O o '* O o O o" " BY EMORY J. HAYNES, D. D. DOLLARS AND DUTY. Elegant i 2 mo. Silk cloth, Laid paper, Gold and Ink ornamen- tation, $1.50 A story for young men and all who have to do with young men. "A quaint and interesting story, specially well told." The Critic, New York. "Written with grace and charm.": Journal of Education, Boston. "We wish every young man could read this admirable book." Central Baptist, St. Louis. A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. i2mo. Silk cloth. Uniform with " Dollars and Duty," $1.50 A story of our Civil War, which will not only charm older readers, familiar with the sorrowful experiences of those days, but will come to younger readers as a revelation of that period. " The brilliant preacher of Tremont Temple is equally successful with his books as with his sermons." Zion's Herald, Boston. ARE THESE THINGS SO. Extra large i6mo. Cloth $1.00 A fresh, effective volume of sparkling statement and enforcement of truth and good sense on a multitude of practical topics. Any Book mailed postpaid on receipt of price. Our 50 page catalogue free. JAMES H. EARLE, PUBLISHER, 178 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. BY EMORY J. HAYNES, D. D., PASTOR TRKMONT TEMPLE CHURCH, BOSTON, Author of " Dollars and Duty ," ''Are These Things So? Etc., Etc. BOSTON: JAMES H. EARLE, PUBLISHER, 178 WASHINGTON STREET. 1890. Cifyrigkt, BY JAMES H. EARLK. All rightt reserved. INDEX TO CHAPTERS. I. SHE WAS A FARMER 7 II. DOCTOR SMILES AND His SON .... 29 III. CAPTAIN BROON AND His SON .... 46 IV. A SHOCKING LIE 73 V. His MOUNTAIN PALACE ...... 98 VI. THE WAR MEETING 122 VII. THE SOLDIER'S WEDDING 147 VIII. OFF TO THE FRONT 168 IX. HERO OR POLTROON 180 X. THE BRIDE'S CONFESSION 200 XI. To ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST . . . 229 XII. NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS .... 260 XIII. THE Two COLONELS MEET .... 288 XIV. THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN . 310 XV. SINK OR FLOAT 331 XVI. WHAT THE SEA DID TO THE SOLDIER 352 XVII. AND WHAT THE GOD OF THE SEA . . 377 XVIII. UNARMED 400 2034537 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. SHE WAS A FARMER. pretty farmer lass again!" The young gentleman, Mark Broon by name, son of the did sailor - merchant Capt. Charles Broon, of New York, whose weather- beaten sign you may see on lower Broadway, looked up from whipping the daisies at the road- side and held his walking-stick in poise of gen- uine embarrassment. Yet he had purposely crossed the pasture and threaded the cart-track through the dew-laden meadow that he might pass the white farm- house, in whose door he yesterday saw this same superb face. Not that it was a very res- olute purpose when he left the little village hotel for a morning stroll. Still he had to con- fess that he hoped to see her again. She had troubled his dream, more or less, the preceding 7 8 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. night. But as he leaped the fence to gain the highway, just behind a sheltering clump of alder-bushes, in order to see a casual passer-by along the road, it was decidedly embarassing to catch sudden sight of her sitting calmly enthroned upon the stone-wall, and watching all his motions. He must have been under her eye all the way across her broad acres ; a tres- passer, save that no New England farmer would ever so regard it, even if he had trodden the grass in long serpentine traces stretching away to the village street where he entered the field. But if not resenting his trespass, this pretty spectator must have known that he came straight towards the farm-house, evidently impa- tiently ; for though the roadway would have added a circling mile, it would have saved him the dew, not yet risen, which had soiled his blackened boots and bedraggled his clothing. While he hesitated, a " hired man " looked up from his corn-planting and gave him "good morning." " Ah, good morning to you, my man," replied young Broon, much relieved. "This is a noble farm. The Lane place, I believe they told me. Mr. Lane" "Mr. Lane is dead an* gone, sir, two year SHE WAS A FARMER. ago," replied the workman, leaning on his hoe and glad of an excuse for a rest. His right eye seemed to be turned on the intruder, his left on his silent young mistress sitting yonder. " Yes, this ere place is kep' up good though. Mrs. Lane's a mighty hand at runnin' her place. We call it the Widder Lane place neow. Know her ? " " I have n't that pleasure," said Mr. Broon, resting his arms akimbo arid thinking how hot the sun was becoming, all the while conscious that those great blue eyes from the wall, over which the maple shade and sunspots were play- ing, were regarding him. " Stayin' up here?" asked the workman. " Yes, for a time," was the reply. "Pleasure, I s'pose?" "Not altogether. Have business that calls me here." " Buyin' hosses, neow, maybe ? Colts is mighty high this spring." The young fellow politely replied that he was not a horse dealer, nor a cattle drover, nor a speculator in hay, cheese, butter, nor any other "truck." All the while he was perfectly sure that the beauty on the wall was sitting like a charming rural judge in court, noting this per .0 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. sonal testimony by which a city stranger gave account of himself, or rather failed to give ac- count of himself. For he had not yet told any- thing affirmatively of his errand "in these parts." He might as well. Why not, and done with it ? It would soon be known from the tavern gossips ; indeed he must be known from his former visits of last autumn, and the work- men whom he was boarding and lodging in the village. So he said : " And, now, what is your name ? You are good at asking questions, my man ? " " Dick Loyly, sir." " Well, Dick, my name is Mark Broon. I'm the gentleman who purchased the top of Red Hill, that mountain over there, last fall. I see by your looks that you know all about it, and are now glad to see the simpleton, as you all seem to think me, who is building an expensive resi- dence in such a place. Some people build a summer-house by the seaside, but I prefer mine among the mountains." To "no one had he before deigned so much of an explanation as the last remark, which was, in fact, addressed to the owner of the blue eyes on the stone wall. There he stood, a well-knit frame of medium SHE WAS A FARMER. II stature, broad-shouldered, neatly-attired, but for his bedraggling through the sparkling meadows, aged just twenty-four, as we happen to know, that day ; a year out of college, rich, and with no errand in life but seeking one. He pushed his straw hat back to catch the mountain breeze and to think, though what the hat has to do with the thinking machinery of embarrassed men is a mystery; but the motion revealed a fine brow, which you would have called high, no doubt, except for its width. His brown hair was cut in the close-cropped habit of the stroke-oar days. A rather full moustache with flowing ends became him. His face was neither fat nor lean, but his color was decided bronze and red. His eyes were hazel, noteworthy and honest. Indeed, it was something in the eye, something in the resolute mouth, and something more in the rich and unusual tones of his voice that impressed Blue Eyes on the wall that this stranger, Mark Broon, had a mind of his own. Whether to trust him or not, this city stranger, and extend the frank rural hospitality which he evidently sought, Blue Eyes was as yet un- decided. At present she is contrasting him with the flannel -shirted, cow-hide shod hoer of the corn, 12 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. whose stridulous voice is now silenced as he bends again to his toil. But there she sits, aged twenty-two ( forgive the accurate record, Laura Lane ) ; her mother's only child and heir, a widow's darling and rich as things go among these sheep-raising hills.. But there is money in the village bank's unsafe safe-deposit box too, as every young farmer in five townships could tell us. And those two years which exceed the usually marriageable twenty, I really mentioned significantly. All these two years the country folk have been won- dering what she would, after all, finally do with her pretty self. Ripe at twenty, this cherry is fairly luscious at two and twenty, still hanging on the bough sitting on the wall, rather. Her broad straw hat, decidedly wider brimmed than the fashion in parasols at Newport that year, looked as odd as it was fastidious ; for a green veil twined round the crown flew the breeze in a charming sort of way, and compelled the wearer to put up a fair white arm every now and then to control the whole rigging. She wore white, cut and made up in her own style, indescribable except that her garments lay about her and clung to her in comely grace, not to mention the dazzling effect as the clear SHE WAS A FARMER. I 3 sunlight rested on the white beyond the shade of that big hat. In her plump, small hand she held a newspaper, yet in its wrapper, to secure which from the hole in the bar-post, where the stage-driver daily thrust it, was her errand hither. White and pink, despite the sun, were hands and face ; a wonderfully clear complexion, the young man had noticed, such as perfect health alone can give, and, from some favored few, no amount of sun or wind can tan away. Very light and almost wavy hair, luxuriant, with stray silken skeins of it dividing her hands' attention with the veil and yet crimps were not in fashion, that I know of, in '61, and so far up in the country. Such hair was it that young Broon, being something of an artist, longed to get the effect of pure sunlight on it. Her eyes well, well, it was by her eyes that I first designated her in this history ; they were the all-noticed and first-noticed, as they were the longest remembered by strangers. " That young lady with the blue eyes," people would say, in indicating her. And yet I know not which I would most dwell upon, were I to dare a description, their beauty or their kindness, the richest charm, by the way, in a woman's eyes. A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. Whatever of wood nymph and wings, however, had been suggested as she half reclined upon the ponderous granite stones, was dispelled when the young lady stepped gracefully down in good solid flesh and blood, weight and stature, to the soft turf. She had evidently made up her mind to greet and welcome the strange young man with the simple, neighborly good-will which is usual among these unconventional hills. With hat in hand, and politely bowing, Mark Broon was not slow to take the overture and give her, in turn : " Good morning. The lady of the house, or farm, I should say, I presume. May I introduce myself ? Broon is my name, of Red Hill, if I may so say ; though I hardly dare hope you have heard of your new neighbor." " Indeed I have heard of you, sir," she replied, advancing now towards the bars. She showed pearls in her mouth, and her voice was musical and kind, like her eyes. She seemed glad, more- over, that he had relieved her of the need of speaking first. "We do not stand much on cer- emony, we farmers, Mr. Broon, as you will dis- cover, I trust, to your pleasure, if at times to your annoyance. Curiosity grows like a weed in the country." SHE WAS A FARMER. "Allow me," said Broon, dropping the two top bars for her egress to the highway. '* Thank you," she replied, blushing perceptibly at sight of his tact, for she had not, till that minute, fully decided to walk along the highway with him as she returned to the farmhouse. However, there seemed to be nothing else for it now, and she put a trim slipper over the bottom bar precipitately, not to trouble him too much and stood beside him. " Do not mind to replace them, sir. Dick, put up the bars, please. But Mark had begun to replace them as she spoke. Meanwhile, Miss Laura crossed the road- way to the further side. On a country highway pedestrians best walk along the very edge, or in the path of the wheels at least. " A safe distance apart," thought she, as they began to move towards the house not far away. " So you and your mother are the best farm- ers in this country ? " he said. " Indeed ? " she answered brightly, as much as to say, " Who told you all about us ? and why have you been inquiring ? " But she did not pursue her advantage as she continued pleasantly, " And would you consider that a compliment to two women ? " " Nothing is nobler than duty well done, 16 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. whatever the duty, Miss Lane. But why did you challenge me with such a question ? " " I really did not intend it as a challenge," she replied. " Only " and she grew silent as she picked her way through the dust. " Only you cherish the prevalent suspicion of us unfortunate city visitors ? " he said with a roguish twinkle in his glance. " Suspicions are the worst of mental compan- ions, I think," was her answer. " And I enter- tain none of you, sir. Yet, of course, you are aware that ladies who live on a farm cannot quite be strangers to work. I can milk a cow, for instance, though that is not saying I do it every clay. I can tell you the present price of good Timothy hay or clover by the ton, of butter, eggs and cheese, which, by the way, I do assist in making every day. I keep the accounts of the farm, and have done it ever since papa died, when I'm at home." "Then you are not always at home? Perhaps you visit in the city my own city, for instance," and he caught at an adjacent shrub, stripping off the leaves as he made the bold venture for a biographical item. " No ; though I have been in New York. We have friends there. But I referred to SHE WAS A FARMER. absence at school. What I meant was, however, that we country people credit you city people with keeping how shall I say it ? " she ex- claimed in charming confusion. "You think that a lady's place is in the parlor, or at some ele- gant ease, or busy with society, or dress, or art, or, oh dear, dear ! How did I ever come to express my opinions of you people so openly ! " and she gave the great hat a convenient tip to leeward, hiding her face. Mark Broon laughed heartily, at which she quickly peeped out from beneath the hat at him, half scared, half indignant. But his next word rather reassured her, for he said : "I shall not dispute you. Perhaps I might criticise the city girls more intimately, and yet more severely, than you have. Perhaps I don't fancy them myself overmuch. But I know some city girls who can ride finely." " Yes ? There is my filly just come down to the gate. Isn't she a beauty ! Do you ride, sir ? I mean do you really love a horse ? A horse that really knows and loves you as my Nell does me ? " all of which questions came forth in child- like carelessness, the speaker apparently uncon- scious that any one of them might seem sugges- tive of an invitation to this strange young man. 1 8 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. She was all eyes for the pretty little mare who was whinnying restlessly at the gate of the lane at sight of her young mistress. She now began waving one of those white, round arms at the animal gleefully. " Yes, that is a fine animal. Yes, I like a good, true-hearted horse, as I do any other of God's creatures which is good and true. Yes, I ride. Then you never saw me pass here on my lonely way ?" He looked hard enough at her with this last remark ; but it was decidedly too pointed. She had given the hat, veil, and all, another deft touch by this time. And really, now, the rural beauty began to see that she had gone quite far enough even for rural hospitality. Had she invited him to take a gallop with her ? No ; she was sure she had not. Had she been airing her accomplish- ments before him ? No ; she had not told him that she could paint, nor speak French, nor that she knew how to dress, nor that she had grad- uated at that school so briefly mentioned ; a school, by the way, which has to this day no superior for young ladies, if it is located in a certain country village. No ; she had only thought, in intense self-consciousness, " I won der if he knows or imagines ? " SHE WAS A FARMER. And the reader must not charge Laura with conceit either. I have betrayed her secret thoughts. What young woman of two and twenty is not intensely self-conscious under the eyes of a fine young fellow like Mark Broon ? And then, too, had she indeed not seen him pass on his "lonely way" more than once? Many a knight goes in and out a young lady's air-castles in the course of months of day-dreams. But her best vindication against conceit is the peculiar suspi- cion, of being considered unsophisticated and "verdant as the hills," which country people harbor towards their city visitors. You must confess that you wouldn't like to be patronized even as a "rural beauty." I don't charge Mark Broon with attempting it ; I only say that she was resolved that he had better not attempt it, re- solved long ago, if it should ever chance that they met. He stood now opening the little white wicket to the gravelled walk which, bordered with flowers, ran down from the low white farm-house. "What a lovely spot you have made of this," he said, glancing up at the cosy dwelling. -"'Nothing can exceed the grace of vines, those running over the dormer of a stoop, as I believe you Yankees call the porch, and all about the 2o A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. front door. There is character in that building, Miss Lane. I'll warrant you it looks just like the man who built it ; your father, perhaps." " Yes ; papa and grandpa. That old part was grandpa's work ; this extension is ray father's. I know what you mean. All city houses look just alike. We all are wondering what your splendid house will look like." She had not yet stepped through the gate, but stood close up beside him, as the hedge and a hitching post compelled her. A splendid match for him in stature was she. " I do beg the privilege of inviting you to in- spect Eagleroost for yourself," said he promptly, "you and Mrs. Lane. Indeed, I shall have a house-warming for all my neighbors, if they will do me the honor." After that it would not do to omit it, she decided at once. "Thank you. But will you come in and meet my mamma now ? Oh, I forgot, mamma's head- ache day!" and she was quite at a loss again. But he helped her quick enough by saying, "You might invite me to the cheese room and feed me on fresh curd. Did you ever know a boy who wasn't wild over cheese curd ? " " I could tell you more about girls and cheese," SHE WAS A FARMER. 21 she responded with a pretty laugh, and passed on before him, saying, " I certainly will give you a real fresh taste. This way, please." They turned to the right, and walked directly down to the extreme end of the yard ; through flocks of geese which spread their snowy wings and hissed a protest as they swept disdainfully towards the barns ; through rear-guard of turkeys, most of which were too young to " gobble, gob- ble," though gobblers there were ; through a bevy of hens and chickens, which cackled across the ample lawn ; and finally making their way straight across the lawn itself, as smooth as velvet, as rich as any suburban stretch of green you ever saw, and bordered with roses, well- stocked, though hardly flowering yet, it being early May. In a moment more they were in the clean, cool cheeze - room. He had removed his hat instinctively, i ~ :f he had entered a parlor. She had snatched ort hers, and lo, the glorious blond hair, on which the morning sunlight, through the eastern window, was entrancingly falling ! She was soon stooping and lifting, setting this tub aside and that, the strong and shapely arms bared to the shoulder. If he had known how to assist her, he yet doubtless could not for very admiration of her. 22 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. Of course this eating cheese curd together, and cheese of her own make, too, think of that fact ! soon broke down- the convention- alities altogether. That is, I mean, eating cheese curd from a pretty girl's fingers, as you have to, unless you can trust your own unskilled and per- haps unwashed fingers to guide the palpitating morsel, is the best possible introduction. By the time he had tasted and complimented to his satisfaction, and hers respectively, these two honest-hearted young people were no longer strangers. As they emerged from the house it seemed quite proper for her to invite him to call at any time of course for the same pur- pose, the fresh cheese. They were merry almost to gaiety, uttering little pleasantries as they were about to part at the foot of the garden. " But I suppose I shall see you at church to- morrow," he said. She turned on him quickly with evident sur- prise. Church ? Was this handsome cavalier from the great, gay city observant of the Sab- bath's approach, and so punctilious for church worship that he proposed to perform it in that unpretending little village affair? Certainly it was the last thing in her thoughts of him. "But, of course," she said instantly, to herself, SHE WAS A FARMER. knowing the custom of country lovers, "it is only as a convenient trysting place that he men- tions it. If I tell the truth I shall not displease this young man of the world." After which, casting him a merry glance, yet a searching one, she said : "Why, no, Mr. Broon. Mamma entertains small favor for the Orthodox church. I go occasionally; but while I don't quite believe as mamma does, yet I'm very happy all the day long, as my life is now ; and and don't need to well, it is so soon, and " Poor thing ! Her face lost its smiles, word by word, as she noted the grave cast of uncon- cealed astonishment which shadowed his. Her reply, half attempting to give reasons and in- tended probably to advance into confident argu- ment, as was the custom with the proper young men of the region and the shocked old clergy- man of the village, could not maintain itself in that vein before Mark's thoughtful eyes. She began to pull a rose to pieces, and, to her own surprise, to almost hope that he would go with- out reply. Laura Lane was not the first to be impressed, and strangely overawed by that peculiar look now resting on Mark Broon's fine face. Mag- A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. nanimous, yet not commanding ; pure even to severity, yet kind ; it was a look of pain, more* over, in this case ; and while she watched it with demure glances, she noticed that its spir- ited first flashes faded into a shyness, as if he was disposed to retreat from some evil influence and injury. Or, it might be that he was too gallant to enter on debate with her and, by effort, was restraining himself. At all events she was sure of two things : that she had not enhanced his good opinion of herself, for which was she cer- tain that she cared ? and that he would not con- tinue the conversation upon the religious topic, as most religious people whom she had met seemed to think they must do for her rescue. Indeed, she concluded that undoubtedly he was that, to her, inexplicable creature, a rich, edu- cated and pious young man. Recovering now his fascinating manner, he said, " Very well, no doubt we shall encounter each other on the road, if nowhere else. By the way, may I not call for you Monday morn- ing for a gallop over these hills ? You shall show me many a mountain path which even I have not explored." She might possibly have done it, made the appointment on the impulse of a confidence SHE WAS A FARMER. 2 $ which Mark Broon inspired in all who met him. And yet I venture that she would have found some other excuse, had not her mother just then most opportunely thrown open the blind of the low embowered window which opened into her retired room, and shown her pale, interesting face thereat. " Mamma, did you think me lost ? " This in a silvery shout. Then to Mr. Broon, " Come, I will introduce you most informally." The visitor was glad to find this added way into the good graces of the family. The lan- guid lady, most unlike the robust farmer's widow and successful manager of these flourish- ing acres which he had pictured to himself, greeted him kindly; had of course heard of him, through the village newspaper gossip ; was not always as poorly as he saw her to-day; indeed, was expecting the physician any moment ; yes, there was his carriage approaching over the hill. Would Mr. Broon call again, and continue the acquaintance so casually begun ? and yet it was a guarded welcome. So much so, the shrewd woman, that he hardly knew why, young Broon did not venture to prefer to the mother the request that the daughter had evi- dently referred to her. 26 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. The physician's carriage now being at the the block, Broon touched his hat and was about to go. But to his surprise, instead of entering the house, the younger lady offered to lead him by another exit towards the highway. Her lead, though delicate, and with no verbal expression, was decided and unmistakable. Mark yielded to it. They passed away from the path oy which the physician would enter. " Do you know, our or that is, mamma's physician ? I mean," she continued with an unmistakable little flutter of apprehension, "did you ever hear of him in the city ? " "In New York ? Which is he ? " replied Mark, turning to see two gentlemen, one of say sixty years, and standing idly waiting ; the other a young man perhaps five and twenty, who was hitching the horse. "The elder man is the doctor. Smiles is his name," said she. Her face was strikingly pale ; her voice sounded timid, and her words hesitat- ing. "The other is his son, Erastus." No; Mark had never heard of "the great Dr. Smiles." Had her mother found him remarkably skilful ? What was his peculiarity ? Or why did she ask ? But of course he might be quite igno- rant of the most famous physician without that SHE WAS A FARMER. 