Jfl^»! C0U5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE UNITED STATES CONSULAR SEEVICE WJTU APPENDIX ON CONSULAR SYSTEMS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER -■^i ::^--- :i It ■:/, % ..■.*■ .-'^V' ;.: V'lv :-^>'''" . yv :/; r ■■■' ..'.=B, CALIF, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE UNITED STATES CONSULAR SERVICE WITH APPENDIX ON CONSULAR SYSTEMS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1905 liZHiH PREFATORY NOTE This list is devoted to publications describing the United States con- sular service and to works presenting plans for reforms in the service. It does not include the reports issued by the Consular Bureau or lists of consuls. The Appendix contains titles of works showing the con- stitution and history of consular systems in general. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bihllographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington^ D. C. , Decemher 30, 1904 3 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE UNITED STATES CONSULAR SERVICE Conner, Jacob E. Uncle Sam abroad. Chicago and New York: Rand^ 2[cNaUy db company^ [1900]. 238 pp. m"". "Consular service— Officers," pp. 43-81; "Duties," pp. 82-120; List of consular officers, pp. 206-238. Consular evils and their remed}-. A series of articles on the defects of the U. S. consular service and what should be done to perfect it. New York: Diy goods ecoTiomist., 1893. 11., {!) pp- 8^. Cover-title. Corwine, William K. Consular service reform. {In National civil service reform league. Proceedings, Boston, Mass., Dec. 12 and 13, 1901, pp. 68-82. New York, 1901. 12°.) Horstmann, G. Henry. Consular reminiscences. rii'dadelpliia: J. B. Lippincott., 1886. J^O pp. 12^. [Hunt, Gaiilard.] The Department of State of the United States; its history- and functions, Washington: Departuient of state., 1893. vi., 212 pp. 12^. Keim, De Benncvillc Randolph. The consular service of the United States of America. Reports, special and general, during the years ISTO, 1871, and 1872. Washington: Government pi'intinq ojjice., 1873. Jf, vols, in 1. 8^. Contents. — 1. Special reports from .Japan, China, British and Dutch East Indies, Arabia, Egypt, and the countries of South Ajih rica. (Ex. doc. no. 11, n. R., Second session, Forty-second Congress.) 2. General report on the condition of the consular service of the United States of America, with a bill. (Ex. doc. no. 317, H. R., Second se.ssion. Forty -second Congress.) 3. Special reports from the British Isles and countries of Continental Europe. (Ex. doc. no. 145, II. R., Third session. Forty-second (^)ngress. ) 4. An epitome of official investigations embrace\\<»l(l. Nation, vol. JfU {Fch. 23, 188S): lJf.S-1/,.9. 1889. The American consular service, (reorgc M. Towle. North American rcolcw, •vol. iJf!) {I he, 1889): 757-759. 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1893. Attractions and abuses of our consular service. William Slade. Ftyrum, vol. 15 {Apr., 1893): 163-171. 1893. Faults in our consular service. Robert Adams. jyorth American review, vol. 156 {Apr., 1893): 1^.61-1^6. 1893. Our consular system. Nation, vol. 56 {Mwy 18, 1893): 359-360. 1894. Reform in the consular service. William F. Wharton. North Amei'ican review, vol. 158 {Apr.. 1894): 4-^2-4-22. 1894. The consular service and the spoils system. James B. Angell and other ex-ministers to foreign countries. Centm^y magazine, vol. 4^ {June, 1894): 306-311. 1894. Some evils of our consular service. Albert H. Washburn. Atlantic monthly, vol. 74- {Aug., 189 Ji): 24-1-252. 1894. Consular reform. W. A. Linn. Nation, vol. 59 {Nov. 29, 189If): 398-399. 1894. Consular reforms. Henry White. North American review, vol. 159 {Dec, 1894): 711-721. 1895. The reform of the consular service. Oscar L. Straus. Good government, vol. 14 {Jan. 15, 1895): 97-99. 1895. The consular reform. E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 61 {Sept. 26, 1895): 218. 1896. Our foreign trade and our consular service. Charles Dudley Warner. No7^th American review, vol. 162 {Mar., 1896): 274.-286. 1897. Evils to be remedied in our consular service. William Woocl- ville Rockhill. Fmnim, vol. 22 {Feb., 1897): 673-683. 1898. The early histor}' of the United States consular service. 1776- 1792. Emory R. Johnson. Political science quarterly, vol. 13 {Mar. , 1898) : 19-40. 1898. Our inadequate consular service. Stephen M. White. Fm-um, vol. 25 {July, 1898): 54.6-554.. 1899. The consular service. Public opinion, vol. 26 {Jan., 1899): 103. CONSULAR service: articles in periodicals 11 1899. How other countries do it. An account of the suggestive results of an inquiry by the State Department of the United States into the consular system of other nations. George McAnenj. Century magazine, 'vol. 57 (J^eh., 1899): 60Jf.-611. 1899. A monopoly to our rescue. Jalian Ralph. Harpers weeMy, vol. 4^J {May IS, 1899): 1^,72. A criticism of our consular service ba.uhir insjx'ction. Albert II. Washbuiii. Forum, vol. 30 {Sept., 1900): 28-34. 12 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1901. Tho iiood of trained diplomats and consuls. Heniy Loomis Nelson. IIarj)t>r''s weeMy, vol. 4^ {June i5, 1901) : '>99. 1901. The United States consular service, Charles Truax. Fo7^um, vol. 32 {Dec, 1901): J4S8-1^99. 1902. Our consular system. Albion W. Tourgee. Independent, vol. 5]^ {Jan. 23, 1903): 208-210. 1902. A neolectcd factor in our commercial expansion. Albert Hal- stead. JVo7't/i Ameincan review, vol. 17 If, {Jan., 1902): 20-29. ; Aims to show the vakae of consular service to our commercial interests. 1902. Consular reform. Outlook, vol. 70 {Jan. 18, 1902): 167-168. 1902. To reorganize the consular service. Gaillard Hunt. World's work, vol. 3 {Jan., 1902): 1606-1613. 1902. Ambassadors of trade. James Gustavus Whiteley. Forum, vol. 33 {liar., 1902): 85-91. 1902. The payment of consuls. WorlJa tcork, vol. ^ {June, 1902): 221^,1. 1903. An excellent service. American monthly review of reviews., vol. 27 {Feb., 1903): 139. 1903. The glamour of a consulship: reminiscences of an ex-consul. John Ball Osborne. Atlantic monthly, vol. 91 {June, 1903): 800-806, 1903. Consular reform. OutlooJc, vol. 75 {Sept. 19, 1903): 152-15^. 1904. United States consular service. Edwin Maxey. Gunton's magazine, vol. 26 {Jan., 1901^): 17-22. 1904. The American consul: a new type. James C. Monaghan. -Booldover s magazine, vol. Jf. {Nov., 190 Ji): 6/^9-655. 1904. An American consul's work. William Thorp. Independent, vol, 57 {Wov. 3, 190 If): 1013-1017. 1905. Our consuls. John Elfreth Watkins. Cosmojxjlitan, vol. 38 {Jayi., 1905): 317-326. UNITED STATES CONSULAR SERVICE: GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS EXCLUSIVE OF CONSULAR REPORTS Note. — The heavj--face numerals at the end of the titles are the serial numbers used in the check list of documents, published by the superintendent of documents. United States. 21st Congress^ 2d session. Senate document no. 57. Keport from the Committee on commerce, to whom was referred a resokition concerning- our present consular sys- tem. February 16, 1831. 13 pp. S-. 204 27th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 20. Consuls — United States. Memorial of Stephen Powers, Basle, Swit- zerland, and Dr. J. G. Flugel, Leipsic, Saxony. June '1\. 1841. 5 pp. 8-. 392 28th Cfjngress., 1st session. House report no. 166. Foreign missions. Report from the Committee on foreign att'airs. February 15, 1841. 6 pp. 8-. • 445 29th Congress., 1st session. House repm't no. 711^. Consular s^^stem of the United States. Report from the Select committee. June 17, 1846. 8 pp. 8^. 491 "On examination into the present consular system of the I'nited States, they find the same very imperfect, and, in their judgment, requiring radical changes." S3d Congress, 1st session. nousere])ortno.3!^S. Report from the Committee on foreign atfairs, to whom was referred the bill to "remodel the diplomatic and consular system of the United States. '^ August 1, 1854. 15 pp. 8°* 744 Sl^tJi Congress, 1st session. Senate rejwrt n<>. 209. Report from the Committee on foreign relations, who were instructed "to inp. S. {19th Congress, 2d session. House exe(nttive document no. 73.) ' 152 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Department of state. jNIessagc from the President, iu relation to the consular establishment of the United States. March 2, 1833. 29 pp. 8°. {22d Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. So.) 230 Transmitting a report from Edward Livingston, Secretary of state. Letter from the Secretary of state, upon the subject of a reform in the consular system of the United States, &c. May 2, 1838. 5 pp. 8°. {26th Congress, M session. House executive document no. J{,67.) 331 Letter from the Secretary of state, transmitting a report upon the consular system of the United States. December 11, 1816. 25 pp. 8°. {29th Congress, 2d ses- sion. House document no. 12.) 499 Message of the President, communicating a report of the Secretary of state, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate calling for a statement of the names of min- isters, &c., appointed since March 4, 1819. January 11, 1855. 5 pp. 8^. {33d Congress, 2d session. Senate executive document no. 21.) 751 Compensation to consular officers and appointment of consular clerks. Letter from the Secretarj- of state, trans- mitting correspondence relative to the inadequacy of the compensation of consular officers, and asking for authority to appoint a limited number of consular clerks. January 25, 1859. 98 pp. 8°. {35th Congress, 2d session. Rouse executive document no. 68.) 1006 Sundry communications from the Secretary of state. with accompanying estimates for the consular and diplo- matic expenses of the government, &c. December 21, 1858. 7 pp. 8"^. {35th Congress, 2d session. House miscellane- ous document no. 6.) 1016 Letter from the Secretary of state, in relation to the consular system, &c., of the United States. April 28, 1861. 15 pp. 8°. {38th Congress, 1st session. House miscellane- ous document no. 77.) 1200 Letter from the Secretary of state addressed to the chairman of the Committee on foreign afi'airs, proposing changes in regard to compensation and duties in several of the consulates of the United States. January 12, 1870. 5 pp. 8^^. {4.1st Congress, 2d session. Hou^e miscellaneous document no. 29.) 1433 GOVEKmiEXT DOCUME]STS 17 United States. Department of state. Message of the President, comiuunicating reports of the consular agents appointed under section two of the act of July 11, 18Ti>. '•maivino- appropriations for the consular and diplomatic expenses of the Government for the year ending June 30. iSTl. and for other purposes." December 19, 1870. 14 pp. 8^. {^Ist Congi'ess, 3d sessio7i. Senate executive d^i'. of the consular ••ourts of the Uniteill. This report is <'ontained also in the colKH-tion of report.** hy Ki-iiii, with the title "The consular service of the I'nif*-*! Stales of America. Reports, siM-i-ial and general." Mes.suirc from tlic Pn-sidcnl. relative to conipcnsafion to coisular olliccrs for cxlraortliiniry services growing out of the war between (Jermany an01, a com- munication from the Secretary of state submitting reports from consular officers of the United States irivini;- an account of each consulate and consular agency, showing its principal industries and exports, the surrounding climatic conditions, the general cost of living, and siniilur informa- tion. June 17, 1002. Wasliington: Government pinnting office., HMJJ. 738 pp. 8^. {57th Congress., 1st session. Senate document no. Jfll.) 4248 Report to thn Ibtii. John Il!iy,Socr( laiy of state, upon a tour of consular inspection in i^iiiope, l»y HcM'bert II. 1). Peirce, third assistant secretary of state. I)eccmb(M* 5, l!Mt3. 