J-.v^ (r\ i" u-^ J Hiil. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE CHARTERS & MUNIMENTS OF THE IN THE POSSESSION OF THE RT. HON. VISCOUNT COBHAM, AT HAGLEY HALL, WORCESTERSHIRE. COMPILED, Lttl^ Jlnttoliuctton, ^otes, anlr Stilrrx, BY ISAAC HERBERT JEAYES, OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS, BRITISH MUSEUM ; AUTHOR OF THB "DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE CHARTERS AT BERKELEY CASTLK", ETC. LONDON: CHAS. J. CLARK, 4, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, W.C. J 893. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/descriptivecatalOOcobhrich INTRODUCTION. / f? 3 Mai/J The Lyttelton charters now preserved at Hagley Hall have received at various times much more attention than many similar collections of family muniments can boast of. They bear every appearance of having been, of late years, at any rate, well cared for ; and it is chiefly to the interest that Charles Lyttelton, Bishop of Carlisle from 1762 to 1768, brother of the first Lord Lyttelton, took in the evidences of his family that such a satisfactory state of things may be attributed. As President of the Society of Antiquaries^ he would, as a matter of course, set great store on ancient records, of whatever character ; and that he was well acquainted with and valued those of his own family is evidenced by his autograph endorsements upon them. He seems, however, to have made but little effort to put them in any systematic order, although signs are not wanting that he made some attempt to arrange them locally. He doubtless soon found out, what others have done, that a local classification of deeds, such as those under notice, must, sooner or later, fail. Such a plan would be practicable if each deed concerned one place alone ; but when, as is so often the case, three or four, or even more places form the subject of one grant, the plan at once breaks down. When, therefore, on my first visit to Hagley in the spring of 1892, this was pointed out to Lord Cobham, he readily adopted the suggestion to make a complete chronological ^ On the Bishop's death, in 1768, the Society of Antiquaries came into possession of a part of the Habington MSS., relating to Wor- cestershire, so often quoted by Nash and others. The collection was formed by Thomas Habington, of Hinlip, who died in 1647. 194 iv INTRODUCTION. series of his muniments. The present book is the outcome of that suggestion. There are 461 deeds described in this catalogue, ranging from the time of Henry II to that of Charles II ; but there is at Hagley a chest containing about 500 less im- portant deeds, from 1485 to 1783, also arranged chrono- logically, the brief calendar of which remains, in manu- script, with Lord Cobham. In the Appendix, on pp. 114-121, transcripts of ten of the more interesting deeds have been given. These are followed by an exhaustive index, in which every name and place appears, and care has been taken to record vicars, bailiffs, abbots, and similar officials. As the majority of the deeds refer to a few places only, and as everyone may not have an easy opportunity of consulting the pages of Nash, the historian of Worcester- shire, I may be pardoned for introducing here a short account of one or two of those places, namely, Frankley, Halesowen, Warley-Wigorn, Over Arley, and Hagley. It should be noted that Nash had free access to the Lyttelton charters, and has printed many of them in extenso. The subjoined notes are principally derived from his Collections for the History of Worcestershire. I. Frankley, the home of the Lytteltons from circ. 1250 to 1642, once formed part of the larger parish of Halesowen, and was subject to the Barony of Dudley. In the time of William the Conqueror, William FitzAnsculph held that Barony, and in Domesday Book the entry concerning Frankley runs as follows : " Isdem Willelmus tenet Fran- chelie et Baldwinus de eo." It is not easy to trace by successive steps the descent of the Barony of Dudley, as authorities differ considerably upon the exact succession, but perhaps that subjoined below is fairly reliable^ : * Cf. H. S. Grazebrook's article on the Barony of Dudley in the Herald and Genealogist, v, 97 ; and Blore's History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland, p. 90. INTRODUCTION. WiUiam FitzAnsculph. Beatrice.=j=Fulk Paganel. Ralph Paganel. Gervase Paganel,== Isabella, d. of Rob., Earl of Leicester, /. Hen. II. I etc. Robert, ob. s. p. Gervase, ob. s. p. Hawise.=John de Somerie. The Barony remained with the Somerie family till 1322, when another John de Somerie dying without offspring, and his property being divided between his two sisters, Margaret, wife of John de Sutton, and Joan, wife of Thomas de Botetourt, Knt, Frankley Manor fell to the latter's share, her husband thus becoming jure uxoris Lord of Frankley. The manor remained with the Botetourts till the time of Henry VI. But, for our present purpose, we have less to do with the Barons of Dudley, even in their character as lords paramount of Frankley, than with the actual tenants of that manor. BALDWIN, as we have seen, was tenant under William FitzAnsculph, and after a gap of nearly a hundred years, namely, in temp. Hen. H, the name of another tenant is recorded, BERNARD^ de Frankeleye. He was almost immediately followed by PHILIP^ de Frankeley, the son of Philip de Wygornia, from whom the following table, showing the descent of the manor, and leading up to the earliest Lutteltons, who, it is thought, took their name from 3outh Luttelton, may, with some degree of accuracy, be constructed. Those whose names are printed in capitals held the manor. ^ Liber Niger Scacc.^ ed. Hearne, 1774, p. 139. 2 Nash's Collections^ etc., for Worcestershire. VI INTRODUCTION. Philip de Frankeley, /. Ric. I.=f=Alice, or Ellicia , . . [6].* SlMON,2 Dom, de F., /. John and Hen. III.=Rose ... [6, i6]. PniLlP,2 Dom. de F., occurs 1258,= etc. [19, 21, etc.]. I Ralph (?) Margery [10]. [4, 21]. Emma, Dom.=Thomas de Luttelton, alive in i282,==Ascelina, d. and de F. son or grandson of John de Luttelton.^ I I 2 Aunger deTatling-=EMMA, ^/^.=Nicholas de ton, od. circ. I2y6 h7\ Whetham- stede. Nicholas de Tatlington,==Margery, sister of ah. de Frankeley, /. Edvv. I [38, 46-50]. Thos. de Pvrcote [51,52]. Thomas de Tatlington, Dom. de Frankley ; ob. s. p. Edmund* de = Lucy, dau. = N icholas Thomas,= Luttelton, of John de de Aston, heir to ob. s. p. Bosco jun. [56]. his ante 1306, [28, 29]. brother. h. of Will. Fitzwarine. John.= Lucy [57]. le Fre- mon de Weru- TiiOMAS de Littelton. eleye. * The numbers in square brackets refer to the number of the deeds in the present book corroborating the several points. 2 Simon is everywhere stated to have had but one child, a daughter Emma, who succeeded him, and was wife to Thomas de Luttelton ; but, after reading Nos. 4 and 21 of the present collection, I can come to no other conclusion than this, that not only did he have a daughter Margery, but at least one son, Philip, Lord of Frankley, and possibly another son Ralph (cf No. 10), though, from his position among the witnesses, the Simon there mentioned may not be identical with Simon, Lord of Frankley. 3 Witness to grant to Evesham Abbey in 11 60. Cf. Collins's Peerage, viii, 316.) * Nash, in his Lyttelton Pedigree, vol. i, p. 493, is evidently in INTRODUCTION. vii I must confess to an inability to explain Deed No. 50. There is mentioned in it a Christina, Domina de Frankeley. Thinking I had misread Christina in its shortened form for Emma, I have again had an opportunity of examining the deed. It runs : " Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Nicholas de Frankeley, filius et heres Angeri de Tatlynton concessi . . . Nicholao de Wythemale militi . . , totum redditum meum in villa de Frankeley . . , scilicet ilium redditum qui michi contingit post mortem Christine quondam domine de Frankeley que quidem Christina habuit et tenuit predictum redditum in eadem villa nomine dotis sue," etc. The deed is dated 1302. Two things suggest themselves, either that she was the widow of Philip de Frankley, father of the first Emma [refer to table], and had a life interest in the manor on her husband's death, or that the deed is a contemporary copy of an original deed, and that the scribe mistook Emma for the shortened form of Christina. The absence of any seal, or signs of a seal, are rather in favour of this hypothesis ; but I am inclined to think we have in Christina the name of Philip's wife, up to the present unknown. In 1299, Nicholas de Tatlington, al. de Frankeley, sold the manor to Nicholas de Wythmale [cf. Nos. 46-50], and Thomas de Tatlington, the former's son, released, in 13 19, all his right in the same to Adam de Herwynton, clerk [cf Nos. 80, 81]. After many transfers of tenancy, most of which can be traced by reference to these pages, Thomas de Littelton, Esquire of the Body to Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI, recovered the manor in 1407 by writ of right, on failure of issue to his cousin Thomas de Tat- lington, and in spite of the several mesne conveyances which had from time to time been made. Thomas de Luttelton's wife Maud surviving him, and error in making Lucy de Bosco the wife of Thomas, instead of Edmund (cf. Nos. 28, 29) ; and also in making John the third son a bachelor (cf. No. 57). Vlll INTRODUCTION. marrying again, passed away her right in Frankley Manor to John Massey, her second husband [cf. No. 314], who, in his turn, seems to have conveyed it to Roger Tyrchare, Rector of Old Swinford [cf. No. 414] ; for that deed, dated 1480, records the quit-claim of the manor from the last- named to Sir Thomas Lyttelton, Knt, the celebrated Judge, grandson of his namesake above referred to. From that time to the present, says Nash, with the exception of about a year and a half when the Crown took possession of it, on the attainder of John Lyttelton in 1601 for com- plicity in Lord Essex's plot, the manor has remained in the hands of the successive representatives of the Lyttelton family. One further fact remains to be mentioned, namely, that in 1642 Frankley Hall or Manor-house was garrisoned for the King by Prince Rupert, but when he could no longer hold it, he burnt it to the ground, to prevent the enemy making the like use of it. It was never rebuilt, but since that time the family has resided at Over Arley or at Hagley. A reference to the burning of some of the Lyttelton evidences at this destruction of Frankley Hall may be seen in No. 458. 2. The parish of Halesowen is now reckoned as part of Worcestershire, as its geographical position warrants, and as it was considered before the Norman Conquest. But from that period till the beginning of the present century it was held to be part of Shropshire. The reason was that it formed part of the vast possessions with which William the Conqueror endowed his kinsman, Comes Rogerus, that is, Roger Montgomery, afterwards Earl of Shrewsbury. He was son of Hugh, Count of Montgomery, in Normandy, and for his services to William, on his invasion of England, he received the whole of Shropshire, besides numerous lands in Sussex. Amongst other pro- perties, the parish of Hales, or Hala, as it was then called, (except Warley, Cradley, Frankley, and Ludley, also parts of that parish, which went to the Lord of Dudley), INTRODUCTION. IX fell to his share, and it was then that the parish was made part of Shropshire. Respecting the addition of the name of Owen to the place, no satisfactory explanation has been given, Nash has suggested, but with hesitation, that when an abbey was founded in 1240 at Hayles, in Gloucester- shire, it became necessary, in order to avoid confusion, to distinguish the older foundation by a cognomen, as both abbeys were in the same diocese of Worcester, and that Owen was fixed upon as being probably the first abbot of our Hales. There is, however, no evidence to prove this ; and later, in the Appendix to vol. ii, p. xxiii, Nash does not venture to include Owen in the list of Abbots, even with the saving addition of a (?), In the other known lists, viz., Dugdale's Monasticon^ vi, 927, and in Cole's MSS., vol. xl (Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 5841, f. 34), in a letter from Bishop Lyttelton to Mr. Cole, no mention of an Abbot Owen is made. Mr. Noake, in his Guide to Worcestershire y 1868, p. 182, is careful not to repeat Nash's suggestion. In casting about for an explanation of this addition, I venture, with much diffidence, to call attention to the fact that the name of the first tenant of Hales, under Roger Montgomery, was Olwin ; and that he was no mean person is proved by his being tenant of several important lands m this neighbourhood, when Domesday Book was drawn up. May not Owen then be a corruption, or a softening, of Olwin ? This argument, if such it may be called, is much weakened by the fact that the earliest mention of the place as Halesowen is not till more than a hundred years after Olwin's time. The descent of the manor is as follows : — Roger de Montgomery, ob. 1094. Hugh, his second son ; ob. 1098. I Robert de Belesme, eldest son of the above Roger. The Crown (1102). I a X INTRODUCTION. ]a . - Peter de Rupibus, Bp, of Winchester, 06. 1238. Hales Abbey, till the Dissolution. I Lord John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland ; beh. by I Qu. Mary. The Crown. I Lady Joan, wid. of above, recovered it in 1553. Ambrose Dudley, his son. Lord Robert Dudley, his brother [440, 441]. Thomas Blount and G. Tucky [440, 441]. I John Lyttelton, in 1558. It is with reference to the sale of this manor by Sir R. Dudley in 1558 that we have three of the most interesting deeds in the collection. For, at the foot of Nos. 440, 441, may be seen the signatures of Lord R. Dudley and of" Amy Duddley". It is scarcely necessary to remark that this is the unfortunate Amy, daughter of Sir Hugh Robsart, whose sufferings and tragic death at Cumnor, the house of Anthony Forster, Sir W. Scott has so powerfully por- trayed in his romance of Kenilworth. These are, as far as can be ascertained, the only known deeds bearing her signature. The third of the set, No. 441 B, bears the signature of Anthony Forster himself, and records the release of all the right which he possessed in Halesowen manor. They are dated 1558, two years before the death of the Lady Amy. The deeds within these pages furnish much interesting matter concerning Halesowen, and readers are referred to the Index for the lists of Bailiffs, Vicars, etc. As regards the Abbey, attention may be drawn to Nos. 3, 39, 41., etc. Only seven Abbots' names occur, but amongst them one Nicholas, late Hen. Ill, is not included in Dugdale's nor in Nash's lists, though the latter quotes in extenso a docu- ment "ex registro albo penes Dec. et Cap. Lichfield", dated 1277, in which Nicholas is referred to as Abbot. INTRODUCTION. Xl 3. The manor of Warley-Wigorn is situated in the Worcestershire part of Hales parish, and was anciently called Werwelie. It was not included in William the Conqueror's grant to Earl Roger, but, like Frankley, formed part of the Barony of Dudley, of which William Fitz- Ansculf was the first representative after the Conquest. His successors, the Paganels, the Someries, and the Bote- tourts, became in turn the lords paramount of this manor, and under them the family of Fokerham held it. The deeds numbered 103-106 record the grant, in 1337, of the manor to Halesowen Abbey, the re-grant of the same by the latter to Richard Fokerham for his life, and the release by John de Sutton, Lord of Dudley, of his right therein. The Abbey held it till the Dissolution, when it passed with Halesowen to Sir John Dudley, and from him to Lord Robert Dudley. By the latter it was conveyed, in 1558, to T. Blount and G. Tuckey, who in the same year sold it to John Lyttelton, in whose family it has remained. 4. An account of Over Arley has been added by Nash in the Appendix to his History, though it is geographically in the county of Stafford, but he has inserted it together with similar notices of Clent and Halesowen Abbey, "as the accounts were drawn up by Bishop Lyttelton". It is there stated that Arley Manor came to the Lytteltons in 5 Edw. IV (1465), which statement is borne out by reference to these deeds, Nos. 379-382. From that time till 1779 it remained in the Lyttelton family, when Thomas, Lord Lyttelton, left it by will to his nephew George, son of his sister Lucy, wife to Viscount Valentia. From 1 660- 1 693 it was the chief seat of the Lytteltons. The previous history of the manor is fully illustrated in these pages, and the appended table shows its descent till it came to the hands of Sir Thomas de Lyttelton. The deeds, Nos, 351-355, which record the connection of Richard, Duke of York, with the manor, are signed " R. York", and bear impressions of his seal. Xll INTRODUCTION. The Crown, /. Hen. II— Hen. III. Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent ; ob. 1243 [12]. John, his son and heir. Robert Burnell, Bp. of Bath and Wells [34]. Edward I [34]. I r . Letard de Henyn [34]. Roger de Mortimer, Earl of Oxford ; ob. 1282 [35]. I Edmund, his son and heir. I SOLD A de Mortimer, his daughter. Roger, Earl of March, her nephew ; ob. 1330. Edmund, Lord Mortimer,=pELiZABETH. = William, Earl of his son; «?<5. 1331. I Northampton. Roger, 2nd Earl of March,=PHlLlFPA, d. of Will., Earl of his son ; ob. 1361. I Montagu. Edmund, 3rd E. of March ;==Philippa, d. of Lionel, Duke of ob. 1381. Clarence, 3rd son of Edw. III. I Roger, 4th E. of March ;=pEleanor, d. of Thomas, Earl of ob. 1398. Kent. Edmund, 5th E. of March ; Anne.^^Richard, Earl of Cam- ob. 1425 [300]. bridge. Richard, Duke of York ; ob. 1460 [300]. I William Boerley; ob. 1459 [351-354]. Joan Boerley. = Sir Thomas de Littelton. 5. The remarks which have gone before concerning the descent of the Manors of Frankley and Warley will also apply, as far as the lords paramount are concerned, to the Manor of Hagley, which has now to be considered. A few notes, however, on the succession of the tenancy of the INTRODUCTION. XUl manor may be acceptable. The following table is drawn up practically from Nash's account of Hagley, corrobo- rated, where possible, by references to the present deeds. Roger, /. Will. I. William de Hagley, and his immediate descendants, I /. Hen. II— Edw. III. John Peoleshale, 24 Edw. III. Edmund de Hagley, 24 Edw. Ill [147]. Philip, s. of Rog. atte Grove de Hagley, 1370 [186]. Henry, heir to Edmund de Hagley, High Sheriff of Worces- I ter, i395-i403[2Si]. Thomas Walwyn, by purchase, 141 1. Jane Beauchamp, Dom. de Bergavenny ; ob. 1445 [343]. Sir Jas. Boteler, her grandson (E. of Wiltshire, 1449) [343]- Crown, on attainder of above, 1461. Fulk Stafford, ob. s. p., 2 Edw. IV. Crown. I Thomas Prout, 5 Edw. IV. Edward IV grants to Qu. Eliz. Woodville, A" 13. Westminster Abbey, 18 Edw. IV. Thos. Butler (7th Earl of Ormonde), ob. 15 15, younger bro. I of above-named E. of Wiltshire. Anne.== James St. Leger. Sir John St. Leger, grandson ; sold it in 1564 to Sir John Lyttelton. A deed, of which the principal interest lies in the signa- tures upon it, is No. 457, a commission to Sir C. Lyttelton to be Sub-Commissioner of Prizes within the Port of London. The commission, which is dated 15th March, 1 67 1 [2], was issued by the ministers known as the Cabal XIV INTRODUCTION. Ministry, and it is signed and sealed by each of the five members. There is the usual collection of surnames derived from places, trades, etc. Of the former, the following are speci- mens (I omit the ordinary place-names formed by the prefix "de"): — Atte Pole, atte Schete, atte Nasshe, atte Yate, del Grene, or o' the Grene, bi-the-herthe, in-the- putte, and the like. Of the latter, Heuster [i.e., Dyer], Breuster, Iremonger, Whelwhrete, and Deyster(the English equivalent for Tinctor, now Dyer), are fair examples. Other names worth noting are Godman, Godknave, Church- yard, Blacberd, Kachemare, etc. Of Christian names, the most curious, perhaps, are Emmota, Laurentia, Tibota, and Wauthleana. In conclusion, I cannot refrain from cordially acknow- ledging the hospitality of Lord and Lady Cobham on my visits to Hagley, and the readiness with which the former agreed to my suggestion to have these muniments ex- amined, arranged, and described. The thanks of all local and other antiquaries are due to his Lordship for his permission to have the catalogue printed. If, as is rumoured, it should be seriously contemplated to take in hand a new History of the County of Worcestershire, it is to collections like these that the compilers of such a work will first have recourse, to form the basis of their history; and it is those owners who, possessing such in- valuable records, have had the inclination and courage so to order them that they may be consulted without undue trouble or waste of time, who will earn and receive the historians' gratitude. The latter will, I am sure, knowing, as the present writer also does, of the many similarly valuable collections in the county, join him in uttering a fervent " O si sic omnes". I. H. Jeayes. British Museum^ Zth February, 1893. INTRODUCTION. XV Lyttelton Pedigree icont. from page vi). Thomas de Luttelton.=f=Julian, dau. of R. de Somerie. Thomas de L.,— Maud, dau. of=John Esquire of the Body to Hen. IV, V, VI ; ob. 1422. Ric. Quater- Massy, main. John.=f=Beatnce, d. of H. Frevill. Eliz. = Geoff. Frere. Thomas Westcote;=ELlZABETH.=:Thomas Heuster, of Lichfield. ob. circ. 1450. I Thomas, took =Joan {ob. Edmund Guy Nicholas 4 daugh- name of Lyttelton, Justice of C. Pleas ; ob. 1481. 1501;), wid. Westcote. Westcote. Westcote. ters. of Sir P. Chetwynd. I I 2 I EUyn, \vid.-7=WlLLiAM =Mary, dau. of Richard. -f= Alice, d. of of Thomas Fielding. L., Knt. ; ob. 1507. Wm. Whittington. Wm. Winnesbury. Lytteltons of Pillaton Hall, Barts. wy^itt.-J Joan. = Sir John ;=Eliz., djiu. of Sir G. Elizabeth.=Thos. •Aankley. (b) Licence from Philip, Dominus de Fraunkeley, to the Abbot and Convent of Halesowen, to distrain for rent of the above land if not paid within proper time. ^ Cf. Charters, Nos. 18, 19. 26 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. (c) Bond from John Walrand . clerk to Richard, Abbot, and the Convent of Halesowen, for payment of rent of the same lands. [1257.] Dat. Frankley, i Aug. 15 Edw. II [132 1]. 87. a. b. Grant and Release from Roger Fokerham to Richard de Bykerton and Margaret his wife, of a certain meadow in Ruggeacre [Ridgeacre] which belonged to Thomas Sweynes de Werueleye [Warley], and lies between the field of Weleye and the land of Geoffrey de Caldewell. Witnesses : Adam de Herwynton ; Adam de Whatecroft ; Geoffrey de Caldewell ; John de Eadbryghton ; Robert de Coderugge ; Richard de Ambresle, clerk. Dat. Frankley, Mon. aft. F. of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 15 Edw. II [1321]. Lat. With seals. 88. Grant from Henry Simond, of Warley, to Richard de Wyrleye, of a plot of land in the fee of Warley, lying " in le Vasterne", which is called Le Welbegrenen. Wit- nesses : Geoffrey de Caldewelle ; Henry de Thewenhale ; Thomas Nicholes ; Thomas de Baresfen ; John de Why- teleye ; Henry le Hauek ; John le Freman. Dat. Warley "die Coenae" [Maunday Thursday, 8 Apr.], 15 Edw. II [1322]. Lat. With seal. 89. Grant from Geoffrey de Caldewelle to Richard de Wyrleye, of a plot of land in the fee of Werueley [Warley] in the field called Welbegrenen. Rent, one penny to the chief lord. Witnesses : Adam de Whetecroft ; John de Middelton ; William de Weley ; Thomas de Bareffen ; John de Werueley ; Henry Simond. Dat. Warley, Thurs. bef F.of St. Mark [25 Apr.], 15 Edw. II [1322]. Lat. 90. Lease, for lives, from John " dictus Picard, fil. et her. Hugonis de Waban", to Thomas, son of William de Brom- leye, of Arley, and Margaret his wife, of all those lands and tenements in Arley which the said Hugh during his THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 2/ life held by feoffment from Letard de Henyn, sometime Lord of Arley. Witnesses : Thomas Conan ; Peter de Hynckeleye ; Henry, son of Roger de Hextan ; William de la Horewode ; William de la Lowe ; Henry de Wyten- hull ; John de Wytenhull. Dat. Arley, 8 June, i6 Edw. H [1323]. Lat. 91. Grant from Alice, daughter of Philip de Bruere de Hulle, to William Yve, of Ridgacre, and Alice and Matilda " our daughters", of the messuage which formerly belonged to Thomas Sweynes, and which the present grantor bought from Roger Fokerham, in the fee of Werueleye [Warley- Wigorn]. Witnesses : Geoffrey de Caldewelle ; John de Luttleton ; Thomas Nicholes ; Thomas de Baresfen ; Henry de Caldewelle. Dat. Warley, F. of Assumption of B. V. Mary [15 Aug.], 17 Edw. H [1323]. Lat. With fragment of seal. 92. Grant from Thomas, son of Adam de Whetecroft, of Northfield, to Richard de Wyrleye, of all his land which he bought from Geoffrey de Caldewelle in the fee of Werueley [Warley], which land is called the moiety of the Welbegrenen which William Marmion sometime held from the said Geoffrey. Witnesses : Geoffrey de Calde- welle ; Nicholas de Wylinghurst ; John de Werueleye ; Thomas Nicholes; Henry le Hauek. Dat. Warley, Thursd. aft. F. of St. Andrew [30 Nov.], 17 Edw. H [1323]. Lat. With seal. 93. Grant from Roger Fokerham to Geoffrey de Calde- welle and Isabella his wife, and Philip their son, of a plot of his land in the fee of Werueley [Warley-Wigorn] between Beldelanton and Haraldesfeld, and between the land called Ivelond and the road leading towards Haraldes- welle, to hold by service of " unum clavum gariophili". Witnesses : Richard de Wyrleye ; Thomas Nicholes ; Thomas de Baresfen ; John de Werueley ; Henry le 28 THE LVTTELTON CHARTERS. Hauek. Dat. Warley, Th. aft. Tr. of St. Thomas [7 July], ipEdw. II [1325]. Lat. With seal. • 94. Admission of William Chircheyord, nativus, to a messuage and land called Le Godfraylonde in le Nasshe Eynde, in Arley Manor, on the surrender of Richard Penne and Tibota his wife. Dat. 9 Oct. s. a. Lat. 95. QuiT-CLAIM from Roger de Weston to John, son of Hugh de Morf, of lands and tenements which he holds from the said John at La Lee, in the fields of Aluitheleye [Alveley, co. Salop]. Witnesses : John de Wytheleie ; Robert de Braundon ; William Hondy, and others. Dat. Saldford, F. of St. Hilary [13 Jan.], 12 Edw. Ill [1329]. Lat. With seal. 96. INSPEXIMUS'^ and Confirmation by Adam [de Orleton], Bishop of Worcester, of the original grant by Peter de Rupibus], Bishop of Winchester, of the appropriation of Hales, with its chapels, to the Canons and Convent of Hales- owen, and the various confirmations of the same by (a) Walter de Cantilupo, Bishop of Worcester, 8 Nov. Anno pontificatus primo [1236]; (b) Simon, Prior of Worcester, xi Kal. Apr. [22 Mar.] 1249 ; (c) Silvester, Bishop of Wor- cester [1216-1218] ; (d) Godfrey, Bishop of Worcester, vii Kal. Apr. [26 Mar.] 1269; (e) Martin [IV], Pope, xii Kal. Oct. [20 Sep.] [1281-1285]. Dat. Hartlebury, 4 Jan. 1331 [2]. Lat. With fragment of episcopal seal. 97. Grant from John, son of Philip de Baueresfen, to ^ . Dom. John de Willishamstede, Rector of Old Swinford, l^ (r\^\CttAirr ^^^ ^jj^g ^g Willishamstede, " filiola" of John, and to Symon de Harwedone and Beatrice, sister of the latter, of the tenement which he bought from Henry T inctor, in the vill of Hales, which tenement abuts on the High Street " ubi 1 Printed in full : Nash, ii, App. xxviii. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 29 t enetu r forum reruiii ven alium ". Witnesses : Henry Tinetor of Hales ; Richard his son ; John Chepe, and others. Early temp. Edw. HI. Lat. ' 98. Grant from John de Wylleshamstede, Rector of Old Svvinford, to Dom.' Walter, chaplain of Old Swinford, and W^illiam le Kyng, of the tenement the said John holds in Hales, paying annual rent to the chief lord of three pence farthing. _ Witnesses : Richard Tynctor; Thomas de Haselbure ; Ranulph le Barkar, and others. Dat. Old Swinford, M. aft. F. of St. Hilary [13 Jan.], 5 Edw. HI [1332]. Lat. With seal. 99. Quit-claim from Agnes, dau. of Philip, " in the A Wode de Frankeleye", to Lucy, dau. of Ri chard Hereward, of all that land called Herewardeslonde , within the Manor of Frankley. Witnesses : John de Oldenhulle ; Nicholas Haukyns ; Nicholas Byngam, and others. Dat. Frankley, S. aft. F. of Epiphany [6 Jan.], 7 Edw. HI [1334]. Lat. 100. Grant from John, son of John del Clyf de Wode- bromewich [in Castle Bromwich] to Alice, widow of Richard de Weston, of Coventry, and John her son, of the tenement which he holds by grant from Walter, chaplain of Old Swinford, and William Lekyng, in Halesowen. Witnesses : Richard le Deystere, of Hales ; John le Deyster ; John de Werueleye, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Sat. F. of the Ann. of B. V. Mary [25 Mar.], 9 Edw. HI [1335]. Lat. 10 1. Lease, for lives, from the Abbot and Convent of Halesowen to John de Weston, of Coventry, and Margery his wife, of all the tenement which Thomas Harald formerly held in Ridgeacre (excepting a marl-pit), with two plots of land in Le Hethcroft de Lappole. Rent, eight shillings. Witnesses : Richard le Deystere, of Hales ; William his son ; Richard le Henstere, and others. Dat. 30 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. Halesowen, Sat. F. of Ann. of B. V. Mary [25 Mar.], 9 Ed w. Ill [1335]. Lat 102. Grant from Geoffrey de Caldewe, of Warley, to Philip his son, of a plot of land in Warley called Le Lone, to hold by service of one penny at Michaelmas. Wit- nesses : Richard de Wyrley ; Nicholas de Radewelle ; Robert Fraunceys, and others. Dat. Warley, Fr. F. of St. Luke [ 1 8 Oct.], 10 Edw I II [ 1 336]. Lat. 103. Lease from Richard Fokerham to Dom. Johanna Boteturt, Domina de Weleye, of the moiety of the Manor of Werueleye [Warley Wigorn] which he acquired as heir of John de Sutton, Dominus de Duddeleye ; and grant from the same to the same of the other moiety of the said Manor. Witnesses : Dom. Roger Hillory, Dom. Henry de Bisshe- bure, Dom. Roger de Aylesbur', Knts. ; Clement de Donclent ; Eadmund de Haggeleye, and others. Dat. Warley, S. aft. F. of St. Mark [25 Apr.], 11 Edw. Ill [1337]- Lat. With seal. 104. Quit-claim from Richard Fokerham, son of Dom. William Fokerham, Knt, to the Abbot and Convent of Halesowen, of the Manor of Warley. Witnesses : Dom. Roger Hillary, Roger de Aylesbury, Knts. ; Richard Fre- body ; Thomas Purfrey, and others. Dat. Warley, M. aft. F. of St. Peter ad vincula [i Aug.], 11 Edw. Ill [1337]. Lat. With seal. 105. Counterpart of Grant from the Abbot and Convent of Halesowen to Richard Fokerham, of the Manor of Werueleye [Warley], co. Wore, to hold in as full a manner as the Abbey held it from Dom. Joan Botetourt, Domina de Weleye, by service of a rose on F. of St. John Bapt. [24 June]. Dat. Warley, S. aft. F. of the Assumption of the B. V. Mary [15 Aug.], 11 Edw. Ill [1337]- Lat. With seal. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 3 1 io6. Quit-claim from John de Sutton, Dominus de Duddeleye, son of Dom. John de Sutton, Knt, to the Abbot and Convent of Halesowen, of the Manor of Werueleye [Warley, co. Wore], in return for which the Convent grants to the said John full participation in their prayers and spiritual benefits, fastings, vigils, disciplines, alms, psalms and masses, and that when he dies the same benefits, etc., shall be his as for an Abbot. Dat. Warley, Fr. F. of the Assumption of the B. V. Mary [15 Aug.], II Edw. Ill [1337]. Lat. With seal of arms. 107, 108. Grant, in duplicate, from Geoffrey de Calde- walle to John his son and to Amice his wife, of a messuage in Ruggeacre in the fee of Werueley [Ridgeacre in Warley Wigorn],with reversion to Philip, son of the said Geoffrey. Rent, four shillings, payable to Richard de Fulkerham, Dominus de Werueley. Witnesses : John de Werueley ; Richard de Wirley ; Thomas Chircheyerd, of Solihull, and others. Dat. Ridgeacre, M. aft. Easter [12 Apr.], 12 Edw. Ill [1338]. Lat. 109. QuiT-Ci.AlM from Isabella and Johanna, daughters and co-heirs of John Pikard, son and heir of Hugh Waban, " but commonly called Pikard", to Thomas de Bromleye, " called by some, de Arnleye", and Margaret his wife, of the messuage, commonly called " The More", and a carucate of land, in the vill or fee of Arnleye [Over Arley] in co. Stafford. Witnesses : William de Peortone ; Ralph de Enefeld ; Philip de Lotteley ; Hugh de Solrugge ; Henry de Hecston, and others. Dat. Arley, S. aft. F. of St. Dionysius M. [3 Oct.], 12 Edw. HI [1338]. With two seals. 