GIFT OF GOOSE /"VGIQDIGSJ VITH ILLUSTRATIONS HERBERT NORTON 6TOOPS F54UL dx CQMPA7VY SA2S FRA7VCISCO- Page Little Bo-Bat - - 3 Tom, Tom, the Chaplain's Son 5 Higgledy, Piggledy, See My Men - 7 Private Mahoney - 9 Ding, Dong, Dill, the Sergeant 's in the Mill - - 11 To Bed, to Bed, said Sleepy Head - 13 Mother, May I Go Out to Manila? - - 15 Dickery, Dickery, Dole - 17 Curly-Locks, Curly-Locks - - 19 Sing a Song of Sixpence, a Colonel Full of Rye - 21 Ride a Q.M. Horse the Country Across - 23 The Old K.O.was a Jolly Old Beau 25 Lieutenant Jack Horner - - 27 Simple Simon Met a General - 29 Jack & Jill went up the Hill upon the Water Wagon 3 1 Hey ! Diddle, Diddle, She 's Big in the Middle - 33 Richard and Robert were Two Pretty Aides - 35 Humpty Dumpty went on a Spree - 37 The Colonel's Wife and the Captain's Wife - 39 Three Blind Bugs - 41 Soldier in Blue, Come Blow Your Horn - 43 There was a Little Girl - 45 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, You Must Have Some Pull 47 There was a Lieutenant Who Always was Blue 49 Mary, Mary, Flirty Fairy - - 51 -I'" ARMY GOOSE MELODIES 302340 LITTLE BO-BAT ETLE Bo-Bat Has lost her rat, And can't tell where to find it; Leave it alone Will it come home, Wagging its tail behind it? TOM, TOM THE CHAPLAIN'S SON T OM, Tom, the Chaplain's son, Used perfume and sen-sen gum. Perfume's fine And so is gum, But what is the matter with the Chaplain's son? HIGGLED Y, PIGGLEDY SEE MY MEN T TIGGLEDY, piggledy, see my JL JL men, My nice squad of rookies ten; People come from far away To see me drill my men each day. PRIVATE MAHONEY PRIVATE Mahoney >at all aloney, Feasting on crackers and beer; A "TB" 1 espied him, And crept down inside him, And he's gone to Fort Bayard 2 for a year. 1 Tubercular bacillus 2 Consumption hospital DING, DONG, DILL THE SERGEANT'S IN THE MILL I U DING, dong, (Ml, The Sergeant's in the mill! How did it happen so? Dam'f I know. 11 TO BED, TO BED SAID SLEEPY- HEAD TO bed, to bed, said sleepy head Let's tarry a while, said the winner, Your luck will turn on a red, white and blue, So let the jack-pot simmer. MOTHER, MAY I GO OUT TO MANILA? MOTHER, may I go out to Manila? Yes, my darling daughter; But mind the sea is sometimes rough, You may cast your bread on the water. DICKERY, DICKERY, DOLE, THE LIEUTENANT'S UP THE POLE ,\ DICKER Y, dickery, dole! The Lieutenant's up the pole, But when he conies down, Woe to the town, Dickery, dickery, dole! 17 CURLY-LOCKS, CURLY-LOCKS CURLY-LOCKS, Curly-Locks, wilt thou be mine, And care for my motherless children, nine? I hear thou canst sew and cook dishes fine, Which my divorced wife never did in her time. L/ SING A SONG OF SIX PENCE A COLONEL FULL OF RYE SING a song of six pence, A Colonel full of rye, Wishes he could creep to bed, And dodge his dear wife's eye. But when the door is opened, His wife begins to scold, Now isn't that a cruel way To treat a Colonel bold? The Colonel's been to the Club all night, At bridge a-losing money, His wife has waited long for him, She will not call him "Honey." The cook was in the kitchen A- warming of her toes, When along came the striker And kissed her 'neath her nose. 21 RIDE A Q.M. HORSE THE COUNTRY ACROSS RDE a Q. M. horse the country across, And you will come home very much at a loss To know how on earth your dinner you'll eat Since you're sure you would rather not sit on a seat 23 THEOLDK.O. WAS A JOLLY OLD BEAU THE old K.O. Was a jolly old beau, And a jolly old beau was he; He went to the City In cits clothes so pretty, And he jollied the chorus girls three. 25 LIEUTENANT JACK HORNER E;UTENANT Jack Horner Sat in a corner Imbibing much wet nourishment, For the Queen of the town Had turned him down, And smiled on the goat of the regiment. 27 SIMPLE SIMON MET A GENERAL SIMPLE SIMON met a General, On an Army transport; Simple Simon licked his boots, For this was Simon's forte. Quoth Simon, "I am mak- ing good," His head inflated grew; But, alas! when they reached Manila He was sent to the tall bam- boo. JACK AND JILL WENT UP THE HILL UPON THE WATER WAGON JACK and Jill went up the hill Upon the water wagon; They both fell down, And broke their crown, The fatal result of painting the town. 31 HEY! DIDDLE, DIDDLE SHE'S BIG IN THE MIDDLE HEY! diddle, diddle, She's big in the middle, She can't wear her new tube gown ; But get her some stays That lace up both ways, She will not be so big around RICHARD AND ROBERT WERE TWO PRETTY AIDES R:CHARD and Robert were two pretty aides, Who to bed went at dawn with two aching heads; At eleven a. m. Robert leaped from his bed, "Oh, Richard, the General will be waiting," he said. "Shut up," said Richard, "don't make such a fuss ; The General was fuller than either of us." 35 HUMPXY DUMPTY WENT ON A SPREE HUMPTY Dumpty went on a spree, Humpty Dumpty was sick as could be; Now all his regiment, Colonel and men, Couldn't make Humpty Dumpty go boozing again. 37 THE COLONEL'S WIFE AND THE CAPTAIN'S WIFE THE Colonel's wife and the Cap- tain's wife Were fighting for the prize, And scarcely had the game begun, Before the guests were wise; The hostess held her breath for fear They'd scratch each other's eyes. 39 THREE BLIND BUGS blind bugs, see how they JL run! They all run after the boy in blue And chase him to Bayard for a year or two, Where he sleeps out of doors and grows very blue Three blind bugs. SOLDIER IN BLUE COME BLOW YOUR HORN SOLDIER in blue, come blow your horn! The troops are waiting to drill this morn ; Where is the soldier that blows the horn? He 's off with a" bottle of juice of the corn. 43 THERE WAS A LITTLE QIRL THERE was a little girl and she had a little curl, Which she pinned 'way back from her forehead, And when she was bad, she was very, very bad, And when she was good, she was horrid. 45 BAA, BAA, BLACK SHEEP YOU MUST HAVE SOME PULL QCPS BAA, baa, black sheep, You must have some pull. Yes, sir; yes, sir; Washington is full Of Generals and Senators That my near kin be, If it were not for their kindness, Out of service I would be. 47 THERE WAS A LIEUTENANT WHO ALWAYS WAS BLUE was a lieutenant who always was blue; He had so many children he didn't know what to do; Daily to Heaven for war prayed he, That he might soon get his captaincy. 49 MARY, MARY, FLIRTY FAIRY M ARY, Mary, flirty fairy, How does your body-guard grow? Tall Captains in blue and a Major or two, And Lieutenants all in a row. 51 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. AUG 10194; LD 21-100m-7,'39(402s) 302340 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY