Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt ; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. DANIEL in. verse 26. MARTYROLOGIA; RECORDS OF RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION A NEW AND COMPREHENSIVE BOOK OF MARTYRS, OP ANCIENT AND MODEttN TIMES. COMPILE!) PARTLY PROM THE ACTS AND MONUMENTS OF JOHN FOXE, AND PARTLY FROM OTHER GENUINE AND AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS, PRINTED AND IN MANUSCRIPT. VOL. I. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY JOHN MASON, 14, CITY-ROAD ; SOLD AT 66, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1848. LONDON : 1'RINTEP BY JAMKS NICHOLS, HOXTON-SQUAR Stack Annex OZI PREFACE. AT a period like the present, when "the Man of Sin" is rallying his energies in order to renew his tarnished glory, and his almost forgotten power ; when monastic institutions are in various parts of Great Britain rearing their heads, and nume- rous indefatigable efforts made to gain proselytes from among the uneducated masses of the community; when members of the Imperial Parliament are standing forward as the avowed champions of the Papacy, having apostatized from the religion of their fathers, and sought refuge in the Church of Rome; when individuals connected with the ecclesiastical hierarchy of England have not only avowed friendship, and positive attach- ment, to the damnable errors of the Papacy, but have either openly, and without hesitation, renounced Protestantism and served at Popish altars, or maintained a cowardly and traitorous connexion with the English Reformed Church; and when, even while we are writing, a measure is undergoing discussion in the Senate, on the expediency of establishing diplomatic relations with the Court of Rome ; it will scarcely be thought unseasonable or improper to call the attention of the Protestant public to the means by which the Church of Rome acquired her extraordinary power, and also to the spirit with which that power has been exercised. In the "Records of Religious Persecution" which are now presented to the public, great care has been taken, in order that the volumes shall be adapted to the present condition of the religious world, and that due regard shall be paid to the accuracy of the statements which may be made, and to the authorities which may be adduced; the whole being intended to furnish those who do not possess the entire work of John Foxe with a portable and carefully-prepared book of martyrs, on which our readers may rely with confidence. Considerable use has been made of " John Foxe," and pro- perly so ; because no book, with the exception of the Pilgrim's Progress of John Bunyan, has been so deservedly popular and so extensively read. The scenes which Foxe so graphically a 2 IV PREFACE. depicts, the tragedies he records, very often from personal know- ledge ; the names of the holy men who fell victims ; the truths taught at the stake ; and the Bibles they endeavoured to bury in the martyrs' grave ; are all fitted to arouse bygone reminis- cences, which may lead us to bless and praise the Most High, who gave our forefathers grace to labour, and to us the privilege of entering into their labours. The veracity and faithfulness of Foxe stand unimpeached and unimpeachable. " The volumes of this writer are the faithful registers of the awful deeds of the Church of Rome, the transcripts of those dreadful principles which have made every country in which they have obtained the ascendancy, from the wilds of the Arab to the steppes of the Cossack, a very Aceldama." Since his records came to occupy a large share of patronage and popularity, objections have been urged, not only from Papal sources, but from professed Protest- ants. One of the most bitter Papal opponents of Foxe was the wily Harding. The following are some of the chaste and indi- genous terms in which this Jesuit speaks of the Martyrologist : " There have not so many thousands of your brethren been burned for heresy in these last twenty years as ye pretend ; and this is the chief argument ye make in all that huge dunghill of your stinking martyrs, which ye have entitled ( Acts and Monu- ments/ " To this Bishop Jewel makes the following free and faithful reply : " Ye have imprisoned your brethren ; ye have stripped them naked ; ye have scourged them with rods ; ye have burned their hands and arms with flaming torches; ye have famished them; ye have drowned them; ye have sum- moned them, being dead, to appear before you ; ye have taken up their buried carcases and burned them; ye have thrown them out unto the dunghill ; ye took a poor babe, newly born, and, in a most cruel and barbarous manner, threw him into the fire. All these things are true, they are no lies. The eyes and consciences of thousands can witness to your doings. Ye slew your brethren so cruelly, not for murder, or robbery, or any other grievous crime they had committed, BUT ONLY THAT THEY TRUSTED IN THE LIVING GOD. The worst word that proceeded from their lips was, ' O Lord, forgive them ; they know not what they do : Lord Jesus, receive my spirit ! ' In the mean while ye stood by and delighted your eyes with the sight. Oh ! Mr. Harding, your conscience knoweth these to be no lies ; they are written in the eyes and hearts of many thousands. These be the marks of your religion. Oh ! what reckoning will ye yield, when so much innocent blood will be required at your hands ! " I'KKFACE. Milner, a zealous and subtle Romanist, in his work entitled, " The End of Controversy," declares that Cranmer and others of the Protestants were consigned to the flames because they had been guilty of high treason. Foxe is a liar, and not to be believed even when he speaks the truth. "All this," says a modern writer, " may be exceedingly convenient to the cham- pions of the Papal hierarchy; but they know well that the martyrs in the days of Queen Mary, who, Lingard, the Romish historian, says, e was one of the best of the English Princesses/ suffered not for infringements of civil law, but for the mainte- nance of Gospel truth. The policy of the Jesuits is always to filiate on Protestants the very crimes of which they themselves are guilty. Milner and Lingard show how well they have stu- died in the school of Ignatius Loyola. The Protestants burned in the days of Queen Mary, were burned, as legal and civil documents, still accessible, demonstrate, simply for disclaiming transubstantiation, the supremacy of the Pope, and the assumed right of the Romish Priesthood to debar the laity from reading the sacred Scriptures. But, on the. other hand, the Papists who suffered in the days of Elizabeth were, as the indictments and other authentic records show, executed for high treason, for regicide principles, and for open or disguised, but clearly proved, opposition to the dynasty and sceptre of Elizabeth. A convicted murderer, of un renewed heart, will, of course, naturally impeach Judge, jury, and evidence. The Papacy, however, has not put down the Gospel, which illustrates the glory and the functions of Christ ; and it shall not crush the humbler records, which stamp his true character on the exploits of Antichrist. Neal, a far abler and purer witness than Milner, or Lingard, or Hard- ing, confirms the testimony of Jewel in these words : ' Foxe was a person of indefatigable labour and industry, and an exile for religion in Queen Mary's days ; he spent all his time abroad in compiling The Acts and Monuments, which were first published in Latin, and afterwards, when he returned to his native coun- try, with enlargements. Vast were the pains he took in search- ing records and collecting materials for his work ; and such WAS ITS ESTEEM, that IT WAS ORDERED TO BE SET UP IN ALL THE PARISH CHURCHES IN ENGLAND/ n " No book," continues the historian of the Puritans, " ever gave such a mortal wound to Popery as this." As Foxe's Acts and Monuments will be often referred to in the progress of this work, a brief history of the book itself will not fail to be acceptable to our renders : YJ PREFACE. "As the work commonly called Foxe's Martyrs is generally held in high estimation by that branch of the catholic church which is established in these kingdoms, some account of the various editions of this celebrated work will not, it is hoped, be unacceptable to our readers. The first form, we believe, in which it appeared, at least a small portion, and containing the first book, was under the following title, Commentarii rerum in Ecclesia gestarum, a Wiclefi temporibus usque ad annum M.D. Svo. Argentorati, 1554. " We suppose this volume to be very rare, having never seen it, or noticed it in any catalogue. It was followed by a much enlarged volume entitled Rerum in Ecclesia gestarum maxi- marumque per Europam persecutionum ac sanctorum Dei mar- tyrum Commentarii, in folio, Basilece, 1559. " This contains four additional books, and ends, if we recollect right, with the examinations of John Philpott. It is, like the preceding, a very rare book. There is a copy in the Bodleian Library, and also in the Cathedral Library, Lichfield. Before we proceed to the English editions we may notice a continuation of Foxe's Latin volume in the same language by Henry Panta- leon. The title is much the same as that which we have given of Foxe's Martyrum historia, pars secunda, fyc., folio, Basilea, 1563. This is equally rare with the preceding volume. Panta- leon published many other works, but most of them are easily to be met with, compared with the present. A great portion of the contents has been introduced into the later editions of the Acts and Monuments. " It will appear from the titles of the preceding editions, that they were printed at Basle, where the author was residing in exile, and where he ' was received/ says Strype, ' by the accu- rate and learned printer Oporinus, for the corrector of his press/ ' While he was here employed by Oporinus, at spare hours he began his history of the Acts of the Church, in Latin ; which he drew out more briefly at first ; and, before his return home into England, well near finished. Having here completed the copy, which was but the first part of what he intended, but making just a volume in folio, he sent this work to Basle to be printed; and so it was in the year 155-. It remained many years after in those parts in great request, and was read by foreign nations ; although hardly known at all by our own.' " We may now attempt some description of the first English edition of the ' Acts and Monuments ;' and we give the title as furnished in Dr. Dibdin's Ames: ' Acts and Monuments of 1' UK FACE. Vil tlsi'sr latter tuul pcrillous dayes touching matters of the church, wherein are comprehended said described the great persecutions, mid horrible troubles, that have been wrought and practised by the llomishc Prelates, especiallye in this realme of England and Seotlande, from the year of our Lorde a thousande, uuto the tyme nowc present. Gathered and collected according to the true copies and wry tinges certificatorie, as wel of the parties themselves that suffered, as also out of the Bishop's registers, which were the doers thereof, by John Foxe/ folio, London, 1562, from the press of John Day. " Of this, one of the rarest volumes in English literature, the date does not seem to be well ascertained. Dr. Dibdin thinks it may be 1563, and Strype, from whom we shall make a liberal extract, has ranged it under the year 1561. 'About this year/ says he, ' did the laborious John Foxe set forth the first edition in English of his great book of Acts and Monuments, in one thick volume. Wherein he hath done such exquisite service to the Protestant cause, in shewing from abundance of ancient books, records, registers, and choice MSS. the encroachments of Popes and Papalins, and the stout oppositions, which were made by learned and good men in all ages and in all countries against them ; and especially under King Henry and Queen Mary here in England ; preserving to us the memories of those holy men and women, those Bishops and Divines, together with their histories, acts, sufferings, and their constant deaths, willingly undergone for the sake of Christ and his Gospel, and for refus- ing to comply with Popish doctrines and superstitions. The design of writing this history was first set on foot among the exiles abroad in Queen Mary's hard days ; and many of them were concerned in it, to supply Foxe with matter from England. The chief of these was Grindal, afterwards Bishop of London. From him Foxe had the history of the holy John Bradford, and the letters writ by him in prison, besides many other things. It was agreed upon by them, that this history of those days should be written both in Latin and English, and printed, the former for the use of strangers, and the latter for the use of our own country. And so it was. And first it was printed beyond sea in Latin ; the; overseeing and finishing of which edition detained the author some while abroad, after the entrance of Queen Elizabeth upon her Government. "'Great was the expectation of the book here in England bc-lbrc it came abroad. The Papists then called it scurrilously Foxe's Gofden Legend. AVhen it first appeared, there was extra- v iii PREFACE. ordinary fretting and fuming at it through all quarters of Eng- land, even to Lovain. They charged it with lies, and that there was much falsehood in it. But, indeed, they said this, because they were afraid it should betray their cruelty and their lies, as the* author speaks in the epistle before his book. The Kalendar standing before his said book, which he made on purpose to set down the names of all that suffered for pure religion in those evil days, gave the Papists great offence, taking it in that sense as though he had cast out of the Kalendar the antient saints, and in their places put new ones. But he said for himself, that he composed this Kalendar only for an Index, designing the month and year of each martyr. Yet, as he added, that if the cause, and not the punishment made a martyr, he judged one Cranmer to be preferable to six hundred Beckets of Canterbury; and that there was in Nicholas Ridley what might be compared with any that went by the name of St. Nicholas. " ' Parsons also in his book of the Three Conversions of Eng- land chargeth him with sporting of the Bishops registers and ancient records. Which he spake without any assured ground, more than his own uncharitable guess. He pretended that he could have found abundant matter to have confuted Foxe out of the records he used, had not he and his fellows made away, and defaced the said records ; which were to be found before him in the registers of every bishopric and cathedral church ; but now no more, as we presume. Which last words, as we presume, do plainly let us know, that what he had severely charged upon him expressly before, depended indeed upon nothing but his own, and his party's mere presumption. Foxe was an indefatigable searcher into old registers, and left them as he found them, after he had made his collections and transcriptions out of them. Many whereof I have seen, and do possess. And it was his interest that they should remain to be seen by posterity. And there- fore we frequently find references thereunto in the margins of his book. Many have diligently compared his books with registers, and council books, and have always found him faithful. " ' He dedicated this first edition to Queen Elizabeth ; and another edition, many years after done by him, he also dedicated to her. In this first edition, which is rarely to be met with, are many things, as commissions, instruments, letters, in Latin, and divers other matters, which are left out in the after-editions for brevity sake, there being such store of other things coming to light to be inserted.' I'llKFACE. IX " We hope the length of this extract may be excused for the sake of the subject ; it might have been much extended. " The second edition of Foxe was published by the same printer, John Day, in two volumes, folio, 1570. The first volume contains 922 pages, besides prefixes and affixes ; and the second, beginning on p. 923, ends on p. 2302. Then follows ' A diligent index or table of the most notable things in this whole book/ &c. On the back of the last leaf is Day's portrait, and a colo- phon agreeing with the title-pages. This second edition is better methodized, much enlarged, and has more cuts than the former. See Dr. Dibdin's Ames, vol. iv., p. 116. " 3. The first volume of Ecclesiastical History the suffering of Martirs, &c., 2 vols., folio, newly recognized and enlarged by the author, J. Foxe, 1576. " This is the third edition of the ' Acts and Monuments/ and from the press of the same printer. The pages are 2008, besides epistles, and 13 leaves of index. There are some additions in this edition ' The oration of J. Hales to Queen Elizabeth, cer- tain cautions to the reader, and three articles omitted in their proper place, &c., but both paper and letter are considerably smaller. Mr. Heber possessed a fine copy of this edition, bound in one volume, in its primitive stamped binding/ Dibdin's Ames, iv., 140. "4. Acts and Monuments of matters most speciall and memo- rable, happening in the church, with an universall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the church, from the primitive age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloody tymes, horrible troubles, and great persecutions, agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by Heathen Emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish Prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland, newly revised, &c., and now the fourth time agayne published by John Foxe, an. 1583. " This edition is also in two volumes ; we have given the title somewhat at length, as Dr. Dibdin's account is rather deficient. There is a grand copy of this fourth edition in the Bodleian library, Oxford. "5. Herbert's edition of Ames's Typographical Antiquities (vol. ii., p. 1208 9) will furnish some account of the fifth publi cation of this now voluminous work. ' Actes and Monuments of matters happening in the church, &c., now againe, as it was recognized by the author, Maister John Foxe, the fift time newly imprinted anno 1596.' 2 vols. VOL. i. b ' X PREFACE. " Herbert gives the date of 1597, to the second volume of this edition ; ' The partners in this impression, with their shares, were as follow, viz., Mr. Harrison, 100 ; Mr. Bishop, 100 ; Mr. Watkins, 200 ; Mr. Wight, 200 ; Mr. Newbery, 100 ; Mr. Col- dock, 100; Mr. Norton, 100; Mr. Ponsonby, 100; Mr. Dewce, 100 ; and Mr. Woodcock, 100. At the court holden at Station- ers 3 Hall, April 7, 1595, yt is agreed that P. Short shall finish the impression of the B. of Martyrs from the place where Mr. Denham left for which he is to have after the rate of xviis. vid. for a booke for paper and printinge the paper shal be rated at viis. the ream/ Note m. in Herbert. A copy of this edition is, we believe, in the Duke of Devonshire's library at Chats- worth." * * Protestant Journal for 1832, pp. 48 ,51. LONDON, March 2d, 1848. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION BOOK I. OF THE PERSECUTIONS RECORDED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. CHAPTER I. SECT. I. ABEL, B.C. 3875 Birth of Cain His Character The Occupation of the Brothers Cause of Difference Nature of the Offerings presented Sacrifices The Contrast Effect upon Cain Who murders his Bro- ther Records of Targums SECT. II. ABRAHAM Moral State of the World at his Birth His early Character The Idolatry of Terah Zabi- ism Rise and Progress of the primitive Idolatry Rabbinical Tradition Terah a Maker of Idols Abraham reproves his Father Is examined and punished by Nimrod 1 CHAPTER II. SECT. I. The Captivity in Egypt Joseph Cause of his Elevation The Famine Visits of Joseph's Brethren to Egypt The Migration of the Patriarch and his Family Goshen Shepherd Kings Death of Jacob and Joseph Cruelty and Oppression of the Egyptians Reasons for this Treatment Superstition of the People Fecundity of the Jews Exter- minating Edict Josephus Birth of Moses Labours of the Hebrews The Pyramids The Exodus Destruction of Pharaoh State Persecu- tion SECT. II. Naboth the Jezreelite Jezreel Patrimonial Inherit- ance Its Nature Regulations thereto Peculiarity of the Hebrew Con- stitution Its Excellency Naboth's Refusal Ahab's Mortification Je- zebel Her Control over Ahab Her murderous Scheme Slaughter of Naboth Elijah Divine Retribution Awful End of Ahab and Jezebel. . 10 CHAPTER III. ELIJAH. State of Religion in Judea when Elijah appeared Appearance of Elijah His Name Conduct of Ahab Images Baal Astarte A Drought threatened How received Prophets ofthe Most High Elijah persecuted Flees to Cherith Afterwards to Zarephath Awful State of the Country His second Visit to Ahab Obadiah Ahab's Interview with the Prophet Elijah's Challenge The Trial Its Success The Destruction of the Priests of Baal Elijah's Conduct vindicated Locke Warburton Ahab's subsequent Interview with Jezebel She threatens the Life of the Prophet He flees into the Wilderness His Despondency and Encouragement His third Interview with Ahab Ahaziah Con- sults Baalzebub Is reproved by the Prophet The King threatens His Servants are slain by Fire from Heaven Eh'jah predicts his Death Remarks on the Death of the Messengers On the Right of punishing Heretics with the Sword Bossuet quoted Rev. Richard Watson Schools of the Prophets Elisha Ascension of Elijah , 28 b 2 x ii CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. Page. SECT. I State of Israel Jehoiada Reign of Joash Its disastrous Circum- stances Athaliah, her profane and profligate Conduct Preservation of Joash His Proclamation Death of Athaliah And of Jehoiada Gene- ral Apostasy Zechariah His Fidelity and Death Awful Retribution- Death of Joash Supposed allusion of our Saviour to this Event The Conjecture confirmed Discrepancy in the Name of the Priest. SECT. II. Isaiah His Birth and Parentage His Sons Burden of his Pro- phecyHis Wife His Costume Which was symbolical Period of his Commission Character of his Ministry U/ziah His Character and war- like Movements General Profligacy of the People Presumption and Pu- nishment of the King Jotham Ahaz His fearful Idolatry And poli- tical Troubles The Faithfulness of Isaiah Early Career of Hezekiah Worship of God restored Manasseh, his idolatrous Conduct Isaiah put to Death Remarks on the Punishment of the Saw. SECT. III. Amon Short Reign Josiah Idols destroyed His Death Jehoahaz His Idolatry Is exiled by the King of Egypt Jehoiakim Is a gross Idola- ter Experiences severe Judgments Jeremiah Who is placed in the Stocks And threatened with Death Jehoiakim is besieged by Nebu- chadnezzar, and carried captive, with many others, to Babylon Jehoia- kim is restored Persecution of Jeremiah Blasphemy of the King Urijah His Fidelity His Life is threatened He flees into Egypt Is seized and brought back to Jerusalem And is slain Jehoiakim throws off the Assyrian Yoke His miserable Death 48 CHAPTER V. SECT. I. JERUSALEM TAKEN. Nebuchadnezzar Agitated State of Jerusalem Perilous Situation of Jeremiah Is thrown into a Dungeon Jerusalem is besieged Distress of the Inhabitants The City taken Zedekiah slain, and the City ruined Lamentations of Jeremiah Bishop Lowth and Dr. South quoted Gedaliah Mizpeh Death of the Prophet. SECT. II. THE CAPTIVITY. Hebrews in Babylon The Treatment of the Captives Character of the King of Babylon Prediction of Isaiah Daniel and his Companions Dangers to which they were exposed Change of their Names Their moral Training Luxury of the Babylo- nian Court Their Preservation from Evil Nebuchadnezzar's first Dream Daniel and others sentenced to Death The former reveals the Dream and its Interpretation Is promoted Nebuchadnezzar's Image Its De- dication Principles developed All commanded to render Worship Description of the Idol The Hebrew Confessors refuse to worship The Consequences of such a Refusal The fiery Furnace The Deliverance of the Jews Nebuchadnezzar's second Dream Its Interpretation Effect of the Dream on Nebuchadnezzar His Death Evil-Merodach His Character Belshazzar His Conduct The mysterious Writing Is ex- plained and fulfilled Darius His Opinion of Daniel Who is accused And thrown into the Den of Lions Mercifully preserved Destruction of his Enemies Death and Character of Daniel 62 CHAPTER VI. ANTIOCHUS THE GREAT. Seleucus Philopater Antiochus Epiphanes Ac- cession of the latter to the Throne His versatile and voluptuous Charac- terHis Duplicity Deposes Onias, at the Suggestion of Joshua Who is raised to the Priesthood He introduces the Customs of the Greeks with the Intention of discarding the Religion of the one true God General religious Declension The Temple spoliated Murder of Onias Which Murder is avenged by Antiochus Menelaus in Difficulty- Attempts to carry off the Gold of the Temple, but is frustrated Is uni- versally detested Rumour of the Death of Antiochus, and Rejoicings in Jerusalem on account thereof Massacre in that City The Roman CONTENTS. Xlll Government interferes Apollonius Miserable -Condition of Jerusalem Persecution of the Jews by Antiochus Who attempts to eradicate Juda- ismPhilip the Governor of the Province Cruel Martyrdom of Eleazar _ And of Salome and her Sons Rise of Judas Maccabeus Death of Antiochus . ........................................... 94 BOOK II. OF THE PERSECUTIONS RECORDED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. CHAPTER I. SECT. I. MASSACRE OF THE INFANTS. Herod the Great, his Character Aretas Phasselus Herod ingratiates himself with Cassius, for whom he procures a Tribute His ambitious Projects viewed with Jealousy Anti- gonus Duplicity of Herod He is alarmed at the Appearance of the " Star " The Wise Men Herod's dark and bloody Project Is deceived by the Magi The Effects of his Rage Silence of Josephus Absurd Notion of Voltaire Remarks of Dr. Lardner Herod's sanguinary Cha- racter His murderous Intentions when on his Death-Bed How frus- trated Confirmation of Matthew's Testimony by Justin Martyr Origen The Toldoth Jeshu Macrobius Remarks. SECT. II. MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. Development of the Scheme of Redemption Prediction concerning John His History Zacharias His Unbeh'ef and Punishment Birth of John Events which transpired in early Life His public Appearance Manner of Life The Wildernesses of Judea Prophecy and its Fulfilment The Dispensation of John Character of his Ministry It resembled that of the ancient Prophets Effects of his Ministry Pharisees and Sadducees Their erroneous Expectations of John Causes thereof He reproves the incestuous Herod Is impri- soned The Indignation of his Paramour, Herodias Who resolves to seek his Life The King's Birth-Day Salome Dancing Promises her an unlimited Reward Instructed by her Mother, she demands the Head of John Herod's Hypocrisy respecting the Sacredness of an Oath John is murdered Review of his Career 104 CHAPTER II. SECT. I. MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN. Elevated Character of a Martyr for Christ State of the Church at this Period Murmuring of the Grecians Cause of it Hellenists Remedy for the Evil complained of Deacons Their Office Agapae Ignatius and Justin Martyr quoted Stephen His Character The Nature of the Discussions in which he engaged with the Jews Various Synagogues in Jerusalem Foreign Jews Libertines Cyrenians Alexandrians Of Cilicia Of Asia Stephen is falsely accused Defends himself before the Council His Vision Its monitory and consoling Character Rage of the Mob Stephen is hurried out of the City and stoned Remarks on his Death The Place of his Martyr- dom His Relics said to be discovered Their supposed miraculous Power Folly of Romanism on this Subject The Power of the Jewish Council considered Dr. Lardner quoted Stoning, a capital Punishment of the Jews Duration of the Persecution which followed the Death of Stephen Saul of Tarsus an active Agent of the Chief Priests His mode of Assault upon the Christians The Gospel spreads Martyrdom of Nicanor and others Comparison between Zechariah and Stephen. SECT. II. MARTYRDOM OF JAMES THE ELDER His History Charac- ter Called to be an Apostle Tradition of James introducing the Gospel into Spain, noticed His intimacy with our Lord Is cruelly put to Death Career of Herod Agrippa His miserable End 128 XIV CONTENTS. BOOK III. PERSECUTIONS WHICH TOOK PLACE AFTER THE DEATH OF JAMES THE ELDER, UNTIL THE CLOSE OF THE FIRST CENTURY. CHAPTER I. Paga HOSTILITY of the Jews to Christianity Awful Punishments inflicted upon the former Calamities brought upon the Church by the Gentiles The Idea of TEN Persecutions examined Its Absurdity It is built upon Error Augustine quoted Treacherous Testimony of Ecclesiastical Historians Notion that all the Apostles suffered Martyrdom not sustained Hera- cleon, Polycrates, and Tertullian referred to The Origin of this Idea traced Meaning of the Words " Martyr " and " Confessors " Great Honours rendered to them Cyprian quoted Relics of Martyrs Their supposed Value Numerous flagrant Acts of Superstition with regard to them Optatus quoted Anecdote of Lucilla Caecilian The Donatist Schism Augustine on the Subject of Relics Edict of Theodosius the Great Martyrium, what ? Bingham quoted Mabillon on the Abuse of Relics Respect speedily degenerated into Adoration Relics a Source of Wealth to the Church And of Extortion and Knavery in the Clergy Bellarmine appeals to Scripture in Support of Relics The Labours of the Apostles Uncertainty of all Documents respecting them, except those of the New Testament Notices of Christianity in Rome 154 CHAPTER II. SECT. I. NERO His Character The Conflagration of the City of Rome The Public charge the Emperor with being the Incendiary Nero accuses the Christians Tacitus quoted Name of Christian Persecutions they endured Cruelties perpetrated Juvenal Martial Suetonius State of Christianity in Rome Christianity and Heathenism are, for the first time, brought into Collision Polytheism A persecuting Spirit may exist when there is no outward Persecution Heathenism intolerant Unacquainted with the Rights of Conscience Cicero quoted Cause of the Persecutions from the Heathens Numerous Efforts to prejudice the People against the Christians The Extent of Nero's Persecution The celebrated Portuguese Inscription Tertullian quoted. SECT. II. MAT- THEW AND MATTHIAS Birth and Parentage of MATTHEW His Occu- pation The Office of Publican noticed Sabinius Why the Office was in bad Repute Zaccheus The Detestation in which the Publicans were held Call of Matthew Bede Travels of the Apostle Socrates quoted Eusebius Simeon Metaphrastes Legendary Tales of Nicephorus Death of Matthew Dorotheus Heracleon Power of Religion exempli- fied in Matthew Porphyry and Julian Matthew's Character. MAT- THIAS One of the Seventy His Apostleship Circumstances connected with this Event Judas His Character And Death Election of Mat- thias Ancient Custom of Decision by Lot The Manner of it Scrip- ture Instances referred to His Labours And supposed Martyrdom Numerous legendary Accounts concerning him. SECT III. MARK, JAMES THE LESS, AND ANDREW The Conversion of MARK Asso- ciate of Peter His Qualifications Writes the Gospel which bears his Name His Travels Bishop of Alexandria Epiphanius Eusebius Jerome His Martyrdom And Fate of his Remains. JAMES THE LESS His Parentage Scanty Mention of him in the Scriptures Jerome- Traditionary Anecdote Bishop of Jerusalem His Character Eusebius Hegesippus Epiphanius Clement of Alexandria The Administration of Festus His Death Duplicity of the High Priest His Schemes to destroy James His Martyrdom. ANDREW His relative Situation CONTENTS. XV Page. among the Apostles Obtains ihe Title of ""the First Called " His Birth Introduction to Jesus Call of Andrew He is raised to the Aposto- late His supposed Travels Scythia of the Ancients noticed Andrew suffers Persecution on Account of the Truth at Patrae " Acts of his Pas- sion " too legendary to be credited yEgeas, the Proconsul Andrew sen- tenced to the Death of the Cross Nicephorus Maximilla His Mar- tyrdom Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, quoted Supposed Relic of the Cross of Andrew Fabulous Stories concerning it Natalis Alexander Idle Accounts of bis Remains related by Gregory Bishop of Tours, and Alban Butler 164 CHAPTER III. OPPROBRIOUS Epithets given to the Christians General Testimony in their Favour Ill-Treatment of them under Nero " Evil-Doers " PETER His Birth and Parentage His Occupation His Calling by the Saviour Dr. Cave quoted Julian the Apostate Celsus Origen Peter's Charac- ter exhibited The Cursing of the Fig-TreePeter's Trial and Fall Scenes of the Day of Pentecost Change which took place in the Apos- tle The Miracle in Solomon's Porch Peter and John before the San- hedrim Are liberated State of the Jewish People with regard to Christ Reason of the Conduct of the Scribes and Pharisees Christ no Object of Envy to the Romans Great Hatred of the Chief Priests Sadducees and Pharisees Remarks on Caiaphas and Annas, the High Priest Apostles imprisoned Miraculously rescued They appear before the Council And are dismissed Punishment of Scourging Gamaliel Traditions respecting him Church is persecuted Saul of Tarsus Philip the Deacon Samaria Simon Magus Miraculous Powers The Magician is reproved History of Simon Gnosticism Platonism Moses and Plato Doctrines of Simon Danger of the Church Herod Agrippa Persecutes the Church Slays James And arrests Peter He is imprisoned A Roman Guard Castle of Antonia Peter is delivered Leaves the City Contradictory Opinions concerning Peter's Destina- tion The persecuted Church at Rome Peter visits that City Encoun- ters Simon Ancient Tradition Peter vanquishes the Impostor Simon proposes to fly Perishes in the Attempt Rage of Nero Peter appre- hended Mamertine Prisons Legendary Tale of the Apparition of the Saviour Peter's Martyrdom Supposed Fate of his Remains Remarks on bis Character 194 CHAPTER IV. STATE of the Church at Stephen's Death The Rev. Richard Watson Saul of Tarsus His Character and Conversion His Birth-place and Parentage His Name Education And Trade Leaves Damascus on account of Persecution History of that City Paul visits Jerusalem Suspicions of the Church Barnabas Is introduced to the Apostles Peril from the Hellenist Jews Is taken to Caesarea Tranquil State of the Church Dr. Lardner Petronius Pbilo Cause of the Cessation of Persecution The Call of Paul to the Gentiles Visits Antioch Agabus Famine Liberality of the Antiochian Christians Paul and Barnabas visit Jerusa- lem Are set apart by the Holy Ghost Asia Minor Description of the Country Seleucia Cyprus Plan pursued by the Apostles in preaching the Gospel Mark Paphos, its Character Sergius Paulus Elymas Antioch of Pisidia Opposition to the Word Iconium Paul cures a Cripple Idolatrous Homage about to be rendered by the Inhabitants They are restrained by the Apostles Change of Affairs Public Opinion Paul returns to Antioch Controversy on Mosaic Rites Dissension between Paul and Barnabas Timothy Phrygia Galatia Vision of Paul Philippi Persecution Its Cause Dr. A. Clarke The Apostles I? i CONTENTS. Page. are cast into Prison, and commanded to be scourged The Earthquake- Its Effects The Magistrates alarmed Paul claims the privilege of a Roman Citizen Propriety of so doing Paul visits Thessalonica Oppo- sition of the Jews Berea The Success of the Gospel Are again assailed hy the Jews Athens Character of the Hearers of the Apostle in that City Stoics and Epicureans Dionysius Corinth Banishment of Jews from Rome Aquila and Priscilla Fabulous Accounts of Zac- cha;us The ministerial Labours of Paul at Corinth Persecution at Corinth Lucius Junius Gallio Paul is brought before the Proconsul And is acquitted Revisits Antioch State of Judea at this Period- Journeys of Paul Apollos Riot at Ephesus Diana of the Ephesians Effects'of the Gospel in the City Revisits Philippi and the neighbouring District Journeys towards Jerusalem Prophetic Intimations Agabus The Inspiration of Paul Arrives at Jerusalem Perilous Situation of the Apostle Means of Conciliation Trophimus Disturbance in the Temple Claudius Lysias Paul is rescued Addresses the Multitude The Tumult is resumed Sicarii Injustice of Claudius Lysias Paul is brought before the Sanhedrim Insolence of Ananias Paul's Defence Dissension between the Sadducees and Pharisees Desperate Conduct of the Jews Conspiracy to kill Paul Nephew of Paul The Apostle is sent to Caesa- rea Felix Paul's Defence Venality of the Governor Festus Schemes of the Jews Paul claims the right of a Roman Appeals to Nero Agrippa Paul is sent to Rome His Condition in that City Reason of his long Residence there Progress of the Gospel Narcissus Pomponia Gnecina Torpetes Poppaea Sabina Paul is liberated His subsequent Journeys His Return to Rome Melancholy State of the Church Paul arrested And beheaded Clemens Romanus Death of Nero 219 CHAPTER V. JDDE His Parentage Tradition of Eusebius Abgarus Interview of Jude with him Testimony of Jerome Identity between Thaddeus and Jude His Labours and Death Grandchildren of Judas brought before Domitian, and why Examined concerning their views of Christ Are despised by the Emperor The Persecution ceases Hegesippus Tertul- lian's Statement respecting Domitian BARTHOLOMEW The same as Nathanael His Birth and Discipleship His attempts to propagate the Faith Socrates Sophronius Pantaenus The Story of the Gospel of Matthew in the Hebrew being found in India Eusebius Origin of the Legend Is said to have visited Arabia Reasonableness of this Idea Escapes Martyrdom at Hierapolis But is crucified at Albanople Horrid Cruelty said to have been perpetrated at his Death Parysatis Fabulous Character of a Gospel bearing his Name, and repudiated THOMAS His Call to the Apostolate, and subsequent Labours The Account of Thomas being the Apostle of India, considered His Mar- tyrdom The Nestorians Uncertainty of all Accounts respecting Thomas BARNABAS His Name and Parentage His Conversion and Discipleship How he, a Levite, held Possessions His Sphere of La- bour An Associate of Paul Afterwards they separated His subse- quent Success And Martyrdom LUKE His Birth Description of Antioch His Education Applies himself to Physic The Profession of Physician among the Ancients Luke a Jewish Proselyte Is converted to the Faith, and attends upon Paul His subsequent History, and sup- posed Martyrdom SIMON His Name Account of the Jewish Zealots Their dangerous Character His Labours And Death The Coadjutors of the Apostles suffer Philemon and his wife Appia Vitalis and Vale- ria Theodoret The despotic Character of Nero's reign Beneficial Effects of the Neronian Persecution DOMITIAN His Character Both persecuted the Christians on the same Principle Slanders and false Accusations of Edict against them Compelled to accuse themselves CONTENTS. XV11 Various Modes of Torture Testimony of Justin Martyr Flavius Cle- mens His Character Cause of his Offence His honourable Situation Is put to Death, and his Wife banished Descendants of David still persecuted JOHN the beloved Disciple His Views and Prospects Report of his having been immersed in boiling Oil Doubts respecting the Fact His Banishment Patmos Description of the Island Is released, and resides at Ephesus DIONYSIUS the Areopagite Eusebius quoted Athens Areopagus Dionysius hears the Gospel Paul the Apostle Is instrumental in the Conversion of the Athenian Dionysius is chosen Bishop of Athens Fabulous Records of his subsequent His- tory His Martyrdom TIMOTHY His early Training And Usefulness The Attention of Paul By whom he is addressed in two Epistles Character of the People among whom he laboured Hermodorus Their idolatrous Festivals In one of which Timothy is martyred The Rebuke of the Ephesian Church in the Apocalypse NICOMEDES His Martyr- dom Circumstances leading to Domitian's Death His Suspicions And Assassination Indignities offered to his Remains Nerva His Character and Death Is succeeded by Trajan ............................ 272 BOOK IV. PERSECUTIONS WHICH TOOK PLACE FROM THE CLOSE OF THE FIRST TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE FOURTH CENTURY. CHAPTER I. STATE of the Church Political Aspect of Affairs General Character of the Emperors Trajan His History Placidus Apparent conciliatory Cha- racter of the Emperor His persecuting Spirit Hatred to the Christians His Edict against Informers Delatores Deification of Nerva Chris- tians molested Clement His History His Difficulties in Rome Simon Magus Domitian Afflictive Condition of the Church at Rome Clement's Epistle to the Corinthians Perilous Condition of the Chris- tians Traditionary Accounts of Clement's Death Evaristus Alexander Holy Water Christians harassed in the East Symeon Bishop of Jerusalem His Origin Persecuting Spirit of the Jews Awful Condi- tion of that People Destruction of Jerusalem Refuge of the Church Return to the holy City Trajan's Suspicions Symeon is arrested and martyred Pliny the Younger Circumstances in which he was placed His Letter to Trajan Reply of Trajan to Pliny Uncertain State in which the Church was left Tumultuous Proceedings against the Chris- tians Artful and wicked Schemes of the pagan Priesthood Character of Pliny Gibbon and Mosheim Tertullian on the Edict of Trajan Persecution general Dacian war Parthia Trajan visits Antioch State of the Antiochian Christians Ignatius Priority of the Church at An- tioch Heresies Ignatius is brought before Trajan The Interview Sentence pronounced Rev. John Gambold Why Ignatius was sent to Rome Fondness of the Romans for Shows Journey of Ignatius to Rome Is visited by the Asiatic Church Writes to the Roman Christians And other Churches Character of the Epistles of Ignatius He arrives at Rome His Interview with the Church Is led to the Amphi- theatre Where he suffers Sanguinary Nature of the public Spec- tacles Remains of Ignatius His Character Phocas Sulpitius Ser- vilianus Onesimus and other Martyrs Remarks on the ten thousand Martyrs of Armenia Insurrection of the Jews The Cause of it Hor- rid Atrocities committed Suppression of the Insurrection Death of Trajan Character of his Reign 300 VOL. I C CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. Page. ACCESSION of Hadrian His Birth And Qualifications Abandons a Portion of the Roman Territory Trajan and Hadrian contrasted The Empire is consolidated Achievements in Britain Hadrian's personal Character And Versatility in respect of Religion The unsettled State of the Jewish Nation Hadrian's Treatment of that People Condition of the Christian Church at Jerusalem Is persecuted Swift Succession of Bishops Alexandria Position of Christianity in that City Heresies Hadrian visits Alexandria Quinquennalia Palilia Fatal Character of these Feasts Symphorosa and her Sons The Mother is brought before the Emperor, and undergoes Martyrdom Her Sons suffer on the following Day Eustachius and his Family are put to Death Faustinus and Jovita suifer General Order of Hadrian with regard to the Christians Cata- combs Their Origin And Description Were Places of Refuge and Worship to the ancient Church And also of Interment Dr. Maitland quoted Martyrdom suffered in them Travels of Hadrian Publius Quadratus Aristides Apologies of Persecution of the Church In- fluence of the Populace The pagan Priesthood avail themselves of it Serapia and Sabina are brought before Berillus Serapia is threatened with Violation Tortured and beheaded Sabina is martyred Serenus Granius His Appeal to Hadrian The Emperor's Answer to Minutius Fundanus Effects of this Rescript The Deification of Antinous The imperial Edict of Hadrian Dr. Burton quoted Effect of the Edict on the Christians Barcochebas His Cruelty toward the Christians Insur- rection of the Jews Their temporary Success Rufus the Prefect Julius Severus The Jews are vanquished, and experience unheard-of Cruelties Hadrian's Plan of annihilating the Jews ^EUa Capitolina State of the Church at the Close of Hadrian's Reign Celsus the Epicu- rean attacks Christianity Is replied to by Origen Description of the Work of Celsus Dr. Doddridge and Leland quoted Death of Hadrian His Character , 330 CHAPTER III. HADRIAN and Antoninus Pius compared Character of the latter Hostility to the Christians And to the Jews Telesphorus Irenaeus and Eusebius quoted Arrius Antoninus Persecuting Spirit of the Pagans Edict of Antoninus Its Object Its Authenticity suspected Apollonius The Heretics Cerdon, Valentinus, and Marcion First Apology of Justin When presented Antoninus unable to protect the Christians from Perse- cution His Death. MARCUS AURELIUS Who associates with himself, in the Empire, Lucius Verus Character of Marcus In what sense he was a Persecutor Fate of Lucius Verus Marcus is designated Philoso- pher Position of pagan Philosophy with regard to Christianity Hosti- lity of Marcus and his Government towards the Christians How excited Tertullian vindicates their Usefulness in Society The Religion of Christ raises the Jealousy of the Pagans Intemperate Language of many of the Teachers Sibylline Verses Superstitious Feelings of Marcus From which the Christians suffer Delatores of a disgraceful Character The Church given to the Fury of Persecution False Charges against the Christians Cruelties inflicted True Cause of the Enmity of the Emperor to Christianity The Martyrdom of Felicitas and her Children Plumbatae Praxedes Ptolemaeus and Lucius Are martyred Cause of the Second Apology of Justin Notices of other Martyrs Situation of the Church at this Period Conjectures respecting the Date of the Second Apology The supposed Edict of Marcus Aurelius, in the Acta Symphoriani, considered Justin His Birth and Education His Tra- vels His Search after Knowledge And Disappointment His Conver- sation with the old Man Which ends in his Conversion to the Truth CONTENTS. XIX Pi** Writes on behalf of the Church His Address to the Greeks Visits Rome Confutes the Marcionites And defends the Faithful Justin's philosophic Garh He returns to the Provinces Disputes with Trypho the Jew The perturhed State of the Church calls Justin again to Rome He is brought into contact with Crescens The Character of this Man The Condition of the Cynic School at this Period Its Decline and Fall Justin's Vindication of Christianity Crescens an inveterate Enemy to Justin By whom Evil is foreboded from his Machinations Justin is thrown into Prison Junius Rusticus The Examination of Justin and his Companions And their subsequent Martyrdom 356 CHAPTER IV. TATIAN Suffered for the sake of Christ Persecutions multiplied Quadratus Dionysius His " Embassy on behalf of the Christians " Dr. Burton quoted Persecutions in Asia Minor Martyrdom of Papias His Cha- racter Broached the Notion of the Millennium Its Fallacy Polycarp Place of his Birth Magnificence and Celebrity of Smyrna Present State of that City Stoa Early Life of Polycarp Pionius Bucolus Education of Polycarp Church of Smyrna Her Character Polycarp constituted Bishop of that Church Archbishop Ussher, who supposes he was the Angel of the Church mentioned in the Apocalypse Character of the Bishop His early Privileges Story of the Bandit Captain Poly- carp is visited by Ignatius Polycarp and Ignatius compared Persecu- tion of Trajan Polycarp visits Rome Cause for this Journey Marcion disputes concerning the Time of the Observance of Easter Amicable Settlement of the Question State of the Church in the early Part of the Reign of Aurelius Marcomanni Severe Persecution in Asia Minor Statins Quadratus, Proconsid Qnintus of Phrygia Circumstances which increased the Severity of the Persecution Dreadful State of Smyrna Epistle of the Smyrnaean Church Martyrdom of Germanicus Polycarp is called for Retires from the City His singular Vision And Appre- hension Herod and Nicetes Irenarch Polycarp appears in the Sta- dium Is interrogated by the Proconsul A mysterious Voice heard Remarks upon it Polycarp replies to the Proconsul Philip the Asiarch Polycarp is condemned to the Flames His Prayer Strange Appear- ance of the Flames Fragrant Smell Remarks on these Traditions Death of Polycarp Thraseas is martyred, and others Apollinarius His Defence of Christianity State of the Churches in Asia Minor The Thundering Legion Remarks on this Narrative The Christian Churches at Lyons and Vienne Their Origin State of Religion among them Commencement of the Persecution at Lyons Epistle of the Lyonese Dis- ciples Mai-treatment Vettius Epagathus His Martyrdom Many failed in the Hour of Trial Banquets of Thyestes Rev. Robert Turner Tes- timony of Sir David Dalrymple The Charge of Incest against the Chris- tians examined Sanctus Maturus Attains Blandina Her Fortitude Severe Tortures inflicted on Sanctus Case of Biblias Various Kinds of Punishments Pothinus Is martyred Contrast between the Apos- tates and the Faithful Maturus, Sanctus, Blandina, and Attains, tortured in various ways Thrown to the Beasts The iron Chair Maturus and Sanctus slain Blandina and Attains again tortured Marcus Aurelius appealed to Who encourages the Persecution Alexander Submits to the Torture Ponticus is martyred Blandina expires Remains of the Martyrs insulted Three Descriptions of Heathens who persecuted the Church Popish Fable respecting the Relics of these Martyrs Sympho- rianus His Martyrdom Iremeus Testimony of Joseph Addison, Esq. Apollonius the Tutor of Marcus Aurelius Superstition in the Church Alcibiades -Character of the Lyonese Epistle Rev. Joseph Milner IrenKus Alexander and Epipodius Are examined Their undaunted Bearing And manly Address Epipodius is beheaded Martyrdom of c 2 CONTENTS. Page. Alexander Gregory of Tours Marcellus and Valerian suffer Torture and Death Their supposed Relics Other Martyrs Marcus Aurelius engages in a second Campaign against the Marcomanni Temple of Bel- lona in Rome Superstitious Observances His Victories He meditates a third Campaign Arrested in his Progress by an alarming Illness Cha- racter of his Son and Successor Commodus not favourable The Empe- ror's dying Address to his Attendants His Death Character of his Reign D r . g. Burton Commodus His Character Reason of the Ces- sation of Persecution Marcia Exercises Kindness toward the Christians Apollonius Irenaeus John Foxe, the Martyrologist Julius suffers Martyrdom The abandoned Conduct and Assassination of Commodus . . 382 CHAPTER V. COMPETITORS for the Throne Pertinax Julianus Niger, Albinus, and Seve- rus The Emperor appears favourable to the Christians Who are still per- secutedClement of Alexandria Circumstances calculated to win the Esteem of Severus Proculus Evodus Training of young Caracalla In early Life his Disposition was amiable Christians protected Tertul- lian Severus angry with the Senate of Rome Discord in the Church Theodotus excommunicated by Victor The Heresy imputed to him Escaped Martyrdom by abjuring the Truth Controversy respecting the Paschal Feast Intolerance of Victor Heresies Montanus Praxeas Fidelity of Zephyrinus Evil Tendency of Errors Priscilla and Maxi- milla The Wars of Severus Commences a Persecution of the Chris- tians Character of Victor Historical Sketch of the early African Churches Synods of Africa Fierce Nature of an Attack of the Empe- ror on Christianity Tertullian's spirited Apology for Christianity Suf- ferers in the Persecution Leonidas Notices of Origen His Character and Predilections Ammonius Saccas His Philosophy Numerous Mar- tyrs, Pupils of Origen Potamiaena, Marcella, and Basilides Milner's Remarks upon their History The Corruption and Interpolation of Mar- tyrologies Saturninus Martyrs of Scillita Their Examination and Execution The Carthaginian Martyrs Perpetua, Felicitas, and others Sketch of the History of Irenaeus His supposed Martyrdom Sufferings of the Lugdunensian Christians Severus more bitterly afflicts the Church Visits Britain, and dies in York State of the Church at the Death of Severus Minutius Felix Tertullian Corrupt Practices among the Chris- tians Peter Martyr of Alexandria Means employed to depreciate Chris- tianity Julia Severa Philostratus Apollonius of Tyana His Character Specimen of his Miracles Caracalla and Geta Persecution for a Time continued Lenity of the Emperor towards the Church His horrid Cruelties, and violent Death Short Reign of Macrinus Heliogabalus succeeds to the Throne His Character Mammaea The Worship of the Sun State of Christianity, and the Paganism of Rome Comparative Tranquillity of the Church The Cause of it Popular Tumults adverse to the Christian Martyrdom of Cecilia, Valerian, and others Ado, the Martyrologist Legendary Tale recorded by Alban Butler Death of Heliogabalus, who is succeeded by Alexander Severus His Character when compared with that of his Predecessor Was kindly affected towards the Christians Mammaea Opinions respecting her Was not a Believer in Christ Eclecticism Alexander's tolerant Disposition Attachment to Gospel Precepts Erection of Buildings for Christian Worship Persecution during the Reign of Alexander, how accounted for Character of Ulpian His Death Conjectures respecting Callistus Catacombs of Callistus Urban His Martyrdom Agapetus Tragical End of a Persecutor Other Martyrs recorded by Foxe .... 433 CONTENTS. XXI l CHAPTER VI. Page. DEATH of Alexander Severus, and his Mother Mammaea Sanguinary Character of Maximin, the Successor of Alexander Reasons for his Conduct Nature of this Persecution Its Extent General Aspect of Christianity Persecution of Origen The Montanists Literary Labours of Origen Martyrdom of Calepodius Pammachius Simplicius Quiritus Mar- tina Hippolytus, a Christian Bishop Who he was Death of Maximin Gordian The Character of his Reign Philip His Treatment of the Christians Persecution at Alexandria Martyrdom of Metra, Quinta, Apollonia, and Serapion Popular Character of the Persecution Testi- mony of Origen Cyprian Importance of his Writings His Conversion Is elected Bishop of Carthage Dethronement and Death of Philip Election of Decius to the Empire Lamentable State of the Church Persecution morally requisite Supposed Motives instigating the Persecu- tion The Decian Edict Its Operation Eusebius Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria His Account of this Persecution Gregory of Nyssa Gregory Thaumaturgus Description of the Imperial Edict Deportment of the Sufferers Alexandrian Christians Pierius Sabinus, the Roman Governor Capture of the Bishop of Alexandria Chaeremon Celibacy at this Period unknown The Saracens Julian His Martyrdom The Sufferings of Besas, Makar, Epimachus, Alexander, Ammoniarum, Mercu- ria, Dionysia, Heron, Ater, Isidorus, Dioscorus, and others Nemesion, Ammon, Zeno, Ptolemy, and Ingenes suffer The Iron Scraper The Fires into which the Martyrs were thrown in primitive Persecutions Fear of the Magistrates respecting the Soldiery Martyrdom of Ischurion The Courage and Fortitude of Numidicus Filial Affection of his Daughter Interesting Examples of Suffering Affecting Testimony of Confessors Martyrdom of Fabian, Bishop of Rome Story of his Con- version Cardinal Cusani State of Christianity in Rome Influence of the Bishops Its Effects upon the ruling Powers The Persecution increases in Intensity Death of Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem Ori- gen is imprisoned Babylas, Bishop of Antioch, incarcerated, and dies Eudacmon Retirement of Cyprian The Cause of his Flight His own Vindication His Exile profitable to the Church Continuance of the Persecution Retreat of Paul Asceticism Distinction between the Monks and Ascetics Monachism, when it appeared Therapeutae Cle- ment Pythagoras Martyrdom of Agatha Brutal Conduct of Quintien Christianity in Carthage The Lapsed Cause of Defection in the Church The Thurificati The Sacrificati The Libellatici What ? Fearful State of Morality in the Christian Community Leniency of the Confessors and Martyrs Especially of Lucian Letters of Peace Instructions of Cyprian His Solicitude for the Welfare of the Church Conduct of the Roman Clergy Schism at Carthage Novatus Felicissi- mus Fortunatus State of the Nation Cyprian returns, and decides respecting the Lapsed Election of Corneh'us to the Bishopric of Rome Martyrdom of Moyses Julian Peter, and others Lucian and Marcian Trypho and Respicius Cyril, Bishop of Gortyna Theodotus, and others Theodora Warlike Preparations of Decius, and his subsequent Death 467 CHAPTER VII. THE Character of Callus Humiliating Condition of the Roman Empire A dreadful Pestilence Testimony of Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria- Conduct of the Christians Testimonies of Dr. Burton Dr. Cave Pom- ponius Laetus Death of Hostilianus The Plague imputed to the Chris- tians Demetrian Cyprian's Treatise " Liber ad Demetrianum " Ex- tracts Approaching Persecution Council at Carthage More moderate Measures taken respecting the Lapsed Reason for this Mitigation- XX11 CONTENTS. Page. Imperial Edict Letter of Cyprian to the Thibaritans Benevolence of Cyprian Severity of the Persecution at Rome Arrest of Cornelius Epistle of Cyprian to him Contradictory Statements respecting the Mar- tyrdom of the Bishop of Rome Plumbatae Lucius His Banishment and Recall Epistle of Cyprian to Lucius Character of Gallus as a Per- secutor Testimony of Mosheim Decretal Epistles Gross Forgeries Intended to advance the Claims of Romish Supremacy Animadversions on Mosheim Cruelties of the Gallian Persecution The Emperor desti- tute of moral Courage The popular Cry constantly respected The Peo- ple most eager to persecute Persecution instigated by the Populace Numerous Testimonies to the Severity of the Persecution of Gallus Martyrdom of Hippolytus Disastrous State of the Roman Empire Unpopularity of the Emperor Rebellion of his General, ^Emilian Gallus and his Son are slain The Senate gave a Sanction to the Rights of Conquest Profession of ^Emilian, who meets with a Competitor in Vale- rian, by whom he is slain Valerian ascends the Throne His Character, and that of his Son Gallienus, his Associate in the Empire Brief Period of Tranquillity to the Church Death of Origen Dispute concerning the Baptism of Heretics State of that Controversy Character of Stephen, Bishop of Rome His intemperate Conduct Cyprian on the Independ- ence of Christian Bishops and Churches The grasping Propensity of the Church at Rome Held no superior Powers or Influence The Attempts of Stephen condemned Cause of the Change which took place in the Conduct of Valerian towards the Christian Church Macrianus, his His- tory and Character Commencement of the Persecution under Valerian Nature of the Measures employed to induce Apostacy Supposed Mar- tyrdom of Stephen Contradictory Accounts of the Event Cyprian writes to the Churches He is summoned before the Proconsul, Paternus Is interrogated Banished to Curubis His Sympathy with, and Bene- volence to, the Sufferers, whom he encourages by an Epistle Martyrdom of Saturninus, Bishop of Toulouse Of Ruffina and Secunda Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria, is brought before the Prefect History of Diony- sius State of the Persecution in Egypt Frumentarii Dr. Cave quoted Singular Escape of the Bishop Voluntarily conceals himself Returns to Alexandria Is arrested Is interrogated by ^Emilian, and banished to Cephro Heresies of Sabellius and Paul of Samosata Synods Death of Dionysius Valerian's Persian Expedition Macrianus The Persecution carried on with greater Severity The Imperial Edict Its Character Martyrdom of Xystus And of Laurentius Remarks upon his History Martyrdom of Romanus Cyprian returns from Banishment Prefers to suffer at Carthage How this Object was attained Is apprehended and brought before Galerius Maximus, the Proconsul The Interrogation Martyrdom of Cyprian His general Character 510 INTRODUCTION. IT is the persecution of Christians by Christians that has constantly exhibited a mysterious aspect to the church at large, and which ought to be fully and fairly investigated in all accounts which profess to give a history of the progress of the carnal mind, in its enmity against Almighty God. We allude especially to the accession of Constantine to the empire, and the causes of persecution by the civil power, after it became professedly Christian. Previous to this event, Christianity had made great progress ; and even before the reign of Diocletian, its course through the world was, humanly speaking, inevitable ; it triumphed over the persecutions of the mob and the philosophers, the Magistrates and the Emperors, to the time of Diocletian ; and it is a stern, stubborn fact, that the last persecutors themselves, the worst, vilest, severest, and crudest, published edicts in favour of Christianity before they died. So powerful had Christianity become when Con- stantine was made sole Emperor, that all endeavoured, to a greater or less extent, to propitiate the Christians, and to obtain favour from the Deity, by occasionally, or eventually, encouraging the Christian religion. Galerius died in Nicomedia before the publi cation of the Edict of Milan, and the supposed appearance to Constantine of the cross in the heavens. He was an arbitrary and savage barbarian, and is justly celebrated on the page of history for his unheard-of licentiousness and atrocious cruelty. The time, however, came when he must die ; and the miseries of his death-bed were as terrible as the pangs of his own tormented sufferers, without the consolation of their hope and faith. His attendants fled in horror from his cries. He sends to Apollo and ^Isculapius ; but there was no voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded. He demanded the aid of the first Physicians of the day. They were brought by force, and probably murdered, as he remained uncured. " None of my companions can cure you," at length said a Christian Physician : " God has afflicted you. Your disease is not subject to our skill. I can die with my companions ; but remember the war you have waged against a divine religion, and then learn of whom you should pray for a remedy." Then it was that, subdued by pain, he declared that he would rebuild the churches, and satisfy the God of the Christians. He called his superior officers around him. He commanded them to put a stop to the persecution, XXIV INTRODUCTION. and dictated the edict which Lactantius has recorded, " to permit the people to resume the exercises of Christianity." Maxentius lost his life in the neighbourhood of Rome, in the October of the following year, whilst fighting against Constantine at the head of the pagan forces. He had once granted an edict of toleration to the Christians, which he rescinded in jealousy of the splendid presents which were made by the faithful to the church in that city. Maximin was one of those more personally cruel persecutors, who took delight in contemplating the sufferings of their victims. Exaspe- rated at the conversion of one of his Magistrates by the firmness of a confessor in Egypt, he caused them both to be put to death ; and killed with his own hand Ingraphus, the servant of the martyr Mennas, for daring to profess himself a Christian. He also published an edict in favour of the Christians ; and though he palliates and excuses his former conduct, he allows the Christians to rebuild their temples, and resume their alienated revenues. Four days he lived convulsed in torture. He threw himself on the ground, tore up the earth, and devoured it. He confessed his sins. He called on Christ. He prayed with tears. He died uttering howlings of remorse and sorrow, of delirium and despair. The death of Maximin was a great dis- couragement to the Magistrates of the empire any longer to persecute Christianity. Licinius, also, was avaricious, ignorant, and cruel. He joined in the celebrated Edict of Milan, which gave unlimited tolera- tion to the Christians ; and after the death of Maximin, he slew those who had been most active in persecuting the church. Before his decease, he came to open collision with Constantine, and relapsed, from appearing to encourage Christianity, into avowed Paganism. He ridiculed the devotion of his rival, and gathered around him a train of priests and soothsayers to predict success to his undertakings. He defied the God of Christianity, met Constantine at Adrianople, and was defeated. He again met Constantine at Chrysopolis, and was vanquished ; and thus closed the more open enmity between Paganism and Christianity. Before the Edict of Milan, which gave toleration and protection to the church, should be noticed, we would advert to some of the actions of Constantine, in order to understand that great historical problem, the causes of persecution by Christians against Christians in the church so soon after they were emancipated from the yoke and terrors of Paganism. Mr. Townsend, in his valuable work entitled, "Ecclesiastical and Civil History, philosophically considered, with reference to the future Re-union of Christians," from which we have quoted largely, traces the whole to the following four causes: 1. The conduct of the Donatists in disturbing the peace of the empire by their factious opposition to their brethren, and to the Emperor. 2. Constantine's INTRODUCTION. XXV subsequent fear of the recurrence of similar consequences in the disputes between the Arians and their opponents. 3. The false notion that the Christian Emperor succeeded to the divine power sup- posed to pertain to his pagan predecessors. The catholic church did not perceive, that whenever truth, or the desire to hold right opinions respecting God and our destiny, is regarded as a duty to God, the obedience which the subject owes to the Magistrate becomes more conventional than in those arbitrary governments, where the will of the Prince, or of the state, is the sole law, whether in things divine or human. Where truth is obtained by reflection and evidence, and not by authority only, there is always liberty. Where there is liberty, there may be much error ; which must be removed rather by an appeal to argument than by the edict of the Magistrate. The power of the imperial Christian ruler was considered to be in all respects the same as that of the imperial pagan officer ; and opposition to his will became a crime. Schism was rebellion ; heresy was a political offence ; and orthodoxy was allegiance : but schism, heresy, and orthodoxy were defined as the Sovereign pleased, and not as the church decided ; and the melancholy story remains to be told, of the caprice of the Magistrate, and the mutual hatred of contending Christians. The fourth cause was, (and this in all after-ages through nearly thirteen centuries,) that the laws of Constantino against the first heretical disturbers of his government having described the offenders against the civil law by their opinions, and not by their crimes only ; the laws were supposed in subsequent periods to have been enacted against the abstract opinion only ; and thus a precedent was set at the commencement of the civil establishment of Christianity, which became the principal foundation of the persecutions by the civil power which succeeded Constantine, by their episcopal followers at the dissolution of the Roman empire, and by the Bishops of Rome, until the age of Luther. When, however, the genial liberty which genuine Christianity throws around her path, is abused to licentious purposes, and to need- less schisms in the church ; those schisms, without any persecution on the part of the civil power, will lead men to oppose their ecclesiastical superiors ; to heretical notions respecting the faith, rebellion against Princes, and great scandal to religion at large. That was indeed a dark day, when the conduct of the first dividers of the church com- pelled the jealousy of the secular power, and laid the foundation of that intolerable code, which still remains in the laws of the Church of Rome, and which must be repealed, if mankind would hope for repose in the profession of a common Christianity. No sooner had Constantine ascended the throne than he assumed the pontificate, which he doubtless deemed necessary to the exercise VOL. i. d XXVI INTRODUCTION. of authority in religious matters : he therefore hesitated not to give the sanction of the religious and civil supremacy of the Roman law to the long-despised, but now triumphant, Christianity. It was doubt- less thought necessary that the supreme ecclesiastical power, as well as the highest civil authority, should centre in one individual, as formerly was the case in patriarchal times. The act, therefore, which gave unlimited toleration to all the religions in the state, was thus rendered more imperative. Maximin and Licinius were the partners of Con- stantine in the divisions of the empire. Maximin was a cruel opposer of the faith. Constantine, therefore, with Licinius, who at present did not oppose the truth, published at Rome the first edict in favour of freedom of religious worship. Maximin was highly incensed at the publication of the decree. He now permitted, however, arguments and persuasion only to be used to recover Christians to Paganism. He prohibited all persons from molesting them, and granted liberty of conscience to all. Subsequently, the Emperor published the glorious Magna Charta of religious liberty at Milan, in which he gave to the Christians " entire, absolute, unlimited freedom to exercise their reli- gious worship. He cancelled all the restrictions of former edicts upon their present liberty. He commanded their churches to be restored to them, and promised that he would defray the charges of their re-con- veyance, and all other expenses. It did more than all this : it conferred free and absolute permission to all, without exception, by whatever name they might be called, to follow any religion, or any form of worship, according to their will, (the word ' conscience ' does not occur in the decree,) and to practise the rites of their chosen religion, with- out any molestation or interruption from the magistracy, or the Em- perors. Two reasons are assigned for this indulgence. One is, the promoting the peace and happiness of the empire ; and Christians have always prayed for the peace of the city wherein they dwell. The other is, the hope of pleasing the deity, whatever his power may be, to whose worshippers the freedom of religion is thus granted. The practices of the Heathen in their temples were necessarily suppressed some years after, in spite of this edict, in consequence of their scan- dalous immorality ; and the sternest lover of civil and religious liberty would justify the overthrow of the public abominations, and the cruel sacrifices, which still resisted the influence of our holier faith." * Prudence and policy demanded of Constantine, that he should observe inviolate the decree of Milan. Nevertheless, the assertion of Gibbon has some truth, " The privilege of professing and choosing his own religion, which the Edict of Milan had confirmed to each indi- vidual of the Roman world, was soon violated. The sects which dissented from the Catholic Church were soon oppressed." This * Rev. George Townsend. INTRODUCTION. XXVU remark is made in the spirit of those, says Mr. Townseml, who would affirm or insinuate, that every attempt on the part of the state to uphold and maintain religion must necessarily be the source of perse- cution to some portion of its subjects. No error is so prevalent, and none so much encouraged, as the popular notion, that the persecution of Christian by Christian was the unavoidable result of the protection of the Catholic Church by the imperial ruler, and that the union of the Church and State is the sole cause of jealousy and hatred among Christians. If Emperors, and rulers, and Kings, and Queens, and nobles, and senates, are, like the people whom they govern, sinful mortals, dying and accountable, they might be expected to take mea- sures to recommend religion to their subjects, that they might extend to others the same blessings of which they hope to partake themselves. If the duty of extending religion be put upon the inferior and more unworthy foundation of human policy only, it is no less their duty, for the benefit of the community, to establish the public morality upon the basis of religion. I would ask the meanest beggar who may believe that there is a God, or a Providence, whether if he were elevated to a throne, he would not endeavour to serve God on that throne ; and whether, if he had deemed it his duty in his poverty and sorrow to bid his fellow-sufferer be of good cheer, because there was another and a better state, he ought to be less inclined to point his fellow-immortal to God in his prosperity, than he had previously been in his adversity? Are the wearers of coronets, and robes of gold and purple, less sinful, mortal, or suffering, than the wearers of rags ? If it be our duty to tell the poor that there is a better world, is it not equally our duty to tell the rich also ? And are we guilty of per- secution because the persons to whom we have made one equal appeal quarrel among themselves, and we endeavour to prevent that quarrel from disturbing the peace of our dominions, by using every effort in our power to reconcile them ; and while we never restrain argument, we still punish the crimes and murders which result from increasing dissension ? This was the conduct of the first Christian Emperor ; and he who would understand his laws must place himself in the same circumstances, and then decide whether the guilt of per- secution is to be imputable to the Christian Prince, or to the Chris- tian subject ; when he reads the undoubted fact, that the edict of Milan was broken, and that laws to punish religionists succeeded to unlimited toleration. If it shall be found that, on the part of the Emperor, there was unabated patience, courtesy, and anxiety to pre- serve the public peace, and to maintain his tolerant edict ; while, on the part of certain of his subjects, there was the most needless, use- less, and unjustifiable abuse of their new liberty, which showed itself in murder, rebellion, and crime ; we shall throw the blame of their d 2 xxviii INTRODUCTION. violation of the charter of liberty on the schismatic, and not on the Magistrate ; and call the laws which restrain crime, punishment, and not persecution. The conduct of the Donatists, the first violators of the unity of the church after the accession of Constantine, was the origin of the persecution of Christian by Christian. Donatus was the first Christian of whom we read, that he called a number of Christians, " My party ;" that he excited rebellion against the civil power, because it refused to sanction his pretensions to exclusive authority in the government of the churches in his district. He changed his liberty into caprice, and brought odium upon freedom itself, by his insults upon the forbearance of authority.* The Donatists, as will be shown, were ancient schismatics in Africa, so denominated from their leader, Donatus. They had their origin in the year 311, when, in the room of Mensurius, who died in that year on "his return to Rome, Csecilian was elected Bishop of Carthage, and consecrated without the concurrence of the Nurnidian Bishops, by those of Africa alone, whom the people refused to acknowledge, and to whom they opposed Majorinus, who accordingly was ordained by Donatus, Bishop of Casse Nigrse. They were condemned in a Council held at Rome two years after their separation, and afterwards in another at Aries the year following, and again at Milan before Constantine, A.D. 316, who deprived them of their churches, and sent their seditious Bishops into banishment, and punished some of them with death. Their cause was espoused by another Donatus, caUed the " Great," the principal Bishop of that sect, who, with a number of his followers, was exiled. Many of them were punished with great severity. After the accession of Julian to the throne in 362, they were permitted to return, and were restored to their former liberty. Gratian published several edicts against them, and, in 377, deprived them of their churches, and prohibited their assemblies. But notwithstanding the severities they suffered, it appears that they had a considerable number of churches towards the close of this cen- tury ; but at this time they began to decline on account of a schism among themselves, occasioned by the election of two Bishops in the room of Parmenian, the successor of Donatus. One party elected Primian, and were called " Primianists ; " and another, Maximian, and were called " Maximianists." Their decline was also precipitated by the zealous opposition of Augustine, and by the violent measures which were pursued against them by order of the Emperor Honorius, at the soli citation of two Councils held at Carthage, the one in 404, and the other in 411. Many of them were fined, their Bishops banished, and some put to death. This sect revived and multiplied under the protection of the Vandals, who invaded Africa in 427, and * Rev. George Torrasend. INTRODUCTION. took possession of this province ; but it again sunk under new seve- rities when their empire was overturned in 534. Nevertheless they remained in a separate body till the close of this century, when Gre- gory, the Roman Pontiff, used various methods for suppressing them : his zeal succeeded ; and there are few traces to be found of the Do- natists after this period. They were distinguished by other appella- tions, as Circumcelliones, Montenses or Mountaineers, Campetes or Rupetes, &c. They held three Councils : that of Cita in Numidia, and two at Carthage. The Donatists, it is said, held that baptism conferred out of the church, that is, out of their sect, was null ; and accordingly they re-baptized those who joined their party from other churches ; they also re-ordained their Ministers. Donatus seems likewise to have embraced the doctrine of the Arians, though Augus- tine affirms that the Donatists in this point kept clear of the errors of their leader. But, to return : the chief object of Constantino was to preserve peace. He does not appear at present to have exercised any severity against the dissidents ; but as they had thrown off the name of Catholic, and that name was studiously used in the edicts of the Emperor, they were excluded from his bounty, and this omission excited their jea- lousy. Now also began that series of appeals on the part of the Donatists, which frequently elicited the decisions of the churches and of the Emperor against them. Dissatisfied with the censure implied in the letters of Constantine, they conducted themselves with so much bitterness, that the common cause of Christianity began to be desecrated before the whole empire. They unchurched all the churches of the country ; and applying to themselves the passages of Scripture which declare the church of Christ to be a small flock, they affirmed themselves to be that flock. Their fanaticism was most disgraceful. Private meetings of Christians set themselves up against the communion of the churches, and preached the doctrine, that the church of Christ consists only of the holy, the pure, and the spotless ; and that such were only to be found among the separated congrega- tions, where were better Ministers and purer ordinances. The first appeal which the Donatists made to the Emperor to induce him to acknowledge Majorinus Bishop of Carthage, was a petition that the Gallic Bishops might consider the whole affair, and report accord- ingly. They decided against Donatus. Here one would have thought that the schism would have terminated ; but it did not. The Em- peror was exceedingly vexed and harassed by these proceedings in the bosom of that church of which he had so lately become the avowed patron. The Pagans, to his exceeding grief, derided, as the infidel party among mankind always must be expected to do, the dissensions among Christians. They afford the most common argument for XXX INTRODUCTION. unbelief and indifference, for careless contempt and neglect of inquiry into evidence. Though some of the more refractory were imprisoned, contrary to our present notions of religious liberty, they were treated with a leniency which had never been known to his predecessors, who had been accustomed to regard the will of the Prince as the criterion of truth, and to few of his followers, either on the imperial or, in a still later age, on the papal throne. He gave proof that he desired peace at all hazards. The world saw with astonishment the manner in which a Prince of violent resentments, and originally of cruel dispo- sition, could submit to the provocations he received when the Dona- tists returned into Africa, after the breaking up of these various Councils, and after his own personal decision of the quarrel. Instead of, at length, submitting to the verdicts so frequently pronounced against them, their frantic mobs attacked the very church which Con- stantine had built at Constantia. The Emperor orders another church to be built. The boldness of the Donatists was increased : they despised his power in proportion to his lenity, until, having exhausted every effort to restore peace by patience and compliance, the Emperor had now recourse to punishment. He did not condemn the rebels to death, as both his predecessors and successors would have done : he avoided as much as possible the shedding of blood, and was satis- fied with condemning some of the more active spirits to banishment. He exiled them, not for their religious opinions, but for their utterly indefensible political conduct.* Numerous excellent laws were passed by Constantine, between the period of the Edict of Milan, and the assembling of the Council of Nice. Nevertheless the Emperor could not yet be called a decided and uncompromising Christian ; for he still consulted, to adopt the senti- ments of Mr. Townsend, the Haruspices, if any public edifice was struck with lightning ; and was guilty, also, of other adherences to pagan observances, which show him to have been either ignorant or inconsistent. He much ameliorated the public law by some enact- ments founded on Christian principles. In 312 he released the Clergy from burdensome municipal offices. He transferred by this law a privilege of the Heathen, and of the leaders of the Jewish syna- gogues, to the Christian Clergy. He permitted slaves, who had been hitherto manumitted in the heathen temples, to be invested with their freedom in Christian places of worship. These enactments familiar- ized the people with the idea of substituting Christianity, slowly and gradually, for Paganism. They were a legitimate mode of warfare, infinitely superior to punishment and persecution. In 315 he abo- lished crucifixion, in remembrance of, and veneration for, Him who had been crucified for mankind. In 321 he permitted legacies to be left * Rev. George Townsend. INTRODUCTION. XXXI to the Christian churches, and in the same year decreed the great Christian law for the observance of the Lord's day. He does not, indeed, call it by that name ; but by the old name, the " Day of the Sun." Rest from the usual labours, and cessation from the usual amusements, or irreligious employments of the week, had ever cha- racterized Christians on this day. It was ever with them the poor man's day, and the Lord's day. By calling it the " Day of the Sun," Constantino endeavoured to please both parties in the empire. The Pagans would highly approve, the Christians would not severely censure, it. He prohibited the opening of the courts of law, and all labour, excepting agricultural, on that day. He permitted the manumission of slaves. It was an employment worthy of the Sab- bath to let the oppressed go free. He commanded the soldiers on the Sunday to attend the service of the church if they were Chris- tians ; and if they were not, to march out into the fields, and offer a prayer in general terms to God. They were to implore the supreme Being to continue his protection unto them, to the Emperor, and to his family. He would make them pure Deists, and free from idolatry, if he could not make them Christians. He probably believed that if the mind had embraced the conviction that there was but one God, the Creator, it would soon conclude that the Creator was the Pre- server ; and that therefore there was a Providence ; and if so, that the providence of God would be displayed by granting to the human mind some knowledge which reason alone could not obtain ; and that such knowledge had only been imparted in the religion of which Christianity was the completest form. He prohibited private divina- tions, as the germ of all possible conspiracies. He endeavoured to suppress all magical rites, but those that were harmless ; such as pre- tending to avert storms and tempests. He prohibited the Pagans from requiring the Christians to join in the sacrifices and ceremonies which were performed for the public prosperity, under the pretence that every citizen should interest himself for the welfare of the state. He permitted suitors to bring their causes from the courts of law to be heard before the Bishops ; probably with the view of extending the knowledge of the justice and equity of the Gospel code, as well as diminishing expense, and increasing the influence of the Christian ruler. He freed the manumission of slaves from the difficulties which had previously encumbered the ceremony, by ordering that it should be sufficient to give them their freedom in the churches, in the pre- sence of the Bishop and of the people. He reb'eved the Clergy from all public taxes. He abrogated the punishment of branding the face ; and put an end, as far as he was able, to gladiatorial shows. Because celibacy was highly valued and commended by many Christians, he repealed the Papian or Poppoean law, which had punished the unmar- XXXli INTRODUCTION, ried. The subject was left to his own decision upon this matter. Most of these laws were great improvements. They betokened great progress. They rendered society more fused together. They gave a proof to the empire that the natural fierceness and savageness of the temper of Constantine were softened by the influence of his new faith ; when the people saw him commending Christianity by the im- partation of new principles to one party, without inflicting persecution and misery on the other, as his predecessors had but too uniformly done ; and if the dissensions of the Christians had permitted the imperial power to have continued without interruption the work of such legislation, the advantage which the world is destined to reap from the laws of a Christian magistracy, would long ago have been attained without one great portion, at least, of that mass of misery which has intervened since the accession of Constantine. We are now to look at the next great event which became the precedent for twelve hundred years to the Christian church, of that mingled col- lection of Councils, canons, edicts, denunciations of opinions, and their maintainers, which has been productive of much good, and of much more evil, to the world, which terminated in the establishment of the earthly omnipotence of the Church of Rome.* By the position which Constantine had assumed, he considered himself the common head, or Bishop, in political affairs, and, in all questions concerning the public peace of the empire, as the head of the Christian church. He informed the Prelates of that day, that they were Bishops within, of things pertaining to the church. " I," said he, " am appointed by God to be the Bishop over things with- out, appertaining to the church." He left to them the administration of the word and sacraments. He assumed to himself the protection and defence, both of doctrine and discipline, against the heretic and schismatic, together with the punishment of the open enemy and assailant. The empire, which had recently been disturbed by the Donatists, now began to be agitated by the Arians ; and holding the sceptre over religion, whether Christian or pagan, he summoned that Council which has influenced, more than any other similar assembly, the faith, the laws, and manners of the Christian world. The assembling of this Council formed the precedent for calling still larger Councils, the reception or rejection of the decrees of which have constantly been one source of division or union among Christians, while the enactments of Emperors, continues Mr. Townsend, that the canons of Councils should be recognised as part of the civil law of the empire, con- stituted new crimes, erected new tribunals, changed man into a demon towards his fellow-man, gradually checked the energy of intel- lect, perpetuated the reign of ignorance, discouraged the love of * Rev. George Townsend. INTRODUCTION. Kill! knowledge, superseded Scripture, encouraged the opposite extreme to discipline, by rendering the very name of discipline hateful to the reasoning and zealous ; and did all this by making heresy, which God, and not man, should punish, a crime against the state, as well as against the church ; and by constituting the heretic a traitor to his temporal Prince, as well as to the spiritual church, or to his Master in heaven. The alleged cause of the assembling of the Council of Nice was the heresy of Arius. With regard to the more especial cause, we must recollect the great disorders in the church caused by the Dona- tists. Open resistance to the decisions of many local synods, and to the judgment of the Emperor, to whom the sectarians had appealed, was carried to such extremes as to threaten rebellion throughout the African provinces of the empire ; and the resentment of the heretical partisans was raging to a great degree of violence at the time when the unfortunate disputes concerning the Arian heresy commenced. The vexations which Constantine experienced at this peculiar crisis, and, if possible, to prevent a similar calamity following the disturb- ances of Arius, were doubtless the powerful motive which induced Constantine to summon the Council of Nice. The members assem- bled from almost all parts of the world. They met in a hall of the palace of the Emperor, whose predecessors, but a few years before, had issued from that very place the edicts of persecution and tor- ture. A short time previous to this event, many of them had been driven, with scorn and insult, through the provinces to the mines, and to the scenes of public cruelty and malice. Now they were invited from all the cities and towns of the empire by courteous entreaty, and at the public expense, to consult in peace on the purity of that faith which they had defended with the endurance of torment, and at the hazard of their lives. The individuals had come from all parts of the Christian world. Hosius, the favourite counsellor and friend of Constantine, was there from his bishopric in Spain ; with Spyridion of Cyprus, (the reprover of the Preacher who imagined he could render the Greek of the New Testament more elegantly,) whose right eye had been torn out, and the sinews of his left hand cut, and who had been sent to work in the mines, under the persecution of Maximin. Paphnutius, the Confessor, who had lost his right eye, the usual punishment of the Christian warriors, and who had been ham- strung also, in the same persecution, was there from Upper Thebais ; with Potamon, the Bishop of Heraclea, who had suffered the same fate as the former, under Maximin ; and who endured a second martyrdom under the Arians, ten years after the Council, by being beaten with clubs till he was left on the ground as dead. Paul of Neocsesarea, whose ears had been burnt off with hot irons ; VOL. i. e XXXIV INTRODUCTION. Leontius of Csesarea, in Cappadocia, who predicted the future great- ness of Gregory of Nazianzen ; Amphion, Hypatius, Nicolas of Nigra, and others ; with Eusebius of Nicomedia, the friend of Arius, with Theonas and Mans, and the rest who were of blameless character, but who refused to sign the Homo-ousian creed. To these must be added, Arius himself, of whom some historians report, that, whatever be his errors, he was a man of majestic deportment, and grave and venerable demeanour. Eustathius, the Patriarch of Antioch ; Atha- nasius, the Deacon, so celebrated afterwards by his consistent adher- ence to the truth, and his uniform zeal under persecution or in prosperity, from whom is named the Creed which embodies, in one formula, the decisions of the churches, on the four principal contro- versies respecting the divinity and nature of Christ ; Marcellus of Ancyra, who afterwards, in his attempts to simplify the Creed, adopted notions which other Councils condemned ; Caecilian of Carthage, Macarius of Jerusalem, Vitus and Vincentius of Rome, all names well known, and once highly honoured ; with Eusebius of Ceesarea, and others, to the number of three hundred Bishops, with an innumerable train of Presbyters, Deacons, and attendants, were present at this solemn assembly.* When the Emperor had delivered his oration, which was spoken in Latin, and afterwards interpreted into Greek by some who were pre- sent, permission was given to all to speak in their turn. After many and vehement discussions, to which Constantino paid the utmost attention, and in which he acted with great prudence the part of a kind and conciliating moderator ; the Creed of the Arian party, which had been drawn up and presented by Eusebius of Csesarea, was con- sidered unsatisfactory, and rejected. Another, composed by Hosius, in which the word was retained which was agreed upon by all parties to be most expressively declaratory of the identity of essence between the Father and the Son, but which the Arians had refused to insert in the Creed of Eusebius, was tendered to the Council, and accepted by them as the confession of their faith, and adopted as their conclusion on the controverted question. Anathemas were added against all who intro- duced the heretical formula, and Arius and his immediate followers were mentioned by name. Explanations were added, to prevent mis- understanding and obscurity. The Creed was then offered, for subscription, to the members of the Council, who bound themselves, in consequence, to excommunicate from their respective churches all who adhered to and taught the condemned opinions of Arius. The laity were not required to subscribe, though they were exposed to the operation of the anathema, if they ventured on any positive innova- tions of the rule of faith. Twenty, or twenty-two, canons, or, as * Rev. George Townsend. INTRODUCTION. XXXV certain Arabians say, eighty-four, were made. The three points on which they had met, the Arian controversy, the Miletian schism, and the keeping of Easter, were settled. Arius and his followers were excommunicated. The Nicene canons became the law of the empire, by the rescript of Constantino ; and so ended the Council of Nice, in August, 325, amidst the general acclamations of all who were present. Subsequent Councils, and especially that of Trent, were terminated in the same manner. Five Bishops only refused to sign the Creed ; and the general unanimity so pleased the Emperor, that he declared himself gratified as by a second victory over the enemies of the church. He commemorated the event by a banquet, at which all the Bishops were present. The twentieth year of his reign had been commemo- rated a little before, throughout all the provinces of the empire. Great rejoicings were made, and the members of the Council were dis- missed, with letters of approbation, and presents of great value, to their several homes and churches.* The determinations embraced in the Nicsean canons afford an important insight into the state of discipline and opinion at the period. Thus we find provision made, that such of the religious officers of the Pagans as might be converted to Christianity, should be accepted as religious officers among the Christians. The ancient Flamines were the sacrificing Priests of Rome. These might be made Bishops on their conversion. They were all subject, under Paganism, to the Pontifex Maximus. Gratian discontinued this title, and it was subsequently assumed by the Bishop of Rome, who claimed the privileges, authority, and honours with the title. We also find a penance of ten years prescribed to those who should have voluntarily renounced their faith ; and one of thirteen years for such as should have apostatized to procure any office. The door of the priesthood was also for ever shut against those who should have done violence to their persons, like Origen. The Bishop was endowed with the power of granting, or refusing, at his discretion, the sacrament of the Lord's supper to dying persons ; and if any one supposed to be at the point of death should have received the viaticum, but afterwards recovered, he was not to possess any superiority of rank, from the circumstance of having enjoyed absolution. In respect of the Clergy, it was decreed, that no Bishop, Priest, or Deacon should be suffered to keep women in his house, unless they were near relations. Such as had sacrificed were to be degraded ; but the Novatians were allowed to retain their rank, if they consented to make profession of following the discipline of the church, and again received imposition of hands. The rights and jurisdictions of various Bishops, especially those of Alexandria, Antioch, and Rome, were also defined, without assigning * Rev. George Townsend. e 2 XXXVI INTRODUCTION. any superiority to the latter. The provision of the concluding canon was somewhat singular, that the custom of kneeling at prayer on the Lord's days and at Pentecost, which prevailed in some churches, should be no longer continued ; and that the congregation in all churches should pray standing. But the higher object of the Council was, that the catholic doctrine might be formally declared and that a judgment might be promulgated as to the basis upon which communion with the church was thenceforth to be determined. The Bishops after the Council of Nice returned to their respective homes. John Foxe, the Martyrologist, relates the painful deaths of certain persons who were burnt for heresy. What is the con- nexion between these two events ? The same as that between the consolations of my neighbour who died yesterday, and the events which are recorded in the Scripture, which is older than the Council of Nice. The principles of good and evil extend to unknown genera- tions. As the blessings of the inspired revelation have continued from the age of the Apostles to the present day, so the mixture of good and evil which attended the efforts of Constantine to perpetuate those blessings, have remained to our own age, and made the Council of Nice the most important event which has occurred in the annals of mankind, since the preaching of Christ and his Apostles. Men were burnt in England by the statute law enforcing the canon law. The canon law had become binding upon the principal part of Europe, and, among other countries, on England ; and this by its union and identity with that portion of the civil law of Rome, which had been received into the European codes after the time of Justinian. Both the canon law and the civil law, and for a period the statute law, of England, punished heresy as a political crime ; and the heretic was a political criminal. This union of the canon and civil law in European countries, was derived from the Code, Pandects, and Novels of Jus- tinian. These were derived from the Code of Theodosius. The Code of Theodosius consisted of the enactments of the Emperors respecting religion. Those enactments were founded upon the decrees and canons of the earliest Councils ; and upon the edicts, rescripts, and general laws of Constantine the Great, which forced the Christians of the Roman Empire to adopt the canons and decisions of the Council of Nice. The line of continued punishment for opinion cannot be broken throughout the long period from the Council of Nice to the Reformation. When we protest, therefore, against persecution, we do not protest against the Church of Rome alone. We protest against the conduct and principles of that Church ; but we aim a further blow at the very foundation upon which that conduct and those principles are built. We make Rome the greatest criminal ; but we admit, in all candour and fairness, that it must be acquitted of the INTRODUCTION. XXXVU original guilt. We have no desire to prove any church to be more erroneous than the facts of ecclesiastical history will warrant. We must, therefore, calmly and patiently survey the several sources of that peculiar state of the public mind in Europe and in England, which could patiently approve, and even applaud and admire, the inflexible severity which consigned thousands and tens of thousands to the dungeon and the stake, in the manner which Foxe and others have recorded. To do this, we must review ecclesiastical history, with reference to the development of several principles which had their birth in the Council of Nice, and trace them throughout in their effects upon the Christian church. These principles may be thus enume- rated : The Emperor, or the civil power, was supreme over both his pagan and Christian subjects. In questions of religious belief, he was to con- sult the church assembled in General Council. The decisions of these General Councils were submitted to the world in the form of creeds and canons : the creeds respected faith, and the canons respected dis- cipline. The authority of the Emperor made these decisions a part of the civil law. The sanctions of that law were the usual sanctions of fine, imprisonment, exile, or death, added to the canonical punish- ment of excommunication, or to the scriptural punishment of being no longer a member of the Christian community. The natural con- sequence of our thus extensively considering the origin and continu- ance of persecution, must be, that we shall be required to examine the edicts of Constantine, and the sources of the power which enabled him to make the canons of the Councils the law of the empire. Did our room permit this, we should be led to survey the principal Coun- cils, whose decisions were engrafted on the civil law as canons of faith, discipline, and conduct. From this survey we should be led to the Theodosian and Justinian codes. After the publication of the latter, the sceptre passed from the Emperor to the Popes. It will be seen, that the Bishops of Rome then succeeded to the same power which the Emperors had possessed, that of making the canons of Councils the Papal law, as they had before been the imperial law ; and that this power constantly increased, and was exercised against all who dared to think in a manner which the church disapproved, until the yoke became insufferable. Hence the fatal error into which Constantine fell. " He made the decrees and canons of Nice a part of the imperial and civil law. The decrees of the Council respecting the Divinity of Christ might have been made the doctrine and creed of the universal church ; its deci- sions respecting the discipline of the churches might have been received as the canons or ecclesiastical rules of the church general ; and both the doctrines and canons which were now promulgated as XXXViii INTRODUCTION. the conclusions of the Council, might have been regarded by Chris- tians as binding on their consciences ; the denial of their doctrine, or the violation of their enacted discipline, might have still been punished by excommunication only, as before the conversion of Constantine ; but the edict of the Emperor changed the spiritual offence into politi- cal crime, and thus laid the foundation of all the subsequent perse- cutions. Now there does not, at first sight, appear to be any reason why the opinion of the Council should become the civil law, or why heresy should become a civil crime, to be punished by the secular authority. The ruler of England may hold the same opinion as that of a Council or Convocation of the Clergy, without declaring that opi- nion to be the law of the land ; and it might have been better, had Constantine been contented with approving the decisions of the Coun- cil, as an individual Christian, instead of enforcing them by legislation as an Emperor. By the former conduct he would have left the church in possession of its power as a spiritual body ; with the additional moral influence of the solemn decree of the Universal Council, added to the sentence of each Bishop in his respective diocess, without intro- ducing the doctrine, that ecclesiastical conclusions may be sanctioned by civil penalties : by the latter, the mode he unfortunately adopted, he began the reign of punishment for opinion, which the Christian church has still so much reason to deprecate. When their deliber- ations were concluded, and his sanction as chief Magistrate of the empire had been given to their decrees, the command of general con- formity was substituted for persuasion to caution and calmness of inquiry. Disobedience to the decision of the church in Council was now to be regarded and punished as disobedience to the civil autho- rity ; and banishment or subscription were the alternatives offered to the obstinate and unconvinced majority. A synodical epistle to the churches was drawn up and published. In this Arius was declared to be excommunicated and anathematized. This was accompanied with letters from Constantine. The letter of the Emperor to the Church of Alexandria declared the resolution of the three hundred Bishops to be the will of God ; and that the Holy Spirit of God had dwelt in them when they came to their decision. By this very form of expression, Synods or Councils of following ages were described by those who affirmed their infallibility, and relied on their spiritual wis- dom. In another letter to the churches in general, he re-affirms, that whatever may be the conclusions of a Council, those determinations must be regarded as the divine will. In a letter to Eusebius, he com- manded him to take care that new churches be built, and that the Prefects provide for the execution of the decree ; and he directs him to order legibly written copies of the Scriptures to be procured for the use of the churches. To these letters or edicts (for the formally INTRODUCTION. expressed will of the Emperor was the law of the subject) no objection could be made ; but in other letters to the churches, which were gene- rally circulated through the provinces, he declares Arius to be infa- mous ; and not only condemns and anathematizes the man and his opinions, but proceeds to that extremity of censure which was the model for all the future persecutions which afflicted the churches of Christ. He published a decree in which he compared Arius with a Heathen, commanded his followers to be called by a reproachful name, and ordered that the books written by Arius be forthwith burnt, wherever they might be found. If he had been contented with this severity, the world would not have had so much cause for com- plaint ; but he proceeded to the last extremity, and added, that if any person were found to have concealed a treatise written by Arias, and not to have surrendered it immediately, and burnt it, that person should suffer death. As soon as his guilt is proved, the decree goes on to say, he shall suffer capital punishment. " From this time forward, the disposition of Constantine began to alter. He became, though variable in his opinions, and alternately favouring the Arians and their opponents, more and more inflexible and severe. He substituted the authority of his own edicts for the sermons of his Bishops, and banished the heretics from the cities. He published decrees against Novatianists, (though he preferred them to other real or supposed heretics,) and against Valentinians and others, by name, in the most abusive and intolerant language. He took away their churches, prohibited their meetings, and forbade them to assem- ble for worship, either publicly or privately. Search was made for their books, which were burnt without delay. If any of the unfortu- nate adherents of a suspected teacher presented themselves to the Clergy to be admitted to the communion of the church, they were subjected to a more rigid examination than proper protection of society from danger of error might seem to require. While the schismatic was admitted without delay, the heretic was received with difficulty. The deadly upas, which breathed from its poisoned leaves the fatal odour of persecution, formality, and death to the soul, while the body bowed down in the assemblies of the saints, was now- planted, by mistaken zeal, in the garden of God. The churches of Christ now began to be cursed, for the first time, with that evil which is more to be dreaded than any open hostility, compulsory uniformity of faith and worship, the unavoidable source of coldness to all spirit- ual religion, of lukewarmness in devotion, and of indifference, both to the interests of Christianity, and to the welfare of the churches of which they became outward and nominal members. So began the persecution of Christian by Christian. The visible church was en- larged ; the invisible church, the true Israel of Israel, was diminished. X INTRODUCTION. The frightful punishment of burning men alive, the common penalty for many offences, soon became the punishment for heretics only, and no longer for traitors, murderers, and poisoners ; for heretics were considered guilty of the double treason against their King in heaven, and their Sovereign upon earth. Semler and Jortin are both of opi- nion, that the severe laws of Constantine were not observed, for they were too atrocious to be executed ; and comparative toleration must therefore, have existed in many instances. This might have been sometimes the case ; but the seeds of future sorrow, of national grief, of spirituality destroyed, and of uniformity compelled, were scattered. The suppression, both of boldness of inquiry, and of the mental efforts which arrive at truth by the exercise of the intellect, responsible to God alone, instead of being amenable to a tribunal upon earth, received a fatal blow. The communion of churches was now founded upon obedience to the civil law, instead of the interchange of letters from the Bishops and Clergy, anxious for the purity of the faith, and maintaining uniformity from deference to the opinions, and love for the persons, of each other. It is true, that the heretics were more to blame in the beginning than the churches ; for they first dissolved the union among them, by the wrong exercise of their common liberty ; but the remedy of temporal punishment led to evils worse than the disease. The laws of Constantine may not have been imme- diately executed to the full extent of their severity ; but the time was soon to come when security from popular indignation, and the pos- session of unlimited power, permitted the unrelenting enforcement of the most tyrannical and shameful of these laws ; and the Christian rejoiced to shed the blood of Christians, as the heathen persecution had so lately triumphed over the confessor and the martyr. The laws of Constantine were the basis of the miseries of persecuting cen- turies. The spark was awhile concealed, but it soon kindled into a flame. Perverted religion became the curse of the world. Men seemed to become demons, and kindled on earth the flames of hell. Compassion, indulgence, and mercy, became crimes, if the heretic were the object of their exercise ; and the lesson was given to the world, which painful experience has taught it to know with perfect- ness, that legislatures must avoid injustice and cruelty in theory, as well as in practice."* A period of fifty-six years elapsed between the Council of Nice and the second General Council held at Constantinople ; the empire, in the meantime, having fallen under the dominion of Constantine II., Constantius II., Constans, Julian the Apostate, Jovian, Valentinian, Gratian, Valentinian II., Valens, and Theodosius the Great. All of these, whether orthodox in the faith or otherwise, may be said to have * Rev. George Townsend. INTRODUCTION. xK pursued the policy of Constantino, in enforcing the observance of the canons by the civil law. In the meantime, says Mr. Townsend, the divisions in the church, caused by new metaphysical theories, as well as by the rancour and malevolence exhibited against the defenders of the Nicene faith, by the heterodox disciples of those of the preceding ages, who were authors of Anti-Nicene doctrines, had at this time proved exceedingly baneful to the church. The plausibilities and courtly intrigues of the Arians were successful in gaining over Con- stantius to favour their cause. The disputes on controverted and mysterious points increased in virulence, the further they were carried on ; while abilities and learning were thrown away on both sides without bringing the inscrutable questions in dispute nearer to a settlement. Athanasius signalized himself more, perhaps, than any other antagonist of the Arian heresy ; and the refutations which the theorists suffered from the unanswerable truths and exposures of his pen, made him a distinguished object of their implacable revenge. Through their undivided favour with the Emperor, and the calumnies to which they had recourse, together with the denunciations of synods partially convened, the Arians succeeded in obtaining a sentence of banishment against their pious and vigorous adversary. Another sect originated from the peculiar opinions of Priscillian, a Spanish Bishop, whose character is given by Sulpitius, with his usual spirit and bril- liancy of style. He is said to have been a man of great learning and eloquence, endowed with vast powers of body and mind ; who, by assumed modesty and gravity, was calculated to gain ascendancy over ordinary capacities. Idacius, an aged Presbyter, in conjunction with Ithacius, Bishop of Sossaba, (a doubtful locality,) accused him before a Council at Saragossa, in 380, with being a teacher of Manicheean doctrines, and obtained his condemnation ; but the death of Gratian prevented the rescript for his banishment being put in force, and he was again restored to his see for a short time. His accusers then urged the civil power, that the heresiarch might be expelled from the cities of Spain, which had generally become infected with his errors ; and the Magistrates issued their decrees accordingly. Upon this the Priscillianists sought protection in Italy, and prayed to be heard in their own defence before Damasus, Bishop of Rome ; they appealed, also, to Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, for the same privilege ; and in both these cases their suit was rejected. Maximus, the Usurper, at the death of Gratian, entered Treves, at the head of his forces ; and Ithacius immediately sought to obtain his decree against the heretics. Priscillian also appealed to the same authority ; and Maximus took upon himself the office of Judge in this case. The heretics were accused of spreading opinions opposed to Christianity : they were declared guilty, and condemned by the Emperor. Martin, Bishop of VOL. i. f xlii INTRODUCTION. Tours, interposed, and implored Maximus, that since they stood expelled from the churches by the sentence of ecclesiastical Councils, it was a new and unknown evil for a secular Judge to undertake to decide cases purely spiritual. The interference in behalf of the lives of the condemned party was ineffectual ; and Priscillian, with several of his deluded adherents, suffered death at Treves. It has not been satisfactorily shown what the precise opinions of this sect were ; but, not consuming the eucharist, omission of fasts, the enjoining of celi- bacy, and making perjury in time of persecution a pardonable crime, are stated to have been errors of which they were guilty. Whatever may have been his offence, Priscillian is deemed the first martyr to sectarian opinions, under the operation of the system which resulted from the measures of Constantine. We are now brought to look at the publication of the Theodosiaa Code, as the next cause of Christian persecuting Christian. It was undertaken at the command of Theodosius the younger. It contains the imperial Constitutions from Constantine to his own time. The infliction of the severe punishment of banishment upon Arius, and the sentence of death denounced upon the readers of his books, were much regretted, we may believe, by the Emperor Constantine, if we may judge of his feelings by his future conduct. The laws which thus established persecution, as a part of the penal code of the em- pire, were probably passed as an experiment to prevent, rather than as a principle to punish, heresy. The absurd and wicked experiment, however, if it were such, was repeatedly renewed by his successors. A mass of confused and sanguinary enactments was at length passed and consolidated, with various enlargements and additions into that atrocious and cruel Code, which is not only execrated by the friends of humanity and religion for its detestable provisions, but which is memorable in the annals of jurisprudence, as being the foundation of that intolerable canon law against heresy, by which the Church of Home became the principal criminal in the guilt of persecution, which was first established, and which must, therefore, be shared, by the Emperors. Though the Justinian Code, which was promulgated between the years 528 and 566, when the edicts which Justinian pub- lished after the last edition of his Code were collected into one volume, and given to the world under the name of Novella, confirmed and strengthened the principal regulations of the Theodosian Code ; nevertheless, the latter must be regarded with close attention, as the principal foundation of the persecuting canon law. The imperial edicts by which Christianity was first tolerated, then legalized, and then established as the religion of the empire, were now collected into one volume of laws. Immediately after its publication, the Theodosian Code was received, by an edict of Valentinian III., into the empire of INTRODUCTION. xliii the West. The Justinian Code superseded its authority in the East ; but the Code of Theodosius still retained its influence in the West, and therefore in Italy and Rome. The barbarians, who about this time invaded that portion of the empire, permitted the Romans to retain the use of their existing laws. In 506, Alaric, King of the Visigoths in Gaul, ordered a legal code to be prepared, in which the Roman and Gothic usages and edicts should be formed into one body of law. This was accordingly done by his Chancellor, Anianus ; and it was called from him, the Breviarium Aniani. This body of law was extracted chiefly from the Theodosian Code, from the works of the principal Roman lawyers, and from the edicts of the subsequent Em- perors between Theodosius and Alaric. It was published for the use of the Western empire, before the Code of Justinian was compiled. It superseded the former laws, and became the only legal work of authority. The enormous and inexpiable evil it occasioned to man- kind was, that it not only confirmed in the West all the persecuting enactments which had begun in the Eastern empire ; but it habituated the new tribes, which were now becoming a part of the empire, to the idea of persecution for religious opinion. The Church of Rome was now beginning to seize the fallen sceptre, and to mount the vacant throne, of the imperial Sovereign ; and when the barbarians came down to hold divided empire with the Church, they found that the civil and ecclesiastical authorities were united to punish heresy as a crime, and heretics as criminals ; and they were not slow to follow the general example, and to strengthen the universal error. When the Manichees fled from Africa to Rome, about the year 445, and the Bishop of Rome of that day, Leo the Great, appointed inquisitors to discover and bring them to trial, he only followed the example of the Emperor Theodosius, who had already appointed inquisitors to search out heretics. Many of the provisions of the Theodosian Code were subsequently repeated, also, in the capitularies of Charlemagne. The Manichees, whom Diocletian had commanded to be burnt alive, were no less persecuted by the Christian Emperors, whose edicts formed a part of the Theodosian Code. Valentinian, Gratian, and Theodosius the Great, renewed the same law ; and Messianus, the Proconsul of Africa, immediately executed some of that sect whom he had dis- covered. They were condemned by the Theodosian and Justinian Codes ; and Huneric, King of the Vandals, imitating the imperial exam- ple, caused great numbers of the party to be burnt alive, and ba- nished the rest from his dominions. The Manichees were accused of great crimes as well as erroneous opinions ; and history is obscure on this point. However this may be, they were persecuted, not for crime alone, but for their errors as a religious party ; and this persecution was practised, not by one ruler, but by many ; not as the custom of f 2 Xv INTRODUCTION. one day or year, but as the result of the universal law which began with the Heathen, and was continued by the Christian, Emperors ; and which was executed alike by the Bishop and the Vandal, and which has remained till nearly our own day, as the disgrace and curse of Christianity.* Instead, therefore, of declaiming against the Bishops of Rome, as the authors of the crime of persecution, we shall consider in what manner the guilt of that crime must be imputed to the Emperors who enacted the first laws, and laid the foundation for the subsequent folly, of that Church. The power of the Church of Rome was based on the canon-civil law ; and it is necessary, therefore, to our rightly under- standing the causes of the universal prevalence of persecution by the Church of Rome in the days of its greatness, to survey the code of laws upon which its influence and authority were established. It is not sufficient to declaim against the Church of Rome. Our wiser plan will be to ascertain the causes of the conduct we condemn ; and to endeavour to show in what manner they may be removed. He is not a philosophical student of history who selects the chief facts which float on the surface of time, and either eulogizes or censures the actors, without reference to the circumstances which led to the transactions in question. We are anxious to dwell on the sources of the crime, rather than to indulge in the usual descriptions of the sufferings and the sorrows of the victims, or in angry denunciations against the ecclesiastical criminals. We may safely indulge the hope, that the state of public feeling that permitted the sanguinary scenes to which allusion has been made, will never again recur ; but the best mode of preventing the possibility of the recurrence of persecution is, to point out the causes of its former prevalence, as a warning both to rulers and their people. A sufficient insight into the severe enactments against heresy, em- bodied in the Theodosian Code, having shown that dissent from certain doctrines was punishable by confiscation, by cutting off the testamen- tary privilege, by banishment, by torture, by death, by all the inhu- man and horrible ways of inflicting torture and death that inquisitions could devise, a very brief notice of the subsequent legislative decrees in the Code of Justinian will be sufficient. The spirit of the atrocious laws, says Mr. Townsend, preserved in the Code of Theodosius, was main- tained in the East as entirely as in the Western part of the empire. They were enlarged and extended by the Code of Justinian, in which enact- ments are contained, that, in the present age, would appear to be no less intolerable than those of Theodosius and his predecessors. Justinian and his assistant legislators, Ulpian, Papinian, and others, have been admired and praised for their sound judgment, as the oracles of juris- * Rev. George Townsend. INTRODUCTION. xl? prudence. Yet, none of these eminent civilians were sufficiently wise to perceive that the law of Christ is the only true philosophy respecting the best mode of abolishing or preventing heresy. None of the great legal authorities of the day could understand, that the growth of the tares together with the wheat, while the wheat was the great object of the husbandman's attention, was the best and only way to prevent the extension of the tares. It was left to the experience of an age so late as our own, to discover the profoundness of the philosophy of the New Testament ; and to perceive that the wisdom of Christ was the anticipation of the best inferences which could be derived from the study of history. The atrocious, unphilosophical, unchristian, and even barbarous, laws of Justinian could not have been enacted, if the legal advisers of the Emperor had been imbued with the holy gentle- ness of the religion they professed. They would otherwise have taught their imperial master to tolerate, rather than to destroy, the subjects who differed from him ; and to maintain truth to the utmost, without aiming to eradicate error by any other means than permission to inquire, and encouraging the discussion of the pretensions and claims of the teachers and doctrines of Christianity. The laws of Justinian against the heretics are principally found in the fifth title of the first book of the Code, which treats of heretics, Manichees and Samaritans. The first law is the same as that in the Theodosian Code, which confines the privileges of the faithful to the orthodox only ; and to ascertain who is eligible to the privileges of the faithful, it is determined, that he is a heretic who deviates in the slightest degree from the smallest article of the well-considered decisions of the Catholic religion in matters of faith, and from the minutest enactments of the Catholic religion in point of discipline. Another definition is, "He is a heretic who is not orthodox :" a compre- hensive description, which sanctioned all the subsequent enlargements of the Creed, to decide, as controversies arose, who were heretics. An addition was afterwards made, which confines the privileges of dower to orthodox women only. By the second law, all heresies were to cease ; none were to teach or learn profane, that is, heretical, things. We omit the enactments respecting the appointments of Bishops, as not relevant to the sub- ject ; but direct the attention of the reader to a point on which a great portion of the justice of the laws before us must unavoidably turn ; and that is the meaning of the words " heresy " and " heretic," as they are given in the words of Theodosius and Justinian, and consequently, also, by the writers who have implicitly followed their authority. The definition in the Novels of Justinian is this : " We declare those also to be heretics who are attached to any kind of heresy, and all who are not members of that holy, catholic, and apostolic xlvi INTRODUCTION. Church, in which are all the holy Bishops and Patriarchs of the whole world, both of Italy, and Rome, and Constantinople, and Alex- andria, of Theopolis, and Jerusalem ; and all the Bishops who are appointed by them to preach the apostolic faith and tradition. We justly call those heretics who do not partake of the holy communion in the Catholic Church with the Bishops, who are honoured of God. Although they give to themselves the title of Christians, still, as they separate themselves from the faith and communion of Christians, we know that they are condemned by the just judgment of God." It will be observed, that the Church of Rome is here mentioned in the proper manner, as one of the churches only, which held the apostolic and catholic faith ; and not as the sole depository of the faith, or as the mother and mistress of all the churches. The third law deprives heretics of all their places of worship, whether called churches or by any other name ; and the houses or buildings in which they meet are to be given to the Catholic Church. All meetings, too, even for prayer, whether by day or night, are to be punished by the payment of heavy fines. The fourth law decrees, that " all Manichsean men or women, and all Donatists, are to be severely punished ; and they are to be deprived of the protection universally granted by the laws to all, and which we punish with con- fiscation." " We regard," it says, " the heresy of Manes, and of the Donatists, as a public crime against our divine religion, which is done to the injury of us all, and which we punish with confiscation ; we declare them to be neither capable of succession, nor of receiving gifts, nor buying, selling, giving, or contracting ; and we decree, that the inquisition into such crimes be contrived after the death of the heretics." If a man be discovered to have been a Manichsean, his last will is to be made void, with all its codicils and provisions. His sons are not to inherit unless they renounce ManichaBism ; all their favourers, receivers, and accomplices, are to be condemned ; servants are to denounce their masters, and to be welcomed with gratitude by the Church. By the fifth law, a long list of heretics, especially Manichseans, are commanded to remain no longer in the Roman territory. The Mani- chaeans were to be driven from the cities, and put to death, that they might do injury to no one. The law then proceeds to repeat and enforce the enactments of the Theodosian Code, and declares all the laws against heresy to be in force. It mentions the places of heretical worship with contempt as mere conventicles, while the heretics who frequent them are commanded never to assemble for worship at all, nor to build any churches for that purpose. In imitation of the conduct of Constantiue, who ordered the Arians to be called by igno- ble epithets, heretics were commanded by the sixth law of this part INTRODUCTION. of the Code to be branded with the name of their respective founders, and not to be called Christians. None are to dare to keep, read, or discuss their books, which are to be diligently sought for and burnt, no mention is even to be made of them, nor to hold commu- nion with their authors or readers in any place, house, or field, on pain of excommunication ; and no meetings are to be held for the purpose of discussion, either publicly or privately. The seventh law provides, that none are to be admitted to offices of trust but the orthodox. The eighth law is the longest and most important of all this part of the Code. Its first decree, that the four first Councils are to be venerated, forms a part of the laws and articles of the Church in England, and of the other episcopal Churches gene- rally throughout the world. Its second enactment condemns the Eutycheans and Apollinarians : it goes on to command, that any Bishop who ordains any of these heretics should be banished ; and that such heretics were neither to hold conventicles, nor to build churches : if they did so, their houses were to be confiscated to the Church. Those who disobeyed this humane command were to be fined ; and if they were too poor to pay in purse, they were to pay in per- son, by being beaten with mallets or clubs ; whether they were beaten to death or not, does not appear. Heretics were not to be admitted into the army : if they were there already, they were to be deprived of their rank, and banished from society, whether in the palace, the cities, towns, or provinces. No public discussions were to be held with them. No notice, either in writing or by any other mode, was to be taken of them. None were to keep their books ; and all who were convicted of so doing, were to be subjected to perpetual banish- ment. All who kept their books from curiosity were to be fined very heavily ; and those who persisted to teach unlawful doctrines were to be put to death. All their books were to be burnt ; and all Magistrates who neglected to perform their duty, were to be fined ten pounds of gold, a sum equivalent to 36400. The ninth law gives to heretics a little earth for charity. " We deem it a humane and pious thing," says the insolent pity of the decree, "to give heretics permission to bury their dead in the usual grounds for burial." The tenth decree enacts, that any land sold to heretics, on which are the churches of the orthodox, shall be confiscated ; the purchase being made void for the good of the Church. The eleventh is the most summary, harsh, and tyrannical. " Wherever Manichseans are found, let them be executed ; wherever a Manichsean is found on the Roman territory, let his head be taken off." The twelfth decree is, that the Manicheeans be everywhere banished and executed. Other heretics, a heretic being merely not one of the orthodox, such as Pagans, &c., were to be deprived of rank, office, and magistracy, lest INTRODUCTION. they became the judges of the orthodox and Bishops. To this it was added, that when parents are of different religions, the orthodox only shall rule in the matter of education. The thirteenth law provides, that heretical parents are to maintain, give in marriage, and endow their orthodox sons, as the Magistrates and Bishops direct. The orthodox children of heretical parents are to receive that portion of property which would have been granted to them if their parents had died intestate. If their heretical parents offend them, they are to be brought to trial and punished. Thus, the members of a family were made the judges of the religion of each other ; and the words were literally fulfilled, "A man's foes shall be they of his own house." The fourteenth law was no less infamous. It decreed, that heretics were not to be permitted to hold meetings, ordinations, baptisms, Bynods, lands, or abbacies, nor defend them by law, nor take charge of them by themselves, or others ; nor do anything prohibited. The penalty of disobedience to this law was death. By the fifteenth law, Manichaeans were commanded to leave their property to their ortho- dox children only. The sixteenth provided the most extraordinary precaution against Manicheeism, by enacting, that if a convert from Manicheeism were found guilty of doing anything which savoured of his former error, or if he conversed with a Manichee without denouncing him to a competent tribunal, he was to be put to death. Self-denunciation, or friend-denunciation, was no less commanded by the canon or inquisitorial laws of Spain, than in this statute of Jus- tinian, which, besides decreeing that all Mauichees be denounced, commands the surrender of all heretical books to the Magistrates, in order that they may be burnt. The sixteenth law commanded, that the synagogues of the Samaritans were to be destroyed ; that the orthodox should make wills, settlements, or deeds of gifts ; and that Bishops were directed to see that property bequeathed by heretics should be confiscated to the benefit of the Church. The eighteenth law applied to the Samaritans all the former edicts against heretics. By the nineteenth law the children, and, if they have no children, the nearest relations, of the orthodox were to inherit their property. If no relations claimed it, it was to go to the public treasury. Gothofred insists, in this part of the Code, that the celebrated bull, Excommunicamus, which is still read yearly at Rome, and by which certain heresies and heretics, ourselves among the number, are de- clared infamous, and pronounced to be under a ban, their goods confiscated, and their sons declared to be incapable of succession to their property, is still only without force from want of power to exe- cute its provisions. The reason upon which all ecclesiastical severity is justified, is affixed to this bull, that it is a greater crime to offend eternal than temporal Majesty. By the same law, all who are sus- INTRODUCTION. xllX pected of heresy are declared infamous, unless within one year they prove themselves, or are proved, to be innocent. The twentieth law is an epitome, or recapitulation, of the former. Heretics who baptize are outlawed. The twenty- first decrees, that heretics are not to be admitted as witnesses against the orthodox, though they may be against each other ; and the twenty-second law confirms the provisions of the former. Various constitutions of the more immediate successors of Justinian are also appended to the civil law. They are not, however, generally considered as a part of that law which consists solely of the Pandects, Institutes, Code, and Novels. It will, therefore, be enough to say further of them, that they main- tain, in religious matters, the same spirit of intolerance which charac- terizes the law of his predecessors. The Emperor Leo proceeded further than even Justinian. He commanded the Jews to live accord- ing to the manner of the Christians ; an edict which follows some wise enactments, that all are to rest from labour oil the Lord's day. A revolter to Judaism was to be severely punished by the same law. A law of Heraclius banished the Jews from Constantinople, and com- manded them not to come within three miles of the city. These constitutions are continued to the reign of Michael Palaeologus. It is only necessary to say of them, with regard to their enactments concerning religion, that none of the Emperors appear to have con- sidered toleration to be either the duty of Sovereigns, or the privilege of subjects. The will of the Emperor was the sole criterion of truth. The imperial mandate was regarded as the best arbiter of controver- sies, provided the orthodox was satisfied, and the heretic was helpless.* The time was soon to arrive when these sacerdotal usurpations were to yield to the Papal supremacy, and the imperial power was to be given to one Bishop of Rome, rather than to the Bishops of the em- pire. We must now leave the civil Princes of the earth, who had succeeded in establishing the ecclesiastical authority of the rulers of the churches over their people, to consider that stupendous dominion which grasped the sceptre of the Caesars, which executed to the utmost the laws of that imperial intolerance, and which enforced with decision, energy, and cruelty, the most atrocious principles of its once- powerful masters, till mankind revolted from the yoke. I shall, therefore, says Mr. Townsend, only add, respecting the laws of Jus- tinian, that so much of them is good and excellent, that, though very many of them may be said to be superseded, the civil law, as an indis- putable authority, has obtained either a general or partial admittance into the jurisprudence of nearly all the governments of Europe ; and even where it is least favourably received, it has been regarded with * Rev. George Townsend. VOL. I. g 1 INTRODUCTION. great deference and respect. This could not have happened, had it not been deeply and extensively grounded on principles of justice and equity ; applicable, excepting always in many of its religious decrees, to the public and private concerns of mankind, at all times, and in every situation. The principal enactments of the Theodosian Code were embodied in the Breviary of Anianus, and so became the general law of the Western empire. The Codes of Justinian, as a body of Roman law, ceased to be the law of the Western empire when the exarchate of Ravenna, the last Italian possession of the Emperors, was conquered by the barbarians in the year 753. This year is univers- ally assigned as the era of the final extinction of the Roman law in Italy. The result of all these laws was, the establishment, over the catholic church of Christ, of the power of the Church of Rome, the gradual and increasing influence of which now commenced. The eccle- siastical authority continued for some years to encroach upon the impe- rial ; each subsequent Pope continued to augment the dominion of his predecessor, till the ecclesiastical influence of the East and West, which has thus been growing and strengthening from age to age, together with the absolute authority of the imperial rule, became united and concentrated in the see of Rome. It is beyond the object of an introduction such as this, to trace the successive usurpations of temporal as well as spiritual power practised by the Romish Pontiffs and the Clergy during the darkest ages of European ignorance, when possessions were regulated by custom only, and transactions were chronicled in the memory alone. Among those nations, those great vassals, those Kings, who could neither read nor write, the most superficial instruction was sufficient to enable the Clergy to engross the management of most civil concerns. They held in their hands the keys both of religion and letters ; they drew up wills, marriage-contracts, agreements, and public acts ; they extorted legacies and donations ; they emancipated themselves from the secular jurisdiction, and strove to make all persons and all things amenable to their own. It was in the latter half of the eleventh century that the whole extent of the Papal pretensions was manifested, and that those pretensions began to be enforced with unbounded arrogance and inflexible perseverance. Hildebrand, for instance, endeavoured to raise the empire of the priesthood over the rest of mankind, and the domination of the Pope over the whole priesthood : he consequently found it necessary to concentrate the relations of the latter, to separate them more completely from the rest of the world, and form them into one great family. He resolved to establish celi- bacy as a rigorous law, and to treat the wives of Priests as concubines, excommunicating them and their husbands, if their union were not immediately dissolved. Some of the Clergy resisted ; but Hildebrand, INTRODUCTION. 11 to put away the semblance of opposition, set down and treated the complaining parties as heretics. The circumstances of the times, says a modern writer, were most favourable to the ambitious designs of Hildebrand. Ever since the death of Otho the Great, the German empire had been declining ; Italy was divided into petty states ; a young King was seated on the throne of France ; the Moors were masters of the greater part of Spain ; the Normans had recently conquered England ; and the kingdoms of the north, newly converted, and ignorant of the limits of the Pontifi- cal authority, might be expected to set an example of docility. Dal- matia, Sardinia, and Russia were in the eyes of Hildebrand but fiefs dependent on the tiara. " In the name of St. Peter," he wrote to the Russian Prince Demetrius, " we have given your crown to your son, who is to come and receive it at our hands, on taking an oath of allegiance to us." To give a complete list of the Princes whom Gre- gory VII. excommunicated, it would be necessary to mention all who reigned contemporaneously with himself: Nicephorus Botoniates, Greek Emperor, whom he commanded to abdicate the crown ; Boles- laus, King of Poland, whom he declared to be deposed, adding, that Poland no longer should be a kingdom ; Solomon, King of Hun- gary, whom he referred to his aged subjects to learn from them whether their country belonged to the Romish Church ; the Spanish Princes, to whom he wrote that St. Peter was lord paramount of all their petty states, and that it would be better for Spain to be com- pletely subdued to the Saracens, than not to pay homage to the Vicar of Christ ; Robert Guiscard, the Norman conqueror of Naples, who, to strengthen a right acquired by the sword, had consented to acknowledge himself the Pope's vassal, and whom he punished by his anathemas for the slightest disobedience ; the Duke of Bohemia, from whom he exacted a tribute of one hundred marks in silver ; Philip I. of France, of whom he required the same kind of tribute, and whom he denounced to the French Bishops as a tyrant steeped in guilt and infamy, who was unworthy of the royal title, and whose accomplices they made themselves, if they did not vigorously resist him. " Follow the example," said he, " of the Romish Church, your mother ; sepa- rate yourselves from the service and the communion of Philip, if he continue hardened ; let the celebration of the holy offices be inter- dicted throughout all France ; and know that, with the assistance of God, we will deliver that kingdom from such an oppressor." But, of all the European Sovereigns, the Emperor Henry IV., who had most influence in Italy, was, for that very reason, most exposed to the thunderbolts of Hildebrand. Against all these potentates, and Henry IV. in particular, Gregory had no other ally, than the Emperor's cousin, a woman of little g 2 1U INTRODUCTION. ability, but extremely devout : this was Matilda, Countess of Tuscany. She lived on bad terms with her husband, Godfrey the Hunchbacked, and was strongly attached to Gregory, who, as her spiritual director, wrote extremely affectionate letters to her, circumstances which have led to the inference of a more intimate connexion between them. This Princess gave all her possessions to the Holy See ; and though they were afterwards seized by the Emperor Henry V. as her heir, the Popes did eventually obtain part of this donation, and called it the Patrimony of St. Peter. Henry IV. had just gained a victory over the Saxons, with whom he was at war, when two Legates arrived with orders from the Pope to repair to Rome, and answer to charges which had been preferred against him. They related to investitures which he had given to Bishops, a right claimed by the Pope, who threatened to excommunicate him, unless he sought pardon for his fault. Henry, in a Council held at Worms, deposed Gregory, who, aware of the inefficacy of such a decree, replied to it by the following : " In the name of Almighty God, and by my full authority, I forbid Henry, the son of Henry, to govern the Teutonic kingdom and Italy ; I absolve all Christians from the oaths which they have taken, or may take, to him ; and all per- sons are forbidden to render any service to him as King." This extravagant denunciation was sufficient to wrest from the Emperor the fruit of all his triumphs ; civil war was rekindled in Germany : an army of confederates assembled near Spire, surrounded Henry, and obliged him to engage to suspend the exercise of his power, till judg- ment should be pronounced between him and the Pope, in a Council at Augsburg, where the Pontiff was to preside. To prevent this definitive decision, Henry resolved to beg pardon of Gregory, and for that purpose repaired to the fortress of Canossa, where the Pope was shut up with his Countess Matilda. He went without guard or retinue. He was stopped in the second court, where he suffered himself to be stripped of his garments, and a hair shirt to be put upon him. Barefoot, in the month of January, 1077, he awaited in the court the answer of the Holy Father. That answer was, that he must fast three days before he could be admitted to kiss the feet of Gregory ; at the expiration of that time the Pope would receive and absolve him, upon the promise of entire submission to the future judgment of the Council of Augsburg. This excessive arro- gance and tyranny revolted the Italians. Lombardy armed for Henry, whom the Germans abandoned ; and the empire elected another head ; Italy set up another Pope. The vengeance of Gregory's successors pursued the Emperor. His son, at the instigation of Pascal II., rebelled against him, and pro- cured his own election to the imperial dignity. The three ecclesias- INTRODUCTION. lift tical Electors, the Archbishops of Mentz, Cologne, and Treves, tore the diadem from his brow with their own hands ; and an Emperor, who had distinguished himself in sixty-six battles, was reduced, through the persecution of the Church, to such abject want, as to be obliged to solicit, but unsuccessfully, an humble office in a church which he had himself built. When he died, the Pope would not permit the remains of the excommunicated Prince to rest in peace : they were torn from the tomb, and for five years remained unburied, till the Clergy of Liege ventured to inter them, and for so doing called down upon themselves the Papal anathemas. In the eleventh century originated in several churches the use of an oath, by which each newly-elected Prelate engaged " to defend the domains of St. Peter against every aggressor ; to preserve, aug- ment, extend, the rights, honours, privileges, and powers, of the Lord Pope and his successors ; to observe, and with all his might to enforce, his decrees, ordinances, reservations, provisions, and all dispo- sitions whatever, emanating from the court of Rome ; to prosecute, and to combat to the last extremity, heretics, schismatics, and all who will not pay to the Sovereign Pontiff" all the obedience which the Sovereign Pontiff shall require." This oath has been taken by Bishops who had Sovereigns that were not Catholics. Who could have con- ceived that Kings, whether Roman Catholics or not, had permitted their subjects to contract engagements so contrary to the public order of society? Complaints have been made of it in Hungary, in Tus- cany, in the kingdom of Naples ; and the Prelates of Germany have subjected this form to restrictions. But it is so revolting in itself, and so foreign to the discipline of the first ten centuries of the church, that we cannot imagine how any one could seriously allege it as a proof of the necessity of Bulls of Institution. The Pontificate of Eugenius III. is rendered memorable in the history of the Papal power, by the approbation which he gave of the decrees of Gratian. The term decrees is here applied to a canonical compila- tion, completed in 1152 by Gratian, a Benedictine Monk, born in Tuscany. The recent discovery of the Pandects of Justinian had revived in Italy the study of civil jurisprudence ; and the first of these studies was soon deemed subordinate and supplementary to the other. This leads us to the notice of the ecclesiastical laws against heresy, which are unrepealed by the Church of Rome : indeed, what law has she ever repealed ? It may be objected, that the same necessity does not now exist, for the repetition of these laws against those who were opposed to the faith of the Romanists. This, however, is a great mistake. If the Romish hierarchy had renounced the Canons, Decre- tals, Bulls, and Rescripts that embody the worst elements of persecu- tion it would be ungenerous to upbraid them with the deeds of their Hv INTRODUCTION. predecessors. But they neither have renounced, nor can as Roman- ists renounce, the principles that received the stamp of infallibility in days that are passed. The Church of Rome cannot recede one jot from her ancient pretensions, without renouncing the ground on which she stands. It would be suicide to admit that her most sanguinary canons were sinful and erroneous. Nor does she wish to make any such concession. She may cast dust in the eyes of Protestants ; she may profess all meek and merciful things ; but this is designedly, and for a specific end. Depressed, she arrays herself in all the pomp and splendour of universal liberality and good-will : in Spain, in Italy, and in Britain too, if she were what she would be, these attractive assumptions drop off, and the woman, drunk with the blood of mar- tyrs, trampling on the name of Christ, and on the hopes and happi- ness of believers, starts into bold and prominent relief. I. The laws, ecclesiastical and civil, made against heretics by Popes, Kings, Emperors, and Councils, may be reduced to the following heads : (i.) Laws which are made for the preservation of the members of the Roman Catholic Church from falling into what they call heresy, (ii.) The laws made for the discovery of heretics, their favourers, abettors, or such as are suspected to be inclined to heresy : now they are either such as empower persons to be active in inquiring after them, and encourage them to make discoveries of this nature, or such as lay an obligation on them, to be diligent in making these inquiries and disco- veries ; and upon others, to assist them in so doing. Or, (iii.) Laws which refer to the punishment of heretics, discovered so to be, and the engagement which they lay upon men to execute these punish- ments. II. (i.) So conscious are the Romish Prelates of the gross absurdity and the apparent folly of their own doctrine, and the manifest con- tradiction that it bears, in many of its articles, to Scripture and the clearest reason, that they dare not permit the meanest members of their own Church to look into the Scriptures, or make inquiry into the articles of their faith ; or even trust a child of the age of twelve years, without an oath, binding him firm unto their superstitions. 1 . It' hath been decreed by several Councils, "That all males at fourteen, and females at twelve, years of age, shall abjure all heresy, extolling itself against the holy Catholic Roman Church, and orthodox faith ; and shall swear also, that they will hold the Catholic faith which the Roman Church teacheth and holds." This is determined by a Coun- cil of Bishops and Prelates held at Toulouse, in France, A.D. 1229; (can. 12 ;) also by a Council held at Besiers, A.D. 1246 ; (can. 31 ;) by a Council of Bishops and Prelates held at Alby, in France. (Can. 11, 12.) Moreover, this oath, by the decrees of the Council of Toulouse and Alby, is to be renewed every two years. Again, " All INTRODUCTION. lv that do come in and confess their heresy, must take the same oath." (Council of Besiers, can. 5.)* 2. " All Consuls, Governors of castles, authorities, and Barons, must be compelled, by ecclesiastical censure, to abjure heretics, with the favourers and abettors of them :" so determines the Provincial Council of Narbonne. (Can. 15.)f 3. "No layman, upon penalty of excommunication, must dispute, publicly or privately, touching the Catholic faith," saith Nicholas III. (Const., sect. 19.)J 4. " No layman must have any books of the Old or New Testament, except the Psaltery, the Breviary, and the Hours of the Blessed Virgin," (three New Testament books of the Roman edition,) "any of which they must by no means have in the vulgar tongue," saith the Council of Toulouse. (Can. 14.) Such unworthy arts do give just reason to all persons to suspect the truth of that religion which re- quires thus to be supported by oaths and abjurations made by children : by stopping the mouths of men, and not permitting them to ask that reason of their faith which all men are obliged by their Christianity to be in readiness to give to all that ask it : (1 Peter iii. 15 :) and by withholding the Scriptures of the Old Testament, which are able to make them wise unto salvation ; (2 Tim. iii. 15 ;) which by the law of Moses were to be continually read unto, and continually talked of by, the people ; (Deut. vi. 7 ;) to which they, by the Prophets, were advised to go, and by which they were to pass judgment on those who spake unto them of religious matters; (Isai. viii. 20;) which our Lord doth enjoin them both to hear and search ; (John v. 39 ;) as also his Apostles, commending them who from their youth had known, and who upon occasion searched, the Scriptures ; (2 Tim. iii. 15 ;) and also those of the New Testament, which were written in the most vulgar language, that all might know them ; (Acts xvii. 11;) and with plain- ness of speech, that they might understand them ; (2 Cor. iii. 12;) and which were left to be a rule of faith and practice, to all succeed- ing generations, which the primitive fathers do strongly commend to the perusal of all Christians, and which the heathen persecutors, as fiercely as the Roman Catholics, did strive to wrest out of their hands. III. (ii.) If, notwithstanding all this care to keep the people ignorant and blind, some by the strength of natural reason and religion, add others by conversing with men of better principles, or reading that pestilent, and therefore carefully forbidden, book, the word of God, come to the knowledge of his truth, and be convinced of the supersti- tions and follies of the Roman doctrines, and become, according to their notions, heretics ; all imaginable care is used that they may nor escape their cruelty, nor find even a corner in villages and woods, above or under ground, to hide them from their fury : therefore, for the * Labb. Concilia, torn, xi., part i., pp. 430, 693, 724, 725. f Ibid., p. 308. t Magn. BuUar. Rom., torn, i., p. 157. I/abb. Concilia, torn, i., p. 430. v INTRODUCTION. better discovery and apprehension of heretics, as well as of those who favour and encourage them, or are suspected of doing so, the follow- ing persons are authorized to be employed in that work ; namely, Inquisitors of heretical pravity, constituted by his Holiness for that end ; *" all Archbishops and Bishops in their respective provinces and diocesses, with their Officials and Vicars ; f all Abbots within their precincts. And, further, for the assistance of these persons, " every Governor or Magistrate throughout Lombardy and Italy is bound to keep twelve honest men, two Notaries, and as many servants as the Bishop, or two of the brethren Inquisitors, shall see fit, who shall be bound to search after and apprehend heretics, or bring them within the power of the Diocesan or his Vicars ; and to require all persons to assist them in so doing." J Such are the persons authorized by as good authority as the Court and Church of Rome possess, to discover and apprehend the heretic and his abettors. And their commission is exceeding large. For instance : IV. 1. If the Bishop or his Vicar, the Inquisitor or these twelve Officers, require it, the Magistrate must assist them in inquiring after, arresting, and the spoliation of heretics, by furnishing them with soldiers : this must be done by cities, under the penalty of one hundred pounds; and by villages, under the penalty of twenty-five pounds. By the Constitutions of Clement IV., " every Governor and private person is also bound to assist the Inquisitors and Officials of the Bishop and his Visitor." 2. " They shall also have power to compel the neigh- bourhood to swear, that if they know of any heretics, or of any that keep secret conventicles, or any that believe, defend, receive, or favour heretics, they will give notice thereof to the Inquisitors appointed by the Apostolic See." || The Council of Toulouse decrees, " That the Archbishops and Bishops shall, in every parish within and without their cities, compel one Priest, and two or three honest lay- men, or more if needful, by their oath, that they will diligently, faithfully, and frequently inquire after heretics in the said parishes, by searching any house, or subterranean receptacle, that may give suspicion of them ; and if they find any heretics, believers, favourers, receivers, or defenders of them, they will take them into custody, and then with all speed give intimation of them to the Archbishop, * Labb. Concilia, torn, xi., part i., p. 619. t The Bull of Martin V., published with the consent and approbation of the General Council of Constance, begins thus : " Martinus Episcopus Archiepiscopis, Episcopis ac Inquisitoribus haereticse pravitatis ubilibet constitutis." (Mag. Bullar. Rom., torn, i., p. 288. t Labb. Concilia, torn, xi., part i., p. 605 ; Constit. Innocentii Quarti, cap. iii., iv. : Constit. Clement. IV., Leg. 3 ; Mag. Bull. Rom., torn, i., p. 91. Constit. xix. Innocent. IV. ; Labb. Concilia, torn, xi., part i., p. 606. H Labb. Condi., torn, xi., part i., p. 608. INTRODUCTION. Ivii Bishop, Lord, or Bailiff of that place." * This decree is renewed by the Provincial Council of Besiers, held A.D. 1246 ; (can. 34 ;) f by the Council of Alby ; (can. 1 ;)| by the Council of Aries, A.D. 1234. (Can. 5.) The Council of Saltzburg, held A.D. 1420, (can. 32,)|| commands "all persons, under the penalty of excommunication and eternal death, as soon as they know that any heretic is in their terri- tories, to discover him to their superiors ; and all Magistrates, when the Inquisitors give notice of such, are bound, under the same penalty, to apprehend, imprison, and deliver them to the Inquisitors." And by the Constitutions of Nicholas III., directed to Christians, all are liable to excommunication, who neglect to do so.^f 3. " The Lords of territories must be solicitous to inquire after heretics in their houses and in the woods, and destroy their hiding- places." (Concil. Toulouse, can. 3, stat. Raimundi, Com. Toulouse ; Concil. Albiense, can. 4.) ** " They must assist, also, the Ordinary in arresting them, under the penalty, likewise, of excommunication." (Concil. Paris, A.D. 1346, can. 4.)ff 4. "All Earls, Barons, Rectors, Consuls of cities, and other secular powers bearing any office whatsoever, must be admonished by the Diocesan to swear, that they will faithfully and efficaciously assist the Church, according to their power and office, against heretics and their accomplices, and will use their utmost diligence therein ; and if it be found requisite, they, by the infliction of Church censures, must be compelled to do so," saith, the Council of Besiere ; (can. 9 ;) the Council of Alby ; (can. 20 ;) the Provincial Council of Narbonne.JJ And suitably to this, the canon law determines, that " all Earls, Barons, Rectors, and Consuls of cities, and other places, shall, at the admonition of the Bishops, engage themselves by an oath, when required, that they will faithfully and efficaciously help the Church, according to their office and power, against all heretics and their accomplices." V. There are not only the decrees of Popes and Emperors, and of Provincial Councils, but many of them are confirmed by General Councils. For, 1 . The fourth General Council of Lateran, assembled A.D. 1215, (can. 3,)||)| decrees, that "all Archbishops, by themselves or their Archdeacon, or by some fit and honest persons, twice or at the * Labb. Concil., torn, xi., part i., p. 428. t Ibid., p. 694. t Ibid., p. 722. 5 Ibid., part ii., p. 2341. || Ibid., torn, xii., p. 325. IT Mag. Bullar. Rona., torn, i., p. 156. ** Cone. Labb., torn, xi., part i., pp. 428, 449, 723. tt Labb. Concil., torn, xi., part ii., p. 912. U Ibid., part i., pp. 679, 693, 694, 726, 489. 5 Corp. Jur. Canon., torn. ii. ; Decretal, lib. v., tit. vii., cap. ix., p. 238. III! Labb. Concil., torn, xi., part i., p. 152. VOL. I. U Iviii INTRODUCTION. least once a year, shall visit their own parishes, in which it is reported that any heretics dwell ; and shall compel three or more men of good report, or, if it seem expedient to them, the whole neighbourhood, to swear, that if any of them, know of heretics, or of them that keep secret conventicles, or that differ in their lives or manners from the common conversation of the faithful, they will endeavour to acquaint the Bishop with them." The General Council of Constance, that is, Martin V., with the consent and approbation of that Council, com- mands " all Archbishops, Bishops, Inquisitors, Commissaries, or elect persons, by virtue of their obedience, that every of them within their limits, or places of their jurisdiction, diligently do watch for the extirpation and correction of all errors and heresies. And where- soever they find any that are reported or are even suspected to be guilty of those crimes, to compel them, under the penalty of excommu- nication, suspension, interdict, or confession of the crime, or any other more formidable punishment, canonical or legal, to take a corporal oath upon the Evangelists, the relics of the saints, or a crucifix, to answer to the questions they shall ask them."* Now the questions, among many others, are these following ; namely, (1 .) " Whether they think it lawful that such an oath should be imposed upon or taken by them, for their purgation ; that is, an oath ex qfficio, obliging them to condemn themselves." (2.) "Whether they hold it a mortal sin to be guilty of perjury, though it be to save their lives, or for the advantage of the faith. This may be done by Catholics, but must not be done by heretics." (3.) Whether he believes, " that after the consecration of the Priest, in the sacrament of the altar under the elements of the holy bread and wine, there remains no material bread and wine, but the same Christ entirely, who suffered on the cross, and sits at the right hand of the Father." (4.) Whether he believes, " that the consecration being made by a Priest, under the species of bread alone, and without the species of wine, there is the true flesh, and blood, and soul, and deity of Christ, and whole Christ, in his broken body, and the same Christ absolutely, and under every one of the species in particular," that is, whether there be one million of Christs, and yet but one. (5.) Whether he believes, " that the custom of communicating laymen in the species of bread alone, approved by this holy Council, be to be observed, so that it is not lawful to change it without the authority of the Church ; " that is, whether he hold that the Council, forbidding what Christ commands, is to be obeyed before Christ. (6.) Whether he believes, "that the Pope, being canonically elected, is the successor of St. Peter, and hath supreme authority in the whole Church of God." * Labb. Concil., torn, xii., p. 263. INTRODUCTION. 1JX With many questions of the like nature, containing the whole super- stition of the Church of Rome.* 2. If any person whom they suspect to be guilty of heresy will not undergo such canonical purgation, or by a damnable obstinacy refuse thus to swear, in order to his purgation, he is to be condemned as a heretic ; according to the fourth General Council of Lateran,f and the General Council of Constance. 3. This power is given to "Arch- bishops, &c., throughout all parts of the world where any heresy aris- eth ; namely, to make these inquiries, and proceed in like manner;" so that no country where this religion doth obtain, " can expect any- thing but a continual butchery of all who will not be most gross idolaters." And, 4. They command their officers " to proceed against, and to condemn as heretics, all persons, of whatsoever dignity, office, pre-eminence, state, and condition they shall be, and what names soever they are called, who think otherwise of the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, or of baptism, or of confession of sins, or of peaance, or any other sacraments, or articles of faith, than the holy Roman Church and universal teacheth, and as heretics to give them over to the civil Magistrate." || 5. They renew, also, the Constitu- tion of Boniface VIII. concerning the Inquisition, " requiring and commanding all powers, and Lords temporal, and Judges, of whatso- ever dignity, name, or office, as they desire to be reputed Christians and sons of the Church, and to glory in the name of Christ, that they obey and attend these Inquisitors and other ecclesiastical per- sons deputed, or hereafter by the Apostolical See to be deputed, for the finding out and punishing of heretics, affording them their aid and favour in finding out, apprehending, and imprisoning them, and all that do believe, favour, receive, or defend them." ^[ VI. (iii.) The laws which refer to the punishment of heretics, when they are discovered and apprehended, are either such as declare what punishments shall be inflicted on them, or such as oblige men to inflict those punishments. Now the punishments which by their laws must be inflicted, are the following ; namely, excommunication, confiscation of their goods, imprisonment, exile, death. (Concil. Bitter.,** A.D. 1246, can. 2.) 1. "They must be excommunicated, with all their favourers, every week." (Council of * Concilia Labb., torn, xii., p. 269. f Ibid., torn, xi., part i., p. 152. t Ibid., torn, xii., p. 262. Ibid., p. 263. || Ibid., p. 261. IT Corp Jur. Canon., torn, ii., Sexti Decret., lib. v., tit. ii., cap. xviii., p. 332. Fol. Paris., 1687. ** Labb. ('nut-ilia, torn, xi., part i., p. 688. h 2 Ix INTRODUCTION. Besiers, A.D. 1233,* can. 1; and A.D. 1246, can. 8;f and the Council of Alby, can. 19.+) They are actually excommunicated, according to the canon law. This sentence passes upon them yearly in the Bulk Ccense. 2. They must lose all their goods. Who- soever apprehends them, (which all have liberty to do,) hath free leave to take from them all their goods, and full right to enjoy them. (Const. Innocentii IV., cap. 2.||) And this punishment, saith Inno- cent III., " we command to be executed on them by the Princes and secular powers, who shall by ecclesiastical censures be compelled thereunto." Moreover, after the sentence is pronounced against them, " their goods, if they have any still remaining, shall be all confiscated, and never shall return unto them." (Const. Fred. 2 ;^[ Concil. Bitterense, can. 3 ;** Statuta Raimundi, Com. Tolos. ;ff Con- cil. Arelat., A.D. 1234, can. S.Jt) "The very house in which the heretic is found must be destroyed, and never built again ; and the ground must be confiscated ; and so must all the other houses conti- guous to it, if they belong to the same person ; (unless it appear to the Inquisitors that the landlords were wholly inculpable ;) and all the goods must be sold, or become his that takes them." (Innocent. IV., cap. 26; Concil. Tolos., can. 6;|[|| Concil. Albien., can. 6 ;^[f Stat. Raimundi, Comit. Tolos. ;*** Concil. Bitter., can. 35.fft) 3. They are to be imprisoned without delay. And when they have them thus in hold, the Governor is, by the Constitutions of Pope Innocent IV., obliged " to compel them, by any punishments which do not dismember them, or endanger their life, expressly to confess their errors, and to accuse all other heretics they know of, and the believers, receivers, or defenders of them ; and to tell where their goods are." (Const. Innocent. IV., cap. 25. 1$) Which constitution is renewed by Clemens IV., const, xiii., leg. 24 ; and is the ground * Labb. Concilia, torn, xi., part i., p. 453. t Ibid., p. 679. ! Ibid., p. 726. Corp. Jur. Canon., torn, ii., Sexti Decret., lib. v., tit. ii., cap. vii., p. 331. || Labb. Concilia, torn, xi., part i., p. 605. 1T Ibid., p. 622. ** Ibid., p. 678. tt Ibid., pp. 449, 450. JJ Ibid., part ii., p. 2341. Ibid., part i., p. 607. Illl Ibid., p. 428. Hf Ibid., p. 449. *** Ibid., p. 694. ttt Ibid., p. 723. W Ibid., p. 607. $ Magn. Bull. Rom., toin. i., p. 92. INTRODUCTION. hi of all the cruelties which those creatures meet with in the Inqui- sition. VII. 4. They must be banished, exterminated, or driven out of all places where they are. For the Council of Cologne commands " all that are subject to it to rise up against heretics, their favourers and receivers, and faithfully to procure their extermination." (Can. 9, A.D. 1425.*) And in order hereunto, all secular powers must swear to expel heretics out of their dominions. f The Constitutions of the Emperor Frederick II. run thus : " We make a perpetual decree, that the officers, Consuls, Rectors, whatsoever office they enjoy, shall, in defence of the faith, take a public oath, that they will honestly endeavour, with their utmost power, to expel all heretics, as such, condemned by the Church, out of their territories. And all that shall be admitted hereafter to any place of government, temporal or perpetual, shall be bound to take this oath, or lose his govern- ment." Ludovicus VII., King of France,! with the advice of his nobles, sets forth his edicts against heretics, "commanding all his Barons, Bailiffs, and other subjects, present and future, to be solici- tous and intent to purge their territories from heretics and heretical pravity, and to swear to the observation of this and all other statutes made against them. They must swear to do their endeavours to exterminate out of their dominions ah 1 heretics, believers, receivers, favourers, or defenders of them, according to the Council of Alby, can. 20. The Council of Aries gives power to the Bishop to compel them, by Church censures, to take this oath. (Can. 3 : || see the like, Concil. Bitter., can. 9 ;^[ and can. 32.**) The Constitutions of Innocent IV. decree, "that every Governor in Lombardy, having called a common Council, shall put forth his edict, to banish all heretics from under his jurisdiction, and to declare that none of them shall stay within his authority." (Const. 2.ff) Now, for the bet- ter execution of this punishment, it is decreed, VIII. 1 . " That if any Governor knowingly permit a heretic to dwell in his dominions, he shall be excommunicated." (Concil. Bit- ter., can. 2.J) 2. "That whosoever, having temporal dominion, neglects to prosecute those who by the Church are denounced here- tics, or to exterminate them out of his province or dominion, is to be deemed a grievous favourer of heretics." (Concil. Narbon., can. 15.) 3. " He who knowingly permits a heretic to abide in his dominions, shall for ever lose them ; and his body shall be in the power of his Lord, to do with him as he ought." (Concil. Tolos., can. 4 ;|||| Concil. * Labb. Concilia, torn xii., p. 363. t Ibid., tom xi., part i., p. 622. J Ibid., p. 423. Ibid., p. 726. || Ibid., part ii., p. 2340. f Ibid.^part i., p. 679. ** Ibid., p. 693. ft Ibid., p. 605. JJ Ibid., p. 677. i Ibid., p. 492. i||j Ibid., p. 428. Ixii INTRODUCTION. Bitter., can. 2;* Concil. Alb., can. 5.t) "If the temporal Lord, being required, shall neglect to purge his territory from heretical pra- vity, after one year elapsed from the time of his monition," saith the Emperor Frederick, " we expose his territories to be seized by Catho- lics ; who, having exterminated the heretics, without contradiction shall possess it, and preserve it in the purity of faith, so as no injury be clone to the right of the superior Lord, who doth not any way oppose this procedure ; provided notwithstanding that the same law take place against them who have no principal Lords." (Const. Fred. II. J) And this Constitution is confirmed by Honorius III. IX. Now all these Constitutions of Popes, Kings, Emperors, Pro- vincial Councils, are also confirmed by the approved General Councils of the Roman Church, and are extended and enlarged by them to Kings, Emperors, and supreme Governors : so they are not only Constitutions of state, or of the court of Rome, but also of the whole Church of Rome. For, 1. The fourth General Council of Lateran begins the chapter against heretics thus :|| "We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy extolling itself against the holy orthodox Catholic faith, which we have now expounded, condemning all here- tics, by what names soever they are called.^]" We anathematize them, their defenders and receivers." 2. The third General Council of Lateran,** under Alexander III. ; the fourth General Council of Late- ran, ft under Innocent III. ; and the General Council of Constance ;J decree, that " the goods of heretics, if they be laymen, shall be confiscated." 3. They decree, that " the temporal Lords, being required by the Inquisitors, Archbishops, Bishops, &c., shall within their jurisdiction, without delay, imprison heretics, and cause them to be kept in close custody, by putting them into fetters and iron chains, till the Church hath passed sentence on them ; and not freeing them from prison without the licence of the Bishop or Inquisitors. || || And, 4. They decree, ^[^f that the "secular powers, what offices soever they enjoy, shall be admonished, and, if needs be, compelled by eccle- siastical censure, that as they desire to be reputed Christians, so they * Labh. Concilia, torn, xi., part i.. p. 67J" t Ibid., p. 723. J Ibid., p. 622. Magn. Bullar. Rom., torn, i., p. 64. || Labb. Concilia, torn, xi., part i., p. 148. IT Ibid., torn, x., p. 1522. ** Ibid., p. 1522. tt Ibid., torn, xi., part i., p. 149. tt Ibid., torn, xii., p. 260. Ibid., torn, xii., p. 260. (Ill Corp. Juris Canon., torn, ii., p. 238, Decret. Sext.. lib. v., tit. vii., cap. 9. HIT Labb. Concilia, torn, xi., part i., p. 148. INTRODUCTION. Ixiii will take an oath for the defence of the faith, that they will honestly endeavour, with their whole power, to exterminate all heretics con- demned by the Church out of their territories." Thus the fourth Lateran Council hath defined. The General Council of Constance requires* "ah 1 Archbishops, Bishops, and other persons chosen for this work, to admonish and require all Kings, Emperors, Dukes, Princes, Earls, Barons, &c., and by the apostolical authority to com- mand them, to expel all heretics forementioned out of their kingdoms, provinces, cities, towns, castles, Tillages, territories, and other places, according to the canon of the Lateran Council, which begins with the words, Sicut ait; that is, according to the twenty-seventh canon of the third General Council of Lateran,f which, under anathema, for- bids any one to allow the heretics there mentioned to tarry within their houses or territories." 5. The fourth Council of Lateran adds, that "if the temporal Lord, being required and admonished by the Church, shall neglect to purge his territories from heretical pravity, he shall be excommuni- cated by the Metropolitan and his Suffragans ; and if he neglect to give satisfaction within a year, this shall be signified to the Pope, that he, from henceforth, may pronounce his subjects discharged from their obedience, and expose his territories to be enjoyed by Catholics, who, having exterminated the heretics, shall possess it without all contradiction, and keep it in the purity of faith, so that no injury be done to the principal Lord, who doth not oppose his procedure ; provided notwithstanding that the same law take place against them who have no temporal Lords." J Now let it be observed, that both the Councils of Constance and of Basle || do reckon this Lateran among those Councils which all their Popes must swear to maintain to the least tittle, and to defend even to blood ; and that the Council of Trent not only hath declared it to be a General Coun- cil, but also affirms one of its definitions to be the voice of the whole Church ; and therefore these three General Councils must be supposed to approve of all that is cited from this Council. The General Coun- cil of Constance ^[ decreed, that " all heretics, all followers and defend- ers of them, or partakers with them, though they shine in the dig- nity of Patriarchs, Archbishops, Bishops, Kings, Queens, Dukes, or any other ecclesiastical or mundane title, shall be pronounced excom- municate in the presence of the people every Sunday and holy-day ; and that the Archbishops, Bishops, and Inquisitors shall diligently inquire concerning them who hold, approve, defend, dogmatize, or receive such heresies or errors as they before had mentioned, of what * Labb. Concilia, torn, xii., p. 260. f Ibid., torn, x., p. 1522. : Ili ? . INTRODUCTION. TV) -7 cannot bind, saith their own canon law,* to anything which is against the benefit of holy Church ; for, according to the determina- tion of Innocent III., received into the body of that law, " they are not to be called oaths, but perjuries, which are attempted against the benefit of the Church." They cannot bind against the right of a superior ; for the same law f declares, that in any oath that is taken, the right of the superior must be supposed to be respected. They can- not bind against the canonical sanctions ; " for otherwise," saith the same law, " it is a rash oath, and not valid." Since then, according to the doctrine of the Church, it is the duty of all Catholic Princes to punish and extirpate heretics, they cannot be obliged by any oath or promise to neglect that duty : since this neglect is against law and the canonical sanctions, against the plain determinations of the supreme tribunal, and against the benefit of the holy Church, therefore no oath or promise can oblige them to it. And, (4.) They who claim a power to absolve Catholic Princes from their contracts, leagues, and engagements made to heretical Princes, must have an equal power to absolve them from contracts made with their own heretical subjects : for, sure, the contracts made with equals must be more firm than those which we have made to our inferiors ; but the Pope claims, and oft hath exercised, this power of absolving Catholic Princes from their contracts made with other Princes, on this account, because they were made with heretics, or persons excommunicate. Ergo, &c. To give some few examples ; the Bull of Urban VI. concerning this matter, runs thus : " Amongst the many cares with which we continually are pressed, our chief concern- ment is, to provide fit remedies for preventing the subversion of the faithful, by consorting or by participating with schismatics or heretics ; and truly we have lately heard," saith he, " that Wence- laus, King of the Romans and Bohemians, and Charles the Emperor, have entered into some confederacies, leagues, compacts, or conven- tions, with divers Kings, Princes, Dukes, Earls, grandees, and nobles ; some of which Kings, &c., then were, or afterwards have become, manifest heretics and schismatics, being separated from the union of the Roman Church, though not by us declared such : we, therefore, considering that such confederacies, leagues, compacts, or conven- tions, made with these heretics and schismatics, after they were such, are rash, void, and null by sentence of the law ; but if they were made before their falling into schism and heresy, and confirmed by an oath, or by the Apostolic See, or by whatsoever firmness, as soon as they become guilty of these crimes, the King, and all that with him have entered into these compacts, is absolved from the observation of * Corp. Juris Canoii., torn, i., Deeret. Greg, ix., lib. ii., tit. xxiv., cap. 27, p. 110. t Ibid., lib. v., tit. xxiv., cap. xix., p. 109. k 2 INTRODUCTION. them, and ought not to observe them ; therefore, we, by our aposto- lical authority, declare the said King absolved from them, and the com- pacts themselves to be wholly void and null." Pope Martin V., * in his epistle to Alexander, Duke of Lithuania, who had received the Bohemians into his protection, writes thus : "If thou hast been any ways induced to promise to defend them, know, that thou couldst not pawn thy faith to heretics, the violators of the holy faith ; and that thou mortally offendest, if thou dost observe it."f When Uladislaus,J King of Hungary, had made peace with Amu- rath the Turk, for ten years, and had confirmed it with an oath, the Pope, Eugenius IV., writes to Julian the Cardinal, to persuade him to violate that peace, alleging and declaring, " that no league made with the enemies of the Christian faith, without consulting with the Pope, is valid :" hereupon the poor King is prevailed with to become a most perfidious wretch, and fall upon the Turk unawares ; which he observing, and being straitened in his arms, pulls out the articles of the covenant, and, looking up to heaven, cries out, " crucified Jesus, see the perfidiousness of this nation, which, against their oath, have violated all right and faith ; and if thou art a God, do thou revenge this perjury upon them ;" which was no sooner said, but the Christians were put to flight, the perjured King, and the Cardinal who persuaded him to violate his oath, were both slain ; God teaching us by this example, saith JEneas Sylvius, that oaths are to be kept, when made, not only with the faithful, but with enemies. || Pope Innocent III-j^F in his epistle to Peter, King of Arragon, writes thus: "We enjoin thy serenity, by virtue of the Holy Spirit, that thou desert the forenamed people of Toulouse, and that thou do not afford them any counsel, aid, or favour, whilst they continue as they are, notwith- standing any promise or obligation whatsoever made unto them, in elusion of the ecclesiastical discipline." Paul III., in his Bull against Henry VIII., edit. A.D. 1538, "exhorts and requireth, in the Lord, all Christian Princes shining in imperial or regal dignity, that they do not, under pretence of any confederations or obligations whatsoever, although corroborated by frequently-repeated oaths, or any other firmness," I say he doth exhort them, " not to yield to King Henry, his accomplices, favourers, adherers, consulters or followers, or any of them, by themselves or others, openly or secretly, directly or indi- rectly, tacitly or expressly, any counsel, aid, or favour ;" and that * Spond. Annales, toin. ii., p. 265, sect. 1 . t Cochlei Hist. Hussitar., lib. v., p. 212, A.D. 1423, fol. Mogunt., 1649. t Ibid., p. 428, sect. 3. Ibid., p. 341, sect. 10. || Ant. Bonfinii, Rerum Ungar., Decad. v., lib. iii., fol. Basil., 1568. If Labb. Concilia, torn, xi., part i., p. 93. INTRODUCTION. l.XXVii they might not think themselves obliged so to do, he " absolves them all from all oaths or obligations, made or to be made unto him or them, and declares them to be void and null, and of no strength and moment." And, lastly, Pius V. absolves not only all the subjects of Queen Elizabeth, but also " all others who had in any sort sworn to her." (5.) They who claim a power to absolve subjects from these pro- mises and oaths by which they were obliged to yield obedience to their heretical Princes, must have an equal power to absolve Catholic Princes from their promises and oaths made to heretical subjects ; for, sure, the obligation of Princes to their subjects cannot be greater than that of subjects to their Prince. Now it is known that Roman Popes and Councils claim the power of absolving subjects from that obedience which they have sworn to yield to their heretical superiors : ergo, by the same principles, they must have power to absolve Catholic Princes from those promises and oaths which they have made to their heretical subjects. To give some instances of this kind : " Let them know," saith Gregory IX.,* "who were bound by any bond, how firm soever, to persons manifestly fallen into heresy, that they are absolved from that fidelity, obedience, and homage which they were obliged to pay ; " and this decree is put into the body of the canon law, and hath, according to Singleton,f been commended and observed in the Church practice about four hundred years. The truth and modesty of which assertion, as to the limitation of it to four hundred years, will be abundantly made good by the following : In the eighth century, Sigonius and others inform us, that " Rome and the Roman duchy were lost by the Grecians, by reason of their wicked heresy, and fell into the hands of the Pope of Rome." The "wicked heresy" of Leo Isaurus, which lost him the empire of the West, was this, that he forbade the adoration of images, and pulled them down everywhere ; for this Gregory II. persuades the Italians to revolt from him, as being a heretic, he absolves them from their oaths of obedience, and strictly forbids them to pay him any tribute ; whereupon they, rejecting the Emperor, do bind themselves by oath to be obedient to the Pope. This is the title by which the Pope holds Rome at present, even plain rebellion and tyrannical invasion of his Sovereign's estate and dominions. " Now by this action," saith Baronius, "he left to posterity a worthy example, that heretical Princes should not be suffered to reign in the Church of Christ, if, being warned, they were found pertinacious in * Corpus Juris Canon., torn, i., Dccret. Greg, ix., lib. v., tit. vii., cap. xvi., p. 241. t Singleton Discuss. Decret. Con. Lat., p. 98. t Sigon. I)e Regno Italia, lib. iii., fol. Hanov., 1609. Ixxviii INTRODUCTION. error." * The next successor of Gregory II. was Gregory III.,t who, " as soon as he had obtained the Papal dignity, by the consent of the Roman Clergy, deprived Leo III., Emperor of Constantinople, both of his empire and the communion of the faithful, because he had swept away the holy images out of the Church." In the eleventh century, Gregory VII. writes thus : " Either King Philip of France, rejecting the filthy merchandise of simoniacal heresy, will permit fit persons to be chosen into the government of the Church, or the French will refuse to obey him any longer, unless they had rather cast away the Christian faith, being smitten with the sword of a general anathema." Where it is plainly to be seen, that the Pope sup- poses heresy to be a crime sufficient, not only to justify subjects in their refusal of obedience to their lawful Prince, but also to justify him in excluding them from the communion of Christians who obey him. In the twelfth century, to give the better colour to the depositions of Henry IV. and Henry V., it was first voted in the Council held at the Lateran, 1102, "that it was heresy to assert the right of laymen to invest into ecclesiastical preferments." And this decree was renewed in a Council at Vienna, A.D. 1112, and by another held at the Lateran, A.D. 1116 ; and in pursuance of these decrees were these two Emperors deposed. But, notwithstanding all the thunderings of Paschal II. against Henry IV., the Church of Leon stood firm to him, which so incensed the good Pope, that he writes to Robert, Count of Flanders, to expel those schismatics out of the Church. His words are these : "It is just, that they who have separated themselves from the Catholic Church should be separated from the Church's benefices : wheresoever, therefore, thou art able, do thou persecute Henry, the head of the heretics, and all his favourers, with all thy might ; for truly thou canst offer no more acceptable sacrifice to God, than by impugning him who hath lifted up himself against God ; who, by the judgment of the Holy Spirit," (0 horrid blasphemy !) " is cast out of the house of God by the Princes of the Apostles and their Vicars : this we command thee to do for the obtaining the remission of thy sins, and the familiarities of the Apostolic See ;" which, as it seems, cannot be more effectually obtained by anything than by rebel- ling against heretical Princes, and persecuting them with all our might. In the thirteenth century, in the year of our Lord 1245, Pope Innocent IV. assembles a General Council at Lyons, where he declares the Emperor Frederick II. guilty of heresy, || "because he violated Baronii Annales, A.D. 730, sect. 40, p. 98, fol., torn. ix. Rom*, 1600. t Platina De Vitis Pontificum, Greg. III., p. 110, folio, Colon., 1568. J Labb. Concilia, torn, x., p. 34, Kpistolse Greg. VII., lib. i., epist. 35. Ibid., p. 629, Paschal II., epist. rii. || Ibid., torn, xi., part i., p. 645. INTRODUCTION. Ixxi.X his oath ; and because he diminished the privilege granted to the suc- cessors of St. Peter, in these words, ' Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth,' &c. ; and contemned the keys of the Church ; which," saith he, " must be heresy, seeing the civil law declares him a heretic, and worthy to be punished as such, who in a light matter doth deviate from Catholic religion." Then follows his deposition of the Emperor in these words : " We, therefore, after mature deliberation had with our Cardinals, and with the sacred Council, upon the premisses, declare the forementioned Emperor deprived by God of all honour and dignity, and by our sentence we deprive him of them, perpetually absolving all his subjects from their oaths of fidelity to him, and by our apostolical authority forbidding them to acknowledge or obey him hereafter as Emperor or King ; and decreeing, that all who under that relation yield him counsel, aid, or favour shall be ipso facto excommunicate." A.D. 1254. Innocent IV. pronounceth an anathema, on Maundy Thursday, against Ecelinus, Governor of Marchia Tarvisina, as being a manifest heretic, and frequently excommunicated on that account. And, A.D. 1256, he gathers an army of Crusadoes against him.* In the fourteenth century, A.D. 1322, John XXII. excommunicates Matthew, Viscount of Milan, his sons and abettors, as being heretics and schismatics ; passeth upon them the sentence of deprivation of all their goods, deposition from all office and dignity, ecclesiastical and secular, and of inability to any other ; and exposes their persons to be seized upon ; and treats with Frederick of Austria, King of the Romans, about sending an army into Lombardy to suppress them.f A.D. 1324. John XXII. commands Lewis of Bavaria to cease from all administration of the empire, and never to assume it again, with- out the approbation of the Apostolic See ; and this was done, as for other reasons, so in particular this, that Lewis had showed favour and patronage to Count Galeatius and his brethren, who had been lawfully condemned for heresy, and to some others who had rebelled against the Church. J A.D. 1324. This Pope pronounces the Emperor con- tumacious, and deprived of all right to the empire ; reserving to him- self the inflicting of other penalties upon him, if ever he endeavour to meddle with the administration of the empire, or should presume to favour the forementioned heretics and rebels, forbidding all the subjects of the empire, under the most grievous penalties, in any manner to obey him, to call him Emperor, or yield him any aid or favour. A.D. 1335. Benedict XXII. renews this sentence * Spondan. Annales, A.D. 1254, torn, i., sect. 3. t Ibid., torn, i., A.D. 1322, sect, v., p. 564. t Ibid., A.D. 1324, sect, ii., p. 574. 5 Ibid., A.D. 1335, sect, i., p. 631. 1XXX INTRODUCTION. of John. And the next year the Emperor makes a large promise of doingalmost anything the Pope would ask, and giving power to his own subjects to rise up against him if he did not perform it ; and yet this was not thought sufficient to expiate the guilt of favouring heretics and rebels to the Church of Rome, and doing that which was at Rome esteemed heresy. He therefore proceeds to confess, that he had done ill in favouring the Viscount of Milan and others, condemned by the Church as heretics and schismatics ; that, in his appeal made against John XXII., he had said many heretical things ; that he would make a full confession of these things, and would supplicate for absolution ; and take an oath, stare mandatis Ecclesice, to obey the commands of the Church, and to extirpate heretics : and yet all this would not prevail for the obtaining of his pardon. A.D. 1343. Clement VI. renews the same sentence against the Emperor ; and the conditions which he required, in order to his absolution, were, that he should confess his heresies and errors, of which he was accused ; and that he should resign the empire, not resuming it, but by the favour of the Pope ; that he should deliver up his sons, goods, and his whole concerns, into the hands and will of the Pope ; all which the Emperor promised to do : and yet this would not satisfy. Such is the Church of Rome. We write considerately, inasmuch as she has not renounced the principles that received the stamp of infallibility in bygone days. Dr. Delahogue, in his class-book for the instruction of the Priests educated at Maynooth, states, that the Church holds her jurisdiction over all baptized persons, as a com- mander retains authority over deserters, and may decree for them severe punishments. The worst and bitterest persecutors are canon- ized and beatified as saints in the Romish Church. St. Dominic, Thomas Aquinas, (whose Secunda Secundce is replete with persecuting principles,) Ferdinand of Castile, and Pius V., are embalmed in the devotions of, and exhibited as models to, the Roman Catholics of Britain. To warn the Protestants of the unchangeable character of the Papacy, is the object of the following volumes. MARTYROLOGIA, BOOK I. OF THE PERSECUTIONS RECORDED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. CHAPTER I. SECT. I. ABEL, B.C. 3875 Birth of Cain His Character The Occupation of the Brothers Cause of Difference Nature of the Offerings presented Sacrifices The Contrast Effect upon Cain Who murders his Brother Records of Tar - gums SECT. II. ABRAHAM Moral State of the World at his Birth His early Character The Idolatry of Terah Zabiism Rise and Progress of the primi- tive Idolatry Rabbinical Tradition Terah a Maker of Idols Abraham reproves his Father /* examined and punished by Nimrod. SECTION I. - THE MARTYRDOM OF ABEL. WE cannot direct our attention to this melancholy event without acknowledging the awful fact, that when holiness of life has been abandoned and trampled upon, the heart of man eagerly gives entrance to every species of iniquity. In Cain, the near kinsman and murderer of Abel, we behold the first specimen of the conduct of a son and a brother. In the former relationship we meet with the primary example of disobedience to an earthly parent. Eve, doubtless, rejoiced in his birth. What she thought and felt upon this interest- ing occasion, we learn from what she said, and from the name which she gave to her new-born son, in token of her gladness in having " gotten a man from the Lord." With a heart teeming with grati- tude she would look up to God, who had not only prolonged and spared her life, but had made her the joyful mother of a living child, and who, though, according to the curse, he had multiplied her sorrow, yet had not refused to administer to her consolation. She would also rejoice in the birth of Cain as an earnest of the accom- plishment of the promise of the Redeemer from among her seed, who should bruise the serpent's head. How soothing to the maternal heart must have been the hope of relief and deliverance through the instrumentality of her offspring ! And how gratefully would she medi- tate upon thus repairing the ruin which she, through frailty, had induced, little contemplating that fearful developement of evil in him, for the destruction of which she was earnestly looking ! VOL. I. B BOOK I. CHAPTER I. We have to regard Cain as a brother. Of the early life and deport- ment of these children little is said in the sacred records ; but from the sequel we are led to conclude the juvenile career of the elder could not have been happy. By personal experience he knew nothing of the height from whence he had fallen. He had been taught from infancy the nature of the primitive transgression, and he could not have been altogether an unconcerned witness of the lamentation and tears which fell from the guilty, but now repenting, pair ; the supplications and prayers which were uttered at the footstool of Mercy's throne would be familiar to him ; the frequent comparisons which they might be expected to institute between their present and former state, one might have imagined, would have excited a deep and thrilling interest even in the heart of Cain ; and the name of the promised Mediator and Redeemer, which his parents uttered with reverential gratitude, as their only consolation and hope, would doubtless excite his atten- tion, while it raised in his mind sentiments of fear, mingled with desire to know more respecting him. Cain was a husbandman, Abel was a shepherd. "Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground." (Gen. iv. 2.) Such the fruit of sin. The sons arrive at manhood, at the age of reason, vigour, and activity, and feel the law of God and of nature resting on them. Though the earthly lords of creation, they must obtain a livelihood by the sweat of the face. (Gen. iii. 19.) The earth no longer yields spontaneously her increase. The land must be ploughed, and the grain cast in the furrow through the care and labour of man, else in vain will the heavens pour upon it their fertil- izing showers, or the blessing of the Most High be sought. " Cursed is the ground for thy sake ; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the, days of thy life ; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee." (Gen. iii. 17, 18.) That the cattle, also, those innocent partakers of man's woe, may furnish their fleece for clothing, or their milk for food, they must be protected from the inclemency of the weather, and the fangs of ravenous beasts ; they must be led to suitable pas- ture, and to the brook. Hence the first employment of our progeni- tors. It has been observed, that " the different dispositions of the brothers may be traced in the occupations which they followed. Pious and contemplative, Abel tends his flock ; his profession affords more retirement, and more leisure for meditation ; and the very nature of his charge forms him to vigilance, to providence, and to sympathy. His prosperity and success seem. to flow immediately and only from the hand of God. Cain, more worldly and selfish, betakes himself to husbandry, a work of greater industry and art ; the neces- sary implements of which suppose the prior invention of sundry branches of manufacture ; and in whose operations and their effects, art, blending with nature, would claim at least her full proportion of merit and importance. But it is not the occupation which has merit or demerit, the man who exercises it is the object of censure or praise. It is not the husbandry of Cain, but wicked Cain the husbandman, that we blame : it is not the shepherd's life, but good Abel the shepherd, we esteem. ' And in process of time it came to MARTYRDOM OF ABEL. 3 pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering : but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect.' (Gen. iv. 35.)"* What constituted the difference ? In attempting to answer this question, we shall discover that the first murder, with the blood of which the earth was polluted, was the result of a religious dispute. Cain had the weakest argument, and greater power, which he hesitated not to employ in the destruction of his opponent. From that time to the present, all religious persecution has commenced and been carried forward on the same principle. " For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh : and these are contrary the one to the other." (Gal. v. 17.) The respective nature and quality of the offerings presented could not have made the difference concerning which we inquire. We must penetrate deeper. Cain had evidently profited but little by the pre- cept and example of his parents. Pride appears to have blinded his eyes and hardened his heart, which refused to acknowledge the degra- dation of his nature. From his subsequent conduct, it appears that he regarded the transgression of his parents as purely their own, and terminating entirely in them. What had he to do with it, who was not then in the world ? How was he accountable for any part of its consequences ? They might have fallen from their primitive state, as they said they had ; but he himself was as God had made him, and what more could be demanded ? They, as having violated and lost their nature, might want a Redeemer to repair and restore it ; but he had ever continued in that condition in which he at first was made, and he was thankful for it, and desired scarcely a better. What need, then, had he of a Redeemer? his very worst sin could be but the developement of that nature in the assignment of which to him he had had no choice. Thankful for the blessings with which God had surrounded him, he asked not forgiveness ; he could not believe himself accountable for his varied actions, therefore he beheld no sin of which he had been guilty that needed an atonement, much less to require an atonement from without, through inability to make due satisfaction himself. Ere long a day arrived which tested the rectitude of these princi- ples. Adam, and in him his descendants, had been commanded to signify their estimate of sin, of which death was the penalty, and their hope of pardon through a Redeemer, by means of the lively figure of a slaughtered animal offered to God in prayer and thanks- giving. A day was probably set apart for this purpose, on which all the members of the primitive family were gathered together to present an offering. Some are led to imagine that this day was the anniversary of creation : it is, however, even more than probable that it was the Sabbath on which Adam and his household offered oblations to God : divine worship was doubtless instituted, and the sacred day properly Hunter's Sacred Biography, vol. i., pp. 76, 77. 8vo. Fourth Edit. London, 1792. B 2 4 BOOK I. CHAPTER I. observed in the family. This worship, in its original institution, was confessedly simple : it consisted of two parts ; namely, thanks- giving to God as the Author and Dispenser of all the bounties of nature, and oblations indicative of that gratitude ; and also piacular sacrifices to his justice and holiness, implying a conviction of their own sinfulness, confessions of transgression, and faith in the pro- mised Deliverer. " Cain brought of the fruit of the ground, an offering." Thus acknowledging God as the bountiful Donor, and making a thanks- giving ; but expressing no consciousness of sin, no faith in the appointed atonement. Not so the presentation of Abel. " He brought of the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof ; " and in the act of laying them on the altar, he acknowledged his guilty and fallen state, confessed his transgression, and, through the medium of the bleeding victim before him, he beheld by faith the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. St. Paul, in the Epistle to the Hebrews, abundantly establishes this fact. " By FAITH Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain." (Heb. xi. 4.) Cain came before God as a righteous man ; Abel, as a sinner. Cain brought an offering of acknowledgment ; Abel, a propitiatory sacrifice. Cain's gift bespoke a grateful heart ; Abel's, a contrite spirit. Cain beholds the goodness of God only ; Abel, his mercy and long-suffering. Cain, in effect, says, " Lord, I thank thee for all thy benefits towards me ; " Abel, in the language of one of his posterity, " I am not wor- thy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast showed unto thy servant." (Gen. xxxii. 10.) Cain rejoices in the world as a goodly portion ; Abel, by faith, discerns and antici- pates a better inheritance. Cain draws near with his offering, trust- ing in an imperfect righteousness of his own, and departs unjustified ; Abel approaches depending on the merit of a Saviour who was to appear, and retires, having " obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts." (Heb. xi. 4.) The divine approval of the first believer of all born in sin, by some special token, and the manifest rejection of the offering of the first deist, stung the proud and rebellious heart of Cain. A fierce malignity took possession of him on account of the preference shown by the Most High, whom he had wilfully disobeyed. " God conde- scended to remonstrate with him, and asked him, when his counte- nance fell with the scowl of discontent upon it, ' Why art thou angry and fallen of countenance? With all things wherewith thou truly endeavourest to please me, will I not be pleased? And for those things, in which thou neither hast pleased me, nor canst please me, have I not provided, by covenanting to accept a sin-offering ? Is not this ever at hand ? Why, then, was it not offered ? And why be angry with thy brother ? He shall still be subject to thee as younger to elder. The mark of my approbation will make no difference in this respect ; I have not subjected thee to him.' But when the spi- rit of selfishness within a man is roused, vain is all expostulation from without ; unheard the warning voice of man, of angel, and of God. So blind, so deluding, is this spirit; occupied in contem- MARTYRDOM OF ABEL. plating its own worthiness, it attends to nothing else. It is at once both worshipper and worshipped ; and self-love, self-admiration, take the place of love towards God, and charity to man. Everything, therefore, which for a moment stands in the way of its lust and pride is an intolerable grievance, is the instrument of a tyranny which must by every means be resisted and overthrown. Cain lis- tened not to God, but kept his ear exclusively open to the complaints of his own malignant spirit. Over the imaginary wrongs which it continually suggested, he brooded, until the abominable nestlings were full fledged, and their flight was immediately towards their prey." * " When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin : and sin when it is finished, bringeth forth death." (James i. 15.) Cain, jealous of the preference which was given to the offering of his brother, became the slave of a fiery persecuting spirit, and determined on the destruction of his rival ; and thus exhibited to future generations what the true faith has ever to anticipate from those who trample upon and oppose the truth as it is in Jesus. On the subject of the martyrdom of Abel, the Scriptures record little more than the fact. It is there stated, that " Cain talked with Abel his brother : and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him." (Gen. iv. 8.) There is some obscurity in this passage, and a breach of analogy and grammatical accuracy. What is here wanting is sup- plied in the principal ancient versions of the Scriptures, especially in the Samaritan, f and may safely be considered as belonging to the original text. According to the reading alluded to, the passage would stand thus, " And Cain said unto Abel his brother, Let us go out into the field ; and it came to pass when they were in the field, that Cain rose up," &c. The natural conclusion at which we must arrive with regard to this awful transaction, is, that Cain requested Abel to accompany him to the field, and when he had inveigled him to a distance from home and from help, he rose upon him, and slew him. Some of the ancient Jewish writers enter into detail, and profess not merely to state the manner in which the murderous assault was made, but also the conversation of the two brothers immediately pre- ceding the event. It is found in the Jerusalem Targum, and also in the Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel, and is as follows : " And Cain said unto Hebel, his brother, ' Let us go out into the field ; ' and it came to pass that, when they were in the field, Cain answered and said to Hebel, his brother, ' I thought that the world Scripture Biography. By the Rev. Robert \V. Evans, M.A. Second series. 12mo. pp. 9, 10. London. 1835. t " The Syriac has, Let us go to the desert. The Vulgate, Egrediamur fora*, ' Let us walk out.' The Septuagint, Aie\0w/j.tt> tts TO veSiov, ' Let us go out into the field." The two Chaldee Targums have the same reading, so has the Coptic version. This addition is completely lost from every MS. of the Pentateuch now known ; and yet it Lt sufficiently evident, from the Samaritan text, the Samaritan version, the Syriac, Septua- gint, and Vulgate, that it was in the most authentic copies of the Hebrew before, and some time since, the Christian era." 2>r. A. Clarke, in loco. BOOK I. CHAPTER I. was created in mercy ; but it is not governed according to the merit of good works, nor is there any judgment, nor a judge, nor shall there be any future state in which good rewards shall be given to the righteous, or punishment executed on the wicked ; and now, there is respect of persons in judgment. On what account is it that thy sacri- fice has been accepted, and mine not received with complacency ? ' And Rebel answered and said, ' The world was created in mercy, and it is governed according to the fruit of good works ; there is a judge, a future world, and a coming judgment, where good works shall be given to the righteous, and the impious punished ; and there is no respect in judgment ; but because my works were better, and more precious than thine, my oblation was received with complacency.' And because of these things they contended on the face of the field ; and Cain rose up against Hebel, his brother, and struck a stone into his forehead, and killed him." " It is here supposed," observes Dr. A. Clarke, " that the first death which occurred in the world was the result of religious dissension : however this may have been, millions since have been sacrificed to prejudice, bigotry, and intolerance. Here certainly originated the many-headed monster, religious persecution : the spirit of the wicked one, in his followers, impels them to afilict and destroy all those who are partakers of the Spirit of God. Every persecutor is a legitimate son of the old murderer. This is the first triumph of Satan : it is not merely a death that he has introduced, but a violent one, as the first-fruits of sin. It is not the death of an ordinary person, but of the most holy man then in being ; it is not brought about by the providence of God, or by a gradual failure and destruction of the earthly fabric, but by a violent separation of body and soul ; it is not done by a common enemy, from whom nothing better could be expected, but by the hand of a brother ; and for no other reason, but because the object of his envy was more righteous than himself. Alas ! how exceeding sinful does sin appear in its first manifesta- tion ! " SECTION II. OF ABRAHAM. ACCORDING to the testimony of ancient Jewish Scribes, Abraham, the father of the faithful, suffered on account of his belief in the most high God. Previous to his birth there was a fearful departure from primitive purity, and an increasing licentiousness. The descend- ants of Ham fell deeply into this abominable apostasy. It greatly infected the descendants of Japheth, and also of Shem. Some of the posterity of the latter resided in a country which was contiguous to that of Ham, in Ur of the Chaldees, which lay between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris ; and here it was that Terah, the eighth of the descendants of Shem, was worshipping other gods than the true. " And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor : and they served other gods." (Joshua xxiv. 2.) Jehovah, who never left himself without witness, however dense OF ABRAHAM. 7 and extensive the gloom which enveloped the moral world, graciously interfered to preserve his truth from complete and final annihilation. Terah had three sons, Abram, Nahor, and Haran. The first of these was chosen by the Almighty, through whom his church was to be transmitted to succeeding ages, and the gracious promise vouchsafed to the common parent of all, forwarded to those who hereafter should believe. We have no definite proof that Abraham, even in early life, was an idolater : when he received his call, he was a worshipper of the one true God. Instances are exceedingly rare of any other cha- racter being appointed to responsible and important offices in the church. The case of the Apostle Paul is by no means parallel. " He was not called back from idolatry to the anciently established truth. He was not living in a transmitted apostasy, but was con- verted from the h'teral observance of a religion established by God him- self, to the newly-revealed spirit of that religion." * The Almighty invariably has maintained the existence of his church in the world in times the most dark and troublous : were it otherwise, the hallowed community would have undergone a total and complete interruption, which has never happened, and the revelation which was made to Abraham would have been totally independent of the original pro- mise made to Adam ; it would not have been a renewal and extension of the grant, but one altogether new. Every view which we may take of the passage of Abraham's life, now under consideration, leads to the firm and consistent conclusion, that " the father of the faith- ful " was free even from the stain of idolatry, when he received his call. The idolatry of Terah was notorious. In the neighbourhood of Ur, the residence of this Patriarch, the country is open, dry, and barren, well suited for pasture, but not for tillage. In the spacious and level plains of Chaldea, where the nights are delightfully cool and serene, a pastoral people would naturally be led to contemplate the heavenly bodies with peculiar attention. To this country the first rudiments of astronomy are generally ascribed ; and here the earliest form of idolatry, the worship of the host of heaven, usually called "Zabiism," began to spread.t The Arabian traditions sup- Evans's Sacred Biography, p. 47. t It is not probable that they fell at once into the grossest kind of idolatry ; but, from making observations on the celestial bodies, they declined into judicial astrology ; then to imagine the sun, moon, and stars living and intelligent beings ; then as subor- dinate, and, finally, as principal, deities ; thns was the worship of God discarded, and polytheism introduced. This species of iniquity rapidly spread, and was called " Zabi- ism ; " and the followers of such a system wern designated " Zabii," or " Zabians," who maintained that the stars are divinities ; that the sun is the chief deity ; that the five planets are gods, but the two great luminaries are superior ones ; and that the sun governs both the upper and the lower world. Intimations of the existence of this superstition are found in the Mosaic account of the creation, where much of the beauty and interest of the narrative is lost from want of acquaintance with the history of the times in which Moses wrote. That historian emphatically says, " He made the stars also." (Gen. i. 16.) " Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them ; " (Gen. ii. 1 ;) as if he had said, " The gods which the Zabii worship are inferior to Jehovah, for he made them." Job, also, vindicates himself from such wickedness by a very strong and solemn asseveration. (Job xxxi. 26 28.) In process of time these idolatrous practices spread to the most distant parts of the inhabited world ; they 8 BOOK I. CHAPTER I. pose that a farther step had been already taken, and represent Terah, the father of Abraham, as a maker of images, called, from his name, " Teraphim." Other legends attribute to this period the origin of fire-worship. But whatever the system or systems of religion, in whatever manner he acquired his purer notions of the Deity,* Abra- ham stood alone in a tribe and family of idolaters as the worshipper of the one great Creator.f That Abraham should have abstained from idolatry, will not appear singular, when we consider the peculiar privileges with which he was favoured. In that day of moral darkness and sterility, the worship of Jehovah was not utterly abandoned. Laban, actually supported idolatry in close connexion with the worship of the true God. (Compare Gen. xxiv. 21, 50, with Gen. xxxi. 19.) Abraham, proba- bly from his earh'est years of understanding, had heard the preach- ing of Shem, who (according to the Hebrew chronologists) survived by many years the transmigration of Terah ; nor can we suppose that the faithful patriarch saw with indifference the progress of idol- atry among his kinsfolk, and that he did not declare with untiring zeal and diligence the truth of divine revelation, and with tears of poignant sorrow, and feelings of holy indignation, the denunciations of divine wrath. It is at this period of the history of Abraham, that the persecution to which our attention is directed took place. It is found in the traditionary records of the Jewish church, but inherits so much of what is fabulous and legendary, that the account is only viewed in the light of a curious and antique document, and calculated to amuse rather than instruct. As such, it is presented to our readers. infected not only the eastern and western Scythians and Tartars, but the Mexicans too j for there the Spaniards found them when they first came to America. The Canaanites were singularly addicted to them, which is the reason that they, as the Egyptians, gave such names to their cities as Beth-shemesh, or " the house or temple of the sun :" (Joshua xv. 10:) Mount Heres, or "the mountain of the sun:" (Judges i. 35:) Timnath-heres, or " the image of the sun ; " which, agreeably to the command, (Exod. xxiii. 13; Joshua xxiii. 7,) was changed into Timnath-serah, or "the image of wan- tonness ; " but when the Israelites fell into idolatry, the old name was resumed. Relics of this superstition are found in the present day in the island of Ceylon, in Ire- land, and Scotland, and even in this country, among those who pretend to foretell, by the motions of the stars, the adverse or prosperous circumstances of men, and among the horde of nativity-casters, horoscope-makers, &c., whose practices are degrading to man, and insulting to God. For an account of these idolaters the reader may consult an interesting paper in the Methodist Magazine, vol. xlv., p. 504, et seq. ; a disserta- tion prefixed to a work entitled, the Reasons of the Laws of Moses, from the More Nevochim of Maimonides, both from the pen of the late Dr. James Townley ; Young on Idolatrous Corruptions of Religion, vol. i., pp. 55, 56, &c. One of the most pleasing of the traditionary fictions with regard to Abraham is the following : " As he was walking by night from the grotto where he was born to the city of Babylon, he gazed on the stars of heaven, and among them on the beautiful planet Venus. ' Behold,' said he within himself, ' the God and Lord of the universe ! ' but the star set and disappeared ; and Abraham felt that the Lord of the universe could not thus be liable to change. Shortly after, he beheld the moon at the full : < Lo ! ' he cried, the divine Creator, the manifest Deity ! ' but the moon sank below the horizon, and Abraham made the same reflection as at the setting of the evening star. All the rest of the night he passed in profound rumination ; at sunrise he stood before the gates of Babylon, and saw the whole people prostrate in devotion. ' Wondrous orb,' he exclaimed, ' Thou, surely, art the creator and ruler of all nature ! but thou, too, has test like the rest to thy setting ! neither, then, art thou my Creator, my Lord, or my God ! ' ' t History of the Jews, vol. i., p. 7. OF ABRAHAM. 9 " Terah, the father of Abraham," says tradition, " was not only an idolater, but a manufacturer of idols, which he used to expose for public sale. Being obliged one day to go out on particular business, he desired Abraham to superintend for him. Abraham obeyed reluct- antly. ' What is the price of that god?' asked an old man who had just entered the place of sale, pointing to an idol to which he took a fancy. ' Old man,' said Abraham, ' may I be permitted to ask thine age ?' ' Three-score years,' replied the age-stricken idolater. ' Three- score years!' exclaimed Abraham, 'and thou wouldest worship a thing that has been fashioned by the hands of my father's slaves, within the last four-and-twenty hours? Strange that a man of sixty should be willing to bow down his grey head to a creature of a day !' The man was overwhelmed with shame, and went away. After this there came a grave and sedate matron, carrying in her hand a large dish with flour. ' Here,' said she, ' have I brought an offering to the gods. Place it before them, and bid them be propi- tious to me.' ' Place it before them thyself, foolish woman,' said Abraham : ' thou wilt soon see how greedily they will devour it.' She did so ; in the mean time, Abraham took a hammer, broke the idols in pieces, all excepting the largest, in whose hands he placed the instrument of destruction. Terah returned, and with the utmost surprise and consternation, beheld the havoc amongst his favourite gods. ' What is all this, Abraham ? What profane wretch has dared to use our gods in this manner?' exclaimed the infatuated and indignant Terah. ' Why should I conceal anything from my father ? ' replied the pious son. ' During thine absence there came a woman with yonder offering for the gods. She placed it before them. The younger gods, who, as may be well supposed, had not tasted food for a long time, greedily stretched forth their hands and began to eat, before the old god had given them permission. Enraged at their boldness, he rose, took the hammer, and punished them for their want of respect.' ' Dost thou mock me ? Wilt thou deceive thy aged father ?' exclaimed Terah in a vehement rage. ' Do I then not know that they can neither eat, nor stir, nor move ?' ' And yet,' rejoined Abraham, ' thou payest them divine honours adorest them, and wouldest have me worship them !' It was in vain Abraham thus rea- soned with his idolatrous parent. Superstition is ever both deaf and blind. His unnatural father delivered him over to the cruel tribunal of the equally idolatrous Nimrod. But a more merciful Father the gracious and blessed Father of us all protected him against the threatened danger ; and Abraham became the father of the faithful. " Abraham, being brought before Nimrod, was urged by the tyrant to worship the fire. ' Great King,' said the father of the faithful, ' would it not be better to worship the water ? it is mightier than fire, having the power to extinguish it.' ' Worship the water, then,' said Nimrod. ' Methinks,' rejoined Abraham, ' it would be more reasonable to worship the clouds, since they carry the waters, and throw them down upon the earth.' ' Well, then,' said the impatient King, ' worship the clouds, which, by thine own confession, possess great power.' ' Nay,' continued Abraham, ' if power is to be the VOL. i. c 10 BOOK I. CHAPTER II. object of adoration, the preference ought to be given to the wind, which by its greater force, scatters the clouds, and drives them before it.' ' I see,' said Nimrod, ' we shall never have done with this prat- tler : worship the wind, then, and we will pardon thy former profa- nations.' ' Be not angry, great King,' said Abraham : ' I cannot worship the fire, nor the water, nor the clouds, nor the wind, nor any of the things thou callest gods. The power they possess is derived from a Being, not only most powerful, but full of mercy and love ; the Creator of heaven and earth, Him alone will I worship.' ' Well, then,' said the tyrant, ' since thou refusest to adore the fire, thou shalt speedily be made sensible of its mighty force.' He ordered Abraham to be thrown into a fiery furnace ; but God delivered him from the raging flames, and made him a source of blessing to many nations." We leave this tale where we found it, in the Medrash Bereshith Rabah* CHAPTER II. SECT. I. The Captivity in Egypt Joseph Cause of his Elevation The Famine Visits of Joseph's Brethren to Egypt The Migration of the Patriarch and his Family Goshen Shepherd Kings Death of Jacob and Joseph Cruelty and Oppression of the Egyptians Reasons for this Treatment Superstition of the People Fecundity of the Jews Exterminating Edict Josephus Birth of Moses Labours of the Hebrews The Pyramids The Exodus Destruction of Pha- raoh State Persecution SECT. II. Naboth the Jezreelite Jezreel Patrimonial Inheritance Its Nature Regulations thereto Peculiarity of the Hebrew Consti- tution Its Excellency Naboth's Refusal Ahab's Mortification Jezebel Her Control over Ahab Her murderous Scheme Slaughter of Naboth Elijah Divine Retribution Awful End of Ahab and Jezebel. SECTION I. THE AFFLICTION OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD IN EGYPT. How long a period elapsed between the migration into Egypt under Jacob, and the exodus, or departure under Moses, has been a question debated from the earliest ages, by Jewish as well as Christian writers. " While some assign the whole duration of four hundred and thirty years to the captivity in Egypt, others include the resi- dence of the patriarchs, two hundred and fifteen years, within this period. The vestiges of this controversy appear in all the earlier writings. The Hebrew and Samaritan texts ; the several copies of the Greek version of the Scriptures, differ : St. Stephen, in the Acts, seems to have followed one opinion ; St. Paul, in his Epistle to the Galatians, the other ; Josephus contradicts himself repeatedly ; the great body of English divines follow the latter hypothesis ; the modern scholars of Germany generally prefer the former. The following ' * Hebrew Tales ; selected and translated from the Writings of the Ancient Hebrew Sages : to which is prefixed, An Essay on the uninspired Literature of the Hebrews. By Hyman Hurwitz, Author of Vindirice Heoraicte, be. 12mo. London, 1826. THE ISRAELITES IN EGYPT. 1 I brief statement, however, may throw light on this intricate subject. The Jews were firmly and religiously persuaded, that their genealogies were not merely accurate, but complete. As then only two names appeared between Levi and Moses, those of Kohath and Amram, and the date of life assigned to these two seemed irreconcileable with the longer period of four hundred and thirty years, they adopted very generally the notion, that only two hundred and fifteen years were passed in Egypt. They overlooked, or left to miraculous intervention to account for a still greater difficulty, the prodigious increase in one family during one generation. In the desert, the males of the descendants of Kohath are reckoned at eight thousand six hundred and nine. Kohath had four sons ; from each son then, in one gene- ration, must have sprung, on the average, two thousand one hundred and fifty males. On this hypothesis the alternative remains, either that some names have been lost from the genealogies between Kohath and Amram, or between Amram and Moses ; a notion rather con- firmed by the fact, that, in the genealogy of Joshua, in the book of Chronicles, he stands twelfth in descent from Joseph, while Moses is the fourth from Levi. There are strong grounds for believing some general error runs through the whole numbering of the Israelites in the desert."* The circumstances connected with the removal of Jacob and his family into Egypt, form an interesting page of his eventful history, which none can peruse without acknowledging " the finger of God." An insignificant sparrow falls not to the ground without his notice. The laws of nature are the rules by which his power is guided, and these laws are of his own appointment, and subject to his control. It is from him, therefore, that the seasons have their succession, and their vicissitudes. Joseph was a youth of indisputable piety, and enjoyed the paternal regard and affection of Jacob. This partiality gave rise to an inveterate jealousy, on the part of his elder brethren ; and an opportu- nity ere long presented itself, in which that spirit was called into dis- graceful and diabolical exercise. The flocks of the patriarch had been sent to Shechem, for the sake of pasturage, under the guardianship of his elder sons. Joseph was sent to inquire after them ; when, per- ceiving his approach, they determined on his destruction. Reuben hesitated to imbrue his hands in his blood, and proposed that he should be cast into a pit, which they found, intending afterwards to draw him out, and restore him to his aged parent. At the suggestion of Judah, however, they all agreed to sell him into slavery, by dis- posing of him to a company of Ishmaelitish merchants, who were on their route toward Egypt. Into this country, therefore, Joseph was conveyed ; where, by a strange association of circumstances, he was elevated to a conspicuous station in the government. The immediate cause of the rise of Jacob's exiled son, was a certain dream which had greatly disturbed the rest of the Egyptian King, and which his wise men had failed to interpret. At the suggestion of the chief butler, Joseph was summoned, who, after asserting with The History of the Jews. 12mo.. Vol. i., pp. 67, 58. Second Edition. London, 1830. c 2 12 BOOK I. CHAPTER II. great faithfulness, that the power of interpreting dreams belonged only to the Most High, proceeded to declare, that the dreams of Pha- raoh were mercifully sent of God, to admonish him with regard to what was ahout to take place in his kingdom ; and then proceeded to state, that his visions portended seven years of great plenty, which would he followed by seven years of great scarceness ; and that the abundance of former years would be consumed by the sterility of the latter. His address to the Monarch concluded with the advice, that some prudent individual should be placed over the land, with autho- rity to collect the surplus produce of the years of plenty ; and thus " lay up in store a good foundation against the time to come." To this responsible office, Joseph was appointed, whose reputation emi- nently depended on the future. His character was fully established, and the divinity of his predictions made manifest. The famine was as extensive as it was severe. The neighbouring countries were visited as well as Egypt. The land of Canaan bitterly felt the scourge ; and the family of Jacob, which now amounted to a considerable number, shared in the common calamity, as the children of the patriarch were all married and had families, and resided toge- ther, if not under the same roof, yet in the same neighbourhood, as one little patriarchal community. Among the first who came to purchase corn, appeared the ten sons of Jacob. It is, as is well observed by a modern historian, no easy task to treat, after Josephus, the transactions which took place between Joseph and his family. The relation in the book of Genesis is, perhaps, the most exquisite model of the manner in which history, without elevating its tone, or departing from its plain and unadorned veracity, assumes the lan- guage and spirit of the most touching poetry. The cold and rheto- rical paraphrase of Josephus, sometimes a writer of great vigour and simplicity, enforces the prudence of adhering as closely as possible to the language of the original record. The brothers are at first received with sternness and asperity ; charged with being spies, come to observe the undefended state of the country. This accusation, though not seri- ously intended, in some degree confirms the notion, that the Egyptians had recently suffered ; and, therefore, constantly apprehended foreign invasion. They are thrown into prison for three days, and released on condition of proving the truth of their story, by bringing their younger brother Benjamin with them. Their own danger brings up before their minds the recollection of their crime. They express to one another their deep remorse for the supposed murder of their brother, little thinking that Joseph, who had conversed with them through an interpreter, understood every word they said.* "And Joseph turned himself about from them and wept." (Gen. xlii. 24.) Simeon was left as a hostage, and the brothers were dismissed ; but on their journey towards Canaan, they were surprised and alarmed to find their money returned. The aged and suspicious Patriarch, at first, refused to intrust his youngest and best-beloved child to theiv care ; but the present supply of corn being consumed, they have no alternative between starvation and their return to Egypt. Jacob * History of the Jews. Vol. i.. pp. 49, 50. THE ISRAELITES IN EGYPT. 13 reluctantly, and with many fond admonitions, commits the surviving child of Rachel to their protection. On their arrival in Egypt, they are more favourably received ; and Joseph anxiously inquires ahout the health of their father. The eight of his uterine brother, Benja- min, overpowers him with emotion. The brethren are feasted ; Benjamin is peculiarly distinguished by a larger portion of meat. The brothers are once more dismissed, but are now pursued and appre- hended on a charge of secreting a silver cup, which had been con- cealed in the sack of Benjamin ; and ultimately, Joseph, the Vizier, the great Minister of the King of Egypt, makes himself known as the brother whom they had sold into slavery. " Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him ; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren. And he wept aloud : and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard. And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph ; doth my father yet live ? And his brethren could not answer him ; for they were troubled at his presence. And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt. Now, therefore, be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither : for God did send me before you to preserve life. So it was not you that sent me hither, but God : and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt." (Gen. xlv. 1 8.) Joseph forthwith sends his brethren back to Canaan, with a store of provision, and with wag- gons to transport the Patriarch and all his kindred into Egypt, dur- ing the continuance of the famine. These tidings were more than the feeble frame of Jacob could sustain : he fainted, and his life was in jeopardy. At length he revived, and, convinced of the truth of the statement made by his children, he exclaimed, " It is enough ; Joseph my son is yet alive ; I will go and see him before I die." (Gen. xlv. 28.) The descendants of Abraham migrate into Egypt. Joseph secures for them a favourable reception ; and the fruitful district of Goshen, the most fertile pasture-land in the country, becomes their residence ; where, according to Maillet, the grass grows to the height of a man, and so thick, that an ox may browse a whole day, lying on the ground.* The establishment of Jacob in Goshen coincides with, and confirms, an important point of Egyptian history. While Egypt * " This was the most fertile pasture-ground in the whole of Lower Egypt : thence called Goshen, from Gush, in Arabic, signifying ' a heart,' or whatsoever is choice, or precious. There was also a Goshen in the territory of the tribe of Jiula.li. so called for the aaine reason. (Joshua x. 41.) Hence Joseph recommended it to his family, as an d were by them made in the shape of a sickle, in reference to the new moon. Among animals, the dove, the crab, and, in later times, the lion, were sacred to her; and among fruits, the pomegranate. No blood was shed on her altar ; but male animals, and chiefly kids, were sacrificed to her. (Tacit. Hist., ii. 3.) Hence some suppose that the reason why Judah promised the harlot a kid was, that she might sacrifice it to Ashtoreth. The most prominent part of her worship, however, consisted of those libidinous orgies which Augustine, who was an eye-witness of their horrors in Carthage, describes with such indignation. (De Cimt. Dei, ii., 3.) Her Priests were eunuchs in women's attire, (the peculiar name of whom is D s U)'lp sacri, i. e., tincedi Galli, 1 Kings xiv. 24,) and women, (mttnp sacrce, i. ., meretrices, Hosea iv. 14, which term ought to be distin- guished from ordinary harlots, Dlill) who, like the Bayaderes of India, prostituted themselves to enrich the temple of this goddess. The prohibi- tion in Deut. xxiii. 18, appears to allude to the dedication of such funds to such a purpose. As for the places consecrated to her worship, although OF ELIJAH. 43 the numerous passages in which the authorized version has erroneously rendered mtytf \>y grove, are to be deducted, there are yet several occa- sions on which gardens and shady trees are mentioned as peculiar seats of (probably her) lascivious rites. (Isai. i. 29 ; Ixv. 3 ; 1 Kings xiv. 23 ; Hosea iv. 13 ; Jer. ii. 20 ; Hi. 13.) She also had several temples. (1 Sam. xxxi. 10.) (Kitto's Cyclopedia.) NOTE B. Page 29. THE frequent recurrence of the word " Baal," or its plural, " Baalim," in Scripture, especially in that part of it more immediately connected with this subject, has led me to give the following summary respecting it from Selden and others : The title of the Phoenician god " Baal," and of the Chaldsean " Bel," is derived from the Hebrew word by 3. which signifies " Lord ;" the former retaining, the latter omitting, the letter y. According to the author of the Alexandrine Chronicle, and Cedremus, it was the interpretation of the name of " Mars," given by the Assyrians to the deified successor of King Ninus, the founder of the Assyrian monarchy. Dean Prideaux says, that Bel is supposed by some to have been the same with Nimrod, and to have been called Bel from his dominion, and Nimrod from his rebellion ; for this is the signification of the word " Nimrod," in the Jewish and Chaldean languages. The former, he states, was his Babylonish name, by reason of his empire in that place ; and the latter his Scripture name, by reason of his rebellion, in revolting from God to follow his own wicked designs. The title of " Baal," or " Lord," thus bestowed upon the objects of idol- atry, was, in fact, an assumption of dignity belonging only to the true God ; and a proof of this is found in Hosea ii. 16 : " And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord, that thou shalt call me Ishi ;" (that is, "my hus- band;") "and shalt call me no more Baali," (that is, "my Lord.") " For I will take away the name of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name." It were useless to detail the various forms under which the service of Baal was conducted, or the objects which are supposed to have repre- sented him ; but it may be observed, that the Phoenicians worshipped the sun, under his name, believing it to be the supreme divinity of heaven ; and the moon, under the name of Astarte, or Ashtoreth. In Zidon, a sea- town of Phoenicia, he was also worshipped under the title of the " Marine Jupiter." (See Hesychius, in loc.) We may trace, further, the veneration in which Baal or Belus was held in Phoenicia, by the reference which is made to his name, in the first book of the jEneid, 1. 728730. " Hie regina gravem gemnus aoroque poposcit, Implevitque mere, pateram ; quain Belus, et omnea A Belo solid." The termination of many of the Punic names, (for example, Hannibal, Hasdrubal, Adherbal,) is another evidence of the acknowledgment of the Phoenician idol by the Carthaginians ; and is an instance of their con- formity with the general custom of the nations from whom they sprang, in adding, by way of honour to their own names, the titles of their gods. There is abundant and conclusive testimony to prove that the Asiatic Baal was the same with the European Jupiter or Ztvs ; and, as the name of Jupiter received a different meaning, according to the designations appended to it, of Serapis, Olympius, &c., so the generic term of Baal was G 2 44 BOOK I. CHAPTER III. applied to denote different specific objects, according to the word added to it ; for example, Baal-Peor, the god of the Moabites, Baal-Zephon, Baal- Berith, the idol of the Shechemites, &c. The worship of the god Belinus, or Belenus, among the ancient Gauls and Britons, is supposed to have been derived from that of Baal ; and not only have monuments been discovered in various parts of our island, with inscriptions which bear testimony to this effect, but traces of his name and worship are to be found existing in various parts of the United Kingdom. The observance of the custom of " Bel-tein," in Scotland, for example, is thus described : On the first day of May, which is called " Bel-tan," or " Bel-tein," or " Baal's fire," all the boys in a township or hamlet, meet in the moors. They cut a table in the green sod, of a round figure, by casting a trench in the ground, of such circumference as to hold the whole com- pany. They kindle a fire, and dress a repast of eggs and milk of the consistence of a custard. They knead a cake of oatmeal, which is toasted at the embers against a stone. After the custard is eaten up, they divide the cake into so many portions, as similar as possible to one another in size and shape, as there are persons in the company. They daub one of these portions all over with charcoal, until it be perfectly black. They put all the cakes into a bonnet. Every one, blindfold, draws out a portion. He who holds the bonnet is entitled to the last bit. Whoever draws the black piece, is the devoted person who is to be sacrificed to Baal, whose favour they mean to implore in rendering the year productive of the sustenance of man and beast. There is little doubt of these inhuman sacrifices having been once offered in this country, as well as in the East, although they now pass from the act of sacrificing, and only compel the devoted person to leap three times through the flames, with which the ceremonies of this festival are closed. Similar customs are observed in parts of Ireland, Wales, and Lancashire. It is said, in accordance with many other testimonies, that " the recogni- tion of the pagan divinity, Baal, may still be discovered in Scotland, through innumerable etymological sources." In historical records, down to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, multiplied prohibitions are found against " Baal-fires," which the people were so much disposed to kindle. Mr. Daly ell asserts, that the festival of this divinity was commemorated in his country " until the latest date ;" and he adds, " Should it have been ever truly interrupted, the citizens of the metropolis seem willing to promote its revival in recollection, by ascending a neighbouring hill (Arthur's Seat) in troops, on the 1st of May, to witness the glorious spectacle of sunrise from the sea." Anderson's Discourses. NOTE C. Page 31. WrfH regard to the above incident in Elijah's history, we have adopted that interpretation of it which is given by our translators of the Bible, and believe that the Tishbite was actually supported, at the brook Che- rith, by the means and in the manner described ; namely, that, by the Lord's command, " the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening ; and he drank of the brook." (1 Kings xvii. 6.) But as a different view of the subject has been taken by some com- mentators of high authority, it may be as well to consider the opinions which they have advanced, and their reasons for so doing. It has been urged that the meaning of the word Q s ^ni> (orebini), which OF ELIJAH. 45 is here translated " ravens," is not confined to that signification ; but may- denote either merchants, or Arabians, or the inhabitants of a place called Arabo, or Orbo. In support of the first of these interpretations, reference has been made to Ezekiel xxvii. 27, where these words occur, rjanyQ S 5"]i> i.e.,qut negotiantur negotia tua, or, as in our version, " the occupiers of thy mer- chandise ; " but to this Bochart replies, in his Hierozoicon, lib. ii., cap. xiii., p. 214, that, although the above is a correct translation of the passage in question, yet the word D s ani> taken by itself, is nowhere found to sig- nify merchants. And certain it is that in all the other authorized passages of the autho- rized version of the Old Testament, wherever the word "raven," or "ravens," occurs, it will be found expressed in the original by 2Ti> or D s a*ii> and by none other. (Gen. viii. 7 ; Lev. xi. 15; Deut. xiv. 14; Job xxxviii. 41 ; Psalm cxlvii. 9 ; Prov. xxx. 17 ; Canticles v. 11 ; Isai. xxxiv. 11.) Why then should a different meaning be attached to it in the present instance, more especially as our version of the word has precisely the same signification given to it by Josephus, by the Chaldee Paraphrase, the Syriac, Septuagint, and Vulgate translations ? The Arabic version is the only one which renders it differently. With regard to the second interpretation mentioned, namely, that it denotes Arabians, it will be sufficient to observe, with Bochart, that this opinion assumes as a matter of fact, that the Arabians dwelt in, or occasion- ally travelled through, that region ; which is contrary to all received opinion upon the subject. Beside which, Arabians are called in Hebrew, not D S 3 "]i> Orebim, but O^ny Arbim. The third interpretation, namely, that it denotes the inhabitants of a place called Arabo, or Orbo, is derived from the Bereschith Rabba, sect. xxxiii., fol. 207, where it is described as being in the borders of Bethshan ; but to this Bochart again replies, by saying, that no city of that name ia known near Jordan : and Reland observes further, that if there had been a region or city of that name, its inhabitants would have been called, accord- ing to the analogy of the Hebrew language, not Orebim, but Orbonites, just as Shilonite is applied to an inhabitant of Shiloh, (1 Kings xi. 29,) and Gilonite to a native of Giloh. (2 Sam. xv. 12.) (Relandi Pakestina Illustrata, torn, ii., p. 913.) The word orebim, moreover, has been supposed by Herman van der Hardt, to mean the inhabitants of Oreb, mentioned in Judges vii. 25 ; Psalm Ixxxiii. 11 ; and Isai. x. 26 ; an opinion which Reland has fully discussed in his admirable work already referred to, and most completely refuted, by showing, first, that Oreb, where Gideon overthrew the two Princes of the Midianites, Oreb and Zeb, was not a city, but merely a rock ; and, secondly, that it was on the opposite side of the Jordan to that traversed by the brook Cherith. (Judges viii. 4.) (Reland, ut supra, pp. 914, 916.) Independently, however, of the above considerations, there is another very great difficulty in the way of adopting the opinion that Elijah owed his support to the supplies furnished him by merchants or any other peo- ple ; and that is, the opportunity which it would have afforded to Ahab of discovering the place of his abode. We learn from the sacred narrative, that there was no nation or kingdom whither he had not sent to seek the Prophet : " cind when they said, he was not there ; he took an oath of the kingdom and nation, that they found him not." (1 Kings xviii. 10.) If 46 BOOK I. CHAPTER III. then, under these circumstances, there had been persons dwelling so near to Samaria, who visited Elijah, not occasionally, but daily, who " brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening," it seems impossible that they could have escaped the knowledge, or eluded the search, of the King of Israel. Added to which, if he received food from the hands of men, might he not, as Reland observes, have received water from the same hands, and so have remained undisturbed in his retreat? Yet we are told, that as soon as the brook Cherith dried up, he was commanded to leave that place and repair to Zarephath. We cannot, therefore, see any good reason why a departure should be made from the words of our authorized version, or any other interpretation sought after than that which is plainly set forth there. We are not called upon, be it remembered, to explain the mode in which the miracle in ques- tion was accomplished ; for this would be to make God's work dependent on man's weakness. The vain attempts, in fact, which have been made to explain it, have contributed, in no small degree, to strengthen the convic- tions of those who disbelieve the miracle ; and, because some have advanced fanciful and absurd hypotheses respecting it, others have argued, from the very absurdity of these, against the correctness of the translation itself, and the matter of fact which it relates. (See Hales's " Analysis of Sacred Chronology," vol. ii., p. 386.) Let but the simple record of the truth be received with singleness of mind, and we shall avoid both these errors : we shall feel the value of that sound principle of scriptural inter- pretation, which is so justly enforced by an excellent French writer, in his commentary on this very subject : " Lorsqu'un texte de 1'Ecriture est clair, et qu'il ne renferme rien d'absurde, ni d'indigne de Dieu, il ne faut pas s'eloigner du sens qui se presente d'abord, pour en chercher un autre par des conjectures plus subtiles que solides, et cela dans la vue de ne pas admettre un miracle que 1'on croit etre produit sans necessite." (M. Saurin.) There is only one more objection worthy of notice, which pretends to urge, that, as ravens were among those animals which the law of Moses had pronounced to be unclean, so they were unfit to be the instruments of Elijah's sustenance. But surely we cannot for a moment admit this objec- tion to be valid, when we remember that He who ordained the law could at any time dispense with or suspend its sanctions, (as we know was done in the case of David, to which our Lord refers in Luke vi. 4, and, there- fore, " what God hath cleansed," let no man call " common or unclean." We have dwelt longer upon this subject than many will think necessary, from a conviction that there exists, in the present day, a great desire to bring down the mysterious records of Scripture to a level below their pro- per grandeur, and to follow the example of those writers of the German school of divinity, who explain away many of the supernatural works of God and Christ, by a reference to the ordinary modes of operation in daily life. It is a principle of interpretation always likely to gain admirers, because it is flattering to our pride. For this reason we should guard against it with the greater vigilance, and strive to conquer "the sturdy doubts and boisterous objections " wherewith the unhappiness of our knowledge too nearly acquainteth us ; not in a martial posture, but on our knees. "For our endeavours," saith the author of the Religio Medici, "are not only to combat with doubts; but always to dispute with the devil, and the villany of that spirit takes a hint of infidelity from our studies, and by demonstrating a naturality in one way, makes us mistrust a miracle in another. Thus having perused the archidoxes, and read the secret sympathies of things, he would dissuade my belief from the miracle or ELIJAH. 4" of the brasen serpent, make me conceit that image worked by sympathy, and was but an Egyptian trick to cure their diseases without a miracle. Again, having seen some experiments of bitumen, and having read far more of naphtha, he whispered to my curiosity the fire of the altar might be natural, and bade me mistrust a miracle in Elias, when he entrenched the altar round with water ; for that inflammable substance yields not easily unto water, but flames in the arms of its antagonist. And thus would he inveigle my belief to think, that the combustion of Sodom might be natural, and that there was an asphaltic and bituminous nature in that lake, before the fire of Gomorrha. I know that manna is now plentifully gathered in Calabria ; and Josephus tells me in his days it was as plenti- ful in Arabia : the devil therefore made me the quaere, Where was then the miracle in the days of Moses? The Israelites saw but that in his time, the natives of those countries behold them in ours. Thus the devil played at chess with me, and, yielding a pawn, thought to gain a Queen of me ; taking advantage of my honest endeavours, and whilst I laboured to raise the structure of my reason, he strived to undermine the edifice of my faith." (Sir Thomas Brown's Religio Medici, p. 11, fol. ed.) NOTE D. Page 37- THE literal meaning of the word " Baalzebub " is, " The Lord of a fly ; " and hence the Septuagint renders the passage, as if the fly were worshipped as a god by the inhabitants of Ekron, which interpretation is also adopted by Flavius Josephus and Gregory Nazianzen. Some have thought that as flies were supposed to infest idolatrous temples, being attracted thither by the flesh of the victims slain there, but were not to be seen in the temple of the true God at Jerusalem, therefore the word " Baalzebub " was applied by the Jews as a term of derision to the idol of Ekron. But Selden is of opinion that the title was invented by the Ekronites themselves, and that it is unreasonable to suppose that Ahaziah would apply a contemptuous title to the god from whom he was about to seek the means of recovery from sickness. In corroboration of this opi- nion, Selden shows that Jupiter and Hercules were worshipped among the Europeans under titles of similar import to that of " Baalzebub." Thus the Arcadians offered up yearly sacrifices to propitiate TOV Mviaypov ', and the Eleans, in the same manner, honoured Jupiter, 'ATro/mor. Hercules was worshipped by the Trachinians under the title of Kopvoniav ; because he was supposed to drive away the Kopvoirfs, a species of fly or locust ; and by the Erythrseans he was called IJTOKTOVOS, from killing the insects that were injurious to the vines; and in like manner Apollo was entitled, MVOKTOI/O?. None of these titles were considered as terms of ridicule or reproach ; neither can that of " Baalzebub " be so regarded. The name and worship of this divinity seem, in after-ages, to have extended to Africa ; for Pliny writes, in Hist, x., cap. xxviii., that the Cyrenians invoke the god Achor, whenever a multitude of flies brings a pestilence upon them ; and that they perish as soon as sacrifices are performed to that divinity. The name of " Baalzebub " is applied in the New Testament to " the prince of devils ; " but the word is there found with some differ- ence in its termination, BeeAfefovA, " Beelzebul," which reading is followed by Chrysostom, and most of the ancient fathers ; and Prudentius, in the hymn Jltpi STffpavuv, to Vincentius the martyr thus writes, ' Sed Beelzebalis callida Commeiita Ckristus destruit." 48 BOOK I. CHAPTER IV. This change in the termination of the word was most probably made for the sake of casting a reproach upon the idol, as " Beelze&wZ " has a mean- ing even more contemptuous than " Baalzeiwi." Several instances are to be met with of similar changes ; for example, the name of " Barchochebas," (that is, " son of a star,") the false Messiah, in the reign of Adrian, was changed to that of " Barchozibas," (that is, " son of a lie.") Thus, likewise, in the Old Testament, we find that the Mount of Olives, after it had been polluted by the high places which Solomon built for the Moabitish and Zidonian idols, was called "the Mount of Corruption." No reason has been discovered why the name of " Baalzebub " should have been applied to denote " the prince of devils ; " and Selden himself confesses that he can offer no hypothesis in explanation of it : " Ob quam rem ad principem daemo- niorum denotandum usurpatur Beelzebub, fateor cum Origine, me omnino latere." (Anderson.) Dr. A. Clarke humorously observes, that " Baalze- bub became a very respectable devil, and was supposed to have great power and influence." Comment, in loco. CHAPTER IV. SECT. I. State of Israel Jehoiada Reign of Joash Its disastrous Circumstances Athaliah, her prof ane and profligate Conduct Preservation of Joash His Pro- clamation Death of Athaliah And of Jehoiada General Apostasy Zechariah His Fidelity and Death Awful Retribution Death of Joash Supposed allu- sion of our Saviour to this Event The Conjecture confirmed Discrepancy in the Name of the Priest. SECT. II. Isaiah His Birth and Parentage His Sons Burden of his Prophecy His Wife His Costume Which was symbolical Period of his Commission Character of his Ministry Uzziah His Character and warlike Movements General Profligacy of the People Presumption and Punish- ment of the King Jotham Ahaz His fearful Idolatry And political Troubles The Faithfulness of Isaiah Early Career of Hezekiah Worship of God restored Manasseh, his idolatrous Conduct Isaiah put to Death Remarks on the Punish- ment of the Saw. SECT. III. Amon Short Reign Josiah Idols destroyed His Death Jehoahaz His Idolatry /* exiled by the King of Egypt Jehoiakim /* a gross Idolater Experiences severe Judgments Jeremiah Who is placed in the Stocks And threatened with Death Jehoiakim is besieged by Nebuchadnezzar, and carried captive, with many others, to Babylon Jehoiakim is restored Perse- cution of Jeremiah Blasphemy of the King Urijah His Fidelity His Life is threatened He flees into Egypt /* seized and brought back to Jerusalem And is slain Jehoiakim throws off the Assyrian Yoke His miserable Death. SECTION I. THE MARTYRDOM OF ZACHARIAH, SON OP JEHOIADA. THE condition of Israel previous to and during the time that Jehoiada the Priest flourished, was truly deplorable. The revolt of the ten tribes had taken place, which left to Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin ; and thus gave rise to the kingdom of Judah, otherwise called the Jews, as distin- guished from that of Ephraim. As if to mark the displeasure of God at the schismatical proceedings of the ten tribes, and to render more conspicuous his favour toward the dynasty of David, the former MARTYRDOM OF ZECHARIAH. 49 speedily declined ; and, under a succession of unprincipled, idolatrous, and impious governors, became weak through internal anarchy and broils, and were actually despised by those with whom they were sur- rounded ; whereas the latter, being blessed with numerous Princes of piety and ability, enjoyed internally a large measure of tranquil- lity, and rose to universal eminence and respect. One circumstance equally affected both kingdoms ; namely, that God now withdrew the manifestation of his Spirit from the supreme Ruler in Israel ; which gift, either in the way of prophecy, or some other form, had hitherto been a remarkable token of his presence among them. Whether its withdrawal was on account of the schism, is not declared ; but the fact itself is undeniable. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, the heads of Israel during the patriarchal period, were endowed with it ; after the Exodus it was enjoyed, not only by Moses, but by all the Princes who formed the great council of the nation. Of the judges it is mentioned as given in the instance of every one whose deeds are recorded, Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, and Samuel ; and, finally, to the three Kings, Saul, David, and Solomon, who ruled over the nation in its integrity ; but no sooner is it dissevered, through intestine jealousy and strife, than the Holy Spirit is withheld in general from the Princes, and confined to the Prophets, who both previously and afterwards were from time to time raised up in Israel.* Such were the circumstances in which the chosen seed were placed when Jehoiada the Priest, and the father of Zachariah, began his protracted and eventful life ; commencing with the close of the reign of Solomon, and terminating in that of Joash. He had probably witnessed the decline of Solomon's glory, and bitterly lamented its cause. He saw the temples which were dedicated to false and abonK- nable deities, some of which were erected in the very front of the house of Jehovah in which he had his residence ; so that from his cradle this great and good man, and future restorer of the worship of the true God, endured the sight of idolatry, and his country bleed- ing beneath its baneful consequences. He witnessed the unhappy and disastrous rupture between Israel and Judah, and the dreadful doom of Jerusalem in its capture by Shishak, King of Egypt, and the plunder of the temple. Scarcely had this juvenile Priest arrived at manhood, and been called to take an active part in the temple service, than he witnessed another spoliation of its treasures, with which Asa bribed the Syrian King. The reign of Jehoshaphat, which lasted through twenty years of the best part of his life, brightened his hopes, and administered to his comfort. He rejoiced in the sight of the worship of the living God being restored, Jerusalem purged of her abominations, and all Judah standing before the Lord with their little ones, their wives, and their children. This day, so bright and cheering, was not without a cloud : Jehoshaphat inconsiderately allowed his son and successor to marry Athaliah, a daughter of the idolatrous house of Ahab. Idolatry, in its most debasing forms, was ere long established ; and, although many followed his example, the more respectable part of the community disapproved of his conduct, * Brooks's History of the Hebrew Nation, p. 250. Seeley. London. VOL. I. H 50 BOOK I. CHAPTER IV. and adhered to the true faith : nevertheless the worship of Baal was the religion of the palace and its dependents. The cloud which had obscured the brilliancy of Jehoiada's prospect f happiness, soon covered the land. The rod was near. The Heathen around were wise enough to know that the power and strength of the danger were suspended on Israel's obedience to Jeho- vah. The Edomites revolted, and came against Jehoram. Then Libnah raised the standard of rebellion ; and, subsequently, the Philistines, united with the tribes of Arabia, invaded the land, captured Jerusa- lem, and carried off the treasures, wives, and part of the family of the King. On the death of Jehoram, Ahaziah ascended the throne, and within a few months was slain by the desolating and God-avenging hand of Jehu. At the decease of Ahaziah, his mother, Athaliah, who was equally as profane and profligate as Jezebel, and even more ambitious, conceived the horrid project of murdering all the branches of the royal family, and of seizing the reins of government. This bloody scheme succeeded, with the exception of Joash, an infant child of her own son Ahaziah, who was concealed by his aunt, a woman of a better spirit, the daughter of Jehoram, whom Jehoiada the High Priest had married. It is at this last point that Jehoiada first appears on the page of Jewish history ; who, being related by marriage to the royal family, was in a situation which enabled him to take an active part in the affairs of his country. The Queen, having ascended the throne, imme- diately established the worship of Baal throughout her dominions ; she closed the temple of Jehovah, having previously stripped it of its splendid ornaments and utensils, which she bestowed upon Baal ; and for a period of six years wallowed in all the excesses of libertinism and idolatry. Thus was the Most High abandoned and despised ; and as in after-years the servant did not fare better than his master, so did it prove in the case before us. " Many, doubtless, were the mockings and revilings which he underwent, and hopeless must have appeared the task of reclaiming his countrymen. Yet another agent was working with him, which is a much more effectual Preacher than the voice of persuasion. The sword and chains of the intolerable tyranny of the idolatrous Athaliah were the Preachers which effectually prepared their hearts in the end to listen to him. It was soon made to appear that if the spirit of Jezebel had set itself on the throne in Athah'ah, the spirit of Eh'jah was not wanting at its post of resist- ance in the sanctuary in Jehoiada. The royal babe was brought up secretly in the most retired part of the enclosure of the temple, which was a hiding-place the more secure, from the utter neglect into which the prevalence of idolatry had thrown it. The Queen and her party never entered it for worship ; and none but well-wishers to the house of David were likely to be met with there." * After the expiration of seven years the High Priest, beholding the desolated condition of the country, and the distress and dissatisfaction of the people, who sighed for the rule of the sons of David while suf- Evans's Scripture Biography. MARTYRDOM OF ZECHARIAH. 51 fering under the whip of scorpions wielded by the abandoned Queen, having concerted measures with certain chief men and officers for placing upon the throne the child Joash, summoned his friends upon an appointed day to the temple, an act which his sacerdotal office ena- bled him to perform without suspicion. To this company he introduced the long-lost descendant of the house of David, who was forthwith acknowledged as King, and measures were taken to accomplish his restoration. He was subsequently crowned and anointed. On hear- ing the acclamations, the Queen hastened to the temple ; but at the command of Jehoiada she was dragged from thence, and led to exe- cution. Jehoiada lived a few years after this event, and, on account of his memorable services, he was buried with great honour in the tomb of their Kings. But no sooner was he consigned to the mansion of the dead, than a fearful apostasy again overspread the land ; the chief nobles of Judah left the house of God, and served groves and idols, and Joash hearkened unto them. The Almighty, in the plenitude of his long-suffering, withheld the punishment they justly merited, and sent his Prophets to warn them of the danger to which they were exposing themselves, and to bring them back to himself; but they turned a deaf ear to his reproof. At length the Spirit of God came upon Zechariah the son of Jehoiada. He went to the temple, which was again polluted by the idolatrous practices of the people, and, standing on the steps of the court of the Priests, BO as to be above the people in the outer court, he opened to them his commis- sion, and cried, " Thus saith God, Why transgress ye the com- mandment of the Lord, that ye cannot prosper ? because ye have forsaken the Lord, he hath also forsaken you." (2 Chron. xxiv. 20.) Confounded at this just and bitter rebuke, the King and his nobles were enraged beyond measure ; and the multitude, gladly obeying the orders of their unthankful King, rushed upon him, and pursuing him as he retreated to the altar of burnt-offerings, there, at that holy seat of mercy and atonement, and between it and the temple, they stoned and slew him. The Prophet with his dying breath continued the words of his commission : " The Lord look upon it, and require it." " Thus Joash the King remembered not the kindness which Jehoiada his father had done to him, but slew his son." The dying words of the martyred Priest were, ere long, fulfilled. Before the year expired in which that diabolical deed was perpetrated, a small band of Syrians surprised Jerusalem, and overran the country, making havoc more especially of the Princes and chief men, ransacking their palaces, and sending away the spoil to Damascus. The subjects of Joash had no power to resist, for God was not with them ; and his own servants, during the panic which prevailed, conspired against his life, and mur- dered him in his bed. The inspired writer declares that this came upon him " for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the Priest." (2 Chron. xxiv. 25.) It is generally supposed, and not without great appearance of pro- bability, that our Lord refers to the martyrdom of this holy man. (Matt, xxiii. 35,) whom hi- calls " Zacharias, son of Barm-bias." 52 BOOK I. CHAPTER IV. " That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth," meaning, doubtless, the land of Judea, which interpretation the word frequently sustains ; and implying, the national punishment of all the innocent blood which had been shed in the land shall speedily come upon you, " from the blood of Abel the just," the first Prophet and Preacher of righteousness, (Heb. xi. 4 ; 2 Peter ii. 5,) "unto the blood of Zacharias, son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar." Some have objected to the truth of this supposition, and assert that it was some other individual of the same name to whom allusion was made. Let it, however, be observed, that this Zechariah is the only one of that name of whom mention is made in Scripture, as having fallen a victim to his fidelity in declaring the truth. He, when " he died, said, The Lord look upon it, and require it ; " so that both cases mentioned, that of Abel, and that of Zecharias, are those of men persecuted to death for righteousness' sake, and whose deaths were expressly connected with the awful circumstance, a cry to heaven for righteous retribution. The conjectures of commentators, as to the other persons of this name, are without foundation, that espe- cially which would refer it prophetically to a Jew called Zecharias, who was slain by the Jewish zealots in the temple a little before the destruction of Jerusalem ; an irrelevant fact which has been singled out under the false assumption that our Lord's words in Matt, xxiii. 35, mean, that the Jews of that generation were to be held guilty of the blood of all the righteous men, from Abel downwards, to the last righteous blood shed by the Jews before their city was destroyed. This is not only a monstrous supposition, but plainly contrary to that principle of the divine government which is so expressly laid down in the words, " Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me." Besides, that the Jews should be held particularly responsible for the blood of Abel, when they stood in no nearer relation to him than the per- secutors of good men of any other nation, cannot be conceived ; and that they should be chargeable with even the murder of those Pro- phets whom their fathers put to death, when our Lord himself declares, that they disavowed the deeds of their ancestors in this respect, although they would act as to him and his disciples in a similar manner, is as little reconcilable with the known equity of the divine proceedings. The interpretations formed upon this view of the meaning of our Lord's words, create, therefore, a difficulty which does not exist. Their meaning is, that the vengeance of all the righ- teous blood shed upon earth, from Abel to Zecharias, should come upon that generation ; that is, a punishment equal to the accumu- lated woes brought upon men for the crime of rejecting the truth, and persecuting its righteous Preachers in all these ages, should be heaped upon the devoted heads of the Jews. And this was an act of manifest justice, since they put one, infinitely greater than all the Prophets, to death, even the Messiah himself ; and in opposition to stronger evidences of a divine mission than any former Prophets had given, wreaked their persecuting hate both upon him and his disci- MARTYRDOM OF ZECHARIAH. f>3 pies. The punishments brought upon the Jews bear a remarkable correspondence to those inflicted both upon the murderer of Abel, and upon those of Zecharias. The Jews have borne, ever since the subversion of their nation by the Romans, the curse of Cain ; a " mark " has been set upon them ; and " fugitives " and " vaga- bonds " have they been in the earth. And as in consequence of the murder of Zechariah, at the command of Joash, " the host of Syria came to Judah and Jerusalem, and destroyed all the Princes of the people from among the people," so it was, only in a severer degree, in the Roman invasion. And with respect to other Prophets, because " they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his Prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, till there was no remedy, therefore he brought upon them the King of the Chaldees, who slew their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, and had no compassion upon young man or maiden, old man, or him that stooped for age : he gave them all into his hand. And all the vessels of the house of God, great and small, and the treasures of the house of the Lord, and the trea- sures of the King, and of his Princes ; all these he brought to Baby- lon. And they burnt the house of God, and brake down the wall of Jerusalem, and burnt all the palaces thereof with fire, and destroyed all the goodly vessels thereof. And them that had escaped of the sword carried he away to Babylon ; where they were ser- vants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia." (2 Chron. xxxvi. 16 20.) This, too, was realized with aggravated severity, and this terrible type of vengeance was accomplished in an accumulation of similar woes, when the prophetic words of our Lord, as related by Matthew, were fully accomplished. These especially were the calamities which Christ had in view when he adds, " Verily I say unto you, that all these things shall come upon this genera- tion." But these terrible denunciations proceeded from no resent- ment, no indignant feelings at the wrongs he himself had endured : they were wrung from this lover of his country, this lover of the souls of his own people, by the stern necessity of reluctant justice ; and they were uttered amidst the heavings of compassion and sor- row.* The discrepancy in the name of the Priest under consideration has also tended to confirm the doubts of many with regard to the per- son alluded to by our Lord. By the Old-Testament writers he is de- scribed as Zechariah, sou of Je,hoiada ; our Saviour spake of the martyr as the son of Barachias. Hesitation and doubt will be removed, when we consider, 1. That double names were frequent among the Jews ; and sometimes the individual was called by one, and sometimes by the other. Compare 1 Sam. ix. 1, with 1 Chron. viii, 33, where it appears that the father of Kish had two names, Abiel and Ner. Matthew is called Levi. (Matt. ix. 9 ; Mark ii. 14.) Peter was called Simon, and Lebbeus was also called Thaddeus. (Matt. x. 2, 3.) 2. Jerome assures us, that in the Gospel of the Nazarenes it is written Jehoiada instead of Barachiah. And, 3. Watson's Exposition I'M loco. 54 BOOK I. CHAPTER IV. Jehoiada and Barachiah possess the same meaning, literally signifying "the praise or blessing of Jehovah." Zechariah is the last Prophet whose mal-treatment and consequent death is recorded in the canoni- cal books of the Jewish Scriptures. SECTION II. THE MARTYRDOM OF ISAIAH. COMPARATIVELY little is known of the early life and history of the Prophet Isaiah. His father's name was Amoz, and hence seve- ral of the authorities of the primitive church confound him with the Prophet Amos, because they were unacquainted with Hebrew, and in Greek the names are spelt alike. The opinion of the Rabbins, that Isaiah was a brother of King Amaziah, rests also on a mere etymolo- gical combination. Isaiah resided at Jerusalem, not far from the temple. We learn, also, from the seventh and eighth chapters of the book that bears his name, that he was married. Two of his sons are mentioned, Shear-jashul, and Maher-shalal-hash-baz. These sig- nificant names which he gave to his sons prove how much Isaiah li ved in his vocation. He did not consider his children to belong merely to himself, but rendered them living admonitions to the people. In their names were contained the two chief points of his prophetic utterances : one called to mind the severe and inevitable judgment wherewith the Lord was about to visit the world, and especially his people : the other, which signifies " the remnant shall return," pointed out the mercy with which the Lord would receive the elect ; and with which, in the midst of apparent destruction, he would take care to preserve his people and his kingdom. Isaiah calls his wife, ilfcO^D "Prophetess." This indicates that his marriage life was not in opposition to his calling ; and also, that it not only went along and harmonized with it, but was intimately interwoven with it. This name cannot mean the wife of a Prophet, but indicates that the Prophetess of Isaiah had a prophetic gift, like Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah. The appellation given denotes the genuineness of their conjugal relation. Even the dress of the Prophet was subservient to his office. He wore a garment of hair, or sackcloth. (Isai. xx. 2.) This seems, also, to have been the costume of Elijah, (2 Kings i. 8,) and it was the dress of John the Baptist. (Matt. iii. 4.) Hairy sack- cloth is in the Bible the symbol of repentance. (1 Kings xxi. 27 ; Jonah iii. 8.) This costume of the Prophets was a sermo propheticus realis, " a prophetic preaching by fact." The Prophet came forward in the form of personified repentance. What he did, exhibited to the people what they should do. Before he opened his lips, his external appearance proclaimed MeravoeiTs, " Repent."* Isaiah flourished at a period which, of all others, was most suited to the purposes of the delivery of prophecy. The kingdoms of Israel and of Judah had recovered much of their ancient greatness ; the former under the second Jeroboam, the latter under Uzziah. The people generally were greatly corrupt, and their national welfare depended, in a considerable degree, on the individual who occupied * Kitto's Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature, vol. ii., pp. 35, 36. MARTYRDOM OF ISAIAH. 55 the throne. If a feeble or wicked Monarch swayed the sceptre, the country fell into desolation and ruin ; and, on the contrary, when God was acknowledged, and his laws obeyed, prosperity and happi- ness prevailed. This is abundantly exemplified in the history and death of the Prophets. From among a company of youths, trained to be the vessels of God's prophetic spirit, Isaiah was chosen, and received his commission at the close of the long and golden reign of Uzziah. The inaugura- tion of the Prophet was one of thrilling interest and powerful subli- mity. (Isai. vi. 1, &c.) In the vision with which the man of God was favoured, the incurable corruption of the people, the gross depra- vity of the heart, and their utter disregard of spiritual truth, were faithfully and significantly placed before him. Nevertheless, encouraged by the presence and promise of the Almighty, he entered upon his arduous undertaking. His was indeed a painful and a thankless office. The prosperous reign of Uzziah unfitted the people for taking an honest and faithful view of their own circumstances. They cried " Peace," when God had not spoken peace. They imagined themselves "rich, and increased with goods, and having need of nothing ;" and knew not that they were " wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked." (Rev. iii. 17.) So that when the Prophet opened his mournful message, and in a deeply melancholy strain described those iniquities of his countrymen, which were hastening upon them the judgment of the Most High, their forgetful- ness of God, their hypocrisy, extortion, and murder, he was compelled to exclaim, " I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebel- lious people, which walked in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts." (Isai. Ixv. 2.) The abundance of temporal benefits which the people enjoyed during the present protracted reign, prepared the way for a fearful amount of immorality and crime, which ultimately led to the mar- tyrdom of Isaiah. Uzziah was, with regard to international pros- perity, highly favoured. He rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, and added greatly to the strength and durability of the strongholds of the coun- try.* His warlike movements against the Philistines and some of the Arabian tribes, were successful. He constructed numerous magazines, arsenals, and military engines ; laid the foundations of new cities, which rose into importance and wealth during his life- time. After he had thus provided for the protection and security of the land, his attention was directed to its agriculture. He encouraged the multi- plication of extensive flocks and herds, for the safety of which he caused to be erected large folds, well fortified with towers. The growth of the vine was cultivated on a wide scale, and other important branches of husbandry were promoted. It is worthy of record, that Uzziah is said to have been the inventor of the Bal- listae and Catapult*, afterwards adopted by the Greeks and Romans. (See Calmet.) Engines were certainly constructed by him, for discharging stones and arrows, and attributed to the invention of his " cunning men." (2 Chron. xxvi. 15.) The founda- tion of Rome is, by some writers, placed in his reign ; others assign to it the succeeding one, varying from B.C. "53 to 748. The era of the Greek Olympiads likewise com- menced in his reign, namely, B.C. 777. (Hist, of the Heb. Nation). 56 BOOK I. CHAPTER IV. When Jeshurim waxed fat, he kicked. Worldly prosperity is, at all times, au unfriendly soil to the growth of piety. The prophetic writings of Joel, Isaiah, and Micah, abound with intimations that the general well-being of the country, and especially the unlimited culti- vation of the grape, had induced a fearful extent of drunkenness and impiety. Parents were notorious for selling their offspring for wine. The women dressed themselves in fantastic apparel, and indulged in wantonness ajid frivolity. The rich were greedy in the pursuit of gain, adding field to field, irrespective of the rights, civil and patri- monial, of those with whom they were surrounded. The " abomina- tion" of deceitful weights and balances was common among the merchants ; and the bench of justice was polluted by flagrant acts of unrighteousness and oppression. The religion of the people, as taught by Jehovah himself, was undermined, and idolatry became rampant ; and then, as if to fill the measure of his iniquity, Uzziah aspired to the office of Priest as well as King ; and, notwithstanding the expos- tulations and opposition of Azariah, the chief officer, the Monarch advanced to the altar of incense, where in judgment he was met by the Lord of the temple, struck with leprosy, which immediately began to appear, was hurriedly expelled from the precincts of the sacred edifice, and, being by this judgment rendered politically dead, he withdrew from a palace to a separate house, where he dwelt until his death. " His heart was lifted up to his destruction : for he trans- gressed against the Lord his God." (1 Chron. xxvi. 16.) Uzziah was succeeded by Jotham, of whose reign but little is recorded, save, that he " became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God." Ahaz, the following King, furnished a striking contrast. He placed before him the Princes of Ephraim, whom he endeavoured to imitate ; Baal was introduced, sacrifices were offered in the high places, images were erected, and the Monarch not only gave himself up to every species of the most vile idolatry, but actually offered several of his own children at the shrine of Moloch. All governments which have been founded on false worship, or, in the spirit of a compromising apostasy, have bowed the knee to the man of sin, have been pusillanimous and weak. Hence the feeble and crippled administration of Ahaz invited the inroads of his envious and rapa- cious neighbours, the evil consequences of which were averted through the timely intercession of the Prophet, who speedily beheld the King and people return to their idolatrous practices, as soon as their deliverance from the Syrians had been achieved. " Yet one hearer Isaiah had obtained, who, as a boy of the tender age of ten years, was standing by the side of his royal father, when the Prophet appeared before him with his message of deliverance and visitation. The sight and the words of the holy man sank deep into the mind of the youth ; and if he had not formerly, he did then, con- ceive serious and lasting impressions of holy thought and feeling. He had no sooner mounted the throne, than the seed sown by the Pro- phet disclosed its fruit in Hezekiah ; and we may faintly enter into the joy of Isaiah's heart, when the juvenile King set about the holy duty of restoring the worship of the Lord. Doubtless, God's Prophet MARTYRDOM OF ISAIAH. O/ lent all his help and encouragement, when the long-closed doors of the temple were opened once more, the destroyed vessels were re- placed, the intermitted sacrifices were renewed, and the Passover, that solemn allegiance to the Lord, was celebrated. It was, indeed, a joyous sight ; but not even the mind of the politician, still less of the Prophet, could be cheated by it out of its well-founded despondency. For what did this same enthusiastic multitude, when Ahaz defiled the temple with idols, mutilated its vessels, filled Jerusalem with idola- trous altars, and was seconded by the High Priest ? It did as every corrupt populace does. In such, there is a prevailing laxity of principle, and every one is ready, for the sake of selfish indulgence, or from a base love of popularity, or from fear of ill-will, singularity, or ridicule, to acquiesce with an active leader or leading party, whether for right or for wrong. Thus independence of mind is gone, fashion becomes omnipotent, and all bow before the tyranny of the spirit of the times. From what other cause could Judah, under Ahaz, repudiate the Lord, under Hezekiah return to him, under Manasseh reject him, under Josiah restore him, under Zedekiah reject him again ? So little comfort was this transitory burst of light likely to bring to Isaiah !" * There is, perhaps, nothing that is so calculated to test the nature of that religion which is professed by the multitude, when godliness is patronised by the throne, as the withdrawal of that influence, and when an evil ruler grasps the sceptre of power and directs the realm. The true character of Judah's faith was exhibited on the death of Hezekiah : Mauasseh, a lad of but twelve years of age, was his suc- cessor, who, with reckless and indecent haste, plunged into idolatry ; he repaired the high-places which had been thrown down, established again the altars of Baal, offered his son to Moloch, and introduced images and heathen altars, even into the courts and sanctuary of the house of God. The unprincipled and profligate inhabitants of Judah very speedily followed in the wake of their Monarch, and ere long the whole land presented the appearance of one large temple, dedi- cated to the service and worship of deities, whose religion consisted in acts which were awfully impure, licentious, and diabolic. At this fearful result, none can be surprised, when the demoralized condition of the priesthood, as described by Isaiah, is taken into consideration, who represents them as being sensual, drunken and slothful, covetous and base : The " watchmen are bh'nd : they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark ; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand ; they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter." (Isai. Ivi. 10, 11.) Thus did Manasseh proceed in his headlong career of determined apostasy and crime : not satisfied with exhibiting to his subjects an awful example of idolatry and sensuality, he became tyrannical and cruel, so as to drench Jerusalem with the blood of those whom he had arbitrarily put to death. Among the number of these primitive martyrs, we have to include Kvans's Scripture Biography. Second wries, p. 160. VOL. I. I 58 BOOK I. CHAPTER IV. the venerable Prophet. Isaiah was not long ere he followed his royal master. Manasseh, who spared not the Prophets, was not likely to exercise leniency towards Isaiah, inasmuch as desperate wickedness cannot endure the slightest hint of rebuke. The Prophet before us would be obnoxious beyond all the rest, from the influence which he was enabled legitimately to exercise over Hezekiah, the late Monarch, from his great reputation as the Prophet of God, and also from the unflinching boldness of his character and conduct. Tradition declares that Isaiah suffered death at the hand of Manasseh, by being sawn asunder with a wooden saw.* SECTION III. THE MARTYRDOM OF XJRIJAH. UPON the death of Manasseh, the idolatrous Amon ascended the throne of Judah. His career was but short ; a conspiracy among his own servants sent him to sleep with his fathers, in the second year of his reign. At the tender age of eight years, Josiah as- cended the throne. He was richly endued with the grace of God, and, The infliction of death by the saw was known among the Hebrews. We imagine this punishment came originally from the Persians, or the Chaldeans. We are assured that it is not unknown among the Switzers, and that they practised it not many years ago on one of their countrymen, guilty of a great crime, in the plain of Grenelle, near Paris. They put him into a kind of coffin, and sawed him at length, beginning at his head, as a piece of wood is sawn. Parisatis, King of Persia, caused Roxana to be sawn in two alive. (Ctesia in Persia.) Valerius Maximus says, that the Thracians sometimes subjected living men to this torture. The laws of the twelve tables which the Romans had borrowed from the Greeks, condemned certain crimes to the punish- ment of the saw. But the execution of it was so rare, as Aulus Gelliussays, (Noct. Alt., lib. xii., cap. 2,) that none remembered to have seen it performed. Herodotus (lib. vi.) relates, that Sabacus, King of Egypt, received an order in a dream, to cut in two all the Priests of Egypt. Caius Caligula, the Emperor, often condemned people of con- dition to be sawn in two through the middle ; aut medios serru dissecuit. St. Paul, speaking of the calamities suffered by saints of the Old Testament, says, some were " sawn asunder." (Heb. xi. 37.) Eirpiffdr]trav, Serru secti sunt ; Origen, Ju.stin Martyr, (Dialog, cum Tryphone,) Jerom, (in Isa. lib. xv. ad Jinem,) the author of the poem against Marcion, printed under the name of Tertullian, and several other ancients, explained this passage of the death of Isaiah, who is said to have been mur- dered by King Manasseh, with a wooden saw. This circumstance of a saw of wood is perplexing) for no saws are made of wood ; and, besides, a man could not be cut hi two with such a saw. Our conjecture on this matter is, by supposing this saw of wood was a sledge loaded with stones and iron spikes, with which they threshed the ears of com, to get out the grain. Or, might it not be understood more simply of a wood saw, that is, a saw for cutting wood, there being saws of several kinds, for stone, for iron, for wood ? &c. Daniel also speaks of the punishment of the saw, (Hist, of Susanna, ver. 55,) " Even now the angel of God has received the sentence of God to cut thee in two." St. Matthew says, that the wicked servant shall be cut hi two, and thrust among hypo- crites. (Matt. xxiv. 51 ; Luke xii. 46.) The Old Testament alludes to this custom, when it uses the word, "to cut in two," "to divide," &c., for putting to death- (Calmet Diet., in loco.) " It is a regular tradition, both among Jews and Christians, that the Prophet Isaiah reproved, and denounced the judgments of the Lord against the enormities of Manas- seh ; in consequence of which, this impious King caused him to be cut asunder with n wooden saw. Origen, Tertullian, Justin Martyr, Chrysostom, Jerom, and Augustin, have all handed down this account to us. It is said, that the pretence made use of by this wicked King, for the murder of this holy man, was an expression employed by liim, (chap. vi. 1,) / saw the Lord sitting in the throne. Therefore, (said the impious King,) you must be put to death , for God hath said to Moses, (Exod. xxxiii. 20,) No man shall see me and live. Thus, as in numberless succeeding cases, the Scriptures of truth were perverted, to afford persecution the colour of a pretence for shedding the blood of the saints of the Most High." A. Clarke's Christian Jliartyrolagy. MARTYRDOM OI UUIJAII. as soon as he had reached his twentieth year, began to assail and to remove the abuses which up to that period he had tolerated. The altars of Baal were once more broken down, and the images of every description were ground to powder, which was strewed upon the graves of those who had formerly been their worshippers ; an instruc- tive and valuable lesson to all of the impotence of the gods, in which their fathers had vainly trusted. After the death of Josiah, who was slain in the valley of Megiddo, from a wound which he received in a conflict with Pharaoh-Necho, his younger son Jehoahaz was made King by the people, who immediately displayed the iniquity of his heart, by restoring all those idolatrous practices which his pious father endeavoured to destroy. But " the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment." (Job xx. 5.) Pharaoh-Necho, returning from his expedition against the King of Assyria, surprised Jerusalem, placed Jehoahaz in chains, exiled him from the country, after having reigned the short period of three months, and placed his elder brother Eliakim, whose name he changed to Jehoiakim, on the throne. The religious aspect was not altered by this movement. The peo- ple, who uublushiugly traversed the compass in politics and religion so frequently within the space of a few years, were not prepared to offer much, if any, resistance to such flagrant departure from the path of truth and righteousness. Jehoiakim was a gross idolater, and the people were speedily led to wander from and reject God ; so fickle and changing is the voice of the multitude ! In the midst of this fearful apostasy, a serious famine visited the country, which, so far from being accompanied with permanent good, produced still greater hardness of heart and contempt of the Most High, as is proved in their treatment of Jeremiah the Prophet, who, taking occasion to admonish them, and to warn them of more serious judgments, was placed in the stocks ; and, being a second time apprehended and imprisoned, was on the eve of being put to death, but was happily rescued from the hands of Jehoiakim by the timely intervention of Ahikam, a pious friend, who had been the Secretary of Josiah, and one of those four persons of distinction whom that Monarch sent to consult Huldah the Prophetess. (2 Kings xxii. 12 14.) The storm which had been for several years gathering, at length burst over the guilty and oft-reproved Jehoiakim. Nebuchadnezzar with great power besieged Jerusalem, laid it waste, carried the Jewish King a captive to Babylon in fetters of brass, with a multitude of noble and honourable captives, among whom we have to enumerate the pious and highly-gifted Daniel, and his faithful and devout com- panions, Hanauiah, Mishael, and Azariah, all of whom were of the seed royal ; and on account of the comeliness of their persons, and strength of intellect which they exhibited, were either educated as Magi, or trained to wait upon the Babylonian King as Pages at court. After having promised fealty to the King of Babylon, Jehoiakim was restored to his throne, unhumbled and unimproved. The captives were retained. The Prophet of Anathoth, in consequence of faithful and unwelcome warnings, was in such constant jeopardy of life, as to i 2 60 BOOK I. CHAPTER IV. keep himself in a state of perpetual concealment. A message from the Lord, which the Prophet sent the King written on a roll of vellum, containing an invitation to repentance, with tremendous warn- ings of severe punishment if he refused, was cut to pieces by Jehoi- akim with his penknife, and cast into the fire. (Jer. xxxvi. 23.) To destroy the sacred Scriptures, a crime which denotes the offender to have arrived at the pinnacle of impiety and presumption, and the utmost extent of rebellion against the God of truth, has of late been frequently perpetrated by infidels, apostates, and by various members of the idolatrous Church of Rome. It was during this unhappy reign that Urijah flourished. Ani- mated and encouraged by the fidelity and active fortitude of Jeremiah, he shunned not to declare to the ungodly race around him " the whole counsel of God." Of his personal history, we know but little : the brief account that is recorded, states that he was the son of Shemaiah of Kirjath-jearim ; that he prophesied in the name of the Lord against Jerusalem, and against the land, according to all the words of Jere- miah. (Jer. xxvi. 20.) He had boldly denounced the judgments of God against the wickedness of the nation, in the presence of Jehoia- kim and the Princes of his court. Incensed at this liberty, the King determined to put the Prophet to death ; who, hearing of his murder- ous intentions, fled into Egypt. The cruel and oppressive Monarch (Jer. xxii. 1 7) was firm to his purpose ; and, therefore, sent a troop of men, under the command of Elnathan, to seize Urijah in that coun- try, and convey him back to Jerusalem. This was done, and Urijah, by the command of the King, was slain by the sword, and his body cast into the graves of the common people : thus, to him was refused that honourable burial with which the Prophets from time immemorial had been favoured, when the word of the Lord was recognised as true and faithful among the people of Judah. " Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished." (Prov. xi. 21.) Much time did not elapse, before Jehoiakim fell beneath the retributive dispensations of the Most High. Jeremiah had prophesied " concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah King of Judah ; They shall not lament for him, saying, Ah my brother ! or, Ah sister ! they shall not lament for him, saying, Ah lord ! or, Ah his glory ! He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem;" (Jer. xxii. 18, 19 ; 2 Kings xxiii. 34 37; xxiv. 1 7; 2 Chron. xxxvi. 4 8;) and mark how literally this awful prediction met with its accomplishment. The counsel of God against him stood sure. Finding the King of Babylon elsewhere employed, and being deluded by the Egyptian party who had nestled themselves in the bosom of his court, he foolishly ven- tured to withhold his customary and pledged tribute ; thus virtually shaking off the Chaldean yoke, contrary to the earnest and oft- repeated remonstrances of Jeremiah. In a short period, the land was invaded by the armies of Chaldea, accompanied by a vast number of their auxiliaries from the neighbouring countries, the Edomites, Moabites, and others; who were, for the most part, actuated by fierce hatred against the Jewish name and nation. Jerusalem fell MARTYRDOM OF URIJAH. 01 into the hands of the conqueror, or, more correctly, surrendered on terms, which the Babylonian Monarch in a short time utterly disre- giirded. Jehoiakim was slain ; * but whether this event took place during the action, or subsequent to the surrender, is not mentioned. Suffice it to say, that those manifestations of indignity and cruelty with which he treated the righteous Urijah, " returned upon his own head." (Psalm vii. 16.) He slew the Prophet of the Most High with the sword ; and with the sword of the Chaldeans God caused him to be slain. He refused the Prophet a decent burial ; and God caused him " to be buried with the burial of an ass." Calmet, without hesitation, declares, that he was thrown into a common sewer, outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem. Josephus asserts, that he was " thrown before the walls, without any burial." This is one instance, among many, which will be adduced during the progress of this work, of the retributive dispensations of the Most High, descending upon those persecutors of the righteous, who have dared to "touch" the Lord's " anointed," and to " do" his " Prophets" harm. The devoted Urijah suffered martyrdom, A.M. 3395, and about 605 years anterior to the Christian era. The books of Kings and Chronicles are silent, as to the manner of Jehoiakim'a death ; hut Josephus states, that he was slain by the Chaldeans : " The King of Baby- lon slew such as were in the flower of their age, and such as were of the greatest dig- nity, together with their Kiug Jehoiakim, whom he commanded to be thrown before the walls, without any burial, and made his son Jehoiachin, King of the country and of the city ; he also took the principal persons in dignity for captives, three thou- sand in number, and led them away to Babylon ; among whom was the Prophet Eze- Itiel, who was then but young." (Jos. Antiq., book x., chap. 6.) That his death waa violent and inglorious, is evident from the Prophet Jeremiah ; a prediction which refers to the custom of adjudging the funeral-rites, according to the previous character. 62 BOOK I. CHAP. V. CHAPTER V. SECT. I. JERUSALEM TAKEN. Nebuchadnezzar Agitated State of Jerusalem, Peril- ous Situation of Jeremiah /* thrown into a Dungeon Jerusalem is besieged Distress of the Inhabitants The City taken Zedeftiah slain, and the City ruined Lamentations of Jeremiah Bishop Lowth and Dr. South quoted Gedaliah Mizpeh Death of the Prophet. SECT. II. THE CAPTIVITY. Hebrews in Babylon The Treatment of the Captives Character of the King of Babylon Prediction of Isaiah Daniel and his Companions Dangers to which they were exposed Change of their Names Their moral Training Luxury of the Baby- lonian Court Their Preservation from Evil Nebuchadnezzar's first Dream Daniel and others sentenced to Death The former reveals the Dream, and its Interpretation Is promoted Nebuchadnezzar's Image Its Dedication Princi- ples developed All commanded to render Worship Description of the Idol The Hebrew Confessors refuse to worship The Consequences of such a Refusal The fiery Furnace The Deliverance of the Jews Nebuchadnezzar's second Dream Its Interpretation Effect of the Dream on Nebuchadnezzar His Death Evil-Merodach His Character Belshazzar His Conduct The mysterious Writing 7* explained and fulfilled Darius His Opinion of Daniel ff. ho is accused And thrown into the Den of Lions Mercifully preserved Destruction of his Enemies Death and Character of Daniel. SECTION I. OF JEREMIAH. NEBUCHADNEZZAR was the name of the Chaldean Monarch by whom Judea was conquered, and the Jews led into their seventy years' captivity. Nebo was originally the name of a Chaldean deity, sup- posed to be Mercury, and enters frequently into the composition of the proper names of Chaldea, as Nabopolassar, Nebuzaradan, (2 Kings xxv. 8,) Samgar-nebo, and Nebushasban. (Jer. xxxix. 3, 13.) The name Nebuchadnezzar has been commonly explained to signify " the treasure of Nebo ; " but, according to others, it means " Nebo, the Prince of gods." The only notices which we have of this Monarch in the canonical writings, are to be found in the books of Kings, Chronicles, Daniel, and Ezra, and in the allusions of the Prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel. From the inspired records, (2 Kings xxiii. 29 ; 2 Chron. xxxv. 20,) we learn, that in the reign of Josiah, (B.C. 610,) Pharaoh-Necho, King of Egypt, having approached by sea the coast of Syria, applied to Josiah to be allowed to pass through his territories towards the dominions of the Assyrian Monarch, with whom he was at war. " I come not against thee this day, but against the house wherewith I have war ; for God commanded me to make haste." The design of the Egyptian King was to seize upon Carchemish, a strong post on the Euphrates ; but Josiah, who had sworn fealty to the Babylonian Monarch, resolutely opposed his progress at Megiddo, where, being defeated and mortally wounded, Necho marched forward to Jerusalem, which subsequently became tributary to that Monarch. Hearing of this aggressive movement on the part of Necho, Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, (2 Kings xxiv. 1 ; 2 Chron. xxxvi. 6, where his name is for OF JEREMIAH. (J3 the first time introduced in the sacred history,) invaded Judah, retook Carchemish, with the territory which had been wrested from him by Necho, and reduced him to submission. This invasion took place in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, or, according to Daniel, (chap. i. 1, 2,) in the third year. In order to reconcile this apparent contradiction, it is supposed that the first year of Nebuchadnezzar fell partly in the third, and partly in the fourth, year of Jehoiakim. He was at first laden with chains, in order to be led to Babylon ; but was eventually restored by Nebuchadnezzar, on condition of paying an annual tri- bute. The sacred vessels, however, were transferred to the idol- temple in the Assyrian capital. The fate of Jerusalem was now fast approaching. At the termination of three years, Jehoiakim renounced his fealty to Babylon, and renewed his connexion with Necho ; the result of which was, that he was made prisoner, and slain. He was then succeeded by his son Jehoiachin, whose reign terminated in three months ; but, brief as it was, it was nevertheless strongly marked by iniquity. He was deposed, and carried away captive by the Babylonian King, who at the same time sacked Jerusalem, and trans- ported to his capital all the most distinguished inhabitants. Among the captives, who amounted to not less than fifty thousand, were Ezekiel, (Ezek. i. 1,) and Mordecai. All the golden vessels of Solo- mon, together with the royal treasures, were removed ; and Matta- uiah, the brother of Jehoiakim, placed on the throne by Nebuchad- nezzar, who gave him the name of Zedekiah, and bound him by an oath not to enter into alliance with Egypt. He followed in the same course of idolatry, and also foolishly rebelled against the King of Babylon ; which policy the Lord in anger suffered, that he might accomplish against Judah what he had threatened. The situation of Jeremiah had now become exceedingly unpopular and precarious. The disposition which the Jews displayed to form an alliance with Egypt, filled the Prophet with great apprehension and alarm. From that people, the Jews confidently expected protec- tion and help against the Chaldean and Assyrian, whom they both hated and dreaded, while Jeremiah hesitated not in strong and faith- ful language to repudiate all such dependence, as futile and false ; and hesitated not to declare, that all who submitted to the King of Babylon would thereby secure safety and peace. This conduct naturally exposed him to the imputation of traitorous designs, so that they made the departure of Jeremiah from the city, during the short respite which occurred between the arrival of Nebuchadnezzar and his re- appearance, the pretext for accusing him of deserting to the Chaldeans, and he was forthwith cast into prison. All this was the prelude of additional calamities, both to the King and to the people. Jerusalem was again invested by a besieging army. Pharaoh-Hophra, who had succeeded Necho, coming to the assistance of Zedekiah, was driven back into Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar. The inhabitants of the city were panic- stricken. Zedekiah sent to the Prophet, now immured in the dun- geon, to pray for him and his people, and to inquire of the Lord, while he and the few persons of distinction who rallied around his throne, confidently expecting a favourable reply, emptied their prisons, 64 BOOK I. CHAP. V. and emancipated those who were in bondage, slavery being an evil against which the Prophets had loudly spoken. The answer of the Most High was unpropitious ; and the King, burning with rage, again condemned the Prophet to his solitary and wretched abode, and the elders, also, reduced their slaves to their former state of subjection and thraldom. Nebuchadnezzar, flushed with victory, now determined to prosecute his plans against Jerusalem, with vigour and efficiency. Zedekiah, learning to his sorrow and chagrin the overthrow of the army on which he vainly relied, was distracted by awful misgivings of consci- ence, and privately sent for Jeremiah. He pledged himself that he should not again be sent to prison ; but so weak and corrupt had he become, by giving himself up into the hands of his courtiers, and of foreigners who were found among them, he was so utterly helpless, that, when they demanded it, he, with great imbecility and treachery, surrendered the Prophet into their power, who again imprisoned him. In this instance he was cast into a noisome pit, or cess-pool, within the dungeon, and there left to perish ; but Ebed- melech, an Ethiopian eunuch of rank, and one also of the little remnant who had embraced the faith of the one true God, again pre- vailed upon the unstable and vacillating King in behalf of Jeremiah ; upon which he was rescued from the pit, but still kept in confinement in the court of the prison-house.* The siege was now prosecuted with untiring energy, and the be- sieged were reduced to great privation and distress, on account of the failure of their provision and the appearance of disease, the natural result of want and badness of food ; women even boiling their own children and devouring them, to satisfy the merciless cravings of hunger. (Lam. ii. 20; iv. 10.) Josephus says, "There came upon them also, two of the greatest calamities at the same time that Jeru- salem was besieged, a famine and a pestilential distemper, and made great havoc of them ; and though the Prophet Jeremiah was in prison, he did not rest, but cried out, and proclaimed aloud, and exhorted the multitude to open their gates, and admit the King of Babylon, for that if they did so, they should not be destroyed ; and he foretold, that if any one stayed in the city, he should certainly perish by one of these ways, either be consumed by the famine, or * Josephus informs us, that Zedekiah, " that he might not he engaged in a quarrel with those rulers at such a time, by opposing what they intended, let them do with the Prophet whatsoever they would : whereupon, when the King had granted them such a permission, they presently came into the prison and took him, and let him down with a cord into a pit full of mire, that he might be suffocated and die of himself. So he stood up to the neck in the mire, which was all about him, and so continued ; but there was one of the King's servants who was in esteem with him, an Ethiopian by descent, who told the King what a state the Prophet was in ; and said, that his friends and his rulers had done evil in pxitting Jeremiah into the pit, and by that means contriving against him, that he should suffer a death more bitter than that by his bonds only. When the King heard this, he repented of his having delivered up the Prophet to the rulers, and bade the Ethiopian take thirty men of the King's guards, and cords with them, and whatsoever else they understood to be necessary for the Prophet's preservation, and to draw him up immediately. So the Ethiopian took the men he was ordered to take, and drew up the Prophet out of the mire, and left him at liberty in the prison." (Joseph. dntiq., lib. x., cap. vii., sect 5.) OF JEREMIAH. 65 slain by the enemy's sword ; but that it' he would fly to the enemy, he should escape death." " The miserable Monarch was yet irresolute, and once more requested the counsel of the deeply-injured and maligned Prophet, who still assured him, that if he would go forth and surrender to the King of Babylon, the city should be spared and himself saved ; but that if he refused, he would be taken prisoner, and the city burnt with fire. " When the King heard this," says Josephus, " he said that he would willingly do what he persuaded him to, and what he declared would be to his advantage ; but that he was afraid of those of his own country that had fallen away to the Babylonians, lest he should be accused by them to the King of Babylon, and be punished ;"f he dreaded also the reproach to which such a step would subject him, from his people. At length, famine reduced the fatal obstinacy of the King, and Jerusalem opened her gates to the irresistible conqueror. When Zedekiah was sensible that his capital was in the hands of the enemy, " he took his wives and children, and his Captains, and his friends, and with them fled out of the city, through the fortified ditch, and through the wilderness ; and when certain of the deserters had informed the Babylonians of this, at break of day, they made haste to pursue after Zedekiah, and over- took him not far from Jericho, and encompassed him about ; but for those friends and Captains of Zedekiah who had fled out of the city with him, when they saw their enemies near them, they left him and dispersed themselves, some one way, and some another, every one resolving to take care of himself : so the enemy took Zedekiah alive, with his children and his wives, and brought him to the King. When he was come, Nebuchadnezzar began to call him a wicked wretch and a covenant-breaker, and one that had forgotten his former words, when he promised to keep the country for him. He also reproached him for his ingratitude, that when he had received the kingdom from him, who had taken it from Jehoiachin, and given it him, he had made use of the power he gave him, against him that gave it; but, said he, 'God is great, who hateth that conduct of thine, and hath brought thee under us.' And when he had used these words to Zedekiah, he commanded his sons and his friends to be slain, while the royal captive and his Captains looked on ; after which he put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and bound him, and carried him to Babylon,"! where he died in prison. At the same time that Nebu- chadnezzar thus disposed of the King, he put to death all the nobility that he found in Jerusalem, together with the Chief Priests, and other principal and official persons. The remainder, small in number, who were of any consideration, he took in triumph to Babylon, leaving the meaner classes to cultivate the land. For a year and a half had Jerusalem effectually withstood Nebuchadnezzar. Her capture took place on the ninth day of the fourth month ; and on the seventh day of the fifth month, (two days, on which Hebrew devotion still Joseph. Antiq., lib. \., cap. vii., sect. 4. t Ibid., lib. x., cap. vii., sect. 6. j Ibid., lib. x., cap. viii., sect. 2. VOL. I. K 66 BOOK I. CHAP. V. commemorates the desolation of the city by solemn fast and humilia- tion,) Nebuzar-adan received the orders of the Assyrian King to pillage the palace and temple, to burn them both, and then to level the city and all it contained in one common ruin, and transport the captives to Babylon. The two brasen pillars which stood before the temple, were removed to the capital, to decorate the fane of Nebu- chadnezzar's god. Jeremiah survived the general overthrow, to behold the sad accom- plishment of all his darkest predictions. He witnessed the hor- rors of the famine, and, when that had done its work, the triumph of the enemy. He saw the strong-holds of the city cast down ; the palace of Solomon, the temple of God, with all its courts, its roofs of cedar and of gold, levelled to the earth, or committed to the flames ; the sacred vessels, the ark of the covenant itself, with the cherubim, pillaged by profane hands. What were the feelings of a patriotic and religious Jew at this tremendous crisis, he has left on record in his unrivalled elegies. Never did city suffer a more miser- able fate ; never was ruined city lamented in language so exquisitely pathetic. Jerusalem is, as it were, personified and bewailed with the passionate sorrow of private and domestic attachment ; while the more general picture of the famine, the common misery of every rank and age and sex, all the desolation, the carnage, the violation, the dragging away into captivity, the remembrance of former glories, of the gorgeous ceremonies, and the glad festivals, the awful sense of the divine wrath heightening the present calamities, are successively drawn with all the life and reality of an eye-witness in that inimitable poem, " The Lamentations of Jeremiah." " Never," says Bishop Lowth, " was there a more rich and elegant variety of beautiful images and adjuncts arranged together within so small a compass, nor more happily chosen and applied." " One would think," says Dr. South, " that every letter was written with a tear, every word, the sound of a breaking heart ; that the author was compacted of sor- rows, disciplined to grief from his infancy, one who never breathed but in sighs, nor spoke but in a groan." The miserable remnant of the people were placed under the com- mand of Gedaliah, as a Pasha of the great Assyrian Monarch ; the seat of government was fixed at MLzpeh. Nebuchadnezzar formed a more just estimate of the character of Jeremiah, and of the value of his counsels, than the Princes of his own country, and gave a special charge to his Captain, Nebuzar-adan, not only to provide for him, but also to follow his advice. (Jer. xxxix. 12.) He was accordingly removed from the prison, and allowed free choice either to go to Babylon, where, doubtless, he would have been held in honour in the royal court, or to remain with his own people. We need scarcely be told, that he who had devoted more than forty years of unrequited service to the welfare of his falling country, should choose to remain with the remnant of his people, rather than seek the precarious fame which might await him at the court of the King of Babylon. Accordingly, he went to Mizpeh with Gedaliah. Among those who had repaired to that place, was a Prince of the seed-royal, named Ishmael, with a OF DANIEL. ()/ small party of Ammonites. He appears to have been a wicked and abandoned person ; and, instigated by the King of Ammon, he con- trived by deceit and treachery to murder Gedaliah, and a consider- able portion of his followers, and to effect his escape to Rabbah ; and the remainder of the Jews, having chosen one Johanan for their leader, now resolved to pass into Egypt, notwithstanding the earnest and oft-repeated remonstrances of the Prophet, who endeavoured to persuade Johanan to remain in the land, assuring them by a message from God, in answer to their inquiries, that if they did so, the Lord would build them up ; but if they fled into Egypt, the evils which they sought to escape should come upon them there. (Jer. xlii. 10, &c.) The people refused to attend to the divine message, saying, " We will not dwell in this land, neither obey the voice of the Lord your God," and resolved to pass into Egypt, taking Jeremiah and Baruch along with them. (Jer. xliii. 6.) But there they were speedily overtaken by the punishment of which the Prophet had forwarned them ; for Nebuchadnezzar soon after invaded Egypt, and having defeated Pharaoh-Hophra, and taken him prisoner, put to death the refugee Jews whom he found there, with the exception of about seven hundred persons, whom he carried away with him to Babylon. About this time the Prophet died : some conclude that he was put to death by the Jews ; others, by Hophra the King of Egypt ; others suppose that he was stoned by the people of Taphnse, where the Jews were settled ; and many confidently assert, that he joined his brethren in Babylon, and closed his career there, it being difficult, as they say, otherwise to account for the preservation of his writings, which relate to this period ; while Dr. Hales states, that his last and most ominous prophecy proved fatal to himself, his ungrateful and infatuated countrymen stoned him to death, and cast his body into a pit. SECTION II. OF DANIEL. " NOTHING could present," writes the author of the History of the Jews, " a more striking contrast to their native country, than the region into which the Hebrews were transplanted. Instead of their irregular and picturesque mountain-city, crowning its unequal heights, and looking down into its deep and precipitous ravines, through one of which a scanty stream wound along, they entered the vast square and level city of Babylon, occupying both sides of the broad Euphrates ; while all around spread immense plains, which were intersected by long straight canals, bordered by rows of willows. How unlike their national temple a small but highly finished and richly adorned fabric, standing in the midst of its courts on the brow of a lofty precipice the colossal temple of the Chaldean Bel, rising from the plain, with its eight stupendous stories or towers, one above the other, to the perpendicular height of a furlong ! The palace of the Babylonian Kings was more than twice the size of their whole city : it covered eight miles, with its hanging gardens built on arched terraces, each rising above the other, and rich in all the luxu- riance of artificial cultivation. How different from the sunny cliffs K -' 68 BOOK I. CHAP. V. of their own land, where the olive and the vine grew spontaneously, and the cool, shady, and secluded valleys, where they could always find shelter from the heat of the burning noon ! No wonder then that, in the pathetic words of their own hymn, ' By the waters of Babylon they sat down and wept, when they remembered thee, Zion.' The Psalm above quoted seems to intimate, that the Baby- lonians had taste enough to appreciate their poetical and musical talent, and that they were summoned occasionally to amuse the banquets of their masters, though it was much against their will that they sang the songs of Zion in a strange land. In general, it seems that the Jewish exiles were allowed to dwell together in considerable bodies, not sold as household or personal slaves, at least, not those of the better order, of whom the captivity chiefly consisted. They were colonists rather than captives, and became by degrees possessed of considerable property. There was one large settlement on the river Chebar, considerably to the north of Babylon. It was there that the Prophet Ezekiel related his splendid visions, which seem imbued with the immense and gigantic character of the region and empire of Babylon. To the bold and rapid creations of the earlier Hebrew poets, Ezekiel adds not merely a vehement and tragical force, peculiar to his own mind, but a vastness and magnificence of imagery, drawn from the scenery and circumstances by which he was surrounded. The world of Ezekiel, and that of his contemporary, Daniel, seems enlarged ; and the future teems with imperial dynasties, and wide and universal monarchies." Of the general treatment of the captives, we know but little. With the exception of those who were transported to the Assyrian capital, previous to the taking and destruction of Jerusalem, there is reason to believe, they were treated with considerable severity, insomuch that the Prophets who resided among them, denounced, in accents both mournful and bitter, the woe of Babylon. And although Almighty God has frequently made use of earthly potentates, who were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, to chastise and afflict his heritage, he has ever been jealous on their account, and has not failed to visit with condign punishment those powers when they have betrayed malignity, or triumphed over the chosen of the Lord. In process of time, the condition of these exiles from their father-land was considerably mitigated, and the Jewish religion began to be respected and understood ; for, let it be remembered, it has ever formed a part of the inscrutable, though beneficent, counsels of the Most High, not only to correct and purify his people by affliction in the chief seats of idolatry, but to turn the chastisement into a blessing, by making them instrumental of spiritual good to the Heathen. Nebuchadnezzar has been celebrated as one of the most illustrious Monarchs, and as a prudent, brave, and successful warrior. In early life he ascended the throne of Babylon ; and to the extensive domi- nions which he inherited from his father, he made large additions by his own conquests, insomuch that the greatest part of the then known world was tributary. "All people, nations, and languages OF DANIEL. 69 trembled and feared before him : whom he would he slew ; and whom he would he kept alive ; and whom he would he set up ; and whom he would he put down." (Dan. v. 19.) He was now in the second year of his reign, and was reposing for a time, after many and mimerous military exploits, and embellishing his capital, both by land and water, with those wonders which have contributed as much to its celebrity as any remarkable events with which its history is associated. His tyranny, however, was equal to his magnificence and splendour. The words of Isaiah to Hezekiah, " Thy sons shall be chamber- lains in the palace of the King of Babylon," were, at the expiration of little more than a century, fulfilled. When Kings and nobles, Priests and people, were carried into captivity, -Nebuchadnezzar gave orders that out of the families of the most honourable such children as were best looking, and of the best parts, should be instructed in the language and learning of the Chaldeans, in order that, in due time, they might be appointed to responsible offices in his household. Among these were Daniel and three of his companions, who, at the first invasion of the Assyrian King, were transported to Babylon, pro- bably as hostages for the good conduct and submission of the vassal Monarch. " These young men were treated with much kindness, and educated with great assiduity in the manners and duties of the Assyrian court, as well as in all the half-scientific, half-superstitious knowledge, the astronomy, the divination, and skill in the interpretation of dreams, for which the priesthood of the Chaldeans long maintained unrivalled celebrity."* In such a situation, and surrounded with all that was evil, these youths had every temptation to forget the religion and maxims of their fathers. Ignoble and undisciplined minds are dis- posed to, and frequently do, exchange the customs, the institutions, the language, and even the faith, of their ancestors, for those of the spot wherever their abode is fixed, and however notoriously opposite and distinct such profession from the former one may be found. Such unprincipled characters would hail with gladness the opportunity of a removal from the promised land, and a separation from the temple, in order that they might have an excuse to shake off the burden of their law, and free themselves from the bondage of its ordi- nances. In this class Daniel and his companions were not to be found. They were to be sumptuously fed from the King's table : this, however, would involve them in legal defilement : they therefore obtained from the officer who was charged with their education that they might be fed with pulse and water, on which they throve so well, as to surpass in the healthiness and vigour of their looks those who were not troubled with a tender conscience, and had luxuriated in the dainties and wine which the King's purveyor furnished. Cor- responding with the personal appearance of the young men, were their mental qualifications, so that when brought up for examination, in order to their appointment in the palace, Daniel and his associates were selected for the high posts of M'aiting immediately upon the person of the King. Daniel received the name of Belteshazzar ; his History of the Jew*, vol. ii., j>. 5. 70 BOOK I. CHAP. V. chief companions, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, those of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.* The early history and moral training of the Hebrew youths are by no means destitute of interest. The mode of the new spiritual crea- tion of which they were the subjects, is hidden, to a great extent, from the highest order of finite intelligence. " We are permitted, however, to trace the operation of the means divinely employed, so far at least as to discover in them the uniformity of a law not less certain than that which ' binds the sweet influences of the Pleiades.' Before honour is humility : the way to glory lies through the vale of humiliation. How little can be foreseen from the earlier steps of those whom the King of saints delighteth to honour, of their future elevation ! Joseph, forgotten in the dungeon, was in a course of moral preparation for the highest honours of Egypt, and for the deliverance of his father's house. The babe, who wept by the banks of the Nile, was designed to be the lawgiver of Israel. Saiil of Tar- sus, led in solitude and blindness to an obscure street in Damascus, was destined to become the ' very chiefest of the Apostles.' The dis- tinguished champion of the Reformation begged his daily bread, in childhood, from door to door. The children of Judah, who main- tained their steadfastness in the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, were torn from the parental roof as captives of war. They were introduced to the court of Babylon by the express command of the King. The royal palace was at that time a scene of extraordinary splendour. The nobles revelled in luxury ; and nothing was wanting that might inflame the passions of a youth. Led into the banquetting-rooms, glistening with a thousand gems, and thronged with the fairest and noblest of the land, their dignified appearance and singular beauty of countenance rivetted the admiring gaze of all. Yet, amid the enchantment of the scene, they retained their sacred integrity ; and, although surrounded by so many poUuting influences, they preserved their heavenly purity. From the first, the young men knew the danger of their position, and they attended with diligence to the means of safety. How is this to be accounted for ? When we recol- lect the degeneracy of the times in which they lived, and the sad decline of their countrymen from the principles and practices of true * It was customary in the East, when a change took place in one's condition in life, a.nd especially if the personal liberty of the individual was affected, to change his name. (2 Kings xxiii. 34 ; xxiv. 17 ; Esther ii. 7 ; Ezra v. 14.) The name of Daniel, which literally signified, " God is my Judge," was altered to " Belteshazzar," that is, " Beli Princeps, Princeps cui Belus favet." Hananiah, whose name implied, " The grace, mercy, and gift of the Lord," or, " The Lord has been gracious to me," was changed to " Shadrach," which has been variously translated, " The inspiration of the sun, God, the author of evil, be propitious to us j let God preserve us from evil." Mishael signifies, " He who comes from God." Him they called Meshach, which in Chaldee signifies, " He who belongs to the goddess Sheshach ; " a celebrated deity of the Baby- lonians, mentioned by Jeremiah, (xxv. 26.) Azariah, which signifies, " The Lord is my helper," they changed into Abednego, which in Chaldee means, " The servant of Nego," who was one of their divinities, by which they meant either the sun, or the morning star ; whether Jupiter or Venus. Dr. A. Clarke observes, " The vicious pronunciation of this name should be carefully avoided ; I mean, that which lays the accent upon the second syllable, and hurries to the end, without attending to the natural division of the word ' Abed-nego.' " OF DANIEL. 71 piety, this remarkable exception to the almost universal state of moral delinquency cannot be attributed to the influence of external circum- stances. It is equally certain that their early maturity in goodness did not arise from any native superiority. Their heart was originally depraved, and at enmity with God. There was everything around them to foster its evil propensities. If, therefore, we find them in the enjoyment of friendship with the divine Being, and manifestly walking according to the direction of his hand, there must have been a transformation of character as real as it was marvellous. They must have been led to deep repentance, and to exercise faith in the Messiah who should come ' to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness ! ' " * After Nebuchadnezzar had successfully concluded the Tyrian war, he invaded Egypt, and quickly overran the whole extent of the coun- try, from Migdol, its northern extremity near the Red Sea, to Syene, the southern, bordering on Ethiopia, or Abyssinia, which he also reduced, with the other auxiliaries of the Egyptians ; and was revel- ling in ease and greatness, when it pleased the Most High to make him an instrument for his revelation of the future. He visited him with a dream which exceedingly affected him ; but after he awoke, he retained nothing of the visions of the night, but the troubled feelings which still agitated his mind. Eager to recover the memory of that which so greatly disturbed him, he commanded the magicians, astrologers, sorcerers, and Chaldeans to appear before him, whom he required to stipply him with the facts of the dream, and at the same time its interpretation. Accustomed as the Monarch was to be grati- fied with implicit obedience in everything that he wished, he was exceedingly enraged when he found that these men limited their skill in intepretation to an acquaintance with the facts of the dream ; and these being unknown, they frankly confessed they could do nothing. It must, however, be acknowledged, that the requisition of the King to the wise men of Babylon was based on profound policy. He justly considered their telling the dream itself, as a sure test of the truth of their interpretation afterwards, and which it was not unrea- sonable to require of them even upon their own principles ; because the same divine power which could communicate to them the inter- pretation, as they professed, could also communicate to them the dream itself. In the raging fever of his disappointment, he com- manded all the wise men in Babylon to be put to death.f "Ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill." (Dan. ii. 5.) Daniel and his companions, being numbered among the The Hebrew Martyrs ; or, the Triumph of Principle. By John Waddington, pp. 1315. London, 1844. f Such acts of cruelty and capricious tyranny were by no means uncommon among the despots of the East. Herodotus relates that Astyages, King of the Medes, put to death all those who had given him erroneous advice, as the event proved, with regard to Cyrus. (Herod. Clio., cap. 128.) And Xerxes, when constructing a bridge of boats across the Hellespont, and a storm destroyed it, ordered the superintendents of the work to be beheaded, and then commanded two pair of chains to be thrown into the sea, as if he meant to shackle and confine it, and his men to chastise it, by giving it three hundred strokes of a whip. (Herod., lib. vii., cap. 3336.) 72 BOOK I. CHAP. V. Magi of the empire, were necessarily included in the decree : " They sought Daniel and his fellows, to be slain." (Dan. ii. 13.) No sooner was Daniel made acquainted with the jeopardy in which he and his companions were placed, than he went boldly to Nebuchad- neazar, " and desired that he would give him time, and that he would show the King the interpretation." (Dan. ii. 16.) He does not appear to have been prompted to take this step by any special communication from Jehovah, but by faith only ; a faith which was the result of his habitual intercourse with God, which was built upon the great and wonderful mercies which had been manifested toward his fathers, and experienced by himself, and which had been confirmed by the Holy Spirit of God prompting it with high confidence, and illumining all darkness of doubt. Thus acting, he threw himself upon God, and requested the prayers of his companions ; remembering the promise, " In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Prov. iii. 6.) Nor did they pray in vain. God heard the supplica- tions of his faithful, though oppressed, church. In the course of the night, the secret of the dream was revealed ; and after he had acknowledged the mercy of the Most High in a song of praise, he went with confidence before the King, and informed him that it was from God in heaven, and not from his own human wisdom, that he had obtained the revelation of the secret, and forthwith proceeded to state the circumstances of the dream, and then the interpretation. From the thanksgiving which Daniel offered to God, and the decla- ration which he made when brought before the King, we may collect both the occasion and the drift of the dream. The thoughts which came into the King's mind upon his bed were, " what should come to pass hereafter ; " or, what should be the future destiny of that great empire which he had now acquired ; whether it should continue, or whether it should be changed, and pass away to others, in the course of " those seasons and times of revolution in which God removeth and setteth up Kings ; " and the ensuing dream figuratively intimated that it should be changed. In the compound image which he saw in this vision, 1 . " The head of pure gold," denoted Nebuchadnezzar him- self, and the succeeding Kings of the Babylonian dynasty ; 2. " The breast and arms of silver," the next kingdom of the Medes and Persians, inferior to the former ; 3. " The belly and the thighs of brass," the succeeding kingdom of the Macedonians and Greeks, whose arms were brass ; 4. " The legs of iron, and the feet and toes partly iron, and partly clay," the empire of the Romans, which should be as strong as iron ; but the kingdoms into which it was to be divided, composed of heterogeneous materials, which should be partly strong, and partly weak ; and, 5. The spiritual kingdom of the stone, or of Christ, which was to be set up by the God of heaven, " in the days of these Kings," or, before the end of the last, the Ro- man empire, upon the ruins of those temporal kingdoms and empires ; and was destined to fill the whole earth, and to stand and continue for ever : * a prophecy which, from that day to this, has been run- ning its course, and is still running. Suffice it to say, that the King Hales's Analysis of Chronology, be., vol. ii., p. 467. 8vo. London, 1830. OF DANIEL. 73 recognised his lost dream, and without hesitation appears to have accepted its interpretation. Daniel obtained the only reward for which he cared, a public recognition of the greatness and glory of the God of Israel ; and he received a recompence which to* one as mercenary as Balaam would be the summum bonum of his desires. Nebuchadnezzar prostrated himself before Daniel, and offered him incense, according to the usual mode of adoration to Kings and supe- riors in the east ; the Prophet was loaded with magnificent presents, appointed ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and made chief Governor, or President, (Rab-mag, or Archimagus, Jer. xxxix. 