THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON FACSIMILE REPRINTS II ENOUGH IS AS GOOD AS A FEAST iT Of this book 200 copies have been printed No 2.1 THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON FACSIMILE REPRINTS II ENOUGH IS AS GOOD AS A FEAST BY W. WAGER FROM THE UNIQUE COPY IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY WITH AN INTRODUCTORY WOTE BY SEYMOUR DE RICCI NEW YORK: GEORGE D. SMITH 8 East 45TH Street 1920 LONDON : PRINTED AT THE CHISWICK PRESS TOOKS COUKT, CHANCERY LANE The early English hooks in the Henry E. Huntington Library will all be fully described in the elaborate cata- logue prepared under the direction of Mr. George IVatson Cole. Afeamvhile it has been thought advisable to place in the hands of scholars trustworthy photographic facsimiles of a few of the rarer itemSy especially those ivhich have not yet been reprinted and of which no correal text is easily available. Each reprint will be accojnpanied by a short introduBory note giving the necessary bibliographical and literary information. rr "^ '■» r- / > -f INTRODUCTORY NOTE IN 1656, as an appendix to Thomas Goffe's play The Careless S hepherdess ^tv^ol^onAon booksellers, Richard Rogers and William Ley, printed An exa5l and per- fect Catalogue of all Playes that are printed. In this list occurs a play Enough as good as a feast^ of which nothing is known beyond this bare title. Other early lists of plays such as Edward Archer's (1656) and Francis Kirkman's (1661 and 1671) merely repeat the above entry.' As late as 1902, in his reprint of these lists of plays, all W. W. Greg could add as a note was " Not otherwise known." And yet the copy seen by Rogers and Ley was still in existence: it was hiding at Mostyn Hall with other literary treasures and only came to light at the Mostyn sale in March 1919, when it was purchased by Mr. George D. Smith from whom it was subsequently obtained by Mr. Henry E. Huntington. In an introdu6tory note to the facsimile reprint of Fulgens and Lucres, full details may be found on the history of the Mostyn library. The title-page of Enough is as good as a feast gives us the author's name. This " comedy or interlude " was "compiled by W. Wager." Little is known about this dramatic author, whose Christian name is usually given as William : we have from his pen " a very mery and pythie Gomedie called ' Kirkman however reads Enough '; as good as a Feast. 7 The longer thou livest the more foole thou art"' printed about 1570 by William How for Richard Johnes (British Museum, the only copy known) and we learn from the Stationers' registers that his play The Cruel Debtor was licensed in 1565- 1566 to T. Colwell (of the original edition there are three stray leaves in the British Museum). Two or three other plays have been conjedurally ascribed to him and he was probably a relative of the Lewis Wager, the author of an interlude on The Life and Repentance of Mary Magdalen printed in 1566. The following is the description of the newly dis- covered play: A Comedy or Enter |jlude intituled, Inough is as good as a feast, || very fruteful, godly and ful of plea- || sant mirth. Compiled by || W. Wager. || C Seuen may easely play this Enterlude. || . . . IMPRINTED AT LON || don at the long shop adioyning vnto St || Mildreds Church in the Pultrie, |1 by John Allde. F. 26 V. : blank. 4° Goth, (and Rom.) 26 ffnc. (A-F^ G') 39 lines to a page. Printed about 1565. Copy known. Belonged as early as the seventeenth century to the Mostyn family, and last to the Lord Mostyn of Mostyn Hall, Mostyn, Chester; his sale (London, 20 March 1 91 9, p. 36, n. 341 and pi.) to G. D. Smith. Now in the library of HENRY E. HUNTINGTON. Perfeft. Some lower edges uncut. Formerly bound in old calf with other plays, now separately in morocco, by Riviere. 2 ICome&p oj! enter bidcifititukdjnough isas goodasafeaji^ tcrpfmtefiU/goDIp ani) fulof plea^ (ant mictii^ CompilcDtp Tie ncuncs of the "Players^ fVvorldlyman* ftjone. ?» frti nn» Inconfid Heaucnlyman. 3 w^onp. ^^ruant Prologue, ? Inconfidcration ^ Contcntation. ^ Reft ^ *^*®"^* Tcmcritie.' ^..^jeiie ^^°P^^^^* -^ Ignorance^ ^'iDJBnP. Precipitation. -^ Sathaiu J Tenant. > -.,.„. Hireling, 5 »u^uiie- Phificion. J ^Couetculncs tJje caitefo; an otfjer, IMVRTNTED ^^T LOJST Don at tl^elongQop aDiopning tnta &d Mildreds Church in the TulcnCj fTroIogus, i¬i'.e t!)at tijts iDo^fljipful autjfence, Bis at tbi0 time fogitbcr conjrcsate: ilpf our jp^aaifeto tjaiie intelligence, ;ano toit^tljefame tljem feluesto recreate. CDoD graunt 1 5 grace tf}e fame tucl to puMijate. 5l6ut fo; tljem tbat ^aue Oept at Parnailus : SLljis faeultie t0 mo;e mat fo; t^em t^en fo; t0 Panditepieridcsvcllrofacraoftiavita. f ^pen rour l)ol^ r>a);es €) pleafant Mufcs, E'irert our tungg to fpeah eloquently: ;i!lertue0 to piatfe anD to totjcft abufeff, S)euiDing eittier of tbem plain ano Directly. C^at it ma^ appar to all oor auDtenee euioentl^. SEljat t\)\si matter tirtjccb toe noto go about: W^ pour infpiration tuas ftrft founo out, f£Dl) tbat toitf) fome grace ^u tooulo lis infpfr?, anD uele toitfj t£5 as toitb Orpheus -gou Delt: ^ben n^onlD all affections Ijaue tb?tr DeDire, ifo^ tb^ougb W ^uQch ^e maue ftone«to melt, ^0 feinDe of pain in 1^1 ffien tbe fouler felt. ifo; te plapeD to pi rafantlp tr ttib i}ts ^arp: »at tber fo;igate ttjeir pained crauouc anO Hiarp. fTanulusfb^gate^ig hunger ant ftirll, Sifiphus left of rolling !}(0*>tone: Ixion fo^menteD among t^e touttt , i?o?gate tii0 tobeel tbat fje toas bangctj on. Sttje toomanBclidcj left tomjfe anon: ^Ijofe labour 1)080 continuaUi?to 61 a %\xn\ Mbereontb)?cleft0tf)elicoartW D©tl) run. f2ni^efefable0to!jerfo;eba)3!fallto mintje? « SDruel^ bccaufe 31 tiefire \si\i\i all mg bart: SDbat our Cnglilt) ^ter ma^be of fuel) hinD^, ^otbe to leaue all grdeuonlhe0 ano fmart 0nd alfoto be pleafant in etierr parte. SLbattbofetobirfjcomtfo; recreation: ^ap not be tjolo of tbeir expectation, iJPocts faineo Mcrcurius fobauc tmngfl> l»tl)eon l)ut lieo a»to on i)t0 bceles alfo; Tnongb is ds good as afcafi% iFo^ liael^ ano f totfc ^ toas in all t^inc0, ;appff rins ratl)er to fls tten to so: ;S)r t)tm Vm, fain man\? godlt tlnngg mo. ]l5ut fo; cur purpoCe ^\^ W\ feme t^is feafom ano tD^)? 31 fpcafe, tou njaU Imotoe t!je reafon. ffMcrcurius \% ttjc ©oD ofcloqucnce, 3iBt to^me 31 twDcrttano ttje mimttcrfijjf talbe: ^ucft mnfttianctftc luinfisxjf intelUgciue, Binttittr l)eos before tbeirtungs to far do loalike. Sttje Daungcr of rail) fp&clj ttje^ muft toifelp talK«. Mll)en,tDljcre,an0 to uiljome tljev fpcafe tbeg mutt note: ^efo;ic tljat ans tl)inspafl'c out oftftcir tb;ote. «[20 Mercurius baft toittgs tspott 1)10 fteo, J&obatb be toings on bu? bffilcfi rcDp fofl^c: ^IJEben af&cttons ttamiett) in reafons Vmt iaepo;terflof talefftfeeftConeB tolye, Wf^z bffile^ af&ttions Do aUb Ogntf^e. ne tilings D(DallDaic0 reafon ccmp^ebeno: Mbicb ^nto ^ertue ougbt to tontiefceno* fifetDti)£D;D0totDife menarefuStaent, imitbout a caufe 31 giue not tbis monition: ^iiutto goD men it is plain onD euiDieat» SEljat man)?men bane WnA Utoo conDif ton. 315l> tbeir euil ijDo;D0 to b^tng got men into fufpitiom | S5t> tbeir tmDiTcrete talbe tbe^ Do nuicb barme: USecanfe tbcp toant reafon tbir tuns0 to tbarm?* i|[IUt tbi0 palTe auD go toe to tbe argument, ^ t^abicb lue tuU oedare in ti)o;tO0 generalU i^oU) fucb as bane a ieameD iuDgementi l&nolDe tbat among tbe poets comically' 3inb;:eeffentencettt9ast)aial(. 2D} (botoe tbe isbole contents of tb$ ComCD^e: 3in tbe argument tobicb^iD Icelberilp. 4£5ut our tungs batbnot (b comely a grace, 3n tbat point, a0 batb ^z Hatin and (^reeh: We cannot like tbcm our fentenceat eloquentli^ plac^ SDbat our poet0 to tbeir ®xv&^vi Map b^ li&e ^ tbe2 i^oUJe toel tuji^l? fo? facj maf t^isi Do fofe. ^ Tnough is as good as dfco/f^ liBaf fotoour bed, moat) ^$t3)il not neslem SDrafhng tfist totfe men tbe (ame toll accept, ^£Dnr title in Inough is as good as a feaft, » mif)ia) Het^;tcaUs toe Qjal! ampl^r^c: ^ fl)at it (liaU oppeer I^^ to motte ano Iea(F SCIiat our meaning id btittaeffie* ^ ^et note ano tfjen toe toil DaUu merilp. 