-a: tin V3M i;:^! 1^^. ^ '^OJIWDJO'^ g •■> — ^^ <^133NVS01=^ %il3AINI]-3ViV .^WEl)NIVER% . ^ ^/^«3AIN(l-3WV^ ^^^UIBRARYOc ^;^l•UBRARY^/^^ ^Oiimi^"^ %0JI1V3J0'^ ^\\[ LNIVERS/A ; ^ "^/JiiaAINrt 3WV^ ^OFCALIFOfi*,^ ^0FCAIIF0% "^^^ADvaaii^^ *^OA}^v}{an•l^^ .^WEUNIVERS•/A ca _ — . — ^lOSANCElfj^ C5 i. ^^0JI]V3J0>^ \\\EUNIVFRI/A. o J Before him fee her banner'd pageants tly ; ;y nl Sec at his feet her captive monarch bow, r.^.y *>.. f And wail the jewels raviih'd from his brow. ij.jfj An army with the pangs of famine torn, r With wafting flux, and lengthen'd vigils worn, When Agincourt its iron front difplay'd Witli no bafe fears great Henry's foul difmay'd. Like raging lions burfting from their toils, While Glory holds aloft the dazzling fpoils, From ardent valour fnatching health's bright glow, His furious bands rufli headlong on the foe. Beat down the tow'ring helm, the threat'ning lance, And lay in duft th'afpiring pride of France. As down th'hiftoric page the wond'ring Mufe, Through rolling years, the brilliant theme purfues ; A thoufand Agincourts in glory rife, A thouflmd Henrys ftalk before my eyes ; A thoufand Edwards, burfting from theiliades, Tofs their proud plumes and wave their gleaming blades. Britons, ( 25 i Britons, the CRISIS of your fate draws near. Exalt your ftaiidards, grafp th 'avenging fpear ; In radiant arms indiffolubly join'd, Be firm, — and brave the povv'rs of earth combined. But, oh Britannia ! what immortal drain Shall paint thy triumphs on the boundlefs main ; NVho fmg the heroes that, from age to age, Through ev'ry clime have bid thy thunder rage ; From burning realms where fouthern deeps refound, To where eternal frofts the pole furround ! Who fhall thy Howard's deathlefs feats recite, Thy fearlefs Drake's, invincible in fight ? Whofe valour, with the ftorms of heav'n combin'd, The proud Armada to the depths confign'd. To ardent glory's nobleft fires awake, What terrors could appal the foul of Blake ? When on the Belgic chief, that dar'd to fweep. With high-fufpended broom, th'infulted deep, Furious he rufii'd ; and tore, indignant, down The barb'rous emblem of ufurp'd renown ; D Then, ( 26 ) Then, driving o'er the furgc the routed foe, Swept the proud vaunter to the gulphs below. Far diftant on the vaft Adantic main. To check the ravages of hoflilc Spain ; Skilful as brave along a death-fraught coaft,^' Pocock to vi6l'ry leads a gallant hoft : Condemn'd to perilli on a barbVous ftrand, Pale round his veiTels glides a fpe6lrcd band ; And oft before his midnight couch they rife, Flames in their hands and lightning in their eyes, Shouting revenge, and towards Havannah's fpires Wave their red arms and point their hoftile fires. *Mid threatening rocks, and waves in mountains roll'd, .Great Hawke, contending with the ftorm, behold ! Nor rocks, nor roaring furge, nor madd'ning wind, From its firm centre lliakc his fteadfiifl mind ; * Alluding to the celebrated paflage happily efFcded by this gallant admiral, with a fleet of near two hundred fail, through the oi-D StStAITS of Bahama, an enterprize never equalled in courage or in danger but by the very recent one in the attack upon Oftend. On ( 27 ) On fate's tremendous verge the line he forms, To France more dreadful than a thoufand florms, Bids through a night of clouds the fleet advance, And hoftile fires illume the dark expanfe. In vain their broken line the Gauls oppofe, While, as the furious confli6l fiercer glows, The Britifh cannon raging, tier o'er tier, Flame on their van and thunder on their rear. Wild as the whirlwinds, that impetuous fweep The raging furface of the troubled deep, The Gallic veffels o'er the furge are tofl. Or fwell the pomp of Britain's vi6i:or hoft ! 