3,) over the whole college of wise men in Babylon, the two highest civil and ecclesiastical employments in the state. When Daniel entered upon the duties of his somewhat novel office, he forgot not his friends and companions in tribulation ; but at his request they were pro- moted, under him, to conduct the affairs of the province of Babylon, while he acted himself as Privy Counsellor to the King, to advise him in the administration of justice. The companions of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, addressed themselves to the King's business with diligence and care. Attempting nothing in the form of display, they pursued the even tenor of their course, exemplifying a wise and beneficial administra- tion. Envy was ultimately excited ; their enemies sought to injure their reputation at court, and to alienate from them the royal favour. It was not long before an opportunity was afforded. Nebuchadnezzar was a gross idolater, and not many months elapsed after the event which we have just recorded, when a colossal image of gold * was erected by the haughty and arrogant conqueror, as if in opposition to his dream, and the interpretation thereof. The conduct of the King on this occasion certainly proves that the miraculous interposition of the Most High, with regard to the import of the vision, made no lasting impression on his mind. The consecration of this idol to Bel or Belus, (Dan. iv. 8,) shows, also, that he no longer acknowledged the superiority of the God of Daniel. (Dan. ii. 47.) Having erected this statue, he issued a royal mandate, requiring the authorities of the land to attend at the grand festival to be held at its dedication. Doubtless the Hebrew Princes received the summons to be present, and to render their homage. Their absence could not be overlooked ; and the utmost advantage would be taken of it by their active and malignant foes. The situation of these confessors was doubtless one of great difficulty. " Emergencies analogous to it," says a modern writer, " arise in the history of every servant of God. The incidents connected with it may not be so striking, but to himself they are equally trying. A step is to be taken, decisively, which must affect his character and destiny for life. The secret and most important point involved in it, is fidelity to God. No friend on earth can advise with him conclusively in the matter, for he cannot enter fully into all the circumstances of the case ; nor is he acquainted with the inward monitions of conscience which should be taken into account. He may state general principles ; such, for example, as this, ' The For some particulars respecting Nebuchadnezzar's golden image, see note A, p. 90. VOL. I. L 74 BOOK I. CHAPTER V. will of God is your sanctification ; ' ' In all thy ways acknowledge him ; ' 'Do all to the glory of God ; ' but their special application rests with the individual who should best know his own position. A trial is presented, and every facility is given to evade it ; none of his acquaintance will be reluctant to justify his immediate escape from it, but will rather applaud his determination to turn away. Yet within him there is a deep and a solemn consciousness that to do this would be to betray his trust. Then is to be fulfilled the saying of the Lord Jesus, ' He that loveth his life shall lose it : and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal.' " It is not sufficient to imagine reasons that might have been urged with some degree of plausibility, to dissuade the youths from a rash exposure to the wrath of the King. ' Let us consider,' one of them might have said, ' the fatal consequences of maintaining, under existing circumstances, inflexible adherence to an abstract principle. By a remarkable interposition of Providence, we have been raised to places of honour and emolument. Our influence is gradually extending in the country, and facilities, ere long, no doubt, will be afforded for religious usefulness. All will be lost by precipitation. The posts we hold will be occupied by men of opposite views, who will employ their official power to crush what we have attempted with so much care to foster. There is no hope of making the slightest impression by the open avowal of our principles in a juncture like this. To do so, will be perfectly suicidal : it will only be to offer ourselves as sheep for the slaughter. And where is the necessity for it ? Can we not mingle in the crowd, and present a kind of homage in our civil capacity to the golden image, which involves no act of religious worship ? * In a short time events may transpire that will enable us to speak with greater advantage from our present moderation. Be- sides, after the royal favours we have received, obstinate pertinacity, and that on an occasion of such great national interest, will be looked upon as ingratitude, and disaffection to the state. Our coun- trymen will also suffer, and the happy state of tranquillity hitherto " There are three sorts of men who think they may be freed from the charge of idolatry for any outward, reverent gesture yielded unto an image, having their heart free : those who do thus conform to please a Prince, or, through fear, to escape the peril of death, or other grievous punishment ; or those who approach such idolatrous services, and pomp of Papal superstitious ceremonies, only to see the manner of them. But all these are found to be in great error. 1. The Lord, in the second commandment, directly forbids bowing down to such images. And the Lord saith to the Prophet Elias, that he had reserved seven thousand who had not bowed their knees unto Baal. 2. Our bodies, with our souls, are the temples of the Spirit ; and therefore neither the one nor the other should be defiled, but preserved pure and holy for the Lord. 3. It satis- fieth the idolaters themselves, if men be but conformable in their outward gesture to their idolatrous service j as, in this case, Nebuchadnezzar exacteth no confession of the month or subscription with the hand of or unto this image, but only to fall down and worship it. 4. In the purer ages of the church, even they were held to be idolaters who, being constrained by force, did yield the least outward service unto the idols of the Gentiles ; as Origen was excommunicate of the church for holding a little incense in his hand before an idol. 6. The Romanists will not come to our churches and service when there is no external object that may offend them ; therefore, much less should Protestants show such weakness as to assemble with them in their idolatrous temples which lay so many stumbling-blocks before their eyes." Hexapla in Danielem. By Daniel Willett. Fol., 1610. OF DANIEL. 75 enjoyed will be broken up, without the faintest prospect that any good will be effected to counterbalance the serious evils that must inevitably accrue. Be not righteous over much ; neither make thy- self overwise : why shouldest thou destroy thyself ? ' Had counsels and suggestions of this nature been entertained, the young men would have been enfeebled, divided in opinion, and so filled with anx- ious misgivings, as to become unfitted for the high resolve, fidelity to God now commanded. But they knew what to do. This was not the first time they had to ask mercies of the God of heaven, and to inquire his will. They acted in concert. They were agreed in the request they should offer, and were prepared to submit the judgment, the conscience, and the affections to divine control. The sincere Chris- tian, relying implicitly on his gracious Leader, never needs to fear that he shall lose his way. The saying of the Lord Jesus is divinely true : ' The light of the body is the eye : if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.' As on the night when the Lord stood by the Apostle, and said, ' Be of good cheer, Paul ; for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear wit- ness also at Rome ; ' so distinctly was the will of God made known to his witnesses in the province of Babylon. Charged to bear testi- mony to the truth, their determination was inflexible. The firm- ness and resolution called forth by a sense of Christian duty, is truly wonderful. It is said of President Edwards, that ' one of the most impressive features of his moral and religious character, was the paramount regard for duty which controlled all his actions. When his mind was once made up to the course he should pursue, he was distinguished by a stern fixedness of purpose, an indomitable resolve, which no consideration of interest, no strength of prejudices, no allurements of ease, no impulse of passion could penetrate or soften. All these fell around him, like snow-flakes on granite, and produced about as much effect.' We have a noble example of this in St. Paul, when he met the elders at Miletus. Yet there is a distinctive peculiarity in decision of character, arising out of the force of holy principles, which should be carefully noted. It is not blind and impetuous, and there is nothing in it reckless or irrational."* The principles which until now had governed these devoted men were about to be tested. " Blessed is the man that endureth tempta- tion ; for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." (James i. 12.) The scene that is described in the third chapter of the Book of Daniel is highly imposing. A vast multitude are assembling on the plain of Dura. The pomp and splendour of Babylon are gathered to render honour to the golden image which the King had erected. Presently the royal Herald proclaims, "To you it is commanded, people, nations, and languages, that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of music, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchad- The Hebrew Martyrs, revenge against a people, before whose power he trembled. On the other hand, the pleasures of Antiochus were those of a Sardanapalus ; and his munificence, more particularly towards the religious cere- monies and edifices, both of his own dominions and of Greece, was on a scale of truly oriental grandeur ; for among the discrepancies of this singular character must be reckoned a great degree of bigotry and religious intolerance. The admirers of the mild genius of the Christian religion, and those who suppose religious persecution un- known in the world till the era of Christianity, would do well to con- sider the wanton and barbarous attempt of Antiochus to exterminate the religion of the Jews, and substitute that of the Greeks. Yet the savage and tyrannical violence of Antiochus was, in fact, and surely we may say providentially, the safeguard of the Jewish nation from the greatest danger to which it had ever been exposed ; the slow and secret encroachment of Grecian manners, Grecian arts, Grecian vices, and Grecian idolatry. It roused the dormant energy of the whole people, and united again, in indissoluble bonds, the generous desire of national independence, with zealous attachment to the national religion. It again identified the true patriot with the devout wor- shipper.* Antiochus quickly turned his attention to Egypt, which was then governed by his nephew Ptolemy Philopator, son to his sister, Cleo- patra, whom Antiochus the Great had married to Ptolemy Epiphanes, King of Egypt. He sent Apollonius, one of his officers, into Egypt, apparently to honour Ptolemy's coronation, but in reality to obtain intelligence whether the great men of the kingdom were inclined to place the government of Egypt in his hands, during the minority of the King, his nephew. (2 Mace. iv. 21, &c.) Apollonius, however, found them not disposed to favour his master, and this obliged Anti- ochus to make war against Philopator. In the mean time, Joshua, the brother of Onias III., the High Priest, afterwards called Jason, out of compliment to the Greeks, made Antiochus an offer of three hun- dred and fifty talents, if he would depose Onias from his office, and appoint him in his place. Insulting as the proposal was to Antio- chus, he had the meanness and mercenary spirit to accept it. Joshua had well studied his man. His scheme was successful; he was raised to the pontificate ; and Onias, whose continued residence in Jerusa- lem, on account of his character and popularity in the city, would prove a sharp thorn in the sides of the usurper, was banished to Antioch. On his return to Jerusalem, Jason proceeded to strengthen his own interests by undermining the national character. Being immoderately fond of Grecian customs, he immediately began to introduce them among the Jews ; he obtained permission to build a gymnasium, which attracted all the youth of the city ; he also founded a college in which the youth were educated in the Grecian literature and manners ; and thus weaned them by degrees from all the habits and opinions of their fathers. He procured from Antiochus the power of rewarding History of the Jews, vol. ii., p. 38. 96 BOOK I. CHAPTER VI. those who distinguished themselves, with the freedom of Antioch. He subsequently sent some of these graduates to the Olympic games. He allowed the services of the temple to fall into disuse ; and carried his alienation from the Jewish faith so far as to send a contribution to the great games, which were celebrated at Tyre, in honour of their tutelar deity, the Hercules of the Greeks. This last act of impiety was frustrated by the conscientious scruples of his messengers, who were not as yet prepared for a deed so flagrantly idolatrous, and, there- fore, presented the money to be employed in the service of the Tyrian fleet. The ill-gotten booty of Jason was not long enjoyed. He sent to pay the accustomed tribute to Antioch, another Onias, (his own brother, according to Josephus, or the brother of Simon, the son of Joseph, according to the Book of Maccabees,) who, in con- formity to the Grecian fashion, had assumed the name of Mene- laus ; and being ambitious to surpass his relative in acts of profligacy and crime, boldly offered to Antiochus double the sum given him by his brother, if he would again act the deposer, and confer the priesthood upon him. The unprincipled and shameless tyrant acceded to the request, and Menelaus returned to Jerusalem, holding the King's commission ; but finding the adhe- rents of Jason disposed to dispute his claim, he returned to Antioch, and informed the King that he and his followers had come to the resolution of conforming altogether to the Greek religion, who, flat- tered by the resolution, granted Menelaus a military escort, before which his opponents fled. The spirit of true piety was confined to a very small party in Judea. The greater portion of the inhabitants were lovers of plea- sure, and eagerly countenanced every innovation on the faith of Israel : many of the Priests were open apostates, and preferred the idolatrous exercises of Heathenism, to the services of the Lord's house. The attempts, therefore, of Menelaus to establish the idolatrous rites of the Syrians, were cordially hailed by many, while the great mass of the people looked on with a stoical indifference. A few there were, " who faith preferred, and piety to God." The more virtuous of the Zadikim and the Pharisees viewed these proceedings with grief and indignation. The great teachers of the law and of the traditions were not at this time confined to the priesthood ; and now that the reflecting part of the community witnessed the fearful corruption of manners betrayed by the Priests in general, and the venal and scandalous means by which the Pontiffs obtained their dignity, they transferred their confidence and veneration to the apparently devout, and certainly more zealous, advocates of Judaism. By this means, also, the worship of the synagogue spread itself more over the country, and gradually came under the control of the Scribes and Doctors of the law ; whilst those of the teachers who claimed to be depositaries and interpreters of the oral traditions, acquired an immense influence over the minds of their hearers, to whom they became the casuists and confessors ; and their dictum was considered equally authoritative as the law. By this means was the providence of God PERSECUTION UNDER ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANES. 97 preparing a number of confessors to the truth, in the midst of great darkness and apostacy.* " Menelaus soon got into difficulty. For, having neglected to pay the tribute, he was summoned to Antioch to explain ; and from thence he wrote to another brother, Lysimachus, whom he had left in charge of his affairs at Jerusalem, to forward to him some of the golden ves- sels of the temple ; by the sale of which he paid his arrears, and had a large surplus remaining. But the transaction coming to the knowledge of the banished Onias, who resided at Antioch, he denounced it to the other Jews, who, one and all, reprobated the sacri- lege. In order to avert the danger which threatened him, Menelaus, in the absence of Antiochus, applied to his viceroy, Andronicus, and by bribery induced him privately to murder the upright, but unfor- tunate, Onias. The baseness and treachery of this act excited general abhorrence, both among the Syrians and Jews, by which even Antio- chus himself was so much affected, that, on his return to his capital, he caused Andronicus to be stripped of the purple, and put to death, with every mark of infamy, on the spot where the bloody deed had been perpetrated. But it was a solitary impulse of virtuous indigna- tion in the King. The turn of Menelaus came, and he was called on to defend himself; and, seeing no chance of escape from his perilous situation but by bribery and intrigue, he wrote to Lysimachus for another supply of gold ; and he, being on this occasion more jealously watched, was surprised by the inhabitants of Jerusalem, whilst engaged in packing up a second freight of valuables; and, notwithstanding he was surrounded by soldiers, was slain in the treasury. At the time appointed for the trial of Menelaus, the Jews deputed three of the most respectable members of their Sanhedrim, to repair to Tyre, where the cause was heard, for the twofold purpose of explaining the death of Lysimachus, and of accusing Menelaus. The case was so clear on behalf of the deputies, that Menelaus was convicted ; but Antiochus, being at this crisis influenced by the promise of a bribe, tendered him through a favourite whom Menelaus had secured, was vile enough to reverse what he had done, and, acquitting the guilty Menelaus, put the three innocent deputies to death. The Tyrians showed their sense of the result, by giving to the bodies of the mur- dered delegates an honourable funeral." f The news of this tragedy speedily reached Jerusalem, and filled the city with consternation and despair. Antiochus had commenced his campaign for the subjugation of Egypt. In the mean time, a false report had reached Palestine, that he had fallen before the walls of Alexandria. Antiochus, being informed that there had been great demonstrations of joy among the Jews on that intelligence, hastened to Jerusalem in a state of great exasperation, the gates were thrown open to him by the partisans of Menelaus, and the city was doomed to three days' massacre and pillage, during which forty thousand individuals were slain, and an almost equal number sold into slavery. The abandoned Menelaus * Brooks's History of the Hebrew Nation, pp. 333, 334. f Ibid., p. 335. VOL. I. O SO BOOK I. CHAPTER VI. conducted the tyrant into the temple, where the plunder which had been commenced by the pontifical caitiff, was completed. The aggressions of Antiochus were soon after arrested by the Roman government, and he was sternly forbidden to pursue his hostilities in Egypt, which led to the Jews experiencing the effects of his mortification. The year following, he sent Apollonius into Judea with an army of twenty-two thousand men, who, concealing his designs, and being quietly admitted into Jerusalem, remained inactive until the following Sabbath, when he suddenly fell upon the Jews, whilst engaged in worship or repose ; he slew all he could find, and sold the women and children into captivity, according to the instructions which Antiochus had given him. (2 Mace. v. 23 26.) He then surrendered the city to pillage, and subsequently set it on fire, and demolished the walls. The temple, probably from its isolated situation, escaped the flames. Apollonius built a strong fortress, called Acra, on the highest part of Mount Sion, which commanded the city and the temple, from whence he harassed all the people of the country, who might steal in with fond attachment to visit the ruins, or to offer a hasty and interrupted service in the house where their fathers worshipped. The voice of adoration was no longer heard in the holy city ; the rude and bois- terous orgies of Heathenism alone disturbed the deathless quiet, and the unavailing screams and cries for help from those who had ven- tured forth from their hiding-places. The rage of their persecutor did not terminate here. Antiochus, apprehending that the Jews would never be faithful in their vassalage to him, unless he obliged them to change their religion, issued an edict, enjoining them to conform to the laws of the Greeks, and for- bade the usual sacrifices in the temple, their festivals and their Sab- bath ; he also despatched officers into all parts, to enforce rigid compliance with the decree. Athenaeus, a bitter enemy of the Jews, who was well acquainted with their customs, and a thorough mis- creant, was the Commissioner for Judea. The temple at Jerusalem was dedicated to Jupiter Olympius, whose statue was erected on the altar of burnt-offering ; and thus the abomination of desolation was seen in the temple of God.* He commanded a great sow to be sacri- ficed, part of the flesh to be boiled, and the liquor of the unclean animal to be sprinkled over every part of the temple ; and thus did he desecrate with the most odious defilement the sacred place, which the Jews had considered for centuries the most holy spot in the universe. Altars and images were erected in the streets of Jerusalem, and throughout Judea, where the people were compelled to offer sacrifice of forbidden meats, or to be put to death. Some women, who were discovered to have circumcised their children, were paraded about the city, with their little ones suspended by the legs to their necks ; they were hung in a conspicuous part, and then thrown over * By the term " abomination of desolation standing in the Holy Place," the Roman eagles, or standards, are generally understood ; for these, being objects of worship to the Romans, were an abomination, that is, idolatrous : and wherever the armies which bore them came, they inflicted desolation. At one time it was customary for the Roman Governors to respect the scruples of the Jews ; and when they came up to Jerusalem, to leave the eagles of their guard behind at Caesarea. PERSECUTION UNDER ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANES. 9f) the battlements of the castle. All the copies of the law were to be immediately given up, and publicly burnt : whosoever was found guilty of concealing the sacred volume, was immediately put to death. From Jerusalem, the persecution spread throughout the country : in every city the same barbarities were perpetrated, the same professions introduced ; and, as a final insult to the majesty of an offended God, the feasts of the Bacchanalia, the licence of which, as they were cele- brated in the later ages of Greece, shocked the severe virtue of the older Romans, were substituted for the national festival of the taber- nacles. The reluctant Jews were forced to join in those riotous and obscene orgies, and to carry the ivy, the emblem of the god. So near was the Jewish nation, and the worship of Jehovah, to total extermination ! Many of the devoted Jews preferred martyrdom to sin. The majority of them withdrew to the caves and fastnesses of Judea, and in secret engaged in acts of solemn worship. A thousand of these were surprised by Philip the Governor of the province, in a large cavern near Jerusalem, engaged in worship on the Sabbath-day. Disposed to proceed gently with them, he promised them life, if they would apostatize ; but, being emboldened, and not intimidated, by a sense of danger, they again were found assembled on the Sabbath-day : they were forthwith surrounded by Philip, and all put to the sword. Antiochus was now resolved to direct the persecution with increased vigour, and came himself to Jerusalem. The first victim of his cruelty was Eleazar, who had attained to the venerable age of ninety, was a Scribe of true piety, and who had, by his instruction of others, strengthened many to endure. He was brought before the multitude on a public stage, in order that he might be compelled to eat swine's flesh ; but though it was thrust into his mouth with brutal violence, he resolutely refused to swallow it. The soldiers who stood around him, with some feelings of shame and commiseration, suggested that he might eat publicly some other food of his providing, which would probably satisfy the King, and deceive the people ; but the hoary- headed martyr gave them meekly to understand, that such an example would be equally calculated to make them stumble, while the dissi- mulation would be highly offensive to God. He was then led away to execution : the soldiers who had before pitied, now upbraided him for obstinacy and pride. When he was ready to die with stripes, he groaned, and said, "It is manifest unto the Lord, that hath the holy knowledge, that whereas I might have been delivered from death, I now endure sore pains in body by being beaten, but in soul am well content to suffer these things, because I fear him." And thus this man died, leaving his death for an example of a noble courage, and a memorial of virtue, not only unto the young, but unto all his nation. (2 Mace. vi. 30, 31.) There were also brought before the tribunal of Antiochus, seven sons and their mother,* who was very old, by a strong body of armed * The name generally given to this lady, is Salome. The book entitled, "The Govern- ment of Reason," attributed to Josephus, does not name her. The Greeks, in their calendar, designate her Salome. Ben Goriou calls her Anne ; others name her Maccabaea. Erasmus, in his paraphrase on the " Government of Reason," recognises her as Salome. o 2 100 BOOK 1. CHAPTER VI. men, and commanded to eat of swine's flesh, and meats offered to idols, upon pain of torture in case of a refusal. The men, from the symmetry of their form, and elegance of their deportment, attracted his notice ; and, therefore, after beholding them with a sort of appro- bation, he thus accosted them : " I invite you to comply with me, under an assurance of my parti- cular friendship ; for I have it in my power to oblige and advance them that obey me, in as eminent a manner as I have to punish those who withstand my commands. Be assured, then, you shall not fail of preferment, but have places of honour and profit under me, pro- vided you will renounce your country's customs, and be content to live after the Greek manner ; but I assure you, that in case of dis- obedience, you have nothing to expect but racks and torture, fire and death." The tyrant had no sooner thus spoken, than he commanded the instruments of torture to be produced, in order to work the more strongly on their fears. When the guards had set before the brethren the wheels, racks, manacles, combustible matter, and other instru- ments of horror and execution, Antiochus, taking advantage of the impression he supposed this spectacle would make, once more applied to them to this effect : " Young men, consider the consequences : your compliance is no longer a wilful offence ; you may rest assured, that the Deity you worship will consider your case, in being compelled to violate your law." But they were so far from being terrified at the consequences of a refusal, that their resolutions became stronger ; and through the power of reason, aided by religion, they secretly triumphed over his barbarity. These intrepid youths, exulting in the magnanimity of their con- duct, made Antiochus the following reply : " To what purpose, O King, is this delay ? If with design to know our final resolution, be assured we are ready to encounter death in its most frightful forms, rather than transgress the laws of our forefathers ; for, besides the reverence due to their example on other accounts, this is what our obedience to the law, and the precepts of Moses, particularly require from us. Do not, then, attempt any more to persuade us to apostacy ; do not put on a counterfeit pity for those who know you hate them : even death itself is more supportable than such an insult- ing, dissembling compassion as would save our lives with the loss of our innocence. Try us, therefore, and see if it be in your power to destroy our souls, when we suffer in the cause of God and religion. Your cruelty cannot hurt us; for all the effect our pains can have will be to secure us the glorious rewards due to unshaken patience and injured virtue." The tyrant, enraged at their contumacy, gave the word of com- mand, and the guards immediately brought forth the eldest of the seven brethren ; and having torn off his garment, and tied his hands behind, cruelly scourged him ; and continued their lashes till they were tired ; but it availed nothing. They then put him on the wheel, where, his body being extended, he underwent the severest tortures of the rack. They then put fire under him, and exposed his body, PERSECUTION UNDER ANTIOCHTJS EPIPHANES. 101 as much extended as possible, to the devouring flames, insomuch that he exhibited a spectacle horrible beyond description ; and this conti- nued until nothing was left of the human form but a skeleton of broken bones. This brave youth was not heard to utter a single groan : he bore his torments with invincible fortitude, as if he had been translated to immutability in the midst of the flames. The guards now advanced with the second brother, and fixed his hands in manacles of iron ; but before they put him to the rack, they demanded if he would accept the conditions. Finding by his reply that he possessed the same resolution as his brother, they tore off his flesh with pincers, and flayed the skin off his face and head. He bore his torture with singular magnanimity, saying, " How welcome is death in any form, when we suffer for our religion and laws ! " The third brother was next produced, and pressed with arguments and entreaties to preserve life. But he nobly replied, with some vehemence, " Are you ignorant that I am the son of the same father, and the same mother, with those that went before me ? Shall I, then, at this awful period renounce the honour of that alliance? The same institutions were taught us all ; and I will abide by them while I breathe." The freedom of this speech enraged the execu- tioners, who, to express their malice and resentment, stretched his hands and his feet on the engine, and broke them to pieces ; but when they found it did not deprive him of life, they drew off his skin at the ends of his fingers, and flayed him from the very crown of the head. Not content with mangling his body in this merciless manner, they dragged him to the wheel ; where, being yet more dis- tended, his flesh was torn away, and streams of blood gushed forth, till at last he expired. The guards now produced the fourth brother, whom they persuaded to bethink himself, and be wiser than those who had gone before him. But his answer was, " Your fire has not heat enough in it to make me renounce my opinion. I solemnly vow I will not renounce the truth." Antiochus, on hearing these words, was so excessively enraged, that he gave immediate orders to have his tongue cut out ; whereupon the intrepid youth thus proceeded, " You may deprive me of the instrument of utterance ; but that God who seeth the heart knows the inward sensations of the silent. Here is the member : you cannot by this act deprive me of reason. that I could lose my life by inches to support the cause of religion ! Though you take away the tongue, which chants the praises of God, remember that his high hand will very soon let its vengeance fall down on your guilty head ! " When this brother, quite exhausted with pain, and miserably man- gled, had resigned his breath, the ffth instantly sprang forward of his own accord, exclaiming, " Prepare your torments ! I am here ready to suffer the worst you can inflict. I come voluntarily to die in the cause of virtue. What have I done, wherein have I trans- gressed, to deserve this merciless treatment ? Do we not worship the universal Parent of nature, according to his own decrees ? Do we not act in conformity to the institution of his most holy law ? These 102 BOOK I. CHAPTER VI. are truths that ought to meet with reward, instead of punishment." While these words were in his mouth, the tormentors bound and dragged him to the wheel ; to which fastening his knees with iron rings, they stretched him round the engine, and then broke his joints. Thus, after undergoing similar torments with his heroic brothers, he expired. The sixth youth was then brought before Antiochus ; and, being asked by the tyrant whether he would accept deliverance on the terms aforementioned, resolutely answered, " It is true, indeed, I am younger than my brothers ; but my mind is as firm as theirs was. We had all of us the same parents, and the same instructions ; and it is but necessary that we should all die alike for them : therefore, if you are determined to put me to the torment on my refusal to eat, torment me at once ! " Hereupon they fastened him to the wheel ; and having broken his bones, put fire under him ; the guards then heated their spears, and thrust them into his back and sides, till his very entrails were burnt up. In the midst of these torments he exclaimed, " glorious conflict, in which so many brethren have engaged so victoriously for the sake of their religion ! I will accom- pany my brothers, and, relying on my God as my defence, cheerfully submit to death." The sixth brother was at length despatched, by being thrown into a boiling caldron. When the seventh and youngest appeared, fettered and pinioned, the tyrant's heart began to relent. Calling upon him, therefore, to approach the tribunal, he endeavoured to soothe him. "You see what horrid kinds of death your brothers have undergone ; but their disobedience and contumacy have been the sole cause of all the torments and cruelties they have sustained. Yet you, if you obey not my commands, shall be exposed to the same, nay, worse, torments, and so suffer a premature death ; but if you comply with my desires, I will take you into the number of my friends." Not content with these persuasions, he addressed himself to the mother, with a seeming compassion for her loss, entreating her to prevail upon her child, in pity to her at least, to save this small remnant of her family. But his mother addressed him in the He- brew tongue, and exhorted him to suffer. Upon this he suddenly exclaimed, " Take off my fetters ; for I have something to communi- cate to the King, and all his friends." The King and his nobles, hearing this promise, seemed greatly rejoiced, and his chains were immediately knocked off. Taking the advantage of this circumstance, he thus exclaimed : " Tyrant ! have you no fears nor apprehensions in your mind, after having received at the hands of the Almighty the kingdom and riches you enjoy, than to put to death his servants, and torment his wor- shippers ? Is your conscience touched with no scruples, thus to deprive of their tongues those who share alike the same nature and passions with you ? My brothers have undergone a glorious death, and shown how much their piety and uprightness were for the honour of the true religion. For this reason I will suffer death ; and in my last pangs discover how much my desire was to follow the brave PERSECUTION UNDER ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANES. 103 example of ray brothers. I beg and entreat the God of my fathers, that he would be propitious and merciful to our nation." Having finished his address, he committed himself to the boiling caldron, and expired. The dauntless mother of these young men, after being scourged and otherwise severely tortured by order of Antiochus, finished her existence by surrendering herself to the flames. A termination to the tyrannical and impious proceedings of Antio- chus was fast approaching. One of his myrmidons, named Apelles, was commissioned to visit Modin, (the modern Sobah,) a small town on the sea-coast, and the birth-place of an aged Priest, called Matta- thias, to which he had retired with his family from the impending storm, and to compel the inhabitants to conform to the Greek reli- gion. An apostate Jew, at the bidding of Apelles, came forward to set the example by offering sacrifice. Mattathias, instigated by a holy zeal, like another Phinehas, instantly struck him dead ; and his sons at the same time attacking Apelles and his followers, slew them all, and then pulled down the idolatrous altar. The standard of insurrection was forthwith erected, and great success followed. On the death of Mattathias, who through age and infirmities sank under the toils and excitement of the crisis, Judas, his third son, afterwards called Maccabeus, assumed the command.* The deliverance of this afflicted and oppressed people from this monster in human form, ere long took place. That the death of Antiochus was miserable, both the Jewish and Roman historians agree. He had been defeated in an assault on a rich and magnificent temple in Persia, called by the Greeks that of Diana ; perhaps of the female Mithra, or " the moon." Whether he were induced to take this aggressive step from a desire of plunder, or from what other cause, does not appear; but at this juncture the intelligence of. the successes of Judas reached him, and he immediately hastened from Persia to Antioch in a complete rage, breathing threatening and slaughter. He was seized on the road with an incurable and offen- sive disease, and died at a small town called Paretacene. Polybius the historian says, " His mind was agitated by remorse for his out- rages on the Persian temples." The authors of the books of the Maccabees say, " For his horrible barbarities and sacrilege in Judea." Some say he was BO called from the Hehrew word lpO which signifies, "the hammerer." Others derive the name from the abbreviated form of the motto adopted on his banner : Mi camo-ca Baalim, Jehovah ? " Who is like onto thee among the god*, O Jehovah ? " 104 BOOK II. OF THE PERSECUTIONS RECORDED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. CHAPTER I. SECT. I. MASSACRE OF THE INFANTS. Herod the Great, his Character Aretas Pha- xa'lus Herod ingratiates himself with Cassius, for whom he procures a Tribute His ambitious Projects viewed with Jealousy Antigonus Duplicity of Herod He is alarmed at the Appearance of the " Star " The wise Men Herod's dark and bloody Project Is deceived by the Magi The Effects of his Rage Silence of Josephus Absurd Notion of Voltaire Remarks of Dr. Lardner Herod's sanguinary Character His murderous Intentions when on his Death-Bed How frustrated Confirmation of Matthew's Testimony by Justin Martyr Origan The Toldoth Jeshu Macrobius Remarks. SECT. II. MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. Developement of the Scheme of Redemption Prediction concerning John His History Zacharias His unbelief and Punishment Birth of John Events which transpired in early Life His public Appearance Manner of Life The Wildernesses of Judea Prophecy and its Fulfilment The Dispensation of John Character of his Ministry It resembled that of the ancient Prophets Effects of his Ministry Pharisees and Sadducees Their erroneous Expectations of John Causes thereof He reproves the incestuous Herod Is imprisoned The Indignation of his Paramour, Herodias Who resolves to seek his Life The King's Birth-Day Salome Dancing Promises her an unlimited Reward Instructed by her Mother, she demands the Head of John Herod's Hypocrisy respecting the Sacredness of an Oath John is murdered Review of his Career. SECT. I. MASSACRE OF THE INFANTS. THIS act, however barbarous, was quite accordant with the malig- nant character of the perpetrator. Herod was the son of Antipater, the Idumean, one of the chief friends of Hyrcanus, and distinguished no less for his turbulent and seditious temper, than for his wealth. The times were favourable to men of such a character ; and, while he obtained universal sovereignty over his native province of Idumea, he contrived to make Hyrcanus so subservient to his will, as to induce him to form an alliance with Aretas, King of the Arabians, from which he trusted to secure means to effect his own aggrandisement. Having so far accomplished his designs as to ingratiate himself with Rome, he obtained for his son Phasselus the governorship of Jerusa- lem, and for Herod, then only fifteen years of age, the chief com- mand in Galilee. In the events which followed the death of Caesar, Herod found numerous opportunities of extending his ambitious projects. By col- lecting a considerable tribute for Cassius in Galilee, he obtained the friendship of that General, and was appointed to the command of the army in Syria. No less successful with Marc Antony, he overcame THE MURDER OF THE INNOCENTS. MASSACRE OF THE INFANTS. 105 the powerful enemies who represented the dangerous nature of his ambitious views ; and was exalted, with his brother Phasaelus, to the dignity of Tetrarch of Judea. They had not, however, long enjoyed their office, when the approach of Antigonus toward Jerusalem com- pelled them to meditate immediate flight. Phasselus and Hyrcanus fell into the hands of the enemy; but Herod, making good his escape, hastened to Rome, where he pleaded his cause, and his former merits, with so much skill, that he was solemnly proclaimed King of the Jews, and endowed with the proper ensigns and rights of royalty. Augustus, three years afterwards, confirmed this act of the senate ; and Herod scrupled not to commit the most horrible crimes to give further stability to his throne. The King, knowing how much he was detested by the Jews, gave full scope to the exercise and display of his sanguinary temper. He had obtained the kingdom by great crimes, and by the shedding of much blood : he was therefore easily alarmed by any remarkable appearance ; and the fact that a star had been seen, and that it was regarded as a proof that the King of the Jews was born, greatly alarmed him, anti- cipating that his short, but tyrannical, career would soon be termi- nated. Brooding over dark and malignant designs, he secretly sum- moned the "wise men," the philosophers and Priests, the learned of the eastern nations who were devoted to the study of astronomy, religion, and medicine, in order to ascertain the precise time that the star appeared ; and as he imagined the exhibition would take place precisely at the time of his birth, he could then ascertain the exact age of the children, and arrange accordingly. All this was done under the cloak of religion, that he might not excite suspicion. But the Most High discovers his intention ; and although men may be deceived, God cannot. The " wise men," being commanded to visit Bethlehem, that they might see the new-born King, and communicate the news to Herod, were guided to the precise spot by the luminous meteor. Had they, however, complied with the instructions of their King, and given him exact information where " he that is born King of the Jews " might be found, it would have been easy for the jealous Monarch to have com- missioned one of those myrmidons of blood by whom he was con- stantly surrounded, to slay him ; but by a dream they were divinely assured that they ought not to return to Herod ; and an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph, directing him to flee into Egypt with Mary and the young child, and there to remain until the storm was overpast. Herod was now in a perfect rage. Deceived by the wise men not returning as he had expected, he plotted the destruction of the babe of Bethlehem in another way. He " sent and slew all the male chil- dren in Bethlehem, and in all its borders, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had accurately inquired of the wise men." He probably intended to send an executioner, and kill Jesus alone ; but having been " mocked," he resolved to accomplish the barbarous project in a way which was the most likely to succeed. Therefore, to make " assurance doubly sure," he sent forth and put all the children in the place to death. Such is an illustration of the VOL. i. P 106 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. awful influence of wickedness and anger ! Nothing can present a successful barrier against it. If it cannot achieve what it contem- plates, it does not hesitate to go farther, and to accomplish much more evil, than was at first designed. He who possesses a depraved heart, and is the slave of angry passions, knows not the end of his tumultuous and maddened proceedings ! The design of Herod was to cut off him that had been born King of the Jews : his purpose, therefore, did not require that he should put to death the female children; the male only were the sufferers ; and this he effected throughout all the coasts thereof ; that is, in all the adjacent places, the settlements or hamlets around Bethlehem, "from two years old and under." He supposed he knew the age of the predicted child. He had endeavoured to ascertain the time of his birth ; and therefore slew all that were born about the time when the star appeared, perhaps from six months old to two years. The extending of the massacre to children of the latter age, when infants only of the last year might have sufficed, seems to have arisen from excess of precaution, to compass more surely the destruction of Christ within this wider limit, by including all that were under it. Josephus has not noticed this massacre. It might, perhaps, have not been considerable enough to have attracted his attention ; Bethle- hem being but a small village, and its environs not extensive. Vol- taire, either from ignorance or dishonesty, asserts that fourteen thou- sand children must have lost their lives in this murderous assault. If this were true, the silence of Josephus would be a very important objection to the veracity of St. Matthew's narrative ; and with this view, doubtless, the assertion is made by the philosopher, who every where shows himself an inveterate enemy of revealed, and not un- frequently of natural, religion. But as the children whom Herod caused to be put to death were only males of two years old, and under, it is obvious, according to Voltaire's statement, that more children must have been born annually in the village of Bethlehem, than there are either in Paris or London. Further, as Bethlehem was a very small place, scarcely two thousand persons in it and its depend- ent districts, consequently, in the massacre not more than fifty at most could be slain.* It has also been stated, that if there had been so cruel a slaughter made by Herod, of innocent infants at Bethlehem, a place not far from Jerusalem, it is very unlikely it should have been omitted by Josephus, who has written the history of the Jews, and particularly of the reign of Herod. To this, Dr. Lardner replies in an elaborate manner : he says, 1. The most exact and diligent historians have omitted many events that happened within the compass of those times of which they undertook to write ; nor does the reputation which any one historian has for exactness, invalidate the credit of another who seems to be well-informed of the facts he relates. Suetonius, Tacitus, and Dio Cassius, have all three written of the age of Tiberius ; but it is no Townsend's New Testament arranged in Chronological and Historical Order. 8vo. vol. i., pp. 77, 78. MASSACRE OF THE INFANTS. 107 objection against the veracity of any one of them, that he has men- tioned some things of that Emperor which have heen omitted by the rest. No more is it any objection against St. Matthew that he has related an action of Herod not mentioned by Josephus. The Gospel of St. Matthew was published about the year of our Lord 38 ; at which time there doubtless were persons living who could, and, from the hostility then manifested against the Christian faith, who would, have contradicted his assertion, if it had been false or erroneous. Their silence is a tacit proof that the Evangelist has stated the fact correctly. 2. There have been as great cruelties committed by many eastern Princes ; nor was there ever any man more likely than Herod to give the orders here mentioned by St. Matthew. When he had gained possession of Jerusalem * by the assistance of the Romans, and his rival Antigonus was taken prisoner, and in the hands of the Roman General, Sosius, and by him carried to Marc Antony, Herod, by a large sum of money, persuaded Antony to put him to death. Herod's great fear was, that Antigonus might some time revive his preten- sions, as being of the Asmonean family. Aristobulus, the last of the Maccabsean family, was murdered by his directions at eighteen years of age, because the people of Jerusalem had shown some affection for his person. f In the seventh year of his reign, from the death of Anti- gonus, he put to death Hyrcanus, grandfather of Mariamne, then eighty years of age, who had saved Herod's life when he was prosecuted by the Sanhedrim ; a man who, in his youth, and in the vigour of his life, and in all the revolutions of his fortune, had shown a mild and peaceable disposition. His beloved wife, the beautiful and virtuous Mariamne, had a public execution ; and her mother Alexandra was put to death soon after. || Alexander and Aristobulus, his two sons by Mariamne, were strangled in prison by his order, ^[ upon ground- less suspicions, as it seems, when they were at man's estate. In his last sickness, a little before he died, he issued an edict through- out Judea, requiring the presence of all the chief men of the nation at Jericho. His orders were obeyed ; for they were enforced with no less penalty than that of death. When these men were come to Jericho, he had them all shut up in the Circus, and, calling for his sister Salome, and her husband Alexas, he told them, " My life is now but short : I know the dispositions of the Jewish people, and nothing will please them more than my death. You have these men in your custody : as soon as my breath is out of my body, and before my death can be known, do you let in the soldiers upon them, and kill them. All Judea, and every family there, will then, though unwillingly, mourn at my death."** Nay, Josephus says, ff " That with tears in * Joseph. Antiq., lib. xiv., cap. xvi., sect. 4. t Ibid., lib. xv., cap. iii., sect. 3. t Ibid., lib. xv., cap. vi., sect. 3. Ibid., lib. xv., cap. vii., sect. 5, 6. || Ibid., sct. 8. TT Ibid., lib. xv., cap. xi., sect. 7- Joseph. Bell., lib. i., cap. xxx., sect. 6. ft Joseph. Antiq., lib. xvii., cap. vi , sect. 6. p 2 108 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. his eyes he conjured them, by their love to him, and their fidelity to God, not to fail of doing him this honour ; and they promised they would not fail." These commands were not executed ; but, as an historian of great learning and candour observes, " The history of this his most wicked design takes off all objection against the truth of his murdering the Innocents, which may be made from the incredibility of so barba- rous and horrid an act. For this thoroughly shows, that there can nothing be imagined so cruel, barbarous, and horrid, which this man was not capable of doing. In most of his actions, as described in history, may be read the character of a most bloody, cruel, and wicked tyrant ; but in none more than in these two." * The account of St. Matthew is abundantly confirmed by the testi- mony of ancient Christian authors. We select one from Justin Mar- tyr, who flourished before the middle of the second century : " But," says he, " Herod, when the Arabian wise men did not come back to him, as he had desired them, but, according to a command given them, returned by another way into their own country ; and when Joseph, together with Mary and the young child, were gone into Egypt, according to directions given to them also by a divine revelation ; not knowing the child whom the wise men had come to worship, commanded all the children in Bethlehem, without exception, to be killed." f This tragical event is also mentioned by Irenseus, who lived in the same century ;J and by Origen, who flourished in the third century, in his answer to Celsus, the Heathen, where he says, " Herod put to death all the little children in Bethlehem and its borders, with a design to destroy the King of the Jews, who had been born there." The fact is noticed in a rabbinical work, entitled, Toldoth Jeshu, in the following passage : " And the King gave orders for putting to death every infant to be found in Bethlehem ; and the King's messengers killed every infant, according to the royal order; "|| and Macrobius, a Heathen, has also been supposed to corroborate the history. He flourished in the latter end of the fourth century ; and, among other sayings which he records of Augustus, con- siderable notoriety has been given to the following : " When the Roman had heard, that among the children within two years of age, which Herod the King of the Jews commanded to be slain, his own son had been killed, he said, ' It is better to be Herod's hog than his son,'"^[ alluding to the Jewish abhorrence of swine's flesh. Very little stress is laid upon this legendary tale. It meets with a place in ecclesiastical history, at a very remote period, while there is just reason to suppose, that Macrobius must have been mistaken with * Prideanx's Connection of the Old and New Testament. Vol. ii., Part II., p. 655. 8vo. London, 1718. t Justini Philosophi et Martyris Apologia Duae, et Dialogus cum Tryphone Judaeo. Cum Notis et Emendationibus Styani Thirlbii. Fol., p. 307. Londini, 1722. t Iren. adv. Haeres., lib. Hi., cap. 16. 'O 8 'HpctfSijs ca>ei\f iravra ra tv T$ri&\tf/j. KOI rots opiots avrijs wcuSia, ais avva- tcupr)(T{t>v rov ytvyrfBivra lovtiauav BafftAea. Origen. cont. Celsum. Edit. Spenceri. 4to. lib. i., p. 47. Cantab. 1677. || Sharpe's First Defence of Christianity, p. 40. H Macrob. Sat., lib. ii., cap. 4. MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. 109 respect to the origin of the jest. If Augustus passed this jest upon Herod, it was probably occasioned by the death of Antipater, or rather of Alexander and Aristobulus. Be that as it may, no valid objection exists against the relation of St. Matthew : there is nothing improbable in it, considering the jealous, cruel temper of Herod. The silence of Josephus, or of the ancient Greek and Roman historians, can be no difficulty with any reasonable person. The fact is confirmed by the testimony of very early Christian writers, which the corroborative evidence of Macrobius tends to strengthen, because it shows that the event was not then contested, and that it was even better known than the fate of those sons of Herod, whom, Josephus says, he put to death at man's estate.* The sacred historian, in the simple statement he has given of the san- guinary transaction, does not attempt to add to the verisimilitude of his narrative, by any reference whatever to the public or private character of the tyrant. The inspired writers were cautious of speak- ing of the characters of wicked men. Here was one of the worst men in the world, committing one of the most awful crimes ; and yet there is not a single mark of exclamation ; not a single reference to any other part of his proceeding ; nothing that could lead to the know- ledge that his other conduct was not upright. There is no wanton and malignant dragging him into the history, that malice might be grati- fied, in making free with a bad character. What was to their purpose they record ; what was not, they left to others. This is the nature of religion. It does not speak evil of others, except when necessary ; nor then take pleasure therein. SECT. II. MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. IT has been well observed, that " on turning from the Old Testa- ment to the New, we are immediately struck with the wonderful manner in which God prepared the mind of man for his final bless- ing. The gradual opening of his glory to him through the means of prophecy, both as expressed by types and in words, is not the least remarkable part of this ceremony. It was singularly adapted both to excite, to maintain, and to reward, a lively faith. Every prediction, however near its first application may be, still proceeds onward towards the great end of all. Some march forward through time, with suc- cessive stages of brighter and clearer accomplishment. The denunci- ations against Jerusalem have not ceased with their two dreadful fulfil- ments. They are still active in the course which our Lord has assigned them, towards the judgment of the last day. Such intermediate accomplishments are like images reflected in a series of mirrors, one from another. The image in the furthest is faint, but at every succes- sive and nearer mirror grows clearer and brighter, until at last it ter- minates in the original object. Thus, every age has had its light, and rejoiced in it. Thus, God has given breadth, comprehension, and compactness of unity, to our views, regarding his dealings with his Lardner'a Credibility of Gospel History. Part I., Book II., chap, ii., sect. 1. Works, Vol. i. 8vo. London, 1831. 110 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. church, and has maintained that principle of the association of mind, which is so remarkably preserved throughout the structure of the scheme of redemption. Events fulfilled, leading us on from one to another, enable us to view with greater clearness what still remains unfulfilled ; and characters, foreshadowed by characters, are more completely developed, and appear more striking. We no sooner open the Gospel, than we are presented with an example of this sin- gular arrangement. John the Baptist appears as having been pre- figured by Elijah. And so cherished was the prediction of that Prophet's re-appearance, that men were now anxiously looking out for him as the harbinger of the Messiah, in whom all their hopes terminated. The seventy weeks (Dan. ix, 24) stood at the very brim of fulfilment, and more fervent and more continual became the prayer to God, that he would hasten the kingdom of his elect by the advent of the promised Redeemer." * It was after a prayer of this description, that John the Baptist made his appearance. In the Scriptures he bears the title of the " forerunner," or " messenger of the Lord." f The records of him, which the Gospels introduce, are dislocated and imperfect : enough, however, is vouchsafed to posterity, to show that he was a man of a lofty character, and that the relation in which he stood to Christianity was one of very high importance. His parents were Zacharias and Elizabeth, the latter " a cousin of Mary," the mother of Jesus, whose senior John was by a period of six months. Zacharias was a Priest of the course of Abia, whose duty it was to offer incense in the holy place. The precise spot where John entered into life, is not decisively determined. The Rabbins, with others, have fixed on Hebron, in the hill country of Judea, situated on an eminence, twenty miles southward from Jerusalem, and about twenty miles to the north from Beersheba. It was appointed a dwelling for the Priests, and declared one of the cities of refuge. (Joshua xxi. 13.) Others, Paulus, Kuinoel, and Meyer, after Relaud, are in favour of Jetta, "a city of Judah." After the usual supplication had been officially presented, at that solemn and covenanted time of the offering of incense, the angel Gabriel, who had foreshown this advent to Daniel, appeared to Zacharias the Priest and offerer, and announced to him that his prayer had been heard ; that his wife, now far advanced into years of age and sterility, should bring forth a son ; and that he, " filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother's womb," should go before the Lord in the power and spirit of Elijah, that is, in his power of conversion, and in his spirit of reproof, as prophesied by Malachi, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just,J by promoting peace and harmony among men ; and to make ready a people prepared for the Lord, implying the reception of the Gospel. Scripture Biography. By the Key. Robert \V. Evans, M.A. Pp. 194, 195. London, 1835. t "Antecursor et praeparator viarum Domini." Tertull. adv. Marc,, lib. iv., cap. 33. Opera, torn, i., p. 509. Wirceb., 1780. t See his conversion of the people of Israel from Baal, 1 Kings xviii. 21 40 ; his reproofs of Ahab, 1 Kings xviii. 17, 18 ; xxi. 2029; of Ahaziah, 2 Kings i. 16, 17- MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. Ill Zacharias is slow to credit these tidings, and querulously demands some evidence in token of their truth. The case of Abraham and Sarah, to whom a son Isaac was promised under similar circum- stances, ought to have instructed him : he was punished in the sign which he required, which was inflicted on account of his want of faith : he was struck dumb by the angel until the accomplishment of the promise, and the circumcision of his son, when his speech was restored to him at the naming of the child ; he was also inspired to utter that admirable and prophetic hymn, praising God for the promised redemption of Israel, by that Horn of Salvation, Christ, of the house of David, foretold by the mouth of God's holy Prophets, from the beginning of the world, in the Seed of the woman ; and styling John a Prophet of the Most High, and a harbinger of Christ. Six months subsequent to this event, Elizabeth received a visit from Mary, the maternal parent of Jesus. On being saluted by her relation, Elizabeth felt her babe leap in her womb, and, being filled with the Spirit, broke forth into a poetic congratulation of Mary, as the des- tined mother of the Lord. At length, Elizabeth brought forth a son, whom her relations were anxious to name Zacharias, after his father : to this she objected, and preferred the name of John. Zacharias was consulted, who signified in writing that he should be called John. The education of the child was suitable to the office which he had to fill. He was brought up, like Samuel, as a Nazarite. According to the rule to which he was thus bound, he was to abstain from wine and all fermented liquors, and to keep himself holy all his days, unto the Lord. Hence it is said, " The hand of the Lord was with him." (Luke i. 66.) How deeply his father felt the responsibility resting upon himself, appears from the following part of the song to which he gave utterance : " And thou, child, shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest : for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways ; to give knowledge of salvation unto his people, by the remission of their sins, through the tender mercy of our God ; whereby the day-spring from on high hath visited us, to guide our feet into the way of peace." The sacred historian further adds, that " He was in the deserts till the day of his showing unto Israel."* (Luke i. 7680.) The Emperor Tiberius, if we reckon from the period of his being made colleague with Augustus in the empire, had swayed the sceptre fifteen years when John made his public appearance, exhibiting the austerity, the costume, (2 Kings i. 8 ; Zech. xiii. 4,) and the manner of life, of the ancient Jewish Prophets. It were easy to show that he came at the precise time which had been foretold : the sceptre was departing from Judah ; the seventy weeks of Daniel were The apocryphal Protev. Jac., chap, xxii., states, that his mother, in order to rescue her son from the murder of the children at Bethlehem which Herod commanded, fled with him into the desert. She found no place of refuge : the mountain opened at her request, and gave the needed shelter in its hosom. Zacharias, being questioned by Herod as to where his son was to he found, and refusing to answer, was slain by the tyrant. At a later period Elizabeth died, when angels took the youth under their care. (Fabricut, Cod. Apocrypha, p. 117, ft seq. Comp. Kuhn. Leben Jesn, i. 163. Remark 4.) Kitto, Cyclopedia. 112 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. expiring, and many were waiting for the consolation of Israel, when John appeared to declare, that the promised Deliverer of the church, and Desire of all nations, was at hand, and that " the Lord whom they sought, would suddenly come to his temple." At a fitting time he left the paternal roof, and embraced a desert life, which was to be the place of his training, and the stage on which he was first to appear. Here he observed the most rigid austerity. He was clothed with a rough garment, composed of camels' hair,, bound by a leathern belt. This was not the fine hair of the camel from which our elegant cloth is made, called camlet, nor the more costly stuff, brought from the East Indies, under the name of camels' hair, but the long shaggy hair of the animal, from which a coarse cheap cloth is made, still worn by the poorer classes of the East, and by Monks. He subsisted, also, on such food as the wilderness afforded. " His meat was locusts." These were the food of the com- mon people. Among the Greeks, the lowest orders used them ; and the fact that John made his food of them, is indicative of his poverty and self-denying life. The historian informs us, that he partook also of " wild honey," found in the rocks and trunks of trees. Pales- tine was often called the land flowing with milk and honey. (Exod. iii. 8, 17; xiii. 5.)* The wilderness, which was the scene of John's labours, comprehended the mountains and part of the plain along the Jordan, and also the hill-country south of Jerusalem. In this part, at Hebron, John was brought up, but retired, before he opened his commission, to the neighbouring wilderness, probably of Ziph, or Maon. He first taught in that district, and then towards the Jordan, a tract sufficiently desert, yet with a great resort of people, and near large cities. The wildernesses of Canaan were not in every part without towns or cities. The mission of John, as the harbinger of our Lord, exhibits an instance of the fulfilment of those prophecies to which Matthew, as writing first especially to the Jews, directed their attention more frequently than the other Evangelists. At the same time, the accom- plishment of a prophecy which borrows its terms from the magnifi- cence of Eastern Monarchs, (who were preceded by heralds,-)- and before whom valleys were exalted, and hills levelled,) in a manner so manifestly spiritual, and turns the attention so absolutely from exter- nal to moral grandeur, sufficiently reproves those who contend too strenuously for the literal accomplishment of the sayings of the * " I was informed of one whose name was Banus, that lived in the desert, who used no other clothing than grew upon the trees, and had no other food than what grew of its own accord, and hathed himself with cold water frequently, both by night and by day, in order to preserve his chastity : I imitated him in those things, and continued with him three years." (Life of Josephus prefixed to his Works. Vol. i., p. 2. Edit. London, 1825.) t In illustration of the allusion to the practice of Eastern Monarchs, to send pioneers to prepare the roads, open the passes, and remove impediments in the rough and desert countries, through which they were to travel with their pompous retinues, we mention the case of Semiramis, Queen of Assyria, in her royal expeditions into Media and Persia, and the other countries of Asia subject to her dominions, who, wherever she went, ordered mountains and precipices to be levelled, raised causeways in the low- countries, and by great cost and trouble made straight, short, and commodious high- ways, through places impassable before. (Diodorus Siculus, lib. ii.) MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. 113 ancient Prophets, and thereby often fall into a Jewish mode of inter- preting them. Prophecy has its peculiar imagery, its own appro- priate dress of metaphor and allegory, which must not he overlooked. Here, the Monarch is Christ ; but his Majesty is in his doctrine, his character, and his works. The herald, too, is a man in rough raiment, issuing from the wild solitudes in which he had been trained to converse with God, to rouse a slumbering people by urging their immediate repentance upon pain of imminent judgments ; and the levelling of hills and valleys is that preparation of the heart for the doctrine of Christ which consists in contrition and humility. That John was a powerful Preacher, the immense number of persons who flocked to his baptism, confessing their sins, is a sufficient proof; that he was a successful one, in his spiritual office of "preparing the way of the Lord," appears from this, that several of the Apostles, and others of the early disciples of Christ, had been previously the dis- ciples of John ; and the effect of his preaching was, no doubt, not only to prepare them, but multitudes of the Jews, to receive the Gospel, both in Judea and in other places into which his disciples carried his doctrine ; for of this the evangelical history contains many indications. There was also, probably, in this dispensation of John, something of a typical character. The way of Christ, in all ages, is "prepared" only by repentance ; and whenever that is preached with power, and under right views of the Lamb of God, to which it is to point, as " taking away the sins of the world," the valleys are exalted, the mountains and hills are brought low, the crooked is made straight, and the rough places plain ; and then comes the revelation of the Lord in pardoning mercy, and manifestation of Christ as " the salvation of God." The ministry of John the Baptist was of a .kind peculiar to itself. As a Prophet, he not only spoke of the immediate appearing of the Christ, but pointed him out to his disciples ; and his baptism was, in fact, the token of initiation into a new dispensation, intermediate between that of Moses and fully revealed Christianity. It was a declaration of repentance and renunciation of sin, and it was a pro- fession of faith in the immediate revelation of the Messiah, and of trust in him to take away sin ; for to him, as the Redeemer, John directed his converts. " I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance ; but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear : he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire." With baptisms or washings, as emblems of the putting away of sin, the Jews were familiar ; and proselytes from Gentilism to the religion of the Jews were baptized as well as circumcised, in token of the same thing, and the renunciation of their old religion. All the Jews, therefore, who, in truth, and with a right understanding of the case, submitted to John's baptism, so far renounced Judaism in its primitive form as a ground of hope, as to wait for the remission of sins, for which they repented and confessed, no longer from their accustomed sacrifices, but immediately from the Messiah: "Behold," said John, "the Lamb of God, which takctli away the sin of the world." Lightfoot has shown from the Kabbi- VOL. I. Q 114 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. nical writings, that the Jews themselves have held, and still hold, that repentance should precede the coming of the Messiah. The circumstance of our Lord's submission to John's baptism, does not affect this view of its nature and design. That it was not necessary for Christ as a sign of repentance, and passing into a new dispensa- tion and better hopes of salvation, is clear from the objection of John to administer the peculiar rite of his ministry to Christ, until urged by his authority; and also from the ground on which our Lord puts his own act, which he makes not one of repentance, but of fulfilling all "righteousness," that is, perfectly obeying the will of the Father in every appointment laid upon him ; and, finally, from the baptism of John, as administered to Christ, rising into an entirely different and higher order from his ordinary one ; for our Lord was then " baptized with the Holy Ghost," which it was no part of John's baptism to bestow. All these circumstances prove, that John was, in the case of our Lord, employed in a ministry quite distinct from his common one ; and that the chief end of the baptism of Christ was, to attest his Messiahship fully to John, by making him the witness of the sign which God had previously appointed. " Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. And I saw and bare record that this is the Son of God." (John i. 33, 34.) The burden of John's preaching bore no slight resemblance to the old prophetic exhortations whose last echo had now died away for centuries. He not only resembled Elijah in his sackcloth dress, spare diet, and retired mode of life, but also in his character, in his power of conversion, and spirit of reproof. Both, indeed, were raised up by Providence in times of general apostacy from the true faith, and corruption of morals, to reclaim and reform their country- men. Both were commissioned to denounce vengeance from heaven, unless the nation repented, and were converted to the Lord their God ; both were actuated by the same ardent and undaunted zeal in the discharge of their commission; both were persecuted for their labour of love; yet nothing deterred Elijah from boldly rebuking Ahab, Jezebel, and the idolatrous Israelites ; nor John from reproving Herod, Herodias, and that " wicked and adulterous generation " of the Jews who flocked to his baptism.* John declared that the Almighty was about to establish in the earth that holy and spiritual kingdom which had been foretold, especially by Daniel, (chap. ii. 44 ; vii. 14, 27,) and that no one could be admitted into it who did not abhor and forsake his sin, and with a contrite heart return unto the Lord. He considered all persons, without exception, as in a state of depravity and guilt and condemnation. He unreservedly exhibited the doctrine which alone prepares for a renewal of the heart. He was the Preacher of that discipline which makes the soul submit to the grace and government of Christ, and which it must feel and understand in order to everlasting salvation. Those who professed a deep compunction were required to conform to the sig- nificant rite of baptism, which he administered, thereby publicly * Hales's Analysis of Chronology, &c., vol. iii., p. 64. Second edition. MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. 115 acknowledging their pollution, their need of a spiritual washing, and determination to abandon every evil way. He addressed the Scribes and Pharisees who crowded to his preaching in terms of the sharpest reprehension, and described them all as under the same sentence of punishment. Surprised by their appearance, and suspecting their sincerity, he called on them to give decided proofs of their penitence by fruits of righteousness. He warned them that their relation to Abraham, and their place in the visible church, would avail them nothing ; that the last trial was then afforded them ; and that, if this were neglected, their case was desperate, and their everlasting destruc- tion unavoidable. The ministry of John was consequently energetic and powerful ; and it drew a great concourse of people to him from Jerusalem, all Judea and round about the Jordan. But when he saw many of the higher orders and rulers of the people thronging to partake of the baptism which he administered, not in sincerity, but in hypocrisy, he boldly rebuked them. " generation of vipers,* who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come ? " A sentence which has gene- rally been supposed to allude solely to the approaching destruction of Jerusalem which is threatened at the conclusion of the Old Testa- ment, and explained by our Lord in his parable of the barren fig- tree ; (Luke xiii. 6 9 ;) words which evidently imply a negation, signifying that no one has warned you effectually ; you are not peni- tently apprehensive of the displeasure of God, but either as Pha- risees trust in yourselves that you already possess the favour of God, or as Sadducees treat the doctrine of a future punishment as vain and fabulous. Neither is the wrath to come to be confined to the destruc- tion of the civil polity of the Jewish nation ; for John dealt with hia auditors as sinners in the sight of God, and, as such, liable to the penalty of transgression in a future life. " Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance. And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father : for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." The Jews regarded it as sufficient righteousness that they were descended from so holy a man as Abraham, which would go very far to justify his posterity, though both the faith and the works of that patriarch were wanting among them. The futility of such a hope John endea- voured to prove, by showing, not that children to Abraham could be raised up from stones in the sense of natural descent and relation- ship, which was a thing impossible, but that as children to Abraham were at first raised up by a miracle in the birth of Isaac, so, though God should destroy the present race of Jews, no purpose of his would be void, because he was able to raise up a people from the stones to This expression in equivalent to " children of the devil," as being the seed of the "old serpent," always ready to calumniate and persecute the righteous "seed of the woman," (Gen. iii. 16,) as they did both John and Christ. (Luke vii. 31 35.) Our Lord adopted it (Matt. xii. 34 ; xxiii. 33) as synonymous with a "wicked and adul- terous generation." The word " serpent," or "viper," is used to denote both cunniug and malignancy, or wickedness. Among the Jews it was regarded as the symbol of artifice, circumspection, and prudence : it ws* thus viewed in the Egyptian hiero- glyphics. Q 2 116 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. stand in the place of the natural descendants of Abraham, were that necessary to accomplish the designs of his providence and grace ; evidently adverting to the calling of the Gentiles, whom the Jews despised as stupid and insensible, upon whom they trampled as on the stones beneath their feet, and whom they considered as unlikely to become members of the true church of God as the pebbles of the Jordan on the banks of which John was preaching. To these stones the Most High, by his grace, not only imparted spiritual life, adopt- ing them as Abraham's believing seed, but also formed them into his church, to the exclusion of the disobedient Jews, making them his peculiar people. " And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees : there- fore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire." Fruitful and fruitless trees have in all ages been used as metaphors to express good and bad men ; and as barren trees, after patient forbearance, are finally cut down and burned, so the certainty and terribleness of the punishment of the wicked are forcibly indicated by the metaphor. The same image is employed by Isaiah with great effect to express the judgments which should fall upon all the ranks of a guilty nation, by the Chaldean invasion : " Behold, the Lord of hosts shall lop the bough with terror : and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down, and the haughty shah 1 be humbled. And he shall cut down the thickets of the forest with iron, and Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one." (Isai. x. 33, 34.) The Baptist does not, however, refer to the Jewish state, but to the dangerous condition of sinful individuals. The axe being laid to the root, intimates both the long-suffering of God which gave them space for repentance, and the certainty that if the tree remained unfruitful, it would be " hewn down, and cast into the fire." Mercy grants delay, but justice lays down the axe in preparation for the work of excision. " Whose fan," continues the Preacher, " is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire." The metaphors are here taken from the process of thrashing among the Jews. The sheaves of corn were trodden by oxen upon a " thrash- ing-floor," or prepared plain area, formed upon some elevated place, so as to force out the grain ; then the winnowing-fan, which was often a portable instrument used by the hand, and here not inaptly rendered by some " a winnowing-shovel," was applied to throw up the grain to the wind, that the chaff" might be separated from it ; whilst the straw, being crushed beneath the feet of the oxen, and rendered worthless, was reserved, with the separated chaff, to be burned with other fuel in heating their ovens. The word " unquench- able fire " is awfully emphatic. The domestic fires in which the straw was burned as fuel, were extinguishable, and often extinguished ; but this is " unquenchable," a clear indication of the perpetuity of future punishment. Those who refer all this to the destruction of Jeru- salem, do not rightly apprehend the nature of John's ministry. His office was to warn men of their eternal danger, and to pluck them, if possible, out of the fire of divine wrath. There is not an expres- MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. 117 sion in the whole of this discourse which leads to the supposition, that he intended merely or chiefly to warn his hearers against tem- poral judgments. Its awakening character was manifestly framed upon views of deeper and more formidahle dangers than the Roman invasion, before which most of his hearers, he knew, would be in an eternal world. And as he had preached Christ in his offices of grace, so here he proclaims him in his office of Judge, separating the chaff and straw from the grain, the wicked from the righteous, the office which he now exercises in the invisible world, upon all departed spi- rits, between whom he will make a still more public separation, with visible majesty at the judgment of the great day.* Alarmed by these awful denunciations of divine vengeance, the multitudes inquired, " What shall we do, then ? " In answer to which this celebrated Preacher exhorted every class to forsake their ruling vices ; he inculcated upon the hard-hearted and uncharitable Jews the necessity of being bountiful to the poor. " He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none ; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise ; " a benevolent and liberal spirit, which would be most unequivocally expressed by giving clothing to the naked, and food to the hungry. Many of the publicans had been impressed by his preaching, and naturally asked his advice with regard to their conduct. He does not declare their occupation to be an unlawful one, as many of the Jews imagined, for governments must be upheld by tribute, and that must be collected ; but they were exposed to great temptations from the practices of their fellows, from the low standard of morality which existed among them, and from favourable opportunities to practise injustice ; and he therefore made it the test of their sincerity, the " fruit meet for repentance," in their case, that they should " exact no more than was appointed them ; " that is, appointed by law, or fixed by the authority of the supreme power. The soldiers, who were probably those of Herod, for the Roman troops were but little likely to go to his baptism, sought for practical direction in that new state and profession into which, by his instrumentality, they had been introduced. John did not exhort them to abandon a military life, as inconsistent with piety and godliness, but simply prohibits those vices which the licentious- ness of the soldiery in those days most encouraged ; namely, rapine, false information, and mutiny. They were to " do violence to no man ; " that is, to put no man in fear, as the word signifies, either from wanton cruelty, or in order to extort property by threats of vio- lence ; nor " accuse any falsely," in order to obtain reward for an apparent zeal in the discharge of duty, or to share in the fines and confiscations inflicted upon suspected persons ; and "be content with your wages," which includes meat, money, and all lawful perquisites. He did not spare the King himself, but reproved even Herod for his adultery respecting his brother Philip's wife, Herodias. " It is not lawful for thee to have her;" and, " For all the evils which he had done." (Luke iii. 19.) "Of all people, the Pharisees and Sadducees were most intolerant * Watson's Exposition in loco. 118 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. of rebuke upon any point of their darling corruptions ; and they composed between them the Sanhedrim, or supreme ecclesiastical council. Ever on the watch against the slightest resistance against its dogmas, this body immediately took alarm at the boldness of John, who had neither asked their sanction to his mission, nor taken care to preach agreeably to their notions. When he first arose, they had gladly hailed him. His high birth recommended him to both parties ; his austerity was especially agreeable to the Pharisees. They themselves, at the moment, smarting under Roman control, were anxiously expecting their promised deliverer from the hateful yoke, and joyfully accepted John's credentials. They acknowledged him for a burning light, and rejoiced in his light : but only for a time. As his preaching proceeded, and his doctrine unfolded itself, their zeal slackened. They had expected a Prophet fashioned after their own corrupt and carnal notions of the character of Elias, a man who should instantly call down fire upon all gainsayers, should vindicate, with a high hand, the church of God, by which they prin- cipally understood their own corrupt tradition, should pronounce sentence of deposition on Csesar, as Eh'as did on the Kings of Sama- ria and Damascus, and work miracles that should at once console the Jew, and confound the Heathen. Such only could be a worthy forerunner of the Messiah, whom they looked for, of an unre- lenting warrior who should avenge the wrongs and oppression of Israel seven times seventy fold on the Heathen with fire and sword. They looked not for a spiritual Redeemer, and therefore not for a spiritual harbinger. But John preached of righteousness and a judg- ment to come : instead of promising victory, threatened them with destruction : instead of appealing to their fiery zeal, called them to repentance : instead of ritual holiness, demanded personal holiness : instead of saluting them as the chosen of God through their father Abraham, rebuked them as being but flinty and lifeless stones : instead of promising them the inheritance of the Heathen, commanded them to share their meat and raiment with the poor. He called not on them to prepare to rise and maintain their cause by arras ; he bearded not the Roman oppressor ; he did not inculcate hatred of their heathen masters ; he did not declaim upon their wrongs, and light the fire of sacred sedition in their bosoms ; and he worked no miracles. All this was a grievous disappointment of their hopes. Jesus himself scarcely disappointed them more." " Ho- nourable mention is made of him by Josephus,* in a passage which cannot reasonably be disputed ; and our Lord himself affirmed that he had filled the anticipated duties of Elias, and pronounced upon him that sentence before living men, which others must receive at the resurrection of the dead. Many hearts of the fathers did he turn to the children, and of the children to the fathers ; and when the great and terrible day of the Lord came, his work abode and stood the proof. His course was brief: like Elias, he was going to rebuke Kings, and, like Elias, to have his life sought by them ; but not, like Elias, to escape."'!' * Joseph. Aotiq., lib. xviii., cap. 5. t Evans's Scripture Biography, pp. 207, 208. MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. ]]'j By the lower orders of the people, John was held in high estimation, which attracted the notice, and probably the jealousy and displeasure, of the higher. Accordingly he was sent for to the court of Herod the Tetrarch * of Galilee, before whom he had an opportunity of bearing a faithful testimony. This Prince was an abandoned charac- ter. He had divorced his own wife, and joined himself to another by an adulterous and incestuous connexion : he had married the wife of his brother Philip, at whose house he sojourned when on a visit to Rome, thus violating the laws of morality, and the rights of hospitality, by seducing the wife of his host, whom he persuaded to abandon her own husband, and live with him in the perpetration of the double crime of adultery and incest, such marriages being expressly forbidden by the Levitical law. (Lev. xviii. 16.) John durst not connive at the sinful practices of the King. He sought not his favour ; he feared not his displeasure. As a faithful servant of the Most High, not having respect to persons, he brought the heavy charge against the royal delinquent, and reprehended him with honesty and plainness. It was not a general invective against his numerous immoralities, but a special application to his conscience of the enormity of the offence, on account of it being dishonourable to the cause of religion, and injurious to the best interests of the nation : John, therefore, called upon him to put away the woman with whom the laws of God and of man forbad him to cohabit. At this proceeding Herod was greatly enraged, and his officers were immediately commanded to bind and imprison the devoted man. It is recorded that the tyrant " added yet this above all," as if it were the greatest of all his enormities, " that he shut up John in prison." The adulterous Herodias, however, was more incensed than he, and from the first wished to destroy the Baptist. Probably she appre- hended, that, through the Preacher's admonitions, she might lose her influence, and be dismissed with disgrace : she therefore urged the King, not merely to imprison, but put to death, the faithful messen- ger, that they might be no longer annoyed with his plain-spoken exhortations and reproofs. To this proposition Herod hesitated to yield an implicit compliance ; he was evidently restrained by the powerful impression on his mind described in the following words of inspired truth : " He feared John, knowing that he was a just man, and an holy." Well has it been observed, " This circumstance demands our attention. The Lord put an honour upon his faithful servant, and made him respectable in chains, even before the most enraged enemies. Such a power very frequently accompanies emi- nent examples of godliness. It keeps in awe, and often terrifies, the persons who are disposed to persecute. Herod was struck with reverence for the man whom he had cast into the dungeon ; and under the view of John's singular holiness, probably perceived his own baseness, so as to be distressed with painful apprehensions.'^ * For an account of the family of Herod, see note, p. 126. f Scripture Characters ; or a practical Improvement of the principal Histories in the Old and New Testaments. By Thomas Robinson, M. A. 8vo. edit., vol. iv.. p. 328. London, 1818. 120 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. The life of this useful man was now nearly at its close. The haughty and unprincipled Herodias had never lost sight of the attain- ment of her revenge ; and, after having long and fruitlessly urged Herod to grant it to her, wrung it out from him, at length, through an unlooked-for opportunity. Herod's birth-day was kept. From times of old, Kings were accustomed to observe the anniversary of their natal day with much splendour, frequently giving an entertainment to their principal nobility.* (Gen. xl. 20.) According to the Evan- gelist Mark, this was done with great pomp, who says, that Herod " made a great feast for his Lords, high Captains, and the chief per- sons of Galilee ; " that is, the chief men in office : the term " high Captains," refers to the commanders of thousands, or of a division of one thousand men. " The daughter of Herodias f danced before them, and pleased Herod." The dancing of this child of the Queen in the midst of the company, was a public and shameless glorying of Herod, and of his unlawful wife, in their wickedness ; this daughter of Herodias being the offspring of Philip whom she had deserted, and whose child, as well as wife, had been violently taken from him by the stronger power of his brother. Dancing was common among the Jews on festive as well as on other occasions ; and hence there appears no ground for considering it as in itself an act of lightness or indignity, the Princess being but a child, though sufficiently old to be instructed by her mother in what subsequently took place. Her name was Salome ; and Herod appears to have been gratified with the elegance of her steps. His lavish admiration was also an act of flattery to the mother, who possessed such great influence over him. Nor is there any reason for the conjecture that this dance was one of that pantomimic character, satirised as licentious by some of the poets, and which, in truth, was of heathen original. Such dances were performed by hired women, who studied and practised them as a profession. Amateur dancing in high life was by no means uncommon in the voluptuous times of the Roman Emperors. But in the age of Herod it was exceedingly rare, and almost unheard-of ; and, therefore, the condescension of Salome, who volunteered, in honour of the anniversary of that Monarch's birth-day, to exhibit her person, as she led the mazy dance in the saloons of Machserus, (for The ancients took only a very small refreshment for breakfast and dinner ; for example, a little bread and wine, with an apple or two : the only meal to which friends were invited was made toward sunset. (Fleury, Masurs des Juifs et Chret.; Melmoth's NotS on Pliny's Letters.) t Her name was Salome. She first married Philip the Tetrarch, her uncle ; after- wards Aristobulus, son of Herod, King of Chalcis, by whom she had three sons, Herod, Agrippa, and Aristobulus. (Joseph. Antiq., lib. xviii., cap. 7.) Nicephorus (lib. L, cap. 20) and Metaphrastes relate that Salome accompanied her mother Herodias, and her father-in-law Herod, in their banishment ; and that the Emperor having obliged them to go into Spain, as she passed over a river that was frozen, the ice broke under her feet, and she sunk in up to her neck ; when the ice uniting again, she remained thus suspended by it, and suffered the same punishment she had made John the Baptist undergo. But none of the ancients mention this ; and it is contrary to Josephus, who tells us she first married Philip the Tetrareh, son of Herod and Cleopatra, who died about the year 33 or 34 ; and afterwards Aristobulus, her cousin-german, by whom she had several children. Thus she lived above thirty years after the exile of her father-in- law. (Calnuet.) MAKTYItnOM OF JOHN THK BAPTIST. 1'J 1 though she was a child at this time, as some suppose, she was still a Princess,) was felt to be a compliment that merited the highest reward. Herod was not backward to give it. The inspired record informs us, that so great was the gratification of the King, that " he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask," * (Matt. xiv. 7,) even unto the half of his king- dom. (Mark vi. 23.) This instance of extreme rashness and folly produced the most terrible effects ; for she, being instructed to that purpose by her mother, f said, " Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger." J It is by no means improbable that Herod was flushed with wine, and the Queen, fearing he would retract his promise if she deferred to urge her request until the morning, instigated Salome to demand immediately the head of John. What will not a vindictive mind surrender for the sake of wreaking its vengeance on an enemy ! Herod appeared to be struck with horror at the atrocious proposal, and yet had no firmness to resist. However his conscience might remonstrate, he determined not to exasperate Herodias by a refusal, and absurdly argued, that unless he complied, he would be despised In the east it is customary for public dancers, at festivals in great houses, to solicit, from the company they have been entertaining, such rewards as the spectators may choose to bestow : these usually are small pieces of money. Herod, however, offered half his kingdom to Salome, who had danced to please him ; and in this, if he were not equal in wisdom, he was certainly superior in extravagance, to a Monarch, " Shah- Abbas, who being one day drunk in his palace, gave a woman, that danced much to his satisfaction, the fairest Khan in all Ispahan, which was not yet finished, but wanted little; this Khan yielded a great revenue to the King to whom it belonged, in chamber rents." So far the parallel is tolerably exact ; for, that Herod was far from sober is a pardonable suspicion ; but the sequel is different. " The Nazer having put him in mind of it, next morning, took the freedom to tell him that it was unjustifiable prodigality ; so the King ordered to give her a hundred tomans," (200,) with which she was forced to be contented. (Thevenot's Travels in Persia, p. 100.) t "She went forth," (Mark vi. 24,) slipped away, out of that hall, to her mother, who was either close by, or in the harem of the palace ; and returning " straightway," in haste, before she could be missed by the King, or he could possibly suspect where she had been for advice, demanded, forthwith, instantly the head of John the Baptist ; who, being in the prison in another part of the palace, (a common thing in the east,) was slain directly by a capitzi sent by Herod. So that the whole of this histoiy passed in a very rapid manner, was over presently, and was, as it were, one transaction. This account, thus understood, agrees more precisely with that of Matthew ; (chap. xiv. ;) the pre- instruction of the daughter by the mother (verse 8) becomes perfectly easy ; and the " Give me here " (not presently, as we now use that word, as in our rendering of Mark, but instantly, at the present time) "the head of John," is an entire coincidence. (Taylor's Fragments.) t At the time of this event, it was common for Princes to require the heads of emi- nent persons, whom they ordered for execution, to be brought to them, especially when there was any particular resentment. We have an instance in Josephus, which follows the story of this criminal marriage of Herodias. Aretas was extremely provoked at the treatment of his daughter, to whom Herod was previously united. At length a war broke out between them. A battle was fought, and Herod's troops were defeated. " Herod sent an account of this to Tiberius ; and he, resenting the attempt of Aretas, wrote to Vitellius to declare war against him, with orders, that if he were taken pri- soner he should be brought to him in chains, and that, if he were slain, his head should be sent to him." (Joseph. Antiq., lib. xix., cap. vi., sect. 1.) Agrippina, then wife of Claudius, and mother of Nero, who was afterwards Emperor, sent an officer to put to death Lollia Paulina, who had been her rival for the imperial dignity. And Dio Cassius says, when Lollia's head was brought to her, not knowing it at first, she examined it with her own hands, till she perceived some particular feature by which that lady was distinguished. (Lardner's Works, vol. i., p. 20. 8vo. edit. London, 1831. VOL. I. R 122 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. by his nobility for weakness and inconstancy. Herod had not been over-scrupulous in performing oatbs taken on much more solemn occasions than this. How had he kept his oath towards his people '.' how the oath of espousal to his former repudiated wife ? Yet here he thought himself compelled to keep faith with a party who, knowing that he never contemplated such a request, had recourse to a quibble, in order to accomplish her sanguinary purpose ; for had she asked, simply, to put the Baptist to death, her demand would not have answered to the terms or sense of his promise, which was a gift. And this too when the act required of him was one of abominable wickedness, the murder of a just and holy and innocent man, as he knew John to be. But it was not from any principle that he kept his oath. He was afraid of appearing fickle ; he was afraid of showing a tenacious respect for a man of John's austerity ; he was afraid of appearing regardless of an oath before man, but thought not how he should appear before God, in whose name he had made it. This cun- ning fox was thus caught in a snare, and cut the Gordian knot, which his first crime of a rash oath had tangled for him, with the sword of murder. He now presented the first-fruits of his mocking the Saviour of the world, and remanding him to Pilate.* The Evangelist Matthew records this unprincipled and cruel act in terse but emphatic language : " And the King was sorry : neverthe- less, for the oath's sake and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her." Such are the contradictions in human nature, and especially in tyrants accustomed to indulge every passion to excess, and to surrender themselves to every impression, unchecked by anything but some contrary feeling in their own minds, swelling like waves, and dashing against each other. Many reasons have been suggested as the cause of his sorrow. Herod had a high esteem for John, and feared him. He stood in awe of his sanctity, knowing that he was a just man and a holy, and protected him, probably, from the persecutions of some of the more powerful Pharisees and Sadducees : " when he heard him, he did many things" according to his exhortations, " and heard him gladly." And yet, in his unjust anger, excited because John refused either to sanction or to be silent respecting an incestuous marriage, he first cast him into prison, and then surrendered his life to the fury of the partner of his guilt. Of so little consequence is it for us to do " many things," at the command of God, unless we walk " in all his statutes and ordi- nances blameless ;" for the example of Herod teaches this important lesson, that a partial surrender of ourselves to the influence of truth is no security at all against the overwhelming out-breakings of those corruptions of the heart which remain unmortified.f Again : John was in high repute among the people, and Herod might have been afraid that his cold-blooded murder might excite commotion ; Herod, Scripture Biography. By the Rev. R. W. Evans, M. A. Second series. Pp. 211, 212. London, 1836. t An Exposition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, and of some other detached Parts of Holy Scripture. By the Rev. Richard Watson. In loco. London, 1833. MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. 123 though a notoriously wicked man, does not appear to have been insensible to some of the common principles of human nature. Here was a great and manifest crime proposed ; no less than the murder of an acknowledged Prophet of the Lord. It was deliberate. It was to gratify the malice of a wicked woman. It was the price of a few moments' entertainment. His conscience, though in feeble and dying accents, cheeked him. He would have preferred a request not so manifestly wicked, and one which would not have involved him in such difficulty and perplexity, so as to drive him to such wretched casuistry as that of which he was guilty. Had Herodias instructed her daughter to demand Herod's own head, no doubt this pretended respecter of oaths would have excused himself from the obligation ! Herod was probably, for the most part, influenced by the circumstances of those who sat with him at meat, in whose presence he would not seem to refuse to gratify his wife, for whom he had a blind passion, and whose suit they might enforce by way of making their court to her. It is not improbable, that among the guests were some of those enemies of John, from whose persecutions Herod had before protected him. Doubtless, the greater number present were infidel Sadducees, and those Pharisees who were justly characterized by our Lord, as " whited walls and painted sepulchres." Had they been any thing better, they would have interposed in behalf of the victim, and discovered their true skill in interpreting the law, of which they made their boast, by showing Herod that no oath could bind him to commit murder, much less a vague and general one. This is sufficiently indicative of the character of his guests.* The sanguinary order was executed ! " He sent and beheaded John in prison.'" (Matt. xiv. 10.) For the sake of the wicked men with whom " he sat at meat," the bloody offering, the head of the slaughtered Prophet, slain alone in a dungeon, and by night, f was brought and given as the reward to the daughter and the mother ! Watson's Exposition, in loco. f- This is not the only instance of such an outrage. Whilst Commodus was immersed in blood and luxury, he devolved the detail of the public business on Perennis ; a servile and ambitious minister, who had obtained his post by the murder of his predecessor, but who possessed a considerable share of vigour and ability. By acts of extortion, and the forfeited estates of the nobles sacrificed to his avarice, he had accumulated an immense treasure. The Praetorian guards were under his immediate command ; and his son, who already discovered a military genius, was at the head of the Illyrian legions. Peren- nis aspired to the empire ; or what, in the eyes of Commodus, amounted to the same crime, he was capable of aspiring to it, had he not been prevented, suppressed, and put to death. Herodian relates, that Commodus, having learnt from a soldier the ambitious designs of Perennis, and his son, caused them to be attacked and massacred by night. (Gibbon's Rome. Milman's Edition, 8vo. Vol. i., p. 152.) 1 Jerome relates, that Herodias, holding the Baptist's head in her hands, pierced the tongue with her bodkin, in like manner as Antony's wife served Cicero. (Calmet.) He had been doomed to death at the instigation of Antony, one of the triumvirate. He had fled in a litter towards the sea of Caieta, and when the assassins came up to him, he put his head out of the litter, and it was severed from the body by Herennius. This event happened in December, B.C. 43, after the enjoyment of life for nearly sixty-four years. The head and right hand were carried to Rome, and hung up in the forum ; and, so inveterate was Antony's hatred against the unhappy man, that even Fulvia, the triumvir's wife, wreaked her vengeance upon his head, and drew the tongue out of his mouth, and bored it through repeatedly with a gold bodkin, verifying, in this act of inhumanity, what Cicero had once observed, that no animal it more revengeful thin a woman. R 2 124 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. What an offering to a woman ! Well might Josephus say respecting her, that " she was a woman full of ambition and envy, having a mighty influence on Herod, and able to persuade him to do things he was not at all inclined to." The same historian, however, assigns a somewhat different cause for this execution from that given in the narrative of the Evangelists. The passage, notwithstanding, carries forcible evidence to the general truth of the Gospel narrative, and therefore we transcribe it. " Some of the Jews thought that the destruction of Herod's army came from God, and that very justly, as a punishment of what he did against John that was called the Bap- tist ; for Herod slew him, although he was a good man, and com- manded the Jews to exercise virtue, both as to righteousness one towards another, and piety towards God, and so to come to baptism. Now, when others came in crowds about him, (for they were greatly moved by hearing his words,) Herod, who feared lest the great influ- ence John had over the people might put it into his power and incli- nation to raise a rebellion, (for they seemed ready to anything he should advise,) thought it best, by putting him to death, to prevent any mischief he might cause, and not bring himself into difficulties by sparing a man who might make him repent of it when it should be too late. Accordingly he was sent a prisoner, on account of Herod's suspicious temper, to Machserus,* and was there put to death."-)- There is no inconsistency between this account, and that of the inspired Evangelists. Both may be correct. John was con- demned in the mind of Herod on political grounds, as endangering his position, and afterwards executed on private and apparent reasons, in order to gratify a malicious but powerful woman. The scriptural reason was but the pretext for carrying into effect what the machi- nations of Herod's court had long determined. Josippon, who flou- rished about the ninth or tenth century, though silent respecting Jesus Christ, or James the Lord's brother, mentions the death of John the Baptist, and in a manner more consonant with the records of the New Testament, than the passage of Josephus above quoted. He represents the Tetrarch as a very wicked Prince, and says, " that * The castle of Machaerus, where John was imprisoned and beheaded, was a fortress lying on the southern extremity of Peraea, at the top of the lake Asphaltites, between the dominions of Herod and Aretas, King of Arabia Petraea, and at the time of our history appears to have belonged to the former. (Lardner's Works, vol. vi., p. 483.) Accord- ing to the Scripture account, the daughter of Herodias obtained the Baptist's head at an entertainment, without delay. How could this be, when Machaerus lay at a dis- tance from Jerusalem ? The feast seems to have been made at Machaems, which, besides being a strong-hold, was also a palace, built by Herod the Great ; and Herod himself was now on his route towards the territories of Aretas, with whom he was at war. Bishop Marsh (Lecture xxvi.) remarks, that the soldiers, who, in Luke iii. 14, are said to have come to John while baptizing in the Jordan, are designated by a term (tnpa.rfvofj.fvoi, not ffrpafuarcu) which denotes persons actually engaged in war, not merely soldiers. In the same way, in Mark vi. 27, the officer sent to bring John's head bears a military title, airtKovKarup. These minute indications are quite accordant with the fact, that Herod was then making war with Aretas, as appears from Josephus, (Antiq., lib. xviii., cap. 5, sect. 1,) and afford a very strong evidence of the credibility of the sacred narratives, by showing that the authors described what was actually proceeding before their own eyes. We also see a reason why Herodias was present on this occasion, since she was Herod's paramour, and had, u like another Helen," led to the war. (Kitto's Cyclopedia.) + Joseph. Antiq., lib. xviii., cap. v., sect. 2. MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. 12.1 he took to himself, to be his own wife, the wife of his brother Philip, though his brother was still living, and she had children by him. He killed many wise men in Israel ; and he killed that great Priest, John the Baptizer, because he had said to him, ' It is unlawful for thee to have thy brother's wife.' " * Thus fell the honoured Prophet, a martyr to ministerial faithful- ness, in the bold maintenance of the truth of God before the face of Princes ; and thus added his name to the list of Prophets whose blood was shed by an unthankful country. His character is one of singular interest. Other Prophets testified of Christ : he pointed to him as already come. Others saw him afar off : he beheld the advancing glory of his ministry eclipsing his own, and rejoiced to " decrease," while his Master " increased." His ministry stands as a type of the true character of evangelical repentance : it goes before Christ, and prepares his way ; it is humbling, but not despairing ; for it points to " the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world." Elijah stood alone ; and, without a partner, successfully combated the apostacy of the people, and re-established the church of God among them. John, also, stood single in a remarkable man- ner. He was the sole herald of a new dispensation in the church. The law and the Prophets were until him. The one proclaimed by typical rites, the other by inspired prediction, the kingdom of hea- ven to come. Their still small voice was superseded by the loud proclamation of John, which announced as close at hand what they foreshowed at a distance. Thus he was greater than all the Prophets before him, several of whose predictions terminated in him. His solitary voice from the desert is the single connecting note between the strains of the Preachers of the Old and New Testaments ; the rigid austerity of his life was the last hold of the law upon the church, and his doctrine and baptism were the first contact of the first embrace of the Gospel ; he came forth in the power and spirit of Elijah, the grand prophetic Minister under the old covenant, and conferred the right of inauguration upon the divine messenger of the new.f The death of the Baptist took place, as is generally believed, about the end of the thirty-first year of the vulgar era, or in the commence- ment of the thirty-second. The Greek and Latin churches celebrate the festival of John's beheading on the 29th of August. The disci- ples of John being informed of his death, gave notice thereof to Jesus Christ, and came and carried away his body. (Matt. xiv. 12.) The Gospel does not tell where they buried him ; but in the time of Julian the Apostate, his tomb was shown at Samaria, where the inhabitants of the country opened it and burnt a part of his bones : the remainder were saved by some Christians, who carried them to an Abbot of Jerusalem, named Philip. This Abbot made a present " Ipse accepit uxorem Philippi fratris sui adhuc viventis in uxorem, licet illahaberet filios ex fratre ejus : earn, inquam, accepit sibi in uxorem. Occidit autem multos aapientes Israel. Occidit etiatn Jochanon sacerdotum magnum, ob id quod dixerat ei : Non licet tibi acoipere uxorem fratrw tui Philippi in uxoreui. Occidit ergo Jochanon Bapti.