J K UC-NRLF GIFT OF bt (Emnntmuufctlth af SUPPLEMENT LAWS BELATING TO ELECTIONS, CONTAINING LAWS ENACTED BY THE GENERAL COURT DURING THE SESSION OF 1909, PREPARED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH. BOSTON: WEIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 POST OFFICE SQUARE. 1909. (Enmntntttuealtlj nf UteaarljuafttB. _aws., SUPPLEMENT LAWS RELATING TO ELECTIONS, CONTAINING LAWS ENACTED BY THE GENERAL COURT DURING THE SESSION OF 1909, PREPARED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH. BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 POST OFFICE SQUARE. 1909. The copies of this pamphlet which are furnished to city, town and other officers are for their official use, and should be carefully preserved by them and trans- mitted to their successors in office so long as the laws contained in the pamphlet remain in force. ACTS OF 1909. CHAPTER 48. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ELECTION OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC WORKS IN THE TOWN OF HUDSON. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Upon the acceptance of this act as provided nc works for hereinafter the town of Hudson shall, at a legal meet- J^^jf^^ ing called for the purpose or at an annual town meeting, elect by official ballot three persons who shall serve and be known as commissioners of public works, and who shall hold office, one until the expiration of three years, one until the expiration of two years and one until the expira- tion of one year from the annual town meeting at which they are elected, or which follows the special meeting at which they are elected. Thereafter one such commissioner shall be elected annually at the annual town meeting, to serve for the term of three years therefrom, or until his successor is elected and qualified. Any vacancy occurring vacancy, in said board may be filled for the un'expired term by said town at any legal meeting. SECTION 2. Upon the election of said commissioners powers and of public works, the boards of water commissioners, sewer duties> etc - commissioners and the municipal electric light board shall be abolished, and thereupon all the powers, rights, duties and liabilities of the boards of water commissioners, sewer commissioners and of the municipal electric light board, in said town shall be conferred and imposed upon the com- missioners of public works created by this act. ~No con- certain con- tracts or liabilities, existing at the time of the said election, not c affe e cted, shall be affected hereby, but the board hereby created shall etc * be in all respects, and for all purposes whatsoever, the lawful successor of the water commissioners, sewer com- missioners, municipal electric light board, and also of the 257150 ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 48. Powers and duties, etc. Board of sur- vey, powers and duties. Board of over- seers of the poor abolished, etc. Auditor, elec- tion, term, etc. Collection of water rates, electric light and power rates. Question of acceptance to be submitted to voters. selectmen in all matters touching the care and maintenance of highways, bridges, drains and sidewalks. SECTION 3. Said commissioners in matters concerning the care and maintenance of highways, bridges, drains and sidewalks shall exclusively have the powers and be subject to the duties, liabilities and penalties of selectmen, which said powers, duties, liabilities and penalties shall be trans- ferred from said selectmen to said commissioners of public works, upon the election thereof. SECTION 4. Upon the election of the said board of public works, all the powers, rights, duties and liabilities of the selectmen in said town now existing or hereafter created by law, relating to the laying out and discontinu- ance of highways, town ways, bridges and sidewalks, guide posts, monuments at the termini and angles of roads, public squares, playgrounds, shade trees, sewers, drains, assessments of damages and betterments, gas pipes, con- duits, poles, wires, street railways, the granting of loca- tions, rights or licenses for structures upon, under or over highways or other ways, shall be exercised, enjoyed, performed and incurred by a board consisting of the select- men and the commissioners of public works created by this act, sitting jointly as a board of survey. SECTION 5. Upon the acceptance of this act by said town the board of overseers of the poor shall be abolished, and all the powers, rights, duties and liabilities of said board shall be transferred to the selectmen. SECTION 6. After the acceptance of this act, the said town shall, at the same meeting at which it elects the aforesaid commissioners of public works, elect by official ballot a single auditor for the term of one year, and there- upon the board of auditors of said town shall be abolished, and all the rights, duties and liabilities of said board of auditors shall be conferred and imposed upon said auditor. SECTION Y. After the acceptance of this act and upon the election of said commissioners of public works, all water rates and electric light and power rates assessed by said commissioners of public works shall be collected by the collector of taxes. SECTION 8. This act, except as provided in section nine, shall take effect upon its acceptance by a majority vote of the voters of the town of Hudson present and voting ACTS, 1909. CHAPS. 