John C. Lynch. MEMORIAL ADDRESSES LIFE AND CHARACTER LELAND STANFORD, (A SENATOR FROM CALIFORNIA), DELIVERED IN THE SENATE AND HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES, SEPTEMBER 16, 1893, AND FEBRUARY 12, 1894. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF CONGRESS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1894. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That there be printed of the eulogies delivered in Congress upon the Hon. LELAND STANFORD, late a Senator from the State of California, 8,000 copies, of which 2,000 copies shall be delivered to the Senators and Representatives of that State, and of the remaining number 2,000 shall be for the use of the Sen ate and 4,000 copies for the use of the House, and of the quota of the Sen ate the Public Printer shall set aside 50 copies, which he shall have bound in full morocco with gilt edges, the same to be delivered when completed to the widow of the deceased; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to have engraved and printed at the earliest day practicable a portrait of the deceased to accompany said eulogies. 2 373 US CONTENTS. Page. Biographical sketch of Senator Stanford g Funeral ceremonies at Palo Alto 15 Address of Rev. Horatio Stebbins, r>. D 22 PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE. The announcement of his death 27 The resolutions adopted 29 Address of Mr. White, of California 29 Mr. Dolph, of Oregon 32 Mr. Peffer, of Kansas 39 Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon 42 Mr. Daniel, of Virginia . . 2f?7*V. ^.- .-; 44 - Mr. Stewart, of Nevada Jfe^?^*M ..). ... . 59 Mr. Vest, of Missouri . .& . . . . 3 . . ./.- 63 Mr. Perkins, of California 68 PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The resolutions adopted 79 Address of Mr. Tracey, of New York : 80 Mr. Hilbom, of California 81 Mr. Sibley, of Pennsylvania 87 Mr. Blair, of New Hampshire 97 Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama 101 Mr. Pickler, of South Dakota 106 Mr. Bowers, of California 114 Mr. Wise, of Virginia 116 Mr. Loud, of California 121 3 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. LELAND STANFORD, a Senator from California, died at his residence on the Palo Alto estate, California, a few minutes before midnight, Tuesday, June 20, 1893. His health for some years had not been good, but there was no intimation of his approaching end. During the day he pursued his accustomed avocations; took his usual drive around his stock farm and visited some neighbors; made no complaint of feeling indis posed, and retired to rest about 10 o clock. Shortly before midnight Mrs. Stanford, who occupied an adjoining apartment, was awakened by a movement in Mr. STANFORD S room. He had thrown oft the bedclothing and made an effort to rise. She spoke to him and received no response. His breathing was unnatural and stertorous, and in a few minutes he passed away peacefully and apparently without pain. LELAND STANFORD was one of the most wonderful men this country has produced, and the story of his career is inter esting and instructive from his boyhood to his death. He was born at Watervliet, N. Y., 8 miles from Albany, March 9, 1824 He was of English stock, though with Irish blood on the father s side. His father, Josiah Stanford, a native of Massa chusetts, had removed to New York with his parents when 4 years of age. His mother was Miss Phillips, whose parents had moved from Massachusetts to Vermont and from Vermont to New York. Josiah Stanford lived for many years at a farm called Elm Grove, on the road from Albany to Schenectady, and was an 5 6 Biographical Sketch. intelligent,, industrious, and progressive farmer, who also pur sued the business of a contractor, built a portion of the turn pike between Albany and Schenectady, constructed roads and bridges in his neighborhood, was an alert business man, a public-spirited citizen, and was an early and enthusiastic advocate of the construction of the Erie Canal. In 1829 the legislature of New York granted a charter for a railroad between Albany and Scheuectady, and Josiah Stan ford was one of the principal contractors for building this road. A railroad was an attractive novelty in those days, and this road passed so near the home of the Stanfords that LELAND STANFORD passed his holidays in watching the work, and even at that early day acquired a knowledge of railroad con struction that was of service to him in later years. The conversation at the home of Josiah Stanford was elevating and inspiring. His visitors were men engaged in the con struction of large works, who were alive to the great possi bilities of future development of transportation routes and were not daunted by the magnitude of any project. Among the subjects of discussion in those days and by those men was the project of a railroad to Oregon. LELAND STANFORD was present at one of these discussions. "Young as he was when the question of a railroad to Oregon was first agitated," it is written, "LELAND STANFORD took a lively interest in the measure. Among its chief advocates at that early day was Mr. Whitney, one of the engineers in the construction of the Mohawk and Hudson Eiver Eailway. On one occasion, when Whitney passed the night at Elm Grove, LELAND being then 13 years of age, the conversation ran largely on this overland railway project, and the effect upon the mind of such a boy may be readily imagined. The remembrance of that night s discussion between Whitney and his father never left him, but bore the grandest fruits." Biographical Sketch. 1 Men have risen to the highest stations in this country whose boyhood was passed in much humbler homes than that in which LELAND STANFORD spent the years of his youth. Most of our great men have come from the farmhouse, and such homes, however humble, are free from the squalor and cramp ing meanness to be found among the homes of those of similar condition in older civilizations. Hope is the heritage and opportunity the reward of every boy of courage born in such surroundings. Gartield said he felt like taking off his hat to every lad he met. Who knows to what heights such a one may attain in this country where no classes exist to bar progress, where education is free, where opportunities are unbounded? LELAND STANFORD received the education of the farmer boy. He inherited good physical and mental qualities, and was reared in a home where there were no idlers, where there was little luxury but no want, where labor was honored and each had his task appointed for him to do. He worked on the farm with his father and his brothers, rising as early as 5 o clock of a winter s morning. He attended the common schools until he was 12 years of age, and for three years received instruc tion at home. He then assisted his father in carrying out a contract for the delivery of a large quantity of wood. This was his first business venture, as he was in some manner a partner in the enterprise and received a share of the profit with which he paid for his tuition at an academy at Clinton, 1ST. Y. He had determined to study law, and entered the office of Wheaton, Doolittle & Hadley, at Albany. After three years of study he was admitted to the bar. Mr. STANFORD had determined to locate in the West, and after visiting various places he finally selected Port Washing ton, Wis., as best suited to his purpose, and there established himself in 1848, and entered at once upon the practice of the 8 Biographical Sketch. law. This town, now of 1,700 population, was then consid ered by many to be the port of the lake region having the most promising future and destined to eclipse such rivals as Mil waukee and Chicago. Mr. STANFORD was a successful lawyer, and enjoyed, in the estimation of the community, a lucrative practice. His earnings for the first year were $1,260. In 1850 he paid a visit to Albany, and while there married Miss Jane Lathrop, the daughter of Dyer Lathrop. a merchant of Albany, whose family were among the earliest and most respected settlers of that city. Mr. Lathrop was born at Bozrah, Conn., and accompanied his parents on their removal to New York, when he was about 7 years of age. He was a man noted for his kindly deeds ; was one of the founders in Albany of the orphan asylum, and was treasurer of that institution and director to the time of his deatb. Mr. STANFORD returned to Port Washington with his wife and continued in the practice of his profession at that place until 1852, when a misfortune happened to him which changed the course of his life and proved to be a blessing in disguise. This was the total destruction by fire of his office with all of its valuable contents, including his law library, which was one of the best in the State north of Milwaukee. Tidings of the discovery of gold in California had come to the East and occasioned great excitement. Five of the seven sons of Josiah Stanford had gone to California, and the destruc tion of his office at Port Washington determined LELAND STANFORD to follow them. Mr. STANFORD closed out his affairs in Wisconsin, took his wife to Albany, where she was unable to persuade her father to let her accompany her husband to share with him the hardships of life in a new country, and where she remained for three years, attending with all the devotion of a loving and sympathetic daughter to every want of her father through a long illness to his death in April, 1855. Biographical Sketch, 9 Mr. STANFORD sailed from New York, made the journey by way of Nicaragua,, spent twelve days in crossing the Isthmus and thirty-eight days in the entire trip. He arrived at San Francisco July 12, 1852. He visited his brothers, who were engaged in a general merchandise business at Sacramento, and soon after entered upon a mercantile career at Cold Springs, Eldorado County. The following spring he opened a store at Michigan Bluffs, the central business point of the Placer County mining district. This period of the life of Mr. STANFORD was passed amongst the privations, the hardships, and the excitements of a typical pioneer mining camp, the recollection of which never faded from his memory. In an address delivered in the Senate March 25, 1892, upon the life and character of his late colleague, Hon. George Hearst, who was a pioneer of California, Mr. STANFORD said: The true history of the Argonauts of the nineteenth century has to be written. No poet has yet arisen to immortalize their achievements in verse. They had no Jason to lead them, no oracles to prophesy success, nor enchantments to avert dangers; but, like self-reliant Americans, they pressed forward to the land of promise, and traversed thousands of miles where the Greek heroes traveled hundreds. They went by ship and by wagon, on horseback and on foot, a mighty army, passing over mountains and deserts,- enduring privations and sickness; they were the creators of a commonwealth, the builders of States. Mr. STANFORD also engaged in mining operations and pros pered in them and in his business to such an extent that in 1S55 he purchased the business of his brothers in Sacramento. The same year he proceeded to the East and brought Mrs. Stanford to California and established his home in Sacra mento. _ - ^~ Mr. STANFORD was now firmly established. The house in Sacramento soon ranked among the leading business estab- 10 Biographical Sketch. lishments of California and the management of its affairs developed a capacity heretofore untried for dealing with large affairs. It was not long before the political life of LELAND STAN FORD began. The Republican party was organized in Call- forma in 1856; he was one of its founders in that State, and gave if his enthusiastic support. He was not at the first on the popular side. At the next election after the birth of the Republican party in California lie was its candidate for State treasurer and was defeated. In 1859 he was the candidate for governor, received 1.1,000 votes, and was again defeated. In 1860 he was a delegate at large to the Republican National Convention and was an ear nest and influential advocate of the nomination of Abraham Lincoln, with whom he formed a warm and lasting friendship. At the request of President Lincoln he remained in Washington several weeks after the inauguration. He enjoyed the confi dence of President Lincoln, who frequently consulted him as to the surest methods of preserving the peace and loyalty of California and its adherence to the Union a question then filled with doubt and which caused much anxiety to the Presi dent and his advisers. Mr. STANFORD was again made the Republican candidate for governor in 1861, and after a bold, vigorous, and thorough canvass was elected, receiving 56,036 votes against 32,750 votes for Mr. McConnell, Administration Democrat, and 30.944 votes for Mr. Conuess, Douglas Democrat. It was a critical period in both State and national affairs when LELAND STANFORD was inaugurated governor of California, but he was firm and politic and prevented the outbreak of any disturbance, During his term the militia was organized, the evils of squatterism abated, a State normal school established, and the indebted ness of the State reduced one half. If LELAND STANFORD had Biographical Sketch, 11 no other claim to remembrance, his services as war governor of California would cause his fame to be handed down to future ages. The part taken by Mr. STANFORD in the construction of the Central Pacific Kailroad is better known than any other portion of his career. As a boy he had listened with interest to the. conversations between his father and Mr. Whitney as to the possibility of the construction of a railroad to Oregon, and in after years kept himself informed on the subject and of articles relating to it which were published in the newspapers. During his voyage to California with Mrs. Stanford, who was sick, he said to her: " Never mind; a time will come when I will build a railroad for you to go home on." He did not originate the idea of a Pacific railroad he executed it. In 1860 he heard of the examination which Theodore D. Judah, an engineer, had made of the Sierra Nevada Mountains to determine a practicable route for a railroad. Not long afterwards he had a conversation with C. P. Huntington, a hardware merchant of Sacramento, on the subject of a railroad from California to the East. Another meeting was held and a third, at which Mark Hopkins was. present. The result of these conferences was a determination to look further into the feasibility of the project. Mr. Judah, an engineer of ability, energy, and intre pidity, and an enthusiastic believer in the possibility of build ing a railroad across the Sierra Nevada Mountains, was called into consultation. As the result of the information furnished by him and that obtained from others it was determined to send out Judah, with the necessary assistants, to make a preliminary survey, and a fund was raised for this purpose. This was the beginning of the great corporation. The men who started this mighty enterprise were all merchants of Sacramento, except Theodore D. Judah , the engineer. They were LELAND STANFORD, Collis -P. Huntington, Charles 12 Biographical Sketch, Crocker, Mark Hopkins, and James Bailey. The physical difficulties were considered by many engineers to be insur mountable; others thought that if the road could be built at all the cost would be so great that the necessary funds could never be secured ; but great as were the physical difficulties the financial difficulties were not less appalling. Incorporated in 1801 under the general law of the State of California as the Central Pacific Railroad Company, the project was still in a condition giving little hope of success until the passage by Congress of the act of July 1, 1862, entitled "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes." This act incorporated the Union Pacific Railroad Company and granted to ir u for the purpose of aiding in the construction of said railroad and telegraph line, and to secure the safe and speedy transportation of the mails, troops, muni tions of war, and public stores thereon," every alternate section of public land, designated by odd numbers, to the amount of five alternate sections per mile on each side of said road "not sold, reserved, or otherwise disposed of by the United States, and to which a preemption or homestead claim may not have attached at the time the line of said road is definitely fixed." Mineral land was exempted from the operation of the act. The Secretary of the Treasury was authorized to issue to the com pany, upon the completion and equipment of 40 consecutive miles of the railroad and telegraph, bonds of the United States, payable thirty years after date and bearing interest at the rate of G per cent per annum, to the amount of $16,000 a mile, and ;it ."32,000 and 848,000 a mile for certain sections through the mountains. Those bonds were to constitute a first mortgage upon the property of the company. , The Central Pacific Railroad Company of California was Biographical Sketch. 13 authorized to construct a railroad and telegraph liue from the Pacific coast, at or near San Francisco or the navigable waters of the Sacramento River, to the eastern boundary of California upon the same terms and conditions in all respects as the Union Pacific Railroad Company. The Central Pacific Railroad Company was required to complete 50 miles of its road within two years after filing assent to the provisions of the act and 50 miles annually thereafter, and was authorized, after completing its road across California, to continue the con struction of a railroad and telegraph line through the Terri tories of the United States to the Missouri River, or until it met and connected with the Union Pacific Railroad. By act of July 2, 1864, these provisions were materially amended; the time for designating the general route, for filing map of the same, and of building the part of these roads first required to be constructed was extended one year; the Cen tral Pacific was required to complete annually 25 instead of 50 miles and the whole line to the State line within four years. The land granted was increased from five to ten alternate sec tions within the limits of 20 instead of 10 miles on each side. It was provided that only one-half of the compensation for services rendered for the Government should be required to be applied to the payment of the bonds issued by the Govern ment in aid of the construction of the road. When a section of 20 instead of 40 miles was completed bonds might be issued to the company. The provision for the withholding of a por tion of the bonds authorized by the act of July 1, 1862, until the completion of the whole road was repealed. Special pro vision was made for the issue of bonds in advance of the com pletion of the sections in the regions of the mountains the most costly and difficult part of the line. But the most impor tant provision of the act was the one authorizing the company, on the completion of each section of its road, to issue its own 14 Biographical Sketch. first-mortgage bonds to an amount not exceeding the bonds of the United States and making the bonds of the United States subordinate to the bonds of the company. The work of construction was begun upon the Central Pacific Railroad January 8, 1863, when LELAND STANFORD, president of the company, turned the first shovelful of earth, and in May, 1809, the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad com panies united at Promontory Point; and LELAND STANFORD drove the last spike in the line of railroad connecting the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans and binding together the eastern and the western sections of the country. Space does not permit the recital of the difficulties that were met and overcome by the builders of the Central Pacific Railroad in carrying to completion their mighty undertaking. A just conception of the difficulties of a great enterprise can not be formed by one who considers it for the first time after it has been successfully accomplished. The lack of interest in communities that were to be benefited, the unwillingness of the financial leaders of California to invest in the enterprise, the opposition of hostile interests were never overcome; but with a courage that never faltered and an ability that rose equal to the difficulties as they presented themselves this quartette of wonderful men STANFORD, Hunting-ton, Crocker, Hopkins persevered until they had conquered success. It was a gigantic enterprise managed by men of remarkable ability, the peculiar ability of one in a particular sphere of action supplementing the peculiar ability of another in another sphere and all working in harmony for the common purpose. From the beginning to the end, however, the master mind and the master will were those of LELAND STANFORD. Upon the doubtful chance of success these men ventured the moderate fortunes which they possessed. LELAND STAN FORD realized a colossal fortune, but with the attainment of Biographical Sketch, 15 great wealth his labors did not cease. He continued to be the president of the company until 1885. The management of this great corporation and of the connecting- lines which it acquired kept him constantly employed. In addition to the work of the railroad Mr. STANFORD had the care and direction of his extensive landed estates. He became the largest land owner in California. His home was on the Palo Alto estate of 7,200 acres, and he also owned the Gridley farm of 20,000 acres, and the great Vina ranch of 55,000 acres. These places he im proved to such an extent that they became among the most valuable and productive tracts of land in the world. Mr. STANFORD w T as very much interested in the development of the trotting horse, and owned the famous Electioneer, sire of many of the fastest horses in America, among them being Sunol, 2:08J, and Palo Alto, 2:08f. The great sorrow of Mr. STANFORD S life came in 1884, when his only child, Leland Stanford, jr., died. He was a youth of great promise and many attractive qualities, the idol of his father and of his mother. While traveling in Europe with his parents he was attacked with a fever and died at Florence, Italy, March 13, 1884, in the fifteenth year of his age. He died in the flower of youth, but his memory is perpetuated for ever in the noble institution of learning which bears his name. The Lelaud Stanford Junior University is situated upon the Palo Alto estate, in Santa Clara County, Cal., and is distant about 30 miles from San Francisco. November 11, 1885, LELAND STANFORD and Jane Lathrop Stanford, his wife, united in founding and endowing a university for both sexes to be called the Leland Stanford Junior University, to be located at Palo Alto. The estates granted included the Palo Alto farm, the Gridley farm, and the Vina farm, aggre gating 83,000 acres of land. The total endowment of the uni versity in land and money was estimated to be $20,000,000. 16 Biographical Sketch. The university has for several years been iii successful operation and is destined to become one of the foremost seats of learning in the world. In munificence of ^owmdiit it is unrivaled in the history of the world. In a " ""ition to its endowment fund it has a legacy of wise counsels from its founder. He enjoyed the uncommon privilege of living to witness the realization of the cherished idea of his old age and of seeing the university, the monument of the affec tion which he bore his son, take a place among the leading universities of the world. He saw it fully organized and equipped, its halls thronged with students, its reputation firmly established, its usefulness and its influences extend ing year by year. Who can measure the results of such a gift? The Leland Stanford Junior University opened its doors in October, 1891, with over 500 students. There are in attend ance the current year over 700. From the inception of the idea of founding the university, through every stage of its development, and through every period of its operation, Mrs. Stanford has been the earnest, the enthusiastic, the helpful friend, and to her is committed the task, left in part uncompleted by her husband, of still further widening its influence and increasing its usefulness. In 1885 Mr. STANFORD was elected a member of the Senate. He took his seat March 4, 1885, and was reelected for the term ending March 3, 1897. Mr. STANFORD was not very conspic uous in the debates in the Senate, though he took an active interest in the work of the body and was an influential mem ber of a number of leading committees. His name will forever be associated with the Laud-Loan bill, which he origi nated and presented to the Senate. His addresses on this measure have been quoted in works on political economy in every language of civilization. The bill proposed, in brief, Biographical Sketch. 1 7 that money should be issued upon land to half the amount of its value, and for such loan the Government was to receive an annual ip^ "-est of 2 per centum. Mr. STANFORD frequently stated tljMjjb-if the measure were adopted it would, in time, raise revenue enough to pay the entire expenses of the Government, and would thus take the tariff question out of politics entirely. It had no connection, however, with what is known as the Sub- Treasury plan, which proposed the issue of money to be loaned on perishable products. The high estimates formed of the value of Mr. STANFORD S services as a Senator are set forth in the appreciative addresses of his associates in Congress which are contained in this vol ume. S. Mis. 122 2 -FUNERAL CEREMONIES AT PALO ALTO. The funeral of LELAND STANFORD took place Saturday, June 25, 1893, at Palo Alto, Cal. The body lay in the room in which he died a room in the second story of his late home until a short time before the commencement of the ceremonies. Only a few of the most intimate friends of the family were admitted to the house. The body had been placed in a black-covered casket and removed to the library of the dwelling, where it remained until half past 1 o clock, when the funeral procession was formed. The pall-bearers and intimate friends of the deceased assembled at the house. The body was borne to the place of funeral by the eight engineers oldest in point of service in the Southern Pacific Company. Ranged along the pathway were the two hundred employes of the Palo Alto stock farm. The funeral ceremonies were held in the open air in the quadrangle of the Leland Stanford Junior University build ings. At one end of the Spanish court was a platform upon which the casket rested during the services. Chairs and benches, part of the furniture of the university, were placed upon the asphaltuin pavement in front of the platform for the accommodation of visitors. Clinging to the sandstone walls and reaching to the tiles that roof the arcade were growing ivy and passion vines. The 19 20 Funeral Ceremonies at Palo Alto. collection of flowers was one such as probably lias never been equaled on such an occasion. A van draped in white and laden with magnificent specimens of the floral wealth of Cali fornia was taken to the quadrangle and ranged in front of the platform which served as a chancel. These offerings were from various societies and organizations with which Mr. STAN FORD had been associated, and showed that sorrow for his death pervaded the whole community. There were offerings from the Loyal Legion, the Union League Club, and the Stan ford Parlor of the Xative Sons of the Golden West, from the employes of the Southern Pacific Company at San Francisco, from the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and from the Ladies Auxiliary of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. k To Labor s Friend," "Our Friend," were the inscriptions on the gifts from these organizations. A floral horse was the offering of the employes of the Palo Alto stock farm. It was a likeness of a favorite mare of the dead Senator. Most won derful and unique of all was the gift of the railroad employes. It was a locomotive and tender iu flowers, fashioned to repre sent one of the first locomotives used on the Central Pacific Railway. Formed of roses and lilies and sweet peas and yellow pansies was the locomotive, and the tender of peas of darker hues, while yellow pansies represented the brasswork on the engine. At the corners of the platform stood Norfolk Island pines, and in appropriate arrangement were white Easter lilies and sweet-pea blossoms and anemones and, red and white. Amid such surroundings, in the open air, in the shadow of the university which he had so munificently endowed, the funeral services of LELAND STANFORD were held. The audience numbered thousands. Men known throughout the State were noticeable in the company assembled, men known by their prominence and success in politics, men who directed Funeral Ceremonies at Palo Alto. 21 departments of the great railroad of which LELAND STAN FORD for nearly thirty years was president, men who were at the head of the professions, men who direct great commercial enterprises. Nor were the men who toil absent. The casket containing the remains of the deceased was borne to the platform by pall-bearers selected in accordance with the wish expressed by Mr. STANFORD. They were the engineers of the Southern Pacific Company oldest in point of service. They were Sands Clark, C. W. Collins, George Col lins, B. Kelly, W. M. Lacey, J. G. Ressinge, J. E. Saulpaugh, and William Scott. The honorary pall-bearers were Col. C. F. Crocker, Stephen T. Gage, X. T. Smith, W. W. Stow, A. N. Towne, David Starr Jordan (president Lelaud Stanford Junior University), Lloyd Tevis, W. W. Montague, Harry L. Dodge, Charles H. Cuinmiugs, Justice McFarland, Judge McKenna, Judge F. E. Spencer, B. F. Lieb, A. L. Tubbs, Dr. C. W. Breyfogle, Dr. W. H. Harkness, B. U. Steinman, Frank McCoppin, William E. Brown, and John F. Houghton. Mrs. Stanford was escorted by her brother, Charles Lathrop, and was accompanied by H. C. Nash, Dr. and Mrs. Taylor, ex- Senator and Mrs. Felton. Senators White, of California, Dolph and Mitchell, of Oregon, had been appointed by. the Vice-President, by telegraph, to attend the funeral as a committee of the Senate. The casket was opened and thousands looked upon the face of the deceased. The burial service of the Protestant Episcopal Church was read by Eight Reverend William Ford Nichols, bishop of the diocese of California, and the scriptural lesson by Rev. Robert C. Foute, D. D., rector of Grace Church, San Francisco. u I heard the voice of Jesus" was sung by the choir. Bishop Nichols read a prayer and Mrs. Maromer Campbell sang " O Sweet and Blessed Couutrv." 22 Funeral Ceremonies at Palo Alto. Rev. Horatio Stebbins, D. D., pastor of the First Unitarian Church, San Francisco, then delivered the following address: ADDRESS OF DR. STEBBINS. DEAR FRIENDS, KIND NEIGHBORS, AND RESPECTED FEL LOW CITIZENS BELOVED ALL! This great concourse of people, from all conditions of human life, gathered within these youthful walls of youthful learning, at an unaccustomed hour and in an unaccustomed place, attests that a conspic uous figure has been withdrawn from the earthly scene. The occasion is not for eulogy nor biography. The events of his life, from the farm on which he was born, through early struggles to the splendors of worldly success, and the last, simple human scene in the dying chamber, are known to us all; and it would be impossible for eulogy, whatever eloquence it might employ, to strike a note of applause or sketch the scene of action in colors that would be new, or give new impulse to the general estimation in which he was held by his fellow men. For thirty years he has been the cynosure of all eyes a par ticular star in the constellation of earthly success and no voice of eloquence or power raised at his bier to day would throw any new light on the scene or change the opinion of a single mind. It was Mr. STANFORD S lot to stand at the focus of many contentions, and to be praised or blamed with that decision which is characteristic of interest or passion rather than of reason or intelligence. With these contentious and judgments, which time only can read aright from the imperfect records of good and evil, I am not concerned. In every life, high or low, rich or poor, there is a track of light that reveals the inner idea, the momentum and gravita tion of the man. Among mixed causes he obeys a final law like that in the universe of worlds that keeps the stars from wrong. Mr. STANFORD S powers as a man consisted in Address of Dr. Stebbins, 23 that combination of the common faculties of human nature that gives good sense and what is called loug-headeduess, united with sincere human sympathies. He came to the table-land of life among the terrible splendors of a new era of the country. His star was in the horizon. For him the earth turned, suns rose and set, winds blew, waters flowed, and the Nation s grief and weeping History opened wide the gate of oppor tunity. Opportunity! the tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, carries on to fortune. No man can be rich by his own simple industry. Time, events, and circumstances must favor and take him under their great protection. The line between the man and his opportunity can be drawn by no hand but that in which all creatures live. And here we come where we touch the very nerve and quick of a man s being. How does he behave in the kingdom of what he calls his own? How does he handle his property, which war, or famine, or a nation s glory helped him to win? Does he fling about his power as the chartered libertine of self-will or voluntarily abdicate in favor of a higher law? A truly noble being never uses power as power, but as increased responsibility. Here is the moral germ of all possession, which, by little and little putting forth its eternal strength, like a seed twixt blocks of granite, moves the foundations of the world, transforming the nature and power of property from age to age. Mr. STANFORD S reputation and influence will not rest on any public office that he ever held; neither on his having been a central figure, amid extraordinary circumstances, in founding one of the great corporate properties of the country ; but on the use he made of that portion of the great property that belonged to him. That is the keynote of his character as it will go down to coming generations. It would be idle, of course, to contend that he was not influenced by the ordinary 24 Funeral Ceremonies at Palo Alto. motives of men or did not pursue the ordinary methods of business. But what effect did tne ripening process of life and experience have on his mind in regard to his property? What was the final moral effect and outcome of it all ? The moral crisis in Mr. STANFORD S life was the death of his son fair boy, on whose counterfeit in yonder hall the youth of coming time shall look, and learn that t was his translation that reared these walls and illumined these skies with intel lectual light. That event o erclouded Mr. STANFORD S heart, and drew the sunbeams out of the day. But, strange paradox of human experience, darkness reveals light ! And the convic tion is borne home to every thoughtful heart that there must be light to make so deep a shade. That darkness was cleft by celestial beams, opening to his vision a wider day. The past, the present, and the future flashed on his mind, illumined his being, and the vision of the sacred lyrist dawned before him as he looked down the vista of the future: See a long race thy spacious courts adorn ; See future sous and daughters yet unborn, In crowding ranks ou every side arise, Demanding life, impatient for the skies. Mr. STANFORD conceived education as the theme of the world the business of God. Education! A vague expression, often, in the common mind, but which, in its complete and in clusive sense, is that " process of the suns " by which God is lead ing forth mankind and enchurching His spirit in the mind and heart of the race. It was this alliance with the Eternal Will that fascinated his i magination and affections. In conversation with him I congratulated him on the fair promise and happy auspices of the young university. He replied: "We feel [he always used the plural, thus including that womanly heart from whose fountains his life had ever been refreshed) that we have Address of Dr. Stebbins. 25 good ground for hope. We are very happy ill our work. We do not feel that we are making great sacrifices. We feel that we are working with and for the Almighty Providence." For this I praise and honor him; and in honoring and praising him I praise and honor God, who so manifests Himself to the chil dren of men. This is Mr. STANFORD S name above all riches, and this his fame throughout all generations. Dear lady, let me not intrude but I should not be true to this occasion, nor to this great company, all whose hearts bear you up in kind sympathy and beseeching prayers, that you may be made strong to discharge the great responsibilities that rest upon you through him, did I not exhort you, in all love and gentleness, to take counsel of what you know to be his will, and of your own heart enlightened by that wisdom that cometh from above. Put on garments of praise, and let a song of reverent joy rise from all your sorrows. Bearers men of iron hands andiron hearts! gentle down your strength a little as you bear his body forth t is a man ye bear and lay it softly in its last, strong resting place. Such honors Ilium to her hero paid; And peaceful slept the mighty Hector s shade. The services ended with the singing of the hymn Lead, Kindly Light." The casket was then borne by the veteran engineers to the mausoleum which Mr. STANFORD had erected and in which are three tombs, one for himself, one for his wife, one for his son whose remains were removed from a temporary tomb and placed by the side of those of his father a few days after the latter s interment. Wide open stood the great bronze doors of the mausoleum and in front of them the casket was placed. The choir sang softly "Abide With Me," and Bishop Nichols read the part of the service appointed to be read at the grave. 26 Funeral Ceremonies at Palo Alto. The benediction was said, the casket was carried into the granite mausoleum, and the bronze doors of the tomb closed on all that was mortal of LELAND STANFORD. To the inscription on the marble slab on the tomb the date was added : LELAND STANFORD PASSED INTO IMMORTALITY June 20, 1893. PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE. ANNOUNCEMENT OF DEATH. MONDAY, August 7, 1893. The Senate having met in pursuance of the proclamation of the President requiring the convening of Congress, and neces sary business relating to organization having been transacted, the following announcement was made: THE DEATH OF SENATOR STANFORD. Mr. WHITE, of California. Mr. President, it becomes my painful duty to announce to the Senate the death of my late colleague, LELAND STANFORD. I shall hereafter request the Senate to set apart a day for such remarks with reference to his memory as may be deemed proper. At present I shall content myself with moving that, as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, the Senate do now adjourn. The motion was agreed to; and (at 12 o clock and 25 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, August 8, 1893, at 12 o clock m. 27 EULOGIES. SATURDAY, September 16, 1893. The Senate met at 12 o clock m. The Chaplain, Rev. W. H. Milburn, D. D., offered the fol lowing prayer: O Eternal God, as we are gathered to commemorate the life and services of a late Senator upon this floor whose noble gift for education marks an era in the history of beneficence, we pray that the influence of his illustrious example upon the peo ple of our whole country may lead them to cease piling great masses of idle and useless stones as monuments of the famous and lamented dead, but convert them into houses of use and service for the benefit of mankind, and thus for the honor and glory of God. Comfort and console the bereaved widow, and grant her length of days and fullness of health and strength to complete the organization and endowment of the university, that it may stand to the latest times a monument to her husband, herself, and their beloved son, thus working from age to age benevo lence, and education, and ennobling example. We pray through Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. Mr. WHITE, of California. Mr. President, I desire to offer resolutions which I send to the desk. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolutions will be read. 28 Life and Character of Lei and Stanford. 29 The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows: Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of tho death of LKLAXD STANFORD, late a Senator from the State of California. Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the business of the Senate be iiow suspended, that his associates may bo enabled to pay proper tribute to his high character and distinguished public services. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolu tions to the House of Representatives. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to the resolutions. The resolutions were unanimously agreed to. ADDRESS OF MR. WHITE OF CALIFORNIA. Mr. PRESIDENT : Another member of this body has passed from among us, his term of office not accomplished. It is meet that we who have been his associates should record our sor row and pay fitting tributes of respect to his memory. I shall not enter upon an examination of the life and services of the late LELAND STANFORD. I am apprised that other Senators, long his companions here and elsewhere, desire to signalize their regard by a review of his career. It may not be amiss, however, for me to contribute a brief expression. Senator STANFORD was thoroughly identified with the inter ests of California, His relations to that State and to her prog ress will be fully detailed by my able colleague and others who are to follow me. He was not only twice elected to the Senate of the United States by the California legislature, but he was also chosen by the people to the high station of gover nor. He was thus honored at a time when it was necessary that strong and wise counsel should prevail, and the history of our Commonwealth discloses that Governor STANFORD was 30 Address of Mr. White, of California, on the not only loyal, but that his policy was such as to win the applause of all well-disposed ineu, regardless of party affilia tion. He had faith in the American Union, and conducted his administration in accordance with his belief. In the pursuit of the objects which he desired to attain, Senator STANFORD was diligent, painstaking, and unremitting. His successes were due, I think, largely to his determination to win the object of his aspiration. His firmness did not beget arrogance, and the possession of wealth did not impair in the slightest degree his kindly characteristics. The lead ing part which he took in constructing a transcontinental rail road system and in carrying on the vast interests connected with railroad corporations on the Pacific coast is fully known and needs no elaboration or extended presentation. The crowning effort of his life strikingly at variance with the conduct of the average millionaire was the contribution of his means to the cause of education. While many doubted his ability, as they doubted the ability of any individual, to sustain the stupendous burden which he undertook at Palo Alto, matters have so progressed as to justify the conclusion that he and his estimable wife did not overestimate their capabilities. This bestowal of his fortune demonstrated Mr. STANFORD S philanthropy. The plan which he outlined for the practical teaching of the youth of his country proved that he appreciated the neces sities of his fellows. Owing to the impossibility of overcom ing the intervening distance, I was the only representative of the Senate at his interment. While participating in the impressive ceremonies which there took place I soon observed that, although there were no invitations issued, there were in attendance a vast number of the older citizens of California a remarkable representation of the pioneer element. Many of those who had passed through the storms of more than one Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 31 third of a century and who had participated in the active con tentions of early California life stood by the bier with moist ened eye. Some of them had differed from Senator STANFORD in politics and some had opposed him in other respects, but till were emphatic that he was a man whose heart was no less reliable than his brain. If the expressions of these most com petent witnesses could have been perpetuated, they would have constituted a far more eloquent tribute to his memory than anything which will be uttered in this Chamber. He was laid to rest in that beautiful principality, bewildering in its charms, which he had selected for his home. Senator STANFORD was not without his trials. The loss of the son whose name the university carries was a blow that a less determined organization would have failed to resist; and while in this Chamber those who were associated with him utter words of regretful sentiment, let it not be forgotten that his companion and truest friend, the partner of his cares and his oys, still survives; that upon her shoulders is cast the burden of carrying out the great projects which she and her husband designed, and to which they consecrated their later years. That she has the power, and that she will realize their antici pations, no one who is acquainted with her or at all familiar w ith her attainments for a moment doubts. I know that the sincere and undivided condolence of this Chamber goes out to her, and she can rest in assured possession of the sympathy and good will of her countrymen. Senator STANFORD S death was not altogether unexpected. His once robust constitution yielded to the pressure of business and time. His transition to another world is but an additional notice to us all suggesting the inevitable. As the amber of the clonds Changes into silver gray, So the light of every life Fades at last from earth away. 32 Address of Mr. Dolph, of Oregon, on the ADDRESS OF MR. DOLPH, OF OREGON. Mr. PRESIDENT: The history of this country affords many examples of brilliant success in every branch of human endeavor; biographies of those who from humble beginnings, unfavorable surroundings, and adverse circumstances have arisen by force of their native powers, their self-reliance, and patient industry to the most exalted positions, to the control of great industrial establishments, to the highest usefulness and distinction in science, art, and literature. Among all these examples, which show the possibilities of the American youth under our form of government and our industrial and educational systems, there is probably not a more conspicuous example than that of the late Senator STANFORD, and there have been few men in this country the story of whose lives truthfully written would be more fascinating. Like myself he was born and reared upon a farm in the State of New York. In labor upon a farm he laid the foundation of bodily vigor, acquired habits of industry, and learned the value of money ; and in the district school he laid the foundation of an education. His advantages were not superior to those of thousands of other boys of his age. The difference in their careers was not caused by their early advantages or training or their opportunities, but by the difference in themselves. To Senator STANFORD S ambition, his moral character, his good judgment, his enterprise, energy, and industry must be mainly attributed his success. Like many ambitious young men, as a stepping-stone to something else he taught a country school. Knowing that the legal profession had often proved a means of political preferment and a road to wealth, he read law and was admitted to the bar. Life and Character of Leland Stanford, 33 When gold was discovered in California and the great rush to the New Eldorado began, Mr. STANFORD joined the immigra tion to that State to seek his fortune there. It is unnecessary to trace his career in his new home step by step. The qualities which had before enabled him to steadily advance toward for tune and position enabled him to embrace the better advan tages offering there. They also attracted the attention and commanded the respect of the practical and enterprising pio neers of the new State, and his nomination and election as governor of the State naturally followed. Neither Mr. STANFORD nor his associates were .the first to propose a transcontinental railroad. What others had dreamed of they undertook and accomplished. It was an undertaking which by its magnitude appalled more timid men. The enter prise proved to be a great success. The faith and courage of its promoters were rewarded and the foundations of great fortunes laid. The wealth thus acquired made the subsequent career of Mr. STANFORD possible, enabled him to promote and control great enterprises for the development of his State, to liberally patronize the arts and sciences, to scatter broadcast the bless ings of charity, and to accomplish the last crowning act of his life, the founding and endowment of the great university that bears the name of his deceased son. His knowledge of the value and use of money, and his power of rightly judging men and measures were largely acquired by his early experiences and struggles, and were the efficient means which enabled him to accumulate his great wealth. It would be idle to deny that unusual opportunities were opened up to him~,~wMch enabled him to reach the topmost round of success, but too much of the results of his life should not be attributed to his opportunities. Some men seek out and create opportunities. Senator STANFORD did so. S. Mis. 122 3 34 Address q/ Mr. Dolph, of Oregon, on the He carved out for himself a place which any man might envy. At a time when it required courage and enterprise to cross a continent through a wilderness and desert, encounter ing hardships and dangers, he left the civilization of the older States and cast his lot with the pioneers of the Pacific coast. In that new country, where the foundations of civilization and of a great State were being laid, his good judgment, his enter prise, his interest in his fellow-men and in public affairs soon made his presence felt and enabled him to greatly aid in the establishment of organized society. In the important position of governor the same qualities which had brought him to the front and made him a leader of men made his administration successful and enabled him to embrace the opportunities offered for the development of his State and the advancement of his private fortune. No one but a self-reliant, enterprising, public-spirited man would have ventured upon the great and hazardous undertaking of con structing a railroad across a continent, over almost impas sable mountains, and through trackless deserts. The success of the great enterprise justified the expectations of its pro moters and proved the soundness of their judgment. But it is not the fact that Mr. STANFORD was governor of California during the war of the rebellion and saved his State to the Union, or that he was one of the promoters of the great corporation which built the pioneer railroad across the conti nent and bound together the Atlantic and Pacific with bands of steel, or that the people of California twice honored him with an election to the United States Senate, that makes his name to-day a household word and causes his praise to be on every tongue, and that will perpetuate his memory through coining years. It is the fact that he came to fully recognize the claims of humanity upon those endowed with great wealth and to regard his wealth as a trust, to be managed and used Life and Character of Le laud Stanford. 35 for the glory of God and the good of his fellow-inen. His char acter was like that described by Shakespeare when he wrote: For his bounty There was 110 winter in t; an autumn twas That grew the more by reaping. The calls upon him for aid to religious, educational, and charitable institutions and to individuals were so numerous and constant that it is not improbable that sometimes his liberality was imposed upon and his benevolence misapplied, but in the main his charities were bestowed worthily and with good judgment. Of his career in this body I need not speak at length. He was never intrusive or self-asserting. He was willing to leave the work of the Senate mainly to other and younger hands. Although largely occupied with other cares and duties, and especially with the plan for his great university, and afflicted with bodily infirmities, the interests of his State in Congress were never neglected. His counsel was always valuable, and his kindness of heart, his benevolence, and his love for humanity, which was manifested in all he said and did, made his presence among us a blessing. Coming to the Senate at an advanced age, without previous experience in legislative bodies, with other great cares and responsibilities, and with enfeebled health, he did not assert himself or take that com manding position in the Senate which he would naturally have done if he had entered that body at an earlier period in his life and when in the full vigor of manhood. Confessedly, the idea of founding and endowing a great university grew out of his great bereavement in the loss of his only son. The stricken parents appear to have transferred the solicitude, time, and labor which had before been given to the promising object of their affections to humanity. The declaration of Senator and Mrs. STANFORD, made while 36 Address of Mr, Dolph, of Oregon, on the their hearts were still freshly bleeding on account of their great affliction, that "the children of California shall be our children," was almost sublime. How grandly was this declaration made good. How better could the children of California yea, the children of the entire Union, of this generation and generations to come have been made the beneficiaries of his great wealth than by the founding and munificent endowment of a great university, at which the children of the poor as well as those of the rich might have an opportunity to secure such an education as is usually only within the reach of the wealthy, a university which is destined to be enduring and to exert an incalculable influence for good upon the future of this country. Senator STANFORD devoted his time and his strength to the last to the great scheme of his life. With failing strength, with increasing infirmities, with the evident consciousness that the closing scene of earth for him could not be far distant, with serenity, with patient, painstaking industry, the whole plan and all the details of the great university were constantly in his mind and received his personal attention. His great desire was to leave the great undertaking in as advanced a condition as possible. To the casual observer it would appear as if Senator STAN FORD S early dreams had become realities, his hopes had reached fruition, and his ambitions had been gratified, and yet all of us know how little he prized worldly possessions, worldly honors, and worldly successes. How, when the idol of life, his promising and beautiful boy, was taken from him and his fondest earthly hopes perished, all his possessions became to him like apples of Sodom. The career of our late associate is not only an example worthy of emulation by American youth, but worthy to be followed by those whom fortune has blessed with wealth. Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 37 Men with large wealth have comparatively large duties. Happy is the man blessed with great wealth who recognizes his responsibility to God and his moral obligations to his fellow- men and who embraces the opportnnites presenting themselves to discharge those obligations. In the great effort to alleviate human suffering, to educate and elevate the race, to advance moral reforms, to make the masses comfortable, intelligent, virtuous, and independent, the wealthy are rightly expected to lead. It is a blessed as well as solemn thing to possess more power for good than other men, and fortunate is the man pos sessing an abundance of that which is calculated to minister to the weal of the race who welcomes and embraces opportu nities to bless mankind. The duty of benevolence, however, is not confined to the rich. The less favored by fortune have responsibilities and duties in proportion to their means. The poor may dispense charity as well as the rich. The giving of silver and gold alone does not constitute charity. The kind interest, the words of sympathy and encouragement which always accompanied Sen ator STANFORD S gifts were more grateful than the gold itself. All can contribute something to mak3 the world better and mankind happier. A nameless man, among a crowd that thronged the daily mart, Let fall a word of hope and love, unstudied from the heart ; A whisper on the tumult thrown, a transitory breath, It raised a brother from the dust, it saved a soul from death. With wealth which could command- everything which human heart could desire, and which enabled him to scatter blessings as flowers scatter fragrance; full of honors, representing the great State of California for a second term in the United States Senate; engaged in carrying out the crowning act of his life for the benefit of his fellow-men, our brother was transported, probably in an instant, from the scenes of his earthly poises- 38 Address of Mr. Dolph, of Oregon, on the sions and activities to the spirit world. Happy those who, like him we mourn, are content to tread the path of duty and do faithfully and well the work their hands find to do in this world, and, trusting to a merciful Creator for the next, wait the end with serene hope and confidence. The realm of death seems an enemy s country to most men, on whose shores they are loathly driven by stress of weather; to the wise man it is the desired port where he moors his bark gladly, as in some quiet haven of the Fortunate Isles; it is the golden west into which the sun sinks, and, sinking, casts back a glory upon the leaden cloud-track which had darkly besieged his day. By the death of our brother we are again reminded of the unalterable decree which dooms all flesh to the grave. We are compelled to pause amid the rush of worldly pursuits and the clash of worldly controversies to consider the end of man. We behold everywhere about us the succession of birth, life, and death. Nature tells of no escape from the inevitable law of our being, and affords no ground for hope for the future. Generations of men appear and vanish as the grass, and the countless multitudes that throng the world to-day will to-morrow disappear as the footsteps on the shore. If it were not for the hope that is inspired by revelation of a resurrection and future life, how desolate and gloomy would be the grave, how empty and fruitless would human life appear. Our departed brother was a Christian man. His faith was simple and unfaltering and was the mainspring of his philan thropy. Eeligion was a common and favorite theme with him. He regarded God as a merciful father and mankind as a great brotherhood. His gifts to aid Christian institutions and Chris tian efforts were numerous and princely. He died in a firm belief that he should awaken in the spirit land to behold his God and embrace his loved ones gone before. Happy indeed Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 39 is the possessor of such faith a faith which enables him to say with the poet : There is no death ! But angel forms Walk o er the earth with silent tread; They bear our best-loved things away, And then we call them "dead." Our brother has gone from us forever. He will have no further part in all that is done under the sun. He sleeps the sleep that knows no waking, near the great institution he so liberally endowed. The great scheme that absorbed his energies in later years will be carried on by others. Thousands of young men in coming years, aided by his wise benevolence, will there equip themselves for life s duties, and his benevolence, through them, will be transmitted to later generations. The students in after years enjoying the fruits of his liberality will stand with reverence at his tomb and repeat his praises. The fruitful vineyards and orchards at Palo Alto will bud, blossom, and yield their fruitage ; the flowers will come in the springtime to scatter their fragrance; generations will come and go; time will change the very face of nature; but nothing will disturb his repose. He has solved the great mystery of life and death. Though dead, his works live after him, and will live and exert their influence for good to the latest generations. ADDRESS OF MR. PEFFER, OF KANSAS. Mr. PRESIDENT: My earliest information concerning the man LELAND STANFORD came through the public press in the way of news reporting the operation of great business enter prises in which he was engaged in regions bordering on the Pacific Ocean. 40 Address of Mr. Peffer, of Kansas, on the It was at a time when the transportation system of the country was developing with wonderful progress and other strong minds in other sections were building and managing other great railway lines. These skillful carriers in a few years constructed the most stupendous traffic connections ever known among men. Mr. STANFORD was recognized as the peer of any among these master builders. His standing was attested not only by his work as a carrier, but as well by his growth in personal fortune and by his prudent management of a large private business. In that view of him I regarded him simply as one among many strong men seeking wealth and the power and influence which comes with success. If there were no object other or better than the gratifica tion of avarice, the accumulation of riches is a most ignoble pursuit, and we can not tell what motives impel men to action until we see what disposition they make of their opportuni ties. It was then too soon to measure the full stature of this man. Early in the year 1890 1 saw him in another and a wider field, acting on a higher plane, where there was more room for the play of his intellectual powers. He was a member of the American Senate, charged with the responsibilities of legis lation for a mighty people. Having begun in private life devising means for the distribution of movable property the products of labor among the people in different places, nothing was more natural or logical than that when he entered public life he should begin a study of means for the diffusion of the values of labor s work. As in his private capacity he had builded great traffic lines to carry property long distances, so when he entered the field of politics he saw the need of improved and enlarged facilities for the easy and quick exchanges of the value of property through a more general and less expensive means of passing from hand what the people agree in their laws shall represent values. Life and Character of Lei and Stanford. 41 It was iu tliis grand work that I saw him the second time not by physical sight, but through the eyes of the press. He introduced a bill in the Senate to increase the circulating medium and to afford money to borrowers at low rates of interest. From his own experience and from his observations among men, he saw that through the destroying power of usury the profits of labor were being rapidly absorbed by compara tively a few persons, and he saw also that this process must be arrested if we would preserve our liberties and perpetuate the Eepublic. As a plain business proposition he saw that there was but one reasonable way to effect that result, and he presented his plan to the country in a short speech in this Chamber advocating his land-loan bill. My personal acquaintance with him began after I became a member of this body, and it soon ripened into a friendship which 1 am pleased to state in this presence waxed warmer and stronger as it grew older. As the years of his life passed behind him and as the shad ows of evening began to gather about him his sympathy with the poor and toiling masses of his fellow-men grew stronger and stronger, until it became a ruling passion, and here is where he rose to the full stature of a noble man. Having amassed a vast fortune, his real estate embracing over 80,000 acres of choice California lands, being in receipt of a large annual income, he was moved to devise means whereby others beside himself, and those who most need assistance, should share with him his good fortune. And, what is more and better, his plan involved the opera tion of good influences moving out through the education of young men and women whose early training, traditions, and troubles would probably always keep them close to the common people. The Stanford University will send out among the people evangels of good will, sowing that others may reap. 42 Address of Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, on the And here, Mr. President, is where we see the best, the noblest, the grandest work of LELAND STANFORD. He went down to the grave honored by his fellow-citizens because in private life and in public station he had been capable, faithful, and true. But the brightest gems his memory wears are the prayers and tears of the poor whose lives his kindness made happier and brighter. And to the woman who knew him best and loved him most, let me say that there is no higher plane for her sex, 110 more fruitful ambition, no riper field for action than to be the life partner and the coworker of a man that is doing good to his fellow-men. Mrs. Stanford, in the darkness of her sorrow, enjoys the sympathy of millions who would gladly bear her burdens. May the evening of her life be brightened by rays from the other shore, where the morning of a new day awaits her coming. ADDRESS OF MR. MITCHELL, OF OREGON. Mr. PRESIDENT: It is not my purpose to attempt any extended eulogium over the late distinguished Senator. To do that would require a carefully prepared statement of his life from birth to death, from humble poverty to that of vast wealth, from jovial schoolboy days to unusTial triumphs as a financier, statesman, philanthropist. All this belongs properly to the historian, not to us here or now. In justice, therefore, to the name and memory of the distin guished dead, I must not attempt at this time to do more than add a word of tribute to that which has been already so well said to the memory of our late distinguished colleague and friend; one highly esteemed and loved by all, and whose name and the remembrance of whose genial, courteous nature and kindly acts, whose record as a statesman and philanthropist, Life and Character of Lei and Stanford, 43 will live as a part of the history of America, so long as that history shall endure among the annals of time. The history of the life of LELAND STANFORD, late a Senator from the State of California, is pregnant with lessons of instruction, filled with food for meditation. It presents a conspicuous exemplification of that phenomenal success in different spheres of life social, business, political the attainment of which is possible by every American youth possessed of intelligence, industry, and integrity. LELAND STANFORD, we are told, was a farmer s son. He was not a product of the city. He was reared on a farm. Nor did he, although of excellent lineage, ever claim any part of his success in life as due to ancestral distinction. In his youth and early manhood he breathed the pure air of country life. His early habits were formed under the benign influence, and his character molded under the beneficent direc tion, of poor but intelligent parents, whose lives in the country regions of New York spoke but one language, that of humble deportment, genuine integrity, a spirit of energy and philan thropic development, and absolute fidelity to every public and private trust. It is from beginnings such as these that have sprung the master minds which have left their impress on the pages of our nation s history, as statesmen, military heroes, financiers, scientists, philanthropists, and as great leaders in every depart ment of life. To such an ancestry, to such an education in early life, could LELAND STANFORD look back with an enthu siasm of pardonable pride, but never more so in all the mag nificent successes which attended him in his eminently suc cessful life, in what may properly be termed his triumphant career as a financier and statesman, than when he had reached the acme of that career. Then, doubtless, more than ever before his mind reverted with conscious pride to his humble 44 Address of Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, on the home, his primitive country life, where, amid the perfumes of the wild flowers and the songs of the babbling brooks of his country home in the green fields of the beautiful Mohawk, he spent his boyhood days. To no titled ancestry, to no long line of hereditary heroes, was our late distinguished colleague compelled to trace his lin eage or attribute the credit of his remarkable successes. He was an American. To this alone, coupled with unusual intel lectual attainments, his integrity, his industry, his organ izing power, is he indebted to the fame that is his, and that will be his, perpetuated through his magnificent benefactions, while the State and the country in which he lived and of which he was a conspicuous part continue to endure. It is not that LELAND STANFORD was possessed of great wealth that he was commended while living to the kindly consid eration of his fellow-men, nor for this reason is it that his name and memory are now embalmed in the affections of his coun trymen. Great wealth concentrated in one individual is a mighty power, either for good or evil. In some men, as with Senator STANFORD, it develops all those grand elements of human nature the influence of which brought into active operation diffuses benefactions in all directions, while in others it transforms its possessor into a miser, whom one lex icographer characterizes as " one who is wretched through covetousness; one who lives miserably through fear of poverty and hoards beyond a prudent economy ; a person excessively penurious;" and another, as "a man who enslaves himself to his money." It is due to the memory of the distinguished dead to state that as he increased in wealth and advanced in years his mind seemed constantly occupied in contriving how he could, either through the instrumentality of the great means he possessed or in his position as Senator, benefit the weak, the poor, the Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 45 lowly. He did not aspire to perpetuate his name by erecting useless mausoleums of brick, or stone, or marble commem orative of some mere se itimeut, or link it with those of the rich, the great, the powerful. On the contrary, the rising generation, the youth of the laud, the great masses of the < plain people," who constitute the toiling millions of our country, had his first and best thought, and to the promotion and preservation of their best interests he dedicated his intel lectual powers, as also millions of his wealth. Whatever may be thought by some of the practical utility of his financial scheme, which he so earnestly and ably advo cated and which was approved by millions of his countrymen, for the loaning of money by the United States direct to the people at a low rate of interest, taking mortgages on farms as security, all will now agree it indicated in unmistakable terms a philanthropic spirit, an earnest desire to aid, through the instrumentality of what he regarded as constitutional and proper governmental influence, not the great moneyed institu tions of the country, not the vast corporations of the laud, with several of which he was prominently identified in a busi ness way, but rather the great masses of producers, the farmers, the planters, and the wage- workers of the country. In his capacity as Senator, legislation having for its purpose the minimizing of illiteracy, the promotion of the education of the rising generation, the advancement of our people to a higher degree of intelligence, received his constant, earnest, and efficient support. He was an ardent advocate of national aid in the establishment and support of common schools. He believed with Lord Kames, who, in his "Elements of Criti cisms," said : In the first seven years of our life we acquire a greater number of ideas than ever after. 46 Address of Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, on the And with another celebrated philosopher, who declared that The education a child receives in the first five years of its life is of more importance than all after education and has more influence in forming the child s character. He was, moreover, the promoter and able advocate of legis lation having for its purpose the organization of cooperative associations, the main purpose of which was to enable those who had but little capital and could control but little to reap, through such cooperative organizations, the legitimate benefits and honest fruits which naturally flow from aggregated capital properly employed. Although prominently identified with several corporations carrying millions of capital and the interests of which were liable at times to be materially advanced by pending national legislation, the truth of history requires it to be said that in the legislative career of Senator STANFORD in the Senate of the United States never once was his voice raised in advocacy of any such legislation, and to no vote of his can be attributed any aid to legislation of that character. Senator STANFORD was in disposition and character excep tionally modest, reserved, retiring. His great wealth, his prominence in connection with those great enterprises of physical development, the transcontinental railroads, the mag nitude and national effect of which commanded the admiration of the world, instead of clothing him with a haughty and aris tocratic air, seemed to stimulate within him those elements of true manhood which, under all conditions and at all times, recognize real personal integrity and worth as the touchstone of true merit, irrespective of all considerations of wealth on the one hand or poverty on the other. In private conversation Senator STANFORD was most inter esting, attractive, and instructive. Thoroughly versed in Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 47 historic literature, with a philosophic turn of mind, a heart whose kindly influence ever found expression in every word and look and act, one never returned from an evening spent in the company of that exceptionally good man, as I have for many years believed him to be, without a feeling that it was an evening spent in such manner that one was wiser and bet ter for it. The people of the great West of that vast region lying between the Eocky Mountains and the waters of the Pacific, with all its present elements of greatness and power, and unspeakable possibilities as to the future have much reason to sincerely deplore, as they do sincerely mourn, the death of LELAND STANFORD. To him and his business associates do we feel indebted in a large degree for that physical development of our country which has brought us into close social and busi ness connection with the civilization of the East, and made us more nearly and directly a constituent part of the grand civil ization of the American Republic, which to-day commands the respect and admiration of mankind. Through the forceful enterprise of LELAND STANFORD and his associates the great mineral deposits of those distant regions, which have added thousands of millions of gold and silver to the national wealth, to say nothing of other great industries of that magnificent region, have been developed. The grand old poet Horace, in his vanity, proclaimed his own greatness and the perpetuation of his name by his works when he said : I ve reared a monument, my own, more durable than brass, Yea, kingly pyramids of stone in height it doth surpass. Rains shall not fall nor storms descend to sap its settled base, Nor countless ages rolling past, its symmetry deface. But, Mr. President, what are the benefactions which poster ity has reaped from the monument reared by Horace centuries 48 Address of Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, on the ago, and to which he so beautifully attracted the attention of mankind, and the glories of which have been perpetuated by his own eulogy, to those conferred on posterity by the munifi cence of our distinguished dead at Palo Alto 1 There, by a gift unequaled in its munificence by that of any philanthropist that ever lived in America or in the world, have been laid the foundations and erected the stately columns, and endowed with all the professorships and paraphernalia properly pertaining to it, an institution of learning, a grand university, on a scale far excelling any other, that will forever hand down to the remotest generations not only the names of LELAND STANFORD and his beloved, talented, and philanthropic wife, but also that of his only and idolized son, Leland Stanford, jr., whose name the great university bears. What, Mr. President, can I say in addition to what has already been said to indicate my estimate of the character of our late distinguished colleague? He was a man of kind and generous heart. He was far above the average in those grand qualities which go to make up a man of affairs. He was conspic uous as a leader and organizer of men in the mighty march of material development of the far West and in the onward progress of the civilization of the age in which we live. He asserted himself as a master mind in the legislation of his time both State and national. As governor of his State during the exciting and troublous period of the war, as Sen ator in the United States Senate from the great State of California, as financier and philanthropist, his record is meri torious in the highest degree, wholly free from blot or blemish, and absolutely unassailable in any respect whatever. His name is prominently coupled and will forever remain with the construction of the first transcontinental railroad of the country, which connected the civilization of the East with that Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 49 of the West. Indeed, he was one of the promoters and builders of that great enterprise. And, Mr. President, while we here to-day commemorate the virtues of and pay tribute to the memory of our late distin guished colleague, our personal friend, let us not forget the widow in her desolation. Far away on the shores of the Pacific, surrounded, it is true, by all the comforts and luxuries which wealth and social distinction can bring, sits to-day in her widow s weeds, in gloomy solitude, overwhelmed with a sorrow that can not be measured by either tongue or pen, the once happy bride of forty-three years ago, now the disconsolate widow of three months ago. First came the remorseless reaper, and beneath the sunny skies of Italy, far away from home, snatched from loving parents the sole child, the idolized son on whom so many high hopes, the outgrowth of parental solicitude, were centered, and, without request or consent, bore him away to "that undiscov ered country from whose bourne no traveler returns;" and then, scarce before the darkening shadows of this inexpressible grief had lifted their gloom from the home life of our distin guished friend and his faithful companion, the remorseless enemy with stealthy tread again returns with seeming determi nation to assert in unmistakable terms within that household the primacy and power of that supreme intelligence which controls the affairs and determines the destinies of men, and in the silent hours of night, with no word of warning, closes forever the eyes of our late colleague, the loving husband of a wife already overwhelmed with sorrow. To that widow to-day in her deep sorrow goes out the sympathy of the Senate of the United States. We want her to understand, to fully realize, we do not fail to comprehend the depths of her grief, and that our sympathy for her in her great affliction is heartfelt and sincere. S. Mis 122 4 50 Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia, on the We wish her to know that we, with her, believe that beyond this vale of tears, when the sorrows and griefs of parting in this life shall forever fade away, that in the eternal and perfect home of the Elysian fields, in that " undiscovered country " upon whose hidden shores the eyes of mortal man have never yet rested, there will in the dawning future be a reunion of kindred spirits, a joyful, gladsome meeting of father, mother, husband, wife, child, and that such reunion, in the grand econ omy of the Great Architect of the Universe, will be but the beginning of a life of eternal joy. ADDRESS OF MR, DANIEL, OF VIRGINIA. Mr. PRESIDENT : The late Senator LELAND STANFORD, of California, was a great man, and one of the most remarkable characters that this country has produced. His career was on a gigantic scale, like the natural features of our imperial domain, and like the mighty facts of our marvelous history. His story from the time he went to the West, an adventurous young man seeking his fortune, to the time when he became a great railroad builder, governor, Senator, and a very Croesus in possessions, reads like an Arabian tale " in the golden prime of good Haroun Al Raschid." There was nothing small about him. Of massive frame, massive head, and massive mind, lie was also a man of great heart. And great and beneficent works remain as his enduring monuments. Like George Peabody and W. W. Corcoran, he was a philanthropist. To give was to him a joy to give quickly, to give often, and to give much. " The Lord," we are told, "loveth a cheerful giver," and such was LELAND STAN FORD of California. Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 51 Senator STANFORD deserves the name of patriot. He was the governor of California during the most strained and excited period of its history the civil war. In his conduct of that office he exhibited his breadth of mind and demonstrated that breadth of mind can never be separated from breadth of heart. Instead of harshness and severity, he applied to the disturbed conditions of public sentiment, arising from conflicting views, the ameliorating influences of moderation, kindness, and friendly counsel. He brought men together who were indulg ing in vehement and inflammatory utterances. He pointed out to them that they could accomplish no good by a queru lous niid incendiary course; that if they became bitter and venomous toward each other they would be no nearer the accomplishment of their ends, but would poison the society of the State for many years to come. And he succeeded by his firm, temperate, and generous course in abating the miseries of internecine strife and preserved his people in the harmonies of friendship. Senator STANFORD was a firm and strong Republican. He was one of the pioneers of the Republican party. He believed in its doctrines, he had faith in its mission, and he seemed to to me to love his party with a sort of ideal affection. Yet this enthusiasm for party creeds and party leaders found no expression in harshness, hatred, or narrowness of opinion or action. He would differ from his party when he thought the occasion justified it, both as to measures and as to men. He did not look upon his opponents as enemies. He appreciated the genius of their action and the influences of their inviron- meuts and education. He knew they were as sincere as he was; he acknowledged their rights to differ with him and his, and he always retained their respect and confidence. Senator STANFORD was not sectional in his feelings. However much he was imbued with the ideas of the North, in which he 52 Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia^ on the was born, and with the ideas of the West, of which he became the adopted son, he really felt toward all the people of this land as if they were his countrymen, entitled to his consideration and to his friendly interests in their behalf. I have often heard him talk about the social problems which we have before us, the problems of labor, and money, and transportation, and especially of the race problem, of which he saw much in California, and of which he knew much as it affects the South. I think he understood the Southern situation as well as any man could who has never lived in that section. I think he sym pathized with the delicate conditions there to be dealt with as much as any man could who was not one of the vicinage, and I know that it was his earnest hope and desire that time and nature, the great healers of wounds and the great builders of things that last, might be left to work out the problem that the Southern people have to contend with. Especially was he distressed at the idea of rude measures being adopted. He knew that the conception of them sprung from irritated minds and from misconceptions of possibilities. He knew that they would result in intensifying the evils which they would vainly seek to correct. He knew that in the social constitution, as in the physical constitution, of man, there are diseases and per turbations which no physician can reach, either with com pounded medicines or with the touch of surgical instrument, and that rest and nutrition and cheerful words are often the only remedial agents. Senator STANFORD S mind was of a very peculiar order, and his experiences so different from that of the ordinary man that his conversation was singularly striking and interesting. He loved to relate reminiscences of his early history and his observations of men and things in different parts of the world. He was a most acute observer of men and affairs and a great lover and student of nature. Geological formations of the Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 53 earth attracted his attention, and he would quickly observe indications and features which an ordinary man would pass by unnoticed. He knew all the trees in the parks around Wash ington. He could tell them from the bark or leaf, and he knew the qualities and uses of the woods which they produced. He watched the courses of the birds and the habits of animals, and, indeed, the philosophy of his life seemed to me to be gathered more directly from nature than that of any man I have ever known. While he was college bred and had the general information that comes from the perusal of current literature, he did not rely so much upon books as upon observation and experience. He was not a severe student of constitutions or statutes, but whatever question arose he seemed to grasp it in its relation to men and things and to construe it upon lines of thought connected with the development of affairs and the betterment of conditions. He was a great believer in education, and it was the frequent subject of his conversational dissertation. It is related that when he contemplated the establishment of Stanford University that he and his wife together visited a distinguished college president in New England and asked what amount it would take to endow such a great institution as he described to him. After studying over the matter the college president answered, "About five millions of dollars." He turned to his wife, standing by, and remarked simply, " Don t you think we had better make it ten millions, my dear?" He had an inventive and creative intellect. He was the originator of the use of the cable in street-car transportation in San Francisco, and invented the grip first employed to com municate the force of the cable. I have heard that he was also the inventor of the sand- blast, a process by which carv- 54 Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia, on the ings in stone are quickly made without tlie use of the chisel. The idea of it occurred to him from noticing how the twig of a tree, sheltering a stone from sands blown against it by the winds left its projected shape upon the stone behind it; and he conceived from this observation the use of the sand -blast in art, fashioning the plan on the workings of nature. He also originated the use of the instantaneous photograph, employing it to ascertain the exact movement of the horse in action, and deducing from its observations principles which he applied in the breeding of horses on his stock farm. Senator STANFORD was a wonderfully successful man. He seemed to possess the successful temperament. He foresaw the movements of population, the trend in the growth of cities, the great possibilities of uninhabited territory, and he applied his knowledge in great concerns with as much ease as ordinary men apply theirs to the trivial details of daily existence. He mastered the details of whatever enterprise he undertook, and he spared nothing to accomplish the ends he aimed at. He would spend money as profusely as a potter would spend clay to make the mold of an ideal. Having conceived that an electric motor might be applied to sewing machines, and thus enable housewives and poor workingwomen to accomplish much where they now accom plished little, a friend observed him one day as he gave $2,000 to an inventor who was trying to work out the idea, and he remarked at the time: "This is the thirtieth man to whom I have given a like sum to develop that idea." He had remarkable fondness for the horse, and he had faith in the capacity of his development to greater accomplishments than any recorded, and before many years had passed by he waa the head of the American turf, his trotting horses and his thoroughbreds alike breaking all records. Nor was his pre- Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 55 collection a mere fancy of the mind or resource of amusement. To give thousands or tens of thousands for a horse he desired he counted as nothing 1 . In results he made money and accu mulated fortunes upon the expenditure of fortunes. He could have talked of evolution with Darwin and given him many a useful hint and valuable experience. There was something peculiarly soft and tender in his domes tic life. He and his beloved wife were a noble pair well mated, and walked the ways of life together, sharing all its joys and sorrows in mutuality of love and counsel. Bereaved as she is now, she has the sympathy of countless hearts who share her sorrow. "Great men," said Lord Bacon, "have no continu ance." And to him befell the fate of being bereaved of his only son. He sought to fill the void in the father s and mother s heart by building a great university to be called after his son, and to be a monument to his memory, in which other youths might be trained and educated. And in years to come the ingenuous youths of our country by scores and thousands will gather at the shrine of learning which he has established, the fruit of the affection which he cherished for his dead boy. His interest in his employes was father-like. He believed in high wages, but he sought on all occasions to impress upon his employes the importance of saving and becoming independent. He was a kind and true friend and a genial companion. He was singularly simple in his manners, generous in his hospi tality, and unostentatious in his dress, habits, and social ways. While he moved amongst scenes of splendor which might have won the envy of a Monte Cristo and dispensed hospitality like a prince of the Orient, he did it with an unconscious simplicity which gave to his life an unspeakable charm. Quiet and composed as he always seemed, one would scarcely conceive from his dignified appearance what tremendous energy 56 Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia, on the and fire lay beneath the serene surface, but when aroused to the inspiration of a great undertaking lie displayed the con centrated forces and rapid movement which bespeak the quali ties of a general who reads necessities of battle and hurls every element of strength on the turning point. I am told that in driving even he would often put his horses to their utmost speed through long journeys, at once testing their qualities and displaying the nervous energy and passion of their driver. In the Senate he was not amongst its great debaters or speakers, but he served his State and country with fidelity and ability. He was amongst the wise counselors, and his influ ence was always felt for judicious and patriotic ends. He had some ideas which he was never able to impress upon his associates as being practicable, amongst them his idea of lend ing vast amounts of money upon land. I have talked with him for hours and hours upon repeated occasions on that theme, and he often urged me to adopt his views and advocate them. I could never see that they were practicable, and with all my respect for him and desire to meet his wishes I could not, of course, comply with his request. Yet let me say that beneath the difficulties which present themselves to such an idea as he had formed, there are in it germs of truth and wisdom such as are found in the first evolutions of invention, which, in a later and riper day of the world s history, may be developed into much that is attainable and good. His germinal idea was to put a fixed value on property, as there is a fixed value upon money, and to make the possession of property, which is taxed at a certain value, the assurance of the transmutation of that property into other forms of property when necessary or convenient ; as the world s population shall increase, and as financial refinements and facilities shall be developed, there will be found in this idea Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 57 much to build upon, and in the end probably some ripe con summation. He was an enthusiastic believer in the power and glory of this country and a great dreamer of its benevolent mission. He always advocated more money for our restricted financial conditions and the restoration of bimetallic money, to which this land had been accustomed for well nigh a hundred years. In this he departed from the views of many capitalists, whom he thought somewhat narrow in comprehension of their own permanent interests, and indicated, as I fancied, his sympathy with the struggling masses of humanity. I can not say that I was ever intimate with Senator STAN FORD, though as a member of the Committee on Public Build ings and Grounds, of which he was chairman, I was often thrown in familiar intercourse with him, and enjoyed with him many days and hours of agreeable companionship. In the refined courtesies which bespeak the gentleman I have never known him to be surpassed. Xo word that he ever uttered, either in private conversation or in public debate, could offend the sensi bilities of any citizen of our country. Of a robust constitution, it might have been expected that his life would have been prolonged beyond the threescore and ten of man s allotted time, but he died at Palo Alto, his Cali fornia country home, on June 21 last, ere he had quite attained his seventieth year. In common with all who knew him, I shall cherish of him the most agreeable recollections. The world is better that he lived in it, and many a heart that has been made happy by his generosity felt a pang of sorrow when he died. The fear of death is doubtless implanted in the human soul, because God and nature have uses for the living and work for them to do which they should not lay down undone; but when we see that death is universal it should afflict us with no mortal dread. 58 Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia, on the Well has the late laureate of England described the succes sive stages of nature, from the bud to the fruit, from the fruit to decay : Lo ! in the middle of the wood The folded leaf is woo d from out the bud With winds upou the branch, and there Grows green and takes no care. Sun-steeped at noon, and on the moon Nightly dew-fed; and turning yellow, Falls and floats adown the air. Lo! sweetened with the summer light, The full-juiced apple waxing over mellow, Drops in a silent autumn night, All its allotted length of days. The flower ripens in its place Ripens and fades and falls, And hath no toil Fast rooted in the soil. Such, too, is human life like the fruit, waxing over-mellow and returning again to the earth, from which it sprung. So, now that our kind, good friend has passed away, we should not veil his bier in tears. He had lived his life; he had done his work; he had found happiness, such as it may be permitted mortal to possess or that earth could give; and, what is most, he had conferred much happiness and benefaction upon others. It was said of old that it was easier for the camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever may be the temptations that assail the rich and powerful, surely one who earned to give as he did and who only treated power as opportunity of good should find no impediment toward the highest destiny which may await hereafter the spirits of the just. Even as the sparks fly upward, it would seem to me only in accord with the eternal harmonies of the universe that his spirit, in quitting its earthly tenement, should find rest in the bosom of his Father and his God. Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 59 ADDRESS OF MR. STEWART, OF NEVADA. Mr. PRESIDENT: Senator STANFORD was my friend. I enjoyed his friendship for more than forty years. He was a strong character, of the best American type. In his childhood and early youth he possessed the best possible advantages which our country afforded. He was raised on a farm, where he had an opportunity to observe, and did observe, the source of wealth, prosperity, and civilization. He knew as a boy land, soils, and crops, and the means of utilizing them. He became familiar with animals and their use ; with trees, plants, and birds. He learned the use of tools and implements of husbandry. He realized early in his eventful life that the storehouse of nature is abundantly supplied with all things necessary for the good of man. The book of nature was his guide. Literature and science, which illustrated that book and revealed its hidden mysteries, most interested him. He fully comprehended the great truth so often expressed by him, that the earth and the elements are abundantly sufficient to supply the ever-increasing wants of man. He was a utilitarian, and dedicated his career to the creation of wealth by developing the resources of the West. In his youth he had witnessed the marvelous development of the interior of the great State of New York by means of the Erie Canal and other internal improvements. In his early manhood he saw, while a resident of Wisconsin, the magic effect of rail roads upon the progress and development of the great Missis sippi Valley. When he made his home in the golden State of California he was possessed of the spirit of enterprise and equipped with knowledge of affairs. He at once devoted his energies to utilizing the resources of that new and undeveloped country. 60 Address of Mr. Stewart, of Nevada, on the The Pacific coast was then a far-off region. It took longer to cross the uninhabited plains and rugged mountains which intervened between the East and the West than is now required for a voyage around the world. A Pacific railroad to unite the Atlantic and Pacific oceans was a dream of the distant future. It was only a dream. Xo man ever hoped to realize that dream in his own generation. The war of the rebellion forced upon the attention of the country the isolated and defenseless posi tion of the region of the Pacific, but the people of all sec tions shrank from the mighty undertaking of binding the two sections together with iron bands, thus cementing the Union. Five resolute men in the little town of Sacramento, in the interior of California LELAND STANFORD, C. P. Huntuigton, Mark Hopkins, E. B. Crocker, and his brother, Charles Crocker brought upon themselves the gibes and jeers of the thoughtless multitude by the organization of a company to construct a Pacific railroad. The project to scale the dizzy heights of the Sierra and Rocky Mountains, to traverse the dreary plains, supposed to be uninhabitable deserts, with a railroad of unlimited cost, was treated with ridicule and con tempt by nearly every man of wealth in the State of California. The press of San Francisco, the metropolis of the Pacific coast, denounced the project as a wild scheme of visionary cranks. The five men who projected the enterprise, unaffected by the opinions of others, pressed on with supreme faith and undaunted courage. They appealed for encouragement and aid to the State of California and the counties immediately affected by the road, and obtained some assistance by guaranty of credit; but the work was too great for local enterprise. They applied to Congress, and, in cooperation with enterprising men of the East, secured legislation which enabled them to complete the work, realize the object of their ambition, lead the way to the Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 61 development of the empire of the West aud to the creation of a cordon of States from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The promoters of this great enterprise are all dead but one. Mr. 0. P. Huntington, the now president, who was vice-presi- dent and financial manager of the company from beginning- to end, is the only survivor. LELAND STANFORD was governor of California during the rebellion, and was counted one of the great war governors. He__ was the right man for the time and place, aud contributed largely in encouraging and maintaining loyalty to the Union and preserving peace and good order on the Pacific coast. "We knew Senator STANFORD here after his great labor had injured his health and deprived him of the physical vigor which had distinguished him as a man of great affairs ; but his judgment was unimpaired. His knowledge of business and of the legitimate functions of government made him a safe adviser and a useful and valuable member of this body. His kind heart, generous nature, and deep sympathy for the masses endeared him to every member of the Senate. No Senator who entered the Chamber was greeted more cordially or appre ciated more highly than Senator STANFORD during all the time he took part in the counsels of the Senate. Every suggestion he made, every speech he delivered, and every bill he intro duced had for its object the good of all the people, But it was as a private citizen that his desire to benefit his fellow-man was most conspicuously exemplified. Mrs. Stanford, who survives him, is also a conspicuous character. They had an only sou, a youth of great promise, around whom their hearts were entwined and in whom their hopes were centered. Some years ago he was taken from them. They were left childless, so far as their own blood and lineage were concerned; but they did not remain isolated from the world. They made, by adoption, the children of the people their own 62 Address of Mr. Stewart, of Nevada, on tkz children, aud dedicated their lives and fortune to the youth of their country, both those now living and those who come after us. They devoted their joint energies with renewed hope and vigor to the establishment of a university for the education of youth of both sexes in all branches of science, learning, and literature which contribute to the elevation of the race and to the development of the resources of nature from which the wants of man are supplied. Their devotion to this great object did not render them unmindful of the poor and unfortunate, and they lost no opportunity to confer unostentatious charity and relieve want to the extent of their power. Mrs. Stanford is left alone to carry out the grand enterprise which they jointly undertook some years ago, when it was agreed that the survivor, whichever it might be, on the death of the other, should continue during life to perform the work of both. Mrs. Stanford is now devoting her life to placing the Leland Stanford Junior University upon a firm and enduring basis. The death of her beloved son, in whose honor the university is named, and the loss of her husband and co worker, would discourage a woman of less faith and hope than she possesses. But the confident belief that her husband and son would approve of her good work gives her strength and courage which nothing else could bestow. During the long residence of Senator STANFORD in California as war governor, United States Senator, and private citizen he enjoyed the love and respect of the people. Bitter rivalries and political strifes, which are always attended with jealousies and heart-burnings, never broke the sympathetic chord which bound him to the people of California. But the respect, love, and affection which his good deeds inspired have at all times secured for him a warm place in the hearts of his fellow-men. The labors of Mrs. Stanford will be aided and assisted by the profound sympathy and kindly feelings not only of the people Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 63 of the Pacific coast, but also of all the people of our common country. The life of Senator STANFORD is not only valuable for the good he did while living, but the beneficial effects upon the present and coming generations of the example his life has furnished can not be overestimated. The lives of the great and good men who have preceded us shape and mold our destiny ; and as time rolls on those who now act well their part will also contribute to mold the character, shape the institutions, and improve the conditions of generations yet unborn. We can say of Senator STANFORD: "Well done, thou good and faith ful servant. You have contributed your full share to make others happier and better." We extend our heartfelt sym pathy to his sorrowing widow, who, while she mourns, has the consolation of knowing that the memory of her deceased husband is cherished and respected by all the people of the great country which he loved and served so well. ADDRESS OF MR. VEST, OF MISSOURI. Mr. PRESIDENT: I knew Governor STANFORD very well. He was chairman of the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, of which I have been a member since I came to the Senate. During the latter years of his life disease and grow ing infirmity brought him very close to the younger members of the committee. His personality was always exceedingly interesting and unique. He had a very peculiar mental organ ization. His mind seemed to work very slowly and with great deliberation, but it had that highest attribute of mentality, the power of analysis. I studied him from time to time with much interest and curiosity. The secret of his great success in life seemed to lie in his tenacity of purpose and inflexi- 64 Address of Mr, Vest, of Missouri, on the bility of opinion when once formed. It amounted almost to obstinacy. After once having come to a conclusion he adhered to it with almost fanatical devotion. He was further removed than any man I ever knew from agnosticism. He had no sort of sym pathy with the cowardly philosophy of the agnostic, which tries to solve the great problems of life and eternity by simply saying "I do not know." He was a Christian in the highest and best sense of the term. He believed in the religion of humanity, and trusted implicitly his welfare here and hereafter to the Sermon on the Mount. Teach me to feel another s woe, To hide the fault I see ; That mercy I to others show, That mercy show to rne. He brought the sunshine into thousands of darkened hearts and homes, for this was the inevitable result of the belief he had in the eternal truths of the Christian religion. In the latter part of his life he devoted all his energies to two great ideas. First, his system of currency and taxation based on real estate, with which I never had the slightest sympathy. Like the Senator from Virginia [Mr. DANIEL], I listened to him for hours upon this question and could not but admire his earnestness and force, but they never produced with me the slightest conviction. His other great idea, to which he devoted all his energies, was the founding of a vast educational institution. I shared for some time after I first became acquainted with him in the popular error that this was simply a sentiment allied with deep love for his dead boy in whose grave he had placed his heart. I found in conversation that I was mistaken. In speaking to me about this great university and explain ing its plans, he said that he had hesitated long between Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 65 devoting his fortune to a vast hospital or to a university; but that he had come to the conclusion that his duty was to endow this educational institution in the interest of humanity and of the American people, "for," he said, and it made a great impression upon me, "in a country with our autonomy and universal suffrage the safety of the Republic must rest upon the educated intelligence of the people." I called his atten tion at the time to the fact that in this he agreed with Mr. Jefferson, who, in one of his letters to a friend, explained that the crowning honor of his life and the crowning work of all his labors had been the founding of the University of Vir ginia, because, in almost the same language, he said "upon the educated intelligence of the American people must rest the hope of future generations." I had occasion in the same conversation to call Governor STANFORD S attention to this language and to the emphasis . which Jefferson gave in writing his own epitaph to his idea of the necessity of education for a republican people like ours. Jefferson had been a member of the house of burgesses of Virginia, governor of the Commonwealth, minister to France, Vice-President of the United States, twice elected President of the Republic, and yet in that epitaph upon the obelisk which he caused to be erected over his grave none of these titular honors are found. Here lies Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, of the statute of Virginia for religious freedom, and father of the Uni versity of Virginia. Ill his own estimation he crowned his long and illustrious career, as did LELAND STANFORD, with the erection of a university which should set free the imprisoned intellect held down by the iron band of poverty and circumstances. Mr. President, there are two incidents in the public career of Governor STANFORD that made upon me and others who sym- S. Mis. 122 5 66 Address of Mr. Vest, of Missouri, on the patbized with me a profound impression. As iny friend from Virginia has said, he was a great man, because that man is essentially great who can throw off the prejudices of education and locality and rise to the necessities of the race to which he belongs. One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. And a man who recognizes this has in him the elements of greatness. I trust that I infringe upon none of the proprieties of the occasion in alluding to these two incidents, well known to my brother Senators. Governor STANFORD first attained celebrity and a national reputation as the war governor of California. He was an intense Union man. He had not the slightest sympathy with what he called the crime of the rebellion. He knew little of the Southern people except historically. He did his duty faithfully to the cause to which his opinions and feelings brought him, and during the darkest hours of that cause. When the nomination of Lamar was sent to the Senate for associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States a determined effort was made to defeat it. Party lines were attempted to be drawn and sectional feeling was attempted to be aroused. Governor STANFORD, in a conversation with me, gave his reasons for favoring that confirmation. He said : "No man sympathized more sincerely than myself with the cause of the Union or deprecated more the course of the South. I would have given fortune and life to have defeated that cause. But the war has terminated, and what this country needs now is absolute and profound peace. Lamar was a representative Southern man and adhered to the convictions of his boyhood and manhood. I respect such a man. There can never be pacification in this country until these war memories are oblit erated by the action of the Executive and of Congress." Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 67 Again, wheii the force bill was pending and when the most determined efforts were made to draw him to the support of that measure, for the reasons which he had already given in regard to the Lamar nomination, he deliberately and positively opposed that measure upon the ground, as he stated to me, that its drastic operation would renew the bitterness of feeling in the Southern States which had existed during the war. But, Mr. President, as has been said here, it is not upon his public life or his business methods that the fame of Governor STANFORD will rest. It is upon that charity and kindliness, that philanthropy, which marked his career and caused him to dedicate his fortune to the interests of humanity, that his memory will go down to succeeding generations. His name will be remembered, not only upon the shores of the Pacific and in the canyons of the Sierras, but throughout the civilized world, when that of every other man in the Senate will have faded into oblivion. The world never forgets men who have illustrated the true and proper use of wealth, as he has done. Some years ago I listened to an eloquent lecturer who depicted a shipwreck, where the desperate swimmers went down battling with the eager waves that dragged them to death, and on the shore of the ocean stood a multimillion aire with a vast lumber yard, every plank in which was a life- preserver ; and yet he gave not one splinter, because he was not paid for it. The most despicable character that can be known or invented is that of a miser who clutches his gold because it is gold and hoards it from intense selfishness. But the man who considers himself a trustee of the bounty that God hath given him, who succors the poor, the needy, the dis tressed, typifies the omniscient mercy of that great Being who creates and guides all things. Governor STANFORD has erected before all the world a mag nificent mausoleum in the university founded by his wealth, 68 Address of Mr. Perkins, of California, on the but a more enduring monument is that of bis good deeds and kindly words. If every human being- to whom he had done a kindness could place one leaf upon his grave, he would sleep to-night beneath a mountain of foliage. ADDRESS OF MR, PERKINS, OF CALIFORNIA, Mr. PRESIDENT: In accordance with a time-honored custom in the Senate, it seems eminently proper that among my first utterances before this august body should be a memorial tribute to my distinguished predecessor, LELAND STANFORD, whose seat I am for the time called upon to occupy. For eight years past he represented the State of California in the highest councils of the nation, and on the 21st of last June, at his beautiful country home at Palo Alto, he peace fully passed to that bourne from which no traveler returns. The many eulogies which his death have called forth show what a large place he filled in the esteem and affection of his fellow-men, and make me painfully aware of my own inability to do justice to his merits as a man, his eminence as a citizen, his record as a philanthropist, and his illustrious services to his country and his kind. LELAND STANFORD was born on the 9th day of March, 1824, at Watervliet, Albany County, N. Y. He came of sturdy and honorable English ancestry, identified for two centuries with the best traditions of New England life. The father of Senator STANFORD removed early in the present century from Massachu setts to the State of New York and became a thrifty and highly respected farmer and successful railroad contractor. Amid the beautiful scenery of the Mohawk Valley, the robust and healthful associations of farm life, and such instruction as the neighbor ing schools afforded, the boy grew up strong in body, sound in Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 69 mind, loving nature, honoring manual labor, eager for practical information, and learning to master himself. He was early noted for his sterling good sense, his cheerfulness, and kindliness of heart. At 20 years of age he began the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1849. In the same year he sought the larger opportunities of the great West, removing to Port Wash ington, Wis., where he engaged in the practice of his profession. He returned to Albany in 1850 to be married to Miss Jane Lathrop, the daughter of a respected merchant of that city, a woman of a largeness of nature and generous impulses corre sponding with his own. Having thus assured his domestic hap piness, he returned to Port Washington with his young wife. Two years later he was overtaken by a calamity which even tually proved to be the turning point in his fortunes and led to the eventful and auspicious years that were to follow. A fire destroyed his law library and household effects and left the young couple to begin the world over again. This event con firmed his half formed inclination to remove to California, where his brothers had already established themselves. On the 12th of July, 1852, LELAND STANFORD stepped on the soil of the golden State to begin that career which, whether it be contemplated from the standpoint of business success, indus trial enterprise, patriotic service, or philanthropic devotion, is full of honorable testimony to his worth as a man and a citizen. After various attempts at mining and trading in the interior counties, Mr. STANFORD engaged in mercantile pursuits in Sacramento, in partnership with his brothers. In 1850 the firm removed to San Francisco, and speedily acquired a reputa tion for honorable dealing and sagacity ; and it was here that Mr. STANFORD laid the foundation of his financial prosperity. To this period is also to be ascribed Mr. STANFORD S first entry into political life. It was a time of intense agitation; questions of vital import to the nation and to humanity were 70 Address of Mr. Perkins, of California, on the being discussed in Congress and among the people; political parties were being formed and reformed. It was impossible for a man of patriotic and liberty-loving impulses not to be profoundly stirred by the issues and events that attended the birth of the Republican party at the outbreak of the civil war. Because of the larger mold in which he was cast LELAND STANFORD was naturally a leader of men. In 1857 he was the unsuccessful candidate of the party for State treasurer, and later received an unsought and uudesired nomination for governor. He first became prominent in national affairs when, in 1860, he attended as a delegate the Republican convention in Chicago which nominated Abraham Lincoln. He witnessed the inauguration of President Lincoln and for some time after remained in Washington, enjoying the confidence of the nation s chief, being his trusted adviser with regard to matters in California. In the meantime the awful struggle for union and liberty began, and the war cloud drifted slowly over to the Pacific coast. Mr. STANFORD returned to his adopted State to find it convulsed with the throes of anticipated civil conflict. The disunion element was large, well organized, and determined. The seductive vision of an independent Pacific republic was undermining the loyalty of many. % There was urgent need of prompt and efficient action on the part of patriotic citizens and believers in a United States. The events that followed are a matter of well-known history, a chapter in the political evolution of California to which its loyal people to-day point with justifiable pride. Suffice it to say that in the counsels and measures then taken to assure the safety of the Union LELAND STANFORD bore a conspicuous part. If Starr King was the eloquent voice of the Union sentiment and Gen. Sumner its strong sword arm, LELAND STANFORD was its faithful standard-bearer and efficient organ- Life and Character of Lei and Stanford. 71 izer for action* Out of the fusion of political elements in the white heat of that hour the Union party came forth with LELAND STANFORD as its candidate for governor. It swept the State with a great moral as well as political victory; and, as if to mark the people s confidence in Mr. STANFORD, he ran 6,000 votes ahead of his ticket. In the trying and difficult services that followed this popular confidence was vindicated. None could question his loyalty to the national idea, his courage and devotion to the best interests of the State. The partisan passions of that day have cooled, and the wisdom and patriotism of California s great war governor are universally appreciated. Not least among the laurels we lay upon his grave is the sor row of a State for a lost leader, for a wise executive, to whom it was so largely owing that no American Commonwealth was more loyal to the national idea than California, none responded more promptly to the appeals of the central Government or gave with more lavish and sympathetic bounty to the wounded and suffering soldier. The Loyal Legion of the United States utters the popular sentiment when, in a recent circular com memorating its deceased member, it declares: "His name will go down in history as the war governor of California, and that distinction was one of his proudest boasts." Believed from public duties at the end of his term, Mr. STAN FORD found awaiting him a task worthy of his large adminis trative and executive abilities the building of the Central Pacific Kailroad. More and more as the war progressed the unfortunate isolation of California from the rest of the country had become manifest. There was an increasing demand for improved means of communication between the new settle ments on the shores of the Pacific and the populous States of the East. A transcontinental railroad was needed to facilitate the rapid transportation of troops and war material to aid in 72 Address of Mr. Perkins, of California, on the holding in check the hostile Indian tribes of the far West, and to develop the possible resources of the vast region which stretched an almost unbroken wilderness from California to Nebraska. It was an undertaking of unparalleled magnitude and audacity, which seemed to antedate the requirements and resources of the country by half a century. The tremendous obstacles in the way of its successful accomplishment might well appall the most sanguine nature, and justified the want of confidence with which the scheme was received at home and the apathy it encountered abroad. The huge snow-clad chain of the Sierra Nevadas, whose towering steeps nowhere per mitted a thoroughfare at an elevation less than 7,000 feet above the sea, must be crossed; great deserts, waterless and roamed by savage tribes, must be made accessible; vast sums of money must be raised and national aid secured at a time in which the credit of the central Government had fallen so low that its bonds of guaranty to the undertaking sold for barely one-third their face value. To men with less foresight, courage, and resources of mind and will than Mr. STANFORD and his associates the carrying out of the scheme would have been impossible. There is no need to dwell upon the details of this great work of internal improvement. Mountains were leveled or surmounted, frightful precipices scaled, yawning chasms were bridged over or filled with lofty trestlework, the iron track was clamped on the freshly upturned soil at the rate of 530 miles in two hundred and ninety-three days. Kapid com munication between the East and the West was assured, and vast territories, including over one-half the domain of the United States, were redeemed to settlement, productivity, and civilization. Even now, while I am speaking, high up in the dome hall of this Capitol of the nation, the artist s hand is at work completing the group that encircles the rotunda, depict ing the principal events in the march of our country s prog- Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 73 ress. This closing link in the circle portrays the driving of the last spike of the first railroad that spans a continent and unites the Atlantic to the Pacific with bands of steel, and inspiring a nation with increased patriotism. It was an event ful day in the life of LELAND STANFORD, when, on May 10, 18G9, at Promontory Point, as president of the Central Pacific Kailway, he drove the last and silver spike that marked the successful completion of the work. There met the two indus trial armies, not for the clash of war, but to celebrate the benignant victories of peace, the triumphs of the human will and invention over physical barriers and rude nature s forces, the glorification of intelligent labor and cooperative industry. The picture of those two engineers, as they stood at the forefront of their locomotives and filled the gap between, with their outstretched hands clasped in fraternal greeting, will go down to posterity the symbol of a new era of human sympa thy between the Eastern and Western sections of our common country, the pledge of their eternal amity and indissoluble union. Mr. STANFORD S career after that crowning day was less laborious, but he continued to fill a large space in the annals of his time, and to devote himself with unwavering fidelity to the welfare of his country and his fellow-men. In 1885 he was elected United States Senator from California for the full term of six years, and reelected in 1891 for another term, which, alas ! he has not been permitted to complete. His career in the Senate is more familiar to his fellow Senators whom I am privileged to address than even to myself, his sorrowing friend and successor. Without any claims to the gifts of oratory, sadly handicapped by severe domestic affliction, and in later years by increasing bodily infirmities, his voice was less and less often heard in debate. His sphere of influence lay in the committee room, in his faithful vote for what he deemed wisest 74 Address of Mr. Perkins, of California, on the and best for his constituency and his country, in the weight attaching to his large experience and eminent public services, and his confidential relations with the executive branch of the Government. His party loyaltj was never doubted, even when he ventured to differ with it in matters of financial or political administration. His memory can not fail to be cher ished by all his colleagues who recall his genial, manly nature, who partook of his generous hospitality, or were honored by his friendship. Possessed of a colossal private fortune, surrounded with affectionate devotion in his home, enjoying the highest honors his State could confer upon him, with "troops of friends and the world s applause," surely no mortal could be more happily and enviably circumstanced. But in the inscrutable counsels of the Divine power which rules over the fortunes of mankind it was ordained that LELAND STANFORD, at the height of his prosperity, should know the deepest grief that can befall a man, and bear his full part of the world s common sorrow which afflicts the race. In 1884 the awful shadow of death fell upon the home of Senator STANFORD, and his only child, a youth remarkable for his personal attractiveness and lovable disposi tion and the rare promise of his mind and character, was sud denly stricken down in death. It was a terrible blow for the bereaved parents, and those who knew Senator STANFORD best tell us that he never recovered from it. It was, however, characteristic of the noble nature of the man that his profound disappointment and sorrow did not degenerate, as is so often the case, into a selfish withdrawal from the world, or harden his heart against his fellows. It rather intensified his sympa thy for all who suffered distress or need. This is touchingly expressed in what he said of the purpose of his great educa tional schemes: "The children of California shall be our chil dren." "It is our hope to found a university where all may Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 75 have a chauce to secure au education such as we intended our sou should have." In accordance with this generous intention, Senator STANFORD, together with his wife, the worthy confi dant of his purposes, conceived the noble plan of founding at his splendid seat at Palo Alto a great university of learning. This institution was to be both an enduring monument to the genius and virtues of his beloved son, who, indeed, had origin ally suggested such a disposition of much of his father s wealth ; it was also designed as an expression of human affection toward his fellow-men. The underlying principle of the Lelaiid Stanford Junior University is a union, so far as may be pos sible, of the classical and traditional methods of education with those new conceptions of the dignity of the mechanic arts, the importance of modern and physical science and man ual-labor training which are leading features in the education of our day. Senator STANFORD sought to combine in his new institution theoretical instruction with practical training, the study of the applied sciences and arts simultaneously with pure learning and the humanities. The consummation of this great scheme of benevolence Senator STANFORD did not defer till after his death, but rather became the executor of his own estate while living. He set about the work himself at once. On the 14th of November, 1885, the grant of endowment was publicly made by which his first gift of $5,000,000 was secured to the new institution. With characteristic energy the enter prise was forwarded. As by magic there arose in the lovely valley, sheltered by the green foothills of the Coast Eauge, the great stone quadrangles of the university. Already in the fall of 1891 the courses of instruction began. During the past two years nearly 1,500 eager students have made the lofty cloisters reverberate with the hum of their cheerful industry and the effervescence of their youthful spirits. The libra ries and the museums are filled with ardent seekers for the 76 Address of Mr, Perkins, of California, on the stored knowledge of the world, the laboratories and work shops resound with the clatter of machinery and the practice of the applied sciences and arts. Xot only from California and her sister States, but from eastern communities, from Mexico and the South American Eepublics, and from the isles and continents of the Pacific Ocean, the flow of students is steadily setting in, and the university seems destined to become a medium for uniting both Occident and Orient in the bonds of human culture and brotherhood. Senator STANFORD was spared to be present at two of the commencements of the school he had founded, the central object, with his honored wife, of the reverence and gratitude of the great assembly. The contemplation of the results of their public spirit and generosity and the affectionate homage they received from their fellow- men must have afforded them a most exalted form of pleasure and made their last days together on earth full of peace and blessing. Senator STANFORD appreciated fully that, to quote his own words, "A.u institution of learning, however broad its plans and noble its purposes, must be a growth and not a creation." He made no secret of his expectations, however, that in the course of time the income from his completed endowment would reach a million dollars annually, and suffice for the free instruction of ten thousand students. This would make it by far the largest gift ever made to science by an individual in human history. It will not be out of place, surely, for me to solicit the sym pathy and good will of Senators for the admirable lady who is charged with the sole and unrestricted responsibility of carry ing out this great scheme of human beneficence. My tribute would be sadly incomplete if it did not include in its brief survey some recognition of the private and personal worth of the man it commemorates. The strong will and con tinuity of purpose; the large, calm judgment; the statesman Life and Character of Lei and Stanford. 77 like sagacity and executive force of LELAND STANFORD have perhaps been sufficiently set forth in what others and I have already said concerning him. But there were gentler, more humane traits in him that well deserve to be remembered. In private intercourse he was genial and kindly and the soul of hospitality. His innate chivalry of nature was displayed in his polite deference to women and high considerations for them. He was a sincere believer in the political enfranchise ment as well as equal civil and business rights of women. His university at Palo Alto is open to both sexes alike. It is a crowning touch of this chivalric spirit that in all his public beneficence he linked his wife s name with his own, and, dying, left his vast fortune to her sole disposal. His quick sympathies were revealed not only by his loyal friend ship and numberless deeds of kindness, but in the love he bore the animal kingdom. On his great ranches thousands of noble horses found in him a gentle master. His great mastiffs at Palo Alto miss to-day the kindly touch of that master s hand. He loved the very trees at his country seat, and had them shore up the decayed and feeble limbs that threatened to fall. His earthly successes were due to many fortuitous circumstances in his career and character, but his victories over his fellow-men were won through the goodness of his heart. The self-sufficiency and cynicism which so often attend wealth and power he never knew. He always believed in human nature and trusted the people; for, as he said, "the majority of men desire to do right." Finally, sir, I may be permitted to say that all his moral nature was based on profound religious convictions. While making no ostentatious professions of religion, and not a member of any church, his mind, liberalized by the reading of modern science and philosophy, yejt clung to the primal truths of Christ s teaching God, virtue, and immortality. In the 78 Address of Mr. Perkins, of California. charter of the new university he prohibits sectarian instruc tion, but requires the teaching of "the immortality of the soul, the existence of an all- wise and beneficent Creator, and that obedience to His laws is the highest duty of man." After his son s death his thoughts turned with increasing solemnity to contemplate the vast issues of the eternal life. Like ancient Cato, as reported by Cicero, he might have said : Glorious clay, when I shall remove from this confused crowd to join the divine assembly of souls ! For I shall go not only to meet great men, but also my own son Cato. His spirit, looking back upon me, departed to that place whither he knew that I should soon come, and he has never deserted me. If I have borne his loss with courage, it is because I consoled myself with the thought that our separation would not be for long. In whichever of its many aspects we contemplate the life of LELAND STANFORD, as a successful and honorable merchant, as a great chief of industry, as a patriotic war governor, as a Senator of the United States, as a wise and generous phil anthropist, he reveals himself as a unique and commanding figure in our country s history and a noble type of American manhood. Peace to his ashes and honor to his memory ! Mr. President, as a mark of respect to the memory of LELAND STANFORD, who died while a Senator of the United States, I move that the Senate do now adjourn. The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 5 o clock and 25 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, Septem ber 18, 1893, at 12 o clock m. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MONDAY, February 12, 1894. Mr. LOUD. If there be no further business before the House, I ask unanimous consent that we now proceed with the special order. There was no objection, and it was so ordered. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the special order. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow the announce ment of the death of Hon. LELAND STANFORD, late a Senator from the State of California. Resolved, That the business of the House be now suspended in order that fitting tribute be paid to his memory. Resolved, That as an additional mark of respect the House, at the con clusion of the ceremonies, do adjourn. The resolutions were adopted unanimously. 79 EULOGIES. ADDRESS OF MR. TRACEY, OF NEW YORK, Mr. SPEAKER : Last September the members of the Senate of the United States gave expression to their feeling of pro found regret at the loss of their colleague, the Hon. LELAND STANFORD, and at the same time expressed in the strongest terms their admiration of his qualities as a statesman and his generosity as a man, and their high appreciation of the great services he had rendered to his adopted State of California as well as the nation at large. Gentlemen who will follow me on this occasion, and who were intimately acquainted with him in his lifetime, will further enlarge upon these admirable char acteristics of the lamented Senator. It is my intention not to make a formal address, but simply to call attention to the fact that the late Senator STANFORD was a native of the town of Wutervliet, in the county of Albany, the district which I have the honor to represent here. Although in early life he left the community in which lie had been born and went to the West, finally settling in the great Pacific State which he afterwards represented in the Senate, it was always a matter of special pride to the people of his native county that his career was so successful, and this pride was enhanced by the fact that, although his later home was in so distant a part of the Union, he never lost interest in his native place. From time to time he came to visit his birthplace, and upon those occasions that generosity which was so prominent a trait 80 Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 81 in his character was freely manifested for the relief of those who were iu distress, and when at last he was finally taken from us he remembered in the most munificent manner his kinspeople who still lived at the old home, and there, as well as elsewhere, institutions of benevolence and charity were made the benefi ciaries of his great prosperity. Mr. Speaker, I will not occupy further time now, but will give way to my colleagues who have prepared more formal eulogies. ADDRESS OF MR. HILBORN, OF CALIFORNIA. Mr. SPEAKER : The career of LELAND STANFORD illustrates the possibilities open to the American youth under our insti tutions. By his unaided exertions he was able to link his name inseparably with one of the greatest enterprises of modern times, to acquire fabulous wealth, to become governor of a sovereign State, a Senator of the United States, and the founder of an educational institution the scope of which has challenged the admiration of the world. His career was cer tainly one of the most remarkable and unique in our history. It was romance in real life. While the great railroad which spans this continent exists he will need no other monument; as long as the university which he founded continues to afford the youth of the country the facilities for education according to his magnificent plan, his name will not be forgotten. My intimate personal acquaintance with Senator STANFORD began with my Congressional service in the second session of the Fifty-second Congress. Up to that time I had known him only casually. The discharge of our official duties brought us much together, and our acquaintance ripened into a friend- S. Mis. 122 G 82 Address of Mr. Hilborn, of California, on the ship which is now to me a pleasant memory. He was a most agreeable companion and a model host. I found him always kindly and considerate of the feelings of others. He was entirely free from that offensive assertive- ness which is so often found among persons possessed of great wealth or who have long held positions of command. With strong convictions, he never offensively obtruded them upon others. I never heard LELAND STANFORD speak ill of any human being. His charity seemed to cover everybody. During the period mentioned his infirmities were so serious as to practically confine him to his home, but he lost none of his interest in public affairs, and it greatly pleased him to have the Kepresentatives from California meet under his roof to transact the business pertaining to his State, that he might lend a helping hand. And there I saw something of his charm ing home life. Between him and his estimable wife there was a manifest companionship of thought and action. The loss of their son seemed to have