1 10. Grant from Thomas, son of William de Bromleye, and Margaret his wife, to Thomas Lestrange, of a messuage and carucate of land in Arley, which they hold by lease from John Pykarde. Witnesses : Edmund de Cornwale, 32 " THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. jun., John de Huggeforde, Knts. ; Thomas de Aluytheleye ; William de Porton ; Thomas Conan, and others. Dat. Arley, M. bef. Ann. of B. V. Mary [25 Mar.], 13 Edvv. Ill [1339]. Lat. 1 1 1. Grant from Nicholas, son of Adam de Watecroft, to Stephen Osborne, of Edgebaston, chaplain, of a messuage, croft, etc., in the fee of Frankley, which he formerly held from his father, the said Adam. Witnesses : John Nicholes of Frankley ; Thomas de Watecroft ; William Ketel ; Thomas Staumpes ; John de Peppewalle. Dat. Frankley, F. of Decoll. of St. John Bapt. [29 Aug.], 13 Edvv. Ill [1339]- Lat. With seal, broken. 112. Grant from Richard de Hulle, of Clent, and Juliana his wife, to Alice, widow of Nicholas Byngham and Richard, son of the same Nicholas, of a croft in Frankley lying near Le Oxemor. Witnesses : Thomas le Walsche ; John Nicoles ; John le Masun ; Nicholas Haukyng. Dat. Frankley, F. of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 13 Edw. Ill [1339]. Lat. 113. Grant from Stephen Osbarne, of Edgebaston, Chaplain, to Thomas Staumpus, of Frankley, of a messuage, etc., in Frankley, which the said Stephen lately held by grant from Nicholas de Watecroft. Witnesses : John Nicholes ; John le Masun ; Thomas de Byngeham. Dat. Frankley, S. aft. F. of St. Faith [6 Oct.], 13 Edw. Ill [1339]. Lat. 114. Grant from Richard, son of Richard Huggen de Haselbury, of Halesowen, to John Godman, of Halesowen, of four selions of land in Le Heyefeld in Halesowen. Witnesses : William le Kyng ; Richard atte Welle ; Thomas le Deye, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Sat. F. of St. Mary Magdalen [22 July], 14 Edw. Ill [1340]. Lat. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 33 115. Quit-claim from William de la Berevve, of Frankley, to Dom. Adam de Hervvynton, clerk, of all his lands and tenements " de la Berewe" [Berrow], and also in the vill of Frankley. Witnesses : Dom. Robert de Alureston, Dom. Roger de la Felde, Dom. William le Walsh, clerks, and others. Dat. Harvington, Wed. aft. F. of St. Peter ad vincula [i Aug.], 14 Edw. Ill [1340]. Lat. 116. Quit-claim from William de la Berevve de Frankeleye to Dom. Adam de Herewynton, clerk, of all the lands which the latter holds from him in Frankley. Witnesses : John de Oldehulle ; John Nicoles ; William Kaunt, and others. Dat. Frankley, Th. aft. F. of the Ann. of the B. V. Mary [25 Mar.], 15 Edw. Ill [134 1]. Lat. 117. Grant from Nicholas de Hodebachede Catteshulle [Catshill, in Bromsgrove] to Henry le Chapmon, ofBroms- grove, of five selions of land in Schepeleye field, extending from Le Palmaresrudynge to Henry de Pendeford's land [in Catshill]. Witnesses : Henry de Pendeford ; John othe Hulle ; John Lof, and others. Dat. Catshill, S, aft. F. of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 16 Edw. Ill [1342]. Lat. 118. Quit-claim from Thomas le Meleward, of Frankley, to Thomas de Dernewelle de Wrodenhale of the messuage and lands at Frankley which the latter holds by grant from the former. Witnesses : John de Oldenhull ; John Nicholes, of Frankley ; Richard Le Cokes, and others. Dat. Frank- ley, Sat. aft. F. of St. Martin [11 Nov.], 16 Edw. Ill [1342]. Lat. With seal. 119. Quit-claim from Henry, son of Thomas Gardyng, to Robert le Bere, of Cradley, of that burgage or messuage, with buildings, etc., which the said Robert purchased at various times from Thomas Gardyng, his father, in Hales- owen. Witnesses: William le Deystere; William le Kyng; D 34 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. Thomas atte Pole, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Fr. F. of St. Nicholas [6 Dec], i6 Edvv. Ill [1342]. Lat. With seal. t 120. Grant from Robert le Bere de Cradeley to Henry le Bere, his son, of a burgage, with houses and cottages, which he acquired by grant from Thomas Gardin, in Hales- owen. Witnesses: William le Deyster ; William le Kyng ; Thomas atte Pole, and others. Dat. Halesowen, W. aft. F. of St. Hilary [13 Jan.], 16 Edw. HI [134.3]^ Lat. With seal. 121. Quit-claim from John de Herthull to John de Dunclent of all his fishponds in Broome [Broom, co. Staff.]. Dat. Fr. aft. Conv. of St. Paul [25 Jan.], 17 Edw. HI [1343]. Lat. With fragment of seal. 122. Lea.se, for six years, from the Abbot and Convent of Halesowen to John de Walloxhale, of Halesowen, of their grange of Blakcleye [.'' in Halesowen], with certain conditions as to repair of buildings, carriage of straw, and of water from the R. Stour, etc. Dat. Halesowen, W. aft F. of Pur. of B. V. Mary [2 Feb.], 17 Edw. HI [1343]. Lat. With seal. 123. Grant from William le Deystere, of Halesowen, to Richard, son of Edmund le Taillour, of Halesowen, and Margery his wife, of a certain piece of his toft [in Hales- owen], for the improvement of the messuage of the said Richard and Margery. Witnesses : William le Kyng ; John de Waleshale ; Thomas le Deye, and others. Dat. Halesowen, T. aft. F. of St. Ambrose [4 Apr.], ly Edw. HI [1343]. Lat. 124. Grant from Agnes, dau. of William le Meleward, of Frankley, to Thomas de Dernewell, of a building, with croft adjacent, in Frankley. Witnesses : John atte Olden- THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 35 hull ; John Nicholes ; John le Masoun, and others. Dat. Frankley, Sat. F. of All Saints [i Nov.], 17 Edvv. Ill [i343]- Lat. With seal, broken. 125. Grant from Richard atte Welle, of Halesowen, to Thomas de Notwyk, miller, of seven selions of land, with one " hauedlond" [headland] in Halesowen, lying in the field called Whiteleyefeld. Witnesses : William le Deystere ; William le Kyng ; Milo le Barkere, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Th. F. of Circumcision [i Jan.], 17 Edw. HI [1344]. Lat. 126. Quit-claim from Thomas,^ son of Nicholas de Frankeleye, to Adam de Herwyntone, clerk, and John de Graftone, of the manor and vill of Frankley. Witnesses : Dom. William Corbet, and Dom. John le Blount, Knts. ; Hugh de Cokeseye ; Edmund Fitzwaryn, and others. Dat. Bromsgrove, Sun. F. of St. Peter in cathedra [22 Feb.], 18 Edw. Ill [1344]. Lat. 127. Quit-claim from Thomas, son of Nicholas de Fraunkeleye, to Dom. Adam de Herwyntone, clerk, and John de Graftone, of the manor of Fraunkaleye [Frankley]. Witnesses : Dom. William Corbet, Dom. John le Blount, Knts. ; Hugh de Cokesseye ; Roger de Bysshopusdon ; Richard de Clodeshale ; Edmund Fitzwaryn, and others. Dat. Bromsgrove, Sun. F. of St. Peter in cathedra [22 Feb.], 18 Edw. HI [1344]. Lat. With seal of arms. 128. 129. Grant, in duplicate, from Adam de Herwyn- tone, clerk, to Peter de Wasseburnc, of that messuage and lands which the said Adam holds by grant from William attc Bercwe in Frankley ; with the reversion of the lands which Margaret, widow of Richard de Bikerton, holds for her life by lease from the said William. Witnesses : Master ^ See above, Nos. 80, 81. D 2 6 ^<3 36 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. William de Herwynton ; Master William de Stodleye ; Dom. Robert de Alureston, and others. Dat. Hereford, W. aft. F. of St. Oswald, Bp. [28 Feb.], 18 Edw. Ill [1344]. Lat. 130. Grant from Adam de Herwynton, clerk, to Peter de Wasseburne, of seven pence annual rent from the tene- ment which William Bercarius once held in Frankley. Witnesses : Master William de Herwynton ; Dom. Robert de Alureston ; Dom. Roger de la Felde ; Adam le Butiller and others. Dat. Herwynton [Harvington], Wed. aft. F. of St. Benedict [21 Mar.], 18 Edw. HI [1344]- Lat. 131. Grant from Adam, son of William de Herwynton. Dominus de Fraunkeleye, to Roger Saundres, of a plot of land called Whickeweye, in Frankley, in exchange for a plot in the field called Wetecroft, between the King's high- X!rU •Q.Xa ^'^^y leading to Bi rmingham and the said Adam's land in / Frankley. Witnesses : Richard de Bykerton ; Richard de Sif/ 363 Haukeslowe ; William de Northfeld ; John de Middelton ; Adam de Whatecroft. Early Edw. HI. Lat. With seal. 132. Grant from Randulph le Barker, of Halesowen, to Alice his daughter, of the nine selions of land in Hales- owen, in the field called Le Heyefeld, which he acquired by grant from Ric hard le Deyst er.^ Witnesses : William le Deyster ; Thomas de Harborugh ; William le Kyng ; Adam de Ruyton, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Whitsun Monday [16 May], 19 Edw. IH [1345]. Lat. With seal. 133. Grant from Alice, widow of Thomas de Haselburi, of Halesowen, to Thomas le Deye, of Halesowen, of five selions of land in Halesowen, in Le Hyefeld at Pendelston, paying a silver farthing rent to the chief lord at Michael- mas. Witnesses : William le Deystere ; William le Kyng ; 1 Cf. No. 63. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 37 Richard de Ruyton, and others. Dat. Halesowen, S. aft. F. of St. Mark [25 Apr.], 20 Edw. Ill [1346]. Lat. 134. Grant from Nicholas de Putford, of Bridgenorth, to Dom. John le Longe, of Bridgenorth, chaplajji, of a mes- suage and carucate of land called " La More" in Arnleye [Arley]. Witnesses : Hugh de Mortuo Mari, Knt. ; Henry de Mortuo Mari ; Thomas Conaunt ; Thomas de Aluedeleye ; Henry de Hextan, Dat. La More, Fr. F. of Conv. of St. Paul [25 Jan.], 21 Edw. HI [1347]. Lat. With seal. 135. Grant from Alice,^ widow of John de Waleshale, of Halesowen, to Thomas, son of Roger de Hulle, of a house, etc., and four plots of land in Halesowen, of which two lie in Le Heyefeld and two in the field called Hun- tyngtre. Witnesses : William l e Deyster ; Richard de Ruyton ; Thomas le I remon^^ ere, and others. Dat. Halesowen, M. aft. F. of the Ascension [10 May], 21 Edw. HI [1347]. Lat. With seal. 136. Grant from Alice,^ widow of John de Waleshale, of Halesowen, to Thomas de Lappole, chaplain, of two houses with appurtenances in Hales Oweyn [Halesowen], of which one is called Netherbachous and the other Le Barkculne, with sixteen selions of land in Halesowen, of which four lie in Le Merchfeld, three in the field called Halencroft, five in Le Ruyfeld, two in Le Hyefeld, and two in Trowesmarleput. Witnesses : Willi am le Deyst ^re ; William le Kyng ; Richard de Ruyton ; Richard l e Ire- mo nger. Dat. Halesowen, T. bef Nat. of St. John Bapt. [24 June], 21 Edw. HI [1347]. Lat. With seal. 137. Grant from Thomas de Lappole to Thomas, son 1 Probably a daughter of Randulph le Barker. Cf. No. 132. 2 Cf. No. 135. 38 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. of Roger de Hulle and Alice his wifc,^ of the same two houses and land in Halesowen. Witnesses : William le Deystere ; Richard de Ruyton ; Thomas le Deyc, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Fr. Octave of SS. Peter and Paul [29 June], 21 Edward HI [1347]. Lat. With seal. 138. Grant from John, son of Thomas de Haselburi, of Halesowen, to John Swan, of Halesowen, of three selions of land in Halesowen, in the field called Le Hyefeld, pay- ing to the chief lord a silver farthing at Michaelmas. Witnesses : William le Deystere ; Richard de Ruyton ; Thomas le Ir emongere. Dat. Halesowen, Sun. F. of St. Martin [11 Nov32rEdw. HI [1347]. Lat. With seal. 139. Grant from Roger, son of JohnPersevall de Somery, to Symon, son of Robe rt de Folewode de Toneworth , of all the lands and tenements which the former holds in Northfield ; and six shillings and six pence annual rent from the te nements which Anketin de Covent re formerly held in Byrm yngham [Birmi ngham], Witnesses : Richard atte Rudyng ; R ichard de Hau k eslow e ; John de Midde l- ton, and others. Dat. Northfield, T. aft. F. of St. Cedde [2 March], 23 Edw. HI [1349]. Lat. 140. Grant from Juliana Bondon, of Halesowen, to John Brown, of two plots of land lying in Le Hithefeld [in Halesowen], of which one lies at Le Brodenecros and the other on Boldenehul. Witnesses : William le Kyng ; Milo le Barker ; Nicholas atte Pole, and others. Dat. Hales- owen, Th. bef. F. of St. James [25 July], 23 Edw. HI [1349]. Lat. 141. Power OF Attorney from the same to Thomas Haukyns, of Halesowen, to deliver seisin to John Broun 1 Probably the widow of John de Waleshale. Cf. No. 136, etc. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 39 of the same lands. Dat. Halesowen, Th. F. of St. James [25 July], 23 Edw. Ill [1349]. Lat. 142. Grant from Robert, son of Edmund, Dominus de Haggeleye, to William de Thomentorn, John le Porter, Walter le Mason, Adam atte Yate, and John le B reuster e, of a piece of pasture land called Le Vallyng in Haggeleye [Hagley] (which he holds from Edmund his father, Lord of Hagley), lying between the land of Henry de la Chambre and the King's highway which leads from Hagley towards Halesowen, and between the wood of the Lord of Hagley, and the field of Lodeleye [Lutley] called Shortwod. Witnesses : Ric hard de Clodeshale ; John de Dunclent ; John de Herthull, clerk; Robert de la Hurste. Dat. Hagley, Th. aft. F. of St. Laurence [10 Aug.], 23 Edw. HI [1349]. Lat. With seal of arms. 143. Extract of Court Roll of the Black Nuns of Brewode [co. Staff.], held at Brome on Wed. aft. F. of St. Benedict [21 Mar.], 24 [Edw. HI, 1350], whereby Edmund de Dunclent and Matilda his wife are admitted to lands in Brome [Broom, co. Staff.], sometime held by Nigel de Brome and Thomas le Thaylur, and now surrendered by John de Dunclent, who is admitted to other lands in Dunclent. Lat. 144. Quit-claim from John Seers, Parson of Graftone- souz-Flavell [Flyford Grafton, co. Wore], Richard de Douerdale, Parson of Kynton [Kington, co. Wore], and Richard de Aldeford, Parson of Haddesouere [Hadsor, co. Wore], to Gilbert Chastelleyn, of the manor of Frankley, which they hold from John de Grafton, son and heir of John de Grafton. Witnesses: Thomas Cassy ; Roger de Brugge ; Esmon de Brugge ; John Colemon, of Inkberrow, and others. Dat. Hadsor, Fr. bef F. of St. George [23 Apr.], 24 Edw. Ill [1350]. Fr. With seal and two frag- ments. 40 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 145. Quit-claim from John Bottourt, Dominus de Weleye, to Gilbert Chastelleyn, Knt, of fourteen shillings and eight pence, annual rent, from the lands in Northfield which were Roger le Somery's, and are called Bromewy- chestude. Witnesses : Ful k de Byrmvnv>t*^ Oldenhull [Oldhill], S. aft. F. of St. Edmund, K. and M. [20 Nov.], 35 Edw. HI [1361]. Lat. With seal. 166. Grant from John de Caldewalle, of Ridg^eacre. to THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 45 Thomas Wayte, of Halesowen, of all lands, etc., which the said John holds in Coutheleslond, in the fee of Warley, namely, lands called le Walmes and Nedduraker, to hold by service of a white rose at Midsummer. Witnesses : Richard de Wirleye ; Richard de Baresfen ; William Smyth, of Warley. Dat. Warley, S. aft. F. of St. Hilary [13 Jan.], 35 Edw. HI [1362]. Lat. With seal. 167. Gramt from John de Caldewalle, of Ridgeacre, to Thomas Wayte, of Halesowen, of all the goods and chattels in a messuage and lands which he had already granted to the said Thomas in Werueleye [Warley]. Witnesses : Richard de Wirley ; John atte Halle ; Henry de Towen- hale, and others. Dat. Warley, S. aft. F. of St. Hilary [13 Jan.], 35 Edward HI [1362]. Lat. With seal. 168. Lease, for his life, from Thomas Wayte, of Hales- owen, to John de Caldewall, of Ridgeacre, of a messuage and all the lands which the said Thomas acquired by feoffment from the said John in the fee of Warley ; except- ing five plots of land called Le Walmes, Kittelond, Nedd- uraker, Fremonnesfeld, and Le Brodemedewe, and fifteen selions of Ian J| of which nine lie in Caldewallefeld and six lie in Rugacrefeld. Rent, a white rose at Midsummer. Witnesses : Richard de Wirleye ; Richard de Baresfen ; William le Smyth, of Warley. Dat. Warley, W. aft. F. of Conv. of St. Paul [25 Jan.], 36 Edw. HI [1362]. Lat. With seal. 169. Grant from Henry, son and heir of Henry Aylward, of Arley, to Richard le Synekar, of Arley, of a cottage within the fee of Arley, with land adjacent, stretching from the King's highway leading from the Severn towards Eymore Park. Witnesses : John de WytenhulT; Henry le Gerous ; Roger Holewey ; Richard le Wereward. Dat. Arley, S. aft. F. of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 36 Edw. HI [1362]. Lat. 46 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 170. Mortgage from Thomas Wayte, of Halesowen, to John de Caldewalle, of Ridgeacre, of an annual rent of one hundred shillings from lands and tenements in the fee of Warley. Witnesses: Richard de Wirleye ; Richard de Baresfen ; John atte Halle de Werueleye. Dat. Warley, M. aft. F. of St. Agnes [21 Jan.], 36 Edw. HI [1363], Fr. With seal. 171. Grant from Thomas le Wayte, of Halesowen, to Joan, relict of John de Weruelege, " quondam junior", and Richard her son, of a tenement [in Hales]. Witnesses : William Kyng, of Hales ; Thomas Deye ; John Broun, and others. Dat. Hales, S. aft, F. of St. Valentine [14 Feb.], 38 Edw. HI [1364]. Lat. With fragment of seal. 172. Covenant whereby Philip de Luttelye agrees to perform homage and services to John Bottourt, Seigneur de Welegh, for the manor of Luttelye [Lutley, co. Wore], as belonging to Hagley Manor, in return for which the latter grants to the said Philip peaceable possession of the lands which he holds from the said Phillip in Wolaston and Bettecote [Bedcote], in the manor of Old Swinford. Wit- nesses : Edmund d e_Brugge ; Henry le Bruyn ; Thomas atte Lowe. Dat. Weoley, S. bef F. of the Assumption of theB. V. Mary [15 Aug.], 39 Edw. Ill [1365]. Fr. With seal of arms. 173. Relea.se from Thomas de Oldenhull to Thomas Nikols, of Frankley, of the lands and tenements which were sometime his sister Sybil's in the vill of Frankley, called Le Mortismerlonde, Le Gunlond, and Blakuene. Witnesses : Will iam de Colmor ; Simon Hauke ; John Kookke. Dat. Frankley, Fr. bef Whitsunday [6 Jun.], 41 Edw. Ill [1367]. Lat. 174. Grant from John Bottetourt, Dominus de Weleye, to Henry de Hambury and Elizabeth his wife, of a plot of THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 47 waste land in his manor of Haggeleye [Hagley], extending from the road which leads from Hardebarewe [Harberrow, by Churchill] towards Kidderminster and the fishpond of Henry de Bradeforde ; with permission to make a fish- pond on the said waste ground, at the pleasure of the said Henry and Elizabeth ; to hold by service of four capons at Michaelmas. Witnesses : Henry le Bruyn ; Henry de Bradeforde ; William ate Schete, and others. Dat. Belbroughton, S. aft. F. of SS. Peter and Paul [29 June] 41 Edw. HI [1367]. Lat. 175. Grant from Nicholas atte Poole, of Halesowen, to Nicholas Curteys, of Halesowen, of fo ur selions o f land in Le He ythefeld , in Halesowen. Witnesses : William de Hasufbury ; William le Tournour ; William de Adenbrok, and others. Dat. Halesowen, S. aft. F. of St. James [25 July], 41 Edw. HI [1367]. Lat. 176. Grant from! John Biattetourth, Knt, Dominus de Weolegh, to William atte Luyde, of a plot of land with buildings, etc., called Le Beroglas, in Halesowen, lying in a corner oppo site th e_ bridge called Le Wytepole, between the curtillage of Richard le Deyster at Lydgate and the King's highway leading from the said bridge towards the market-place, etc. Witnesses : William Kynge, of Hales ; William de Hasilbyre ; John atte Luyde de Roulegh, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Th. aft. F. of St. Lucy [13 Dec], 41 Edw. HI [1367]. Lat. With fine impression of seal of arms, chipped. 177. Power of Attorney from the same for livery to the same, by William Kynge, of the same land which fell to the said John on the death of his mother Johanna [de Buttetourt]. Dat. Weoley Castle, Fr. aft. F. of St. Lucy [13 Dec], 41 Edw. HI [1367]. Lat. With fine impression of seal, chipped. Jp^^fi.i,J^t 4B THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 178. Quit-claim from John Maryn de Broome [Broom, CO. Staff.] to John, son of Edmund de Dunclent, Dominus de Chirchehull, of a messuage and half-virgate of land in Chirchehull [Churchill], which were formerly Thomas Blacberd's. Witnesses : Thomas de Dunclent ; Nicholas de Seggesleye ; Richard, son of Roger de Wennorton ; Edmund de Penne. Dat. Churchill, M. aft. F. of Purif of B. V. Mary [2 Feb.], 42 Edw. Ill [1368]. Lat. With seal. 179. Grant from John de Dunclent, Dominus de Dun- clent, to John de Dunclent, son of Edmund de Dunclent, and Alice his wife, of six shillingsworth of annual rent from the mill of Churchill, which Clement de Dunclent, the grantor's father, held by grant from John de Melford, formerly lord of Chirchill. Witnesses : John le Smyth de Brome ; Edmund de Penne ; Richard in-the-Putte. Dat, Dunclent, S. after F, of St. Matthias [24 Feb.], 42 Edw. Ill [1368]. Lat. With seal of arms. 180. Grant from John, son of Andrew de la Lone, o f Wolve rhampton, to Philip de Lutteley, of all his lands at La Lee in the fee of Aluetheleye [Alveley, co. Salop], with houses, gardens, woods, waters, fishponds, etc. Witnesses : Thomas atte Lowe ; John in-le-Putte ; Thomas le Fil- lilod ; John othe Grene, and others. Dat. Alveley, Th. F. of Corpus Christi [8 June], 42 Edw. Ill [1368]. Lat With seal of arms. 181. Grant from John o' the Grene de Rugeacre, to Henry o' the Grene, of various lands in Rugeacre [Ridge- acre] between the land of Thomas Wayte and the lane called Le Fennylone, with twenty-three selions of land in the same vill lying in Caldwellesfeld, etc. Witnesses ; Richard de Baresfen ; William le Smyth ; Robert Trappe. Dat. Ridgeacre, Sat. F. of St. Mary Magdalen [22 July], 42 Edw. Ill [1368]. With seal. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS, 49 182. Grant from William Rovvalle and Johanna his wife, dau. of Thomas de Fokerham, to Thomas le Wayte, of Northfield, of ten shillings annual rent from lands in the manor of Warley, called Couthoullond, which John de Caldewalle and Alice his wife hold. Witnesses : Thomas Nycols ; Richard Barisfen ; William le Smyth, of Warley ; John de Wheleye ; John de Brochele. Dat. Warley, Sun. F. of St. Mary Magdalen [22 July], 40 Edw. Ill [1369]. Lat. With two seals. 183. Lease for sixty years from Richard de Hampton, Abbot of Halesowen, and the Convent, to John atte Holt de Hulton, of a plot of land called Le Wooforlong, between the plots called Hondyye shelde and Le Deysterescroft, in the manor of Halesowen. Rent, eighteen pence. Wit- m nesses : William Colesone, of Walsall, seneschal of the ( ^r-'(Lxi-v^^\A— Abbey ; Dom. Richard Aldeforde, chaplain ; John de Ruyshale, clerk. Dat. T. aft. F. of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 1 369. LatT'' 184. Grant from William in-le-Moor de Lappole to John Brown, of Halesowen, of five se lions of land in Halesowen, in a field called Le Heythefeld. Witnesses : William de Hasulbury ; William Hamohd'; Walter Mylus, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Mor. of F. of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], 43 Edw. HI [1369]. Lat. With seal. 185. Grant from John, son of John de Gloucestre, of Halesowen, jun., to John Brown, of Halesowen, of six selions of land in Halesowen, in Whyteleyfeld. Witnesses : William de Hasulbury ; William Hamond ; William le Tumour, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Mor. of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], 43 Edw. HI [1369]. Lat. With seal. 186. Exemption by John Buttetourt, Knt, Dominus de _ Welegh et de Haggeleye, of Philip, son of Roger atte Grove de Haggeleye, from a certain custom observed by all J^ 50 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. tenants within Hagley manor, called Beola\ye and Bodel^ selver, namely, the payment to the lord of the manor of two shillings or one sheep. Dat. Weoley, S. aft. F. of SS. Peter and Taul [29 June], 44 Edw. Ill [1370]. Lat. With fine impression of seal. 187. Grant from Joan, dau. of Thomas de Fokerham, widow, to Thomas le Wayte, of Northfield, of ten shillings annual rent from lands and tenements within the manor of Warley, called Couthoullond, which John de Caldewelle and Alice his wife hold. Witnesses : Richard de Clodeshal, Dominus de Salutely ; John Warde, of Bromwich ; TFomas Nicols, and others. Dat. Warley, M. aft. F. of St. Lucy [13 Dec], 44 Edw. Ill [1370]. Lat. With seal. 188. Power of Attorney from the same to the same, to receive from John de Caldewelle and Alice his wife, annually during the said Joan's life, ten shillings rent for the same lands in Warley, and to enter the said lands in case of non-payment of the rent. Witnesses : Persevall le ■ Walshe ; Thomas le Walshe ; Thomas ^alemon, and ^{^^/y^/v^jirv — others. Dat. Stocton, M. aft. F. of St. Lucy [13 Dec], 44 Edw. Ill [1370]. Lat. With seal of arms. (U^r^ 189. Grant from John C arias de Mughale, chaplain, and John atte Holt de Hulton, to Christiana, widow of Richard de Patelston, of a plot of land with buildings upon it in Halysoweyn [Halesowen], and five " butts" o f land lying in the field called Le Heythefeld, in the same place. Witnesses : William de Adenbrok ; William de Hasulbury ; Robert atte Broke ; William Hamond. Dat. Halesowen, Sat. F. of St. Cedde, Bp. [7 Jan.], 44 Edw. Ill [1371]. Lat. With two seals. 190. Grant from William atte Luyde de Cradeley to John de Adenbrok de Rouley [Rowley Regis, co. Staff.], of a plot of land with buildings in Halysoweyn [Hales- THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 5 1 owen], near the highway which leads towards G achardus- _^ate_ and the highway which leads towards C ornbow e. Witnesses : John Broun ; William Hamond ; Robert Wayte, and others. Dat. Halesowen, W. aft. F. of St. Gregory [12 Mar.], 45 Edw. Ill [1371]. Lat. With seal. 191. Grant from Thomas Necholus, of Frankley, to William de Newell, chaplain, Richard Alisaundre, Richard Cordewon, John, son of Richard de Blakedon, and Richard, son of the same Richard, of all the lands and tenements which the said Thomas held by grant from Richard de Bykereston, in the vill of Frankley, in exchange for his land in Welyngwych [Willingwick]. Witnesses : Thomas Poppewell ; John Cok ; Robert Kok, and others. Dat. Fmnkley, F. of St. Ambrose [4 A^r.], 45 Edw. Ill [1371]. Lat. 192. Copy of Record of an inquiry held by the official of the Archdeacon of Stafford (by order of the Bishop), in presence of Robert Parys, Rector of Allerwych [A Id ridge, CO. Staff], Richard Wade, Rector of Rldeware [Hamstall Ridware, co. Staff], Walter, Proctor of the Rector of t^9UBS5^&dllJJl§ll^^^^'P^^^> '^'^' Staff.], Thomas, Chaplain of Bromwich, Proctor of the Rector of Bromwich, William de Yoxhale, Proctor of the Rector of Yoxhale [Yoxall, co. Staff.], and Richard de Melbourne, Vicar of Schenston [Shenstone, co. Staff] ; wherein it is found that the vicar- age of Walsall, CO. Staff"., became vacant about the F. of Tr. of St. Thomas [7 July], on the recall, by the Abbot and Convent of Halesowen, patrons of the living, of Richard, the last vicar "ad claustrum suum pro certa disciplina reci- pfenda pro_certis commissis per eum perpetratis", and that William de Stok e, Canon of Halesowen, was duly presented by the patrons, and instituted to the living on xvi Kal. Aug. [17 July] 1371- Lat. 193. Grant from William Atew all, son of Thomas £^"2^ " '\^/dM^ 52 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. Atew all de Horbourne , to Henry del Grene do Rugeacre, of all the land and tenement which. John, son of Henry de Hull, of Hales, sometime held from Richard Fokerham, Dominus de Weucrlegh, in the fee of Warley ; to hold by the usual services and "one suit at the Court of the said Richard de Fokerham and his heirs at Warley, namely, his next Court after Easter". Witnesses : John Spynner ; Ci/^iui/VN/^''"^'^ ^^^^^^"^ Bayly ; Richard Hauker. Dat. Horbourne [Har -' if^ ^^^Jj4-t/J)^orne, co. Staff.], Palm Sunday [21 Mar.], 46 Edw. HI w'*'!.-'-'^ ri"^72TrTitr"With seal. [1372] 194. Grant from Thomas ate Walle and Isabella "uxor dicte [szc] Thome de Horbourne", to William ate Walle " our son", of all that land and tenement which John, son of Henry de Hull, of Hales, formerly held from Richard Fokerham, Dominus de Weuerlegh, in the fee of Warley. Witnesses : John Spynner ; William Bayly ; John Huch- onus, and others. Dat. Harbourne, Fr, aft. F. of St. Ambrose [4 Apr.], 46 Edw. HI [1372]. Lat. With frag- ments of two seals. 195. Grant from Thomas Deythe, of Halesowen, to William Deythe his son, of fi ve sel ions QLar.able land lying in Le Pleghefeld in Halesowen. Witnesses : John Broun ; William Tornor ; Richard de Grymmynhul, and others. Dat. Halesowen, W. aft. Oct. of Easter [7 Apr.], 46 Edw. HI [1372]. Lat. With seal. 196. Notarial Instrument by Simon de Halsale, clerk, notary public for the diocese of Coventry and Lich- field, setting forth the appeal and protest of the Abbey and Convent of Halesowen, of their right of appropriation in the Church of Hales with the Chapels of Frankley and Ke nelmstow e, the Church of Clent with the Chapel of Rowley, the Church of Walsall with the Chapels of Wednesbury and Rushalc, by the agency of Adam Vaus, THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 53 their Prior and Proctor, in the Priory Church of St. Bartholomew in Smithfield. Dat. 4 July 1372. Lat. 197- Quit-claim from Joan, relict of William Rowalle, dau. of Thomas de Fokerham, to Thomas le Wayte, of the reversion of all the lands, etc., in Ridgeacre and Warley, which she holds by grant from her father, and which Thomas Coutholf formerly held, and John de Caldewalle at present holds. Witnesses : Persevall le Walshe ; John le Bee ; Thomas le Walshe, and others. Dat. Stocton, Fr. aft. F. of St. Peter in Cathedra [22 Feb.], 47E3wniI [1373]. Lat. With seal. 198. Quit-claim from Cristina, relict of Thomas Foker- ham, to Thomas le Wayte, of all the lands, etc., in Ridge- acre and Werweleye [Warley] which she holds for life by grant from Joan her daughter. Witnesses : John le Walshe; Thomas le Walshe ; Persevall le Walshe; John le Bee. Dat. Stocton, Fr. aft. F. of St. Cedde [2 Mar.], 47 Edw. Ill [1373]. Lat. 199. Power of Attorney from the same to Thomas de Harebourch, for livery to the same of all the lands, etc., in Ridgeacre and Warley which the said Cristina holds jointly with Thomas her husband, by lease from Joan her daughter. Dat. S tocto n, Fr. aft. F. of St. Gregory [12 Mar.], 47 Edw. Ill fi 373].^ Lat. 200. Grant and Release from Joan, dau. of Thomas de Fokerham, to Thomas le Wayte, of a messuage and lands in Warley which John de Caldewalle and Alice his wife used to hold from her, but which she has taken possession of, on failure of payment of the rent. Witnesses : Persevall le Walshe ; Thomas le Walshe; Thomas de Whytenhull. Dat. Stockton [co. Wore], S. aft. Easter [17 Apr.], 47 Edw. Ill [1373]. Lat. With seal. 54 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 201. Grant from H elewissa, Prioress, a nd the Convent of the Black Nuns of Brewood [co. Staff], to John de Dunclent, son of Edmund de Dunclent, and to Ah'ce his wife, of certain lands and tenements which the Convent had previously leased to John de Dunclent, sen., and Thomas L^n at Le Redewall, within the manor of Brome [Broom], CO. Staff., with fishponds, etc., and an acre of land called Le Weyacre in Belnebrotton [Belbroughton, co. Wore], (ex- cepting a culture called Horsewall, and the fishponds which John de Herthull held for his life, and which Robert de Dunclent, Parson of the church of Old Swinford, holds for his life), the same to revert to the said John and Alice his wife on the death of the present above-mentioned lessees ; to hold by a rent-charge of sixteen shillings and eightpence yearly, in lieu of all services, except foreign services to the Lords of Hagley and of Brian's Bell, in Belbroughton, paying to the said Convent " the ^besLaniinal that may be found there for a heriot on the deaths of the said John and Alice". Dat. Brewood, Th. aft. F. of St. Mark [25 Apr.], 47 Edw. Ill [1373]. Lat. With frag- ment of Priory seal. 202. Grant from William le Walshe, of Frankley, to Henry Carpenter, of Hasbury, and Alice his wife, of a messuage and croft called Bulkocuscroft, in Frankley, between Synckereslond and the King's highway, and extending from the King's highway opposite Froggem ulle up to Nydilegaleforde ; together with the moiety of a croft called Collecroft, in Frankley. Witnesses: Richard Fyton, _Knt. ; Thomas Nicholus ; Nicholas Cokus, and others^ Dat. Belne [Brian's Bell], Wed. bef F. of Nat. of St. John Bapt. [24 June], 47 Edw. Ill [1373]. Lat. 203. Quit-claim from Roger de Wyrleye to Thomas Wayte, of Northfield, of a messuage and lands which were formerly Geoffrey de Caldewalle's, in the fee of Warley. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 55 Dat. Warley, T. bef, F. of St. Valentine [14 Feb.], 49 Edw. Ill [1375]. Lat. With seal. 204. Grant from Tho mas Wayte. of Northfi eld. to John de Caldewalle, of Ridgeacre, of an annual rent of eleven shillings, from a messuage and lands which were formerly Geoffrey deCaldewalle's, his father, in Ridgeacre in Warley. / . j Witnesses : Roger de Wyrleye ; Roger God knave, chaplain ; '"^^/m*^''^'^^ Adam le Bailly ; Thomas Basset. Dat. Birmin gham, Th. , ,Mujf ^ aft. F. of St. Valentine [14 Feb.], 49 Edw. Ill [1375]. Lat. nA^>^^^ 205. Grant from William, son of Nicholas Wynshurst, ^ J to Dom. lohn Carles^ cha plain, and Philip de Whyteley de Hasulbury [? in Halesowen], of all the lands which were his father's, and which descended to him on the death of Matilda his mother, in the vill of Hales, " excepta quadarr^camera juxta .stabulum". Witnesses : John atte Holt ; William AdehbfoTc ; William Hasulbury ; William Hamond, and John Broun. Dat. Hales, T. aft. F. of Cone, of B. V. Mary [8 Dec], 49 Edw. HI [1375]. Lat. V 206. 207. Lease and Counterpart, for lives, from John, Dominus de Lutteleye, and Roger Stiward, Johanna his wife, and William their son, of all his lands, etc., at La Lee in Aluetheleye [Alveley, co. Salop], the said Roger, Johanna, and William to keep the houses in good repair. Rent, sixteen shillings. Witnesses : John o' the Grene ; Thomas de Aluetheleye ; John Jonkys, and others. Dat. Aluetheleye [Alveley], S. before Christmas, 49 Edw. Ill [1375]. Lat. 208. Quit-claim from Isabella, relict of Thomas atte Mpf{f,^^^ Walle de Horburne , to Henry de la Grene de Rugacre, of all the lands and tenements in Warley which the said Henry holds by grant from William atte Walle her son. Witnesses : Robert Pynne ; William Bayley ; Richard de 56 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. Longedon, and others. Dat. Warley, Sat. aft. F. of St. Gregory [i 2 Mar.], 50 Edw. Ill [1376]. Lat. With seal. 209. Quit-claim from John de Caldewall and Alice his wife, to John, son of Thomas le Wayte and Alice, relict of the said Thomas, of a tenement in Werueley [Warley], called Couthelleslonde. Witnesses : Thomas Nichols ; Walter Miles ; John, son of Adam Hogges, and others. Dat. Halesowen, S. aft. F. of Tr. of St. Thomas [7 July], 50 Edw. Ill [1376]. Lat. With seal. 210. Grant from Johanna, widow of John de Werueleye, to Dom. Richard Aldeforde, chaplain, of a messuage in the vill of Halys [Halesowen]. Witnesses : John atte Holt ; John Broun ; Richard Grymenhul, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Th. Mor. of F. of St. Edward the King [ 1 8 Mar.], 51 Edw. Ill [1377]. Lat. With seal. 211. Grant from Walter Mylis, of Halesowen, to Joan Hawmond, of the same, of eight se lions of land in Hales- owen, lying in W hiteleye feld, with two other selions in the same place. Witnesses : John Broun ; William de Hasil- bury ; William Hawmond, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Fr. aft. Nat. of St. John Bapt. [24 June], 51 Edw. IIP [1377]. Lat. With seal. ^ 212. Grant from the Abbot and Convent of Halesowen to John Broun, in Halesowen, and Cristina his wife, and heirs, of the reversion of a messuage, called Steynesplace, and lands which Isolda Kyng holds In Lappole [in Hales- owen]. Dat. Hales, Wed. aft. F. of Con v. of St. Paul [25 Jan.], I Ric. II [1378]. Lat. With seal. / ^ The King died three days before the date of this charter, namely, on the 2ist June. It is probable that the news had not yet reached the locality of Halesowen. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. $7 213. Grant from Thomas Nichols, of Frankley, to John de Couentre, of the same, of a certain plot of land in the fee of Frankley. Witnesses : Simon Hawkyns ; William le Walsh ; John Staumpes ; Edward othe Hull, and others, Dat. Frankley, Wed. aft. F. of the Ann. of the B. V. Mary [25 Mar.], I Ric. II [1378]. Lat. 214. Grant from Richard de Aldeford, chaplain, to William le Mulneward, of Halesowen, of a messuage, etc., in Halesowen. Witnesses : John atte Holte ; Richard Grimhull ; Robert Wayte, and others. Dat. Halesowen, F. of St. Luke [ 1 8 Oct.], 2 Ric. 1 1 [ 1 378]. Lat. With seal of arms. 215. Grant from Roger de Fokerham to Richard Cokkes, William de Wellebek, and Adam de Melley, of five several annual rent-services in Rugacre [Ridgeacre], with a messuage and sev en butts of lan d in the same place. Witnesses : Dom. Richard de Aldeford, chaplain ; John atte Holte de Hales ; William Hamond, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Fr. bef. F. of St. George [23 Apr.], 3 Ric. II [1380]. Lat. With seal of arms, broken. 216. Copy of Grant from William Hasulbury, of Hales- owen, to William atte Poole de Halesowen, of three plots of land in the fields within the manor of Halesowen, of which one plot lies in Le Hyefelde and is called Le Stoneacre, another is called Le Parro ck, and lies in Hwyteleyfelde, near Locokusoke , and the third lies in the field called Huntyngtre. Witnesses: J ohn atte Holte ; John Brown ; Thomas Hareborough, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Wed. Mor. of F. of St. George [23 Apr.], 4 Ric. II [1381]. Lat. [At the foot is a note that the original charter is in the custody of William Lynde, who holds the two plots called Le Parrock, and the plot in Huntyngtre.] 217. Power of Attorney from Thomas de Brugge, 58 fHE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. Eschaetor for co. Worcester, to Jo hn Slygh , to deliver sei- sin of a tenement called Oldenhulletenement, in Frankley, to Richard Fyton, Knt., in compliance with an Exchequer Writ, declaring judgment in the said Richard's suit in the Exchequer, dated Easter Term, 5 Ric. II [1382]. Lat. With small seal of arms. 218. Lease from the Abbot and Convent of Halesowen to Thomas Whatecroft de Horborne, of the moiety of their lands lying in Le Hyevastern field, in Ridgeacre, with eight butts of land there, and the moiety of Le Beorenastern Iield. Rent, six shillings and eightpence. Witnesses : Richard Cokkes, clerk ; Robert Spynnere, of Harborne ; John ^roun, of Hales. Dat. Halesowen, Sat. aft. F. of St. John a. p. 1. [6 May], 5 Ric. II [1382]. Lat. With small seal. 219. Grant from Richard, son of William Deystere, of Halesowen, to William, son of Richard de Grimenhull-, of the same, and Isabella his wife, of the reversion of the messuage and lands which the said Richard de Grimen- hull and Agnes his wife hold from him for their lives, within the manor of Hales ; together with the two shillings annual rent which the said Richard and Agnes pay for the same. Witnesses: Thomas de Harebourgh; John Hamond ; William atte Poole, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Sat. F. of St. Luke [18 Oct.], 6 Ric. II [1382]. Lat. With seal. 220. Grant from- Robert Wayte, of Halesowen, to Richard^jGr ey, o f the same, of thre e selions of land in Le Hyghefeld on Le Redehull [in Halesowen]. Witnesses : John Broun ; Richard Cokkes ; William Grymenhull, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Vig. of St. John Bapt. [24 June], 7 Ric. II [1383]. Lat. With seal. 221. 222. Lease and Counterpart from Johanna de Hexton to William de Hexton her son, of all her lands and ^ THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 59 tenements at Hexton in Arley, excepting nine butts of land in Hauteley, three seTTon's in Le Rudynge, and seven butts in Elthalus ; the said William to pay the usual services to the chief lord, and to the said Johanna his mother, two quarters of corn, dry, clean, and well winnowed, and three quarters of oats yearly. The said Johanna to have reserved to hHTTTse the principal " ca mera aule" of the house at Hexton, with free ingress and egress of the same ; and to have pasture for on e horse and two cows with two calves on the same land. Witnesses : John de Hulle ; Roger Holeweye ; William Skut, and others. Dat. Arley, Wed. F. of St. Martin [i i NovT], 7 Ric. II [1383]. Lat. 223. Release from John Bottetourt, Seigneur de Weolegh, to Sire Robert de Rouley, parson of Arwe [Arrow, co. Warw.], and Seigneur de Frankeley, John Slygh, and John de Peyle, executors of Richard Fyton, Kn t, of all actions, etc., in respect of the manor of Frankley, B romwich, and Olden hull. Dat. Weoley Castle, S. F. of St. Cecilia [22 Nov.], 7 Ric. II [1383]. Fr. With fine impression of seal of arms. 224. Grant from John de Hexton to William de Hexton his son, of the reversion of the land in Arley, called Syl- vestres, which John atte Brok and Matilda his wife hold on lease for their lives. Witnesses : Roger Holeye ; Richard Wereward ; William Skut, and others. Dat. Arley, Sun. F. of St. Nicholas [6 Dec], 7 Ric. II [1383]. Lat. With seal. 225. Release by Joh anna, widow of Richard Fyton, Knt. , to William de Spernore, of all her right of dower, etc., in Frankley Manor. Dat. Worcester, T. bef. F. of Exalt, of Holy Cross [14 Sept.], 8 Ric. II [1384]. Lat. With seal of arms. 226. Grant from Thomas Nicoles, of Frankley, to Roger atte Leghe, of Northfield, drapour, of all his lands, 60 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. rents, services, mills, pools, etc., in the fees of Frankley and Willyngewyke [Willingwick]. Witnesses : John Slegh ; Richard Sterns ; Thomas Whatecroft, and others. Dat. Frankley, Fr. bef. Nat. of St. John Bapt. [24 June]. 9 Ric. II [1385]. Lat. 227. Quit-claim from William de Caldewell, of Ridge- acre, to John le Wayte, of a messuage with houses upon it ; and all those lands which the latter holds in the fee of War- ley which were formerly John de Caldewell's. Witnesses : Thomas Nichols ; John Broun ; Robert Hamond. Dat. Warley, Sun. F. of St. Katharine [25 Nov.], 10 Ric. II [1386]. Lat. With seal. 228. Defeasance of Grant from Thomas le Wayte, of Northfield, to William de Caldewell, of Ridgeacre, of lands in Ridgeacre lying between the field called Calde- wellefeld and the road which extends from the tenements of the said John towards the tenements which lately belonged to Richard o' the Grene. Witnesses : John de Adenbrok, of Rowley ; William de Adenbrok, of the same ; John Broun, of Hales. Dat. Ridgeacre, Sat. Mor. of St. Andrew [30 Nov.], 10 Ric. II [1386]. Fr. With seal. 229. Grant from Agnes, relict of William le Walsch, of Bromsgrove, to William Penne, of the same, and Alice his wife, of a curtillage within the manor of Bremesgrave [Bromsgrove], extending from the curtillage of Ranulp h Stafford, DominiJsde_ Grafton, to the King's highway lead- ing from Bromsgrove towards Burmycha n [Birmingham]. Witnesses : John Hambury, sen. ; John Hambury, jun. ; John Wylkenes, and others. Dat. Bromsgrove, S. aft. F. of Purif of B. V. Mary [2 Feb.], 10 Ric. II [1387]. Lat. 230. General Release from Thomas Nicholas, of Frankley, to Roger at- Lye. Dat. Bromsgrove, Tu. aft. F. of All Saints [i Nov.], 12 Ric. II [1388]. Lat. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 6 1 231. Grant from John Hamond, of Halesowen, and Robert atte Halle de Hulle, to John Grafton, of Hales- owen, and Agnes his wife, of all the lands and tenements which the said John and Robert acquired by gift and bequest from John Haukys, within the borough of Hales, and ou tside the_ borough. Witnesses : Richard Cokkes ; Walter Wotton ; John Sadeler, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Sat. aft. F. of St. Agatha [5 Feb.], 16 Ric. H [1393]. Lat. With two seals. 232. Grant from Thomas atte Broke, of Claverley, to Thomas de Farnekote, Rector of Neenton [co. Salop.], of an annual rent of six shillings and eight pence from lands within the manor of Claverley [co. Salop], with power of distraint, etc. Witnesses : Thomas, Dominus de Gatacre ; Richard Knotte ; John de Gravenore, and others. Dat. Claverley, Sat. F. of All Saints [i Nov.], 17 Ric. H [1393]. Lat, 233. Lease from John Hexton and Isabella his wife to William Hexston his father, and Johanna his wife, of an annual rent of three quarters of corn and three quarters of oats, with six shillings and eightpence from lands and tenements in Arlcy. Witnesses : John Hampton ; John Whorowode ; Richard Werewarde. Dat. Arley, Fr. aft. F. oFStT Leonard [6 Nov.], 17 Ric. H [1393]. Lat. With two seals. 234. Grant from John Watsone, of Hawkebache, to Dom. William Hull, chaplain, and John Hull, son of Adam Hull, of Arley, of a messuage, etc., in Hawkebache [in Over Arley], which Walter Tybesone formerly held, and the messuage called Schepus, which John Schepes held, and a croft called Buystus. Witnesses : "John Heggeston ; Henry Churcheyart ; Thomas Wernwart ; Richard Haywart, and others, Dat. Arley, F. of St, Cedde, Bp, [2 Mar.], 17 Ric. H [1394]. Lat. With seal. 62 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 235. Grant from Roger Cook, of Warley, to John Wayte, of Northfield, and Henry HaukerCj^ of Horbourne, of all his lands and tenements in Warley. Witnesses : John Baker ; Richard Warde ; Richard Feys, and others. Dat. Warley, M. aft. F. of St. Barnabas [11 June], 18 Ric. II [1395]. Lat. With seal. 236. Grant from John Wayte, of Northfield, to William Fremon, Chaplain^of Hales, John Moort on, Chaplain of Norton, and Thomas Abel, of Castle Bromwich, Chaplain^ ofX^essuage and all the lands which the said John holds in Werueleye [Warley]. Witnesses : Thomas Whatecroft ; William Caldevvelle ; John Kembersley, and others. Dat. Warley, Sat. F. of St. Hillary [13 Jan.], 20 Ric. II [1397]. Lat. With seal. 237. Grant from John de Dunclent, son and heir of Edmund de Dunclent, to William Pygun, citizen of Worcester, of all his lands and tenements in Brome [Broom], CO. Staff. Witnesses : Richard Prat, of Broom ; Richard Cordwaner, of Clent ; Henry Godman, of Broom, and others. Dat. Broom, Tu. aft. F. of the Ascension [31 May], 20 Ric. II [1397]. Lat. With seal. 238. Grant from William Pygun, citizen of Worcester, to John de Dunclent, son and heir of Edmund de Dunclent and Johanna his wife, of all the lands and tenements which he lately held by grant from the said John, in Broom, co. Staff. Witnesses : Philip Horde ; Dom. Philip, Parson of Broom ; Richard Prat, of Broom. Dat. Broom, Tu. aft. F. of the Tr. of St. Wulfstan [19 June], 20 Ric. II [1397]. Lat. With seal. 239. Grant from Ralph de Seynesbury, chaplain, and John Horewode, to John de Dunclent and Johanna his wife, of the manor of Churchill, near Kidderminster, and the advowson of the church, with reversion on the death of THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 63 the said John and Johanna to John Wychehall and Alice his wife, and on failure of heirs to the latter parties, to Elizabeth, daughter of the said John de Dunclent. Wit- nesses : John, Dominus de Acton ; William Blunt ; John de Wenforton, and others. Dat. Churchill, Tu. F. of St. Denis [9 Oct.], 21 Ric. II [1397]. Lat. 240. Grant from Ralph Stafford to John de Dunclent and Johanna his wife, of twenty shillings rent, for certain lands and tenements in Brome [Broom], the said rent to be paid twice a year in the pari sh church of Broom. Wit- nesses! Philip Hoord ; William (Jrone ; John Acton, Dominus de Acton ; William de Aston. Dat. Sat. aft. F. of Conversion of St. Paul [25 Jan.], 21 Ric. II [1398]. Lat. 241. Grant from John Adunbrok, chaplain, son of John Adunb rok, of Rowl ey, to William Cardel, of Halesowen, of a plot of land in Halys [Halesowen] which is called Bere- place. Witnesses : Richard Cockes ; Robert Hamond ; Walter Wotton ; Thomas Walker. Dat. Halesowen, Fr. aft. F. of SS. Gervais and Protais [19 June], 21 Ric. II [1398]. Lat. With seal. 242. Quit-claim from John, son of Adam Hulle, of Arley, to John Nasshe, of Trympeley [Trimpley], of the lands which John Wattessone formerly held in Hauke- bache, in Arley Manor. Witnesses : Richard atte Nasshe ; Thomas, son of John Tugge ; William Churcheyard, and others. Dat. Haukebache, M. aft. F. of St. Dunstan [21 Oct.], 22 Ric. II [1398]. Lat. With seal. 243. Grant from William Hulle, chaplain, to John Nasshe, of Trympeley [Trimpley], of all the lands which the said William holds by grant from John Wattessone, in Haukebache, within the lordship of Arley. Witnesses : Richard atte Nasshe ; Thomas Tugge, son of John Tugge ; John Churcheyerd, and others. Dat. Haukebache, Whit- (M^^ 64 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. sun Monday [19 May], 22 Ric. II [1399]. Lat. With seal. 244. Grant from John de Dunclent, Dominus de Chirchill, to William Blunt, of that messuage and half- virgate of land in Churchill which John Maryn^ formerly held from him ; and that messuage and half-virgate of land which John Smyth, of Brome [Broom, co. Staff.], held from him ; with a garden in Churchill called Tayllours-place, and a plot of land between the mill of Churchill and Le Bladoune. Witnesses : William Andesone ; John de Wenforton ; John Broun ; William Persones ; John Smyth. Dat. Churchill, M. aft. F. of St. Luke [Oct. 18], I Hen. IV [1399]. Lat. With seal. 245. Quit-claim from Thomas Broun, chaplain, to William Milward. of Haleso wen, of all the lands and tene- ments which Humphrey de Stafford, Knt, and the said Thomas formerly held by feoffment of the said William in the fee of Halesowen. Witnesses : Robert Hamond ; John Hamond ; Richard Cockes. Dat. Lichfiel d, Th . in Whitsun week [10 June], i Hen. IV [1400]. Lat. With seal. 246. Grant from Roger atte Lyegh, of Frankley, to Richard Alysaundre, Jo hn Colmoure , and Robert Hamond, of all his lands and tenements in the fee of Frankley and Wyllyngeswych [Willingwick]. Witnesses : William Sper- nore, Dominus de Frankeleye ; William his son ; Simon Hawkes, and others. Dat. Frankley, Wed. Mor. of Conv. of St. Paul [25 Jan.], 2 Hen. IV [140 1]. Lat. With seal of arms. 247. Grant from John Grafton, of Hales, to Richard Flemynge, of the same, of a messuage which lies between the tenements of John Pachet and of Robert Hamond, and 1 Cf. No. 178. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 65 which lately belonged to John Haukys. Witnesses : Thomas Harbrough and Thomas Myles, Bailiffs o f Hales ; John Sadeler, and others. Dat. Halesowen, M. att. t\ of St. Barnabas [11 June], 2 Hen. IV [1401]. Lat. With seal. 248. Grant from Roger atte Leeh and John Willeson, of Frankley, to Richard Walsche, son of William Walsche, of Frankley, of all the lands in Frankley called Herew ardes- lond, which they hold by grant from Roger Barell, of jj S methwick . Witnesses: John Slyegh ; Simon Haukes ; X-y^vi/l-vt^VvV ^ John Pepewell, and others. Dat. Frankley, M. bef F. of St. Margaret [20 July], 2 Hen. IV [1401]. Lat. 249. Grant from John Wayte, of Northfield, and Em- mota, widow of William Haukokus, of Warley, to William Caldewelle and Joan his wife, of all the lands which they hold by grant and bequest of the said William Haukokus [in Warley]. Witnesses : John Kembersley ; Thomas Townhale ; Richard Feys, and others. Dat. Warley, Fr. F. of St. Martin [11 Nov.], 3 Hen. IV [1401]. Lat. With two seals. 250. Grant from Thomas Cursum, Bailiff of Frankley, to Robert Hamond, of Hales, of all the lands and tene- ments which the said Thomas had by grant from Walter Deye, of Tadenhurst, within the manor of Frankley, to whom they fell on the death of William Ketell, his kins- man. Witnesses : John Slygh ; John Colmor ; Thomas Halle ; John Hare, and others. Dat. Frankley, Wed. aft. F.of St. Gregory [12 Mar.], 4 Hen. IV [1403]. Lat. With seal. 251. Grant from Alice Dunclent, widow of John Burdon, to Henry, Lord of Haggeleye, of all her lands in the lord- ship of Kyderminstre [Kidderminster] which John Boteler formerly held. Witnesses : John Sugge, John Clent, F 66 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. Bailiffs of Kidderminster ; Giles de Fililode, and others. Dat. Hagley, Wed. in Whitsun week [6 June], 4 Hen. IV [1403]. Lat. With seal. 252. Quit-claim from Agnes, widow of William Churcheyard, to John Churcheyard, of Arley, of the lands which the said William Cately held in Arley, called Aylewardeslond and Godfreylond. Witnesses: John Hulle; John Code ; John Exston. Dat. i July, 4 Hen. IV [1403]. Lat. 253. Grant from Richard Lynacre de Honyngton to Roger atte Lyghe, of Frankley, of all that land " over which the water-course of the mill of the said Roger ru ns, or in the future shall run, near the Flodgates". Witnesses : Thomas Walsche ; Simon Haukys ; John Jurdan. Dat. Honington, Fr. F. of St. Margaret [20 July], 4 Hen. IV [1403]. Lat. 254. Quit-claim from Juliana Ayllewart, widow, to John Chircheyort, of a messuage " cum una noca" [nook] of land adjoining, called Aylewardeslond in Arley. Wit- nesses : John Hextone ; John Gode ; John Hulle. Dat. Arley, Wed. F. of St. Peter ad vincula [i Aug.], 4 Hen. IV [1403]. Lat. With seal, broken. 255. Lease, for seven years, from Cecily, widow of Thomas Popewelle, of Frankley, and Thomas her son, to Roger atte Lyghe de Frankeley, and Roger Muleward, of a messuage, etc., in Frankley ; the said Roger and Roger undertaking to build two " hays", one at the end of the said messuage, and the other "supra pistrinum", at their own expense, the said Cecily and Thomas to find the timber requisite for the said buildings. Witnesses : Simon Haukys ; John Wyllesone ; William Walsche. Dat. Frankley, Tu. F. of the Ann. of the B. V. Mary [25 Mar.], 5 Hen. IV [1404]. Lat. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 6^ 256. Lease, for eighty years, from the Abbot and Con- vent of Halesowen to William Cockes, of the same, of a messuage, etc., in Hales, called Chyltonusplace. Rent, four shillings ; but if the said William, or the heirs of his body, shall sublet the said messuage to anyone during the said term, the subtenants shall pay five shillings rent to the Abbey. Dat. Hales, T. aft. F. of St. Ambrose [4 Apr.], 5 Hen. IV [1404]. Lat. With seal. 257. Grant from Henry othe Grene de Rugeacre to Thomas Warde, of Ylley, of the lands, etc., he holds by feoffment of William Tomenhorn and John Broun, which were lately Richard de Wyrley's ; the lands which John, son of Henry Hulle, of Hales, formerly held from Richard Fokerham, in the fee of Warley ; the lands which the said grantor holds by feoffment of John othe Grene de Ruge- acre ; with two crofts lying between the highway leading towards Weoley and the land of the Abbot of Halesowen, called Hobecokussych. Witnesses: John Wayte ; William Caldewalle ; Philip de Beurgh, and others. Dat. Warley, Th. aft. F. of Ann. of B. V. Mary [25 Mar.], 6 Hen. IV [1405]. Lat. With seal. 258. Grant from William Deye, of Hales, to Richard Flemyng, of Hales, of five selions of land lying in Le Hyghefeld at Le Pendelston [in Halesowen]. Witnesses : William Poole ; Robert Hamond ; John Lynde. Dat. Sat. aft. F. of St. John a. p. 1. [6 May], 6 Hen. IV [1405]. Lat. With seal. 259. Lease, for life, from Thomas Warde, of Ridgeacre, to Henry othe Grene, of Ridgeacre, of all the lands and tenements which the said Thomas had by gift from the said Henry in Ruggeacre [Ridgeacre]. Witnesses : John Wayte ; William Caldewelle ; Richard Feys ; I'homas Towenhale, and others. Dat. Ridgeacre, Fr. aft. F. of St. Katharine [25 Nov.], 7 Hen. IV [1405]. Lat. With seal. F 2 68 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 260. Lease, for 99 years, from the Abbot and Convent of Halesowen to William Caldewelle, of Ridgeacre, of the tenement which Joan, widow of John Wyrley, held in the fee of Warley, co. Wore, (excepting five selions of land in le Gorstyhawynge), together with the moiety of a plot of land called Le Webbegrene, and two selions of land in Horssete- feld, called Swetyngeslond. Rent, six shillings. Wit- nesses : Nicholas Leuesone ; Richard Cokkes ; John Kembersley. Dat. Halesowen Monastery, Th. F. of Tr. of St. Thomas [7 July], 8 Hen. IV [1407]. Lat. With Abbey seal, broken at lower edges. 261. Grant from John de Hexton to Ralph de Shawe, Walter de Wrottesley, Richard Honte, vicar of Wodesbury [Wednesbury, co. Staff], and William de Trimpeley, chap- lain, of all his lands in Arley. Witnesses : Edmund Lowe ; Philip Hoord ; Henry Korbyn, and others. Dat. Arley, S. aft. F. of St. Mary Magdalen [22 July], 7 Hen. IV [1406], Lat. With seal. 262. Lease, for seventy years, from Thomas de Stretton Dean, and the Chapter of Lichfield, to John Chircheyerd, of Arley, of a plot of land called Le Chyrcheyard, opposite the cemetery of the parish church of Arley. Rent, twelve pence per annum. Witnesses: Master John de Oudeby, Archdeacon of Derby ; William Newehagh, Archdeacon of Chester ; Thomas Scut. Dat. Chapter House, Fr. aft. F. of Epiphany [6 Jan.], i4o8[9]. Lat. With Chapter seal, much broken. 263. Quit-claim from Richard atte Lylden, John Walker, Richard Pollesworthe, and Thomas Pepewelle to William, son of Ralph Walloxhale, of a plot of land [in Hales], as put forth in a pair of indentures between Richard Grey and the said William. Witnesses : Richard Cokkes ; John Lynde ; William Poole, and others. Dat. Hales, Th. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 69 aft. F. of St. Matthias [24 Feb.], 10 Hen. IV [1409]. Lat. With four seals. 264. Grant from William Caldewelle, of Ridgeacre, to Richard Cokkes, of Hales, and John atte Yate, chaplain, of two crofts of land enclosed, lying in Ridgeacre, called Le Grenefeldus. Witnesses: John Wayte ; John Kembers- ley ; Richard Feys, and others. Dat. Ridgeacre, Fr. bef F. of St. Barnabas [11 June], 10 Hen. IV [1409]. Lat. With seal. 265. Grant from Thomas Bruet, William Churche, clerks, and Richard Katermaynes to Thomas Luttelton and Matilda his wife, of the manor of Frankley, with appur- tenances, and all the lands called Bromwycheslond, Byng- hameslond, Berghenlond, Slowlond, Hullefeldes, and Oldenhulles, which they held by feoffment of the said Thomas Luttelton. Witnesses : John Braas de Wych ; William Wolashulle ; William Aldebury ; Richard Cockes; John Colmore. Dat. Frankley, Mon. aft. F. of St. Edmund, Bp. and Conf [16 Nov.], 12 Hen. IV [1410]. Lat. 266. Lease from Thomas Luttelton, Lord of Frankley, and Matilda his wife, to John Walssh and Margery his wife, of a messuage and parcel of land containing two "diets" in Frankley, called Rawlyns. Rent, two shillings and six- pence. Dat. 29 Apr., 12 Hen. IV [141 1]. Lat. With two seals. 267. Lease, for 12 years, from Thomas Whitenhull, of Remesleie [Romsley, in Halesowen], to John Chircheyord, of a moiety of all the lands and tenements called Edmun- deslond in Romsley. Rent, forty shillings. Witnesses : Hugh Lowe ; Hugh Boskervile ; Henry Dunfowe, and others. Dat. Remesleie, S. aft. F. of St. Michael [29 Sep.], 13 Hen. IV [141 1]. Lat. With seal. 70 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 268. Quit-claim from Henry Penne, son of Richard Penne, to John Churcheyard, of Arley, of a toft called Godefreys, within the fee of Arley, in le Nasshende, near the boundaries of co. Salop. Witnesses : Thomas Skeet ; John Exston ; John Ideyard, and others. Dat. F. of St. Augustine [15 May], 15 Hen. IV [1412]. Lat. With seal. 269. Admission of John Churcheyarde, nativus domini, to a messuage, cottage, and land in Arley, on the surrender of the same by John, son of John Nasshe, of Arley, and John Churcheyard, jointly. Dat. Fr. bef F. of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], i Hen. V [141 3]. Lat. 270. 271. Grant and Quit-claim from Joh n Wayte, of Northfield , to Adamar Walsh, of Northfield, John Chattok, son of William Chattok, of Castle Bromwich, J ohn a tte Somerlone, of the same, Tho mas Abell, of the same, and Thomas Cok, of Frankley, of a messuage and all his lands in Warley (excepting those which he and a certain Henry Haukere, now deceased, acquired by feoffment of Roger Cook and Margery his wife). Witnesses : John Hogges ; Thomas Hogges ; Thomas Whatcroft, and others. Dat. Warley [3, 4 Aug.], 2 Hen. V [1414]. Lat. With seals. 272. Extract of Court Roll of Hales manor, recording the admission of William Warde, of Ylley, to a messuage and a half virgate of land called Gybbslond, lately held by his father, Richard Ward. Dat. Wed. bef F. of St. Lucy [13 Dec], 2 Hen. V [1414]. Lat. 273. Indenture of Lease from John Porter, vicar of Kidderminster, William Euerdon, Thomas Hosyntre, chaplains, John Wenforton, Thomas Janyns, John Hethey, Richard Eynon, and Guy Clent, of lands and tenements near Halesowen, namely, Blakeley grange, Owley grange, Radewell grange, Offemore grange, and Farley grange, for THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. /I a term of sixty years, on the following condition, namely : that the said Abbot and Convent shall pay, or cause to be paid, ten pounds ten shillings on Michaelmas Day following the death of Richard Russeby, of Kidderminster, and the same amount on Lady Day following, in Kidderminster Church, to the said John Porter , the vicar, and John Wen- forton, Thomas Janyns, wardens of the said church, during 20 years after the death of the said Richard, till 400 pounds have been paid. Dat. Halesowen, M. bef. F. of Purif. of B. V. Mary [2 Feb.], 2 Hen. V [141 5]. Lat. With seals. 274. Power OF ATTORNEYfrom Thomas Middelton, Prior of Dodeford [Dodford], and the Convent, to Richard Kater- mayns, sen., to deliver seisin to Thomas Luttelton, Esquire, Lord of Frankley, and Matilda his wife, and Thomas Heuster and Elizabeth his wife, of William Halwell, their villein, with all his suit, goods, and chattels, etc. Dat. "Our Chapter House at Dodford", M. after F. of St. Hilary [13 Jan.], 4 Hen. V [1417]. Lat. With seal, broken and detached. 275. Grant from William Cardel, of Halesowen, mil ler, to Richard Cockes, of the same, William Ducy, of North- field, and William Crassher, of Dudley, of all his lands, etc., in the vill and borough of Halesowen. Witnesses : Richard Harborh ; John Walker ; Thomas Hamound, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Mon. F. of Conv. of St. Paul [25 Jan.], 4 Hen. V [141 7]. Lat. With seal. 276. Grant from Thomas Luttelton, Esquire, and Matilda his wife, Thomas Heuster, of Lichfield, and Elizabeth his wife, to William Vidsale, of Frankley, of all the lands and tenements which they acquired by feoffment of the said William in Frankley. Witnesses : John ^Colmore; Henr y Kyng ; William Haukes, and others. Dat. Frankley, Sat. in Easter week [17 Apr.], 5 Hen. V [1417]. Lat. With four seals. ^ 72 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 277, 278. Fine levied at Westminster in Michaelmas Term, 5 Hen. V [14 17], before Richard Norton, Robert Hull, John Cokayn, William Lodyngton, and John Preston, Justices, whereby Nicholas Ruggeley, Esquire, and Edith his wife, convey to Joan, widow of William de Bello Campo, of Abergavenny, Knt., Philip Morgan, clerk, Bartholomew Brokesby, Esquire, and John Russell, the third part of the castle of W eoiey. and of the manors of Northfield, Cradley, Old Swinford, co. Wore, the manors of Bordesley an d Ha ybern, and the view of fran kpledge of_Aston. co. Warw .. and the manors of Mere, Handsworth, and C lent, co. Staff., which Hugh Burnell, Knt., Lord of Holegote and of Weoiey, holds for his life. Lat. 279. Grant from John Pepewalle, of Frankley, Thomas Huyet, of Belbroughton, Richard Haden, of Rowley, and Henry Haden, of the same, to William Huyet, of Hales- owen, of a tenement in Hales, which they acquired by feoffment from Robert Hamond and others. Witnesses : John Lynde ; William Poole ; Robert atte Lythe, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Th. F. of St. Katherine [25 Nov.], 5 Hen. V [1417]. Lat. With seals. 280. Grant from Richard __Cokkes, of Halesowen, William Ducy, of Northfield, William Crassher, of Dudley, to Robert Eggok, " Broeuster" to the Abbey of Halesowen, and Constance his wife, of a capital messuage, with chamber annexed, in Halesowen. Witnesses: Robert atte Lythe, master bailiff of Hales ; Thomas Hamond, sub-bailiff of Hales. Dat. Hales, Th. after F. of St. Andrew [30 Nov.], 5 Hen. V [14 1 7]. Lat. With three seals. 281. Quit-claim from Hugh de Burnell, Knt., Lord of Holgoteand_Weoley, of his right in the third part of the castle and manor of Weoleygh [Weoiey, in Northfield], Northfield, Cradley, and Old Swinford, with the advowson of the church of the latter ; the manors of Clent, Mere, THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 73 Bobyngton, and H ondesworth [Handsworth, co. Staff.], with the advowsons of the churches of Mere and Hands- worth, CO. Staff. ; t he manors o f Bo rdsley and Hayber n [Bor desley, co. War vv.], with the view of frankpledge of Ast on, CO. Warw ., to Jo hanna de Beauchampe, Domina de Bergevenny, Philip Morgan, clerk, Bart holomew Br okesby, and loh n Kussell. to whom Nicholas Ruggeley and Kditli his wife have granted the reversion of the said third part on the death of the above-named Hugh de Burnell, tenant for life of the said _manors, etc. Dat. Weoley [i Dec], 5 Hen. V [141 7]. Lat, With fine impression of the seal of arms of H. de Burnell. 282. Quit-claim from Margery, widow of William Muleward, of Hales, to Robert Eggok and Constance his wife, of her right, by reason of dower, in the messuage, "with chamber annexed", which the said Robert and Constance held by feoffment from Richard Cokke s, of Hales, William Ducy, of Northfield, and William Crasher, of Dudley. Witnesses : Richard Cokkes, of Hales ; John Lynde, of the same ; John Walker. Dat. Hales, Wed. F. of the Conception of the B. V. Mary [8 Dec], 5 Hen. V [1417]. Lat. With seal. 283. Grant from William Grymenhull, of Halesowen, to Margery, relict of William Cardell, "Muleward" [sic], of the same place, of a plot of land [in Halesowen]. Wit- nesses : Richard Cokkes ; John Lynde ; Richard Polles- worthe, " t ournour ", and others. Dat. Halesowen, Wed. aft. F. of St. Ambrose [4 Apr.], 6 Hen. V [141 8]. Lat. With seal. 284. Power of Attorney from Richard Cornewayle, Dominus de Burford, and Alice his wife, to John Penne, of Hagley, and Simon Byrchore, of Kidderminster, to deliver seisin to Walter Kebbyll, Esquire, Richard Pepur, and Joan his wife, of the patronage and advowson of the 74 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. church of Churchill, co. Wore, with the glebe of the same. Dat. Churchill, Th. aft. F. of Nativity of the B. V. Mary [8 Sept.], 6 Hen. V [1418]. Lat. With seal of arms, broken. 285, 286. Gra]^t and Counterpart from Richard Cokkes, of Halesowen, William Ducy, of Northfield, and William Crassher, of Dudley, to Margery Muleward, widow of William Muleward, of Hales (with remainder to William, Isabella, and Richard, children of the said Margery and William, in succession), of all the lands, etc., in Hales, which the said grantors held by feoffment of the said William Muleward. Witnesses : John Walker, William Hamond, bailiffs of Hales ; John Lynde, and others. Dat. Hales, M. aft. F. of St. John a. p. 1. [6 May], 7 Hen. V [141 9]. Lat. With seals. 287. Fine levied on the morrow of All Souls' Day [2 Nov.], 7 Hen. V [141 9], before Richard Norton, Robert Hull, John Cokayn, William Lodyngton, and John Preston, Justices, whereby A dam Peshale, Knight, and Toyce his w ife, convey to Joan, widow of William Beauchamp, Knt., John Braaz, Walter Kebbyl, and John Garlethorp, clerk, the third part of the manors and advowsons mentioned in Charters 277, 278, 288. 288. Quit-claim from Hugh de Burnell, Knt, Lord of Holgote and of Weoley, of his right in the manors, etc., mentioned in Ch. 281, to Joan, widow of William B eau- <2.$\ ch amp. Knt. Tohn Br aaz. Walter ICebbyll, and John Garle- thorp, clerk, to whom Adam Peshall, Knt, and Joyce his wife, had granted the reversion of a third part of the same manors, etc. Dat. Weoley, 4 Dec, 7 Hen. V [1419]. Lat. With seal of arms, broken. 289. Grant from Thomas WhitenhuU, of Remesley [Romsley, co. Sal.], to Richard Horseton, vicar of Wol- THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 75 verley, Roger Mose, and Walter Longeley, chaplains, of a toft in Romsley, a plot of land called Le Bruche, near the King's highway, leading from Romsley towards Enefeld [Enfield], an assart called Amy rudyng, a field called Kyppelode, the moiety of a meadow called Tounnedewe, with ingress and egress through the middle of the said meadow to and from the highway ; the moiety of a field called Edewellefeld, with right of way to Stonybridge " per unam portam ibidem pendentem" ; the moiety of a plot of land in Morefeld, the moiety of a plot of land lying at Borde sasche in Wy nmulnefeld, and a halfpenny rent from a field called Oldfeld! Witnesses : Hugh Lowe ; John Whytonhull ; John Haddeley, and others. Dat. Romsley, S. aft. F. of St. Andrew [30 Nov.], 8 Hen. V [1420]. Lat. With seal, broken. 290. Grant from Philip Trappe, of Shenston, husbond- man, to J ohn Sheldon, of Rowle y, John Kymberesley, of Warley, jun., arid J ohn Pe pwell, o f Frankley, of a messuage and croft of land called T rappe Plas, in the fee of Warley, CO. Wore, lying between the tenement of Thomas del Grene and Le Pley Plas. Witnesses : Thomas Grene, of Ridgeacre ; John Weyte ; John Kembersley, and others. Dat. Wed. in Easter week [26 Mar.], 9 Hen. V [1421]. Lat. With fragment of seal. 291. Grant from William Grymenhull, of Halesowen, to Richard Tunstale, of a tenement in Halesowen. Wit- nesses : Ri chard Cokkes ; William Hamond ; John Teg- worthe. Dat. Halesowen, Th. F. of St. George [23 Apr.], 10 Hen. V [1422]. Lat. With seal of arms. 292. Power of Attorney from William Bere, al. Lynde, of Tewkesbury, to John Peppewale, to deliver seisin to William Bishop of a messuage called Berehalle, in Halesowen. Dat. Weoley [i Aug.], i Hen. VI [1423]. Lat. Wv^d^^^^^ 76 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 293. Grant from William Luyde, al. Bere, to William Bisshopp, of a tenement called Le Berehalle, with a garden and three cottages, in Halesowen. Witnesses : Robert Hamonde ; John Lyende ; John Goloffer, and others. Dat. Hales [11 Oct.], 2 Hen. VI [1423]. Lat. 294. Quit-claim from Alexander Mersh and Alice his wife, daughter of John Bate, to Thomas Haket, of Cradley, of the lands and tenements which were Geoffrey Caldewalle's, in Warley, co. Wore. Witnesses: John Werleye ; Cornelius Wyrleye ; Thomas Portere, and others. Dat. Warley [2 Apr.], 2 Hen. VI [1424]. Lat. 295. Quit-claim from Thomas M ersh, of Middelton , and Margaret his wife, daughter of John Bate, to Thomas Haket, of Cradley, of the lands and tenements which were lately Geoffrey Caldewalle's, in Warley. Witnesses : John Kembresley ; Thomas Portere ; Thomas Grene. Dat. Warley [3 Apr.], 2 Hen. VI [1424]. Lat. With two seals. 296. Quit-claim from Emmota Hob ben, of T hykbrom, dau. of John Bate, to Thomas Haket, of Cradley, of the lands, etc., which lately belonged to Geoffrey Caldewall, in Warley, co. Wore. Witnesses : John Werleye ; Cor- nelius Wyrleye ; Thomas Grene. Dat. Warley [4 Apr.], 2 Hen. VI [1424]. Lat. With seal. 297. Grant from Adamar Walsshe, of Northfield, John Chat tok, son o f William Chattok, of Castle Bromwich, and Thomas Cok, of Fra hTcley, to J ohn Wayte , of a messuage and lands in Ridgeacre and Warley, which they held jointly with John atte Somerlone, of Castle Bromwich, and Thomas Abell, of the same, now deceased ; with remainder on the death of John Wayte to Thomas Heuster. Wit- nesses : John Werueley ; Richard Page ; John Moghlowe, THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 7/ "^nd others. Dat. Ridgeacre, Wed. bef. F. of St. Michael [29 Sep.], 3 Hen. VI [1424]. Lat With three seals. 298. Covenant, whereby it is agreed that Thomas in le Hay, al. Moklowe, shall hold during the life of Johanna, wife of John Mokelowe, formerly wife of William Cald - walle, a certain field called Sweynesfeld, in Ridgeacre, and the other party to the covenant, William Loucok, of Horborn , shall have " housbote and haybote" in the same field, with all the buildings, gardens, etc., allotting to the said Thomas, the value of the same to be fixed by the neighbours. Dat. Ridgeacre, F. of St. Thomas [2 1 Dec.TT 3 Hen. VI [1424]. Lat. With seal. 299. Grant from Robert Eggeok, of Halesowen, and Constance his wife, to John Pappewalle, of Fr ankley, of a messuage, with chamber annexed, lying between the chamber of the late William Cardell, " milward", and the highway, together with a close called Le Feld, in Hales. Witnesses: Robert Hamond ; William Hamond ; John Lynde, and others. Dat. Hales, S. bef. F. of St. George [23 Apr.], 3 Hen. VI [1425]. Lat. With two seals. 300. Extract of Inquisitio-post-mortem (held at Wolverhampton) of Ed mund, Earl of March, proving that he held on the day of his death the_Manor_of_Arley, CO. Staff., from the King, and that Richard, Duke of York, is his kinsman and heir. Dat. 20 Aug., 3 Hen. VI [1425]. Lat. " 301. Lease and Release from William Bisshopp to John Pippewale, of a tenement called Le Bere Halle, with garden and three cottages in Hales ^Ewen [ Halesowen], which the said William Cately acquired by feoffment from William Bere. Witnesses : Thomas Heuster ; John Col- more ; John Lyende, and others. Dat.' Halesowen, i Sep., 4 Hen. VI [1425]. Lat. 6mAM 78 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 302. Grant from Richard Tunstall, of Halesowen, to William Hostage, chaplain, Robert Hamond, and William Lynde, of Hales, of the tenement in Hales which the said Richard lately acquired by feoffment of William de Gry- menhull. Witnesses : John Lynde ; John Walker ; Robert atte Lyde, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Mon. F. of the Annun. of B. V. Mary [25 Mar.], 4 Hen. VI [1426]. Lat. With seal. 303. Lease, for life, from Thomas Cookes, of North- field, to Henry Kyng, of Frankley, of all the lands, eTc, "wHicn the said Thomas holds by feoffment from the said Henry in Frankley ; with the remainder, on the latter's death, of a moiety of the lands to Margaret his wife for her life (on condition that she have no dower in the other moiety) ; the same first moiety, on the death of the said Margaret, to remain to Thomas, son of John Auncell and Johanna his wife, and the heirs of their bodies ; the second moiety also to remain to the said Thomas and Johanna on the death of the said Henry. Witnesses : Thomas Heuster ; Nicholas Thiknesse ; William Hawkes, and others. Dat. Frankley, Easter Tuesday [2 Apr.], 4 Hen. VI [1426]. Lat. With seal, broken. 304. Grant from William Hostage, chaplain, Robert Hamond, and William Lynde, of Halesowen, to Richard Tunstall, of Halesowen, and Alice his wife, of that tene- ment in Hales which they lately acquired by feoffment from the said Richard. Witnesses : John Lynde ; John Walker ; Robert atte Lyde, and others. Dat. Halesowen, M. bef F. of St. George [23 Apr.], 4 Hen. VI [1426]. Lat. With three seals (two, seals of arms). 305. Grant from Agnes Grymmehull, of Halesowen, widow, to William her son and William Thiderick, of Cakkemore, of one acre of land in Hj^ghfelde, two selions in the same field, one acre in Whitelayfeld, and five selions THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 79 in Huntyngtre [in Halesowen]. Witnesses : John Lynde ; John Gegworth ; William Golofre, and others. Dat. Hales, M. aft. F. of St. Bartholomew [24 Aug.], 5 Hen. VI [1427].- Lat. With seal. 306. Grant from Margery Locok, widow of Henry T.nrpVj of Hnrhnrfi to William Locok her son, of all her lands, etc., in Warley. Witnesses: John Seggeley ; Richard Cotelere : Geoffrey Hull. Dat. Horburn . F. of St. Laurence [2 Feb.], 6 Hen. VI [1428]. Lat. With seal. 307. Grant from Alice Kockes, of Halesowen, widow, to John Peppewall, John Yonge, and John Strynger, of seven "diets" and two selions of land in La Hiefeld, Huntyngtre, and Wheteleyfeld [in Halesowen]. Wit- nesses : Robert Hamond ; Richard Tunstall ; John Chewe, and others. Dat. Hales, Mon. F. of Inv. of Holy Cross [3 May], 6 Hen. VI [1428]. Lat. With seal. 308. Exemplification by Henry VI ( made "q uod carta predicta casualiter est amissa")^ of the grant by Edward I to Letar3~He~Henyn, of "the manor of Arley. Dat. 14 May, Anno 6 [1428]. Lat. With great seal. 309. Fine levied in Trinity Term, 6 Hen. VI [1428], before Richard Norton, Robert Hull, John Cokayn, William Lodyngton, and John Preston, Justices, whereby Walter Morton and Wauthleana his wife convey to Richard Cokkes a messuage, land, and rent in Warley. Lat. 310. Grant from John Moughlowe de Hulle and Johanna his wife, widow, and executrix of the late William Caldewalle, of Ridgeacre, of the residue of a lease of ninety- ^ If the charter was lost, it was afterwards found again, and is now in this collection, No. 34. X. X 8o THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. nine years of the lands, meadows, and pastures called Wirleys, al. Syinondeslond, within the fee of Warley, which the above William held for the said term from John Pole, late Abbot, and the Abbey of Halesowen. Dat. Rtdgeacre, Fr. aft. F. of St. Giles [i6 Sep.], 7 Hen. VI [1428]. Lat. With two seals. 311. Grant from John Lynd, of Halesowen, and John Walker, of the same, to John Peppewall, of all those lands which were formerly held by Richard Cockys and Alice his wife, in Le Hyefeld, Wheteleyfeld, and Huntyngtre, within the fee and manor of Hales. Witnesses : Richard Tunstall ; Robert Hamond ; William Lynd, and others. Dat. Hales, Fr. aft. F. of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 7 Hen. VI [1428]. Lat. With two seals. 312. Grant from Richard Flemyng to William Biss- hopp, Esquire, John Grene, vicar^of Brymesgrove [Broms- grove], William Sutton, vicar_of Kedermynstre [Kidder- minster], and Richard Breche, c haplai n, of a messuage and garden in Halesowen. Witnesses : Richard Dun- stall, Bailiff of Halesowen ; Richard _Squver. Sub-bailiff , and others. Dat. Halesowen, S. aft. F. of St. Hilary [13 Jan.], 7 Hen. VI [1429]. Lat. With seal. 313. Quit-claim from John Halle, brother and heir of William Halle, chaplain, to William Bisshop, of a mes- suage, etc., in Halesowen. Witnesses : Richard Dunstall, Bailiff [of Hales] ; Richard Squyer, Sub-bailiff of Hales ; William Lynde, and others. Dat. Th. bef. Palm Sunday [18 Mar.], 7 Hen. VI [1429]. Lat. 314. Grant from Matilda, widow of Thomas Luttelton, Lord of Frankley, to John Massy, Esquire, of the Manor of Frankley, and all the lands called Bromwycheslond, Bynghameslond, Berghelond, Slowlond, Hullefeldes, and Oldenhulles, which she acquired by feoffment from Thomas THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 8l Bruet, William Church, clerks, and Richard Katermaynes, now deceased. Witnesses : Edmund, Lord Ferrers ; Thomas Burdet, Knt. ; Richard Hubaud, Edward Blon- dell, Thomas Jowett, Esquires. Dat. Frankley, Easter Tuesday [29 Mar.], 7 Hen. VI [1429]. Lat, With fine seal. 315. Grant from Thomas Benet, of Swinford, to Thomas Dikons, Dominus de Churhul [Churchill], of all his lands which lately belonged to William Persones, of Churchill, namely, a messuage and half virgate of land, and a plot of land called Nemyngs, a plot of land called Saundres Nemyngs, etc., in Churhull [Churchill, co. Wore.]. Witnesses : Dom. John Pachet, Rector of Pepmore ; John Penne, of Hagley ; Richard Teke, of Bobbington, and others. Dat. Churchill, Tu. bef. F. of St. Mary Magdalen [22 July], 7 Hen. VI [1429]. Lat. With seal. 316. Grant from Thomas Dycons, Dominus de Churche- hill, to John Hulot and Alice his wife, of a messuage in Churchill, late held by William Gurdelar. Witnesses : John Broun ; John Waleys ; John Bakon, and others. Dat. Churchill, F. of St. James [25 July], 7 Hen. VI [1429]. Lat 317. Grant from William Hamonde, of Halesowen, to John Peppewall, of the same, of eight selions of land in Halesowen, lying in Whyteleyfeld, and two other selions in the same field. Witnesses : William Bisshopp ; Richard Dunestall ; John Lynde, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Fr. aft. F. of St. Gregory [12 Mar.], 8 Hen. VI [1430]. Lat. With two seals. 318. Grant from Richard Tunstall, of Halesowen, and Alice his wife, to Robert Hamond, John Poppewall, William Lynd, and John Chewe, of a tenement in Hales, lying between the tenement of the late William Cardell, G 82 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. " milleward", and the tenement of the late John Gloucestre, etc. Witnesses : Wilh'am Bisshop, Thomas Kelmys- stowe, Bailiffs of Hales ; John Lynd, and others. Dat. Hales, Sat. bef. F. of SS. Philip and James [i May] 8 Hen. VI [1430]. Lat. With two seals. 319. Grant from John Massy, Esquire, to Edmund, Lord Ferrers, John Sutto n, Lord of Dud ley, Thomas Burdet, Nicholas Burdet, Geoffrey Massey, Knights, John /" Fyton, clerk, and others, of all his right in Frankley Manor, and the lands called Bromwycheslond, Byng- hameslond, Berghelond, Slowlond, Hullefeldes, and Oldenhulles. Witnesses : Richard Hubaud ; Edward Blondell ; Edward Hambury, and others. Dat. F. of Tr. of St. Edward, K. and Conf. [5 Jan.], 9 Hen. VI [143 1]. Lat. With seal. 320. Lease, for a term of twenty years, from Robert Huchyns and John Warde to Thomas Heuster , of Wor- Q tv/t>kA cester, of a certain croft called Le Quybbe, in Ridgeacre, which they lately acquired by feoffment from Thomas Warde, of Ridgeacre : to hold at arose rent. Dat. F. of Nat. of B. V. Mary [8 Sep.], 10 Hen. VI [1431]. Lat. With two seals (one broken). 321. Writ of King Henry VI to the Sheriffs and Guardians of the Peace of co. Worcester, to apprehend and eject Richard Coke, of Frankley, who, in contempt of the Statute of 15 Richard II, has, "with various malefac- tors and disturbers of the peace, forcibly entered and taken possession of a messuage and various tenements of Richard Smale, of Coventry in Frankley." Witness : Humph rey, Duke of Gloucester, Guardian of the Realm. Dat. 18 Jan., Anno 10 [1432]. Lat. Copy. 322. 323. Quit-claim (in duplicate) from Richard Wen- nerton, of Hagley, to Thomas Dykons, of Bobynton, f THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 83 Dominus de Churchehull, of a messuage and half virgate of land in Churchill, which his father, John Wennerton, lately held. Witnesses : John Brown, of Churchill ; John Waleys ; and John Bakon. Dat. Churchill, Tu. F. of St. Matthew [21 Sep.], 11 Hen. VI [1432]. Lat With seals. 324. Grant from John Lyndc to John Moklowe of a plot of land in Le Hiefeld of Halesowen, lying between the tenement of Richard atte Halle and the highway leading from Hales to Nomonslideyate. Witnesses : William Bisshopp ; John Pepwale ; Thomas Paston, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Fr. aft. F. of St. Martin [11 Nov.], II Hen, VI [1432]. Lat. 325. Grant from William Hamond, of Halesowen, to • ^ Henry Fyllongley, Henry Brokesby, John Yerdeley, and S &j^ Jiidtry^ui^ John Chewe, of several plots of land in Halesowen, namely, I l-f^i^/x^vU^ ^-4^ in Hiefeld, Wheteleyfeld, and Hontyngefeld. Witnesses '• L fK Richard Tunstall ; J ohn Peppcwall ; William Geggeworth, ^ff^^ »^J^£ and others. Dat. Hales, Tu. in Easter Week [19 Apr.], 13 Hen. VI [1435]. Lat. With seal. 326. Grant from William Adams, of Ridgeacre, tailor, and Elena his wife, to Thomas Westcote, al. Heuster, of Collesdon, of all the lands, etc., which Thomas Warde father of the said Elena (whose heir she is), acquired by feoffment from Henry Grene, of Ridgeacre, in Warley and Ridgeacre. Witnesses : John Werueley ; Roger Bendok ; John Yate, and others. Dat. Ridgeacre, Tu. aft. Palm Sunday [i Apr.], 14 Hen. VI [1436]. Lat. With two seals. 327. Power of Attorney from William Cooke, of Frankley, to John Badecoke, to deliver seisin to Agnes, his daughter, and John, his son, of his lands and tenements G 2 84 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. in Frankley. Dat. 5 Feb., 15 Hen. VI [1437]. Lat. With seal. 328. Grant from Richard Tunstall and AHce his wife, to John Cook and Thomas Paston, of all lands in the vill and lordship of Hales. Witnesses : John Yardeley ; John Pepwale ; William Lynde, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Th. F. of Translation of St. Benedict [11 July], 15 Hen. VI [1437]. Lat. With two seals. 329, 330. Fine levied in Martinmas Term, 16 Hen. VI [1437], before John Juyn, James Strangways, John Cottesmore, and William Paston, Justices, whereby William Adams, of Ylley, tailor, and Elena his wife, convey to Thomas Heuster, of Collesdon, a toft, fifty acres of land, seven acres of meadow, and six acres of wood in Werueley and Riggeacre [Warley and Ridgeacre]. 331. Grant from Richard Prestwode and Margery his wife, to Thomas Turnour, of six selions of land in the Lyncroft, within the lordship of Hales, between the land of William Pepewall and Tybote Penne. Witnesses : William Pepewall ; Thomas Hugyns ; John Adames, and others. Dat. Haslebury, M. aft. F. of All Saints [i Nov.], 17 Hen. VI [1438]. Lat. 332. Grant from Henry Kyng, of Frankley, and Mar- gery his wife, to Thomas Auncell, of the same, and Joanna his wife, of all the lands, etc., in Frankley, which they lately acquired by feoffment from Thomas Cokes, of Northfield. Witnesses : John Massy, Esquire ; John Pepwale ; John Ranes, and others. Dat. Frankley, Th. bef Easter [2 Apr.], 17 Hen. VI [1439]. Lat. With two seals. 333. Quit-claim from Henry Kyng, of Frankley, to Thomas Auncell, of the same, and Johanna his wife, and their heirs, of the lands and tenements in Frankley which THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 8$ he lately held by feoffment from Thomas Cokes, of North- field. Witnesses : John Massy, Esquire ; John Pepwalle ; William Haukes. Dat. Frankley, Fr. bef. Easter [5 Apr.], 17 Hen. VI [1439]. Lat. 334. Grant from William Prestwode, of Halesowen, to William Pepwalle, of the same, of two "diets" and five selions of land in Le Hyefelde, Whyteleyfelde, and Hunt- yngtre [in Halesowen]. Witnesses : William Lynde ; John Yardeley ; John Feytyng. Dat. Hales, Wed. Vigil of St. George [23 Apr.], 17 Hen. VI [1439]. Lat. 335, 336. Grant (in duplicate) from Hugh Lowe and Walter Longeley, chaplain, to John Hexton and Agnes, daughter of John Horewode, Esquire, of the lands, etc., in Arley which the said Hugh and Walter held by feoffment from Isabella, sometime wife of John Hexton, sen. Wit- nesses: JohnHolewey; Thomas Steward ; Thomas Lowe, and others. Dat. Arley, Sat. aft. F. of St. Michael [29 Sep.], 18 Hen. VI [1439]. Lat. With seals. 337. Grant from William Locock to Thomas Littulton, son^ of Thomas Heuster, of four butts of land in Little Hedeley [L. Hidley, near Hales], to hold for his life, in exchange for a croft called Wardessbyng ; with quit- claim from the said William to the said Thomas of a parcel of land called " The londe of Birdesse", in the field called Caldewellisfeilde, which he holds during the life of Margery Birde, and, after her death, on lease for a term of ninety- nine years. Dat. 8 Jan., 18 Hen. VI [1440]. Lat. With seal. 1 "Filius"; but he was really stepson of Thomas Hewster, as the following table shows : — Elizabeth Lyttelton.=i. Thomas Westcote.=2. Thomas Hewster. ^1 I Thomas, who retained his mother's name of Lyttelton. 86 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 338. Lease for thirty years from Thomas Dykons, Dominus de Churchehull, to John Benet, jun., of a toft in Churchill, with a virgate of land called Newmonsland, and two messuages, with other lands there, at an annual rent of six shillings and tenpence ; the said John to keep the three houses on the said messuages in good repair, and to make one new house " de duobus bayis" on the same land at his own cost, etc. Witnesses: John Waleys ; John Bakon, and others. Dat. Churchill, Tu. F. of Pur. of B. V. Mary [2 Feb.], 18 Hen. VI [1440]. Lat. 339. Grant from John Chewe to John Yerdley of an acre of land in Le Heyfeld [in Halesowen], lying opposite Le Kockeshete, and near Le Craddeleywey. Witnesses : William Lynd ; William Geggeworthe ; Richard Tumour. Dat. Halesowen, Wed. F. of S. Margaret [20 July], 18 Hen. VI [1440]. Lat. With seal. 340. Grant and Quit-claim from John Moklowe, son and heir of Thomas in-le-Hay, al. Thomas Moklowe, to Thomas Littelton, of the field called Sweynesfeld, with other lands in Ruggeacre and Worley [Ridgeacre and Warley]. Witnesses : Roger Bowdok, of Bromsgrove ; Edward Bensted, of Benyngton ; Richard Scharsmyt h, of Ridgeacre. Dat. F. of Assumption of B. V. Mary [15 Oct.], 19 Hen. VI [1441]. Lat. With seal. / 341. Quit-claim from Joh n Peppewall, of Birmingham, Thomas Kelmestowe, of Hales, and John Fectyng, of the same, to John Mascy, of Frankley, Esquire, of a messuage and garden in Hales. Witnesses : John Yardeley ; William Lynde ; William Peppewall. Dat. Hales, Th. bef F. of Nativ. of B. V. Mary [8 Sept.], 21 Hen. VI [1442]. Lat. With seal. 342. Extract of roll of Court of Hales Manor, held on Wed. F. of St. Faith [6 Oct.], 24 Hen. VI [1445], recording THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 87 the surrender of lands in Ylley by William Warde, and readmission of him and Alice his wife to the same lands. Lat. With seal of David Rakewaye, cellarer. 343. Conveyance from Walter Kebbyll, clerk, to James de Ormond, Knt, son and heir of the Earl of Ormond, of the manor of Hagley, with the advowson, and six acres of land in Clent, in Cowebache, co. Staff., which the said Walter lately held jointly with Thomas Arundell, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, Thomas, Earl of Arundel, Johann a de Beaucha mp, Domina de Bergevenny , John Greindour, Knt, William Walewyn, Robert Greindeur, John Hare- well, William Butiller, of Yatton, David ap Wyllym ap Jankyn, Thomas ap Llewellyn ap Hoell, and others, now deceased, by feoffment from Thomas Waleweyn, of Much Marcle, William Biriton, and Richard Pepur, with remainder to John and Thomas, brothers of the said James, in suc- cession, on failure of issue. Witnesse s : Humphrey S tafford, Knt . ; John Grisley, Knt. ; John Griffith, Knt. ; John Vampage ; Thomas Lyttelton, and others. Dat. 20 Nov., 24 Hen. VI [1445]. Lat. 344. Extract of roll of Court of Hales Manor, held on Wed. bef. F. of St. Faith [6 Oct. ], 25 Hen. VI [1446], recording the admission of Alice, widow of William Ward, to a messuage and a half virgate of land in Ylley, on the death of her husband, and payment of heriot, namely, a red cow. Lat. 345. Grant from Thomas Haket, of Cradley, to William Louecok, of Ridgeacre, of all the lands, etc., which the said Thomas acquired by feoffment of John Bredde and Sara his wife, and which were once Geoffrey Caldewalle's, in Warley, co. Wore. Witnesses : William Curteler ; Thomas Lee ; William Pytts. Dat. Warley, Mon. F. of St. Kenelm [13 Dec], 25 Hen. VI [1446]. Lat. With seal. 88 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 346. Extract of Court Roll, dated Wed. aft. F. of Tr. of St. Benedict [11 July], 25 Hen. VI [1447], recording the admission of William Louecoke to a croft in Ridgeacre, with a moor and " Le Slynge" adjoining, for a term of ninety-nine years, at an annual rent of five shillings. Lat. 347. Extract of Roll of Court, held at Warley on Sat. aft. F. of SS. Tiburtius and Valerian [14 Apr.], 25 Hen. VI [1447], recording the admission of William Louecok to a " diet" of land in the manor for a term of ninety-nine years. Lat With seal. 34S. Extract of Roll of Court held at Hales Manor on Wed. aft. Tr. of St. Benedict [i i July], 25 Hen. VI [1447], recording the admission of William Louecok, on a ninety- nine years' lease, to a croft in Ridgeacre, with a moor and Le Slynge adjacent, and a meadow called Lytelhydley, in Ridgeacre. Lat. With seal. 349. Lease, for 100 years, from John Horewode, of Compton, Esquire, to Thomas Chirchyord, of Arley, of certain plots of land in Arley, called Brodefeld, Elarenes- land, Le Wheolares, Le Hurste medowe, etc., in exchange for lands of the said Thomas, called Litelhynche, Twenty- buttes, Lytell Lee, Cocshetegrove, etc., in Arley. Witnesses : John Hexstan ; John Code ; Thomas Steward, and others. Dat. Arley, 20 Mar., 26 Hen. VI [1448]. Lat. With seal. 350. Indenture of Covenant, whereby it is agreed between John Horewode, of Compton, Esquire, and Thomas Chirchyard, of Arley, that though the said John " have mad a staat of an C. Wynter save on [i.e., 99 years] of ccrteyne parcelles, fyldes", etc. (in exchange for other lands), to the said Thomas, yet if the said John "be warned to holde his terme above said by the chef lord, or by the eyres of the said Thomas or any other, that thenne be it lawfull to the said John to enter in his owne land", etc. ; THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 89 but if not, it shall be lawful for the said John " to holde the said lond and medewe to him and to hi seires in fee sympul". Dat. 20 Mar., 26 Hen. VI [1448]. 351. Grant in trust from Richard, Duke of York, Earl of March, etc., to Ralph, Lord Cromwell, William Olde- hall, Knt., William Boerley, Margaret his wife, John Wynnesbury, and Thomas Hopton, of Rekhull, of the manors of Cressage, co. Salop, and Arley, co. Staff., with the reversion of the lands which Isabella, widow of Thomas Fouleshurst, holds in dower in Cressage manor, to hold for the use of the said William Boerley, Margaret his wife, their heirs and assigns. Dat. 20 Dec, 27 Hen. VI [1448]. With signature " R. York", and fine impression of seal, broken. 352. Power of Attorney from Richard, Duke of York, for livery of the same manors, in trust for the said William Boerley, his wife, etc. Same date. With signa- ture " R. York", and fine impression of seal, broken. 353. Quit-claim from Richard, Duke of York, to the feoffees of William Boerley, of the manors of Cressage and Arley, granted by the said Duke on 20 Dec. previously [see Charters 351, 352]. Dat. Denbigh Castle, 6 June, 27 Hen. VI [1449]. With signature " R, York", and seal, broken. 354. Quit-claim from Ralph, Lord Cromwell, William Oldhale, Knt., and Thomas Hapton, of Rokhull, to William Boerley, of Bromcroft, and Margaret his wife, of the manor of Arley, co. Staff. Witnesses : Ralph Lee ; Hugh Haynage ; William Leghton, and others. Dat. Arley, 21 Oct., 28 Hen. VI [1449]. Lat. Three seals. 355. Exemplification of various records relating to the proceedings in a suit between Richard, Duke of York, go THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. and John Harpour, grantee from the Crown of the manor of Arley, with the recovery of the same to the Duke of York. Dat. 20 Nov., 28 Hen. VI [1449]. 356. Covenant whereby John Osbarne, who has bought of Marjory, "that was the wyf" of John Harpecote, of Broms- grove, Ralph Cawod and Annice his wife, daughter and heir " to the said John as to the said Mariarie", a " myse- place" in Bromsgrove called Naldersplace, and another " myseplace" in Bromsgrove called Cowpers, and other lands, undertakes that if he sell the said property, " that the said Raff and Anneys, or the heyres be twyxte them lawfully begeten, shal be thereof warned sex dayes before the said sale, and preferred to bye and purchesse the said londes and tenementes, and also they shal bye theym half a marke under the pryse that other men wol gyf therefore". Dat. Bromsgrove, 14 Jan., 30 Hen. VI [1452]. With seal. 357. Notification to the " Tenauntes, fermours, and offysours" within the manors of Arley and Cressage, of the King's writ, ordering them to pay their rent services to Thomas Littelton, serjeant-at-law, to whom the King has granted the said manors [145 3- 1466]. With seals of John Mylewater, Esquire, John Heven, Esquire, and John Erliche, to whom the writ was directed. 358. Grant from John Peppewall, of Lapole, near Hales-owen, smith, kinsman and heir of the late John de Peppewall, smith, and Isabella his wife (namely, the son of Thomas, son of Thomas, son of the said John and Isabella), to Thomas Lyttylton, of twelve selions in Lyefeld, within the lordship of Frankley. Witnesses : Robert Westcote ; Nicholas Westcote ; John Pate, and others. Dat. 6 Sep., 33 Hen. VI [1454]. Lat. 359. Power of Attorney from Richard Walshe, of Frankley, to William Wyght, of Frankley, to deliver THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 9 1 seisin to Richard Pachette and Cristiana his wife, of all the lands, with a meadow called Nowemedowe, in Frank- ley, which the said Richard had by feoffment of Roger Lye and John Wylson. Dat. 24 Jun., 33 Hen. VI [i455]- Lat With seal. 360. Grant from John Hulle de Hulle, to Thomas Hasewalle, of Halesowen, of four selions of land in Le Whiteleyfeld. Dat. Hales, M. aft. F. of Cone, of B. V. Mary [8 Dec], 34 Hen. VI [1455]. Lat. 361. Deed of Institution by William Vance, Arch- deacon of Worcester, at the request of John [Carpenter], Bishop of Worcester, by his mandate dated "in hospicio n ostro de Strond extra B arra m novi Templi", 28 Feb. 1455, of Richard Hull, Regular Canon of Halesowen, to the vicarage oT Clent with Rowley, vacant by resignation of John Thorpp. Dat. Worcester, 12 Mar. 145 5[6]. Lat With the Archdeacon's official seal. 362. Grant from William Borley de Bromecroft, Dominus de Areley, to Thomas Churchyard, of all the lands within the lordship of Areley [Arley] called Church- yordeslondes, Aylewardeslondes, Doddeslondes, Kytte- londes, Le Merssh, and Gatecotes, which the said Thomas held by copyhold. Witnesses : Fulk Sprenchaux and Thomas Hord, Esquires ; John Longmare ; William Sebright ; and John Holway. Dat. Arley, 3 Aug., 34 Hen VI [1456]. Lat. With seal. 363. Power of Attorney from William Lymley to Thomas Burneforde, Bailiff of Bromsgrove, to deliver seisin to Roger Bewdecke, of Bromsgrove, of a croft lying in Padestonyelde, within the lordship of Broms- grove, between the King's highway leading from Broms- grove towards Birmingham, and the field called Sparkes- 92 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. fylde. Dat. Byrmycham [Birmingham], Th. aft. F. of St. Peter [22 Feb.], 35 Hen. VI [1457]. Lat. 364. Power of Attorney from Margaret Cok, of Arley, to Thomas Campyon and John Chircheyard, to deliver seisin to Thomas Chircheyord, of a cottage and croft within the manor of Arley. Dat. Arley, M. aft. F. of St. Agatha [5 Feb.], 36 Hen. VI [1458]. Lat. With seal. 365. Lease, for two years, from David ap Jevan, Rector of Acton Burnell, and Wil liam Tagge, Re ctor of Norton in Hales, to Margaret, widow of William Boerley, of Bromcrofte, of the manor and lordship of Arley, co. Staff., and lands in Ockeley [Oakley], co. Staff. : to hold at arose rent. Dat. Wed. bef F. of Nativ. of B. V. Mary [^'SepJ, 37 Hen. VI [1458]. Lat. With seal. 366. Grant from William Wore, Dean of the Collegiate Church of Stafford, Henry Fylongley, Esquire, and William Cumberford, to Margaret, widow of William Burley, of the manor of Arley, with land in Okeley [Oakley], co. Staff., which had fallen to the Crown on the death of the said William Burley, and granted in trust by the King to the three above-mentioned trustees. Dat. i June, 37 Hen. VI [1459]. Lat. With three seals. 367. Grant from John Kocke to Gilbert Talbot, son of John, Earl of Shrewsbury, Thomas Latewayte, chap- lain, and Richard Newton, of all his lands and tenements in Areley [Arley] called Le More and Le Wodehouse, a/. Picarslond. Witnesses : Thomas London, Vicar of Chel- merssh [Chelmarsh, co. Salop.] ; Roger Crateford ; and Geoffrey Tyllesley. Dat. Arley, 3 July, 38 Hen. VI [1460]. Lat. With seal. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 93 368. Grant from John Yerdeley, of Halesowen, to ^ William Bysshopp, of the same, of three *' diets" of land JLiiTc in Newfilde and Hyefeld, etc., in Halesowen. Witnesses : William Pepwall ; William Lynde ; Nicholas Hydley, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Fr. bef F. of St. James [25 July], I Edw. IV [1461]. Lat. With seal. 369. Grant from John Yerdley, of Halesowen, to William Bysshope, of the same place, of a half virgate of land in Le Hyefeld. Witnesses : William Lynde ; John Barkere ; William Peppe wale. Dat. Halesowen, F. of St. John Bapt. [24 June]72 Edw. IV [1462]. Lat. With seal. 370. Grant from the same to the same, of four " diets" of arable land in Huntyngtre field and in Baloweismor in le Hyefeld, in Halesowen. Witnesses : William Peppe- wall ; William Lynde ; John Lynde. Dat. Halesowen, I July, 2 Edw. IV [1462]. 371. Grant from the same to the same, of two "diets" of land in Le Hyefeld, within the lordship of Halesowen, on Baleswardesmour. Witnesses : William Pepwale ; William Lynde ; John Bisshopp, and others. Dat. Hales^ owen, Fr. bef F. of St. James [25 July], 2 Edw. IV [1462]. Lat. 372. Institution by John [Halse], Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, of John Comber, Canon of the monastery of Halesowen, to the perpetual vicarage of Walshale [Walsall], vacant on the resignation of Thomas Nechelis, the last vicar, on the presentation of the Abbot and Con- vent of Halesowen, the patrons. Dat. " At our Palace of Lichfield", 4 Feb. I462[3]. With episcopal seal, broken. 373. Quit-claim from John Hecston, of Arley, to Richard J any ns, of Horeston e, of a messuage with three Lt^ 94 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. crofts called Rylondbrugge, by some called Nethircote, and by some called Wudres, in Arley. Witnesses : John Horewode, Esquire ; John Goode ; William Ideyard, and others. Dat. Arley, F. of Inv. of Holy Cross [3 May], 27 Hen. VI [1449]. Lat. With seal. 374. Quit-claim from Henry Bukden, of Bromsgrove, and Johanna his wife, dau. of Thomas Avvncell, of Frankley, and Johanna his wife, to Thomas Littilton, Christopher Goldsmythe, and John Grafton, of all the messuages, etc., which lately belonged to the said Thomas Awncell and Johanna his wife, in Frankley. Dat. 18 Mar., 3 Edw. IV [1463]. Lat. With two seals. 375. Grant from John Yerdeley, of Halesowen, to William Bisshopp, of the same place, of a piece of land in Le Newe Felde, in Halesowen, which his father lately acquired from Philip Chiwe. Witnesses : William Lynde; William Pepwale; John Lynde. Dat. Halesowen, 20 Aug., 3 Edw. IV [1463]. Lat. With seal. 376. Quit-claim from William Auncell, son of Thomas Auncell, of Frankley, to Thomas Lutilton, and Christopher ^ Godsmith, chaplain, and John Grafton, of all the messuages, etc., which the said Thomas Auncell his father, or Johanna ; his mother, held in Frankley. Dat, 30 Sep., 3 Edw. IV [1463]. Lat. With seal. 377. Quit-claim from William Pep wall, of Halesowen, to Henry Hamond, son and heir of Robert Hamond, late of Wyche, co. Wore, of the right which he had by reason of the feoffment to him, the said William, jointly with Richard Wych, of Hampton Lovet, and Edmund Rudyng, late of Wych, in certain lands in Halesowen, co. Salop, Frankley and Hagley, co. Wore, etc. Witnesses : Rjdiard Paston, Bailiff of Halesowen ; Thomas Hasulbury, Sub- THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 95 bailiff; John Penne ; and Thomas Hawkes. Dat. 14 Jan., 3 Edw. IV [1464]. Lat With seal. 378. Grant from William Louecok, of Remesley, son and heir of William Louecok, late of Ridgeacre, deceased, to Alice Louecok his mother, of the tenement called Caldewallestenement in Ridgeacre, with a piece of land called Le Lane, and the two crofts called Grenefeldes, in Ridgeacre ; with remainder to Thomas Louecok his brother. Witnesses : Thomas Worueley ; Thomas Perkys ; William Curtelar, and others. Dat. Ridgeacre, Fr. aft. F. of Assumption of B. V. Mary [15 Aug.], 4 Edw. IV [1464]. Lat. With seal. 379. Lease for 60 years from Margaret, widow of William Burley, and David ap Jevan, parson of Acton Burnell, with William Tagge, parson of Norton in Hales her trustees under her husband's will, to Thomas Littelton, and to William Cumbcrford, Humphrey Salway, Guy Westcote, and Robert Chetilton, of the manor of Arley, in trust for the said Thomas. Dat. 7 Mar., 5 Edw. IV [1465], Lat. With three seals. 380. Quit-claim from Margaret, widow of William Burley, to David ap Jevan, Rector of Acton Burnell, and William Tagge, Rector of Norton in Hales, of the manor of Arley, which the said David and William hold in trust for Thomas Littylton. Dat. 23 Apr., 5 Edw. IV [1465]. Lat. With seal. 381. Quit-claim from Fulk Sprenchaux, Esquire, to the same, of the same manor. Same date. Lat. With seal. 382. Grant, by permission of the Crown, from David ap Jevan, Rector of Acton Burnell, and William Tagge, Rector of Norton in Hales, in whom a reversionary right of the manor is vested, of the manor of Arley, to Thomas 96 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. Littilton, William Cumberford, Humphrey Salwey, Guy Westcote, and Robert Chetilton. Dat. i Aug., 5 Edw. IV [1465]. Lat. With two seals. 383. Quit-claim from John Yerdeley, son and heir of John Yerdeley, late of Halesowen, to William Bisshopp, of a tenement called Courteystenement in Halesowen, with lands in Huntyngtre, in le Hyefeld, and in Nywfeld. Witnesses : Thomas Hypkys, Bailiff of Halesowen ; Richard Symondes, Sub-bailiff; William Pepwale. Dat. Tu. aft. F. of All Saints [I Nov.], 5 Edw. IV [1465]. Lat. With seal. 384. Quit-claim from John Holgrove, al. John Pyper, son of Thomas Pyper, deceased, and Johanna his wife, dau. of Nicholas Dyvelin, deceased, to Thomas Lyttelton, Serjeant-at-law, Humphrey Stafford, Esquier, and William Stevenes, of a tenement in Worcester, in a street called Melechepyng. Witnesses : Robert Grafton and William Jolyff, Bailiffs of Worcester; Hughjolyff; Geoffrey Kerver, and others. Dat. Worcester, 8 Nov., 5 Edw. IV [1465]. Lat. With seal of the Bailiff of the city. 385. INSPEXIMUS and Recital of various deeds from the Exchequer Records, to show by what title and tenure Thomas Littelton, Justice of Common Pleas, holds the manor of Arley, co. Staff. Dat. 6 Feb., 5 Edw. IV [1466]. With good impression of Exchequer seal. 386. Bond, in ten pounds, from William Lee, of Hales- owen, husbandman, to Thomas Lee, of the same place, yeoman, to abide by the judgment and decision of Roger Bayly and Thomas Everdon, in a dispute concerning a croft in the lordship of Arley. Dat. S. bef F. of St. Dunstan [21 Oct.], 6 Edw. IV [1466]. Lat. With seal. 387. Grant from William Pepwale, of Halesowen, to THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 97 Roger Fepwale, of Birmingham, Tho mas Froste, Thomas Hasulbery, of Halesowen, and William Wighte, of Frankley, of all his lands in Frankley and Willingwick, co. Wore, (with certain specified reservations). Witnesses : Nicholas Hydley and William Beere, Bailiffs of Halesowen ; John Faytyng, and others. Dat. T. aft. F. of Purif. of the B. V. Mary [2 Feb.], 6 Edw. IV [1467]. Lat With seal. /irny^ 388. Acknowledgment by John Forster, Esquire, Receiver-General of Qu. Elizabeth [Woodville], of receipt from David ap Jevan, parson of Acton Burnell, and William ljy/t>) l^^"^^*^ Tagge, parson of Norton in Hales, by the hand of Thomas , ^ Lyttilton, Justice of King's Bench, of thirteen shillings and fourpence, by way of fine for licence to alienate the manor of Arley. Dat. London, 11 July, 7 Edw. IV [1467]- Lat. With seal. 389. Grant from Thomas Nasshe, son and heir of Richard Nasshe, to Hugh le Hayne, of Irthynfeld, of all the lands in Haukebach in Arley which fell to him on his father's death. Witnesses : Thomas Hill ; Thomas Forester ; Thomas Blewet, of Bewdley, and others. Dat. Haukebache, F. of St. Valentine [14 Feb.], 7 Edw. IV [1468]. Lat. With seal. 390. Quit-claim from Thomas Nasshe, son and heir of Richard Nasshe, of Wolverley, to Hugh le Hayne, of Irthynfeld, of all the lands in Haukebach in Arley which fell to the said Thomas on the death of his father. Wit- nesses: Thomas Hill ; Thomas Forester; Thomas Blewet, of Bewdley. Dat. Haukebach, F. of St. Valentine [14 Feb.], 7 Edw. IV [1468]. Lat. With seal. 391. Quit-claim from Margery Hasulbery, relict of William Hasulbery, to William Hylle and Thomas Penne, of ten butts of land lying under Adullmedowe in le Hye- ' H 98 THE LYTTELtON CHARTERS. feld. Dat. Fr. aft. F. of St. Giles [i6 Sep.], 8 Edw. IV [1468]. Lat. With seal. 39 IB. Marriage Articles between William Lyttelton, son and heir apparent of Thomas Lyttelton, Justice of Common Pleas, and Elyn, dau. and heir of Sir William Walsh, Esquire. Dat. 20 Jun., 9 Edw. IV [1469]. Lat. With small seal. 392. Grant, in trust, from William Pepwale, of Hales- owen, to Roger Pepwale, Thomas Froste, and others, jointly (to fulfil the last will and testament of the said William), of all his lands, etc., in Halesowen, Northfield, Frankley, and Willingwick, for his wife Agnes, and on her death the lands in Frankley and Willingwick to fall to Richard, his son ; the lands in Northfield to fall to Robert, his third son, to found a chantry in Halesowen Church for his soul and the soul of Agnes his wife ; and the messuage called Bereplace, with lands in the fields called Le Hye- felde, Huntingtre, and Whytleyfylde, to fall to John, his second son, with remainder to the above-named feoffees for the support of a chaplain in the church of Halesowen, for which purpose also the testator bequeaths the issues of a certain cottage at Lutonstoon. Dat. Christmas Day, 9 Edw. IV [1469]. Lat. With seal. 393. Quit-claim from George, Duke of Clarence, to Thomas Lyttelton, Justice of Common Pleas, and William Lyttelton, Esquire, his son, of all his right in the manors of Cressage, co. Salop, and Arley, co. Staff., which William Burley, now d eceased, acquired from Richardj_puke of Yor kj_j ather of the said Duke of Clarenc e. Dat. Vig. of St. Lucy [12 Dec], 49 Hen. VI, "et Readepcionis sue Regie potestatis anno primo" [1470]. Lat. With fine impression of seal, broken at top. 394. Extract of Roll of Court held at Hales Manor THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 99 on Wed. bef. F. of St. Ambrose [4 Apr.], 49 Hen. VI [1471], recording the admission of Agnes, dau. and next heir of William Warde, to a messuage and half acre of land in Ylley, on the death of her mother Alice, widow of the said William, and payment of a heriot, namely, a black heifer, valued at seven shillings. Lat. 395. Lease from Roger Pepwale, Thomas Froste, William Wight, and Thomas Hasylbury, to John Pepwale, son of William Pepwale, of an inclosure, with cottage, etc., called Bereplace, in Halesowen, with other lands in Hie- feld, Newefeld, Huntyngtre, and Whitleyfeld, within the lordship of Halesowen. Witnesses : William Bisshopp, Seneschal of Halesowen; John Lynde, Bailiff; Richard Taket; and others. Dat. Halesowen, F. of St. Martin [II Nov.], II Edw. IV [1471]. Lat. With seal. 396. Lease from Roger Pepwale, Thomas Froste, William Wight, and Thomas Hasylbury, to John Pepwale, son of William Pepwale, of the tenement called Grenes- tenement, in Halesowen. Witnesses : William Bisshopp, Seneschal ; John Lynde, Bailiff; Nicholas Hydley, and others. Dat. Halesowen, F. of St. Martin [11 Nov.], 11 Edw. IV [147 1]. Lat. With seal. 397. Lease, for life, from Thomas Decuns, Dominus de Churchill, and Elizabeth his wife, to John Bere, of Woll- verley, of a messuage and half virgate of land lying near Churchill grene, the lessee to build a house " de tribus bayys". Rent, 5 shillings. Witnesses : Thomas Tuck ; John Foxall ; Thomas Ryethorne. Dat. Bobynton, i Dec, II Edw. IV [1471]. Lat. With seals. 398. Lease from Thomas Lee, of Hyll, to William Lee, his son, of " ii me^e placis", etc., of which the one belonged sometime to John Lee, his father, in Hyll, and the other is called " John Dey's tenement", and four crofts called Kyn- .1^ ■ "' ^'i''^' 'K^ Cr^h lOO THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. allcroft, Hethcroft, Whetcroft, and Perycroft ; with special condition as to crops : " In witnesse of thies covenauntes the Abbot of Halis cald Sir John Darby, the Celarer of ( jJh-n^ *^^ same, cald Sir Henry Egbaston, Raphe Sydenal, John Gravener and Thomas Muklovv yomen, And for the more suretie the seid Thomas Lee and the seid William his son suryd feyth and trouth into the hand of the seid Abbott truly to kepe and fullfill the covenauntes afore specyfied." Dat. 17 Jan., 11 Edw. IV [1472]. 399. Quit-claim from Richard Stone, son of Isabella Stone, dau. of John Selyman, formerly of Arley, to Thomas Churchord, late of Arley, of a toft called Sawyers, in Arley. Witnesses : John Hollewey, sen. ; Thomas Hay- ward ; Thomas " T^wnclerk", of Kidderminster. Dat. Arley, Fr. aft. F. of Corpus Christi [28 May], 12 Edw. IV [1472]. Lat. With seal. 400. Quit-claim from Thomas Lokoc, of Horborne, to William Lokoc his brother, of a tenement called Caldes- walgrownde, in Rugeakye [Ridgeacre], in Halesowen, Witnesses : John Lye, of Horborne ; Henry Weley ; Richard Lokoc. Dat. F. of St. Blaise [3 Feb.], 12 Edw. IV [1473]. 401. Extract of Roll of Court of Hales Manor held on Wed. bef F. of St. Ambrose [4 Apr.], 13 Edw. IV [1473], recording the title of Agnes, dau. and heir of Thomas Warde, to the lands and tenements in Ylley, called Warde's tenement, as next of kin of Thomas Warde, son and heir of John Warde, brother of William Warde, who died seised of the said tenements. Given under the seal of .Henry Egebaston, cellarer. Lat. Svv - — — " 402. Grant from Thomas Hyet, of Halesowen, by licence from the King, to John, Abbot, and the Convent of Hales, of a messuage in Halesowen ; with power of attor- THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. lOI ney to John Gravenor for livery of seisin. Dat. Hales- owen, 29 Nov., 13 Edw. IV [1473]. Lat. With seal. 403. Lease from Roger Pepwale and Thomas Froste to Robert Pepwale, of Halesowen, of two selions of land in Halesowen which the said Roger and Thomas hold by feoffment from William Pepwale, father of the said Robert : with power of attorney to John Kymberley for livery of seisin. Witnesses : Ralph Sydnale and Richard Colet, Bailiffs of Halesowen ; Richard Colyns, and others. Dat. Halesowen, Wed. aft. F. of St. Ambrose [4 Apr.], 14 Edw. IV [1474]. Lat. With two seals. 404. Quit-claim from Thomas Hasulbery to Robert Pepwale, of two selions of land in Halesowen. Dat. 8 May, 14 Edw. IV [1474]. Lat. With seal. 405. Lease from John Beere, of Hales, to Robert Pep- wale, of three selions of land in Le Hyefilde on the Rede- hill, formerly belonging to Margery Grey, of Hales, which the said John held jointly with Richard Spensar, late of Houesacre, William Pepwale, of Hales, and William Geg- worth, of the same, now deceased, by feoffment of John Walkur, al. Faytynge, of Hales : with power of attorney for livery of seisin. Witnesses : Thomas Froste, John Kymburley, Bailiffs of Hales; William Hawkes, and others. Dat. Hales, 17 Mar,, 15 Edw. IV [1475]. Lat. With seal. 406. Extract of Roll of Court of Hagley Manor held on T. aft. F. of St. Augustine [26 May], 15 Edw. IV [1475], recording the admission of John Wight to a plot of land in Hagley. 407. Quit-claim from Thomas Burde tte, of Ar row, co. Warw., Esquire, to Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Thomas Littelton, Esquire, and Thomas Littelton, Knt, son of the I02 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. same Elizabeth, of the Manor or Lordship of Frankley, co. Wore. Dat. ii Sep., i6 Edw. IV [1476]. Lat. 408. The Testimony of John 'Steward, al Fissher, of rv ^u^zS' Bridgenorth, being " of the age of C yeres and more", jl concerning "the right title and possession of certayn ' landes and tenements in Areley called Pycardeslondes", about which there is a controversy between John Goode, of Bewdley, and John _Cokkes, of Chetton . Dat. 20 Oct., 16 Edw. IV [1476]. Lat. With seal (broken) of the Bailiwick of Bridgenorth (Thomas Yerde and Richard Kyngeslowe being Bailiffs), and many small seals of the Burgesses, etc.^ 409. Grant from Thomas Locokke, of Northfield, brother of William Locokke, of Romesley, son of the late Willi am Locokke, of Ridgea cre, to Thomas Locokke, of Kin gsnorton. of a tene ment in Ridgeacre called Calle- dewalles tenement, with two crofts of land called Grene- feldes, in Ridgeacre. Witnesses : Thomas Frost ; John Pattston ; John Hiddeley. Dat. Ridgeacre, Christmas Day, 17 Edw. IV [r477]. 410. Quit-claim from T homas L ocok, of Kings Nor- ton, son of Richard Locok, deceased, to William Locok, of Romesley, son of William Locok, late of Ridgeacre, of all the lands in Ridgeacre late~"belonging to the latter. Dat. 26 Sep., 18 Edw. IV [1478]. Lat. With seal. 411. Grant from William Locock, son and heir of William Locock, late of Ridgeacre, son of Margery Locock, to Thomas Parker, Robert Oxclif, John Wylkes, and Roger Hawkyns, of all the lands and tenements in Ridgeacre 1 It is stated in the deed that the seal of " Sir Hugh Cardemaker, Freest Prior of the Hospital of St. James, of Bridgenorth", is also appended ; but it does not seem to have been appended. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. I03 which belonged to his late father, or to his grandmother, the said Margery. Dat. 28 Sep., 18 Edw. IV [1478]. Lat. With seal. 412. Grant, in trust, from Thomas Littelton, Knt, to William Littelton, Esquire, Richard Littelton, Thomas Littelton, his sons, Dom. Christopher Goldsmyth, Vicar of Brgmsgrove, Dom. Richard Cauke, Rector of Enfield, John Grafton, of Worcester, and Robert Oxcliff, of all his lands, etc., within the city of Worcester, a meadow in Prichecroft, with lands in the suburbs of the city, in order that they may fulfil and execute his last will and testament. Dat. 3 Oct., 19 Edw. IV [1479]. With the seal of the Bailiwick of Worcester. -* 413. Extract of Roll of Court of Hales Manor held on Wed. F. of St. Faith [6 Oct.], 19 Edw. IV [1479], recording the presentment by the " township" of Ylley, that Agnes Ward, who held a messuage and half virgate of land in the manor, is dead, that the usual heriot, a red cow, valued at ix sh., has been received, and that Henry Beke, her late husband, held the same lands for his life. Lat. 414. Quit-claim from Roger Tyrchare, Rector of Old Swinford, to Thomas Littelton, Knt., Lord of Frankley, of all the lands which the said Roger lately acquired by feoff- ment from John Massy, of Frankley, Esquire. Dat. M. aft. F. of Nat. of B. V. Mary [8 Sep.], 20 Edw. IV [1480]. 415. Quit-claim from Hugh le Hayne, al. Blewe, late of Irthinfeld, now of Hawkebach in Arley, to Thomas Madeley and William Dalowe, of Kynlett, of lands and tenements in Hawkebach, within the lordship of Arley. Witnesses : Thomas Hailes ; William Browne ; Thomas Sowtehall, of Bewdley, and others. Dat. Bewdley, 3 Aug., 2.1 Edw. IV [1481]. Lat. With seal. uvuM-^d/T-i/l I04 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. 416. Quit-claim from Thomas Chirchyorde, of Kidder- minster, late of Arley, to Sir Thomas Littelton, Knt, Lord of Arley, of the lands called Chircheyerdeslondes, Ayle- vvardeslondes, Doddeslondes, Kyttelondes, Le Merssh, and Gatcotes in Arley. Dat. 16 Aug., 21 Edw. IV [1481]. 417. Lease, for ten years, from Thomas Hexton, of Bristol, merchant, to Thomas Holowey, of Alveley, and Johanna his wife, of Hextons Place in Arley, co. Staff., at an annual rent of five pounds. Dat. 18 June, 22 Edw. IV [1482]. With two seals. 418. Quit-claim from Thomas Cokesey, Esquire, William Churchierd, and John Wenforten, of Kidder- minster, to Thomas Churchyerd, sen., late of Arley, of all the lands which he holds in the fee of Rommesley in Alveley. Dat. Vig. of St. Thomas Ap. [21 Dec], 22 Edw. IV [1482]. Lat. With three seals. 419. Grant from Thomas Churchyerd, sen., late of Arley, to William Lytylton, Esquire, Robert Oxclyffe, and Richard Hawkes, of all the lands which the said Thomas holds in the fee of Rommesley in Alveley, co. Salop, with power of attorney to William Churchyerd and John Wen- forton for livery of seisin. Witnesses: Richard Clerke and Thomas Jeuence, Bailiffs of Kidderminster ; Thomas Foreste, Valectus Domini Regis ; Thomas Rice ; Henry Fyncheley ; Henry Daux. Dat. Kidderminster, F. of St. Thomas [21 Dec], 22 Edw. IV [1482]. Lat. With seal. 420. Lease, for seventy years, from Elizabeth Dekonus, Domina de Churchehill, widow of Thomas Dekonus, to Fulk Cheltenham, of the messuage and half virgate of land in Churchill which Thomas Pachet formerly held ; the said Fulk to build a " spacium trium bayorum ubi requiritur". Witnesses : Richard Dekonus ; Philip Sparrey ; William THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. IO5 Apenne. Dat. Churchill, 20 Jan., 22 Edw. IV [1483]- Lat With seal. 421. Grant from William Littelton, Esquire, Dominus de Frankeley, son and heir of Thomas Littelton, Knt, to Christopher Goldsmyth, Vicar of Bromsgrove, Robert Oxclyff, and Richard Hawkes, of the manor of Arley. Witnesses : Rich ai'd Mid_ d£lmo ur, Esquire ; Humphrey Rotsey ; Richard Svvetcok, chaplain ; and others. Dat. Frankley, S. bef F. of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], I Ric. Ill [1483]. Lat. With seal. 422. Grant from Elizabeth Dickons, Domina de Churchehill, to Richard her son, of the annual rent of twenty shillings from her lands in Churchill which Thomas Willot now holds. Witnesses : John_ Sparry ; Thomas Willot ; Fulk Cheltenham, and others. Dat. 1 Dec, 2 Ric. Ill [1484]. Lat. 423. Grant from Thomas Gode, son and heir of John Gode, deceased, of Bewdley, and Florence his wife, to Thomas Wyldecote and Elizabeth his wife, of the messuage called " Lee Pykardes", with the lands called " Lee Doddes" and " Lee Annottes Ruddyng", in Arley Manor. Wit- nesses : John Longmore ; John Southall ; John Swgar, and others. Dat. Arley, Sat. aft. F. of St. Hilary [13 Jan.], 2 Ric. Ill [1485]. Lat. With seals. 424. Grant from Thomas Hexton, burgess and mer- chant, of B risto l, son and heir of John Hexton, late of . - Arley, to John Alcokke, Bishop of Worcester, William \hrC^\fll/^tr^^^ Plomme, clerk^ RoBerf Ejikeb arough, John Twynyho, Robert Throlsmgrton^ Robert Handy, Walter James, and Thomas Wylcokkes, of all his lands in Arley, co. Staff. Witnesses: John Swayne, Sheriff of Bristol; William Spencer, Robert Straunge, John Bagotte, Aldermen of Bristol ; Thomas Blounte, of Kynlette, Esquire ; Thomas ^^A H^' /kjtv u%^ Io6 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. Horde, of Bridgenorth, Esquire, and others. Dat. F, of St. James [25 July], 3 Ric. Ill [1485]. With seal ; "and because the grantor is unknown, William Wykeham, Mayor of Bristol, has appended the city seal." 425. Release from the same to the same of the lands above described. Dat. Vigil of the Assumption [15 Aug.], 3 Ric. Ill [1485]. Lat. With seal of the city of Bristol. 426. Power of Attorney for delivery of seisin of the same. Same date and seals. 427. Lease and Release from Humphrey Saleway and Guy Westcote to William IJttelton, Ch ristopher Golde- smyth, Vicar of Bromsgrove, and others, of the manor of Arley ; with power of attorney for livery of seisin. Dat. Arley, Sat. bef F. of Assumption of B. V. Mary [15 Aug.], 3 Ric. Ill [1485]. Lat. With seals. 428. INSPEXIMUS by Edward IV, made at the request of Sir Thomas Lyttelton, Justice of Common Pleas, to prove his descent from Emma de TatHngtpn, and right through her to the manor of Frankley. Dat. 28 Nov., A° 16 [1476]. With fragment of great seal. 429. Lease from William Cretyng, Dean, and the Col- legiate Church of Westbury-on-Trim, to Thomas Wilde- cote, gent, of Hygley, co. Salop, of the mano r in the lord- ship of Arley called Hexteynsplace, which Thomas Hexton, merchant, of Bristol, granted [in 1485] to John Alcpcke, Bishop of Ely, William Plome, Robert Ejicke- barough, clerks, in trust for the said Collegiate Church. Rent, ;^ 80; but if the said Thomas shall, within a short time, cause to be appropriated to the same any church within the diocese of Worcester of the annual value of ten marks, then the said rent shall be returned to him. Dat. 6 Aug., THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. lO/ II Hen. VII [1496]. At the foot is memorandum of receipt by Thomas Danokes, treasurer of the College, of £70 rent. Lat. With seal of the College. 430. Release from the same to the same, of all their lands, tenements, etc., in Arley, co. Staff. Dat. Westbury Chapter House, 18 May, 1501. Lat. With seal of the College. 431. Lease, for 20 years, from Thomas, Abbot, and the Abbey of Halesowen to Richard Hawkys, " Steward unto Sir William Lytelton, Knyght," of " the tythe barne of Illey, and all the tythe corne of almaner greynes, and the tythe hey of Melley felde and Melley medowe yn Illey, with all tythe corne and hey belonging to the Township and Elde of Illey." Dat. 10 May, 20 Hen. VII [1505]. WitKTragment oT Abbey seal. 432. Lease, for 60 years, from William, Abbot, and the Abbey of Halesowen to William Grene and Jone his wife, of Radwalle Grange, together with a pasture called Hopkocs^^hj iji Horburne. Dat. 26 Mar., 13 HenTVHI [1522 J. With fragment of Abbey seal. lfy^^fr% ^ 433. Grant from Hen. VIII to John Lyttelton, Esquire, f son and heir of Sir William Lyttelton, Knt. (and John Whitington, Esquire, and Sir Robe rt B rudenell, Knt, his trustees), being under age, and a Ward of the Crown, of all the profits arising from the manor of Over Arley, CO. Staff. Dat. 3 June, Anno 14 [1522]. With fine im- pression in white wax of the first great seal of Henry VIH. 434. Covenant to settle on Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Gilbert Talbot, wife of John Lyttelton, of Frankley, Esquire, the manors of Frankley and Collesdon, co. Wore, J4^^fl^' I08 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. and Cressage Manor, co. Salop. Dat. 12 May, 23 Hen. VIII [1531]. With two seals. 435. Will of John Lyttelton, of Frankley, Esquire dated 14 May, 23 Hen. VIII [1531]. With probate (25 June, 1532) attached. Certificated copy under the seal ot the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. 436. Special Livery from the Crown to John Lyttel- ton, Esquire, to enter into the possessions of his late father, John Lyttelton, sen. Dat. 24 June, 32. Hen. VIII [1541]. With great seal, broken. 437. Grant from John Seintleger, Es qui re, L ord of Hagley and Clent, to Roger Sparry, Gent, of a piece of heath and waste land called " Clenthethe", with water- course there called Hollybrook, for the purpose of making two pools. Dat. 8 July, 35 Hen. VIII [1543]. With seal. 438. Copy of Record " in a great ould booke in vel- lum" belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, concerning the Rectory of Arley, purchased from the Dean and Chapter by Gilbert Lyttelton in 1 548. Endorsed : " This paper is of great concerne, and therefore carefully to bee preserved." 439. Letters Patent of King Philip and Qu. Mary, granting to Sir Henry Sidney, Knt, Sir George Blount, Knt, and others, the third part of the manor of Hales- owen, late belonging to J ane Dudley, Duchess of North- umb erland. Dat. 4 Mar. [1555]. With great seal. The initial letter "P" contains portraits of the King and Queen, and the words " Philippus et Maria, Dei gracia Rex et Regina Anglie", are elaborately drawn and ornamented with the emblems of the Tudor Rose, the Lion, etc. 440. 