-itam." Joxipp., lib. vi.. cap. Ixiii., p. 274. f Evans's Scripture Biography, second series p. 212. 126 BOOK II. CHAPTER I. of them to Athanasius, at Alexandria, who put them in a well, till they were lodged in a more honourable place. Some time after, Theodosius, having demolished the temple of Serapis, a church was built in the room of it in honour of John the Baptist, where these relics,* it is said, were placed, A.D. 395. NOTE. Page 119. THE mention of Herod renders it necessary to connect his history with that of the Jews after their return from the Babylonish captivity. This took place four hundred and thirty-five years before the birth of Christ. The Jews continued under the protection of the Kings of Persia for two hundred years ; in the early part of which period they were ruled by governors of their own nation, appointed by the Persian court ; and in the latter the High Priests were deputed to this office. The Persian empire was subverted by Alexander the Great, on whose death the Seleucidce reigned in Syria, and the Ptolemies in Egypt. The provinces Ccelo-Syria and Palestine were wrested from the Ptolemies by Antiochus the Great, King of Syria. His son, Antiochus Epiphanes, conquered Egypt, and then made a furious attack upon the Jews one hundred and seventy years before Christ, plundered Jerusalem, polluted the temple, destroyed forty thousand of the inhabitants ; and a short time afterwards renewed his atrocities ; and, being a bitter persecuting Pagan, he abolished, as far as he was able, the worship of God, and consecrated the temple to Jupiter Olympus. These acts of outrage and cruelty, as we have noticed, called forth the pious patriotism of the celebrated family of the Maccabees, who, after the most severe and noble struggles, in which they were well supported by the devoted heroism of the Jews, succeeded in expelling the Syrians. This was the rise of the Asmonean family, as the Maccabees were also called, from an ancestor of the name of Asmoneus ; and Judas Maccabeus, who If we were to credit the ludicrous stories which Romish annalists have recorded, we should speedily arrive at the conclusion that John the Baptist was remarkably prolific in heads, as a multitude are exhibited on the Continent, each of which is represented as the undoubted caput of the celebrated martyr. Several churches and religious houses, professing to possess among their rarities the veritable head, are at this moment to be found. On this foolery we shall not stop to descant. Alban Butler, in his " Lives of the Saints," says enough : " Ruflnus and Theodoret inform us, that in the reign of Julian the Apostate, the Pagans broke open the tomb of John the Baptist which waa at Sebaste, in Samaria, and burnt part of his sacred bones, some part being saved by the Christians. These were sent to Athanasius at Alexandria. Some time after, in 396, Theodosius built a great church in that city in honour of the Baptist upon the spot where the temple of Serapis had formerly stood, and those holy relics were deposited in it, as Theophanes testifies. But a distribution of some portions was made to certain other churches ; and the great Theodoret obtained a share for his church at Cyrus, and relates, that he and his diocess had received from God several miraculous favours through the intercession of this glorious saint. The Baptist's head was discovered at Emisa, in Syria, in the year 453, and was kept with honour in the great church of that city, till, about the year 800, this precious relic was conveyed to Constantinople, that it might not be sacrilegiously insulted by the Saracens. When that city was taken by the French in 1204, Waldo de Sarton, a Canon of Amiens, brought part of this head, that is, all the face, except the lower jaw, into France, and bestowed it on his own church, where it is preserved to this day. Part of the head of the Baptist is said to be kept in St. Sylvester's church in Campo Marzo at Rome ; though Sirmond thinks this to be the head of St. John the Martyr of Rome. Pope Clement VIII., to remove all reasonable doubt respecting the relic of this saint, procured a small part of the head that is kept at Amiens for St. Sylvester's church." (Butler's Lives, vol. i., p. 374. 8vo. edit. Dublin.) MARTYRDOM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. 1 '27 united the high priesthood with the supreme government, formed an alliance with the Romans, the better to defend the new commonwealth which his valour had founded. The successors of Judas were Jonathan, Simon, John Hyrcanus, who subdued the Idumeans, Aristobulus, who assumed the title of King, Alexander Janaeus, Alexandra his widow, Aris- tobulus the younger son, deposed by Pompey, who restored Hyrcanus the elder son, but forbade the use of the diadem, and made the nation tribu- tary to the Romans. The Prime Minister of this Hyrcanus, the last of the Asmonean family, was Antipater, who, having ingratiated himself with the Romans, obtained from them for his son Herod, afterwards called the Great, the government of Galilee ; and Herod, having married Mariamne, the grandaughter of Hyrcanus, with much opposition and violence, and by the favour of Marc Antony, took possession of the kingdom of Judea. He died within two years after the real time of the birth of Christ, and soon after the slaughter of the innocents at Bethlehem. The distribution of his kingdom, by his will, was confirmed by Augustus Caesar. Arche- laus had Judea, Herod Antipas the tetrarchy of Iturea and Trachonitis. Herod Philip seems to have been left in a private station. The names of these Princes appear in the Gospels. Archelaus was reigning when Joseph and Mary returned from Egypt. Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch, or, by courtesy, the King, of Galilee, is several times mentioned ; (Matt. xiv. 1, 3, 6 ; Mark vi. 14 ; Luke iii. 1, 19 ;) and to him our Lord was sent by Pilate. Philip is mentioned, Luke iii. 1. Herodias was the wife of Herod Philip, and was married to Herod Antipas during the life-time of her husband, which proved the occasion of the murder of John the Baptist. (Matt. xiv. 3 10.) The Herod Agrippa mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, was a grandson of Herod the Great, and brother of Hero- dias. The Emperor Caligula made him Tetrarch of Trachonitis and Abilene, to which Claudius added the kingdom of Judea. He it was that put James the Apostle to death, (Acts xii. 1, 2,) and was mortally smitten of God, in the height of his pride, at Csesarea. (Acts xii. 20.) On his death, a Roman governor was again appointed to Judea. His son, Agrippa II., succeeded to the tetrarchies of Trachonitis and Abilene. Before this Agrippa St. Paul delivered his reasons for becoming a Christian. (Acts xxvi.) ("Watson's Exposition.") Herod Antipas and his guilty para- mour died in disgrace. In the year nine of the Christian era, Herodias, being jealous of the prosperity of her brother Agrippa, who from a private person had become King of Judea, persuaded her husband, Herod Antipas, to visit Rome, and desire the same dignity of the Emperor Caius. She resolved to accompany him, and hoped that her presence and appearance would contribute to procure the Emperor's favour. However, Agrippa, obtaining intelligence of this design, wrote to the Emperor, and accused Antipas. The messenger of Agrippa arrived at Baise, where the Emperor was, at the very time when Herod received his first audience. Cains, on the delivery of Agrippa's letters, read them with great earnestness. In these letters, Agrippa accused Antipas of having been a party in Sejanus's conspiracy against Tiberius, and said that he still carried on a correspond- ence with Artabanus, King of Parthia, against the Romans. As a proof of this, he affirmed that Antipas had in his arsenals arms for seventy thousand men. Caius, being angry, demanded hastily of Antipas, if it were true that he had such a quantity of arms. The King, not daring to deny it, was instantly banished to Lyons in Gaul. The Emperor offered to forgive Herodias, in consideration of her brother Agrippa ; but she chose rather to follow her husband, and to share his fortune in banishment. 128 BOOK II. CHAPTER II. This is that Antipas, who, being at Jerusalem at the time of our Saviour's passion, ridiculed Jesus whom Pilate had sent to him, dressed him in worn- out royalty, and sent him back to Pilate as a mock King, whose ambition gave him no umbrage. (Luke xxiii. 7, 11.) The year of the death of Antipas is unknown ; but it is certain, that he, as well as Herodias, died in exile. Josephus says that he died in Spain, whither Caius, on his com- ing into Gaul the first year of his banishment, might have ordered him to be sent. CHAPTER II. SECT. I. MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN. Elevated Character of a Martyr for Christ State of the Church at this Period Murmuring of the Grecians Cause of it Hellenists Remedy for the Evil complained of Deacons Their Office -Agapte Ignatius and Justin Martyr quoted Stephen His Character The Nature of the Discussions in which he engaged with the Jews Various Synagogues in Jerusa- lem Foreign Jews Libertines Cyrenians Alexandrians Of Cilicia Of Asia Stephen is falsely accused Defends himself before the Council His Visirm Its monitory and consoling Character Rage of the Mob Stephen is hurried out of the City and stoned Remarks on his Death The Place of his Martyrdom His Relics said to be discovered Their supposed miraculous Power Folly of Romanism on this Subject The Power of the Jewish Council considered Dr. Lardner quoted Stoning, a capital Punishment of the Jews Duration of the Persecution which followed the Death of Stephen Saul of Tarsus an active Agent of the Chief Priests Hi? mode of Assault upon the Christians The Gos- pel spreads Martyrdom of Nicanor and others Comparison between Zechariah and Stephen. SECT. II. MARTYRDOM OF JAMES THE ELDER His History Cha- racter Called to bean Apostle Tradition of James introducing the Gospel into Spain, noticed His Intimacy with our Lord /* cruelly put to Death Career of Herod Agrippa His miserable End. SECTION I. MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN. How different is the feeling, observes a modern writer, with which we read the words and deeds of the martyrs from that which accom- panies the consideration of all other characters ! That which comes nearest to it is our regard to the memory of the hero who died for his and our country. We admire his high spirit and courage, we venerate him for his wisdom, we love him for his kinder qualities, especially for the love which he bore to his country, we pity him for his short date of life, we are stirred as with the sound of a trumpet at the story of his mighty deeds ; and these feelings are rendered still more lively by the insinuation into them of our personal vanity, which is gratified at being fellow-countrymen of such a man. Yet our sympathy is exceedingly imperfect. If we gaze M'ith a reveren- tial fervour upon his mouldering sword and surcoat, which, with his rusty casque and tattered banner, are hung over his tomb, yet these aspirations soon make way for a sigh upon the vanity of this world. Not only the rust and rags of these monuments teach us the frailty of everything earthly, but their very fashion also forcibly reminds us how completely his age has gone by, how very different are the times in which we are living. It is with difficulty that we can trace down THE MARTYRDOM OP STEPHEN. MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN. 129 to ourselves, in an uninterrupted tissue of reflection, the benefits which he acquired for his country. Still more hard do we find it, amid such striking contrarieties from without, to associate our feel- ings with his. But the martyr died for an universal, an everlasting, country, of which the fashions, the principles, the laws, and there- fore the feelings, are the same throughout all nations, and all gene- rations of nations, to the end of the world. The crown of glory which he has acquired is imperishable ; and when we look upon his tomb, we think not of his bones below, but of his spirit above. The cause in which he fell is uot only just and honourable before man, but approved and precious before God. And it is one to which we ourselves are bound, in common with him, in its most minute parti- cularities, in particular weapon, particular armour, particular interest, particular friend, particular foe, particular King ; and not only have we in common with him, but we are one with him, and he with us : the same spirit fills us : we look not on one who had once the same breath of life which we now have, but on one who has the same breath of everlasting life at this moment ; who is in the same com- munion of saints with ourselves. Our sense of obligation to him is exalted by the consideration that he was the chosen instrument of the most high God to call us into the blessedness of the membership of his eternal city ; and the greater our advance in holiness, the greater is our sympathy with him, and the more do we love and bless his memory.* The church of Christ in these early days was distinguished for " unity and godly love," being of one heart and soul. They conti- nued together with one accord, worshipped in one place, and fed together at one table. None could want ; for they had all things in common. Those who were rich sold their estates to minister to the necessities of the poor ; the money was deposited in one common treasury, and distributed under the inspection of the Apostles. The church increasing daily in numbers, the superintendence of the Apostles over the distribution of the common fund was of necessity committed to others, and due equality ceased to be observed : some received larger gratuities, and others less, than their just wants required : the result was, " there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration." (Acts vi. 1.) It may not be useless to inquire who these Greeks or Hellenists were, who felt themselves thus injured, or treated with indifference and neglect, in the daily act of charity. Dr. Cave informs us, that the opinion that has most generally obtained is, that they were ori- ginally Jews, born and bred in Grecian or heathen countries, of the dispersed among the Gentiles, who accommodated themselves to their manner of living, spake the Greek language, but altogether mingled with Hebraisms and Jewish forms of speech, and used no other Bible but the Greek translation of the Septuagint. Salmasius has endea- voured, with considerable ingenuity, to confute this idea, by showing that no people ever went under that name or character ; that the * Evans's Scripture Biography, p. 334. London, 1834. VOL. 1. S J30 BOOK II. CHAPTER II. Jews, in whatever part of the world they might be found, were not a distinct nation from those that lived in Palestine, and that there never was any such peculiar distinct Hellenistic dialect, nor any such ever mentioned by ancient writers. Tt is therefore probable, that they were not of the Hebrew race, but Greek or Gentile proselytes, who had themselves, or by their ancestors, deserted the superstitions and idolatry of Paganism, and entered the Jewish church, taking upon themselves circumcision, and the observance of the Mosaic law, and were now converted to the Christian faith. Many of these proselytes were now at Jerusalem, who were brought under the influence of the Gospel, from among whom one of the seven chosen to be Deacons was a proselyte of Antioch. Hence we learn why the widows of these Hellenists had not so much care taken of them as those of the Hebrews : the individuals with whom the Apostles in a great mea- sure intrusted the distribution of the supplies, were more indulgent toward those of their own nation, their neighbours, and kindred, than to others who agreed with them only in the profession of Chris- tianity, and were utterly unable to contribute to the general stock in an equal proportion with the native Jews, who had lands and posses- sions which " they sold and laid at the Apostles' feet." (Acts iv. 37.) To remedy this evil, and to preserve " the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace," the Apostles called the disciples together, whom they informed that the disposal of the common stock, and making daily provision for the poorer members of the church, were incon- sistent with the due and efficient discharge of other and more import- ant duties of their office as the Apostles of Christ, and Ministers of the Gospel. They therefore recommended that the people should choose from among themselves seven men " of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom," whom they might set apart pecu- liarly to superintend these affairs, while they, more freely and with- out interruption, might give themselves " continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." (Acts vi. 4.) This was the origin of Deacons in the Christian church : * they were to " serve tables," * The term " Deacon " is from a Greek word which, in its proper and primitive sense, denotes a servant, who waits on his employer at table, and is always near his person to ohey his orders, which was accounted a more creditable kind of service than that which is im* plied by the word Sou\os, " a slave ; " hut this distinction is not usually observed in the New Testament. Our Lord makes use of both terms in Matt. xx. 26, 27, though they are not distinctly marked in our translation. " Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your Deacon ; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant." In ecclesiastical polity, the Deacon is the lowest of the different orders of the Clergy. In the Romish Church he served at the altar, in the celebration of what are called " the holy mysteries." He is also allowed to baptize, and to preach with the permission of the Bishop. Formerly, Deacons were allowed to marry ; but this was prohibited very early ; and at present the Pope dispenses with this prohibition only for very important reasons. In such cases they re-enter the condition of laymen. There are eighteen Cardinal Deacons in Rome, who have the charge of the temporal interests and the revenues of the Church. A person, to be consecrated Deacon, must be twenty-three years of age. In the English Church Deacons are also Ecclesiastics, who can perform all the offices of a Priest, except the consecration of the sacramental elements, and the pro- nouncing of the absolution. In German Protestant churches the assistant Ministers are generally called " Deacons." If there be two assistants, the first of them is called " Archdeacon." In the Presbyterian churches, the Deacon's office is generally merged in that of Ruling Elder ; but in some it is distinct, and simply embraces the distribution MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN. 131 that is, to wait upon the necessities of the poor, to make provision for the public festivals of the community, to attend to the secular affairs of the church, receive and disburse money, and provide every- thing necessary for its temporal good. Thus while the Bishop attended to the souls, the Deacons attended to the bodies, of the people ; the Pastor to the spiritual, and the Deacons to the temporal, interests of the church. This description of the office of a Deacon agrees with a definition of the word 8axovoj which we find in the ancient classics, whose duty it was to distribute portions to every guest, either according to the command of the up^Tpixfavos, " governor of the feast," or according to the rule of equality, which apportioned to each alike. It is, however, probable, that other ser- vices were exacted, as it cannot be supposed that the Apostles would have laid so much stress on the character of the men to be chosen, nor would they have set them apart in a manner so solemn and imposing, had the office been confined merely to the adjustment of the temporal affairs of the community, which might have been dis- charged by men of ordinary rank and capacity.* " Serving tables " doubtless implied the attendance at the table of the Lord's supper ; and as their agapce, or " love-feasts," at which the rich and the poor sat down together, were always associated with the administration of the eucharist, the services of the Deacon were in constant requi- sition. To these Ignatius the martyr referred in his epistle to the Trallians : " The Deacons, also, as being the ministers of the myste- ries of Jesus Christ, must, by all means, please all. For they are not the ministers of meat and drink, but of the church of God."f Jus- tin Martyr, also, makes similar mention of these functionaries : " The eucharistical office," he says, "being thus performed by the Bishop, and concluded with the acclamation of the people, those we call ' Deacons ' distribute to every one present, to partake of this eucha- ristical bread and wine and water, and then they carry it to the absent. "J In the inspired record of these events, Stephen stands foremost. Stephen was one of those Jews who were born among the Heathen, spoke their language, and, where it was indifferent, conformed to their habits. He was chosen with six others to minister to the neces- sities of their slighted and overlooked brethren. With this unequi- vocal testimony of the church in his favour, Stephen first appears among us ; and there is something exceedingly moving in the specta- of alms. Among Congregationalists the Deacons, besides attending to the temporal con- cerns of the church, assist the Minister with their advice, take the lead at prayer- meetings when he is absent, and preach occasionally to smaller congregations in the contiguous villages. (Henderson.) * Some remark that there were two orders of Deacons : 1. The Deacons of the table, whose business it was to take care of the alma collected in the church, and distribute them among the poor, widows, fec. j and, 2. The Deacons of the word, whose business it was to preach, and variously instruct the people. It seems that after the persecution raised against the apostolic church, in consequence of which they became dispersed, the deaconship of tables ceased, as did also the community of goods ; and Philip, who was one of these Deacons, who at first served tables, betook himself entirely to the preach- ing of the word. t Wake's Kpistles of the Apostolical Fathers. 8vo. edit., p. 67. London. 1737. \ ReevesV Apologies of the Fathers. 8vo. Vol. i., p. 119. London. 1709. si 2 132 BOOK II. CHAPTER II. cle of a youthful disciple advancing so quickly to the fight, and tri- umphing so gloriously. He was early removed to a hetter world. He was fitted for extensive usefulness ; his acquaintance with the doctrines of the Gospel, and his eloquence in declaring them, ren- dered him an useful herald of the cross ; he was favoured also with miraculous powers, and the spirit of courage, which enabled him to preach the truth with firmness, and also to confirm the word by numerous public and unquestionable miracles. The zeal and diligence of his ministry, together with the extraordinary success which attended it, excited the malice of the Jews, and many testified their readiness to oppose and resist him ; but they were not able to with- stand the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake. They had then recourse to the usual artifices of the discomfited children of perdi- tion, which they learn from their father the devil, who stands accus- ing the brethren night and day. Misrepresentation, perjury, and calumny were employed incessantly against him. The nature of the discussions in which Stephen had to engage, and the disputants with whom he had to contend, necessarily come under consideration. The relief which the Apostles felt in having the trouble of " the tables " taken off their hands, seems to have shown itself immediately in the increasing number of converts. We now meet with the extraordinary fact, that a great multitude of the Priests embraced the Gospel ; and the feast of tabernacles, which Dr. Edward Burton supposed to be at hand, would be likely to bring many new converts among the foreign Jews. The presence of one of the great festivals is also indicated by what we read of Stephen disputing with persons belonging to the synagogues of Gyrene, Alex- andria, Cilicia, and Asia Minor. We are told that there were as many as four hundred and eighty synagogues in Jerusalem ; * and it seems highly probable, that many of them were built by foreign Jews, who thus had synagogues of their own to which they could resort when they attended the public festivals. Some of these per- sons now heard, for the first time, of a new sect which was making a surprising progress in Jerusalem ; and we may perhaps infer, that the Chief Priests had been waiting for their arrival in the hope of engaging them in their scheme against the Christians. There were now several persons besides the Apostles who were active in preaching the Gospel ; and though the synagogues were crowded by this influx of foreign Jews, they entered them boldly, and defended their doctrines. In these disputations Stephen engaged : and, as far as words were concerned, his victory was easy ; for prejudice and error were against him, but truth and sincerity were on his side. Of those who took an active part in the dispute with Stephen, were " certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia." (Acts vi. 9.) Opinion has been much divided respecting the Libertines. The conjectures which have been formed concerning them may be reduced to three. 1. The term is of Latin origin, and * Burton's Lectures upon the Ecclesiastical History of the first Century, p. 66. Oxford. 1831. MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN. 133 signifies " a freed man," one who had been a slave and had obtained emancipation. Many have supposed that these persons were manu- mitted slaves of Roman origin, but who had become proselytes to the Jewish faith, and had a synagogue in Jerusalem. This opinion is open to much dispute, though it is certain Tacitus tells us of many of this description being resident in Rome ; * and that four thousand Jewish proselytes of Roman slaves made free were sent at one time to Sardinia. 2. A second opinion is, that these persons were Jews by birth, and had been taken captive by the Romans, and then set at liberty, and hence called " freed men," or " Libertines." That there were many Jews of this description, cannot be doubted. Pom- pey, when he subjugated Judea, sent large numbers of the inhabit- ants to Rome, who were afterwards liberated, and a residence assigned to them beyond the Tiber. These persons were called by Philo, " Libertines," or freed men. 3. But, another, and more feasible opinion is, that they took their name from some place which they occupied ; an idea which derives probability from the fact, that the other individuals mentioned in the same category are designated by the countries which they occupied. Suidas declares that it is the name of a place. The Cyrenians were Jews who inhabited Gyrene, a celebrated city of Libya, where a great number resided, and who were accustomed to send their several offerings to Jerusalem. They had a synagogue in that city, and some were among the earliest converts to the faith of Christ. Hence we read of Simon of Gyrene, whom the Jews compelled to bear our Saviour's cross ; of Lucius of Gyrene, a celebrated Teacher in the church of Antioch ; and of " men of Gyrene," who, upon the persecution that followed the death of Stephen, were " scattered abroad " from Jerusalem, and preached "as far as Phenice, Cyprus, and Antioch." (Acts xi. ID, 20.) The synagogue of the Alexandrian Jews is mentioned in the Talmud, which states that they built it at their own charge, which was probably true in other cases. They were inhabitants of Alexandria, in Egypt, which was founded by Alexander the Great, B.C. 332, and peopled by colonies of Greeks and Jews. It was much celebrated, and contained not less than three hundred thousand free citizens, and as many slaves. The city was inhabited by many Jews ; and Josephus f asserts that the founder assigned to them a particular quarter of the city, and allowed, them equal privileges with the Greeks. Philo affirms, that of five parts of the city, into which it may be supposed divided, the Jews occupied two ; and that, in his time, there dwelt at Alexandria and in other Egyptian towns, not less than two hundred thousand of the descendants of Israel. The Cilicians were from a province of Asia Minor, on the sea coast, at the north of Cy- prus. The chief town was Tarsus, the birth-place of Paul the Apostle, who, probably, took a principal part in these discussions against Stephen, as a member of that synagogue. The term " Asia," as used with regard to another class of Stephen's disputants, is employed in a very limited sense, distinguishing it from Phrygia, Galatia, Bithy- * Annales, lib. ii., cap. 86. Edit. Grierson. Dublin. 1780. 1 Joseph. Antiq., lib. xiv., cap. 7. 134 BOOK II. CHAPTER II. nia, and Mysia. The name had anciently various significations. There was Asia in the more extensive sense, denoting all that was known of the East ; then a comparatively small, but to those of former time well-known, part, designated Asia Minor; and of this limited division a portion was denominated Asia, and, when distinction was required, it was recognised as Asia Proper. This comprehended the provinces of Phrygia, Mysia, Caria, Lydia, ^Eolia } and Ionia. But the scene of the Apostles' ministry will be found in the Lydian Asia, which formed but a small part of Asia Proper. It is in this restricted sense that St. John uses the word, when addressing "the seven churches which are in Asia." (Rev. i. 11.) Being overcome with the power of the Spirit, these men gave over disputing, and a new plan of attack was adopted. False witnesses were hired, who accused Stephen of " speaking blasphemous words against Moses and against God ; " and of saying, that " Jesus of Nazareth should destroy that place, and change the customs which Moses had delivered." We can hardly suppose, that even the Apos- tles were aware at this time, that the Gospel was to supplant the religion of Moses ; still less could we imagine, that Stephen would have spoken blasphemously of Moses or of God. But while he was enforcing the indispensable necessity of faith in Christ's death, he may have given offence to many Jews, who thought, that, as followers of the law, they could not be excluded from salvation. He would also be sure to represent Moses as inferior to Jesus ; and to those who knew the latter only as a crucified Galilaean, the assertion would be looked upon as little less than blasphemy. When the Chief Priests represented the doctrines of the Apostles as subversive of the law, they struck upon a chord which vibrated to the heart of every Israelite. The Pharisees would even have been more forward than the Saddu- cees to resent an insult such as this ; and the High Priest and his followers could not have devised a plan more likely to unite all parties against the Christians ; nor could there have been a fitter time for spreading this new calumny, than when persons were entering Jeru- salem every day, who had as yet heard nothing of the rising sect. If some Jewish accounts may be believed, Gamaliel himself was no longer the advocate of cautious measures. It is possible, that, as a rigid Pharisee, and even upon his own principle, he may have looked upon it as a proof that the counsel of the Apostles was not of God, since they blasphemed Moses and the law.* With this charge, Stephen's accusers hurried him before the High Priest and Elders : they "brought him to the council." The court having been set, and the charge brought in and opened, that nothing might be wanting to conduct this mock exhibition of justice, Stephen was permitted to defend himself. While the Judges of the Sanhedrim earnestly gazed upon him, they discovered the appear- ance of an extraordinary splendour and brilliancy in his countenance, as indicative of the innocence and rectitude of his cause. The High Priest having asked him whether he were guilty or not, the holy confessor pleaded his own cause, undaunted by the assembly of * Burton's Lectures upon the Eccles. Hist, of the First Century. 8vo. Edit. p. 67. MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN. 13." the wise and learned and powerful of his nation, and cheered by the consciousness of the presence of the Great High Priest of our profes- sion. In this address he went through a summary of the Jewish history, showing God's free mercies to the nation, and the return which it had made by rebellion and idolatry. He showed them, among other apostacies, how their fathers had forsaken the tabernacle of Jehovah, and taken up the tabernacle of Moloch. This brought him to the mention of the temple, which they, although no longer idolaters, yet regarded with a carnality little short of idolatry.* With the usual abuse of superstition, they con- fined God's presence on earth to that favoured spot, and only there thought of the purity necessary for appearing before him : nowhere else did they reck of his eye. Here, too, of course, it consisted but in outward rites and oblations. In vain had Prophets been sent from God to recall them to more spiritual notions : they persecuted and slew them, both them who spoke of the coming of the Just One, and the Just One himself. Their menaces, during the latter part of his speech, when he came to the subject of the temple, were very signifi- cant ; and, perhaps, drew him to dilate more at large on their resist- ance to God's will : he saw that he himself was shortly to be added to the number of His maltreated messengers, and burst out into that indignant apostrophe, " Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost : as your fathers did, so do ye. Which of the Prophets have not your fathers persecuted ? and they have slain them which showed before of the coming of the Just One, of whom ye have now been the betrayers and murderers ; who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it." f On this, the rage of his hearers became excessive ; they were cut to the heart, and interrupted Stephen in the progress of his discourse with clamour and boisterous tumult ; who, seeing them gnashing upon him with their teeth, and aware of what was preparing for him, lifted his heart above all earthly fears, and, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, as ready to receive this champion of the faith, when the trammels of mortality shall be violently taken away. The appearance of this vision is monitory and consoling. Two circumstances, says the Rev. Richard Watson, are here recorded. The fact that he was " full of the Holy Ghost," being again mentioned, intimates that he had, in that moment, a special visitation of divine strength and comfort. The moment was a trying one. His enemies were numerous, and their rage was great ; so that from them he could expect no mercy. Then the visitation was granted. How often does this interesting circumstance of the seasonable interposition of God, in behalf of his servants, appear in the New Testament ! Hence, St. Paul remarks, that, while his outward afflictions abounded, his consolations by Christ abounded in proportion. "We glory in tribulations also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience, and Sancti Barnabas Apoatoli Epist. Catholica. Sect. xii. 4to. Paris, 1645. t Evans's Scripture Biography, p. 340. London, 1834. 136 BOOK II. CHAPTER II. patience experience, and experience hope ; and hope raaketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our heart by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us." Similar instances occur in the Old Testament. When the three Hebrew children were cast alive into the burning fiery furnace, "one like unto the Son of God" appeared amongst them, so that not a hair of their heads was singed, nor did the smell of fire pass upon their clothes. When St. John was banished to the Isle of Patmos, for the word of God and the tes- timony of Jesus, he was favoured with the presence of his glorified Lord, and of the holy angels. All these facts are designed to teach us, that, if we trust in the Lord, mercy shall compass us about ; and that he is, as it is emphatically expressed, " a very present help in trouble." The immediate effect of this visitation was, that " he looked up stedfastly unto heaven ;" not attracted by the vision, which appears to have been vouchsafed afterwards, while he was looking up. The action carries its own comment. It was an appeal from the injustice of earth, to the eternal justice of heaven ; from merci- less men, to a compassionate God. It was a devout committal of his cause into a supreme hand ; saying " If it be right for me to be delivered, thou canst deliver me ; no rage of man can prevent this. If it be thy will that I should die, behold, here I am : do with me as seemeth thee good." Can we not here catch an illustrious view of the manner in which true Christianity lifts man above himself; and how lofty a character is stamped upon a regenerate nature ? A man, whose eye is fixed on heaven, tramples equally under foot the smiles and the frowns of earth. Here is no defiance, no collecting of a man's resisting energies, resting on the centre of a dogged reso- lution ; which is all that heathen virtue can reach. Here is no retreat- ing of man into himself, in search of natural courage, or other principles to sustain him. The contrast is most impressive. In Christian hero- ism, man goes out of himself to a higher power ; his strength is in his weakness ; he trusts in another, an almighty power ; and thus con- fesses that he can do nothing. Stephen looks directly up into heaven ; commits his case there, and becomes mighty through God.* " How easily can heaven delight and entertain us in the want of all earthly comforts ! and how near are divine consolations, when humau assistance is furthest from us ! " Stephen was elated with this glorious manifestation, and his soul inspired with renewed courage and zeal, so that he cried out in the presence of the assembly, " Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God." The application to Jesus (for so they could not but understand it) of that high title, which when Jesus himself made, the High Priest rent his clothes as at blasphemy, and pronounced sentence of death, was also fatal to his faithful servant. The furious and misguided bigotry of the mob knew no bounds ! They did not wait to procure a warrant from the Roman Governor, without whose leave they had not power to put any man to death, they had not even prudence to wait for the judicial sentence of the Sanhedrim, which would, most probably, have been Watson's Works. Vol. ii., p. 422. 8vo. Edit. London, 1834. MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN. 137 given against the persecuted and injured man ; but, seizing the sword of justice with a determination to use it, without waiting for any of the ordinary formalities of law, like fanatics and madmen, they raised a great clamour, and stopped their ears that they might hear no further blasphemies, and be deaf to all appeals for mercy ; they rushed upon him ; and, as zeal is superstitious, even in its wildest and most frantic rage, the mob hesitated to shed the blood of Stephen within the walls, lest they should pollute the city with his blood, but hurried him without, and stoned him, while he was invoking Jesus in the same prayer in which he himself had invoked the Father from the cross, saying, " Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." He knelt down to receive his death, and crying out, " Lord, lay not this sin to their charge !" he fell asleep. Thus Stephen fell, and his death is highly instructive. It was a death of prayer. He died calling upon God. He needed prayer to the end, because to the end he needed divine support. No former grace which he had received was then sufficient ; and no visions with which he might have been favoured, could supersede the necessity of direct communications of divine help and comfort. It was a death of faith. Christ was recognised by the dying martyr, and into his hands the soul was commended. The soul of Stephen had been thus committed to the merit of the Saviour's passion for justification ; it had been committed to his care through life ; and Christ was acknowledged as the Saviour, the only Saviour, of souls in death. The language of St. Paul was very similar : " I know," says he, " whom I have believed ; and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have com- mitted to him against that day." It was a death of certainty. In the mind of Stephen, there was no gloom as to the future : the death of the Christian is, the surrender of his spirit into the hands of his glorified Saviour. What a thought is this ! View the language of Stephen in contrast with that of even the wisest of the Heathen, and especially with that of unbelievers. " And now, ye Judges," said Socrates, " ye are going to live, and I am going to die. Which of these is best, God knows, but I suppose no man does." " I am going to take a leap in the dark!" exclaimed an infidel in the pro- spect of dissolution. The despairing sinner, who has neglected the salvation of the Gospel, trembles at the sight of the great gulf ; and many unfaithful professors of Christianity, in their last hours, have painfuf doubts as to whether they shall sink or rise. The vision made no difference in the case of Stephen. St. Paul saw no vision, and yet he employs the same language of blessed assurance. It was a death of charity. The man of God was surrounded by fierce and bloody men, who were inflicting upon him th greatest injury in their power ; yet a soul ripe for heaven can have no resentments ; and he cries with a loud voice, expressive, not only of a forgiving spirit, but of the utmost ardour of benevolence, " Lord, lay not this sin to their charge ! " thus exemplifying the doctrine of his Lord, " I say unto you, Love your enemies ; bless them that curse you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you." It was a death of peace. He fell asleep. So easy is death to the good man. He VOL. I. T 138 BOOK II. CHAPTER II. possessed the most perfect calmness in the midst of violence, and an expression of that tranquillity was, perhaps, left upon the countenance of his breathless remains.* No information is contained in the Holy Scriptures, either with respect to the time of his death, or the place of his interment.f The martyrdom, in all probability, occurred a short time after the ascen- sion of our Lord, without the walls, as tradition reports, near the gate on the north side that leads to Cedar, afterwards termed St. Stephen's Gate ; it was anciently called the Gate of Ephraim, or, according to others, the Valley Gate, or Fish Gate ; it stood on the east side of the city, where the place, until lately, was exhibited, where St. Paul sat when he kept the clothes of them that slew him. Over this place, the Empress Eudocia, wife of Theodosius, when she repaired the walls of Jerusalem, erected a beautiful and stately church J to the honour of Stephen, wherein she herself was afterwards buried. The gieat stone upon which he stood while he suffered martyrdom, is said to have been afterwards removed into the church, built to the honour of the Apostles, upon Mount Sion, and there kept with great care and reve- rence : one of the stones with which he was killed, being also pre- served by some Christian, was carried into Italy, laid up as a choice treasure at Ancona, and a church erected to the memory of the martyr. In the fifth century, the relics of the martyr were said to have been miraculously discovered by a Greek Priest, of the name of Lucian, and they were brought to Europe by Orosius. Evodius, Bishop of Myala, wrote a small treatise concerning the miracles per- formed by them ; and Severus, a Bishop of the Island of Minorca, wrote a circular letter of the conversion of the Jews in that island, and of the miracles wrought in that place, by the relics which Orosius left there. These writings are contained in the works of Augustine, who gives the sanction of his authority to the incredible and ludicrous follies which they record. To this power the Church of Rome still pretends, which it endeavours to justify by appealing to these and similar instances. But in vain, and to no purpose : the pretended miracles of that Church being generally trifling and ridicu- lous, far beneath that gravity and seriousness that should work upon a wise and considerate mind, the manner of their operation obscure and ambiguous, their numbers excessive and immoderate, the occa- sions of them light and frivolous ; and, after all, the things them- selves, for the most part, false, and the reports very often so monstrous and extravagant as would choke any sober and rational belief, so that a man must himself become the greatest miracle that believes them. I shall observe no more, says Dr. Cave,|j than that in Watson's Works. Vol. ii., p. 428. 8vo. Edit. London, 1834. t The story is worthy of little attention, that the body of Stephen continued a day and a night without interment ; during which time it was not touched hy any animal, and that at length, Gamaliel was instrumental in having it buried in his own ground, eight leagues from Jerusalem. (Tillemont, Memoires, torn, ii., p. 9. Paris, 1694. t Evagr. Hist. Eccles., lib. i., cap. 22. Luciani Presbyteri Epistola de Inventione S. Stephani. || Cave's Lives of the Fathers of the Church. 8vo. Edit. Vol. i., p. 76. Oxford, J840. MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN. 139 all these cases related by Augustine, we never find that they invo- cated or prayed to the martyr, nor begged to be healed by his merits or intercession, but immediately directed their addresses to God himself.* The circumstances which preceded and attended the condemnation and death of Stephen, were entirely tumultuary and irregular, and offer no ground whatever for us to infer, that a proper course of authorized proceeding was adopted. The enraged mob took the matter into their own hands, without waiting the result of judicial proceedings. The effect is the same, whether we affirm or deny the power of the Jewish council to inflict capital punishment ; for if they had such power, it seems evident that they did not in this instance exercise it, since the excited mob would not wait for their judicial determination. By some this has been quoted as an evidence, that the Sanhedrim was not, as is usually stated, at this time, without the power of inflicting the punishment of death. The instance proves nothing either way. The question, however, has given rise to considerable discussion. Relying on the present and other cases, some contend that the Jewish tribunal did really possess the power of inflicting capital punishment ; and the case of our Saviour, whom the Jews could not put to death until they had obtained the concurrence of the Roman Governor, is met by the observation that they wished to avoid the odium of so unpopular an act themselves, and to throw it upon The relics of Stephen were found, together with those of Nicodemus, and those of Gamaliel, and of Abibas, his son. They were found by the help of revelations and visions, and they wrought innumerable miracles. Tillemont (Memoires, torn, ii., p. 1, ft scq.) calls it one of the principal events of the fifth century, and gives a large detail of it, which welJ deserves to be perused ; for, take it all together, it is, perhaps, one of the most barefaced and impudent impostures that ever was obtruded upon the Christian world. The vouchers for it are Lucian, a Presbyter of the church of Jerusalem, who was the happy discoverer of these relics, Augustine, Sozomen, Orosius, Gregory of Tours, and many others. " Dr. Cave is not willing to give the same credence to modern miracles, as to those which they say were performed in the days of Honorius. He seems inclined to allow, that a great number of sick persons were cured by the admirable odour which issued from the sepulchre of St. Stephen, when it was first opened, if we may believe Lucian and Photius. But he is much more persuaded of the relation given us by St. Augustine, concerning the miracles wrought in a chapel where some relict) of Stephen were deposited. Cave is of opinion, that God might perform such miracles at that time, for the conversion of the Pagans, who were still numerous amongst the Christians ; though at present, miracles are ceased, because there is not the same occasion for them. The author of the ' Logic of Port Royal,' speaking of these miracles, affirms, that every man nf good sense, though he should not have a grain of piety or religion, must needs acknowledge them to be true. But a man may have both good sense and piety too, and yet may rather believe that Augustine was mistaken and credulous, or, that he judged it expedient to propagate miraculous tales, which he thought calculated to convert the Pagans, without examining them too strictly. It i* true, indeed, that he relates them with the utmost confidence ; and, with the same confidence, the most notorious impostures are still recommended to our belief every day." Du Pin, speaking of these miracles, says : "These relations have in them so little of the probable and the credible, that if they were not authorized by the testimony of Augustine and Gennadius, we would scarcely believe them." "A phial, filled with the blood of St. Stephen, brought to Naples by one Gaudioso, an African Bishop, used to boil and bubble of itself on the 3d of August, according to the old calendar. But since Gregory XIII. has corrected the calendar, the blood does not boil up till the 13th of August, on which the festival of the saint is fixed by the new regulation. A manifest proof," says the writer, " that the Gregorian calendar is received in heaven, though some heretical countries upon earth refused to follow it!" (Jortin's Remarks, the whole world, nor even to all the Roman empire, but, as in Luke ii. 1, to Judea only. State- ments respecting four famines, which occurred in the reign of Claudius, are produced by the commentators who support this view ; and as all the countries put together would not make up a tenth part of even the Roman empire, they think it plain that the words must be understood to apply to that famine which, in the fourth year of Claudius, over- spread Palestine. The poor Jews, in general, wore then relieved by the Queen of Adiabene, who sent to purchase corn in Egypt for them ; (Jos. Antiq., lib. M., cap. 2, 6 ;) and for the relief of the Christians in that country, contributions were laiced by the brethren at Antioch. (Kitto.) 150 BOOK II. CHAPTER II. Great, had swayed the sceptre. He also at the same time procured the small territory of Chalcis, with the title of King, for his brother Herod. This was in some sense, and for a few years, a restoration of independence to the Jews. Since the removal of Pontius Pilate, they had been governed by the President of Syria, instead of having a Procurator of their own.* They now had once more a King, who had some of the ancient Asmonean blood in his veins, and who, upon more than one occasion, had shown himself a real friend to the interests of the nation. His power appears to have been as despotic as that of his ancestor. He continued the Roman policy of frequently removing the High Priests ; and his reign, which lasted not quite four years, saw three persons in succession fill that office. f By this measure, which might be thought an unpopular one, he was sure to have the person, who actually filled the office, at his command ; and the others who were expecting it, would be careful not to offend him. Agrippa also found it convenient to secure the good-will of his sub- jects by yielding to their worst passions and caprice, especially as he was so narrowly watched by Marsus, the President of Syria ; and it was no easy matter for a King of the Jews to be popular with his subjects, and yet to stand well with the Roman authorities in the country. One of the means which Agrippa took to make himself popular at Jerusalem, was by persecuting the Christians : and since he wished to be accounted particularly strict in his observance of the law, he would easily be persuaded that it was his duty to crush this increasing sect. As the passover was selected as the fittest season of the year for the crucifixion of our Lord, so that period is again chosen on which to perpetrate acts of cruelty, and to shed blood ; and as the chief civil power was on the side of the ungodly, there was less difficulty in commencing and carrying on the attack. Agrippa began at once with seizing the ringleaders, and arrested James, whom he beheaded summarily, by his own military mandate, and without any process of Jewish law.J " Now about that time Herod the King stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also." (Acts xii. IT 3.) Thus fell the Apostle James, a victim to his open and steadfast testimony to the resurrection of Jesus, and to other ser- vices for the church, whereby he had greatly signalized himself in the short period of his life after our Lord's ascension. Probably he had, with a freedom not a little offensive to Agrippa, spoken of the calami- ties coming upon the Jewish people, if they did not repent, and believe in Jesus as the Christ, as John the Baptist and Stephen had declared in their preaching. (Matt. iii. 7 12 ; Luke in. 17 ; Acts vi. 13, 14.) It is remarkable that the brunt of persecution came upon the three * " Josephus speaks of VitellSus sending Marcellus, a friend of his own, to manage the affairs of Judea, when he ordered Pilate to Rome ; (Antiq., lib. xviii. cap. 4, sect 2 ;) but I do not conceive him to have been Procurator." (Dr. E. Burton.) t Simon, Matthias, Elioneus. j Burton's Lectures upon the Ecclesiastical History of the First Century. 8vo. Oxford, 1831. Milman's History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Aboli- tion of Paganism in the Roman Empire. Vol. i., p. 409, London, 1840. MARTYRDOM OF JAMES THE ELDKR. 151 favourite disciples of Jesus, inasmuch as their more intimate know- ledge of him at once supplied them with a more abundant store of that which would provoke the wrath of the Jews, while, at the same time, it inspired them with greater boldness. Thus this blessed mar- tyr fulfilled to the Lord his promise, in some degree at least, of drink- ing of the cup of which He drank, and of being baptized with the baptism that He had been baptized with. Ancient tradition, as Eusebius informs us, on the authority of Clemens Alexandrinus, states, that the courage and constancy of James were such, as to induce the man who led him to the judgment-seat to confess himself a Christian. Both, therefore, says the historian, were led away to die. On the road to the place of martyrdom, he entreated James to forgive him ; and the latter, considering a little, replied, *' Peace be to thee," and kissed him, and then at the same time both were beheaded. In all probability James was buried at Jerusalem, where he suffered. With regard to the story of his body having been brought to Spain,* and of the miracles performed through it at the chapel of Compostella,f they present so much of the fabulous and romantic, that we are bound to recognise them only as intended to impose upon the credulous, and to impoverish the purses of those who are silly enough to credit them. According to the testimony of Dorotheus, it is stated, that Nicanor, one of the seven Deacons, with two thousand others who believed in Christ, suffered on the same day as the proto-martyr Stephen. The same historian asserts, that Timon, another of the Deacons, afterwards Bishop of Bostra in Arabia, was there burned ; and also Parmenas, a * Surius, De Probatis Sanctorum, &c., whom Dr. Ligktfoot terms the " hell-wether for old winter tales," informs us, that after the martyrdom of James, the body was shipped hy Ctesiphon and his fellow- Bishops for Spain ; that the ship, in six days, was directed thither, without pilot or compass, but only by the influence of the corpse that it carried ; that at the landing, the body was taken up into the air, and carried near the place of its burial, twelve miles off j that Ctesiphon and his fellows were led to it by an angel, &c. But, enough. t Alban Butler is a bird of the same feather as Surras, and tells us, that the body of the Apostle was interred at Jerusalem, but, not long after, carried by his disciples into Spain, and deposited at Iria Flavia, now called El Padron, upon the borders of Qallicia. The sacred relics were discovered there in the beginning of the ninth century, in the reign of Alphonsus the Chaste, King of Leon. By the order of that Prince they were translated to Compo.stella, four miles distant, to which place Pope Leo III. transferred the episcopal see from Iria Flavia. This place was first called Ad S. Jacobum Aposto- lum, or, Giacomo Postolo, which words have been contracted into the present name Compostella. It is famous for the extraordinary concourse of pilgrims that resort thither to visit the body of St. James, which is kept with great respect in the stately cathedral. Cupar the Bollandist proves the truth of the tradition of the Spanish church, concerning the body of St. James having been translated to Compostella, (that is, to the satisfaction of Butler,) and gives authentic histories of many miracles wrought through his interces- sion, and of several apparitions by which he visibly protected the armies of the Chris- tians against the Moors in that kingdom. The military order of St. James, surnamed the Noble, was instituted by Ferdinand II., A. D. 1175. It is Worthy of record, that Butler's only authority, which he deems it proper to mention, is Father Flores, an Austin Friar, and Rector of the Royal College of Alcala. Vcrbum sat. In the Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, mention is made " how Matilda, or Maud, daughter to King Henry, was married to Henry V., the Kmperor of Germany ; who, after the decease of the said husband, returned about this time, (A.D. 1125,) with the imperial crown to her father in Normandy, bringing with her the hand of St. James ; for joy whereof, the King builded the Abbey of Reading, where the said hand was reposed." (Acts, and Tertullian referred to The Origin of this Idea traced Meaning of the Words "Martyr" and (i Confessors" Great Honours rendered to them Cyprian quoted Relics of Martyrs Their supposed Value Numerous flagrant Acts of Superstition with regard to them Optatus quoted Anecdote of Lucilla Caecilian The Donatist Schism Augustine on the Subject of Relics Edict of Thecdosius the Great Martyrium, what ? Bingham quoted Mabillon on the Abuse of Relics Respect speedily degenerated into Adoration Relics a Source of Wealth to the Church And of Extortion and Knavery in the Clergy Bellarmine appeals to Scripture in Support of Relics The Labours of the Apostles Uncertainty of all Documents respecting them., except those of the New Testament Notices of Christianity in Rome. ALTHOUGH the persons professing Christianity at this early period of the history of the church, were conspicuous for the exemplary holiness of their doctrines, and the innocence of their lives, never- theless the leading men and Priests of the Jewish nation not only heaped upon the Apostles and their followers the heaviest injuries and insults, but, as far as lay in their power, the infliction of death itself. This was exemplified in the martyrdom of Stephen, of James the son of Zebedee, and also of James the Just, Superintendent of the church at Jerusalem.* The true ground of this hostility, none can doubt to have been the gloomy apprehensions of the Jewish nation, that if Christianity prospered in the world, the system of Judaism could not be maintained. Not only in Palestine, but also in foreign states, the descendants of Abraham used the most strenuous efforts to crush the Christian sect ; and displayed equal, if not greater, inhumanity than their brethren resident in Judea. We learn from the Acts of the Apostles, and from other credible writers, that they spared no pains to instigate the Magistrates and populace in the Roman provinces to harass and destroy the believers in Christ, in which unhallowed work they were encouraged by the Jews in Palestine, who frequently sent messengers, exhorting them, not only to shun the Christians, but to persevere with increased zeal in their sanguinary and cruel efforts, * Acts vii. 56 ; xii. 1, 2. Joseph. Antiq., lib. xx., cap. 8. Euseb., Hist. Kccles., lib. ii., cap. 2 . STATE OF THE CHURCH. 155 to accomplish their destruction.* They were constantly denouncing the Christians as a people hostile to the government of Rome, and Christ as a malefactor, most justly slain by Pilate, having heen called by them King. " These all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, say- ing that there is another King, one Jesus." (Acts xvii. 7.) These diabolical prejudices were eagerly transmitted from father to son, from generation to generation : thus the followers of Christ had no enemies in the known world so rancorous and bitter as the Jews.f The Most High ere long inflicted upon this relentless and perfidious nation awful and unheard of punishments, as a righteous, though tremendous, retribution, for the many crimes that had been committed against Jesus and his friends. He suffered Jerusalem, the capital of Palestine, together with the temple, to be razed to their foundation by the Roman Emperor Vespasian, and his son Titus, about forty years after the ascension of our Lord ; an immense multitude of the people were miserably butchered, and most of the survivors sold into slavery. J In every subsequent age, the Jews have been a by- word, and reproach, and the subjects of popular malevolence and envy, on the face of the earth. Throughout the whole history of the human race, we meet with but few, if any, instances of slaughter and devastation equal to this. In contemplating it, amongst various other things which present themselves to our notice, as well as deserving of the most serious attention, it is particularly worthy of remark, that the Jews themselves, rather than the Romans, must be considered as the authors of that great and fearful accumulation of evils which signalized the final desolation of the house of Israel. The Gentiles brought upon the church still greater calamities than the Jews, who wanted power. The persecutions of the Christians by the Romans, have for many ages been accounted ten in number. The history of the church does not support the idea. If we enu- merate the more severe and extensive persecutions which took place during the early days, they do not amount to that number : if we include the provincial and more limited persecutions, the number will necessarily be much more than ten. Some Christians of the fifth century were induced to believe, from certain portions of Scripture, and especially from the Apocalyptic vision, that the church would experience ten calamities of some heavy kind ; and to this vague and See Justin Martyr, Dial, cum Tryphone. Pp. 61 63, 109, 138,318. Ed. (Jebb.) t Passages from early Christian writers, who complain of the Jewish persecutions, are collected by J. A. Fabricius, Lux Evang., toti orbi exoriens, chap, vi., sect, i., p. 121. See al.so the Epist. of the Church of Smyrna, de Martyrio Polycarpi, sect, xii., xiii. t See Josephus's History of the Jewish War. Basnoge Histoire de Juifs. torn, i., cap. 17- 5 See Snlpitius Severus, Historia Sacra, lib. ii., cap. xl., p. 387. Ed. Horn., 1654. Augnstiuus De Civit. Dei, lib. xviii., cap. 62. In the fourth century the number of the persecutions had not been denned. Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum, reckons only six. Eusebius, Hist. Eccles., does not state their number ; yet we might make out nine from this writer. This is the number given by Sulpitiua Severus, in the fifth century. But in his time originated the opinion of just ten persecutions ; and Sulpitius, to make out that number, includes the persecution of Antichrist at the end of the world. See Mosheim, de Rebus Christ, ante Const. Mag. Dr. Hey considers that eleven persecutions may be made out from Eusebius. (Lectures in Divinity, vol. 1., p. 201. Camb., 1841.) X 2 156 BOOK III. CHAPTER I. indefinite interpretation they accommodated ecclesiastical history. The notion is confessedly very ancient, and is built upon popular error, without the least shadow of foundation. We have good autho- rity for stating, that, in the fourth century, the number of Christian persecutions had not been correctly ascertained. The Christians of the fifth century who, from their interpretation of some passages of the inspired writings, had been led to anticipate the fulfilment of a definite number of evils, discovered that the persecutions recorded in history did not amount to that number ; therefore they endeavoured, in order to uphold the authority of the sacred volume, to spread the idea, that the completion of the predicted number would not take place until the end of the world, when Antichrist should reign. Others who fully credited the hypothesis that ten persecutions were predicted in the Scripture, but did not imagine that the afflictions to be expected from Antichrist were to be included, strove, by distorting and perverting the history of the church previous to the time of Constantine the Great, to make it exhibit the whole of the troublous times which they conceived were thus prognosticated. For this we have the testimony of Augustine. He declares that he can by no means assent to the opinion, that only ten persecutions of the Chris- tians are foretold in Scripture until the time of Antichrist, and that his shall be the eleventh and the final one.* In the next place, the Bishop of Hippo informs us, respecting the particular portion of divine truth on which this notion of ten persecutions, anterior to the time of Constantine, was established. The plagues of Egypt were in number ten, prior to the exodus, which they supposed prefigured the sufferings of the church ; and the eleventh, or the persecution which the church has to suffer from Antichrist, they imagined to be indi- cated by the Egyptians pursuing the children of Israel into the Red Sea, where the former perished. f A more silly and absurd exposition of holy writ will with difficulty be found. In treating of the martyrdom of the Apostles, we cannot but be aware that we tread on treacherous and uncertain ground, owing to the vague and contradictory statements which constantly assail us, while threading the labyrinths of ecclesiastical history. We meet with but little in which we can fully confide, except what is recorded in the books of the New Testament, and a few credible and authentic memorials of antiquity. In this case, as in others of doubt and uncertainty, difference of opinion will prevail with regard to what ought to be received, and what rejected. We might with propriety hesitate to withhold our assent to the testimony of Origen, Eusebius, Gregory Nazianzen, Jerome, Socrates, and others of more ancient date who are cited with approbation by Eusebius, and at the same time * " Proinde ne illnd quidem temere puto esse dicendum, sive credendum, quod non- nullis vifeum est, vel videtur, non amplius ecclesiam passuram persecutiones usque ad tempus Antichrist!, quam quot jam passa est, id est, decem, ut undecima, dedemque novissima, sit ab Antichristo." August, de Civil. Dei, lib. xviii., cap. 52. t " Plagas enim .fligyptiorum quoniam decem fuerunt, antequam iude exire inciperet populus Dei, putant ad hunc intellectum esse referendas, ut novissima Antichristi persecutio similis videatur undecimae plagae, qua .3gyptii, dum Lostiliter sequerenter Hebrseos, in Man Rubro, populo Dei per siccum transience, perierunt." Ibid. RESPECT SHOWN TO MARTYRS. 157 receive with considerable caution and reserve the writings of authors of a later age, unless such were satisfactorily corroborated by genu- ine and indisputable documents. When mercenary scribes were unhappily taken into the service of Ecclesiastics who heeded not the truth, the word of God was corrupted with impunity ; fiction was resorted to ; and it was not long before the arrogance and presump- tion of men carried even forgery and imposition to an almost incredible extent, from which none, perhaps, suffered more than the disciples and Apostles of our Lord. That each of the Apostles, with the exception of St. John, suffered capital punishment at the command of the civil Magistrate, is a report that appears to have been regularly handed down from an early day, and has been supported by many various writers. The evidence, however, on which they rest the proof of the fact, is by no means conclusive. That Peter and Paul and James suffered thus, is established on the faith of numerous and respectable authorities ; but there are several considerations which prevent our believing that their colleagues in the apostolate met with a similar fate. Heracleon, an author who flourished during the second century, and quoted by Clement of Alexandria,* positively denies that Matthew, Philip, Thomas, Levi, and some others, were put to death. The Apostle Philip is left out of the category of martyrs by Polycrates, who states that he died and was buried at Hierapolis.f Tertullian, also, who was thoroughly conversant with every part of Christian history, true as well as feigned, enumerates no more than three of the Apostles as coming within the class of martyrs ; namely, Peter, Paul, and James the Elder. J There is reason to believe, that the accounts of the mar- tyrdom of several of the Apostles of our Lord were invented subse- quently to the age of Constantine the Great. At this we are not surprised. The very great veneration and respect in which the martyrs were held in the early days of the church, will go far in accounting for the fact ; and this veneration, during the tranquil- lity which the Emperor restored to the Christian commonwealth, attained a degree surpassing all belief. When the martyrs began to be worshipped almost like the deities of Heathenism, and to have certain honours rendered to them, which the Greeks and Romans paid to their demi-gods and heroes, it was easy to imagine that all the Apostles ought to be included in the catalogue of sufferers, lest they should appear in the estimation of the multitude, as deficient of the most distinguishing and infallible mark of sanctity and honour. This extravagant and unwarrantable proceeding may also be attri- buted to the ambiguity which, in those days, was attached to the Clem. Alex., Stromat, lib. iv., cap. 9. t Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. v., cap. 24. Baronins, (Annales, torn i., ad. Ann., 35, sect. 141,) and others after him, would have us to understand Polycrates as speaking of that I'hilip who was one of the seven Deacons of the chnrch at Jerusalem, and not of Philip the Apostle. But the advocates of this opinion stand confuted by Polycrates himself, who says expressly, that the Philip of whom he makes mention was one of the twelve Apostles. (Mosheim's Commentaries on the Affairs of the Christians, vol. i., p. 142. 8vo. Kd. London, 1813. t Tertulliani Opera. Contra Gnosticos, cap. xv., torn, i., p. 265. 8vo. Wired)., 1780. 158 BOOK III. CHAPTER I. term " martyr." In the Greek language it signifies any description of witness ; but the meaning affixed to it by the Christians of former days implied a more eminent kind of witness, even such as testified, beyond all contradiction, that Christ was the centre of their affection and hope, by sealing the truth with their blood. The Apostles are denominated " witnesses " in the former sense, by Christ himself. (Acts i. 8.) The term has evidently no higher import annexed to it, when applied, as it afterwards is, by the Apostles themselves, in order to elucidate the nature of their functions. (Acts ii. 32.) It might, however, very easily occur, that unlearned persons, not aware of this distinction, might conceive that the word " martyr," which they discovered thus appended to the Apostles in the writings of the New Testament, was to be understood in the latter sense ; consequently, they with haste adopted the opinion, that they ought to be placed in the same class with those whom the believers were accustomed to style, in the more eminent sense, martyrs.* Those who had never been called to give this last severe proof of their faith and sincerity, but had, nevertheless, at the peril of their lives, and at the hazard of honour, fortune, and every other worldly consideration, made open profession of their belief in Christ in the face of the heathen tribunals, were distinguished by the title of " confessors." The authority and respect which individuals of either class, whether martyrs or confes- sors, enjoyed during life, and the veneration in which their memory was afterwards held by contemporary Christians, were not to be credited. Both martyrs and confessors were supposed to be " filled with the Spirit," (Eph. v. 18,) and to act under an immediate and divine inspiration. Whatever they said, was considered as proceeding from " the oracles of God ; " and whatever during their imprisonment they desired, was regarded in the light of a sacred command, to disobey which was the height of recklessness and impiety. When they died, they imagined they were received immediately into heaven, and admitted to share in the celestial councils and administration ; that they took their seats as co-judges with the Most High, with whom they possessed sufficient influence to obtain from him whatever they might make the subject of their supplications. Annual festivals were appointed in commemoration of their death, f their characters were Mosheim's Commentaries, vol. i., pp. 144, 145. 8vo. Edit. London, 1813. t These festivals were grown so numerous in the time of Chrysostom and Theodoret, that they tell ua it was not once, or twice, or five times in a year that they celebrated their memorials, but they oftentimes celebrated one or two in the same week, which occasioned frequent solemnities. (Chrysost., Horn, xl., in Juvent., torn, i., p. 546. Theodoret, Serm. viii., de Martyr., torn, iv., p. 605.) The church of Smyrna, of which Polycarp was the Bishop, in their Epistle to the church of Philomelium, recorded by Kusebius, (lib. iv., cap. xv.,) informs them, that " they intended, it' God would permit, to meet at his tomb, and celebrate his birth-day, that is, the day of his martyrdom, with joy and gladness, as well for the memory of the sufferer, as for example to posterity." Cyprian orders his Clergy to note down the days of their decease, that a commemoration of them might be celebrated amongst the memories of the martyrs. (" Dies eorum quibus excedunt adnotate, ut commemorationes eorum inter memorias martyrum celebrare possimus." Cypriani Epist., xxxvi., p. 43. 8vo. Edit. Paris, 1836.) In another place, he says, " They offered sacrifices for them as often as they celebrated their passions, or days of martyrdom, by an anniversary commemoration." RESPECT SHOWN TO MARTYRS. 159 made the theme of public eulogy, monuments were charged with transmitting their names and acts to posterity, and various other distinguished honours were paid to their memories. Those who had acquired the title of confessors were maintained at the public expense, and on every occasion were treated with the utmost respect. The affairs and interests of the different religious assemblies to which they severally belonged, were, in a considerable degree, consigned to their management and care. Advantage was taken of the influence which they possessed, to intercede with the Bishop on behalf of the lapsed. Anciently, the martyrs in prison were allowed this privilege, when any penitent had well-nigh performed his legal penance, and was soon to be restored to communion with the church, to write letters to the Diocesan, requesting that such an one might forthwith regain his fellowship, although his full term of penance was not expired. So far, the petition was generally accepted. Abuses, how- ever, followed. Crafty and designing men, for the lucre of gain, prevailed upon the martyr to intercede for those who had done little or no penance ; and even the martyrs themselves abused the privilege which the church, by common consent, had granted to them, by peremptorily demanding the admission to communion with the people, of such, without any previous examination of their merits : sometimes they required the Bishop not only to admit such a penitent, but all that belonged to him ; which was a very uncertain and obscure sort of petition, and created great prejudice against the Bishop, when occasionally twenty or thirty nameless individuals were included in it. Cyprian complains most bitterly against these practices, " as dissolving the bands of faith, and the fear of God, and the command- ments of the Lord, and the holiness and vigour of the Gospel." * " This occasioned," adds the Bishop, "great seditions and tumults; for in many cities throughout the province of Carthage, the people rose up in multitudes against their Bishops, and, by their clamours, compelled them to grant them instantly that peace which they all said the martyrs and confessors had given them : they who had neither courage, nor strength of faith, to resist them, were terrified and subdued into a compliance." Cyprian, also, had much to do to withstand the people at Carthage : " For some turbulent men, who were hardly governable before, and thought it too severe an infliction of punishment to be excluded from communion until the Bishop's return from exile ; when they had obtained the letters of the martyrs, they were all so excited with the conviction of their great influence and power, that they began to rage immoderately, and in a tumultuous and menacing (" Sacrificia pro eis semper ut meministis, offt-riiuus quoties martyrum passionea et dies anniversaria commemorauone celebramus." Ibid., Epist., xxxiii.) These sacrifices were those of prayer and thanksgiving to God for the examples of the martyrs, and the celebration of the eucharist on these days, and the offerings of alms and oblations for the poor, which, together with a panegyrical oration or sermon, and reading the acts or passion of the martyr, if they had any snch recorded, were the exercises and special acts of devotion, in which they spent these days. (Bingham's Christian Antiq., book xiii., chap, ix., sect. 6. 8vo. Edit. Vol. iv., pp. 364, 365. London. 1840.) " Qua pene omne vinculum fidei et timor Uei et mandatuni Domini et Evaogelii sanctitas et firmitaa solveretur." Gyp. F.pist., xxil. Ad Clerum Rcnue. 160 BOOK III. CHAPTER I. manner demand the peace which they declared the martyrs had already granted." * From the high opinion that was entertained of the exalted charac- ter of the martyrs, sprung up the notion that their relics possessed a divine virtue, efficacious in counteracting or remedying any ills to which either our souls or bodies may be exposed. This superstition increased to such a degree, as to induce the more ignorant and covet- ous of the clergy to procure, by fair or unfair means, these earthly remains, to rob graves, and steal the bones of martyrs or any others, that they might secure a sufficient stock of which they might make gain. This superstitious practice, so calculated to encourage venality and crime, religious imposition, or pious frauds, was early in opera- tion in some portions of Christendom. For nearly five hundred years the church interfered not with the relics of the martyrs, but decently to inter them : afterwards they were used for antiscriptural and dangerous purposes. Optatusf says, that Lucilla, the rich found- ress of the Donatist schism, was accustomed, before she received the eucharist, to kiss the mouth of a certain martyr, which, whether true or false, she had procured, and kept for that object. For this she was greatly reproved by Caecilian, Archdeacon of Carthage, which she remembered and resented to such a degree, that when he succeeded to the bishopric, she, being a powerful, rich, and factious woman, caused others to be nominated. Hence the origin of the Donatist schism, which arose from the pride and superstition of a woman indomitably attached to the veneration of relics. Augustine J informs us, that there were in his time a great number of wandering idle Monks, hypocritical men, who, by the instigation of Satan, went about the country selling relics of martyrs, which it was very doubt- ful whether they were the remains of true martyrs or not. To counteract and abolish this disgraceful practice, Theodosius the Great enacted, " That no one should remove any dead body that was buried, from one place to another ; that no one should sell or buy the relics of martyrs : but if any one was minded to build over the grave, where a martyr was buried, a church, to be called a marty- rium, in respect of him, he should have liberty to do it." " This was," says Bingham, " the honour that was paid to martyrs ; to let them lie quietly in their graves, and build churches over them, which were dedicated to God and his service, not to any religious worship of the martyr : only in honour to him the church might be called a * Bingham's Christ. Antiq., book xvi., chap, iii., sect. 4. Vol. v., pp. 506, 608. t Optati Opera, lib. i., p. 40. (P. 18. Fol. Edit. Paris. 1676.) t The language of Augustine is strong: " Callidissimus hostis turn multos hypocritas sub habitu monachorum usquequaque dispersit, circumeuntes provincias, nusquam missos, nusquam fixos, nusquam stantes, nusquam sedentes. Alii membra martyrum, si tamen martyrum, venditant : alii fimbrias et phylacteria sua magnificant," &c. August, de Opere Monachor., cap. xxviii. Opera, torn, vi., p. 364. Edit. Benedict. 1700. " Humatum corpus nemo ad alium locum transferat ; nemo martyrem distrahat, nemo mercetur : habeant vero in potestate, si quolibet in loco sanctorum aliqnis est conditus, pro ejus veneratione, quod martyrium vocandum sit addant quod voluerint fabricarum." Cod. Theod., lib. ix., tit, 7. De Sepulchris Violatis, leg. vii., torn, iii., p. 152. Lugd., 1665. SUPERSTITIOUS PKACTICES. 161 martyrium, after his name ; but beyond this, no honour was to be given to him under any pretence of veneration ; and to take up his body, and make merchandise of his bones, was so far from veneration, that it was reckoned a disturbing of his ashes, and a robbing of graves, which was mere covetousness, hypocritically covered under the name of religion. I question not," he proceeds, "but the law of Valentinian III., which speaks of Bishops, and others of the Clergy, who were concerned in robbing the graves, was levelled against this sort of men, who digged up the bones of martyrs, and sold them as holy relics, to gratify their own lucre at the expense of supersti- tious people, who thought it an honour to a martyr to keep his bones above ground ; whereas all the laws of church and state then reckoned it a sacrilegious robbing of graves, and disturbance of those holy relics, which ought to have lain quiet and unmolested until the resurrection." * The abuses of the church of Rome with regard to relics, are fla- grant and notorious. Such was the rage for them at one time, that Mabillon, a Benedictine, justly complains, the altars were laden with suspected relics, numerous spurious ones being constantly, and every where, offered to the piety and devotion of the faithful. He declares thnt bones are often consecrated, which, so far from belonging to saints, probably do not belong to Christians. From the catacombs, numerous relics have been taken ; and yet it is not known who were interred therein. In the eleventh century, relics were tried by fire, and those which did not consume were reckoned genuine, and the rest not. Relics were, and still are, preserved on the altars whereon mass is celebrated, a square hole being made in the middle of the altar, large enough to receive the hand ; and herein is the precious morsel deposited, being first wrapped in red silk, and inclosed in a leaden box.f In process of time this outward respect degene- rated into formal worship ; innumerable processions, pilgrimages, and miracles, from which the Romish hierarchy has derived incredible advantage, followed. In the end of the ninth century, it was con- sidered insufficient to reverence departed saints, to confide in their intercessions and succour, to clothe them with an imaginary power of healing diseases, working miracles, and delivering from all descrip- Bingham's Antiquities of the Christian Church, book xxiii., chap, iv., sect. 8. Vol. vii., p. 455. Straker'* Kdit., 1840. There is an instance, in the third century, of some well-meaning Christians, who, after the martyrs Fructuosus and Eologius were burnt, gathered up their remains, and would have kept them by them, only out of respect and love, not for any religious worship ; but Fructuosus, after hia passion, appeared to them, and admonished them to restore immediately whatever part of the ashes any one out of love had taken to himself, and that, putting them all together, they should bury them in one common grave. The great care of the church, and of the martyrs themselves, in those days, waa not to have their relics kept above ground for worship, but to be decently buried under the earth. And, therefore, when the heathen Judge asked Eulogius the Deacon, who suffered with Fructuosus, his Bishop, " Whether he would not worship Frnctuosus, as a martyr, after death ? " he plainly replied, " I do not worship Fructuosus, but Him only whom Fructuosus worships." (See AcUt Fructuosi, apud Baronii Annalea, Ann. 262. Antvv., 1597* Dallaeus de Objecto Cultus Relig., lib. iv. Euseb., Kccle.s. Hist., lib. iv., cap. 15. See also a \aluablo paragraph in August. Serm. ci., de Diversis, p. 1108. Fol. Edit. Benedict.) t Mabillon (de Jjturg. Gallicaua, book i., chap, iz., sect, iv.) owns there were no relics set upon the altar, even to the tenth century. VOL. I. Y 162 BOOK III. CHAPTER I. tions of calamity and danger ; their bones, their clothes, the apparel and furniture they possessed during life, the very ground they had touched, or in which their putrid carcases had been deposited, were treated with an ignorant veneration, and supposed to retain the mar- vellous virtue, of healing all disorders, both of body and mind, and of defending such as possessed them against all the assaults and devices of the devil. The consequence of all this was, that every one was eager to provide himself with these salutary remedies ; great numbers undertook fatiguing and perilous voyages, and subjected themselves to all sorts of hardships ; while others made use of this delusion to accumulate riches, and to impose upon the miserable mul- titude by the most impious and shocking inventions. As the demand for relics was prodigious and universal, the Clergy employed the utmost dexterity to satisfy all demands, and were far from being conscientiously particular in the methods which they adopted to secure their object. The bodies of the saints were sought by fasting and prayer, appointed by the Priest, in order to obtain a divine answer, and an infallible direction ; and this pretended impulse never failed to accomplish their desires, and the holy carcase was invariably found. Each discovery of this kind was attended with excessive demonstrations of joy, while it animated the zeal of these devout seekers to enrich the church still more and more with this novel kind of treasure. Many travelled into the eastern provinces, and fre- quented the places which our Saviour and his disciples had honoured with their presence, that with the bones, and other sacred remains of the first heralds of the Gospel, they might comfort dejected minds, calm trembling consciences, save sinking states, and defend the inhabitants from calamity. Nor did these pious travellers return empty. The craft, dexterity, and knavery of the Greeks, found a rich prey in the stupid credulity of the Latin relic-hunters, and thus made a profitable trade of this new, though strange, kind of devo- tion. The latter paid considerable sums for legs and arms, skulls and jaw-bones, several of which were pagan, and others not human, which they supposed belonged to the primitive worthies of the Chris- tian church. It was in this way the Latin church came to the pos- session of those celebrated relics of Mark, James, Bartholome\v, Cyprian, Pantaleon, and others, which they show at this day with so much tclat. Many who were unable to procure these spiritual trea- sures by voyages and prayers, had recourse to violence and theft ; for all kinds of methods, in a cause of this nature, were considered, when successful, as pious, meritorious, and acceptable to the supreme Being. Besides the argument from antiquity, to which the Papists refer, in vindication of their worship of relics, Bellarmine actually appeals to Scripture in its support.* * Bellarmine refers to the following : Exod. xiii. 19 ; Deut. xxxiv. 6 ; 2 Kings xiii. 21 ; xxiii. 16 18 ; Isai. xi. 10; Matt. xi. 2022 ; Acts v. 12, 15 ; xix. 11, 12. See Buck's Theological Dictionary, Henderson's edit. Relic Worship : an Address delivered in the Scotch Church, Madras, by the Rev. J. Roherts, (2d,) Weslej-an Magazine, vol. Ixtx., p. 998. And also some valuable papers by the Rev. E. C. Har- rington, M. A., in the British Magazine, vol. xxv., pp. 511, 633 ; xxvi., p. 40. Relics were forbidden to be used or brought into England by several statutes, and Justices of SUPERSTITIOUS PRACTICES. 163 It has been generally supposed that the Apostles travelled through- out the greatest part of the then known and civilized world ; and, either by themselves, or with the assistance of their disciples and co-adjutors, who accompanied them in their journeys, established Christian churches in many of the provinces. On this subject we refuse to have recourse to romantic legends or traditionary tales : the early history of many is lost in the mist which hangs over nearly every part of the primitive days of Christianity, not only preventing us from marking with precision the extent of the Apostles' progress, but also rendering it impossible for us, with any degree of confidence, to name any particular churches as founded by them, except such as are mentioned in the writings of the New Testament.* Throughout the world there is scarcely, not to say a nation or people, but even a city of any magnitude or consequence, in which the religion of Christ may be said to flourish, that does not ascribe the first planting of the church to one or other of the Apostles themselves, or to some of their immediate and most intimate disciples. The Spaniards boast of having had the light of the Gospel communicated to them by two of the Apostles in person ; namely, St. Paul and St. James the Elder, as well as by many of the seventy disciples, and of those who were the companions of the Apostles.f The French, with equal osten- tation and pertinacity, attribute the conversion of their forefathers to the preaching and labours of Crescens, the disciple and companion of St. Paul, of Dionysius of Athens, the Areopagite, of Lazarus, of Mary Magdalene, and others. Throughout Italy there is scarcely a city which does not pretend to have received the first rudiments of Christianity from either Paul or Peter, and that its first Bishop was appointed by one of them. The Germans affirm that Maternus, Valerian, and many others, were sent by the Apostles, and that the persons thus commissioned by Peter and his colleagues, established some considerable churches in that country. The inhabitants of Britain consider Paul, Simon Zelotes, Aristobulus, and particularly the Peace were empowered to search houses for Popish books and relics, &c., whicli when found were to be defaced and burnt, &c. (3 Jac. i. cap. 26.) The history of the Christian community at Rome is most remarkable. It grew up in silence by some unknown teachers, probably of some of those who were present in Jerusa- lem at the first publication of Christianity by the Apostles. During the reign of Claudius it had made so much progress, as to excite open tumults and dissensions among the Jew- ish population at Rome : these animosities rose to such a height, that the attention of the Government was aroused, and both parties expelled. With some of these exiles, Aquila and Priscilla, St. Paul formed an intimate acquaintance during his first visit to Corinth ; from them he received information of the extraordinary progress of the faith in Koine. The Jews seem quietly to have crept beck to their old quarters when the rigour with which the imperial edict was at first executed had insensibly relaxed ; and from these persons, on their return to the capital, and most likely from other Roman Christians, who may have taken refuge in Corinth, or in other cities where Paul had founded Christian communities, the- first, or at least the more perfect, knowledge of the higher Christianity, taught by the Apostle of the Gentiles, would be conveyed to Rome. (See Milman's History of Christianity, vol. i., p. 462.) t The views of Paul, on so remote a province as Spain at no early a period of his journey, appear to justify the notion, that there was a considerable Jewish population in that country. It is not impossible that many of the " Libertines " may have made their way from Sardinia. There is a curious tradition among the Spanish Jews, that they were residents in that country before the birth of our Saviour, and consequently had no concern in his death ! (History of the Jews, vol. Hi-, p. 142.] Y 2 164 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. Joseph of Arimathea, as the founders of their church. That the former of these actually extended his travels to that island, and first preached the Gospel there, is a fact which has been strongly contested by many, who chiefly rely on the authority of a passage in the first epistle of Clement of Rome to the Corinthians. The Russians, with the Poles and Prussians, venerate St. Andrew as the parent of their respective churches. All these, and many others, were considered as indisputable during those benighted ages, when every species of sound learning, divine as well as human, was overwhelmed and trod- den under foot by ignorance and superstition. At present they are regarded in a very different light ; and the wisest and best informed view them as fictitious, invented subsequently to the period of Charlemagne, by illiterate and designing men, who anticipated that by propagating a notion of the great antiquity of their several churches, they should open to themselves a source of profit and honour.* CHAPTER II. SECT. I. NERO His Character The Conflagration of the City of Rome The Public charge the Emperor with being the Incendiary Nero accuses the Christians Tacitus quoted Name of Christian Persecutions they endured Cruelties perpe- trated Juvenal Martial Suetonius State of Christianity in Rome Chris- tianity arid Heathenism are, for the first time, brought into Collision Polytheism A persecuting Spirit may exist when there is no outward Persecution Heathen- ism intolerant Unacquainted with the Rights of Conscience Cicero quoted Cause of the Persecutions from the Heathens Numerous Efforts to prejudice the People against the Christians The Extent of Nero's Persecution The celebrated Portuguese Inscription Terlullian quoted. SECT. II. MATTHEW AND MAT- THIAS Birth and Parentage of MATTHEW His Occupation The Office of Pub- lican noticed Sabinius Why the Office was in bad Repute Zaccheus The Detestation in which the Publicans were held Call of Matthew Bede Travels of the Apostle Socrates quoted Eusebius Simeon Metaphrastes Legendary Tales of Nicephorus Death of Matthew Dorotheus Heracleon Power of Religion exemplified in Matthew Porphyry and Julian Matthew's Character. MATTHIAS One of the Seventy His Apostleship Circumstances connected with this Event Judas His Character And Death Election of Matthias Ancient Custom of Decision by Lot The Manner of it Scripture Instances referred to His Labours And supposed Martyrdom Numerous legendary Accounts con- cerning him. SECT. III. MARK, JAMES THE LESS, AND ANDREW The Con- version of MARK Associate of Peter His Qualifications Writes the Gospel which bears his Name His Travels Bishop of Alexandria Epiphanius Euse- bius Jerome His Martyrdom And Fate of his Remains. JAMES THE LESS His Parentage Scanty Mention of him in the Scriptures Jerome Tradition- ary Anecdote Bishop of Jerusalem His Character Eusebius Hegesippus Epiphanius Clement of Alexandria The Administration of Festus His Death Duplicity of the High Priest His Schemes to destroy James His Mar- tyrdom. ANDREW His relative Situation among the Apostles Obtains the Title of "the First Catted"- His Birth Introduction to Jesus Call of Andrew He is raised to the Apostolate His supposed Travels Scythia of the Ancients noticed Andrew suffers Persecution on Account of the Truth at Patrce " Acts of his * Mosheim'a Commentaries, vol. i , pp. 140, 147. 8vo. London, 1813. N E R PERSECUTIONS UNDER NERO. 165 Passion " too legendary to be credited JEgeas, the Proconsul Andrew sentenced to the Death of the Cross Nicephorus Mammilla Hit Martyrdom Bernard, Abbot of Cfairvau*, quoted Supposed Relic of the Cross of Andrew Fabulous Stories concerning it Natalis Alexander Idle Accounts of his Remain* related by Gregory Bishop of Tours, and Alban Butler. SECT. I. PERSECUTIONS UNDER N"ERO. IN the year 54 Claudius was poisoned by his wife Agrippina, whose sou, Nero, then succeeded to the empire. In the commence- ment of his reign the Christians were not persecuted ; but this arose from the calumnies propagated against them not being generally known, and from no disposition on the part of the Emperor to pro- tect. Although he was but a boy when he ascended the throne, he was full-blown in vice. Before he had bidden farewell to his teens, he was accustomed to go about the city at night committing the most disgraceful excesses ; he showed great vulgarity, as well as licentious- ness, in his amours ; his conduct to his mother was most unnatural, and his relation Britannicus he caused to be poisoned. Such were the precursors of his future villany. It was in Rome where Chris- tianity and Heathenism were first brought into collision, by the assault made by Nero upon the worshippers of the Most High. He was now exhibiting, without reserve or control, all the debased ten- dencies of his nature. A childish admiration of pageantry and shows, the vanity of being applauded as the best performer in every part, an abandonment to every form of licentious indulgence, and the Roman thirst for blood, formed the chief elements of his character. That his inconceivable fooleries and brutalities should have been so long endured, can only be accounted for by the degraded condition of the populace of Rome, whose tastes were similar to his own, and among whom he made himself a favourite, while they saw him seizing the overgrown wealth of the senators, and lavishing away the riches of provinces in gorgeous spectacles, and scenes of riot and debauchery. The people were at last made the victims of his madness. Ten out of the fourteen districts into which Rome was divided, were, within six days, almost entirely destroyed by fire, so swift was the progress of the conflagration. The vigilance of the government appears not to have neglected any of the precautions which might alleviate the sense of so dreadful a calamity. The imperial gardens were thrown open to the distressed multitude ; temporary buildings were erected for their accommodation, and a plentiful supply of corn and provi- sions was distributed at a very moderate price, and every religious ceremony was observed to render the gods propitious. But neither the largesses to the people, nor the show of piety to the tutelar deities of the city, could screen Nero from the infamy of being considered as himself the author of all the evil. Every crime, it is true, might with fitness and propriety be imputed to the assassin of his wife and mother ; nor could the Prince who prostituted his person and dignity on the theatre be deemed incapable of the most extravagant folly : it was therefore gravely asserted, and firmly believed, that Nero, enjoying the calamity which he had occasioned, amused himself with singing 1 66 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. to his lyre the destruction of ancient Troy. To divert a suspicion which the power of despotism was unable to suppress, the Emperor resolved to substitute, in his own place, some fictitious criminals.* We quote from Tacitus, where the name of " Christian " first occurs in his pages, and the reader will be astonished to find that the noto- rious Nero and the followers of Christ stand accused of the same crime. It is plain that the historian, though prejudiced against the Christians, did not in this instance believe them to be guilty ; and their innocence of this atrocious act seems to have been generally allowed ; but still the punishments which they suffered are not stated to have been unpopular ; and their inhuman treatment might seem to have furnished amusement to the citizens of Rome. To " sup- press the reports that were abroad, he turned the accusation against others, and inflicted the most exquisite tortures upon those people who were held in abhorrence for their crimes, and were commonly known by the name of ' Christians.' They derived this title from Christ, who, in the reign of Tiberius, had suffered death as a criminal under the Procurator, Pontius Pilate. This pernicious superstition, though checked for a while, broke out again, and spread, not only over Judea, the source of this evil, but reached this city also, whither flow, from all quarters, all things vile and shameful, and where they find shelter and encouragement. At first those only were appre- hended who confessed themselves of that sect ; afterwards a vast mul- titude was discovered by them, all of whom were condemned, not so much for the crime of burning the city, as for their enmity to man- kind. Their executions were so contrived as to expose them to deri- sion and contempt. Some were covered over with the skins of wild beasts, and torn to pieces by dogs. Some were nailed upon crosses ; and others, having been daubed over with combustible materials, were set up as lights in the night-time, and then burned to death. f Nero employed his own garden as the theatre for this dreadful spectacle ; where he also exhibited the diversions of the circus, sometimes stand- ing in the crowd as a spectator, in the habit of a charioteer, at others, driving a chariot himself; till at length these men, though really criminal, and deserving exemplary punishment, began to be * Gibbon's History of the Decline, &c., vol. ii., p. 405. Milman's edit. t This last refinement of wanton cruelty was perpetrated by enclosing the miserable victim, kept upright by a stake under his chin, in a vest smeared with combustible sub- stances, and setting fire to it. Juvenal is thought to glance at Nero's fiend-like play in the well-known lines (Sat. i. v. 155) : " Pone Tigellinum : taede lucebis in ilia, Qua stantes ardent, qui fixo guttitre fumaut ; " which are thus translated by Gifford, " Bnt glance at Tigellinus, and you shine, Chain'd to a stake, in pitchy robes, and light, Lugubrious torch, the deepening shades of night." In a note he adds, " The dreadful conflagration which laid waste great part of Rome in the reign of Nero, was found to have broken out in the house of Tigellinus. As his intimacy with the Emperor was no secret, it strengthened the general belief that the city was burned by design. Nothing seems to have enraged Nero so much as this dis- covery ; and to avert the odium from his favourite, he basely taxed the Christians with gett'ng fire to his houte." (Rev. H. Soanies, M. A.) PERSECUTIONS UNDER NERO. 107 commiserated, as people who were destroyed, not out of regard to the public welfare, but only to gratify the cruelty of one man."* " Such was the beginning," says Dr. David Welsh, " of the persecu- tion from heathen rulers, to which Christianity was, during a length- ened period, to be subjected, being destined, like its divine Founder, to achieve its triumphs through a baptism of blood. The scene was in a great measure new in the history of the world. Different forms of worship had hitherto scarcely come into collision. Toleration was practically extended by the Romans towards almost every religion. Christianity itself had hitherto received little molestation from the Heathen. Its doctrines had been preached without hinderance in Rome itself; (Acts xxviii. 31;) they had even entered the palace of Caesar, (Phil. iv. 22,) and were advancing in peaceful progress, when in a moment the volcano burst forth. This fearful collision between Christianity and Heathenism, which had thus its commence- ment, had been clearly foreseen by the great Author of our religion, who had indicated the true cause of the violent assaults that were to be made upon his followers, in the peculiar nature of his doctrine, which brought forth into malignant operation elements which for ages had lain in a great measure concealed in the heathen world. f The universal toleration of polytheism has afforded matter for pane- gyric with sceptical writers ; | and Christianity has been represented as chargeable, to a certain extent, with the cruelty of which it was so long the victim. But there can be no greater error than to sup- pose that there is no persecuting spirit where there is no outward persecution. It has often happened that the excess of intolerance has prevented the exhibition of conduct that might call forth the per- secuting act. And from various causes, lengthened periods may elapse where nothing appears to provoke the bigotry which has never been asleep, though it may lurk under the guise of indifference or irreligion. The principles which prevailed among the idolatrous countries of antiquity respecting the worship that should be rendered by each state to its own gods as legally recognised, and which pre- vented the homage rendered to different deities from generating ani- mosities, or kindling the flames of war between nations, were far from being connected with a tolerating spirit. The greatest philoso- Tacit. Annal., lib. xv., sect, xliv., torn, ii., p. 285. Grierson, edit. Dab. 1730. The persecution by Nero is alluded to by other heathen writers ; Martial, lib. x., epigr. 25, and by Suetonius, in his Life of Nero, cap. xvi. It is supposed to have commenced in the middle of November, A.n. 64, and to have terminated at the death of the Em- peror, who is wen known to have been his own executioner, A.n. 68. For about four years, therefore, the Christians suffered every species of cruelty at his hands. t Even the aged Simeon foretold that the victories of the Messiah were not to be won without a struggle that was to display the worst passions of our nature. In this, however, he referred chiefly to the opposition to be made by the Jews. (Luke ii. 34, 35.) But the cause of the opposition was the same with the Jews and the Gentiles ; and it in foreshown with regard to both by our Saviour in such passages as the following, Matt, v. 10, 11 ; x. 34 ; Luke xii. 51 53; the essential principle being expressly laid down in John iii. 20. J See Gibbon's Decline and Fall, chap. xvi. Hume gives the preference to poly- theism over Theism, a more tolerating in its nature. Vol. ii., p. 436, et seq. See also Van Bynkershoek De Cnltu Rcliyionis peregrines apud Veleres Romanos, and Mon- tesquieu on the Hcligious Policy of the Romans. 168 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. phers of heathen antiquity were altogether unacquainted with the rights of conscience ; the laws of heathen nations were generally intolerant in the highest degree, requiring that the national rites should be observed, and that no new worship should be introduced without the sanction of the state ; * and profane history presents many illustrations of the jealousy with which the people viewed any interference with their religious ceremonies. Accordingly, we find in Rome a scrupulous adherence, among all classes, to every figment of their ritual. On the part of the great proportion of the people, there was a superstitious belief in the efficacy of the services which were thus rendered. Even those who looked upon religion as merely an engine of state, believing all forms of worship to be in themselves equally indifferent, were zealous to maintain the existing form of superstition, from the influence it exerted on the public mind. And experience has shown that the most intolerant of all classes of indi- viduals are those who, sceptical themselves, support religion on grounds of expediency, judging it reasonable that the restraint which they impose upon their own convictions should be exercised, in like manner, by others. In these circumstances it is obvious, that the boasted toleration of heathen antiquity arose merely from the absence of any attack upon the errors which prevailed, and that the religious peace would terminate with the first earnest attempt to introduce another system." Hence we discover the fertile cause of the persecutions of Heathen- ism, " Such an attempt was, for the first time, systematically made by the followers of Jesus. They openly proclaimed that < they were not gods which were made with hands ; ' they refused to participate in the established worship ; they called upon all men everywhere to repent, and to turn from dumb idols to the service of the living God. By such proceedings, they at once rendered themselves obnoxious to the existing laws respecting religion ; refusing to conform to the established worship, and endeavouring to introduce a new religion without the sanction of the state. For a time, however, they escaped * Cicero De Legibus, cap. viii., sect. 8, gives us the following extract from the most ancient laws of Rome : " Let no one have any separate worship, nor hold any new gods ; neither to strange gods, unless they have heen publicly adopted, let any private worship he offered : men should attend the temples erected by their ancestors." From Livy (book iv., cap. 30) we learn that, about four hundred and thirty years before Christ, orders were given to the ./Ediles to see " that none except Roman gods were worshipped, nor in any other than the established forms." Somewhat more than two hundred years after this edict, to crush certain external rites which were becoming common in the city, it was decreed, " that whoever possesses books of oracle, or prayer, or any written act of sacrifice, deliver all such books and writings to the Praetor, before the Kalends of April ; and that no one sacrifice on public or sacred ground after new or foreign rites." It may seem needless to produce separate instances, when, from the same historian, (book xxxix., cap. 16,) we learn that it had been customary, in all the early stages of the republic, to empower the Magistrates " to prevent all foreign worship ; to expel its ministers from the forum, the circus, and the city ; to search for and bum the religious books (vaticinos libros,) and to abolish every form of worship except the national and established form." That the same principle which had been consecrated by the practice of seven hundred years was not discontinued by the Emperors, is clearly attested by the historian, Dio Cassitis. It appears that Mecaenas, in the most earnest terms, exhorted Augustus " to hate and punish " all foreign religions, and to compel all men to conform to the national worship ; and we are assured that the scheme of government thus proposed was pursued by Augustus, and adopted by his successors. PERSECUTIONS UNDER NEUO. 169 the notice of the Magistrates. Their numbers -were too small to excite alarm, or they were considered merely as a sect of the Jews, who enjoyed the protection of the state in the exercise of their reli- gious worship. But as their cause gained ground, suspicion and enmity, on the part of their heathen neighbours, began to be engen- dered. The pride of many took offence at the attack upon the ancient faith ; the superstitious fears of others were awakened ; many became alive to the dangers that threatened their personal interests, and sources of worldly gain ; and the hatred of not a few was inflamed by the reproach which the virtues of their Christian neigh- bours brought upon their profligacy. In such circumstances, a ready credit was given to every calumny that could be circulated to the dis- advantage of the Christians. Reports of this description were propa- gated, in the first instance, by the Jews, who endeavoured to stir up the minds of their brethren by sending emissaries for the very pur- pose of carrying an evil report of the Nazarenes, or to prejudice the Heathen against them, by representing them as men of a seditious and turbulent spirit, who taught doctrines dangerous to the security of civil government. St. Paul experienced the effects of this spirit almost from the commencement of his apostolic labours ; (Acts xiv. 2;) the evil gradually increased, (Acts xvii. 1 13,) and when he came to Rome, he was informed by the Jews of that city, that the " sect was everywhere spoken against." (Acts xxviii. 22.) At a sub- sequent period, we learn, from the early Christian writers, that efforts were systematically made, by employing agents throughout all the provinces of the Roman empire to inflame men's minds against the new faith. As the numbers of the Christians increased, those who were interested in the support of the heathen superstitions began to take the alarm, (Acts xix. 24 41,) and endeavoured, by every means in their power, to lessen the credit of the Christians, and to render them obnoxious to the people and Magistrates. They represented them as guilty of detestable crimes, as dangerous mem- bers of society ; and in times of public distress and danger, the evils endured were ascribed to the anger of the gods for the contempt manifested towards them by the new impiety.* How far the persecution under Nero extended, is not agreed among the learned. For while the greater number suppose it to have spread over the whole Roman empire, there are not wanting others who confine it to the limits of the capital. The former opinion, which is the ancient one, appearing by far the better supported, we have no hesitation in agreeing with such as think that public laws were enacted against the whole body of Christians, and sent, moreover, into the provinces. To this opinion we are led, says Mosheim, among other reasons, by the authority of Tertullian, who clearly intimates that Nero and Domitian enacted laws against the Chris- tians which Trajan so much mitigated as to render them inoperative. The noted Spanish or Portuguese inscription, in which Nero is coro- Elements of Church History. Comprising the external History of the Church daring the first three Centuries. By David Welsh, D.D., &c. Vol. i., p. 226, et teq. Edinburgh. 1844. VOL. I. z 170 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. mended for having purged the provinces of the new superstition, being suspected by the Spaniards themselves, is rejected.* But who can suppose that a sect which the Emperor charged with so great an enormity was tolerated by him patiently out of Rome ? The public might very naturally feel apprehensive that the Christians in the dif- ferent provinces were actuated by similar views, and meditated the same attempts, as were imputed to those at Rome ; and it was, there- fore, no more than what the common safety appeared to demand, that the Emperor should direct his severity generally against the whole body of those who professed a religion so dangerous and preg- nant with destruction. Tertullian, who wrote his Apology about the end of the second century, and before the Emperor Severus had enacted any new laws against the Christians, says, the Roman Magistrates were accus- tomed to reply to any who might speak in their defence, that nothing was left to the discretion of the Magistrates ; for, however desirous they might be to spare that unfortunate people, it was impossible, since the laws were peremptory to the contrary. " But since," he remarks, " when the truth of our cause meeteth you at every turn, the autho- rity of the laws is at last set up against it, so that it either is said, that nothing must be re-considered after the laws have decided, or the necessity of obedience is unwillingly preferred to truth; I will first contend with you about the laws, as with the guardians of the laws."f This feeble and futile pretence Tertullian attacks with great force, and exposes its weakness and fallacy by various arguments, of which the following is not the least forcible. Those laws to which you refer, said the orator, as not permitting Christians to exist, were enacted by Princes whose cruelty, impiety, and mad fury cannot but be regarded with detestation. " To treat somewhat of the origin of the kind of laws, there was an ancient decree, that no god should be consecrated by the Emperor, unless approved by the Senate. Wit- ness Marcus JSmilius in the case of his own god, Alburnus. This also niaketh for our cause, that with you duty is measured according to the judgment of man. A god, unless he please man, shall not be a god. Man will now be obliged to be propitious to a god. Tiberius, there- fore, in whose time the name of Christ entered into the world, laid before the Senate, with his own vote to begin with, things announced to him from Palestine in Syria, which had there manifested the truth * This "inscription" may be seen in J. Gruterus, Inscriptionum torn, i., p. 138, n. 9. It is thia : " Neroni, ob provinciam latronibus et bis qui novani generi humane superstitionem inculcabant, purgatam." But the best Spanish writers do not venture to defend the authority of this inscription ; because it has not been seen by any one ; and Cyriac of Ancona, who first produced it, is acknowledged by all to be un-vvorthy of credit. I will subjoin the decision of that excellent and judicious historian of Spain, Jo. de Ferreras, Histoire General d'Espayne, torn, i., p. 192. " I cannot refrain from remarking that Cyriac of Ancona was lie first that published the inscription, and that from him all others had derived it. But as the credibility of this writer is suspected in the judgments of all the learned, and as not a vestige, nor any recollection, of this inscription remains, in the places where it is said to have been found, and no one knows now where to find it ; every one may form such opinion of it as he pleases." t " Sed quoniam cum ad omnia occurrit veritas nostra, postremo legum, obstruitur auctoritas adversns earn, ut aut nihil dicatur retractandsm esse post leges, aut ingra- tis necessitas obsequii praeferatur veritati : de legibus prius concurram vobiscum ut cum tutoribus legiim." Tertull. Apol., cap. iv. MATTHEW. 171 of the divinity of that Person. The Senate, because they had not themselves approved it, rejected it. Csesar held by his sentence, threatening peril to the accusers of the Christians. Consult your annals : there you will find that Nero was the first to wreak the fury of the sword of the Ceesars upon this sect, now springing up, espe- cially at Rome. But in such a first founder of our condemnation we glory. For whoever knoweth him, can understand that nothing save some great good was condemned by Nero. Domitian, too, who was somewhat of a Nero in cruelty, had tried it, but, forasmuch as he was also a human being, he speedily stopped the undertaking, even restoring those whom he had banished. Such have ever been our persecutors ; unjust, impious, infamous, whom even yourselves have been wont to condemn, by whom, whosoever were condemned, ye have been wont to restore. But out of so many Princes, thencefor- ward, to him of the present day, who had any savour of religion and humanity, show us any destroyer of the Christians. But we on the other hand have one to show who protected them, if the letters of that most august Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, be inquired of, wherein he tes- tifieth of that drought in Germany removed by the shower obtained by the prayers of the Christians who chanced to serve in his army. As he did not openly take off the penalty from the men of that sect, so, in another way, he openly made away with it by adding a sentence, and that a more horrid one, against the accusers also. What sort of laws, then, be those which only the impious, the unjust, the infamous, the cruel, the foolish, the insane, execute against us ? which Trajan, in part, foiled by forbidding that the Christians should be inquired after; which no Adrian, though a clear searcher into all things curious, no Vespasian, though a vanquisher of the Jews, no Pius, no Verus, hath pressed against us ? Surely the worst of men, it might be thought, ought to be more readily rooted out by the best, as being their antagonists, than by their own fellows."* Now, if this statement of Tertullian be deserving of credit, (and there is certainly no reason whatever to suspect its accuracy,) there can be no doubt that Nero, as well as Domitian, promulgated edicts against the Chris- tians ; and if such edicts were enforced, not a question can remain of their having been carried into eifect throughout all the provinces. t SECT. II. MATTHEW AND MATTHIAS. MATTHEW, called also Levi, was, though a Roman officer, a Hebrew of the Hebrews : both his names declare that he was of Jew- ish extraction and origin. He was born at Nazareth, a city in the tribe of Zebulun, famous in history as having been the habitation of Joseph and Mary, and the place where our Saviour was brought up. Matthew was the son of Alphseus and Mary, sister or kinswo- man to Mary the mother of our Lord. His occupation, or manner of life, was that of a publican, or toll-gatherer, to the Romans, * Tertull. Apologet., cap. v. t Mosheim's Commentaries, vol. i.. p. 191. t This office was usually held by Roman Knights, an order institnted as early as the time of Romulus, and composed of men of great consideration with the Government, Z 2 172 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. which probably had been the calling of his father, his name denoting a broker, or money-changer, an office of bad report among the Jews. The profession of publican among the Romans, was one of power and credit, and even of considerable reputation : it was not ordinarily conferred upon any but Roman Knights. T. H. Sabinius, father of the Emperor Vespasian, was the publican of the Asiatic provinces, an office which he discharged so much to the satisfaction of the peo- ple, that they erected statues to him, with the following inscription : " To him that has well managed the publican's office." These persons, being sent into the provinces to gather the tribute, were accustomed to employ natives under them, as best skilled in the affairs and customs of their own country. Two circumstances tran- spired which rendered the office odious to the Jews. The men that usually transacted the business were great exactors ; for, having themselves farmed the customs of the Romans, various methods of extortion were used to raise the rent which they had to pay, and also to secure some advantage to themselves. An instance we have in point, in the case of Zaccheus, one of the chief of these farmers, who, after his conversion, offered fourfold restitution to any man from whom he had fraudulently taken anything. On this account they became infamous even to the Gentiles, who, without hesitation, spoke of them as robbers and thieves, and as more voracious and destructive than wild beasts in the forest ; and, secondly, the govern- ment tax was not only grievous to the Jews with regard to the expense which this impost created, but an insult to the liberty and freedom of the country : they considered themselves a free-born nation, and that they had been invested with this privilege by God himself, and consequently they beheld this constantly-recurring instance of their bondage as not to be endured ; hence, therefore, their numerous unsuccessful rebellions against the Roman power. Add to these, also, that the publicans were not only obliged to have frequent dealing and association with the Gentiles, but, being Jews, they rigorously exacted these dues from their brethren, and thus appeared to conspire with the Romans in entailing perpetual slavery upon the Israel of God. The name and profession of a publican, therefore, were extremely odious among the Jews, who submitted with such reluctance to the taxes levied by their conquerors. The Galilseans, or Herodians, the disciples of Judas the Gaulonite, were the most turbulent and rebel- the principal men of dignity in their several countries, who occupied a kind of middle rank between the Senators and the people. (Jos. Antiq., lib. xii., cap. 4.) Although these officers were, according to Cicero, the ornament of the city, and the strength of the commonwealth, they did not attain to high situations, nor enter the Senate, so long as they continued in the offices of Knights. They were thus more capable of devoting their attention to the collection of the public revenue. The publicans were distributed into three classes ; the farmers of the revenue, their partners, and their securities, corresponding to the Mancipes, Socii, and Prsedes. They were all under the Quses- tores Miacrii, who presided over the finances at Rome. Strictly speaking, there were only two sorts of publicans, the Mancipes and the Socii. The former, who were gene- rally of the equestrian order, and much superior to the latter in rank and character, are mentioned by Cicero with great honour and respect ; (Orat. pro Plancio. 9 ;) but the common publicans, the collectors or receivers of the tribute, as many of the Socii were, were covered, both by Heathens and Jews, with opprobrium and contempt. (Kitto.) MATTHEW. 1/3 lious. (Acts v. 37.) They thought it unlawful to pay tribute, and founded their refusal to do so on their being the people of the Lord, because a true Israelite was not permitted to acknowledge any other Sovereign than God. The publicans were hated as the instruments by which the subjection of the Jews to the Roman Emperor was per- petuated, and the payment of tribute was regarded as a virtual acknowledgment of his sovereignty. According to the Rabbins, it was a maxim that a religious man who became a publican was to be driven out of society. They would not receive their presents at the temple any more than the price of prostitution, of blood, or of any thing wicked or offensive. " Let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican." (Matt, xviii. 17.) Many publicans were in Judea during the time of our Saviour. Zaccheus doubtless was one of the principal, inasmuch as he is called "chief among the publi- cans ; " (Luke xix. 2 ;) a phrase supposed to be equivalent to our " commissioner of the customs." Matthew appears to have been an inferior publican, and is described as " sitting at the receipt of cus- tom." * (Luke v. 27.) Jesus was reproached by the Jews as the friend of publicans and sinners, and for eating with them ; (Luke vii. 34 ;) but such was his opinion of the unbelieving and self-righte- ous Chief Priests and Elders who brought these accusations, that he replied unto them, " The publicans and the harlots go into the king- dom of God before you." (Matt. xxi. 31.) The parable of the Pha- risee and the publican, who went up into the temple to pray, (Luke xviii. 10,) is a beautiful illustration of the distinction between hypo- crisy and true piety. When Jesus visited the house of Zaccheus, who appears to have been eminently honest and upright, he was assured by him that he was ready to give one half of his goods to the poor; and if he had taken anything from any man by false accusation, to " restore him four-fold." (Luke xix. 8.) This was in reference to the Roman law, which required that, when any farmer was convicted of extortion, he should return four times the value of what he had fraudulently obtained. There is no reason to suppose that either Zaccheus or Matthew had been guilty of unjust practices, or that there was any exception to their characters beyond that of being engaged in an odious employment. f Matthew either held his appointment at the port of Capernaum, or he collected the cus- toms on the high road to Damascus, which went through what is now called Khan Minyeh, which place, as Robinson has shown, is the ancient Capernaum. J However, from this class of men, our Lord chose an Apostle. Jesus, having lately cured a paralytic, afterwards walked out of Capernaum on the banks of the lake of Gennesaret, and saw Matthew at the receipt of custom, whom he called to follow him. The Evangelist is represented as being a wise and prudent man, * The Tf\.u>viov, or " custom-honse," or " collectors' booth ; " for such buildings were erected at the foot of bridges, the mouth of rivers, in towns, and at the landing-places along the sea-shore, where the publicans received the imposts on passengers and goods. t Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, by John Kitto, D.D., in loco. t Robinson's Researches in Palestine, vol. iii., pp. 288295. 174 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. and understood well what his new vocation implied ; hut he overlooked all the considerations of ease and wealth, and forsook every worldly interest to become our Lord's disciple. Being an inhabitant of Capernaum, he had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with our Sariour's person and doctrine. Christ had resided in that city for some time, where he had also preached and worked miracles, so that Matthew was in some degree, at least, prepared to receive the impression which the call of Christ had made. The great secret of his conversion is well and properly disclosed by the venerable Bede, who remarks, that " He who called him out- wardly by his word, at the same time moved him inwardly by his grace ; " and to show that he was not dissatisfied with the change, he entertained our Lord and his disciples in his house, whither he invited his friends, especially those of his own profession, hoping that they might be induced by our Lord's conversation to join his society. The carping and cynical Pharisees, whose eyes were con- stantly evil, suggested that it was unfitting and improper for Christ thus familiarly to associate with the worst of men, such as publicans and sinners, who were infamous even to a proverb. Our Saviour promptly replied, that they were the sick that needed the Physician, and not the healthy and robust ; that his company was most suit- able where the necessity of the soul did most require it ; that the Most High himself preferred acts of mercy and charity, especially those which referred to the recovery of the lost sinner, infinitely before all ritual observances, and the rules of etiquette between man and man ; and that the main design of his coming into the world was, not to bring the righteous, or those who proudly imagined themselves to be so, and, with erroneous views of their own adher- ence to the letter of the law, " despised others," but sinners, modest, humble, self-convinced offenders, to repentance. The vocation of Matthew took place during the second year of the active ministry of our Lord, who, soon after forming the company of his Apostles, adopted Matthew into that holy sodality. But little further is recorded of this Apostle, during our Lord's continuance upon earth, though he was doubtless subservient to his will, and equalled the rest of his brethren in holiness and true piety, with whom we find him assembled to praise God, immediately after the ascension, and that he continued at Jerusalem, until the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. When the period arrived that the command of the Saviour, " Go ye therefore, and teach all nations," (Matt, xxviii. 19,) was to be carried into execution, it is unknown, and destitute of any degree of certainty, whither, ulti- mately, he went. For the first eight years, subsequent to that memorable event, he appears to have preached up and down Judea : afterwards but little dependence is to be placed in the accounts recorded of the travels which Matthew undertook for the advance- ment of the Christian faith ; so irrecoverably is truth lost in a crowd of legendary stories. Ethiopia has generally been assigned as the province of his apostolical ministry. Socrates says,* " Matthew was * Socrates, Hist. Eccles., lib. i., cap. 19 ; Rufinus, lib. x., cap. 9. MATTHEW. 1/5 allotted Ethiopia : " it is only from writers of the fourth and fifth centuries that this account is taken, and then it is douhtful whether they intended the country of that name in Africa or Asia. Euse- hius * had heard of his travelling beyond Judea ; but he does not name any particular country, and mentions that it was just before his set- ting out on this journey, that he undertook to write his Gospel for the benefit of his countrymen. Simeon Metaphrastes, as contained in Surius, De Probatis Sanctorum,f mentions that he first went to Par- thia, and having successfully planted the Gospel in those parts, he travelled from thence into Ethiopia. Here by preaching and miracles he greatly triumphed over error and idolatry ; convinced and con- verted multitudes ; ordained spiritual guides and Pastors to confirm and build them up in the faith, and then finished his own course. As for what is related by Nicephorus, of Matthew going into the country of the cannibals, constituting Plato, one of his followers, Bishop of Myrmena ; of Christ appearing to him in the form of a beautiful youth, and giving him a wand, which he pitching into the ground, immediately grew up into a tree ; of his strange conversion of the Prince of that country, of his numerous miracles, &c., they are justly to be reckoned among those fabulous reports that have no ground either of truth or probability to support them.J With regard to the circumstances attending the death of Matthew, the accounts are varied and contradictory. By many it is supposed that he suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia ; but by what kind of death is altogether uncertain. Dorotheas, in his Synopsis, represents him as being honourably buried at Hierapolis, one of the first places in which he preached the Gospel. The common opinion is, that in the city of Nadabar, in Ethiopia, where he had lived a life of great austerity and abstinence, and had signalized his zeal in propagating the Gospel, he was slain with a halbert. The date of his death can- not be satisfactorily obtained. His festival in the Latin Church is observed on the 21st day of September. Lardner, however, is adverse to this statement. He informs us, that " Heracleon, a learned Valen- tinian, in the second century, as cited by Clement of Alexandria, reckons Matthew among those Apostles who did not die by martyr- dom ; nor does Clement contradict him. It is also observable, that Chrysostom has a commendation of Matthew, consisting of divers articles ; his humility, mercifulness or liberality, piety, general benevolence, writing a Gospel ; finally, fortitude, inasmuch as ' he came from the presence of the Council rejoicing ; ' referring, I sup- pose, to Acts v. 4 1 ; but he says nothing of his martyrdom : which may induce us to think, that there was not any tradition about it among Christians at that time ; or, that it was not much regarded."^ We cannot conclude this statement, without observing that Mat- thew presents us with a great instance of the power of religion. If we reflect upon his circumstances while a stranger to Christ, the * Ensebius, Hist. Ecclt-s., lib. iii., cap. 24. t Surius I)c Probatis Sanctorum, anied v.-iih MATTHIAS. 1/9 eligible for this situation. The mode of election was by lot, a way frequently used among the Jews and Gentiles, for the decision of doubtful and difficult cases, and especially choosing Judges and Magis- trates ; and this plan was adopted in the present instance in compli- ance with an old custom, that in the election of an Apostle they might not seem to depart from the practice that had been followed in the political affairs of the country. Some writers have ventured to assert, that the lot was not used in this case, but that some imme- diate and extraordinary sign from heaven fell upon the candidate, and discovered him to be the individual chosen by the Great Head of the church. But this is directly contrary to the words of inspiration, which declare, " they gave forth their lots ; * and the lot fell upon Matthias." (Acts i. 26.) This course the Apostles rather followed, because the Holy Ghost was not yet given, by whose immediate dictates and inspirations they were afterwards chiefly guided. That the important affair might proceed with greater regularity and suc- cess, in the first place they solemnly offered supplication unto heaven, that the omniscient Being that governed the universe, and perfectly understood the tempers and dispositions of mankind, would guide and direct the choice, and show which of the two he would appoint to fill the vacant office. The lots were put into the urn, the name of Matthias was dra\vn, and the apostolate fell upon him. Shortly after, the promised powers of the Holy Spirit were con- ferred upon the Apostles, to prepare and qualify them for the arduous employment which lay before them. Among the rest, Matthias addressed himself to his work and charge. The New Testament is altogether silent with respect to his subsequent career ; for not a fact is recorded concerning him. Nevertheless, the productive imagina- tlie Apostles all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out amongst them, beginning from the baptism of John until the ascension. Tradition also accounted him one of the seventy. (Euseb. Hist. Eccles., lib. i., cap. 12.) The same historian relates, (lib. iii., cap. xxxix.,) on the authority of Papias, that Joseph the Just " drank deadly poison, and, by the grace of God, sustained no harm." It has been maintained that he is the same as Joses, surnamed Barnabas, mentioned in Acts iv. 36 ; bat the manner in which the latter is characterized, seems to point to a different person. (Hemrichs, on Acts i. 23. Ullmann in the Theolog. Stud., und Kritik., i. 377.) Kitto. * Alfred Barnes says, " that some have supposed that this means, they voted ; but to this interpretation there are insuperable objections. 1. The word ' lots,' K^tjpovs, is not used to express votes or suffrage. 2. The expression, ' the lot fell upon,' is not consistent with the notion of voting. It is commonly expressive of casting lota. 3. Casting lots was common among the Jews on important and difficult occasions ; and it was natural that the Apostles should resort to it in this. Thus David divided the Priests by lot. (1 Chron. xxiv. 6.) The land of Canaan was divided by lot (Num. xxvi. 55; Joshua xv., xvi., xvii., &c.) Jonathan, son of Saul, was detected of having violated his father's command, and bringing calamity on the Israelites, by lot. (1 Sam. xiv. 41, 42.) Achan was detected by lot. (Joshua vii. 16, 18.) In these canes, the use of the lot was regarded as a solemn appeal to God, for his direct inter- ference in case* which they could not themselves decide. Prov. xvi. 33 : ' The lot is cast into the lap ; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.' The choice of an Apostle was an event of the same kind, and was regarded as a solemn appeal to God for his direction and guidance in a case which the Apostles could not determine. The manner in which this was done is not certainly known. The common mode of casting lots was, to write the names of the persons on pieces of stone, wood, &c., and put them in one urn ; and the name of the office, portion, &c., on others. They were afterward* placed in an urn with other pieces of stone, &c., which were blank ; and then were drawn at random, together with the other pieces, and this determined the case." 2 A 2 182 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. of God in that place. No further circumstances are recorded of Mark in the New Testament ; but it is believed, upon the authority of ancient writers, that, soon after his journey with Barnabas, he went with Peter into Asia, and that he continued with him for some time : perhaps till Peter suffered martyrdom at Rome. Epiphanius, Eusebius, and Jerome assert that Mark preached the Gospel in Egypt ; the two latter call him Bishop of Alexandria. He did not, however, confine his preaching to that city, or to the orien- tal parts of Egypt, but removed westward to Libya and the country contiguous, where, though the people were both barbarous in their manners and idolatrous in their worship, yet, by his preaching and his miraculous deeds, he made way for the reception of the Gospel ; and. left them not, says Cave, until he had not only gained them to, but confirmed them in, the profession of it. Returning to Alexan- dria, he preached often, and regulated the affairs of the church, pro- viding suitable Governors and Pastors. But the enemy of souls would not suffer him long to be at rest : it was the time of Easter, when the great solemnities of the god Serapis were to be celebrated. The minds of the people being excited to a passionate vindication of the honour of their deity, they were led to break in upon Mark, then engaged in conducting the service of the Most High, and bind- ing his feet with cords, dragged him through the streets of the city, and the most craggy places, to the Bucelus, a precipice near the sea, and for that night thrust him into prison, where his soul was by a divine vision encouraged, amid the ruins of his shattered body. Early the next morning, the tragedy began again, dragging him about in the same manner, till, from pain and the loss of blood, he expired. Their bigotry and malice did not die with Mark : Simeon Metaphrastes adds, that they burnt his body, and that the Christians decently buried his ashes near to the spot where he was accustomed to hold forth the words of life.* His mortal remains were afterwards, as the account is related, removed with great pomp from Alexandria to Venice, where Mark is adopted as the tute- lar saint and guardian of the state, and where one of the richest and most stately churches has been erected to his memory. He is said to have suffered on the 25th day of April, which period both the Eastern and Western churches have devoted to his memory. f * Sim. Metaphrast. Martyr. S. Marc. Apud Sur. ad diem. Apr. 25. Tom. ii. Colon., 1574. t A dense mist of error rests upon all the uninspired records concerning Mark. Many of the statements of Eusehius, respecting the Apostle and the church of Alex- andria, can he shown to be erroneous ; but this would lead us beyond the legitimate boundaries of our work : it may be sufficient, however, to advert to the accounts by Kusebiua, Hist. Eccles., lib. ii., cap, 24 : and Jerome, Cat. Script., on the subject of the bishopric of Mark in Alexandria, and his death in the eighth year of Nero, aa inconsistent with what we learn from 2 Tim. iv. 11. This difficulty can only he sur- mounted, by supposing that there were two of the first Preachers of the Gospel of that name. (Burton's Eccles. Hist., vol. i., sect, x.) The precise time of his martrydom is not determined by the ancients. Dr. Cave says, that Kirstenius, out of the Arabic memoirs of his life, asserts, that it was in the last year of Claudius. Jerome places it in the eighth of Nero. But extravagantly wide is the computation of Dorotheus, who sup- poses that he suffered in the time of Trajan : with equal resemblance of truth, Nicepho- nis affirms that he came into Egypt in the reign of Tiberius. If in so great variety JAMES THE LESS. 183 JAMES THE LESS, surnamed the "brother" of our Lord, (Gal. i. 19,) was the son of Cleophas, otherwise called Alphseus, and Mary, sister to the hlessed Virgin ; consequently he was cousin-german to Jesus Christ. By some, doubts have been entertained, whether James the Less was not the Bishop of Jerusalem : others have imagined, that three persons of the name of James are presented to us in the history of the Christian church ; namely, James the Elder, and James the Less, both of whom were Apostles, and a third surnamed the Just, distinct, as they say, from the former two, and Bishop of the metro- polis of Judea. The latter idea is evidently founded on a mistake, inasmuch as the Scripture mentions but two of this name ; one who suffered under Herod, and the other, whom Paul calls our Lord's brother, whom he designates as one of the pillars of the church, presiding among the Apostles, and governing in the Synod of Jeru- salem. Of the place of his birth, the sacred history makes no men- tion. What were his particular way and course of life before he was called to the discipleship and apostolate, we find no intimations in the Gospel record, nor any distinct account of him during our Saviour's life. After the resurrection, he was honoured with a parti- cular appearance of our Lord, which, though silently passed over by the Evangelists, is recorded by the Apostle Paul. Next to the mani- festation of himself to the five hundred brethren, " He was seen of James," (1 Cor. xv. 7,) which is by all understood of our Apostle. Of this interview, Jerome gives the following account : he states, that James had solemnly sworn, that from the time that he had drunk of the cup at the institution of the Lord's supper, he would eat bread no more, until he saw the Lord risen from the dead. It is, there- fore, said, that "very soon after the Lord was risen, he went to James, and showed himself to him. It is added, that the Lord said, " Bring a table, and bread." And afterwards, " He took bread, and blessed, and brake it, and then gave it to James the Just, and said to him, My brother, eat thy bread, for the Son of man is risen from among them that sleep."* To him, we find Paul after his conver- sion making his address, (Gal. i. 19 ; ii. 9,) by whom, also, he was honoured with the right hand of fellowship. To him, also, Peter sent the news of his miraculous deliverance out of prison : (Acts xii. 17:) "Go show these things unto James, and to the brethren," that is, to the whole church, and especially to James, the Pastor thereof. But he was principally active in the Synod of Jerusalem, in the great controversy about the Mosaic rites ; for, the case being opened by Peter, and more largely debated by Paul and Barnabas, James at length stood up and passed the final and decretory sentence, that the of opinions I may interpose my conjecture, says Cave, I should reckon him to have suffered about the end of Nero's reign ; for, supposing him to have come with Peter to Rome, about the fifth or sixth year of that Emperor, he might thence be despatched to Alexandria, and spend the residue of his days in planting Christianity in that part of the world. Irenseus reports, that Mark outlived Peter and Paul, and that after their decease he composed his Gospel out of those things which he had heard Peter preacfc. Be that as it may, it is evident that Ireneeua supposed that Mark survived the martyr- dom of those eminent Apostles. * Lardner's Works, vol. vi., p. 163. 184 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. Gentile converts were not to be troubled with the bondage of the Jewish yoke, only that, for present accommodation, some few indif- ferent rites should be observed. (Acts xv. 13, &c.) Eusebius says, that James was appointed Bishop * of Jerusalem, by the Apostles ; and elsewhere, that he was placed in that metro- polis by Christ himself, and the twelve. Jerome, in his Catalogue of Ecclesiastical Writers, states, that " James, surnamed the Just, was ordained Bishop of Jerusalem by the Apostles, soon after our Lord's passion." In his Commentary upon the Epistle to the Galatians, he speaks as if the Lord had given him this high trust, perhaps imply- ing, that Christ gave it to him by his disciples, or that they acted by divine inspiration. Epiphanius ascribes this appointment to our Saviour himself: so also do Chrysostom, (Ecumenius, Photius, and many others. Be that as it may, he administered to the necessities of his pro- vince with diligence and care, performing every duty, as an indus- trious and faithful guide of the souls committed to his charge. f He strengthened the weak, instructed the ignorant, reclaimed the erroneous, reproved the obstinate, and, by the constancy of his preach- ing, conquered the perverseness and stupidity of that stubborn and refractory generation which were around him ; many of whom, of superior character, were brought to the obedience of the faith : so careful, and yet so successful was he, in his endeavours to do good, that he aroused the malignity of his adversaries, a description of men of whom the Apostle has given a true, although humiliating, character : " They please not God, and are contrary to all men." He governed the church in the midst of perpetual danger, and violent persecution from the fury of the people at large ; but his singular probity and general uprightness of conduct secured even the veneration of the Jews themselves. With regard to his sanctity, Eusebius and Jerome give from Hegesippus (a suspicious authority) the following account : " He was always a virgin, and was a Nazarite, or, one con- secrated to God. In consequence of which he was never shaved, never cut his hair, never drank any wine, or other strong liquor ; moreover, he never used any bath, or oil to anoint his limbs, and * Though the office of Elder might be wanting, owing to the necessities of the local churches in different towns, it may perhaps he inferred, that the absence of the Apostles in visiting these churches, led also to the creation of a new office, and to an appointment of still greater importance in the church of Jerusalem. The early writers are unani- mous in speaking of James, as the first Bishop of that church. An incidental expres- sion of Paul seems to prove that James was in possession of this authority very soon after his conversion : therefore, the conjecture is confessedly easy, that the rest of the Apostles appointed him to superintend the church at Jerusalem, when they found them- selves so repeatedly called away to distant parts of the country. The term " Bishop " is adopted in accordance with the statement of all the ecclesiastical writers, though it is by no means implied, that this was the title given at first to James ; or that the office which he bore was analogous to that of "Bishop" in later times. (Dr. Edward Burton.) t Eusebins says, that the episcopal chair in which James was used to sit, was pre- served to his time, and was had in veneration by the church at Jerusalem. (Hist. Eccles.. lib. vii., cap. 19.) t Euseb., Hist. Eccles., lib. ii., cap. 23. Hieron., in Jovin., lib. ii., cap. 24. JAMES THE LESS. 18a never ate of any living creature, except when of precept, as the paschal lamb ; he never wore sandals, never used any other clothes than one single garment. He prostrated so much in prayer, that the skin of his knees and forehead was hardened like to camel's hoofs." Epiphanius* says, that in a great, drought, on stretching out his arms to heaven, he, by his prayers, instantly obtained rain. His eminent piety made even the Jews style him " a just man ;" an epi- thet which it will be remembered is never used in the New Testament but to the Lord of life and glory : James was so called by many. Eusebius says, that he was called " the Just," on account of the eminence of his virtue. f He is so designated frequently in passages of Clement of Alexandria. HegesippusJ says, he had been called " the Just " by all from our Saviour's time to his own ; and Jerome, in the commencement of his account of him, says, " that James, the Lord's brother, was surnamed the Just." All, therefore, that can be gathered from sacred and other history respecting him, is, that he was sometimes called the Less, the son of Alphseus, and our Lord's brother, either the son of Joseph by a former wife, or a relation of his mother Mary ; and that he was one of Christ's Apostles. We have no account of when he was called to the apostleship ; nor is there anything said of him particularly in the history of our Saviour. But from the Acts, and from Paul's Epistles, we can perceive that he was of note among the Apostles. Soon after the death of Stephen, he was appointed President, or Superintendent, in the church of Jerusalem, where, and in Judea, he resided during the remaining part of his life. Under the firm administration of Festus, the Christians in Palestine were comparatively free from persecution ; and the statement is con- firmed by what took place at his decease. He died about the eighth or tenth year of the reign of Nero ; and as soon as the news of his death arrived at Rome, Albinus was appointed to succeed him. Some time, however, elapsed, before the new Procurator reached his government ; and the High Priest took advantage of the interregnum to molest the church. The office of High Priest had been frequently changed about this period. Agrippa, who still resided at Jerusalem, had lately appointed Joseph, and shortly after Ananus, or Annus, the son of the Annas, whose name is connected with the crucifixion of our Saviour. This was the fifth of his sons, beside his son-in-law Caiaphas, who had held the pontifical dignity ; and the present High Priest, being a Sadducee, had, probably, additional motives for show- ing hostility to the Christians. He had not long to wait for an opportunity. The Jews had recently been exasperated at the failure of their sanguinary designs against Paul, by his appeal to Caesar, to whom he had been sent by Festus. The plan of attack which was devised by Ananus, though iniquitous and cruel, was well conceived. The blow was aimed at the head and leader of the party, and the Easter of the year 62 is generally taken to be the period when James the Bishop of Jerusalem was martyred. The atrocious act is alluded to * Epiphan. Haeres., 78. f Kuseb., Hist. Eccles., lib. ii., cap. 1. t Ibid., lib. ii., cap. 23. Lardner'a Works, vol. vi., p. 196. VOL. I. 2 B 184 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. Gentile converts were not to be troubled with the bondage of the Jewish yoke, only that, for present accommodation, some few indif- ferent rites should be observed. (Acts xv. 13, &c.) Eusebius says, that James was appointed Bishop * of Jerusalem, by the Apostles ; and elsewhere, that he was placed in that metro- polis by Christ himself, and the twelve. Jerome, in his Catalogue of Ecclesiastical Writers, states, that " James, surnamed the Just, was ordained Bishop of Jerusalem by the Apostles, soon after our Lord's passion." In his Commentary upon the Epistle to the Galatians, he speaks as if the Lord had given him this high trust, perhaps imply- ing, that Christ gave it to him by his disciples, or that they acted by divine inspiration. Epiphanius ascribes this appointment to our Saviour himself : so also do Chrysostom, (Ecumenius, Photius, and many others. Be that as it may, he administered to the necessities of his pro- vince with diligence and care, performing every duty, as an indus- trious and faithful guide of the souls committed to his charge. f He strengthened the weak, instructed the ignorant, reclaimed the erroneous, reproved the obstinate, and, by the constancy of his preach- ing, conquered the perverseness and stupidity of that stubborn and refractory generation which were around him ; many of whom, of superior character, were brought to the obedience of the faith : so careful, and yet so successful was he, in his endeavours to do good, that he aroused the malignity of his adversaries, a description of men of whom the Apostle has given a true, although humiliating, character : " They please not God, and are contrary to all men." He governed the church in the midst of perpetual danger, and violent persecution from the fury of the people at large ; but his singular probity and general uprightness of conduct secured even the veneration of the Jews themselves. With regard to his sanctity, Eusebius J and Jerome give from Hegesippus (a suspicious authority) the following account : " He was always a virgin, and was a Nazarite, or, one con- secrated to God. In consequence of which he was never shaved, never cut his hair, never drank any wine, or other strong liquor ; moreover, he never used any bath, or oil to anoint his limbs, and * Though the office of Elder might be wanting, ovring to the necessities of the local churches in different towns, it may perhaps be inferred, that the absence of the Apostles in visiting these churches, led also to the creation of a new office, and to an appointment of still greater importance in the church of Jerusalem. The early writers are unani- mous in speaking of James, as the first Bishop of that church. An incidental expres- sion of Paul seems to prove that James was in possession of this authority very soon after his conversion : therefore, the conjecture is confessedly easy, that the rest of the Apostles appointed him to superintend the church at Jerusalem, when they found them- selves so repeatedly called away to distant parts of the country. The term " Bishop " M adopted in accordance with the statement of all the ecclesiastical writers, though it is by no means implied, that this was the title given at first to James ; or that the office which he bore was analogous to that of "Bishop" in later times. (Dr. Edward Burton.) t Eusebius says, that the episcopal chair in which James was used to sit, was pre- served to his time, and was had in veneration by the church at Jerusalem. (Hist. Eccles.. lib. vii., cap. 19.) t Euseb., Hist. Eccles., lib. ii., cap. 23. Hieron., in Jovin., lib. ii., cap. 24. JAMES THE LESS. 185 never ate of any living creature, except when of precept, as the paschal lamb ; he never wore sandals, never used any other clothes than one single garment. He prostrated so much in prayer, that the skin of his knees and forehead was hardened like to camel's hoofs." Epiphanius* says, that in a great, drought, on stretching out his arms to heaven, he, by his prayers, instantly obtained rain. His eminent piety made even the Jews style him " a just man ; " an epi- thet which it will be remembered is never used in the New Testament but to the Lord of life and glory : James was so called by many. Eusebius says, that he was called "the Just," on account of the eminence of his virtue. f He is so designated frequently in passages of Clement of Alexandria. HegesippusJ says, he had been called " the Just " by all from our Saviour's time to his own ; and Jerome, in the commencement of his account of him, says, " that James, the Lord's brother, was surnamed the Just." All, therefore, that can be gathered from sacred and other history respecting him, is, that he was sometimes called the Less, the son of Alphseus, and our Lord's brother, either the son of Joseph by a former wife, or a relation of his mother Mary ; and that he was one of Christ's Apostles. We have no account of when he was called to the apostleship ; nor is there anything said of him particularly in the history of our Saviour. But from the Acts, and from Paul's Epistles, we can perceive that he was of note among the Apostles. Soon after the death of Stephen, he was appointed President, or Superintendent, in the church of Jerusalem, where, and in Judea, he resided during the remaining part of his life. Under the firm administration of Festus, the Christians in Palestine were comparatively free from persecution ; and the statement is con- firmed by what took place at his decease. He died about the eighth or tenth year of the reign of Nero ; and as soon as the news of his death arrived at Rome, Albinus was appointed to succeed him. Some time, however, elapsed, before the new Procurator reached his government ; and the High Priest took advantage of the interregnum to molest the church. The office of High Priest had been frequently changed about this period. Agrippa, who still resided at Jerusalem, had lately appointed Joseph, and shortly after Ananus, or Annus, the son of the Annas, whose name is connected with the crucifixion of our Saviour. This was the fifth of his sons, beside his son-in-law Caiaphas, who had held the pontifical dignity ; and the present High. Priest, being a Sadducee, had, probably, additional motives for show- ing hostility to the Christians. He had not long to wait for an opportunity. The Jews had recently been exasperated at the failure of their sanguinary designs against Paul, by his appeal to Caesar, to whom he had been sent by Festus. The plan of attack which was devised by Ananus, though iniquitous and cruel, was well conceived. The blow was aimed at the head and leader of the party, and the Easter of the year 62 is generally taken to be the period when James the Bishop of Jerusalem was martyred. The atrocious act is alluded to * Epiphan. Haeres., 78. f Kuseb., Hist. Eccles., lib. ii., cap. 1. J Ibid., lib. ii., cap. 23. Lardner's Works, vol. vi., p. 196. VOL. I. 2 B 186 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. by Josephus,* and is related in much detail by Hegesippus, a Chris- tian historian of the second century. The account of the latter has been rescued from oblivion by Eusebius ; f and though some parts may have an air of fiction, we may, perhaps, believe the following circum- stances substantially true. The High Priest had resolved upon the destruction of James, before the arrival of the new Procurator. The religion of Christ had, for some years, been rapidly spreading in Jerusa- lem ; and many persons of consequence had embraced the true faith. The death of Festus evidently gave to the unbelieving party a greater licence of acting ; and their object was plainly developed, when they applied to James, as a person of great weight and influence, to unde- ceive the people, who were so eagerly running after the new religion. James was placed upon an elevated part of the temple, and was ordered to address himself to the multitude, who were attracted by the festival in the courts below. J Ananus and his party could hardly have hoped, that James would so suddenly retract his opinions : there can be no doubt that they only sought a public opportunity for putting him to death. Their wishes were shortly gratified. Being advantageously situated, the Scribes and Pharisees addressed James as follows : " Tell us, Justus, whom we have all reason in the world to believe, that, seeing the people are thus generally led away with the doctrine of Jesus that was crucified, tell us what is this institution of the crucified Jesus ? " To which the Apostle answered, with an audible voice, " Why do ye inquire of Jesus the Son of man ? He sits in heaven, on the right hand of the Majesty on High, and will come again in the clouds of heaven." The people below hearing it, glorified the blessed Jesus, and openly proclaimed, " Hosanna to the son of David!" His adversaries immediately, perceiving that he was confirming the people in their error, resolved forthwith to despatch him. Suddenly they cried out, that Justus was himself seduced, and Festus was now dead, and Albinus was upon the road ; so he, Ananua, assem- bled the sanhedrin of Judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who waa Christ, whose name was James, and some others, some of his companions ; and when he had formed an accusation against them, as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned ; but as for those who seemed the most equitable of the citizens, and such as were the most uneasy at the breach of the laws, they disliked what was done ; they also sent to the King, (Agrippa,) desiring him to send to Ananus that he should act so no more, for that what he had already done was not to be justified ; nay, some of them went also to meet Albinus, as he was upon his journey from Alexandria, and informed him that it was not lawful for Ananus to assemble a sanhedrin without his consent ; whereupon Albinus complied with what they said, wrote in anger to Ananus, and threatened that he would bring him to punishment for what he had done ; on which King Agrippa took the high priesthood from bun, when he had ruled but three months, and made Jesus, the son of Damnceus, High Priest. (Joseph. Antiq., lib. xx., cap. 9., sect. 1.) t See Le Clerc., Hist. Eccles., Duorum Primorum Saec., p. 415. t " That his death might be carried in a more plausible and popular way, his enemies set the Scribes and Pharisees at work to ensnare him ; who, coming to him, began by flattering insinuations to set upon him. They tell him that they had all a mighty confidence in him, and that the whole nation, as well as they, gave him the testimony of a moat just man, and one that was no respecter of persons ; that, there- fore, they desired he would correct the error and false opinion which the people had of Jesus, whom they looked upon as the Messiah, and would take this opportunity of the universal confluence to the paschal solemnity to set them right in their notions about these things, and would, to that end, go up with them to the top of the temple, where he might be seen and heard of all." Hcgesip. apud Euselt. ANDREW. 187 had become an impostor, and threw him. down from the place on which he stood. Though bruised, he was not killed by the fall, but recovered so much strength as to rise upon his knees, and to pray for his murderers. Vexed that they had not completed their purpose, they commenced the attack on the little life which remained, with a shower of stones, until a person out of the crowd despatched him. with a fuller's club.* Such was the tragical end of James the Less, the first Bishop of Jerusalem, to the great grief of all good men, and of every sober aud just person among the Jews also, after he had watched over the Christian church in that city for nearly thirty years. It is probable that he was not much employed like the other Apostles in converting distant nations, the Christians of Judea having been committed to his peculiar care ; but he has left full proof of the interest which he took in his brethren of every country, if, as there is the greatest reason to believe, he was the author of the Epistle which bears his name. The Epistle of James is addressed to the twelve tribes dis- persed throughout the world, by which, of course, we are to under- stand the Christians in any of the twelve tribes. James must have seen many of these persons when they attended the festivals ; and the resident head of the Christian church at Jerusalem was a very fit person to send a circular letter to the Jewish Christians in dif- ferent countries.f "He was interred," says Gregory, Bishop of Tours, " upon Mount Olivet, in a tomb erected for himself, and in which he had buried Zacharias and good old Simeon," which relation, with Dr. Cave, we are much more inclined to credit, than the account which is recorded by Hegesippus, and accurately retailed by Eusebius, that he was buried near the temple, J in the place of his martyrdom, where a monument was erected to his memory, which remained for some time. Such was the reputation in which his sanctity was held, that the latter historian, with Jerome and Origen, attributed the destruction of the metropolis of Judea to the martyr- dom of James. ANDREW THE APOSTLE. An American writer observes, that " the name of this Apostle is brought in directly after his eminent brother, The accounts by Eusebius and Hegesippus seem more apocryphal. The latter, after a very improbable description of the ascetic life led by James, refers to the rapid progress of the Gospel in Jerusalem ; and states, that the Pharisees and Saddncees besought James, in whom the}* had great confidence, to disabuse the minds of the people, placing him upon the battlement of the temple for this purpose. But, instead of this, he made a confession of his faith in Christ, to the assembled multitude ; upon which he was cast down from the temple, and put to death. The severe virtues of Jame*, the respect in which he was held, and his scrupulous observance of the Jewish worship, with his violent death, seem clearly indicated in this legend. (Welsh's Elements.) t Tillemont Memoires, torn, i., p. 421. 4 to. Paris, 1693. J Alban Butler, who faithfully follows in the wake of Hegesippns and Eusebius, says that James was " buried near the temple, in the place in which he was martyred, where a small column was erected." It will be remembered, however, that the Jews were not ordinarily accustomed to bury with in the city, much legs so near the temple ; and least of all would they suffer him whom, as a blasphemer and impostor, they had so lately put to death. Lives of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. By D. Francis Bacon. P. 287. 8vo. New- York, 1846. 2 B 2 188 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. (Peter,) in accordance with the lists of the Apostles given by Mat- thew and Luke in their Gospels, where they seem to dispose them all in pairs ; and they very naturally in this case prefer family affinity as a principle of arrangement, placing together, in this and the fol- lowing instances, those who were sons of the same father. The most eminent son of Jonas, deservedly taking the highest place on all the lists, his brother might very properly so far share in the honours of this distinction, as to be mentioned along with him, without any necessary implication of the possession of any of that moral and intellectual superiority on which Peter's claim to the first place was grounded. These seem at least to have been sufficient reasons for Matthew in arranging the Apostles, and for Luke in his Gospel ; while, in his history of the Acts of the Apostles, the latter followed a different plan, putting Andrew fourth on the list, and giving the sons of Zebedee a place before him, as Mark did also. The uniform manner in which James and John are mentioned along with Peter, on great occasions, to the total neglect of Andrew, seems to imply that this Apostle was quite behind his brother in those excellencies which fitted him for a leading place in the great Christian enterprise ; since it is most reasonable to believe, that if he had possessed faculties of such a high order, he would have been readily selected to enjoy, with him, the peculiar privileges of a most intimate personal inter- course with Jesus, and to share the high honours of his peculiar reve- lations of glory and power. The occasions on which the name of this Apostle is mentioned in the New Testament, except in the bare enumeration of the twelve, are only four : his first introduction to Jesus ; his actual call ; the feeding of the five thousand, where he said to Jesus, ' There is a lad here with five barley loaves, and two small fishes ; but what are these among so many ? ' and the circum- stance of his being present, with his brother and the sons of Zebe- dee, at the scene on the Mount of Olives, when Christ foretold the utter ruin of the temple. Of these three scenes, in the first only did he perform such a part as to receive any other than a bare men- tion in the Gospel history ; nor even in that solitary circumstance does his conduct seem to have been of much importance, except as leading his brother to the knowledge of Jesus. From the fact, however, of his being specified as the first of all the twelve who had a personal acquaintance with our Lord, he has been honoured by many writers with the distinguishing title of ' the first called,' * although others have claimed the dignity of this appellation for another Apostle." Andrew was born at Bethsaida, a city of Galilee, a small town situated on the borders of the lake Gennesaret, and son to John, or Jonas, a fisherman of that place : he, with Peter his brother, was brought up to the same profession, at which he laboured until our Lord called him to be a fisher of men. The circumstances attending * Andrew is designated arpom>KA.TjTos by Nieephorns Callistus in his Hist. Eccles., lib. ii., cap. xxxix. ; and also by several of the Greek Fathers, as quoted by Cangius, (Gloss, in voc.,) and referred to by Lainpe. (I'rolegom. in Joannem.) Suieer, however, makes no reference to this term. ANDREW. this latter event are worthy of a brief notice. John the Baptist had but recently appeared in Judea, a person who, for the efficacy and power of his doctrine, and the strictness and austerity of his life, was held in very high repute. He trained up his proselytes under the discipline of repentance ; and, by inculcating upon them reforma- tion of life, he prepared them to entertain the teaching of the Messiah, whose approach he signified was near at hand. Besides the number who flocked to hear him from Judea, and the region round about Jordan, John had, according to the custom of Jewish teachers, some peculiar and select disciples, who constantly attended his lectures, and waited upon his person. In this company was Andrew. It was in one of those perambulatory excursions in which a master was accustomed to indulge, surrounded by his followers, that our Saviour came that way. John immediately informed them that this was the Messiah of whom he had so often spoken, the Lamb of God, the true sacrifice, which was to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. With one accord two of John's hearers left him, who now referred them to a higher source of truth and purity, and followed the footsteps of this wonderful stranger, of whose real character they knew nothing, though their curiosity must have been highly excited by the solemn mystery of the words in which his greatness was announced, " Behold the Lamb of God ! " They hurried after him, the sound of their hasty feet was heard, and the retiring stranger, turning towards his anxious pursuers, mildly inquired, " Whom seek ye ? " The opportunity thus afforded to state their wishes was eagerly embraced ; and thus commenced an acquaintance which con- tinued during life. Andrew being convinced that he whom he called the Messiah was all that he had been declared to be, immediately sought Simon his brother, to whom he said, " We have found the Messiah." This announcement immediately arrested the attention of Simon, who was forthwith conducted to Christ. Long, however, they did not remain, but returned to their own home, and the exer- cise of their calling. About twelve months after their return, our Lord, passing through Galilee, and walking by the sea-shore, saw two fishing-vessels, one belonging to Peter and Andrew, the other to James and John ; who, after a toilsome night, without success, were drying their nets on the beach. Jesus, being crowded by the people who had followed him out of Capernaum, stepped into Andrew's vessel, and desired Peter to put off a little from the shore, and from thence he addressed the multitude. Having concluded his discourse, he confirmed his doctrine by a miracle. He commanded Peter to stand yet farther off from the shore, and to cast his net for a draught. Peter replied, that, though they had spent a laborious and fruitless night, neverthe- less, at his bidding, they would try again. He did so ; and took such a quantity of fish, that they were obliged to call their partners in the other boat to come to their aid, and both vessels were filled with the produce. This miracle, so seasonably performed, plainly declared to the fishermen, and to the rest of the multitude, the Divi- nity and Godhead of Christ : our Lord then bade Andrew and Peter, 190 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. with James and John, to follow him, and they left their all and fol- lowed him ; and from thenceforward they became the constant and inseparable disciples and companions of our Saviour. Soon after, Andrew and the rest were raised to the office and character of Apos- tles, appointed to preach the Gospel, and to propagate the faith of Christ throughout the world. After the ascension of the Saviour, and the descent of the Holy Ghost, Andrew is supposed to have preached the truth in a variety of places ; but little confidence is to be placed in the several authorities which are adduced. Origen says that Andrew preached the Gospel in Scythia ; and we should be inclined to receive the statement as true, though the expression is a vague one ; and the ancients would have spoken of any part of the north of Europe as Scythia.* Sophro- nius, who wrote soon after Jerome, and translated his Catalogue of Illustrious Men, and some other works, into Greek, says that he preached in the country called Sogdiana, and in the neighbourhood of Colchis, upon the Euxine. A church ia also said to have been founded by him at Byzantium ; but there is no evidence, of any authority, which should incline us to believe it.f There is, perhaps, more room for discussion, whether he did not latterly alter the direc- tion of his travels, and visit different parts of Greece. The testimony though not very early, is at least respectable, for his having preached in Epirus and Achaia.: Paulinus says, this divine fisherman, preach- ing at Argos, put all the philosophers in that city to silence. Phi- * Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. iii., cap. 1 ; Burton's Lectures on the Ecclesiastical His- tory of the First Century, p. 328. t Tillemont Memoires, torn, i., p. 619. J Theodoreti Opera, torn, i., pars ii., in Psalmum cxvi., p. 1425. 8vo. Halae, 1769 ; Greg. Nazianz., Opera, fol., p. 426. Antw., 1612. The most rational conjecture, about the subsequent proceedings of Andrew, would be that he moved along with Peter before the destruction of Jerusalem. With this allowable supposition, and also with the gene- ral voice of ancient accounts, respecting the great majority of the Galilean Apostles, the earliest and best- authenticated tradition respecting Andrew agrees perfectly. The original account of him is quoted from one of the most trustworthy and judicious of the Fathers : still, dating as late as the third century, and mixed as it is with known fabu- lous matter, it would be entitled to little respect, except from its striking correspondence with the general facts alluded to. This early statement is, that " at the time when Palestine was disturbed by the seditions of the Jews against the Romans, the Apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ, scattered throughout the world, preached the Gospel." All these facts are referred to ancient tradition ; and, among the rest, on this authority, Andrew is mentioned as having received Scythia as his field of duty. The country thus named, lay on the farthest eastern border of the ancient Parthian and Persian empire, in the northern part of the great valley of the Indus, now occupied by the east- ern part of Affghanistan, or Cabul, and by the provinces of Cashmere and Lahore. This was the true Scythia of the ancients ; it was in this region where the great Per- sian Cyrus lost his life, and where the conquering Alexander met his most determined and dangerous foes ; and all the most ancient accounts, in the same decisive manner, refer to this as the country properly and originally called Scythia, though many who have assumed the task of settling ancient geography have absurdly applied the name to. the ancient Sannatia, corresponding to the modern Russia, west of the Caspian and Volga. The name of Scythia was, by the later Greek and Roman geographers, extended to the vast regions north of Persia and India, and east of the Ural mountains, and the Caspian sea, stretching over the range of Imaus to an unknown distance, north and east, occupying all Little Tartary, south western Siberia, and western Chinese Tartary. A later account of Andrew further particularizes the regions to which he went, as Sogdiana, now Bokhara, and the country of the Sacae, in Little Thibet ; a statement which, coinciding nearly as it does with the earlier accounts, deserves some credit. See Butler's Atlas of Ancient Geography ; Bacon's Lives of the Apostles. ANDREW. 191 lastrius tells us, that he came out of Pontus into Greece ; and that, iu his time, the people of Synope were persuaded that they had his true picture, and the pulpit in which he had preached in that place. Tradition informs us, that when at the latter city, he was met by Peter. The same veritable authority also asserts, that the inhabitants of this place, being principally Jews, partly through zeal for the faith of their fathers, and partly through the barbarity of their manners, treated Andrew with great inhumanity and cruelty, attempting to burn the house wherein he dwelt, and dragging his person about the streets : to such a height of atrocity did the malice of some lead them, that they bit off his flesh with their teeth, and then, thinking they had killed him, they threw him out of the city ; but he, miraculously recovering, returned, and by the efficacy and vigour of his preaching, and the number and magnitude of the miracles he performed, brought the people to a better temper, and converted many to the faith. The Muscovites have long gloried that Andrew carried the Gospel into their country as far as the mouth of the Borysthenes, and to the mountains where the city of Kiow now stands, and to the frontiers of Poland. If the ancients mean Euro- pean Scythia, when they speak of the theatre of the Apostle's labours, this authority is favourable to the pretensions of the Musco- vites. The Greeks understand it of Scythia beyond Sebastopolis in Colchis, and perhaps also of the European ; for they say he planted the faith in Thrace. In many of the adjacent places Andrew is sup- posed to have preached and propagated Christianity, and to have con- firmed the doctrine that he taught by signs and miracles and mighty deeds. At length he came to Patrse, a city of Achaia, where he is said to have given his last and great testimony to the truth. In giving a description of his martyrdom, we shall follow the account that is recorded in " the Acts of his Passion," * supposed to have been written by the Presbyters and Deacons of Achaia, who were present ; and, although we cannot vouch for the genuineness of that document, it is certainly of great antiquity, being referred to by Philastrius, who flourished in the year 380, and was doubtless written before his time. The substance is as follows : ^Egeas came about this time to Patrse, where, observing that multitudes had fallen off from Paganism, and had embraced Christianity, he endea- voured, by numerous devices, both of favour and cruelty, to reduce the people to their old practices. To him the Apostle resolutely made his address, and calmly put him in mind, that he, being but a judge of men, should own and revere Him who was the supreme and impartial Judge of all ; that he should render to Him the honour which was due, and renounce the impieties of a false and heathen worship. The Proconsul reviled him as an innovator and a propagator of that superstition whose Author the Jews had ignominiously put to * " The Acts," &c., have been fully proved to be spurious and apocryphal : they are not found in any of the ancient catalogues of the sacred books, nor appealed to by any Christian writer, nor read in any of their assemblies ; but, on the contrary, expressly condemned as an impious forgery by every one that has mentioned them. There are not, indeed, any fragments of the book now remaining. (Jones on the Canon, vol. i., p. 135. 8vo. Oxford, 1827.) 192 BOOK III. CHAPTER II. death upon a cross. Hence the Apostle took occasion to address Trim on the infinite love and kindness of Christ, who came into the world to purchase the salvation of mankind, and for that end did not dis- dain to die upon the cross. To which the Proconsul answered, that he might persuade them so that would believe him ; but for his part, if he did not comply with his mandate, in offering sacrifice to the gods, he would cause him to suffer upon that cross which he had so much extolled and magnified. Andrew replied, that he offered sacri- fice daily unto God, the only true and omnipotent Being, not with incense and bloody offerings, but with spiritual oblations, acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ. The Apostle was committed to prison. At this the people were so enraged, that an insurrection would have been the result, had not Andrew restrained them, and persuaded them to imitate the patience and meekness of the Redeemer, and not by any uproar intercept the crown of martyrdom which appeared to await him. The following day he was again brought into the presence of the Proconsul, who endeavoured to persuade him not foolishly to destroy himself, but to live and enjoy the pleasures of this life. The Apostle hesitated not to inform this officer of state, that he should possess with him eternal felicity, if he would renounce his execrable idola- tries, and embrace the religion of the Saviour, which had so success- fully been preached among them. " That," responded ^Egeas, " is the very reason why I am so earnest with you to sacrifice to the gods, that those whom you have seduced may, by your example, be brought back to that religion which they have forsaken ; otherwise, I will cause you, with exquisite tortures, to be crucified." The Apos- tle replied, that now he saw it was in vain any longer to converse with him ; that he was a man incapable of receiving counsel, and hardened in his blindness and folly ; that, as for himself, he might do his worst, and if he had one torment greater than another, he might inflict that upon him ; for the greater constancy he manifested in his sufferings for Christ, the more acceptable it would be to his Lord and Master. JEgeas could not refrain any longer, and imme- diately pronounced upon Andrew the sentence of death.* The Pro- consul first commanded him to be scourged, seven lictors successively whipping his naked body ; and then, witnessing his invincible patience and firmness, he ordered him to be crucified ; and in order to render the death of the martyr more lingering and tedious, he was fastened to the cross, not with nails, but with cords. As he was led to exe- cution, to which he went with cheerfulness and composure, the peo- ple exclaimed that he was an innocent and good man, and unjustly condemned. When he came within sight of the cross,-)- he is said * Nicephorus gives a more particular account of the displeasure and rage of the Proconsul. He relates that Andrew had been instrumental in the conversion of Maxi- milla, the wife of Mge&s, and of his brother Stratocles, having cured them of desperate maladies with which they had been afflicted. t Besides various fictions which have been published with regard to Andrew, a work entitlod, " The Passion of St. Andrew," of a highly apocryphal notoriety, professing to have been written by the Elders and Deacons of the churches of Achaia, was long extensively received by the Papists as an authentic and valuable book ; and is quoted ANDREW. 193 to have saluted it with the following address : " Hail, precious cross, that hast been consecrated by the body of ray Lord, and adorned with his limbs, as with rich jewels ! I come to thee exulting and glad : receive ine with joy into thy arms. good cross that hast received beauty from our Lord's limbs, I have ardently loved thee ; long have I desired and sought thee ; now thou art found by me, and art made ready for my longing soul ; receive me into thy arms, take me from among men, present me to my Master." * Upon read- ing these sentiments, Bernard, the Abbot of Clairvaux, thus writes : " Seeing at a distance the cross prepared for him, his countenance did not change, nor his blood freeze in his veins, nor did his hair stand on end, nor did he lose his voice, nor did his body tremble, nor was his soul troubled, nor did his senses fail him, as it happens to human frailty : out of the abundance of the heart the mouth spoke, and the charity which was hot within, was as though it emitted burning sparks in the voice."f Having prayed, and exhorted the people to fidelity and perseverance in the truths which he had taught them, he was fastened to the cross, J on which he hung two days, and then expired. His body is supposed to have been honourably interred by Maximilla. Gregory, the Bishop of Tours, a great retailer of wonders, declares that on the anniversary of his martyrdom, a most fragrant and precious oil was wont to flow from Andrew's tomb, which, according to the quantity that flowed, indicated the plenty or scarcity of the following year : he also states, that on the sick and infirm being anointed with this oil, they were restored to health. Dr. Cave adds, " I believe it no more than that it was an exhalation of those rich and costly perfumes and ointments with which his body by the eloquent and venerable Bernard with profound respect. It abounds in long, tedious harangues, and painfully absurd incidents. The " Menaeon, or Greek Calendar of the Saints," ia also copious on this Apostle ; but it is too modern to deserve any cre- dit whatsoever. All the ancient fables and traditions were collected into one huge volume, by a Frenchman named Andrew de Saussey, who, in 1656, published at Paris (in Latin) a book entitled, " Andrew, brother of Simon Peter ; or, Twelve Books on the Glory of St. Andrew, the Apostle." This book was afterwards abridged, or largely borrowed from, by John Florian Hammerschmid, in a Latin treatise published at Prague, in 1699, entitled, " Cruciger Apostolicns," &c. : " The apostolic Cross-bearer ; or, St. Andrew, the Apostle, described and set forth, in his Life, Death, Martyrdom, Mira- cles, and Discourses." Baillet, " Vie des Saintes," vol. iii., Nov. 30th, contains also a full account of the most remarkable details of these fables. (See Surius, De Probatia Sanctorum, torn, vi., Nov. 30th. Folio.) See Acts and Passion of St. Andrew ; Bernardi Sermo De Sancto Andrea Apostolo. t Bernardi Opera, torn, ii., De Sancto Andrea, Serm. ii., fol., p. 156. Lugd., 1687. t Sophronius, Gaudentius, and Augustine, assure us that he was crucified ; Peter Chrysologns says, it was on a tree ; and Pseudo-Hyppolytus adds, on an olive-tree. It was the common opinion, that the cross of Andrew was hi the form of the letter X, and called a cross decussate, composed of two pieces of timber crossing each other obliquely in the middle. There is proof, however, that in the time of Bernard, this idle story was unknown ; for it is evident, that, in the fancifully-figurative language of the Abbot of Clairvaux, the martyr, if such he was, suffered on a cross of the common shape, upright, with a transverse bar, and head-piece. Natalis Alexander affords addi- tional evidence of the modern character of this idle invention. He says, " Crux qua martyril ejus instrumentum fuit, in ccenobio Massiliensi S. Victoris dicitur asservari, ejusdem figurse cum Dominica cruce." " The cross which was the instrument of Andrew's martyrdom, is said to be preserved in the convent of St. Victor, at Marseilles, and to be of the same shape with the cross of our Lord." (Natalis Alexandra Opera, torn, iii., ssec. i., cap. viii., sect. 3. Folio. Paris, 1714. ) This, also, is legendary; but it serves to show that the notice of Andrew's cross being a saltier, is modern. VOL. I. 2 C 194 BOOK III. CHAPTER III. was embalmed after his crucifixion;" though he acknowledges this conjecture to be impossible, if it were true what Gregory says, that in some years the oil flowed in such abundance, that the stream rose to the middle of the church. Jerome informs us, that his body was afterwards removed to Constantinople by Constantine the Great, and buried in the great church which he had erected in honour of the Apostles, which being pulled down some hundred years after by the Emperor Justinian, in order that it might be rebuilt, Andrew's remains were found in a wooden coffin, which were left to repose in a proper place. Thus ftir Cave.* CHAPTER III. Opprobrious Epithets given to the Christians General Testimony in their Favour Ill- Treatment of them, under Nero " Evil-Doers " PETER His Birth and Parent- age His Occupation His Calling by the Saviow Dr. Cave quoted Julian the Apostate Celsus Origen Peter's Character exhibited The Cursing of the Fig-tree Peter's Trial and Fall Scenes of the Day of Pentecost Change which took place in the Apostle The Miracle in Solomon's Porch Peter and John before the Sanhedrim Arc liberated State of the Jewish People with regard to Christ Reason of the Conduct of the Scribes and Pharisees Christ no Object of Envy to the Romans Great Hatred of the Chief Priests Sadducees and Pharisees Remarks on Caiaphas and Annas, the High Priest Apostles imprisoned Miraculously rescued They appear before the Council And are dismissed Punishment of Scourging Gamaliel Traditions respecting him Church is persecuted Saul of Tarsus Philip (he Deacon Samaria Simon Magus Miraculous Powers The Magician is reproved History of Simon Gnosticism Platonism Moses and Plato Doctrines of Simon Danger of the Church Herod Agrippa Persecutes the Church Slays James And arrests Peter He is imprisoned A Roman Guard Castle of Antonio Peter is deli- vered Leaves the City Contradictory Opinions concerning Peter's Destination The persecuted Church at Rome Peter visits that City Encounters Simon Ancient Tradition Peter vanquishes the Impostoi Simon proposes to fly Perishes in the Attempt Rage of Nero Peter apprehended Mamertine Prisons Legendary Tale of the Apparition of the Saviow Peter's Martyrdom Supposed Fate of his Remains Remarks on his Character IT was not until a later period of Nero's reign, that a terrific and persevering onslaught was made on the Christian church, with the sanguinary intention of rooting out the name of Christ from the face Alban Butler, following in the wake of numerous fanatical writers, says, the body of Andrew was translated from Patrae, to Constantinople, A.D. 357, together with those of Luke and Timothy, and deposited in the church of the Apostles, which Constantine had built a few years before. Paulinus and Jerome mention miracles wrought on that occasion. The churches of Milan, Nola, Brescia, and some other places, were at the same time enriched with small portions of these relics, as we are informed by Ambrose, Gaudentius, and some others. When the city of Constantinople was taken by the French, Cardinal Peter of Capua brought the relics of Andrew into Italy, A.D. 1210, and deposited them in the cathedral of Amalphi, where they still remain. Thomas, the Despot, when the Turks had made themselves masters of Constantinople, travelling from Greece into Italy, and carrying with him the head of Andrew, presented it to Pius II., A.D. 1461, who allotted him a monastery for his dwelling, with a competent revenue, as is related by George Phranze, the last of the Byzantine historians, who wrote in four books the history of the Greek Emperors, after the Latins had lost Constantinople ; with a curious account of the siege and plunder of that city by the Turks, in which tragical scene he had a great share, being Protovestiarius, one of the chief officers in the Emperor's court, and army. (Liven of the Saints.) 1'ETER. 195 of the earth. Individuals professing the true faith were at this time suffering under an accusation that they were " evil-doers," * malefac- tors and criminals, obnoxious to punishment. This was a state of affairs hitherto unparalleled in history. In all the records which are extant of the attacks made upon them by their enemies, it is evident that no accusation was ever brought or sustained, with reference to moral or legal offences, but they were always recognised as Dissenters and separatists. At Corinth, the independent and equitable Gallio dismissed them from the judgment-seat, with the upright decision, that the Christians were chargeable with no crime whatsoever. (Acts xviii. 12 17.) Felix and Festus, with Agrippa II., alike esteemed the whole procedure against Paul as merely a theological or religious affair, relating to doctrines, and not to deeds. At Ephesus, one of the high authorities of the city declared, unequivocally, in the teeth of a furious and ungovernable mob, who were raging against Paul and his companions, that they were innocent of all crime. (Acts xix. 21 41.) Even about the middle of the reign of Nero, the name of " Christian " had so little of an odious and criminal character, that Agrippa did not hesitate to assert, before a great and solemn assembly of Jews and Romans, that he was almost persuaded to be a Christian. (Acts xxvi. 28.) The whole stream of ecclesiastical history, up to this point, shows that, so far from the idea of assailing Christianity en masse, as guilty of criminal offences, and its name indicative of everything that was atrocious and bad, no vestige of such attack can be found, until Nero charged the Christians with his own wretched offence, of causing the dreadful conflagration of the imperial city. Immediately they became objects of scorn and obloquy, and were dragged to trial as thieves and murderers, and as outcasts, who were secretly conspiring against the public peace and safety. Rabanusf says, " Some were slain with the sword, some burnt with fire, some scourged with whips, some stabbed with forks of iron, some fastened to the cross or gibbet, some drowned in the sea, some had their skin plucked off, some their tongues cut out, some stoned to death, some killed with cold, some starved with hunger, some had their hands amputated, and otherwise dismembered." Hence Augustine hesitated not to say, " They were bound, they were imprisoned, they were whipped, they were tortured, they were burnt, they were butchered, they were killed, they were multiplied ; not fighting for life, but undervaluing their lives for the sake of Christ." The precise period of the birth of Peter cannot be ascertained : he is supposed to have been about ten years older than our Lord. This idea, his married condition, his settled course of life at his first approach to Christ, together with the authority and respect which the gravity " Evil-doers." The passages in which this word occurs, are, 1 Peter ii. 12 ; iii. 16 ; iv. 15. The Greek term is KO.KOTTOIOI, which means " malefactors," as is shown in John xviii. 30, where the whole point of the remark consists in the fact, that the per- son spoken of was considered an actual violator of known law ; so that the word is evidently limited throughout to those who were criminals in tbe eye of the law. t Rabanus was Ahbot of the monastery of Fulda, near Hesse-Cassel, and afterwards Archbishop of Mentz : he was born in the year 785, and died 856. His works were printed in 1627, in three volumes, folio. 2 C 2 196 BOOK III. CHAPTER III. of his person secured from among the rest of the Apostles, fully justifies. He was born of a humble family at Bethsaida, near the sea of Galilee, otherwise called the Lake of Gennesaret, where he was brought up in an occupation better suited to innocence of life than most. He obtained a livelihood by the laborious and dangerous occupation of fishing, which probably, in accordance with the here- ditary succession of trades, common among the Jews, was the calling of his father and ancestors before him. The earliest passage in the life of Peter, of which any record can be found, is given in the first chapter of St. John's Gospel. It appears that Peter and Andrew his brother were at Bethabara, a place on the eastern bank of the Jordan, many miles south of Bethsaida, and that they had left their business for a time, and gone thither, for the sake of hearing and seeing John the Baptist, who was then preaching in Judea, and baptizing in Jordan. Andrew enrolled himself among his disciples, and was honoured by him with the revelation of the Messiah in Jesus. He and his brother immediately attached themselves to the Saviour, and were chosen among his Apostles. " And here," says Dr. Cave, "we may justly reflect upon the wise and admirable methods of the divine Providence, which, in planting and propagating the Christian religion, made choice of such mean and unlikely instru- ments ; and that he should hide these things from the wise and pru- dent, and reveal them unto babes, to men that had not been educated in the academy and schools of learning, but brought up to a trade, to catch fish, and to mend nets ; most of the Apostles being taken from the meanest, and all of them, with the exception of Paul, unfurnished with the arts of learning, and the advantages of a liberal education ; and yet these were the men who were designed to run down the world, and to overturn the learning of the prudent. Cer- tainly, had human wisdom managed the business, it would have taken opposite measures, and have chosen from the most profound Rab- bins, the most acute philosophers, and the smoothest orators, those who would have been the best qualified, by strength of art and reason, to have triumphed over the minds of men, by grappling with the stubbornness of the Jew, and baffling the finer notions and specu- lations of the Greek. We find that those sects of philosophers which gained most credit in the heathen world, attained to it by being eminent in some of the arts and sciences, whereby they recommended themselves to the acceptance of the wiser and more ingenious part of mankind. Julian the Apostate thought it a reasonable exception against the JeVish Prophets, that they were incompetent messengers and interpreters of the divine will, because they had not their minds cleared, by passing through the circle of polite arts and learning. Why now," continues the historian, " this is the wonder of it, that the first Preachers of the Gospel should be such rude and unlearned men, and yet so suddenly, so powerfully prevail over the learned world, and conquer so many, who had the greatest parts and abilities, and the strongest prejudices against it, to the simplicity of the Gospel. When Celsus objected that the Apostles were but a company of mean and illiterate persons, sorry mariners and fishermen, Origen quickly PETER. 197 returned upon him with the following answer : * ' That, hence it was plainly evident, that they taught Christianity by a divine power, when such persons were able, with such an uncontrolled success, to subdue men to the obedience of the word ; for that they had no eloquent tongues, no subtle and discursive head, none of the refined and rheto- rical arts of Greece, to conquer the minds of men.' In another place, f Origen observes, ' I verily believe that the holy Jesua pur- posely made use of such Preachers of his doctrine, that there might be no suspicion that they came instructed in arts of sophistry ; but that it might be clearly manifest to all the world, that there was no crafty design in it ; and that they had a divine power going along with them, which was more efficacious than the greatest volubility of expression, or ornaments of speech, or the artifices which were used in Greek composition. Had it not been for this divine power,' as he elsewhere argues, J ' the Christian religion must needs have sunk under those weighty pressures that lay upon it ; having not only to contend with the potent opposition of the Senate, Emperors, people, and the whole power of the Roman empire ; but to conflict with those home-bred wants and necessities, wherewith its own professors were oppressed and burdened.' " We find that, after Jesus had been rejected at Nazareth, he made the sea of Gennesaret the chief scene of his preaching, and took up his abode in the house of Peter, which was now at Capernaum, a con- siderable town on the northern shore. Hence, he often crossed the lake to go to the other side. It was on one of these occasions that Peter exhibited a very lively mark of his character. Jesus had despatched his disciples forward in the ship on their return to Caper- naum. Himself stayed the evening and night on a lonely mountain, engaged in prayer. In the fourth watch of the night, which would be between three and six in the morning, he followed them, walking on the sea. The disciples were affrighted at the supernatural sight, especially as the sea was now exceedingly rough. They cried out through fear. Jesus exclaimed, sufficiently loud to be heard by them in the boat, " Be of good cheer : it is I ; be not afraid." Peter, whose courage was high, and faith in his Master unbounded, answered and said, " Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water." The Lord bade him, and he walked a little way. But shortly the roughness of the waves, and boisterousness of the winds, frightened him. He lost his resolution and his confidence, and, beginning to sink, cried, " Lord save me." Jesus, gently rebuking his want of faith, caught him, and took him into the boat. This incident was quite a foreshadowing of his denial, and should have taught him how weak he was, and deterred him from those rash professions into which his ardent temper was hurrying him. || It cannot be supposed that Peter could readily dismiss this event from his mind, together with that of the transfiguration which subse- Origen cont. Celsum, lib. i., sect. 62. 4to. Cantab., 1677. + Ibid., lib. iii., sect. 39. t Ibid., lib. i., sect. 3. 4to. Cantab., 16/7. Cave's Lives of the Apostles, pp. 140, 142. || Evans's Scripture Biography, p. 228. 198 BOOK III. CHAPTER III. quently occurred. Its effects are clearly traceable in his future conduct. His rash confidence increased, and in proportion his real faith diminished. He was less able to abide the trial of the contrast of a scene of the deepest humiliation with that of exceeding glory. His Master, who knew the workings of his heart, and who loved him, took occasion to warn him beyond all the rest of his disciples. The triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem lighted up afresh the fiery confidence of Peter, and his Master redoubled his warnings. On one of their daily walks, during the last week of his earthly sojourn, from Bethany, Jesus cursed a barren fig-tree. Next morning, as they passed again that way, Peter beheld it withered. He remarked this to Jesus, who answered, " Have faith in God," and proceeded to show its wonderful efficacy. But Peter appeared to note none of these sig- nificant hints ; and the nearer the period of his trial drew nigh, the more confident he became. That hour now approached. They had finished the last supper which they were to take together, and Jesus walked with his Apostles towards the Mount of Olives. On the way he warned them of the stumbling-block which was now at their very feet. " All ye shall be offended because of me this night," said he ; " for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered." Peter would not submit in silence and resignation to this sad prediction. He answered, with the somewhat angry feeling of one whose unshaken fidelity is unjustly distrusted, "Though all shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended." Jesus said unto him, " Verily I say unto thee, that this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice." But he spake the more vehemently, " If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise." Peter had committed the sad mistake which has so often occurred in the church, that his trial would be one of personal courage. He was prepared for a battle, and indeed com- menced one in his Master's defence, wounding with the sword one of the High Priest's servants. But he was not prepared to see that Lord, whom he had beheld in glory, standing as a criminal at the bar of that High Priest, and arraigned before the spiritual head of his nation. What a scene for a zealous believing Jew, Jesus and the High Priest confronted ! What a scene for him that believed in Jesus as the Christ, Jesus, the irresistible, the victorious King of all the earth, awaiting his sentence from the mouth of the High Priest ! It was in this moment of inextricable perplexity, of stupifying amaze- ment, that the enemy tempted Peter before the servants of the High Priest. Thrice was he attacked with the charge, " Thou wast also with Jesus of Galilee ;" and thrice, and each time with greater vehemence, he denied all knowledge of him. And immediately the cock crew. Then it was that the Lord turned, and looked earnestly on Peter. All his affectionate admonition, all his gentle repulsion of his rash protestations, came at once into Peter's mind, and overwhelmed him with sorrow and shame. He went out, and wept bitterly. Such was the first denial of Christ in his church. It took place in one of the most pre-eminent of the Apostles, as if to make the warning the more awful. And it arose from a vain confi- PETER. 199 dence, reposing on a carnal view of the blessed Gospel. From the same origin have arisen all the denials of our Lord, which have since taken place.* Our Saviour having ascended to " his Father and our Father," the Apostles began to act according to the power and commission which they had received from Him. They first filled up the vacancy which was occasioned by the apostacy of Judas. In process of time, fifty days since the last passover having expired, the feast of Pentecost was at hand when the promise of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, was to be vouchsafed. The Christian community being assembled for reli- gious worship, on a sudden a sound, like that of a mighty wind, rushed in upon them, representing the powerful energy of the Holy Spirit, who was now to be communicated ; after which, there appeared flames of fire, in the shape of cloven tongues, resting upon each of the Apostles, doubtless to denote the continued enjoyment of this gift, when requisite. Hence "they were all filled with the Holy Ghost," and enabled forthwith to speak, in other languages than their own, of the "wonderful works of God," in the grand scheme of human redemption. With these tokens of the divine presence, the feelings and thoughts of the Apostles were raised to the highest pitch of exultation and joy ; they were seized with such a sacred glow of enthusiasm, as to give utterance to their emotions in words, and spake with such effect, that their hearers were pricked in their hearts, and cried, " What shall we do ? " and on that day were gathered the first fruits of the church, in the conversion of three thousand souls to the belief in Jesus as the Christ .f The eyes of Peter were now opened. He knew Christ as he was. The Holy Ghost had enlight- Evans's Scripture Biography, pp. 231 233. t " We can hardly doubt," says Dr. Burton, " that of the three thousand persons who were baptized on the day of Pentecost, many, if not most, were foreign Jewa. They had come to Jerusalem for the feast, and would now be returning to their several countries. St. Luke enumerates some of the quarters from which they came ; and he, perhaps, mentioned those districts in which the Jews wpre known to be most numerous. Josephus informs us, that there were many myriads of his countrymen beyond the Euphrates, (Antiq., lib. xv., cap. iii., sect. 1 ; lib. xvii., cap. ii., sect. 2,) who had, probably, remained there ever since the captivity, and kept np constant communication with Jerusalem. The Acts of the Apostles will show, that the Jews abounded through the whole of Asia Minor. In the neighbourhood of Alexandria, or rather, in the whole of Egypt, they are computed by Philo at a million ; and with respect to Cyrene, we know of one person who came from that country, and who carried our Saviour's cross. This Simon is described by Mark, as the father of Alexander and Ruftu ; and it LJ worthy of remark, that St. Paul, in his Epistle to the Romans, sends a salutation to Rufus and his mother. (Rom. xvi. 13.) If the same Rufus be meant in both places, it is, perhaps, not too much to conclude, that his father Simon was one of the first con- verts to the Gospel ; and he may have been selected to bear the cross of Jesus, as being known to be one of his followers. The Romans, who are said to have been resident in Jerusalem, both Jews and proselytes, may have been the Jews who had been banished from Italy a few years before, by the edict of Tiberius. We know that this edict must have sent several thousand persona to seek an asylum in foreign countries; and there was no place to which they would have looked more naturally, or have been more likely to be kindly received, than Judea. It was about this time that Tiberius revoked his decree, and permitted the Jews to return to Rome ; so that many were, perhaps, waiting in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost to be over, that, having been present at its solemnity, they might return to their former residence in Rome. In this way it id not improbable, that within a few weeks after the feast of Pentecost, some persons would be found, who had been baptized into the name of Christ, in Persia and in Egypt, in Rome and in Cyreniaca." (Lect. on Eccles. Hist.) 200 BOOK III. CHAPTER III. ened and informed his heart. He was no longer the ambitious minion of an earthly throne, but a Preacher of the righteousness of the kingdom of heaven. " He no longer wielded a temporal sword in his Master's cause, but the sword of the Spirit. The sufferings from which he before shrank as uncongenial with the glorious calling of the Messiah, he now most cheerfully embraced as his distinguishing attri- bute. And as he was called upon first to preach, so was he also first to suffer."* In the course of their regular religious observances, Peter, accom- panied by John, went up to the temple to pray, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the usual hour of prayer. As they went in at the outer gate of the temple, which, being made of polished Corinthian brass, was for its splendour called, the Beautiful, their attention was directed to an object of compassion, which on days of festivity frequently visited places of public resort. A man, who had been a cripple from birth, was lying in a helpless state at the public entrance, in order to excite the pity of the crowds who were entering into the temple. Seeing Peter and John, he solicited alms from them. They instantly turned their eyes upon him, and said, " Look on us." The cripple, supposing from their manner that they were going to bestow some gratuity, did so. Peter then said, " Silver and gold have I none ; but such as I have give I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." As he said this, he took hold of the lame man, and raised him. He was immediately restored. This miracle gathered a great crowd around them in Solomon's Porch, which opportunity Peter embraced of preaching Christ unto the people. He declared, that in His name the miracle had been wrought ; that Him whom they had put to death, God had glorified ; that the prophecies of holy writ which referred to Messiah, had been accomplished ; and that unto them, as children of the Prophets and of the covenant, Christ was first sent and preached. So far had the Apostle proceeded in his harangue, when he was interrupted by the officers of the temple, whom the Sadducees, who were alarmed at the preaching of the doctrine of the resurrection, had instigated. The following morning we find Peter and John before the Sanhedrim, before that very High Priest, with whom he had seen his Master con- fronted a short time previous. This great court was the same also whose members had, by unwearied exertions, succeeded in bringing about the death of Jesus, and were therefore little disposed to show mercy to any who were endeavouring to propagate his doctrine and name. The individuals constituting the assembly were arrayed to pass judgment ; the Apostles and the poor healed mendicant were brought forward, and were questioned by what power, and by what name, they had done the thing for which they were summoned. They were charged with having arrogated to themselves the character and office of teachers, and of reformers of the national faith ; of that religion which had been of old received from God, and which the wisdom of a long series of ages had maintained in its sanctity and pureness. Peter being freshly endued with power from on high, and K vans'.-) Scripture Biography, p. 236. I'ETER. 201 full of that divine influence which had heen so lately shed abroad, fear- lessly announced to the convocation the Gospel of Jesus Christ ; and told them, that the stone which they, the builders, had set at nought, had become the head of the corner ; that in him, and in no other, was there salvation. At such an address from unlearned and ignorant men, the members of the Council were exceedingly astonished. They recognised them as the followers of Jesus ; and, seeing the man whom they had cured, they had nothing to say. They were in much per- plexity, and afraid, lest their harsh conduct should attract the greater attention of the people, to whom it was in vain to deny the miracle : they were obliged to be satisfied with commanding Peter and John to preach no more in the name of Jesus ; but they replied, " Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." (Acts iv. 19, 20.) If we glance at the Jewish populace, we shall not fail to discover a strange combination of feeling and action. At one time we find them anxious to make Jesus a King, at another compelling Pilate to put him to death. The former was doubtless their own spontaneous impulse ; to the latter they were driven by the Priests. From both, it may be argued, that their feelings towards Jesus of Nazareth had but little to do with religion. They had witnessed his miracles ; they knew him to be kind and beneficent ; they heard him expose the vices of their superiors, all which raised their curiosity ; and whenever he appeared, they could not fail to listen to him with plea- sure. Many of the people were zealous for political freedom, and might imagine that this was the object which Christ had ultimately in view ; but when he came up to one festival after another, with the same number of obscure followers, when he assumed the headship of no party, and exhibited no resistance to foreign interference, the attachment which many had been inclined to feel towards his person began to subside. If they had felt strongly in his favour, they might now be glad to see him punished, for having raised hopes which he did not realize ; and if they had felt but little, they would be perfectly indifferent about the crucifixion. It was otherwise with the Scribes and Pharisees, and the individuals who composed the Jewish Council. To account for the antipathy which they felt to our Lord, we have only to remember the nature of his preaching. He prepared men for receiving a spiritual religion, by enforcing the necessity of repentance and holiness. Both John the Baptist and himself had dwelt upon the terrors of a future judgment, and had said plainly, that the children of the kingdom, that is, the natural descendants of Abraham, might finally be cast out. This was a hateful doctrine to men who placed the whole of their religion in outward forms, who were looked up to by the people as patterns of sanctity ; and who now heard that publicans and harlots might enter into heaven before them. This will, perhaps, says Dr. E. Burton, be found a sufficient clue to the whole conduct of the Scribes and Pharisees. It might seem strange, that they should punish the teacher of this new doctrine with death ; but it is only strange, if we view the matter according to modern notions. VOL. i. 2 u 202 BOOK III. CHAPTER III. In the times to which we refer, and particularly in Jiulea, the shed- ding of blood was an ordinary circumstance ; and the pages of eccle- siastical history will prove to us, sadly too often, that he who silences an adversary by death, persuades himself that he is benefiting the cause of truth. We are told expressly, that the Apostles delivered their doctrine daily in the temple. It was there they worked their miracles in the light of day ; and that thousands were converted, is a fact which could not be disputed. The Council which had sat in assize upon " the Holy and Just One," and whom they crucified, could not behold with indifference, that the measure, which they had vainly imagined so successful, was likely to be of no avail. Jesus Christ was not an object of envy to the Roman government. The Procurator sacrificed him to preserve his own character for loyalty to the Emperor ; and had he continued at Jerusalem, it is probable that the Jews might have prejudiced him against the Galilscans. When the Apostles took up the cause of the Redeemer, whose religion was expected to have been extinguished at his death, they revived among the people the same generous and liberal feelings which had been shown to their crucified Master. The miracles which they wrought, independent of the beneficence of their character, and the real good which resulted from them, could not fail to raise the workers of them in the eyes of the people. The Chief Priests were aware of this, and took their measures against the Apostles with extreme caution. On one occa- sion we read of their taking them into custody, but " without violence, for they feared the people, lest they should have been stoned." (Acts v. 26.) More than once the Apostles were im- prisoned, and corporeal punishment was inflicted upon them ; but each of these attempts rather showed the timidity of their opponents, and strengthened the cause which they were intended to depress. To say nothing at present of the Apostles being released from prison by a miracle, they declared openly in the Council, that they intended to proceed ; and the moment of their dismissal saw them once more preaching in the temple, and multitudes crowding to hear them.* The High Priest Annas, f who had always been the determined enemy of Christ, belonging to the Sadduccan party, was easily led to employ all his authority against the Apostles. The Evangelist Luke Burton's Lect. on Eccles. Hist. Lect. II. Oxford, 1831. t The High Priest at this time was properly Caiaphas, who had been appointed in the year 26, according to some chronologists ; but his father-in-law, Annas, or Ananus, who had himself filled the office for fifteen years, and had influence enough to obtain it successively for five of his sons, appears still to have retained the power in his o\vn hands ; and Luke, who wrote several years after, mentions Caiaphas, by the name which he seems to have held during life, namely, that of Annas the High Priest. Two other persons are named by Luke, who have thus received the distinction of being hiiudinl down among the earliest opponents of the Gospel. These were John and Alexander ; and though it is unsafe to rest upon a mere identity of names, it has been supposed that both of them were persons of celebrity ; that the former, who is here called John, was the Rabbi Jochanan ben Zacai, the first President of the Sanhedrim, after the destruction of Jerusalem; (Biscoe, p. 72 ; Light foot, vol. i., p. 2009 ;) and that Alex- ander was the brother of Philo-Judaeus, who held the office of Alabarch of the Jews in Alexandria. It would seem that all these persons were Sadducees, and particularly active in endeavouring to silence the Apostles. (Dr. Edward Burton.) PETER. 203 seems to imagine that party feeling exerted great influence in the proceedings of the Jews against Christianity. He twice speaks of the High Priest and his party being Sadducees ; and though there is evi- dence, that the Pharisees were equally, if not more, enraged against our Lord, for the cutting severity of his reproofs, they were likely to be at utter variance with the Sadducees, when the point of doctrine was considered. The Pharisees, though they were overjoyed to see the Apostles punished, did not wish to see the Sadducees taking the lead, nor to have the doctrine of Jesus condemned by them, because it supported a resurrection ; and there is reason to suspect that this division of sentiment in the Sanhedrim operated for a season in favour of the Apostles. The High Priest was provoked beyond endurance at their steady and unflinching contempt of the repeated injunctions of the Synod, whose president and agent he was, and rose up in all his anger and power, and seized the Apostles, whom he put into the common jail, as disturbers of the peace of the city, and of the religious order of the temple. This imprisonment was intended to be merely temporary, and was to last only until a conve- nient time should be found for bringing them to trial, when the crowd of strangers had retired from the city, and the excitement which had been raised from the preaching and miracles of the Apos- tles had subsided, that the ordinary course of law might be practi- cally observed, and the Apostles be brought to the same fate as their Master. Their scheme, however, was baffled. During the night, the prison-doors were opened by " the angel of the Lord," by whom the Apostles were brought out of confinement, and directed to " go, stand and speak in the temple all the words of this life." According to this divine command, they went to the temple early in the morning, doubtless, before their tyrants had left their lazy pillows. In the course of the forenoon, the Council was called, and the imprisoned offenders were ordered to be produced ; but what was their surprise and perplexity when the officers informed them that their cells were empty ; and yet, the doors locked, and the sentinels before them, unconscious of the escape of the prisoners ! " Now, when the High Priest, and the Captain of the temple, and the Chief Priests heard these things, they doubted of them whereunto this would grow." (Acts v. 24.) These dignitaries were not long left in perplexity. Some sycophant, whose name is properly buried in oblivion, said, " Behold, the men whom ye put in prison are standing in the temple, and teaching the people." (Acts v. 25.) Upon this information, a detachment of officers was sent to bring these delinquents before them. But as it appeared that the criminals were now in the midst of a vast assemblage of their friends, who were too firmly devoted to them and their cause to suffer them to receive any violence, it was agreed to manage the affair as peaceably and with as little outward show as possible. In this they were aided by the Apostles, who manifested no unwillingness to appear before their persecutors. When they were placed before the Council, the High Priest, turning his lately-perplexed countenance into a look of austere dignity, inquiml, " Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this 2 D 2 204 BOOK III. CHAPTER III. name ? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us." (Acts v. 28.) Peter, at the head of his colleagues, boldly answered, that they should obey God rather than man, and proceeded fearlessly to preach Jesus as the Saviour, the author of repentance and forgiveness unto Israel. So enraged was the Council at this, that it was proceeding to put them to death, when Gamaliel advised gentler measures. And at his suggestion, having first beaten them,* they let the Apostles go, reite- rating their charge not to speak in the name of Jesus. The Sanhedrim was not wholly composed of men who were of the Sadducean party. Gamaliel was a Pharisee, and was held in high estimation among the Jews.f He has been said, upon authority which is entitled to some weight, to have been the son of Simeon, who took the infant Jesus in his arms when he was presented in the temple. By his mother's side, he was of the seed of David ; and was grand- son of Hillel, who was one of the most learned Jewish Doctors of his day. He himself died eighteen years before the destruction of Jeru- salem, having held the office of President of the Sanhedrim for seve- ral years, in which he was succeeded by his descendants for ten gene- rations. The advice which he gave concerning the Apostles (Acts v. 38, 39) was doubtless sincere and salutary ; but it may be ques- tioned whether Gamaliel and his party were not more unwilling to give the Sadducees a triumph by punishing men who maintained the doctrine of a resurrection ; and thus God, who holds all agencies in his hands, and can direct and control them as he sees fit, watched over the infant church, and made the divisions in the assemblies of * " Having first beaten them." A scourge was a kind of whip, composed either of cords, leather thongs, or wands. The Jews were prohihited giving more than forty stripes at once ; hut if the crime were reckoned great, the lashes were more severe. (Deut. xxv. 1 3; 2 Cor. xi. 24.) The Rabbins assert, that all crimes, the punish- ment of which is not specified, incurred scourging, and that it was not reckoned dis- graceful. Philo the Jew represents it as no less insupportable to a free-man than death. The persons scourged were stripped, were tied by the hands to a low pillar, and they received the lashes on the bended back. Supposed criminals were sometimes scourged, to oblige them to confess their crimes. (Acts xxii. 24.) Pilate scourged Jesus, in order that he might please the Jews and prevail upon them to withdraw the punishment of crucifixion. (John xix. 1,4, 6.) t There are idle traditions about his having been converted to Christianity by Peter and John ; (Phot. Cod., clxxi., p. 199 ;) but they are altogether irreconcilable witli the esteem and respect in which he was held even in later times by the Jewish Rabbins, by whom his opinions are frequently quoted as an all-silencing authority on points of religious law. Neither does his interference in behalf of the Apostles at all show, as some would have it, that he secretly approved their doctrines. He was a dispas- sionate judge, and reasoned in that affair with the tact of worldly wisdom and expe- rience, urging that religious opinions usually gain strength by opposition and persecu- tion, while, if not noticed at all, they are sure not to leave any impression on the minds of tie people, if devoid of truth ; and that it is in vain to contend against them if true. That he was more enlightened and tolerant than his colleagues and contemporaries, is evident from the very fact, that he allowed his zealous pupil, Saul, to turn his mind to Greek literature, which, in a great measure, qualified him afterwards to become the Apostle of the Gentiles ; while, by the Jewish-Palestine laws, after the Maccabaean wars, even the Greek language was prohibited to be taught to the Hebrew youth. Ano- ther proof of the high respect in which Gamaliel stood with the Jews long after his death, is afforded by an anecdote told in the Talmud respecting his tomb, to the effect that Onkelos (the celebrated Chaldean translator of the Old Testament) spent seventy pounds of incense at his grave in honour of his memory. (Kitto.) PETER. 205 her adversaries contribute to its prosperity and peace. Some writers have ventured to assert that Gamaliel was in heart a Christian, and that after this period he openly avowed himself. Such a notion appears perfectly unfounded. Persecution now became severe. The church had hitherto been tossed with gentle breezes, it was now overtaken by a more violent tempest, by which the disciples were dispersed, and enabled to scatter the good seed of the kingdom wherever they went. The Most High, who frequently brings good out of evil, provided in this way that the Gospel should not be confined to Jerusalem, pent up within the city walls, but propagated among the neighbouring provinces, accord- ing to an ancient prediction, " Out of Sion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." (Isai. ii. 3.) Among the multitude of Stephen's murderers and disputants, there was one only whose name has been preserved from the sepulchral oblivion which hides their infamy. That man has been known to millions, as a bright leader of the ransomed host, and a faithful confessor, who sealed with his blood the testimony which the proto-martyr bore beneath the murderous missiles which destroyed his life. In the synagogue of the Cilicians, which was so active in the attack on Stephen, was a young man who was not behind the fiercest of the sanguinary bigots, in the steady and unrelenting hate which he dis- played towards the heresy of the Christian name. He gave his voice amid the clamours of the mob, to swell the cry for the death of the heretic ; and when the stout murderers hurled the stones at the martyr's head, he took charge of the loose garments which they had thrown off, that they might use their limbs with the greater freedom. Neither the sight of the martyr kneeling unresistingly to meet his bloody death, nor the sound of his voice, rising in the broken tones of his death-struggle in prayer for his murderers, could mitigate the deep and rancorous hatred of Saul of Tarsus. Raging against the faithful companions of the martyred Stephen, he, with most inquisi- torial zeal, sought them out, even in the privacies of domestic life, and, violating the sanctity of home, dragged out the inmates, without any regard to delicacy or decency, and immured them in the public dungeons. As the storm continued to expend its fury on the new converts to Christianity, those who were more apprehensive of assault sought safety in flight, according to the injunction of the Lord, " When they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another." (Matt. x. 23.) Still the word of God prevailed, and the church grew. Among these fugitives was Philip the Deacon. That divine Provi- dence which governs the world, and more particularly superintends the affairs and interests of the church, so that no weapon formed against her might prosper, directed the steps of this messenger of mercy to Samaria, where he preached the Gospel, and confirmed the truth by dispossessing devils, and healing those who were diseased ; and " the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake." (Acts viii. 6.) The Apostles, who yet remained at Jerusa- lem, hearing of the great success of the word in Samaria, thought good to send Peter and John thither, where they prayed with, and 206 BOOK III. CHAPTER III. laid their hands upon, the new converts, who forthwith received the Holy Ghost. It was at this time that Peter's acquaintance with Simon the magician began. This man, by some tricks of legerde- main, had so imposed upon the inhabitants of Samaria, that they were impressed with the notion that he was some great one ; * indi- viduals, both young and old, treated him with the greatest reverence, on account of the consummate ability which he displayed in the arts of sorcery ; and so degraded were their views of miraculous agency, that they actually concluded the performances which he exhibited were marks of divine interposition in his favour, and that he himself was a personification of the mighty power of God. The presence of Peter and John could not fail to produce a still stronger, and far more just, impression of preternatural power. Though Philip was enabled to work miracles himself, he was not able to communicate that gift to others. The baptism which the Deacon administered, conferred the ordinary sanctifying influence of the Holy Spirit, but not any of the visible and extraordinary gifts.-)- It appears from many passages of the New Testament that the power of communi- cating these gifts was possessed exclusively by the Apostles. This was the effect of Peter and John merely laying their hands upon them and praying ; and no stronger evidence could be borne to the reality of these miracles, than by the fact of Simon offering money that he might possess the power of conferring these miracu- lous powers. When the Apostle Peter beheld his intention, he rejected his impious proposition with indignation and scorn, saying, "Thy money perish with thee ! " He told him that his heart was hypocri- tical and false ; that he could not possibly share in such a privilege, and that he must repent of his atrocious wickedness, and apply to God, who alone could forgive the evil designs of his heart. | The conscience of Simon was so alarmed, that he entreated of the Apos- tles to intercede with the Almighty in his behalf, " that none of those things which they had spoken should come upon him." (Acts viii. 24.) It is extremely difficult to separate truth from fiction in the his- tory of Simon Magus ; but the most authentic facts which we know of him being recorded by the historian Luke, and connected with the early propagation of the Gospel, it is impossible to pass them unnoticed, especially as some writers assert, that he had a considera- ble share in that persecution which shed the blood of the Apostle * See Irenaei Opera, lib. i., cap. 20, fol., Oxon., 1702 ; Tertulliani Opera ; Apologet. Adversus Gentes, cap. 46, 47, 8vo. edit., Wirceb., 1780. t See a Sermon by the author, entitled, The Signs of an Apostle, and the Evidence for the Cessation of miraculous Powers in the Church, considered. 8vo. Oxford, 1832. t The words of Peter on this occasion, it is justly remarked by Neander, " present the doctrine of the Gospel, which so expressly intimates the absolute necessity of a right state of mind for the reception of all that Christianity conveys, in direct opposi- tion to the Magianism, which denies all necessary connexion between the state of mind, and that which is divine and supernatural, brings down the divine and supernatural within the sphere of ordinary nature, and imagines that divine power may be appropri- ated by means of something else than that which is allied to it in man's nature, and which supplies the only point of union between the two." (Neander. Apost. Zeitalt., vol. i., p. 82.) PETER. 207 Peter. Dr. E. Burton, on the testimony of Justin Martyr,* informs us, that " Simon was a native of Gittum, a village in Samaria. Of his education," he continues, " we know nothing for certain ; but in a work which, although spurious, is of considerable antiquity, it is said that he studied at Alexandria, and was well versed in Grecian literature, as well as being a proficient in oratory and dialectics." That he stu- died at Alexandria, is not improbable ; and he would have learnt in that city, what he seems undoubtedly to have professed, the doctrine of the Gnostics. f The name of " Gnosticism " was, perhaps, not yet given to any particular sect of philosophers. But, as is generally the case in the progress of opinions, the thing existed, and had advanced a considerable way, before it assumed a distinctive name. Philosophy had long been verging toward an eclectic character in Alexandria. There had, in fact, never been an exclusive school pre- dominant in that city ; and though the Platonic philosophy was the most popular, it received some important modifications from two dif- ferent quarters. The Jews had been settled in considerable numbers in Alexandria from the foundation of the city. Their language soon became Greek, and many of them had an extensive acquaintance with heathen literature. This produced an important effect upon the phi- losophy of one party, and the religion of the other. The Platouists studied the Jewish Scriptures, and saw in them traces of a pure and sublime theology. The Jews, who endeavoured to remove the prejudices against their peculiar creed, tried, in an evil hour, to show that it harmonized with many of the speculations of Plato. They even asserted that Plato had borrowed from the writings of Moses ; a statement which, if destitute of any just foundation, was implicitly believed by many of the Fathers. J The Platonists Just. Mart. Apol. i., cap. 26. t Gnostics were ancient heretics, famous from the first rise of Christianity, princi- pally in the East. It appears from several passages of Scripture, particularly 1 John ii. 18 ; 1 Tim. vi. 20 ; Col. ii. 8, that many persons were infected with that heresy in the first century, though the sect did not render itself conspicuous, either for numbers or reputation, hefore the time of Adrian, when some writers erroneously date its rise. The name was adopted hy this sect, on the presumption that they were the only persons who had the true knowledge of Christianity ; accordingly, they looked on all other Christians as simple, ignorant, and barbarous persons, who explained and interpreted the sacred writings in a low, literal, and unedifying signification. At first, the Gnostics were the only philosophers of those times, who formed for themselves a peculiar system of theology, agreeable to the philosophy of Pythagoras and Plato ; to which they accommo- dated all their interpretations of Scripture. But afterwards the Gnostics became a generic name, comprehending divers sects and parties of heretics who rose in the first centuries : and who, though they differed among themselves as to circumstances, all agreed in some common principle. They corrupted the doctrine of the Gospel by a profane mixture of the tenets of the oriental philosophy, concerning the origin of evil, and the creation of the world, with its ilium- truths. Such were the Valentinians, Simonians, Carpocratians, Nicolaitans, &c. (Henderson's Theol. Diet.) t " Quotations might he given from almost all the Fathers, which would show their firm belief that Plato was indebted to Moses for many of his opinions ; but since any index to the works of these writers will point out the passages, I shall only state gene- rally that nearly all the Christian writers, from Justin Martyr downwards, supposed Plato not only to have agreed with Moses by a coincidence of thought, but to have actually profited hy the Jewish writings. Nor was this notion peculiar to the Christian Fathers. Hermippvw is quoted by Origen as saying that Pythagoras introduced bis philosophy into Greece from Judea ; and Philo Judseus speaks of Zeno having borrowed one of his notions from the Jewish law. Josephus appears to assert the same of 208 BOOK III. CHAPTER III. met this charge by referring to writings much older than the time of Plato, and, as they contended, prior also to Moses. " This was, I believe," says Dr. Burton, " the origin of many of the forgeries which, under the names of Orpheus, Museeus, and other poets of the heroic ages, may be traced to Alexandria as their source." The intercourse with the Jews will also account for many expressions in the spurious oracles which were ascribed to the Sibyls and the Magi, and which were probably written with a view to conciliate the creeds of Moses and Plato. The Alexandrian Jews were not only the cor- rupters of their religion from heathen sources, but their doctrines, as they explained them to the Grecian philosophers, were already debased with a considerable alloy from Babylon and Persia. The conquests of Alexander, and the communication between Egypt and the East which flowed from them, were another means of introducing the Persian doctrines into Alexandria ; and thus, from these three sources, the philosophy of Plato, the religion of Moses, and the theo- logy of the Magi,* a new and heterogeneous system sprang up, which led to the ill-digested, but, in some degree, not irrational, eclec- tic philosophy on the one hand, and to the ravings of Gnosticism on the other, f Hence the false doctrine with which Peter had to contend. " These heretics taught that matter was independent of the Deity, and co- eternal with him. This was a fundamental doctrine of Platonism. They believed that several orders of spiritual beings were interposed Plato ; and Aristobulus, another countryman of Philo, is quoted by Clement of Alex- andria, as saying that Plato copied the Jewish law, and that Pythagoras took many of his doctrines from the same quarter. Numerius, who was a Platonist of the second century, went so far as to say, ' What is Plato, but Moses Atticising ? ' When we find Jewish and heathen writers expressing themselves in this manner, we must not be too severe upon the Fathers who have held the same opinion. Clement of Alexandria, Eusebius, and Augustine have perhaps gone the greatest lengths in tracing the resemblance between Plato and Moses ; and the reader will find much information upon this subject in Brucker. (Vol. iii., p. 332.) It is probable that the Jewish writers, such as Philo and Aristobu- lus, who had already used the same arguments, had been endeavouring to remove a similar prejudice which existed against the Jewish religion ; and the latter Platonists, not being able to deny the greater antiquity of the books of Moses, allowed that there was an agreement between the Legislator and Plato. But there is reason also to think, that they wished to refer both the Jewish and the Grecian philosophy to a common origin in Egypt, or in the East." (Burton's Bampton Lectures, p. 531. Oxford, 1829.) * Simon's doctrines were substantially those of the Gnostics, and he is not without reason regarded as the first who attempted to engraft the theurgy and egotism of the Magian philosophy upon Christianity. He represented himself, according to Jerome, as the Word of God, the Perfection, the Paraclete, the Almighty, the All of Deity ; " Multi enim venient in nomine mco, dicentes, &c. Quorum unus est Simon Samarita- nns, quern in Actibus Apostolorum legimus ; qui si magnam dicebat esse Dei virtutem, haec quoque inter caetera in snis voluminibus, scripta dimittens : Ego sum verbum Dei, ego sum Speciosus, ego Paracletus, ego Omnipotens, ego Omnia Dei." (Hieron. Opera, torn, iv., p. 114. Fol. edit. Benedict. Paris, 1706.) Irenaeus tells us, he car- ried with him a beautiful female, named Helena, whom he set forth as the first idea of Deity. " Hie Helenam quandam, quam ipse a Tyro civitate Phoenices quaestuariam cum redemisset, secum circumducebat, dicens hanc esse primam mentis ejus concep- tionem, matrem omnium, per quam in initio mente concepit angelos facere et archangelos." (Irenaei Opera, Adv. Gentes, lib. i., cap. 20. Fol. Oxon., 1702.) If this be not exag- gerated fable on the part of his enemies, we must suppose that such modes of speech and representation were adopted by him, as suited to the highly allegorical character of Orientalism in his day ; for if we suppose him to have meant such utterances to be taken literally, we should be constrained to look upon him in the light of a madman. t Burton's Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the First Century. PETER. 209 between God and the human race, and that the demons of the one being were identified with the angels of the other. The Jews also admitted many innovations in their belief concerning angels, from Babylon. The oriental notion was, that several successive emanations of spiritual beings had proceeded from God ; and the theory of ema- nations became the favourite notion of the Gnostics, and their grand invention for accounting for the origin of evil. They supposed the Deity, by acting upon his own mind, to have produced the first pair of beings, whom they called ^Eons ; and these, by succeeding ema- nations, gave birth to other beings, who gradually deteriorated, and had less resemblance to the great First Cause. One of these later emanations passed the boundaries of the Pleroma, which was the abode of the Deity, and these coming in contact with matter created the world. According to this scheme, the First Cause had nothing to do with creation, nor was even aware of its having taken place. The evil which appeared in the world was inherent in matter itself ; and the Deity was constantly employed in attempting to remedy it. Such, as far as we can penetrate this obscure subject, was the state of one branch of philosophy which Simon Magus would meet with, if he studied in the schools of Alexandria. We can trace another connex- ion with that system, in the pretensions which he made to superna- tural power ; and the Gnostics have always been represented as dealing in magic." That Simon appeared at least to work miracles, cannot be doubted. He had attracted attention in Samaria some time before Philip arrived there ; and all the people looked up to him as an extraordinary character. There is some evidence that Simon was not the first person who introduced these notions into that country. Dositheus * is mentioned as having preceded him. Whether this were the case or not, Simon " gave out that himself was some great one : " (Acts viii. 9 :) soon after he had established this character, Philip the Deacon appeared in the same town, working much more stupendous miracles, and announcing a Teacher sent from God, who would free mankind from the tyranny of sin. The delivery of such a doctrine at this time was critical, and could not fail to make a great impression upon the mind of Simon. Though he was an impostor as to his miracles, he may have been sincere in his philosophy ; and Philip certainly appeared to realize the expectations which Simon had been teaching the whole Samaritan nation to entertain. The reality and overwhelming character of Philip's miracles are, in fact, greatly confirmed by what took place in Samaria ; and the baptism of Simon was a remarkable instance of the testimony which error pays to truth.f The state of the Christians in the scattered towns and villages of Judea and Samaria must have proved a source of constant anxiety to the Apos- tles. They would be in danger everywhere from the bigoted adher- ents of the law ; and in Samaria in particular, there was great fear of their corrupting the Gospel by the false philosophy which had * See Barton's Bampton Lectures, lect. iv., note xl., p. 369, Oxford, 1829 ; and Milman's History of Christianity, vol. ii., p. 96, et seq. t Burton's Ecclesiastical History, p. 77, et seq. VOL. I. 2 E 210 BOOK III. CHAPTER III. been preached by Simon Magus. To save them from these perils, and to keep them firm in the true faith, the Apostles appear to have been in the habit of making short journeys from Jerusalem to visit them. Luke only mentions two or three such visits of Peter ; but it appears probable, that all the Apostles were engaged in the same labour, and although the care of the churches was divided among twelve, yet the critical state of them might warrant the observation, that " the harvest truly was plenteous, but the labourers were few." It was about the end of Caligula's reign, when Peter, having termi- nated his visitation of the churches, returned to Jerusalem. Not long after, Herod Agrippa, the grandson of Herod the Great, attained the kingdom. He united in his person the claims of the Herodian and the Asmonean lines, with the blood of the heroic Maccabees ; he was crowned by the imperial Lord of the civilized world, whose boundless power was pledged in his support by the obligations of an intimate personal friendship ; he was received with joy and hope by the subjects of his now consolidated empire, and there seemed nothing wanting to complete the auspices of a glorious reign. In the midst of great outward splendour and kingly magnificence, the attention of the Monarch was directed to a few despised individuals, who were wandering like outcasts from place to place, and seeking supporters only among the unintellectual mass of the community, .who were represented to him as evil-disposed to his government, and dangerous to the prosperity and safety of the religion of the country, by the decided voice of censure from the devout and learned guardians of the purity of the law of God, who invoked the aid of his sovereign power to check, and, if possible, uproot, this heresy, which the unseasonable tolerance of the Roman Government had too long shielded from the righteous visitations of judicial ven- geance. Agrippa manifested no disposition to refuse to gratify the reverend defenders of the Jewish faith and practice ; and therefore, reckless of all consequences, he unhesitatingly stretched out his arm in vindictive cruelty over the church, and singled out the first person whom momentary circumstances might render most prominent or obnoxious to censure : he at once doomed to a bloody death the elder son of Zebedee, the second of the great apostolic three. No sooner was this sentence executed, than, steady in the prosecution of his sangui- nary scheme so grateful to the Jews, he followed the step by seizing upon Peter, the active and successful leader of the heretical company. This occurred during the holy week of the passover ; and such was the tyrant's profound regard for all things connected with the national religion, that he would not violate the sanctity of the sacred festival by the execution of a criminal, however deserving of that fate he might be. The execution of Peter was delayed, and accordingly he was committed to prison, probably to the tower of Antonia ; * and, in * For an account of this tower or castle, we refer to the graphic description which Josephus has given respecting it. (Jewish Wars, lib. v., cap. v., sect. 8.) There has heen much speculation as to the place where Peter was confined. The sacred text (Acts xii. 10) makes it plain that it was without the city itself, since after leaving the prison it was still necessary to enter the city hy " the iron gate." Walch, Kuinoel, aad Bloomfield adopt the view that it was in one of the towers or castles that fortified PETER. '2 \ 1 order to prevent all possibility of escape, be was confined under the charge of sixteen Roman soldiers, divided into four companies, of four men in each, who were to keep him under constant supervision day and night, according to the established principles of the Roman military discipline, with the perfect understanding, that if, on the conclusion of the passover, the prisoner were not forthcoming, the guards should answer for the failure with their lives. Having thus provided for the safety of Peter, the King, with his gratified friends in the Sanhedrim, and the rabble without, gave themselves up to the enjoyment of the feast, which was in no small degree increased by the prospect of destroying the Christian faith. In the mean time the church passed through this anniversary with mournful reminiscences, and painful anticipations. In by-gone years, with unutterable agony and despair, they had parted, as they sup- posed, for ever with their Lord ; and now, after years of devotion to his work, they were called to renew these sorrows in the untimely death of one who had led them forward, through toil and peril, with a holy spirit, and an undaunted zeal : " but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him." (Acts xii. 5.) At length the solemn passover-rites of the last great day of the feast were over ; the sacrifice, the incense, and the song, rose no more from the sanctuary ; and all the vast extent of the temple was hushed in a silence deep as the ruinous oblivion to which the voice of their God. had doomed them shortly to pass. In the castle of Antonia, the gar- rison had set their nightly watch, each warrior slumbered in his turn, till the round of duty should summon him to relieve guard. The quaternion on duty was divided into two portions ; each half being so disposed and posted as to effect the most complete supervision of which the place was capable ; two men keeping watch outside of the well-bolted door of the cell, and two within, who, not limited to the charge of keeping their eyes on the prisoner, had him fastened to their persons by a chain on each side. In this proximity to his hardy companions, Peter was accustomed to pass the night. In the day time he was freed from one of these chains, and remained attached only to one of the guard. This was an arrangement in perfect accordance with the mode of securing important state-prisoners among the Romans. Peter slept. The close and feverish confine- ment of a noisome cell could not hinder the placid enjoyment of repose ; nor could the certainty of a cruel and shameful death move the walls. Wolf and others object to the view, that it was without the walls ; because, as Wolf says, it was not customary to have public prisons outside of the city, since the prisoners might in that case be sometimes rescued by a bold assault from some hardy band of comrades, &c. But this objection is worth nothing against the castle Antonia, which, though it stood entirely separated from the rest of the city, was exceedingly strong, and by its position, as well as fortification, impregnable to any common force ; a circumstance which would at once suggest and recommend it, as a secure place for one who, like Peter, had previously escaped from the common prison. There was alwaj-s a Roman garrison in Antonia. Baronius suggests the castle of Antonia as the most pro- bable place of Peter's confinement. " Juxta templum forta*se in ea munitissima turri qua; dicebatur Antonia." (Eccles. Annales, A.D. 44, sect. 5.) Tbis was the place to which Paul was carried to be imprisoned, when he fell into the bauds of the corps of soldiers which constituted the guard at that time. (Aou vxi. 34, 37; xxii. 24.) 212 BOOK III. CHAPTER III. his noble spirit from its self-possession. From him, however, in whom he trusted, came a messenger of deliverance ; and from the depths of a danger the most appalling and threatening, he was soon brought to serve his Master, through several faithful years, feeding the flock till, in his old age, " another should gird him, and carry him whither he would not." He who had prayed for him in the revelation of his peculiar glories on Mount Hermon, and had so highly consecrated him to the great cause, had yet greater things for him to do ; and to new works and wonders he now called him from the castle-prison of the royal persecutor.* The night before his intended execution, God purposely sent an angel from heaven, who, coming to the prison, found him fast asleep between two of his keepers : so soft and secure a pillow, says Dr. Cave, is a good conscience, even in the confines of death, and in the greatest danger. The overwhelmed and still half-slumbering captive was raised from the ground by the power of the mysterious visitant, and, after deliberately resuming his garments, was led out of the prison, freed from his fetters, over the bodies of his unconscious guards, and having passed the first and second watch, they entered through the iron gate into the city. But here the difficulties were not over. During the great feast-days, when large assemblies of peo- ple were gathered at Jerusalem from various quarters, to guard against riots and insurrection, the armed Roman force, as Josephus relates, was doubled and tripled, occupying several new posts around the temple ; and, as the same historian particularly mentions, on the approaches of Castle Antonia, where its foundations descended towards the terraces of the temple, and formed a passage to the great eastern colonnades. On all these places the guard must have been under arms during this passover ; and even at night the sentries would be stationed at all the important posts, as a reasonable security against the numerous strangers of dubious character who now thronged the metropolis. Entering the city, he followed the footsteps of his guide till they had proceeded through the first street, when, all at once, his deliverer vanished, leaving Peter alone in the silent city, but free and safe. " And when Peter was come to himself, he said, Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hands of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews." (Acts xii. 11.) He immediately pro- ceeded to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where the disciples were accustomed to assemble. Approaching the door, he knocked ; and after some delay, arising from the overjoyed incredu- lity of the damsel Rhoda, and of the brethren who were watching in prayer, the door of the friendly mansion was opened to the liber- ated Apostle, who was received with prayerful congratulation and joy. Peter having briefly related the manner of his extraordinary deliver- ance, and charging them to acquaint the brethren with it, he departed to another place. We need scarcely stay to observe, that on the devoted minions of the baffled King did the rage of his disappoint- ment fall. They all suffered an undeserved and ignominious death. * Bacon's Lives of the Apostles, p. 219, &acuv though he deemed it worth men- tioning as a current tradition, doubted its truth. Such a statement, however, would be received without hesitation in a credulous age ; and those who believed it would find little difficulty in imagining, or crediting, the story of Bartholomew's visit to India, || in order to account for this alleged discovery.^]" Some scarce vestiges of history, floating in the atmosphere of eccle- Socratis Hist. Eccles., lib. i., cap. 19. t Euseb., Hist. Eccles., lib. v., cap. 10. t Du Pin, Eccles. Hist., vol. i., p. 77. Folio. Dublin edit., 1723. Milner's Church History, cent, iii., chap, iii., vol. i., p. 313. 8vo. edit. York, 1794. || The title of " Indians " is applied by ancient writers to so many different nations, that it is difficult to determine the seat of Bartholomew's labours. Mosheim, with whom Neander agrees, is of opinion that it was part of Arabia Felix, inhabited by Jews, to whom alone a Hebrew Gospel could be of any service. If any be at the pains of comparing the testimony of olden authors respecting that India, to which a knowledge of Christ and his word was first imparted by Bartholomew, not a shadow of doubt can remain, says Mosheim, as to its having been Arabia Felix, which, we well know, was one of these countries included under the title of India by the ancients. (Mosheim' s Commentaries, vol. ii., pp. 6 8; Tillemont Memoires, torn, ii., p. 381. 4to. Paris, 1693.) " Bartholomew is said to have preached in India ; and if Eusebius gave this anecdote on the authority of Pantaenus himself, it is certainly entitled to some credit, since Pantaenus visited the same country after an interval of not more than one hundred years ; but the evidence of later writers would rather incline us to understand by India, the country south of Persia, and perhaps Arabia Felix." (Burton's Lect. on the Eccles. Hist, of the First Century, p. 331 .) IT Hough's History of Christianity in India, vol. i., p. 32. 8vo. edit. London, 1839. BARTHOLOMEW. 2/7 siastical tradition, record, that, after the dispersion of the Apostles, Bartholomew went to Arabia, where he preached till nearly the close of his life. In this account there rests some probability. It is well known that many of the Jews, and especially after the destruction of Jerusalem, located along the eastern coast of the Red Sea, where they continued for centuries. Nothing can be more reasonable than to suppose, that after the fury of war had desolated their fatherland, many of the Christian Jews sought an asylum in the peaceful regions of Arabia Felix ; and that, in company with these refugees, the " Israelite, in whom was no guile," journeyed, in order to devote the rest of his life to apostolic labours in that distaut country, where those of his fellow-wanderers, who had believed in Christ, would need the support and counsel of one of the divinely-commissioned Ministers of the Gospel. The Israelites, who still rejected the truth, would present objects of great importance in the estimation of the Apostle. The visible glories of the ancient covenant had departed, and the dogmatic influence of the teachers of the law had lost much of its persecuting and bigoted spirit : it might reasonably be expected, that the Jews would be led more justly to appreciate, and more readily to embrace, a spiritual faith, and a simple creed. After having been some time engaged in Arabia Felix preaching the word, he went to the north-western parts of Asia. At Hierapolis, in Phrygia, he is supposed to have been a coadjutor of Philip, instructing the inhabitants in the principles of Christianity. It was in this city, we are told, that the enraged magistracy doomed him and Philip to martyrdom, and that Bartholomew was literally fastened to the cross ; but a sudden impression coming upon the murderers, that the vengeance of heaven would ere long revenge the death of the Apos- tle, he was taken down, and dismissed. From thence he is said to have travelled into Lycaonia, where he instructed and taught the people the truths of the Gospel. His last journey was to Albanople, in Armenia, " a city wholly given to idolatry : " he was arrested by the Governor of the place, and commanded to be crucified,* a punish- ment which he patiently suffered, comforting and confirming the Gen- tile converts to the last moment of his life. Some of the accounts state, f that he was crucified with his head downwards ; others, that he was flayed, and his skin first taken off; which might consist with the idea of his crucifixion, excoriation being a punishment not only common in Egypt, but also in Persia ; J and Plutarch records the instance of Mesabates the Persian Eunuch, who, " as soon as he was in the power of Parysatis, and before the King had the least suspicion of the vengeance she designed, was delivered up to the executioners, who were commanded to flay him alive, to fix his body upon three stakes, and to stretch out his skin separately from it." The manner, as well as the date, of this Apostle's death, though many different statements are given in the Martyrologies, must, on these accounts be looked upon as altogether uncertain. (Dr. Burton.) t Hippolyt. de Apost. apud Baron, in Not. ad Martyr. Ad August. 25. Quarto. Colon., 1603. t Ammiani Marcellini lih. xxviii., cap. 6. Folio. Paris, 1681. Plutarch's Lives. In Vit. Artaxerx., vol. vi., p. 128. Edinburgh, 1795. 2/8 BOOK III. CHAPTER V. From these barbarians such, a piece of horrid cruelty, as was inflicted upon Bartholomew, might have been derived. Heretics hesitated not to persecute his memory after death, as much as Heathens during his life-time, by fabricating and propagating a fabulous Gospel which, they affirmed, had been written by himself. Gelasius,* the Bishop of Home, justly stigmatized the production as apocryphal, and unworthy the name of that Apostle. f THOMAS, the Apostle, otherwise called " Didymus," must be placed in nearly the same category as Bartholomew. The history of the Gospel takes very little notice either of his country or kindred. He appears to have been a Jew, and, in all probability, a Galilean ; and, in company with the rest, was called to be an Apostle. When our Saviour ascended on high, he partook of those miraculous gifts which were vouchsafed unto the companions of our Lord ; and hav- ing, it is said, received some divine intimation, despatched Thaddeus (whom many suppose to have been the Apostle Jude) to Abgarus, the Governor of Edessa, to heal him of an inveterate disease, and to con- vert him to the faith. J The apostolical province assigned to Thomas, according to Eusebius, was Parthia ; after which he is said to have preached the Gospel to the Medes, Persians, Hyrcanians, and Bac- trians ; and though at first he was the most weak and incredulous of all the apostolic company, he became, in the end, one of the most powerful, fervent, and successful Ministers of the cross. He is said to have found his way into India, where, we are told by Nicephorus, that at first he was unwilling to go, on account of the rude and barbarous manners of the inhabitants ; but being encouraged by the Lord in a vision, he took up his cross, and went.|| He is supposed, by those who credit this account, to have travelled a great way into the East ; and by gentleness and mild persuasions, he calmly instructed the people in the principles of Christianity, and brought them from the grossest errors to the cordial belief of the religion of Christ.^f Such is the traditional record which attributes to Thomas the introduction of Christianity into India. It is undoubtedly of early Corpus Juris Canonici, a Petro Pithceo et Franc. Pithoeo, torn i., part i., distinct. xv., cap. iii., sect. 27. Colon., 1779. t The tales which, have heen told with regard to the remains of Bartholomew are as veritable as the account of his martyrdom. It is stated that they were removed to Daras, a city on the borders of Persia ; then to Liparis, one of the ^Eolian isles ; then to Benevento in Italy; and, last of all, to Rome. Since which time they have been, according to Alban Butler, deposited in a monument of porphyry, under the high altar in the church of Bartholomew, in the isle of the Tiber, at Rome. An arm of this Apos- tle's body is said to have been sent as a present by the Bishop of Benevento to Edward the Confessor, and by him bestowed on the cathedral church of Canterbury. Among the statues which adorn the cathedral at Milan, none is so much admired as one of this Apostle having been flayed alive, representing the muscles, veins, and other parts with an inimitable softness. t The Syrian Churches ; their early History, Liturgies, and Literature. With a literal Translation of the Four Gospels, &c. By the Rev. J. W. Etheridge, pp, 3639. 12mo. London, 1846. Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. iii., cap. 1. || Turner's Anglo-Saxons, voL ii., p. 147. 8vo. edit. London, 1828. IT Cave's Lives of the Apostles, 8vo. edit. Oxford, 1840. THOMAS. 279 date ; but unworthy of support. Eusebius does not mention it : he says, that tradition assigns to Thomas the region of Parthia, but he nowhere alludes to this Apostle travelling and preaching in India. Socrates is also equally silent ; and the same may be said of all the early historians of the church. Cave takes his account of the journeys of Thomas in the East from Nicephorus, a Greek historian of the fourteenth century, and also from the Portu- guese, " in want," as he acknowledges, " of better testimony from antiquity." La Croze,* the Benedictine, has drawn up the following account of this tradition from all the authorities he could collect ; but declares, at the same time, that it does not appear to be worthy of credit. " In the division of all the parts of the world, which was made among the holy Apostles, India fell to the lot of St. Tho- mas, who, after having established Christianity in Arabia Felix, and in the island of Dioscoride, now called Socotora, arrived at Cranga- nore, where the principal King of the coast of Malabar resided. It was there that the fabulous adventures happened, of which we read in this Apostle's life, written by the pretended Abdias, King of Baby- lon. The holy Apostle, having established many churches at Cran- ganore, passed to Coulan, (Quilon,) a celebrated town of the same coast, where he converted many persons to Christianity. Having departed to the other coast, now known by the name of Coromandel, he stopped at Meliapore, a town which the Europeans call St. Thome", where he is said to have converted the King and all the people. He went from thence to China, and remained in a town called Camballe*, where he made numerous conversions, and built many churches. St. Thomas returned from China to Meliapore, where the great success that attended his labours among the Heathen excited against him the hatred and envy of two of the Bramhans, the Priests of the idola- trous superstition of India. These two men stirred up the people, who combined to stone the holy Apostle. After his execution, one of the Bramhans, observing that he still breathed, pierced him with a lance, which put an end to his life. I shall not lose time," says this historian, " in refuting this narration of the death of the holy Apostle, which is not apparently less fabulous, than the coming of St. Thomas into India." f The assertion of La Croze will, by many, be considered of a too general and sweeping character. The tradition, that he travelled into India, had appeared to receive some support in modern times by the interesting researches J which have brought to light some Christian inhabitants on the coast of Malabar ; and we are told that these persons appeal to the Apostle Thomas as their founder. Nevertheless, there is reason to doubt the accuracy of this opi- nion. Theodoret speaks of Thomas as a disciple of Manes, who Histoire du Chriatianisme des Indes. t Hongh'a Christianity in India, vol. ii., pp. 3335. J Christian Researches in Asia : with Notices of the Translation of the Scriptures into the Oriental Languages. By the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, D.D. Fourth rdii. 8vo. London, 1811. " Hahuit autem hie Manes ab initao discipulos tree, Aldara, Thomam, et Hermam. Kt Aldain qnidcm ad prsedicandum misit in Syriam, ad Indos vero Thomam." (Thoo- 280 BOOK 111. CHAPTER V. carried his Master's doctrines into India ; and since the religion of Christ always formed part of Manicheism, it is possible that this Thomas may have been confounded with the Apostle. There is also evidence of another Thomas having been sent, about the year 800, by the Patriarch of Babylon, to carry the Gospel into India ; and since the Christians who have lately been discovered in that country are Nestorians, it is not improbable that the Nestorian patriarchs of Babylon were the original founders of their church.* There is, therefore, very little evidence of the Apostle Thomas having pene- trated as far as India, if we take that term in its literal signification ; but the tradition which Origen had heard in the third century may, perhaps, incline us to believe that the Gospel was carried by this Apostle into the interior of Asia. A tradition, however, floating down, unwritten, for fifteen centuries, cannot be received as good evi- dence ; and the more minute such stories are, the more suspicious are they in their general character for truth. On the same principle we feel inclined to receive with hesitation the somewhat earlier tradi- tion preserved by Clement of Alexandria, that Thomas the Apostle did not suffer martyrdom ; and the stories which are related of his having been put to death in India, do not rest upon any authority. BARNABAS. The original name of this Apostle, for with this title Luke and many of the ancients honour him, was Joses. It was given, doubtless, at his circumcision, in honour of Joseph, one of the great patriarchs of the Jewish nation, to which, having embraced Christianity, the Apostles added the name of Barnabas, signifying " the son of prophecy," being eminent for prophetic gifts and endowments ; or, " the son of consolation," as denoting his admirable skill in " binding up the broken hearted," and in " comforting those that mourn." He was born in Cyprus, a celebrated island in the Mediterranean, lying between Cilicia, Syria, and Egypt. He was descended from the tribe of Levi, and the line of the priesthood, which rendered his conversion to Christianity the more remarkable, as all surrounding interests concurred to increase his prejudices against the faith of Christ. He is said to have been brought up in the know- ledge of the law at the feet of Gamaliel, together with Paul, and thus laid the foundation of that acquaintance which existed in after-life between them. He was a constant spectator of our Saviour's miracles, and among the rest witnessed him cure the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda, by which he was fully convinced of the power and Godhead doreti Opera, torn, iv., part i., Hseret. Fabul. Compend., lib. i., De Manete, p. 321, Edit. 8vo. Halae.) Much valuable testimony bas been given by Dr. Buchanan, who, in modern tiroes, has traced out all these traditions on the spot, and has given a full account of the " Christians of St. Thomas," in his " Researches." It is, however, manifest from the statements of the indefatigable author, that these Christians derived their faith from some other than an apostolic source. The fact that they maintain the Nestorian heresy gives strong reason for supposing that Christianity was not propagated among them till after the time of that heresiarch. They also have, in all their churches, the picture of the Virgin Mary, and the child Jesus, a circumstance which still further condemns their pretensions ; for what Protestant is willing to believe that an apostolic founder could have countenanced a superstition so nearly approaching to idolatry ? BARNABAS. 281 of the Redeemer, and induced to become a fervent and sincere disci- ple. Clement of Alexandria expressly affirms that he was one of the seventy ; and that after the ascension of our Lord, when the neces- sities of the church so greatly increased, and stood in need of extra- ordinary supplies, he, according to the free and generous spirit of the primitive church, having goods, " sold them, and laid the money at the Apostles' feet." * The sphere of Barnabas was very soon to be much enlarged. The persecution in which Stephen fell, scattered Preachers of the Gospel far and wide. Paul and Barnabas were constantly employed, and, as companions, they cordially and successfully laboured for the hope of Israel. After they had continued for some time teaching and preaching the word, Paul proposed to Barnabas that they should revisit the churches which they had founded. The hitter gladly con- sented ; but when he proposed to take Mark with them, who had deserted them on a former occasion, he was met with a direct refusal. Without doubt, he would not have made the proposal, had he not been assured of Mark's sincere repentance : he therefore was anxious to afford the defaulter an opportunity of repairing his error. Both Paul and Barnabas were men of ardent temperament, open-hearted and generous ; they concealed neither thought nor feeling from each other ; consequently, the debate ran high between them. The circuit of visitation was divided. Paul took the upper part, having with him Silas, going through Syria and Cilicia, and northward still, and on new ground, through Phrygia and Gala- tia, until he had commission from the Holy Ghost to pass into Greece. Barnabas, taking with him Mark, sailed, as before, for Cyprus, and thence probably visited the sea-coast of Pamphylia ; but there the narrative of Scripture leaves him. If he returned to Antioch, it was not for any permanent abode ; since it is evident, from. Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians, (1 Cor. ix. 6,) that Barnabas, like himself, was journeying, arid founding or visiting churches ; and still maintained a practice which he had begun with him, of earning his livelihood by the work of his own hands. According to tradition, he testified to the faith of Jesus Christ by his death. f All is doubtful that is henceforward said of Barnabas. Dorotheus, and others, suppose that he visited Rome, and first preached the Gospel there. Of this, however, the Romish annalist, Baronius, will not hear, inasmuch as the assertion militates against the oft-repeated tale of Peter having originally proclaimed the truth in that city. The Grecian writers say that he went to Alexandria, and thence into various parts of Judea, and ultimately into Cyprus, where he was instrumental in the conversion of many from darkness unto light ; until some Jews, arriving in Salamis from Syria, attacked him while If it be inquired how a Levite came by lands and possessions when the Mosaic law allowed them no particular portions but what were made by public provision, it needs no other answer than to suppose that this estate was his patrimonial inheritance in Cyprus, where the Jewish constitutions did not take place ; and surely an estate it was of consider- able value, and the parting with it a greater charity than ordinary, otherwise the sacred hi* tori :n i would not have made such a particular remark concerning it. (Dr. Cave.) t Kvaus'ti Scripture Biography, p. 356. VOL. I. 2 O 282 BOOK III. CHAPTER V. he was disputing in the synagogue, confined him for the night in some secure part of the sacred place, and when the morning came, they drew him forth and slew him with stones. Thus, it is stated, Barnabas suffered ; the only instance given in the Gospel of one of the tribe of Levi becoming its Minister. He, like unto Bartholomew, was " an Israelite indeed, in whom there was no guile." He was worthy of being the friend and companion of Paul ; and the title he obtained from the Apostles, shows that he had a mouth and wis- dom which the adversary could neither gainsay nor resist. LUKE was born at Antioch, the metropolis of Syria, eminent in history for the salubrity of its situation, the fertility of the soil, and the wealth of its commerce, but above all, in the estimation of the church, because it was here the disciples were first called Christians. In Antioch existed an university, replenished with schools of learning, and favoured with teachers in the several branches of science and art, so that Luke had every opportunity of receiving an ingenuous and liberal education. It is said, that he studied not only at Anti- och, but also in the various schools of Egypt and Greece ; and being thus furnished from the numerous preparatory institutions of philo- sophy, he more particularly applied himself to physic, for which the Grecian schools were celebrated. Physicians of that remote period were not accustomed to rise to that eminence in society as in the present day ; frequently they held no higher rank in society than a servant or slave, great men keeping one or more of this profession in their house : hence, therefore, many have imagined that Luke, not- withstanding all his accomplishments, was but a slave in Rome, where he professed medicine and practised it, and being subsequently manumitted, returned into his own country. The higher ranks of Roman society were disinclined to the practice of medicine, which they generally left to their freedmen.* Besides his abilities in physic, he is said to have been skilful in painting ! This is perhaps one of the most wretched fictions which the most wild and romantic genius of Popery could possibly have invented ! -j* Luke was a Jewish prose- * " Medicinam factitasse, mannmissum." (Quint. Instit. vii. 2, 27.) " Mitto prseterea cum eo ex servis meis medicum," &c. ; " Besides, I sent with him a Physi- cian from among my servants." (Suet. Caliy., sect. 8.) Since Luke was a Physician, we must suppose that he was a man of education. Only such slaves as had some talent were taught the artes ingenues, H liberal arts." The freedman Antonius Musa, having worked a cure upon Augustus, was raised to the equestrian order, and a statue was erected in honour of him in the temple of ./Esculapius. From the time of Anto- ninus Pius, and perhaps earlier, there was in every city a Collegium Archiatroncm, u a college of Physicians," to whom was intrusted the examination of medical men, and who, prohably, required of them some knowledge of the writings of Hippocrates. (Kitto.) t Dr. Cave appears disposed to credit the legends which speak of the pictorial genius of the Evangelist. He says, " There are no less than three or four several pieces still in being, pretended to have been drawn with his own hand : a tradition which Gretzer, the Jesuit, endeavours to defend ; though his authors, in respect of credit or antiquity, deserve very little esteem or value. Of more authority with me," says the biographer, " would be an ancient inscription found in a vault near the church of St. Mary, in via lata at Rome, supposed to have been the place where St. Paul dwelt, wherein mention is made of a picture of the blessed Virgin," unu ex vii. ab Luca depictis, " being one of the seven painted by St. Luke." SIMON. 983 lytc, and brought to the knowledge of the truth through the instrumen- tality of Paul, with whom he was afterward a constant companion and fellow-labourer. He was with the Apostle at his several arraignments iu Jerusalem, accompanied him in his dangerous voyage to Rome, in which city he still attended on him, administering to his necessities, and supplying those ministerial offices which the confinement of Paul did not allow him to perform himself. While he continued in Rome attending on the Apostle, he wrote the Gospel which bears his name, which he dedicated to Thcophilus, some distinguished Roman or Greek, who had embraced the truth, and who requested an account of the facts which are therein related. After Paul was set at liberty, Luke again accompanied him in the rest of his travels, and returned with him to Rome, where he was a mournful spectator of the Apostle's martyrdom. What became of the Evangelist after the death of the Apostle, we know not : some are of opinion that he returned into the East, and converted many to the faith ; others imagine that he travelled into Galatia, Dalmatia, Italy, and Macedonia, where he laboured in the midst of great peril and difficulty to discharge the trust which was committed to him. Ancient writers manifest great uncertainty, with regard to the time and manner of his death ; some asserting that he died in Egypt, others in Greece, the Roman martyrology* in Bithynia, and Doro- theus at Ephesus. Some declare that he died a natural, and others a violent, death. Neither Eusebius nor Jerome notices his decease at all. Nicephorus Callistus, with a few others, expressly certify his martyrdom. The former relates, f that, arriving in Greece, he successfully preached, and baptized many who made profession of faith in Christ, until a party of infidels attacked him, and dragged him forth to put him to death : being in want of a cross, they hanged him on an olive-tree, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. His body was subsequently moved, it is said by Constantine, or by his son Constantius, to Constantinople, and interred in the church which had recently been erected to the memory of the Apostles. SIMON, surnamed Zelotes, one of the twelve Apostles. (Luke vi. 15 ; Acts i. 13.) Matthew and Mark, in giving the names of the Apostles, the only occasion on which they mention him, term him " Simon the Canaanite." (Matt. x. 4 ; Mark iii. 18.) This, how- ever, is not, as is usually the case, to be taken for a Gentile name, but is merely an Aramaic word, signifying " zeal," and therefore of the same meaning as "Zelotes." This name may be faithfully translated by its English derivative " zealot," and has an interpreta- tion deeply involved in some of the most bloody scenes in the history of the Jews, down to the days of the Apostles. Josephus speaks of them as forming "the fourth sect of Jewish philosophy," | and as distinguished from the Pharisees chiefly by a quenchless love of * Baronii Martjrol. Rom. Oct 18. t Nicephori Callisti Eccles. Hist., lib. ii., cap. 43, torn, i., p. 210. Fol. Pri, 1630- J Joseph. Antiq., lib. xvlii., cap. i., sect. i. 2 o 2 284 BOOK III. CHAPTER V. liberty, and an utter contempt of death. Their leading tenet was the unlawfulness of paying tribute to the Romans, as being a violation of the theocratic constitution. They viewed themselves as the suc- cessors of Phinehas, who did immediate execution upon Zimri and Cozbi : (Num. xxv. 11 13:) in imitation of whom, these men assumed the office of inflicting judgment in all extraordinary cases, and that not only by the connivance, but with the permission, of both rulers and people, till in after-times, under a pretence of this, their zeal degenerated into all manner of licentiousness and extravagance, so that they became the pests of the commonwealth, and by constantly prompting the people to throw off the Roman yoke, and to vindicate their native liberty, they induced that power to break in upon them to their utter and irrecoverable ruin. The Jewish historian gives a full account of them, and bewails the great devastation which they occasioned.* He says, that they did not scruple to kill any, even the prime of the nobility, under the pretence of corresponding with the Romans, and betraying the freedom of the country. In a word, during the last days of the Jewish polity, the zealots were lawless brigands or guerrillas, the scourge and terror of the land. This party, we have reason to believe, if it were in existence during our Saviour's sojourn on earth, had not arrived at this state of insubordi- nation, and less reason is there for supposing that Simon derived his surname from any connexion with that party. It was either charac- teristic of his general conduct, or had reference to some particular occasion in which he manifested diligence and ardour in some righ- teous cause. Having been invested with the apostolical office, no further men- tion is made of him in the inspired volume. He remained with the Apostles until the dispersion, and then zealously applied himself to the duty which lay before him. He is said to have directed his journey towards Egypt, Gyrene, and Africa. Here he preached and wrought miracles, and, after surmounting numerous difficulties, suffered mar- tyrdom for the sake of Christ. f Some of the Martyrologies extant say, that Jude and Simon went together into Mesopotamia, where they both received the martyr's crown. In the meanwhile the indefatigable and self-denying coadjutors of the Apostles did not remain unscathed in the midst of the storm which raged around. Anxious to follow the example of Christ, and the footsteps of those who had bee-n the instruments of their conver- sion from sin to holiness, they had trials also of cruel mockings, and of bonds and imprisonment. Very few of the names of the martyrs who suffered immediately before or after the execution of Peter and Paul have been handed down to posterity : sufficient it is for them that their judgment is with the Lord, and their reward with their God. (Isai. xlix. 4.) Among these, we notice Ananias of Damascus, Joseph. De Bello Jud., lib. iv., cap. 36 ; lib. vii., cap. 8. t Niceph. Callist. Eccles. Hist., lib. ii., ca,p. 40. The Greek Menology asserts, that Simon went ultimately into Britain, and, having enlightened the minds of many with the doctrines of the Gospel, he was crucified by the infidels, and buried there. PHILEMON. 285 who obtained the crown of martyrdom in that city ; Erastus, the Chamherlain of Corinth, is said to have been left by Paid in Macedo- nia, and to have suffered martyrdom at Philippi ; Aristarchus, a native of Thcssalonica, who was with Paul in the disturbance raised by Demetrius the Silversmith, in which he suffered numerous insults from the populace, and was a partaker of the labours and perils of the Apostle in Ephesus, accompanied Paul into Greece, and from thence into Asia and Judea, and finally went with him to Rome, where it is stated he also was beheaded at the command of Nero ; Trophimus, also, constantly accompanied his preceptor. It was upon his account that the Jews raised the riot in the temple against the Apostle, whom they would have killed, had not Lysias the Captain of the guard come to his rescue. His name does not again occur till after the first imprisonment of Paul. In one of the ensuing journeys of the Apostles, he remained behind at Miletus sick. (2 Tim. iv. 20.) This circumstance is regarded as furnishing a strong fact to show, that Paul was twice imprisoned at Rome ; for Trophimus, in his first passage to Miletus, (Acts xx. 15,) was not left behind, but proceeded to Judea ; after which we do not lose sight of Paul for one day, and know that he was not again at Miletus before his first imprisonment at Rome. Trophimus followed him to the imperial city, and, shortly after the death of Paul, suffered martyrdom at the command of Nero. Philemon was a person of some distinction in the city of Colosse, who, during Paul's stay in Ephesus, heard him preach, and became a zealous and consistent disciple. Immediately after his conversion, he became a fellow-labourer in the cause of truth, and turned his house into a place of prayer, where the Christians were accustomed to meet for devotional purposes : it was under the roof * of Philemon, also, the Apostle resided when he visited Colosse. After having edified the church by his public ministrations, as well as by his unbounded charity, he, with his wife Appia, toward the latter end of Nero's reign, suffered martyrdom on a day that was dedicated to Diana, hav- ing fallen victims to the rage of the popular fury. Among the early martyrs, the names of Vitalis and Valeria have frequently been men- tioned. The former lived in the reign of Nero, and had a command in the Roman army. He concealed his profession of Christianity for some time, that he might be more serviceable to the church during the heat of the persecution. On witnessing one of the victims of cruelty * Theodoret speaks of having had this house pointed out to him so late a<* the fifth century. " Quinetiam domus ejus mansit usque in hodieraum diem." (Theod. Oper., torn, iii., Pref. ad Philem., p. 711.) It has been said, that Philemon was made Bishop of Colosse by Paul, an office which is ascribed by others to Epaphras ; and this fact as well as the subsequent martyrdom of himself and wife at Colosse, are, perhaps, deserving of little belief. We know also the name of Archippus, who was a Deacon in the Colossian church ; and if ecclesiastical traditions may be followed, OnesU inns was raised to a still higher station in the church. A person of this name waa certainly Bishop of Ephesus in the time of Ignatius; (Epist. ad K plies., sect. 6 ;) and some writers have stated, that Timothy was succeeded by the former slave of Philemon ; but this must be considered uncertain ; and unless Onesimus was extremely young when converted by Paul, he could hardly have been Bishop of Ephesus at the com- mencement of the second century. Other accounts have represented him as Bishop of Berea in Macedonia : and they add, that he suffered martyrdom in the reign of Dornitian. 286 BOOK III. CHAPTER V. and superstition tremble at the approach of death, he made an open confession of his attachment to the faith, and encouraged the suffer- ing Christian so effectively, that he courageously laid down his life. Vitalis was speedily called to account for the declaration which he had made ; and was forthwith condemned to the rack, his bones were broken, and he was buried alive. After the death of her husband, Valeria quitted Rome. While travelling on the road to Milan, she was stopped by a company of peasants, who were celebrating some festival in honour of a heathen deity ; and, she refusing to comply with these superstitious ceremonies, was murdered. During the first part of the reign of Nero, the government, although it still held in respect the old republican institutions, was in its administration perfectly despotic. The state centred in the person of the Emperor. This kind of hereditary autocracy is essentially selfish : it is content with averting or punishing plots against the person, or detecting and crushing conspiracies against the power, of the existing Monarch. To those more remote or secret changes, which are working in the depths of society, eventually, perhaps, threatening the existence of the monarchy, or the stability of all the social relations, it is blind or indifferent. It has neither sagacity to discern, intelligence to comprehend, nor even the disinterested zeal, for the perpetuation of its own despotism, to counteract such distant and contingent dangers. Of all innovations it is, in general, sensi- tively jealous ; but they must be palpable and manifest, and directly clashing with the passions, or exciting the fears of the Sovereign. Even these are met by temporary measures. When an outcry was raised against the Egyptian religion as dangerous to public morality, an edict commanded the expulsion of its votaries from the city. When the superstition of the Emperor shuddered at the predictions of the mathematicians, the whole fraternity fell under the same inter- dict. When the public peace was disturbed by the dissensions among the Jewish population of Rome, the summary sentence of Claudius visited both Jews and Christians with the same indifferent severity. So the Neronian persecution was an accident arising out of the fire at Rome, no part of a systematic political plan for the suppression of foreign religions. It might have fallen on any other sect or body of men, who might have been designated as victims to appease the popular resentment. The provincial administrations would be actu- ated by the same principles as the central government, and be alike indifferent to the quiet progress of opinions, however dangerous to the existing order of things. Unless some breach of the public peace demanded their interference, they would rarely put forth their power ; and, content with the maintenance of order, the regular collection of the revenue, the more rapacious with the punctual payment of their own exactions, the more enlightened with the improvement and embellishment of the cities under their charge, they would look on the rise and propagation of a new religion with no more concern than that of a new philosophic sect, particularly in the eastern part of the empire, where the religions were in general more foreign to the character of the Greek or Roman polytheism. The popular feeling DOMITIAN. 287 during this period would, only under peculiar circumstances, outstrip the activity of the government. Accustomed to the separate worship of the Jews, to them Christianity appeared at first only as a modifi- cation of that belief. Local jealousies or personal animosities might, in different places, excite a more active hostility : in Rome, it is evi- dent that the people were only worked up to find inhuman delight in the sufferings of the Christians, by the misrepresentations of the government, by superstitious solicitude to find some victims to appease the angry gods, and that strange consolation of human misery, the delight of wreaking vengeance on whomsoever it can possibly implicate as the cause of the calamity.* The spent wave of the Neronian persecution recovered sufficient force to sweep away those who were employed in reconstructing the shattered edifice of Christianity in Rome. But the Gospel ultimately advanced, and spread extensively among the inferior and middle orders of society. In many quarters, the strong revulsion of the public mind against Nero created great commiseration towards his innocent victims, so that the Christians were acquitted by the popular feeling of any real connexion with the fire at Rome.-j* Mr. Milman justly remarks, that "this persecution had the effect of raising the importance of Christianity, so as to force it upon the notice of many, who might otherwise have been ignorant of its existence ; the new and peculiar fortitude with which the sufferers endured their unpre- cedented trials, would strongly recommend it to those who were dis- satisfied with the moral power of their old religion ; while, on the other hand, it was yet too feeble and obscure to provoke a systematic plan for its suppression." From the death of Nero to the period in which Trajan ascended the throne of the Roman empire, the larger portion of time was occupied by the reign of Domitian. His father, Vespasian, from the comprehensive vigour of his mind, and his knowledge of the Jewish character and religion, was qualified in no small degree to estimate aright the present bearings and future prospects of the Christian faith. But having subdued Judea and destroyed the temple, he had reduced the forefathers of Christianity to such an enfeebled condition, as to lead all to anticipate either their entire extinction, by being min- gled with the general population of the empire, and, in process of time, becoming absorbed, or, like the smoking flax, consumed in its own ashes. The name of Domitian is handed down, as that of the second persecutor of the Christians after Nero ; and though the greater part of his reign was marked by cruelties, it seems to have been in his later years that his attention was turned to the professors of the Gospel. Eusebius speaks of this persecution forming a kind of sequel to the executions, banishments, and confiscations, which Domitian had practised against numbers of people of rank ; and the statement, perhaps, may be taken, not only as marking the time, but as serving in some degree to explain the cause, of the persecution. Nero tor- * MiliiKiii's History of Christianity, vol. ii., p. 62. t Taciti Aimitliv, lib. xv., cap. 44. J Ku.-ii.-li., Ki-rltv. Hi.->t., lib. iii., cap. 17. 288 BOOK III. CHAPTER V. lured the Christians that his own conduct might not be scrutinized. Domitian -was influenced by a similar principle. While his cruel jealousy caused Rome to be saturated with patrician blood, it was desir- able that some measure should be adopted to stifle the public indig- nation. Like his predecessor, he attacked the exitiabilis superstitio, and speedily secured the favour of a large and influential body of his subjects. His persecution of the Christians is referred to with suffi- cient plainness by several of the heathen historians. Suetonius and others allude to heavy contributions being levied upon the Jews, and upon those who professed that religion. There can be little doubt but those persons were Christians.* The slanders and false accusations which were adduced against the Christians, exceed all manner of belief. They were accused of being enemies to the state, and especially to the Emperor, which was founded on their refusal to pay him divine honours, and to render adoration to his statue which he had erected in the capitol. What- ever crimes their malice could invent, or their suspicions conjecture, were imputed to the Christians. They charged them with offences of the most impious description, with " vile affections," with killing their own children, and eating men's flesh : many, in expectation of securing the possessions and goods of the accused, were ready falsely to charge them with any delinquency ; and in order that such might not escape, the following was enacted: "That if any Christian were brought before the Magistrates, let the crime be what it may, and the prisoner guilty or not guilty, he should not be discharged, unless he renounced his religion ; " and, to render assurance doubly sure, they endeavoured to make the Christians their own accusers, by first imposing upon them an oath to speak the truth, and then interrogating them. The regard which they had for the sanctity of an oath, compelled them to speak the truth, their confession was held as sufficient evidence, and they were condemned to the torture and to death. The Magis- trates were not satisfied with taking away the lives of the accused : the art of tormenting was in active requisition, to augment their misery, loathsome and tedious imprisonments, scourging, tearing the nails and flesh from the hands and feet, stoning, burning in vari- ous ways, laying some on plates of iron red-hot, roasting some, broiling others on large gridirons, impalement, racks, throwing them to be devoured by wild beasts made hungry and fierce to worry them, tossing them on the horns of bulls, frying them on iron chairs, sawing them asunder, and many other kinds of cruel death, both lingering and severe : to others they were more merciful, by stran- gling them in the dungeon, or submitting them to the sword or the axe, the gibbet or the spear. Even after death the animosity of the persecutor was not satiated : frequently were their mangled remains thrown in heaps to be devoured by the dogs, rather than allow their * Dio Cassius confirms tliis remark, when he is speaking of Acilius Glabrio, who was put to death in the fifteenth year of Domitian. His crime, according to the historians, was atheism ; which, as we have seen, was equally alleged against Jews and Christians ; and he states, that Glahrio, together with several other persons, about this time, had adopted Jewish manners. DOMITIAN. 289 friends to inter them. To all these Justin Martyr alluded in his address to Trypho the Jew : " None can terrify or move us from our faith in Christ ; and it is daily seen, that when we are crucified, slain, cast to the wild beasts, or into the fire, or put to the greatest tor- ments, yet we depart not from our faith ; but the more cruelty is used against us, the more there are that come to piety, and faith in Christ ; for as men cut the branches of the vine to make them fruit- ful, so is the vine planted by God and our Saviour, the church." Christianity, however, forced itself upon the knowledge and fears of Domitian, in a quarter the least anticipated, the bosom of his own family.* Of his two cousins-german, the sons of Flavius Sabinus, the one fell an early victim to his jealous apprehensions. The other, Flavius Clemens, is described by epigrammatic biographers of the Caesars, as a man whose indolence of character rendered him contempt- ible ; and we know from later apologists, that one of the calumnies against the Christians was taken from their paying but little atten- tion to public affairs.f This charge, in some respects, may be a true one ; for, when an individual embraced the Gospel, he was compelled to abstain from many acts which were more or less connected with the rites and superstitions of Paganism. Clemens had given some offence of this kind ; his relationship to the Emperor emboldened him also to speak his sentiments with freedom, which would also have a tendency to excite the too sensitive mind of the irascible Monarch. Enemies would not be wanting to urge Domitian to rid himself of such a troublesome friend ; and hence the transition was compara- tively easy to represent all the Christians as dangerous to the state. Clemens, instead of exciting the fears, enjoyed for some time the favour, of Domitian. He received in marriage Domitilla, the niece of the Emperor, his children were adopted as heirs to the throne, and himself obtained the Consulship ; and if the tyrant had been sooner cut off, a Christian Prince might have been seated upon the throne of the Caesars at the end of the first century. On a sudden, how- ever, these harmless kinsmen became dangerous conspirators ; they were arraigned on the unprecedented charge of atheism and Jewish manners ; the husband, Clemens, was put to death ; the wife, Domi- tilla, banished to the desert island either of Pontia or Pandataria. The crime of atheism was afterwards the common popular charge against the Christians, the charge to which in all ages those are exposed who are superior to the vulgar notion of the Deity. But it was a charge never advanced against Judaism : coupled, therefore, with that of Jewish manners, it is unintelligible, unless it refer to Christianity. Nor is it improbable that the contemptible want of energy, ascribed by Suetonius to Flavius Clemens, might be that unambitious superiority to the world which characterized the early Christian. Clemens had seen his brother cut off by the sudden and capricious fears of the tyrant ; and his repugnance to enter on the same dangerous public career, in pursuit of honours which he de- * Suetonius in Domit., cap. 15. Dion. Caesium, lib. Ixvii., cap. 14. Euaeb. Eccles. Hist., lib. iii., cap. 18. t Tertull. Apologet., cap. xlii. VOL. 1. 2 P 290 BOOK til. CHAPTER V. spised, if it had assumed the lofty language of philosophy, might have commanded the admiration of his contemporaries ; but connected with a new religion, of which the sublimer notions and principles were altogether incomprehensible, only exposed him to their more contemptuous scorn. Neither in his case was it the peril apprehended from the progress of the faith, but the dangerous position of the individuals professing the religion, so near to the throne, which was fatal to Clemens and Domitilla. It was the pretext, not the cause, of their punishment.* We have no means of judging, whether the search after the de- scendants of David, alluded to above, f was accompanied by any mea- sures of cruelty against the Christians of Palestine ; for the Emperor had heard, some way or other, that a man would arise from the rela- tives of Christ, bent upon revolution and political disturbance. There is, however, positive evidence, that the example which was set by Domitian in the capital, was followed in distant parts of the empire. The Christians of Asia Minor were exposed to severe trials. The usual alternative was offered them of sacrificing to an idol, or submitting to torture : and, while their heathen enemies threatened them on the one side, the Nicolaitans and different Gnostic sects were tempting them on the other, by teaching them that in such cases compliance was not a sin. This doctrine seduced many from the faith. The Apostle John witnessed, if he did not partake of, these sufferings. " He was the last whom the world beheld with the rays, as it were, of Christ's earthly presence remaining upon him. His death, there- fore, forms an important epoch in the history of the church. And his Master blessed him ere he died, with an earnest of the promised victory of the Gospel. He who had stood at his cross, one of a little band of bewildered mourners, lived to see its opprobrious title, ' Jesus, the King of the Jews,' become a name of glory and holy boasting in the mouths of thousands and ten thousands. He lived to hear the sounds of the Gospel re-echoed to him from the farthest corners of the earth, while it sounded around him in the most celebrated city of Asia, in the very head-quarters of Heathenism, in the most sacred cell of its superstition. There, in its very capital, which was daily thronged and enriched by pilgrims to the great Diana, the pillars of whose temple were the gifts of Kings ; in Ephesus itself, he beheld the church of Christ gradually extending its circle of conquest, and he * Milman's History of Christianity, vol. ii., p. 60. t See page 274. In the account given by Kusebina, Mosheitn sees nothing that can be deemed difficult of belief. From beginning to end it has all the appearance of a simple, unvarnished narrative. The fact, therefore, seems to have been, that some one, an enemy alike both to the Jews and the Christians, had suggested to the Emperor, that the Jews looked daily for a King to arise from amongst the posterity of David, who should give law to the whole earth ; that the Christians in like manner expected that Christ would soon return, and establish for himself a graud and extensive dominion ; and that, consequently, both Christians and Jews were to be regarded with a jealous eye, as persons harbouring views dangerous to the state, and only awaiting their oppor- tunity to break out into open revolt. Insidious whispers of this kind would naturally prompt the tyrant to order, as we are told he did, that all the posterity of David should be sought after, and put to death ; and that measures should be taken to give an equally effectual blow to any designs which might be entertained against him by the Christians. (Commentaries, vol. i., p. 191.) JOHN. 291 himself was blessed with the charge of directing the energy of its administration. The beholder of the revelation in spirit was blessed with a sight in body too, more magnificent than ever Prophet's eye was allowed to see before. Under his own eyes the tabernacle of the church was daily spreading farther her curtains, and daily setting her stakes more strong. The Prophets, to whom had been vouchsafed a more distant prospect of the same end, (and such were Isaiah and Ezekiel and Daniel,) lived not to see the least trace of the beginning of the accomplishment of their predicted blessings. On the contrary, the porch-way of the temple of the future was dark indeed, and filled with a ghastly throng : desolation, captivity, famine, and the demons of plague, fire, and sword, sate there. But John's eye of flesh was advanced within the door, and saw the inner brightness. He beheld, indeed, the sword raised against the church ; he saw it de- scend upon it. But it clave it, as it would water. A wave or two was raised, and then all was smooth and continuous again. The axe and brand were furiously wielded; but the temple of the church stood. Amid the devouring rage of the conflagration around, amid the blood flowing about it, still it was seen standing in tranquil majesty, still the blaze of the indwelling glory was seen illumining its windows, still the voices of thanksgiving and hosannas of victory were heard proceeding from within, unassailable by the powers with- out."* In the persecution which now raged, JOHN did not remain entirely unharmed. He is reported to have been sent to Home by the Pro- consul of Asia, where he was thrown into a vessel of boiling oil, and came out unhurt. If local tradition were allowed to have any weight, we might believe, that some such event befell John at Rome ; and Tertullian, who wrote at the end of the second century, does not appear to have entertained any doubt of the fact.-f Mosheim, also, does not treat the story with contempt. The testimony of Tertullian, however, gives us a very brief and incidental notice of the circum- stance : he was born within about fifty years of its occurrence, which is, after all, but feeble evidence in favour of the truth of such a fact. The banishment of John to the Isle of Patmos by the command of Domitian, is too well authenticated to be disputed. The event is recorded by the unerring pen of revelation. The precise year in * Evans's Scripture Biography, p. 261. t All that Tertullian saya on the subject is this : " Apoatolus Johannes, posteaqnam In oleum igneum demersus, nihil passus est, in insulam relegatur." (De Prescript. Haeret, cap. 36.) For nearly two hundred years, none of the fathers refers to this circumstance. Jerome speaks of it in two places ; (Adv. Jovin., lib. i., cap. 14 ; and in his Comment., Matt. xx. 23 ;) and from these two sources, the other narrators of the account have taken it. Of the modern critics and historians, together with the great mass of Papists, several Protestants are quoted by Lampe, who strenuously defend the story : many who do not absolutely receive the statement as true, hesitate in deciding against it. The Magdeburg Centuriators represent it aa being " very doubtful," incer- tissimum est. Irenueua and Sulpitiua Severua are utterly silent on the subject, and Kusi'liius ia aa still aa the grave in his Ecclesiastical History ; but in his Demonstratio Evangelica, speaking of the suffering of the Apostles, of the death of Stephen, of James the brother of John, of Jamea the brother of Christ, of Peter, and of Paul, he only aays of the beloved disciple, " John ia banished and sent into an island." 2 p 2 292 BOOK III. CHAPTER V. which it transpired is unknown : it is, however, ascertained, with some degree of certainty, to have occurred towards the close of the Emperor's reign. The place selected for his exile was a dreary, desert isle in the ^Egean Sea, about twenty miles from the Asiatic coast, and thirty or forty south-west of Ephesus. It is at this day known by the observation of travellers to be a most singularly desolate place, exhi- biting scarcely anything but bare rocks. On approaching the island the coast is found to be high, and to consist of a succession of capes which form so many ports, some of which are excellent. The only one in use is a deep bay, sheltered by high mountains on every side but one, where it is protected by a projecting cape. The town attached to this port is situated upon a high rocky mountain, rising immediately from the sea ; and this, with the Scala below upon the shore, consisting of some shops and houses, forms the only inhabited site of the island. There is still shown a natural grotto in the rock where it is said John saw his visions,* and wrote "the Revelation." In this isolated spot the aged Apostle was doomed to pass lonely months, at a distance from all the enjoyments of social intercourse and Christian communion. Later writers have asserted that he waa condemned to work in the mines or quarries, a punishment which we are aware was frequently inflicted upon the Christians ; but, probably, the great age of John at this period exempted him from that toil. There are also traditions, that he converted the inhabitants of the island to Christianity ; a fact which in itself is not improbable, but which does not rest on sufficient authority. John's imprisonment, probably, terminated when Domitian died. He appears to have returned to Ephesus. For many years the church in that city had the benefit of his superintendence ; but Clement of Alexandria speaks of his taking journeys into the neighbouring district to appoint Bishops, and to settle the constitution of churches, &c. The senility of John unfitted him for active duties of this kind. Among the Bishops appointed by the Apostle about this period, must be placed Polycarp, who filled the see of Smyrna ; but although the date of his appointment is uncertain, we have the testimony of Ireneeus, that the Apostle and Polycarp were personally known to each other.f The latter years of John's life appear to have been spent in comparative peace, free from all molestation by his heathen adversaries. Among those who suffered during the sanguinary reign of Domi- tian, was DIONYSIUS the Areopagite. All that we know of him on * " We saw the peaks of its two prominent hills ; but our course did not lie very near it. Still it was intensely interesting to get even a glance of that remarkable spot where the beloved disciple saw the visions of God, the spot, too, where the Saviour was seen, and his voice heard, for the last time till he come again. It is the only spot in Europe where the Son of man showed himself in his humanity. John's eye often rested on the mountains and islands among which we were now passing, and on the shores and waves of this great sea ; and often, after the vision was past, these natural features of his place of exile would refresh his spirit, recalling to his mind how ' he stood on the sand of the sea,' and how he had seen that ' every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.' " (Narrative of a Mission of Inquiry to the Jews, vol. ii., p. 100.) t Burton's Lect. on Eccles. Hist., p. 3/2. DIONYSIUS. 293 any credible authority, beyond the short notice of Scripture, amounts to all that Eusebius seems to have known, who tells us, on the autho- rity of Dionysius of Corinth, who flourished about the second cen- tury, that he was first Bishop of Athens. He was an Athenian, and that title alone gives him a claim upon our interest and curiosity. But he was thrown upon days when that city had ceased to dwell in a halo of intellectual glory, when she was shorn of her boasted splendour and freedom, and when she was quietly reposing, as a provincial town, under the wing of Roman dominion. Her schools of philosophy yet survived, and inherited all the contentiousness, though not the genius, of olden time. Among these the court of Areopagus * retained much of its former reputation, and the situation of an Areopagite Judge was esteemed the most prized among civil offices. Among the latter may be classed Dionysius. One day, as he was on the Hill of Mars, where his court was held, and where also was the great resort of the upper class of citizens and foreigners, he beheld a crowd coming up from the lower part of the city. They brought with them a person, whom, after having placed within the centre of the spot, they called upon to speak. Moved by curiosity, Dionysius joined the throng, which he found to contain the better sort, including philosophers with their disciples ; and on inquiring who the speaker might be, was told that he was a teacher of new gods. This was none other than Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles. In a neat and eloquent discourse, de- livered not with greater freedom of mind than strength of reason, he plainly demonstrated the folly and absurdity of those many vain deities whom they blindly worshipped ; explained to them that infi- nite and eternal Being who made and governed the world, and the obligations he had laid upon all mankind to worship and adore Him ; and especially how he had increased all the former obligations to gra- titude and obedience, by sending his Son to procure and proclaim so glorious a scheme of salvation to a ruined world. Whilst many received the testimony of Paul with laughter and scorn, others were convinced of the reasonableness and divinity of the Christian faith. The attention of Dionysius was deeply engaged. He had never heard man speak like this man. The orator delivered himself with the authority of an Ambassador from the Most High. He announced the truth in all simplicity, as if he believed what he said. When the Preacher arrived at the touchstone of belief and unbelief, of those who were to be saved, and of those who were to perish, a change came over the heart and understanding of Dionysius, and repentance was already begun. He sought and found the Saviour. New thoughts and new feelings possessed him. The heathen rites, with which his office of Areopagite was necessarily connected, were forthwith abandoned. He became an outcast from all those whom he had here- tofore known, and loved, and honoured, " choosingrather," like Moses, 29-4 BOOK III. CHAPTER V. "to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the plea- sures of sin for a season ; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt : for he had respect unto the recom- pence of the reward." (Heb. xi. 25, 26.) His fidelity and diligence as a Christian are fully proved by his having been chosen first Bishop of Athens ; and that he exe- cuted this difficult charge to the satisfaction of the church, appears from the fact that Paul addressed no epistle to that community. Its peace was uninterrupted, and its purity unsullied. Much of the sub- sequent life of Dionysius is involved in fable. He has been named as taking a principal share in the conversion of the Gauls. The scene of his preaching is not confined to the Romanized provinces of Narbonne and Aquitaine ; but he is stated to have penetrated even as far as Paris : whatever may be the truth of his history, many French writers have believed their patron saint to be the Athenian who was converted by Paul ; others, however, have advanced good reasons for believing, that Dionysius, the first Bishop of Paris, did not visit that country till the reign of Decius. Aristides, an Athenian philo- sopher, asserts, that he suffered martyrdom ; a fact generally admitted by historians, but the precise period of his death they do not deter- mine. Others say, that, having settled his affairs at Athens, and substituted a successor in his see, he went to Rome, whence he was despatched by Clemens into France, where he planted the faith, and founded an episcopal see at Paris ; after some time, about the nine- tieth year of his age, he returned into the East to converse with the Apostle John at Ephesus, and from thence he returned to Paris, where he is said to have suffered martyrdom.* As Paul reaped in Sergius Paulus the first-fruits of the harvest of rulers and govern- ors which was to be brought into the garner of the church, so he did in Diouysius of the men of education. Born and nursed up in a religion and manners most adverse to the spirit of Christianity, he accepted conviction, and cheerfully followed the consequences, whithersoever they might lead him. What an example is he to the educated classes of the church ! Under the reign of Domitian the blood of TIMOTHY is also sup- posed to have been shed. He was a person in whom the Jew, the Gentile, and the Christian met. His father was a Greek, by religion a Gentile, or, if he professed Judaism, he was " a proselyte of the gate:" his mother, Eunice, was daughter to the devout and pious Lois, who, together with her daughter, was among the first who were * " Among infinite other miracles reported of him, he is said to have taken up his head, after it had been cut off by the executioners, and to have carried it in his hands, (an angel going before, and a heavenly chorus attending him all the way,) for two miles together, till he came to the place of his interment, where he gently laid it and himself down, and was there honourably buried." (Dr. Cave's Lives of the Fathers.) " Aristides quoted by Usuard, and Sophronius of Jerusalem, styled him a martyr. The Greeks in their Menologies tell us, that he was burnt alite for the faith at Athens. His name oc- curs in ancient calendars on the 3d of October. The cathedral at Soissons is in pos- session of his head, (!) which was brought thither from Constantinople hi 1205. Pope Innocent III. sent to the abbey of St. Denis near Paris, the body of this saint, which had been, translated from Greece to Rome." (Alban Butler.) TIMOTHY. 295 converted to the Christian faith. It was on his second round of visit- ation and preaching in Asia, that Paul came to Derbe, a city of Lycaonia, where he found the young disciple, named Timothy, whose high character had received the testimony of the churches of Iconium and Lystra. On his second visit, he selected Timothy to be his assistant, and the companion of his travels. He assisted Paul in the foundation of the churches of Philippi, Thessalonica, and Corinth. At the first two places he had a proof of the trials which awaited the Preachers of Christ crucified, more especially at the hands of the Jews, to whom the doctrine was much more generally a stumbling-block than it was foolishness to the Greeks ; but the persecution does not appear to have descended lower than the two principals, Paul and Silas. At Berea they found acceptable hearers and peace, until the Jews of Thessalonica came to disturb them there also. This produced a short separation of the party. It was necessary to the safety of Paul that he should quit the place. The brethren conducted him to Athens, while Timothy remained with Silas behind. How he was employed during this interval appears from Paul's two letters to the Thessalo- nians, the first of which he wrote from Corinth after Timothy had rejoined him. From this we find that Paul, on leaving Berea, had charged him to go to Thessalonica, and confirm the brethren there. This was a charge both of difficulty and danger : the persecution set on foot by the Jews, at the very first preaching of the Gospel, con- tinued to rage there, insomuch that Paul, upon the hearing of it, began to fear lest they should be overcome by the trial, and all his labour prove vain. How must the neophyte have won the confidence of the keen-sighted, the watchful, the spiritual Paul, that, being so young, he should be selected for such a high office as instructing, comforting, and supporting an infant church, as yet staggering in weakness of members, and subjected to persecution ! * The Apostle of the Gentiles and Timothy were constantly together, until the latter, endued with extraordinary powers, was sent to govern the church at Ephesus. It was during his residence and supposed episcopate at Ephesus, that Timothy received his two epistles from Paul. In the first he gives various directions on public prayer, instructions on the ordina- tion of Ministers of the word, cautions against heretics, with much advice on several points of his commission, concluding with a most solemn charge before God and Jesus Christ, that he should keep the commandment without spot, and unblamable. Timothy shortly received his second and last epistle from the same Apostle. It was penned with all the solemnity of one who was on the point of depart- ure, and with all the prophetic spirit of a dying saint. He gave affecting hints of his approaching martyrdom. He stated that the company of zealous persons who had all along adhered to him in his adversity, had been sadly scattered ; some having voluntarily forsaken him, and others having been sent by himself on an apostolical errand. " Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me : for Demas hath for- saken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto * Evans's Scripture Biography, p. 268. 296 HOOK III. CHAPTER V. Thessalonica ; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia. Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee : for he is profit- able to me for the ministry. And Tychicus have I sent to Ephesus." (2 Tim. iv. 9 12.) The whole epistle is exquisitely pathetic, and must have moved the affectionate spirit of Timothy. Whether he arrived in Rome in time to see Paul alive, does not appear. The Ephesians were a people of great laxity of morals and impiety : their manners were licentious and effeminate, profane and prodigal : it is said that they banished Hermodorus,* because he was more sober and thrifty than the rest of the inhabitants, and actually passed a decree to the effect, " Let none of ours be thrifty." They were strangely intoxi- cated with the study of magic, and the arts of sorcery and divina- tion ; the whole country was overrun with idolatry ; the temple and the worship of Diana were notorious throughout the world. Among the numerous idolatrous festivals which amused, and at the same time degraded, the city of Ephesus, was one which they termed Kara- ycoyiov, and celebrated -after the following manner : Clothing them- selves in some fantastic dress, and hiding the face in a mask that the person might not be recognised, with clubs in the hands, they carried idols, in a wild and frantic manner, through the most conspicuous parts of the city, singing songs and verses prepared for the occasion ; and then, as if they possessed a licence to commit every kind of injury with impunity, they attacked all that came in their way, with- out respect to age or sex, and beat out their brains, viewing such atrocities as an honour rendered to their deities. This sanguinary and execrable custom gave serious cause of offence to all good and pious men. The spirit of Timothy was " stirred in him," to see the Most High so dishonoured, and humanity so prostrate and in the dust, at the instigation of the murderer of souls. Frequently did he endeavour to bring the people to a better mind by mild entreaty and persuasion ; but all was of no avail. He, therefore, on the festival in question, boldly appeared amongst the idolaters, and reproved them with sharpness and severity. Impatient of control, and too headstrong quietly to submit to opposition, they fell upon the holy man with their clubs, and left him on the ground for dead. Some of the ter- rified Christians, perceiving him to breathe, took him up and lodged him without the gate : he expired on the third day.f Mr. Milner says, " If any credit is to be attached to this story, it is in the high- est degree probable, that Timothy was the presiding Minister through whom the church is addressed. On the other hand it is argued, that * " An Ephesian, and friend of the sage Heraditua, whom his fellow-citizens had banished, because he filled them with shame, and they desired to be all on an equal footing in profligacy of conduct." (Lempriere.) " Qui Henuodorum viruru inter eos frugi ejecerunt, dicentes, Nemo nostrum frugi esto, alioqui cum aliis ejiciatur." (Strabo, Geog., lib. xiv., p. 611. Fol. Basil., 1549.) t In the Apocalyptic vision, which is supposed to have been written at the conclusion of the first century, the Angel of Ephesus is reproved, because he had fallen from his "first love ; " and is exhorted to "repent, and do the first works." Calmet says, this Angel, or Bishop, was none other than Timothy. Many learned men agree with him in this opinion ; and that he had fallen into some remissness of duty, in not reprehend- ing the vices of those around him with sufficient rigour. If go, this fault was abun- dantly repaired, so as to give occasion for his martyrdom. N1COMEDE9. 297 the relation is very uncertain ; and that it ia not likely that one so highly commended hy Paul, in his Epistles, should receive so severe a censure as that dictated in the Apocalypse. (Rev. ii. 4, 5.) But this last objection is at once removed by the consideration, that the Angels or Presidents are not addressed personally ; and that their particular state is not described, but the communities committed to their care. Upon the whole, we must leave the opinion adverted to involved in uncertainty, though the weight of evidence undoubtedly inclines in its favour." * Mention has also been made of NICOMEDES, who was converted to the faith through the instrumentality of the Apostles. During the persecution which raged under Domitian, he rendered good service to the Christian church by fearlessly attending the martyrs in their imprisonment, encouraging and supporting them when called to suffer, and afterwards in securing to their mangled remains a decent inter- ment, notwithstanding the malice and bigotry of the persecutors, who endeavoured, by disfiguring the lifeless forms of the sufferers, to prevent them from being recognised, that they might be confounded with the worst malefactors. While prosecuting these " labours of love," Nicomedes was apprehended, and beaten with rods until he expired under the hands of the executioners. The career of Domitian was soon to close. The commencement of his reign promised tranquillity to the people ; but their expectations were soon " cut off." He became cruel, and gave way to incestuous and unnatural indulgences. The last part of his reign is represented by Tacitus as most miserable and insupportable, in which Domitian endeavoured to ruin the state, and, by successive schemes of villany and oppression, to entail wretchedness upon the people. Rome had learned the fatal secret how to rid herself of monsters and tyrants in the shape of men. Nothing tended so much to expedite the fate of the Emperor, as the unjust death of Flavius Clemens, and the subsequent banishment of Domitilla. But the circumstance which brought the sanguinary affair to a crisis, was the discovery, by his own wife Domitia, who, prying into his table-book, to her inexplica- ble dismay, found her own name among the number doomed to be slain, together with some of his principal friends, particularly Stephauus the steward, Norbanus, and Patronius, to whom she showed the document, and with whom she forthwith concerted measures to effect the prompt destruction of the tyrant. The conspiracy was formed with secrecy and despatch ; and nothing was wanting but an opportunity to put the fatal project into execution. For some time Domitian had become very suspicious, and his anxieties were increased by the predictions of astrologers, but still more poignantly by the stings of remorse. He was so distrustful when alone, that round the terrace where he usually walked, he erected a wall, inlaid with bright stones which reflected the figure of any person who might be on the parade, that he might discern who was following him. All these precautions proved unavailing. Milner's History of the Seven Churches of Asia, p. 151. 8vo. London, 1832. VOL. I. 2 Q 298 BOOK III. CHAPTER V. Roman writers speak of many omens which preceded his death, par- ticularly numerous and vivid flashes of lightning, which terrified the Emperor to such a degree, as caused him to exclaim, "Let Jove strike whom he pleases." It is said that some astrologer gave him notice of the day and hour of his death ; and that, on the pre- ceding one, he directed some fruit, which he had ordered, to be reserved, emphatically adding, " Tf it be my fortune to partake of it." At midnight he was so affrighted as to leap out of his bed ; and when the morning dawned, he sent for a soothsayer, who came out of Germany, and condemned him to instant execution for declaring that the late awful lightning portended some fearful revolution in the state. During the evening of this fatal day, his fears were great. On inquiring of his attendants the hour, they falsely gave him to understand that it was midnight, an hour later than the real time. Domitian at this was overjoyed ; and, thinking he had passed the Eubicon, and that the dreaded day had expired without harm, immedi- ately hastened to the bath. His chief Chamberlain with considerable earnestness led him another way, pretending that he had a person in his chamber who had business of the greatest importance to lay before him, which could not with safety be deferred. There he was met by Stephanus, who, feigning to disclose a conspiracy, placed in the hands of the Emperor a list of persons represented as being concerned in the plot : while he was reading with astonishment and horror the deep-laid scheme, Stephanus inflicted a deadly wound. Domitian crying out, closed upon the assassin, and with great violence threw him on the ground : in the midst of this struggle, Parthe- nius, Clodianus, Maximus, Saturius, with other conspirators, ran furiously upon and despatched the tyrant. The judgment of Heaven was even more exemplary in the indignity which was offered to his person and memory after death. His body was left in the open air, without the honours of a funeral. The joy of the Senate was so great on account of his decease, that, having assembled in haste, they reviled his character in terms the most opprobrious and contemptible ; and even ordered ladders to be brought forthwith to remove every statue and image of the Emperor, which were destroyed in their presence ; and, finally, they enacted a decree, " That no more honour should be shown at his funeral than was allowed to a common ruffian ; that all his inscriptions should be totally erased ; that his name should be struck out of the registers of fame, and his memory abolished for ever ; that his acts should be rescinded, and all his exiles recalled." * Domitian was succeeded by Nerva, who, as soon as the ceremonies connected with his installation were closed, diligently applied him- self to the affairs of the public, and carried into prompt and vigor- ous execution the decree of the Senate which rescinded the acts of his predecessor. The banished followers of Christ were recalled, and See a Relation of the Death of the primitive Persecutors. Written originally in Latin by L. C. F. Laetantius, englished by Gilbert Bnrnet, D.D. To which he hath made a large Preface concerning Persecution. 12 mo. Amsterdam. Printed for J. S., 1687- " Liber De Mortibus Persecutorum, ad Donatum Confessorem, Lucii Cacilii Firmiani Lactantii." Suetonixis in Domitianum. NJCOMEDES. 299 permitted the full exercise oi' their religion ; * and although we know little or nothing of the affairs of the Christians within his short reign, we may hope that, under the protection of the above law, they escaped persecution, and their numbers continued to increase. We have no reason to conclude that personally Nerva felt any inclination to Christianity ; but he probably saw the injustice of punishing men for their opinions, and, having himself been banished by Domi- tian before he was taken into favour, he perhaps felt less inclined to listen to the advice of those who would have urged him to imitate the tyrant. His conduct would naturally lead to the spreading of the Gospel in the capital. Persons of rank, such as the widow of Flavius Clemens, would now have no fear of professing their opi- nions ; and among the evils of the late persecution there would be sure to be this benefit, that it purified the faith of those who still had courage to maintain their sentiments.f The Emperor had nei- ther physical nor mental energy for his place : harassed by constantly- recurring anxieties, he was seized with fever, which put an end to his reign and life, after having wielded the sceptre one year, four months, and nine days. Nerva was succeeded by Trajan, who is supposed to have pursued the mild policy of his immediate prede- cessor, until the close of the first century. " The accession of Nerva changed the aspect of affairs. Pardon was extended to the Christians who had heen condemned under the former reign ; the banished were recalled, the impost upon the Jews was remitted, and accusations on account of impiety and Judaism were prohibited. A law also was passed, forbidding slaves to bear testimony against their masters, the operation of which could not bnt be favourable to the Chris- tians." (Welsh's Elements.) t Burton's Lect. on Eccles. Hist, of the First Century, p. 378. Q '2 300 BOOK TV. PERSECUTIONS WHICH TOOK PLACE FROM THE CLOSE OF THE FIRST TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE FOURTH CENTURY. CHAPTER I. State of the Church Political Aspect of Affairs General Character of the Emperors Trajan His History Placidus Apparent conciliatory Character of the Emperor His persecuting Spirit Hatred to the Christians His Edict against Informers Delatores Deification of Nerva Christians molested Clement His History His Difficulties in Rome Simon Magus Domitian Afflictive Condition of the Church at Rome Clement's Epistle to the Corinthians Perilous Condition of the Christians Traditionary Accounts of Clement's Death Evaristus Alexander Holy Water Christians harassed in the East Symeon Bishop of Jerusalem His Origin Persecuting Spirit of the Jews Awful Condition of that People Destruction of Jerusalem Rffuge of the Church Return to the holy City Tra- jan's Suspicions Symeon is arrested and martyred Pliny the Younger^ Cir- cumstances in which he was placed His Letter to Trajan Reply of Trajan to Pliny Uncertain State in which the Church was left Tumultuous Proceedings against the Christians Artful and wicked Schemes of the pagan Priesthood Character of Pliny Gibbon and Moshcim Tertullian on the Edict of Trajan Persecution general Dacian War Parthia Trajan visits Antioch State of the Antiochian Christians Ignatius Priority of the Church at Antioch Heresies Ignatius is brought before Trajan The Interview Sentence pronounced Rev . John Gambold Why Ignatius was sent to Rome Fondness of the Romans for Shows Journey of Ignatius to Rome /* visited by the Asiatic Church Writes to the Roman Christians And other Churches Character of the Epistles of Ignatius He arrives at Rome His Interview with the Church Is led to the Amphitheatre Where he suffers Sanguinary Nature of the public Spectacles Remains of Ignatius Hit Character Phocas Sulpitius Servilianus Onesimus and other Martyrs Remarks on the ten thousand Martyrs of Armenia Insurrection of the Jews The Cause of it Horrid Atrocities committed Sup- pression of the Insurrection Death of Trajan Character of his Reign. WHEN Trajan found himself fairly seated on the imperial throne, the Christian faith had struck its roots deep in the hearts of the better part of the inhabitants of the empire, and the grain of mus- tard-seed was sending forth branches that were beginning to over- shadow the world. From the Tiber to the Euphrates, from mount Hsemus to lake Mceris, in all the most famous cities of the world, in towns and scattered villages also, and among the population of rural districts, converts to the new system were to be found, and in many places there were flourishing communities.* The astonishing success * " It has been too much taken for granted," says Dr. Welsh, "by church-historians, that the Gospel was uniformly, in the first instance, preached in cities, and that from them it was derived and distributed among the surrounding towns and villages and STATE OF THE CHURCH. 301 of the Christian cause can only be accounted for by the faithfulness of the great Head of the church in fulfilling the promise he had made to his Apostles, and by the fidelity and zeal with which they discharged the trust committed to them. The purity of their lives afforded evidence of their sincerity ; they referred to what they had personally witnessed ; their words, accompanied by a divine energy, were confirmed by the miraculous works which were performed. The zeal which animated the Apostles was communicated to the minds of other holy men, who proceeded in the same course as their divine teachers, delivering the truths which they had received from them, and carrying along with them the writings which they had left behind them, and which proved one of the most important means for confirming the brethren, and for diffusing to others the know- ledge of the truth. The churches established by the Apostles were placed upon a basis that was favourable to their continuance ; the converts in every city being formed into a community, and placed under the government of a senate of their own choosing, who might manage the affairs of the body. The different societies were all connected together by common interests and common dangers, and, above all, by love to one Lord, and hope in one inheritance. They were thus mutually encouraged, directed, and established. They had all an obvious interest in adding to their numbers, as they were prompted by the Spirit they had received to communicate to others the blessings they enjoyed ; those who were without the Gospel were considered worthy of compassion ; the monstrous and soul-destroying superstitions which prevailed around them kindled their zeal ; and preparation was thus made for effectually extending, to surrounding districts, and other lands, " the Gospel of our salvation." * It will be observed that the second century of Christianity wit- nessed the commencement of the reign of another race of Emperors. Trajan, Hadrian, and the Antonines were men of larger minds, more capable of holding the sceptre over a vast empire, and of regarding the interests, manners, and opinions of the multitude who formed the Roman people. Unlike the first Caesars, who were, in fact, the Monarchs of Rome, governing other parts of the world as dependent provinces, they were the Sovereigns of the western world, which had gradually and almost imperceptibly arisen into one majestic and harmonious system. Under the military sway of Trajan the empire assumed strength, and its defences were so solid and durable as to impress all her adversaries with the highest notion of the Roman arms, and the Roman discipline. Hadrian directed his attention to hamlets." This, no doubt, was frequently the case ; and ultimately the Bishops and churches in large towns were careful to send out Presbyters throughout the adjacent country to make converts. (See Mosheim'a Commentaries, vol. i., p. 234.) But from the very beginning the Gospel was preached in the country. Our Saviour himself gave the example. (Matt. ix. 35 ; Mark vi. 34 ; Luke atiii. 22.) He taught his Apostles to follow his steps ; (Matt. x. 11 ;) and we find that they were carefully observed. (Acts adv. 6 ; xviii. 23 ; xxvi. 20.) The accounts of the nature of the labours of Paul in Asia Minor, (Acts xviii. 23,) prepare us for the statement in the celebrated letter of Pliny, that " the contagion of the superstition had not seized cities only, but the lesser towns also, and the opeii country." * Wc-lfh's Elements of Clinrch History, vol. i., p. 2l7. 302 BOOK IV. CHAPTER 1. the internal affairs of the state ; and by the general spirit of juris- prudence which pervaded all the acts of the Antonines, they united under one general system of law the various members of a great political confederacy. It was therefore next to impossible, that, to minds so occupied with the internal as well as external affairs of the whole empire, the progress of a new religion should escape their notice. " Christianity itself," to use the language of an able writer, "was just in that state of advancement in which, though it had begun to threaten, and even to make most alarming encroachments on the established polytheism, it had not so completely divided the whole race of mankind, as to force the heads of the polytheistic party, the official conservators of the existing order of things, to take violent and decisive measures for its suppression. The temples, though perhaps becoming less crowded, were in few places deserted ; the alarm, though perhaps in many towns it was deeply brooding in the minds of the priesthood, and of those connected by zeal or by interest with the maintenance of Paganism, waa not so profound, or so general, as imperiously to require the interposition of the civil authorities. The milder or more indifferent character of the Emperor had free scope to mitigate or to arrest the arm of persecution. The danger was not so pressing, but that it might be averted ; that which had arisen thus suddenly and unexpectedly (so little were the wisest probably aware of the real nature of the revolution working in the minds of men) might die away with as much rapidity. Under an Emperor, indeed, who should have united the vigour of a Trajan, and the political forethought of a Hadrian, with the sanguinary relentlessness of a Nero, Christianity would have had to pass a tre- mendous ordeal. Now, however, the collision of the new religion with the civil power was only occasional, and, as it were, fortuitous ; and in these occasional conflicts with the ruling powers, we con- stantly appear to trace the character of the reigning Sovereign. Of these Emperors, Trajan possessed the most powerful and vigorous mind, a consummate General, a humane, but active, ruler ; Hadrian was the profoundest statesman ; the Antonines the best men. The conduct of Trajan was that of a military Sovereign, whose natural disposition was tempered with humanity, prompt, decisive, never unnecessarily prodigal of blood ; but careless of human life if it appeared to stand in the way of any important design, or to hazard that paramount object of the government, the public peace. Hadrian was inclined to a more temporizing policy : the more the Roman empire was contemplated as a whole, the more the co-existence of multifarious religions might appear compatible with the general tran- quillity. Christianity might, in the end, be no more dangerous than the other foreign religions, which had flowed, and were still flowing, in from the East. The temples of Isis had arisen throughout the empire ; but those of Jupiter and Apollo had not lost their votaries : the eastern mysteries, the Phrygian, at a later period the Mithraic, had mingled very little to their prejudice into the general mass of the prevailing superstitions. The last characteristic of Christianity which would be distinctly understood, was its invasive and uncom- TRAJAN. 303 promising spirit. The elder Antonine may have pursued from mild- ness of character the course adopted by Hadrian from policy. The change which took place during the reign of Marcus Aurelius may be attributed to the circumstances of the time ; though the pride of philosophy, as well as the established religion, might begin to take the alarm." * Trajan was by birth a Spaniard, whose life had hitherto been spent in various military services in different parts of the world. We know but little concerning his early years, and nothing that could have brought him into contact with the Christians. His father served under Vespasian and Titus in the Jewish war, and held the rank of Tribune during part of those campaigns ; f but the son, who was only sixteen years old at the time of the taking of Jerusalem, was not likely to have interested himself in questions of religion, even if his father had related to him any facts of Jewish or Christian superstition. Baronius | supposes that another officer, who served in the Jewish war, and who afterwards suffered martyrdom as a Christian, was personally known to Trajan. This was Placidus, who commanded under the Emperor, and gained much distinction in the first Dacian campaign, in the year 101 ; but whether he was the same person who was martyred in the first year of Hadrian, must be considered doubtful. Nerva probably adopted Trajan as his suc- cessor, because of some congeniality in the mind of the latter with his own. Nerva was not disposed to cruelty ; and if Trajan followed the example of his predecessor in his political measures, he doubtless hesitated to encourage those around him who would have employed force against the Christians. In the interval between the death of Nerva and the arrival of Trajan at Rome, the Emperor wrote to the Senate, and among other declarations, he promised that no com- mand of his should inflict death or disgrace upon any person of good character. With the Christians this manifesto would not fail to be considered as a miserable subterfuge, inasmuch as they were ever viewed by the Heathen as most impious. The historian, Dion Cas- sius, it is true, says, that Trajan kept this promise inviolate through the whole of his reign ; but every one acquainted with ancient his- tory is aware, that a pledge of this kind would by no means have restrained a Roman Magistrate from punishing a Christian ; and the expression which has been so much extolled by the historian, as hav- ing proceeded from Trajan, and as being indicative of his benevo- lence and justice, may doubtless be traced to the sentence which is recorded by Dion Cassius : || " Juravit in senatu, nullum e senatoribus suo jussu interfectum iri ; " implying that no Senator should be put to death. Notwithstanding these declarations of "good- will toward men," the Christians suffered severely under the reign of this mild and pacific Prince : we therefore inquire into the cause. Among the numerous Milman'a History of Christianity, vol. ii., pp. 138, 139. t Joseph. De Bello Jud., lib. iii., cap. vii., sect, xxxi., cap. is., sect. 8. j Baronina, ad An. 103, sect. iv. { Burton's Lect. on Eccles. Hist., lect. xiii., p. 11. || Diouis. Cassii Cocoei Nervae His tori a, lib. Ixviii., p. 770. F->1. Hanov., 160G. 304 BOOK IV. CHAl'TEH I. letters which Trajan addressed to the Senate, none was more likely to lead to direct attacks upon the professors of Christianity, than one in which he expressed himself strongly attached to the national religion, as handed down from their ancestors ; and a person in office, who acted upon this principle, might have felt it a duty to persecute Christianity, although not naturally inclined to be cruel. We have no account of any persecution of the Christians having taken place in the absence of Trajan during the first year of his reign. Baronius adverts to a persecution which some writers have mentioned, in which Flavia Domitilla, and the other exiles who had been recalled by the edict of Nerva, are said to have suffered martyrdom. The evidence which has been adduced in support of this assertion is utterly desti- tute of foundation. In addition to the above, it must be observed, that soon after Trajan visited the metropolis, a severe law was enacted against persons who were convicted of bringing an unjust accusation. The trade of an informer, (delatoris,*) or spy, had frequently received marks of public disapprobation and infamy ; and it would appear from the present statute, that the odious offence had been perpetrated with fre- quency. It is not probable that the Emperor or his advisers intended by this measure to protect the Christians : it had, nevertheless, in some degree, that effect, and the enemies of the faith were induced to indulge but seldom in that vexatious system of persecution. Among other acts of Trajan, upon his taking possession of the empire, we find him giving to his predecessor Nerva, a place in the list of deities ; but the policy was so obvious, and the custom so regularly estab- lished, that we cannot charge it upon the Emperor as a special act of superstition ; nor can we say whether he would be more likely to persecute the Christians, because he paid this attention to the estab- lished religion of his country. It is possible, that the introduction of a new deity may have exposed the Christians to some molestation, since their refusal to sacrifice in the name of the Emperor was a common ground of complaint against them, and one which was likely to be put forward at the commencement of a new reign. We The delator**, under the Emperors, were a class of men who gained their liveli- hood by informing against their fellow-citizens. (See Suetonius in Tib., sect. 61 ; in Domit., sect. 12 ; Taciti Anuales, lib. iv., cap. xxx. ; lib. vi., cap. 47.) They con- stantly brought forward false charges to gratify the avarice or jealousy of the different Emperors, and were consequently paid according to the importance of the information which they gave. In some cases, however, the law specified the sums which were to he given to informers. Thus, when a murder had been committed in a family, and any of the slaves belonging to it had run away before the quisstio, whoever apprehended such slaves received for each a reward of five aurei from the property of the deceased. In the Senatus-consultum, quoted by Frontinus, the informer received half of the penalty in which the person was fined who transgressed the decree of the Senate. There seems also to have been a fixed sum given to informers, by the lex Papia, since we are told that Nero reduced it to a fourth. (Suet, in Neron., sect. 10.) The number of informers, however, increased so rapidly under the early Emperors, and occasioned so much mischief in society, that many of them were banished and punished in other ways by Titus, Domitian, and Trajan. (Suet, in Tit., sect. 8 ; in Domit., sect. 9 ; P.lin. Panegyr. 34 ; Brissonius, Ant. Select., lib. iii., cap. 17.) Trajan "utterly exter- minated those insufferable vermin, the delators, informers, and pettifoggers, who, in former reigns, had made incredible advantages by fomenting all kinds of private quarrels arid dissensions." (Echard's Rom. Hist., vol. ii., p. 270. 8vo. London, 1719.) CLEMENT. 305 are told also, that earthquakes, famines, and pestilences were felt at this period in several parts of the world ; and this furnished another topic of invective against the Christians, who were supposed to call down the anger of heaven by their apostacy from the national faith. It appears, therefore, that there were circumstances in the first two years of Trajan's reign, which were likely to excite opposition to the Gospel.* Among those who were called to experience reproach and suffering for the sake of Christ during the reign of Trajan, Clement has been named. He was a fellow-worker with Paul in the Gospel of Christ ; and the church at Philippi, among others, was the scene of those services which were ultimately to be transferred with benefit to the church at Rome. But the veil which obscures the history of the early church, and particularly shrouds that of the origin of the Chris- tian community in Rome, hides from our observation all the facts which pertain to Clement, from his sojourn at Philippi, to his resi- dence in the imperial city. About three-and-twenty years had elapsed since Peter and Paul suffered martyrdom, and two Bishops, Linua and Anacletus, had successively discharged the pastoral office, when Clement was summoned to the episcopate. As a companion of the Apostles, he would be held in reverence, and his authority would be appealed to, as of one whose information was drawn from the fountain head,f " having their preaching still sounding in his ears, and their traditions before his eyes." But not being an Apostle, he had to contend with numerous difficulties, from unreasonable and mischievous men, who reluctantly submitted to his authority. "We may gather some idea of the opposition with which he had to con- tend, from the earnestness with which Paul urges Timothy and Titus, and from the character which he draws of the persons who were likely to dispute their apostolical call and influence. (1 Tim. iv. 12, 13; 2 Tim. iii. 2 ; Titus ii. 7, 8.) If Simon Magus had withstood Peter at Rome, there would not be wanting some of his heretical progeny to contend with Clement on the same ground. Notwith- standing, however, the difficulties which, presented themselves, the prospects of Clement were bright and cheering, inasmuch as he beheld the church rising from every fresh assault with increased vigour and strength. The severity of the times frequently called upon him to be ready to lay down his life for his flock. Domitian vexed the church. The Jews, unsubdued by the fall of the temple, and their subsequent dispersion, were still in continual expectation of the coming of their Christ, whose name they vociferated in the midst of seditious uproar and tumult. The reigning tyrant became alarmed, and the Christian was involved in the crimes of the Jew. The church in Rome received the first and heaviest strokes of Domi- * Barton's Lect. on the Eccles. Hist., &c., lect. xiii., p. 13. t See the frequent reference which Irenseus makes to the testimony of men who were in the same succession with Clement. The passages are brought together in Dr. Routh's Reliquiae Sacra, vol. i. J " Qui et vidit Apostolos, et contulit cum eis, et cum adhuc insonantem prwdica- tionem Apostolorum, et traditionem ante oculos haberet." (Irenaeus, Adv. Heron., lib. iii , cap. 3.) VOL. I. 2 R 306 BOOK IV. CHAPTER I. tian's scourge. The false and horrible charges, which had been pro- pagated against the Christians in gone-by days, were repeated, and the imputation of membership at once subjected the accused to the dungeon. Here was enough to try the piety, fortitude, and zeal of one who possessed more calculating policy and temporizing sagacity than Clement could claim ; but he was indefatigable in confirming the wavering, cheering the desponding, preparing the martyr for his suf- fering, administering comfort to the bereaved, combating the expostu- lations of those who wished to drop some badge of their profession, the importance of which they thought light compared with the danger to which it exposed them, or to adopt the screen of some observance which they were unwilling to consider sinful under such pressing necessity ; calming the terrors of the weaker brethren, and, amid this distraction of the crew, directing, like a good helmsman, a steady look-out upon the course of the labouring vessel : * these were the cares of Clement, and he weathered the storm.-)- Though the accession of Nerva extinguished the flames of the perse- cution which raged so fiercely during a portion of Domitian's days, the fire remained, concealed, it is true, but smouldering in the ashes, waiting only for fuel and a breeze, to break forth in its former inten- sity and vigour. The situation of the Christian was at all times perilous. He was surrounded by idolatry, the usages of which met and thwarted him in almost every occurrence of daily life, exposing him to the scoff and ill-treatment of those around. His principles were recognised when he refused to join a party of friends in the amusements of the circus, when he declined the office of the Magistracy, when he omitted to set up lights and laurel at his door in honour of Caesar, when, in executing a contract, he was required to swear, or was understood to swear, by the name of some heathen god ; when, if a carpenter, he refused an application to make an image, or some appendage to heathen worship ; if, when a smith, he was called to gild a statue ; if, when a druggist, he refused to sell frankincense for sacrifice ; if, when a schoolmaster, he appointed no holidays for the festival of Saturn. The Christian, in a word, walked on volcanic ground : every day furnished fresh scenes of vexation and persecu- It was during the episcopate of Clement in Rome, that a griavoiis schism arose in the church at Corinth, in which some turbulent persons attacked the Clergy, and excited the laity against them. This was the occasion of great evil : many professing Christianity began to entertain doubts with regard to its truth ; while infidels failed not to take advantage of this state of things, and to asperse the whole church for the faults of a few. Clement was induced to write an epistle to that community ; which production of the early church approaches so near the apostolic writings, in the union of devout feeling with justness and sobriety of thought, that it was frequently read in the churches, though never received into the sacred canon. Ensebius terms it a " great and wonderful " writing ; and Irenaeus designates it as " most powerful." The main object of the epistle was to allay the dissensions which had arisen in the Corinthian Church, and especially to repress the unruly spirit shown by many against their Teachers. He then recommends charity, lauding it in terms similar to those of Paul ; and having stirred them up with examples of faithful devotion among the Gentiles, concludes with renewed exhortations to subordination, winding up with a solemn prayer to God, the all-seeing Ruler, the Master of spirits, and Lord of all. The spirit of this letter is remarkably mild and unassuming, and the style unpretending. f Evans's Biography of the Early Church, p. 21. CLEMENT. 307 tion.* It was in one of these outbreaks, that tradition says, Clement suffered. f It is stated that he was sent into banishment by Trajaii beyond the Euxiiie, with two thousand Christians, when he opened a spring of water to those in the wilderness, who were condemned to the mines. Afterwards, being accused to the Emperor, he was thrown into the sea with a millstone fastened about his neck ; and not long after his body was cast up, and buried at the place where the well was miraculously made. This account is rejected by Foxe.| The fact is, we are destitute of all authentic records of a persecution so early in Trajan's reign as this ; and the story of the banishment and subsequent martyrdom of Clement, is by no means credibly sup- ported. Before the treatment of the Christians had undergone any change in the councils of the Emperor, Clement had breathed his last. Clement was succeeded by Evaristus, of whom nothing is recorded on the pages of history worthy of being remembered. In certain decretal epistles which are imposed upon the world as the production of the apostolical Fathers, are found two, which are said to have pro- ceeded from the pen of Evaristus, and that he himself suffered mar- tyrdom ; but how he suffered, and with what constancy he died, and what was the general conduct of his earthly career, we are not told. Alexander was his successor, who is said to have converted many of the Senators of Rome to the faith of Christ ; amongst whom was Hermes, a man of influence in the imperial city, whose son being * This enumeration is taken from a list of grievances and stumbling-blocks given by Ti-rtullian in his curious and interesting Treatise De Idololatria. (Evans's Biography.) f Butler says, that Ruffinus and Pope Zosimus recognise Clement as a martyr. In the ancient Canon of the Romish mass, he is ranked also in that category : " But Teles- phorus, the seventh Bishop of Rome, is the first who was acknowledged as such by Irenaeus, whose authority is of far greater weight than that of Ruffiuus or Pope Zosi- mus, who suppose him to have died for the confession of the faith. In the Act* of Clement, to which Gregory of Tours gives entire credit, and after him many others, especially the two credulous Annalists, Baronius and Alford, in his Annals of the British Church, we read, that Clement was banished by Trajan, into the Chersonesus, beyond the Euxine ; that there he caused a fountain to spring up miraculously, for the relief of the Christians confined to the same inhospitable region ; that he con- verted the whole country to the faith, which provoked the Emperor to such a degree, that he ordered him to be thrown into the sea, with an anchor fastened to his neck : it is added, that on the anniversary of his death, the sea retired to the place where he had been drowned, though three long miles from the shore ; that upon its retiring, there appeared the most magnificent temple, all of the finest marble ; and in the temple a stately monument, in which was found the body of the saint ; that the sea continued thus retiring every year on the same day, not daring for the space of seven days to return to its usual bounds, that the Christians might, at their leisure, and without apprehensions of danger, perform their devotions in honour of the saint. To crown the whole, they add, that one year, a mother, having heedlessly left her young child in the temple, upon her return the following year, she found it not only alive, but in perfect health." (Bower's Lives of the Popes, vol. i., p. 17-) t " Forasmuch as I find of his martyrdom no firm relation in the ancient authors, but only in such new writers of later times, which are wont to paint out the lives and histories of good men with feigned additions of forged miracles, therefore, I count the game of less credit : as I do also certain decretal epistles, untruly (as may seem) ascribed and entituled to his name. Eusebius, in his third book, writing of Clement, giveth no more of him, but this : ' In the third year of the above-mentioned reign, (Trajan,) Clement, Bishop of Rome, committed the episcopal charge to Evaristus, and departed this life, after superintending the preaching of the divine word nine years.'" (Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. iii., cap. 34.) Foxe's Acts and Monuments, vol. i., p. 111. Seeley's edition. London, 1K-J3. 2 R 2 308 BOOK IV. CHAPTER I. dead was raised to life by Alexander.* This Prelate lias the credit of being the first inventor of the holy water in universal use by the Church of Rome.f The Greek Church, also, has introduced it into their ceremonies. Water which has been consecrated by prayer, and other rites, is employed to sprinkle the faithful, and things which are used during divine service. It is placed in vases at the doors of churches and chapels, and also within the sacred edifices, from whence the con- gregation may asperse themselves. | Platina, in his " Lives of the Popes,"' following the authority of the celebrated Decretals of the Romish hierarchy, unhesitatingly attributes the invention of this Popish device to Alexander, much to the chagrin of Baronius, inas- much as he thereby deprives the Apostles of an honour which the Annalist declares is due to them. The Roman Martyrologies inva- riably adorn Alexander with the martyr's wreath. Florilcgus, the author of " Flores Historiarum," affirms, that Alexander, Bishop of Rome, was beheaded seven miles out of the city ; but with this account none of the chronicles agree. That nothing of any moment attended the death of this man, is evident from the simple statement of Eusebius : " In the third year of Hadrian's reign, Alexander, Bishop of Rome, died, having completed the tenth year of his minis- trations." There is reason to believe, that not many years of Trajan's reign had passed away, before a series of attacks was made upon the Chris- * Foxe's Acts and Monuments, vol. i., p. 113, t At least, such is the language of the Roman Decretals. But very little is recorded of the acts and monuments of Alexander, or any other Bishop of Rome, of this period. Notwithstanding, documents are thrust upon us, crowded with iajunctious, laws, and pompous decrees, which are far morn becoming the policy of the Papal Church in the present day, than the simplicity and godly sincerity which pervaded the Christian community during the times of the holy Apostles. Alexander is represented as giving publicity to the following decree : " Aquam sale conspersam populis henedicimus, ut ea cuncti aspersi sanctificentur, et purificentnr. Quod et omnibus Sacerdotibus faciendum esse mandamus. Nam si cinis vitulae sanguine aspersus," &c. (Corp. Juris Canon., torn. i. Decret. iii., Paris. De Consecrat., Dist. iii., cap. 20, p. 467. Colon., 1779.) " We bless the water mixed with salt, upon the people, that all men being sprinkled therewith may be sanctified and purified ; and this we command all Priests to do. For if the ashes of an heifer sprinkled with blood sanctified and cleansed the people, how much more does water mingled with salt, and consecrated by divine prayer, sanctify and cleanse ! And if the unfruitfulness of the water were healed by the salt thrown in by Eliseus the Prophet, how much more shall salt, rendered sacred by holy prayer, take away the unfruitfulness of other things, sanctify, and cleanse, and purge those which are polluted, multiply all good, turn away the snares of the devil, and defend men from the artifices of evil spirits '. '' t " Holy-water is often found in the bed-rooms of the Papists, and is used before prayer, particularly before going into bed. The Romanists consider it an effectual exorcism. In Rome, animals are also sprinkled, on a certain feast, with holy water, to keep them healthy and thriving. The same thing is done at Moscow, where there is a particular church to which the horses are annually driven for this purpose. It does not appear that vessels were placed at the doors of churches for washing the hands till the fourth century, or that the water was blessed or consecrated till the sixth." (Henderson's Theol. Diet.) Popery, we have seen, disputes the latter opinion. " If we trace up this ' holy water ' to the fountain-head, we shall find that it arises from an unhallowed spring, from the lustral water of the Pagans : peace being restored to the church by Constan- tine, the Christians began, as a modern writer well observes, to adopt the ceremonies of the Gentiles." (Bower's History of the Popes, vol. i., p. 22. Quarto. London, 1750. See also Le Sueur's Histoire del'Kglise et de 1' Empire, vol. i., p. 219. Quarto. Amster- dam, 1730. Euseb., Higt. Eccles., lib. iv., cap. 4. SYMEON. 309 tians in the eastern part of the empire. The first Dacian campaign of the Emperor was not fully completed, until the country was sub- dued by the defeat and death of Decebalus. The martyrdom of Symeon, the second Bishop of Jerusalem, is generally supposed to have taken place in the year 104. Symeon was the son of Cleopaa, who was brother of Joseph. Thus he was reputed cousin-german to the Lord. His mother was Mary, sister of the Virgin. He was in the vigour of ripe manhood when the long-expected Saviour revealed himself to the world in one of the members of his own family. In what position Symeon stood as a disciple of our Lord, is not known. He might have been one of the seventy, since we may reasonably suppose that his Master, who intended to place him hereafter in so conspicuous a situation in his church, would give him this earnest and foretaste of its duties, and mark him out to the church by this token of his approbation. Be that as it may, the Christian commu- nity in Jerusalem had to endure much suffering and peril. In one of the murderous riots with which the Jews assailed the flock of Christ, they threw its Bishop, James, the brother of the Lord, down from the battlements of the temple, and then stoned him until he expired.* Symeon was elected by the church in the place of James, who M r as frequently called upon to withstand fearful perversions of the truth, and the unholy falsehoods, and audacious forgeries of many, who, in this infant church, jeopardized the eternal salvation of the flock. In process of time, a succession of iniquitous and rapacious Governors goaded the Jews onward to their fatal rebellion. The attention of these great persecutors was too fully absorbed with their own concerns, to heed the condition of the church. The prophecy of Christ was rapidly unfolding itself. The portentous signs which he had bidden the Jews to expect, were already blazing in the sky. What must have been the feelings of Symeon, when the fiery sword hung in the atmosphere over his dying country for a whole year ! -f Now his vigilance was put to the severest proof. Symeon had to preach righteousness, and to win over, and save, as many as possible of the unconverted. But as it was in the days of Noah, so it was in these. The Jews were accustomed to hor- rors ; and hence the small probability of their listening to the words of the heaven-taught teacher. They kicked against the pricks : all warnings, whether from a human or a divine source, were alike unavailing. They yielded to the suggestions of the evil one, until they rushed to the brink of the precipice, and plunged down headlong. During this momentous period, the household of faith were calmly waiting the, end. The first signal had already been given : Jerusalem was encompassed with armies. (Luke xxi. 20.) Christian hymn and prayer ascended amid the execration of the doomed. The temple, where murderers, and no longer righteousness, lodged, had, without doubt, ceased to be frequented by the flock of Christ. What an awful interval of suspense was this, when all the haunts of their devotion, all the monuments of the religion of their fathers, all the * Kuseb., Eccleo. Hint., lib. ii., cap. 23. t Joseph. De Bello .hid., lib. vi., cap. v., sect. 3. .310 BOOK IV. CHAPTER I. spots consecrated by the Lord's presence, yea, their own places of assembly for prayer, were shortly to be mingled with blood, smoke, and fire, in one undistinguished ruin ! At length the signal of the Lord came. Symeon and the church were warned to quit the devoted city, and take refuge in Pella, a city in the mountainous country beyond Jordan.* An interruption in the siege afforded them free passage, and there they heard of their country being wiped out from the tablet of nations, and of unnumbered myriads of their countrymen being slain or sold. We have no means of ascertaining the length of time in which the church sojourned at Pella : doubt- less, it returned when the troubles of Judea were composed, and the axe and mattock had done their work in Jerusalem. At Pella, the Christians dwelt among the Heathen. Jerusalem, desolate as it was, would furnish them with some retreat.f Roman vengeance had not destroyed the Mount of Olives, nor Mount Calvary, nor the Mounts Zion and Moriah, however they might have rooted up the Garden of Gethsemane, and the streets through which the Redeemer had ridden in triumph to the temple. Symeon was instrumental in re-establishing the church on her ancient locality.^ We know but little of the civil history of the Jews during this period. They had ceased to give any uneasiness to the Romans, and many who had escaped the siege and its consequences, were allowed once more to settle among the ruins of the city, or in the neighbour- ing towns. This indulgence may, in some degree, be attributed to Agrippa, whose good fortune did not leave him after the ruin of his country. The insignificance of the Jews as a people did not fail to advance the interests of the church at Jerusalem. Profound peace prevailed. But we are unacquainted how far the Emperor Domitian's cruelty affected the Christians at Jerusalem. The same jealousy which characterized him, concerning the persons descended from David, influenced Trajan, and was the cause of Symeon's martyrdom. As the population of Jerusalem increased, after being re-occupied, probably the jealousy and suspicions of the Roman government revived ; and as the Jews were still eager in their expec- tations of a leader sent from heaven, they found it expedient to turn the attention of their conquerors to the Christians, who were con- stantly confounded with the Jews. It was also well, nay, universally, known, that the Christian would rather die, than renounce his belief in the Son of David ; and the person who was acknowledged as the head of the Christian world was a descendant of David. Symeon was charged at the tribunal of Atticus, the Proconsul of Syria, both with being of the seed of David, and a Christian. In consequence of this, he was put to the torture for many days, and bore the long * Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. iii., cap. 5. t Epiphanius, De Mens. et Pond., cap. 14, says, that in Hadrian's time, the Chris- tians had a church erected on the site of the upper chamber, to which the Apostles retired after the Lord's ascension. If so, -we must understand Josephus's account of the erasing of the city, (Bell. Jud., lib. vii., cap. i., sect. 1,) with some trifling excep- tion. (Evans's Biography.) 1 Evans's Biography of the Early Church, p. 47. Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. iii., cap. 20, 32. PLINY THK YOUNGER. 311 and sharp agony with such fortitude, as to excite the surprise of the Governor and the spectators, who wondered how an old man of a hundred and twenty years could endure it.* At length, he was condemned to be crucified. Mr. Evans has justly observed, that " with the death of Symeon, a thick veil descends upon the history of the church at Jerusalem for many successions." f Christianity had spread with unequal success in numerous quarters ; but in no country had it advanced with greater rapidity than in the northern provinces of Asia Minor, where the inhabitants were of very mingled descent, neither purely Greek, nor essentially Asiatic, with a considerable portion of Jewish colonists, chiefly of Babylonian or Syrian, not of Palestinian, origin. It was here, in the province of Bithynia, that polytheism first discovered the deadly enemy which was undermining her authority. It was here also that the first cry of distress was uttered, and complaints of deserted temples, and less frequent sacrifices, were brought before the tribunal of the govern- ment. The memorable correspondence between Pliny and Trajan, is the most valuable record of the early Christian history during this period. Paganism claimed the alliance of power to maintain its decaying influence.. Christianity proceeded in its silent course, im- perfectly understood by those who were around, of manifesting con- tumacious repugnance to the common usages of society. This con- tumacy, according to the recognised principle of passive obedience to the laws of the empire, was viewed as deserving the severest punish- ment. Pliny had but recently been intrusted with the government of Bithynia and Pontus. He soon found himself at a loss to deter- mine by what rule of justice or of law he should direct his conduct in the execution of an office the most repugnant to his humanity. No sooner had he entered upon his duties, than his attention was called to the spread of Christianity in those provinces. The temples were deserted, the rites of Paganism neglected, purchasers were no longer found for the sacrifices, and multitudes were brought before his tribunal charged with being Christians. Pliny had never assisted at any judicial proceedings, in his character of Advocate, against this people, and he was totally uninformed with regard to the nature of their guilt, the method of their conviction, and the degree of their punishment. Similar accusations had been made before this time to Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. iii., cap. 32. t " I Lave placed," says Dr. Burton, "the death of Symeon in 104. Lloyd and Dodwell place it as late as 116 ; but the more usual date is 107, the only authority for which is the Chronicon of Eusebius. This work certainly seems to mention the death of Symeon hi the tenth year of Trajan : but it is generally acknowledged, that Euse- bius connects different events together, without intending to assert that they happened at the same time ; and in the present instance he, perhaps, meant to speak of the death of Symeon as the first transaction of importance in the persecution which happened under Trajan. Pearson places the death of Symeon earlier than 107. (De Success., p. 9.) Ruiuart and Baratier assign it to 104; and the latter (p. 73) quotes Dio as saying, that Pahnas was Governor of Syria in 105, 106, and 107-" (See Tillemont's Memoires.) t The conjecture of Pagi, that the attention of the Government was directed to the Christians by their standing aloof from the festivals on the celebration of the Quinde- cenalia of Trajaii, is extremely probable. (Milman.) 5 Milraan's History of Christianity, vol. ii., p. 140. 312 BOOK IV. CHAPTER I. other provincial Governors, during tlie reign of Trajan, and multitudes of Christians had been put to death. Pliny was not of a temper to yield to the wishes of the multitude, in carrying into effect a bar- barous policy, without full consideration. In this perplexity the Pro- consul had recourse to his usual expedient of submitting to the Emperor an account of the new superstition, requesting him to solve his doubts, and instruct his ignorance. The following is the epistle : "It is an inviolable rule with me, Sir, to make reference of all those things, wherein I doubt, to you ; for who is better able either to direct my judgment, or instruct my ignorance ? I have never yet witnessed any of the proceedings against the Christians ; and, there- fore, I am quite at a loss what punishment ought to be administered, and to what extent ; and how far it is proper that any inquiry should be made after them. Nor am I at all clear, whether any dif- ference should be made for age, or whether those of tender years should be treated with the same severity as adults ; also, whether repentance should entitle to a pardon, or whether he who has once been a Christian should gain nothing by ceasing to be one ; also, whether the bare profession, unaccompanied by any criminal conduct, should be visited with punishment, or only crimes which may be con- nected with the profession. In the mean time, I have adopted this course with those who have been brought before me as Christians : I ask them, whether they are Christians : if they confess to it, I repeat the question a second and a third time, accompanied with threats : if they persist, I order them to be led to punishment ; * for of this I never doubted, that, whatever their opinions might be, a contuma- cious and inflexible obstinacy deserved correction. Some of those infected with this infatuation, being citizens of Rome, I have reserved as privileged persons to be sent thither. But the crime spreading (as is usually the case) while it was actually under prosecution, more cases soon occurred. An anonymous libel was presented to me, con- taining the names of many persons, who yet denied that they were, or ever had been, Christians, and repeated after me an invocation of the gods, and offered worship with wine and incense to your image, (which, for this purpose, I ordered to be brought with the images of the deities,) and they even cursed Christ ; things which, I am told, no real Christian can be prevailed on to do : on this account, I thought proper to discharge them. Others, on being accused by an open informer, have allowed that they were Christians, but presently after denied it ; alleging, that once indeed they were Christians, but that they ceased to be such, some three years ago, others more, some even twenty years back : these, likewise, all worshipped your image and the images of the gods, and even cursed Christ : but the whole account they gave of their crime or error (whichever it is to be called) amounted only to this, namely, that they were accustomed, on a stated day, to meet before day-light, and to repeat together a set form of prayer to Christ as God, and to bind themselves by an obli- gation, not, indeed, to commit wickedness, but, on the contrary, never to commit theft, robbery, or adultery, never to falsify their * See Lardner's Works, vol. vii., p. 26, et seq. 8vo edit. London, 1831. PLINY THK YOUNGER. 313 word, never to defraud any man : after which it was their custom to separate, and re-assemble to partake in common of a harmless meal, from which last practice, however, they had desisted, in consequence of my edict, in which (agreeably to your command) I forbad such societies. This being the whole of their statement, I judged it quite necessary to examine two young women, who were said to be Deacon- nesses, by torture, in order to get at the real truth ; but I found out nothing except absurd and raving superstition. I had thought pro- per, therefore, to suspend all further proceedings, in order to consult you. For it appears to me a matter which calls for serious deliber- ation, especially on account of the great number of the persons involved, many of all ranks and ages, and of both sexes, being already under prosecution, and more will soon be in the same situation. Not that I think it impossible to check and master the evil : this at least is certain, that the temples which were nearly deserted have begun to be frequented, and the sacred solemnities which had been intermitted are again attended ; and victims, which lately were very scarce, owing to the scarcity of purchasers, are now selling everywhere. Whence it is easy to conjecture, that crowds might be reclaimed from their error, if only pardon should be promised to such as repent." Trajan, in reply to the above, says,* " You have followed just the course which you ought, my dear Secundus, in dealing with the Christians who have been brought before you ; for no specific rule can be framed so as to be of universal application. These people, however, must not be purposely sought after : if they be brought before you, and convicted, they must be punished ; yet with this restriction, that if any declares that he is not a Christian, and shall prove that he is not by the fact of supplicating our gods, however suspected for the past, let him be pardoned on his repentance." The result of this correspondence is obvious. Trajan fixed the law that the mere fact of being a Christian was a capital offence, but with these restrictions, that offenders were not to be sought out, that ano- nymous charges were not to be received against them, that it was only when an open accuser appeared that any case was to be proceeded in, and that even then pardon was to be extended to those who recanted. The state of the church was left in very great uncer- tainty, and the condition of the Christians would be different in dif- ferent places, according to the character, and number, and relative position of Heathens and Christians. In some parts of the empire the church was undisturbed ; in others, accusations were openly lodged against the professors of Christianity, and many were put to death. The edict of the Emperor, which required the formality of an accuser before the courts of law, threw the shield of protection over the injured party. The benevolent intention of which was, however, defeated by the enemies of righteousness, who incited the people to " Trajan writes like an honourable soldier, not like a philosopher or a lawgiver studying the good of mankind. His approbation of Pliny's general conduct was harsh and severe. His saying that Christians were not to be searched for, shows an opinion of their innocence, and also some fear of them: his adding that they were to be punished, if brought before him, was scarcely just. Tertullian is eloquent upon this Inconsistency." (Vide infra.) (Key's Lectures, vol. i., p. 202.) vot. I. 2s 314 BOOK IV. CHAPTER I. avail themselves of their privilege at public assemblies of demanding of the Magistrates what they wished.* In a riotous and tumultuary manner they were induced to insist that punishment should be inflicted upon the Christians. It was seldom safe to refuse demands made in such circumstances, and the Magistrates generally yielded to the clamours of the multitude. Some, however, were sensible of the injustice thus perpetrated ; and, in consequence of a remon- strance from Serenus Granius to the Emperor Hadrian, an expla- natory imperial rescript was addressed to Minutius Fundatus, the successor of Serenus, by which tumultuary proceedings were prohi- bited, and regular indictments and formal proof exacted before the infliction of punishment."!" Doubtless, the main object of Pliny in writing to Trajan, was, that he might receive his sanction for extending pardon to all those who were willing to renounce the pro- fession of Christianity, and to return to their former religion. He satisfied himself, after minute inquiry, that there was no charge that could be substantiated against the new sect apart from their religion itself ; that their proceedings at their private meetings were eminently favourable to good morals ; and that so far from there being any appearance of a seditious spirit, they had discontinued their feasts of charity after they found them disagreeable to the Government. Their only crime, therefore, was their religion, so that when they abandoned it, nothing remained deserving of punishment. Besides, he shows that there was policy as well as justice in holding out the prospect of pardon in every case of retractation. He mentions, that when the persecution was at the severest, the cause of Christianity prospered. On the other hand, when milder measures were resorted to, when none were punished but those who persisted in their attachment to Christ, and when clemency was shown to all who ceased to be Christians, then many were found willing to return to the religion of the country, for the sake of safety, so that purchasers were again found for sacrificial victims, and the temples were once more filled with worshippers. Therefore, the conclusion is obvious ; that if the method which Pliny had adopted received the sanction of the Emperor, there was every reason to suppose that a check would be put to the new superstition. * Nothing could be more artful than the contrivance of the Priests to enervate and elude the law of Trajan respecting the mode of accusing the Christians. For the Presidents did not dare to regard with an inattentive ear the demands of the united commonalty, lest they might give occasion to sedition. Moreover, it was an established privilege of the Roman people, grounded either on ancient right or custom, of the exercise of which innumerable instances are to be found in the Roman history, that whenever the commonalty were assembled at the exhibition of public games and specta- cles, whether it were in the city or provinces, they might demand what they pleased of the Emperor or the Presidents, and their demands thus made must be complied with. Properly this privilege belonged to the Roman people alone, whose united will possessed all the force of a law, inasmuch as the supreme Majesty of the empire was supposed to be resident therein ; hut by little and little the same thing came to be assumed as a right by the inhabitants of most of the larger cities. When the multitude, therefore, collected together at the public games, united in one general clamour for the punish- ment of the Christians at large, or of certain individuals belonging to that sect, the Pre- sidents had no alternative but to comply with their demand, and sacrifice at least several innocent victims to their fury. (Mosheim's Commentaries.) t Welsh's Elements of Church History, vol. i., p. 267. PLINY THE YOUNGER. 315 Notwithstanding the attempts of Gibbon and Mosheim * to charac- terize Pliny as a man exceedingly moderate and candid in his temper, and from whom flowed, in one perennial stream, the milk of human kindness, he was a bitter, an uncompromising, and cold-blooded per- secutor. Out of his own mouth will we judge him. Because Pliny had never assisted at any judicial proceedings against Christians, and because he knew of no precedent for his conduct as a Magistrate when Christians were brought before him, are we warranted in saying, that there were no general laws or decrees of the Senate in force against the Christians ? Though the Proconsul had never been pre- sent at any examinations of these persons before coming to Bithynia, the way in which he speaks of such investigations shows that he had often heard of them : and whether there were general laws or decrees of the Senate in force against the Christians, or no, is a subject of little importance ; for Pliny knew that men were to be put to death for being Christians ! He expresses no doubt upon this question ; he asks for no instructions. He knew his duty, and he acted upon it ; for he put many to death simply for this reason. The main point on which he wished for information, was, whether he might not pardon those who repented. He does not object to the practice of receiving anonymous charges ; he expresses no sorrow on account of the multi- tudes who were likely to be subjected to punishment. He views the question solely as one of state, or rather of religious policy ; and his object is not so much to save the shedding of human blood, as to preserve the interests of those who were connected with the heathen worship, and to maintain the honours of the ancient religion. The fact that such a Magistrate sentenced to death all those brought to his bar who persisted in their adherence to Christianity, and that he did not find himself warranted to extend final pardon to those who retracted without the sanction of the Emperor, speaks volumes as to the condition of the Christians at that period, as to the state of the laws, and as to what might have been endured in other quarters, where there were Governors less considerate. From the whole tenor of Pliny's letter, it is obvious that the general understanding was, that the mere fact of being a Christian inferred the punishment of death, f Well might Tertullian exclaim, with reference to this rescript of the Emperor, "0 sentence necessarily confounding itself! He for- Mr. Gibbon remarks, " The life of Pliny had been employed in the acquisition of learning, and in the business of the -world. Since the age of nineteen, he had pleaded with distinction in the tribunals of Rome, filled a place in the Senate, had been invested with the honours of the Consulship, and had formed very numerous connexions with every order of men, both in Italy and the provinces. From Aw ignorance, therefore, we may derive some useful information. We may assure ourselves, that when he accepted the government of Bithynia, there were no general laws or decrees of the Senate in force against the Christians ; that neither Trajan nor any of his virtuous predecessors, whose edicts were received into the civil and criminal jurisprudence, had publicly declared their intentions concerning the new sect ; and that, whatever proceedings had been carried on against the Christians, there were none of sufficient weight and authority to establish a precedent for the conduct of a Roman Magistrate." (Decline and Fall, vol. ii., p. 419. Milman's Edition. 8vo. London, 1838. See also Mosheim's Kccles. Hist. Edit. Soames, vol. i., p. 132. 8vo. London, 1845; Mosheim's Commentaries, vol. ii., p. 48.) t Welsh's Elements of Church History, vol. 1., p. 452. Note KK. 2 s 2 316 BOOK IV. CHAPTER I. biddeth that they should be inquired after, as though they were inno- cent ; and commandeth that they should be punished, as though guilty ! He spareth and rageth, winketh and punisheth ! Why, O sentence, dost thou overreach thyself? If thou condemnest, why dost thou not also inquire? If thou inquirest not, why dost thou not also acquit ? For tracking robbers through all the provinces, military stations are allotted. Against men accused of treason, and public enemies, every man is a soldier. The inquiry is extended to the accomplices, even to the accessaries. The Christian alone may not be inquired after, but may be brought before the court, as though inquiry had any other object than to bring him thither ! Ye con- demn him, therefore, when brought before you, whom none would have inquired after, who, I suppose, hath already deserved punish- ment, not because he is guilty, but because, when not to be inquired after, he was found ! So then, neither in this do ye act towards ua according to the rule of judging malefactors ; namely, that to others ye apply tortures, when they deny, to make them confess ; to the Christians alone, to make them deny : whereas, if it were a sin, we should indeed deny it, and ye by your tortures would compel us to confess it. Nor could you think that our crimes were, therefore, not to be inquired of by examinations, because ye were assured by the confession of the name, that they have been committed, seeing that to this day, from one who hath confessed himself a murderer, though ye know what murder is, ye, nevertheless, extort the whole train of circumstances touching the act. Wherefore, it is with the greatest perverseness that, when ye presume our guilt from the confession of our name, ye compel us by tortures to go back from our confession, that by denying the name, we may of course equally deny the crimes also, of which ye presumed us guilty from the confession of the name. But, I suppose, ye do not wish us, whom ye deem the worst of men, to die ! For thus, doubtless, ye are wont to say to a murderer, 'Deny the fact;' to order the sacrilegious person to be torn with scourges if he persevere in his confession. If ye act not thus towards us as criminals, ye therefore judge us to be most innocent, since, as though we were most innocent, ye will not have us persevere in that confession, which ye know must be condemned by you of necessity, not of right. One crieth out, ' I am a Christian.' He sayeth what he is ; thou wouldest hear what he is not. Sitting in authority to draw out the truth, from us alone do ye labour to draw out falsehood. ' I am,' saith he ' that which thou askest. If I am, why torture me to unsay it ? I confess, and thou torturest me : what wouldest thou do, if I denied?' Certainly ye do not easily lend credit to others when they deny : us, if we deny, ye forthwith credit. Let this perverseness be cause of suspicion to you that there may be some power lurking in secret, which maketh you its ministers against all rule, against the very nature of judicial trial, against even the laws themselves. For, if I mistake not, the laws command, that malefac- tors be hunted out, not concealed ; prescribe that such as confess be condemned, not acquitted. This the acts of your Senate, this the man- dates of your Princes, this the Government, whose servants ye are, IGNATIUS. 317 determineth. Your rule is civil, not despotic. For with tyrants tor- tures were used for punishment also : with you they are attempered down to the examination alone."* \Ve have the authority of Eusebius for stating, that at this time the people were excited in many different places to persecute the Christians ; f but hitherto there has been little or no reason for con- necting the Emperor with these scenes of cruelty. The curtain has fallen, and other acts, and fresh scenes, are in progress. Trajan was now engaged in conquering Dacia, and had neither time nor inclina- tion to attend to the affairs of religion. The date of his return to Rome after the second Dacian war has not been determined by chro- nologists ; and there is some disagreement as to the year in which he commenced a still greater undertaking, the subjugation of Parthia and Armenia. The first place at which Trajan stayed for any length of time was Antioch, being the Roman capital of Syria, and a war with Parthia or Armenia made it naturally the head-quarters of an army invading either of those countries. The foe was an ancient and formidable rival of Rome, and it ia not unlikely that Trajan accom- panied his human preparations with every means of procuring the divine favour. Many individuals about his court would not hesitate to prejudice his mind against the Christians ; and we are told that the victories of Trajan in Dacia had excited him to seek for further fame in subduing the Christians. Seasons of public rejoicing, when the temples and amphitheatres were crowded in honour of the gods, were generally attended with some acts of cruelty towards the Chris- tians. The religious ceremonies with which he prepared for his expedition to the East may have furnished him with numerous instances of annoyance and complaint. Nothing was more easy for the adversaries of Christianity than to persuade the Emperor, that persons who would not pray to the gods for his success, could not be faith- ful subjects. If Trajan therefore entered Antioch with preposses- sions of this description, he was not likely to judge impartially when he had to interpose between the Christians and the Heathen. Ignatius was Bishop of Antioch. J The early triumphs of the Gospel in this city were remarkable, inasmuch as they were gained over the most bitter enemies, on the most disadvantageous ground. Here Peter and Paul commenced those labours which terminated only with their martyrdom. Here the followers of Christ first received the appellation of " Christians : " so that if any church Tertull. Apologet., cap. ii. t Euseb., Hist. Eccles., lib. iii., cap. 32, 33. 1 Ignatius, sornamed Theophorns, was one of the earliest martyrs of whom any authentic record remains. Nora, in Sardinia, has been mentioned as the place of his birth ; but it does not seem to possess any real claim to that honour. His parentage is equally uncertain ; and little that is entitled to credit has reached us respecting his early history. There was a current tradition that he was the child whom our Saviour set before him as a pattern of humility ; (Matt, xviii. 3 ;) hut the legend seems to have originated in a signification of which the name Qtoon the Christians Barco- chebas His Cruelty toward the Christians Insurrection of the Jews Their tem- porary Success Rufus the Prefect Julius Severus The Jews are vanquished, and experience unheard-of Cruelties Hadrian's Plan of annihilating the Jews JElia Capitolina State of the Church at the Close of Hadrian's Reign Celsus the Epicurean, attacks Christianity Is replied to by Origen Description of the Work of Celsus Dr. Doddridge and Leland quoted Death of Hadrian His Character, HADRIAN was at Antioch when he succeeded to the empire upon the death of Trajan. He was by descent a Spaniard, and of Italica, the same city where Trajan was born ; his mother's name was Domitia Paulina, of Gales in Spain. He was nephew to Trajan by his mother, others say by his father ; though some assert, that he was the son of his cousin-german, and was married to Sabina, Trajan's sister's daughter. When he entered upon the empire he was about forty years of age, and of popular talents, having in the last reign sustained the highest offices, both of a civil and military character, with great honour to himself, and usefulness to the commonwealth. His reign commenced with what would be considered by many a dis- reputable act, the abandonment of the country to the east of the Euphrates ; but it might be doubted whether the empire were really weakened by its limits being contracted. It is true that, shortly after the death of Trajan, and before Hadrian had left the East, the Parthians, and some of the nations recently conquered, resumed their former courage, and revolted ; insurrections also took place in the distant isle of Britain. All these Hadrian might with little difficulty have subdued, as he stood in need of neither courage nor force. Tra- jan insatiably thirsted after honour and fame, and seized every oppor- HADRIAN. 331 tunity to enlarge the boundaries of the Roman arm ; Hadrian's prin- cipal care was to preserve the ancient limits entire, without grasping after extended conquests : he therefore relinquished a considerable part of the territories in the East, judging Parthia, Media, Mesopo- tamia, and other distant provinces, greater inconvenience to the Roman empire than advantage ; and for the better security of con- tiguous places, he made the Euphrates the boundary and barrier, and placed his legions upon its banks. The active genius of Hadrian was withdrawn from all warlike enterprises and foreign conquests : its whole care was centred on the consolidation of the empire within its narrower and uncontested limits, and on the internal regulation of the vast confederacy of nations which were gradually becoming more and more assimilated as subjects or members of the great European empire. The remotest provinces, for the first time, beheld the pre- sence of the Emperor, not at the head of an army summoned to defend the insulted barriers of the Roman territory, or pushing for- ward the advancing line of conquest, but in more peaceful array, providing for the future security of the frontier by impregnable for- tresses ; * adorning the more flourishing cities with public buildings, bridges, and aqueducts ; inquiring into the customs, manners, and even the religion, of the more distant parts of the world ; encourag- ing commerce, promoting the arts ; in short, improving, by salutary regulations, this long period of peace to the prosperity and civiliza- tion of the whole empire.")- The personal character of Hadrian was a strange amalgamation of versatility and ambition. He was by turns an excellent Prince, a ridiculous sophist, and a jealous tyrant. J The general tenor of his conduct deserved praise ; but in the first days of his reign he put to death four consular Senators, his personal enemies, and men who had been judged worthy of empire ; and the tediousness of a painful illness rendered him at last peevish and cruel. " On the frontier," says Milman, " at the head of the army, he put on the hardi- hood and simplicity of a soldier ; disdained any distinction either of fare or of comfort from the meanest legionary, and marched on foot through the most inclement seasons. In the peaceful and voluptuous cities of the South, he became the careless and luxurious Epicurean. Hadrian treated the established religion with the utmost respect : he officiated with solemn dignity as supreme Pontiff, and at # " In a short time," says Lingard, " the state of Britain had become so precarious, as to require the presence of the Emperor Hadrian. Of his exploits, history is silent; but on the testimony of medals and inscriptions, we may believe that he expelled the barbarian*, and recovered the provinces which had been lost. If, however, his victories have been forgotten, his memory has been preserved by a military work, which was executed under his direction, and has hitherto defied the ravages of time. Convinced by experience, that the pratentura thrown up by Agricola could not confine the northern tribes, he resolved to oppose a second barrier to their incursions, by drawing a ditch and rampart across the island from the Solway Frith on the western, to the mouth of the Tyne on the eastern, coast. This mighty fortification measured in length more than sixty of our miles ; and strong bodies of troops were permanently stationed at short intervals on the whole extent of the line." (History of England, vol. i., p. 37, 12mo. edit. London, 1837.) t Milman's History of Christianity, vol. ii., p. 152. t Gibbon's Decline and Fall, vol. i., p. 131, Milman's edit., 8vo. 2 TJ 2 332 BOOK IV. CHAPTER II. Rome affected disdain or aversion for foreign religions. But his mind was essentially imbued with a philosophic spirit : * he was tempted by every abstruse research, and every forbidden inquiry had irresistible attraction for his curious and busy temper. At Athens he was in turn the simple and rational philosopher, the restorer of Jupiter Olympius, and the awe-struck worshipper in the Eleusinian mysteries. f In the East, he aspired to penetrate the recondite secrets of magic, and professed himself an adept in judicial astrology. In the midst of all this tampering with foreign religions, he at once honoured and outraged the prevailing creed by the deification of Antinous, in whose honour quinquennial games were established at Mantinea ; a city built, and a temple, with an endowment for a priesthood, founded and called by his name, in Egypt : his statues assumed the symbols of various deities. Acts like these, at this critical period, must have tended to alienate a large portion of the thinking class, already wavering in their cold and doubtful polytheism, to any purer or more ennobling system of religion. The new Emperor was not likely to entertain very favourable sen- timents towards his Jewish subjects. He had been an eye-witness of the horrible scenes which had desolated the island of Cyprus ; he had seen the Idalian groves reeking with blood, or unwholesome with the recent carnage of their inhabitants, and the gay and splendid cities reduced to the gloomy solitude of the grave. It is not impro- bable that the same mischiefs might be brooding in Palestine, and that the turbulent disposition of the Jew was one of the reasons why Hadrian, after having visited Antioch and Phoenicia, travelled into Judea. The Jews submitted very reluctantly to the sway of the con- queror ; they were only kept down by a strong military force ; and the Emperor constantly treated them as a vanquished people. Many were openly sold as slaves. An edict was issued tantamount to the total suppression of Judaism : the Jews were forbidden to circumcise their children ; while the reading of the law, and the observance of the Sabbath, were interdicted ; and, as if to insult them in their subjection, rather than to strengthen his power against them, he erected a town, with buildings after the Roman fashion, on the ancient site of Jerusalem. It is generally stated that jElia Capito- lina was built several years later, when Hadrian had suppressed the more formidable revolt of the Jews under Barcochebas. The town, however, was then newly built and colonized, and the name of Mli& substituted for that of Jerusalem ; but it is satisfactorily proved, that the erection of heathen buildings on the sacred site was the cause, rather than the consequence, of that revolt. Though amidst the " Les autres sentiments tie ce prince sent tres difficiles a connaitre. II n'embrassa aucun secte, et ne fat ni Academicien, ni Stoicien, encore moius Kpicurien ; il parut constamment livre a cette incertitude d'opinions, fruit de la bizarrerie de son caractere, et d'un savoir superficiel ou mal digere." (M. St. Croix.) t The Apology of Quadrat us was presented on Hadrian's visit to Athens, when he was initiated in the mysteries ; that of Aristides, when he became Epoptes, A.D. 131. Warburton connects the hostility of the celebrators of the mysteries to Christianity with the Apology of Quadratus, and quotes a passage from Jerome to this effect. J Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. iv., cap. 8. Milman's History of Christianity, p. 153. STATE OF THE JEWS. 333 ruins there dwelt a respectable population of Jewish and Christian inhabitants, Jerusalem had not become a place of any considerable importance since its complete destruction by Titus. It was utterly des- titute of walls and fortifications, and no attempt had been made to restore the temple, or any of the public buildings. Hadrian erected a temple to Jupiter Capitolinus on the very site of the national sanc- tuary, and the inhabitants whom he introduced were almost entirely Greeks and Romans. This was a wanton insult on the part of the Emperor, which plainly announced his intention to annihilate at once all the hopes of the Jews as to the restoration of the holy city. A town had probably risen by degrees out of the ruins ; but the formal establishment of a colony implied the perpetual alienation of the soil, and its surrender to the stranger. The Israelite looked on with die- may and with anguish, mingled with thoughts of revenge and deli- verance. It was an idea firmly rooted in the heart of the faithful sons of Abraham, that, in the darkest hour of tribulation and woe, when his children were at the extremity of degradation and wretched- ness, then the arm of the Lord would be revealed, and the antici- pated Messiah make his long-expected appearance. The Jews ima- gined that lower in the scale of misery they could not fall : their race was well-nigh extinct ; their city was not merely a heap of unsightly ruins, but the Pagans were about to make their permanent residence on the hill of Zion, and to cause a Gentile idol to usurp the place of the holy of holies. They anxiously, and in hope, waited for the signal of revolt. In the meantime, when measures of severity were adopted toward the Jews, the Christians were not likely altogether to escape. There is some reason to imagine that the Church at Jerusalem was exposed, during this period, to considerable persecution. The succession of Bishops was extremely rapid, and might naturally lead to the con- clusion, that their deaths had been hastened by some calamity : Justus succeeded Symeon in 107, and he appears himself to have been succeeded by Zaccheeus in 112. Between that year, and 125, which is a period of only thirteen years, Eusebius mentions five other Bishops, whose names were Tobias, Benjamin, John, Matthias, and Philip, which forms a singular contrast with the thirty years in which the see was occupied by James, and the forty-five years in which it was filled by Symeon. The Christians would indeed be likely to suffer more than the Jews if the common test of loyalty were pressed with stringency and vigour, and they were required to offer sacrifice and homage to an effigy of the Emperor. No Jew could listen to this mandate without abhorrence ; and if converted to Chris- tianity, his scruples would become more refined and strong. From Jerusalem the Emperor proceeded to Alexandria, where again he would be convinced of the necessity of keeping the Jews in a state of servile subjection. The late contest with this nation commenced in Africa, and in no place was it so violently prosecuted as in Alexan- dria. The struggle had reduced the greater part of the city to ruins. The Christian community suffered, not merely from without, but also from internal foes. The immediate successor of Simon Magus was 334 BOOK IV. CHAPTER II. Menander, who was doubtless in existence previous to the death of John, and flourished during the reigns of Domitian and Trajan. He made a great impression upon the people by his magical skill, and even persuaded many of his followers that they should not " see death." The monarch of the grave was, however, too powerful for him, and he left two successors, Basilides * and Saturninus ; the former of whom distinguished himself in Alexandria, and the latter in Antioch. Basilides rose to much greater eminence than Saturninus : he gathered around him a much greater party, and his theories in reli- gion were far more extravagant. He is charged with denying the necessity of martyrdom, and with allowing his followers to escape it by partaking of meats which had been offered to idols. The leading feature of his theology was to acknowledge the divinity of Christ, but not of Jesus. Christ, who was an emanation from God, was said to become united with Jesus at his baptism ; but that he neither became incarnate at his birth, nor expired with him on the cross. This doctrine, therefore, though it confirms in a remarkable manner the pre-exist- ence and divinity of Christ, entirely destroyed the notion of his atonement. Jesus Christ was merely a Preacher of righteousness, sent into the world to reveal the knowledge of the true God, and to free mankind from the tyranny of the evil principle.f Here we have a clue to the whole mystery of Gnosticism, and the various modifica- tions of it, as taught in this century by Basilides, Cerdon, Marcion, and Valentinus : it consisted in the number and arrangement of suc- cessive emanations which were supposed to proceed from the First Cause. The name of Basilides, more than that of any of the Gnos- tics, has been connected with the use of magical charms and incanta- tions. He believed in the doctrine of metempsychosis, which he had probably imbibed in the Platonic schools of Alexandria. He has also been charged with maintaining an indifference to human actions ; a principle which Carpocrates, and other Gnostics, unquestionably entertained : it is also stated, that there were several Basilidians in Alexandria, who indulged without restraint in the grossest impurities. The laxity of manners which was thus countenanced among his followers, became fearfully detrimental to the prosperity and good repute of the Christian cause, and would not escape the notice of a mind so inquiring as that of Hadrian, who was by no means blind to the ultimate bearing of the religion of the Saviour on the social condition of the empire. We have no means of ascertaining how long Hadrian continued in Alexandria, or whether he returned to Rome in the following year. He was in his capital in 121, when he celebrated the Quinquennalia, or fifth anniversary of his accession to the empire ; on which occa- sion the feast called Palilia,J in honour of the foundation of Rome, See Some Account of the Writings and Opinions of Clement of Alexandria, by John, Bishop of Lincoln, p. 263, etseq., 8vo. London, 1835. t Burton's Lectures on the Eccles. Hist, of the first three Centuries, lect. xv. t Palilia, a festival celebrated at Rome every year on the 21st of April, in honour of Pales, the tutelary divinity of shepherds. Some of the ancient writers called this festival " Parilia," deriving the name from Pario, because sacrifices were offered on that day pro partu pecoris. The 21st of April was the day on which, according to the SYMPHOROSA. 335 was observed with particular splendour, and the Emperor dedicated a temple to the Fortune of the city. These festivals were generally fatal to the Christians ; and there is strong proof that they were at this time exposed to persecution which, for a period at least, was severe and dreadful. The martyrdom of Symphorosa and her sons, which seems to rest on credible authority, is supposed by most writers to have taken place at this crisis. Symphorosa was the wife of Getu- lius,* an officer in the Roman army under Trajan and Hadrian ; but upon his conversion to the faith, he relinquished his commission, and retired into the country of the Sabines. His brother Amantius was equally zealous for the truth with himself, but retained his station of Tribune of a legion in the military service of the empire. The Emperor commanded Cerealis to apprehend Getulius in the country ; but that officer was won over by the influence of the two brothers to the profession of Christianity. Enraged at this intelligence, Hadrian ordered Licinius to condemn them to death, unless they promptly apostatized : by the sentence, therefore, of this individual, these three, with a fourth, named Primitivus, after suffering a painful imprisonment at Tivoli, were beheaded. Symphorosa, the wife of Getulius, was thus left with seven children, whom she resolved to educate in a way worthy of the parent from whom they had descended. She lived, therefore, in great privacy. She had not been long in her retreat, when Hadrian erected a stately palace in her neighbourhood, the ruins of which may still be seen, near Tivoli ; and the dedication was accompanied, as usual, with sacrifices, and other invocations of the gods. The oracle, or rather the Priests, returned for answer, " that the deities of the empire could have no rest, so long as Symphorosa and her sons were so near them, and allowed to call daily upon their God ; but that they were inclined to favour the Emperor, provided that family could be induced to sacri- fice to and worship them." This answer could not fail in having its desired effect : Hadrian, who was renowned for his piety towards the heathen deities, and alarmed at the answer which had been returned to his invocations, commanded this pious woman and her sons to be seized, and brought before him. She approached with joy on her countenance, praying for herself and her children, that the Most High would grant to her and early traditions of Rome, Romulus had commenced the building of the city, BO that the festival was at the same time solemnized as the dies nalalitius of Rome ; and some of the rites customary in later times, were said to have been first performed by Romnlus when he fixed ponuerium. Ovid gives a description of the rites of the Palilia, which clearly shows that he regarded it as a shepherd festival, such as it mast origin- ally have been when the Romans were real shepherds and husbandmen, and a* it must have continued to be among country people in his own time, as is expressly stated by Dionysiu.4 ; for in the city itself it must have lost its original character, and have been regarded only as the dies nalalitius. The connexion, however, between these two charac- ters of the festival is manifest, as the founders of the city were, as it were, the Kings of shepherds, and the founders of a religion suited to shepherds. (Diet, of Greek and Roman Antiquities.) * " This Oetulns or Oetulius," says Foxe, " was a Minister or teacher (as witness the Martyrology and Chronicle of Ado) in the city of Tibur ; which Oetulus, with Ccrialis, Amautius, and Primitivus, by the commandment of Hadrian, were condemned to the fire ; wherein they were martyred, and put to death." (Vol. i., p. 120. 8vo. edit.) 336 BOOK IV. CHAPTER II. to them grace to confess his name with constancy. At first, the Emperor endeavoured by persuasion to induce her to comply with his demands ; to which she replied, " My husband Getulius, and his brother Amantius, being your Tribunes, suffered divers torments for the name of Jesus Christ, rather than sacrifice to idols ; and they have vanquished your demons by their death, choosing to be beheaded, rather than to be overcome. The death they suffered drew upon them ignominy among men, but glory among the angels ; and they now enjoy eternal life in heaven, and I am ready to follow their example." The Emperor, changing his voice, said to her, in an angry tone, " Either sacrifice to the most powerful gods, with thy sons, or thou thyself shalt be offered, with thy children, to them, to appease their incensed powers." To which Symphorosa heroically answered, "Your deities cannot receive such a sacrifice, and should you slay me for the sake of Christ my God, those demons whom you adore will be the more miserably tormented. But can I hope for so great a happiness as to be offered, with my children, a sacrifice to the Most High ? " This reply incensed the tyrant still more, and he imme- diately ordered her to choose her death, or yield to his commands ; adding, " Either comply with my request, or you shall all miserably perish." To which Symphorosa said, " Do not imagine that fear will make me change : I am desirous of being at rest with my husband, whom you put to death for the name of Jesus Christ ;" and, further, without hesitation, assured him, " that she desired nothing more than to be united to her husband, and to follow the path which he before had trodden." Hadrian, finding Symphorosa thus resolved, ordered her to be carried to the temple of Hercules, where she was first buf- feted on the cheeks, then cruelly scourged, and afterwards hung up by the hair of her head. The tyrant, finding that these torments, and further threatenings, were unable to shake her invincible soul, gave orders that she should be thrown into the river with a great stone fastened about her neck. They were immediately executed ; and her brother Eugenius, who was one of the chief of the Council of the Tiber, took up her body, and buried it on the road near that town. On the following day, the Emperor summoned the seven sons of Symphorosa before him, to whom he appears to have been very liberal in his promises, but as violent in his threats ; exhorting them forthwith to sacrifice to the gods, and not to imitate the obstinacy of their mother. Finding them proof against all he had to say, he gave directions for seven posts to be planted around the temple of Hercules, to which pulleys and ropes were to be adjusted ; upon each one of the pious youths was to be bound, and their limbs stretched until they were dislocated. The young men, far from yielding under the violence of their tortures, were encouraged by each other's example, and appeared more eager to suffer, than the executioners were to inflict, pain. At length Hadrian, finding all his efforts unavailing to lead them to alter their resolution, commanded them individually to be slain, and each in a different manner. The throat of Crescentius, the eldest, was cut ; Julian, the second, was stabbed in the breast ; EUSTACHIUS, AND OTHER MARTYRS. 337 Nemcsius, the third, was pierced with a lance through the heart ; Primitivus, the fourth, was wounded in the belly ; Justin, the fifth, received his death-wound in the back ; Stacteus, the sixth, in the side ; and Eugenius, the youngest, was cleft asunder, from his head downwards. Hadrian is said to have visited the heathen temple the day after this tragical event, and to have given orders for the bodies of these noble martyrs to be interred in one common grave. For a short period only the persecution ceased ; and we are told, that during this interval of peace, the Christians exhumed these sufferers, and buried them with honour, midway between Tivoli and Rome. In a few months, EUSTACHIUS, a Roman Captain, was called to bear his testimony to the truth, by martyrdom. He had been sent by Hadrian on some important expedition, which he had accomplished with great success ; and the Emperor, in order to express his grati- tude to his officer, met him on his return to the capital, and desired him to sacrifice to Apollo, for having obtained the victory. The hero promptly refused, and would, neither by persuasion nor threat, be induced to comply. He was taken into custody, and conveyed to Rome, where, together with his wife Theopista, and his two sons Agapetus and Theopistus, he was condemned to death. With Eusta- chius, we enumerate, among those who " loved not their lives unto the death," FAUSTINUS and JOVITA, brothers, nobly born, and zealous professors of the Christian faith, which they preached without fear in their native city of Brescia, whilst the Bishop of that place lay con- cealed during the persecution. The ardour with which they endea- voured to propagate the truth, excited the animosity of the Heathen, and procured for them a severe, though glorious, death. Julian, a heathen noble, apprehended them ; and the Emperor passing through Brescia at the time, they were brought before him, who con- demned them to suffer, provided they refused to abandon the Chris- tian profession. Torture of the most aggravated character was in- flicted upon them ; but, it not producing the effect which was expected, they were beheaded. An individual beholding the constancy which they displayed, and the wonderful patience with which they endured the trial, concluded that they were favoured with supernatural and divine power, and, to the astonishment of the spectators, cried out, " Great is the God of the Christians !" This involuntary speech was fatal to him who uttered it : he was immediately seized, and con- demned to partake of the same fate and honour. He was crowned with martyrdom. Hadrian appears to have been led by curiosity, as well as by motives of policy, to visit in person the remote parts of the empire, and he travelled with considerable rapidity. He traversed Gaul and Britain, returned to Gaul, and passed the winter in Spain. In his progress, he was met by Italicus, the Governor of Rhsetia, who com- plaining on account of the obstinacy of the Christians in refusing to sacrifice to the gods, Hadrian ordered, that if they continued to refuse, they should invariably be put to death. Hence the martyrdom of Faustinus and Jovita at Brescia. There is every reason to believe, VOL. i. 2 x 338 BOOK IV. CHAPTER IJ. that many Christians suffered in the cause of truth while the Emperor was passing through that country. Some of them are said to have suffered at Milan ; and others to have been sent to Rome, where they would not fail to observe traces of the persecution which had lately harassed the church in that city. It was, doubtless, beginning to subside ; but Xystus, the Bishop of Rome, and some of his flock, were still concealing themselves in the catacombs : and, whatever we may think of the martyrdoms in the north of Italy, there is evidence that these excavations in the neighbourhood of Rome were used as hiding-places by the early Christians. The Papal Church has pre- served many marvellous and incredible particulars concerning these catacombs ; * and, although it is not necessary to believe that all the bones, which had been found in them, are Christian relics, the places are open for inspection, and afford indisputable evidence, that they were used for ordinances of religion, as well as for concealment. These vaults commence under the church of St. Sebastian, and extend a considerable way ; some assert as far as Ostia, a distance of about sixteen miles. This, and many other stories told of these catacombs, throw an air of suspicion over their history, and make us inclined to disbelieve the traditions concerning them. When it is asserted that fourteen Popes, and one hundred and seventy thousand Christian martyrs, were buried here, we may reasonably ask, How were the numbers ascertained with such accuracy ? But this should not make us doubt the story altogether, of the Christians having first retired into these caves as a place of refuge, and having subsequently used them as cemeteries. The origin of the catacombs at Rome and at Naples was, most probably, the samef with those at Paris, which These subterranean works first attracted general notice during the time of Augus- tus, when their extent rendered them dangerous. They then obtained celebrity as the scene of a domestic tragedy, referred to by Cicero in his oration for Cluentius. The riches of Asinius, a young Roman citizen, had excited the avarice of Oppianicus, who employed an accomplice to personate Asinius, and to execute a will in his name. The pretended Asinius having bequeathed the property to Oppianicus, and obtained the signatures of some strangers, the true Asinius was inveigled to the gardens of the Esquiline, and precipitated into one of the sand-pits. (In arenarias quasdam extra Portain Esquilinara.) It was in similar caverns that Nero was afterwards advised to conceal himself, when terrified by the sentence of an enraged Senate : on which occa- sion he made answer to his freedman Phaon, that he would not go under-ground while living. The circumstance is related by Suetonius. (Maitland's Church in the Cata- combs, p. 17.) t To the Italian traveller, and to those especially who have examined the ruins of ancient Rome, or visited the classic shores of Naples, and its enchanting environs, the fame of the ancient cement, made from a ferruginous sand of volcanic production, called pozzolana, must be well known. Not only the site of Rome itself, but the whole of the circumjacent campagna abounds inpoxzolana, and in alight hard substance, called by the Italian*, tvfo. To procure these materials on the spot, or at the least possible distance, for the construction of their gigantic edifices ; and, at the same time, not to break up and spoil the surface of the ground, but to reserve it for building, or for ornamental cultivation, the Romans opened excavations in a way very much resembling our mode of working coal-mines in England. They sank shafts of some depth, whence they extracted the pozzolana, and the tufo. Many of these shafts still remain unclosed and visible in various parts of the ground, in the more immediate neighbourhood of Rome ; nor have they escaped the notice of ancient writers. The ancients selected and exhausted the most copious veins, or rather strata, of the sand, which they wrought in such a manner, that the excavation, by the number of its wide and narrow galleries and pas- sages, which sometimes diverged from, and at other times intersected, one another, very much resembled a subterranean city, with its streets and alleys ; and still recalls to our THE CATACOMBS. 339 were undoubtedly excavations for the purpose of procuring stone. The material at Rome is much softer than the free-stone of Paris, and supplied the ancient Romans with the earth called poezolana. This, which is so abundantly diffused over the neighbourhood of Rome, is generally said to be of volcanic origin, and is used very largely for making cement. It was known to the ancients, and was called pulds Puteolanus, from the circumstance of its being found in great quantities near Puteoli. Vitruvius mentions it ; and it seems to be his opinion, as it is that of the moderns, that the same cause which produces volcanoes, is instrumental in forming this earth." * There appears to be evidence enough, that these subterraneous excavations were used by the Christians, in which to hide themselves from their persecutors. Eusebius, speaking of the troubles in Egypt, represents the Governor JEmilianus as saying, " Neither you, nor any others, shall in any wise be permitted, either to hold conventions, or to enter what you call your cemeteries." j- He mentions, also, the same prohibition as being enforced by Maximinus.J Fabian ordered several buildings to be constructed in the cemeteries ; and from Cyprian we learn that Sextus and Quartus suffered martyrdom in them. The Christians appear never to have adopted the Roman custom of burning the dead. Macrobius says, that in his time, at the end of the fourth century, the custom of burning the dead was entirely left off; and as burial within the walls was prohibited, they naturally had recourse to those places which had served as a retreat and refuge for the living. Jerome has left us a lively picture of their state during the early part of his life-time, that is, about the middle of the fourth century. " When I was at Rome," says the Monk of Palestine, " still a youth, and employed in literary pursuits, I was accustomed, in company with others of my own age, and actuated by the same feelings, to visit on Sundays the sepulchres of the Apostles remembrance what ancient authors have written, and modern travellers have verified, concerning the appearance of the Cretan and other classic labyrinths. That these subterranean corridors were commenced by the ancient Romans, and the greater part of them the work of that people anterior to the preaching of the Gospel, is certain ; though it is equally well attested, that they were arranged, enlarged, and rendered avail- able to the several purposes of sepulture, of religious worship, and of occasional resi- dence, by the persecuted Christians. (Rock's Hierurgia, p. 797. See also Lumisden'a Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome, 4to., p. 96 ; De Urbis ac Roman! olim Imperil Splendore, Opus Eruditionibus, Historiis, ac Animadvemonibus, tarn sacris quam pro- fanis, illustratum, Auctore Joanne Baptista Casalio, Romano, Romae Anno Jubilei, cap. xv., p. 56, fol., 1050; Sketches of the Institutions and Domestic Manners of the Romans, second edition, 12mo., p. 397 ; Roman Antiquities, or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans, by Alexander Adam, LL. D., seventh edition, 12mo., p. 408, el seq. ; Itinerario Instruttivo di Roma Antica e Moderna, ovvero Descrizione Generate Dei Monumenti, &c., e delle sue Adiacenze, di Mariano, Vasi, torn, ii., p. 270, Roma, 1812 ; Burton's Description of the Antiquities of Rome, 8vo. edit., p. 480, 1821. * Burton's Description of the Antiquities and other Curiosities of Rome. 8vo. Edit, p. 480. London, 1821. t Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. vii., cap. 11. The Christians called their burial-places cemeteries, Koijurjr^pia, " dormitories," because death in the light of the Gospel is a " sleep." Well may Christianity be pronounced the only true philosophy, when she arrays our greatest terrors in such a light ! t Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. ix., cap. 2. 5 Cypriani Opera, Epist. Ixxxi. Ad Successum. 2x2 340 BOOK IV. CHAPTER II. and martyrs ; and often to go down into the crypts dug in the heart of the earth, where the walls on either side are lined with the dead ; and so intense is the darkness, that we almost realize the words of the Prophet, 'They go down alive into hell ;' and here and there a scanty aperture, ill-deserving the name of window, admits scarcely light enough to mitigate the gloom which reigns below : and as we advance through the shades with cautious steps, we are forcibly reminded of the words of Virgil, ' Horror on all sides ; even the silence terrifies the mind.'" * Dr. Maitland, in his interesting work, entitled, "The Church in the Catacombs," has proved, by historical evidence, that these excava- tions were originally dug by the Pagans as sand-pits or quarries ; and then proceeds to show the manner in which the Christians became connected with them.f The arenarii, or " sand-diggers," were per- sons of the lowest grade ; and, from the nature of their occupation, probably formed a distinct class. There is reason to suppose, that Christianity spread very early among them : for in time of persecu- tion, the converts employed in the subterranean passages, not only took refuge there themselves, but also put the whole church in possession of these, otherwise inaccessible, retreats. When we reflect upon the trials which awaited the church, and the combined powers of earth and hell, which menaced its earliest years, it is impossible not to recognise the fostering care of a heavenly hand in thus pro- viding a cradle for the infant community. Perhaps to the protection afforded by the catacombs, as an impregnable fortress from which persecution always failed to dislodge, the church in Rome owed much of the rapidity of its triumph, and the preservation of its sanc- tuaries. " It appears," he further observes, " from a number of testi- monies, not, perhaps, of any great value individually, though of some weight when combined, that the early confessors were at times sen- tenced to work in the sand-pits. This species of punishment is referred to in many Acts of the Martyrs, and especially in those of Marcellus, * Hieron., Comment, in Ezekiel., cap. xl. Opera, torn, iii., col. 980. Ed. Bene- dict. Fol., Paris, 1699. t From various reasons, the caves near the present Basilica of St. Sebastian, are considered by antiquarians as having been the first occupied by the Christians. To these, in particular, were applied the expressions, ad arenas, cryptte arenaria:, and cryptte ; to which the Christians added the Greek form, ad catacumbas. The term "catacombs," therefore, signified originally, the pits about that part of the Appian Way ; and we find the phrases in calacurnbas, of the seventh century 5 and juxta, catacumbas of the thirteenth, limited to a space extending from the church of St. Sebastian, to the circus of Romulus, and the tomb of Cecilia Metella. Anastasius, in the Liber Pontificalis, must have used the words in cemeterio catacumbarvm, to designate this particular spot, as some manuscripts read, in cemeterio Callisti. Lastly, the phrase, locus gui dicitur catacumbas, is used by Gregory, in the thirtieth Epistle of the fourth book, as indi- cating a spot two miles distant from Rome, that is, the Sebastian catacombs. To sum up the history of the word, which, though of Greek form, claims no early origin, it is nowhere found in inscriptions belonging to the ancient cemeteries ; nor does it occur in history before the time of Gregory the Great, in the sixth century, from which to the thirteenth, it generally signified a part of the country near Rome. Still later it was applied, in a limited sense, to a chapel underneath the Basilica of St. Sebastian, as observed by Raoul Rochette ; and, in our own times, it has become a generic term for all subterranean passages of a certain length and tortuosity, whether they lie beneath the pyramids of the desert, or undermine the site of a modern metropolis. (Maitland's Church in the Catacombs.) THE CATACOMBS. 341 where we are told, that the Emperor Maximian 'condemned all the Roman soldiers who were Cliristians, to hard labour ; and in various places set them to work, some to dig stones, others sand.' He also ordered Ciriacus and Sisinnus to be strictly guarded, con- demning them to dig sand, and to carry it on their shoulders. Marius and his companions were sentenced to the same employment. There is, also, a tradition in Rome, that the baths of Diocletian were built from the materials procured by the Christians." The objec- tions which have been raised to the catacombs having been em- ployed as a place of refuge from persecution, founded upon the narrowness of the passages, the difficulty of supporting life, and the risk of discovery, scarcely apply to a temporary residence under- ground in times of danger. Under other circumstances, we have reason to believe the catacombs were not employed. " In the exca- vations at Quesnel, not only persons, but cattle, contrived to support existence ; added to which, we have the direct testimony of several writers. Had the intricacies of the catacombs been well known to the heathen authorities, or the entrances limited in number to two or three, they would, doubtless, have afforded an insecure asylum. But the entrances were numberless, scattered over the campagna for miles ; and the labyrinths below so occupied by the Christians, and so blocked up in various places by them, that pursuit must have been almost useless. The Acts of the Martyrs relate some attempts made to overwhelm the galleries with mounds of earth, in order to destroy those who were concealed within ; but, setting aside these legends, we are credibly informed, that not only did the Christians take refuge there, they were also occasionally overtaken by their pursuers. The cata- combs have become illustrious by the actual martyrdom of some noble witnesses to the truth. Xystus, Bishop of Rome, together with Quar- tus, one of his clergy, suffered below ground in the time of Cyprian. Stephen the First,* another Bishop of Rome, was traced by heathen soldiers to his subterranean chapel: on the conclusion of divine service, he was thrust back into his episcopal chair, and beheaded. The letters of Christians then living, refer to such scenes with a sim- plicity that dispels all idea of exaggeration ; while their expectation of sharing the same fate affords a vivid picture of those dreadful times. Chrysostom, who lived not long after the days of persecu- tion, alludes to the concealment of a lady of rank below ground. In an indignant remonstrance against the festivities held over the graves An authentic history of Stephen, daring his long residence in the catacombs, would be surpassed in interest by few narratives in the ecclesiastical archives. Some instances have been handed down to ns. From time to time he was consulted by his Clergy, who resorted to him for advice and exhortation. On one occasion, a layman named Hippolytus, himself a refugee, songht the Bishop's cell to receive instruction regarding a circumstance that preyed upon his mind. Paulina, his heathen sister, together with her husband Adrian, were in the habit of sending provisions by their tw children to Hippolytus, and his companions. The unconverted state of these relations, by whom his bodily life was supported, weighed heavily upon him, and, by the advice ft Stephen, a plan was laid for detaining the children, so that the parents were forced to seek them in the cavern. Every argument was used by Stephen and Hippolytus to induce their benefactors to embrace the faith, and though for the time ineffectual, the desired end was at length accomplished. Tradition adds, that they all suffered martyr- dom, and were buried in the catacombs. (Maitland's Church in the Catacombs.) 342 BOOK IV. CHAPTER II. of martyrs in his dissipated city, he compares with the luxurious revels into which the agapse had degenerated, the actual condition of those whose sufferings were celebrated in so unbefitting a manner. 'What connexion,' he asks, 'is there between your feasts, and the hardships of a lady unaccustomed to privations, trembling in a vault, apprehensive of the capture of her maid, upon whom she depends for her daily food ?' These circumstances prove sufficiently the gene- ral habit of taking refuge in the cemeteries on any sudden emer- gency ; and it is not difficult to understand how the concealment became practicable. On the outbreak of a persecution, the Elders of a church, heads of families, and others particularly obnoxious to the Pagans, would be the first to suffer; perhaps, the only individuals whose death or exile was intended by the imperial officers. Aware of their danger, and, probably, well versed in the signs of impending persecution, they might easily betake themselves to the catacombs, where they could be supported by those whose obscure condition left them at liberty." * The accounts which are extant of Hadrian's travels for the next three years, throw but little light upon the history of the church. He traversed nearly the whole of Asia Minor, visited Egypt, and, pro- bably, Judea. In all these countries he, doubtless, witnessed many superstitions, especially in Egypt ; and he was a close observer of these peculiarities. He spent a considerable time in Greece ; and in the year 125, he again visited Athens, when he was initiated into the Eleusinian mysteries : during the whole of this period, there is reason to believe that the Christians were exposed to great persecution. The individual whom we meet with as the successor of Dionysius the Areopagite, is supposed to have been Publius, who is said to have suffered martyrdom,j- and to have been succeeded by Quadratus. There is, however, positive evidence that the church suffered great molesta- tion during the visit of Hadrian ; and that Quadratus embraced the opportunity of presenting $ to the Emperor a defence of Christi- anity. Aristides, also, another Christian of Athens, and a philoso- pher, composed a similar work about the same period, which he dedicated to Hadrian ; and we may suppose that, from these two works, the Emperor would form a different notion of Christianity * Maitiand, The Church in the Catacombs, a Description of the Primitive Church of Rome, illustrated by its Sepulchral Remains, p. 30. 8vo. London, 1846. t The date of the death of Publius is uncertain : some place it at the time of Hadri- an's visit to Athens, and others much, later, in the reign of Marcus Aurelius. Some ascribe to this event a much earlier date. Le Sueur placed it A.n. 113. "Nous avons dit en 1'an 91, qu'a la place de Denis 1' Areopagite Publius fut etable Eveque de 1'Eglise, d'Athenes. 11 y exerca dignement sa charge jusqu'a cette annee, oil la persecution etant redoublee, il souffrit constamment le martire pour la foi qu'il avoit enseignee." (Le Sueur Histoire de 1'Eglise, et de i'Empire, torn, i., p. 222. J It is nowhere expressly stated, that the Apology was put into the hands of the Emperor by the author, or read in his presence. Jortin remarks, that -arpofftpiaveiv means to " dedicate a book," which may be done without presenting it in person. At the same time, from the character of the work, and from the interest excited respect- Ing the subject, he is disposed to think the book was certainly known to the Emperor. " Aristides, also, a man faithfully devoted to the religion we profess, like Quadra- tus, has left to posterity a defence of the faith addressed to Hadrian." (Euseb., Hist. Eccles., lib. iv., cap. 3. See also Hieron., Liber De Viris Illustrious, cap. xx.) GENEBAL PERSECUTION. 343 from that which he had collected from its interested enemies. Both these Apologies are lost, although Eusebius has preserved a small fragment of that of Quadratus ; from which we learn, that the writer had seen persons who had been miraculously cured by our Saviour ; or, at least, that some of these persons had lived to what might be called his own times.* These appear to have been the first of those inter- esting works, which, under the name of Apologies, f or defences, were addressed by the more learned of the Christians to their heathen Governors. Although Hadrian does not seem to have repelled the respectful homage of these apologists, persecution was still indulged, and the clamour of the people was recognised as the language of .the imperial throne. In many of the Asiatic cities, the apparently sullen and unsocial absence of the Christians from the public assem- blies, from the games, and from other popular exhibitions, provoked, or, at least, gave occasion for the latent animosity to break out against them. A general acclamation frequently demanded their mar- tyrdom. " The Christians to the lions !" was again the general outcry ; and the names of the most prominent or obnoxious of the commu- nity would be denounced, with the same sudden and uncontrollable hostility. A weak or superstitious Magistrate trembled before the tumultuous cry, and generally became the willing and obsequious instrument of the popular fury. It was an established privilege of the Roman people, of the exercise of which innumerable instances are to be found in the Roman history, that, whenever the commonalty were assembled at the exhibition of public games, whether it were in the city or in the provinces, they might demand what they pleased of the Emperors or the Presidents ; and their demands, thus made, must be complied with. When the multitude, therefore, collected together at the public games, united in one general clamour for the punishment of the Christians at large, or of certain individuals belonging to that sect, the Presidents, as before stated, had no alternative but to comply with their demand, and sacrifice, at least, several innocent victims to their fury. The heathen priesthood availed themselves of this custom, in order to evade the rescript of Trajan. Finding that few individuals could be induced to take upon themselves the unthankful and perilous office of accuser, they made it their business, on every favourable occasion, to excite the lower orders of the people to join in one disorderly clamour. To general and public accusations of this kind, no degree of hazard was attached ; whilst, on the other hand, it was a thing of no ordinary danger amongst the Romans to turn a deaf ear to them, or treat them with disrespect. J Under the reign * " The deeds of our Saviour were always before you, for they were true miracles ; those that were healed, those that were raised from the dead, who were seen, not only when henled, and when raised, but were always present. They remained living a long time, not only whilst our Lord was upon earth, but likewise when he had left the earth : eo that some of them have also lived to our own times." Such was Quadratus. (Euseb., Eccles. Hist., lib. iv., cap. 3.) t The word airo\