'Twas then, — while heav'n with angry tempefts lower'd. And victory on Hawke's proud ftandard tower'd ; 'Twas then from heav'n, the brilliant deed to crown, Britannia's Angel rulh'd in lightning down, From France her naval wreath for ever tore. And ilamp'd to dufl on Bifcay's ftormy fliore. If, urg'd by rage and furious from defpair, Again her baffled fleets the ocean dare. Terrific, Neptune, on thy billowy field. The lion Howe fhall Britain's vengeance wield, D 2 ^^ ( 23 ) Or Rodney, dreadful in her kindled ire. Rain on thofe fleets a ftorni ol liquid fire. While far remote, in India's fultry (ky, Cornwallis bids her flag triumphant fly ; And by her Barrington refiftlefs hurl'd, Albion's deep thunder fliakes the wefl:ern world Sublimely thron'd on Vincent's rocky height. Hark ! Glory, from her fhrine of circling light. Loud hails her Jervis on th'Iberian main, Rcfilllefs burfling through the line of Spain ! Ardent to gain the wreath that Ruflel crown'd, And brave Bofcawen's vet'ran temples bound, Recklefs of florms, behold intrepid Hood Plough with unweary'd toil the briny flood ; In all their ports the fkulking foe he braves, And burns to plunge him in the whelming waves. Lal^, but not humbleft, on the roll of fame, With nerve, of adamant, with foul of flame. See fcarlefs Duncan, ranging undifmay'd Belgium's dire fliore, with death and peril fpread, And rufli, regardlefs of impending doom, Where cv'ry billow yawns — a watVy tomb ! Though ( 29 ) Though ruin hover in a thoufand forms, Refolv'd, Batavia's marfhall'd fleet he ftorms, Tremendous on the foe his vengeance falls, And thick around defcend the rattling balls : Retreat is vain ; behind the breakers roar, While Britain's wafteful thunders urge before ; The doubling game the dauntlefs Scot purfues, And in the jaws of death the fight renews ; Aloft in air her tatter'd ftandards fly. Low bends the fl:ately maft that pierc'd the Iky ; Devouring flames confume the glowing deck, And a third navy floats — a boundlefs wreck ! Gaul views, enragVl, her ftrongeft prop overthrown. And into air her daring proje6ts blown. Rage, baffled Gaul ! for thus, ere yonder fun Thrice his bright journey round the zodiac run, In black difgrace fliall all thy triumphs end. And all thy tow'ring pride in /moke afcend : The injur'd obje61: of thy jealous hate Hurls at thy impious head the bolt of fate ; On outrag'd heav'n's and man's determin'd foe. Slow, but refiftlefs, rolls the fatal blow ! Ye ( 30 ) Ye myriads, whom her direful thirfl of blood PlungM in the rapid Rhone's empurpled flood, Or from the cannon's rending mouth confign'd, In mangled fragments, to the blafting wind ; All whom dire Robcrfpierre's unfparing rage Crufli'd in the blooming vigour of your age ; Or, by fucceeding Molochs dragg'd to death, Who, deep in dungeons, drank infe6lion's breath ! All who by hunger's pangs, to madnefs fir'd, On your own fabre's guiklefs edge expir'd ; Or, to avoid unnumber'd horrors, quaff 'd, With pale and quiv'ring lips, th'empoifon'd draught ; Shout from the grave — in your, in Nature's, caufe, Th'avenging fword infulted Britain draws : See her bright enfigns blaze from fliore to fliore. See her bold offspring round thofe enfigns pour ; Her ancient nobles, warm with all the fires That burn'd at Creffy in their daring fires ; Her valiant knights, whofe ftreaming banners fliew Their blazon'd triumphs o'er the haughty foe ; Her gen'rous merchants, fam'd through ev'ry clime, Of fpotlefs faith and dauntlefs foul fublime ! Whofe ( 31 ) Whofc flags, through many a diftant fea unfurl'd, Uphold the commerce of the ravag'd world ; In fecial bands remoteft nations join, Chill'd at the pole, or fcorch'd beneath the line ; Patriots to virtue dear, for freedom bold, Who HONOUR ftill their proudest treasure hold; Her PEASANTS, glowing widi a Briton's zeal, Whofe loyal hearts are oak, whofe Cmews Ji eel: All ranks, all ages, feel the high alarms. At Glory's call, impatient, rufh to arms ; Ardent to meet a foe their fouls difdain, Conqu'rors on fliore and fov'reigns on the main. To viftory rufli on, ye dauntlefs bands ! The fate of Europe trembles in your hands ; Oh ! ftill for glory pant, for Britain burn, Nor to the flieath th'avenging blade return, Till Liberty her trampled rights regain, Till Juftice re-alTume her ancient reign ; Till vanquifli'd Gaul in blood her crimes bemoan, And heav'n's avenging arm, repentant, own ; Or, in the chains fhe forg'd for Europe bound, Spend her vain rage, and proftrate bite the ground. Britons, (( 3r y ' Britons, the CRISIS of her fate draws near, j^dvance your ftandards, launch th'avenging fpcar ; In radiant arms indilTolubly join'd. Your firmness shall subdue the world combined, FINIS. 'Jjov ^ ^maimjuv^ % If 01141. >- ^>:lOSANCfI£r* - ' ^\ ^^WfUNIVERS•/^ js^\^llBRARYQ^ ^ %omyiQ^ % O " ^OFCAIIFO%, ^iiQi\m\^P ^OPCAIIFOftfc, f ^ 5 '%il3Al^ in '^^Okmm^ C3