1^0 toe l^all pSeafc ttjem tbat ofmirt^ be ncGmtsi if 02 toe pla^ not ^o pleafe tbem t[jat be oiriouisr, m^x a p;efaf c a fear 31 am to long ytut Bi baue faio tbat Si toil Tap noto: SSLbe MIo}loi? man i0 frolibe lultr anD UtonQy t22at)o toil (botoe W qualities before rou, ^otot be iaanb in anr toife toil not boto. )l3eboloe ronoer be commetb into t^is place: %i}txf9;t t^^finiiiiwx Cmple )3;eface. EntcrJVorldly manjlout andfroUkcl VvorWIyman.* Ccanlie 3 am a man tnbetoeb tuttb treafur^ SEberfo;e a too;lDli? man men oo) me call: 3lnuab3ibauencbe0 ano mone^ atmppleafurf, i^ea,anb % toil baue mo^ in fpifibt of^em aiu ^ common fajPtng better is enis^tbcn ruetb> 3 bao ratber m^^ Iboulo fpite tben pittt? me: ifo; tbe oloe faping noto a Dates pjonetb traetb* i^ansbt baue naugbt fet br as fiaplp toe fee. i|toi93i amnotoftS^emmo^aarome menare^ Inough isds j^oodds afcafi. WXWh Iffif? fo.j no moje tben toil feme nccctfitie: ill againff a Dai? to come J| oo) prepare, %\)at \s)l)cn age commetl) 3 niai? hue mcrilp. ^1) (aitl) one inougO is a0 goo as a featt, ^eajbut iJDtjo can tel tnfjat t)i0 cnD QiuMi SCtjerfoje 31 coun£ J)im tourfe tften a IBeaff, %\)nt Uiil not taue t^at in refpett ano fee. ias bD mme oUine jfatl^er an example 31 ma^taUe, !^e toas belcouefi of all men ano hept a g«BO boufe: m\)i\U rictjes IafleD,but i2j!)en tijat oio Qafee, %\)zrt toajs no man tJjat oi^ fet bp ^im a Loufe. 0nofo at fucb time as as lie from tbe tDo;lD toenf, 3 mene toben be d\?cd be ujasf not U)o;tb a grote: 0nD f bep tbat all \)is CnbQance bat) fpent, if o; tbe tialue of r9.pence iooulD baue cut bis tlj^ote. y&ut BitrotDe Bl tuiltabebeccj&f (Ucbi ST^er (ball go ere tbei? o^tnh iDben tbe^ come f o me*. 31t botb me got) to tel t\)t cbtn!{0 in m\7 htitd)^ S^}e tben at tbe jOEauem o; ale boufe tobe. ^Heaucnlyman, CPoU caretb fo; bis as tbc p^ojiljet D^iuid tot^ fat* 0n5 p^eferaetb tbem ^n&er Ub memlittl tuingj Sibe l^eauenl? 3 mene,tbat Ijis toil doj oba^, ano obferue bis boli? commausii)emeiiit.6 in all tbiUj;. ^et not fo^ our fa&e0,n9; fo; our oeferuing. 3i5ut fo; bifl! otone name fafee openly to Declare: t^at all men W on dBartb ougbt to Hiue in tits fe^e» Worldly man, 2Dl)ic fame t0 one of our ioU^ talkers, SDbat p.^attletb fo mucb of ^eauen anD l^el: m, a tel THJU tbefc arc goDlp tualfterg, M man^ firaunge tbtngs f be? can tel. SDbe^ paffe men,rea angels tbe^ mtU ^ir,are ^ou not callcD tf)t l^euenli? manf abaue ban in tiourcopan]? ere nolo but 3 canotfeltol)an Heucnlyman, 1^15 certainlD feir, tbat is mg name, tnn^si^t^g of arig M) tiik i m c&rifelTe* luough is asgoodds dfeafl. ^oB craunt tftat j ma\? oeferue ffje fame, W,W^ tt)erin onelij b ws tjcir cdnfolation; 1^ Ittough is as goodds nfcafl. \$z curfet^ f bem not be caufc t!)ep fjauc mucl?, but bccaufe tfjcprecciue it not toitb contcntatioit. 3l5uilDing tijcrluitb to ttjem ftlucs a g©o founoation, jEDbat i2f to lit? bar on Cartb trcafure great (f o;e: to purcbaccalsingoome tbat laftetb »;aer me;e. Vvorldly man, Paflton of me maittcr5,tDbat ujouId ^ou bane me to mi ^ou arc fonD fellotowf inWQ as; euer 31 bneU?; if JI iboulD not tafef paincfijrice, run ano go i?o; miliums, tobattljensf tooulD infuef ja begger (boulo ^ Dre,maiUers tbts i« true, 2Ebcn mt? tDife anu cbilo^en tbat 3 Seauc bebinbe; 3 fear me atrour banosf, fmall relaef (boulo 6noe. Heaucnly man» abaue ban t?ang (faitb Dauid} ano nolo am otbe, ^et Viiz rigbtcoufe fo;raben 5. neuer DiD fee: i^o; tbeir feeo begging B;cai} B! bib not beboloe, ^berfo;>e ^our minoe to tbe ^^^(s^zts CKotb not agree. Call alltbg burben ano care(faitbCbJifie) on me. ^no Ji toil pjoutbe to hap tba from baunger anb tirife: ^nels feeU iW to line a gobli? ano gojb life, Contcntation. ^ben Solon teas afheb of Crcftus tbe fimg, ^bat man loas moffe bappp in tbist bale tcrefirial: %Q ^ cno be fsfemeo to attribute tbat tbing, Mlbcn men be aObQate Uiitb treafures feleltiall* Vvorldly man, 3Bp i\iz beginning no man can iuoge Vc^z fame Solo n ootb fata %W an? man i^ bapp? tbat bearetl) b:eatb; 2lBut )?et bp tbe eno p^rtel )? iuog e toe mai?, ifaj true bappines (faitb be)confi{lct^ after oeatb. Hcaueiily inan, 3f tbis be true a0 bnDoateolp it iiy, Mbat \mn are mo;c toicheo, iD.;etcbeb anb miferable: SCben tWz tbat in ricbesacosunt tbeir bliOfe, 515ain3 infecteo toitb Ambition tbat Otlmes DncuraWr Contcntation. %^z treafure of ti)ta U)o^l^ \siz mas loel comparri If tough is as good as afealt, SinoCircestlic ©Ulitctjtoitbtjcr craftpcatotilitie: Mlljcrtr.itl) ntanv mens minors fo poin'oneo are, JLijat c^iiitttliev. arc catreo to all infiCtiitie, %\}cv srcconiurc^ fo in DecoaniJbetuitcl)ei)fo fo)f, jELtjattica&ire its t^cir trul!ji?ca,l!Ope ano UEligWi Jncugfj fcruetl) tftemnottil t^attljcT? Ijanemo^e, ^0 asainft Contcntation tftcg ail ttriue ano Sjjot. Heauenlyman, SEf)oug!)fbe MloiilDliP mantiQ)folott)et^eir luff> Crying on C-artl) is our fdicitie anD plcafure; ^eti5at in C^DS bolr p;omife put confibenc e ant trutl. lanb tben rouble fislicitie at tbe latt loe flmti poifeire: anb tben in all (Sartbl? boings CDob djall gine gooo fucceSDf ^e pcD;rmen anb commons tsalUe in^i^ur bocation, ^i5anifl)fonb fantafres tobicb are notconuenient: fettle pur minbes toitb inougb to baue contentation, Confioertng tbaf tbatleabetb totreafures mode erccuent, jpo; tbefe are tncerfain, but tber are mofte parmanent. ^our neceflitie appl^ yjsHYi treafure/aitb anb truft : I3nb i>ou C^all baue tnougb allDaies among tbe BlaS* - Vvorldly man. 0nb tnbeeb tnons^ id as gosD as a feaflf, SLben toe tto be all men?, Wltb bufdjiloe % ^mt to tljet, fo; be D(ctl} trimlp inuent: tbe loiigeft liacr pap ail: 33Lo make tJB fine frolifoj cbeer i2Dur trull 10 in Cimctife, :^e tuailes neuer fo oecr, Jfoj be 10 p.:n0i'Jit ano boife, , ano all cur mone? dene fpct tberfo,:e nujnei? cannot fall. $Lberfb;etoefparefo;nofoS £Db€oiietouCe p^wutt p>;inu% Mlecabetruaebofcorbofle ^Itfrggtoalles^DiDli couincc ifo; IbillinfiiB n:. ano one: anu ruled tbem cucr^ one: Couctoufe batb a gtoD toit, %\m tofi i3.:iue man^ a Djtft, l^e finoetb a mcnc to pap it, ^nn makefi foj bs mueb aiifr, tobe all our monep is gone, tube all our ntoner is gone. f Enter Couetoufc the Vice alone. /^ % IBlatU beatbfrtlD bPbere great C-oltas toas flain, ^3 SLbe 9B«3n Iping in cbiloebeD of ber lad bonnet ^* jSCbe SDib j.:ne at U^artoick toag tben ?fi!ng of ^gain, 315r tDbcmc tbe lano of Canaan tben Uias tuan. 31t bapneD betlpeen peterbo;oU) anb pcntec off, ^bont fueb time as Jup toa^ maoe of S^Ko^mtrcDD: SDbatCbiloes toC3;fe in 3f aOl UkdU toitb fireloas M, ;anD alUbjouffb tlje treafon of falfe Robm Hood, SDJiat fato ^ir Guy of OTartoicfeianb Cokbrand, - ^ Inough is as good as aftafi^ Mbicb fought againDt tt)e ^un anD Hoppeti ijisf Its^: ^ea (quof i) HobgobIin)iet me tabe tOeni in tjan^ Cijt{D;en>c^tlD;en not able to nefiS mvDiigi)t ^ Icimoerful bloof^eo loaa in tljcfe Da^e0, 5Fo^ Saint Steephcn fought againU X\iz golDcn finig^t: 3n fo mucl) ttjat Peetcr icas fain to giue W iaete9» 3BCo tl}ofc (^B fenotoesi tfeat tiao to ti;em no rigbt ^it[) tte greef of tbat, aU ttie ^int0 in ^eauciT> p^ocIameD open tuarreo at ^amaro in tbe fesb: aCfjep fougbt from U% of tbe clocfe to eleucn, ^; euer tSe 2Eraito;d ipoulo gine oner ano i^eelo* ai5ut to fap tberc toas faitf) t&cre toaff. Saint Stcephen \.\it pungcrtuasmaoe Captain of tbeC5arDc: MlanDerfiil it toasr to fee fuel) things be i^oog^t to paOe* jas I am fure tfje like of tf)cm ^e ncucr tjeat d, 315? giCe(qnotb Saint Stccphen)it Ufa3 time to traOge, Ifr^er Francis tck bis fligW to^aule3ft«p!e: Infaitbbe tDa£r euen tuitf) i}9tm fo^z an oloe gruoge, ipo; beearieo dSxm tbe Metfjercocb in fpigt)t of t^e people, ^beiiUiasBlontibeDltmigbtat ^tnsffon?, janomaue £Dfficerof aUC«irt0ano latoe?: 31 gaue ^Dffices anD Iiumg0 man^ a oitp, ^aiT in DttO ?ou map fap,tf luas foj a caufe. Bin faft!) ttit fame oap t^at ^iofommer Ijoa^i marte0> gj neaer laugbeD better in mi? life: iFo^ euen f«Dainlp alua^ Saint Vncumbertarieo, 3l5otbe tbe 3i5?iDgramie anDtbe 3iB;ioc biff toife. i^o remeo? on CDOO0 name but 3 muttljeare tbtm topanr* Cbar, in faitb tbereUW£f,cbar in boulc^: janD tobo toasf minffrel but Saint Anthony, l^e maoe meloore fo^ all Cb nC«n fouleo, a quarter of a i?ar toe tarientbere in Voz fenf, ^berin toe bad Capricorne bakeo liUe reo^r: BltarieD fo long tit Itoaalbent, aefu bote tbepcrpeD out of me fldere. Miel, 31 mull ^mz among mp freen5£», (^erpboure til S comsf bep tbin&a oat?: 3totlfioamongtbent0fui6ltbeirminDe9, /6' luough is as good ds afeajl* if are it toel dDoffip 31 nuiU noiw atoa?. Tcmcritic. ta!t!)atb;otf;er Couctoufc^toliet^er atoapfofafff i falDC rou not b^ tbe ^^pafli^til 33 Icac; aUnoff c palt Couetoufc, tKHfjaf mine otonc S5^3tbcr Tcmcritic: 31 rcioice to fa i;ou,3l fluerc bi? tbc STmiiti^, Inconfidcration. ifo; fl)0e ire tb;^? baue taften great tl^agfjf, Precipitation. 