27 being to the man's prejudice, having himself no remembrance of ever having been sick enough to call one. She was now opening the gate for him. Her hand fumbled at even that familiar latch. As he bent to help her, their hands touched acci- dentally. Hers were as cold as ice. All the light and laughter, moreover, had gone out of that wonderful face. It wore an aspect of inde- scribable distress. Had he known her but a few days, instead of less than a few hours, he would have offered her the comfort of a direct, " What is the matter ? " But as it was, he only looked it ; and feeling the delicacy of the situation, was about to even hasten his departure. But the young girl's eyes seemed fairly to cling to him, as if for protec- tion ; yet, with great self-control, she merely re- marked : " You seemed to wonder that we never went to church. We have too much religion, such as it is, at home." " Too much religion ? " "That man is a religious healer." "A what?" "Indeed, I know not how else to characterize him, sir. He heals by by spiritualistic pro- 2 8 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. cesses. Oh, oh, what have I said ! And yet have you never heard of the widow Lane's 'super- stition,' as the villagers call it ? " And before Broon could answer, the girl had flown, like some white-winged thing, up through the garden shrubbery, and disappeared from his sight. DR. SMILES AND HIS SON. 29 II. DR. SMILES AND HIS SON. 4 4 y TELL you, father, it will not work ! " *- "What will not work, my dear Erastus?" answered Dr. Smiles with soft and rising inflection and exasperatingly calm. The elder man reclined in the easiest chair the little hotel could afford. He rested his elbows on its arms, and put the tips of his fingers^ together, one by one, beginning with the thumbs, which could be turned back almost in a half circle. The son took another turn up and down the parlor, which the famous doctor had hired for his exclusive use, not minding the price, and which he improvised as an office during his short and lucrative tarry among these ailing country folk. His monopoly of the best room in the only Bethlehem hotel open at this season of the year, was not a bad advertisement either. It discommoded everybody, and these were the days when the represenatives of not a few wealthy A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. invalids from the cities were up here prospecting for White Mountain summer board. But the good doctor was by no means averse to combining busi- ness with pleasure. His vast city patronage gen- erally began to tell on even his iron endurance by spring. Experience had shown him that severe winters, a salt pork diet, and sparse physicians over these vast and noble hills, made eager wel- come for "the healer." He came, moreover, with a sounding of trumpets. Perhaps one had better not venture to give, yet, the greatest reason for his welcome. You would not call a Yankee an easy dupe in a trade. He is not over credulous in a horse bar- i gain. He has been the boldest critic of sena- tors, the most doughty defender of liberty, and the ablest legislator for equal rights in all our national history. Perish the hand that writes an untruth against my fathers, of whom I count seven generations to the soil born ! Yet I dare write it that New England has been good soil for the growth of superstitions and "heresies." Of all the grotesque beliefs of the civilized world, where will you find more strange than in some of those villages where warring sects of orthodoxy have impoverished each other? A vil- lage of fifteen hundred souls," all told, and four DR. SMILES AND HIS SON. 31 different denominations struggling to see whose church spire shall first crumble with red rot to the ground. Four devoted clergymen fighting starvation, and only escaping by a liberal contri- bution of "hay, if they cut it themselves," pump- kins and potatoes, corn and squashes, loaded into the bags they carry in pastoral rounds, "dona- tions" scrupulously charged in settling the salary at the year's end, and other humiliating begging in broadcloth! Farmers pious and high-minded, the noblest of the earth, there are. Yet other farmers, like the literal heathen, who never think of attending the distant village church, who have quietly slipped away from the old beliefs, some- times with thought, and yet oftener with no verdict of the mind. Merely blank to faith, and given to the hard grind for a pinched fortune. Often indifferent, often bitterly hating the Chris- tianity they have rejected, and ready victims for religious adventurers. A man who believes noth- ing is preparing to believe anything. Dr. Smiles is intending to erect his "Great Cura- tive Religious Sanitarium" up here, and if he does he may make it pay. "What will not do, my son?" again asked the doctor, as the young man stood yet silent and gazing out on the blue mountains. 32 A WEDDING IN WAX-TIME. "Why, this plan of yours regarding Laura Lane and myself," responded the youth, with an abrupt turn. " Here I am graduated. For a good year I threw myself not a little in her society, by visiting my sisters at the same school with her. But the girls will tell you that she abominates me, except when you are present. We renew the siege up here now for a month, and all the advantages mine; but it is evident to me that that young Broon whom I used to know, by the way, at college " " Indeed ! " "Yes. Never would acknowledge me though, by more than a distant bow, and has not about the village here; did not the day we first set eyes on each other up here that time at the widow's. Well, he makes progress with her, or can if he wishes, as I am hardly certain yet that he does ; and if he hesitates I believe it is on account of your intimacy with the family. He's rich, and besides being rich, Broon is " But the young gentleman did not conclude his sentence. Instead, he resumed his fretted stride up and down the long room, the frail floor trembling under his feet, the faded and dusty three-ply carpet but feebly muffling his DR. SMILES AND HIS SON. 33 stalwart tread. Yet he knew that time served for this important conference; the "office hours" were over for the day ; the last patient had re- tired, and the paternal wallet was well fattened that morning. After a while the son paused on his heel at the opposite end of the great center-table, and thrust his hands down yet a little deeper into his trou- sers' pockets. As he did not even yet offer to fin- ish his last sentence, his father coolly studied him over the tips of his bent thumbs. He could not say that his son was fine looking. Indeed, it occurred to the sire that his Erastus had rather grown in ill-favoredness of late. He confessed to himself that the boy's hair was too light it was flaxen and his heavy moustache too dark it was large and jet black, upon honor, reader. His own father smiled cynically at such a curi- osity, one black eye and one decidedly blue. The forehead was lumpy, yet decidedly intellect- ual. The young man had a scholarly air, and looked like anything but a business man, the calling proposed to himself and agreed upon in the family councils. Everything in this group was agreed upon in family council. Tall, broad- shouldered, with a waist like a long meal sack, he spread his well-dressed legs apart indeed, 34 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. his whole dress was in the extreme of fashion and stood looking at his father, out of his blue eye particularly, and yet said nothing. " Well, Erastus," the thumbs and ringers to the front, " you say Broon has something else besides money to recommend him to Miss Lane. What else?" "A bright mind, for instance," faltered Eras- tus. The paternal thumbs seemed to ask, "What else?" "And a royal good heart, though I do hate him ! " Thumbs were not yet satisfied. " And a fine person ; he's handsome." Thumbs rolled very far back by the long white forefingers of each hand in turn, still question- ing. " Well, father, I'd rather not say what else straight to your face." One thumb was now bent over till it touched the wrist. The other strange fingers were all in air. The coal-black eyes of Dr. Smiles glistened through the forest of his own fingers, and fire seemed to stream from them. The son was accustomed to the spell, but yet he grew hot in the glare. All the while the older face was DJR. SMILES AND HIS SON. 35 wreathed in its own peculiar tranquil smile. Not a word, however, from behind the bush of iron-gray whiskers and moustache. " Well, if you will have it, father, Broon has family station in the city. His father is not a not a " " Quack, my son ? " softly spoke Dr. Smiles. " Heavens ! my father ! I have knocked a man down for connecting that word with your name!" Erastus brought his great hand out of pocket and crashed it down on the table. His pale face flushed scarlet as he continued, "You know, father, that we all reverence you. To us you are a divine man. But there is no use talking ; the wicked world don't believe in your in your art and science. So much the worse for the world, say you ? Yes, because you dwell in the sublime heights of Parnassus, among the gods, sir. But we, the children, your daughters, and I, your only son, we dwell among mankind. We feel the sneer." " Sneers, Erastus ? " The words came from the elder man's moveless face as blue flame leaps up from a spirit lamp. There was no burst of anger. It was a quiet, unconquerable contempt for the world's sneer. It was imperturbable sneer for sneer ; and you felt 36 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. that this one sneer could out-hiss the combined world. "I know, I know," said the son, plunging into pockets again, and pacing the room while he addressed the three-ply underfoot. " But we children cannot laugh back at mankind as you can ; for we do not victimize them. We meet it everywhere, that we are a family of adventur- ers. Not so bad if we were succeeding. You make money out of the weakness of mankind, but I cannot as a merchant ; your daughters cannot. It was a mistake, our moving to S . It is too small a city. New York was better. In New York people do not scrutinize so closely, for there everybody is on the make. But in S , though you grow rich as Ned, yet society is closed to you and us. And Laura Lane's kindred in that city are well, you know the mayor is her uncle, and a bucolic ex-gov- ernor is another uncle. I ? There isn't a ghost of a chance for me with the girl, unless " " Unless I compel her, eh ? " broke in the good doctor," as he unwound his long legs and reached for a cigar. He began smoking and went on to say : "Erastus, my hopeful, I must help you. I will. I am devoted to my family. Imagine yourself DR. SMILES AND HIS SOA r . 37 at our home in S . Look about you; not many physicians, however regular" and there was another shoot of the spirit-lamp flame playing about that word, "regular," "are lodged like me. Is not our house a petit palace ? Do we not live like princes? I tell you, it pays, Erastus, this quackery, though I spurn the word. What's in a name, boy? It brings clean money. Men lift their hats to me, and women employ me. I'll marry my girls off to advantage, be sure of that ; and you shall have Laura Lane. D' ye hear? Mrs. Lane is a good soul. I find the girl herself not altogether intractable ; she obeys me. She visits at S . S is bet- ter than New York because it is certain miles from New York. You are dull; was I not well known in New York as an unsuccessful school- teacher, and a very zealot in the church, before I went into the present business profession I mean ? And now this family, this proud, virtu- ous, benevolent, rich family of Broon ! Capt. Broon. Yes." More burning spirits. "Why, sir, I can put my thumb on him, if I set about it, like that ! " The speaker pressed his right thumb to the table, and rolled it slowly through its half circle, as if it were the wheel of fate. A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "How?" " How ? Why, how do I effect my purposes ? " The doctor did here deign to regard the world's ears enough to glance about the room to make sure none of the world's many ears were within hearing distance, when, leaning forward, half his weight on that thumb, he continued, "I have in. fluence with men. It is not money influence, nor political, nor social. Yet where is the man who can resist me ? You know how men melt like wax before my eye, and under my promises of restored health. Capt. Broon indeed ! Young Mark Broon indeed ! Mayors and governors indeed ! " Harder and harder pressed the thumb upon the poor table at each exclamation, till the pine wood trembled, and the unremoved lamp, borne up by a mimic Hercules, fairly shook the glass shade it supported. Presently the wick might almost be lighted by the fire from those black glances. "And yet, father, it is not every disease that you can cure." "What, for instance?" "A broken heart, for instance, father." " I don't catch your meaning," and he set- tled back into the great chair, smoking at ease, DR. SMILES AND HIS SON. 39 as if the meaning could be of no account if caught. " Why, suppose this glorious girl is compelled to assent some day, when all's ready, to the calling of a clergymen into her mother's parlor ; is compelled by your power over her to say yes to the marriage ceremony, what then ? She is to be my wife, and not yours. When you are out of sight, what ? She'll die upon my hands, sir, of a broken heart. Oh, 'tis too desperate a game, father. I will not go on." " Oh, yes you will, Erastus." This in such silvery calmness, yet in such confidence of the strange eyes. "True," responded the son, sinking pliantly into a chair. " I shall go on ! I always have. I, at least, cannot resist you. But I shall go on to destruction ; for you yourself know that not all persons are sensitive to your personal mag- netism. Capt. Broon may not be. Mark Broon, I am sure, will not be." "They need not be, Erastus; though I doubt your doubts. I believe I could win both of them if permitted sufficient opportunity. However, you need not strike a man when you can set another at it. Our lives are like threads in a woven texture. Cut one and others unravel at a dis- A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. tance. "But yet," he added tranquilly, "what need of plotting mischief against people who have not yet proved my foes? Not one of these persons has yet crossed our path, except in your fruitful imagination. As to any favor that Miss Lane has shown young Broon, why, didn't it drop out 'that first day we encountered him there, that the wise mother disapproved of the young lady's cordial hospitality to a per- fect stranger ? That shows you that their acquaintance began not a month ago. She rides with him. Ask her to ride with you, you dul- lard. Oh, I wish I could do your wooing for you ! " "You will have to, sir, I fear," said the son, dropping into a chair and covering his face with his hands. " Pshaw, man ! " resumed the elder gentleman, leaning forward and slyly touching the other's hand with the glowing cigar, a mere touch, which made the other start, at which the fathei laughed. " Pshaw, I say. Couldn't you see for yourself that very first day that the rich widow was on our side ? And haven't you seen enough of this noble girl herself to know that she would give her life to please that mother? There's filial piety for you." DR. SMILES AND HIS SON. " She is indeed a child of most loyal love ! " exclaimed the young man. " Her mother is her idol. Her mother's wish is her religion." " Religion ? Exactly. There you have it again. The Lanes are sceptics. And Broon, now ! I have seen the fellow, every Sunday that we have been here, scrupulously wending his way down the street towards the churches. He must be a fiery church enthusiast. Do you know anything about it ? " " Oh, yes. He is all that sort of thing," was Erastus' reply, as he thrust his hands again into his pockets, and pushed his legs under the table. " Curious," and a smile stole over his features at the memory. " He was stroke oar in the best race we ever had, and yet wouldn't practice on Sunday, wouldn't stay away from church, wouldn't bet. I don't believe that fellow ever went to Fordham or Sheepshead Bay in his life ; and yet they say he drives as good horses as go up Fifth Avenue. He never was a prig in college, mighty popular. Of course I've seen nothing of his New York life myself ; but I wrote young Dr. Lathrop you know him, who is in society that most exclusive society, I mean, last week, asking about my rival. He says, ' He's a tip-top fellow, little odd, whose only trouble A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. is that he's rather too nice in morals to enjoy town, and too rich to have any serious business in life.' Lathrop says," and here Erastus fum- bled in his pocket for the letter which he began to read, "that the fellows laugh a good deal about Mark Broon's errand in life ; he is look- ing for a mission, that is, some heroic adven- ture, something more chivalric than adding to the pile his father will leave him. But for all that, he's a mighty fine chap ; worthy to be trusted, etc., etc," and he folded up the letter with, "Of course I didn't teH Lathrop why I wanted to know." Musing a while, the father at length resumed : " Inexplicable human nature ! You would sup- pose such a youth could find what he wanted nearer than this farm-house." " What ? So beautiful a woman as she ? Seri- ously, father, where did you ever see such a face, such a farm, such wealth, such inno- cence ? " " But it all depends, I foresee," continued the doctor yet musing and unheeding the interrup- tion, "upon whether or not he can impress this fair unbeliever with his religious views. He is evidently too sincere a man to wed a sceptic, how- ever beautiful. Sincere ? It is the respectability DR. SMILES AND HIS SON. 43 of the thing rather than sincerity. It wouldn't be respectable, according to his social circle, to be joined to one of my pupils." " But the young lady is not your disciple," said Erastus, who was keeping close track of his father's reasoning. "Not exactly; yet her mother is." With that they left it for the present and went out to take a drive. The doctor was a free liver, as most adventurers are. He had the daily use of the finest team of horses to be had in that "horse country," both for profes- sional uses and excursions of pleasure. Erastus held the reins well, and they were invariably given to him while the " eminent healer," as the advertisements styled him, leaned back in the vehicle advantageously poised alike for public exhibition and personal ease. "Drive past the widow's place, my son," said the doctor, as the animals sprang away, "and I will point out to you the eligibility of that hill- top for my sanitarium." A few minutes later, as they slowed into a walk past the pretty embowered cottage, the doctor said : " There ! You see this commands the whole village, and yet it is a mere easy swell of the 44 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. undulating valley. It would be in full sight of the railway station and the coach lines. Everybody would have it in full view. A breezy spot. All this maple grove at its back; that lake just over the knoll. Oh, it is the situation I have been searching for these years ! " The son smiled at the mention of years, for it was not yet five since the parvenu physician was vexing his brains over refractory pupils and the want of them, in his distant town school. But the Smiles family indulged the figment on the father's part, being afraid to cross him, while he, on his part, spoke of years to accus- tom himself to the sound, and to prevent awk- ward slips that might in public betray his new- ness in the healing art. "If you were less unfortunate in .Wall Street, father, and, by-the-way, do you think it wise for you to dabble there so much ? You have a good revenue " "And how long will it continue so ? " was the reply "I know what you mean. .Why not make hay while the sun shines, husband my resources, and buy the place out and out, or give up the scheme altogether, confining myself to private practice ? But I must spend freely ; it comes natural to me, and was so to you and DR. SMILES AND HIS SON. 45 the children ; and life is short, and heretofore I mean years ago life was pinched and poor enough. Let's enjoy, say I ! As to the revenue of private practice such as mine, it's mighty uncertain. I must continue to startle the people. I must have my great Sanitarium. As to buying out and out what I can get as a free gift, per- haps, who knows what the benevolent widow may do for suffering humanity, and in memoriam of the departed Lane ? There ! My idea is," and he sat up to indicate with his finger the advantages which the widow's present dwelling presented for a beginning, "to start off with this very structure. It is itself an ample old affair and finely built. Fill this up first with patients. Then erect the larger building just beyond there." And as the spirited colts began to be impa- tient, descending the finely sloping road beyond, they were soon sweeping round the little lake and along the winding river, which added feat- ures of the landscape's desirability for their pur- poses, engrossed them afresh, as it had many times before now. 46 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME, III. . CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. TV yTARK BROON did meet Laura Lane at the little village church on the Sunday following his informal call at her mother's, and on several other Sundays succeeding. The vil- lagers remarked her presence, made all sorts of guesses as to the reason why, and finally hit upon the correct one. Indeed, that was evident enough after a little time, for she and "the young city feller " usually found each other at the service's close, and walked away side by side towards her home. "She'll turn Orthodox quick 'nough, now," said old deacon Pitkins, one day, as he observed the couple depart. And the old man drew out his jack-knife, cutting off a fresh quid of Black Jack with a smile of satisfaction. "I've mourned arter the backslidin' of widder Lane and Zion's loss long while. But that ar young Broon's sound, an'll fetch the hull family back. Fresh chaw, brother Bodely ? Tackle a fresh chaw ? " extending his plug to his associate deacon. CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 47 "I don't know 'bout that," responded deacon Bodely; not about the "fresh chaw," which he accepted readily, and with a surprised glance at the unusual generosity born of a great, though he feared, a deceitful hopefulness. Then, casting a look round at the weather as they descended the steps towards the horse-sheds and their noon whittling, brother Bodely interjected : " Pesky dry ! No hay year. Dry's punk up our way. No, I don't know 'bout that fine gal's bein' brought back tew the church by mere courtin'. Ah, the dess'lations of Zion by these ere nothin'arian beliefs ! Speret'lism and back- slidin's hard tew rut eout. Besides, I see that ere new-fangled healer a-hangin' round the wid- der's a gud deal. His son is arter the gal tew." "No doubt, deacon, " replied Mr. Pitkins. "But," (The dashes shall represent shots at the mullein stalks which grew temptingly within spit- ting distance of the venerable pair on a dropped rail of the fence near the sheds. And they were venerable, reader, if genuine rugged and severe sectarian loyalty is venerable when the piety is nearly dead.) "But you can see this ere fine young Broon giv us a subscription of a hundred dollars easy as a wink last week fur 48 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. paintin' the spire you can see him a ridin' hossback with that sweet-as-a-picter Miss Lane putty often " "Yes. He's trying tew plow with that heifer if he can. I'd like ter see him git her. She's wuth savin' tew the cause." And yet they were good neighbors, good farmers and good members as things went in the village churches where "the cause" meant little more than sustaining the temporalities of a church dying or dead spiritually. "He's a marster feller fur lively meetin's, is this Broon," resumed "father" Pitkins. "He axed me t'other day ef our prayer-meetin's ware allus as dead as the one he was in Wednes- day night afore " " Leetle sprung, deacon? jest a leetle ? " asked deacon Bodely, who had soon walked over to the sheds where the horses stood. " No ! Folded so ! sure's preachin', brother. You can ax the parson ef that colt's fore leg was ever different. Feel her all over. Go right ahead wanted to know ef our preacher felt discouraged ever tew think o' them dead an' alive meetin's and long prayers. Hi, Zip! So, so ! Put yer hand right down tew the fetlock, Bodely. The little scamp ! never knew her tew kick" CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 49 " But the set time tew favor Zion hain't come t( w the village fur a long while, brother. She'll bi white, come in white, in a few years them gray hairs." " Of course. Broon was a-sayin' that we oter liev new singin' books and a organ and Sun- day-school papers, an' be a-doin' mission work among the hills about. Offered tew give the noney that's where she over reached in the >now last year a little lamp ile and powder 11 bring in the hair." " ' We must pray more for spiritual power,' sez Broon tew me," replied Bodely. " He was a-tell- n' me of the power them city churches hez. He sez, sez he not more'n a hundred an' rifty fur her, deacon. Sposen 'twas Monday, I'll giv ye that fur her. Broon sez that the wick- edest folks on the one hand, and the most de- voted sarvents of the Lord on t'other hand, aire found in great cities ; and that these ere churches of ourn in the country aire neither cold nor hot." " Sposen 'twas Monday, I'll take a hundred and seventy-five for the colt, deacon," was Pit- kin's answer, as the good man shot again at the nearest nodding mullein stalk with wonderful labial marksmanship. 5 o A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "Sposen 'twas Monday, I'll leave it tew Lem Dowd an' Ichabod Siraras. Here, boys, yew know colts, come over here." The two young fellows drew near, munching their red round doughnuts and cheese as they came. To whom deacon Bodely at once re- marked : "He was a-talkin' about the speretual dearth of Zion, which this ere young city feller seems tew feel more'n we do ez ye wud a-heard ef ye had been tew prayer - meetin' as ye ought t'other night, and a-keepin' yer cuvenant vows ; and we were jest sposen 'twas Monday, shall it be a hundred an' fifty or seventy-five for that ere colt?" " But it's Sunday, deacon, Sunday, Sunday ! " exclaimed one of the young men, with a twin- kle in his eye, as he gave the venerable man this mock rebuke, at the same time he came near enough to pat the colt on the rump with the hand he had pulled from his trousers pocket. "We sha'n't help your hoss trade unless you help us decide what politics this young Broon is." " Oh, he's a hot R'publican. That's easy 'nough," replied deacon Bodely. "And tell him," put in the other youth, pointing significantly with his left elbow, for both CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 5! his hands were in his pockets, "whether he'd better hoss-whip the city chap for cuttin' him out with the widder's daughter." "There ain't no two boys in town that can get that harndsome Broon on the hip lock," answered Lem. "Besides, I like the feller. He's a gen- tleman." " Oh, you talk ! " said Ichabod. " You know that a dozen boys are gettin' up muscle for him. 'Cause he's goin' to git the girl. He'll have his saddle girth slit, or his mare's tail sheered, afore the summer's out, or my name ain't Simms ! " "Afore the summer's out the boys '11 have more r'spect'ble fighin* to do, if the papers tell the truth," thoughtfully remarked Dowd. "Then only them as can hire substitutes, or don't get drafted, can marry, eh ? Well, that fust means your Broon," this from Simms bit- terly. As for the facts, these old and young observ- ers had noted them accurately enough. There was many a scamper over the hills, both Mark and Laura being superb riders. There was an occasional ride in Mark's mere skeleton of a carriage, which his steads whipped over the dusty road as if they were winged creatures A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. But there were comparatively few visits at the widow's house, just enough for propriety, before or after a ride, and brief. There were reasons for this. The good matron had had abundant occasion for the strange doc- tor's attendance for a month past, and his son was his driver ; and, notwithstanding her courte- ous hospitality to Mark, it was evident that the mother was less cordial to him in the doctor's presence. Yet Mark had never been told that there was not a fair field for him if he could win. And then, too, by many a little artifice, trans- parent enough if one cared to look into them, though he did not, Broon found it all arranged for him so that somehow he made but brief calls at the house, and even then only rarely now that he came to think of it, not more than three times met the distinguished and supernatural healer and his son when there. " Reared as I have been, Miss Lane," Mark had one day ventured to blurt out, "all such superstitious pretense, in the holy name of religion, is indescribably offensive.*' " Offensive ! " And she had reddened as the rose, first looking high and mighty, then cast down with CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 53 pitiful distress. It was that same aspect of ter- ror which he had first seen at the garden gate, of which he often thought, without coming to an explanation satisfactory to himself. Her confusion was so great that he would not pursue the inquiry, in his own vehicle as they happened to be, as to why she so dreaded this man. He only added: "I am sure you, a healthy, high-spirited girl, do not yield credence to any such sepulchral and unearthly notions ! " But the young man's eyes were bent, with the search of a serious man pursuing things serious in the make-up of his future happiness, upon her lovely features. Her self-control was wonderful. Even as he watched her she had recovered herself. And the face was so pure, the beaming smile so enchant- ing, that he could not, would not suspect her of a wizzard's creed. Besides, just at that mo- ment, at a turn of the mountain road, a new and noble vista of the landscape burst upon them. "You shall teach me what to believe, Mr. Broon. Just now let me point out" and she fell to describing the far mountain ranges. So passed on the few short or long weeks, 54 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. short or long as you, reader, or these lovers in memory, measure them. The elder Broon came up from the city at length, to inspect his son's latest doings, though all the boy's plans had been taken and pursued with " fatherly assent from the first. Imagine this father and son seated on the veranda of "Eaglecroft." "Well, Mark, if you like the place, an old sailor like me can make port here well enough for the summer, once in a while." " Father," answered the young gentleman turn- ing about with a serious air, "you are getting too old to stick so close to business as you do. You shall spend the season here and enjoy your age." " Tut, tut, boy ! Age ? Old ? There isn't a rot- ton timber in the craft yet. Ha, ha ! " It was a laugh among ten thousand ; so deep, from the heart, and so full of sunshine, meanwhile, was the old bronzed face. Thirty years of the sea could not be bleached out by ten years of the shore, but the bronze was ever bright as new. Even in repose the weather-beaten countenance was only rugged kind. In laughter it was in, describably radiant with good-will toward all on the sea-girt globe. Mark regarded his father in a sort of hopeless CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 55 silence for a moment. The boy's eyes almost expressed worship, they were so tender, pathetic and reverential. He had thought he saw the scar upon his father's left cheek grow deeper of late, as if he were at last amenable to fatigue like ordinary mortals. He had mentioned it to his step-mother, a fellow-worshipper with himself. " Great God ! can my father indeed grow old like other men. And must he die, some far off day?" but not aloud. Withdrawing his gaze, and confessing himself helpless in further protest against the New York store, Mark continued aloud : "You approve my choice of site then. Why, father, the landscape from this veranda must remind you of the sea. These white mountains are pretty big waves, however." " Yes, yes, like the sea full enough for me, boy. Give me to stop ashore of that other sea now, till I'm done with this world and make the Jasper sea." They sat clown upon the steps of the piazza in a way that men like better than easy chairs when engaged in familiar and serious confer- ence. The elder man plucked a stray spear of herdsgrass and began to chew it. The younger man put a match to his cigar, and began to smoke. 56 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. " You are going to quit the cigar, one of these days, Mark," remarked the captain care- fully. "I beg your pardon, sir," was the quick re- ply, as Mark tossed away his cigar. " Tut, tut ! You needn't do that," said the captain. " I am not going to continue nagging you about your cigar. You are old enough to judge for yourself. But it does seem to me that all the young men are smokers, now-a-days. In all my voyages I never learned it." "So I have heard you say, sir. I would not offend you ; I am not fully persuaded in my own mind about this trifle. It's not an easy thing to conquer " " Not easy for a boy who never had any experience in breaking off bad habits, my son. Thank God, it is the only evil habit I ever knew in you. Well, well, let's not talk of it. What a charming view this is ! " It was upon one of the lower spurs of Mt. Washington. Here, not by the sea, not by the Hudson, had Mark Broon decided to build his summer palace. Far from palace was the new house as yet, though it was habitable and made ready as best it could be for the entertain- ment of a happy party of down-country friends now supposed to be on the way hither. CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 57 Both gentlemen lapsed into silence in this imposing presence of nature. The morning sun rode higher up the eastern sky fresh from his bath far down the coast of Maine. The advanc- ing day was every moment changing the stern visage of Mt. Kearsarge, by deepening or eras- ing the great wrinkles in the mountainous cheeks. In the distance a sheen of silver showed the ocean by Portsmouth harbor, eighty miles away as the crow flies. The intermediate landscape seemed to have no hills, no undulating line, but to be a boundless prairie in broken New England. The patchwork of forest and farm, the variety of color afforded by dark hem- locks and lighter maples, by fields mown and pastures sun-bleached, by oat stubble and white buckwheat, and this patchwork, spread by un- seen hands so far and wide, was an endless study. The eye was fascinated by attempts to trace silver ribbons which were woven and plaited into the general textile, with brilliant effect. Whence came that particular water ? Is it the Merrimack ? And that mirror yonder, so turned towards these two observers that its sheen fairly flecked and dazzled them, after the manner of mischievous school-boys with a hand- glass, through thirty miles of distance. 58 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. The shadow of passing clouds which camped over the beetling crags above them, and then sailed out and on to intercept the sun here and there over the light-flooded plains; the sweep of a mare's tail of storm-cloud far across the har- vest fields of Vermont, and actually, by means of a glass which the good captain whipped out, the hurry of hay-makers in front of the rain ; the white dust puffs that marked the ashen highways, and the passing of unseen vehicles along the umbragious sides of the mountain; all these they saw, and in a quiet way each pointed out from time to time some new dis- covery. "I say, bub," and the Captain's great crooked forefinger indicated the direction, "I can hear, every now and then, the music of the mowing machines, I do believe, from the Connecticut meadows." "Certainly, father. It is the wind which brings it. I see," pulling out his watch, "that it is about time for the up trains over these two railroads. I have frequently heard the long, low rumble of the passing cars more than fifteen miles away." "Yes," said Captain Broon, "there she puffs, on the Passumpsic road. It looks like a snake, CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 59 Ah, boy, how small a thing is a man! In yon- der train are, now, let us suppose, several hun- dred gay and happy beings ; yet you cannot see a face. Ants are a good comparison. Only God is great, Mark, only God ! How often I have thought of this at sea, a ship, hull down, stag- gering on before my vision." The sincere old man ran on in this strain of noble thought. He was so pure a soul that his boy might have seen his every bosom thought and never known a shock to filial reverence. It was by such unbosomings of a rare, manly nature that he had contributed more than is common, in this world of strangers, to fashion the boy's character. Mark never disturbed the flow of this sort of vocal meditation from his sire's heart. He simply sat and listened, and took every word for law and gospel ; which indeed it was, measured by even the Book of the changeless law and the priceless gospel. " I like this, Mark. Do you know, boy, in the presence of great Nature I feel myself a man again ! An old sailor is at odds among crowds of men, sharp business men, on shore. In New York, for instance, they run round me. They are too quick for me, and get the advan- tage of me. I have to hold tight to the salt 60 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. money, or they would soon make you a beggar, Mark. Ah, a sailor only feels himself a man when on the deep ! But I'm too old now. Yet here I have the same feelings as at sea. Winds, storms, clouds, waves, mountains ! These are bluff, honest foes. A true man can face them and conquer. But the mean, small tricks of modern trade, and the sharpers who are abroad on shore, the storm of lies My son, I don't know, sometimes, whether I want you to go into business at all. You'll have enough with my salt money. But you must not be idle, not be idle." And he chewed the grass spear between his lips and grew silent. "I do not wish to be idle, father. I am not regardless of all your wishes that I should em- ploy myself in some way to benefit mankind." "True, boy. I know your heart. But now all that will depend not a little on the character of your proposed wife, this beautiful girl, now, that you have invited up here." Mark Broon started. He tossed the stick that he had been whittling over the cliff at their feet, clasped his hands hard around his knees, and bent his eyes on the tree-tops, which swept away below the balcony in unbroken masses of green so far. Yonder rolled the train. His car CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 6 1 riage had gone down the mountains to meet the party of visitors. There was nothing to do but wait. "You see, Mark, in my sober judgment, you lack nothing but a good wife for the making of a first-class man. Your timbers are all sound and new. Your cargo is good, fine education, good common sense, a generous heart, and enough in the locker, and comin' to you, to keep in good repairs for a long voyage. I believe you sail by the old chart. Keep to God's Book, boy. I'm passenger now, unless you call me the shipper. But the wife is the all-impor- tant thing now. She's very fine looking; I've only seen her once or twice. But has she real good sober sense ? I like a matter-of-fact girl. I like a June temper, not April. I like a re- ligious girl,, but not one who is superstitious and given to every wind that blows, Mark, Why, what ails the boy ? Of course it isn't what I like altogether that is to govern you. That's my way of advisin' you and thinkin' aloud. Art sick?" The knit brows and pained looks which Mark bent on his father were such as might well betoken physical suffering ; but physical it was not. Truth was, Mark Broon was keeping 62 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. his first secret from his good old sire. He had never lisped of the strange domination by Dr. Smiles, under which Laura Lane and her mother labored. He had one day started to do so, when his father's honest, matter-of-fact face forbade him, as peremptorily as if the firm lips had said, " God forbid, boy ! The devil himself is in that sort of thing ! Say good-bye and be done with crazy folk." The reader can judge some- thing of Mark's present distress as his father went on again, getting to his feet before him and standing braced, sailor fashion, legs apart. "Why, Mark, you see I can read your very soul, such friends we are. I shall love whom you love. She's passing beautiful, and will always look well alongside. I think she has a kind, good heart, for she is friendly even to the ser- vants, I saw. You say she sails by our chart or 'tends the Congregational, which is all the same as Methodist now-a-days. I guess she's shipshape all round. I know she is there ! Come, cheer up, boy. You only want to make sure that the girl is steady on her tack ; that she don't sheer off and lose her head. Why, Mark, I like a woman to sort of swear by my word, every time, thick weather or fair, to be- lieve in me and me alone. Then, heaven wit- CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 63 ness, a man can just worship such a woman ! " The old man's face caught the shadow of a passing cloud, and his fine mouth trembled as he continued, " My first wife, your mother, boy" "Don't, father," put in Mark. " Well, I know," attributing Mark's protest to pathetic recollections of the dead. " But, my son, you are too much reefed to keep alongside to-day, though I don't just see why, so we'll drop it, and go in to see about these new servants and the dinner. We want our old friends, the Hardys, to eat hearty, and give the ship a good name." As the two men strode along the wide ve- randa, on their left the panorama of the wide, wide world, on their right, the low, broad win- dows, opening into the spacious drawing-room and suit of apartments beyond, the elder man's thoughts were divided between solicitude about workmen, upholsterers and servants, and the graver theme of the morning's converse. This of itself was an evidence that the latter subject did not worry him ; for with benignant content he inter- ested himself in trifling comments upon this and that article of furniture, or proposed amendations of the building plans. When is a man with a a clear conscience happier than on a vacation 64 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. day, giving serious attention to the small affairs of his house, of play or playthings ? " I suppose now," remarked the captain, paus- ing before the wonderful vista revealed through the library windows, "that most of these shrewd landsmen would say I'd better set my boy to makin' more money in some business, than to humor his 'sthetic fancies, just out of college " " By making him as happy as man can be on earth, pa?" It was the plain, gentle wife who spoke, as she drew near from her bustling survey of the morning's house-keeping affairs. She was a much younger lady than the captain's oft-men- tioned "first wife" would have been had she lived to walk beside him till now ; but it was evident at a glance that nothing but love was ever known between these three. Mark kissed her good morning with the first smile he had worn for the last hour. "Well, Mary," the captain began in reply, putting his stout arm around her, "it is no secret between us that Mark will have money enough. He will be rich. What is the sense, before Heaven, in settin' the boy to makin' more money for his life-work ? Can anybody explain why I should urge him into business to CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 65 get richer ? I know that's the fashion. These money-grubbers want their sons to succeed and do something in the world; and by that they mean money-grubbin' like their own. Why, Mark, I wouldn't do it ! Sail for another port and give other poor Jacks a chance. Hey ? " And again the glorious laugh which shook the man and shook the floor. It was purely a safety-valve laugh, provoked oy no joke, but letting off the surcharged good cheer and good-will of this great heart. "Another port it shall be, father," responded Mark, his face lighting up a little, " only we can't quite make out where-away on the chart, as you would say, and decide in a general sort of way that I am not going to live for money- making." "Right! Settle it!" roared the captain. "But while caring for my own, I will dili- gently seek to use it for the welfare of my kind, and find happiness and employment in such seeking." " Right ! Though you want to figure that down a little more to a point," again roared the good captain. "Exactly, father. That's it. It is easy enough to say I'll avoid sordid money-getting being 06 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME, rich enough " this with a sly twinkle of the eye towards the sensible Mrs. Broon, " but just how or where to work best and sensibly for the good of humanity is not so easy to say." " Stay ! " quickly exclaimed the bright little lady of the trio. " I know you two men like a book. I'll tell you just what kind of a man you are to be, Mark Broon. You are to join elegant leisure with philanthropy. You are to entertain scholars, artists, writers, clergymen, and all that like, except actors and actresses, whom your father abominates." " Right, shipmate," said the captain, in dead earnest. "You are to adorn your life with every good and beautiful thing that money can buy, except that you will not amble in Vanity Fair." " Right, shipmate ! Confound the fashiona- bles ! " "You are to be no idler, but very busy with noble errands. If you copy pa" she always gave the captain this quaint title, " you will spend half your time going to cheer up some sick friend, helping some poor soul whom nobody else would help, and doing it in a way that nobody else would think of. You will be CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON, 6; pursuing and scotching some popular error ; run- ning a tilt with some one of the thousand abuses and wrongs that afflict mankind." " Right all the while ! " growled the captain, all radiant with laughter ready to break out. " Open their eyes ! Save any fellow you can from being victimized by sharpers and adventur- ers ! Fight for the under dog all the way through life!" " And this good man," the lady continued, " expects you to be very ingenious in inventing plans of philanthropy. Now all this is to be because pa thinks commercial and society life among the rich to-day are, for the most part, sordid, selfish, frivolous. You are to show what a high-minded Christian rich man can be, do and enjoy in the world." " Right to a logarithm ! " This the captain. "And I predict," she concluded, releasing her* self with a mischievous smile, "that our dear boy will not find it easy to live so very differ- ently from others of his class. Excuse me ; I hear the coach-horn just below the cliffs." And she broke off her half-serious banter with a laugh, and darted away. The captain, with a puzzled look on his smil- ing face, which deepened into an aspect of 68 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. gravity, as if he knew how true that parting shot was, turned away, saying: "I'll go down to see about the gravelling, Mark. We want room enough for a carriage to wear round without tipping over." As Mark was left alone he almost groaned aloud. He recognized in the Lane household, under the domination of Dr. Smiles, a problem for a knight, directly in his own path. "My father would not have the patience of a moment with such strange people. Smiles and my father are as darkness and light to each other. And the idea that I should entertain a fancy for a lady who would exchange two words with such a pretender, would be to him in- tolerable ! But does she ? No ; I candidly judge no. It is all her mother's affair." He walked up and down the veranda many times, and more than once exclaimed aloud : "It is all her mother's infatuation!" Or, again, " No, of course I couldn't marry any but a Christian woman. Not a heathen in this Christian age ! A believer in necromancy ! A believer in nothing ! " Or, again, with a look of a fine dreamer, yet sensible, on his upturned face, "To live wisely and well with a prayer! ess wife ? I am not so CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 69 silly as to attempt it. Yet, said she not that 1 should teach her what to believe? Oh, the ma- jestic creature, what a pupil ! I cannot wonder at these fungus growths of misbeliefs in a re- gion of such grotesque fears and lethargic churches. When she is in S , for of course she visits there, she is in a healthier atmos- phere, I trust. I wonder what Mayor Hardy's religious convictions are. But they cannot be anything akin to the Smiles folly ; for my father would not have acknowledged such a man as an acquaintance, much less an old friend. He would have protested against my inviting the Hardys up here. Said they were once shipmates and old skipper captains together. Fortunate, was it not?" When, observing by his watch that he had lit- tle time to dress for receiving his friends, he stepped rather more cheerfully down the hall and sought his room. The reader may judge of the resolute pur- pose which Mark Broon was decided on, regard- ing Laura Lane, by the fact that he had car- ried the arrangement of this visit to his new house for a week with no little trouble. He had planned his father's visit. His step- mother was to have passed the summer at the ; A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. new mansion, as the scheme was formed long ago. But how to get Laura and her mother there for guests ? Fortunately, as he had said, he discovered his father's acquaintance with Mayor Hardy, Laura's uncle. Old Capt. Broon fell readily enough into the plan ; it would be perfectly proper, as an assistance in social inves- tigation concerning his son's possible future wife. The mayor and his family were even now on the approaching train. Mark's coachman was to drive down to the valley farm in the early morning for the widow Lane and her daughter Laura. " Yes ? " Laura had laughingly questioned with a coy movement of the shapely head, and a hes- itating glance, when Mark had proposed the visit a week before. "And is it to be a real visit, with certain necessary trunks and fix- ings ? " " Just the same, " Mark had answered, " as if our dwellings were a thousand miles apart." He spoke gravely ; his serious demeanor contrasted singularly with her sunny air. " You are eccentric. How grave you are about this! I don't like you to be odd. Mamma is is so unnatural, so unearthly much of her time," and she gave a little shudder as her face grew sedate, "that I like you to be natural." CAPTAIN BROON AND HIS SON. 71 " A thousand pardons ! " he exclaimed, looking up brightly. "Now this visit is natural enough, when you come to look at it," and he began to toy with the handle of her sunshade as they stood there under the protection of the maple at her gate. "Your relatives turn out to be inti- mate friends of ours. My father, in his hearty- way, has invited them up here. Your cousin Madge, their daughter, is with them " " She is a real rogue, and so jolly ! " "And they always come to the mountains about this season," he insisted on pursuing. "I dare not tell you, Mr. Broon, what she said about you," exclaimed Laura, knowing well the art of prolonging the conversation. But Mark kept to his argument. "You must remember that my house-warming does not seem to take well among my curious neighbors. They will not let me get very near them ; and this home party is to do in its stead." " She said, " persisted the charming obstruc- tionist, " that she half mistrusted your invitation. A sort of convenience, their presence." " I protest that it is not ! Father often has Mr. Hardy over to dine in New York." " But still your father does want to get ac 7 2 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. quainted with that is, I mean he wants to see more " and she tried to disengage the sun- shade from his hand. Her great eyes almost challenged him for a moment. " Of you ? Why, yes," Broon answered frankly. " But you will not, you of all persons I say, think the less of me for my filial respect. And, on the other hand, you will meet my father. Mrs. Broon, my step-mother, has returned your call." " Yes, yes," responded the girl. " Why, cer- tainly it is all right." And she surrendered the sunshade handle to his reaching hand heartily. A SHOCKING LIE. 73 IV. A SHOCKING LIE. 44 TT>EALLY, Laura," sighed Mrs. Lane Ian -*-^- guidly, "you must send word up to well, address it to your uncle Hardy, no, tele graph up to Mr. Broon himself ; he has a pri vate wire from the village. Say that I am too much indisposed to go to Eaglecroft this after- noon." The lady was reclining in a huge rocker which occupied a good half of the little front porch, or "stoop," of her dwelling. She was already dressed for the visit, except her bonnet. Laura was ready, even to her hat and gloves. The two trunks were packed and waiting for the farm wagon which should take them, "after the men had finished cultivating the corn." All day long Laura had been half -expecting just this word from t her mother's lips ; expecting it at that morning's breakfast table, and it almost came, but not quite ; expecting it during the forenoon, as the workman in charge came to the A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. widow for his week's orders, and her mother had said : " How can UT those days were like no previous days that we living men and women had ever seen. It was remarked, that summer, that day after day the haymakers greeted the brilliant mornings with firm hope that at last this "ketchin' weather" was over, and the sunlight would continue from its rising to its setting; and great fields were "downed" by the clatter- ing mowers, yet only to be shadowed by mid- afternoon with the black clouds that drenched and spoiled the crop; while scores of lusty toil- ers turned to idle waiting under shelter, or "tinkerin"' at fussy odds and ends. There was scarce a farm where the odds and ends were not all done and more, while the noble fields were left undone. Every man's work was greatly changed about; nothing in its right proportions. For instance, such an amount of "goin* to the post-office," usually a mere in- cident of the rural Saturday night, but now al- 230 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. most a daily doing. And such sitting about the steps of the village store, hearing the latest news. Such a quantity of time with pen and ink, and less with the cheese, poor old mother of the boy at the wars, doing better work with your cramped fingers driving the pen, than in the milk-room those fingers ever did, for now they were on the heart strings of a nation. Such a disproportion between the proper reading of the Herald of Zion, ancient advocate of orthodoxy in the family, and those all-absorbing city papers full of war, war, war! Ah, everything out of ratio. Less sleep and more reading and thinking. Less the price of butter and eggs, of calves and colts, oh, bless you, very much less of calculating these things at the first, though it must be confessed we got back to the notice of such trifles again by- and-by, being human, and having year after year of this, with eggs, et cetera> very high for specu- lation, but at first the old farm itself, and all that it grew, seemed infinitely small, while we saw great movements of a great age, and our sons the brave actors ! We grew manly and womanly in spite of our- selves. We forgot to gossip about our neigh- bors, or to quarrel over line fences ; forgot the TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 2 M tj everlasting battle of the doxies in the great unity of the orthodoxy of the Union. We ceased to throw proof texts at each other, and took the time for prayer. We saw beyond our farm, beyond our "school deestrick," over the horizon beyond our village and state. We saw the blue sea that lies about our land's three coasts ; we, who never saw salt water before, saw the whole broad sea-embraced homestead, and began to claim it all. We saw more, too; the faces of the wide world turned towards us as in staring, curious gaze. No wonder things got out of pro- portion ; nay, into true and nobler proportion. The war was a college course to us. And it was no wonder that Capt. Charles Broon saw things in a different light, a few hours later, when the afternoon papers came up in a cloud to Eaglecroft. That earlier view from the library was not this later view from the veranda. No more were the thoughts of the one hour the thoughts of the later hour. " Look you, child," exclaimed Captain Charles, his broad face fiery red with the excitement of his reading. " Look you ! " And he first held