chastened their lives and raised them up to a higher plane from which they saw with a clearer vision their duties to mankind and to their God. No one could be insensible to the elevating influence of that house hold, and no one who has felt it can ever forget it. The portrait of their only son, who had passed away, was placed conspicuously in their favorite room and seemed to complete the family group. Certain it is that he was always present in their thoughts. While not a member of any church organization, LELAND STANFORD loved to talk on religious subjects. He firmly believed in the immortality of the soul and that spirits which were kindred here would be united beyond the grave. The momentous question which has been asked by sages and phi losophers over and over, as the ages have rolled by, "If a man die shall he live again?" he had answered, and in his mind Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 83 there remained no lingering doubt. He looked upon death with the eyes of a philosopher and without fear or dread. LELAND STANFORD was a notable man before he was rich. He had made for himself a name while he was yet compara tively poor. He was governor of a great State, one of the molders of the sentiment of its people in a great crisis, and a leader in his party before he had acquired great wealth. He was a marked man anywhere. Wherever he went his bearing challenged attention, suggested power, and commanded admiration. Physically he was a typical American strong, rugged, and indomitable. Like Saul, towering above his brethren, he filled the full measure of an ideal leader among the Argonauts of California. To be a leader among such men demanded extraordinary qualities. The Argonauts of California were the most superb body of men who ever founded a state. They were picked men selected i rom the whole world. When the news flashed over the civil ized world that there was a place called California, where the rivers were running down to the sea over a sheen of gold and the mountains were studded with the precious metal, there were men in all parts of the world adventurous spirits who at once resolved to go there. The question where this mysterious country was for it was not laid down on the maps or how they were to get there appalled them not. They knew it was somewhere on the face of the earth and man had been there, and that was enough for what man could do they could do. The men who made this resolve had courage, brains, health, and youth. There never was such an aggregation of humanity on the face of the earth as that which was gathered together around the Bay of San Francisco in 1848 and 1849, and there never will be again. The lame, the halt, and the blind were not there. They were young men with the world before them, full of hope and 84 Address of Mr. Hilborn, of California, on the ambition, and blessed with health, brains, and energy. These men have planted there a civilization which is unique and interesting. These were the men among whom LELAND STANFORD became a leader. Mr. STANFORD, with an innate love of liberty, a keen sense of justice, and a humanity which embraced the whole human family, naturally detested slavery, and long before the com mencement of the civil war we find him with that small but heroic band who formed the Republican party in California. It required courage then to be a Republican in that State. From the very birth of the party he was one of its leaders. In 1857 he was its candidate for State treasurer and in 1850 its candidate for governor. He was again candidate for gov ernor in 1861, and was elected, leading his ticket by about 6,000 votes. The war of the rebellion was then in progress and his position was a most trying one, but his administration was so wise and conservative that he deservedly took high rank among that glorious band of war governors whom Prov idence seemed to have raised up for the occasion. At the close of his term the legislature bestowed upon him the unusual compliment of a concurrent resolution passed by a unanimous vote of all parties, in which it was Resolved by the assembly (the senate concurring), That the thanks of the people of California are merited by and are hereby tendered to LKLAXD STAMFORD for the able, upright, and faithful manner in which he has dis charged the duties of governor of the State of California for the past two years. He declined a reelection that he might devote himself to the great work of his life the construction of the transconti nental railroad. To the statesmen and patriots of that period the building of a railroad across the continent was something more than a mere business enterprise it was part of a grand scheme to preserve the integrity of this Union. Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 85 The object to be accomplished by the construction of this road was to bind the East and the West together with bands of steel. Without that purpose it would not have been built at that time. The isolation of the States on the Pacific and their defenseless condition caused much solicitude during the war of the rebellion. They could only be reached by a cir cuitous ocean route. The patriotic purpose was to devise means to destroy this isolation, to make communication more direct and swift, and to bring that portion of our country in closer touch with the older States. During the civil war the gold of California was indispensa ble to meet our obligations abroad ; indeed it was the lifeblood of our credit. Yet the ships which bore this doubly precious treasure, more richly laden than the famous galleons of romance, ran the gauntlet of hostile cruisers which infested the two oceans they crossed. Arms and munitions of war for the protection of our citizens on the Western Slope could only reach them by a long voyage around the Horn. A railroad built on American soil from the Atlantic to the Pacific was as necessary as any military road constructed dur ing the war for the preservation of the Union ; and the same patriotic spirit which sanctioned the expenditure of money for the one prompted and promoted the construction of the other. The project of building a railroad which would cross two mountain ranges and a desert plain was a bold and audacious one, and would have appalled more timid men. But LELAND STANFORD and his associates grappled with the enterprise, bearing with patience the jeers of the multitude, and brought it to a successful conclusion. One strong characteristic of Senator STANFORD was his love for dumb animals, especially the horse. Lovers of that noble animal all over the world mourn his death. The last time I saw him alive was just before the final 86 Address of Mr, Hilborn, of California, on the adjournment of the Fifty -second Congress and the close of the Harrison administration. He was reminded that a matter of great importance to one of bis constituents Avas pending in one of the Departments which he had promised to attend to, but had not. It was one of the most inclement days of that mem orable winter. There was a blinding and violent snowstorm abroad. But without a moment s hesitation he ordered his car riage, went to the Department, and fulfilled his promise. No special obligation rested upon him to make this sacrifice, but a friend was sorely in need of assistance which he alone could give. The day of his funeral was a memorable one in the annals of our State. On that bright June day, under that soft Califor nia sky, in the lovely valley which he had chosen for his home, in sight of the already famous university which he had estab lished, we laid him to rest. No invitations were issued, no efforts were made to bring out a concourse of people, but the simple announcement that LELAND STANFORD was dead and that his funeral would take place on the 24th of June at Palo Alto brought together the most notable body of people ever assembled on such an occasion in California. From every part of the State came the men who had laid the foundation of our Commonwealth and assisted in making its history; men who projected the great enterprises for the devel opment of the State ; people interested in education, literature, and art were there; the pioneers of the Republican party were there; men who had grown gray in the service of the railroad company which he directed were there with tributes of affec tion; and thousands were there who mourned the death of a benefactor. Thus went to rest one of the most conspicuous men of our times merchant, governor, Senator, continental railway pioneer, and founder of a great university. Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 87 Whatever may have beeii his share of the weaknesses com mon to our human nature, they are lost sight of in the good he accomplished, the result of which will long survive him. ADDRESS OF MR. SIBLEY., OF PENNSYLVANIA. Mr. SPEAKER: For several years during the latter portion of his life I had the honor and the pleasure of the close personal friendship of Hon. LELAND STANFORD. Under the shade of a wide-spreading oak in a cloudless land, where nature seems to bestow her riches and rarest treasures in prodigal profusion, it was given me to listen to and learn from this truly marvelous man. Some similarity in tastes, a mutual love for the soil, its products, its capabilities for support of human life, a common admiration for the noblest of the animal kingdom, and the enthusiasm that pertains to one a genera tion younger, led him to recount to me his past, to speak freely of the present, and on rare occasions to explore the future. I never met this man for an hour that I did not have on part ing a higher appreciation of his wisdom, a greater respect for his opinions, a warmer admiration for his virtues, greater love for his nobility of character, and a truer sympathy with his aspirations. I shall not dwell upon his business career, but in passing recount one incident. Looking off to the great Sierra Nevada range rising to the heavens as a snow-white, impenetrable barrier, he told me the story of the building of the Central Pacific road over their might y summits. He told me how, with three other men, none of them rich, they would meet at night and talk about the necessity of something faster than a pony express from the Missouri River to the Pacific, and something pleasanter than a stage coach and emigrant trail j 88 Address of Mr. Sibley, of Pennsylvania, on the and then how these four men, whose total means were not adequate to build one single mile through some portions of the mountains, determined that they would start the road and demonstrate to the world the possibility of a railroad over the Sierras. Friends laughed at them, even jeered at them; entreated of them not to risk life s earnings in so haz ardous an enterprise. He told me of the trials and discour agements, and that for more than two years he did not know whether he was worth millions or poorer than a penniless beggar. But the work went on to completion, and what had been a dream yesterday was an accomplished fact to-day. The building of the Central Pacific Railroad gives the clue to the whole life of this man, whose projects were so grand as to inspire doubts, and yet when tested found so practical as to utterly dispel them. He had faith in himself, and, what is so often lacking in great minds, he had a most trustful faith in others. I shall not dwell upon his success in every field of human effort to which he brought his master mind, not among the least being his success in new lines of breeding and develop ing of the domesticated animals and his success in new fields of agricultural experiments. Rarely has keen business acumen been so closely woven in one life with generous impulse, ten der emotion, and broad human sympathy. One day at Palo Alto he showed me the beautiful park in the center of which had been started the foundations of a home for his only son, who had died some three years before. He told me of the boy s character and his ambitions for him ; and then we went together to the tomb of the boy, and he told amid tears and sobs how since the death of his son he had adopted and taken to his heart and love every friendless boy and girl in all the land; and that so far as his means afforded they should go to make the path of every such an one Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 89 smoother and brighter; and that with the increase in values of property given to the Leland Stanford Junior University he hoped that it would yet be able to feed, clothe, and edu cate all the poor but aspiring youth on the Pacific Slope. I shall not dwell upon his public and his private charities and the zeal with wliich his wife entered into every plan for the amelioration of the wretched ; of the founding of mission and orphan schools by Mrs. Stanford, and the great interest he always took in her work for their welfare. One little digression here in point. My partner and myself had purchased a young colt of him, for which we paid him $12,500. He took out his check book, drew two checks of $6,250 each, and sent them to two different city homes for friendless children, and, with a twinkle in his eye and broadly beaming benevolence in his features, said: "Electric Bell ought to make a great horse; he starts in making so many people happy in the very beginning of his life." I am not familiar with his early life, but know that in his latter years the aim and end of his existence was for the wel fare and happiness of others. The death of his son seemed to have changed the whole channel of human existence with him. It was the black frost which opened up the rough burr and showed the rich fruit within. Shall I say he failed to discern the good outside his own party? No; he ever placed patriotism above partyism ; public weal above personal advantage. He stood with the people in their demands for free silver coinage. He believed in America and her institutions, and during his last visit in the East stated his individual belief that within ten years, through the growth of the beet-sugar industry, America would produce more sugar than would be needed for her own people, and save to the nation in a single item more than one hundred millions annually. 90 Address of Mr. Sibley, of Pennsylvania, on the A man of such resources, understanding finance and know ing those who controlled the finances of the nation, lie was keenly alive to the dangers threatening the people. . He gave his best powers of thought to the evolution of a system which should emancipate the nation s producers from the slavery of universal debt and financial fetters. He saw that a nation s greatness rested not upon her strong towers, her mighty fortresses, frowning cannon, and enginery of war, but saw with keenest vision that the safety of the state lay in the prosperity of a free and contented people, whose strong right arms, hopeful hearts, and happy homes should ever prove the strongest bulwarks of liberty. The public press with a laugh and the aristocracy of finance with a jeer set the seal of disapproval upon his latest and mightiest conception for American progress and welfare. Mr. Speaker, I have stood among the majestic Alps before the break of day. The moon had long since sunk to rest and darkness shrouded earth with sable curtains so thick that all nature seemed wrapped in death s dark folds. Of a sudden, in the west, out of the blackness, appeared a glorious vision. The topmost peak of a majestic mountain had caught the first gleams of the god of day and wrapped its snowy head with a halo of golden glory. Though still dark in the valley, this towering peak was illumined. The light and glory still descended. The head of a companion peak was irradiated with another and marvelous transformation. Peak after peak, summit after summit, first the greater and then the less, caught the light until from the dark valley the whole range was so transplendent they seemed like long rows of white and glittering angel messengers with the halo of God s ineffable glory crowning their brows, proclaiming the birth of a new day. And soon the promise was fulfilled, even to those upon the plain. The highest peaks had caught but a trifie in Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 91 advance the warm kisses and golden promises of the full day. And so, Mr. Speaker, there are men who sometimes stand so high upon the mountains of truth that overlooking inter vening valleys, lesser altitudes, and minor ranges which obstruct the common vision, catch in advance of others the promise of the sun-crowned day. Shall we who stand in the valley doubt him who standeth on the hill ? Shall they who stand in the darkness doubt those whose faces have caught the light? Great minds have seen the promise of the brighter day to dawn. To some men it has been given to stand upon the Mount of Transfiguration, and there are those who would fain even build present tabernacles thereon. Such was our friend. He had risen out of the valley of self, and from his height, with clearness of perception, saw the coming of a new and brighter day. He spoke of a new light, and from his own form reflected its glory. Such earnest natures are the fiery pith, The concrete nucleus round which systems grow; Mass after mass becomes inspired therewith, And whirls impregnate with the central glow. Mr. Speaker, 1 have stood in earth s grandest cathedrals where sleep the mighty dead. In Westminster Abbey the ashes of Britain s warrior kings beneath the fretted tracery securely rest, moved not by the pealing tones or resounding echoes of the Minster organ, nor awakened by the harmony of the sweet-voiced choir. For their chiefest virtues one single slab of marble will suffice. Beneath the mighty dome of St. Paul s rests a Wellington, and as we view the spot where all held by earth remains no sighs escape, no tears fall. Upon the borders of the Seine, under the golden dome of the Chapel des Invalides, I have looked with others upon the porphyry and granite sarcophagus which hides the ashes of Xapoleon. 92 Address of Mr. Sibley, of Pennsylvania^ on the About the tomb are inscribed the names of his mightiest bat tles; captive flags droop from circling dome; thousands wend their way and shall to view the spot where sleeps world s wantonest warrior. You feel no tear drops start, no kindlier impulses waken, but you feel a vague, oppressive dread and awe. You view it as you might the ruins of some majestic heathen temple where bestial orgies or human sacrifice had long since held sway. . Leaving the East of the Old World and the New, in a sunny valley guarded by the peaks of the Sierra Madres and laved by the warm waters of the Pacific, stands a mausoleum which bears the name of STANFORD. It tells of no mighty battles wherein men gave their blood to glut ambition; it tells of no devastated nations; no divided families; no destroying conquests. It bears only three names the names of LELAND STANFORD, Leland Stanford, jr., and Jane E. Stanford. Two of the three have passed through its portal, and the other waits only to round out and perfect the work so happily begun by all. No noonday beat of drum, no pealing organ, no surpliced choir is heard. The footfall of the animals he loved in life, the carol of the birds, and the hum of happy industry alone awake the echoes. And yet this tomb stands upon consecrated ground; upon an estate dedicated to the happiness and welfare of American manhood and womanhood. No groined arches hide the sun by day or the stars by night, and yet, as I measure it, here reposes royalty in its long, last sleep. Truly, if there be any attributes of kingship which rule the realm of virtues, this man was most of all a king. He was born to conquer and to rule. His conquests cost no tears, made no slaves, marred no lands. He conquered the obstacles of nature, leveled mountains, filled valleys, annihilated distances, overcame time, watered deserts, and made them bloom. He conquered greed and sordid self and made all his own the portion of each aspiring youth of the Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 93 land. He conquered poverty and lack of opportunity for thousands living and thousands yet unborn. He saw in the form of every friendless boy a son, and learned to be the grandest ruler because he learned to rule his own spirit. Xear his tomb stands a nobler monument than yet has been erected to earth s heroes; a university so broad in its concep tions, so complete in its details, so strongly intrenched in all the provisions of endowment, so lovingly designed for human welfare, that it stands to-day alone and unique among the creations of man. You say he is dead, and I say he has just begun to live. Job says: There is hope of a tree if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof shall not cease. Though the root thereof wax old in the earth and the stock thereof die in the ground, yet through the scent of water it shall bud and bring forth boughs like a plant. Ah, sir, wh^n some men die they show such works founded that they have but set in motion the mighty mechanism of life. Scientists tell us that if we throw a pebble in the center of the ocean that not one atom of water in all the depths but shall be stirred, and that from the ocean to the river, from river to riv ulet and rill, even to every fountain source in all the world its influence shall pervade. And so with such a life thrown into the ocean of time its influence shall deepen and widen with each recurring cycle until it shall touch the immeasurable depths, reach the boundless shores of eternity, and rise to the very fountain head of God s ever-welling springs of love. Though the pitcher be broken and the water spilled upon the parched ground, yet the mysterious agency of the rays of the midday sun shall in the form of vapor draw it all again toward itself, and thus not lost but returning again to earth to bless the fields, fill the fountains, and cheer the heart of man. And so to me seems the life of such a man. Though we say dead and swallowed up in earth, yet the spirit drawn by the invisi- 94 Address of Mr. Sibley, of Pennsylvania, on the ble powers of Heaven ascends, and shall ascending and de scending, as the angels seen by Jacob in his glorious vision, ever return to bless, refilling the parched fountains of human existence through never-ending cycles. Mr. Speaker, no good life is ever swallowed up in death; tis merely mooring the storm-tossed craft in a harbor of refuge. To die is landing on some silent shore, Where billows never break nor tempests roar; Ere well we feel the friendly stroke, tis o er. And what is this that we term death! "Tis but a prolonged and unawakeued dream. Sleep and death are twin sister angels, refreshing from the cares and toils of earth. We sleep and dream. We close our eyes in sleep and death ; we exclude the tumult and noise of the day; we forget its sorrows, banish its petty ambitions, and divest ourselves of cankering cares. In sleep we dream, and only in our dreams do we meet our ideals of waking hours. In our dreams alone have we built grand castles, whose spires tower to the very heavens. In our dreams we have painted a world s masterpiece. In our dreams we have rivaled all of earth s artists; have sung a sweeter song than waking poet ever breathed. Twas in our dreams we touched the magic chord and reached the rapturous harmony of heaven. In our dreams we overcame wicked giants and destroyed devouring dragons. In our dreams, untrammeled by earthly fetters, the mind marched master of the realms of fancy and of thought. In our dreams all knotty problems found an easy solvent, and day doubts dispelled like vanishing mists. In our dreams our brother s faults were forgotten, and we saw alone his virtues, glorious and resplendent in all their beauty. In our dreams we were never beaten back, overthrown, nor recked the odds. In our dreams earth s cross became a crown ; unlimited and limitless the spirit soared, surmounted every height, overcame every obstacle, and when, as a prisoner who Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 95 has dreamed of home, friends, and liberty, came the rude awaking 1 , and we found the old surroundings and the usual daily burdens to be borne, who has not said that only when we slept we truly were awake to appreciate the harmonious grandeur of the universe and the majestic sweetness of exist ence? And so with death, the longer sleep, the final putting aside the clogs and fetters which contract our powers, stifle our emotions, and limit our happiness. Who would be awak ened from a blissful dream, and who exchange, once tasted, the supernal for the earthly joys? There is no Death ! What seems so is transition ; This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian, Whose portal we call Death. And so our friend has gone forth, not at the summons of a great destroyer, but to meet a great deliverer. He has exchanged disappointment for certainty, wishing for being, limitation for coinpletest freedom. He sweetly sleeps, the dream is all fruition, and knows what we term death is highest, truest life, which every perfect soul shall taste. We do not claim our friend a perfect man or a faultless one; but the massive granite covers and hides his every error, leaving the virtues free, boundless, and uncoverable. Death can only destroy and cover the useless and the bad. The man is like the diamond in the rough ; the gem is there, but its beauty is marred and hidden within the layers of baser earth; but death removes the earthly dross, sets free the matchless gem, exposes the hidden beauties, and reveals the marvelous reflecting power without one refracting ray. What man has not his faults, his human weaknesses, his earthly follies? Not one. But, sir, when debit and credit are 96 Address of Mr. Sibley, of Pennsylvania, on the summed up in the great book of life; when the evil and good are placed in the balances, held within the hands of infinite mercy and exactest justice; when the lofty aspirations and noble impulses, the warm human sympathies of such a life are set against its frailties and failures, its mistakes and errors, who among us that would not, confidently as a child the father, trust all to Him who knoweth and meteth to every man his own ? Mr. Speaker, LELAND STANFORD S tomb needs inscribed thereon no epitaph, for his shall remain written in the lives and hearts of present and future generations. In the fifteenth Psalm David wrote the description of a good man, a free version of which in closing I shall quote, as seeming singularly appropriate in its application to our departed friend : Lord, who s the happy man that may to thy blest courts repair, Not stranger-like to visit them, but to inhabit there? Tis he whose every thought and deed by rules of virtue moves, Whose generous tongue disdains to speak the thing his heart disproves. Who never did a slander forge his neighbor s fame to wound, Nor hearken to a false report by malice whispered round, Whom vice in all its pomp and power can treat with just neglect, And piety, though clothed in rags, religiously respect. Who to his plighted vows and trust has ever firmly stood, And though he promise to his loss he makes his promise good. Whose soul in usury disdains his treasure to employ, Whom no rewards can ever bribe the guiltless to destroy, The man who by this steady course has happiness insured, When earth s foundation shakes shall stand by Providence secured. Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 97 ADDRESS OF MR. BLAIR, OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Mr. SPEAKER: Senator STANFORD was a Colossus among men. He came to us from the Pacific shore and seemed to be of the greatness of the far Western world. No more impressive personality ever moved about the Halls of Congress than LELAND STANFORD, of California. The development of our Western coast was made by an order of men who, although they were born and nurtured among us of the East, yet took on a certain magnitude akin to grandeur in their presence which may have been derived from the vastness and tremendous scope of the deeds which they performed and their extraordinary natural surroundings. Some of them seem like the big trees which survive in their mountains. When Mr. STANFORD came to the Senate he was past middle age, but still vigorous and in the prime of his mental powers. His great wealth made him conspicuous in the minds of the people, but to those who came in contact with him there was no evidence in his bearing that he was himself conscious of its possession. I do not believe that he thought at all more highly of himself or valued other men the less on account of the possession or the want of money. No man was ever so little changed in his own nature by its influence. His soul was too large to be misled by any adventitious circumstance of life. His mental powers were very great. He was capable of grasping and of analyzing the most difficult problems that present themselves in human affairs, and naturally dwelt upon those which concern the fundamental interests of humanity. He was a great social philosopher, and few men had so pro foundly studied the questions which concern the general wel- S. Mis. 122 7 98 Address of Mr. Blair, of New Hampshire, on the fare of mankind. He had read much, but had thought more, and he had a native strength which made the thinking of others to him of small importance. What he concluded as the result of his own mental operations was likely to be right one of those men who can go anywhere alone. He knew intuitively the principles of things, and would sur prise you with wonderful flashes of light manifested in the simplest ways and on the most familiar and commonplace occa sions, and in entire unconsciousness that what he was saying might be worthy of note. His manner and forms of expres sion were brief and simple, his words most fit, and his mean ing always clear. He came to the Senate full of the wisdom of experience in dealing with great affairs. He was a lawyer, a business man, a statesman, a founder of one of our greatest Commonwealths; traveled, cultured, and accomplished ; one of the ripest and strongest men of action in that illustrious body. He was specially interested in promoting the welfare of the common people. Any measure which proposed to increase their happiness at once commanded his attention and support. The laboring man had no wiser or truer friend, and he gave himself to the advocacy of those lines of social and industrial reform which, in his judgment, combined conservatism with advancement, in that wise proportion which is essential to healthy growth and real improvement to society. He knew that the great processes of nature are mild and gradual as well as irresistible in their operation, and that they are irresistible because they are mild and gradual. He recognized the destructive power of the earthquake and of war, but he did not mistake them for primary causes. On the other hand, he comprehended that they are but secondary, being themselves consequences of the slow and silent pressure of the eternal nature of things, and but incidents in the long Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 99 train of continuous action whereby the ages accomplish real transitions. He had that largeness of view which comes from elevation, and, in a reverent sense, with him one day was as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. So he contemplated the condition of men as revealed in his tory and as he observed it under his own eye and experience in this and in other lands. Guided by an acute moral sense and controlled by warm and generous sympathies, the deduc tions of his intellect ripened into benevolent and comprehen sive action for the good of man upon a scale which for magni tude and prospective consequences is unsurpassed, if not unequaled, by the practical work accomplished in the whole history of the race by any other individual uninspired man. He clearly saw the possibilities in human nature and that we are yet in our infancy. The great elemental forces seemed to be revealed to him, and he comprehended what they could do with this mysterious creature compounded of the earth and the heavens of inani mate matter and the soul of God. He knew not all that we can be, but he saw that the possibilities are infinite, and that in this state of being it is within the scope of reasonable effort to so far regenerate and transform and elevate the condition of man that in this life even there would indeed be a new heaven and a new earth. His belief in the unseen and spiritual was rather in the nature of touch and vision than of deduction from reason. In fact, I think that our convictions of another life are weakened by speculation and philosophy. If one does not believe what his mother told him, and that rather because he feels it than because he can prove it, he has no faith. Trained in early life to the rigid creeds of the forefathers, he grew away from their harsher and nonessential features,. 100 Address of Mr. Blair, of New Hampshire, on the but never lost their essence, which is the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. To those who knew him intimately Mr. STANFORD seemed to live iii both worlds at once, and to be perfectly at home in either, so far as could be judged by one who could only asso ciate with him in this. But there was an advantage in his comprehension of the unseen, for it enabled him to fashion his great plans with a view to that other and higher state which to him was the unseen only in the sense that it is yet to come, and is rather a natural and necessary development than an abrupt translation to another and independent condition, and by no means necessarily disconnected from future life on the planet which is our present sphere of activity. In all his anticipations of good to come, the enfranchisement and elevation of woman to her proper and equal position with man in everything which concerns absolute freedom of soul and body was a primary condition. It is clear that he consid ered the mother of greater consequence in the evolution of a perfected race than the father, for to the influence of heredity she adds that of nurture and control in those early years which fix character and determine the course of life. In short, he summed up all in education; and so he built the great university. There it stands, overlooking the continent and the seas, and there it will live and shine, like the sun in the heavens, until time shall be no more. Mr. Speaker, I leave to others who have a right to perform it the loving duty of full tribute to his great life and superior worth. I loved him, and I believe that he loved me; but I well know that others have the superior responsibility of this occasion. He died and is buried. The companion who was his equal in life survives to mourn Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 101 his loss, aud alone to accomplish the great purposes which were no less hers than his. The line of the succession has failed in the earlier exit of that wonderful child whose death was the birth of the mighty monument to them all, which shall preserve their names in reverent and blessed memory forever. The sympathy of the whole nation is with this woman, who thus rises above the loss of all that woman loves, so that she may fortify and secure to humanity the full possession and fruition of the great work, to have accomplished which is more than to have founded a dynasty and to have built an empire upon the ruins of mankind. ADDRESS OF MR. WHEELER, OF ALABAMA. Mr. SPEAKER: On March 4, 1885, the most distinguished and noted men of our land were assembled in the Hall of the United States Senate. All eyes were turned toward the desk of the Vice-President as a handsome form ascended the steps, raised his hand, and took the Senator s oath of office. A well- poised head, an expression indicating firmness of character and intellectual power, showed the superior type of this calm, dignified man. It was the monarch of the great West LELAND STANFORD, of California. He was not a monarch by election, nor by appointment, nor did he become a monarch by hereditary descent; but by God-given and self-cultivated powers he rose superior to other men, as the lion becomes the monarch of wild beasts and the towering oak the monarch of the forest. Cicero and Byron were monarch of words; Alex ander, Charlemagne, and Napoleon were monarchs among warriors; and when LELAND STANFORD joined the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean by completing the great transcontinental highway, and more than any other man contributed to the 102 Address of Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, on the development of liis adopted State, the world hailed this great man as a monarch of material development. It was not his marvelous achievements alone that stamped him as great among men; it was not because of the golden aureole of success which crowned his life work, nor because he was the richest among his fellows, having many millions of money and vast corporations under his control. There was more than all these which caused the world to respect and esteem LELAND STANFORD ; it was because his was a noble, kingly spirit which rose superior to his possessions, vast as they were, and made them his servants in the development of far-reaching plans for the benefit of humanity. It was not the accidents of fortune nor the accumulation of wealth that marked him as a successful man, but the individual will and masterful mind which enabled him to soar above these acci dents and to realize his best ideas, where men of smaller mold would have bowed to circumstances and left their ideas to the realms of idle dreams. The career of LELAND STANFORD is an object lesson which should be carefully expounded to the youth of our laud; and it exemplifies perfectly the motto of his great university, whose declared object is " To qualify students for personal success and direct usefulness." According to this ideal, the personal success of the individual is to be gauged by his direct useful ness to humanity, not merely by the dollars and cents he may accumulate, though he be fifty times a millionaire. His vast wealth was an incident, not an object, in the life of Senator STANFORD, and he understood better than most men the fact that the possession of money is a responsibility intrusted to an individual for noble and unselfish ends. His donations to the Commonwealth he so ably represented and so much loved surpass in munificence any gift ever made by an individual for any purpose. Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 103 Senator STANFORD was the product of a farm home, the kind of home that has produced all our greatest and best men. The farm home is the best training school for boys, and the country school, though lacking the artificial conveniences of the more pretentious institutions of the cities, is calculated to develop individuality of mind and strength of character. The birthplace of Senator STANFORD was Watervliet, about 8 miles from the city of Albany. He was the fourth of seven brothers. His father, though a plain, unpretending farmer, was a public-spirited and enterprising man, taking a deep interest and a leading part in the development of his section and the establishment of railroads in his vicinity. He foresaw the possibilities of future development, but he little dreamed of the gigantic enterprises which would be successfully carried through by his young son. At the age of 18 young STANFORD cleared some land for his father, realizing some two thousand or three thousand dollars by the sale of the timber. This sum he ungrudgingly invested in the completion of his education, and applied himself to the study of law, realizing that personal success depends upon individual development. For four years he practiced law in an obscure Wisconsin town. In 1850 he married Miss Jane Lathrop, of Albany, and in her he found an ideal helpmeet and a congenial spirit. A woman of great intellectual power, one of the few capable of controlling the vast accumulations now thrust upon her. All who knew Senator and Mrs. STAN FORD can well appreciate the consolation felt by this great philanthropist in his last days to know that his loved wife would find her greatest happiness in continuing the grand and good works he inaugurated. In 1852 we went to California and took charge of a supply store for his brothers. Here he acquired an intimate acquaint ance with *he lives and characteristics of the miners and 104 Address of Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, on the pioneers in that part of the world. He soon became a leader in the community on account of his strict integrity and calm, dispassionate impartiality, as well as the geniality of his disposition, which always led him to take the part of the downtrodden and oppressed. He was chosen delegate to the Eepublican national convention of 1860, at Chicago, where his influence and power largely contributed to the nomination of Abraham Lincoln, and while in Washington during the early part of Mr. Lincoln s administration he was nominated and elected governor of the State of California. While occupying this position he cut down the State debt one-half, established the State Normal College, and assisted in inaugurating enter prises which have added very much to the progress and wealth of the entire Pacific Slope. He might have been reelected, but meanwhile he had com bined with a few other adventurous spirits in the gigantic enterprise of a transcontinental line of railway, and the suc cess of the undertaking demanded all the powers of his mind. He exercised a general supervision, attending principally to legislation, and was looked upon as the controlling influence in the corporation. The first appropriation bill for the Central Pacific Railroad was signed in 18G2. On May 20, 1869, LELAND STANFORD, as president of the company, drove the golden spike that marked the completion of the transcontinental line. Later he turned his attention to the agricultural development of California, and, having invested in lands to a very large extent, he organized the finest stock farms and vineyards in the world. Passionately fond of live stock, he conceived the idea of applying to the breeding of horses the same principles of development he advocated in other directions, and some of the horses reared upon his celebrated stock farm at Palo Alto are world renowned. The death of Leland Stanford, jr., his only and idolized Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 105 son, was a heart- crushing blow to his parents, who found a solace in their bereavement in the endowment and establish ment of the university which bears his name and which forms the grandest monument ever erected to a human being, aii institution more liberally endowed than any in the world, the income of which will in a tew years amount to many millions of dollars. Centuries will roll by, songs which tell of the glories of war riors and statesmen will be forgotten, monuments erected to their memories will crumble to dust ; but as long as the placid waters of the grand Pacific Ocean wash the golden shores of California the name of LELAND STANFORD will be remem bered, cherished, revered, and honored. While engaging in these mournful ceremonies the bells are -oiling the knell which announces to the world that another great and grand philanthropist, George W. Childs, has been called to the home of his Father in Heaven. In the dim recollection of the distant past I recall a child s prayer, much of which expresses yearnings which certainly found a place in the hearts of these two men. May it not have been that the good they have done was due to the teachings of a sainted mother, who during their tender and impressible years taught them to kneel by her side and utter words like these : Father, Divine! Feed my soul with the bread of Heaven. Give me to drink of the water of life that I may grow up in Thine image and become in thought, feeling, and action an expression of Thy will. Reveal in me day by day those truths which shall teach me to be light to the blind, strength to the feeble, and feet to the lame, and may Thy kingdom come in me, and Thy will be done through me, in the world, now and evermore. Certainly these men were "light to the blind," "strength to the feeble," and "feet to the lame," and how true it is that the good they accomplished was the will of God done through them. 106 Address of Mr. Pickler, of South Dakota, on the ADDRESS OF MR. PICKLER, OF SOUTH DAKOTA. Mr. SPEAKER: LELAND STANFORD, whose memory we to-day commemorate, will ever remain a remarkable character of the nineteenth century in American history. It would be very difficult to find a parallel in the life of any prominent American contemporary with him. He was an extraordinary man. His success in life may have been largely enhanced by his surroundings, but his success was in himself. No adverse environment would have pre vented him from attaining large successes where success was at all possible. Many men await opportunities ; he created them. A far greater number of men fail from neglect to embrace opportunities for advancement as they offer themselves than fail for want of opportunities. Senator STANFORD not only seized opportunities as they presented themselves, but possessed the much higher order of ability of reasoning from existing facts and their proper manipulation to great future results. His career from a New York farm to lawyer, to merchant on the opposite coast of the continent, to the governorship of a great Commonwealth, to the position of a great railway king, to the United States Sen ate, and to crown all these successes by his magnificent acts of philanthropy and kindly dealings with his fellow-men, write his fame large, his genius great, his success a wonder. His beginnings were not different from tens of thousands of Ameri can youths, but we may seek long to find his equal in the achievements of life which the better judgment of mankind calls great. With but a limited personal acquaintance with Senator STANFORD, I have for years found much in his history to admire. Life and Character of Le land Stanford, 107 As the years go by, whatever clusters around any portion of the history of Abraham Lincoln awakens a kindly interest in the breast of every true American citizen, and to have been a member of the convention which first placed him in nomination for the Presidency, as was the subject of these services, binds in pleasing association the memory of these two distinguished Americans. LELAND STANFORD was a patriot. He was the war gov ernor of California. His fame would have been secure had his career closed with that service. Whoever remembers the dark days of the civil war will readily call to mind the great anxiety of the North for the con tinued loyalty of that far-away isolated portion of the country, the Pacific coast. Few places of earth are to-day so far away from us in point of time as was at that period the Pacific coast from the busy and populated portion of the Union. This isolation and the lack of communication with the far West caused anxious thought in the North as to the character of the support that might be expected from that locality in upholding the Union cause. Moreover, from teachings and sentiments just pre vious to the beginning of the war of certain of her public men, there was ground for these fears. Mr. Elaine says of California and Oregon at this time: The loyal adherence of those States to the National Government was a profound disappointment to the Confederacy. Jefferson Davis had expected, with a confidence amounting to certainty, and lased, it is believed, on personal pledges, that the Pacific coast, if it did not actually join the South, would be disloyal to the Union, and would from its remoteness and its superlative importance require a large con tingent of the national forces to hold it in subjection. It was expected by the South that California and Oregon would give at least as much trouble as Kentucky and Missouri, and would thus indirectly but powerfully aid the Southern cause. 108 Address of Mr. Pickler^ of Soutn Dakota, on the The enthusiastic devotion which these distant States showed to the Union was therefore a surprise to the South and a most welcome relief to the National Government. The loyalty of the Pacific coast was in the hearts of the people. Mr. Speaker, it was aroused ard intensified by such men as Governor Downey, Governor Whittaker, Thomas Starr King, and LELAND STANFORD. And in the fall of 1861 the latter was elected governor of California, and from this time forward Governor STANFORD takes place in American history with that illustrious company of distinguished men, the war governors of the loyal States of the North. Eminent in intellect and patriotic in duty, they were espe cially adapted to the great duty imposed upon them. And, Mr. Speaker, the great work of these men, the support they afforded the President, and how much the salvation of the Union depended upon their services will never be known by a loyal people until fuller histories than have yet appeared shall be written of John A. Andrew, of Massachusetts; Israel Wash- burn, of Maine; William A. Buckingham, of Connecticut; Wil liam Sprague, of Rhode Island; Nathaniel S. Berry, of New Hampshire; Erastus Fairchild, of Vermont; Edwin D.Morgan, of New York; Andrew G. Curtin, of Pennsylvania; Charles Olden, of New Jersey ; Oliver P. Morton, of Indiana; Samuel J. Kirk wood, of Iowa; William Deunison,of Ohio; Richard Yates, of Illinois ; Austin Blair, of Michigan ; Alexander W r . Randall, of Wisconsin; Alexander Ramsey, of Minnesota, and LELAND STANFORD, of California. These will ever be known as the war governors of that great struggle. As one of the leading spirits and prime movers in initiating andbuilding the greatCentral Pacific Rail way, Mr. STANFORD S wonderful ability impresses all. To the business world he will probably be best known as president of this railway company. Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 109 It may be said that the times for building this road were propitious 5 that it was regarded of the greatest importance to the nation that this line of communication should be estab lished. Grant all this; yet when the stupendous magnitude of the undertaking is considered, the great mountain barriers and trackless wastes to be traversed, the inconceivable amount of money required, the care, trouble, and anxiety connected with every branch of the enterprise, when all these are considered the mind of the ordinary man is appalled and he can but marvel at the enterprise. In the beautiful Lafayette Park of St. Louis stands the statue of Thomas H. Beuton, the veteran Senator of Missouri, the workmanship of the distinguished artist, Harriet Hosrner. It represents the old Senator addressing the United States Senate on his pet scheme, the building of a Pacific railroad. The artist represents the old Senator gazing and pointing out across the continent westward, while on the die of the ped estal below appears the inscription, "There is the East; there is India." Men said that the old Senator was visionary to talk of build ing a Pacific railroad, but we know that in the presence of the governors of four States and Territories, on the heights of the great Western mountains, twenty-five years ago, LELAND STANFORD, president of the Central Pacific Railway Company, drove the golden spike that completed this great iron high way across the continent, that united the Orient and the Occident, and opened up the first great transcontinental railway in this country over which the world s great commerce of the East and the world s great commerce of the West might have a safe and rapid transit. Governor STANFORD acquired much of his princely fortune in the building of this road; certainly his efforts therein deserved a rich reward. 110 Address of Mr. Pickler, of South Dakota, on the To be chosen a member of the American Senate is one of the highest political honors the world affords, and one that can come to but few men, and Governor STANFORD S election and reelection to this exalted position is only further proof of his never-failing certainty of accomplishing whatever he with determination willed to do. No man, however, endowed with Senator STANFORD S admir able characteristics and traits of character could remain a mediocre. Cheerful, kind-hearted, generous, energetic, persevering, self- reliant, determined, unbending will, unswerving devotion to a cause, with physical endurance and superior judgment and good sense, nature lavished upon him superb equipment. More than all these, he was of high moral character, an attribute without which no man ever attains true success. Senator STANFORD was a natural leader of men. Men relied upon his judgment and heeded his words. Shortly after entering Congress at a meeting of Western Senators and Representatives held to consider the best means of promoting the interests of their locality in Congress, I was much impressed with Senator STANFORD S power to impress men. He was quiet, seemingly reserved, until there had been quite a general expression of opinion, when in a gentle but expres sive manner he considered the questions discussed, presenting his opinions in a calm and dignified way, and with a cogent reasoning that carried conviction as to the soundness of his position. In my estimation the brightest star in the crown of Senator STANFORD S virtues will be his general kindly regard for his fellow-men, with ever a sensitive and attentive ear to all requests or petitions of servants, employes, or fellow-citizens, and disposition to grant requests and help when worthy causes were presented. He loved man because he was brother man. Life and Character of Le land Stanford. Ill His faith was the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Cordially, sincerely, he indorsed the sentiment of Eobert Burns : What tho on hamely fare we dine, Wear hodden-grey and a that ; Gie fools their silks and knaves their wine, A man s a man for a that. For a that, and a that, Their tinsel show, and a that ; The honest man, tho e er sae poor, Is king o men for a that. Added to his own powers, he to whose life and services we to-day pay homage, from his young manhood through life and to the end, had the love, counsel, and advice of a talented, noble, and true wife. A woman of true nobility of character, she was the worthy companion of the great man whose cares, anxieties, and suc cesses she so ardently shared. Ever was it truly said of her, "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her." What a true wife contributes to the successes of a husband will be known only when the records of Heaven are spread before the eyes of the redeemed. Her kindness to all and generosity of heart kept even pace with these attributes of her husband. Her large contributions as the chief promoter of the free kindergarten in San Francisco are known of the whole coun try ; the generous Lady Bountiful of this institution as por trayed in Patsy, that admirable story of Kate Douglas Wiggin, so rich in pathos and humor. In no other school in this broad land are children of foreign birth and language taken and freely taught the language and customs of their adopted country. In a book older than Patsy, an appreciative people will note 112 Address of Mr. Pickler, of South Dakota, on the a true characterization of Mrs. Jaiie E. Stanford in the old and familiar words: " She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. " The overwhelming sorrow of Senator and Mrs. STANFORD was the death of Leland Stanford, jr. An only child, a beloved boy, the idol of these parental hearts, was called away. How strange the dispensations of Providence ! Around this son were anchored all earthly hopes and ambi tions of the parents. The death of the boy determined the philanthropic channel in which should flow the great wealth of the tender-hearted parents in the establishment of Lelaiid Stanford Junior Uni versity at the Palo Alto home in California. Its history, its founding, its design, are household words in the nation, being the crowning act of these two great philan thropists, bestowing their great wealth in the erection of a lasting monument to the son s memory, coupled with their genuine love of mankind, in assisting young men and young women of this and other lands in procuring a higher education and equipping themselves practically for the battle of life an institution which in all human probability will endure for centuries, and whose benign influence will be world-wide in its application. In the language of the founders of the institution, they assert: u lt is our hope to found a university where all may have a chance to secure an education such as we intended our son should have," and with the sanctifying influences of the sorrow for the son. their affection enlarging and reaching out tenderly to humanity, they exclaim: "The children of Cali fornia shall be our children. Those who know Mrs. Stanford best do not question her ability to continue the work, and with a fidelity to the trust Life and Character of Lela nd Sta nford. 