o GIFT OF BIOLOGY A Balance-Chemograph And the Excretion of Carbon Dioxide During Rest and Work. A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the De- partment of Literature, Science and the Arts of the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY fey GEORGE OSWIN HIGLEY, M. S. '93 Instructor in Chemistry, University of Michigan ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MAY, 1905 A Balance-Chemograph And the Excretion of Carbon Dioxide During Rest and Work. A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the De- partment of Literature, Science and the Arts of the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY GEORGE OSWIN HIGLEY, M. S. '93 Instructor in Chemistry, University of Michigan ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MAY, 1905 s Preface This work was done in the physiological laboratory of the Univer- sity of Michigan. The writer desires to express his thanks to Profes- sor Warren P. Lombard for his continued and active interest in this research; to Professors S. L. Bigelow and Victor C. Vaughan for valu- able suggestions; to Mr. W. P. Bowen in conjunction with whom the work of Sections III., VI., and a portion of VII. was done; and finally to friends who have so kindly served as subjects. The work outlined in these papers was carried out with the Higley and Bowen respiration apparatus described in an article published in the American Journal of Physiology, Volume XII, 4, page 311. (1904.) TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction. II. The Balance-chemograph. 1. Construction. 2. Tests. 3. Uses. III. Methods of Determining the Rate of Excretion ol Carbon Di- oxide from the Lungs. 1. Methods Previously Employed. a. Respiratory Chamber Methods. b. Mask and Mouth-piece Methods. 2. Method Employed in this Research. IV. The Relation of Carbon Dioxide Excretion to Body Weight. 1. Introduction. 2. Method. 3. Results. V. Influences which Modify the Rate of Carbon Dioxide Excre- tion during Rest. 1. Introduction. 2. Method. 3. Results. VI. The Excretion of Carbon Dioxide during Uniform Muscular Work and its Relation to the Secondary Rise of the Pulse Rate. 1. Method. 2. Results. VII. The Latent Period of Carbon Dioxide Excretion. 1. Method. 2 Results. 3. Conclusions. General Summary. 293412 A NEW CHEMOGRAPH AND SOME OF ITS PHYSIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS 1. Introduction. The graphic method dates from the invention of the Kymograph by Carl Ludwig in 1847. The superiority of this method over any meth- od which involves the observing and recording of a series of phenome- na by a single observer is obvious. "The graphic record includes more than can be grasped by any observer no matter how well trained. The records being preserved and read repeatedly, the chance of error is greatly reduced. Time relations can be worked out on a graphic re- cord with a precision which can not be approached by direct observa- tion." Applied first in the study of the character of complex cardiac and respiratory movements this method soon found numerous appli- cations in the hands of the physiologist, the physicist and the engineer. It was not until recently, however, that the chemist seriously turned his attention toward a similar application of this method to a study of the course of chemical reactions. In 1899 Ostwald 1 , while engaged in an investigation of the re- markable behavior of chromium towards acids, was led by the great ex- penditure of time required to note at frequent intervals the indications of a gasburette, to devise an apparatus which should record automatically the rate of evolution of hydrogen . The gas was caused to flow from the generator through a long capillary tube, a pressure thus being pro- duced approximately proportional to the rate of evolution of the gas. This pressure was caused to actuate a light lever by means of an ordi- nary tambour, and the curve of rate of solution of the metal was thus recorded upon a strip of paper. With this apparatus (the original chemograph) Ostwald demonstrated the periodic character of .'he chemical action; the effect upon the reaction of changes of temperature, and of concentration of acid; the effect of numerous reagents on the pe- riodicity of the action; and the synchronism of changes in the rate of chemical action with those of the electrical tension of the metal. A consideration of Ostwald's paper leads to the conviction that the graph- ic method alone could have yielded such satisfactory results in the study of a problem of this kind. So far as the writer was aware when this research was begun, no successful attempt had ever been made to determine the rate of a chem- ical change by recording the movements of a balance beam. However, in March, 1904, Professor G. N. Stewart, of Chicago University, while examining the apparatus to be described in this paper, stated that he had some time previously demonstrated the change in weight of a dialy- zer filled with cane-sugar solution and suspended from the arm of a balance in a solution of pure water. By means of a lever attached to the arm of the balance, a curve of change of weight of the dialyzer was recorded upon a drum. Professor Stewart's paper was read at a meet- ing of the Chemical Society of Owens College, Manchester, England, but was published only by title. The idea of securing a continuous record of the carbon dioxide ex- haled from the lungs by recording the movement of a balance, was sug- gested by Prof. W. P. Lombard as a possible means of explaining the changes in the pulse rate resulting from muscular work. Bowen 2 had found that in all vigorous work there are two well marked stages of increase in pulse rate, which are often separated by a period of uni- form rate. First, there is an immediate and rapid rise, the primary rise, and later a more gradual secondary rise. The primary rise oc- curs so promptly after the beginning of work (latent period .8 of a sec- ond), that it could not be caused by the direct action of waste pro- ducts on the heart centers. The secondary rise, however, which be- gins, with the most vigorous work done in the research (852 Kilogram metres per minute) one minute and twenty seconds after the beginning of work, might have been caused by the direct inffuence upon the heart of some waste product. The discovery of Loewy 3 that tartaric acid, introduced into the jugular vein of an animal, markedly increas- es the respiratory volume, seemed to indicate that acid waste products thrown into the blood during the work might also be the cause of the secondary rise in pulse rate noted by Bowen. One of these acid waste products, carbon dioxide, was looked upon as a possible cause of the phenomenon mentioned. It was, therefore, believed that a graphic re- cord of the changes in rate of excretion of this substance, placed by the side of the curve of the pulse rate- might throw light on the cause of the change of the latter and could not fail to be of interest. II. THE BALANCE-CHEMOGRAPH *T;~. 1. Construction. The apparatus for absorbing carbon dioxide and recording upon a blackened paper its rate of flow, is constructed as follows: (Fig. 1, El- evation). It consists of a Ruprecht lecture-room balance, capable of carrying a load of 6 kilograms in each pan and of turning to 5 milli- grams. To the beam there was attached a copper tube one and one- half centimeters in diameter as shown by figure 2. Dry air contain- ing carbon dioxide, enters at A through a short piece of very thin rub- ber tubing made of a surgeon's finger cot, passes through the portion designated by the arrows to the end of the beam and downward through two rubber connections like that just mentioned, and a glass tube D (Fig. 1) to the chamber for the absorption of carbon dioxide. 5 FIGURE 1. This figure represents an elevation of thechemograph. The air enters at A and takes the direction shown by the arrows. C is the absorbing apparatus, and C' the counterpoise. Four gram-weights are placed upon the left beaker, and the lever- points thereby deflected upwards on the drum (I). The curve of carbon dioxide ab- sorbed in C, is written downward to the right upon the drum. FIGURE 2. A horizontal section through the beam and balance tubes. The air passes through those portions only which are designated by arrows. suspended upon the arm of the balance. (C Fig 1.) From the ab- sorption apparatus the air passes upward through similar connections to the balance-tube C, back on the opposite side of the balance-beam to the center, where it leaves the balance through another piece of rub- ber tubing, and then passes into guard tubes G' and G", which will be described later. Absorption apparatus. (C, Fig 1). Several forms of absorption apparatus have been used in connection with the chemograph. That constructed for use in work experiments has been most employed and will be described here. Since there was a question of removing the carbon dioxide from air flowing at the rate of 30 litres per minute during work, the absorp- tion apparatus is necessarily large. It consists of a beaker 20 centi- metres in diameter at the top, and 50 centimetres deep, with cover of thin copper, provided with openings two centimetres in diameter, into which are fitted the inlet and outlet tubes. The air passes downward into the beaker through a thin glass tube 2 centimetres in diamoler, to within about 2 centimeters of the bottom of the beaker, ending In an open space 3 centimeters deep and of a diameter equal to that of the beaker. (This open space was left because it was thought that the carbonic acid gas would thereby be more uniformly distributed through- out the whole cross-section of absorbent placed above.) The air now rises through about 5 kilograms of coarse, carefully screened soda-lime, and then through glass-wool covered with phosphorus pentoxide to hold back dust and the last trace of water formed in the reaction. This beaker when charged weighs about 5% kilograms. It is counterpoised by another beaker of the same exterior volume filled with spent soda- lime. Recording Apparatus. In order to record the movements of the balance, there is attached to the end of the balance-beam a steel loop which engages the short arm of the light lever (E, Fig 1), made of two .straws placed side by side and tipped, at the short end, with a steel wire, and at the long end with a piece of parchment paper. By meajis of an arrangement (F, Fig. 1) which. will be clear from the figure, the fulcrum of the lever may be adjusted vertically, transversely, and hor- izontally. On the short arm of the recording lever (40 millimetres in length) there is placed a movable weight, by an adjustment of which the long arm (350 millimetres in length) is made to slightly preponder- ate. The lever records upon the drum the movements of the balance- beam magnified nine times. Since much depends upon the accurate ad- justment of the writing lever upon the paper, the kymograph is set upon a base provided with ball-bearings and with two springs working against a screw, so that the kymograph may be rotated around a ver- tical axis and thus the drum be quickly and accurately adjusted to the recording lever at any time. Attached to the frame of the kymograph is a vertical brass rod to which are clamped three slender brass springs which extend horizontally and whose points may be brought into light contact with the paper on the drum. The middle one marks the level of the center of the fulcrum of the recording lever. This marker when once adjusted is, of course, never disturbed. The upper and low- er ones draw lines marking the upper and lower limits of the excur- sion of the lever-point during calibration. They are readjusted from time to time as may be necessary. It has been already stated that the rubber connections of the bal- ance were made very light in order to avoid, as far as possible, inter- ference with the free movements of the balance. In order now to be able to write a curve of considerable length, representing, for example, a mass of five grams, it became necessary to diminish by some means the sensibility of the balance while interfering, as little as possible, with the uniformity of its movement. There was, therefore, attached to the frame of the balance, about ten centimetres from the central knife-edge, a steel yoke (H, Fig. 1) passing over the beam. From this yoke there was suspended a coil, five centimetres in length and about one centimeter in Diameter, made of phosphor-bronze wire .83 millime- tres in diameter. This coil was attached at its lower end to the upper side of the beam of the balance by means of a hook, which together with the yoke could be set at any desired distance from the central knife-edge. A set screw, with a check-nut by which the upper end of the coil is attached to the yoke, admits of an adjustment of the tension of the spring at the will of the operator. Adjustment of tension. The balance is brought into equilibrium with spring disconnected. The spring is now attached to the beam and brought into a state of tension by turning the screw at the upper end of the coil, after which weights are placed upon the pan on the same side until equilibrium is again restored. In most of the work done with this apparatus the spring has had an initial tension of four grams. We have here a combination of the beam and the spring balance. This apparatus was subjected to a series of careful tests in order to ascertain whether the records inscribed by it upon the blackened pa- per were of any value. Tests of the balance: 1. Calibration. A careful test was made of the amount of vertical deflection of the end of the recording lever on the blackened drum produced by a mass of five grams. This was done as follows: The balance was brought into equilibrium. The beam was now arrested and five gram-weights were placed upon the counterpoise beaker; this produced an angular deflection of the beam of about 1 de- gree 45 minutes, and a vertical deflection of the recording lever-point of about 73 millimetres. After a delay of about 30 seconds to allow the lever to assume its position of rest, the screw controlling the posi- tion of the drum was carefully turned until the blackened paper was brought into light contact with the writing lever, and the kymograph was started and allowed to run until a short horizontal line had been drawn by the point of the recording lever upon the paper. The beam was now arrested, the weights removed, the beam again released, and the writing lever again allowed to come into a position of equilibrium. The kymograph was now started as before and a second light horizon- tal line drawn upon the paper. The vertical deflection of the writing point is a measure of the mass of five grams. This process was repeat- ed many times, the weight being alternately added and removed to find out the accuracy with which the point of the writing lever returned to the same level as the drum. It was found that at the beginning of work, after the apparatus had stood for some hours, there was some irregularity at the first two or three movements of the beam. However, after a few minutes the movements became quite uniform. Starting, now, from the highest position of the recording lever, the gram weights were removed, one by one, the position of rest of the point of the lever being marked at each step by a short horizontal line as in the preceding case. X X FIGXJRES 3A and 3B show the results of calibration of the chemograph with 5 gram- weights. The distances XX' are the vertical deflections of the recording-lever point for a mass of 5 grams added to the pan, The numbers represent the vertical deflec- tion, in millimetres, of the lever point for ONE gram. A calibration of at least one series is made at the beginning of each experiment and often at the close also. TABLE I (A). Millimetres. Millimetres. Millimetres. Millimetres. Series I. Series II. Series III. Average. Upper gram 15.4 15.1 14.7 15.06 Second gram 15.3 15.0 15.0 15.1 Third gram 15.2 15.3 14.7 15.1 Fourth gram 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.63 Fifth gram (14.2) (13.9) (13.3) Total deflection . ..60.5 60.0 59.1 TABLE I (B). Series I. Series II. Series III. Average. Millimetres. Millimetres. Millimetres. Millimetres. Upper gram 14.4 14.7 14.7 14.6 Second gram 15.1 14.8 15.0 15.03 Third gram 14.8 14.8 14.5 14.7 Fourth gram 14.7 14.6 14.5 . 14.6 Fifth gram ....(14.0) (14.5) (14.4) Total deflection . ..59.0 58.9 58.7 Fig. 3 A and Table I A show the results of one of these calibrations 9 in which are given the deflections due to one gram. Omitting the low- er or fifth gram of each in A, we have the following averages. 15.06 15.1 15.1 14.6. The total deflection for four grams is, in the three series, 60.5, 60, and 59.1 millimetres, respectively. The extreme varia- tion in deflection for the four grams is 1.4 millimetres or 2.3 per cent, and the greatest variation from the average of 0.7 millimetres, or 1.35 per cent. The greatest variation in deflection for a single gram (omit- ting the lower or fifth gram in each series) is 0.8 millimetres or 5.2 per cent.; the greatest variation from the average is 0.36 millimetres or 2.4 per cent. Figure 3 (B) and Table I (B) show the results of a calibra- tion of the same apparatus, with slightly different tension in the spring. In this case the greatest variation in deflections for 4 grams and 1 griim are 0.3 millimetres or 0.5 per cent, and 0.6 millimetres or 4 per cent., respectively, and the greatest variation from the average, 0.2 millime- tres or 3.2 per cent., and .38 millimetres or 2.5 per cent. The results of numerous calibrations shou ing that the deflection fcr the lower or fifth gram invariably gives low values, the use of this portion of the arc has been discontinued. 