31 pp. 8^. {58th Congress., 1st session. Setiato dp. 8^. "Les consuls," pp. 410-439. Bulmerincq, A. v. Consularrecht. {In Holtzendorff, Franz von. Handbuch des Volkerrechts, vol. 3, pp. 685-797. Hamburg, 1887. 8°. ) Contents. — 1. Geschichtliche and allgemeine Be.'^tinimungen; 2. Rechte der Consuln; 3. Functionen der Consuln; 4. Ueberein- stimmung, Unterschiede und Reform des geltenden Consularrechts. Calvo, Charles. Le droit international theoriquc et pratique. 5*^ ed. revue et completee par un .supplement. Paris: Arthur Rousseau, 1896. 6 vols. 8^. "Consulats," vol. 3, pp. 215-282. Cappello, Michelangelo. Les consulats et les bailages de la Repub- lique de Veni.se. {In Kevue de droit international et de h'gislatiun comitare'e, vol. 29, pp. 153-187. Bruxelles, 1897. 8°.) Clercq, Alexandre .1. II. de. Fornuilairc a Tusage dos consulats suivi d'un appendice contenant le taril" des chancelleries consu- laires et les principales lois et ordonnunces relatives au.\ consulats. Paris: GuiUawnin et &, ISJ^^. viii., 66lt. j)j). 8^. Clercq, Alexandre de, a7ul Charles de Vallat. (iiiide pratique des consulats. 8. (^d., mix' a jmird'aprr'^ les plus n'cents docu- ments ofliciels. Paris: Amyot^ 1868. 2 vols. 5*^. 21 22 LTBRARY OF CONGRESS Consulat de la mor, ou pandectes du droit commercial et maritime, . . . traduit du Catalan en Fran(;ais, d'apres I'edition originale de Barcelonne, de I'an IttO-i; . . . par P. B. Boucher. ParU: Arthus-Bertrand, 1808. 2 vols. 8°. Library contains various editions. Contuzzi, F. Des attributions des consuls en matiere notariale, au point de vue de la legislation italienne. {Ill Kevue de droit international et de legislation coniparee, vol. 24, pp. 304-330. Bruxelles, 1892. 8°.) Cussy, Ferdinand, haron de. Dictionnaire ou manuel-lexique du dip- lomate et du consul. Leip-'j: F. A. Brochhaus, 18Ifi. viii, 799 j^p. 1^°. Kegloments consulaires des principaux etats maritimes de TEurope et de TAmerique; fonctions et attributions des consuls; prerogatives, immunites et caractere public des consuls envo3^es. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaiis, 1851. {£), 492pp. 8°. Davis, George B. The elements of international law, with an account of its origin, sources and historical development. A new and revised ed. ^ew York and London: Harper <& hrothers, publishers., 1900. xxvi, 612 pp. 8°. "Consuls: Consular jurisdiction," pp. 211-222. Engelhardt, Edouard Philippe. Consuls et diplomates. (In Revue d'histoire diplomatique, vol. 4, pp. 28-53. Paris, 1890. 8°.) Les consuls envoyes et les consuls negociants. (In Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, vol. 21, pp. 588-596. Bruxelles, 1889. 8°. ) De la condition juridique des consuls. Etude sur I'immunite personnelle. {In Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, vol. 22, pp. 336-348. Bruxelles, 1890. 8°.) Feraud-Griraud, Louis Joseph Delphin. Du droit d'expulsion attri- bue aux consuls sur leurs nationaux dans les pays hors chretiente. {In Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, vol. 19, pp. 1-16. Bruxelles, 1887. 8°.) Flaischlen, Georges. Les attributions judiciaires des consuls etrangers en Roumanie, d'apres la recente jurisprudence roumaine. {In Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, 2. ser., t. 4, pp. 235-269. Bruxelles, 1902. 8°.) CONSULAR SYSTEMS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES 23 Gabba, C. F. L'incident cousulaire f ranco-italien u Florence. {In Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, vol. 20, pp. 229-245. Bruxelles, 1888. 8°.) Great Britain. Foreign office. Reports relative to British consular establishments: ISoS «fe 1S71. London: Printedhy Han^ison and sons., 187^. 6 i)arts. F°. ( Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers^ 187%., vol. 60, 61.) Miscellaneous. No. 3 (1903). Report of the com- mittee appointed to inquire into the constitution of the con- sular service, Jul}" 2, 1903. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. July, 1903. (2), 5 pp. F^. Hall, William Edward. A treatise on international law. 5th ed. Edited by J. B. Atlay. Oxford: Clarendon pi'ess, 1904- osxiv., 764 pp- 8^. Consuls, their functions, etc., pp. 316-324. Halleck, Kenry Wager. Halleck's international law; or, Rules reg- ulating the intercourse of states in peace and war. A new ed., rev. with notes and cases by Sir S. Baker. London: C. J\^egan Paul cfc \ JUchr^ 1002. .nx,760 pp. 8^. 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS La-wrence, "William Beach. Etude sur la juridiction consuiaire. (//( Revue de droit international et de legislation compares, vol. 10, pp. 285-336; vol. 11, pp. 45-79. Gand, 1878-1879. 8°.) Lehr, Ernest. Le corps diplomatique et le corps cousulaire en Espagne. Coup d'oeil sur I'organisation actuelle. (//( Revue de droit international et de legislation compar^e, vol. 20, pp. 174-187. Bruxelles, 1888. 8°.) De quelques modifications a apporter a Torganisation du corps consuiaire et de la creation d'agents commerciaux. {In Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, vol. 22, pp. 438-453. Bruxelles, 1890. 8°.) Lippmann, Karl. Die Konsularjurisdiktion im Orient. Hire histo- rische Entwicklung von den f ruhesten Zeiten bis zur Gegen- wart. Leipzig, Veit <& comp., 1898. (3), vi, 192 pp. 8°. "Litteratur," pp. 190-192. Lisboa, Henri C. R. Du service consuiaire. {In Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, 2. ser., t. 2, pp. 255-269. Bruxelles, 1900. 8°. ) Liszt, Franz von. Das Volkerrecht. Zweite durchaus umgearbeitete Auflage. Berli7i: Verlag von O. Ilaering, 1902. xiii, (1), 4^£j)p. 8^. "Die Konsuln insbesondere, " pp. 119-133. Maluquer y Salvador, Miguel. Derecho consular espanol. Madrid: IIljos de Reus, 1899. x, (2), 899 pp. 8°. Martens, Feodor F. de. Traite de droit international. Traduit du russe par Alfred Leo. Paris: Lihrairie A. Marescq aine, 1883. 3 vols. 8^. "Droit des consuls," vol. 2, pp. 95-144. Monnet, Raphael. Manuel diplomatique et consuiaire. Aide-memoire pratique des chancelleries, suivi d'un appendice a I'usage special des agents consulaires. Paris: Berger-Levraxdt et cie., 1899. m,{2), If!72 pp. 8°. Olshausen, Justus. Die Auslieferungs- und Konsularvertrage des Deutschen Reichs. Nebst einem Anhange, enthaltend die Auslieferungsvertnige deutscher Bundesstaaten mit auslan- dischen Staaten. Textausgabe mit Anmerkungen und Sachregister zum praktischen Gebrauch. Berlin: F.Yahlen, 1903. xi,{l),2]iS pp. 2J^°. {Die Straf- gesetzgebung des Deutschen Beichs. Bd. VIII.) CONSULAR SYSTEMS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES 25 Olshausen, Justus. Die Reichs-Strafo-esetzo-ebuno- fiir die deutschen Konsulargerichtsbezirive und Schutzgebiete . . . Textaus- gabe niit Anmerkungen und Sachregister zuui praktischen Gebrauch. Berlin: F. Vahlen^ 1903. viii, 149pp. 2 Jr. {Die Straf- gesetzgebung des Deutschen Reichs. Bd. /A'.) Fardessus, Jean ]Marie. Collection de lois maritimes anterieures au XVIII.^ sieele. Paris: Imprime., par autm^sation du roi^ a V Imprimeine royale, 1838-1845. 6 vols. 4°. Vol. 2 contains the text of the "Consulat de la mer" and of "Le guidon de la mer." There are numerous references throughout the collection to "Consuls," "Consuls de mer," and "Consuls sur les navires." Phillimore, Sir Robert Joseph. Commentaries upon international law. 2d ed. London: Butterworths., 187 1-187 4- 4'^ols. 8^. Part 7, chap. 1. Consuls, Historical introduction, pp. 258-262; 2. Consulate in Christian countries, pp. 263-278; 3. Duties and pow- ers of consuls, pp. 279-300; 4. Decisions of municipal tribunals respecting consuls, pp. 301-311; 5. Consuls in the Levant — in China, pp. 312-316. Pradier-Fodere, 1*. Traite de droit international public, europeen cSc americain, suivant les progres de la science et de la pra- tique contemporaines. Paris: A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel., 1885-1897. 