of ethical philosophy . . . 1862. 2532- 1 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES. 51 ETHICS Continued. Martensen. Christian ethics, general .... 1882. 3022- 2 Individual 1881. 3022- 3 Social . ...... 1882. 3022- 3 Simcox. Natural law, an .essay in ethics . . . 1878. 2522- 2 Spinoza. Ethic demonstrated in geometrical order . 1883. 2522-13 Stephen. Science of ethics 1882. 2532-4 PHYSIOGNOMY. Lavater. Essays on physiognomy, 3 vols. in 2 . . . 1804. 2533- 1 TEMPERANCE. Dunkin Act campaign in Toronto, yeas and nays . . 1877. 2484- Dunlop. Philosophy of artificial and compulsory drinking habits 1839. H.C. 4852 Grindrod. Bacchus. Essay on the nature, causes, effects, and cure of intemperance .... 1839. 2535- 4 Livesey. The staunch teetotaler, 1867-9 . . . 1869. H.C. 4851 Moorewood. History of inebriating liquors . . . 1838. 2535- 5 Second copy 1838. H.C. 4853 Reid. (Comp). Temperance cyclopaedia . . . . n.d. 2535- 3 Samuelson. History of drink 1878. 2535- 2 Smith. Temperance reformation 1875. 2535- 1 Social and Political Sciences. Statistics. Canada. Census 1880-81, 4 vols. ..... 2447- 1 Statistical abstract and record . . . 1886-7. 2464- 1 Cazes. Le petit manuel Canadien 1884. 2463- 9 Contagious disease acts. Reports of operation . . 1870-8, 2424- 8 52 REFERENCE LIBRARY. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES Continued. Mulhall. Dictionary of statistics 1886. 2463- 8 Balance sheet of the world, 1870-80 . . 1881. H.C. 4267 Paris. Conseil general, memoires et proces-verbaux . 1879-85. 2425- 1 United States. 10th census 1880, compendium, 2 vols. 1883. 2444- 1 Walford. Famines of the world, past and present . . 1879. 2455-16 Weeks. Statistics of wages in United States, 10th census U.S., vol. 20 . . . . . . 1886. 5231-22 United States. 10th census 1880, 20 vols., with atlas 1883-86. 5231- 2 Contents. Vol 1. Walker and Gannett, introduction General dis- cussion of the movements of population 1790-1880 General population tables Population by race, sex and nativity Population by ages specified and select Areas, dwellings and families Foreign parentage Statistics of the population of Alaska Tables of occupations Miscel- laneous statistics Newspapers and Periodicals ; public schools ; illiteracy ; defective, defendant and delinquent classes. Vol. 2. Walker, remarks on the statistics of manufactures General statistics ; tabular statements Hollerith, power used in manufactures Wright, the factory system Pitch, manufactures of interchange- able mechanism Fitch, hardware, cutlery and edge-tools Swank, iron and steel production Wyckoff, silk manufacture A tkinson, cotton manufacture Bond, woollen manufacture Rowland, chemi- cal prod acts and salt Weeks, glass manufacture. Vol. 3. Walker, remarks on the statistics of Agriculture general st itistics , tabular statements Brewer, cereal production Neftel, flour-milling Killebrew, tobacco culture Dodge, manufacture and movement of tobacco Gordon, meat production. Vol. 4. Shuman, statistics of railroads Purdy, steam navigation Purdy, canals Shuman, telegraphs and telephones Lines, postal telegraphs. Vol. 5. Hilgard, general discussion of cotton production. Vol 6. Cotton production in the Eastern Gulf, Atlantic and Pacific States. Vol. 7. Gannett, valuation and taxation Public indebtedness. Vol. 8. North, history and present condition of the newspaper an periodical press of the U.S. with a catalogue of the publications of the present year Petroff, report on the population, industries and re- sources of Alaska Elliott, report on the seal islands of Alaska Hall, report on the ship-building industry of the U.S. Vol. 9. Sargent, report on the forests of North America exclusive of Mexico Sharpies, woods of the United States Putnam, forests of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota Letter man, forests west of the Lower Mississippi River Har oey, forest statistics of Missouri Watson, forests of Northern Rocky Mountain region Douglas, Black Hills of Dakota. Vol. 10. Peckham, production, technology and uses of petroleum and its products Weeks, manufacture of coke Building stones of the United States. Vols. 11-12. Billings, report on the mortality and vital statistics of the United States, part 1 and 2 Plates and diagrams accompanying part 2 of report on mortality and vital statistics. Vol. 13. Emmons and Becker, statistics and technology of the pre- cious metals. Vol 14. United States mining laws and regulations thereunder and State and Territorial mining laws to which are appended local rules and regulations. Vol. 15. Introductory remarks Pumpelly, geographical and geolo- gical distribution of the iron ores of the United States Samples of iron ore collected for analysis Coals of the United States Statistics of the production of copper Statistics of the production of lead and zinc Eldridge. industries of the base metals Minor minerals of the United States Directory of mines and metallurgical establishmsnts. Vol. 16. Swain, general introduction- -water-power. Vol. 17. Water-power. Vol. 18-19. Report of the social statistics of cities, part I. and II. Vol. 20. Introductory remarks Weeks, statistics of wages neces- saries of life trades societies strikes and lockouts. YEAR BOOKS AND ALMANACS. 53 YEAR BOOKS AND ALMANACS. Almanach Americain. Physique, politique, ecclesiastique et militaire ' . . . 1784. 248 Almanach de Gotha . 1884-8. R. Almanach des Maris 1877. 248 American almanac. (Edited by A. R. Spo/ord) . . 1884-8. R. American annual of photography ..... 1887-8. D. 653 Australian handbook, 1884-87 1884. ' R. Bolton. (Ed.) British journal photographic almanac . 1884-8. R. British North American almanac, 1864. (Edited by J. Kirby) 248 Canadian almanac '. 1848-88. 248 Caroline almanack and American Freeman's chronicle, 1840 248 Eason. (Ed.) Almanac for Ireland .... 1884-8. R. Financial reform almanack 1883-8. R. Government year book. (Edited by L. Sergeant) . . 1888. . 14ll- 1 Jamaica, handbook of ....... 1883-7. ' R. Le bon jardinier almanach, 2 vols. ..... 1853-4. H.C. 56 Merchants and bankers' almanac . . . . . 1865-68. 248 National almanac and annual record .... 1863. 248 Oliver and Boyd. New Edinburgh almanac . . . 1884-8. R. Palgrave. Banking almanac 1884. R. Paterson. Scottish almanac . . . . . 1884-8. R. Philadelphia record almanac . . . ... 1886-8. R. Quebec almanac . . . . . . ... 1799-1841. 248 Statesman's year book . . . . , , . 1864-88. 1412- 1 Skinner. Stock exchange year book . . '-. v, . 1884. R. Times. Register of events . . . . . . 1883-7. R. Toronto almanac . . . . . . . . 1839. 248 Whitaker's almanack . . .... . 1884-8. R. Year book for British North America. (Edited by A. Harvey.) 1867. 248 Civilization. Buckle. History of civilization in England, 3 vols. . . 1882. 1452- 1 Mackintosh. History of civilisation in Scotland, vol. 1 1878. 1464-10 54 REFERENCE LIBRARY. SOCIAL SCIENCES. Acton. Prostitution in its moral, social and sanitary aspects 1870. 2526- 9 Brisbane and Fourier. General introduction to social science 1876. 2526- 8 Carey. Principles of social science, 3 vols. . . . 1883. 2526- 7 Comte. System of positive polity, 4 vols. . . . 1875-77. 2526- 5 Vol. 1. General view and introductory principles, Bridges. 2. Social statics, Harrison. 3. Social dynamics, Harrison. 4. Theory of the future of man, Congreve. Featherman. Social history of the races of mankind, 5th division, Aramaeans . . . . 1881. 2526- 3 Fourier. Passions of the human soul and their influence on society, 2 vols. . . . . . 1851. 2526- 4 Heywood. Ranks of the people under the Anglo-Saxon governments 1818. 1432- 9 Ivory. (Ed.) Pauperism and the poor laws . . . 1870. H.C. 4254 Jevons. Methods of social reform 1883. 2452- 5 Contents. Amusements of the people Rationale of free public libraries Use and abuse of museums -" Cram" Trades societies Industrial partnerships Married women in factories Manchester statistical society; inaugural address British association ; opening address as president of section F. Cruelty to animals The United Kingdom alliance and its prospects of success Experimental legislation and the drink traffic Analogy between the ppstoffice, telegraphs and other systems of conveyance of the United Kingdom as regards government control Postoffice telegraphs and their financial results Postal notes, money orders and bank cliques- A State parcel post The railways and the State. Letourneiu. Sociology based upon ethnography . . 1881. 2526- 1 Malthus. Principle of population 1878. 2526-6 Noyes. History of American socialisms . . . 1870. H.C. 1384 Phear. The Aryan village in India and Ceylon . . 1880. 2412- 9 Phillips. Social philosophy 1826. 2526- 2 Spencer. Descriptive sociology, 8 divisions, folio . 1873-81. 5155- 1 1. Enome account of the schism which took p'ace during the last century amongst the F. & A. M. in England Oliver, insignia of the royal arch Temple, secret discipline ex- plained. Vol. 14. Morris, lights and shadows of freemasonry. Vol. 15. Desaguliers, constitutions of the freemason*, 1723 History of freemasonry with account of the grand lodge of Scotland fjom 1736-1804. "Vol. 16. Inioood. sermons on freemasonry Percy, three sermons preached before the provincial grand lodge of *\ & A. 41. of Dorsetshire. Vol. 17. Mackey, principles of masonic law. Vol. 18. History of masonic persecution Oliver, Masonic institutes. Vols. 20-21-22. DeVertot, history of the knights hospitallers Smith, use and abuse of freemasonry Morris, life in the triangle Gourdin, historical sketch of the order of knights templar. Vol. 23. Smith, use and abuse of freemasonry Morris, life in the triangle Gourdin, historical sketch of the order of Knights Templars. Vol. 24. Taylor, manual of masonic music. Vols. 26-27. Freemason's Monthly Magazine. Vol. 28. Mackey, mystic tie Brown, narrative of the anti- masonick excitement Morton, oration on the re-interment of the late M. W. Grand Master Joseph Warren, Esq. Vol. 29. Arnold, philosophical history of freemasonry. Vol. 30. Town, system of speculative masonry By-laws of the lodge of antiquity of F. & A. M. Portal, comparison of Egyptian symbols History and catalogue of the Universal Masonic Library Halliwell, early history of freemasonry in England. Weston. Ashlar, (The), 2 vols . . 1855-8. 2448-10 Yarker. Notes on the scientific and religious mysteries of antiquity 1872. 2541- 2 MEDICAL SCIENCE. 69 MEDICAL SCIENCE. Alimentary Canal. Habershon. Diseases of the abdomen . 1879. 2724-12 Anatomy. Cooper. Dictionary of practical surgery, 2 vols. .- .1861-72. 2732-12 Fergusson. Progress of anatomy and surgery . . 1867. 2732- 7 Godlee. Atlas of human anatomy, 2 vols 1880. 2732-2 Vol. 1. Plates, folio 5145-1. Vol. 2. Explanatory text, 2732-2. Gray. Anatomy, discriptive and surgical ... 1883. 2732- 1 Heath. Practical anatomy 1881. 2732- 9 Holden. Human osteology 1882. 2732- 3 Hunter. Anatomy of the human gravid uterus, folio . 1851. 5145- 2 Huxley. On certain errors respecting the heart. (Science and culture) . . . . . 1882. 2312-6 Jones and Sieveking. Manual of pathological anatomy . 1875. 2732- 8 Maclise. Surgical anatomy, folio ..... 1856. B.R. Marshall. Anatomy for artists . ( . . . . 1878. 2674-9 Morris. Anatomy of the joints ..... 1879. 2732-4 Moxon and Wilks. Pathological anatomy . . . 1875. 2732- 5 Orth. Diagnosis in pathological anatomy . . . 1882. 2732- 6 Rokitansky. Pathological anatomy, 4 vols. . . . 1852-4. 2742- 3 Sibson. Medical anatomy, folio ..... 1869. B. H. Aneurisms. Erichsen. Observations on aneurism .... 1844. 2741- 5 Bones. Dupuytren. (Baron] Injuries and diseases of the bones 1847. 2741- 3 Wagner. Process of repair after resection and extirpation of bones . 1859. 2744-17 70 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Brain. Charcot. Cerebral and spinal diseases .... 1883. 2743-11 Dusch. Thrombosis of cerebral sinuses . . . 1861. 2744-15 Ferrier. Functions of the brain 1876. 2734- 8 Van der Kolk. Atrophy of the left hemisphere of the brain 1861. 2744-15 Breast. Velpeau. Diseases of the breast and mammary region . 1856. 2742-10 Children. Goodwin. Diseases of infancy and childhood . . . 1883. 2724- 3 Smith. (E.) Disease in children 1884. 2724- \ Smith. (J. L.) Diseases of infancy and childhood . . 1881. 2724-2 Cholera. Gordon. Hygiene of cholera 1877. 2726- 1 Marsden. Asiatic cholera 1871. 2726- 2 Spasmodic cholera, report on. Mass, medical society . 1832. 2726- 7 Woodward. Cholera and yellow fever in the U. S. army during the year 1867, quarto . . 1868. 5145- 6 Circulatory System. Dupuytren. Lesions of the vascular system . . . 1854. 2741- 4 Harvey. Circulation of the blood .... 1847. 2741-7 Hewson. On the blood 1846. 2741-10 Diagnosis. Finlayson. Clinical manual for the study of medical cases 1886. 2715- 4 Flint. Diagnosis and treatment of disease . . . 1879. 2714- 8 Guttmann. Physical diagnosis, throat, thorax and abdomen 1879. 2744- 6 EYE AND EAR. 71 Dictionaries and Encyclopedic Works. Hooper. Lexicon medicum . . . . . 1839. 2712- 4 Mayne. Expository lexicon of terms . ,..'.. . 1860. 2712- 1 New Sydenham society's lexicon ot medicine and the allied sciences, A-For, 2 vols. . . . . . 1879-87. 2712-9 Dietetics. Combe. (Andrew) Physiology of digestion Pavy. Food and dietetics .... 1849. 1875. H.C. 4316 2717-16 Domestic Medicine. Culpeper. Complete English family physician, 2 vols. . n.d. 2716-12 Domestic physician and traveller's companion . . 1845. H.C. 4309 Family physician . \ 1882. 2712-5 Richardson. The field of disease . . . . ^ 1883. 2712-6 Savory. Compendium to the medicine chest . . . 1878. 2712- 8 Thomson and Steele. Dictionary of domestic medicine 1883. 2712- 7 Electro- Therapeutics. Butler. Electro-therapeutics and electro-surgery 1880. 2716- 4 Epilepsy. Kussmaul and Tenner. Epileptiform convulsions and true epilepsy .... 1859. 2744-17 Van der Kolk. Spinal cord and medulla oblongata and on epilepsy 1859. 2745- 6 Eye and Ear. Donders. Accommodation and refraction of the eye . 1864. 2743-14 Graefe. Iridectomy in iritis, choroiditis and glaucoma 1859. 2744-17 Helmholtz. Mechanism of the ossicles and membrana tympani 1874. 2745- 5 Kramer. Aural surgery ot the present day . . . 1863. 2744- 9 Politzer. Diseases of the ear 1883. 2726-19 Troltsch. Surgical diseases of the ear .... 1874. 2745- 5 72 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Fever. Essays on puerperal fever. (Edited by F. Churchill) Mackenzie. Hay fever Stewart. Typhus and typhoid fever ' Stokes. Lectures on fever 1849. 1884. 1884. 2741- 2 2726- 5 2746- 2 2726- 4 Fractures and Dislocations. Hamilton. Fractures and dislocations 1880. 2733-20 General Treatises and Collections. Addison. Published writings . . . .'.'.,. 1868. Aretaeus. Extant works. Trans, by F. Adams . . 1856. Begbie. Works 1882. Biennial retrospect of medicine and surgery for 1865-74, 5 vols 1867-75. Charcot. Senile and chronic diseases . . . . 1881. Early aid in injuries and accidents by Dr. Friederich Esmarch 1 883. Eichhorst. Handbook of practical medicine, 4 vols. . 1886. German clinical lectures, 1st series 1876. 2nd " 1877. Graves. Clinical medicine, 2 vols 1884. Guy's hospital reports, 44 vols 1836-87. Harvey. Works. Trans, by R. Willis . . . . 1847. Hecker. Epidemics of the middle ages . . . 1846. The same 1835. Hippocrates. Genuine works, from the Greok by F. Adjims, 2 vols 1849. Latham. Collected works . . . . . . 1876-78. Neale. Medical digest 1877. Oesterlen. Medical logic ....... 1855. 1844-7. 1883. 1861. 1871. 1846. Works, 2 vols 1848-50. Woodville. Medical botany, quarto, 5 vols. . . 1810-32. Year-book of medicine, surgery and their allied sciences for 1859-64, 6 vols. (New Sydenham soc.) . . . 1860-65. Paulus ^Egineta. Seven books, 3 vols. Quain. Dictionary of medicine, 2 vols. Radicke. Application of statistics to medical enquiries Secret of long life . . . Sydenham.' Opera omuia 2743- 1 2741- 1 2743- 2 2743- 3 2743-10 2712- 3 2715-1? 2744- 2 2744- 3 2746- 4 2746- 8 2741- 7 2741- 9 H.C.4313 2741-11 2744-11 2742-12 2741-15 2742- 1 2714- 7 2744-15 H.C. 4310 2742- 8 2742- 7 H.C. 4300 2745- 8 HEART. 73 Germ Theory of Disease. Bacteria in relation to disease, recent essays. (Edited by W. W. Cheyne) 1886. 2746- 6 Koch. Etiology of traumatic infective diseases . . 1880. 2744- 8 Gyncecology. Barnes. Clinical history of the diseases of women ... 1878. 2723-3 Lectures on obstetric operations . . . 1876. 2723- 2 Bernutz and Goupil. Diseases of women, 2 vols. . 1866-7. 2743- 5 Duncan. Papers on female perineum .... 1879. 2743- 7 Clinical lectures en the diseases of women . 1883. 2723-11 Gooch. Some of the most important diseases peculiar to women 1859. 2744- 4 Goodwin. Diseases of women 1884. 2723-9 Hart and Barbour. Manual of gynecology, 3rd edition . 1886. 2723-10 Lectures by German authors on surgery and obstetrics . 1876 2744- 2 Second series 1877. 2744- 3 Sims. Clinical notes on uterine surgery . . . 1873. 2723- 6 Spiegelberg. Text book of midwifery, trans, by J. B. Hurry, vol. 1 1887. 2746 7 Tait. Pathology and treatment of disease of the ovaries 1883. 2723- 5 Thomas. Diseases of women 1880. 2723- 1 Wells. Ovarian and uterine tumours 1882. 2723- 8 Head. Ottley. Surgical diseases of the head and neck . . 1848. 2741-16 Health Resorts. Madden. Principal health-resorts of Europe and Africa . 1876. 2712-18 Marcet. Principal southern and Swiss health resorts . 1883. 2712-19 Heart. Balfour. Diseases of the heart and aorta . . . 1882. 2724-10 Bramwell. Diseases of the heart and thoracic aorta . 1884. 2724- 8 Dupuytren. Lesions of the vascular system . . . 1854. 2741- 4 Flint. Diseases of the heart 1870. 2724- 9 Hasse. Diseases of organs of circulation . . . 1846. 2741- 8 Manual of auscultation and percussion .... 1883. 2724-11 74 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Heredity. Huth. Marriage of near kin 1875. 2734-21 Histology. Cornil and Ranvier. Manual of pathological histology 1880. 2722-14 Frey. Histology and histochemistry of man . . . 1874. 2722-16 Klein. Handbook for the physiological laboratory, 2 vols. 1873. 2722-17 Kolliker. Human histology, 2 vols 1853-4. 2741-12 Quekett. Lectures on histology . . . . 1852. 2722-15 Rindfleisch. Pathological histology, 2 vols. . . 1872-3. 2744-16 Strieker. Human and comparative histology, 3 vols. 1870-3. 2745- 2 Wedl. Pathological histology 1855. 2742-11 HOMCEOPATHY. Allen. General symptom register of the homoeopathic ma- teria medica ...... n.d. 2736- 3 Burt. Physiological materia medica .... 1883. 2736- 9 Dunham. Homoeopathy the science of therapeutics . 1880. 2736-1 Lectures on materia medica ..... 1884. 2736-11 Guernsey. Application of homoeopathy to obstetrics . 1883. 2736- 4 Hahnemann. Lesser writings 1852. 2736- 6 Materia medica pura, 2 vols. . . 1880-1. 2736- 5 Organon, or the art of healing . . . 1883. 2736- 7 Hale. Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies, 2 vols 1880. 2736-8 Vol. 1. Special symptomatology. Vol. 2. Special therapeutics. Helmuth. System of surgery 1879. 2736- 1 Homeopathic veterinary practice designed for horses, do- mestic animals and fowls, 2nd edition . . . 2735- 6 Hughes. Manual of pharmacodynamics .... 1880. 2736-12 Hulls' Jahr. (Edited by F. G. SneWng), 2 vols. . . 1877-9. 2737-1 Vol. 1. Symptomatology. Vol. 2. Repertory. Jahr. Forty years' practice ...... 1883. 2737- 3 Ludlam. Diseases of women 1881. 2737- 2 Raue. Special pathology and diagnostics with therapeutic hints 1879. 2736- 2 HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 75 Hospitals and Nursing. Billings. Barracks and hospitals of the U. S. army . 1870. 5145-8 Burdett. Cottage hospitals 2735-17 Clifford-Smith. Hospital management . .. . . 1883. 2735-20 Collingwood. Manual of nursing . . . , . 2735-16 Domville. Manual for hospital nurses .... 1881. 2735-15 Hospital plans, five essays relating to their construction, organization and management ..... 1875. 2735-19 Nightingale. Notes on hospitals 1863. 2735-18 Squire. Pharmacopoeias of the London hospitals . . 1879. 2717- 5 Thompson. Columbia hospital for women, quarto . 1873. 5145- 9 United States sanitary commission. History of, by C. J. Stille 1 876. 2735-21 Hydrophobia. Fleming. Rabies and hydrophobia 1872. 2735- 3 Hygiene and Public Health. Blyth. Dictionary of hygiene and public health . . 1886. 2713-15 Harrison. Contamination of water by the poison of lead . 1852. 2727-15 Health exhibition literature : HEALTH IN TBE DWELLING. Handbooks . . 1884. 2713- 3 Content* Aland, health in the village Gladstone, healthy nurseries and bedrooms, including the lying-in room Eassie, healthy and unhealthy houses in town and country Edin. healtny furniture and decoration Payet, healthy schools Lakeman, healtn in the workshop CraJton, on ventilation, warming- and lighting for domestic use. Conferences . . . 1884. 2713- 4 Contents. Dwellings for the poor Sanitary construction of houses Promo- tion of social science. Lectures . . . 1884. 2713- 5 Contents, Hodgetts, Anglo-Saxon dwellings Teale, healthy houses Eaasie, healthy town and country houses Corjield, foul air in houses Galton, ventilation iu connection with warmth aod lighting Edis, healthy furni- ture Dixon, domestic use of gas- Lakeman, health in the workshop Hart, smoke abatement. HEALTH IN DIET. Handbooks 1884. 2713- 6 Content*. Gamgee, physiology of digestion and the digestive organs Berd- more, principles of cooking Blylh, diet in relation to health and work Wood, food and cookery for infants and invalids Thudichutn, alcoholic drinks Attfield, water and water supplies, and unfenneiited beverages Stanley, salt and other condiments. Conferences . . 1884. 2713- 7 Contents. Meat supply of this country Bell, adulteration of food Cheshire, bee-keeping. Lectures . . . 1884. 2713- 8 Contents. Gamgee, digestive ferments and the chemical processes of diges- tion Given, rearing of hand-fed infants Chaumont, practical dietetics Graham, chemistry of bread-making Williams, science of cookery Wigntr, pure milk Sheldon, the Euglish dairy Mariboe, the Danish d&irySitdthard, dairy management Thudichutn, sesthetical use of wine and its influence upon health. 76 REFERENCE LIBRARY. HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH Continued. HEALTH ix RELATION' TO civic LIFE. Handbooks . 1884. 2713-9 Contents. Poore, our duty in relation to health Murphy, infectious dis- ease and its prevention Cantlie, accidental injuries, the relief and imme- diate treatment Evatt, ambulance orgauizition. equipment nnd transport Sco t, cleansing streets and ways in the metropolis and large ( ities Shaw, fires and fire brigades Duff, legal obligations in relation to the dwellings of the poor Sparkes, schools of art, their origin, history and influence. Conferences . . . 1884. 2713-10 Contents. Domestic sanitation St. John ambulance association Water supply and distribution. Lectures . . . 1884. 2713-11 Contents. Hodgetts, Anglo-Saxon dress and food Acland, village health and village life Darbishire, recreation _#, ambulance organization in war and peace Chaumont, prevention of cholera Gibert, history and results of a dispensary for sick children threatened with chronic disease Morris, ethics of the skin Carr, our domestic poisons Poore, thrift in its relation to health, or the right use of refuse. GENERAL HYGIENE. Handbooks . . . . 1884. 2713-12 Contents. Warre, athletics, or physieil exercise and recreations, part I. Lyttelton and Cobb, athletics, part II. Godwin, dress and its relation to health and climate -Duclaux, fermentation Cheyne, Corfield and Casual, public health laboratory work Bolton, London water supply. Conferences . . 1884. 2713-13 Contents. Meteorology in relation to health Oral instruction of the deaf and dumb Electric lightning in relation to health Epidemic diseases School hygiene and school construction. Lectures . . . 1884. 2713-14 Contents. Cobbold parasites of meat and prepared flesh food Field, can- dles Cross, soap Winqjield, history of English dress Ballin, children's dress Morris, textile fabrics Chreiman, phjsical education of girls Blyth, old ana modern poison lore. Paris. City of, Commission des logement insalubies 1877-1883. 5225- 5 Parkes. Manual of practical hygiene .... 1883. 2713-16 Trail. Encyclopaedia of hydropathy and hygiene . n.d. H.C. 4307 Insanity. Blandford. Insanity and its treatment .... 1886. 2734-13 Bucknill and Tuke. Manual of psychological medicine, containing the lunacy laws, the nosology, aetiology, statistics, description, diagnosis pathology and treatment of insanity . 1879. 2734-15 Feuchtersleben. (Baron) Principles of medical psychology 1847. 2741- 6 Granville. Care and cure of the insane, 2 vols. . . 1877. 2734-14 Griesinger. Mental pathology and therapeutics . . 1867. 2744- 5 Hamilton. Types of insanity 1886. 2734-13 Maudsley. Physiology of mind 1876. 2734-16 Tucker. Lunacy in many lands 1887- 2735-22 Kidney. Clarke. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the kidney 1886. 2733-5 Landau. Moveable kidney in women .... 1884. 2746- 2 Senator. Albuminuria in health and disease . 1884. 2746- 2 MIDWIFERY. 77 Larynx and Laryngoscope. Czermak. The Laryngoscope 1861. 2744-15 Liver. Frerichs. Clinical treatise on diseases of the liver, 2 vols. 1860-1. 2744- 1 Materia Medica. Bartholow. Materia medica and therapeutics . . . 1884. 2716- 2 Barton and Castle. British flora medica . . . 1877. 2716-14 Bentley and Trimen. Medicinal plants, 4 vols. . . 1880. 2716-13 Brunton. Pharmacology, therapeutics and materia medica 1885. 2716- 8 Culpeper's works, 2 vols. . . . . . . n.d. 2716-12 Farquharson. Guide to therapeutics and materia medica 1882. 2716- 7 Garrod. Materia medica and therapeutics . . , . ~ 1882. 2716- 6 Maisch. Organic materia medica .... 1882. 2716- 5 Waring. Bibliotheca therapeutica, 2 vols. . ^ . 1879. 2746- 1 Wood. Therapeutics, materia medica and toxicology . 1883. 2716- 3 Medical Jurisprudence. Casper. Forsenic medicine, 4 vols. ..... 1861-5. 2743- 8 Ogston. Medical jurisprudence . . .' . . 1878. 2727- 1 Rogers. Law of medical men 1884. 2414-18 Taylor. Poisons 1875. 2727-16 Woodman and Tidy. Forsenic medicine and toxicology . 1877. 2727- 2 Microscope. Beale. Microscope and its application to clinical medicine 1854. H.C. 4312 Microscope in medicine ..... 1878. 2715-15 Schwann. Microscopic researches in structure of animals and plants 1847. 2742- 5 Midwifery. Cazeaux. Theoretical and practical treatise on midwifery 1878. 2723-16 Playfair. Science and practice of midwifery, 2 vols., 6th edition 1886. 2723-14 Playfair and Harris. Science and practice of midwifery 1880. 2723-15 Smellie. Midwifery, 3 vols. . . . . . 1876-8. 2745- 1 7$ REFERENCE LIBRARY. Narcotics and Stimulants. Brereton. Truth about opium smoking . 1882. H.C. 4306 MacNish. Anatomy of drunkenness .... 1832. 2733-25 Truth about opium smoking ...... 1882. 2733-26 Nervous System. Bramwell. Diseases of the spinal cord .... 1884. 2734- 7 Charcot. Diseases of the nervous system, 2 vols. . 1877-81. 2743- 9 Gowers. Diseases of the nervous system, spinal cord and nerves, vol. 1 1886. 2734- 2 Prochaska. Functions of the nervous system Romberg. Nervous diseases of man, 2 vols . . . 1853. 2742-4 Ross. Diseases of the nervous system, 2 vols. . . 1883. 2734- 1 Orthopaedic Surgery. Brodhurst. Anchylosis 1881. 2733-17 Nature and treatment of club-foot . . 1856. 2733-18 Orthopgedic surgery . . . . . 1876. 2733-16 Macewen. Osteotomy 1880. 2733-15 Paralysis. Duchenne. .Selection from the clinical works . . . 1883. 2*746- 5 Parasites and Worms. Kuchenmeister. Parasites of the human body, 2 vols. . 1857. 2741-13 Leuckart. Parasites of man, translated by Hoyle (W. E.) 1886 2728-1 Siebold. Tape and cystic worms 1857. 2741-13 Pathology. Bilbroth. Surgical pathology and therapeutics, 2 vols. . 1877-8. 2743-6 Coats. Manual of pathology 1883. 2715- 2 Hirsch. Geographical and historical pathology, 3 vols. . 1883-6. 2746- 3 Simon. Animal chemistry, 2 vols. .... 1845-6. 2742- 6 Wagner. Manual of general pathology .... 1883. 2715- 1 Wedl. Pathological histology 1855. 2742-11 Woodhead. Practical pathology . . . . 1885. 2715- 3 PHYSIOLOGY. 79 Periodicals. American Journal of Medical Sciences 1875-86. K. 3217 American Journal of Obstetrics 1887-8. 286 British Medical Journal . . . . . 1884-8. 5341- 1 Canada Lancet . . . . . . . 1871-80. 281 Canadian Journal of Medical Science 1876-81. 283 Canadian Practitioner ....... 1883-5. 283 Chemical News ......... 1884-8. 281 Lancet .......... 1884-8. 5342- 1 Medical Chronicle . . . . . fc . 1857-8. 281 Medical News . ...... 1887-8. 5341-20 Medical Record . 1887-8. 5342-20 Practitioner . . . . . . x 1884-8. 900 Upper Canada Journal of medical, surgical and physical Zoo science ......... 1853-4. 281 Veterinary Journal ...... 1887-8. OOl Pharmacopoeias. Zol British pharmacopoeia ....... 1880. 2717 4. Dispensatory of the United States ..... 1883. &t M. i m "i 2717- 2 Pharmacopee fraii9aise . . . 1 866. 071-7 i Pharmacopoeia of the United States .... 1883. & i \ i - i 2717- 3 Pharmacopoeias of the London hospitals, by Peter Squire . 1879. 2717- 5 Redwood. Supplement to the pharmacopoeia 1857, H.C. 4305 Physiology. Carpenter. Human physiology .... 1881. 2722- 1 Combe. Principles of physiology .... 1852. H.C. 4315 Dalton. Treatise on human physiology . . . 1882. 2722- 3 Foster. Text book of physiology .... 1883. 2722- 2 Sexual physiology. An exposition of the fundamental problems of sociology ..... 1871. HP 401 1 Simon. Animal chemistry, 2 vols. .... 1845-6. Vy. 4O I 1 2742- 6 Unzer. Principles of physiology 1851. 2741-17 Yeo. Manual of physiology , 1884. 9799- 80 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Poisons. Blyth. Poisons, their effects and detection . , . 1884. 2727-17 Harrison. Contamination of water by the poison of lead 1852. 2727-15 Ogston. Medical jurisprudence ..... 1878. 2727- 1 Snake poison, Indian and Australian, report on . . 1874. 2733-27 Taylor. Poisons 1875. 2727-16 Wood. Therapeutics, materia medica and toxicology . 1883. 2716- 3 Woodman and Tidy. (C. M.) Forsenic medicine and toxicology . . . 1877. 2727- 2 Principles and Practice. Bristowe. Theory and practice of medicine . . ' . 1879. '2714- 1 Niemeyer. Text book of practical medicine, 2 vols. 1884. 2714- 2 Reynolds. System of medicine, 3. vols. . . . 1880. 2714-3 Roberts. Theory and practice of medicine . . . 1884. 2714- 4 Trousseau. Lectures on clinical medicine, 5 vols. . 1868-72. 2745- 4 Watson. (Sir Thomas) Principles and practice of medicine, Amer. ed., 2 vols. . . . 1872. 2714-5 The same, Eng. ed., 2 vols. . 1871. 2714-6 Respiratory Organs. Catlin. Breath of life 1872. 2712- 2 Flint. Diseases affecting the respiratory organs . . 1866. 2724-15 Pythisis 1875. 2724-16 Hasse. Diseases of the organs of circulation and respiration 1846. 2741- 8 Louis. Researches on pythisis ..... 1844. 2741-14 Niemeyer. Pulmonary consumption .... 1870. 2744-13 Powell. Diseases of the lungs and pleura "... 1886. 2724-18 Stokes. Diseases of the chest 1882. 2745- 3 Thompson. (R. E.) Pulmonary haemorrhage . . 1879. 2724-17 Thompson. (T. ) Annals of influenza .... 1852. 2742- 9 Rheumatism. Gill. Rheumatism and gout . .... 1880. 2726- 6 SURGERY. 81 Skin. Anderson. Eczema 1874. 2725- 2 Parasitic affections of the skin . . . 1868. 2725- 1 Bulkley. Eczema and its management . . . . 1881. 2725- 3 Manual of diseases of the skin . ; . . 1884. 2725-5 Duhring. Diseases of the skin . . . . . ' . 1882. 2725-4 Fox. Atlas of skin diseases, quarto .... 1877. 5145- 3 Hebra and Kaposi. Diseases of the skin, 5 vols. . 1866-80. 2744- 7 Harries and Campbell. Lupus . .... 1886. 2725-6 Smallpox. Rhazes. Small-pox and measles . . . . . 1848. 2742-2 Spine. Brodhurst. Curvatures and disease of the spine . . 1883. 2733-19 Charcot. Cerebral and spinal diseases . . . . 1883. 2743-11 Surgery. Barnes . A report on excisions of the head of the femur for gunshot injury . . . . . 1869. 5145- 4 Billroth. Surgical pathology and therapeutics, 2 vols. 1877-8. 2743- 6 Clinical surgery. Reports of practice, 1860-76 1881. 2743- 7 Bryant. Practice of surgery, 2 vols 1884. 2732-11 Dupuytren. (Baron) Lesions of the vascular system, diseases of the rectum and other surgical complaints 1854. 2741- 4 Esmarch. Use of cold in surgery .... 1861. 2744-15 Fergusson. Progress of anatomy and surgery . . . 1867. 2732- 7 Gross. System of surgery, 2 vols 1882. 2732-13 Heath. Dictionary of practical surgery, 2 vols. . . 1886. 2733- 4 Minor surgery and bandaging . . . 1883. 2733-2 Operative surgery, quarto . . . . 1884. 5145- 5 Student's guide to surgical diagnosis . . 1883. 2733- 3 Otis. (Comp.) Surgical cases in the U. S. army, report . 1865-71. 5145- 7 Excisions of the head of the femur for gunshot injuries .... 1869. 5145- 4 Smith. Surgery of the rectum 1882. 2733- 1 6 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Therapeutics. Bartholow. Materia medica and therapeutics . . . 1884. 2716- 2 Billroth. Surgical pathology and therapeutics, 2 vols. 1877-8. 2743-6 Farquharson. Guide to therapeutics and materia medica 1882. 2716-7 Fothergill. Practitioner's handbook .... 1880. 2716- 1 Garrod. Materia medica and therapeutics . . . 1882. 2716- 6 Wood. Therapeutics, materia medica, and toxicology . 1883. 2716-3 Thermometry. Wunderlich. Temperature in diseases, medical thermometry 1871. 2745- 7 Throat. Galentin. Diphtheria, croup, etc. , with a new choral hydrate treatment 1884. 2726- 3 Memoirs from the writings of Bretomieau and others . 1859. 2744-12 Yearsley. Throat ailments 1859. H.C. 4308 Tumours. Bright. Abdominal tumours and intumescence . . 1860. 2743- 4 Thompson. Tumours of the bladder .... 1884. 2725-20 Urinary Organs, etc. Allingham. Diseases of the rectum 1882. 2725-14 Bumstead and Taylor. (R. W.) Venereal diseases . 1883. 2725-16 Colles. Works 1881. 2743-12 Diday. Syphilis in new-born children .... 1859. 2743-13 Lancereaux. Treatise on syphilis, 2 vols. . . . 1868-9. 2744-10 Neubauer and Vogel. Analysis of urine . . . 1863. 2744-14 The same 1879. 2725-11 Thompson. (SirH.) Diseases of the prostate . . 1883. 2725-17 Diseases of the urinary organs . 1883. 2725-13 Practical lithotomy and lithotrity 1880. 2725-19 Preventive treatment of calculous disease . . . 1876. 2725-18 Structure of the urethra . . 1869. 2725-12 Tumours of the bladder . . 1884. 2725-20 Van Buren and Keyes. Diseases of the genito-urinary organs 1882. 2725-15 INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 83 VETERINARIAN. Armatage. Every man his own cattle doctor . . . 1882. 2317- 4 Every man his own horse doctor . . n.d. 2317- 5 Blaine. Outlines of the veterinary art. Edited by Steel . 1865. 2735- 1 Dun. Veterinary medicines 1878. 2735- 2 Fleming. Animal plagues . . ' . . . . . 1871. 2735- 4 Rabies and hydrophobia . . . . 1872. 2735- 3 Homoaopathic veterinary practice . . . . 1883. 2735- 6 Mayhew. Illustrated horse management . . . 1876. 2317- 7 Percivall. Anatomy of the horse 1868. 2735-5 Steel. Treatise on the diseases of the ox ... 1881. 2317- 2 Stonehenge. The dog in health and disease . . . 1879. 2317-10 Youatt. The horse .,' 1872. 2317- 8 Walsh. The horse in the stable and the field . . . 1883. 2317-6 INDUSTRIAL ARTS. General and Collected. Abel. Construction and working of machinery atlas of plates 1861. 5131- 9 Allen. Useful companion and artificer's assistant . 1881. 2613- 5 Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied mechanics, 2 vols. . 1880-1. 2612- 3 Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work and engineering, 2 vols. . . . 1852. 2612- 2 Buchanan. Technological dictionary . . . . 1846. 2611-3 Byrne. Handbook for the artisan, mechanic and engineer 1882. 2613-4 Clark. Manual of rules, tables and data for mechanical engineers 1884. 2614-10 Collins. Report on the caoutchouc of commerce . . 1872. 5163- 7 Cooley. Cyclopaedia of practical receipts, 2 vols. . 1879-80. 2613- 1 Exhibition of 1851, London. Reports of the jury . . 1852. 2486-3 Lectures on the results . 1852. 2486- 3 Goodholme. Domestic cyclopaedia of practical information 1878. 2612- 5 Great industries of Great Britain, 3 vols. . . . n.d. 2612-7 Knight. (Cameron) Mechanician or the construction and manipulation of tools ..... 1881. 5133- 7 Knight. (Charles) Cyclopaedia of industry . . . 1851. 2611- 2 Knight. (E. H.) New mechanical dictionary . . . 1884. 2611-6 Practical dictionary of mechanics, 3 vols. n.d. 2612-4 Rankine. Manual of applied mechanics . . . . n.d. 2611-5 Mechanical text -book 1875. 2611- 4 84 REFERENCE LIBRARY. INDUSTRIAL ARTS Continued. Repertory of arts and manufactures, 12 vols., 1st series 1794-1801. 248 Second series * 1825-1830. 248 Routledge. Discoveries and inventions . . . 1884. 2652-15 San Francisco. Report of industrial exhibition . . 1872. 2443- 3 Spon. Encyclopaedia of the industrial arts, manufactures, and commercial products, 5 vols. . . 1882. 2612- 1 Mechanics' own book 1885. 2611- 1 Workshop receipts for the use of manufacturers, mechanics and scientific amateurs, 4 vols., 1883-5. 2613- 9 Technological dictionary, 3 vols 1874-78. 2613- 3 Contents. Vol 1. French, German and English. 2. German, English and French. 3. English, German and French. Ure. Dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines, 4 vols. 1875-8. 2613- 2 MINES AND MINING. Becker. Geology of the Comstock lode, quarto . . 1882. 5261- 3 Curtis. Silver-lead deposits of Eureka Nevada, quarto 1884. 5261- 7 Davies. Treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining 1881. 2624- 4 Hunt. British mining, a treatise on the metalliferous mines in the United Kingdom .... 1884. 2624- 2 India. Report on Wynaad gold-fields .... 1880. 5131-10 Irving. Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior, quarto 1883. 5261-5 Lock. Gold, its occurrence and extraction . . . 1882. 2624- 1 Lord. Comstock mining and miners, quarto . . . 1883. 5261-4 United States. Mining industries. (10th census of the United States, vol. 15) 1886. 5231-17 Precious metals. (10th census of the United States, vol. 13) . 1885. 5231-15 White. Gold regions of Canada 1867. 2624- 6 Williams. Mineral resources of the United States. (U. S. geo. survey, 1883-4) 1885. 2624- 5 Metallurgy. Ansell. The royal mint 1870. 5163- 6 Overman. Treatise on metallurgy .... 1882. 2625- 2 Percy. Metallurgy (iron and steel) 1864. 2625- 3 Metallurgy (lead) 1870. 2625- 5 Metallurgy (refractory materials and fuel) . . 1875. 2625- 4 Metallurgy (silver and gold, part I) . . . 1880. 2625- 6 Phillips. Elements of metallurgy 1874. 2625- 1 Pumpelly. Mining industries of the United States. (10th census of the United States, 1880, vol. 15.) 1886. 5231-17 Roscoe and Schorlemmer. Metals. (Treatise on chemistry, vol. 2) . . . . 1881. 2366- 2 CIVIL ENGINEERING. 85 Assaying. Mitchell. Practical assaying ...... 1881. 2625-10 Ricketts. Notes on assaying ..... 1876. 2625-11 Coal and its Prodiicts. Accum. Coal gas, process of manufacturing 1820. 2624-19 Crew. Practical treatise on petroleum . , 1887. 2624-20 Green, Miall and others. Coal, its history and uses 1878. 2624-17 Huxley. The formation of coal. (Critiques and addresses) 1883. 2312- 8 Jevons. The coal question ...... 1865. 2624-18 Johnson. Coal trade of British America .... 1850. H.C. 1556 MacFarlane. Coal-regions of America 1875. 2624-16 Pnmpelly. Mining industries of the United States. (10th census of the U. S., 1880, vol. 15) . 1886. 5231-17 CIVIL ENGINEERING. Allen. Land prospector's manual and field-book 1881. 2615- 4 Barlow. Treatise 011 the strength of materials 1867. 2614- 8 Blackie. Engineers and machinist's drawing-book, 2 vols. 1855. 5131- 7 Boiler. Construction of iron highway bridges 1881. 2615- 1 Box. Strength of materials . . - . 1883. 2614-13 Burr. Stresses in bridge and roof trusses 1883. 2614- 5 Clark. Britannia and Coiiway tubular bridges, folio 1850. B.R. Drinker. Tunneling, explosive compounds and rock drills 1882. 5131- 1 Du Bois. The strains in framed structures 1883. 5131- 2 Fairbairn. Civil and mechanical engineering in Lancashire. (Lancashire and Cheshire, vol. 2) n.d. 5113-10 Graham. Graphic and analytic statics 1883. 2614- 9 Gzowski. Description of the International bridge, Niagara river . . 1873. 5153- 3 Haskoll. Practice of engineering field-work n.d. 2614- 6 Hodges. Construction of the great Victoria bridge of Canada, quarto ..... 1860. H.C. 5488 Illustrations and plans, folio 1860. B.R. Humber. Water supply of cities and towns 1876. 5153- 6 Mahan. Treatise on civil engineering .... 1883. 2614- 3 Mann. River bars, their formation and treatment 1881. 2615- 2 Martindale. Engineering and engineers. (Lit. and hist. socy. of Quebec, ser. 8) .... 1870. 1864- 1 Rankine. Manual of civil engineering . . 1883. 2614-11 Rules and tables relating to mensuration, engineering, structures and machines 1883. 2614-12 Reed. Engineer's handbook n.d. 2614- 7 Spon and Byrne. (Eds.) Dictionary of engineering, 3 vols. 1873-4. 2614- 1 Supplement, 3 vols. 1879-81. 2614- 2 86 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Surveying. Gillespie. Treatise on land-surveying .... 1883. 2616-19 Treatise on levelling, topography, and higher surveying 1883. 2616-20 Simms. Principles and practice of levelling . . . 1843. 2615- 3 United States, instructions to the surveyors general of public lands 1855. 2616-21 Mechanical Drawing. Appleton's cyclopaedia of drawing for mechanic, architect, engineer and surveyor .... 1857. H.C. 219 Armengaud and Amouroux. Practical draughtsman 1883. 5133- 9 Drawing in public schools. (Report of bureau of education U. S., 1885) 1885. 2523-23 Le Blanc and Armengaud. Engineer and machinist's draw- ing-book . 1855. 5131- 7 Minifie. Text book of geometrical drawing . 1877. 2635-15 Practical perspective or Jesuit's perspective. Trans, by E. Chambers, quarto ........ n.d. H.C. 217 Sopwith. Treatise on isometrical drawing 1838. 2635-16 Warren. Machine construction and drawing, 2 vols. 1883. 2652- 2 Railways. Bourne. History and description of the Great Western rail- way, folio ....... 1846. B.R. Canadian Pacific railway. Contract between the govern- ment of the Dominion of Canada and the Co. , etc. . 1882. 2444-14 Report of the senate on Fort William, for a terminus . 1878. 2444-16 Royal commission. Report of evidence, 3 vols. 1882. 2444-15 Clark. Britannia and Conway tubular bridges, 2 vols. 1850. 2622- 4 Colburn. Locomotive engineering and the mechanism of railways, 2 vols. .... 1871. 5153- 1 Davidson. The railways of India . 1868. 2622- 3 Dempsey. Locomotive engines, atlas of plates 1856. 5153- 5 Fleming. The Intercolonial, 1832-76 . 1876. 2444-12 Francis. History of the English railway 1856. 2463- 5 Intercolonial railway, guide to the ..... 1877. 1685-12 Mallock. Railway telegraphs, 2 vols. 1874. 5153- 4 New York. State engineer's report on railroads 1868-82. 2444- 7 Railway statistics of Canada . . . . 1876. 2444-13 Trout. Railwavs of Canada for 1870-1 1871. 2444-11 HYDRAULICS. 87 RAILWAYS Continued. Vose. Manual for railroad engineers .... Wellington. Computation from diagrams of railway earth- Williams. work, pt. 1, text Part 2, plates, folio Our iron roads. 1883. 1875. 1874. 1852. 2622- 1 2622- 2 5153- 2 2622- 5 Tramways. Clark. Tramways, their construction and working, 2 vols. 1878-82. 2622-11 Steam- Engine. American engineering society. Collection of drawings, folio Bramwell. The steam-engine (South Kensington science lectures, vol. 1) Bourne. Treatise on the steam-engine . . . Clark. Treatise on steam boilers, manual of rules and data Dempsey. Atlas of engravings to explain the locomotive engine ....... Du Bois. Heat, steam and steam-engines Foley. Mechanical engineer's office book, boiler construction Hodge. The steam-engine ...... Hutton. Practical engineer's hand-book Main and Brown. Indicator and dynamometer Tredgold. Stationary engines Mills and Millwork. Bale. Saw-mills, their arrangement and management Craik. Practical American millwright and miller Fairbairn. Mills and millwork .... Rankine. Manual of machinery and millwork Webber. Manual of power for machines, shafts and belts 1852. B.R. Hydraulics. Bresse. Colyer. Water-wheels or hydraulic motors Hydraulic, steam, and hand power lifting and pressing machinery ..... Pumps and pumping machinery .... Ewbank. Hydraulic and other machines Grier. Rural hydraulics Neville. Hydraulic tables, coefficients and formulae 1878. 2312-10 1876. 5131- 4 1884. 2614-10 1856. 5153- 5 1884. 2614- 4 1881. 5131- 8 nd. B.R. 1887. 2616- 4 1864. 2652- 3 1853. 5131- 5 1883. 2652- 6 1882. 2652- 5 1878. 2652- 1 1883. 2652- 7 1879. 2652- 4 1876. 2623- 4 1881. 2623- 6 1882. 2623- 5 1876. 2623- 1 1877. 2623- 2 1875. 2623- 8 88 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Building Materials and Construction Gillmore. Treatise on limes, hydraulic cements and mortars 1879. 2623- 3 Robson. Mason's, bricklayer's, plasterer's and decorator's guide n.d. 5133- 4 Shaw. Practical masonry 1846. 5133- 8 Lathe. Bale. Woodworking machinery . . . . . 1880. 2623-18 Elphinstone. Patterns for turning .... 1872. 2623-16 Northcott. Treatise on lathes and turning . . . 1876. 2623-17 Fire Protection. Roper. Hand-book of modern steam fire-engines . . 1883. 2622-15 Shaw. Fire protection 1876. 2622-17 Fires and fire brigades. (Health exhibition litera- ture, vol. 7) 1884. 2713- 9 Woodbury. Fire protection of mills . 1882. 2622-18 Young. Fires, fire engines, and fire brigades . . . 1866. 2622-16 Sanitary Engineering. Bayles. House drainage and water service . . . 1882. 2615-16 Blyth. Dictionary of hygiene and public health . . 1876. 2713-15 Boulnois. Municipal and sanitary engineer's handbook . 1883. 2615-17 Corfield. Treatment and utilisation of sewage . . 1887. 2615-22 Latham. Sanitary engineering guide to the construction of works of sewerage 1878. 2615-14 Putnam. The open fireplace in all ages . . . 1882. 2615-15 Sanitary engineer, vols. 9-17 1884-8. P. R. Sanitary engineering, vols. 10-14 1885-8. 5342-14 Explosives. Anderson. Mode of manufacturing gunpowder . . 1862. 2625-19 Drinker. Explosive compounds, drilling and blasting . 1882. 5131- 1 Eissler. Modern high explosives 1883. 2625-18 TECHNOLOGY. 89 Telegraph, Telephone and Electric Light. Diagrams to electric telegraph . . . . . . n.d. 5131- 3 Dredge. (Ed.) Electric illumination, 2 vols. . . 1885. 5131-6 Larrabee. Cipher, secret letter and telegraph code . 1871. 2626-16 Mallock. Railway telegraphs, 2 vols. . . . 1874. 5153- 4 Prescott. Speaking telephone, electric light and other elec- trical inventions 1879. 2626-17 TECHNOLOGY. Carpentry and Cabinet-making. Bell. Carpentry made easy 1883. 2645-11 Bemrose. Fret cutting and perforated carving . . n.d. 5133-12 Brown. Carpenter's assistant 1848. 5133- 2 Cabinet-makers' pattern book . . ... . 1882. 5133-10 Cupper. Universal stair builder . . . . .n.d. 5135- 5 Monckton. Stair-building and one-plane method of hand- railing 1888. 5133-13 Newlands. Carpenter and joiner's assistant . . . 1880. 5133- 1 Reynolds. Treatise on handrailing . . . . 1849. 2645-13 Smith. Cabinet-maker and upholsterer's guide . . 1836. 5133- 6 Tarbuck. (Ed. ) Encyclopaedia of practical carpentry and joinery ....... n.d. 5133- 5 Tredgold. Elementary principles of carpentry . . 1885. 5133- 3 Colours. Riffault, Vergnaud and Toussaint. Manufacture of colors for painting . 1874. 2645- 4 Bookb inding^ Cundall. Bookbindings, ancient and modern . . . 1881. 2645-6 Wheatley. Bookbinding as a fine art, mechanical art and manufacture 1882. 2645- 7 Zaehnsdorf. Art of bookbinding 1880. 2645-9 90 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Distilling. Brewer, distiller and wine manufacturer .... 1883. 2644-10 Byrn. Practical distiller 1881. 2644-9 Duplais. Manufacture and distillation of alcoholic liquors 1871. 2644-12 Thausing 1 , Schwarz and Bauer. Theory and practice of the preparation of malt and the fabrication of beer 1 882. 2644- 1 1 Thudichum and Dupre. Origin, nature and varieties of wine 1872. 2644-13 Dyeing, Bancroft. Philosophy of permanent colours, 2 vols. . 1813. H.C. 4909 Crookes. Handbook of dyeing and calico-printing . . 1874. H.C. 4906 Parnell. "Dyeing and calico-printing .... 1849. 2643-13 Ronalds and Richardson. Chemistry applied to arts and manufactures, 5 vols. 1855-67. 2366- 3 Schutzenberger. Traite des matieres colorantes, 2 vols. 1867. H.C. 4911 Smith. The English dyer 1882. 2643-11 Leather. Davis. Manufacture of leather 1885. 2644-18 Metal Working. Byrne. Metal-worker's assistant ... . . . 1882. 2645- 2 Collins. Useful alloys and memoranda for goldsmiths, jewellers, etc. 1872. 2645-19 Flower. History of the trade in tin .... 1880. 2644-15 Grimshaw. Saws, their history, development, action, etc. 1880. 2645-14 Pitt-Rivers. Primitive locks and keys . . . 1883. 5132-8 Vaile. Galvanized-iron cornice- worker's manual . . 1884. 5133-11 Paper. Hofmann. Treatise on the manufacture of paper 1873. 5163- 5 Proteaux. Manufacture of paper and boards . . . 1866. 2644- 2 TEXTILE FABRICS. 91 Perfumery and Soap Making. Cristiani. Perfumery and kindred arts , ... 1877- 2644- 6 Technical treatise on soap and candles . . 1881. 2644-3 Morfit. Treatise on the manufacture of soaps . . 1871. 2644- 4 Piesse. Art of perfumery . . . . ~ . . 1879. 2644- 7 Snively. Manufacture of perfumes . . . ,. 1877. 2644-8 Watt. Art of soap making . . . . ;. . 1884. 2644-5 Printing. Astle. Origin and progress of writing and printing . . 1803. 5152- 4 DeVinne. Invention of printing . . . . .' 1878. 2653- 1 Johnson. Typographia or the printer's instructor, 2 vols. 1824. 2653- 4 Stower. Printer's grammar . . . . v 1808. 2653-2 Technical terms relating to printing machinery " . . <. n.d. 2653- 3 Textile Fabrics. Ashenhurst Weaving and designing of textile fabrics . n.d. 2643-10 Second copy . . \ ......'.. n.d. H.C. 4913 Ashton. Art of designing cotton and woollen cloths, folio 1874. 5163- 1 Baird. American cotton spinner and carders' guide . 1852. H.C. 4917 Barlow. History and principles of weaving and lace-making 1879. 2643- 3 Beck. Drapers' dictionary ... . . . ..-%.'- n.d. 2643-22 Bowman. Structure of cotton fibre ....... . 1882. 2643- 7 Burns. American woollen manufacturer . . . 1872. 2643-16 Felkin. Machine-wrought hosiery and lace manufactures 1867- 2643- 1 Second copy . 1867. H.C. 4908 James. History of the worsted manufacture in England 1857. H.C. 4905 Murphy. Art of weaving 1854. H.C. 4907 O'Neill. Calico printing, bleaching, dyeing, etc., 2 vols. 1878. 2643- 6 Salter-Whiter. Silk industry of Great Britain and its revival 1882. 2643-14 Thomson. Sizing of cotton goods .... 1879. 2643- 9 Warden. Linen trade, ancient and modern . . . 1867. 2643- 5 Watson. (Dr. F.) Cotton gins and the cleaning and quality of Indian cotton, report on, 2 vols. . 1879. 2643- 2 Watson. (J.) Spinning and thread making . . . 1878. 2643-4 92 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Tobacco. Billings. Tobacco, its history, varieties, culture, etc. . 1875. 2644- 1 Watson. (Dr. F.) Cultivation and preparation of tobacco in India 1871. 5163- 4 Vinegar. Dussauce. Manufacture of vinegar 1871. 2644-14 MILITARY ARTS. Denison. History of Cavalry ...'.,. 1877. 2642- 2 Modern cavalry 1868. 2642- 3 De Saxe. Reveries or memoirs concerning the art of war 1776. 2642- 8 Egerton. Illustrated handbook of Indian arms . . 1880. 5132- 9 Hamley. Operations of war, explained and illustrated 1878. 2642- 7 Head. The royal engineer 1869. 2642- 5 Meyrick and Skelton. Illustrations of antient armour, 2vols.,folio . . . 1855. H.C. 5462 Viollet-Le-Duc. Military architecture . . . 1879. 2642- 6 YACHTS AND STEAMSHIPS. Boats of the world ........ n.d. 5154- 4 Brady. Kedge-anchor, or young sailors' assistant . 1882. 2635- 2 Folkard. The sailing boat 1870. H.C. 4901 Kemp. Manual of yacht and boat sailing . . . 1882. 2635- 1 Yacht architecture ... . . . 1885. 2635- 5 Yacht designing ...... 1876. 5154- 1 Kunhardt. Small yachts, their design and construction . 1885. 5154-3 Stuart. Naval and mail steamers of the United States 1853. 5154- 2 FORESTRY. Browne. Trees of America . . . . . 1846. 2656- 2 Brown. (James) The Forester 1847. 2656-10 The same 1882. 2656- 1 Brown. (John C.) Forests and moisture . . . 1877. 2656-3 French forest ordinance of 1669 1883. 2656- 8 AGRICULTURE. 93 FORESTRY Continued. Emerson. Trees and shrubs of Massachusetts, 2 vols. . 1887. 2656-13 Gordon. The pinetum, a synopsis of all the coniferous plants 1880. 2376- 9 Grigor. Arboriculture . 1868. 2656- 6 Kirby. (M. andE.) Talks about trees . . . n.d. H.C. 51 Kurz. Forest flora of British Burma, 2 vols. . . . 1877. 2374- 4 Langton. On the age of timber trees in Canada. (Lit. and hist. socy. of Quebec, vol. 5) . . 1862. 1864- 1 Loudon. Encyclopaedia of trees and shrubs of Great Britain 1869. 2656-12 Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, 8 vols. . 1844. 2374- 1 Macgregor. Organization and valuation of forests . 1883. 2656- 4 Main. Forest planter and pruner's assistant . . . 1847. 2656- 9 Michie. The larch, treatise on its culture and management 1882. 2656- 7 Ontario. Reports on forestry, see sessional papers, House of Assembly 1882-88. 2581 Sargent. Reports on the forest trees of North America. ( 10th census of the U. S., vol. 9) . . 1884. 5231-10 Maps to do, portfolio 1884. B.R. Steuart Planter's guide ...... 1848. 2656- 5 Strutt. Sylva Britannica, folio 1826. B.R. Taylor. Remarkable trees, plants and shrubs in all parts of the world ....... 1812. 2656-11 Woodland gleanings 1837. H.C. 48 AGRICULTURE. Agriculture and the corn laws 1844. 2455-19 Barclay. Agricultural tour in the United States and Canada 1842. 1672-3 Davy. Elements of agricultural chemistry . . . 1813. 5144-7 Evans. Letter on agricultural improvement . . . 1837. 1686-34 Haraszthy. Notes on agriculture .... 1862. 2655-16 Johnson. Farmer's encyclopaedia and dictionary of rural affairs n.d. H.C. 4878 Lynch. Scientific butter-making . . . . . 1883. 2654-17 New York. Agriculture by E. Emmons, 5 vols. (Nat. hist, of New York, 1846-54. 5265-13 Ontario. Agricultural commission report, 2 vols. . 1881. 2435- 2 Agricultural returns 1882-6. 2434- 1 Annual reports on agriculture and arts, 1855-86, 18 vols 2435- 1 Rawlinson. Agriculture of the Egyptians. (Ancient Egypt) 1882. 1417- 1 Rogers. Rural England, agricultural, (Work and Wages) . 1884. 2456-1 Safford. Soils and agriculture of Tennessee. (Geology of Tennessee) 1869. 2341- 5 Statistics of agriculture, United States. (10th census of the U. S., vol. 3) . 1883. 5231- 4 Turner. Agriculture of the Anglo-Saxons. (History of the Anglo-Saxons), vol. 2 .... 1836. 1432- 8 Young. Letters of Agricola on the principles of tillage . 1822. 2655-10 94 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Horticulture and Landscape Gardening. Alphand. Les promenades de Paris, 2 vols. , folio . 1867-73. B.R. Beadle. Canadian fruit, flower and kitchen gardener . 1872. 2655- 2 Bridgeman. American gardener's assistant, revised by Todd 1869. H.C. 4886 Burbidge. Cultivated plants ..... 1877. 2655-5 Narcissus (the), its history and culture . 1875. H.C. 99 Copeland. Country life, a handbook of agriculture, horti- culture and landscape gardening . 1860. H.C. 4884 Dombrain. The gladiolus, its history, cultivation and exhi- hibition 1873. H.C. 4885 Gilpin. Practical hints upon landscape gardening . 1835. H.C. 4879 Hooker. Garden ferns 1862. 2377-12 Hughes. Garden architecture and landscape gardening 1866. 2655- 8 Hulme and Hibberd. Familiar garden flowers, 4 vols. n.d. 2373- 3 Johnson. (Ed.) Gardener's dictionary . . . 1882. 2655- 3 Loudon. Ladies' flower-garden of ornamental greenhouse plants . . . ; . . . . n.d. 5143- 8 Popular flowers 1844. H.C. 49 Robinson. Alpine flowers for English gardens . . 1879. 2373- 4 God's acre beautiful . . ' . " . . r 1882. 2655- 7 The wild garden .' ." . * .' . . 1881. 2655-9 Roe. Success with small fruits . . . . . 1880. 2655-1 Sutherland. Hardy herbaceous and alpine flowers . . 1871. 2373- 5 Thomson. Handy book of the flower-garden . . 1876. 2655- 4 Tyas. Popular flowers, third series . . . ... . 1854. H.C. 47 Van Geert. Iconography of Indian azaleas . . 1882. H.C. 115 Williams. Choice stove and greenhouse flowering plants, 2 vols 1869. H.C. 43 Young. Letters of Agricola on the principles of tillage 1822. 2655-10 Pomology. SEE ALSO HORTICULTURE. Downing. Fruits and fruit-trees of America, 2 pts., . 1872. 2655-15 Part 1. Apples. Part 2. Pears. The same, 1 vol. . . . . . 1883. 2655-14 Haraszthy. Grape culture, wines, and wine-making . 1862. 2655-16 Hogg. British pomology 1851. 2655- 6 New- York. Pomology by E. Emmons, 2 vols. (Nat. hist. of New York) 1851. 5265-15 AQUARIUM. Gosse. Handbook to the marine aquarium . . . 1856. H.C. 50 COOKERY. 95 SPORTS AND SPORTING. Hansard. The book of archery 1845. H.C. 4902 Harris. Old coaching days . . . . . . 1882. 2662- 5 Mayer. Sport with rod and gun in American woods and waters n.d. 5161- 4 Morris. Hibernia venatica . . . . . . 1878. 2662- 2 Payne-Gallwey. Fowler in Ireland . .. _ ~. . 1882. 2662-3 Rice. History of the British turf, 2 vols. . /. . 1879. 2662- 4 Stonehenge. British rural sports n.d. 2662- 6 Vyner. Notitia venatica, treatise on fox-hunting . . 1847. 2662- 1 A ngling. Ansell. Trawling. (Fisheries exhibition literature, vol. 7) 1884. 2465-3 Brown. American angler's guide 1876. 2662- 7 Francis. Book on angling 1880. 2662- 9 Herbert. Frank Forester's fish and fishing with supplement 1850. 2662-10 Senior. Angling in Great Britain. (Fisheries exhibition literature, vol. 2) 1884. 2465- 3 Wheeldon. Angling clubs. (Fisheries exhibition literature, vol. 3) 1884. 2465- 3 Practical lessons in the gentle craft. (Fisheries exhibition literature, vol. 3) ... 1884. 2465- 3 Equestrianism. Ladies' equestrian guide or the habit and the horse, quarto 1857. H.C. .5486 Games. Bohn. (Ed.) Hand-book of games ..... 1879. 2663- G Cavendish. Card essays, Clay's decisions and card-table talk 1879. 2663- 5 Forbes. History of chess . .... I860. 2663- 1 FOOD. Blyth. Foods, their composition and analysis . . . 1882. 2654-15 Hassall. Food and its adulterations .... 1855. 2654-16 Lynch. Scientific butter-making . . . . 1883. 2654-17 See Blyth. Dictionary of hygiene .... 1876. 2713-15 COOKERY. Cassell. Dictionary of cookery n.d. 2654- 3 Gouffe. Pastry and confectionery . . . . 1874. 2654- 1 Royal cookery book 1868. 2654- 2 96 REFERENCE LIBRARY. FINE ARTS. General. (Life of American Art Review, 2 vols., quarto Art Amateur, vols. 9-17 .... Art Interchange, vols. 17-20 .... Art Journal, vols. 1-39 Art Union, continued as Art Journal, 7 vols. Bain. Chemistry of colour Bell. Anatomy and philosophy of expression Benjamin. Art in America .... Burnham. Greek art (Limestones and marbles) Burty. Chefs-d' ceuvre of the industrial arts Chevreul. Harmony and contrast of colours Clement. Art in Italy before the XVI. century. Michael Angelo) ..... Conway. Travels in South Kensington .... Dresser. Japan, its architecture, art, and art manufactures Dunbar. Art and nature under an Italian sky Eastlake. Contributions to the literature of the fine arts, 2 vols., 1st edition ..... The same, 2 vols. , 2nd edition Elmes. Dictionary of the fine arts Fairholt. Homes, haunts and works of Rubens, Vandyke, etc Foyer des Artistes. Twenty designs au crayon et k la plume Gilpin. Forest scenery and picturesque beauty, 2 vols. Three essays on picturesque beauty Grimouard de Saint- Laurent. Manuel de 1'art chretien Hamerton. Graphic arts . . Landscape ...... Harris. Three treatises concerning art, music, and painting Haweis. Art of beauty Hay. 1880-1. 1883-8. 1886-8. 1849-88. 1839-48. 1886. 1847. 1880. 1883. n.d. 1860. 1880. 1882. 1882. 1853. 1848. 1870. 1826. 1871. n.d. 1808. 1808. 1878. 1882. 1885. 1772. 1878. Geometric beauty of the human figure . . 1851. Harmony of form 1842. Principles of beauty in colouring . . . 1845. Principles of symmetrical beauty .... 1846. Science of beauty ...... 1 856. Hazlitt. Criticisms on art, 2 vols 1843-4. Hogarth. Works, with description and comment on their moral tendency . . . . . n.d. Illustrated Magazine of Art, vols. 1-10 .... 1880-8. Jameson and Eastlake. History of our Lord as exemplified in works of art, 2 vols. . 1881. B.R. 5353-50 5353-20 B.R. B.R. 2674-16 2674-17 2665- 1 2346- 2 H.C. 5264 H.C. 4915 2264- 6 2672- 1 2672- 3 H.C. 3033 2665- 7 H.C. 227 H.C. 229 2672- 4 B.R. H.C. 4880 H.C. 4882 2666- 7 B.R. B..R 2673-11 2664-14 5142-14 5142-13 2673- 2 2664-16 2666- 2 2672-14 5164- 3 5345- 1 2673- 4 FINE ARTS, GENERAL. 97 FINE ARTS, GENERAL Continued. Jameson. Legends of the Madonna .... 1852. 2673- 6 Legends of the Monastic orders . . . 1880. 2673- 5 Sacred and legendary art, 2 vols. . . . 1883. 2673- 3 Japanese pictures, 4 vols. 5141-12 Jarves. Art-hints, architecture, sculpture and painting 1855. H.C. 206 Knight. History of fine arts. ( Pictorial history of England) , vol. 4 1848. 1447- 1 Unique fancy ornaments . . ." 1834. 5141- 3 L'Art. 1876-88, vols. 1-45 . ; ; . I B.R. Labarte. Arts of the middle ages .... 1855. 2665- 4 Lacroix. Arts in the middle ages . . . . , n.d. 2664- 4 Manners, customs, and dress in the middle ages n.d. 2664- 7 Military and religious life in the middle ages n.d. 2664- 6 Science and literature in the middle ages . 1878. 2664- 5 The XVIII. century, its institutions, customs and costumes n.d 2664- 3 Lubke. Ecclesiastical art in Germany during middle ages 1876. H.C. 218 The tame .' 1873. 2666- 8 Marchese. Painters and sculptors of the order of S. Dominic, 2 vols. .... 1852. H.C. 208 Mollett. Dictionary of words used in art ... 1883. 2672- 5 Muller. Ancient art 1852. 2665- 6 The same 1847. H.C. 224 Nichol. (J.) Tables of European and American art . 1884. 1426- 2 Nichols. (G.) Art education applied to industry . . 1877. 2672-7 Patterson. Essays in history and art . . . . 1862 H.C. 222 Pattison. Renaissance of art in France .... 1879. H.C. 225 Perrot. Art in ancient Egypt, 2 vols 1883. 2666- 4 Portfolio. (Edited by P. G. Hamerton), vols. 1-19 . . 1873-87. B.R. Propert. History of miniature art, quarto . . . 1887. 5142-17 Rawlinson. Mimetic art. (History of ancient Egypt), vol. J 1882. 1417- 1 Records of Royal Canadian Academy of Arts . . . 1879-80. 2672-21 Redgrave. Dictionary of artists of the English school 1878. 2672- 6 Rehberg. Lady Hamilton's attitudes, . . . n.d. 5142-7 Ruskin. Political economy of art 1868. H.C. 210 Schimmelpenninck. Principles of beauty . . . 1859. H.C. 207 South Kensington museum. Examples of works of art, 2 vols. , quarto 1881. 5J32- 6 Sparkes. Schools of art. (Health exhibition literature) 1884. 2713-9 Symonds. The fine arts (Renaissance in Italy) . . 1877. 1473- 3 Taylor. Fine arts in Great Britain and Ireland, 2 vols. . 1841. H.C. 200 Waagen. Treasures of art in Great Britain, 4 vols. . 1854-7. 2666-10 Weekes. Lectures on art 1880. 2665-10 Wheatley. Art work in gold and silver . . . 1882. 2666- 1 Wyatt. Fine art, a sketch of its history .... 1877. 2665- 9 The industrial arts of the XIX. century . 1851. B.R. Yapp. Art industry, metal- work, folio .'.'.. n.d. 5132- 3 7 98 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Painting. Barnard. Landscape painting in water-colours Blackburn. The national gallery Boot. Trees and how to paint them in water-colours Burnet. On painting . . ..... Burtin. On pictures Cennini. A treatise on painting Claude de Lorraine. Liber veritatis, 3 vols., folio Crowe and Cavalcaselle. Early Flemish painters Crystal Palace, Sydenham. Fine art court, 2 vols. Daryl. Picture amateur's handbook .... Delamotte. Art of sketching from nature, quarto Dolent. Petit manuel d'art a 1'usage des ignorants Dresden. Catalogue of the royal picture gallery Eastlake. Italian schools, 2 vols. .... Notes on pictures in the Louvre gallery . Oil painting . . . . . Grace. Landscape painting in oils, folio . Graham. Painting. (British literature and art) Haydon. Lectures on painting and design, 2 vols. Hay. Nomenclature of colours ..... Head. Hand-book of the history of the Spanish and French schools of painting . . . . . Hobbes. Picture collector's manual, 2 vols. Holbein. Portraits of illustrious persons of the Court of Henry VIII., folio . Howard. Catalogue of paintings in the gallery at High Park Hulme. Flower painting in water colours James. Flemish, Dutch and German schools of painting Italian schools of painting .... Jameson. Early Italian painters . . Handbook to the public galleries near London, 2 vols Keane. Early Teutonic, Italian and French masters Leitch. Course of water-colour painting Easy studies in water-colour .... Sepia painting ...... Leslie. Hand-book for young painters . Lewis. China painting . L'Exposition des beaux-arts, Salon, 1880-8 . Penley. English school of painting in water-colours, folio Sketching from nature in water-colours, quarto Pilkington. Dictionary of painters, 95 portraits, 2 vols. Pitti gallery, Florence, folio 1861. 2674- 4 1879. 2672-10 1883. 2674- 5 1880. 5142-10 1845. 2672-19 1844. H.C. 220 n.d. B.R. 1872. 2673-10 1854. H.C. 212 1878. 2672-13 1871. 5142- 5 1874. H.C. 202 1880. H.C. 215 1874. 2673- 7 1883. 2672-16 1847. 2672-20 1881. 5142- 1 1871. 1764- 7 1844-46. 2665- 3 1846. 2673- 1 1848. H.C. 211 1849. 2672-18 1884. B.R. 1884. 5142- 8 n.d. 2674- 7 1822. H.C. 223 1820. H.C. 221 1874. 2673- 9 1842. H.C. 204 1880. 2666- 6 n.d. 2674- 6 n.d. 5142-12 n.d. 2674- 8 1855. 2672-11 1883. 2675-11 B.R. 1880. B.R. n.d. 5142- 6 1824. 5142-16 1788. B.R. ILLUMINATING. 99 PAINTING Continued. Redgrave. Water-colour paintings in the South Kensington museum ...... 1877. 2674-15 Reeve. Characteristics of painters 1842. H.C. 205 Richardson, Leitch and others. Sketches in water-colours, n.d. 5142-11 Royal Academy, London. Illustrated catalogue of exhibition 1886. B.R. Ruskin. Modern painters, 5 vols. .... 1878-9. 2665-13 Stafford. (Marquis oj) Collection of pictures, 4 vols. 1818. 5142- 4 Stephens. Flemish and French pictures 1875. 2666- 9 Tayler. Studies in animal painting . ... 1884. 2674-14 Thompson. Public picture galleries of Europe 1880. 2672-17 Tuckerman. Book of the artists ..... 1882. 2672- 2 Turner and his works. Burnet and Cunningham . 1852. 5142-15 Turner gallery, 3 vols. . . . . . . . n.d. B.R. Turner. On the use of water-colours for beginners, quarto 1886. 5142- 9 Tyrwhitt. Handbook of pictorial art .... 1875. 1877. 2674- 1 2665-14 Waagen and Crowe. German, Flemish and Dutch schools, 2 vols 1874. 2673- 8 Willson. On composition, light and shade 1851. 2674-12 Woltmann and Woermann. History of painting, 2 vols. 1880-5. 2666- 5 Vol. 1. Ancient, early Christian and mediaeval. 2. Period of the Renascence. Woltmann. Holbein and his times .... 1872. H.C. 216 Wornum. Epochs of painting . . . . . 1864. 2665- 8 Freehand Drawing. Barnard. Drawing from nature ..... 1865. 2674- 2 Drawing in public schools. (Report of bureau of education, Washington) 1885. 2523-23 Harding. Guide to lessons on art n.d. 2674-10 Lessons on art n.d. 2674-11 Marshall. Anatomy for artists 1878. 2674- 9 Pyne. Etchings of rustic figures ..... n.d. 2674- 3 Illu m inating. Baigent. Heraldic illumination 1864. 2682-12 Humphrey. Illuminated books of the middle ages, illus- trated by Owen Jones . . . 1849. B.R. Shaw. Alphabets, numerals^and devices of the middle ages, 1845. 5141-4 Art of illumination during the middle ages . 1866. 2682-14 Tymms. Art of illuminating . . ... n.d. 2682-13 100 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Engraving and Etching. Chattock. Practical notes on etching .... 1883. 2675- 3 Hamerton. The graphic arts, quarto .... 1882. B.R. Jackson. Treatise on wood engraving .... 1861. 2675- 1 Linton. History of wood engraving in America. (American art review) 1880. B.R. Maberly. The print collector ...... 1885. 2672-22 Woodberry. History of wood-engraving 1883. 2675- 2 Decorative Art. Audsley. Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval styles, folio 1882. 5141- 2 Ballantine. Essays on ornamental art and book of designs 1847. 5141- 5 Bemrose. Manual of wood carving .... n.d. 2664-11 Decorator and Furnisher, vols. 1-10 . 1883-8. 5435- 9 Decoration. Painting, architecture and art manufacture, vols. 1-16 1881-8. 5353-30 Dresser. Decorative designs, quarto .... n.d. 5141- 9 Falke. Art in the house ...... 1879. 2682- 3 Gewerbehalle. Folio ....... 1885. 5425- 4 Goldicutt. Specimens of ancient decorations from Pompeii 1825. 5141-11 Haweis. Art of decoration ..... 1881. 2664-13 Hay. Laws of harmonious colouring . . . 1847. 2664-15 Original geometrical diaper designs, folio . 1844. 5141- 6 Hope. Sorrento and inlaid work ..... 1876. 2664-10 How to build, furnish and decorate, quarto n.d. 5134- 5 , Jones. Grammaire de I'ornement, folio .... 1865. H.C. 5485 Knight. Unique fancy ornements, quarto n.d 5141- 3 Leconte. Album de 1'ornemaniste, folio .... 1839. 5135-10 Melanges d'ornemens divers, 2 vols., folio 1838. 5135-12 Nouveau recuel de decorations interieures n.d. 5135- 9 Ornemens gothiques, folio .... 1839. 5135-11 Leighton. Suggestions in design, quarto 1880. 5141- 7 Leslie. Polychromatic decoration, ob. quarto 1884. 5141-10 Shaw. Alphabets, numerals and devices of the middle ages 1845. 5141- 4 Decorative arts of the middle ages 1851. 2664- 1 Ross and Thompson Universal decorator, 2 vols. quarto 1 859-60. 5141- 8 Saward. Decorative painting ..... 1883. 2664-12 Smith. Ornamental interiors ...... 1887. 2682- 5 Van der Burg. School of painting for the imitation of woods and marbles, folio 1878. 5141- 1 Wornum. Analysis of ornament ..... 1882. 2666- 3 ARCHITECTURE. 101 Furniture. Braund. Illustrations of furniture, folio .... 1858. 5135- 4 Cabinet-maker's pattern book, quarto .... 1882. 5133-10 n d. 5132- 3 Furniture Gazette vols 21-26 . . . . . 1884-8. P.R. How to build, furnish and decorate, quarto . ' . , , n.d. 5134- 5 Jacquemart. History of furniture 1878. 2682- 1 1880. 5132- 7 Old furniture, designs selected from the best examples, quarto 1883. 5132- 5 Pugin. Gothic furniture n.d. 2682- 4 Sanders. Carved oak woodwork of 16th and 17th centuries, 1883. 5135- 1 Small. Ancient and modern furniture, quarto n.d. 5132- 4 Smith. (G. ) Cabinet-maker and upholsterer's guide, quarto 1826. 5133- 6 (J.M.) Ornamental interiors, ancient and modern 1887. 2682- 5 Spofford. Art decoration of furniture .... n.d. 2682- 2 Yapp. Furniture, upholstery and house-decoration, folio n.d. 5132- 1 A rchitecture. Architecture. Terms used in, see Mollett, page 97 1883. 2672- 5 In Japan, see Dresser, page 96 1882. 2672- 3 In England, see Conway, page 96 1882. 2672- 1 Audsley. Dictionary of architecture, A. -But., vols. 1-3. n.d. 2632- 1 Barry. Lectures on architecture 1881. 2632- 8 Brandon. Analysis of gothick architecture, 2 vols., quarto 1847. 5134- 3 1848. 2633-15 Canina. L'Architettura antica descritta e dimostrata coi monument!, 9 vols. . 1837-53. 2631- 1 Plans and illustrations to do, 3 vols., folio 1842-4. 5135-17 Vol. 1. Architettura Egiziana. 2. do Greca. 3. do Romana. Cleaveland and Backus. Village and farm cottages 1869. H.C. 4877 Clochar. Palais, maisons et vues d'ltalie, folio 1809. 5135- 2 Gorringe. Egyptian obelisks . . . . 1885. 5134- 4 Daly. L' Architecture privee, XIX siecle, 3 vols., folio 1870. 5135-16 Vol. 1. Hotels prives. 2. Maisons a loyer. 3. Villas suburbaines. Fawkes. Horticultural buildings .... 1883. 2634- 8 Fort. Constructive art in Italy. (Early history of free- masonry) ........ 1877. 2542-12 Fergusson and Burgess. Cave temples of India . 1880. 2632-12 Fergusson. History of architecture in all countries, 2 vols. 1874. 2632- 6 Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis 1851. 2634- 1 Temples of the Jews, quarto 1878. 5134- 8 Freeman. History of architecture 1849. 2632- 7 102 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ARCHIT ECTURE Con tinned. Fryer. Architectural ironwork 1876. 2633- 7 Gauthier. Edifices de la ville de Genes et de ses environs . 1830. 5135-18 Glynne. Churches of Kent 1877. 2633-17 Gotch. Buildings of Sir Thomas Tresham, folio . . 1883. 5135-3 Graham. Architecture, (British literature and art) . 1871. 1764- 7 Gwilt. Encyclopaedia of architecture .... 1881. 2632- 5 Hart. Designs for parish churches .... 1857. 2633-14 Hay. Harmony of form, quarto 1842. 5142-13 Holly. Modern dwellings n.d. 2634- 7 How to build, furnish and decorate, quarto . . . n.d. 5134-5 Hughes. Garden architecture 1866. 2655- 8 Imbard. Tombeaux de Louis XII et de Francois I., folio 1823. 5134-14 Johns Hopkin's university. Hospital plans . . . 1875. 2735-19 Jones. Plans, sections and details of the Alhambra, 2 vols. 1845. B.R. Keane. Towers and temples of ancient Ireland . . 1867. 2634- 6 Kenrick. Architecture in Egypt. (Ancient Egypt), 2 vols. 1850. 1417- 2 Kittredge. Architectural sheet-metal work . . 1877. 2633- 8 Knapp. Monument! clella religione Christiana de Roma, folio . 1822. B.R. Knight. Ecclesiastical architecture of Italy, 2 vols., folio 1842. B.R. Leconte. Nouveaux modeles de serrurerie, folio . . 1838. 5135- 7 Ornemens gothiques de toutes les epoques, folio 1839. 5135-11 Le Preux. Album d'architecte . . . . . 1874. 2632-4 London. Cottage farm and villa architecture . . . 1869. 2633- 1 Montigny and Famin. Architecture Toscaue, folio . 1846. 5135-15 Morse. Japanese homes and their surroundings . . 1886. 2634-11 Narjoux. Notes and sketches of an architect . . 1876. 2634- 4 Nesfield. Specimens of mediaeval architecture, folio . 1862. 5135- 6 Newton. Sketches for country residences, quarto . n.d. 5134- 7 Ogden. Studies in mercantile architecture, folio . . 1876. 5134- 6 Ongania. (Eel) Les Basilica di San Marco in Venezia 1888. B.R. Exterior and interior, 2 portfolios, folio. Details of altars, monuments, etc., 8 portfolios, quarto. Mosaics, 1 portfolio, quarto. Details of pavements, 1 portfolio, quarto Treasures of St. Mark, text. do plates, 1 portfolio, quarto. Historical documents, quarto. Glance at the historical documents hy William Scott. Paley. Gothic moldings ' 1877. 2634- 3 Parker. Introduction to the study of gothic architecture n.d. 2634- 9 Phillimore. Discourse on architecture , 1881. 2224- 8 Rawlinson. Earliest Egyptian architecture. (Ancient Egypt), 2 vols. . . . . . 1882. 1417- 1 Richardson. Picturesque designs for mansions, villas, cottages . . . . . . 1870. 2634-10 Rickman. Styles of architecture in England . . 1881. 2634- 2 Robson. (E.R.) School architecture .... 1877. 2633- 6 (R.) Masons, bricklayers' and plasterers' guide, quarto n.d. 5133- 4 COSTUMES. 1 ARCHITECTURE Continued. Ruskin. Seven lamps of architecture .... 1880. 2665-11 Stones of Venice, 3 vols. .... 1880. 2665-12 Scott. Rise and development of mediaeval art, 2 vols. . 1879. 2632-10 Sloan. City and' suburban architecture, folio . . 1867. 5134- 2 Model architect, 2 vols., quarto .... 1873. 5134- 1 Statz and Ungewitter. Gothic architecture in the middle ages, folio . . . n.d. 5135-19 Stevenson. House architecture, 2 vols. .' . . * 1880. 2634- 5 Stokes. Early Christian architecture in Ireland . . 1878. 2632- 3 Stuart. Dictionary of architecture, 3 vols. . . . n.d. 2632-11 Trendall. Examples for roofs, etc 1851. H.C, 5257 Viollet-le-Duc. Discourses on architecture, 2 vols. . 1875-81. 2632- 2 Military architecture .... 1879. 2642- 6 Vogdes. Pocket companion and price book . . . 1883. 2633- 9 Wickes. Spires of the mediaeval churches of England, folio 1854. B.R. Towers of the mediaeval churches of England, folio 1854. B.R. Willis and Clark. Architectural history of Cambridge, 4 vols 1886. 2634-12 Woolfe and Gandon. Vitruvius Britaiinicus, or the British architect, 5 vols., folio . . 1771. B.R. See also American architect, vols. 15-24 . . . 1884-8. P.R. See also Architect, vols 3 1-40 1884-8. P.R. Sculpture. M ernes. Memoirs of Canova and view of modern sculpture 1825. H.C. 4058 Murray. History of Greek Sculpture .... 1880. 2676- 2 Perkins. Handbook of Italian sculpture . . . 1883. 2676- 3 Perry. Greek and Roman sculpture .... 1882. 2676- 1 Viardot. Wonders of sculpture 1872. 2676- 4 Costumes. Chevignard et Duplessis. Costumes historiques, XVI, XVII, XVIII siecles, 2 vols. , quarto . 1867. B.R. Dress and manners of the Russians . . . . n.d. 2664-24 Godwin. Dress and its relation to health and climate. (Health exhibition literature) . . . 1884. 2713-12 Grant. Tartans of the clans of Scotland, quarto . . 1886. B.R. Holt. Fancy dresses described . . . . . .n.d. 2664-22 Gentlemen's fancy dress and how to choose it . n.d. 266421 Kretschmer and Rohrbach. Costumes of all nations, quarto 1882. B.R. Lacroix. Eighteenth century customs and costumes , . n.d. 2664- 3 Manners, customs and dress of the middle ages n.d. 2664- 7 Mclan and Logan. Costume of the Clans, 2 vols. . 1845. 'B.R. Mercuri. Costumes historiques des XII, XIII, XIV, XV siecles, 3 vols., quarto . . . . 1861. B.R. 104 REFERENCE LIBRARY. COSTUMES Continued. Military costume in Spain and Portugal, folio . . 1811. H.C. 5459 Planche. Cyclopaedia of costume or dictionary of dress, 2vols 1876. B.R. Shaw. Dresses and decorations of the middle ages, 2 vols. 1858. 2664- 2 Smith. Ancient Greek female costume . . . 1882. 2664-23 Needlework. Caulfeild and Saward. Dictionary of needlework, quarto 1882. 5132-10 Lambert. Church needlework 1844. 2664-17 Hand -book of needle work .... 1842. 2664-18 Owen and Wilton. Illuminated book of needlework . 1847. 2664-19 Warren and Pullan. Treasures in needlework . . n.d. 2664-20 Wilton. (Countess oj) History of needlework . . 1847. 2664-19 Pottery, Porcelain and Plate. Audsley and Bowes. Keramic art of Japan . . . 1881. H.C. 5250 Burty. Pottery and [porcelain. (Chefs-d'oeuvre of the in- dustrial arts n.d. H.C. 5264 Chaffers. Marks and monograms on pottery and porcelain 1876. 2675-16 Cripps. Old English plate 1878. 2675-12 Haslem. Old Derby china factory , 1876. 2675-14 Jacquemart. History of the ceramic art . . . , 1877. 2675-15 Lewis. China painting 1883. 2675-11 Meteyard. Art of pottery in England. (Life of Wedgwood) vol. 1 1865. 2226- 3 Prune. Pottery and porcelain of all times . . 1879. 2675-17 Wheatley. Art work in porcelain ..... 1883. 2675-10 Young. The ceramic art 1879. 2675-13 Music. Burney. General history of music, 4 vols., quarto . . 1776. 5162-2 Crowest. Book of musical anecdote, 2 vols. . . 1878. H.C. 155 Czerny. Letters to a young lady on the art of playing the pianoforte n.d. 2684-11 Dictionary of musicians, 2 vols 1827. H.C. 150 Grove. (Ed.) Dictionary of music and musicians, 4 vols. 1879-88. 2685- 1 Gurney. Music. (Power of sound) .... 1880. 2354- 1 Hawkins. History of the science and practice of music, 3 vols 1875. 2684-10 Hogarth. Memoirs of the musical drama, 2 vols. . . 1838. 2755- 2 Hullah. History of modern music . . . . 1881. 2684-13 Transition period of musical history . . . 1876. 2684-12 DICTIONARIES. 105 Music Continued. Kiesewetter. History of modern music of Western Europe 1848. H.C. 154 Ouseley. Treatise on harmony 1883. 2684- 1 Parkinson. Principles of harmony and modulation, quarto n.d. 5162- 1 Pole. Philosophy of music . . . . . . 1879. 2684-15 Schumann. Music and musicians, 1st series . . 1881. 2684-17 2nd series . . . 1880. 2684-18 Stainer and Barrett. (Eds.) Dictionary cf musical terms n.d. 2684-9 Taylor. Manual of masonic music . . . . 1856. 2543-15 Weber. Theory of musical composition, 2 vols. , .< . 1851. 2684-8 See also Musical World, vols. 62-66 . . 1884-8. 5434-18 Musical Instalments. Fleming. Practical violin school for home students . 1886. 2683-12 Hart. The violin and its music 1881. 2633-10 Hopkins and Rimbault. The organ, its history and con- struction .... 1877. 2683- 1 Hill. Organ-cases and organs of the middle ages and re- naissance, folio ...... 1883. B.R. Hipkins. Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique 1888. B.R. Musical Journal ' . 1887. 5432-25 Sandys and Forster. History of the violin . . 1864. 2683- 9 Language and Literature, DICTIONARIES. Ainsworth. English and Latin. (Edited by Thomas Morell) n.d. R. Alberti. Dictionnaire Fran9ois-Italieii, 2 vols. . . 1798 H.C. 4975 Armstrong. Gaelic and English dictionary . . 1825. R. Bailey. Universal etymological English dictionary . 1776. H.C. 4979 Barretti. Dictionary of the Italian and English languages, 2 volg. ....... n.d. R. Bartlett. Dictionary of Americanisms . . . .1877. R. Bosworth and Toller. Anglo-Saxon dictionary, 3 parts 1882-7. R- Boyer. Le dictionnaire royal, Francois-Anglois et Anglois- Fran 9 ois, 2 vols. .'.... 1816. H.C. 4991 Buchanan. Technological dictionary .... 1846. 2611- 3 Buxtorfu. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum . . 1824. H.C. 880 Cihac. Dictionnaire d'etymologie Daco-Romane . . 1879. R. 106 REFERENCE LIBRARY. DICTIONARIES Continued. Cleasby. Icelandic-English dictionary . . . 1874. R. Clifton et Grimaux. Dictionnaire, 2 vols. . . . 1881. R. Vol. 1. Anglais -Francjais. Vol. 2. Frangais Anglais. Cooper. Archaic dictionary 1876. 1717- 3 Crabb. English synonymes explained in alphabetical order 1883. R. Cuoq. Lexique de la langue Algonquine .... 1886. 1712-16 Lexique de la langue Iroquoise . . . 1882. 1712-15 Davies. Supplementary English glossary . . .1881. R. Delavou and Fustier. Dictionnaire de la langue Verte 1883. 1716-12 DeVere. Americanisms ; the English of the new world 1872. 1717-2 Diez. Etymological dictionary of the Romance languages 1864. 1717-7 Flugel. Dictionary of the German and English languages n.d. R. Vol. 1. English-German. Vol. 2. German-English. Fuerst. Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament 1871. 1717-1 GeelmuydenandBrynildsen. English-Norwegian dictionary 1886. 1716-10 Gibbs. Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon or trade language . of Oregon 1863. H.C. 1225 Halliwell. Dictionary of Archaic and provincial words, 2 vols 1855. 1717- 4 Heritage. (Ed.} Catholicon anglicum, an English-Latin wordbook 1882. 1717- 8 Hunter. Encyclopaedic dictionary, 14 vols. . . . 1879-88. R. Inglis. Dictionary of the Aneityumese language . . 1882. 1716- 5 Jamieson. Dictionary of the Scottish language . . 1867. H.C. 4980 Jervis. Dictionary of the language of Shakspeare ' . . 1868. 5215- 5 Johnson. Dictionary of the English language, 4 vols. . 1818. H.C. 4997 L 'Academic Francoise. Dictionnaire, 5th edition . 1799. H.C. 5489 Lacombe. (Pere Alb.) Dictionnaire de la langue des Cris 1874. 1717- 6 Lacombe. Dictionnaire du vieux langage Fra^ois, 2 vols. 1766. 1716-11 Lewis and Short. Latin dictionary .... 1880. R. Liddell and Scott. Greek-English lexicon . . 1883. R. Littre. Dictionnaire de la langue Fran9aise avec supple- ment, 5 vols. 1878-9. R. Longley. Reporter's shorthand dictionary . . . 1882. 1716- 1 Longmuir. Rhythmical index to the English language . 1877. 1783-12 Macleod and Dewar. Dictionary of the Gaelic language 1845. H.C. 4982 Matsell. Vocabulum ; or the rogue's lexicon . . n.d. 1716-2 Morell. Lexicon Greeco-prosodiacum. (Edited by Maltby) 1824. H.C. 4994 Murray. (Ed.) New English dictionary on historic prin- ciples, 3 parts 1884-7. R. Pt. 1. A-ant. Pt. 2. Ant-batten. Pt. 3. Batter-boz. Neuman and Baretti. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages, 2 vols. n.d. R. Newman. Libyan vocabulary ...... 1882. 1716- 3 Ogilvie. Imperial dictionary, English, technological and scientific, 3 vols 1850-5. R. Imperial dictionary of the English language. (Edited by C. Annandale), 4 vols. . . 1883. R. O'Reilly. Irish-English dictionary .... 1877. R. PHILOLOGY. 107 DICTIONARIES Continued. Palmer. Folk-etymology, a dictionary of verbal corruptions 1882. R. Roget. Thesaurus of English words and phrases . . 1883. R. Sanders. Worterbuch der Deutsche sprache, 3 vols. . 1876. R. Schiller. Technological dictionary, English, German, French, 3 vols. ' 1878. 2613- 3 Shea. (Ed.) Dictionnaire Fran9ois-0nontague . . 1859. H.C. 1226 Skeat. Etrnological dictionary of the English language 1882. R. Slang dictionary ; etymological, historical, anecdotal . n.d. 1716- 8 Smith. (C. J.) Synonyms and antonyms . . . 1881. 1716-9 Smith. (P.) Glossary of terms and phrases . . . 1883. R. Soule. Dictionary of English synonymes . . . ' 1881. R. Stormonth. Handy English word book .... n.d. R. Tolmie and Dawson. Comparative vocabularies of the Indian tribes of British Columbia . . 1884. 1717- 5 Vieyra. Dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages 2 vols 1840. R, Walker. Pronouncing dictionary of the English language 1846. R. The same, quarto 1810. H.C. 4992 Watkins. Dictionary of the Cree language . . . 1865. 1716- 7 Webster. Dictionary of the English language, 2 vols. 1832. R. Wedgwood. Dictionary of English etymology, vol. 1 1862. 5215- 6 Williams. Dictionary of the New Zealand language . 1852. 1716- 4 Worcester. Dictionary of the English language . . n.d. R. Wright. Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English, 2 vols! 1880. 1716- 6 PHILOLOGY. Adam. Grammaire comparee des dialectes Cree et Chippe- way 1876. 1712-12 Ayres. The orthoepist . . . . . . . 1884. 1714-14 The verbalist 1883. 1714-13 Barnes. Outline of English speech-craft . , . 1878. 1714- 3 Barrett. Principles of language or the self instructor . 1842. H.C. 616 Beames. Comparative grammar of the modern Aryan languages of India, 3 vols. . . . 1872-9. 1712- 4 Blackbird. Grammar of the languages of the Otttawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan . . 1887. 1556-18 Blackie, Pronunciation of Greek, accent and quantity 1852. 1712- 8 Bopp. Comparative grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German and Sclavonic languages, 3 vols. 1854. 1712- 3 Bosworth. Origin of the English, German and Scandina- vian languages 1848. H.C. 676 Bourke. College Irish grammar 1879. 1714-11 Braune. Gothic grammar 1883. 1715-11 Bruyas. Radical words of the Mohawk language . 1863. H.C. 1224 Clough. Prize essay on the existence of mixed languages 1876. 1712- 6 108 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PHILOLOGY Continued. Cummins. Grammar of the old Friesic language . . 1881. 1714-16 Cuoq. Etudes philologiques sur quelques langues sauvages de 1'Amerique 1866. 1712-14 Jugement errone de M. Ernest Renan, sur les langues sauvages . ' . . . . . . 1869. 1712-13 Cust. Modern languages of the East Indies . . 1878. 1825- 4 Dialect of Leeds < 1862. 1714- 7 Ebel. Celtic studies. (Edited by W. K. Sullivan) . 1863. 1712- 7 Farrar. Language and languages 1878. 1713- 2 Fleming. The prompter 1844. 1714-17 Foresti. Crestomazia Italiana 1853. 1714- 9 Fowler. The English language in its elements and forms 1883. 1715-4 Girard. Synonymes Fra^ois. Leurs differentes significa- tions, 2 vols 1799. H.C. 501 Goddes-Liancourt and Pincott. Laws of the formation and the development of languages . . 1874. 1712- 5 Grammar of the Huron language. (Lit. and hist. socy. of Quebec, vol. 2) 1829. 1864- 1 Haldeman. Analytic orthography, quarto . . . 1860. 5215- 8 Head. " Shall " and " will " 1856. 1714-22 Helfenstein. Comparative grammar of the Teutonic languages 1870. 1712- 2 Hirschfelder. Key to German conversation . . 1845. 1714-21 Hodgson. Errors in the use of English .... 1882. H.C. 627 Horden. Grammar of the Cree language . . . 1881. 1714-12 Howse. Grammar of the Cree language 1865. 1715-10 Joyce. Origin and history of Irish names of places, 2 vols. 1883. 1714-15 Kelly. Practical grammar of the antient Gaelic . . 1870. 1715-15 Lacombe. First reader in the English and Blackfoot languages 1886. 1714-19 Latham. Elements of comparative philology . . . 1862. 1712- 1 The English language ..... 1850. 1715-2 Levizac. Theoretical and practical grammar of the French tongue 1843. 1714-18 Littre. Histoire de la langue Fra^aise, 2 vols. . . 1882. 1714-10 Maetzner. An English grammar ; methodical, analytical, historical, 3 vols 1874. 1715- 1 March. Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language . . 1883. 1715- 6 Marsh. Origin and history of the English language . 1862. 1715- 3 Matthews. Philology of the Hidatsa Indians . . 1877. 1715- 9 Muller. Essays on the science of language. (Chips from a German workshop, vol. 4) .... 1880. 1765-1 Lectures on the science of language, 2 vols. . 1882. 1713- 3 Selected essays on language, 2 vols. . . . 1881. 1762-13 New-England primer 1885. 1714-20 Pegge. Anecdotes of the English language . . . 1844. 1715- 5 Ponceau. Le systeme grammatical des langues de quelques nations indiennes de I'Amerique du Nord 1836. 1712-11 Poor. Sanskrit and its kindred literatures . . 1881. 1713-4 ENGLISH. 109 PHILOLOGY. Continued. Renouf. Elementary grammar of the ancient Egyptian language 1875. 1715-12 Sayce. Introduction to the study of language, 2 vols. . 1880. 1713- 1 Smart and Crofton. Dialect of the English Gypsies . 1875. 1715- 8 Stewart. Elements of Gaelic grammar . . . 1812. 1715-13 Stratton. Affinity of the Latin language to the Gaelic . 1840, 1712- 9 Sweet. History of English sounds .... 1874. 1715- 7 Taylor. (I.) Alphabet ; (the) an account of the origin and development of letters, 2 vols. . . . 1883. 171210 Taylor. (W.) English synonyms, discriminated . 1813. 1715-16 Tooke. Diversions of Purley 2 vols. .... 1829. H.C. 674 The same 1873. 1715-14 Westmoreland and Cumberland dialects .... 1839. 1714- 1 LITERATURE. General. Dunlop. History of fiction . . . . . . . 1845. H.C. 703 American. Duyckinck. Cyclopaedia of American literature, 2 vols. . 1855-6. 1727-18 Nichol. Tables of European and American literature . 1884. 1426- 2 Tyler. History of American literature, 2 vols. . . 1879. 1727-17 Ancient. Kendrick. Language and literature of the Phoenicians . 1855. 1416- 6 Rawlinson. Language and literature of the Egyptians 1882. 1426-1 Sayce. Babylonian literature . . . . n.d. 1726- 1 English. Angus. Handbook of English literature . . . .n.d. 1723- 1 Brooke. English literature 1876. 1723- 3 Chambers. Encyclopaedia of English literature, 2 vols. 1883. 1722-12 Craik. History of English literature and language, 2 vols. 1871. 1722-8 Dennis. Studies in English literature .... 1876. 1723- 2 D'Israeli. Curiosities of literature, 1st series, 3 vols. . 1824. H.C. 678 The same, 2nd series, 3 vols. . . . 1824. H.C. 681 The same complete, 3 vols. . . . . n.d. 1744-2 110 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ENGLISH Continued. Graham. Historical view of literature. (British literature and art) 1871. 1764- 7 Guest. History of English rhythms .... 1882. 1722-11 Hood. (Tom.) The rhymester or rules of rhyme. (Edited by Penn) 1882. 1782- 1 Mills. Literature and literary men of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 vols 1870. 1722- 7 Morley. Library of English literature, 5 vols. English plays n.d. 1722- 3 English poems . . . . . .n.d. 1722- 5 English prose n.d. 1722- 4 Illustrations of English religion . . .n.d. 1722- 6 Longer works in verse and prose . . . n.d. 1722- 2 Morris and Skeat. Specimens of early English, pt. I and II 1879-82. 1723- 5 Skeat. Specimen of English literature .... 1880. 1723- 6 Taine. History of English literature, 2 vols. . . n.d. 1722-9 Ten Brink. Early English literature . . . . 1883. 1723- 4 Welsh. Development of English literature and language, 2 vols! 1882. 1722-10 Fine Arts. Eastlake. Literature of the fine arts, 2 vols. . . 1848-70. 2665- 7 Flemish. Delepierre. Flemish literature 1860. 1725- 5 French. Ampere Histoire litteraire de la France avant Charlemagne, 2 vols. ........ Histoire litteraire de la France sous Charlemagne Foster. Handbook of French literature Masson. Poets and prose writers of France Nisard. Histoire de la litterature Fran9aise, 4 vols. Saintsbury. Short history of French literature Specimens of French literature Van Laun. History of French literature, 3 vols. German. Gostwick. German literature ...... Gostwick and Harrison. Outlines of German literature Koenig-Deutsche. Litteraturgeschichte Metcalfe. History of German literature .... Muller. German literature. (Chips from a German work- shop), vol. 3 1867. 1868. n.d. 1868. 1883. 1882. 1883. 1876-7. 1849. 1873. 1883. 1858. 1880. 1724- 3 1724- 2 1724- 7 1724- 8 1724- 6 1724- 5 1724- 4 1724- 1 1725- 3 1725- 2 1725- 1 1725- 4 1765- 1 POLITICAL. Ill Greek. Aristotle. Grote . . . . . ' . . . 1880. 1767- 2 Blackie. Boras Hellenicse. Essays and discussions on Greek philology and antiquity . . 1874. 1767- 8 Gladstone. Homeric synchronism . . . . .1776. 1766- 4 Jebb. Attic orators from Antiphon to Isaeos, 2 vols. . 1876. 1767- 4 Contends. Vol. 1. Annals Introduction Antiphon, life Antiphon, style Antiphon, works Andokides, life Andokides, style Andoki- des, works Lysias, life - Lysias, style Lysias, works. Vol. 2. Isokrates, life Isokrates, his theory of culture Isokrates, style Isokrates, works Isceos, \\te-Isceos, style Isceos, works The matured civil eloquence Retrospect The decline and the revival. (Ed. ) Selections from the Attic orators Antiphon Andokides Lysias -Isokrates Isceos . . 1880. 1767- 5 Plato and the other companions of Sokrates. Grote, 3 vols. 1875. 1767- 1 Icelandic. Vigfusson and Powell. Icelandic prose reader . . 1879. 1726-17 Italian. Handbook of Italian literature . . . . . n.d. 1725-16 Symonds. Renaissance in Italy, parts 1-2. Italian literature 1881. 1473- 4 Mediaeval. Botfleld. (Ed.) Prefaces to the first editions of the Greek and Roman classics, and of the sacred scrip- tures, quarto 1861. 5164- 4 Lacroix. Science and literature in the middle ages. . 1878. 2664- 5 Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Gosse. Studies in northern literature 1879. 1726-16 Political. Blakey. History of political literature, 2 vols. . . 1855. 1722-1 112 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Scottish. Chap books and penny histories 1857. H.C. 4407 Irving. History of Scottish poetry 1861. 1723-16 Murray. Ballads and songs of Scotland .... 1874. H.C. 626 Veitch. History and poetry of the Scottish border 1878. 172317 Spanish. Bouterwiek. History of Spanish literature 1847. 1727- 3 Foster. Spanish literature 1851. 1727- 2 Ticknor. History of Spanish literature, 3 vols. 1882-3. 1727- 1 \ Shakespeare. 1883. 1736- 9 Bartlett. Shakespeare phrase book .... 1881. 1783- 5 Clarke. Complete concordance to Shakespeare 1881. 1737- 1 Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines 1879. 1737- 6 Dictionary of Shakespeare quotations . . . 1859. 1783- 4 Dowden. Shakspere, a critical study of his mind and art 1882. 1736- 2 Dyce. Glossary to the works of Shakespeare 1880. 1784- 8 Fleay. Life and work of Shakespeare .... 1886. 2266-13 Shakespeare manual ..... 1878. 1736- 8 Gervinus. Shakespeare commentaries .... 1883. 1737- 4 Green. Shakespeare and the emblem writers 1870. 1737- 2 Hunter. Illustrations of the life, studies, and writings of Shakespeare, 2 vols. ..... 1845. 1737- 8 1805. H.C. 630 Jacox. Shakespeare diversions, 2 vols. 1875-7. 1737- 7 Jeremiah. Aid to Shakespearean study 1880. 1736- 6 Notes on Shakespeare and memorials of the Urban club ...... 1876. 1736-11 Jervis. Dictionary ot the language of Shakespeare 1868. 5215- 5 Latham. Two dissertations on the Hamlet of Saxo-Gramma- tions and of Shakespear .... 1872. 1736-10 Nares. Glossary illustrating the works of English authors, particularly Shakespeare, 2 vols. 1882. 1737- 5 Price. Wisdom and genius of Shakspeare 1853. H.C. 614 Riddle. Illustrations of Aristotle from the works of Shak- speare ....... 1832. H.C. 310 SHAKESPEARE. 113 SHAKESPEARE Continued. Shakespeare. Dramatic works. (Edited by Ayscough), 2 vois. . . ... . 1790. 2767- 1 Works. (Edited by Henry Irving and F. A. Marshall), 8 vols. . . . 1888. 2767- 2 Plays. (Edited by Johnson, Steevens and Seed), 21 vols 1803. H.C. 351 Wisdom and genius of ... 1853. H.C. 614 Library. (Edited by W. C. Hazlitt). A collection of the plays, romances, novels, poems and histories employed by Shakespeare, 6 vols. . . . . 1875. H.C. 605 The same .... 2783- 3 Life. (Victor Hugo) .... 1864. 2266- 2 Outlines of the life. (J. O. Halliwell- Phillipps) . . . . . 1882. 2266- 1 Player and poet. (S. W. Fullom) . . 1862. 2266- 4 Poems. Chalmers English poets, vol. 5 1810. H.C. 4483 Poems. (Edited by R. Bell) . . 1855. 2782-12 Works. (Edited by C. Knight), 2 vols. . 1875. H.C. 349 Works. Text revised by Rev. Alexander Dyce, 9 vols. .... 1868. 2766- 2 Contents. Vol. 1. Preface Life of Shakespeare- Tempest- Two gentlemen of Verona Merry wives of Windsor Mea- sure for measure. Vol. 2. Comedy of errors Much ado about nothing Love's labour's lost Midsummer-night's dream Merchant of Venice. Vol. 3. As you like it Taming of the shrew All's well that ends well Twelfth night Winter's tale. Vol. 4. King John King Richard II. King Henry IV, part 1 King Henry IV, part 2 King Henry V. Vol.5. King Henry VI, part 1 King Henry VI, part 2 King Henry VI, part 3 King Kichard III. King Henry Vol. 6. Troilus and Cressida Corio'anus Titus Androni- cus Romeo and Juliet Timon of Athens Julius Caesar. Vol. 7. Macbeth Hamlet King Lear Othello Antony and Cleopatra Cymbeline. Vol.8. Pericles Tvfro noble kinsmen Venus and Adonis Lucrece Sonnets -A lover's complaint The passionate pilsfrim The Phoenix and Turtle Addenda and Corrigenda. Vol. 9. Glossary. Dramatic works. Text of the first edition, 8 vols. ... . . . 1883. 2766- 1 Contents. Vol. 1. The tempest The two gentlemen of Verona The merry wives of Windsor Measure for measure The comedie of errors Much adoe about nothing. Vol. 2. Loves labour's lost Amidsommer nights dreame The merchant of Venice As you like it -The taming of the shrew. Vol 3. All's well that ends well Twelfe night or what you will The winter's tale The life and death of King John- Life and death of King Richard the Second. Vol. 4. The first part of Henry the Fourth The second part of Henry the Fourth Life of Henry the Fift The first part of Henry the Sixt. Vol. 5. The second part of Henry the Sixt The third part of Henry the Sixt The tragedy of 'Richard the Third The life of Kin? Henry the Eight. Vol. 6. The tragedy of Troylus and Cressida The tragedy of Coriolanus The lamentable tragedy of Titus Andronicus The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Vol. 7. The life of Tymon of Athens The tragedie of Julius Caesar The tragedie of Macbeth The tragedie of Hamlet. Vol. 8. The tragedie of King Lear The tragedie of Othello The tragedie of Anthonie and Cleopatra The tragedie of Cymbeline. 114 REFERENCE LIBRARY. SHAKESPEARE Continued. Shakespeare. Historical plays. (Edited by Bishop Words- worth), 3 vols. . 1883. 1736- 5- Contents. Vol. 1. Coriolanus Julius Caesar Antony and Cleo- patra King John. Vol. 2. King Richard II. King Henry IV, parts 1 and 2 King Henry V. King Henry VI, part 1 Abridged). Vol. 3. King Henry VI., parts 2 and 3 King Richard III. King Henry VIII. Variorum edition. (Edited by H. H. Furness) v.d. Till- I Contents. Vol. 1. Romeo and Juliet. Vol. 2. Macbeth. Vols. 3-4. Hamlet. Vol. 5. King Lear. Vol. 6. Othello. Vol. 7. Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare. Quarto fac- similes 1886-7. 1. Hamlet, 1603. Forewords by F. J. Furnivall . H.C. 230 2. Hamlet, 1604. Forewords by F. J. Furnivall . H.C. 231 3. Midsummer night's dream, 1600. (Fisher). Intro- duction by Rev. J. W. Ebsworth . . . H.C. 232 4. Midsummer night's dream, 1600. (Roberts). Intro- duction by Rev. J. W. Ebsworth . . . H.C. 233 5. Loves labors lost, 1598. Forewords by F. J. Furni- vall . H.C. 234 6. Merry wives of Windsor, 1602. Introduction by P. A. Daniel H.C. 235 7. Merchant of Venice, 1600. (Roberts). Forewords by F. J. Furnivall H.C. 236- 8. Henry IV., 1st part, 1598. Forewords by H. A. Evans H.C. 237 9. Henry IV., 2nd part, 1600. Forewords by H. A. Evans H.C. 23& 10. Passionate pilgrim, 1599. Introduction by Prof. Dowden . . . H.C. 239- 11. Richard III., 1597. Introduction by P. A. Daniel H.C. 24O 12. Venus and Adonis, 1593. Introduction by A. Symons H.C. 241 13. Troilus and Cressida, 1609. Forewords by Rev. H.P. Stokes H.C. 242 14. Much adoe about nothing, 1600. Introduction by P. A, Daniel H.C. 243 15. The taming of a shrew, 1594. Forewords by F. J. Furnivall H.C. 244 16. Merchant of Venice, 1600. Forewords by F. J. Furnivall H.C. 245 20. Richard the Second, 1634. Introduction by P. A. Daniel H.C. 249 21. Pericles, 1609. Introduction by P. Z. Round . H.C. 250 22. Pericles, 1609. (Second quarto). Introduction by P. Z. Round H.C. 251 23. The whole 3ontention, 1619, part 1. Forewords by F. J. Furnivall H.C. 252 24. The whole contention, 1619, part 2. Forewords by by F. J. Furnivall . H.C. 253 25. Romeo and Juliet, 1597. Introduction by H. A. Evans ....... H.C. 254 EPICS AND ROMANCES OF THE MIDDLE AOES. 115 SHAKESPEARE Continued. 26. Romeo and Juliet, 1599. Introduction by H. A. Evans . . . . . . . H.C. 255 27. King Henry V., 1600. Introduction by A. Symons H.C. 256 28. King Henry V., third quarto, 1608. Introduction by A. Symons H.C. 257 29. Titus Andronicus, 1600. Introduction by A. Symons H.C. 258 30. Sonnets, 1609. Introduction by J. Tyler * ' . H.C. 259 31. Othello, 1622. Introduction by H. A. Evans ., H.C. 260 32. Othello, 1630. Introduction by H. A. Evans H.C. 261 33. King Lear, 1608. Introduction by P. A Daniel . H.C. 262 34. King Lear, 1608, second quarto. Introduction by P. A. Daniel H.C. 263 35. Lucrece, 1594. Forewords by F. J. Furnivall H:C. 264 36. Romeo and Juliet. Introduction by H. A. Evans H.C. 265 Shakespeare Society, see Learned Societies. Simpson. School of Shakspere, 2 vols 1878 1736- 3 Swinburne. Study of Shakespeare .... 1880. 1736- 4 Thornbury. Shakspere's England, 2 vols. White Shakespeare's scholar ..... 1856. 1854. 1865. 1736- 1 1737- 3 1736- 7 Wiseman. (Cardinal) William Shakespeare . . . Troubadours. 1779 1824 1 Dobson. History of the Troubadours .... Rutherford. The Troubadours, their loves and their lyrics 1873. 1824- 2 Epics and Romances of the Middle Ages. 1733- 3 Bartsch. Chrestomathie de 1'ancien Francaise 1880. Geoffrey of Monmouth. British history 1842. H.C. 667 Guest. (Lady Charlotte) The Mabinogion . 1877. 1733- 2 Haigh. The Anglo-Saxon sagas ..... 1861. 1432-13 Head. (Sir Edmund) Story of Viga Glum . 1866. 1733-10 Langland. Piers the Ploughman in three parallel texts together with Richard the Redeless (Edited by Walter W. Skeat). Vol. 1, text, vol. 2, preface, notes and glossary 1886. 1733-12 Malory. (Sir Thomas) History of King Arthur, 3 vols 1866. 1733- 9 Nash. Taliesin or the Bards and Druids of Britain 1858. 1733- 5 O'Flaherty. The ogygia vindicated ..... 1775. 1733- 8 Orosius. Anglo-Saxon version of the compendious history of the world ...... 1859. 1733- 1 Contents. Facsimile specimens of the Lauderdale and Cotton MSS A preface describing these MSS., etc. The Anglo-Saxon text Notes and various readings A map of Europe, Asia and Africa, according to Orosius and Alfred. 116 REFERENCE LIBRARY. EPICS AND ROMANCES OF THE MIDDLE AGES Continued. Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne . . . . . 1881. 1733-11 Romance of Merlin. (Early Eng. text socy) . . . 1869. 1733- 4 Skene. Four ancient books of Wales, 2 vols. . . 1868. 1733-13 The dean of Lismore's book . . . . 1862. 1733- 6 Tegner. Frithiof s saga, a legend of the north . . 1839. H.C. 666 Vance. History of Little Jehan de Saintre . . . 1862. 1733- 7 Greek and Latin Classics, Texts and Translations. ^Eschylus. Agamemnon. Translated by Milman . 1865. 1766- 6 Dictys Cretensis. De bello Troiano .... 1618. H.C. 504 Euripides. Bacchanals. Translated by Milman . . 1865. 1766- 6 Herodotus. Books I. -III. (Edited by A. H. Sayce) . 1883. 1767- 3 Horatius Flaccus. Ex recensione Heinsii . . . 1743. H.C. 319 Ovid. The Heroides and Amours Translated by Riley . 1883. 1766- 1 Paterculus. Historise Romanae . . . . . . 1594. 1752- 3 Plato. Dialogues. Translated by Jowett, 5 vols. . . 1875. 1767- 6 Republic. do ... 1881. 1767- 7 Propertius, Petronius and Johannes Secundus. Translated by various writers 1883. 1766- 2 Tacitus. Opera. (Edited by A. .J. Valpy), 3 vols. . n.d. 1752-2 Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian war. (Edited by Bloomjidd), 3 vols 1830. 1752- 1 Translations from French and German. Goethe. Autobiography, truth and fiction relating to my life, 2 vols. Translated by Oxenford . 1882. 1757- 1 Dramatic works, including Iphigenia in Tauris, Torquato Tasso. Goetz von Berlichingeii and the Fellow-Culprits. Translated by Sir Walter Scott, E. A. Bo wring and Anna Swanwick 1882. 1757- 6 Faust, a tragedy. Prose translation by A. Hay- ward ; also Clavigo, Egmont and the Way- ward lover 1882. 1757- 4 Faust, a tragedy, part I. (Edited by F. H. Hedge,.) Metrical version by Anna Swan- wick, part II 1882. 1757- 5 Letters from Switzerland and travels in Italy. Translated by Morrison . . . 1882. 1757- 3 Poems. Translated by E. A. Bowring, W. E. Aytoun, Theodore Martin, G. H. Lewes, Edward Chawner, Leopold Noa, Thomas Carlyle, J. S. Dwight, A. J. W. Morrison, H. W. Longfellow, Chas. J. Sprague, Henry Dale . 1882. 1757- 7 Sorrows of Werther, Elective affinities and a nouvelette 1882. 1757- 8 Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels. Translated by Carlyle, 2 vols. . . . 1882. 1757- 2 Joubert. Pensees. Trans, by Attwell . . . 1877. 1732- 4 REPRINTS. 117 TRANSLATIONS FROM FRENCH AND GERMAN Continued. Montaigne. Essays. Translated by Charles Cotton. (Edited by W. C. flazlitt), 3 vols. . 1877. 1746- 3 Works comprising his essays, journey into Italy and letters, with notes. (Edited by 0. IV. Wight], 4 vols 1861. H.C. 643 Pascal. Provincial letters. (Edited by John De Soyres] 1880. 1732- 1 Thoughts, letters and opuscules. (Edited by Wight), 2 vols " 1861. H^C 637 Rabelais. Works. Illustrated by Gustave Dore . . n.d. 1732- 2 Works. Translated by Urquhart and Motteux, 2 vols 1863. H.C. 488 Rousseau. Confessions 1876. 1732- 3 Schiller. ^Esthetical and philosophical essays, introducing the dissertation on the connection between the animal and spiritual man . . 1884. 1757-15 Early dramas 1884. 1757-12 Content*. Love and intrigue Wallenstein's camp The Piccolomini Death of Wallenstein. Historical dramas, 2 vols. ... . 1884. 1757-13 Contents. Part I. Wilhelm Tell Don Carlos Demetrius. Part II. Mary Stuart Maid of Orleans Use of the chorus in tragedy The bride of Messina. History of the revolt of the Netherlands . . . 1884. 1757-10 History of the thirty years' war in Germany 1884. 1757- 9 Poems . . ..... . 1884. 1757-14 Romances and early dramas . . . . 1884. 1757-11 Contents The ^host-seer, or apparitionist The sport of destiny The robbers Fiesco, or the Genoese conspiracy. Voltaire. Zadig, or the book of fate. (Cooke's edition) n.d. 1732- 5 REPRINTS. Arbers English Reprints. Addison. Criticism on Milton's paradise lost . . 1869. 1734- 3 Ascham. The scholemaster . . . . . . 1870. 1734-10 Toxophilus 1869. 1734- 3 Bacon. Harmony of the essays of ..... 1871. 1734-13 Earle. Micro-cosmographie ...... 1868. 1734- 5 Evesham. (Monk of) The revelation of . . . . 1869. 1734- 8 Gascoigne. The steele glas. The complaint of Philomene 1868. 1734-5 Googe. Eglogs, epytaphes and sonettes . . . 1871. 1734-14 Gosson. Schoole of abuse . . . . . ". 1869. 1734- 1 Habington. Castara 1870. 1734-10 Howell. Instructions of forreine travell .... 1869. 1734- 8 King James I. Essayesof a prentsein the divine art of poesie 1870. 1734- 8 A counter blaste to tobacco . . . 1870. 1734- 8 Latimer. Sermon on the ploughers . . . . . 1869. 1734- 1 Seven sermons before Edward VI. 1869. 1734- 6 118 REFERENCE LIBRARY. REPRINTS Continued. Lever. Sermons, 1550 1871. 1734-12 Lyly. Euphues 1868. 1734- 4 The anatomy of wit . . . . . . 1868. 1734- 4 Euphues and his England . . . . . 1868. 1734- 4 Milton. Areopagitica, 1644 1869. 1734- 1 More. Utopia 1869. 1734- 6 Naunton. Fragmenta regalia 1870. 1734- 9 Puttenham. Arte of English poesie . . . 1869. 1734-7 Raleigh, Last fight of the Revenge at sea ... 1871. 1734-14 Roy and Barlowe. Rede me and be nott wrothe . 1871. 1734-14 Selden. Table-talk . . . . 1869. 1734- 2 Sidney. An apologie for poetrie 1869. 1734- 2 Tottels. Miscellany, songs and sonettes .... 1870. 1734-11 Tyndale. First printed English New Testament, 1525 1871. 3082- 6 Udall. Roister Doister 1869. 1734-8 Villiers. (Duke of Buckingham) The rehearsal . . 1868. 1734- 5 Watson. Poems 1870. 1734- 9 Webbe. Discourse of English poetrie .... 1871. 1734-12 His trauailes, 1590 1869. 1734- 2 Arber. (Ed.) English Garner, 7 vols. . . . 1877-83. 1734-15 Contents. Vol. 1. The late expedition in Scotland, 1544 Sir Philip Sidney, Astrophel and Stella The great frost Secrets of angling Peeke, three to one Taylor, the carriers' cosmography Knox, nine- teen years' captivity in the kingdom of Conde Uda, Ceylon, 1660-79. Vol. 2. The manner of triumph at Calais and Boulogne Noble, triumphant coronation of Queen Anne, 1533 Dr. Dee, the petty navy royal Hitchcock, a political plat for the honour of the Prince Sir Philip Sidney, sonnets and poetical translations Sanders, unfortu- nate voyage of the Jesus to Tripoli, 1584 Byrd, \yrics, elegies, etc. Cavendish, voyage round the world, 1586 Hitchcock, English armj' rations Constable, Diana Meres, sketch of English literature, paint- ing and music, 1598 Jonson, hue and cry after cupid, 1608 The fight of the Dolphin, 1617 Prince, chronological history of New England, 1633 Wright, English professional actors, 1625-70. Vol. 3. Patten, expedition to Scotland, 1547 Caius, first English printed book on dogs Daniels, Delia Linschoten, voyage to Goa, 1583 Fitch, Narrative of his voyage, 1583 Newbery. letters while on the same voyage Campion, lyrics, elegies, etc. Wriqht, voyage of the Earl of Cumberland, 1589 Ellwood, relations with J. Milton. 1662 Dryden, dedicatory epistle, 1664 Hoivard, preface to four new plays, 1665 Dryden, on dramatic poesy, 1668 Hoivard, preface to the Duke of Lerma Dryden, defence of an essay of dramatic poesy, 1668 England's buss. Vol. 4. Occleve, letter of Cupid Tomson, voyage to the West Indies, 1556 Underhi I, examination and imprisonment,, 1553 Shepherd, John Bon and mast parson Fox, imprisonment of the Princess Eliza- beth Brice. compendious register in metre, 1559 Ferrers, accounts of the winning of Calais, 1558- -Passage of Queen Elizabeth through London, 1558 Alcilia. philoparthens loving folly Overbury, travels, 1609 Gentleman, England's way to win wealth, 1614 King James I., book of sports Wither, fair virtue Morgan, march of the 6000 Eng- lish in Flanders, 1657. Vol. 5. Bodenham, trip to Mexico, 1564 Hakluyt, Sir John Haw- kin's first voyage to the West Indies, 1562 Sir John Hawkin's second voyage, 1564 Sir John Hawkin's third voyage Nichols, Sir F. Drake revived Barnes, parthenophil and parthenophe Davies, orchestra Saville, King James at Theobalds Dugdale, the time triumphant. Vol. 6. William of Thorpe First printed Robin- Hood ballad Chilton, travels in Mexico, 1568 Ferris, voyage from London to Bristow, 1590 Percy, sonnets Wither, fidelia Doe. various eye-wit- ness accounts of the great dreamer Narratives respecting Alexander Selkirk, 1704 Petty, political arithmetic, 1677 Swift, Bickerataff's con- troversy with Partridge Arbuthnot, law is a bottomless pit. Vol. 7. Wilbye, lyrics, elegies, etc. Linche, DieU&Kemp, nine days' wonder Vere, commentaries Scoloker, daiphantus Pitman, ad ven- tures of, as a white slave in the West Indies Struggles of D. Defoe for the laws and liberties of England. TEUBNER'S ORIENTAL SERIES. 119 REPRINTS Continued. Arber s English Scholars Library. Barnfield. Poems, 1594 Caxton. ( Trans. ) History of Reynard the fox . Cooper. Admonition to the people of England Decker. Seven deadly sins of London, etc. . Fish. Supplication for the beggars . . . Greene. Menaphon ...... Joy. Apology to W. Tindale Knox. First blast of the trumpet Martin Marprelate controversy, introductory sketch The epistle Return from Parnassus, etc. Robinson. Handful of pleasant delights Smith. (Captain John) Works . Stanyhurst. ( Tram. ) First four books of the ^Eneis Udall. Demonstration of discipline State of the Church of England 1883. 1880. 1883. 1880. 1880. 1880. 1883. 1880. 1880. 1880. 1880. 1880. 1884. 1880. 1880. 1880. 1735-14 1735- 1 1735-15 1735- 7 1735- 4 1735-12 1735-13 1735- 2 1735- 8 1735-11 1735- 6 1735- 3 1735-16 1735-10 1735- 9 1735- 5 Eden. First three English books on America, quarto 1885. 5114-11 Hindley. Old book collector's miscellany, a reprint of literary rarities, 3 vols. .... 1871. H.C. 684 Trubners Oriental Series. Hunter. The Indian Empire, its history, people and products 1882. 1825- 1 Texts from the Buddist canon, commonly known as " Dham- mapda." Trans, by S. Beal 1878. 1825-2 Weber. History of Indian literature .... 1878. 1825-3 Cust. Sketch of the modern languages of the East Indies 1878. 1825- 4 Kalidasa. The birth of the war-god. Trans, by R. T. H. Griffith 1879. 1825- 5 Dowson. Classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history and literature 1879. 1825- 6 Lane. Selections from the Koran . . . . . 1879. 1825- 7 Williams. Modern India and the Indians . . . 1879. 1825-8 Muir. Metrical translations from Sanskrit writers 1879. 1825- 9 120 REFERENCE LIBRARY. TRUBNER'S ORIENTAL SERIES Continued. Sadi. The Gulistan or rose-garden. Trans, by E. B. East- wick ........ 1880. 1825-13 Hodgson. Miscellaneous essays relating to Indian subjects, 2 vols 1880. 1825-10 Life or legend of Gaudama. (Edited by Bishoj) JBigandet), 2 vols . 1880. 1825-11 Edkins. Chinese Buddhism 1880. 1825-12 Cust. Linguistic and oriental essays . 1880. 1825-14 Tiele. Comparative history of. the Egyptian and Mes- opotamian religions, 2 vols. . . . 1882. 1826- 5 Jami. Yusuf and Zulaikha. Trans, by R. T. H. Griffith 1882. 1826- 4 Abel. Linguistic essays ....... 1882. 1826-17 Madhava Acharya. The Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha or review of the different systems of Hindu philosophy. Trans. by E. B. Cowell 1882. 1826- 6 Tibetan tales derived from Indian sources. Trans, by F. A Von Schiefiier and W. R. 8. Ralston . . 1882. 1826- 7 Udanavarga, the northern buddhist version of Dhammapada. Trans, by W. VV. Rockhill 1883. 1826-11 Phayre. (General). History of Burma . . 1883. 1826-16 Edkins. Religion in China ...... 1878. 2522- 5 Life of the Buddha and the early history of his order. Trans, by W. W. Rockhill 1884. 1826-12 Sankhya aphorisms of Kapila. Trans, by J. R. Ballantyne 1885. 1826-14 Buddhist records of the western world. Trans, by S. Beal, 2 vols '--. 1884. 1826-13 Buddhist birth stories being the Jatakatthavannana. (Edited by V. Fausbott) 1880. 1825-15 Talmudic miscellany. Compiled and trans, by P. I. Hershon 1880. 1825-16- Chamberlain. The classical poetry of the Japanese 1880. 1825-17 BuQge. The hiatory of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria 1880. 1825-1& Mesnevi of Muhammed Er-Rumi. Trans, by J. W. Redhouse 1881. 1825-19 Long. Eastern proverbs and emblems .... 1881. 1825-20 Arnold. Indian poetry 1881. 1825-21 Mind of Mencius. Trans, by E. Faber and A. B. Hutchinson 1882. 1825-24 Barth. The religions of India ..... 1882. 1825-22 Davies. Hindu philosophy . . . . . 1881. 1825-2S Vedantasara, a manual of Hindu pantheism. Trans, by G. A. Jacob ........ 1881. 1825-25 Hahn. Tsuni-llgoam, the supreme being of the Khoi-Khoi 1881. 1826- 1 Wherry. Comprehensive commentary to the Quran, 4 vols. 1882-6. 1826-18 Bhagavad-Gita. Trans, by J. Davies .... 1882. 1826- 9 Quatrains of Omar Khayyam. Trans, by E. H. Whinfield 1882. 1826- 2 The same, Persian text 1883. 1826- a Gough. Philosophy of the Upanishads and ancient Indian metaphysics . ..... 1882. 1826-10 Ordinances of Manu. Trans, by A. C. Burnell 1884. 1826-15 Rost. Miscellaneous essays relating to Indo-China, 2 vols. 1886. 1826-19 COLLECTED WRITINGS. 121 COLLECTED WRITINGS. Alison. Essays, political, historical and miscellaneous, 3 vols. 1850. 1764-2 Contents. Vol. 1. The reform bill Military treason and national guards The French revolution of 1830 The British peerage Fall of the con- stitutionNegro emancipation Ireland Commercial crisis of 1837 Colonial government and the West India question^Lessons from the past Free trade and protection Thirty years of liberal legislation- Fall of the throne of the barricades Navigation laws Crowning of the column, and the crushing of the pedestal Crime and transportation Free trade at its zenith. Vol. 2. Montesquieu Homer, Dante and Michael Angelo The Greek drama The Roman republic Miraheau British school of painting The Tyrol Hannibal Napoleon Partition of the kingdom of the Netherlands The Athenian democracy Robert Bruce National monuments The Crusade:! Carlist struggle in Spain Copyright question Decline of Turkey Lamartine Roman campagna France in 1833 The Afghanistan exped tion The old Scottish parliament- Ships, colonies and commerce. Vol. 3. Chateaubriand Virgil, lasso and Raphael Guizot Romantic drama Wellington Humboldt British school of architecture Sis- mondi Poland Year of revolutions British history during the eighteenth century Madame De Stael K. De Tocqueville -Autobio- graphy Michelet's France Pall of Rome Karamsin's Russia The historical romance The British theatre Direct taxation Macaulay Free-trade reform and finance The royal progress. Asylum for fugitive pieces in prose and verse , . . 1785. 1762-17 Bacon. (Francis, Lord) Collected works. (Edited and translated by James Spedding, E. L. Ellis and D, D. Heath], 15 vols 1864. 1745- 4 Contents. Advancement of learning, or de augmentis scientarium (Lat.), vols. 1-3, (Eng.) vols .8-9. Advertisement touching a holy war (Eng.), vol. 13. Aphorismi et Consilli (Lat.), vol. 7. Apophthegms (Eng.), vol. 13 Arguments of law (Eng.), vol. 15. Camdius annales, additions and corrections, vol. 12. Calor et frigus (Eng.), vol. 7. Christian paradoxes (Eng ), vol. 14. Cogitata et visa (Lat.), vol. 7. Cogitationes de scientist bumana (Lat.), vol. 7. Colours of good and evil (Eng.), vol. 13. Confession of faith (Eng.), vol. 14. De augmentis scientiarum (Eng.), vols. 8-9, (Lat.), vols. 2-3. De interpretatione naturae prooemium( Lat.), vol. 6. De interpretatione natures sententioe XII. (Lat.), vol. 7. Description of the intellectual globe (Lat.), vol. 7, (Eng.) vol. 10. Discourse upon the commission of Bridewell, vol. 15. Ebb and flow of the sea (Lat.), vol. 5, (Eng.) vol. 10. Elizabeth, in filicem memoriam (Lat. and Eng.), vol. 11. Elogium in Henricum principem Wallice(iat. and Eng.), vol. 12. Essays ; or counsels, civil and moral (Eng.), vol. 12. Filum labyrinthi (Eng.), vol. 6. Fragment of Abecedarium naturoa, vol. 9. Historia soni et auditus ('Lat.), vol. 7. History of dense and rare (Lat.), vol. 4, (Eng.) vol. 10. History of Great Britain, beginning of (Kng.), vol. 11. History of life and death (Lat.), vol. 3 ; (Eng ) vol. 10, History of the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII (Eng.), vol. 11. History of the winds (Lat ), vol. 3 ; (E ig.) vol. 9. Imago civilis August! Caesaris (Lat. andEntr.), vol 12 Imago civilis Julii Csesaris (Lat. and Eng.). vol. 12. Index, philosophical works, vol. 10 ; literary works, vol. 15. Inquiry respecting the magnet (Lat.), vol. 4 ; (Eng.) vol. 10. Ihquisitio legitima de motu (Lat.), vol. 7. Instauratio magna(Lat.), vol. 1 ; (Eng.) vol. 8-10. Letter, touching helps for the intellectual powers (Eng.), vol. 13. Life, by Wm. Rawley, vol. 1. Literary works, vol. 11. Magnalia naturae (Lat.), vol. 5. Maxims of the law (Eng.), vol. 14. Meditationes sacrse (Lat. and Eng.), vol. 14. Natural history, vol. 4. Natural and experimental history (Lat.), vol. 2 ; (Eng.) vol. 9-10. New atlantis, vol. 5. 122 REFERENCE LIBRARY. COLLECTED WRITINGS Continued. Contents. Novum organum (Lat.), vol. 1 ; (Eng.) vol. 8. "i, vol. 15. lem et experimentalem (Lat.), vol. 2; Ordinances in chancery (Eng.), vol. 15. Parasceve ad historian! naturale (Eng.) vol. 8. Phenomena universi (Lat.), vol. 7. Philosophical works (Lat.), vol. 1-7 ; (Eng.) 8-10- Physiological and medical remains (Eng ), vol. 7. Prayers (Eng ), vol. 14. Preparative towards a natural and experimental hist >ry (Lat.), vol.2; (Eng) vol. 8. Preparation for the union of laws (Eng.), vol. 15. Principles and origins (Lat.), vol. 5 : (Eng.) vol. 10. Promusof formularies and elegancies (Eng ), vol. 14. Psalms translated, vol. 14. Religious writings, vol. 14. Scala intellects (Lat.), vol. 5. Short notes for civil conversation (Eng.), vol. 13. Statute of uses (Eng.), vol. 14. Sylva Sylvarum (Eng ), vol. 15. Temporis partus masculus (Lat.), vol. 7. Theory of the heavens (Lat ), vol. 3 ; (Eng.) vol. 10. Thoughts on the nature of things (Lat.), vol. 5 ; (Eng.) vol. 10. Topics of inquiry respecting light (Lat.), vol. 4 ; (Eng.) vol. 10. True greatness of Britain, vol. 13. Use of the law, vol.14. Valerius Terminus of the interpretation of nature (Eng.), vol. 5. Wisdom of the ancients (Lat. and Enfir.), vol. 14. Bayne. Lessons from my masters 1879. 1764-11 Contents. Thomas Carlyle Alfred Tennyson John Ruskin. British Essayists. (Edited by Chalmers), 38 vols. . . 1855. H.C. 450 Contents. Adventurer, 3 vols. Connoisseur, 2 vols. Guardian, 3 vols. Idler, 1 vol. Looker-on, 3 vols. Lounger, 2 vols. Mirror, 2 vols. Observer, 3 vols. Rambler, 3 vols. Spectator, 8 vols. Tatler, 4 vols. World, 3 vols. Index, 1 vol. Brougham (Lord) Contributions to the Edinburgh review, 3 vols 1856. 1764- 4 Contents. Vol. 1. Rhetorical articles History and historical memoirs. Vol. 2. Foreign policy, general questions Foreign policy, particular questions Constitutional questions. Vol. 3. Political economy and finance Criminal law Physical science Miscellaneous, literary and historical. Burke. (Edmund) Works, 12 vols 1869. 1744- 1 Contents. Vol. 1. Advertisement Advertisement to the second edi- tionVindication of natural society Philosophical inquiry into th origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful, with an introductory discourse concerning taste Short account of a late short adminis- trationObservations on a late publication entituled " The present state of the nation "Thoughts on the cause of the present discon- tents. Vol. 2. Speech on American taxation, April 19, 1774 Speeches on arrival at Bristol and at the conclusion of the poll, October 13 and November 3, 1774 -Speech on moving resolutions for conciliation with America, March 22, 1775 Letter to the sheriffs of Bristol, on the affairs of America, April 3, 1777 Two letters to gentlemen of Bristol, on the bills dependine in parliament relative to the trade of Ireland, April 23 and Alay 2, 1778 Speech on presenting to the House of Commons, a plan for the better security of the independence of parliament, and the economical reformation of the civil and other establishments, February 11, 1780 Speech at Bristol previous to the election, September 6, 1780 Speech at Bristol on declining the poll, September 9, 1780 Speech on Mr. Fox's East India bill, December 1, 1783 A representation to His Majesty, moved in the House of Com- mons, June 14, 1784. Vol. 3. Speech on the Nabob of Arcot's debts, February 28, 1785, with an appendix Substance of speech on the army estimates, February 9, 1790 Reflections on the revolution in France. Vol. 4. Letter to a member of the National Assembly, in answer to some objections to his book on French affairs Appeal from the new to the old whigs Letter to a peer of Ireland on the penal laws against the Irish Catholics Letter to Sir Hercules Langrishe, on the subject of the Roman Catholics of Ireland Hints for a memorial to be delivered to Monsieur De M. M. Thoughts on French affairs Heads for consideration on the present state of affairs Remarks on the policy of the allies with respect to France, with an appendix. COLLECTED WRITINGS. 123 COLLECTED WRITINGS Continued. Vol. 5. Observations on the conduct of the minority, particularly in the last session of parliament, 1793 Preface to the address of M. Brissot to his constituents, with an appendix Letter to William Elliot, Esq., occasioned by a speech made in the House of Lords by of in the debate concerning Lord Fitz- william, 1795 Thought and details on scarcity Letter to a noble lord on the attacks made upon Mr. Burke and his pension, in the House of Lords, by the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Lauderdale, 1796 Three letters to member of parliament on the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of France. Vol. 6. Preface to second posthumous volume, in a letter to the Right Hon. William Elliot Fourth letter on the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of France Letter to the Empress of Russia, November 1, 1791 Letter to Sir Charles Bingham, Bart, on the Irish absentee tax, October 30, 1773 -Letter to the Hon. Charles James Fox, on the American war, October 8, 1777 Letter to the Marquis of Rockingham, with addresses to the King and the British colonists in North America in relation to the measures of government in the American contest and a proposed secession of the opposition from parliament, January. 1777 Letter to the Right Hon. Edmund S. Per}', in relation to a bill for the relief of the Roman catho ics of Ireland, July 18, 1778 Two letters to Thomas Burgh, Esq., and John Merlott, Esq., in vindication of his parliamentary conduct relative to the affairs of Ireland, 1780 Letters and reflections on the execu- tions of the rioters in 1780 Letter to the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, with the sketch of a negro code Letter to the chairman of the Bucking- hamshire meeting on thesubjectof parliamentary reform Fragments of a tract relative to the laws against popery in Ireland Letter to William Smith, Esq., on the subject of Catho ic emancipation, Jan- uary 29, 1795 Second letter to Sir Hercules Langrishe on the Catholic question, May 26, 1795 Letter to Richard Burke, Esq. , on protestant ascendency in Ireland, 1793 Letter on the affairs of Ireland. 1797. Vol. 7. Fragments and notes of speeches in parliament Hints for an essay on the drama An essay towards an abridgment of the English history, in three books. Vol. 8. Ninth report of the select committee of the House of Com- mons on the affairs of India, June 25, 1783 Observations on the state of the company's affairs in Indi Connection of Great Britain with India Effect of the revenue investment on the company Internal trade of Bengal British government in India Eleventh report of the select committee of the House of Commons on the affairs of India Articles of charges of high crimes and misdemeanors against Warren Hastings, Esq., presented to the House of Commons in April and May, 1786 Articles I.-VI. Vol. 9. Articles of charges of high crimes and misdemeanors against Warren Hastings, Esq. , presented to the House of Commons in April and May, 1786-Articles VII.-XXIL Speeches in the im- peachment of Warren Hastings. Esq. Vol. 10. Speeches in the impeachment of Warren Hastings Esq. Vol. 11. Report from the committee of the House of Commons, appointed to inspect the Lords' journals in relation to their proceed- ings on the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. Speeches in relation to the trial of Warren Hastings continued. Vol. 12. Speeches continued General tab'e of contents Index. Burton. Anatomy of melancholy, 2 vols 1813. 1747- 2 Carlyle. Chartism, past and present . . . . n.d. 1756- 1 Critical and miscellaneous essays, 4 vols. . . n.d. 1756- 9 Contents. Vol. 1. Jean Paul Friedrich Richter State of German literature Life and writings of Werner Gotehe's Helena Goethe's Burns Life of Heyne German playwrights Appendix " German romance" Musaus Fouqti Hoffman Richter Goethe Tragedy of the night-moth Cui Bono Four fables The sower's song Adieu The beetle To day Fortuna. Vol. 2. Voltaire Novalis Signs of the times Jean Paul Friedrich Richter again On history Luther's psalm Schiller The Nibel- ungen Lied German literature of the fourteenth and fifteenth cen- turiesTaylor's historic survey of German poetry Appendix Jean Paul Friedrich Richter s review of Madame de StaeTs ' Allemagne.' Vol. 3. Characteristics Goethe's portrait Biography Boswell's life of Johnson Death of Goethe Goethe s works Coin-law rhymes On history again Diderot Count Cagliostro Death of Edward Irving Appendix Nov^lle Schiller, Goethe and Madame de Stae'l The tale. Vol. 4. The diamond necklace Mirabeau Parliamentary history of the French revolution Sir Walter Scott Varnhagen Von Ense's memoirs Petition on the copyright bill On the sinking of the Vengeur Baillie the covenanted Dr. Francia An election to the long parliament Two-hundred-and-flfty years ago The opera- Project of national exhibition of Scottish portraits The prinzenraub. 124 REFERENCE LIBRARY. COLLECTED WRITINGS Contimted. Carlyle. French revolution, a history in three parts, 2 vols. n.cl. History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Fred- rick the Great, 7 vols 1869. Latter-day pamphlets . . . . u.d. Contents. Occasional discourse on the nigger question '-, The present time Model prisons Downing street The new Downing street Stump-orator Parliaments Hudson's statue Jesuitism. Life of Friedrich Schiller, 1825 ; Life of John Sterling . . 1851. Musseus, Tieck, Richter . . . . .n.d. Contents. Miiftceus, Dumb love Libussa Melechsala Tieck, Fair- haired Eckbert Trusty Eckart Rurieiiberg he elves -The goblet. Richter, Sthmelzle's journey to Flaetz Life of Quintus Fixlein. - Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches with eluci- dations 2 vols. . . . . n.d. Sartar Resartus and lectures on heroes . . n.d. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels, 2 vols. " . . . ... .. n.d. Clark. Pen photographs of celebrated men and noted places 1873. Club Cameos. Portraits of the day 1879. Cross. (Maurice, Ed. ) Selection from the Edinburgh Re- view, 4 vols. . . . . . . 1833. Contents. Vol. 1. Characters of distinguished poets Poetry and the drama. Vol. 2. Characters of eminent divines Philosophers Statesmen Orators Historians Novelists Critics Political history Miscellan- eous literature Education. Vol. 3. Metaphysics and moral science Foreign politics Miscellan- eous politics Civil and religious liberty. Vol. 4. Political economy, laws and jurisprudence Reform in par- liamentChurch reform Liberty of the press Ireland West India slaverj r . Cross. Dallas. (Mrs. ) (George Eliot pseud. ) phrastus Such Impressions of Theo- Dilke. n.d. The gay science, 2 vols 1866. Content*. Vol. 1. Introduction Science of criticism Despair of a science Corner stone Agreement of the critics On imagination The hidden soul The play of thought The secrecy of art. Vol. 2. On pleasure Mixed pleasure Pure pleasure Hidden plea- sure Ethics of art Pursuit of pleasure The world of notion The ethical cuirent. Papers of a critic, 2 vols. . . . . . 1875. Contents. Vol. 1. Memoir Pope's writings Lady Mary Wortley Mantigu- Swift, etc. Vol. 2. Junius Wilkes Grenville, etc. Burke. Disraeli. (Isaac) Amenities of literature . . . n.d. Calamities and quarrels of authors . n.d. Curiosities of literature, 3 vols. . u.d. The same, 1st series, 3 vols. . . 1824. The same, 2nd series, 3 vols. . . 1824. Literary remains of men of genius . n.d. Doyle. (Sir Francis) Lectures on poetry . . . 1877. Drake. (Nathan) Essays, illustrative of the British essay- ists, 2 vols 1809. 1756- & 1756- 7 1756- 2 1756- 4 1756- 5- 1756- 8 1756-10 1756- 3 1762-15 1764- 9 1765- 2 1762-14 1765-11 1765- 5 1744- 6 1744- 5 1744- 3 H.C. 678 H.C. 681 1744- 4 1762- 7 H.C. 497 COLLECTED WRITINGS. 125 COLLECTED WRITINGS Coidinued. Drake. (Charles F. J.) Literary remains. (Edited by Walter Besant) . . . . . 1877. Content*. Memoir Modern Jerusalem Notes for a history of Jeru- salemNotes for travellers in Palestine Morocco and the Moore Notes on the birds of Tangier and Eastern Morocco Report on the natural history of the Tib Extracts from journal Appendices. Conduct of life ...... 1883. merson. English traits . Essays, 1st and 2nd series 1883. 1883. Contents. Vol. 1. History Self-reliance Compensation -Spiritual laws Love Friendship Prudence Heroism The over-soul Circles Intel'ect Art. Vol. 2. The poet Experience Character Manners Gifts- Nature Politics Nominalist and realist New England Reformers. Letters and social aims 1SS3. Nature, addresses and lectures . . . 1883. Content*. Nature The American scholar An address delivered before the senior class, Divinity College, Cambridge, 183S Literary ethics The method of nature Man the reformer Lecture on the times The Conservative The transcendentalist The young American. Lectures and biographical sketches . . 1884. Contents Demonology Aristocracy Perpetual forces Character Education The superlative Sovereignty of ethics The preacher The man of letters The scholar Plutarch Historic notes of life and letters in New England The Chardon street convention Ezra Ripley, D.D . Maiy Moody Emerson Samuel Hoar Thoreau Carlyle. Miscellanies 1884. Poems 1884. Representative men, seven lectures . . 1883. Society and solitude ..... 1883. Forsyth. Essays, critical and narrative . . . 1874. Contents Speeches of Lord Brougham Criminal procedure in Scot- land and England Kingdom of Italy Judges of England Literary style Progress of legal reform An election in France A journey to Ashango land Eugenie De Guerin Tunnel through the Alps- The Hudson's Bay Company, its history Visit to Russia and the great fair of Nijni Novogorod Visit to Portland prison Three days in Sark William Cobbett Historical evidence. Froude. Short studies on great subjects, 4 vols. . . 1883. Gilbart. Lectures and essays 1865. Contents. Lectures on the history and principles of ancient commerce Social effects of the reformation The preacher, or essays on preaching with an appendix on the deliver}- of addresses from the platform Philosophy of history. Gladstone. Juventus Mundi ; the gods and men of the heroic age 1869. Goldsmith. Miscellaneous works (Edited by James Prior), 4 vols 1861. Gosse. Seventeenth-century studies .... 1883. Contents. Thomas Lodge John Webster Samuel Rowlands- -Captain Dover's cotswold games Robert Herrick Richard Crashaw Abra- ham Cowley The matchless Orinda Sir George Etheredge Thomas Otway. Graham. Historical view of literature and art in Great Britain 1871. Halliday. (Ed.) Savage-club papers .... 1869. Hannay. Essays from the Quarterly Review . . 1861. Content*. Table-talk- British family histories -English political satires Electioneering Historic peerage of England Admiral Blake Horace and his translators Minstrelsy of Scotland Literary biography Burgon's life of Tytler. 1765- 6 1754- 1 1754- 2 1754- 3 1754- 4 1754- 5 1754- 9 1754-10 1754- 8 1754- 6 1754- 7 1764-13 1756-11 1764- 6 1766- 3 H.C. 639 1764-10 1764- 7 H.C. 628 1765- 8 126 REFERENCE LIBRARY. COLLECTED WRITINGS Continued. Harte. (Bret) Complete works, 4 vols. . . . . 1882. 1745- 1 Contente. Vol. 1. Poems and drama. Vol. 2. Earlier papers Luck of roaring camp and other sketches- Bohemian papers Spanish and American legends Tales of the argenauts. Vol. 3. Tales of the argonauts Eastern sketches. Vol. 4. Gabriel Conroy. Hazlitt. Lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth 1840. 1762-11 Lectures on the English comic writers . . 1841. 1762- 9* Lectures on the English poets . . . 1841. 1762-12 Head. ($*rF. B.) Stokers and pokers or the London and N.VY. railway 1849. H.C. 600 Henry. Trifles from my port folio, 2 vols. . . . 1839, 1764- & Hewitson. Sights and incidents, or places and faces . 1875. H.C. 610 Hitchman. Eighteenth century studies . . . 1881. 1764- 3 Contents. -John Wilkes Founder cf Methodism Charles Churchill, parson and poet David Garrick Richard Cumberland" The Cook's Oracle " Tsaac Disraeli and Bolton Corney Dr. Dibden and the Roxburghe club Joseph Priestley The auth.Tof " Sandford and Merton "Erasmus Darwin. Hood. (Tom) Works. (Edited by his son and daughter), 10 vols 1870. 1755- 6 Works, 6 vols 1861. H.C. 631 Contents. Vols. 1-2-3. Poems. Vol. 4. Whims and oddities. Vol. 5. Up the Rhine. Vol. 6. Miscellanies and autobiography. Jameson. Visits and sketches at home and abroad, 4 vols. 1834. 1762- 5 Commonplace book of thoughts, memories and fancies 1854. H.C. 624 Contents. Part 1. Ethics and character. Part 2. Literature and art. Jeaffreson. Book about lawyers, 2 vols. . . . 1867. 1765-10 Jeffrey. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review, 3 vols. . 1846. 1764-1 Contents. Vol. 1. General literature and literary biography -History and historical memoirs. Vol. 2 Poetry Philosophy of the mind, metaphysics and juris- prudence. Vol. 3. Novels, tales, and prose works of fiction General politics Miscellaneous. Jerrold. (Douglas) Works, 5 vols n.d. 1745- 2 Contents. Vol. 1. St. Giles' and St. James' Punch's letters to his son. Vol. 2. Story of a feather Cakes and ale. Vol. 3. Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures Men of character Punch's complete letter writer. Vol. 4. A man made of money Sketches of the English Chronicles of Clovernook The sick giant and the doctor dwarf. Vol. 5. Memoir of W. Blanchard Jerrold. King. Sketches and studies, descriptive and historical . 1874. 1765- 4 Contents. Carolineian romance Sacred trees and flowers Dogs of folk- lore, history and romance Change of faith in Iceland The great shrines of England Travelling in England Devonshire Robert Her- rick andhis vicarage Sketches and studies from Belgium A pilgrimage to St. David's. Lamb. (C. andM.) Poems, letters and remains. (Edited by W. O. Hazlitt) 1874. 1762- & Lamb. (Charles) Life and letters. (Edited by T. N. Talfourd), 5 vols 1861. H.C. 647 Contents. Vol. 1. Letters Vol. 2. Essajs of Elia Vol. 3. Rosamund Gray Vol. 4. English dramatic poets Vol. 5 Final memorials. COLLECTED WRITINGS. 127 COLLECTED WRITINGS Continued. Landor. Imaginary conversations, 5 vols. . . . 1883. 1754-11 Contents. Vol. 1. Classical dialogues, Greek and Roman. Vol. 2. Dialogues of sovereigns and statesmen. Vol. 3. Dialogues of literary men. Vol. 4. Dialogues of literary men (continued) Dialogues of famous women and miscellaneous dialogues. Vol. 5. Miscellaneous dialogues. Locke. Works, 10 vols 1801. H.C. 372 Mackintosh. (Sir James) Miscellaneous works . . 1851. 1763-2 Mathews. Friends for the fireside, 2 vols. . . . 1860. H.C. 608 Muller. Essays on language, mythology and religion, 2 vols. 1881. 1762-15 Chips from a German workshop, 4 vols. . . 1880. 1765- 1 Murray. Morality of Fiction 1805. H.C. 500 Oliphant. (Laurence) Traits and travesties, social and political 1882. 1762- 4 Penn. Collection of the works of, to which is prefixed a journal of his life with many original letters and papers not before published, 2 vols. . . 1726. 5164- 5 Prescott. Biographical and critical miscellanies . . 1878. 1765- 9 Contents. Charles Brockden Brown, the American novelist Asylum for the blind Irving's conquest of Granada Cervantes- Sir Walter Scott Chateaubriand's English literature Bancroft's United States Madame Calderon's life in Mexico MoliSre Italian narrative poetry Poetry and romance of the Italians Scottish song Da Ponte's observations Ticknor's history of Spanish litera- ture. Ramsay. (John) Selected writings. (Edited by A. Walker) 1871. 1755- 7 Rands. (Matthew Browne, pseud. ) Chaucer's England, 2 vols 1869. 1763- 1 Rogers. (Henry) Essays selected from contributions to the Edinburgh Review, 2 vols. . . 1850. 1764- 5 Contents. Vol. 1. Biographical and critical Life and writings of Thomas Fuller Andrew Marvel Luther's correspondence and character Life and genius of Leibnitz Genius and writings of Pascal Literary genius of Plato Character of Socrates Structure of the English language Sacred eloquence The British pulpit The vanity and glory of literature. Vol. 2. Theological and political Right of private judgment Anglicanism, or the Oxford tractarian school Recent developments of tractarianism Reason and faith, their claims and conflicts Revo- lution and reform Treatment of criminals Prevention of crime. Essays, critical and biographical, 2 vols., com- prised in the first volume of the preceding 1874. 1762-16 St. Evremond. Works. Trans, by Des Maizeaux, 2 vols. 1728. 1766-8 Seward. (William H.) Works. (Edited by G. E. Baker), 3 vols 1853. 1746- 2 Contents. Vol. 1. Biographical memoir Speeches in the senate of New York Speeches in the senate of United States Debates in the senate of the United States Forensic arguments. Vol. 2. Notes on New York State papers Official correspond- encePardon papers. Vol. 3. Orations and discourses Occasional speeches and addresses Executive speeches Political writings General corre- spondence- -Letters from Europe Speeches in the senate of the United States, (continued from vol. 1). Sidney. (Sir Philip) Works, 3 vols 1725. 1744-2 Contents Vol. 1. Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia Defense of Poesy Astrophel and Stella Remedy of love, sonnets, etc. The Lady of May The life of the author. Vol. 2. Third, fourth and fifth books of the Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Vol. 3. Sixth book to the Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, written by R. B., of Lincoln's-Inn, Esq. Poetical works. 128 REFERENCE LIBRARY. COLLECTED WRITINGS Continued. Smith. (Rev. Sydney) Works . . . . . 1869. 1763- 4 Contents. Articles originally published in the Edinburgh Review- Speeches Letters on railways Letters, etc. on American debts. Somerville. Free trade and the league, a biographic history of the pioneers of freedom of opinion, com- mercial enterpri-e and civilisation in Britain, 2 vols. . . . . . 1853. H.C. 671 Whistler at the plough .... 1852. H.C. 673 Spedding. Evenings with a reviewer or Macaulay and Bacon, with a prefatory notice by G. S. Venables, 2 vols. 1881. 1765-7 Reviews and discussions .... 1879. 1764-12 Contents. Henry Taylor's statesman Working of negro appren- ticeship in 1838 Bill for the suspension of the Jamaica constitu- tion, 1839 Tales by the author of " Headlong Hall " Wakefield theory of colonization South Australia in 1841 Expedition to the Niger in 1841 Civilisation of Africa Dickens's American notes Tennyson's poems Hartley Coleridge English hexa- meters " Twelfth night " at the Olympic theatre in 1865 The " Merchant of Venice" at the Prince of Wales's theatre in 1875 On the authorship of the plays attributed to Shakespeare On a question concerning a supposed specimen of Shakespeare's hand- writing Duty of advocates in criminal trials A question con- cerning books published on commission un some oversights in recent histories Teaching to read. Stephen. (Leslie) Hours in a library, 3 vols. . . 1877-9. 1762- 1 Sterne. Works, 2 vols 1860. H.C. 652 Contents. Vol. I. Tristram Shandy. Vol. 2. Letters and sermons A sentimental journey, Works n.d. 1763- 3 Contents. Lite and opinions of Tristram Shandy A sentimental journey Sermons Letters. Swift (Jonathan) Works. (Edited by Sir Walter Scott), 19 vols 1883-4. 1747- 1 Contents Vol. 1. Memoirs of Jonathan Swift. Vol. 2. Journal to Stella. Vol. 3. Journal to Stella Tracts, political and historical, prior to accession of George I. The Examiner. Vols. 4-5. Tracts, political and historical, during the reign of Queen Vol.0. Law is a bottomless pit Tracts relative to Ireland The Drapier's letters. Vol. 7. The Drapier's letters (continued) Miscellaneous tracts upon Irish affairs Sermons. Vol. 8. Sermons (continued) Tracts in defence of Christianity- Tracts in support of the church establishment Tracts on the test act Essays, periodical and miscellaneous. Vol. 9. Miscellaneous essays. Vol. 10. Tale of a tub Battle of the books Discourse concerning the mechanical operation of the spirit Abstract of the history of Eng- land from the invasion of it by Julius Caesar till the reign of Henry the second Letters from Mr. Pilkington to Mr. Bowyer Letter to the Earl of Orrery Poems ascribed to Swift. Vol. 11. Gulliver's travels. Vol. 12. Historical tracts Political poetry preceding 1715 Poems chiefly relating to Irish politics subsequent to 1715. Vol. 13. Miscellanies in prose, by Mr. Pope, Dr. Arbuthnot, Mr. Gay, etc., collected by Dr. Swift and Mr. Pope Miscellanies in verse, by Mr. Pope, Dr. Arbuthnot, Mr. Gay, etc. Prose Miscellanies by Swift and Sheridan. Vol. 14. Miscellaneous poems Verses written during Lord Carteret's administration of Ireland Poems addressed to Vanessa and Stella. Vol 15. Poetry Riddles by Dr. Swift and his friends Poems com- posed at Market-HillVerses addressed to Swift and to his memory- Swift's epistolary correspondence Letters during Lord Oxford's administration. Vol. 16. Epistolary correspondence Letters. Vols. 17-18-19. Epistolary correspondence Correspondence between Swift-and Miss Vanhomrigh Index. SELECTIONS. 129 COLLECTED WRITINGS Continued. Symonds. Sketches and studies in Italy .... 1879. 1762-3 Studies of the Greek poets, 1st and 2nd series 1877. 1766- 5 Contents. VoL 1. Periods of Greek literature Empedocles The gnomic poets The satirists The lyric poets Pindar Greek tragedy and Euripides- Arist' phanes -Ancient and modern tragedy The idyllists - The anthology Genius of Greek art- Appendix. Vol. 2. Mythology Achilles The women of Homer Hesiod Parmenides ^Eschylus Sophocles The fragments of ./Eschylus Sophocles Euripides The fragments of the lost tragic poets The comic fragments Hero and Leander Conclusion. Tatler. (The) Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, 4 vols. 1710-11. H.C. 382 Webster. (Daniel) Works, 6 vols 1853. 1746- 1 Contents. Vol. 1. Biographical memoir Speeches delhered on various public occasions. Vol. 2. Speeches. Vol. 3. Speeches in the convention to amend the constitution of Massachusetts Speeches in congress. Vol. 4. Speeches in congress. Vol. .5. Speeches in congress Legal arguments and speeches to the jury. Vol 6. Legal arguments and speeches to the jury Diplomatic and official papers Miscellaneous letters Index. Wilson. (Christopher North, pseud.) Works, 12 vols. . 1755-1 Vols. 1-9.. Recreations of Christopher North 1868. 1755- 1 Vols. 3-6. Essays, critical and imaginative . 1865. 1755- 2 Contents. Vol 3 Streams Meg Dod's cookery There is death in the pot Gymnastics Cruikshank on time Health and longevity On early rising Old North and young North The man of ton ; a satire The loves of the poets Education of the people The young lady's book Days departed Wordsworth. Vol. 4. Christopher at the lakes Tennyson's poems Memoir of Vice-Admiral the Hon Sir Henry Blackwood, Bart, K.C.B. K.G.H. American poetry, William Cullen Bryant Poetry of Ebenezer Elliott On the punishment of death Anglimania. Vol. 5. The genius and character of Burns Speech at the Burns festival Christopher on Colonsay Coleridge's poetical works Tupper's Geraldine De Berenger's helps and hints - Macaulay's lays of ancient Rome A few words on Shakespeare. Vol. 6. Homer and his translators Greek drama. Vols. 7-10. Noctes Ambrosianse . . . n.d. 1755- 3 Vol. 11. Tales 1870. 1755- 4 Contents. Lights ard shadows of Scottish life Trials of Margaret Lyndsay The foresters. Vol. 12. Poetical works 1874. 1755- 5 Wordsworth. (Rev. Christopher) Miscellanies, literary and religious, 3 vols. . . .- 1879. 1765- 3 Young. (Rev. John) Essays on interesting subjects . 1794. H.C. 656 Selections. Bulwer. (Lord Lyttoii) Wit and wisdom, with selections from his works by Charles Kent . . 1883. 1775- 4 Cassell's illustrated readings in prose and verse, 2 vols. n.d. 1777- 2 Disraeli. (Earl of Beaconsfield) Wit and wisdom . 1883. 1775- 2 Gems of literature 1853. H.C. 677 Gibbon. (Ed.) The casquet of literature, 3 vols. . 1873. 1777- 5 9 130 REFERENCE LIBRARY. SELECTIONS Continued. Gomme. (Ed. ) Gentleman's magazine library, 8 vols. 1883-7. 1834- 1 Contents. Vol 1. Manners and customs. Vol 2. Popular supersti- tions. Vol 3. Dialect, proverbs and word-lore. Vol. 4. English traditional lore Customs of foreign countries and peoples. Vols. 5-6. Archaeology. Vols. 7-8. Romano-British remains. Gleanings from popular authors, grave and gay . . 1882. 1777- 3 King. Political and literary anecdotes of his own times 1818. H.C. 615 Knight. (Ed.) Half -hours of English history, 2 vols. n.d. 1776-3 Contents. Vol. 1. From the Roman period to the death of Henry III. Vol. 2. From Edward I to the death of Elizabeth. Half -hours with the best authors, 4 vols. . n.d. 1776- 4 Mitchell. The Scotsman's library . . . . . 1825. H.C. 494 Read. Cabinet of Irish literature, 4 vols. . . . n.d. 1777-4 Ruskin. Selections from the writings of, with portrait . 1872. H.C. 607 Smith. Wit and wisdom ...... n.d. 1775- 3 Southey. Common-place book. (Edited by John Wood Warier.) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th series . . 1876. 1776- 1 The doctor. (Edited by John Wood Warter.) 1856. 1776-2 Spence. Anecdotes, observations and characters of books and men 1858. H.C. 495 Townsend. (Ed.) Every-day book of modern literature n.d. 1775-5 Valentine. (Ed.) Half-hours of English history, continu- ation, 2 vols. n.d. 1776- 3 Contents. Vol. 3. From James I to William and Mary. Vol. 4. From Anne to Queen Victoria. Speeches. Addresses presented to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, dur- ing his state visit to British North America, with the replies thereto . . . . . . . . 1860. 1816- 7 Browne. The British Cicero, a selection of speeches, 3 vols. 1813. 1816-6 Brown. (Hon. George) Life and speeches by Mackenzie 1882. H.C. 4120 Bulwer. (Lord Lytton) Speeches, with memoir by his son, 2 vols. 1874. 1816- 2 Burke. Speeches. (Modern orator) .... 1853. 1817- 4 Cobden. Speeches on questions of public policy. (Edited by John Bright and James E. Thorold Rogers) 1880. H. C. 612 Disraeli. (Earl of Beaconsfield) Speeches on parliamentary reform 1867. 2423- 6 Dufferin. (Earl of) Speeches and addresses. (Edited by Henry Milton) . . ... . 1882. 1816- 1 Durham. (Earl of) Speeches on reform of parliament . 1838 H.C. 629 Erskine. (Thomas, Lord) Speeches with memoir by E. Walford 1880. 1816- 3 Speeches. (Modern orator) .... 1853. 1817-4 Fawcett. Speeches on some current political questions 1873. 2452- 4 Gladstone. Political speeches in Scotland, with an appen- dix containing the rectorial address in Glasgow, and other non-political speeches 1879. H.C. 665 LETTERS AND CORRESPONDENCE. 131 SPEECHES Continued. Grattan. Speeches of, with commentary on his career and character, by Daniel Owen Madden . 1847. 1816- 5 Howe. (Hon. Joseph) Speeches and public letters, 2 vols. 1858. H.O. 701 King. (Lord) Selection from the speeches and writings. (Edited by Earl Fortescue) .... 1844. H.C. 669 Lubbock. Addresses, political and educational . . 1879. 