2. Test with a weighed quantity of mercury. A small crystall- izing dish, previously weighed upon a fine balance, was placed upon the right beaker, and the balance brought into equilibrium. Four gram weights were now added to the left beaker and the point of the lever thereby deflected vertically upward about 58 millimetres upon the drum. The usual calibration with 4 grams having now been made, the drum was started and a slow stream of mercury was allowed to flow into the crystallizing dish from a simple apparatus with capillary de- livery tube. There was thus described upon the drum a short horizon- tal line, followed by a more or less regular curve inclining downward toward the right. Finally when about two grams of mercury had be on allowed to flow in this manner into the crystallizing dish, the addition of mercury was discontinued, and the curve caused to end in a horizon- tal line. The beam was now arrested and the crystallizing dish re- moved. The vertical deflections of the writing lever due to the suc- cessive addition and removal of four grams in the initial calibration process were now determined. The average of these values is, of course, the graphical equivalent of four grams. From this there waa readily obtained the modulus of the balance, viz.: the number of milli- grams represented by one millimetre of vertical distance upon the drum. The vertical distance between the initial and final positions of the writing lever in the experiment with mercury was now measured, and the weight of mercury added obtained by multiplying the modulus by this value. Finally the crystallizing dish with its contents was re- weighed upon a fine balance, and the weight of mercury thus deter- mined compared with that obtained by the graphical method. 10 TABLE II. Showing the results of calibration of Balance with Mercury. Vertical deflecti'n for one gram * Modulus M Initial height of writing point h. Final height of writing point rh' Weight graphi- cally deter- mined (h.h')M Weight on fine balance Error Per cent. Error Millime- tres 11.63 0.0859 Millime- tres 82.5 Milli- metres 55.9 2.287 2.273 + 0.014 + 0.61 11.63 0.0859 55.9 26.4 2.537 2.5695 0.0326 1.26 11.63 0.0859 83.0 58.5 2.148 2.1624 -0.0144 0.66 11.63 0.0859 58.5 34.6 2.055 2.0707 0.0152 0.70 14.57 0.0686 88.0 66.9 1.447 1.4331 +0.014 +0.98 14.57 0.0686 66.9 34.5 2.2237 2.2172 +0.0065 +0.29 14.57 0.0686 87.8 59.9 1,9149 1.9092 +0.0057 +0.3 14.57 0.0686 59.9 24.3 2.4434 2.4424 +0.001 +0.04 14.58 0.0686 88.0 76.0 0.823 0.847 0.024 2.8 14.59 0.0686 76.0 62.3 0.9396 0.9282 +0.0114 +1.23 14.59 0.0686 73.3 59.3 0.953 0,9488 +0.0031 +0.40 14.59 0.0686 59.3 42.7 1.139 1.177 0.0213 1.9 *Experiments 1-4 were made by the use of a brass spring; the fo! 1 owing experiments with a phosphor-bronz spring of quite a different tension. This accounts for the widely different values of the modulus. The results of a series of such tests are shown in Table II, in which there are given: Vertical deflection in millimetres of the lever- point for one gram added to the pan: Modulus (M) or the weight in grams corresponding to one millimetre deflection; initial height of writing lever-point "h"; Final height of lever-point h'; weight of mercury as graphically determined, (h-h') M; Weight of mercury as determined on fine balance. Error + or , and per cent of error. It will be observed that the error was generally positive, and varied in the different experiments between .001 and .0326 grams, the average error being about .014 grams, or approximately .7 per cent. 3. Test with uniform current of Carbon Dioxide. It will thus be seen that the working of the chemograph is more uniform and accu- rate when the weight is added gradually as in the case of the mercury and without arresting the motion, that when the weights are added a gram at a time with the necessary arrest of the beam. It was now thought desirable to test the character of the curve written by the lever as the result of a practically constant addition of weight to the absorp- tion apparatus. Accordingly a current of carbon dioxide, as uniform as possible, was caused to flow for even minutes through the apparatus, the drum meanwhile revolving uniformly. The result was a smooth 11 curve about 30 centimetres in length, which was a very close approxi- mation to a straight line, measurements showing that at no point was the deviation from a straight line greater than .7 millimeters. This experiment was repeatedly performed with practically the same re- sult. It is evident that when the recording lever has reached the lower limit of the arc, the beam may be arrested, and additional weights add- ed without interrupting the experiment and with a loss of only a small portion of the curve. This may be repeated for hours, enabling the op- erator to determine both the course of the reaction throughout its whole extent and the total weight of gas absorbed. The method of determining the rate of the reaction during any pe- riod is as follows: With a radius equal to the length of the long arm of the recording lever, and with the proper points on the central reference line as centres, arcs are drawn cutting the time line at the beginning and the end of the desired period, and also the curve of carbon dioxide. The vertical distance between the two intersections of the carbon-diox- ide curve by these arcs is the measure of the amount of that gas ab- sorbed during the time cut off below. The modulus of the apparatus having been determined as described earlier, the rate of absorption be- tween the desired limits is readily determined. 4. Test with a weighed quantity of carbon dioxide. A series of experiments were now carried out with carbonic acid gas. There was set up a carbon dioxide apparatus consisting of a small fractionating flask provided with a dropping funnel and delivery tube, to which was attached a drying tube filled with pumice stone and sulphuric acid. Into this flask there was brought a quantity of a saturated solution of sodium carbonate, while sulphuric acid was placed in the dropping fun- nel. The apparatus was now carefully weighed, after which it was at- tached to the drying tube of the chemograph, a current of pure air free from carbon dioxide was drawn through it at the rate of half a litre per minute, and the sulphuric acid was slowly dropped upon the carbons *e. The gas thus produced, diluted with seven litres per min- ute of purified outer air was drawn through the absorption apparatus of the chemcgraph, the kymograph drum meanwhile revolving at a uniform rate. This experiment was repeatedly tried, with the follow- ing results. No. Weight Carbon Dioxide. By Loss in Weight. Graphically. Error. Per Cent Error. 1. 2.4 2.33 .07 2.9 2. 3.548 3.487 .061 1.7 3. 1.810 1.815 .004 0.03 4. 2.933 2.83 .103 3.5 5. 3.152 3.192 .040 1.2 12 3 Uses. It is evident that this form of chemograph may be used in a study of the course of many chemical reactions in which gas or vapor is evolved, since the apparatus will evidently write a curve of loss in weight as readily as of gain in weight. It is only necessary to pTace the generator upon the pan of the balance, to make the usual adjust- ments, and allow the process to continue as long as desired. A tracing of the course of a reaction in which there is an escape of hydrogen will, perhaps not be practicable with this apparatus, on account of the lightness of that gas. However, the curves of rate of loss of water, ammonia, carbon dioxide, etc., may be readily written. III. METHODS OF DETERMINING THE RATE OF EXCRETION OF CARBON DIOXIDE FROM THE LUNGS. 1. Methods Previously Employed. A great variety of methods have been employed by different investi- gators to determine the rate of excretion of carbon dioxide from the lungs. The methods are of two types: Respiratory Chamber Meth- ods and Mask or Mouth Piece Methods. a. Respiratory Chamber Methods. The earliest form of respiratory chamber was a simple bell jar in which a small animal was confined, in some cases until asphyxiation resulted. Samples of the inclosed air were taken, as desired during the course of the experiment and at its close, and analyzed for carbon dioxide and oxygen. Such a method was made use of by Black 4 . Priestly 5 Lavoisier and La Place 6 , r-nd others. It has recently been successfully employed by Haldane and Smith 6 in a study of the ques- tion of existence of odorous sutstances in the air exhaled by a human subject. This method is, of course, open to the objection that there is a constant diminution in the amount of oxygen present in the cham- ber, and a correspcnding increase in respiration products v.ith dis- turbance of the normal respiratory exchange. In order to remove the objectionable features of this primitive apparatus, Lavoisier suggested two improvements which resulted in the development of two distinct forms of respiratory chamber which are in use at the present time. In the first form, that of Regnault and Reiset, the air of the chamber is circulated by means of pumps through a system of purifying tubes charged with concentrated sulphuric acid and with potassium Hydrox- ide for the removal of water and carbon dioxide respectively; the oxy- gen is brought up to the normal amount by addition of a fresh supply from a gasometer and the air returned to the chamber. This apparatus has been employed in a modified form by Hoppe-Seyler and Stroganow' Pfluger and Colesanti 8 . and Atwater and Benedict 9 . Lavosier's second modification WP.S developed by Scharling 10 . An animal was placed in a chamber consisting of a large cask, provid- 13 ed with inlet and outlet tubes. Air freed from carbon dioxide was drawn through the chamber, the moisture and carbon dioxide in the out-going air being absorbed by concentrated sulphuric acid and po- tassium hydroxide respectively. Samples of the air in the cask at the beginning and the end of the experiment were also taken and analyzed. Since it w^as found difficult to maintain a sufficient ventilation and at at the same time to secure complete absorption of carbon dioxide and water, Pettenkofer 11 modified this apparatus in the following man- ner: The total volume of air drawn through the chamber was deter- mined by means of a meter. Continuous samples of the air entering and leaving the chamber were also taken, measured, and analyzed for carbon dioxide and water; the difference in the content of carbon diox- ide and w r ater in the two sample's multiplied by the ratio of the total ventilation to the volume of the samples, gave the amount of carbon di- oxide and water exhaled by the subject. Pettenkofer's apparatus was further improved by Tigerstedt 12 , was given a capacity of 100 cubic metres, and has since been extensive- ly employed by Johannsen 13 , Atwater and others. This apparatus has many points of excellence some of which are as follows: (1) It admits of experiments of indefinite length. (2) It admits of making experiments upon eighteen or more per- sons at once, thus enabling the experimenter to obtain average values. (3 In its most complete form as employed by Atwater 14 , it performs the w r ork both of a respiration apparatus proper and of a ca- lorimeter, giving results which are comparable in accuracy to those ob- tained by the use of the combustion calorimeter and the combustion furnace. Quite recently there has appeared a respiratory chamber method by Jacquet 15 . In respect to capacity of chamber there is here a de- parture from modern methods, as it holds only two or three cubic me- ters. However, the samples of air, taken at intervals of one hour, are collected over mercury, and analyzed by the very accurate Petterson and Hogland method thus permitting a determination of oxygen as well as carbon dioxide. (b) Mask and Mouthpiece Methods: The first quantitative study of the respiration was made with the Mask method by Lavoisier 16 . This investigator in 1790, read, before the French academy, a paper in which a new method was described. The subject wore a mask (tete du cuivre) connected with a gasometer containing air. This air after passing into the lungs of the subject was exhaled through a huge tube filled with caustic potash solution, the increase in weight of which represented the carbon dioxide. Method of Speck 17 . According to this method the subject, with closed nostrils, breathes through a mouth-piece from a spirometer, the air being collected in a second spirometer. At the close of the ex- periment a sample of air is drawn from the expiration spirometer and 14 its percentage of carbon dioxide and of oxygen determined by absorp- tion with barium hydroxide and pyrogallol respectively. Method of Geppert and Zuntz 18 . According to this method the expired air is forced through a carefully calibrated gas meter and its volume accurately measured. Samples of the air are taken by means oi a special sampling device which is operated by the gas-meter itself. A number of tubes each with a capillary at the upper end, are filled to the tips with acid water. These are connected to a lowering device which is driven by a belt running over a pulley on the main axis of the gas-meter. As the air passes through the gas-meter the pulley re- volves, the leveling tube connected with the collecting apparatus is gradually lowered and the collecting tube is thus filled with air, whose composition has been found to represent quite accurately that of the air passing through the meter. These samples of air are then analyzed for carbon dioxide and oxygen, and there is thus obtained both the car- bo ndioxide excreted and the oxygen absorbed, giving, of course, the respiratory quotient. Method of Hanriot and Richet 19 . The method of these investiga- tors is beautiful in principle. The outside air is drawn through an ac- curately caibrated gas-meter, is then inspired by the subject and ex- pired through a second gas-meter. It now passes through an absorp- tion apparatus charged with concentrated potassium hydroxide solu- tion which dissolves the carbon dioxide, after which it is measured by a third gas-meter. If v represents the volume of inspired air, v 1 that of the expired air, and v" that of the expired air deprived of carbon di- oxide, it is evident that v 1 minus v 11 represents the volume of carbon dioxide excreted, and v minus v 11 represents the volume of oxygen absorbed. 2. Method Employed in This Research. Each of the methods outlined above has its excellent features and has contributed to our knoweldge of the respiration process; however, as a careful study showed no one of them to be adapted to a determin- ation of the rate of change of carbon dioxide excretion, within short intervals of time, such as was demanded in this research, Mr. "W. P. Bowen and the writer 20 devised the apparatus now to be described. The subject breathes through a mask with valve-chamber for the separation of the inspired and expired air. The latter is dried by means of sulphuric acid, and is then freed from carbon dioxide by pass- ing through the chemograph as described in a preceding section. The air now passes in succession through two guard-tubes and a gasometer and to a suction pump. The apparatus, which with the exception of mask, chemograph and pump, is shown in figure 4, is constructed in the following manner: Mask. The subject respires through a mask made as follows: A 15 copper wire 2 millimetres in diameter is so bent as to fit over the bridge of the nose and the face, inclosing nose and mouth. A piece of heavy tin is then bent in the same form, that of an ovoid about 11 cen- timetres in length and 8 centimetres broad at the widest part. This is soldered to the wire, making the sides of a box about 4 centimetres in depth and rather closely fitting the face. The space between this edge and the face, is made air-tight in the following manner: A rubber tube, such as is used on the Townshend ether inhaler, is stretched on over the wired edge and fastened with cement. By inflating the tube and closing it off by means of a clamp, a cushion filled with air is brought between the face and the wired edge of the mouth piece. A sheet of rubber is stretched over the front of the box, and firmly ce- mented and wired in place. This is then pierced in the center and through it passes a short glass tube 1.2 centimeters in diameter, which is attached to the valve-chamber. Especial care was taken to make the volume of the tubes between the mouth and the valves as small as possible. The mask is held firmly to the face by wide elastic bands passing around the head. Valve-chamber: (V, Fig. 4). The valve-chamber is of the same general form as that used by Zuntz and S'chumburg", except that it is made of glass instead of metal, thus permitting a view of the work- ing of the valves. It consists of a large T tube, 20 centimetres in length and 4 centimetres in diameter, with a side tube 1.2 centimetres in di- ameter, to which the mouth piece is attached. The valve seats are JFf] FIGURE 4. The respiration apparatus except ni'sk, chemograph and pump. Out-door air eaters at O. R is the bag. The dryiag apparatus and guard tube are shown at G. A and B connect with the tubes of the chemograph T is an auxiliary tube with adjustable valve, by means of which the flow of air through the main circuit may be regulated. 16 of cork covered with thin sheet-rubber fastened on with rubber ce- ment. The openings are about 1.5 centimetres in diameter; the valves are made of thin sheet-rubber stiffened above with a disk of very thin aluminum foil attached by means of rubber cement. The out-door air enters the lower end of the valve-chamber through a wide glass tube. (0). From the valve-chamber the air passes into a rubber balloon hold- ing when moderately distended about 3 litres. At each expiration this balloon is somewhat inflated, but is deflated through the chcmograph by the action of the pump during the next inspiration. There is thus a substantially uniform delivery of air to the chemograph. It is often convenient to cause the expired air to pass for a time di- rectly to the pump without passing through the chemograph. For this purpose a shunt is introduced in the main circuit beyond the balloon. Drying Tubes. The apparatus for the removal of moisture con- sists, essentially, of a U tube 75 centimetres in length and 4 centimetres interior diameter, filled with coarse pumice stone saturated with con- centrated sulphuric acid. This tube is followed by a guard tube (G Fig. 4), about 25 centimetres long, filled in the same manner. The com- pleteness of the action of the preceding tube may be seen in the fact that the guard tube in no case gained more than .01 grams, and usually less than ,005 grams, during an experiment in which air saturated with water vapor, and flowing at the rate of 30 litres per minute, pass- ed through the train for 30 minutes. From the guard tube the air flows through the absorption beaker of the chemograph, passing then through two guard tubes G' and G" filled with pumice stone and sulphuric acid. The first of these tubes in an ordinary work experiment shows a gain of only .05 grams; the weight of the second remains practically unchanged. The air pass- es now, at the will of the operator, through a shunt tube containing clear lime-water as a test for the presence of carbon dioxide, then through an Elster gas-meter and to the pump. Suction Pump. In order to relieve the lungs of the subject from the labor involved in forcing the expired air through the tubes and gas- meter, the latter is connected to the suction side of a number 2 Amer- ican blower, capable of drawing air through the entire apparatus at the rate of 30 litres per minute. This amount of air is sufficient for a subject engaged in moderate muscular work, but its rate of flow is not equal to that at which air passes trom the lungs during a vigorous act of expiration. The balloon previously mentioned is introduced in the circuit in order to permit the subject to exhale freely, the air expelled at one expiration being drawn from the balloon by the pump during the next inspiration. It has already been stated that the suction pump is capable of drawing 30 litres of air per minute through the respiration apparatus. Since, however, in rest experiments the subject needs only 6 to 8 litres 17 of air per minute, some system of regulation was needed whereby the amount of air drawn through the apparatus could be adjusted at will. There was therefore introduced above the gasmeter a side tube (T Pig. 4) provided with an adjustable valve. When this valve is closed there is drawn through the train the amount of 30 litres per minute; when the valve is open the resistence of the short side tube is so slight that little or no air passes through the train. The handle of the valve pass- es over a graduated arc. A preliminary calibration process enables the operator to so set the valve that any desired volume of air up to 30 litres per minute will pass through the train. Some of the advantages claimed for this respiration apparatus are the following: (1) As a result of the excellent fit of the mask and of the relief afforded to the respiratory organs by the combination of balloon and suction pump, the conditions approach very closely to those of normal respiration. In fact, it has several times happened that a subject has fallen asleep during a rest experiment, after the mask had remained continuously upon the face for from one to three hours. (2) This method permits of a determination of the carbon dioxide excreted during normal respiration within 2 per cent. (3) This method obviates the necessity of taking samples of the expired air, and of making long and tedious analyses followed by com- plicated calculations. At the close of an experiment lasting an hour or more the total weight of carbon dioxide excreted by the subject may be. ascertained in five minutes or less. (4) By reason of the capacity of the chemograph to register changes in rate of absorption of carbon dioxide, the whole course of ex- cretion can be determined. IV. THE RELATION OF CARBON DIOXIDE EXCRETION TO BODY WEIGHT. 1. Introduction. Considerable work has already been done in this field by Zuntz" Johanssen 23 , Magnus-Levy 24 , Tigerstedt and Sonden 25 and others. The average results given in the form of carbon dioxide excretion per kilogram of body weight per minute are widely variable, as will appear by reference to Table III. 18 TABLE III. Showing the Relation of Carbon Dioxide Excretion to Body Weight. Carbon Dioxide Conditions of Experiment. - Excretion Observer, Grams per Kilogram and minute. 1. Complete rest in bed; average for 24 hours 0048 Johansson. 2. Complete rest, sitting; average for 24 hours 00516 Johansson. 3. Complete muscular rest 00512 1 .00484 j Zuntz ' 4. Ordinary rest in bed, average for 24 hours 00578 Johansson. 5. Complete muscular rest reclining from 9:35 a. m. to 7:21 a. m 0058 Magnus-Levy. 6. Complete muscular rest, fasting 00594 Magnus-Levy. 7. Nine persons sitting quietly, 10 a. m. Tigerstedt until 3 p. m .00792 and Sonden. 8. Five persons doing no muscular work; Tigerstedt average fasting value 00756 and Sonden. 9. Nineteen persons muscular rest, reclin- ing, 3:20 to 5:30 p. m..: .0063 Higley. These variations arise partly because the subjects during the ex- periments were in different degrees of muscular rest, and partly be- cause the experiments were made at various lengths of time after meals, thus involving the variable work of the digestive organs. The great difference between the carbon dioxide excretion during absolute rest and during merely relative rest has been well shown by Johanssen. These experiments in which Johanssen himself, was the subject, were in part carried out while the subject was in the state or ordinary rest in bed and in part while all muscular tension was avoided as far as possible. In the former experiments the average carbon dioxide ex- cretion per kilogram of body weight per minute was .0059 grams; in the latter series the average was only .0054 grams, a difference of 8.6 per cent. The posture of the subject also has a great influence on the intensity of the gaseous exchange. Thus Johanssen found the carbon dioxide excretion while the subject was sitting, to be 1.5 grams per hour more than while he was reclining, a difference of 7%. Katzen- stein has observed, in parallel work, a difference of from 12 to 22% for this difference of posture. 20 The experiments of Vierordt 26 , Speck 27 , and others have sho\vn that the rate of excretion of carbon dioxide is increased 40 per cent as a result of the digestion process. This increase is attributed to the in- crease of work of the body due to the increased activity of the digestive organs, and also in part to conversion of carbohydrates into fats with separation of a large percentage of the oxygen of the former as carbon dioxide (Hanriot 2S ). From these results it follows that a uni- form rate of excretion of carbon dioxide per kilogram of body weight in the case of a number of subjects or even with the same subject can not be expected, unless the experiments are carried out at approximate- ly the same hour, and at about the same length of time after a meal which is approximately the same as to amount and character. A number of persons, mainly medical students, having volunteered to act as subjects, the writer carried out experiments on the rate of excretion of carbon dioxide per kilogram of body weight. It is not claimed that the experiments now to be described wero carried out in an ideal manner, since the subjects were under the con- trol of the experimenter only during the 20 minutes immediately pre- ceding the experiment. Furthermore, in most cases the subjects had had no previous experience in similar work. However, the experi- ments were carried out at approximately the same time of day, the subjects partook of their midday meal at about the same hour, and the work of the subjects was about the same during the hours that inter- vened between the meal and the experiment. The subjects were engag- ed for the most part in Physiological laboratory work during the hours that intervened between the pj eceding meal and the experiment. All the subjects were apparently in good health except that two were troubled at the time with indigestion and two had colds. (2) Method. The experiments were conducted as follows: Each subject in turn reclined upon a couch for about 15 minutes preceding the beginning of the work. The mask was now adjusted and, at the end of a further period of 5 m'nutes the experiment began. Great pains were taken that the subject should be in a state of as complete muscular rest as possible. (3) Results. The results are shown in table IV in which are giv- en: sex; age; weight of subject (exclusive of clothing) in pounds and kilograms; date; time elapsed since preceding meal; length of experi- ment; carbon dioxide excretion in grams per minute, and in grams per minute per kilogram of body weight; remarks. 11 TABLE IV. Table Showing Relation of Body Weight to Carbon Dioxide Excre- tion: No Weight without . Sex Age Clothing Date Ibs Kilos Mo. Day Hr. Time H,ength Carbon PerMin. & Since of Ex- Dioxide Kilo Body Preced perim't Excretion Weight Remarks ing Minut's Per Min. Grams. Meal Grams. 1 M 23 135 61 5 3 7 3 50 3.5hrs. 10 .400 0065 2 M 167 76 3 7 4.20 4 10 393 .0056 Adipose tissue 3 M 20 137 62-2 3 9 4-40 4 25 10 377 C06 4 M 20 3 9 5-00 4-75 10 -348 5 M 21 137 62-2 3 14 4.00 4 6 -410 0065 6 M 20 126 57-3 3 14 4-20 4 7 .420 0073 7 M 20 139 63-2 3 14 5-20 5 7 417 (.0066) Catarrh infec'n 8 F 30 107 49 3 16 4.15 4 8 .297 006 9 F 19 112 51 3 16 4.45 4.5 6 .341 .0067 10 F 30 176 580 3 16 5 30 5-20 6 .442 -0'>55 Adipose tissue 11 M 20 33 60.2 3 18 4.00 3-75 4 -366 0061 12 M 21 115 52-3 3 18 4-15 4 3 .283 -0054 13 M 22 145 66 3 18 4.30 4 5 .503 (.0076) Nausea 14 M 21 162 73-6 3 19 3-20 3 6 .465 .0063 15 M 27 190 86.4 3 19 3-20 3-5 5 -552 .0064 16 M 22 129 58 3 19 4-00 3 5 .368 .0063 17 M 25 15* 71-6 3 19 4.00 3-5 = 549 .0076 18 M 24 135 561.2 3 21 3-50 3-5 5 .376 0061 19 M 26 154 570 3 21 4.00 3-5 7 -463 (.00f6) Slight nausea 20 M 26 1x4 8?. 9 3 21 4-35 4.25 5 .583 .0069 Athlete 21 M 21 139 63-1 3 21 5-00 4 5 4 .458 .0073 22 M 163 74-1 3 21 5.20 5 5 .418 .0056 Adipose tissue 23 M 45 14' 63.5 3 25 9 9 .361 -0057 24 M 29 154 70 3 28 5.30 5 ' 3 .431 (.0062) Catarrhal in'fn Average .0063 In this average all bracketed numbers are omitted. The results are also shown in a curve (Fig. 5), with body weight in kilograms as abscissae, and grams of carbon dioxide excreted per minute as ordinate. The curve was drawn as follows: The points rep- resenting the excretion of the various subjects were first plotted in the usual manner. The average excretion of carbon dioxide per minute per kilogram of body weight (.0063 grams) having been found, the to- tal excretion per minute was calculated for a hypothetical person hav- ing a body weight of 50 kilograms. This formed one point on the curve of average excretion. The value for subject 14 which coincided with the average, formed a second point. These points were now con- nected by a straight line giving, of course, the curve of average excre- tion for a subject of any weight. This average, it will be observed, is approximately the mean of the lowest result obtained by Johanssen .0048 grams (see table III) and the highest result by Tigerstedt and Sonden .00792 grams. It is about 5% higher than the average of the results of Johanssen and Mag- nus-Levy (experiments 4, 5, and 3, table III). This result was ob- tained on a class of persons who were for the greater part exceptionally vigorous. Furthermore, with few exceptions, the subjects were acting for the first time as subject in a respiration experiment. Had the ex- periment been repeated several tims with each subject, the average re- sults would perhaps have been somwhat lower than that given in table III. 3. Results: It will be noted that the rates of excretion of carbon di- 22 oxide of subject number 8, a woman having a body weight of 40 kilograms, and of number 15, a man weighing 86.4 kilograms, was nearly the saino, the value for each closely approximating the average; also that the sub- jects whose values vary widely from the average, belonged, for the greater part, to one of these two classes, a. Those whose values are represented on the chart by Ad. The low results in these cases (2, 10, 22) was probably due to the large amount of adipose tissue present in the body, since the metabolism in this form of tissue is very weak. b. Those whose values are represented by N on the chart. Those indicated in this manner were troubled with indigestion, number 13 having had severe nausea, and number 20 slight nausea at the time of the experi- ment. 4. Conclusions. 1. In a series of experiments such as that described in this sec- tion, the results are modified somewhat, in individual cases, by the state of health of the subject. Colds and indigestion apparently increase the rate of excretion of carbon dioxide per unit of body weight. 2. The amount of carbon dioxide excreted per kilogram of body weight is apparently greatly lowered by adipose tissue present in large amounts in the body of the subject. V. INFLUENCES WHICH MODIFY THE RATE OF EXCRETION OF CARBON DIOXIDE DURING REST.* Introduction. This work was suggested by that of Lombard^ on "Some of the influences which affect the power of muscular contrac- tion." In that research, which was made with the ergograph, Lombard found that, in general, there was a fall of muscular power during the day, this result being noted on eighteen out of a series of twenty-three days. However, on certain days, the fall in power due to fatigue was slight and on five days the power was greater at the last experiment than at the first. These exceptions led to the suspicion that barometric changes had an influence on muscular endurance. When later a com- parison was made between Lombard's endurance curve arid the curve of barometric height, it was found that, while no constant relationship existed between the two variables, they varied in the same sense on twenty out of twenty-three days; i. e., in general "when the barometer rose during the day, or fell less than on the preceding day, the muscu- lar endurance either rose, or fell Jess than on the preceding day." It has been shown furthermore, that while a diminution of baro- metric pressure increases both the respiration rate and the volume of air respired, after allowance is made for the increase of volume due to the lower pressure the volume respired is less (Speck). Now, the effect of increasing barometric pressure upon the power of the muscular system might possibly be due to some influence * This paper was accepted for publication bv the officers of Section VIII, d. Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, and was read before the Section at a stat- ed meeting on September 11, 1912; BIOCHEMICAL BULLETIN, 1912, ii, p. 153. 23 exerted through the nervous and circulatory systems tending to in- crease the readiness of metabolism; if such were the case then a varia- tion in barometric height should b^ accompanied by a variation, in the same sense, in the rate of excretion ot! carbon dioxide. Plan of the experiments. It seemed. that a series of experiments carried out for a month on three healthy subjects might throw light on this question, and also give interesting results as regards the effect of other conditions on the rate of caibon dioxide excretion. A series of respiration experiments was planned, accordingly, for three subjects, A. and B, students in the University of Michigan, and the writer, V V- 24951 -=29.3 29 ' IV 29 * The data are those obtained from morning experiments on subject A. 32 Relation of Carbon Dioxide Excretion to TABLE VIII 7 A. Barometric Change. M. Products (x y) Barometer Millimetres Carbon Dioxide X y o X O y Negative Positive 739 Milligrams 406 4 32 16 1024 128 746 438 3 9 745.1 442 2.1 4 4.41 16 8.4 726.2 422 16.8 16 282.24 256 268.8 721 403 22 35 484 1225 770 742.1 407 -0.9 31 .81 961 27.9 740 438 3 9 736 425 7 13 49 169 91 737.1 433 5.9 5 34.81 25 29.5 741.3 470 1.7 32 2.89 1024 54.4 743.5 507 .5 69 .25 4761 34.5 743.5 469 .5 31 .25 961 15.5 742.3 458 .7 20 .49 400 14 732.5 465 10.5 27 110.25 729 283.5 751.5 416 8.5 22 72.25 484 187 751 . 4 416 8.4 22 70.86 484 184.8 753.9 456 10.9 18 118.81 324 196.2 736.1 446 5.9 8 34.81 64 47.2 751.2 405 8.2 33 67.24 1089 270.6 746.5 436 3.5 2 12.25 4 7 747.8 412 4.8 26 23.04 676 124.8 748.2 377 5.2 61 27.04 3721 317.2 739.3 472 3.7 34 13.69 1156 125.8 745.5 469 2.5 31 6.26 961 77.6 743.7 462 .7 23 .49 576 16.8 749. 428 6. 10 36 100 60 739.8 422 3.2 16 10.24 256 51.2 747.9 422 4.9 16 24.01 256 78.4 758.8 495 15.8 57 249.64 32-49 900.6 1769.71 24951 1754.7 2622.7 1754.7 868 -7.8 Coefficient of correlation /J4951 _ r2=r \'29~~ Zxy __ 868 Nfft _ . .' 745.8 TTLJ 436 J.V TC 2.5 AfU 26 J.VO . .LO 6.25 TtU V 676 65 UO 753.2 459 9.9 o 98.01 9 29.7 749.3 439 6.6 23 36.00 529 151.8 753.6 462 10.3 106.09 747.5 496 4.2 34 17.64| 1,156 142.8 748.1 453 4.8 - 9 23.04 81 43.2 747.9 407 4.6 55 21.16 3,025 253.0 740.1 487 3.2 25 10.24 625 80. 741.1 476 0.8 14 0.64 196 11.2 743.9 436 0.6 26 0.36 676 15.6 749.8 481 6.5 19 42.25 3611 123.5 738.8 517 - 4.5 55 20.25 3,025 247.5 752.9 475 9.6 13 92.16 169 124.8 758.4 561 15.1 99 228. 01| 9,801 1 1,494.9 1 11,642.43127,0781 1,174.61 2,749.4 1,174.4 1,574.6 27,078 Coefficient of correlation: 1,574.6 2(>7/) 1,574.6 28X7.65X31.1 =+0,230 0.2365 2 Regression = - - - =0.95 35 Relation of Carbon Dioxide Excretion to Barometric Change. TABLE X A, 5 P. M. Barometer Millimetres Carbon Dioxide Milligrams X * X 2 Y 2 Products (xy) Negative Positive 741.1 741.1 447 466 4.1 1.9 4 23 16 . 81 3.61 16 529 43.7 16.4 718.2 466 24.8 23 615.04 529 570.4 742.5 381 .5 62 .25 3844 31 739 405 4 38 16 1444 152 737.5 444 5.5 1 30.25 1 5.5 740 480 3 37 9 1369 111 744.1 422 1.1 21 1.21 441 23.1 745 480 2 37 4 1369 74 744.1 442 1.1 1 1.21 1 1.1 739.1 442 3.9 -j 15.21 1 3.9 732.9 432 10.1 11 102.01 121 111.1 746 436 3 7 9 49 21 756.2 448 13.2 5 174.24 25 66 744.1 426 1.1 17 1.21 289- 18.7 753.8 445 10.8 2 116.64 4 21.6 711.1 449 4.1 6 16.81 36 24.6 742.9 462 i 19 ..01 361 1.9 739.5 422 3.5 19 12.25 361 66.5 743.9 436 .9 7 .81 49 6.3 744.3 493 1.3 50 1.69 2500 65 747.8 429 4.8 14 23.04 196 67.2 740 495 3 52 9 2604 156 755.1 402 12.1 41 146.41 1681 496.1 1315.71 17620 1522. 632.1 889.9 '1315.71 *'= ^ 'sa =7.4 632.1 24 =27.1 = 889,9. Coefficient of Correlation^ 889.9 1^3=24X7.4X27.1= .16 16Xcr 2 Regression = =' .58 n *i Relation of Carbon Dioxide Excretion to Barometric Change. TABLE XIV C, 7 A. M. Barometer Millimetres 739 Carbon Dioxide Milligrams x 406 3.8 y 5 X 2 14,44 Products [xy] y Negative Positive 25 19 746 419 3.2 18 10.24 324 57.6 745.1 422 2.3 21 5.29 441 48.3 726.2 390 16.6 11 275.56 121 182.6 721 397 21.8 4 475.24 16 87.2 742.1 382 .5 19 .25 361 9.5 740 419 2.8 18 7.84 324 50.4 736 390 6.8 11 46.24 121 74.8 737.1 393 5 .7 8 32.49 64 45.6 741.3 394 1 .5 7 2.25 49 10.5 743.5 410 .7 9 49 81 6.3 742.3 449 .5 48 .25 2304 24 732.5 406 10.3 5 106.09 25 51.5 751.5 390 8.7 11 75.69 121 95.7 751.4 383 8.6 18 73.96 324 154.5 753.9 363 11.1 38 123.21 1444 421.8 737.1 388 5 .7 13 32.49 169 74.1 751.2 398 8.4 3 70.56 9 25.2 746.5 402 3.7 1 13.69 1 3.7 748.2 364 5.4 37 29.16 1369 199.8 739.3 403 3 .5 2 12.25 4 7 745.5 402 2.7 1 7.29 1 2.7 743.7 406 .9 5 .81 25 4.5 749 396 6.2 5 38.44 25 31 739.8 409 3 8 9 64 24 747.9 422 5.1 21 26.01 441 107.1 758.8 423 16 21 256 441 336 1745.23 8693 506 1734.2 506 1228.2 <=, 11745. 23 =8 / =17 9 V 27 199S 9 V 27 Coffiecient of Correlations 2 !^* = 1228.2 31 6 27X8X17.9 .316 40-- Relation of Carbon Dioxide Excretion to Barometric Change. TABLE XV C, 12 M. Barometer Millimetres 749.1 Carbon Dioxide Milligrams x 390 - 4.2 y 24 X 2 17.64 576 Products [xy] Negative Positive 100.8 746.2 409 2.9 - 5 8.41 25 14.5 742.5 403 - '.8 ill .64 121 8.3 722.1 403 21.2 11 449.44 121 233.2 726.9 375 16.4 39 268.96 1521 639.6 742.5 387 .8 27 .64 729 21.6 740.1 381 - 3.8 i33 10.24 1089 105.6 736.1 362 - 7.2 52 51:84 2704 374.4 738.9 422 - 4.4 8 19.36 64 35.2 742.9 377 .4 37 .16 1369 14.8 745.1 386 1.8 28 3.24 784 50.4 739.9 403 - 3.4 11 11.56 121 37.4 732.9 386 10.4 28 108.16 784 291.2 745.8 380 2.5 34 6.25 1156 85 753.3 425 9.9 11 98.01 121 108.9 749.3 402 6 12 36 144 72 753.6 427 10.2 13 106.09 169 133.9 747.5 396 4.2 18 17.64 324 75.6 748.1 459 4.8 45 23.04 2025 216 747.9 442 4.6 28 21.16 784 128. S 740.1 438 - 3.2 26 10.24 676 83.2 744.1 474 .8 60 .64 3600 48 743.9 448 .6 34 .36 1156 20.4 749.8 449 6.5 35 42.25 1225 227.5 738.8 460 - 4.5 46 20.25 2116 207 752.9 468 9.6 54 92.16 2916 518.4 758.4 422 15.1 8 228.01 64 26484 120.8 1652.08 622.9 3350.5 622.9 2627.6 11652.08 _ ffl ~ \ 27~ ~i J 26484 27 =31.3 Coefficient of Correlations 2627.6 _____ s .39 27X7.8X31.3 .39cr 2 Regression^ -- = 1.5 41 Relation of Carbon Dioxide Excretion to Barometric Change. TABLE XVI C, 5 P. M. Carbon Barometer Dioxide x Millimetres Milligrams 739.1 447 2. 9 y 20 x' 2 8.41 y 2 400 Products [xy] Negative Positive 58 747, .1 409 5, ,1 18 26 .01 324 91.8 741.1 428 t , ,9 1 .81 1 .9 718. ,2 390 23. 8 37 566 .44 1369 880. 5 738. 1 419 3. 9 8 15 .21 64 31.2 742. 5 456 5 29 .25 841 14. 5 739 374 - 3 53 9 2809 159 737. 5 438 - 4. 5 11 20 .25 121 49.5 740 473 2 46 4 2116 92 744. 1 422 ' 2. 1 5 4 .41 25 10.5 745 448 3 21 9 441 63 744. 1 396 2. 1 31 4 .41 961 65.1 739. 1 476 2. 9 49 8 .41 2401 142.1 732. 9 411 - 9. 1 16 82 .81 256 145. 6 746 448 4 21 16 441 84 756. 2 473 14. 2 46 201 .64 2116 653. 2 744. 1 337 2. 1 90 4 .41 8100 180.9 747. 1 437 5. 1 10 26 .1 100 51 742. 9 435 9 8 .81 64 7. 2 739. 5 429 2. 5 2 6 .25 4 5 743. 9 419 1. 9 8 3 .61 64 35.2 744. 3 434 2. 3 7 5 .29 49 16. 1 747. 9 429 5. 8 2 33 .64 4 11. 6 740 429 2 2 4 4 4 755. 1 428 4 13. 1 1 171 .61 1 23076 13. 1 1232.69 805. 2130. i 805 r-V 1325.1 _= 7.02 25 123076 =30.38 2 (xy) =1325.1 Coefficient of Correlation= x " =; _ _ =+.248 N W C E | CMS r _^ 11 1 *5 I ju 2 ft 1 \f -"Xi f 21 / 1 \> (.4. / \ r O 7 fin j 1 : J, \4 h ( FIGURES. lotted curves of pulse rate and of carbon dioxide exc-etioti from same experiment as figure 7. Broken line, pulse rate; solid line, carbon dioxide excretion. Ordinates give pulse rate per minute and grams of carbon dioxide per minute. 2. Results. This figure shows in a general way, the effect of the work on the excretion of carbon dioxide. Beginning at the left, the nearly straight slanting line, A.B., drawn by the writing lever of the chemograph indi- cates the rate of excretion during rest. Then when work begins, the in- creased slant of B. C. indicates- an increased excretion, and this increase continues for about two minutes. From this time to the end of the work- ing period the slant of the line remains about the same, indicating uni- form excretion of carbon dioxide. As soon as work stops there is an immediate change in the slant D. E., showing the diminished excre- tion. A more accurate idea of the changes in question can be obtained from Pig. 8, which was obtained frcm the record of Pig. 7, by careful measurements and plotting. This figure also contains the plotted curve of pulse rate. The pulse curve shovs plainly a rapid primary rise, a. b.; a plateau, b. c.; and a slow secondary rise. The curve of car- bon dioxide rises rather rapidly during the first two minutes, which Incudes the period of rapid rise of pulse rate and a part of the plateau. During the remainder of the working period tne rate of excretion is seen to be practically constant, 2ia although the pulse rate is rising for the latter half of the time. On cessation of work the excretion diminishes, until at the end of two minutes it has returned to practi- cally the original rate. At the same time the pulse rate, although falling rapidly at first (de) is oscillating about a rate (ef) 20 per cent above the normal. (c) Discussion of Results: A comparison of the curves of pulse rate and carbon dioxide then, shows that the primary rise of pulse frequency coincides in time ap- proximately with the rise in excretion of carbon dioxide, and the same can be said of the corresponding fall. The short latent period of the pulse shows, as has been stated by Bowenf, that if the increased pro- tloc. cit. -46- duction of carbon dioxide is in any way responsible, even in part, for the change in pulse rate when work begins, the influence must be brought to bear through nervous channels, rather than as a direct ef- fect of the gas upon the heart itself or upon the cardiac centers. There seems to be no reason why the prompt increase in heart action may not be due in part at least to sensory impulses arising in the muscles as a result of the waste products suddenly set free there as advocated by Anthanasiu 38 . The results, obtained, then, show no evidence of any relation of cause and effect between the production of carbon dioxide, and the sec- ondary rise in pulse rate. In Fig. 8 it is seen that the excretion of carbon dioxide is constant during the entire period of the secondary rise of pulse rate, while the secondary fall of pulse rate during recovery is continued after the rate of excretion of carbon dioxide has returned to the normal. The lack of correspondence in the two curves practical- ly amounts to a demonstration that the secondary changes in pulse rate have nothing to do with the production of carbon dioxide and its elim- ination from the system. VII. THE LATENT PERIOD OF CARBON DIOXIDE EXCRETION Method: A number of experiments were made to determine how soon after work begins the increase in production of carbon dioxide begins to show itself in the expired air. Fig. 9 shows a group of records taken in the course of these experiments. The procedure is as follows: The subject, sitting quietly on the bicycle, breathes into the apparatus for about 30 seconds, the rate of excretion of carbon dioxide being recorded on the drum, giving the line m. n. in curve A. He then begins driving the bicycle, the time of starting being accurately in- dicated by marker M. The experiment continues only long enough to show a definite increase in the excretion of carbon dioxide resulting from the work.' After fixing the record in shellac, the point n on the curve of carbon dioxide, where the line first changes its direction as the result of the work, is revolved to the base line with a radius equal tc the length of the long arm of the writing lever, so as to avoid error due to rotation of the lever on its axis. Now the number of seconds between the beginning of work and the resulting change in excretion of carbon dioxide can be readily obtained from the time record, T. To find the result desired we must deduct from the time found in the manner just described, the time required for the passage of the ex- haled air from the mouth and nostrils, through the mask and connect- ing tubes to the chemograph, and sufficient additional time to collect in the soda-lime enough carbon dioxide to overcome the inertia of the bal- ance. The time to be deducted is found as follows: While sitting 47 ,81 *l=j C o LT 48 quietly upon the bicycle, with the record in progress, the subject holds his breath for several seconds. The result is shown in Curve C of Fig. 9. The pneumograph curve at the top of the record shows when the breath is held. Scon the lever point which records the movement of the balance changes its direction, finally writing the horizontal line r V. When the subject begins to breathe again the pneumograph curve shows the exact moment of the first expiration, and the time from this point to the point V, where the carbon dioxide lever first begins to fall again, is the time of delay due to the apparatus. Prom a large number of tests this time was found to be close to 6 seconds. Since this delay depends upon the rate at which air is drawn through the apparatus by the suction pump, all of the experiments on latent period were made with the air moving at the uniform rate of 20 litres per min- ute. 2. Results. Making the deduction of 6 seconds in the case in curve A of Pig. 9, values for the latent period were obtained varying all the way from 3 to 14 seconds. Now few of these results are long enough to corre- spond with the time required for the carbon dioxide formed in the mus- cles at the time of the first muscular contraction to reach the outside air. It must first diffuse into the blood from the tissues where it is formed, then traverse the venous half of the systemic circulation, the right side of the heart, and the arterial half of the pulmonary circula- tion, and finally diffuse into the air of the alveoli before any of it can appear in the breath. From the latest conclusions of Stewart and oth- ers who are considered as authorities on the time of the circulation, it appears that from 15 to 20 seconds is the least possible time for the blood to travel this distance, to say nothing of the diffusion time. We must evidently account for the shortness of the latent period thus found. Careful study of the matter finally led to the conclusion that the sudden change in rate of excretion of carbon dioxide on beginning work was due primarily to a better ventilation of the lungs while the continuation of the fall was due to the ventilation of the blood and tis- sues as well. " l A recognition of this fact led to the following modification of the methods employed in the determination of the latent period of carbon dioxide excretion. After the "normal" rate of excretion had been obtained (A B, Fig. 9), the subject began forced breathing at a predetermined rate, contin- uing this for a minute or so until the curve of carbon dioxide had ap- 49 parently assumed its permanent direction. At this point, at a signal from the experimenter, the subject began to drive the bicycle as in the? preceding experiments. Curve B of Fig. 9 shows the result in one instance. The effect of the increased respiration is clearly marked, the new rate of excretion qr being sharply denned from the normal rate (pq) preceding it. The further increase on beginning work is not so prompt in its appearance rnd comes on more gradually, reaching its maximum after a minute or more, depending on the work. In these experiments the latent period of increase due to the work was from seventeen to twenty-two sec- onds. It is evident that as the latent period will vary with the rapidity of the circulation, the rapidity of diffusion, and the rate of work, a more definite figure is not to be expected. Shortly after the publication of these results by Bowen and the writer, a communication was received from Prof. N. Zuntz, calling at- tention to the gradual character of the change in rate of excretion of carbon dioxide after the beginning of work (as already mentioned) and kindly suggesting a modification of the method of carrying out the latent-period experiments. According to Prof. Zuntz, if the forced breathing were continued for -five minutes instead of one minute, as al- ready stated, the blood and tissues would become thoroughly ventilated; the direction of the curve of carbon dioxide would become parallel to that before forced breathing began; and furthermore, with the begin- ning of work, the carbon dioxide curve, after the latent period of twenty seconds, would change much more sharply than it did in the published reocrd. The writer accordingly made a series of experi- ments in which the forced breathing was continued for from five to seven minutes before bicycle work has begun. The results of one of these experiments are seen in Figure 10 in which A is the pneumograph record, Pqrs the carbon dioxide curve, T the chronograph record, and M the bicycle record. The line Pq' as in the previous paper, 3 represents the rate of excretion before the beginning of forced breathing; the line Pqq'q"r (broken by the arrest- ing of the beam and the addition of four gram weights) represents the curve of carbon dioxide during forced breathing; r is the position on the curve of the carbon-dioxide-writing lever at the instant when work was begun; and s is the point where the curve changes as a re- sult of the work. This research was conducted on two subjects. It was found very difficult to maintain respiration of uniform depth for five minutes, since there is a decided tendency to make the respiration shallower. Indeed, notwithstanding the great care on the part of the subject, the 3 Higley and Bowen: Loc. cit. 50 pneumograph record indicated, in some cases, a lessened depth of res- piration toward the end of the forced respiration period. In the case of one subject the curve for rate of excretion of carbon dioxide returned, during the period of forced respiration, practically to the original value. With the other subject the return was less per- perfect. It would seem that as a result of the additional work of the respiratory organs a return of the rate of excretion to the value during normal respiration could not be expected. While, therefore, the writer is able to confirm Prof. Zuntz's predic- tion regarding the sharpness of the change, as a result of work, in the curve of carbon dioxide after continued forced respiration, he can only confirm in part Prof. Zuntz's prediction on the return of the curve during forced respiration, to the direction which it had before forced respiration was begun. ' i ' 7 - i, '-A. ' -51 CONCLUSIONS 1. The problem of finding the changes in rate of excretion of car- bon 'dioxide resulting from muscular work and other causes is practi- cally solved by the method used in this research. 2. The latent period of increase in excretion of carbon dioxide from the lungs in case of beginning work is approximately twenty sec- onds, and the increase reaches its maximum in about two minutes. 3. The rate of excretion of carbon dioxide from the lungs is prac- tically uniform from minute to minute during uniform muscular work, after the blood has had time to take part fully in the process of elim- ination. 4. Upon cessation of work the excretion of carbon dioxide de- creases to the normal amount in about the time occupied by its in- crease, and after a like latent period. 5. The results obtained show no indication of any connection of cause and effect between the production and elimination of carbon di- oxide and the secondary rise of pulse rate. GENERAL SUMMARY 1. In the balance-chemograph we have an apparatus which will oe of service in a study of the rate of change of a number of chemical reactions. 2. The respiration apparatus of which the chemograph forms a part can be employed with advantage in a study of the character of all important changes in the rate of excretion of carbon dioxide from the lungs; furthermore, with this apparatus the analyses and calcula- tions that are necessary in experiments on the respiration, are greatly simplified. 3. The average carbon dioxide excretion per kilogram of body weight per minute in the case of 24 normal subjects, at a time averag- ing four hours after the midday meal was .0063 grams. This agrees well with values obtained by Johannsen and Magnus-Levy. 4. The daily curve of metabolism is affected by the time of tak- ing the heartiest meal. Indigestion, catarrhal infection and thorough athletic training increased the rate of excretion and the presence in the body of the subject of a large amount of adipose tissue diminished the rate of excretion. 5. A series of experiments made daily, morning, noon and even- ing, for five weeks, seems to show that with some subjects the carbon dioxide excretion varies with the barometric height. This result is in harmony with results obtained by Lombard on the effect of barom- etric changes on muscular endurance. 6. By the use of the respiration apparatus described in this paper the rate of change of carbon dioxide excretion from a condition of rest through a period of uniform muscular work and the period of re- covery has been worked out. This curve is markedly different at important points from the corresponding pulse curve as worked out by Bowen. The secondary rise in the pulse rate is not due to the pres- ence of an increased amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. 7. The latent period of carbon dioxide excretion as a result of vigorous work is about 20 seconds. 8. After a period of forced respiration lasting five minutes, the curve of excretion of carbon dioxide nearly returns to the direction which it had before forced respiration began; if now vigorous muscular work be begun, the curve of excretion of carbon dioxide shows a much more sharp turn than in the case where the period of forced breathing is much more brief. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ostwald, Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie; (1900) XXX, 33. 204. 2. Bowen, Contributions to Medical Research, University of Mich- igan, (1903) pp. 462-493. 3. Loewy, Archiv fur den gesammten Physiologie. 4. Black, Lectures on Chemistry, Robinson, Edinburg, 1803. 5. Priestley Philosophical Transactions, London, (1772) Vol. 62, pp. 147, 168. 6. Lavosier et Laplace, Histoire Academic Royal Science de Paris. (1780) 355. Ouvres de Lavoisier. Tome II, 326. 6a. Haldane and Smith, Archiv fur Hygiene (1896) Bd. X. S. 367. 7. Hoppe-Seyler und Stroganow, Archiv fur den gesammten, Physiologie, Bonn. (1876) XII, 18. 8. 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