9S3fa L Robert Browiiitig 1812-1889 A List of Books and oi References to Periodicals m tke Brooklyn Putli'c Library ^W&i^iS^''' Pubh'ihed by THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY BROOKLYN. NEW YORK 1912 Robert BrpwAing> 1812-1889 ''^ A List oi: Books and oi Reierences to Periodicals in tke Brooklyn Public Library Published by THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 1912 Robert Browning Born May 7, 1812; Died December 12, 1889 SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. II. WORKS. III. BIOGRAPHY, CRITICISM, ETC. A. Books and parts of books (listed alphabetically by authors). B. Periodical articles (listed alphabetical'y by titles). I. BiBLioGFRAPHiEs; '; ; V - Allibone, S. Austin. Chronological }:sV of' pTo^'r-ing's ; works. (In Supplement to his CriVxa-lciibtiori'at-yl of : English literature and British and American authors ...by J. F. Kirk. 2 v. 1902. v. i, p. 232-234. R803- A43S.) Anderson, J. P. Bibliography [of Robert Browning]. (In Sharp, William. Life of Robert Browning. 1890. BB885S.) Is arranged as follows: I. Works. II. Single works. III. Contributions to magazines. IV. Printed letters. V. Selec- tions. V'l. Appendix — Biography, criticism, etc ; magazine arti- cles. VII. Chronological list of works. Has some annotations. Bates, Arlo. Bibliography [of the plays included in this volume]. (In Browning, Robert. Blot in the 'scutcheon, Colombe's birthday, A Soul's tragedy, and In a balcony; edited by Arlo Bates. 1904. p. 300-303. 822B88BC.) I. Texts. "It is not exhaustive, but includes the authorized editions and the best reprints." II. Works. Biographical and critical. "Made with special reference to the plays, the essays cited having at least noteworthy passages bearing upon one or more of the dramas included in this volume; but most of the works given have also a broader range and deal with Browning in the varied phases of his genius." Berdoe, Edward. Books, essays, etc., which are espec- ially useful to the Browning student [and] Chrono- logical list of works, etc. (In his Browning cyclo- paedia. 1892. p. [xiii]-xx. R82i.7B88Bn.) The first part is divided into biographical works ;_ works of criticism and exposition; the Browning Society's publications. Clark, J. Scott. Bibliography of criticism on Brown- ing. (In his Study of English and American poets. 1900. p. 677-679- 82I.7C59-) * A list of references to books and periodicals. Cooke, George Willis. The Best things said of Brown- ing. (In his Guide book to the Poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning. 1894. 821.7B88C.) Arranged under the following head?: I. Biographical works. II. Biographical magazine articles. III. Books of interpreta- tion and criticism. IV. Books with essays on Browning. V. Magazine articles of special value. A list is also given of "General articles in the Browning Society papers." Oll^irC) : Fotheringham, James. Chronological list of Bro\vn- .•; JTig's poejns in ordtjr, and with dates, of publication. ;»" • ',0.t: his SUid^es of'the mind and art of Robert Brown- ing. 1900. p. xxiii-xxviii. 821.7B88F0.) "In compiling the above List, Dr. Furnivall's Bibliography has been used, and certain sections of the valuable Bibliography of Mr. T. J. Wise, given in the Athenaum, 1894-96." Furnivall, F. J. Bibliography of Robert Browning, from 1833 to 1881. (In London. Browning society 1 Papers. 1881-91. v. i, pt. i. 82i.7B88Ln.) I. An alphabetical list of Robert Browning's works, with their order-numbers and dates of publication. II. A List of Robert Browning's works in the order of their publication. Annotated. III. Browning's printed letters. IV. Appendix. Contains: The "Selections' from Browning's works; Trial-list of criticisms and notices of Browning's works; Personal notices; etc. Browning bibliography. Additions, 31 December 1881. (In Same. v. i pt. 2.) Contains: (i) Browning's acted plays; (2) Fresh entries of criticisms of Browning's works; (3) Fresh personal notices of Browning; (4) Notes on Browning's poems and my bibliography; (5) Short index to the Bibliography and Additions. Marzials, Frank T. Bibliographical note. (In his Browning. 1905. BB885M.) Gives a list of Browning's own works in the order of publi- cation, a list of "Selections" (with remarks on them), and a selection of books dealing with Brassages." In the case of every poem, an exposition of its eading ideas, its key-note, its sources, and a glossary of every difficult word or allusion are given. Browning's message to his time, his religion, phil- osophy and science. 1890. 821.7B88B0. Ed. 2. 1891. 821.7B88B An attempt to set forth some of the broader principles of Browning's teaching for educated people who require some kind of introduction before undertaking the study of the poet. , ed. Browning studies, being select papers by members of the Browning society. 1895. 82i.7B88Bb The editor contributes an introduction in which he tells about the Browning Society of London, its membership, period of existence (1881-1893), its achievements, and the like. The papers are selected from the Browning Society's publications. Birrell, Augustine. On the alleged obscurity of Mr. Browning's poetry. (In his Obiter dicta: first series. 1895. P- 55- 824B61.) Most of his poems are intelligible, but thev are difficult read- ing. If we are moved by his matter, to cnarge him with ob- scurity is both folly and ingratitude. Robert Browning; an address delivered at the Browning hall settlement, Walworth, 1897. (In his Essays and addresses. 1901. p. 182. 824B61E.) Speaks especially of Browning as a religious poet. y^ Bolton, Mrs. S. K. Robert Browning. (In her Famous English authors of the 19th century. [C1890]. p. 390. j92oB69Fn.) A brief account of his life and works, u?eful for the general reader. Boston Browning society. Papers, selected to repre- sent the work of the society from 1886-1897. 