3Lo;d, bolo far about fo; t!o« toe fjane foagbf^ Couetoufc. 3no 3 p;a^ rou tobere baue ^m tb.:a fonsbt fo; ma^ Precipitation. Bitt tbe l^mgfi bencb anb m tbe ^arH^alfar. ^ca, ano in all tbcCounfcr0,anD at jl^ctojate: ifo; tbefe are places mat fo.; tbinc ettate, Couetoufci a pcrceiue toel it muC be nvo djaunce: flbmue all t?our binffclUo t?ou to inbauncc. I^ur place is at &aint 2Dbomci6 atoatrings: ^l elijat S^Happing berono S>atntltatberin5f. SLbere luil JI Dub rou l^nigbts of tbe falter: ^mons ^our mates; tbere firongl^ to talter, Inconfideration. ^ou are to blame infaitb Precipitation: ifo; ^u began tbisf fcno communicatiom Couetoufc* ^u are MmzQ fo bfefticb falutattom Tcmcritic. Mbs3i5;otber toe fpeltefoj^urconfolation. Couetoufc. ^pcab tobat ^m totf ,etieti Mi\i ^ou 31 can make: l^peah rou in mirtb^anb ixi mirtb 3 tKo it taUe. Il5utbt tbemas and if iiougo aboot me to flotot: Slsilmabc V^z betf erof allrou tb^ee aHout. Precipitation. i^o ^ir,no,toe came not bctber ijou to moleth //- Inougl) Hsltsgoodasafcafi, ^r bttCneg 31 tel rou ts ter^ emeS, Inconfideration. %^<^(m arestrtte,tf nots toe ma&e not l^ift: ?I^e are all fottre Ittic to }mz a great lift. Tcmeritic. Btf eurr Couetoufe toer^ in oaungcr of (mntilmtettf ; l^e Qmioett) nolo at tl;cpoint ofbanil^mctit. Couetoufe. San^e Blad, ^oq ma^ me mucl) to nrnfe: laaOionof me ^tr0,iD^i; lotjat neUie^^ Precipitation. 31 tbtnit tbc Da^ of Juogement be note at bant): ^Qi it U}a0 ntner tbtisiince tbe tjDa;loe dtodand. SiietDo^loli^iiianbatbfojraben Conetoufe tXtxvti ^no tnto Coitentat(on,ano Binong^ ^e Ootl) iene« Couetoufe. llSlbat D©tb bCfBenidicite ts tljifif truef — Inconfideration, l^ea fa;tbj?)c is.quitc beiommcn a tieto. Spoie oucr toitb tbe beauenlp man be ts aSbciatc: ^bere be ^Dietb t rules of goblg life zx\i % late.. Couetoufe. 515ob^ cf me Prccjpitation,fetcb me \w gotom 1^^ Cap, ano mp Cbam, 3i teil lo tbc CoUjn, 4?arD ©ir,m oecD it j0 time tottir Coles: 3U}ilso neer to fetcb lome of tbe outoftbeir ^olei?* Temcritic. !^a0c m^ctb tuaffe ®?otber Couetoufe ije twtj ^0 Icone fo fam coloe,a£4;bat in mofte bot I tvairant tou tbe U)o;lDl^ man Ixttl font be Iser^: ^; tbei> iDil not fugier bun once to be mere* Snb tienlp be t^ indtneb tobe nougbt: t^rfQ;e tbtnU not tbat \y^ tbe be toil long be taug^ Couetoufe, /^otD b t tbe maire,of one tbat (boulo baue fapteee^ I ncaer bcaro none btter Iticb a fbltlb fentence* S¬oe rou not tbat taben (b ener a dinner Diotb repent: %W euil in l^ltfta cfto&e: iantjat meanea tbou foltf^ knaae to b;tns m^ Ctoto^ TcmcntJc, znv nv2 bMzv is bltnocr 3 tn^Uic ^ aCroton: ^oor of me tie toioloet^ net a Clobe from a be llanDetb againft tbe tieritte* » iFo; TementicleamcD men D® fap: ijs a qualttte to Did all tbing? tottbont Oela?. ^ tbat it tbou matS get into bis babttation: l^e tuilfcon be tnerpof tnougb anD contentation* SCben toitb bint Iball U«D;b Precipitation: tCilbats of tbts p.2opertie anD inclination. SLo fee anD to Do ail toitb out fmcsitt: ^(A tbinbtng of tbings to come o.: oftbingspaflf. iberfo;e after tbat Temeritie Dotb once enter: SLbon ibalt put tb^ feruice in aDuenter. nen InconHderation (ball get tnfo btsmtnD$ tmi^Q is a qualltte mucb of tbe fame hinDe. "^c Ir aictb neifber tbe time,perfon mi place: # ^citber (as tbev fav) tbe taile no; fbe tbe face • Stbus If rou tb;ee luitbin bim once be placeD: ^ou Hjall fe 1^ Jnougb of bim rtjall fon be Difgracett TiSnoertbe name of goiter to enter ^ do not Dout; ./7 " Inou^h is ds good as a fcafl. atiD %hkm% mtxtXi 3Inougt)Iftalbe rattcut ifo; tofjer Couetoufc in anp place Dot^rcmaint Merc content iDitb inong^ cannot abioc certain. ^ tfjat be fiiall run IjeMing into ttje pit: 2Do3tng all tljingg ^leDling toitljout ntoocttie o; tuif. EOjfjeer to ^ou m? minDe 31 tjauc DifclofeD: J^ll tiaue jifatD tI)atBi ^ue noto pur^ofeD. Temeritie. ft ttc fait& of mi? boOj? it is toojtljsl^ ueuiteD: Couetoufc. 31n ail tl)e Ijalte go tijon anD be t^ou oifguifeo. €pari? nolo tbere commetb an oti)er tbing to mp remeb;aiince jarenoneof I'ou acquainteD toitl? gbom^ asno^aunce? Inconfideration, Mbat be paf iJB^ Se is ms gboftl^ ifatbcr: Couetoufe, Bl tooulbfpea!? luitb bim fo miicb t^t ratber. i?o} Diners caufes tbat ^ tm conitber: ^g b^otber ano tboi^ Cb^l oeparte bence togifbcr, lUDfe ^ou mahe rou trim as fall as t?ou can; ^m tljcn in bafie fee^tc fpea^ Imtb tbe tooilol? man* Inconfideration to gbotJl? Jgno?ance,tbou (bait refo;te: anb tbis raeDTage from me to Um tbou (bait repo^te. if irH tbat be name bim felf beuotton: jant) l!}e tail belp Wi to bignitie ano p;omofton* €barge bim not to be out of tbe fasaij : ifo; iDepo^pofe to feno hi %im tbis^p^efentt^a^ Temeritie. JFoj afmucb m ^ou put rour tmIS ot onel? ricbes Gngulcr ano p;iuatc: J5ut alfopublihcUjcalcs ^ou U)tl fpoltiatc* ^0,: 31 pcrcciucb^t?o»tfo.'iner monition: Stfjat tb.zoug!) qlionfl? Jgnojancc I'ou toil DcttroB Waotion» 3 mcane true faitl),in ,fo;gctfulnesof tjcalb ecbe cap. ipaint courage,anD bngentlenes be otntb fap. SLbefe be tbe to beEle0 tbat to acuerfiti^cs cart oootb belono: SLbefe baue perftoations to begile men man^ anD ttrong, SDbe fame Cbariot batb ttco boifes tobicb oootb it Djato, JDbe one nameo Kauen\? anotbe otber nigaruHiip: SEbeir Carter iB E>e(tre to baue,tobo altsaies ooot^ datOj 315t fraube oj guile one an otber to nip, SEbts Carter batb ttoo co;Des to bis ^bip. SLbe one is appititite anb fclieitie fo; to get: SL|e otber i% calleo S>;eao ano fear to fo^let. Vvorldlyman. Mften tbitf Cbarfof gofe in tbe grouno of mans minbc, ^ is not once able to tbinft a gooD tbougbt: ifo? Couetoufe bootb tbe bart fo nmcb to lucre binbe, . Stbat be tubgetb all tbings to be bain ano nougbt> Crcept fome gain o; pjofit tbcrbp beb;ougbt. 3 mp felf am able to fa^ it,fo: 3 coo \i knotoe: Co baue gotten moncp 3 tluoveo fo occeiue bigtl ano lotoc iEuttbanfes be toC^oD tbe ifatber of all migbf? Mbtcb toil not tbe beatb of dinners as Scripture Dootl) Tap 3t batb pleafeD btm to open bnto me tbe t be true ligbt? Mberb? J^rcetue tbe rigbt patbfrom tbe b;oDe toap, SDtjerfoie Jl am contoit m Telf fo; to aa^ -^/ - Inough is as good as afeafi. WXitl) Sinoufib tobictj bungetlj me to quiet in boDp f min^e: |3$a. ano all ot^cr commoDit?e0 tWt loitt) 31 oo 6nor, . Inough, dlJoDlincs is great ricljw if a man can be content, ^lljen CDoD tjatlj fent tjim plent)? ano Jnouslj: 3lct bs pzaifc bim fo; our foD ano raiment, jano line goDlpIp all our liucs tbjougbj ifo.: tue mua trcao tbe patbs of Dcatb fo fi)arp ano toa^, ^nD tbrn fljall tuc be fiire to carp as little atoap: ;Ss UiC b;ousljt Uiitb b0 tbus Saint Paule Dojtb fap. Couetoufe. IBoOr of me be is merucloufe forgone: Wt (ball baue fomlobat to oco luitb bim anon. Precipitation, iltlttas iliucktbat be came not alone, i tDOulo tbat begserlpisnaue in i^el toere . Couetoufe, — tMel let me alone 3 toil 50 ncer, SEocaufebimofbiscompanptobelDerp: 3 bane tjoon as great acts tb:ife tbi 5 r^er, 31 am not to Icarne to reUie in Illirins ifcrp. 3 toil go to bim anfi t\)Qt} (bait toait tjpon me, %\)ow (bait bear tobat a tale tu bmi a toil tel; Precipitation. 3if tbou fpecD toel noto 31 fare p:omire tbe, 2Dbe i^euil toil giue ttiiz tbe Croton of bel. - Couetoufe , CDotJ fpeeD i;Ou ^ir, 3 p;ar ipou migbt Jbefo boloc, ja« to banc a tocojo 0; ttoo toitb pou in sour zaxei Inough, ^ea, baroclp mp f ranD fa^ tobat pou tooulo. '^our mince bnto me nou ma\? boloelg Declare. Couetoufe. 3mv TOtt are pou not acquainteD Mi} tU^ gentlemaii^ 31 tooulD fain fpeab Ml) bim a too;o 0; ttoain alone: 3i bcfffcb von belp me to mt? rcquett ifijoucan, ifo; I baue bade on mp toap 31 mud neeos be gone. Inough. 3lf ^ou ijao requireo a greater tijing of me, 31 tooulo zz Inough is iU goo J as afta/l^ 3lld0nlD Iiaue ooon ttfo; ^on Bi td roQ certflto: ^tr, one of ronder men totiuf) pou Doo fo, MoulD fpeab tPtt^ ^ alone tier? fain. Vvorldlynian. BitxitIsofobtniano!matDe Wmivm i isitiou (t)at tDoulorpeabftiittt»m«m2t(Q;nt)f Couetoufc, ^ea&;f«J5firf Vvorldlyman. d^^atfa^rontomef Couctoufe. M ^iViQl) got) &tr,oM)0(7 m? \3att fail b^I^e: :©feolr>fo;fo>oto©ootoot3cannotfp«afe. Weep VvorWiy man, ^^at 10 tte matters tobeito^e ive^ i^on tfiu^f Precipitation. Vyccp pare loue (aafetb bini,&ir 31 toti0, I am ftire tW be lames 1^ at etje ^mf . Vvorldly man* 31 t^ank fiim ttm\\> it is tmdeferaeo on m^ parf e. C^entlefreeno 3i p;«t rou cealTe ^ur lamentation! j&ore tt t5 a (traun^e tt}tng to fee a nmn tae^ on tUs Mm. Couetoufe, Let the Vice weep 3cannot cljufe,o&^^,3 cannot e^ufe: & houlc & make ^ftotofj canot tjntfe if m?? life 3 WD Icfe. great lametatio SCo Ijear ftat 3 ftear,oti toel it is no matter: to the Vvorldly ^tiP^,o^>3 am not fje tliat ani? man toil aatter« man, Vvorldlyman. SCO f)eartD^a( tmfjezv,\s\)^ tobat Ijear ipj of me ; Precipitation, (l^ars Or ^e ^earett ^ iDtmoerfitllt d^unget) ^u be Worldly man, 3 am fo ^n nk^M tbat 3 sine dDoo tbe glo:^ iSno if T'oii be mp fran^ fi33 mi? cfjaunge i^ou are not fo^p, 3 truft 3 1}aue e^en all fo^ tbe beff: ^0; mj; &;mer tau!^tmt9 3 bate and @ete£l. Couetoufe. M\jti\33, na? 3 foould to d^ (bat tcere tbe too^f^: Mt3(^li)atteUtoil>3ttnn&3amaanra. 3SD» vvorldlyman. /?3 Jnough is its goodctsafcafi Vvorldly man, 31 iuUjc bim not to be of a Difcrcte miittje: %\]tA (q% tl)e tructb toil be angrp toif (} bis franD, SDbe f alfee of talbers tungs 3 dcd not mncb toaij; ^et 3 p;as rou bartelg tel uie lobat tbe? fai\ CoucCoufe. Coitefoufcf ouetoufe,cucrp man faitO rou be: jS fijamc tafee tbem all p;atltng hnauca fo j me. 31 am of fucb a nature m no man is but BI: JCo bear mp frecno it fpoken of j! baD ratljer D^e. i^ca toiffe man,vouarc calleo cuen fo; ^U tbc cuHtrei? of \70u fpcab botljc Hame ano too. !Be Ijoas tonnt(raitb onejfo hap a goo boufe; but nolD(raitb an otbcr) tberets no Ituis fO} a moufc Vvorldly man. 3If tbis be tbe trarff ,fo; tbeir talfec 3l o© not care: Jict tbem fap fo llil baroel? ano ocd not fpare. 3 trutt 3 bauc cbofen U)i(b Mary ^z better parte: Precipitation. n r^f CQ3D ^ir,f bi0 sreeuetb bim f o tbe barf, Coiictoufc. pzti, 000 tt)ot,tt i^ none otber,tt ui none ofbm I lajue pou aa toel as mine oione bo;nc b;otber. SCbinh tn3u ^ it gr^etb me not fo bear ccbc bopanD^^irle; %^ fay tbat tt^z l2)o;lol? man is become a Cbnrle^ Vvorldly man. }^ bao nan fo fine ber? Orcumfpcctl?: JEbat iDouU) talje bpon bim to pleafe all men bi'rccti? 3SebolDe Jnougb. Go towards him. Couctoufe. i^a^ tou,f bis grdeuetb me U»o;a fo ©jtj me fauc:(pluck %W fas uou hecp company? \q energ bcggerlp fenaue (hmi Vvorldly man, (back* Mbcr 31 feapcompanp fbc\> bane ncugbt fo om: as neer as 3 can into none but boneU conipanB I go. ^ son, 3 p;a^ rcn Inough. Couetoufe. ^ag bnf bear ^, 10 Inou eh bfe name? Vvorldly man, ^e« Z4 Ifiough is as goodds aftajl* ^ca )Xi '^^^i^X \& euen tbe tierp rclffame. Couctoufe. Saint Dun(lonc,a man iDoulo not tuDsett bv ^ts cote: ^oto trncl^J tooulo not tafee ^m^ to be U3o;tb a grote. f^att ^ou,bat1{ ^ou,tn faitb knoloe ^ou not v^%i Vvorldlynian, ^0 truelie ttat | loot of, 3 t>tD t?ou neuer fee. Precipitation, nat v& maraatl tn Daeo tbe tnietl) fo; to tel: 31 Dare fa^ ^itm fatber ^neto l» botbeDer? ukK* Couetoufc JbDiO rou nener b^ar bttn fpeak of one ^Bolict* Vvorldlyman, ^e0 tbat 51 baue fure an bnno;{eD timed Dent?* Couetoufc 3 am be berilp ano tbis rour frdnt) Kebp toit j Q^SitbtobometobeacquamteD fc;^outti5 fit Precipitation* JDruetb in dccd as Seneca faitb toittilr: netoife man ano nottbe ricb Is tjoiD of iniferi?. V vorldly man. §aolin? am) reup tnit: noln tbe truetb is fo, SLbcrc is no man lining tbat can fpare ton ttoa, 3 tmaCDoD tuo;iUetb fo^ me bappil^ in oao: SSofenDmcallfiicbtbings voberofj baaeneeo. ifojtoitbouta reo^ lDit,U)ba can anfloere vxMi ^itbout a poIicT' all commootttcs tDiltlaUe. reD^ U)it toil fojn gatber ano conceiue: %mM be Cjall fo;fake ano tubat be fljall recdae. JEeuclp noU) J remember a faring of Tully tbeuenine: t!2Ilberc be \mi\^ botbc iriroome ano learning oeiSne. Hearning mahctb \!nng men fober (faitb be) 2nfi it caufetb olDe mcnof gtsu comfb:t to be . ^9olic\i ijifbe ricbcsanDpofTeffionoftbepo^e: |5ea,it garmlTjetb tbe ricb toitb goolp aDa.«. ^0 tbat tberc ie no tiate calling o; Degr a: Stbat map conuenientlp icif bout ^ow be. <3?iue mc ijour banos fo> pou are UJiUomebartel?. e>.a. Jam IS- Tttough if Ofgoodasafeaff, % am mkfiixy^ mtwX of i?our gcoD company. Inough, 3 bcfffci ^ou biD mv frani>6 toclrome l[;ef|>er; ifo; from tjenffci^tt^ toe mutt Dtoel all tojjitljer, Inough, ©e not ralb itt easing of a freeno Anftotk twtb fap: iiio; toben tljou tjafi e taben bim, caft bim not atoap, 0Dmit not tl)2 freeno either bigb 02 lotoc: €rccpt bis bcbaiiiour to otbcrs tbou Dtoft hnoloe. i?o; IcDh boil) bcfo;se be batb feruco bis otber frenO.* €nen fo toil liz feme tba alfo in tljc eno. Vorldlynian. ^ur parables truelt | ikd not tDfilmoerffanO: CBrcept i^ou menc ^ Cbulo baue no freeno^' but sou b^ me to 0ao Inough. Blnougb is as groo as a fea0, tod ?ou toot: £po;ie tben inougb:a man neeoctb not. Mbetbcr itbe lana5,monev,fra«Dfl oj tto;t:^ if be bauc tncugb; tobat nfitoetb be* ans mo;cf Couetoufc. 3perceiue tbat againd bs ttoo rou bo grutcb: dan a man of policp ano reop toit Wt to mucb^ s:be noble king Salomon toas ricb f ba^ toifoomc great fbiz ^zt be feaffco not oaplp eop;ap to Oao to; mo;e. Precipitation. <5et fboe tto;e of frcenos (faitb Cicero)fbj it i0beemcsi; ^trucfrecno mo^e tbenfcmffoll?cisto beeOameo. Inough. 31f is an oloc pjouerb? ano of an ancient timt: W\\i\t\) faitb* it is not all CI?olDc,tbat like (Moe^arfljU^itt?, ^0 rao;e are all frcenbs tbat franblljip p^etcno: jas it appjoHieo tottb man^ in tbe eno, Vvorldly man. ^cn inougbjbuf 31 am fure tbat tbis polinn jano tbis reoi: toit are mp f remos ber el?. Couetoufc, are toey re fait b tbcre of pou maybe fure: xmt are tbe^ tobicb i?our tocltb m\ procure; anousi) is not inowijtj toitljoi^bgttoo; 2^ Xftough is af^oodds afia/fi^ $Q% fiauing not t3ij,U)tiat can moagl) ^i Inougi) 10 mamtamcD bi? Uulbomc anD poliri?: v HiijicU is containeo of a reo^ ijott naturally. Precipitation, !^antng a rctJT? fett ait^ ofpote tlje fbil: ^u ncED not to care fo: tijiff inous^ mept ttw toll. SEbere 10 anotljer inougb lti!)ic!) 10 inuifiblc: ^Ibtcb inougb> to uiant t5 tmpoinble. jas fo; t\)i& l^m^ ts mougb 31 cannot Den^: ^utd]t0 tnougf) feruetb but cuen competently, ^ou baue no mo;ie noto then tot^ vour felf ferae: * ^0 tbat i^r po).: I15;!ectbem lo; all ? ou mai: tterue 3t5ut inong^i tbatcommett) bp D0 ttonm: 3»aWero«r fclf rniD manpotljcr to ftiaatn. yvorldlyman, ^our tjjojw arc cnen as tme as tbe d^fpcl: 00 one namco Keafon of late to me Dio tel . ^n mni? be mo;e beaaenli? fattb \iz \imixi% rtc^e^t SCben if roa bao nothing tbe tmetb to erp^ede. « a finoe bi8 too;DC true fo j tobc almcs ^ toolD sins il baue not toberlDitb tbe neeD)? to relceue. Slnougb I twucfo: mp fcIf I cannot fa\? naf. 25ut ItooulQ I bao mo^ to fuccour ttje necD^altoai? - Inoughi SEbefe iuffl;tti3 pjoceeft from a couefonfe mtnue; jEInOfrom a tuo^lolv lull tobicb oeotb "m bltnoe. U>as not t poJJ tciDDohj foj ber off ring p;jatfc& mojc STbcn all tbep ^ offreo of tbeir fuperfluitie % o^e. 2Lbc facrifif c of <15oo as t\it p;!opbet Dsuid M^ fag B30a b^oUen bart ano a gcDO min^e aliiiau* Couctoufc. 'i^c fa^eis tusi bi? UaOMca ano liftc an boncG man, 31But i?et ^irjricties to be flcroOjloel pioue 3 can. if oj eucrr mm is not callcb after one fo;te: 315ut fome are calieo to p;op!jecp,fomc to p;ea:b $ erljo^f e. jano be bp tbat mcanes i^anen iopcs to ir in: 35ut cueri? wan tmoloetf) not tbat toai? to toa^c in, |ID^er&;e zvixxi man(as ^is tocatton ts}mu(t uialHe: ^/ Inough is as good as a fcajl^ 3lam fare t^at againa tbis rou U)il not t^lb^. Inougk. SD^jcgrcatcG betters are nottbe beft msxzi ^3; tbc crnea p.:eacbcr» ar« t!)e bett lmer0, ^3 lucre increaretb ricbcs ano bono;, ^0 coactoufe inlargetb ua^l? mo;e ano moje. 9 bnotDC rSs in tbis realms tobicl) once toere cotent Wiit\^ pa);e!^ inougb tobitb ^"^ to tbem b^ fent. Mlifijing of a gmo confrience as tbep faiD tierilg; SLbat v&oD UJOtiKi once again rcfto;e toe ijeritie. 3if it pleafe tbee gnsD iLo;D (faio tbev) tbi' tooj^Dto bsf again (cn?> janD tbcrt truclg onr Couetaufe hues toe toil anicno» 515ut fince it batb pl:afeD dDjD, tbem to toeltb to retto;e: SDbep are ten time;? mo;e Couctoufe tij ^n tbeg toerc bJfo;e, ^ea bcoling initboiit all confioeratioii: SDber ^0; Couetou^ maHe Corns (aloes in tbat natiot •^ucbbrina ano felling DfiLeaces ano benifice^: ^ucb Doubling of toares to eitieme prices. fs>Q IbamcfuUp dlJaos mimttcrs tl)ep paulef (feauc: S^^t not Ijalf inoufib to hue tpon tber bflue. 015ut it ii5 an oloe faying ano a true certainlp : it tuil not out of if>e fiefq^ is bjeo inig bone^erilp. 3Cbc tDo;l8lg man toil n«;Ds be a U)3;lDlp man 0il: ^eUbufe pu I teil let pou alo^ m U)bat ^ou tuil. ^ cannot tbinh but tbofetbatof me boI&efco;ne: ^ilbe glao of me 0; eu?r tbe i?»r bs bal^U)o^tte. HkIc VvorWlyman, ^dx^ fare torlf atnen to tbe Dcuil: 3!£oD? of nic>be U)oulD malie me bi0 ^luiL Couetoufe, ^ou map fee tobat a truttp freeno be is: Vvorldlyman. S beggcrtp ftnaue 31 Warrant pou b? tbc bliffc. jano eucn fo be anO tbc? locrtf about me to make: WiitW a lubile J (boulo baue gone to tbe bcDse fbi a tl^e. Precipitation. 3 tuarrant pou tbat pou fijoulo baue phoned ftojtlp: nep U»tiUi not b^ue kft sou one grote no; penp* Slmomaa >2f Tnouj^ft is as ^oodas afcajt, 31 mamail too tuoniotarp untlj tbcm ant time o; fcafon: ^ou arc doe inoujjljiii trolnc to be rnUD bt I'cafori. Vvorldlyman. a C&ame fabe tbcm aU,S baac fpent on tbcm rr. pciio: SDbat 3 bao of inonct! ano of mtnc otone goD grouiiD. 3 am a fliamco of mp fclf Co CDoo mc faac: jiaccaufe 33 bauc folcc almoCe all tbat eucr 31 baue. £pp franDs ano companions lubcn 3 50 in tbc ttrat: ^0 C?co bclp mc, 3 am a ftamcD toitb t^cmtomect Couctoufc. paHion of mc it tnas time to IcdH aboaf: SCbcr iDouID quite banc tnomn ^ou,o? cIs toitbout boat li5ut 3 troU)e,3 trotocif roa loil be ruleb fap me: ^bat J iDilomfo; \:ou, 0; ere it be (ong tou (ball fflp, atboufanOjtboufanOjtboufanD toaicjs i can inucnt: ^0 fetc^ in Double aTmncb a0 rou boue fpent. Vvorldlyman. 515e rulcD br touf t^ b bar 3 bcd ?ou botbe ivt^ifittt ^ iSs mine obone minbe to fbloU^ all mv hues fpace.! iFo; 3 tcl ton plaiai 5 am Uierp of tbeir ^tljole: Precipitation. Bit iA iimz toi t!Otljd0 iW 1»ouId banc nube ton a M, Vvorldlyman. 3perceiueb no IcCTe in bjcbbp tbc talfee of Keafon: ^ut fo it (^ulo Ijaue come to pafle in feafon. Couetoufe. ;anb DO ton mt b;otljer Keafon ocrfitlr fenotue; Vvorldlyman, ^ea,anD toitib bim one calleD agiliUtie 3B troirc. Kealon came tome,anDtTuhi Hcderc mcntcm be faiD: Sola (oiet raCio dux 6da fophorn eft it cannot be DenaiD* SIo nature anD Ueafon be Dcotb open iniurt* tmbicbofotbcrmencouncelDcDtbfab: «> (Sod batb gtucn men Ucafon ano tbeir luitB polict? 2Lo fojfatjc t^at is il, ano to tahc tbat be Dctt) li^e, ■, ^ "^ Precipitation. )3nD bel^ue tou not tljefc tDo;Ds( to be bcrt trucf Vvofldly man. ^f Jnough isds j^wddS afcaft. ^Wianu 3lwttc tftousWon fteraw.timcs dice Jtel foa. ^ &ti0 mc tttn^ tf Ji ()aD mone^anDf rcafure again: 8^ fattb 3 iDoulo be a \m\si lad H tel tm plain, ii^eauenlv nmn(qaotIj lje)iet t^cm be bcaueni? foj mcs nt bed ^eauen is tne thinks is rict) fb; to be* Couetoufc, Bin fattb it Qmll eoCt me onD mi? tt&xm a fall, mit \?ou l^tbe (tDtTe as ricb ass ^on toere befo^ Mtetnil^ittofpitetbem euenloitball, 2Dboug!) luc Dos fjuno^eDs iDjong ttjerfo;e. 3 baue ret fome aloft ixi a bis^) place, Mbicli bao ratbcr b^e Jtjare toeUai?: SLben one incb of tbetr Sate Qjoulo fall o;t abace^ JBut ratber to clime fep bigber if tbe^ma?. MbolUy of tbid UjoilD 31 rule tbe u^bole 0ate> ^ea faitb BI goncmalltatDes^rites anb oibers; 31, at m^ pleafnre vaifc lDar,arife anb Debate, ^nb again | nta^c peac e in all Cottcs an0bo;ocrd ^ap, vtt a mwb ms;e mactiail «ben tbat, ^eboloe, fee rou Cbi0 litde p;ettp banD^ SICbisisan:armeofaeelefo;itouertb^olDetb fiae» SLbe If rmtseS ieaUea ano totoers in a toboic 2an^, potoerii baue laluesto alter ana mafer, <3nb all latocs maoe are giuoeb fag me : M tbat is bcDn,iB ooxi U)bQll« H^i mp fohe, labat Orengtb 3i baue fap tbis pen map fee. 2po;e oner 31 baue in t\^\3 litti^ bsn^, SLbe barts of all men f toomen t5po« Carti?: a rule tbcm botbe bp $s>ca ann bp tanb, Iplentp BJ ma&e anb 3 make alio bertii ?!mboVD,it is Ujunoerful tbat is ban b^pelift?, tlSHbile vou Itue take be^b drioc not agind polices SLbe bctt of tbem all arc glab of policp, ^ca in Meftmintter ball tbe? ^e mucb policp. yvordliy man. PruHentia nofct omnia,faitbtfte noble maU TuIIy policp bnolDCtb all tbings botbe groo anb t8 trulg. ^b golievjtDljat ment 3ifn3m reafcn % tti® to ttra^^? ^euer 2o Iitough is as good as afcaf!-^ ^ruer lx)il 31 fo;jfaUe v.m no? !?oMrs after i^iz Da?. ;ib Ijclp mc po!icr,t)clp mc to fome moncv: 5I£ll)ofc tafte 3 l(Due better tf)cn t^c tafte of (jon?. Precipitation, ^itf) too,:fF)t? poltcp vou baue tntcrfaineti: ^otD none of &i5 inllruments mutt be oif oainco. Vvorldlyman. SDifoaCneu f nofaitbletbim teacfje mc Ipljaf Ijctril; :anD 3 toil Dcjitjif it toercuimcotonc fatter to fell. \ Couetoufe. &ap tou ro;?bT? i^z maCTe giue me rour banc: Com J go luitb mc, let t3$ no longer iole (tano, go out aUi'f, Enter Heaucnly man. logither and ^b boto batD a tbing ano Diflftcult it i5, make you re iroj tbeni tbat in tbeir ricbcs D© trull: dy fti aight 2i:o enter into tbe bingDomc of l^eauen Q% Wis, waies, SCbe lDo;D0 (tf our feauiour tobc true graunt toe mutt, it is as cafv^ fo; a Cainmel tb^ougb an jgeolesf cpe to tb;utt? ^fo; bim tbat on riebe0 batb fireo bifi minoe; Sbe toap to etemnll faluvition to finoe. (Erauiple bccrof rou fee toitb vour cpe0, Mi^t too;lDlp man giucn to Uain pleafure: i^e p^onufeD^ou bearo, from fin to arife, flno faio be tooulo not lame ncitbcr monei? no: treafure, 'i^xxi m be ougbt to lame it,tbat is in a tRie meafure. 315utbcbolDe boto quichli? biff p;Jomife I e batb bzoftc: ;:2:iberb? be hinoletb (Q^d^ to:atb againtt bim to (tnokc. i?o; noto batb be cnterta incD to bim Tcmcntie Precipitation anDbeaDp Inconfideration; %\^zit caufe bim to toazb all tbings bcoel^, ^no couet to be baD in reputation. SLbcn couetoufe bifguifetbbim felfonfucbafalbion. SEbat as Seneca faitbjbe ootb gojo to no man: JBut burt, t moO^ to Ijim felf as time (ball p^wc toban. Exit Tenant. Enter an oleic man fllaf,ala^,totofiome(]&oulD3lmabcm^mone/ Tenant and ifo; euer anD a bapcbam quite bnbon. (peak Cote- ^l 3lc»olo;o 10 {ofouetoufeas t^ oeuilof l)el; loMe fpceeh ^®, ©wept 3/ I no ughis as good as a feajl cBrccpf cbil giuc tjimfuclj aftiamefui rent, Jlc cbam not able,a\i)ai? tc^ rauft incontinent. CUaue DUjeit tbcre ti)is jiF ano tbcrti? peer; |3f a tbefe \3c;tp, iclj ma^ tel ton tod ncer janoictj neuer paio abtcue ^eerlp tiuc poimD: ^Db? our !laOF,tbattobe inougb cl)auc toounD. Mel, noU» 31 mutt giue Ijim eucn as mnc!) mo.:c: ^; El0 icb mull fcoio tbe ncpt quarter o^ betjo^e . :2Db matters, \b not tljia eucn a lamentable Umii jEo jccboui ilonuIojDs ttjeirpaii tenants Deo lunng. jano tbe\? are not 50 couetoufe to an; notljer, ii^ belecuet 315ut a p;te of tjmles are as reacp to giue. auD efpctialli? fetraun0cr5,te a Tbameful jojte: j^re placeonolD in CnglanD anD tbat in euer?po;te. nat toe, our \xii\xts ano Ct)ilo;{en,nDboufes can set: ^berm toe maf>iiue,rucbp;tceontbem is^et. CbaD t j)ou5!)t a tobile a gom\? ilonolo^o toaulD not fjaue bcon 5fo; be faib be tooulo be a beauenl^ man 3 tous. {i\!^\9 515ut 50u!e,tb.e JE>euil is as i^eanenlt? as be: 2Eb;a timc0 tourfe tfecn be toas bcbo^e as to:ir ag I can ?«. Enter poorly SeruanC. 3i5oDpofme,tbi3 tooulD mafte a man to ftoere: a n)ame takctbcm marp,tbateuertbc\?came t'jere. ^ar bp ^iiHt s tbougbt be toouio not be bcauenlp Ions: 5ro; tbat to bis nature tocrc dene contrarp ano to:3ng, ^onber arc fucb a fo;te of Huterbms liuelp ano iclp: SLbat all tbat can begotten is little mcugbfo^tbeir belli?, pottle toe toiD jhjtoe labour,ano tbat nigbt ano uaj?: ^et can toe fcant baue meat ano ojinh tbe truetbto fa^, jano tbat tobicb toe baue, 10 il inougb fo: SMggcs: ^ Sno toe arc ferueo toitb all, lihe a man? of l^ggcs. :^ ' Tenant, ?KIlftat fcruantf 31 pjag tb^ tobat netoes tottlj iW* Seruant. aiBi?m^tmet^i?atbcr SUcnant euen aspen fe. jiiept lifce no mane fecuan^but ratber Ufte aflaiic: %\fiX 31 am toer? of mp life 3 tel y>m fo (Saomc fane. ^ rmiffcr tabetbon Ubettjc SDcuilof tiel: Ittou^h is as good as afcafl^ %\^txt ti^as neucr one To OaQr, cruel ano fel. 315ut fo couetoufe llo;iD,lLo;D rou Uitt not belaue: % XW^ ati W minoe ano ttuD^ to briber? tic Cotb giue« Enter Hireling, i]5oto a pcCttence fahebini,\3ilecanftarD Cfjurle: !