PHOTOSTAT FACSIMILE REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NOT FOR REPRODUCTION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNl LOS ANGELES •• • • • • • > J . (• J * » i « Y o ' > i J , t J > > •* • 3 > • • * a > > > 3 • > • « > • > » J • » a > . ;. : • •. > J J J . . . > • » » ' » ">> . • .• • » > « « . • . • •• J 3 J » J » O • ) J *. ,* < • . t ,. . .••.... ..... , . . • • .*•...€■ .* .* ... ••».«. «• • • ..•••■l,. • ' ... « » • . . , ' . Ni^(^^:J^@1S|;k !i ^h bih ri htv >\ \k^ E^^L^^y^M:^ AliditBondellofli-' u/y difcourjes called Church- \ yardes Charge ^p^i{tnWb 5$ B .r^ctoe vms gifte to rijerigljt bonou rafjlCjtie Carle of ^urrtc,in tulnri?c l^onDell of bcrfcfl i« futcOc Uarictie of matter, auD feuerall inuentioiw, tfjat mate Dee as uelitefiiH to tbc leaner, i\% it tuas a CI)arQ^e aiiD labour to tije lu^iter, fettf fojtljefo? apace* ,of palKnie^bp T^*Wi« ^hnrchyard^ ^JmprintedAt London^ hy ihvn KynoQw* isBo, 468945 Ciifsduoicis IG rTotberiglit honourable my efperJall good Lor de theSrie of Surrey .Thomas (^hurchymde twiCbctl) manp l?appie B^^Msst jperejs?, jf o^^tunate wiea anU tof ekes jer.crcafc of baiiour awD Jjmue, uut^ mode afTuteo £eIiQtie« Knotpe not my good lorde;^he' thermy boldnejjis andfrejum- ftion be greater y then the hafe^ f nejfe of my matter herein fen^ Tjed^andJ mynde to frefentc: confderyng the ^orthtTteJfe of the perjonage^to ^ohom J dedi- fate my hookeyand the loeakeneffe of my "^it^that pre- fenteth njaine rverfes ^'^here njertue of the mynde aboundeth . '3utfor that J treat e not of mere trifle s^ (nor meane to corrupt found fenfes^ and good maners l»ith loanton "hordes or leude rime) f am partly per^ f\>adedthii myne Neloyeres gift ifhaUgiue your lord- fhtp deltte y and furchace to my f elf the de fired than- kesythat euery honeH 'Writer defer ueth : Hecaufe the fubftance and effeU of all my inuenttonsyarejhudo '^rd Hinder the jheld of good meanyng:And a matter ^y>ell meant(by the courtefie of true confirucitojmaiefajfe '. . *.//. the TIieEpiftle the muBer t^good opinion of the people ^emong the bejl ajjembites that lool^th on the furniture Jhryng , an A ablenejje of my penne.tAnd albeit fame 'Weapons it>ant to beate backc the thompyng boltes of eutll tongues (m rny Rejence be ttj^oken)yet the ^Armour of right ^ani Target of trot he jhall bee fujfctent tojinke doune the blokes yt hat hautie hartes tnth threatnyng thwart es can offer . tAnd^^hofo euer hafiely or ijnaduifedly through maliciopu "hordes , hinders the credtte of any honefl ^Vorkes^rnate be thought both a rajheandapar- ciall jfeaker^^ a bufte medlerin matters^thei neither mynde to amende ^nor nor ^lUfuffcr that the 'it>orlde jhalJjfeake loell therof SBut nolo further toprocede^f^ enter into the caufe of this my boldncffe^the troth is in callyng to remcbrance dpromes that I made^ touching fame ^verfes.zAndhonoryng in harte the €rle ofSur- rie^your Lordjhtpps graundfather^t^my mafler(l^ha ftas ignoble ^iparriour^ an eloqucTjt Oratour^ and afe* condT^etrarke)! could doe no leffe butpubltfhe to the yporlde fome^hat that jJ)ouldfhe'^eJ had lofino time tn his Jcruice.zAnd finding an other of his race and to* ivardnejfcy'^'ho bath tafieandfeelyng in the good gif tes of DXature^and noble '^ertues of his ounce fi our s^ ^the hope of ^'hiche graces jfromtfeth greate perfelii- on tofolIo'W'e in tyme to come) f thought f might de* dedicate Dedicatorie^ dtcate a hooke njntoyour Lordfhiffey named by mynt olime liking ^hurchyards Charge, '^ut noTP rtght no- • hie Earle , the ^orlde louyng change andnjArietit of matter ^axeth al^earie of freuoulous lp€rfes(becaufe Jo many are inters {yfMteter) andlookethforfome harned dijcourfe^ hy '^hiche meanes my barram boo- kesmaie remame ^nred^or mifltkediand fo lye on the Stationers palliOs afiUtefigne of ane'^e nothyng^et- ther "^o^the the biuyng^nor the regardyng. To that J maie aimfioere ( njnder fardon and corre&ion) that the^ounde ^hiche of Nature yeldethjbut ThiUles cer Brambles , male bryngforthe no good Come ofttfelf, contrary to his operation andktnde, C^(or a man that is accuUormd to treate of trifles mate y not meddle lipith the deefenejfe of graue argument es.V or as itfaf- fes the fearche andcafacitteofafimfle li^itteytofe in-^ fo any matter of import aunce^fo it is necejfarie that a pie a f aunt and plains companionyfhouldah\/ates he oc- cupied about paUymeSyand namely at ChriBmasylphe little p7ort talesy driues eut apece of the long night esy and rather ^ith mtrthe to procure a laughter , then tt>ith fadneffe prouoke a/o'^ryng.-andhe thatfiujreth ijp the heaute rnyndes to light fome confattesy is more Ifoelcome in euery place y then he that onerthrol>pesthe toeakefenfes of common people ^'^ith curious imagina^ *,iij, t ions 3 The Epiftle tionSyandburthfns bothebodte andmyndc^ith^or^ des of greater ^'>etght^hen common iudgement can co* ceiue^and be able to bear e, A tafe or a toye mtrrely de-' hueredjfleajeth wofte mennes eares : and an earneHc fadde argument ^Cither rockes a man aJlepCyor mal^th the hearers a^earte, zAndthe nature of Rime is to re- mue theffirites , or moue afmile^ lohen many a one is fcarcefleafauntiy dilfofed . tARtme goeth onfutche feete^flandeth onfutche tayntes,and rappeth outfutch reafons ^ that '^tfedome takethpleafure in , andfoUte iPiUmake a bonder of. The li>oordes by muenttcn hits a, thyngfo tomfe^nd kfpes fiitche a decorum and me^ ihode^that hot he order andmeafure isfeen^m the cun'- vyng conufyance of the '^ccrfes^e^eciaUy if thef^ete ancifnothe fenttnces bee /ifted^from thefo We rou:->\ . J. i 1 * >"»•*» *- i » .'\' Tothefrfeendly Daily trouble the good '^ad^r Hftth "Bookes ^ VerfeSy l^amflectesyandmarjy other trt- fiyng thmgeSyOi mutche to hold thee ocmfied tn good Unli tO" imrdes m€(mdkeefe thee from iojfe oftjme) as for any matter that 1 either c a game gUrie hy/ir deferwth to bee embrafed.-but njjyng me 4nklmy Ipork^s thankefHlIyyandfatyng me f or my fat- nesyloith the Uk^ courtefiey that other men re ape th for their labours , fthinke my ftudie yt^ell beHo'^edy and fromes yet "^ith my fenne , tofleafure thee farther, ^4ndfor that J '^uldhaue all menne to thtnke , that introthe andflainnefje J haste greate f elicit te y and doe hate any kinde offlatterteorfinenejje, Jmcane in my next bookeycalled my Q)aUengeyto ronne ouer ma- ny ofmyne other iPoorkeSyOndlRher^ feraditenture by fbme re forte of others ,( that knelt>e not the trothej)J haue failed in fettyngfoorthe offomefermcesy emong the "^hiche MatHer fhon D^rriceyand diners loor- thie Jf4 The Preface. thte gentlemen (^aft nines nolf in V launders Joaue not the iporthinejfe of their ferukes declared, J doe fro- znes that nolo heyng letter infiruSied , andhauyng true intelligence of thynges a4 thei'^re , JloiUdt Urge lor it e the commendation of as many^ as merites to bee honoured for their Ipelidoyng , andmal^ amen- desylphere either by ignoraunce^or the report of others ^hauefkiied,Forfofiire as GOD is tAlmightte^ if J could game mountaincs ofgolde , to flatter any one m Trintyng an ijntrotlye y Jl^ould rather loijhemy handes H^ere of y then take m hande futche a matter. For neither aJfeSiionyfauoryPommoditie^fameynorfar^ uallitieyat no tymenorfeafenyfhalllpillyngly kadmy fenne amiffe . e the blotte tn their brolvesy thatgiueth melorong aduertifemen-^ tes.tAndfogoodReaderyCondepne not me if any thing bee amiffc ^ or lefte out that ought to haue been tou- ched: For as fkrioloeandaminHruUed )feeyngno0 all my f elf ) f muH loritey andfo till my nextebooke come fori he ('ft^here many thynges Oyall be treated of^ and that my good lull to the honouryng of rzfgrtug jhaU The Preface. jhall beefeen,^ bidde theefkre '^eUfieendly'T^^dderl crauyng thy fkuourahU Judgement e on that Jhaue "HfrtttenSrom thofe men for Iphom my booke hath bin a hiaB of fame njnto(as J didbeleue by the truetro- pet offenne)arenot of futche greate abtltttey that ei- ther their fur fes fo'^er or countenaunces , could com-^ ftll me to follolpe their humours: nor by any meanes "^oorke my mufe to their Iptlles , Iphofe rttcheffe and Iffealthe is notable(ifmen '^ouldbe hired )to IfreB a ivrie the hande andhedde of an hone ft '^riter,^Andto ' make mantfeji that J neither ^illbe infeSied^nor car^ . tied a'^aie from that lohiche is good ^for anybadde fraEiiceandferf^afionSy Jconfeffe before GOD and the '^orldfyj fcarce hauc receiued thankesyfor the ho^ ne ft labors fhaue tak€n(at their handes that jfhaue Ipritten of ) mutche lejfe haue J been recomfenced^or founde caufe to flatter the Iporlde • IBut m one thyng Jmaie reioyce ^the honourable ferfone to H^hom my Qjoice is dedtcated( and others of great caUyng)hath bothe been grate full fondrie li>aies(in mofte bountiful! maner:)andalfo hath encoragedme tofroceede inthc like fainesylphiche in Very deede f mynde to go about ailoeUto the fame and glory ofgoodmenne^asforthc aduaidyng offloth and tdelnejfe myfelf FINIS. Churchyardcs Charge, WzAftorie tranflatedota ofFrenche. '^^ t!)crc D)J3dt an boned man, Sabofc name tbc (tone DoctI) not tf i!> lDljatlje\Ma3f»iHciitbam 3 mk l)e IjaUyiboufe 1)C l)f !uc, a^jrarmcr^tjfctoooo, anu lackcu Uttlc fo? djcfamc, djatoii»brionsfri)crctoo, <3[i«j as; ©oD fcntbpm fufftfmire, tonilibcfo^tljelifeljerelatt, i&ofo]itodjcrcun\Dctoiean:e,fatrecI)flo>en ©oDbpmrnit: fiDf U)l)ic!)C \)t Ijau one mofte in mtnt)e5alao of hulp fpieetc, ££11)0 \i3itl) srcat care l;e Kept to fcljoolCjas fo? Ijw poutb m^ mcctc* •Ehisbope to glatjl)i3 fatljergijartejiu booties fetbisticUte, grno learno to make a latine berfe,to reane anu efee to lujttcj a«D fo^ bis Jf5atin:e tua« cncttnDe5to Itumc leanipngs loje, ChcbetterbeauIieol)ij;fd)ooIc,bev?ofitcMbemo^e. ^^ •2;omakebi3rcbooIetbc(beeterfeem,i:Jitl)2©uacKemii:eD^^^^^^^^ 'Ebemttitctir<oc ito orijcr tfimj: d)e UJO?ftie is toiuc, 31 lumit no iihtte5pour tocaltf) tst not fo ^mei ^ut pou maic tlnnki in fonie Dfrc pfrc,^ fcarr c Defmie mp tmate, 9iiD tijouglj ycur kiiiDc ano rultome isjfull fatljcrlilicallDaif, pet fl;oulD pour fomi£ oifcmion Ijauf ,to cafe pou as be maif : 2ai)f rcfo^e to nialie pour bunljcn Mt,\tt me pe feekc mp Ijayy, Slno let no loncyer noto pour fonntjbt lulloe in mothers lapy. ^Ije fatijf r luifc U)cIHmoerftooi>e,!)i3 cljilos requeft at fuDfj anu djat tije Cet^rs of bis poutlj,I)e tijoujljt atoate to pull: (Befn^e be gaue bpni Icaue to parte)bp counceU grauc anD fagr , £OcII bope qiiotb bcnou) art tbou coiuCjbnto tbp floU)?png:a5c» i^oU) art tljou like tbe Uttic toa*ioe,ri)at bent aim bomio UJiIl ber^ , Unto 1)13 baiuje o} to Ijia f kill,t!)at Uftr to maifter tlje e: i:5ota are ripe percis (bone rotten niaDc,no\» art tijou apt to take, ^ 13otbc 5000 ano baDD,but cl)ceflp tliinjs.tfwt age bioos tbec fojfake, Quo uoU) large fcope fljall Tone fo?gct,uibat fljoit rein leamo in fdjole 3nD tljou tbat lutfclp tuaC b?ouffbt)Jp5fl)an plate tbe tuanton foole. 3b?oDe a« toilDe barebiaius are iDont,iietoe taken from tljeic booke, 3uD in a toljilc laie all a fiDCjncrc after tl)eir on loake^ 3'n eurp place of tbprepairc,tbou Ibalt no fatijcr fiiiue, X^o} fcarce a freenoe to lubo tbou all tpmes fljo tijp tniuDc: 15ut on 6ot)8 bleirpug goetl)p tDaie,tl}pUMtoe ©tea are Unfotone, hereafter time n)an I earne tbee luell.tljiiigtf to tlxe nolo unknolune^ ^bc laoDc bi« Icaue antj faretuell tookCjUiell fiunul^t fo^ t(w nonce, 3[nD l)aD about bpm as 31 troU)r,bis treafure all at once: •^0 court be came aa maiaecIer&,anD fatuc Uibatlikt bpm belle. Of runnpiuj Leather bjere bist fijue^, bis fcete no iubcre coulo relte: l')is book es to blaoc aiiD bucklar cljang'Ojbe gaue oje fcbolara trace, Qllbere reucllropileD all in ruffe,tbcre be bis reCoencemaoe. '5:bis rule bao fnone bis purfe (b pickt,tbat p>incok0 manteo pence, Quo oft be faUie fome truHeti bp,tljat maocbut frnaH offence;. ,,,,-, !;is fatbf r fai re from fepng tbis,be come of boneH (f ocke, f )e boffrpna: fojrije a Ijatefull life,in manp a luickco florke. flno piifkcD oft to Hipper q)ift3,pet fome regaro be tookc, Co br a fclaiiocr to bis kimie,tbat kept bpm to bis booke; 3uo m a better mooDc to tb?iue,to Cn:uice Dio \}t Diatue, in Churcliyardcs Change. z |;e muit 5oe tf)at tl)f Deuin D^iucsijpc Kitovoe nee DC W; ro I«U)e» ^ mMfttv of 110 meanc ettatc,A mirrour hi tljafe Dates, l^is Oapyte jTo^ometfjenbpni ccatejtoljore Dertufjf jmift I p?aTf: g^o)e iKaiinilp mere djofc gifts fje (jaD^tOai pcartl)! p luas ijis fo^me, Ois co^ps to tuo^tljte fo? tf)c jrauCjbw fUffic no meatc foi \uo»mc. in €rlc of birtl)e,a (Sod of fiJjite^a 7*«///r fo? ^ts tong, (ronj: S^e ti)mke of rifftjt tijc te)o>toe fljouto n)a!te,u»^ai half 1)W p^aifc tuerc ©f) curfeo are tijofe c rookeo cra&ji,tl)at bis oitine coontrep uijtoujfjt, %o cl)op of futci)e a djofen Ijf D,aa our tpmc nerc fo?t1)e b^ougijt. l^isknotuleDje crept bepouD tbeftarrs,* raujijt to 3Ioucs btr trone d)e botuels of tbe peartfj be fa\Me,iu W Deepe b^eaft unknaione: lipid uiitt loDlit tl)?ou(jb ecbe mS« Deuice^fjis iuogenict gftoiifiCD Ujas, 01molfe be bao fojefigbt to knou>e,ere tbiiigs (boulo come to pafTe* ZB\)cn tbet (ijoulD fall \Dbat fljoulD betieD,ob tobat a loffe of \uci5bt> tOaji it to lofe fo ripe a bcDDeat!)at reacbeo futcbe a beisbt: 3Ia eurp artl)cfeclpntjbaD,\iritb petniepaft Twr^/^fure, ^ fadjOQ frantoe tuljidje coulD W foes^to freenDlbip oft alure. 1^13 uertueacoulD notkepebpmbere,but ratber iu>.oiin:l)t bis barms, 3nD maoe bis enemies murmure oft,^ bjou5f)t tbem in bv foiarmss Cdbofe yjactife put bpm to bis plongcjano lode bis life tijerebp, flDb cancren bielf s tbatba w lutcl^e barts,iBbn:in fucbe bate Dotb Ipe. ^s tolo 31 baue,tbis pong man reru*D,(bi3 mailter ttoife tiuoo pert, Sno learitD tberein futt be fruitfirti l Kill,a6 long be belD ftiU Dere: $lnD iifo tbe penne as be bias tau5t)tjanD otljcr gifts alio, CCJbtdjt uiaDe bpm bolo tiyc tapp on bcD,Uibere fome do rrocb full lo. ^s creDite came be carefull \i)as,bolD to maintainetbe fame, 3nD maDe fmafl count of life o? Dcatbjto kepe bis boneft uamcj i^ii fatljer not a little glaD,of bis orooD bapp tbus fotuioe, im be forgot no ouetie rure,to lubom be ougbt be bouuDe. jf rom court tt toarrs be loounDe abaut,a '%)olDiourG life to IcaDe, ^uD leaneD to tl)e too^tbieft ro^t,tbeir If cpps; to marcbe aiD treaic: ^no follotDD Camion lubf ric as fa^,to I?arne fomc knotwicge tben, ^s beafo^eatmailtersbcrtes^DiD tDa'tctDitbfcrupna: men. ^ut tbofe tUioo lines a oiffreiicr bauc^at fwme gooD cliere be ba5> SlbooaD full manp a bongtie me«Ic,anD loDgvnn: berie bao: ^U oaiciii cpjflct caUD fa(fe,to!;ici e maDe bw tbulDers ake. Churchyardes Charge. aflm5f)tbponafottdieofffrau»e,rigljtgIa5busrcfttotdie» \^.i- %\non(^tl)icke ^ tljin a tl)?iftle(re tpmejjefpent ^ felt nmtc^ tfr^, ami eucr Ijoppnn: fo? tljefaincjat leiifftf* to finue relatf: jf5o fmafl luljilc tfjerc ag pc bauc ^,in colDc fljarpc mutter nujbtjJy ca^liderc be DID fede Orange platjei enoiuejanD fauie ftOI bglp %i)t«^ ^ome Dp fo? Iack,Ojme ftke fo? Deatlj,fome liue ajs rijmtj^ tl^ toere J5e (Sod no? maimio? tmment l)ere,o? l)atcetoeouffijt tofete: • But pet Ije niarht foine of tOat (bit^tu^ofe eOtmatton IfooD, Clpon eclje point of lme(t najiie,"anD tijings tOat femeD gooDi |ge faUie Ukeuiife ()olu jrojtime plaieO,i»itb (bnie men fo? ato^irte, anD after paio tljcm (jome fo? aIl,anD lb DID tfjem Oegtle: a luearie of tOefe iMattpng u»oe05a lol^ile Ije left tbe tuarre, aiiDfo?Defiretoleamet()etoiig3,betraaelDijerpfarre» •, ••"' JiiD Ijao of eurp langacje part,to[)cn IjomeUiare did Ijeo^atoe, anDcoulDreI)carfanmahefiinu)en,ofti)ataO?oaDl)eratoet - ^5:0 iTuDte UiOoIie tuas l)e beiit,but countret? r aufe tuouID not, TBut \)€ (imm bauiit tfje toarrs affaiiie^airMpttre thereto bp lou ano dte Dp (jope auD afl uame ljapp,p]iocureD to tfjc fame, as tljoiigO edje otfjer g Io?ie (rrettie^on toarrs am toarlthe fame: caitJjout tlje to^tcbe no too^lDs renouime^^uas too^tb a flpebe IjeclD, for tbat is bonour Wonne in DeeDe,oiice got toitljiji tlje feelD* Cbug in bis bcD ano bpe confaite^be uiDg'D tbat befte of a«, a uD tbottgbt no mouti) fo? ^iiger mm.t^itt coulD not taOe tl)c (ralT: eooD luchc .fliD OaD mm in one D?anke to ounicbe bts tbirftc, ano better b^ooKt tbe feconD lDarr8,tljcn be DiD lihe tbe ftrae. anD Iclfe foiuiD fanU li) foitunes freaks,time bao (b toell brm taugbt at cbances foui !e be ffj5aro no cfjerc^noi at fmete baps mticb laugbt: ^n piifon tbufc,m Danger oft^botbe burt ajtti nwnglcD Ibie. ano all m feruice of Ws p?uice,miD an atoaie be too?e* S^n mcane eOate in office too/omtpme a fuigle paie, ^ometpm: feme bao fo mucbcauieeke,asbe toas louDeaDaie: CaOen too^oe luart uii&yj toealtbe did faile r princes piioe appaID> ano entptie purfe,an!i p^tuie plag'Sjfo? perfite pear e baD calo* aiiD Kings anD KuigDoms quiet ^2icie,tln8 man to c ouit be came, J^cuic frwii tbe glues ml) face anD Iaokes,ng fimple as a tame: Jr ren;c f-o bis e.ieniies l;ajiD3 came \)tM)ttc fo} bis cowurie^ r«bt. Churchyardcs Charge; ^ l)t p^ifnco W9 ami fo?fte to gtmtt jft raitufome pad did migfjt* ^cnt Ijoinc Dpcit a batiDc ano fealt^Uibiti)^ is to (h:ange a trfloe^ C()f re to remame tin be fo? Ijelpr jfomc Ijfliieft fljiftc Oao maoe: ' QLii fpoilcD f leaiie biv:c as tl)C OttD,U)bofe feathers plucht lyaut bm, l^otbe Qckc miD iDeake bi« colour gonjiuitb cbteks full p^^Ie aiio tbtiu %l)C Ctgbt fo ftvangc o^ lo)0}\rx fo tumQ:iit,o^ ® od tuoulo baue it ro> ■^btd ntatt bao fcarce a Uielcoim bomc^titbicije ma&e bmt utufe 3! tro Jlpis f omttrep not as b« it lef t^ail cbmi^eo iDas tlje ftatc, ] y .•> But all one tbiiwf tins manDcferu*D,tbcrrinna caufc of bate* — 13 carelcfff looke on bpnt tbh cadCjfaupS ^^^e in oeeoe, Cbioug!) uaarr« b^uc^ljt iatw fo^ (crutce (ake,f felt tbetbpbt^ neeoe ^f tucbe M couU) aoiffrdtce ntakeyOf t)om aon trotnpetta founue, (ITro tabbcr pipe 9 Spaipole mirtb,)tl)eir belpjmg: banoe be £bum>e: ^n$ tbofe ti)at fatto^D feattd of \uarre,anii fauour tookt djereiin ZBiti) open acmes emb^atte bpnt baro,anii faio tubere balf djou bin* But none of tbefe roulu ooe bpnt poo^to fet bpm bp 31 meanr , Spis freeuDS Decateobis fatl)n:iieDtie,anobou(bolDcb?ofeet)pcIeaue: Craue coulu be not^jis batt (o.bpt,it uioulo not ffoupe to ftrale, l)c ff ojnoe to feme a fo>rainep>t«ce5P>efarrpng; comntoii ttjcaltr ^boue all otber tbinjs on peartb,bw countrep bonouro be, '*>'■ '' • ^ botm be Iikt mo^ poo^e elf ate,tl)en tbence a lo^oe to ber Cabere HjouId be fue toijere ra tlpft fpnng0,rouHj coiri^sfeoer |o^ W bere Durft be moite 0^ plaine fo) Oiamc.toberc migljt rd«f begat; But at tbe fountain o^ \»efl betrt)e»?Baat bis p'^mta i^smt^ i- 3nD in a fciue\BeUcoucbeDliues5to make ber uuDerft^oc: ' " l[)ts cacc bisi fcourgejloe (b be 010,^10 bololp Dio be tcfl, Cbcfaine bpm felf wuo tl)e })D?iuce5liibo knoU)es tbe man full luefl; ^uD gracious luoiitis tb?cc tpmes be ffate,tbe fourtb to ttll pou plain anfruitfun uias things toerettrattelaeft, f«re ujoo^ds maks foolts full fain: CQben prince noji coutitrep matic ito count,of bpm noiof Ws care, <• ^m none of botbctuouln belp \m\ bomejof iMbS be founcl)t fo^ ffcacr; fo) U)bom ano fo? tl)eir caufe alone5in enenjies banos be fell, Qnn fo? tbeir rigljt to luarts be toeutjas all men knoloes full toeflt- fluD loile bis bloou fo> tbeir Dtfencejano fo> tbeir nuateU ftwgbt^ 3nD fo;i tbefamc fiill nrntrerlp,lookte to ano fet at nougbt^ 2ai;in beius »juetie taljis po\i|je,iJii» curp Daie ano peve, 34iU S)Utcbe Churchyardes Charge. i^utrtic btiWnue (jtuetDon bau rccetu'D^a* tufflbcfd^t pouljere: ype fairtj let mttrcns Ke^Mlus m fame of Homiiiins ftanDf , CUiucbc kept I)ifl ori)e aiiD Diu rctcurne jagauie to Cartljage laiiDC, jJTitllie Mitte aliue to tiJiitr,l)i6 p^aifcs mo^ nt fufl, ^ec dice 3! frapttnp eiunics i)aiiti^,at home abtoc 31 touH: Oe (boulonotmepctftiJaDcto ffoc,to)l)erf nougJit Uut ueatJ) ta fown©, Sp)) cotnitrcp carM not fo? m? Iifc,ti)Cn U)!)p fljouUi 31 be bouttti* •Co toies oj anp otljcr bam«,tbat 3 bauc potue r to bieakr , C0bu1j£ 3 tuas fo^co bp "^P fofjin perfonc fo^ to fprakc: i^nD foi tljt l;opc cf couiKru s bclpfjnnD frccnbs tbat tberc 31 IjatJ, IJuanpfo^t top(carcnipfot2,3 iuaatotbefatuf aiio jlao, J^ot miiibpno; if mp countrcp uioulo,Trte&& me from \)is batu^e, 'Co b^eake goon otDec anp )gDbitte,o> oiolate mp bance: Sro} iufticebitjsetbt mauDoert^ijf.tuIjict) 6oD boetbknoU) 3!ir.cnt, 'But no\u a capttue pcclD mp fcU,it maic not iiic content* fc} \xibcre tijat TH/hc ooetb affinnc,meii oiic^)t t ke qje tl)dr ot!jf ^ Cluto t{)csr frecnii^ in eurp pouit,anD to \^mx enmies bptiK: ^ nD biptigctb 0^f<*ri:ir/ ^r^«/«/,etainvle fo> tf^me, ?;CUtb otber reafons m anp a one,lubicbc ttjcre too Imig ut namf «. i)cfl)C\DeD tbatcbc ^cnatg all,tuouftibpm baueftaicD ntUcme, !^iui 33 in counfrtill tbcn djri fatte,tbeir lugemeut ano tljcir Doome* SCIas tbatti)ep)ifnerfl fljoulD be frce,tDbu1)e tljct of Cartbajxe belo. iJnO.bclljouiD {fapc,fiill0ft bis fre mosjtbia tale to bpm tbei telD; tbci pMJffreobel^jfliiDflftrfD (hll,d)t3 Mar cm to rcoecme, l^ut iT/^rc/i// fo) a furtl)et (killDiD little tijat tftceme* % ftnoe iio fucciottrljopc ne: aiDe,tben boimoe tobp fl)0"to 3i bc» ^"^oit to mp roimtrc|tin tins cafc,tbat coimtrep 13 to uic: Cbefe voo^DeiJ tbis Ijcaute maii reljearftjfo baue tbe toatrs aduf^ SiiD tboutjbt be UioulD m wwiiCome paie,fo> aiip tbpug; be hiieujc, uHberefbjc from court be toucno bis face,ano fo an otlie be fu)o je, 'as long a« be Im fine U)itt3 baOjto come in court no moje: loc kept tbat Dtbc aiio cut bw cocc5aa clotlje ano meafure \uol0, anij Doune to ];9tcariJif Ijccomea/ome faieo at tbirtie f ere olD. !3nD foi bis lanDs ano rents! toere fmall,a maift er lent be too, t23bo uPo bw feruaunt not fo tuell,ag maiftcrg ougbt to Doo: i|}? tuj0 not moDc out of tl;at moulOptljat Iji? lade maigcr usa^, ^(jcfr Churcliardes Charge, j^ djeft ttooo in Uertiiea tuf re as liftf ,a j( ©oUi tow uiito ©(afTc* Clpo 1 a nm alotie l?t rnte,auD faicD tbefe tuo^Dd rtg^Ijt faod, iTrc folDiours call at carts arfe noiDjtljat long fatre l3J0]iDs bane fjatu: !feb3ll kpng0 nf re nccDe fo) l)elpc atjm'nejia fortune fo tfjnr frcetiDe, l^auf tljei a pattent of tbe (PoDSjtijw pr acefijailticuer enne. (Sod g aunt pet tuiU 3! fljift 31 troU)e,fdj on o> b«PP ^^^H failc, 3i«) ill tlje ftoimcs inp ft«p fljaH Icarne,to bearc a quiet fa0e: Quo fleane fo>(jct b?aac oaies agoe jttwt frt nt? poatl)fufl pere«, jTiiU fflau t!)at 31 baue gotten ^iw, aiiD fcapttOe frrattpng V}ttt9* £)f U) irr« aiio oti)er luo^lDlp toUa^ailue 31 fee tOcir fine, Q luife (\)aU iu)\i) contait mp mpnoejfucbe as tiK (Soljs alHgne: 3 tooopng tlnis t^s Oapleffe man,rooe fo^tlje iiot fet to fale, 'Cboug.ti none tike l)pm in tljis Ijis fuite,tuas meete to teUfns tale* dno m t!)e beauens Ijao agrceo,tl^ i^Ianetts tueQ \uere lient^ O^fone oeff enDeo from i)is l}o>re,8nti boioip inl)eluenr* tdljcre otuelt a fober tDioooiue tt)in,bDtfic loife anb tutff p tWy late fallen Qclte,bnknoti)ne toiipm^tbat tpme bnStt to tooo: 15 ut Ijtr otfcretion tuas fo greate^anb \jis bdjautour botl;e, ^befe (Iraungers feUacquetnteo t()us,tf pe )uin kiio\De tf)e tmtOe* l^e fmnb an oSjer enibto niafee5btirtmblpng ptt ff (pace, 'Cill be niigbt fpie a better tpme,to fl)etDr ber all Ijis caret ^ takpng leaue fo^fremD0 be tk)>ougbt,to b^png tbis tbiitg abont^ 3in fuci)e affaires (ante fpakefoll iiure,tljat are full luefi to ooubt* fo} connnonlp men take no cars,of otbers futes fo> \xliiv, Cbcir p^ofite as tl)ei gelfc tbem(eifirs,in binb^pngtbatniate Ip: ^me p)Ouu(e belpe anb lee no gaine,mape fp^ing to tbein tbcrcof^ ZSX&%t colD anb Hotue (o) lacke oCfpanT,anb bfe it as a fcoffe. Sn otber fo>tluid) ihngpng tongs,faie mailtres take goob beebc> i^bis man uiiU fonepotit featl^ers pun,anb cad pt of at neebet C^tll pou tbac baue botbe luealtb ann cafe^ pong mens curCe 0dn9, 5fnD let an otber maifter be^of tbat is m pour banbe. &ome feekpng rule of tbat fl)c batbjanb fleerpng from bcr firff^* Doefaune anb flatter ail tl)C baiejanb guibc l)er as tbci Itlle: !