441. Deed of Sale from Sir Robert Dudley, THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. IO9 "called Lord Robert Dudley ," and Da me Amye^ his wife, to Thomas Blount and George Tuckye, Esquires (for the sum of ;^ 3,000), of the manor of Halesowen. Dat. 27 Mar., 4, 5 Philip and Mary [1558]. With seals and sig- natures of " R. Duddley" and " Amye Duddley". 4.4.IB. Release from Anthony Forster,^ Esquire, to , S^clnxo^ 07^ Thomas Blountte and George Tuckye, of all his right in ^^^^E-^ccla-o'' — . the manors of Halesowen and Warley, cos. Salop and Worcester. Dat. 28 March, 4, 5 Philip and Mary [1558]. With seal and signature of A. Forster. 442. INQUISITIO-POST-MORTEM of Sir John Lyttelton, taken at Cannock, co. Staff., 13 March, 33 Eliz. [1591]. 443. Grant from the Crown to Meriel Lyttelton and Thomas her son, in reversal of the attainder of her late husband, John Lyttelton \ob. 1601], of all the manors, etc., in cos. Worcester, Salop, Stafford, and elsewhere lately owned by him. Dat. 17 June, i James I [1603]. The first line of this deed is elaborately illuminated in gold and colours, with a portrait of the King in the initial letter, and representations of the Royal emblems. 444. Copy of the Act of Parliament, whereby the at- tainder in blood of the children of John Lyttelton, Esquire, was reversed. Undated. Early tejnp. James I. 445. Proclamation of the Borough of Halesowen, reciting the grant to the borough of a market on every Monday, and a fair on St. Barnabas Day [11 June], and requesting "the Kinge's majestie's Loving Subjects" to ^ This was the unfortunate Amy Robsart, secretly married to Robert Dudley, afterwards Earl of Leicester. (Cf. Introduction, and Sir W. Scott's Kenilworth.') 2 Had charge of Amy Robsart at Cumnor, etc. (Cf. Introduction.) no THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. make use of the said market and fair to dispose of their commodities, " forasmuche as wee the Bayliffes, burgesses, and Inhabytantes of Halesowen have had a long tyme a small meeting on the Sabothe day for the buyinge and selling of butter, cheese, and fruite, which was not allonely merelye repugnante and contrary to the woord of God, but also to our Kinges Majesties Laws, And that the right worshipful Mrs. Lyttelton was displeased with the breakinge of the Sabothe Day in buyinge and sellinge which might have beene better employed." The proclama- tion ends : " God save our Kinge and the Worshipfull Mrs. Lyttelton, Mr. Thomas Lyttelton, and all her children." Dat. 13 June, 1608. Copy. 446. Exemplification, at the request of Meriell Lyttelton, of the various royal grants of Halesowen from the grant by King John to Peter [de Rupibus], Bishop of Winchester, Founder of the Abbey of Halesowen, to the grant by Edward 1 to the Abbey, of licence to hold a market every Monday, and a fair on St. Barnabas Day and three following days. Dat. 31 May, 7 James I [1609]. With great seal. 447. Privy Seal to Lawrence Parrot and John Pitt, granting them licence to collect and enjoy the sum of .1^365 due to the Crown from Sir Thomas Lyttelton, Bart., the residue of a sum of .^1,095 which the said Sir Thomas " undertooke and voluntarily offered" for the maintenance of thirty footmen in the King's Army in Ireland for three whole years", in acknowledgment of the grant unto him of a Baronetcy. Dat. 22 Feb., 18 Jas. L[i62i]. Copy. 448. Licence from King Charles I to Sir Thomas Lyttelton, Bart, " to go beyond the seas with three servants, and there to remain during the space of Three yeares," with clauses of restraint and revocation. Dat. 29 May, A 8 [1632]. With the King's signature. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. Ill 449. Contract between Sir Thomas Lyttelton, of Frankley, Bart., and Nicholas Stone, of London, sculptor, for the erection, at a cost of ^50, of " one faire Tombe or Monument in such place in Magdalen College, in Oxford, as hee shall receave direccions for, and be admitted unto, the same to be in memoriall of Two Sonnes^ of the said S' Thomas Littleton." Dat. 18 June 1635. 450. Licence to Sir Thomas Lyttelton to travel beyond the seas, " with four servants, fifty pounds in money, and his trunckes and necessaries." Dat. 22 May, 12 Charles I [1636]. With the King's signature. 45 1. Commission to Sir Thomas Lyttelton to be Colonel of the Trained Bands in the county of Worcester. Dat. Nottingham, 3 Sep. 1642. With the King's signature. 452. Commission for the raising of volunteers within the county of Worcester, "for the defence of the Protestant Religion, our person, the two houses of Parliament, the lawes of the land, the libertie and proprietie of the subject," etc. Dat. Nottingham, 5 Sep. 1642. With great seal. 453. Commission of Array for the city of Worcester. Dat. 14 Sep. 1642. With great seal. 454. Recovery, by Robert Tracie, Knt., and Edward Lyttelton, Esquire, against Sir Thomas Lyttelton, Bart., and Katharine his wife, of the manor of Over Arley, co. Stafif. Dat. 12 Feb. i652[3]. With seal of the Court of Common Pleas, with representation of the interior of the House of Parliament during session. In base, an ornamental shield of arms : Commonwealth of England, viz., a cross with inscription, " The first year of Freedome by God's Blessing * Drowned at Oxford. 112 THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. restored, 1648." On the reverse, a representation of the islands of Gt. Britain and Ireland. In upper part, a shield of arms of Commonwealth of England ; in lower part, a shield of arms of Ireland. 455. Commission from Thomas, Lord Windesor, as Lieu- tenant of CO. Worcester, to Sir Henry Lyttelton, Bart., to be Captain of a troop of volunteers, which he is hereby authorised to raise and take into his charge, and to array, train, and discipline in a warlike manner," etc. Dat. 20 Aug. 1660. 456. Appointment, by Thomas, Earl of Southampton, Lord Lieutenant of Worcester, of Sir Henry Lyttelton to be one of his Deputy Lieutenants. Dat. 2 Aug. 1662. Signed. 457. Commission to Sir Charles Littleton, Knt, to be Sub-Commissioner of Prizes within the Port of London and districts thereof Dat. 15 March i67i[2]. With signatures and seals of the five members forming the Cabal Ministry ,1 namely, Sir Thomas Clifford, Lord Ashley, the Duke of Buckingham, Lord Arlington, and the Earl of Lauderdale. 458. Letters PATENTofKing Charles II, granting to Sir Henry Lyttelton, Bart, the manors of Halesowen, Frankley, Hagley, Cradley, Warley, and Churchill, inasmuch as the said Sir Henry '-' hath by a late peticion unto us humbly represented that his writeings and evidences that should make appear his title to the said priviledges, and that the same were held and enjoyed by the said John Lyttelton, were in the late times of Rebellion burnt with the Peticion- ers house called Frankley.^ By reason whereof doubts ^ Cf. Introduction. THE LYTTELTON CHARTERS. II3 may arise concerneing the said privileges," etc. Dat. 17 Jan., A°. 34 [1683]. With great seal, broken. 459. Commission from Louis XIV to Le Sieur Lyttelton [Ferdinando.i ith son of Sir Thomas Lyttelton, ist Baronet] to be Captain of Horse in Sir Henry Jones's regiment in the service of the French King. Dat. Fontainebleau, 20 Aug. 167 1. Signed by the King, and countersigned by [Michel] Le Tellier [Secretary of State, and Chancellor of France]. With fragment of seal. 460. Similar Commission to the same, now "Lieut. Col. du Regiment de Cavalerie de Montmout" [James, Duke of Monmouth], to take and hold rank as " Maistre de Camp dans ledit regiment". Dat. Versailles, 30 Mar. 1674. Signed and countersigned. With fragment of seal. 461. Letters Patent of King Charles I, creating Sir Edward Littleton, Baron Littleton, of Mounslow, co. Salop. Dat. 18 Feb., Anno 16 [1641]. Illuminated, and the borders ornamented with the Royal Arms and emblems, fruit, foliage, etc. In the initial letter of "Carolus" is a por- trait of the King, and at the foot of the deed is a smaller portrait of Lord Lyttelton, whose coat of arms is also given. Vellum : 30 in. by 24 in., framed. APPENDIX. No. I. Sciant tam presentes quam futuri quod conuentus de Wenloc concessit Roberto de Hvrchote totam terrain de Chirhvlle que pertinet ad monasterium Sancti Jacobi de Dvdeleia in fevdum et hereditatem singulis annis pro omni seruitio fratribus de monasterio Sancti Jacobi de Dvdeleia dimidiam marcam reddendo, per omnia sicut diffinitum est in carta prioris de Dvdeleia que habetur inter eundem priorem et prefatum Robertum. Hiis testibus, Hvtredo capellano, Ricardo filio eius, Ricardo de Linleia, Reimundo filio Gold', Rogero dispensario, Rogero filio Radulphi, Walterio de Bekeb', Radulpho de Hibernia, Thoma de Svnfor, Radulpho Boruario, Roberto de Braci, Hugone filio Ade, et multis aliis. No. 5. Hec est finalis concordia facta inter Rogerum, Abbatem de Halis, eiusdem loci conventum, et Dominum Simonem de Frankeley, de terris super quibus contentio fuit inter COS, scilicet quod supradictus Simon concessit et quietam clamavit predicto Abbati et conventui perpetuo de se et de heredibus suis totam terram infra subscriptos terminos inclusam, scilicet a vado de Radeford, descendendo sicut fossa se extendit ad vadum de Linacra et a vado de Lin- acra descendendo per aquam de Esture usque ad rivulum descendentem in ipsam aquam de Esture ad Melley, et sic ascendendo per eundem rivulum sicut descendit ante domos Aluredi et Pharice de Yleley, et ita ascendendo usque ad sepes Osberti et Nicholai de Frankele, et per ipsas sepes sicut se extendunt in rectitudine usque ad APPENDIX. 115 predictum vadum de Radeford. Et pro hac concesslone et quieta clamatione predict! Abbas et conventus resigna- verunt et quietam clamaverunt totam clamam suam quam habuerunt in assarto quod fuit Grandin', et in omnibus aliis terris super quibus contentio fuit inter eos. Preterea predicti Abbas et conventus concesserunt eidem Simoni firmare stagnum molendini sui super aquam de Esture, extendendo super terram manerii sui de Hales, usque ad fossam que est sub colliculo ad capud ipsius stagni cum per- tinente refluitione ipsius stagni, et huius stagni firmationem cum refluitione, predicti Abbas et conventus eidem Simoni et heredibus suis contra omnes homines warantizabunt. Et ut hec Concordia futuris temporibus firma perseveret, eam utraque pars sigillorum suorum appositione roborarunt. Hiis testibus. Domino Willelmo de Sumeri, Henrico Luvet, Ricardo filio Willelmi, Ricardo de Eggebaldeston, Ricardo de Amberle, Ricardo de Ruley, Ricardo de Selley, Hugone de Bellen', Willelmo le Brun, Willelmo de Sukke- berie et multis aliis. No. 12. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Hubertus de Burgo comes Kancie dedi et concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Roberto filio Roberti de Glovernia pro homagio et servicio suo totam terram quam idem Robertus tenuit de Thoma de Burgo fratre meo in villa de Erleg', scilicet terram illam que fuit Oseberti de Hekstane cum tota pastura que jacet ante portam que fuit predicti Osberti et cum omnibus aliis pertinenciis suis. Habendam et tenendam eidem Roberto et heredibus vel assignatis suis preterquam viris religiosis de me et heredibus vel assignatis meis libere, quiete, integre, jure hereditario, Reddendo inde mihi et heredibus vel assignatis meis annuatim duodecim solidos sterlingorum ad duos terminos scilicet ad festum Sancti Michaelis sex solidos et ad annunciacionem beate Marie sex solidos pro omni servicio et exactione salvo servicio domini Regis, videlicet ad scutagium, viginti solidorum I 2 Il6 APPENDIX. sex denarios [sic]. Et ad plus, plus, et ad minus, minus. Et ego et heredes vel assignati mei terram illam cum perti- nenciis et cum predicta pastura eidem Roberto et heredibus vel assignatis suis contra omnes homines warantizabimus in perpetuum per predictum servicium. Pro hac autem donacione, confirmacione et warantizacione dedit michi prefatus Robertus viginti et quinque marcas argenti. Hiis testibus, Bertramo de Kriol, etc. No. 13. Acta in ecclesia de Brome die veneris proxima post festum Beati Mathei Apostoli in causa que vertitur inter Abbatem et Conventum de Hales ex una parte et Radul- phum capellanum capelle de Frankele ex altera, Abbate et Conventu de Hales per Ricardum celerarium suum pro- curatorem legitime constitutum comparentibus, Radulpho capellano personaliter comparente, videlicet quod cum dicti Abbas et conventus de Hales in jure constituti proponerent quod dictus capellanus suus in prejudicium matricis ecclesie sue de Hales corpus cujusdam parochiani sui defuncti deferri compulit in capellam de Frankele, quod nunquam antea fieri consueverat nee fieri debuerat, idem capellanus, in jure constitutus respondit, quod injuste corpus predict! defuncti ad predictam capellam deferre [szc] compulit, unde oblaciones quas pro predicto defuncto in predicta capella recepit predicto R[icardo] procurator! Abbatis et conventus de Hales coram pleno capitulo in jure restituit, et in jure confessus est quod nunquam antea aliquod corpus alicujus defuncti predicte capelle deferre consuevit nee de jure ferri debuit, immo omnia corpora mortuorum in medietate deferri consueverant et debuerant ad matricem ecclesiam de Hales, confessus est, et quod dicti Abbas et conventus non debent invenire capellanum a!d deserviendum dicte capelle nisi per tres dies tantum in septimana quibuscunque diebus elegerint vel voluerint. Promisit eciam in judicio juramento suo mediante quod nunquam in vita sua sustineret quod corpus alicujus defuncti •APPENDIX. li^ in prejudicium matricis ecclesie de Hales in predictam capellam ingrederetur. Acta anno gratie M° CC° tricesimo sexto, Decano de Kydeminister et capitulo apud Brome prefato die celebrato. In cujus rei testimonium Domini W[illelmi] tunc Archidiaconi Wigornie, et Ricardi tunc Decani de Kydeminister et totius capituli Kydeminister signa huic scripto sunt appensa. No. 34. Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie, Dominus Hybernie et Dux Aquitannie, Archiepiscopis, Episcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Justiciariis, vicecomitibus, prepositis, ministris et omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis salutem. Sciatis nos dedisse, concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse dilectovaletto nostro Letardo de Henyn pro laudabili servicio suo quod nobis impendit manerium de Arneleye cum pertinenciis quod Johannes de Burgo senior de domino H[enrico] rege patre nostro tenuit in capite et quod idem Johannes per cartam suam dederat et concesserat dilecto clerico nostro Roberto Burnell et quod idem Robertus quietum et solutum de se et he- redibus suis postmodum reddidit in manus nostras. Habendum et tenendum de nobis et heredibus nostris prefato Letardo et heredibus suis de corpore suo legitime exeuntibus imperpetuum, faciendo inde nobis et heredibus nostris servicium feodi unius militis pro omni servicio, consuetudine, et demanda. Et si forte contingat prefatum Letardum decedere sine herede de corpore suo legitime exeunte manerium predictum cum pertinenciis ad nos et heredes nostros integre revertetur. Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quod predictus Letardus et heredes sui de corpore suo legitime exeuntes, habeant et teneant predictum manerium cum pertinenciis de nobis et heredibus nostris imperpetuum, faciendo inde nobis et heredibus nostris servicium feodi unius militis pro omni servicio, consuetudine et demanda. Et si forte contingat prefatum Letardum decedere sine Il8 APPENDIX. herede de corpore suo legitime exeunte, manerium predic- tum cum pertinenciis ad nos et heredes nostros integre revertetur, sicut predictum est. Hiis testibus, etc. Dat. per manum nostram apud Turrim Londoniensem quinto die Octobris anno regni nostri secundo. No. 41. Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie, Dominus Hibernie et Dux Aquitannie omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint salutem. Sciatis quod con- cessimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris dilectis nobis in Christo Abbati et Conventui de Hales quod ipsi quasdam cameras, quas infra eandem Abbatiam de novo construxe- runt kernellare et illas sic kernellatas tenere possint sibi et successoribus suis imperpetuum sine occasione nostri vel heredum nostrorum aut ministrorum nostrorum quo- rumcunque. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonas- terium sexto die Decembris, anno regni nostri vicesimo secundo. Per peticionem de consilio. No. 106. Die Veneris in festo Assumpcionis beate Marie virginis anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii a conquestu undecimo. Johannes de Sutton, Dominus de Duddeleye filius domini Johannis de Sutton, militis, relaxavit et pro se et heredibus suis quietum clamavit totum jus suum et clamium quod habuit vel habere potuit in manerio de Weruelye et in omnibus particulis eius ut in revercionibus et aliis quibus- cunque cum pertinenciis suis in comitatu Wygornie Abbati et conventui de Halesoweyn et eorum successoribus imper- petuum. Pro hac autem relaxacione et quieta clamacione predicti Abbas et conventus pro se et successoribus suis concesserunt prefato Johanni et heredibus suis plenam par- ticipacionem oracionum suarum, et omnium beneficiorum suorum spiritualium, que fiunt et de cetero fient in ecclesia APPENDIX. 1 19 sua ut in jejuniis, vigiliis, disciplinis, elemosinis, psalmis, et missis imperpetuum. Et cum idem Johannes ab hac luce migraverit et obitus sui dies eis innotuerit tantum fiet pro anima sua annuatim in predictis beneficiis imperpetuum, quantum pro uno Abbate fiet cum decesserit. In cuius rei testimonium parti hujus indenture penes predictum Johan- nem commoranti, predicti Abbas et conventus sigillum suura commune apposuerunt, parti vero penes predictos Abbatem et conventum remanenti, predictus Johannes sigillum suum apposuit. Datum apud Werueleye die et anno supradictis. No. 186. Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, Johannes Buttetourt, miles, dominus Welegh et de Haggeleye salutem, Noverit universitas vestra quod, cum sit quedam consuetude observata et usitata infra manerium meum de Haggeleye que vocatur Beolawe et Bodelselver, videlicet quod quilibet tenens debet solvere domino duos solidos per annum vel unum bidentem pro dicta consuetudine de Beolawe et Bodelselver. Nos tamen dictus Johannes volumus et concedimus et confirmamus pro nobis et heredibus nostris imperpetuum Philippe filio Rogeri atte Grove de Haggeleye et heredibus suis quod idem Philippus et heredes sui ac omnia terre et tenementa quas et que dictus Philippus modo tenet infra dictum manerium de Haggeleye de consuetudine predicta et de solucione predictorum duorum solidorum imperpetuum sint quieti. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigillum nostrum apposuimus. Dat. apud Welegh die dominica proxima post festum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno regni Regis Edwardi tertii post conquestum quadragesimo quarto. No. 351. Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Ricardus, Dux Eboraci, comes Marchie et Ultonie, Dominus de Wygmore et de Clare, dedimus concessimus et hac present! carta 120 APPENDi}^. nostra confirmavimus Radulpho, domino Cromwell, militi, Willelmo Oldehall', militi, Willelmo Boerley de Bromcroft, Margarete uxori ejus, Johanni Wynnesbury et Thome Hopton de Rokhull manerium nostrum et villam de Cressege in comitatu Salopie cum suis pertinenciis ac eciam omnia terras, tenementa nostra, redditus, rever- siones et servicia cum omnibus suis pertinenciis in manerio et villa predicta simul cum reversione omnium terrarum et tenementorum que Isabella nuper uxor Thome Fouleshurst tenet in dotem in eisdem manerio et villa, reversione inde nobis spectante. Dedimus eciam et con- cessimus prefatis Radulpho, domino Cromwell, Willelmo Oldehall, Willelmo Boerley, Margarete uxori ejus, Johanni Wynnesbury et Thome Hopton manerium nostrum et villam de Areley cum suis pertinenciis in comitatu Staf- fordie, ac eciam omnia terras, tenementa nostra, redditus, reversiones, et servicia cum omnibus suis in manerio et villa de Areley predictis. Habenda et tenenda, omnia predicta maneria, villas, terras, tenementa, redditus, rever- siones et servicia cum omnibus suis pertinenciis prefatis Radulpho, domino Cromwell, Willelmo Oldehall, Willelmo Boerley, Margarete uxori ejus, Johanni Wynnesbury et Thome Hopton heredibus et assignatis ipsius Willelmi Boerley imperpetuum, De capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta. Et nos pre- dictus Dux et heredes nostri omnia predicta maneria, villas, terras, tenementa, redditus, reversiones, et servicia cum omnibus suis pertinenciis prefatis Radulpho, etc., contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre sigillum nostrum apposuimus. Hiis testibus, etc. Dat. vicesimo die mensis Decembris, anno regni metuen- dissimi domini nostri Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum vicesimo septimo. R. York. No. 357. To all the tenauntes, fermours and ofifysours within the APPENDIX. 121 Manoir of Areley in Staffordshire, And within the manoir of Cressege in Shropshire, John Mylewater, squyer, John Heven, squyer, and John Erliche senden gretyng in Godde ewyrlastyng. Know ye that the Kyng oure souereyn lord hath directed to us his letter ensealed with his signet and ensigned with his owne honde, the tenor of which letter is this in the forme that folowyth. By the Kyng. Trusty and welbeloved, We grete you wel, And howe it bee that we of late addressed vnto you oure letters, And yave you in commaundement by the same to entre in oure name into the Manoirs of Cressege and Areley, yet nathe- lesse for such causes and consideracions as nowe moven us. We wolle that oure welbelovyd servaunt Thomas Littelton, oon of our serjantis of oure lawe entre and occupie the said manoirs and take thissues and profits of thaim, from the day of oure seid entre unto suche tyme that vppon the euidences shewed unto oure counsail it be by us thadvis of oure seid counsail oderwyse commaunded, Chargyng you therfore to suffre oure seid servaunt peasybly to entre in to the same manoirs and thissues and proffits therof in forme aboueseid to take without interrupcion notwythstandyng oure seid letters to you directed. Yeven under our signet at oure Palais of Westmynstre the xv day of Marche. Wherfore we wryte to you that ye shall not be interupte vexed ne trobled by us ne by noon of vs butt that ye truely and duely pay youre rentes to the said Thomas Littelton, accordyng to the wylle and commaundement of oure seid soverayn lord. In wittenesse of all which thynges to this present writyng we haue putt to oure seals. INDEX. Note. — The numbers refer to the deeds, and not to the pages. A. Abel, Abell, Thomas, of Castle Bromwich, chaplain, 236, 270, 271, 297 Achelench, Peter de, 23, 25 Acheton, near Church Lench, 24 Acton, John, Dominus de Acton, 239, 240 Acton Burnell, co. Salop. Rector. David ap Jevan [1458-1467] Adam, parson of Northfield, 2, 6 Adam, Richard, of Lutley, 45 Adames, John, 331 Adams, Elena, w. of Will., 326, 329, 330 Adams, William, 326, 329, 330 Ad-boscum [Atwood], Geoffrey, 44 Adenbrok, John de, of Rowley, 190, 228 Adenbrok, William de, 175, 189, 205, 228 Adnebrok, Richard de, 37 Adullmedowe, in Halesowen, 391 Adunbrok, John, s. of John de, chaplain, 241 Albot, Elias le, 71 Albot, Richard le, 71 Alcokke, John, Bishop succes- sively of Worcester and Ely, 424-426, 429, 430 Aldebury, William, 265 Aldeford, Richard de, parson of Hadsor, 144 Aldeforde, Richard, chaplain, 183, 210, 214, 215 Aldehull, Henry del, clerk, 22 AldehuUa, Aldenhull, William de, 16, 22 Aldridge, co. Staff. Rector. R. Parys, 1371 Alein, Aleyn, Nicholas, 29, 54, 55, 69> 70, 72, 76 Alexen, Nicholas, 28 Aleyn, John, son of Symon, 28 Aleyn, Richard, of Frankley, 22 Alisaundre, Richard, 191 AUerwych, v. Aldridge Aluedeleyeth, Thomas de, 134 Aluetheleye, Aluitha, Aluitheleye, V. Alveley Aluetheleye, Thomas de, 206, 207 Aluitheleye, Simon de, 69, 84 Aluytheleye, Thomas de, no Alureston, Dom. Robert de, clerk, 115, 128, 129 Alveley, co. Salop, 71, 95, 180, 417-419 . Parson. Hugh, late 12th cent. Amberle, Richard de, 5 Ambresle, Richard de, clerk, 87 Amptewyke, John de, 74, 75 Amyrudyng, in Romsley, 289 Andesone, William, 244 Anniversaries, celebration of, 40 Annottes Rudyng, Lee, in Arley, 423 Apenne, William, 420 Arche, Henry de, 48 Argentoein, Richard de, senes- chal to Henry III, 9 Arley, Over, co. Staff., 12, 32, 34, 35. 36, 42, 59, 60, 66, 69, 71, 74, -JT, 84, 90, 95, 109, no, 134, 160, 163, 169, 222, 224, 233, 234, 242, 243, 252, 254, 260-262, 268, 269, 300, 308, 335, 336, 349, 350, 353- 355, 357, 362, 364-367, 373, 379- 382,385,386,388,389,399,408, 41 5, 421, 423, 424, 427, 429, 430, 433, 438, 454 Arlington, Earl of, v. Bennet, Henry. Arnleye, v. Arley, Over INDEX. m Arnleye, Thomas de, 109 Arrow, co. Warw., 407 . Parson. Rob. de Rowley [1383] Arundel, Earl of, v. Fitzalan Arundell, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 343 Arwe, V. Arrow Ashley, Lord, v. Cooper, Anthony Ashley Astleg', John, Dominus de, 60 Aston, CO. Warw., 277, 278, 281, 287, 288 Aston, Lucy, w. of Nich., late w. of Edm. de Lutlinton, 53, 56 Aston, Nicholas de, 53, 55, 56 Aston, William de, 240 Ate wall. Will., s. of Thomas, 193 Atte Brok, John, v. (for this and similar names) Broke, J. atte Auncell, Awncell, Joanna, w. of Thos., 332, 333, 374 Auncell, Thomas, s. of John and Johanna, 303, 332, 333 Auncell, Awncell, Thomas, of Frankley, 374, 376 Auncell, WiUiam, s. of Thos., 376 Aylesbury, Dom. Roger de, Knt., 103, 104, 145 Aylewardeslond, in Arley, 252, 254, 362, 416 Ayllewart, Juliana, 254 Aylward, Henry, s. of Hen., 169 B. Badecoke, John, 327 Bagotte, John, Alderman of Bris- tol, 424-426 Bailey, Adam le, 204 Baker, John, 235 Bakon, John, 316, 323, 324, 338 Balle, Robert, 165 Balowardesmour, «/. Baloweis- mor, in Halesowen, 370, 371 Barefen, Bareffen, Baresfen, Thomas de, 33, 65, 75, 82, 83, 88, 89, 91, 93 Barell, Roger, 248 Baresfen, Richard de, 166, 168, 170, 181, 182 Barkculne, Le, in Halesowen, 136 Barker, Alice, dau. of Rand, de, 132, 135 Barker, Barkere, Milo le, 125, 140, 152 Barkere, Henry le, 153 Barkere, John, 369 Barker, Barkere, Ranulph le, 63, 98, 132 Basset, Philip, 14 Basset, Roger, 73 Basset, Thomas, 204 •Basset, Warin, 8 Bassingeburn, John de, 9 Bastenhale, Joan, wid. of John de, 146 Bate, Alice, dau. of John, 294 Bate, Emmota, dau. of John, 296 Bate, John, 294-296 Bate, Margaret, dau. of John, 295 Bath and Wells, Bishops of, v. Burnell, Robert Bauresfen, John, s. of Phil, de, 97 Bayley, Bayly, William, 193, 194, 208 Bayly, Roger, 386 Beauchamp, Hawise, wife of W. de Upton, 7 Beauchamp, Johanna, wid. of Will., Domina de Bergevenny, 277, 278, 281, 287, 288, 343 Beauchamp, John, "de Warre- wyk", Knt., 154 Beauchamp, William, 277, 278 Bee, John le, 197, 198 Bedcote, in Old Swinford, 172 Bedel, Stephen le, 44 Bedeles, Alice, dau. of Agnes le, 153 Bedeles, Agnes le, 153 Bedeles, Margery, dau. of Agnes le, 153 Bedeles, Matilda le, 153 Bedellus, Edwin, 17 Bedeworthe, Richard de, 30 Beere, John, v. Bere Beke, Henry, 413 Bekeb', Walter de, i Belbroughton, co. Wore, 174, 201, 279 Beldelanton, in Warley, 93 Bellen', Hugh de, 5 Bello Campo, v. Beauchamp Belne, ?/. Brian's Bell Belnebrotton, v. Belbroughton Bendok, Roger, 326 Benet, John, jun., 338 124 INDEX. Benet, Thomas, 315 Bennet, Henry, Earl of Arlington, signature as member of the Cabal ministry, 457 Bensted, Edward, 340 Benyngton, 340 Beolawe, a custom of Hagley Manor, 186 Beorenastern, Le, in Ridgeacre, 218 Bercarius, Richard, of Halesowen, 62 Bercher, William le, 55 Bere, John, 397, 405 Bere, Richard le, 72 Bere, Robert, of Cradley, 61, 119, 120 Bere, al. Lynde, William, 216, 292, 293, 299, 301, 302, 304, 311, 318, 328, 334, 341, 368-371, 375 Bere, William, bailiff of Hales- owen, 387 Berehalle, in Halesowen, 292, 293, 301 Bereplace, in Halesowen, 176, 241 Berewe, La, v. Berrow Berewe, William atte, al. de la, 115, 116, 128, 129 Bergevenny, Domina de, v. Beau- champ, Joan """ Berghelond, Berghenlond, in Frankley, 265, 314, 319 Berkeleia, Henry de, 16 Berne, William de la, 26 Berne vail, Hugh de, 3 Beroplas, le, v. Bereplace Berrow, 115 Beseford, Alexander de, 80, 81 Bettecote, v. Bedcote, 172 Beurgh, Philip de, 257 Bewdecke, Roger, 363 Bewdley, co. Wore, 389, 408, 415, 423 Bikcreston, Richard de, 76 Bikerton, Margaret, wid. of Rich, de, 128, 129 Bindham, Richard de, 16 Bircote, Maurice de, 31 Bircote, Walter de, 31 Birde, Margery, 337 Birdesse, the londe of, nr. Hales- owen, 337 Birimore, in Hales, 17 Biriton, William, 343 Birmingham, 131, 139, 204, 229, .341, 363 Birmingham, Uom. William de, 6, 20 Bisshebure, Dom. Henry de, Knt, 103 Bisshopp, John, 371 Bisshopp, William, Steward of Halesowen, 292, 293, 301,312, 313, 317, 318,324,375,383,395, 396 Bi-the-Herth, John, 161, 162 Blacberd, Thomas, 178 Blackwell, in Tredington, 31 Bladoune, Le, in Churchill, 244 Blakedon, John, s. of Ric. de, 191 Blakedon, Richard, s. of Ric. de, 191 Blakeleye, near Halesowen, 122, 273 Blakewelle, v. Blackwell Blakuene, in Frankley, 173 Blancgernun, William, 12 Blauncfrount, Roger, 154 Blewe, al. Hayne, Hugh le, 389, 390,415 Blewet, Thomas, 389, 390 Blondell, Edward, 314, 319 Blount, Sir George, 439 Blount, Dom. John de, Knt., 126 Blount, Thomas, 440, 441, 441 b Blounte, Thomas, of Kynlet, 424- 426 Blunt, William, 239, 244 Bobbington, 315, 322, 397 Bodelselver, custom of Hagley Manor, 186 Boerley, Margaret, wid. of Will., 351-354,365, 366, 379, 380 Boerley, Borley, William, of Bromcroft, Lord of Arley, 351- 354, 362, 366, 379, 380 Boldenehul, in Halesowen, 140, 141 Bomleye, Margaret, wife of Thomas de, 32 Bomleye, Thomas, son of William de, of Arley, 32 Bonden, Juliana, 140, 141 Bordesasche, nr. Romsley, 289 Bordesley, co. Warw., 277, 278, 281, 287, 288 Borley, v. Boerley Boruarius, Ralph, i INDEX. I25t Bosco, Hugh de, lo Bosco, Isabel, wife of John, son of Osbert de, 28 Bosco, Matilda, dau. of John de, 28, 29 Bosco, Osbert de, 21, 22, 64 Bosco, Petronilla, wife of Osbert de, 28 Bosco, Thomas, son of Osbert de, 16, 22, 28, 29 Bosco, Walter, son of Osbert de, 55 Bosco, William de, 64 Boskerville, Hugh, 267 Bossco, V. Bosco Boteler, John, 251 Botetourt, Johanna, Domina de Weleye, 40, 103, 105, 177 Botetourt, Bottetourt, Bottourt, Buttetourt, John, Lord of Weoley, Hagley, etc., 145, 147, 154, 159,165, 172, 174, 176, 177, 186, 223 Bottere, John le, 31 Boun, Humphry, Earl of Hereford and Essex, 14 Bowdok, Roger, of Bromsgrove, 340 Braas, Braaz, John, 265, 287, 288 Braci, Aldulph de, 17 Braci, Robert de, i Bradeford, Henry de, 148, 174 Bradeford, Thomas de, 148 Braibof, Henry de, 7 Braunch, Peter, 14 Braundon, Robert de, 95 Breche, Richard, chaplain, 312 Bredde, John, 345 Bredde, Sara, w. of John, 345 Bredon, 39 Bredon, Gregory, fil. Will. Ful- lonis de, 58 Bremesgrave, v. Bromsgrove Brendehalle, La [? in Warley], chantry of, 65 Breustere, Christina, wid. of John le, 161, 162 Breustere, John le, 142 Brewood Priory, co. Staff., 143, 201 . Prioress. Helewissa [1373] Brian's Bell, in Belbroughton, 201, 202 Bridgenorth, 156, 408, 424' . Bailiffs. Thos. Yerde, Ric. Kyngeslowe [1476] -, St. James's Hospital at. Prior. Sir Hugh Cardemaker [1476] Brisebroc, Walter de, 8 Bristol, 417, 424 , seal of the city, 424 . Sheriff. John Swayne, [1485] . Mayor. W. Wykeham. Aldermen. Wm. Spencer, Rob. Straunge, John Bagotte [1485] Brito, Ralph, 12 Briwerr', William, 3 Brochele, John de, 182 Brocton, v. Broughton Brodefeld, in Arley, 349 Brodemedewe, Le, in Warley, 168 Brodenecros, Le, in Halesowen, 140, 141 Brok, Broke, John atte, 161, 162, 224 Brok, Matilda, w. of John atte, 224 Broke, Robert atte, 189 Broke, Thomas atte, 232 Brokesby, Bartholomew, 278, 281 Brokesby, Henry, 325 Bromcroft, 354 Brome, al. Broom, co. Staff., 13, 121, 143, 148, 178, 201, 237, 238, 240 . Parson. Philip [1397] Brome, Nigel de, 143 Bromesgrave, v. Bromsgrove Bromley, William de, 17 Bromleye, Margaret, w. of Thomas de, 109, no Bromleye, Thomas, son of Will. de, of Arley, 74, 75, -]-], 84, 90, 109, no Bromsgrove, co. Wore, 26, 117, 126, 127, 229, 230, 340, 356, 374 . Bailiff. Thos. Burneforde [1457] -. Vicars. Rob. de la Felde [1319] ; John Grene [1429] ; Christopher Goldsmyth [1479- 1483] Bromtone, Dom. Brian de, 35 Bromwich, 223 126 INDEX. Bromwich. Chaplain. Thomas [1371] Bromwich, Castle, 100, 270, 271, 297 Bromwich, West, 82, 83, 155 Bromwich, Adam de, 4, 21 Bromwycheslond, in Frankley, 265, 314, 319 Bromewychestude, in Northfield, 145 Bromwyz, Adam de, v, Bromwich Bromys, Adam de, 64 Broom, v. Brome Broughton, co. Wore. Vicar. Henry, late 12th century Broun, Cristina, w. of John, 212 Broun, Brown,^ John, 140, 141, 171, 184,185, 190, 195,205,212, 216, 218, 220, 227, 228, 244, 257, 316, 323, 324 Broun, Richard, 63 Broun, Thomas, chaplain, 245 Browne, William, 415 Brudenell, Sir Robert, 433 Bruere, Alice, dau. of Philip de,9i Bruet, Thomas, clerk, 265, 314 Brugge, Edmund de, 172 Brugge, Esrnon de, 144 Brugge, Roger de, 144 Brugge, Thomas de, 217 Brun, William le, 5 Bruyn, Henry le, 172, 174 Bruyn, Simon le, 28 Brymesgrove, v. Bromsgrove Buckingham, Duke of, v. Villiers, George Budiford, Jordan de, 17 Bukden, Henry, 374 Bukden, Johanna, w. of Henry, 374 Bulay, Richard de, 27 Bulkocuscroft, in Frankley, 202 Burdet, Nicholas, Knt., 319 Burdet, Thomas, Knt., 314, 319 Burdet, William, 8 Burdette, Thomas, 407 Burdon, Alice, wid. of John, 251 Burgo, Hubert de, Earl of Kent, 3, 9, 12 Burgo, John de, sen., 34 Burgo, Thomas de, 12 j Burgo, Walter de, 12 Burford, Lord of, v. Cornewayle Burial, rights of the mother church of Halesowen to bury parishioner of Frankley, 13 Burley, v. Boerly jBurmychan, v. Birmingham Burneforde, Thomas, bailiff of Bromsgrove, 363 Burnell, Hugh de. Lord of Hol- gote, etc., 277, 278, 281, 288 Burnell, Robert, Bp. of Bath and Wells, 34, 35 Butiller, William, of Yatton, 343 Butler, James, 4th Earl of Or- monde, 343 Butler, James, eldest son of James 4th Earl of Ormonde, 343 Butler, John, 2nd son of James, 4th Earl of Ormonde, 343 /Butler, Thomas, 3rd son of James, 4th Earl of Ormonde, 343 Buttetourt, v. Botetourt Butts, measures of land so called, 189, 337, 391 Buystus, in Haukbach, 234 Bykereston, Richard de, v. Byker- ton Bykerton, Margaret, wife of R. de, 87 Bykerton, Richard de, 80, 81, 87, 131, 191 Byngeham, Thomas, 113 Byngham, AHce, wid. of Nich., 112 Byngham, Richard, s. of Nich., 112 Bynghameslond, in Frankley, 265, 314, 319 Byrchore, Simon, 284 Byrmycham, Byrmyngham, v. Birmingham Byrmyngham, Fulk de, Knt., 145 Bysshopusdon, Roger de, 127 C. Cabal Ministry, The, commission to Sir C. Lyttelton, signed^ 457 Cakemore, in Warley, 65 1 In this and in a few other cases it has been found impossible to distinguish between men bearing the same name, INDEX. 127 Caldeswalgrownde, in Ridgeacre. | 400 Caidewall, Caldewell, etc., v. Caldwell Caldewallefeld, Caldewellisfeilde, in Warley, 168, 337 Caldwell, Agnes, dau. of Geoffrey de, 79 Caldwell, Alice, w. of John de, 155,157, 158, 182,187, 188, 200, 209 Caldwell, Amice, w. of John de, 107, 108 Caldwell, Geoffrey de, T^^ 78, 79, 82, 83, 87-89, 91-93, 102, 107, 108, 203, 204, 294-296, 345 Caldwell, Henry de, 33, 68, 78, 82, 83, 91 Caldwell, Isabella, w. of Geoffrey de, 78, 82, 83, 93 Caldwell, Joan, w. of Will, de, 249 Caldwell, John, s. of Geoff, de, 107, 108 Caldwell, John de, 155, 157, 158, 160-168, 170, 182, 187, 188, 197, 200, 204, 209, 227 Caldwell, Philip, s. of Geoffrey de, 82, 83, 93, 102, 107, 108, 155, 157, 158 Caldwell, Robert de, 10 Caldwell, Thomas, son of Osbert de, 68 Caldwell, William de, 227, 228, 236, 249, 257, 259, 260, 264, 298, 310 Caldwellesfeld, in Ridgeacre, 181 Caldwellesstenement, in Ridge- acre, 378, 409 Caluescroft Wood, 17 Camera, Adam de, 12 Camera, William de, 60 Campion, Thomas, 364 Cannock, co. Staff., 442 Canterbury, Archbishops of, v. Arundell, Thomas Cantilupo, Walter de. Bishop of Worcester, 96 Capella, Henry de, 9 Cappenore, Richard de, bailiff of Frankley, 51 Cardell, Margery, wid. of Will., 283 Cardel, al. Cardell, William, 241, 275, 283, 299, 318 Cardemaker, Sir Hugh, Prior of St. James' Hospital, Bridge- north, 408 n. Caresi, Richard de, 10 Carlas, al. Carles, John, de Mug- hale, chaplain, 189, 205 Carlisle, Bishops of, v. Mauclerk, Walter Carpenter, Alice, w. of Henry, 2G2 Carpenter, Henry, of Hasbury, 202 Carpenter, John, Bishop of Wor- cester, 361 Cassy, Thomas, 144 Castle Bromwich, v. Bromwich, Castle Cately, William, 252, 301 Catshill, in Bromsgrove, 117 Catteshulle, v. Catshill Cauke, Richard, rector of Enfield, 412 Cawod, Annice, w. of Ralph, 356 Cawod, Ralph, 356 Chaddesley, 148 Chambre, Henry de la, 142 Chantries, foundation of, etc., at Halesowen, 40 Chapeleyn, Nicholas, 53 Chapmon, Henry le, of Broms- grove, 117 Chasteleyn, Gilbert le, Knt., Lord of Frankley, 144, 145, 149, 154 Chasteleyn, Margaret, w. of Gilb., 154 Chatley Ford, near Halesowen, 27 Chattok, John, s. of Will., 270, 271,297 Chattok, William, of Castle Brom- wich, 270, 271 Chelmarsh, co. Salop. Vicar. Thomas London [1460] Cheltenham, Fulk, 420, 422 Chepe, John, 97 Chetilton, Robert, 379, 382 Chetton, 408 Chewe, John, 307, 318, 325, 338 Chichester, Bishops of, v. Nevill, Ralph Chillington, co. Staff., 32 Chirchelench, v. Lench, Church Chircheleng', John, son of Wil- liam de, 24 128 INDEX. Chirchulla, Chirhulle, Chiriche- hull, V. Churchill Chircheyerd, etc., %'. Churchyard Chiwe, Philip, 375 Church, William, clerk, 265, 314 Churchill, co. Wore, i, 10, 15, 174, 178, 179, 239, 244, 284, 315, 316, 323, 338, 397, 420, 422, 458 — ■ , church of St. James at, 146 Churchill, Lord of, v. D ikons Churchyard, Agnes, wid. of Will., 252 Churchyard, Henry, 234 Churchyard, John, 243, 252, 254, 262, 267, 268, 269, 364 Churchyard, Thomas, of Arley, 349, 362, 364 Churchyard, Thomas, of Kidder- minster, 416, 418, 419 Churchyard, Thomas, of Solihull, 107, 108 Churchyard, William, 94 Churchyard, William, 418, 419 Churchyordeslondes, in Arley, 362, 416 Churhul, V. Churchill Chyltonusplace, near Halesowen, y, 256 ^ Clahull, John de, 12 Clare, Thomas de, 34 Clarence, George, Duke of, 393 Clarendon, co. Wilts, charter of King John, dated at [121 5], 3 Claverley, co. Salop, 232 Cleilond, in Frankley, 2 Clent, CO. Staff., 112, 196, 277, 278, 281, 287, 288, 343, 437 j , church of, institution of 1 vicars to, 361 Vicars. John Thorpp, Ric. Hill [1456] Clent, Guy, 273 Clent, John, bailiff of Kidder- minster, 251 Clenthethe, in Clent, 437 Clere, William, 44 Gierke, Richard, bailiff of Kidder- minster, 419 Clifford, Sir Thomas, signature, 457 Clodeshal, Richard de, Dom. de Salutely, 127, 142, 187 Clyf, John, son of John del, of Wode-bromewich, 100 Cockes, al. Cokes, al. Cokkes, Richard le, 118, 215, 218, 220, 231, 241, 245, 256, 260, 263, 264, 265, 275, 280, 282, 283, 285, 286, 291, 309, 311 Cockys, Alice, w. of Rich., 31 1 Cocshetegrove, in Arley, 349 Coderugge, Robert de, 87 Cok, John, 164, 191 Cok, Margaret, 364 Cok, Thomas, 270, 271, 297 Cokayn, John, King's Justice, 277, 278, 287, 309 Coke, Richard, 321 Cokes, Hugh de, 10 Cokes, Thomas, 332, 333 Cokes', William de, 10 Cokesey, Thomas, 418 Cokeseye, Hugh de, 126, 127 Cokeseye, Walter de, 'j']^ 84 Cokeseye, William, s. of Geoffrey de, -JT, 84 Cokkes, John, 408 Cokkes, V. also Cockes Cokus, Nicholas, 202 Coleman, John, of Inkberrow, 144 Colesone, William, of Walsall, seneschal of Halesowen Abbey, 183 Colet, Richard, bailiff of Hales- owen, 403 Collecroft, in Frankley, 202 Collemore, William de, 46, 48, 50, 58 Collesdon, co. Wore, 328-330, 434 Colleye, Geoffrey de, 145 Colmor, William de, 173 Colmore, John, 250, 265, 276, 301 ^6 Colrugge, Alexander de, 59 Colus, Richard, 68 Colyns, Richard, 403 Comber, John, Canon of Hales- owen, 372 Compton, 349 Conan, Laurentia, w. of Thomas, 77,84 Conan, Thomas, 'j'], 84, 90, no, 163 Conaunt, Thomas, 134 Conyggeby, Dom. William de, Knt., 150, 151 Cook, Agnes, dau. of Will., 327 INDEX. 129 Cook, John, s. of Will., 327, 328 Cook, Margery, w. of Rog., 270, 271 Cook, Roger, of Warley, 235, 270, 271 Cook, William, 327 Cooke, V. Cook Cookes, Thomas, 303 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Lord Ashley, signature, as member of the Cabal ministry, 457 Corbet, Dom. Will, Dom. de Chaddesleye, 80, 81, 126, 127 Cordewan, John, 10 Cordwaner, Richard, of Clent, 237 Cordewon, Richard, 191 Cornbowe, nr. Halesowen, 190 Cornewale, Cornwale, Edmund de, Knt., 1 10, 156 Cornewayle, Alice, w. of Rich., 284 Cornewayle, Richard, Lord of Burford, 284 Coston, Costona, Richard de, 2, 16 Cotelere, Richard, 306 Cottesmore, John, King's Justice, .329, 330 Courteystenement, in Halesowen, 383 Coutheleslond, Couthoullond, etc. in Warley, 166, 182, 187, 209 Coutholf, Thomas, nativus, 49 Coutholf, Thomas, of Ridgeacre, 73, 197 Coventre, Anketin de, 139 Coventry, 100, loi, 321 Coventry and Lichfield, Bishop of, V. Halse, John Cowe, William, of Worcester, 56 Cowebache, in Clent, 343 Cowpers, in Bromsgrove, 356 Craddeleywey, Le, in Halesowen, 339 Cradley, 119, 120, 159, 277, 278, 281, 287, 288, 294-296, 345, 458 Crafton, Dom. John de, Knt., 28 Crasher, al. Crassher, William, of Dudley, 275, 280, 282, 285, 286 Crateford, Roger, 367 Cressage, co. Salop, 351-354, 357, 434 Cretyng, William, Dean of West- bury-on-Trim, 429, 430 Cromwell, Ralph, Lord, 351, 354 Crone, William, 240 Crouk, Robert de, canon priest of Halesowen, 39 Cryoll, Bertram de, 14 Cumberford, William, 379 Cumbes Close, in Hales, 17 Cursum, Thomas, bailiff of Frank- ley, 250 Curteler, al. Curtiler, William, 149, 345, 378 Curteys, Nicholas, 175 D. Dalowe, William, of Kynlett, 415 Danckes, Thomas, treasurer of the collegiate church of West- bury, 429 Danyel, John, 32 Darby, Sir John, cellarer of Hales- owen Abbey, 398 Daux, Henry, 419 David ap Jevan, rector of Acton Burnell, etc., 365, 379-382, 388 David ap William ap Jankyn, 343 Decuns, al. Dekonus, al. Dickons, Elizabeth, Domina de Churchill, 397, 420, 422 Decuns, al. Dekonus, al. Dikons, al. Dykons, Thomas, Lord of Churchill, 315, 316, 322, 323, 338, 420 Dekonus, al. Dickons, Richard, 420, 422 Dekonus, v. Decuns Denbigh Castle, 353 Derby, Archdeacon of, J. de Oudeby [1409] Derling, John, of Abbots' Lench, 23-25 Dernewelljd?/. Deruewelle,Thomas de, 118, 124 Dernewella, William de, chaplain, 165 Despenser, Geoffrey le, 14 Dey, John, 398 Deye, Thomas le, 114, 123, 133, 137, 161, 162, 171 Deye, Walter, of Tadenhurst, 250 Deye, William, 258 Deystere, Le, t. also Tinctor, Tvnctor I30 INDEX. Deystere, John le, 63, 100 Deystere, Richard le, of Hales, 61, 62, 63, 100, loi, 132, 176 Deystere, William le, loi, 119,120, 123, 125, 132, 133,135,136,137, 138, 219 Deysterescroft, Le, in Halesowen, 183 Deythe, Thomas, 195 Deythe, William, 195 Dickons, v. Decuns Diets, measures of land, 266, 307, 334, 368 Dispenser, Ralph, i Doddeford, v. Dodford Doddes, Lee, in Arley, 423 Doddeslondes, in Arley, F362, 417 Dodford, 84, 274 Dodford Priory. Prior, Th. Mid- delton [14 1 7] Donklent, v. Dunclent Douerdale, Richard de, parson of Kington, 144 Douesleye, Gilbert de, 74, 75 Draycote, John de, 22, 64 Driu, Juliana, w. of Will., 60 Driu, al. Dryu, William, 42, 60 Drugel, Hugh and Margery, 10 Drugel, John, 146 Dryu, William, v. Driu Dublin, Archbishop of,z'. Londres, Henry de Ducy, William, 275, 280, 282, 285, 286 Dudley, 103, 106, 274, 280, 285, 286 Priory, i, 10, 15, 43 . Priors, William, temp. Hen. Ill ; Robert [1297] ^ Dudley, Amy, w. of Sir Robert, signature, 440, 441 Dudley, Jane, Duchess of North- umberland, 439 Dudley, .Sir Robert, 440, 441 Dunclent, 143, 148, 179 Dunclent, Alice, w. of John de, 179, 201 Dunclent, Alice, wid. of J. Burdon, 251 Dunclent, Clement de, "j"], 84, 103, 179 Dunclent, Edmund de, 143, 146, 148, 150, 151, 178, 201 Dunclent, Elizabeth, dau. of John de, 239 Dunclent, Johanna, w. of John de 238, 239 Dunclent, John de, 121, 142, 143 Dunclent, John, Lord of Dun- clent, 179, 201 Dunclent, John, s. of Clement de, 148 Dunclent, John, s. of Edm. de, Lord of Churchill, 178, 179, 201, 237-240, 244 Dunclent, Matilda, w. of Edm. de, 143, 146, 148 Dunclent, Robert de, parson of Old Swinford, 201 Dunclent, Thomas de, 178 Dunestall, al. Dunstall, Richard, bailiff of Hales, 312, 313, 317 Dunfowe, Henry, 267 Dunsowe, Walter de, 66, 69 Dunstall, v. Dunestall Dyrcestre, John de, 153 Dyvelin, Johanna, dau. of Nicho- las, 384 E. E , Abbot of Welbeck, 27 E , "humilis minister" de Hales, 27 Eadbryghton, John de, 87 Eadmund, Nicholas, of Rouse Lench, 23 Edewellefeld, in Romsley, 289 Edgebaston, 1 1 1 Edmundeslond, in Romsley, 267 Edrich, Richard, 31 Edward I, IV, v. England, Sove- reigns of Egbaston, Sir Henry, 398 Egbaston, Henry,cellarer of Hales manor, 401 Egebaston, al. Eggebaston, Dom. Henry de, 27, 37 Eggebaldeston, Richard de, 5, 6 Eggeok, al. Eggok, Constance, w. of Rob., 280, 282, 299 Eggeok, al. Eggok, Robert, 280, 282, 299 Elarenesland, in Arley, 349 Elmbrugge, Dom. Adam de, Knt., 49 Elthalus, in Arley, 222 Ely, Bishops of, v. Alcokke, J. INDEX. r.^r Enefeld, Ralph de, 109 Enfield, 289 . Rector, Richard Cauke [1479] England, Sovereigns of. John. Grant to Halesowen Abbey, 3 . Henry III. Grants to Halesowen Abbey, 9, r4 ; in- speximus of his charter grant- ing licence to make a Borough at Hales, 27 ; grant by Edw. I of Arley Manor formerly held from, 34 • . Edward I. Grant to L. de Henyn, of Arley Manor, 34 ; licence to same to convey the manor to R. de Mortuo Mari, 36 ; licence to J. Bote- tourt to alienate Warley manor to Halesowen Abbey, 40 ; licence to the latter to embattle the abbey walls, 41 ; reference to the loss of his charter to L. de Henyn, 308 ; exemplification of his grant of market and fair to Halesowen Abbey, 446 . Henry VI. Arley Manor held from, 300 ; exem- plification of grant by Edw. I to L. de Henyn, of Arley Manor, 308 ; writ to the Sheriffs, etc., of Worcester, 321 . Edward IV. Acknow- ledgment by the receiver- general of the Queen [Eliz. Woodville], 388 -. Henry VIII, 433. Grant to John Lyttelton, a minor, of the issues from Over Arley manor, 433 . Philip and Mary. Grant of part of Halesowen manor to Sir H. Sidney, etc., 439 ; initial letter with portraits of, t'd. . James I. Grant to Meriel Lyttelton in reversal of attainder of J. Lyttelton, 443 . Charles I. Licences to Sir T. Lyttelton to travel beyond seas, sigtted, 448, 449, 450 ; commission to the same to be colonel of trained bands, signed, 451 ; commission for raising volunteers [1642], 452. England, Sovereigns of. COM- monwfjvlth. Great Seal, 454 . Charles II. Re-grant to Sir H. Lyttelton of the manors of Halesowen, Frank- ley, etc., 458 Enkebar ough, Robert, 424-426, 429, 430 Erleg', John de, jun., 7 Erleigh, 7k Arley, Over Erliche, John, 357 Ernleye, v. Arley, Over Essex, Earl of, v. Boun Esture, v. Stour Euenefeld, Ralph, Dominus de, 32 Euenefeld, Ralph de, 66, 74, 75 Euenesfeld, Richard de, 12 Euerdon, William, chaplain, 273 Everdon, Thomas, 386 Evesham, co. Wore, 153 Exston, John, 252, 268 Eymore Park, 169 Eynon, Richard, 273 Eyton, William de, 146 F. Faber, John, son of Richard, de Bircote, 31 Faber, Peter, 21 Fair, recital of grant of, to Hales- owen Borough, 44 5 Farley Grange, near Halesowen, 273 Farnborough, co. Warw. Rector. Richard, temp. Hen. Ill Farneberwe, v. Farnborough Farnekote, Thomas de, rector of Neenton, 232 Faytyng, al. Feytyng, John, 334, 387 Feld, Le, in Hales, 299 Felde, Dom. Robert de la, vicar of Bromsgrove and Norton, 80, 81 Felde, Dom. Roger de la, clerk, 115 Felour, Richard, de Testhall, 48 Feltyng, John, 341 Fencotes, Thomas de, Justice, 147 Fenny lone, Le, in Ridgeacre, 181 Ferrers, Edmund, Lord, 314, 319 Feys, Richard, 235, 249, 259, 264 K 2 132 INDEX. Feytyng, John, v. Faytyng Fililode, Giles de, 251 Fillilod, Thomas le, 180 Fishing rights, reservation of, in Halesowen, 17 Fishponds grants of: in Broome, 121 ; in Hagley, 174 ; in Bel- broughton, 201 Fitzalan, Thomas, Earl of Arun- del, 343 Fitzwaryn, Edmund, 126, 127 Fladbury, co. Wore, 7 Fleming, al. Flemyng, Richard, 247, 258, 312 Flyford-Grafton, co. Wore. Par- son. John Seers [1350] Fokerham, Cristina, wid. of Thomas, 151, 198, 199 Fokerham, Johanna, dau. of Thos. de, 150, 151, 157, 158, 187, 197-200 Fokerham, John, son of Dom. Will, de, 73 Fokerham, Reginald, s. of Dom. Will., 49, -Ji Fokerham, Richard I, de, 20, 65 Fokerham, Richard II, son of Dom. William, Knt., Lord of Warley, 49, 65, 68, 79, 85, 103- 105, 107, 108, 193, 194, 257 Fokerham, Roger I, de, 33, 65, 79, 82, 83, 87, 91, 93 Fokerham, Roger II, de, 215 Fokerham, Thomas, son of Will, de, Knt., 150, 151, 157, 182, 197-200 Fokerham, Dom. William, Lord of Warley, 27, 28, 37, 51, 65 Folewode, Robert de, of Tone- worth, 139 Folewode, Symon, son of Rob. de, 139 Folour, Richard le, 46 Fontainebleau, 459 Fonte, John de, 31 Forde, Nicholas de la, 58 Foreste, Thomas, valettus Regis, 419 Forester, Thomas, 389, 390 Forster, Anthony, 44 iB Forster, John, Receiver-General to the Queen [1467], 388 Fouleshurst, Isabella, wid. of Thomas, 351 Foxall, John, 397 France, commissions from Louis XIV to F. Lyttelton, signed, 459, 460 Franckel', v. Frankley Frangeley, v. Frankley Frankley, co. Wore. Grants, etc., in, 2, 4, 13, 16, 1 8-22, 28, 29, 30, yj, 46-48, 50, 53-56, 58, 64, 67, 70, 72, 80, 81, 86, 87, 99, III- 113, 115, 116, 118, 122, 126-128, 129, 130, 131, 144, 149, 154, 164, 165, 173, 191,196,202,213, 217, 223, 225, 226, 230, 246, 248, 250, 253, 255, 265, 266, 276, 279, 290, 297, 299, 303, 314,319,332,333, 341, 358, 359, 376, m, 387, 392, 407, 414, 421, 428, 434; grant to St. Leonard's Chapel in, 2 ; ref to suit concerning the ad- vowson of, 43 ; ref to the burn- ing of Frankley House, 458 ; descent of the manor, Introd. . Bailiff. Ric. de Cappe- nore [1304] . Chaplain. Ralph [1236- 1258] Frankley', Alan de, 4, 6, 15 Frankley, Christina, Dominade, 50 Frankley, Elicia, mother of Symon, Dominus de, 6 Frankley, Emma, wid. of A. de Tatlintone, Domina de, yi Frankley, Henry, bro. of Symon, Dominus de, 6 Frankley, Margery, dau. of Simon, Dominus de, 21 Frankley, Margery, w. of Nich. de, 51, 52 Frankley, Nicholas de, son and heir of A. de Tatlinton, 46-48, 50, 52, 53 . . Frankley, Philip, Dominus de, 18- 22, 86 Frankley, Ralph, son of Simon de, 10 Frankley, Richard Alani de, 26 Frankley, Rose, wife of Symon, Dominus de, 6, 16 Frankley, Simon, Dominus de, 2, 4-6, 10, 15, 16, 17, 27 Frank[Iey], Thomas de, 4 Frankley, Thomas, son of Nich. de, 46, 48, 80, 81, 126, 127 INDEX. ^23 Fraunceys, Robert, 102 Fraunkeleye, 7/. Frankley Frebody, Richard, 104 Freman, John le, 78, 82, 83, 88 Freman, Lucy le, w. of J. de Luttelton, 57 Freman, William, chaplain of Hales, 236 Fremonnesfeld, in Warley, 168 Frenyngeham, Master Ralph de, 35 Frere, Thomas le, of Northfield, 29 FroggemuUe, in Frankley, 202 Froste, Thomas, 387, 392, 395, 396, 403, 405, 409 Fyllongley, Henry, 325 Fyncheley, Henry, 419 Fyton, Johanna, wid. of Sir Rich., 225 Fyton, John, clerk, 319 Fyton, Richard, Knt., 202, 217, 223 Gachardusgate, nr. Halesowen, 190 Carnages, William de, 12 Gant, Maurice de, 7 Gardin, Thomas, v. Gardyng Gardyng, Henry, son of Thomas, 119 Gardyng, John, son of Thomas, 61 Gardyng, Thomas, of Halesowen, 61, 119, 120 Garlethorp, John, clerk, 287, 288 Gatacre, Thomas, Dominus de, 232 Gatcotes, al, Gatecotes, in Arley, 362, 416 Gatteleg', Ralph de, 12 Geggeworth, al. Gegworth, Wil- liam, 325, 405 Gegworth, John, 305 Geoffrey Osberti, 33 Gernes, Henry, 163 Gerous, Henry le, 169 Gerous, al. Gerros, al. Gerrus, William le, 42, 59, 60 Giffard, Godfrey, Bishop of Wor- cester, 39, 96 Giffard, Dom. John, of Chilling- ton, Knt., 32 Gigan, a/. Gygan, Adam, 17, 54, .67 Gigan, al. Gygan, William, 28, 29 Gildintre, Stephen de, 26 Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 321 Gloucester, John de, 150 Gloucestre, John, son of John de, 185, 318 Glovernia, Robert, son of Robert de, 12 Gode, Florence, w. of Thomas, 423 Gode, John, 252, 254, 349 Gode, Thomas, s. and h. of John, 423 Godefreys, in Arley, 268 Godfraylond, al. Godfreylond, Le, in Arley, 94, 252 Godfrey, Bishop of Worcester, 96 Godfrey, clerk, 7 Godknave, Roger, chaplain, 204 Godman, Henry, of Broome, 237 Godman, John, of Halesowen, 1 14 Goldsmith, al. Goldsmyth, Chris- topher, vicar of Bromsgrove, 374, 376, 412, 421, 427 Goloffer, John, 293 Golofre, William, 305 Gonni, al. Gonny, William, 59, 60 Gonny, v. also Gunny Goode, John, 373, 408 Gorstyhawynge, in Warley, 260 Grafton, Agnes, w. of J. de, 231 Grafton, John I de, 126, 127 Grafton, John II de, 144 Grafton, John III, 231, 247 Grafton, John IV, 376, 412 Grafton, Richard de, 5 Grafton, Robert, bailiff of Wor- cester, 384 Graftone-souz-Flavell, v. Flyford- Grafton Grandin, 5 Grandin, Albreda, w. of Synion, 64 Grandin, al. Grandyn, John, 4, 22, 64 Grandin, Symon, of Frankley, 64 Grandisono, Oto de, 34 Grandynneslone, in Frankley, 67 Grassus, Hamo, 7, 8 Grassus, Henry, 7 134 INDEX. Gravener, al. Gravenor, John, yeoman, 398, 402 Gravenore, John de, 232 Gray, Walter de. Archbishop of York, 9 Greindour, John, Knt., 343 Greindour, Robert, 343 Grene, Alice, w. of John de la, of Ridgeacre, 33 Grene de Rugeacre, Henry del, III. o' the, 193, 208, 257, 259 Grene, Henry, 326 Grene, John de la, of Ridgeacre, 33 Grene de Rugaker, John de la, 78 Grene, John o' the, 180, 181, 206, 207 Grene, John, vicar of Bromsgrove, 312 Grene, Jone, w. of Will., 432 Grene de Rugaker, Peter de la, 68 Grene, Richard o' the, 228 Grene, Thomas del, 290, 295, 296 Grene, William, 432 Grenefeldus, in Ridgeacre, 33, 264, 378, 409 Grenelone, Le, in Warley, 85 Grenestenement, in Halesowen, 396 Grey, Margery, 405 Grey, Richard, 220, 263 Griffith, John, Knt., 343 Grimenhull, al. Giymmehull, Agnes, w. of Rich, de, 219 Grimenhull, I sab., w. of Will, de, 219 Grimenhull, al. Grimhull, al. Grymmynhul, Richard de, 195, 211, 219 Grimenhull, William, s. of Ric. de, 219, 220, 283, 291, 302, 305 Grimley, William, son of Simon, 76 Grislay, John, Knt., 343 Grose, Thomas, 56 Groucok, Simon, 44 Grove, Philip, s. of Rog. atte, of Hagley, 186 Grymenhull, Grymmehull, Grym- mynhul, V. Grimenhull Gunlond, Le, in Franklcy, 173 Gunny, John, son of Master Will., 66, 71, 74, 75> 77, 84 Gunny, v. also Gonny Gurdelar, William, 316 Gybbslond, in Hales, 272 Gyffard, Osbert, 9 Gygan, v. Gigan H. Habbelench, ?'. Lench, Abbots' Habbelench, Dom. William, son of W^arin de, 23 Haddeley, John, 289 Haddesouere, v. Hadsor Haden, Henry, 279 Haden, Richard, 279 Hadley, co. Salop, 74 Hadsor, co. W^orc. Parson. Ric. de Aldeford, 1350 Hageley, Haggeley, etc., v. Hag- ley Hagley, co. Wore, 10, 45, 142, 147, 159, 172, 174, 186,251,284, 3' 5, 322, 343, 377, 4o6, 437, 458 Hagley, Edmund de, 51, 103 Hagley, Edmund, Lord of, 142, 147 Hagley, Henr>', Lord of, 20, 27, 44 Hagley, Robert de, 10 Hagley, Robert, Dominus de, 142 Hailes, Thomas, 415 Haket, Thomas, 294-296, 345 Halencroft, in Halesowen, 136 Hales, 7'. Halesowen Hales, John, son of John de,6i,63 Hales, Richard de, 73 Hales Ewer, v. Halesowen Hales Hueweyn, 7/. Halesowen Hales, al. Halesowen, co. Salop, 3,4, 5,9, 13, 17, 18, 27, 33, 39, 49, 51, 52, 57,62, 63, 82,83,97, 98, 100, loi, 114, 119, 120, 122, 123, 125, 132, 133, 135-138, 140- 142, 152, 161, 162, 166-168, 171, 175, 176, 183-185, 189, 190, 195, 196, 205. 210-212, 214-220, 231, 241, 245, 247, 256-258, 272, 275, 279, 280, 283, 285, 286, 291-293, 299,302, 304,311-313,317, 318, 324, 328, 331, 334, 339, 341, 342, 344, 348, 358, 360, 368-372, 375, 377, 383, 386, 387, 392, 394, 396, 400-405, 413, 439-441, 446, 458 INDEX. 135 Hales, al. Halesowen, co. Salop. Inspeximus of charter making Hales a borough, 27; refer- ence to the market in the High Street, 97 ; grant of market to, 445 ; descent of the Manor, Introd. . Bailiflfs. Thomas Harbrough [1401] Thomas Myles[i40i] John Walker [1419] William Hamond[i4i9] Richard Dunstall [1429] William Bisshop [1430] Thomas Kelmysstowe [1430] Richard Paston [1464] Nicholas Hydley [1467] William Beere [1467] John Lynde [1471] Ralph Sydnale [1474] Richard Colet [1474] Thomas Froste[i475] John Kymburley [1475] Seneschal. Will. Bisshopp [1471] Church, etc., of, recital of Papal letters relating to the vicarage, 39 ; right of the Abbey to present to the Church, 196 ; foundation of chantry in, 392 . Vicars, Richard Tinctor [1281] Rob. de Crouk [1282] , Chaplains. Thomas, late 12th cent. Thomas, temp. Hen. Ill Philip, temp. Hen, HI Nicholas [1304] John Fremon [1397] , Abbey of, 3-9, 13, 14, i7- 20, 23-25, 27, 37, 39-41, 43, 57, 86, 96, loi, 104-106, 122, 183, 212, 218, 256, 257, 260, 280, 398,431,432,446 ^ royal grants to, 3, 9, 14 ; licence to, to make a borough at Hales, etc., 27 ; re- cital of grant of presentation of one of the canons to the vicar- ages of Hales and Walsall, 39 ; licence to furnish the new walls with battlements, 41 ; patrons of Walsall vicarage, 192 Halesowen Abbey. Abbots. Roger, temp. John Richard [1257, 1258] Nicholas, late Hen. Ill R. de Hampton [1369] John [1473] Thomas [1505] William [1522] Prior, Adam Vaus [1372] Canons, Richard Hull [1456] John Comber [1456] Seneschal. W. Colesone [1369] Cellarer, Richard [1236] Hales Oweyn, v. Halesowen Halle, John atte, 155, 167, 170 Halle, John, 313 Halle, Richard atte, 324 Halle de Hulle, Robert, 231 Halle, Thomas, 250 Halle, William, chaplain, 313 Halsale, Simon de, clerk, 196 Halse, John, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 372 Halwell, William, 274 Halys, V. Halesowen Halysoweyn, v, Halesowen Hambir', Philip de, 17 Hambury, Edward, 319 Hambury, Eliz. w. of de, 174 Hambury, Henry de, 174 Hambury, John, sen., 229 Hambury, John, jun,, 229 Hamond, Henry, s. and h. of Rob., 377 Hamond, Joan, of Halesowen, 2 1 1 Hamond, John, 219, 231, 245 Hamond, Robert, 227, 241, 245, 247, 250, 258, 279, 293, 299, 302, 304, 307, 311, 318,377 Hamond, aL Hamound, Thomas, sub-bailiff of Hales, 275, 280 Hamond, al. Hawmond, William, 184, 185, 189, 190, 205, 211, 215 Hamond, William, baihff of Hales, 285, 286, 291, 299, 317, 325 Hampton, John, 233 Hampton, Richard de, Abbot of Halesowen, 183 Hampton, Lovet, 377 13^ INDEX, Hamptuslowe, Richard de, 58 Hamstall - Ridware, co. Staff. Rector. R. Wade [1371] Hamstede, al. Hamsted, Henry de, 6, 27 Handsworth, co. Staff., 192, 277, 278, 281, 287, 288 Handy, Robert, 424-426 Hapton, Thomas, v. Hopton Harald, Thomas, loi Haraldesfeld, in Warley, 82, 83, 93 Haraldeswelle, in Warley, 93 Harberrovv, al. Harborow,in Hag- ley, 45, 174 Harborh, Richard, 275 Harborne, co. Staff., 193, 194, 235, 298, 306, 400, 432 Harborough, Thomas de, 132 Harborow, v. Harberrow Harbrough, al. Hareborough, Thomas, bailiff of Hales, 216, 219, 247 Hardebarewe, v. Harberrow Hardeberwe, William de, 4 Hare, John, 250 Hareborough, Thomas, v. Har- brough Harewell, John, 343 Harpecote, Marjoiy, w. of John, 356 Harpour, John, 355 Hartlebury, 96 Harvington, 1 1 5 Harwedone, Beatrice de, 97 Harwedone, Symon de, 97 Hasbury, 202 Haselb', Hugh de, sen., 20 Haselb', Hugh de, jun., 20 Haselbur, Haselbury, v. Hasle- bury Hasevvalle, Thomas, 360 Haslebury, 331 Haslebury, Alice, wid. of Thomas de, 133 Haslebury, John, s. of John de, 62 Haslebur)', John, s. of Thomas de, 138 Haslebury, John de^ 151 Haslebur>% Margery, wid. of Will., 391 Haslebury, Richard, son of Hugh de, 61 Haslebury, Thomas de, 63, 98 Haslebury, Thomas, sub-bailiff of Halesowen, 377, 389, 395, 396, 404 Haslebury, William de, 152, 161, 162, 175, 176,184, 185,189, 205, 211, 216 Hasulbery, v. Haslebury Haueke, Henry le, 65, 78, 82, 83, 88, 92, 93 Haukbach, al. Hawkbach, in Arley, 160, 234, 242, 243, 389, 390,415 Hauke, al. Haukis, al. Hawkes, Simon, 149, 173, 246, 248, 253, 255 Haukeford, Henry de, chaplain, 159 Hauker, Richard, 193 Haukere, Henry, 235, 270, 271 Haukes, al. Hawkes, William, 276, 303, 333, 405 Haukeslowe, Richard de, 131, 139, •65 Haukokus, Emmota, wid. of Will., 249 Haukokus, William, 249 Haukyns, Thomas, 141 Haukys, John, 161, 162, 231, 247 Hauleye, Thomas de, 157 Hawkes, v. Hauke Hawkes, Richard, steward to Sir W. Lyttelton, 419, 421, 431 Hawkes, Thomas, 377 Hawkyns, Roger, 411 Hawkyns, Simon, 213 Hawmond, v. Haniond Hay, Thomas in le, al. Moklowe, Thomas, 298, 340 Haybern, co. Warw., 277, 278, 281, 287, 288 Haybote, custom of, 298 Hayn .ge, Hugh, 354 Hayne, al. Blewe, Hugh, v. Blewe Hayward, Thomas, 399 Haywart, Richard, 234 Hecstan, v. Hextons Hedeley, Little, v. Hidley Heggesf^n, John, 234 Heghefeld, v. Heyfield, Le Hekstane, Henry de, v. Hexton Helewey, William de, 71 Heliun, al. Helyun, Walter de, 34, 35 INDEX. ^7 Henry, vicar of Broughton, 2 Henry, Juvenls, 58 Henry III, VI, VIII, v. England, Sovereigns of Henyn, Letard de, 34-36, 90, 308 Herdeberue, v. Harberrow Herdeberue, Alexander de, 45 Hereford, 27, 128, 129 Hereford, Earl of, v. Boun, Hum- phrey Hereward, Lucy, dau. of Richard, 99 Herewardeslonde, in Frankley, 99, 248 Heriots : commuted to payment ofmoney,64; clause respecting, 20 1 ; a red CO w, 344, 4 1 3 ; a black heifer, 394 Herthull, John de, clerk, 121, 142, 201 Herwode, John, 163 Heruyntone, al. Herwynton, William de, 26, 128, 129 Herwynton, Adam de. Lord of Frankley, 70, 80, 81, 86, 87, 115, 116, 126-128, 130, 131 Hestun, Salamon de, 54 Hethcroft, Le, in Ridgeacre, loi, 398 Hethey, John, 273 Hetheye, John de, 32 Heuster, Elizabeth, w. of Thos., 274, 276 Heuster, Richard le, loi Heuster, Thomas, 274, 276, 297, 301, 303 Heuster, Thomas, of Worcester, 320 Heuster, Thomas, of Collesdon, 326, 329, 330 Heven, John, 357 Hexton, Henry de, 59, 69, 90, 109, 134, 163 Hexton, Isabella, w. of John, 233, 335, 336 Hexton, Johanna de, 221, 222, 233 Hexton, John de, 224, 233, 254, 261, 335, 336, 349» 373 Hexton, Osbert de, 12 Hexton, Roger de, 71 Hexton, Roger, s. of Henry de, 42, 66,69, 71, 74, 75 Hexton, Thomas, s. and h. of John, of Bristol, 417, 424-426, 429 Hexton, William, s, of John de, 160, 221, 222, 223, 233 Hextons, in Arley, 66, 71, 74, "j^^ 84, 221, 222 Hexton's Place, in Arley, 417, 429 Heyfield, Le, in Halesowen, 62, 63, 114, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141, 175, 184, 189, 195, 216, 220, 258, 305, 307, 31 1, 324, 325, 334, 339, 368-371, 383, 391, 392, 405 Heythefeld, Le, v. Heyfield, Le Hibernia, Ralph de, i Hiddeley, John, 409 Hidley, near Halesowen, 78 Hidley, Little, 337, 348 Hiefeld, Le, v. Heyfield, Le Hill, in Halesowen, 153 Hill, Thomas, 389, 390 Hillary, Roger, v. Hillory Hilleley, v. Ylley Hilleleye, Gilbert de, 21 Hillory, al. Hillary, Roger, 103, 104, 147 Hinteberg, v. Inkberrow Hithefeld, v. Heyfield, Le Hobben, Emmota, 296 Hobecokussych, in Warley, 257 Hobelot, 21 Hodebache, Nicholas de, of Cats- hill, 117 Hogges, John, s. of Adam, 209, 270, 271 Hogges, Thomas, 270, 271 Holdenhill, William de, 4 Holewey, aL Hollewey, al. Hol- way, John, 335, 336, 362, 399 Holeweye, Roger, 169, 222 Holeye, Roger, 224 Holgote, 277, 278, 281 , Lord of, V. Burnell Holgrove, al. Pyper, John, 384 Hollewey, John, v. Holewey Hollybrook, in Clent, 437 Holowey, Thomas, 417 Holt, Johnatte, 183, 205, 211, 214, 215, 216 Holt de Hulton, John atte, 189 Hondesworth, v. Handsworth Hondy, William, 95 Hondyyeshelde, in Halesowen, 183 Honington, 253 138 INDEX. Honte, Richard, vicar of Wed- nesbury, 261 Hontyngefeld, in Halesowen, 325 Hoord, Philip, v. Horde Hopkocsych, in Horburne, 432 Hopton, al. Hapten, Thomas, 351, 354 Hopton, Walter de, 35 Horborne, Thomas de, al. T. atte Walle, 194 Horborne, William, s. of Rob. de, 79 Horbourne, v. Harborne Hord, al. Horde, Thomas, 362, 424-426 Horde, al. Hoord, Philip, 238, 240, 261 Horewode, Agnes, d. of John, 335, 336 Horewode, John, 239, 335, 336, 349, 350, 373 Horewode, "William de la, 41, 66, 69, 71, 74, 75, 84, 90 Horseton, Richard, vicar of Wol- verley, 289 Horse wall, in Belbroughton, 201 Horssetefeld, in Warley, 260 Hostage, William, chaplain, 302, 304 Hosyntre, Thomas, chaplain, 273 Hotot, Peter de, 44 Houesacre, 405 Hounesworth, v. Handsworth Housbote, custom of, 298 Hubaud, Richard, 314 Hubaud, Richard, 319 Huchonus, John, 194 Huchyns, Robert, 320 Huggeforde, John de, Knt., 1 10 Huggen, Richard, s. of Rich., of Haslebury, 114 Hugh, parson of Alveley, 2 Hugh, son of Adam, i Hugh, son of Oto, 34 Hugyns, Thomas, 331 Hull, Hulle, V. Hill Hull, Edward o' the, 213 Hull, Geoffrey, 306 Hull, al. Hulle, John, son of Adam, 234, 242 Hull, Richard, canon of Hales- owen, 361 Hull, Robert, justice, 277, 278, 287, 309 Hull, Roger de, 157 Hull, William, chaplain, 234, 243 Hulla, Nicholas, son of Richard de, 16 Hulle, Adam de la, 160 Hulle, John, 222, 252, 254 Hulle, John, s. of Henry de, of Hales, 79, 193, 194, 257 Hulle, John, 360 Hulle, John o' the,ii7 Hulle, Juliana, w. of Rich, de, 112 Hulle, Richard de, of Clent, 58, 112 Hulle, Thomas, s. of Rog. de, 135, 137 Hullefeldes, in Frankley, 265, 314, 319 Hulot, Alice, w. of John, 316 Hulot, John, 316 Huntyngtre, in Halesowen, 135, 216, 305,307,311,334, 370, 383, 392 Hurchote, al. Hurcote, al. Hure- cot, Robert de, i, 10, 15 Hurcote, Margery, sister of Rob. de, 10 Hurecot, Master Adam de, 15 Hurste, Le, in Arley, 349 Hurste, William de la, 26 Hurste, Robert de la, 142 Huthon, Giles de, 28 Hutred, chaplain, 1 Huyet, al. Hyet, Thomas, 279, 402 Huyet, William, 279 Hwatcroft, Adam de, 80, 81 Hwyteleyfelde, in Halesowen, 216 Hyddelege, v. Hidley Hydley, Nicholas, bailiff of Hales- owen, 368, 387, 396 Hyefelde, Le, v. Heyfield, Le Hyet, Thomas, %i. Huyet Hyewastern, Le, in Ridgeacre,2i8 Hyghefeld, Le, v. Heyfield, Le Hygley, co. Salop, 429 Hyll, 398 Hylle, William, 391 Hynckeleye, Peter de, 90 Hypkys, Thomas, bailiff of Hales- owen, 383 Hyrlaund, Maud, w. of Rich., 59 Hyrlaund, Richard, 59 INDEX. 139 I. Ideyard, John, 268 Ideyard, William, 373 Illeye, John de, 63 Inkberrovv, co. Wore, 7 Inquisitiones-post-mortem : Edm. Earl of March [1425], 300 ; Sir John Lyttelton [1591], 442 Ireland, money collected for main- tenance of anny in, 447 Ireniongere, Nicholas le, 62 Iremongere, Thomas le, 135, 136, 138 Irthinfeld, 389, 390, 415 Ivelond, in Warley, 93 J- James I, v. England, Sovereigns of James, Walter, 424-426 Janyns, Richard, of Horestone, 373 Janyns, Thomas, 273 Jaye, Thomas de, 32 Jevence, Thomas, bailif of Kid- derminster, 419 Jewe, William, 15 Jews, clause excepting Jews from acquiring land, 64 John, King, v. England, Sove- reigns of John, parson of Old Swinford, 61 John, fil. Ricardi, seneschal of Worcester, i;6 John, fil. Susane, 21 John, son of Lioninus, 59 Jolyfif, Hugh, 384 Jolyfif, William, bailiff of Wor- cester, 384 Jones, Sir Henry, commission to F. Lyttelton in French Regiment commanded by, 459 Jones, William, 58, 71 Jonis, Roger, of Frankley, 54 Jonkys, John, 206, 207 Jowett, Thomas, 314 Jurdan, John, 253 Justices of England : — Roger de Seyton [1276] J. de Stonore W. de ShareshuU R. Hillary R. de Kelleshull R. de Wylughby J. de Stonford T. de Fencotes [1351] R. Norton R. Hull J. Cokayn W. Lodyngton J. Preston [1417-1428] John Juyn James Strangeways John Cottesmore William Paston [1437] Juyn, John, Justice, 329, 330 K. Kachemare, Roger, 23 Kaldewall, v. Caldwell Katermaynes, Richard, 265, 314 Kaunt, William, 116 Kebbyll, Walter, 284, 287, 288, 342 Kedermynstre, v. Kidderminster Kelleshull, Ric. de, Justice, 147 Kelmestowe, Thomas, 341 Kelmysstovve, Thomas, bailiff of Hales, 318 Kembersley, al. Kymbersley, John, 236, 249, 260, 264, 290, 295> 403, 405 Kemeseye, Richard de, 56 Kent, Earl of, v. Burgo, Hubert de Kent, John, clerk, 49 Kerver, Geoffrey, 384 Ketel, Ketul, Hugh, 21, 22, 26, 64 Ketel, al. Ketil, Philip, 28, 29 Ketel, Ralph, 21, 22 Ketel, al. Ketil, al. Ketyl, Wil- liam, of Frankley, 29, 30, 48, 53- 55,67, 70, 72, in, 250 Kidderminster, 13, 174, 239, 251, 273, 284, 416, 418 . Bailiffs. Richard Clerke Thomas Jevence [1482] John Sugge John Clent [1403] . Thomas, town clerk of, 399 140 INDEX. I [1429] Kidderminster. Dean. R [1236] ■ . Vicars. John Porter Will. Sutton . Churchwardens. John Wenforton Thomas Jomyns [1415] Kilkenny, Dom. William de, 4 Kington, co. Wore. Parson. Ric. de Douerdale [1350] Kittelond, in Warley, 168 Knotte, Richard, 232 Kocke, John, 367 Kockes, Alice, 307 Kockeshete, Le, in Halesowen, 339 Kok, Robert, 191 Kookke, John, 173 Korbyn, Henry, 261 Kriol, Bertram de, 12 Kyderminstre, v. Kidderminster Kymberesley, John, jun., v. Kem- bersley Kyng, Henry, 276, 303, 332, 333 Kyng, Isolda, 212 Kyng, Margaret, al. Margery, w. of Henry, 303, 332 Kyng, William le, 98, 114, 119, 120, 123, 125,132, 133, 140, 152, 155, 161, 171, 176, 177 Kynges, John, s. of Johanna le, 71, 74, 75 . Kyngeslowe, Richard, bailiff of Bridgenorth, 408 Kynlett, 415 Kynton, v. Kington Kyppelode, in Romsley, 289 Kyttelondes, in Arley, 362, 417 Lane, Le, in Ridgeacre, 378 Langel', Geoffrey de, 14 Langley, in Warley- Wigorn, 65 Lappole, in Halesowen, loi, 212, Lappole, Thomas de, chaplam, 136, 137 Latewayte, Thomas, chaplain, 367 Lauderdale, Earl of, v. Maitland, John Laurence, chaplain, 22 Lawe, John de la, 60 Lecot, Roger, 29 Lee, La, in Alveley, 95, 108, 206 Lee, John de la, 32 Lee, Ralph, 354 Lee, Thomas, 345, 386, 398 Lee, William, s. of Thos., 386, 398 Leeh, Roger atte, 248 Leffur,William, of Willingwick, 26 Leghe, Roger atte, of Northfield, 226 Leghton, William, 354 Lekyng, William, loo Lench, Abbots, co. Wore, 7, 8 Lench, Church, 24, 25 . Parson. Henry de Sautemareis, t. Hen. Ill Lench, Hob, v. Lench, Abbots Lench Ranulph, Rob., son of Eadmund de, 25 Lench Ranulph, Roger, son of Ranulph de, 23 Lench, Rouse, 23, 24 Lestrange, Thomas, 1 10 Le Tellier, Michel, French Sec- retary of State, 459, 460 Leuesone, Nicholas, 260 Lexinton, John de, 14 Leycestre, John de, 164 Lichfield, 245, 276, 372 , Dean and Chapter of, 262, 438 , Dean. Thomas de Stretton [1406] Linacre, nr. Halesowen, 5 Linde, William de la, 31 Linde, v. also Lynde Linleia, Richard de, I Litelhynche, in Arley, 349 Locock, Alice, 378 Locock, Margery, wid. of Henry, 306, 411 Locock, Richard, 400, 410 Locock, Thomas, s. of Will., 378 Locock, Thomas, of Horborne, 400 Locock, Thomas, of Kings Nor- ton, 409, 410 Locock, Thomas, of Northfield, 409 Locock, William, of Horborne, 298 - Locock, William, s. of Margery, 306 INDEX. 141 Locock, William, of Ridgeacre, 337, 345-348, 378,409-411 Locock, William, of Romesley, 378,400, 409, 411 Locok, Locokke, v. Locock Locokusoke, in Halesowen, 216 Lodeleye, v. Lutley Lodyngton, William, Justice, 277, 278, 287, 309 Lof, John, 117 Lokoc, V. Locock London : — Charters of Edw. I, dated at the Tower [1274], 34, 40 ; mandate of the Bp. of Worcester, dated at his house, " de Strond extra barram novi Temple" [1456], 361 London, John de, of Pershore, 80, 81 London, Thomas, Vicar of Chel- marsh, 367 Londres, Clement de, 4 Londres, Henry de, Archbp. of Dublin, 3 Londres, Roulant, son of C. de, 4 Lone, Le, in Warley, 102 Lone, Andrew de la, 180 Lone, John, s. of Andrew de, 180 Longe, Dom. John le, of Bridge- north, chaplain, 134 Longedon, Rich, de, 208 Longele, Walter de, 26 Longelege, Thomas de, 76 Longeley, Walter, chaplain, 289, 335, 336 Longespee, William de. Earl of Salisbury, 3 Longniare, al. Longmore, John, 362, 423 Lothus, Richard, 50 Lotteley, Philip de, 109 Loucok, Louecok, v. Locock Louis XIV, V. France, Sovereigns of Lowe, Edmund, 261 Lowe, Hugh, 267, 289, 335, 336 Lowe, Richard de la, JJ, 84 Lowe, Thomas atte, 172, 180 Lowe, Thomas, 335, 336 Lowe, William de la, 71, 74, 75, 90 Luke, nativus, 25 Lundres, v. Londres, 4 Lutilton, V. Lyttelton Lutley, CO. Wore, 142, 172 Lutonstoon, 392 Lutteleye, John, Dominus de, 206, 207 Lutteleye, Philip de, 42 Luttelye, v. Lutley Luttelye, Philip de, 172, 180 Luvet, Henry, 5 Luyde, v. Lynde Luyde, John atte, of Rowley, 176 Luyde, William atte, 176, 177, 190 Luytelhay, Thomas de, 155 Lyde, al. Lythe, Robert atte, bailiff of Halesowen, 279, 280, 302, 304 Lydgate, in Halesowen, 176, 177 Lye, John, 400 Lye, Roger at, 230, 246 Lye, Warin de la, of Lutley, 45 Lyefeld, in Frankley, 358 Lyegh, al. Lyghe, Roger atte, 246, 253, 255 Lyende, v. Lynde Lylden, Richard atte, 263 Lymley, William, 363 Lyncroft, in Hales, 331 Lynde, John, 258, 263, 282, 283, 285, 286, 293, 301, 304, 305, 31 1, 317, 324, 370;375 Lynde, John, bailiff of Halesowen, 395, 396 Lyon, Thomas, 201 Lyoyne, William, son of John, 42, 69, 74, 75 Lytelhydley, v. Hidley Lytell Lee, in Arley, 349 Lythe, Robert atte, v. Lyde Lyttelton,! Sir Charles, Knt., 457 Lyttelton, Edmund, son of Thomas de, 28, 29, 58 Lyttelton, Edward, 454 Lyttelton, Edward, Baron Lyttel- ton, patent of creation, 461 Lyttelton, Elizabeth, 337 Lyttelton, Eliz., d. of Thos., 407 Lyttelton, Ferdinando, s. of Sir Thos., commissions to, in the French service, 459, 460 Lyttelton, Gilbert, 438 1 It has been thought advisable to bring all the family together under I>yttelton, instead of under the various spellings of the name. 142 INDKX. Lyttelton,' Sir Henry, Bart., 455, 456, 458 Lyttelton, John de, 33, 49, 57, 65, 68, 12,, 79, 85, 91 Lyttelton, John, Esquire, son of Sir Wm., 433, 434, 435, 436, 442 Lyttelton, John, jun., son of the last-named, special livery to, of his father's lands, 436 Lyttelton, John \ob. 1601], reversal of his attainder, 443, 444 Lyttelton, Katharine, w. of Sir Thomas, ist Bart, 454 j Lyttelton, Lucy, wife of Edmund i de, 28, 29, 57 i Lyttelton, Matilda, w. of Thos., 265, 266, 274, 276, 314 Lyttelton, Meriel, \v. of John, 443, 445, 446 Lyttelton, Richard, s. of Sir Thos. [1470], 412 Lyttelton, Thomas de, consang. et heres Edm. de [1306], 56 Lyttelton, Thomas, Lord of Frank- ley \ob. 1 421], 265, 266, 274, 276 Lyttelton, Sir Thomas, Lord of Frankley, Sergeant-at-law, and Justice of C. Pleas, 337, 340, 343, 357, 358, 374, 376, 379, 380, 382, 384, 385, 388, 391,393,407,412, 414, 416, 428 Lyttelton, Thomas, 3rd son of the last-named, 412 Lyttelton, Sir Thomas, ist Bart. \pb. 1650], 443,447-451, 454 , contract for monument for his two sons drowned at Oxford, 449 Lyttelton, Sir William \ob. 1507] s and h. of Sir Thomas, 391 B, 392,412,419, 421,427,431 M. Madeley, John de, 45 Madeley, Thomas, 41:; Maitland, John, Earl of Lauder- dale, signature, as member of the Cabal ministry, 457 Malherbe, Peter, 7 Malore, Anketel, 14 Manorial customs, Beolawe and Bodelselver, 186 Mansel, William, 20 Mappenoure, Walter de, 10 March, Edmund, Earl of, 300 Marche, Much, 343 Mare, Henry de la, 14 Marisco, Master Richard de, Chancellor to King John, 3 Market, recital of grant of, to Halesowen borough, 445 Marmion, William, 92 Marmiun, Robert, 8 Marshal, Alienora, w. of William, Earl of Pembroke, 7 Marshal, Dom. Richard, 7 Marshal, William, Earl of Pem- broke, 7, 8 Martel, Robert, of Radewell, 44 Mary I, v. England, Sovereigns of Maryn, John, of Broom, 178, 244 Mason, Walter le, 142 Masoun, rt/. Masun, John le, 113, 124 Masoun, Margery, d. of John le, 164 Massey, Geoffrey, Knt., 319 Massy, John, 314, 319, 332, 333, 341,414 Mauclerk, Walter, Bishop of Car- lisle, 9 Maucundut, Michael, 34 Maudut, William, 14 Meddeltone, Henry de, 64 Medyngeham, Dom. John de, 35 Melbourne, Richard de, vicar of Shenstone, 192 Meleford, Richard de, 45 Melele, John de, 10 Meleward, Agnes, dau. of Will, le, 124 Melforde, John de, 146, 179 Melley, in Ylley, 5, 431 Melley, Adam de, 215 Melne, Robert, son of Will, atte, of Frankley, 28 Mel ward, Thomas de, 1 18 Menecroft, 31 Merchfield, Le, in Halesowen, F36 Mere, co. Staff., 271, 277, 278, 287, 288 Mersh, Alexander, 294 Mersh, Alice, w. of Alex., 294 Mersh, Margaret, w. of Th., 295 Mersh, Thomas, 295 Merssh, Le, in Arley, 362, 416 INDEX, H3 Meiton, Walter de, Bp.-elect of Rochester, 34 Middelmour, Richard, 421 Middelton, v. Middleton Middilton, v. Middleton Middleton, 295 Middleton, Johnde, 15, 28, 37,46, 49, 50, 65, 67, 89, 131, 139 Middleton, Thomas, prior of Dod- ford, 274 Mideltone, v. Middleton Mildentre, John de, 146 Miles, Walter, 209 Miller, Alice, 30 Miller, William, 30 Mills, agreement to build a mill- pool, 5 Milus, Walter, 162, 184 Milward, William, 245 Moghlowe, V. Moughlow Mokelowe, v. Moughlow Moor, William in-le-, of Lappole, 184 Moorton, John, chaplain of Nor- ton, 236 Mordaunt, William, 44 More, Le, in Arley, 59, 109, 134, 156, 163, 367 Morefeld, nr. Romsley, 289 Morf, Henry de, 59 Morf, John, son of Hugh de, 95 Morgan, Philip, clerk, 277, 278, 281 Mortismerlonde, Le, in Frankley, Morton, Walter, 309 Morton, Wauthleana, w. of Walt., 309 Mortuo Mari, Henry de, 134 Mortuo Mari, Hugh de, Knt,, 134, 156 Mortuo Mari, Dom. Roger de, 35, 36, 59 Mose, Roger, chaplain, 289 Moughlow, Johanna, w. of John, 298, 310 Moughlow, John, 297, 310, 324, 340 Moughlow, Thomas, 298 Muklow, Thomas, yeoman, 398 Muleward, family of, 285, 286 Muleward, Margery, vvid. of Will., 282, 285, 286 Muleward, Roger, 255 Mulnehurst, John de, 26 Mulnehurst, Robert de, 6 Mulnehurst, Thomas de, 30 Mulneward, William le, 214 Munemu, Dom. John de, 8 Murdac, Dom. John, 32 Myddelton, v. Middleton Myles, Thomas, bailiff of Hales, 247 Mylewater, John, 357 Mylus, V. Milus N. Naldersplace, in Bromsgrove, 356 Nasshe, John, of Trimpley, 242, 243, 269 Nasshe, Richard atte, 242, 243 Nasshe, Thomas, s. and h. of Richard, 389, 390 Nasshe Eynde, al. Nasshende, Le, in Arley, 94, 268 Nativi, grants of, 25, 49 Necheles, Necholus, v. Nicholls Nedduraker, in Warley, 166, 168 Neenton, co. Salop. Rector. Thomas de Fame- kote, 232 Nemyngs, in Churchill, 315 Netherbachous, in Halesowen, 136 Nethercote, Dryu de, 42 Nethircote, in Arley, 373 Nevill, Ralph, Bishop of Chiches- ter, Chancellor, 9 Newehagh, William, Archdeacon of Chester, 262 Newell, William de, chaplain, 191 Newfilde, al. Nywfeld, in Hales- owen, 368, 375, 383 Newmonsland, in Churchill, 338 Newton, Richard, 367 Nichol, Nicholes, Nicholus, v. Nicholls Nicholas, Abbot of Halesowen, 27 Nicholas, chaplain of Hales, 51 Nicholls, John, 111-113, 116, 118, 124 Nicholls, Thomas, 33, 49, 65, 68, 73, 78, 79, 82, 83, 85, 88, 91-93, 149, 164, 165, 173, 182, 187, 191, 202, 209, 213, 226, 227, 230, 372 Nicolas, Nicoles, Nicols, v. Nicholls Nikols, V. Nicholls 144 INDEX. Nomonslideyate, al. Nonemonnes Lydegate, in Hales, 62, 324 Noreys, John, 153 Noreys, Robert, 153 Norfeld, v. Northfield Norfeud, Master Adam de, 17 Nortfeld, v. Northfield Nortfeld, Thomas de, clerk, 2, 4 Nortfeld, William de. Lord of Frankley, 58 Northfeld, William de, 131 Northfield, co. Wore, 2, 43, 92, 139, 145, 154, 159, 182, 187, 235, 236, 249, 270, 271, 275, 280, 281, 285, 297, 303, 332, 392 . Parson. Adam, late 12th cent., early Hen. Ill Northumberland, Duchess of, v. Dudley, Jane Norton in Halesowen: Rector. Wm.Tagge[i458-67^ Vicar. Rob.delaFelderi3i9 Chaplain. John Moorton[ 1 397 Norton, Richard, Justice, 277, 278, 287, 309 Norton, Roger de, clerk, 44 Notwyk, Thomas de, miller, 125 Novvemedovve, in Frankley, 359 Nycols, V. Nicholls Nythtegaleforde, in Frankley, 202 O. Oakley, co. Staff., 365, 366 Ockeley, v. Oakley Offemor, Adam de, 76 Offemore Grange, nr. Hales, 273 Okeley, v. Oakley Oldehall, William, Knt., 351, 354 Oldehull, John de, v. OldenhuU Oldehull, William de, 6 OldenhuU, v. Oldhill OldenhuU, Dionysia, w. of John de, 72 OldenhuU, John de, 72, 116, 118, 124, 165 OldenhuU, Margery, w. of John atte, 165 OldenhuU, Robert del, 56 OldenhuU, Thomas de, 173 OldenhuUes, in Frankley, 223, 265, 314, 319 OldenhuUetenement, in Frankley, 217 Oldfeld, in Romsley, 289 OldhUl, 165 Orleton, Adam de, Bp. of Wor- cester, 96 Orlin^^bere, Hugh de, 38 Orlingbere, Robert de, 50 Orvieto, letters of Pope Martin IV, dated at, 39 Osbarne, John, 356 Osbern, Geoffrey, of Warley, 65, 68 Osbert, fil. Edrici, 2 Osebern, William, 149 Osborne, Stephen, of Edgebaston, chaplain, 1 1 1 Oudeby, John de. Archdeacon of Derby, 262 Overton, Walter de, 15 Owley Grange, nr. Hales, 273 Oxclif, al. Oxclyff, Robert, 411, 412,419,421 Oxemor, Le, in Frankley, 112 Oxford, erection of monument at Magd. Coll. for T. Lyttelton's sons, 449 Pachet, John, 247 Pachet, John, rector of Pepmore, 315 Pachet, Thomas, 420 Pachette, Christiana, w. of Ric, 359 Pachette, Richard, 359 Padestonyelde, in Bromsgrove, 363 Page, Richard, of Rouse Lench, 24, 25_ Page, Richard, 297 Palmaresrudynge, Le, in Broms- grove, 117 Palmer, Peter, of Acheton, 23, 24 Parker, Thomas, 41 1 Parrock, Le, in Halesowen, 216 Parrot, Laurence, 447 Parys, Robert, rector of Aldridge, CO. Staff., 192 Paston, Richard, bailiff of Hales- owen, 377 Paston, Thomas, 324, 328 Paston, WUliam, Justice, 329, 330 Pasture, reservation of, m lease, 222 Pate, John, 358 INDEX. 145 Patelston, Christiana, wid. of Rich. de, 189 Pattston, John, 409 Paylington,^?/. Paylinton, Thomas, 46, 48, 72 Pebmore, Philip, Dominus de, 45 Pecche, Dom. John, 32 Pedmore, PhiHp de, 27 Pembroke, Earl of, v. Marshal Pendeford, Henry de, 117 Pendelston, in Halesowen, 133, 258 Penne, Alice, w. of Will., 229 Penne, Edmund de, 178, 179 Penne, Henry, s. of Rich., 268 Penne, John, 284, 315, 377 Penne, Richard, 94 Penne, Thomas, 391 Penne, Tibota, 94 Penne, Tybote, 331 Penne, William, 229 Peortune, al. Porton, William de, 109, no Pepewall, Peppewall, v. Pepwale Pepmore. Rector. John Pachet [1429] Pepur, Joan, w. of Rich., 284 Pepur, Richard, 284, 343 Pepwale, Agnes, w. of Will., 392 Pepwale, Cecily, wid. of Thomas, '255 Pepwale, Isabella, w. of nl^tmrras, ^358 ^ Jou^^ Pepwale, John,de, in Pepwale, John, 248, 279, 290, 292, ''299, 301, 307, 31 1> 317, 318, 324, ''325/328, 332, 333, 341, 358 Pepwale, John, s. of Will., 392 Pepwale, Richard, s. of Will., 392 Pepwale, Robert, s. of Will., 392, 403-405 Pepwale, Roger, 387, 392, 395, 396, 403 ^ ^ Pepwale, Thomas de, 164, 191 Pepwale, Thomas,' 25 5 Pepwale, Thomas, son of Thomas, '255,^263 Pepwale, William, 331, 341, 368- 371,375,377,383,387,392,395, 403, 405 Periton, Reginald de, 17 Perkys, Thomas, 378 Persevall de Somery, John, 139 Persevall, Roger, s. of John, 139 Pershore, 80, 81 Persones, William, 244, 315 Peruignant, Alan, 12 Pery, Philip de, 12 Perycroft, 398 Peshale, Adam, Knt., 287 Peshale, Joyce, w. of Adam, 287 Peyle, John de, 223 Peyvre, Paulin, 14 Philip and Mary, v. England, Sovereigns of Philip, parson of Broom, 238 Philip, chaplain of Hales, 27 Picard, Isabella, dau. of John, 109 Picard, Johanna, dau. of John, 109 Picard, al. Pikard, al. Pykard, John, 32, 71, 74, 75, 90, 109, 1 10 Picarslond, al. Pycardeslondes, al. Pykaslonde, in Arley, 156, .163, 3675408 Pikard, v. Picard Pipard, Dom. Gwido, 25 Pippewalle, v. Pepwalle Pitt, John, 447 Pley Plas, Le, in Warley, 290 Plomme, William, clerk, 424-426, 429, 430 Poer, Giles le, 75 Poer, Roger le, 75, -j-j, 84 Poiher, Hugh le, 10 Poiher, John, son of Richard le, 10 Poiher, Richard le, 10 Poiher, Dom. Walter le, 10 Pole, John atte, 51 Pole, John, Abbot of Halesowen, 310 Pole, al. Poole, Nicholas atte, 140, 175 Pole, Thomas atte, n9, 120 Pollesworthe, Richard, 263, 283 Poole, William atte, 216, 219 Poole, William, 258, 263 Popewelle, Poppewall, v. Pepwale Porter, John le, 142 Porter, John, vicar of Kidder- minster, 273 Portere, Thomas, 294, 295 Porterescroft, Le, in Warley, 85 Porton, William de, v. Peorton Pouer, John le, 60 Prat, Richard, 148, 237, 238 Prestewode, Peter de, 23 Preston, John, Justice, 277, 278, 287, 309 146 INDEX. Prestwode, Margeiy, w. of Rich., Prestwode, Richard, 331 Prestwode, WilHam, 334 Prices, v. Values Prichecroft, in Worcester, 412 Proud, Roger le, 45 Pryn, Henry le, 70 Purfrey, Thomas, 104 Putford, Nicholas de, of Bridge- north, 134 Putte, Richard in-the-, 146, 179 Putte, William de la, of Chur- chill, 45 Pygun, William, citizen of Wor- cester, 237, 238 Pykard, v. Picard Pykardes, Lee, in Arley, 423 Pynne, Robert, 208, 209 Pyper, Johanna, 384 Pyper, John, s. of Thos., 384 Pyrcote, Henry, bro. of Thomas de, 51 Pyrcote, Margery, sister of Thomas de, wife of Nich. Lord of Frankley, 5 1 Pyrcote, Thomas de, chaplain, 51, 52 Pytts, William, 345 Quybbe, Le, in Ridgeacre, 320 R. R , Dean of Kidderminster, 13 Radefprd, near Halesowen, 5 Radewell Grange, nr. Hales, 273 Radewelle, Nicholas de, 102 Rakewaye, David, cellarer of Hales manor, 342 Ralph, Dominus de Euenefeld, 32 Ralph, chaplain of Frankley, 2, 6, 13, 18, 86 Ralph fil. Nicholai, seneschal to Henry III, 9 Ramesleya, William de, 6 Ranes, John, 332 Rauel, a/. Ravel, Richard, of Rouse Lench, 23-25 Rauton, Henry de, 38 Ravvlyns, in Frankley, 266 Redehill, «/. RedehuU, Le, in Halesowen, 220, 405 Redewall, Le, in Broome, 201 Reimund fil. Gold', i Rekulf, William, of Worcester, Religious houses, clause excepting them from acquiring land, 64 Remesleie, Remesley, v. Romsley Rent-services: four capons, 174; clavum gariophili, 44, 93 ; two quarters of corn, dry, clean, and well-winnowed, 222 ; three quarters of corn and three quarters of oats, 233 ; a pair of gloves, 22 ; pair of gilt spurs, valued at six pence, 4 ; a rose, 105, 166, 168, 365 Ribbesford, al. Ribeford, Henry de, 10, 12, 35 Ribbesford, Henry, son of Henry de, ID Rice, Thomas, 419 Richard, Abbot of Halesowen, 18, 86 Richard, cellarer of HalesoAven Abbey, 13 Richard, Rector of Farnborough, 27 Richard, clerk, 27 Richard, son of Hutred, chaplain, I Richard, son of William, 5, 27 Riche, William le, 31 Rideware, v, Hamstall Ridware Ridgeacre, 33, 49, 65, 68, 73, 75, 87, 91, loi, 107, 108, 150, 151, 166-168, 170, 181, 197-200, 204, 215, 218, 228, 257, 259, 264, 297, 298, 310, 320, 326, 329 330, 340, 345, 346, 348, 378' 400, 409-411 Riggeacre, v. Ridgeacre Robert, Prior of Dudley, 43 Robert, son of Edmund, Dom. de Hagg-eleye, 142 Robert fil. Petri fabri, 21 Robsart, Amy, v. Dudley Rocheford, Henry de, 7 Rochester, Bishops of, v. Merton, Walter de Roger, Abbot of Halesowen, 5 Roger, son of Ralph, i Roger, son of Christiana, 20 Roger fil. Rog. clerici de Hales, 17 INDEX. 147 Rokulf, Roger, Dominus de Chirchelench, 2^25 Rome, Pope of, Martin IV, 96 Romesley, William de, 20 Rommesley, v. Romsley Romsley, in Halesowen, 75, 267, 289,418,419 Rondulfe, John, 1 56 Rotsey, Humphrey, 421 Rouley, v. Rowley Regis Rouley, Robert de, parson of Arrow and lord of Frankley, 223 Rowalle, Johanna, d. of T. de Fokei-ham, w. of Will., 182, 197 Rowalle, William, 182 Roweleygh, v. Rowley Rowley Regis, co. Staff., 65, 190, 196, 241, 279, 290, 361 Rudinge, Hugh de la, 37 Rudyng, Edmund, 377 Rudyng, Richard atte, 139, 154 Rudynge, Le, in Arley, 222 Ruffus, Dom. William, 17 Rugacre, v. Ridgeacre Rugacrefeld, in Warley, 168 Rugakerfelt, in Hidley, 68 Rugeaker, v. Ridgeacre Ruggacre, v. Ridgeacre Ruggeley, Edith, w. of Nich., 277, 278, 281 Ruggeley, Nicholas, 277, 278, 281 Ruley, Richard de, 5 Rupibus, Geoffrey de, 8 Rupibus, Peter de, Bp. of Win- chester, 3, 96, 446 Rushale, 196 Russeby, Richard, 273 Russell, John, 277, 278, 281 Russell, Osbert, 12 Ruyfeld, Le, in Halesowen, 136 Ruyshale, John de, clerk, 183 Ruyton, Adam de, 132 Ruyton, Richard de, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138 Ryethorne, Thomas, 397 Rylondbrugge, in Arley, y]'}) S. Sabbath day, market held on the, 445 Sadeler, John, 231, 247 Salemon, Thomas, 188 Salemon, Walter, of Frankley, 30 Saleway, al. Salway, Humphrey, 379, 382, 427 Salisbury, co. Wilts. Dean, Walter Scamel [1276] Salisbury, Earl of, v. Longespee, William de Salucroft, John, s. of John, 76 Salway, Humphrey, v. Saleway Sancto Germano, William de, of Broughton, 38 Sancto Johanne, William de, 3 Sancto Mauro, William de, of Haumton, 38 Sapy, Hugh de, 10 Saundre, al. Saundres, Roger, 70, 131 Saunford, Nicholas de, 14 Sautemareis, Henry de, parson of Church Lench, 23 Sawyers, in Arley, 399 Scamel, Master Walter, Dean of Salisbury, 35 Scharsmyth, Richard, 340 Schenston, v. Shenstone Schepeleye-field, in Bromsgrove, 117 Schepes, John, 234 Schepus, in Hawkebach, 234 Scheie, William atte, 174 Scriptor, Richard, 16 Scut, Thomas, 262 Seals, Royal, etc. : King John, 3 ; Henry III, 9, 14 ; Edward I, 40, 41 ; Henry VIII, 433; Com- monwealth, 454 , Corporate Bodies : Brewood Priory, 201 ; baili- wick of Bridgenorth, 408 ; city of Bristol, 424-426 ; Halesowen Abbey, 431, 432 ; collegiate church of Westbury-on-Trim, 429, 430 ; bishopric of Wor- cester, 39 ; bailiwick of Worcester, 412. Personal and Heraldic Rich., Dukeof York, 351-355; George, Duke of Clarence, 393 ; J. de Botetourt, 176, 186, 223 ; H. de Burnell, 281 ; L. de Henyn, 35 Sebright, William, 362 148 INDEX. Seers, John, parson of Flyford Grafton, 144 Seggeley, John, 306 Seggesleye, Nicholas de, 178 Segrave, Stephen de, 8 Seignour, John le, 30 Seintleger, John, Lord of Hagley and Clent, 437 Selleia, Clement de, 16 Sellig', Selleia, Selley, Selleya, Richard de, 2, 5, 6, 16 /" Selmon, William, 163 / Selyman, Isabella, d. of John, 399 . Selyman, John, 399 Severn, R., 66, "]"], 169 Seynesbury, Ralph, chaplain, 239 Seyton, Master Roger de, Chief Justice, 35 Shareshull, William de, Justice, 147 Shawe, Ralph de, 261 Sheldesleye, v. Shelsley, Great Sheldon, John, 290 Shelsley, Great, co. Wore. Parson. Tho. Shyrref [1360] Shenston, co. Staff., 290 . Vicar. R. de Mel- bourne [1371] Shep, Cecilia, d. of John, 160 Shep, John, of Haukebache, 160 Shortwod, in Lutley, 142 Shyrref, Thomas, parson of Gt. Shelsley, 159 Sidney, Sir Henry, 439 Silvester, Bp. of Worcester, 96 Silvestres, in Arley, 71, 74, 84, 224 Simond, Henry, of Warley, 88, 89 Siward, Richard, 8 Skeet, Thomas, 268 Skut, William, 222, 224 Slegh, al. Slyegh, al. Slygh, John, 217, 223, 226, 248, 250 , 78-85, 87-89, 91- 93, 102-107, 150, 151, 157, 158, 166-168, 170, 171, 182, 187, 188, 193, 197-200, 203, 208, 227, 236, 249, 257, 260, 270, 271, 290, 294- 296, 297, 306, 309, 310, 326, 329, 330, 340, 345, 347, 441 B, 458 Wassebourne, John de, 49 Wasseburne, Peter de, 128, 129, 130 Watcrofte, al. Watecroft, al. Wetecroft, al. Whatcroft, etc., Adam de, 67, 72, 76, 85, 87, 89, III, 131 Watecroft, Adam de, v. Watcroft Watecroft, Nicholas, s. of Adam de. III, 113 Watecroft, al. Whetecroft, Tho- mas, son of Adam de, 92, in Watsone, al. Wattesone, John, 160, 234, 242, 243 Wattesone, v. Watson Wayte, John, s. of Thomas and Alice le, 209, 227, 235, 236, 249, 257, 259, 264, 270, 271, 290, 297 Wayte, Robert, 190, 214, 220 i;2 INDEX. Wayte, Thomas, 152, 166-168, 170, 171, 181, 182,187, 197, 198, 200, 204, 228 Weddus, in Alley, 156, 163 Wednesbury, 196 ^. Vicar. Ric. Honte [1406] Welbe, Nicholas le, 68 Welbeck Abbey. Abbot. E , temp. Hen. Ill, 27 Welbegrene, in Warley, 68, 88, 89, 92, 260 Wele, Adam de, 64 Weleg', al. Weleye, John de, 28, 67 Weley, Henry, 400 Weley, William de, 89 Weleye, in Warley- Wigorn, 87, 103, 105 Welle, Richard atte, 114, 125 Wellebek, William de, 215 Welyngvvych, v. Willingwick Wenforton, John de, 239, 244, 273 Wenforton, John, of Kiddermin- ster, 418, 419 Wenlock Priory, co. Salop, i Wennerton, 148 Wennerton, John, 323, 324 Wennerton, Richard, 322, 323 Wennorton, Richard, s. of Rog. de, 178 Weoley, 186, 257, 281 Castle, 145, 159, 177, 223, 277, 278, 287, 288 , Lord of, V. Burn ell Were ward, Richard de, 160, 169, 224, 233 Werleye, al. Werueley, al. Werue- leye, John, 89, 92, 93, 100, 107, 108 Werneleye, v. Warley Wernwart, Thomas, 234 Weruelege, al. Werueleye, Joh- anna, wid. of John de, 171, 210 Weruelegh,Werueleye, v. Warley- Wigorn Werueley, John, 297, 326 Werueleye, Richard de, 85 Weruelygh, v. Warley- Wigorn Werweleye, v. Warley-Wigorn Westbury-on-Trim, grant to the collegiate church of, 429 . Dean. Wm. Cretyng [1496] Westcote, Guy, 379, 382, 427 Westcote, Nicholas, 358 Westcote, al. Heuster, Thomas, 326, 12>1 Westcote, Robert, 358 Westerne field, Le, in Warley, 68 Westhale, 31 Westhamstede, Nicholas de, 27 Westminster, royal charter dated at, 36 Weston, Alice, wid. of Richard de, of Coventry, 100 Weston, John, s. of Alice de, 100, lOI Weston, Margery, w. of John de, lOI Weston, Roger de, 95 Wetecroft, al. Whetcroft, near Frankley, 131, 398 Weuerlegh, v. Warley-Wigorn Weyacre, Le,in Belbroughton, 201 Weyte, John, al. Wayte Whatecroft, v. Watcrofte Whatecroft, Thomas, of Hor- burne, 218, 226, 236, 270, 271 Wheleye, John de, 182 Whelwhrete, Ralph de, 149 Wheolares, Le, in Arley, 349 Whetcroft, v. Wetecroft Wheteleyfeld, v. Whiteleyfield Whickeweye, in Frankley, 131 Whiteleyfield, al. Whyteleyfeld, etc., in Halesowen, 125, 185, 305, 307, 31 ', 317, 325, 334, 360, 392 Whitenhull, al. Whytenhull, Tho- mas de, 200, 267, 289 Whitington, John, 433 Whorowode, John, 233 Whyteleye, John de, 88 Whyteley, Philip de, 205 Whyteleyfeld, %>. Whiteleyfield Whytenhull, Thomas de, v. Whi- tenhull Whytenhull, al Whyttehull, Nicholas de, 42, 66, 69, 71 Whytonhull, John, 289 Whyttehull, Nicholas de, v. Whytenhull Whytynton, William de, 42 Wicinton, William de, 59 Wight, John, 406 Wighte, al. Wyght, William, 359, 387, 395, 396 INDEX. 153 Wikereston, Richard de, 85 Wildecote, Elizabeth, w. of Thos., 423 Wildecote, al. Wyldecote, Tho- mas, 423, 429, 430 Willeson, John, 248 William, Prior of Dudley, 15 William, son of Reginald, the clerk, 23 William fil. Ysaac, 16 William gener Petri Palmer de Acheton, 24 Willingwick, in Bromsgrove, co. Wore, 26, 76, 191, 226, 246, 387, 392 Willishamstede, Alice, " filiola" of John de, 97 Willishamstede, Dom. John de, rector of Old Swinford, 97, 98 Willot, Thomas, 422 Wills : J. Lyttelton, of Frankley [1530,435 Winchester, Bishops of, v. Gif- fard, Godfrey; Rupibus, Peter de Windesor, Thomas, Lord, 455 Wirley, al. Wirrleye, al. Worley, Richard de, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171 Wirley, al. Wyrley, Richard de, 88, 89, 92, 93, 102, 107, 108, 150, 151 Wirleys, in Warley, 310 Wit', Roger de, 17 Witenhul, al. Witenhulle, al. Wy- tenhull, Henry de, 59, 60, 90 Wode, Agnes, w. of Will, atte, 82, 83 Wode, William atte, of West B romwic h, 82, 83 Wode, Agnes, dau. of Philip, in- the-, of Frankley, 99 Wodehouse, Le, in Arley, 367 Wodesbury, v. Wednesbury Wolashulle, William, 265 Wolaston, in Old Swinford, 172 Wolverhampton, 180, 300 Wolverley, 397 . Vicar. R. Horseton[i42o] Wooforlong, Le, in Halesowen, 183 Worcester, county of, writ to the Sheriffs, etc., 321 Worcester, county of, appointment of Sir T. Lyttelton as Colonel of the Trained Bands in, 451 . Eschaetor. Th. de Brugge [1382] , city of: commission of array for [1642], 453 ; grant of tenement in Melechepyng Street in, 384 ; grants, etc., in, 225, 237, 320, 412 . Bailiffs. Robert Grafton [1465] William Jolyff [1465] . Seneschal. John fil. Ricardi [1306] Bishops of, V. Alcokke, of J.; Cantilupo,W. de ; Carpenter, John ; Godfrey ; Orleton A. de ; Silvester , Archdeacons. W [1236] Vance, Will. [1456] . Prior. Simon [1249] Wore, William, Dean of Staf- ford, 366 Worley, v. Warley, Wirley Worueley, Thomas, 378 Worueleye, v. Warley Wotton, Walter, 231, 241 Wriothesley, Thomas, Earl Southampton, 456 Wrodenhale, 118 Wrottesley, Walter de, 261 Wudres, in Arley, 373 Wych, Richard, 377 Wyche, co. Wore, 377 Wychehull, John, 239 Wyght, William, v. Wighte Wygornia, Philip de, 21, 22, v. also Wyrecestre Wykeham, William, Mayor of Bristol, 424-426 Wylby, Dom. John, Knt, 38 Wylcokkes, Thomas, 424-426 Wyldecote, v. Wildecote Wylie, Roger de, 44 Wylincwyke, v. Willingwick Wylinghurst, Nicholas de, 92 Wylkenes, John, 229 Wylkes, John, 411 Wyllesone, John, 255 Wyllingwyche, v. Willingwick Wylson, John, 359 M 154 INDEX. Wylughby, Richard de, Justice, 147 Wymale, al. Wythemale, Dom. Nich. de, 37, 46-48, 50, 51 Wynniulnefeld, in Romsley, 289 Wynnesbure, Thomas de, 32 Wynnesbury, John, 351 Wynshurst, William, s. of Nich., 205 Wyre, John, s. of Hugh de, 156 Wyre, Juliana, d. of Hugh de, 156 Wyre, Margaret, d. of Hugh de, 156 Wyre, Richard, s. of Hugh de, Wyre, Richard, s. of Rog., 156, 163 Wyre, Roger, s. of Hugh de, 156, 163 Wyrecestre, Philip de, 26, v. also Wygomia Wyrecestre, Philip, son of Philip de, 26 Wyrley, Joan, wid. of John, 260 Wyrley, Richard de, 257 Wyrleye, Cornelius, 294, 296 Wyrleye, Richard de, v. Wirley Wyrleye, Roger de, 203, 204 Wyrteleye, John de, 85 WytenhuU, Henry de, v. Witen- hul WytenhuU, John de, 90, 169 WytenhuU, Thomas de, 146 Wytepole, Le, in Halesowen, 176, 177 Wytheleie, John de, 95 Wythemale, 38 Wythemale, Nicholas de, Knt., V. Wymale Y. Yardeley, Yerdeley, John, 325, 328, 334, 339, 341, 368-371, 375 Yardeley, John, s. and h. of John, 383 Yate, Adam atte, 142 Yate, John atte, chaplain, 264 Yate, John, 326 Yerde, Thomas, bailiff of Bridge- north, 408 Yerdeley, v. Yardeley Yildhalle, William de la, 31 Yleley, Pharica de, App.^ 5 Ylleleye, John de, 51 Ylley, CO. Wore, 4, 21, 257, 272, 329, 330, 342, 344, 394, 40^413, 431 Yonge, John, 307 York, Richard, Duke of, 300, 351- 353, 355, 393 York, Archbishops of, v. Gray, Walter de Yove, William, of Ridgeacre, 91 Yoxall, CO. Staff., 192 Yoxhale, William de, proctor of the Rector of Yoxall, 192 Yrenmongere, Nicholas de, 51 Chas. J. Clark, Printer, 4, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. Wj)^ji^^^ J^ 3/; /^