68, 69. thereon at a legal town meeting called for the purpose within one year after its passage, but the number of meet- ings so called shall not exceed three. SECTION 9. So much of this act as authorizes its sub- when to take mission as aforesaid shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 10, 1909. CHAPTER 68. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE ELECTION" OF THE TREASURER OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. At the annual municipal election in the Treasurer of city of Springfield held next after this act takes effect, and every second year thereafter, the treasurer of said city shall be elected by the qualified voters of the city voting in their respective precincts. He shall be elected by ballot, and shall hold his office for two years from the first Monday in January following his election, and until his successor is elected and qualified. SECTION 2. So much of the charter of said city and Repeal, of the amendments thereto as is inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its accept- when to take ance by a majority of the qualified voters of the city of e Springfield, present and voting in their respective pre- cincts, at the next municipal election following the pas- sage of this act. Approved February 17, 1909. CHAPTER 69. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: SECTION 1. At the annual municipal election in the Mayor of city of Springfield held next after this act takes effect, and eiectionf term, every second year thereafter, the mayor of said city shall etc ' be elected by the qualified voters of the city voting in their respective precincts. He shall be elected by ballot, and shall hold his office for two years from the first Monday ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 100. Repeal. When to take effect. Sinking fund commissioners of Whitman, election, term, etc. Quorum. Vacancy. Repeal. in January following his election, and until his successor is elected and qualified. SECTION 2. So much of the charter of said city and of the amendments thereto as is inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its accept- ance by a majority of the qualified voters of the city of Springfield, present and voting in their respective pre- cincts, at the next municipal election following the passage of this act. Approved February 11 , 1909. CHAPTER 100. AlST ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF WHITMAN TO CHOOSE A BOARD OF SINKING FUND COMMISSIONERS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The town of Whitman is hereby authorized to choose a board of commissioners to have charge of its present water sinking fund and such other sinking funds as the said town may hereafter create. Said town at its an- nual town meeting shall elect by ballot three persons to hold office, one until the expiration of three years, one until the expiration of two years and one until the expiration of one year from the next succeeding annual town meeting, to constitute a board of commissioners to have charge of such sinking funds, and at each annual town meeting there- after one such commissioner shall be elected by ballot for the term of three years. The said board shall have the powers and duties specified in chapter one hundred and fifty-two of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three so far as they relate to sinking funds. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any vacancy in said board from any cause may be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by said town at any legal town meeting called for the purpose. SECTION 2. So much of the said chapter one hundred and fifty-two as is inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 2-6, 1909. ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 125. CHAPTER 125. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ELECTION OF A BOARD OF LICENSE COMMISSIONERS BY THE TOWN OF PALMER. Be it enacted,, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The town of Palmer at its annual March License com- meeting shall in every year choose from the inhabitants Palme^elec- thereof, a license commission consisting of three members, tlon ' te to serve for the term of one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. Any vacancy in said board Vacancy. occurring during the year shall be filled by the selectmen. SECTION 2. ~No member of the board shall be engaged directly or indirectly in the manufacture or sale of in- etc - toxicating liquors, or hold any other town office. If any member of the board shall engage directly or indirectly in the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors, his office shall thereupon become vacant. Each member of said board shall have been a resident of the town of Palmer for at least two years immediately preceding his election. Two members of the board shall be a quorum for the Quorum. transaction of business. SECTION 3. All licenses issued in the said town for Powers and the sale of intoxicating liquors, or for innholders or com- mon victuallers, shall be issued and signed only by the board of license commissioners, and shall be recorded in their office; and all the powers and duties relating to said licenses, or to the sale of intoxicating liquors, now or hereafter vested in the selectmen of towns shall be ex- ercised and performed by the said board. SECTION 4. The town may appropriate a reasonable Compensation, sum of money for the compensation of its license commis- e sioners, and shall pay reasonable expenses incurred by the board for blank books, printing and other necessary expenses, approved by the board. SECTION 5. This act shall be submitted to the voters of T mitted to the town 01 Palmer at the next annual town meeting or voters, etc. at a special meeting called for the purpose, and if a majority of the voters voting thereon shall vote in the affirmative this act shall take effect. SECTION 6. So much of this act as authorizes its sub- when to take mission to the voters of the town shall take effect upon its effect> passage. Approved February 27, 1909. 8 ACTS, 1909. CHAPS. 138, 149. 1897, 283, amended. School com- mittee of Newton, pow CHAPTER 138. AN ACT TO PEG VIDE THAT THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF NEWTON SHALL BE A MEMBER OF THE SCHOOL COM- MITTEE OF SAID CITY. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: 19 SECTION 1. Section nineteen of chapter two hundred and eighty-three of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled " An Act to revise the charter of the city of Newton " is hereby amended by striking out the words " president of the board of aldermen ", in the fifth line, and inserting in place thereof the word : mayor, so as to read as follows: Section 19. The management and control of the public schools shall be era, duties, etc. veste( j ^ n fa Q scnoo i committee, which shall exercise the powers and discharge the duties imposed by law upon school committees. The committee shall consist of the mayor, ex officio, and two members from each ward. The present members shall continue to hold their respective offices according to the tenure thereof, and at the annual city elections the board of aldermen shall provide for the election of members to fill vacancies occurring at the end of the municipal year, so that the term of office of not more than five members, nor the term of office of the two members from any ward, shall expire in the same year. Other vacancies shall be filled as provided by general law. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect on the second Monday of January, nineteen hundred and ten. Approved March 5, 1909. When to take effect. 1907, 560, 177, amended. CHAPTER 149. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE TIME FOR FILING CERTIFICATES OF NOMINATION AND NOMINATION PAPERS IN TOWNS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section one hundred and seventy-seven of chapter five hundred and sixty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and seven is hereby amended by striking out the word " Saturday", in the second line of the fourth paragraph, and inserting in place thereof the word : Wednesday, ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 264. 9 - by striking out the word " Monday ", in the third line of said paragraph, and inserting in place thereof the words : second Thursday, by striking out the word " Satur- day ", in the fourth line of said paragraph, and inserting in place thereof the words : Wednesday or Thursday, - by striking out the words beginning with " preceding ", in the sixth line of said paragraph, and ending with the words " before the ", in the eighth line of said paragraph, by striking out the word " ninth ", in the eleventh line of said paragraph, and inserting in place thereof the word: - twelfth, and by striking out the word " seventh ", in the eleventh line of said paragraph, and inserting in place thereof the word : eleventh, so that said paragraph will read as follows: In towns, certificates of nomina- Last days for tion for town offices shall be filed on or before the second tions in towns. Wednesday, and nomination papers, on or before the second Thursday, preceding the day of the election; but if such Wednesday or Thursday falls on a legal holiday, said certificates of nomination shall be filed on or before the succeeding day; but if a town election is held on a day of the week other than Monday, such certificates of nomi- nation and nomination papers shall be filed respectively on or before the twelfth and eleventh days preceding the day of. the election. Approved March 6, 1909. CHAPTER 264. AN ACT RELATIVE TO PRIMARIES AT SPECIAL ELECTIONS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section one hundred and forty-eight of chapter five hun- 1907, 560, dred and sixty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred amended, and seven is hereby amended- by striking out the words " or any special election ", in the fifth and sixth lines, and inserting in place thereof the words : provided, that at special elections all primaries shall be held on the third Thursday preceding the day of the election, so as to read as follows : Section 148. Primaries shall be held Primaries, on the sixth Tuesday preceding state elections, on the holding. third Tuesday preceding city elections, except in Boston, where they shall be held on the fourth Thursday preceding the city election, and on the second Tuesday preceding town 10 ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 285. Proviso. School com- mittee of Ar- lington, elec- tion, terms, etc. Failure to elect or vacancy. elections: provided, that at special elections all primaries shall be held on the third Thursday preceding the day of- the election. In Boston they shall be held by precincts as established for elections; elsewhere, wholly or partly by wards, pre- cincts or towns, as the board of aldermen or selectmen may from time to time determine. Approved April 1 , 1909. CHAPTER 285. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE OF THE TJOWN OF ARLINGTON. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The school committee of the town of Arlington shall hereafter consist of five members, to be elected by such persons as shall be qualified to vote for school committee in that town; but no person shall be eligible for election to the committee who is not an in- habitant of the town. The school committee shall serve without compensation, and their terms of office shall begin with the beginning of the municipal year following their election. At the annual town meeting next following the acceptance of this act, as hereinafter provided, two persons shall be elected as aforesaid, to hold office for three years, two for two years and one for one year; and thereafter at every annual town meeting there shall be elected for the term of three years so many persons as may be necessary to fill the places of the member or members of said com- mittee whose term or terms are about to expire. SECTION 2. If there is a failure to elect a school com- mittee in the town, the selectmen shall in writing appoint such committee. If there is a vacancy in the school com- mittee elected in accordance with the provisions of this act, arising from death, resignation or otherwise, the remain- ing member or members of said committee shall give notice thereof in writing to the selectmen, who, with the remaining member or members of such committee shall, after one week's notice, fill such vacancy by ballot. A majority of the ballots of the officers entitled to vote shall be necessary to such election. The person or persons appointed or ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 344. 11 elected shall perform the duties of the office until the next annual meeting or until others are chosen and qualified. SECTION 3. Upon the organization of the school com- Powers and mittee elected in accordance with the provisions of this act the terms of office of the members of the present school committee shall end, and their powers and duties shall cease. The school committee elected in accordance with the provisions of this act shall be the lawful successors of the present school committee, and shall have the powers and privileges and be subject to the duties and obligations set forth in all general laws now or hereafter in force relating to school committees of towns. SECTION 4. So much of any act as is inconsistent Repeal, herewith is hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This act shall be submitted to the voters of t ]j d 8 5j' the town of Arlington at the annual state election in voters . etc. November, nineteen hundred and nine, and the form of the question to be placed upon the ballot shall be as fol- lows : Shall chapter of the acts of the year nine- teen hundred and nine, being " An Act relative to the school committee of the town of Arlington ", be accepted ? and if a majority of the voters voting thereon shall vote in the affirmative this act shall take effect. SECTION 6. So much of this act as authorizes its sub- when to take mission to the voters of the said town shall take effect upon its passage, but it shall not take further effect until ac- cepted by the voters of the town as herein provided. Approved April 9, 1909. CHAPTER 344. AN ACT RELATIVE TO ASSESSMENT AND REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Section fifteen of chapter five hundred and J^J; 560> sixty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and seven is amended, hereby amended by inserting after the word " books ", in the twenty-ninth line, the words : and, except in Boston, give immediate notice thereof to the registrars of voters, so as to read as follows: Section 15. The assessors, Assessors to assistant assessors, or one or more of them, shall annually, 12 ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 344. liable to a poll tax. To make lists of women voters. Inmates of Soldiers' Home may be assessed and vote in Chelsea. Assessors to correct errors and supply omissions. Notice to registrars of voters, etc. 1907, 560, 41, amended. in May or June, visit every building in their respective cities and towns and, after diligent inquiry, shall make true lists containing, as nearly as they can ascertain, the name, age, occupation and residence, on the first day of May in the current year, and the residence on the first day of May in the preceding year, of every male person twenty years of age or upwards, residing in their respective cities and towns, liable to be assessed for a poll tax; and, except in Boston, shall inquire at the residences of the women voters whose names are contained in the list transmitted to them by the registrars under the provisions of section forty-four whether such women voters are resident thereat, and shall thereupon make true lists of the women voters found by them. Any inmate of the Soldiers' Home in the city of Chelsea shall have the same right as any other resident of that city to be assessed and to vote therein. The assessors shall, upon the personal application of an assessed person for the correction of any error in their original lists, and whenever informed of any such error, make due investigation, and, upon proof thereof, correct the same on their books. When informed