out to her and then re- claimed paper after paper. " We have been terribly defeated, child. Why, the rascals are almost in Washington ! " 232 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. But Laura yet saw things in the old propor- tion. Her domestic troubles, the piques and prides of social life, the jealousies of lovers, and the theme of the morning. She had come expecting these to receive new attention; and she had expected to hear the ripe conclusion of her father-in-law's deliberations on them. So she stood prettily nonplussed by this explosion about Washington. He saw it, and resumed heartily : " Why, Laura, there's only one thing goin' on in the world to-day. That's our war. That lit- tle affair the idea ! of which we were speak- in' this morning, that is all right. Everything is all right but this accursed war." " But, father, if those two men pursue us up here to-day?" "Child alive!" He hooked his great right arm as he spoke. "The man will not come! Why, he'll be off to the wars himself before the week is over. Nobody can resist. Too old ? Well, the son is not. He is an American. How can he stay at home? Child, I'm going myself!" "You! Captain Broon?" Her blue eyes opened so wide that he laughed TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 233 in spite of the passion of patriotism which was on him. " Yes ; I'm going to sound my way along after my boy. My heart ! I must see him ! Would you like to go with me to Washington?" She flew into his old arms so swiftly that he almost had one of his recently alarming strug- gles for breath. She put her soft, hot cheek against his hard, hot cheek. She managed to say it : "And do you think we could could see him all alone by himself, papa" she substituted this title for father* since morning "for just a little? Really ? " " Why, daughter, yes ! What a question ! But, to be sure, I keep forgetting that you have never had a full day of your husband. Yes, yes, we will. We'll have him up at our hotel of course. But if I were you, I 'd never whis- per to him any of these troubles. You'll never see the Smiles crew again." "But are you sure we can really have Mark to ourselves?" she resumed. "He will be in such an ocean of men. Oh, I cannot endure it again, just to see him for a parting ! To see him with no time nor place to say what is in my heart ; to see him with my heart so full of 234 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. himself and myself, but his heart so full of of the country there. Please forgive me if that's a wicked speech. If I could only follow him, and, finding him, say, 'Come ! ' and he would step out of that ocean of men and walk away with me where I could tell him what I ought to have told before ; and we could sit together and and ; but to see my husband in the crowded streets or camps, under so many eyes and then, at a sharp command, why, he marches away from me as if as if I was nobody, and the country was everything ! There, again I 've said it ! No doubt you think me very selfish. May not a bride be selfish of her husband ? I tell you, papa, I will not go through that agony again." " Hush, child," the old man responded, husk- ily. "I know. He is yours, and yet not yours. So he is mine, and yet not mine. It is the times ; God does not so ordain for a bride and her husband, nor for father and son. He should be alongside us now but for man's wrath. But I'll take you to him', I will ! I will! Meanwhile think how many other women are left on the love tack, like yourself." Full of the purpose now beginning to take definite shape, the two went in search of the other members of the household, in order to TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 235 make arrangements for breaking up the establish- ment at Eaglecroft. Probably they would not return here again dur- ing the season. The captain went on to plan it that, after they should have returned from Washington, they would run down to the sea- shore for a few weeks, and then it would be time to reopen the city house in New York. They would feel a little nearer to Mark, too, he thought, in New York than away up here in the country. Besides, everything up here reminded one so of Mark ; this was Mark's place, he seemed everywhere visible. And again the captain added a word or two about some necessary attention to his business, though this almost triflingly. "What ! You will take my child away from me ? " almost shrieked poor Mrs. Lane, when, a lit- tle later on, the proposition was broached to her. The family and their guests were assembled in the great drawing-room ; some standing, some sit- ting, all excitedly considering the sudden plan of Captain Charles and Laura ; and each from a personal standpoint at first, as always with such abrupt change of plans. " Mamma dear ! " and Laura had the little women in her arms instantly, while she kissed the quivering lips in silence for a moment. 236 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. " Oh, I shall die if you leave me here, Laura\ I am not fit to be alone. That was not in the marriage contract that we should be sepa- rated." The unfortunate lady was, for the moment, utterly beside herself. Her distress was genuine, and moved everybody. " Mamma, you shall never be left alone ! " cried Laura, her fine eyes flashing through her tears, her breast heaving with contending affec- tions. She drew her mother nearer yet, and caressed her as if their kinship were reversed, saying, " No ; you shall go with us. Shall she not, Captain Broon ? " " Of course she must ! Yes, she b'longs to our mess, now, my girl," roared the captain, wiping his own eyes and stumping about the two, as if half a mind to take his turn at em- bracing and comforting the hysterical mother. " Wife, here ! Go up and get her a cup o' some- thing strengthening. Yes, of course she goes 'long. Wish you would all go 'long. I hate to break up the party, Mrs. Hardy and Miss Madge. All go down to the seashore with us, anyway. My house down there's big enough." He wanted to add that his purse was ample enough and at the disposal of everybody ; but TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 237 he had already commissioned his wife to suggest as much to Mrs. Hardy, since the mayor was not at hand. "Oh, no; we could not think of that, captain," said Mrs. Hardy, now coming to take her place at her sister's side, and offering the cup of cordial which Mrs. Broon, the elder, had brought. " You are exceedingly kind, captain. But we can go over with sister to her farm, for a while, as we had originally intended. And she will bear up and be a brave little woman, I know. For a wife's place is with her husband. I think Laura should accompany you. Madge ? " "Yes, indeed, auntie," exclaimed Madge, taking the hint, and then, too, the romance of uniting the lovers took instant and full possession of the young girl. She was kneeling at Mrs. Lane's feet. Alto- gether it was an interesting group; especially now that the old captain had edged his way around to the back of the chairs till he got in his great hand, or two or three ringers of it, gently smoothing the gray hairs of the dis- tressed and perhaps only half-conscious lady. " The farm, you know, can't quite be left, just now," Mrs. Hardy ventured ; and she con- tinued to speak of "the dear old house" and 238 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "how much pride John took in it when he was alive," and "how easy it would be, after a little, to leave it in competent hands while she ran down to Long Branch," etc., etc." " No, auntie ! " It was Laura's alarmed face full as much as her words. " Leave mamma here? exposed to " but she could hardly bring herself to name the danger so openly. " Yes ; I will go back to the farm ! " to every one's surprise Mrs. Lane gasped it out, and with an injured, innocent look and tone. " You children go marry and leave us poor mothers to our lonely way. That's the way of the world!" "Don't, don't put it that way, mamma, my precious mamma!" fairly sobbed Laura. "It is nature, sister," said Mrs. Hardy, sooth- ingly, yet a little out of patience again, as she had been much of late years, with her sister's "impulsive and weak ways." " Cruel, cruel nature, then ! " was Mrs. Lane's response, freeing herself coldly from her daugh- ter's arms. "It is in the Bible, dear lady," expostulated the old captain, unfortunately. "The Bible!" with a hard glance upward at the speaker. " Yes, I know. In the in your TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 239 Bible." Then she fell to rocking herself back and forth, elbows dropped to knees. " No, Laura, I will go ! " putting away the unhappy bride. " It is all right," meaning the very reverse. "We will pack up this very day, your auntie and Madge and I. You go pack up and follow your husband. It is no matter what becomes of me." And that was the woman Laura had to deal with, my reader. How everybody pitied the sob- bing girl, as she silently wound her arms again about her mother, insisting on the embrace which was not welcomed. How beautiful ' she was in her wild wretchedness between two con- tending loves! And no one could help her. So everyone left the room for a time. And every- one heard, with unutterable pity, as the door closed, her heart-breaking moan : "My husband and my mother!" "It is all of this dreadful time of war," groaned the captain, as the retiring group halted, all standing, on the veranda without. "God pity us all!" "Don't you think she had better stay, father?" asked his wife, wiping her eyes. "Perhaps she had," he responded, wetting his forefinger in his mouth ar.d holding it up to see 240 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. which way the wind was, as if the weather had something to do with even this sort of trou- ble. "Not at all, Mr. Broon," said Mrs. Hardy, with much decision. "Why, she would be worse than useless here. She has never had her hus- band for an hour, you might say, to herself. Her heart is gone to the wars. You do n't know us women, sir." "Tut, tut; don't I? I think I do, ma'am. Such a woman as that ! Now I know that that little ceremony which took her in tow and bound her alongside o' my son, has changed this ere girl's whole natur'. I know ! " "Strange, is it not?" mused Madge Hardy, curiously, tearing a leaf. "Just that little cere- mony." At which the married people managed to smile, and the group began to break up, leaving the next hour or two to reveal what it would reveal. As they walked different ways, you might have overheard Madge question her mother, with pretty upturned face, about "young Smiles, who was loitering here in the mountains, if he really was not incapable of any dishonorable purpose, so far as he was concerned." TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 241 And Mrs. Hardy's protest that she "did not believe that fear had entered into Laura's remot- est thought. It was simply natural, charming bride-devotion on one hand, and love of mother on the other." Which the reader is welcome to, using it as it may strike you. As a matter of history, it remains but to re- cord that the house was shut up the next day; that Mrs. Hardy and Madge accompanied Mrs. Lane to the farm ; that Laura went off with the captain's family, off to the wars, she and he, though the family were to be dropped at the seaside. But those days were like no other days we ever saw. Every day was startlingly new. And men changed so with things. For instance, Erastus Smiles and his father, the doctor. Of course, within a week of the widow's return, the two were become again very familiar visitors at the widow's pretty farm- house. It was agreed between Mrs. Hardy and Madge that it was best to indulge the sick lady for a day or two. Indeed, they could not have helped themselves, for the widow's stout and perverse will was roused ; her resentment yet lashed her. "Was she not mistress in her own house?" 242 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. But one beautiful summer Sabbath saw a great change sweep like a flash of light over this lit- tle group. "Well, sister, this is the first and last Sun- day riding for pleasure for me!" exclaimed Mrs. Hardy, as she helped Mrs. Lane into the car- riage that Dr. Smiles had provided. "I only comply, doctor, for this poor invalid's sake." "My dear madam," was Smiles' smooth reply, "suppose, then, that you and my son ride to- gether, for he is as sober as a preacher to-day; in a perfect Sabbath mood, I do assure you. Perhaps you can tempt him to confide in you. He 's very fond of his mother. If he do n't tell you what 's clouding him, I shall have to take him home to that excellent lady, whom you resemble, he thinks, by-the-way." Thumbs pressed together obsequiously now, the doctor having seated himself facing Madge Hardy and Mrs. Lane in the carriage, leaving Mrs. Hardy still standing on the ground. "Jf you would be so kind," exclaimed Erastus with genuine invitation. "We really did not know how to arrange it otherwise for five." And the young fellow's strong, homely face, somehow, had a more interesting and less for' bidding look, overcast and grave as it now was, than Mrs. Hardy had before seen in it. TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 243 "Indeed I will, Mr. Smiles," she responded promptly. " Of course we shall all keep to- gether." The party got off in that shape, winding up hills and down dales, to the eastward of Bethle- hem ; for an hour or two the understanding be- ing that they should return through the village by noon, to secure the Sunday mail, the post- office being open from twelve to one o'clock. "Yes, Mrs. Hardy," Erastus is saying; "this has been the most momentous week of my life ! You have, I venture to presume, guessed that I loved Laura Lane. You have seen that in my talk of this day. You do me too much honor, however, in supposing that I am worthy of a good wife, and in hoping that I may yet find one. I can hardly understand myself in the making of such a confession. A month ago I was proud of my mean, selfish, vengeful self; to-day I con- fess to you, like a penitent ! " His rugged features were pale as death. "I will not indulge any embarrassment, Mr. Smiles," the good lady replied, trying in real kindness to disguise her agitation, "for I have a son about your age, who makes me his con- fident, but" "But I ought to realize the indelicacy of 244 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. thrusting such confidences on a comparative stran- ger," he exclaimed. "I do. Forgive me. Yet hear me ; for if I could talk to my own mother just now " "Why not go seek her?" " Because," with a quick, instinctive glance over his shoulder, as if to see if his father was within earshot, " because I must not leave my father here alone. Do you understand why ? " with a searching gaze into his companion's be- nevolent face. " I I think I do," she faltered. Am I not here on the same duty ? " Her white hairs enhanced the deep color that now came, till her forehead and temples seemed flaming. "Yes. Oh, the shame of confessing it," he groaned. "Then your father really has designs on my sister's property ? " " Hush, oh, hush ! I 'm not yet ready to break I do not say so." "But you, young man, you surely would not be a party to such a scheme ? " very vehe- mently. "I would, Mrs. Hardy, just think of it! God forgive me I would, till a week ago." TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 245 " But not now ? Oh, sir, not now. Then you are on our side, and the evil will be prevented through your goodness. Heaven indeed bless you ! " Nothing was said in reply, for some moments, till, as they were now in sight of the village church spires, the young man suddenly turned and asked : " Do you know what has changed me ? If in- deed it can change me so that I shall be a changed man ! " " God's good Spirit, I trust," she replied, and was too much alarmed by her escort's now almost uncontrollable emotion to ask another question. " No, Mrs. Hardy ; my heart has been stirred with the tempest that has been raging there because I saw that company of patriots march away to heroic war and leave me, a selfish coward, behind ! " "Do you, also, confess to the war fever that has attacked all the foolish boys ? " the lady asked, trying to make light of patriotic enthu- siasm, as she had often done in letters to her own boy ; and yet every playful page had ended in pathetic dissuasion. " Mrs. Hardy, you have a son ? " very gravely. 246 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. " Yes," shaking like a leaf now. " And you do not want him to go to war ? " "What, our Fred? Oh, God forbid!" The spark had taken to the tinder now. The apprehensions of anxious days and sleepless nights were tyrannizing over her; she could not keep back her tears. "Well, then, kind lady," Erastus resumed, "you had better leave this duty up here undone, and go put your arms about him, for we young men are being swept like a tempest ; your boy will go ! Every decent young man of us will go!" " Stop the carriage ! I am faint." " Father !" shouted the young man, to the other vehicle rolling leisurely behind them across the village green. " Quick ! The lady has fainted ! " It was the work of a moment to bring the two carriages together, and to a halt. They were in full view of the people just emerging from the church porch. Dr. Smiles and Madge^ Hardy were instantly at the wheels. " Oh, mamma ! What is it ? " " Nothing now. I'm re recovered. Here we are before so many people. Let 's get home." She refused the physician's hand at her wrist. TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 247 ' We must hasten back, Madge ; and I must go down to S to-morrow ! " " Mamma, I know. It is Fred ! " "Yes, doctor," said Mrs. Lane, leaning out from her carriage. "It was just so the other night in my room. She's afraid Fred will en- l ist." "Erastus," the doctor began, "what have you been saying to this lady ? " It was half reproof, 5ialf pleasantry. "I have said, sir," Erastus answered, and at i he same time his ashen face was turned towards *he knots of villagers crossing the grass, "that 4.11 the manly youth of this country would go .o war!" "Severe on yourself, my lad," replied the doc- tor, trying to laugh aloud, but somehow strangely apprehensive as he searched the blanched fea- tures of his son. "Come, let's get out of this." "Father, look there!" Every eye followed Erastus Smiles' long, out- stretched arm. "Why, it is a wounded soldier they are clus- tering about ! " Madge Hardy said, clasping her hands. "Yes," Mrs. Lane added nervously. "My man 248 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. told me that farmer Knott's Ike was home from that big battle, on a a fur-something." "A furloughed hero, father!" exclaimed Eras- tus, reverently. At the same moment he sprung to the green- sward, lifting his hat with the hand that was free from the reins. "Well, you goose," the doctor blurted out, his black eyes blazing, "a blue coat-sleeve tied up. I don't see much to that, except its novelty." "Oh, isn't he interesting!" Madge Hardy panted out. "And an officer, too. See how the people flock about him." " Yes ; was in Boston, you know," the widow began further to explain, "and went from there. My man says he was a machinist, and the Knotts up here on the back road are very common farmers ; but now he 's a wounded officer, what fools all Bethlehem are making of themselves over him ! And yet he does seem impressive, my dear. A real, live, righting man up here," musingly studying the picture and, for the mo- ment, amused to the forgetting of her own woes. " Lost that left arm, I see," said the doctor, gloved thumbs and finger tips tapping each other nervously. " Zounds, but he is a splendid fellow TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 249 to be out of hospital so soon! It can't be a month since that first horrid fighting. Satan's work, all ! Let us devoutly thank God that none of ours are thus engaged in public butchery ! " "I don't quite like that kind of talk, either," said the widow. For the passing Ike had caught sight of her carriage now, and, away across the emerald pavement, spotted over with the groups in " Sunday dress," he had lifted his soldier's cap to her in a pretty way. " So'mehow he does look very fine. Why didn't the hero wear his sword? Let's cheer him. To think of it; 'he has been in a real battle and got real wounds!" " Mamma, yes ! " cried Madge -Hardy, to urge her mother's handkerchief out. She stood, her- self, on tip-toe, all pink as a peach with her patriotism, and fluttered her little lace banner high up in the summer breeze. " No, indeed, butchery ! Dr. Smiles. I do think it is so real now. How handsome all the men look ! Hur- rah ! hurrah ! very softly. " Child ! " exclaimed her mother, " would you encourage your own brother to go off there, and get get butchered ? " But for all that, dear Yankee soul, she got her banner in the air too. Then there was a little cheer echoed over 250 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. from the people about the hero ; a mere Sunday cheer, a clapping of hands of pretty country girls and matrons, with an urchin's piping silver mingled in clapping from side to side of the Green, as others took courage now that some one had initiated the business. " That 's his sister at his side. How proud she seems ! " said Mrs. Lane, quite smiling. " See the man blush," said the doctor, in spite of himself. " Even from here I can see that he 's lost the traumatic pallor of a moment ago." "Retract your naughty word, then," said Madge not withdrawing her* eyes. "What, butchery?" "Yes. A war for the Union is sacrifice, sir. Glorious sacrifice ! " Then she dropped her arm, and gave him her school-girl eyes, full, all school-girl patriot- ism. " I declare I will, Miss Hardy. It is a mov- ing spectacle. Like a picture, this. Like a bit of an epic in a man's own life -time. Because, ladies, you know, we are mere spectators. We can afford to admire, since it is not our son who is robbed of a good working hand there." All this while Erastus Smiles had been stand- ing by his horse's head, partly hid from his TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 251 father, and uncovered under the brilliant mid- day. From his fixed gaze on the passing soldier boy he had not turned a moment. He had not spoken. He had not joined in the soft salute. He seemed to have forgotten his duty to be polite, or care for a lady's safety, for the restive horse, startled by the hand-clapping, began to move away from him unchecked. "I say, Rat!" his father shouted. "Father," he suddenly exclaimed, recalled to himself, "please stand by this animal. I want to make the acquaintance of that splendid fel- low." "Why so?" "Because, father, I am going to give him my name as a recruit!" "Angels defend me! Am I crazy/ or is it you, you simpleton?" This Smiles, the elder, with a spring to his son's side. "I'll put you in leading string at " "My dear father, you will certainly take your hands off me and and give me your bless ing." It was a request in love and inflection, but the words and looks were of command. And what a shock of surprise this first reso- 252 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. lute rebellion of his life gave the boy's father standing there. He took his hands off, however, for he needed his thumbs, which he began roll- ing so very far backward on his wrists, and with a pressure that showed in his purple face. Then, getting his breath, and bringing himself down from his toes, heavily, on his heels : "To enlist?" "To enlist." "You?" ij "Then that's been the worm at your heart for the last few days." 'Oh, my father, let a kind look come into your face, I do pray you. Send me away with your approval. I cannot do the the other thing. You will sometime be glad I acted the manly part." "Why, boy, who asked you to act any other part?" with a quick, warning movement of the black eyes that referred to the rest of the com- pany. "I know, I know, sir," the son answered, at the same time seizing his father's arm. "But I do not care who hears it. I have no heart for life. It makes not a whit's difference what becomes of me. I'll give my life to my country. TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 253 I can afford to do it, surely, if happy men can, for I have nothing to live for. And there, too, I am as selfish as I seem fated to be in everything I do in this world. But yet," and here his eyes caught the approving yet wonder- ing gaze of Madge Hardy, "I dare hope I have just a little manliness in what I do. It is a dear land; many other people may live to be happy in it, if the Union is saved. Now, father for no protests are of any use, I tell you, send me away, doing one decent, manly thing, doing a thing that gives the lie to Mark Broon's contempt for me ; send me with your blessing!" "When?" And there were signs of a shrewd second thought in that elder face. "At once. I want to pledge myself to that officer in our country's army as soon as he can approach." Yet there was desperate resolution under his excited grandiloquence. " See ! I have beckoned to him, and all the people are coming." Which was true. Already one and another of the villagers had paused about the carriages, till quite a little throng of them blocked in the wheels and horses. 254 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "Wait, my son," this in a low tone. "If you will go make a a hero," with almost a sneer, "of yourself, why, I can do better for you than you can do for yourself. We'll go home and get a commission for you." " Father," the young fellow resumed, " I al- ways feared you ; I confess it. It is your con- sent I want, not honors." He whispered it in his son's ear : " But I want the honors ! " A shade of pity flitted across the younger face. But Erastus replied : "Very well. I'll not enlist with this man. But I shall give him my hand on the pledge." He then stepped forward to greet the "wounded hero," now come near, with: "I have not the pleasure of your acquaint- ance, Lieutenant, yet I want to tell you that I glory in you, and here give you my hand that I have been brought to a decision by the sight of you to go fight for the Union." "God bless you, stranger," was Ike Knott's re- sponse, grasping the outstretched hand. "That's the kind o' talk we want. Hip, hip!" The villagers gave a hurrah, Sabbath or no Sabbath, while Madge Hardy fluttered up and took hold of his arm ; she might have kissed him in her TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 2 $$ enthusiasm, but that, notwithstanding its glow, it "was not really, mamma, a truly good face, after all. Do you know what I mean, mamma ? " This an hour or two later, after they had re- turned to the farm. For the party rather abruptly disentangled itself from the now decidedly boisterous villagers and drove away. " No ? You are too excited to spend a social evening with us, my poor dear doctor, no doubt," remarked Mrs. Lane, at her own door. She had beckoned him in, and he had shaken his head. " Well, I d& think the times are terrible. How my heart can sympathize with you, and you with me, now. Laura will admire your son now. I shall write her at once. Ah me ! " And no doubt her sigh was a sign of real distress. "And yet, my dear lady," the doctor replied, in a tone calculated to command the attention of the other ladies, who halted in the vestibule to listen, "lest we be rude to him, poor gen- tleman," as Madge had whispered, " and yet. I say to you all, while my heart is wrung with a natural parental sorrow, I can yet see many A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. ways in which I shall be the means of doing service to my kind by the free surrender of my only son to this great cause. No doubt a kind Providence will overrule this to my blessing. Good-night, ladies." "Good-night," from all the others. "Good-night," from Erastus Smiles in turn, lifting his hat. " Good-night," again in chorus ; and suddenly Madge Hardy advancing and extending her hand to him, the first and only one. He took it, ac- tually, not without a flush, and turned away. "Why did you do that, you silly child?" was Mrs. Hardy's reproving speech as they were alone. "Because I pitied the young man, trying to be a hero, and left with such a cold-blooded man as his father." "A pretty and impulsive girl, Erastus. But what made you blush so warmly ? " said the doctor, when they had entered the carriage. "Because, father, it made me feel young again, and almost as I was a few years ago, when I was cleaner than I am now, to think this innocent young woman so admired a good intention in me ! " "Why, Rat, one would suppose I had de- bauched my son's mind." TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. 257 The eyes, full turned and frank, made the only reply. " Well, now, my son, you need n't take it to heart so thoroughly, that I suggested certain plans in life to you. Drop all that. You shall serve under the precious flag. Why, I got a let- ter only last night, which I was tempted to burn, in which one of our powerful politicians down home suggested the appointment of my son to a lucrative office in the department 'of army transportation. It angered me to think of your being enlisted and carrying a sword, as you would have to figuratively, at least, in this wicked war." " I'll not hear that again, sir, even from you ! I can get out and walk. To me it is a holy war ! " He was actually laying down the lines. "Ye-a-s, holy;" yet his thumbs concluded not to roll each other back very far. " So be it, Rat. Upon the whole this uprising of the peo- ple has its majestic side. I'll promise you, here and now, to so view it, if you will agree to take this appointment, as a colonel, mark you, think of that ! in a department of the army where you will not need to kill anybody, nor get killed. Now, come, will you do it ? " 258 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. Resuming the lines thoughtfully, Erastus Smiles allowed his animal to pace on while the vehicle behind them passed with its driver out of possi- ble earshot. For a season he uttered not a word in reply. At length he muttered to himself: "Fine pay." "Yes," eagerly answered the doctor, misinter- preting him. "No chance of being shot," with a start, and as if it were provoked from him by his father's previous misunderstanding. " Not a chance,- my son ! " warmly. An astonished stare, which meant, " Is it pos- sible you still fail to catch my meaning ? " But otherwise silence for some moments, till finally: "You assure me, on your honor, father Smiles, that you will heartily support the war in all your intercourse with men. You will relieve us, as a family, of any remote suspicion of disloy- alty ; relieve us and yourself of the danger and disgrace of disloyalty now listen; do not inter- rupt me, for I am respectful as I am plain by thought, word or deed, if I will forego the battlefield and take this safer God pity me! safer place ? " " I promise. Heavens ! Your patriotism is re.il enough to move even my admiration." TO ENLIST OR NOT TO ENLIST. " Then it is so agreed, and you may reply to the letter at once, for I'm about to return to S - to-morrow." Within the next ten rlays the two men had worked this programme into accomplished facts. 260 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. XII. NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. u ^SOMETHING has gone wrong to-day, ^ father ? " It was Capt. Charles Broon's ever watchful wife who said it. following him up stairs to his room to do so, as he returned home from the first day down-town in New York. " Tell me what it is," she resumed, as he still employed himself, without response, at his toilet for dinner. She was seated behind him, watching him, with folded arms, a habit of hers, bless her kind heart. "Well, wife, ihe fact is," he replied, laying down the clot'/ies brush and gazing curiously about the nob'e room, " we are anchored here in town for f,he present. Can't follow up the boy." "That's n>t all, father." She alwz/s called him "father." Indeed, she was fifteen years his junior. NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. 2 6l " Why, no, shipmate." Then silence. " You are always in very grave mood, my dear one, when you call me by that old sea- term. Tell me what troubles you." And she went up to him, wound her arms over his wide shoulders, and gave him eyes of priceless trust and sympathy. Yet she trembled. He felt the tremors that agitated her. This was not usual, for the life of this home had rarely known a danger or seen an approaching peril in all the munificent years since this " second wife" had lived in it. He seemed both excited and fatigued. Yet with a great effort he was evidently trying to command himself, in mercy to others. He stroked her hair; he let his arm fall about her in such a strong embrace, as we all have done when dangers, which our arms could not for a moment defend against, were threatening those we loved. "Is it Mark?" " Thank God, no ! " "Is it some bad news for the country, a defeat?" "Thank God, no!" "Oh, tell me!" " My business is gone wrong." " Badly ? " 262 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. " Yes. I shall lose nearly half my fortune. Not a cent of Southern collections. I warned 'em. I told the boys to trim sail. We supposed we had. But, Heaven help us, my dear, I'll keep the home ; I will! Only it seems too bad for an old fellow like me to have to take to the quarter-deck again ! " "What, go to sea?" winding closer to him. " I do n't know but that's what 't will come to. Where is Laura, poor child ? " " Up in Mark's room rearranging the trunks. Indeed poor child, as you say, when we tell her, for she has been as happy as a bird all day at the thought of our getting off to-morrow." " We will not tell her at present, wife. Cheer up. Let 's go down to dinner. I shall know more in a day or two. After all, it would n't be the worst lot in the world to live in the cabin with me, would it ? Hey ? " and his stout heart got the mastery for the moment at five and sixty as if he were forty years younger. Cheer up ? As if that loyal lady ever needed such an exhortation. As if any good wife, in good health, ever needed the exhortation at the time, ever memorable in our households, when " business went wrong, and very badly wrong ! " NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS, 263 No ; it is the man who mouths the exhortation who needs it most. " You don 't take my misfortunes much U heart," said the captain, as they descended to the dining-room, rather disposed for one moment, notwithstanding his own exhortations, to be piqued at his wife's calmness, and misinterpret ing it. "My dear, how can you so misunderstand me ? " she asked, ready to show her woman's terror over business reverses in a moment. "True, shipmate, true, I have myself taught you to trust the compass and chart, and look the storm in the eye. Riches may take to themselves wings, but this is the time to show what our faith in God can do. We've got somewhat comin' to us when we get to port," casting his eyes upward: "At all events, you can drive in the park yet." " God help us to hide it from Laura, and by pitiable excuses to adjourn the hope she has of meeting her husband," sighed Mrs. Broon. " Shall we ever join husband and wife ? " It was not, however, an easy task, this putting off the day with Laura. She fed on Mark's letters, which came as regularly as the sultry summer mornings. Her mother also wrote her, 264 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. and Madge Hardy wrote all the astonishing news from the New England farm. That gave the two caged ladies something to talk about. The heat was something terrific to fight against those long days of waiting; a week of days, before they knew it, two weeks, a month. A month behind the blinds, all the shimmering July mornings and scorching afternoons, with the up-town pavements of those aristocratic streets as deserted as a country road-way. A month of twilight drives through the neighboring park, and back again to a month of distressful sultry nights, in which it was difficult to sleep. "To-morrow, my dears. I hope we may get away to-morrow." For a whole month this was . the good captain's vesper chant of cheer. Yet every morning took him away from the breakfast table in a great hurry of inexorable business for that day. One evening, about the month's close, as the captain returned, his wife drew him into the library, and began, very gravely: " It is telling on her, this country girl. She is not so rosy as she was, cooped in these hot walls." "I realize it," responded the captain, sadly," yet with the slightest gleam of cheer in his NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. 26$ eyes. It is telling on us all," and the gleam faded, puzzling her. "But, mother, I I have sold the Long Branch property. There is no place to go to there. I you must I have brought up the deed for you to sign." With prompt cheer of her own she just led him into the library, got pen and ink ready, and offered to search his pockets for the document, since he still hesitated. "You are good pluck, wife," he said, rubbing his big hand across the veins on his purple forehead. " But, thank God, there 's salt money enough left yet for this house of yours ; that is, by mortgaging my son's house." And he heaved a sigh. Then Laura came in, sweet and sunny, .in pretty evening dress. Seeing them busy, she passed on into the adjacent parlors and touched the piano lightly. The two old folks became tranquil in the music, and got on their smiles again. After a while the captain called to her : " Come in, my child. I say, your husband will DC in town to-morrow ! " "Oh, papa, Mark here?" And she flew at them, color enough now, kissing them both, and then swooping down on a hassock at the old man's side, too eager to ask, but waiting for more news. 2 66 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "That is, he will be at the store, my dears. I have asked him to get a furlough long enough to come home and sign some important business papers." "At the store, indeed, father!" exclaimed the elder lady. "But of course we shall have him up here for a week, at least. Think of that, young lady ! " with a love tap of her fan on the charming upturned head. But the charming head had been using its eyes on the old face, and read enough to drop on the knee before the old lips replied: "Why, no, I fear not, messmates." Then clearing his throat : " Fact is, I had great difficulty in getting the colonel " " Colonel ? " Laura glances up. " He has his promotion then ! He was to telegraph me, so his letter said." "He is coming to tell you himself, dear one," esumed the captain. "What, most ready to cry ? Look, mother, at those eyes." But the eyes were too quick for them both and were hidden again on the paternal knee. " But, father," Mrs. Broon, the elder, took it up, "that is splendid news in our time of trou ble." NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. 267 " Hush ! Trouble ? " with a warning look from the captain. But that was another straw for Laura, and she braided it quickly, though silently, into the suspicions she had long been at work upon. " Yes ; but a colonel can do as he pleases, I should suppose," resumed the elder wife. " On the contrary, his promotion runs right across our bows. He has been half-expectin' it for two weeks, or we would have had him home here on a furlough before this. Now that he has his regiment in hand he must be on deck all the while. Everything is gettin' ready to sail, at Washington. Discipline and drill, preparing for the great " On to Richmond " that you read about in the morning papers. Why, it took two governors and three generals, all friends of mine, to get this boy leave of ab- sence long enough to run on here for a day." There was nothing for it but to fill up the remnant of the fevered evening with consulting railway time-tables, counting the hours, and re- ducing them to the minutes that Mark could be in town ; subtracting the moments necessary for the business transaction ; planning the lunch at a down-town hotel, where at least they could all have a little family privacy; and ordering the 2 68 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. carriage for the morning in time to cross and meet Mark on the Jersey side of the ferry. Somehow the whole evening was almost happily spent over such delightful trifles. Yet Laura took most of the night to add to the arrangements ; planning and plotting, even daring to attempt opposition to the authority of the government itself, and keep him a day ; planning and plotting, and counting the chimes that struck the hours from a neighboring steeple upon the lifeless air of the brazen night, and only falling asleep for a little towards morning after she had thought out everything, even to the minutest details of the dressing that should please him most, "which is not easy to decide," she murmured to herself, "for how little I know of my husband's tastes in matters of dress ! " However, the womanliness of the thought gave nature sway once more, and with her prayers finally said, she fell asleep. "I have ordered an extra carriage for mother and me, my dear," was the captain's salutation in the morning, as soon as Laura descended the stairs. The old man was pacing the parlors, hands behind him, in the old swaggering, quarter-deck walk. And you may as well know it, reader, NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. 269 he had been pacing there a good part of the night. " You will take our carriage, with old Ned to drive"; you know Ned's safe as as the Union itself. Go over and meet Mark, and come with him to the office." So you may picture her, under the old sheds across the North River, that serve the richest of railway corporations for a station, waiting an hour later the rumble of the train. You may picture the rumbling train itself ; the final hiss of steam and the halt ; the crowd of people drumming the plank walks with eager, hastening heels, and pouring about the few carriages like a gray sea; the weary, anxious people, the ex- cited people who tramped into the metropolis those mornings, not knowing what a day would bring forth ; people snatching at the morning papers as they rubbed their eyes open to the early light ; people who turned and wiped their perspiring brows, and looked with envy on the few luxurious carriages that would save some fellow a hot walk ; and people, too, who stopped to gaze on the erect form, in handsome uni- form, guessing at the shoulder-straps, and making all sorts of blunders as to the rank indicated in those days when it was all new to them, of 2 7 o A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. Mark Broon, who was threading his way promptly through the crowd towards old Ned's white, woolly head and the horses easily recognized. You may picture the bride of weeks, too, at first face at window, then demurely shrinking back to her corner, laughing eyes easily distin- guishing the handsome comer, as he towered mostly above the gray sea, wondering if he guessed who was in the shadowed vehicle, face glowing against the blue silk, lips apart, and ready to speak, fingers toying with the hand- rest, the hands ready to be outstretched. ' Now ! " "Well, well, it is worth worlds to be here, even for a few hours, isn't it, Laura ? At any rate, I think so." "Do not colonels ever take their wives along with them?" "How should I know, now, sweetheart, what colonels do ? I 've been a colonel only about two days." "Which is a kind way of saying no." "That is, at present, Laura. We expect every day to to how do you like it?" For she was nervously fingering the eagle on his shoulder, and he would talk about that rather than "advances into the enemy's country." NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS, 271 " I think you look like a general. Oh, how becoming it all is ! If only there was n't any danger ! " " Well, now," imprisoning her hands, " tell me all about yourself; everything that you have been doing, and let 's leave the wars a thousand miles away, for this day. What splendid letters you write me. I feast on them." And that made up the ride to the office : things that count for nothing in histories ; yet happy the heart whose histories are made up of such beatific nothings. This, however, was said, which is of public importance, just before they reached the store : " By the way, Laura, to whom do you sup- pose I have orders to report, here in town ? Prepare to be surprised." " More business, besides your father's ? It 's too bad! It's just wicked!" " Now, now, you little rebel ! But guess whom. No, you cannot. I '11 tell you. I must call on our friend, Col. Erastus Smiles, in charge of transports for troops here. That is, he has the chartering of steamers for govern- ment use. What do you think of that?" with a good-natured laugh, notwithstanding. "Report to him? Is he more of a colons tha.i you are ? " with charming resentment. 2/2 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. " My superior, you mean ? " laughing heartily. " Oh, dear, no. It only transpires that, as he is supposed to have vessels in readiness for all uses like mine " " What uses can you have for ships, my lord ? Are they going to send you to some more in- accessible place than even that Virginia camp over the Potomac?" " Maybe ; I can never tell. It makes no dif- ference, my good wife, where we are sent, so we close this miserable business within the next three months, does it ? I may be sent to South Carolina. I would like to take my boys down to that rascally, plucky Charleston." "Oh, you are a real soldier boy, I see. I can have no effect on you if I try, which I would not, Mark. No ; I'm going to send you off with a cheer; I truly am. Indeed, I think if I did not, you would never come back to me ; for your heart is in this war. Now, no doubt, you can find it possible to even think well of Erastus Smiles, since he's a comrade in arms," almost pouting at him. " I certainly hope so, Laura, though his situ- ation is not the most self-sacrificing in the world. However, someone must perform the du- ties given to him. But here we are." NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. 273 " Well, Bob, God bless the boy ! " exclaimed th'e old captain ; and he embraced his son. " Come inside. Have n't much time. Thank Heaven I see ye once more. But say a word of salute to mother and come inside, yes, in- side." "Ah, mother," said Mark, cordially, "it is good as a feast to see you," and he kissed her. "Now I'll obey my father like a dutiful son, and go into the private office awhile. Is he very much affected, do you think, mother? That is, has it told on his strength to any perceptible degree, do you think ? " " What told on his strength ? " with a look of alarm. " Do n't you know all about it ? " with a sur- prised pause. Then glancing at Laura his face fell ; but promptly collecting himself he conducted the two ladies into the prettily furnished nook devoted to favored visitors, just back of the row of book-keepers, and saw them seated. He said nothing more ; indeed, it was not necessary, for what could one say, unless he said the worst ? And this, it was evident, could not be adjourned long. An atmosphere of gloom enveloped the whole establishment. It was visible in the nods 274 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. of recognition which everybody gave him and them as they passed ; it was an unmistakable pity which softened every sombre countenance. Mark followed his father through the private doors. What an interminable hour that was which followed ! "I have counted every window in that front opposite. Just sixty windows, mamma," said Laura, demurely, standing and gazing out. "And I can see twenty-three persons, at various desks, through the various windows, all writing. I wonder if the war makes any of them misera- ble." Still no answer, and so a quick challenge at last : " What are you thinking about, mamma ? " " I ? " recalled to herself, was the elder lady's reply. " I was thinking that those clerks out there knew more about us, our affairs, I mean, than you and I do. Close the door, my child, and come sit down by me. It is plainly my duty to begin this sad story. It will be easier for you to hear what our husbands have to say when they come out to us." "I believe I know what you will say," was Laura's instant answer, approaching and standing erect in front of Mrs. Broon. " We are going NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. to be poor. Well, what of that ? I did not marry Mark for his money, you know, mamma Broon." " We all know that, my dear. But but you have no idea how much it costs to live here in town, and what changes " " I have property," with two small gloves ex- tended, palms open. " Which you will need to prosecute Dr. Smiles, and defend your mother's home against him." "Oh, has mamma indeed done that wicked thing at last ? and in spite of her last letter's assurances ? And you have known it, and kept it from me ? " reproachfully. This further distress swept over the courageous girl like an added gust when a tree has well faced the hardest of the storm. She dropped instantly into a chair, overcome even more by the sense of the long-dreaded social humiliation than by the fear of pecuniary calamities. "You know the man has become quite a hero up there, of late, by the stand he has taken regarding the war. And his son has gone to the war. Your mother evidently has been glad to welcome him again, and even your uncle found his wife and Madge deceived, it seems, when he arrived there yesterday. At all events, 276 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. he has telegraphed my husband that your moth- er has actually signed papers by which Smiles leases the farm for his preposterous sanitary affair for a term of years." " Oh, God, help me ! help me ! I must go to " " No, you must go nowhere just yet," said the other lady, tenderly taking the poor, shame- faced girl in her arms. Indeed, they were both now on their feet, and Laura's face was hidden on her friend's shoulder. "Now it has been all very abrupt and wrong, perhaps," resumed the elder lady, soothingly, "to tell you this here. But what else could I do? I thought, perhaps, it would be easier for you to hear it just when you could pour it all into your husband's ear." " My husband ! " cried Laura, lifting her face. " It is as if I had no husband. I have never been two hours in his society alone since we were wed." "Oh, dear child, that is true. It all comes of these weddings in war-time. I don't know as we shall ever see you together." " I know we never shall belong to each other," said Laura, "I have had a dream of late " NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. 277 " Hush, child. Believe in God. Dreams are unreliable," the elder Mrs. Broon exclaimed. " Captain Broon," the young wife suddenly cried out, looking up as that gentleman opened the door of the inner office, his old face fur- rowed and fevered. "Papa Broon," she changed it in pathetic entreaty, "you assured me that the great God would hear prayer ! " " Yes, yes, little one, he will." But the old man was so shaken by sight of her that he halted in his tracks, as in his speech, and the documents in his hands trem- bled as if a wind was rustling them. " Let us pass, father," said Mark, almost rudely putting that gentleman aside from the doorway. "Laura?" and in a moment his out- stretched arms had almost taken her from his mother. " No, Mark, no ! " with a quick step back- ward, away from them all. " I have been the means of family disgrace to you." "You certainly have not," said the mother. " Dear little craft, no ! " the captain's roar. "My precious wife," cried Mark, "how can any fault attach to you ? " and he had her in spite of herself, caressing her tenderly. " You must not, for an instant, indulge such thoughts, 2 ;8 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. Laura. We need all our courage, all our self- jespect, all our fidelity to each other, now. I assure you that we cannot afferd to indulge anything like family vanity " " Never had it, boy ! Never were proud of being rich, Mark, never ! " put in the captain. "I know, father. But perhaps she might be excused if she had attributed to us a trifle of that common failing," resumed the young hus- band, dropping on a chair, with his wife on his knee. "At all events, Laura, we must go down into the vale of humble things now. We are all poor together." " Dear Mark," she protested," that is not it at all. It is the thought of your being involved, through me, with with people of such such disgraceful superstitions and and an unbecom- ing lawsuit about poor mamma's property, and all your friends saying, ' Did he marry into such a crazy family as that ? ' And father Broon has such a horror of that kind of people!" They let her sob it out. After an interval of silent waiting, Mark resumed, addressing his wife in tender tones : "But, Laura, trust us that we do not for a moment entertain such sentiments. How are you at fault? Unless you suffer your pride to NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. 279 attribute to us what we will not acknowledge, then you would be at fault, my precious wife. Now take good heart. There, I felt certain that you would. Trust, trust. All our life must be one of trust now. We are all poor together." "But you would never be happy to return to your dear Eaglecroft with me." This with downcast eyes. "I have sold it; or mortgaged it for all it is worth." The two ladies stared at the two gentlemen. The young man's face was bright and resolute enough, but the old man's face was indescriba- bly sad. "But but I shall mortify you just as much here in town," resumed Laura. " We shall rent the town house to pay small debts," said the old captain, in turn, his face now brightening with resolution. " Father, is it as bad as that ? " asked his wife, very softly, yet with a world of meaning in her suppressed tones. " I was afraid to say it till Mark came and helped me out," was his response. "What are we to do?" This the elder lady, unable altogether to con- trol her distress, and showing a cheek bloodless for the first time in many years. 280 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "I'll tell you what we are to do, good moth- er," said the colonel, placing Laura in a seat, and providing one for his father, with a kind- ness not to be disobeyed, and then taking his stand before the group in a cheery way. " Father will take a ship for perhaps a year. His old English friends will be only too glad to put the best ship of the line at his disposal. We shall turn over all our property, according to a plan father has already sketched out." " Except resin and tar, child. Resin and tar in store. Be exact, boy," said the old man, drumming his feet on the carpet. " Well, father, of course, to be exact. But the ladies would hardly understand about your spec- ulation in a loft full of resin and a cellar full of tar," laughed Mark. "Nor do I either, quite." "Yes, tell us," exclaimed Mrs. Charles, who was not a dullard at business, after all. "Why, you see, wife," said the captain eagerly, "we veer round and mortgage and lighten ship generally, by throwing overboard everything to pay our debts. Then I tell Bob that we have 'nuff o' those two products of Florida, resin and tar, to make a clean new fortune, if we keep it for two years, if the war should last as long. NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. 