^m liut on ber^ano l)ate ber iife,anb tumtc ber beat!) to fee, 2n\) luell can plcafe ber \Dlnle ll;e ltuej5,ber fcctois fo? to br » ^uct^e tnScumctiti^tljele )»ioo)vejB ^oc^aboiu c^em enrpbQb);e, ]perclme Churchyardes Charge. l^crcbance tW manpcrceiu*!! ttjc Uke,anDbao 5000 caufc to lolujc: 15iit as \',z knew tiK fatallcl)ance50f tljinjs contcs from abouc, •^a \)C be ijau anu fouc^bt to kiio\ur,djc fine of all Ijts Ioitc« QiiD fou'.iD a naic full apt ri)etefo?e,at lar^c tfiefamc be tolD, 3nu flatip tljis bcc auufuicrc UjaSjfljc ncucr inarrie luouID: ^ 3f no ncuic tbougbts fell in be r nunDe,tubf rcof no Doubt (be maDc, Crccpt iljc f bofe a Uicaltbie iuau,tbat bao a grouiiocD traDe, Co lute atiD bao a bourD of go{D,to hcepetl;f m botbe from octte, ©ooD fir quofi flje on ricbes tin:e5mp minDe is fuUp fetce: 31 can \uitb ritcbes ucrtucs makejliertuf uiitb tuaitt is bare, 3* piaie pjou come no uio^ at me,tbU3( anfiucrD notu pe are. J iMGulD be lotbe to bolo po« on,U)itb tuo^Des aiuj meane in eeeoe, 'Z%it ncitber pou foi all pour fate,no? anp pet fijall fpeetiet Ipc bcarpng tbis bangoe oounc tbe bcDDe,ano fmiloe to cloKe biis luoe 5^ iMoiue 0) t\»oo be after fpakejano parteo euen fo. 'Ebe ujaie be roDCjbe curft bpm felfjfc) crueU oeari) be crieD, ^m faicD ob iD^etcbe tljouUueft t)oiona;,to long; bere Doeff tbott bine: i^ot onelp fo) tbis froluarDbappjUutfo? aUotbfr cbanre, at anp tpme tbou tooklt in banoe^tbp felf fo? to amiaunce* '2:bp ucrtues ougbt if tbei mate be,fenies tijeenouibitat aH, Zhv leanipng ft anos tbee in no (leeDejtljp trauell belps as fnian: Z^i)^ kn$\DleDge fougbt in toarrs ab^oaUjat borne Dotb tbee no jnoo, ^bp lagage is but laujijt at berc,tubcrc fomeluoulo fucke tbp blooo 'S:bp Ipoetts uaine ano gift of penne,ti)atplearuroe tfjoufanneiJ long, JDatl) HOU) enoutji) to Doe to make^of tbcra tuoftifl foitg: Cbp frceims tbat long a uiinnpng ti)ere,in courtanu c ountrep plain, Ooctb fcrue tbee to as gooo a enDe,as mirtb Doetb Mc mans pain, Cbp poutb t\m^) part be l:ft bdjinoe, tobofe courfe pet is to ronne, caitl) biagge of Ojo^ue oi feemlp Q)ape,lubat botie batb it iMonne: ^bp boiieft life o) nianlp barte,tbat tinougb ecbe tto}mt batlj palte, . Zhv reputation baroip ti)onnc,U)bat beipsJ tbee noiu nt lafte* "^Lbus tohisclMmOerinbisbeate,become«totfb fcmpngnwutbf, 3;iD 111 bis blooDic bieaft be fdt,full manp fitts bncoutbe: CliiD on t()c bcDOe be laicD bpm tioitnc,ani) foj bis Lute be raugfit, ^iiD b:aUe a tiuoo tbofc giltiertc ftrinn:s,as be ba!j bin beltraugbt* auD ere l)c nunc; it to tbc UJaUi3,mp pl«wfcere fareiljou ^e^i &aicD Churchyardes Charge^. 5 <^aigsi\)tai toxctc as Orpij^w l[)arpCjtOat U)an l)w bJtff front htil: J)ou Xnttriimrats ecfje one of wiu^keepc teell pour care of tMooDf, auu to tbe fcrallpn^ r atpng toojmefi»i pou Ueontefti ntutcbe3tl)ou$f) Itttle bao too pate » (9 fubtell Ibtft to faue tbe Ufe,aitO fcape a blooopfrateO ^et (hll bctaufe bc^allant toas5anli baD fome rijarge of men, ^c belD up beo»t,auB in (hange place,tookc mutd)e upon bpm tben: 'Z\)t rmuteiepM^ tt)i« ^0^ man,botbe toeH b>ou§:l)t bp ano trainor^ Qtf one tbat kept fittd)e Site ano srace,as beoeceiptotfoainDe* 9nD to be plaine(iti eurp point>pon futcbe terme« be (toooe, 9s bis DtlTent ano ofTp^png cante,of bie aiin wMt bloooe: fl)f gentin race be mi(jl)t make bo(te,but of ft greate a ftorke, il)etoulD notuaunt fo> tbat Deuirt,u»a4 but a fro^ne ano mocke. UXcH bp tbis meanes be Ums fo likt, ano maoe of enrp tobere, ^bat all tbat lanoerami^ of tbe fante,anii b^utetbatbeoiobere: 3no Co tbe p;iinces of tbat realmejto court oio rail bpm tl)o, ZSX\)cn be twitb fealts ano triumpb« fp*eate,anD manp a rourtlp (bo» l^a(t of tbe tpme,ano (jretoe fo farre,in fauour \Dirb tbe befte, ^bat be tuoulo plaie at Dire ano CaTOs,anD fo fetbp bis relte: jTo^be ban monep MA)m Ik VjjoulOjajtti tuent fo cjaie ano bjaue,- ©n creoite tljat be ftnelp tuaujas mutclje as be route craue* 9no \ul)en to takers boafe a5aine,tl)is pjifner flioute repaire, ^be greateft lo^os of all tbat (bile,U)I)en be bjottlo take tbe aire: ^oulo iua manertuaiteatbanoe,toooet!)(s p^ifner eafe, ano toell tuere tl)ei of all Deffrees,t^at beft tbis ntan route pleafr. 9 nomber of bis nation il^ofriifyt sreate itiealtbc ano (tate. Churchyardes Charge. 15p ii)\A mans tub^De ^ onrip bmiD,(tratg{)t Hioie ti)tkfrttimt^f^ fo) I)f luag bounoe fo^ curp onejriiat tnhcn tocrc before, Sinn fo DID io} tfjeir raunfomc Ipc,aiUi ruiinpitn^Bn tbc fro?e» fliiD biauvug out tbe mattfr UjjotujbjaJUoic of yreatc race, ' Jn bonctt ro}t,miD frc^nolp mraue,l)ifl freenofbtp biD embrace t CQIu) ppnid^D bpmjtofrc bpni frce^ano t^eipc bpni t^icc m bfl^e^ O^ut (hU about tljis p^ifner lor,a p^iuie gam tuas pla(lr« jPcn futcije a banDc anD Daif Ip iuattlje,a9 lye migi)t not Difcctur , pet iH 1)40 bopc in fptte to fcape,aUJcue \Dttbout t^fir Icauc: 3nD fl)apt to flpcjaitij jjiue ti)c flipp,if jf ojtunf Uiowlo atp:f e^ d;£Auaccbe aiio iDacd^flKiuUi be begtlDc,anB p^ifnrr QjouiOfoefiref^ ■^uii 9i tbffe things a oopng UierCja man of mtttd)ercnou)iie, ' CClas t<^Kni ai^rr tu tije GcclD^ano btougbc fo to cbr comtf : tCMiztt bfarpugof tijijiot{)ci: \)hgbt>U)as afktc il[\)t DtDknoUtf,..- . ^be foinif r pcripittnamDc befo?e,ti)at Datdpb>au*!iitfo» ^ T . i')c ii t[UQD l;c tbat lad uk^s caugbt^a ludie ^olttiour fuir, r.'r '* '3^]\Mxi tbat mutd)C batb felt of U)ot,anD grr ate djt)i0« catunDitces^ > ^rn-pMttrT lilnnh aim ttumrra linHir. Aim hi;inr« }iiif>iM«iHi ^nn*- r*"^' •f gcuttll blooo alio inanera botljc^ano Mimtt ^ut ^UJi aiontyr! fHb.u ju)l)at ft! knigbt,baue pou fateti trorbe,ani)i< btfucbe aone^' '^bcndjaa be bpe bt^ b^aucp oere,aiiD pate ^erefio^e fo toell, i)c fljalfiiot bode of tbat be gain0,iH beauen no^ m beii: . . '^ ^0 ail ui ifperic Hatig be fi^^tbe^aiio to tbift man he goea, ;: : *: ^bat tiAi (it Dccoe fo farrc tn oebt^fovntcate fo) D^uiekt anD clii^*( r QnDtbmUbpmm a puiaudrong^UilKre feeble foodeiic{)«D> i >.<:>' ^NO i:iraute Xrons Mcbe migbt mahc,a (Hlie (bule fudfaD: • ; ". \)ii mtftrcss kuo\upng of tbc cace,lxr peonies tboug;bt to kepe, ^0 iDakpng tii a d^ooiienjincrngbt, luben neigbUnrcd iDere a (Irpr* ^)ric tim [)ct next tbe P^ifon ooo^e^auD at a iuuA>U)c p^ieo, caijcic planlp full before bcr ueiuf,bec rcriiaiint ban fl)C fpiem :: C<) iij!)am ftc fpake auo tolober mpnDe,a6cIofelp as 0)en«g!)t, '^ !3nD iTrfuc bp;n coimcell iiigooo tpme,to ftcale aU)«e bp nigl)t. Hud left br m (ilea to fcttc l^iu frce,anD robes to Doe I)pra gooD, - > tCIitiifonic b.irDeggs aim biCtiD in bagg,auD tolo bpm nerca iwooDt ^Iinc 113.13 a biomc,iDl)Ci:efl>eu»aiHo \uait,foM)n» \i>betime5?iieoa '<:h.uDafaaKtak(;a,frccnDlPic«H|c,fo>rt>eufljcmuttbegon. /> '.T Z J?e ['U^ntt DID Dcuiic \iifi be fte^o^^D bent to Doe o) xt^y r. |(3?cpamj Ghurchyardcs Cliatg^. \ p jepnettj edx rijuij in ti^Drt ftiefl^flfli l)f on ftr«iue m'b f pe : ^:Jbe tpnie dpyiocbt,of(jt« 4W«<'3aijb fl;^bj«6 cci'ie in iF^ebfy Zlnto tijc p!aec«ppointed rtgtjt^toiri) jjoft aiio \ jtaWj fo j nf cbe. 25ut b^eakpugMinw a rotten lualljtbcpiimcv tua« m ff arf, iToi out ofbeooef^g keeper ttept^aiib afkeb luljoiuag tl;ere: ZBiA) tijat tije p jifiier ftumbleb on^a fjatcfje tf^arye ano Kceir, anb raug^tt^e jeaTer fttd^ea Watoejt^.uloitj toas frit anb fcett, ' !^r rttcb ano ro^Iifte a bun,\ubere at tbe biHa^e tb^tof , ZSXna up anb Htci^yt to Ijo) fcliacfcc to^it,but loe tbe pjTfner iioUJf : Saas at tbe ttioob,\D{)cre he b^b founb,()tf( miOre^ aH a lone, COIjo tuept anb OlttbberD likt a c{|iIo,mib mabe Co ^mc a utone. ^0^ djat tljei boti}e in oaitttcjef Viftejbnc \«b«t f^outij moje be fair br^ ^Ije manpluckt up W\mtt aitb fp?tte8,tl)c loaman fojc afraieb; ^an l^me ag^aine to fat^re l)Qn^,itCbfi€ tbat not» tuas free, i^ab neitljcr minbe on g:olb noj gplt^bttt to tfje B?ome (joes be. dno tijere abobe a bappie I)OUi;e,pea nnoo baies {oug^ at Teaff, l^eU(pt as clofe on tolb bare grounb^aiibirb Doetb in ujarnie neath ^isirdftvfi \i)eH efcapeo bome,anbe t!)e ctte anb Umm rofe,ro WautlcfTe m Ibe palfe. %\u ber pooie reruaintt,b^b U)ibe ^o^lbe,t0 loflike in no\u at ta(0, i^Itbougb ^ UJag in ba jarb ffreaite,anblonof ui baHhger ftifl: Sto} be b<«b tb?ee fco?e mile to ^oe,ettioiig bw nimie« a/l, 2Clljicbe^e8»fe trubofein tbulebarfw niffbtSjantj fo a? b ^pp uin fa!!. Oe fcapt a fr ourje anb fcourpng botl)C,anb came tobere be beQerb, !^nb ftnelp bab beceiu'b bis (ot^;\xHftn coulb be mo>e requicrb: ^et foug at borne be cottfti not!*eft,to b)arrs againe be bDent, ttU)ere in tjreate rcrince fonb>ie tprtteajbut balf a pcre be fpcntv $lnb loe bi« Deafhtie lua^To tlraunge,be taken u^ag aji^dtne, Snbdapt bpf lofrlp fora (^Me^anb tbere to ten pou p At iiiei l)£ Uiag conbembc to lofe bis bebbe,no otber bope be Talue, 'Zht ttait b?e\De onofl)i«b!rpstcbc,to bpebp 9©arciall Uw, %{)£ pcppie (\t)armpni0^int()e ftreat<,Mnb fcaffolbtedbte c!)crf > 3 noble IDame^WK rcfpite f ran*o,anbtpakef8? bpm fo feare; 'a^bat tbcn tbemaifter of tbe Campe,bi« boned anfbcrebarb, Sroi tobictie be came tot erebite ftreig;bt,anb luaa at lengtb p^efatb* ^ rifiijt gooD roome anb UJajesf toOjtben litcblp bonie I;e bieii>e. Churchyardes Charge • SnD left tf)^ luarrs,anD in grcACe l)catc,be foji a Uiifc did feUie * 55ut liaftc makes iiuftCjanolopjouerbe/or^f n-^/ wtviimdeede, ^oD fetiDc all '^olDiourss lu tl)Ctr d(](c>fome better luche at neece: ji^oU) \)i betljougbt bpm on tlje UJoo^DSjtbe \wiDDotue toloe \)y>wx of, ^Clbicbe long be belo but as a ieatt5a fco^ne anD merrie fcofft . febe faicD tl)at vuitte aiiD Uiealtb iwere (|[ooD,but U)i;o a luntpmj got a iJ^uft necDs be fure of \uealtb befoKjds be bw fute ftafl lofe: jTo? U)ani but b>eeDs miflikpng ftill,anD luit unll tueauc but U)Of!> (3!n louers lomesjtobere clotbe is rackt, as fatrc «s tb^eDe toiH goc) 3nD Uibe tbe tb^eeoe of Uiealtb Doetb b^ake,let tott ana tDifeDom (oo Doe urfjflt tbei can to tie tbe tb?eeDe,tbe knot uiill fure unn oo, 'Z\)t Iloiie treats no mo^etijfreofjpet tberein maie pou fee, Cbat fonie baue Uertues anD gooD UjittejanDpet bnluckie bee. In luinnpng uiealtb^in UioilW? b»TVPt(»tubifbe common are of kinue, Cc all anD pet tbe bfe tbereofjbut to a felue a fume: fo} fome l}auc all tijeic parents left,an t\)t\ tbem ft luf s can catrijf, 9nD tenne mens liupngs in one banDe,anD fome baue nere apatr^* SlnD fome not bo?ne to fijrteeae pencc,finDe ttoentie tuaies to get, ^p bappc pet fome as toife as rijei,no banoe tbcreon maie fctte: 31 be arD a Urfjite boarc beooeD man,in tljis opinion dUjcII, ^liat \Ditte UJttb lUiMltb,^ bap UJitb uiiite.uicuto gree togetb :r U>:!« 15ut fo^ to ri)ufe.tbe one alone,i)e bclD tbat bapp uias bede, De (aicD Untte luas a l>api5ie gifte,but toeaitt) maDe an tbe fealte: CClitte toitb tbe luife mnfl compame keepe,tben colo oft is bis cbcre, Caealri) batb companions eurp \uberf ,anD banketts all tlje pere* Z.V. ealtb batb tbe \uaie tbe cappe ano knee,ajiD tluentie at W tailf , f Qben \Dute (latlj nere a rcftpng place ,no mou tben batb a^naile: tail IS compelD to be a flaue,to U)ealtb anD ferae bpm (liH, pet \Df aW) is nakeo \iJont tuitte^nougljt U)o?tl>elDberc!acketb fkffl* But if tbat tuealtl) maic matri) tuitb bap^tljenbiD fineuiit goe plea. Our o(D ]3?oncrbe is giuen me bap,anD tAii me in tljc ^ea: ^Inbappie mutt 3; luoge tins man,ui fonDjie (b?ts aiiD toaiejJ, pa fo?tuiwte31callbpm tl)en,in truerepoitofp^aies. 'ZA)t cbccfett Jetjcll of our liff ,15 uertues lauoe bJcfl luon, cai)ici;c itu's luitbm tbe otber U)oilDe,tuben fame of tb(< ifl ooen: FINIS, ChftftlijMrdj Churchyardes Charge. ^ Qjurchyardes fkrelcellfi-om the C our teethe fcconde yere of the Qucenes OlfaicfltcJ tAtgnt, \ pougb jf o^tune cafts me at ()• r Ocele, ^iiD lifts pou Dp upon ber tBhcrie: pm oujljt not tope in nip iH bappp> .f^o^ at mp (jarm^^pour IjanDs to clapp» jTo^ Mlme« maie comcj mio fkies mate cleare, 3nD 31 niaicd) 3UI;ou5l) pou fin)C,Uiitlj jolDcn Ijoohs, •^nD make tfjc ujo^loc jbitc at pour battj;, 5liu> fccue pour feluc«,\uitlj ftoeetc confait^: sppne anglpnj maic,at Icngtb amenue, £^p roDDc it can,botbc boUie auD bcnUt • 3s raufcs fallSjfo? nip beboofe, 31 Icauc pou Courtiers in pour ruffe: 31 luill goe Iiue,\uicb plainer nienne, 3nD bfe mp booke^ano plie mp peimc* IDcrijapps tbat 3i3afmutcbel}aue feen, %% ti)ci tbatb^aues^it on tbe Spleen: Ktherc Cannon roarD5anu Dwmme UiD foundf, % DID not leanie^to oaunce a rounoe: 3nD baunte 31 niaie5mp b«^ppe tbe tooo^fe, 3^ baue loiti) manpjfl tb^eene bare purffe. Been glao to rerue,tn Countries cauCe, tClben pou at borne, toerc pickpn^ (IralDCSt &ince poubiD fpite,mp bopngcs an, 3nb tolTefrom mCjtbe tennis ban. 15p ujoojbs anb tooo)k«,ano p^iuic ntppa, 3 man maic faiejbcil^^cuje poiu: lippis: !3nb bfe a kinbe,of ribpng Kime, %^ futclje as UJooO^not let me cUme» %.% W!c^ztt Churchyardes Charge. Whtrt ctirrp tmc ,tiioul!j Apples! fljeakf , '^l)0U5lj at tljc l)icft,t1)e boiDCg are uieaKc: 'ZU Crotoe bUOa tijaCjfulI faffe pe uwtte, 3iiD rurarc tljC topy,ti)C ftuite is gotte: tOf U 3; full lotoe,mu(l bearc mv faflcu, Jnriinipnc often ,footpngfai!cs» ^Llatcbc pou ti)C ball,at firft rcbouiibe, !i^o 3" maic (taiUJCjOn eucn grounne: ano plaic at pleafure,U)ben 31 pltafr, 3" am not grecucb at pour eafe. aitl)0ugl) tljat poUjtDitl) fl)iftpn5 bjaine, Docreapc tbcp>offteof mp paiiic: anb tlj^Hfts pour IjebDSjtrucenc Ijap ano nif , CClbofc bancs boc plurkfjtbc batKe from trcf. !^o giTatc antj grecbie is pour gripe, 5^01! fate tbc frmtf jCre it be ripe: dnb none inaie feebe,but pou a lone, J?cu ran rot fpare,a Dogge a boiir tjg elf aue togetljf rjfo lihc l^urrcs, iicriwpps 1:1 luinnvng of t()e*<>purrefl: pou niaie tbe bo?fr,anb faotile loff , taben tbat ber beoof ,bobofc uertuc flotuc*. ^ball fee tbe oeepnelTe of pour flew:bt, i^nD fette pour r roohco oealpngs (height: 3nD all pour painteo (beatlKS efpie, 3nD Wieiobat (Tuffc,in fIjaDotues Ipe. Cbinkc vou Q)C fniilf 3 not once a Daif , '5::o fee botj manputfcs plaie: Oppou tl)f llagc,\iri)cre inattrr larka, ^ou Dof no foner toume pour bari^a , But fp-f ater laugbvng rifrtb tbere, t^bcn at tbe battpngof a Ideate: ^ie tbuilif pou (i)u(^,pour fljopp not Ircn, Ju Court pcur follies fo? to fell. Z\)Xt fijopp CantJs fiill>itl)Ui tfje luinbr, i J riiJ fo umriKi^in pcople«j nitnoc : *?:!iat Churcliardes Charge, 8 ^fjat if one fault bt in pour toaif , ^f im£ ct»oufanDe fjjfgjt^eon Doe (lam 51 no U)^rn t^ci fijiuc^a counterfeitc, ©^ fcf ,fijif S^erct;allnt£5 bfc Dcfctte: Cljn eric a loime^tocc fmdl a Katte, ^omc Oauf nto?e toittc,\uiri)in rtjetr ^JTtte, ^Ijen m tljeir IjCDDe^rijat fells fucljc llufft, tacH cucrp manjtjnto Ijis ruffe: iS nu J; into,nip coate of Jr ree«, fo} J in CourttjCati Ijtuc no ^e e s: ^l)e Oonii^ fbcre,i« bougljt fo Dcarf, 3i uicre as gooo,luitb countrcp cljcare, S>itte free ill mpnoe^anD farte fttjm daw, gnu Daielv ntatrijejnic toitl) inp maw: 36 \uaite emonj^tlje bautie b^tcDe, CCIbofc ()unioursg arc,full l)aru tofeeiir* cClljcre fmail is njonnejantj mutcl)c i« fyent, 3nD necDleircI)auiis,Doc ftoype t^cbent: "ZW mil migbt ferue,a tljoufaaos touriir, ^ulbc at tbc p^ckCjto kicke ano fpoumc* 3! iljoulD but burte,inp (biraics; pe knotot, iTrom Court to Countrep Uiin 3f ffoe: taitb mutcbc iU bapy, aiui foCfc tuit^j an, 3^a\n mate mp bouICjto bpafi fafl. 3in aUcps fmotbe,toberc it mate ronnf, 3; fee hi Courtjfljines lUJt tbe ^omr* 25ut oil a fe\Me,tbat /o^tunc Uktf , 3nD tbere a manjlball paOe ri)e laiktf* (Care be mate purrbace tbat be crauejs, fliS oneDoetl) pnole,an otber fl)aue6: CliiQ inarquefotta, d)C bcarofull trimme, pa notJ)png rmmctb o?e tbe bunime, %i\\ purlte be fun,anli ibenpcri)appfl, tabenttrings uoe bjeakejtberc falles fome ttrapfS: 3'nto pour baiiDSjluatcbe tliat U)bo Kite, a birDcw better furc in fide; * Churchyardcs Charge. Cl)cn Rue in fcclD, kf rpe ri)at tijou ^80(, hookt not to DUjell, tuljat Dia\i«8 t^ce t^r, 1l5utgaiite o> 5lo)ic,louCjOiffarc, 31f gaint to CourtcDoeti) make tijecgoe, 'Zlm art no freniDjbut flatterpiig foe; ILi^ii Daielp fee k0,tbp felf to belve, 3nD coudjelt like tl)e faunpng tofjclpe* Cinp^incc bat!) ftlt)c,iljp purfe tuitl) pence, !3nii fljcn fim fubtUl jetts l)pnt djcnce; 3;f rijou in Courte,fo) 5lo?ic irtte, 9s tijaru Daunfetij w a nctte: Cfic luo^loe n;all tljee jreUiarue toittj waifir , . , . « ^tasneuer Courtier in our Daieji. -a •^0 b?aue as Ijejtijeu UJifl tf)ei fate, f i-. C)nDaanotU)o^ti)e,atrufrcof()apct i ' !;it(jometljploue,a3tuenisfcen, m.;. i iilnD better,tl)en in Courte 31 tufne, 3;f like a fubiccte,t!)ere djou Uue, ". . ^lio often 500D erample ^m: 'JCo fucbeas HanDs tbereof in neeDe, Jf feare o^atue t!)ee,to CourteinoeeDf. Zi)t p^nre can finbe futrije nuakpng foalrf, ft>be knoiues biljofe barte is fun of boals: 3nD fretb tubat lucks in bollolue docks, 3nD treaos bpon futcbe tremblpnj blocks* from futcbe ts bounties larges barD> 9nii rijen is bountie laceb barD: jTrom fucbc tlje uie n beboe ftoppeo iu, ^ bolume coulu 3* lu^ite of d)i0» 3 s large as anp Cbenuer rolulf » 'But 31 tlje pl«ite,ano fcdie foule: 5©uft tbiiike antj tuidje tf;e bettc 31 mM^ 3iio little of tbefr matters faie. Pet be tbat a(nit»s,anD (jiuetl) ame, ':^ait iW)$t \}A}nt l^ott ooetl; lofc il;c game: 2B^t V^ hurchyardes CJhargc. j tCl!)c« fbootcr beats tlje JiMrke iituamf, 2231)0 fljootet^ fatrc ,IdI)o (Tjootrclj plainf QtUttle I)oaIe?5tl)c Daie is fcen, ^onie in tim cacc,maie oucr luecii: GiiD tijinkc t!)ci fee in C^illlonrg facrc, ^iio take a CanDle fo? a "^tarre* pafTe o)c futcl)e topcSjaiU) aunfuiere mr, Cdljat caufe baft tljoii in Court to be: 31f gaine ne glo?iC5fcare no? louc, "Co Courtpiiff fioctl) tijp fancie motie* GUb«itD?atDcs tl)cc tljetljer beoiongnoto, 0m eare,amj 3; (IjaU (Ijetoe tbce Ijob): CIjci fitte aiiD ftarc in Courte fome iwljile, pea on ttje otbcr uocri) beguile* ZCM) faireft femblaunce Aat in fure, 9iixXf citerp craft^is put in bie: "Zo fnatcbe o? compafle tijat tljei frel^r, flltbouglj it be not U)o?tbe a leeke* 'Cbe ftneft beUD^jbaue furtbell fatcbe, ^be Deepeft ficjljtjUoet^ neetelt toatcfjcr 'Zo trapp tbe upiia:bt meanpng man, CJuD ecbe one i»oetb tfjc beff e be can* '3:0 bcipe I)?m frif,bj) ortjerg barme, ^C^befc Courtiers bauc fo fine a cbarmc: 3; graunt tijcrc is bonour toonne, ^nD tbetber oug^t tbe fubiectsi ronne* ^0 iTjelMe tbeiruueties bp (bme meanr, 55ut uibp bauf fome confumeo rteane: Cbeir liues auD lantis in tbis DeOre, |)ekuo\ue a maumaic louc tbefire* iTull U)cn,anti leapc not in tbe flante, ^ome tbiuKe ti)ei uiiiuie a gooolp name: caben tbci at bome are Courtier? caiue, Jt is full ffaiejifbe be ftaloe* ^n almes kniofljt ere tbat an be^on, rpis Oapp 13 ijarDjtIjat IjopeiJ tijercon; (JhurchyardcsChargCi ^tt Gtl) 3i fauour Courtpnj toel?, jaoiUD 6oD 31 Ijau nto^e laiiDs to fen. Co be at tl)cir conimauiujemmt llUf, 3If fl)at a man \m£ ibcir 500D iufll: i!;c Ijati) enoucfbjUJbat nccDctij mo?e, £)Ii) laDDs maic fljifte upon tfje fco^e. aiiti let tljeit garninits Ip aiio ftucate, JD? luitl) tl)cir £)Cc3 \Doo?Ke afcate: '^o fcttc tbc Ijo?fe in (labU free* ^ut noU) tbc iDiues fo bongrie bcf • anD boiif banns loolic fo nere tbcirgaini, $1 man as fonc on ^alf b^ie plaine: ^ball banc a cbcatCjas b^) tbat traue. ^becaicbatb binjUsbo cculD Uutb blaDf^ ^no Buckler fquare it in tbe ftrcet0, Jlpatj bin a minion fine fo^ (beets: l^ut noU) tbe pniec doc make tbe place, Qno Uio^lne is in an otber race* ZZXtU let tbe matter palTe a toWe, Qlntf beare mp tale.but doc not fmilf : 3! bapt in Courte(af; nctoe 3?ome maif, "^bat fuieepetb trimelp fo? a oaie,) Co be oefierD to plaie ano fpncr, flno toa5 full n^lao in cuerp tbpngj Co pleafe tbe lo^bcs^ono lo^oelp foiff, fo} tbat pe knotuc tuitb cbaunge of fpo?tf Cbefe Courtiiirfi bumours (boulD be feUDf , 9 no glao 31 ^las to benoe nv^ beDoe: ClnD be at becke U)ben tbf i Dio call, 3n bope tbat fommc 5000 bapp tooulo faH. Co niefo; tbat aptluinof mpne, aitbougb mp oopngs luerenot fine; 3 Cabber loitb a pipe fiill louoe, Co better nopfe is but a cloutie.) tdf U as tbc acknep is DcGerD, ^lU] rinocn till t()e jlaoe btticro; Churcliyardcs Chargc.^^ lo 9nD (HH 31 fpent tljc fmaa 3! b?oiirtt»..i If) >'-'•:>: 9nD neuec got 31 one oaicre. ^Ijeii tljougljt 31 to bf cfiniic t\)e ^mx . " £)n JiSetoeperes DaieUJitlj fomeDcufffi j;-' /.'. 9irt) tfjoujlj tijat manp men be nice * anDblunjetomakeanljoneftfijifte, ' 31 fcut ec^c lo?tie a jtJciue peres jiftc: . ^uclje treafure as 31 (jao tljattpme, a laugljpng ucrfe^a mcrric rpme* ^ome t^inke tl;ts is a craupng g:uife, Cu(T)e ()oloe pour peace, Ujo^Id lDa]cct() tmCe 9 DuflcD ()0?fe tljat Uiill not (tarre, fl^uft be remenib^cD \uiti; a fpurre: ^un toljere tljere ferues ne fpurre no? toanu, 9 man muft neeDg leao bo?fe in Ijanoe* ^0 31 tolas fo^lte on caufetf cjreatr, > %o fee in fire Uiljere (ape tlje l;eate: 9 no luarme tijeir luitts tljat colD DiD twrr, ^ut tl)?u(t tl)e fire into the /Tlay: 3!t U)ill not burne if flajce be toette, 'Z\)e fidje rbefe Dates tan lljonne tbenettet SnD biDe tbem in tfjeuieeos fuUoftc, ^bou hnoU)e(t tbat loaice is tempeteo (bfite: %ain(t tbe fire,fo fi-ofen minD3, Spud be aCfdieo bp manp kinos. ito bipntj tbcm to a hiiiDelp tbatuf , C2;tbo tb^ufts a cannle in tije nratue: ^ban mahe a blafe^ano raife a fmoke, $ln boneft meane tbere is bp cloke/ Co (turte tlje noble barta^frotn fleepe, J^bofc cofferdjCuftome makes to kecpe: jTafte rocktjtbat QjoulD be opennj tuioe, Co be Ipe tbe poo;ie at euerp tioe* Cbei fate tbat knetue our ebe rs toell, Cbat often tpme^ tljei liaro tipem tcU? . ChurchyardcsCharge. T\)t(t larches lin^t tb louc full fdlr , 2\\^ bflrDiicflfe lofecb Ijarts atlaftr* 9nD tjonour Itanes on libcrall toauif, SnD fame aiiD boiinur litre oecaies: '^ill boo^ue m bo>ie inticfce Doetl) bolDr, *S^bc free aiiD \»o?tbif ufc of jotoe* Ob fentence bpf of )rari)crQ iiufe, 31 fmenre bp all tbe 50D3 in '^faes; Cbefe iDoo?Ds oeferue intnio^tall famr, 9nli notljpng is fo mutcbe to blame, 33 yintcbpng banos tbat fbouUi be franKf, i^Dmit tbe taker pcelDs no tbanhe: ^0 bpm tbat giuesjtbe gifte oortb bimrr^ Cd}e bertuous man am boneft minDe, 3 s captiue in an goon refpertg, ^0 be a fi:eent»e m fun cfFerts: 3s farre ag poto^e maie Oretcbetmto, 3nD tbei tfjat banc in toarres to Doo, Can faiejlDbat bouimr b^png a about, habere tbat ii not^tbe fire goctb out; 3no Dpe« as coale to adjeis falls, 3 s jToulcr tal^a tbe birue bp c aflfif. 3!n ftralrpng rojne ano cbafife bp bespW, ^0 bounric as a fickle reapes: tbe bat-ts ano all Uiitbin tbf b^ett, .Qo perfect loue can be pofTeft. ^Ijf re frflnchnefTe makes no plaff befb^f, Cboimb fn^ce of earneft loue is mo^c: 3nD !ojfv3 net on tbecfifte a bjbit, Jt um\ in neeDe ano Daimger fit. 3 no niifetbcir frrenOs Dntbccol^ anUD^w, 'Sbni loue irill Ibeiue a louijpng rpe: 3 no iMlte U)itb pou,a8 pou bjttb bpm, QUboujb tbat fome con rlokc ic trim. Jtrllpculoufiseaflplofie, 3f f pou on loue belTotDc no roHf : j>.ij . ^ %w ?' I.f l.-t i- [Churchardes Charge. ii Cljua ajiMo^e 31 oiD rrijearfr, 31fented)eto>Deamerrieueaift« '^ a ioUic Ubeli long «iiD large^ SuD cberetntiiD n^ooo tstnDtfc^arsft Tdut not^png m retounic to mt, Cljat 31 couID citiKT fede o> fe. i^auefromabpolWjtetjicnnelwfe^c, ;;-\'"^^ lRmmeo^pp^ofr^olD,\i]l)atiDtapemoj(: "^ '^IjusiiitljWtoit^^eDageofouw, ^ '^bc Otiell i^ gone from gooMp flottt^« i^no g;olDen too^lDe is; tounio to b^alft, OM)^rtnic(reD\uclU lubercbotmttctvaiir ^l)ere 10 no uiaie to gatne no; Crk, Cbtii Icame to ^kecpe tl)e t^pn^s bie i)aae« jf 0^ be tijat toaiita fljaH barolp gettc, <^tccptb€ fidjetoitb finer nette: ^bcn eitber rime o? rca&n hmttiy %Ui tno^Uie peelDs not to plea(autitto all tl)e bap{w blinoe jTo^tujie fenotf : Doetb ItgijCon tbofe (befauourd mttc|)e, 5^omt man pou fee can nere be ritcbe* ^Ijoqo^ ttuemie pere be tople anB toIGry ifo) be IS bo^ne to Itue bp lode: ^no ibrne tbat neuet taketb pamir, 3ln teoilDip lueaUbetioetb ffinremato* Mt Court no; Countrcp (eru'is (bme m^ ^0 tb^tue ui^Doe tbe beft be can: ^ben finoe tijou faut tuitb nmieof intfie, ^ttliblinoe affection ecbc tbpn$ ffocbc* ^app Ipeci not in manss ronnpns ^Sl) Ji5o;iro?tnnefonoU)j(fineftn«U: • . u*.jX. Jf^o^besoetljnottbetuageriuhi, , i-?