i i THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY BELONGING TO Society of Hntiquaries OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE INCLUSIVE OF THE fIDanuscripts, Drawings, prints, anfc flDaps NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE BROWNE & BROWNE, 103, GREY STREET M.DCCC.XCVI NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE : BROWNE AND BROWNE, PRINTERS, 103, GREY STREET CONTENTS PAGE BOOKS 4 PUBLIC RECORDS AND ROLLS SERIES IC6 MANUSCRIPTS 113 DRAWINGS . . . . . Il8 ENGRAVINGS , . . I2O MAPS AND PLANS , 124 CLASSIFIED INDEX .126 THE WOODMAN COLLECTION 167 739351 CATALOGUE ABBATT (Richard) History of the Picts or Romano British Wall, and of the Roman Stations and Vallum, with an account of their state in June 1849, 8vo. l &49 Abbey Churches, Account of the Abbey Churches of Bath, Durham, Exeter, Gloucester, and St. Albans, and the Collegiate Church of Saint Stephen, Westminster, published by the Society of Antiquaries, folio.' Abrahamson (J. von) om den Indbyrdes Undervilsnings Fremgang i Danmark. Tracts 410, vol. 9. Ktobenkavn, 1824-26 Academic Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Choix des Memoires de 1'Academie, 3 vols, 4to. 1777 - Royale des Sciences, Memoires de, 85 vols, et Table Alpha- betique des Matieres, 4to. Paris, V.Y. Accounts of the Great Chamberlains of Scotland, and of some other Officers of the Crown; Rendered at the Exchequer, 1326-1453, 3 vols, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1837 Accounts and Extracts of the Manuscripts in the .Library of the King of France, 2 vols, 8vo. 1 7&9 Act for the Railway from Newcastle to Carlisle, folio 1829 for Building a Bridge over the River Wansbeck, at Morpeth, folio. 1829 for establishing a permanent fund for the relief and support of Skippers and Keelmen employed on the River Tyne. N.D. Acts of Parliament in the Reign of William III., relating to the Coinage, folio. 1695-98 and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, from the year 1560 to 1618, 3 vols, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1839-45 Adamnan (Abbot) The Life of St. Columba, with notes and disser- tations by William Reeves, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinlwrgh, 1857 Adamson (John) Catalogue of Stycas in the Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 4to, MSS. 1853 Obituary Notice of, from the Gentleman's Magazine. Tracts, 8vo, vol. i. Newcastle, 1856 B 6 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Addison (Joseph) Dialogues upon the Usefulness of Ancient Medals, 1 2 mo. Glasgow, 1751 Adler (Jac. Geo. C.) Museum Cufic-im Borgianum Velitris, Romcp, 1782. Adler, Collectio Nova Numorum Cuficorum sev Arabi- corum Veterum, cxvi continens Numos plerosque ineditos e Museis Borgiano et Adleriano, HafncB, 1792, 410. Ainslie (General) Illustrations of the Anglo-French Coinage, 410. 1830 Ainsworth (Robt.) Latin and English Dictionary, edited by Thomas Morell, 410. 1808 Akerman (John Yonge, F.S.A.) Descriptive Catalogue of rare and unedited Roman Coins, 2 vols, 8vo. ^34 - Numismatic Manual, or Guide to the Study of Greek, Roman, and English Coins, 121110. ^32 - Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes, arranged and described, 8vo. 2 copies. 1846 - Introduction to the Study of Ancient and Modern Coins, 8vo. 1848 Coins of the Romans relating to Britain, 8vo. 2 copies. 1844 - Remarks on the Coins of Ephesus struck during the Roman Dominion. Tracts 8vo, vol. 9. 1841 - The Forgeries of Public Money, 8vo. Ibid. 1843 - Further Observations on the Coinage of the Ancient Britons. Tracts 410, vol. 7. 1839 On the Condition of Britain from the Descent of Caesar to the coming of Claudius, 410. Ibid. 1850 - Remarks of Pagan Saxondom, 410. ^55 Aktstykker, af Danmarks indre Forhold i aeldre Tid, 2 vols, 4to. Odense, 1841-45 Allan Press. Books and Tracts printed at the Private Press of George Allan, Esq., Grange, near Darlington, 410. Cromwell's (Oliver) Recommendatory Letter to William Lenthall for erecting a College and University at Durham, and his Letters Patent for founding the same. With the Address of the Provost and Fellows of the said College to his son Richard. Extracts from Journals of the House of Lords relative to the Cause of Forster v. Armorer. Another Copy {Reprint}. An Assize to be held at Durham on the nth August, 1651. Exemplification of a Fine of Lands at Hurworth, in the County of Durham. Certificate of the Commissioners appointed to Survey the Manor, Lands, Tenements of the late Dean and Chapter of Durham. Petition of the Gentlemen, Freeholders, &c., of the County of Durham to the Parliament, for founding a College. SOCIETY OF AN 7 TIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE J The Petition and Address of the Justices and Grand Jury of Durham td Oliver Cromwell. Address from the People of Durham to the Lord General and Councel of Officers. American Annals, or Hints and Queries for Parliament Men, 1775. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Commons, touching the College of Durham being converted into a University. A Particular of Lands belonging to the Bp. of Durham, sold by virtue of an Ordinance for abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops. Exemplification of a Fine of Lands at Hurworth. Pro (Laur. Booth) Episcopo Dunolmensi de Obolis Fabricandis. Grant for Life to Queen Henrietta Maria. Another Copy (Reprint). Inspeximus of the Surrender made by Hugh Whitehead, Prior of Durham, to Henry the Eighth. Another Copy (Reprint). Answer of the Dean and Prebendaries oi Durham, setting forth the reasons why they cannot produce their Booke of Chapter Acts. Manor of Raby in the County of Durham. Raby Castle, County of Durham. Whitton Castle, County of Durham. The Continuance of all the Bishops of Durham from St. Aidaine to Cuthbert Tunstall. Remarks of the Rev. Mr. Rud upon the Book, intituled "The Origin and Succession of the Bishops of Durham, &c." Licence to the Prior and Chapter of Durham to elect a Bishop on the Death of Robert Neville. The Pope's Letter to K. Hen. 6, approving of Laurence Booth to be Bp. ot Durham, &c., &c. Kypier Hospital ; Fundatio Hospitalis de Kypier. Carta Hugonis Dunel- mensis Episcopi. The Charter granted by Bishop Pudsev to the Burgessess of the City of Durham, and Confirmation of it by Pope Alexander III., with the plate. Translation of the Inrollment of a Deed in French from John de Carrowe to Bishop Hatfield, Anno 1363. Manors held of the Bishop of Durham in Capite, by Knights' Service, and other Tenures, &c. De Judicio super Libertatibus Dunelm. in Manum Regis captis adnullato. De Restitutione Temporalium Tho. Langle Epis. Dunelm. Bartlett on the Episcopal Coins of Durham, and the Monastic coins of Reading. Extract from the Rolls of Parliament, Thomas Lord Roos, Thomas Grey, and others attainted of High Treason, and their Lands, etc., forfeited to the Bishop of Durham. Appointment of William Richardson Master of the Mint at Durham. Lease by Bishop Ruthal to Roger Richardson, Master Workman of his Money of Silver to be coined in the Palace of Durham. Letter of William Frankeleyn to Cardinal Wolsey, relating to certain coal Mines at Whickham, &c. The Foundation Charter of the Cathedral Church of Durham, by King Henry the Eighth. 8 LIBRARY CATALOGUE The Endowment of the Cathedral Church of Durham. Statuta et Ordinationes Ecclesia; Cathedralis Christi et Beatae Maria- Virgin is Dunelmensis. Commission to hear and determine the appeal of Cuthbert Tunstall, Bp. of Durham, being deprived of his Bishoprick. Exemplification of a Lease of the Salt Meadows and Tolls of the Town of Gateshead. Inspeximus of an Act of Parliament in the ist of Queen Mary for the repeal of two Acts made in the 7th of King- Edward the Sixth, touching the dissolution of the Bishoprick of Durham. Act of Parliament empowering Queen Mary to make Statutes for Cathedral and Collegiate Churches. Grant to Bishop Tunstall of the Nomination, &c., of the Twelve Preben- daries in the Cathedral Church of Durham. License to the Dean and Chapter of Durham to elect a Bishop on the Deprivation of Cuthbert Tunstall. The Queen's assent for the election of James Pilkington. Restitution of the Temporalities of the Bishoprick of Durham to Bp. Pilkington. Papers relating to Bp. Pilkington, Lands detained from him, and State of the Bishoprick. Orders of the Privy Council for renewing the Dean and Chapter's Leases. Darlington Free Grammar School. Queen Elizabeth's Charter, and other Documents. Extracts from the Boldon Book, or the Domesday of the County of Durham. Proceedings of the Dean and Chapter of Durham against their Rebellious Tenants, 1661. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Commons concerning the Bishop- rick of Durham, and sending Members to Parliament. Indenture upon the Election and return of two Knights to serve in Parliament for the County of Durham, in the time of Oliver Cromw-ell. Proceedings in Parliament between Bp. Cosins and the Freeholders of the County of Durham, relating to sending Members to Parliament. Rules and Orders to be observed in Actions and Proceedings in the Court of the County of Durham. Collections relating to St. Edmund's Hospital, Gateshead, together with several Charters, Grants, &c., concerning the Town and Church. Collections relating to Sherburn Hospital. Hegg's Legend of St. Cuthbert. Sketch of the Life and Character of Richard Trevor, Bishop of Durham. Collections relating to Gretham Hospital. Allen (J. Romilly) Early Christian Symbolism in Great Britain and Ireland before the. i3th Century, 8vo. 1887 Allen (Thomas) History of the County of York, 2 vols, 8vo. 1828 Almanacks, A Collection of thirteen, various, for the year 1677, 8vo. Alnwick, History of, i2mo. Almoick, 1813 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE g Alnwick, A Descriptive and Historical View of, and of Alnwick Castle, &c., 8vo. Alnwick, 1822 Alnwick Castle, Descriptive Catalogue of Antiquities, chiefly British, at Alnwick Castle, 410. Newcastle, 1880 Alnwick Castle, with other Poems, 8vo. New York, 1836 Alnwick Castle, Verses on the Earl of Northumberland, restoring of, 8vo. Newcastle, 1829 America. Antiquitates Americanae sive Scriptores Septentrionales rerum Ante-Columbianarum in America, 410. Hafnice, 1837 Amiens. Programme du concours pour la Construction du Muse"e Napoleon a. Tracts 8vo, vol. 12. Amiens, 1853 An Exhortacyon to Nobyll' and Comons of the Northe, 8vo. Ripon, 1843 Anderson (John) Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of the House of Hamilton, 410. Edinburgh, 1825 Anderson (John P.) The Book of British Topography, a Classified Catalogue of the Topographical Works in the British Museum, 8vo. 2 copies. 1881 Anstis (John) Observations introductory to a Historical Essay on the Knighthood of the Bath, 4to. J 7 2 5 Antike Denkmaeler Herausgegeben vom Kaiserlich Deutschen Archaeologischen Institut, 3 vols, folio. 1887-89 Antiquarian Itinerary, comprising Specimens of Architecture, Monastic, Castellated and Domestic, with other Vestiges of Antiquity in Great Britain, vol i, 8vo. ^15 Antiquarian Miscellanies, vol. i, 4to. Maitland Club, 1828 Antiquaries, Society of, London. A Copy of the Royal Charter and Statutes. Tracts 410, vol. 2. 1800 Antiquaries, Society of, London, Proceedings of. Second Series. 15 vols, 8vo. 1859-95 Antiquaries, Society of, Newcastle-on-Tyne, First Annual Report, 4to. 1814 - Proceedings of, 1855 to 1857, reprinted from the Gateshead Observer, 8vo. Gateshead, 1858 - Proceedings of. New Series, 1884 to 1894, 6 vols. So. Shields, 1885-95 Antiquarisk Annaler, 4 vols, 8vo. Kiobenha-vn, 1812 Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, udgivet af det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift Selskab, 1852-53, 8vo. 1853-4 Antiquary, The. A Fortnightly Medium of Intercommunication for Archaeologists, Antiquarians, &c. , vol. i, 410. 1871 Antiquary, The. A Magazine devoted to the Study of the Past. Vols. i to 16, 410, 1880-87, and vols. 25 to 32, 1892-95. 10 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Antoninus, Iter Britanniarum ; or that part of the Itinerary of Antoninus which relates to Britain, edited by Rev. Thomas Reynolds, 4to. Cambridge, 1799 - Iter Britanniarum commentariis illustratum, Thomae Gale, 4to. 1709 Anvers, Description de la Ville d'. Tracts 8vo. vol. 12. Anvers, 1830 A Pleasant Discovery of the Coosenage of Colliers. (From the end of Green's Nptable Discovery of Coosenage, 1591), 410. Arbroath. Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc. Registrorum Abbacie de Aberbrothoc, pars prior. Registrum Vetus Munimentaque eidem Coetanea Complectens, 1178-1329. Pars Altera Registrum Nigrum necnon Libros Cartarum Recentiores Complectens, 1329-1536, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgi, 1848-56 Arbuthnot (John, M.D.) Table of Ancient Coins, Weights, and Measures ; with Appendix by Benjamin Langwith, D.D., 4to. 1754 Archaeologia ; or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquities, vols i to 54, 410. 1779-1895 - Index to Vols. i to 50, 410. 1889 Archaeologia ^Eliana ; or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 4 vols, 410. Newcastle, 1822-55 - New Series, vols. i to 15, 8vo. Newcastle, 1857-92 Archaeologia Cambrensis, The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeo- logical Association, 2 vols, 8vo. J 894~5 Archaeologia Cantiana, Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society, vols. 2 to 20, 8vo. 1859-93 General Index to Vols. i to 18, 8vo. ^93 Archaeologia Scotica ; or Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 4 vols. 410. Edinburgh, 1792-1857 Archaeological Association, Transactions of, at its Second Annual Congress, held at Winchester, August 1845, 8vo. 1846 - Transactions at its Third Annual Congress at Gloucester, 1846, 8vo. 1848 Archaeological (British) Association, Report of the Proceedings at a Special General Meeting of the Members, held March 4, 1845. Tracts 8vo, vol. 7. 1845 - Report of the Special General Meeting, with Observations upon the Proceedings, edited by Alfred J. Dunkin. Ibid, 1845 Catalogue of the Museum of Antiquities, exhibited at the Annual Meeting at Chester, 1849. Ibid^ 1849 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE I I Archaeological (British) Association, Journal of the, vols. i to 50, 8vo. 1846-94 - New Series, vol. i, 8vo. I ^9S General Index to vols. 31 to 42, edited by W. De Gray Birch, 8vo. 1887 Archaeological Institute, Proceedings at the Annual Meeting at Winchester, 1845, 8vo. 1846 - Proceedings at the Annual Meeting at York, 1846, 2 vols, 8vo. 1847 - Proceedings at the Meeting at Norwich, 1847, 8vo. 185; - Proceedings at the Meeting at Lincoln, 1848, 8vo. 1850 - Proceedings at the Meeting at Salisbury, 1849, 8vo. 1851 - Proceedings at the Meeting at Newcastle, 1852, 2 vols, 8vo. 1858 Catalogue of Antiquities exhibited at the Annual Meetings from 1845 to 1848, 8vo. Catalogue of Antiquities, Works of Art, &c. , exhibited in the Museum, during the Annual Meeting, in Edinburgh, July, 1856, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1852 Catalogue of the Museum formed at Carlisle during the Meet- ing of the Institute. Tracts 8vo, vol. 7. Carlisle, 1859 Archaeological Journal, published by the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain, vols. i to 52, 8vo. 1845-95 Archaeologischen Instituts. Mittheilungen des Kaiserlich Deut- schen. Roemische Abtheilung. Vols. i to 5, 8vo. Rom. 1886-90 Arkle (Thomas) Statistical Account of the Landed Estates in the Parish of Elsdon, in the County of Northumberland. Tracts, 4to, vol. 5. Newcastle 1841 Armstrong (Capt.) Companion to Armstrong's Map of Northum- berland, 8vo. 1769 Army List for 1810, 8vo. Arnot (Hugo) History of Edinburgh, from the earliest Accounts to the present Time, 4to. Edinburgh, 1788 Ascanius, or the Young Adventurer ; containingan impartial History of the Rebellion in Scotland in 1745-46, i2mo. Ibid, 1812 Asiatic Researches, or Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, vol. 10, 8vo. 1811 Atkinson (Rev. J. C.) Forty Years in a Moorland Parish. Reminis- cences and Researches in Danby in Cleveland, 8vo. 1891 Atkinson (Ellen) Poems, i2tno. Newcastle, 1844 Atkinson (Robert) Irish Lexography, 8vo. Dublin, 1885 12 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Atterbury (Francis, Bp. of Rochester), Speech of, at the bar of the House of Lords, May nth 1723, folio. 1713 Athill (Rev. William) Documents relating to the Foundation and Antiquities of the Collegiate Church of Middleham, in theCounty of York, 410. 1847 Aubrey (John) Natural History of Wiltshire, edited, and elucidated by Notes, by John Britton, 4to. 1847 Ayloffe (Sir. Joseph) Calendars of the Ancient Charters, and of the Welch and Scottish Rolls now remaining in the Tower of London 4to. 1774 - Historical description of an ancient Picture in Windsor Castle, representing the Interview between Henry VIII. and the French King, Francis I. Tracts, 410, vol. i. 1771 - Historical Description of an ancient Painting at Covvdry in Sussex. Ibid, 1778 BABELON (Ernest) Description Historique et Chronologique des Monnaies de la Republique Romaine, 2 vols, 8vo. 1885-86 Bacon (John) Liber Regis, vel Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum, 2 vols, 410. 1786 Bacon (Fryer) The Famous Historic of, containing the Wonderfull Things that he did in his Life; also the Manner of his Death, 4to. Miscell. Antiq. Anglic. Repr. 1816 Bailey (John) General View of the Agriculture of the County of Durham, 8vo. 1810 Baillie (Robert, A. M. Principal of the University of Glasgow, 1637- 1662,) Letters and Journals, edited from the Author's Manu- scripts, by David Laing, 3 vols, 8vo. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1841-42 Baily (Jos.) Coronation Sermon, preached in Newcastle Oct. 2oth, 1 7 1 4 8vo , Gateshead, N. D. Bain (Joseph) and Rogers (Rev. Charles) Liber Protocollorum. M. Cuthberti Simonis Notarii Publici et Scribse capituli Glas- guensis A. D. 1 499- 1513 also Rental Book of Diocese of Glasgow 1509-1570, 2 vols, 8vo. London, 1875 Baker (Thomas) Reflections on Learning, 8vo. J 798 Ball (Sir Robert S.) Dvnamics and Modern Geometry, 4to. Dublin, 1887 Ballads. Twelve Romantic Scottish Ballads, with the Original Airs 8vo. Tracts, 4to, vol 4. Edinburgh, 1844 Balloons. Account of the attempted Ascent in a Balloon, by V. Lunardi, at Newcastle, MS., by Thomas Bell, with Cuttings and Memoranda relative to Balloons, 8vo. Ascensions from Newcastle, by Lunardi, Sadler, and Green, collected by John Sykes, 410. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 13 Banduri (D. A.) Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum a Trajano Decio ad Palaeologos Augustos, 2 vols, folio. Paris, 1718 Bannatyne (The) Miscellany, containing" Original Papers and Tracts, chiefly relating to the History and Literature of Scotland. Vol. i, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1827 Banson (William) The Merchant's Penman, a Copy Book of the usual Hands now in Practice by most Book-keepers in Europe, folio. Newcastle, 1702 Bara (Hierome de) Le Blason des Armoiries, 8vo. 1581 Barber (John, Alderman, and Lord Mayor of London) An Impartial History of the Life, Character, and Transactions of. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 11. 1741 Barber's Arms of Northumberland Gentry, 410. N.D. Barclay (John) Icon animorum; The Mirrour of Minds; Englished by Thos. May, i2mo. 1631 Bartoli. Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato e popolo Romano all' Imperatore Traiano Augusto Nel Suo foro in Roma, folio. Roma, N.D. - Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicato, folio. Roma, 1704 Bartoli, Museum Odescalchum, sive Thesaurus Antiquarum Gem- marum, 2 vols, folio. Roma, 1751-52 Barton (John Adkins) Diary of a Month's Tour in the South of France, . during the Autumn of 1858. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. 1859 Barwick (Rev John, D.D.) Sermon at the Funeral of Thomas (Morton) late L. Bishop of Duresme; together with the Life of the said Bishop, 4to. 1660 - Sermon preached at the Funeral of Thomas Morton, Lord Bishop of Duresme, with the Life of the said Bishop. Tracts, 8vo, vol. i. 1669, Repr. Newcastle, 1857 Barwicke, The Statutes of (Border Club) 8vo. N.D. Bateman (Lord) Ye loving Ballad of; to ittes owne tune herein sette ffoorth, printed by Joseph Crawhall, 8vo. Morpeth, 1860 Bates (Cadwallader J.) The History of Northumberland (Popular County History Series) 2 copies, 8vo. and 4to. 1895 Bates (Thomas) Letter to the Bishop of Durham on the sale of the Ridley Hall Estate, 8vo. Newcastle, 1830 Bateson (Edward) History of Northumberland. Vol I.- The Parish of Bamburgh and Chapelry of Belford. Vol II. The Parishes of Embleton, Ellingham, Howick, Long Houghton, and Les- bury, 4to. Newcastle, 1893-95 14 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Bath. Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Specimens of the Architec- ture of the Abbey Church of Bath, with some Account of the Abbey Church, folio. Abbey Churches. 1798 Batte" (Lon) Le Raphael de M. Morris Moore, Apollon et Marsyas, Documents accompagnds de Prefaces, de Traductions, de Notes, et d'une Etude. Tracts 8vo, vol. 8. Paris, 1859 Batten (Edmund C.) The Charters of the Priory of Beauly, with notices of the Priories of Pluscardine and Ardchattan, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877 Battle of Gabhara ; Garristown in the County of Dublin, fought A. D. 283, edited from an original Irish Manuscript, by Nicholas O'Kearney, 8vo. Ossianic Society, Dublin, 1853 Bedingfield (Thomas) and Pickering (George) Poetry, fugitive and original ; with Notes and some additional Pieces, by a Friend, 8vo. Newcastle, 1815 Begeri (L.) Thesaurus Brandenburgicus selectus ; sive, Gemmarum, et Numismatum Graecorum, in Cimeliarchio Electorali Bran- denburgico elegantiorum Series, 3 vols, folio. Colonies Marchiccz, 1696 Beke (C. T.) The Idol in Horeb, 8vo. 1871 Origines Biblicae, or Researches in Primeval History, vol. i, 8vo. J 834 Bell (John) Rhymes of Northern Bards, a Collection of old and new Songs and Poems, peculiar to the Counties of Newcastle, Northumberland, and Durham, i2mo. Newcastle, 1812 Bell (John Gray) Descriptive and Critical Catalogue of Works illus- trated by Thomas and John Bewick, 8vo. 1851 Bell (Robert) Roman Wall ; an Attempt to substantiate the Claims of Severus to the Authorship of the Roman Wall, 410. Newcastle, 1852 Bell (Thomas, F. S.A.) Catalogue of the Library of, Sold by Auction, October, 1860, 8vo. Ibid, 1860 Another Copy, large paper, folio. Ibid, 1860 Bell (Thomas G.) Historical Memorials of Presbyterianism in Newcastle-on-Tyne, 8vo. ^47 Bellasis (Edward) Westmorland Church Notes; being the Heraldry, Epitaphs, and other Inscriptions in the thirty-two ancient Parish Churches and Churchyards of that County, 2 vols, 8vo, Kendal, 1888-89 Bennet's (Rev. Benjamin) Presbyterian Prejudice further displayed; or, his Unjust Reflections on King Charles I. considered. By a Gent., 8vo. Newcastle, 1726 Berattelse,om ett i Motala Strom traffadt Fynd,8vo. Stockholm, 1818 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 15 Bergne (J. B.) on some Foreign or Counterfeit Sterlings. Tracts 8vo, vol. 9. 1855 Coins in the King of Denmark's Cabinet. Ibid, 1855 Bergstedt (S. N.)Itinera et Labores Johannis Gabr. Sparfvenfeldii Celeb. Antiquitat. Gothicar. Investigatoris ex Autographis Illustrata. Tracts 4to, vol. 8. Upsalice Berlanga (Rodriguez) El Nuevo Bronce de Italica que publica de Real orden, 8vo. Malaga, 1891 Bertier (Francis) The Spas of Aix-Les-Bains and Marlioz Savoy, 8vo. 1877 Berwick Museum ; forming a universal Repository of Amusement and Instruction, 3 vols, 8vo. Berwick, 1785-87 Berwiclt-upon-Tweed, A Roll of the Burgesses of, with the Dates of their Admission &c. , 410. Ibid, 1806 - A Roll of the Burgesses of, 410. Ibid, 1821 Berwickshire Naturalists'Club, Proceedings of, for 1845, 1856, 1859, 1861, 1863 to 1893, 8vo. Alnwick, 1845-94 Besley (Rev. John, D.C.L.) Sainct Cudberht hys hatrid that he bear vnto Women, and the begynnynges thereof, and hys for- byddynge them to approache vnto hys Chirches bordyrs, &c. , Newly gathered out of Auntient Cronicls and Ould Wrytynges very pythye and pytyfull to reade, 410. Newcastle, 1844 - Desultory Notices of the Church and Vicarage of Long Benton 4to. Ibid, 1843 Betham (Rev. Wm.) Baronetage of England; or the History of the English Baronets, and of such Baronets of Scotland as are of English Families, 5 vols, 410. Ipswich, 1801-5 Bewick (Thomas) His Life and Times, by Robert Robinson, 410, Newcastle, 1887 Bewick Gleanings, being impressions from Copperplates and Wood Blocks engraved in the Bewick Workshop. Edited with notes by Julia Boyd, 410. 1886 Bewick (Rev. Wm.) Letters and Miscellany Poems, 8vo. Newcastle, 1742 - Miscellany Poems, Part of. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 5. Ibid, 1741 Bibliographer, The. A Journal of Book Lore, 2 vols, 410. 1882 Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or a descriptive Catalogue of a rare and rich Collection of Early English Poetry, in the Possession of Longman & Co., 8vo. 1815 Bibliotheca Askeviana, Sive Catalogus Librorum rarissimorum Antonii Askew, M.D. Quorum Auctio fiet Apud S. Baker and G. Leigh, with prices, 8vo. X 775 1 6 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Bigsby (Robert, M.A., LL.D.) Historical and Topographical Des- cription of Repton, in the County of Derby, 410. 1854 Billings (Robt. Wm.) Architectural Illustrations and Account of the Temple Church, London, 410. 1838 - Illustrations of the Architectural Antiquities of the County of Durham ; Ecclesiastical, Castellated, and Domestic, 410. Durham, 1846 - Architectural Illustrations and description of the Cathedral Church of Durham, 410. l &43 - Architectural Illustrations, History, and Description of Carlisle Cathedral, 2 vols, 410. 1840 - Illustrations of Geometric Tracery from the Paneling belonging to Carlisle Cathedral, 410. 1842 - Geometric Tracery of Brancepeth Church, 410. 1845 - Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, 4 vols, 4to. 1848 Birch (S.) Catalogue of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities at Alnwick Castle, 4to. 1880 Birch (Walter de Gray) Cartularium Saxonicum : a Collection of Charters relating to Anglo Saxon History, 3 vols, 410. 1885-87 - Fasti Monastici Aevi Saxonici, or an Alphabetical List of the Heads of Religious Houses in England previous to the Norman Conquest, 8vo. 1872 Birmingham (J.) The Red Stars, 410. Dublin, 1890 Blackburne (John) The Register Booke of Inglebye inxta Greenhow 1539-1800, folio. Canterbury, 1889 Bligh (Rev. Reginald, Rector of Romaldkirk) History of a Tithe Cause between him and John Benson, Farmer, tried at York, 8vo. 1815 Blount (Thomas) Glossographia; or Dictionary of hard Words, 8vo. 1 68 1 - Fragmenta Antiquitatis ; Ancient Tenures of Land, and Jocular Customs of Some Manners, i2mo. Boemus (Joannes) Laws, Manners, and Customs of all Nations, Translated by Edward Aston, 410. 1611 Bolton (Solomon) The Extinct Peerage of England, containing a succinct Account of all the Peers whose Titles are expired, 8vo, 1769 Bonanni (Philippe) Numismata Summorum Pontificum Templi Vaticani fabricam indicantia, folio. Rome, 1715 Bonney (Rev. H. K., M.A.) Historic Notices in reference to Fotheringay, 8vo. Oundle, 1821 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 17 Book Illustrating, Modern Methods of. Border Tour through the most important and interesting place in the Counties of Northumberland, Berwick, Roxburgh, and Selkirk, i2mo. Edinburgh^ 1826 Boscobel, or the Compleat History of his Sacred Majestie's most Miraculous Preservation after the Battle of Worcester. 8vo. 1680 Bosworth (Rev. J., LL. D.) Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language, 8vo. l &3& Bourn (William) The History, Antiquities, and Industries of Whick- ham Parish, 8vo. Carlisle, 1893 Bourne (Rev. Henry, M. A.) Antiquitates Vulgares; or the Antiquities of the Common People, 8vo. Newcastle, 1725 - History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, or the Ancient and Present State of that Town, folio. 2 copies. Ibid, 1736 Bower (John) Description of the Abbeys of Melrose and Old Melrose 8vo. Edinburgh, 1827 Bowman (William) Reliquiae Antiquae Eboracensis, or remains of Antiquity, relating to the County of York, 4to. Leeds, 1855 Boyle (J. R.) The County of Durham; Its Castles, Churches, and Manor Houses, 410. 1892 Another Copy, 8vo. 1892 - The Lost Towns of the Humber ; With an introductory Chapter on the Roman Geography of South East Yorkshire, 8vo. 1889 - Vestiges of Old Newcastle and Gateshead, illustrations by W. H. Knowles, 410. Newcastle, 1890 Boyne (William) The Silver Tokens of Great Britain and Ireland, the Dependencies, and Colonies, 8vo. 1866 Brand (Rev. John, M.A.) History and Antiquities of the Town and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, including an account of the Coal Trade, 2 vols, 410. 1789 - Index to; Compiled by W. Dodd, 410. Newcastle, 1881 Collection of Poetical Essays. Tracts, 410, vol. 5. Ibid, 1765 - Memoranda relative to, Collected by Thomas Bell, with portrait, 8vo. Brandling Junction Railway. Report of the Committee of Investi- gation into the Affairs of the Company, Netac. 1843. Reply of the Directors to the Report, Gatesh. 1843, folio. Brandon (R. & J. A.) Parish Churches, being perspective views of English Ecclesiastical Structures. With plans, 2 vols, 8vo. 1851 Brandeth (Henry) Observations on the Anglo-Saxon Stycasof North- umbria. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. 1840 1 8 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Brayley (E. W.) and Herbert (W.) Concise Account, Historical and Descriptive, of Lambeth Palace, 410. 1806 Brechin. Registrum Episcopatus Brechinensis cui accedunt Cartae Quamplurimae Originalis, 2 vols, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Aberdonice, 1856 Brewster (Rev. John, M.A.) Parochial History and Antiquities of Stockton-upon-Tees, 4to. Stockton, 1796 Another Copy second edition, 8vo. Ibid, 1829 Bristol. Restoration of the Church of St. Mary, Redcliffe. An Appeal by the Vicar, Churchwardens, and Vestry, 410. Bristol, 1842 Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Transactions, vols. i to 1 8, 8vo. Bristol, 1876-95 British Association. Meeting at Newcastle, Account of, from the Athenaeum, with various cuttings, &c. , relative to it, 4to. - Meeting at Cambridge, 1833, Lithographed Signatures of the Members, with a report of the proceedings, 410. 2 copies. Cambridge, 1833 British and American Archaeological Society of Rome Journal, 1884-85, 8vo. Rome, 1886 British Museum. A description of the Collection of ancient Marbles in the British Museum, 6 parts, folio. 1812-30 A Description of ancient Terra Cottas in the British Museum, 4to. 1810 - Description of the Anglo-Gallic Coins in the British Museum, 4to. 1826 - Veterum Populorum et Regum Numi qui in Museo Britannico adservantur (a Taylor Combe), 410. 1824 Synopsis of the Contents of, 8vo. 1816 Britton (John, F.S.A.) Topographical Sketches of North Wiltshire, 8vo. 1826 The Union of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, exemplified by a Series of Illustrations, with descriptive Accounts of the House and Galleries of John Soane, 4to. 1827 Account and Illustration of Roslyn Chapel, from the Architec- tural Antiquities of Great Britain, 410. - Picturesque Antiquities of the English Cities, 4to. 1830 - History and Description, with Graphic Illustrations, of Cassio- bury Park, Hertfordshire, folio. Dictionary of Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages, 8vo. 1838 Chronological History and Graphic Illustrations of Christian Architecture in England, 410. 1826 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 1 9 Britton (John, F.S.A.) Graphic Illustrations, with Historical and Descriptive Accounts of Toddington, Gloucestershire, 410. 1840 - Historical and Architectural Essay relating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol, 4to. 1812 - History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Lichfield, 4to. 1820 - Graphic and Literary Illustrations of Fonthill Abbey, Wilt- shire, with Notices of the Beckford Family, 4to. 1823 - Remarks on the Monumental Bust of Shakspeare, at Stratford, 8vo. 1816 - The Authorship of the Letters of Junius elucidated, 8vo. 1848 - Memoir of John Aubrey, 410. 1845 - Essay on Topographical Literature, 410. - Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Character of Henry Hatcher, 8vo. 1847 A Brief Memoir of Edward James Wilson, F.S.A. , i2mo. 1855 - The Autobiography of, in three parts, 2 vols, 8vo. 1850 - Friendship's Offering, a Sonnet to, by Joseph Ellis, Jun. 4to. 1843 and Brayley (E. W.) Memoirs of the Tower of London, 8vo. 1830 History of the Ancient Palace and late Houses of Parlia- ment at Westminster, 8vo. Brockett (John Trotter, F.S.A.) Glossary of North Country Words in Use, 8vo. Newcastle, 1825 Glossary, second edition, 8vo. Ibid, 1829 - Preface to the Glossary of North Country Words, the original manuscript, folio. Catalogue of his Library, Sold by Auction by Mr. Sotheby, in December, 1823, with the prices and purchasers' names, 8vo. 1823 Brockett (William Henry) The Roman-Wall Emperors, and their Coins. Tracts 410, vol. 5. Gateshead, 1849 Observations on Treasure Trove. Tracts 8vo, vol. 6. Ibid, 1852 - The Tradesmen's Tokens of the iyth Century of Durham and Northumberland. Tracts 8vo, vol. 9. Ibid, 1851 - The Tradesmen's Tokens of the i7th Century of Cumberland and Westmorland. Tracts 8vo, vol. 9. Ibid, 1853 - The Tradesmen's Tokens of the i7th Century of Derbyshire. Tracts 8vo, vol. 9. Ibid, 1857 20 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Brockett (William Henry) Presentation of the Scarborough Piers Testimonial to. Tracts 410, vol. 5. Gateshead, 1846 Brockie (William) Sunderland Notables, Natives, Residents, and Visitors, 8vo. Sunderland, 1894 Brown (Rev. John, D.D.) Sermon preached at St. Nicholas' Church, in Newcastle, on occasion of the late dangerous Insurrection at Hexham. Tracts 8vo, vol. 3. Newcastle, 1761 Another Copy, 8vo. Ibid, 1761 Brown (John) Account of the Customs and Franchises of the Freeman of Newcastle, 8vo. Ibid, 1823 Browne (John) An Attempt to ascertain the true Age of the Porch ofSt Margaret's Church, York. Tracts, 410, vol. 5. York, 1827 Browne (Sir Thomas) Hydriotaphia ; or Urn Burial, Two Discourses of the Sepulchral Urns found in Norfolk, in 1658 and 1667, 8vo. J 736 Bruce (John) Historical and Biographical Atlas, folio. 1828 Summary of Ancient History ; or Companion to the Historical and Biographical Atlas, 8vo. 1828 Bruce (Rev. John Collinwood, LL. D., F. S.A.) The Roman Wall, an Account of the Barrier of the Lower Isthmus, extending from the Tyne to the Solway, 8vo. J 8s3 Another Copy, second edition, 410. ^853 Another Copy, third edition, 410. 1867 - Hand-Book to the Roman Wall, second edition, 8vo. 1884 Another Copy, 410. 1884 Another Copy, third edition, 410. 1885 - Hardrian the Builder of the Roman Wall; a Reply to "An Attempt to substantiate the Claims of Sever us to the Authorship of the Roman Wall," by Robert Bell, 4to. Newcastle, 1853 - Lapidarium Septentrionale, or a description of the Monuments of Roman Rule in the North of England, folio. Newcastle, 1875 - Incised Markings on Stone found in the County of Northumber- land, Argyleshire, and other places, folio. 1869 - The Story, partly sad and partly gay, of the Thorngrafton "Find,"4to. Newcastle, 1871 - Views on the Line of the Roman Wall in the North of England, folio. 1851 Guide to the Castle of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 8vo. Newcastle, 1847 - Another Copy, 4to. Ibid, 1847 - The Bayeux Tapestry elucidated, 4to. 1856 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 21 Bruce (J. C.) and Stokoe (John) A Collection of the Ballads, Melodies and Small-Pipe Tunes of Northumbria, 410. Newcastle, 1882 Bruce (The) and Wallace, two ancient Scottish Poems, byj. Barbour and Harry the Blind Minstrel, with Memoirs, Notes, and Gloss- ary by John Jamieson, D.D., 2 vols, 410. Edinburgh, 1820 Bruxelles Societe D'Archeologie, Annales, vol. 3, 8vo. Bruxelles, 1891 Brydson (Thomas) View of Heraldry in Reference to the Usages of Chivalry, and the general Economy of the Feudal System, 8vo, Edinburgh, 1795 Buchan (Peter) Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland hitherto unpublished, with explanatory Notes, 2 vols, 8vo. Ibid, 1828 - Ballads, Critical Remarks on, from the Paisley Magazine. Tracts 8vo. vol. 5. - The Secret History of Macbeth, King of Scotland; with inter- esting Memoirs of the Ancient Thanes, 8vo. Peterhead, 1828 -Witchcraft Detected and Prevented; or the School of Black Art Newly Opened, i2mo. Ibid, 1826 - Scriptural and Philosophical Arguments ; or cogent Proofs, from Reason and Revelation, that Brutes have Souls, izmo. Ibid, 1824 Buchanani (Davidis) De Scriptoribus Scotia Libri dao, Nunc primum editi, 410. Edinburgh, 1837 Buck (Samuel and Nathaniel) Antiquities, or venerable Remains of above 400 Castles, &c., &c., in England and Wales, with near 100 Views of Cities and Chief Towns, 3 vols, folio. J 774 Buckman (Professor) and Newmarch (C. H.) Illustrations of the Remains of Roman Art in Cirencester, the Site of Antient Corinium, 410. 2 copies. 1850 Burn (Jacob Henry) Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders, Tavern, and Coffee-House Tokens, current in the i7th Century, presented to the Corporation Library, by H. B. H. Beaufoy, 8vo. 1853 - Another Copy, second edition, 8vo. l &55 Burnett (James) History of the Town and Port of Sunderland, and the Parishes of Bishopvvearmouth and Monkwearmouth, i2mo. Sunderland, 1830 Burton (Richard F.) Etruscan Bologna, a Study, 8vo. 1876 - The Book of the Sword, 8vo. 1884 Burton (Thomas) The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hemingbrough, edited by James Raine, 8vo. York, 1888 D 22 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Busching, Versuch einer Einleitung in die Geschichte der Altdeutschen Bauart, 8vo. Breslaw, 1821 Busone da Gubbio, L'Avventuroso Ciciliano, Romanzo Storicio Scritto nel MCCCXI. et ora per la Prima Volta Pubblicato da G. F. Nott, 8vo. Firense, 1832 Butler (Bishop) The Stanhope Memorials of, by William M. Eggle- stone, 8vo. 1878 Button (T. C.) Collections relating to the families of D'Annville of Bitton, and the Le Grand alias Button, 410. 1887 Buxton (Thomas Powell) The African Slave Trade, 8vo. 2 copies. 1840 CALLENDER (John) Two ancient Scottish Poems The Gaber- lunzie-man, and Christ's Kirk on the Green, with Notes and Observations, 8vo. Edinburgh^ 1782 Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Publications of, vol. i. and Nos. 13 and 14, 4to. Cambridge, 1846 - Proceedings of. Vols. i to 8, 8vo. Ibid, 1851-95 - Publications : Ancient Cambridgeshire, An attempt to trace Roman and other Roads through Cambridgeshire, 8vo. Ibid, 1883 Church Bells of Cambridgeshire, 8vo. Ibid, 1882 - Diary of Samuel Newton, 1662-1717, 8vo. Ibid, 1890 Historola Collegii Corporis Christi, by John Josselin, 8vo. Ibid, 1880 - Ingult and the Historia Croylandenses, by W. G. Searle, 8vo. Ibid, 1894 - Journal of a tour through part of Flanders and France, byjames Essex, 8vo. Ibid, 1888 Memoir of Caleb Parnham, 8vo. Ibid, 1883 Nicholas Tyery's proposals for an Irish Coinage, 8vo. Ibid, 1886 On the Abbey of St. Edmund at Bury, by M. R. James, 8vo. Ibid, 1895 - Pedes Finium, Richard I to Richard III, 8vo. Ibid, 1891 - Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials in St. Michael's Parish, 1538-1837, 8vo. Ibid, 1891 On the Measurements and Valuations of the Domesday of Cambridgeshire, by Bryan Walker, folio. Ibid, 1884 Cambridge, The, Election, a New Ballad. Tracts folio. 1729 Cambro-Britain, The, from November, 1821, to June, 1822, 8vo. 1822 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 23 Cambus Kenneth, Registrum Monasterii S. Marie, A. D. 1147-1535 4to. Edinburgh, 1872 Camden (William) Britannia Sive florentissimorem regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae, et insularum adjacentium ex Intima Antiquitate, 8vo. 1587 - Britanniae; or a Chorographical Description of the Flourishing Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, enlarged by Richard Gough, 4 vols, folio. 1806 - Britannia, translated by P. Holland, folio. 1637 Canadian Journal of Industry, Science, and Art. Vols. i to 18. Toronto, 1856-94 Canals. Chapman (Wm.) Reports on a Line of Navigation from Newcastle-upon-Tyne to the Irish Channel. Sutcliffe (John) Reports on the Line of Navigation from Stellate Hexham, and from Hexham to Haydon Bridge. Whitworth (Robt.) Report on the proposed Line of Navigation. In one vol. 8vo. Newcastle, 1795-97 Cappoch (Thomas, the Rebel-Bishop of Carlisle) Trial and Life of, 8vo. Jefferson's Reprints. Carlisle, 1839 Cardonnel (Adam de) Numismatse Scotiae; or a Series of the Scottish Coins from the Reign of William the Lion, to the Union, 410. Edinburgh, 1786 Carlisle, Collections for a history of the Ancient family of, 4to. 1822 Carr (Alex. A.) A History of Coldingham Priory, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836 Carr (Ralph Edward and C. Ellison) The History of the family of Carr of Dunston Hill, and the Collateral lines in England, 2 vols, 4to. J ^93 Cartularium Saxonicum Malmesburiense. Cartularium Saxonicum Sherbornense, folio. Middle Hill, 1829 Casey (John) on Cubic Transformations, 4to. Dublin, 1880 Cass (Charles Frederick) East Barnet, 2 vols, 4to. 1885-92 - South Mimms, 410. 1877 Castellum Huttonicum : Some Account of Sheriff-Hutton Castle, 8vo. York, 1824 Catalogue of Antiquities, Coins, Pictures, and Miscellaneous Curiosities in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries London, 8vo. I ^7 of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen that have compounded for their estates, 8vo. 1665 of a Collection of Historical and Topographical Works, and Civil War Tracts, relating to the County of York. Tracts concerning Sir Thomas Fairfax. Also, Sermons, and other 24 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Works connected with the County. In the Library of Edward Hailstone, Esq., at Horton Hall, 8vo. Bradford, 1858 Catalogue of the Hoare Library, at Stourhead, Co. Wilts. To which are added, an Account of the Museum of British Antiquities ; a Catalogue of the Paintings and Drawings, and a Description of the Mansion, 8vo. 1840 of Oriental Manuscripts purchased in Turkey, 410. 1840 of the Library at Bamburgh Castle, 410. of the Library at Bamburgh Castle, 2 vols, 8vo. I &$9 of the Library in St. Nicholas' Church, with a Copy of the Will of Robert Thomlinson, 8vo. Newcastle, 1829 of the Mayer Collection, edited by Charles F. Gatty, 8vo. 1877 of the Engraved Gems and Rings in the Mayer Collection. 1879 Catalogus Librorum Sanskritanorum, quos Bibliothecag Univer- sitatis Havniensis vel dedit vel paravit Nathanael Wallich, 8vo. Hafnice, 1821 Caxton Society Publications, 8vo : 1846-54 Galfridi Monumentensis Historia Britonum ; edited by Dr. Giles. Anecdota Bedas, Lanfranci et aliorum ; edited by Dr. Giles. Herbert! de Losing-a Epistolae ; edited by Colonel Anstruther. Gaimar, Estorie des Engles, Havelok and Hereward ; edited by T. Wright. Walteri Abbatis Dervensis epistolae ; edited by C. Messiter. Benedictiabbatis Petriburgensis de vita et miraculis S. Thomae ; edited by Dr. Giles. Alani Tewkesberiensis Scripta ; edited by Dr. Giles. Radulfi Nigri Chronica duo ab initio mundi ad A. D. n8g; edited by Colonel Anstruther. Henrici de Silgrave Chronicon Anglise ; edited by C. Hook. Revoke du conte de Warwick ; Lettre Francaise sur Marie I ; and Petite Chronique du sieg-e d'Orleans ; edited by Dr. Giles. Galfridi le baker de Svvinbroke Chronicon Angliae ; edited by Dr. Giles. Chronicon Angliae Petriburgense, ad A. D. 1367 ; edited by Dr. Giles. Peter Heylin's Memorial of Waynflete, &c. ; edited by Dr. Bloxom. R. Grossetete Carmina Anglo-Xormannica ; edited by M. Cooke. Original Lives of Anglo-Saxons and others who lived before the Conquest; edited by Dr. Giles. Chaffers (W) Catalogue of the Works of Antiquity and Art at Callaly Castle, 410. 1892 Chalmers (Margaret) Poems, 8vo. Newcastle, 1813 Chalon (Renier) Ernest de Manesfeld. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 12. Brnxelles, 1853 Monnaies de Reckheim. Ibid. Ibid, 1853 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 25 Chamberlayne (Edward) Angliae Notitia; or, the present State of England, i2mo. 1670 Chamberlayne (John) Magna Britanniae Notitia; or, the present State of Great Britain, with divers Remarks on the Ancient State thereof, 8vo. 1727 Chambers (E) Cyclopaedia, or illustrated Dictionary, 4 vols, folio. 1741 Chantre (Ernest) Age du Bronze recherches Sur Lorigine de la Metallurgie en France pt. I, 4to. Parts, 1875-6 - Primier Age du Per, 4to. Ibid, 1880 Chapman (Wm.) Report on the proposed Canal between Carlisle and Solway Frith, Carlisle, 1818. Address to the Subscribers to the Canal from Carlisle to Fisher's Cross, in one volume, 8vo. Charles I. Reliquiae Sacraa Carolinse, or the Works of that Great Monarch and Glorious Martyr King Charles I., i8mo. Hague, 1657 - The Papers which passed at Newcastle, betwixt His Sacred Majestie and Mr Alex. Henderson, concerning the Change of Church Government, 8vo. ^49 - Epithalamium Caroli Regis et H. Marias Reginae Magnae Britanniae, &c. A. Musis Cantabrigiensibus decantatum, 410. Cantab, 1625 and the Civil War, Tracts relating to: Our Demands of the English Lords' manifested, being at Rippon, Octob. 8, 1640. With Answers to the Complaint and Grievances given in by the Bishop of Durham, Northumberland, and some of Newcastle; said to be committed by our Army, 8vo. 1640 His Majesties Passing through the Scots Annie; as also his Entertainment by General Lesly, together with the Manner of the Scots Marching out of Newcastle, 8vo. 1641 Diurnall Occurrences: or the Heads of severall Proceedings in both Houses of Parliament, several numbers, 1641-42. Special Passages from divers Parts of the Kingdom, several numbers. The Kingdome's Weekly Intelligencer, several numbers. His Maiestie's gracious Answer to the Propositions of both Houses of Parliament for Ireland with Newes from Nottingham, 1641. Five remarkable Passages which have lately happened betvveene his Maiestie and the Parliament, 1642. A True Relation of the putting to death one Master Boys, &c., 1642. A Letter of dangerous Consequence from Sergeant-Major Ogle to Sir Nicholas Chrisp at Oxford, 1642, in one volume, 410. Exceeding True Newes from Newcastle, declaring the Manifold Destrac- tions, Feares, and Jealousies of that City, 410. 1642 Horrible Newes from Yorke, Hull, and Newcastle, concerning the Kings Majesties intent to take up Armes against the Parliament, 4to. 1643 Declaration of the Commons, concerning false rumours and reports, which an ill-affected party hath raised amongst divers of the Inhabitants of Westmoreland, Durham, Northumberland, &c., 4to. 1642 Lamentable and Sad Newes from the North, 4to. 1642 26 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Declaration of the Lords and Commons for the suppressing of divt-r-~ Papists, and other malignant Persons, in the Counties of Yorke, Nor- thumberland, &c., 4to. 2 copies, 1642 A Declaration made by the Earle of Newcastle, for his resolution of Marching into Yorkshire, 410. 1643 Ordinance with severall Propositions of the Lords and Commons, for the speedy raising of Forces to reduce the Town of Newcastle to obedience to the King and Parliament, 4to. 1643 A True Relation of very good service done by the A ntilope and some other Ships, under the Command of the Earle of Warwick, 410. '643 A New-come Guest to the Towne. That is, The Discriminant Oath which the Earle of Newcastle imposeth upon the Countie and Citie of Yorke, 410. 1 644 A Particular Relation of the taking of Newcastle, 4to. 1644 A True Relation of the Scots taking of Cocket Hand, 4to. 1644 The Scots Army in the Bishoprick: being a Reprint of "A True relation of the Proceedings of the Scottish Army, dated from the Lord General Lesley's Quarters, neare Sunderland," 8vo. Sharp's Tracts. 1644, Repr. Sunderland, 1842 Army advanced into England certified in a Letter from Adderston, with the Summoning of the County of Northumberland, expressed in a Letter by the Commissioners and Committees of both Kingdomes, to Sir Thomas Glemham, Governor of Newcastle, with his Answer, 410. 1644 True Relation of the Proceedings of the Scottish Army, wherein is certified, that they have taken a fort on the South Side of the River of Tine, and the Sheilds, 410. 1644 Intellegence from the Scottish Army, being the extract of Letters sent to Master Bowles, April i4th, 1644, 410. 1644 Ordinance of the Lords and Commons; Whereby Sir George Vane is appointed and authorised to be high Sheriffe of the County Palatine of Durham and Sadberge, 410. 1645 Ordinance of the Lords and Commons for the associating the severall Counties of York, Lancaster, Durham, Northumberland, etc. and for raising moneys for the maintenance of Horse and Foot, for safety and defence of the said Counties, 410. ^45 Declaration of the Lord Generall, The Generall Officers, and the rest of the Officers, and Souldiers of the Scots Armie, 4to. Edinburgh, 1646 Propositions of the Lords and Commons, for a safe and well grounded Peace, sent to his Majestic at Newcastle, 410. 1646 The Kings Majesties Receiving of the Propositions for Peace at Newcastle on Friday last, July 24th, 1646, 4to. 1646 A Perfect true copie of His Majesties Answer to the Propositions for Peace. 4to. 1646 The King's Declaration at Newcastle concerning his refusall to come to the Parliament of England, 4to. 1647 The King's Answer to the Commissioners Concerning His Majesties coming from Newcastle towards Holmby, The shooting of Cannons from the Ships and Workes, 4to. 1647 A Letter from Newcastle of the Commissioners their Message delivered (o the King, and their Debates with the Scots Commissioners, 410. 1647 Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Concerning dayes of Recreation allowed unto Schollers, Apprentices, and other Servants, 4to. 1647 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 27 O Friends! No Friends, to King, Church and State, Or, Thames, Twede, and Tyne, paralell'd with Rornes Tyber and King-poysoning Po, 4*0. 1648 Letters from Penrith and Northumberland. A great fight in Scotland, etc. 4to. 1648 Representation to General Lord Fairfax by the Officers and Souldiers in his Regiment of Horse, for the County of Northumberland, 410. 1648 New-Babels Confusion, Or Severall Votes of the Commons, against certain Papers, 4to. l &49 Vindication of the Imprisoned and Secluded Members of the House of Commons, from the Aspersions cast upon them, in a Paper lately printed, 4to. 1649 His Majesties Declaration concerning His Proceedings with his subjects of Scotland, 410. 1640 The Vindication of Edward Colston, Gent, 4to. 1649 Declaration of the Army of England, upon their March into Scotland, 410. 1650 Charles II. Speech to the two Houses of Parliament; together with the Lord Chancellor's Speech, Sept. i3th, 1660, folio. 1660 Charleton (Walter) Chorea Gigantum; or, the most famous Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-Heng, standing on Salis- bury Plain, restored to the Danes, 4to. 1663 Charlton (Edward) Memorials of North Tynedale and its four Sur- names, 410. Newcastle, 1871 Chatto (William A.) and Jackson (John) Treatise on Wood Engrav- ing, Historical and Practical, 8vo. ^39 Chester Architectural, Archaeological, and Historic Society, Journal of, Parts i to 3, 8vo. Chester, 1850-54 Chinese Work on Medicine, 8vo. Choixde Medailles Antiques d'Olbiopolis ; ou Olba, faisant Partie du Cabinet du Conseiller d' Etat De Blaramberg, 8vo. Paris, 1822 Cholera at Newcastle, Shields, and Sunderland, &c., in 1831-32, Pamphlets, Broadsides, Cuttings, &c. , relative to, 8vo. Christie (James) Disquisitions upon the Painted Greek Vases, and their probable Connection with the Shews of the Eleusinian and other Mysteries, 4to. 1825 - Inquiry into the Early History of Greek Sculpture, 4to. 1833 Christmas Prince, An Account of the, as it was exhibited in the University of Oxford in the Year 1607, 410. Miscell. Antiq. Anglic. 1816 Christmas (Rev. Henry, M.A., F.S.A.) Letter to Earl Stanhope on the Condition and Future Prospects of the Society of Anti- quaries of London. Tracts 8vo, vol. 7. 1855 Chronica Guthilandorum, 410. Kiobinghaffn, 1633 Church Historians of England, 19 vols, 8vo. 28 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Clanny (W. Reid, M.D.) Hyperanthraxis ; or, the Cholera of Sun- derland, 8vo. 1832 Clark (George T.) Description and History of Kidwelly Castle, Caermarthenshire, 8vo. 1851 - Mediaeval Military Architecture in England, 2 vols, 8vo. 1884 Clark (John, M.D.) Collection of Papers, for promoting the Institu- tion of a Fever Hospital, and on the Safety and Importance of annexing Fever Wards to the Newcastle and other Infirmaries, i2mo. Newcastle, 1802 Clark (Joseph) Friendly Address to the Free Burgesses and other Inhabitants of Newcastle. Tracts 8vo, vol. 3. Ibid, 1809 Clarke, (William Nelson) Parochial Topography of the Hundred of Wanting, with other Miscellaneous Records relating to the County of Berks, 410. Oxford, 1824 Clarkson (Thomas) History of the Slave Trade, 2 vols, 8vo. 1808 Clavering, The Titular Barony of; Its Origin in, and Right of Inheritance by the Norman House of Clavering, authenticated and illustrated from the Public Records, 4to. 1891 Clay (Rev. William K., B.D.) History of the Parish of Waterbeach, in the County of Cambridge. Tracts 8vo, vol. 6. Cambridge, 1859 Coal Exchange Papers, with the Prices from 1784 to 1790, 2 vols, 4to. Coats (James) Dictionary of Heraldry, 8vo. 1 7 2 S Cocker (Edward) Copy Book, folio. N.D. Codex Diplomaticus Anglo-Saxonum, Opera Johannis M. Kemble, 6 vols, 8vo. English Historical Society, 1839-48 Cohausen (A. Von) Der Romische Grenzwall in Deutschland, 2 vols, 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1884 Cohen (Henry) Description Historique des Monnaies Frappees Sous L'Empire Romain Commuement Appelees Medailles Imperiales, 8 vols, 8vo. 1880-92 Collectanea Anglo-Minoritica; or, a Collection of the Antiquities of the English Franciscans, or Friers Minors, commonly call'd Gray Friers, 410. 1720 Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, vols, i to 3, 8vo. 1834-36 Collectanea Archaeologica, communications made to the British Archaeological Association, 2 vols, 4to. 1862-63 Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household, made in divers Reigns, from King Edward III. to King William III. and Queen Mary, published by the Society of Antiquaries, 410. !79 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 29 Collection, An Exact, of many Wonderful Prophesies relating to the Government of England, &c., since the first Year of the Reign of King James I. to this present Time, 4to. 1689 Collegiate Churches of Midlothian. Registrum Domus de Soltre, necnon Ecclesie Collegiate S. Trinitatis prope Edinburgh, etc. Charters of the Hospital of Soltre, of Trinity College, Edinburgh, and other Collegiate Churches in Midlothian, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1861 Collier (John) Essay on Charters : in which are particularly considered those of Newcastle, 8vo. (See Newcastle Poll Books.) Ne-wc. 1777 Collieries. Plans of Estates and Land Sale Collieries in Northum- berland, Durham, and other Counties in England and Scotland, collected by Wm. Brown, folio. - Plans of Estates and Collieries in the County of Northumber- land, collected by Wm. Brown, folio. - Plans of Estates and Collieries in the County of Durham, collected by Wm. Brown, folio. - Reports and Papers relating to Collieries, 4 vols, folio. Collins (Arthur) Peerage of England, 4 vols, 8vo. 1735 Combe (C.)Nummorum veterum Populorum et Urbium, qui in Museo Gulielmi Hunter asservantur, descriptio Figuris illustrata, 4to. 1782 Common Prayer, The Second Prayer Book of Edward VI. 1552, 8vo. Reprint, 1888 Conan of Ceann-Sleibhe, in the County of Clare, The Festivities of the House of, edited by Nicholas O'Kearney, 8vo. Ossianic Society, Dublin, 1858 Concilia Scotiae ecclesiae Scoticanae Statuta tam provincialia quam synodalia quae supersunt, 2 vols, 4to. Edinburgh, 1866 Conder (James) An Arrangement of Provincial Coins, Tokens, and Medalets issued in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies, within the last Twenty Years, 8vo. Ipswich, 1798 Cooke (Geo. A.) Topographical and Statistical Description of the County of Northumberland, i2mo. Cooke (Thomas F.) Authorship of the practical Electric Telegraph, 8vo. Bath, 1868 Cooper (C. P.) Lettres sur la Cour de la Chancellerie d'Angleterre, et sur quelques Points de la Jurisprudence Anglaise, avec une Introduction par M. P. Royer Collard, 8vo. Paris, 1830 Corney (Bolton) Researches and Conjectures on the Bayeux Tapestry 8vo. . 1836 Cornwall, Royal Institution of, Journal, vols. 9 and 10, 8vo. Truro, 1886-91 E 30 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Coronation of George IV. An Account of the Celebration of, in Newcastle and Gateshead, being the Bills, Songs, Newspaper Accounts, &c. Collected by John Sykes, 410. 1821 Cotton (Sir Robert) Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of London, from the Reign of King Edward the Second, unto King Richard the Third, revised by William Wynne, folio. 1 &S7 Court and City Register for the Year 1747, i8mo. Cowdray, Sussex. Description of some Ancient Historical Paintings preserved at. Tracts, 4to, vol. . Cox (J. Charles) Duffield Castle, its history, site, and recently found remains, 8vo. Crawhall (Joseph) Chap-Book Chaplets, 410. 1883 Olde ffrendes Wyth Newe Faces, 410. 1883 ACollection of Right Merry Garlands for North CountryAnglers, 8vo. Newcastle, 1864 Chaplets from Coquet-Side, 8vo. Ibid, 1873 - The Compleatest Angling Booke that ever was writ, 410. Morpeth, 1859 Cripps (W. J.) Old English Plate, Ecclesiastical, Decorative, and Domestic, its makers and marks, 8vo. 1886 Cromwell (Thomas) History and Description of the Town and Borough of Colchester, in Essex, 2 vols., 8vo. 1825 Croker (T. Crofton, F.S.A.) Notes on various Discoveries of Gold Plates, chiefly in the South of Ireland. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 10. 1854 Catalogue of a Collection of Ancient and Mediaeval Rings and Personal Ornaments formed for Lady Londesborough, 4to. 1853 Crypt, The, or receptacle for things past: an Antiquarian, Literary, and Miscellaneous Journal, 3 vols in 2, i2mo. Ringvoood, 1827-28 Cumberland (R. , Bishop of Peterborough) Origines Gentium anti- quissimae; or, Attempts for discovering the Times of the first Planting of Nations, 8vo. *7 2 4 Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions, 13 vols, 8vo. Kendal, 1866-95 Gumming (Rev. J. G., M.A., F.G.S.) The Runic and other Monu- mental Remains of the Isle of Man, 410. J 857 Cunningham (D. J.) The Lumbar Curve in Man and Apes, 4to. Dublin, 1886 Cust (A. P. Perry) The Heraldry of York Minster: a Key to the history of its builders and benefactors, 410. Leeds, 1890 Dahl (J. C. C.) Denkmale einer sahr ausgebildeten Holzbaukunst aus den friihesten Jahrnunderten in den innerm Landschaften Norwegens, folio. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 31 Dales (Major James) Essay on the Study of the History of England, 8vo. 1809 Danegeld, A Short Account of, with some Particulars relating to William the Conqueror's Survey. Tracts 4to, vol. i. 1756 Dangerfield (Thomas) Second Narrative relative to the Murder of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, and the State Plot made by the Papists to be cast upon the Protestants, folio. 1680 D'Anisy (Le"chaude") Extrait des Chartes et autres actes Normands au Anglo Normands, qui se Trouvent dans les archives du Calvados, 2 vols, 8vo, and plates i vol, 4to. ^34 Danske Viser, Nyerup og Rahbek, 7 vols in 6, 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1812-21 Darell (Rev. William) History of Dover Castle. 4to. 1797 Darien Papers, The, being a selection of original Letters and Official Documents, relating to the Establishment of a Colony at Darien, by the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies, 1695-1700, 4to. Edinbtirgh, 1849 Darnell (Rev. W. N., B.D.) The Correspondence of Isaac Basire, D.D., Archdeacon of Northumberland, and Prebendary of Durham, with a Memoir of his Life, 8vo. 1830 Dassier's Medals of the Sovereigns of England, Plates and Explan- ation, folio. D'Auvergne (Edward, M.A.) The History of the Campagne in Flanders for the year 1695, with an Account of the Siege of Namur, 410. 1696 Davenport Academy, Proceedings, vol. 4, 8vo. Davenport, 1886 Davis (J. B.) Thesaurus Craniorum, Catalogue of the Skulls of the various races of man, with supplement, 2 vols, 8vo. 1867-75 Davis (J. B.) and Thurnam (J.) Crania Britannica, delineations and description of the Skulls of the Aboriginal and early inhabitants of the British Islands, 4to. 1865 Dawes (Richard, A.M.) Miscellania Critica, 8vo. Cantabrigice, 1745 - Extracts from a MS. Pamphlet, intitled the Tittle-Tattle Mongers, 8vo. Tracts 8vo, vol. 2. Newcastle, 1747 Day (James) Observations on the Durham and Sunderland Railway, 8vo. Sunderland, 1836 Debate, The, at Large, between the House of Lords and House of Commons, at the Free Conference, 1688, relating to the Word Abdicated, and the Vacancy of the Throne, 8vo. '695 Delgove (M. E.) Histoire de la Ville de Doullens, 410. Amiens, 1865 Demsteri (Thomae) Historian Ecclesiastica, Gentis Scotorum sive de Scriptoribus Scotis, 2 vols, 4to. 1829 32 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Den forste November og Den forste August. To historisk-kalen- dariske Undersogelser, med et Tillaeg om Hqjtidsbauner, Offerbaal, Nodild og Ilddyrkelse. Ved Finn Magnusen, 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1829 Denham (Michael A.) Proverbial Folk Lore of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tracts 8vo, vol. 5. Richmond, 1855 Dennis (George) The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 2 vols, 8vo. 1883 Denton (John) An accompt of the most considerable Estates, and Families in the County of Cumberland, from the Conquest unto the beginning of the Reign of James I., edited by R. S. Fer- guson, 8vo. Kendal, 1887 Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Transac- tions, 17 vols, 8vo. 1879-95 Descriptio Numorum veterum ex Museis Ainslie, Bellini, &c. Animadversiones in Opus Eckhelianum, 410. Lipsice,. 1796 Deville (Achille) Histoire du Chateau-Gaillard, et du Si^ge qu'il soutint centre Philippe-Auguste en 1203 et 1204, 410. Rouen, 1829 - Tombeaux de la Cath6drale de Rouen, 8vo. Ibid, 1833 - Histoire du Chateau et des Sires de Tancarville, 8vo. Ibid, 1834 Devon (Frederick) Issue Roll of Thomas de Brantingham, Bishop of Exeter, containing payments made out of his Majesty's Revenue, in the 44th year of Edward III., 4to. 1835 Dibdin (Rev. Thomas Frog-nail, D.D.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England, and in Scotland, 2 vols, 8vo. J^S - Bibliomania; or Book-Madness, 8vo. 1809 Dick (William Robertson) Inscriptions and Devices in the Beau- champ Tower, Tower of London ; with a short Historical Sketch of the Building and the Prisoners formerly confined therein, 4to. Dickson (William) The Wards, Divisions, Parishes, and Townships of Northumberland, according to the Ancient and Modern Divisions, 4to. Aln-wick, 1833 Dissertatio de Monumentis quibusdam Romanis, in Boreali Magnae Britanniae parte, detectis Anno 1731. Tracts, 4to, vol 7. Edinburgh, 1750 Diurnal of Remarkable Occurents that have passed within the Country of Scotland since the Death of Kingjames the Fourth till the year M.D.LXXV., 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1833 Dixon (B. Homer) on Surnames, 8vo. Boston, 1857 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TVNE 33 Dixon (Rev. W. H.) Fasti Eboracenses. Lives of the Archbishops of York. Edited by Rev. J. Raine, vol i, 8vo. 1863 Dobson (William) Account of the Celebration of the Preston Guild in 1862, i2mo. Preston, 1862 and Harland (John) History of Preston Guild, 121110. Ibid, 1862 Dodd (Robert) Reports to the Commissioners of the River Wear, and Bell's Reflections on a wet Dock at the mouth of the Wear, 4to. 1794-1816 Dodd (Thomas) Memoirs of, and William Upcot and George Stubbs, R.A. 8vo. 1879 Domesday Book, A Short Account of Some Particulars concerning-. Tracts, 4to, vol. i. 1756 Douglas (Rev. David) History of the Baptist Churches in the North of England, from 1648 to 1845, 8vo. 1846 Douglass (George) The Treacherous Combination Displayed; or, a Temporary Meal for the Freeholders of Northumberland, and the Public at Large, furnished from Seaton Castle, 8vo. 1861 D'overbeke (Michel) Les Restes de L'Ancienne Rome, recherches avec soin, mesurez, dessinez sur les lieux and gravez par B. D'overbeke, 2 vols in i, folio, Amsterdam, 1709 Drama, Ancient Cornish, Edited and Selected by Edward Norris, 2 vols, 8vo. Oxford, 1859 Drummond (James) Sculptured Monuments in lona and the West Highlands, folio. Edinburgh, 1881 Dryburgh. Liber S. Marie de Dryburgh Registrum Cartarum Abbacie Premonstratensis de Dryburgh., 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgi, 1847 Ducarel. Antiques Anglo Normandes, Traduities de 1'Anglais par A. L. Lichaudd D'Anisy, 8vo. Caen, 1823 Duchesne (Andrea) Historise Anglicanae circa tempus conquestus Angliae A Guilielmo Notho, Normannorum Duce Selecta Monu- menta a Francisco Masares, 4to. 1807 Duckett (Sir. G. F.) Charters and Records of the Ancient Abbey of Cluni from 1077 to 1534, 2 vols, 8vo. 1888 - Record Evidences of the Abbey of Cluni from 1077 to 1534, 8vo. 1886 - Penal Laws and Test Act, Questions touching their repeal propounded in 1687-8 by James II, with appendix, 2 vols, 8vo. 1882-83 Dugdale (Sir William) The Antient Usage in bearing of such Ensigns of Honour as are commonly call'd Arms, with a Catalogue of the present Nobility, 8vo. Oxford, 1682 The Ancient Usage in bearing of such Ensigns of Honour as are commonly called Arms, by T. E. Banks, folio. 1812 34 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Dug-dale (Sir William) The Life, Diary, and Correspondence of, edited by William Hamper, Esq., 410. 1827 Dumersan (T. M.) Numismatique du Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis; ou Medailles des Beaux Temps de la Grece, 2 vols in one, 8vo. Paris, 1818 Duncan (Rev. Henry, D.D.) Account of the remarkable Monument, in the Shape of a Cross, inscribed with Roman and Runic Letters, preserved in the Garden of Ruthwell Manse. Tracts 410, vol. 7. Edinb. 1833 Dunfermlin. Registrum de Dunfermelyn Liber Cartarum Abbatie Benedictine S. S. Trinitatis et B. Margarete Reginae de Dun- fermelyn, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgi, 1842 Durham (James) Clavis Cantica, or an exposition of the Song of Soloman, i2mo. Glasgow, 1723 Durham. Historical and Descriptive View of the City of, and its Environs, to which is added Hegge's Legend of St. Cuthbert, 1 2mo. Durham, i&z<\ - View of the City of, and its Environs, i2mo. Ibid, 1813 Some Account of the Cathedral Church at Durham, illustrative of the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of that Edifice, folio. Abbey Churches. 1801 The Visitation of the County Palatine of Durham, taken by William Flower, Esq., in 1575, folio. Newcastle, 1820 - The Visitation of the County Palatine of Duresme, taken by Richard St. George, Esq., in 1615, folio. Sunderland, 1820 Antiquities of the Abbey or Cathedral Church of, also a par- ticular description of the County Palatine of Durham, I2mo. Newcastle, 1767 Durham Cathedral, a brief account of, with Notices of the Castle, University, &c., lamo. Ibid, 1833 - Codicum Manuscriptorum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelmensis Catalogus Classicus, descriptus a Thoma Rud, ejusdem Ecclesiae Bibliothecario; cum Appendice cos Codices continente qui Post Catalogum confectum diversis Temporibus comparati sunt, folio. Dunelmice, 1825 Durham Directory for 1852-54-55-57-58-59-61, 8vo. Durham Durham. Report of the Committee appointed to examine into the County Expenditure, folio. Ibid, 1833 General Rules for Regulating the Practice of the Quarter Sessions, 8vo. Ibid, 1820 Rules for the Gaol and House of Correction, 410. Ibid, 1819 - Election for the County, in 1820. Poll Book, Addresses, Squibs, &c., 410. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 35 Durham. Register of the Electors for the County of, 1835-39, 3 vols, 410. Durham, 1835-38 - Register, Northern Division, 1842-43, 410. Ibtd, 1842 General Accounts of the Treasurer of the County, 1821-38, 1840-50, 2 vols, 4to. Durham County. Poll Book for 1761, 4to. Newcastle, 1761 - Poll Book for 1790, 410. Ibid, 1790 - Poll Books for 1832, Northern and Southern Divisions, 410. Durham, 1833 Durham City. Poll Book for 1761, 410. Newcastle, 1762 - Poll Book for 1800, and the Contest, a Collection of the Papers, Poems, Songs, &c., 8vo. Durham, 1800 - Poll Books for 1802, 410; 1813, 4to ; 1831, 410; and 1832, 4to. Ibid, 1802-32 Durham. The Addresses, Poems, Songs, &c. relative to the Elections for the County and City, in 1802, with the Poll Book for the City, 8vo. Ibid, 1802 Copies of the Addresses to Mr. Burdon, and other Letters, &c. relative to the Proceedings at the Election for the County, 8vo. 1802 City Election, 1813, The Addresses, Speeches, Bills, &c. relative to, 4to. Durham - The Electors' Scrap Book : Addresses, Speeches, and other Papers, which appeared during the Elections for the City and County in 1832, 4to. Ibid, 1832 Durham Magistracy, A Collection of Letters which have appeared in the Newcastle Newspapers, &c. , and which were addressed to the Magistrates of the County of Durham, &c., i2mo. Ibid, 1809 Durham College, Oxford, Some Account of, together with the Priory in Durham, with which it was connected. Tracts 8vo, vol. 2. Ibid, 1840 Durham and Northumberland Architectural and Archaeological Society Transactions, parts 2 to 7, 8vo. Durham, 1863-89 Dutens (M. L.) Explication de quelques Me"dailles Greques et Phe"niciennes, avec une Pale"ographie numismatique, 4to. 1776 Early Metrical Tales; including the History of Sir Egeir, Sir Gryme and Sir Gray-Steill, 8vo. Edinb. 1826 Ede (J.) A View of the Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations, with the Name, Assay, Weight, and Value of each, i2mo. 1808 Edgar (John Foy) Catalogue of his Collection of Greek and Roman Coins. Tracts 8vo. vol. 9. 1815 36 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Edgar, Genealogical Collections concerning the Scottish House of Edgar, 410. Grampian Club, 1873 Edvard Kong af Engelland, Historic om, Kiobenhavn, n.d. En Historisk Vise om den beromte Ridder Hr. Brynning og Princessen af Engelland, Kong Edvards Datter, Kiobenhavn, n.d. Tracts 8vo, vol. 15. Egyptian Museum, Colquitt Street, Liverpool, Catalogue of, Tracts 8vo, vol. 7. Liverpool, 1852 Elgin Marbles from the Parthenon at Athens, exemplified by 50 Etchings, with Remarks explanatory and critical, by Richard Lawrence, folio. 1818 Ellacombe (Rev. H. T.) Bells of the Church, 410. Exeter, 1872 The Church Bells of Devon, with a list of those in Cornwall, 4to. Ibid, 1872 Engelhardt (Conrad) Denmark in the Early Iron Age, 410. 1866 En Vandring Gjennem Jaegerspriis's Have og Lund. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13. Kiobenhavn, 1858 English Compendium; or, Rudiments of Honour; The Earls, i2mo. 1760 - Miscellanies (Early) in Prose and Verse, edited by J. O. Halli- well, 8vo. Warton Club, 1855 Ephemeris Epigraphica corporis inscriptionum Latinarum Supple- mentum, Edita iussu Instituti Archseologici Romani, 8 vols, 8vo. 1872-92 Episcopus Puerorum in die Innocentium; or, a Discovery of an Ancient Custom in the Church of Sarum, making an Anniversary- Bishop among the Choristers, 4to. 1671 Epitaphs and Inscriptions, a Collection of, Ancient and Modern, i2mo. 1802 Errington (Prideaux) New Copies in Verse, for the use of Writing Schools, 8vo. Newcastle, 1734 Estcourt (Rev. E. E.) and Payne (J. O.) The 'English Catholic Nonjurors of 1715, being a Summary of the Register of their Estates, 8vo. 1885 Euclid's Elements of Geometry, by Captain Thomas Rudd, 410. 1651 Europe, The present State of, or the Historical and Political Monthly Mercury, vols 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18, 410. 1692-1707 Evans (John, F.S.A., F.G.S.) Flint Implements in the Drift; being an Account of their Discovery on the Continent and in England, Tracts, 410, vol 6. 1860 - Flint Implements in the Drift; being an Account of further Discoveries on the Continent and in England. Ibid. 1862 Account of Coins found upon and near the Site of Ancient Verulam. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. 1859 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 37 Evans (John) The Ancient Bronze Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments of Great Britain and Ireland, 8vo. 1881 - The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments of Great Britain, 8vo. 1872 - The Coins of the Ancient Britons. 1864 Exeter. Some Account of the Cathedral Church of Exeter, illustra- tive of the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of that Building, folio. Abbey Churches. 1797 Faereryinga Saga eller Faerceboernes Historic i den Islandske Grundtext med Faerceisk og Danske Oversaettelse udgiven at Carl C. Rafn, 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1832 Faein Ord um Uppruna og Utbreidslu heirra svo kolludu Biblin- F^laga, i2mo. Tracts, Svo, vol. 15. Kaupmannahofn, 1815 Fagrskinna. Kortfattet Norsk Konge-Saga, udgivet af P. A. Munch og C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1847 Fair (Peter) Description of Bishop Auckland, including the Castle and Park, i2mo. Bp. Auckland, 1820 Fairholt (Fred. W. ) Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Antique Silver Plate, formed by Albert Lord Londesborough ; now the Property of Lady Londesborough, 4to. 1860 Fall (The) and Evil Successe of Rebellion from time to time, wherein is contained Matter moste meete for all Estates to view, Svo. Sharp's Tracts, Sunderland. Faussett (Rev. Bryan) Inventorium Sepulchrale; an Account of some Antiquities dug up at Gilton, Kingston, and other Places in the County of Kent, from 1757 to 1773, edited from the original MS. in the possession of Joseph Mayer, Esq., by Chas. Roach Smith, 410. 1856 (The) Collection of Anglo-Saxon Antiquities. Tracts, Svo, vol. 10. 1854 Featherston (Jacob Ralph) Weardale Men and Manners, Svo. 1840 Fejervary Ivories in the Museum ot Joseph Mayer, Esq., Catalogue of, preceded by an Essay on Antique Ivories, by Francis Pulzsky. Tracts, Svo, vol. 7. Liverpool, 1856 Fenn (John, M.A., F.A.S.) Three Chronological Tables, exhibiting a State of the Society of Antiquaries of London, from its first rise in 1572 to 1784. Tracts, 410, vol. 2. 1784 Fenwick (John C.) Treasure Trove in Northumberland. Tracts, 410, vol. 4. Newcastle, 1851 A few remarks upon Bagpipes and Pipe Music, 4to. Ibid, 1858 F 38 LIBRARY CATALOGUE -Ferguson (James) Mitford Church, its History, Restoration and Association, 8vo. Newcastle, 1884 Ferguson (Robert) The Dialect of Cumberland, with a Chapter on its Place-Names, 8vo. 1873 Ferguson (R. S.) Royal Charters of the City of Carlisle, 8vo. Carlisle, 1894 A History of Cumberland, 8vo. 1890 - Old Church Plate in the Diocese of Carlisle, 8vo. 1882 - Testamenta Karleolensia, The Series of Wills from the Prae Reformation Registers of the Bishops of Carlisle, 1353-1386, 8vo. Kendal, 1893 Cumberland and Westmorland M.P. 's, from the Restoration to the Reform Bill of 1867, 8vo. 1871 - A Boke of Recorde or Register containing- all the Acts and doings in or concerning the Corporation of Kirbiekendall, 8vo. Kendal, 1892 and Nanson (W.) Some Municipal Records of the City of Carlisle, 8vo. Carlisle, 1887 Ferguson (T.) Poems, Epistles, Satires, Odes, &c., Sunderland, 1819 Ferguson's Gothalbert of the Tyne, or the Gothic Minstrel's Progress from Parnassus to the Press, N. Shields 1823. Frier (Thos.) The Theme of Sorrow, a Poem to the Memory of the Princess Charlotte, Ibid, 1818, in i vol, 8vo. Finch (John Lord) Letter to his Friend Dr. Cozens, with a Com- memoration of the Favours Dr. Cozens shewed him, 410. 1641 Finley (W.) on the English Language, with Reference to its Origin and Progress, a Lecture, delivered at the Athenaeum, Durham. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 5. Newcastle, 1849 Fisher (John, Bp. of Rochester), Funeral Sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond, Mother of King Henry VII. ; with a Preface, containing some further Account of her Charities and Foundations, 8vo. 1708 (Payne) Inauguratio Olivariana, Carmen votivum, 410. 1654 Fitch (W. S.) Notices of the Corpus Christi Guild, Ipswich. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. Bury St. Edmunds, 1855 Fleetwood (Bishop) Chronicon Preciosum, or an account of English Gold and Silver Money; The Price of Corn and other com- modities, and of Stipends, Salaries, Wages, Jointures, &c. in England, 8vo. 1745 Fleming (John) Views of the Lakes of Scotland, with Historical and Descriptive Illustrations by John M. Leighton, folio. Glasgow, 1834 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 39 Flodden. An exact and circumstantial History of the Battle of Flodden Field, in verse, written about the Time of Queen Elizabeth, with Notes by the Rev. Robert Lambe, 8vo. Berwick, 1774 - The Battle of Flodden Field ; a Poem of the sixteenth Century ; with various readings, Historical Notes, Glossary, &c. by Henry Weber, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808 Floods. Account of the Great Flood in the River Tyne, Dec. 30, 1815 ; to which is added, a Narrative of the Great Flood in 1771, edited by John Bell. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. Newcastle, 1816 Florentii Wigorniensis Monachi Chronicon ex Chronicis, edidit Benjamin Thorpe, 2 vols, 8vo. English Hist. Soc. 1848-49 Foersom (Peter) om Samlinger af Danske Landskabsord og om Saeder, Skikke, Levemaade, Egenheder og Overtro hos den jydske Almue i Ribe-Egnen. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 15. Kiobenhavn, 1820 Folk Lore Journal, vols, i to 7, 8vo. 1883-89 Folkes (Martin) Tables of English Silver and Gold Coins, reprinted by the Society of Antiquities, 410. 2 copies. 1763 Fornaldar Sogur Nordrlanda Eptir Gomlum Handritum, utgefnar af C. C. Rafn, 3 vols, 8vo. Kaupmannhofn, 1829-30 Forster (Robert) History of Corbridge and its Antiquities, with a concise History of Dilston Hall and its associations, 8vo. Newcastle, 1881 Fortegnelse over de Boger, som i Aaret 1814, 15, 16, ere udkomne i de tre nordiske Riger, 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1814-16 over Georg Friderich Timms udmaerkede Mynt-og Medaille- Samling, 8vo. Ibid. Fosbroke (Rev. T. D.) Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, 2 vols, 4to. 1825 Foster (Joseph) Collectanea Genealogica, 3 vols, 8vo. 1881-83 - Pedigrees recorded at the Heralds Visitations of the County of Northumberland, made by R. St. George, 1615, and W. Dugdale, 1666, 410. Newcastle, N.D. - Pedigrees recorded at the visitations of the County Palatine of Durham 1575, 1615, and 1666, 8vo. 1887 - Pedigrees Recorded at the Heralds Visitation of Cumberland and Westmorland 1615 and 1666, 8vo. Carlisle, N.D. - Some account of the Pedigree of the Fosters of Cold Hesledon, in the County of Durham, 4to. Sunderland, 1842 Foster (Sir Michael) Life of, by his Nephew, Michael Dodson, 8vo. 1811 Fox (Charles James) History of the Reign of James the Second, 4to. 1808 40 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Fox (Sir Stephen) Memoirs of the Life of, from his first Entrance upon the Stage of Action under the Lord Piercy, till his Decease, 8vo. 1717 Frederick V. of Denmark, Poems on the Marriage of, with the Princess Louisa of England, 410. Kiobenhavn, 1744 Fre"de>ic VII. (Le Roi de Danemark), sur la Construction des Salles Dites des Grants. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13. Copenhagen, 1857 Freemen's Magazine, or the Constitutional Repository, 8vo. Newcastle, 1774 French (A. D. Weld) Notes on the Surnames of Francus, Francies, French, &c. in Scotland, with an account of the Frenches of Thornydykes, 8vo. Boston, 1893 Armorial to an emblazoned manuscript of the Surname of French, 8vo. Ibid, 1892 French (Gilbert J.) Notes on the Nimbus. Tracts 8vo, vol. 8. Bolton, 1854 Frost (Charles) Notices relative to the early History of the Town and Port of Hull, 4to. 1827 (Hans Henrik) Mynt-og Medaille-Samling, 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1826-27 Another Copy, Part I., 8vo. Ibid, 1826 Fryer (Alfred C.) Aidan, The Apostle of the North, 8vo. 1884 Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, 8vo. 1880 Fulk Fitz Warine, The History of, edited from a Manuscript, with an English Translation and Notes, by Thomas Wright, 8vo. Warton Club, 1855 Fuller (Thomas, D.D.) History of the Worthies of Cumberland and Westmorland, 8vo. Jefferson's Reprints. Carlisle, 1841 Fumee (Martin) The Historic of the Troubles of Hungarie, containing the pitifull Losse and Ruine of that Kingdome, Translated by R. C.[hurcheJ, folio. 1600 Gainford, Index to the first volume of the Parish Registers of Gain- ford in the County of Durham 1560-1784, 3 parts, 8vo. 1890 Gale (Roger and Samuel) Reliquiae Galeanse, or Miscellaneous Pieces by the Late learned Brothers, in which will be included their correspondence with their contemporaries, 410. 1782 Gamle Norske Folkeviser. Udgivet af Sophus Bugge. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Kristiania, 1858 Garbutt (George) Historical and Descriptive View of the Parishes of Monkwearmouth and Bishop- Wearmouth, and the Port and Borough of Sunderland, 8vo. Sunderland, 1819 Another Copy, with additional Illustrations, 8vo. (Bequeathed by the A^lthor. ) Ibid, 1819 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 41 Gardiner (Ralph) England's Grievances Discovered, in Relation to the Coal Trade, 8vo. Newcastle, 1796 Gardyne (Alexander). A Garden of Grave and Godlie Flowers ; The Theatre of Scotish Kings; together with Miscellaneous Poems by John Lundie, 4to. Edinburgh, for the Abbotsford Club, 1845 Gateshead. King James' Hospital, Collections relative to, by Thos. Bell, 4to. St. Edmund's Hospital, The Refoundation Charter of. Tracts, 410, vol. 5. - Investigation by His Majesty's Commissioners into the State of the Borough of Gateshead. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Gateshead, 1833 - Local Collections; or Records of Remarkable Events connected with, 1837-39, 410. Ibid, 1840 - Mechanics' Institute, Account of. Tracts, 410, vol. 5. 1847 - St. Cuthbert's Church, Laying of the Foundation Stone. Ibid. 1846 Gatty (Mrs. A.) The Book of Sun Dials, with an appendix on the Construction of Dials, by W. Richardson, 4to. 1889 Gatty (A. S.) The first book of the Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of Ecclesfield Parish Church, Yorkshire, from 1558 to 1619, also the Churchwardens accounts 1520 to 1546, 410. 1878 Gell (Sir William) The Geography and Antiquities of Ithaca, 4to. 1807 Gentleman's Magazine for 1747 and 1813 to 1868, 8vo. 1747-1868 Gerrard (John) Siglarium Romanum, sive Explicatio Notarum aut Litterarum, quae hactenus reperiri potuerunt in Marmoribus, Lapidibus, Nummis &c., 410. J 79 2 Gerville (M. de) Lettres sur la communication entre les Deux Bretagnes, adresses a M. Roach Smith. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 12. Valognes, 1848 Gibson (John, of Sandoe), Biographical Notice of, 8vo. Sykes' Tracts. Newcastle. Gibson (J.) Reflections on the Cataract of the River Tees, called the High Force. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Hexham, 1780 Gibson (Wm. Sidney) History of the Monastery of Tynemouth, 2 vols, 4to. 1846-47 History ofTynemouth, Review of, from the Newcastle Guardian. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. Newcastle, 1846 Gilchrist (Robert) Poems, 8vo. Ibid, 1826 42 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Gildas and Nennius, The Works of, translated by J. A. Giles, 8vo. 1841 Gildas de excidio Britanniae ad finum codicum manuscriptorum Recensuit Josephus Stevenson, 8vo. 1838 Gill (Thomas) Vallis Eboracensis; comprising the History and Antiquities of Easingwold and its Neighbourhood, 8vo. 1852 Gilpin (Bernard) The Life of, by George Carleton, Lord Bishop of Chichester; with his Sermon preached before King" Edward the Sixth, Anno 1552, i8mo. 1636 Gilpin (Richard) Memoirs of, Edited by William Jackson, 8vo. 1879 - Dagmonologia Sacra ; or a Treatise of Satans Temptations, edited, with Memoir, by the Rev. A. B. Grosart, 4to. Edinburgh, 1867 Glasgow. Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis Munimenta Ecclesie Metropolitane Glasguensis a sede Restaurata Seculo Ineunte XII. ad Reformatam Religionem, 2 vols, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgi, 1843 Glasgow Archaeological Society, Transactions of the, Part I., 8vo. Glasgow, 1885 Gloucester. Some Account of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, illustrative of the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of that Building, folio. J 797 Gomme (George L.) Primitive Folk-Moots, or open air Assemblies in Britain, 8vo. 1880 - The Literature of Local Institutions, 8vo. 1886 - The Village Community, with special reference to the origin and form of its Survivals in Britain, 8vo. 1890 Goransson (Johan) Bautil, Det ar : Alle Svea ok Gotha Rikens Runstenar upreste Ifran verldenes ar 2000 til Christi ar 1000, folio. Stockholm, 1750 Gordon (Alexander) Itinerarium Septentrionale, or a Journey through most of the Counties of Scotland and those in the North of England, folio. 1726 Gothic Architecture, Essays on, by the Rev. J. Warton, Rev. J. Bentham, Capt. Grose, and Rev. J. Milner, 8vo. 1808 Gough (Richard) Catalogue of the Coins of Canute, King of Den- mark and England, 4to. J 777 Gowrie (William, Earl of) The Manner and Form of the Examina- tion and Death of, May, M.D.LXXXIV. Tracts 4to, vol. 7. Bannatyne Club, 1824 Grafton (Richard) Chronicle, or History of England ; to which is added, his Table of the Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of the City of London, from 1189 to 1558, 2 vols in i, 410. 1809 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 43 Gragas. Hin Forna Logbok Islendinga sem Nefnist Gragas, 2 vols, 410. Havnice, 1829 Graham (D.) History of the late Rebellion in Britain, written in verse, i2mo. Glasgow, 1787 Gravii (Joannis, Astronomiae apud Oxoniensis Professoris Saviliani) Vita. Tracts 410, vol. 8. 1699 Gray (Sir Thomas, of Heton) Scalacronica, a Chronicle of England and Scotland, from 1066 to 1362, 4to. Edinburgh, 1836 Green (Rev. Robert) The Basis of Free-Masonry Display 'd, a Sermon, 8vo. Newcastle, 1775 Greenhow (T. M.) Estimate of the True Value of Vaccination as Security against Small Pox, 8vo. Ibid, 1825 Cholera, as it has recently appeared in the Towns of Newcastle and Gateshead, 8vo. 1832 Green well (W.) and Rolleston (George) British Barrows, a record of the examination of Sepulchral Mounds in various parts of England, 8vo. 1877 Greenwich Hospital, Plans of the several Estates and Farms be- longing to, in Cumberland, Northumberland, and Durham, folio. 1805 Gregory (Donald) History of the Western Highlands and Isles of Scotland, from 1493 to 1625, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836 Gregson (Matthew) Portfolio of Fragments, relative to the History and Antiquities of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, folio. Liverpool, 1824 - List of the Sheriffs of Lancashire, copied from Gregson's Fragments of the History of that County, folio. Ibid, 1817 - Proof Impressions of the Engravings on Wood, which illus- trate the Fragments of the History of Lancashire, folio. 1816 Grenier (D.) Introduction a 1' Histoire Gne>ale de la Province de Picardie, Publi6e par MM. Ch. Dufour et J. Gamier, 410. Amiens, 1853 Grew (Nehemiah, M.D.) Catalogue and Description of the Rarities belonging to the Royal Society, and preserved at Gresham Colledge, folio. 1681 Grey (W.) Chorographia, or A Survey of Newcastle-upon-Tine, 4to. 1649 reprinted by the Society of Antiquaries, folio. Newcastle, 1813 Grimaldi (Stacey, F.S.A.) Origines Genealogicae ; or, the Sources whence English Genealogies may be traced from the Conquest to the present time, 410. 1828 44 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Grose (Francis, F.S.A.) The Antiquities of England and Wales, 8 vols, 410. 1787 - The Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols, 410. 1797 - The Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vols, 410. 1791 - Military Antiquities, respecting- a History of the English Army from the Conquest to the present time ; and a Treatise on ancient Armour and Weapons, 2 vols, 410. 1801 - Provincial Glossary, 410. "797 Gruteri (J.) Inscriptiones Antiquae totius Orbis Romani, in absolu- tissimum Corpus redactae, 4 vols, folio. Amstelcedami, 1708 Guest (Edwin, D.C.L.) Essay on the Four Roman Ways. Tracts 8vo, vol. 4. Guillim (John) A Display of Heraldry, sixth edition, folio. 1724 Guldberg (C. M.) on Cirklers Beroring. Tracts 4to, vol. 9. Christiania, 1861 Gunn (Rev. W.) The " Historia Brittonum," commonly attributed to Nennius, with an English Version, 8vo. 1819 Gurney (Joseph) A Winter in the West Indies, 8vo. 1840 Guthrie (James) The River Tyne, its History and resources, 8vo. Newcastle, 1880 Haandbog for Underofficeerskolerne, 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1821 Haco's Expedition against Scotland, A.D. 1263, Norwegian Account of, with English Version by Rev. James Johnstone, 1782. Anecdotes of Olave the Black King of Man, 1780. Lodbrokar Quida ; or the Death-Song of Lodbroc, 1782, 8vo. Haddon (Alfred E.) The Decorative Art of British New Guinea, 4to. Dublin, 1894 Haigh (Daniel H.) The Conquest of Britain by the Saxons, 8vo. 1861 The Anglo-Saxon Sagas ; an Examination of their Value as Aids to History, 8vo. 1861 Essay on the Numismatic History of the Ancient Kingdom of the East Angles, 8vo. 1845 Haines (Rev. Herbert) A Manual of Monumental Brasses, compris- ing an Introduction to the Study of these Memorials, 2 vols, 8vo. 1 86 1 Halbertsma (Justus) Lexicon Frisicum, vol. i, 8vo. 1872 Halfpenny (Joseph) Gothic Ornaments in the Cathedral Church of York, 4to. York, 1795 Halifax, and its Gibbet-Law placed in its true Light. To which are added, the Unparallel'd Tragedies committed by Sir John Eland, of Eland, and his Grand Antagonists, 8vo. Halifax, 1761 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 45 Hall (Arthur) Account of a Quarrel between Arthur Hall, Esq. and Melchisedech Mallerie, Gent., with the Proceedings in the Suits which arose therefrom, 4to. Miscell. Antiq. Anglic. 1815 Hall (James) Widdrington, a Tale of Hedgley Moor, in two Cantos, 8vo. 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Heane. 1885 The Visitations of Hertfordshire in 1572 and 1634. Edited by Walter C. Metcalfe. 1886 G 46 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Marriage Licences : Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 1558 to 1699 ; Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660 to 1679, Ex- tracted by the late Colonel Chester. Edited by George J. Armytage. 1886 Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1543 to 1869. 1886 Bishop of London, Vol. i., 1520 to 1610. 1887 Bishop of London, Vol. 2., 1611 to 1828. 1887 The Visitation of Worcestershire in 1569. Edited by William P. W. Phillimore. 1888 The Visitation of Shropshire, 1623; with Additions. Edited by George Grazebrook, and J. Paul Rylands, 2 vols. 1889 Marriage Licences: Vicar-General of Archbishop of Canterbury, 167910 1687. Edited by George J. Armytage. 1890 Vicar-General of Archbishop of Canterbury, 1687101694. 1890 The Visitations of Norfolk in 1563, 1589, and 1613. Edited by Walter Rye. 1891 Marriage Licences: Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, vol. i., 1660 to 1668. Edited by George J. Armytage. 1892 Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, vol. 2., 1669 to 1679. 1892 Hampshire Allegations for Marriage Licences issued by the Bishop of Winchester. Vol. i. Edited by W. J. C. Moens. 1892 Hampshire Allegations for Marriage Licences issued by the Bishop of Winchester. Vol. 2. 1893 Hunter's Familiae Minorum Gentium. Edited by John W. Clay. 2 vols. 1894-95 The Registers of St. Peter's, Cornhill, London. Vol. i. Part i., A.D. 1538 to 1666. Edited by Granville Leveson Gower. 1877 The Registers of Canterbury Cathedral. Edited by Robert Hovenden. 1878 Harrison (William) An Account of the Diocese of Sodar and Man, 8vo. Douglas, 1879 Hartlepool, Account of Sepulchral Stones found at, in 1833, 8vo. Sharp's Tracts. Sunderland. Hartshorne (Rev. Chas. Henry, M.A.)The Itinerary of King Edward the Second. Tracts, 410, vol. 6. 1861 Hartshorne (Emily Sophia) Enshrined Hearts of Warriors and Illustrious People, 8vo. 1861 Harvey (Margaret) The Lay of the Ministrel's Daughter, 8vo. Newcastle, 1814 Haswell (George H.) "The Maister," A Century of Tyneside Life, being some account of the Life of Thomas Haswell, 8vo. 1895 Haughton (Rev. Samuel) New researches on Sunheat, Terrestrial radiation &c., 4to. Dublin, 1886 Havelok the Dane, The Ancient Romance of, accompanied by the French Text; with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by Frederick Madden, 4to. 1828 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 47 Havercamp (Sigibert) Dissertationes de Alexandri Magni Numismate 4to. Lugd. Batav., 1722 Hazlitt (W. Carey) The Livery Companies of the City of London, 8vo. 1892 Head (Barclay V.) Historia Numorum, a manual of Greek Numis- matics, 8vo. Oxford, 1887 Health of Towns Commision, First Report of the Commissioners, 2 vols, 8vo. !^44 Hedley (Joseph). Papers relative to the Murder of Joseph Hedley (commonly called Joe the Quilter), near Warden, 3rd January, 1826, 4to. Hedworth (John) The Oppressed Man's Outcry; or an Epistle writ by John Hedworth of Harraton, in the County of Durham, to Sir Henry Vane the elder, &c., 4to. 1651 Copy of a Letter written the third of September, 1651, by John Hedworth of Harraton to John Dodgson Constable of Harraton, &c., &c. , 4to. Hegge (Robert) Legend of St. Cuthbert, or the History of his Churches at Lindisfarne, Cunecascestre, and Dunholm. Tracts, 4to, vol. 5. Darlington, 1777 - Legend of St. Cuthbert, with the Antiquities of the Church of Durham, with Notes and Account of the Author by John Brough Taylor, 410. 2 copies. Sunderland, 1816 Hemingburgh (Walter! de) Chronicon, de Gestis Regum Angliae, edited by Hans Claude Hamilton, 2 vols, 8vo. Engl. Hist. Soc. 1848-49 Henderson (Andrew) History of the Rebellion in 1745-1746, i2mo. J 753 Henderson (William) Every Man his own Doctor, with Rhymes to gratify the Mind, 8vo. Newcastle, 1827 Henrici Quinti, Angliae Regis, Gesta, cum Chronica Neustriae Gallice, ab Anno 1414-1422, edited by Benj. Williams, F.S.A. 8vo. Engl. Hist. Soc. 1850 Henry III., Short View of the Long Life and Reign of, 8vo. 1627 Henry the Fourth of France, A Panegyre, containing the Life and Heroyck Deeds of. Tracts 8vo, vol. n. Henry (James) ^Eneidea, or Critical, Exegetical and ^Esthelical Remarks on the ^)neis, 2 vols, 8vo. 1873-79 Herald and Genealogist, edited by John G. Nichols, 8 vols, 8vo. 1863-74 Heraldry, A Synopsis of, or the most plain, short, and easie way for the perfect attaining of that Art, 8vo. 1682 48 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Heslop (R. Oliver,) Northumberland Words, a Glossary of Words used in the County of Northumberland and on Tyneside, 2 vols in one, 8vo. 1892-4 Hildebrand (Hans) Fran Aldre Tider, 8vo. Stockholm, N.D. Hill (Jonathan) Poems on Religious and Moral Subjects, 410. Durham, 1759 Hirsch (J. C.) Bibliotheca Numismatica, exhibens Catalogos Auctorum qui de Re Monetaria et Numismatam antiquis quam recentioribus, scripserunt, folio. Norimbergce, 1760 Historical and Descriptive Account of the Ancient Painting preserved at Cowdray, representing the Procession of King Edward VI. from the Tower of London to Westminister. Tracts, 410, vol. i Hjort (P.) Om det engelske Konjugationssystem, Med et Tilloeg om Forholdet imellem Dansk og Engelsk. Tracts, 410, vol. 8. Kiobenhavn, 1843 Hoare (Sir Richard Colt, Bart.) History of Ancient Wiltshire, 2 vols, folio. 1810 Hobler (Francis) Records of Roman History, from Cnaeus Pompeius to Tiberius Constantinus, as exhibited on the Roman Coins, 2 vols, 4to. 1860 Hodges (Charles Clement) Sepulchral Slabs, Grave Covers, Head- stone Crosses, and Semi-Effigical Monuments of the Middle Ages, now remaining in the County of Durham, 8vo, parts i and 2. 1884 - The Abbey of St. Andrew, Hexham, folio. 1888 - Illustrations of the Priory Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Blyth, Nottinghamshire, folio. 1881 Hodgson (Rev. John, M.A ) History of Northumberland, 6 vols, 4to. Newcastle, 1820-40 Another Copy, large paper, 6 vols, 4to. Ibid, 1820-40 History of Northumberland, Part i., containing the General History of the County by John Hodgson Hinde, 410. Ibid, 1858 Another Copy, large paper, 410. Ibid, 1858 - Memoir of, by the Rev. James Raine, M.A., 2 vols, 8vo. 1857-58 Hodshon (Read) The Honest Man's Companion; or, the Family's Safeguard, 8vo. Newcastle, 1736 Hogan (Edmund) The Latin Lives of the Saints, 8vo. Dublin, 1894 Cath-Ruis na Rig For Boinn, 8vo. Ibid, 1892 Hogg (John) on some Ancient Assyrian and Egyptian Sculptures and Inscriptions in Turkey. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. - Further Account of Assyrian and Egyptian Antiquities in Turkey, with a Notice of the Roman Remains at Damascus. Ibid. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 49 Holland. The Buke of the Howlat, edited by David Laing, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1823 Holyrood. Chronicon Coenobii Santae Crucis Edinburgensis Iterum in Lucem Editum, 410. Ibid. Edinburgh, 1828 - Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis. Munimenta Ecclesia Sancte Crusis de Edwinesburg, 4to. Ibid. Ibid, 1840 House, The History of the Abbey, Palace, and Chapel Royal ") of, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819 Hondius (Henry) Atlas, edited by Henry Hexham, folio. Amsterdam, 1636 Hone (William) Ancient Mysteries Described, especially the English Miracle Plays, 8vo. 1823 Hooppell (Rev. R. E.) Vinovia; a buried Roman City in the County of Durham, 8vo. 1891 Horace, The Odes of, in four Books, translated into English Lyric Verse by Lord Ravensworth, 8vo 1858 Home (Rev. Thomas Hartwell) Introduction to the Study of Biblio- graphy, 2 vols, 8vo. 1814 Horsley (Rev. John, M.A. ) Britannia Romana; or, the Roman Antiquities of Britain, folio. J 73 2 - Index of Places in his Map of Northumberland, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1753 - Life of, by George Tate, F.G.S. Tracts 8vo, vol. i. Almvick. Horsley (John) A Brief and General Account of the most necessary and fundimental Principles of Statics, Mechanics, Hydrostatics, and Pneumatics, &c., i2tno. Newcastle, N.D. - Revised by John Booth, i2mo. 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Berolini, 1876 Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, vols. 2 and 7, folio Ibid, 1869-73 Huguenot Society, Proceedings, vols. i, 2, and 4, 8vo. Lymington, 1885-94 - Publications, 4to : The Walloons and their Church at Norwich, 1565, 1832. 1888 Les Actes des Colloques des Eglises Francaises etdes Svnodes des Eglises Etrangeres, 1581-1654. 1890 Registers of the Church at Guisnes, 1668-1685. 1891 Registre de L'Eglise Wallonne de Southampton. 1890 Despatches of Michele Suriano and Marc' Antonio Barbaro, 1560-63. 1891 Registers of the French Conformed Churches of St. Patrick and St. Mary, Dublin. 1893 Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization for Aliens in England, 1509-1603. 1893 Register of the Wallon in Canterbury. 1894 Hull Quarterly and East Riding Portfolio, edited by W. G. B. Page, 2 vols, 410. 1884-87 Hume (Rev. Abraham, LL.D., F.S.A.) The Antiquities found at Hoylake, in Cheshire, described. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. 1847 Sir Hugh of Lincoln ; or an Examination of a curious Tradi- tion respecting the Jews, with a Notice of the Popular Poetry connected with it. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 5. 1849 - Suggestions for the Advancement of Literature and Learning in Liverpool, 8vo. Liverpool, 1851 - Philosophy of Geographical Names. Tracts 8vo, vol. 6. Ibid, 1851 Ancient Meols, or some account of the Antiquities found near Dove Point, Cheshire, 8vo. 1863 Humphreys (H. Noel) Coin Collector's Manual, 2 vols, 8vo. 1853 Hunter (John) Notices of English Monastic Libraries, and Catalogue of the Library of the Priory of Bretton, in Yorkshire, 4*0. 1831 Hunter (Rev. Joseph, F.S.A.) Hallamshire. The History and Topography of the Parish of Sheffield, in the County of York, folio. 1819 - History and Topography of the Deanery of Doncaster, in the Diocese and County of York, 2 vols, folio. 1828 - Brief Memoir of, with a descriptive Catalogue of his principal Publications. Tracts 8vo, vol. i. 1861 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 51 Hunter (William King) History ot the Priory of Coldingham, 4to. Edinburgh, 1858 Hussey (Rev. Robert, M.A.) Essay on the Ancient Weights and Money, and the Roman and Greek Liquid Measures, 8vo. Oxford, 1836 Hutchison (Rev. ^neas B., B.D.) Memorials of the Abbey of Dundrennan, in Galloway, 4to. Exeter, 1857 Hutchinson (Wm.) A View of Northumberland, with an Excursion to the Abbey of Mailross, in Scotland, 2 vols, 4to. Newcastle, 1778 History of the County of Cumberland and some Places adjacent, 2 vols, 410. Carlisle, 1794 - History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, 3 vols, 410. Durham, 1823 Hutton (Charles, LL.D.) Memoir of, by John Bruce, 8vo. Newcastle, 1823 Hutton (William) Life of, including a particular Account of the Riots at Birmingham in 1791!; written by himself, 8vo. 1816 - History of the Roman wall, which crosses the Island of Britain from the German Ocean to the Irish Sea, 8vo. 1802 lamblichus on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians, translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor, 8vo. Chiswick, 1821 Icelandic (Select) Poetry, translated from the Originals, with Notes, by Wm. Herbert, 8vo. 1804 Illingworth (Rev. C., M.A.) Account of the Parish of Scampton, in the County of Lincoln, and of the Roman Antiquities discovered there, 4to. 1810 Ingledew (Henry) on the Legal Right of the Freeholders of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to Vote for Members of Parliament for Northumberland. Tracts 8vo. vol. 3. Newcastle, 1830 Ingledew (C. J. Davison) History and Antiquities of Northallerton, in the County of York, 8vo. 1858 Inchaffery. Liber Insule Missarum Abbacie Canonicorum Regu- larium B. Virginis et S. Johannis de Inchaffery Registrum Vetus. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgi, 1847 Innes (Cosmo) Scotland in the Middle Ages, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1860 Inscriptiones Runiques du Slesvig Me*ridionel inte'rpre'tes par C. C. Rafn, et publie"es par la Soci^te" Royale des Antiquaries du Nord, 8vo. Copenhagen, 1861 Inscriptions Funeraires et Monumen.tales de la Province de la Flandre orientale, 4 vols, 4to. Gand, 1865-67 52 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Instrumenta Publica sive Processus super Fidelitatibus et Homagiis Scotorum Domino Regi Angliae Factis (The Ragman Rolls), A. D. 1291-1296. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgi, 1834 Ireland, Journal of the Proceedings of the Royal Antiquarian Society, originally founded as the Kilkenny Society, 22 vols, 8vo. Dublin, 1849-94 lona Club, Transactions of the, vol. i, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834 Is this the Truth ? a Poem. No ; This is the Truth. No ; That's a Mistake, folio. Newcastle, 1741 Isle of Man. Chronica Regum Manniae et Insularum. The Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys, edited from the Manuscript Codex in the British Museum, and with Historical Notes by P. A. Munch, 8vo. Christiania, 1860 Islenzkir Annaler sives Annales Islandici ab Anno Christi 803, ad Annum 1430, 410. Hafnice, 1847 Ives (John) Remarks upon the Garianonum of the Romans ; the Site and Remains fixed and described, 8vo. X 774 Jackson (William) Papers and Pedigrees mainly relating to Cum- berland and Westmoreland, 2 vols, 8vo. 1892 Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts, 10 vols, 410. 1886-95 James V. of Scotland. Excerpta e Libris Domicilii Domini Jacobi Quinti Regis Scotorum, MDXXV. MDXXXIII., 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgi, 1836 James the Sixth, Letters to, from the Queen, Prince Henry, Prince Charles, the Princess Elizabeth and her husband Frederick, King of Bohemia, and from their son Prince Frederick Henry, 4to. Edinburgh, 1835 - History and Life of King James the Sext, 8vo. Ibid, 1804 Jameson (Robert) Popular Ballads and Songs from Tradition, Manu- scripts, and scarce editions, 2 vols in i, 8vo. Ibid, 1806 Jamieson (Jane) Some Particulars of the Trial and Execution of, for Murder, at Newcastle, March 7, 1829. Tracts, 410, vol. 5. Jarnsida edr Hakonoarbok. Codex Juris Islandorum Antiqvus qui nominatur Jarnsida seu Liber Haconis, 4to. Havnice, 1847 Jefferson (Samuel) History and Antiquities of Leath Ward, in the County of Cumberland, large paper, 8vo. Carlisle, 1840 - History and Antiquities of Allerdale Ward, above Derwent, in the County of Cumberland, large paper, 8vo. Ibid, 1842 - History and Antiquities of Carlisle, with an Account of the Castles, Gentlemen's Seats, and Antiquities in the Vicinity, 8vo. Ibid, 1838 Guide to Naworth and Lanercost, i2mo. Ibid, 1839 Carlisle Reprints, 8vo. Ibid, V.Y. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 53 Jefferys (Nathaniel) Descriptive and Historical Account of the Isle of Man, i2mo. Newcastle, 1808 Jeffrey of Monmouth. The British History Translated, with a com- mentary, by Aaron Thompson, 8vo. 1718 Jenison (Rev. R., D.D.) Newcastle's Call to her "Neighbour and Sister Townes and Cities throughout the Land, to take warning by her Sins and Sorrows, i8mo. 1O ^7 -Jerningham (Hubert E. H.) Norham Castle, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1883 Johnston (James B.) Place Names of Scotland, 8vo. Ibid, 1892 -Johnstone (Rev. Thomas) History of Berwick-upon-Tweed and its Vicinity, 8vo. Berwick, 1817 Jollie (Francis) A Political History of the City of Carlisle from 1700 to the present time, i2mo. Carlisle, 1820 Jomsvikinga Saga. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Kaupmannahofn, 1824 Oversat af Carl Christian Rafn. Ibid. Kiobenhavn, 1824 Jones (Thomas) Substance of the Examination of, a Bankrupt, and a Partner in the Wear Bank, Sunderland, 8vo. Sunderland, 1816 Karlamagnus Saga ok Kappa Hans. Udgivet af C. R. Unger, 8vo. Christiania, 1860 Keary (Charles F.) A Catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum, Anglo Saxon Series, vol. i, edited by R. S. Poole, 8vo. 1887 Kelly (William) Royal Progresses to Leicester. Tracts, 410, vol. 6. Leicester, 1854-55 Kelso, Liber S. Marie de Calchou Registrum Cartarum Abbacie Tironensis de Kelso, 1113-1567 2 vols, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh!, 1846 Kemble (John M.) Horae Feralis, or Studies in the Archaeology of the Northern Nations, edited by R. G. Latham and A. W. Franks, 410. 1863 Kempis (Thomas a) An Imitation de Jesus Christ Hor Salver Binignet. Lequet e Brezonec a nevez-flam gat Euzen Roparz, 1 2 mo. E Quemper, 1743 Kennedy (James) Description of the Antiquites and Curiosities in Wilton House, 4to. Salisbury, 1769 Kennet (Basil) Romae Antiquae Notitia ; or, the Antiquities of Rome, 8vo. Z 749 Kennet (Rev. White, D.D.) Sermon at the Funeral of William, Duke of Devonshire, Sept. 5, 1707. With some Memoirs of the Family of Cavendish, 8vo. 1708 H 54 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Kenrick (Rev. John, M.A., F.S.A.) Roman Sepulchral Inscriptions; their Relation to Archaeology, Language, and Religion, 8vo. 1858 Kerrick (Rev. Thomas) Catalogue of Roman Coins collected by, and presented by his son to the Society of Antiquaries of London. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. 1852 Keyser (C. E.) A List of Buildings in Great Britain and Ireland having Mural and other painted decorations, of dates prior to the latter part of the Sixteenth Century, 8vo. 1 8&3 King (Daniel) The Vale Royal of England, or the County Palatine of Chester illustrated, abridged and revised, with Notes, by Thomas Hughes, 8vo. 1852 King (Rev. James) The National Arms of the United Kingdom, containing an Account of the Charges on the Royal Shields of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 8vo. N.D. King (R. J.) Handbook to the Cathedrals of England and Wales, 8 vols, 8vo. 1861-77 Kinmont Willie : a Border Ballad. With an Historical Introduction by Sir Walter Scott, 8vo. Jefferson's Reprints, Carlisle, 1841 Klein (Karl) iiber die Legionen, Welche in Obergermanien Standen, Tracts, 4to, vol. 8. Mainz, 1853 Klotzii (Christ. A.) Historia Numorum Contumeliosorum et Saty- ricorum, izmo. Altenburgi, 1765 Knowles (W. H.) and Boyle (J. R.) Vestiges of Old Newcastle and Gateshead, 4to. Newcastle, 1890 Kopp (Ulrico F.) Palaeographia Critica, 2 vols, 410. Mannhem, 1817 Kornerup (J.) and Worsaae (J. J. A.) Kongehoiene I Jellinge og deres undersogelse efter Kong Frederik VII s befaling I 1861 410. Kiobenhavn, 1875 Krakas Maal eller kvad om Kong Ragnar Lodbroks Krigsbedrifter og Heltedced, udgivet af C. C. Rafn, 8vo. Ibid, 1826 La Belle Assemblee ; or the Tynemouth Bathers. A Poem, Humbly inscrib'd to the Ladies of Newcastle, &c. By G. K. 8vo. Newcastle. Another Copy, Reprint. Sykes' Tracts. Ibid, 1828 Labruzzi (Carlo) Via Appia illustrata ab Urbe Roma ad Capuam, folio. Roma. Laing (David) Historical Description of the Altar Piece, painted in the Reign of King James the Third of Scotland, belonging to her Majesty, in the Palace of Holyrood. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. Edinburgh, 1857 L' Album GiornaleLetterarioedi belle arti, 4vols, 4to. Roma, 1835-38 Laborde (Leon de) Glossaire Francais du Moyen Age, 8vo. Paris, 1872 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 55 Lamartine (M. A. de) Histoire des Girondins, 9 vols, 8vo. Bruxelles, 1847 Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts, edited by John Harland, F.S.A., for the Chetham Society, 2 vols, 410. Manchester, 1859 Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society Transactions, vol i to 46, 8vo. Liverpool, 1849-94 - Catalogue of the Library of, 8vo. 1876 Lanercost. Chronicon de Lanercost 1201-1346 e codice Cottoniano nunc primum typis mandatum, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1839 Another copy, 4to. Maitland Club, Ibid, 1839 Lappenberg (J. M.) Au die Alterthumsforscher Deutschlands. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 15. Hamburg, 1834 Laskey (Capt. J.) General Account of the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, 8vo. Glasgow, 1813 Lathom House. A Journal of the Siege of Lathom House, in Lan- cashire, defended by the Countess of Derby against Sir Thomas Fairfax, 1644, 8vo. 1823 Latimer (John) Local Records; or Historical Register of Remarkable Events in Northumberland, &c., 1832-1857, a continuation of Sykes' Local Records, 8vo. Newcastle, 1857 Lawes and Ordinances of Warre, For the better Government of His Majesties Army Royall, in the present Expedition for the Northern Parts, and safety of the Kingdome &c., 410. Newcastle, 1639 Lawson (Mrs. Dorothy, of St. Anthonys, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Life of. Tracts, 8vo, vol. i. Newcastle, 1851 Lea (Henry C.) Superstition and Force, Essays on the Wager of Law, The Wager of Battle The Ordeal ; Torture, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878 Leake (Stephen Martin) An historical account of English Money from the Conquest to the present time, including those of Scotland, 8vo. J 745 Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society's Transac- tions, vols i to 5. Leicester, 1866-1882 Leitfaden zur Nordischen Alterthumskunde. Tracts 8vo, vol. 13. Kopenhagen, 1837 Leland (John) The Itinerary of; The Third Edition, printed from Mr. Hearne's Corrected Copy in the Bodleian Library, 9 vols in 5, 8vo. Oxford, 1770 Le Melange, Newspaper Cuttings &c., 7 vols, 410. Circa, 1800 56 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Lepsius (Dr. Richard) Lettre a M. H. Rosellini sur L'Alphabet Hierologlyphique, 8vo. Rome, 1837 Lesley (John, Bp. of Ross) De origine Moribus et rebus gestis Scotorum, 410. 1675 Letters from Roundhead Officers written from Scotland, and chiefly addressed to Captain Adam Baynes, July, 1650 to June, 1660, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1856 Letters from Orinda to Poliarchus, 8vo. 1705 Lewis (M. G.) The Isle of Devils : a Historical Tale. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 5. Kingston, Jamaica, 1827 Liber Niger Scaccarii, nee non Wilhelmi Worcestrii Annales Rerum Anglicanum, cum praefatione et Appendice, Thomas Hearne, 2 vols, 8vo. 1771 Quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Garderobae, Anno Regni Regis Edwardi I. vicesimo octavo, A.D. 1299 and 1330, 410. 1787 Lilii (Zachariae) Orbis breviarium, Fide compendio ordineq. Venetiis. Sooni (Guilielmi) Vantesdeni Auditor, sive Pom- ponius Mela Disputator, de Situ Orbis, Colonice, 1572, 8vo. Lincoln. Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of the County and City of Lincoln, communicated to the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute held at Lincoln, 1848, 8vo. 1850 Lindesay (Sir David) The Works of, newly corrected and vindicate from the former Errours wherewith they were corrupted, i8mo. Edinburgh, 1670 Lindsay (John) View of the Coinage of Scotland, with two Supple- ments, 4to. 2 copies. Cork, 1845-68 - View of the Coinage of Ireland, from the Invasion of the Danes to the Reign of George IV., with some Account of the Ring Money, 410. 2 copies. Ibid, 1839 - View of the History and Coinage of the Parthians, 410. Ibid, 1852 - Notices of Remarkable Medieval Coins, mostly unpublished. Tracts 4to, vol. 6. Ibid, 1849 - Notices of Remarkable Greek, Roman, and Anglo-Saxon, and other Medieval Coins, in the Cabinet of the Author. Ibid. Ibid, 1860 Some Observations on an Ancient Talisman brought from Syria, and supposed to be the work of the Chaldaeans. Ibid. Ibid, 1855 Literary Register, or Weekly Miscellany, 5 vols, folio. Newcastle, 1769-73 Lithgow (William) Travels through the most Eminent Places in the Habitable World, 8vo. 1692 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 57 Littlehales (Henry) The Prymer or Prayer-Book of the lay people in the Middle Ages, 2 vols, 8vo. 1892 Pages in Facsimile from a Layman's Prayer Book, in English, about 1 400 A. D. , 410. 1890 Liverpool Architectural and Archaeological Society, Proceedings of, vols. i and 2, 410. Liverpool, 1852-57 - Proceedings of, 1858-59-60-61, 8vo. Ibid. Free Public Library and Museum. Ceremonies connected with the Opening of the Building presented to the Town by William Brown, Esq. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. Ibid, 1861 Lodbrokar-Quida ; or the Death Song of Lodbroc. (See Haco.) 1782 London. Select Views of London and its Environs, 2 vols in i, 4to. 1804 London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Transactions, vols. i to 6, 8vo. 1860-90 Long (William, M.A.) Abury Illustrated. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. Devises, 1858 Long Meg of Westminster, The Life of; containing the Mad Prankes she played in her Life Time, but also how valiantly she behaved her selfe in the Warres of Bolloinge, 410. Miscell. Antiq. Anglic. 1635, Reprint, 1816 "Longstaffe (W. Hylton Dyer, F.S.A.) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Darlington, 8vo. Darlington, 1854 - The House of Clervaux, its Descents and Alliances. Tracts, 410, vol. 4. Newcastle, 1852 - Parentalian Memoranda. Lineage and Alliances of the Allans, Hyltons, Clervaux, and Chaytor Families, 8vo. Ibid. Ibid, 1852 Lonsdale (Henry) The Worthies of Cumberland, 6 vols, 8vo. 1867-75 Lorange (A.) Samlingen af Norske Oldsager i Bergens Museum, 8vo. Bergen, 1876 Lovat (Simon, Lord) The Life, Adventures, and many and great Vicissitudes of Fortune of, by the Rev. Archd. Arbuthnot, 8vo. 1746 Lowndes (William) The Regulating Silver Coin made Practicable and Easy to the Government and Subject, 8vo. 1696 Lukis (William, C.) The Prehistoric Stone Monuments of the British Isles, (Cornwall), folio. 1885 Lyon (Rev. C. J., M.A.) History of St. Andrews, Episcopal, Monastic, Academic, and Civil, 2 vols, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843 Lysons (Rev. Daniel, A.M.) andLysons (Samuel, F.R.S. and F.S.A.) Topographical and Historical Account of Cumberland, 4to. 58 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Mabillon (Johannis) de re Diplomatica, libri VI. accedunt Com- mentarius de antiquis Regum Francorum Palatiis, folio. Lutecice-Parisiorum, 1709 Maccarthy (B.) The Codex Palatine- Vaticanus, Text Translation and Indices, 8vo. Dublin, 1892 MacDonald (Alexander) Register of Ministers, Exhorters and Readers, and of their Stipends after the period of Reformation 410. Maitland Chib, Edinburgh , 1830 MacGibbon (David) and Ross (Thomas) The Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland from the i2th, to the i8th Century, 5 vols, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887-92 - Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland, vol. i, 8vo. Ibid, 1896 Macgregor (John) Observations on the River Tyne, with a view to the Improvement of its Navigation, 8vo. Newcastle, 1832 Mackenzie (Eneas) Historical, Topographical, and Descriptive View of the County of Northumberland, and of Parts of the County of Durham, 2 vols, 410. Ibid, 1825 Descriptive and Historical Account of the Town and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, including the Borough of Gateshead, 2 vols, 410. Ibid, 1827 Mackenzie (Sir George) Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, from the Restoration of King Charles II., A.D. 1660, 4to. Edinburgh, 1821 The Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland further cleared and defended, 1686. The Life of the Reverend and Learned Mr. John Sage, 1714, in i vol, 8vo. MacLaren (Charles) The Plain of Troy described, and the identity of the Ilium of Homer with the New Ilium of Strabo proved, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863 Maclauchlan (Henry) The Roman Wall, and Illustrations of the principal Vestiges of Roman Occupation in the North of England. The Watling Street from the River Swale to the Scotch Border, from Surveys made by the direction of His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, K.G., folio. 1852-58 Eastern Branch of the Watling Street from Bewclay to Berwick, folio. 1864 Map of the Watling Street, folio. Survey of the Watling Street, folio. ^52 Memoir written during a Survey of the Roman Wall Memoir written during a Survey of the Watling Street, 8vo. 1852-58 Memoir written during a Survey of the Eastern Branch of the Watling Street, 8vo. 1864 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 59 Maclauchlan (Henry) Notes not included in the Memoirs already published on Roman Roads in Northumberland, 8vo. 1867 On the Roman Roads, Camps, and other Earthworks between the Tees and the Swale. 2 copies. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. Macpherson (David) Geographical Illustrations of Scottish History. Tracts 410, vol. 6. 1796 Macpherson (James) Original Papers, 1688-1714; with Extracts from the Life of James II., as written by himself, 2 vols, 410. Maddison (Rev. Thomas, M.A.) Sermon Preached in the Trinity Chapel, Newcastle, January 7, 1760, 8vo. Newcastle, 1760. An Exhortation in Christian Love, to all who frequent Horse- racing, Cock-fighting, Throwing at Cocks, Gaming, &c, &c., Ibid, 1770, in one volume. Sermon. Another Copy, large paper, 410. Newcastle, 1760 Madox (Thomas) Firma Burgi, or an historical Essay concerning the Cities, Towns, and Boroughs of England, folio. 1726 Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae de Anno MCLXXXIIII., Willielmo Filio Radulfi, Senescallo Quae Extant, 410. Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae de Anno Domini ut videtur MCLXXXIV. Fragmentum detexit ediditque L. Delisle. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 12. Cadomi, 1851 Magnusen (Professor Finn) Forsog til Forklaring over en Rune- Indskrift paa en i Engelland i Aaret 1818 funden Guldring, Ibid. Vol. 15. Kiobenhavn, 1820 Om de Gamle Skandinavers Inddeling af Dagens Tider 410. Ibid, 1844 Runamo og Runerne, 410. Ibid, 1841 Manchester, Curious Notes on the History of, by Muscepula, 8vo. 1771 Marangoni (Giovanni) Delle Cose Gentilesche e Prefane ad uso e adornamento Delle Chiese, 4to. Rome, 1744 Marlborough (Sarah, Duchess of) True Copy of her last Will and Testament. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. 1750 Marmor Norfolciense; or an Essay on an Ancient Prophetical Inscription lately discover'd near Lynn. J 739 Marmorum Oxoniensium Inscriptiones Graecae ad Chandleri Exemp- lar Editae curante Gul. Roberts, 8vo. Oxon t 1791 Marsden (William) Numismata Orientalia; The Oriental Coins, ancient and modern, in his Collection, described and historically illustrated, 2 vols, 410. 1813 Marshall (George W.) The Visitation of Northumberland in 1615, 4to. 1878 60 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Marshall (John, of Newcastle) Biographical Notice of, 8vo. Sykes' Tracts. Newcastle. Martin (John) Bibliographical Catalogue of Books privately printed; including those of the Bannatyne, Maitland, and Roxburgh Clubs, c. , 8vo. "834 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, Latin Themes of, published from the original Manuscript in her own Handwriting, edited by Anatole de Montaiglon, 8vo. Warton Club, 1855 Maundeville (Sir John) The Voyaige and Travaile, which treateth of the Way to Hierusalem, and of Marvayles of Inde, with other Islands and Countryes, 8vo. 1725 Mawer (John) The Progress of Language: an Essay, in two Parts, i2mo. Newcastle, 1743 Mayer (Joseph) Synopsis of the History of the Manufacture of Earthenware. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. Liverpool, 1842 Mayor, The, and the Monks of Tynemouth, 410. Newcastle, 1843 Mazarini (Cardinal) The Last Will and Testament of, with some remarks of his Life, i2mo. '663 Mazzuchelianum (Museum); sive Numismata Virorum Doctrina praestantium quae apud Jo. Mariam Comitem Mazzulhellum Brixiae servantur, 2 vols. in 3, folio. Venetiis, 1761-63 Medaillies frapp^es sous le Regne Glorieux de I'lmp^ratrice Reine Marie Therese (French and German), folio. Vienne, 1782 Medley, The, consisting of Thirty-one Essays on various subjects, 8vo. Newcastle, 1766 Melrose. Chronica de Mailrose, codice unico in Bibliotheca Cottoniana Servato, nunc Iterum in Lucem edita, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1835 - Liber Sancte Marie de Melros. Munimenta Vetustiora Mon- asterii Cisterciensis de Melros, 2 vols, 410. Ibid, 1837 Melville (Sir James, of Halhill) Memoirs of his own Life, 1549-93, from the original manuscript, 4to. Ibid, 1827 Me"moires de la Socie'te' des Antiquaries de Picardie, vols. i to 4, 8vo. Amiens et Paris, 1851-54 Me"moires de la Societe" d' Emulation d' Abbeville, 1844, 1865, 1881, 1886, 5 vols, 8vo. Abbeville, 1852-87 M^moires de la Soci^te" Royale des Antiquaries du Nord, 1836, 1860, 8vo. Copenhague. Memoria da Commissao dos Arquivos da Gran-Bretanha dirigida aos Cartorarios, Bibliothecarios, e Antiquaries de Portugal. Tracts 8vo, vol. 15. Lisboa, 1835 Menu de la Maison de la Royne faict par Mons. de Pinguillon, M.D.LXII., 410. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 6 1 Merrick (Rice) A Book of Glamorganshire's Antiquities, 1578, now first published by Sir T. Phillips, Bart., folio. Middle Hill, 1825 Merry (Walter) Remarks on the Coinage of England, from the earliest to the present Times, 8vo. Nottingham^ 1789 Metcalfe (Walter C.) A Book of Knights Banneret, Knights of the Bath, and Knights Bachelor, made between the fourth year of Henry VI., and the restoration of Charles II., 8vo. ^85 Meyrick (Samuel Rush, LL. D.) A critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles II., with a Glossary of Military Terms, &c., 3 vols, folio. 1824 - Description of Ancient Arms and Armour, from the Collection of Llewelyn Meyrick, Esq., at Goodrich Court, published and engraved by Joseph Skelton, 2 vols, folio. 1830 Midlothian, Charters of the Hospital of Soltre, of Trinity College, Edinburgh, and other Collegiate Churches of Midlothion, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1861 Milbanke Estates. Collections and Particulars relative to the Milbanke Estates, collected by Mr. J. Bell, Land Surveyor, folio. Miles (William A.) A description of the Deverel Barrow, also a minute account of the Kimmeridge Coal Money, 4to. 1826 Millar (John) Historical view of the English Government, 4 vols, 8vo. 1818 Miln (James) Excavations at Carnac, a record of Archaeological researches in the alignments of Kermario, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1881 - Fouilles faites a Carnoc, les Bossenno et le Mont-Saint-Michel, 8vo. Paris, 1877 Milton (John) Defensio pro Populo Anglicano contra Salmasii De- fensionem Regiam, 4to. 1651 Mirabilis Annus, or the year of Prodigies and Wonders, being a faithful and impartial collection of Several Signs that have been seen in the Heavens, in the Earth, and in the Waters, 4to. 1661 Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana; or a Select Collection of Curious Tracts, illustrative of the History, Literature, Manners, and Biography of the English Nation, 410. 1816 Miscellanea Genealogica et Heral dica, edited by Joseph Jackson Howard, vol. i, 4to. J 874 Miscellanea Graphica; Representations of Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Remains in the possession of Lord Londesborough. Drawn, engraved, and described by F. W. Fairholt; the Historical Introduction by Thomas Wright, folio. J 8S7 Miscellanea Scotica. A Collection of Tracts relating to the History, Antiquities, Topography, and Literature of Scotland, 4 vols, i2tno. Glasgow, 1818-20 I 62 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Mohn (H.) Om Kometbanernes Indbyrdes Beliggenhed. Tracts, 4to, vol. 9. Christiania, 1861 Moller (Dr. Georg) Denkmaler der Deutschen Baukunst, folio. Leipzig und Darmstadt. Monrad (M. J.) Det Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitets Stiftelse, fremstillet J. Anledning af dets Halvhundredaarsfest. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13. Christiania 1861 Monster (P. H.) og Abrahamson (J.) Om den indbyrdes Underviisn- ings Vaesen og Vaerd, 3 vols, 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1821-28 Montfaucon (Bernard de) Antiquity explained and represented in Sculptures, translated by David Humphreys, with a Supplement, 6 vols, folio. 1721-28 The Antiquities of Italy, being his Travels from Paris through Italy in 1698-99, in English by John Henley, folio. 1 7 2 $ Montgomeryshire Collections Historical and Archaeological relat- ing to Montgomeryshire, issued by the Powys-land Club. Vols. i to 6, 8 to 28, 8vo. 1868-95 Montrose (Marquis of) Papers connected with, and the Civil War, 1643-1650, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1893 Memoirs, by the Rev. G. Wishart, edited by the Rev. A. Murdoch, and H. F. Morland Simpson, 4to. l &93 Monumenta Historica Britannica, or Materials for the History of Britain, from the Earliest Period, vol. i., folio 1848 Monumenta Patavina, Sertorii Ursati studio collecta, digesta, ex- plicata, suisque Iconibus expressa, folio. Patavii, 1652 Monumenta Romani Imperii, in Scotiae, Maxime Vero Inter Vestigia Valli, Auspiciis Antonini Pii Imperatoris, 4to. Monumenti Inediti publicato dall Institute di Correspondenza Archeologica, 10 vols in 4, folio. Rome, 1829-78 Monumenti Annali e Bullettini publicato dall Institute de Corres- pondenza Archeologica, vols. 26, 27, 28, folio. Rome, 1854-56 Moore (Sir Thomas) Historic of the pitifull Life, and unfortunate death of Edward the fifth, and the then Duke of Yorke his brother. With the troublesome and tyrannical government of usurping Richard the third, and his miserable end, i2mo. 1641 Moray. Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis e Pluribus Codicibus Consarcinatum, circa A.D. 1400, cum continuatione Diplomatum Recentiorum usque ad A.D. 1623, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edmburgi, 1837 Morelli (A.) Thesaurus Morellianus; sive Familiarum Romanarum Numismata omnia, edidit et Commentario illustravit Haver- campus, 2 vols, folio. Amsteltedami, 1734 Thesaurus Morellianus; sive Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata, cum Commentario Havercampii et praefatione Wesselingii, 3 vols, folio. Ibid, 1752 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEVVCASTLE-ON-TYNE 63 Morrall (M. T.) History and Description of Needle Making, 12010. Manchester, 1862 Morton (The Rev. James, B. D.) Monastic Annals of Tiviotdale, or, the History and Antiquities of the Abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melrose, and Dryburgh, 410. Edinburgh, 1832 Morton (Thomas, Bp. of Durham,) Sermon preached before King Charles the first, in the Cathedral Church of Durham, 4to. Newcastle 1639 Morton. Registrum Honoris de Morton. A Series of Ancient Charters of the Earldom of Morton, with other original papers, 2 vols, 410. Edinburgh, 1853 Moule (Thomas) Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnas Britannia, an analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealogy, Heraldry, &c. , with a List of Visitations, Pedigrees, &c. , 8vo. 1822 - Table of Dates, for the use of Genealogists and Antiquaries, 8vo. 1820 Moulton (Wm., of Newcastle) Correct Copy of the Will of, who died in December, 1772, and left property to the Poor of the Town. Tracts 8vo, vol. 3. Newcastle, 1829 Mowat (J. L. G.) A Walk along the Teufelsmauer and Pfahlgraben, 8vo. Oxford, 1885 Muir (T. S.) Ecclesiological notes on some of the Islands of Scotland, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1885 Munch (P. A.) Norges Historic i kortfattet Udtog. Tracts 8vo, vol. 15. Christiania, 1858 - Nordmsendenes aeldste Gude-og Helte-Sagn. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Ibid, 1854 Miinteri (Friderici) Epistola ad Sergium ab Ouvaroffde Monumentis Aliquot Veteribus Scriptis et Figuratis Penes se Exstantibus, 4to. Ha/nice, 1822 Murimuthensis (Adami) Chronica sui Temporis nunc Primum per Decem Annos aucta 1303-1346, edited by Thomas Hog, 8vo. English Hist. Soc. 1846 Murray (Rev. James) Travels of the Imagination; a true Journey from Newcastle to London, in a Stage Coach, i2mo. Newcastle, 1828 Murray (John) Practical Hints on Modern Paper, i2tno. 1829 Murray (James A. H.) A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, vol. i, 2, and 3, p. i, A to E, 4to. Oxford, 1884-91 Musde Royal, Notice des Tableaux exposes dans le, 121110. Paris, 1835 Mus^e Dodwell, Notice sur le, et Catalogue Raisonn^ des Objets qu'il contient. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 12. Rome, 1837 64 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Musellio (Jacobo) Numismata Antiqua, 2 vols. Antiquitatis Reliquiae, i vol, folio. Veronce, 1751-56 Musgrave (Sir Philip, Bart.) Life of, from an original MS. by the Rev. Gilbert Burton, 8vo. Jefferson's Reprints. Carlisle, 1841 Musgrave (John) A True and Exact Relation of the great and heavy Pressures and Grievances the Well-affected of the Northern bordering Counties lye under, by Sir Arthur Haslerig's Mis- government, 410. 1650 Myln (Alexandro) Vitae Dunkeldensis ecclesiae Episcoporini a prima sedis fundatione ad annum 1595, 4to. Edinburgh, 1831 Mylne's (Mr.) Report respecting Tyne Bridge, with his plan for a Temporary Bridge, 8vo. 2 copies. Newcastle ', 1772 Napoleon Medals, Catalogue of. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 9. 1818 Neaves (Lord) Address at the Conversazione Meeting of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, December 23, 1859. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. Edinburgh. Neilson (George) Peel ; its meaning and derivation, 410. Glasgow, 1893 Per Lineam Valli, A New argument touching the Earthen Rampart between Tyne and Sol way, 8vo. Glasgow, 1891 Nennii Historia Britonum, ad finum codicum manuscriptorum Recensuit Josephus Stevenson, 8vo. 1838 Neubotle. Registrum S. Marie de Neubotle Abbacie Cisterciensis Beate Virginis de Neubotle Chartarium Vetus. Accedit Appendix Cartarum Originalium, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgi, 1849 Neumann (Francis) Numi Veteris Inediti Populorum et Regum, 410. Vindobonce, 1779 New Agricultural and Commercial Magazine, vols. i and 2, 8vo. 1811 Newcastle. An Impartial History of the Town and County of New- castle-upon-Tyne and its vicinity, 8vo. Newcastle, 1801 Picture of, containing a Guide to theTown and Neighbourhood ; an Account of the Roman Wall; and a description of the Coal Mines, i2mo. Ibid, 1812 Act for Establishing a Fund for the Relief and Support of Skippers and Keelmen on the River Tyne, 8vo. Burgess List for 1835, 8vo. Castle of, Bruce's Guide to, with an Account of the Banquet held August, 1848, the Correspondence c., 410. Another Collection, 8vo. Clavering Place Chapel, Sketch of (by the Rev. James Pringle), and various Memoranda relative to it, 1860. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 65 Newcastle Corporation. Report of the Official Investigation into the Affairs of the Municipal Corporation of Newcastle, 8vo. Newcastle, 1834 Corporation Statement of the Accounts, 1829-1835, 8vo. Ibid, 1829-35 Corporation. Reports of Committees, Accounts, &c. , 1836-1843, 8vo. County Rate, Memoranda relative to the Abolition of, by Thomas Bell, 4to. Catalogue of the Public Library in St. Nicholas's Church; with a Copy of the Will of Robert Thomlinson, D.D. , and the Statutes to which is added a Catalogue of the Old Library, 8vo. Newcastle, 1829 Catalogue of the Exhibition of Arts, Manufactures, and Prac- tical Science, 1840. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Ibid, 1840 - Report of the Proceedings in the Rolls' Court, Nov. 15, 1842, in re Jesus Hospital v. the Corporation of Newcastle. Ibid. Ibid, 1842 Directory for 1778, 12 mo. Ibid, 1778 Reprint of, with an Introduction by the Rev. J. R. Boyle, 4to. Ibid, 1889 - Directory for 1801, 1824, 1838, 1850, 1851, 1853, 1858, to 1860, 8vo. - Botanical and Horticultural Society, Report of, for 1826, and Transactions, Part I., 8vo. Ibid, 1826 - Destruction of the Statue of James the Second at Newcastle, 8vo. Ibid, 1847 Elections. Collections relative to, for the Years 1770 to 1802, folio. - Election Addresses and Proceedings at the several Elections of Representatives for the Town of Newcastle, in Parliament, from 1796 to 1820, collected by Thomas Bell, 4to. - Election Addresses, Squibs, &c., at the Elections in 1777, 1780, and 1784, 410. - Election Addresses, Squibs, &c., at the Election in 1812, 4to. - Election Addresses, Squibs, &c. , at the Election in 1818, 4to. - Election Addresses, Squibs, &c., at the Elections in 1812 and 1818. - Election Speeches, Addresses, Squibs, &c., at the Elections in 1818, 1820, and 1826. - Election Addresses, Bills, Poll Book, &c. , at the Election in 1820, 4to. 66 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Newcastle Election Addresses, Squibs, Periodicals, Songs, Speeches, &c., published during the Election in 1826, 410. Another Collection, 410. Election Registers for the Years 1832-33-35-37-51-58. Fever in Newcastle. Wood (James, M.D.) Plain Remarks on Fever, with a View to explain the Fever which lately appeared in Newcastle, Newc. 1803. An Inquiry into the Causes which produce, preserve, and propogate Febrile Contagious Diseases in Newcastle and Gateshead. 8vo, Ibid, 1804 - Literary and Philosophical Society. Reports and Papers, 1793 to 1843, 5 vols, 8vo. Catalogue of the Library for 1819-29-48, 8vo. Newcastle. - Literary and Poetic Society, First Year's Report, read at the Anniversary Meeting, Nov. 15, 1816, MS., 8vo. - Memoranda relating to Newcastle, MS. and Cuttings, 8vo. Memorial of Holders of 2 r-Years' Leases under the Corporation of Newcastle, presented to the Town Council, ist July, 1857, Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Gateshead, 1857 - Mansion House, Catalogue of the Contents of, sold January, 1837, 8vo. Newcastle, 1837 Musical Festivals. Collection of Books of the Words as sung at the Festival in Newcastle, October, 1778, 4to. Ibid, 1778 - Books of the Words, &c. , at the Festival, September, 1814. Collected by John Bell, 8vo. Ibid, 1814 Another Collection, 8vo. Ibid, 1814 - Books of the Words at the Festivals, September, 1814, and October, 1824, 8vo. Ibid, 1814-24 Another Collection, 8vo. Ibid, 1814-24 - Books of the Words, &c., at the Festival, October, 1824, also at the Edinburgh Musical Festival, October, 1824. held at Newcastle, October, 1824, Account of, 4to. - 1842. Books of the Words, 8vo. Outlines of the Plan of Education adopted in the Royal Grammar School, A.D. 1793. Tracts 8vo, vol. 3. Poll Books, 1741, 1741 (another edition), 1744 (three editions), 1777, 1780. In one vol. 8vo. Newcastle, 1741-1780 Poll Book for 1774 (two editions) ; Northumberland Poll Book for 1774; 8vo. Newcastle, 1774 Poll Book for 1780, with MS. additions, 4to. Ibid, 1780 Poll Book for 1820, in three colours, 4to. Ibid, 1823 Poll Book for 1832, 1835, 1837, 8vo. Ibid, 1833-35-37 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 67 Newcastle. Postern Chapel, Memoranda relative to, comprising Pamphlets, Broadsides, Cuttings, MS., &c. St. John's Church. Newcastle, Collections for an Account of St. John's Church and Parochial Chapelry, by Thomas Bell, 4 vols, 8vo. St. John's Church, An Account of, MS., by Thomas Bell, 4to. - Memoranda relative to the Organ, Organist, &c., MS., by Thomas Bell, 410. Copies of the several Monumental Inscriptions in the Parochial Chapel of Saint John, and in the Cemetery attached to that Chapel, MS., 3 vols, 410. Memoranda relative to the Pews in, -MS., by Thomas Bell, folio. - Memoranda relative to the Afternoon Lectureship, MS., by Thomas Bell, 4to. Schedule of the several Burial Places and Grave Stones in the Church Yard, MS., folio. 1763 Sunday School, Collections for an Account of, comprising Reports, Pamphlets, and MS. by Thomas Bell, 8vo. - Sunday Evening Lectures, Memoranda relative to the Establishment of, by Thomas Bell, MS., 4to. St. John's Parish, List of Churchwardens, etc., from 1760 to 1824, with Minutes of Proceedings of the Vestry, MS. 8vo. Memoranda relative to Church Rates in, MS., folio. St. Nicholas' Church, Memoranda relative to, collected by Thomas Bell ; comprising Cuttings, Views, MS. gatherings, etc., 2 vols, 8vo. Inscriptions in the Church Yard, copied October, 1832, MS., 8vo. - Memoranda relative to the Burial Places in, MS., 8vo. - Theological Library, A Collection of Papers relative to, from its commencement in 1819 to 1825, 8vo. - Town Council Proceedings, 1836 to 1841, 1843, 8vo. Newcastle, 1836-44 - Reports of Committees, folio. Ibid, 1836 - Town Moor, Nuns' Moor, and Leazes, Collections relative to, by Thomas Bell, 4 vols, 8vo. Corporation Mirror, 8vo. 2 copies. Newcastle, 1829-32 - General Magazine ; a Repository of useful and curious Intelli- gence, 4to. 2 copies. Ibid, 1747 - Literary Magazine, No. i, 8vo. Sykes' Tracts. Ibid, 1824 - Magazine, 9 vols, 8vo. Ibid, 1822-30 68 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. Thomas (William) Observations on Canals and Railways, illustrative of the Advantages of an Iron Railway between Newcastle, Hexham, and Carlisle ; also Report of B. R. Dodd on a Canal between Newcastle and Hexham. Newcastle, 1825. Chapman (William) Observations on forming a Communication to or from Newcastle and Carlisle. Ibid, 1824. Chapman's Report on the Cost, etc., of a Ship Canal and of a Railway from Newcastle to Carlisle. Ibid, 1824, 8vo. - Views on, from original drawings by J. W. Carmichael, with details by John Blackmore, 4to. Newcastle, 1838 Newspapers. Newcastle Courant and Journal, 1744-46-47-49, 1751 to 1760, 1762. Newcastle Courant, 1819-20-21. - Newcastle Journal, 1749-50-61, 1763 to 1765, 1768 to 1773, 1775 to 1782. - Newcastle Gazette, 1746-47-49-52. -- Newcastle Intelligencer, 1756 to 1759 (imperfect). Newcastle Advertiser, 1789 (imperfect), 1791-92-94-99. - Tyne Mercury, 1817-18. - Newcastle Newspapers, various, and Cumberland Pacquet, 1813 to 1816. -- London Gazette, 1743 to 1745, 1749 to 1761. London Chronicle, 1757 to 1762, 1795, 4to. - London Evening Post, 1735-36-38-39-40-42-43-44-45-46-53. - Daily Advertiser, 1743-44-50-51-52-53-55-58-62. General Evening Post, 1755-56-57-60-61. - Evening Advertiser, 1755. -- Public Ledger, or Daily Register, 1760-61. St. James' Evening Post, 1758-59. - Whitehall Evening Post, or London Intelligencer, 1746 to John Bull, 1822-23-25. Newton (Charles) Map of British and Roman Yorkshire, prepared under the direction of the Archaeological Institute, in case. 1847 Nichols (John Gough, F. S.A.) Observations on the Heraldic Devices discovered on the Effigies of Richard the Second and his Queen, in Westminster Abbey. Tracts, 4to, vol. 7. 1841 Nicholson (John) and Burn (Richard, D.D.) History and Antiquities of the Counties of Cumberland and Westmorland, 2 vols, 410. 1777 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 69 Nicolson (Bp. of Carlisle) Leges Marchiarum, or Border Laws: containing- several original Articles and Treaties, 8vo. 1747 - The Scottish Historical Library, 8vo. 1702 Nicolaysen (N.) Norwegian Buildings from Former Times, folio. Christiania, 1860-66 Nightingale (J. E.) The Church Plate of Dorset, 8vo. Salisbury, 1889 Nimmo (Rev. William) General History of Stirlingshire, second edition, with a Continuation by the Rev. W. M'Gregor Stirling, 2 vols, 8vo. Stirling; 1807 Nisbet (Alexander) A System of Heraldry, speculative and practical, with the true Art of Blazon, 2 vols, folio. Edinburgh, 1804 Noake(John) The Monastery and Cathedral of Worcester, 8vo. 1866 Noble (Rev. Mark) Memoirs of the Protectorate-House of Cromwell, 2 vols, 8vo. Birmingham, 1784 - Two Dissertations upon the Mint and Coins of the Episcopal Palatines of Durham, 410. Ibid, 1780 Nogle Lineamenter af Bogtrykker-Konstens Historic i Dannemark, 4to. Wiborg, 1738 Norfolk. Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of the County of Norfolk and City of Norwich, communicated to the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute, held at Norwich, 1847, 8vo. 1851 Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, Original Papers pub- lished by, Vol. III., Part i, 2, 8vo. Norwich, 1850 Norges Gamle Love indtil 1385, 5 vols, folio. Christiania, 1846-1895 North (Thomas) A Chronicle of the Church of St Martin in Leicester, 4to. 1866 - The Church Bells of the County and City of Lincoln, their Founders, Inscriptions, Traditions and Uses, 4to. Leicester, 1882 - The Church Bells of Leicestershire, 410. Ibid, 1876 - The Church Bells of Northamptonshire, 4to. Ibid, 1878 - The Church Bells of Rutland, 4to. Ibid, 1880 North Berwick. Carte Monialium de Northberwic Prioratus Cisterciensis B. Marie de Northberwic Munimenta Vetusta quae supersunt, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgi, 1847 Northcote (Rev. J. S.) and Brownlow (Rev. W. R.) Roma Sotterr- anea or some account of the Roman Catacombs, 8vo. 1869 Northern Archaeology (Guide to), by the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen, edited for the use of English Readers by the Earl of Ellesmere, 8vo. 1848 Northern, The, Rebellion, 1569, An Aunswere to the Proclamation of the Rebels in the North, 8vo. Sharp's Tracts. Sunderland. K 7O LIBRARY CATALOGUE Northumberland, Memoirs chiefly illustrative of the History and Antiquities of, communicated to the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute, held at Newcastle, 1852, 2 vols, 8vo. 1858 - Memoranda relating to, MS. and Cuttings, 8vo. Account of theOffice of Sheriff of, collected by Thomas Bell, 8vo. The Pipe Rolls for the first to the sixth years of the Reign of Edward the First, A.D. 1273 to 1278, in continuation of the Series printed in Hodgson's History of the County, with a Translation and Notes by Wm. Dickson, F.S.A., 410. Newcastle, 1854-60 A Skirmish in ; being a Reprint of a rare Tract, entitled " Packets of Letters from Scotland, Lincoln, and Lancashire, to Members of the House of Commons," 8vo, 1648. Sharp's Tracts. Sunderland, 1842 Collection of the Papers which appeared during the Contest in 1774, and the Poll Book, 8vo. Newcastle, 1774 Choice Selection of Songs written during the Election in 1826, 8vo. Ibid, 1827 Election, 1826. Letter to the Electors of Northumberland and Newcastle. Letter to George Silvertop, Esq., on his Speech at the Assembly Rooms. A Poetical Effusion dedicated to the Committees of the Hon. H. T. Liddell. An Address to the Catholics. Speech of the Hon. H. T. Liddell at North Shields. Address to the Catholic Freeholders. Declaration of the Catholic Bishops, &c. in one vol, 8vo. 1826 Poll Book for 1722, 8vo. Newcastle. Poll Book for 1747-8, 1774, and February and March, 1826, 8vo. Alnwick, 1826 Poll Book for 1747-48, 410. Newcastle, 1748 - Poll Book for 1747-48, another edition, 410. Ibid, 1748 Poll Book for 1747-48, another edition. Poll Book for 1774, 4to. Ibid, 1774 Poll Book for 1852, 410. 1852 Poll Book, June and July, 1826, including a Collection of the Addresses, Speeches, &c., 8vo. Alnwick, 1827 - Register of the Electors for the County of, 1832, 1834-5, folio; l8 35-3 6 1836-37, 1838-39, 4to. Register, Northern Division, 1835 to 1843, 1849-50, 1853-54, 1854-55, 1857-58, to 1861-62, 4to. Gateshead, V.Y. Register, Southern Division, 1853-54, 1854-55, 1856-57, to 1861- 62, 410. Ibid t V.Y. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 71 Northumberland (Henry Algernon Percy, fifth Earl of) The Regul- ations and Establishment of the Household of, at his Castles of Wresill and Lekinfield in Yorkshire, begun A.D. 1512, 8vo. 1770 Northumberland and Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne Natural History Society, Transactions of the, 2 vols, 410. Newcastle, 1830-38 - Reports, 1829-1851, 8vo. Ibid, 1829-51 Northumberland and Newcastle Monthly Magazine, Vol. I., 8vo. Ibid, 1818 North Shields, Statement of the Circumstances of the letting of the Ballast Quay at the Lime Kiln Shore, folio. Ibid, 1831 Notes on the History of S. Begu and S. Hild; and on some Relics of Antiquity discovered in the Sites of the Religious Establish- ments founded by them. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. Hartlepool. Notitia Anglicana, shewing the Achievements of all the English Nobility, 8vo. 1724 Notitia Dignitatum utriusque imperil orientis scilicet et occidentis ultra arcadi honorique tempora, folio. Genevce, 1623 Notitia Dignitatum et Administrationum omnium tam Civilium quam Militarium ed. Edward Bocking, 2 vols, 8vo. Bounce, 1839 Nova Scotia. Royal Letters, Charters, and Tracts relating to the colonization of new Scotland and the Institution of the order of Knight Baronets of Nova Scotia 1621-1638, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1867 Notre Dame, Cartulaire de L'Abbaye de Notre Dame D'Ourscamp, par M. Peigne Delacourt, 4to Amiens, 1865 Numismata Cimelii Caesarei Regii Austriaci Vindobonensis, quorum variora Iconismis, cetera Catalogis exhibita, folio. Vindobonce, 1754 Numismatic Journal, vol. i., 8vo. 1837 Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society, Vol. IV. to IX., XL, XII., XIV., XV., No. i, 2, XVI., No. 3, 4, XVII., No. i, 3, 4, XVIII. , 8vo. 1841-56 Third Series, 15 vols. 1881-95 Observations on a Pamphlet, intitled Plain Remarks on Fever. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Newcastle, 1803 O'Callaghan (P.) Account of a Monumental Stone, inscribed to the Manes of a Regimental Medical Officer of the Roman Army in England. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. 1841 Occone (Adolfe) Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata a Pompeo Magno ad Heraclium, Notis illustrata a F. Mediobarbo Birago, folio. Mediolani, 1683 72 LIBRARY CATALOGUE O'Conor (Carolo) Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores Veteres, 4 vols, 410. Buckingham, 1814-26 (Economist, or Englishman's Magazine, 2 vols, 12010. Newcastle, 1798-99 CEhlenschlasger (Adam) The Gods of the North, an Epic Poem, from the Danish, in English Verse by William Edw. Frye, 8vo. 1845 Olaf, den Helliges Saga ved Snorre Sturlasson, 8vo. Christiania, 1853 Olave the Black King of Man, Anecdotes of. (See Haco.) 1780 Old Meg of Herefordshire for a Mayd Marian and Hereford Towne for a Morris Daunce, 410. Miscel. Antiq. Anglic. 1709. Reprint, 1816 Olde (E. M.) de Universitate Parisiensi a Suecis Medio JEvo fre- quentata. Tracts 410, vol. 8. Upsalice. Oldfield (Edmund, M.A.) Catalogue of select Examples of Ivory Carvings from the Second to the Sixteenth Century. Tracts 410, vol. 7. 1855 Oldnorsk Laesebog med Tilhorende Glossarium. Udgiven af P. A. Munch og C. R. Unger, 8vo. Christiania, 1847 Olivse (Joannis) In Marmor Isiacum Romae nuper effossum Exer- citationes, 8vo. Romce, 1749 Oliver (Thomas) Plan of Newcastle and Gateshead, with their respective Suburbs, in case. Newcastle, 1831 Plan of the Borough of Newcastle, in case. Ibid, 1844 - Picture of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, i2mo. Ibid, 1834 Oliver (William) Local Songs, Poems, &c., 8vo. Ibid, 1829 Om det engelske Konjugationssystem. Tracts 4to, vol. 8. Kiobenhavn, 1843 O'Reilly (Edward) Chronological Account of nearly four hundred Irish Writers, 4to. Dublin, 1820 Orellius (Jo. Casp.)Inscriptionum Latinarum Selectarum amplissima Collectio ad illustrandam Romanae Antiquitatis, vol. i, 8vo. Turici, 1828 Ornsby (Rev. George) Sketches of Durham, 8vo. Durham, 1846 Osservazioni di Ennio Quirino Visconti su due Musaici Antichi Istorati, 410. Parma, 1788 Ossianic Society, Transactions of, for 1853 and 1854, 2 vols, 8vo. Dublin, 1854-55 Ouvaroff (M.) Essay on the Mysteries of Eleusis ; from the French by J. D. Price, with observations by J. Christie, 8vo. 1817 Owen (The Rev. N., jun., A.M.) British Remains; or, a Collection of Antiquities relating to the Britains, 8vo. 1777 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 73 Oxford. Marmora Oxoniensia, ex Arundellianis, Seldenianis, recens, et perpetuo Comm. H. Prideaux, folio. Oxon, 1676 Oxford University Commission, Report on the State Discipline Studies andRevenues of the Universities andColleges of Oxford, folio. 1852 Paine (James) Plans, Elevations, Sections, and other Ornaments of the Mansion-House, belonging to the Corporation of Doncaster, folio. 1751 Palmer (W. J.) The Tyne and its Tributaries, described and illus- trated, 8vo. 1882 Paps worth (John W.) and Morant (Alfred W.) an Alphabetical Dictionary of Coats of Arms belonging to families in Great Britain and Ireland, forming an extensive Ordinary of British Armorials, 2 vols, 8vo. *874 Parker's Some account of Domestic Architecture in England from Edward I. to Henry VIII, 3 vols, 8vo. 1859-82 Parker (W. K.) On the Morphology of the Duck and the Auk Tribes, 4to. Dublin, 1880 Parochial Registration, Hints for a Better form of, by John Bell, Gateshead, with the Act 52 George III., cap. 146, for regulating and preserving Parish and other Registers, folio. Patin (C.) Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata, ex aere mediae et minimae formae, folio. Argentina, 1671 - Travels through Germany, Bohemia, &c., i2mo. J 697 Patriot's Calendar, for the Year 1795, I2mo. J 795 Patten (Robert) History of the late Rebellion, 8vo. 1717 Pausanias' Description of Greece, translated from the Greek, by Thomas Taylor, 3 vols, 8vo. J 794 Payne (John O.) Records of the English Catholics of 1715, 8vo. 1889 Peck (Rev. Francis M.A.) Desiderata Curiosa; or, a Collection of Divers Scarce and Curious Pieces relating chiefly to Matters of English History, 2 vols, 410. *779 Pedrusi (Paolo) I Cesari in Oro Raccolti rel Farnese Museo, E pub- blicati colle lora congrue Interpretazione, 10 vols, folio. Parma, 1694-1727 Peerage. Reports from the Lords Committees appointed to search for all Matters touching the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm, and Appendix, 2 vols, folio. 1820-26 Pegge (Samuel, A. M.) Dissertations on some elegant and valuable Anglo-Saxon Remains. Tracts, 410, vol. 3. 1756 - Essay on the Coins of Cunobelin, 410. 1766 Penni worth, A, of Witte; Florice and Blancheflour; and other Pieces of Anciene English Poetry, selected from the Auchinleck Manuscript, 410. Edinburgh, for the Abbotsford Club, 1857 74 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Percy (Thomas, Bp. of Dromore) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 3 vols, 8vo. 1812 Percy. Annals of the House of Percy from the Conquest to the opening of the Nineteenth Century, by Edward Harrington De Fonblanque, 2 vols, 8vo. 1887 Perizonii (Jacobi) Oratio de Fide Historiarum contra Pyrrhonismum Historicum. Tracts, 410, vol. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1702 Perry (John T. ) and Henman (Charles) Illustrations of Mediaeval Antiquities in the County of Durham, folio. 1867 Personalier oplseste ved Hans Majestaet Kong Oscar den I's Begravelse i Ridderholmskirken. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13. Christiania, 1859 Perth. Preliminary Discourse and Plan, delivered at the Institution of a Literary Society at Perth. Tracts, 4to, vol. 2. Perth, 1785 Transactions of the Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth, Vol. I., 4to. Ibid, 1827 Perthes (M. Boucher de) Antiquit^s Celtiques et Antediluviennes. M^moire sur I'lndustrie Primitive et les Arts a leur Origine, 2 vols, 8vo. Paris, 1847-57 De la Creation. Essai sur I'Origine et la Progression des etres, 5 vols, 8vo. Ibid, 1841 - Voyage en Espagne et en Algerie, in 1855, 8vo. Ibid, 1859 - Voyage a Constantinople par 1'Italie, la Sicile, et la Gr^ce, en 1855, 2 vols, 8vo. Ibid, 1855 Discours du Patronage ou de 1'Influence par la Charite\ Tracts 8vo, vol. 12. Abbeville, 1846 Petit (Rev. J. L., M.A., F.S. A.) Architectural Studies in France, 8vo. : 854 Pettigrew (Thos. Jos., F.S. A.) Letter to the very Rev. John Mere- wether, in reply to the Publication of his Correspondence relative to the Affairs of the British Archaeological Association. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. 1845 Pettingal (John, D.D.) The Latin Inscription, on the Copper Table, discovered in the Year 1732, near Heraclea. Tracts, 4to, vol. i. 1760 Disseration upon the Tascia, or Legend, on the British Coins of Cunobelin and others. Ibid. 1763 Philipot (Thomas) Historical Discourse of the Original and Growth of Heraldry, 8vo. 1672 Philips (Tho.) The Long Parliament revived ; or an Act for Con- tinuation ; and the not Dissolving the Long Parliament, but by Act of Parliament, 4to. 1661 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TVNE 75 Philipson (John) Harness, as it has been, as it is, and as it should be, 8vo. Newcastle, 1882 - The Technicalities of the Art of Coach-Body-making, 8vo. 1885 Phillips (Maberley) A History of Banks, Bankers, and Banking in Northumberland, Durham, and North Yorkshire, illustrating the commercial development of the North of England from 1555 to 1894,410. 1894 Another Copy, 2 vols, large paper. ^94 Phillips (James J.) St Mary's of Grey-Abbey, County Down, Ireland, as existing in the year 1874, 410. Belfast, 1874 Pickering (Charles) The Geographical distribution of Animals and Plants, 4to. Boston, 1854 Pigg (John, of Newcastle) The Will of, leaving Charitable Bequests to the Poor of the Town ; also, Particulars of the Charities left by Mr. Wm. Moulton. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Newc. 1829 Pilgrimage of Grace, A Leaf from the, 8vo. Sharp's Tracts. Ibid, 1846 Pinkerton (John) An Essay on Medals, or an Introduction to the Knowledge of Ancient Coins and Medals, third edition, 2 vols. in i, 8vo. 1808 Enquiry into the History of Scotland, preceding the Reign of Malcolm III., or the Year 1056, 2 vols, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1814 Pipe-Rolls, or Sheriffs Annual Accounts of Revenues of the Crown for the Counties of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Durham, during the Reigns of Henry II., Richard I., and John, pub- lished by the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle, 8vo. Newcastle, 1847 Pitcairn (Robert) Ancient Criminal Trials in Scotland, 3 vols, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1833 Poetry. The Battle of the Bards, in five Poems, with Notes by Thomas Bell, 1802, and other Local Poems, MS., 8vo. Political Pamphlets, chiefly relating to the Revolution and the Abdication of James II., folio. Porny (Mark A.) Elements of Heraldry, 8vo. 1 7&9 Potter (H. Glasford, F.L.S., F.G.S., &c.) Amboglanna ; Papers communicated to the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon- Tyne. Tracts, 410, vol. 5. Newcastle, 1851-53 Potter (John, Bishop of Oxford) Archaeologia Graeca ; or, the Anti- quities of Greece, 2 vols, 8vo. 1728 Pownall (Thomas) Notices and Descriptions of Antiquities of the Provincia Romana of Gaul, now Provence, Languedoc, and Dauphine, 410. 1788 76 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Price (John E.) On a Bastion of London Wall, or excavations in Camomile Street, Bishopgate, 410. 1880 - Roman Antiquities, illustrated by remains discovered on the Site of the National Safe Deposit Company's premises, Mansion House, London, 410. Prickett (Rev. Marmaduke) Historical and Architectural Descrip- tion of the Priory Church of Bridlington, 8vo. Cambridge, 1831 Primisser (Alois) Die kaiserlich-konigliche Ambraser-Sammlung beschrieven von, 8vo. Wten, 1819 Probert (William) The Gododin, and the Odes of the Months, tran- slated from the Welsh, i2mo. 1820 Pryne (William) A Serious Epistle to, wherein is interwoven an Answer to a late Book of his, 410. -- The Opening" of the Great Scale of England, 8vo. Pudsey (Hugh, Bp. of Durham) Life of. Tracts, 410, vol. 5. Pycroft (J. W., F.S.A.) Letter to Sir Robert H. Inglis, Bart., on the Oxford University Commission. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. 1851 Quakers. A True Copy of some Original Letters, which pass'd between John Hall of Monk-Hesleden in the County of Durham, an Eminent Quaker Teacher, and William W T alker, of East Thickley in the same County, 8vo. Newcastle, 1725 -- The Perfect Pharisee, under Monkish Hollinesse, manifesting himself in the Generation of Men called Quakers. Gateside, Printed by S. B., 1653. A further Discovery of that Generation of Men called Quakers; By Way of a Reply to an Answer of James Naylor to the Perfect Pharisee. Ibid. 1654. in one volume, 410. Rabenius (O. M. F.) Glossarii Latino-Svethici Specimen Vetustum. Tracts, 410, vol. 8. Upsalice. Radcliffe (Sir George) The Life and Original Correspondence of, by Thomas Dunham Whitaker, 410. Radical Monday, a Letter from Bob in Gotham to his Cousin Bob in the Country, 8vo. 1821 Rafn (C. C.) Memoria sulla scopertu dell' America nel Secolo Decimo dettata in Lingua Danese, e Tradotta da Jacopo Graberg da Hemso. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13. Pisa, 1839 -- Apergu de 1'Ancienne Geographic des Regions Arctiques de 1'Amerique, selon les Rapports contenu dans les Sagas du Nord. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13. Copenhagen, 1847 - Nordboernes Forbindelser med Osten i det Niende og Noer- mest Folgende Aarhundreder. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Kwbenhavn, 1854 -- Antiquities de L'orient, Monuments Runographiques, 8vo. Copenhagen, 1856 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 77 Rafn (C. C.) Inscriptions Runiques du Slesvig Meridional, 8vo. Copenhagen, 1861 Rainbow (Edward, Bishop of Carlisle) A Sermon Preached at Appleby, April 14, 1676, at the Funeral of Anne Clifford, Countess of Pembroke, 8vo. Jefferson's Reprints. Carlisle, 1839 Raine (Rev. James) History and Antiquities of North Durham, as subdivided into the Shires of Norham, Island, and Bedlington, folio. 1852 - Historical Account of the Episcopal Castle, or Palace, of Auckland, 410. Durham, 1852 - Saint Cuthbert, with an Account of the State in which his Remains were found upon the opening of his Tomb in Durham Cathedral, in the year 1827, 410. Ibid, 1829 Brief Account of Durham Cathedral, with Notices of the Castle, University, City Churches, &c., i2mo. Newcastle, 1833 Catterick Church, in the County of York. Copy of the Con- tract for its building, dated 1412, with notes &c., Plates by Anthony Salvin, 410. J 834 Rara Mathematica; or, a collection of the Treatises on the Mathe- matics, and Subjects connected with them. From ancient inedited Manuscripts. Edited by J. O. Halliwell, 8vo. 1839 Rasche (J. C.) Lexicon Universse Rei Nummariae Veterum et praecipue Graecorum ac Romanorum, cum Observationibus. Praefatus est C. G. Heyne, i4volsin 13, 8vo. Lipsice, 1785-1805 Rask (R.) Singalesisk Skriftlaere. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 15. Kolombo, 1821 - Vejledning til Akra-Sproget. Ibid. Kiobenhavn, 1828 Samlede Tildels Forhen Utrykte Afhandlinger Udgivne efter Forfatterens deed af H. K. Rask, 3 vols, 8vo. Ibid, 1834-38 - Forsogtil en videnskabelig Dansk Retskrivningslaere, 8vo. Copenhagen, 1826 Raven (John J.) The Church Bells of Suffolk, with a complete list of the Inscriptions on the Bells, 8vo. 1890 - The Church Bells of Cambridgshire, 8vo. Loivestoft, 1869 Ravensworth (Lord) Carmina Latina, partim novo, partim e lingua Britannica expressa, 4to. 1865 Ravioli (C.) Ragionamento del Foro Romano. Montiroli (G.) Osservazioni sulla parte Meridionale del Foro Romano, 8vo. Roma, 1859 Ray (James) History of the Rebellion, from its Rise in 1745, to its total Suppression in 1746, i2mo. X 7S8 Ray(John) Collection of English Words not generally used, 8vo. 1674 Collection of English Proverbs, with short Annotations, 8vo. Cambridge, 1678 78 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Rebellions, The, in 1715-16 and 1745-46, An Account of, so far as relates to the Counties of Durham and Northumberland, New- castle, and Berwick, 8vo. Sykes' Tracts. Newcastle, 1831 History of the Rebellion in 1745-46, extracted from the Scottish Magazine, with an Account of the Trial of the Rebels, i2mo. Aberdeen, 1755 Memorials of the Rebellion in 1569, 410. 1840 Recherches sur les lies du Cotentinen G6neYal, et sur la Mission de S. Magloire en particulier, par C. de G. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 12. Valognes, N.D. Record (Dr. Robert) Arithmetick, or the Ground of Arts; teaching the perfect Work and Practice of Arithmetick, 8vo 1668 Recueil des Medailles des Roi, qui n'ont point encore etc" publi^es, ou qui sont peu connues, 4to. Paris, 1762 Register, The, and Magazine of Biography, a record of Births, Marriages, Deaths, and other Genealogical and Personal occurrences, 2 vols, 8vo. 1869 Registrum Metellanum, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1831 Reid (John) Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica, or an account of all the Books which have been printed in the Gaelic language, 8vo. Glasgow, 1832 Reid (D. B.) Report on the State of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and other Towns, 8vo. 1845 Reinesii (Thomae) Syntagma Inscriptionum antiquarum, cum primis Romae veteris, quarum omissa est recensio in vasto J. Gruteri opere, folio. Lipsice et Franco/, 1682 Reliquary, The, A Quarterly Archaeological Journal, 2 vols. 1893-94 Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist. ^95 Remember, Remember, the Twelfth of November ! or, a Lay of Lea- sowe. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 5. Birkenhead, 1859 Remembrancia, Analytical Index to the series of Records known as the Remembrancia, preserved among the Archives of the City of London, 1579-1664, 8vo. 1887 Report of the Lords Committees of Privileges appointed to Examine Precedents of Peers advanced to higher dignity entering their Proxies according to their former Titles, folio. 1817 Representation to the High Court of Parliament, of some of the most Palpable Grievances in the Colledge of Justice, 4to. Resenii (Petri John) Inscriptiones et Monumenta Haffnienses, cum Inscriptionibus Amagriensibus, Uraniburgicis, et Stellaeburgicis 4to. Hafnia, 1668 Rhind (A. Henry, F.S.A.) British Antiquities ; their present Treat- ment and their real Claims. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. Edinburgh, 1855 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 79 Riccio (David) Some Particulars of the Life of, chief Favourite of Mary Queen of Scots. To which is added, The Relation of his Death, by Lord Ruthen, 4to. Miscell. Antiq. Anglic. 1815 Richard II. Chronicque de la Traison et Mort de Richart deux Roy D'Engleterre, edited by Benj. Williams, F.S.A., 8vo. Engl. Hist. Soc. 1846 Richardson (Geo. Bouchier) Plague and Pestilence in the North of England, a Chronological Account of the Epidemic Diseases which have visited the North of England. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Newcastle, 1852 Richardson (M. A.) Local Historian's Table Book of Remarkable Occurrences, Historical Facts, Traditions, Legendary and Des- criptive Ballads, &c. , connected with the Counties of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, Northumberland, and Durham, 8 vols, 8vo. Ibid, 1841-46 - Reprints of Rare Tracts and Imprints of Antient Manuscripts, &c., chiefly illustrative of the History of the Northern Counties, 7 vols, 8vo. Ibid, 1847 VOL. i. Chronicle of the Family of Percy. William and Elizabeth Elstob, the Learned Saxonists. Obsequies of Certain of the Family of Blackett, of Newcastle. Diary of Mark Browell. Biographical Notice of Robert Surtees. Scholce Novocastrensis Alumni. VOL. 2. An Account of the Genealogy, and other Memoirs concerning- the family of Lovaine. Letters of William Scott, Hostman, and father of the Lords Stowell and Eldon. The Oppressed Man's Out-cry, an Epistle writ by John Headworth, of Harraton. Bishop Barnes's Injunctions to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the Diocese of Durham. The Wayfarings of Ralph Thoresby in the North of England. The Humble Petition of Thomas Cliffe, of N. Shields. An Answer to the Proclam- ation of the Rebels of the North. VOL 3. A Letter from an Alderman of Newcastle shewing in part the grievances there. Doings of the Scots in Newcastle after the Fight of Newburn. Sad Newes from Newcastle, being a true Relation how the Mayor was by a dag wounded, and one of the Aldermen in a Pit drowned. The Copy of a Letter sent from John, Lord Finch, to Doctor John Cosin. A Grand Discovery of the Queen's Preparations in Holland to assist the King in England. A Declaration of the Lords and Com- mons assembled in Parliament. The Humble Petition of John Salvin, Gent., in the County of Durham. An Ordinance for Raising Forces to Reduce the Town of Newcastle. The Summoning of Newcastle and the Defiance sent thereout. Copies of Letters from Colonel Francis Anderson and others. Christ Ruling in the Midst of his Enemies, what befel Col. John Fenwick in his Wanderings. A De- claration made by the Earl of Newcastle, Governor of the Town and County of Newcastle. VOL. 4. The doings of the Scots in the Bishoprick before the Beleaguerment of Newcastle. Newcastle taken by the Scots Army in 1644. A true relation of the Scots taking- Cocket Island. A faithful relation of the Scots coming betore Newcastle. The late Proceedings of the Scottish 8o LIBRARY CATALOGUE Army, certifying their passing over Tyne. The Scots Army entering England, certified in a letter from Addarston. The Taking of the Fort at South Shields. Two Ordinances for the maintainence of some Preaching Ministers in the Northern Parts. A Paper of Advice to the King which were lately to be presented to him at Newcastle by the Malignant Faction. A Declaration concerning the Advance of the Scots Army into England. Stop your Noses, or England at her Ease- ment, Evacuating those Clods at Westminster who depressed her stomack worse than the Night Mare. --Letters from Members of the House of Commons brought by Post. Two Petitions to His Excell- ency the Lord Fairfax. The Declaration of Sir Marmaduke Langdale, Knight, Colonel General. VOL. 5. Extracts from the Municipal Accounts of Newcastle-on-Tyne, extending from 1561 to 1686. The Conservatorship of the Tyne, The plea and defence of the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle, against the male- volent accusations ot Gardiner. A Narrative concerning the Salt- workers of South and North Shields, and other places within the Counties of Durham and Northumberland. The Origin of the New- castle Burr, a Poem by Richard Dawes, M.A. VOL. 6. The English Border in the days of Henry the Eighth. A Book of the losses in the Middle Marches by the Scottes thefes. Letter from a Royalist of Newcastle written to a friend in London, 1639. The storm- ing of Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1644. The Eve of the Revolution in Newcastle. Destruction of the Equestrian Statue of James II. on the Sandhill. VOL. 7. Certaine verie Rare Observations of Cumberland, Northumberland, &c., with divers Epitaphes, Coat Armours, and other monuments, very orderlie and laboriouslie gathered together by Sampson Erdes- wicke. Shewing how three Norwich Soldiers visited the North. Notes of a Journey through Durham and Northumberland in the year 1635, by Sir William Brereton, Bart. Journeyings through Northum- berland and Durham in 1678, by Thomas Kirk. The Travels of Daniel De Foe, so far as they relate to the Counties of Northumberland and Durham. The Compleat Collier, or the whole art of sinking, getting, and working Coal Mines. Certain matters relating to the excessive prices of Coals in the time of Elizabeth. A Pleasant Discovery of the Coosenage of Colliers. Ordinance as to the Prices of Coals, enhanced by the troubles at Newcastle. Sea-coale, Char-coale, and Small- coale, or a discourse between a Newcastle Collier, a small coale man, and a Collier of Croyden, concerning the prohibition of trade with Newcastle. Richardson (M. A.) Descriptive Companion through Newcastle- upon-Tyne and Gateshead, i2tno. Newcastle, 1838 - Collection of Armorial Bearings, Inscriptions, &c., in the Parochial Chapelry of St. Andrews, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 8vo. Ibid, 1818 Collection of Armorial Bearings, Inscriptions, &c. , in the Church of St. Nicholas, Newcastle, and Chapelries of Gosforth and Cramlington ; to which is prefixed, a Historical Account of the Church of St. Nicholas, 2 vols, 8vo. Ibid, 1820 Newcastle in the Olden Time, being 155 views of Ancient Churches, Chapels, and Monasteries, folio. Ibid, 1865 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 8 1 Richardson (M. A.) and Walker (A.) The Armorial Bearings of the several Incorporated Companies of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with a brief Account of each Company, 8vo. Ibid, 1824 Richardson (William) Croft Spa, a Poem, i2mo. No. Shields, 1822 Richings (Rev. B.) Voices from the Tombs, or Epitaphs, original and selected, 8vo. 1858 Richmond. Registrum Honoris de Richmond. Exhibens Terrarum and Villarum Quae quondam fuerunt Edwini Comitis infra Richmondshire descriptionem, folio. J 7 2 3 Ridley (Joseph) The Hexham Chronicle ; or, Materials for a Modern History of Hexham. A Hundred Years ago, or the Hexham Riot. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. Hexham, 1861 Ridley Hall Estate. Hollingsworth (Nath. John) Letter; with an Account of the Transactions between him and Thomas Bates, relative to the Sale and Purchase of Ridley Hall Estate, 1829. Bates (Thos.) Letter to the Bishop of Durham, in consequence of the Letter of the Rev. N. J. Hollingsworth, 8vo. Newcastle, 1830 Ridpath (George) The Border History of England and Scotland, from the earliest Times to the Union of the two crowns, 4to. 1776 Rivers (Lieut-Gen. A. Pitt) Excavations in Cranborne Chase, near Rushmore on the borders of Dorset and Wilts, 2 vols, 4to. 1887-88 Excavations in Bokerly and Wansdyke, Dorset and Wilts, 410, 1892 Robert the Deuyll, a Metrical Romance, 8vo. Robertson (William, A.M.) General Phrase Book, 8vo. Cambridge, 1681 Robinson (Rev. Charles Best, M.A.) Chronicon Pretiosum Snath- ense ; or a List of Prices of various kinds of Agricultural Produce, and of other Articles, in the Ecclesiastical Peculiar of Snaith, in the i6th, i7th, and i8th Centuries. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. 1858 Robson (Thomas) The British Herald ; or, Cabinet of Armorial Bearings of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, with a History of Heraldry, 3 vols, 410. Sunderland, 1830 Rochon (M.) Essai sur les Monnoies Anciennes et Modernes, 8vo. Paris, 1792 Rock (Daniel) The Church of our Fathers, as seen in St. Osmunds Rite for the Cathedral of Salisbury, 4 vols, 8vo. ^49 Rogers (Charles) Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions in Scotland, 2 vols, 8vb. 1871 Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Robert Burns, and of the Scottish House of Burns, 8vo. iS^j 82 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Rogers (Charles) Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Scott and Memorials of the Haliburtons, 8vo. 1877 - Three Scottish Reformers, 8vo. 1876 - Register of the Collegiate Church of Crail, 8vo. 1877 Historical Notices of St. Anthony's Monastery, Leith, 8vo. 1877 Estimate of the Scottish Nobility during the minority of James VI. 8vo. 1873 - Leaves from my Autobiography, 8vo. 1876 Rogers (W. H. Hamilton) The Antient Sepulchral Effigies and Monumental and Memorial Sculpture of Devon, 4to. Exeter, 1877 Roman Altars and Inscribed and Sculptured Stones in the Collection of the Society of Antiquaries Newcastle, folio. 1838 Resell (J.) Dissertatio Topographico Historica de Parcecia Biskop- skulla in Uplandia. Tracts, 410, vol. 8. Upsalice. Rotuli de Dominabus et Pueris et Puellis de Donatione Regis in XII. Comitatibus, curante Stacey Grimaldi, 4to. 1830 Roy (General William, F.S.A.) The Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain, folio. *793 Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Ship- wreck, Reports of, Second to Fifth. 1826-1829 Ruding (Rev. Rogers) Annals of the Coinage of Britain and its Dependencies, from the earliest Period of authentic History to the present Time, 4 vols, 4to. 1817 Rye Danske Magazin. Beretning om Undersogelsen af Erkebiskop Absalons Grav i Sorse Kirke, 410. 1823-27 Rylands (T. Glazebrook) The Geography of Ptolemy elucidated, 4to. Dublin, 1893 Ryley (William) and Dethick (Henry) The Visitation of Middlesex, began in the Year 1663, folio. Salisbury, 1820 Saga Jatvardar Konungs Hins Helga, udgiven efter Islandske Oldskrift-Selskab. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Kiobenhavn, 1852 Saint Albans, Some Account of the Abbey Church of, with plans, Elevations, and Sections of that Building, folio. Abbey Churches. 1795 St. Andrews. Liber Cartarum Prioratus Sancti Andree in Sco.tia e Registro ipso in Archivis Baronum de Panmure hodie Asservato, 4to. Bannatyne Chib, Edinburgi, 1841 St. Giles, Edinburgh. Registrum Cartarum Ecclesie Sancti Egidii de Edinburgh. A Series of Charters and Original Documents connected with the Church of St. Giles, Edinburgh, 1344-1567, 4to. Ibid, 1859 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 83 St. Stephens, Westminster, Some Account of the Collegiate Church of, with plans, Elevations, and Sections, folio. Abbey Churches. 1795-1806 Sainthill (Richard) An Olla Podrida ; or, Scraps, Numismatic, Antiquarian, and Literary, 2 vols, 8vo. 1844-53 - Numismatic Crumbs. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 9. 1855 Numismatic and other Crumbs. Ibid. vol. 16. Cork, 1858 Suggestions for a Medal to record the Discovery of the Passage by the North Pole. Ibid. Ibid, 1856 - Defence of the British School of Medal Engraving. Ibid. Ibid, 1859 - The Old Countess of Desmond, An Inquiry did she ever seek Redress at the Court of Queen Elizabeth, and Did she ever sit for her Portrait? When was she married, etc? 2 vols, 8vo. Dublin, 1861-63 Salmon (N.) A Survey of the Roman Antiquities in some of the Midland Counties of England, 8vo. 1726 Salmon (Thomas) South Shields; its Past, Present, and Future. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. South Shields, 1856 Salvin (Rev. Hugh, B.M.) Brief Memoir of, by the Rev. E. H. Adamson. Tracts, 8vo, vol. i. Newcastle, 1852 - Journal written on board the Cambridge, i2mo. Ibid, 1829 Samlingar for Nordens Fornalskare, af N. H. Sioborg, 2 vols, 4to. Stockholm, 1822-24 Sammes (Aylett) Britannia Antiqua illustrata; or, the Antiquities of Ancient Britain, folio. 1676 Sander (Fredrik) Edda Samund den vises, 4to. Stockholm, 1893 Sanderson (Roundell Palmer) Survey of the debateable and Border Lands adjoining Scotland and belonging to the Crown of England, taken A.D. 1604, 4to. Alnwick, 1891 Sanderson (P.) The Antiquities of the Abbey or Cathedral Church of Durham; also a particular Description of the County Palatine of Durham, i2mo. Newcastle, 1767 Sands (J.) Out of the World, or Life in St. Kilda, 8vo. Edinburgh, N.D. Sars (Dr. Michael) Oversigt af Norges Echinodermer, 8vo. Christiania, 1861 Om Siphonodentalium Vitreum. Tracts 410, vol. 9. Ibid, 1861 Saull(Wm. D., F.S.A.) Notitia Britanniag; or an Enquiry concerning the Localities, Habits, Condition, and Progressive Civilization of the Aborigines of Britain. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. 1845 84 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Saull (Wm. D., F.S.A.) Observations on the Aboriginal Tribes of Britain. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. 1848 Scarth (Rev. H. M., A.M.) on the Roman Antiquities discovered in Bath. Ibid. Taunton, 1853 - Remarks on some Ancient Sculptured Stones still preserved in this Island, and on others once known to exist. Tracts, 410, vol. 6. Ibid, 1861 Schive (C. I.) Norses Mynter i Middelaldren, Samlede og beskrevne folio. Christiania, 1861 Schone (Riccardo) Le Antichita del Museo Bocchi di Adria, 410. Rome, 1878 Schoning (Herrn Gerhard) BorlaufigeAbhandlung von derllnwissen- heit der alten Griechen und Romer in der Erd-und Geschicht- kunde des Nordens, 410. Halle, 1771 Schroder (J. H.) Incunabula Artis Typographic^ in Suecia, Quibus Sollemnia Inaugurationes Philosophical a condita Academiae Upsaliensi Septuagesimae quintae celebranda. Tracts 410, vol. 8. Upsalice, 1842 Upsala Domkyrka med dess Markvardigheter af Fred. Verner, folio. Stockholm, 1826 Numismata Anglo-Saxonica in Numophylacio Academico Upsaliensi adservata. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. Upsalice, 1825 Scone, Liber Ecclesie de Scon. Munimenta Vetustiora Monasterii Sancte Trinitatis et Sancti Michaelis de Scon, 410. Bannatyne Club, Edinburghi, 1843 Scotland. Origines Parochiales Scotise. The Antiquities Ecclesi- astical and Territorial of the Parishes of Scotland, 3 vols 410. Ibid. Edinburgh, 1850-55 - The Auld Lawes and Constitutions of, faithfullie collected furth of the Register, and other auld authentic bukes, fra the dayes of King Malcolme the second untill the time of King James the first, folio. Ibid, 1609 - Inventory of Worke done for the State, by his Majesties Printer in Scotland, Dec., 1642 Oct., 1647, 4to. Ibid, 1815 A Collection of Inventories and other Records of the Royal Wardrobe and Jewel House, and of the Artillery and Munition in some of the Royal Castles, 1488-1606, 4to. Ibid, 1815 Society of Antiquaries of, Proceedings of, vol. i to 27, 410. Ibid, 1852-94 General Index and Index of Illustrations to vol. i to 24, 1851-90, 4to. Ibid, 1892 Synopsis of the Museum, i2mo. Ibid, 1849 Scott (William, M.D.) Pedigree of Scott, of Stokoe, in the Parish of Symondburn, and County of Northumberland. Tracts 8vo, vol. i. Reprint, 1852 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEVVCASTLE-ON-TYNE 85 Scott (John) The History of the Town and Guild of Berwick-on- Tweed, 410. 1888 Scott (William B.) Antiquarian Gleanings in the North of England, being examples of Antique Furniture, Church Decorations, and objects of historical interest, 410. N.D. Scott's Railway Companion, describing all the Scenery on, and contiguous to, the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, i2mo. Carlisle ', 1839 Scraps from Newspapers and Magazines, commencing October, 1757, and ending October, 1792. Scripta Historica Islandorum de Rebus gestis Veterum Borealium Latine reddita et Apparatu Critico instructa, curante Societate Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium, 12 vols, 8vo. Hafnice, 1828-46 Scrope, The, and Grosvenor Roll, edited by Sir N. Harris Nicolas, 2 vols, folio. 1832 Seals. A dissertation on the use and Antiquity of Seals in England, 4to. I 79O Selden (J.) History of Tythes, 410. 1618 Sermons, Six, on Important Subjects, in the Madras or Tamil Lan- guage, 8vo. - Dockwray (Thomas) Sermon at the Consecration of the In- firmary Chapel, 1754. Dockwray's Sermon at St. Nicholas', Anniversary of the Infirmary, 1754. Ellison (John) Sermon at the Anniversary of the Sons of the Clergy^ at St. Nicholas' Church, 1750. Lambe (William) Sermon at St. Nicholas', Anniversary of the Infirmary, 1755. Tew (Edmund) Assize Sermon at Carlisle, 1750. Keene (Edmund) Sermon at the Anniversary of the Sons of the Clergy, at St. Nicholas' Church, 1748. Featherstonhaugh (Hy.) Assize Sermon at Carlisle, 1755. 4 to - Dockwray (Thomas) Sermon at St. Nicholas', Anniversary of the Infirmary, 1754. Dockwray's Sermon at the Consecration of the Infirmary Chapel, 1754. Maddison (Tho.) Sermon in the Trinity Chapel, Newcastle, 1760. Scott (James) Sermon at St. Nicholas', Anniversary of the Infirmary, 1777. Sestini (Dominico) Sopra le Medaglie Antiche relative alia Con- federazion degli Achei, 4to. Milano, 1817 - Descrizione degli Stateri Antichi Illustrati con le Medaglie, 4to. Firenze^ 1817 - Descrizione dell Medaglie Rare del Museo Knobelsdorffiano, Berlino 1804. Lettre e Dissertazioni Numismaticke sopra . alcune Medaglie rare della Collezione Ainslieana, Tomo V. Roma 1794. Barthelemy (Abbd) Dissertation sur une ancienne Inscription Grecque, relative aux Finances des Ath^niens, Paris 1792, i vol, 4to. M 86 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Sestini (Dominico) Descrizioned'Alcune Medaglie Greche del Museo del Signore Carlo D'Ottavio Fontana di Trieste, 4to. Ftrenee, 1822 Classes Generales Geographiae Numismaticae seu Monetae Urbium, Populorum et Regum ordine Geographico et Chrono- logico dispositae, pars I. et II. Lipsice 1797. Descrizione delle Medaglie Greche e Romane del fu Benkowitz, Berlino 1809. Descrizione delle Medaglie Ispane appartenenti alia Lusitania, alia Betica, e alia Tarragonese nel museo Hedervariano, Firenze, 1818, i vol, 410. Seyer (Rev. Samuel, M. A.) The Charters and Letters Patent granted by the Kings and Queens of England to the Town and City of Bristol, 4to. Bristol, 1812 Shaftesbury. An ancient Confirmation Deed relating to certain Lands formerly possessed by the Abbey of Shaftesbury, in Dorset, 410. Middle Hill, 1818 Sharp (Sir Cuthbert) Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569, 4to. 1841 Sunderland Tracts of other Times, 8vo. Sunderland & Newcastle, v.Y. - History of Hartlepool, reprint of the original work, with supplemental History to 1851, 8vo. Hartlepool, 1851 Shaw (Rev. John) The Pourtraiture of the Primitive Saints in their Actings and Sufferings, 4to. Newcastle, 1652 Shawe (Master John) Memoir of; written by himself in the year 1663-64, Edited by the Rev. J. R. Boyle, 8vo. Hull, 1882 Sheldon (Frederick) History of Berwick-upon-Tweed, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1849 Sheringham (Robert) De Anglorum Gentis Origine Disceptatio. 8vo. Cantab, 1670 Shermann (A. J.) Historia Collegii Jesu Cantabrigiensis, edidit et notis Instruxit, J. O. Halliwell, 8vo. 1840 Shields Monthly Mirror, and Provincial Register, for the years 1819- 20, 8vo. North Shields, 1820 Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Transactions, vols i to 19, 8vo. Shrewsbury, 1878-95 Sibbald (Robert, M.D.) Scotia Illustrata sive Prodromus Historiae Naturalis, folio. Edinburgh, 1684 Sicilian Populorum et Urbium, Regum quoque et Tyrannorum, veteres Nummi, Saracenorum Epocham antecedentes, folio. Panormi, 1781 Simpson (H. F. Morland) Papers connected with the Marquis of Montrose and the Civil War, 1643-50, 8vo. 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A View of the Copper Coin and Coinage of England, including the Leaden, Tin, and Laton Tokens made by Tradesmen, 1766, in one volume, folio. Miscellaneous Views of the Coins struck by English Princes in France, Counterfeit Sterlings, Coins struck by the East India Company, &c., 1769. View of the Origin, Nature, and Use of Jettons or Counters, especially those commonly known by the name of Black Money and Abbey Pieces, 1769. View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of Scotland, from Alexander I. to the Union, 1774, in one volume, 410. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 89 Royal des Antiquaires du Nord, Memoires de la, 1845-60, 3 vols, 8vo. Copenhague, 1847-61 - Reports of, 1825-43, 8vo. Ibid. Somers (John, Lord) The Security of Englishmen's Lives ; or, the Trust, Power, and Duty of Grand Juries of England explained, 8vo. 1766 Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society Proceedings, vols. 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, to 41, 8vo. Taunton, 1855-95 Song, The, of the Sun. A Poem of the eleventh Century, from the more ancient Icelandic Collection called the Edda, imitated by the Rev James Beresford, 8vo. 1805 Song of Solomon in the Newcastle Dialect, from the authorised English Version. By George Forster. Privately printed for H.I.H. Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte, i2mo. Sopwith (Thomas) Historical and Descriptive Account of All Saints' Church, Newcastle, 8vo. Newcastle, 1826 Life of, by Benjamin Ward Richardson, 8vo. 1891 Southern (Isabella) Sonnets, and other Poems, 8vo. 1891 Spearman (John) Enquiry into the ancient and present State of the County Palatine of Durham, 410. 1729 Speed (John) A Prospect of the most famous parts of the World, 1646. England, W T ales, Scotland and Ireland Described and Abridged with ye Historical Things worthy memory from a farr larger Voulume done by John Speed, 1627, 8vo. 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Edinburgh, 1839 Stewart (Dr. Matthew) The Distance of the Sun from the Earth determined by the Theory of Gravity, Edinburgh, 1763. Dawson (Thos.) Propositions shewing that the Theory (of Stewart) is erroneous, Newcastle, 1769, 8vo. Stirling Peerage, Report of the Trial of the Claiment of, edited by Archibald Swinton, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839 Stockton, A Short Description of the Town and Borough of, i2mo. Stockton, 1825 Stokes (Whitley) On the Calendar of Oengus, 410. Dublin, 1880 Stokes (Margaret) Early Christian Art in Ireland, 8vo. 1888 Storm (Dr. Gustav) Monumenta Historica Norvegiae, 8vo. Christiania, 1880 Stothard (C. A.) Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, 410. 1817 Stratton (Ezra) The World on wheels, or Carriages with their historical associations from the earliest to the present time, 8vo. New York, 1878 Strengleikar Eda Liodabok, Udgivet af R. Keyser og C. R. Unger, 8vo. Christiania, 1850 Strozzi (Carlo) Quadro di Georgrafia' Numismatica, de servire alia Classificazione Geografia delle Collezioni con un Catalogo generale et corredato di alcune Notizie Geografiche, 410. Firenze, 1836 Stuart (John) Sculptured Stones of Scotland, 2 vols, folio. Spalding Club, Aberdeen, 1856-67 Stuart (John) The Book of Deer, 410. Spalding Club, Edinburgh, 1869 Records of the Priory of the Isle of May, 4to. Edinburgh, 1868 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE QI Stuart (Robert) Caledonia Romana : a Descriptive Account of the Roman Antiquities of Scotland, 410. Edinburgh, 1845 Stubbs (George, R.A.) Memoir of, 8vo. Liverpool, 1879 Stukeley (William, M.D.) The Medallic History of Marcus Aurelius Valerius Carausias, Emperor in Britain, 410. I 757~59 Account of a large Silver Plate of Roman Workmanship, found in Derbyshire, 1729. Tracts 4to, vol. 3. 1736 Stukken, over Letter, Geschied-en Oudheidkunde. Uitgegeven van wege de Maatschappij van Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden, 8vo. Leiden, 1850 Sturm (Joh. Christ.) Collegii Experimentalis sive Curiosum, 410. Nortmbergee, 1676 Suffolk Manorial Registers, Royal Grants, and Deeds, &c., Cata- logue of, collected for the purpose of illustrating a History of the County, in the possession of W. S. Fitch, of Ipswich, Part I., 8vo. 1843 Summers (Jeremiah W.) The History and Antiquities of Sunderland, Bishopwearmouth, Burdon Ford, &c., 8vo. Sunderland, 1858 Surrey Archaeological Collections, relating to the History and Antiquities of the County. Published by the Surrey Archaeo- logical Society, vols. i to 8-, and n to 39, 8vo. 1858-95 Surrey. Pedes Finium, or Fines relating to the County of Surrey, levied in the King's Court, from Richard I. to Henry VII., edited by Frank B. Lewis, 8vo. Guilford, 1894 Surridge (Rev. T. , LL. D.) Notices of Roman Inscriptions discovered at High Rochester, Risingham, and Rudchester, 410. 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Manuale et Processionale ad usum insignis Ecclessiae Eboracensis. The York Manual and Processional. Edited by Dr. Henderson. Acts of Chapter of the Collegiate Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid, Ripon, 1452-1506. Edited by Rev. J. T. Fowler. Yorkshire Diaries and Autobiographies in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. 2 vols. Edited by Mr. Charles Jackson. Cartularium Abbatiae de Novo Monasterio (Newminster.) Edited by Rev. J. T. Fowler. Selections from the Household Books of Lord William Howard, of Naworth Castle. Edited by Rev. George Ornsby. The Chartulary of Whitby. 2 vols. Edited by Rev. J. C. Atkinson. A Selection from the Poems of Lawrence, Prior of Durham, Saec XII. Edited by Rev. J. Raine. The York Breviary. 2 vols. Edited by Hon. and Rev. Stephen Lawley. The Life and Correspondence of the Rev. William Stukeley, M.D., the Antiquary. 3 vols. Edited by Rev. W. C. Lukis. Memorials of the Church of Ripon. 3 vols. Edited by Rev. J. T. Fowler. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 95 A Selection from the Halmote Court Rolls of the Prior and Convent ot Durham. Edited by Messrs. W. H. D. Longstaffe and John Booth. The Chartulary of Rievaulx. Edited by Rev. J. C. Atkinson. Durham Churchwardens' Accompts. Edited by Rev. J. Barmby. A Volume of English Miscellanies. Edited by Rev. J. Raine. The Guisborough Chartulary. 2 vols. Edited by Mr. W. Brown. The Life of St. Cuthbert in English Verse. Edited by Rev. J. T. Fowler. The Northumberland Assize Rolls. Edited by Mr. W. Page. The Brinkburn Chartulary. Edited by Mr. W. Page. The Yorkshire Chantry Surveys. 2 vols. Edited by Mr. W. Page. The Records of the Company of Merchant Adventurers of Newcastle-on- Tyne. Vol. I. Edited by Mr. J. R. Boyle and Mr. F. W. Dendy. Sussex Archaeological Collections, illustrating the History and Antiquities of the County, published by the Sussex Arch- aeological Society, vol. i to 39, 8vo. 1848-94 Swallow (Henry J.) De Nova Villa, or the House of Nevill in sun- shine and in shade, 8vo. Newcastle, 1885 Swift (Jonathan) Drapier's Letters to the People of Ireland, concer- ing Mr. Wood's Brass Half-pence, 8vo. Dublin, 1730 Sykes (John) Collection of Publications relating to Newcastle- upon-Tyne and Gateshead, 8vo. Newcastle, V.Y. - Local Records ; or, Historical Register of Remarkable Events in Northumberland, Durham, Newcastle, and Berwick-upon- Tweed, 8vo. Ibid, 1824 Local Records, second edition, 2 vols, 8vo. Ibid, 1833 Continuation of. (See Latimer. ) Account of the Death and Funeral Procession of the Duke of York, the Proceedings in Newcastle, &c. Ibid, 1827 Tanner (Thomas) Notitia Monastica, edited by James Nasmith, folio. Cambridge, 1787 Tate (George) The Old Celtic Town of Greaves' Ash, near Linhope, Northumberland; with an Account of Diggings into this and other ancient Remains, in the Valley of the Breamish. 2 copies. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. Alnivick, 1861 History of the Borough, Castle and Barony of Aln wick, 2 vols, 8vo. Ibid, 1866-69 Tattam (Henrico) Lexicon ^Egyptiaco-Latinum ex veteribus Linguae ^gyptiacse monumentis, 8vo. Oxford, 1835 Taylor (Charles S.) An analysis of the Domesday Survey of Gloucestershire, 8vo. Bristol, 1889 Taylor (Rev. R. V.) The Biographica Leodiensis, or Biographical Sketches of the Worthies of Leeds, with Supplement, 2 vols. 1865-67 96 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Taylor (Henry, of North Shields) Memoirs of the Principal events in the Life of, 8vo. North Shields, 181 1 Tees, River, Act for making a Navigable Cut near Portrack, and Improving the Navigation, 8vo. Stockton, 1808 The Cold Yeare, 1614. A Deepe Snow: in which Men and Cattel Haue Perished, to the Generall Losse of Farmers, Grasiers, Husbandmen, &c. , 4to. Miscell. Antiq. Anglic. 1615, Reprint, 1816 Thirkeld (Rev. Taylor, M.A.) The Duty of Alms-giving : Recom- mended in aSermon preach'd in the Parish Church ofWhickham, August 6, 1732, 8vo. Newcastle, 1739 Thompson (James) Observations on the Jewry Wall, Leicester. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. Thompson (Jona.) The Commutation-Act candidly considered in its Principles and Operations, 8vo. Newcastle, 1786 Thompson (Robert) and Hogg (John) Sketches of Kertch, its larger Tumuli, and some other Remains. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. 1857 Thompson (Thomas, F.S.A.) Ocellum Promontorium ; or, Short Observations on the Ancient State of Holderness, 8vo. Hull, 1821 Thomson (Thomas) Memoir of, 4to. Bannatyne Club, Edinb. 1854 Thomson (John) Etymons of English Words, 410. Edinburgh, 1826 Thorburn (Thomas) Tynemouth: a Panegyrick Poem, 4to. Tracts 8vo, vol. 5. Newcastle, 1792 Thoresby (Ralph, F.R.S.) The Diary of, 1677-1724, published from the Original Manuscript by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, 2 vols, 8vo. 1830 - Ducatus Leodiensis; or, the Typography of Leeds and Parts adjacent ; with Notes and Additions by Thos. D. Whitaker, folio. 1816 Thorkelin (Grim. Johnson) De Danorum Rebus Gestis Secul. III. et IV. Poe'ma Danicum Dialecto Anglo-Saxonica, 4to. Havnue, 1815 Tomlinson (William W.) Historical Notes on Cullercoats, Whitley, and Monkseaton, 4to. I ^93 Denton Hall and its Associations, 4to. 1:894 Topham (John, F. R.S., F.S.A.) Description of an Antient Picture in Windsor Castle, representing the Embarkation of Henry VII. at Dover, May 31, 1520. Tracts, 410, vol. i. 1781 Topliff (Robert) A Selection of the most popular Melodies of the Tyne and Wear, folio. N.D. Torr (James) The Antiquities of York City, and the Civil Govern- ment thereof, collected from the Papers of Christopher Hildyard, 8vo. York, 1719 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 97 Totton (Rev. William, M.A.) Sermon at Hexham, on the late Insurrection there, 4to. Newcastle, 1761 Townley (Colonel, Governor of Carlisle) Trial and Execution of, 8vo. Jefferson's Reprints. Carlisle, 1839 Tracts, 9 vols, 4to. 15 vols, 8vo. Trademen's Tokens of the Seventeenth Century, in the Cabinet of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 9. Newcastle, 1854 Trevelyan Papers prior to A.D. 1558, edited by J. Payne Collier, 4to, Trevor (Richard, Bp. of Durham) Sketch of the Life and Character of. Tracts, 410, vol. 5. Darlington, 1776 Trial of Watson against Carr, for Assult and False Imprisonment, 8vo. Sykes' Tracts. Newcastle, 1823 The original MS. Report, by H. A. Mitchell, 410. Triennial Act, Several Speeches in the House of Commons, April 24, 1716, Against the Bill for repealing, folio. 1716 Triveti (F. Nicholai) Annales, sex Regum Angliae A.D. 1136-1307, edited by Thomas Hog, 8vo. Engl. Hist. Soc. 1845 Trois Chants de 1'Edda, Vaftrudnismal, Thrymsquida Skirnisfor, traduits en vers francais par W. E. Frye. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Paris, 1844 Trotter (Thomas) A Practicable Plan for Manning the Royal Navy, 8vo. Newcastle, 1819 Tullie (Isaac) Narrative of the Siege of Carlisle in 1644 and 1645, with Preface, Notes, &c., by Samuel Jefferson, 8vo. Jefferson's Reprints. Carlisle, 1840 Tunbelly (Tim) Letters on the Tyne, the Newcastle Corporation, the Freemen, the Tolls, &c., 8vo. Newcastle, 1823 Turner (T. Hudson) Some account of Domestic Architecture in England from the Conquest to the end of the i3th Century, 8vo. 1877 Turner (W. H.) and Coxe (H. O.) Calendar of Charters and Rolls preserved in the Bodleian Library, 8vo. Oxford, 1878 Twopenny (William) Specimens of Ancient Wood Work, folio. 1859 Tyne, River, Report of an Enquiry instituted by a Select Committee of the Newcastle Town Council, into certain improprieties alleged to exist in the mode of conducting the Corporation Works on, Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Newcastle, 1840 - Suspension Bridge Reports, &c., respecting, folio. 1825 Plans, Reports, and other Documents respecting the projected Suspension Bridge from North to South Shields. Collected by John Sykes, folio. 98 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club. The Annual Addresses for 1851 and 1853, 8vo. Tyneside Songs and Readings, with Lives, Portraits and Autographs of the Writers, and Notes on the Songs. Allan's edition, 8vo, Newcastle, 1891 Tyneside Songster, Humorous and Descriptive Songs in the New- castle Dialect, 8vo. 1889 Typographical Society of Newcastle, Tracts published by: Adamson (John) Bibliotheca Lusitana. 1836 Lusitania Illustrata, Notices on the History, Antiquities, Literature, etc., of Portugal. 1842 Andrews (Lancelot, Bp. of Winchester,) Life and Death of. 1817 Angler's Progress, a Poem. 1820 Bainbridge (William) Comparison of the Great English and French Revolu- tions. 1844 Barnes (Ambrose, Alderman of Newcastle) Life of. 1828 Bartlett (Benjamin) The Episcopal Coins of Durham, and the Monastic Coins of Reading. 1817 Beauvais (M.) An Essay on the Means of distinguishing Antique from Counterfeit Coins and Medals. 1819 Blackett (Sir Walter) Memoirs of the Public Life of, by John Straker. 1819 Brand (John) Letters to Ralph Beilby. 1825 Brockett (John Trotter) Selecta Numismata Aurea Imperatorum Roman- orum. 1822 Hints on the Propriety of establishing a Typographical Society. 1813 Catalogue of Books and Tracts printed at the Private Press of George Allan. 1818 Biographical Sketch of, by John Fenwick. 1843 Memoir of, by John Fenwick. 1846 Carey (Rev. William) Biographical Notice of, by the Rev. William Herbert. 1843 Cheviot, a Poetical Fragment. 1817 Chicken (Edward) The Collier's Wedding. 1822 Cockle (Mrs.) Elegy on the Death of George III. 1820 Elegy to the Memory of Princess Charlotte of Wales. 1817 Darnell (Rev. W. N.) Lines suggested by the Death of Vice-Admiral Collingwood. 1842 Denham (M. A.) Slogans of the North of England, with observations on Martial Mottoes, by W. H. D. Longstaffe. 1851 Dialogue between the North and South Tyne Rivers. 1850 Farrer (Rev. John) Memoir of. 1844 Fenwick (Sir John) The Protest of certain Lords against the Bill of Attainder of. l &54 Fenwick (John) Obituaries of Newcastle Worthies. 1836 Obituary Resolutions of the Committee of the Newcastle Bible Society. 1842 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 99 Fenwick (John) Report of the Proceedings for Treasure Trove in the Barony of Wark. 1837 Inscription of a Tablet in the Abbey Church of Hexham. 1852 Sketch of the Ship-boy Life of. 1856 Obits of some of the more distinguished Members of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1857 Treasure Trove in Northumberland. 1851 Fenwick (Ann) Recollections of, by John Fenwick. 1838 Fisher's Call, The, for 1827. Fisher's Garland, 1821-1845. Fisher's Invitation to his Friend. 1844 Flodden Field, The Battle of. 1822 Floods. Account of the Great Floods in the Rivers Tyne, Tees, Wear, etc., in 1771 and 1815. 1818 Ged (William) Biographical Memoirs of, including an account of his progress in the Art of Block Printing. 1819 Gray's Chorographia, or a Survey of Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1818 Henry III, Short view of the Long Life and Reign of. 1817 Hails (Wm. Anthony) Obituary Notice of, by John Fenwick. 1845 Hodgson (Thomas) Essay on the origin and Progress of Stereotype Printing. 1820 Letters between James Ellis and Walter Scott. 1850 Lines to a Boy pursuing a Butterfly. 1826 Lithgow (William) An Experimentall and Exact Relation of that famous and renowned Seige of Newcastle. 1820 Lushington (The Right Hon. Stephen) The Foundation Stone, a Hymn. 1850 Mack (Rev. John) Obituary Notice of the Life and Ministry of. 1846 Marriage of the Coquet and Alwine. 1817 Marshman (Rev. Joshua) Biographical Sketches of. 1843 Biographical Sketches of, by John Fenwick. 1838 Memorial and Letter of the Baptist Church at New Court, Newcastle, to the Senate of Hamburgh. J 843 Mitchell (William A.) Essay on the Pleasure and Utility of Angling. 1824 Pando (Jose Maria de) Epistle to Prospero. 1828 Radcliffe Family, A Genealogy of, compiled by James Ellis. 1850 Raffles (Rev. Dr.) Cowper's Rose Bushes. 1829 Richardson (William) The Gathering Ode of the Fenwyke, of Northum- berland. 1843 Roxby (Robert) Lay of the Reedwater Minstrel. 1832 Salisbury (Robert, Earl of) A Remembrance of the Honors due to the Life and Death of. 1818 Santander (M. de la Serna) Historical Essay on the Art of Printing. 1819 Thompson (W. G.) Lines on the Death of Lord Byron. 1824 Poetical Addresses delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Burns Club. 1824-25 Tunstall (Marmaduke) and Allan (George) Memoirs of, together with Notices of the Works of Thomas Bewick. 1827 IOO LIBRARY CATALOGUE The Fisher's Farewell to his favourite Stream. 1824 Wawn (Charles N.) Obituary Notice of. 1840 Webster (A. R.) Juvenila quaedam Carmina. 1834 White (Robert) The Tynemouth Nun. 1829 Will of a certain Northern Vicar, to which is annex'd a Codicil. 1824 Willett (Ralph) Memoir on the Origin of Printing. 1820 Verses written at the House of Mr. Henderson, at Longleeford. 1823 A Full relation of the Scots March from Barwicke to Newcastle. 1818 His Majesties passing through the Scots Armie. 1820 A particular relation of the Taking of Newcastle. 1825 Unger (C. R.) Heilagra Manna Sogur, 2 vols, 8vo. Christiania, 1877 Universal History, from the earliest account of time to the present, 8 vols, folio. 1736-1744 Upcott (William) Memoirs of, 8vo. Liverpool, 1879 Ursato (Sertorio) Explanatio Notarum et Litterarum quae Frequen- tius in Antiquis Lapidibus, Marmoribus, etc., 8vo. Parts, 1723 Vaillant (J. L.) Arsacidarum Imperium; sive Regum Parthorum Historia ; et Archaemenidarum Imperium, sive Regum Ponti, Bosphori, et Bithyniae Historia, 2 vols, 410. Ibid, 1725 Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum praestantiora, a Julio Csesare ad Constantinum Magnum; cum Appendice Baldini, 3 vols, 410. Ronue, 1743 Seleucidarum Imperium, sive Historica Regum Syriae ad fidem Numismata accommodata, folio. Hagce, 1732 Historia Ptolemasorum Egypti Regum, ad Fidem Numismatum accommodata, folio. Amstelcedami, 1701 Van Loon (Gerard) Historic M6tallique des Pays-Bas depuis Charles V. jusqu, a la Paix de Bade, 1716, 5 vols, folio. LaHaye, 1732-37 Van Mieris (Frans) Histori der Nederland'sche Vorsten Uit de Huizen van Beijere, Borgonje en Oostenryk, 3 vols, folio. Graavenhaage, 1732-34 Vedel (E.) Bornholms Oldtidsminder og oldsager, 410. Copenhagen, 1886 Vedtaegter for Det nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 15. Kwbenhavn, 1825 Velasquez (L. J.) Congecturas sobre las Medallas de los Reyes Godos y Suevos de Espagna, 4to. Malaga, 1759 Vertue (George) Nine Historical Prints of Kings, Queens, and Princes, of the house of Tudor, folio. J 776 Vertot. A Critical History of the Establishment of the Britons among the Gauls, translated from the French, 2 vols, 8vo. 1722 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE JOI Vestiges d'Asserho et de Soborg de"couverts par S. M. Fre"de"ric . VII., Roi de Danemark. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13. Copenhague, 1855 Vetusta Monumenta quas ad Rerum Britannicarum Memoriam con- servandam Societas Antiquarum Londini Sumptu suo edenda curavit, vols i to 5, and vol 6, parts 3 and 4. I 747 & c - Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania, Forhandlinger 1865 and 1.866, 2 vols, 8vo. Christiania. Virtuoso's, The, Companion, and Coin Collector's Guide, 8 vols, 1 2 mo. T 795"97 Visconti (E. Q.) A Letter from Antonio Canovo; and two Memoirs read to the Royal Institute of France, on the Sculptures in the Collection of the Earl of Elgin, 8vo. 1816 Walbank (T.) The Advantages of Learning. A Sermon preached in the Country, 8vo. Newcastle, 1741 Walford (Weston Styleman, F.S.A.) Remarks on Four Deeds with Seals appended. And a Memoir of Sir William Oldhalle. Tracts, 4to, vol. 7. 1858 Walker (Clement) Compleat History of Independency, 4to. 1661 Walker (Sir Edward) Circumstantial Account of the Preparations for the Coronation of King Charles the Second, and a Minute Detail of that Splendid Ceremony, 8vo. 1820 Wallace (John) The History of Blyth, from the Norman Conquest to the present day, 8vo. Blyth, 1862 Wallace (Sir William) The Life and Acts of, i2mo. Glasgow, 1736 Wallen (William, F.S.A.) History and Antiquities of the Round Church at Little Mapplestead, Essex, formerly belonging to the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, 8vo. 1836 Wallis (Rev. John M.A.) Natural History and Antiquities of North- umberland, and of so much of the County of Durham as lies between the Rivers Tyne and Tweed, 2 vols, 4to. ^769 - The Occasional Miscellany, in Prose and Verse, Vol I., 8vo. Newcastle, 1748 Wallis (Rev. Richard) The Happy Village, a Poem. Tracts, 4to, vol. 5. South Shields, 1802 Walpole (Horace) Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third, 4to. 1768 Wandering, The, Knight of Dunstanborough Castle. A Northum- brian Legend. Tracts, 410, vol. 5. Sunderland, 1820 Warburton (John) Vallum Romanum; or the History and Antiquities of the Roman Wall, commonly called the Picts' Wall in Cum- berland and Northumberland, 4to. !753 Ware (Samuel H.) The State of Parties in Lancashire before the Rebellion of 1715, 4to. Manchester, 1745 102 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Waring (J. B.) Stone Monuments, Tumuli, and Ornaments of Remote Ages, 410. 1870 Warne (Charles) Ancient Dorset, The Celtic, Roman, Saxon, and Danish Antiquities of the County, folio. Bournemouth, 1872 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset, folio. 1866 Warner (Rev. Richard) An Attempt to ascertain the situation of the ancient Clausentum. Tracts, 4to, vol. 3. 1792 Waterhous (Edward) Discourse and Defence of Arms and Armory, 8vo. 1660 Waterloo, The, Battle of, containing the Series of Accounts pub- lished by Authority, British and Foreign, 8vo. 1815 Watkin (W. Thompson) Roman Lancashire, or a description of Roman Remains in the County Palatine of Lancaster, 410. Liverpool, 1883 Roman Cheshire, a description of Roman Remains in the County of Chester, 4to. Ibid, 1886 Wear, River. Dodd (Robert) Reports to the Commissioners of the River Wear, 410. Sunderland, 1794. Bell's Reflections on a Wet Dock at the Mouth of the Wear, 8vo. Ibid, 1816, in one volume. Webb (Philip C.) Account of a Copper Table containing two Inscrip- tions, discovered in 1732 near Heraclea. 2 copies. Tracts 4to, vols. i and 3. 1760 Weever (John) Ancient Funeral Monuments within Great Britain, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent, folio. 1631 Welford (Richard) History of the Parish of Gosforth, i2mo. Newcastle, N.D. Newcastle and Gateshead in the i4th, isth, i6th, and i7th, Centuries, 3 vols, 8vo. 1884-87 A Descriptive and Historical account of the Monuments and Tombstones in the Church of St. Nicholas, Newcastle, 4to. Newcastle, 1880 - Men of Mark 'twixt Tyne and Tweed, 3 vols, 8vo. 1895 Wellington (Duke of) Account of the Proceedings at Newcastle when he visited that Town, in 1827, collected by John Bell, 410. Visit of, to Newcastle Sept. 28, 1827, being the Bills, Military Orders, Extracts from Newspapers, &c., collected by John Sykes, 4to. West (Thomas) A Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire, 8vo. I 77^ Westminister Abbey, Historical Description of, its Monuments and Curiosities, 8vo. 1827 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 103 Whitaker (Thomas D., LL.D.) History of Richmondshire, in the North Riding of York, and other Places of York, Lancaster, and Westmoreland, 2 vols, folio. ^23 - Loidis and Elmete; or, an Attempt to illustrate the Districts described in these words by Bede, and supposed to embrace the lower portions of Aredale and Wharfdale, together with the entire Vale of Calder, in the County of York, folio. 1816 White (Robert) History of the Battle of Otterburn, fought in 1388; with Memoirs of the Warriors who engaged in that memorable Conflict, 410. Newcastle, 1857 - History of the Battle of Bannockburn, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871 - Poems, including Tales, Ballads, and Songs, 8vo. Kelso, 1867 Whitworth (Charles) The Succession of Parliaments; being Exact Lists of the Members chosen at each General Election, from the Restoration to 1761, 8vo. : ?64 Wickes (Charles) Illustrations of the Spires and Towers of the Mediaeval Churches of England, 2 vols, folio. J 853-55 Wilcock (Rev. Peter) Lives of the Abbots of Wearmouth, translated from the Venerable Bede, 8vo. Sunderland, 1818 Wild (John James) Letter to Lord Brougham, containing Proposals for a Scientific Exploration of Egypt and Ethiopia. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. 1850 Wilde (W. R., M.D.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities of Animal Materials and Bronze in the Museum of the -Royal Irish Academy, 8vo. Dublin, 1861 Willard (Joseph) Willard Memoir ; or, Life and Times of Major Simon Willard; with Notices of three Generations of his Descendants, 8vo. Boston, U. S. 1858 Address in commemoration of the Two-hundreth Anniversary of the Incorporation of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 8vo. Ibid, 1853 Willis (Brown) Notitia Parliamentaria; or, a History of the Counties, Cities, and Boroughs in England and Wales, 8vo. I 7 I 5 Wilson (Daniel) Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, 2 vols. 1863 - The Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1851 Wilson (Thomas) Pitman's Pay and other Poems, 8vo. Gateshead, 1843 Anoth'er Copy, with memoir, 8vo. 1872 Stanzas on the intended New Line of Road from Potticar Lane to Leyburn Hole, 8vo. Sykes' Tracts. Newcastle, 1825 Obituary Notices of. Tracts, 8vo, vol. i. Gateshead, 1858 104 LIBRARY CATALOGUE Wilson (F. Richard) An Architectural Survey of the Churches in the Archdeaconry of Liruiisfarne, 8vo. Newcastle, 1870 Wilson (Joe) Tyneside Songs and Drolleries, 8vo. Ibid, 1890 Wilton, Description of the Pictures, Statues, &c., in the Earl of Pembroke's House at, 8vo. Salisbury, 1779 Wiltshire. Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of the County of Wiltshire and City of Salisbury, communicated to the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute held at Salisbury, 1849, 8vo. 1851 - Extracted from Doomsday Book; to which is added, a Transla- tion of the original Latin into English, by H. P. Windhatn, 8vo. Salisbury, 1788 Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, vol 2, 5, to 9, 8vo. Devizes, 1855-66 Wise (A. Tucker) Alpine Winter in its Medical Aspects. Wise (F.) Epistola ad V. Cl. loannem Masson de Nummo Abgari Regis, 4to. Oxon, 1736 Nummorum Antiquorum scriniis Bodleianis reconditorum Catalogus, folio. Ibid, 1750 Wishart (Rev. George) The Memoirs of James, Marquis of Montrose, 1639-1650. Edited by Rev. A. Murdoch and Morland Simpson, 4to. 1893 Witt's Recreations Refined, Augmented with Ingenious Conceits for the Wittie, and Merrie Medicines forthe Melancholic, 8vo. 1663 Wogen (Daniel) Die gottesdienstlichen Alterthiimer der Obotriten, aus dem Tempel zu Rhetra, am Tollenzer-See, 410. Berlin. Wood-Cuts. Specimens of Early Wood-Engraving, being Impress- ions of Wood-Cuts from the Collection of Mr. Charnley, New- castle, 4to. Newcastle, 1858 Worrall (John) Bibliotheca Legum ; or, a Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law Books of this Realm, i2mo. 1782 Worsaae (J. J. A.) Primeval Antiquities of Denmark, translated and applied to the Illustration of Similar Remains in England, by Wm. J. Thorns, 8vo. ^49 Wrench (Rev. Frederick) Brief Account of the Parish of Stowting, in the County of Kent. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. 1845 Wright (A. B.) An Essay towards a History of Hexham, 8vo. 2 copies. Alnivick, 1823 Wright (George) Archasologic and Historic Fragments, 8vo. 1887 Wright (Thomas) Feudal Manuals of English History, 8vo. 1872 A Volume of Vocabularies, illustrating the condition and manners of our forefathers, 2 vols, 8vo. 1882-83 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 105 Wyatt (James) Flint Implements in the Drift. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. Bedford, 1860 Yates (James, M.A.) On the Mining operations of the Romans in Britain. Ibid. Taunton, 1859 - Der Pfahl-Graben. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 12 Augsburg, 1858 Year Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, 12 vols. 1884-95 York. Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of the County and City of York, communicated to the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute held at York, 1846, 2 vols, 8vo. 1847 An Account of the Institution and Design of the York Emanuel established in the Years 1781 and 1782, 4to. - Eboracum ; or, the History and Antiquities of the City of York, 2 vols. in i, 8vo. York, 1788 Account of the Prince of Wales's Visit to the City, in 1789, 4to. Ibid, 1789 Catalogue of the Subscription Library, with the Rules of the Society, and a List of the Members, 8vo. Ibid, 1842 York (Duke of) Account of the Death and Funeral Procession of, the Proceedings in Newcastle on the occasion ; his Visit to Newcastle in 1795, &c., 8vo. Sykes' Tracts. Newcastle, 1827 -The Proceedings in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on the occasion, &c. , &c., collected by John Sykes, 4to. 1827 Catalogue of the Library of, sold by Mr. Sotheby, May, 1827, 8vo. 1827 Yorkshire Philosophical Society, Reports, 1823-1845, 2 vols, 8vo, York. Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journal, vols. i to 13, 8vo. 1870-95 Quarter Session Records, Edited by the Rev. J. C. Atkinson, 6 vols, 8vo. North Riding Record Society, 1884-88 Young (Hugh W.) The Ancient Bath at Burghead, with remarks on its origin, 4to. Edinburgh, 1890 Zellerum (Eduardum) de VI. Logicae Rationis in Describenda Philosophise Historia, Epistola quam Scripsit M. J. Monrad. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 12. Christianicz, 1860 PUBLICATIONS OF THE PUBLIC RECORD COMMISSIONERS. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reigns of Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I., 1547 to 1625, 12 vols, 8vo. 1862-71 Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles I., 1625 to 1648, 21 vols, 8vo. 1858-93 Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, during the Common- wealth, 1649 to 1660, 8 vols, 8vo. 1875-86 Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles II., 1660 to 1667, 7 vols, 8vo. 1860-66 Calendar of State Papers during the Reign of Henry VIII., n vols, 4to. 1830-52 Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts, 1515 to 1624, 5 vols, 8vo. 1867-73 Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts, Book of Howth, 8vo. 1871 Calendar of Treasury Papers, 1557 to 1728, 5 vols, 8vo. 1868-79 Calendar of State Papers, Scotland, 150910 1603, 2 vols, 8vo. 1858 Calendar of Border Papers, 1560 to 1594, vol. i, 8vo. 1894 Calendarium Genealogicum, Henry III. to Edward I., 2 vols, 8vo. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII., 1537, 8vo. 1890 Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England from 10 Richard II. to 33 Henry VIII., edited by Sir Harris Nicolas, 7 vols, 8vo. 1834-37 The Ancient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury of His Majesty's Exchequer, together with other Documents illustrat- ing the History of that Repository, collected and edited by Sir Francis Palgrave, K.H., 3 vols, 8vo. 1836 Excerpta Rotulis Finium Turri Londinensi asservatis Henrico Tertio Rege A.D. 1216-1272, cur Caroli Roberts, 2 vols, 8vo. 1835-36 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 107 Rotuli Cancellarii vel Autigraphum Magni Rotuli Pipae de Tertio anno Regni Regis Johannis, 8vo. l &33 Rotuli Normanniae in Turri Londinensi asservati, Johanne et Henrico Quinto Angliae Regibus, accurante Thoma Duffus Hardy, vol. I., de annis 1200 a 1205 necnon de anno 1417, 8vo. 1835 Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Londinensi asservati, Tempore Regis Johannis, accurante Thoma Duffus Hardy, 8vo. 1835 A General Introduction to Doomsday Book, accompanied by Indexes of the Tenants in Chief and Under-tenants at the time of the Survey, with Notes and Comments, by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H., F.R.S., &c., 2 vols, 8vo. 1833 Fines ; sive, Pedes Finium, sive Finales Concordiae in Curia Domini Regis ab anno septimo Regni Regis Ricardi I. ad annum decimum sextum Regis Johannis A.D. 1195-1214, edente Josepho Hunter, vol. i, 8vo. 1835 Rotuli Selecti ad Res Anglicas et Hibernicas, spectantes, ex Archivis in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi deprompti, curvary Ivories in the Museum of Jos. Mayer, 37 Fosbroke (T. D.) Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, 39 French (G. J.) Notes on the Nimbus, 40 Gatty (A.) Book of Sun-Dials, 4 1 Cell (Sir W.) Antiquities of Ithaca, 41 Hogg (J.) Some Ancient Assy- rian and Egyptian Sculp- tures, &c., 48 further Account of ditto. 48 Hume (A.) Ancient Meols, 50 lamblichus on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, &c. , 51 Kemble (J.) Horae Ferales, 53 Keyser's Mural Decorations, 54 Lea (H. C.) Superstition and Force, 55 Lindsay (J.) An Ancient Talis- man, 56 MacLaren (C.) Plain of Troy, 58 Marbles (Ancient) in the British Museum, Description of, 18 Marmora Oxoniensia ex Arun- dellianis, 73 Marmorum Oxoniensium, 59 Miscellanea Graphica, 61 Montfaucon (B. de) Antiquity explained, 62 Montfaucon (B. de) Antiquities of Italy, 62 Monumenta Patavina, 62 Monumenti Inediti, 62 Munteri (F.) Epistola ad Ser- gium, 63 OlivasQ.) InMarmorIsiacum,72 Osservazioni di Ennio Quirino Visconti, 72 Ouvaroff (M.) Essay on the Mysteries of Eleusis, 72 Perthes (M. B. de) Antiquities Celtiques, 74 Pettingal (J.) Inscription on Copper Table near Heraclea, 74 Potter(Bp.)Antiquities ofGreece 75 Reliquias Galeanae, 40 Schone (R.) Le Antichita del Museo Bocchi, 84 Scott (W. B.) Antiquarian Glean- ings, 85 Sims (R.) Manual for the Topo- grapher, Antiquary, &c., 87 Smith (C. R.) Collectanea Anti- qua, 87 - Retrospections, 87 Terra Cottas in the British Museum, Description of, 18 Thomson and Hogg, Sketches of Kertch, 96 Ursato (S.) Explanatio Notarum et Litterarum, 100 Webb (P. C.) Account of a Cop- per Table discovered near Heraclea, 102 AMERICA. Antiquities Americana?, 9 Rafn (C. C.) Memoria sulla scopertu dell' America, 76 Apercu de 1'Ancienne Geo- graphie desRegions Arctiques de I'Amerique, 76 Smithsonian Institution Reports 88 130 CLASSIFIED INDEX Willard (J.) Address, aooth Anniversary of Lancaster, 103 ARCHITECTURE. Brandon (R. & J. A.) Parish Churches, 17 Britton (J.) Union of Architecture Sculpture, and Painting", 18 Dictionary of Architecture, &c., 1 8 Christian Architecture, 18 Gothic Architecture, Essays on, 42 Halfpenny's Gothic Ornaments, 44 Petit (J. L.) Architectural Studies in France, 74 Parker's DomesticArchitecture, 73 Turner (T. H.) DomesticArchi- tecture, 97 Wickes (C.) Spires and Towers of Mediaeval Churches, 103 BANNATYNE CLUB PUBLICA- TIONS. Accounts of the Great Chamber- lains of Scotland. Acts and Proceeding's of the General Assemblies. Adamnan, Life of St Columba. Arbroath, Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc. Baillie's Letters and Journals. Bannatyne Miscellany, Vol. I. Brechin, Registrum Episcopatus Brechinensis. Chronica de Mailros. Collegiate Churches of Midlo- thian. Diurnal of Remarkable oc- curents. Darian Papers. Dryburgh, Liber S. Marie de. Dumfermelyn, Registrum de. Glasgow. Registrum Epis- copatus Glasguensis. Holland's Buke of the Howlat. Holyrood. Chronicon Ccenobii Sanctae Crucis. - Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis. Inchaffery. Liber Insule Mis- sarum. James V. Excerpta e Libris Jacobi Quinti. James VI., Letters to. Kelso. Liber S. Marie de Calchou. Lanercost, Chronicon. Letters from Roundhead Officers Liber Sanctae Marie de Melros. Melville (Sir. J.) Memoirs ofhis own Life. Midlothian. Charters of the Hospital of Soltre, &c. , Moray. Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis. Newbotle. Registrum S. Marie de. North Berwick. Carte Moni- alium de. Royal Letters, Charters, &c., relating to the Colonization of Nova Scotia. Registrum Metellanum. St. Andrews. Liber Cartarum Prioratus Sancti Andree. St. Giles, Edinburgh. Regis- trum Cartarum Ecclesie Sancti Egidii. Scone. Liber Ecclesie de. Scotland. Origines Parochiales Scotiae. The Ragman Rolls. Thompson (T.) Memoir of. BELGIUM. D'Auvergne (E.) Campaign in Flanders, 31 CLASSIFIED INDEX BIBLIOGRAPHY. TYPO- GRAPHY. Adamson (J.) Bibliotheca Lusit- ana, 98 Allan Press, Brockett's Cata- logue of Works printed at, 98 Anderson (J. P.) Book of British Topography, 9 Bamburgh Castle Library, Cata- logue of, 24 Bell(J. G.)Catalogue of Bewick's Works, 14 Bell (T. ) Catalogue of his Library 14 Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 15 Askeviana, 1 5 Bibliographer, The, 15 Britton (J.) Essay on Topo- graphical Literature, 19 Brockett (J. T.) Hints on es- tablishing a Typographical Society, 98 Catalogue of his Library, 19 Catalogue of Oriental Manu- scripts, 24 Catalogus Librorum Sanskrit- anorum, 24 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliomania, 32 Durham Cathedral, Catalogue of the Libraries at, 92 Codicum Manuscriptorum, 34 . Harleian Manuscripts, Cata- logue of, 1 08 Hoare, The, Library at Stour- head, Catalogue of, 24 Hodgson (T.) Essay on Stereo- type Printing, 99 Home (T. H.) Introduction to Bibliography, 49 Hunter (J.) Notices of English Monastic Libraries, 50 Lansdowne Manuscripts, Cata- logue of, 107 Literary & Philosophical Society of Newcastle, Catalogue, 66 Martin (J . ) Catalogue of privately printed Books, 60 Moule (T.) Bibliotheca Heraldica 63 Reid (J.) Bibliotheca Scoto- Celtica, 78 St. Nicholas' Church, New- castle, Catalogue of Library in, 24 Santander (M.) Essay on Print- ing"; 99 Schroder (J. H.) Incunabula ArtisTypographicae in Suecia, 84 Sims (R.) Handbook to the Library of the Brit. Museum, 87 Manual for Genealogists, &c., 87 Smith (J. R.) Bibliotheca Can- tiana, 88 Surtees (R.) Catalogue of his Library, &c., 91 Willett (R.) Memoir on Printing, 100 Worrall (J.) Bibliotheca Legum, 104 York, Catalogue of the Sub- scription Library, 105 York (Duke of) Catalogue of his Library, 105 Yorkshire Books, &c., in the Library of E. Hailstone, Catalogue of, 23 BIOGRAPHY. (INCLUDING LETTERS AND DIARIES.) Adamnan's Life of St. Columba, 4 Adamson (E. H.) Scholae Novo- castrensis Alumni, 79 Adamson (J. Obituary Notice of, 4 ^Elfredi Magni Anglorum Regis Vita, a J. Spelman, 89 Aidan, the Apostle of the North, 40 Anderson (J.) Memoirs of the House of Hamilton, 9 132 CLASSIFIED INDEX Andrewes (L.) Life of, 98 Aubrey (J.) Memoirs of, by Britton, 19 Bacon (Fryer) The Famous Historic of, 12 Baillie (R.) Letters and Journals 12 Barber (J.) History of the Life of, 13 Barnes (A.) Life of, 94, 98 Basire (J.) Correspondence of, with Life by Darnell, 31 Bewick's Life and Times, 15 Blackett (Sir W.) Life of, 98 Blackett (Sir W.) of Newcastle, Obsequies of the Family of, 79 Bowes (R.) The Correspond- ence of, 92 Brand (J.) Letters to R. Beilby, 98, 114 Britton (J.) Autobiography, 19 Brockett (J. T.) Memoir of, 98 Brockie (W.) Sunderland Not- ables, 20 Butler (Bishop) Memorials, 22 Cappock (Bp. T.) Trial and Life of, 23 Carey (W.) Biographical Notice of, 98 Charles I. Epithalamium Caroli Regis, 25 Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, 40 Dixon's Fasti Eboracenses, 33 Dixon (B. H.) On Surnames, 32 Dugdale (W.) Life, &c. , of, 34 Durham, Obituary Rolls, 93 Durham, Liber Vitae Ecclesiae Dunelmensis, 92 Elstob (W. & E.) Lives of, 79 Farrer (J.) Memoir of, 98 Fen wick (J.) Obituaries of New- castle Worthies, 98 Obituary Resolution of Bible Society, 98 Ship-boy Life of, 99 Obits of Members of the Literary and Philosophical Society, 99 Fenwick (Ann) Recollections of 99 Foster (M.) Life of, 39 Fox (S.) Memoirs of, 40 Fuller (T.) Worthies of Cum- berland and Westmoreland, 40 Ged (W.) Memoirs of, 99 Gibson (J.) Notice of, 41 Gilpin (B.) Life of, 42 Gilpin (Richard) Memoirs of, 42 Godric (St.) Libellus de Vita et Miraculia, 92 Gowrie (W. Earl of) Examina- tion and Death of, 42 Granville (D.) Letters, 93, 94 Gravii (J.) Vita, 43 Hartshorne (E. S.) Enshrined Hearts, 46 Hailes (W. A.) Obituary Notice of, 99 Has well (T.) Life of, 46 Hatcher (H.) Memoirs of, by Britton, 19 Henry III., View of the long Life and Reign of, 47, 99 Henry the Fourth of France, Life and Heroyck Deeds of, 47 Hodgson (J.) Memoir of, 48 Horsley (J.) Life of, 49 Hunter (J.) Memoir of, 50 Hutton (C.) Memoir of, 51 Hutton (Archbp. M.) Corres- pondence of, 92 Hutton (W.) Life of, 51 James VI. of Scotland, Letters to, from the Queen, &c. , 52 Historic and Life of, 52 Lawson (Mrs. D.) Life of, 55 Letters from Orinda to Poliar- chus, 56 Letters between J. Ellis and Walter Scott, 99 Long Meg of Westminster, Life of, 57 Lonsdale (H.) Worthies ofCum- berland, 57 Lovat (Lord) Life, &c., of, 57 CLASSIFIED INDEX Mack (J.) Obituary of, 99 Marshall (J.) Biographical Notice of, 60 Marshman (J.) Biographical Sketches of, 99 Melville (Sir J.) Memoirs, 60 Miscellanea Biographia, 92 Moore (Sir T.) Life of Edward V.,62 Morton (Bp.)Life of, byBarwick *3 Musgrave (Sir P.) Life of, 64 Newton (Samuel) Diary of, 22 Noble (M.) Memoirs of the Pro- tectorate House of Cromwell, 69 Olave, King of Man, Anecdotes of, 72 Oscar I. Personalier oplaeste ved 74 Parnham (C.) Memoir of, 22 Pudsey (Bp.) Life of, 76 Radcliffe (Sir G. ) Life, &c. , of, 76 Riccio (D.) Some Particulars of the Life of, 79 Rogers (C.) Three Scottish Re- formers, 82 Rokeby (Justice) Memoir of, 93 Salisbury (Earl of) Life and Death of, 99 Salvin (H.) Memoir of, 83 Scott (VVm.) Letters of, 79 Shawe (J.) Memoir of, 86 Smith (J.) Memoranda relative to, 87 Sopwith (T.) Life of, 89 Sparfvenfeld (J. G. ) Itinera et Labores,aS. N. Bergstedt, 15 Stephenson (G.) Memoir of, 90 Stubbs (G.) Memoir of, 91 Stukeley (Rev. W.) Life and Correspondence, 94 Surtees (R. ) Biographical Notice of, 79 Memoir of, 92 Taylor (H.) Memoirs, 96 Taylor (R. V.) Biographia Leodiensis, 95 Thompson (Thomas) Memoir of 96 Thornton (Mrs) Autobiography 94 Thoresby (R.) Diary of, 96 Trevor (Bp.) Sketch of the Life of, 97 Tunstall and Allan, Memoirs of, 99 Upcott (W.) Memoir of, 100 Wallace (Sir W.) Life and Acts, 101 Walpole (H.) Richard theThird, 101 Wawn (C. N.) Obituary of, 100 Welford (R.) Men of Mark, 102 Wilson (E. J.) Memoir of, by J. Britton, 19 Wilcock (P. ) Lives of the Abbots of Wearmouth, 103 Willard (J.) Willard Memoir, 103 Wilson (T.) Obituary Notices of, 103 Wishart's Marquis of Montrose, 104 BORDERS. A Booke of the Losses in the Middle Marches, 80 Border Tour, 17 Calendar of Border Papers, 106 English, The, Border in the Days of Henry VIII., 80 Nicolson (Bp.) Leges Mar- chiarum, 69 Ridpath (G.) Border History, 81 Sanderson (R. P.) Survey of the Debateable and Border Lands 83 CIVIL WAR AND COMMON- WEALTH. Anderson (F.) Letter to Sir T. Glenham, 79 s 134 CLASSFIED INDEX Civil War Tracts, 25 Diurnall Occurences, 25 Fenwick (J.) Christ ruling in the Midst of his Enemies, 79 Letters from Roundhead Officers 5 6 Milton (J.) Defensio pro Populo Anglicano, 61 Montrose (Marquis of) Papers connected with the Civil War, 62 Newcastle, Siege of, Lithgow, 99 Taking of, by the Scots, 79 - Letter from, 79 - Relation of the taking of, IOO Ordinances for the Maintenance of preaching Ministers, 80 Philips (T.) The Long Parlia- ment revived, 74 Prynne (W.) A serious Epistle to, 76 Skirmish in Northumberland, 70 COALS AND COLLIERIES. A pleasant Discovery of the Coosenage of Colliers, 10, 80 Certain Matters relating to prices of Coals, 80 Brief for the Coal Owners against the Petition of Glass- makers, &c. , 115 Coal Exchange Papers, 28 Coal Factors Weekly Price List, 115 Coal and Lead Mining Terms, ri 5 Collieries, Plans of, 29 Reports and Papers re- lating to, 29 Compleat Collier, 80 Gardiner (R.) England's Griev- ance discovered, 41 Ordinance of the Lords and Commons relating to the Sale of Coals, 80 Sea-Coale, Char-Coale, and Small-Coale, 80 DICTIONARIES. GLOSSARIES. Ains worth (R.) Latin and Eng- lish Dictionary, 6 Blount (T.) Glossographia, 16 Bosworth (J.) Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 17 Brockett (J. T.) Glossary of North Country Words, 19 - Preface to, 19 Chamber's Cyclopaedia, 25 Grose (F.) Provincial Glossary, 44 Halbertsma (J.) Lexicon Frisi- cum, 44 Heslop(R. O.) Northumberland Words, 48 Laborde (L.) Glossaire Francais 54 Murray (J. A. H.) New English Dictionary, 63 Rabenius (O.) Glossarii Latino- Svethici Specimen, 76 Ray(J.) Collection of English Words, 77 Spelman (Sir H.) Glossarium Archaiologicum, 89 Tattam (H.) Lexicon JEgyp- tiaco Latinum, 95 FINE ARTS. Ayloffe (Sir J.) Description of an ancient Picture at Windsor, 12 Description of a Painting at Cowdray, 12 Batte (L.) Le Raphael de M. Morris Moore, 14 Bewick Gleanings, 15 Book Illustrating, Modern Methods of, 17 Christie (J. ) Painted Greek Vases 27 CLASSIFIED INDEX 135 Christie (J.) History of Greek Sculpture, 27 Haddon (A. C.) Decorative Art 44 Historical Account of an ancient Painting at Cowdray, 30 Jackson and Chatto, Treatise on Wood Engraving, 27 Topham (J.) Description of an ancient Painting at Windsor, 96 Vertue (G.) Historical Prints, 100 Wood Cuts, Specimen of Early Wood Engraving, 104 FRANCE. LITERATURE, HISTORY, AND ANTIQUITIES. Academic Royale'des Inscrip- tions, 4 - Royale des Sciences, 4 Accounts, &c., of MSS. in Library of the King of France, 4 Amiens, Musee Napoleon a, 9 Anvers, Description de la Ville d', 10 Bertier (F.) Aix-Les-Bains, 15 Chantre (E.) Age du Bronze, 25 Age du Fer, 25 D'Anisy (L.) Chartres et actes Normands, 31 Delgrove (M. E.) Histoire dela Ville de Doullens, 31 Deville(A.)Histoire duChateau- Gaillard, 32 - Tombeuax de laCathedrale de Rouen, 32 Chateau deTancarville, 32 Duckett(SirG. F.) Charters and Records of the Abbey of Cluni 33 Ducarel, Antiques Anglo-Nor- mandes, 33 Gerville (M.) Lettres sur la Communication entre les Deux Bretagnes, 41 Grenier (D.) Introduction a 1' Histoire de la Province de Picardie, 43 Inscriptiones de la Province des Flandre, 51 Lamartine's Girondists, 55 Lepsius (R.) Lettre a M. H. Rosellini, 56 M^moires de la Societe a Emu- lation d' Abbeville, 60 Miln (J.)FouillesfaitesaCarnoc 61 Musee Royale, Notice des Tableaux exposes dans le, 63 Notre Dame, Cartulaire de L' Abbaye, 71 Olde (E. M.) de Universitate Parisensi, 72 Petit (J. L.) Architectural Studies in, 74 Pownall (T.) Antiquities of the Provincia RomanaofGaul, 75 Vertot, Establishment of the Britons among the Gauls, 100 GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. Anderson (J.) House of Hamil- ton, 9 Button (T. C.) Collections re- lating to the families of D'Annville, etc., 22 CalendariumGenealogicum, 106 Carlisle, Collections for a history of the family of, 23 Carr, History of the family of, 23 Clavering, The Titular Barony of, 28 Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, 28 Edgar, Genealogical Collections concerning the House of, 36 Forster (J.) Collectanea Genea- logica, 39 Forsters of Cold Hesledon, Pedigree of, 39 136 CLASSIFIED INDEX French, Notes on the Surnames of, 40 - Index Armorial, 40 Grimaldi (S.) Origines Genea- logicae, 43 Herald and Genealogist, 47 Howard (H.) Indications of Memorials, &c, of the Howard Family, 49 Hunter's Familiae Minorum Gentium, 46 Jackson (W.) Papers and Ped- igrees, 52 Longstaffe (W. H.) The House of Clervaux, 57 - Parentalian Memoranda, 57. Loraine Family, Genealogy, &c, . of, 79 Miscellanea Genealogica, 61 Moule (T.) Table of Dates for Genealogists, 63 Nevill, The House of, 95 Percy, Annals of the House of, 74 Radclyffe Family, Genealogy of 99 Register, The, and Magazine of Biography, 78 Sainthill (R.) The Old Countess of Desmond, 83 Scott (W.) Pedigree of Scott of Stokoe, 84 Scott, Genealogical Memoirs of the family of, 82 Scrope and Grosvenor Roll, 85 Sims (R.) Manual for the Genea- logist, &c., 87 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS. Barton (J. A.) Tour in the South of France, 13 Essex (J.) Tour thro' Flanders, 22 Gurney (J.) A Winter in the West Indies, 44 Hondius (H.) Atlas, 49 Hume (H.) Philosophy of Geo- graphical Names, 50 Lilii (Z.) Orbis Breviarium, 56 Lithgow (W.) Travels, 56 Maundeville (Sir J.) Voyaige and Travaile, 60 Patin (C.) Travels through Germany, &c. , 73 Perthes (M. B. de) Voyage en Espagne, &c., 74 - Voyage a Constantinople par 1' Italie, 74 Rylands (T. G.) The Geography of Ptolemy, 82 Salvin (H.) Journal on board the Cambridge, 83 Speed (J.) Prospect of the most famous parts of the World, 89 GERMANY. LITERATURE, &c. Busching, Versuch Einleitung in die Geschichte der Alt- deutschen Bauart, 22 Cohausen (A. Von) Der Romis- che Grenzwall, 28 Klein (K.) iiber die Legionen, 54 Lappenberg (J. M.) Au die Alterthumsforcher Deutsch- lands, 55 Moller (G.) Denkmaler der Deutschen Baukunst, 62 Mowat (J. L. G.) Teufelsmauer and Pfahlgraben, 63 Primisser (A.) die Kaiserlich- konigliche Ambraser-Samm- lung, 76 Schoning (H. G.) Abhandlung von der Unwissenheit der alten Griechen und Romer des Nordens, 84 Stukken, over Letter, Geschied- en-Oudheidkunde, 91 CLASSIFIED INDEX 137 HERALDRY. Anstis (J.) Knighthood of the Bath, 9 Bara (H. de) le Blason des Armoiries, 13 Barber's Arms of Northumber- land Gentry, 13 Bedfordshire, Visitation of, 45 Betham (W.) Baronetage of England, 15 Bolton (S.) Extinct Peerage, 16 Brydson (T.) View of Heraldry, 21 Coats (J.) Dictionary ofHeraldry 28 Collins (A.) Peerage of England 29 Dorsetshire Visitation of, 45 Dugdale (W.) Antient Usage in bearing Arms, 33 Another Edition by Banks, 33 - Visitation of York, 93 Durham, Visitation of, by Flower, 34 - Visitation of, by St. George 34 - Visitation of, 1575-1615 and 1666, 39 English Compendium, 36 Gloucestershire, Visitation of, 45 Gregson (M.) Illustrations, &c., upon Richardson's Armorial Bearings, 115 Guillim (J.) Display of Heraldry 44 Heraldry, A Synopsis of, 47 Hertfordshire Visitation of, 45 Honoris de Richmond, 81 Herald and Genealogist, 47 King(J.) National arms, 54 Kirby's Survey of York, 94 Leicestershire, Visitation of, 45 LeNeve's Catalogue of Knights, 45 London, Visitation of, 45 Metcalfe (W. C.) Book of Knights Bannerets, 61 Middlesex, Visitation of, by Ryley and Dethic, 82 Moule (T.) Bibliotheca Her- aldica, 63 Nichols (J.) Observations on Heraldic Devices on the Effigies of Richard II. and his Queen, 68 Nisbet (A.) System of Heraldry, 69 Norfolk, Visitation of, 45 Northumberland, Visitation of, by St. George 1615 and Dug- dale 1666, 39, 59 Visitation of, by Flower, 1575 and 1615, 113 Notitia Anglicana, 71 Nottingham, Visitation of, 45 Oxford, Visitation of, 45 Papsworth and Morant, Dic- tionary of Coats of Arms, 73 Philipot (T.) Discourse of Her- aldry, 74 Porny (M. A.) Elements of Her- aldry, 75 Richardson (M. A.) Armorial Bearings, St. Nicholas, 80 Armorial Bearings, St. Andrews, 80 - Armorial Bearings of the Companies, 81 Robson(T.) British Herald, 81 Rutland, Visitation of, 45 Shropshire, Visitation of, 45 Tonge (T.) Heraldic Visitation of the Northern Counties, 93 Warwickshire, Visitation of, 45 Waterhous (E.) of Arms and Armory, 102 Worcestershire, Visitation of, 46 HISTORY. Bruce (J.) Historical Atlas, 20 - Summary of Ancient His- tory, 20 '38 CLASSIFIED INDEX Cumberland (Bp.) Origines Gentium Antiquissimae, 30 Europe, the present State of, 36 Florentii Wigorniensis Chroni- con, 39 Patriot's Calendar for 1795, 73 Perizonii (J.) Oratio de Fide Historiarum, 74 Sprott (T.) Chronica, 89 Chronicle of Profane and Sacred History, 89 Universal History, 100 Waterloo, Battle of, 102 Zellerum (E.) Philosophise His- toria, 105 HISTORY. BRITISH. Caxton Society Publications, 24 Church Historians of England, I 1 ! 