of the omission of the name of a person who is averred to have lived in the city or town on the first day of May in the current year, and to have been assessed there in the preceding year, they shall make due investigation, and, upon proof thereof, supply the omission on their books, and, except in Boston, give immediate notice thereof to the registrars of voters. They shall cause all applications, certificates and affidavits received by them under this section to be preserved for two years. SECTION 2. Section forty-one of said chapter is hereby amended by inserting after the word " registration ", in the seventh line, the words : and, except in Boston, they shall compare all notices of omitted assessments transmitted to them by the assessors under the provisions of section fifteen of this chapter, as amended by section one of this act, with the annual register of voters for the previous year, and if it appears to their satisfaction that any of said omitted assessments is that of a person entitled to vote in such previous year they may before the close of registration enter such name on the current annual ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 356. 13 register, so as to read as follows: Section 1+1. The Not to enter registrars shall not, after ten o'clock in the evening of a ?ste^s S after reg day on which registration is to cease, register any person trat?on, Sf- ls " as a voter until after the next election, but they may enter cept> etc - or correct upon the registers the names of persons whose qualifications as voters have been examined between the preceding thirtieth day of April and the close of registra- tion, and, except in Boston, they shall compare all notices of omitted assessments transmitted to them by the assessors under the provisions of section fifteen of this chapter, as amended by section one of this act, with the annual register of voters for the previous year, and if it appears to their satisfaction that any of said omitted assessments is that of a person entitled to vote in such previous year they may before the close of registration enter such name on the current annual register. They shall, in every case, require the vote by virtue of which such entry or correc- tion is made to be attested by their clerk. SECTION 3. Section forty-five of said chapter is hereby 1907, 560, amended by inserting after the word " section ", in the amended, third line, the words : or in accordance with the pro- visions of section forty-one of this chapter as amended, so as to read as follows : Section 1^5. Every person, Registration, male or female, whose name has not been entered in the pHcXonneces- annual register in accordance with the preceding section, SJ or in accordance with the provisions of section forty-one of this chapter as amended, must, in order to be registered as a voter, apply in person for registration and prove that he is qualified to register. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 3, 1909. CHAPTER 356. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR SENATOR AND MEMBERS OF STATE AND DISTRICT POLITICAL COMMITTEES IN THE FIRST ESSEX SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Nominations by political parties of can- Nomination of didates for state senator from the first Essex senatorial senato?firet r district shall be made in caucuses by direct plurality vote. I 14 ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 440. Members of state and dis- trict com- mittees. Return of caucuses. Canvassing board, how constituted, etc. SECTION 2. Members of state and district political committees from the first Essex senatorial district shall be elected in caucuses by direct plurality vote. SECTION 3. Returns of caucuses held under the fore- going sections shall be made according to the provisions of section one hundred and thirty-seven of chapter five hundred and sixty of the acts of the year nineteen hun- dred and seven. The registrars of voters and the clerk of the city of Lynn, together with the clerks of the towns of Swampscott and Nahant, shall constitute a canvassing board for said district, and shall proceed in the manner prescribed in section one hundred and five of said chapter five hundred and sixty, for like canvassing boards in the county of Suffolk. (The foregoing was laid before the Governor on the twenty-seventh day of April, 1909, and after jive days it had " the force of a law " , as prescribed by the Constitu- tion, as it was not returned by him with his objections thereto within that time.) Day of assess- ment of taxes. R.L. 12, 13, 14, 26, 102, 1902, 374, 1903, 437, 1904, 442, 1906, 463, 516, 1907, 560, 586, etc., 1908, 480, 550, etc., amended. CHAPTER 440. AN ACT TO CHANGE THE DATE FOE THE ASSESSMENT OF TAXES, AND THE LISTING AND REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The first day of April instead of the first day of May shall hereafter be the date for the assessment of taxes. SECTION 2. Sections four, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, twenty-three, twenty-six, forty-one, fifty-eight, ninety- three, ninety-four and ninety-six of chapter twelve of the Revised Laws ; sections three, fourteen, thirty-five, forty- nine and fifty of chapter thirteen of the Revised Laws and the schedule of forms at the end of said chapter thirteen ; sections four, eight, nine, twelve, sixteen, thirty-five, ex- cepting the second line thereof, thirty-seven, thirty-eight and sixty-one of chapter fourteen of the Revised Laws; section twenty-six of chapter twenty-six of the Revised Laws ; sections one hundred and twenty-eight, one hundred and twenty-nine and one hundred and forty-two of chapter ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 440. 