1900- C1897. 82i.7B88Pa There arc papers by T. W. Iligginson, Josiah Royce, Percy S. Grant, C. G. Ames, G. VV. Cooke. W. J. Rolfe, Helen A. Clarke, Charlotte Porter, J. W. Chadwick, F. B. Ilornbrooke, P. S. Moxom, \'ida D. Scudder, and others. Brooke, Rev. Stopford A. Poetry of Robert Browning. [C1902.] 821.7B88BR An analytical and critical study. Some of the topics treated are Browning and Tennyson, Browning's treatment of nature, his theory of human life, the poet of art, womanhood in Brown- ing, Browning and Sordello, the dramas, the poems of the passions, imaginative representations, the Ring and the Book, etc. Buchanan, R. W. Browning's masterpiece. (In his Master-spirits. 1873. P- 89. 824B918M.) An analysis and criticism of the Ring and the Book. "Every- thing Browningish is found here." Burton, Richard. Renaissance pictures in Browning's poetry. (In his Literary likings. [C1898-1903.] p. 150. 804B97L.) A paper read before the Boston Browning Society, October 26, 1897. Browning has given a superb gallery of I^enaissance historic pictures, re-creatmg with dynamic force and virile imagination past beliefs and feelings, people and actions. Carpenter, W. Boyd. Browning. (In his Religious spirit in the poets. 1901. Chap. xi. (p. 202) and Chap. xii. (p. 224). 824C29.) Browning is the poet of simple human life, its anguish, its search, its doubt, its despair, its triumph. In spite of all perplexing questions there is such a thing as springtime and God is over all, is Browning's invigorating message to the men of his generation. Gary, E. L. Browning, poet and man; a survey. 1899. BBSSsCa A "looking over" of the ground covered by his life and poetry and of "the place the two seem to have occupied in the generation to which he belonged." There are quotations from contemporary opinions and from French criticism, a chapter on Browning societies, etc. 22 Chapman, E. M. Great twin brethren: Tennyson and Browning, (in his English literature in account with religion. 1910. p. 349. 820C46.) The purpose is to appraise the value of religion to them as poets. Chapman, John Jay. Robert Browning. (In his Emer- son and other essays. 1898. p. 185. 814C46.) A critical essay treaung Browning "as a theologian and a doctor of philosophy." Criticises him adversely as to his verse and grammar. Cheney, John Vance. What about Browning. (In his Golden guess; essays on poetry and the poets. 1892. Chap. V. 821.7C51.) It is the author's belief that there are fixed laws of poetic utterance, which Browning disregards, and he thinks that Browning is not a great poet, but a great teacher and philoso- pher, Chesterton, G. K. Robert Browning. 1903. BB885C A volume in the English Men of Letters series, giving an outline of his life and an estimate of his works. Chapters VI, VII, and VIII deal with Browning as a literary artist, the Ring and the Book, and the Philosophy of Browning, respect- ively. Chicago (111.) Browning society. Robert Browning's poetry; outline studies. 1886. 82i.7B88Ch This volume was prepared with the hope of its being helpful in the study of the poet. The chief thing in it is a "classifica- tion of the entire writings of Robert Browning," designed to indicate to clubs and classes the order in which the poems shall be studied. Short programs are given. Church, Rev. R. W. Sordello. (In his Dante and other essays. 1901. p. 221. 851.C56D.) An analysis and exposition of Browning's poem, in which its teaching is indicated. Clark, J. Scott. Browning, 1812-1889. (In his Study of English and American poets. 1900. p. 658. 821.7- C59.) Gives a biographical outline, a bibliography of books and articles on Browning's style, and, chiefly, an enumeration of the particular and distinctive features of his style, with extracts from various critical writings and illustrative examples from bis works under each head. 23 Clarke, Helen A. Browning's England. 1908. 82i.7B88Cla "A study of English influences in B'Owning," in which is traced Browning's use of the materia' which came to hiin through being an Englishman, through his English education, etc., as exhibited in certain poems. Browning's Italy. 1907. 821.7B88CL "A study of Italian life and art ii Browning." Similar t<'' the preceding. Cochrane, Robert, ed. Robert Browning. (In his Great thinkers and workers. [1891 ] 920C66G.) A brief biography, somewhat anecdotal, accompanied with comment on his position as a poet. Cooke, Bancroft. Introduction to Robert Browning, n. d. 82i.7B88Ck "A criticism of the purpose and method of his earlier works." Confined almost entireW to a selection from the six volumes which comprise his collected poems published in 1868. Cooke, George Willis. Browning. (In his Poets and problems. 1901C1886. Pt. iv, p. 269. 821.7C77.) Contents include: Biographical sketch. Browning's relation to his wife. Browning's theory of art. Characteristics of Brown- ing's poetry. Browning's dramatic poetry. Browning as a thinker, and Browning's religious teachings. Guide book to the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning. 1894. 821.7B88C An effort to supply in part the want of an annotated edition. There are introductions to the various pieces and notes defining words and explaining allusions. Corson, Hiram. Introduction to the study of Robert Browning's poetry. i899[c86]. 821.7B88C0 Designed to afford some aid and guidance in the study of the poetry. There is a chapter on Browning's "obscurity," in which arc explained the peculiarities of the poet's diction, one on Browning's verse, and one giving arguments of poems, and a selection of poems is included. Curry, S. S. Browning and the dramatic monologue; nature and interpretation of an overlooked form of literature. C1908. 