S6M 11 aoo GIFT OF IBLIOGRAPHY OF FUSED SILICA COMPILED BY ALBERT E. MARSHALL AND W. W. WINSHIP NEW YORK THE THERMAL SYNDICATE, LTD. 1915 COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY THE THERMAL SYNDICATE, LTD. DOUGLAS C. McMuRTRiE, NEW YORK BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FUSED SILICA The behaviour of fused silica at high temperatures. A. BLACKIE. Transac- tions of the Faraday Society, 7: 158-165. [1911] Uber die absolute Ausdehnung des Quarzglases bis zur Temperatur des fliissigen Wasserstoffs. (Absolute expan- sion of fused quartz down to the tem- perature of liquid hydrogen.) KARL SCHEEL and WILHELM REUSE. Verhand- lungen der deutschenPhysikalischen Gesell- schaft, 16:1-3. [1914] Bestimmung von Ausdehnungskoef- fizienten bei tiefen Temperaturen. (De- termination of the coefficient of expan- sion at low temperatures.) S. VALEN- TINER and T. WALLOT. Verhandlungen der deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 16:757-764. [1914] On the expansion of vitreous silica. H. L. CALLENDAR. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 24: 195-200. [1912] [3] 305668 - ** B * B , LI I' *X G. & A P H Y The expansion and thermal hysteresis of fused silica. G. W. C. KAYE. Philo- sophical Magazine, 6 ser., 20:718-728. [1910] The expansion of mercury and of quartz. N. EUMORFOPOULOS. Philo- sophical Magazine, 23:653-655. [1912] Anisotropic expansion of a drawn tube of vitreous silica. H. L. CALLENDAR. Philosophical Magazine, 6 ser., 23: 998- 1000. [1912] The cubical expansion of fused silica . . . . F. J. HARLOW. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 24: 30- 39. [1911] The coefficients of expansion of fused silica and mercury. H. DONALDSON. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 24: 186-194. [1912] tiber thermische Ausdehnung in tiefer Temperatur. (Thermal expansion at low temperatures.) KARL SCHEEL. Phys- ikalische Zeitschrift, 8: 755. [1907] On the coefficient of expansion of fused [4] FUSED SILICA quartz. HOWARD D. MINCHIN. Phys- ical Review, 24: 1-21. [1907] La compressibilite des recipients en verre de quartz et les constantes elas- tiques du quartz fondu. (The compres- sibility of quartz vessels and the elastic constants of quartz.) A. SCHIDLOF and MME. ALFTHAN-KLOTZ. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, 27: 487- 516. [1909] A silica standard of length. G. W. C. KAYE. Proceedings Royal Society of London, 85-A: 430-447. [1911] Silica standards of length. Metallur- gical and Chemical Engineering, 8: 257. [1910] Quarzglaser. (Quartz glasses.) H. SEGER and E. CRAMER. Chemiker-Zeit- ung, 37:206. [1913] Zur Frage der Entglasung von Quarz- glas. (Devitrification of quartz glass.) A. C. MICHIE. Chemiker-Zeitung, 37: 589-590. [1913] On the devitrification of silica glass. [5] BIBLIOGRAPHY SIR WILLIAM CROOKES. Chemical News, 105:205. [1912] The insulating properties of solid dielectrics. HARVEY L. CURTIS. Jour- nal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 4: 492-494. [1914] tiber die Leitfahigkeit einiger Isola- toren bei hohen Temperaturen. (Con- ductivity of certain insulators at high temperatures.) MARCELLO VON PIRANI and WERNER VON SIEMENS. Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, 15:969-973. [1909] Note on the resistivities of glass and fused silica at high temperatures. AL- BERT CAMPBELL. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 25: 336-337. [1913] Vacuum-tight lead-seals for leading-in wires in vitreous silica and other glasses. HENRY J. S. SAND. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 26: 127-130. [1914] Additional refractive indices of quartz vitreous silica, calcite, and fluorite. J. [6] FUSED SILICA W. GIFFORD. Chemical News, 102: 181. [1910] Sur la preparation de I'helium pur par nitration des gaz de la cleveite a travers une paroi de silice. (The preparation of pure helium by filtering the gas from clevite through a quartz partition.) ADRIEN JAQUEROD and F. -Louis PER- ROT. Comptes Rendus, 144: 135-136. [1907] Sur une remarquable condition de 1'attaque du quartz par 1'acide fluor- hydrique gazeux. (On a remarkable con- dition of attack on quartz by hydro- fluoric acid gas.) ARMAND GAUTIER and P. CLAUSMANN. Comptes Rendus, 157: 176-179. [1913] The action of sugar solutions on glass. J. N. LAIRD. Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, 18:32. [1913] Eine neue Bestimmung des Stom- gewichtes des Selens. (A new determina- tion of the atomic weight of selenium.) JOSEF JANNEK and JULIUS MEYER. Zeitschrift fur anorganische Chemie, 83: 51-96. [1913] [7] BIBLIOGRAPHY The molecular weight of sodium car- bonate and the atomic weight of carbon referred to silver and bromine. THEO- DORE W. RICHARDS and CHARLES R. HOOVER. Journal of the American Chem- ical Society, 37: 95-107. [1915] A new method for the precise stand- ardization of hydrochloric acid solutions. LAUNCELOT W. ANDREWS. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 36: 2089- 2091. [1914] Methoden der Wasserdestillation. (Methods of water distillation.) A. G. BARLADEAN. Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 60: 1601-1603. [1913] Electroanalysis. Report British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, 1911, p. 98-99. Note on blowing fine quartz fibers. WILLIAM W. COBLENTZ. Carnegie In- stitution of Washington, Publication No. 65. Appendix 5. [1906] Marking porcelain and silica crucibles, etc. P. A. YODER. United States De- partment of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry. Circular No. 93. [1912] [8] FUSED SILICA A new apparatus for the coking test of coal. R. LESSING. Journal of the Soci- ety of Chemical Industry, 31:465-468. [1912] An electric combustion furnace, lab- oratory treating furnace and rheostat. GEORGE M. BERRY. Journal of Indus- trial and Engineering Chemistry, 2: 255- 260. [1910] Electric combustion furnace. JOHN K. POLK. Chemist- Analyst, No. 6, p. 4-7. [1912] Sur 1'emploi de resistances de chrome metallique granulaire pour le chauffage electrique. (Furnace with chromium re- sistance, for electric heating.) O. DONY- HENAULT. Comptes Rendus, 156: 66-68. [1913] Determination of carbon in iron and steel. MAX R. TREMBOUR. Chemical Engineer, 11:85. [1910] The determination of carbon in steel, ferro-alloys, and plumbago by means of an electric combustion furnace. C. M. JOHNSON. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 30: 773-779. [1908] [9] BIBLIOGRAPHY Determination of carbon in steel by the direct combustion method. WIL- LIAM BRADY. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 6: 843-845. [1914] Die Bestimmung des Kohlenstoffs im Eisen, Graphit und Wolframmetal durch Verbrennung. (Determination of carbon in iron, graphite and tungsten by com- bustion.) M. DENNSTEDT and TH. KLUNDER. Chemiker-Zeitung, 34:485- 486. [1910] Kohlenstoff Bestimmung im Stahl mittels Allihnscher Filtrierrohre. (De- termination of carbon in steel with the Allihn filter tube.) PRETTNER. Chem- iker-Zeitung, 34:578-579. [1910] Methods of the United States Steel Corporation for the commercial sampling and analysis of pig iron. CHEMISTS' COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION. Journal of Indus- trial and Engineering Chemistry, 4: 801- 812. [1912] An application of the electric resist- ance furnace to the determination of oxygen in iron and steel. R. H. McMiL- [10] FUSED SILICA LEN. Metallurgical and Chemical Engi- neering, 11:86-87. [1913] Einige Erfahrungen aus der Labora- toriumspraxis iiber Eisen- und Alumin- iumsbestimmungen. (Some experiences in laboratory practice on iron and alu- minum determinations.) HERMANN BORCK. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chem- te, 25:719-720. [1912] Determination of oxygen in copper and brass. T. WEST. Institute Metals pre- print, Aug., 1913. Electric combustion furnace for meth- ane determination. J. A. FRIES. Jour- nal of the American Chemical Society, 32: 949-953. [1910] The estimation of halogens in organic compounds, including a device for the combustion of volatile substances. E. EMMET REID. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 34: 1033-1039. [1912] Notes on the electrical method of Morse and Gray for the simultaneous de- termination of carbon, hydrogen and sulphur in organic compounds. E. [11] BIBLIOGRAPHY EMMET REID. American Chemical Jour- nal, 47:416-429. [1912] Determination of hydrogen, nitrogen and methane in gas by combustion in a quartz tube. MATHERS and LEE. Chemical Engineer, 17: 159-162. [1913] A rapid method for the determination of sulphur in roasted blende. C. C. NITCHIE. Journal of Industrial and En- gineering Chemistry, 4: 30-32. [1912] Rapid determination of sulphur in pyrites cinder. A. B. CONNER. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 5:399-401. [1913] Estimation of carbon. A. MAC ARTHUR JOHNSTON. Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa, 12:505. [1912] A modification of the Jager method of gas analysis. S. H. WORRELL. Metal- lurgical and Chemical Engineering, 11- 245-247. [1913] Note on a perforated silica plate for excluding flame gases from a crucible dur- ing ignition. ALEXANDER CHARLES [12] FUSED SILICA GUMMING. Proceedings of the Royal Soci- ety of Edinburgh, 32 : 17-18. [1911] Ersatz der Platincapillare bei der Kohlenstoffbestimmung in Eisen usw. nach dem Chromschwefelsaure-Verfah- ren. (A substitute for a platinum capil- lary in the determination of carbon in iron by the chromic acid method.) M. WIDEMANN. Chemiker-Zeitung, 33 : 1 186. [1909] A support for laboratory crucibles, ba- sins, etc. GEORGE T. HOLLOWAY. British Patent 12,787. [1907] Platinum resistance furnace for melt- ing points and combustions. SAMUEL A. TUCKER. Journal of the American Chem- ical Society, 29: 1442-1444. [1907] Sur Taimantation de Teau et de 1'oxy- gene. (Magnetization of water and ox- ygen.) PIERRE WEISS and AUGUSTE PICCARD. Comptes Rendus, 155: 1234- 1237. [1912] Tests to determine the commercial value of wood preservatives. A progress report. HOWARD F. WEISS. Proceedings [13] BIBLIOGRAPHY Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, 13:279-300. [1912] tiber die Entwicklung der analytischen Chemie. (On the development of ana- lytical chemistry.) E. WILKE. Zeit- schrift fur Elektrochemie, 17:623-629. [1911] A precision viscosi meter for measure- ment of relative viscosities. EDWARD W. WASHBURN and GUY Y. WILLIAMS. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 35: 737-750. [1913] Fused silica ware. J. FRANK BOTTOM- LEY. Proceedings Seventh International Congress of Applied Chemistry, 2: 181- 183. [1909] Fused quartz and quartz glass. CHARLES COLNE. Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering, 9 : 226-228. [1911] Fused silica ware. Chemical Trade Journal, 46: 61. [1910] Pure fused silica ware. Chemical Trade Journal, 52: 104. [1913] Silica ware products. Chemiker-Zeit- ung Repertorium, 35: 286. [1911] [14] , ^ < , j Das LdMiff *aas Gfes/ J '(Glass* "blow J pipe with quartz tip.) LUD. KOPA. Chemiker-Zeitung, 37:534. [1913] Ersatzmaterial fiir Platin. (A sub- stitute for platinum.) Chemiker-Zeitung, 37:754. [1913] A silica- jacketed silica polarimeter tube. T. MARTIN LOWRY. Transactions of the Faraday Society, 9: 193. [1913] [15] a i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY