^6515 United iDrotherhood o^ leather ^•^,. workers on horse poods Constitution 1910 lAHOh UC-NRLF B M lEt. flDl n UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF LEATHER WORKERS O N H O R S E G O O D S v e M T e «E pa T w " ' ■' """ ' ,>, ' — ■•■ ' " ' " e D IT I O M REVISI/D AND AMENDED at Chicago Con veotlon , Nov. 15-19, 1910 D. m ORDER or BUSINESS Readinjg^ of niluutes of previoUfi ae&siou Report of Committee on Credentials. Report of Officers* Report of Regular Committees. Report of Special Committee*. Unfinished Business. New Butinc&s. Good of tiie Brotherhood. Adjournment. Order of Btfsiaess No. 1 to be dispen^eci Tvitli until called for by five delegates. Any alteration or correction in minutes of pre viou» sessioas shall be made to the Secretary in writing. 5. 4. S. 6. -7. 8. H l> <5r^ ^^ , l^ ^ bar' vou r > \'ith all necessary information regarding th^ condi- tion of trade, the number of men organized and unorganized, and whether or not the. em- ployers are organized. See. 4. The local branch, after making, de- mands and using every effort towards a set- tlement and finding that a satisfactory settle- ment cannot be reached, shall at onoe notify the General President by telegraph. If neces- sary the General President shall proceed to- the place of controversy and endeavor, in con- junction with the local, to effect a settlement- Should it be impossible for the General Presi- dent to go, he shall notify the e;xecutive offi- cer nearest the scene of trouble, to proceed: there at once. Should executive officer Ije sent to the city and in his opinion the strike- can be prevented and an honorable settle- ment secured, he shall so report to the Gen- eral President, who shall instruct the local that they must endeavor to settle matters v^ith the aid of said officer. If the local re- fuses to comply with the instructions sent them and to consider the settlement that the executive officer believes can be reached, the case shall be sent in writing to the General President, the local branch and executive officer each giving their side of the case. Same shall then be submitted to a,ll local branches for their approval or disapproval, whether strike benefits shall be paid or not. Sec. 5. The Secretary-Treasurer of the local branch shall, within three days after receiving such information, call a meeting 18 General Constitution. and vote by secret ballot for or against such application and immediately telegraph the General President the total number of votes cast for and against. Should the local branch be sustained in their application, the General President shall then notify them to call out their men and instruct the General Secretary- Treasurer to send each, week the amount of assistance provided for. Sec. 6. It shall require a two-thirds vote of members voting to approve any strike ap- plication. The decision of the local branches voting to be final. No local branch shall call out their men until they receive instructions from the Gen- eral President to do so. See. 7. Any local branch entering into an agreement, either strike or otherwise, shall make full report of the matter to the General President, wlio, in turn, shall report same to the jurisdiction. This does not apply to itemized price lists. See, 8. It shall be the duty of all local branches to submit to the General President a true copy of all communications, price lists and agreements, passing between the local branch and firms in their jurisdiction. See. 9. It shall be the duty of all local branches to correspond with the General President two months prior to the expiration of agreements, giving full information as to the conditions prevailing at such time. All such data to be placed on file at Head- quarters. ARTICLE XII. Benefits. Section 1. Any member who has been in good standing and in gooA health, and hav- ing paid dues for six months, shall be en- titled to a sick benefit of five dollars per week, unless such sickness or disability is caused by his own immoral conduct or by General Constitution. 19 the excessive use of alcoholic beverages; but all new members in good standing becoming sick or out of work shall be entitled to out- of-work stamps. In all cases of sickness of a member, the Sick Committee shall have full charge, they to investigate and employ a physician to ascertain the cause of illness if in their judg- ment it is necessary. No benefit shall be allowed for one week's sickness, but if a member is sick two weeks or over continuously, he may draw $5.00 for the second week, and $5.00 for each week thereafter until he has drawn benefits for ten weeks. No member shall receive sick benefits for more than ten weeks in any one year, said year to commence with beginning of first sickness. Any member who becomes sick or disabled shall report, either in writing or verbally, to the local branch or Sick Committee. Sick- ness or disability to be dated from the date on which he reports himself sick or disabled. Any member failing to comply with this section shall not be entitled to benefits. After a member has received ten weeks sick benefits and being unable to go to work, he shall be entitled to out-of-work stamps, as provided for in Article XIII, Sec- tion 3, General Constitution. A member be- ing unable to go to work at the expiration of this extension of benefits shall be declared totally disabled; such member not wishing to take out a retiring card can, by paying his dues and assessments, be entitled to the death benefits as provided for in Article XII, Section 2, General Constitution. But this section shall in no wise entitle such members to any other benefits. Sec. 2. Any member who has been in good standing for a continuous period of one year 20 General Constitution. or over, in case of death, his beneficiary shall be entitled to a death benefit of $10.00. Three years or over, $75.00; four years or over, $100.00. Sec. 3. All benefits shall be paid by the U. B. Any local branch paying a benefit shall report the same at once to 'the General Sec- retary-Treasurer, who will reimburse the local branch. Sec. 4. Out-of-work stamps are benefits. Sec. 5. Any member having been in bad standing, shall not be entitled to benefits immediately upon payment of arrears, but shall be debarred from sick and death bene- fits for a period of three months. Sec. 6. Any member suffering from a chronic or incurable disease, ailment or in- jurJ^ shall not be entitled to receive more than ten weeks' sick benefits for such chronic or incurable disease, ailment or in- jury. If he is incapacitated from work by a recurrence of said disease, ailment or injury, he shall be entitled to receive thirteen out- of-work stamps in each year dating from the beginning of first claim for benefits. Local branches shall be reimbursed by headquarters for all medical fees incurred in any case where there is a doubt as to whether or not a member comes under this law. ARTICLE XIII. Dues. Section 1. The dues of all members, either local or at large, shall be thirty cent.s per week, flue and payable each Saturday, said dues to include subscription to the otfi(;iial .iournal. Sec. 2. Dues commence and must be paid beginning with the first Saturday following date of election. Sec. 3. Local Secretary-Treasurers will be furnished with out-of-work stamps, which shall be used in lieu of regular due stamps General QynsLitntior. 2V. when member is entitled to exemption from dues, while being- sick or out of work. A member shall report the date of the beginning of his idleness in person or by let- ter, at the first regular meeting of his local branch, after such idleness began. And for every week of continuous idleness the local Secretary-Treasurer shall affix an out-of- work stamp for each week's idleness, for a period of not more than thirteen weeks in any one year, after which time the member shall begin to pay dues or take out a retiring card, except in case of sickness, strike or lockout. Members receiving sick benefits shall pay dues. Sec. 4. Members holding position, but vol- untarilj' laying off, shall not be construed as out-of-work members, and shall not be en- titled to exemption from dues. See. 5. In case of an emergency the Gen- eral Executive Cotincil shall have power to levy assessments on each and every member of the U. B. Members who are sick "or out of work shall be exempt from payn^ent of as- sessment. Any member failing to pay any assessment within ten days after same be- comes due, shall be suspended from member- ship, and can only be reinstated upon the payment of all assessments he may owe. Local secretary-treasurers shall furnish the General Secretary-Treasurer with a list of all members owing assessments. ARTICLE XIV. Salaries. Section 1. The General President shall be alloM-ed the sum of $125 per month, payable monthly, a,nd he shall devote his entire time and services to the organization, and perform all other duties placed upon him by the Con- stitution and By-Laws, and whatever else may be lawfullj' required of him by the Ex- ecutive Council. 22 General Constitution. Sec. 2. The salary of the General Secre- tary-Treasurer shall be $125 per month, pay- able monthly. The assistant to the General Secretary- Treasurer shall receive the prevailing wages paid for that class of work in the city where such assistant is engaged. Sec. 3. In case the Executive Council shall be called together or any member thereof be required to leave his home, or be compelled to cease his regular employment, to perform any duty of the U. B., said officer shall re- ceive a salary of $21.00 per week and $3.00 per day for expenses, also fare to and from the locality, except when said officer is un- der salary, when he shall only be allowed $3.00 per day for expenses, in addition to transportation, providing such bills are item- ized. Any officer being compelled to cease his regular employment and not leave his home shall receive his salary onlj'-. ARTICLE XV. Fines. Section 1. Any officer of the U. B. failing to properly perform the duties of his office may be fined in such a sum as the Executive Council may determine, and may be suspend- ed or expelled, as may seem just to the Exec- utive Council. Sec. 2. Any local branch failing to comply with this Constitution and By-Laws may be suspended, expelled or fined in such sum as may be provided for; or in case no provision Is made, in such sum or manner as may seem proper by the Executive Council. Sec. 3. Any and all penalties assessed by a local branch against members thereof and not otherwise provided for In this Constitu- tion, shall be reported to the General Presi- dent within twenty-four hours after such penalty is placed against a member, proper O'cncrdl C<))istitiition. 23 record to be kept on file at headquarters after such penalty has been submitted to the Gen- eral Executive Council and approved; no penalty to be legal unless approved by the General Executive Council. Sec. 4. That any member of the U. B. found working- at the trade on Labor Day be fined $5.00. Sec. 5. Any officer, sick committee or local branch who shall be guilty of granting sick or death benefits to members not constitu- tionally entitled to same, shall be fined the sum of $25 in addition to the amount allowed, and unless said fine with the amount allowed be paid to the General Secretary-Treasurer within 30 days said officer, sick committee or local branch shall be suspended. Sec. 6. Any local branch failing to comply with Article XI, Section 9, shall be fined the sum of $10.00, and unless said Hne be paid within thirty days after being assessed, shall be declared in bad standing for a period of sixty days. Sec. 7. A fine of not less than twenty-five dollars shall be imposed on any member of the Executive Council and General Secretary- Treasurer for negligence of any duty as- signed in any article of this Constitution and By-Law.s. ARTICLE XVI. Miscellaneous^. Section 1. No local branch can be dissolved as long as there are five dissenting members. Sec. 2. Any member visiting a local branch on a traveling card shall be entitled to vote for general officers, provided said niemtaer has not voted in his home branch. Any member found guilty of voting in two or more branches for general officers shall be expelled. Sec. 3. No member shall hold two offices in which money accounts are handled. 24 General Constitution. See. 4. The U. B. shall furnish local branches with a rittfal for' initiation, etc. See. 5. One apprentice shall be allowed in retail shops employing two journeymen and less than twenty. Retail shops employing twenty or more journeymen shall be gov- erned as per factory ratio. Factories employ- ing ten journeymen will be allowed one ap- prentice; twenty journeymen, two appren- tices; thirty, three apprentices; forty, four apprentices; sixty, five apprentices, and in no cable- will' more than five apprentices be al- lowed" to work in any one branch of the trade. Each apprentice shall serve three years, and shall be registered at the head- quarters of the U. B., and every apprentice working in conformity to this law shall be given full opportunity to become proficient in the branch of the trade in which he started his apprenticeship. In the harness cutting branch none but competent mechanics in the making of har- ness will be permitted, and shall not be con- strued as apprentices, but journeymen under instructions.. The above to apply in any other cutting branch of the business. Piece hands shall not be allowed to work any help of any kln^ (either; apprentices or assistants). See. 6. It shall be unlawful for any brother leather worker to enter and take work in any city or town where there is a strike or lock- out prevailing, unless it be with the knowl- edge and consent of the local in said city or town, which consent shall be obtained by two-thirds Vote of members present, and shall be evidenced by resolution of said local under signature and seal of proper officers of said local. The penalty for the violation of this law shall be a fine of fifty ($50.00) dol- lars, which, if not paid, and the brother General Constitution. 25 should continue to work, he shall be sus- pended from the U. B. until said fine is paid. Sec. 7. An official publication, kno;wn as the Leather Workers' Journal, shall be pub- lished by the \j. B. and shall appear for dis- tribution by local branches among all mem- bers of the U. B. on or about the first day of each month. The management of this offi- cial jotirnal shall be placed in the hands of the General Secretary-Treasurer, subject to iustrvictions of the General Executive Council. Sec. S. A m.ember of one branch of the craft shall not be permitted to accept em- ployment at another branch of the craft un- less it is known or. proven that such member has qualified as a journeyman in serving the general recognized period of apprenticeship <>f such branch of the craft, or it is otherwise c'etermined, upon proper consideration and action of the local branch, where such mem- ber holds membership, that he is qualified as a Journeyman of such branch; and does by reason thereof receive the established rate of wages of the local branch. See. 9. All local branches shall affiliate with the American Federation of Labor Cen- tral Bodies in their respective cities, and shall also affiliate with the American Fed- eration of Labor State Federations in their respective states. Article xvii. Fiscal Year. Seotiou 1. The fiscal year of the: Uv B. shall commence on the first day of July and end. on the 30th daj^ of June in each year. Sec. 2. The term of all officers shall com- mence October 1st or as soon thereafter as qualified, and continue to the close of their term or until their successors are elected and qualified. 26 General Constitution. ARTICLE XVIII. Badges. Section 1. The General Secretary-Treasurer of the U. B. shall supply local branches or individual members, upon application, with a badge of tlie design and &?tyle adopted; the member to whom the badge is issued to pay for same and such badge to be his personal property. Sec. 2. The General Secretary-Treasurer of the U. B. to furnish such badges at a profit not to exceed 10 per cent. ARTICLE XIX. Union Stamp. Section 1. The trade stamp, union stamp or label of the U. B. shall be as follows: This "Union Stamp" shall be so constructed of steel that a lasting impression can be stamped on leather horse goods made exclu- sively by members of the U. B. Local branches shall pay for their own stamps and same to be furnished by headquarters at cost price. Sec. 2. Any f^hop or factory desiring the use of the union stamp or card shall apply to the local branch in the city or town where the shop or factory is located. Should there be no local branch in the city where an ap- plication for stamp or card is received, they shall apply to the nearest local branch for the same. General Constitution. 27 The union stamp and card may be granted upon the request of members employed in any municipal, state or government shop, providing that none but U. B. men are em- ployed. Sec. 3. In shops where the union stamp and card are in use, the same shall be in charge of the shop steward. Said shop stew- ard to be appointed by the local president. In case the steward leaves the employment of the Arm where he has charge of the stamp and card, he shall immediately transfer said stamp and card to his successor, who shall be appointed temporarily by the local pres- ident. At the next regular meeting of the local branch, the president shall appoint officially a steward for the shop, who shall have charge of the stamp and card. Sec. 4. All union stamps and cards in use in any shop or factory must remain the prop- erty of the local branch. Said stamp or card to be taken up at any time the local branch so desires. Sec. 5. No shop or factory shall be en- titled to the use of the vmion stamp or card of the U. B. unless a signed agreement exists between the local branch and the firm, except as provided for in Article XIX, Section 2, Paragraph 2. ARTICLE XX. Committees. Section 1. The President shall appoint all committees, unless otherwise ordered by the U. B. Sec. 3. The President shall immediately after roll call appoint the following standing committees, unless otherwise provided for. and such other committees as he may deem advisable: Committee on Credentials, three members. Committee on Laws, five members. 