821.7B88CU A discussion of the dramatic monologue as exemplified by Browning, its nature, the influence it has exerted upon modern poetry, the manner of rendering it, etc., by a professional elocutionist. :^4 ■3 J Curtis, George William. Robert Browning in Florence. . (In his From the Easy chair. 1893-94. p. 197- 814C97.) A brief piece telling of intercourse with the Brownings at Florence and of going to Vallambrosa with them. Dawson, W. J. Robert Browning... (In his Literary leaders of modern England. 1902. p. 143. 804- D27L.) Four chapters from his Makers of modern [or English] poetry or Makers of modern English. Robert Browning (In his Makers of English poetry. 1902 & C1906. 821D27. In his Makers of modern English. 1890. 821D27M. Makers of Eng- lish poetry is also published as Makers of modern poetry.) Six chapters: Robert Browning; Browning's philosophy of life; The Spirit of Browning's religion; Browning's attitude to Christianity; Browning's significance in literature; Robert Brown- ing — concluding survey. Defries, Esther Phoebe. Browning primer. 1905. 82i.7B88Df "A companion to the pocket volume of selections." Contents: Introduction by Dr. Furnivall; Preface; The Life of Browning; Characteristics' of Browning's poetry; The Poems; Chronological table. Devey, J. Browning. (In his Comparative estimate of modern English poets. 1873. p. zy^. 821.7D49.) An unfavorable estimate of his art and works. "The quali- ties in which he excels are not those which belong to the highest rank of poetry." Dowden, Edward. Mr. Browning's "Sordello." (In his Transcripts and studies. 1896. p. 474- 820.1D74.) Gives a prose rendering of the poem, and indicates the place of the poem among his poems and its purport as a whole. Mr. Tennyson and Mr. Browning. (In Afternoon lectures on English literature [and art]. 5 v. 1863- 69. V. 5, p. 139- 824A25.) An earlier form of the next. Dowden, Edward. Mr. Tennyson and Mr. Browning. (In his Studies in literature. 1902. p. 191. 804D74.) A comparative study, in which are taken up "the four or five elementary themes of all poetry — God, nature, genius, art. love, human life — " and how the two poets treateof them. In the same author's Transcendental movement and literature, p. 80 ff. Browning's place in recent literature is discussed. Robert Browning. 1904. BB885D Tries to furnish such a biography of Browning's mind, asso- ciating his poems with their date and origin, as may throw some light on his inward development. Duff, David. Exposition of Browning's 'Sordello'; with historical and other notes. 1906. 821.7B88D. Gives the story in the form of a complete paraphrase or retelling in prose of the poem. Farrar, F. W., D.D. Robert Browning. (In his Men I have known. C1897. 920F24.) Gives some recollections and anecdotes of the poet, with whom he held familiar intercourse. Fawcett, Edgar. (The) Browning craze. (In his Ag- nosticism and other essays. C1889. p. 106. 814F27.) Pours contempt upon the Browningitcs and severely con- demns Browning for his lack of art. Flew, Josiah. Studies in Browning, [pref. 1904]. 821.7- B88F. The object has been to introduce Browning to those to wlioni he is little more than a name and to give them samples of the intellectual wealth which that name represents. Deals especially with the religious aspects of his poetry. Forman, H. Buxton. Robert Browning. (In his Our living poets; an essay in criticism. 1871. p. 103. 821.7F72.) A very favorable critique, mainly devoted to an analysis and estimate of the Ring and the Book. Forster, Joseph. Robert Browning. (In his Four great teachers. 1890. p. 103. 920F733.) Consists of a brief biographical sketch and a selection from his shorter poems, the latter preceded by the conclusion of a speech made by Lowell at a Browning Society meeting. 26 Fotheringham, James. Studies of the mind and art of Robert Browning. 1900. 821.7B88F0 Originally published under the title Studies in the poetry of Robert Browning. This fourth edition is revised and enlarged. The chapters are "critical and expository, literary and ethical." Friswell, J. Hain. Robert Browning. (In his Modern men of letters honestly criticised. 1870. p. 119. 820.1F91.) "Browning is a much deeper, more manly, and more subtle thinker than Tennyson." Finds some fault with Browning's diction. Genung, J. F. Idylls and the ages; a valuation of Ten- nyson's Idylls of the king, elucidated in part by com- parisons between Tennyson and Browning. 1907. 821.7G34 The comparisons are to be found in the first two sections. Gingerich, S. F. Wordsworth, Tennyson and Brown- ing; a study in human freedom. 191 1. 123G49 Inquires into the poets' views of the freedom of the will and how the effect of their theories entered into the making of their poetry. Chap. IX. Browning and his times; chap. X. Browning: passion and will; chap. XI. Browning: freedom and transcen- dentalism; chap. XII. Browning: art and liberalism. Gosse, Edmund. Robert Browning; personalia. 1895. BB885G Appeared originally in the Century Magazine for December, 1881. Deals with the early career (1812-1846) of Browning and is recast from notes of his conversation taken down at his request. Added are "some slight recollections of the personal character- istics" of the poet, contributed to the New Reviezv for January, 1890. Mr. Gosse contributed the life of Browning in the Dic- tionary of national biography, supplement, v. i. Gould, E. P. Brownings and America. 