27 Chamberlayne (E.) Anglias Notitia, 25 Charles II., Coronation of, Account of, by Sir E. Walker, 101 Codex Diplomaticus Anglo- Saxonum, 28 Collection of Ordinances, &c., for the Royal Household, 28 Collection of Prophecies relat- ing to the Government of England, 29 Dales (J.) On the Study of the History of England, 31 Dangerfield (T.) Second Narra- tive relative to the Murder of Sir E. Godfrey, 31 Duchesne (A.) Historiae Angli- canae, 33 Fantosme (J.) Chronicle of the War between the English and the Scots, 92 Fox (C. J.) History of the Reign of James II., 39 Gildas de excidio Britanniae, 42 Grafton (R.) Chronicle, 42 Grey (Sir T.) Scalachronica, 43 Hardy (T.) Modus Tenendi Parliamentum, 45 Hardyng (J.) Chronicle, 45 Hartshorne (C. H.) Itinerary of Edward II., 46 Hemingburgh (W. de) Chroni- con, 47 Henrici Quinti, Angliae Regis, 47 Jeffrey of Monmouth, British History, 53 Liber Niger Scaccarii, 56 Liber Quotidianus, 56 Macpherson (J. ) Original Papers 1688-1714, 59 Monumenta Historica Britan- nica, 62 Murimuthensis (A.) Chronica, 63 Nennius' The Historia Brit- tonum, 44, 64 Political Pamphlets, 75 Rebellion of 1569, 78 Richard II., Chronique de la Traison et Mort de, 79 Sharp (Sir C.) Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569, 86 Spelman (Sir HJ Villa Angli- canum, 89 Spelman (Sir J.) ^Elfredi Magni Anglorum Regis, 89 Stephen, Gesta Stephani, Regis Anglorum, 90 Triveti (F. N.) Annales sex Regum Angliae, 97 Whitworth (C.)The Succession of Parliaments, 103 Willis (B.) Notitia Parliamen- taria, 103 (See also Topography and Rolls Series. ) HUNGARY. Fumee (M.) Historic of ,the Troubles in Hungarie, 40 CLASSIFIED INDEX IRELAND. Atkinson (R.) Irish Lexography 1 1 Battle of Gabhara, 14 Conan of Ceann-Sleibhe, 29 Croker (T. C.) Discoveries of Gold Plates, 30 Dublin, Registers of the French Conformed Churches of St. Patrick, 50 Grose (F.) Antiquities, 44 Hogan (E.) Cath-Rins na Rig for Boinn, 48 Inquisitionum in Officio Rotu- lorum Cancellariae Hiberniae, 109 Kilkenny Archaeological Society Transactions, 52 Maccarthy (B.) Codex Palatino- Vaticanus, 58 O'Conor (C.) Rerum Hiberni- carum Scriptores Veteres, 72 O'Reilly (E.) Chronological Account of Irish Writers, 72 Phillips (J. J.) St. Mary's of Grey Abbey, 75 Rotulorum Patentium etClaus- orum Cancellarise Hiberniae, 109 Stokes (M.) Early Christian Art, 90 Wilde (W. R.) Catalogue of Antiquities in the Royal Irish Academy, 103 ITALY. Berlanga (R.) El Neuvo Bronce de Italica, 15 Marangoni (G. ) Delia Cose Gentilesche, 59 Labruzzi (C.) Via Appia, 54 Montiroli (G.) Osservazioni del Foro Romano, 77 Musee Dodwell, 63 Ravioli (C.) Ragionamento del Foro Romano, 77 LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE. Act for Railway from Newcastle to Carlisle, 4 Act for Bridge over the Wans- beck, 4 Act of William III. relating to the Coinage, 4 Cooper (C. P.) Lettres sur le Cour de la Chancellerie d' Angleterre, 29 Duckett (Sir G. F.) Penal Laws, 33 England, Ancient Laws and Institutes of, 109 Fenwick (Sir J.) Protest of cer- tain Lords against Bill of Attainder, 98 - Proceedings in the House of Lords, 1 16 Jamieson (J.) Trial and Execu- tion of, 52 Jones (T.) Examination of, 53 Montgomery v. Doubleday and Easterby, Proceedings in, IID Pitcairn (R.) Ancient Criminal Trials, 75 Selden (J.) History of Tythes, 85 Somers (J. Lord) Security of Englishmen's Lives, 89 Statutes of King William and Queen Mary, Abridgment of, 90 Thompson (J.) The Commu- tation Act considered, 96 Townley (Col.) Trial and Exe- cution of, 97 Trial of Claiment to Stirling Peerage, 90 Wales, Ancient Laws and In- stitutes of, 109 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. Boemus (J.)Laws, Manners, and Customs of all Nations, 16 140 CLASSIFIED INDEX Bourne (H.) Antiquitates Vul- gares, 17 Christmas Prince, an Account of the, 27 MEDICINE. Chinese Work on Medicine, 27 Cholera at Newcastle, &c., in 1831-32, 27 Clanny (W. R.)Hyperanthraxis, 28 Clark (J.) Papers on Fever Hospital, 28 Fever in Newcastle, 66 Greenhow (T. M.) Vaccination, 43 Cholera in Newcastle, 43 MUSIC. Bruce and Stokoe, Small Pipe Tunes, 21 Fenwick (J.) Remarks on Bag Pipes and Pipe Music, 37 Topliff (R.) Melodies of theTyne and Wear, 96 Pipe Music, MS. vol of, 116 Tunes copied by Mr. Stokoe 116 Letters and Papers relating to, 116 Collections of Tunes as Played in Northumberland, 116 NEWCASTLE TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. (See Pages, 98, 99) NUMISMATICS. Acts relating to the Coinage, 4 Adamson (J.) Catalogue of Stycas, 4 Addison (J.) Dialogues upon Ancient Medals, 6 Adler (J. G.) Museum Cuficum, 6 Ainslie (Gen.) Anglo-French Coinage, 6 Akerman (J. Y.) Catalogue of rare Roman Coins, 6 - Numismatic Manual, 6 Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes, 6 - Intoduction to Study of Coins, 6 - Coins of Romans relating to Britain, 6 Remarks on the Coins of Ephesus, 6 Forgeries of Public Money 6 - Further Observ. on the Coinage of Ancient Britain, 6 Anglo-Gallic Coins in the British Museum, 18 Arbuthnot (J.) Table of Ancient Coins, &c. , 10 Babelon (E. ) Monnaies de la Republique Romaine, 12 Banduri (D. A.) Numismata ImperatorumRomanorum, 13 Bartlett (B.) Episcopal Coins of Durham, 98 Beauvais, Essay on distinguish- ing Antique from Counterfeit Coins, 98 Begeri (L.) Thesaurus Branden- burgicus, 14 Bergne (J. B.) Foreign or Counterfeit Sterlings, 15 Coins in the King of Den- mark's Cabinet, 15 Bonanni (P.) Numismata Ponte- ficum, 16 Boyne (W.) Silver Tokens of Gt. Britain, 17 Brandreth (H.) Anglo-Saxon Stycas of Northumbria, 17 Brockett (J. T.) Selecta Numis- mata Aurea, 98 Brockett (W. H.) Roman-W T all Emperors and their Coins, 19 CLASSIFIED INDEX 141 Brockett (W. H.) Tradesmens' Tokens, Durham and North- umberland, 19 Cumberland & West- moreland, 19 - Derbyshire, 19 Burn (J.H.) Catalogue of Lon- don Tokens, 21 Cardonnel (A de) Numismata Scotiae, 23 Chalon (R.) Monnaies de Reck- heim, 24 - Ernest de Mansfield, 24 Choix de Medailles Antiques d'Olbiopolis, 27 Cohen (H.) Monnaies L'Empire Romaine, 28 Combe ( C.)Nummorumveterum Populorum et Urbium, 29 Combe (T.) Veterum Populorum et Regum Numi qui in Museo Britannico, 18 Conder (J.) Arrangement of Provincial Coins, &c., 29 Dassier, Medals of Sovereigns of England, 31 Descriptio Numorum veterum ex Muscis Ainslie, &c., 32 Dumersan (T. M.) Numismati- que du Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis, 34 Dutens (M. L.) Explication de quelques Mddailles Greques et PheViciennes, 35 Ede (J.) Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations, 35 Edgar (J. F.) Catalogue of his Greek and Roman Coins, 35 Evans (J.) Acccount of Coins found at Verulam, 36 Coins of Ancient Britons, 37 Fleetwood (Bp.) Chronicon Presiosum, 38 Folkes (M.) Tables of English Silver and Gold Coins, 39 Fortegnelse over G. F. Timms udmaerkede Mynt-og Medaille Samling, 39 Frost (H.H.) Mynt-og Medaille- Samling, 40 Gough (R.) Catalogue of the Coins of Canute, 42 Haigh (D. H.) Numismatic History of the East Angles, 44 Hallenberg (J.) Numismata Orientalia, 45 Havercamp (S.) Dissertationes de Alexandri Magni Numis- mate, 47 Head (B. V.) Historia Numorum 47 Hirsch (J. C.) Bibliotheca Numismatica, 48 Hobler (F.) Roman History, as exhibited on Roman Coins, 48 Humphreys (H. N.) Coin Col- lector's Manual, 50 Hussey (R.) Essay on Ancient Weights and Money, 51 Keary (C. F.) Catalogue of English Coins, 53 Kerrick (T.) Catalogue of Roman Coins, 54 Klotzii (C. A.) Historia Nu- morum, 54 Leake(S. M.) Historical account of English Money, 55 Lindsay (J.) Coinage of Scotland 56 Coinage of Ireland, 56 Coinage of the Parthians, 56 Remarkable Medieval Coins, 56 Remarkable Greek, Roman and Anglo-Saxon Coins, 56 Lowndes (W.) The Regulating Silver Coin, 57 Marsden (W.) Numismata Orientalia, 59 Mazzuchellianum (Museum) Sive Numismata Virorum Doctrina, 60 Medaillesfrapp^essousleRegne de 1' Imperatrice Reine Marie The"rese, 60 T 142 CLASSFIED INDEX Merry (W.) Remarks on the Coinage of England, 61 Morelli (A.) Thesaurus sive Familiarum Romanorum Nu- mismata omnia, 62 - Thesaurus sive Impera- torum Romanorum Numis- mata, 62 Musellio (J.) Numismata An- tiqua, 64 Napoleon Medals, Catalogue of 64 Neumann (F.) Numi Veteris In- editi Populorum et Regum, 64 Noble (M.) Mint and Coins of Durham, 69 Numismata Cimelii Caesarei Regii Austriaci Vindobonen- sis, 71 Numismatic Journal, 71 Chronicle and Journal, 71 Occone fA. ^ Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata a Pompeo Magno adHeraclium 7i Patin (C.) Imperatorum Roman- orum Numismata, 73 Pedrusi (P.) I Cesari in Oro Raccolti rel Farnese Museo. 73 Pegge (S. ) Coins of Cunobelin, 73 Pettingal (J.) Dissertation upon the Tascia, 74 Pinkerton (J.) Essay on Medals, 75 Rasche (J. C.) Lexion Universae Rei Nmariaeum, 77 Recueil des Medailles des Roi, 78 Rochon (M.) Essai sur les Monnoies, 8r Ruding (R.) Coinage of Britain, 82 Sainthill (R.) Olla Podrida, 83 Numismatic Crumbs, 83 Suggestions for a Medal on the discovery of the Pass- age by the North Pole, 83 Sainthill (R.) Defence of British School of Medal Engraving, 83 Schroder (J. H.) Numismata Anglo-Saxonica, 84 Sestini (D.) Sopra le Medaglie Antiche, 85 Descrizione degli Stateri Antichi illustrati con le Me- daglie, 85 Medaglie Greche del Museo del Sign. C. Fontana, 85 Medaglie Rare del Museo Knobelsdorffiano, 85 - Lettre e Dissertatione Numismaticke, 85 Geographiae Numismaticae seu Monetse Urbium, 85 Medaglie Greche e Romane del fu Benkowitz, 86 - Medaglie Ispane, 86 Siciliae Populorum et Urbium, Veteres Nummi, 86 Smith (A.) Ormonde Money, 87 Copper Coin called St. Patrick's, 87 Irish PewterCoinsof James II., 87 Smith (W.) Literse de Re Nummaria, 88 Smyth (W. H.) Catalogue of a Cabinet of Roman Family Coins, 88 Catalogue of Roman Im- perial Large-Brass>Medals, 88 Snelling (T.) Gold Coinage of England, 88 Silver Coinage of England, 88 Copper Coinage of Eng- land, 88 Coins of English Princes in France, &c. , 88 - Origin, &c., of Jettons, 88 Silver Coinage of Scotland 88 Strozzi (C,) Quadro diGeografia Numismatica, 90 CLASSIFIED INDEX Stukeley (W.) Medallic History of Carausias, 91 Terry's proposals for an Irish Coinage, 22 Trademen's Tokens of iyth Century, 97 Vaillant (J. L.) Arsacidarum Imperium, 100 Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, 100 Seleucidarum Imperium, 100 - Historia Ptolemseorum Egypti Regum, 100 Van Loon (G.) Histoire M6tal- lique des Pay-Bas, 100 Vac Mieris (F.) Histori der Nederland'sche, 100 Velasquez (L. J.) Medallas de los Reyes Godos y Suevos de Espagna, 100 Virtuoso's, The, Companion, 101 Wise (F.) de Nummo Abgari Regis, 104 Nummorum Antiquorum, 104 PERIODICALS. Almanacs, 8 Archaeological Association, Journal of, n - Institute, Journal of, n Army List for 1810, n Berwick Museum, 15 Bibliographer, The, 15 Cambro-Briton, 22 Canadian Journal, 23 Court and City Register, 30 Crypt, The, 30 Folk Lore Journal, 39 Gentlemen's Magazine, 41 Hull Quarterly, 50 L'Album Giornale Letterario, 54 Literary Register, 56 Newcastle Magazine, 67 Newcastle General Magazine, 67 New Agricultural and Commer- cial Magazine, 64 Northumberland and Newcastle Magazine, 71 Numismatic Chronicle and Journal, 71 (Economist, or Englishman's Magazine, 72 Reliquary, 78 Shields Monthly Mirror, 86 Year Book of Scientific and Learned Societies, 105 PHILOLOGY. Finley (W.) English Language, 38 Hallenberg (J.) Disquisitio de nominibus in Lingua Suio- gothica, 45 Hjort (P.) om det engelske Konjugationssystem, 48 Mawer (J.) The Progress of Language, 60 Om det engelske Konjugations- system, 72 Robertson (W.) General Phrase Book, 81 Thomson (J.) Etymons of Eng- lish Words, 96 POETRY. Adamson(J.) Lusitanalllustrata 98 Alnwick Castle, with other Poems, 9 - Verses on the restoringof, 9 Angler's Progress, 98 Atkinson (E.) Poems, n Ballads, Twelve Romantic Scottish, 12 Bateman, Ye Loving Ballad of, '3 Bedingfield and Pickering's Poetry, 14 144 CLASSIFIED INDEX Bell (J.) Rhymes of Northern Bards, 14 Bewick (W.) Miscellany Poems, 15 Brand (J.) Poetical Essays, 17 Britton (J. ) Friendship's Offering Sonnet to, 19 Bruce, The, and Wallace, 21 Buchan (P.) Ancient Ballads and Songs of North of Scotland, 21 - Remarks on, 21 Callendar (J.) Two Ancient Scottish Poems, 22 Cambridge, The, Election, 22 Chalmers (M.) Poems, 24 Chaplets from Coquetside, 30 Cheviot, a Poetical Fragment, 98 Chicken (E.) Collier's Wedding, 98 Cornish Drama, 33 Darnell, (W. N.) Lines on Lord Collingwood, 98 Dialogue between North and South Tyne, 98 Early Metrical Tales, 35 Edvard Kong af Engelland, Historic om, 36 English Miscellanies, 36 Errington (P.) New Copies in Verse, 36 Ferguson (T.) Poems, 38 Fisher (P.) Inauguratio Oliv- ariana, 38 Fisher's Call, 99 Garlands, 99 Flodden, Battle of, Lambe, 39 Weber, 39 Frederick V., Poems on the Marriage of, 40 Gardyne (A.) Garden of Grave and Godlie Flowers, 41 Gilchrist (R.) Poems, 41 Graham (D.) History of the Rebellion, 43 Hall (J.) Widdington, a Tale, 45 Harvey (M.) Lay of the Min- strel's Daughter, 46 Havelock the Dane, 46 Hill (J.) Poems, 48 Holland, Buke of the Howlat, 49 Horace, Odes of, by Lord Ravensworth, 49 Icelandic (Select) Poetry, 51 Is this the Truth? 52 Jameson (R.) Popular Ballads and Songs, 52 Kinmot Willie, a Border Ballad 54 La Belle Assembled; or the Tynemouth Bathers, 54 Lawrence (Prior of Durham) Poems, 94 Lewis (M. G.) Isle of Devils, 56 Lindesay (Sir D.) Works, 56 Lines to a Boy pursuing a Butterfly, 99 Lushington (S. ) The Foundation Stone, 99 Marriage of the Coquet and Alwine, 99 Mayor, The, and the Monks of Tynemouth, 60 Newcastle Burr, the Origin of, 80 CEhlenschlaeger (A.) The Gods of the North, 72 Oliver (W.) Local Songs, 72 Pando (J.) Epistle to Prospero, 99 Penniworth of Wit, 73 Percy (Bp. T.) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 74 Percy Family, Chronicle of the, 79 Poetry, The Battle of the Bards, 75 Probert (W.) The Gododin, 76 Radical Monday, 76 Raffles (Dr.) Cowper's Rose Bushes, 99 Ravensworth (Lord) Carmina Latina, 77 CLASSIFIED INDEX 145 Remember, Remember the twelfth of November, 78 Richardson (W.) GatheringOde of the Fenwyke, 99 - Croft Spa, 8 1 Robert the Deuyll, 81 Roxby (R.) Lay of the Reed- water Minstrel, 99 Song of the Sun, 89 Southern (I.) Sonnets, 89 Spirit of the Times, 89 Stanzas to departed Worth, 89 Surtees (R.) Lines on the Grave of, 91 Thompson (W. G.) Lines on Lord Byron, 99 - Poetical Addresses, 99 Thorburn (T.) Tynemouth, 96 Thorkelin (G. J.) de Danorum Rebus Gestis, Poe'ma Dani- cum, 96 Trois Chants de 1'Edda, 97 Tyne Fisher's Farewell, 100 Tyneside Songs, 98 Verses at the House of W. Henderson, 100 Wallace (Sir W.) Life and Acts, 101 Witt's Recreation, 104 Wallis (R.) The Happy Village, 101 Wandering Knight of Dunstan- borough, 101 Webster (A. R.) Juvenilia Car- mina, 100 White (R.) Tynemouth Nun, 100 - Poems, 103 Will of a Northern Vicar, 100 Wilson (T.) Pitman's Pay, 103 Stanza on New Line of Road, 103 Wilson (Joe) Tyneside Songs, 104 POLITICS. Britton (J.) Authorship of the Letters of Junius, 19 Debate at Large between the Houses of Lords and Com- mons, 31 Political Pamphlets, 75 RAILWAYS. Act for Railway from New- castle to Carlisle, 4 Brandling Junction Railway, Report of Committee of In- vestigation, 17 Day (J.) The Durham and Sun- derland Railway, 31 Newcastle and Carlisle Railway Pamphlets respecting, 68 Views on, 68 REBELLIONS. 1715 AND 1745. Ascanius, or the Young Adven- turer, n Graham (D.) History of the Rebellion, 43 Henderson (A.) History of the Rebellion in 1745-46, 47 Patten (R.) History of the Rebellion, 73 Ray (J.) History of the Rebel- lion in 1745-46, 77 Rebellions in 1715-16 and 1745- 46, Account of, by J. Sykes, 78 Rebellion in 1745-46, History of, 78 Sinclair, Memoirs of the Insur- rection in Scotland in 1715, 87 RECORDS. Ayloffe (Sir J.) Calendars of Charters, and of Welch and Scottish Rolls, 12 Brantingham (Thomas de) Issue Roll, 32 146 CLASSIFIED INDEX Cotton (Sir R.) Abridgement of Records, 30 Estcourt and Payne's Catholic Nonjurors, 36 Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Nor- manniae, 59 Memoria da Commissao dos Arquivos da Gran-Bretanha, Payne (J. O.) Records of the English Catholics, 73 Remembrancia, Analytical In- dex to, 78 Turner & Coxe, Calendar of Charters and Rolls, 99 Record Commission Publica- tions, 106 REGISTERS. Canterbury, Register of the Wallon at, 50 Ecclesfield Parish Church Re- gisters, 41 Gainford Parish Registers, In- dex, 40 Gray (Walter, Archbishop of York) Register of, 94 Guisnes, Registers of the Church at, 50 Harleian Society Publications, 45 Inglebye Greenhow Register, 16 Newcastle Church Registers, "3 Parochial Registration, Hints on, 73 Southampton, Registre de L'Eglese Wallonne, 50 RUNIC INSCRIPTIONS. Cumming (J. G.) Runic and other Remains of the Isle of Man, 30 Duncan (H.) Account of a Monument with Runic Letters 34 Goransson (J.) Bautil, 42 Inscriptiones Runiques du Sles- vig Mdridionel, 51 Magnusen (F.) Forsog til Fork- laring over en Rune-Ind- skrift, 59 Rafn (C. C.) Inscriptions Runi- ques, 77 Antiquities de L'Orient, 76 Stephens (G.) Hand Book to the old Northern Runic Monu- ments, 90 Old Northern Runic Monu- ments, 90 The Runes, 90 SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE AND ANTIQUITIES. Abrahamson (J. von) om dem Indbrydes Underviisnings Fremgang i Danmark, 4 Aktstykker, af Danmarks indre Forhold i aeldre Tid, 6 Antiquarisk Annaler, 9 - Tidsskrift, 9 Berattelse, om ett i Motala Strom traffadt Fynd, 14 Chronica Guthilandorum, 27 Dahl (J. C. C.) Denmale einer sehr ausgebildeton, 30 Danske Viser, Nyerup og Rahbek, 31 Den forste November og den forst August, 32 Englehardt (C.) Denmark in the Early Iron Age, 36 En Vandring Gjennem Jaeger- spriis's Have og Lund, 36 Faereryinga Saga, udgiven af C. C. Rafn, 37 Faein Ord um Uppruna og Utbreidslu heirra svo kolludu Biblin-Felaga, 37 Fagrskinna. Kortfattet Norsk Konge-Saga, 37 Foersom (P.) Om Samlinger af Danske Landskabsorb, 39 Fornaldar Sogur, 39 CLASSIFIED INDEX 147 Fortegnelse over de Boger, 39 overG. F. Timms udmser- kede Mynt-og Medaille-Sam- ling, 39 Frederick V., Poems on the Marriage of, 40 - VII., sur la Construction desSalles dites des Grants, 40 Gamle Norske Folkeviser, 40 Gragas. Hin Forna Logbok Islendinga, 43 Guldberg (C. M.) Om Cirklers Beroring, 44 Haandbog for Underofficeers- kolerne, 44 Haco's Expedition against Scot- land, 44 Hansteen (C.) Undersuchungen 45 Hildebrand (H.) Frau Aldre Tider, 48 Hovedberetning om det Kon- gelige, 49 Islenzkir Annaler, 52 Jarnsida edr Hakonarbok, 52 Jomsvikinga Saga, 53 oversat af C. C. Rafn, 53 Karlamagnus Saga ok Kappa Hans, 53 Kornerup and Worsaae Kon- gehoiene I Jellenge, 54 Krakas Maal eller kvad om Kong Ragnar Lodbroks Krigsbe- drifter og Heltedced, 54 Leitfaden zur Nordischen Alter- thumskunde, 55 Lodbrokar-Quida, 57 Lorange (A.)SamlingerafNorse Oldsager, 57 Magnusen (F.) Om de Gamle Skandinavers, 59 - Runamo og Runerne, 59 Memoires de la Societ Royale des Antiquaries du Nord, 60 Mohn (H.) Om Kometbanernes Indbyrdes Beliggenhed, 62 Monrad (M. J.) Det Kongelige Norske, 62 Monster og Abrahamson, Om den indbyrdesUnderviisnings Vaesen og voerd, 62 Munch (P. A.) Norges Historic i kortfattet Udtog, 63 Nordmsendenes aeldste Gude-og Helte-Sagn, 63 Nicolaysen (N.) Norwegian Buildings, 69 Nogle Lineamenter af Bog trykker-Konstens Historic i Dannemark, 69 Northern Archaeology, Guide to 69 Norges Gamle Love, 69 Olaf, den Helliges Saga, 72 Oldsnorsk Laesebog med Til- horende Glossarium, 72 Rafn (C. C.) Nordboernes For- bindelser med Osten, 76 Rask (R.)SingalesiskSkriftlaere 77 Vejledning til Akra- Sproget, 77 - Samlede Tildels Forhen Utrykte Afhandlingen, 77 Forsogtil en videnskabelig Dansk Retskrivengslaeve, 77 Reinesii (P. J.) Inscriptiones et Monumenta Haffnienses, 78 Resell (J.) Dissertatio Topo- graphico de Biskopskulla in Uplandia, 82 Rye Danske Magazin, 82 Saga Jatvardar Konungs Hins Helga, 82 Samlingar for Nordens Fornal- skare, 83 Sander (F.) Edda Samund den .Vises, 83 Sars (M.) Oversigt af Norges Echinodermer, 83 Om Siphonodentalium Vitreum, 83 Schive (C. I.) Norges Mynter i Middelaldren, 84 Schroder (J. H.) Upsala Dom- kyrka, 84 148 CLASSIFIED INDEX Scripta Historica Islandorum, 8 5 Socie'te' Royal des Antiquaries du Nord, 89 Stemmer fra den DanskeKirkes Reformations Tid, 90 Storm (G.) Monumenta His- torica Norwegian, 90 Strengleikar Eda Liodabok, 90 Thorkelin (G. J.) de Danorum Rebus Gestis, 96 Unger. Heilagra Manna Sogur IOO Vedel (E.) Bornholms Oldtids- munder, 100 Vedtaegter for Det nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab, 100 Vestiges d' Asserbo etde Soborg 101 Videnskabs-Selskabet, 101 Wogen (D.) Die gottesdienst- lichen Alterthiimer, 104 Worsaae (J. J. A.) Primeval Antiquities of Denmark, 104 SCIENCE. Ball (Sir R. S.) Dynamics and Geometry, 12 Birmingham (J.) The Red Stars, 16 Casey (J.) On Cubic Transfor- mations, 23 Cooke(T. F.) Electric Telegraph 29 Cunningham (D.J.)The Lumbar Curve, 30 Euclid's Elements of-Geometry, 36 Haughton (S.) Researches in Sunheat, 46 Horsley (J.) Principles of Statics 49 Parker (W. K.) Morphology of the Duck and Auk, 73 Pickering (C.) Geographical distribution of Animals, 75 Rara Mathematica, 77 Record (R.) Arithmetic, 78 Stewart (M.)Distance of theSun from the Earth, 90 SCOTLAND. HISTORY, LITERATURE AND ANTI- QUITIES. A Collection of Inventories and other Records, 84 Accounts of the Great Chamber- lains of Scotland, 4 Acts, &c., of the General Assemblies of the Kirk, 4 Acts of Parliament of Scotland, 109 Annual Reports of the Deputy Clerk Register, 108 Arbroth, Liber S. Thome de Aberbrothoc, 10 Archaeologia Scotica, 10 Bannatyne Miscellany, 13 Beauly, Charters of the Priory of, 14 Billing (R. W.) Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities, 16 Book of Deer, 90 Brechin. Registrum Episco- patus Brechinensis, 18 Buchan (P.) Secret History of Macbeth, 21 Buchanani (D.) De Scriptoribus Scotis, 21 Burghead, The Ancient Bath at, 105 Cambuskenneth, Registrum Monasterii S. Marie, 23 Coldingham Priory, Carr's History of, 23 Coldingham Priory, History of, 5 1 Coldingham Priory, Corres- pondence, &c., of, 92 Concilia Scotiae ecclesiaeStatuta 29 Crail, Collegiate Church of, 82 Darien Papers, 31 CLASSIFIED INDEX 149 Dempster! (T.) Historia Ecclesi- astica Scotorum, 31 Dibdin (T. F.)Tour in, 32 Dissertatio de Monumentis Romanis, in Boreali Magna Brit., 32 Diurnal of Remarkable Occur- rents in, 32 Documents and Records illus- trating the History of, 109 Drummond (J.) Sculptured Monuments in lona, 33 Dryburgh. Liber S. Marie de Dryburgh, 33 Dundrennan Abbey, Hutchin- son's Memorials of, 51 Dunfermline, Registrum de, 34 Edinburgh, Arnot's History of, ii - Dolefull Nevves from, 79 Catalogue of the Museum during the Meeting of the Archaeological Institute, n Fleming (J.) Lakes of Scotland, 38 Glasgow, Liber Protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis, 12 - Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, 42 Archaeological Transac- tions, 42 - Laskey's Account of the Hunterian Museum, 55 Gregory (D. ) History of Western Highlands and Isles, 43 Grose (F.) Antiquities of, 44 Haco's Expedition against, 44 Historical Library, 69 Holyrood. Chronicon Coenobii Santas Crucis, 49 - Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis, 49 - History of the Abbey &c., 49 Holyrood Palace, Laing's Des- cription of Altar Piece in, 54 Inchaffery. Liber Insule Mis- sarum Abbacie Canonicorum, Innes (C.) Scotlandin theMiddle Ages, 51 lona Club, Transactions of, 52 Instrumenta Publica sive Pro- cessus super Fidelitatibus et Homagiis Scotorum, (The Ragman Rolls), 52 Inventory of Work done by his Majesties Printer in, 84 Isle of May, Records of Priory of, 90 James V. Excerpta e Libris Domicilii Domini Jacobi Quinti, 52 Johnston (J. B.) Place Names, 53 Kelso, LiberS. MariedeCalchou 53 Lanercost, Chronicon de, 55 Leith, Notices of St. Anthony's Monastery, 82 Letters from Roundhead Officers written from Scotland, 56 MacDonald (A.) Register of Ministers, 58 MacGibbon & Ross, Castellated and Domestic Architecture, 58 Ecclesiastical Architecture 58 Mackenzie (Sir G.) Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, 58 Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland, 58 Macpherson (D.) Illustrations of Scottish History, 59 Melrose and Old Melrose, Abbeys of, by Bower, 17 Melrose, Liber Sancte Marie de Melros, 60 Melrose, Chronica de, 60 Menu de la Maison de la Royne, 60 Midlothian, Charter of the Hospital of Soltre, 61 Collegiate Churches of, 29 Miscellanea Scotica, 61 Morton, Registrum de Honoris, 63 u CLASSFIED INDEX Moray. Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, 62 Monumental Inscriptions in, Rogers, 81 Muir (T. S.) Ecclesiological Notes, 63 Myln (A. ) Vitas Dunkeldensis, 64 Neaves (Lord) Address at Con- versazione of the Society of Antiquaries, 64 Neubottle. Registrum S. Marie de, 64 North Berwick, Carte Moni- alium de, 69 Origines Parochiales Scotiae, 84 Perth, Discourse, &c., at the Institution of a Literary Society at, 74 Transactions of the Liter- ary and Antiquarian Society, 74 Pinkerton (J.) Enquiry into the History of, 75 Pitcairn (R.) Ancient Criminal Trials, 75 Record Commission, Corres- pondence, 107 Registrum MagniSigilli Regum Scotorum, 108 Registrum Metellanum, 78 Reid (J.) Bibliotheca Scota- Celtica, 78 Rogers (C.) Estimate of Scot- tish Nobility, 82 Roslyn Chapel, Britten's Ac- count of, 1 8 Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londin- ensi, &c., 108 Ruthwell Manse, Duncan's Account of Monument at, 34 St. Andrews, Lyon's History of, 57 Liber Cartarum Prioratus Sancti Andree, 82 St. Giles, Edinburgh, Regis- trum Cartarum Ecclesie Sanc- ti Egidii, 82 St. Kilda, Life in, by Sands, 83 Scone. Liber Ecclesie de Scon, 84 Sibbald (R ) Scotia Illustrata, 86 Smellie (W.) Account of the Society of Antiquaries of, 87 Society of Antiquaries, Proceed- ings, 84 Synopsis of Museum, 84 Stirlingshire, Nimmo's History of, 69 Stuart (J.) Sculptured Stones of, 90 Stuart (R.) Caledonia Romana, 9 1 The Auld Lawes and Constitu- tions of, 84 Tiviotdale, Morton's Monastic Annals of, 68 White (R.) Battle of Bannock- burn, 103 Wilson (D.) Archaeology of, 103 Prehistoric Annals of, 103 SPEECHES. Atterbury (Bp.) Speech at the Bar of the House of Lords, 12 Charles II. Speech to the two Houses of Parliament, 27 Triennial Act, Speeches against the Bill for Repealing, 97 THEOLOGY. Baily (J.) Coronation Sermon, 12 Barnes (Bp.) Injunctions, &c., 92 Barwick (J.) Sermon on Bishop Morton, 13 Beke (C. T.) Origines Biblias, *4 Book of Deer, 90 CLASSIFIED INDEX Brown (J.) Sermon at St. Nicholas on the Hexham Riot, 20 Charles I. Papers betwixt him and Henderson, 25 Common Prayer. Second Prayer Book of Edward VI., 29 Durham (J.) Clavis Cantica, 34 Durham, Rituale Ecclesiae Dun- elmensis, 92 Fenwick (J.) Christ ruling in the midst of his Enemies, 79 Fisher (Bp.) Funeral Sermon of the Countess of Richmond, 38 Gilpin (R.) Daemonologia Sacra 42 Granville (D.) Works, 94 Green (R.) Sermon on Free- Masonry, 43 Horsley (J.) Resurrection of Christ, 49 Joint Prayer, 49 Kempis (Thomas a) An Imitation de Jesus Christ, 53 Kennet (W.) Sermon at the Funeral of William, Duke of Devonshire, 53 Latin Hymnsof theAnglo-Saxon Church, 92 Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels, 93 Littlehale (H.) Layman's Prayer Book, 57 Morton (T.) Sermon before King Charles I., 63 Maddison (T.) Sermon inTrinity Chapel, 59 Pontifical of Egbert, 93 Psalter, Anglo-Saxon and Early English, 92 Quakers, The Perfect Pharisee, 76 Rainbow (Bp. E.) Sermon at the Funeral of the Countess of Pembroke, 77 Sermons in the Madras Lan- guage, 85 - For the Infirmary, New- castle, 85 Song of Solomon in the New- castle Dialect, 89 Thirkeld (T.) The Duty of Alms-giving, a Sermon, 96 Walbank (T.) Advantages of Learning, a Sermon, 101 TOPOGRAPHY. (Northern Counties.) Archaeologia ^Eliana, 10 Brereton (W.) Journey through Durham andNorthumberland 80 Canal Reports, 23 Certaine very rare Observations of the North Countrie, 80 Chapman (W.) Report on Canal 25 Declaration for suppressing of divers Papists, &c., 26 from Scotland concerning the advance of theScots Army 26 concerning false rumours, 25 Denham (M. A.) Slogans of the North of England, 22 DeFoe (D.) Travels in North- umberland and Durham, 80 Depositions relating to offences committed in, 92 Dibdin (T. F.)Tour in, 32 Douglas (D.) History of the Baptist Churches, 33 Fall, The, and Evil Successe of Rebellion, 37 Floods in the Tyne, Tees, &c., 39 Greenwich Hospital, Plans of Estates, 43 Heslop (R. O.) Northumberland Words, 48 '52 CLASSIFIED INDEX Kirk (T.) Journeyings through Northumberlandand Durham 80 Langdale (Sir M.) Declaration of, 80 Latimer (J.) Local Records, 55 Letters from Northern Registers in Musgrave (J.) A True and Exact Relation, 64 Natural History of, Horsley, 116 Narrative concerning the Salt Workers, 80 Northern, The, Rebellion, 69 Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle Natural History Society Transactions, 71 Ordinances for Maintenance of Preaching Ministers, 80 Ordinance for raising moneys, 26 Our Demands of the English Lords manifested, 25 Pilgrimage of Grace, A Leaf from, 75 Phillips(M.)Banks andBanking 75 Relation of Visit of three Nor- wich Soldiers, 80 Richardson (G. B.) Plague and Pestilence in the North of England, 79 Richardson (M. A.) Local His- torian's Table Book, 79 - Reprints, 79 Scott's Railway Companion, Newcastle and Carlisle Rail- way, 85 Scott (W. B.) Antiquarian Gleanings, 85 Sharp (Sir C.) Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569, 86 Sunderland Tracts, 86 Sykes (J.) Local Records, 95 Thoresby (R.) Wayfarings of, in the North of England, 79 Tonge (T.) Heraldic Visitation of the Northern Counties, 93 Two Petitions presented to Lord Fairfax, 80 (Cumberland, ) Amboglanna, Potter's Papers on, 75 Carlisle, Jefferson's History of, 5 2 Tullie's Siege of, 97 Catalogue of the Museum during the Meeting of the Arch. Institute, 1 1 Cathedral, Billings, Des- cription of, 16 Billings' GeometricTracery in, 16 Royal Charters of the City of, 38 Old Plate in the Diocese of Municipal Records of, 38 Jollie's Political History of 53 Carlisle Cathedral, King's Hand Book, 54 Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian Society Tran- sactions, 30 Cumberland Pacquet, 68 Denton (J.) Accompt of Estates and Families of, 32 Dialect of Cumberland, Fer- guson, 38 Ferguson (R. S.) Testamenta Karleolensia, 38 History of Cumberland, 38 M.P.'s of Cumberland, 38 Houseman (J.) Guide to Lakes, &c., of, 49 Howard (Lord W.) Summary of Contents of a MS. by, 50 Household Book of, 94 Hutchinson (W.) History of, 51 Jackson (WJ Papers and Pedi- grees, 52 Jefferson (S.) History of Leath Ward, 52 CLASSIFIED INDEX Jefferson (S.) History of Aller- dale Ward, 52 Carlisle Reprints, 52 Kirbie Kendall. A Booke of Recorde of, 38 Lonsdale (H.) Worthies of Cumberland, 57 Lysons (D. & S.) Account of, 57 Maughan (J.) Survey and Sketches of the Maiden Way, 114 Naworth and Lanercost, Jeffer- son's Guide to, 52 Nicholson and Burn, History of Cumberland and Westmore- land, 68 Pipe-Rolls, or Sheriffs Annual Accounts, 75 Visitation of, 39, 45 West (T.) Guide to the Lakes, 102 (Durham. ) Acts of the High Commission Court within the Diocese of, 93 Agriculture, Bailey, 12 Allan Tracts, 6, 7, 8 Barnes (Bp.) Injunctions to the Clergy of, 79, 92 Besley (J.) Sainct Cudberht, 15 Bp. Auckland, Fair's Descrip- tion of, 37 Bp. Auckland Palace, Raine's, History of, 77 Billings (R. W.) Architectural Antiquities of, 16 Boldon Buke, 93 Boyle (J. R.) History of Durham 17 Book of Rates for the County of 114 Brancepeth Church, Billings' Geometric Tracery of, 16 Darlington, Longstaffe's His- tory of, 57 Day (J.) Durham and Sunder- land Railway, 31 Depositions &c. , from the Courts of, 92 Durham City, Descriptive View of, 34 Ornsby's Sketches of, 72 Durham Cathedral, Billings' Description of, 16 Brief Account of, 34 - Raine's Account of, 77 - Sanderson's Antiquities of 83 Some Account of, 34 Antiquities of, 34 - Description of, the Monu- ments, &c. , 92 Rituale Ecclesiae Dunel- mensis, 92 Codicum Manuscriptorum Ecclesiae Cathedralis, 34 - Liber Vitae Ecclesise Dun- elmensis, 92 Household Book of the Monastery of, 92 Durham, Survey of the Estates of the Prior of, 94 - Halmote Court Rolls, 95 Churchwardens Accompts 95 Origin and Succession of the Bishops of, 116 - Cathedral, King's Hand Book, 54 - Directory, 34 Durham Magistracy, 35 - Elections, 34, 35 Exact Relation ofthe lastNewes from the Scottish Army, 80 Fearfull and Strange Newes from the Bishoppricke of Durham, 80 Featherston (J. R.) Weardale Men and Manners, 37 Finch (Lord) Letter to Dr. Cozens, 38 Finchale Abbey, Charters, &c., of, 92 154 CLASSIFIED INDEX Gateshead, Local Collections, 4 1 King James' Hospital, 41 St. Edmund's Hospital, Charter, 41 Collections relating to (Allan Press), 8 Mechanics' Institute, 41 St. Cuthbert's Church, 41 Investigation into State of Borough of, 41 Collection of Legal MSS. relative to, 114 Gainford Parish Registers, 40 Gowland MSS., 114 Hartlepool, History of, Sharp, 86 Hartlepool, Account of Sepul- chral Stones found at, 46 Hatfield CBp.) Survey, 93 Hedworth (J.) The Oppressed Man's Outcry, 47 Letter to John Dodgson, 47 Hegge(RJ Legend of St. Cuth- bert, 47, 116 Historiae Dunelmensis, Scrip- tores Tres, 92 Hodges (C.C.) Sepulchral Slabs etc., in the County of, 48 Hooppell (R. E.) Vinovia, 49 Hutchinson (W.) History of, 5 1 Jarrow and Monk-Wearmouth, Inventories &c. , of, 93 Jury Pannelles, 114 Letters between John Hall of Monk-Hesledon and Wm. Walker, 76 Milbanke Estates, Collections relative to, 61 Obituary Roll, 92 Ordnance of Lords, appoint- ment of High Sheriff, 26 Perry and Henman's Mediaeval Antiquities, 74 Pipe-Rolls, or Sheriffs' Annual Accounts, 75 Poll Books, City, 35 County, 35 County 1722, 116 Proceedings of the Scottish Army certifying their passing over Tyne, 79 Quarter Sessions. Rules, &c., 34 Raine (J.) History of North Durham, 77 Saint Cuthbert, 77 Reginald! Monachi Dunelmen- sis, 91 Register of Electors, County of 35 Registrum Palatinum Dunel- mense, no Report on County Expenditure, Residence Account of the Chapter of, 116 Rules for Gaol, &c., 34 Sanctuarium Dunelmense, 92 Sharp (Sir C.) Sunderland Tracts, 86 South Shields, Salmon's Ac- count of, 83 Taking of the Fort of, 26, 80 Spearman (J.) Ancient and present State of, 89 Stockton, Brewster's History of 18 Description of, 90 Sunderland, Burnett's History of, 21 Garbutt's History of, 40 Summer's History of, 91 Surtees (R.) History of, 91 Durham, Addenda to, 114 Tees, River, Act for making a Navigable Cut, 96 The Scots' Army in the Bishop- rick, 26, 79 Treasurer's Accounts for County 35 Visitation of m 1575, 34, 39 in 1615, 34 CLASSIFIED INDEX 155 Wear River, Reports on, 33, 102, 114 Wills and Inventories from the Registry at, 91 Wickham, History of, by Bourn 17 ( Newcastle. ) A Letre from an Alderman at, 79 A particular Relation of the taking of, 26 All Saint's Church Registers, "3 A True Relation of the taking of, 80 An Impartial History of, 64 Balloon Ascensions from, 12 Booksellers Minute Book, 113 Boyle & Knowles, Vestiges of Old Newcastle, 17 Botanical and Horticultural Society, 65 Bourne (H.) History of, 17 Brand (J.) History of, 17 - Dodd's Index to, 17 - Letters relating to the History of, 114 Brockett (J.) Annals and Events relating to, 115 British Association Meeting at 18 Browell (M.) Diary of, 79 Brown (J.) Customs &c., of Freemen of, 20 Bruce (J. C. ) Guide to the Castle 20, 64 Castle, Guide to, and Account of the Banquet, 64 Castle, Papers in connection with the Lease of, 113 Catalogue of Exhibition of Arts, Manufactures, &c., 65 Charters granted to, 113 Chronological Account of, Bell, "3 Clark (J.) Friendly Advice to the Free Burgesses of, 28 Clavering Place Chapel, Sketch of, 64 Collier (J.) Essay on Charters, 29 Coronation of George IV., Celebration of in Newcastle, 30 Corporation, Report of the Official Investigation, 65 Accounts, &c., 65 Corporation Mirror, 66 County Rate, Memoranda rela- tive to, 65 Customs House Book, 113 Dawes (R.) Tittle-Tattle Mon- gers, 31 Declaration that no Ships, &c. shall make any Voyage to, 79 Denham (M. A.) Proverbial Folk Lore of, 32 Directory of, for 1778, &c., 65 Dolefull Newes from Edin- borough, and Sad Newes from Newcastle, 79 Elections, Addresses, Squibs, &c., 65 Exceeding true Newes from, 2 5 Faithfull Relation of the Pro- ceedings of the Scottish Army, 79 Fever Hospital, Clark's Papers for Promoting, 28 Freeman's Magazine, 40 General Magazine, 67 Great Discovery of the Queen's Preparation, 79 Grey (W.) Chorographia, 43 Hall (J.) Proceedings relative to Establishment of St. Luke's House, 45 His Majesties passing through the Scots Armie, 25 156 CLASSIFIED INDEX Hodgson-Hinde's MSS. relat- ing to, 115 Ingledew (H.) Legal Right of Freeholders of, 51 Infirmary, Anniversary Ser- mons by Dockwray, Lambe, and Scott, 85 Jenison (R. ) Newcastle's Call to her Neighbour and Sister Towns, 53 Jesus Hospital v. the Corpora- tion, Proceedings in the Rolls' Court, 65 Keelmen's Fund, Act for, 4 Letter from, relating the taking of, 79 Letter from a Royalist of, 80 Literary and Philosophical Society Reports and Cata- logues, 66 Literary and Poetic Society, Report, 66 Literary Magazine, 56 Mackenzie (E.) History of, 58 Magazine, 67 Mansion House, Catalogue of, Contents of, 66 Memoranda relating to, 66 Memorial of Holders of 21 Years' Leases, 66 Merchant Adventurers of, 95 Moulton (W.) Copy of the Will of, 63 Municipal Accounts 1561-1688, Extracts from, 65 Musical Festivals, 66 Mylne's Report on Tyne Bridge 64 Newcastle Newspapers, 68 Newcastle and Gateshead in the i4th to i7th Centuries, Welford, 102 Oliver (T.) Plan of, 72 Picture of, 72 Ordinance for the raising of Forces to reduce the Town of, 26 Paper of Advices to the King, presented to him at, 80 Picture of, 64 P'gg (JO Th e Will of, 75 Poll Book 1722, 116 Poll Books, 66 Postern Chapel, Memoranda relative to, 66 Presbyterianism in, Bell, 14 Propositions for Peace sent to his Majestic at, 26 Reid(D. B.) Report on the State of, 78 Religious Houses in, 114 Richardson (M. A.) Companion through, 80 Armorial Bearings, etc., in St. Andrews, 80 Armorial Bearings, etc., in St. Nicholas, 80 Armorial Bearings of the Companies, 81 Newcastle in the Olden Time, 80 Royal Grammar School, Plan of Education, 66 St. Andrew's Church Registers, ^3 St. John's Church Registers, "3 St. John's Church and Parish, Collections relative to, 66 St. Nicholas' Church, Memor- anda, etc., relative to, 66 St. Nicholas' Library, Cata- logue, 65 St. Nicholas Church Registers, H3 St. Nicholas, Monuments in, Welford, 102 Sopwith (T.) Account of All Saints' Church, 89 Statue of James II. at, Des- truction of, 65 Sykes (J.) Collection of Public- ations, 95 CLASSIFIED INDEX 157 Sykes (J.) Proceedingsin, on the Death of the Duke of York, 95 Theatre, Papers relating to the Building of, 1 15 Theological Library, Papers relative to, 67 The Eve of the Revolution in, 80 Town Council Proceedings, 66 Town Moor, etc., Collections relative to, 66 Trial of Watson against Carr, 97 Trinity House, Historical Re- cords of, 115 Trinity Chapel, Maddison's