28 General Constitution. Committee on Resolutions, fiVe members. Committee on President's Report, five mem- bers. Committee on Executive Council's, with General Secretary-Treasurer's Report, five members. Committee on Mileage, five members. Committee ori Press, three " members. Committee on Rules, threemembers. ARTICLE XXI. Power to Amend. Section 1. All laws or parts of laws in con- flict with this are hereby repealed. This to be the only Constitution governing the U. B. Sec. 2. Amendments may be made to this Constitution in regular Convention, or any local branch may at any time in the month of May submit such amendments to the general or local constitution as may seem proper to them, said amendments to be submitted to the General President and a copy of same sent to the General Secretary-Treasurer. The General Secretary-Treasurer shall pre- sent all amendments, attested to by tlie Gen- eral President, to the Executive Council at each annual meeting. The Executive Council shall arrange all amendments so they do not conflict with each other, and where two or-, more amendments are offered which cover the same ground, shall cause all of them to 'harmonize into one, and shall submit them to the jurisdiction at large to be voted upon. If a ma.iority vote of members voting be recorded in favor of any amendment the same shall be declared a law. All amendments after being arranged by the Executive Council shall be submitted by the General Secretary-Treasurer to the locals, not later than August 1st, and in such form as will show the old and new law, In General Const ihUion. 59 order that the members may vote intelligently on same. All local branches' may, not later than the 30th of August, call a special iTieeting for the purpose of considering and voting on the amendments, and no other business shall be transacted at said, meeting; all voting shall be by rising vote. All amendments receiving the necessary majority vote shall become law on the 15th day of October; the General Secretary- Treasurer shall issue revised Constitutions and have same in the hands of the local Sec- retary-Treasurers .on or before that date. RESOLUTIONS. 1. Resolved, That $4.00 per day sliall con- stitute a minimum wage for all journeymen in all branches of the trade, for a week of not more than 48 hours. That $5.00 per day shall constitute a mini- mum wage for head machine operator/^, head cutters and head men in any other depart- ment, for a week of not more than 48 hours. 2. Re.solved, That we favor: the formation of a woman's auxiliary to the IT. B., to be composed of the female relatives by blood and marriage of all members. 3. Resolved, That the sum of $10.00 be al- lowed to any pne organizing a local, pro- vided such person is not an executive officer or organizer under pay from headquarters, the fee to be paid to organizer at the time 30 General Constitution. the said local pays their first per capita tax to the General Secretary-Treasurer, which per capita tax is due and payable one month after local branch is chartered. 4. Resolved, That the U. B. indorse all ef- forts tending to the abolition of convict, team and child labor. 5. Resolved, That the U. B. so change the obligation taken by persons becoming mem- bers as to obligate them as union members to purchase those goods bearing the union label, so far as the same can be done. a. Resolved. That the Sixth convention of the U. B. make an earnest appeal to all local officers and members of our organization to carry out the spirit and purpose of Resolu- tion No. 5 of our Constitution; and be it further b. Resolved, That all members of the U. B. do all in their power to secure the union label on every article they might purchase and to educate their wives and families to do the same. 6. Resolved, That all blacking, creasing and rubbing up of harness and saddle parts to be done by leather workers on horse goods; that all gumming and putting together of all harness, the trimming of all gig saddles and parts, the dicing out and finishing all har- ness and saddle parts to be done by journey- men leather workers on horse goods. 5. Resolved, That this general convention C'jrdemns the system of convict contract labor which places the articles manufactured by convicts in competition with the production of honest labor; and that the locals through- out the United States and Canada are hereby instructed to use all honorable efforts to have convict labor abolished, and that we instruct the General Executive Board to aid and assist in the movement to abolish convict labor. General Constitution. 31 8.. Resolved, That each local branch shall allow each delegate elected, whose duty it shall be to attend conventions, a hotel fee of three dollars ($3.00) per day for every day convention is in session, and for one day be- fore convention convenes, and for one day after close of convention. 