1904. BB885G0 Gives information relating to the reception of their works in America, their American friends and their associations with America, their attitude toward the Civil War, and other ways in which their life and work touched America. Gould, George M. (The) Origin of the ill-health of... Browning. (In his Biographical clinics. 6 v. 1903- 07. V. I. 920G696.) Browning suffered from headache and vertigo from about 1845, which were due, according to Dr. Gould, to astigmatism. Browning never suspected the cause of his suffering. 27 Griffin, W. Hall. Life of Robert Browning; with notices of his writings, his family and his friends. 1910. BB885Gm This work, which was more than half written when Professor Griffin died, was completed and edited by Harry C. Minchin. It is based on prolonged study and gathering of material. No systematic interpretation or detailed criticism of the poems was contemplated by Professor Griffin, but everything that could be discovered as to their origins, their growth, and their reception by the public was to be included. In the preface is a list of works consulted in the preparation of tnis life, which is valuable for its indications of Browning material in books not directly concerned with him. Griggs, E. H. Poetry and philosophy of Browning. C1905. 821.7B88G A handbook of eight lectures, aiming to furnish an intro- duction to Browning's poetry and philosophy through the careful study of a few typical and especially lofty expressions of his genius. In each case a lecture outline, topics for study and discussion and a list of poems and books for reading are given. Griswold, Mrs. Hattie (Tyng). Robert and Elizabeth Browning. (In her Home life of great authors. 1897086. 920G871.) A sketch of the mutual love of the poets as revealed in their poems, of their happy married life, with information as to their son and some observations on their work and personality and their life in Italy. Gunsaulus, Rev. F. W. Robert Browning. (In his Higher ministries of recent English poetry. C1907. p. 178. 821.7097.) A study of Browning's interpretation and proclamation of Christianity. Haweis, Rev. H. R. Robert Browning, New Year's eve. (In his Poets in the pulpit. 1880. p. 117. 821.7H38.) A study in Browning "for the purposes of edification and devout thought," dealing mainlv with the first part of the poem "Christmas-eve and Easterday.^' Hcrford, C H. Robert Browning. 1905. BB885H Divided into two parts: I. Browning's life and work, in which is sifted out the really salient and relevant material; II. Browning's mind and art, which is devoted to an interpre- tation. Hill, Julian. Robert Browning. (In his Great English poets. 1908. p. 293- 9^011646.) A brief biographical sketch, with little criticism. Hillis, Newell Dwight, D.D. (A) Study of Browning's "Saul" — The Tragedy of the ten-talent men and their recovery. (In his Great books as life-teachers. 1900. p. 181. 170H65G.) Tells 'of ten-talent men who made shipwreck and explains how Browning meditates on the soul's recovery in his "Saul." Hinchman, W. S. and Gummere, F. B. Robert Brown- ing. (In their Lives of great English writers from Chaucer to Browning. 1908. p. 524. 920H65.) Gives a brief outline of Browning's life and literary career, as 3 preparation for reading him. By Professor Hinchman. Holland, F. M. Stories from Robert Browning. 1882. 82iB88St Reproduces, as much in Browning's own words as possible, the stories of six dramas (Strafford, Luria, A Blot in the 'scutcheon, Pippa passes. The Return of the Druses, Colombe's birthday) and three narrative poems (Sordello, The Adventures of Balaustion, The Ring and the book). Hornbrooke, F. B., D.D. (The) Ring and the book, by Robert Browning; an interpretation. 1909. 821.7B88H0 A posthumous work of a Unitarian clergyman, the fourth president of the Boston Browning Society, who had read the poem through at least thirty times. An analysis of the poem and of each part is given, with interpretation of its spirit and lessons. Hubbard, Elbert. Robert Browning. (In his Little journeys to the homes of English authors. 1903. p. 35. 920H87E.) A brief biographical sketch. Hutton, John A. Guidance from Robert Browning in matters of faith. 1903. 821.7B88H Originally four lectures given to a class on Sunday evenings, designed "to urge his message as offering in these days of ours a basis and motive for faith and hope and love." I. The Case for belief; II. The Soul's leap to God; III. The Mystery of evil; I\'. The Incarnation. Hutton, R. H. Mr. Browning. (In his Essays, theo- logical and literary. 2 v. 1877. v. 2. 824H98E.) Same. (In his Literary essays. 1900. 824H98L.) A critical study, pointing out Browning's deficiencies in the medium of expression, but affirming that his intellectual and spiritual strength, etc., will slowly win for him a great, a growing, and an enduring fame. 29 Hutton, R. H. Robert Browning. (In Masson, David, and others. In the footsteps of the poets. 1893. 920M41I.) A brief critical estimate. Inge, W. R. Mysticism of Robert Browning. (In his Studies of English mystics. 1906. p. 207. 242I45S.) "There was a mystical element in his genius and his teaching, and that element constitutes a very valuable part of his mes- sage." A Lenten lecture. Jacobs, Joseph. Browning. (In his Literary studies. 1895. P- 97. 820.1J17.) A favorable estimate written just after the poet's death. Same. (In his George Eliot, Matthew Arnold, Browning, Newman. 1891. 820.1J17G.) Browning's theology. (In his Jewish ideals. 1896. p. 84. 296J17.) A few words on Browning's theology from the Jewish point of view, pointing out his relation to Judaism. James, Henry, Jr. Browning in Westminster abbey. (In his Essays in London and elsewhere. 1893. p. 22. 814J27.) Written in 1890 just after the poet's funeral in the abbey. Browning "a poet without a lyre.' On a drama of Robert Browning. (In his Views and reviews. 