15 one hundred and two of the Revised Laws; sections one, two and three of chapter three hundred and seventy-four of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and two ; sections forty-eight, forty-nine, seventy-two and eighty-six of chap- ter four hundred and thirty-seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and three; section one of chapter four hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and four; sections two hundred and eleven, two hundred and twelve and two hundred and sixteen of Part II of chapter four hundred and sixty-three of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and six ; sections one hundred and twenty-five and one hundred and twenty-six of Part III of chapter four hundred and sixty-three of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and six; sections fourteen, fifteen and twenty of chapter five hundred and sixteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and six; sections fourteen, fifteen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty-five, twenty- six, forty-three, forty-four, forty-six, sixty, seventy, seventy-one, seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-six, seventy-nine, eighty, eighty-three, eighty-six, one hun- dred and thirty-nine, one hundred and seventy-three ex- cepting the ninth line thereof, one hundred and ninety, one hundred and ninety-three and three hundred of chapter five hundred and sixty of the acts of the year nineteen hun- dred and seven; chapter five hundred and eighty-six of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and seven as amended by chapter one hundred and ninety-four of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eight; section one of chapter four hundred and eighty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eight; section four of chapter five hundred and fifty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eight, and all amendments of said sections and chap- ters are hereby amended by striking out the word " May ", wherever the same occurs in said sections, chapters, amend- ments or schedule of forms, and inserting in place thereof the word : April. SECTION 3. Section forty-one of chapter twelve of the R. L. 12, 4i, Revised Laws, as amended by chapter one hundred and fifty-seven of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and three, is hereby amended by striking out the word " July ", in the twentieth line, and inserting in place thereof the word : June, and by striking out the word " Au- 16 ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 410. R. L. 102, 128, amended. 1907, 560, 15, amended. 1907, 560, 24, amended. In 1910 certain income to be estimated for 11 mos., etc. Repeal. When to take effect. gust ", in the twenty-first line, and inserting in place thereof the word : July. SECTION 4. Section one hundred and twenty-eight of chapter one hundred and two of the Revised Laws is hereby amended by striking out the word " thirtieth ", in the second line, and inserting in place thereof the word: thirty-first, and by striking out the word " April ", in the third line, and inserting in place thereof the word : March. Section one hundred and twenty-nine of said chapter one hundred and two is hereby amended by strik- ing out the word " April ", in the sixth line, and inserting in place thereof the word : March. SECTION 5. Section fifteen of chapter five hundred and sixty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and seven is amended by striking out the word " June ", in the second line, and inserting in place thereof the word : May. SECTION 6. Section twenty-four of chapter five hun- dred and sixty of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and seven is amended by striking out the words " March and April ", in the tenth and nineteenth lines, and in- serting in place thereof the words : February and March. Section twenty-five of said chapter is amended by striking out the words " March and April ", in the twelfth and fourteenth lines, and inserting in place thereof the words : February and March. SECTION 7. In the year nineteen hundred and ten the income from trade, profession or employment and the income from annuities, shall, for the purpose of taxation, be estimated for the eleven months preceding April first, and the record of residence of the preceding year of per- sons liable for a poll tax or to police listing and of women for the purpose of registration shall be as of May first of the preceding year. SECTION 8. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. This act shall take effect on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and ten. Approved May 24, 1909. ACTS, 1909. CHAP. 492. 17 CHAPTER 492. AN ACT RELATIVE TO LISTS OF POLL TAX PAYEES IN TOWNS NOT DIVIDED INTO VOTING PRECINCTS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. In towns not divided into voting precincts, Lists of poll lists of poll tax payers prepared by the assessors may be ceita y towns. arranged alphabetically according to the names of the persons on the list, or by streets. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved June 15, 1909. 257150