2452- 6 Moore. American eloquence, a collection of speeches and addresses by the most eminent orators of America, 2 vols 1881. 1817- 1 Pitt. Speeches. (Modern orator) . . , . . 1853. 1817- 4 Russell. (Earl) Selections from speeches, 1817-41, and from despatches, 1859-65, 2 vols. . . 1870. 1816- 4 Seward. Speeches and debates, 3 vols. . ., . * 1853. 1746-2 Sheridan. Speeches. (Modern orator) . . . 1853. 1817- 4 Webster. Great speeches and orations, with an essay on Daniel Webster as a master of English style, by Edwin P. Whipple .... 1879. 1817- 3 Letters and Correspondence. [Adolphusj. Letters to Richard Heber, Esq., M.P. on the authorship of Waverley .... 1822. H.C. 618 Chesterfield. (Earl of) Letters to his son, 2 vols. . 1783. 1813-6 The same, 5 vols. . . . 1845. H.C. 696 Elegant epistles ; being a copious collection of familiar and amusing letters, 3 vols 1814-6. 1777- 1 Ellis. Original letters illustrative of English history, 3 vols. 1825. 1445- 1 Halliwell. Letters of the kings of England, 2 vols. . . 1848. H.C. 5012 Merimee. Letters to Anthony Panizzi. (Edited by Louis Fagan),2vols 1881. H.C. 4116 Montagu. (Lady Mary W.) Letters and works. (Edited by Lord Wharncli/e), 3 vols. . . . 1837. H.C. 659 Napier. (Editor of Edinburgh Review). Selections from his correspondence. (Edited by hi* son) . 1879. 1813- 1 Nelson. (Lord) Despatches and letters with notes by Sir N. H. Nicholas, 7 vols. .... 1845-6. 1813- 7 Paston letters ; original letters written during the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, Richard III, with notes by John Fenn . . . 1849. H.C. 611 The same. (Edited by James Gairdner), 3 vols. 1872. 1813- 2 Swift. Epistolary correspondence. (In his works), vols. 16-19 1883. 1747- 1 Walpole. ( Horace, Earl of Orford) Letters. (Edited by Peter Cunningham), 9 vols. . . . 1857. H.C. 687 Letters to Sir Horace Mann, 4 vols. . 1843-4. 1813-5 Williams and Cruse. German and English commercial correspondence . . . n.d. 1813- 3 Williams and Lafont. French and English commercial correspondence . .' 1871. 1813- 4 132 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Journalism. Grant. The newspaper press, its origin, progress, and pre- sent position, 3 vols 1871. 1738-15 Hudson. Journalism in the United States . . . 1873. 1738-14 Jackson. The pictorial press . . . . . . 1885. 1738-13 Texier. Biographic des journalistes .... n.d. 1738-12 L'histoire de chaque journal public a Paris . n.d. 1738-12 Social Life. Ashton. Old times, a picture of social life at the end of the eighteenth century . 1885. 1833- 4 Dawn of the XlXth century in England, 2 vols. 1886. 1833- 5 Lytteil. Landmarks of Scottish life and language . 1877. H.C. 625 Rogers. A century of Scottish life 1871. H.C. 623 Sabine. Notes on duels and duelling . . . . 1855. 1833- 2 Stevens. Lecture on heads 1799. H.C. 493 Thrupp. The Anglo-Saxon home 1862. 1563- 1 Wright. Womankind in Western Europe . . . 1869. 1833- 1 Rural Life. Hamerton. The sylvan year 1876. 1844- 1 Vernon. Harvest of a quiet eye, leisure thoughts for busy lives ....... n.d. 1844- 2 Dialects. Collier. Miscellaneous works of Tim Bobbin . . 1818. H.C. 499 Cumberland teals. Betty Wilson 1876. H.C. 617 Cuinbriana or fragments of Cumbrian life . . . 1876. H.C. 496 Gwatkin. Devonshire dialogue, A 1839. H.C. 613 Waugh. Tufts of heather from a Lancashire moor . n.d. H.C. 619 Emblems. Phillips, Floral emblems 1825. H.C. 658 Ripa. Iconologia or moral emblems .... 1709. H.C. 657 EPIGRAMS. 133 Wit, Humour, and Satire. Arnold. Reynard the fox, after the German version of Goethe 1887. 1837- 6 Ashton. English caricature and satire 011 Napoleon I, 2 vols. 1884. 1836- 3 Burton. (Ed.} Cyclopaedia of wit and humor, 2 vols. 1858. 1837-5 Cruikshank. Comic almanack, 1st series, 1835-43, 2nd series", 1844-53. . . . . n.d. 1837- 4 Omnibus. (Edited by Laman BlancAard) . 1870. 1837-2 Table-book. (Edited by Abbott A. Beckett) 1878. 1837-3 Fenn. World of wit and humour ., . ... >. , . n.d. 1837- 1 Le Diable a Paris. Text by George Sand, Balzac, Houssaye, Gautier, Karr, etc., illustrations by Gavarni . . 1845. 1833- 6 Lemon. The jest book ...'... . . . 1879. 1836-2 Ramsay. Reminiscences of Scottish life and character . 1861. 1836- 4 Table 7^ a Ik. Coleridge. Specimens of the table-talk of ... . n.d. 1822- 1 Selden. Table-talk, with preface and notes by S. W. Singer 1860. J822- 2 Epitaphs. Diprose. Book of epitaphs, humourous, eccentric, ancient and remarkable . . . . . .n.d. 1843- 2 Elvin. Hand-book of mottoes 1860. 1843- 4 Fairley. Epitaphiana, or the curiosities of churchyard literature 1875. H.C. 2053 Palliser. (F. and M. A.) Mottoes for monuments . 1872. 1843-3 Loaring. Epitaphs, quaint, curious and elegant . . n.d. H.C. 2060 Pettigrew. Chronicles of the tombs, a collection of epitaphs 1878. 1843-1 Tegg". Epitaphs, witty, grotesque, elegant, etc. . . J876. H.C. 2059 Epigrams. Adams. English epigrams . . . . . . n.d. 1843-17 Dodd. The epigrammatists 1876. 1843-16 Wheatley. On anagrams 1862. 1843-18 134 REFERENCE LIBRARY. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1814. H.C. 2016 B.R. 1859. 2744-12 1866. 1786- 6 1885-8. 1786-17 1854. B.R. 1859. B.R. Adams. Manual of historical literature . . . . 1882. 1415- 2 Allibone. Dictionary of authors, 3 vols. . ' , . 1863-71. 1787- 1 Ashton. Chap-books of the eighteenth century . . 1882. 1786- 1 Bibliographer. A journal of book lore, 6 vols. . . 1882-4. 287 Brewer. English and American bibliography. (Reader's handbook) 1882. 1783-11 Brunet. Manuel du libraire, 5 vols 1839 45. 1787- 3 Brydges. (Sir Egerton) Restituta, 4 vols. . . . 1814-16. 1787- 7 Burton. The book-hunter 1882. 1787- 4 Catalogue of ancient manuscripts in the British museum, part 2, Latin B.R. Catalogue of books of voyages and travels. (Pinkerton's voyages, vol. 17) . . . . Caxton celebration, 1877, catalogue of the loan collection . Chatto. Bibliography of diphtheria .... Collier. Account of early English literature, 4 vols. Gushing. Initials and pseudonyms, 2 vols. Darling. Cyclopaedia bibliographica .... do do holy scriptures Dexter. Collections towards a bibliography of Congrega- tionalism, (Congregationalism and its litera- ture) 1880. 3037-18 Dibdin. Bibliographical and antiquarian tour in France and Germany, 3 vols 1829. 1786-16 Bibliomania 1876. 1787- 2 Library companion 1824. 1787- 6 Domesday studies, papers read at the meeting of the Domesday commemoration, 2 vols. .... 1888. 1786-18 Faribault. (G. B.) (Ed.) Catalogue d'ouvrages sur 1'histoire de 1'Amerique . . . 1837. B.R. Field. Essay towards an Indian bibliography . . 1873. 1786-11 Finotti. Bibliographia catholica Americana . . . 1872. H.C. 1416 Frey. Sobriquets and nicknames .... 1888. 1786-10 Griffin. Bibliography of the discovery of the Mississippi 1883. 5215- 7 Halkett and Laing. Dictionary of anonymous and pseu- donymous literature, 4 vols. 1882-8. 1785- 1 Hall and Mansfield. Bibliography of education . . 1886. 1786- 8 Hardy. Eeport upon the archives and public libraries of Venice . 1866. 1785- 4 Haynes. Pseudonyms of authors including anonyms and initialisms 1882. 1786-14 Hoe. Bibliography of engraving. (Maberly, print collector) 1885. 2672-22 [Homer]. Bibliotheca Americana ..... 1789. B.R. Huth. Bibliography of H.'T. Buckle. (Life and writings) 1880. 2227-1 Index to books on marriage between near kin . 1875. 2734-21 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 135 BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. Jackson. Jevons. Contribution towards a bibliography of economic botany. (Index society) .... Guide to the literature of botany. (Index society) Bibliography of currency and finance. (Investiga- tions of currency) ..... List of mathematico-economic books Kingsley. Books on natural history. (Naturalist's assistant) Krauth. Bibliographical index to philosophies. (Vocabu- lary of philosophy) 1860. Library Chronicle, vols. 1-4 . . * . . 1884-7. Library Journal, vols. 1-12 . . .' t . . * 1876-87. 1882. 1881. 1884. 1879. 1882 Lock. Bibliography of gold and silver mining Lowe. Bibliographical account of English theatrical litera- ture . . * . . . ^ Lowndes. Bibliographer's manual of English literature, new edition. (Edited by H. G. Bohn), 1 1 parts Ludewig. Literature of American aboriginal languages Macray. Annals of the Bodleian library, Oxford, A.D., 1598-1867 Manley. Literature of sea and river fishing. (Fisheries exhibition literature), vol. 3 ... Morgan. Bibliotheca Canadensis ..... Neale. Medical digest ....... Nisard. Histoire des livres populaires, 2 vols. . Nova Scotia. Catalogue of manuscript documents, 1710-1867 Poole. Index to periodical literature .... Public records of Great Britain. Descriptions of the various works printed of First report of the public record com- mission, 2 vols. Reade. The eighth commandment .... Reuss. (J. D.) Alphabetical register of all living authors in Great Britain, Ireland and the united provinces of North America Reuss. (E.) Bibliography of the New Testament, 2 vols,. [Ritson]. Bibliographia poetica Rowlands. Cambrian bibliography .... Sabin. Dictionary of books relating to America, 18 vols. Shakespeare. Aids to Shakespearean study, Jeremiah Slater. The library manual ...... Solberg. Bibliography of copyright .... Sonnenschein. The best books, a reader's guide to the best available literature .... Rambles in the elucidation of the autograph of Milton Sotheby. Thomas. (Olphar Hamst, pseud. ) Handbook of fictitious names ....... Thomson. Bibliography of the State of Ohio Trubner. Bibliographical guide to American literature Trubner's catalogue of dictionaries and grammars 1882. 1888. 1882. 1858. 1868. 1884. 1867. 1877. 1864. 1882. 1831. 1800-19. 1860. 1791. 1884. 1802. 1869. 1868-88. 1880. n.d. 1886. 1887. 1861. 1868. 1880. 1859. 1882. 1866- 2 1866- 2 2472- 6 2455- 6 2315- 2 2513- 7 B.R. B.R. 2624- 1 1787- 8 B.R. 1785- 2 1787- 5 2465- 3 H.C. 4753 2742-12 1786- 3 B.R. R. 1786-13 5155- 3 1786- 7 B.R. 3084- 2 1786- 2 1786-12 B.R. 1736- 6 1786- 5 2414-15 1786-19 5215- 2 1786-15 B.R. 1785- 3 B.R. 136 REFERENCE LIBRARY. BIBLIOGRAPHY Continued. Vallee. Bibliographic des bibliographies .... 1883. B.R. Van Dyke. Books and how to use them 1883. 1786- 4 Walchii. Bibliotheca patristica ..... 1834. B.R. Walford. Literature of famines and of the corn-laws 1879. 2455-16 Waring. Bibliotheca therapeutica, 2 vols. 1878-9. 2746- 1 Watt. Bibliotheca Britannica, 4 vols., vols. 1-2, authors, vols. 3-4, subjects ..... 1824. B.R. Wilde. Summer rose or the lament of the captive 1871. 1786- 9 Library Management and Aids. Boston public library. Hand-book for readers . 1883. B.R, Green. Library aids ....... 1883. B.R. Mullins. Free libraries and newsrooms, their formation and management ..... 1879. B.R. United States public libraries. Their history, condition and management, 3 vols. ...... 1876. B.R, Library Catalogues. Baltimore. Enoch Pratt free library. Finding list 1887. B.R do do 1st supplement 1888. B.R. Barrow-in-Furness. Library catalogue of reference and lending libraries . 1882. B.R. Birmingham. Free library catalogue 1881. B.R. Reference department catalogue 1869. B.R, 1875. B.R. The same . . 1880. B.R. Shakespeare memorial library catalogue 1883. B.R. Boston. Public library, index to catalogue of books in the Bates Hall, first supplement 1866. B.R. Catalogue of books in the Jamaica Plain branch 1878. B.R. Class list for poetry, the drama, etc., Lower Hall 1870. R.B. Catalogue of books in foreign languages, Lower Hall 1881. B.R. Catalogue of works in the arts and sciences, Lower Hall . 1871. BR. Supplement t 1881. BR. Catalogue of books in the Dorchester branch 1882. B.R. Catalogue of books in the East Boston branch 1879. B.R. Catalogue of books in the South End branch . 1883. B.R. Catalogue of books in the South Boston branch 1879. B.R. Catalogue in the classes of history, biography and 1873. B.R. Class list for English prose fiction, Lower Hall 1877. B.R. LIBRARY CATALOGUES. 137 LIBRARY CATALOGUES Continued. Boston. Catalogue of the Charlestown branch . . 1880. B.R. Catalogue of the Roxbury branch . . . 1876. B.R. Public library bulletins, vols. 6-7 . . . 1886-7. B.R. Brantford. Free library catalogue, and rules and regula- tions B.R. Bristol. Public library,. North District branch catalogue 1877. B.R. Brooklyn library, analytical and classed catalogue .- 1881. B.E. Buffalo. Young Men's Association catalogue . . .1871. B.R. Finding list, parts 1-2 - 1885-6. B.R. Canada. Parliamentary library, general catalogue . . 1857. B.R. Catalogue of works relating to America . 1858. B.R. Index to catalogues . . . . . . 1862. B.R. The same . ' . . ' . . . 1867. B.R. Catalogue, part 1, law, legislation, commerce and statistics ; part 2, general . . . .1879-80. B.R. Annual supplements to alphabetical catalogue 1873-86. B.R. Caxton celebration catalogue ' 1877. B.R. Chicago. Public library, finding lists .... 1878. B.R. Cincinnati. Public library, finding list . . . 1882-84. B.R. Cleveland. Public library classified catalogue . . 1877. B.R. Reference department subject catalogue . 1883. B.R. Public school library, 1st and 2nd supplemen- tary catalogues ..... 1880-1. B.R. Detroit. Public library catalogue 1877. B.R. Easton. Ames' free library catalogue, 2 vols. . . 1883. B.R. Elora. Mechanics' Institute catalogue . . ' . . 1881. B.R. Leeds. Public library catalogue 1878. B.R. Supplementary catalogue .... 1882. B.R. Liverpool. Free library catalogue, 2 vols. . . 1850-80. B.R. South District 1878. B.R. North District 1876. B.R. London. British museum, catalogue of books in the reading room . . . . . . . 1886. B.R. British museum, catalogue of printed books (in course of publication .... B. R. British museum, list of bibliographies, classified catalogues and indexes . . . . 1881. B.R. Middle temple library catalogue . . , 1863. B.R. Patent office, library catalogue, 2 vols. , . 1881. B.R. Reform club library catalogue . ... 1883. H.C. 4751 'Royal colonial institute library catalogue . . 1886. B.R. York gate library catalogue ... . . 1882. B.R. Los Angeles. Public library classified catalogue . . 1884. B.R. Maiden. Public library, first supplementary catalogue 1880. B.R. Manchester. Free library, .reference department catalogue 1864. B.R. The same 1879. B.R. 138 REFERENCE LIBRARY. LIBRARY CATALOGUES Continued. Manchester. Index and names of subjects . . . 1881. B.R. Rochdale Road branch catalogue . . 1880. B.R. Ancoats lending branch catalogue . . 1881. B.R. Campfield lending branch index catalogue 1874. B.R. Chorlton and Ardwick lending branch cata- logue 1882. B.R. Cheetham lending branch catalogue . . 1881. B.R. Methuen. Nevin's memorial library catalogue, 2 vols. 1887. B.R. Supplement . . . . 1884. B.R. Milwaukee. Public library katalog der bticher in Deutscher sprache . . ' 1882. H.C. 4754 Public library systematic catalogue . 1885-6. B.R. Moline. Public library catalogue . . . . . 1879. B.R. Montreal. Mechanics institute catalogue . . . 1884. B.R. Newcastle - upon - Tyne. Public library supplementary catalogue . . . 1887. B.R. New York. State library subject-index catalogue . 1872. B.R. First supplement 1882. B.R. Subject-index of law library . . . 1883. B.R. Annual catalogue of additions . . 1882-7. B.R. Ontario. Parliamentary library catalogue . . . 1881. B.R. Princeton. College of New Jersey library subject catalogue 1884. B.R. Quebec. L'Institut Canadien library catalogue . . 1881. B.R. Rochester. Athenaeum and mechanics association catalogue 1854. B.R. Rome. Codices manuscript! palatini grseci bibliothecse Vaticanae " 1885. B R. Saint Louis. Mercantile library association, systematic and analytical catalogue . . . 1858. B.R. Sheffield. Free library catalogue .... 1882. B.R. South Shields. Public library catalogue . . . . 1873, B.R. Sydney. Public library catalogue .... 1883. B.R. Taunton. Public library catalogue 1878. B.R. First supplement 1881. B.R. Tennessee. General and law library catalogue . . 1871. B.R. Toledo. Public library alphabetical catalogue . . 1886. B.R. Toronto. Educational department, Ontario, catalogue of books relating to education . . . 1886. B.R. Catalogue of books sanctioned . 1880. B.R. Law society of Upper Canada library catalogue 1880. , B.R. The same . 1886. B.R. Mechanics institute catalogue . . . 1880. B.R. Vermont. State library catalogue .... 1872. B.R. Walsall. Free library catalogue 1880. B.R. West Bromwich. Free library catalogue . . . 1880. B.R. Wisconsin. State historical society library catalogue, 7 vols. 1873-88. B.R. Woburn. Public library class lists ..... B.R. Worcester. Free public library catalogue . . . 1884. B.R. LIBRARY REPORTS. 139 Library Reports. Baltimore. Free library, 1887 8 . ... . B.R. Birmingham. Free library, 1874, 1878-87 ... B.R. Boston. Public library, 1874, 1884-87 .... B.R. Bridgeport. Public library, 1882 . . . . . B.R. Brooklyn library, 1884-87 B.R. Buffalo. Historical society, 1885-88 .... B.R. Young men's association, 1874, 1885-7 . B.R. Burlington. Free library, 1877, 81 . '. . . B.R. Cardiff. Free library, 1883-87 B.R. Chicago. Newberry library, 1888 B.R. Public library, 1873-87 B.R. Cine nati. Public library, 1880, 82, 83, 85, 87 . . B.R. Young men's mercantile association, 1882-86 B. R. Cleveland. Public library. 1883, 85, 87 . . . . B.R. Public school library, 1880-82 ... B.R. Detroit. Public library, 1877, 79-82, 84-87 ... B.R. Doncaster. Free library, 1885, 87 .... B.R. Dundee. Free library, 1870-71, 85-87 .... B.R. Fond Du Lac. Free library, 1877 .... B.R. Oermantown. Friend's free library, 1880-82, 84-88 . . B.R. Glasgow. Mitchell library, 1882-87 .... B.R. Stirling's and Glasgow public library, 1885-87 . B.R. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Public school library, 1887 . B.R. Great Yarmouth. Free library, 1886-8 . . . . B.R. Hamilton. Mechanics' institute, 1876 .... B.R. Hartford. Library association, 1880-81, 84 ... B.R. Towa. State library, 1885 B.R. Lancaster. Public library, 1880-81, 84-85 . . . B.R. Lawrence. Free public library, 1880-87 . . . B.R. Leeds. Free public library, 1883-7 .... B.R. Liverpool. Free public library, 1874, 1882-84-87 . . B.R. Maiden. Public library, 1879 B.R. Manchester. Free public library, 1873-87 . . . B.R. Milwaukee. Public library, 1882 B.R. Montreal. Fraser institute, 1886-7 .... B.R. Mechanics' institue, 1878-80-81 .... B.R. Mercantile library association, 1867 . B.R. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Public library, 1884-86 ... . B.R. Newport. Redwood library and athenseum 1886 . B.R. Newton. Free library, 1880 ...... B.R. New York. Astor library, 1880 . . . . . B.R. Free circulating library, 1883-86-87 . B.R. Maimonides library, 1885-87 ... B.R. 140 REFERENCE LIBRARY. LIBRARY REPORTS Continued. New York. Mechanics' and tradesmen's library, 1881 . B.R. Mercantile library association, 1872-75 . B.R. Nova Scotia. Library commissioners, 1885-6 ... B.R. Ohio. State library, 1880 B.R. Pittsburgh. Young men's mercantile library, 1872 . . B.R. Plymouth. Free public library, 1885-86 . . . B.R. Portsmouth. Free public library, 1886-87 .... B.R. Providence. Public library, 1885-87 . . . . B.R. San Francisco. Mechanics' institute, 1872 ... B.R. Mercantile library association, 1872-73-84- 85-87 B.R. Richmond, Surrey. Free public library, 1881-87 . . B.R. Sheffield. Free public library, 1881 -.82-86 -87 . B.R. Sherbrooke. Library association, 1887 . . . . B.R. South Shields. Public library, 1885 B.R. St. Louis. Mercantile library association, 1867-87 . . B.R. Public library, 1885-86 .... B.R. Public school library, 1885-86 .... B.R, Swansea Public library, 1882-86 B.R. Sidney. Free public library, 1870-71-73-74 . . . B.R. Taimton. Public library, 1880-87 ..... B.R. Toledo. Public library, 1879-83-84 . . . . . B.R. Toronto. Mechanics' institute, 1880-82 ... B.R. Water-town. Free public library, 1878, 81-82 ... B.R. Wilmington. Institute, 1876 B.R. Woburn. Public library, 1882-83, 85-88 .... B.R. Wolverhampton. Free library, 1882-83 ... B.R. Worcester. Free public library, 1872-74, 80, 82-83, 85-87 . B.R. Trade and Sale Catalogues. Bibliotheca Americana, (Robert Clark & Co.), 3 vols., . 1883-7. B.R, Howell. Book collector's guide 1883. B.R. Booth. (William) Catalogue of library sold at Manchester 1884. B.R. Deeth. (S. G.) Catalogue of library sold at New York . B.R. Dulau. Catalogue of foreign books on sale . . . 1845. B.R. Catalogue of miscellaneous books on sale . B.R. Catalogue of ancient and modern Italian books 1877. B.R. Eastham. (Charles) Catalogue of library sold at Boston 1887. B.R. English catalogue of books ...... 1885-7. B.R. Guild. (Charles H.) Catalogue of library sold at East Somerville, Mass. . . . . . . 1887. B.R. Haight. Catalogue of books sold at Toronto, priced . 1881. B.R. Hawkins. (Gen.) Catalogue of. library sold at New York . 1887. B.R. FICTION. 141 TRADE AND SALE CATALOGUES Continued. Hickcox. Catalogue of U.S. government publications, vols. 1-4 1886-8. B.R. List of works published on account of Her Majesty s station- ery office 1882. B.R. London catalogue of books . . . . . . 1831-55. B.R. Mackenzie. ( J . W. ) Catalogue of library sold at Edinburgh 1 886. B. R. Menzies. (William) Catalogue of library sold at New York 1876. B.R. Murphy. (Hon. Henry C.) Catalogue of library sold at New York . . '. . . 1884. H.C. 4755 Publishers trade list annual . . , '. '. ' . . 1882. B.R. Quaritch. General catalogue . .V '. ', . 1880. B.R. Catalogue of manuscripts '. '. '. . 1881. B.R. Natural history, physics and other sciences 1881. B.R. Periodicals, journals and transactions of learned societies ...;.. 1882. B.R. Romances of chivalry, novels, tales, etc. . 1882. B.R. Music, songs, bibliography, books printed upon vellum . . ..... . 1882. B.R. Roorbach. Bibliotheca Americana . . . 1820-52. B.R. Supplement do ..... . 1852-55. B.R. Short. (Charles) Catalogue of library sold at New York 1887. B.R. Smith. (J.Russell) Catalogue of books relating to America 1871. B. K. The same 1874. B.R. Sotheran. Catalogue of second-hand books . . . 1884. B R. The same . . . . . . 1888. B.R. Whitaker. Reference catalogue of current literature 1885,1888. B.R. FICTION. Ballantine. The miller of Deanhaugh .... 1844. 1885- 5 Balzac. Droll stories ....... 1874. H.C. 4417 Beardsley. Victims of tyranny . . . . . 1847. H.C. 4410 Bronte. (A.) Wildfell hall 1880. 1884- 9 Bronte. (C.) Jane Eyre 1882. 1884-5 Shirley . . . . . . . 1882. 1884- 7 The professor 1882. 1884- 6 Villette 1883. 1884- 8 Bronte. (E. and A.) Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey 1873. 1884-10 Burke. Romance of the aristocracy, 3 vols. . . . 1855. 1883- 1 Cervantes. Don Quixote. Trans, by Duffield, 3 vols. 1881. 1885- 7 Don Quixote. Trans, by Smollett, 3 vols. 1833. 1882-10 Exemplary novels. Trans, by Kelly . 1855. H.C. 490 History of Don Quixote. Illustrated by Dore n.d. 5164-2 142 REFERENCE LIBRARY. FICTION Continued. Crowe. Yesterday in Ireland, 3 vols 1834. 1884- 3 Cunningham. Traditional tales of the Scottish peasantry 1874. 1882- 8 De Foe. Capt. Singleton and Col. Jack . . . 1882. 1884-14 Moll Flanders and the history of the devil . 1883. 1884-15 Roxana, the fortunate mistress, and Mother Ross 1883. 1884-16 De Gomez. Select novels. Trans, from the French . 1745. H.C. 4409 DeStael. Corinne ou 1'Italie, 3 vols 1812. H.C. 620 Dickens. Household edition n.d. A tale of two cities 1887-21 Barnaby Rudge 1887-3 Bleak House 1887- 4 Christmas books . . . . . . 1887- 6 Christmas stories 1887- 7 David Copperfield 1887- 8 Dombey and Son ...... 1887- 9 Edwin Drood and other stories . . . 1887-10 Great expectations . . . . . . 1887-11 Hard times 1887-12 Little Dorrit 1887-13 Martin Chuzzlewit . . . . . 1887-14 Nicholas Nickleby 1887-15 Oliver Twist . . . * . . 1887-17 Our mutual friend . . . . . 1887-18 Pickwick papers . . . . . . 1887-19 Sketches by Boz . . . . . . 1887-20 The old curiosity shop . . .. .- 1887-16 The uncommercial traveller . . ... 1887-22 Eblana. The last monarch of Tara . . . . 1880. 188*-19 Fielding. Adventures of Joseph Andrews . . . 1882. 1884-12 Amelia . . '. . . . ^ 1877. 1884-13 The history of Tom Jones, 2 vols. . . . 1880. 1884-11 Fleuriot. Marga . . . . . . . . 1872. H.C. 4413 Gait. LawrieTodd 1832. 1882- 1 Gaspe. Canadians of old . ... . . 1864. 1884-20 Les anciens Canadiens, 2 vols 1877. 1882- 9 Greenwood. True history of a little ragamuffin . . n.d. 1885-2 Haliburton. Clock-maker, 1st series . . . . . 1839. 1883- 7 The same, 3rd series .... 1840. 1883- 8 Letter bag of the Great Western . . . 1840. 1883- 5 Sam Slick's wise saws and modern instances 1859. 1883- 9 The attache, 4 vols. 1846. 1883- 4 The old judge, 2 vols 1849. 1883- 6 Hamilton. (Count) Fairy tales and romances . . 1849. H.C. 491 Hall. Sketches of Irish character n.d. 1884- 1 Heavysege. The advocate 1865. 1885- 9 Hoffman. Weird tales, 2 vols. 1885. 1884-18 FICTION. 143 n.d. 1882- 4 n. d. 1882- 6 n.d. 1882- 2 n.d. 1882- 3 n.d. 1882- 5 1841. H.C..4414 1820. H.C. 654 1876. 1885- 1 1878. 1883- 3 1874. 1883- 2 1880. 1883-11 1881. 1883-10 1847. H.C. 4408 1780. 1882-11 FICTION Continued. Hogg. Brownie of Bodsbeck and other tales Mary Montgomery and other tales Memoirs and confessions of a fanatic The shepherd's calendar and other tales, 2 vols. Winter evening tales Ingemann. Waldemar, 3 vols. Irving. Sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon, 2 vols. . Johnson. Village of Merrow ...... Kirby. The Chien D'Or. The golden dog , Knight. A romance of Acadia, 3 vols. .... Lauder. Highland legends . . . Tales of the Highlands . Lee. The African wanderers ..... Le Sage. Aventures de Robert Chevalier, dit De Beauchene Adventures of Robert Chevalier, called De Beau- cheiie, 2 vols. ...... Manuel. (Don Juan) Count Lucanor .... Manzoni. I promessi sposi, 3 vols. ..... Oxenford and Feiling. (Trans.) Tales from the German Pultock. Life and adventures of Peter Wilkins Parkmann. Vassall Morton Pennell-Elmhirst. The cream of Leicestershire Prevost. Manon Lescaut ...... Richardson. (S.) Pamela or virtue rewarded, 3 vols. . History of Clarissa Harlowe, 5 vols. History of Sir Charles Grandison, 4 vols. Richardson. (Major) Matilda Montgomerie ; being the sequel to Wacousta .... Foby. Traditions of Lancashire, 2 vols The same, second series, 2 vols. Ross. Legend of the holy stone Scott. Waverley novels, 48 vols ... 1745. 1882-12 1882- 7 1828-9. H.C. 4399 1844. 1885- 3 1844. H.C. 4411 1856. 1884-17 1883. 1886- 1 1841. 1886- 7 1883. 1886- 9 1883. 1886-10 1883. 1886-11 1885-8. 1829. 1831. n.d. 1829-34. H.C. 4350 H.C. 4420 H.C. 4421 1883-12 H.C 4350 Waverley, 2 vols. Guy Mannering, 2 vols. Antiquary, 2 vols. Rob Roy, 2 vols. Old Mortality, 2 vols. [id-Lothian, 3 vols. Fortunes of Nigel, 2 vols. Peveril of the Peak, 3 vo s. Quentin Ourward, 2 vols. St. Rouan's Well, 2 vols. Redgauntlet, 2 vols. The Betrothed, 2 vols. Woodstock, 2 vols. Highland Widow. Fair Maid of Perth, 2 vols Anne of Geierstein, 2 vols. Count Robert of Paris, 2 vols. Castle Dangerous. Surgeon's Daughter. Heart of Mi Bride of Lammermoor, 2 vols Legend of Montrose. Ivanhoe, 2 vols. Monastery, 2 vols. Abbot, 2 vols. Kenilworth, 2 vols. Pirate, 2 vols. Smith. Christopher Tadpole 1879 Surtees. Ask mamma . Handley cross Mr. Romford's hounds Mr. Sponge's sporting tour Plain or Ringlets Tales of the Niagara frontier n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d 1851. 1884- 2 1886- 5 1886- 4 1886- 2 1886- 3 1886- 6 1882-13 144 REFERENCE LIBRARY. FICTION Continued, Travels before the flood, 2 vols 1796. H.C. 4405 Thistleton. Governor of Cacona 1852. 1884-21 Tkin-Shen. (Trans.) Rambles of Ching-Tih, 2 vols. . 1843. 1883-13 Trollope. Ralph the heir 1871. 1885- 6 "Wanderer." Across country . . . 1882. 1885- 4 Waverley anecdotes illustrative of the novels and romances 1840. H.C. 4398 1887. 1886- 8 Wilson. Tales of the borders, vol. 1 1841. 1887-23 POETRY. Collections. Allingham. (Ed.) The ballad book . 1879. 2783-20 Arnold. (Edwin) Indian poetry . . 1825-21 Anthologie des poetes Francaise depuis le XV siecle jusqu a nos jours . . n.d. H.C. 313 Barry. (Ed.) The songs of Ireland .... 1845. H.C. 312 Bell. (Ed.) Songs from the dramatists . . . 1855. 2782-16 Bentley. Ballads, with notes by John Sheehan 1869. H.C 308. Bertram. Dictionary of poetical illustrations 1883. 2984- 4 Bowring. (Trans.) Cheskian anthology 1832. 2782- 3 Specimens of the Polish poets . 1827. 2782- 4 Specimens of the Russian poets 1821. 2782- 1 Bowring and Van Dyk. (Trans.) Batavian anthology 1824. 2782- 2 Buchan. (Ed.) Ancient ballads and songs of the North of Scotland, 2 vols. .... 1875. 2785- 4 Buchheim. (Comp.) Deutsche Lyrik . c . 1883. 2783-19 Bullen. (Ed. ) Carols and poems ..... 1885. 2786- 9 Bull Finch. (The) A collection of English songs n.d. H.C. 318 Burns centenary poems. (Edited by Andersen and Finlay) . 1859. H.C. 328 Chalmers. (Ed. ) English poets, 21 vols. 1810. H.C. 4479 Chamberlain. Classical poetry of the Japanese 1880. 1825-17 Chambers. Popular rhymes of Scotland . . u.d. 2785- 5 Chansonnier des colleges, 2nd and 3rd editions . 1854-60. 2772-24 Child. (Ed.) English and Scottish ballads, 8 vols. 1864. 2784-13 Cromek. (Ed.) Remains of Niths dale and Galloway song 1880. 2785- 2 1877. 1762- 7 Elliott. Witty and humorous side of English poets ; 1880. 2786-17 Evans. Old ballads, historical and narrative, 4 vols. 1777-84. 2785-11 Hamilton. (Ed.) Parodies of the works of English and American authors, 4 vols. 1884-7. 2777- 2 Hardiman, (Ed.) Irish minstrelsy, or bardic remains of Ireland, 2 vols. .... 1731. 2787- 5 POETRY INDIVIDUAL. 145 POETRY Continued. Harland. (Ed.) Ballads and songs of Lancashire 1865. H.C. 311 Hayes. (Ed.) Ballads of Ireland, 2 vols. 1859. 2785- 9 Herd. (Ed.) Ancient and modern Scottish songs, 2 vols. 1870. 2785- 3 Hindley. (Ed.) The Roxburghe ballads, 2 vols. . 1873-4. 2786- 1 Les Fleurs de la poesie Canadienne ..... 1869. 2773- 8 Morley. (Ed.) English poems n.d. 1722- 5 English verse . . . . . n.d. 1722- 2 Motherwell. Minstrelsy, ancient and modern, 2 vols. . 1846. 2785. 8 Muir. Metrical translations from Sanskrit writers 1879. 1825- 9 Murray. Ballads and songs of Scotland 1874. H.C. 626 O'Hagan. (Trans.) The song of Roland ... 1880. 2787- 2 Oxford English prize poems . . . . . 1828. 2784-15 Percy. Ballads, selected from Percy's collection 1807. H.C. 316 Ritson. Ancient songs and ballads .... 1877. 2783- 1 Robin Hood, poems, songs, and ballads 1885. 2786-20 The same ....... n.d. H.C. 340 Scottish songs, 2 vols ...... 1869. 2785- 1 Routledge. (Ed. ) Universal songster, 3 vols. n.d. 2787-13 Sargent. (Ed. ) Harper's cyclopaedia of British and Ameri- can poetry . . . . 1882. 2786-18 Schaff and Oilman. (Eds.) Library of the best poems of all ages and tongues 1881. 2786-19 Library of religious poetry 1883. 2786-21 Tottel's miscellany. (Arber's English reprints) 1870. 1734-11 Vigfusson and Powell. ( Eds. and trans. ) Corpus poeticum boreale, 2 vols. 1883. 2787- 6 Ward. (Ed.) The English poets, selections with critical introductions, 4 vols. 1881. 2785-12 Wilkins. (Ed.) Political ballads, 2 vols. 1860. 2784- 1 Wilson. ( J. G. Ed. ) Poets and poetry of Scotland, 2 vols. 1876-7. 2787-12 Individual. H.C. 4487 Addison. Poems. (Chalmers* English poets, vol. 9) Akenside. Poems. (Chalmers* English poets, vol. 14) . H.C. 4492 Aldrich. Poems 1882. 2787- 3 Alexander. (Sir William) Poems. (Chalmers* English poets, vol. 5) H.C. 4483 Poetical works, 3 vols. . 1870-72. 2772- 2 Allan. (P. J.) Poetical remains .... 1853. 2786- 8 American mariners, or the Atlantic voyage n.d. 2784-19 Anderson. Ballads in the Cumberland dialect 1805. H.C. 307 Ariosto. Trans, by John Hoole. (Chalmers* English poets, vol.21) . . . . .. H.C. 4499 Armstrong. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 16) H.C. 4494 10 146 REFERENCE LIBRARY. POETRY Continued. Bailey. Festus, a poem 1851. 2772-20 Barham. Ingoldsby legends ...... 1881. 2785-15 Barnfield. Poems. (English scholar's library) . . 1883. 1735-14 Beattie. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 18) . H.C. 4496 Beaumont. (F.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 6) H.C. 4484 Beaumont. (Sir 3.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets vol. 6), H.C. 4484 Beranger. Chansons anciennes, posthumes, avec la musique, 5vols 1859. H.C. 343 Bibaud. Epitres, satires, chansons, epigrammes et autres pieces de Vers 1830. 2773-10 Billington. Lyrical poems 1861. H.C. 304 Sheen and shade 1861. H.C. 304 Blacklock. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 18) H.C. 4496 Blackmore. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 10) H.C. 4488 Blair. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 15) . H.C. 4493 Bourne. Poematia latine partim reddita . . . n.d. 1766- 7 Boyse. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 14) . H.C. 4492 Breakenridge. Crusades and other poems . . . 1846. 2776- 3 Brome. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 6) . H.C. 4484 Brooke. Poems. (Chalmers 5 English poets, vol. 17) . H C. 4495 Broome. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 12) . H.C. 4490 Browne. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 6) . H.C. 4484 Browning. Agamemnon, La Saisiaz and dramatic idyls 1882. 2783-15 Aristophanes' apology .... 1875. 2783- 4 Balaustkm's adventure 1871. 2783- 5 Dramatis personse 1882. 2783- 6 Fifine and other poems 1872. 2783- 7 Jocoseria . 1883. 2783-16 Men and women 1883. 2783- 9 Pacchiarotto and other poems . . . 1877. 2783-10 Poems and dramas, 2 vols 1883. 2783-11 Red cotton night-cap country . . . 1873. 2783-12 Ring and the book, 2 vols. . . . . 1879-82. 2783-13 Sordello, Strafford, etc 1880. 2783-14 The inn album 1876. 2783- 8 Burns. Fac-simile of his famous poem entitled the jolly beggars ' . . 1838. 5151-17 Works. (Edited by Robert Chambers), 4 vols. . 1856. 2776- 4 Burton. Lindah or the festival 1845. 2786- 4 Butler. Hudibras with Dr. Grey's annotations, 3 vols. . 1819. H.C. 334 Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 8) H.C. 4486 Poetical works, 3 vols. 1855. 2782- 9 Byrom. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 15) . H.C. 4493 Byron. (Lord) Works 1852. H.C. 348 Works, with letters and journal. (Edited by Thomout Moore), 17 vols. . . 1832. 2773- 1 Cambridge. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 18) H.C. 449fi POETRY INDIVIDUAL. 147 POETRY Continued. Camoens. Lusiad. Trans, by J. J. Aubertin, 2 vols. 1878. 2787- 9 Trans, by W. J. Mickle. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 21) H.C. 4499 Carew. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 5) . H.C. 4483 Cartwright. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol 6) . H.C. 4484 Cawthorne. Poems. (Chalmers 1 English poets, vol. 14) H.C. 4492 Chapman. Poems and minor translations . . . 1875. 2752- 3 Chatterton. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 15) . H.C. 4493 Poetical works, 2 vols. ..... 1842. 2784-16 Chaucer. Poetical works. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 1) H.C. 4479 Poetical works. (Edited by Tynvhitt] . . 1866. H.C. 342 Poetical works. (Edited by Thomas Wright) . n.d. H.C. 340 Poetical works. (Edited by Robert Bell), 8 vols. 1854-56. 2782- 5 Churchill. Poems. (Chalmers 1 English poets, vol. 14) . H.C. 4492 Poetical works 1855. 2786- 3 Clarke. (C. C.) The riches of Chaucer .... 1877. 2786-14 Collins. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 13) . H.C. 4491 Combe. Dr. Syntax's three tours in search of the pictur- esque, consolation and a wife . . . n.d. H.C. 302 Congreve. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 10) H.C. 4488 Cooper. (J. Gilbert) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 15) H.C. 4493 Cooper. (Thomas) Purgatory of suicides . . . 1845. 2783-17 The same . . . . . 1853. H.C. 829 Corbet. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 5) . H.C. 4483 Cotton. (C.) Poems. (Chalmers 5 English poets, vol. 6) H.C. 4484 Cotton. (N.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 18) H.C. 4496 Cowdell. Poetical account of the American campaigns of 1812-3 1815. 2785- 6 Cowley. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 7) . H.C. 4485 Poetical works 1681. 2772-5- Cowper. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 18) . H.C. 4496 Poetical works, 3 vols 1854. 2782-15' Crashaw. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 6) . H.C. 4484 Creery. Legends of the hills, 2 vols 1859. 5151-18 Cremazie. (Euvres completes x 1882. 1742-18 Cromek. Burns' reliques 1813. 2786- 2' Cunningham. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 14) H.C. 4492 Dagley. Death's doings, original compositions in verse and prose 1827. H.C. 327 Daniel. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 3) . H.C. 4481 Dante. Vision of hell. Trans, by Gary, illustrated by Gustave Dore 1866. H.C. 5460 The same 5164- 1 Darwin (Erasmus) The botanic garden, quarto . . 1791. 5151-16 Davenant. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 6) H.C. 4484 Davies. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 5) . H.C. 4483 148 REFERENCE LIBRARY. POETRY Continued. Denham. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 7) . H.C. 4485 Dewart. Songs of life 1869. 2772- 9 Dillon. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 8). . . H.C. 4486 Dobell. A floweret for the wreath of humanity . . 1812. H.C. 306 Dodsley. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 15) . H.C. 4493 Donne. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 5) . H.C. 4483 Drayton. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 4) . H.C. 4482 Poetical works, 3 vols. .... 1876. 2772- 4 Drummond. Poerns. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 5) . H.C. 4483 Dryden. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vols. 8-9) H.C. 4486 Poetical works, 3 vols 1854. 2782-13 Duke. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 9) . H.C. 4487 Dutt. Vision of Sumeru ...... n.d. 2787- 4 D wight. Conquest of Canaan 1788. 2784-17 Dyer. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 13) . H.C. 4491 Emerson. Poems 1884. 1754- 8 Falconer. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 14) H.C. 4492 Fawkes. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 16) H.C. 4494 Fenton. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 10) . H.C. 4488 Ferland. (L'Abbe) Opuscules 1876. 2773-11 Fletcher. (G.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 6) H.C. 4484 Fletcher. (P.) Poems. (Chalmers" English poets, vol. 6) H.C. 4484 Fraser. Tale of the sea and other poems . . . 1870. 2784- 3 Frechette. Mes loisir, poesies 1863. 2772-22 Garth. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 9) . H.C. 4487 Gascoigne. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 2) . H.C. 4480 Gay. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 10) . H.C. 4488 Goethe. Faust, a tragedy. Trans, by J. S. Blackie . 1834. 2773- 7 Poems. Translated by various writers . 1882. 1757- 7 Googe. Epytaphes and sonettes. (Arber's reprints) . 1871. 1734-14 Goldsmith. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 16) H.C. 4494 Gower. Confessio Amantis, 3 vols 1857. 2787-10 Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 2) . . H.C. 4480 Glover. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 17) . H.C. 4495 Grainger. Poems. (Chalmers* English poets, vol. 14) . H.C. 4482 Grant. Stray leaves 1865. 2784- 4 Granville. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 11) . fl.C. 4489 Gray. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 14) . H.C. 4492 Green. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 15) . H.C. 4493 Griffith. (Trans.) Birth of the war-god. (Trubner's oriental series) ...... 1879. 1825- 5 (Trans.) Yiisuf andZulaikha. (Trubner's oriental series) 1882. 1826- 4 Habington. Castara. (Arber's reprints) . . . 1870. 1734-10 Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 6) . H.C. 4484 HalL Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 5) . H. C. 4483 POETRY INDIVIDUAL. H9 1 1882. 1817. H.C. 4493 H.C. 4489 1745- 1 H.C. 4494 H.C. 317 POETRY Continued. Hamilton. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 15) Hammond. Poems. (Chalmers 1 English poets, vol. 11) Harte. (Bret) Poems . Harte. (Walter) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol 16) Hayley. The triumphs of temper .... Hesiod. Works of. Trans, by Thomas Cooke. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 20) .... Hogg. Pilgrims of the sun Queen Hynde and other poems Queen's wake and other poems .... Songs and ballads ...... The poetic mirror . . . . Holmes. Iron gate and other poems .... Homer. Iliad and odyssey. Trans, by Alexander Pope. ' H.C. 4498 1852, 2782-20 1852. 2782-17 1856. 2782-19 1852. 2782-21 1852. 2782-18 1881. 2786-15 (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 19) Iliad. Trans, by Lang, Leaf, and Myers Trans, by the Earl of Derby, 2 vols. Odyssey done into English verse by William Morris, 2 vols. ..... Hood. Works . .... . . Horace. Trans, by Philip Francis. (Chalmers 5 English poets, vol. 19) ...... Hours of childhood and other poems .... Houx. The vaux-de-vire. Trans, by Muirhead Howard. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 2) Hughes. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 10) Jago. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 17) James VI. Essayes of a prentise in the divine art of poesie. (Arber's reprints) ..... Jenyns, Poems- (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 17) Johnson. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 16) Jones. Poems. (Chalmers 5 English poets, vol. 18) Jonson. Poems. (Chalmers 5 English poets, vol 5) Poetical works ...... Juvenal. Trans, by Dryden. (Chalmers' English poets, vol.19) Kidd. The Huron chief and other poems King. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 9) Knight. A year in Canada Lamb. (Charles and Mary) Poems. (Edited by W. C. Hazlitt) Langhorne. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 16) Lays of a lifetime . . . . . Leaves from the backwoods . . . . . LeMay. Evangeline traduction du poeme Acadien de Long- fellow Fables Canadiennes Petits poemes 1883. 1866. 1887. n.d. 1820. 1875. 1870. 1856. 1830. 1816. 1874. 1857. 1862. 1870. 1882. 1883. H.C. 4497 2784-10 2784-11 2776- 5 H.C. 340 H.C. 4497 2772-16 2787-11 H.C. 4480 H.C. 4488 H.C. 4495 1734- 8 H.C. 4495 H.C. 4494 H-C. 4496 H.C. 4483 2782- 8 H.C. 4497 2784- 5 H.C. 4487 2784-18 1762- 6 H.C. 4494 2787- 7 2784- 9 2772-23 2773- 3 2773- 6 150 REFERENCE LIBRARY. POETRY Continued. Lescarbot. Les muses de la Nouvelle-France. (Histoire de la Nouvelle-France, vol. 3) . . 1866. 1536- 1 Leyden. Poetical works 1819. 2786- 5 Liston. Songs of the Canadian winter, etc. . . . 1868. 2784- 7 Lloyd. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 15) . H.C. 4493 Logan. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 18) . H.C. 4496 Lome. (Marquis of) Guido and Lita .... 1875. 2786- 7 Lovibond. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 16) H.C. 4494 Lucan's Pharsalia. Trans, by Nicholas Rowe. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 20) .... H.C. 4498 Lyndsay. (Sir David) Poetical works, 2 vols. . . 1871. 2772- 3 Lyttleton. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 14) H C. 4492 Lytton. (Lord) Odes and epodes of Horace . . 1869. 2784-12 Mackay. The salamandrine 1853. 2787- 8 Maclean. The coming of the princess .... 1881. 2772-10 Mallet. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 14) . H.C. 4492 Mason. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 18) . H.C. 4496 May. The ever-living life 1883. 2786-10 McLachlan. Lyrics 1858. 2773- 5 Poems 1856. 2773- 4 Poems and songs 1874. 2786- 6 The emigrant and other poems . . . 1861. 2773-15 Menzies. Poems, sonnets, etc. . . . . . 1850. 2772- 7 Mickle. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 17) . H.C. 4495 Milton. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 7) . H.C. 4485 Poetical works, 2 vols. (Edited by Bradshaw) . 1878. 2786-11 Montague. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 9) H.C. 4487 Moore. (E.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 14) H.C. 4492 Moore. (T.) LallaRookh 1817. H.C. 325 Motherwell. Poetical works 1847. 2785- 7 Murphy. Conquest of Quebec, an epic poem in eight books 1790. 2773- 9 Narbonne-Lara. Esquisses poetiques .... 1875. 1742-11 Oldham. Poetical works 1854. 2782-11 Ossian. Genuine remains. (Edited by P. MacGregor) . 184 J. H.C. 326 Otway. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 8) . H.C. 4486 Ovid's metamorphoses. Trans, by Dryden, Addison, Pope, Gay, etc. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 20) . H.C. 4498 Parnell. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 9) . H.C. 4487 Pearch. (Ed.) A collection of poems, 4 vols. . . 1775. 2785-10 Philips. (A.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 13) H.C. 4491 Philips. (J.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 8) . H.C. 4486 Pindar. (Peter) See Walcott Pitt. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 12) .. H.C. 4490 Pomfret. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 8) . H.C. 4486 Pope. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 12) . . H.C. 4490 Prince. Hours with the muses 1857. H.C. 309 Poetical works, 2 vols. . 1880. H.C. 300 POETRY INDIVIDUAL. 151 POETRY Continued. Pringle. Poetical works 1837. 2776- 1 Prior. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 10) . . H.C. 4488 Poems on several occasions, 2 vols. . . . 1721. 2772- 6 Ramsay. (Allan) Poems, 2 vols 1877. 2773- 2 Ramsay. (J.R.) One quiet day 1873. 2786-16 Reeve. Characteristics of painters, in verse . . . 1842. H.C. 205 Reminiscences of a soldier 1 843. 2772- 1 Richardson. Rolliad, pieces in prose and verse . . 1785. 1762-17 Robinson. A handful of pleasant delights. 'English scholar's library) 1880. 1735- 3 Rossetti. A shadow of Dante . . ' . . . . 1881. 2784- 8 Rowe. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 9) . H.C. 4487 Sackville. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 8) . H.C. 4486 Savage. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 11) . H.C. 4489 Schiller. Poems. Translated 1884. 1757-14 Schoolcraft. Trans -allegania or the groans of Missouri. (Phillips' modern voyages, vol. 12) . 1320. 1613- 1 Scott. (J.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 17) H.C. 4495 Scott. (Sir Walter) Lady of the lake .... 1816. H.C. 332 Lay of the last minstrel . . 1816. H.C. 330 Lord of the isles .... 1815. H.C. 331 Marmion 1811. H.C. 333 Rokeby . . . . . . . 1813. H.C. 329 Sheffield. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 10) H.C. 4488 Shakspeare. Poems 1855. 2782-12 Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 5), see also page 112 .y . . . H.C. 4483 Shelley. Poems and papers . . . . . 1833. 2772-12 Poetical works. (Edited by Mrs. Shelby), 4 vols. 1839. 2772-11 Shenstone. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 13) . H.C. 4491 Sherburne. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 6) H.C. 4484 Sherwood. Welcome to Albert, Prince of Wales, and other poems 1860. 2772-13 Sidney. (Sir Philip) Poetical works, 3 vols. . . 1725. 1744- 2 Simon. Proverbialis-poetica 1683. H.C. 314 Skelton. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 2) . H.C. 4480 Smart. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 16) . H.C. 4494 Smith. (E.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 9) . H.C. 4487 Smith. (James and Horace) Rejected addresses . 1881. 2783-18 Smollett. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 15) . H.C. 4493 Somervile. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 11) H.C. 4489 Spenser. Poems. (Chalmers* English poets, vol. 3) . H.C. 4481 Works. (Edited by Todd) .... 1866. H.C. 341 Sprat. Poems. (Chalmers' Eng.ish poets, vol. 9) . H.C. 4487 Statius. Thebaid. Trans, by Lewis. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 20) H.C. 4498 Stepney. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 8) H.C. 4486 152 REFERENCE LIBRARY. POETRY Continued. Suckling. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 6) . H.C. 4484 Poems, plays, etc., 2 vols 1874. 2783-2 Suite. Les Laurentiennes 1870. 2773-12 Surrey. (Earl of) Poetical works .... 1854. 2782- 6 " Sussie D." Maple leaves 1871. 2784-14 Swift Poems ascribed to Swift, vol. 12-15 . . 1883. 1747- 1 Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 11) . . H.C. 4489 Symonds. Popular Italian poetry of the renaissance 1879. 1762- 3 Tasso. Trans, by Hoole. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 21) fl.C. 4499 Thayers. A wreath of wild flowers .... 1877. 2784- 6 Theocritus. Idylliums of. Trans, by Francis Fawkes. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 20) . . H.C. 4498 The U. E. A tale of Upper Canada . . . . 1859. 2772-15 Thompson. Poems. (Chalmers English poets, vol. 15) . H.C. 4493 Thomson. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 12) H.C. 4490 Poetical works of, 2 vols. . 1855. 2782-14 Tibullus. Elegies of, and the poems of Sulpicia. Trans, by James Grainger. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 20) H.C 4498 Tickell. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 11) . H.C. 4489 Tupper. Philosophic proverbiale 1851. H.C. 303 Turbervile. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 2) H.C. 4480 Vida's art of poetry. Trans, by Christopher Pitt. Chal- mers' English poets, vol. 19) ... H.C. 4497 Villon. (Master Francis) Poems done into English verse by John Payne 1881. 2786-13 Virgil. Trans, by John Dryden. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 19) H.C. 4497 Trans, into English verse by John Dryden, 3 vols. 1803. H.C. 337 JEneid. Trans, by Christopher Pitt. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 19) .... H.C. 4497 Walcott. (Peter Pindar, vseud.) Poetical works, 5 vols. 1794-1801. 2776- 2 Walker. The knapsack, a collection of fugitive poems . 1853. 2772-19 Waller. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 8) . H.C. 4486 Poetical works 1854. 2782-10 Walsh. Poems. (Chalmers* English poets, vol. 8) . H.C. 4486 Warner. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 4} . H.C. 4482 Warton. (Dr. J.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 18) H.C. 4496 Warton. (T.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 18) H.C. 4496 Watson. (Thomas) Poems. (Arber's reprints) . 1870. 1734- 9 Watts. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 13) H.C. 4491 Webbe. A discourse of English poetrie. (Arber's reprints) 1734-12 West. Poems. (Chalmers 5 English poets, vol. 13) . H.C. 4491 Whinfield. (Trans.) The quatrians of Omar Khayyam 1882. 1826-2 White. Remains, with a memoir by Robert Southey, 3 vols. 1819. H.C. 322 Whitehead. (P.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 16) H.C. 4494 Whitehead. (W.) Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 17) H.C. 4495 DRAMA AND DRAMATIC WORKS. 153- POETRY Continued. Whitman. (Walt) Leaves of grass .... ] 860-1. 2784-2 Wilkie. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 16) H.C. 4494 Wilkins. The acacia 1863. 2772-14 Wilmot. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 8) . H.C. 4486 Wilson. (Alexander) Poems and literary prose, 2 vols. 1876. 2786-12 The foresters .... 1838. 2772- 8 Wilson. (J.) (Christopher North, pseud. ) Poetical works 1874. 1755-5 Wilson. (J. M.) The enthusiast, a metrical tale . 1834. 2772-17 Wilson. (JRev. E.) The naturalist's poetical companion . 1852. H.C. 315 Wright. Poetical works 1843. 2772-18 Wyat. Poems. (Chalmers 5 English poets, vol. 2) . H.C. 4480 Wyatt. (SirT.) Poetical works .... 1854. 2782-7 Yalden. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 11) . H.C. 4489 Yule. Poems of heart and home 1881. 2772-21 Young. Poems. (Chalmers' English poets, vol. 13) . H.C. 4491 The complaint, or night -thoughts on life, death and immortality, 2 vols. . . . . 1771. H.C. 320' Drama and Dramatic Works. Ancient British drama, 3 vols 1810. 2756- 2 Contents. Vol 1. The four p.'s, by Hey wood Ferrex and Porrex, by Sackmlle Return from Pernassus Damon and Pithias, by Edwards Gammer Gurton's needle Alexander and Campaspe, by Lyly Edward II, by Marlowe The heir, bv May The bird in a cage, by Shirley Jew of Malta, by Marlow The wits, by DavenantSir John Oldcastle, (part the first) Life and death of Thomas, Lord Cromwell London prodigal The Puritan A Yorkshire tragedy George A. Greene, the pinner of Wakefield Jeronimo, (part the first) The Spanish tragedy The honest whore, by Dekkar The honest whore (part the second), by Dekkar. Vol. 2. The malcontent, by Marston All fools, by Chapman East- ward Hoe, by Jonson, etc. The revenger's tragedy, by Tourneur The dumb knight, by M achin The miseries of inf orced marriage, by Wilkins Lingua, by Brewer The merry devil of Edmonton A mad world, my masters, by Middleton -Run-alley, by Barry The roaring girl, by MiddletonThe city match, by Mayn'e The muse's looking-glass, by Randolph A woman killed with kindness, by Hey wood A match at midnight, by Rowley The gamester, by Shirley Microcosmus, by N abbes Greene's tu quoque, by Cook Albumazar, by Tomkis. Vol. 3. The white devil, by Webster The hog hath lost his pearl, by Tailor The foure prentises of London, with the conquest of Jerusalem, by HeywoodThe antiquary, by Marmion The ordinary, by Cartwright A jovial crew, by Brome The old couple, by May Andromana, by Shirley The mayor of Quinborough, by Middleton Grim, the collier of Croydon The city night-cap, by Davenport The parson's wedding, by Killegrew Adventures of five hours, by Tuke Elvira, by Digby The widow, by Jonson etc. Dutchesse of Malfy, by Webster The rebel- lion, by Rawlin The witch, by Middleton. Beaumont and Fletcher. Works. (Edited by Darley], 2 vols. . . . 1883. 2757- 2 154 REFERENCE LIBRARY. DRAMA AND DRAMATIC WORKS Continued. Bell. (Ed.) British theatre, 25 vols. . . . 1776-84. 2763- 1 Contents. Vol. 1. Zara, by Bill Hamlet, by Shakespeare Jane Shore, by Rowe Siege of Damascus, by Hughes Distressed mother, by Phillips. Vol. 2. Provok'd wife, by Vanbrugh The committee, by Howard Every man in his humour, by Jonson The beaux stratagem, by Far- quhar The old batchelor, by Congreve. Vol. 3. The Earl of Essex, by Jones Tamerlane, by Rowe The mourning bride, by Congreve The fair penitent by Rowe cato, by Addison. Vol. 4. Rule a wife an>l have a wife, by Beaumont and Fletcher The wonder, by Centlivre The conscious lovers, by Steele The recruiting officer, by Farquhar The suspicious husband, by Hoadley. Vol. 5. All for love, bv Dryden The orphan, by Otway Trancred and Sigismunda, by Thomson Isabella, by Sou :herne George Barnwell, by Lillo. Vol. 6. Taming the shrew, by Shakespeare The miser, bv Fielding The provok'd husband, by Vanbrugh and Cibber Two gentlemen of Verona, by Shakespeare-fehe wou'd and she wou'd not, by Cibber. Vol. 7. The roj-al convert, by Rowe Alexander the Great, by Le Mahomet, by M iller Theodosius, by LeeL&dy Jane Gray, by Rowe . Vol. 8. Midsummer night's dream, by Shakespeare Love's labour lost, by Shakespea re Comedy of errors by Shakespeare The tender husband, by Steele The busy body, by Centlivre. Vol. 9. The beggars's opera, by Gay Achilles, by Gay -Polly, by Gay Tempest, by Shakespeare Comus, by Milton. Vol. 10. Merope, by Hill Barbarossa, by Brown Alzira, by Hill Phaedra and Hippolitu, by Smith Measure for measure, by Shakespeare. Vol. 11. The refusal, by Cibber The way of the world, by Conyreve Amphitryon, by Hawkes'worthThe drummer, by Addison The relapge,/ by Vanbrugh. Vol. 12. King Charles I, by HavardThe gamester, by Moore Don Sebastian, by Dryden (Edipus, by Dryden and Lee The revenge, by Young. Vol. 13. The inconstant, by Farquhar The double dealer, by Congreve The foundling, by Moore The Spanish fryar, by Dryden The double gallant, by Cibber. Vol. 14. The Albion queens, by Banks Anna Bullen, by Banks Mariamne, by Fenton Ximena, by Cibber The brothers, by Young. Vol. 15. The constant couple, by Farquhar Sir Harry Wildair, by Farquhar The confederacy, by Vanbrugh The rehearsal, by Bucking- ham The chance-., by Buckingham. Vol. 16. Electra, by Theobald Ambitious step-mother, by Rowe Edward the black prince, by Shirley Busiris, by Youmj Eurydice, by Mallet. Vol. 17. The twin rivals, by Farquhar The country wife, by Wycher- leyThe fair Quaker of Deal, by ShadwellThe alchymist, by Jonson Love's last shift, by Johnson. Vol. 18. Sophonisba, by Thomson Philaster, by Beaumont and Fletcher Virginia,, by Crisp Gustavus Vasa, by Brooke Ulysses, by Rowe. Vdl. 19. Volpone, by Jonson Country lasses, by Johnson Mistake, by Vanbrugh Gamesters, by Shirley The lady's last stake, by Cibber. Vol. 20. Elvira, by Mallet Boadicea, by Glover Creusa, by Whitehead Roman father, by Whitehead Douglas, by Hume. Vol. 21. v| aid of the mill, by BickerstaffLove in a village, by Bicker- ttaffio\i&\ crew, by Beaumont and Fletcher Accomplished maid, by Wild Lionel and Clarissa, by Bickerst't/. Vols. 22, 23, 24, 25. Farces and entertainments. Browning. Poems and dramas, 2 vols. . . . 1883. 2783-11 Chapman. Plays 1874. 2752- 4 Poems and minor translations . . . 1875. 2752- 3 Cibber. Apology for the life, 2 vols. . . . . 1756. 2752- 9 Cochrane. The theatre fra^ais in the reign of Louis XV 1879. 2755- 4 Cokain. Dramatic works 1874. 2754- 1 Crowne. Dramatic works, 4 vols 1873-5. 2754- 2 Dalziel. A parody on patience ..... n.d. 5151-15 DRAMA AND DRAMATIC WORKS. 155 DRAMA AND DRAMATIC WORKS Continued. D'Avenant. Dramatic works, 5 vols. . . . 1872-4. 2754- 3 Dodsley's old English plays, 15 vols 1874-76. 2755- 1 Contents. Vol. 1. Interlude of the four elements Calisto and Melibsea Everyman Hickscorner The pardoner and the friar, by Heywood World and the child -God's promises The four P. P. Thersites. Vol. 2 Interlude of youth Lusty juventus, by Wever Jack Juggler Nice Wanton History of Jacob and Esau Disobedient child, by Ingelend Marriage of wit and science. Vol. 3. New custom Ralph Roister Doister, by Udall Gammer Gurton's needle Trial of treasure Like will to like, by Fulwel. Vol. 4. Damon and Pithias Appius and Virginia Cambyses, by Preston Misfortunes of Arthur Jeronimo. Vol. 5. Spanish tragedy, by Eyd Cornelia Soliman and Perseda Life and death of Jack Straw. Vol. 6. Conflict of conscience, by Woodes Rare triumphs of love and fortune Three ladies of London Three lords and three ladies of London Knack to know a knave. Vol. 7. Tancred and Gismunda Wounds of civil war Mucedorus Two angry women of Abington, by Porter Look about you. Vol. 8. Summer's last will and testament Downfall of Robert Earl of Huntingdon Death of Robert Earl of Huntingdon Contention be- tween liberality and prodigality Grim the collier of Croydon. Vol. 9. How to choose a good wife from a bad Return from Par- nassus Wily beguiled Lingua Miseries of enforced marriage. Vol. 10. Revenger's tragredy Dumb knight Merry devil of Edmonton Ram-alley Second maiden's tragedy Englishmen for my money, by Hauyhton. Vol. 11. A woman is a weathercock Amends for ladies Green's tu quoque Albumazar The hog hath lost his pearl The heir. Vol. 12. The old couple A woman never vexed The ord'nary London chanticleers Shepherds' holiday, by Rutter True Trojans- Lost lady, by Berkley. Vol. 13. Match at midnight City nightcap City-match Queen of Arragon The antiquary. Vol. 14 The rebellion, by Rawlins Lust's dominion Andromana, by J. S. Lady Alimony The parson's wedding. Vol. 15. Elvira, or the worst not always true Marriage night, by Falkland. Adventures o five hours All mistaken Historia histrionica Index to notes. Dodsley's old plays, 12 vols 1825-27. 2752- 2 Contents Vol. 1. Prefaces -Hi-toria histrionica God's promises The four P's Ferrex and Porrex- Damon and Pithias New custome. Vol. 2. Gammer Gurton's needle Alexander and Campaspe Tan- cred and Gismunda Cornelia Edward II. Vol. 3. George A. Greene- Jeronymo, part I Spanish tragedy Honest whore. Vol. 4. Malcontent All fools Eastward hoe The revenger's tragedy The dumb knight. Vol. 5. Miseries of inforced marriage Lingua The merry devil of Edmonton A mad world, my masters Ram-alley, or merry tricks. Vol. 6. The roaring girl The widow's tears The white devil The hog hath lost his pearl The four prentices of London. Vol. 7. Green's tu quoque Albumazar A woman kill'd with kind- nessA match at midnight Fuimus Troes, the true Trojans. Vol. 8. The wounds of civil war The heir Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay The Jew of Malta The wits. Vol. !>. Will Summer's last will and testament Microcosmus The muse's looking-glass The city match The queen of Arragon. Vol. 10. The antiquary Goblins Ordinary Jovial crew Old couple. Vol. 11. Chronicle of Edward the first Mayor of Quinborough Grim, the collier of Croydon City nightcap Parson's wedding. Vol. 12. Adventures of five hours Elvira The widow Chichevache and Bycorne The world and the chylde Apius and Virginia Addi- tional notes and index. 156 REFERENCE LIBRARY. DRAMA AND DRAMATIC WORKS Continued. Doran. Annals of the English stage, 2 vols. . . . 1880. 2754- 9 The same, 3 vols 1888. 2756-4 Dryden. Dramatic works. (Edited by Scott and Saints- bury), 8 vols 1882. 2764- 1 Edwards. The lyrical drama, 2 vols 1881. 2752. 6 Etheredge. (Sir George) Plays and poems . . . 1888. 2756- 5 Fitzgerald. New history of the English stage, 2 vols. . 1882. 2755- 3 Goethe. Dramatic works. 1882. 1757- 6 Goldoni. Commedie, 8 vols. 1819. 2762- 2 Greene and Peele. Dramatic and poetical works. (Edited by Rtv. Alexander Dyce) . . 1874. 2757- & Hazlitt. Dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth . 1840. 1762-11 Hogarth. Memoirs of the musical drama, 2 vols. . . 1838. 2755- 2 The same, 2 vols 1838. H.C. 152 Memoirs of the opera, 2 vols. . . . 1851. 2752- 5 Jonson. Works. (Edited by Gi/ord], 9 vols. . . 1875. 2757- 1 Lacy. Dramatic works 1875. 2754- 4 Lewes. Actors and the art of acting . . . 1875. 2752- 1 Marlowe. Works. (Edited by Sullen), 3 vols. . . 1885. 2753- 1 Works. (Edited by Rev. Alexander Dyce) . 1876. 2757-4 Marmion. Dramatic works 1875. 2754- 5 Marston. Works. (Edited by Bulleri), 3 vols. . . 1887. 2753- 3 Massinger and Ford. Works. (Edited by Coleridge) . 1875. 2757- 5 Metastasio. Opere, 6 vols 1813. 2762- 1 Middleton. Works. (Edited by JSullen), 8 vols. . . 1885-6. 2753- 2 Modern British drama, 5 vols. . . . . . 1811. 2756- a Contents Vol. 1. The two noble kinsmen, by Shakespeare and Fletcher A king and no king, by Beaumont and Fletcher The maid's tragedy by Beaumont and Fletcher Thierry and Theodoret, by Beaumont and Fletcher Phi\aster, by Beaumont and Fletcher Bon- duca, by Beaumont and Fletcher The fa'se one, by Beaumont and Fletcher The bondman, by Mansinger The fatal dowry, by Massinger and Field -The broken heart, by Ford The rival queens, by Le,e Theo- dosius, by Lee All for love, by Dryden Don Sebastian, by Dryden The orphan, by Otway Venice preserved, by Otway Isabella, by Southern Oroonoko, by Southern The mourning bride, by Congreve Tamerlane, by Howe The fair penitent, by Rowe Jane Shore, by Rowe Lady Jane Gray, by Rowe Cato, by AddisonThe distrest mother, by Philips The siege of Damascus, by Hughes. Vol. 2. The revenge, by Young The brothers, by Young Mariamne, by Fenton George Barnwell, by Lillo Fatal curiosity, by Lillo Arden of Feversham, by Lillo Zara, by Hill -King Charles I, by Havard Gustavus Vasa, by Brooke Mahomet, by Miller Tancred and Sigismunda, by Thomson Irene, by Johnson The Roman father, by Whitehead Elfrida, by Mason Caractacus. by Mason The gamester, by Moore Boadicea, 'by Glover Earl of Essex, by Jones Barbarossa, by Brown Douglas, by Home Cleone, by Dodslcy The orphan of China, by Murphy Zenobia, by Murphy The Grecian daughter, by Murphy Earl of Warwick, by Franklin Matilda, by FranJclin Countess of Salisbury, by Hartson Mysterious mother, by Wai-pole Comus, by Milton The fair apostate, by Macdonald. Vol. 3. Every man in his humour, by Jonson - Volpone, by Jomson The alchemist, by Jonson- Rule a wife and have a wife, by Fletcher- The chance-, by Fletcher A new way to pay old debts, by Massinger The committee, by Howard The rehearsal, by Buckingham Key to the rehearsal The country girl, by Wycherly The plain dealer, by Wyctierly The old bachelor, by Conyreve-The double dealer, by Congreve Love for love, by Congreve the way of the world, by VongreveThe provoked wife by Vanbrugh The confederacy, by Vanbrugh The mistake by Vanbrugh The provoked husband, by Vanbrugh and Gibber - The Spanish friar, by Dryden Love makes a man, by Gibber She would and she would not, by Gibber The careless husband, by Gibber. DRAMA AND DRAMATIC WORKS. 157 DRAMA AND DRAMATIC WORKS Continued. Vol. 4. The hypocrite, by Gibber The constant couple, by Farquhar ir Harry Wildair, by Farquhar The inconstant, by Fm recruiting officer, by Farquhar The beaux stratagem, by Farquhar The arquhar The funeral, by Steele The tender husband, by Steele The conscious lovers, by Steele The busy body, by Centlivre The wonder, by Centlivre A. bold stroke for a wife, by Centlivre The drummer, by Addison-The miser, by Fielding The suspicious husband, by Hoadly * he way to keep him, by Murphy Falstaff's wedding, by Kenrick The jealous wife, by Colman The clandestine marriage, by Colman and Garrick The good- natured man, by Goldsmith She stoops to conquer, by Goldsmith The brothers, by Cumberland The West Indian, by Cumberland The rivals, by Sheridan. Vol. 5. Comus, by Milton Cheats of Scapin, by Otway Beggars' opera, by Gay The contrivances, by Carey Tom Thumb, by Fielding- Crononhotonthologus, by Carey Mock doctor, by Fielding- Intriguing chambermaid, by Fielding The devil to pay, by Co/ey King and the miller of Mansfield, by Dodsley Sir John Cockle at court, by Dodsley The lying valet, by Garrick Miss in her teens, by Garriek Lethe, by Garrick The male coquette, by Garrick The guardian, by Garrick Neck or nothing, by Garrick A peep behind the curtain, by Garrick The Irish widow, by Garrick Bon ton, by Garrick High life below stairs, by Garrick Taste, by Foote - nglish man in Paris, by Foote The knights, by Foote The Englishman returned from Paris, by Foote The author, by Foote The minor, by Foote The liar, by Foote The orators, by Foote Mayor of Garratt, by Foote Patron, by Foote The commissary, by Foote- The devil upon two sticks, by Foote- -Lame lover, by Foote The maid of Bath, by Foote The appren- tice, by Murphy The upholsterer, by Murphy The old maid, by Murphy The citizen, by Murphy Three weeks after marriage, by Murphy Love a la mode, by Macklin Love in a village, by Bickersta/ The maid of the mill, by Bickersta f -The padlock, by B'ickersta/ Or. Last in his chariot, by Bickersta/ and Foote The sultan, by Bickersta/ The deuse is in him, by OJman Midas, by O'Hara Maid of the Oaks, by BurgoyneThe two misers, by O'Hara The critic, by Sheridan Rosina, by Brooke. Moliere. Dramatic works. Trans, by Van Laun, 6 vols. 1875-6. Morley. (Ed.) English plays ..... n.d. Ohlenschlager. Axel and Valborg . . . . . 1851. Pascoe. (Ed.) The dramatic list .... 1879. Peele. Works. (Edited by Bullen), 2 vols. . . . 1888. Return from Parnassus, etc. (English scholar's library) 1880. Rhodes. Bombastes furioso. A burlesque tragic opera . 1873. Schiller. Early dramas . . . . . . 1884. Historical dramas, parts 1-2 . . . . 1884. Romances and early dramas . . . . 1884. Secret history of the green-room ..... 1795. Suckling. Poems, plays, etc. , 2 vols. .... 1874. Tatham. Dramatic works . . . . . . 1879. Theatre. (The), vols. 1-12 1883-8. Shakespeare. See page 112. Webster. Works. (Edited by Rev. Alexander Dyce.) . 1877. Wilson. (Christopher North, pseud.) Dramatic works . 1874. Greek drama (in his essays, vol. 4) . . n.d. Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Farquhar. Works. (Edited by Hunt) . 1880. 2756- 1 1722- 3 H.C. 305 2752- 7 2753- 4 1735- 6 2754- 8 1757-12 1757-13 1757-11 2752- 8 2783- 2 2754- 6 288 2757- 6 2754- 7 1755- 2 2757- 7 158 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PERIODICALS. Indexes and Lists. Alden. American newspaper catalogue . 1883. B.R. Fletcher. Cooperative index to periodicals . 1883-8. B.R. Harper's new monthly magazine, index, vols. 1-60 1850-80. 285 Mitchell. Newspaper press directory 1887. R. Poole. Index to periodical literature, 3rd edition , 1882. R. Quaritch. Catalogue of periodical literature 1882. B.R. Revue des Deux Mondes, suite de la table generale, 1874-86 R. United States. Special report on newspapers and periodi- cals. (Tenth census, 1880) 5231- 9 Periodicals. Albion. (The) . 1849-57. 5435- All the year round, vols. 1-20 . ... 1859-68. K. 401 New series, vols. 1-43 . . . . ... 1868-88. K. 346 American architect and building news, vols. 15-24 1884-88. P.R. American art review, vols. 1-2 1880-1. - B.R. American cabinet maker and upholsterer, vols. 29-37 1884-88. P.R. American journal of medical sciences, vols. 69-94 1875-88. K. 3217 American journal of obstetrics, vols. 20-21 1887-88. 286 American journal of science and arts, vols. 58-89 1849-60. 284 American library journal, 13 vols. ..... 1876-88. B.R. American machinist, vols. 7-11 ..... 1884-88. P.R. American monthly and critical review, vol. 2 1817. 287 American naturalist, vols. 1-22 . . . . 1867-88. 287 Anthropologial review, vols. 1-5 1863-67. 288 Antiquarian magazine and bibliographer, vols. 1-6 Antiquary. (The) vols. 1-18 1882-84. 1880-88. 287 287 Architect. (The) vols. 31-40 1884-88. P.R. Arcturus, vol. 1 . . . . . . . 1887. 5425- 7 Argosy, vols. 1-32 ....... 1866-81. K. 1 Arrow. (The) vol. 1 1886. 5425-11 Art amateur, vols. 9-18, quarto .... 1883-8. 5353-50 Art interchange, vols. 17-21 . . Artizan, vols. 8-25 . . 1886-88. 1850-67. 5353-20 5432- 1 Art journal, vols. 1-40 1849-88. B.R. Art union, vols. 1-10 . Ashlar. (The) vols. 1-3 . . . ' . 183948. 1855-58. B.R. 2448-10 Atlantic monthly, vols. 1-62 ... 1857-88. K. 1112 PERIODICALS. 159 PERIODICALS Continued. Ballou's pictorial, vols. 12-17 1857-59. 5414- 1 Band of hope review, vol. 1, quarto 1851-60. 5425- 6 Beeton's boy's annual, vols. 1-11 . . . . 1860-70. K. 33 Belfast magazine . 1825. K. 1995 Belford's monthly magazine, 13 vols. . . . . 288 Belgravia, vols 1-66 1867-88. K. 192 Bentley's miscellany, vols. 1-64 1837-68. K. 1542 Bible society recorder, vols. 1-2 . . . . 1870-71. 287 Bibliographer. (The) vols. 1-6 1882-84. 287 Bizarre notes and queries, vols 2-4 .... 1885-87. 282 Blackwood's magazine, vols. 1-144 . . . . 1839-88. K. 1639 Botanical magazine, vols. 40-44 1884-8. 281 British American magazine, vols. 1-2 . . . 1863-64. 282 British colonial magazine, vol. 1 .... 1853. 282 British controversialist and literary magazine, 7 vols. . 1865-71. 285 British journal of photography, vols. 31-34 . . . 1884-88. 5343-20 British medical journal 1884-88. 5341- 1 British quarterly review, vols. 53-86 .... 1871-86. 283 British workman, folio 1855-63 5425- 1 Builder. (The) vols. 8-65 1850-88. P.R. Builder (The) and wood worker, vols. 20-21 . . 1884-5. P.R. Bystander, vols. 1-2 1880-1. K. 1993 Canada educational monthly, vols. 1-10 . . . 1879-88. 281 Canada farme'r, vols. 1-4 1864-67. 5365-17 Canada lancet, vols. 3-13 1871-79. 281 Canadian agriculturist, vols. 1-12 1849-60. 282 Canadian antiquarian and numismatic journal, vols. 1-9 1872-81. 288 Canadian bee journal, vols. 1-4 ...... 1885-88. K. 2830 Canadian ecclesiastical gazette, vols 7-8 . . . 1860-61. 5425-13 Canadian entomologist. (The), vols. 4-12 . . . 1872 80. 284 Canadian gem and family visitor, vol. 2 ... 1849. 287 Canadian illustrated news, vols. 1-28, folio . . . 1870-83. 5413- 1 Canadian merchants' magazine, vols. 1-4 . . . 1857-59. 283 Canadian Methodist magazine, vols. 23-28 . . . 1886-88. K. 2930 Canadian monthly. Continued as Rose-Belford Canadian monthly and Belford's Canadian monthly, vols. 1-24 1872-82. K. 1996 Canadian monthly and national review, vols. 1-11 . . 1882-79. 288 Canadian naturalist and geologist, vols. 1-16 . . 1856-80. 288 Canadian patent office record, vols. 1-16 . . . 1873-88. P.R. Canadian pictorial, vol. 1 1885 5362-20 Carpenter and builder. (The), vols. 14 23 . . . 1883-88. P.R. Cassell's family magazine 1873-88. K. 658 Cassell's magazine, vols. 1-9 . . . . . . K. 2526 Catholic. (The) 1831. 5455-14 Catholic weekly review, vols. 1-2 1887-88. 5354-15 Catholic world, vols. 39-47 1885-88. K. 2980 160 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PERIODICALS Continued. Celtic magazine, vols. 3-4 Century magazine, vols. 1-36 .... Chambers' journal, vols. 1-65 .... Chemical news, vols. 49-58 .... Church quarterly review, vols. 20-27 Churchman's family magazine, vols. 1-8 Civil engineer and architect's journal, vols. 1-29 Colonial magazine, vols. 1-2 Contemporary review, vols. 1-54 .... Continent, vols. 5-6 . . . . . . Cornhill magazine, vols. 1-47 ..... New series, vols. 1-11 . Correspondence and advocate, 1 vol., folio Courier of Upper Canada, folio .... Danbury news, folio ...... Day of rest. (Edited by H. Stretton) . Decoration, vols. 1-14 Decorator and furnisher, vols. 1-12 Diogenes ........ Douglas Jerrold's shilling magazine, vols. 1-2 Dublin review, vols. 11-21 Dundas weekly post, royal standard and commercial tiser, folio ....... Edinburgh review, vols. 1-169 Electrician, vols. 12-21 Electric review Engineer, vols. 52 66 Engineering and mining journal, vols. 37-46, quarto English historical review, vols. 1-3 English illustrated magazine, vols. 1-6 English mechanic, vols. 1-47 Every boy's annual ...... Family herald, vols. 1-61 Field. (The) Financial register of United States, vols. 1-2 . Forest and stream, vol. 26 . Fortnightly review, vols. 1-44 .... Fraser's magazine, vols. 1-26 Freemasons' magazine, vols. 2-9 .... Fun, vols. 15-48, quarto Furniture gazette, vols. 21-26 .... Garden. (The) vols. 25-34, quarto Gardener's chronicle ...... Gartenlaube. (Die) folio Genesee farmer, vols. 1-2 . 1877-79. 1870-88. . 1833-88. 1884-8. . 1885-88. 1862-66. . 1837-66. 1840. . 1866-88. 1883-4. . 1860 83. 1883-88. . 1835-37. 1835-36. . 1874-77. . 1881-88. 1882-88. . 1868-70. 1845. 1884-88. adver- 1835-37. 1802-88. 1883-8. 1850-63. 1884-8. 1884-88. . 1886-88. 1883-88. . 1862-88. 1884-88. . 1843-88. 1872-6, 1883. . 1837-38. 1886. . 1865-88. 1871-82. . 185661. 1872-88. 1884-8. 1884-88. . 1841-81. 1884-88. 1831-32. K. 1879 K. 517 K. 799 281 K. 2676 K. 1104 5434- 1 283 286 K. 2474 K. 445 K. 492 D. D. D. K. 694 5353-30 5435- 9 5425-10 K. 3473 281 D. 284 P.R. 282 P.R. 5433- 1 284 K. 2596 P.R. K. 1852 K. 859 5352- 1 281 5414- 7 286 K. 1917 2448- 2 5361- 1 P.R. 5343- 1 5422- 1 5344-20 5365-15 PERIODICALS. 161 PERIODICALS Continued. Gentleman's magazine, vols. 1-265 . 1731-1888. 3361- 1 1731-1786. 3361- 1 1885. 5425- 4 1882-83. K. 3392 1863 88. K. 63 Gospel tribune. (The) vol. 1 . . . . . 1854-55. 287 1869-88. 5462- 1 Grinchuckle ........ . 1869-70. 5425-10 Grip vols. 13-31 ...... 1879-88. 5351- 1 Grip cartoons, vols. 1-2 . 1873-4. 5351-30 Grumbler. (The) vols. 1-3 . . . . i 1858-63. 5425-12 Harper's bazar, vols. 17-21, folio . ... . 1884-88. 5355- 1 Harper's new monthly magazine, vols. 1-77 . 1850-88. 285 Index to vols. 1-60, inclusive . . ' * . 285 Harper's weekly, vols. 1-32 .. .. 1857-88. 5763- 1 Harper's young people, 2 vols. .... - . 1884-87. K. 922 Homiletic quarterly, vols. 1-8 . . . . 1877-82. K. 1046 Homilist. (The) Editor's series, vols. 1-6 , . 1876-78. 2966- 1 Excelsior series, vols. 1-7 . . 1879-82. 2966- 2 1852-59. K. 386 Hewitt's journal of literature, vols. 2-3 1847-48. 282 Ibis. (The) fifth series, vols. 1-6 . /, . . . . . 1883-88. 281 Illustrated London news, vols. 1-93, folio 1842-88. 5442- 1 Illustrated times, vols. 1-18, folio . . . . 1855-71. 5412- 1 Insurance and finance chronicle, vols. 1-7 1881-87. 283 1862-67. H.C. 951 1884-88. 1863-13 1839-41. 5365-10 Iron, vols. 1-32 1873-88. P.R. Journal of decorative art, vols. 4-8 1884-8. P.R. Journal of board of arts and manufactures of Upper Canada, vols. 1-7 . . . ... 1861-67. .287 Journal of education of Upper Canada, vols. 1-29 . . 1848-76. 283 Judy, vols. 35-43 . . . . , . , 1884 88. 5361-41 1884-8. P.R. Kosmos, see V. P. journal . . . . . , Lady's newspaper, vols. 3-13 . . . , , ' . 1848-53. 5365- 1 Lancet . . . . ..... 1884 88. 5342- 1 L'Art, vols. 1-45 . . . . 1875-88. B.R. League. (The) vols. 1-3, quarto 1843-46. 5425- 5 Leisure hour . . . ...... '. 1852-88. K. 603 L'Exposition des beaux arts. (Salon de 1880-8) 1880-8. B.R. Library chronicle. (The) vols. 1-3 . 1884-86. B.R. Lippincott's magazine, vols. 1-6 1868-70. K. 107 vols. 33-42 . . 1884-88. K. 141 Littell's living age, vols. 1-179 .... 1844-86. K. 1213, 11 162 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PERIODICALS Contintied. London quarterly review, vols. 64-167 London society, vols. 1-54 . . . Longman's magazine, vols. 1-12 .... Macmillan's magazine, vols. 1-58 . Magazine of American history, vols. 13-21 . Magazine of art, vols. 1-11, quarto Manhattan, vol. 3 Masonic review, vols. 23-25 ..... Mechanical news, vol. 15 .... Medical chronicle, vol. 5 . . . . ., Medical news, vols. 50-53 . . , . Medical record, vols. 31-34 ..... Meliora, vols. 1-9 ...... Metal worker, vols. 21-30 Mining world and engineering record, vols. 31-35 Monthly review, vol. 1 ...... Montreal gazette, 1 vol. , folio .... Moonshine ........ Murray's magazine, vols. 1-4 , Musical journal, vol. 1 Musical world,. vols. 62-66 . . . Nation, vol. 38 Nature, vols. 29-38 New era, or Canadian chronicle, vol. 2, folio New Princeton review, vols. 1-6 Newspaper companion . . , . . Nineteenth century, vols. 1-24 ... North American review, vols. 126-147 . North British review, vols. 6-53 . Notes and queries, series 1-7, 78 vols. Indexes to series 1-6 Official gazette of the United States patent office, vols. Once a week, vols. 1-19 Overland monthly, vols. 9-12 People's magazine, vols. 1-10 . . Pictorial world, vols. 1-13, folio Plumber and decorator, vols. 6-10 Poker. (The) vol. 1 Popular science monthly, vols. 1-33 Index for vols. from 1872-82 Portfolio, vols. 1-19 . . . Practitioner. (The) vols. 32-41 Princeton review . Printing machine, or companion to the library, vols. Provincial. (The) vol. 1 . . Punch, vol. 1-95 .... 42-5 1-2 1839-88. 1862-88. 1882-88. 1860-88. 1885-88. 1880-88. 1884. 1860-61. 1885-86. 1857-58. 1887-88. 1887-88. 185966. 1884-88. 1886-88. 1841. 1835-6. 1885-88. 1887-88. 1887. 1884-88. 1884. 1883-88. 1842. 1886-88. 1833. 1877-88. 1878-88. 1847-71. 1849-88. 1888. 1859-68. 1887-88. 1868-72. 18828. 1884-88. 1858-9. 1872-88. 1871-88. 1884-88. 1879-84. 1834. 1852. 1841-88. 282 K. 143 K.729 K. 1421 281 5345- 1 K. 2473 2448-12 P.R. 281 5341-20 5342-20 K. 2020 P.R. 5433-20 287 D. 5361-30 K. 3422 5432-25 5434-18 5434-17 5344- 1 5113- 6 K. 2880 5425- 8 281 285 283 5441- 1 5441- 1 P.R. K. 44 K. 1943 K. 2647 5346- 1 P.R. 5425 12 288 288 B.R. 288 282 K. 1909 287 5411- 1 PERIODICALS. 163 PERIODIC A LS Continued . 1853-57 285 Quarterly journal of the geological society vols. 34-45 of London, . 1878-88. 1818-31. 1855- 1 282 Quebec gazette . . . . ,. Queen. (The) vols. 67-84, folio .. . 1768. . 1880-88. 1879-88 B.E. 5415- 1 R. 770 1884-88 K. 2064 1868-74 K. 1518 1884-88. P.Pv. Sanitary engineering, vol. 10 . 1885. 5432-14 Sanitary journal, vols. 1-5 . 1874-82. 288 Saturday review, vol. 52 .... 1884. 5434-16 Science, vols. 3-12 ..... 1884-88. 287 Scientific American, vols. 1-54 . 1859-88. P.R. Scientific American supplement, vols. 3-26 1877-88. P.R. Scribner's magazine, vols. 1-4 . 1887-88. K. 3396 Sporting and dramatic news, vols. 9-21, folio 1878-84. 5362- 1 St. Nicholas, vols. 7-18 . 1880-88. K. 701 Sunday at home ...... 1854-88. K. 549 Sunday magazine ...... . 1865-81. K. 1535 1861-88. K. 245 Theatre, vols. 1-12 . . . ... . 1883-88. 288 Times (weekly edition), folio 1877-78-7980. D. Toronto. Examiner, folio .... . 1840-55. D. 1888. D. Daily globe, folio .... . 1871-88. D. Weekly globe, folio 1876-79. D. Daily leader, folio . 1853, 55-56 , 60-62, 64, 66, 70-77. D. Daily leader (evening edition), folio 1855-56, 59, 68, 70-73. D. Leader (semi-weekly), folio 1852-56, 58, 63-64. D. Leader (weekly), folio 1852-4, 59-66, 71-73. D. Leader (weekly), and weekly patriot, folio . 1859-G4. D. Daily mail, folio 1872-88. D. Daily patriot, folio . 1854-55. D. Patriot (semi-weekly), folio 1856. D. Patriot (weekly), folio 1857. D. Telegram (evening edition), folio 1879-80. D. Upper Canada gazette . 1826, 1838. 5425- 2 Upper Canada journal, vol. 3 ... 1853-54. 281 Vanity fair, vols. 32-40, folio . 1884-88. 5353- 1 Veterinary journal, vols. 24-27 1887-88. 281 Victoria magazine, vol. \ .... . 1847-48. 287 V. P. journal, vols. 1-4 1883-86. 287 Week. (The) vols. 1-5, folio . . 1883-8. 5354- 1 Westminster review, vols. 33-129 1840-88. 283 164 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PERIODICALS Continued. Whitaker's journal . . . 1876. K. 798 Workshop, vol. 1, 17 . . . . . . . 5425- 3 Young England, a magazine for young people . . . 1887. K. 1911 Zeitschrift des allgemeinen vereins fiir vereinfachte Recht- schreibung . 1885-7. 283 Zoologist. (The) vols. 1-45 1843-88. 287 TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. Albany institute. Transactions 1830. 1862-20 American antiquarian society. Transactions, vol. 1 . 1820. H.C. 1390 American association for the advancement of science, pro- ceedings at Philadelphia 1884. 1861- 1 American historical association, 2 vols 1886-7. 1871- 1 Contents. Vol. 1. Report of proceedings at Saratoga, 1884 White, studies in general history and the history of civilization Knight, hi&tory and management of federal land grants for education in the Northwest Territory Robertson, the Louisiana purchase in its influence upon the American system Salmon, history of the appointing power of the presi- dent Report of proceedings at Saratoga, 1885 Index. Vol. 2 Report of proceedings at Washington, 1886 White, history of the doctrine of comets Jameson, Willem Usselinx, founder of the Dutch and Swedish West India companies Schaff, church and state in the United States Index. American institute of New York. Transactions, 12 vols. 1846-57. 1863- 1 Arundel society. Annual and occasional publications .1849-88. B.R. Supplementary volumes. Vasari, life of Fra Giovanni \ngelico da Fiesole. Trans, by Bezzi, 1849. Ruskin, Giotto and his works in Padua, 1853-60. Wyatt and Oldfield, notices of sculpture in ivory, 1855. Lai/ard, notice of Perugino's fresco of the " martyrdom of St. Sebastian," 1856. Layard, notice of Nelli's fresco of the " Madonna and saints," 1857. Layard, notice of " the frescoes by Pinturicchio at Spello," 1858. L lyard, " Giovanni Sanzio and his fresco at Cagii," 1859. Layard, " Domenico Ghirlandaio and his fresco of St. Francis," 1860. Weale, " Hans Memling, his life and works," 1865. Layard, the Brancacci chapel, and Masolino, Masaccio and Filippino Lippi, 1868. Kitchin, Life of Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Pius II, 1881. Wornum,Ha.ns Holbein and the Meier Madonna, 1871. Scharf, notice of the picture of Richard II before the Madonna, 1882. Biblical archeology. Transactions of society, vols. 1-8 1872-83. 1865- 1 Proceedings of the society, vols. 1-10 1878-88. 1865- 2 Botanical society of Canada, annals .... 1860-62. 1857-4 Canadian institute. Journal of industry, science and art, first series, 3 vols. . . . 1852-5. 5425- 9 The same, second series, 15 vols. . 1856-77. 1854- 1 Proceedings, third series, 4 vols. . 1881-8. 1854- 1 Celtic society of Montreal. Transactions . . . 1884-7. 1852- 5 Early English Text Society. 1. Three early English alliterative poems . . 1864. 1873- 1 2. Arthur . . . . . . . . . 1864. 1873- 2 3. Lauder on the Dewtie of Kyngis . . . 1864. 1873- 3 4. Sir Gawayne and the green knight . . . 1864. 1873- 4 TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. 165 EARLY. ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY Continued. 5. Hume's orthographie and coiigruitie of the Britan tongue 1865. 1873- 5 6. Lancelot of the laik 1865. 1873- 6 7. Genesis and Exodus in English verse of about 1250. 1865. 1873- 7 8. Morte Arthure . . . .' . . 1865. 1873- 8 9. Thynne on Chaucer's works . . . . . 1865. 1873- 9 10-21-36. Merlin, 2 vols 1865. 1873-10 11-19. Sir David Lyndesay. The monarche . . 1865. 1873-12 12. The Wright's chaste wife .... 1865. 1873-13 13. Seinte Marherete 1866. 1873-14 14. King Horn. Floriz and Blaucheflur . . 1866. 1873-15 15. Political, religious and love poems . . . 1866. 1873-16 16. The book of quinte essence .... 1866. 1873-17 17. Parallel extracts from twenty-nine MSS. of Piers plowman . 1866. 1873-18 18. Hali Meidenhad 1866. 1873-19 20. Hampole's English prose treatises . . .. 1866. 1873-20 22. The Romans of Partenay or Lnsignen . . . 1866. 1873-21 23. Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt . . . 1866. 1873-22 24. Hymns to the Virgin and Christ .... 1867. 1873-23 25. The stacions of Rome and the pilgrim's sea-voyage 1867. 1873-24 26. Religious pieces in prose and verse . . . 1867. 1873-25 27. Levins' manipulus vocabulorum . . . 1867. 1873-26 28. William's vision of Piers plowman. Text A. . 1867. 1873-27 38. The same. Text B. ..... 1869. 1873-28 54. The same. Text C 1873. 1873-29 81. The same. Notes and glossary, 2 vols. . . 1877. 1873-30 34-29. Old English homilies, 1st series . . . 1868. 1873-32 53. The same, 2nd series . . . . . 1873. 1873-33 30. Pierce the ploughman's crede .... 1873. 1873-34 31. Myrc's instructions for parish priests . . 1868. 1873-35 32. The babees book 1868. 1873-36 33. Knight of La Tour-Landry . . . . . 1868. 1874- 1 35. Sir David Lyndesay. Historic of squyer Meldrum 1868. 1874- 2 37. The same. Ane satyre of the thrie estaits . . 1869. 1874-12 39-56. Alliterate romances of the destruction of Troy, 2 vols 1869. 1874- 3 40. English gilds, their statutes and customs . . 1870. 1874- 5 41. William Lauder. Minor poems . . . 1870. 1874- 6 42 Bernardus de cura rei famuliaris .... 1870. 1874- 7 43. Ratis Raving 1870. 1874-8 44. Alliterative romance of Joseph of Arimathie . . 1871. 1874- 9 45-50. King Alfred's west-Saxon version of Gregory's pastoral care ...... 1871. 1874-10 46. Legends of the Holy Rood 1871. 1874-11 47. Sir David Lyndesay. Minor poems . . 1871. 1874-13 48. The Times' whistle 1871. 1874-14 166 REFERENCE LIBRARY. EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY Continued. 49. An old English miscellany .... 1872. 1874-15 51. Life of St. Juliana 1872. 1874-16 52-72. Palladius on Husbondrie, 2 vols . . . 1873. 1874-17 55-79. Generydes, a romance 1878. 1874-19 57-59-62-66-68. Cursor Mundi in four texts, 5 vols. . 1874-8. 1874-20 58-63-73. The Blinkling homilies .... 1880. 1874-25 60. Meditations on the supper of our Lord . . 1875. 1874-26 61. Romance and prophecies of Thomas of Erceldoune . 1875. 1874-27 The same 1875. H.C. 670 64. Francis Thynne. Emblemes and epigrames . . 1876. 1874-28 65. Be domes daege . . . . . . . 1876. 1874-29 69. Adam Davy's dreams about Edward II . . 1878. 1874-30 71. Lay folks mass book, 4 texts .... 1879. 1874-31 74. Wyclifs English works . . . . . 1880. 1874-32 75. Catholicon Anglicum . . . . . 1881. 1874-33 76-82. Aelfric's metrical homilies .... 1881. 1874-34 77. Beowulf, the unique MS. autotyped . . 1882. 1874-35 78. The fifty earliest English wills .... 1882. 1875- 1 79. King Alfred's Orosius 1883. 1875- 2 80. Anglo-Saxon life of Saint Katherine . . .1884 1875- 4 73. The oldest English texts 1885. 1875- 5 Early English Text Society Extra Series. 1. Romance of William of Palerne .... 1867. 1877-12 2-7-14-23. Early English pronunciation, by A. J. Ellis, 4 vols 1869-74. 1876- 1 3. Caxton's book of curtesye 1868. 1876- 7 4. Havelok the Dane 1868. 1876- 8 5. Chaucer's Boethius 1868. 1876- 9 6. Cheuelere Assigne 1868. 1876-10 8. Queene Elizabethes achademy, a booke of precedence 1869. 1876-11 9. Awdeley's fraternitye of Vacabondes, Harman's caueat, etc 1869. 1876-12 10. Boorde's introduction of knowledge and dyetary of helth 1870. 1876-15 11-21-29. Barbour's Bruce, 2 vols. . . . 1870. 1876-14 12-32. Starkey's England in Henry VIIl's time . . 1878. 1876-16 13. Four supplicacyons 1871. 1876-17 15. Robert Crowley's select works .... 1872. 1876-18 16. Chaucer's treatise on the Astrolabe . . . 1872. 1876-19 17-18. Complaynt of Scotlande 1872. 1876-20 The same . 1872. H.C. 668 19. Our ladye's myroure ...... 1873. 1876-21 20-24-28-30. Lonelich's history of the holy grail, 2 vols. 1874. 1876-22 22. Brinklow's complaynt of Roderyck Mors . . 1874. 1876-24 25-26-42-49. Romance of Guy of Warwick, 3 vols. . 1883. 1876-25 27. English works of Bishop Fisher .... 1876. 1876-27 31. Komance of Alexander and Dindimus 1878. 1876-29 TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. 167 EARLY, ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY EXTRA SERIES Continued. 33. Gesta Romanorum ...... 1879. 34. English Charlemagne romances. Sir Ferumbras 1879. 35. The same. Sege of Melayne .... 1880. 36-37. The same. Lyf of Charles the Grete . . 1880. 38. The same. The Sowdone of Babylone . . . 1881. 39. The same. Rauf Coilyear .... 1882. 40-41-43. The same. 4 vols Boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux, 1882-87. 44. The same. Foure sonnes of Aymon, 2 vols. . 1884. 46. Thesame. Romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun, 2 vols. 1885. 47. The wars of Alexander. (Edited by Reo. Walter Skeat) ....... , 1886. Folk-Lore Society, 9 vols ....... 1878-82. Contents. Vols. 15. Folk-lore record. Vol. 6. Henderson, folk-lore of the northern counties of England. Vol. 7. Aubrey, remaines of Gentilisme and Judaism e. Vol. 8. Gregor, folk lore of the north-east of Scotland. Vol. 9. Comparetti, researches respecting the book of Sindibad. Pedrosa, Portuguese folk-tales. Guy's hospital reports, vols. 1-44 .... 1836-87. Hakluyt Society. Acosta. Natural and moral history of the Indies, 2 vols ........ Alvarez. Portuguese embassy to Abyssinia Andagoya. Narrative . .... Baffin. Voyages, 1612-22 ...... Barbaro and Contarini. Travels of Venetians in Persia Barbosa. Coasts of East Africa and Malabar Benzoni. History of the new world Bethencourt. Conquest of the Canarians Champlain. West Indies and Mexico Clavijo. Embassy to the Court of Timour Coats. Geography of Hudson's Bay Cocks. Diary, 2 vols. ..... Columbus. Select letters ..... Cortes. (Hernan) Fifth letter to Charles V . Dalboquerque. Commentaries, 4 vols. Davis. (The navigator). Voyages and works Maps to illustrate his voy- 1880. 1868. 1851. 1876. 1854. 1849. 1854. 1886. 1856. De Morga. The Philippine Islands .... De Soto. Discovery and conquest of Florida. De Veer. William Barents three voyages to the Arctic Regions ....... D'Orleans. Tartar conquerors of China . Drake. (Sir Francis) His voyage, 1595 The world encompassed Early voyages and travels to Russia and Persia, by Jenkinson (A.) and others, 2 vols. Fletcher. Russe Commonwealth 1876-30 1876-31 1876-82 1877- 1 1877- 2 1877- 3 1877- 4 1877- 8 1877-10 1877-13 1575-10 2746- 5 . 1880. 1616-20 1881. 1616-23 , 1865. 1615-32 1881. 1616-22 a, 1 873. 1616-11 1866. 1615-33 , 1857. 1615-19 1872. 1616- 8 . 1859. 1615-21 1859. 1615-24 , 1852. 1615-11 1883. 1617- 1 , 1870. 1615- 2 1868. 1616- 4 1875-84. 1616-15 1880. 1616-18 1616-19 1616- 3 1615- 9 1615-12 1615-15 1615- 4 1615-14 1617- 4 1615-18 168 REFERENCE LIBRARY. HAKLUYT SOCIETY Continued. Frobisher. (Sir Martin) The three voyages Galvano. Discoveries of the world .... Gama. (Vasco Da) The three voyages Guzman. (Alonza Enrique/ de) Life and acts Haukluyt. Divers voyages to America . Hawkins. (Sir'R.) Voyage to the South seas, 1593 . Hedges. (Sir William) Diary of, during his agency in Bengal, 2 vols. . Herberstein. (Baron) Notes upon Russia, 2 vols. Horsey. (Sir Jerome) Travels ..... Hudson. (Henry) the navigator .... Jordanus. Marvels described by i * , Lancaster. (Sir James) Voyages to the East Indies Leon. (Cieza de) Travels of in 1532-50 . Second part of the chronicle of Peru Linschoten. (J. H. Van) Voyage to the East Indies, 2 vols Magellan. The first voyage round the world Major. (Ed.} Early voyages to Terra Australis India in the fifteenth century Markham. (Ed ) Expeditions to the valley of the Amazons Reports on the discovery of Peru Rites and laws of the Yncas Mendoza. Historic of China, 2 vols. .... Middleton. (Sir Henry) The Maluco Islands Narratives of early voyages ...... Peru. Map of ........ Pyrard. Voyage to the East Indies, the Maldives, 1867. 1862. 1869. 1862. 1850. 1878. 1887. 1853-4 1856. 1860. 1863. 1877. 1864. 1883. the Moluccas and Brazil, 2 vols. Ralegh. (SirW.) The discovery of the Empire of Guiana Razik. History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Oman . Randall. Memorials of the Empire of Japon Schiltberger. Travels of ...... Smith. Historye of the Bermudaes or Summer islands Stade. Captivity of, East Brazil .... Strachey. Historic of travaile into Virginia Britannia Ursua and Aguirre. Search for El Dorado Varthema (L. di) Travels of, in Syria, etc. Vega. Royal commentaries of the Yncas, 2 vols. White. (Ed. ) A collection of early documents on Greenland and Spitzbergeii . Yule. (Ed.) Cathay and the way thither, 2 vols. . Zeno. (N. and A.) Voyages of to the northern seas . Hume. Learned societies and printing clubs of the United Kingdom, with a supplement by A. I. Evans . 1887. 1848. 1871, 1850. 1879. 1882. 1874. 1849. 1861. 1863. 1869-71. 1855. 1866. 1873. 1616- 2 1615-28 1616- 6 1615-27 1615- 7 1615- 1 1617- 5 1615-10 1615-18 1615-25 1615-29 1616-16 1615-31 1617- 2 1885. 1617- 3 1874. 1616.14 1859. 1615-23 1857. 1615-20 1859. 1615-22 1872. 1616- 9 1873. 1616-10 1853. 1615-13 1855. 1615-17 1849. 1615- 5 1879. 1616-21 1617- 6 1615- 3 1616- 7 1615- 8 1616-17 1616-24 1616-13 1615- 6 1615-26 1615-30 1616- 5 1615-16 1616- 1 1616-12 1853. H.C. 4949 TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. i69 TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES Continued. Index Society's publications. Wheatley. What is an index ? 1879. 1866- 2 Peacock. Index of the names of the Royalists . . 1879. 1866- 2 Gomme. Index of municipal offices . . . 1879. 1866- 2 Index Society. Reports of first annual meeting . . 1879. 1866- 2 Clark. Trevelyan's life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 1881. 1866- 2 Solly. Hereditary English, Scottish and Irish titles of honour 1880. 1866- 2 Jackson. Guide to the literature of botany . . 1881. 1866- 2 Index Society. Report of second annual meeting . 1880. 1866- 2 Index of obituary notices . . . . . 1882. 1866- 2 Rye. Index to Norfolk topography . . . . 1881. 1866- 2 Jackson. Vegetable technology .... 1882. 1866- 2 International standard, 4 vols 1884-8. 1863-13 Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science, series 1-6 . . . . . . . 1883-6. 1867- 1 Contents. Vol. 1. Freeman, introduction to American institutional history Adams, Germanic origin of New England towns Shaw local govern- ment in Illinois Gould, local go\ eminent in Pennsylvania Adams, Saxon tithingmen in America Bemis, local government in Michigan and the Northwest Ingle, parish institutions of Maryland- Johnson, old Maryland manors Adams, Norman constables in America Adams, village communities in Cape Anne and Salem Johnston, genesis of a New England state Ramage, local government and free schools in South Carolina. Vol. 2. Adams, methods of historical study Elt>, past and present of political economy Hosrner, Samuel Adams, the man of the town meeting Adams, taxation in the United States Macy, institutional beginnings in a western state Weeden, Indian money as a factor in New England civilization - Channing, town and county government in the English colonies of Noith America Johnson, rudimentary society among boys Shinn, land laws of mining districts. Vol. 3. Maryland, Virginia and Washington. Vol. 4. Siting, Dutch village communities < n the Hudson river Foster, town government in Rhode Island Channing, the Narragansett planters Holcomb, Pennsylvania boroughs Jameson, introduction to the consti- tutional and political history of the individual states Randall, the Puritan colony at Annapolis, Maryland Sato, history of the land question in the United States Levermore, town and city government Of New Haven Egleston, the land system of the New England colonies Index. Vol. 5. Allinson and Penros", city government of Philadelphia Bugbee, city government of Boston Snow, city government of Saint Louis Bourinot, local government in Canada Butler, effect of th'e war of 1812 upon the consolidation of the urion A dams, notes on the literature of charities Bryce, predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville Fredericq, study of hitsory in England and Scotland A dams, Seminary libraries and university extension White, European schools of history and politics Index. Vol. 6. History of cooperation in the United States. Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Memoirs, vol. 1 . . ... . . - . . 1789. H.C. 662 London Geological Society. Journal, vols. 34-44 . . 1878-88. 1855- 1 Maine Historical Society. Collections, 2nd series, vol. 1 . 1869. 1852. 1 Contents. Kohl, histoy of the discovery of Maine- D'Avezac,on the voyages of the Cabots. Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections, 1st series, 10 vols 1792-1809. 1872- 1 Montreal, La Societe Historique. Memoires et documents relatifs a 1'histoire du Canada, 3 vols. . . . 1859-80. 1852- 3 170 REFERENCE LIBRARY. TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES Continued. Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society. Anuual reports 1884-87. 1852-13 Transactions, 1-31 1852-14 1. Bell, navigation of Hudson bay and straits. 2 Bryce, life of the late A. K. Is'bister, M.A., LL.B. 3. Bryce, notes and comments on Harmon's journal, 1800-20. 4. Panton, fragmentary leaves from the geological records of the great Northwest. 5. Agnew, "Our water supply." 6. McArthur, causes of the rising in the Red.rwer settlement, 1869-70. 7. Rae, the A' ctic regions and Hudson's bay route. 8. Panton, gleanings from the geology of the Red river valley. 9. Bryce, Winnipeg country, its discovery and the great consequences resulting. 10. Burman, " the Sioux language." 11. Dennis, the sources of North-western history. 12. Murdoch, the Red river. 13. Rowan, the Red liver. 14. Seton, the prairie chicken. 15. Panton, gleanings from outcrops of silurian strata in the Red river val ey. 16. Scoble, our crop markets. 17. Bell, historical names and places of the Canadian North-west. 18. Bryce, the mound builders. 19. Br/jce, the old settlers of Red river. 20. Panton, geology of some islands in lake Winnipeg. 21. Goodridge, proposed change of time marking to a decimal system. 22. Bowerman, the Chinook winds and other climatic conditions of the North-west. 23. Thompson, list of the mammals of Manitoba. 24. Bryce, the Souris country, its monuments, mounds, forts and rivers. 25. McArthur, our winter birds. 26. McArthur, a praiiie tragedy the fate of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic explorer. 27. McCharles, the foot-steps of time in the Red river valley. 28. firummond. the French element in the Canadian Northwest. 29. Bell, Some Red river settlement history. 31. Bell, Henry's journal covering adventures and experiences in the fur trade oh the Red river, 1799-1801. New Sydenham Society. 1859. Vol. 1. Diday. Infantile syphilis .... 2743-13 2. Gooch. Diseases of women .... 2744- 4 3. Memoirs on diphtheria ..... 2744-12 4. Van der Kolk. Spinal cord .... 2745- 6 5. Monographs. (Kussmaul and Tenner, Graefe, Wagner, etc.) . . . . . . 2744-17 1860. 6. Bright. Abdominal tumours . . . 2743- 4 7. Frerichs. Diseases of the liver, 2 vols. . . 2744- 1 8. Year book, 1859-64 2745- 8 1861. 11. Monographs. (Czermak, Dusch, Radicke, etc.) 2744-15 12. Casper. Forensic medicine, 4 vols. . . 2743- 8 1863. 18. Kramer. Diseases of the ear . . . . 2744- 9 20. Neubauer and Vogel. Analysis of the urine 2744-14 1864. 22. Donders. Accommodation and refraction of the eye 2743-14 1866. 28. Bernutz and Goupil. Diseases of women 2 vols. 2743- 5 30. Hebra. Diseases of the skin, 5 vols. . . 2744- 7 1867. 32. Biennial retrospect of medicine and surgery, 5 vols., 1865-74 " 2743- 3 33. Griesinger. Mental pathology and therapeutics. 2744- 5 35. Trusseau. Clinical medicine, 5 vols. . . 2745- 4 1868. 36. Addison. Collected works 2743- 1 TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. 171 NEW SYDENHAM SOCIETY Continued. 1868. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 38. Lancereaux. Treatise on syphilis, 2 vols. 46. Niemeyer. Lectures on pulmonary con- sumption ....... 47. Strieker. Manual of histology, 3 vols. 49. Wunderlich. Medical thermometry. 54. Rindfleisch. Pathological histology, 2 vols. 62. Von Troltsch. Diseases of the ear 63. Helmholtz. Membrana tympani, etc. 68. Clinical lectures by various German professors, 2 vols 69. Latham. Works, 2 vols. .... 70. Smellie. Midwifery, 3 vols 72. Charcot. Clinical lectures on diseases of the nervous system, 2 vols. 73. Billroth. Lectures on surgical pathology, 2 vols. 75. Neale. Medical digest .... 78. Bibliotheca therapeutica, 2 vols. . . . 81. Lexicon of medical terms, A-For, 2 vols. 84. Guttmann. Handbook of physical diagnosis . 88. Koch. Researches on wound infection 92. Colles. Selections from his works . 94. Billroth. Clinical surgery .... 95. Charcot. Diseases of old age .... 98. Stokes. Diseases of the chest 100. Begbie. Collected works .... 102. Charcot. Localisation of cerebral and spinal diseases ...... 105. Duchenne. Selections from his works 106. Hirsch. Geographical and historical pathology, 3 vols. Clinical medicine, 2 vols. . Albuminuria . Typhus and typhoid fever Moveable kidney in women . in relation to disease. (Edited 109. Graves. 110. Senator. Stewart. Landau. 1886. 115. Bacteria Cheyne) 1887. 119. Spiegelberg. Text book of midwifery, 2 vols. New York Historical Society. Proceedings, 7 vols. . 1843-49. Nova Scotia Historical Society. Collections, 5 vols . 1878-87. Percy Society, 31 vols 1840-52. Contents. Vol. I. Minor poems of Dan John Lydgate -The boke of cort- asye .Specimens of lyric poetry, by Thomas Wright. Vol. 2. Old ballads from early printed copies of the utmost rarity Strange histories -A search for money, by William Rowley Second part of Robin Good-Fellow. Vol. 3. Political ballads published during the commonwealth Historical songs of Ireland. Vol. 4. Songs and ballads relative to the London prentices and trades Specimens of o'd Christmas carols The two angry women of Abington, by Henry Porter. Vol. 5. Early naval ballads of England Nursery rhymes of England. 2744-10 2744-13 2745- 2 2745- 7 2744-16 2745- 5 2745- 5 2744- 2 2744-11 2745- 1 2743- 9 2743- 6 2742-12 2746- 1 2712- 9 2744- 6 2744- 8 2743-12 2743- 7 2743-10 2745- 3 2743- 2 2743-11 2746- 5 2746- 3 2746 4 2746- 2 2746- 2 2746- 2 2746- 6 2746- 7 1866- 1 1852- 2 1851- 1 172 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PERCY SOCIETY Continued. Vol. 6. Ancient poetic \\ tracts of the sixteenth century Cock Lorell's bote The crow e-garland of goulden roses- Foliie's anatomic, by Henry Button, 1619 Poems, by Sir Henry Wotton. Vol. 6*. Pleasant quippes for upstart new fangled gentlewomen, by Stephen Gosson The pryde and abuse of women now a dayes The pain and sorrow of evil marriage The meeting of gallants at an ordinarie-A knight's conjuring done in earnest Kind-heart's dream, by Henry Chettle A marriage triumphe History of patient Grissell. Vol. 7. The harmony of birds A paraphrase on the seven penitential psalms in English verse The harmony of the church, by Michael Drayton Jack of Dover A Kerry pastoral. Vol 8. A selection of Latin stories A dialogue of witches and witch- craft, by George Gi/ord. Vol. 9. The four knaves, by Samuel Rou>landsPoem to the memory of William Congreve, by James Thomson Pleasant conceits' of old Hobson, the merry Londoner Maroccus Extaticus, or Bankes bay horse in a trance, 1597 Old ballads illustrating ihe great frost of 1683-4. Vol. 10. Lord Mayors' pageants, parts 1 and 2. Vol. 11. The owl and the nightingale Thirteen psalms and the first chapter of Ecclesiastes versified by John CrokeAn historical expostu- lation, etc., by John Hall, 1505 The honestie of this age, by Darnaby Rich, 1611. Vol. 12. History of Reynard the fox, from Caxton's edition, 1481, by William J. Thorns. Vol. 13. The keen of the south of Ireland, collected by T. Ciofton L'roker Six ballads with burdens Lyrical poem*, selected from musical publi- cations between 1589-1600. Vol. 14. Poems of John Audelay St. Brandan, a legend of the sea Romance of the Emperor Octavian. Vol. 15. Kriar Bakon's prophesie Poetical miscellanies The crown garland of golden roses, part 2. Vol. 16. The seven sages, with an introductory essay The romance of Syr Tryamoure. Vol. 17. Scottish traditional versions of ancient ballads Ancient poems, ballads and songs. Vol. 18. The pastime of pleasure, by Stephen Halves. Vol. 19. The civic garland Life and martyrdom of Thomas Becket. V. 1. 20. Barnfield's affectionate shepherd Dialogue on wit and folly Proverbs and popular sayings Song of Lady Bessy. Vol. 21. Popular songs, illustrative of the French invasions of Ireland in four parts. Vol 22. The cytezen and uplondyshman An interlude of the four elements Interlude of the disobedient child An autobiography of Mary, Countess of Warwick Westward for smelts. Vol. 23. Songs and carols of the fifteenth century Festive songs of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Popular English histories. Vol. 24. Canterbury tales of Geoffrey Chaucer, vol. 1. Vol. 25. Canterbury ta'es of Geoffrey Chaucer, vol. 2. Vol. 26. Canterbury tales of Geoffrey Chaucer, vol. 3. Vol. 27. Beleeve a Seton. (Chancellor) Memoir, by G. Seton . . . 1882. 2235- 5 Seward. (William H.) Biographical memoir . . 1853. 1746-2 Sforza. (Francesco) Life and times, by W. P. Urquhart, 2 vols. .... 1852. 2247- -T Shakespeare. (William) History, by S. W. Fullom . 1862. 226'6- 4 Life, by F. G. Fleay . 1886. 2266-13 Life,byJ.O. Halliwell-Phillipps 1882. 2266-1 Life, by V. Hugo . . 1864. 2260- 2 Shelley. (Percy B.) Memoir, by T. Medwin . . . 1833. 2772-12: Memorials. (Edited by Lady Shelley) 1859. 2266- S. 260 REFERENCE LIBRARY. BIOGRAPHY, INDIVIDUAL Continued. Shelley. (Percy B.) Recollections of the last days, by E. J. Trelawny . . . 1858. 2266- 9 Sherman. (Gen. William T.) Memoirs, 2 vols. . . 1875. 2274-7 Silliman. (Benjamin) Life and letters, by G. P. Fisher n.d. 2274- 8 Simson. (James) Childhood at Inverkeithing . . 1882. 2235- 9 Somerville. (Alexander) Autobiography of a working man 1848. 2232- 4 Somerville. (Mary) Personal recollections by M. Somerville 1874. H.C. 4063 Spence. (Rev. Joseph) Anecdotes and observations, with life, by S. W. Singer . 1858. H.C. 495 St. Anselm. Life and times, by M. Rule. 2 vols. . . 1883. 2252- 4 St. Patrick. Memoir, by J. H. Todd .... 1864. 2237- 5 St. Paul. Life and epistles, by Conybeare and Howson . 1869. H.C. 858 Stein. (Karl Freiherr vom) Life and times, by J. R. Seeley, 3 vols. . . 1878. 2245- 4 Stephenson. (Robert) Life, by J. C. Jeaffreson, 2 vols. 1866. 2255- 2 Sterling. (John) Life, by T. Carlyle .... n.d. 1756- 4 Stobo. (Major Robert) Memoirs .... 1854. 2275-12 Stothard. (Charles Alfred) Memoirs, by Mrs. C. Stothard 1823. 2264-16 Stothard. (Thomas) Life, by Mrs. Bray . .. . 1851. 2264-17 Strafford. (Thos. Wentworth, Earl of) Life, by E. Cooper, 2 vols. 1874. 2227- 6 Strathmore. (Countess of) Life, by J. Foot . . . n.d. 2233-17 Stuart. (Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia) Memoirs, by Miss Benger, 2 vols. 1825. H.C. 4029 Stuart. (Prince Charles) Life and times, by A. C. Ewald 1883. 2233- 5 Sumner. (Bishop) Life, by Rev. G. H. Sumner . . 1876. 2252- 7 Sumner. (Charles) Memoirs and letters, by E. L. Pierce, 2 vols 1878. 2276- 3 The same ... . H.C. 4110 Swift. (Jonathan) Life, by Sir W. Scott, (See. his works, vol.1.) 1883. 1747- 1 Sydenham. (Thomas) Life, by R. G. Latham . . 1848. 2742- 7 Sydney. (Hon. Algernon) Life and times, by A. C. Ewald, 2 vols. . . 1873. 2223-13 Taylor. (Henry) Autobiography, 1800-1875, with extra illustrations, 2 vols. . . . 1885. 2234- 4 Tasso. (Torquato) Life, by Rev. R. Milman, 2 vols. . 1850. 2266- 6 Thorburn. (Grant) Account of his life .... 1834. 2275- 5 Thoreau. (Henry D.) A study, by H. A. Page . . 1878. 2275-1 Thorvaldsen. (Bertel) Life, by E. Plon, quarto . . 1874. 5221- 1 Life, by J. M. Thiele . . 1865. 2264- 9 Ticknor. (George) Life, letters and journals, 2 vols. 1876. H.C. 4108 Titian. (Five great painters) 1883. 2264- 8 Tone. (Theobald) Memoirs, 2 vols 1827. H.C. 4106 Torcy. (Marquis of) Memoirs, 2 vols 1757. 2242-13 Townshend. (Charles) Wit and statesman, by P. Fitzgerald . . . 1866. 2232- 5 Trollope. (Anthony) Autobiography .... 1883. 2233- 4 Turner. (Joseph M. W.) Memoir, by P. Cunningham, quarto 1852. 5142-15 BIOGRAPHY INDIVIDUAL. 261 BIOGRAPHY, INDIVIDUAL Continued. Vandyke. (Fairholt's art rambles; .... 1871. 2672- 4 Vega Carpio. (LopeF.de) Life, by Lord Holland . 1806. 2266-3 Velazquez and his works, by W. Stirling . . . 1855. 2263- 2 Victor Emmanuel II. Life, by G. S. Godkin, 2 vols. . 1879. 2247- 5 Vinci. (Leonardo da) (Five great painters) . . 1883. 2264- 8 Life, by C. Clement . . . 1880. 2264- 6 Voltaire. (F. M. de) Life, by F. H. Standish . . 1821. 2242-6 Life, by J. Parton, 2 vols. . . 1881. B.C. 4077 Von Humboldt. (A.) Life, by J. Lowenberg, 2 vols. . 1873. 2245- 6 Wallace. (William) 15th Hussars, an explanation and vindication 1821. 2233-16 Wallace. (Sir William) Life and heroic achievements . 1842. H.C. 4015 Walpole. (Horatio, Lord) Memoirs, by W. Coxe. . 1802. H.C. 5042 Ward. (Samuel R.) Autobiography of a fugitive negro 1855. 2275- 7 Washington. (George) Epistles .... 1796. H.C. 1381 Life, by D. Ramsay .- . . 1807. 2274-18 Watt. (James) Life, by J. P. Muirhead . . . 1858. 2255- 5 Life, by S. Smiles . . . . . 1865. 2255- 6 Weber. (Carl M. von) Life by M. M. von Weber, 2 vols. 1865. 2265- 7 Webster. (Daniel) Memoir, by E. Everett . . . 1853. 1746- I Wedgwood. (Josiah) Life, by E. Meteyard, 2 vols. . 1865. 2226-3 Wellesley. (Marquis of) Memoirs and correspondence, 3 vols. 1846. H.C. 4180 Wellington. (Duke of) Life, by W. H. Maxwell, 3 vols. n.d. 2225- 1 Wesley. (John) Life, by R. Southey, 2 vols. . . 1820. H.C. 4192 Life and times, by Rev. L. Tyerman, 3 vols. 1872. 2253- 7 West. (Benjamin) Life and studies, by J. Gait . . 1816. 2264-18 Whewell (William) Life, by Mrs. S. Douglas . . 1881. 2254-7 White. (Henry Kirke) Life, by R. Southey, 3 vols. . 1819. H.C. 322 Whitefield (George) Life, by Rev. L. Tyerman, 2 vols. 1877. 2253- 8 Wilkes. (John) Biography, by Rev. J. S. Watson. . 1870. H.C. 4028 The same 2232- 8 Wilkie. (Sir David) Life, by A. Cunningham, 3 vols. . 1843. 2264-14 William III. Life, by J. Ryan 1836. 2227- 8 Life and reign, 4 vols 1747. 2233- 6 William IV. Life and reign, by Rev. G. N. Wright and Rev. J. Watkins .... 1837. H.C. 4054 Williams. (Roger) Memoir, by J. D. Knowles . . 1834. H.C. 1256 Wilson. (George) Memoir, by J. A. Wilson . . 1860. 2254-3 Wolsey. (Cardinal) Life, by G. Cavendish . . . 1827. H.C. 4112 Life, by J. Gait . . . 1846. 2232- 7 Worcester. (Marquis of) Life and times, by H. Dircks 1865. H.C. 4138 Wraxall. (Sir Nathaniel W.) Memoirs. (Edited by H. B. Wheatley], 5 vols. 1884. 2226- 1 Wren. (Sir Christopher) His family and his times, by L. Phillimore . . . 1881. 2224- 8 Wright. (J.) Sketch of his life 1843. 2772-18 Young. (C. M.) Memoir, by J. C. Young . . . 1871. H.C. 4048 '2Q2 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Directories, Army Lists, &c. (FoR CANADIAN DIRECTORIES See CANADA, PART II.) Adress-Buch Deutscher. Export-firmen, 4 vols. . . 1883. 5321- 1 Chambers. Index to next of kin .... ii.d. R. Supplement 1888. R. Co-operative wholesale society, animal and diary, 1884-5 n.d. R. Gun. Index to next of kin n.d. R. Hart. Annual army list 1884-8. R. International scientists' directory .... 1884-7. R. London post office directory, 1866, 1884, 1887 ... R. Militia list. Dominion of Canada 1886. R. PATENTS AND PATENT LAW. Carpmael. (Alfred and Edward) Patent laws of the world 1885. 2413-25 Macfie. (R. A.) Copyright and patents for inventions 1879. 2414-3 Munn & Co. United States patent law . . . 1871. P.R. Canada. Patents of Canada, 1824-1855, 2 vols. . . ;. :. 1860. P.R. Canadian patent office record, 1873-88, 16 vols. -i . P.R. Great Britain. Specifications of patents, 1617-1886, 3,695 vols. . P.R. Chronological index of patents 1617-1863, 13 vols. P.R. Alphabetical index of patentees, 1617-1886, 29 vols. . P.R, Subject-matter index, 1617-1887, 40 vols. . . P.R. Reference index of patents, 1617-52, 2 vols. ... P.R. Appendix to English patented reaping machines, 1853. P.R. Key of terms and phrases in titles .... P.R. Index to foreign scientific periodicals in patent office library, 2 vols. . P.R. Mode of obtaining patents in British Colonies . P.R. Abridgments of specifications arranged chronologically under the following classes . . . . .-P.R. 1. Drains and sewers -Part I, 1619-1866 -Part II, 1867-1870. 2. Sewing and embroidering. 3 Manure Part I, 1721-1855- Part la, 1856-1866 -Part II, 1867-1876. 4. Preservation of f^od-Part I, 1691-1855- Part II, 1856-1866. 5. Marine propulsion (excluding sails) Parts I, II, and III, 1618-1857 Part IV, 1857-1866. 6. Manufacture of iron and steel Part I, 1620-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 7. Aids to locomotion. 8. Steam culture. 9. Watches, clocks and other timekeepers Part I, 1601-1856 Part la, 1857-1866 Part II, 18671876. 10. Fire-arms and other weapons, ammunition, and accoutrements Part I, 1588-1858 Part la.1858-1866. 11. Manufacture of paper, pasteboard, and papier-mache Part 1, 1665-1857, Part II, 1858-1866. 12. Cutting, folding, and ornamenting paper Part I, 1636-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. PATENTS AND PATENT LAW. 263 PATENTS AND PATENT LAW Continued. 13. Letterprees and similar printing Pait I, 1617-1857 Part la, 1858- 1866-Part II, 1867-1876. 14. Bleaching, dyeing-, and printing 1 calico and other fabrics and yarns Part I, 1617-1857 Part II, 1858-1866 Part III, 1867-1876. 15. Electricity and magnetism, their generation and applications Part I, 1766-1857 Part la, 1858-1866. 16. Preparation of india-rubber and gutta-percha Part 1, 1791-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 17. Production and applications of gas Part I, 1681-1858 Part II, 1859- 1866. 18. Metals and alloys Part I, 1623-1859 Part la, 1860-1866. 19. Photography Part I, 1839-1859 Part II, 1860- L866 Part III, 1867- 1876. 20. Weaving-Part I, 1620-1859 Part la, 1860-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 21. Ship building, repairing, sheathing, launching Part I, 1618-1860 Part II, 1861-1866. 22. Bricks and tiles Part I, 1619-1860 Part II, 1861-1866. 23. Plating or coating metals with metals Part I, 1637-1860 Part II, 1861- 1866. 24. Pottery Part 1, 1626-1861 Part II, 1862-1866. 25. Medicine, surgery, and dentistry. 26. Music and musical instruments- Part I, 1694-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 27. Oils, fats, lubricants, candles, and eoap. 28. Spinning Part I, 1624-1863 Part II, 1864-1866. 29. Lace-making, knitting 1 , netting, braiding, and plaiting. 30 Preparation and combustion of fuel. 31. Raising, lowering, and weighing. 32. Hydraulics. 33. Eailways Part 1, 1803-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 34. Saddlery, harness, stable fittings Part I, 1625-1866 Part II, 1867- 1876. 35. Roads and ways. 36. Bridges, viaducts, and aqueducts. 37. Writing instruments and materialsPart I, 1635-1866 Part 11,1867- 1876. 38. Railway signals and communicating apparatus. 39. Furniture and upholstery. 40. Acids, alkalies, oxides, and salts. 41. Aeronautics. 42. Preparation and use of tobacco. 43. Books, portfolios, card-cases. 44. Lamps, candlesticks, chandeliers, and other illuminating apparatus. 45. Needles and pins. 46. Carriages and other vehicles for railways. 47. Umbrellas, parasols, and walking sticks Part I, 1780-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 48. Sugar. 49. Steam engine Part 1, 1618-1859 Part II, 1860-1866. 50. Paints, colours, and varnishes. 51. Toys, games, and exercises. 52. Ventilation. 53. Faniery Part 1, 1719-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 54. Artists' instruments and materials. 55. Skins, hides, and leather. 56. Preparing and cutting cork, bottling liquids, securing and opening bottles Part I, 1777-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 57. Brushing and sweeping. 58. Nails, rivets, bolts, screws, nuts, and washers. 59. Hinges, hinge joints, and door springs. 60. Locks, latches, bolts, and similar fastenings. 61. Cooking, bread-making, and the preparation of confectionery Part I, 1634-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 62. Air, gas, and other motive power engines Part I, 1635-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 63. Water closets, earth closets, urinals. 64. Safes, strong rooms, tills, and similar depositories. 65. Wearing apparel Division I, head coverings. 66. Wearing apparel Division II, body coverings. 67. Wearing apparel Division III, foot coverings. 68. Wearing apparel Division IV, dress fastenings and jewellery. 69. Anchors. 70. Metallic pipes and tubes Part I, 1741-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 71. Mining, quarrying, tunnelling, and well-sinking. 72. Milking, churning, and cheese making -Part 1, 1777-1866 Part II, 1867- 1876. 73. Masts, sails, rigging. 74. Casks and barrels. 75. Steering and manoeuvring vessels -Part 1, 1763-1866 Continued from 1866, in combination with marine propulsion, under the title of marine propulsion Part II, 1867-1876. 76. Optical, mathematical, and other philosophical instruments. 264 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PATENTS AND PATENT LAW Continued. 77. Harbours, docks, canals. 78. Grinding grain, and dressing flour and meal. 79. Purifying and filtering water-Part I, 1675-1866-Part II, 1867-1876. 80. Artificial leather, floorcloth, oilcloth, oilskin, and other waterproof fabrics Part 1, 1627-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 81. Agriculture Division I, field implements Part I, 1618-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 82. Agriculture Division II, barn and farmyard implements Part 1, 1636- 1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 83. Agriculture Division III, agricultural and traction engines. 84. Trunks, portmanteaus, boxes, and bags. 85 Ice-making machines, ice safes, and ice houses Part I, 1919-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 86. Unfermented beverages, aerated liquids, mineral waters Part I, 1774- 1866 -Part II, 1867-1876. 87. Tea, coffee, chicory, chocolate, cocoa Part I, 1704-1866 Part If, 1867- 1876. . 88. Fire engines, extinguishers, escapes, alarms. 89. Washing and wringing machines Part I, 1691-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 90. Chains, chain cables, etc Part I, 1634-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 91. Dressing and finishing woven fabrics Part I, 1620-1866 Part II, 1867- 1876. 92. Electricity and magnetism Division I, generation of electricity and magnetism, 1766-1866 Part II, 1867-1876 93. Electricity and magnetism Division II, Conducting and insulating, Part I, 1766-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 94. Electricity and magnetism Division III, transmitting and receiving signals, 1766-1866 Part II, 1867-1876. 95. Electricity and magnetism Division IV, electric lighting, igniting and heating, Parts I and II, 1839-1876. 96. Electricity and magnetism Division V, electro-deposition and electro- lysis, Parts I and II, 1805-1876. 97. Electricity and magnetism Division VI, electric motive power engines and similar apparatus, Parts I and II, 1837-1876. 98. Carriages and other vehicles for common roads. 99. Brewing, wine-making, and distilling. 100. Starch, gum, size, glue Parts I and II, 1717-1876. United States. Annual report of the commissioner of patents, 1850-71, 54 vols P.R Official gazette of the patent office, 1888, 4 vols. . P. R Victoria. Abstract of specifications of patents, 1 854-66 . P.R Patents and patentees, 1870-81, 11 vols. . . . P.R. Exhibitions. Great exhibition, London, 1851, official, descriptive and illus- trated catalogue, 3 vols. . . . . . . 5314-15 International exhibition, London, 1862, reports of the juries 5314-16 International exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876, special report to the minister of education on the Ontario educational exhibit 5314-17 Colonial and Indian exhibition, London, 1886, official cata- logue of the Canadian section . . . . 5314-18 PART II. CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. Geology ana Paleontology. Baddeley. (Lieut.) Geognosy of part of the Saguenay country n.d. 2342-18 Geology of the Labrador coast . . n.d. 2342-18 Bayfield. (Commander) Geology of lake Superior . n.d. 2342-18 Bigsby. Geography and geology of lake Huron . . 1824. 5144- 1 Dawson. (SirJ. W.) Acadian geology . . '. . 1868. A. 522 Dawn of life . , . . . 1875. A. 394 Fossil men .... 1880. A. 164 Fossil plants of the Dominion . 1871. 2345-7 Handbook of zoology . . 1886. A. 683 Grant. Geology of the Ottawa valley and Wakefield cave pampht. 1112 Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada, Sir William Logan, director from 1843 to 1869; succeeded by A. R. Selwyn, 1870. Annual reports . . 1843-88. 2343- 1 Geological reports arranged according to Provinces, chronologically, General. Mode of proceeding to make a geological survey, Logan, 1845. Geology of Canada, a summary of the progress of the survey to 1863. Stratification of the Quebec group and older crystalline rocks, Selwyn, 1877-8. Geological nomenclature, Selwyn, 1880-2. Physical geography and geology of Canada, Sehvyn and Daivson, 1884. Haps to accompany reports. Geological section, illustrating the geology of Canada, 1863. Map of portions of the British Provinces and United States, 1863. Map showing northern limit of forest trees in Canada, 1879-80. Geological map of northern Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, 1886. British Columbia and Vancouver Island. British Columbia. Preliminary explorations, Selwyn, 1871-2. Vancouver island. Coal fields of east coast, Richardson, 1871-2. Vancouver and Queen Charlotte islands. Coal fields, Richardson, 1872-3. British Columbia. Geological explorations, Richardson, 1873-4. British Columbia. Geological explorations, Richardson, ] 874-5. British Columbia. Report on explorations, Sehvyn, 1875-6. British Columbia. Explorations, Dawson, 1875-6. Blackwater, Salmon and Nechacco river basins, Dawson, 1876-7. Leech river. Reconnaissance, Dawson, 1876-7. Nanaimo, Burrard inlet, etc Coal fields, Richardson, 1876-7. Southern portion of the interior. Preliminary report, Dawson, 1877-8. Queen Charlotte islands. Report, Daivson, 1878-9. Fort Simpson to Edmonton. Exploration, Dawson, 1879-80. Vancouver Island and adjacent coast. Geological examination, Daivson, 1886. Maps to accompany reports. Map showing position of the coal fields of Nanaimo and Comox, 10 miles to to inch, 1871-2. Map of the strait of Georgia and Vancouver island, 1872-3. Map of British Columbia, between Fraser river and the coast, 1876-7. Map of the coal fields of Comox, Nanaimo and Cowitchin, four miles to an' inch, 1876-7. Map of a portion of the southern interior, 1877-8. Map of Queen Charlotte islands, 1878-9. Plans of harbours, Queen Charlotte islands, 1878-9. Map of Skidegate inlet, Queen Charlotte islands, 1878-9. Map showing distribution of trees in British Columbia, 1879-80. Map of northern part of Vancouver island, 1886. 268 REFERENCE LIBRARY. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY Continued. North-west Territories. N. W. Territories. Observations on a journey through. Sehvyn, 1873-4. Bow and Belly river. Preliminary report, Dawson, 1880-2. Country near the 49th parallel west of the Rocky mountains, Bauerman, 1882-4. Bow and Belly river. Report, Dawson, 1882-4. Rocky mountains, between 49 and b(Y 30', Dawson, 1885. Cypress hills and Wood mountain, McConnell, 1885. Rocky mountains. Geological structure of a portion, McConnell, 1886. Northern Alberta, Assiniboia and Saskatchewan, Tyrrell, 1886. Maps to accompany reports. Sketch survey of the Saskatchewan river from the Rocky mountains to Cumberland lake, 1873-4. Sketch survey from Quesnel mouth to Peace river, 1875-6. Sketch survey from Peace river to Carlton house, 1875-6. Maps of part of British Columbia and N. W. Territories to Fort Edmonton, 1879-80. Index map of coal outcrop in Bow and Belly river districts, 1880-82. Map of the region in the vicinity of the Bow and Bel y rivers, 1882-4. Map showing wooded district in the vicinity of the Bow and Belly rivers, 1882-4. Reconnaissance map of Rocky mountains between 49 and 50 30', 1885. Map of part of the Cascade coal basin, 1885. Map of the Cyprus hills and Wood mountains, 1885. Geological section across the Rocky mountains, 1886. Map of northern Alberta, 1886. Map showing wooded districts of northern Alberta, 1886. Hudson's Bay. East coast of Hudson's bay, Bell, 1877-8. Country between lake Winnipeg and Hudson's bay, Bell, 1877-8. Churchill and Nelson rivers, Bell, 1878-9. Hudson's bay and lakes and rivers to the west, Bell, 1879-80. Moose river and adjacent country, Bell, 1880-2. Labrador coast, Hudson's strait and bay, Bell, 1882-4. Athabasca river basin, Bell, 1882-4. Hudson's bay and strait, Bell, 1885. Lake Winnipeg to Hudson's bay, Low, 1886. At-ta-wa-pish-kat and Albany rivers, Bell, 1886. Maps to accompany reports. Map of part of the east coast of Hudson's bay, 1877-8. Map of Nelson river, 1877-8. Map of Island and God's lakes, 1878-9. Map of the basin of the Moose river, 1880-2. Plan of the Moose river, 1880-2. Map of part of the Athabasca river, 1882-4. Chart of the Ottawa islands, Huds-n's bay, 1885. Manitoba. Red river and south Saskatchewan, Bell, 1873-4. Lakes Manitoba and Winnipegosis. Bell, 1874-5. Upper Assiniboine river and lake Winnipegosis, Spencer, 1874-5. Souris river valley. Boring operations, Selwyn. 1879.80. Souris river valley. Lignite tertiary formation, Dawson, 1879-80. Maps to accompany reports. Map of lake Winnipeg, 1877-8. Ontario. Georgian bay to lake Erie. Geological examination, Murray, 1843. Lake Superior. Geology and economic minerals, Loyan, 1846-7. Kaminitiquia and Michipicoten rivers, Murray, 1846-7. Lake Huron, north coast. Geology, Murray, 1847-8. Lake Huron, north coast and Spanish river, Murray, 1848-9. Western peninsula. Geology, Murray, 1850-1. Rideau district Geology, Alurray, 1851-2. Kingston and lake Simcoe. Geology of region between, Murray, 18r>2-3. Georgian bay to Ottawa river, Murray, 1853-6. French river and Bruce mines, Murray, 1857. Grenville region. Laurentian limestones Lofjan, 1858. Lake Huron and Thessalon river, Murray, 1858. Hastings, county of. Geology and mineralogy, Macfarlane, 1S63-C. Manitoulin island, Bell, 1863 6. Lake Superior Laurentian and Huronian rocks, Macfarlane, 1863-6. Lake Superior. North-west and Nepigon districts, Bell, 1866-9. Manitoulin island, Bell, 1866-9. Hastings, Peterborough and Frontenac, Vennor, 1869-9. CANADAGEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORTS. 269 ONTARIO Continued. Goderich. Salt region, Sterry Hunt, 1866-9. Burgess, north and south, Broome, 1870-71. Lake Superior. Nipigon and Michipicoten rivers, Bell, 1870-71. Lake Superior and Albany river, Bell, 1871-2. Leeds, Frontenac and Lanark, Vennor, 1871-2. Marmora gold mines, Vennor, 1871-2. Lake Superior to Fort Garry. Geological reconnaissance, Selwyn, 1872-3. Lake Superior to lake Winnipeg, Bell, 1872-3. Frontenac, Leeds and Lanark, Vennor, 1872-3. Lake Superior and Red river. Bell, 1873-4. Frontenac, Leeds and Lanark, Vennor, 1873-4. Frontenac and Lanark, Vennor, 1874-5. Lake Superior to James' bay, Bell. 1875-6. Lake Huron, north of. Geology, Bell, 1876-7. Renfrew, Pontiac and Ottawa, Vennor, 1876-7. Lake of the Woods and adjacent country, Bell, 1880-2. Lake of the Woods region. Huronian bolt, Lawson, 1885. Maps to accompany reports. 1 Maps showing explorations on the north shore of Lake Huron and thence eastward to the Ottawa. Scale one inch to a mile, 1853-6. 5234- 7 1. Spanish river. 2. Spanish river, with White-Fish tributary and White-Fish lake ; White-Fish river wi v h lakes Panache and Lavase, and Round lake. 3. Mouth of the White-Fish river and coast of lake Huron. 4. Wahnapitseping lake and Wahnapitse river, with Maskanonge lakes and river. 5. Wahnapitse river. 6. Wahnapitee river, with channels and mouths of French river. 7. Sturgeon river. 8. Sturgeon river and west end of lake Nipissing. 9. French river. 10. East end of lake Nipissing and Nahmanitigong river, with part of Mattawa river. 11. Mattawa river and part of Ottawa river. II Maps showing explorations between the east shore of lake Huron and the Ottawa river. 12 and 13. Meganatawana river, with miscellaneous lakes. 14 to 18 inclusive. Muskoka and Petewahweh rivers and numerous lakes. Ill Maps of Bonne-chere, Madawaska and Shawashkong rivers and sources of the Ottonabee. 19. Bonne-chSre river with Mud lake and Clear lake. 20. Bonne-chdre river with Golden and Round lakes, and Little Mada- waska river, lake Kamaniskaik, and Madawaska river, and South- west branch or Shawashkong river. 21. Shawashkong river, with Kaijick Manitou and Papineau lakes. 22. Drag lake, Kah-shah-gah-wigamog lake, Gull river, Gull lake and Balsam lake. Map of the north shore of lake Huron, showing Huronian rocks, 1863. Map showing superficial deposits between lake Superior and Gaspe, 1363. Map showing crystalline limestones between Grenville and Rawdon, 1853-6. Two index maps showing exploration between lake Huron and the Ottawa, Map showing distribution of the Huronian limestone between Root river and Bruce mines, 1857. Map showing Huronian rocks between rivers St. Mary and Missisague, 1858. Map of the counties of Peterborough, Hastings and Frontenac, showing rock formation, 1866-9. Topographical sketch map of Thunder bay and lake Nepigon regions, four miles to an inch, 1866-9. Map of the township of Marmora, 1871-2. Plan of Dalhousie iron mine, Lanark coiinty, 1872-3. Plan of north Burgess showing apatite openings, 1873-4. Map of the counties of Lanark, Renfrew and Leeds, 1874-5. Map of the lake of the Woods, 1880-2. Map of the northern part of the lake of the Woods, 1885. Quebec. Gasp and Bonaventure districts, Logan and Murray, 1844. Upper Ottawa river districts, Logan, 1845-6. Gasp6, Murray, 1845-6. Eastern townships. Geology, Logan, 1847-8. St. Lawrence, north and south. Geology, Logan, 1849-50. ChaudiSre region, Logan, 1850-1. Beauharnois and lake of Two Mountains, Logan, 1851-2. St. Lawrence. North shore, Logan, 1852-3. Ariticosti and Mingan islands, Richardson, 1853-6. Grenville, Chatham, St. Jerome, etc., Laurentian rocks, Logan, 1853-6. Gaspe" peninsula, Richardson, 1857. Gaspe" peninsula, Richardson, 1858. 270 REFERENCE LIBRARY. QUEBEC Continued. Eastern townships. Geology of Quebec group, Richardson, 1863-6. Quebec. Gold regions of, Michel, 1863-6. St. Lawrence. Region south of, Richardson, 1866-9. St. Lawrence. North shore of lower, Richardson, 1866-9. Quebec. Notes on gold fields, Selwyn, 1870-1. Lake St. John and country north, Richardson, 1870-1. Lakes St. John and Mistassini, McOuat, 1871-2. Lakes Temiscama 1 g and Abbittibbe, McOuat, 1872-P. South-eastern portion of Quebec, Selwyn, 1880-2. Gaspe^ peninsula, Ell*, 1880-2. Saguenay region, Laflamme, 1882-4. Gaspe peninsula, Ells, 1882-4. Gasp6 peninsula, Low, 1882-4. Mistassini lake, Low, 1885. Eastern townships. Portion of, Ells, 1886. South-eastern Quebec. Surface geology, Chalmers, 1886. Maps to accompany reports. Map of county of Ottawa and Terrebonne, showing Laurentian rock, 1863. Map of east side of lake Champlain, 1863. Map showing distribution of limestone conglomerates at Point Levis, 1863. Map showing superficial deposit between lake Superior and Gaspe", 1863. Map of the island of Anticosti, nine miles to an inch, 1853-6. Map showing Laurentian rock in the vicinity of lake St. John, 1857. Topographical map of the Magdalen river, 1857. Map of counties of Ottawa and Argenteuil, showing crystalline limestones, 1858. Map of part of Gaspe", showing Devonian and Silurian rocks, 1S5S. Map showing lower Silurian locks south of the St. Lawrence, 1866-9. Map showing phosphate of lime rocks in Ottawa county, 1876-7. Panoramic view of Notre Dame mountains, Gaspe, 1882-4. Map of lake Mistassini, 1886. Map of part of the eastern townships, 1886. Prince Edward Island. Interior of Prince Edward island, Ells, 1882-4. Maps to accompany report. Maps of New Brunswick and Prince Edward island, 1882-4. New Brunswick. Central New Brunswick, Robb, 1866-9. Southern New Brunswick, Bailey and Matthew, 1870-1. North-western New Brunswick, Robb, 1870-1. New Brunswick. Geological investigations, Bailey, 1871-2. Queen's and Sunbury counties. Carboniferous system, Bailey and Matthew, 1872-3. New Brunswick. Summary of observations, Bailey and Matthew, 1874-5. Carleton. Iron ore deposits, Ells, 1874-5. Southern New Brunswick, Bailey and Matthew, 1875-6. Charlotte county. Slate formation, Matthew, 1876-7. Albert and Westmorland. Lower carboniferous belt, Bailey and Ells, 1876-7. Albert, Kings and St. John counties. Pre-silurian rocks, Ells, 1877-8. Southern New Brunswick. Upper Silurian and Huronian, Matthew, 1877-8. Southern New Brunswick. Superficial geology, Matthew, 1877-8. Southern New Brunswick, Bailey, Matthew and Ells, 1878-9. Northern New Brunswick, Ell*, 1879-80. Northern and eastern New Brunswick, Ells, 1880-2. York and Carleton counties, Bailey, 1882-4. Western New Brunswick, Chalmers, 1882-4. Albert and Westmoreland counties, Ells, 1885. Carleton, Victoria and York counties, Bailey, 1885. Northern New Brunswick, Chalmers, 1886. Victoria, Northumberland and Restigouche counties, Bailey and Mclnnes, 1886. Maps to accompany reports. Map of Grand lake coal field, 1863. Map of York, Carleton and Victoria counties, 1866-9. Map showing distribution of iron ore in New Brunswick, 1874-5. Map of Albert and Westmoreland counties, showing Albert shales, 1876-7. Map of southern New Brunswick, 1878-9. Map of northern and eastern New Brunswick, 1880-2. Map of New Brunswick and Prince Edward island, 15 sheets, 1882-6. Nova Scotia. Joggins. Sections of the Nova Scotia coal measures, Logan, 1843. Pictou coal field. Logan and Hartley, 1866-9. Pictou coal field. Coal and iron ores of, Hartley, 1866-9. Notes on gold fields of Nova Scotia, Selwyn, 1870-1. CANADA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORTS 271 NOVA SCOTIA Continued. Londonderry. Acadia iron ore deposits, Selwyn, 1872-3. Cape Breton. Coal mines, Robb, 1872-3. Cumberland. Springhill coal field, Barlow, 1873-4. Cape Breton. Explorations and survey, JKobb, 1873-4. Cumberland Coal field, McOuat, 1873-4. Cape Breton. Explorations and surveys, Robb, 1874-5. Cumberland. Survey of coal fields, Barlow (Scott), 1875-6. Cape Breton. Explorations and surveys, Fletcher, 1875-6. Victoria, Cape Breton and Richmond, Fletcher. 1876-7. Cape Breton. Explorations and surveys, Fletcher, 1877-8. Richmond, Inverness, Guysboro' and Antigonish, Fletcher, 1879-80. Magdalen islands, Richardson, 1879-80. Northern Cape Breton, Fletcher, 1882-4. Cumberland and Colchester counties. Ells, 1885. Guysboro', Antigonish, Pictou and Colchester counties, Fletcher, 1886. Guysboro' and Halifax counties, Fletcher, 1886. Maps to accompany reports. Map of Pictou coal field, 1866-9. Map of Springhill coal field, 1863. Plan of the Acadia iron mines, 1872-3. Index map showing portion of the Springhill coal field, 1873-4. Map of Cape Dauphin district, Cape Breton, 1874-5. Map of the Sydney coal field, 1874-5. do do 1875-6. Map of Cape Breton, 26 sheets, 1876-87. Reports Specially Referring to Metals and Minerals, Antimony. Antimony mines of (Quebec, Willimott, 1880-2. Apatite. North and south Burgess, Uroome, 1869-70. Templeton and Portland townships, Vennor, 1873-4. Minerals of the apatite-veins of Ottawa county, Harrington, 1877-8. Mines of Quebec, Willimott, 1880-2. Ottawa county, Torrance, 1882-4. Asbestus. Mines in Quebec, WiUimott, 1880-2. Coal. Pictou coal field, Logan and Hartley, 1866-9. Coals of Pictou county, N.S., Hartley. 1866-9. Springhill coal field, N.S., Hartley, 1866-9. Coal fields of the east coast of Vancouver, Richardson, 1&71-2. Coal analysis, Hunt, 1871-2. Coal fields of Vancouver and Queen Charlotte islands, Richardson, 1872-3. Coal-boring operations, Newcastle Bridge, N.B., Ells, 1872-3. Sydney coal field of Cape Breton. Robb, 1872-3. Coals of the North-west territory, Harrington, 1873-4. Springhill coal field, N.S., Barlow, 1873-4. Cumberland county, N.S.. coal field, McOual, 1873-4. Sydney coal field, Robb, 1874-5. Coal field of Nanaimo, etc., B.C., Richardson, 187P-7. Coal deposits of Bow and Belly rivers, Dawson, 1880--2. General remarks on coal and lignites, Dawson, 1880-2. Analysis of coals and lignites of the N.W. Territories, Ho/man, 1882-4. Copper. Statistics of copper-mining and smelting in Great Britain, 1846-7- Localities of copper ores in the Silurian rocks of Lower Canada, 185 3. Localities of copper ores in the Huronian rocks, Mississagui river, 1858. Copper-bearing rocks of lake Superior, Macfarlane, 1863-6. List of copper localities in eastern Canada, 1SG3-6. Copper mines of Quebec, Willimott, 1880-2. 272 REFERENCE LIBRARY. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORTS Continued. Economic Minerals. Catalogue, Loyan, 1849-50. Of county of Hastings, Macfarlane, 1863-6. Of Frontenac and Lanark, Vennor, 1874-5. Of British Columbia, Dawson, 1876-7. Gold. Iron. Gold region of Lower Canada, Michel, 1863-6. Gold assays and mineralogy of gold veins, Hunt, 1863-6. Gold fields of Quebec and Nova Scotia, Selwyn, 1870-1. Marmora township, Vennor, 1871-2. Gold mines of Quebec, Willimott, 1880-2. Gold mines of the lake of the Woods, Coste, 1882-4. Iron ores of St. Maurice, Hunt, 1852-3. Metallurgy, Hunt, 185S-6. Iron and iron ores, Hunt, 1866-9. Iron ores of Pictou county, N.S., Hartley, 1866-9. Acadia iron deposits of Londonderry. N.S., Selwyn, 1872-3. Iron ores of Canada, Harrington, 1873-4. Iron ore deposits, Carleton county, N.B., Ells, 1874-5. Iron mines of Quebec, Willimott, 1880-2. Analysis of iron ores, Hunt, 1845-6. Lead. Analysis of specimens, Hunt, 1845-6. Mica. North and south Burgess, Broome, 1870-1. Mineral Waters. Nickel. Reports with analysis, Hunt, 1845-6, 1847-8, 1849-50, 1850-1, 1851-2, 1852-3. 1853-6. Wallace mine, White Fish river, Hunt, 1848-9. Nickel mines of Quebec, Willimott, 1880-2. Feat. Peat and its applications, Hunt, 1863-6. Petroleum. Report, mint, 1863-6. Plumbago. Buckingham, Vennor, 1873-4. Mines in Quebec, Willimott, 1880-2. Salt. Report with analysis, Hunt, 1863-6. Goderich salt region, Hunt, 1866-9. History of the trade and manufacture of Canadian salt, Smith, 1874-5. Goderich salt region, Hunt, 1876-7. Statistics. Mining and mineral statistics, Robb, 1871-2. British Columbia, mines and minerals. Daicson, 1876-7. Mines and minerals of British Columbia, Dawson, 1877. Mines and minerals of Ontario, Willimott, 1882-4. Mining and mining laws in Canada, Coste, 1885. Production, value, exports and imports of minerals in Canada, Coste, 1886. Various Minerals. Report with analysis, Hunt, 1846-7. do. Hunt, 1850-1. do. Hunt, 1851-2. do. Hunt, 1852-3. do. Hunt, 1853-6. do. Hunt, 1863-6. Notes on a few Canadian minerals, Harrington, 1874-5. CANADA MINERALOGY. 273 Chemistry. Chemical contributions to the geology of Canada, Hoffman, 1874-5. 1875-6, 1876-7, 1877-8, 1878-9, 1879-80, 1880-2, 1882-4, 1885, 1886. Palaeontology. Fossils from Anticosti, Billings, 1853-6. New fossils from the Silurian of Canada, Billings, 1853-6. Lower Silurian fossils, Salter, 1859. Graptolitidae of the Quebec group, Hall, 1865. Canadian graptolites, Hall, 1857. Lower Silurian cystideae and asteriadae, Billings, 1858. Description of the genus Cyclocystoides, Salter and Billings, 1858. Lower Silurian crinoideae, Billings, 1859. Palaeozoic fossils, 2 vols., Billings, 1865-74. Fossil plants of the Devonian and upper Silurian, part I, Dawson, 1871. Do., part II, Dawson, 1882. Fossil plants of the lower carboniferous and millstone grit, Dawson, 1873. Palaeozoic fossils, vol. I, Billings, 1865. do. vol. II, part I, Billings, 1874. do. vol. Ill, part I, Whiteaves, 1884. Mesozoic fossils, vol. I, part I, Whiteaves, 1876. do. part II, Whiteaves, 1879. do. part III, Whiteaves, 1884. Contributions to the micro-palaeontology of the Cambro-silurian, Foord, 1883. Contributions to Canadian palaeontology, vol. I, part I, Whiteaves, 1885. Hunt. (T. Sterry) Chemical and geological essays . . 1878. 2342-13 Examination of some felspathic rocks 1855. 2343- 1 Mineral physiology and physiography 1886. A. 723 Jackson and Alger. Mineralogy and geology of Nova Scotia 1832. 5144- 8 Jukes. Geological survey of Newfoundland . . 1843. 2342-15 Logan. Foot-prints occurring in the Potsdam sandstone of Canada 1852. 2343- 1 Logan and Hunt. Esquisse ge'ologique du Canada . . 1855. 2341- 6 Macfarlane. Remarks on Canadian stratigraphy . 1879. pampht. 492 Murray and Howley. Geological survey of Newfoundland 1881. 2341- 2 Nicholson. Palaeontology of the province of Ontario, 2 vols. 1874-5. 2345- 4 Salter. Fossil Crustacea from the coal-measures . . 1863. pampht. 135 Mineralogy. Canadian gold fields. Report on 1865. 2346- 6 Chapman. Minerals and geology of central Canada . 1888. A. 735 Descriptive catalogue of the minerals of Canada. (Colonial and Indian exhibition) 1886. 2346- 7 Hatton and Harvey. Mineral resources of Newfoundland 1883. 1542- 1 Heatherington. Mining industries of Nova-Scotia . 1874. pampht. 197 Hind. Report on the Waverley gold district . . . 1869. pampht. 194 Holbrook. British Columbia gold mines ... n.d. pampht. 400 Law relating to mines and minerals of Nova Scotia . . 1879. pampht. 169 Mineral exhibit, province of Ontario. (Cincinnati centennial exposition) . . . . . . . . 1888. pampht. 2148 Rutherford. Coal-fields of Nova Scotia . . 1871. pampht. 166 White. (H.) Gold regions of Canada .... 1867. 2624-6 18 274 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Botany. Annals of the botanical society of Canada . . .1861-2. 1857- 4 Billings. List of plants collected near Ottawa. (Ottawa Nat. His. Socy.) 1867. pampht. 1088 Fitzgibbon. Canadian wild flowers 1868. H.C. 5484 Gray. Manual of botany of northern U. S. and Canada n d. A. 707 Hooker. Flora boreali Americana, vol. 1 . . . n.d. 5144-10 Hubbert. Catalogue of Canadian flowering plants and ferns 1867. pampht. 1138 Macoun. Catalogue of Canadian plants, 2 vols. . . 1883-8. 2372-12 Contents. Vol 1. Polypetalse Gamopetalse Apetalse. Vol. 2. Endogens. Macoun and Spotton. Structural botany . . . 1879. A. 617 Orban. Cours elementaire de botanique du Canada . 1885. A. 734 Pursh. Flora Americse septentrionalis, 2 vols. . . . 1814. 2372- 4 Traill. Plant life in Canada 1885. 2376-10 Winder. Mushrooms of Canada . . . . . 1871. pampht. 346 Natural History. Chamberlain. Catalogue of Canadian birds . . . 1887. 2326- 9 Check list of insects of Canada 1883. pampht. 2147 Dionne. Les oiseaux du Canada ..... 1883. 2326- 6 Eden. Wolverine and beaver -. ... .. .. .. n d. A. 23 Gosse. The Canadian naturalist 1840. H.C. 1073 Hincks. Polyzoa of the Queen Charlotte islands >.; 1884. pampht. 91 Hind. Essay on the insects injurious to vegetation . . 1857. 2327-13 Lord. Naturalist in Vancouver island and British Columbia, 2 vols. . 1866. 2315-5 Mcllwraith. Birds of Ontario . . . . . 1886. 2326-8 Nott. Wild animals photographed and described . . 1886. 2322-11 Provancher. (L'Abbt) Petite faune eutomologique du Canada, 3 vols. . . 1877. 2327-14 Contents. Vol. 1. Les coleopteres. Vol. 2. Additions et corrections to do., 1877-9. Vol. 3. Les orthopteres, les ne>roptere8 et les hymenopteres. Richardson. (Ed.) Fauna boreali-Americana, 3 vols. . 1829. 5144-3 Contents. Vol. 1. Mammalia, Richardson. Vol. 2. Birds, Swainson. Vol. 3. Insects, Kirby Fish, Richardson. Ross. Birds of Canada 1872. 2326- 4 Butterflies and moths of Canada . . . 1873. 2327-11 Small. (H.Beaumont) Fresh- water fish of N. America 1865. pampht. 1170 Tache. Colorado potato beetle . . . . 1880. pampht. 581 Vennor. Our birds qf prey . . . ... . 1876. 2325-14 See also Canadian Naturalist and Geologist Canadian Journal Canadian Entomologist Naturaliste Canadienne. CANADA NATURAL PRODUCTS AND RESOURCES. 275 Natural Products and Resources. Agricultural returns to the Ontario bureau of industries 1882-86. 2434- 1 Anderson. North-west territories of Canada. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 14) 1883. 1853- 1 Ashworth. Canada, its progress and development. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 10) .... 1879. 1853- 1 Atkinson. Historical and statistical account of New-Bruns- wick . . . . . . . 1844. 1682- 4 The same ... . . . . 1682- 5 Baden-Powell. Colonial government securities. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 18) , . . .. 1887. 1853-1 Bartlett. Manufacture and consumption of iron, coal and steel in Canada . . .' . . ' 1885. D. 575 Beadle. Canadian flower, fruit and kitchen gardener . 1872. 2655- 2 Bibaud. Tableau historique des progres materiels et intel- lectuels du Canada 1858. pampht. 2140 Bliss. Statistics of the trade, industry and resources of Canada \ . 1833. 1544- 3 {Boucher.] Histoire veritable et riaturelle des moeurs et pro- ductions du pays de la Nouvelle-France. (Album du Canadien) .... 1849. 1742- 2 Bourinot. National development of Canada. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 11) . . ." . ..-.. . 1880. 1853-1 Buchanan. Relations of the industry of Canada with the mother country and the United States . 1864. 1544- 2 Canada, its history, productions and natural resources . 1886. H.C. 1133 Canada. Statistical abstract and record, 2 vols. . 1886-7. 2464- 1 Canadian economics, being papers prepared for reading before the economical section of the British association, Montreal 1885. 2456- 7 Canadian settlers' guide . 1860. 1686- 6 Gazes. Le petit manuel Canadien . . . . 1884. 2463- 9 Colmer. Recent and prospective development of Canada. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 17) 1886. 1853- 1 Crookes. Characteristics of the Canadian community. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 1) . . . . 1869. 1853- 1 Dawson. (Sir J. W.) Physical geography and resources of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 2) . . 1871. 1853- 1 Eighty years' progress of British North America . . 1863. 1687-18 Evans. (W.) Letters on agricultural improvement . 1837. 1686-34 Fleming. (Sandford) Canada and its vast undeveloped interior. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 9) 1878. 1853- 1 Gait. (Sir Alexander) Future of the Dominion of Canada. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 12) . 1881. 1853- 1 Gesner. Industrial resources of Nova Scotia ,. . 1849. H.C. 1169 New Brunswick, topography, statistics, commerce, timber, etc. 1847. 1682- 2 The same H.C. 1168 276 REFERENCE LIBRARY. 1809. H.C. 1180 1849. pampht. 1286 1851. pampht. 1115 NATURAL PRODUCTS AND RESOURCES Continued. Grant. Progress of Canada and the development of the great North-west. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 13) . 1882. 1853- 1 Gray. Canada, its productions, trade, commercial import- ance, etc. ....... Hincks. (Hon. Francis) Canada, its financial position and resources .... Hind. Climate of western Canada considered in relation to its influence upon agriculture Hogan. Essay on Canada . . . . . 1855. H.C. 1098 Hollingworth. Present state of Nova Scotia . . . 1787. 1683- 1 Johnson. Coal trade of British America .... 1850. H.C. 1556 Joncas. Fisheries of Canada. (Fisheries exhibition litera- ture, vol. 5) 1884. 2465- 3 Kirkwood and Murphy. Undeveloped lands in northern and western Ontario . 1878. 1687-16 Lillie. Canada. Physical, economic and social . . 1855. H.C. 1098 The same F. 692 Lynn. Comparative advantages of the far west of Canada for settlement. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 3) . 1872. 1853-1 Macoun. Manitoba and the great North-west . . 1882. 1684-1 Martin. The British colonies, their history, extent, condi- tion and resources, 3 vols. . . . . n.d. 1687-19 Monro. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward island, their history, civil divisions, geography and productions ' 1855. 1682- 1 Montigny. Le Nord . . ...... . i . . 1886. 0. 306 Morris. Canada and her resources, an essay . . 1855. H.C. 1098 North-west territories, account of their extent, soil and resources ......... 1871. pampht. 623 Report of the bureau of industries of Ontario, 1884 . 1885. 2445-20 Reports of commissioner of agriculture and arts of Ontario 1856-87. 2435- 1 Roland. Algoma west, its mines, scenery and resources . 1887. F. 1373 Rolph. Statistical account of Upper Canada . . 1836. 1672- 1 Russell. (R.) North America, its agriculture and climate 1857. H.C. 1388 The same . F. 428 Selwyn. Dominion of Canada. (Stanford's compendium of geography) 1883. 2337-11 Southey. Rise, progress and present state of colonial wools 1848. H.C. 1181 Spence. Manitoba and the North-west, its resources and advantages ...... Stearns. Labrador, sketch of its peoples, industries and natural history Tache. Esquisse sur le Canada Tocque. Newfoundland as it wj Traill. Canadian settler's guide Female emigrant's guide Tuttle. Our north land, a full account of the Canadian North-west and Hudson's bay route . 1885. 1684-11 1871. pampht. 2139 1884. F. 710 1855. 1686- 1 i is in 1877 . . 1878. F. 351 1855. 168631 1854. 168K-27 CANADA ATLASES. 277 Railways and Canals. Canadian Pacific Railway. Contract between the government of the Dominion of Canada and the company, also the consolidated railway act 1879, and act of 1881 amending it Report of the senate at Fort William for a terminus Royal commission, report, con- clusions, evidence, 3 vols. . Fleming. The Intercolonial ; sketch of the line of railway uniting the inland and Atlantic provinces of the Dominion ...... Great water highways of the Dominion of Canada Kingsford. Canadian canals, their history and cost The same . . ... Patterson. Commerce and navigation of Canada Railway statistics of Canada .,-..- . i. , Report of royal commission, Pacific railway with despatches Report of the civil engineer of canals of Canada Report of the senate on Fort Frances lock .... Synge. Great Britain one empire . . Trout. The railways of Canada for 1870-71 1882. 2444-14 1878. 2444-16 1882. 2444-15 1876. 2444-12 1874. 1865. pampht. 147 H.C. 1144 2444-19 1874. 1876. pampht. 147 2444-13 1873. 2444-10 1880. 2444-18 1878. 2444-17 1852. 1686-13 1871. 2444-11 Census. Beaudet. Recensement de la ville de Quebec pour 1716 . 1887. pampht. 2083 Censuses of Canada, 1608 to 1871, 2 vols. . . . 1876. 2447-1 Census of the Canadas, 1851, 2 vols. ... . . . 1855. 2447- 1 Census of Canada, 1861 . . ... . 1862. 2447-1 1870-71, 3 vols. ... , . 1873. 2447- 1 1880-81, 4 vols. .. . . . 1885. 2447-1 Census of Manitoba, 1885-6 f . . . . . 1887. 2447- 2 Atlases. Arrowsmith. Map of interior parts of North America . 1795. H.C. 5480 Atlas of Muskoka and Parry Sound districts . . 1879. R. Campbell. Commercial gazetteer and atlas . . . 1886. R. Dawson. Maps to accompany report on the country between lake Superior and the Red river settlement 1859. 5234- 3 Hind. Maps to accompany report on the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan exploring expedition . . 1859. 5234- 4 Maps of Canada. (Commissioner of crown lands' report) 1857. 5234-5 Maps relative to improvements of the navigation of the river St. Lawrence 1856. 5234- 1 Maps showing the boundaries of the counties of Canada n.d. 5234- 2 New standard atlas of the Dominion of Canada 1875. R. 278 REFERENCE LIBRARY. TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY. Adam. (G. M.) Toronto of to-day, with a glance at the past n.d. 1685-24 Adams. (A. L.) Field and forest rambles in eastern Canada 1873. H.C. 1174 Agassiz. Lake Superior, its physical character, vegetation, and animals . ..... 1850. 1687-21 Albert Edward. (Prince of Wales) Tour of H. R. H. through British America 1860. 1687-12 Alexander. (Sir 3. E.) L'Acadie, or seven years' explora- tions in British America, 2 vols. 1849. H.C. 1103 Salmon-fishing in Canada 1860. D. 335 The same ..... D. 325 Transatlantic sketches, 2 vols. 1833. 1676- 7 Anderson. (A. C.) British Columbia, its climate and resources . . . . 1872. pampht. 2143 Anderson. (Bishop) Notes of the flood at the Red river in 1852 . . n.d. 1684- 9 Anderson. (D.) Canada, or a view of the importance of the British American colonies 1814. 1687-13 Arfwedson. United States and Canada in 1832-4, 2 vols. 1834. H.C. 1183 Aubertin. A fight with distances 1888. F. 1420 Baillie. Account of New Brunswick .... 1832. 1682-10 Baird. West Indies and North America in 1849 1850. 1682-24 Ballantyne. Hudson's bay, or every-day life in the wilds of North America . . 1848. H.C. 1142 Barclay. Agricultural tour in the U.S. and Upper Canada 1842. 1672- 3 Barneby. Life and labour in the far, far west . 1884. F. 1172 Barrette. Recit d'aventures dans le nord-ouest . 1881. pampht. 424 Bartram. Travels from Pensilvania to lake Ontario 1751. H.C. 1480 Bay of Fundy and harbor of St. John, N.B. Report of special committee ........ 1887. 1682- 8 Beaven. Recreations of a long vacation .... 1846. 1686-19 Beers. Over the snow, or the Montreal carnival 1883. F. 1372 Begg. (A.) " Dot it down," life in the North-west 1871. F. 1056 Montana and Bow river district. (Macoun's Manitoba) ..... 1882. 1684- 1 Bell. Hints to emigrants in a series of letters from Upper Canada 1824. 1686-33 Bird. Englishwoman in America .... 1856. H.C. 1275 Bonnycastle. (Sir R. H.) The Canadas in 1841, 2 vols. 1842. 1688- 7 Canada and the Canadians in 1846, 2 vols. 1846. 1688- 8 Borrett. Out west ; letters from Canada and the U.S. 1866. 1687-15 Bosworth. Hochelaga depicta, or a new picture of Montreal 1846. 1685- 6 Bouchette. British dominions in North America, 2 vols. 1832. H.C. 1231 Description topographique de la province Bas Canada . 1815. 1687- 5 The same ....... 1687- 6 Topographical description of Lower Canada 1815. H.C. 1222 CANADA TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY. 279 TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY Continued. Bouchette. Topographical dictionary of the province of Lower Canada 1832. H.C. 1233 Boulton. Sketch of His Majesty's province of Upper Canada 1805. B.R. Bourne. Picture of Quebec ...... 1829. 1685-32 British American guide-book ... . . . 1859. 1671- 2 Brown. (J. B.) Views of Canada and the colonists . 1851. H.C. 1091 Brown. (J. E.) Canada, a handy guide for the farmer and labourer * 1870. H.C. 1076 Brown. (W.) Four years' residence in the U.S. and Canada 1849. H.C. 1314 Bryce. (Prof.) Holiday rambles between Winnipeg and Victoria . ". . . . 1888. F. 1393 Buckingham. Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick n.d. 1688- 4 The same . . .... - '. . H.C. 1175 Burke. Descriptive guide to Niagara falls . . *<; 1850. 1685-39 Butler. Great lone land, travel in the north-west of America 1872. F. 899 Wild north land, a winter journey across northern North America 1874. F. 1394 Campbell. (J.) Short American tramp in 1864 . . 1865. H.C. 1401 Campbell. (P.) Travels in the interior of North America in 1791-2 . Canadian guide book, with a map of the province . Canadas as they now are ..... Canadas. Sketches in, by Coke Smyth, folio Canadas. (The) Present state of Canadas. (The) Comprehending information for the use of emigrants and capitalists Captain Mac. Canada, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Carlile and Martindale. Recollections of Canada Carroll. (Charles) Journal during his visit to Canada in 1776 Cartwright. Transactions and events on the coast of Labrador, 3 vols. .... Casgrain. (L'Abbe) Un pelerinageau pays d'Evangeline Cassini. Voyage to Newfoundland ..... Cattermole. Advantages of emigration to Canada Cayley. Up the river Moisie. (Lit. and Hist. Socy. of Quebec), series 1 1863. 1864- 1 Chabert. Voyage dans 1'Amerique septentrionale . 1753. H.C. 1212 Chambers. (W.) Things as they are in America . . 1854. F. 993 Champlain. (Euvres. publics sous le patronage de 1'univer- site Laval, 4 vols 1870. B.R. Voyages. Trans, by C. P. Otis, 3 vols. (Prince Society) . . ' . . . . 1880. H.C. 1196 Chappell. Narrative of a voyage to Hudson's bay . 1817. H.C. 1163 Charlevoix. Voyage to North -America, 2 vols. . . 1766. 1687-7 Chateaubriand. (Viscount de) Travels in America and Italy, 2 vols. . 1828. H.C. 1385 Chisholm. Panoramic guide of the St. Lawrence . . 1872. 1685-13 Chittenden. Report of exploration of the Queen Charlotte islands 1884. painpht. 110 1793. H.C. 1316 1849. 1686-38 1833. H.C. 1067 11. d. B.R. 1835. 1533- 4 1836. H.C. 1074 1882. F. 240 1873. 5114-20 1845. pampht. 102 1792. 5114- 1 1887. 1683- 5 1778. H.C. 1313 1831. 1686- 5 280 KEFKUENCE LIBRARY. TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY Continued. Cluny. (Alexander) The American traveller . . . 1769. 5114-14 Cotteau. Promenades dans les deux Antiques . . 1886. 0. 378 Cox. Columbia river, or scenes and adventures among various tribes of Indians, 2 vols . . . . 1832. H.C. 1109 Cozzens. Acadia, or a month with the blue noses . 1859. F. 1350 Cumberland. (B.) Northern lakes of Canada . . n.d. F. 1268 Cumberland. (S.) The Queen's highway from ocean to ocean 1887. F. 1365 Crawford. Reminiscences of foreign travel . . 1888. F. 1425 Dalton. Travels in the U.S. and part of Upper Canada . 1821. 1674-19 Dashwood. Chiploquorgan, or life by the camp fire . 1872. F. 776 Dawson. (Rev. JEneas) Our strength and their strength, the N. W. territory and other papers relating to Canada . 1870. 1684- 5 Dawson. (S. E.) Hand-book for the Dominion of Canada 1884. H.C. 1062 Dawson. (S. J. ) Report on the explorations between lake Superior and the Red river . 1859. 5234- 3 Day. English America, or pictures of Canadian places and people, 2 vols 1864. F. 367 De Roos. Travels in the United States and Canada . 1827. H.C. 1150 De Veaux. Falls of Niagara . . . . . 1839. 1685-29 Dickens. American notes . . . . . . n.d. 1887- 2 Dickson. Camping in the Muskoka region . . ..., 1886. F. 1266 Dilke. (Sir 0. W.) Greater Britain, a record of travel in English-speaking countries dur- ing 1866-67 .... 1880. F. 197 Dobbs. Account of the countries adjoining to Hudson's bay 1744. H.C. 1217 Doyle. (M.) Hints on emigration to Upper Canada . 1831. 1685-18 Doyle. (W.) British dominions beyond the Atlantic . n.d. H.C. 1557 Duncan. (F.) Our garrisons in the west . . . 1864. 1687-11 Duncan. (J. M.) Travels through the United States and Canada in 1818-19 . . . 1823. F. 528 The same, 2 vols. .... H.C. 1291 Duncumb. British emigrant's advocate . . . 1837. H.C. 1095 Dunlop. (Major) Statistical sketches of Upper Canada 1832. 1685-18 The same 1686-36 Elgin. (Lord) Canada. (Letters and journals) . 1872. 2227-11 Evans. (F. A.) The emigrant's guide to Canada . . 1833. 1688-3 Fergusson. Notes made during a tour in Canada in 1831 1834. 1686-25 Few words on Canada, by a Canadian .... 1871. 1686-37 Fidler. Observations on professions, literature, manners and emigration in the U. S. and Canada in 1832 1833. 1672-11 The same . H.C. 1141 F inch. Travels in the United States and Canada j . 1833. H.C. 1185 Fitzgibbon. A trip to Manitoba 1880. F. 296 Fleming. England and Canada ; tour between old and new Westminster 1884. F. 965 Fowler. Tour through British America to the falls of Niagara 1832. 1686-20 Franchere. Voyage to the northwest coast of America from 1811-14 1854. F. 689 CANADA TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY. 281 TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY Continued. From Toronto to Fort Garry. Diary of a private soldier . n.d. 1684- 7 Eraser. Three months among the moose, by a military chaplain . . . . ' . . .1881. F. 735 Gillmore. (Ubique, pseud. ) Accessible field sports; experi- ences of a sportsman hiN. A. 1869. 1683- 2 Gordon. (Hon. A. H. ) Wilderness journeys in New Bruns- wick iu 1862 3 . . 1864. pampht. 483 Gordon. (A. R. ) Report of the Hudson's bay expedition of 1886 ... . . . n.d. 1683-14 Gordon. (Rev. D. M.) Mountain and prairie, a journey from Victoria to Winnipeg 1880. F. 260 Gourlay. Statistical account of Upper Canada, 2 vols. . 1822. H.C. 1176 General introduction to do. . . . ..; , 1822. H.C. 1178 Grant. Ocean to ocean. (Sandford Fleming's expedition through Canada in 1872) .... 1873. F. 1047 The same . r .... . . . . . H.C. 1113 Gravier. Decouvertes et etablissements de Cavelier de la Salle 1870. 1687-10 Gray. Letters from Canada, 1806-8 1809. H.C. 1180 Greenwood. Tour in the United States and Canada . 1883. H.C. 1294 Gregory. En racontant recits de voyages traduit par Gagnon 1886. 1743- 1 Guid" to the province of British Columbia for 1877-78 . 1877. F. 713 Hall. (B.) Travels in North America in 1827-8, 3 vols. . 1829. 1674-6 Forty etchings from sketches made with the camera lucida in North America in 1827-8 1829. H.C. 5479 Hall. (C.) Lady's life on a farm in Manitoba . . . 1884. F. 950 Hall. (E. H.) British North America for health, sport and profit 1879. F. 523 Hall. (F.) Travels in Canada and the United States . 1818. 1675-6 The same . H.C. 1137 Hall. (Rev. Newman) From Liverpool to St. Louis . 1870. F. 1149 Hamilton. (J. C.) Prairie province ; travels from lake Ontario to lake Winnipeg . 1876. F. 1067 Hamilton. (J. R.) New Brunswick and its scenery . 1874. 1682-3 Hamilton. (T.) Men and manners in America, 2 vols. 1833. H.C. 1279 Hardy. (C.) Forest life in Acadie .... 1869. H.C. 1170 Hardy. .(Lady Duffus) Through cities and prairie lands 1881. F. 997 Harmon. Journal of voyages and travels in the interiour of North America 1820. H.C. 1134 The same 1684- 8 Hatton. (J.) Henry Irving's impressions of America . 1884. F. 962 Hatton and Harvey. Newfoundland, its history, condition and prospects .... 1883. F. 597 The same . . 1666-20 Hazlitt. British Columbia and Vancouver island . . 1858. F. 1136 Head. (Sir G.) Forest scenes in the wilds of North America 1838. 1686-10 Hennepin. Nonvelle decouverte, dans 1'Amerique . 1697. H.C. 1079 Henry. (Alex.) Travels and adventures in Canada . 1809. 1687-20 The same 1686- 8 282 REFERENCE LIBRARY. TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY Continued. Heriot. Travels through the Canadas .... Hewitson. " Westward ho ! " a trip to America Hawkins. Picture of Quebec Hickman. Sketches on the Nipisaguit Hill. From home to home ; autumn wanderings in the North-west ....... Hind. (H. Y. ) Explorations in the interior of the Labrador peninsula ..... Narrative of the Canadian exploring expe- ditions of 1857-58, 2 vols. The same ..... x . Reports on the Assiuiboine and Saskatche- wan exploring expedition Hodder. Harbours and ports of lake Ontario in a series of charts Hodgins. (J. G.) Hodgson. Geography colonies and history of the British Letters from North America, 2 vols. The same . . . . Holley. (G. W.) Falls of Niagara and other famous cataracts The same . . . y H on tan. Voyages dans 1'Amerique septentrionale, 2 vols. The same ...... . Horetzky. Canada on the Pacific . . '- . Hough. The Thousand islands of the river St. Lawrence Howison. Sketches of Upper Canada , .',. . * Hunter. Ottawa scenery . . ... Panoramic guide from Niagara falls to Quebec . Inches. Letters on emigration to Canada . . . Intercolonial railway guide book . . Jacobs. Journal from Rice lake to the Hudson's bay territory Jameson. (Mrs. ) Sketches in Canada and rambles among the red men .... Winter studies and summer rambles in Canada, 3 vols. . . . . . . V . Johnston. Notes on North America, agricultural, econom- ical and social, 2 vols. . . . . Johnstone. Letters descriptive of Prince Edward island . Jukes. Excursions in and about Newfoundland in 1839-40, 2 vols. . . ... ' ' Kalm. Account of the cataracts at Niagara Travels in North America, 3 vols. Travels in North America. (Pinkerton s voyages, vol. 13) . Voyage en Ame>ique traduit par Marchand. (Societe historique de Montreal, vols. 7-8) Kane. Wanderings of an artist among the Indians of North America . . . . . . f . The same . 1807. 1885. 1834. 1860. 1885. 1863. 1860. 1859. 1857. H.C. 1230 H.C. 1549 1685-36 5142- 3 F. 865 H.C. 1156 H.C. 1172 1684- 2 5234- 4 1687-17 1860. 1685-22 1824. 1673-14 H.-C. 1409 1882. 1685- 4 F. 421 1706. 1685-20 H.C. 1080 1874. F. 1036 1880. F. 559 1821. H.C. 1146 1855. 5114-21 1860. pampht. 2138 1836. 1686-16 1877. 1685-12 1858. 1683-12 1852. H.C. 1090 1838. 1851. 1822. 1842. 1751. 1770. 1812. 1880. 1859. 1686-15 F. 850 1682- 6 H.C. 1123 H.C. 1480 1672- 9 H.C. 2012 1852- 3 1684- 4 H.C. 1167 CANADA TRAVEL AND TOPOG TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY Continued. Keating'. Expedition to St. Peter's river, lake Winnepeek and lake of the Woods, in 1823, 2 vols. Kennedy. Sport, travel and adventure in Newfoundland Kingston. Western wanderings, or a pleasure tour in the Canadas, 2 vols. . . Kohl. Kitchi-gami. Wanderings round lake Superior Travels in Canada, 2 vols. . . . Lacroix. Canadian guide and book of reference Lambert. Travels through Lower Canada, 3 vols. Lanman. Adventures in the wilds of North America Adventures in the wilds of the U. S. and British American provinces, 2 vols. . Le Clercq Nouvelle relation de la Gaspesie . . . Le Moine. L' Album du touriste . . .- t , ,. Le Saguenay en 1851 . ... ..>.'.,. , . . Lennox. (Lord) Canada. (Celebrities I have known, vol. 2) Lester. Atlantic ta the Pacific, what to see and how to see it Letters from an emigrant lady in Muskoka . , *>.. ..,-. The same . - Levinge. Echoes from the backwoods, 2 vols. Lillywhite. English cricketers' trip to Canada and the U. S. Lockwood. Description of Nova Scotia Logan. Journey through Canada, United States and the Long. Lyell. West Indies Voyages and travels of an Indian interpreter and trader Travels in North America, 2 vols. The same . . . . , Second visit to the United States, 2 vols. The same . . ..... Macaulay. Across the ferry ; first impressions of America and its people ..... McCrea. Lost amid the fogs ; sketches of life in New- foundland . ... The same . ' . . . Macdocald. (D. G F.) British Columbia and Vancouver's island ..... McDonald. (Archibald) Peace river, a canoe voyage McDonald. (John) Narrative of a voyage to Quebec and from thence to New Lanark Macdougall. Guide to Manitoba and the North-west Macfie. Vancouver island and British Columbia, their his- tory, resources and prospects McGregor. British America, 2 vols. .... The same, 2 vols. . . . Mackay. (Alex.) Western world, or travels in the United States in 1846-47, 3 vols. The same, 2 vols. .... Mackenzie. (A.) Voyages from Montreal through North America 1825. 1885. H.C. 1377 F. 1226 1866. 1688- 2 1860. 1673- 7 1861. 1688- 1 1873. pampht. 596 1810. 1688- 6 1854. H.C. 1090 1856. 1673-11 1691. 1685-27 1872. 1685-28 1852. pampht. 107 1876. 1873. 1878. 1846. 1860. 1818. 1838. 1791. 1845. 1849. 1871. 1869. 1862. 1872. 2216- 1 F. 83 1686- 7 F. 292 1686- 2 1674- 2 5114-17 1674-10 H.C. 1215 1674- 8 H.C. 1320 1674- 7 F. 1068 F. 538 H.C. 1118 F. 576 1683-18 1684-12 1823. pampht. 1156 1880. pampht. 621 1865. 1833. 1832. 1849. 1683-17 H.C. 1198 H.C. 1200 H.C. 1297 F. 761 1801. H.C. 1229 284 REFERENCE LIBRARY. TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY Continued. Mackenzie. ( W. Lyon) Sketches of Canada and the U.S. 1833. 1674-11 The same .... H.C. 1143 Macoun. Manitoba and the great North-west 1882. 1684- 1 Magrath, Authentic letters from Upper Canada 1833. 1686-29 Marshall. The Canadian Dominion .... 1871. H.C. 1171 Marryat. Diary in America, with remarks on its institutions 1840. F. 773 Marsden. Narrative of a mission to Nova Scotia, and a tour to lake Ontario .... 1816. 1683- 6 Maude. Visit to the falls of Niagara in 1800 1826 1676- 3 Mayne. Four years in British Columbia and Vancouver island ........ 1862. F. 877 Maxwell. (Lieut. Col. ) Run through the U. S. in 1840,2 vols. 1841. H.C. 1351 Melish. Travels in the U. S., 1806-11, 2 vols. (Am. ed.) 1812. 1675- 2 The same. (English ed. ) 1818. 1675- 3 Milton and Cheadle. The North-west passage by land . ' 11. rl. F. 90 Moodie. (S.) Roughing it in the bush, or life in Canada, 2 vols. ...... 1852. F. 151 Monro. United States and the Dominion of Canada, their future . . .'.'*' 1879. 1686-30 Morris. Letters sent home by way of Canada and the U. S. n.d. F. 160 Moorsom. Letters from Nova Scotia . . . , 1830. H.C. 1114 Moreton. Life and work in Newfoundland . . , : . ., . 1863. 1666-23 Mulvany. Toronto, past and present . . r ? > . 1884. 1685- 3 Murray. (Hon. A. M.) Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada 1856. H.C. 1242 The same ... . . F. 970 Murray. (Hon. C. A.) Travels in North America, 2 vols. 1854. H.C. 1289 Murray. (H.) Account of discoveries and travels in North America, 2 vols. 1829. H.C. 1406 Account of British America, 3 vols. 1839. H.C. 1057 Niagara, Montreal and Quebec in 1765, or " 'Tis eighty years since " . . . 1846. 1672-12 Noble. After icebergs with a painter .... 1861. H.C. 1121 North-west territories. Descriptions of the townships, 3 vols. 1886. 1684-13 Contents. Vol. 1 Between the second and third initial meridian- 1 . Vol. 2. Between the thir i and fourth initial meridians. Vol. 3. West of the fourth and fifth initial meridians Norton and Habberton. Canoeing in Kanuckia 1878. F. 754 O'Brien. Tourist's guide to Quebec .... 1864. 1685- 8 Ogden. Tour through Upper and Lower Canada 1799. 1685-19 Oliver. View of Lower Canada . . . . . 1821. 1686- 3 Osgood. Handbook for the maritime provinces 1883. 1683- 4 Oxenden. (Bishop) My first year in Canada 1871. 1685-35 Palliser. Journals of explorations of British North America 1863. 5225- 8 Palmer. Travels in the United States and Lower Canada 1818. H.C. 1311 Parkman. Historic handbook of the northern tour . . 1885, F. 1213 Parsons. Book of Niagara falls 1835. 1685-31 Past and present state of the harbour of Toronto . . 1881. 1685-10 CANADA TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY. 285 TRAV.EL AND TOPOGRAPHY Continued. Patten. Glimpse at the United States and Canada . 1853. H.C. 1380 Peck. Tourist's companion to Niagara falls, Saratoga springs, etc. . . ; . . . . 1845. 1685-34 Pemberton. Facts and figures relating to British Columbia and Vancouver island . . . 1860. H.C. 1130 Phillipps- Wolley. Trottings of a tenderfoot, or the Colum- bian fiords 1884. F. 1306 Picken. The Canadas as they at present commend themselves 1832. H.C. 1045 Playfair. Recollections of a visit to the U.S. and British provinces of North America . . . 1856. 1672-16 Poole. Queen Charlotte islands . . . . . 1872. 1683-19 The same . . .:.'... . . . F. 1015 Preston. Three years' residence in Canada, 1837 39, 2 vols. 1840. H.C. 1105 Proulx. A la baie d' Hudson ou recit de la premiere visite pastorale de Mgr. N. Z. Lorrain . . 1886. 1683-13 Rae. Newfoundland to Manitoba ; Canada's maritime and prairie provinces . . ' . . . . 1881. F. 416 Westward by rail ; a journey to San Francisco . 1874. F. 42 Ranken. Canada and the Crimea ... . . 1862. 1686- 4 The same . 1863. F. 377 Report from the select committee on the Hudson s bay com- pany 1857. 5225- 1 Report of the committee on the state and condition of the countries adjoining Hudson's bay .... 1749. 5225- 7 Rattray. Vancouver island and British Columbia . 1862. F. 743 Rhys. Theatrical trip through Canada and the United States for a wager 1861. 1672-18 Ritchie. To Canada with emigrants, a record of actual experiences 1885. F. 1346 Roberts. Western Avernus, or toil and travel in North America . ... . . . . 1887. F. 1368 Robinson. The great fur land .!*... . . . 1882. F. 132 Rochefoucault-Liancourt. (Duke, de) Travels through the U. S. and Upper Canada, 1795-97, 2 vols. 1799. H.C. 1421 [Roger. (C.)] Stadacona depicta, or Quebec and its environs n.d. 1685-37 Ottawa, past and present . . 1871. 1685-11 Rogers. (Robert) Concise account of North America . 1765. 1511- 1 The same . . . . . H.C. 1355 Journals ... . . . 1765. 1511- 2 The same. (Edited by F. B. Hough) 1883. 1511- 2 [Rose. (A.)] Emigrant churchman in Canada. (Edited by Rev. H. Christmas), 2 vols. . . . 1849. H.C. 1139 The same F. 1189 Ross. Adventures on the Oregon or Columbia river . 1849. H.C. 1551 Fur hunters of the far west, 2 vols. . . . 1855. H.C. 1107 Routhier. En canot petit voyage, au lac St. Jean . . 1881. 1685-17 Rowan. Emigrant and sportsman in Canada . . 1876. 1687-9 Rubio. (Pseud.) Rambles in the U.S. and Canada in 1845 1846. 1674-13 Russell. (A. J.) Hudson's bay and N.W. territories con- sidered in relation to Canada . 1869. 1684-10 286 REFERENCE LIBRARY. TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY Continued. Russell. (W- H.) Canada, its defences, condition and resources .... Ryerson. Hudson's bay, or a missionary tour . Sagard. Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons, 2 vols. Sandham. Ville-Marie, or sketches of Montreal, past and present . . . .. The same . . . Sansom. Travels in Lower Canada .... Sherriff. Topographical notices of the country between the mouth of the Rideau and Penetanguishine. (Lit. and Hist. socy. of Quebec, vol. 2) Shirreff. Tour through North America The same ........ Silliman. Tour between Hartford and Quebec in 1819 The same ....... Simpson. (Sir G. ) Journey round the world in 1 841 -2, 2 vols. The same ...... Six years in the bush Darling. (W. Stewart)] Sketches of Canadian life Slaney. Visit to Canada and the United States in 1860 Small. Canadian handbook and tourist's guide . , Smith. (D. W.) Topographical description of Upper Canada Smith. (M.) Geographical view of the British possessions in North America .... Smith. (W. H.) Canada, past, present and future, 2 vols. Canadian gazetteer . . . Southesk. (Earl of) Saskatchewan and the Rocky mountains Spedon. Sketches of a tour from Canada to Paris Spragge. From Ontario to the Pacific by the C.P.R. . St. John. The sea of mountains ; Lord Dufferin's tour through British Columbia in 1876, 2 vols. The same ...... >.. - Stansbury. Pedestrian tour of two thousand three hundred miles in North America .... Steele. Book of Niagara falls Stewart. Account of Prince Edward island The same . (A.) Stuart. Notes on the Saguenay country. (Lit. and Hist. Socy. of Quebec, vol. 1) . . Stuart. (C. ) Emigrant's guide to Upper Canada Stuart. ( J. ) Three years in North America, 2 vols. ,. The same . . .... ^ Refutation of aspersions on "Stuart's three years in North America . . ., Sullivan. Rambles and scrambles in North America Sutcliff. Travels in some parts of North America Sutter. American notes, 1881 . . . . ,. The same . ... . . . . 1865. F. 782 1855. H.C. 1072 1865. 1686-14 1870. 1685- 5 F. 598 1820. H.C. 1166 1831. 1864- 1 1835. 1675- 5 H.C. 1344 1824. 1672-20 F. 808 1847. 1612- 7 H.C. 3061 1838. 1686-32 1849. 1686-18 1861. pampht. 206 1866. 1687- 8 1799. 1686-11 1814. 1685-23 n.d. H.C. 1205 1846. 1686- 9 1875. 1684- 3 1868. 1686-26 1887. F. 1360 1877. 1683-16 F. 360 1822. 1674- 3 1846. 1685-30 1806. 1682- 7 H.C. 1117 1829. 1864- 1 1820. 1688- 4 1833. 1674-12 1820. H.C. 1283 1834. 1686-17 1852. H.C. 1323 1811. H.C. 1263 1882. H.C. 1460 F. 309 CANADA TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY. 287 TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY Continmd. Tache. Sketch of the North-west of America Talbot. Five years' residence in the Canadas, 2 vols. The same ....... Taylor. (C. C.) Toronto " called back," from 1886-1850 Tod. (John Strathesk, pseud.) Bits about America Todd. Notes upon Canada and the U. S., 1835 . The same, second edition, from 1832-40 Toronto in the camera ; a series of photographic views of the principal buildings in the city of Toronto Trollope. (Anthony) North America . . .' % "i." Tudor. Tour in North America, 2 vols. Tunis. Guide to Niagara falls and route book to Montreal, etc. Two months on the Tobique, New Brunswick . . . Umfreville. Present state of Hudson's bay . . . Ure. Hand-book of Toronto . .... The same ........ Vigne. Six months in America, 2 vols. . . . . Vincent. Forty thousand miles over land and water, 2 vols. Vivian. (A. P.) Wanderings in the western land The same . . . Vivian. (H. H.) Notes of a tour in America . v Voyages de decouverte au Canada entre les annees, 1534-1542 par Jacques Quartier, le Sieur de Roberval, etc. (Hist. Doc., Lit. and Hist. Socy., Quebec, series 1) . Walton. Mineral springs of the U. S. and Canada . Warburton. Hochelaga, or England in the new world, 2 vols. The same ....... Ward. Account of the river St. John Warr. Canada as it is . . . . Watkin. Trip to the United States and Canada Watson. Sportsman's paradise, or the lake lands of Canada Weld. (C. R.) Vacation tour in the U. S. and Canada . Weld. (I.) Travels through the States and the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, 1795-97, quarto The same, 2 vols. ...... Weston. Visit to the United States and Canada in 1833 White. ( J. ) Sketches from America .... Wilkie. Summer trip to New York and the Canadas Williams. Journal of a trip from Toronto to the Rocky mountains ...... Wilson (F. A.) and Richards (A. B. ) Britain redeemed and Canada preserved Wilson. (C. H.) Wanderer in America . Wilson. (Rev. W.) Newfoundland and its missionaries Winnipeg country, or roughing it with an eclipse party Wix. Six months of a Newfoundland missionary's journal The same ........ Year in Manitoba 1870. 1824. 1886. 1887. 1835. 1840. 1843. 1873. 1846. 1841. 1847. 1852. 1887. 1855. 1799. 1800. 1836. 1870. 1837. 1684-16 1687- 3 H.C. 1202 1685-15 F. 1399 1672- 8 1672-13 1868. 1685- 1 1862. F. 567 1834. 1675- 8 n.d. 1685-14 1866. 1686-12 1790. 1684- 6 1858. 1685- 2 1685- 7 1832. H.C. 1273 1885. F. 1256 1879. 1672- 2 H.C. 1382 1878. 1675-10 1864- 2 F. 574 G. 327 H.C. 1111 1682- 9 1685-33 1686-35 F. 1431 F. 92 5114- 8 H.C. 1305 H.C. 1238 1675- 4 1672-10 1882. pampht. 2136 1850. 1824. 1866. 1886. 1836. 1687-14 1674-15 H.C. 1122 F. 1281 1666-22 H.C. 1125 1882. pampht. 2142 288 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Almanacs and Annual Registers. Annual of the Ontario branch of the royal Caledonian curling club 1876-88. 248 British North American almanac, 1864 .... 248 British North America year-book and almanac, 1867. (Edited by A. Harvey] ...... 248 Canada year-book and almanac, 1867, 1868 ... , 248 Canadian almanac, 1848-89. 248 Dominion annual register. (Edited by H. J. Morgan) 1878-86. 1414- 2 Quebec almanac, 1799, 1801, 1805, 1807, 1808, 1812, 1813, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1820, 1822, 1824, 1826, 1831, 1832, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1841 248 Toronto almanac, 1839 . . . .... 248 Constitution. Bourinot. Local government in Canada ... . . 1887. G. 1145 Manual of the constitutional history of Canada 1888. B. 817 Parliamentary procedure and practice . 1884. 2423- 8 Brief view of the constitution of Canada .... 1844. 1544- 8 Cavendish. (Sir H. ) Debates of the House of Commons on the Quebec bill in 1774 . 1839. 2423- 3 The same 2423- 3 Colby. Parliamentary government in Canada . . . 1886. B. 618 Gooch. Manual of the constitution of Canada . * . 1867. 1546-18 Loranger. Letters upon the interpretation of the federal constitution known as the British North America act 1884. pampht. 2134 McGee. (T. D'Arcy.) The crown and the confederation 1864. pampht. 113 Message relative to the terms of union with British Columbia 1875. pampht. 176 Montigny. Catechisme politique . . . . 1878. 1546-16 O'Sullivan. Manual of government in Canada . . . 1879. B. 407 Government in Canada . . . . 1887. B. 735 Taylor. Are legislatures parliaments ? 1879. B. 48 The same B. 320 Todd. Parliamentary government in British colonies . 1880. 2423- 1 Practice and privileges of the two houses of parliament 1840. H.C. 4224 Suggestions in regard to local governments for Upper and Lower Canada .... 1866. pampht. 202 Travis. Canadian constitutional law .... 1884. B. 737 A constitutional governor under responsible government ...... 1878. pampht. 114 Watson. Constitutional history of Canada . . . 1874. 1546-17 Powers of Canadian parliaments . . 1880. B. 699 CANADA PARLIAMENT. 289 Constitutional Documents and Treaties. British treaty (The), with an appendix of state papers . 1808. pampht. 2135 Capitulations and extracts of treaties relating to Canada 1800. 3177- 1 Maseres. Collection of several commissions and other public instruments relating to the province of Quebec 1772. 1535-20 Memoires des commissaires du Roi et de ceux de sa Majeste Britannique sur les possessions et les droits respectifs des deux couronnes en Amerique, avec les actes publics et pieces justificatives, 4 vols. . . . . . . 1755. H.C. 1426 Memorials of the English and French commissaries concern- ing the limits of Nova Scotia, or Acadia *. . 1755. H.C. 1425 Morris. (Hon. A.) Treaties of Canada with the Indians of the North-west . . . . - 1880. B. 354 Treaties of commerce and navigation which apply to the British colonies . ' . . . . . . 1880. 2463- 7 (See also TREATIES, page 244). Franchise. Ermatinger. Canadian franchise and election laws . . 1886. 2414-21 Hodgins. Canadian franchise act ... . 1886. 2414-24 Manual on law affecting voters' lists . . 1886. 2414-20 Notman. Law and practice concerning controverted elections 1863. 2423-17 Natu ralization . Howell. Naturalization and nationality in Canada 1884. 2413- 5 Parliament, Campeau. Guide to the house of commons and senate of Canada . 1879. 1686-21 Gemmill. Canadian parliamentary companion . . 1883-5. R. Manual of the legislative assembly of Quebec , . . 1885. 2423-12 Montigny. Catechisme politique .... 1878. 1546-16 Robertson. Political, manual of Manitoba . . . 1887. 2423-20 Rules, orders and forms of proceeding in legislative assembly of Ontario 1876. H.C. 4229 The same 1868. B. 635 Rules, orders and forms of the senate of Canada . . 1876. 2423-18 Todd. Proceedings to be adopted in conducting or opposing private bills . . . . . . . 1862. 2423-11 19 290 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Parliamentary Documents and Debates. Lower Canada, 1760-1841. Journals of the House of Assembly . . . 1821-22. 3143-1 Minutes of the evidence on the affairs of Lower Canada 1837. 3123- 1 Report of select committee on civil government of Canada 1829. 2423- 9> Proceedings of the provincial parliament of Lower Canada 1828-9. 1534- 2 Upper Canada, 1792-1841. Journals of the House of Assembly and appendixes, 19vols . 1821-40. 3131- 1 Journals of the legislative council .... 1830-34. 3143- 3- Report on the public departments .... 1839. 3143-2 Proceedings in the house of assembly, second session, fourth parliament ...... 1806. pampht. 885 Upper and Lower Canada, 1841-65. Journals of legislative assembly, appendixes and sessional papers . 1841-66. 3131- 2 Journals of legislative council , . . . 1843-66'. 3133- I Mirror of parliament . . . ... 1846. 5332- 1 Thompson's mirror of parliament . . . . . 1860. 2431- 1 Debates upon confederation . ... . 1865. 2431- 2 Canada, 1866-88. Brymner. Reports on Canadian archives .' . 1881-88. Journals of the senate, 24 vols. *. .' . 1867-88. Journals of the house of commons with appendixes, 26 vols 1867-88. Sessional papers, house of commons, 211 vols. . , 1867-88. Index to journals and sessional papers, by W. C. Bowles 1867-76. Debates of the house of commons .... 1870-88. Votes and proceedings, house of commons . 1872, 1879-86. Debates of the senate . . . . . 1872, 1875-88. Manitoba. Journals and sessional papers of the legislative assembly 1871-87. Ontario, 1866-88. Journals of the legislative assembly, 21 vols. . . 1867-88. Index to journals of legislative assembly . . 1867-74. The same 1867-83. Index to debates of legislative assembly . . 1867-77. Sessional papers, legislative assembly, 89 vols. . 1868-88. Index to journals and sessional papers, by A. H. Sydere 1867-88. Quebec, 1866-88. Journals of the legislative assembly . . . 1871-88. Sessional papers, legislative assembly . . . 1869-87. Nova Scotia. Journals of the house of assembly . . . 1860. New Brunswick. Journals of the house of assembly . . . . 1882. 1562-20 3164- 1 3162- I 2551- 1 255 2433- 3167- 1 2432 3176-15 3165- 1 3165- 2 3165- 3 3165- 4 2581 258 3166- 1 257 3145- 1 3177- 2 CANADA STATUTES AND ORDINANCES. 291 Statutes and Ordinances. New France. Edits, ordonnanees royaux, declarations et arrets du con- seil d'etat du roi concernant le Canada . . 1854. 2422- 1 Arrets et reglements du conseil superieur de Quebec, et ordonnanees et jugementsdesintendantsdu Canada 1855. 2422-2 Ordonnanees et jugementsdesgouverneurs et intendants du Canada . ... . . . . 1856. 2422-3 Jugements et deliberations du conseil sou verain, 4 vols. 1885-8. 2422- 5 Lower Canada. Collection of acts passed in the parliament of Great Britain, relative to Canada . . . . 1800. 3177- 1 Table of provincial statutes which have been in force in Lower Canada . . . . . . 1777-1857. 3175- *7 Tables relative to the acts and ordinances of Lower Canada . ..... . . . . 1843. 3175- 8 Tables relatives aux actes et ordonnanees du Bas-Canada 1843. 3175- 9 Upper Canada. Statutes, 1774-1812 . ... . . . 3171-1 Statutes to the time of the union, 1843 . . . 3171- 1 Consolidated statutes of Upper Canada, 1858 . . 3171- 1 Index to statutes in force in Upper Canada, 1854-5, Gamble and Wicksteed 3175-5 Table of provincial statutes which have been in force in Upper Canada, 1856 . . . . . .. ' 3175- 4 Canada. Statutes, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1888 . . . 3171- 1 Revised statutes, 1840, 1858, 1886 .... 3171- 2 Table of statutes and the British North America act, 1867, Wicksteed 1874. 3175- 3 Acts of the parliament of Canada relating to criminal law 1877. II. C. 4663 Index to the acts of the Dominion of Canada . . 1882. 3173- 1 British Columbia. Statutes, 1887 3176- 1 Manitoba. Statutes, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888 . . 3176-17 Revised statutes, 1880 . . . . . . 3176-16, Ontario. Statutes, 1867. 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876. 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888 .... 3174- 1 Revised statutes, 1877, 1887 3174-2 Compilation of acts respecting municipal institutions of Ontario, by Thomas Wills 1870, H.C. 4662 292 REFERENCE LIBRARY. STATUTES AND ORDINANCES Continued. Quebec. Statutes, 1880, 1881 Code des cures, marguilliers et paroissiens, accompagne de notes par J. U. Baudry .... Nova Scotia. Revised statutes, 1884 1870. 3176- 4 2424- 3 3176- 6 Parliamentary Commissions and Reports. Central committe inquiry, Education office, report, 1877 . 1878. Report of provincial board of health of Ontario . , . . 1882. Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into at- tempts to bribe certain members of the Ontario legislature 1885. Report of the commission on Chinese emigration . .. 1885. Reports of superintendent of insurance of the Dominion of Canada . . 1875-84. Reports of the inspector of prisons and public charities of Ontario Wood. (Hon. E. B. preferred against 1883-87. Petitions and reply to the charges 1882. 2442-12 2443- 2 2442-11 2442-10 2442- 1 2443- 1 2442-13 Statute Law. Baldwin. (Hon. Robert) Letter to, upon the administration of justice in western Canada 1845. 2424- 7 Baudry. (Hon. J. U.) Code des cures, marguilliers et paroissiens - . . 1870. 2424- 3 Canadian lawyer . : 1887. B. 685 Code of civil procedure of Lower Canada . . . , 1867. 3175- 6 Cugnet Traite" de la loi des fiefs . ...*,. 1775. 2414-23 Traite des ancienes loix de propriete en Canada aujourd'huy province de Quebec . . 1775. 2414-23 Extraits des regitres du conseil superieur, et des regitres d' intendance .... 1775. 2414-23 Traite de la police . . . ... 1775. 2414-23 Educational manual for Upper Canada .... 1856. 2414- 7 Howard. Laws of the British colonies concerning real and personal property and manumission of slaves 2 vols 1827. H.C. 1412 Lewis. Manual for magistrates and others , . 1884. B. 740 McCarthy. Dictionaire de 1'ancien droit du Canada . 1809. 2424- 5 CANADA TRIALS. 293 STATUTE LAW Continued. Municipal manual of Upper Canada . . . . 1850. 2411-20 The same, second edition ... . . . 1851. 2411-20 The same, third edition 1855. 2411-20 The same. (Edited by R. A. Harrison) . . . 1867. 2411-20 The same. (Edited by Harrison and Joseph) . . 1874. 2411-20 Richmond. Book of legal forms and law manual . 1854. 2414-10 Rogers. Law and medical men 1884. 2414-18 Rordans. Canadian conveyancer and hand-book of legal forms, 1st edition 1859. 2414- 6 The same, 3rd edition . . , . n.d. 2414- 5 Sullivan. Handy book of commercial law for Upper Canada ... . . . 1866. 2414-11 Wrongs and rights of a traveller, by a barrister . . 1875. B. 739 Copyright. Dawson. Copyright in books . . . . -. . 1882. 2414- M Trials. Benjamin. (Cornp.) The St. Albans raid ; investigation into the charges against Lieut. Bennett, H. Young and command Fenian Raid. Trial of prisoners at Toronto, 1866 Fry. Case of the Canadian prisoners .... McDermott (J.) and Marks (Grace). Trials of, at Toronto, for the murder of Kinnear and Montgomery McLane. Trial for high treason at Quebec . . M'Leod. (Alexander) Trial of, for the murder of Amos Durfee, and as an accomplice in the burning of the Str. Caroline during Canadian rebellion in 1837-38 .... Maitland. (Lieut. J.) Trial by court-martial . Riel. The Queen vs Louis Kiel . The same. (Report of House of Commons) Documents relating to the N.-West rebellion trials Report of the state trials before a general court-martial held at Montreal in 1838-39, 2 vols. .... Report of trials held at Quebec of some partners of the North - West Company, 1819 Report of trials held at York relative to disputes between the Earl of Selkirk and the N.W. company Sutherland. Canvass of the proceedings on the trial of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie ..... 1865. 2417- 7 1867. 2417- 6 1839. 2417-12 1843. pampht. 1063 1797. 2417- 2 1841. pampht. 1971 1841. pampht. 1137 1886. 2417- 8 n.d. 2417- 9 1886. 2417-10 1839. 1547- 1 1819. pampht. 718 1819. 1542-17 1840. pampht. 225 294 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Municipal Documents. York township. Minutes of municipal council, 1860-71 . . . 2476- 2 Toronto. Poll book, 1841 pampht. 2149 Voters' list, 1886-89 247 City council minutes, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1887 . . 247 The same, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1876, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 18S5, 1886 H.C. 4668 By-laws passed by the council, 1885, 1887 . . 247 By-laws of practical utility, collated for convenient reference, 1870 H.C. 4654 First consolidated by-laws, 1870 .... H.C. 4653 Second consolidated by-laws, 1876 / . ... H.C. 4655 Statement of receipts and expenditures, 1882, 1883 . H.C. 4656 Manual of the city council, 1881 . .'.... 248 Public school board, minutes and proceedings, 1875-88 2476- 1 Public school inspectors' reports, 1859-77 . . . 2476- 1 Reports upon the condition of the harbour . . 1881-2. 1685-10 Annual reports of superintendent of water-works 1S74-87- pampht. 468 Halifax. Laws and ordinances, 1876 ...... H.C. 4661 Montreal. Charter and by-laws and acts of the legislature, relating to the city, 1865 H.C. 4652 Appendix to the same, containing amendments to the charter and by-laws, 1870 . . . H.C. 4666 HISTORY. General. Archer. History of Canada . . . .- 1875. G. 925 Baudoncourt. Histoire populaire du Canada . . n.d. 1537-7 Bibaud. (M.) Histoire du Canada sous la domination Fran ? aise 1843. 1537- S Histoire du Canada sous la d animation Anglaise . . . . . 1844. 1537- 8 Bibaud. (Jeune) L'histoire du Canada ou annales Cana- diennes ..... 1855. 1537- 9 Brasseur de Bourbourg. (L'Abbe) Histoire du Canada 1852. 1537-11 Bryce. .(**) Short history of the Canadian people . . 1887. G. 1114 Davin. Irishman in Canada n.d. G. (56'4 CANADA NEW FRANCE, 1608-1759. 295 HISTORY, GENERAL Continued. Garneau. Histoire du Canada, 3 vols. . . . 1852. 1537- 1 History of Canada. Trans, by Andrew Bell, 2 vols. 1862. H. 1191 The same 1876. 1537- 2 History of Canada . ^* ,' . .... n.d. 1537-15 Hodgins. School history of Canada .... 1865. G. 722 Jeffers. History of Canada for the use of schools . . 1875. G. 924 Langevin. L'histoire du Canada en tableaux . . 1865. pampht. 1139 .Lovell. History of the Dominion of Canada . . . 1876. 1537-12 Mackenzie. (R.) America, a history .... 1882. G. 984 MacMullen. History of Canada from its first discovery to the present time ... . . 1868. H.C. 1194 The same G. 189 Martin. History of Upper and Lower Canada . . . 1836. H.C. 1092 Murray. Historical account of British America. (Edin- burgh cabinet library), 3 vols. . . 1839. H.C. 1057 History of British America, 2 vols. . . . 1845. G. 626 Perrault. Abrege de 1'histoire du Canada, 3 vols. . 1833. 1537-10 Rameau. La France aux colonies 1859. 1537- 3 Rattray. The Scot in British North America, 4 vols. . n.d. H.C. 1207 Reveillaud. Histoire du Canada et des Canadiens Franais 1884. 1537-14 Roger. Rise of Canada from barbarism to wealth and civilization, vol. 1 ..... 1856. 1537- 6 Roy. History of Canada for the use of schools . . 1850. G. 923 The same . . . . . . . . 1858. H.C. 1077 Small. Chronicles of Canada . . . . . 1868. 1537- 4 The same . ; ' G. 1144 Suite. Histoire des Canadiens-Francais, 4 vols. . . 1882. 5122- 1 Tytler. Historical view of the northern coasts of America 1832. H.C. 1060 Withrow. History of Canada /.;... . . 1878. H.C. 1193 The same . . ; . . . . G. 690 Withrow and Adam. Canadian history and literature 1887. G. 1177 History in Periods. New France, 1608-1759. Anderson. Military operations at Quebec, 1759-60. (Lit. and Hist. Socy., Quebec, series 7) . . 1870. 1864- 1 Bigot. 'Fra^ois) Memoire, contre le procureur general du Roi en la commission . . 1763. 1537-16 Bressany. Relation abr^gee de quelques missions des peres de la compagnie de Jesus . . . 1852. 1536- 6 Cabot. History of British dominions to 1763 . . 1773. H.C. 1424 Charlevoix. Histoire et Nouvelle France, 6 vols. . 1744. H.C. 1082 History and general description of New France. Trans, by J. G. Shea, 6 vols. . . 1866. B.R. Collection de manuscrits contenant lettres, memoires et autres documents historiques relatifs a la Nouvelle- France, 1492-1789, 4 vols. . . . . . 1883-5. 1562-19 The same . . . . H.C. 3086 296 REFERENCE LIBRARY. NEW FRANCE, 1608-17 59 Continued. Contest in America between Great Britain and France . 1757. B.C. Dainville. Beautes de 1'histoire du Canada. . . . 1821. 1536- 8 [Faillon. (L'Abbt)] Histoire de la colonie Fran9aise en Canada, 3 vols. . . . 1865-6. 1536-11 Heriot. History of Canada from its discovery to 1731 . 1804. 1537-5 Historical documents, printed by the literary and historical society of Quebec 1840-77. 1864- 2 Contents. Series 1. Memoire sur 1'etat present du Canada. Memoire sur le Canada. Considerations sur 1'etat present du Canada. Belmont, histoire du Canada. Relation du siege de Quebec en 1759. Jugeinent impartial sur les operations militaires de la campagne en Canada en 1759. Memoire du Sieur De Ramezay. Eve"nements de la guerre en Canada durant les annees, 1759-1760, Reflections sommaires sur le commerce qui s'est fait en Canada. Quartier, les trois voyages au Canada en 1534, 1535 et 1540. Koberval, voyage au Canada, 1542. Jean Alphonse, de Xantoine, le Routier, 1542. Jfoel, deuxlettres sur la d^couve.te des Saults en Canada, 1587. Series 2. Eraser, journal of the siege of Quebec, 1759. Campaigns of Louisbourg, 1750-58, narrative attributed to the chevalier Johnstone. Dialogues of the dead. Montcalm and Wolfe, narrative of the siege operations befere Quebec in 1759. Campaign of 1760 in Canada. Invasion of Canada in 1775. Journal of the expedition up the river St. Lawrence, 1759. Series 3. Histoire du Montreal, 1640-1672, et ahrdge" de la mission de Rente. Recueil de ce qui s'est passd en Canada au sujet de la guerre tant des Anglais que des Iroquois depuis PAnne, 1682. Voyage d'lberville. Journal du voyage fait par deux Frigates du Roi, "La Badine" et Le Marin, commence dans 1'Anne, 1698. Murray, journal of the siege of Quebec, 1760. Series 4. Journal of the expedition up the river St. Lawrence. General orders in Wolfe's army during the expedition up the river St. Lawrence. 1759. Panet, journal tie sie'ge de Quebec en 1759. Historical memorial of the negotiation of France and Eng- land with the vouchers . . . - . ; . 1761. H.C. 1315 Falgairolle. Montcalm devant la posterite . ..." 1886. 1536-13 Ferland. Cours d'histoire du Canada, 1534-1759, 2 vols. . 1861. 1536- 3 Gabriel. Marechal Desandrouins et la guerre du Canada, 1756-60 \- . 1887. 1536-12 Hart. Fall of New. France, 1755-1760 . . . . 1888. G. 640 Jefferys. History of the French dominions in N. America 1760. 5113- 4 Johnson. (R.) History of the old French war . . . n.d. G. 1121 Journal des Jesuites, 1645-68. (Edited by les Abbe's Laver- diere et Casgrain) 1871. 3035-2 Kingsford. History of Canada from 1608-1725, 2 vols. 1887-8. G. 1085 Kirke. First English conquest of Canada .. . . 1871. 1536-5 Knox. Journal of the campaigns in IS orth- America, 1757-60, 2 vols. 1769. 5112-3 L'Alemant. (P6re Charles) Lettre du. (Mercure Fran- cois, vol. 13) . . 1628. 3356- 1 Langton. Early French settlements in America. (Lit. and Hist. Socy. of Quebec, series 11) . 1875. 1864- 1 Note on an incident of early Canadian history. (Lit. and Hist. Socy. of Quebec, series 2) 1864. 1864- 1 CANADA NEW FRANCE, 1608-1759. 297 NEW FRANCE,' 1608-1759 Continued. La Potherie. Histoire de 1'Amerique septentrionale, 4 vols. 1753. 1536-15 Le Clercq. First establishment of the faith in New France, 2 vols. Trans, by Shea .... 1881. B.C. 1546 Le Moine. The Scot in New France. (Lit. and Hist. Socy. of Quebec, series 15) . . . . 1880. 1864- 1 Lescarbot. Histoire de la Nouvelle-France, 3 vols. . . 1866. 1536- 1 Margry. Decouvertes et etablissements des Francais de I'Amerique septentrionale, 6 vols. . 1614-17. 1516- 4 Contents. Vol. 1. Decouverte de 1'Ohio et du Mississipi. Vol. 2. Lettres de Cavelier de la Salle. Vol 3. Hecherche des bouches du Mississipi. Vol. 4. Decouverte pir mer des bouches du Mississipi. Vol. 5. PremiSre formation d'une chaine de postes. Vol. 6. Exploration des affluents du Mississipi et decouverte des Montagues Rocheuses. Memoires et documents relatifs a 1'histoire du Canada publies par la societe historique de Montreal .... 1859. 1852- 3 Contents. Vol. 1. La Fontaine, de I'esclavage en Canada. Vol. 2. Lafontaine, de la famille des L&uson- Bellemare, vice-rois et lieutenants generaux. Vol.3. Bnaudry, ordoim inces de M. de Maisonneufve Tache, bataille navale du lac Cham plain. Vol 4. Dottier de Caution, histoire du Montreal. Vol 6 Voyage de M. M. Dollier de Casson et de Galinee, 1669-70. Vols. 7-3. Marchand, voyage de Kalm en Amerique. Vol. 9. Les ve>itables motifs de messieurs et dames de la socie'te' de notre-dame de Montreal. Memoire contenant le precis des faits avec leurs pieces justi- ficatives .'..- 1756. 1511- 6 Memoires sur le Canada, 1749-60. (Lit. and Hist. Socy. of Quebec) , . 1873. 1536- 4 Miles. History of Canada under the French regime . 1881. 1536-10 Parkman. Pioneers of France in the new world . . 1883. G. 182 Jesuits in North America . . . . 1883. G. 184 La Salle and the discovery of the great west 1883. G. 183 The old regime in Canada .... 1883. G. 185 Count Frontenac and New France under the reign of Louis XIV 1883. G. 181 Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 vols. . . . 1884. G. 869 Relations des .Jesuites, 3 vols. 1858. H.C. 1219 The same . .-..>. . . . 3035- 1 mitf.ntx.Vn\. 1. Bfard, 1616. L'Allemant. 1626 Le Jeune, 1632, 1633, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1638, 1639. Vimont, 1640, 1641. Vol. 2. Vimont, 1642, 1643. 1644, 1645. Lalemant, 1646, 1647, 1648. Ragueneau, 1649, 1650, 1651, 16.1,2. Le Mercier, 1653, 1654. Vol. 3. De Quen, 1656. Le Jeune, 1657. Ranueneau, 1658. Lalemant, 1659. Unknown, 1660. Le Jeune. 1661. Lalemant, 1662, 1663, 1664. Le Mercier, 1665, 1666, 1607, 1668, 1670. Unknown, 1669. D'Ablon, 1671, 1672. Relations inedites de la Nouvelle-France . . . . 1861. 3035-3 Contents. D'Ablon, 1673. 1674, 1675, 1676. Marquette, 1678. Alloitez, Re'cit d'un troisieme voyage, 1676-8. REFERENCE LIBRARY. NEW FRANCE, 1608-1759 Continued. Sabine. Address on the death of Major General James Wolfe 1 859. 1535- 9 Sagard. Histoire du Canada, 1615-29, 4 vols. . . . 1866. 1536- 2 Sixte le Tac. (Pere) Histoire chronologique de la Nouvelle- France, par E. Reveillaud . 1888. 1537-13 Smith. (W.) History of Canada from its discovery to the peace of 1763 '. 1815. H.C. 1223 Torcy. Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire des iiegociations 1757. 1536- 9 Walker. (SirH.) Account of the late expedition to Canada 1720. 1536- 7 Warburton. Conquest of Canada, 2 vols. . . . 1849. 1535- I The same H.C. 1147 Williamson. French and Indian cruelty 1758. H.C. 1260 From the Conquest to Establishment of Upper Canada, 1760 92. Answer to an introduction to the observations made by the judges of the court of common pleas for Quebec . 1790. H.C. 1543 Badeaux. Journal des operations de 1'armee Americaine lors de 1'invasion du Canada en 1775-76. (Lit. and Hist. Socy., Quebec, reprints, vol. 3) 1871. 1864- 2 Burgoyne. (Lieut. -Gen.) Expedition to Canada . . 1780. 1512-4 Calvet. (Pierre du) Recueil de lettres au roi, les Canadiens au General Haldimand . . 1784. 1535-10 Finlay. Journal of the siege of Quebec by the American rebels in 1775 76. (Lit. and Hist. Socy., Quebec, reprints, vol. 4) . . . . 1877. 1864- 2 Hadden. Journal kept in Canada, 1776-7 . . . 1884. 1512-14 Henry. Account of Arnold's campaign against Quebec . 1877. 1535-8 Importance of Canada considered in two letters to a noble lord 1761. 1535- 6 Jones. Campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776 . 1882. J535- 3 Letter to the inhabitants of the province of Quebec. (From the Congress of the United States) .... 1774. 1535- 7 (Maseres.] Account of proceedings of the inhabitants of Quebeck to obtain a house of assembly . 1775. H.C. 1542 Additional papers concerning the province of Quebeck 1776. H.C. 1127 Canadian Freeholder, 3 vols. . . . 1777. H.C. 1188 Collection of commissions, etc. . . . 1782. 1535-20 Occasional essays on various subjects . . 1809. 1535- 2 Review of the government and grievances of the province of Quebec since the conquest ...... 1788. 1535- 5 Turcotte. Invasion du Canada et siege de Quebec en, 1775-70 1876. 1535-4 Viger. Regne militaire en Canada par les Anglais, 1760-64. (Soc. Hist, de Montreal, vol. 5) . . 1870. 1852- 3 U. E. Loyalixt*. Curwen. (Samuel) Journal and letters with biographical notices of many American loyalists, by G. A. Ward De Peyster. Address delivered before the New Brunswick historical society ..... 1842. 2276- 5 1883. pampht. 321 CANADA THE UNION TO CONFEDERATION. 299 U. E. LOYALISTS Continued. Eardley-Wilmot. Commission of the American loyalists at the close of the war between Great Britain and her colonies in 1783 1815. H.C. 1 132 Johnson. (Sir John) Orderly book during the Oriskany campaign. (Edited by W. L. Stone and J. W. de.Peyster) 1882. B.R. Jones. History of New York during the revolutionary war. (Edited by E. F. de Lancy,) 2 vols. . . 1879. 1512-16 Loyalists' centennial souvenir, St. John, N.B. . . . 1887. 1544-20 Myers. Tories or loyalists in America - . . .. 1882. 1512-13 Tracings from footprints of the loyalists in America. (Orderly book of Sir John Johnson) . 1882. B.R. Ryerson. Loyalists of America and their times from 1620 to 1826, 2 vols 1880. G. 758 Sabine. (Lorenzo) Biographical sketches of loyalists of the American revolution, 2 vols. 1864. 2276- 1 Stryker. "New Jersey Volunteers." (Loyalists in the revolutionary war) . . . 1887. 1533- 6 United Empire loyalists, centennial celebrations, 1784-1884 1885. G. 151 From the Establishment of Upper Canada to the Union, 1792-1841. Bender. Old and new Canada, 1753-1844 . . . 1882. 1534- 4 Boulton. Short sketch of Upper Canada . . . 1826. pampht. 1108 Canniff. History of the province of Ontario (Upper Canada) 1872. 1533-1 Chisholme. (David) Lower Canada Watchman . 1829. H.C. 1063 Christie. History of Lower Canada, 6 vols. . . 1848-55. 1534- 3 The same H.C. 1050 Haight. Country life in Canada, fifty years ago . . 1885. H. 881 Haliburton. Bubbles of Canada 1839. 1533- 2 The same 1533- 3 History of the session of the provincial parliament of Lower Canada . ...... . . . - . . 1828-9. 1534- 2 Jackson. (J. Mills) Political state of Upper Canada 1809. pampht. 695 Memorial from James Stuart to Lord Goderich . . . 1831. 5122-10 Minutes of evidence taken before select committee of the affairs of Lower Canada in 1834 1837. 3123- 1 Observations on the petitions of grievance from the districts of Quebec, Montreal, and Three-Rivers . . . 1828. pampht. 668 Present state of the Canadas . . . . . 1835. 1533-4 Robinson. (Hon. J. ft.) Canada and the Canadian bill . 1840. H.C. 1544 Scott. Thoughts on the government, union, danger, and wants of the Canadas .... 1839. pampht. 1000 [Stuart. (Andrew)] Review of the proceedings of the legis- lature of Lower Canada in 1831 1832. 1534-1 The same . 2423- 5 From the Union to Confederation, 1841-67. Barthe. Le Canada reconquis par la France . . . 1855. 1532- 2 Bonnycastle. (Sir R. H.) Canada as it was r is, and may be, 2 vols., with additions by Sir J. E. Alexander . . 1852. 1688- 9 300 REFERENCE LIBRARY. FROM THE UNION TO CONFEDERATION, 1841-67 Continued. British American League. Proceedings of second convention 1849. 1532- 3 Carruthers. Thirty-six years residence in Canada west 1861. 1686-28 Dent. Last forty years. Canada since the union of 1841, 2 vols. ....... 1881. H.C. 1227 Fraser. (Rev. Donald) Canada As I remember it, and as it is. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 8) 1877. 1853- 1 Hincks. (Sir Francis) Political history of Canada between 1840-55, a lecture 1877. pampht. 1256 Richardson. (Major) Eight years in Canada . , 1847. 2282-m Sydenham. (Lord) Memoir of his life with a narrative of his administration in Canada, by G. P. Scrope . . .. 1844. 2282- 10 Taylor. (H.) Present condition of united Canada 1850. H.C. 1078 Tremenheere. Notes on public subjects made in the U. S. and Canada .... 1852. 1672- 5 The same ...... H.C. 1350 Turcotte. Le Canada sous Tunion, 1841-07 . 1871. 1532- 4 Confederation. Bolton and Webber. Confederation of B.N. America 1866. 1546- 9 Collins. Canada under the administration of Lord Lome 1884. G. 785 Gray. (Hon. J. H.) Confederation, or political history of Canada, 1864-1871 .. 1872. 1546- 3 Lefroy. (Sir J. H. ) British association in Canada. (Royal Col. Ins. vol. 16) . 1885. 1853- 1 Leggo. History of the administration of the Earl of 1878. 1546- 2 Stewart. Canada under the administration of the Earl of Durieriii . .....' 1878. 1546- 1 The same . . . . F. 643 Whelan. (Hon. Ed.) Reports of the conferences on con- federation .... 1865. 1546- 8 Wicksteed. Canadian militia 1875. 1546- 7 War of 1812-15. V Armstrong. Notices of the war of 1812, 2 vols. 1836. 1527-12 Auchinleck. History of the war of 1812-14 1855. H.C. 1195 The same ...... 1527- 2 Brannan. Official letters written by the officers during the war with Great Britain in 1812-15 1823. 1527- 5 Canadian Inspector. (The) No. 1 , a collection of facts con- cerning the government of Sir George Prevost 1815. 1527- 7 Cobbett. Letters on the late war .... 1815. 1527-19 Coffin. 1812. The war, and its moral, a Canadian chronicle 1864. H.C. 1186 The same ........ G. 819 Cowdell. Poetical account of the American campaigns of 1812-13 . 1815. 2785- 6 Darnell. Journal of Winchester's campaign, 1812-13 1854. 1527 16 Historical documents relating to the war of 1812. (Lit. and His. Socy. of Quebec, series 5) . 1877. 1864- 2 Hull. Memoirs of the campaign of the north-western army 1824. 1527-17 CANADA REBELLION, 1837-8. 301 WAR OF 1812-15 Continued. Ingersoll. History of the second war between United States and Great Britain, 1812-13, 3 vols. . 1845-52. 1527- 3 Johnson. (R.) History of the war of 1812-15 . . . n.d. G. 1122 Lossing. Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812 . 1869. 1527-1 New era, or Canadian chronicle (containing Richardson's war of 1812) 1842. 5113-6 Prevost. (Sir George) Par Jean Blanchet. (L'Institute Canadieii de Quebec, vol. 2) 1874. 1852- 4 Proceedings of a court of enquiry held at Drummond Island to investigate charges preferred by the American Govern- ment relative to the Indians , . . . . n.d. 1527- 8 Rensselaer. Narrative of the affair of Queenstown in 1812 1836. 1527-11 Richardson. (Major) War of 1812 . .;,.,...,, 1842. H.C. 1149 Roosevelt. Naval war of 1812 . . . ... . 1883. 1527-4 Sketches of the war between the United States and the British Isles '. . . 1815. 1527-15 Smith. (M.) Concise history of the war in Canada . . 1814. 1685-23 Stsve son. (J.) Cause and commencement of the war of 1812. (Lit. and Hist. Socy. of Quebec, series 14) ... 1879. 1864- 1 Symons. (John) Battle of Queenston heights . . . 1859. 1527- 9 The same .... G. 1179 Thomson. Sketches of the war between the United States and Great Britain 1818. H.C. 1088 The same, with extra illustrations 1815. 1527-13 Thompson. History of the war between Great Britain and the United States 1832. H.C. 1089 The same 1527-14 Veritas. Letters containing a succinct narrative of the military administration of Sir George Prevost during his command in the Canadas . 1815. 1527- 6 Rebellion of 1837-8. Beauclerk. (Lord) Views of military operations in Canada 1840. H.C. 5468 Carrier. Les evenements de 1837-38 . . . . 1877. 1547- 6 David. Les patriotes de 1837-38 . . . . . n.d. 1547- 9 Dent. Story of the Upper Canadian rebellion, 2 vols. . 1885. 1547- 7 Fry. Case of the Canadian prisoners .... 1839. 2417-12 Glenelg. (Lord) Despatches to Sir F. B. Head . . 1839. 1547- 3 The same 1547- 4 Globensky. La rebellion de 1837, a Saint-Eustache . 1883. 1547-11 La rebellion de 1837 ou reponse a L. O. David n.d. 1547-10 Head. (SirV.E.) Despatches 1837. 5122-7 Narrative 1839. 1547- 2 The same . . . . H.C. 1187 Heustis. Adventures in Canada and Van Dieman's Land 1847. 1547-13 King. The other side of the " story " . 1886. H. 1305 Lindsay. Life and times of W. L. Mackenzie, with an account of the Canadian rebellion, 2 vols. 1862. H.C. 1172 Miller. Notes of an exile to Van Dieman's Land 1846. 1686-22 302 REFERENCE LIBRARY. REBELLION OF 1837-8 Continued. Prieur. Notes d'un condamne politique de 1838 . The same ....... 1884, 1547- & 1547-12 Report of a select committee of the house of assembly on the political state of the provinces of 1838 pampht. 131$ Ryerson. Affairs of the Canadas . . . . . 1837. pampht. 231 State trials of prisoners at Montreal. (See trials, page 293) Sutherland. Letters to her majesty Queen Victoria, Lord Glenelg and Sir George Arthur 1841. 1686-23 Theller. Canada in 1837-38, 2 vols 1841. 1547- 5 Wait. Letters from Van Dieman's Land 1843. 1686-24 Fenian Invasions of 1869-70. Correspondence relating to the Fenian invasion 1869. 1547-21 Denison. History of the Fenian raid on Fort Erie 1866. 1547-18 Fenian raid at Fort Erie, June 1st, 1866 .... 1866. 1547-19 Fenian raid of 1870 by reporters present at the scenes 1870. 1547-17 O'Neill. (Gen. John) Official report on the attempt to invade Canada . . 1870. 1547-16 Somerville. Narrative of the Fenian invasion of Canada 1866. 1547-20 Newfou ndland. Anspach. History of Newfoundland ... 1819. H.C. 1120 Hatton and Harvey. Newfoundland the oldest British colony 1883. 1542- 1 Kirke. First English conquest of Canada, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland ...... 1871. 1536- 5 Pedley. History of Newfoundland . . . . 1863. 1542- 3 Pinsent. (Hon. Justice) Newfoundland our oldest colony (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 16) 1885. 1853- 1 Reeves. History of the government of Newfoundland 1793. 1542- 2 The same . . . H.C. 111 Tocque. Newfoundland as it was, and as it is in 1877 . 1878. F. 351 New Brunswick. Cooney. History of the northern part of the province of New Brunswick ..... Gesner. New Brunswick, early history, etc. 1832. 1847. 1544-16 1682- 2 H.C. 1168 Hamilton. No mistake, or a vindication of the negotiators of the treaty of 1783 .... 1842. 1544-18 Lawrence. Foot-prints ; or incidents in early history of New Brunswick ..... 1883. 1544-17 Martin. History of New Brunswick 1844. H.C. 1099 Remarks upon the disputed points of boundary 1839. 1544-19 The same . 1838. pampht. 1117 Stewart. Story of the great fire in St. John, 1877 n.d. H.C. 1100 CANADA NOVA SCOTIA. 303 Nova Scotia. Akins. (Ed.) Selections from the public documents of the province of Nova Scotia Anderson. (W.J.) Evangeline and the archives of Nova Scotia. (Lit. and Hist. Socy. of Quebec, series 7) ... Brown. History of the island of Cape Breton Campbell. Nova Scotia in its historical, mercantile and industrial relations 1869. 1870. 1869. 1873. 1879-87. 1543- 5 1864- 1 1543-18 F. 949 1852- 2 13. Collections of Nova Scotia historical society . .. Contents. Vol 1. Hill, history of St. Paul's church. Nicholson, journal of, at capture of Annapolis, 1710. Account of Nova Scotia in 1743. Trials for treason, 1776-7. Diary of John Thomas, 1755. Vol. 2. Proposals for attack on Nova Scotia. Akin, the first council. Journal of John Witherspoon. Hill, history of St. Paul's church, part 2. Memoir of the Rev. James Murdoch. Memoir of Sir Alexander Croke. Papers relating to the Acadian French. Vol. 3. Hill, history of St. Paul's church, part 3. Window, journal of the expulsion of the Acadians in 1755. Archibald, government house. Vol. 4. Papers connected with the administration of Mr. Vetch, 1710- Winslow, journal of the expulsion of the Acadians in 1775, part 2. Archibald, the province building. Vol. 5. Archibald, the expulsion of the Acadians." Gordon, copy of journal kept at' siege of Louisbourg, 1758. Documents sur 1'Acadie, publics par le Canada-Francais,vol. 1 1888. 1562-18" Geographical history of Nova Scotia . 1749. 1683-3 Haliburton. Historical and statistical account of Nova- Scotia, 2 vols 1829. 1543- 4 The same ' . . . . . . H.C. 1151 Hannay. History of Acadia from its first discovery to its surrender to England . 1880. 1543- 2 Thesame -.'.. . . . . 1879. G. 767 Harper. The maritime provinces. (Lit. and Hist. Socy. of Quebec, series 16) 1882. 1864- 1 Martin. History of Nova Scotia 1837. H.C. 1099 McGregor. Sketches of the maritime colonies of British America 1828. 1687- 1 Murdoch. History of Nova-Scotia or Acadie, 3 vols. . 1865. ' 1543- 1 North British society of Halifax, annals, 1768-1868 . . H.C. 1097 Patterson. History of the county of Pictou . . 1877. 1543- 3 Pichon. History of the islands of Cape Breton and St. John 1760. 1543-17 The same . . . . . . H.C. 1128 Remarks upon a letter enquiring into the caiises of the failure of the Cape Breton expedition .... 1757. 1543-16 Smith. (P.H.) Acadia, a lost chapter in American history 1884. G. 114& Stirling. (Earl of) Narrative of the oppressive law- proceedings . . . 1836. 5122- 4 Vindication of the rights and titles 1853. pampht. 1009 304 REFERENCE LIBRARY. 1880. 1542- If) 1871. H.C. 1182 1546- 5 1871. Manitoba and the North-west. Adam. The Canadian north-west . . . . 1885. (J. 850 Begg. Creation of Manitoba, or a history of the Red river troubles 1871. G.' 677 Seventeen years in the Canadian northwest. (Royal Col. Ins. vol. 15) 1884. 1853- 1 Begg and Nursey. Ten years in Winnipeg, a narration of events from 1870-79 . . . 1545-15 Bell. Selkirk settlement and the settlers . . . 1887. pampht. 2014 Boulton. Reminiscences of the North- west rebellions . 1886. 0.951 Bryant. Blood of Abel . . . . . . 1887. 1542-27 Bryce. (Prof.} Manitoba, its infancy, growth and present condition 1882. F. 542 Chesson. Manitoba. (Royal Col. Ins. vol. 3) . . 1872. 1853- 1 Daoust. Campague du 65 erne au Nord-Ouest . . 1886. 1542-2(5 Denison. (Ed.) Reminiscences of the Red river rebellion of 1869 n.d. 1546- 4 Expenditure North-west rebellion 1886. 1542-25 Gibbet of Regina . . 1886. 1542-28 Gunn and Tuttle. History of Manitoba from the earliest settlement to 1835 . Hargrave. Red river . . . . . . . Huyshe. The Red river expedition .... Manitoba historical and scientific society collections. (For list see page 170) . . . . V. 1852-13 Narrative of occurrences in the Indian countries of N. America 1817. 1 542-20 The same ... ....... , . H.C. 1115 Report of the select committee on the difficulties in the North-west territory in 1869-70 1874. 1542-23 Report upon the suppression of the rebellion in the North- west territories - k 188(5. 1542-24 Riel rebellion, 1885 . . n.d. pampht. 565 Ross. Red river settlement, its rise, progress, etc. . . 1856. H.C. 1550 Selkirk. (Earl of) Statement respecting the settlement upon the Red river. First edition (privately printed), London . 1816. 1542-19 The same . . . H.C. 1116 The same, second ed., London 1817. 1542-21 The same .... 1542-16 The same, New York . 1818. 1542-18 Narratives of Pritchard, Pambrun and Heurter, respecting the aggressions of the North-west company . 1819. 154222 Report of trials held at York, relative to the disputes between the Earl of Selkirk and the N. W. company 1819 1542-17 Report of trials held at Quebec of some partners of the N.W. company . 1819. pampht. 718 Sketch of the British fur trade in N. A. 1816. 1683-21 The same. Trans, into French 1819. 1683-22 Tuttle. Our north land 1885. 1684-11 CANADA LOCAL HISTORIES. 305 British Columbia. Dunn. History of the Oregon territory . . . . 1846. H.C. 1160 Fitzgerald. Charter and proceedings of the Hudson's bay company, with reference to Vancouver's island . . . .' . . 1849. 1683-15 Martin. Hudson's bay territories and Vancouver's island 1849. 1683-20 The same . . . . '. . . . . H.C. 1131 Twiss. The Oregon question examined . ' . . 1846. 1684-17 Local Histories. Caledonia Springs. History, rise and progress . Charlesbourg. Paroisse de, par L'Abbe Trudelle . ' . D'Orleans. (File) Histoire, par L. P. Turcotte Dundas, or a sketch of Canadian history, by J. Croil Eastern townships. Contributions to thehistory,byC. Thomas Eastern townships. History, by C. M. Day Eastern townships. Pioneers of the, by C. M. Day Gait and Dumfries. Early history, by J. Young ... Gaspesie. Esquisse sur la, par J. C. Langelier Guelph. Annals of the town, by C. A. Burrows Halifax and its business, by G. A. White Halton. Sketch of the county, by R. "Wat-nock Huntingdon. History of the county, by R. Sellar Kingston. History of the city, by W. G. Draper Leeds and Grenville. History from 1749-1879, by T. W. H. Leavitt .... Metlakahtla. Story of, by H. S. Wellcome Montreal and its fortifications, by A. Sandham Montreal in 1856 Montreal prison. History from 1784-1886, by Rev. J. Borthwick D. Montreal. Hochelaga depicta, by N. Bosworth Ottawa. Past and present, by C. Roger Peterborough. Early settlement and progress, by T. W. Poole Quebec as it was and is, by W. Russell .... Quebec. L' Album du touriste, par J. M. Le Moine Quebec. Historical notes on the environs, by J. M. Le Moine Quebec. Histoire des fortifications et des rues, by J. M. Le Moine ....... Quebec. It gates and environs, by J. M. Le Moine . Quebec. Past and present, 1608-1876, by J. M. Le Moine The same Quebec. (Picturesque) A sequel to Quebec past and present, by J. M. Le Moine Quebec. Picture of, by G. Bourne 20 1844. 1887. 1867. 1861. 1866. 1869. 1863. 1880. 1545-11 1685-26 1545- 8 1545-10 1545-12 1545-13 1545- 6 1545- 5 1884. pampht. 1551 1877. H.C. 1136 1876. H.C. 1135 1862. pampht. 1150 1888. G. 1143 1862. pampht. 1084 1879. 5112-12 1887. G. 1120 1874. 1545- 9 1856. pampht. 2145 1886. 1846. 1871. 1867. G. 982 1685- 6 1685-11 1545- 4 1860. pampht. 98 1872. 1685-28 1879. pampht. 598 1875. pampht. 603 1880. pampht. 564 1876. 1545- 1 F. 1110 1882. 1829. 1545- 2 1685-32 306 REFERENCE LIBRARY. LOCAL HISTORIES Continued. Quebec. Picture of, by A. Hawkins .... 1834. 1685-36 Rimouski. Chronique, par L'Abbe Chs. Guay . . 1873. 1685-25 Shefford. History, by C. Thomas 1877. 1545- 7 St. John. Story of the great fire by G. Stewart . . n.d. 1545-14 The same H.C. 1100 Three Rivers. Early years 1880. pampht. 119 Three Rivers. Histoire de la ville et de ses environs, par B. Suite 1870. Toronto and the county of York, history of, 2 vols. . . 1885. Toronto called back, by C. C. Taylor .... 1886. The same ........ Toronto. Commerce, manufactures and resources, by I. J. Isaacs 1885. pampht. 239 Toronto. Handbook of, by G. P. Ure . . . 1858. 1685- 2 The same 1685- 7 Toronto. Historical and commercial sketches . . 1886. 1685-16 Toronto. History of St. Andrew's lodge F. and A. M., by J. Bain 1868. pampht. 327 Toronto. Its history and institutions .... n.d. pampht. 144 Toronto of old, by H. Scadding . . . . 1873. H.C. 1211 The same . G. 1023 Toronto of to-day, with a glance at the past, by G. M. Adam n.d. 1685-24 Toronto. Past and present, by C. Mulvaney . . . 1884. 1685- 3 1545- 3 1685- 9 G. 1134 1685-15 Ecclesiastical History. Anderson. History of the church of England in the colonies, 3 vols. 1856. H.C. 1064 Birks. The gospel in Canada and its relation to Huron college n.d. 2524-17 Campbell. History of the St. Gabriel street church, Montreal 1887. C. 662 Chandonnet (L'Abbt) Notre-Dame-des-Canadiens . 1872. 3053-10 Gosselin. Histoire populaire de 1'Eglise du Canada . 1887. G. 933 Guibord. History of the Guibord case . . . 1875. H.C. 761 Gregg. History of the Presbyterian church in Canada to 1834 . 1885. 3042- 9 Hawkins. Annals of the diocese of Toronto . . 1848. C. 14 Hincks. (Sir Francis) Religious endowments in Canada 1869. H.C. 1539 Howley. Ecclesiastical history of Newfoundland . 1888. C. 671 Lindsay. Clergy reserves, their history and present position 1851. 1532- 1 Rome in Canada, the ultramontane struggle . 1877. 1534- 5 Meacham. Rise and progress of the Methodist church 1832. 3037-10 Pagnuelo. Etudes historiques et legales sur la liberte religieuse en Canada .... 1872. 1536-14 Robertson. History of the mission of the secession church 1847. 3035-14 Ten letters on the church and church establishments . 1839. 3036-15 Widdilove. The Stewart missions in Upper Canada . 1838. 3035-13 Wilson. Missionary work among the Ojebway Indians 1886. C. 621 CANADA EMIGRATION. 307 Boundary Disputes. Lindsey. Investigation of the unsettled boundaries of the province of Ontario . . . . 1873. 2447-13 Mills. Report on the boundaries of the province of Ontario 1873. 2447-14 Northwestern Ontario, its boundaries, resources and com- munications ........ 1879. 2447-11 Ontario boundaries before the privy council . . . 1884. 2447-10 Ontario boundary papers. Correspondence, papers and documents of dates from 1856 to 1882, relating to the northern and western boundaries .... 1882. 2447-12 Report on the boundaries of the Province of Ontario . 1880. 2447-15 Confederation. Bolton and Webber. Confederation of British North America .... Cauchon. Union of the provinces of British North America Gray. (Hon. J. H.) Confederation, or the political and parliamentary history of Canada McGee. (Hon. T. D.) Federal governments, past and present .... Rawlings. Confederation of the B. N. American provinces The same Sherwood. Federative union of theB. N. American provinces Taylor. On the intention of the British government to unite the provinces of British North America Whelan. (Hon. E.) Confederation of the provinces 1866. G. 366 1865. pampht. 2121 1872. 1546- 3 1865. 1865. 2412-16 1546- 6 1687- 4 1851. pampht. 1116 1857. pampht. 620 1865. 1546- 8 Emigration. Buchanan. Emigration practically considered The same .... Bury. Exodus of the western nations, 2 vols. . DeWinton. (Sir F. W.) Practical colonisation. Col. Ins., vol. 18) (Royal Grey. 1828. 1865. 1887. Colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administra- tion, 2 vols 1853. The same Rolph. Emigration and colonization .... 1844. Wakefield. View of the art of colonization . . 1849. Young. Emigration to the colonies. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 17) 1886. 1685-21 1544-10 1544- 7 1853- 1 1544- 1 H.C. 1158 H.C. 1145 1544- 9 1853- 1 308 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Imperial Federation. Berry. (Sir G.) Colonies in relation to the empire. (Royal Col. Ins., vol 18) .... 1887. 1853- 1 Bowen. (Sir G. F.) Federation of the British empire. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 17) . 1886. 1853-1 Buchanan. Relations of Canada to the mother country and the United States 1864. 1544- 2 Cauchon. L'union des provinces de I'Arue'rique Britannique du nord 1865. pampht. 2144 Chisholme. Rights of the British colonies to representation in the imperial parliament . . . 1832. 1544-8 England and her colonies. Five essay son imperial federation 1887. B. 697 Gait. (Sir Alexander) Relations of the colonies to the empire, present and future. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 14,) . 1883. 1853-1 Hill. An empire's parliament. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 11 1880. 1853-1 Howe. (Hon. Joseph) Confederation in relation to the interests of the empire . 1866. pampht. 236 Hurlburt. Britain and her colonies . . . . . 1865. 2452-10 Jenkins. The colonial question . . . . 1871. pampht. 593 Labilliere. Imperial federation. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 17) 1886. 1853-1 Permanent unity of the empire. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 6) 1875. 1853- 1 Lome. (Marquis of) Imperial federation . . . 1885. B. 422 Our relations with Canada and great colonies. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 15) 1884. 1853-1 Macfie. Crisis of the empire imperial federation. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 3) 1872. 1853- 1 Mathews. The colonial question .... 1872. B. 338 Smith. (Goldwin) The empire 1863. 1544- 4 Synge. Great Britain one empire .... 1852. 1686 13 Young. Imperial federation of Great Britain and her colonies 1876.^ 1544- 6 Nationality. Canniff. Canadian nationality, its growth and development 1875. pampht. 616 Foster. Canada first, or our new nationality . . . 1871. pampht. 108 Morris. (Hon. A.) Nova Britannia ; or our new Canadian Dominion foreshadowed . . 1884. G. 491 Norris. The Canadian question 1875. pampht. 535 Smith. (Goldwin) Political destiny of Canada . . 1878. B. 309 CANADA NUMISMATICS. 309 Fisheries. Bourinot. Fishery question, its imperial importance The marine and fisheries of Canada. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 4) . . . Chapter in the history of Newfoundland for 1861 . ' Dundonald. (Earl of) Notes on North- American maritime colonies . . - * . '' ; ' . Elliott. United States and north-eastern fisheries '. Isham. Fishery question, its origin, history, and present situation . . . . . . .. Nettle. Salmon fisheries of the St. Lawrence . ,. . Newfoundland fishery question. (Royal Col. Ins. , vol. 7) Perley. Sea and river fisheries of New Brunswick, report Proceedings and award of the Halifax fisheries commission Ricci. Fisheries dispute and annexation of Canada . j Young. The British North -American colonies . Reciprocity. Report of committee on Adam. (Ed.) Handbook of commercial union Board of trade, Boston. Report on reciprocity treaty be- tween the U.S. and Great Britain .... Canadian emancipation and commercial union with the United States . * Chamber of commerce, New York, the reciprocity treaty . . . Derby. Report upon the treaty of reciprocity . Gamble. Speech on the commercial policy of the country Griffin. The provinces and the states . . ' . Haliburton. American protection and Canadian reciprocity. (Royal Col. Ins., vol. 6) Intercolonial trade our only safeguard The grain trade . . . . . (Hon. I. T.) Speech on reciprocity " The Niagara ship canal " and "reciprocity " (Hon. J.) The reciprocity treaty, its history, general features and commercial results ..... Numismatics. Leroux. Canadian coin cabinet ..... Collector's vade mecum ..... Complete Canadian copper coin catalogue Numismatic atlas for Canada .... McLachlan. Catalogue of coins, tokens, and medals of Canada ...... Sandham. Coins, tokens, and medals of Canada Historic medals of Canada. (Lit. and Hist Socy. of Quebec, series 10) .... Harvey. Hatch. Hayes. Howe. n.d. pampht. 1215 1873. n.d. 1851. 1887. 1853- 1 1666-21 1682-21 1683- 7 1887. G. 1157 1857. H.C. 1126 1876. 1853- 1 1850. pampht. 584 1877. 5225- 3 1888. G. 1222 1834. 1687- 2 1888. B. 818 1865. pampht. 1259 1880. pampht. 589 1865. pampht. 1240 1866. pampht. 447 1852. pampht. 588 1884. 1533- 5 1875. 1853- 1 1868. pampht. 2157 1863. pampht. 440 1865. pampht. 1265 1865. pampht. 1265 1865. pampht. 1126 n.d. 1583-15 1885. 1583-14 1882. pampht. 2120 n.d. 1886. 1869. 1873. 1583-16 1583- 9 1583-12. 1864- 1 310 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Directories, &c. Bruc e, county of, directory, 1867 248 British Columbia directory, 1883 R. Canada educational directory, 1876 248 Canada directory, 1851-2, 1853, 1857, 1864, 1865, 1871 . 248 Grey, county of, directory, 1865 . . . . 248 Hamilton directory, 1858 248 Hastings, county of, directory, 1860 .... 248 Kent, Lambton and Essex, counties] of, gazetteer and directory, 1866 248 London directory, 1856 248 Montreal directory, 1842 248 Official postal guide for Canada, 1885-7 .... R. Ontario business directory, 1869, 1882, 1885, 1887, 1888 248 Saskatchewan business directory, 1888 .... R. Simcoe, county of, gazetteer and directory, 1866 . . 248 Toronto directory, 1833-4, 1837, 1846, 1850, 1856, 1859-60, 1861, 1862-3, 1864-5, 1866, 1867-8, 1868-9, 1870, 1872-3, 1873, 1873-4, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889 . . 248 Upper Canada law list, 1858-62, continued as Ontario list, 1873-83 248 Yorkville directory, 1876 ...... 248 Biography, Barat. (Madeleine S.) Histoire, par 1'Abbe Baunard 1883. 2283-17 Barthe. (J.G.) Souvenirs d'un demi siecle . . . 1885. 2281- 2 Beall. (John Yates) Memoir with account of the raid on lake Erie .... 1865. 2283-12 Bibaud. (Jeune) Dictionnaire historique des hommes illustres du Canada et de 1'Amerique . . 1857. 2281- 5 Bourgeoys. (La Soeur) Vie de par [1'Abbe Faillon], 2 vols. 1853. 2283- 9 Bourgeois. (Marguerite) Vie de, par [M. Montgolfier] 1818. 2281-3 Brant. (Capt. Joseph) Life, by Ke-che-ah-gah-me-qua . n.d. pampht. 1361 Life, by W. L. Stone, 2 vols. . 1838. H. 1001 Memoir, by W. E. Palmer . . 1872. H. 1242 Brown. (Hon. George) Life and speeches, by A. Mackenzie 1882. H. C. 4120 Brock. (Sir Isaac) Life and correspondence. (Edited by F. B. Tupper) . . . 1845. H. C. 1069 Family records, by F. B. Tupper . 1835. 2282- 5 CANADA BIOGRA PHY. 311 BIOGRAPHY Continued. Burns. (Rev. R.) Life and times, by Rev. R. F. Burns 1872. 2283- 1 Canadian biographical dictionary 1880. 5221- 4 Carroll. (C.) Memoir by Brantz Mayer . . . 1845. pampht. 102 Carruthers. Retrospect of thirty-six years' residence in Canada West 1861. 1686-28 Cartier. (Sir George-Etienne) Esquisse biographique, by L. O. David . . 1873. pampht. 414 Cartwright. ( Hon. Richard) Life and letters by Rev. C. E. Cartwright . 1876. H. 62 Casgrain. (L'Abbl) Biographies Cariadiennes . . 1873. 1742-19 David. (L. O.) Biographies et portraits . . . 1876. 2282-14 Davin. (Nicholas F.) Irishman in Canada . . . n.d. 2282-1 De Lauberiviere . (Monseigneur) Cinquieme eveque de Quebec, 1739-40 1885. 2283-11 De Lery. (Vicomte C.) Et sa famille .... 1867. 2283-15 Dent. Canadian portrait gallery, 4 vols. . . . 1880. H.C. 1234 VOL. Abbott, Hon. J. J. C.. . . 3 Aikins, Hon. J. C 3 Allan, Hon.G. W 4 Allan, Sir Hugh 2 Allen, Hon. J. C 1 Allison, David 3 Anglin, Hon. T. W 4 Archibald, Hon. A. G.. 1 Armour, Hon. J. D 4 Aylwin, Hon. T. C 4 Baby, Hon. F. G 2 Bayot, Sir C 3 Baldwin, Hon. R 1 Bidwell, M. S 2 Binney, Bishop 3 Blake, Hon. Edward .... 1 Blake, Hon. S. II 3 Blake, Hon. W. H 3 Blanchet, Hon. J G 4 Bond, Rev. W. B 3 Bowell, Hon. M 3 Brant, Joseph 1 Brock, Sir Isaac 1 Brown, Hon. George .... 2 Burns, Rev. Alex 2 Burns, Rev. R. F 3 Burpee. Hon. Isaac 4 Burton, Hon. G. W 3 Cabot, Sebastian 4 Cameron, Hon. Malcolm 4 Cameron, Hon. M. C. . . 3 Campbell, Sir Alexander 3 Carling, Hon. J hn 4 Carman, Rev. A 2 Caron, Hon. J. P. R. A 4 Caron.Hon. R. E. ...... 1 Cartie'r, Sir G. E 1 Cartie'r, Jacques 4 Cartwright, sir R. J 3 Cathcart, Lord 4 Cauchon, Hon. J. E 4 Caven, Rev. William .... 2 Chauveau, Hon. P. J. 0. 4 Champlain 1 Chapleau, Hon. J. A 4 Chandler, Hon. E. B. . . 1 Church, Hon. L. R 3 Clarke, Hon. Charles 4 Connolly, Thomas L 2 Crawley, Rev. E. A 4 CONTENTS. VOL. Crooks, Hon. Adam 2 Cunard, Sir Samuel 4 Daly, SirD. 3 Dawson, Sir J. W 2 De Boucherville, Hon. C. E. B 3 Dewart, Rev. E. H 2 Dorchester, Lord 3 Dorion, Hon. A. A. .4 Douglas, Rev. George . . 2 Douglas, Sir James 1 Draper, Hon. W. H 2 Dufferm, Earl of 3 Dunkin, Hon. C 4 Durham, Lord 2 Elgin, Lord 2 Ferrier, Hon. James 4 Fisher, Hon. C 4 Fleming, Sandford 3 Fournier, Hon. T 3 Fraser, Hon. C. F 3 Frechette, L. H 4 Frontenac 4 Fuller, Rev. T. B 4 Fyfe Rev. R. A 2 Gait, Sir A. T 2 Gait. Sir. T 3 Geoffrion, Hon. F 3 Gourlay, R. F 3 Gowan, J. R 3 Grant Rev. G. M 1 Gwynne, Hon. J. W 4 Gzowski, Lieut. Col. C.S. 3 Hagarty, Hon. J. H 4 Hannan, Rev. Michael . . 3 Hardy, Hon. A. S 2 Harrison, Hon. R. A. . . 4 Haviland, Hon. T. H . . . 4 Head, Sir E. W 4 He d. Sir F. B 2 Hellmuth, Rev. Isaac 2 Henry, Hon. W. A 2 Hill, Rev. G. W 4 Hincks, Sir F 1 Holmes, Hon. S. H 4 Holton, Hon.L. H 2 Howe, Hon. Joseph .... 2 Rowland, Sir W P. . . 3 Huntington, Hon. L. S. 4 Jack, William B 4 VOL. Jameson, Anna 2 Joly, Hon. H. G 3 Jones, Hon. A. G 3 Reefer, T. C 4 Laflamme, Hon. T A. R. 1 Lafontaine, Sir L. H 3 Laird, lion. David 3 Langevin, Hon. H. L. . . 2 La Salle 3 Laurier, Hon. W 3 Laval-Montmore'ncy, Mgr. F. X 3 Letellier, Hon. Luc 1 Lewis, Rev. J. T 3 Lisgar, Lord Lome, Marquis of Lynch, Archbishop Macdonald, Hon. James Macdonald, Sir J. A. .... Macdonald, Hon. J. S. . . Maehray, Bishop Mackenzie, Hon. Alex. . . Mackerzie.W. L 2 Mackerras, Rev. J. H. . . 1 MacNab, Sir Allan N 4 Macpherson, Hon. D. L. 3 Medley, Bishop 2 Merritt, Hon. W. H 4 Metcalfe, Lord 3 Monck, Lord 4 Montcalm 2 Morgan, H J 4 Morris, Hon. Alex 3 Morris, Hon. William . . 3 Morrison, Hon. J. C 4 Moss, Hon. Thomas 1 Mousseau, Hon. J. A. ..4 Mowat, Hon. Oliver ...2 McDougall, Hon. William 4 McGee, Hon. T. D 3 McKnight, Rev. Dr 4 McMaster. Hon. William 3 McVicar, Rev. D H 2 Nelles, Rev. S. S 3 Nelson, Wolfred 4 Norquay, Hon. John 3 O'Connor, Hon. John .. 4 Osgoode, Hon. William 3 Papineau, Hon. L. J 2 Pardee, Hon. T. B 4 312 REFERENCE LIBRARY. BIOGRAPHY Continued. 5 Patterson, Hon. C. S. .. Pel letter, Hon. C. A. P. Perry, Hon. Peter Pinkham.Rev.W.C Pope Hon J G r OL. 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 4 3 4 1 1 Schultz Dr rOL. 3 3 4 1 2 1 4 2 1 2 4 2 2 3 4 3 4 3 2 Tilley, Sir S. L Topp, Rev. Alexandei Tupper, Sir C Vankoughnet, Hon. P Walkem, Hon. G. A. Williams, Sir W. F. . Wi Hams, Rev. J. W.. Wilmot, Hon. L. A. . Wilmot, Hon. R. D. Wilson, Hon Adam Wilson, Sir Daniel .. Wolfe, Major-Gen Ja Wood. Hon. E. B. . . W ood, Hon. S. G. Young, G. P VOL. ... 1 .. 3 M. 4 . 2 ...4 ... 3 ... 3 .. 4 .. 3 .. 4 nes 1 .. 4 .. 4 .. 3 3 Seaton, Lord Selkirk, Lord Smith, Sir A J Pope, Hon. J. H Proudfoot, Hon. William Punshon, Rev. W. M. .. Rand T H Smith, Goldwin . Spra^ge, Hon. J. G Stafford, Rev. M Strachan, Bishop . Strong. Hon. S. H. . Sutherland, Rev. A. ... Sweatman, Bishop Sydenham, Lord Tactic" , Archbishop Tache", Sir E. P Richards, Hon. A. X. Richards, Sir W. B Richanlson, Rev. James Richmond, Duke of Ritchie, Hon, W. J Robinson, Hon. J. B. Robinson Sir J B Talbot, Hon. Thomas . . Tasche>eau, Cardinal .. Tasche'reau, Hon. H. E. Tecumseh . . . Robitaille, Hon. T Rose Sir John Young, Hon John.. 3 Young, Sir William 4 Ryerson, Rev. E. . D'Youville. (Mme.) Fondatrice des soeurs de la charite de Ville marie Elgin. (Lord) Letters and journals . '. Garneau. (F. X.) Sa vie et ses oeuvres, par M. Chauveau Gould. (Joseph) Life and times, by W. H. Higgins Hincks. (Sir Francis) Reminiscences of his public life Histoire des grandes families Francaises du Canada Howe. (Hon. Joseph) Speeches and public letters, by W. * Annand, 2 vols. Inglis. (Rev. Walter) Memoirs and remains, by Rev. W. Cochrane .... Joliette (Hon. B.) and Manseau (A.) Biographies of Laval. (Francois de) ler Eveque de Quebec, notice biographique . * Leavitt. (T. W. H.) Biographical sketches of pioneers of Leeds and Grenville : . Le Ber. (Mile.) L'heroine chretienne du Canada ou vie de, par [L'Abbe Faillonj Logan. (Sir William E.) Life, by B. J. Harrington Macdonald. (Sir John A.) Life and times, by J. E. Collins McGee. (Hon. T. D'Arcy) Life, by H. J. O'C. Clarke Mackenzie. (William Lyon) Life and times, by C. Lindsey The same, 2 vols. Maisonneuve. (Sieur de) Histoire de la vie de M. Paul de Chomedey, by P. Rosseau Marmette. (J.) Les Machabees de la Nouvelle-France Mathieson. (Rev. Alexander) Life, by Rev. J. Jenkins Merritt. (Hon. W. H.) Biography of, with an account of some of the most important public works in Canada Metcalfe. (Charles, Baron) Life, by " Uncle Ben " Moodie. (J. W. Dunbar) Scenes and adventures as a soldier and a settler Moon. Narrative of his conduct and adventures in New Brunswick, etc. ...... Morgan. (H. J. ) Celebrated Canadians 1852. 1872. 1883. 1887. 1884. 1867. 1858. 1887. 1874. 1874. 1879. 2283- 4 H.C. 1204 2283- 3 H. 1420 H. 1132 2282-15 H.C. 701 H. 1354 2281- 6 2283-14 5112-12 1860. 2281- I 1883. 2282- 7 1883. 2282- 6 1868. pampht. 234 1862. H C. 1179 2282- 4 n.d. 2283- 6 1878. 2281- 4 1870. H.C. 1129 1875. H.C. 1138 1846. pampht. 146 1866. H.C. 1071 1817. H.C. 1555 1862. 2282- 8 CANADA BIOGRAPHY. 313 BIOGRAPHY Continued. Notman. (W.) Portraits of British Americans with letter- press, by Fennings Taylor, 3 vols . 1865. B.R VOL. Adamson, Rev. W. A. . . 3 Allan, Husjh ... 2 Baldwin, Hon. Robert . . 3 Belleau, Sir N. F 2 Bethune. Rev. John 2 Bouchette, Lieut. -Col. J. 2 Bo wen, Hon. Edward .. 1 Brown, Hon. George 2 Brydges, Charles J 1 Buchanan, A. C 3 Buchanan, Hon. Isaac .. 1 Burns, Rev. Robert 2 Cameron, Hon. John H. 3 Campbell, Sir A 1 Campbell, Major 2 Caron, Sir R. E 1 Carter, Hon. F. B. T. . . 2 Cart'er, Sir George E. . . I Cauchon, Hon. Joseph. . 1 Cazeau, Kev. C. F 2 Chauveau, Hon. P. J. O. 3 Cockburn, Hon. James.. 3 Coursol, Charles J 2 Daly, Sir Dominick ... 2 Dawson.Sir. J. W 1 Day, Hon. Charles D 3 De Salaherry, Col 3 Dorion, Sir A. A 1 CONTENTS. Evanturel, Hon. F Fergus-on, Hon. Adam. Ferrier, Hon. James... Fulford, Bishop Gait, Hon. A T Gray, Hon. J. H Han ilton, Hon. John . Harington, T. D Hod< r tS James VOL. 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 . 1 2 3 1 i Molson, William Monck, Viscount Monk, Samuel W Morris, Hon James Morris, Hon. William .. Mountain, Rev. G. J. .. Mullock, Rev. J. T Ogderi, Hon. C. R. '01,. 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 'A 3 3 1 I 2 .-{ Ormiston. Rev. W Papiaeau, Hon, Louis J. Price, William Prince Hon. John Quesnel, Hon. F. A. Howe, Hon Joseph ... Hincks, Sir Francis . . . Irvine, Lit ut. -Col Lafontaii e, Sir Louis H Lingevin, Sir. H. L. ... Larti^ue, Rev. J J. ... Leitch, Re . William . Logan, S r. W. E McUee, Hon. T. D'Arcy McGill, H. n. Peter Macdonald, Sir John A. Macdonald, Hon. J. S. . Macdoimell, Sir R. G . . MaoNab, Mr A. N Macpherson Hon. 1 . L Mathieson. Rev. Alex. . Rhodes, Lieut.-Col Richey, Rev. Matthew.. Robinson, Sir John B. . . Sewell, Hon. Jonathan Starnes, Hon. Henry. . . . Shanly, Walter Strachan, Bishop Tache, Sir E. P Talbot, Hon. Thomas .. Tessier, Hon. J. U Tillev, Sir S. L Tupper, Sir Charles .... Mer.itt, Hon. W. H Michel, Sir John 2 Moffatt, Hon. George . . 1 Wilkes, Rev. Henry .... 2 Williams', Sir W. F 1 Young, Hon. John '2 Olier. (Monsieur) Vie de, par P. A. de Lanjuere Perrault. (Joseph F.) Life, by P. Bender Plessis. (Joseph Octave) Biographical notice of. 1884. 1882. 2283- 8 1534- 4 Trans. 1864. 2283-16 1823. 2282- 9 n.d. H.C. 1207 1847. 2282-19 1848. 2282-12 1838. 2282-13 n.d. H. 1241 *6-88. 2282-17 by T. B. French Prevost. (Sir George) Account of his public life Rattray. The Scot in British North America, 4 vols. Richardson. (Major] Eight years in Canada Guards in Canada Personal memoirs Riel. (Louis) Story of, by J. E. Collins . Rose. (G. M. ) Cyclopaedia of Canadian biography, 2 vols. 1886-88. Saint-Just. (Letellier de) Et son temps, par P. B. Casgrain . . . 1885. 2283-10 Saint- Vallier. (Mons. de) Et I'hSpital general de Quebec 1882. 2283- 5 Scatcherd. (Thomas) Memoir, by W. Horton . . 1878. 2283- 2 Shields. (Robert) Lessons from the life, by G. W. Grote 1880. H. 789 Simpson. (Thomas) Life and travels, by A. Simpson . 1845. 2282-3 Strachan. (Bishop) Memoir, by A. N. Bethune . 1870. 2282-11 Somerville. (Alexander) A diligent life . . . I860. 2282- 2 Sydenham. (Charles, Lord] Memoir, by G. P. Scrope 1844. 2282-10 Tache. Archeveque de Saint-Boniface, par L. O. David 1883. 0.379 Talbot. (Col. Thomas) Life, by L. C. Kearney . . 1857. painpht. 1133 Taschereau. (Cardinal) Le premier cardinal Canadien 1886. 2283-13 Taylor. (Fennings) Last three bishops appointed by the crown . . . . . 1869. H.C. 4024 Contents. Bishop Fulford Bishop Mountain Bishop Strachan. Tasse. (J.) Les Canadiens de 1'Ouest, 2 vols. . . 1882. 2283-7 Thompson. (Samuel) Reminiscences of a Canadian pioneer 1884. H. 683 314 REFERENCE LIBRARY. BIOGRAPHY Continued. Tupper. (Sir Charles) Biography, by C. Thibault Tupper. (F. B.) Family records; memoirs of Sir Isaac Brock, Lieut. E. W. Tupper and Te-cum-seh ..... Vezina. (Frs.) Caissier de la banque nationale . Wilkes. (Rev. Henry) Memoir of his life and times, by Rev. J. Wood Willson. (David) Practical life of the author, 1801-60 1883. pampht. 2146 1835. 2282- 5 1876. H. 1311 1887. H. 1485 1860. 3037-12 Prose Literature and Collected Works. Album du Canadien, choix de morceaux litteraires, etc. . 1849. Adam. (G. M.) Canadian literature . . . . 1887. Adam and Wetherald. An Algonquin maiden . . 1887. Bender. Literary sheaves,or la litterature au Canada- Francais 1881 . Bourinot. Intellectual development of the Canadian people 1881. Bourassa. Jacques et Marie, souvenir d'un peuple disperse 1886. Brown. She might have done better . . . . 1877. Buies. (Arthur) Chroniques Canadiennes humeurs et caprices, vol. 1 . . . n.d. La lanterne 1884. Canadian leaves. A series of papers read before the Cana- dian club, New York 1887. Contents. Collins, future of the Dominion of Canada Smith, schism in the Anglo-Saxon race Eccleston, great Canadian North-west Bengough, humorous side of Canadian history Lemoine, heroines of New France Stewart, literature in Canada Roberts, echoes from old Acadia Eutter- wor/i,cemmercial union between Canada and the United Statps McDougall, mineral resources of Canada Frnser, an artist's experience in the Canadian Rockies Grant, Canada first Wiman, advantages of commercial union to Canaaa and the United States FairchUd, the Canadian club Canadian club officers, 1887. Casgrain. (L'Abbe) (Euvres completes, 3 vols. . 1873-75. Contents. Vol. 1. Histoire de la m6re Marie de 1'incarnation. Vol. 2. Biographies Canadiennes. Vol. 3. Le'gendes Canadiennes et; ceu % .res diverses. Collins. Annette, the Metis spy .... Cremazie. (Octave) (Euvres completes David. Le heros de Chateauguay .... Dawson. (Rev. ^Eneas MacD.) The poets of Canada . Dawson. (S. E.) Study of the Princess . 1742- 2 G. 1177 L. 5768 E. 1835 H.C. 1056 0.304 1882-14 1742-14 3044- 5 E. 1801 De Gaspe. Les anciens Canadiens, 2 vols. Canadians of old. Trans, by G. M. Pennee Memoires . Helika, memoire d'un vieux maitre d'ecole Demers. Lettres Quebecquoises ..... Douglas. Present state of literature in Canada. De Guise. Hist. Socy. of Quebec, series 11) Dugast. Legendes du Nord-Ouest Dunn. (Oscar) Dix ans de journalisme-melanges (Lit. and 1886. 1882. 1883. 1870. 1884. 1877. 1864. 1866. 1872. 1882. 1875. 1883. 1876. 1742-19 L. 5439 1742-18 0. 380 1684- 5 1. 345 1882- 9 1884-20 1742- 9 1885-14 1742-20 1864- 1 1742-16 1742-15 CANADA PROSE LITERATURE AND COLLECTED WORKS. 315 PROSE LITERATURE AND COLLECTED WORKS Continued. Engelhardt. Beauties of nature combined with art . Fabre. (Hector) Chroniques ..... Faucher de Saint Maurice. A la brunante, contes et recits A la veillee, contes et recits Choses et autres, etudes et conferences De Quebec a Mexico, 2 vols. De Tribord a Babord . Fleet. (Hon. F. Thistleton, pseud.) How I came to be governor of Cacona Forrest. Ned Fortescue, or roughing it through life Foyer Canadien. Recueil litteraire et historique, 4 vols. Harrison. (Scranus,/?set/. ) Crowded out, and other sketches Heavysege. Count Filippo, or the unequal marriage The advocate Howard. Canadian elocutionist . . . . . Huston. (Ed.) Le repertoire national ou recueil de litter- ature Caiiadienne, 4 vols. in 2 Johnson. Village of Merrow, its past and present Kingsford. Canadian archaeology . . Kirby. The Chien d'or, or a legend of Quebec . Laperriere. (Ed.) Les guepes Canadiennes, 2 vols. Lareau. Histoire de la litterature Canadienne Lefaivre. Conference sur la litterature Canadienne Le May. Petites fantaisies litteraires .... Lemoine. Chasse et peche au Canada . Maple leaves ....... The same, second series The same, third series .... The same, fourth series Monographies et esquisses .... Leprohon. Antoinette de Mirecourt, or secret marrying and secret sorrowing 1864. L. 4152 Lighthall. (Chateauclair, pseud.) The young seigneur or nation-making . 1888. L. 6784 Litterature Canadienne de 1850-1860. (Publiee par du Foyer Canadien), 2 vols. - , 1863-4. 1742- 8 McGee. (Hon. T. D'A.) Mental outfit of the new dominion n.d. pampht. 622 Mackenzie. (Hon. A.) Speeches in Scotland and Canada 1876. H.C. 1162 Maple leaf, or Canadian annual ..... 1847-9. B.R. Montigny, Le Nord 1886. O. 306 Morgan. (Comp.) Bibliotheca Canadensis . . . 1867. H.C. 4753 Morrison. Art gallery of the English language . . 1886. E. 1682 Munro. The backwoods' life . . . . . . 1869. pampht. 597 Myrand. Une fete de noel sous Jacques Cartier . . 1888. 0. 307 Narbonne-Lara. L'aimable compagnon .... 1875. 1742-10 Phillips. Ghost of a dog, a Christmas story . . 1885. L. 5263 1872. E. 1658 1877. 1742-12 1874. 1743- 5 1879. 0.376 1874. 1743- 7 1874. 1743- 6 1877. 1743- 8 1852. 1884-21 1869. 1885-11 1863-66. 1742- 5 1887. L. 5785 1860. 2774- 2 1865. 1885- 9 1885. E. 1730 1848. 1742- 1 1876. 1885- 1 1886. E. 1679 1878. 1883- 3 1881-2. 1742 13 1874. 1727-16 1877. pampht. 2159 1884. 1743- 9 1887. 0.305 1863. 1743- 3 1864. 1743- 3 1865. 1743- 3 1873. 1743- 3 n.d. 1742-17 316 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PROSE LITERATURE AND COLLECTED WORKS Continued. 1888. n.d. 1886. 1881. Pocock. Tales of western life Ross. Legend of the holy stone , , Sellar. Gleaner tales, vol. 1 ..... Sheppard. Dolly, the young widder up to Felder's Smith. (Goldwin) Lectures and essays Soirees Canadiennes. (Les) Recueil de litterature nationale, 5 vols. . . . 1861-65. Nouvelles, 2 vols. . . . 1882-3. Suite. Melanges d'histoire et de litterature . . 1876. Situation de la langue Francaise au Canada Tache. ( J. C. ) Les sablons (1'ile de Sable) et Tile Saint- Barnabe ...... 1885. Tardivel. Melanges ou recueil d'etudes religieuses, sociales, politiques et litteraires, vol. 1 . 1887. Walsh. (Le Vicomte) Le fratricide ou Gilles de Bretagne 1866. L. 4814 1883-12 L. 5442 L. 4811 E. 1254 1742- 3 1742- 4 1742-21 1885. pampht. 576 0. 375 1743- 2 1742- 7 Poetry and Drama. Allan. Poetical remains . . . .' Ascher. Voices from the hearth ..... Awde. Jubilee, patriotic, and other poems Beck. Daybreak, a poem ...... Bibaud. Epitres, satires, chansons, epigrammes Boggs. (Nell Gwynne, pseud. } Acorn leaves Breakenridge. (John) Crusades and other poems Breckenridge. (James) Poems Breeze. Poem on the scenery, institutions and ministers of Toronto ....... Bush. Santiago, a drama in five acts . . Canadian maple-leaf song book . . . Chandler and Mulvany. Lyrics, songs and sonnets [Chapman.] A song of charity . . . Toronto The same .... London Caris Sima. Mission of love and other poems Chauveau. Souvenirs et le"gendes ..... Cowdell. Poetical account of the American campaigns of 1812 and 1813 Crawford. Old Spookses' pass, Malcolm's Katie, etc. Cremazie. Poesies . . % . Curzon. Laura Secord, the heroine of 1812 Darnell. Songs by the way ..... Dawson. (Rev. ^Eneas) Dominion day and other poems Davidson. (France, pseud.) Lapful of lyrics and merry muse-whangs Muse whangs 1853. 2786- 8 1863. I. 147 1887. I. 406. 1873. pampht. 585 1830. 2773-10 1873. 2772-25 1846. I. 442 1860. 2774- 7 1864. pampht. 1146 n.d. pampht. 2158 n.d. pampht. 2124 1880. 2774- 9 1857. I. 175 1858. 2774-17 1882. I. 321 1877. pampht. 443 1815. 1884. 1882. 1887. 1862. 1886. 2785- 6 I. 259 1742-18 I. 170 2774- 6 I. 386 1885. pampht. 2131 1887. 2774-19 CANADA POETRY AND DRAMA. 317 POETRY AND DRAMA Continued. Davin. The fair grit, or the advantages of coaliton . 1876. pampht. 115 Day-dreams of a butterfly ... .. .. . . .. 1854. 2774-11 Denroche. The curate's book . . . . . ; . . . . 1832. 2774- 8 Dewart. (Rev. E. H.) Selections from Canadian poets 1864. 2774- 5 Songs of life .... 18(59. 2772- 9 Doherty. (Rev. P. J.) Principal English writings . 1873. pampht. 2141 Dunn. Fugitive pieces, the production of leisure hours . 1867. pampht. 2127 Duvar. De Koberval, a drama * . . . . . 1888. I. 436 Ferland. (L'Abbe) Opuscules . . . . . 1876. 2773-11 Eraser. Tale of the sea and other poems . . , 1870. 2784- 3 Frechette. Mes loisirs poesies 1863. 2772-22 Les fleurs borealis . . . Quebec 1879. 2774-20 The same . . . . . * , Paris 1881. I. 407 La legende d'un peuple . . . . n.d. I. 447 Gagnon. Chansons populaires du Canada . . . 1865. 1742- 6 Gay. Poems . . . n.d. 2775-13 Goldsmith. The rising village with other poems . . 1834. 2775-10 Grant. Stray leaves, a collection of poems . . . 1865. 2784- 4 Hawley. Quebec, the harp and other poems . . 1829. 2775- 9 Kaynes. Poems . , 1864. 2774-14 Hay ward. Battles of the Crimea . . . 1855. 2774- 3 Hazelwood. A garland gathered at morn ; . . 1871. 2774-12 Heavysege. Saul, a drama . . .... . 1857. 1.252 Hours of childhood and other poems ... . . . 1820. 2772-16 Imrie. Sacred songs, sonnets, and miscellaneous poems 1886. I. 362 J. A. R. A series of poems ' .... 1857. 2775-5 Knight. (A. C.) Year in Canada and other poems . 1816. 2784-18 Knight. (M. R.) Poems of ten years, 1877-86 . . 1887. 1.417 Kidd. The Huron chief and other poems ... 1830. 2784-5 Le Chansonnier des colleges, second and third editions 1854-1860. 2772-24 Leaves from the backwoods . ..... . . 1862. 2784- 9 Legendre Les perce-neige . , , . . . 1886. 2775-17 Leonard. Gems for the home circle . . . . 1869. 2775- 3 Les fleurs de la poesie Canadienne .... 1869. 2773- 8 Le May. Evangeline ...... '. . . 1870. 2772-23 Fables Canadiennes 1882. 2773- 3 Petitspoemes . ' . ; 1883. 2773-6 L'affaire sougraine 1884. 2775-16 Lighthall. Thoughts, moods and ideals . . . 1887. I. 445 Liston. Niagara falls ; a poem 1843. 2775- 6 Poetry for the Dominion of Canada . . 1868. 2784-7 McBride. Canadian Orange minstrel for 1870 . . 1870. pampht. 2123 Mac'ean. Coming of the princess .... 1881. 2772-10 MacCo!!. (E.) English poetical works . . . 1885. I. 339 MacColla. Clarsach nam beann ..... 1886. I. 352 318 REFERENCE LIBRARY. POETRY AND DRAMA Continued. MacColl. (M. J.) Bide a wee, and other poems . . 1882. 2773-13 McLachlan. Lyrics 1858. 2773- 5 Poems 1856. 2773- 4 Poems and songs 1874 2786- 6 The emigrant, and other poems . . 1861. 2773-15 The spirit of love, and other poems . . 1846. pampht. 1067 McGee. Canadian ballads 1858. 2774-16 MacGeorge. (Ed.) The Canadian Christian offering . 1848. pampht. 2129 McLennan. Songs of old Canada .... 1886. I. 314 Mair. Dreamland and other poems .... n.d. 2774- 4 Tecumseh . 1887. I. 342 Maple Leaf. (Pseud.) Constance, a lay of the olden time 1874. 2774- 1 Marsais. Romances et chansons ..... 1854. pampht. 2125 Martin. Marguerite and other poems . . . . 1887. I. 387 Mayne. Poems and fragments 1838. 2775-11 Menzies. Collection of poems, sonnets, etc. . . 1850. 2772- 7 Moore. (S.) Poems 1887. I. 425 Morgan. (Gowan Lea, pseud. ) Poems and translations 1887. 1.476 Narbonne-Lara. Esquisses poetiques .... 1875. 1742-11 Nobile. Miscellaneous poems translated into English prose 1884. E. 1499 O'Hagan. Gate of flowers, and other poems . . 1887. 1.325 Petit -Jean. Les mesaventures d'un avocat . . . 1882. pampht. 124 Prendergast. Soir d 'auto nine . . .. .. ' . 1881. pampht. 130 Ramsay. (Andrew) Muriel the foundling . . . 1887. I. 323 One quiet day .... 1873. 2786-16 Win-on-ah and other poems . 1869. I. 344 Reade. (John) Prophecy of Merlin .... 1870. I 322 Reminiscences of a soldier . . . . . . 1843. 2772- i Roberts. In divers tones 1887. I. 402 Orion and other poems 1880. I. 365 Routhier. Les echoes 1882. 2775-15 Rutherford. Canadian and other poems .... 1868. 2775- 7 Russell. Book of poems 1872. pampht. 2122 Ryan. (Carroll) Oscar and other poems .... 1857. 2775- 8 Songs of a wanderer .... 1867. 2775- 4 Sandford. (M. T. and E. L.) Original fables and riddles n.d. pampht. 2104 Sangster. St. Lawrence and the Saguenay . . . 1856. I. 405 Sherwood. Welcome to Albert, Prince of Wales, and other poems 1860. 2772-13 Smith. (M. F.) Book of Canadian and American poems 1863. 2775-2 Smith. (W.) Alazon and other poems . . . . 1850. 2775-12 Smith. (William Wye) Poems 1888. I. Spedon. The Canadian minstrel 1870. pampht. 2130 Woodland warbler, English and Scottish poems and songs 1857. pampht. 2132 Stephens. Hamilton and other poems .... 1840. 2774-15 CANADA LEARNED SOCIETIES. 319 POETRY AND DRAMA Continued. Stewart. (C. ) Harp of Strathnaver, a lay of the Scottish highland evictions . . . n.d. pampht. 2128 Stewart. (P.) Poems 1887. I. 404 Suite. Chants nouveaux . . ' . ' . . . 1880. pampht. 2126 Les laurentiennes . ... . . . 1870. 2773-12 " Susie D." (Pseud.} Maple leaves .... 1871. 2784-14 Tache. Le poesie Francaise au Canada . . . .1881. 2776- 8 Taylor. (A. M., A.) Poems, songs and odes . . 1881. 1.261 Thayers. A wreath of wild flowers .... 1877. 2774-18 The same .,...;. . . . 2784- 6 W.H. Ice-bound ship and the dream .". . . . I860, pampht. 2133 Walker. The knapsack, a collection of fugitive poems 1853. 2772-19 Wanless. Poems and songs, maistly Scotch . . . 1873. 2774-13 Weir. Fleurs de Lys, and other poems . . . 1887. I. 323 Wilkins. (Harriett Annie, pseud.) Holly branch, (the) 1851. 2775-1 The Acacia . 1863. 2772-14 Willard. A life idyl . . . . . , . 1869. 2773-14 Wingfield. Poems and songs in Scotch and English . 1873. 2774-10 U.E. A tale of Upper Canada 1859. 2772-15 Yule. (Mrs.) Poems of the heart and home . . . 1881. 2772-21 Learned Societies. Botanical society of Canada, annals .... 1860-62. 1857- 4 Canada medical association. Transactions, vol. I. . 1877. 1857- 1 Canadian Institute. Journal of industry, science and art, first series, 3 vols. . . 1852-5. 5425- 9 The same, second series, 15 vols. 1856-77. 1854- 1 Proceedings, third series, 5 vols. 1881-8. 1854- 1 Celtic society of Montreal. Transactions . . . 1884-7. 1852- 5 Manitoba historical and scientific society. Annual reports 1884-87. 1852-13 Transactions, 1-31. For List see page 170 . . 1852-14 Montreal. Societe historique de, memoires et documents relatifs a 1'histoire du Canada, series 1-9 . 1859-80. 1852- 3 Nova Scotia historical society. Collections, 5 vols. . 1878-87. 1852- 2 Nova Scotia institute of natural science. Proceedings and transactions, vol. 7 . . . 1887-8. 1862-20 Quebec. Annuaire de 1'institut Canadien, vols. 1-9 . 187482. 1852-4 Literary and historical society. Transactions 1829-86. 1864- 1 Historical documents, series, 1-5 1840-77. 1864- 2 Royal society of Canada. Proceedings and transactions, vols. 1-5 1882-7. 5264- 1 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Manuscripts. History of the war of 1757-59, by a Scottish officer, present at Ticonderoga and Louisbourg A. 1 Day-book of Abner Miles, hotel keeper and general merchant, York, Upper Canada, 1795-6 A. 2 Correspondence of Earl Percy, Sir William Montgomery, Messrs. Bisshopp and Brummell and Myricks, relative to the 5th regiment of foot. staHoned successively at Dublin, Detroit and Niagara, 1782 1795 ... A. 3 Regimental order-book, 5th regiment of foot, Fort Niagara, 1793-5 A. 4 Regimental order-book, P. T. volunteers, Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, 1805-12 A. 5 Applications for land and orders of the executive council, Upper Canada, in reference to lots and locations, 1793- 1802, 2 vols. A. 6.7 Letters addressed to D. W. Smith, surveyor-general, by Lieut. -Col. Simcoe, E. B. Littlehalts, John Backhouse, Peter Russell, John Small, John McGill, P. R. Frey, Archibald Macdonell, R. Pollard, V\ illiam Allan, Lieut. -Gen Hunter, James Green, William Jarvis, W. F. Currey, Chief Justice Osgoode, Chief Justice Elmsley, John White, Attorney-General Gray, Chief Justice Scott, John Steigmann, T. Robinson, W. Ohewitt, Robert Pilkington, Samuel Holland. 1793-1801 . A. 8 Reports of the surveyor general Upper Canada, on land claims, 1799 1802 ....... A. 9 Private letters addressed to D. W. Smith, surveyor-general, from Chief Justice Elmsley, J. H. Alcock, Chief Justice Osgoode, Chief Justice Scott, John McGill, Peter Russell, Major Green, Major Curry, General England, Colonel Stevenson, Colonel Mat hews, Colonel Sheaffe, Colonel Shank, Major Darling, Major Hill, Captain Pilkington, Judge Selby, T. A. Coffin C. Bonnor, W. Fayden, Lord Colchester, John Richman, George Mills, J. Esford, J. Hoi rocks, Doctor I'roctor, James Ryan, Captain Givins, William Maitland. William Allan, Doctor Holmes, Alex. Stewart, Mary Herschel, Mathew Wyatt, C. B. Wyatt, Lieut. -C"l. Simcoe. Major Hill, Major Littlehales, Robert Pilkington, 1779-1804 . A. 10 Private letters addressed to D. W. Smith, surveyor -general, from Duke of Northumberland, E;irl Percy, Countess of Moira, Lady Jane Rawdon, Lord Rawdon, Duke of Portland, Duke of Rutland, Lord Dudley and Ward, Lady Newark, Lord Suffield, Sir George Chad, Count de Puisay, Viscount de Vaux, Sir John Johnson, Sir Edward Littlehales, General Simcoe, General Hunter, Sir Alured Clark, General Harris, Bishop Mountain, John Norton, Jsaac Choate, Francis Choate, Vicar- General Burke, 1772-1804 A. 11 Missisagua and French vocabulary containing about 560 words, 400 verb forms and sentences, some proper names and portions of songs, circa, 1800 . A. 12 The early life of Colonel James Fitzgibbon, 1780-1826 A. 13 5th Regiment of foot. Letters from agents, accounts, memorandums relative to recruits, and lis's of papers in the Q. -master-general and commandant's office, Niagara, 1780-1794 . . " B. 1 CANADA MANUSCRIPTS. 321 MANUSCRIPTS Continued. Memorandum relative to old accounts of the 5th regiment of foot, 1775-1785 B. 2 Accounts and roll of the 5th regiment of foot, 1787-1783 B. 3 Accounts of bills and receipts, Messrs. Auldjo, Maitland, Hon. John McGill, election expenses, etc., D.W. Smith, 1792-1799 B. 4 Executive council of Upper Canada, letters relative to land grants, 1793-1799 B. 5 Executive council of Upper Canada, letters relative to land grants, 1800-1802 B. 6 Copy of surveyor-general Smith's commission, his instructions to his deputies State of his office, July, 1802, papers recommendatory of him by the parliament, Duke of Portland, Governor Simcoe, Governor Hunter, President Russell, the privy council, chief justice Land boards, under secretary of state and inspector-general of accounts, correspondence with Brant and papers relative to the five nations Proclamation Feby. 2nd, 1793 Papers relative to the militia and lieutenancy of the county of York Papers relating to the culture of hemp . B. 7 Private letters addressed to D. W. Smith, by Colonel England, Chief Justice Elmsley, Joseph Robinson, B. Wyatt, John Craigie, Thos. A. Coffin, Sir George Chad, Lord Dorchester, Count de Puisage, Captain Henry Darling, James Green, Hugh Heward, Governor Hunter, Thomas Hawkshaw, Major Hill, Captain le Maistre, Major Littlehales, John McGill, Sir Alexander Mackenzie, George Mills, Major Pilkington, P. Selby, General Sheaffe, Attorney-general Scott, 1794-1803 "... B. 8 Letters addressed to D. W. Smith, surveyor-general, by Governor Simcoe, Garret Miller, Alex. Grant, E. B. Littlehales, Richard Pollard, Peter Russell, JEnias Shaw, Peter Hunter, James Green, Chief Justice Elmsley, Samuel Street, Angus McDonell. William Grant, R. T. D. Gray Lists of applications for land Orders in council Copy of order in council, Quebec, 1788, dividing Upper Canada into districts Proclamation 1799, U. E. loyalists' land List of provincial surveyors 1791 Plans of public buildings, York 1796 Plans for extension of York, 1797 Plans of Newcastle harbour, 1797 Plan of village of Coot's Paradise, 1800 Plan of Sandwich, 1799 Collins' original survey of Rice lake and river Trent with map, 1792 . B. 9 Reports of the claims upon lands in the eastern, midland, and home districts, allowed by the commissioners, 1798-1801 B 10 List of applications for land grants, Upper Canada, 1793-1798 B 11 Lists of locations asked for in surveyor-general's office, Upper Canada, 1800-1802 B 12 Accounts of D. W. Smith, acting surveyor-general, Upper Canada, 1792-1799 B . 13 Disbursements on account of the government of Upper Canada by the survey or -general, 1799-1801 . B 14 Estates in Canada, with copy of the warrant and plan for each grant to D. W. Smith, 1802 .... B 15 Copies of letters between Captain Bulger, Fort McKay, and Lieut. -colonel McDouall, Michilimackinac, 1814-15 B. 16 Narrative of occurrences in Toronto, Upper Canada, in December, 1837, by Colonel James Fitzgibbon . B 17 21 322 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ADDITIONS RECEIVED WHILE THE CATALOGUE WAS BEING PRINTED. Adams. The duplicate letters, the fisheries and the Missis- sippi 1822. 1514- 9 Advanced reader. (Royal Canadian series) ... n.d. 1775- 7 Agassiz. (Alex.) Three cruises of the U. S. coast survey S.S. " Blake," in the gulf of Mexico, 2 vols. 1888. 2315- 6 Alfred. (King) Memorials. (Edited by Rev. Dr. Giles) 1863. 1432-14 American state papers, 1st series, 22 vols. . . . 1832-4. 5333- 1 Contents. Finance, vols. 1-3. Indian affairs, vols. 1-2. Military affairs, vols. 1-2. Commerce and navigation, vols. 1-3. Foreign relations, vols. 1-4. Claims, 1 vol. Naval affairs, vol. 1. Post Office, 1 vol. Public lands, vols. 1-3. Miscellaneous, 2 vols. Anderson. (J. P.) Book of British topography . . 1881. 1785-7 Anderson. (W.) Genealogy and surnarr.es . . 1865. 1582- 8 Annals of botany. (Edited by Balfour, Vines and Farloiv), vols. 1-2 1887-9. 283 Armenian popular songs translated into English . . 1867. 2776- 7 Arnold and Samuels. The living world, being descriptions of the races of men and groups of birds, etc., 2 vols. . . 1880. 2315-8 Arnot. Collection of celebrated criminal trials in Scotland from 1536-1784 1785. 5122- 4 Art needlework, a complete manual of embroidery in silks and crewels . . . . . . . . n.d. 5132-11 Atherton. Suffering and defeat of the north-western army 1842. 1527-30 Atlas to accompany the magazine of arts and sciences . 1755. 1517- 7 Audubon and Bachman. Quadrupeds of North America, 3 vols 1849. 2322-12 Ballantyne. Novelist library, 10 vols. . . . 1821-4. 1888-1 Contents. Vol. 1. Fielding, Joseph Andrews Tom Jones Amelia Jonathan Wild. Vols. 2-3. Smollett, Roderick Random Peregrine Pickle Humphry Clinker Count Fathom Sir Launcelot Greaves Don Quixote. Vol. 4. Le Sage and Johnstone, Gil Blas-The Devil on two sticks Vanillo Gonzales Adventures of a guinea. Vol. 5. Sterne, Goldsmith, Johnston, Mackenzie, Walpole and Reeve, Tristram Shandy Sentimental journey Vicar of Waktfleld Rasselas Man of feeling Man of the world Julia de Koubigne Castle of Otranto Old English baron. Vols. 6-8. Richardson, Pamela Clarissa Harlowe Sir Charles Grandison. Vol. 9. Sioift, Bage and Cumberland, Gulliver's travels Mounc Kenneth Barham Downs James Wallace Henry. Vol. 10. Raddi/e, The Sicilian romance Romance of the forest Mys- teries of Udolpho The Italian Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne. Baraga. (Bishop) Grammar of the Otchipwe language . 1878. 1714-23 Dictionary of the Otchipwe language 1878. 1714-24 Contents. Part I. English Otchipwe. Part II. Otchipwe English. Barbazan. Fabliaux et contes des poetes Francois des XI, XII, XIII, XIV et XV siecles, 4 vols. . 1808. 1845- 2 Barclay. Three discourses preached in St. Andrew's church, Toronto 1861. 2965-15 ADDITIONS. 323 ADDITIONS Continued. Baines. (Edward) Life, by his son, E. Baines . . 1851. 2234-6 Barrow. Voyage to Cochinchina in 1792-3, with an ac- count of a journey to the Booshuana nation 1806. 5124-10 Barrows. A baptist meeting-house . . . . 1885. 3011-28 Doom of the majority of mankind . . . 1883. 3011- 6 Bayfield. Outlines of the geology of Lake Superior . n.d. 2342-18 Beaugrand. Melanges trois conferences .... 1888. 1743-11 Contents. De Montreal a Victoria Le journal, son origine et son histoire Anita, souvenirs d'uu coutre-guerillas. Belknap. History of New-Hampshire, 3 vols. . . . 1812. 1525-13 Benton. (Senator) Life, by Jessie B. Fremont . . 1887. 2276- 8 Bert. La morale des Jesuites i" . . . . 1883. 3047-18 Bookworm. (The), vol. 1. (Edited by Andrew Lang) . 1888. 338 Bolton. History of the county of Westchester from its first settlement to the present time, 2 vols. . 1881. 1525-19 Blackader. (Rev. John) Memoirs, by A. Crichton . 1823. 2236- 1 Blanchard. Discovery and conquests of the Northwest . 1880. 1525-14 Blavatsky. The secret doctrine, the synthesis of science, religion, etc., 2 vols. .... 1888. 2976- 7 Bombaugh. Gleanings for the curious .... 1875. 1777- 6 Bonnycastle. (Sir'R,. H. ) Newfoundland in 1842, a sequel to " the Canadas in 1841," 2 vols. . 1842. 1666-19 Bourinot. Manual of the constitutional history of Canada 1888. 1535-21 Boyle. (John, Earl of. Orrery) Remarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift . . . 1752. 1762-18 Brabazon. Deep sea and coast fisheries of Ireland . 1848. 2465- 8 Brackenbury. Campaign in the Crimea, 2 vols. . . 1855. 1467- 5 Brackenridge. History of the late war between the United States and Great Britain . . . 1839. 1527-26 Brannt. Treatise on the manufacture of soap and candles 1888. 2644-16 Brasseur de Bourbourg. (L'Abbe) Histoire de nations civilisees du Mexique, 4 vols. 1859. 1555-16 Breckenridge. Poems . . . . . . . 1860. 2774- 7 Brett. Indian tribes of Guiana, their condition and habits 1868. 1678-1 Bretschneider. Medieval researches from eastern Asiatic sources, 2 vols 1888. 1826-21 Briant. Nehiro-Iriniui Aiamihe massinahigan . . 1844. 3023- 7 British American cultivator, vol. 1 ..... 1845. 287 Brookshaw. New treatise on flower painting . . 1816. 5142-19 Brugmann. Elements of the comparative grammar of the Indo-Germanic languages, vol. 1 . . 1888. 1712-18 Bruno. (Giordano) Life, by I. Frith .... 1887. 2247- 7 Browne. (C. E.) Letters from Ireland, 1837 . . . 1838. 1622- 6 Bryan. Dictionary of painters and engravers, 2 vols. . 1886. 2214- 3 Buchanan. Emigration practically considered . . 1828. 1544-10 Budge. Martyrdom and miracles of Saint George of Cappa- docia, Coptic text with translations . . 1888. 1823- 1 Buies. Anglicismes et Canadianismes .... 1888. 1714- 2 Bulloch. Secret service of the confederate states in Europe, 2 vols 1884. 1526-11 324 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ADDITIONS Continued. Surges. (Hon. T.) Battle of lake Erie, with notices of Commodore Elliot's conduct 1839. 1527-28 Bulstrode. (Sir R.) Original letters written to the Earl of Arlington .... 1712. 1813- 8 Burnet. (Bishop) History of his own time, 6 vols. 1823. 1438- 1 Bury. (Richard de) Philobiblon. (Edited by E. C. Thomas] 1888. 1733-14 Calvet. (Peter du) Case of, with account of his imprison- ment in Quebeck 1784. 1535-11 Cameron. Our tropical possessions in Malayan India 1865. 1666- 8 Campbell. (John) Thirteen years service amongst the wild tribes of Khondistan .... 1864. 1652- 9 Campbell. (J. R.) History of the county of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia .... 1876. 1545-17 Canadian, British American and West Indian magazine, vol. 1 287 Canning. (Hon. George) Political life, by A. G. Staple- ton, 3 vols. 1831. 2231- 2 Speeches, with a memoir of his life, by R. Therry, 6 vols. 1830. 1816- 8 Carpmael. (A. & E.) Patent laws of the world 1885. 2413-25 Caswall. America and the American church 1851. 1671- 5 Cervantes. The ingenious gentleman Don Quixote. Trans. by John Ormsby, 4 vols. 1885. 1885-13 Chamberlain. Catalogue of Canadian birds . 1887. 2326- 9 Chandler and Mulvany. Lyrics, songs and sonnets 1880. 2774- 9 Channing. (William E.) Life, by W. H. Channing . 1887. 3011- 1 Works .... & 1888. 3011- 2 [Chapman]. (E. J.) A song of charity 1858. 2774-17 Chapman. (W.) Les Quebecquoises .... 1876. 2774-23 Charnock. Ludus patronymicus, or the etymology of curi- ous surnames .... . 1868. 1582 10 Christian recorder. (The), vols. 1-2 . . York 1820-1. 287 Christianity and modern thought . . . 1884. 3011-10 Church. (The), vol. 1 . . . . . Cobourg 1837-8. 5414- 8 Church. History of Philip's war, commonly called the Great Indian war of 1675-6 1827. 1526-23 Gibber. (Colley) Apology for his life, with notes by R. W. Lowe, 2 vols 1889. 2754-10 Claims on the United States for services during the war 1824. 1527-22 Clark. (J. V. H.) Onondaga, or reminiscences of earlier and later times, 2 vols. 1849. 1525-12 Clark. (W. P.) Indian sign language, with notes of the gestures taught deaf-mutes 1885. 1556-21 Clarke. (J. B.) Tears and smiles of Ireland, poem on the death of Hon. J. P. Curran 1817. 2237- 7 Clarke, (J. F.) Christian doctrine of prayer 1886. 3012-24 Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin 1884. 3012-23 Essentials and non-essentials in religion 1886. 3012-27 Orthodoxy, its truth and errors 1884. 3011-21 Steps of belief, or rational Christianity maintained against Atheism 1880. 3012-25 ADDITIONS. 325 ADDITIONS Continued. Cloaey. (Thomas) Personal narrative of, with report of his trial by court-martial . . 1832. 2237- 6 Cloncurry. (Valentine, Lord] Personal recollections of his life and times . 1850. 2237- 8 Collier. Collection of the romances, novels, poems and histories used by Shakespeare, 2 vols. . n.d. J1737-16 Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare's plays .... . . . . 1853. 1737-17 Early English popular literature, 2 vols. . .1863. 1732-20 Contents. Vol. 1. A piththy note to papists, by T. Knell, 1570 Murder- of John Brewen, by Thomas Kydde, 1592 History of Jacob and his XII sonnes The wyll of the Deuyll and last testament The metamor- phosis of tabacco, 1602 Murder of Lord Bourgh and Arnold Crosby's verses, 1591 Enterlude of godly Queen e Hester, 1561 Complaynte of them that ben to late maryed Censure of a loyal subject, by G. Whet- stone, 1587 Lyrics for old Lutenists. Temp. Elizabeth and James I Calverley and the Yorkshire tragedy, 1605- A complaint of the churche Vol. 2. Report, etc., on printers and stationers Parry's travels of Sir A. Sherley, 1601 Becke against the anabaptists, 1550 -The comedy of tyde taryeth no man, 1576 Voyage of R. Ferns to Bristol, 1590 Broadsides and speeches to Monck, 1660 R. Johnson's look on me London, 1613 W. Bas's sword and buckler, 1602 A good speed to Virginia, 1609 Copies of early love-letters, etc. R. Johnson's walks of Moorflelds, 1607 Verses by Walton, Arnold and Clinton. Colonial laws of Massachusetts, reprinted from the edition of 1672 1887. 2422- 6 Colvin. Second report on the survey of the Adirondack wilderness of New York .... 1874. 1676-13 Commentaries on national policy and Ireland . . 1831. 1463-14 Contributions to North American ethnology. (Powell's sur- vey of the Rocky mountain region), vols. 1,3 . . 1877. 5254- 9 Cooper and Suckley. Natural history of Washington. ( Northern Pacific R.R. survey) 1859. 5254-14 Cortes. Historia de Neuva Espafia aumentada con otros documentos por F. A. Lorenzana . . 1770. 1555-17 Costello. Specimens of the early poetry of France . 1835. 2773-16 Cours abre"ge de rhetorique a 1'usage du college de Montreal 1835. 2525- 1 Coxe. Examination of the conduct of Great Britain respect- ing neutrals 1807. 1527-24 Craig. (Sir Thomas) Life and writings, by P. F. Tytler 1823. 2236- 2 Cruise of the revenue steamer Corwin in Alaska and the N.W. Arctic ocean 1883. 5255- 3 Cunningham and Abney. Pioneers of the Alps . . 1888. 5221-14 Curr. The Australian race, its origin, languages, customs, etc., 3 vols 1886-7. 1564-11 Atlas to do., folio 1887. 5145-21 Curran. (Hon. John Philpot) Memoir of his legal, literarv and political life, by W. O'Regan . ". 1817. 2237- 7 Curwen. (Samuel) Journal and letters, by G. A. Ward, 4th edition .... 1864. 2276- 9 Curry. Review of the civil wars in Ireland, from the reign of Queen Elizabeth to the settlement under King William 1810. 1463-19 Darby. Tour from New-York to Detroit in the Michigan territory 1819. 1671- 9 Darnell. Songs by the way ...... 1862. 2774- 6 326 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ADDITIONS Continued. Day-dreams by a butterfly 1854. 2774-11 De Blois and Boucher. Proces Provencher-Boisclair . 1867. 2417-15 Decisions des tribunaux du Bas-Canada. Questions seig- neuriales, second series, 2 vols. ..... 1856. 2411- 8 Dennis. Cities and cemeteries of Etruria, 2 vols. . 1883. 1424-16 Dennys'. Cruise of the St. George in 1861-2 . . . 1862. 1682-26 Denroche. The curate's book 1832. 2774- 8 Detaille. L'Armee Fran9aise, texte par Jules Richard, 2 vols., folio 1S85-9. B R. Dewart. Selections from Canadian poets . . . 1864. 2774- 5 Dewey. (Orville) Works with a biographical sketch . 1887. 3011- 3 D'Evreux. Voyage dans le Nord du Bresil, 1613-14 . 1864. 1611-1 De Wint. (Peter) Memoir, by W. Armstrong, illustrated by twenty-four photogravures . 1888. 5142-18 Dibdin. Eeminiscences of a literary life, 2 vols. . . 1836. 1785- 5 Dickinson. Productions of the evangelists and apostles, to which is added the apocrypha . , 1837. 3082-13 Diego Garcia de Palacio. Description of the ancient prov- ince of Guatemala. (Edited by Squier) 1860. 1555-13 Digby. The broad stone of honour, 5 vols. . . . 1877. 1485-10 Contents. Vol. 1. Godefridus Vol. 2. Tancredus Vol. 3. Morus Vols. 4-5. Orlandus I. and II. Dodge. Our wild Indians, thirty-three years' experience among the red men of the great west . . 1882. 1556-25 Drake. History of the five years French and Indian war 1870. 1511- 7 Dupuy. Petites fleurs religieuses du vieux Montreal . 1885. 1545-20 Durrie. History of Madison, including the four lake country 1874. 1525-15 Dyckman. American militia officer's manual . . . 1825. 2642- 1 Early English Text Society. 87. Early South-English legendary, or lives of saints 1887. 1875- 9 88. Life of Saint Werburge . . . . . 1887. 1875-10 89. Vices and virtues . . . . . . ; ; 1888. 1875-11 Early English Text Society. Extra series. 51. Torrent of Portyngale 1887. 1877- 8 52. Bullein. Dialogue against the feuer pestilence, part 1 1888. 1877-14 53. Vicary. Anatomic of the bodie of man, part 1 . 1888. 1877-15 Eliot. (John) Indian primer. (Edited by John Small) 1880. H.C. 1563 Eliot. (W.'G.) Discourses on the doctrines of Christianity 1886. 3011-5 Early religious education considered as the divinely appointed way . . . 1887. 3012-22 Lectures to young men . . I 1882. 3012-21 Lectures to young women . . . 1880. 3012-20 Elliot. Debates in the several state conventions on the federal constitution, 4 vols 1836. 1514- 7 Ellis. Specimens of early English metrical romances, 3 vols. 1811. 1735-25 Elphinstone. (Hon. M.) Account of the kingdom of Caubul, 2 vols. .. ;, . . 1839. 1653-15 Encyclopaedia Perthensis, or universal dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, etc., 23 vols. .... 1816. 5225-20 ADDITIONS. 327 ADDITIONS Continued. Evans. Chronological outline of the history of Bristol 1825. 1453-13 Farley. Unitarianism denned 1881. 3011-15 Featherman. Social history of the races of mankind, first division, Nigritians .... 1887. 2526- 3 Finlayson. Surnames and sirenames .... n.d. 1582- 9 [Fitzgerald. J (Edward) Polonius, a collection of wise saws and modern instances . 1852. 1842- 5 Forester. Norway in 1848 and 1849 .... 1850. 1634- 6 fourth reading book. (Royal Canadian series) . . n.d. 1775- 6 Fraser (Rev. Thomas) Sermons left by him as a memento 1867. 2965-14 Frechette. Pele-mele, fantaisies et souvenirs poetiques . 1877. 2775-18 Frederic. (King of Corsica) Memoirs of Corsica . 1768. H.C. 2080 Frederic II. ( Roi de Prusse) Oeuvres posthumes, 15 vols. 1788. 1754-12 Fremont. (John Charles) Memoirs of my life, vol. 1 . 1887. 2276-8 French. Historical collections of Louisiana, part 2 . 1850. 1857-10 Freshman. (Rev. Charles) Autobiography . . . 1868. 2283-20 Gaffarel. Etude sur les rapports de 1'Amerique avant Christophe Colomb 1869. 1517- 5 Gay. (James) Poems . . . . . . n.d. 2775-13 Gannett. (Ezra Stiles) Memoir, by W. C. Gannett . 1884. 3011- 9 Galleries. Gavard. Galeries,historiques de Versailles, 19 vols. , folio 1838. B.R. Munich gallery, folio ...... 1821. B.R. Musee Fran9ais, 4 vols., folio ..... n.d. B.R. Musee royal, 2 vols., folio . . . . 1818. B.R. Gayarre. History of Louisiana, 4 vols 1885. 1525-20 Contents. Vols. 1-2. French domination Vol. 3. Spanish domination Vol. 4. American domination. Geological explorations of the fortieth parallel, King . 1871-7. 5255- 2 Contents. Vol. 2. Descriptive geology. Vol. 3. Mining industry with atlas. Vol. 4. Ornithology and palaeontology. Vol. 5. Botany. George III. Correspondence with Lord North. (Edited by W. B. Donne), 2 vols. . . . 1867. 1813-10 Gibbs. Studies for art designers and manufacturers . 1869. B.R. Gingras. (L'Abbe) Au foyer de mon presbytere poems et chansons 1881. 2775-19 Gladstone. (Hon. W. E.) Studies on Homer and the Homeric age, 3 vols. . 1858. 1767- 9 Goldsborough. United States naval chronicle, vol. 1 . 1824. 1526-16 Goldsmith. (Oliver) The rising village and other poems 1834. 2775-10 Goode. (Ed.) Fisheries and fishing industries of the U.S., 2 vols 1884. 5255-4 American fishes, a popular treatise upon the game and food fishes of North America . . 1888. 2332-16 Gosse. Letters from Alabama, chiefly relating to natural history 1859. 2315- 7 Gonse. L'Art Japonais, 2 vols 1883. 5141-13 328 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ADDITIONS Continued. Grace. (Jacob!) Annales Hiberniae. Trans, by Butler. (Irish archaeological society) . . 1842. 1857-2 Greeley. Hints toward reforms 1850. 2526-10 Green. (T. H.) Works. (Edited by R. L. Ntttleship), 3 vols. 1885. 2513-11 Griswold. Fire insurance agents' textbook . . 1888. 2473-18 Gronow. (Captain) Reminiscences and recollections, 2 vols. 1889. 2228- 5 Grose. Antiquities of England and Wales, 8 vols., quarto n.d. 5151- 6 Military antiquities 2 vols., quarto . . . 1801. 5151- 5 Hall. Ten letters on orthodoxy and heresy in the Christian church 1883. 3011-26 Halliwell-Phillipps. Hand-list of the drawings, etc., illus- trative of the life of Shakespeare 1884. 1737-13 Memoranda on all's well that ends well 1879. 1737-10 Memoranda on love's labour's lost, etc. 1879. 1737-11 Memoranda on the midsummer night's dream, A.D. 1879 and A. D. 1855 1879. 1737- 9 Memoranda on the tragedy of Hamlet 1879. 1737-12 New lamps or old ? a few words re- specting the E and the A in the name of our national dramatist 1880. 1737-14 Which shall it be ? new lamps or old ? Shaxpere or Shakespeare ? . 1879. 1737-15 Harper's Weekly, 32 vols., folio 1857-88. 5363- 1 Hartshorne. (Charles H ) (Ed.) Ancient metrical tales . 1829. 1735-26 Book rarities in the uni- versity of Cambridge 1829. 1785- 8 Harvey. Text-book of Newfoundland history . . . 1885. 1542- 4 Hatch. Chapter of the history of the war of 1812 . 1872. 1527-29 Hawley. Quebec, the harp and other poems . . . 1829. 2775- 9 Haynes. Poems 1864. 2774-14 Hayward. Battle of the Crimea and other poems . . 1855. 2774- 3 Hazelwood. A garland gathered at morn . . . 1871- 2774-12 Heavysege. (Charles) Count Filippo, or the unequal marriage .... 1860. 2774- 2 Heckewelder. (John) Life, by E. Rondthaler . . 1847, 2275-16 Henderson and Hume. Lahore to Yarkand . . . 1873. 1652-11 Henry IV. (King) Life, by G. P. K, James, 3 vols. . 1847. 2241- 7 Herbert. Frank Forester's field sports of the U.S. and British provinces of North America, 2 vols. 1849. 2662- 8 Hickcox. U.S. government publications, vols. 1-3 \ . 1885-7. B.R. Hirschf elder. The scriptures defended, being a reply to Bp. Coleiiso's book on the pentateuch . 1863. 307313 Hoche. (Lazarus) Life, by A. Rousselin . . . 1799. 2241-6 Holley. Niagara, its history and geology, incidents and poetry . ... 1872. 1686-39 Hooker and Greville. Icones filicum, 2 vols., folio . 1831. 5145-23 Hough. Report upon forestry 1878. 3156- 8 Houghton and Bristol. Mineral region of lake Superior 1846. 2342-17 ADDITIONS. 329 A DDITION s Continued. Hubbard. History of the Indian wars in New England. (Edited by Drake), 2 vols. . . . 1865. 1616-20 Hull. Defence of Brigadier -general W. Hull ... 1814. 1527-20 Hunnewell. Historical monuments of France . . . 1884. 1477- 4 Hunt. The late war between the U.S. and Great Britain, from 1812-1815 1816. 1527-27 Hutchinson. Two years in Peru, with exploration of its antiquities, 2 vols 1873. 1678- 2 Indian. (The), vol. 1 . . . . . . . 1885. 5425 16 Indomito. Poema. (Bibliotheca Americana) . . . 1862. 1611-2 Insurance year book, 1888-9 . V V ' . . . 1888. 2473-19 Jackson. (Lieut. -Gen. Thomas J.) Life, by Prof. R. L. Dabney, 2 vols. 1864. 2275-15 J. A. R. A series of poems .. . . . . . 1857- 2775-5 Jefferson. (Thomas) Writings. (Edited by H. A. Wash- ington), 9 vols. . . . 1861. 1748-2 Jewellers, gold and silversmiths pattern book, quarto . n.d. 5141-14 Johnston. (Charles) Narrative of his capture, detention and ransom . . . . 1827. 1526-22 Johnstone. (Chevalier de) Memoirs, by C.Winchester, 3 vols. 1870. 2236- 3 Contents. Vol. 1. Rebellion in Scotland in 1745. Vol. 2. Adventures after the battle of Culloden. Vol. 3. History of the war in Canada. Jubinal. Nouveau recueil de contes, dits, et fabliaux des XIII, XIV et XV siecles, 2 vols. . . 1839. 1845- 3 Kane. Industrial resources of Ireland .... 1844. 2463-10 Kennedy. (Sir James) Notes on the battle of Waterloo 1865. 1467- 6 Kennedy. (John P.) Instruct, employ, don't hang them 1835. 1463-18 Kingsborough. (Lord) Antiquities of Mexico, comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paint- ings and hieroglyphics, together with the monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix, 9 vols., folio . . 1831-48. B.R. Knickerbocker. History of New-York . . . 1835. H.C. 1476 The same 1836. H.C. 1472 Knowles. Folk-tales of Kashmir 1888. 1826-20 Knox college monthly and Presbyterian magazine, vols. 6-8 1887-8. 281 Landmann. Recollections of my military life. 2 vols. . 1854, 2231-1 Lanman. Red-book of Michigan, a civil, military and bio- graphical history 1871. 1525-17 La Rue. Histoire populaire du Canada . . . 1875. 1537-18 Melanges, historique, litteraires et d'economie politique , 1870. 1742-22 Voyage sentimental sur la rue Saint-Jean . 1879. 1743-10 Laws relating to Indians and Indian affairs from 1633-1831 1832. 1526-24 Le Canada-Franc.ais, vol. 1 1888. 287 Leckie. Balance of power in Europe . . . . 1817. 1415-13 Le May. Les vengeances, drame en six actes . . . 1876. 2774-22 Les vengeances, poeme Canadien . . . 1875. 2774-21 Une gerbe, poesies 1879. 2774-20 330 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ADDITIONS Continued. Le naturalists Canadian, 15 vols 1868-86. 282 Leonard. Gems for the home circle ..... 1869. 2775- 3 Le Prince Noir, poeme du heraut d'armes chandos. Trans. par Francisque- Michel 1883. 5215- 9 Lewis. Venoni, or the novice of St. Mark s . . 1809. 2763- 2 L'histoire de la cathedrale de S. Jacques de Montreal . 1882. 1545-19 Lincy. Le livre des proverbes Francois precede d'un essai sur la philosophic de Sancho Pana, par F. Denis, 2 vols 1842. 1842- 4 Liston. Niagara falls, a poem in three cantos . . 1843. 2775- 6 Long. Decline of the Roman republic, 5 vols. . . 1864. 1423-7 Lytton. (SirE. B.) The sea-captain, or the birthright 1839. 2763-3 McClintock. History of New Hampshire . . . 1888. 1525-20 McCord. Hand-book of Canadian dates . . . 1888. 1414- 8 MacColl. (MaryJ.) Bide a wee, and other poems . 1882. 2773-13 McGee. Canadian ballads and occasional verses . . 1858. 2774-16 McGregor. (J. D. & R.) Trials of Rob Roy's sons before the high court of justiciary in 1752-4 . 1818. 2417-13 McGibbon. (Comp.) Synopsis of the great pew case 1877. 2417-14 Mackay. Dictionary of Lowland Scotch, with a chapter on the poetry, etc., of the Scottish language . 1888. 1716-14 Mackenna. T he inquisition as it was in South America 1869. 3047-17 McKenney and Hall. History of the Indian tribes, with one hundred and twenty portraits, 3 vols., folio .... McLean. Scraps for albums ..... Magazine of American history, vols. 3-18 Maine Historical Society. Collections, 1st series, 8 vols. 2nd series, 2 vols. Mair. Dreamland and other poems .... Mann. Medical sketches of the campaigns of 1812 14 Manual of geographical science ..... Maple leaf, (pseud. ) Constance, a lay of the olden time Maps of the northern boundary of the United States Martineau. Endeavors after the Christian life Studies of Christianity .... May. (Samuel J.) Memoir ...... May. (Walter W.) Marine painting .... Mayhew and Skeat. Concise dictionary of middle English from A.D. 1150-1580 Mayne. Poems and fragments ..... Meacham. Rise and progress of the Methodist church Meyer. (H. L.) British birds and their eggs, 4 vols. Meyer. (L.) Modern theories of chemistry. Trans, by Bedson and Williams . 1844. B.R. 1826. H.C. 5487 1879-88. 281 1865-81. 1852- 1 1869-77. 1852- 1 n.d. 2774- 4 1816. 1527-23 1859. 1617-17 1874. 2774- 1 B.R. 1881. 3011-18 1882. 3011-17 1882. 3011-27 n.d. 2674-18 Message from the president respecting the failure of the arms of the United States on the northern frontier Metcalf. Letter and spirit ...... Milet. Relation de sa captivite parmi les Onneiouts en 1690-1 1888. 1838. 1832. 1842. 1888. 1814. 1885. 1864. 1716-15 2775-11 3037-1C 2326-10 2365- 2 1527-21 3011-25 3035-15 ADDITIONS. 331 ADDITIONS Continued. Minnesota Historical Society. Collections, vols. 1-5 . 1850-85. 1861- 2 Mirabeau. Memoirs, 4 vols. ' . . , . . 1835. 2241-8 Montreal, charter, by-laws and acts of the legislature . 1865. 247 Monk. Simple interpretation of the revelation . . n.d. 2972-18 Montminy. De Quebec aux Antilles .... 1888. 1682-27 Moore. (A. W.) Norman Stanly's crusade, or the Dunkin act in Turnipham .... 1877. 1882-15 Moore. (T.) Nature-printed British ferns, 2 vols. . n.d. 2372-13 Morgan. (Ed.) Canadian parliamentary companion . 1867. 248 Morison. Disquisitions and notes on the gospels . 1884. 3011- 8 Morris. Specimens of early English, from the chief English authors, A.D. 1250-1400 .... 1867. 1735-28 Mullan. Report on the construction of a military road, from Fort Walla-Walla to Fort Benton . . 1863. 1676-12 Napoleon. Fall of, by Lieut. -Col. J. Mitchell, 3 vols. . 1846. 1474-10 Narrative of the north polar expedition U.S. ship Polaris. (Edited by Rear. -Ad. Davis) 1876. 5123-2 Narrative of the second Arctic expedition made by C. F. Hall 1879. 5123-1 Nautical almanac, 1890-91-92 2347- 2 New Dominion monthly, 23 vols. . . . . 1867-78. 281 New- York Historical Society. Collections, 15 vols. . 1868-82. 1857- 5 New Sydenham Society. Monographs. (Eaynaud, Klebs andCrudeli, etc.) 1888. 2746-8 Nicholson. (Ed.) Dictionary of gardening, an encyclo- pgedia of horticulture, 7 vols. . 1887. 2655-11 Nuni Aiamie masinaigan . . . . 1854. 3023- 5 Norton. Evidences of the genuineness of the gospels . 1880. 3011-19 Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of Trinitarians 1886. 3011-20 Noyes. Collection of theological essays from various authors 1880. 3011-13 New translation of Job, Ecclesiastes and the canticles 1 886. 30 1 1 -12 New translation of the Hebrew prophets, 2 vols. 1880. 3011-11 New translation of the book of Psalms and of the Proverbs . . : . . , . . 1886. 3011-14 New Testament, trans, from the Greek text of Tischendorf 1880. 3011-22 Official gazette, U.S. patent office, vols. 17-44 . . 1880-8. P.R. OHphant. (Laurence) Patriots and filibusters . . 1860. 1677-14 Ottley. Errors and mischiefs of modern diplomacy . . . 1872. 2412-17 Palmer. History of lake Champlain .... 1866. 1524- 1 Papers relating to the treaty of Washington, 19 vols. . 1871-4. 2467- \ Contents. Vol. 1. Case of the United States. Vols. 2-8. Evidence of the United States. Vol. 9. Revised list of claims. Vol. 10. British case. Vols. 11-12. British evidence. Vol. 13. British counter case. Vol. 14. American and British cases. Vol. 15. United States and British counter cases. Vol. 16. Arguments and statements. Vol. 17. Reports, protocols and award. Vol. 18. Berlin arbitration San Juan boundary. Vol. 19. Washington arbitration and general appendix. 332 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ADDITIONS Continued. Parker. Views of religion ...... Parsons. Laws of business for all the states and territories of the Union and the Dominion of Canada Patterson. (Henry) " Songs in travel " Patterson. (Howard) The canal guide, the Hudson river and the Erie canal ;ind its branches Penhallow. History of the wars of New-England with the eastern Indians ..... Penrose. Principles of Athenian architecture. (Dilettanti society), folio ...... Perceval. (Hon. Spencer) Life and correspondence, by S. Walpole, 2 vols. Perkins. Political and military events of the late war be- tween the United States and Great Britain Perring. (Sir Philip) Hard knots in Shakespeare . Perrot. Memoire sur les moeurs, coustumes et relligion des sauvages de 1'Amerique septentrionale Perrot and Chipiez. History of art in Chaldaea and Assyria, 2 vols. History of art in Phoenicia and Cyprus, 2 vols Petitot. Traditions Indiennes du Canada nord-ouest Phelan. (Bishop) Life . . . Pike. Expeditions to the sources of the Mississippi, Arkan- saw, Kans, etc., 1805-7 Plowden. Short history of the British empire from May 1792 to close of 1793 Poole. (F.) Queen Charlotte islands, narrative of discovery in the north Pacific 1885. 1887. 1872. n. d. 1859. 1888. 1874. 1825. 1886. 1864. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1862. 1810. 1794. 1872. 1888. Poole. (W. F.) Index to periodical literature, 1st supplement Portraits des personnages FraiiQais les plus illustres du XVI siecle avec notices, par P. G. J. Niel, 2 vols., folio 1848-56. Premio-Real. (Comtc de) Divers memoires sur le commerce entre' 1'Espagne et le Canada 1879. Provancher. Flore Canadienne ou description de toutes les plantes, forets, etc., du Canada, 2 vols. 1862. Pulsifer. Notes for a history of lead .... 1888. Ravenscroft. Pinetum Britannicum, a descriptive account of hardy coniferous trees, 3 vols., folio 1884. Ravelin. (Humphrey) Lucubrations .... 1823. Records of the colony of New Plymouth, 1633-98. (Edited by N. B. Shurtleffand D. Pulsifer}, 10 vols., quarto 1855-61. Records of Massachusetts, 1628-86. (Edited by N. B. Shurtle/), 6 vols., quarto 1853. Reflections and resolutions proper for the gentlemen of Ireland 1738. Report of minister of education, Ontario, 1887 . . . 1888. Report on the great Mackenzie basin .... 1888. Reports upon the survey of the boundary, from the lake of the Woods to the Rocky mountains, with atlas . . 1878. Richard. Histoire du college des Trois-Rivieres . . 1885. Richardson. (Sir John) The polar regions . . . 1861. 2414-25 2774-24 2635- 4 1557-19 B.R. 2234- 5 1527-25 1737-18 1611- 3 2666-12 2666-11 1574-13 2283-18 1676-10 1463-15 1683-19 R. 2372-14 2625- 7 B.R. 1763- 5 5141- 2 1463-16 3122- 1 1684-18 5254-15 2524-14 1663-20 ADDITIONS. 333 ADDITIONS Continued. Rio de Janeiro, archives do museu nacional do, vols. 6-7 1885-7. 1878- 1 Roberts. (D.) Egypt and Nubia, with historical descriptions by William Brockedon, 3 vols., folio . 1846. B.R. The Holy land,with historical descriptions by Rev. George Croly, 3 vols., folio . . 1842. B.R. Roberts. (T. P. ) Report of a reconnaissance of the Mis- souri river in 1872 . . . 1875. 1676-11 Roby. Reminiscences of the French war, containing Rogers' expeditions 1831. 1511- 8 Ronsard. CEuvres completes, 8 vols. . . . . 1857-67. 1845- 1 Roosevelt. Ranch life and the hunting- trail . . . n.d. 5161-7 Roscoe. Monandrian plants of the order Scitaminese, 2 vols., folio . ' .' . . . 1828. B.R. Royal Canadian yacht club. By-laws and sailing rules 1888. 2635- 3 Royal military chronicle, or the British officer's monthly register, 1810-14, 7 vols 1811-13. 3358-1 The same, new series, 1814-15, 2 vols. . . n.d. 3358- 2 Rutherford. Charlie Chatterton, with Canadian and other poems 1868. 2775- 7 Ruttan. Lectures on ventilation of buildings . . 1848. 2713-17 The same ........ 2615-18 Ryan. Oscar and other poems 1857. 2775-14 The same 2775- 8 Songs of a wanderer 1867- 2775- 4 Sabine. The American loyalists . . . . . 1847. 2276- 7 Saint- Valier. Catechisme du diocese de Quebec . . 1702. 3023- 8 Sagean. Extrait de la relation des avantures et voyage . 1863. 3035-15 Sanger. History of prostitution 1859. 2526-11 Sansome. Dyeing, comprising the dyeing and bleaching of wool, silk, etc., 2 vols. . . . 1888. 2643-17 Contents. Vol. 1. Text. Vol. 2. Patterns. Saskatchewan business directory 1888. R. Scientific American. (Architects and builders' edition), vol. 5 1888. . P.R. Schuyler. (Philip) Life and times, by B. J. Lossing, 2 vols. n.d. 2275-14 Scott. WhD may vote ? a compilation of the statute law 1885. 2423-21 Scribe. (Eugene) CEuvres completes, 8 vols. . . 1860. 1846- 1 Scribner's magazine, vols. 1-4 ..... 1887-8. 338 Seminaire de Nicolet . . . . ' . . . 1867. 2524-13 Sevigne. Lettres choises, 2 vols 1817. H.C. 1243 Shakespeare. Collection of the romances, novels, poems and histories of. (Edited by Collier), 2 vols. n.d. 1737-16 Quarto fac-similes 1888. 18. King Richard the second, 1597, intro- ductory notice by Rev. W. A. Harrison H.C. 247 19. King Richard the second, 1608 . H.C. 248 40. Troublesome raigne of John, King of England, 1591, part 1. Forewords by F. J. Furnivall ... H.C. 269 334 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ADDITIONS Continued. 41. Troublesome raigne of John, King of England, 1591, part 2. Forewords by F. J. Furnivall 42. Kind Richard the third, 1612, intro- ductory notice by P. A. Daniel Shakspeare. The reference. (Edited by Marsh) . . 1864, Shaw. Illustrated book of the dog, with an appendix on canine surgery, by G. Stables . . . n.d. Sheldon. Early history of Michigan, from the first settle- ment to 1815 1856. Shirley. History of the county of Monaghan . . 1879. Short story of the rise, reign and ruine of the Antinomians 1644. Short account of Prince Edward Island .... 1839. Slade. Vermont state papers 1823. Smith. (C. J.) Historical and literary curiosities . 1845. Smith. (M. F.) Canadian and American poems . . 1863. Smith. (W. ) Classical dictionary of biography, mythology and geography . . . , . 1881. Smith. (Samuel) History of the colony of Nova-Csesaria or New Jersey .... 1765. Smith. (William) Alazon and other poems . . . 1850. Smith. (Sir William C.) Tracts upon the union . . 1831. Smithsonian Institution. Annual reports of the board of regents . . . 1854-85. Miscellaneous collections, vols. 1-27 1862-83. Contributions to knowledge, vols. 1-25 .... 1848-85. Sowerby. Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms, 3 vols. and supplement . . . 1797-1803. Soyer. The gastronomic regenerator, a new system of cookery 1849. Spence. Settler's guide in the U.S. and B.N.A. provinces 1862. Squier. Peru, incidents of travel in the land of the Incas n d. Standard natural history. (Edited by J. S. Kingsley), 6 vols. 1886. Stark. (Maj.-Gen. John) Life and military services . 1831. Stephen. (Sir G. ) Adventures of a gentleman in search of a horse 1841. Stephens. Hamilton and other poems . . . 1840. Stevens. Bibliotheca Americana, or a descriptive account of books relating to America, 2 vols. . 1862. Stockton. (Com. Robert F.) Life .... 1856. Strong". (Caleb) Letter addressed to, showing war to be inconsistent . . . . . 1818. Street. Frontenac, a poem on the Iroquois . . . 1866. Stuart. (Prince Charles) Memoirs, by C. L. Klose, 2 vols. 1845. Suite. Chronique trifluvienne ..... 1879. Histoire de Saint-Francois-du-Lac . . . 1886. Sulz. Treatise on beverages,or the complete practical bottler 1888. Surtees. Hillingdon hall, or the cockney squire . . 1888. Tache. Vingt annees de missions dans le Nord-ouest de 1'Amerique . . . . . . 1888. H.C. 270 H.C. 271 2767- 3 5161- 6 1525-16 5122-14 H.C. 1254 1682 11 1514-10 5152- 5 2775- 2 B. 1525-18 2775-12 1463-13 3151- 1 1847- 1 5243- 1 5145-22 2654- 4 1671- 6 1677-11 2315- 9 1511- 8 2662-12 2774-15 1785- 6 2275-17 H.C. 1535 5151-19 2236- 4 1545-16 1545-18 2644-17 1885-12 1542-29 ADDITIONS. 335 ADDITIONS Continued. 1884. 1887. 1778. Taylor. (J.) Curling the ancient Scottish game Taylor. (M.) Hints on dyeing ..... Taylor and Skinner. Maps of the roads of Ireland surveyed Teissier. Les Franais aw Canada, historique de cette ancienne colonie (1562-1763) . . . n.d. Telegraphic journal and electrical review, vol. 21 . . 1888. Tench. Narrative of the expedition to Botany bay . . 1789. Terriere. Political and historical account of Upper Canada 1830. Thayers. A wreath of wild flowers .... 1877. Thorns. (Ed.} Early English prose romances, 3 vols. . 1858. Contents. Vol. i, Robert the Deuyll Thomas A. Reading Frier Bacon Frier Rush. Vol. 2. Virgilius Robin Hood George A. Green Tom A. Lincolne. Vol. 3. Helyas Doctor Faustus Second report of Doctor Faustus. Thomson. Dictionary of philosophy in the words of philosophers ...... Thorpe. (B. ) The Anglo-Saxon poems of Beowulf Thorpe. (Major Samuel) Early military life . Townsend. Journey across the Rocky moutains to Colum- bia river 1887. 1855. 1854. Sporting excursions in the Rocky mountains, 2 vols Tsiatak NihononSentsiake onkse onse akoiatonsera Treaty of amity, etc., between his Britannic majesty and the United States 1839. 1840. 1852. 1795. 1833. 1882. 1888. 1888. Trumbull. History of the discovery of America from 1620-79 Unitarian affirmations, seven discourses given in Washington Universal review, vol. 1 . . Unwin. Testing of materials of construction Ursulines de Quebec depuis leur etablissement jusqu a nos jours, 4 vols. . . 1878. Vaughan. Manners and customs of the Chinese . . 1879. Vermont Historical Society. Collections, vols. 1-2 . 1870-1. Vetusta monumenta quae ad rerum Britannicarum, 4 vols., folio 1747-1815. Vincent. (Comp.) The Australian irrigation colonies . n.d. Viollet-Le-Duc. Dictionnaire raisonne de 1'architecture Francis du XIau XVI siecle, 10 vols. 1854-68. Vizetelly. History of Champagne ..... 1882. Voyages et avantures du Chevalier de * * *, 2 vols. . 1769. Wadd. Comments on corpulency 1829. Wakefield. Our life and travels in India . . . 1878. Walker. Sermons preached chiefly in the college chapel 1884. Walpole. (Horace, Earl of Orford) Works, 5 vols., quarto 1798. Wanless. Poems and songs, maistly Scotch . . . 1873. Ware. (Henry) Memoir, by John Ware . . . 1880. Formation of the Christian character . 1883. Ware. (Mary L.) Memoir, by Edward B. Hall . . 1S80. Washington. (George) Writings, (Edited by Jared Sparks), 12 vols 1837. 2662-11 2643-12 1622- 8 1537-17 5432-40 1662-12 1534- 6 2774-18 1735-23 2515- 2 1735-27 2231- 3 1671- 8 1671- 7 3023- 1514- 8 1556-26 3012-28 286 2615- 5 3053-12 1833- 7 1857- 3 B.R. 5153- 7 2634-12 5163- 8 1682-25 2717-17 1652-10 3011- 7 5224- 3 2774-13 3011-24 3012-26 3011-23 1748- 1 336 REFERENCE LIBRARY. ADDITIONS Continued. Watkinson. Philosophical survey of the south of Ireland 1777. 1622- 7 Weber. Metrical romances of the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, 3 vols. 1810. 