7 voh. 8-. "Consulate," vol. 4. pp. 424-818. Rivier, Alphonse. Principes du droit des gens. Paris: Arthur Rousseau., 1896. 2 vols. 8^. "Les consuls," vol. 1, pp. 519-558. Programme d'un cours de droit des gens, pour servir a Tc'tudc privee et aux lemons uiii\ ersitiiires. Bruxelles: Giustave Mayolez; Paris: Arthur Rousseau, 1889. XV, {1), 216 pp. 12^'. "Les consuls," pp. 112-121. Salles, Georges. L'institution des consulats, son origine, son dovc- loppement au moj'cn-agc clioz les dilTerents peuple.s. Paris: Knwst Lmnw, 1S9S. (J), /()/, />/>. S . " K.xtrait de la Ucvnc d'hlHtoirc rlipl<.iiiatii|Ui'." Schaube, Adolf. L;i |)rf)Xt'nic an inoycn age. {Jn lU'Wiv df droit iiilrrnatioiial et de legislation (■ompar(!''e, vol. 2S, \<]Kfy2n-om. I'.ni.xcllcs, 1896. H°.) 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Scott, James Bro^Yn, ed. Cases on international law selected from decisions of English and American courts. Boston: The Boston hook com2Kiny^ 1902. Ixvii., 961 pj). 8^. Cases, pp. 197-205, 234-237. On the status of consuls as regards exemption from suits under local laws. Sno^v, Freeman. Cases and opinions on international law, with notes and a syllabus, Boston: The Boston hook company, 1S93. xl, 586 pp, 8°. Consuls, pp. xxvi, 99-102. Treaties and topics in American diplomac,y. Boston: The Bosto7i hook compatri/, 1894- vH^ {1)^)515 pp. 8°. "Consular conventions," pp. 205-218. Stocquart, Emile. Le privilege d'exterritorialite, specialement dans ses rapports avec la validite des mariages celebres a I'am- bassade ou au cousulat. {In Revue de droit international et de legislation compar^e, vol. 20, pp. 260-300. Bruxelles, 1888. 8°. ) Streit, G. La sentence arbitrale sur la question consulaire entre la Grece et la Turquie. (/n Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, 2. s^r., t. 4, pp. 24-61; 178-198; 281-298; 527-540. Bruxelles, 1902. 8°.) Toda y Giiell, Eduardo. Derecho consular de Espana. Madrid: El Progreso editorial.^ 1889. xl., 1^07 pp. 8^. T'wiss, /Sir Travers. La juridiction consulaire dans les pays de I'Orient et specialement au Japon. {In Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, vol. 25, pp. 213-229. Bruxelles, 1893. 8°. ) Vattel, Emmeric de. The law of nations; or, Principles of the law of nature, applied to the conduct and affairs of nations and sovereigns. From the French. From the new ed. b}^ Joseph Chitt}^, with additional notes and references by Edward D. Ingraham. Philadelphia: T. (& J. W. Johnson <& co.^ 1857. Ixvi, (i), 656 pp. 8^. Consuls, pp. 146-148. Wheaton, Henry. Elements of international law. 4th English ed., bringing the work down to the present time by J. Beresford Atlay. London: Stevens and sons, 1904- osxxv, (1), 848 pp. 4°' Consuls, their jurisdiction, position, etc., pp. 179-181, 328, 359, 532. CONSULAR SYSTEMS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES 2i Woolsey, Theodore D. Introduction to the study of international law, designed as an aid in teaching- and in historical studies. 6th ed., rev, and enlarged. Neio York: Charles Scr'ihner''s sons ^1901. xix, {1)^527 pp. S^. Consuls, pp. 152-157. Zilcken, Eugene. Competence des fonctionnaires consulaires. Ex- pose de la loi neerlandaise du 25 juillet 1S77, reglant la competence des fonctionn;nres consulaires en matiere d'actes civils et la juridiction consulaire. (In Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, vol. 4, pp. 611-622. Bruselles, 1872. 8°.) Zorn, Philipp. Die Konsulargesetzgebung des Deutschen Reichs. Text-Ausgabe mit Anmerkungeu und Sachregister. BerUn: J. Giittentag^f 1901. viu, 356 ])}). 2^°. Gutteti- tag'sclie Saimnlung deutschei^ ReicJisgesetse. JSfr. 21.) o This book is DUE on the last date stamped below AMV OCT 3 Form L-9-35m-8/28 z 7164 C9U5 U.S. Library " -e£"^orT^creiss. -Divi- sion of blblio -. graphy - List of referertces isfr^the" United States con- sular service. z AA 000 497 202 2 /3 /■■