^e is ncitljcr goDto man,Vuoinen,bop no; girl. 3;s tijis t^e f)cauenlp manf a fljame tabe bun cU: 5l5olip of me, in alllDScbconesbenoUj ercclleff. flno if a finnrj cometn bis bcD be it gcDO O.J it: tSUitbcut alt\nito; rcafon,Da) itbe \ui!. lieut fo couetcufe, !U;o ^iW'^ if be niigbt cb«fC5 SEbe Dropping of bis nofe be iDoulonot Icofe. CBucrv toab truci?) nap tben cucrp oa?; mull baue aaoTit bob mant' DtocI. Hireling. 11^3 maiff erf tobr^ be i^ no better tben a fbaf: ^0^ fo ttjat Ije mas taue it, be cares not to^io fuffer gr^f* Tenant. If tough is as good as a fea/f. ^nrf b? tt)t maffe t^ Ujod^ds is but fo true: ^0 W t}t0 vit^zs encreafetl) be caretbnotlD^ vue* Seruant» Bi^itoloe tbe occaOon ofall tUs gecr: mit J tooulD notfij; ttoent? pouno it l^oulu come fofjw care \^c faitf),t^at be tcil neucr Icaue Us eirto;fion: %\l orrtct)C0 \)t baue gotten an innumerable po;tton» !l^eU)ilbuilDe,plant,fet,anDfolDe: Mfucb afame of l)imab;oDc tberegroUie, OTat tbcrc is none liUe to bim in all tbe Count re^* ^nofo bs tbatmeane0be (ballcome toautbo;itte. f^ireling, iBut ligbtl? tbofe tbat come to autbontie after tbat rate: 5D(D eno tbeir liuejei in fomc miferabic ano bnbappg aate» Tenant tbou fcDle(faifb Cb^ia){bts nigbt toil 2 fetcb tb^ foule fro tfjoe: janD tben tobo fiiall bduc tl)t tbings tijat tbinebcf ^el, let bim alone, 5) bope all toil p.zojuc fo: tbe bett; Cuen asf be leaoetb bis life fo Iball be finoe rcE. Seruant, lBeace,pcaee fo> CDoBs fahe,l(Dls irberc tbe &f eUsarb comes: JiSoDE ofme |Q>ir0jtDbicb Uiat> (ball 3i run^ run out tnter Couetoufc (DobfpffiD rou,lDbntmean inju^lnoulo to« fpeah toitb met' Tenant, S^ca feir,eucn f oeCre pour too;jIbip m^ bjcent) boj to' to be 3cb bane a jertain petition to pour mafbip to mcoue: ^no icb DcOrc pou to be mp tj^eeno in it Mo; d^oos loue» Couetoufe, Mbat 10 tbe m^itter^ let nie hnotoe it at once: di baue fomtubat els to 0(d tben bear to treao tbe ttonetf. Tenant. 31Bp mp truef b ^ir J bcfdccb pou bo;» me to fpeaU a g©t) SCO pour gcDOmaifferanomp llonDlojO: 3icb baue otoclt in bi0 boufe tbis tio^tp peeresf aim otte, ;anD tberijpon cbauc beftoluco mucb monep anu coll, ano noU) icb bear ^p icb nmfi Double mp rent: £D<;el0totD out ofitanB tbat incontinent* 35 ber«c!) m bo;: <^08i fal^eon me tabe fomepittB anbbone: If tough is aS' good as afcap. 3if 3 be put out Poj eucr 31 cljam tinDon. M) SOD ^ir,3i bnotoe t^at i>ou ma^ do muc^: Couctoufe. 515r mp f ructb B3 c^ dcd nothing bar in; anD fo <©oD lielp mc 3 eaceme no fucb inatter0 t»o;t]^ a pin- 5i32r HaDt? ^ir ^ou baue bao it a fair feafon: i3nD t^ a man fljoulD maKc tofjat be can of l)i0 otune it 10 rea(o BlluarrantroujtbcrbemotDttat tbat rent toil gtuc: Tenant. 3Eot t!)C\? MI neuer t\)im on it tben 3 beleeue. 3c!} Unolce lubat be map Do) luitb tbc boufc anD grotniD: l^c mar cbauncc to toinoc rent inougb of >Qm pouno* Couctoufe, ZlQld, care not roii fo; tbat, if rou be a foife man: |0ou Uierc belt to get one better djepe tobere mxtm Jo; il hnouie tbat fo nuicb fo; iU bauc be mm l^cajif it IloD cmptp tmn tbis p;erent Dae. Tenant. XBt\ &tr,T'ef mc'tbinkjj tbere I^iilo be a tmkimi^ 3 tbinU CDoo batctb fucb couctoufe, Gr hyt rour patience. Couetoufc. Ebou art a fdi'fijfclotoe, beer of to me (a complain: iro; 3 meolc \3:^ii\^ no fucb matters 31 tcl rou plain. HircJine. make much (ShDti gcntlcma, (©oD fauc pour lift 31 p;nt! f our lo;D: curtfey £t5ay 5 be fo boloc to fpcaK toitb i?ou (gentleman) one tDo;w Couctoufe. ^betber tbeSDeuillDilttbouf into moutbmetbtnts* ifo ©OD0 amc0,boto be fmellcg all of D;inlj. Hireling. iI5ap bp m\? fructb &ir, 3 D;inh none ofber D;infe fo Da^: 'H&xA a little flat mab mtngleo luitb tobai?. i?o,i fo CDoD bclp me if fo; D;inho; mcatsm^oulDDsc: 3 baue not one fartbing, anv tbcr tcitb to bpe. anD b^ mt? tructb &ir, tbis is mp futc at f bt0 time: 3 ferucD pour maitter in niabing iiB;ich ano lime, l^alfe a i^eer togitbcr not miffmg one Dag: ano bp mp truetb all m^ liiagcg is get fo; to pa^ ano if it pleategoM barintofboiDemefomepleaftire: , Cii/» S^ Inoughisds goodasd fea.fl, nt fame to m? polorr U)itb \\^t I U)ti meafure. Couetoufe. 315oUt of me,to!)at a bcggertv? hnauc \b h^taxf Mlbr>£anft tl)ou not foitjere tb^ mDncr one i:ee« Hii'chng. 00 by m? fruet!) ^ir,foj 3 bauc no lamjs: 00} notiitng to hue bpon, but onelp m\> banDff. 3lbcfoc^BOubegaiDtome' Couetoufe. ^Im^Bl meDDle not toitb fucb tbings ^ tJffitt fenotoe . Hireling. ^zs ^it,iou are maiff er ^teloaro jj troluc . Couetoufe. ^ofaitbjam butmatttcrreceiucr: atahc in all, but bg giffe | am no pa?cr. Hirchne. ^our maidcr Ijatb a great fojt of rcccfucrs in odeD: 2ieut not one to pap tlje ipircling bis true nieeD. AH biaue Vvorldly man. ^^attoJ^^ policr^ tobat u^aljc pou beer to ^agf Couetoufe. 0boaf tour affiairea 3 baue bufines tbis toap. 0nobeboloe &ir a0 ^traneleo tbe ^tr^t; tiaiJitbtbcfe tlDo feilotoefl 3 cljmmtri fo; to mat. Mlbo foioe me tbat tbey bao an erneft fute to i:ou SJDnefoj bifi boufctljat be btoclletb in mW. TOberin(be faitb)rou go about fe Do? bim mucb tjoj^ng: ^o^\)t faitbtbat be batbotoelt in it berptong. :C^c otber faiD,i^ou olue bint a pate of monct* Sjc to;ongtit toitb roubalfavar ibaotiewcra pen^ ^nh tbu0 tbep tw^ on loitb me befo;e pou oiD come: ^nb noto baue 3i (botoeo you tbe lobolc ctrcumHance f fome* Vvorldly man, Spar^ bang tbem villains baue 3 nougbt to tuoi 3!5ut to HanoanD rcafon matters iwitb tbem tiwo? I^ear \?ou tenat,in feU) tocD:D^ you Unotoe my minbe jacco;oing aa 33 baue tolDc poii,fa twi fball me finoe, £)tbcr p;ouioe moner vour kafe to renuei £>} el? H w W\ out incotUinent tUn is true* ls:eaane /// ough is as gcoddsaftafl. Tenant. j^l)1l.ontiIo:Dmefi}mIn£stt)t0t0(o mud^ ettrenittie: iaias tpo!! mine age take rou fonie f ttf ^e. €fjam clDE « tjaiic man? CliilD^cn nnD mart cfcarge: 3. trud Icni'Io;D ict) fijall tiintic ^cu better at larse« Vvorldlyman. 3 cannot tcl toftat 3 ftioulo d© mo;e bcleeue me: ^an\> iLani5{o;C0 idouId not D© 30 S D© br t^ee. jFo; 3; ain cotentfo? moncv ^ ftouloa tjane it before an otl^er : 3 can CO no mo;c fo; tbec if tbou toert mr b;otbcr. Cou-rtoufe. %\m VRvSi be anftDerofatbeMbere is no remeDt: J5g Saint Anne me tljinh be fpeabetb tieri: refonablp. J cnant» SEbis refonnblc fpcafeing imzVa fro an tnreafonable minbe: ^0 be to bim tbat to fucb inconuemen£e0 H^atl a man binoe. Hireling. Blf it plcafe vou ^tr^belp me to mp monei? if ton raai^: Vvorldly man. i^o b^ mp faitb &ir rou get it not to oai?. |9ou tball tarr mj Icifure,3i toil pa^ ^ou \&\m 3! f« caufe: Hireling 3^a are bapjn? S>it>tn pour banos ^m baue tbe latoeg. *» X: ut bi? giflfe if 3 bao ani^ tbing tbat tooiilD dcd I'ou pleafurc: ^u fljoulo banc it tDbcn pou toowlo ano not tar p mp Ceaftjre Mel Jl beleeuc terclp tbat tbe pjapcrs of tbe pm: % bis rry: §^baU afceno into tbe ^rcfs of tbe ilo:0(!E>oDonbre 2uD be iDil plague aUtbofe tbat rigbtcoufnestoifbffanD: ano as tbe p^opbet faitb rot tbeir potteritie out of ^ lano. Tenant, ^(el i^ircUng, I ef bs Dcpartc tbtsf p!ace: St p^euailetb not b0 of ^ini to craue an^ grace. Hireling, j^o mo^e fljall iX p jeuail bim tbe ^rripturc faitb in bat): SDo afk mercv of cbe iio:D tuben be aaiibetb in neeD. Exeunt Vvorldly man. i^a,ba,ba,3j mul! laugb? fo CPob me (auet So f(s Ijobiit a fo;t of futeri; noljc a baizes tee liauc. Couctoufc. tM aitoarrat\t Iftough is as j^oodds afeafi, 31 toarrant t^ou if tou toil be rulco bp Hcafon ano policy: pou (^11 tiane all t^e too^lDe to fue to itou (^o;tli>* Vorldlyman, S common fapins tbc ifor Earetlj tbc better anD not J ^oifc: Mlf)cn tW tfc goD totfe DcDtlj i)tm ban antj curffe. ^0 iDfjat care 3 tboug^ to curtic me t!)c people dcd not ceatTcf las long as b^ t^em mp ricijes Dotlj increace. ^b policy, boto glojious mp builoings doj (bine? i^o gcntlemans in tbis contre^ hfec tmto mine. ^ira U)bat (ball 3 ocof S mutt mahe m^ barncs mo^e great: if o; 3 baue not rotume inougb tQ lap in mg l^it anD tobcte, Couctou(e. ^ef men a \mik Sxiii\i it as fcon as pc can: 3f ^oulachrotDme,m£ite nu3;e^ouma?jbajt. Vvorldly maiiT" 51Bp giffe 3 \x>\ly t\yv^ (ball in bano to mojroto: 31 tbank m\ policp 3 nseD notbing to bo;jo1[iic. ^irra,tbe little tmament tbat bp mi? boufe ootb ttano: 31 tooulD J coulD get tbat ta, cucn out of bano. 3 tuant a litf ie buttri?e to \w^ in m\? D;inb: 0ntJ tbat UjouId feruc t\iz turn banbfoml\? 