1735-24 Wendt. Papers on maritime legislation 1888. 2413- 7 Wharton. Digest of the international law of the United States, 3 vols 1887. 2413- 6 Wilkins. (Harriett Annie, pseud.) The holly branch . 1851. 2775- 1 Wilmot. (Hon. Lemuel A.) A biographical sketch, by Rev. J. Lathern 1881. 2283-19 Willard. A life idyl 1869. 2773-14 Williams. (C. W,) Observations on the state of Ireland 1831. 1463-17 Williams. (Mrs.) The neutral French, or the exiles of Nova Scotia .... n.d. 1883-16 Williams. (R. F. ) Shakspeare and his friends, or ''the golden age" of merry England, 3 vols 1838. 1883-15 Youth of Shakspeare, 3 vols. 1839. 1883 14 Willson. Impressions of the mind ..... 1835. 2965-13 Wilson. (Alexander) American ornithology, 9 vols., quarto 1808-14. 5222- 1 Wilson. (E. F.) The Ojebway language, a manual for missionaries and others 1874. 1716-13 Wilson. (H.) Rise and fall of the slave power in America, 3 vols 1872. 1526-10 Wilson. (J.) Unitarian principles confirmed by Trinitarian testimonies . . , ., '. . .- 1888. 3011-16 Wingfield, Poems and songs in Scotch and English 1873. 2774-10 Woman's world (The) 1888. 5321- 3 Young. Chronicles of the pilgrim fathers of the colony of Plymouth, from 1602-5 . 1841. 1513- 5 INDEX OF NAMES. Abbot, Francis E 49 Abbott, Charles C 209 Abbott, Edwin 2 Abbott, Evelyn 213 Abbott, E. A 112 Abbott, Hon. J. J. C 311 Abbott, John S. C 226 A'Beckett, Gilbert A 133, 215, 218 Abd Allatf 177 Abdy, E. S 196 Abel, Carl 120 Abel, C. D 83 Abney, Capt. W. de W 325 Abraham 250 Accum, Frederick 85 Acland, Sir Henry W 75, 76 Acosta, Joseph de 167 Acton, William 54 Ada de Usk 220 Adair, James 230 Adam, Alexander 250 Adam, G. Mercer. ,278, 295, 304, 306, 309, 314 Adam, Lucien 107 Adams, A. Leith 278 Adams, Charles F J72 Adams, Charles K 212 Adams, Major C 216 Adams, Henry Carter 169 Adams, Herbert B 169 Adams, H. C 181 Adams, H. G. . . . 11, 247 Adams, John Quincy 322 Adams, J 230 Adams, W. H. Davenport. .133, 217, 247 Adams, W. M 58 Adamnan 223 Adamson, John 252 Adamson, Rev. W. Agar 313 Adanson, Michel 177, 194 Adderley, Augustas J 58 Adolphus, John 217, 218 Adolphus, John S 131 Addison, Joseph . .117, 145, 150, 154, 156, 157 Addison, Lancelot 177, 193 Addison, Thomas 72, 170 ^Eschylus 116, 129 ^Esop ' 3 Agassiz, A 8, 322 Agassiz, E. C 8 Agassiz, Louis 5, 7, 8, 20, 203, 278 Agnevv, Dr 170 Agricola, Cneius J 223 Agrippina, Empress 250 Aguirre, Lope de 168 Aikin, John . 221 Aikin, Lucy 220 Aikins, Hon. J. C 311 Ainslie, Gen. Charles P. de 244 Ainsworth, Robert 105 Akenside, Mark 145 Akerman, John Yonge 246 Akins, Thomas B 303 Albemarle, Earl of 259 22 Albert!, Francois 105 Alberoiii, Cardinal 227, 251 Albert, Prince Consort 251 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. ... 278 Alcock, J. H 320 Alden, Edwin 158 Andrews, J. R 253 Aldrich, Thomas B v 145 Aldrovandi, Ulysses 5 Alexander, Sir J. E.186, 196, 204, 278, 299 Alexander, Joseph A 27 Alexander, Sir William .... 145, 172, 251 Alf ord, Dean 26, 251 Alfred, King 165, 166, 251, 322 Alger, Francis 19, 21, 273 Alison, Archibald. .121, 175, 216, 251, 257 Allan, Hon. G. W. . 311 Allan, Sir Hugh 311, 313 Allan, Peter J 145, 316 Allan, Sir W ' 184 Allan, William 320 Allen, C. W ; 85 Allen, Grant 6, 48, 50 Allen, G. 1 240 Allen, Henry B ' 83 Allen, J. A 11 Allen, Hon. J. C 311 Allen, J. Romilly 209 Allen, Rev. R 29. 250 Allen, Timothy F. 74 Alleyn, Edward 173 Allibone, S. Austin 2, 134 Allingham, William 82, 144 Allinson, Edward P 169 Allison, David 311 Allison, Thomas 177 Allom, Thomas 191 Allouez, Claude 297 Alphand, A 94 Almon, J 212 Alvarez, Francisco 167 Amari, Michele 227 Amos, Sheldon 62, 217 ' Ampere, J. J HO Amyot, Thomas . . 173 Anaryan, pseud 210 Ancell, Samuel 228 Andagoya, Pascual de 167 Anderson, Alexander C 278 Anderson, Christopher 224 Anderson, David 247. 278 Anderson, George ' 144 Anderson, Rev. James 40, 247 Anderson, James 224 Anderson, Rev. James S. M 37, 306 Anderson, J. Corbet 29 Anderson, M'Call 81 Anderson, John P 322 Anderson, Joseph 222 Anderson, Robert . , 145 Anderson, R. B 210 Anderson, Col. William 88 Anderson, William 223, 247 Anderson, William 322 Anderson, W. J 295, 303 338 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Anderson, Bishop . 274, 278 Andre, John, Major 251 Andrews, Israel D 237 Andrews, J. N 44 Andrews. William 222 Andrew of Wy toun 223 Angelo, Michael 177, 194 Angelico, Fra Giovanni 164 Angell, Joseph K 57 Anglin, Hon. T. W 311 Angus, Joseph 109 Annand, William 312 Anne, Queen 221, 225 Anne Boleyn, Queen 248 Ansell, Alfred W 58, 95 Ansell, George F 84 Ansted, David Thomas 18 Anson, George 177 Anspach, Rev. Lewis A 302 Anthon, Charles 214, 215 Anthony, Susan B 61 Apiohn, James 21, 22 Appleton, Charles E 48, 251 Appleton, D 1, 83, 86, 174, 247 Appleton, John H 251 Appleton, William S 172 Arago, Francois 16, 22, 247 Arber, Edward 118, 238 Arbuthnot, J 118 Archibald, Hon. A. G 303, 311 Archer, Andrew 294 Aretams 72, 173 Arfwedson, C. D 196, 278 Argyle, Duke of 3 Aristophanes 1! Aristotle 5,111 Arlington, Earl of 324 Armatage, George 83 Armengaud, M < Armin, Robert 173 Armouroux, M 86 Armour, Hon. J. D 311 Armstrong, Alex 206 Armstrong, John 145 Armstrong, John 239, 300 Armstrong, R. A 105 Armstrong, Walter 326 Arnason, Jdn 210 Arnold, Rev. Augustus C 68, 322 Arnold, Col. Benedict 239, 298 Arnold, Edwin 120, 144 Arnold, Rev. Frederick 247 Arnold, Thomas 65 Arnold, Rev. Thomas 215, 251 Arnold, Thomas J 133 Arnot, Hugo 322 Arrowsmith, A 174, 277 Arthur, Sir George 302 Ascham, Roger 117 Ascher, Isidore G 3 Ashburnham, John 220 Ashburton, Lady 249 Ashe, E. D 204 Ashe, Rev. Jonathan 66, 6 Ashe, Thomas 196 Ashenhurst, Thomas R 91 Ashley, Hon. Evelyn. 258 Ashmole, Elias 245 Ashton, Frederick T 91 Ashton, John 132, 133, 134, 221 Ashworth, Caldwell 274 Astle, Thomas 91 Astley, Thomas 176 Atkinson, Edward 52 Atkinson, Thomas W 189 Atkinson, Rev. W. C 274 Atherton, William 322 Attfield, John 75 Attwell, Henry 116 Auber, Peter ... 228 Auberlen, Carl August 33 Aubertin, J. J 147, 278 Aubrey, John 167 Aubrey, William H S 218 Auchinleck, G 239, 300 Audelay, John 172 Audsley, G. A 100, 101, 104 Audsley, William J 100, 101 Audubon, John James 11, 251, 322 Augustine, St., Bishop of Hippo .... 33 Auldjo, A , 321 Auldjo, John 186 Austin, John 62 Aveling, S. T. 245 Awde, Robert 31ft Awdeley, John 166 Aylwin, Hon. T. C 311 Ayres, Alfred 107 Aygcough, Rev. Samuel. 2, 113 Aytoun, W. E lift B, Madame C. de la 202 Baby, Hon. F. G 311 Back, George 206 Backhouse, James 195 Backhouse, John / 320 Bachman, Rev. John 222 Backus, Samuel 101 Backus, William 101 Bacon, Francis, Lord 47,117, 121, 128, 251 Bacstrom, S 177, 20ft Baddeley, P. F. H 22, 267 Badeaux, J. B 29& Baden-Powell, George 55, 59, 274 Badham, C. D 14 Badenoch, Rev. G. R 40 Baedeker, K.. .183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 193 Baffin, William 167, 206 Bage, Robert 322 Bagehot, Walter 55, 217, 247 Bagot, SirC 311 Baigent, Francis J 99, 245 Bailey, Alfred 217 Bailey, Philip J 146 Bailey, L. W 270 Bailey, N 105 Bailey, W. Whitman 14 Baillie, Marianne 179 Baillie, Robert 179 Baillie, Thomas 278 Baillon, H 14 Bailly, John S 247 Baily, Francis 196 Baily, William H 20 Bain, Alexander 50 Bain, James 96, 306 Baines, Edward 32S Baines, Edward 32$ Baines, Thomas 222 Baird, Henry M 225 Baird, Robert 196, 204, 278 Baird, Robert H 91 Baird, Spencer F 3, 9, 11, 12, 212 Baker, George E 127 INDEX OF NAMES. 339 Baker, Sir Richard 34 Baker, S. W 191 Balbi, Gasparo 177 Baldwin, Hon. Robert. ..63, 292, 311, 313 Bale, M. Powis 87, 88 Balfour, Francis M 7 Balfour, George W 73 Balfour, Isaac B 322 Balfour, John Hutton 14, 20 Balgarnie, Rex. R 259 Ball, John 193 Ball, Roberts 16 Balme, Rev. Joshua R 59, 240 Ballantine, James 100, 141 Ballantyne, James R 45, 120 Ballantyne, John 322 Ballantyne, Robert M 278 Ballin, Ada S 76 Ballou, Maturin M 2 Balzac, Honor^ de 133, 141 Bandelier, A. F 202, 209 Bancroft, Edward 90 Bancroft, George 60, 127, 233, 234 Bancroft, Hubert H 230, 241, 242 Banks, John ... 154 Banks, Sir Joseph 6 Baraga, Bishop 322 Barat, Madeleine S 310 Barbazan, M 322 Barbaro, Josaf a 167 Barbosa, Duarte 167, 194 Barber, T 181 Barbour, A. H. Freeland 73 Barbour, John 166 Barclay, John 6 Barclay, Rev. John 34, 322 Barclay, Joseph 30 Barclay, Capt. R 93, 196, 278 Bardsley, Charles W 246 Barents, William 167, 206 Barharn, Rev. Richard H 146 Baring-Gould, Rev. S 26, 31 Barker, Joseph 46 Barlow, Alfred ... 91 Barlowe, Jerome 118 Barlow, Peter 85 Barlow, Scott 271 Barnard, George 98, 99 Barneby, W. Henry 278 Barnes, Barnabe 118 Barnes, Joseph K 81 Barnes, Robert 73 Ba' nes, William 107 Barnfield, Richard 119, 146 Baron, S 177, 191 Barrett, Joseph H 256 Barrett, Soloman 107 Barrett, W. A 105 Barrette, J. E. T 278 Barretti, Giuseppe 105, 106 Barrington, Hon. T) 206 Barrow, Isaac 40 Barrow, Sir John 251 Barrow, John 323 Barrows, Samuel J 323 Barry, Edward M 101 Barry, Lodowick 153 Barry, Michael J 144 Earth, A 31, 44, 120 Barthe, J. G 299, 310 Bartholomew, John 175 Bartholow, Roberts 77, 82 Bartlett, James H 274 Bartlett, John 2, 105, 112 Bartlett, W. H 183, 184. 186, 196 Bartlett, W. H '. . . . . 239 Barton, Benjamin H 14, 77 Bartram, John 278 Bartram, William 196, 230 Bartsch, Karl 115 Bas, W 325 Bastiat, Frederic 55 Bates, H. W 18, 202, 204 Bates, Joseph 251 Battel, Andrew 177, 194 Baudry, Hon. J. U 63, 292 Baudoncourt, Jacques de 294 Bauer, A. H 93 Bauerman, H 268 Baumgarten, M 37 Baunard, IS Abbe 310 Baxter, James P 239 Baxter, J. H 237 Baxter, Richard 249, 251 Bayfield, H. W 267, 323 Bayle, Peter 1 Bayles, James C 88 Bay ley, Francis 245 Bayne, Peter 122, 220 Beach, Allen C 241 Beach, W. W 230 Beadle, D. W 94, 274 Beal, Samuel 45, 119, 120, 191 Beale, Lionel S 24, 77 Beale, Thomas 205 Beall, John Yates 251, 310 Beames, John 107 Beamish, Richard 252 Beard, Charles 40 Beardsley, Charles E 141 Beardsley, E. Edwards 256 Beattie, James 146 Beattie, William 183, 186 Beauclerk, Lord 301 Beaudet, L'Abbe L 277 Beaudry, J. U 297 Beaufoy, Col 206 Beaugr'and, H 323 Beaumont, Francis 146, 156 Beaumont, Sir John 146, 153, 154 Beavan, H. J. C 13 Beaven, Rev. James 32, 42, 230, 278 Becher, A. B 57 Becher, H. C. R 202 Beck, George F 316 Beck, Lewis C. 21 Beck, S. William 91 Becke, Edmonde 325 Becker, George F 18, 52, 84 Becket, Thomas 172 Beckford, William 186 Bedson, P. B 330 Beeckman, Daniel 177, 192 Beechey, F. W 205, 206 Beers, W. George 278 Begbie, J. Warburton 72, 171 Begg, Alexander 278, 304 Bellemare, R 297 Belknap, Jeremy 323 Belisarius, General 251 Belmont, L'Abbe 296 Beltrami, J. C 196 Belzoni, G 214 Bell, Andrew 295 340 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Bell, Sir Charles 96 Bell, Charles N 170, 172, 304 Bell, F 2 Bell, James 75 Bell, John 154 Bell, John 177, 188 Bell, Robert 113, 144, 147 Bell, Robert 268, 269 Bell, Rev. William 278 Bell, William E .89 Bellamy, George Anne 251 Bellasis, Edward 253 Belleau, Sir Narcisse F 313 Bemis, Edward W 169 Bemrose, William 89, 100 Bender, P .299, 313, 314 Bendyshe, T 13 Benger, Miss 260 Bengough, J. W 314 Benjamin, L. N 64, 293 Benjamin, Rabbi 177, 188 Benjamin, Rev. Raphael 36 Benjamin, S. G. W 96, 204 Bennett, James 37 Benrath, Karl 40, 258 Benton, Thomas H 61, 323 Benzoni, Girolamo 167 Bentley, Robert 14, 77 Bentley, Richard 144 Berdmore, Sept 75 Berkeley, Rev. M. J 14 Berkeley, Bishop 47 Berkley, Sir William 155 Bernard, Bayle 257 Bernays, Albert James 22 Bernier, Fr 177, 190 Bernutz, Gustave 73, 170 Bertram, James G 58 Bertram, Rev. R. A 2, 34, 144 Berry, Sir Graham 308 Berry, William 245 Beranger, P. J. de 129, 146 Bethencourt, Jean de 167 Bethune, Bishop 313 Bethune, Rev. John 313 Beta, pseud 230 Betagh, W 177, 204 Betham-Edwards, Matilda 247 Bewick, Thomas 5 Beza, Theod 25 Bezzi, Giovanni A 164 Biard, Pierre 297 Bibaud, M 146, 294, 316 Bibaud, Jeune 275, 294, 310 Bickell, Rev. R 204 Bickerstaff, Isaac 129, 154, 157 Bidwell, M. S 311 Bigandet, Bishop 120 Bigelow, Erastus B . . . 55 Bigelow, J. M 14 Bigg- Wither, Thomas P 203 Bigot, Francois 295 Bigsby, Dr. John J 18, 267 Billings, B 274 Billings, E 273 Billings, E. R 92 Billings, John S 52, 75 Billington, William 146 Billroth, Theodor 78, 81, 82, 171 Bingham, Rev. Joseph 37 Binney, Bishop 311 Bird, Frederick S. . . 185 Bird, Isabella .196, 278 Birkbeck, Morris 196 Birks, Rev. T. R 306 Bismarck, Prince 249, 251 Bisshopp, Messrs 320 Blaauw, William H 220 Black, Adam 183 Black, Charles 183 Blackader, Rev. John 323 Blackbird, Andrew J 107, 230 Blackburn, Henry 98, 184 Blackburne, E. Owens 247 Black Hawk 230 Blacket, W. S 210 Blackie, C 18, 175 Blackie, John Stuart 50, 107, 111 Blackie, Messrs 85 Blackie, W. G 175 Blacklock, Thomas 146 Blackmore, Sir Richard 146 Blackwood, Sir Henry 129 Blackstone, Sir William 63 Blaine, D. P 83 Blair, John 211 Blair, Rev. Robert 146 Blake-Forster, Charles F 224 Blake, Hon. Edward 311 Blake, John F 16 Blake, Robert 125 Blake, Hon. Samuel H 311 Blake, William 251 Blake, Hon. W. H 311 Blakey, Robert Ill Blakeney, Rev. R. P 36 Blakiston, Thomas W 191 Blanchard, Laman 133 Blanchard, Rufus 323 Blanchet, Jean 301 Blanchet, Hon. J. G 311 Blandford, G. Fielding 76 Blanford, W. T 5, 18 Blanqui, Jerdme-Adolphe 55 Blasius, William. . , 22 Blessington, Countess 251 Blavatsky, H. P 46, 323 Bleek, Friedrich 26 Bliss, Henry 247, 275 Bliss, Philip 250 Blyth, Alexander W.22, 75, 76, 80, 88, 95 Blodget, Lorin 18, 22 Bloomfield, J. C 58 Bloomfield, S. T 116 Blount, Henry 178 Bloxam, Charles L 22 Blumenbach, Johann F 13, 251 Blunt, Rev. J. H 36,40 Blunt, John Henry 166 Blunt, Rev. J. J 33 Blunt, Joseph 230 B.N 42 Bobbin, Tim : 132 Bock, Carl 192 Boddam-Whetham, J. W 203 Bodenham, Roger 118 Boese, Thomas 65 Boggs, Helen 316 Bogle, George 192 Bogue, David 37 Bohn, Henry G 2, 95, 135 Boisclair, M 326 Bolingbroke, Henry 203 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Lord. 251 INDEX OF NAMES. 341 Bollaert,- William , 13 Boiler, Alfred P. . . 85 Belles, Albert S 56 Bolton, E. C 300, 307 Bolton, Sir Francis 76 Bolton, Rev. Robert 323 Bolton, W. B 53 Bombaugh, C. C 323 Bond, George W 52 Bond, Rev. W. B 311 Bonnor, C 320 Bonny castle, Sir Richard H.278, 299, 323 Bonwick, James 207, 243 Boone, Daniel. 251 Boorde, Andrewe 166 Boot, W. H. J 98 Booth, William 140 Bopp, F 107 Born tt, George T 278 Borri, R. E. Christopher 178 Borthwick, Rev. J. Douglas 305 Bosnian, William 178, 194 Bossu, Capt 196 Bostoch, John 56 Boswell, James 123, 256 Bos worth, Rev. Joseph 105, 107 Bosworth, Newton 278, 305 Botfield, Beriah Ill Bottomley, J. T 24 Boucher, C 326 Boucher, Pierre 275 Bouchette, Joseph 278, 279, 313 Bougainville, Louis A. de 180 Bouguer, P 178, 204 Bouillet, N 1 Boulger, Demetrius C . 229 Boulton, D'Arcy 279 Boulton, Major Charles A 304 Boulton, Henry John 299 Boulnois, H. Percy 88 Boulton, Matthew 251 Boulton, R 47 Bouguet, Col 177 Bourassa, Napoleon 314 Bourgeoys, La Soeur. . ; 310, 310 Bourgoanne, J. F 178 Bourgh, Lord 325 Bourinot, John G. .61, 169, 275, 288, 309, 314, 323 Bourke, John G 196, 231 Bourke, Ulick J. C 107 Bourne, George 279, 305 Bourne, H. R. Fox 256 Bourne, John 87 Bourne, John 86 Bourne, Vincentio 146 Bourrienne, Louis A. F. de 225, 257 Bouterwiek, Frederick 112 Boutell, C 245 Bouvier, Auctore J. B 33 Bovell, James 32 Bovet, Felix 188 Bowdich, T. Edward 179 Bowell, Hon. M 311 Bowen, Hon. Edward 313 Bowen, Sir George F 308 Bower, John 13 Bowerman, A 170 Bowes, Andrew R 251 Bowes, James L 104 Bowker, R. R 63 Bowies, William C 290 Bowman, F- H 91 Bowring, E. A 116 Bowring, Sir John 57, 144, 251 Bowyer, George 60 Bowyer, William 251 Boyd, Belle 251 Boyer, M. A 105 Boyle, John, Earl of Orrery 323 Boyle, Hon. Robert 3, 22 Boyse, Samuel 146 Box, Thomas 85 Brabazon, Wallop 323- Brace, Charles L. 207 Brackenbury, George ... 323 Brackenridge, H. M 179' Brackenridge, H. M 323- Brady, W. Maziere 224 Bradbury, John 196- Braddock, Edward 237 Bradfield, H 59 Bradford, Alden 234 Bradford, Alexander W 209 Bradley, F. H 50 Bradshaw, John 150 Brady, William N 92; Brainerd, Rev. David 42, 251 Braithwaite, Joseph B 255' Brand, Charles 204 Brand, John 178' Brand, John 21ft Brandon, J. Arthur 101 Brandon, Raphael 101 Bramwell, Byrom 73, 78 Bramwell, F. J 87 Brannan, John 239, 300 Braund, J 101 Brannt, William T 323- Brant, Joseph 26, 36, 310, 311, 321 Brasseur de Bourbourg, L'Abbe. .294, 323 Braune, Wilhelm 107 Bray, Anna Eliza 260 Bray, William 178 Brayley, Edward W 181, 183 Breaken ridge, John 146, 316 Breckenridge, James 316, 323 Breeze, T. W 316 Bremner, David 56 Brenan, Rev. M. J 37 Brentano, Lujo 165 Brereton, William H 78 Bressany, P. F. J 295 Bresse, M 87 Bretagne, Gilles de 316 Bretschneider, E 323 Bretonneau, M 82 Brett, William H 210, 323 Brewer, Anthony 153 Brewer, Rev. E Cobham 1, 36, 134 Brewen, John 325 Brewer, J. S 217, 220, 251 Brewer, William H 52 Brewster, Sir David 258 Briant, Jan Oribier 323 Brice, Rev. Thomas 118 Brickell, John 196 Bridgeman, Thomas 94 Bridges, Rev. Charles 27 Bright, Hon. John 130, 251 Bright, Richard 82, 170 Brinklow, Henry 166 Brinton, Daniel G 210, 230 Brisbane, Albert 54 342 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Bristol, T. W 328 Bristowe, John Syer 80 Britton, John 181 Brock, Sir Isaac 310, 311, 314 Brockedon, William 333 Brockhaus, F. A 1 Brockwell, Cha 227 Brodhurst, Bernard E 78, 81 Brodrick, Hon. George C 59 Broderip, W. J 7 Brodie, George 217 Brome, Alexander 146 Brome, Richard 153 Bronte, Anne 141 Bronte, Charlotte 141, 251 Bronte, Emily 141 Brooke, Henry. . . .146, 154, 156, 157, 251 Brooke, Sir James 251 Brooke, Rev. Stopford 109 Brookshaw, George 323 Broome, Gordon 269, 271, 272 Broome, William 146 Brougham, Henry, Lord. 32, 60, 122, 125, 248, 252 Brown, Charles B 127 Brown, Francis 36 Brown, George ... 63 Brown, Hon. George. . .130, 310, 311, 313 Brown, Henry 68 Brown, James 92 Brown, James B 279 Brown, John 154, 156 Brown, John C 92 Brown, John E 279 Brown, John J 95 Brown, Peter , . 182 Brown, Richard 303 Brown, Robert 14 Brown. Robert 3, 180 Brown, Thomas 87 Brown, Capt. Thomas 10 Brown, William 196, 279 Brown, William 89 Brown, Rev. William 42 Brown, W. H 314 Browne, Charlotte E 323 Browne, D. J 92 Browne, E 178, 193 Browne, Matthew, pseud 127 Browne, Thomas 130 Browne, Sir Thomas 33 Browne, William 146 Browning, Robert 146, 154 Brown, Samuel R 175 Browning, W. S 37 Bruce, Rev. Archibald 18 Bruce, James 5 Bruce, Robert 252 Bruch, Dr. C 7 Brugmann, Karl 323 Brugsch, Henry 214 Brummell, George 252 Brunei, Sir Marc I. 252 Brunet, Alexander 245 Brunet, J-Ch 134 Bruno, Giordano 323 Brunton, Dr. Lauder. 23, 77 Brush, George J 21 Bruyas, Rev. James 107 Bryan, John 66 Bryant, Thomas 81 Bryant, Wilbur F 304 Bryant, William C 129, 196 Bryant. Messrs (53 Bryce, Prof. George . . 170, 279, 294, 304 Bryce, James 169 Bryce, James 175 Brydges, Charles J 313 Brydges, Sir Egerton 134, 252 Brymner, Douglas 290 Brynildsen, J 106 Buchan, Peter 144 Buchanan, A. C. 307, 313, 323 Buchanan, Francis 178 Buchanan George 223 Buchanan, Hon. Isaac 275, 308, 313 Buchanan, James 231 Buchanan, Robert 183, 251 Buchanan, Rev. Robert 37 Buchanan, W. M 83, 105 Buchheim, C. A 144 Buchmann, Georg 2 Buckingham, Duke of 154, 156, 172 Buckingham, James S 279 Buckland, Rev. William 18, 21 Buckle, Charles K 212 Buckle, Henry T 53, 134, 252 Buckley, Theodore A 37 Bucknill, Jonn C 76 Budge, Ernest A 120, 325 Button, George L. le Clerc 6 Bugbee, James M -169 Buhler, Georg 45 Buies, Arthur 314, 323 Bulger, Capt. A 321 Bulkley, L. Duncan 81 Bullein, William 326 Bullen, A. H 144, 156, 157 Bulloch, James D 323 Bullock, W 202 Bulmer, Agnes 33 Bulstrode, Sir Richard 324 Bulwer, Lord Lytton . .129, 130, 150, 330 Bulwer, Sir Henry Lytton 248, 258 Bumstead, Freeman J 82 Bungener, Felix 252 Bunsen, Christian C. J 37 Buonarrotti, Michael 4ngelo 252 Burbidge, F. W 94 Burckhardt, Johann L 6, 179 Burder, Rev. Samuel 29 Burdett, Henry C 75 Burdy, Rev. Samuel 224 Burgoyne, Gen. John 157, 239, 298 Burgoyne, Hon. John 252 Burgoyne, Capt. Roderick H 244 Burges, Hon. Tristam 324 Burgess, James 44, 101 Burgon, Rev. J. W 125, 255 Burke, Andrew 279 Burke, Sir Bernard 141, 245, 248 Burke, Edmund.. 122, 124, 130, 196, 252 Burke, Vicar-General Edmund 320 Burke, John 245 Burman, Rev. W. A 170 Burmannus, Dr. Joannes 14 Burn, Robert 186 Burnaby, Andrew 178, 196 Burnham, S. M 21, 96 Burnell, Arthur C 45, 120 Burnet, Bishop 36, 40, 324 Burnet, John 98, 99 Burney, Charles 104 Burpee, Hon. Isaac 311 INDEX OF NAMES. 343 Burns, Rev. Alexander 311 Burns, George C 91 Burns, Robert 129, 146, 147, 252 Burns, Rev. H. F .311, 313 Burns, Rev. Robert 311 Burr, Aaron 252 Burr, William H 85 Burritt, Elihu 182 Burrows, C. Acton 305 Burrows, Montagu 222 Burt, William H 74 Burtin, Francois-Xavier 98 Burton, Hon. G. W 311 Burton, H. E 146 Burton, Isabel 188 Burton, John Hill 134, 221, 223 Burton, Richard F .189, 194, 196 Burton, Robert 123 Burton, William E 133 Burty, Philippe 96, 104 Bury, Richard de 324 Bury, Viscount 247, 307 Busch, Moritz 251 Bush, Richard J 189 Bush, Thomas 316 Bushman, J. S 6, 9 Bushnell, Horace 32 Butler, Rev. Alban 248 Butler, Benjamin F 252 Butler, Bishop 33 Butler, Charles 37, 248, 255 Butler, John ' . . 71 Butler, Nicholas M 169 Butler, Rev. Richard 328 Butler, Samuel 146 Butler, Capt. W. F 279 Bute, Marquis of 36 Butterworth, Hon. B 314 Buxtorfu, Joannis .... 105 Bryan, Michael 323 Byrd, William 118 Byrn, M. La Fayette 90 Byrom, John 146 Byrne, Oliver 83, 85. 90 Byron, Commodore 176, 181 Byron, Lord 146, 249, 252 Cabot, Sebastian 196, 252, 295, 311 Cable, George W 241 Caesar, Julius 252 Cagliostro, Count 123 Cairns, Rev. John 46 Cairnes, J. E 55, 59 Caius, John 118 Calcott, Wellins 66. 68 Calderon, Madame 127 Callender, James T 218 Callender, John 237 Calvet, Peter du 298, 324 Calvin, John 252 Cambridge, Richard 146 Camden, William 218, 223, 224 Cameron, John 324 Cameron, Hon. Malcolm 311 Cameron, Hon. John H 313 Campbell, Sir Alexander 311, 313 Campbell, C. M 81 Campbell, Duncan 303 Campbell, James V 241 Campbell, Major-Gen. John 324 Campbell, Professor John 231 Campbell, J. F 18, 196, 279 Campbell, J. Duncan 58 Campbell, Rev. J. R 324 Campbell, Lewis 257 Campbell, Lord 248 Campbell, P 196, 279 Campbell, Rev. Robert 306 Campbell, William C 175, 277 Campbell, Major 313 Campe, M 196, 242 Campeau, F. R. E 289 Campenhausen, Baron 179 Camper, Peter 6 Camoens, Luiz de 147, 252 Campion, Edmund 252 Campion, Thomas 118 Canina, Luigi 101, 214, 215 Canniff, William 299, 308 Canning, George 248, 324 Canova, Antonio 252 Cantlie, James 76 Capefigue, Jean Baptiste H. R 225 Capello, H 194 Captain Mac, pseud 279 Carew, Rev. P. J 37 Carew, Thomas 147 Carey, H 157 Carey, H. C 54 Carleton, Gen 239 Carli, Denis de 178, 194 Carlile, Lieut 279 Carling, Hon. John 311 Carlyle, Rev. Alexander 252 Carlyle, Thomas. . .116, 122, 123, 124, 125, 259, 260 Carman, Rev. A 311 Carnot, Lazare N. M 247 Caron, Hon. R. E 311, 313 Caron, Frans 178 Caron, Hon. J. P. R. A 311 Caroline Matilda, Queen 221 Carpenter, James 17 Carpenter, J. Estlin 252 Carpenter, Mary 252 Carpenter, William B 24, 79 Carpenter, W. H 241 Carpmael, Alfred 262, 324 Carpmael, Edward 262, 324 Carr, Henry 76 Carr, Sir John 179 Carrier, L. N 301 Carroll, Charles 279, 311 Carruthers, John 55 Carruthers, J 300, 311 Carter, Charles A 63 Carter, Hon. Frederick B 313 Carter, Thomas 246 Carteret, Capt. Philip 176, 181 Cartier, Sir George E 311, 313 Cartier, Jacques. .176, 178, 287, 296, 311 Cartwright, Rev. C. E 311 Cartwright, Frances D 252 Cartwright, George 279 Cartwright, Major John 252 Cartwright, Hon. Richard 311 Cartwright, Sir R. J 311 Cartwright, William 147, 153 Carver, J 196 Gary, Rev. Henry F 147 Cary, William 252 Casas, Don Bartholomew de las . 196, 202 Casgrain, L'Abbe. . .42, 279, 296, 311, 314 Casgrain, P. B 313 344 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Casper, Johann L 77, 170 Cassal, Charles E 76 Cassin, John 11 Cassini, J. D 279 Cassas, L. F 179 Cassell & Co. . . .28, 95, 129, 183, 218, 248 Casson, Dollier de 297 Castaneda, Pedro de 202 Castellan, A. L 180 Castillo, Capt. B. Diaz del 176, 242 Castle, Thomas 14, 77 Caswail, Rev. Henry 37, 324 Catharine of Aragon, Queen 248, 252 Cathcart, Lord 252, 311 Catherine II, Empress 252 Cattermole, George 184 Cattermole, Rev. Richard 220 Cattermole, William 279 Catlin, George 80, 182, 231 Caton, John D 12 Cauchon, Hon. Joseph. 307, 308, 311, 313 Caulfield, James 248 Caulfield, Richard 248 Caulfield, S. F. A 104 Cavalcaselle, G. B 98, 248 Cave, William 37, 248 Cave-Browne, J 183 Caven, Rev. William 311 Cavendish, pseud 95 Cavendish, George 261 Cavendish, Henry 252 Cavendish, Sir Henry 61, 288 Cavendish, Margaret 252 Cavendish, Thomas 118, 181, 252 Cavendish, William 252 Caverly, Robert B 231, 237 Cavour, Count 249 Cawthorne, James 147 Caxton, William 119, 166 Cayley, Edward 279 Cazes, Paul de 51, 275 Cazeau, Rev. Charles F 313 Cazeaux, P 77 Cennini, Cenniiio 98 Centlivre, Mrs 154, 157 Cesarotti, Melchoir 248 Cesnola, Alexander P. di 213 Cervantes, Miguel de 127, 141, 324 Chabert, M. de 279 Chad, Sir George 320, 321 Chaffers, William 104 Chalmers, Alexander. . . 122, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153 Chalmers, Rev. Peter 224 Chalmers, R 270 Chamberlain, Basil H 120, 144 Chamberlain, Montague 274, 324 Chambers, Charles 22 Chambers, E 1, 86 Chambers, George F 16 Chambers, Robert. . . .1, 19, 109, 144, 146, 212, 223, 248, 252, 259 Chambers, Thomas 63 Chambers, William 1, 224, 252, 279 Chambers, W. Oldham 59 Chambers & Co 262 Cham plain, Samuel. . . .167, 172, 279, 311 Channing, Edward. 169 Channing, W. H 324 Chandler, Amos H 316, 324 Chandler, Hon. E. B 311 Chandonnet, UAl>U 306 Chapleau, Hon. J 311 Chapman, B 226, 255 Chapman, E J 273, 316, 324 Chapman, George 147, 153, 154 Chapman, W 324 Chappell, Lieut. Edward 279 Charcot, J. M 70, 72, 78, 81, 171 Chardin. Sir John 177, 178, 190 Charles I., King 220, 253 Charles II., King 238, 249, 253 Charles the Bold, King 225 Charles V., Emperor 167, 227, 253 Charles IX., King 226, 253 Charlevoix, Francois X de. .242, 279, 295 Charnock, Richard S 324 Charteris, A. H 33 Charlton, Lionel 222 Chasseaud, George W 188 Chaste, Commander de 178 Chastellux, Marquis of 197 Chateaubriand .... .33, 127, 197, 253, 279 Chateauclair, Wilfrid, pseud 315 Chateauvieux, Frederick L de 179 Chatterton, Thomas 147 Chatto, John 134 Chattock, R. S 100 Chaumont, F. de 75, 76 Chaucer, Geoffrey 147, 165; 166, 172 Chauveau, Hon. P. J. 0.311, 312, 313, 316 Chauvenet, William 16 Chawner, Edward 116 Cheadle, W. B 284 Cheetham, Samuel 32 Cherubini, Luigi 253 Cheshire, F 75 Chesson, F. W 304 Chesterfield, Earl of 131 Chettle, Henry 172, 173 Chevalier, Michel 202, 242 Chevallier, E , 213 Chevignard, E. Lechevallier 103 Chevreul, M. E 96 Chewitt, W 320 Cheyne, W. Watson 73, 76, 171 Chisholme, David 247, 299, 308 Chisholme, George G 18 Chisholm, H. W 57 Chisholm Bros 279 Child, Francis J 144 Chilton, John 118 Ching Tlh, Emperor 144 Chiniquy, Le Pere 40 Chipiez, Charles 332 Chittenden, Newton H 279 Choate, Francis 320 Choate, Isaac 320 Chomedey, Paul de 312 Chreiman, Miss 76 Christie, Richard C 254 Christie, Robert 299 Christie, W. D 253 Christmas, Rev. H 285 Christopher North, pseud. . .129, 153, 157 Churchill, Charles 126 Cibber, Colley 154, 156, 157, 324 Cihac, A. de 105 Church, Hon. L. R 311 Church, Thomas 324 Churchill, Charles 147, 248 Churchill, Fleetwood 72, 173 Churton, Edward 227 Churton, Rev. W. R 26 INDEX OF NAMES. 345 Clark, Alfred C 187 Clark, Sir Alured 320 Clark, Daniel 124 Clark, D. Kinnear 83, 87 Clarke, Edward 177 Clark, Edwin 86 Clark, Ellwin 85 Clark, F. W 57 Clark, George R 180 Clark, Henry James 6 Clark, Hugh .244, 245 Clark, Joshua V. H 324 Clark, Perceval 169 Clark, Robert 140 Clark, Robert W 103 Clark, W. P 324 Clarke, Adam 26 Clarke, Hon. Charles 311 Clarke, Charles C 147 Clarke, Ernest , 32 Clarke, F. W 246 Clarke, Henry J. O'C 312 Clarke, James F 324 Clarke, J. Bertridge 324 Clarke, Mary C 112 Clarke, W. Bruce 76 Claude de Lorraine 98 Clavigero, AbU D. F. S 242 Clavijo, Ruy Gonzalez de 167 Clay, C. M 95 Cleasby, Richard 106 Cleaveland, Henry W 101 Clement, Charles 96, 252, 258, 261 Clement, Titus Flavius 35 Clerke, Capt. Charles 176, 206 Cleveland, Charles Dexter 2 Cleveland, Grover 235 Clifford-Smith, J. L 75 Clifton, E. C 106 Clint, William 231 Clinton 325 Clive, Lord 253 Clochar, P 101, 186 Cloncurry, Valentine Lord 325 Cloney, Thomas 325 Close, Rev. M 19 Clough, James C 107 Clouston, W. A 210 Cluny Alexander ...... 280 Clyde, Colin Campbell, Lord. . .252, 253 Coats, Joseph 78 Coats, Capt. W 167 Cobb, Gerrard F 76 Cobbe, Thomas 220 Cobbett, James P 59 Cobbett, John M 59 Cobbett, William . . .64, 125, 197, 212, 240, 248, 250, 253, 300 Cobbold, T Spencer 58, 76 Cobden, Richard 130, 153 Cochin, Augustin 253 Cochrane, Alexander B 154 Cochrane, Rev. William 312 Cockayne, Oswald 165, 166 Cockburn, Lord 256 Cockburn, Hon. James 313 Cocks, Richard 167 Codet, F 27, 28 Cceur, Jacques 253 Coffey, Charles 157 Coffin, Thomas A 320, 321 Coffin, William F 300 Cokain, Sir Aston 154 Colby, C. C 288 Golden, Hon. Cadwallader .* 231 Colenso, Bishop 27, 328 Coleridge, Hartley 128, 156 Coleridge, Samuel T 129, 133, 253 Coleridge, Sara 253 Coles, John 185, 210 Colburn, Zerah 86 Colchester, Lord 320 Collas, Achille 248 Colics, Abraham 82, 171 Collette, Charles H 37 Collier, John 132 Collier, J. Payne 131, 173, 325, 333 Collingwood, Charles J 75 Collingwood, G. L. Newnham 253 Collingwood, Lord....: 253 Collins, Francis 186 Collins, J. E 300, 312, 313, 314 Collins, James 83 Collins, James E 90 Collins, John 321 Collins, William 147 Colman, George 157 Colmer, Joseph G 275 Colton, Rev. Walter 197 Colton, G. Woolworth 175 Columba, Saint 223 Columbus, Christopher. 167, 177, 178, 204, 234, 327 Colvin, Verplanck 197, 325 Colyer, Frederick 87 Combe, Andrew , 71, 79 Combe, George 50, 65, 197 Combe, William 147 Comparetti, Domenico 167 Comte, Auguste 49, 54 Comyn, Sir Robert , 215 Conybeare, Rev. W. J 28, 260 Condamine, C. M. de la 178, 202 Conde 253 Conder, Josiah 197 Conder, Claude R 188, 189 Congreve, Richard 59 Congreve, William. 147, 154, 156, 157, 172 Connolly, Thomas L 311 Conolly, M. F 248 Constable, H 118 Contarini, Ambrogio 167 Con way, Moncure D. .47, 48, 96, 101, 183, 254 Conrad, T. A 20 Cook, Canon 26 Cook, Capt. James. 176, 178, 181,205, 206 Cook, John 153 Cook, Rev. Joseph 34 Cooke, George W 217 Cooke, M. C 14 Cooke, Thomas 149 Cooley, Arnold J 83 Cooley, William D. . . . 18 Coolidge, Richard H 237 Cooney, Robert 302 Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury 253 Cooper, Elizabeth 260 Cooper, Emily 218 Cooper, H. Stonehewer 205 Cooper, J. Fenimore 197, 242 Cooper, J. G 237, 325 Cooper, J. Gilbert 147 Cooper, Thomas 119 346 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Cooper, Thomas 147 Cooper, Thomas 197 Cooper, T. T 192 Cooper, Thompson 248 Cooper, W 67 Cooper, W. R 106 Coote, C 213 Cope, Prof. E. D 9 Copway, George 182, 231 Copeland, R. Morris 94 Corbet, Richard 147 Cordova, Don A. de 179 Corfield, W. H 75, 76, 88 Corneille, Pierre 253 Cornelius, Elias 179 Corney, Bolton 126 Cornil, V 74 Cornish, Thomas 58 Correggio, Antonio Allegri da . . 253 Cory, Isaac P 213 Cory, William 221 Cortes, Hernan 167, 177, 253, 325 Cosby, Arnold 325 Coste, Eugene 272 Costello, Louisa S 253, 325 Cotteau, Edmond 280 Cotton, Charles 117, 147 Cotton, Nathaniel 147 Couch, Thomas Q 216 Couch, Jonathan 222 Coues, Elliott 11, 12 Courtney, Stephen 177 Coursol. Judge 313 Cousin, M. V 49 Cowdell, Thomas D. . . .147, 240, 300, 316 CoweJl, E. B 45, 120 Cowley, Abraham 125, 147 Cowley, Charles 240, 253 Cowper, B. Harris 26 Cowper, J. Meadows 126 Cowper, William 147, 253 Coyne, J. Stirling 184, 224 Cox, Sir George W 210 Cox, Homersham 61 Cox, Ross 197, 280 Coxe, Tench 325 Coxe, William 178, 205 Coxe, Rev. William. 221, 226, 227, 257, 261 Cozzens, Frederic S 280 Cozzens, Samuel W 197 Crabbe, George 1, 106 Craig, Sir Thomas 325 Craigie, John 321 Craik, David 87 Craik, George L 109, 218 Cramp, J. M 40 Cranz, David 37, 42, 230 Crashaw, Richard 125, 147 Crawford, Earl of 213 Crawford, Isabella V 316 Crawford, John 192 Crawford, Robert 280 Crawley, Rev. E. A 311 Crawley, Richard 214 Crayon, Geoffrey 143 Creasy, Sir Edward . . .212, 217, 218, 243 Creery, William A. . . 147 Creighton, M 40 Cremazie, Octave 147,314. 316 Cremer, Hermann 28 Creswick, T. . '. . 183 Crew, Benjamin J 85 Crichton, A 5 Crichton, Andrew 226, 228, 323 Cripps, Wilfred J 104 Crisp, Samuel 154 Cristiani, R. S 91 Crockett, David 253 Croil, James 305 Croft, Henry 23 Crof ton, H. T . . . . 109 Croke, Sir Alexander 303 Croke, John 172 Croker, T. Crof ton 172, 210 Croly, Rev. George 333 Cromek, R. H 144, 147 Cromwell, Oliver.. 124, 220, 221, 248, 253 Cromwell, Richard 220 Cromwell, Thomas, Lord 153 Crookes, William 23, 90 Crooks, Hon. Adam 275, 311 Crosby, Sylvester S 246 Cross, C. F. 76 Cross, Maurice . . . , 124 Cross, Mrs 124 Crowe E. E 142 Crowest, Frederick 104 Crowe, J. A 98, 99, 248 Crowley, Robert 166 Crowne, John 154 Crudeli, C. Thomas 331 Cruikshank, George 129, 133, 253 Cruse, Carl 131 Cubas, Antonio G 202 Cudworth, Ralph 46 Cugnet, Francois J 292 Cullen, Charles 242 Culpeper, Nicholas 14, 17, 71, 77 Cumberland, Barlow 280 Cumberland, Earl of 178, 205 Cumberland, Richard 126, 157, 325 Cumberland, Stuart 280 Gumming, C. F. Gordon 205 Cummins, Adley H 108 Cunard, Sir Samuel 311 Cundall, Joseph 89 Cunningham, Alexander 175, 190 Cunningham, Allan 142, 261 Cunningham C. D 325 Cunningham, G. G 248 Cunningham, John 147 Cunningham, Peter 99, 131, 173, 260 Cunningham, William 33 Ouoq J. A 106, 108 Cupper R. A 89 Curr, Edward M 325 Curran, Hon. John P 324, 325 Currey, W F 320 Curry, J 325 Curry, Major W. F 320 Curtis, George T 60, 234 Curtis, Joseph Story 19, 21, 84 Curtius, Ernest 214 Curwen, Samuel 298, 253, 325 Curzon, Hon Robert 187 Curzon, Sarah A 316 Cusack, M. F 225 Gushing, Caleb 234 Cushing, William 134 Cussans, John E 245 Cust, Robert N 108, 119, 120 Custine, Marquis de . 227 Cuthbertson, John 24 Cutts, Rev. Edward L 215, 244 INDEX OF NAMES. 347 Cuvier, Baron Georges 5 Cuyp, Albert 252 Cyprian 35 Czermak J. N 77, 170 Czerny, Charles 104 D'Ablon, Claude 297 Dabney, Prof. R. L 329 Dagley, Richard 147 Dainville, D 296 Dalboquerque, Af onso 167 Dale, Rev. Henry 116 Dale, R. W 35 Dallas, E. S 124 Dalrymple, Sir John 221 Dalton, John C 79 Dalton, William 197, 280 Daly, Cesar 101 Daly, Sir Dorninick 311, 313 Dalziel, D 154 Dalziel, Hugh 13 Dawe, G 257 Dam pier, Ca.pt. William. . . .177, 178, 181, 192, 205, 253 Dana, James Dwight 21 Dandini, Jerom 178, 188 Daniel, P. A 114, 115, 334 Daniel, Samuel 147 Daniels, Samuel 118 Daniels, Her. W. H 38 Dante 147 Daoust, Charles R 304 Da Ponte, L 127 Darbishire, S. D 76 Darby, William 325 Darley, George 153 Darling, Capt. Henry 320, 321 Darling, James 134 Darling, W. Stewart 286 Darmesteter, James 46 Darnell, Elias 240, 300 Darnell, Rev. H. F 316, 325 Darwin, Charles 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14 Darwin, Erasmus 126, 147 Darwin, Francis 14 Daryl, Philippe 98 Dashwood, Richard L 280 D'Auberteuil, Hilliard 239 D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle 40, 253 D'Auteroche, Chappe 16, 197 Davenant, Sir William. . . .147, 153, 155 Davenport, Robert 153 D'Avezac, M 169 David, L. 301, 311, 313, 314 Davids, T. W. Rhys 31, 44, 45, 210 Davidson, Edward 86 Davidson, (France, pseud.} 316 Davidson, Samuel 28 Davie, Charles H 42 Davies, D. C 84 Davies, G. Christopher 182 Davies, Sir John 224 Davies, John 44, 49, 120 Davies, Sir J 118, 147 Davies, Thomas 24 Davies, T. Lewis O 106 Davila, H. C 225 D'Avillier, Baron Ch 186 Davin, Nicholas F 294, 312, 317 Davis, Charles T 90 Davis, Hon. Horace 234 Davis, Lieut-Col. John 244 Davis, John 167 Davis, Joseph B 13 Davis, Matthew L 252 Davis, Rear- Ad 331 Davy, Adam 166 Davy, Sir Humphrey 93 Dawkins, W. Boyd 209 Dawson, Rev. (Eneas MacD.280, 314, 316 Dawson, George M. . .8, 19, 107, 267, 268, 271, 272 Dawson, Sir J. W. .32, 267, 273, 275, 311, 313 Dawson, S. E 63, 277, 280, 293, 314 Dawson, Rev. Thomas 32 Day, Hon. Charles D 313 Day, Francis 58 Day, Mrs. C. M 305 Day, Samuel P 38, 197, 280 D'Azara, Don Felix 5 Deane, C 172 DeBary, A 14 De Blois, Ls Alph 326 De Boucherville, Hon. C. E. B 311 Debrett, John 245 De Candolle, Alph 14 De Chaste, Commander 204 Decker, Thomas 119 De Costa, Rev. B. F 29 Dee, Dr. John 118 D'E, E. B 207 Deeth, S. G 140 Deffand Madame du 249 Defoe, Daniel 118, 142, 248 De Fonblanque, Edward B 252 De Gaspe, Philippe A 314 De Geer, Charles 6 De Gomez, Madame 142 De Guerin, Eugenie 125 De Guise, Chs 314 Deharbe, Joseph 31, 33 De Kay, James E 8, 9, 11, 12 Dekkar, Thomas 153, 173 Delatield, John 209 Delamotte, Philip H. 98 De Lauberiviere, Francois-L. P 311 Delavpu, Alfred 106 Delepierre, Octave 110 De Lery, Vicomtc C 311 Delitzsch, F 27, 28, 33 Dellon, M 42 DeLolme, J. L 60 De Melito, Count Miot 253 De Menonville, Nicolas J. T 202 Demers, F. X 314 De Morga, Antonia de . 167 De Morgan, Augustus 25, 253 De Morgan, Sophia E 253 Dempsey, G. Drysdale 86, 87 Dene, Samuel . . 222 Denham, Sir John 148 Denis, Ferdinand 330 Denison, Lieut.-Col. G. T. . . .92, 302, 304 Dennis, George 326 Dennis, John 109 Dennis, William 170 Denny, Henry 10 Dennys, N. B 326 Denroche, Edward 317, 326 Dens, Petri 33 Dent, John Charles 300, 301, 311 Dent, Robert K 182 De Peyster, Gen, John Watts 298 348 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Depons, F 179, 203 De Quen, Jean 297 De Quincy, Quatremere 258 Derby. Earl of 149 Derby; E. H 309 De Roos, Hon. Fred. F 280 Desaguliers, J. T 66, 68 DeSalaberry, Hon. C. M 313 DeSaulcy, F 188 De Saxe, Maurice, Count 92 Descartes, Rene" 4 Deschanel, A. Privat 23 De Segur, Count Philip 227 Des Maizeaux, P ... 127 De Sola, Rev. D. A 30 De Solis, Don Antonio 242 De Soto, Don Ferdinando de 167 De Soyres, John 117 Detaifle, Edouard 326 De Titus, Placidus 17 De Tocqueville, Alexis 60, 169 Deutsch, Emanuel 30 De Veaux, S. . . . , 280 De Veer, Gerrit de 167 De Vere, M. Schele 106 De Vertot, L'Abbe 68 De Vinne, Theo. L : 91 D'Evreux, Yves 326 Dewar, Daniel 106 Dewart, Edward H. . . .148, 311, 317, 326 Dewes, Alfred 29 Dewey, Rev. Chester 15 Dewey, Orville 326 De Winton, Sir Francis W 307 De Wint, Peter 326 De Witt. Cornelius de 234 Dexter, Franklin B 65 Dexter, Henry M 38, 134 Dharmaraksha 45 Dibdiii, Rev. Thomas F. 35, 126, 134, 254, 326 Dickens, Charles. .128, 142, 186, 197, 254, 257, 280 Dickinson, R 326 Dickson, James 280 Dickson, Walter 229 Dickson, Walter 192 Dickson, William S 254 Dictvs Cretensis . 116 DidaV, P 82, 170 Diderot, Denis 123, 254 Die"go, Garcia de Palacio 326 Diez, Friedrich 106 Digby, George 153 Digby, Kenelm H 66, 244, 254, 326 Digby, William 239 Dilke, Sir Charles W. .124, 181, 254, 280 Dillon, Wentworth 148 Dionne. C. E 11, 274 Diprose, John 133 Dircks, Henry 261 Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield . . .61, 129, 130, 254 D'Israeli, Isaac 109, 124, 126 D'Istria, Madame la Comtesse Dora. 40 Dixon, Capt. George 181, 205 Dixon, Harold B 75 Dixon, William H..188, 197, 222, 248, 251 Dobbs, Arthur 207, 280 Dobell, S 148 Dobrizhoffer, Martin 242 Dobson, G. E 7 Dobson, S 115- Dod, Charles R 61 Dodd, Rev. Henry P 133 Doddridge, Joseph 231 Dodge, J. R 52 Dodge, Richard 1 197, 326 Dodsley, Robert 148, 155, 156, 157 Doe, C 118- Doherty, Hugh 254 Doherty, Rev. Patrick J 317 Dolby, William 224 Dolent, Jean 98 Dolet, Etienne 254 Dollinger, John J. Ign. von 38 Dolomieu, Deodatus de 178 Dombrain, Rev. H. H 94 Domenech, Abbe 197, 202 Domville, Edward J 75 Don John of Austria 226, 254 Donaldson, David .... 165 Donaldson, James 38 Donders, F. C 71, 170 Donne, John 148 Donne, W. Bodham 327 Doolittle, Rev. Justus 191 Doran, Dr. John 156, 183, 248 Dorchester, Lord 311, 321 Dore, Gustave 117, 141, 147, 186 Dorion, Hon. A. A 311, 313 D'Orleans, Pere 167 Dorman, Rushton M 31, 210 Dorner, Dr. J. A 33 Dos Passos, John R 56 Doubleday, Thomas 258 Douglas, Rev. George 311 Douglas, James 206, 311, 314 Douglas, Rev. James S 41 Douglas, Mrs. Stair 261 Douglas, Robert 52 Douglas, Sir Robert 245 Douglass, William 237 Douniol, Charles 42 Dove, H. W , 22 Dover, Captain 125 Doyle, Sir Francis H 124, 144 Doyle, J. A 237 Doyle, James E 245 Doyle, M 280 Doyle, William 197, 206, 280 Dowden, Edward 112, 114 Do well, Stephen 55 Downing, A. J 94 Dowson, John 119, 210 Drake, Charles F. T 125, 254 Drake, Sir Francis . . . .167, 177, 181, 254 Drake, Francis S 231, 248 Drake, Nathan 124 Drake, Samuel G 231, 248, 326, 329 Drane, Augusta T 65 Draper, John William 3, 240 Draper, Lyman C 239 Draper, W. George 305 Draper, Hon. W. H 311 Drayson, Lieut.-Col 16 Dray ton, Michael 148, 172 Dredge, James 89 Dresser, Christopher 96, 100 Drinker, Henry S 85, 88 Drummond, Lewis 170 Drummond, P. R 224, 248 Drummond, William 148, 173 Drummond, W. H 12 INDEX OF NAMES. 349 Drury, Dru 5 Dry den, John.. 118, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 156 Du Bois, A. Jay 85, 87 Du Boys, Albert 252 Ducat, Arthur C 57 Duchenne, G. B. A 78, 171 Duclaux, Dr 76 Dudley, Lord 320 Duff, Harry 76 Duff, R. W ... 58 Dufferin, Earl of 130, 286, 310, 311 Duffield, A. J 141, 204, 242 Dugast, M 314 Dugdale. Gilbert 118 Dugdale, Sir William 220 Duhring, Louis A 81 Duke, Richard 148 Du Lac, Perrin 179 Dulau & Co a 141 Dumas, Alexander 64 Dumont, P. J 179 Dun, Finlay 83 Dunbar, M. J. M 96 Dunbar, William 6, 10 Dunbar, William L80 Duncan, Major Francis 244 Duncan, Francis 280 .Duncan, James 6, 10 Duncan, John M 197, 280 Duncan, Jonathan : 222 Duncan, J. Matthews 73 Duncan, P. Martin 5 Duncker, Max 213 Dunckley, Henry 55 Duncumb, John 280 Dundonald, Earl of 204, 309 Dunham, Carroll 74 Dunkin, Hon. C 311 Dunkin, Edwin 16 Dunlop, John 51 Dunlop, John 109 Dunlop, Major 280 Dunn, John 231, 241, 305 Dunn, Mrs. C. A 317 Dunn, Oscar 314 Dunnett, Rev. Samuel 49 Dunton, John 172, 197 Dupaix, M 329 Dupin, Charles. . 179, 182 Duplais, P 90 Duplessis, Georges , 103 Du Ponceau, Peter S 234 Duppa, R 252 Dupre", August 90 Dupuy, Paul 326 Dupuytren, Baron 69, 70, 73, 81, 173 Durand, E. . 14 Durand, J. P. L 179 Durer, Albert 254 Durf ee, Amos 293 Durham, Earl of. 60, 61, 130, 311 Durrie, Daniel S 326 Duruy, Victor 215 Dusch, Th. von 70, 170 Dussauce, H 92 Dutt, Shoshee C 148, 228 Dutton, C. E 18 Duvar, John H 317 Duyckinck, Evert A 109 Duyckinck, George L 109 Dwight, J. S 116 Dwight, Timothy 148 Dwight, Timothy 197 Dyce, Rev. Alexander. . ..2, 112, 113, 156 157, 173 Dyckman J. G 326 Dyer, John ....... 148 Dyer, Thomas H 252 D'Youville, Mme 312 Eadie, John 28 Eardley-Wilmot, John 239, 299 Earle, John 117 Early, Gen. Jubal A. 240 Eason, Charles 53 Eassie, William 75 Eastham, Charles 140 Eastlake, Charles Lock 96, 98, 110 Eastlake, Lady 96 Eastman, F. S 241 Eastman, Mary H 197, 231 Eastwick, Edward B 120 Eaton, John R. T 33 Eaton, L. C 14 Ebel, Hermann 108 Eblana, pseud 142 Ebrard, Dr. John H. A. 28, 33 Ebsworth, Rev. J. W 114 Eccleston, James 216 Eccleston, Rev. John C 314 Eckermann, John P 255 Eden, Charles H 274 Eden, Richard 119. 197 Edgar, Samuel 41 Edinburgh, Duke of 58 Edis, Robert W. . .'. 75 Edward I, King 254 Edward II, King 172, 219 Edward III, King 220, 254 Edward VI, King 220 Edwardes, Herbert B 190, 256 Edwards, Amelia B 193 Edwards, Bryan 243 Edwards, Edward 258 Edwards, Eliezer 2 Edwards, H. Sutherland 156, 259 Edwards, Jonathan 246, 251 Edwards, Richard 153 Edkins, Joseph 42, 44, 46, 48, 120 Egede, Hans 195 Egerton, Hon. Wilbraham 92 Eggling, Julius 45 Egleston, Melville 169 Ehrenmalm, M. Awid 178 Eichhorst, Hermann 72 Eissler, Manuel 88 Elder, William 55, 56, 256 Eldridge, George H 52 Elgin, Lord 254, 280, 311, 312 Eliot, Sir John 254 Eliot, John 326 Eliot, William G 326 Elizabeth, Queen 220, 325 Ellicott, Bishop 26 Elliott, Arthur H 144 Elliott, Charles B 234, 309 Elliott, Commodore 324 Elliott, Ebenezer 129 Elliott, Henry W 52, 197 Elliott, Hon. Hugh 254 Elliot, Jonathan 326 Ellis, Alexander J . , . 166 Ellis, George. 326 350 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Ellis, George E 231 Ellis, G. A 65 Ellis, Henry 131, 217 Ellis, R. L m Ellis, W 206 Ellis, William 205 Ells, R. W 270, 271, 272 Ellwood, Thomas 118 Elmes, James 96 Elmsley, Chief Justice J 320, 321 Elphinstone, H. W 88 Elphinstone, Hon. M 190 Elting, Irving 169 Elton, J. Frederic 194 Elvin, C. N 133, 245 Ely, Richard T 55,169 Emerson, Ellen R 210 Emerson, George B 14, 93 Emerson, Mary M 125 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 125, 148, 254 Emmanuel, King 227 Emmons, Ebenezer 12, 20, 93, 94 Emmons, S. F 52 Emory, William H 237 Empedocles 129 Enfield, William 49 Englehardt, H. A 315 Engelmann, Dr. George 15 England, General 320, 321 Epton, J 59 Erasmus 217 Ermatinger, C. 61, 289 Erskine, Thomas, Lord 130 Erichsen, John E 69, 173 Esmarch, Friederich 72, 81 Espinasse, Francis 254 Espy, James P 22, 237 Etheredge, Sir George 125, 156 Etheridge, J. W 30 Etty, William 254 Euripides 116, 129 Evans, A. 1 168 Evans, Francis A 280 Evans, F. W 38 Evans, Herbert A 114, 115 Evans, John 216 Evans, John 327 Evans, T 144 Evans, William 93, 275 Evanturel, Hon. F 313 Evatt, G. J. H 76 Evelyn, John 254 Everett, Edward 261 Everett, J. D 24 Evesham, Monk of 117 Ewald, Alex. C 60, 260 Ewald, Heinrich 30, 32 Ewbank, Thomas 87, 203 Faber, Rev. E 46, 55, 120 Fabre, Hector 315 Fagan, Louis 131, 258 Faillon, VAbbe. 296, 310, 312 Fairbairn, James 245 Fairbairn, William 85, 87, 254 Fairchild. G. M 314 Fairfax, Thomas, Lord 254 Fairholt, Frederick W. . .96, 252, 258 259, 261 Fairley, W 133 Falconer, William 148 Falgairolle, Edmond 296 Falke, Jacob von 100 Falkener, Edward 213 Falkland, Viscount 155 Falloux, Count de 253 Famin, A 102 Fancourt, Charles St John 242 Faraday, Michael 24, 254 Fairbault, G. B 134 Farley, Frederick A 327 Farlow, Dr. W. G 14, 322 Farmer, Silas 241 Farnham, Thomas J 197 Farquhar, George 154, 157 Farquharson, Robert 77, 82 Farrar, Canon Frederick W 32, 108 Farrer, Richard R 187 Faucher de Saint Maurice 315 Fausboll, V 44, 45, 120 Fawcett, Henry. . . .55, 56, 60, 61, 65, 130 Fawcett, Millicent G 55, 65 Fawkes, Francis 148, 152 Fawkes, F. A 101 Fayden, W 320 Fearnside, William G 183 Fearon, Henry B 197 Featherman, A 54, 327 Featherstonhaugh, G. W..19, 21, 198, 234 Federnaann, Nicholas 202 Feiling, C. A 143 Felkin, R. W 194 Felkin, William 91 Fenn, George M 133 Fenn, John 131 Fenton, Elijah 148, 154, 156 Ferber, M 178 Ferdinand, King 227 Ferguson, James 254 Ferguson, Robert 246 Ferguson, Sir Samuel 209 Fergusson, Adams 280. 313 Fergusson, James 44, 101, 209 Fergusson, Sir William 69, 81 Ferland, L'Abbe 148, 296, 317 Ferrall, S. A 198 Ferrar, John 184 Ferrers, George 118 Ferrier, David 70 Ferrier, Hon. James 311, 313 Ferris, Richard 118 Ferris, R 325 Feuchtersleben, Baron 76, 173 Feuerbach, Ludwig 46, 48 Fichte, Johann G 47, 254 Fidler, Rev. Isaac 198, 280 Field, Leopold 76 Field, Nathaniel 156 Field, Thomas W 134 Fielding, Henry . .142, 1M, 157, 254, 322 Fields, James T 248 Figuier, Louis. .7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 19, 20, 46 Finch, 1 280 Finlay, George 214, 215, 216 Finlay, Hugh 298 Finlay, John 144 Finlayson, James 70 Finlayson, James 327 Finotti, Rev. Joseph M . 134 Firth, C. H 252 Fischer, Christian A 179, 180 Fish, Simon 119 Fisher, Alexander 180 Fisher, Bishop 166 INDEX OF NAMES. 351 Fisher. Hon. C 311 Fisher, George P 260 Fisher. Rev. Osmond 18 Fiske, John 210, 247 Fitch, Charles H 52 Fitch, Ralph 118, 178, 191 Fitzclarence, Lieut. -Col 180 Fitzgerald, James E . . 305 Fitzgerald, Percy. .156, 193, 221, 255, 260 Fitzgibbon, Agnes 14, 274 Fitzgibbon, Col. James 320, 321 Fitzgibbon, Mary 280 Fitz Roy, Rear- Admiral 22 Fixlein, Quintus 124 Flanders, Henry 57 Flavel, John 33, 35 Fleay, F. G 112, 259 Fleet, Charles 222 Fleet, William H 315 Fleischmann, General 253 Fleming, George 75, 83 Fletcher, Giles 148 Fleming, J. M 105 Fleming, Mrs 108 Fleming, Peter 25 Fleming, Sandford. .86, 275, 277, 280, 281, 311 Fleming, William 47 Fletcher, Francis 153, 154, 156 Fletcher, Giles 167 Fletcher, Hugh 271 Fletcher, Phineas.. : 148 Fletcher, W. 1 158 Fleuriot, Zenaide 142 Flint, Austin 70, 73, 80 Flint, Robert 211 Flint, Timothy 251 Flourens, Marie-Jean 251 Flower, Philip W 90 Flugel, Dr 106 Foley, Nelson 87 Folkard, H. C 92 Folsom, George 253 Fonblanque, Albany 217 Fontaine, William Morris 20 Foord, Arthur H 273 Foot, Jesse 251, 260 Foote, Samuel 157, 248 Forbes, Alexander 241 Forbes, Archibald 225 Forbes, Bishop 223 Forbes, Duncan 95 Forbes, James D 185 Forbin, Count de 180 Force, Peter 236 Ford, John 156 Fordun, John of 223 Forester, Frank 95, 328 Forester, Thomas 185, 327 Foresti, E. Felix 108 Fornander. Abraham 49, 208, 243 Forrest, E. W 315 Forster, Charles 188, 213 Forster, George 178, 190 Forster, John 248, 254, 255, 256 Forster, Simon A 106 Forsyth, William 62, 125 Fort, George F 66, 101 Fortescue, Earl 131 Fortescue, F. J . 43 Fortia de Piles, M 178 Fortune, Robert 191, 192 Fortune, Thomas 56 Fosgate, Blanchard 50 Foss, Edward 248 Foster, A. F 175 Foster, Alexander F 112 Foster, Prof. Carey 24 Foster, J. W 208 Foster, Margaret 110 Foster, M 79 Foster, W. A 308 Foster, William E 169 Fothergill, J. Milner 82 Fourier, Charles 54, 254 Fourier, Joseph 247 Fournier, Edouard , 2 Fournier, Hon. T 311 Fouque, Friedrich H. K 123 Fowler, Reginald 198 Fowler, Thomas 280 Fowler, William C 108 Fownes, George 23 Fox, Charles James 221, 254 Fox, George 38 Fox, John 118 Fox, Tilbury 81 Foxe, John 40 France, Judson 316 Franchere, Gabriel 280 Francia, Dr. Jose Gaspar 123 Francis, Francis 95 Francis, John 56, 58, 86 Francis, Philip 149 Francklin, William 178, 190 Franklin, Benjamin 254 Franklin, Sir John 206 Franklin, Thomas 156 Fraser, Hon. C. F 311 Fraser, Rev. Donald 300 Fraser, James B 228 Fraser, John 148, 317 Fraser, J. Baillie 213 Fraser, Joshua 281 Fraser, Col. Malcolm 296 Fraser, Rev. Thomas 327 Frechette, Louis-Honore.148, 311, 317,327 Frederic, King of Corsica 327 Fredericq, Paul 169 Freeman, Edward A. . .101, 169, 175. 212, 217, 220, 222, 227 Freer, Martha W 225 Freminville, De la Poix 180 Fremont, Jessie B 323 Fremont, John Charles 327 French, T. B 313, 327 Frerichs, Fried. T 77, 170 Fresenius, Dr. C. Remigius 23 Freshman, Rev. Charles 327 Fresnel, Augustine J 247 Frey, Albert R 134 Frey, F. R 320 Frey, Heinrich 74 Freytas, Nicholas de 198 Frezier, M 204 Friedlander, M 30 Friedrich II, King 124, 226, 327 Friswell, J. Hain 2 Frith, 1 323 Fritsch, Gustav 7 Frobisher, Sir Martin 168, 178, 206 Froebel, Julius 202 Froissart, Sir John 216 Frontenac, Count 297, 311 352 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Frost, John 231, 233 Froude, James A 125, 220 Fry, Alfred A 293. 301 Fryer. Charles E 58 Fryeri William J 102 Fuerst, Julius 106 Fulbrook, Anthony 63 Fulford, Bishop 313 Fuller, John 224 Fuller, Rev. T. B 311 Fuller, Thomas 127 Fullom.-S. W 113, 259 Fulton, Robert 11 Fulwel, Vlpian 155 Furley, Robert 222 Furness, Horace H 114 Furnivall, Frederick J.114, 115, 164, 165, 166, 333. 334 Fustier, Gustave 106 Fyfe ; Rev. R. A 311 Gaffarel, Paul 327 Gabriel, L'Abbe 296 Gage, Matilda J 61 Gagnon, Alphonse 281 Gagnon, Ernest 317 Gairdner, James 131, 217 Galentin, C. B 82 Galileo, Galilei 254 Gait, Sir Alexander. . . .275, 308, 311, 313 Gait, John 142, 187, 198, 251, 261 Gait, Sir Thomas 311 Galton, Capt. Douglas 75 Galton, Francis 7, 22 Galvano, Antonio 168 Gama, Vasco da 168, 190 Gamble, C 309 Gamble, J. W , 291 Gamgee, Arthur 75 Gandavo, Pero deM.de 242 Gandon, J 103 Gandy, John P 187 Gannett, Ezra Stiles 327 Gannett, Henry 52 Gannett, William C 327 Gardiner, Samuel R 218, 220 Garlick, Theodatus 50, 59 Garneau, F. X 295, 312 Garnett, William 257 Garratt, G 5 Garrick, David 126, 157 Garrison, William Lloyd 254 Garrod, Alfred B 77, 82 Garth, Sir Samuel 148 Gascoigne, George 117, 148 Gaskell, Mrs 251 Gaspe, Philippe A. de 142 Gass, Patrick 198 Gastaldi, Bartholomeo 209 Gatschet, Albert S 210, 230 Gatty, Mrs. Alfred 14 Gaudama 120 Gauthier, M. P 102 Gautier. Theophile 133 Gavard, Ch 327 Gavarni, M 133 Gay, James 317, 327 Gay, John 148, 150, 154, 157 Gayarre, Charles 327 Gebhardt, Pastor Hermann 33 Gebler, Karl von 254 Gedney, C. W 11 Geelmuyden, J 106 Gegenbaur, Carl 7 Geiger, Lazarus 13, 48 Geikie, Archibald 19, 257 Geikie, Rev. J. Cunningham 28, 32 Geikie, James 209 Gell, Sir William 187 Gemmill, J. A 61, 289 Genlis, Mine, de 257 Gentleman, Tobias 118 Geoffrey of Monmouth 116, 219 Geoffrion, Hon. F 311 George II. King , . . . .221, 254 George III, King 221, 248, 254, 327 George IV, King 255 George, Anita 248 George Eliot, pseud 124 George, Henrv 55 Gerok, K...." 28 Gervinus, Dr. G. G 112 Gesner, Abraham 275, 302 Gesner, Conrad 5 Ghirlandaio, Domenico 164 Gibb, George D 13 Gibbon, Charles 129 Gibbon, Edward 215 Gibbon, Lardner 203, 236 Gibbs, George 106 Gibbs, Henry H 166 Gibbs, John 327 Gibson, Rev. Charles B 225 Giffen, Robert 56 Gifford, George 172 Gifford, Isabella 14 Gifford, William 156 Gilbart, James W 50, 125 Gilbert, Benjamin 255 Gilbert, J. T 224, 225 Gilbert, Dr. J ; 76 Gilbert, Josiah 187 Gilchrist, Alexander 251, 251 Gilder, William H 206 Giles, Rev. J. A 29, 32, 251, 322 Gill, John Beadnell 80 Gill, Leonard U 13 Gill, Theodore 9 Gillespie, W. M 85 Gilliss, Lieut. T. M 17, 236 Gillman, J 253 Gillmore, Parker 198, 281 Gillmore, Q. A 88 Gillman, Arthur. 145 Gilpin, Richard 47 Gilpin, William S 94, 96 Gilpin, William ' 259 Gingras, L'Abbe 327 Giotto 164 Girard, Charles 8, 9 Girard, M. L'Abbe , 108 Givins, Capt. J 320 Gladstone, Mrs 75 Gladstone, W. E. . .41, 111, 125, 130, 327 Glanvil, Joseph 47 Glas, George 178 Gleig, Rev. George R 240 Glenelg, Lord . . .301, 302 Gliddon, George R 13, 208 Globensky, Maximilien 301 Glover, Richard 148, 154, 156 Glynne, Sir Stephen R 102 Gneist, Rudolph 217 Goddes-Liancourt, C. A. Count de. . . 108 INDEX OF NAMES. 353 Goderich, Lord 299 Godkin, G. S 261 Godkin, James 38 Godlee, Rickman J 69 Godwin, E. W 76, 103 Godwin, William 49, 220, 255 Goebel, Siegfried 28 Goethe, Johann W. von.. . .3, 11, 121, 123, 133, 148, 156, 187, 255 Goez, Benedict. 178, 191 Goldicutt, John 100, 215 Goldziher, Ignaz 30, 210 Goldoni, Carlo 156 Goldsborough, Charles W 327 Goldsmid, Sir F. J 5, 258 Goldsmith, Oliver 125, 148, 157, 255 Goldsmith, Oliver 317, 327 Gomme, George L 130, 169 Gonse, Louis 327 Gonzales, Don Manoel 178 Gooch, John 288 Gooch, R 73, 170 Goode, Prof. G. B 58, 327 Goodholme, Todd S 1, 83 Goodrich, S. G 255 Goodridge, R. E. W 170 Goodwin, Charles H 70, 73 Goodwin, Harry.! 182 Googe, Barnabe 117, 148 Grant, Rev. Brewin 41 Gordon, Hon. Arthur H 281 Gordon, Lieut. A. R 281 Gordon, Charles A 70 Gordon, Clarence 52 Gordon, Rev. Daniel M 281 Gordon, Capt 303 Gordon, George 15, 93 Gordon, Rev. James B 198, 233 Gordon, Rev. J, F. S 38 Gordon, T. E 190 Gordon, William 239 Gorringe, Henry H 101, 214 Gorton, John 248 Goschen, Hon. G. J 55, 57 Gosse, Edmund W Ill, 125 Gosse, Philip Henry. . .5, 7, 8, 11, 17, 19, 20, 24, 94, 204, 274, 327 Gosselin, VAbU D 306 Gosson, Stephen 117, 172, 173 Gostwick, Joseph 110 Gotch, J. Alfred 102 Gouffe, Jules 95 Gough, Archibald E 44, 45, 49, 120 Gough, John 38 Gough, John B 255 Goulburn, Edward M 36 Gould, E. R. L 169 Gould, John .... 248 Gould, Joseph 312 Goupil, Ernest 73, 170 Gourbillon M 180 Gourdin, Theodore S 68, 244 Gourlay, Robert 281, 311 Gowan, J. R 311 Gowan Lea, pseud 318 Gowans, James , 183 Gower, John 148 Gowers, W. R 78 Graah, W A 195 Grace, A. F 98 Grace, Jacobi 328 Graefe, A. von 71, 170 23 Graham, Charles 75 Graham, J. Murray 98, 102, 110, 125 Graham, Robert H. 85 Graham, William 180 Grahame, James. 233 Grainger, James 148, 152 Grammont, Count 255 Granger, Rev. James 218 Grant, Alexander 321 Grant, Asahel 41 Grant, Rev. George M 281, 311, 314 Grant, James 103, 132, 224 Grant, James 183, 248 Grant, J. A 267 Grant, Mrs 198, 255 Grant, Mrs. J. P 148, 317 Grant, Robert 16 Grant, T. Hunter 276 Grant, William 321 Grattan, Hon. Henry 131 Grattan, Thomas C 198 Granville, George 148 Granville, J. Mortimer 76 Graves, Robert J 72, 171 Gravier, Gabriel 281 Gray, Asa 15, 16, 274 Gray, Henry 69 Gray, Hugh 276, 281 Gray, Hon. John H 300, 307, 313 Gray, Rev. John H 191 Gray, Mrs. Hamilton 213 Gray, Mrs 191 Gray, Attorney -Gen. R. J. D. . . .320, 321 Gray, Samuel O 15,16 Gray. Thomas ... .148 Gray,W.H 241 Greeley, Horace 328 Green, Henry 112 Green, Major James 320, 321 Green, John R 217, 218, 219 Green, Matthew 148 Green, Prof. A. H 85 Green, Samuel G 28 Green, Samuel S 136 Green, Thomas Hill 328 Greene, George A 153 Greene, Robert 119, 156 Greenhow, Robert 241 Greenwood, James 142 Greenwood, Thomas 38 Greenwood, Thomas 198, 281 Greg, William R 46, 48, 49 Gregg, Rev. William 38, 306 Gregor, Rev. Walter 167 Gregory, Donald 223 Gregory, J. U 281 Gregory, Olinthus 23 Gregory VII, Pope 255 Gregory, Thaumaturgus 35 Greisley, Sir Roger 255 Grenville, George 124 Gresham, Sir Thomas 255 Greswell, Edward 211 Greville, Charles C. F 255 Greville, Robert K 328 Grewingk, Dr. C 19, 198, 205 Grey, Earl 247, 307 Grier, W. W 87 Griesinger, W 76, 170 Griffin, Appleton P. C 134 Griffin, James 245 Griffin, John Joseph 3, 21 354 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Griffin, Watson 309 Griffis, William E 229 Griffith, J.W 24 Griffith, Ralph T. H 119, 120, 148 Grigor, John 93 Grimblot, Paul 221 Grimm, Jacob 210 Grimaux, Adrian 106 Grimshaw, Robert 90 Grimouard de Saint-Laurent 96 Grindal, Bishop 255 Grindrod, Ralph B 51 Griswold, J 57, 328 Grohman, W. A. B 186, 328 Grosart, Rev. Alexander B. .249, 251, 255, 256, 259 Grose, Francis 328 Grose, John Henry 177 Gross, Samuel D 81 Grote, George 49, 50, 111, 255 Grote, G. W 313 Grote, Mrs 255 Grotius, Hugo 33, 255 Grouvelle, M 254 Grove, George 104 Grunwedel, Dr 208 Guay, L'Abbe Chs 306 Gubernatis, Angelo de 7, 210 Guernsey, Henry N 74 Guesclin, Bertrand du 255 Guest, Edwin 110, 208, 219 Guest, Lady Charlotte 115 Guibord, Joseph 306 Guild, Charles H 140 Guignes, L. J. de 178, 192 Guilleman, Ame'de'e 16, 24 Guizot, Fran ? ois P. G 220, 225, 253 Gunn & Co 262 Gunn, Hon. Donald 304 Gunther, Albert C. L. G 9 Gurney, Edmund 24, 104 Gurney, Joseph John 255 Gustayus Adolphus 226, 255 Guthrie, James 182 Guzman, Alonza Enriquez de 108 Gwatkin, Mrs 132 Gwilt, Joseph 102 Gwynne, Hon. J. W. 311 Gzowski, Lieut.- Col. C. S 85, 311 Habberton, John 284 Habershon, S. 69 Habington, William 117, 148 Hadden, James M 239, 298 Haeckel, Ernst 7, 13 Hagarty, Hon. J. H 311 Hagenbach, Dr. K. R 34, 38, 40 Hahn, Theophilus 120 Hahnemann, Samuel 74 Haigh, Daniel H 115, 219 Haight, Canniff 299 Haight, W. R 140 Hakluy t, Richard 118, 168, 198 Hakluyt Society '. . 194 Haldeman, S. S 108 Haldimand, Gen 298 Hale, Edwin M 74 Hale, Horatio 230 Hale, Sarah Josepha 2 Halfmoon, Charles 46 Haliburton, Robert G 309 Haliburton, Thomas C. .142, 238, 299, 303 Halkett, John . 231 Halkett, Samuel 134 Hall, Basil 198, 281 Hall, Cecil 281 Hall, Charles F 331 Hall, Edward B 335 Hall, E. Hepple 281, 328 Hall, Fitz Edward 164, 165 Hall, Francis 198, 281 Hall, G. Stanley 65, 134 Hall, Henry 52 Hall, James . . .20, 273 Hall, James 198 Hall, James 330 Hall, John 172 Hall, Joseph 148 Hall, Rev. Newman 281 Hall, S. C 182, 184, 249 Hall, Mrs. S. C 142, 182, 184 Hall, William E 62 Hallam, Henry 216 Haller, Baron .... 5 Halliday, Andrew 125 Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. .66, 68, 106, 113, 131, 173, 188, 217, 259, 328 Halpin, Rev. N. J 173 Hamel, Henry 178, 191 Hamerton, Philip G 96, 97, 100, 132 Hamilton, Alexander . . , 169, 178 Hamilton, Allan M 76 Hamilton, Count Anthony... 142, 255 Hamilton, Hon. John 31 3 Hamilton, J. C 281 Hamilton, J. P , 203 Hamilton, John R 281 Hamilton, Robert 6, 9, 12 Hamilton, Thomas 198, 281 Hamilton, Walter 144 Hamilton, Rev. William 19, 178, 19\) Hamilton, William 149 Hamilton, Sir William 50, 255 Hamilton, W. R 234, 302 Hamley, Edward B 92 Hammond, James 149 Hampden, John 255 Hampole, Richard R. de 165 Hancock, William 198 Handel, George 255 Hannan, Rev. Michael 311 Hannay, James 125, 303 Hansard, George A. 95 Hanson, Sir Levitt 244 Han way, Jonas 177 Haraszthy, A 93, 94 Hardiman, James 144 Harding, C. W 58 Harding, J. D 99 Hardwich, Rev. T. Frederick 23 Hardwick, Charles 210 Hardy, Hon. A. S 311 Hardy, Capt. Campbell 281 Hardy, Lady Duffus 281 Hardy, Thomas D 134 Hare,' Augustus J. C 186, 187 Harford, John S 252 Hargrave, Joseph J 304 Harington, T. D 313 Harland, John 145 Harless, Dr. G. Chr. Adolph von.. . . 50 Harmon, D. W. 170, 231, 281 Harman, Thomas 166 Harper, John 303 INDEX OF NAMES. 355 Harper, Robert G 239 Harral, Thomas 183 Harries, Arthur 81 Harriett Annie, pseud 319 Harrington, B. J 271, 272, 312 Harriott, Lieut. John 255 Harris, General George 320 Harris, James 9G Harris, Joel C 211 Harris, J. M 13 Harris, Robert P 77 Harris, Stanley 95 Harris, Thaddeus M 66, 68 Harris, Thaddeus W 10 Harris, William 253, 256 Harris, William A 57 Harrison, James B 75, 80 Harrison, J. E 210 Harrison, Robert 110 Harrison, Robert A 63, 293, 311 Harrison, Mrs 315 Harrison, Rev. W. A 333 Hart, D. Berry 73 Hart, Ernest 75 Hart, George 105 Hart, Gerald E 296 Hart, Lieut.-Gen. H. G 262 Hart, J. Coleman 102 Harte, Bret 126, 149 Harte, Walter 149 Hartley, Edward 270, 271, 272 Hartson, H 156 Hartshorne, Rev. Charles H 328 Hartt, Ch. Fred 19, 203 Hartwig, Dr. G 17, 21, 22, 206 Harvey, Arthur 53, 288, 309 Harvey, Prcf. F. L 52 Harvey, James 56 Harvey, Rev. M. . . .21, 273, 281, 302, 328 Harvey, William 70, 72, 174, 255 Harvie-Brown, J. A 11 Hase, Dr. Karl 32 Haskoll, W. Davis 85 Haslem, John 104 HassaH, Arthur H 95, 187 Hasse, Charles E 73, 80, 174 Hassel, J 178 Haswell, James M 258 Hatch, Edwin 38 Hatch, Hon. Israel T 309 Hatch, Col. William S 328 Hatsell, John 62 Hatton, Sir Christopher 255 Hatton, Joseph 21, 273, 28] , 302 Haughton, Rev. Samuel 18 Haughton, William 155, 173 Haupt, Erich 28 Hausknecht, Emil 167 Havard, Henry 185 Havard, William 154, 156 Havernick, H. A. Ch 26 Haviland, Hon. T. H 311 Hawes, Barbara 231 Hawes, Stephen 172 Haweis, Mrs. H. R 96, 100 Ha wkesworth, John 181 Hawkesworth, Dr 154 Hawkins, Alfred 282, 306 Hawkins, Edward 246 Hawkins, Ernest 42, 306 Hawkins, Sir John 104, 118 Hawkins, Sir Richard 168 Hawkins, Gen. Rush C 140 Hawkshaw, Thomas 321 Hawley, W. F. . 317, 328 Hawthorne, Julian 185 Hay, D. R 96, 98, 100, 102 Haycrof t, Nathaniel . 32 Hayden, Prof. F. V 18, 19, 236 Haydn, Joseph 211 Haydon, B. R 98, 255 Hayes, Edward 145 Hayes, J. D 309 Hayley, William 149, 253 Haynes, J 317, 328 Haynes, John E 134 Hayward, A 116, 249 Hay ward, Mrs. Alfred 317, 328 Hazelwood, Hetty 317, 328 Hazlitt, William 96, 126, 156 Hazlitt, W. Carew . .2, 113, 117, 210, 281 Head, Barclay V 246 Head, Sir Edmund 98, 108, 115, 311 Head, Sir Francis B. . . .92, 126, 301, 311 Head, Sir George 281 Hearn, William E 02, 217 Heart, Jonathan 239 Heath, Christopher 69, 81 Heath, D. D 121 Heath, Richard 212, 258 Heath, Robert 178 Heatherington, A 273 Heaton, Mrs. C 254 Heavysege, Charles. . , .142, 315, 317, 328 Heber, Reginald 190 Heber, Richard 131 Hebra, Ferdinand 81, 170 Hecker, J. F. C 72, 174 Heckewelder, John 42, 231, 328 Hedge, F. H. 116 Hedges, Sir William 168 Heeren, A. H. L 213 Heermann, A. L 11 Heine, Heinrich 249 Helfenstein, James 108 Hellborn, Heinrich K. von. . . . 259 Helmholtz, K 3 Helmholtz, J 71, 171 Hellmuth, Rev. Isaac .'. . 311 Helmuth, William T 74 Helps, Arthur 256 Henderson, Alfred 2 Henderson, Ebenezer 254 Henderson, George 231, 328 Henderson, George 202 Henderson, William 28 Henderson, William 167 Henfrey, Arthur 24 Henfrey, Henry W 246 Hengstenberg, Dr. E. W 27, 30, 32 Hennepin, R. P. Louis 198, 281 Henry II, King 219 Henry IV, King 220, 328 Henry VIII, King 220, 255 Henry, Alexander 170, 281 Henry, John J 239, 298 Henry, Matthew 249, 255 Henry, Patrick 255 Henry, Walter 126, 255 Henry, Hon. W. A 311 Henshaw, H. W 11 Henslowe, Philip 173 Hepburn, James, Earl of Bothwell . . 255 Herberstein, Baron 168 356 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Herbert, David 59 Herbert, Edward, Lord 255 Herbert, Henry W 95, 328 Herd, David 145 Heriot, George 180, 282, 296 Herndon, William L . . . 203, 236 Herodotus 116 Herrick, Robert 125 Herrtage, Sidney J. H 106, 166, 167 Herschel, Sir John 16 Herschel, Sir John F. W 18 Herschel, Mary 320 Herschel, William 247 Hershon, Paul Isaac 27, 30, 120 Hertslet, Lewis 244 Hervey, John, Lord 254 Hesekiel, John G. L 251 Hesiod 129, 149 Heurter, Frederick D 304 Heustis, Capt. Daniel D 301 Heward, Hugh 321 Hewitson, A.. .38, 126, 182, 198, 222, 282 Hewitt, John 245 Hewson, William 70, 174 Heylyn, Peter 34, 217 Heyne, Christian G 123 Heywood, John 153, 155 Hey wood, Samuel 54. 219 Heywood, Thomas 153, 173 Hibberd, Shirley 15, 94 Hibbert, Samuel 47 Hickcox, J. H 141, 328 Hickman, William 282 Higgins, Capt. R. T 244 Higgins, W. H 312 Hildreth, Richard 233 Hilgard, Eugene W 52 Hilgard, Dr. T. C 14 Hill, Aaron 154, 156 Hill, Arthur G 105 Hill, A. Staveley 282, 308 Hill, Major George 320, 321 Hill, Rev. George W 303, 311 Hill, H. A 26 Hill, Sir Rowland 255 Hincks, Sir Francis. 275, 300, 306, 311, 312, 313 Hincks, Rev. Thomas 274 Hind, H. Y. . . .10, 273, 274, 276, 277, 282 Hindley, Charles 3, 119, 145 Hine, C. C 57 Hinton, John H 233 Hipkins, A. J 105 Hippocrates 72, 174 Hippolytus, Bishop of Portus 35 Hirsch, August 78, 171 Hirschf elder, J. M 108, 328 Hitchcock, Robert , 118 Hitchcock, Roswell D 36 Hitchman, Francis 126 Hoadly, Benjamin 154, 157 Hoar, Samuel 125 Hoare, Sir Richard C. 180 Hobart, Bishop 256 Hobbes, James R 98 Hobbes, Thomas 48 Hoblyn Richard D 4 Hoche, Lazarus 328 Hodder, Edward M 282 Hodder, Edwin 181, 249 Hodge, Charles 34 Hodge, P. R 87 Hodges, E. Richmond. 213 Hodges, James 85, 313 Hodgetts, Professor 75, 76 Hodgins, J. George 282, 295 Hodgins, Thomas 61, 289 Hodgkin, Thomas 227 Hodgson, Adam 198, 282 Hodgson, Brian H 120, 208 Hodgson, Shadworth H 50 Hodgson, William B 108 Hoe, Robert 134 Hofmann, Carl 90 Hoffman, Christian 273 Hoffman, C. F 198 Hoffmann, Ernst T. W 123, 142 Hoffman, G. C 271 Hogan, Edmund 184 Hogan, J. Sheridan 276 Hogarth, George 104, 156 Hogarth, William 96, 256 Hogg, Jabez 24 Hogg, James . 143, 149 Hogg, Robert 94 Holbein, Hans 98, 164, 256 Holbrook, Hon. H 273 Holcomb, William P 169 Holcrof t, Thomas 180 Holden, Luther 69 Holdsworth, E. W. H 58 Holland, Lord 60, 256, 261 Hollerith, Herman 52 Holland, Samuel 320 Holley, George W 282, 328. Hollingworth, S 276- Holly, H. Hudson 102 Holmes, Dr 320- Holmes, Edward 257 Holmes, John 42, 241 Holmes, Oliver W 149, 257 Holmes, Hon. S. H 311 Holt, Ardern 103 Holton, Hon. L. H 311 Holub, Emil 195 Holyoake, George J 41 Home, D. D 47 Home, D. M 58 Home, John 154, 156 Homer, A 134 Homer 129, 149, 327 Homes, Henry A 245 Hone, William 1, 26, 32, 212, 225 Hontan, Baron de la 282 Hood, Paxton 253 Hood, Robin 149 Hood, Tom 110, 126 Hook, Walter F 36 Hooker, Joseph D 190, 193 Hooker, Richard 34 Hooker, Sir William J. . .15, 94, 274, 32& Hoole, John 145, 152 Hooper, Robert 71 Hooper, W. H 206 Hope, Arthur 100 Hope,. George 55 Hopkins, Edward J 105 Hopkins, Johns , 169 Hopkins, Samuel 38 Horace 116, 125, 149 Horden, Rev. J 108 Horetzky, Charles 282 Home, Thomas H 2& Hornot, Ant 238 INDEX OF NAMES. 357 Horsey,- Sir Jerome 168 Horsford, Eben N 233 Horton, William 313 Hosack, John 257 Hosnier, James K 169 Hotten, John C 238 Hough, Franklin B 238, 282, 285, 328 Houghton, J 328 Houghton, Lord 249 Houssaye, Arsene 133 Houx, Jean le 149 Hovgaard, A 206 Howard, Anna K 315 Howard, Henry 149 Howard, John G 98 Howard, John H 63, 243, 292 Howard, Sir Robert 118, 154, 156 Howe, Hon. Joseph. . . .131, 249, 256, 309, 311, 312, 313, 318 Howell, Alfred 62, 289 Howell, Edward 140 Howell, E. J 218 Howell, George 55 Howell, James 117 Howell, T. B 64 Howell, T. J 64 Howells, Hon. W. C 61, 234 Howes, George B 58 Howison, John 181, 282 Howitt, E 198, 231 Howitt, William 46, 182 Howitz, D 58 Rowland, Sir William P 311 Howley, James P 19, 273 Howley, Rev. M. F 306 Howse, Joseph 108 Howson, Rev. J. S 28, 260, 182, 260 Hoyland, John 246 Hoyt,J. K 2 Hubbard, J. Niles 231 Hubbard, Lucius L 198 Hubbard, Rev. William 329 Hubbert, Prof. J 274 Huber, Francis 6 Hubrecht, Prof , 58 Hudson, C. T 8 Hudson, Elizabeth H 257 Hudson, Frederic 132 Hudson, Henry 168 Hughes, Griffith 5 Hughes, John 149, 154, 156 Hughes, John 219, 221 Hughes, John A 94, 102 Hughes, Mary 258 Hughes, Richard 74 Hughes, Thomas P 245 Hugo, Victor 113, 255, 259 Hulbert, Charles 209 Hulme, F. Edward 15, 94, 98 Hull, Edward 18, 19 Hull, Brig. -Gen. W 64, 240, 300, 329 Hull, A. Gerald 74 Hullah, John 104 Humber, William 85 Humboldt, Baron Alexander von . . 6, 19, 181, 249 Hume, Alexander 165 Hume, Rev. A 168 Hume, Allan O 328 Hume, David 218 Humphreys, David 42 Humphrey, Henry Noel 99, 246 Hunnewell, James F 329 Hunt, Gilbert J 329 Hunt, James 13 Hunt, Leigh 157 Hunt, Robert 84 Hunt, Thomas 218 Hunt, T. Sterry..l9, 23, 269, 271, 272, 273 Hunter, Licut.-Gen. P 320, 321 Hunter, John 6 Hunter, John D 198, 231 Hunter, Joseph 112, 238 Hunter, Peter 321 Hunter, Robert 106 Hunter, William 69, 174 Hunter, W. S 282 Hunter, W. W 119, 175, 190, 228 Huntington, Hon. L. S 311 Huntington, William 35 Hurlburt, J. Beaufort 247, 308 Huston, J 315 Hutchinson, Rev. A. B 46, 120 Hutchinson, Col. John 256 Hutchinson, Lucy 256 Hutchinson, Peter 256 Hutchinson, Thomas 238, 256 Hutchinson, Thomas J 329 Hutchinson, William 68 Hutchison, John 56 Hutchison, Thomas 172 Huth, Alfred H 74, 134, 252 Hutton, Rev. Charles F 33 Hutton, Henry 172 Hutton, James 228 Hutton, Richard H 34 Hutton, Walter S 87 Huxley, Thomas H. .4, 7, 19, 21, 49, 58, 65, 69, 85, 208, 209 Huyshe, Capt. G. L 304 Hyacinthe, Pere 41 Ihne, Wilhelm 215 im Thurn, Everard F 203 Imbard, E. F 102 Imlay, George 198 Imrie, John 317 Inches, James 282 Indomito, Puren 329 Ingeland, Thomas 155 Ingemann, B. S 143 Ingersoll, Charles J 198, 240, 301 Ingersoll, Ernest 198 Ingle, Edward 169 Inglis, Henry D 184 Inglis, Rev. James 28 Inglis, Rev. John 106 Inglis, Rev. Walter 312 Ingram, Rev. James 182 Ingram, John H 249 Inman, Thomas 31 Innes, Thomas 223 Inwood, Rev. Jethro 66, 68 Ireland, William H 112 Irenseus, Bishop of Lyons . 35 Irving, David 62, 112 Irving, Edward 123 Irving, Henry 113 Irving, Joseph 212, 249 Irvine, Lieut.-Gol 313 Irving, Roland Duer 19, 21, 84 Irving, Washington 127, 143 Isaacs, I. J 306 Isabella, Queen 227 358 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Isbister, A. K 170 Isham, Charles 309 Ivens, R 194 Ives, J. C 236 Ivory, Thomas 54, 63 Ixtlilxochitl, De Don F. D'Alva. ... 242 Jack, William B 311 Jackson, Benjamin D 15, 135, 169 Jackson, Lady Catherine 186, 225 Jackson, Charles T 19, 21, 273 Jackson, Helen M 231 Jackson, James G 193 Jackson, John 100 Jackson, J. Mills 299 Jackson, Louis D'A 57 Jackson, Mason 132 Jackson, T. G 185 Jackson, Licut.-Gen. Thomas J.. . . . 329 Jacob, Major G. A 44, 120 Jacobi, Hermann 45 Jacobs, Peter 282 Jacox, Francis 112 Jacquemart, Albert 101, 104 Jago, Richard 149 Jahr, C. H. G 74 James I., King 60, 117, 118, 217, 225, 256, 325 James II., King 221 James VI., King 149 James, Edwin 198 James, G. P. R 328 James, Henry 43 James, John 91 James, Rev. J. T. 98 James, Thomas P 15 James, William 222 Jameson, J. Franklin 164, 169, 234 Jameson, Mrs 32, 96, 97, 98, 126, 231, 249, 282, 311 Jam! 120 Jamieson, John 106 Jamison, D. F 255 J. A. R 317, 329 Jardine, David 220 Jardine, Sir William. . ..5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13 Jardine, Robert 50 Jarves, James J 97 Jarvis, Samuel F 231 Jarvis, William 320 Jeaffreson, John Cordy 126, 260 Jebb, R. C Ill Jeffers, J. F 295 Jefferson, Thomas. .60, 198, 234, 256, 329 Jefferys, Thomas 199. 296 Jeffrey, Francis, Lord 126, 256 Jeffries, Ewel 256 Jemison, Mary . . . , 256 Jenkins, Edward 308 Jenkins, Rev. John 257, 312 Jenkinson, Anthony 167, 178 Jennings, Arthur C 38 Jennings, George Henry 3, 61, 218 Jennings, Louis J 182 Jenyns, Soame 149 Jerdan, William 249, 256 Jeremiah, John 112, 135 Jerrold, Douglas 126, 160, 256 Jerrold, W. Blanchard 126, 256 Jervise, Andrew 184 Jervig, Swynfen 106, 112 Jesse, Captain 252 Jesse, George R 13 Jesse, John H 220. 221, 249, 251 Jessopp, Augustus 258 Jessup, Edward 245 Jesup, Rev. Henry G 245 Jevons, W. Stanley. . . .54, 55, 56, 85, 135 Joel, L 58 John of Fordun 223 John Stn;athesk, pseud 287 Johnson, Charles . 154 Johnson, Capt. Charles 243, 249 Johnson, Cuthbert W 93 Johnson, Frank 143, 315 Johnson, George W 94 Johnson, Sir John 299, 320 Johnson, John 91 Johnson, John 169 Johnson, J 62 Johnson, Oliver 254 Johnson, Rossiter 296, 301 Johnson, R 325 Johnson, R. Byron 199 Johnson, Samuel 44, 46, 49 Johnson, Samuel . .106, 113, 123, 149, 156, 256 Johnson, Walter R 85, 276 Johnson, Sir William 231, 256 Johnson, William S 256 Johnston, Alexander 169 Johnston, A. Keith 16, 175 Johnston, Charles 329 Johnston, H. H 194 Johnston, James F. W 282 Johnstone, Keith 18, 175, 192 Johnstone, Charles 322 Johnstone, Chevalier 296, 329 Johnstone, C. F 216 Johnstone, Walter 282 Jolly, Julius 45 Joliette, Hon. B 312 Joly, Hon. H. G 311 Joncas, Louis Z 58, 276 Jonquet, A 101 Jonson, Ben 118, 149, 153, 154, 156, 173 Jones, Hon. A. G 311 Jones, Jlence 254 Jones, Charles C 209 Jones, Charles H. . 239, 298 Jones, C. Handfield 69 Jones, Eustace H 210 Jones, George 209 Jones, Henry 154, 156 Jones, Inigo 173 Jones, James A 211 Jones, John Paul 256 Jones, Sir John T 227 Jones, Joseph 209 Jones, Owen 99, 100, 102 Jones, Rev. Peter 46, 231 Jones, S. S 222 Jones, Thomas 239, 299 Jones, T. Rupert 206 Jones, Thomas Rymer 7 Jones, Sir William 149 Jordanus, Friar 168 Jowett, B 116 Joseph, F. J 63, 293 Josephine, Empress 256 Joubert, Joseph 116 Joy, George 119 Joyce, P. W 108 INDEX OF NAMES. 359 J. S. M, A 255 Jubinal, Achille 329 Jukes, J. B 19, 273, 282 Junius, pseud 124 Junkin, George 66 Juvenal 149 Kalidasa . . .119 Kalm, Peter 178, 199, 288, 297 Kane, Elisha Kent 256 Kane, Paul 232, 282 Kane, Robert 329 Kant, Immanuel 49, 256 Kaposi, Moriz 81 Karr, Alphonse 133 Katharine of Arragon, Queen 217 Kaye, John 37 Kaye, John W 229, 249, 257 Keane, Augustus H 18, 98, 188, 208 Keane, Marcus 102, 184, 224 Kearney, L. C 313 Keary, Charles F 31, 246 Keating, William H 199, 283 Ke-che-ah-gah-me-qua ... . . 310 Keefer, T. C 311 Keightley, Thomas 218 Keil, Karl Friedrich 26, 27 Keller, Ferdinand 209 Kelly, Rev. John 108 Kelly, Walter K 141 Kelso, Andrew B 59 Kemble, John M 216, 217, 219 Kemp, Dixon 92 Kemp, William 118 Kempfer, Engelbert 178, 229 Kenealy, E. V 43 Kennedy, Sir James S 329 Kennedy, Rev. John 38, 184 Kennedy, John Pitt 329 Kennedy, William 206 Kennedy, Capt. W. R 283 Kennerly. C. B. R 11 Kennett, V. B. Barrington 58 Kenrick, Bishop 157 Kenrick, Francis P 41 Kenrick, John 31, 102, 109, 213, 214 Kensington, E. T 23 Kent, Charles 129 Kent, Duke of 256 Kent, W. Saville 8, 58 Kern, H 45 Kerguelen Tremarec, M. de 178, 206 Kerr, Robert 176 Ketchum, William 232, 241 Keysler, John George 177 Keyes, E. L 82 Khayyam, Omar 152 Kidder, Frederick 239 Kidd, Adam 149, 317 Kiesewetter, R. G 105 Kilbourn, J. K 58 Killebrew, J. B 52 Killegrew, Thomas 153 Killen, W. D 38 Killick, Brother 66 King, Clarence 19, 199, 237, 327 King, Capt. C. Cooper 216 King, Edward 199 King, Capt. James 176, 181, 205 King, Rev. James . . . , 245 King, John 301 King, Lord 131, 256 King, Richard J 126, 211 King, William 149, 249 King, Dr. William 130 King, Wm. Francis Henry 2 King,W.R 195 Kingsborough, Lord 329 Kingsley, Charles 256 Kingsley, G. H 165, 205 Kingsley, J. S 6, 135, 334 Kingsford. William 277, 296, 315 Kingston, William H. G 283 Kinnear, John B. 60 Kinnear, Thomas 293 Kinsey, Arthur A 65 Kinzie, Mrs. John H 232, 241 Kirby, Elizabeth 93 Kirby, James 53 Kirby, Mary 93 Kirby, William 6, 10, 274 Kirby, William 143, 315 Kirk, John Foster 225 Kirkaldy, Sir William 256 Kirke, Henry 296, 302 Kirkman, Thomas P 49 Kirkwood, A 276 Kitchener, Lieut. H. H 189 Kitchin, G. W 164 Kitto, John 28, 29, 188 Kittredge, A. 102 Klebs, Edwin 331 Klein, E 74 Klimii, Nicolai 66 Klose, Charles L 334 Knapp, Gutensohn 102 Knell, T 325 Knickerbocker, Diedrich 329 Knight, Ann C 149, 317 Knight, Cameron 83 Knight, Charles ....83, 97, 100, 113, 130, 143, 219, 249 Knight, Edward H 83 Knight, George W 160, 164 Knight, Henry G 102 Knight, Matthew R 317 Knight, Richard P 210 Knight, William 29 Knight, William 182 Knoch, George 206 Knowles, Rev. J. Hinton 329 Knowles, James D 261 Knox, John 119 Knox,J 177. 