Sermon in, 59 True Relation of the Proceedings of the Scottish Army, 80 Tunbelly's Letters, 97 Wellington's (Duke of) Visit to 102 Whitehead (W. History of, 113 ( Northumberland. ) Act for Bridge over the Wans- beck, 4 A Skirmish in, 70 A true Relation of the taking of Cocket Hand, 26 Alnwick, History of, 8 - Descriptive and Historical View of, 9 - Tate's History of, 95 An Exhortacyon to Nobyll' and Comons of the Northe, 9 An Answere to the Proclamation of the Rebels of the North, 79 Armstrong's Map of Northum- berland, Companion to, n Assize Rolls, 95 Bates (T.) Letter on Ridley Hall Estate, 13 Bates (C. J.) History of, 13 Bateson (E.) History of, 13 Blanchland, Monastery of, Inspeximus of a Deed, 117 Blyth, Wallace's History of, 101 Brinkburn Chartulary, 95 - Priory Charters, 1 14 - Priory Pipe Rolls, 114 Bywell and Bulbeck, Copy Sur- vey of, 117 Callaly Castle, Works of Anti- quity and Art at, 24 Castle Ward, Hodgson Hinde MSS. relating to, 116 Charlton (E.) North Tynedale, 27 Chatton, Memorandarespecting Stone Coffin found at, by Rev. J. Cook, 115 Church Livings in, 113 Cliffe (T.) Petition and Appeal of, 79 Cooke (G. A.) Topography of. 29 Corbridge, History of, Forster, 39 Cullercoats, Tomlinson's Notes on, 96 Denton Hallandits Associations Tomlinson, 96 Dickson (W.) Wards, Divisions etc., of, 32 Douglass (G.) The Treacherous Combination displayed, 33 Election Papers, 70 Elsdon, Arkle's Account of Landed Estates, Parish of, ii Family History, 115 Fenwick (J.) Treasure Trove in the Barony of Wark, 99 - Treasure Trove in North- umberland, 37, 99 Flodden, Battle of, 39, 99 Flood in the Tyne, Account of, 99 Full Relation of theScots March from Barwick to Newcastle, 79 Glendale, HodgsonHindeMSS. relating to, 1 16 Gosforth, Welford's History of, 102 '58 CLASSFIED INDEX Heddon on the Wall, &c., Lease of Corn Tithes, 117 Hedley (J.) Murder of, 47 Heslop(R. O.) Northumberland Words, 48 Hexham, Totton's Sermon at, 97 - Wright's History of, 104 - Brown's Sermon on Riot at, 20 Hexham Abbey, Hodges, 48 Hexham Priory Chronicles, 93 Hexham and Tyne Valley, Hodgson Hinde MSS. relat- ing to, 116 Hexham Bridge, Proceedings of H. Errington relative to, 116 Hexham Church, Fenwick's Inscription on a Tablet in, 99 Hexham Chronicle, Ridley, 81 Hodgson (J.) History of 48 Horsley (J.) Index to Map of, 49 Hutchinson (W. ) View of, 51 Kenton Estate, Abstract ofTitle Deeds, 117 Lawson (J.) Suma Deligentia assi duo que industria, 116 Lindisfarne, Wilson's Survey of 104 Long Benton, Besley's Church and Vicarage of, 15 Mackenzie (E.) History of, 58 Memoirs Illustrative of the History and Antiquities of, 70 Memoranda relative to, 70 Militia, The Adjutant's Monthly Roll, 114 Mitford Church, Ferguson, 38 Morpeth Court Rolls, 114 Newminster, Cartularium Ab- batiag de Novo Monasteris, 94 Norham Castle, by H. Jerning- ham, 53 Northumberland Household Book, 71 North Shields, Ballast Quay, 71 Ovingham Mill, Lease of, 117 Papers relating to the proceed- ings in, relative to the Flood in 1771, 116 Pipe Rolls, 1273 to 1278, 70 Poll Books, 70 Public Record, Hodgson Hinde MSS. 115 Raine (J.) History of North Durham, 77 Register of Electors, 70 Representation to Lord Fairfax 27 Ridley Hall Estate, 81 Session Records, 114 Sheriff of, Account of the Office, 70 Spur of the Charlton, 89 Surridge (T.) Notice of Roman Inscriptions, 91 Survey of Parishes in, 113 Swarland, Settlement by R. Hesilrigg, of Lands at, 117 Tate(G.)CelticTownofGreaves' Ash, 95 The Scots Army Advanced into England, with the Summon- ing of the County of, 26 Topography, 114 Tynemouth, Gibson's History of 4 1 Review of ditto, 41 Visitation of 1615 and 1666, 39 Visitation of 1575 & 1615, 59, 113 Wallis (J.) Natural History and Antiquities of, 101 Wallsend, Lease of Farm at, 117 Wark, Tynedale, &c., Grant of the Manors of, 1 17 Wark, Abstract of Titles for Barony, 114 Whelpington and Reedsdale, Agreement as to the Boundary 117 White (R.) Battle of Otterburn, 103 CLASSIFIED INDEX '59 Woodburn and Whetstone- house Commons, Agreement as to Boundary, 117 Woodhorn Parish, Papers relat- ing to, 114 Wylam, Grant of the Manor of, 117 ( Westmoreland. ) Bellasis (E.) Church Notes, 14 Houseman (J.) Guide to Lakes, &c., of, 49 Nicholson and Burn, History of Cumberland and Westmore- land, 68 Pipe Rolls, or Sheriffs Annual Accounts, 75 Visitation of, 39 West (T.) Guide to the Lakes, 1 02 (Yorkshire.) Aldborough, Smith's Relique Insurianae, 88 Allen (T.) History of the County of York, 8 ANew-come Guest to theTowne 26 Atkinson (J. C.) Forty Years in a Moorland Parish, n Best (H. of Elmswell) Farming Book, 93 Beverley, Sanctuarium Bever- lacense, 92 Bligh (R.) Tithe Cause, tried at York, 16 Bowman (W.) Reliquiae Antiquae Eboracensis, 17 Boyle (J. R.) Lost Towns of the Humber, 17 Bridlington, Prickett's Priory Church of, 76 Catterick Church, Contract for Building of, Raine, 77 Declaration of the Earle of Newcastle on Marching into Yorkshire, 26 Depositions of Criminal Cases, 93 Doncaster, Hunter's Deanery of, 50 - Paine's Plans, &c., of Mansion House at, 73 Ecclesfield Parish Church Re- gisters 41 Fountain's Abbey, Memorials of 93 Gill (T.) Vallis Eboracensis, 42 Halifax, and its Gibbet Law, 44 Hallamshire, Hunter's History, 50 Hemingbrough, History and Antiquities of, 21 Horrible Newes from Yorke, 25 Holderness. Thompson's Ocel- lum Promontorium, 96 Hull, Frost's History of, 40 Hull Quarterly and E. Riding Portfolio, 50 InglebyeGreenhow Register, 16 Kirby's Inquest, 94 Leeds, Biographica Leodiensis, 95 Leeds, Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, 96 Loidis and Elmete, Whitaker, 103 Middleham Church, Atthill's Documents relating to, 12 Newton (C.) Map of British and Roman Yorkshire, 68 Northallerton, Ingledew's His- tory of, 51 Pontefract Castle, Drake's Sieges of, 93 Pryme (A. de la) Diary of, 94 Quarter Session Records, 105 Richmond. Registrum Honoris de, 81 Rievaulx Chartulary, 94 Richmondshire, Whitaker's History of, 103 i6o CLASSIFIED INDEX Ripon, Acts of Chapter of Collegiate Church of, 94 - Memorials of the Church of, 94 Cathedral, King's Hand Book, 54 Sheriff Hutton Castle, Some Account of, 23 Snaith, Robinson's Chronicon Pretiosum Snathense, 81 Survey of Kirby, 94 Testamenta Eboracensia, 91 Whitby, Chartulary, 94 Wills and Inventories from Archdeaconry of Richmond, 93 York, Torr's Antiquities of the City, 96 Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of, I0 5 Account of the York Emanuel, 105 Eboracum, 105 Prince of Wales' Visit to, 105 York Minster, Fabric Rolls of, 93 Cathedral, Halfpenny's Gothic Ornaments of, 44 Browne on the age of the Porch of St. Margaret's Church, 20 York Minster, Heraldry of, Cust 30 Fabric Rolls of, 93 - Register of the Guild of Corpus Christi, 94 - Missal, 94 Ponteficial, 94 Manuel, 94 Breviary, 94 Cathedral, King's Hand Book, 54 Yorkshire, Diaries, 94 Chantry Surveys, 95 Archaeological and Topo- graphical Journal, 105 Yorkshire Philosophical Society Reports, 105 TOPOGRAPHY. OTHER COUNTIES (Bedfordshire, ) Visitation of, 45 (Berkshire.) Abington, Chronicon Monas- terii de, 109 Clarke (W. N.) Hundred of Wanting, 28 (Berwick.) Johnstone (T.) History of Ber- wick, 53 Scott (J.) History of Berwick, 85 Sheldon (F.) History of Berwick 86 Berwick-upon-Tweed. Roll of the Burgesses, 15 Berwickshire Naturalist's Field Club; 15 (Cambridgeshire. ) Ancient Cambridgeshire, 22 British Association, Meeting at Cambridge, Signatures of Members, 18 Bury St. Edmunds, Abbey of, 22 Cambridge, St. Michael's Church Registers, 22 Cambridge Antiquarian Society 22 Church Bells of Cambridgeshire 22 Church Bells of, Raven, 77 Ely Cathedral, King's Hand Book, 54 Josselin (J.) Historola Collegii Corporis Christi, 22 CLASSIFIED INDEX 161 Ingulph and the Historia Croy- landenses, 22 Pedes Finium, 22 Shermann (A. J.) Historia Col- legii Jesu Cantabrigiensis, 86 The Household Book of Sydney College, 116 Waterbeach, Clay's History of, 28 Walker (B.) Valuations of Domesday, 22 (Cheshire.) Chester Archaeological Society, Journal, 27 Chester Cathedral, King's Hand Book, 54 Hoylake, Hume on Antiquities found at, 50 King (D.) The Vale Royal of England, 54 Lancashire and Cheshire His- toric Society, 55 Roman Cheshire Watkin, 102 West Kirby, Anglo Saxon Churches of, 88 (Derbyshire. ) Derbyshire Archaeological Society, 32 Duffield Castle, Its History etc. 30 Repton, Bigsby's Description of 16 Stukeley ( W. ) Account of a Silver Plate found in Derbyshire, 91 (Devonshire.) Church Bells of, 36 Exeter Cathedral, Account of, 37 - King's Hand Book, 54 Sepulchral Effigies & Memorial Sculpture of, 82 (Dorsetshire.) Cartularium Saxonicum Sher- bonense, 23 Church Plate of, 69 Cranborne Chase, Excavations at, 8 1 Shaftesbury Abbey. An ancient Confirmation Deed, 86 Visitation of, 45 W T ansdyke & Bokerley Excav- ations at, 81 Warne (C.) Ancient Dorset, 102 Celtic Tumuli of, 102 (Essex.) fiolchester, Cromwell's History ** of, 30 Little Mapplestead, Wallen's History of, the Round Church at, 101 ( Gloucestersh ire. ) Archaeological Association, Congress at Gloucester, 10 Cirencester, Buckman & New- march's Remains of Roman Art in, 21 Domesday Survey of, 95 Gloucester Cathedral, Account of, 3 2 54 Historia et Cartularian Mon- asterii S. Petri, no Toddington, Britton's Account of, 19 Visitation of, 45 (Hampshire. ) Allegations for Marriage Li- cences, 46 Archaeological Association, Congress at Winchester, 1 1 Clausentum, on the Situation of, by Rev. R. Warner, 102 Southampton, Registre de L'Eglese Wallonne, 50 1 62 CLASSIFIED INDEX ( Herefo rdsh Ire. ) Old Meg of Herefordshire, 72 Hereford Cathedral, King's Handbook, 54 ( ' Hertfo rdsh ire. ) Cassiobury Park, Britton's His- tory, &c., of, 1 8 East Barnet, by Cass, 23 St. Alban's, Account of the Abbey Church of, 82 Cathedral, King's Hand- book, 54 Chronica Monasterii, 112 Visitation of, 45 (Isle of Man. ) Gumming (J. G.) Monumental Remains of the Isle of Man, 30 Chronica Regum Mannise et Insularum, 52 Harrison (W.) Account of the Diocese of, 46 Jeffreys (N.) Account of, 53 Olave the Black King of Man, 72 (Kent.) Archaeologia Cantiana, 10 Canterbury Cathedral Registers 46 Register of the Wallon at, 50 Cathedral, King's Hand- book, 54 Dover Castle, Darell's History of, 3 1 Faussett (B.) Invehtorium Se- pulchrale, 37 Lymne, Smith's Report on Excavations at, 87 Richborough, &c., Smith's Antiquities of, 87 Smith onAnglo-Saxon Remains in, 87 Smith (J. R.) Bibliotheca Can- tiana, 88 Stowting, Wrench's Account of the Parish of, 104 (Lancashire.) Gregson (M.) Portfolio of Frag- ments, 43 Engravings to illustrate ditto, 43 Sheriffs of Lancashire, 43 Houseman (J.) Guide to Lakes, &c., of, 49 Hume (A.) Suggestions for the Advancement of Literature and Learning in Liverpool, 50 Lancashire and Cheshire His- toric Society, 55 Lancashire Lieutenancy, 55 Lathom House, Journal of Siege of, 55 Liverpool Architectural Society 57 Opening of Free Library and Museum, 57 Manchester, Curious Notes on the History of, 59 Preston, Dobson's Account of the Guild, 33 Dobson and Harland's History of ditto, 33 Roman Lancashire, Watkin, 1 02 Ware (S. H.) The State of Parties in, 101 West (T.) Guide to the Lakes of, 1 02 ( Leicestersh ire. ) Church Bells of, 69 Kelly (W.) Royal Progresses to Leicester, 53 CLASSIFIED INDEX 163 Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society, 55 North's Church of St. Martin, 69 Thompson (J. ) The Jewry Wall, Leicester, 96 Visitation of, 45 (Lincolnsh ire. ) Church Bells of, 69 Hume (A.) Sir Hugh of Lincoln, .5 Lincoln, Memoirs illustrative of the History &c., of, 56 Scampton, Illingworth's Ac- count of the Parish of, 51 (London and Middlesex,) Grew (N.) Catalogue of Royal Society Museum, 43 Houses of Parliament, Britton and Brayley's History of, 19 Lambeth Palace, Brayley 'and Herbert's Account of, 18 London, Select Views of, 57 London and Middlesex Archaeo- logical Society, 57 London, Visitation of, 45 - St. Peter's, Cornhill, Re- gisters, 46 - Livery Companies of, 47 On a Bastion of London Wall, 76 - Roman Antiquities, Price, 76 - Remembrianca, Index to, 78 - Trinity House Charters, "5 - Marriage Licences, 45 Ryley and Dethic, Visitation of Middlesex, 82 St. Stephen's, Westminster, Account of, 83 Smith (C. R.) Roman London, 87 Smith (C. R.) Museum of Lon- don Antiquities, 88 South Mimms, by Cass, 23 Temple Church, Billings' Ac- count of, 1 6 Tower of London, Britton and Brayley's Memoirs of, 19 - Dick's Inscriptions, etc., in Beauchamp Tower, 32 Westminster Abbey, Descrip- tion of, 102 (Norfolk.} Brown (T.) Hydriotaphy, 20 Marmor Norfolciense, 59 Norfolk. Memoirs illustrative of the History, etc., of, 69 Norfolk and Norwich Archaeo- logical Society, 69 Visitation of, 46 (Northamptonshire. } Fotheringay, Bonney's Historic Notices of, 1 6 Church Bells of, 69 ( Nottinghamsh ire. } Blyth, Priory Church of, 48 Visitation of, 45 (Oxford.} Durham College, Oxford, Some Account of, 35 Skelton (J.) Oxonia Antiqua Restorata, 87 - Pietas Oxoniensis, 87 Visitation of, 45 University Commission, 73 (Rutland.) Church Bells of, 69 Visitation of, 45 164 CLASSIFIED INDEX (Shropshire.) Shropshire Archaeological Society, 86 Visitation of, 46 (Somersetshire.) Bath Abbey Church, Plans, &o., M Bristol, Seyer's Charters, &c. , granted to, 86 Bristol, Restoration of Church of St. Mary Redcliffe, 18 Bristol and Gloucestershire Society Transactions, 18 Essay relating to Redcliffe Church, by J. Britton, 19 Somerset Archaeological Society 89 (Staffbrdsh ire. ) Lichfield Cathedral, Britton's History of, 19 (Suffolk.) Ipswich, Fitch's Corpus Christi Guild at, 38 Suffolk Manorial Registers, etc. 9 1 Church Bells of, 77 (Surrey.) Surrey Archaeological Collec- tions, 91 Bells of, 89 Pedes Finium, 91 (Sussex.) Cowdray, Description of Ancient Paintings at, 48 Sussex Archaeological Collec- tions, 95 (Wales.) Glamorganshire Antiquities, Merrick's Book of, 61 Kidwelly Castle, Clark's Des- cription of, 28 Powys-land Club, 62 ( Warwickshire.) Stratford, Britton on the Bust of Shakspeare at, 19 Visitation of, 45 (Wiltshire.) Abury Illustrated, Long, 57 Aubrey (J.) Natural History of Wiltshire, 12 Britton (J.) Sketches of North Wiltshire, 18 Cartularium Saxonicum Mal- mesburiense, 23 Episcopus Puerorum in die Innocentium, 36 Fonthill Abbey, Britton's Illus- trations of, 19 Hoare(R. C.) History of Ancient Wiltshire, 48 Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of, 104 Salisbury, St. Osmund's Rite, 81 Wilton House, Description of Pictures etc., in, 104 Kennedy's Description of the Antiquities etc., in, 53 Wiltshire. Extracted from Doomsday Book, 104 Archaeological Magazine, 104 ( Worcester.) Boscobel, or the History of His Majesty's Preservation, 17 Evesham, Chronicon Abbatiae, etc., no CLASSIFIED INDEX Visitation of, 46 Worcester, Monastery of, 69 TRANSACTIONS, &c., OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. Academic Royale des Inscrip- tions, 4 - Royale des Sciences, 4 Antiquaries, Society of, London Proceedings, 9 Antiquaries, Society of, New- castle, Proceedings, 9 Archaeologia, 10 ALliana, 10 Scotica, 10 Cambrensis, 10 Cantiana, 10 Archaeologischen Institute, Mit- theilungen des Kaiserlich Instituts, ii Archaeological Association, Transactions, 10 (British) Proceedings, &c., 1 1 Journal, n - Institute, Proceedings, &c., ii - Journal, 1 1 Asiatic Researches, ii Berwickshire Naturalists' Field Club, 15 Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 18 British and American Archaeo- logical Society, 18 Bruxelles Societe D'Archeologie 21 Cambridge Antiquarian Society Publications and Reports, 22 Chester Architectural, &c., Society Journal of, 27 Cornwall, Royal Institution Journal, 29 Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian Society, 30 Davenport Academy Proceed- ings, 3 1 Derbyshire Natural History Society Proceedings, 32 Durham and Northumberland Architectural and Archaeo- logical Society Transactions, 35 Glasgow Archaeological Society Transactions, 42 lona Club, Transactions of, 5 2 Ireland, Royal Antiquarian Society Proceedings, 52 Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deut- schen Archaeologischen, 52 Kilkenny Archaeological Society Transactions, 52 Lancashire and Cheshire, His- toric Society Transactions, .55 Liverpool Architectural, &c., Society Proceedings, 57 Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society Tran- sactions, 55 London and Middlesex Archaeo- logical Society Transactions, 5 2 Memoires de la Societe" des Antiquaries de Picardie, 60 de la Societe" d'Emulation d'Abbeville, 60 de la Socie'te' Royale des Antiquaries du Nord, 60 Montgomeryshire, Powys-land Club, Transactions, 62 Monumenti Annali e Bullettini, 62 Norfolk and Norwich Archaeo- logical Society, 69 Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle Natural History Society, Transactions, 70 Ossianic Society, Transactions, 72 Scotland, Society of Antiquaries of, Proceedings, 84 w i66 CLASSIFIED INDEX Socie'te' Royal des Antiquaries duNord, Me" moires et Reports 89 Shropshire Archaeological Society Transactions, 86 Somerset Archaeological Society Proceedings, 89 Surrey Archaeological Society, 9 1 Sussex Archaeological Society, ?5 Wiltshire Archaeological Society 104 Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 105 - North Riding Record Society, 105 TYNE RIVER. Guthrie (J.) The River Tyne, 44 Macgregor (J.) Observations on, 58 Mylne's Report on Tyne Bridge 64 Palmer (W. J.) The Tyne and its Tributaries, 73 Report of a Committee of the Town Council, 97 Suspension Bridge, Reports, &c 97 Plans &c., respecting, 97 The Conservatorship of, 80 Tyne Bridge, Report on, and Plans of the Piers, 97 THE WOODMAN COLLECTION, THE WOODMAN COLLECTION. Acland (Henry W.) Report on Cases of Fever occuring in the parish of Great Horwood, in the County of Buckingham. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. 1858 Adventures of Two Americans at the Siege of Brussels, September, 1830. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. Austin (John) A plea for the Constitution. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. 1859 Austin (Sarah) Two Letters on Girl's Schools, and on the training of Working Women. Tracts, 8vo, vol. i. 1857 Barrington School, Regulations of. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. 1809 Bates (Cadwallader J.) A glance at the Wages Question in England. Tracts, 8vo, vol. u. 1878 Batten (E. Chisholm) Gaulden. Ibid. Taunton, 1878 - On the cause of the Heat of Bath W T aters. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 1 1 Henry VII. in Somersetshire. Ibid. Bell (F. J.) A Review of the Tide or Water Guard Department of Her Majesty's Customs, in its management and relations to frauds in the Customs. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. Liverpool, 1843 Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, Proceedings for 1857, 1860 and 1865. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Alnwick, V.Y. Border Club Papers, vol. i. 2 copies. Tracts, 8vo, vols. 15 and 16 Brougham (Rt. Hon. Henry, Lord) Installation Address. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 10. Edinburgh, 1860 Speech on the present State of the Law of the Country. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. 1828 Bruce (J. Collingwood) and Stokoe (John) A Collection of the Ballads, Melodies, and Small Pipe Tunes of Northumberland. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 15. Newcastle, 1882 Burke (Edmund) Thoughts on the prospect of a Regicide Peace. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 9. 1796 - Letter from, to a Noble Lord on the attacks made upon him and his pension, .by the Duke of Bedford. Ibid. 1796 Burke (Edmund) Two Letters addressed to a member of Parliament on the proposals for peace with the Regicide Directory of France. Ibid. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEVVCASTLE-ON-TYNE 169 Butterworth (Henry, F.S.A.) Memoir. 2 copies, Tracts, 8vo, vols. n and 14. 1861 Batson (Thomas) How to improve the position of the Agricultural Labourer. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 17. 1851 Carey (G. S.)The Matchlesse Mayde of Morpethe, a Northumbrian Ballad. Tracts, 4to, vol. 18. 1785 Carlisle (Rt. Hon. Earl of) Two Lectures on the Poetry of Pope, and his own Travels in America. 2 copies. Tracts, 8vo, vols. 5 and 10. Leeds, 1851 Carlyle (Thomas) Inaugural Address at Edinburgh. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 10. Edinburgh, 1866 Charlton (Edward) Ballads and Traditions of Northern Europe. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14 Childers (Rt. Hon. Hugh) Ten years of Financial Administration. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. 1876 Cholera Reports on the results of different methods of treatment in 1854. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. Clayton (William Clayton) Dirt, a Lecture. Ibid. 1852 - Kernal. v. Shell, as to the obligations of the owner of minerals, (held as a separate tenement) to leave a sufficient support for the surface. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. 1860 Cobden (Richard) Speech on the Corn Laws 1843. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. Almvtck, N.D. County Administration, Scheme of, embracing the management of the Poor, the Highways and the County Finances. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. 1869 County Courts, on the Working of, a letter to Baron Westbury. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. 1861 Darnell (Rev. W. N. ) Lines suggested by the Death of Vice- Admiral Lord Collingwood. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. Newcastle, 1842 Deeds, with seals appended, folio. Denton (J. Bailey) Land Drainage and Drainage Systems. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 17 1855 Dickenson (William) Instructions for Growing Italian Rye Grass. Ibid. 1855 Doubleday (Thomas) A Letter to the Duke of Northumberland on the Ancient Northumbrian Music. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. 1857 Doyle (Martin) The Agricultural Labourer. Tracts, 8vo, vol 17. 1855 Fander (Rev. John) The proper use of Shall and Will. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 10. 1858 Fearon (J. P.) The Endowed Charities, with some suggestions for further legislation regarding them. Tracts, 8vo, vol. i. 1855 170 CATALOGUE OF THE WOODMAN COLLECTION Fenwick (John) Obits of some of the more distinguished members of the Literary and Philosophical Society. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Newcastle, 1857 Sketch of the Ship Boy Life of. Ibid. 1856 Fenwick (Sir John) The Protest of certain Lords against the Bill of attainder of. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Newcastle, 1854 Ffoulkes (Edmund S.) The Roman Index and its late proceedings. Tracts, 8vo, vol. u. N.D. Finances and Trade of the United Kingdom, at the beginning of the year 1852. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. 1852 Fitch (J.G.)The Savings Bank in the School. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. 1875 Fowler (Rev. J. T) On the St. Cuthbert Window in York Minister. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 15 N.D. Gavin (Hector) The Habitations of the Industrial Classes. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. 1851 Gibson (William Sidney) Remarks on the Mediaeval Writers of Eng- lish History, intended as a popular Sketch of the advantages and pleasures derivable from Monastic Literature. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 5. 1848 Giffin (Robert.) Progress of the Working Classes in the last half Century. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. 1884 Gilly (W. S.) Peasantry of the Border, an appeal on their behalf. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 15. 1842 Gladstone (Rt. Hon. W. E.) An address on the place of Ancient Greece in the providential order of the World. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 10. 1865 Wedgwood, an address. Ibid. 1863 Inaugural Address. Tracts, 8vo, vol. u. Edinburgh, 1860 Greenhow (E. Headlam) On the Study of Epidemic Disease. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. 1858 Grey (Rt. Hon. Earl) Speech on moving the Second Reading of the Reform Bill. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. 1831 Substance of a speech of, in moving for a Committee to con- sider the State of Ireland. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. 1866 Letter to, by "One of the Clergy". Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Durham, 1821 Grey Festival, being a narrative of the proceedings connected with the Dinner given to Earl Grey at Edinburgh. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. 1834 Speech on the Eastern Question. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. 1877 Grey (Sir George) Report of Proceedings and Speeches, at his Election for the Borough of Morpeth. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. Morpeth, N. D. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 171 Guignard (Ph.)Les Monuments primitifs de la Regie Cistercienne publies d'appres le manuscripts de L'Abbaye de Citeaux, 8vo. Dijon, 1878 Guthrie (Rev. Thomas) Inaugural Discourse and Address at the opening of the Chambers Institution, Peebles. Tracts, 8vo, vol. i. Edinburgh, 1859 Hall (John C.) On the Health of Towns. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. 1847 Hedley (E. A.) Dissertatio Medica inauguralis de Embryolomia. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1828 Hill (George) The Present Happiness of Great Britain. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Edinburgh, 1792 Hill (Rowland) Requisites to the completion of his plans of Post Office improvement. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. 1843 Hoskyns (Chandos W.) Land in England, Land in Ireland, and Land in other Lands. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. 1869 - Agricultural Statistics. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 17. 1856 Howard (Lord William, of Naworth) A brief Summary of the contents of a manuscript formerly belonging to. 2 copies. (Sharp's Tracts,) Tracts, 8vo, vols. 5 and 16. Newcastle, 1848 Howard (Henry) Indications of Memorials, Monuments, Paintings, and Engravings of Persons of the Howard Family, and of their Wives and Children, and of those who have married Ladies of the Name, and of the Representatives of some of its Branches now extinct, folio. J ^34 Howick (Rt. Hon. Lord, Viscount) Speech on the Church Establish- ment (Ireland) Bill. 2 copies. Tracts, 8vo, vols, 4 and 8. 1835 - Speech on the second reading of the Corn-Law Bill. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. 1842 - Speech on the depression in manufactures. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. 1843 Hutton (Charles, LL.D.) Memoir of by John Bruce. Tracts 8vo, vol. 5. Newcastle, 1823 Johnson (C. W. ) On increasing the demand for Agricultural Labour. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 17. 1841 Leighton (Sir Baldwyn) The Farm Labourer in 1872. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. 1872 Letter to Sir Robert Ingles, by Bishop Phillpotts. Tracts, 8vo, vol, 7. 1852 Legislation on the Sunday Sale of Intoxicating Drinks. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. Manchester, N.D. Maine (Sir Henry S.) The effects of observations of India on modern European Thought. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. 1875 172 CATALOGUE OF THE WOODMAN COLLECTION Maltby (Edward, Lord Bp. of Durham) A Sermon preached in the Church of St. Nicholas, Newcastle, on Sunday August a6th, being the Sunday following the meeting of the British Associa- tion in that Town. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. Newcastle, 1838 Manchester &Salford Sanitary Association Tracts. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. Mewburn (Francis) Observations on the Law of Real Property. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. Durham, N.D. Mill (John Stuart) Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. 1859 Montalembert (M. Le Comte de) A debate on India in the English Parliament. Ibid. 1858 - Trial of. Ibid. 1858 Moon (G. Washington) Defence of the Queens English. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 10. 1863 Morpeth (Lord Viscount) Speech at his Election for the West Riding of Yorkshire. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. Morpeth, 1846 Morell (J. D.) On the Progress of Society. Tracts, 8vo, vol. i. Edinburgh, 1859 Murray (Patrick J.) Reformatory Schools in France and England. Ibid. 1854 Necker (M.) Reflections on the Calamities of War. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13. 1831 Newcastle, Report of the investigation of the Cases of Messrs. Brumell, Walker and Angus, before the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of Newcastle-on-Tyne, with an introduction explanatory of the causes which led to the investigation. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13. Newcastle, 1833 Bruce (Gainsford) A Letter to the Mayor of Newcastle, on the Burgess and Non-Burgess Courts of Record. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 7. 1866 Third Annual report of the Royal Victoria Asylum for the Blind. Tracts, 8vo, vol 8. Newcastle, 1841 Catalogue of the Exhibition of Arts, Manufactures, and Prac- tical Science at Newcastle, 1840. Ibid. Ibid, 1840 Musical Festival 1791. Tracts, 410, vol. 18. Ibid, 1791 Newman (John Henry, D.D.) A Letter addressed to the Duke of Norfolk. Tracts, 8vo, vol. n. 1875 Newspaper Stamp and the Duty on Paper. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. 1836 Norman (George Warde) Taxation. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. 1850 NORTHUMBERLAND : Bosanquet (Rev. R. W.) Rock Hall. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. 1869 Botanists' Guide through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 15. Newcastle, 1805-1807 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 173 Brinkburn Priory, Copy of the Charters, -Pipe Rolls, and Papers relating to, with several old prints, 410. Charlton (Edward) Memorials of North Tynedale, and its four Sur- names. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. Newcastle, 1871 Chibburn, Letters and Papers relating to, folio. Cottage Improvement Society for North Northumberland, Annual Reports for 1842-43-45-47. Tracts, 8vo, vols. 6 and 15. Alnwick, V.Y. Dialogue between the North and South Tyne Rivers. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. Newcastle, 1850 Diggings into an Ancient Briton's Grave. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Alnwick, 1862 Dunn (M.) Prospectus of a Railway from Newcastle to Morpeth, to be called the Northumberland Railway, ultimately to be con- nected by branches with Blyth and Shields. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. Newcastle, 1835 Fenwick (Lieut. Col. John) Christ ruling in the midst of his Enemies Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Newcastle, 1846 Floods. Account of the Great Flood in the River Tyne, Dec. 3oth. 1815, etc. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. Newcastle, 1816 Gibson (William Sidney) Memoir on Northumberland, descriptive of its Scenery, Monuments, and History. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. 1860 Glynn (Edward) Sketches of Oldminster, the "Chares" of Newcastle, and their inhabitants. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. Newcastle, 1858 Hexham Farmers' Club, I3th Anniversary Report. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 17. Hexham, 1859 Hinde (John Hodgson) On the State of the Western portions of the ancient Kingdom of Northumberland, down to the period of the Norman Conquest. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. 1856 Horsley (Rev. John) Materials for the History of Northumberland. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. Mark (George) Survey of a portion of Northumberland in 1734. Ibid. Morpeth Collectanea, 1695-1887, 4 vols, 4to. Morpeth Collectanea, 7 vols, folio. Morpeth Court Rolls, folio. Morpeth School MSS., 2 vols, 410. Morpeth School Attorney General v. Trevelyan, 6 vols, folio. 1847 Morpeth Mechanical and Scientific Institution Rules. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. Morpeth, 1825 x 174 CATALOGUE OF THE WOODMAN COLLECTION Newminster Chartularium Abbathiae de Novo Monasterio ordinis Cisteriensis fundateanno 1537 Surtees Society, with additions of Photographs, Newspaper Cuttings, Maps, Plates, and Letters, 8vo. Durham, 1878 Northumberland Collectanea, 2 vols, folio. Northumberland Institution, Catalogues of the First to Sixth Exhibitions of Pictures. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. Newcastle, 1822-27 Pedigree of the family of Wood of Northumberland. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. Report of the Committee of Justices of the Peace, upon the expen- diture of the County Rate, the manner of keeping the Accounts of each expenditure, and the form of printing the same for general publication. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. Newcastle, 1841 Tate (George) The Old Celtic Town of Greaves Ash. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14. Aln-wick, N.D. The V511, Manor and Church of Longhoughton. Ibid. Ibid, 1864 - The Geology and Archaeology of the Borders. Ibid. Ibid, N.D. - The Geology and Archaeology of Beadnell, with descriptions of Fossil Annelids. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. Alnivick, 1858 Wills, extracted from the Registry at Durham and Newcastle, original Documents, etc., with index, 3 vols, 410. Woodhorn, Extracts from Public Records, Law Proceedings, Letters, etc., relating to, folio. Palgrave (Sir F. ) Observations on the principles to be adopted in the establishment of New Municipalites. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13. 1833 Palmer (J. Horsley) The Causes and Consequences of the pressure upon the Money Market. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 8. 1837 Peerage, Reports from the Lords Committees appointed to search for all matters touching the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm, with appendix, 2 vols in i, folio. 1820-26 Phillpotts (Rev. H.) Letter to Earl Grey, on certain charges advanced by his Lordship. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 3. Durham, 1821 Present Crisis, The, A few words to the people of England, etc., Tracts, 8vo, vol. 4. 1852 Radcliffe Pedigree, observations on. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. Railways. On the Demoralization and Injuries occasioned by the want of proper regulation of labourers engaged in the con- struction of Railways. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. Manchester, N.D. Raynbird (William and Hugh) On the Adulteration of Seeds. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 17. 1862 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 175 Reeves (W.) On the Celi-de, commonly called the Culdees, 4to. 1860 Reform Ministry, and the reformed Parliament. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 13 1833 Reid (T. Wemyss) A personal Narrative of the Catastrophe at Hartley New Pit. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 15. Newcastle, N.D. Saint Cuthbert, hys hatrid he bare unto women. Tracts 8vo, vol. 16. 1844 School, The, and its relation to the State, the Church, and the Congregation. Tracts 8vo, vol. i. 1847 Seward (Miss) Elegy on Captain Cook. Tracts 410, vol. 18. Lichfield, 1784 Sharkey (Richard F.) Observations on Parliamentary Reform. Tracts 8vo, vol. 3. Dublin, 1812 SLAVERY, TRACTS RELATING TO : Anti-Slavery Reporter. Tracts 8vo, vol. 13. 1833 Brougham (H.) On Colonial Slavery. Tracts 8vo, vol. 12. 1830 Clarkson (Thomas) The Argument that the Colonial Slaves are better off than the British Peasantry answered. Ibid. Whitby, 1824 Considerations on Certain Remarks on Negro Slavery in Lord Sto well's Judgment in the case of the Slave " Grace." Ibid. Newcastle, 1827 Concise View of Colonial Slavery. Ibid. Ibid, 1830 Declaration of the Objects of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Society for promoting the gradual Abolition of Slavery. Ibid. Ibid, 1823 Fox (Rt. Hon. Charles James) Speech on the Abolition of the Slave Trade. Ibid. Ibid, 1824 Grainger (T. C.) Speech on the Abolition of Colonial Slavery. Ibid. Dublin, 1830 Losh (James) Speech in the Guildhall, Newcastle, on the emanci- pation of the Slave Population of the British Colonies. Ibid. Newcastle, 1824 Pitt (Rt. Hon. William) Speech on the African Slave Trade. Ibid. Ibid, 1824 Smith (Southwold) Epidemics considered 'with relation to their common nature, &c. Tracts 8vo, vol. 6. Edinburgh, 1856 - Results of Sanitary Improvement. Ibid. Ibid, 1854 Stanley (Arthur P., D.D.) The South African Controversy in rela- tion to the Church of England. Tracts 8vo, vol. n. 1867 Stanzas to the Memory of the departed Worth. Tracts 410, vol. 18. Morpeth, 1807 176 CATALOGUE OF THE WOODMAN COLLECTION Sympathy, a poem. Tracts 410, vol. 18. Thompson (Benjamin) Copy of the Specification of a Patent granted to, for his Invention of a method of facilitating the Conveyance of Carriages along Iron and Wood Railways. Tracts 8vo, vol. 2. Newcastle, N.D. Thompson (W. G.) A description of Mr. Richardson's Picture of Marmion. Ibid. Ibid, 1825 Topley (William) On the Relation of the Parish Boundaries in the S.E. of England to great physical features, particularly to the Chalk Escarpment. Tracts 8vo, vol. n. 1873 Trench (Richard Chenevix) On some differences in our English Dictionaries. Tracts 8vo, vol. 10. 1857 Trevelyan (Sir Charles, Bart.) Tramps and Vagrants. Tracts 8vo, vol. n. Newcastle, 1881 Tuckett (Philip D.) Prize Essay on Land Valuing. Tracts 8vo, vol. 17. 1863 Turner (William) Sermon on the Death of James Losh, Recorder of Newcastle. Tracts 8vo, vol. 13. Newcastle, 1833 Turner (Wyllyam) The Hunting and Fynding out of the Romish Fox. Tracts 8vo, vol. 5. Cambridge, 1851 Vignoles (Charles B.) Address to the Institute of Civil Engineers. Tracts 8vo, vol. n. 1870 Voice from the North of England on the New Poor Law. Ibid. 1837 Walters (William C.) On the Holy Spirit. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. 1824 Workhouses and Womens Work. Tracts, 8vo, vol. i. 1858 Wentworth (W. C.) Australasia, a poem. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. 1823 White (R.) The Wind, a poem. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 14 Newcastle, 1853 Wilson (J. W.) Drainage of Land. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 17. 1861 Wilson (James) The cause of the present commercial distress. Tracts, 8vo, vol, 4. Liverpool, 1843 Winch (N. J.) An Essay on the Geographical Distribution of Plants, through the Counties of Northumberland, Durham, and Cum- berland. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 5. Newcastle, 1819 Wood (T.) The difficulties of the Infidel. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 2. 1829 Wright (Thomas) An Essay on the State of Literature and Learning under the Anglo Saxons. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 5. 1839 Wyvill (Rev. C.) A State of the representation of the people of England. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 6. York, 1793 Younghusband, Notes on the family of, by R. W. Twigge. Tracts, 8vo, vol. 16. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 THE L1BKAKY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Z921 Society of Antiquaries of Nawcastle-uDon- tyne. Library Catalogue. Z921 Nl3c