31 tWk» jano to fap tbc tmm) it is not meet tbat fucb abeggcr as (le: ^boulo DWeifoneer tmbertbe nofe ofme. Couctoufe, W^a tfyc ^mil put tf^at into ^onr minbcf Vvorldly man. ^ru cucn t^at bib reafon m^ trutJg frano» Couctoufe, Slbauebocn about it mt! felf all tbis lra&: 3leDp Id it all tbc %ams fo> to Ocla^ inotb fccb» Me iuU bane it 3 toan-ant pou bp bo^ o;r bp crmfo % SCutb 3 toarrant rou fo;^ fucb oo enoa Dai^lg toe Iqj&. *" Prophet without, ^ tbou C'artb,Cartb,cartb,bear tbe U)®;b of tbc ilojo: * limoluetbpfelfto be no better tben Clap o:Dua: Let the Vvorldly man lookc fudenly about him, f&e tbat tf)^ lift to CPoiw truetb oajalUiaics accojbe: ifo; from eartb tbtuni(t)ee fpocimle* Couctoulc, Mbr^ano arc rmi affaitMnto amafeD at t^U Bt ft£ lucl Dou !)aue a bart like a<§aa& ProphcC gno toatc^etf) at all timeB (o; ct)e coming of ^ti$ maifier: ^0 iXDti; in tbc mean feaGnt appiv bt9 tinl» £Df bis mattcwfioos^bere be no ^^oile no; iMaCcr, SLbatferuantlbalbc fure tobc a Calltr. £Df CDoDs blctrings ano tones enerlaffuigt WX^txz a0 19 all conlblatton ano nottnng InatUtng. $5ut tbat feroant tbaf liuctb iolclv teitbout care, Sno ItDbetb not Diligently t)|S9i^$ £)ffice: Ij^t0 maifff r (Ijall come faDent^ Q;tbe be aloare, anDd allminiCertobim arcfi^mngtoiuaicc. Ebc portion of Iptjcyiteslbalbebia. , Jntobttcr Darhneficaa bmi out toil be: ^ ?lQbere as toapins ano anaO^ing of tatb n&albe» Exic» Couetoufa S>b feira^tttarvCPotJsbleflling on bisbarfe jf ul boneftl^ be teacbetb rou &ir, tbeir parte. Vvorldly man. She fc be fbe tom^ua of tbe bolp Sfeenpftirc: « E>cclar ing tbe Difference bettcan (^ iuft anD tnpurc CDcDD Lo.:d ii luolo HnoU) tobac tf}Cle tooajDc; d^b mcnc Couctoufe 3pour Cbaplain can tel gou, foj b« ua tierg toel toil. Vvorldly man. 3 p!ar r 8U po!tcT>,call b'm to me bef bcr: }i5at la>li tbat sou cooie again botbo togitber. Couctoufe. ^e3 tbat fe euen out of {)am), ;ano after D?alb V^ iutt retoame rectiue. ' 2Llj5 il gotten o(dds flj^l not ttiec Deliuer. 3H:f)^ne cottlp butloings fijall nothing p;cuail, $Dt)^ oOour3,tI)p ftoiit fmelles ano tbou fljalt periOb f ogitber, My ring0,tl)B lj;aieIct5,anD manp miniffcrg maHe Couctoufe. €uen as tfpu faiff,tn faitb mucb of a bhtDc: iFo; t\iz^ place tfte fcripturcfl as fetbers in J toinoe. peace bco^ orme,onr maiff er is a Oo^ps Ignorance, ^arr ittioafi tune tm^teo fo: \)e GLtnoi to fedep» Vvorldlymao. ^b I teoulD if ? coulD , but nolo it is to late: il^olD ttn; peace ji p;a]^ tijee ano DcD ms no m9^c rat^* if 9* Coaeto^ Iiiotigh is as goodds afeafi^ Couctoufe. %(i tD^me fpcaft tou to &ir^ to fettn o; to mcf Vv or Idly mail. %\itxt is no remtDi: ncln man j tl)at Vm DcoHfee. Ignoiance. paffion ofmc ^ira^^ea^camettj metfeinfer Worldly man, 33 tijerc no remeDpM to Ijel 3 muft n DtD^ou got> niaiOtrf is ije a flap o.j a toafec^ Vvorldlyman. ^^ 5®l> !Lo:6,l)ote m^ bart ocotii abe. ^b fict^ifich,neucrfo ficfe inmp lifcberfoze: CajD Lo;D;pDlif g 33 tbinU J fljaU newer go boe nio;e. Ignorance, spari? ?feje me t^ plazas oC<2>a5 oio ff^n^: Ifiough is as gcodcis afcafi^ l^ctJf fo ff ribe me luittj a ^lco;De m his Ijano, ano cuer 5 ai beo tiim tobat luas tlje caufc: l^c anftcero t^at 5 Uias a tranfgrcCra^j of CIJcUB Ealocff, 3iBut ilo.iD boU) Ocft 3 am,ano tjolD terible is mp pain: /|5o place in mp baDp,but firbnc gs tbcrin &fl5f li re ign. a liticnot tijefe fdilb D;cameff,policp mg freno: Couctoufc. STuH] a llrato,tpoit *^tm newer fet ^r minUe. Ibc tfjat to o;caincs giueil) anpconfioence o} truflf: Mltttiout iKuit ^t^ t^nquietlp line tje mud. Vvorldlyman. m Cdtjfkh* ficfe, of) mi? fjet^olj mp bacft; Couetoufe. tl^bat U)oulo i!(m t)aue &irf tcl \j3 \s)W \m lac&. Ignorance, ^ it not bed (bat Blcatl betber a pbiftcionf E^bat ^e majD of tour Qcbne0 bedare i oiTpolttton. Vvorldlyman, £)b rf a>Vf a?bfflfc9 ccdD oeuotion,3 p^^ap tb& beiio(i5 (0006 bicffmgon tt)i> bart,fo; tbl?u»ittv motion. E>cpartc 51 pja^^ tt)a tuitb afmucb bafte as mas be: Ignorance. 3t l^all not be long 0; be be beer, ^m (ball fa. Exit. Vvorldlyman. ^b policy ficls,ncuer fo Gclt,ob boloe mp beam ^l) fira,U)bat fljalbe come of all mp gcoos U)Uen 31 ani ocaw -^ Couetoufe. SDeat)^ boupof me,!)© poii rocben to ope tbia peer/ l^loe pour peace 3 icarrant pou,pc neeo not to fcare llo,fee pou not boU) tbe U3o;loip man (Tjotiietb bts kinoes l^diicb aff be i9,onbiJSc^a)Os 10 aUbtf minoe* Vvorldlyman. £D!)pDlicp if 5 micfbt not oi^eitDbaf a fetoln toolD Jbe an alltoig contrep ftoulo btnonc lihe Unto me. |&tra,\nbat a gcoolp SDurrct bauc 3 mai?e in mp bnUf 515utpct mp banquiting fKwfc pleafttb me bcfl of aM. ^I;,o^,alas tobat a pang is tbis at mp bartf Couetoule, 35o!)p of me Aqua vlt^,t!iiina3re,n<«0^ Ijelp f^ toil ocparte. Saul Inough is ds good as a fea/i^ Saint Vncumbcr be UJitljtffJanO t^ blclTmg Df S.Anthonys ^elp)l)elp QUIP Hao^of CSISairtnstiam ano all tjer bols copane Enter Ignorance. dSlb]?^ t)ctt)noU}^U)^t 10 tl)f matters boU) Dcot^ de }Bo{ict^ Couetoufc. llBoDpof me f)clp,!)e is^one cUanDtbat teril? ignorance. ^fanD aloas fcDU(^ biiaue ano let maidcr p(}tndon come: Couetoufc. ^aiffer if Iebia)iten,(ljoulo 3(h?,Cl^.p^ificion,3 p^ai? \?ou Imlj Phjficion. (inbiabum 215^ rour leaue mt maittcrs,nic t;}inbs it is no time to ieij: j&tano back 31 p:a I? roa.ano Oco aot me moleC. ^aOionof mc iiimdcrs, count pou tbts a pU^* £)ne of \?ou quif Ul? b;ing \m betbcr n i^c?. ^omeo:iiiU, Aqua vit?e,irit m.i?bc cot: tI2I(itb fpao let \J3 (;aue fane oanb tt)at is bat. Couetoufe, ipar^lltobetou before be tuas paH lemeo?. Phificion. ^0 tbere iz life in bini,pet | fee t^^rilp. Hun B! p:a^ pu anb fetcb fucb (binge as toe tach: |i>ome b^ink ano a piKolu to las at i)is bac^. Ignorance, V^iXK is D^ink ano all tbtngs reoi? at i)ano: Philicion, lo boto bufp maiaer pbcOc ion 10; Be bcfy and l^otrgou^irf isitnotbcawilQjSjonbwpis. dawc him Phificion as though CRdo fcloUj be conf ent,3l piap tbix barfeig: be were at JCbou art oifpofgo to ictt me tbinh b?rilpk dy iug. Couetoufc, oos name 3 fap: Hooh bp fb; tbe lou e of €oO;0(D not lik? a t^na oeco;* Inough is as good asafcafl. Vvorldly man. ^1)0 \& tf)crc^tDl)at art t^u tw toWtVt vnzi Couctoufe. !pars &tr, maiScr iflcbtO^tten^ptjincion iscome f it loasi tie Vvorldly man, £Dt) (ir£i,Cr3,3! fear me ad tl^ts labonr t0 in tain: 5^011 migtjt 6aue let me go,5 teas ioel out of m^ p«tii. ilDf) niaitter ^ificior.,t)otu t^infe rouf tobat fap row to me^ Phificion. SBi? mr truetl) tberc is no remeOD but one, tbat 3 can fe. ^u mud put rour tuil to v^oD0 tuil I can fa)? no mo;e: Couetoufe^ mw* foliibjabitow be fenelD tbat tocl inougb befo;e. Vvorldly man. ^bat faitt tbouf va tbere no reme^)? but 3 mufi D^; Phificion, ^0 &ir b^ m^ tructb,a5 far as 31 can fa oj efpte. Cod map D© mucb,foj be is omnipotent : 3Sut rouare paft belp \x\ tbis toojlo in man« iuDgcment. Couetoufc, tabat tbebeail ocdG tbou beerf tben set i^^ii aloap: Vvorldly man. E>eparte )^btGcion,anD tbou bade no nTo;e tola?. Phifition, 3 tru0 tbcn,^ir tou toil content me fo? mr paincs f aWng: Couctoufe ^ou (ball baue a neto lofe, at tbe maios nci;t baMns. Vorldlyman. Oo tbp toaies 3p;a? fbee ano trouble not mpminoe: ifo; tbcfe netLie»,to giue tbee anp tbing,in mr bart 3 carniof Phificion. (ftnoc ©ffitj jLo.:t) baue mercp on tbee, belifte it is fo laf c to amcno: 3n toicUeDnes tbou batt liueD,cuenro tbou toiltcnD. Cf entleman,3 tmfl ro" toil not fae me Icofe mr lafconr: Couctoufe. Centleman go as ron canu%tou are no)^ fo mucb iw mu fauour Phificion. la ccmmcn faping in t!ecb,tbat is li^e bnto lifee: ;a toicUeo; toicUeo feruant^C^oo muS net 53 Crn'fec Ex ic Tnough is as j^ooias afcafl. Vvorldlyman, £)!) tE>ir0,is t!)f wno renieogf toftat ftjall J ^xii ^9 it n9t bcff 31 fee ail tbin^^ at a itsiii Couetoufe, ^e£ima!;e fare lro;koft!;ati]ut?iteasroubcb0cr: IgroraiKC. 3t i0 tixwz m Oceo,fo$ Dcatt) in vou Doitt) appetr. y vorMly luan, ^ce tou hnotDC tbat I am r eatl^ in net: ^no nolB tixtxv one Ujil ttriue, tbsir olpncfoj to get. SEifi mp iwifc tl)Cirfo:e get a letter of aDminittration^afl f©n as 0no tijen as Hje littetl),inp CriDito;a fije map pap. (Hie maB Bin DeeO I t)aue tnougb to pa^ eucrp snnn Uis: 3l?ut br llaDp 31 cannot eel \»bat mine oUine (ball mi^. Commeno me to tier, ano bio ber take notijougbt: 31But in anp Uufe let ber(as nar as (becan)fb;go noujjbt Couetoufe. %^ mv trttetb tlnstalounDerfulip it)el imirnteD: !a0 T70U baue faiD J U)arrat inju it (balbe f reqiKntem Ignorance, ^our mifiDe in tbis tbing bnDotitcD is not il: ^otu ai3 fo; otl;er tijtngs it \b befi ihhi niaUe a U)it VvotUly man. Stfba!be(5Dcuotum)enenastbouba(Iefaio: TOjite quicWpf o; of raplife 31 am aJraiD. ■ s^li muS I nsD8 tve^ obmud J|nisO0 auiase Ignorance* ^^ r 10 Jnb aub paper, ubatftall 31 bp;itc; Vvorldl)inan, Bin tbe name,foa ofall ckd tbou in tote. Ignorance* 2nt5e mime,injin, in,in tbe name, tolMt nio;w J V^iWlyman. £)f,of,of,of,U)batm3;e; falldown^ Couetoufe, / Ji^oDE of mc^ton toitb tbc paper, nUa? toitb tbe |nft; Ifl^norancc. gD.