■;■&•.'.■';.'-■■',•■■■ *5iv.V.; :^i^' ei-:v^ .^^•^ir'?. '. ' ^ ■ ',' ■ :'■ ' ' v^ .■ ;■ '. ■■■•.•^' ;>^i- ^■l:'-, '•;'!- THE GIFT OF MAY TREAT MORRISON IN MEMORY OF ALEXANDER F MORRISON THE REVOLUTIONARY TENDENCIES OF THE AGE THEIR CAUSE AND THEIR ULTIMATE AIM G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK LONDON 27 West Twenty-third Street 24 Bedford Street, Strand ^t gnicIitrbockEr "$ cess 1897 I I v 1 1 \ / y \ r ' r- r i ■ ;' i i Copyright, 1897 BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Entered at Stationers' Hall, London ■Cbc ttnickcrbocftcr press, 'Wew JJorh CO cc u. O t CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGB I. Introduction i II. A Survey of the Existing State of Things, in Respect to the Division of the Good and Fair Things of this World .... 9 III. An Inquiry into the Cause of the Existing State of Things 24 en ?>■ IV. The Diffusion of Knowledge and the Revolu- M TiON IT IS Producing 40 cc % V. Premonitory Signs 47 VI. Modern Democracy the Result of the Diffusion 2 of Knowledge 52 7> VII. The Triumph of Democracy, so Far, a Triumph Qg OF Mere Forms 57 % VIII. The Tendencies of the Times Point to the Sub-