1908. 820.1J27.) An unfavorable review of "The Inn Album," originally pub- lished in The Nation, January 20, 1876. Jones, Henry. Browning as a philosophical and relig- ious teacher. 1891 & 1896. 821.7B88 The author, who is professor of moral philosophy in the University of Glasgow, had as his purpose to give a con- nected account of browning's ideas, especially of his ideas on religion and morality, and to estimate their value. Immortality of the soul, in the poems of Tenny- son and Browning. 1907. 8JI.7J77 A lecture delivered in 1905 ht-forc the British and Foreign Unitarian Association, in which the lecturer dwells upon tlic broad features of the poets* belief with tlie view of discovering the basis on which tliey made it to rest, etc. 30 Kenyon, F. G. ed. Robert Browning and Alfred Domett [letters]. 1906. BB885K Consists of letters, relating mostly to the years 1840-46, written to Domett ("Waring' ), who was for thirty years a colonial official in New Zealand, by Browning and another early friend of both, Joseph Arnould, Judge of the Supreme Court of Bombay. Included is one letter of Miss Browning to Domett. The letters throw some light on the character of the poet. Ker, W. p. Browning. (In Bradley, A. C. comp. Es- says and studies. 1910. p. 70. 824B81.) A lecture given at Queen's College, London, ]\Iarch 2, 1910. The author saw but never met Browning and thinks of him as he strikes a contemporary. Gives some critical observations on the character of his poetry and compares this thought and method with Wordsworth, and his music with Tennyson. Kingsland, William G. Robert Browning, chief poet of the age. 1887. 821.7B88K An essay addressed primarily to beginners in the study of Browning's poems and treating of him as "first and foremost a poet." Knight, William. Robert Browning. (In his Retro- spects. 1904. p. 69. 920K71R.) Personal recollections of meetings with Browning and a few letters. Laughlin, Clara E. (The) Brownings — the most ideal of love stories. (In her Stories of authors' loves. 2 V, 1902. V. 2, 920L374.) A brief account of their courtship, marriage, wedded life, with pertinent quotations from their poems. Leake, ]Mrs. Percy. Ethics of Browning's poems. 1901. 821.7B88L "Traces... the large, the permanent, the uplifting thoughts about the work and destiny of man with which it has been the privilege of Robert Browning's genius to enrich his time" (From the introduction by the Bishop of Winchester, the present Archbishop of Canterbury). Leavens, Pauline. Browning. 1910. 82i.7B88Le "Biographical notes, appreciations, and selections from his 'Fifty men and women',' Le Gallienne, Richard. Robert Browning and Eliza- beth Barrett. (In his Loves of the poets. 191 1. p. i. 920L49L.) An account of the origin, development, and strength of their love drawn mainly from their letters and poems. Little, Marion. Essays on Robert Browning. 1899. 82i.7B88Li Contents: Browning's public; Paracelsus; Caponsacchi; Two poems on painters and their art; Andrea del Sarto; Christmas eve. Lockwood, Frank C. Robert Browning. C1906. 821.7B88L0 The author's desire is to present to serious readers a con- nected account of things funaamental that lie deeply bedded in Browning's life and poetry. London. Browning society. Papers, [v. i]-3. 1881- 91. 82i.;BS8Ln The society was founded by the late Dr. Frederick J. Turni- vall and was given up in 1893. The napers deal with various aspects of Browning's mind and art. Included in them is Dt. Furnivall's Bibliography. A list of the papers is given in Wise's Materials for a bibliograiihy of the writings in prose and verse of Robert Browning, part viii (See section I of this List). Dr. Berdoc edited a selection of the papers, which was pub- lished in 1895 (See his Browning studies listed ante). Lounsbury, T. R. Early literary career of Robert Browning. 191 1. 821.7B88LU Four lectures dealing witli Browning's earlier productions (1833-46), with the effect of these on his contemporaries, and with the causes of his early popularity, the subsequent neglect of him, and the revival of his reputation. Considerable criticism of his work and clear statements of the facts bearing upon a number of disputed points are included. Mabie, Hamilton W. Robert Browning. (In his Es- says in literary interpretation. 1899. p. 99. 814- MiiLi.) "The endeavor has been to lay bare Browning's characteristic quality as a thinker and as an artist, to make clear his dis- tinctive and peculiar message and work." MacDonald, Cora Martin. Study of Browning's Saul. 1902. 821.7B8SMC Prints the poem and gives a sort of analysis and commentary, with some suggestions tor study. 32 MacDonald, George. Browning's "Christmas eve." (In his Imagination and other essays, n. d. 824M13.) Same. (In his Orts. 1882. 824M13O.) A description or analysis of the poem, with comments on it and indications of its teachings. Machen, Mrs. Minnie (Gresham). Bible in Browning, with particular reference to The Ring and the book. 1903. 821.7B88MA Part I deals with the general subject of Browning's familiarity with and use of the phrases and words of the Bible : part II. is devoted to "Scriptural quotations and allusions in 'The Ring and the Book'." Marzials, Frank T. Browning. 1905. BB885M A little book giving the main events of the poet's life and introductory notes to and some criticism of his poems. Mather, J. Marshall. Browning, the optimist. (In his Popular studies of nineteenth century poets. 1892. 821.7M42.) Browning's optimism is affirmed to be due to his belief in a God, who is love, and in the soul. How it is exhibited in dif- ferent poems and different characters is pointed out. Mellone. Rev. S. H. Robert Browning. (In his Leaders of religious thought in the nineteenth cen- tury. 1902. 