^lTion of me (louetoufc be is gone me tbinfe. l^3lDe, boloe t?iJn,lct t0 f« if ans life io iMm b^J Couetoufe. Inottgh is as good as afeajl^ Couetou(e, Ignorance* |0acrton ofme ^e \b DeaD,Ns Ml toe MtioW Couctoufc €anff ttcfu not f elf ito mo;e tm 3, 3i make (3DoD auotu. ^ira beer teas a trim cnD t^t Ijs SKj mabc; Sltwi mwtx fteartfi tjim tl^ naiiig of d^D in W moutl) tafee. Ignorance. %\x% ©0^: a Cratoe, m minae toas otljcr toaies otrap^co: M i)is ihiop Uja0 totjo iljou!^ I?aue lnJ5 c®os toben fje d^. " 3inDffiD all mm map percdue bis minoe to be corrupt ano 0: ifo;©oDUiotriDm5tfuffcr bimtonamc!)lminftialDiU -^ fl (lraungematter,iDl)en men &aae giu^u oucr CN3D: Wc^masbeftjrctoUercurgeoiDittjlUisftiarproU. — Couetoufe. Ebt0 i« tt)e eitD all0ate0 t)Dl)er Bl begin t J^o; S am tbe root of all tt)tcKet)ne0 ano On. 3 ncucr reft to tcactj ano inamtt men tu euil: JLil 31 b;ingtbem botbe bodg anQ foulc to ttjc ©eutt 0s toe banc Don iW U3o;lol? man bar as ^u f«i Ccrme f ^eirfo^c IgTJorarKe,\Dait f!)ou bpott mc. SCbe E>ecui ano j4boa (bait fa; toil not !eaue: %i\ %z bane maoe rbt()(reateft parts (o t« to cleiic , Come, let \^ go bencejbt er iji rto uio^e to be faiBJ if arctoel mp maimers our pnree0 toe S^aiie plajl>. Enter hcerSatlian. iS)b,ob,ob,ob,all in mme,aU btB mine, J spphingoameincreafetb eoenpboureantjfia?: ilD j, b3Uj tbcg fcefe mp mageftie Dcutne, 2lo come to nie tbet? labour all tb at thz^ ma^. SDbc iiio;lDlp man(quotb be) na^ tbe ototlif!) wian fboitj 5Fo> mo;e tDictjeones ano mifcbeef tljen be DID t)fe; 31 ni^ feif rnoeeD ncuer Oeuife can, ^b at bis iolp toifoome Smufl nti^ mofe. i^oUi ciinmngJi' put be bis monp to tfiir^;? ^t a,anD tbat tuitbont offence of an^ laU): l^;e luas not to learne an^ tnntje of bjibcrp, i^bctbi? ^((bcD gaine? to bim be mtgbt o^atu. <2?, 5« flit aWnrniinable D.«m!tarM flinfefng ilccficrer, a filtbt^&ooomit, atojrupt canfcience iDitbm; ja p;iur flanOercr,autJ a futtl? murf^jer^r, s:o be a]o.:t> a tier {^ o»ng|)tl anD finh of 0n. a leacemongcr to be, SEo opp^edc tbe p(D;s anD of btjs rtcbea bim to Defrauo: MichcDlp to tfe tijc laUies be learneD of tbce? 2Dberfo;e inocefi tbou art too;tbi? of mut^latoO, jail rou Ujo^lolg nien,tbat in ?our ricbeftD© tmff, 3Se merv 8HD ioconD,bnilop laalaccs ano make lufti? cbeer*. put ^our money? to ilfurt^let ii not l^c anD mff, £Dccupre rour fchics in m? lalocs Vubile r^ be b^r. S>pare not, no; care not ,\nbat mifcbctf vou frequent, Ziafe Djunfecnncflr,&eccit, take otber mens \xiinz^x patTc of notfjing, znz \i\i{xtz i^ inouijb to repent^ ^f all tbc U)icheDnes H^u \ymz Dtsn in ^our Ituesi. ^b ifvoulDiltl)usaftermp!latoesbcbaue, l^ou (ball baue all tbtngs as tbio luo^loli; man ba^: Di5e boloe of mgjiDbat i!ou U)il to craue, ^no oont uou not but U)itb \?ou 3! IdiI pla? f be Uouins latt ^ea, ano after Deatb 3! UjiI piouioe a place, JFo; T>ou in m^ kincoome fo; euer to reign: pou tliaU fare no tourfe tben omtb mine oUine grace, SEbat i6 to l\:c burnmg fo; euer in pain. Come on mine olr-ne 15op,go tbou Uiitb nte, SEbou baft feruco me Dueli'jano batcff me neuen SLberfo:e notu fo; tbppames retDart)eofl)aU tboa be: an euer lafting gjc tbat bunutb fo;^ euer. Bear him out vp ^« Contentation. on his back, l^e tbat toucbetb pitcb,lbalbe De8leD \int\^ V^t fame, auo be tbat biup J tf) company toitb tfjofetbatbcticious; ^liall at tbe Ir ngtb gioU:e Uhe tjntotbe fame, tS!Ho;feingtbmg3 ioicbeo ano pernicious, CEuen fo it is alfo to be adiseiate Untb tbe rigbtcoui. ^o; %z tbat bauntetj) ano b^pet^ ijonea company: Camiof Inough is as good as a f calf* Cannot diofe but hue accoiinns tot^c fame adiiaU^ (^mnpWy tf)e 3(01000 beeing connerfant U)itb t^ It^eaflietf^ E>;anltoftbctr fuperlftttofl ano iootatn?: jano b? tftat meaneo fcl from tbe true CDoD of l^aueit, So tDo;a)(p|niig of n^locbs tobtcf} U^a? mar blofpbem^ §!eU)tre It (0 at tbt0 oa^ tienl]?, €f);Ufeflmen arefetmeeo b^ bapinsof iltompanr: lano baougWfrom tfje \}txv. truetb to brpoctwp* ano iTJtjo are tbofetfjat are Gm Becetuec^ Cuen fucb as are not content toben to are tuel: SCbc? be not ttjanbful fb; t^at tht^ ftaue receiuelJ, HBut euer tfje? tbinfe 0il mo;e anD mo;ie to ercel, Contentation from tljetr minoestbep Dfl) crpel. janD bnDer tbe pjetencc of reafon, tott ano policg: SL^e^ ccuct to run to mifc^ff f anu fm b«befe» Heucniyman* SLtbe 30 (^ID0 ano Chier is trteo tn tbe 6re, ^ faitbftil men in tbe fo;nace of aouerCtie be p^oiaen: Sn^be b0aucnii? muQ not Hue as flefb ano luff ocotb ocfire^ JlBut beauenip tbtngs of beauenlg men be IcoueD. Mlitb no y nue of temptation be mult be mmueo. 3!5e it ficbncg o;x pouertte^^ tobat fo euer of CDob 15 Tent: %be beawenSt mutt tabe it patiently ano be tbcrtoit^ cotenc Inough, SInou gb i0 30 sflrti 30 a fcatt,tDb0re contentatton ixotli t^toel, ifoj tobere be rcmainetb is tiic fpirit of CDoO toitb rett: 2Dbe tnquiet miaoe of tbe couctoufe Dcotb grutcb anortoe!> gno to liuc Ssiti) jnongb be Dcutb abbojre ana oetett. 2Ebe graov gafpingofConetoufe Daitb Urn fo molcff, SDbat to be ricb be all bis it bole mmoeocstb fet: ^otbing regaroing boty tbe fame be oatb get, ConCentatiori. Piihagoraffaitb^tbaf a man of CouctcofeOcCre, Cannot be contentco netbe r ioitb abunoancc: ^0: tbe moje be batb.tbe moae ttil be tratb require, ^berfoje fucb perfons pjouoKe (Dot) to bengeance, ©rample of tbe toojlolp man, late of rcmemb:ancr» 7m\:ok tDickeb life cffenoeotbe !Lo;t) fo crcc^inevl2v Ebnt his Ijcauu plaguco came tpon bim rnsenlj;, (^M, Hcaucniy Inough Is as j^oodas afiajf* Hcaucnly man, €>oisgraantbisertt)2,e)ramplc ma\>be, %o all nun bolt) tbeir riches tf)t^ igall ttei £pahe not tW t\)^ CDo^,tobtcb l^oalo ht femattt twto f &*, ifo; in fo min% t6ou Draft it greatly abufe. a p:ar CDoD (3 fap) t bat our ccuefoufe toe ma^ refufe, SAn^ one of t)0 to Imc an oti)er,fo; tbat pleafetb ©aobelS; ^0 (ball lue be furc to tnb^ret tbe soob lanD of re(t Reft. 315^ <3/3D3 great gajunes 3B am fcnt bnf o tb&> Hea 10 mp name txJbcrintbebeauenlp fljal M^ti i^appparetbofepcrfons tbatcome tjnfo me, ipo; 3 baing p;cfent all troubles 3 D© ueuiue. t«aitb iogca a am aoo.jne?5,i?ca on eucrg fioe, ^ijicbarepjcpareofo^ fbe beauenli? fromtbcbegitming: anb %mn bnto tb^m fo^ a retuarDeoftbetr gool^ Uamg» Heaucniyman, 2Dban!?sbe gmcn fo tbcr ^ ifatber omnipotent, JDbp mercpe0 lio;tj,anD not im ocfcrts truclgj i^atb caufeo tbofe iopes ta me to be fcnt, CUraunt uie grace tberfojetopiatfe il)^ namcuuelu. %^g©t)ne0 appesretb to me cuerp &ae neUJlB. Mlbilettb^eatb ano life pjolong m? oares : m ntoutb (ball not ceaffc tijf^ bol? name to p;aife; Inough. SInougb is as g©!) aif a fealljbeer let b0 ffiag, tECle bane troubled our auuience, tbat let bs remember : net bs coiKlurse tberfo.jcbut firft let tw pi^v? SDbat it tuil pleafe ©ob in mere? o ur goiis miSlres to tenbefi £Durfaitb to IlaMifllj toberin i»e be Qenoer. SDbat at tbe latt ba? mm tbe trump OjaU blotoe : ifo; to be beauenlD mm t\)t ilo jo mag b5 al fesiotoe Contentation. IFirtt let bs call to (DaD fo; Ji^fn ^hiitlts Tafee, llongtop.:eferue€lijab:tb our moffe noble ^uecn (I5a)D ilo^ gramit ber big^ncg tbe beanen'.f patb to tafee, iino tbat an bpc toaie^, of ber btgbnes map be feen. Cncreace ber U)cltb,p;Dlona ber ()c!tl;4>^eferne btr life: %Wlm (t)c mag rule tbisrealme,v6outbebaCeo;artfe, ^ finis. jjt HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MAIN LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below. 1-month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405. 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk. Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL 7 DAYS AFTER DATE CHECKED OUT. BD nCT19 1974 e^ )^s^ \d\'^ -rtfTT FEB -^4 2003 tm LD| 4-?=^ LD21-A^0m-7,'73 (R2275S10)476 — A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley uff m\i L.\j li. U C. BERKELEY LIBRARItS C0S5Sb77^b