9. Resolved, That the U. B., in convention assembled, do indorse and recommend to all its local branches such action as will tend to bring about the initiative and the referendum in our national, state and local governments. The Committee on Laws submitted the fol- lowing recommendation to the convention, and recommended that the delegates, as soon as they return home, try and have their locals carry out the suggestion contained therein: W^hereas, "\A'e have learned from past ex- perience that in order to conduct our affairs in a more business-like manner, it is neces- sary to carry on our affairs in a manner that they may not become too public, therefore Be It Resolved, That each local branch elect an advisory board of three members in local branches of less than seventy-five mem- bers, and five members in larger local branches. The advi-ory board shall have supervision over all business of ihe local branch between meetings, and shall exercise their best judg- ment over all matters of importance, they to report to the local branch, however, as soon as any proposition is advanced far enough to acquaint the membership without liindering its progress. 11. Re.^o'ved, That the lerin of office of a'l execulire officers shall be two years, be- ginning with October. 19"' 2. IS. Resolved. That as the new law with regard to the election of general officers 32 General ConsHtution. does not become operative until the regular convention in 1912, we therefore recommend that the election of general officers in 1911 be held under the old law; be it further 13. Resolved, That the general executive officers elected in 1911 shall hold office until October 1, 1912, or until their successors are elected and qualified; be it further 14. Resolved, That the books of the Gen- eral Secreta*ry-Treasurer shall be audited in 1911 by an expert accountant, as provided for by this convention. 15. Resolved, That this Constitution as amended shall be in full force and effect, be- ginning January 1, 1911, unless where other- wise provided. IG. Resolved, That this convention go on record as endorsing the principle of co-opera- tion. However, the U. B. shall not engage in co-operative manufacturing. 17. Resolved, That we stand for the abol- ishing of piece work. MOTIONS. Moved by Delegate Baker, seconded by Rampenthal, that the General Executive Council be given power to remit all fines and reinstate all members with their old book numbers upon payment of all arrear- ages in dues, when in their judgment they believe it to be the best policy to pursue in the interest of thorough organization. This pertains only with reference to the general demand, March, 1910. On motion the General President was em- powered to secure legal advice whenever necessary. CONSTITUTION OF LOCAL BRANCHES. CONSTITUTION. Local Branches United Brotherhood of Leather Workers on Horse Goods. ARTICLE I. Title and Objects. Section 1. This branch shall be known as Local Branch No. , United Brotherhood of Leather Workers on Horse Goods. Sec. 2. All acts shall be In the name of Local Branch No. , United Brotherhood of Leather Workers on Horse Goods. Sec. 3. The objects of this branch shall be to establish and maintain a fair rate of wages; the encouragement of good work- men; the elevation of its members socially, morally and intellectually; the care of the sick; the burial of deceased members, and closer relationship between its members and their employers, in order that a just and equitable adjustment of all differences may be obtained, and that all may work in har- mony. ARTICLE IL Officers. Section 1. The officers of this local branch shall be a President, Vice President. Record- ing Secretary, Secretary-Treasurer. Marshal. Chaplain. Guard, Local Organizer, Corre- spondent for .Journal, Shop Collector for each shop, and an Executive Board of three members. 36 Constitution of Local Branches. ARTICLE III. Elections and Installations. Section 1. The President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Secretary-Treasurer, Marshal, Chaplain, Guard, Local. Organizer, Journal Correspondent, and the Executive Board shall be elected by secret ballot; the others shall be appointed as hereinafter pro- vided. Sec. 2. All elective officers shall be nom- inated at the first regular meeting in June and December, and shall be elected at the last regular meeting in June and December, or as soon thereafter as possible, and installed the first meeting In July and January, except the office of Secretary-Treasurer, which shall be filled by election at the December elec- tions, for a term of one year. All appointive officers shall be appointed the first meeting in July and January, and installed at the same meeting, or as soon thereafter as pos- sible; and shall hold office six months, or until their successors are elected and in- stalled. Sec. 3. Should any office from any cause become vacant, an election shall be entered into at the earliest moment. Installation may be performed at the same meeting. ARTICLE IV. Duties of Officers. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, enforce order and strict obedience to the Constitution and By-Laws, countersign all orders on the I'reasurer, appoint all officers and commit- tees, unless otherwise provided for, fill all vacancies not provided for. sign all applica- tions for cards, if applicant is entitled to same; shall satisfy himself that all present are entitled to admission; he shall have a Consittution oj Local Branches. 37 vote in the election of General and Local Of- ficers, and for delegates, and on matters sub- mitted for general referendum vote; but on questions of a local nature, he shall only have the deciding vote, no matter how vote Is taken; and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Constitution, By-Laws and the local branch. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to attend all meetings. In the ab- .sence of the President or in case of his death, resignation or removal from office, he shall preside and perform all duties of the Presi- dent. Sec. 3. It sh&ll be the duty of the Record- ing. Secretary to keep a, correct record of the business transacted at each meeting; publish calls for regular and special meetings; notify candidates for admission into the local branch of their election; furnish officers and commit- tees with a copy of all resolutions referred to them; draw all orders on the Treasurer; and perform such other duties as may be re- quired of him by the Constitution, By-Laws and the local branch. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Secre- tary-Treasurer to keep a true record of all financial transactions between the local branch and its members; the local branch and the U. B., and of any nature what- ever; shall re'ceive and answer all cor- respondence; shall have charge of the seal and all property of the local branch; shall make all remittances to the* General Secre- tary-Treasurer; shall grant all applications for cards, if the applicant is entitled to re- ceive them; shall notify persons about to be- come in arrears, stating penalty; shall, at the expiration of each quarter, make a report in detail, showing the condition of the local, amount of money received and on hand, the standing of all members, the number sus- pended, expelled or transferred, and the num- 38 Constitution of Local Branches. ber of cards issued; he shall keep a book containing' a true record and description of all applicants disqualified for membership, and shall within twenty-four hours following re- jection of an applicant forward all facts he may have in the case to the General Secre- tary-Treasurer; he shall remit in full not later than the 15th of the month, to the Gen- eral Secretary-Treasurer, all percentages due the U. B. for the preceding month; it shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer of local branches of the U. B. upon sending money for any purpose whatsoever to a sister local to notify the Recording Secretary of the receiv- ing local, the amount of money sent and for what purpose; and shall perform such other duties as the Constitution, By-Laws and local branch may require. He shall furnish a good and sufficient surety company bond of not less than $250.00 for the faithful performance of his duties. (The U. B. and the local branch each to pay half of the premium of this surety bond.) Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Marshal to be at the place of meeting promptly and have the hall properly prepared for the com- fort and convenience of members. He shall take up the password; shall prepare ballots; shall introduce all candidates for initiation; shall assist at the initiation as provided for in the ritual, and perform such other duties as the Constitution, By-Laws and the local branch may reauire. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to assist at initiation, as provided for in the ritual, and perform such other duties as the Constitution, By-Laws and local branch may require. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the Guard to have charge of the door. He shall admit no one without the password, unless ordered by the President so to do; he shall allow no Constitution of Local Branches. 39 one to retire without orders from the Presi- dent; and shall perform such other duties as the Constitution. By-Laws and the local branch may require. Sec. S. It shall be the duty of the Local Organizer to secure, as near as possible, the number of men at work in the citj% both U. B. and non-U. B., and the names of the houses employing- the largest number. He shall keep a record of the number of men asked to join during the month, and their chief reasons for not doing so. He shall secure the names and addresses of lead- ing men in adjoining towns and cities where no branch exists, and report same to the General President. He shall each month, on blank.s furnished by the U. B., make a report to the General President. He shall, to assist him in his work, appoint one deputy organizer in each shop, whose duty it shall be to supply him with all information obtainable, and to assist him in every manner possible. He shall perform such other duties as the Constitution, By-Laws and the local branch may require. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the Local Executive Board to have supervision over the affairs of the local branch. Shall examine and approve all accounts against the local branch, before payment is made. Shall keep an account of all moneys received and ex- pended in totals. Shall examine all the books and records of the Secretary-Treasurer at the end of each quarter and report to the General Secretary- Treasurer within thirty days thereafter the condition of the funds and accounts, the num- ber of members in good standing, number ini- tiated, expelled or suspended, admitted or withdrawn by transfer or retiring card for each month, together with such other infor- mation as the General Secretary-Treasurer may deem necessary^ 40 Constitution of Local Branches. A majority of the Executive Board must be present at tlie examination of accounts, and r.o member of the board shall attach his sig- nature to a report unless such member shall have personally participated in such exam- ination. Should inaccuracies appear in the report of Executive Board, the General Presi- dent shall order an investigation, and in event of willful falsification by said board, shall suspend such board from office, together with the 'delinquent financial officer, and im- pose upon them a fine of $10.00 each. In the event of the suspension of an Exec- utive Board an election of their successors shall be held within one month from the date of such suspension. Expense of examination of books and records shall be borne entirely by local branches. Local branches failing to report to the General Secretary-Treasurer as required by this section shall be fined $10.00. Sfc. 10. It shall be the duty of the Shop Collector to visit each member in the shop every week and collect dues, giving in return therefor a stamp, which will be supplied by the Local Secretary-Treasurer. They shall, at every regular meeting, turn over to the Local Secretary-Treasurer all money so col- lected, with a concise statement of the amount collected from each member, with date, and shall accept receipt from the Local Secretary-Treasurer therefor. They shall per- form such other duties as the Constitution, By-Laws and the local branch may require. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the Journal Correspondent to communicate each month with the editor of the Journal, and furnish all news of importance pertaining to his local. Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of all officers to turn over to the proper officers all books, papers, moneys or other property in their possession, belonging to the local branch or U. B. at the expiration of their term of office, or at any time when called upon to do so. Constitution of Local Branches. 41 Sec. 13. For failure to faithfully perform any of the duties as provided for in Article IV, officers may have charges preferred against them, and upon conviction thereof may be fined, suspended or expelled, as the local branch may determine. ARTICLE V. Membership. Section 1. Any journeyman working at any branch of the trade shall be eligible to mem- bership. Apprentices shall be eligible to member- ship after having worked at the trade for a period of one year. The initiation fee shall be one dollar ($1.00), and the dues twenty- five cents (25c) per month. They will be al- lowed a voice, but not a vote, except on ques- tions of strikes, when they will be entitled to a voice and a vote. If called out on a strike they shall receive three dollars ($3.00) per week, but shall receive no sick or death benefits. After becoming competent as jour- neymen they shall be entitled to all priv- ileges and benefits without further Initiation fee. Sec. 2. Application ^for membership must be in writing, on blanks furnished by the Local Secretary-Treasurer, and must state the applicant's full name and address, occupation and age. An initiation fee of not less than two dollars shall be required from all appli- cants. Sec. 3. All applications shall be referred to an Investigating Committee, who shall report thereon at next meeting, when a rising vote shall be taken, and if elected the applicant may be admitted at the same meeting. A majority of all votes shall be necessary to elect. If the applicant shall be declared 42 Constitution of Local Branches. rejected, the fees accompanying his applica- tion shall be returned to him. and he shall not te eligible to apply for membership again for the space of two months. Should an accepted applicant fail to appear for initiation for the space of two months after his election he shall forfeit his initiation fee, and any fur- ther action taken shall be the same as in the case of a new applicant. Sec. 4. When applicant has come from a city where a local branch of the U. B. exists, it shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treas- urer of the local branch receiving the applica- tion to write the citj- from which the appli- cant comes and make inquiries regarding the actions and reasons why he did not join the U. B. before action is taken on said applica- tion. Sec. 5. Any person of the trade coming from any local branch and accepting a posi- tion where any other local branch exists shall at once deposit his book with the Local Secre- tary-Treasurer, who shall sign the receiving transfer and at once notify the Local Secre- tary-Treasurer where the brother last be- longed, on private mailing cards furnished by headquarters. All members are required to pay dues they may owe to receiving Secre- tary-Treasurer, such dues to become the prop- erty of receiving local. Sec. 6. That no member of the U. B., hav- ing a permanent position, be allowed' to work at any other trade without becoming a mem- ber of the union of that> trade, if such exists in his locality. Sec. 7. Any leather worker, coming from a city or town where a local exists, and hav- ing failed to become a member of said local, the local to which he presents his application for membership shall have the power to make the initiation fee of such applicant five dol- lars ($5.00) more than their regular initiation. Constitution of Local Branches. 43 ARTICLE VI. Dues. Section 1. The regular dues of each mem- ber shall be thirty cents per week. Said dues include subscription to the official journal. Sec. 2. Any member failing to pay dues for a period of four (4) weeks shall be in bad standing and forfeit all claims to any and all benefits provided for by the U. B. or local branches, and if unpaid at the end of eight (8) weeks, will be suspended. Sec. 3. Any member having been in bad standing, shall not be entitled to benefits im- mediately upon payment of arrears, but shall be debarred from sick and death benefits for ? period of three months. Sec. 4. Any member suspended from any local brancli on or after August 2, 1901, can be reinstated upon payment of $3.00 in addition to the regular initiation fee of the local to which he makes application for membership; but he shall forfeit all previous rights and benefits and be considered as a new initiate; but this shall not mean invalidation of any fines or moneys he may owe. Sec. 5. "When a member is suspended the second time, he shall pay an initiation fee of not less than $10.00.*, The amount of fines shall be added, same to be paid as the local branch may direct. ARTICLE VII. Trials. Section 1. Any officer or member feeling aggrieved by any action of any member or officer of a local branch, may prepare a charge in writing, giving a plain statement of the facts, the name and addresses of wit- nesses, if any present, and give the same to the President, who shall read the same to the local branch and put the question: "Is the charge of a nature cognizable by the local?" 44 Constitution of Loral Branches. If decided in the affirmative, the President shall appoint a committee of five to try the case. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said com- mittee to meet within five days from the date cf appointment, summon witnesses and give the accused not less than three days' notice of time, place and object of meeting. They shall then hear the testimony and reduce the sub- stance to writing and report to the local 1: ranch. The accused shall have full opportu- nity for defense. If necessary, the committee may adjourn from time to time until the trial ir concluded. If the committee report the charge sustained, and the local branch adopts the report, the President shall put the judg- ment in execution. The committee shall, in their report, pronounce judgment and state the penalty. All penalties invoked against members, as per action of local or trial com- mittee, must be reported to General President and must receive approval of Executive Coun- cil before such penalty can legally be col- lected. There shall be no remission of the penalty, except by majority vote of the local branch. Such action must receive approval of the General Executive Council before such penalty can be legally removed. In case the accused or accuser is not satisfied with the judgment, appeal may be taken as provided in Article VII, Section 3, General Constitu- tion. ARTICLE VIII. Sick Committee. Section 1. Local branches shall have the right to arrange the visiting committee as may best suit their convenience, but in no case shall the sick committee consist of less than three members, whose duty it shall be to visit the sick at least once in each week, no two members to visit at the same time. The chairman shall attend to and pay all sick Constitution of Local Branches 45 benefits. He shall draw on the Treasurer for the amounts needed, giving his receipt there- for, and shall take ' a receipt from persons receiving benefits. Shall at the end of each month make a written report to the local branch of all benefits paid and to w^hom. Sec. 2. The sick comnaittee shall have pos- itive proof before sick benefits are allowed. ARTICLE IX. Special Meetings. Section 1. The President shall be empow- ered to call a special meeting whenever in his judgment it is necessary. Sec. 2. Upon the written application of five members, stating object of special ineeting, the President shall be required to call a spe- cial meeting. ARTICLE X. 3Iiscellaneous. Section 1. It shall be the duty of all mem- bers to be present at all meetings of their locals; to pay strict attention to all its trans- actions; to faithfully perform any duty as- signed them by the laws or bj'- the local branch; to secure work for a member of the U. B. in preference to one who is not a mem- ber; to be ever watchful whereby a member may be benefited; to report all matters to the President which may conie under his obser- vation that the executive head of the local branch ought to know; to lose no opportunity to teach the principles of the U. B. to persons who show themselves ignorant of the same, and not to work in any shop within the juris- diction of the local branch for less wages than may be determined upon by the local. Sec. 2. The President shall, upon assuming the chair, appoint one person in each shop to be shop collector for that shop, said shop col- lector to be held responsible for all stamps 46 Constitution of Local Branches. a,nd moneys held by him and belonging to the local. Sec. 3. No member shall be elected or ap- pointed to any office until he has been a mem- ber for three months, except in cases where local branches have not been in existence that length of time. See. 4. Any officer or member found guilty of being derelict in' his duty shall suffer such penalty as may be provided for, or as the local branch, in its wisdom and justice, may direct, subject to an appeal, as provided in Article VII, Section 2, General Constitution. Sec. 5. The General Secretary-Treasurer will furnish all locals with blank weekly re- port sheets; same to be used by the shop col- lector in making out his weekly report. Sec. 6. When a person makes application for membership in any local branch, that the Secretary be required to state what line of business applicant is engaged in. Due books should have for saddle-maker, S. M. ; for harness-maker, H. M.; for collar-maker. C. M.; for gig saddle-maker, G. M. ; for machine operator, M. O. ; for cutter, Ctr. ; for horse boot-maker, B. M., in addition to numbers and names. Sec. 7. Team worK is not to be con.strued to mean stitchers and finishers. Sec. 8. All laws or part of laws in conflict with the General or Local Constitution are hereby repealed. ARTICLE XI. Amendments. Section 1. Local branches shall have power to frame such By-Laws as may best suit their convenience, provided such By-Laws in no wise conflict with the Constitution of the U. B. or local branches. INDEX. Page Preamble 2 Cou8titution — General. Apprentices 2} Benefits IS Sick 19 Death 19 Badges 26 Cards 13 Committees 27 Conventions 'i Basis of Representation 4 Railroad Rates, etc 4 Dissolution of Branch 23 Dues 20 Executive Council 4 Fiscal Year 2:, Fines 22 Membership — Who Shall Compose 3 Miscellaneous 23 Officers ;"> Duties ol" Ti Nomination and Election of 10 Organization 13 Power to Amend 2 8 Revenues, Property, etc 15 Resolutions 29 Salaries 21 Strikes 16 Strike Benefits 16 Title and^ Objects 3 Union Stamp 26 Vacancies. 11 Constitution— Local Branclies. Amendments 4 6 Dues 4 3 Duties of Officers 36 48 Inde.i\ Elections and Installations 36 Membership 41 Those Eligible 41 Initiation Fee 41 Investigating Committee 41 Miscellaneous ^ 45 Officers 35 Sick Committee 44 Shop Collector. . 40 Special Meetings 45 Title and Objects 35 Trials, Offenses, etc 43 Vacancies 3 6 ■ w< ■'^ t 3 ENCOURAGE THE DE- MAND FOR OUR LABEL And at the same time PATRONIZE the < ■.•'■'' ' ' . ■ ■ , Label of All Other Union.^ ^^ " 'i ■ , '- U U.C. 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