SPECIAL REGULATIONS NO. 58a PREPARATION OF PAY CARDS AND SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ARMY PAY ROLLS ''Va 1918 y WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFHCE 1918 SPECIAL REGULATIONS NO. 58a. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, April SO, 1918. The following instructions for the preparation of pay cards and supplementary instructions for the preparation of pay rolls are published to the Army for the information and guidance of all concerned. So much of Special Regulations No. 58 as is in conflict with these instructions is rescinded. [243, A. G. O.] By order of the Secretary of War : PEYTON C. MARCH. Major General, Acting Chief of Staff. Official : H. P. McCain, The Adjutant General. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paragraph, Section I. General provisions 1-4 Section II. Pay cards 5-11 Section III. Payrolls 12-18 3 SRUB uRi; PREPARATION OF PAY CARDS AND PAY ROLLS. Section I. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Paragraphs. Preparation of pay cards and pay rolls by personnel officer 1 Procedure for companies and battalions detached 2 Partial payments 3 Payments to soldiers separated from service records 4 1. Preparation of pay cards and pay rolls by personnel officer. — Beginning with May 1, 1918. accounts of pay of enlisted men will be kept by personnel officers, who will also pre- pare and authenticate pay rolls of companies and detachments. Each company and detachment commander will turn over to the personnel officer of his command or station the retained pay roll for April, 191S, or for the last month for which the company or detachment was paid. He will also furnish the personnel officer with all data required for the preparation of pay cards and pay rolls, and will cooperate with him and render such assistance as may be necessary to insure a complete and accurate account being kept of the pay of each and every enlisted man of his com- pany or detachment. 2. Procedure for companies and battalions detached. — When a company is to be detached from its battalion or other similar unit the personnel officer will turn over the pay cards for the men of the company and the retained pay roll for the preced- ing month, or last month for which the company was paid, to the company commander or to a lieutenant designated by the com- pany commander as personnel officer. When a battalion is to be separated from its regiment the regimental personnel officer will turn over to the officer designated by the battalion commander as battalion personnel officer the pay cards of all the men of the battalion and the retained pay rolls for the preceding month, or 5 6 PREPARATION OF PAY CARDS AND PAY ROLLS. the last month for which the companies of the battalion were paid. When a detached company or detached battalion rejoins the battalion or regiment the pay cards and all retained pay rolls will be turned in to the battalion or i-egimentul personnel officer. Similar procedure will be followed when a company or detach- ment not forming a part of a separate battalion or other sepa- rate unit is detached from or joins a command, post, camp, or other station. 3. Partial payments. — Advance or partial payments may be made to soldiers under orders to be transferred or detached or to change station, when such payments are necessary to enable them to settle their post exchange, post laundry, and other ac- counts before departure for their new station. In the American Expeditionary Forces partial payments may be made for other purposes when so ordered by the regimental, separate battalion, or other similar separate unit commander, or by a higher com- mander. No partial payment shall exceed the proportionate part of the unobligated monthly pay which has accrued on the date the soldier is paid. To determine the unobligated monthly pay all allotments, forfeitures, and other charges against the soldier will be deducted from his total monthly pay, including additional pay for marksmanship, gunner qualification, rating, etc. For example : If a soldier's total monthly pay is $33 ; his allotment. $15 ; insurance premium, $5 ; and forfeiture, $5 ; his unobligated pay would be $10. If the partial payment is to be made on the 10th day of the month, he may be paid not exceeding ten- thirtieths of this amount, or $3.33. As a rule, partial payments should be in even dollars. In the example stated the soldier should, therefore, be paid $3, $2, or $1, as may be deemed ad- visable. The amount and date of each partial payment will be entered on the soldier's pay card under " Forfeitures, deductions, and partial payments." Partial payments in individual cases will be made on War Department Form No. 369. In case of a de- tachment of 10 or more men a pay roll for the detachment will be prepared by the personnel officer in the manner prorvided by paragraph 17. 4. Payments to soldiers separated from service records. — Enlisted men while changing station or on detached service and separated from their service records on or after the last day of a month for which pay is due may be paid from data furnished GENERAL PROVISIONS. 7 by their pay cards by the nearest disbursing quartermaster on War Department Form No. 369, or in case of a detachment of 10 or more men on a detachment pay roll. The quartermaster making payments in such cases will fill out and sign the next indorsement on the pay card of each soldier and will report the fact, date, and amount of such payments by letter to the officers holding the service records of the men or to whom the service records were forwarded, who will deliver the letter with the pay cards to the personnel officer upon arrival of the men. This privilege will only be exercised when soldiers are unable to secure their pay in the regular manner. Section II. PAT CARDS. Paragraphs. Opening of pay cards B Binders for pay cards 6 Procedure for keeping record of pay of enlisted men 7 Absences • 7a Appointments, promotions, ratings, etc 7& Allotments 7c Charge sheets in case of trials by summary courts-martial 7(f General and special courts-martial orders 7e Statement of charges If Miscellajieous charges 7g Indorsement an pay card in case of transfer or detachment 8 Transmission of pay card to new personnel officer 9 Disposition of pay card in case of discharge, etc 10 Procedure in case of loss of pay card 11 5. Opening of pay cards. — A pay account for each enlisted man of the Army will be opened on the new form of pay card (Form No. 644, A. G. O.) as soon as the cards are received. For men entering the service in the future the pay accounts will be opened on this form upon enlistment or reenlistment or upon entry into active service in case of reservist. Notation of changes in pay status of enlisted men will be made on the pay card from day to day or as the changes occur. The grade and organization of the soldier will be written lightly in pencil immediately below his name at the bottom of the pay card and corrected from time to time as may be neces- sary. Pending receipt of the new pay cards, data for the prepara- tion of pay rolls will be kept by personnel officers in memo- randum form. 6. Binders for pay cards. — Pay cards will be habitually kept in loose-leaf binders, for which purpose company and detach- ment commanders will turn over to the personnel officers the loose-leaf binders now used by them for keeping delinquency records (Q. M. C. Form 509). The punched end of the delin- quency record card will be cut off so as to make the card the same length as the service record, with which it will hereafter be filed. The pay cards will be arranged alphabetically in the 8 PAT CARDS. 9 binders without regard to rank, a separate binder being pro- vided for each company and detachment. 7. Procedure for keeping record of pay of enlisted men. — The following procedure will be observed in keeping the record of pay of enlisted men to insure the record being complete and up-to-date. (a) Abficnccs. — Each absence affecting a soldier's pay status reported on the morning report will be noted under " Forfei- tures, deductions, and partial payments " on the pay card of the absentee by the personnel officer, who will affix his initials im- mediately above the name of the absentee in the remarks on the morning report, to indicate that the notation has been made on tJie pay card. (b) Appointments, promotions, ratings, etc. — All orders an- nouncing appointments, promotions, reductions, ratings, extra- duty details, etc.. and other communications affecting in any way the pay of enlisted men will pass through the personnel officer, who will write or stamp on the copy furnished to the company or detachment commander concerned the words " Entered oa pay card," adding his initials. Information concerning ap- pointments by a company or detachment commander, such as appointment of first sergeant, bugler, mechanic, etc., that change the pay status of enlisted men, will be taken by the personnel officer from copies of company orders submitted with the morn- ing report, the personnel officer affixing his initials on the morn- ing report above the name of each man concerned, to indicate to the company or detachment commander that the changes have been noted on the pay cards. In entering changes of status of enlisted men on morning reports the surnames only will be given, except in cases where there are two or more men of the same name in the company or detachment, when the surnames will be followed by the initials, i. e., " Sgt. Smith, J. M., aptd 1st Sgt" (c) Allotments. — The duplicate applications for allotments, all classes, and for insurance will be sent to the regimental or other headquarters with the morning report on the day follow- ing the mailint; of the original applications to the department or division commander. The personnel officer will enter the amounts of the allotments and Insurance premiums on the pay cards of the men and will return the duplicate applications to the company or detachment commander with the morning re- port, after writing or stamping on the applications the words " Entered on pay card," followed by his initials. 5640G— IS 2 10 PREPARATION OF PAY CARDS AND PAY ROLLS. When communications announcing action by the Bureau of War Rislc Insuriince on an applicntion for the discontinuance of or change in an allotment, or when an acknowledgment from the depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C, that an allotment has been discontinued prior to the expiration of the allotment period is received, or when a class E allotment has run for the full period for which granted, tlie company or detachment com- mander will send the communication, acknowledgment, or du- plicate allotment (Q. M. C. Form 3S), as the case may be, to the personnel officer with the morning report. The personnel officer will enter the action taken on the pay card of the sol- dier and will return the communication, acknowledgment, or duplicate allotment form to the company or detachment com- mander after writing or stamping thereon the words " Entered on pay card," followed by his initials. (d) Charge sheets in case of ti-ials "by summary courts-mar- Hal. — In case of trial by summary court-martial the copy of the charge sheet completed as a copy of the summary court record for the company or detachment commander will pass through the personnel officer, who, after entering on the pay card the amount of any forfeiture, will write or stamp on the charge sheet the words " Entered on pay card," followed by his initials. (e) General and special courts-martial orders. — All general and special courts-martial orders will pass to the company or detachment commander through the personnel officer, wiio, after entering on the pay card the amounts of all forfeitures, if any, will write or stamp on the orders the words ** Entered on pay card," followed by his initials. (/) Statement of charges. — When charges are to be entered on the pay roll against enlisted men for public property lost or dam- aged through neglect or carelessness (par. 6S6 A. R. ), a state- ment of charges on Form No. 602, A. G. O., will be opened by the company or detachment commander on the day that the first charge for the month is made and closed on the last day of the month. The statement of charges containing the entries for the day will be submitted with the morning report to the personnel officer, who will, after entering the data on appropriate pay cards, affix his initials opposite the name of each man on the statement of charges and return the state- ment of charges to the company or detachment commander with the morning report. This procedure will be followed for each charge during the month. Pending revision of the form PAY CAEDS. U for statement of charges, a column will be ruled In the space provided for " Cause of charge " and headed " Initials of per- sonnel officer." Charges for clothing and articles of the individual mess equip- ment found to be missing when a soldier is discharged, dies, deserts, or is otherwise separated from the service will not be entered on statement of charges. In such cases the company or detachment commander will prepare a certificate enumerating the articles found to be missing, giving prices thereof, and submit the certificate to the personnel officer with tlie morning report. The personnel officer will enter the total amount on the pay card of the soldier, write or stamp on the certificate the words " En- tered on pay card," followed by his initials, and will return the certificate to the company or detachment commander with the morning report, for file with the individual equipment record of the soldier. (g) M iscellaneous charges. — All reports of stoppages, charges, or changes in soldier's pay status not enumerated above will be forwarded to the personnel officer, who will write or stamp on such report the words ' Entered on pay card,' followed by his initials, and return reports to the company or detachment com- mander, or to the office from which received. 8. Indorsement on pay card in case of transfer or detaeli- ment. — When a soldier is to be transferred or detached the per- sonnel ofilcer will fill out and sign one of the indorsements on his pay card, sliowing date of indorsement, date to which he was last paid in full, and the name, rank, and organization of the officer by whom paid. If the soldier has not been paid in full since he joined the company or detachment from which he is to be trans- ferred or detached the personnel oflicer will not fill out a new indorsement, but will affix his signature, preceded by the date, in the space between the signature to the last indorsement and the date line for the succeeding indorsement. If the soldier has not been paid in fxill since date of enlistment or since entry in the active service in the case of reservist or retired soldier called into active service, the personnel officer will affix his sig- nature, preceded by the date, in the space immediately above the date line for the first indorsement. Partial payments will not be shown in indorsements on pay cards, such payments with dates and amounts being entered under " Forfeitures, deduction, and partial payments." 12 PREPARATION OF PAY CARDS AND PAY ROLLS. 9. Transmission of pay card to new personnel officer. — The pay card indorsed as provided in the precediu;; paragraph will be delivered by the personnel ollicer to the company or de- tachment commander, who will copy on Form No. 29a, A. G. O. (Extract from service record) so much of the data on the pay card as may be necessary for the preparation of his indorsement on the soldier's service record. If the soldier is a meujber of a party to be transferred or detached, his pay card will be turned over by the company or detachment commander to the oflicer or noncommissioned officer in command of the party. If he is to travel alone, or if no oflicer or noncommissioned officer be placed in command of his party, the card inclosed in a sealed envelope will be turned over to the soldier. Upon arrival of the party or the individual soldier at the new station the pay card will be delivered to the new company or detachment commander, who will, when practicable, compare- the entries thereon with the service record and transmit the pay card to the new personnel oflicer. If tlirough any reason a soldier is separated from his com- mand without his pay card, as for example, should he be left sick in a hospital, public or private, his pay card, indorsed as provided in the preceding paragraph, will be forwarded directly to him without delay by his company or detachment commander, who will so inform the officer to whom he forwards the soldier's eervice record. 10. Disposition of pay card in case of discharge, etc. — When a soldier is to be discharged, dies, or is otherwise sepa- rated from the service, the personnel officer will fill out the next indorsement on the pay card and deliver the card to the com- pany or detachment commander, who, after preparing final statements, will forward the card to The Adjutant General of the Army with the soldier's service record, or in case of dis- charge, etc., prior to July 1, 1918, will file it with the soldier's service record in the company or detachment. When a soldier is furloughed to the reserve, or relieved from active service in case of reservist, his pay card, properly indorsed, will be forwarded with the service record by the company or detachment com- mander to the officer charged wifh keeping reservist records. 11. Procedure in case of loss of pay card. — When a pay card is lost, misplaced, or destroyed, a temporary pay card will be opened by the personnel oflicer from data obtained from the service record and other available records. The personnel officer opening the card will write the word " Temporary " above the PAY CARDS. 13 words " Pay Card " in the caption, and will make the following certificate in the space provided for the first indorsement: " I certify that the entries on this card are correct." Upon recovery of the original pay card it will be brought up to date from data on the temporary pay card and the latter will be canceled and filed with the records of the company or detach- ment to which the soldier belongs. Section III. PAY ROLLS. rara graphs. Spparate pay rolls for companies and detachments 11 Time for starting preparation of pay rolls and method of entering data 12 Ruled columns and remarks 13 Allotments and insurance premiums 14 Certificates on pay roll 15 I'artial -payment rolls 16 Charges on monthly pay roll for partial payments 17 12. Separate pay rolls for companies and detachments. — Separate pay rolls will be prepared for each company or detach- ment as heretofore. The provisions of Special Regulations No. 58 will jcovern except an provided in these instructions. 13. Time for starting preparation of pay rolls and method of entering data. — The preparation of pay rolls for the luoulh will begin on the first day of the month, the names of ail men present with the company or detachment on that date and of all absentees that will probably rejoin before the end of the month being entered on the rolls. Additional pay for marks- mansiiip, gunner qualifications, ratings, etc., deductions for allot- ments, insurance premiums, uncollected fines, etc., and all other data on roll for preceding month that alTects the pay for the ensuing month will be carried forward to the new roll when opened. Additional entries will be made from day to day or as changes occur so that the roll will be kept up to date. In case the space provided proves insufhcient for the remarlcs per- taining to any enlisted man his name with entries relating thereto will be transferred to the end of the roll, the name with entries in the body of the roll being stricken out. If an enlisted man is discharged or transferred or otherwise separated from the company or detachment before the end of the month or before the company or detachment is paid, the word "transferred," "discharged," or "died," etc., as the case may be, will be written immediately below his surname. The facts u PAY ROLLS. 15 regarding the transfer or separation from the service will be stated in remarlis and a line drawn through the space provided for the signature of the soldier. The names of men that join or rejoin the company or detach- ment during the month will be entered ut the end of the roll without regard to rank or alphabetical order. The names of men that join after the end of the month and before payment is made, if such men have pay due for the month covered by the roll, will, if practicable, be entered at the end of the roll and paid with the company or detachment, 14. Raled columns and remarks. — Pending the prepara- tion of new form for pay rolls, seven columns will be ruled in the space provided for remarks on the present pay roll, and column headings will be inserted as follows : Amounts of allotments. Army serial No. War risk allots. Army allots. CI E. Class A Comp. Class 13 Vol, Ins. prams. C.&D. Lib. Bd. Arts. All other allots. F. R. Ck. 2nd. Sec. Tr. 3rd. An additional column may also be ruled for stating partial payments as provided in paragraph 17. In such cases the column for Army serial number will be ruled in the column provided for " Names, present and absent, and rank." In making entries on the roll, the soldier's name. Army serial number, date of enlistment, and enlistment period will be written in the upper half of the space between two of the lateral (dotted) lines, the lower half of this space being used for re- marks, which will commence one inch from the left margin and will continue to but not into the first allotment column. Two or more spaces may be used for one name, if one space proves insufficient for the remarks pertaining thereto. 15. Allotments and insurance premiums. — Personnel oflB- cers will enter amounts of allotments of each class in the appro- priate columns. Amounts of Government insurance premium 16 PREPARATION OF PAY CARDS AND PAY ROLLS. (class C allotment) and of allotments (class D) for paj'ment of insurance premiums on policies in private companies, societies, or associations will be entered separately but in the same column, the letter " D " being inserted before the amount to Indicate a premiuui of the latter class. The absence of the letter " D " before an amount in this column will indicate a class " C " allotment ; i. e., allotment for payment of Government insur- ance premium. In the column headed "All other allots." there will be entered all allotments made on Q, M. C. Form 38, except allotments for Liberty Loan Bonds made to Federal Ueserve Bank and to the Secretary of the Treasury. In case payment is being made for two or more months, personnel officers will enter the total amount of each class of allotments to be collected and not the monthly rates. No remarks regarding allotments will be en- tered except to correct errors on previous rolls or when pay- ment is being made for more than one month and one or more allotments have commenced or terminated within period for which paid. 16. Certificates oa pay roll. — The certificate as to the cor- rectness of the entries on pay rolls will be signed by the per- sonnel officer instead of the company or detachment commander as heretofore required. The certificate of inspecting and mustering officer on the pres- ent foriT! for pay roll will be left blank, muster for pay having been discontinued. The certificates of witnessing officer will be signed by the ofli- cer witnessing tlie payment, who should be the company or de- tachment commnnder, or a lieutenant designated by him. 17. Partial-payment rolls. — Pending the preparation of new forms for pay rolls, the word " partial " will be inter- polated before the word "pay" on the brief and also in the caption of the present pay roll when these rolls are used for partial payments under the provision of paragraph 3. In stat- ing accounts for partial payments on pay rolls, and also on the individual pay voucher (W. D. Form No. 369), no remark.^ or charges of any kind aatII be entered on the roll or voucher. Partial-payment rolls and vouchers will show merely the amounts to be paid, which will be entered by the personnel officer in the column headed "Balance paid," the names, grades, dates of en- listment, enlistment periods, Army serial numbers, and the signa- tures of the soldiers. I PAY ROILS. 17 The following will be added to the certificate of the personnel officer as to the correctness of the entries on partial-payment roll : " The amounts set opposite the name of each soldier on this roll have been charged against him on his pay card." That part of the printed certificate relating to last payment will be stricken out, A similar change will be made in the certificate of the quartermaster when partial payment is made on individual vouchers (W, D. Form No. 369). 18. Charges on monthly pay roll for partial payments.— The amounts of partial payments will be entered in " Remarks " on the next monthly pay roll of the company or detachment or the next roll on which the men are paid in full, as follows: " Due TJ. S. part pmt. $ ." If a number of men of the same company or detachment have received partial payments, the amounts of such payments may be entered in a column specially ruled for this purpose instead of in the "Remarks." (See par. 14.) The amounts charged against the soldier on account of partial payments received since last payment in full will be dropped from the total pay due, in the same manner that allotments are dropped, will not be reported on any abstract, and will not be taken up as collections. INDEX. Paragraphs. Absences, notations relating to 7 Allotments : Duplicate applications 7 Entry of, on pay rolls 35 American Expeditionary Forces, partial payments for 3 Appointments, promotions, ratings, etc., entry of orders relat- ing to 7 Army serial number, entry on pay rolls 14 B. Battalions, procedure for detached, pay cards and pay rolls 2 Blank forms, references to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 17 Binders for pay cards 6 C. Certificates on pay rolls 16 Charge sheets in case of trials by summary courts-martial 7 Charges : Relating to partial payments 18 Statement on pay rolls 7 Columns and remarks on pay rolls 14 Companies and detachments, separate pay rolls for 12 Companies, procedure for detached, pay cards and pay rolls 2 Courts-martial orders, entry of 7 D. Detached enlisted men, indorsement on pay cards in case of 8 Discharge of enlisted men, disposition of pay card in case of 10 Disposition of pay card in case of discharge, etc 10 E. Enlisted men : Accounts of pay of 1 Advance or partial payments 3 Disposition of pay card in case of discharge, etc 10 Opening of pay cards 5 Procedure for keeping record of pay of 7 Separated from service records, payments 4 Entering data on pay rolls, method of 13 19 80 INDEX. Paragraphs. Forms, blank, references to 3,4,5,6,7,15,17 I. Indorsement on pay cards In case of transfer or detachment 3 Insurance premiums, entry of 15 O. Officers, personnel : Certificates to be signed by 16 Preparation of pay cards and pay rolls ] Transmission of pay cards to new 9 Opening of pay cards 5 P. Partial-payment rolls 17 Partial payments : Amounts, how entered 18 How made 3 Pay accounts, opening of, on new form pay card 5 Pay cards : Binders for 6 Detached companies and battalions 2 Disposition of, in case of discharge, etc 10 Indorsement, in case of transfer or detachment S Notation of changes in pay status of enlisted men to be made on 5 Opening of 5 Preparation, by personnel officers 1 Procedure in case of loss of 11 Transmission of, to new personnel officer 9 Pay of enlisted men : How to determine unobligated monthly pay 3 Procedure for keeping record of 7 Pay rolls : Certificates on IG, 17 Charges on, for partial payments 18 Data for preparation of, how kept 5 Method of entering data 13 Preparation 1, 12, 13, 14, 17 Retained, detached companies and battalions 2 Separate, for companies and detachments 12 Time for starting preparation 13 Payments : Advance or partial 3, 18 Soldiers separated from service records 4 Preparation of pay cards 1 Preparation of pay rolls : By personnel officers 1 Time for starting 13 New forms 17 INDEX. 21 Paragraphs. Procedure for companies and battalions detached '2 Procedure for keeping record of pay of enlisted men : Absences Ta Appointments, promotions, ratings, etc 76 Allotments 7c Charge sheets in case of trials by summary courts-martial Id General and special courts-martial orders 7e Statement of charges If Miscellaneous charges 7,7 Procedure in case of loss of pay card 11 R. Record cards, delinquency, filed with service records 6 Remarks, columns in space for 14 Ruled columns and remarks 14 S. Service records : Piled with delinquency record cards 6 Payments to soldiers separated from 4 Statement of chargps 7 T. Temporary pay card 11 Transfer of enlisted men, indoreement on pay cards in case of 8 Transmission of pay cards to new personnel officer 9 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY f ACILITY D 000 863 250 7