^ - c;?;.J /. ,. 'Cbatmt{)ecacebatbfb>mo(tebiiu i i 3lB31ift>p«moutbetbefenteuceipe0> 'if-jjiji. <- uM'f.>... i ^otDl^et^mcnDoetl^foUo^r^eK ,' - i ^'i^i" CaH* totfkt Qhar argc, ;i lo(Ae\)ptot)?mtt)atruel«{tIje^li(etf, . ' t1)critf^ri)epooje,tl)efool£tl)CUiifri • (SuD tl)Ci fljall finue mp tooo^s are true,, ^()U0 fa? a toIjUe,noto Cour tc Adme, F/N/S, W'Ofamighti^^teateferfonage, l)t\\ ^hehus tpoke l)is li^urplc bCDD, to rcU from Dates Difeafr , j^ ji^aie rccDiOetoDoppc \M o^c^en (;ctiDe, unDer.tiiejDceanfraiS: _ . 3 no fdirc LHciiid jauneto flniir, ^^i anmnodntittftarrir^hiea, a long nip nombipng epe s. fliiD p^icht mc fa to take a napp,tf); foittdie 3! late, 31 D^campt tijat .i'^aturesJtddttates^oiitmptlieoDe ganplm'et SltiD bao me rife.atiD beiuc a lua^r,€t)ic ktuDC a netot iDOulo frame, jTo) tl)at (he tOougljt botbe goO0 « mcu,tMdutti help to foi^e ttjefame poll Cpeake but like pong girle? ip 3,flie batb all reaiip Dom, ^utcl)C \Doik8 as no\jj ber IjauiiB ujoido miffejif tijei toere unbegon: JCtitb tbat Dame /Mature \mS fpioeytuith nngrie uifaofe rrDor, ^nD in ber furie fattc ber DounejfiiU rigbt agamft mp beoDt^ 2Ilbp foole nuoD n;e is /Mature not,(b perfite of ber I kill, ^l)at ll)c can giue to flefbe aim fefl,tohat (bapc aiiD &i>mf fb^ toiPl: Cljou feed eclje lucoikman fcier gro\uc«,ccl)e tuit Daetl) riper UDare, '3iiD ki!oU)(cDa;e cm amenoe at fiin,t!)e faults tofiere cunnpng laeks. fCbt' (SalDfniitb anD tbe Caiuwhotbr^ittJ all that tuo^ks Uiitb toole. Doe mr iiDe tbf ir banoa aiiD D jteljrare.bp j-^ature fa to fcljoole: - - ^bcl^iiurcG paKacemaDeofolOilDOkcstikealbeepe coainoui, ■' ^*f ^>o if tbis ipmc a:;D /Mature li(te,to fl)etuc tbeir comipng rt))ot»« taee can fet foube a CanDle blafe,bepoitti tbe fijntpng &om«, 3nD take tbe ligbt fro tuimklinj lTarri(,\ubile« ®3ouet)cccours lT)ar Can Jnotfallfoil5eautifU)bai|TitljatJbaueleBCatiar(j«y (ran: . i>aue not ttie l;pe imni itall CoDs^ui'a.'Seai^te co mpt^tljf* * - . ' "i ..'- ^. . 'f. w- !3nD (Jhurchardes Charge. n ^nn mm not ir^aturc b^eake rrf)emou!o,p once fjer bmio Oat(; mooe, 3uO luo?ke tfjis pcartljlp 0>ofQ? ag;ame5Unto a finer trauf : J5cs fure faicD fljc,anD 31 tljeretatij,DiD IjumWe paroon craue, sino at one inllaunt bp a fi5nc,tl)at mijbtie Jf5atnre gaue* 2 tljoufanoc luoo^hmen all \Mitb toole«,came tlj^nftpng in a rout, ^nu eclje bnto Ijis labour fallSjas tounic ooetlj come about: ^bciblcujc ano puftano fmokeoutfujcate, as tbougb tntbeoio Ip?, ^0 (bape a nioultj.o? (IjeU) tb^ougb clouDc,tfjat ^e»Ns o^opt fro fikle Jlpauc Doen quoD iXtnoe it fljalbc tbus^too long pe trifle bere, ^ben Cunnpng bp ber curious artjOeuif oe fucbe collour clere: 'S:bat oiD tbe ruooie Hofe oif Dainejano palTe tbe lilic lubite, 3f tbat a mcDlep of tborettoaine,tMcre maoe to pleafeoelite • '2:bf ^oo^kmcnintbia bafticb;toile5batirairctiup amoiilD, ^no ecbe one in bis office fine,bao Doen tbe beffe be coulD: i:5oU) fattc tbei ftill in filnice faoDjanu reftcD fo? a fpace, tClid) tbat Daine jf5ature bp ber f kill/etfo^tbe fo trintme a facf ^bat ^onne ano Spoone ano fcuen (larrst.oio feem tl)eretnto fljine^ 3ln bibicbe tbe pleafant goos bao plaft,a pairc of glaDfomc cpnc: ^ea eucrp (fi^oD one gift ber gaitejajj TalLu fo? Ijer parte, pofTeft \)n toitb a noble beBDe,to iuogeo? talke bp arte, flno Iftno inaoe requelt to iouc,[\)nt Venm IDueene of lone, ^bonlD neuer toitb falfe fonoe oeficnSjljer mooeft manera moue: Dan C'*p^ bjiakc a boiut foi iope.toben tljis faire oanic tDaa maoe, 3In figne |> (be tb DUfts ji5impbea5fl)oulD ttalkc iw greneluooo (baoc ^be fiUp tDooikmen fepng tbis,tl)atreruaums( tuere to Ktnoe, Cruft Up tbcir tooles ano dole atoaie^pet left tbe moulu bebinoe: CClbicbe aa 3^ gelTe of oiucrs ftones5\i)as tu^ougbt bp oeepe ocuice, jTo? iberein Jia^iings migbt pou fee^anD pearleis of paHpng p^ice, %\)t Hubble ritcbe^ano p?etiefparkeia(,of DiamonDs clere stbiiijbt, Cbe (Sjncralo grcene.ano apargarets faire, (j Curkea bleti) to figbC JEtbafe bertueis palTctb farre mp pennejOi pet mp tong to tell, Demaunoe ^^t tbat of fhilfull men,tbat knouics tbcir j!^ature« tuell Jloe foolidje manjloe bete tbou oolte,quoD Kinoe to me alou^c, OoUj Ihieft tbou is not tbtfl neii) luoikcnto^e faire tben liar in cloutje Doetb not tbi3 U)o?ke make all tbe bluffesP 31 baue lo^ougbt bcioje, l^ea furr^fo; ^^mxz \% va, nmiDe,to make tl;c like no tno^e, 55p Churchprdes Charge. 0Spd)«(twiitiiJMrtKtarkealoft,louocri)trppn5fmt^c airf, S\nD ccl)e oi1etort)eir uaiclptoilcs^gaiibufilp repairer ^0 rofe 3! up anD rolo ui t^ii5l)t,\35l)cre rijijs fairc toinfljt Bocri) Dtod, ^nD at tbe Icngtl) 31 f«n«»f »« uecuc.I kiicUJC t!)g Uiojitbo \uriU F/N/S. ^OfBeutpf and Bountie, ^ Ipni^cautic t^r^*/ Dougljtcr uearc , frcm /ow^Deftenucoooinic, Co rcignc on pe artlj an Cmp^effe Ijcrr, twtl) fccpture ano \»itb Crounc: ff. -^0 ]0lcafurf0 pallate flje repairoe, laljere \i)itl) a la^incdp po^tc, ^\)t I)tloc an open IjoulbolDclongjin fcafts ano ro]Jafl fpo?te» Cbttainc tubcrcof rang tl)>ougb the \Mo?H>e,fo flj>iU in f unp earf , ^Ijat UjrH U)a3 bim,^ glad toas flje,tl)at migbt come banquet tijf re: Z\)t lifts UJere mace, Ac fcafiixUie ucckt,ed)e tfjvng in gooo arraie, "^bclojDsfuabiauejtljC Laoicg fine>tbc Courtiei«triin miD gaie^ ano as thrfcftaces in triutnplje tucrejall plafte m ti)eir DC(p:cc«, UuQ tohdjoltic tbJ fhiucrijftaueajtljC people fiDarmoc Uftf Bees: 3^n(!ept agooDlparmeD Koigbt^oncour&rlvlnteag^nolne) iJlnD tijjife be pafte ti)r Cilte aboutjas (oft a^ bojfc coulo goe» a iiD iDbcn b* came uibere 15eautic fatte,be pauf oe uiitb boti)eo betr, '^no louDc in open anutence tbcn,aHbai!f faire fDucenebc feo: J fame quori {)e from S^anboops cotn:t,tbe tuo^tbiett piincc aUue , CQbo hecpcs 1)43 kpngnome aflbp (bo^oCjanD DoctI) foibono^ftriur» Bp battaill nwa bp bjeahmig launce,\i>bo fcnt me bctbcr plaine, 'Eo rijalmsc fo? mp nuftrr ffc fake,tbe (touted in tbi> traiue: J^o (oner l)e bi« mclTagc faieo^but in tbere rufljt a baiioe, CObofc clattering barnefle cauf De tbeir fteeD3 bpo no groiio to (tan* x:i;e Duft flclue bp,tbe p^cac e Dio fl;?inhe,tbe fompng bo^fes naieo, 'C^be trunipeta b!c\ue,tbe launcc i\\ rcft,tbe fpurres on fiDc tbci laicD: jf le f oiuarDc knig()t qiioD Courage tben, can all pou figbt \uitb one, ^0 tbci rettf rtJ,anD to tbi^ n;ocke,came poutb all armor alone, Z. l)^^ djayioniT' met a0 pcartb fljoulD fl;ake,fo fierce tbci fcemD to be Churchyar^es Cliarge. 15 3s man became a Ipon U}or«»c,anD bcife h aire n)0»!D fTte: i^t ec()e encounter ciadjt tljcir itaticCjaiiD fell amtD t?}e (b?3:i7:, Cbe buifctts iDcrc fo freelp Dcait,^)? blooD tl):3un b Ivcnucr fp^Diitr. Cbe iQueene critic boI«!,cecire qiioD nje,pou titrnc pour fjjoit to Ipi'e, €• ome caufe pour collour Doetb cufrccirc, ^y Mars tijc pa-.Tinir quite: 9 caufe quoti Poutb(mo(leiuo?tbpoam0«i"iti mp IcerjeLa^ie Derr, Came euer pet before a ip^inccjfo itoutc a clialcncrc b:re. cLibo Dare luttb ^'>»«« Df»iigbter boriCjDame ^eautie ii;(!Ip r f-IHf, ^\m came from <^kies,anD fatt nqct loue^xw face cDbonc^ CalDc: Cbou^b'J^eautie fpiang fro penrtblp caufe, ?t ban but Ojape ct Kinnf, a no DID no beaunilv gjifts poiren"e,no^ uertucf iotigein \m\m. petBolDnefle cburlitbe cbalcnge b^auCjtco fatufie to vou knolue, 9nD l^eautie 'mtb too manp freenDS,to fee bcr banDlcD To: tCtben li>DlDueiTe baru tbio taunting tale,? markr tbe iicopIc« cbere, iI;ctfnufteDib?oug;btbetbichefttbaon55anDU?c\)J€tbe'.caffolDeticrc 3;!D all on Ks;c:s be crau'o to fpeake,ant) aunftoere to ibis race, On \v\ym\ itiZ © ucene fo> bonours fake,liili (l;e\De a gractoivj fact:' ^peahron quoo fi;e,fo ftcpt be bpjauD ibuo to bet be faicD, £) puiiauut pnuce,tbinks ?)outb of b^arftrsj' boU'ne« l^ ants afraicD 3! am a biuiuicbf^. of tPa?tb^ot3 WooDjtIja: ft outc conceite ^tivate , Cbc bopt a.!iibt{peuf me attemptSjautj flaie ofeucr? (late« 'Cbat bctf;er c^me fui ibat no Coiirtc,can be mbere 3^ am not, it>o ^ojnap rctnjiw iriumpb maocjuo fame no? jfo^ie got: 3 no \uotte pou \oiU,a l3>ince(fc too^iu Court 33 feme ttns; bo^?e, ^bJtis a 3 ci,''! ate in fomerefpect3,a3n)ei«ifmaninpo)u^e* 3:f ftatelp bonour f nri be 0fc(?-,bp rfnoolp graces trime, £)). perfect bcautie be pcffctl,)Dbrre 75omitie Ojuimes at b;itme: ^% \i)ifeDome U'.itier feemip njaetis.maicflnneo? pet be feene, ^^ miltrcfl ia a u)oubicfiame,tbour^b ll^eautie be a iDucciic; Hepoit batb blo\i)ne to 'T^anbootjg eare^3,dic trarbe of tbat J teH, '5:beu'35oiDneCrntert>3 n.itblafl)e roboaft,))'i3oun:i:bra;ei3 tbcbell Quo fitb pou licence me to fpeake,3I t»a -etJcuoiDe of blame, JLigljt fucbe a toicbe unto pour epes^fljall (be^tnc tbis latiies name: Cillbcn ^kie is clcrc,anti "Sammcr fet,to fije^c tbe U). atijer faire, 3; mcanc \uben calmie btotocs tbe\DniDe,anTi pleafauiit is tljc aire. fl ^T^ancftolo tl^en mate vm ftuDe,£uU uerc an eglantine, • \ . D J. tClbofe Churcliyardes Charge. Cni)ofc flotojfi \i3iA)in tbc jf?o?ib ncti) butJ3,(!t pet iit court DotI) (f)iy ; ri)er countciuutte carries futcl)e a (tatCjM rigfjt amiD fjer face, 3 s t\youc(,\) tljcreiii tl)C tT^ufes nhiCjbau mane tljetr manfion p(ace» 3 ratlpng fouuDeUutj pour caresjOf Ijcr noU) bcre 31 fljoiue, j:5oiu racKe .i \M?eit mp mcmipnoc out,aiiii pou nip imim fljal knolu: 'Cl>is fnieo ccbe oiie on orijcrs loohtjano be on fjoifebacke leapt, Sim fome il)at Dtoclt m tbeir coucept^fuU clofc in coiners creapt. 'JLbc gloiious fo?t tbat g:apte foi famej^uljcre no Deferts couId be, Z)H} Dia\ue a backe ano p?caft a pace,U)itl) plaine repioclie to flee: 'iLbc bautie miuBs brio f oune tbeir beDs,bpe looks gan blun; fo) fere, 5 3 poutb bri)eIo tbis (boaine cbaunge, be tbougf)t no titripng: tkre* ■tTbc 6ons regjarupng from tbe ftarres,iubat (trife bp X^eatitic rofc, l^.iD rtf««f call ber uaugbter bomejanb Ipmetnaros fo flie goes: 'C\)cn fauie 2 Boloneffe turue againe.iubo gaue fo? 15ou(ies UJcarc, 2 gariauce of tfje gooDlieft flo\ine65d)at euer peart!) did beare, 2m foarfl ber fo? to take tbc fnnie,in figne of glo^ie loonne, 5sli5eautiemounteD totbe(SoDs3aiiD aUriietrtampbeooen: ^be people fcpng T3eautie 5on,tDitb one aflent Dio crie, '?:batl5ountiepleareo mo?etbcicnimoe3,tben'Be«utieDio tbc epe* FINIS, ^ Of one that by dtjfcmhlyngy fcdde his defirct W%^SF^^^^^ JT loue be lulTc,t!xmo?e mp Intke, 1^ ZL^ (^^ ll auDlf fle 1 tijuike pour Iticke, pet loue 3! not fo? Icube oeligbt, no? gaine of tuo?lDlp niucke: But foi a finer freake, be pou tbe iuDge tb^ rcof, Cabcn craft to cloke fome fccrct fniart, begums to fco?ne and frofife, lZX\iit u>o:kC8 luitb \jjo?D6 ano UucUs,a tuaie to U)time bis toiU, Cliiu lubcrc p fleigbt HjetDes glaofoni fmdcs.p U)o?(D coceius naue id tOirtbc blears tbe peoples epe3,anD makes tbe matter ligbt, 2m faDiicfTj biccDs fufpect to fone,ui beoDs of oeepe fbiefigbt, 2m luo^lccmiflikcs no topes, tbat nurnelatigljter b?pngs, C3oD knoiucs U)b\i3itijbolues of Wotning tvotljc: Cbf re fiCiiDlp faitlXjis fiire a uiciconie geaft, !3no /o«^ Doctb D\ueU,nnu LaDic Vems botbc* d;e 6oDS are glaUjto ueuie futcijetrotljebeiolDe, ^IjC Ijeaupcis fee futcl^ Conltaiire floiue* ^ut toberc foiiDe luOtjtioetlj leaoe firmeloue aiu^-f, 3nD fichle toiesjiu feeble fa«f ie (alls: !3iiDfoulecriitc,ooetbfeei>ctI)gU)aiuonsepf, .... ^ no aeDfad barts,are tofte like C^cnms balls^ ' foote Doe (TiDe^ O f baltie fpeece greatc !)armcs Doe rifejaa ofteivbatb bin tn'ec: ^ eprntance comes care men be^yarCjfoj toant of pevffte f kill, T Ijcrcfo?c let reafoa rule tlje rainejano luifeoome maaec toiU* d)ue( ill mpne fjcbbe abattaill is^bcrtuetie mp Ijopc anb bieeo, $pope p^icka me fonljc/eare biiu's me bache,mp fane ie tOu$ 31 feeo: Cljougl) Ijope be farre abbue mp l)app,gooD luc ke maie me abuance, ^ab tl)is great \uarre maie be a peace^as al tijings bauc tljcir rijaiir e . ■^Ijc toITeb fl)ipp maie baiten ttjtbat anker bolbe batf) none, a?? rainie bjiopps bp lengtlj of tpme,maie pearce tlje S^arble ftone : caOat fo^t 0? bolbe is balfe fo (trongjtbat euer man coiUb make, 3ut pouloers foite aub Cannon b(afl5cmt make it bouiie to Ibake. '€be pellett^ all tbat 3! mult b>pncp,\)nfaineb faitbe mult be, 'Z\}C Idbbcr fo? to fcale ttje tuall* ,13 trotbc Uiben tneb is be: d)i3 aimriucre maie tlje c aptaine makejto mOom mp fieje 31 Uic^ Ktbofe fou 13 tuonne bp futclK a fault jOi bp none otbcr toaie* CClitb {iSiifigne fp>eb,anb battriefet,3I bope to make a bjearbe, ia \XS} trwft to U)inne bp fuite at lengtl),tljat noUo is pall mp reacfjf . FINIS, tAfire^ell to afondlyng, l)t beate ii paftjtljat bib me fret, Cbe fire is out^tljat J??flture tojougbf: '2:bf plants of louejbJbidw poutl) ^iJn fet, 3re \ii\t anb bebbe,\uttbin mp tbougbt, ^be jr rolt batb kiloe^tbe kinblp fappe, GUbicbekcpt tbc bartejin liul? (tate: Cb c fobaine ffoimcSjanb tbonber clappe, IpiUb iovccxit^ lo«e,to mo?tafl bace» '^be mittc is; a:one,tl)at blearb mpue cpc0, ^be lounpno: clouba,31 fee appere: flUbougb tb: blinbejCatg man? flietf, 3livaulo (l;c ktuuie^mp ao;l}C t|} clere* Churchyardes Charge. t)ct fmctemfcdupnc; flattrpngface, Viti make mc tbinUCjtbe Cco\dc \»aa b)I)ite: J nmfc l)flU» OjrjljaD futcl)C n grace, Zo kmc a {paukCjano lie a Kite, Fifttf, ^FFrltten to the good Lords Maior(of ^ i-> London norv m efficf) calUd Str Ntcho- •'^ ^- UtlVoodrojftKmfJn. I^c tpme (Ijotoes aUjas fire biooiRiS toajcr, in tpine tjreate t^pnga are Doea, ^puie tuf au's tljeUJcU^ aiio to^ougOttbe fla]ce, U)at painc tb^oiiglj tpine batb Tponnc: ^pmc muft be fo«5l)t,tpnie muft be Ufne, tpjnr muCt be tenip>eD Uicfl, ^' Cl3 out of tpinejin anp fo^te, tl)c rale is ri;atU)e ten. &o f pnie nicues pciipt fturrs tbe niurcjCtliat time ban luIlD a fle ye,) Co li3?itc of tpine ann mattcc fiucbtjna niaie gooo crcuttckrye: •^Itht mp goob Lor?tit,to former Lpmr,31 Doc refcrre mp berfc, ^nDauncieiitperesjVuitOelDcisbau-fljt'oat call great tljingsrdjcrfe, ^pme b ■otto;ljt tlje fujo^beCtbat cfbc oncfcar5)to rule tlje rurall fojc, '5:pinf \uaniie tins P tpDic b Kb roorcb up nil \ucebj? Chvnxhyardes Charge. ©lont>onIaakftotb?remJ\unc,tI)DfamcfMt!)(trctcbftJfctc pcoyU are fo nic eke aiiD milecjt^at foiranic iiatiouQ tijjolue, ^ in CunU fo^tjtoul) tuealtl) aiiD eaCc^matc liue m quiet no\i)f . iai^at Cuie can make buae auD faie, (create (J?>aD ue bleft tijerCo^e; 5t ooetb fo manp (iraiingcrfi feeW5auu fo m.flntaiiie tbe (toiie: i«'oi bere ti>e nioie tljc number is,ibf if ffe of luant \m finoe , Of co?iie ano r ate5/utrl)e (to^e i« bercjit anfujero e ri)e maiw miuDf . tClapc lueil tl}e ?3ear:^) of other realines,ano poti Ibail fee in weor, ^ "^be jjk'aae of ibis Utile ^le,fupijUe our uctfr1)bour-5 necDf: ;Ti: iuu^1:jc U^io iTau-rlej ajip \ul)ere,anD thni repairetb here, d^lMll Qaot echc •: bins o;ooD chepc at boine,tbflt i« ab^oaoe full ocrr. \ 9nD iiocc but 1 o'lD jn iiote it iueI(,tJoctb keepe one (Imt ano rate, Ci:'iiictuil£i> in che market p!afe,looketb?ou(d)outeurpiUte: . > ?0f a^i^rc cu^eu 6 j^ fo> iDickeo life,liis bountie luill toitbo^aU)^ i-'K '."^rtio? ano biethien (bonnetb tytartb,^? rule ano noOle laae, ; Ipere le piouiSan fc? ibepo.i!e,auo uHjo tl)at!iiatke3the iamei i§:l;all fee tl)at luojitbie ^a^c ^ cjrauCjOcferufG anoOle luini". 9pp boloneffe uoUj'O inpsuoD loioe,)cxciire tb^ough nipgooDloiflj Cbit euer in mpComitries p?aire,w pieft a-io teaDie ftiU, flua where tlK nougbtie lwe« of fonw,arf towljto Up w peinte , Jt 18 fo? ionoona honour fpokf ,that can refmme fiitche mennc: tabiche 111 tt)i« ftatelp fljephcaros folDe^like rotten iljepe Doe Uue, 5uo lobofo? Uiant of lookpiw^too^ooe i*iei ample ^tue. <6oo graunt toJbiles \Doubie kvoodroffc rnlc3,(5r euerp other pere, '2:bere comes no 50Jtbeg emong n:ooD men,no) Caterp-Uara l)CTf: ^ba« U)in;pn5 toelljin ionnona Ia«oe,mp pcnne 31 mull trcnff , Co laiinter fern tbefe oerfca plamejOf tbiji lilie imPf npngs mufc. FINIS, SOUTMPDMol^i^'^y °^ California .211 Form L-0 2.*;m-10. •41(2131) THE UNTVFP ^rr TTTil^A^V .>?^J« University of California, Los Angeles L 007 118 078 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 345 639