211M52.) Gives his idea of what is Browning's contribution to the great central problem of religious thought — the source and mean- ing of belief in the divine being — , of what is the great lesson of Browning's poetry, of what is Browning's view of the t problem of evil, etc. Molineux, Marie Ada, ed. Phrase book from the poetic H and dramatic works of Robert Browning. 1896. The phrases are given under catch words and the references are to the Riverside and Cambridge editions (Houghton, Mifflin & Co.) of Browning's works. An index is added containing the significant words not elsewhere noted. The design of the work is to fill all the important needs of the student and writer, a concordance which was contemplated being considered to be too bulky and elaborate. 33 More, Paul Elmer. Wh}' is Browning popular? (In his Shelburne essays; scries 3. 1905. 820.1M83S.) Gives various elements in his popularity. "The secret of liis more esoteric fame is just this, that he dresses a worldly and easy philosophy in the forms of spiritual faith and so deceives the troubled seekers after the higher life." He has produced "a body of writing which is neither quite prose nor quite poetry. Morley, John. On the Ring and the book. (In his Studies in literature. 1901 [C1890-1901]. 804M86.) A favorable review. "It is certain that bv whatever other deficiencies it may be marked The Ring and the Book is blame- less for the most characteristic of all the shortcomings of con- temporary verse, a grievous sterility of thought." Naish, Ethel M. Browning and dogma. 1906. 82i.7B88Na "Seven lectures on Browning's attitude towards dogmatic re- ligion," given in Birmingham, England. I. Introductory, and Caliban upon Setebos. II. Cleon. III. Bishop Blougram's apology. IV, \' & \'I. Christmas eve and Kaster day. \'II. La Saisiaz. Nettleship, John T. Essays on Robert Browning's poetry. 1868. 821.7B8SX .Sie next. Robert Browning; essays and thoughts. 1901. 82i.7B88Ne Includes the Essays published in 1868 and additional essays. Not criticism in the usual sense of the word; not a discussion of the poems in their historical aspect, but an examination, more or less analytical in method, of the working of the impulses of the men and women portrayed in a few of his more powerful productions, is the author's purpose. Old yellow book. 1908. R343O44 .\ con;i)lete photo-reproduction of the source of Browning's The King and the Book, with translations, an essay on the re- lation of book and poem, and notes bv Charles W. Ilodell, published by the Carnegie Institution. The original is in the Library of Balliol College, 0.\ford. Four jilates are included. Old yellow book. [191L] 343O44Y :\ viilumc in Everyman's Library, reproducing the translations made by Professor Hodell and provided with an introduction and notes by him. 34 Orr, j\Irs. Sutherland. Handbook to the works of Robert Browning. Ed. 6. 1899. 821.7B88O "A kind of descriptive index, based partly on the historical order and partly on the natural classification of the various poems." A chapter on General characteristics precedes the part devoted to outlines and explanations of the poems. Life and letters of Robert Browning. 2 v. 1891. BB885O Same. n. d. BB8850r Same; edited by F. G. Kenyon. New and revised edition. 1908. BB8850k See introductory paragraph to this section. Parrott, T. M. Vitality of Browning. (In his Studies of a booklover. i904[c'oi-'o4]. p. 262. 820.1P26.) Gives an outline of his life and poetical career and gives reasons for his assured vitality. Pater, Walter. Browning. (In his Essays from "The Guardian." 1901. p. 39. 824P29E.) A favorable estimate of Browning, mainly a review of Sy- mons's Introduction to the Study of Browning, the purpose and the opinions of which are commended. Payne, W. M. Robert Browning. (In his Greater English poets of the nineteenth century. 1907. p. 192. 821.7P34.) The author's main object in his exposition of the poets in- cluded in these lectures is "to examine their poetry with re- spect to its intellectual content, to set forth their ideas upon religious and philosophical subjects, and to discuss their atti- tude toward the political and social conditions of their time." Pearson, C. W. Elements of value in Browning. (In his Literary and biographical essays; a volume of papers by the way. 1908. p. 151. 814P361.) An attempt "to exhibit some of the elements of value in Browning rather than his faults." Porter, Charlotte and Clarke, Helen A. Browning study programmes. [C19GO.]. 821.7B88PC Lays out programmes in which topics for papers, classwork or private study, hints, queries for discussion, etc., are given. Begins with the slighter and more obvious poems, the general design being the gradual unfolding of the matter the poems contain so as to help readers to help themselves. 35 Rain, Rev. Thomas. Browning for beginners. 1904. 821.7B88R Aims to present the man and his work in broad outline, answering such questions as: what sort of people did Browning spring from? how was he brought up? what type of mind had he? what class of subjects interested him? how did he feel about religion? Revell, William F. Browning's criticism of life. 1892. 82i.7B88Re Author's aim is to lay before his readers some few of the thoughts, hopes, and beliefs presented in Browning's works. I. Human nature and conduct. II. Religious thought. III. Knowledge and love. IV. "Sordello's story told." Ritchie, Anne Thackeray. Robert and Elizabeth Bar- rett Browning. (In her Records of Tennyson, Ruskin, Browning. 1892. p. 127. 920R59R.) Gives a personal record of impressions and remembrances of Robert Browning (beginning on p. 140), with whom she was intimate, the poet dedicating Red Cotton Nightcap Country to her, and some letters. Rogers, Rev. Arthur. Prophecy and poetry; studies in Isaiah and Browning. 1909. 204R72 A comparison of the two men, in which the author endeavors to point out where there is a likeness, and then to prove the likeness by their words. Rose, Henry. "Pippa passes": the optimism of Robert Browning. (In his Maeterlinck's symbolism: The Blue bird, and other essays. 1911. p. 59. 814R79.) Considers the religious and ethical teaching of Browning as embodied in two songs of Pippa, "The year's at the spring" and "All service ranks the same with God." Saintsbury, George. Browning. (In his Corrected impressions; essays on Victorian writers. i899[c95]. chapters xi & xii. 824S15C.) Gives the reasons which have made him "a lover of Browning, who was never a Browningite." Points out his merits and defects. Scudder, Vida D. Browning as a humorist. (In her Life of the spirit in the modern English poets. 1895. P- 201. 820S43L.) Humor, and humor tinged with irony, is the most distinctive, if not the most important, clement in his genius. Browning is master in two great branches of humorous art — the grotesque and the satiric. There are numerous references to IJrownmg in other parts of the book. Shackford, Rev. C. C. The Pope in "The Ring and the book" [and] Browning's "In a balcony." (In his Social and literary papers. 1892. p. 108 & p. 116. 814S52.) The first is an analysis or paraphrase of "The Pope" section of the poem; the second is an analysis and critical study of the play. Sharp, Amy. Robert Browning. (In her Victorian poets. 1891. 821.7S53.) A sort of running commentary on a number of Browning's works, especially the Ring and the Book, Pippa Passes, and Colombe's Birthday, giving in some cases an outline of the story, an interpretation of Browning's ideas, and indications of his qualities. Sharp, William. Life of Robert Browning. 1890. BB885S A narrative of the principal events of his career, in which the poems are analyzed more or less. Skelton, Sir John. Robert Browning. (In his Cam- paigner at home. 1865. 828S627C.) Reviews the charges that have been most frequently pressed against Mr. Browning and glances at some of the features of his genius. Smith, Arnold. Robert Browning. (In his Main ten- dencies of Victorian poetry. 1907. 821.7S462.) Critical observations on his poetry. Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Robert Browning. (In his Victorian poets. 1901C1875-87. 821.7S812V Analyzes his dramatic gift, his method, and the moral of his verse. A critical estimate of various poems and plays is given. By his contempt of beauty or inability to surely express it, Browning fails of that union of art and spiritual power which always characterizes a poet entirely great, Stephen, Sir Leslie. The Browning letters. (In his Studies of a biographer. 4 v. 18199. v. 3. 804S82.) "The difficulty about the Browning letters is, I think, this: whether, in spite of their own undeniable merits, they will not set a precedent eminently likely to be abused." "Was it really necessary that the whole correspondence should be pub- lished." 37 Stowell, R. S. Significance of [Browning's] The Ring and the book. 1903. 8217B88S "The poem is a grand concrete expression of the all impor- tant truth that the mode of activity of the intellectual man is quickened by the spiritual, absolute man." Strong, A. H., D.D. Browning: his poetry and his theology. (In his Great poets and their theology. 1899. 808.1S92.) "Browning is greatest as a creative genius; less great as an idealizer; least great as a literary artist." lie is the greatest optimist of the century and a pronounced evolutionist. Love is for Browning the highest, richest conception man can form and a guarantee for immortality. The later Browning is a philosopher rather than a poet. Stubbs, C. W., D.D. Robert Browning. (In his Christ of English poetry. 1906. 821.7S93.) Believes Browning to be "the most representative poet of our own period — the poet of keenest spiritual insight, who shall best interpret for us in the light of modern knowledge the person and the spirit of Jesus Christ." Two points are con- sidered: I. The Christian faith in a good God as it is af- fected by the scientific hypothesis of evolution. II. How does Browning interpret for us the personality of the Christ Him- self in its influence on the spiritual nature of man. Symons, Arthur. Introduction to the study of Brown- ing. 1886. 82i.7B88Sm Same. New revised and enlarged edition, n. d. 82i.7B88Sy The aim is to give information, more or less detailed, about each of Mr. Browning's works, such and sufficient information as to induce people who have deprived themselves of a stimulat- ing pleasure to read him. Thomson, James. Notes on the genius of Robert lirowning [and] "The Ring and the book" [and] Browning's "Pacchiart>tto." (In his Biographical and critical studies. 1896. 801T48.) The first paper, which was read before the London Browning Society in i88j is a favorable criticism of various characteristics of Browning and a defense of hini against some animadver- sions; the second is a general criticism of "this one greatest work of our poet"; the third i.s a review of Pacchiarotto and other poems, in which the reviewer dwells briefly on various personal characteristics. 38 Triggs, O. L, Browning and Whitman, a study in democracy. 1893. 821.7B88T. Expansion of a paper read before the London Browning So- ciety in 1892. The purpose of the paper was to point out the essential democracy of Browning. In this work Browning and Whitman are compared as exponents of democratic principles. Esoteric tendency in literature: Browning. (In his Changing order. 1905. 814T82.) Devoted to showing that "Browning displays his esotericism in three ways: in the personalization of his poetry, in the artistic modes of his expression, and in the forms of his philosophy." Vaughan, C. E. Browning. (In his Types of tragic drama. 1908. 808.2V36.) In Lecture XI, Some types of recent drama: Browning, Maeterlinck, Ibsen, the author, who is a professor of English literature in the University of Leeds, points out the peculiarities in the way the situation is handled and in the presentation of character which characterize Browning's dramas. Walker, Hugh. Browning. (In his Greater Victorian poets. 1895. 821.7W17.) A critical estimate of his works and a study of the relation of the poet to the spirit and thought of the time. Chapter III, Browning: 1833 to 1846, p. 35; Chapter V^, Browning's inter- mediate period, 1850-1869, p. 91; Tennyson and Browning: the closing period, p. 150. Wall, Annie. Sordello's story retold in prose. 1886. 82i.7B88Wa The story of the poem is preceded by an historical introduc- tion giving knowledge of the political and social conditions of Italy at that period and information about the chief persons of the poem and is followed by a brief study of the character of Sordello. Westcott, B. F. On some points in Browning's view of life. (In his Essays in the history of religious thought in the West. 1891. 204W52.) A paper read by Professor Westcott, later Bishop of Durham, before the Cambridge Browning Society, November, 1882, and printed originally in the London Browning Society Papers, V. I, pt. iv. It is also included in Berdoe's Browning studies. Gives an outline of "the thought which Browning offers to us unity of life, the discipline of life, the continuity o£ on the unity life." 39 Whiting, Lilian. (The) Brownings; their life and art. 1911. BB885\Vh Miss Whiting had the assistance of the poets' son in rcmloriii.' complete and authentic this double biography. Many unpublished letters are included. Wilson, F. Mary. Primer on Browning. 1891. 821.7B88W Three chapters: I. Browning's literary life. II. Browning's characteristics. III. Introductions to the poems (consisting of analyses and critical remarks). Woodberry, G. E. On Browning's death. (In his Makers of literature. 1901 [C1890-1900]. p. 386. 804W88.) Same. (In his Studies in letters and life. 1890. p. 276. 814W88S.) A critical estimate of Browning's poetry, published just after his death. 40 B. Periodical Articles (Selected). Browning and [Bishop] Butler. J. Cliurton Collins. Contemporary Review, 98: 467; Living Age, 267: 481. Browning and Sainte-Beuve. G. Bradford, Jr. North American Review, 191 : 488. Browning and Tennyson as spiritual forces. C. C. Everett. New World, 2: 240. Browning and the larger public. Review of Reviews, 15: 184. Consists mainly of two papers: I. The Significance of Brown- ing's message, by F. \V. Farrar, D.D. II. Browning as a poet of the plain people, by F. Herbert Stead, warden of Browning Hall (a social settlement). Browning as a religious teacher. R. H. Hutton. Living Age, 184: 660. Browning biography. Emily Hickey. Nineteenth Century and After, 68: 1060; Living Age, 268: 201. In the main a review of Professor Griffin's Life. Browning in Asolo. K. Bronson. Century Magazine, 59: 920. Mrs. Bronson was a neighbor of Browning in Asolo. Browning in Edinburgh. Rosaline Masson. Living Age, 260: 653. Relates to a visit made in 1884. Browning in Venice. K. Bronson. Century Magazine, 63: 572. Another paper by Mrs. Bronson of Asolo, who also had a home in Venice. Browning's casuistry. Sir Leslie Stephen. Living Age, 236: 257. Browning's plays and poems. James Russell Lowell. North American Review, 66: 357 (April 1848). 41 Browning's summers in Brittany. A, M. Mosher. Cen- tury Magazine, 54(32): 755- Browning's theism. Josiah Royce. New World, 5: 401. Browning's theory of love as developed in his lyrical poems. E. J. Bailey. Arena, 41: 274. The Brownings. Mrs. Andrew Crosse. Living Age, 192: 719. The Browning tonic. Martha B. Dunn. Atlantic Monthly, 90: 203. Did Browning whistle or sing? F. M. Padelford. Liv- ing Age, 261: 475. A defense of Browning's verse. Glorious Robert Browning. Emily Hickey. Nineteenth Century and After, 70: 753; Living Age, 271: 270. Influence of Italy on the poetry of the Brownings. Ethel de Fonblanque. Fortnightly Review, 92: ^i^j. "Jocoseria" and the critics: a plea for the reader. W. J. Courthopc. National Review, i: 548. Mr. Browning's place in literature. Mrs. Sutherland Orr. Contemporary Review, 2Z\ 934; Living Age, 122: 67. Optimism of Browning and Meredith. A. C. Pigou. Living Age, 246: 415. A Philistine view [of Browning's Blot in the 'scutch- eon]. T. R. Lounsbury. Atlantic Monthly, 84: 764. Religious opinions of Robert Browning. Mrs. Suther- land Orr. Contemporary Review, 60: 876; Living Age, 192: 365. Robert Browning. Living Age, 185: 666. Robert Browning. Living Age, 186: ^^l■. 4a Robert Browning; in memoriam. Edmund Gosse. Liv- ing Age, 184: zi^' Robert Browning. Roden Noel. Contemporary Re- view, 44: 701; Living Age, 159: 771. Robert Browning. William Lyon Phelps. Century Magazine, 84: 118 (May, 1912). Robert Browning. H. D. Traill. National Review, 14: 592; Living Age, 184: 297. Robert Browning the musician. A. Goodrich-Freer. Nineteenth Century and After, 49: 648; Living Age, 229: 803. "Robert Browning, writer of plays." W. L. Courtney. Fortnightly Review, 39: 888; Eclectic Magazine, lOi: 358. Robert Browning's message to the nineteenth century. J. T. Bixby. Arena, i: 283. ^3 ( BROOKLYN EAGLE PRESS. ' THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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