113 imposed upon her by her husband and a love for the institu tion coequal with his the development of the university must be the realization of the fondest hopes of both. And in the years to come from one class to another of the university will be transmitted the story of the lives of the founders, their successes, their kindliness, their great wealth, their generosity, their devout lives, the death of the son, the great sorrow, and the founding of the university. The romantic and heroic days of the early Californians and their struggles, the life of the early merchant, the governor ship, the transcontinental railway king, the United States Senator, and the founding of the university will enter into the intensely interesting story of the institution. In gentleness will be recounted the love of these parents for the son whose name the university bears, that in the Stanford mansion in the years after his death his room was ever kept ready and in waiting for him, and at nightfall the lamp was dimly lighted and bedclothes turned down with loving hands, as if awaiting his expected coming. The father has joined the son; the mother lingers to com plete the work. ADDRESS OF MR. BOWERS, OF CALIFORNIA. Mr. SPEAKER: Knowing that many members desired to address the House to-day, I had thought I would keep silent, but find that I am unwilling to let the occasion pass without adding iny humble tribute to the memory of the man whose name is so honorably and inseparably connected with the his tory and fame of California. Twenty years ago this winter I first made the personal acquaintance of LELAND STANFORD. At that time he was president of the Central Pacific Railroad Company and I was S. Mis. 122 s 114 Address of Mr. Bowers, of California, on the a member of the California legislature. That winter a tierce political eruption culminated and subsided. Skillful politicians invented and engineered to a success a scheme to make the then governor of the State a United States Senator. In furtherance of this scheme strong appeals were made to the prejudices of the people, with, it must be admitted, many grounds for complaint. Political parties were for the time dis organized, apparently disbanded. The people almost en masse were arrayed against the railroad company, and its president and all connected with it were denounced in unmeasured terms as enemies of the State, and every member and Senator who refused to vote for the independent candidate for United States Senator was stigmatized as a tool of the railroad company. At that time the section of the State in which I resided had no railroads. It was not, therefore, for our interests to fight rail roads. We were very desirous of acquiring a railroad, and were using every endeavor to induce railroad builders to come our way. I was therefore a railroad man, and it was at this time I made the acquaintance of this strong 1 , genial man, an acquaintance, and I may say a friendship, which was main tained up to the time of his death. The election over, the whole design and purpose of the great uprising of the people being accomplished, the Independent party disappeared, resolved into its original elements, and in a comparatively short time thereafter I saw these, same people gathered in the legislative hall electing the man they had so bitterly denounced, this president of the Central Pacific Kail- road Company, to the highest office in their gift, that of United States Senator, and at the expiration of his first term reelecting him without protest. Such are the changes brought by the whirligig of time. I do not at this time intend to recapitulate the incidents of a life that are familiar not alone to all Californians, but to most Life and Character of Lei and Stanford, 1 15 of the people of the United States, and, indeed, to the world. I will only say here that after the passions engendered by bitter political struggles have passed away, or have been softened by time, the people of California find that they are proud of and honor the memory of their railroad builder, their governor, their United States Senator, and founder of their great univer sity, LELAND STANFORD. Oidy a man of much more than ordinary ability, only a true man, only a good man could have so won the hearts of the people of California; so they honor his memory as a man sub ject to the passions, the temptations, and the limitations of a man ; but through all these, above all these, they now know his heart and purpose was right and noble all the time. And this purpose is well expressed in the following lines taken from the Sequoia, the university paper: Since we last met uiider the arches of the quadrangle we have lost oue whose name will ever be held in tender remembrance, not only by every student of Leland Stanford Junior University, but by every friend of educa tion. N y one but those who have felt the divine thirst for knowledge cau know what Senator STANFORD S life has meant to those of us whose educa tion has been a possibility only through his benefaction. For weeks the press of the nation has been busy recording again the story of his life. We can say nothing of him that has not been better said. His work is written in the history of hiscountry. His monuments are many, hut the most endur ing will be the lives of future generations, the achievement of whose highest possibilities will be a lasting memorial to his name. The best expression we can make of our sorrow for his death, of our tender recollection of his son, and of our sympathy for his widow, is an active interest in furthering their dearest wishes, as far as in us lies, in the elevation of our race. But, Mr. Speaker, one is living who shares with the dead in this loving memory, and so long as the memory of LELAND STANFORD shall be cherished in the hearts of the people of California so long will they honor the estimable woman who through all his active life was his helpmeet, sharing in all his struggles, disappointments, and triumphs, and now the 116 Address of Mr, Wise, of Virginia, on the almoner of his bounties and benefactions, devoting her life to completing his work their work and securing its blessings to all the people. I speak of his noble wife, Mrs. Stanford. Honored and loved in her life, when she shall be laid to rest by his side her name shall live with his, and so long as the remembrance of good and great deeds shall be cherished by mankind will the names of these two remain a sweet memory. ADDRESS OF MR. WISE, OF VIRGINIA. Mr. SPEAKER: In the death of LELAND STANFORD Cali fornia lost an honored and useful Senator, the country a dis tinguished and patriotic citizen, and humanity a generous benefactor. An impartial view of his career from the cradle to the grave leads to the conclusion that he was a man of uncommon intellectual vigor and indomitable energy. In the contemplation of his achievements the wonder grows that he was able to accomplish so much. Starting without the aid of influential friends or inherited wealth he carved his way to fortune and fame. In the story of his life the ambitious and aspiring youth of our country will find encouragement and inspiration. Having received such education and training as could be acquired in the common schools of his native county, he entered upon the study of the law in the city of Albany, and continued in the preparation for the duties of that profession until he went, in 1848, to Port Washington, Wis., to begin its practice. Little can be said of his career as a lawyer, because its duration was limited by the happening of an event which caused the abandonment of all aspirations in that direction and the change of the current of his life. The destruction by fire of his library and nearly all his goods turned his eyes to Life and Character of Le land Stanford, 117 that splendid Commonwealth on the Pacific with which his name is so intimately associated in history. From the ashes of that calamity he rose in splendor and strength. He was married to Miss Lathrop in Albany in 1850, and in 1852 became a citizen of California. The slow and irksome ways of professional life were abandoned to engage in more remunerative employment. The times, circumstances, and events were auspicious, and the conditions favorable for undertaking and conducting large enterprises to successful terminations. California had recently been admitted into the sisterhood of States, and was being rapidly peopled by hardy and adventurous immigrants, attracted by the descriptions of its glorious climate and rich sources of wealth. Bayard Taylor spoke of this State as The youngest, fairest far of which our world c;iu boast. In the years succeeding the foundation of the Commonwealth LELAND STANFORD bore a conspicuous part, both in political movements and industrial developments. Among such men as composed the early settlers of California force and character were necessary to the attainment of success. Having the qualities which fitted him for direction amid such conditions as prevailed in the new State, he forged to the front and became a leader. I will not say that lie made the opportunities for the acquire ment of wealth and distinction, but he had the wisdom and courage to seize those which he found. It was by his partici pation in the construction of a transcontinental railway that he acquired the greater part of his riches. He was the prime mover in this grand enterprise. The idea of connecting and binding together the two oceans with bands of steel did not originate with him. It had been entertained even before the cession of the Golden State by Mexico, and after that event the subject received some attention in the American Congress. 118 Address of Mr, Wise, of Virginia, on the The advantages to flow from the completion of that great proj ect were apparent to others long before he became an actor in the busy scenes of life. As far back as 1832 its accom plishment became the object of the anxious thought of Hart- well Carver, of New York. This gentleman spent many long and anxious years and many thousands of dollars in efforts to promote the scheme, but the times were not ripe for the reali zation of this bright dream. The stirring events which culminated in civil war impressed upon the nation the supreme importance of rapid communica tion between the Atlantic and Pacific. The difficulties were great, and to many seemed insurmountable, but the necessity for action produced the firm resolve to overcome all obstacles. A long and trackless desert was to be traversed, and the snow capped Sierra stood there like a grim sentinel to prevent the passage. This would have seemed an impossible task to any but the resolute men who undertook its performance. His account of the beginning of the enterprise is interesting, and I will give it in his own language: In the year 1860, before Congress had passed any act looking to the con struction of a transcontinental railroad, a few gentlemen living in Cali fornia met together, and as a result of their meeting concluded to have preliminary surveys made over the Sierra Nevada Mountains, to see if it were possible to build a railroad across them. Civil engineers had declared that it was not practicable to build a road over these mountains. The result of that exploration was that a road could be built, and we finally organized a company in 1861 having that object in view. Mr. Judah was the engineer upon whose advice they de pended in reaching their determination. The leaders in this great movement were LELAND STANFORD, Collis P. Hunting- ton, Charles Crocker, and Mark Hopkins. To them is chiefly due the credit for the success with which it was crowned. LELAND STANFORD turned the first spadeful of dirt in this work on the 22d day of February, 1803, and its completion I Life and Character of Leland Stanford. 119 was announced at Promontory on May 10, 1809, by his driving a golden spike with a silver hammer. Notwithstanding his connection with the construction of the Central Pacific Rail way and other large enterprises, he found time for attention to affairs of state and participation in political contests. He was elected governor of California in 18G1, and served in that position for the period of two years, when he declined to be a candidate for a second term. Xo greater praise could be bestowed upon him as governor of his imperial State than is found in the recital of the fact that the representatives of both parties in the legislature united in commending his administration as honest, able, and upright. In 1885 he was elected to the Senate of the United States and continued a member of that body until his death in June, 1893. It is too early to speak at length of his career in that exalted position. It is enough to say that he was regarded as a strong and force ful Senator, true to all the high trusts committed to his keep ing, and ever faithful in the discharge of all his duties. While he did not appear often in debate, he was an impres sive speaker, being always earnest, clear, and direct in the presentation of his views. The chief glory of his life was in the establishment and munificent endowment of that splendid seat of learning which bears the name of the beloved son who preceded him to the undiscovered country beyond the grave. In the institution of this university for the intellectual, moral, and physical development and training of the youth of our country, he displayed that broad conception of the value and importance of education which commands our highest admira tion. That noble woman, who was the tender and devoted partner of his bosom, and who shared his joys and sorrows, his triumphs and defeats, joined in this magnificent work, and upon her devolves the sacred duty of carrying it into execu tion. 120 Address of Mr. Loud, of California, on the In the following simple words spoken to a friend is disclosed the inspiration of their generous and noble benefaction : "We are happy in our work. We do not feel that we are making great sacrifices. We feel that we are working with and for the Almighty Providence." The man whose deeds have their foundation in such elevated sentiments must be regarded as a model worthy of imitation. He did not use power for selfish gratification, but rightly considered that it imposed upon him greater responsibility. LELAND STANFORD was a broad-gauged, liberal, and patri otic citizen, whose name and fame are dear to his countrymen. ADDRESS OF MR. LOUD, OF CALIFORNIA. Mr. SPEAKER: My personal acquaintance with Governor STANFORD (for by that title he has been familiarly and, I might add, affectionately known in California) was limited to the ordinary business and social courtesies that usually prevail between members from the same State; but no man who has resided upon the Pacific Slope can help but feel that he has known him intimately and well always. His close identifica tion with the interests and prosperity of the coast, his early and prominent w r ork in the ranks of the then struggling Re publican party marked him as a fearless leader of independent thought and fearless men. Early in life was demonstrated that prominent trait of character which was closely adhered to until the end, and it can be truthfully said that whatever he believed to be right he never feared to do. In many respects he was a benefactor of the human race. His affiliation with the Free Soil and Republican parties clearly showed that he loved justice, freedom, and mankind more than the plaudits of liis fellow-men, for in those days to be a Republican was to Life and Character of Le land Stanford. 121 suffer the scoffs and scorn of the large majority of oar Western society. LELAND STANFORD was not a perfect man. That work seems beyond the power, wisdom, or at least the desire of the Almighty to create; but in many of the qualities which go to make the man he surpassed the large majority of mankind. While he created and acquired a great fortune, he never used the vast means at his command to oppress those who had helped create that wealth. He never sought his fellow-man as his prey. The man who held the throttle of the locomotive; he who handled the train, worked the brake, laid the rail, or shoveled the sand was his comrade, friend, and equal. His life, as I have observed it, was one of tender, thoughtful com passion for the man less fortunate in life than himself. Those who have associated with him for many years ; those who have been in his employ had at his hands always received courteous treatment, a patient hearing, the result of which was not alone a word of cheer, but substantial relief. If a wrong had been done, it was quickly remedied upon the lines of justice, equity, and generosity. No employe of his had ever been denied the sacred right of petition and, higher and above all, redress. The events of his life, from the farm on which he was born, through early struggles to the splendors of worldly success, have been portrayed, and I will not dwell upon them. Suffice it to say that he was reared in the school of hardship and struggle in which is created the incentive to aspire. The exercise of his youth was but an incentive to conquer, and he went forth well armed and equipped to meet the battle of life. So well fitted was he to march in the very front of conquest that he early in life sought the van of civilization in the far West, and it was in that field, at a time when the Argo nauts looked for manhood and stability of character, regard less of what his antecedents and early traditions may have 122 Address of Mr, Loud, of California, on the been, that lie was early marked as a leader of thought, action, and men. I can not better illustrate the conditions by which he was surrounded than by reciting a short sketch of his early life from the pen of his old associate, Capt. X. T. Smith : At this early day, both at Cold Springs and at Michigan Bluff, Governor STANFORD, in an unusual degree commanded the respect of the heteroge neous lot of men who composed the mining classes, and was frequently referred to by them as a sort of an arbitrator in settling their disputes for them. While at Michigan Bluffs he was elected a justice of the peace, which office was the court before which all disputes and contentions of the miners and their claims were settled. It is a singular fact, with all the questions that came before him for settlement, not one of them was appealed to a higher court. LELAND STANFORD was at this time just ;is gentle in his manner and as cordial and respectful to all as in his later years. Yet he was possessed of a courage which, when tested, as occasion sometimes required, satis fied the rough element that lie was a man who was not to be imposed upon. His principle seemed to be to stand up for the right at all times. This was so well recognized by all with whom he came in contact that when act ing as an arbitrator his decisions were seldom questioned. In these early California!! days, especially in the mining districts, there was nothing to restrain men in the exercise of their natural impulses and from following out the instincts of their natures. There was no society and but little restraint upon the individual. Yet at this time, as I have indicated, Mr. STANFORD exhibited the same gentle instincts which char acterized Ins after life. He never indulged in profanity or coarse words of any kind, and was as considerate in his conduct when holding intercourse with the rough element as though in the midst of the highest refinement. This was particularly noticeable to all who met him. He was the first Republican in the State of California to be elected to a State office, and filled the office of governor for the two years of 1861- 63, at which period the passions of men were incited to the highest point; reason had almost aban doned even the most conservative men; friends and families were divided upon the great question of a united country; bloodshed ami riot had been no uncommon event, and was Life and Character of Lc land Stanford. 123 still threatened in almost every hamlet; but his administration was conducted in such a firm, just, and honest manner as to dis arm and quiet his adversaries. At the same time he merited and received the approbation of all Union-loving men, and even the admiration of the rebel and Southern element, then proportionately so numerous all over the State. This respect and admiration he held to the day of his death, and probably no man in the State numbered among his friends so many of the late secession element as the governor. He was at that period what you found him here. While a firm believer in the perpetuity of this country as a strong, united nation, he understood human nature and the motives that control men. Knowing they had been driven into the course they followed, from environment, education, and association, he well knew that the latent good sense and patri otism of the American in them would, under favorable con ditions, assert itself. He discussed issues calmly with men, never governed by passion or prejudice. These great quali ties were the marked characteristics of the man, which stamped him as one high in the esteem of all with whom he came in contact. I have said before that Senator STANFORD was not a perfect man, but a man of whom it can truthfully be said: He was of great benefit to mankind. At this hour some see him as one who had been at the focus of adverse criticism for a quarter of a century, but to those who have known him is now clear the thought, as it will be in history to come, that LELAND STANFORD was in more respects than falls to the lot of ordinary mortals a great and good man a benefactor of the human race. There is nothing more beautiful in life than our custom of strewing flowers on the graves of the dead, and no words are better uttered than those that speak well of them. Some of our associates on this floor have regarded as futile our prac- 124 Address of Mr. Loud, of California, on the tice of meeting in solemn conclave to pay a tribute of respect and affection to the departed; yet their words were lightly spoken, Mr. Speaker, and did not spring from their hearts; for I have seen these same Kepresentatives, sitting with bowed heads and tear-bedimmed eyes; have heard them utter such words as the eloquence of death only can inspire. So, there is not one among us here to-day who in his heart begrudges the time spent in doing reverence to the dead; for soon conies the reflection that some other among us, even in the twinkling of an eye, may pass out into the great unknown. Mr. Speaker, there is little that I can say of Mr. STANFORD S life that is not familiar to you all. From one ocean to the other he was known by the people only as a man who had amassed great wealth; yet by those of us who knew him well he was admired, respected, and loved for qualities of both mind and heart; and God s poor among us remember him best of all. As one of his fellow Senators well said : " If each one to whom he had done a good deed would lay a leaf upon his grave, Mr. STANFORD would sleep to-night beneath a mountain of foliage." Wise philosophers have said that all is vanity. It is, indeed, a predominant attribute of human nature. Yet there is love, too; there is something in that. . Mr. STANFORD never made a vain or lavish display of his wealth, yet he distributed it among the needy with a gen erous hand. He was ambitious to be highly honored among men, and it is said even aspired to the highest office within the people s gift; yet there was not in him the stern stuff of which ambition should be made. He never turned a deaf ear to the distressed cries of the poor. He erected during his life and bequeathed at his death a splendid free institution of learn ing; yet it was not his vanity that gave the institution its name. It was paternal affection. His grief over the death Life and Character of Lcland Stanford. 125 of an only son was so poignant that all hearts were touched. The boy was his delight; the pride of the household; the object of all his and the fond mother s anticipations for the future; the deserved heir to their millions. Here was in real life a pathetic analogue to the story of Dombey and Sou. And when they laid the youth in his grave the manifesta tion of grief bj r father and mother touched the hearts of all men, for love is found within the portals of the rich man s palace as well as in the humblest cottage of us all. Mr. Speaker, on every side are reared enduring monuments of brass and marble to perpetuate the achievements of men. Some of the world s famous and great ones, long since passed away, were laid in their shallow graves with all the pomp and circumstance that vanity inspires. Martial music and flying banners have proclaimed the death of the world s truly great. Lives have gone out in a blaze of glory men renowned in state craft, art, literature, and war. Splendid monuments and pages of history commemorate the achievements of a French soldier whose genius changed the map of a continent; a man whose indomitable spirit overawed the monarchs of all Europe; a student of literature, a devotee of art, skilled in diplomacy, able in statecraft, selfish, cold, intellectual, and ambitious, he sought the bubble reputation even at the cannon s mouth. Yet when he was carried to the grave with martial music, flying banners, and acclamations from thousands few wept for him. And so it is throughout life, Mr. Speaker. The character of the procession that follows us to the grave proclaims the vir tues of our lives. Hundreds of lowly and humble ones wept over Mr. STANFORD S grave, and yet remember him in their prayers; and though the pages of history may record no great deeds of his life, yet will he be remembered in the plain and simple annals of the poor when others of greater achievements and wider fame have long since been forgotten. 126 Address of Mr. Loud, of California, Who among us would ask more? Tis the sum of life to be lovingly remembered by our friends and associates, and I for my part would not rest content with laurel merely on my grave ; I would rather have a wreath of myrtle and immortelles, with a tribute of sincere affection a few simple words wrought in forget-me-nots; a sentiment that recalls to my mind the most touching scene of the many witnessed when we met to pay the last sad homage and tribute of respect to his memory, eight of the oldest engineers, bearing gently and fondly, with bowed heads, slow and mea sured step, with their strong arms and hands, all that was earthly of him who had been in life their friend, LELAND STANFORD. This was no service or tribute, but the voluntary mark of esteem paid by those who had known that in him their confi dence had never been misplaced ; and as they gently laid him beneath the granite, the home of all that was earthly, within sight of the spot where he had spent so many of his pleasant hours; that homestead where he had reared and nurtured the light of his life and hope of his declining years his son I could almost hear those strong men whisper, "iSTever more! Never more shall we look upon his like again." And then, in accordance with the resolution previously adopted, the House (at 4 o clock and 15 minutes p. in.) adjourned. O 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days prior to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 1962 a tt * D EC ( DLI4UG IPM81 AN 2 4 197218 API - ..*- 6 5 JU! 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