28 1 They are only to be got in Florida, and Flor- ida is closed to all the world. Why, every bar. rel of tar has increased ten cents' worth since we begun talkin'." "Well, father," Mark broke in, "that is your experiment. Go ahead. But we can't exactly live on resin and tar meanwhile." " Sell a little at a time, or borrow money on them," Laura ventured, curiously enough. " Ah, you Yankee ! " shouted Mark, and made her smile and blush in spite of herself. " But we have had to borrow about as much money on the stock now as we can. See ? At any rate," taking up her hand and fondling it, " we are to send you two ladies to sea for a few voyages, in the cabin of father's steamer. That will be living in a palace, only it will be afloat. You will not mind hotel life occasionally in port, for a while. And I shall be quite busy with a certain little unpleasantness here in America, meanwhile. Eh ? " Silence all round. " And now, dear hearts," Mark resumes j straightening up, "we haven't much time for anything but doing the thing in hand. I must go report to this new colonel, who charters transports; and my wife is going with me. Be 282 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME, sure of that. I '11 not let her out of my sight during this day," and he stood waiting her com- pliance with the word, still keeping up finely, it must be confessed, the semblance of good cheer and playfulness. Laura had his arm in a moment, with a wifely resolution to be very brave. But she could not repress a sob. " Poor mamma, with his father, up in the country ! " " Our attorney will - attend to all that, love ; and I hope, by your second voyage over, that your mother will be here ready to accompany you." They were about entering the carriage at the office door. " But, Mark, I cannot, cannot, cannot go away over the ocean, and not see mamma again." She stood holding the door of the coupe" irresolutely, as if to enter might be an embark- ation. "Why, Laura," with just the slightest shade of expostulation, and for the instant almost drop- ping off his mask of brightness, "what else can you do?" "I will will go with you." NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. 283 "And do you know, child, that I suspect they mean to send me to sea, regiment and all, down South, along the Gulf somewhere ? " " In a ship of that man's providing ? " It came like a brush of lightning along the low horizon in the night. " What ? " said Mark, an exclamation which we use when we know not what else to say, as he handed her in. The noise of Broadway always compels silence for the first few moments, as you drive into it. Meanwhile the new suspicion of his wife got a little hold upon even Colonel Broon's healthy mind. Then, too, these were days of suspicion. No one could tell who was his friend, who foe, especially in New York, and if one wore a conspicuous uniform at which street urchins were constantly calling attention. The presence of his wife made the young officer decidedly nervous before they had traversed a hundred yards. She, too, noticed the all-sorts of sharp eyes and pointing fingers directed at their win- dows. She clutched at his arm, and shrunk back. He snatched at the curtain, as, rousing himself, he answered her eyes : "Laura, that is a ridiculous fear. Smiles is a loyal officer in the Union army, with rank and 284 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. interest preventing any, why, what am I say- ing ? How absurd ! " Conversation in a street roar is half conjec- ture at best ; here a word, then a silence, while you try to guess its meaning, and what your friend is thinking, and then another word. "Absurd that the Smiles people should seek to destroy you," with a closer winding of the hands about his arm. "Would be treason. Man would be shot. Send a whole regiment to the bottom ? Too horrible. You are all unstrung," patting her cheek, and on second thought himself quite re- assured were it not for an occasional glance out of the window on his side, as an ugly truck- driver shook a fist at him. Fearing, that Laura might catch sight of some token of the great city's questionable loyalty, he pulled the other curtain also. "The hot sun, my dear. A scorching day." " Can Doctor Smiles be true to anything ? Do you suppose safe treason would seem any obstacle to him, if it served his ends?" " My dear girl, how cold your hands are. You '11 be in hysterics yet," trying to laugh, as if that were clear jest. "It is the son, not the old fox, that I have anything to do with. NOT TO BE CAMP-POLLOWERS. 285 I '11 not indulge this humor in you another moment, darling. Here we are wasting the few precious moments we have together." "But I was reading only last week, in one of your father's books, about English sailors being sent to sea in rotten ships, simply to get the insurance when the old things foundered. And we talked about it, and your father became so eloquent, and he said it might be just the " "Not a bit of it, you poor little heart. Father didn't say that it would be just the trick for traitors. You have supplied that from imagina- tion. Now you know you have." And he insisted on this interpretation so stoutly, and with such an air of comforting confidence, that he almost chased the unlucky hint of his father's out of her confused mind. "Now here we are," he went on, "at this young gentleman 's office. Not a bit like camps of war, is it ? I '11 leave you here just a mo- ment, and when I come back I '11 tell you that Colonel Smiles has actually done me a favor." "Don't ask one of him," and she made a mo- tion to follow him. " Of course, if you prefer to go in with me. I thought it might not be pleasant. Perhaps, then, at sight of you he '11 offer a favor without my asking." 286 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "What possible favor?" as they were ascend- ing the steps. "Who knows, now, if he be the changed man that he ought to be to enlist under the flag, that he will be just chivalric and romantic enough to give me a choice of transports. A week later, for instance," beaming on her. "Then it is truly, indeed, a question of trans- porting you away down South, and you have known it all the while!" He answered only with a curious turning of his handsome face. Could the men tell the women, moment by moment, all that they knew of this business of war, any more than they can, in prosy days, the business of money-male/- ing ? Time enough for women to know when the thing is done. "Stop!" She got the door-knob into her small, strong hand before him. "Would that mean a week here in New York with me?" What a challenge was in her wonderful face ! "I was in hopes of surprising you. But, love, it is a mere frail hope, not worth counting on. Perhaps you had better not entertain it, and thus not be disappointed." NOT TO BE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. 287 "But it would mean that, a week with me, if he offered you a change of vessels ; from romance, if you please; seeing the young wife at your side?" She still held the door. " Yes ; and I had concluded that it would be consistent with my duty to accept. But I '11 not ask it, and there's no real likelihood of such a wild dream." "If he offers it, do not do it. No, much as I crave to have your dear society. Rather wait till forty battles have passed, and your God has kept you through them all, in the hope of our sitting hand in hand for an hour or a day all our own. Do the very thing contrary to his sugges- tions ! He has no right to order you." " Not of himself. He receives orders from his superior officers. Now I must enter, little wom- an. Take my arm," and he put the arm that now yielded through his own, and passed up into the room. A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. XIII. THE TWO COLONELS MEET. TT was the usual long, narrow "store" of lower Broadway, running through from street to street which the government had hastily leased for its use. Bare, white walls, hung with dingy paintings of the "Collins Line," and various other ancient craft which the former tenant had not thought worth while to remove. Rows of desks and enclosures for many scribbling clerks, over whom the hot gas-lights blazed at noon. The private office might have been in the dim far back, whose dingy windows shed a struggling gray light part way down the room. The front office, a sort of reception room within a railing, illumined by the flashing sun from the east for the last two hours, and hence the drawn blue curtains, on which were blazoned gilt letterings and the United States coat of arms. Within the enclosure, on the richly carpeted floor, a private desk and chair, and Erastus Smiles, bending to his work with such devotion that THE TWO COLONELS MEET. 289 he had not noticed that the meridian sun had left his apartments in the almost blue darkness which the curtains occasioned. Many were coming and going. The toiling writer paid no heed, but bent still at his hon- est industry, searching papers, passing and re- passing documents as he signed them, now pen between his teeth, now in his nervous ringers. Colonel Smiles wore no uniform whatever, ex- cept a military cap. None, except here and there a visitor, wore uniforms. And yet I re- member that the door-keeper, who with a look of surprise bustled about to find a chair for a lady caller, Mrs. Broon, was dressed in the regulation light and dark blue of a private soldier, and he had his right arm in a sling. It was he alone who returned Colonel Broon's salute. It was he who took the colonel's card politely, as he saw that the writer at the desk had not noticed his visitors among so many that came and went, and bent over the rail to say: "Colonel Smiles, Colonel Broon and a lady." Pen between teeth, and with a toss of the head upward, Smiles instantly snatched off his cap, and sprung to his feet. Then advancing with unmistakable cordiality under the exterior 2QO A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. of a rather stiffly-worn military salute ( fresh volunteer that he was, you can excuse him, and of all men awkward Erastus Smiles), he put out his hand with : " Colonel Broon ! I beg a thousand pardons ! We are driven to death here. You are just from the front, too. The glorious front ! " His fine pride prevented his saying that he would himself have preferred the glorious front ; but Mark Broon was too generous a man not to read as much in this earnest, homely face. "Expected you, Colonel. Come right in. A chair," he was continuing, with increasing rather than lessening embarrassment, when suddenly he caught sight of the lady. "Mrs. Broon?" "Why, yes, Colonel," Mark replied. "Really the only day we have had together since our wedding, and I suppose I must return to- night." Erastus Smiles was bowing almost reverently to Laura, yet not offering to approach her. His rugged features worked for an instant under a shadow of pain, which lent them interest, if not attractiveness. The sudden after-glow of manli- ness that marked his recovery of self-mastery, gave his face almost a handsome look. Then, THE TWO COLONELS MEET. 29* too, this officer, with earnest and honest affairs in mind, had changed greatly since they saw him last, not a month ago. Mark was sure he saw it, and Laura might have seen it had she been willing to study for a patient moment the countenance from which her eyes were instantly turned towards the pictured ships on the blank walls. "I regret," rejoined Smiles, "that I have any- thing to do with the further separation of bride and groom. No ? You will not sit ? Very well. I'll be brief then. You were about to report to this office, as I am advised by tele- graph from headquarters, to ascertain what steamer, if any, we could at once provide for the transportation of your regiment and three others. By the way, Colonel," with an easy laugh, and recovering something of the confidence of a business man again, "that looks very much as if you might be booked for a star on your shoulder straps in place of that eagle." "You astonish me, Colonel Smiles. Am I to command the brigade?" and Broon flushed so red with sudden excitement and pleasure that it was perceptible through his bronze. "Well, comrade, it is a shrewd guess of mine. I only know that there are four regi 292 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. ments to provide for, and you are ordered to report here for their satisfactory accommodation. I am sincerely glad that it fell to my lot to give you the first hint, Broon." Mark's eyes searched him for an instant. It could not be possible that an enemy would wear a face of such delight in telling a foe that he had undoubtedly become a general. And, more- over, an ambitious, high - minded young fellow might be supposed to see everything with the most charitable and confident eyes the next moment after seeing such a commission in his immediate future. " Smiles, your hand ! I have wronged you in thought. But you need no other apology, I 'm sure, than my sincere request to be counted one of your friends hereafter. And I take this occa- sion to protest to you, Colonel Smiles, that whatever we may feel called upon to do in that ugly matter " " In which my strange father is involved with Mrs. Lane. I know. Don 't speak of it, Broon. I beg of you spare me," and he actually hung his head. " I will, indeed, Colonel," was Mark Broon's hearty response. " I believe you are a true man, a genuine comrade in arms. You have won me, I do assure you. And, my dear Laura " THE TWO COLONELS MEET. 293 "Have I won her esteem?" eagerly asked Smiles, bending till his lips whispered it in the husband's ear. " No, Broon, I have not. Who can conquer a woman's aversion, once set and founded on so good reasons ? Ah, I played the poltroon ! But God knows all. I congratulate you," and the speaker straightened to his full height to say it, "on having such a father to guide you. Instead of which I must move heaven and earth to circumvent mine to save his own honor. But he is my father, remember that," and his one light and one dark eye flashed for a mo- ment. Then he added: "If it had not been for my pious mother " Then he paused and bit his lip. Mark half disliked the aspect of the face, but he turned the topic instantly and generously with : "As regards my wife, sir, why, my faiths are her faiths, God bless her ! Yes, my faiths are Laura's faiths ; even too much so. She will absolve your past, since I do, and we shall be friends all round, no doubt," and he ventured to pat Smiles ' shoulder, to lightly dispense with further discussion of a wife's opinions with an- other, always disagreeable among gentlemen, and, 294 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. as the reader can see, peculiarly so in this case. "Now as regards the steamers." " Wait, Colonel Broon. I pray Heaven you do not misconstrue my motive." His lips were again inclined to Broon's ear, and the hearer thought the words were fairly hot. " I live to conquer that woman's esteem ! " Broon started back. But the other caught him by the shoulder, and pulled him again near, saying : "I'll do it, if I die to do it!" The husband was beginning to burn. " But, Broon, never fear. God witness I never will open my lips to speak to her again. No f no, I beg you, do not misunderstand me. She is your true, noble, loyal wife, and God give you long years after I am dead. But before that time she shall, because she is a true woman, speak a kind and perhaps admiring word of the man whom her disesteem stings almost to mad- ness. No," with uplifted 'hand, protesting, "don't reply, Broon. Say not another word. Leave it there. Now come in and take a chair while I make my first attempt in the matter right here in hand." The excited attitudes and movements of the THE TWO COLONELS MEET. 295 two young men had not escaped the observation of the lady. As she saw them moving within the enclosure she sprung half up. For her life she could not have stilled her tongue. " Mark, remember ! " He started perceptibly, and turned to give her a curious glance, but no reply, this young hus- band of hers. And she blushed like scarlet, wishing, oh, so much, that she had not said it. So she went to the window, and began to study that ever-moving Broadway throng, as you and I, reader, perhaps, have more than once done in a troubled hour; and it is strange how comforting in its inspired forgetfulness of one's self a window -study of Broadway has often been. ." I heard it, Colonel. I could guess its mean- ing," remarked Smiles with a downcast counte- nance. "But do not offer any palliations. No, not a word," with the same deprecating gesture of his hand. " I deserve it all. Only now hear me, and judge if I do not begin to deserve better. I will not have the two steamers ready till ten days from this date. Do you take ? " "Smiles!" exclaimed Broon. "Am I turned seer of future events ? I could almost, for the moment, believe in your father's clairvoyance." 296 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. " What do you mean, sir ? " almost severely. "We were not to refer to those sad affairs, "I thought." "Why, no, my dear fellow," responded Mark, in haste. " Believe me, I did not intend that But what you have offered is just what, in romantic and sentimental dream, I laughingly suggested to Lau my wife you might do. But it was the wildest product of a wish rather than a hope. Are your steamers really ready in this port to-day ? " With an equivocal look that meant to confess the very contrary and save his veracity, Colonel Smiles replied : " No, sir, not ready, and will not be for ten days. You can get your furlough. And per- haps, my dear sir, a Northern-born boy like you may wish you had strained a point to take it, when you have been down there in the swamps for six months." " I understand. I expect we shall see the men die like sheep. Not a very heroic soldier's death that, eh?" " It is agreed between us, then," resumed Smiles. On the eighth day of August I can have the Iroquois, the Storm King, and the Portland ready for your brigade at Jersey City docks, and not a day before." THE TWO COLONELS MEET. 297 "But, Colonel, my regiment was to have been ready to come here day after to-morrow. Your dispatches " " Never mind my dispatches. I can 't get the crafts ready." " But, Smiles, they are ready." " Pardon me, you can't prove it." " True." "Very well. Now go take a wedding trip, you son of wealth, and that you may have a happy day of it I sincerely wish. Tell her that is the poltroon's first humble service." Mark Broon might have committed himself but for that last remark. He might have for- gotten his high sense of patriotic duty, his delicate regard for transparent truth, and even his wife's warning, but for that unlucky closing phrase. This, however, recalled him to himself in a moment. "I don't like that kind of talk, Smiles!" "Very well. Pardon me, and I'll never do my lips the honor to refer to one who is sacredly yours again." " But, Colonel," insisted Broon, concluding, on second thought, to give it that turn, " excuse me ; and yet really now does this not seem a 'ittle like sharp practice with the government, when every moment counts ? " 298 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. " But it is my doings, and not yours. Leave it to my conscience." "I decline, Colonel Smiles. Give me my transports." " You will not let me do you this favor ? " " Under the circumstances I cannot. It would not be proper." " Proper ? You can not mistrust my efforts to please to please you?" " It is an evasion of public duty for private reasons. That is, beg pardon, it would seem so to me." " No doubt. Curses on it, that I have been brought up to be very indifferent as regards such delicate distinctions of honor." " Is that irony? For i^ it is I don't deserve it." With a quick turn, face to face, Smiles de- manded : " What were your motives in going to war ? " With flush, insulted, yet with self-control : " I do not understand you, sir." "Oh, of course you do not. I fear we shall never get on as passable friends even. I wanted to go to war and die ! Do you hear it ? To die ! But I got in here. You went to war from love of country. You got in there, THE TWO COLONELS MEET. At the front, where you are likely to die. That's the fate of things. But I will be there yet ! " with clenched hand on table. " You must be a most unhappy man ! " ex- claimed Broon, his better feelings all in command again, instantly. "Well, now," continued the other, shrewdly following up his advantage, "you'll let me do you, the happy man, a favor ? " After a moment's thought : " Yes, Colonel Smiles, I will, upon one con- dition." "Name it." " I'll take the three o'clock express," pulling out his watch, ' and report in Washington, in person, and to the general in command, that I can be got off in ten days ; that private and family reasons make delay desirable for me ; and I will ask if the exigencies of the service will allow it." "Then you will not take the service from me ? " " My dear sir, you are inclined to be sensi- tive. Your kindness alone suggested and made the plan possible. Now, good-day." "Very well ; as you think best. Good-day," was Smiles' reply. 300 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. But, while he rose to his feet to shake hands, he did not emerge from the concealment of his desk. " Laura," was Mark's salutation, " I have fifteen minutes in which to catch the train. It is only cutting short my stay by two hours any way, my pet. But don't wear such a sad face, now. Come," himself beaming, "and I'll explain all in the carriage." Which he did. When he had finished (his wife had given way to her tears promptly they were in the vehicle, let us note), there came sobbing out one word of protest: " Never ! " "What's never to be, love?" " Never, never a kindness from one of that family ! " " But I have given him my word." " You should not. There is no obligation that will hold with such men." Mark Broon was startled. The wild, strange look in his wife's beautiful eyes filled him with alarm. The distress and excitement of the last few hours, succeeding many days of such hours, was doing her, perhaps, more injury than he had feared, even. The wounds that women get in war-time are of this kind. Invisible bullets strike home, and far from the battle-field. THE TWO COLONELS MEET. 301 " Mark," she cried in a voice strained and unnatural, "you do not know the powers of evil. I do. You think me superstitious. Alas, I did not have a religious training like yours, though I was beginning to believe in the God you worship, and in prayer. But hear me ! " She clutched him almost fiercely, and her ac- tions were so violent, in contrast with her usual gentleness : " I believe that the ship you sail in will sink! They mean it shall ! " "Laura, Laura, my own wife! Come, calm yourself, do!" And he tried to restrain her fearful paroxysms of mental anguish. But he might as well have argued with the tropic fever in the scorching air. Indeed, he bethought him of the terrible heat as one of the exciting causes of her unnatural state. "But your hands are like ice!" he exclaimed, thinking aloud. "No, dear, I I am not too warm." Though her teeth beginning to chatter, and her person to shiver as she drew herself closer into his embrace, she confessed : "That is," chatter, chatter, "my head, at least, is like fire." 302 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "You are ill ! We will return," touching the bell, and grasping the speaking tube, through which he called to the driver, " At once and quickly now, my man, to father's store." Then, with proper self-possession, to Laura, as he gently pressed her head to his breast, fond- ling her face : "If you will be a good, brave girl, now, we shall soon be at home." Starting up : " And you will not leave me ? " " Certainly not ; that is, not on this train." "Nor the next, nor the next, nor the next train ! No, not for train after train, and morning after morning ! You will not go in the Smiles ship. No ; not go like the wait ! My head. But I shall catch it in a moment. I'll sing it: " ' Three fishers went sailing far down in the west.' " She sung the whole of Kingsley's first stanza through. Then, pausing, she complained of the jolting that broke up her tones. She wondered why they drove so fast, since they were not hurrying now for the train. "It's all right, dear," Mark reassured her, his voice shaky with his awful apprehensions. And he spoke again through the tube to the driver, hoarsely urging: THE TWO COLONELS MEET. 303 " Faster ! Faster ! Like the wind, old fellow ! Kill the horses, if need be ! " And this he knew she could not hear. Suddenly the poor girl started back from his embrace, and laughed aloud, as she exclaimed: " See ! We are flying faster than his evil angels! Oh, Mark, there are evil angels. I know it. I have seen them. Dr. Smiles can call them any time. My mamma thinks them good angels, because they wait on that doctor. But, Mark, they cannot be good angels if they wait on him, can they ? " What a horror to him was that beautiful face as it paused for its answer. Those usually ten- der, deep eyes were fierce in their alarm. The complexion was congested till the rich blood seemed almost visible in its red surge and re- treat through the delicate skin. The curling lips showed white. The pretty teeth apart. The luxuriant hair partially undone and falling across the face. It was an aspect of such a frenzy, oncoming or departing, he could not decide which, as, once seen in a countenance we love, has made our hearts stand still. " My precious Laura," the husband began again. And to his credit, let it be said, the man con- trolled himself admirably. 304 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "Come, put your head down again against me." "Wait," she cried, resisting him, "let me tell you more about the bad angels. No, the good ones this time. Good ones wait on your good papa, and on all good people who have been taught to believe in the good God. But bad ones on others of us. Why, Mark," and she caught hold on the window ledge with one steady- ing hand, while with the other she gestured into his face, her long handsome forefinger em- phasizing her meaningless speech, " Mark, those evil angels can foretell to Dr. Smiles the very steamer that will sink in the sea. But you will not be on board ! " And with that last the cold finger touched his forehead, and her face was in his. He caught her round about and held her, while he prayed God's mercy on them, and tried for a moment to think with clearness. " What an interminable street was this West street ! Ah, we are now turned into Chambers street. We shall soon be in Broadway. She is yet quiet. Father in Heaven, what does this affliction mean ? Oh, what a fool, a dolt, a cruel blunderer I have been! What can I do to undo this ? Of course I shall resign ; a man's first duty THE TWO COLONELS MEET. 305 is to his wife. And such a lovely wife ! But is it ? What if all the hearts that are breaking, these days, were to bring back the men who alone can mend them, what, then, of country? Rest will cure her. Yes, I shall beg to stay a week ; a month, if need be. I can go and come. My brigade brigade? What a day of happiness and misery ! She shall go to her mother. No ; that would only make matters worse, with that accursed rascal up there. Mrs. Lane must come here. If I only owned Eaglecroft Long Branch? The cottage is gone ! All our means gone ! Well, well, this is indeed a new sensation. I have no money, think of it ! That 's a new sensation. I wonder what poor people do when they are sick. And father goes to sea next week. How quiet she is now. Rest will restore her." Halt ! Loud words outside the curtains and by the horses' heads. They are not at the store ! "What is it?" The wild, glorious face just turned like a half-frightened child to ask. "A street block, I dare say. Hush, child." " No, Mark ; we are pursued ! " Colonel Broon saw in a moment that an added strain of excitement would be terrible to one in his wife's state of mind. He threw open the door, revealing his head and shoulders, and saw, 306 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. instantly, the predicament. He laid Laura off his arm, and by vexation and disgust managed to laugh : " Arrested for fast driving, my dear. Sit still a half-minute," and he sprung to the pavement. " Take your hands off those horses, my manj" he calmly, yet resolutely, commanded the burly police "officer. " Not much, my fine feller," was the reply. I '11 take you in, I guess. 'T ain't no army busi- ness as brings a handsome chap like you through the streets at unlawful pace with such a putty picter as that inside." For there stood Laura at her husband's back, the most marvelous picture of womanly beauty the officer and the street crowd had ever seen. Such a flood of sunlight on that wonderful head ! What should Broon do? One thing, at all events; for, on glancing up to the buildings opposite, he saw the coat of arms and letterings of Colonel Smiles' headquarters, and that young gentleman, himself, standing in his own peculiar straddle before the wide windows. One thing surely was to be done. He put his wife again into the carriage, with a kind, strong movement, and closed the door. He yet held the handle as he stood in the street. THE TWO COLONELS MEET. 307 "I am on my proper official errands, officer,' he began, "and if you do not stand out of my way, why, then, you'll be one of the first whom we must teach in this town to respect the new order of things." It came natural to the soldier to learn the use of, unfortunately, the. ready-drawn revolver. Per- haps it was ill-advised. But the man was des- perate; and it was war-times. The crowd gave way, with a rush backward. The really intelli- gent and well-trained policeman hesitated, though he took the menace cooly, like a veteran, and still held the off animal's bit. " May be you 're, correct, Captain. Still, Jim," to an associate on the sidewalk, "run into them army fellers up there and ask who'll vouch fur this 'un." " I will vouch for Colonel Broon, General Broon, I should have said!" shouted Erastus Smiles from his upthrown window. "Take hands off, policeman, unless you want trouble!" It was all over in a moment. Broon touched his cap to Smiles, thanking Heaven that the curtain was drawn on that side of the carriage, yet, in spite of all things, downright grateful. Smiles returned the salute, and had his own thoughts as to why these two were back here A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. again, and driving up Broadway instead of to that train. Laura threw her arms convulsively about her husband's neck, as they rolled up the thoroughfare. The tremors that shook her warned him not to tempt her to break the now almost unendurable silence. They are now at the door of his father's store. He tells her as much. But her eyes are closed. No doubt she has fainted after the chill. But, athlete though he is, the young husband is not quite equal to carrying, bodily, that splendid form. At any rate it would be more seemly to have help. " What is it, Bob ? " somehow it seemed as if his father was waiting and watching, always, for every crisis in his son's life, as now for the carriage. " Come and see ! " The old sailor, physician and captain, as he had been compelled to be for years on the ancient packet ships, at the first glance said : " Laura, my child ! You she has not fainted?" No, she had not ; for she sat up and looked them full in the face with those pitiful eyes. "May God help you, Markl" THE TWO COLONELS MEET. 30 , Then the old captain turned to finish his sentence in a whisper to his wife standing just behind him : " She is insane I " As they bore her in the old man moaned : "That's what comes of the isms which she was brought up in ! " Mark gave him one look of unspeakable dis- tress ; and the tears sprung to the aged eyes as the captain exclaimed : "Forgive me, Bob, God knows it all," 3IO A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. XIV. THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN. U T_T AVE you heard anything later, papa?" -*- * exclaimed pretty Madge Hardy, spring- ing up into the portly ex-mayor's arms. The train had hardly come to a pause in the station at S before Miss Hardy had alighted, and thus assailed her waiting father. "She is home and quiet, Madge dear. Are they in the car ? " responded the perturbed gen- tleman, rearranging his silk hat and standing collar after the above attack. There is, even yet, something very dignifying in those old-time cheek-shaving, almost ear-lacerating stand-up col- lars, especially on a ruddy and full -cheeked elderly gentleman without beard. " Now, Philip," remarked Mrs. Hardy, appear- ing after her daughter on the platform of the parlor, "now, Philip, you must indulge poor sis- ter," getting down and kissing the ex-mayor. " Is everything all right at the house ? Of course you see that the girls air the house every THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN. 3 r T day, this hot weather. Yes, sister is in there. Terrible about Laura, is n't it ? Have they given you what you want to eat ? If not, you must blame yourself; you have only to order your own meals. Now, Philip, you must go right on with us. Yes, I see you are all dressed for it. We have no time for lunch, I suppose. Madge ordered it sent in. Do you think Colonel Broon will resign ? Is it true that he has been made a brigadier-general, as the telegram said ? How sad about their losing all their property! I do hope, Philip, that your business " "Well," exclaimed the ex-mayor, "give me a chance, my good wife. You are more voluble than ever. I have half a mind not to go on with you. To think of the audacity of that scoundrel ! Did you say he was accompanying Laura 's mother ? " " No, I did n't say it, Philip ; but I suppose you may as well know it. He that is, Dr. Smiles is in the car," very humbly and apolo- getically. " Why, do you know, old Captain Broon has instituted criminal proceedings against the fellow! Indicted for conspiracy ! " Mother and daughter were shocked into silence. Madge Hardy, in particular, gave a little start, 312 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. and then catching at one of her father's big forefingers, turned decidedly pale. The mother ventured to say : "No doubt it is a miserable business all around. But really, Philip, there is one redeeming feature in the man. Or, rather, I should say, we came to regard his son as quite a hero; like Mark, in- deed, lately. He's a colonel in " " Yes ; I know. In a Broadway store at five thousand dollars a year. Oh, you see I know all about this affair." Yet he did not ; for he looked clear over his own daughter's head. " I know. My old friend, the captain, has kept me informed. I wouldn't so much as think of allowing my family to go another step towards New York with that scamp along o' your sister, except to help the old captain. Why, he has to take ship the very moment Laura is able to be left. I got him back again into our line. You know I 'm one of the few American owners." Mr. Hardy easily lost his breath late years, and his excitement, with his indignation, had been working up to the explosion point for sev- eral days, with no one before whom the proud old gentleman could explode on family matters at hand. THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN. 313 " Philip ! Philip ! Remember where you are ! " his wife expostulated. " Everybody is noticing us!" Which was true. The baggage men and the truckmen, the city merchants about taking train, his brother manufacturers and fellow-capitalists returning from vacations, everybody bowed and opened their eyes on the well-known broadcloth that set so well upon the ex-mayor's familiar, portly form. What aristocracy in the wide world is comparable for sway with the aristocracy of the rural city ? And the Hardys were the bright, peculiar flower of high caste in S . Well, well, we will not quarrel if all aristocrats are as truly noble as Philip Hardy, self-made, and the maker of scores, self-educated, and the edu- cator of hundreds. "Yes, papa. Come into the car," urged Madge, guiding him along. And as he had evidently resolved to go, she had no real difficulty in securing his compliance. " For, papa," she resumed, brightly, at the same time adroitly preventing his passage too far down towards her aunt's compartment at the further end of the car, " papa, you must try to think more kindly of this gentleman. He has been so indulgent and attentive to auntie; 314 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. anc j and, papa," getting hold on his watch- chain, not difficult to do, by the way, "he pro- tested against accompanying her " " Yes, pet, I should think so. He 'd better keep away from New York for the present, I should think. Why, we '11 have him in jail or on bail before to-morrow night." "My dear Philip, don't!" whispered Mrs. Hardy. "I cannot, of course, fail to condemn Madge's " " Mamma ! " exclaimed the young lady, in such genuine distress and confusion that the ever- watchful mother saw instantly that it would be cruel to so much as hint at the warnings here that she had mercilessly expressed in private. Strange that the old gentleman did not take alarm. But he was so full, generous heart, of other people's dangers and troubles that he did not. Then, too, I do not suppose fathers are very quick to perceive what mothers see very plainly. The train having started, Mrs. Hardy resumed her attack upon the ex-mayor, gently, yet per- sistently : "You must go in and speak to them. The idea ! You cannot allow yourself to 'be outdone in courtesy. And I am sure you will be just THE ACCURSED SJPERSTITIOh AGAIN. 315 simply surprised," leaning her round person for- ward, and then settling back into her chair with great impressiveness, as if the thought of it quite overcame the speaker, "at the elegant manners and apparent kindness of this strange physician." " Humph ! Made a captive of you, too ? " was all the reply she got for some time. And yet it was necessary to go into that compartment. Undoubtedly there was no escape. Mrs. Lane, invalid and afflicted, sister to his wife, and mother to his favorite niece, he must go greet her. Nothing can exceed the annoy- ance that a misbehaving kinsman can inflict upon us. And yet it is best never to break the tie. A true man always owns his own ; yes, if he must even follow them into prison to extend the kindred hand. Philip Hardy's wife and daughter knew him too well, either to urge him more, or doubt the issue. They were not unprepared, therefore, when, after ten or fif- teen miles by express train, their t scrupulous husband and father, stickler for the proprieties in conduct, and careful of his company, got up with : "Yes, of course. Come; let's all go in and try to cheer up the poor, dear lady." A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. At the door of the compartment, Philip Hardy was quite beaming, as became a brother-in-law, stooping over and kissing the bolstered lady with : "Well, Martha, I have good news for you. A telegram of some length was sent me, no doubt the news intended for your ears, when your train should get here." And he sat down on the cushion at her side, pulling her hand out and fondling it on his own fat knee, but not so much as noticing the physician to whom he had given them no time to introduce him, saying that " dear Laura was better." "Thank God!" the widow sighed "Why, yes, Martha," Hardy was quick to reply. "That's good talk. It is God alone whom we are to thank, and depend on, too, in times like these. And " He put the conjunctive in to retain his right to the floor, while he made a long pause to im- press his previous speech, watching the widow's face, as if he half suspected that her "thank God " was more habit than piety, according to recent stories. His keen brown eyes also trav- ersed the impassive features of the physician, who sat opposite by the window, and the keen brown eyes for once met their match. THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN. 317 " And," Mr. Hardy resumed, " it appears that, after getting her to the house, Laura grew con- siderably calmer. It is thought to be nothing more serious than nervous prostration. Nervous prostration, my dear sister," now giving way to his generous nature rapidly, "nothing more, I'm sure. Only it is so painful an incident, poor, pretty bride ! Such things seem worse in a honeymoon than at any other time, that's all," patting her hand still pressed on his ample knee. "Honeymoon, Philip?" Mrs. Lane wearily whis- pered ; and grateful tears, let us hope, were in her eyes. " Laura and Mark never had a honey- moon. He has never been in her society a whole hour, that I know of, since the wedding. Is he to resign and attend to her ? " The first vigor that her speech had mani- fested, throbbed a little in that. "He is at her side, be assured," replied Mr. Hardy. " But you have no doubt what his duty is ? " exclaimed the invalid, actually leaning forward. The loyal and puzzled Hardy, hot patriot and kind brother, after all, was about to reply eva- sively, when he caught sight of the smile that was running round the compartment. Dr. Smiles 318 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. had it more fully developed than the others ; the patronizing professional smile with which your physician quenches your own wishes and ideas in his counter will ; the smile that accom- panies a physician's command to the contrary. Hardy read it instantly, and was as much sur- prised as he was pleased. He had an ally, then, in the strange doctor. "Papa," Madge made haste to say, "we have been discussing that question of Mark's duty all the way down. She would insist on having our opinions. Papa, let me introduce Dr. Smiles." It came just right. The ex-mayor actually put out his hand, though guardedly and in si- lence. The ready doctor took his chance to re- mark, in subdued, sick-room tones : "I have been trying to help this good lady's mind into reconciliation with the great and he- roic destiny evidently presented by the gods to her son." The thumbs now came into play, though in gentle pressure, as if only wary as yet. "The gods" nearly upset things for a mo- ment, it was so far back to Philip Hardy's college days, and so near to the recent scenes of heterodoxy up at the widow's farm. But the black eyes in the corner and the thumbs tri- THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN. 319 umphed. Moment by moment the victory went on. How ? It is impossible to explain. It is even harder to explain in rugged Philip Hardy's case than in the hundreds on hundreds of cases that this inexplicable physician had been sub- duing all the late years of his life. " Why, my dear sir, I am glad to find a patriot in you," exclaimed Mr. Hardy, decidedly civil in his tone. "I have a son, sir, as you have," resumed the doctor, not looking at Mrs. Hardy, though she was instantly regarding him. " It is a heart- breaking thing to part with a son on such an errand. We professional men and the good, ten- der-souled mothers of the boys," now turning his eyes on Mrs. Hardy, " are much alike. We are not trained in the practical school of you business men and officers of civil government," eyes now on the ex-mayor and thumbs pressing harder. " For a moment the war made a traitor of my heart for my boy's sake. But it has passed." "Ahem, yes," the other gentleman replied in amiable confusion. " Wife and I have been on two sides over our Fred. Oh, he has sailed, my dear," to his wife, "just as I telegraphed you he should." 320 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "Thanks be to God!" said his wife. " Why, Sally ! You did n 't suppose I would de- ceive you, did you ? You have n 't, now I think of it, dared ask a word after the boy. She," turning to the rest, "telegraphed me such a prayer the other day, that I couldn't, for the life of me, deny her. So I sent Fred to Europe, for the present, on business." "I cannot blame you." It was the doctor. It was a home thrust. It completed the struggle for a respectable stand- ing on the just now despised physician's part. "No more contempt, if you please," thumbs and eyes said it. "Some one had to go," resumed Mr. Hardy, coloring and looking down. "If it had not been Fred, it would have been I." " Keep him there ! " said Mrs. Hardy. "Oh, I can't promise as to that," replied her husband, and he was just about to attempt a vindication of his patriotism by launching into a heroic and sincere "permission for Fred to do what he pleased when six months had brought him under the old flag again." "Do you think the dreadful war will last as long as that, papa?" in pretty trepidation asked Madge. THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN. 321 " I fear it will, daughter," was the grave reply. What a frequent question on the lips of our women that was ! With what affrighted faces they asked it of everybody, and meekly listened to the ever-varying replies. Who could tell ? Only God knew. No, not three months. Yes, for years and years. Though not often this last ; only the wisest said that. But it was wise, far- seeing Mr. Hardy's blunt reply to every one. He was so often opposed in it that he seemed almost to regard the war's continuance as a defending of his personal judgment and sagacity. You would not say so good a man prided him- self on such a dread prophecy. And yet when the shrewd doctor remarked : "You are right, sir. Many a sad, long year." " Why, I respect your discernment, sir," came out with a tone very near to real esteem. A few more words in the same line of shrewd mind-reading on the doctor's part, and a great many more of increasing respect and prophesy- ing on the out -spoken ex-mayor's part, as the train sped on, and it seemed time for Smiles to complete his victory. It was almost evening now. The western sky over the great uplands of Connecticut was glow- 322 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. ing in brilliant hues. The car was flooded with a wistful, tender light; a time for dreams and fancies strange. The heavy foliage by the road- side flung troops of shadows, shifting, flitting, through the windows. The features of the dark- ling landscape were not more changeable than the features of this group of people, as now the glow and now the gloom fell over them. The tardy lamps now snapped into their places, but made the nightfall more impressive. The eyes of all were yet trained out of doors, on flecks of cloud, on evening star, on flashes of bright water here and there in the black earth, that responded to the burnished sky. And all grew pensive in the sight. Who has not felt the wizard power of twilight in a railway car ? You are leaving home ; you are approaching home ; you are weary with the journey and with the broad light of a long day, which has insisted on revealing ten thousand sights which you had no interest to see ; and now you are about to be released from seeing, while you may fall to dreaming ; the passing vision of many a home's re-union after the bread- winner's day of toil, making you all the more homesick for your own greeting; the grateful cool of dew-touched dust and sod, of fragrant pines and maples ; and the all-embracing cool of THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN. 323 wandering winds, those rovers who so love the night. And to all these people sad and anxious care was whispering ; to each a special tale of appre- hension for the midnight. To each, except may be the always calm and self-possessed physician, "master of the Fates and Future," as he some- times told his children. At all events, whether he compelled it or not, he meant to use the silence that held this group in thrall ; he was watching it, did not mean that anyone should break it but himself, and hoped, each moment of this silence, that it yet might be a little more prolonged. Finally, as he detected the ex-mayor's purpose, judged by his drawing a long deep breath, to speak, Smiles placed his taper- ing fingers tip to tip and resumed the conversa- tion where it had been broken. " Yes, it will be a long, weary strife." His peculiar tones, which I have often wished I could describe, how they startled everybody ! At the same moment he drew the window down with a touch of his elbow, not his hands. Then, over the muffled rumble of the speeding train, he cried : " I foresee years of blood ! I foresee hor. ror on horror piled. It is not given unto ali 324 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. men to read the future ; but it has been given, more than once, to me. For me, poor me, the curtain is lifted, often of late, and even now ! " His eyes glowed like fire points in the gloom. His long dark hands were extended, though his wrists were held close up to his chin ; his fingers played in the air. Grotesque and ridiculous ? Yet I would defy you to have laughed or even smiled, the speaker himself was so sincere. "I foresee the long line of our sons, there they go, trooping to destruction. That face will never come back again. See ? His old father is looking on, as the boy tears off his old mother's hands, and the ranks form. I can see just where the lad will fall and how he will fall. I could point out his future wounds. I could paint his agony, written en his contorted features, as he lies there gasping for water, just under a shrub that resembles our Northern juniper. Oh, oh, so many of them out of the ranks on ranks that I see marching by, could I follow to the fatal end, if my own nerves would only endure the sight ! But I must not ! " shak- ing his head. " I will not speak in detail. Do I see your boy there and mine?" A shriek from Mrs. Hardy seemed to protest against his answering his own question. THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN. 325 " God help us, man ! This is dreadful to these women ! " Mr. Hardy managed to exclaim ; yet his indignation trembled along the tones that expressed it. " Yes, and to none so dreadful as to me," resumed the man with the fingers. "Yonder city all in flame ! Would you know its name ? I know it"; but I hide it. Those fields covered with the crawling forms of angry worms, on dreadful carnage bent. A battlefield, at this dis- tance, seems like a contest of worms. They come and go, under curtains of smoke, with varying fortune ; now this flag, now that. hall I name the battle and give you the result? It " "No!" thundered Mr. Hardy, "Man, are you, too, insane ? To no man has the good God given such powers as you claim ! " Yet, though he said it brave enough, even Philip Hardy seemed to have lost the power of a sensible man, to spring to his feet, and either take the wizard by the throat, or these poor ladies by the arm and lead them from the room. "I can see the ships that sail so proud away and go down in the sea. Why will men embark in that one, now ? " pointing with his thumb to some imaginary vessel. " She shall surely sink. I could tell them so. I " 326 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "Doctor Smiles!" now pleaded Mrs. Hardy, her ashen features stiff with fear. Madge Hardy sat with folded arms, shrunk into the corner, her lips compressed, her usually sweet face hard as rock. Mrs. Lane, the widow, alone sat serene and like one intoxicated. She drank in every pro- phetic word without a sign either of fear or distress. Her hands lay, easy, in her lap. She had not spoken, you observe, for many minutes. There was even a passing gleam of exultation in her eyes, as if her vindication for a "mon- strous belief," as the Hardys had often called it, were come at last. None of them had observed the spotted fire that now began to sparkle out of the windows, the lamps of a city's suburbs ; but perhaps the slowing of the train was just the help that sturdy Philip Hardy stood in need of. With a jerk he got upon his feet saying : "New Haven, thank the living God!" " Why, papa ! " responded Madge. "I never meant it so much in any prayer- meeting in my life," said her father. "Thank the living God, who yet rules his own world, that we are still in a real world of flesh and blood, with New Haven five and thirty miles THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN. 327 from Hartford ! A lunch room and biscuit ? Anything material to dispel these delusions in which we have been passing the last, strangest half-hour of my life." And without a word he took the unresisting arms of wife and daughter, leading them from the compartment. "It makes one think of the Saviour's words in the presence of the supernatural : ' Children, have ye any meat ? ' " It was Mrs. Hardy that said it. " Do n't, my dear ; do n't couple that sacred name with any such scenes as we have just passed through," groaned the excited husband, as he conducted them to their seats, as far away, fortunately, as possible. "Can you eat?" asked his wife. "Ravenously!" was the response of this natu- ral man. "Well, order it of the porter, papa," whis- pered Madge, clinging about him. "Do not leave us. We are not hungry." It was so arranged. And as they began again their journey, flying through the sultry night, they talked. "It was not so much what he said," then chicken "as the actions of" chicken, "the 328 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. man. I never want to see him again ! " gnawing at the chicken-bone. "But can you explain it, papa?" "He has simply shown himself a most delight- ful gentleman, Philip, during our stay at Mar- tha's. He did not call except when she sent for him. He is full of travel, books, a thousand little interesting bits of scientific knowledge, like the lectures of last winter, you remember. Of course, like all scientific men of these times, it is evident that he is an unbeliever. Rather, he has a curious religion of his own. But he never antagonized ours, nor other than respected all our opinions and wishes. At times, to be sure, he was alone with Martha, treating her. But," with a shudder, " we never had any such scenes as this ! " She gave this strong man time to finish his eating. Happy he in whom mental excitement excites hunger. He will last ; he will not long lose his balance. " Of course all such people have their attrac. tive qualities," began Mr. Hardy. " He is a very fine-looking man. He has had a good education. He is engaging because he seems always compe- tent and strong. He has a fund of incidents necessarily, if, as you say, he has travelled THE ACCURSED SUPERSTITION AGAIN. 329 But he is simply an adventurer, when you have said all," slapping his own round knee. "But, papa," timidly remarked Madge, "you yourself must acknowledge that he strangely im- pressed even you." "Yes, for the the moment." "And you have not quite recovered from the spell even yet, Philip," mused Mrs. Hardy. " I can always tell when you are laboring under excitement." "True, wife," he responded gravely. "And mainly am I troubled to think what is coming when we get to New York. What a study it was! What a comment on the way Lane reared and governed his family ! Oh, I used to warn him of the results of no religion, no Sabbath, his skeptical library and free thinking, as he called it." "Yes," sighed Mrs. Hardy. "You observed how poor dear Laura's peril was forgotten by her own mother, in her contemplation of this prophet." "Prophet!" Hardy blurted out. "Will he dare attempt to accompany her to bluff old Captain Broon's residence? I only wish he would, though! The truth and a lie would meet for once face to face." 330 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "That is just it, papa," eagerly put in Madge. "He will leave us at the station. He will join his son. He has protested all the way down, at intervals, that he only accompanied auntie on her importunate insistence." "That is true, Philip. Do you expect to find Mark at the house ? " asked Mrs. Hardy. " Yes ; but he will, of course, go back to the army as soon as she is fit to leave." "Dreadful, isn't it? What will be the solu- tion of the difficulty?" "Why, next Tuesday Captain Broon will have to take his ship. And I trust the poor girl will be well enough to cross the ocean with him and his wife. It will be the very best thing for such a disease." SINK OR FLOAT. 331 XV. SINK OR FLOAT. U TI>ETTER, my dear lady! Decidedly calm- J er ! Yes, yes. Thank God ! So much so that Mark took passage for camp this noon." It was hearty old Captain Broon who said it, addressing Mrs. Lane at the car door, under the lights of the Grand Central depot. "Ah, well," sighed the lady, "take me to my dear child at once. I must rely on you, brother," turning to Mr. Hardy, "and on you, my good friend," turning now to Captain Broon, and then very disconsolately to both, "for the help in walking that my dear doctor has de- nied me." Indeed, she stood on the stone platform alone. To their amazement Madge Hardy and her father had seen her come to the car step alone. On the blank features of Mrs. Hardy at her back they looked in vain for an explanation. She had been commissioned to seek that compart' 3 32 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. ment, and escort her sister and Doctor Smiles ; but Mrs. Hardy's lips barely stammered it out : "The the gentleman is gone ! " " Oh, yes," responded Mrs. Lane, sadly. " He only consented to accompany me after the most strenuous urging. He finally yielded only because he had a patient here. See ? With those peo- ple. He is going direct to their residence." " So that ends that," said Mr. Hardy with a broad smile of relief. A remark which Captain Broon puzzled over for a moment, studying with elevated brows and chin the departing group. " Oh, ah, yes. Ends it ? Came with you ? " the captain suddenly broke out, as if a good many things had all at once dawned on him. "I wish I was sure it did end it," he half growled aside to the ex-mayor. Then the two gentlemen addressed themselves to the task of kindly supporting the widow out to the carriage. We have not, therefore, to record any scene on the arrival of the party. At Captain Broon's elegant mansion the visitors were received in the conventional manner with cordial hosts the world ever. The meeting between the invalid mother and the ever-beautiful invalid daughter was con- SINK OR FLOAT. 333 ventional to that degree that the reader's imag. mation can easily depict it. Laura was convalescent, though still confined sir. Indeed, I thought I was. " I went below, and pricked my course all out for myself, thinkin' a kind God might be warn- in' me o' danger on the shallow shores off Long Island, say. No ; we were seventy mile from land. I knew how unhappy I was makin' wife and the girls, dear hearts. They often looked up at me, or came alongside and offered to hail me. But I couldn't ha' talked with 'em to save my life. And after a while I saw 'em go below, as the sun went down. How glad I was to be rid o* their kind eyes. I was n't particularly thinkin' of my son. But I might ha' known they 390 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. were thinkin' of him, and prayin', too. You see, my wife was just a bit of a sailor, and knew that gale o' wind had gone ahead of us. And," here he would always pause in his narrative, and lay his great forefinger impressively upon your shoul- der, "I had upset the peace o' these dear women, without thinkin', by my remark at break- fast about my boy's bein' on the sea." The writer has heard him tell : " As the night fell over the great ship, and the decks became deserted, I dropped into the wake o' the restless passenger you '11 always find on a vessel's deck after dark, walkin' solitary and I kept up a round behind him. My distress of mind kept prickin' on and prickin* on, harder and harder. The sky? You never see the sky ashore. At night and in mid-Atlantic is the time and place to see the heavens. And 'specialty if you have anything on your heart that makes you lift it to the unseen God, as it were, for help. Why, that night, the clouds bein' all gone, the stars seemed to be holdin' me in derision for my disobedience. The next moment them same sparks of fire seemed to threaten me. Then, when I prayed, all the heavens-full kind o' melted into gentle looks, and their eyes softened, as eyes do when tears just begin to fill 'em. AND WHAT THE GOD OF THE SEA. 391 "'Put the ship on the other tack.' "Well, my friend, I begun to be afraid under the sky there. I 'm not goin' to deny it. Afraid of God, my boy. A man need n't hesitate to confess that. He seemed to be lookin' at me. " And the voices of the sea ! They are many and noble to whomsoever will hear. I always enjoyed 'em, and many a time have closed a book I was reading quietly, to listen to 'em. But now all the sea's noises said just this one thing," and he would swing that right arm, scythe-like, nod his great head to the right shoulder, im- pressing the dread refrain : " Put the ship on the other tack." " I can imagine, Captain, that the winds said it," I once remarked. "Well, no. There was no wind after the dog- watch. But there is when you hear the sighs of the riggin', as she whips over the crest. And the machinery of a steamer is continually lamentin' and croakin'. And an iron ship, my lad, is everlastingly bemoanin' herself; ye-a-s, specially in an easy night, when she ought to be happy. All these noises said it. Why, the ship seemed actually unwillin' to go on ! " " It must have been about ten o'clock, though I was by that time in such absolute 392 A WEDDING IN IV A R- TIME. agony that, to this day, I have never been able to speak very positively of ray actions about then, that I just stopped stock-still, anchored! I was on the bridge, I 'm sure. I called to the officer in charge, a Mr. Lapham, and said : " ' Lapham, put her on the other tack, and let her stand on till midnight. D 'y e hear ? Then come an' wake me. I 'm goin' to sleep.' "You should ha' seen the man stare at me. I knew he thought I was crazy. But, of course, he 'd ha' said nothin' if I had commanded him to stop engines or scuttle ship, you know." "They never question the master?" I asked. " Never. Then, like a whipped dog, I turned and went staggerin' down to my cabin, and threw myself out on the bed, the most relieved man you ever saw. And yet my steamer was tackin' like a brig." Captain Broon has often told us that no sooner had he stretched himself out than he was asleep. The whole ship's company slept, except a few nervous people, perhaps, whom the rattling of cordage and the sudden change of motion, an unusual thing with a steamer, sufficed to awaken. The night went on. The ship went on, on her backward tack. Suddenly Captain Broon awoke. He sat up AND WHAT THE GOD OF THE SEA, 393 and gazed around his room. It was still lamp- light. He reached for his watch that hung on a nail near his head, and looked at the time. It was two o'clock of the morning ! With a bound the old man sprung to his feet, and touched the signal for the officer of the deck, and angrily waited his coming. " Did I not tell you to call me at midnight ? " he demanded, not even addressing the officer by name. "You did, sir," was the reply. "Well, then why, here it is two o'clock." " I came in at twelve, sir ; spoke to you. You apparently awoke. You sat straight up in your berth, and looked me full in the face, asking the time." "What!" "Yes, sir. I supposed you were awake, for you then added, ' Let her stand on for two hours more,' which I have done." Without a word of further reply the old man passed the officer, and ran on deck. The officer followed his superior in wondering silence. "Put this ship on her course again!" roared Captain Broon. The orders flew from man to man. The sails began to obey. The wheelmen struggled with 394 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. the high-running seas. The great ship obeyed, slowly, laboriously, and wonderingly it almost seemed, as she turned her prow once more towards the west and the home port. " I remember," Captain Broon used to relate, " how calm my mind at once was. All the tempest of many days was over. I only felt indignantly impatient with myself for having lost so much time, and eager to get on our course instantly. I was standin' on the bridge as she wore round. I remember just how she put her nose up on that fust big wave, and took a look, as it were, off towards the moon just a-top the horizon in the west. I was about to turn on my heel and go below, when there, in the sheen of the moon-beams across the tumbled sea, I beheld the broken shape of a pitiful wreck. Had I been a quarter of a mile on either side of the straight line from the moon, I'd ha' missed her sure ! For you can't see a wreck, hull down, in the night, no lights a burnin'. But this one was black, like spiders' webs, across the yellow of the settin' morning moon. "It thrilled me like a shock, my dear sir. God had made me sleep over. God had navi- gated that ship. God meant to use me to save those lives. AND WHAT THE GOD OF THE SEA. 395 " Quick as thought I resolved what I would do. I bore straight clown on the wreck. It was n't more than a minute, it seems to me, before every soul on board the Atlantic knew what we had run foul of, and was on deck to see the strange sight. " My wife and the two girls I put in the doorway of a house I had on deck, right where they could see me every minute. How wild and excited those women looked in the light of the lamps ! But strange, sir, they were all on their knees. " We kept bearin* down on the wretches, of course, and what a silence there was, 'cept as I bawled to the men what I wanted 'em to do when we reached her. I never saw waves run higher. My fust mate vowed we could never send a boat alongside, nor transfer passengers if a boat had 'em. But I knew "we would. I just watched my time. Then I luffed up and slowed down, keepin' her head on, not more than two hundred yards away. And there she was. God help me ! I can hear the shouts of the wretches wailin' through the darkness, even now. "What an age it seemed to take to get that fust boat-load back. And when she came I just told * two big fellows to stand by ; then we 396 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. passed a line fore and aft of the boat. When the little thing fell off, she seemed more than forty feet down. Then, when she rose, we just took 'em aboard, like you 'd toss babies, one by one, and the two big sailors caught 'em. " Not a word was spoken on board my ship, 'cept by myself. An awe and a ' Thank God,' was over us all. The first man we took wore a uniform. In the dim light not many of our people noticed what the rags of the poor fellow were, but I noticed. Then I knew, just as well as if I had been told by an angel, that those were my son's poor people. God help me ! I could hardly stand. It was not till the boat had gone back that a single rescued man was fit to answer a question, and name the wreck. "The mate came up to me, and began to announce : . " ' It is a regiment ' " ' Stop your noise ! ' I bawled, and cast a glance round down to the ladies. "But I saw that they had not heard, though there they were, those three dear faces, pale as death, and watchin' for the next boat-load. "Just then I heard a man sing out: " 'A cast-away on the port bow.' "I s'posed it was some one from the wreck AND WHAT THE GOD OF THE SEA. 39; who had thrown himself into the sea. We got a line over, and a man went down to the wreckage, on which it was said the man was floatin', and poundin' his brains out against us. I was watchin' for 'em to draw up, when wilj ye believe it? that girl, Madge Hardy, actually flew down, over stairs, cordage, and lumber, and pressed her way through the men like lightnin', 1 ' with a sweep of the arm to describe it, "and there she stood when they brought up whom do ye think?" " Erastus Smiles ! " we generally shouted, all in chorus. "None other," always with a pleased toss of his gray-whiskered chin and the hook motion, delighted to think we had guessed right. "And the man was stiff as the dead, all swollen under the cords with which he'd lashed himself to a stave of a ship's long-boat. "And the sweet young girl " "Never uttered a cry, but followed as they took him to the cabin, and said how he could not be dead, oh, no, she knew he could not be, for that very night she had felt that God would answer her prayer." "The other ladies?" "Well, then, ye may be sure I had my hands 398 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. full. My son's wife was not quite so calm. Of course she knew all, then. She and my wife, I had 'em up on the bridge with me, in two lashed chairs, faint like, as boat-load after boat- load came in. ' Is he there ? ' ' Have they found Mark yet?' was what they were sayin' ? But I did not expect my son till the last, of course I knew he would do his duty, if he was alive, and see everybody else off first." " You asked, of course, if General Broon was on the wreck, alive and well ? " "No, sir. I didn't dare ask that." "Why so?" " Because^ they were all such a weather-beaten and half-starved lot that I was afraid Mark had perished, knowin' how he would have exposed himself most. To have been told that he was dead, afore I must know it, would have jest taken me below. My only son ! Thank God ! " "That is, he came in the last boat." " Exactly. And like a man, too ; though he was all tatters, and starved for two days and nights. .Yet he stepped down from the rail, where the two big sailors had him, man-fashion, and took my hand. I was right there to meet him. He simply said : ' ' I believe, father, it is in answer to prayer.' AND WHAT THE GOD OF THE SEA. 399 "I tell ye, that was a royal hand-shake. I can feel it yet ! But he had to leave me at once an' try to support Laura. And they were both like two babies, and my fust mate and I almost carried 'em both into my cabin." It ought to be told, for the honor of human nature. It shall be added. After the last poor castaway was safely on board the Atlantic, the quartermaster of the regiment elbowed his way through the throngs of grateful passengers who surrounded Captain Broon and, paper in hand, began : "Captain, the contract, you know." " What contract ? " growled the old man. "Why, say fifteen thousand dollars, your per- sonal share; and your men, say " " What ! A contract for savin' lives on the broad Atlantic ocean? Never!" " But the government always " " To the dogs with government ! You can give my sailors what you please. But I don 't pro- pose to receive any pay, except from the great God who, once in my life, sent me a direct command ! " And though merchants and passengers gave him many and costly testimonials, no salvage money would this old hero ever receive. 400 ^ WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. XVIII. UNARMED. 1THOUT doubt, for a month at least, Laura, dear," Mark was whispering to his wife, the next day, as in the broad sun- light the steamer was forging up New York bay. She drew the closer to him for this assurance, saying : " A month, at least, with my own husband ! " In fact, reader, it was to be nearer six months. The government at once left the whole charge of gathering up the scattered fragments of the ill-starred expedition in General Broon's hands. His station was to be in New York for half that time. "What do you suppose they will do?" asked Laura, indicating, with a nod of the head, Cap- tain Smiles and Madge Hardy, who were nerv- ously pacing the steady deck at a distance. "I know what she ought to do," was Mark's reply. "Give her whole heart to that hero, for hero he is, and worthy of her." UNARMED. 40 i "Yes, indeed. Your father goes into ecstasies over the story that everybody is telling about Mr. Smiles' bravery in that boat." "Everybody on the ship honors Smiles, except, it may be, " She put her pretty fingers to his mouth, and stopped him with : " I, too, have learned to honor a man ennobled by a heroic purpose in life." "Laura," exclaimed Mark, fervently, "yonder man would give the world to hear you say that." She was on her feet in a moment, and send- ing out a silver call, "Captain Smiles!" in the direction of her beckoning hand, as that officer and Madge Hardy made their next turn on the deck. The two invited parties approached at once ; the man pale, the woman warmly blushing. Laura flew up on Madge's side, and then extending a hand across to Erastus Smiles, began, bravely : " Captain Smiles, I have hardly exchanged the greetings with you which such a hero, such a true and noble man as you have shown yourself to be, deserves." Then Madge fell to embracing and kissing 402 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. the speaker in such an impulsive way that both Smiles and Broon could think of nothing better to do than to shake hands. "I say, Captain," Mark began, "your cup of happiness must be about full. You may as well confess that this lovely girl, here, has given you a hope to live for. Engaged already, aren't you?" But Smiles was so nearly overcome with emo- tion by young Mrs. Lane's speech that he could only stammer out : " Not quite as far as that, General. But you must release my hand. I must give it again to your noble wife, whose faith in me," as he seized her hand again, and gazed earnestly into her kind eyes, "is worth almost as much as the love of a forgiving God." " Eh, Captain ? " was Broon's quick response. "A forgiving and loving God? You believe, then ? " " General, a man taught as I was in child- hood, on my mother's part, do n't spend forty- eight hours on a raft in mid-ocean without prayer. And he does not come to rescue, as I did ; does not hear it from the lips of a beauti- ful woman, as I have from Miss Hardy's, that she, too, was praying for him, without believing UNARMED. 403 that the great God hears the prayers of the good." "Thank God I hear that speech!" fervently replied Broon. " Old Mayor Hardy could n't ob- ject to that sentiment in a proposed son-in-law." " Papa, " Madge began. "Suffer me to say it, Miss Hardy," Smiles interrupted. " I realize, General, the social ob- stacles that are in my way. We have, to be frank with you, been speaking about them. Might I dare so much as to ask your good offices with this lady's parents, when we get ashore, on my poor behalf?" "Smiles," said Broon, "one single word from my father to Hardy, if he talks about you to him as he is talking about you to this ship's company, will leave nothing to be desired." "Thank you; thank him!" replied Smiles, "of course you and I are in for the war ; and a long time will yet ensue in which I may prove to Mr. Hardy, for myself, that I am not alto- gether unworthy." " Captain, I'll have you with me for the present, any way," rejoined 'Broon. "If I consulted myself only I might well be glad tp hear that, sir," said Smiles; "for there are other and more vexatious matters connected with the with my unhappy " 404 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. " Now, Smiles," said Broon, interrupting, " let us trust your father and my wife's mother," reclaiming Laura with the slightest cloud of anxiety shadowing his happy face, " to the same God of prayer. It will all come out right, some- how. You do not mean to prefer the field to my staff, in New York, a few weeks, collecting this shattered expedition again ? " "I mean, General, that nothing will satisfy " "You shall not say me," put in Madge, "nor my father. You, Mark and Laura, bear me protest." " True," Smiles resumed. " Nothing will satisfy my own sense of well, of duty and reparation, when I think of my poor father, but plain hard service in the field." There was something so calmly resolute in the man's air that the young general checked himself midway of his protest, and was silent. Then he asked : " Reparation ? What would satisfy you, to be half killed in battle?" " I would have been as glad to avoid maiming as the next fellow," said Smiles, with an attempt to make light of the presentiments that he could not quite trifle away, "But I fear that is not to be." UNARMED. 405 " Pshaw," said Laura. " You must not return, sir, to your father's prescience of future events." And then she was sorry that she had been so frank. Captain Smiles gave her a curious look, half pity and the other half forgiveness, yet unmis- takably not dislodged from the mysterious and prophetic impression that was upon him. Who can explain yet, who can deny, that such impressions of the future do cast their images over our souls at times ? "At all events, General," Smiles resumed, "I must go to the front. I must make this family name of mine a comfort to myself, at least, to wear, by being willing to have no name among the living. My father is a fugitive from God pity me ! What sober prose is this for lover's talks." " It is war-time, old fellow," laughed Broon, with a sad cadence. Then looking away over the sea, " We young folks have n't got to safe anchorage yet, as father would say." "Pardon me, said Smiles, "but you have, General, if you please." " How so ?" with a surprised stare. " Your father has picked up a pilot and has read the papers. I just overheard him telling your 4 o6 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. mother some rather joyful tidings. You haven't seen him since ? " " No ; I confess I don't catch your meaning," said Broon, yet rousing himself as he saw the old skipper approaching, shaking the New York papers in his hands. "The papers are full of it, my son." "Full of what, father? The latest battle?" " Bless you, no. The army ain't doin' any- thing. That makes an old fellow like me sad. But I can't help feelin' personally kind o' all sails full. You see, resin an' tar are way up out o' sight. Jest as I expected. Bob, I'm well, I don't mind sayin' it out, right here, among shipmates as 't were. And you all know I'm too old to foller the sea again." " Father, you have n't a selfish hair in your head," exclaimed Mark, springing up and grasp- ing the old man's hand. " I see it all. Thank God for you. Your speculation has turned out well ? " " I can sell out to-day, and be independent ! But I shall only sell half." "Allow me to congratulate you, sir," said Captain Smiles, but not venturing to look at his superior officers, on whose valor and patriotism he realized that he had cast reflection. UNARMED. 407 " Yes," resumed the captain, looking round half regretfully on his vessel, " she goes back without me. But I 'm too old to foller the sea. I'll stop ashore now and live on my salt money, please the kind God." " Tar and resin money, rather," laughed Laura, taking his arm, newspapers and all. " I am so glad for you, uncle dear," added Madge. And then the congratulations being complete, all these young people began to think out what effect on the future this sudden bewilderment of renewed riches was to have. If it had been any time but war-time, the future would have been gilded as with a sunrise, but not now. Yet Mark Broon had gone into the army when rich ; it was not on that phase of things that he was ruminating, head down, then looking up and remarking questioningly : "Of course?" "Yes," resumed his father, "and I shall at once take back the lodge in the woods for ye, my boy. Before night of the first day ashore, I '11 have Eaglecroft and the town house again in hand." "But, father, all that is excellent." The general's voice was firm now. 4 08 A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. "Yet how about this Lane-Smiles litigation? That worries me most, if you '11 pardon me, Captain Smiles ; and I 'm to be too busy to give it a moment's attention. As soon as I can clear up the wreckage of my unlucky expedition I must be off again, of course, no man can tell whither. I want to take Laura with me, if possible." " Exactly," was the old man's reply. " You fellers just push right on in your fightin', and I'll attend to all your business on shore." "My wretched father ," began Captain Smiles, his face pale as death. "And my unhappy mother ," Laura inter- rupted, her eyes filling. "Young man," sharply, yet not unkindly, the old sailor addressed Smiles, " and you, my pretty niece, are you two people engaged to ship together ? " " It is impossible, sir," said Smiles, " that we should be, however much we might wish it. After a battle or two, possibly Mayor Hardy and his noble wife might be willing to listen to my suit." "Why, I like that, young man," said the skip- per. "You can show us the kind of blood in your veins, whoever 's your father, And my UNARMED. 409 money," witn a tender look bent on Laura, whose face was now hiding its tears on Mark's shoulder, "why, money can fix up this this crookedness that has involved poor Mrs. Lane's property." " Hear me ! " vehemently Captain Smiles began. " Is that what you mean ? Why, there is noth- ing wrong there. Do you not see that my unhappy father would never dare claim the fulfil- ment of any contract for that farm ? Great God, pity me ! My father is a criminal ! His graver offence against the security of a transport full of United States troops has driven him a fugitive from his country. Oh, I thought I had rectified his wrong ! I tried. I did ! I did ! God must know I tried, both to block his scheme and to hide the proof of it from his enemies ! " And Smiles, with hands clutched behind his back, an agony of shame on his features, paced back and forth in the little space where the group of pitying friends gazed on him in silence. "Well, Laura, that's good news for you. That's true, too," said Mark, in a low tone, in his wife's ear. "It is generally the way, in a good God's world, that scamps circumvent them- A WEDDING IN WAR-TIME. selves at last, give them time enough. Now all that we have to do is to see that mother is cured of her delusions, and kept from others. The old Bible on our table and our Sundays in a Christian church will be wholesome anti- dotes." "I tried to cover father's tracks," groaned Erastus Smiles, now suddenly confronting them, and pouring out his speech again in eloquent sorrow. " If I did wrong in that, Heaven knows that I was honest, for I shipped myself in the crazy craft that nearly sent us to the bottom. Oh, shame, shame ! I suppose, now, that that man got thousands of dollars as the price of our imperiled lives, his own's son's life included. Wait. Hear me through. He has fled. His professional enemies have the proofs. He will never return. He is a sick man at the best. I hope it is insanity. I could love him then. He will die in Canada. You are all free of your troubles, except except this sweet girl and myself. I shall do one thing. I shall con- front bullets. If God lets me live, and per- haps he will, for my mother's prayers and Miss Hardy's " "And your own, boy. Say your own prayers, child. Don 't think that it is in man to atone UNARMED. 411 for his own or others' sins," said the old cap- tain, tenderly. "There is One who suffered for us all. Since Calvary, each may pray for him- self." "Yes, my friends," responded Smiles, now casting himself down on the bench beside Madge. "I am going straight back to the faith of my Christian mother. No one knows, except he has been there, the horror of that abyss of super- stition from whence I am struggling upward. The world all chaos ; no Bible, no altar, no honor. Nay, no law but luck ; no good but gains. Yet ghosts and visions ; a gibberish of so