188 Knox, Capt. John 296 Knox, Capt. R 118 Kobell, Franz von 21 Koch, Robert 73, 171 Koenig-Deutsche, Robert 110 Kohl, J. G 169, 199, 238, 283 Kohlmeister, Benjamin 406 Kohlrausch, Frederick 226 Kolben, Peter 177 Kolbing, Eugen 167 Koldewey, Karl 206 Kolliker,A 74, 174 Kostlin, Julius 257 Kotzebue, Augustus von 180 Kotzebue, Otto von 205 Kramer, W 71, 170 Krause, E 208 Krauth, Charles P 135 Kretschmer, Albert 103 Kuchenmeister, Frederick 78, 174 360 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Kuenen, A 31 Kurtz, J. H 30 Kunhardt, C. P 92 Kurz, S 15, 93 Kussmaul, Adolf 71, 170 Kiittner, Charles G 180 Kyd, Thomas 155 Kydde, Thomas 325 Labarte, M. Jules 97 Labilliere, F. P 308 Lacepede, Le Compte de 6 Lacombe, Pere Alb 106 Lacombe, M 106, 108 Lacordaire, Abbe 256 Lactantius, Lucius C. F 35 Lacroix, Henry 283 Lacroix, Paul 4, 97, 103, 111, 156 Lafayette, General 256 Laflamme, J. C. K , . . 270 Laflamme, Hon. T. A. R 311 La Fiteau, J. F 199, 232, 422 Lafont, Jules 131 La Fontaine, Sir L. H 297, 311 Lahontan, Baron 178 Laing, David 173, 223 Laing, Rev. John 134 Laing, Samuel . . . , 209 Laird, Hon. David 311 Lakeman, James B 75 L'Allemaut, Pere Charles 296, 297 Lalemant, Hierosme 297 Lamarck, Jean B. A 6 Lamb, Charles 126, 149 Lamb, Lady 249 Lamb, Mary 126, 149 Lambert, John 283 Lambert, Miss 104 Lambert, Rev. Wm 37 Lancaster, Sir James 168, 177 Lancereaux, E 82, 171 Lancy, Edward F. de 299 Landau, Leopold 76, 171 Landman, Col 329 Landolt, Hans 24 Landor, Walter S 127, 249, 256 Lane, Edward W 44, 119 Lang, Andrew 149, 323 Lang, John D 208, 243 Lange, Frederick A 48 Lange, J. P 27,32 Langevin, Hon. H. L 311, 313 Langevin, Jean 295 Langelier, J. C 305 Langhorne, John 149, 250 Langhorne, William 250 Langland, William 115 Langley, Samuel P 16 Langton, John 93, 296 Lanjuere, P. A. de 313 Lankester, E. Ray 58 Lanman, Charles 199, 249, 283, 329 Lanman, James H 241 Laperriere, Aug 315 Lapide, Cornelu a 26 Laplace, Pierre Simon 247 Lansdell, Henry 189 La Potherie, De Bacqueville. . . .232, 297 Larcier, Ferdinand 61 Lareau, Edmond 315 Larrabee, Charles S 89 Lartigue, Rev. Jean J 313 La Rue, Hubert 329 La Salle, Cavelier 297, 311 Las Casas, Bartholomew de.197, 202, 256 Latham, B 88 Latham, Peter M 72, 171 Latham, R. G 13, 308, 112, 208, 260 Lathern, Rev. J 336 Lathrop, George P 186 Latimer, Hugh 35, 117 Latreille, Pierre Andr^ 6 Latude, Henry Masers de 256 Lauder, Si* Thomas D 143, 184 Lauder, William 165 Laurier, Hon. W 311 Laval-Montmorency, Mgr. F. X.311, 312 Lavater, John C , 51 Lavaysse, J. J. Dauxion 199, 204 Laverdiere, L'Abbe 42, 296 Layard, Sir Henry 164. 188, 213 Law, Ernest 222 Law, John 241 Lawless, John 224 Lawrence, Frederick 254 Lawrence, Sir Henry 256 Lawrence, John. Lord 256 Lawrence, J. W 302 Lawrence- Archer, Major J. H 244 Lawrence-Townley 245 Lawson, A. C 269 Lawson, John P 184 Lawson, William J 56 Leaf, Walter 149 Leathes, Rev. Stanley 33 Leavitt. Thad. W. H ... .305, 312 Le Ber, Mile 312 Le Blanc 86 Le Brun, Laurentius 27 Lechler, G. V 28, 40 Leckie, Gould F 329 Lecky, W. E. H 46, 221, 249 Le Clercq, Chrestien 283, 297 Leconte, Emile 100, 102 Le Conte, Joseph 19 Ledger, Edmund 17 Lee, Rev. Frederick G 40 Lee, Henry 58 Lee, John Edward 19 Lee, Nathaniel 154, 156 Lee, Mrs. R 15, 143, 194 Lee, Sidney L Io7, 255 Leeth, John 256 Lcfaivre, A 315 Letevre, Andrfc 49 Lefroy, Sir J. Henry 300 Legendre, Napoleon 317 Legge, James 46 Legge, Thomas 173 Leggo, William 300 Leibnitz, Gottfried W 127 Leidy, Joseph 21 Leighton, John 100 Leighton, Bev. W. A 15 Leitch, R. P 98, 99 Leitch, Rev. William 313 Leith, J. M 59 Leems, Knud 178 Le Jeune, Paul 297 Leland, Charles G 208, 246 Leland, John 33 Leland, Thomas 224 Le May, Georges 315 Le May, L. Pamphile 149, 317, 329 INDEX OF NAMES. 361 Le Mercier, Francois 297 Le Moine, J. M. . .283, 297, 305, 314, 315 Lemon, Mark 133 Lempriere, William 178, 193 Lennox, Lord 249, 283 Lenormant, Fra^ois 47, 213 Leon, Ciezade 168 Leonard, Mrs. Carrie 317, 330 Leopardi, Giacomo 48 L'Epinois, Le Comte Henri de 32 Le Preux, E. F 102 Leprohon, Mrs 315 Leroux, Jos 309 Le Roy, P. L 178 Le Sage, Alain Rene 143, 322 Lescarbot, Marc 150, 297 Lesquereux, Leo 15 Leslie, C. R 98, 100, 259 Leslie, George D 182 Leslie, Sir John 206 Lessing, Gotthold 49, 256 Lester, John Erastus 283 L'Estrange, Rev. A. G 182 L'Estrange, Sir Roger 3 Leteilier, Hon. Luc 311 Leto, Pomponio 37 Letourneau, Dr. Charles 54 Letterman, George W 52 Leuckart, Rudolf 78 Leusden, Johanne 25 Le Valliant, Francis 5 Lever, Thomas 35, 138 Levermore, Charles H 169 Levi, Prof. Leone 58 Levinge, Capt. R. G. A 283 Levins, Peter 165 Levizac, M de 108 Lewes, George Henry 8, 49, 116, 156 Lewis, Charlton 106 Lewis, Charlton T 226 Lewis, Edward N" 292 Lewis, Florence 98, 104 Lewis, Sir George C 215 Lewis, Rev. J. T. 311 Lewis, Matthew G 330 Lewis, Meriwether 180 Lewis, Samuel 175, 184 Lewis, Theobald 39 Lewis, Will. L 151 Leyden, John 150 Libertas, pseud. 182 Liddell. Henry G 106 Lieber, 'Francis 50, 199, 256 Liebig, Justus 23 Liechtenstein, Princess Marie 183 Lighthall, W. D 315, 317 Lillie, Rev. Adam 276 Lillie, Arthur , 45 Lillo, George 154, 156 Lilly, William 17 Lillywhite, Fred 199, 283 Linche, R 118 Lincoln, Abraham 256 Lincy, L. Roux de 330 Lindley, Dr. John. 15 Lindsay, Charles 301, 306, 307, 312 Lindsay, W. S. . . . 58 Lindt, J. W. '..... 192 Lines, Robert B 52 Lingard, Rev. John .38, 219 Lin-Le 229 Linnaeus, Carl von .... 5 Linschoten, Jan. H. van 118, 168 Linton, W. J 100 Lippincott, J. B 175, 249 Lisgar, Lord 311 Lister, Martin 178 Listen, James B 150,. 317, 330 Lithgow, R. A. Douglas 258 Lithgow, William 181, 188, 193 Littlehales, Sir Edward .320, 321 Little Pine '. 232 Littre, E 106, 108 Livesey, Joseph 51 Livingstone, David 194 Lloyd, Humphrey 22, 24 Lloyd, Robert 150 Lloyd, William W 214 Loaring, Henry J 133 Lobo, Jerome 178, 194 Lock, Alfred G 84, 135 Locke, John 48, 127, 256 Lockhart, J. G 259 Lockwood, Anthony.. 283 Lodge, Rev. Barton 166 Lodge, Edmund 217, 245, 249 Lodge, Henry C 238 Lodge, Thomas 125, 173 Loftie, W. J 183, 122 Logan, James 103, 223 Logan, James 199, 283 Logan, John 150 Logan, Sir W. E. . ..19, 267, 268, 269, 271, 272, 273, 312, 313 Lonelich, Herry 166 Long, George 225 Long, George 330 Long, J 232, 283 Long, Rev. J 2, 120 Longfellow, H. W 116 Longfellow family 246 Longley, Elias 106 Longman, William 219, 220, 254 Longmuir, J 106 Loomis, Elias 17, 22 Loranger, Hon. T. J. J 288 Lord, Eliot 21, 84 Lord, Henry 178 Lord, John Keast 6, 274 Lorenzana, F. Antonio, Archbishop. 325 Lome, Marquis of .150, 204, 300, 308, 311 Lorrain, N. Z 285 Loskiel, George H. 42, 232 Lossing, Benson J 239, 240, 301, 333 Loudon, J. C 15, 93, 102 Loudon, Mrs 94 Louis XIV, King 221, 259, 297 Louis, P. C. A 80, 174 Louisa, Queen of Prussia 257 Louvois, Marquis de 225, 257 Lovell, John 295 Lovell, M. S 8 Lover, Samuel 257 Lovett, Beresford 5 Lovett, William 257 Lovibond, Edward 150 Low, Alexander 59 Low, A. P... 268, 270 Low, Charles R 181 Low, David 13 Low, Sidney J 212, 219 Lowe, E. J 15 Lowe. Kobert W 135, 324 Lowenberg, J. ; . . 261 362 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Lower, Mark Anthony 245, 246 Lowndes, William T 135 Loyola, Ignatius 257 Lubbock, Sir John. . ..4, 60, 131, 208, 209 Lubke, Wilhelm 97 Lucan, Marcus A 150 Lucas, Samuel 212 Ludewig, Hermann E 135 Ludlam, R 74 Ludlow, General Edmund 257 Ludlow, Fitz Hugh 199 Lumby, J. Rawson 165, 166 Lundy, JohnP 31 Luthardt, Christoph E 28 Luther, Martin 123, 127, 257 Lyde, Samuel 188 Lydgate, Dan John . . 171 Lyell, Sir Charles 19, 199, 283 Lyell, James C. 11 Lyly. John 118, 153 Lynch, Archbishop 311 Lynch, W. H 93, 95 Lynch, W. F 188 Lyndsay, Sir David 150, 165 Lynn, W. F ,'. 276 Lyon, G. F 206 Lysons, Rev. Samuel 21 9 Lytteil, William 132 Lyttleton, Lord 150 Lyttelton, Hon. E 76 Maberly, J 100 Macalister, Alexander 7 Me Arthur, Alexander 170 Macaulay, James 184, 283 Macaulay, Lord . . .128, 129, 169, 221, 257 McBride, R 317 MacCarthy, John George 60 McCarthy, Justin 63, 221, 292 McCharles, A 170 McClintock, Rev. John 1, 36 McClintock, John N 330 MacColl, Evan 317 MacColl, Mary J 318, 330 McConkey, Harriet E. Bishop 232 McConnell, R. G 268 McCord, Fred A 330 McCosh, Dr. James 33, 49, 50 McCrea, Lieut. -Col. R. B 283 McCullagh, W. Torrens 55 MacCulloch, John 223 McCulloch, J. R 55, 58, 175, 181 McCulloh, James H 209, 232 McDermott, James 293 McDonald, Alexander 207 McDonald, Archibald 283 Macdonald, A 156 Macdonald, Rev. Donald 27 Macdonald, Duncan G. F 232, 283 Macdonald, Hon. James 311 Macdonald, James M 29 McDonald, John 283 Macdonald, Sir John A 311, 312, 313 Macdonald, Hon. J. S 311, 313 McDonell, Angus 321 Macdonell, Archibald 320 Macdonell, John 55 Macdonnell, Sir Richard G 313 McDouall, Lieut.- Col Robert 321 McDougall, John 314 Macdougall, Hon. William 311 Macdougall, W. B 283 Macewan, William 78 MacFarlane, Charles. . .192, 218, 229, 249 Macf arlane, James 19, 85 Macfarlane, Thomas 268, 272, 273 Macfie, Matthew 283 Macfie, R. A 63, 262, 308 McGavin, William 40 McGee, Hon. T. D'Arcy.60, 224, 241, 288, 307, 311, 312, 313, 315, 318, 330 MacGeorge, A 245 MacGeorge, Rev. R. J. 318 McGibbon, R. D 330 McGill, Hon. John 320, 321 McGill, Hon. Peter 313 McGill, Rev. Robert 35 Macgillivray, W 5, 12, 181, 249 McGregor, Duncan 330 McGregor, James , 330 McGregor, J ohn 283 McGregor, J 303 Macgregor, J. L. L 93 MacGregor, Patrick 150 McGregor, Robert 330 Machin, Lewis 153 Machray, Bishop 311 Mclan, R. R 103 Mcllwraith, Thomas 11, 274 Mclnnes, W 270 Mackay, Alex 199, 283 Mackay, Charles 150, 330 Mackay, John 257 Mackay, Robert W 46 Mackay, Lieut. -Gen. of Scoury 257 M'Keevor, Thomas 180 MacKenna, Vicuna 330 McKenney, Thomas L. . . . 199, 232, 330 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. . .207, 283, 321 Mackenzie, Hon. Alexander. 130, 310, 311, 315 Mackenzie, Sir George S 185 Mackenzie, Henry 322 Mackenzie, Morell 72 Mackenzie, John W 141 Mackenzie, Robert 295 Mackenzie, W. Lyon. . .199, 252, 284, 293, 301, 311, 312 Mackerras, Rev. J. H 311 Mackey, Albert G 66, 68 Mackey, Robert 68 McKinnen, Daniel 204 Mackinnon, Col. Daniel 244 Mackinnon, William A 212 Mackintosh, Sir James . .50, 62, 127, 221, 248 Mackintosh, John 53, 212 Macklin, Charles 57 McKnight, Rev. Alexander 311 Macknight, Thomas 251 McLachlan, Alexander 150, 318 McLachlan, Robert W 246, 309 McLane, David 64. 293 Maclauchlan, Rev. Thomas 223 McLean, Archibald J 59 Maclean, J. P 7, 13, 21, 208 Maclean, Kate S 150, 317 McLean, W 330 McLennan, John F 208 McLennan, William . . 318 M'Leod, Alexander 293 Macleod, Serjeant Donald 257 McLeod, Donald 223 Macleod, Henry D 55, 56 INDEX OF NAMES. 363 Macleod, Norman 106 Maclise, Daniel 249 Maclise, Joseph 69 McMahon, A. R 191, 208 Macmahon, Hugh 63 McMaster, John Bach 233 McMaster, Hon. William 311 Macmichael, William 180 Macmillan, Alexander 199 MacMullen, John 295 MacNab, Sir Allan N 311, 313 MacNish, Robert 78 Macomb, J. N 236 McOuat, Walter .270, 271 Macoun, John 15, 274, 276, 278, 284 Macpherson, Hon. David L 311, 313 MacPherson, Maj. Perinington 63 Macray, Rev. William D 135 Macready, W. C 257 McVicar, Rev. D. H. 311 Me Vicar, John 256 Macy, Jesse 169 Madden, Daniel O 131 Madden, Richard R 249, 251 Madden, Thomas M. . . 73, 193 Madhava Acharya 120 Maetzner, Prof. 108 Maff er, .Scipio 215 Magellan, Ferdinand 168 Maggi, Giovanni 215 Magnus, Gustav 3 Magrath, T. W 284 Maguire, John Francis 257 Mahaffy, J. P 187 Mahan, A 240 Mahan, D. H 85 Mahomet 1 228 Mainbourg, Louis 225 Main, J 93 Main, Thomas J 87 Maine, Sir H. S 62 Maintenon, Madame de 257 Mainwaring, Hon. W. F. B. M 58 Mair, Charles 318, 330 Maisch, John M 77 Maisonneuve, Paul C. de 297, 312 Maistre, Capt. le 321 Maitland, Charles 32 Maitland, Sir James R. G 58 Maitland & Co 321 Maitland, Lieut. John 293 Maitland, William 320 Major, R. H , 168, 205 Malcolm III, King 223 Malcolm, Sir John . . . .228, 252, 253, 257 Malkin, B. H 178 Malleson, G. B 190, 228, 229, 252, 253 Mallet, David 150, 154 Mallock, Major H 86, 89 Malone, Sylvester 38 Malory, Sir Thomas 115 Malthus, Rev. T. R 54 Maltby, Edward 106 Malus, Stephen L 247 Manby, George W 195 Mangourit, M. O. B 180 Manley, J. J 58, 75, 135 Mann, Sir Horace 131 Mann, I. J 85 Mann, James 330 Mann, J. H 228 Manning, Thomas 192 Manning, Cardinal 37 Manseau, A 312 Mansel, Henry L 46 Mansfield, John M 65, 134 Mant, Rev. Richard 36, 38 Manuel, Don Juan 143 Manzoni, Alessandro 143 Maple Leaf, pseud 330 Marcet, Mrs 55 Marcet, William 73 March, Francis A 108 Marchand, L. W 282, 297 Marchese, Father 97, 249 Margary, Augustus R 191 Margolle, E 18 Margry, Pierre 238, 297 Mariboe, Alexander 75 Marie- An toine, Le R. P 36 Marion, A. F 7 Marjoribanks, Alexander 199, 203 Markham, Albert H 207 Markham, Clements R..168, 242, 243, 254 Marks, Grace 293 Marlborough, Duke of 257 Marling, Alexander 64 Marlowe, Christopher 153, 156 Marmette, Joseph 312 Marmion, Shakerley 153, 156 Marquette, Jacques 297 Marryat, Capt 284 Marryat, Frank S 192, 199 Marriott, Rev. Wharton B 32 Marsais, A. . . 318 Marsden, Joshua 284 Marsden, Rev. J. B 35, 36, 38 Marsden, William : 70 Marsh, George P 18, 108 Marsh, John B 334 Marsh, Othniel C 21 Marsh, Sylvester 24 Marshall, Charles 284 Marshal], Frank A 113 Marshall, George M 13 Marshall, John 69, 99, 249 Marshall, Orsamus H 241 Marshall, T. W. M 42 Marshall, William 184, 224 Marshman, John C 42, 252 Marston, John , 153, 156 Marston, R. B 58 Martensen, Dr. H 34, 51 Martin, George 318 Martin, Henri 226 Martin, John H 24 Martin, M 178 Martin Marprelate, pseud 119 Martin, R. Montgomery 276, 295, 302, 303, 305 Martin. Sir Theodore 116, 251 Martindale, Lt.-Col. B. H 85, 279 Martineau, Harriet 218, 221, 257 Martineau, James 330 Martius, C. F. P. von , 203 Martyr, Justin 35 Marvel, Andrew 127 Mary, Queen 220, 223, 257 Maseres, Baron 25, 217, 289, 298 Mason, Arthur James 38 Mason, Capt. John 172 Mason, William 150, 156 Massinger, Philip 156 Masson, Gustave , 110 364 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Mather, William W 20 Mathew, Father 257 Mathews, Charles J 257 Mathews, Jehu 308 Mathews, Mrs 127 Mathews, Colonel P 320 Mathieson, Rev. Alexander.. 257, 312, 313 Mathison, Gilbert F 203 Matsell, George W 106 Matthew, F. D 160 Matthew, George F. 270 Matthews, Washington 108, 208, 232 Matthey, M. Albert 59 Maude, John 199, 284 Maudsley, Henry 76 Maunder, Samuel 1, 176, 212, 249 Maundevile, Sir John 188 Maundrell, Henry 177, 178, 188 Maupertius, P. L. M de 18, 177, 178 Maurault, L'Abbe J. A 232 Maurice, Frederick D 65 Mavor, William 233 Maximilian, Prince 180, 199, 203 Maxwell, Lieut-Col. A. M 199, 284 Maxwell, James Clerk 24, 257 Maxwell, W. H 224, 261 May, George T 150 May, Samuel J 330 May, Samuel P 64 May, Thomas 153 May, Tnomas 218 May, Sir Thomas E 216 May, Walter W 330 Mayer, Alfred M 95 Mayer, Brantz 202, 311 Mayhew, Rev. A. L 330 Mayhew. Henry 83 Mayhew, Henry 183 Mayne, Daniel H 318, 330 Mayne, Jasper 153 Mayne, R. C ... 284 Mayne, Robert G 71 Mayor, John E. B 166 Meacham, A. G 306, 330 Meade, Hon. H 205 Meares, John 205, 207 Medley. Bishop 311 Medwin, T 259 Meehan, Thomas 15 Mela, Pomponius 176 Melbourne, Lord 249, 257 Meldrum, William 165 Melia, Rev. Raphael 34 Melish, John 199, 284 Memes, J. S 103, 252, 256 Memling, Hans 164 Mencius ,. . . 120 Mendelssohn- Bartholdy, Felix 257 Mendoza, Gonzalez de 168, 229 Mentzelius, Christianus 15 Menzies, George 150, 318 Menzies, William 141 Mercer, Major 208 Mercuri, Paul 103 Meres, Francis 118 Merian, Maria S . 6 Merime'e, Prosper 131, 226, 253, 257 Merivale, Charles 215 Merolla, Jerome 178,195 Merrick, Rev. James L 44, 257 Merrill, Selah 188 Merritt, Hon. W. H 311, 312, 313 Metastasio, Pietro 156 Metcalf, Richard 330 Metcalfe, Rev. Frederick 110 Metcalfe, Lord 311, 312 Meteyard, Eliza 104, 261 Methodius 35 Metternich, Prince 249 Meyer, H. L 330 Meyer, Julius 253 Meyer, Lothar 330 Meyrick, James 320 Meyrick, John 320 Meyrick, Joseph 245 Meyrick, Sir S. R I 92 Michael Angelo 257 Miall, Prof. L. C 85 Mezeray, F. E. de 226 Michaud, Joseph 249 Michaux, F. A 180 Michel, A 270, 272 Michel, Dan 165 Michel, Francisque 330 Michel, Sir John 313 Michelet, J 215 Michie, Christopher Y 93 Mickle, William J 147, 150 Middleton, Christopher 207 Middleton, -Sir Henry 168 Middleton, J. Henry 187, 215 Middleton, Thomas 153, 156 Midgley, R. L 199 Miles, Abner 320 Miles, H. H 297 Milet, R. P. Pierre 330 Mill, Auguste 48 Mill, James 50, 229 Mill, John Stuart. . ,. 48, 49, 50, 55, 235 Miller, Garrett 321 Miller, George 211 Miller, James '154, 156 Miller, Linus W 301 Miller, Thomas 219 Miller, William 257 Millet, Jean Francois 257 Millin, A. L 180 Millington, Ellen J 245 Millington, Thomas S 29 Mills, Abraham 110 Mills, Charles 244 Mills, David 307 Mills, George 321 Milman, Dean 116, 257, 259 Milman, Rev. R 260 Miln, Simpson 59 Milner, Rev. John 41 Milner, Rev. Joseph 38 Milton, Henry 130 Milton, John 118, 150, 154, 156, 157 Milton, Viscount 284 Miner, Charles 241 Miner, William P 232 Minifie, William 86 Minot, H. D 11 Minto, Countess of 254 Mirabeau, Gabriel H. R., Count de. 123, 257, 331 Misson, F. M 177 Mitchel, John 224, 258 Mitchell, C 158 Mitchell, James. 130 Mitchell, John 85 Mitchell, John M 9 INDEX OF NAMES. 365 Mitchell, Lieut.-Col J 331 Mitchell, W. Stephen 58 Mitford, A. B 211 Mitra, Rajendralala 229 Mivart, St. George 6, 8 Moffat, James C 31 Moffat, Robert .... . 42, 195 Moffat, R. S 55 Moffatt, Hon. George 313 Moggridge, J. Traherne 10 Mohammed 257 Moira, Countess of 320 Molesworth, William N 221 Moleville, A. F. Bertrand de 226 Moll, Herman 175 Mollett, J. W 97,101 Mollhausen, Baldwin 199 Mollien, G 180 Moliere 127, 157 Moloney, C. A 58, 195 Molson, William 313 Mommsen, Theodor 215 Monck, Lord 311, 313, 325 Monckton, James H 89 Money, Walter 220 Monk, Henry Wentworth 331 Monk, Samuel W 313 Monro, Alexander 284 Monro, Alexander 276 Monroe, James 199, 257 Monstrelet, Enguerrand de 216 Montagu, H 246 Montagu, Lady M. W 124, 131 Montague, Charles 150, 250 Montaigne, Michel 117 Montalembert, Count de . . . . 39, 249, 256 Montcalm, Marquis de 296, 297, 311 Montesquieu, Charles de 62 Montgomery, Nancy 293 Montgomery, Sir William 320 Montgolfier, Jacques E 310 Montigny, A. Granjean de 102 Montigny, B. A. T. de, 276, 288, 289, 315 Montleon, Aime G. de 226 Montminy, VAbU 331 Moodie, J. W. Dunbar 312 Moodie, Susanna 284 Moody , Sophy 246 Moon, Hem y F 199, 312 Moore' Arthur W 331 Moore 5 C 66 Moore, Edward 150, 154, 156 Moore, Frank 131, 177 Moore, F. C -. 57 Moore, Rev. George C 41 Moore, James C 257 Moore, Sir John 257 Moore, S 318 Moore, Thomas 146, 150 Moore, Thomas 331 Moorewood, Samuel 51 Moorsom, Capt. W 284 Moquart 64 More, Sir Thomas 66, 118, 173 Morell, J. D 49 Morell, Thomas 105, 106 Moreton, Rev. Julian 284 Morfit, Campbell 91 Morford, Henry 181 Morgan, Henry G 135 Morgan, Henry J. .288, 311, 312, 315, 331 Morgan, Lewis H 208, 232 Morgan, Mary 318 Morgan, Sir Thomas 118 Morison, John H 331 Moritz, Charles P 178 Morland, George 257 Morley, Henry 31, 110, 145, 157 Morley, John 60, 252, 253, 254, 259 Morris, Hon. Alexander. 276, 289, 308, 311 Morris, C. W 59 Morris, Rev. F. O 11 Morris, Henry 69 Morris, Hon. James 313 Morris, Malcolm 76 Morris, M. O'Connor 95, 199 Morris, Rev. Richard . .110, 164, 165, 166, 331 Morris, Robert 68 Morris, William 76 Morris, William 149 Morris, William 284 Morris, Hon. William 311, 313 Morrison, A. H 315 Morrison, A. J. W 116 Morrison, Hon. J. C 311 Morrison, Richard James 17 Morse, Edward S 102 Morse, Jedidiah 238 Morton, Perez 68 Morton, Thomas 238 Mosby, Col. John S 240 Mosheim, John Lawrence von 39 Moss, Hon. Thomas 311 Mossman, Thomas W 39 Motherwell, William 145, 150 Motley, John L 226, 257 Motteux, P. A 117 Mouhot, A. Henri 191 Moulton, Joseph W 241 Mountain, Bishop 35, 313, 320 Mousseau, Hon. J. A. 311 Mowat, Hon. Oliver 311 Moxon, Walter 69 Mozart, Wolfgang 257 Muir, J 119, 145 Muir, Sir William 228, 229 Muirhead, James P 149, 261 Mulhall, E. T 203, 242 Mulhall, Michael G. . .52, 58, 203, 242 Mullan, Capt. John 331 Muller, C. 97 MiLller, F. Max. .31, 45, 108, 110, 127, 210, 216 Muller, Prof. Hermann 15 Mtiller, Dr. Julius 34 Muller, Sysselmand H. C 59 Muller, S 207 Mullinger, J. Bass 218 Mullins, J. D. 136 Mullock, Rev. John T 313 Mulvany, C. Pelham. . . 284, 306, 316, 324 Mundahl, C. M 58 Munday, Anthony 173 Munn & Co . . 262 Munro, W. F 315 Muntz, Eugene 258 Murat, Achille 235 Muratori, M 42, 203 Murchison, Sir Roderick J 19, 257 Murdoch, Beamish 303 Murdoch, Rev. James 303 Murdoch, John 8, 11 Murdoch, William 170 366 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Murphy, Arthur 156, 157 Murphy, Henry 150 Murphy, Hon. Henry C 141 Murphy, James G 27 Murphy, John 91 Murphy, J. J 276 Murphy, John M 199 Murphy, John Nicholas 39 Murphy, Shirley F 76 Murray, Alexander 19, 268, 269, 273 Murray, Hon. Amelia M 199, 284 Murray, Andrew. 12 Murray, A. S 103 Murray, Hon. Charles A... 199, 232, 284 Murray, H 127 Murray, Hugh . . . .191, 192, 200, 207, 229, 233, 284, 295 Murray, Gen. James 296 Murray, Rev. James 239 Murray, James A. H 106, 165, 166 Murray, John. 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 193 Murray, J. Clark H2, 145 Musaus, Johann A 123, 124 Musgrave, George 184 Musgrave, Sir Richard 224 Muspratt, Dr. Sheridan 23 Myers, Ernest 149 Myers, T. Bailey 239, 299 Myrand, Ernest 315 Myrc, John 165 Myrtle, Minnie 232 Nabbes, Thomas . . . 153 Nadaillac, Marquis de 209 Napier, Sir Charles 257 Napier, Maj.-Gen. Elers 257 Napier, James 29 Napier, Macvey 131 Napier, Sir W. F. P 227 Napoleon I, Emperor . .133, 226, 257, 331 Napoleon III, Emperor 215, 252, 258 Narbonne-Lara, J. J. E. . . .150, 315, 318 Nares, Sir G. S 207 Nares, Robert 112 Narjoux, Felix 102 Nash, D. W 30, 115, 165, 211 Nash, Thomas 173 Nasmyth, James 17 Naunton, Sir Robert . . .' 118 Neal, Daniel 39 Neale, Erskine 256 Neale, Rev. J. M 39 Neale, Richard 72, 135, 171 Neftel, Knight 52 Neil, Samuel 212 Neill, Edward D 238 Neison, Edmund 17 Neilson, Peter 200 Nell Gwynne, pseud 316 Nelles, Rev. S. S 311 Nelli, G. B 164 Nelson, Lord 131 Nelson, Wolfred 311 Nesfield, William E 102 Nettle, Richard 59, 309 Nettleship, R. L 328 Neubauer, C 82, 170 Neuman, Casper 106 Neve, John 2 Neville, John 87 Newark, Lady 320 Newberry, Dr. J. S 15, 19, 20 Newbery, John 118 Newcomb, Simon 17 Newell, Rev. C 241 Newlands, James 89 Newman, Edward 11 Newman, Francis W .30, 46, 106 Newman, John Henry 65 Newton, C. T 214 Newton, Ernest 102 Newton, Sir Isaac . . 258 Nichol, John 97, 109, 211, 212 Nichol, John 258 Nichol, J. P 17 Nicholas, Thomas 208 Nicholls, J. F 252 Nichols, George W 97 Nichols, John 3, 251 Nichols, Philip 118 Nichols, Walter S 57 Nicholson, George 331 Nicholson, Col. Francis 303 Nicholson, Henry A 7, 8, 21, 273 Nicolai, Eliud 181 Nicolas. Sir Harris 255, 259 Niebuhr, Carsten 178, 189 Niel, P. G 332 Niemeyer, Felix von 80, 171 Nieuhoff, John 177, 178, 191, 203 Nightingale, Florence 75 Nightingale, Rev. J 41 Nilsson, Sven 208 Nisard, Charles 135 Nisard, D 110 Noa, Prof. Leopold 116 Noailles, Marechal 226 Noalles, Due de 258 Nobile, A. Alexander 318 Noble, Louis L 207, 284 Noble, Rev. Mark 218, 253 Noel, Jacques 296 Nordenskiold, Adolf E 206, 207 Norgate, Kate 220 Norquay, Hon. John 311 Norris, William 308 North, Lord 327 North, Hon. Roger 257, 258 North, S. N. D 52 Northbrooke, John 173 Northcote, Rev. J. Spencer 32 Northcott, W. Henry 88 Northumberland, Duke of 320 Norton, Andrews 331 Norton, C. L '. 284 Norton, John 26, 320 Norton, Thomas 173 Notman, John 60, 289 Notman, W 312 Nott, J. C 13, 208 Nott, J. Fortune 12, 274 Noyes, George R 331 Noyes, John H 54 Nugent, Lord 255 Nursey, Walter R 304 Nutta'll, Thomas 12 Gates, Frank 195 Ober, Frederick A 204 O'Brien, Godfrey S 284 O'Brien, Henry 224 O'Brien, R. Barry 65, 224 O'Callaghan, E. B 235 INDEX OF NAMES. 367 Occleve, Thomas 118 Ochino, Bernardino, of Siena 253 O'Connell, Daniel 258 O'Connell, John 258 O'Connor, Hon. John 311 O'Connor, R 184 O'Donnoghue, Rev. H. C 39 O'Donovan, Edmond 189 O'Donovan. John 224 O'Driscol, John 224 Oehler, Dr. Gust Fr 34 Oesterlen, F 72, 174 O'Flaherty, Roderic 115 O'Flanagan, J. Roderick 249 Ogden, Hon. Charles R 313 Ogden, Rev. John C 284 Ogden, William S 102 Ogilby, John 182 Ogilvie, John 106 Ogston, Francis 77, 80 O'Hagan, John 145 O'Hagan, Thomas 318 O'Hara, Kane 157 O'Hart, John 245 Ohlenschlager, Adam 157 Okoshi, Narinora 58 Olafsen, M 180 Oosterzee, J. J. van 34 Oldenberg, Hermann 45 Olier, Jean Jacques 313 Oldham, John 150 Oldfield, Edmund 164 Oliphant, Laurence. 127, 188, 193, 200, 331 Oliphant, Margaret 187, 227 Oliver, Andrew 284 Oliver, Rev. G 61, 68 Oliver, J. Rutherford 184 Oliver, Samuel P 181, 195 Olphar Hamst, pseud 135 Olshausen, Hermann 28 O'Neill, Aodh 224, 258 O'Neill, Charles 91 O'Neill, Gen. John 302 Ongania, Ferdinando 102 Orban, A 274 O'Regan, William 325 O'Reilly, Edward 106 Origen 35 Orth, Johannes 69 Orme, Robert 229 Ormiston, Rev. William 313 Ormond, James 59 Ormsby, John 324 Orosius 115, 166 O'Rourke, Rev. John 224 Osgood, James R 200, 284 Osgopde, Chief Justice William.. 311, 320 Osorio, Jerome . . 227 Ossian 150 O'Sullivan, D. A. . . 288 Otis, Charles P 279 Otis, George A 81 Ottley, Drewry 73, 174 Ottley, Henry 331 Otway, Thomas. . .125, 150, 154, 156, 157 Ouseley, Sir F. A. G 105 Outhier, R 178, 207 Outram, Sir James 258 Ovalle, Alonso de 178, 242 Overbury, Sir Thomas 118, 217 Overman, Frederick . . 84 Ovid.. 116, 150 Overstone, Lord 56 Owen, David Dale 20 Owen, Edmund 75 Owen, Mrs. Henry 104 Owen, Sir Richard 8, 21 Owen, T. Morgan 219 Owen, Capt. W. F. W 189, 194 Oxenden, Bishop 284 Oxenf ord, John 116, 143 Oxford, Earl of 217 Oxonian, pseud 41 Packard, A. S 8, 9, 10 Paez, Don Ramon .202, 203 Page, H. A 260 Page, Richard 243 Paget, Charles E 75 Pagnuelo, S 306 Paine, Thomas 60, 258 Palafox, Senor 229 Paleario, Aonio 258 Paley, F. A 102 Paley, William 32 Palgrave, Sir Francis 239, 220 Palgrave, Reginald F. D 61, 218 Palgrave, R. H. Inglis 53 Palgrave, William G 189 Pallas, Peter S 5 Palliser, F 133 Palliser, Capt. John 284 Palliser, M. A 133 Palmer, A. Smythe 107 Palmer, E. H 44, 189 Palmer, John 200, 284 Palmer, Julius A 15 Palmer, Peter S 331 Palmer, William 214 Palmer, Rev. William 39 Palmer, William E 310 Palmerston, Lord 258 Pambrun, Chrysologue 304 Panet, Jean Claude 296 Panizzi, Sir Anthony 131, 257, 258 Panton, Rev. George A 165 Panton, J. Hoyes 170 Papineau, Hon. L. J 311, 313 Pardee, Hon. Thomas B 311 Pardoe, Julia 226 Paris, Comte de 240 Parish, Rev. Elijah 238 Parish, Sir W 203 Park, Mungo 178, 195 Parker, Archbishop 258 Parker, John Henry 1, 102 Parker, Brother 67 Parker, Joseph 34 Parker, Rev. Samuel 200 Parker, Theodore 332 Parkes, Edmund A 76 Parkinson, W. W 105 Parkman, Francis 143, 284, 297 Parmenides 129 Parnell, Edward E 90 Parnell, Thomas 150 Parr, Rev. Samuel 50 Parsons, Horatio A 284 Parsons, Theophilus 332 Parton, James 261 Parry, John H 250 Parry, William 325 Parry, Capt. W. E 206, 207 Pascal, Blaise 117, 127 368 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Pascoe, Charles E 65, 157 Paterculus, C. Velleius 116, 215 Paterson, Daniel 182 Paterson, James 62 Paton, A. A 185 Paton, Chalmers J 67 Patten, Edmund 200, 285 Patten, William 118 Patterson, Hon. C. S 312 Patterson, Rev. George 303 Patterson, Henry 332 Patterson, Capt. Howard 332 Patterson, R. H 55, 56, 97 Patterson, William J 277 Patteson, Bishop 258 Pattison, Mrs. Mark 97 Paul, C. Kegan 255 Pauli, Reinhold 182, 251 Paulus ^Egineta 72, 174 Pausch, Capt 239 Pavy, F. W 71 Paxton, Joseph 15 Payne, John 152 Payne, Joseph 65 Payne-Gallwey, Sir Ralph 95 Peabody, W. B. O 11 Peacock, Edward 165 Peacock, Mabel G. W 169 Peacock, Thomas 13 Pearch, George 150 Pearson, Charles H 219, 220 Pearson, John 36 Peck, Charles E 285 Peck, William B 285 Peckham, S. F 52 Pedley, Rev. Charles 302 Pedrosa, Consiglieri 167, 211 Peeke, Richard 118 Peel, Sir Robert 258 Peele, George 156, 157 Pegge, Samuel 3, 108, 216 Pelletier, Hon. C. A. P 312 Pelsart, Francis 178, 205 Pemberton, J. Despard 285 Pembroke, Earl of 205 Penalosa, Don Diego D. de 198 Penhallow, Samuel 332 Penley, Aaron 98 Penii, Arthur 110 Penii, William .127, 258 Pennant, Thomas 5, 179 Penned, Georgiana M 314 Pennell-Elmhirst, Capt : 143 Penrose, Boies 169 Penrose, Francis C 332 Pepys, Samuel 258 Perceval, Hon. Spencer 332 Percivall, William 83 Percy, Earl 320 Percy, John 84 Percy, Thomas 145 Percy, Rev. William J 68 Percy, W 118 Perier,M . 181 Perkins, Charles C 103 Perkins, Samuel 332 Perley, M. H 309 Peron, Francois 6, 179 Perrault, Jos. Fr 295, 313 Perring, Sir Philip 332 Perrot, Georges 332 Perrot, J.F. A 225 Perrot, Nicolas 332 Perry, George 8 Perry, George G 165 Perry, Hon. Peter 312 Perry, Thomas S 256 Perry, Walter C 103 Pertusier, Charles 180 Perugino, P 164 Peter the Great 227, 258 Peters, Rev. G. N. H 41 Peters, Rev. Samuel 241 Peterson, A. T. T 63 Petitot, Emile 211, 232 Petit-Jean, pseud 318 Petroff, Ivan 52 Petronius 116 Pettigrew, Thomas J 13S Petty, Sir William 118, 224 Peyster, J. Watts de 299 Peyton, J. Lewis 241 Pfleiderer, Otto 31 Phayre, Sir Arthur P 120 Phear, Sir John B 54 Phelan, Bishop 332 Philip II, King 227 Philip IV, King 227 Philip, King 324 Philippi, Friedrich A 28 Philips, Ambrose 150, 154, 156 Philips, John 150 Phillimore, Lucy 102, 261 Phillips, Henry 15, 132 Phillips, John 18 Phillips, John R 222 Phillips, J. A 315 Phillips, J. Arthur 84 Phillips, Lawrence B 250 Phillips, Sir Richard 54 Phillips, Richard 179 Phillips, William 21 Phillipps-Wolley, Clive 285 Phipps, John 179, 207 Phipson, T. L 17 Physicus, pseud. 46, 48 Piccolomini, Eneas 164 Pichon, Thomas 303 Picken, Andrew 285 Pickering, Charles 6, 15 Pickf ord, Rev. John 182 Pidgeon, William 208, 232 Pierce, Edward L 260 Pierce, Gilbert A 2 Pierre, Eugene 61 Piesse, G. W. Septimus 91 Pigaf etta, Antonio 179 Pike, Gen. Zebulon M 200, 332 Pilkington, Matthew 98, 250 Pilkington, Capt. Robert 320, 321 Pirn. Bedford 202 Pinckard, George 204 Pincott, Frederic 108 Pindar 129 Pindar, Peter 150 Pinkham, Rev. W. C 312 Pinkerton, John 177, 178, 179 Pinsent, Hon. Justice 302 Pinto, Serpa 194 Pinturicchio, Bern 164 Pitt, Christopher 150, 152 Pitt, William, first Earl of Chatham. 258 Pitt, William 131 Pitman, Henry 118 INDEX OF NAMES. 369 Pitt-Rivers, Lieut.-Oen 90 Pius the TX, Pope 258 Pizarro, Francisco 176, 177 Planche, James R 104, 245 Plato 49, 111, 116, 127 Plautis, Caspar 200, 202 Playfair, Robert 200, 285 Playf air, William 212 Playfair, W, S 77 Plessis, Joseph 313 Pliny 5,6 Plon, Eugene 260 Plowden, Francis 332 Plues, Margaret 15 Plumtre, C. E 46 Plumtre, Rev. E. H 28 Plutarch 125 Pocock, II. R. A 316 Pococke, Richard 177,179, 193 Pointis, Sieur 242 Pole, William 48, 105, 254 Politzer, Adam 71 Polko, Elise 257 Pollard, Edward A 240 Pollard, R 320, 321 Pollard, William 250 Pollock, Frederick 58, 257 Polo, Marco 179, 188 Pomey, P. Francisco 210 Pomfret, John 150 Ponceau, M. P-e"t du 108 Poncet, C. J 179, 194 Pontanus, John Isaac 179, 207 Ponton, Mungo 7 Pontoppidon, Erich 177 Poole, Francis 285, 332 Poole, Geo. A 39 Poole, Thomas W 305 Poole, William 158 Poole. William F 135, 322 Poor, Henry V 55, 56 Poor, Laura E 108 Poore, George V 76 Pope, Alexander 124, 149, 150 Pope, A 12 Pope, Hon. J. C 312 Pope, Hon. J. H 312 Portal, Frederic 68 Portenger, Hendrick 180 Porter, Henry 155, 171 Porter, J. L. . . . 189 Porter, Miss 34 Porter, Whitworth 228, 244 Portland, Duke of 320, 321 Portlock, Capt. Nathaniel 181, 205 Poste, Beale 219 Pouchet, F. A 17 Pouchet, Georges 13, 208 Poudra, Jules 61 Pouqueville. F. C. H. L 180 Povelsen 180 Powell, F. York Ill, 145 Powell, J. W 20, 208, 236, 237, 325 Powell, R. Douglas 80 Powell, Thomas 41 Power, Tyrone 200 Poynder, John 43 Praet, Jules van 212 Pratt, Anne 15 Premio-Real, Comte de 332 Prendergast, James E. P 318 Prentice, Archibald 200, 218 24 Prescott, George B 89 Prescott, William H..127, 227, 242, 250, 258 Preston, Howard W 235 Preston, Thomas 155 Preston, T. R 285 Prestwich, Joseph 20 Prevost, Abbe 143 Prevost, Sir George 300, 301, 313 Prochaska, George 78, 174 Proctor, Dr 320 Proctor, Richard A 17, 175 Procter, Richard W 183 Propert, J. L 97 Propertius 116 Proteaux, A 90 Proud foot, Hon. William 312 Proulx, J. B 285 Provancher, L'Abbe 10, 274, 332 Proyart, L. B 179, 195 Price, Edward 185 Price, John E 183 Price, Rev. Thomas 112 Price, William 313 Prichard, James C 13, 208 Priest, Josiah 209 Priest, William 200 Priestley, Joseph 4, 34, 126 Prieur, F. X 301 Prime, William C 104 Prince, Hon. John 313 Prince, John C 150, 258 Prince, Thomas 35 Prince, Thomas 118 Pringle, Thomas 151 Prior, James 125 Prior, James 180, 192 Prior, Matthew 151 Prisse, E 193 Pritchard, James 304 Pritchard, W. T 13 Pryde, James 25 Pugin, A 101 Puisay, Count de 320, 321 Pullan, Mrs 104 Pulling, F. S 212, 219 Pulsifer, David 332 Pulsifer, William H 332 Pultock, R 143 Pumpelly, Raphael 52, 84, 85 Punshon, Rev. W. Morley 312 Purchas, Samuel 190 Purdy, Thomas C 52 Pursh, Frederick..... 274 Purvey, John 26 Putnam, F. W 8, 9 Putnam, H. C 52 Putnam, J.Pickering 88 Putnam, Gen. Rufus 238 Puttenham, George 118 Pyne, W. H 99 Pyrard, Fran?ois 168 lain, Richard 72 ijuaritch, Bernard 141, 158 jjuekett, John 74 jjuesnel, Hon. Frederick A 313 Juinet, Edgar 48, 258 juintana, Manuel Jose" 250 Rabelais, Francois 117 Rabett, Rev. Reginald 41 370 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann 322 Radcliffe, John 258 Raden, Woldemar 186 Radisson, Peter E 172, 232 Radicke, Prof. 72, 170 Rae, Edward 187 Rae, John 170, 207 Rae, W. Eraser 285 Raffles, Sir Thomas S. . , 5 Raf n, Carol! C 209 Rainsf ord, Marcus 243 Raleigh, Sir Walter.. 118, 168, 172, 179, 205, 238, 258 Ralston, W. R. S, 120, 211 Ragueueau, Paul 297 Ramage, B. J 169 Rameau, E 295 Ramezay, Sieur de 296 Ramond de Carbonnieres, L 179 Ramsay, Allan 151 Ramsay, Andrew 318 Ramsay, A. C 18, 20 Ramsay, David 239, 261 Ramsay, Edward P 58 Ramsay, E. B 133 Ramsay, John 127 Ramsay, J. R 151 Rand, Thomas H 312 Randall, Daniel R 169 Randall, Henry S 256 Randolph, Thomas 153 Rands, William B 127, 183 Ranke, Leopold von 39, 40, 216, 219 Ranken, Major 285 Rankine, W. J. Macquorn. .4, 83, 85, 87, 258 Ransome, Cyril 60, 218 Ranvier, L 74 Rassam, Hormuzd 194, 229 Raphael 258 Raphall, Rev. M. J 30 Rapin, De Thoyras 219 Rattray, Alexander 285 Rattray, W. J 295, 313 Rau, Charles 209 Raue. C. G 74 Ravelin, Humphrey 332 Ravenscroft, Edward 332 Rawdon, Lady Jane 320 Rawdon, Lord 320 Rawley, William 251 Rawlins, Thomas 153, 155, 307 Rawlinson, George... 93, 97, 102, 109, 213, 214 Ray, J 2,6 Ray, P. H 207, 208, 236 Raynal, L'Abbe . . . .175, 188, 235, 238, 243 Raynaud, Maurice 331 Razik, Salil-Ibn 168 Read, Charles A 130 Reade, Charles 135 Reade, Charles B 60, 234 Reade, John 318 Rebold, Emmanuel 68 Reclus, Elisee 17 Redding, Cyrus 250 Redgrave, Samuel 97, 99, 250 Redhouse, James W 44, 120 Red Jacket 232, 258 Redwood, Theophilus 79 Reed, Isaac 113 Reed, Thomas 85 Rees, Abraham 1 Reeve, Clara 322 Reeve, Henry 99, 151, 250, 255 Reeves, John 302 Reeves, William 223 Regnard, J. F 179 Rehberg, Frederick 97 Reid, James Seaton 39 Reid, Thomas 48 Reid, Rev. William 51 Rein, J. J 229 Reinbeck, G 180 Rembrandt 258 Renan, Ernest 29, 31, 32, 39, 213 Reridall, Gerald H 39 Rennie, Sir John 258 Renouf , P. le Page 31, 44, 109 Rensselaer, Soloman van 240, 301 Retz, Cardinal de 226 Retzius, Gustaf 8 ReUilly, J 180 Reuss,' Eduard Wilhelm E. . . .28, 29, 135 Reuss, Jerem Dav 135 Reville, Albert 31, 47 Reveillaud, Eugene 295, 298 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 259 Reynolds, J. Russell 80 Reynolds, L. E 89 Rhazes 81, 174 Rhind, A. Henry 214 Rhind, William 15 Rhodes, William B 157 Rhodes, Lieut.-Col 313 Rhys, Horton 200, 285 Rhys, John 31 Ricardo, David 55 Rice, James 95 Rich, Anthony 214, 215 Rich, Barnaby 172, 173 Richard, Jules 326 Richard, J 179, 229 Richard, L 332 Richards, Alfred B 287 Richards, Hon. A. N 312 Richards, SirW.'B 312 Richardson, Benjamin W 71 Richardson, Capt 301 Richardson, C. J 102 Richardson, Rev. James 312 Richardson, James 267, 269, 270, 271 Richardson, John ... .9, 12, 207, 274, 332 Richardson, Joseph 151 Richardson, Major 143, 300, 301, 303 Richardson, Octavio 167 Richardson, Samuel 143, 322 Richardson, Dr. Thomas 23, 90 Richardson, T. M 99 Richelieu, Cardinal 226, 259 Richey, Rev. Matthew 313 Richmond, Duke of 312 Richmond, Wellington H 63, 293 Richter, Jean Paul F 123, 124 Ricketts, Pierre de Peyster 85 Rickman, Thomas 102 Riddle, J. Esmond 112 Ridgway, Robert 12 Ridpath, Rev. George 223 Riesbeck, Baron 179 Riel, Louis 64, 293, 304, 313 Riffault, J. R. D 89 Riley, H. T 2, 6 Rimbault, Edward F 105 INDEX OF NAMES. 371 Rimmer, Alfred 183, 185, 216 Rindfleisch, Eduard 74, 171 Rink, Henry 195, 230 Ripa, Csesar 132 Ripley, Ezra 125 Ritchie, J. Ewing '285 Ritchie, Leitch 184 Ritchie, Hon. W. J 312 Ritson, Joseph 135, 145, 259 Ritter, Carl 176, 189 Robb, Charles 270, 271, 272 Roberts, Charles G. D 314, 318 Roberts, David 333 Roberts, Emma 220 Roberts, Frederick T 80 Roberts, George 177 Roberts, Morley 285 Roberts, Thomas P 333 Robertson, Rev. C. F 164 Robertson, David 179 Robertson, Rev. James 306 Robertson, James A 223 Robertson, J. P 61, 289 Robertson, R. E 195 Robertson, William 227, 229, 233 Roberval, Sieur de 287, 296 Robin, Ch 24 Robinson, Clement 119, 151 Robinson, Conway 200 Robinson, C. E 183 Robinson, G 175 Robinson, Henry Crabb 259 Robinson, H. M 285 Robinson, Hon John B 299, 312, 313 Robinson, Joseph 321 Robinson, Phil 58 Robinson, T 320 Robinson, W 16, 94, 184 Robitaille, Hon T 312 Robson, Edward R 102 Robson, Robert 88, 102 Roby, John 143, 211 Roby, Luther 333 Rochefort, Sicur de . . , 204 Rochefoucault-Uancourt, Duke of. . . 200, 285, 285 Roche jaquelein, Marchioness de la.. 259 Rochon, A. M 179, 195 Rock, Capt , 259 Rockhill, W. Woodville 45, 120 Rockingham, Marquis of 259 Roe, Edward P 94 Roe, Sir Thomas 179 Roger, C 285, 295, 305 Rogers, Rev. Charles.. ..132, 250, 251, 259 Rogers, Rev. Edward 259 Rogers, Henry 127 Rogers, James E. T. . .56, 61, 93, J30, 218, 250 Rogers, John 259 Rogers, Josias 259 ' Rogers, Major Robert. .177, 200, 233, 238, 285 Rogers, R. Vashon 63, 77, 293 Rogers, Woodes 177, 181 Roget, Peter M 107 Rohrbach, Dr. Carl 103 Rohrbacher, VAbU 39 Rokitansky, Carl 69, 174 Roland, Walpole 276 Rolleston, George 8 Rollin, M 213 Rolph, Thomas 204, 247, 276, 307 Romberg, Moritz H. 78, 174 Ronalds, Dr. Edmund 23, 90 Rondelet, William 6 Rondthaler, Rev. Edward 328 Ronsard, P. de 333 Roorbach, Orville A 141 Roosevelt, Theodore.. .240,242, 301, 333 Roper, Richard 58 Roper, Stephen 88 Rordans, J 63, 293 Roscoe, H. E 23, 84 Roscoe, Thomas 183 Roscoe, William 333 Rose, A 285 Rose, George M 313 Rose, Hugh J 250 Rose, Sir John 312 Rose, W. S 180 Ross, Alexander 200, 232, 285, 304 Ross, Alexander M. ..... .10, 12, 259, 274 Ross, Mrs. Alexander 143, 316 Ross, James 78 Ross, Sir James C 205 Ross, John 59 Ross, Rev. John 229 Ross, Sir John 207 Ross, John M 223 Ross, John W 100 Rosse, J. Willoughby 211 Rosseau, Jean Jacques 117, 259 Rosseau, P 312 Rossetti, Maria F 151 Rossini, Gioachino A 259 Rost, R 120 Round, P. Z 114 Rousselet, Louis 190 Rousselin, Alexander . . , 328 Roussel], Napoleon 40 Routier, Jean Alphonse de X le 296 Routhier, A. B 285, 318 Routledge, George 145 Routledge, James 219 Routledge, Robert 84 Row, Rev. C. A 33 Rowan, J. H 170 Rowan, John J 285 Rowe, Nicholas 150, 151, 154, 156 Rowell, G. A 22 Rowland, William L 52 Rowlands, Samuel 125, 172 Kowlands, Rev. William 135 Rowley, William 153, 171, 173 Roy, Jennet 295 Roy, Protap Chundra 45 Roy, William 118 Rubens, Peter Paul 259 Rubio, pseud 200, 285 Rubruquis, William de , . . .179, 191 Ruding, Rev. Rogers 246 Rudler, F. W 18 Rufus, William 220 Rule, Martin 260 Rule, William H 29, 42 Rundall, Thomas 168 Rupert, Prince 259 Rush worth, John 217 Ruskin, John. . . .56, 97, 99, 103, 122, 130, 164 Russell, Alexander J 285 Russell. Charles J 245 Russell, Earl 131, 247, 307 372 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Russell, Euphemia 318 Russell. George 180 Russell, John 259 Russell, J. Scott 65 Russell, Rev. Michael 39 Russell, Michael,.. 189, 193, 214, 229, 230, 243 Russell, Peter 320, 321 Russell, Robert 200, 276 Russell, R. W 200, 235 Russell, William 216 Russell, Willis 305 Russell, W. Howard 286 Rutherford, John 115 Rutherford, John 225 Rutherford, John 273 Rutherford, John 318. 333 Rutherford, Samuel 249, 259 Rutland, Duke of , 320 Ruttan, Henry 333 Rutter, Joseph 155 Ryan, Carroll 318, 333 Ryan, James 320 Ryan, John 261 Rydberg, Vikton 187 Rye, E. C 10 Rye, Walter 169 Rye, William B 183 Ryerson, Rev. Egerton.. .65, 299, 302, 312 Ryerson, Rev. John 42, 286 Sabin, Joseph 135 Sabine, Lorenzo. ...132, 250, 298, 299, 333 Sacheverell, Henry 221 Sachs, Julius 16 Sackville, Charles 151 Sackville, Thomas 153, 173 Sadi 119 Sadler, Michael T 225 Sadler, Thomas 259 Safford, James M 20, 21, 93 Sagard, F. Gabriel 286, 298 Sagean, Mathieu 333 St. Anselm, Archbishop 260 St. Clair, Arthur 239 St. Evremond, C. M. de St. D: 127 St. Francis '. 164 St. John, James A 219 St. John, J. Hector 201 St. John, Lord Bolingbroke 211 St. John, Molyneux 286 St. John, Oliver B 5 St. John, Spenser 192, 251 St. Juliana 166 Saint-Just, Letellier de 313 Saint Kentigern 223 Saint Ninian 223 St. Patrick 260 St. Paul 260 Saint-Priest, Count Alexis de 43 St. Sauveur, A. G. de 180 St. Sebastian 164 Saint-Simon, Duke de 249, 259 Saint-Valier, Jean de la Croix. . . 313, 333 St. Vincent, J. B. G. M. Bory de. . . . 180 Saint Werburge 326 Saintsbury, George 110, 156 Sala, George A 184, 200, 256 Sale, George 44 Sale, Sir Robert H 190 Salmon, Lucy M 164 Salt, Sir Titus 259 Salter, J. W 273 Salter- Whiter, James 91 Salverte, Eusebius 246 Salviani, Hippolito 6 Salvo, Marquis de 180 Samuels, Edward A 322 Samuelson, James 51 Sand, George 133 Sandars, Thomas C 62 Sanders, Daniel 107 Sanders, Lloyd C 250 Sanders, Thomas 118 Sanders, William B 101 Sanderson, G. P 13 Sandford, E 16 Sandf ord, Edwin L 318 Sandford, Melissa T 318 Sandham, Alfred 216, 286, 305, 309 Sands, B. F 17 Sandys, William 68, 105 Sanford, John L 221 Sanford, J. Langton 219 Sanger, William W 333 Sansom, Joseph 180, 286 Sansone, Antonio 333 Sangster, Charles 318 Sansum, Oliver B 57 Santos, Joano Dos 179, 229 Sanzio, Giovanni 164 Saporta, G. de 7 Sappey, Ph. C 9 Sargent, Charles S 52, 93. 175 Sargent, Epes .' 145 Sargent, Winthrop 237 Sarrans, B 256 Sartorius, Ernest 34 Sarytschew Gawrila 180 Sato, Shosuke 169 Saunders, Trelawney. 189 Saussure, H. B. de 179 Savage, M. W 225 Savage, Richard 151 Saville, John 118 Savonarola, Girolamo 259 Savory, John 71 Saward, Blanche C 104 Saward, B. C 100 Say, Jean-Baptiste. 56 Say, Thomas 10 Sayce, A. H 31, 44, 109, 116, 251 Sayer, Captain 228 Scadding, Henry 306 Scammon, Charles M 13 Scatcherd, Thomas 313 Schaff , Philip 36, 39, 145, 164 Schiel, Dr. James 20 Schiern, Frederik 255 Schiller, Frederick. .107, 117, 123, 124 151, 157, 226, 259 Schiltberger, Johann 168 Schimmelpennick, Mary A 97 Schlegal, Frederick von 211 Schleiden, M. J 8, 24, 174 Schliemann, Henry 214 Schmelzle, Attila 124 Schmid, Christian F 34 Schmidel, Ulrich 202, 203 Schmidt, Julius 209 Schoelcher, Victor 255 Schomburgh, R. H 6,9 Schoolcraft, H. R. .151, 180, 200, 208, 211, 232 INDEX OF NAMES. 373 Schorlemmer, C 23, 84 Schroder, Dr. J. J. F 30 Schubert, Franz 259 Schultz, Edward T 68 Schultz, John C 312 Schumann, Robert 105 Schlitzenberger, M. P 90 Schuyler, Eugene 227, 258 Schuyler, Philip 333 Schwann, Dr. T. H 24, 77, 174 Schwarz, A 90 Schwegler, Dr. Albert 49 Sclater, Philip L 12 Scoble, Col 170 Scoloker, An 118 Scoresby, William 195, 207 Scott, Alexander F 333 Scott, Charles 299 Scott, Eben G 46, 60, 235 Scott, Sir Gilbert 103 Scott, Rev. John 39 Scott, John 151 Scott, John 240 Scott, Robert 106 Scott, Robert 221 Scott, R. H 58 Scott, Chief Justice Thomas 320, 321 Scott, Sir Walter. .116, 123, 127, 128, 143, 151, 156, 222, 259, 260 Scott, William B 76 Scott, Lieut.-Gen. Winfield 259 Scratchley, Arthur , . 57 Scribe, Eugene 333 Scrope, G. Poulett 18, 300, 313 Scrope, William 134 Scudder, Samuel H 10 Scull, GideonD 172 Sealy, Henry N 56 Seaton, Lord 312 Seaver, James E 256 Secundus, Johannes 116 Seddall, Rev. Henry 228 Seddon, John P 185 Seeley, H. G 9 Seeley, J.R 226,260 Seeley, L. B 259 Selby, P 320, 321 Selby, Prideaux J 5, 12 Seiden, John 118, 133 Self ridge, Thomas O 202, 237 Selkirk, Alexander 118 Selkirk, Rev. James 191 Selkirk, Earl of 293, 304, 312 Sellar, Robert 305, 316 Seller, William 13 Selwyn, Alfred R. C..18, 267,268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 276 Semple, Robert 180, 185, 204 Senator, H 76, 171 Senior, William 58, 95 Sensier, Alfred 257 Seranus, pseud 315 Sergeant, Lewis 53, 65, 187, 211, 212 Servetus, Michael 259 Seton, Alexander 259 Seton, Ernest E. T 170 Seton, George 259 Seume, J. G 180 Sevigne, Madame de 249, 254, 333 Seward, William 3 Seward, William H 127, 131, 259 Sewel, William 39 Sewell, Hon. Jonathan.. 313 Seyd, Ernest 57 Sf orza, Francesco 259 Shadwell, Charles 154 Shadwell, Licut.-Gcn. Lawrence. . .. 253 Shakespeare, William .. 113, 114, 129, 135, 151, 154, 156, 157, 173, 217, 259. 325, 328, 332, 333, 334 Shank, Colonel David 320 Shanly, Walter 313 Sharp, Granville 218 Sharpe, Samuel 25, 30, 214 Sharpies, S. P 52 Shaw, JEnias 321 Shaw, Albert 169 Shaw, Edward 88 Shaw, Capt. Eyre M 76, 88 Shaw, Henry 99, 100, 104 Shaw, Pringle 200 Shaw, S 179 Shaw, Thomas 179, 193 Shaw, Dr. T 177 Shaw, Vero 334 Shaw-Lefevre, G 58 Shea, Sir Ambrose 58 Shea, John Gilmary..39, 107, 198, 295, 297 Sheaffe, Colonel B. H 320, 321 Shedd, William G. T 34 Sheehan, John 144 Sheffield, John 151 Sheil, Hon. Richard L. 225 Sheldon, E. M 334 Sheldon, J. P 75 Shelf ord, Leonard 64 Shelhamer, Mis.s M. T 47 Shelley, Percy B 151, 259, 260 Shelley, Lady 259 Shenstone, William 151 Shepheard, H 211 Shepherd, C. W 185 Shepherd, Luke 118 Sheppard, Edmund E 316 Sherburne, Sir Edward 151 Sheridan, Hon. R. B 131, 157 Sherley, Sir A 325 Sherman, Gen. William T 260 Sherriff , Alexander 286 Sherring, Rev. M. A 42 Sherwood, Harold 151, 318 Sherwood, Henry 307 Shields, Robert 313 Shinn, Charles H 169 Shirley, Evelyn P 245, 334 Shirley, James 153, 154 Shirley, William 154 Shirreff, Patrick 200, 286 Shoberl, Frederic 40 Shoreham, William de 172 Short, Charles 106, 141 Short, John T 209 Shortt, John 13 Shuckard, W. E 10 Slmfeldt, Robert W 237 Shuman, Arnim. E 52 Shurtleff, N. B 332 Sibbald, Sir Robert 5 Sibley, John 180 Sibree, Rev. James 195, 211 Sibson, Francis 69 Sickles, Rev. A. W 46 Sikes, Wirt 211 374 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Sidney, Sir Philip. 118, 127, 151 Sidney, S 13 Siebold, Carl T. von 78, J74 Siemens, C. William 17 Sieveking, Edward H 69 Silliman, Benjamin 201, 260, 286 Silver, S. W 205 Sim, George 59 Simcoe, Governor 312, 320, 321 Simcox, Edith 48, 51 Sime. James 256 Sonmonds, P. L , 59 Simmons, Thomas F 166 Simms, Frederick W 86 Simon, Barbara A 41, 232 Simon, Jeremias 151 Simon, Dr. J. Franz 23, 78, 79, 174 Simond, Louis 183 Simpson, Alexander 313 Simpson, Sir George 181, 286 Simpson, Henry T 216 Simpson, J. H 236 Simpson, Richard 115, 252 Simpson, Thomas 170, 313 Simpson, W. Sparrow 32 Simroch, M. Karl 173 Sims, J. Marion 73 Simson, James 260 Sinclair, Catherine 184 Sinding, Paul C 226 Singer, Samuel W 260 Sinnett, A. P 47 Sixte le Tac, Ptrc 298 Skeat, Walter W. ,107, 110, 115, 165, 166, 167, 330 Skelton, John 151 Skelton, Joseph 92 Skene, Felix 223 Skene, William F 116, 223 Skinner, Andrew 335 Skinner, Joseph 204 Skinner, Thomas 53 Skrine, Henry 179 Slade, William 334 Slafter, Rev. Edmund F 172, 233 Slaney, R. A 286 Slater, J. Herbert 135 Sleeman, W. H 190 Sloan, Samuel 103 Sloane, Sir Hans 6 Small, H. Beaumont 274, 286, 295 Small John 320 Small, John 326 Small, John W 101 Small, J. T 64 Smart, B. C 109 Smart, Christopher 151 Smellie, William 5 Smellie, William 77, 171 Smiles, Samuel. 251, 261 Smith, Adam 56, 250 Smith, Albert 143 Smith, Alexander 224 Smith, Asa 17 Smith, Sir A. J 312 Smith, Charles H 5, 13. 14 Smith, Charles J 107, 334 Smith, David 90 Smith, Sir David W 286, 320, 321 Smith, Edmund 151, 154 Smith, Edward O 63 Smith, Euan 5 Smith, Eustace 70 Smith, Francis , 12 Smith, George 68 Smith, George. , 89, 101 Smith, Goldwin . .225, 247, 308, 312, 314, 3L6, 318 Smith, Henry 81 Smith, Horace 151 Smith, H. Percy 107 Smith, Rev. James 51 Smith, James 151 Smith, John , 16 Smith, Capt. John 119, 168, 179, 238 Smith, Joshua H 251 Smith, J. Lewis 70 Smith, J. Lionel 272 Smith, J. Moyr 100, 101, 104 Smith, J. Russell 141 Smith, Lucy T 165 Smith, Martin F 318, 334 Smith, M : . .240, 286, 301 Smith, Philip 213 Smith, Philip H 303 Smith, R. Bosworth 213, 256 Smith, Samuel 334 Smith, Strother A 187 Smith, .Ret'. Sydney 128, 130, 249 Smith, Toulmin 165 Smith, Uriah 44 Smith, Sir William 334 Smith, William. .29, 32, 176, 210, 214, 215, 334 Smith, William 254 Smith, William 298 Smith, William. 318, 334 Smith, W. Anderson 59 Smith, W. H 175, 286 Smith, William Wye 318 Smith, W. Robertson 30 Smithard, Miss 75 Smitt, Prof. F. A 58 Smollett, T 141, 151, 219, 322 Smyth, Coke 279 Smyth, George L 225 Smyth, Piazzi 57, 214 Snively, John H 91 Snow, Marshall S 169 Snowden, James Ross 246 Socrates Ill, 127 Solberg, Thorvald 135 Sola, Francisco G 58 Solini, Julius 176 Solly, Edward 169 Sonnenschein, William S , 135 Somervile, William 151 Somerville, Alexander. .128, 260, 302, 313 Somerville, Martha 260 Somerville, Mary 260 Sommieres, L. C. Vialla de 180 Sophocles 129 Sopwith, T 86 Sorbiere, Samuel 183 Sorby, H. C 24 Soret, M 255 Sotheby, Samuel L 135 Sotheran. Henry 141 Soule, Richard 107 Southerne, Thomas 154, 156 Southesk, Earl of 286 Southey, Robert 41, 130, 152, 261 Southey, Thomas 276 Southgate, Henry 2 INDEX OF NAMES. 375 Sowerby, G. B 8, 16 Sowerby, James 8, 16, X 334 Soyer, Alexis 334 Spalding, William 227 Spallanzani, Abbe Lazzaro 179 Sparkes, John C. L 76, 97 Sparks, Jared 254, 335 Spedding, James 121, 128, 217 Spedon, Andrew L 286, 318 Speed, John 219 Speke, John H 194 Spence, Rev. Joseph 130, 260 Spence, Thomas 334 Spence, Thomas 276 Spencer, Edmund 189 Spencer, Herbert 54 Spencer, John .... 35 Spencer, J. W 268 Spenser, Edmund. . . , 151 Spiegelberg, Otto 73, 171 Spilsbury, F. B 180 Spinoza, Benedict de 46, 48, 51 Spix, Joh B. von 203 Spofford, Ainsworth R 53 Spofford, Harriet P 101 Spon, Ernest 84, 85 Spotton, H. B 274 Spragge, Mrs. Arthur 286 Spragge, Hon. J. G 312 Sprague, Charles J 116 Sprat, Thomas 151 Sproat, Gilbert M 232 Spurgeon, C. H 27 Squier, E. G'. 202, 209, 326, 334 Squire, Peter 75, 79 Stables, W. Gordon 334 Stade, Hans 168 Staden, Hans 201 Stael, Madame de 123, 142 Stafford, Marquis of 99 Stafford, Rev. M 312 Stafford, Thomas 225 Stainer, J 105 Stainton, H. T 10 Standish, Frank H 261 Stanfield, Clarkson 184 Stanhope, Earl 221, 251, 253, 258 Stanley, Dean 29, 183, 222, 251 Stanly, Henry M 195 Stanley, Norman 331 Stansbury, Howard 201 Stansbury. P 201, 286 Stanton, Elizabeth C 61 Stanyhurst, Richard 119 Stapleton, Augustus G 324 Stark, Major-Gen. John 334 Starkey, Thomas 166 Starnes, Hon. Henry 313 Statius, Publius P 151 Statz, V 103 Staunton, Howard 65 Staveley, E. F 10 Stavorihus, J. S 179, 192 Stearns, Winfrid A 276 Stebbing, Rev. Henry 250 Stedman, C , 239 Stedman, Capt. J. G 242 Steel, John Henry 83 Steele, J. C : 71 Steele, Oliver G 286 Steele, Sir Richard 154, 157, 248 Steevens, George 113 Steigmann, John 320 Stein, Heinrich F. Karl 226 Stein, Karl Freiherr vom 260 Steinmetz, Andrew 43 Steinmeyer, Dr. F. L 32 Stephen, Sir George 334 Stephen, Leslie 51, 128, 250 Stephen, Thomas 60, 218 Stephens, F. G 99 Stephens, Henry 13 Stephens, John L 202 Stephens, William A 318, 334 Stephenson, Robert 260 Stepney, George 151 Sterling, John 124, 260 Sternberg, George M 24 Sterne, Laurence 128, 322 Stuart, Sir Henry 93 Stevens, Edward T 209 Stevens, George A 132 Stevens, Henry 334 Stevens, Sacheveral 177 Stevenson, Andrew , 39 Stevenson, Colonel C 320 Stevenson, James 301 Stevenson, J. J 103 Stevenson, Willliam 176 Stewart, Alexander 109 Stewart, Alexander 320 Stewart, Alexander P 72, 171 Stewart, Charles 319 Stewart, C. S 205 Stewart, George 300, 302, 306, 314 Stewart, John 286 Stewart, J 204 Stewart, Rev. K. J 68 Stewart, Phillips 319 Stier, Rudolf 28 Stille, Charles J 75 Stirling, Earl of 303 Stirling, James H 49. 256 Stirling, J 59 Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William .. 226, 253, 254, 261 Stith, William 238 Stobo, Major Robert 260 Stockton, Com. Robert F 334 Stokes, Rev. H. P 114 Stokes, Maive 211 Stokes, Margaret 103, 224 Stokes, William 72, 80, 171 Stone, William L. .68, 232, 256, 258, 299, 310 Stonehenge, pseud 83, 95 Storer, D. H 9 Stormonth, James 107 Stothard, Charles Alfred 260 Stothard, Mrs. C 260 Stothard, Thomas 260 Stoughton, John 39 Stowell, Rev. W. H 39 Stower, C 91 Strachan, Bishop 312, 313 Strachey, Sir Edward 30 Strachey, William 168 Strathmore, Countess of 260 Stratton 63 Stratton, Thomas 109 Strauss, David F 32 Stratford, Thos. Wentworth, Earl of 260 Street, Alfred B 334 Street, Samuel 321 376 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Stretton, Heshba 160 Strieker, S 74, 171 Strong, Caleb 334 Strong, James 1, 36 Strong, Hon. S. H 312 Struthers. John 223 Strutt, Jacob G 93 Stryker, William S 299 Strype, John 258 Stuart, A 235, 244, 286, 299 Stuart, Prince Charles 260, 334 Stuart, Charles B 92 Stuart, C 286 Stuart, Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia 26Q Stuart, James 64 Stuart, Jan.es 201, 286, 299 Stuart, Robert 103 Stuart, Villiers 214 Stubbs, Bishop 218 Stuckenberg, J. H. W 256 Sturgeon, William 4 Suckley, G 237, 325 Suckling, Sir John 152, 157 Sue, Eugene 226 Suffield, Lord 320 Suleiman, Pasha 249 Sullivan, Edward 201, 286 Sullivan, Francis S 218 Sullivan, Maj. Gen. John 232, 238 Sullivan, Robert 63, 293 Sullivan, William K 108 Sully, James 50 Suite, Benjamin. ..152, 295, 306. 316, 319, 334 Sulz, Charles H 334 Sumner, Bishop 260 Sumner, Hon. Charles 235, 260 Sumner, Rev. George H 260 Surrey, Earl of 152 Surtees, Robert S 143, 334 " Susie D," pseud 152, 319 Sutcliff, Robert 201, 286 Sutherland, Rev. Alexander 312 Sutherland, Peter C 206, 207 Sutherland, Th," Jefferson 293, 302 Sutherland, William 94 Sutter, Archibald 201, 286 Suttpn, Francis 23 Swain, Prof. George F 52 Swainson, Rev. C . .22, 211 Swainson, W 5, 12, 274 Swammerdam, John 6 Swank, James M 52 Swanwick, Anna 116 Swaysland, W. 12 Sweatman, Bishop 312 Sweden borg, Emanuel 23, 43 Sweet, Henry 109, 165, 166 Sweetser, M. F 201 Swift, Jonathan. ...118, 124, 128, 131, 152, 219, 225, 260, 322, 323 Swinburne, Algernon C 115 Swinef ord, A. P 21 Sydenham, Lord 300, 312, 313 Sydenham, Thomas 72, 174, 260 Sydere, Arthur H 290 Sydney, Hon. Algernon . , 260 Syme, David 60, 218 Symes, Michael 179, 191 Symonds, John A. .97, 111, 129, 152, 187, 227 Symonds, Rev. W. S 20, 21 Symons, Arthur 114, 115 Symons, G. J 22 Symons, John 301 Synge, Capt. M. Henry 277, 308 Tache, Archbishop 287, 312, 313, 324 Tach^, E. P 297, 312, 313 Tactic 1 , Louis H 319 Tache, J. C 274, 276, 316 Tacitus 116, 215 Tailor, Robert 153 Taine, H. A 110 Tait, Lawson 73 Tait, Peter G 24, 258 Talbot, Edward A 287 Talbot, Hon. Thomas 312, 313 Talfourd, Thomas N 126 Talleyrand, Charles M 248 Talleyrand-Perigord, Le Marquis de. 235 Tanguay, L'Abbe C 245 Tarbox, Rev. Increase N 172 Tarbuck, Edward L 89 Tardivel, J. P 316 Tarleton, F. S. A 239 Tarlton, Richard 173 Tarring, Charles J 63 Taschereau, Cardinal 312, 313 Taschereau, Hon. H. E. 312 Tasman, Abel Jansen 179 Tasse, Joseph 313 Tasso, Torquato 152, 260 Taswell-Langmead. Thomas P 218 Tatham, John 157 Tatian 35 Tavernier, J. B 179 Tayler, Frederick 99 Taylor, Alfred S 77, 80 Taylor, Archibald M'A 319 Taylor, Arthur 245 Taylor, Conyngham C 287, 306 Taylor, Ellen M 205 Taylor, Fennings 288, 313 Taylor, George. . . 225 Taylor, George 335 Taylor, Henry 60, 128, 260 Taylor, Henry 300, 307 Taylor, Isaac 109,213 Taylor, Isaac 257 Taylor, James . . 335 Taylor, James B 68, 105 Taylor, Bishop Jeremy 34 Taylor, John 118 Taylor, John 214 Taylor, Joseph 93 Taylor, Maurice J 335 Taylor, Robert W 82 Taylor, Tom 259 Taylor, W 109. 123 Taylor, W. B. Sarsfield '. 97 Teale, T. Pridgin 75 Tecumseh 312, 314 Tegg, Thomas 211 Tegg, William 133 Tegner, Esaias 116 Telang, Kashinath T 45 Temple, Captain 58 Temple, Sir Richard 188 Temple, Theodore 68 Ten Brink, Bernhard 110 Tench, Capt. Watkin 335 Tennent, Sir James E 7, 191 Tenner, Adolf 71, 170 INDEX OF NAMES. 377 Tennyson, Lord 122, 128, 129, 249 Ternaux-Compans, H 202, 242 Terriere, Pierre du Salles la 335 Terrill, Edward 32 Tertullian, Quintus Sept. Flor 35 Teissier, F 335 Tessier, Hon. Joseph U 313 Texier, Edmond 132 Thackeray, Rev. Francis 39 Thausing, Julius E 90 Thayers, M. J 152, 319, 335 Theal, George M 211 Thebant, G 45 Theller, E. A 302 Theobald, Lew 154 Theocritus ... 152 Therry, R 324 Thevenot, John 177 Thiele, J. M 260 Thierry de Mennonville, Nicolas J . . 179 Thierry, A 256 Thiers, Louis A 226, 249 Thirlwall, Connop 214 Thistleton, Hon. Francis, pseud. .143, 315 Tholuck, Dr. Augustus 28 Thomas, C 305, 306 Thomas, Cyrus 209 Thomas, David 35 Thomas, Ernest C 324 Thomas, John 303 Thomas, Ralph 135 Thomas, T. Gaillard 73 Thomas, Urijah Rees 35 Thomas, William 220 Thomas, William J 14, 172, 335 Thompson, A 219 Thompson, David 240, 301 Thompson, Edward M 220 Thompson, Ernest E 170 Thompson, Francis B 100 Thompson, Sir Henry 58, 82 Thompson, J. Harry 75 Thompson, Kate 99 Thompson, Reginald E 80 Thompson, Samuel 290, 313 Thompson, Theophilus 80, 174 Thompson, Thomas 42, 201 Thompson, William 152 Thorburn, Grant 183, 260 Thorburn, James 57 Thoreau, Henry D 125, 260 Thorley, John 10 Thornbury, G. W 115 Thorpe, Benjamin 335 Thorpe, Charles 8 Thorpe, Major Samuel 335 Thorvaldsen, Bertel 260 Thomson, David 94 Thomson, James 152, 154, 156, 172 Thomson, John L 240, 301 Thomson. J 191 Thomson, Peter G 135 Thomson, Richard 218 Thomson, Spencer 71 Thomson, Rev. Thomas 248 Thomson, T. Radford 335 Thomson, Sir William 24 Thomson, William 91 Thomson, William M 29 Thrupp, John 132, 208 Thucydides 116, 214 Thudichum, John L. W 75, 90 Thunberg, C. P. 179, 195 Thurber, George 15 Thurman, John 13 Thynne, Francis 165, 166, 173 Tibullus 152 Tickell, Thomas 152 Ticknor, George 112, 127, 258. 260 Tidy, Charles M 77, 80 Tieck, Ludwig 124 Tiele, C. P 31, 44, 48, 120 Tilley, St> S. L 312, 313 Timbs, John 4, 183, 250 Tindale, W 119 Titcomb, Sarah E 246 Titian 260 Tkin-Shen 144 Tocque, Rev. Philip 276, 302 Tocqueville, Alexis de 226, 233, 235 Tod, John 287 Todd, Alfred 289 Todd, Alpheus 61,288 Todd, Rev. Henry J 151 Todd, H. C 287 Todd, James H 260 Todhunter, I .... 25 Tolmie, W. Fraser 107 Toller, F. Northcote 105 Tomkins, Rev. Henry G 59, 250 Tomkis, J 153 Tomson, Robert 118 Tone, Theobald 225, 260 Tooke, John H 109 Tooke, Thomas 56 Topp, Rev. Alexander 312 Torcy, Marquis of 260, 298 Torrance, J. Fraser 271 Torrens. W. M 257 Torrey, John 15, 16 Tottel 118, 145 Tourneur, Cyril 153 Touron, R. P 238 Toussaint, G. Alvar 89 Townshend, Charles 260 Townshend, F. French 201 Townsend, George H 130 Townsend, John K 335 Townshend, W. Charles 162, 218 Town, Salem 68 Traill, Mrs. C. P 16, 274, 276 Trail, R. T 76 Travis, J 288 Tredgold, Thomas '. 87, 89 Trelawny, E. J 252, 260 Tremenheere, Hugh S 65, 201, 300 Trendall, E, W 103 Trevelyan, G. Otto 169, 254, 257, Trimen, Henry 14, 77 Tristram, H. B. .8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 189, 193 Tripp, F. E 16 Troil, Uno von 179, 185 Trollope, Anthony 144, 204, 260, 287 Trollope, Mrs 201 Trollope, T. Adolphus 227, 258 Troltsch, Professor von 71, 171 Trotter, Philip D 193 Trousseau, A 80 Trout, Edward 86, 277 Trout, J. M 86, 277 Triibner, Nicolas 135 Trudelle, HAW 305 Trumbull, Henry 335 Tschudi, J. J. von 204 378 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Tucker, G. A 76, 170 Tuckerman, Henry T 99, 250 Tuckey, J. H 180 Tudor, Henry 201, 287 Tudor, JohnR 184 Tuke, Daniel H 76 Tuke, Sir Samuel 153 Tunis, W. E 287 Tupper, Sir Charles 312, 313, 314 Tupper, Lieut. E. W 314 Tupper, Ferdinand B 310, 314 Tupper, Martin F 129, 152 Turbervile, George 152 Turcotte, Louis P 298, 300, 305 Turnbull, John 180 Turner, Joseph, M. W. . . .5, 99, 184, 260 Turner, L. M 236 Turner, Ross 99 Turner, Sharon 39, 93, 213, 219 Tumor, Hatton 22 Turpin, F. R 179 Tuttle, Charles R 276, 304 Tuttle, Herbert 250 Twining, Elizabeth 16 Twiss, Sir Travers 62, 305 Tyas, Robert 94, 246 Tyerman, Rev. L 250, 261 Tyler, J. Endell 41 Tyler, Moses C 109 Tyler, Thomas 115 Tylor, Edward B 208, 210 Tymms, Samuel 246 Tymms, W. R 99 Tyndale, William 25, 26, 118 Tyndall, John 24 Tyrrell, J. B, 268 Tyrwhitt, Rev. R. St. John 99 Tyrwhitt, Thomas 147 Tytler, Patrick F. .125, 250, 255, 258, 295, 325 Udall, Rev. John . 119 Udall, Nicholas 118, 155, 173 Ullmann, Dr. C 40 Ulloa, Don Antonio de 177, 179, 203 Umfreville, Edward 287 Uncle Ben, pseud 312 Underbill, Edward 118 Ungewitter, G 103 Unwin, William C 335 Unzer, John A 79, 174 Ure, Andrew 23, 84 Ure, G. P 287, 306 Urquhart, Sir Thomas 117 Urquhart, William P 259 Ursua, Pedro de 168 Usher, Rev. James 39 Usselinx, William 164 Vaca, d'Alvar N. C. de . . . . 202 Vaile, Charles A 90 Vale, G 258 Valentia, Viscount 181, 194 Valentin, William G 23 Valentine, Mrs 130, 219 Vallancey, Charles 224 Valle, Pietro delle 179, 190 Vallee, Leon 136 Valliere, Duchessc de la 257 Valpy, A. J 116, 215 Vambery. Arminius 13 Vanbrugh, Sir John 154, 156, 157 Van Buren, W. H 82 Vance, Alexander 116 Vancouver, Capt. George 205 Van der Burg, A. R 100 Van der Burg, P 100 Van der Hooght, Everardo 25 Van der Kolk. J. L. C. S 70, 71, 170 Van Dyk, Harry S 144 Vandyke, Sir Anthony 261 Van Dyke, J. C 136 Van Geert, Auguste 16, 94 Vanhomrigh, Miss 128 Vankoughnet, Hon. P. M. M. S 312 Van Laun, Henri 110, 157 Van Lennep, Henry J 29 Van Linschoten, John H 190 Van Oosterzee, J. J 27 Vanuxem, Lardner 20 Vapereau, Gustave 250 Varthema, Ludovico di 168 Vasari, G 164 Vasi, Giuseppe 215 Vasquez de Gama 177 Vaughan, J. D 335 Vaughan, Robert 40, 43, 219 Vaux, Viscount de 320 Vega, Garcilasso de la 168, 243 Vega Carpio, Lope F. de 261 Veitch, John 112, 223, 255 Velazquez, Diego R. de S 261 Velpeau, A 70, 174 Venables, G. S 128 Vennor, Henry G. . .12, 268, 269, 271, 272, 274 Vere, Sir Francis 118 Vergnaud, Armand 89 Veritas, pseud 301 Vernon, Rev. I. R 132 Vertot, L'Abbe de , . . . 244 Vespucci, Amerigo 181 Vezina, Frs 314 Viardot, Louis 99, 103, 250 Vicary, Thomas ; 326 Victor Emmanuel II, King 261 Victoria, Queen 221, 302 Vida, Marco Girolamo 152 Vieyra, Anthony 107 Viger, J 298 Vigfusson, Dr. Gudbrand Ill, 145 Vigne, Godfrey T 201, 287 Viles, Edward 166 Villemain, Abel F 221, 253, 255 Villiers, Duke of Buckingham 118 Villon, Francis 152 Vimont, Barthelemy 297 Vincent, Mrs. Howard 287 Vincent, J. E. Matthew 335 Vinci, Leonardo da 261 Vines, Sydney H 322 Vinet, Alexander 34, 35 Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugene.. 20, 92, 103, 335 Virgil 152 Vivian, A. Pendarves 201, 287 Vivian, H. Hussey 201, 287 Vizetelly, Henry 185, 335 Vogdes,' Frank W , 103 Vogel, J 82, 170 Vogt, Carl 14 Volney, C. F 189, 201, 211 Voltaire, Francois M. A. de.117, 123, 261 Von Ense, Varnhagen 123 Von Gerlach, Otto 27 INDEX OF NAMES. 379 Von Humboldt, Alexander 216 Von Schiefner, F. Anton 120 Vose, George L 87 Vyner, Robert T 95 Waagen, Prof 97, 99 Wace, Henry 29, 251 Wachsmuth, William 214 Wadd, William .... , . 335 Waddilove, Rev. J. W. D 306 Wade, John 219 Wagner, Albrecht 69, 170 Wagner, Ernst 78 Wagner, Rudolf 23 Wagner, W 211 . Wafer, Lionel 177 Wait, Benjamin 302 Waitz, Dr. Theodore 14 Wakefield, Edward G 247, 307 Wakefield, W 33n Walchius, Georgius 136 Walcott, Charles D 21 Walcott, John 152 Walcott, Mackenzie E. C 32 Waldo, S. Putnam 257 Walford, Cornelius 52, 56, 136 Walford, Edward 130, 216, 246 Walkem, Hon. G. A 312 Walker, Alexander 127 Walker, Francis A 52 Walker, Sir Hovenden 298 Walker, James 335 Walker, John 5 Walker, John 107 Walker, Sergeant 152, 319 Wallace, Alfred R 6, 18, 23 Wallace, D. Mackenzie 187 Wallace, William 50 Wallace, William 261 Wallace, Sir William 261 Wallem, Fredrik M 58 Waller, Edmund 152 Waller, John A 180 Wallich, G. C 6,8 Wallis, Capt. Samuel 176, 181 Walford, Edward 183 Walpole, Charles G 225 Walpole, Earl of Orford. . . .131, 156, 221, 254, 259, 322, 335 Walpole, Horatio, Lord 261 Walpole, Sir Robert 221, 250 Walpole, Spencer 58, 332 Walrond, Theodore 254 Walsh, J. H 13, 83 Walsh, Le Vicomte 316 Walsh, R.F 58 Walsh, Rev. Thomas 39 Walsh, William 152 Walton, George E. 287 Walton, Thomas 325 Walton, W.L 190 Wanless, Andrew 319, 335 Wansey, Henry 201 Warburton, Eliot 259, 287, 298 Ward, Adolphus W 214 Ward, AnnaL 2 Ward, Edmund 287 Ward, George A 253, 298, 325 Ward, Samuel R 261 Ward, Thomas H 145, 221, 250 Warden, Alex. J 91 Ware, Henry 335 Ware, John 335 Ware, Mary L 335 Waring, Edward J 77, 136 Waring, Edward S 180 Warner, Robert 16 Warner, William 152 Warnock, Robert 305 Warr, Rev. G. W 287 Warre, Rev. E 76 Warren, Sir Charles 189 Warren, Mrs 104 Warren, S. Edward 86 Warren, William W 233 Warry, George D 64 Warter, John Wood 130 Warton, Joseph 152 Warton, Thomas 152 Warville, J. P. Brissot de 201 Warwick, Countess of 172 Washington, George ... 235, 239, 261, 335 Washington, H. A 329 * Waterhouse, G. R 13 Waters, A. J 57 Waterworth, Rev. J 37 Watkin, Edward W 287 Watkins, Rev. E. A 107 Watkins, John 221, 261 Watkinson, John 336 Watson, B. A 287 Watson, Dr. Forbes 91, 92 Watson, James C 17 Watson, John 49 Watson, John 91 Watson, Rev. John S 253, 261 Watson, Richard 34 Watson, Robert 227 Watson, Sereno 52 Watson, S. J 288 Watson, Sir Thomas 80 Watson, Thomas 118, 152 Watt, Alexander 91 Watt, James 247, 261 Watt, William 59 Watts, Henry 23 Watts, Isaac 152 Waugh, Edwin 132 Watt, Robert 136 Weale, W. H. J 164 Webb, Rev. T. W 17 Webbe, William 118, 152 Webber, H.H 300, 307 Webber, Samuel 87 Weber, Albrecht 119 Weber, Carl M. von 261 Weber, Gottfried 105 Weber, Henry 336 Weber, Max M. von 261 Webster, Daniel 129, 131, 261 Webster, John 125, 153, 157 Webster, Noah 107 Webster, Wentworth 211 Weddell, James 205 Wedgwood, Hensleigh 107 Wedgwood, Josiah 261 Wedl, Carl 74,78, 174 Weeden, William B 169 Weekes, Henry 97 Weeks, Jos. D 52 Weir, Arthur 319 Weise, Arthur J 201, 233 Weismann, August 7, 11 Weiss, Dr. Bernard 32, 34 380 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Weld, Charles R 287 Weld, Isaac, jr 201, 287 Wellcome. H. S 305 Wellesley, Marquess 249, 261 Wellington, Arthur M 87 Wellington, Duke of 261 Wells, T. Spencer 73 Welsh, Alfred H 110 Wendt, Ernest E 336 Werner, Frederick L. Z . . 123 Wernier, Abraham G 6 Wertheimber, Louis 144 West, Benjamin 261 West, E.W 46 West, Gilbert 152 Wesley, John 261 Westcott, Brooke FOBS 29 Weston, Allyri 68 Weston, Richard 201, 287 Wethereld, Agnes E 314 Wever, R 155 Wey, Francis 187 W. H 319 Wharncliffe, Lord 131 Wharton, Francis 336 Whately, Richard 212 Wheatley, Henry B.. 89. 97, 104, 133, 165, 169, 183, 258 Wheaton, Henry 226 Wheeldon, J. P 58, 95 Wheeler, George M. . . .10, 17, 20, 21, 209, 236 Wheeler, James 222 Wheeler, J. Talboys 229 Wheeler, William A 2 Wheelwright, John 172 Whewell, William 5 Whelan, Hon. Edward 300, 307 Wherry, Rev. E. M 44, 120 Whetstone, G 325 Whewell, William 19, 261 Whinfield, E. H 120, 152 Whipple, Edwin P 131 Whitaker, Joseph 53, 141 White, Adam 8 White, Adam - 168 White, Andrew D 164, 169 White, Charles 187 White, Ellen G 44 White, G. A 305 White, Henry 84, 273 White, Henry K 152, 261 White, James 44, 257 White, John 201, 287 White, John 320 White, Joseph 251 White, Richard G 115 White, Robert 223 White, Stephen , . . . . 225 Whiteaves, J. F 273 Whitecross, John 3 Whitefield, George 261 Whitehead, Paul 152 Whitehead, William 152, 154, 156 Whitfield, Robert P 21 Whitman, Walt 153 Whitmore, William 172 Whymper, Edward 186 Whymper. Frederick 201 Wickes, Charles 103 Wicksteed, G. W 291 Wicksteed, Capl. R. J 300 Wiesinger, Lie August 28 Wight, O. W 117 Wigner,G. W 75 Wilbye, John 118 Wilde, Hon. Richard H 136 Wilder, Daniel W 241 Wilcocke, Samuel H 203 Wilcocks, J. C 59 Wilkie, D 201 Wilkes, Charles 181 Wilkes, Rev. Henry 313, 314 Wilkes, John 124, 126, 261 Wilkie, Sir David 261, 287 Wilkie, William 153 Wilkins, George 153 Wilkins, Harriet A., pseud... 153, 319, 336 Wilkins, Peter 143 Wilkins, W. Walker 145 Wilkinson, Sir J. Gardner 214 Wilks, Samuel 69 Wiman, Erastus 314 Winchell, N. H 19 Winchester, Charles 329 Winchester, Gen 240, 300 Winder, Daniel K 274 Windhus, John 177, 179, 193 Winer, Dr. George B 36 Wingfield, Alexander H 319, 336 Wingfield, Hon. Lewis S 76 Winslow, Col, John 303 Winsor, Justin 234, 241 Winterbotham, W 234 Winthrop, John 238 Willard, F. J 336 Willard, Mrs. F. J. . 319 William III, King 221, 261, 325 William IV, King 221, 255, 261 Williams, Albert 84 Williams, Benjamin S 94 Williams, Charles Wye 336 Williams, Frederick S . 87 Williams, Folkestone 250 Williams, George 189 Williams^ George W 241 Williams, Howard 47 Williams, Joseph 225 Williams, Rev. J. W 312 Williams, Monier 119 Williams, Mrs 336 Williams, Robert F 336 Williams, Roger 261 Williams, Samuel 241 Williams, S. Wells 191 William?, Thomas 205 Williams, T 180 Williams, T. S 131 Williams, William 107 Williams, Sir William F 313 Williams, W. Carleton 330 Williams, Sir W. F 312 Williams, W. H 287 Williams, W. Mattieu 75 Williamson, Peter 233, 298 Willimot, Charles W 271, 272 Willis, N. P 184, 224 Willis, Robert 103, 252, 255, 259 Willis, William 241 Willoughby, Francis , 5 Willoughby, Sir Hugh 179 Wills, Thomas 291 Willson, David 41, 314, 336 Willson, Harry 99 INDEX OF NAMES. 381 Wilmot, John 153 Wilmot, Hon. L. A 312, 336 Wilmot, Hon. R D 312 Wilson, Hon. Adam 312 Wilson, Alexander 5, 153, 336 Wilson, A. Stephen 57 Wilson, Betty 132 Wilson, Bishop 36 Wilson, Sir Charles 209 Wilson, C. H 201, 287 Wilson, Rev. C. T 194 Wilson, Sir Daniel. .40, 208, 209, 222, 312 Wilson, Rev. Edward 153 Wilson, Rev. Edward F 306, 336 Wilson, F. A... 287 Wilson, George 23, 252, 261 Wilson, Henry 250 Wilson, Henry 336 Wilson, James G 145, 247 Wilson, Jessie A 261 Wilson, Prof. John 129, 153, 157 Wilson, John 336 Wilson, John M 144, 153 Wilson, Owen S 11 Wilson, Sir Robert 227, 230 Wilson, Samuel F 239 Wilson, Rev. William 287 Wilton, Countess of 104 Wirt, William 255 Wise, John 22 Wiseman, Cardinal 115. 249 Wither, George '. 118 Witherspoon, John 303 Withrow, Rev. W. H 32, 295 Wix, Edward 42, 287 Woermann, Dr. Karl 99 Wolfe, Maj.-Gen. James.296, 297, 298, 312 Wolle, Francis 16 Wolsey, Cardinal 220, 261 Woltmann, Dr. Alfred 99, 256 Wood, Anthony a 250 Wood, Catherine J 75 Wood, Hon. Edmund B 292, 312 Wood, H. C 77, 80, 82 Wood, Rev. John 314 Wood, John P 245 Wood, J. G 6, 13 Wood, Mrs 184 Wood, Robert 177, 189, 213 Wood, Hon. S. C 312 Wood, William 172, 201 Woodberry, George E 100 Woodbury, C. J. H 88 Woodes, Nathaniell 155 Woodhead, G. Sims 78 Woodman, W. Bathurst 77, 80 Woodville, Dr. William 16, 72 Woodward, B. B 222 Woodward, Capt. David 180 Woodward, E. M 240 Woodward, J. J 70 Woolf e, J 103 Woolsey, Theodore D 62, 234 Wooster, David 16 Wooton, Edward 65 Wooton, Sir Henry 172 Worcester, Joseph E 107 Worcester, Marquis of 261 Wordsworth, Bishop... .40, 114,129,187 Wordsworth, Charles 64 Wordsworth, William 129 Wornum, Ralph N..99, 100, 164, 250, 256 Worsley, Israel .................. 41, 233 Wortabet, Rev. John .............. 40 Wrangham, Rev. Francis . . , , 247 Wraxall, Sir C. F. L .............. 221 Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel W .......... 261 Wren, Sir Christopher .............. 261 Wright, Carroll D .................. 52 Wright, Daniel .................... 229 Wright, Edward ................. 118 Wright, Francis .................... 201 Wright, Rev. G. N ........ 191, 221, 261 Wright, James ................... 118 Wright, John ................... 153, 261 Wright, Lewis ..................... 12 Wright, T.107, 132, 147, 165, 171, 173, 216 Wright, Thomas .................... 223 Wright, William ................... 213 Wright, W. Aldis .................. 166 Wunderlich, C. A ................ 82, 171 Wyatt, C. B .................... 320, 321 Wyatt, Mathew .................... 320 Wyatt, M. Digby ................ 97, 164 Wyatt, Sir Thomas ................ 153 Wycherley, William ........ 154, 156, 157 Wyckoff, William C ................ 52 Wycliffe, John . . . '. .......... 26, 40, 166 Wylde, James . . ............... 5 Wylie, James H ................... 220 Xerxes, Francois .................. 243 Yalden, Thomas .................. 153 Yates, John V. N .................. 241 Yapp, G. W ....... , ............ 97, 191 Yarker, John ...................... 68 Yarrow, Dr. H. C ............ 8,9, 12 Yearslev, James .................... 82 Yeo, Gerald F ..................... 79 Yonge, Charles Duke .............. 226 Yonge, Charlotte M ........ 246, 250, 258 Youatt, William ................... 83 Youmans, Edward L .............. 23 Young, Alexander .................. 336 Young, Archibald ................. 59 Young, Arthur ..................... 179 Young, Lieut. Bennett H .......... 293 Young, Charles F. T .............. 88 Young, Charles Mayne ............ 261 Young, Edward ............ 153, 154, 156 Young, Frederick .............. 307, 308 Young, Frederick .................. 247 Yonng, George R . . . ....... 65, 247, 309 Young, G. P ...................... 312 Young, James ............. , ____ 305, 312 Young, Jennie J .................... 104 Young, John ..................... 93, 94 Young, Hon. John .............. 312, 313 Young, Rev. John ................. 129 Young, M .......................... 258 Young, Julian Charles .............. 261 Young, Robert .................... 28 Young, Samuel .................... 25 Young, Thomas .............. 5, 24, 247 Young, Sir William ................ 312 Yule, Col. Henry .................. 108 Yule, Mrs. J. C ................ 153, 319 Zaehnsdorf, Joseph W .............. 89 Zeno, Antonio ...................... 168 Zeno, Nicolo ...................... 168 Zirkel, Ferdinand .................. 21 Zupitza, Julius ...... . . . | ---- ||fl|f . . . 166 Zurcher, F " OP THR nlTSRSITY T69G3 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY