■»■■- -#»» Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN CO =1 o p fa >- ASCENT TO THE SUMMIT OF MONT BLANC IN 1834. BY MARTIN BARRY, M. D., F. R. S. E. PRESIDEXT OF THE ROYAL jMEDICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH, MEMBER OF THE WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, &C. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, EDINBURGH; AND T. CADELL, STRAND, LONDON. MDCCCXXXVI. PRINTKD BY NEILL & CO. OLD FISHMARKET. 4^ ROBERT JAMESON, F. R. SS. L. & E., F. L. S., F. G. S. PRESIDENT OF THE WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, REGIUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, &C. &C. THE FOLLOWING NARRATIVE IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY HIS FORMER PUPIL, THE AUTHOR. The following narrative contains the substance of two lectures delivered in the Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh, in March 1836, for the benefit of an excellent Institution, — the Royal Infirmary of that city, — in which the author had been a piipil. PREFACE. A SHORT account of this ascent of Mont Blanc was published in the Edinburgh New Philosophical Jom-nal, Vol. xviii. No. 35 ; be- yond which, — with the interesting narrative by Auldjo already before the public, — it was not proposed to extend it. But having since been made the subject of two lectures, — in pre- paring which, some information was collected, likely to be found generally useful, — and as any contribution seems allowable, on the sub- ject of a track so few have taken, — the narra- tive is now published in a separate form. The following pages contain the lectures nearly as delivered ; with the addition of a short account of the early attempts to reach the summit of Mont Blanc. The observations on the effects of dimi- 11 PREFACE. iiislicd atniosplicric dcnsitj on ]'e.si)iration and other functions, are condensed from a paper by the author, lately read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh. The large drawing appended, will serve, — it is presumed, — as no mean substitute for the model, used at the lectures. The former Avas executed for me by a talented lithographer ; * and the latter by a rising young sculptor, and portrait-modeller : f — both of Edinburgh. The model has been presented to the Royal Museum of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh, — as a work of art, not unde- serving of a place among the works of nature, — and as a production worthy of a Scottish artist. It covers forty -eight square feet. Arthm-'s Seat, — ^near Edinburgh, — on the same scale, might be represented by a mouse. * Murray. t Slater. FIRST LECTURE. Hot summer of 1834 — Heidelberg — Fine autumn — Swit- zerland — Sunrise, and sunset, from the Faulliorn — Arrival at the Col de Balme — First view of Mont Blanc — Goethe's evening approach to Chamonix — Snow-capof Mont Blanc, and Benlomond — Mont Blanc the most considerable mountain known — Chamonix but little known before 1741 — Captain Sherwill's sketch of " Chamouni" — Origin of the name " Chamouni" — The summit not wrapped in vapour — Guides consulted at the Priory — their objections — fa- vourable circumstances — Departure for the mountain — Ascent — Pine-Forest — Clialet de la Para — Pierre Poin- tue — Pierre a I'Echelle — Highest tree — Rhododendron fcrrugineum, and other alpine plants — Provisions, &c — Chamois seen — Entrance upon the ice — Iron points for shoes — Nitric acid — Batons — The' glaciers — transverse rents — lateral debris — slips — Glaciers of Bossons and Ta- connaz — Bridges of ice — Crossing the chasms — Narrow crevices concealed — Danger of setting ice in motion — The guides on the glacier — Unseen torrents — Thickness of the ice — Icy desolation of the glaciers — Fissures wi- deucd, from the lateness of the season — Zig-zag course, and steps retraced — Difficulty and danger in attaining the '^'' Grand Mulct" Rock — The guides Couttet andBalmat — The other guides — Couttet had never found the rock so un- attainable — Scaling two hundred feet of the Grand Mulct Rock — Open shelf of rock — Sunset — Barometer — Cabin — Thirst — A night at the Grand Mulct Rock — Avalanches — Inability to sleep — Reflections — No fatigue — Thermome- ter — Moonlight scene at the Grand Mulct Rock — Morn- ing of the second day — Departure from the Grand Mulct Rock — Held in twos and threes with ropes — The way la- borious, from recent snow — Splendid icy scenery, continu- ally changing — Great difficulties met with, requiring a wide change of route — Success almost despaired of — Ef- fect of depression on our progress — Bridge of ice — Trea- cherous Snow — Ice-rafters of unseen ca\ities — Observers in the valley — Grand Plateau — Incipient loss of appetite — Dark colour of the sky in part, at least, subjective — Ro- chers Rouges — Fatal Avalanche in 1820 — Saussure's route from the Grand Plateau — New route — Sensations — Heat oppressive — Veil — Green spectacles — Insects — Alpine crows — Danger at the Epaule droite — Feet nearly fro- zen — Giddiness — The height of 14,700 feet attained. ERRATA. Page 23 — Line 8 from bottom, /or Michal read Michel — 36 — Line 7 from top, for 09 read 90 — 38 — Line 10 from top, /or Devouassou) ; read Devouassoud) ; — 82 — Line 12 from top, /or Matezesecki-v^,-^ read Malczewski. FIRST LECTURE. The summer of 1834, spent at Heidelberg in Baden, was one of the hottest known in the south of Germany to any Uving. That de- hcious spot seemed to have Italy's climate, in addition to its own peculiar scenes. Steam- boats were stranded, in some parts ceased to ply, upon the then shalloAv Rhine. But in pro- portion as the waters of that river fell, the vines upon its banks smiled, and there has rarely been so rich a vintage. Set, gem-like, among steep mountains, wood- ed to their very tops, Heidelberg claims the passing tribute of a line, from one who can still in memory contemplate its ruined battle- ments, and teiTaces, and prostrate towers, the A 2 FINE AUTUMN OF 1834— SWITZERLAND- windings of its " Neckar," and its groves of nightingales, as well at early dawn, as by fflowino: sunsets, or when the moon " lends her enchantment" to the silver scene. The autmnn, after one great storm, that ren- dered impassable the Simplon and other roads, was a long-continued season of the finest wea- ther. It was spent in rambling, much on foot, through Switzerland. An object of natural history had taken me annually, the preceding four years, among the mountains and the glens of Scotland. I knew well her " northern battle- ment of hills," had seen perhaps the wildest of her Grampian wilds, and now saw them on a larger scale. But there were added, the snow- croTVTied summits of the Alps, the exceeding richness of their vallies, and Swiss cultivation " far up the mountains' side." This is not the place to say much of the mountains, now properly called Swiss. One of these, however, repaying more, I think, than any other, the labour of an ascent, is but little known. It is the Faulhorn, a peak of the Oberland of Beme; having, not far off, the Finster-aar and Wetterhorns, the Schreck- SUNRISE, AND SUNSET, FROM THE FAULHORN. 3 horn, the Jiingfrau with her silver horn, the Monch, the Eiger, and a host of other pyramids of snow. On its summit there is now a hos- pice, — the highest European habitation, — ten- anted every summer. The view, even from the Rigi, is not so splendid, because of the remote- ness of that mountain from the Alps of Berne. I have stood upon the high altar of the Faul- horn. There, at earliest dawn, with the still loftier summits of the other Bernese Alps, mailed with ice, in hue immediately before me, watched, — until the highest peak of all caught the sun's rays, and shone in the twilight as a point of gold ; this standing for a while alone ; and then another, and another mountain-top was gilded, until there was a chain of bright- ness ; then a wall, with pyi-amids, of rosy light ; lastly, the great som'ce of light rose, beaming the refulgence of the morning. From that mountain-top I have beheld, too, a sunset scene, similar in beauty, but reversed ; the glaciers' roseate tint 3delding to a purple hue, and tliis gradually lost in the evening twilight. The autumn continuing one of almost cloud- less skies, there was permitted a free range A 2 4 ARRIVAL AT THE COL DE BALME. through the wildest of the Helvetian fastnesses ; and many a living picture of Swiss alpine splendour is now in memory before me. Yet there remained, beyond the Savoyan ban'ier, scenes still more inaccessibly sublime. A route, as it happened, had been taken, not affording, from any point, a view of even the summit of Mont Blanc. The 1 5th of September brought me to the Col de Bahne (9) *, a moun- tain bounding the north-east end of the vale of Chamonix ; and on the top of which, leaving the Canton of Valais, you enter the kingdom of Sardinia, and the Duchy of Savoy. The ascent from Martigny, in the valley of the Rhone, was very steep. Nothing was seen, advancing towards the top, besides the rocks that formed it. Wlien, suddenly upheaved it- self a scene of alpine magnificence, long unap- proachable and overwhelming ; an amazing picture, which the eye knew not how to scan, chaining the beholder, lost in an astonished gaze. The prodigies of nature piled up there, cast other, even alpine splendour, far into the shade. ""■ Soe (lie large Plate appended. VIEW OF THE CHAIN OF MONT BLANC. 5 , A thousand towering, dark, and savage peaks, — lightning-riven battlements, — at whose bases, hardened and heaped up, great depths of ice, bidding defiance to the sunbeams ; and glaciers, winding many a league downwards, thi'ough then- o^vn ravines, like belts of bright- ness, " flung over a region" black with pines. Beneath that heaven-high wall of frowning rock and chilling ice, bordering upon the bar- rier of permanent congelation, and like an oasis within a Avilderness of frost, was the green vale of Chamonix, smiling with rural beauty and the abodes of man : the river Arve (49) rising at my feet, and winding its way in silver through the meadow^s of that vale. But, for those scenes of softer beauty, the eye was paralyzed, — it saw them not, save in so far as they made, by contrast, the icy regions towering above them, more arctic, chiU, and awfully subhme. To these, the eye, spell- bound, ever returned ; and yet the one great sorcerer of the mighty scene remains unnamed. Sm-rounded by those "ragged heights of rocks," those battlements, toAvering nine thou- sand feet, and more, above the vallev, — so G GOETHE'S EVENING APPROACH TO CHAMONIX. vertical, that snow rests not upon their sides, — there rose, far higher than them all, a snowy pyramid, in proud supremacy, yet placid and serene (56). It was " the father of the Alps," Mont Blanc himself, enthroned among, and guarded by, his dark aiguilles. A letter of the German poet Goethe, describ- ing an evening approach to the vale of Cha- monix from Geneva, contains a passage, which I cannot help translating. He says, " It became darker, only the greater masses were visible. The stars, one after another, rose ; and we ob- served, over the summits of the mountains, a light, which we could not understand. Clear, without lustre, like the Milky Way, yet denser, — almost like the Pleiades, but greater, — it long had our attention, until at last, as we changed our position, like a p3Tamid, pervaded by an inward mysterious light, — most resembling the brightness of a glow-worm, — it projected over the tops of all the mountains, and made us certain that it was the summit of Mont Blanc (56). The beauty of this sight was most extra- ordinary ; for as it shone with the stars that ^tood around it, — not indeed in equally vehe- SNOW-CAP OF MONT BLANC. 7 ment light, yet in a broader, more connected mass, — it appeared, to the eye, to belong to a higher sphere, and it required an effort to con- ceive its base fixed to the earth." The snow-line of the Alps in the high lati- tude of about 46° N. is only 8,300 feet above the level of the sea ; that of Chimborazo, the highest of the Andes, 15,700 ; and that of the Himmalayan Mountains, in latitude about 32° N., 17,000. Hence, though Mont Blanc is not equal in elevation, its covering of permanent snow occupies a cone, nearly one half higher than that of Chimborazo, and scarcely inferior to that of the highest peak of the Asiatic range. a. The snow-cap, a, of Mont /[ j\ 6 Blanc is twice the height /^S^i3^;^\/ \\ of Benlomond, h ; and hav- ^""^ -V^----A-- .^ jj^g twice the height, its base may be considered as having four times the area; hence the snow-cap of Mont Blanc would con- Base. Height. tain eight of Benlomond (4x2 — 8). Taking the whole of Mont Blanc, its height above the level of the sea is = 4^ times that of Benlo- mond ; the base of the former has, therefore, an area = 20J times that of the base of the lat- 8 CHAMONIX BUT LITTLE KNOWN BEFORE 1741. ter, and the solid content of Mont Blanc is thus more than 90 (= 01^) times that of Benlomond. And if Mont Blanc be considered, — not as re- gards its height above the level of the sea, but, as rising directly from the vale of Cha- monix, we find it the most considerable moun- tain known ; for its summit is 12,300 feet above that valley, — Chimborazo not more than 11,600 above Tapia, — and the loftiest Himmala- yan peak, only 10,800 above the level of the low^est plain of Thibet. The vale of Chamonix seems to have been quite unknown to tourists, until within nine- ty-five years of the present time. "It was in 1741," says Ebel, " that the celebrated tra- veller Pocock, and another Englishman named Wyndham, visited it, and gave to Em-ope, and to the whole world, the first notions of a coun- try, which is situated at the distance of only eighteen leagues from Geneva. As every body thought that this valley was a den of banditti, and of barbarous and savage people, the reso- lution of these gentlemen to visit it was blam- ed ; they were so seriously counselled to be upon their guard, that they set off from Gene- CAPTAIN SHERWILL'S SKETCH OF " CHAMOUNI." va, armed to the very teeth, with a number of servants no less armed ; they did not ventm-e to enter any house in the valley, but encamp- ed under tents, and kept up fires, and a watch by sentinels, the whole night. The mountains of the neighbourhood were then knoTvn imder the name of Montagues Maudites or Cursed Mountains." Such is the account given by Dr Ebel,* of the discovery of Chamonix, in 1741. Captain Sherwill,f however, has satisfactori- ly shewn, that a convent of Benedictine monks having been founded at Chamonix, by Count Aymon of Geneva, about the year 1090, other persons settled there ; that the bishops of Ge- neva, as well as others, repeatedly visited the val- ley ; and that it was lvno^^^l, and had communi- cation Avith the neighbouring toA\Tis, dm-ing six hundred and fifty years previous to the visit of Pocock and "VVyndham, in 1741 : 3^et he adds his conviction, that the valley would have remained comparatively unknown to travellers, had not the "indefatigable zeal and manly pru- * " Manuel du Voyageur en Suisse^ traduit de rAllcmand." t " Historical Sketch of the Valley of Chamouni." 10 ORIGIN OF THE NAME " CIIAMOUNI." dence" of these English gentlemen, urged them on to examine the hidden beauties of this then neglected corner of the world. Captain Sherwill considers, that the origin of the name " Chamouni" may be found in two words, occurring in the Latin deed of gift by Count Ajonon to the Convent : these are, " campus mu7iitus,'" i. q., fortified field ; the lofty mountains and inaccessible aiguilles, that sur- round the valley on aU sides, being, no doubt, the natural defence or fortification here impUed : " but, to arrive at the literal word ' Chamouni,' we must translate them into French, or into the patois of the country, and the signification is equally good in both ; for instance — ' campus^ champ, Sind'munitus,' muni. Theterm ' Prieure,' was generally used until the year 1330 ; when the few cottages, that surrounded the monas- tic building, assumed the name of Chamouni." But, returning to my own station on the Col de Balme (9), the summit was not wrapped in vapour, — the sky was most serene. Not un- frequently may that spot be visited, with a view of the base alone ; how often, seeing not more than the shoidder of the mountain ; how AN ASCENT NOT LONG CONTEMPLATED. 11 still more often, while other, even lofty moun- tain-tops are visible, that snow-haired " mo- narch of the Alps" alone, is canopied in clouds. This is not the time to discuss the question, whether my object in attempting to ascend the mountain was, or was not, commensm-ate with all the risk and all the danger : it will be suffi- cient now to say, that the idea of an ascent, con- ceived but a few hours before, became at the Col de Balme a settled purpose. " Und •wohnt er droben auf dem Eispallast Des Schreckhorns, oder hoher, wo die Jungfrau Seit Ewigkcit verschleiert sitzt — let mache Mir Bahn zu ihm."* While I was on the Col, there came up a party fi*om the vaUey, attended by a guide of Chamonix. The latter had ascended Mont Blanc once, but said he would never go again, and tried to dissuade me from making the at- tempt. On my an-ival at the Priory of Chamonix (48) that evening, guides were consulted, as to the probable practicability of an ascent. It was ob- jected, in the first place, that the season was too far advanced, and secondly, that some snow * Schiller. 12 GUIDES CONSULTED AT THE PRIORY. had recently fallen, which had not had time to harden : as a consequence of the first obstacle, that the days were too short, and that the fis- sures had probably widened ; of the second, that the way would be rendered not only more dif- ficidt, but more dangerous also, from the newly- fallen snow lightly covering, aud thus conceal- ing, the smaller crevices. Avalanches, too, were likely to occur more frequently, with a layer of recent snow. On the other hand, the weather had never, perhaps, presented a more favourable opportunity ; the moon was nearly full ; I was in excellent " training," from hav- ing lately climbed some of the heights in Swit- zerland ; and additional interest was given to the undertaking, from the lapse of four years since the last ascent ; which, according to a list seen at the Priory, was made by a fellow-coun- trj^nan. Captain E. B. Wilbraham, in 1830.* Taking all circumstances into consideration, I resolved to make the attempt, and having, not without some hesitation on their parts, en- gaged six guides, I set out the next morning, * I was informed that an attempt had been made this summer, (1834) by two gentlemen of Savoy ; but that, from bad weather, it had failed. ASCENT— PINE FOREST— PIERRE A L'ECHELLE. 13 September the 16th, at half-past eight o'clock. A rumour of the enterprise had become general in the village, and, in consequence, there was a group of persons near the Hotel de 1' Union*, to witness om* departure. The cottagers too, as we passed through the valley (78), gave us their best wishes ; here and there, an anxious face, bespeaking relationship with some of the guides. We left the valley at the village of les Pele- rins (51), and, ascending through the pine forest eastward of the glacier des Bossons (62), reached successively the Chalet de la Para (the last hu- man habitation), Pierre Pointue, and Pierre a, I'Echelle : the latter point by noon. The highest tree is Pinus Cembra, the Sibe- rian pine, found in sheltered situations, on that the north side of the mountain, more than 6000 feet above the sea. There were acres of Rhododendron ferruginemn, the beautiful, Alp- * I am much indebted to the proprietors of this excellent hotelj Chariot and Simond, for their assiduity in providing such an outfit as should ensure me as much comfort as possible in the expedition ; for their attention during my subsequent stay at Chamonix ; and for the promptness with which they furnished information, for which I afterwards applied to them by letter. 1 4 ALPINE PLANTS— PROVISIONS—CHAMOIS SEEN. rose, just gone out of flower, and of many other alpine plants, — though the season was so far advanced, — zone could be observed succeeding zone, in the order of then* hardihood, on the pri- mitive debris of the "Moraines." Here and there a prostrate trunk of pine, cast down by ava- lanches, afforded us a httle wood for fuel, and was collected by the guides. At Pierre a I'Echelle we overtook some men employed by the guides to carry thus far part of the baggage, consisting of charcoal, extra clothing, blankets, ropes twelve or fourteen feet long, for the pm-pose of tying us together when passing over a dangerous sm-face, a ves- sel in which to boil water, besides a mountain barometer, two thermometers, a telescope, and what was perhaps of more importance than any one thing besides, an axe to cut om* way up and down the ice-masses and indurated snow. These men, the bearers thus far of the baggage, returned to the vaUey. Several Chamois were seen bounding fleetly over the rocks just above us. We had sur- prised them in a situation from which even these animals could not easily extricate them- ENTRANCE UPON THE GLACIER DES BOSSONS. 15 selves ; and two or tlu*ee minutes elapsed be- fore the last of them made its escape, which it effected by crossing the glacier. At Pierre a I'Echelle we made a second breakfast, and, at the foot of the Aiguille du Midi (37), entered upon the ice, over which ex- clusively our course now lay, in perpendicular altitude, 7000 feet. Bifid iron points (they should have been of steel) were screwed into the soles of my shoes, to prevent slipping. A boy despatched from the village of les Pele- rins (51) to the Priory (48), for some spirit of wine, wanted for an experiment on the summit, now came breathless after us. I was greatly disappointed, however, to find that it was not alcohol, but nitric acid, that he had brought. Crossing obliquely the glacier des Bossons, we ascended south-west to the Mulct rocks (61), on one of which we hoped to pass the night. Each of the party carried a baton or pole, six or seven feet long, armed at the end with an iron spike.* This was to serve as a support and balance to the body, when climb- ing up the slippery ice, or to afford a cross- * Better, made of steel. 10 THE GLACIERS— TRANSVERSE RENTS. ing beam to narrow crevices, into which we miglit begin to fall. The glaciers are sloping fields of ice, that oc- cupy ravines in the sides of mountains ; moving sloAvly and miperceptibly, but continually downwards, it is said at the rate of a foot each day. Where in contact with the warmer sur- face of the ground on which they rest, and at their sides, they thaw ; and being thus loosen- ed, way is made for their descent. But here and there some obstacle occurs, that holds them, until then- weight overcomes and carries downwards the obstruction ; or, when the lat- ter does not yield, the glacier becomes trans- versely rent, by which the lt)wer portion of the mass is separated, and proceeds ; the fis- sure widening, until filled up by the ice-debris of avalanches, or the next winter's snow. The obstacles consist, for the most part, of rocks, projecting from the sides of the ravines. A Ut- tle water from the surface of the glacier, finds its way in the day-time into the crevices of these rocks, and in the night irresistibly ex- panding into ice, loosens them, so that they must eventually yield. Glaciers thus widen GLACIERS OF BOSSONS AND TACONNAZ. 17 their ravines, by taking from their sides. Hence the vast lateral accmnnlations of debris, and the uprooted branchless pines. The for- mer, at the sides of the Bossons glacier, are called " The Moraines." The surfaces of gla- ciers present, besides, great and general inequa- lities, which, using a geological expression, may be called slips, with vast overhanging mural precipices, referrible to corresponding in- equalities in the beds of their ravines. The glaciers of Bossons and Taconnaz, rent in some parts almost from side to side, are the great receptacles of ice, falling from the north side of the summit of Mont Blanc, with which in unconnected portions they are stre^vn. Enormous masses becoming lodged, half in, half out of the rents, form sometimes the only bridges by which the latter can be crossed. Steps are heAvn Avith the axe, up one side and down the other, of these blocks of ice. Some- times the bridge consists of a heap of smaller masses ; sometimes there is no bridge at all, and you have either to pass along the margin of the chasm, until a narrower part of it is reached, where you may spring across (this, B 18 CROSSING THE CHASMS. liOAvever, at the risk of not getting back, on the other side, to the hne of route you were piu*- suing), or, held by a rope, you descend into the fissure to some shelving ridge, from which you gain, and cut your way up, the precipice on the other side.* * Dr Clarke, who ascended Mont Blanc in 1825^ lias well de- scribed the crossing of a fissure in the last mentioned way : " The chasm, though wide above, was not very wide beneath. The sides sloped down to a kind of serpentine chink from three to four feet wide, but of unknown depth. Our guide Jnlien, a thoroughly brave steady man, descended first to the end of the chink, cutting holes as he descended. When at the brink it was still too wide to jump across, especially as the landing place on the other side was steep and slippery, Julien called to us above to hand dovni our ice-poles ; accordingly, four or five poles were handed down to him. These poles he placed from brink to brink, so as to make a little bridge, and then, af- ter cautiously trying its strength, he slowlj' and steadilj' walked over to the opposite side. I must honestly confess that I did not at all admire this very ingenious contrivance, and did not much care to look on while Julien performed the feat. But the difficulty was not then at an end, for he had afterwards to climb up a high bank of snow so exceedingly steep that he could only ascend by cutting alternate holes for his feet and hands with the axe. This was a very singular and awkward affair ; we stood watching him in breathless anxiety, expecting every mo- ment that he would slip backward into the chasm. For his sake and our own we were heartily glad to see Julien safelj- emerge and fairly landed on the plane of snow above. He then let down his rope to assist and steady us in crossing the bridge of poles, and afterwards to help us in mounting the snow-bank. I am rather inclined to think that this passage was the most ha- zardous of the whole expedition ; nor do I know whether the DANGER FROM SETTING ICE IN MOTION. 1,9 And if, as was the case when I was there, snow have lately fallen, the narrow, incipient crevices become concealed, and the small open- ings between the accumulated masses, — some so small that not more is threatened than a broken leg, others large enough, however, to engorge a human body, — these are lightly filled up ; and if you step on the thin crust conceal- ing them, it lets you thi'ough. Sometimes, too, a loose mass, on which for a moment you have rested, slips, — and, taken unawares, your other foot slips, — and, not ad- justed, the baton slips, — and there is no point for the hands to grasp, if, indeed, the hands are not too benumbed to grasp at all. You vainly strive to cling with arms and knees to the moving ice ; perhaps, too, on one of those uncertain bridges, — and see on both sides a danger was greater of slipping off the tottering bridge into the chasm, or of falling backwards in climbing up the frozen bank of hard snow, where we had now and then to cling to the holes in the ice till our fingers ached with the grasp. Yet the aid af- forded by these brave mountaineers is so prompt and so efficient, that the danger is by no means so great to the traveller as it would seem to be. To the guides, and to the guides only, be- longs the merit either of courage or of dexterity in the matter." — Dr Clarke's Narrative. 13 2 20 THE GUIDES ON THE GLACIER. yawning rift, having, indeed, bright walls, but — dark, tremendous depth. At such an awful moment, the guide, ever watchful, turns, and with the gi'eatest coolness, and strength that seems Herculean, draws you up to the firmer, though still, perhaps, precarious point on which he is standing : and you feel that he has saved you. This is not an exaggerated picture. It is wonderful to see those Savoyards, — strong in Alpine hardihood, and used from early life to clamber after chamois, — springing sure-footed from mass to mass, and walking on slippery and narrow ridges, seeming quite regardless of the gulf, into which one false step would cast them. A guide immediately precedes, and takes especial chai-ge of you ; and you have to watch and closely follow, if you can, his every step, — placing your foot only on such parts as his has tried. No sound is heard in those solitudes, save the deep and hollow muniiur of an unseen tor- rent, whose path lies 300 feet * and more down * The ascertained thickness of the ice in some parts of the Mer dc Glace (30), is 300 feet. It is probabh- 500 in some parts of the Glacier des Bossons (62). ICY DESOLATION OF THE GLACIERS. 2 1 the clefts. It is the genial warmth of nature, working in the depths of the dark ice-chambers, where the last stratum of the glacier lies in contact with the ground. Many such torrents joining, form a river, pouring perpetually from the foot of every glacier. The ice assumes the most fantastic forms, exhibiting a curious scene, days' jom-neys wide, of wildness untameable and spark- ling azure. The Mer de Glace (30) has been said to exhibit an appearance, " as if frost had suddenly bound up the waves and whirlpools of a mighty torrent." The Bossons glacier (G2), I would say, resembles more a city, converted into ice, — then shaken into ruins ; and taking a Dutch city, the chasms are represented by ca- nals. But the surface of the Mer de Glace, even as high up as the Jardin, presents no ice masses, and no chasms, to be compared in mag- nitude with those occurring on the upper part of the Glacier des Bossons, which we crossed the first day ; and yet there awaited me higher up the mountain, icy scenes of still more daz- zling splendour, and on a mightier scale. The guides had said, that from the lateness 22 ZIGZAG COURSE, AND STEPS RETRACED. of the season, the fissures would be found much widened ; and so it proved. To this an unusually hot summer also, had doubtless tend- ed. These fissures gave a most zigzag direc- tion to our course, compelled us to retrace pain- fully-taken steps, and sometimes to reascend walls, where ropes as well as hands and knees had been employed to enable us to scramble down. It was the lower and larger of the mulet rocks, the Grand Mulet (61), that we were to try to gain, as om* quarters for the night. But the most eligible point from which to cUmb up the rock, was absolutely unattainable ; a great fissure, and a mm'al precipice beyond it, inter- vening. We therefore retraced om' steps down towards the base of the rock. But here, too, a wall of solid ice was interposed. The guides thi'ew down then* provision-bags, and set earnestly to work. I took, as well as bemmibed hands permitted, a sketch or two the while, from which the two small plates are taken.* The leading guide, secured with * The plates present but a small portion of the rock iiear its base. DANGER IN ATTAINING THE GRAND MULET. 23 a rope, was lowered dowii to a projecting point, on which there was a footing for his toes. He then clambered up from point to point, also cut- ting steps, until at last, with labour exceeded only by the peril of his situation, he attained the rock ; other guides continuing all the while their hold of the rope with which he had been tied, as a false step would otherwise have cast him down into a chasm, the depth of Avhich we could not ascertain. Another guide was now secured, and the rope tlii'own up to him already on the rock ; so that the former also gained it. These tAvo then drew up the others of the party, as well as the provision-bags, by means of ropes. The first guide who reached the rock, was our captain, Joseph Marie Couttet ; the second, Michal Balmat. Of these intrepid men I can- not say enough, to do justice either to them or to my own feelings. Without them, the under- taking must have failed, at the base of that rock, or elsewhere. The well-known Couttet had reached the summit of Mont Blanc eight times before. On one occasion, both his legs Avere fractured by falling rocks. On another. 24 THE GUIDES, COUTTET AND BALMAT. one of his hands was greatly injured. In the attempt of Dr Hamel, an avalanche swept him away, and hm-led him down a chasm with four other guides, three of whom perished. No one should attempt to ascend Mont Blanc without him. His intelligence is extraordinary.* The comprehensive view taken by him and Balmat, in planning, on the height of some ice-tower, a winding route across the glacier, is wonder- ful. When these two guides were not obliged to take the lead, I was glad to have them near me ; but on all occasions requiring much cool- ness, intrepidity, experience, and judgment, they were the leaders of the party. Couttet and Balmat are particularly mentioned, not for their own sakes merely, but because I may thus serve some future traveller. The other fom* were Pierre Tairraz, already three times up the mountain ; Frangois Despland, and Si- mon Tournier, each up once before ; and Jean Tairraz, going up for the first time. I can re- commend them all : each in his turn assisted me in difficult and dangerous places, and per- * Couttet has a good collection of crystals and mountain rocks for sale^ at the Priory of Chamonix. ,;iW.^Vl.iCiv SCALING 200 FEET OF THE ROCK. 25 formed his part in a faitliful manner. The one last named, Jean Tairraz, is a young and very enterprising- guide. His attentions added not a little to my comfort, during our stay upon the rock. Never had Couttet found it so difficult to at- tain the Grand Mulct rock. He afterwards handed me a memorandum, from Avhich the following is taken. " Je soussigne et certifie avoir ete 9 fois au sommet du Mont Blanc. Jen'ai jamais rencontrd autant dedifficultes que cette fois-ci (avce le Docteur Barry, que j'ai accompagne jusqu' au sommet du Mont Blanc) pour arriver au Grand Mulet (61) : et la neige nouvelle nous a beaucoup fatigue. Malgre toutes les difficultes, notre voyage a et^ heu- reux. — Chamonix, le 20 SeiMmhre 1834. (Signed) Couttet Joseph, Guide." The part of the rock first gained, was at no great height above its base. Hence we had to scramble up two hundred feet of the nearly vertical micaceous strata of this aiguille ; por- tions of which, disjointed, now and then slip- ped, threatening destruction, not more to him 26 OPEN SHELF OF ROCK-SUNSET. standing on, or clinging- to them, than to those beloAV, upon whose heads they narrowly escaped falling. Well do I remember the vigilance and prodigious strength of Despland, the faithful fellow who had me then in charge ; which, in- deed, I thought it worth w^hile to notice in the certificate afterwards given to him. There is a ledge of a few square feet, a sort of open shelf, on the south-west side, and se- veral yards below the top, of the rock; the margin, a precipice of seventy or eighty feet. Upon this shelf, as a spot not reached by ava- lanches, we were to pass the night. It was half-past six o'clock. I have spoken of a sunset from the Faidhorn : now higher by two thousand feet, — ^myself a point upon the glacier- Avail of rosy light, — I drank the radiance of another ; witnessed the parting tribute of the sun to lake Leman, — which, though distant about fifty miles, shared it with me ; saw him go cloudless doAvn behind the Jiu-a, — leaving us to enjoy upon our rock, in the purple of the evening, the serene assurance of his bright return. The height of the Barometer was = Eng. BAROM.— CABIN— NIGHT—AVALANCHES. 27 inches 21.235 ; the attached Themiometer =: 45° 50 F. Our batons, inclmed against the rock, served as the rafters of a little cabin : over these two sheets were thi'own, as roof and walls ; blankets being spread upon the floor of rock. A fire was kindled near the tent, and, mth good appe- tites, we supped around it. Thirst had be- come very great. At nine o'clock, adding three-fold to our clothing, and TVTapping up especially the feet, we crawled into oui* cabin, and stowed our- selves transversely on the ledge, in a half-sit- ting posture, with our feet turned towards the precipice ; a provision-bag serving as my pillow. The guides lay very close beside me, and thus the night was not fomid cold. The guides soon slept soundly ; but excite- ment kept me wide awake, and I lay listening to the long-reverberated sound of avalanches. That was a season truly for reflection. Some of that falling ice covered, perhaps, the track that we had made to-day ; how possible that other masses might meet us in our path to-morrow. What should I do, if any of my poor guides 28 REFLECTIONS— NO FATIGUE. were swept beyond recovery into a chasm, or suddenly to disappear, sinking into hollows, through thin crusts of snow ? Their families in the vale, — ^what were then their feelings ; and what those of one, — the best of brothers, — whom I had left there ; whose parting look had vividly remained before me all the day. I cannot say that I felt at that time the least fatigue ; an exemption attributable to the mag- nitude of the undertaking, and to its being, as it were, only begun. At length, however, I too slept, but not soundly, and I lay wide awake again at twelve. I got up, and found to my sorrow, that Couttet and the younger Tairraz were lying in the open air, the cabin being too small to hold more than five. But the cold was not severe, for a thermometer at nine o'clock, indicating 39" F., had risen to 42', a smart breeze from the south-west having sub- sided. At half-past one, the thermometer had again fallen to 41°. It Avas a brilliant night. Beneath a dark and cloudless vault, the snowy mantle of the mountain shone resplendent with the beams of a full, Italian moon. The guides lay buried in MOONLIGHT SCENE AT THE GRAND MULET ROCK. 29 the deepest sleep. Thus, in the midnight hour, at the height of ten thousand feet, I stood — alone: my resting-place a pinnacle of rock, that towered darkly above the frozen wilder- ness, from which it, isolated, rose. Below me, the yawning rifts and uproarious desolation of the glacier, presented an appalling picture of dangers, scarcely gone by ; around and above, was a sea of fan* but treacherous snow, whose hidden perils yet lay before us. I saw the chain of Jura, and the distant top of many an unknown alp, — an earnest of the prospect from still more lofty regions ; yet among them, Mont Buet's white dome, — a warning monument of Eschen's fate, — forbade the attempt to go up higher. The vale of Chamonix slept at the mountain's foot ; and, now and then broken by the deep thunder of an avalanche, the pro- foundest silence reigned. It seemed the vast- est, wildest, sternest of Nature's prodigies re- posing; — now starting, as in a fitful dream, — then sinking again into the stillest calm. Tlie influence upon my mind of that poetic " vision of the night," I must despair of ever being able to communicate to others ; and yet 30 MORNING OF THE SECOND DAY. the scene itself lives, " a picture in my me- mory," standing alone, — unalterable by time. It held me, until an hour and half had passed away; when, a recollection of the coming day's fatigues, rendered it proper, again to try, at least, to take repose. In three hours, the guides roused me : of course then, from my vigils, little disposed to rise. It was past four o'clock. Orion shone where the full, and now setting, moon had beamed three hours before. Soon the moun- tain-top became a pyramid of gold ; delightful token that the rising sun, — between which and us, the mountain intei'vened, — had re- deemed the pledge given by his departing rays. First, lightly breakfasting, we left the rock at five. Proceeding then across an ice-valley, we approached the base of the Dome du Goute (57) ; then ascended zig-zag towards the Pla- teaus. The recent snow, nearly knee-deep, made the way laborious ; the safety of each step was tried before taken, by our leader, with the ba- ton ; we proceeded in a line, — held, in twos and threes, with ropes, — and following carefully and SPLENDID ICY SCENERY. 31 very exactly the same footsteps, as less weari- some than new plunges in the snow, and for the more important reason, that they Avere the only tried portions of the faithless sm'face. Our course lay, for the most part, over vast fields of snow ; but the early portion of it pre- sented scenery of sm*passing beauty, far more magnificent and dazzling than that of the day before. There were broad andbridgeless chasms, whose depths the eye, from their dizzy edges, vainly sought to ascertain ; — towering masses, in forms that, from their strangeness, seemed unreal ; — spires of brightness, grottos and pala- ces of frost, — here recent, soft, of snowy white- ness, — there older, hardened, passing into crys- tal azure, — sprinkled with frozen dew, festooned with silver fringe ; their inmost caverns dark, — vast stalactites of ice, in line, guarding the portals. " These fairy structm-es," as said by Clissold,* "successively dissolving in the warmer atmosphere of the afternoon, and be- ing hardened again by the nightly frosts, are perpetually starting into new objects of won- * Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc, Au- "•ust 18; 1822. .32 GREAT DIFFICULTIES MET WITH. der." Such scenes are in recollection vivid, — I see them now, — ^but words are wanting, to impart them to another. No wonder if I often turned, and turned again, not knowing how to leave them (I).* Feelings, however, very different, soon suc- ceeded. All the experience and intrepidity of Couttet and of Balmat were called forth, to con- tend with difficulties that occurred on every hand. We reached, indeed, one point, where it was found impossible to advance fiu*ther in the same course ; and from a tower of ice, obsta- cles were discovered, requiring a wide change of route. The two exploring guides went a long distance tow^ards the Dome du Goute (57), in search of a new passage ; the others and myself, knee-deep in snow, anxiously awaiting a signal to follow, or then* return : but they were foiled. Another, and yet another course was sought, in vain. Four years had elapsed since Mont Blanc was last ascended ; hence we knew^ not but that, from the shifting nature of the snow- masses, changes had occurred, that might en- * See the notes appended. SUCCESS ALMOST DESPAIRED OF. 33 tirely cut off om- further progress. Auldjo* had said mdeed, from alterations which he thought he saw taking place in the glacier in 1827, that probably the summit would soon become inaccessible. The half French, half Italian^a^ozs of the guides, — scarcely understood by me, when, under ordinary circumstances, they conversed among themselves, — was now sufficiently inteUigible, from vehement outcries of disappointment. Then- faces too, convinced me that success was not far from being despair- ed of Yet another course was tried ; a long, steep, and most round-about ascent, affording the last forlorn hope. The day before, I had ascend- ed to nearly twice the height of the highest of the Scottish Grampians, with less than half the fatigue that it had, on two occasions, cost me, to reach the top of Ben MacDhui; — and why? because the magnitude of the undertaking lent me energy and strength, — and so long as obsta- cles could, by any means, be overcome, toil was unknown. But now, dispirited, bow great " " Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc, 8th and 9th August 1827." U 34 BRIDGE OF ICE— TREACHEROUS SNOW. was found the labour of the way ; how painful and how slow our zig-gag course. This long and weaiy ascent being at length accomplished, — could we proceed ? No ! — an enormous fissure now presented, to cross which was impossible : and here we must have turn- ed, but for a bridge of ice, discovered at a dis- tance. We made for that bridge, — it bore us over. Now, there were seen no chasms nor ice- masses, to obstruct our progress, and my hopes brightened, the prospect seeming fair. The most experienced guides perhaps thought other- wise, and truly otherwise it proved. We walk- ed upon a surface made resplendent by the moon the night before ; but not less treacher- ous than fair. Om* leader paused, and warned us of a hole, covered with recent snow, into which his staff had sunk. Again he stopped, meeting with another, — and another. This oc- curred so often, that openings must have sur- rounded us on every hand. Thus we were walk- ing on the ice-rafters of unseen cavities. Low- er down, upon the glacier, we saw dangers, and could sometimes avoid them ; now, they were ICE-RAFTERS OF UNSEEN CAVITIES. 35 hidden, with an aAvful certainty of then* exist- ence ; and in a moment, the precarious crust on which we Imew om*selves to stand, might, to a large extent, have given way. How cheering, at that time, the announce- ment by a guide, " On nous regarde.''' He knew that we had just then reached a point, from which observers in the valley could, with the telescope, discern us in our snowy track ; and I well knew that among those observers, there was one, spoken of before, whose anxiety, left as he was, in ignorance of my fate, had marred with me the pleasures of the enterprise. It was a som'ce of great joy to feel assm-edthat, by that time, his mind had been relieved ; and the unseen cavities below me were forgotten. We soon afterwards aiTived upon the Grand Plateau (60), another gi-eat stage of the ascent being thus accomplished. Now, the prospect being really fair, we felt more confidence, and sat down upon the snow, in good cheer, to break- fast ; though there was felt, even at that height, incipient loss of appetite.* ■•■■ '■' Dr Clarke and Capt. Shcrwill, with their guides, felt much more^ this want of appetite upon the Grand Plateau. Dr Clarke says, ' It was laughable enoug'h to see the same men who, a c2 30 DARK COLOUR OF THE SKY IN PART SUBJECTIVE. Besides the Grand Plateau (GO), two other plains of snow, crossed lower doA\^i the moun- tain, have been called " plateaux." It was on the middle one that Saussure, with eighteen guides, passed the second night in his ascent in 1787. Speaking of it, he says, " It is 09 toises (= 575 English feet) higher than the Peak of Teneriffe. While resting here, the blackish-blue, or ra- ther purple-black, colour of the sky arrested my attention. The colour of the sky, from un- derstood causes, is known to varA^ with the observer's elevation, with latitude, the sun's height, the season of the 3^ear, &c., it is paler above the ocean than over land ; and, of course, is deepest in the zenith. But above the snow- line, the eye contemporaneously receives white rays from vast walls of snow ; and thus, by con- trast, the sky seems darker than it really is. Convinced that such must be the case, I lay do^Ti upon my back, and shut out the snowfi-om view, by a cylinder formed with both hands, — closed my eyes for some moments, then few hours before^ would have eaten a fraction of a roasted buf- falo, now hanging their heads iu silence, and fastidiously pick- ing a pullet's wing." ROCHERS ROUGES— FATAL AVALANCHE IN 1820' ')7 Opened them upon the zenith, — and found the tinge of black more or less completely gone. Thus, viewed without and with the cylinder, a tint rather less red, and blacker, than Wer- ner's " Panzy pm-ple," was made to alternate with a dark " China blue." (II.) By 10 o'clock, we had left the Grand Pla- teau (00). Above the latter are the Rochers rouges (59), where the fatal avalanche occurred in the attempt of Dr Hamel. The following nar- rative of that melancholy scene is given by Dr Clarke. " We had now not quite a mile to proceed, before arriving at the spot where the sad ca- tastrophe occmTed in 1820. This cu'cmnstance threw an air of seriousness into all faces. Our captain, Couttet, and brave Julien, had both most narrowly escaped death ; nor could they approach the grave of their unhappy comrades without emotion. Julien gave a very clear and minute account of this disaster, which I wrote down immediately from his lips. The party had breakfasted on the Grand Plateau, near the spot at which we halted. They then tra- versed the plain, and began to ascend tlic liighest 38 FATAL AVALANCHE IN 1820. steeps of the mountain, called among the guides La Calotte de Mont Blanc* In proceeding ob- liquely upward, they approached a dark rock, which we saw above us deeply imbedded in the snow(59). 'Theorderof march,' said Julien, 'was this : — at the moment of the disaster, the lead- ing guide was Pierre Cau-riez ; 2d, Pierre Bal- mat; 3d, Auguste TauTaz : (these three perish- ed); then, 4th, moi (Julien Devouassou) ; then, next to me, Marie Couttet (our captain) ; then, behind, were five other guides, with Dr Hamel (a Russian physician), and two English gentle- men. Suddenly, said he, I heard a sort of rush- ing sound, not very loud ; but I had no time to think about it ; for, as I heard the sound, at the same instant the avalanche was upon us. I felt my feet shde from beneath me, and saw the three first men fallen upon the snow with their feet foremost. In falling, I cried out loudly, ' Nous sommes tons perdus !' I tried to support myself by planting the ice-pole below me, but in vain. The weight of snow forced me * " The close black silk-cap^ worn on the crown of the head by the priests, is called the Calotte. Whenever the original French is given, it is exactly as spoken by the guides, without any emendation." FATAL AVALANCHE IN 1820. 30 over the baton, and it slipped out of my hand. I rolled down lil^e a ball, in the mass of loose snow. At the foot of the slope was a yawning chasm, to the edge of which I was rapidly des- cending. Three times I saw the light, as I was rolling down the slope ; and, when we were all on the very edge of the chasm, I saw the leg of one of my comrades, just as he pitched dovni into the crevice. I think it must have been poor Auguste, for it looked black, and I remem- ber that Auguste had on black gaiters. This was the last I saw of my three companions, who fell headlong into the gulf, and were never seen or heard again. " At this moment I was just falling into the same crevice, and can but confusedly under- stand why I did not : but I think I owe my life to a very singular circmnstance. Dr Hamel had given me a barometer to cany ; this was fastened round my waist by a strong girdle. I fancy that at the moment this long barometer got beneath and across me ; for the girdle sud- denly broke, and I made a sort of bound as I fell ; and so, instead of following my poor com- rades, I was pushed over into another crevice, 40 FATAL avalanchp: in 1820. close to that in which they were killed. This chasm was already partly filled with snow : I do not think I fell more than fifty feet down, aUghting on a soft cushion of snow, and a good deal covered with it above. I suppose before tumbling into the chasm, we slid down from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet ; but I cannot tell, for it seemed to me not more than a minute from the time I heard the noise of the avalanche above me, till I found myself lying deep down in a narrow crack.' All estimate of distances in such circumstances must, of course, be rude guesses. Couttet's reply to the same question was this : ' I should fancy I slid down near foiu* hundred feet, and tumbled headlong about sixty feet.' I asked Julien what his thoughts were during this awkAvard tumble. His reply was in these words : ' Pendant que j'ai roule j'ai dit a moi-meme, 'Je suis perdu, adieu ma femme, et mes enfans !' et j'ai de- mande pardon a Dieu. Je n'ai rien pense ab- solument des autres. ' " ' On coming to myself,' continued honest Julien, ' I was better off than I had expected. I was lying on my back, heels upwards, with FATAL AVALANCHE IN 1820. 41 my head resting against the icy walls of the crack, and I could see some light and a little of the blue sky through two openings over my head. I was greatly afraid that some of my lunbs had been broken, but I had sunk into the mass of soft snow, and though bruised by fall- ing against the sides of the ice, yet nothing was broken, and in a few moments I contrived to get up on my feet. On looking up, I saw a little above me a man's head jDrojecting from the snow. It was Marie Couttet (our caj^tain) : he was quite covered with snow up to the neck, his arms pinioned down, and his face quite blue, as if he was nearly suffocated. He called to me in a low voice to come and help him. I found a pole in the crevice (I think not one that had belonged to the three who perished, but another) : I went to Couttet, dug round him with the baton, and in a few minutes I got Couttet clear of the snow, and we sat down to- gether. We remained in silence, looking at each other for a minute or two, thinking that all the rest were killed. Then I began to crawl i\]) on the snow that partly tilled the crack ; 42 FATAL AVALANCHE IN 1820. and, in climbing up, I saw above me David Qouttet, who was crying, and saying, ' Mon pauvre frere est perdu !' I said, * Non ! II est ici en bas.' (Couttet was climbing behind Ju- lien, and so not seen at first). Et moi j'ai dit, ' Les autres sont ils tons la en haut V lis ont dit qu'il manquoit encore trois. Et j'ai de- mande, ' Qui sont ils qui manquent V lis ont dit, ' Pierre Cairriez ; Pierre Balmat ; et Augusta Tairraz.' Nous avons demande si les messieurs avoient du mal. lis ont dit que non. Then the guides helped us to get up about fourteen feet on the solid ice. They threw us down a little axe to cut steps, and put down the end of theu' poles, and we got out. " * We all went to search for the three others : we sounded with our poles, we cried aloud, we called them by their names, put down a long pole into the snow and listened ; but all was in vain, we heard not the slight- est sound. We spent two hours in this melan- choly search, and by this time were well nigh frozen, for the wind was bitterly cold, our poles covered with ice, our shoes frozen as hard as FATAL AVALANCHE IN 1 820. 43 horn. We were compelled to descend ; we hurried doAvn in perfect silence, and returned to the inn late at night. " The three poor men were all unmarried. Pierre Cau-riez was a blacksmith, and his fa- mily depended on him for then* main support. Julien drew a very simple but touching picture of the scene of sorrow presented when the fatal news became known to the surviving friends. These rugged brave mountaineers would face death themselves unmoved, but it was with a low voice and a glistening eye that allusion was made to the fate of theu* comrades, and the grief it had occasioned. The two English gen- tlemen contributed very generously to the re- lief of the distressed families. " Worthy Simeon coniirmed his brother's narrative, and gave me all the particulars that fell under his own eye. He described most af- fectionately the despair of the bereaved friends. He tried to look perfectly unmoved, and seemed ashamed of his emotion. Yet this fine brave fellow could hardly keep from tears as he said, ' La mere de Pierre Balmat se desoloit. Ti'ois mois apres elle est morte.' 44 SAUSSURE'S ROUTE— NEW ROUTE. " Such is the abstract of the story. I have be- fore me a simple but very intelligible sketch of the relative positions, which Julien made for me with his o^vn hand, but it would be unsuit- able to the present occasion, and we have al- ready to apologize for so long a digression. This unhappy accident seems not to have been altogether what is commonly called an ava- lanche, but simply a part of the stratum of new snow^ which slipped upon the old, and swept all before it in its descent. The extent of snow put in motion Avas estimated at about 200 feet in height, 150 in breadth, and rather more than a foot in depth." I now return to my own narrative. Saus- sure's course (80) lay to the west of the Ro- chers rouges (59) ; we went eastward of them, by the new route (79) discovered in 1827, when myfellow-countr3rnienC. Fellows and W. Hawes ascended, and by which a very dangerous part is avoided. Great dryness, in some parts a livid colom*, and constriction of the skin, now iDcgan to l^e observed ; thirst became intense, and could scarcely be alleviated, though we continually SENSATIONS— HEAT OPPRESSIVE— INSECTS. 45 ate sugar, French plums, and snoAv. We were in a naiTow valley, sheltered from the wind, and exposed to the sun's du-ect rays : the com- mon focus, too, of rays reflected from vast sur- rounding walls of snow. The heat was there- fore now oppressive, and the face scorched. A veil had been provided, but as it would have taken from the splendour of the icy scenery around, I preferred not using it, though de- squamation of the epidermis of the face was al- most sure to follow the omission. Green spec- tacles were used, and are indispensable, to ob- viate the glare from the snow. An insect of the order Diptera ^sas found dead upon the snow, about 1500 feet below the summit, and one of the Hymenoptera, alive, 300 feet higher ; both having probably been can*ied up by the wind. Professor Bronn of Heidelberg, was so obliging as to examine these for me, and found the first to correspond most nearly with the description of Syrphus arcua- tus of Fallen and Meigen. If it be reall}^ this, the vicinity of Mont Blanc is a new station for it, as, according to Meigen' s monograj)!!, it 46 ALPINE CROWS— EPAULE DROITE. had previously been found in Sweden only. On the day after my return from the mountain, I saw two or three of what appeared to be the same insects alive, near the " Jardin," about 9000 feet above the sea. They were extremely vigilant, and rapid on the wing : I could not catch one. The other insect has not been de- termined. Two large birds were seen at a distance, passing over the shoulder of the mountain, from Piedmont to Savoy, at a height of nearly 15,000 feet. The guides called them " Corneilles." They were probably " Alpine crows" — " Pyr- rliocorax Pyrrhocoraoc,'' Cuv.* Our progress, after leaving the Grand Pla- teau (60), at fii-st obstiiicted by the passage of some very formidable cliffs of ice, was hinder- ed chiefly by the depth of the soft snow, until we reached the foot of an acclivity of nearly 45^ and many hundred feet in height. It was the " epaule droite" (or right shoulder) of the • " Corvus Pyrrhocorax," Gmel. — " Choquard or Choucasdes Alpes," Buff. Rarely leaving in summer the highest elevations of the Alps ; always living in the neighbourhood of perpetual snows. Temminck. FEET NEARLY FROZEN— GIDDINESS. 47 " Calotte," or summit of the mountain. The surface here was so much indurated, as to j^re- vent our advancing one step, without holes being first cut with the axe ; yet it had not be- come so hard as to render firm the footing thus obtained. It was in the state compared by Auldjo to a " conglomerate of hailstones ;" which, frequently and suddenly slipping back, precipitation would have been almost inevitable, but for the ropes holding us together. In no part of the ascent were the latter felt to be more indispensable than there. Our progress was extremely slow, so that I suffered not a little from the cold, — a keen breeze prevailing at the time ; and as my feet seemed all but frozen, the footing became doubly insecure. There was a splendid prospect, had I dared to look below me ; and once or twice a glimpse of it was obtained, — ^but attended with some giddi- ness, which made me glad to turn from it : and so near was the foot of the declivity to the margin of the steep glacier de la Brenva, that it seemed as if the momentum that would be acquired by a fall, would have been sufficient 48 THE HEIGHT OF 14,700 FEE'l' ATTAINED. to cast US down an unknown depth, on the Ita- lian side. Having at length scaled the " epaule droite," we had reached the height of 14,700 feet above the level of the sea. SECOND LECTURE. D Sensations — Dryness of tlie skin — thirst — want of appetite — Breathing not affected, a thousand feet below the apex — Sudden exhaustion^ and embarrassed respiration after a fewsteps — Exhaustion extreme — indifference — sinking up- on the snow — The apex reached — uneasy sensations gone — Respiration not affected while at rest — Barometer — Thermometer — Evaporation a source of cold — Beverage — Thirst unquenchable — no appetite — A pistol fired — feeble report — Sound conducted by the ice — Height of the moun- tain — Apex how formed — Boiling point of water — Com- bustion of wood and charcoal — " Roclicrs Me'ridionales" " Derniers Rochers" — Specimens now in the Museum at Edinburgh — Snow does not deepen on the summit of Mont Blanc — Prospect from the summit — Thrill of exulta- tion — Actual range of sight — Mountains — Plains and Val- leys — Waters — View too vast for the human eye — The dark " aiguilles" in seas of snow — Tell — Columbus— Han- nibal — Csesar^Voltaire — Rousseau— Gibbon — Saussure — Beccaria — Couttet's sketch — Descent rapid — Danger of setting snow in motion — Respiration not disturbed in the descent — Lassitude — Mont Buet; death ofEschen there — Narrow escape on a thin crust of snow — Organ of hearing — Return to the Grand Mulct Rock— Barometer— Appetite returned — Another night upon the rock — Proposed cavity — Plants — jNIica slate and gneiss — Final departure from the Grand Mulct Rock — The glacier recrossed — Danger from avalanches at the Aiguille du Midi — Anxiety of a brother — Our track followed from the Bre'ven — Jacques Balmat — Return in safety to the Priory — Three days without a cloud — Barometer — Supjier with the guides and Jacques Balmat — Death of Jacques Balmat — Mine the sixteenth ascent — Certificate — Twenty persons — Count de Tilly — List of ascents — A state of collapse not perceived to follow — Do I recommend the ascent to others? — A mine of recollections. SECOND LECTURE. No sensations had been hitherto experienced, differing in hind, from those which had occur- red to me in the ascent of less lofty mountains. Dryness of the skin and thirst, already men- tioned, were to be expected, as the immediate consequences of increased evaporation from the sm-face of the body, and, in part, of dryness of the fauces (III). There was, hoAvever, want of ap- petite, — first perceived upon the Grand Plateau, two thousand feet lower down (IV). Breath- ing not at all disturbed. We now stood above the " Rochers Rouges," on a small platform of snow, at the foot of the last slope. I suffered at this time only from thirst, and from the effect of warmth returning into my half-frozen feet. The condition of the d2 52 SUDDEN EXHAUSTION AND DYSPN(EA. guides was not observed to differ from my own. There now remained less than a thousand feet, up what appeared an easy slope, (a plane of about 30°) to take us to the apex of the mountain. My enthusiasm was perhaps scarce- ly equal to what it had been three hours before. Such were the circumstances under which we addressed om'selves to the last acclivity, — such our sensations ; — and I was ready to be- lieve, that I should experience no others. Suddenly, however, as we approached the " Derniers Rochers," that project through the snow, near the middle of this the last slope, there occurred to me considerable exhaustion, — accompanied, but scarcely preceded, by dys- pnoea (difficult breathing) ; both of which sensa- tions, standing still for a few moments, and tak- ing two or three deep inspirations, sufficed en- tirely to remove ; but which, on my again set- ting forward, returned as before (V). At fii'st this happened after perhaps every twenty, or five-and-twenty paces ; but this number became less and less, until it did not amount to ten. Never have I found the flexors of the thigh, and extensors of the leg, so inadequate to the INDIFFERENCE— THE APEX REACHED. 53 performance of theii* office, as on that occa- sion ; and yet I cannot say that seven hundred feet lower doT\Ti («. e. at the foot of this slope), I had been conscious of the least fatigue. My steps were now extremely short and sIoav ; yet rest for a few moments, standing, continued to relieve me. At leng-th, exhaustion became extreme, — the magnitude of the undertaking ceased to be a stimulus, — and a degree of indifference came on, that deprived the highest point in Europe, though just within reach, of all its interest, and made me ready to ask myself, "cui bono?" Thus, almost fainting, I sank upon the snow. Yet, even now, rest for a few minutes, and a lit- tle wine, restored me, and one more effort be- ing made, I stood upon the apex of the moun- tain (56). It was a quarter past two o'clock. Again repose was taken : then — finding that there really was no higher point, — that the mountain-top was actually gained, — every uneasy sensation ceased ; and during an hour and quarter, that I spent there in a state of comparative repose, — i. e. engaged only in mak- ing such observations as the few instruments 54 BAROM ETER— TH ERMOMETER. I happened to have with me, admitted of, — in endeavouring to ascertain the boiling-point of water, — and in contemplating the stupendous scene beneath, — ^my respiration was not at all affected, and I was inconvenienced only by the wind on that unsheltered icy ridge. Time ap- peared to pass, however, with amazing rapidi- ty; which I attribute, partly to a degree of lan- guor, rather inferred than felt, that made me longer than I was aware of in performing my experiments, — partly to the overpowering vast- ness of the prospect, in which I was, as it were, lost. I found the height of the barometer ir 17.052 Eng. inches, — suspended, and screened by the encasing wood from the sun's rays ; the at- tached thermometer indicating 32° Fahr. a breeze blowing from the south. My air-ther- mometer proved bad ; but with the mercm'y of the barometer at 32°, the air would be about 30° ; and that stratum of it in contact with om* bodies was of course lower, from the quantity of heat becoming by evaporation latent. I felt little or no desire to sleep ; it would doubtless have been otherwise, with more intense cold. BEVERAGE— A PISTOL FIRED. .).) One of my guides had headach, probably from rather a large quantity of brandy he had taken. The rest assured me individuallj^, that they were well, and they all said that their breathing had not on this occasion, nor on any former one, been affected while at rest upon the summit. I may remark, that I did not find needful for myself, any stronger drink, during the whole journey, than a light wine of Neu- chatel. Lemonade and wine, so far from being loathed, as I understand to have been the case with some, were found most grateful ; but thu-st remained unquenchable. Disinclination to eaf continued, yet did not amount to nausea (VI). Saussure said that on the summit of Mont Blanc, the firing of a pistol would make no more noise than a small cracker in a chamber. I fired a pistol on that summit, and caused it to be fired a second time. The report was, in- deed, each time extremely feeble; but losing especially in sharpness, it can scarcely be com- pared with that produced by the explosion of a cracker. I would say it resembled rather the report of a pistol, having the powder quite k>ose, ?". e. not rammed. 56 SOUND— HEIGHT OF THE MOUNTAIN. The snow forming the last slope was indu- rated, and its surface glazed. When I was as- cending this plane, some of the guides were in advance, by perhaps a hundred yards. I could have imagined that I heard oxen lowing at a distance. It was the creaking noise, pro- duced by the points of the guides' batons in the hardened snow. Slight impulses, which the attenuated air would not have conveyed so far, being thus conducted undiminished by the ice ; an effect favoured, too, by the stillness of those solitudes. The height of the mountain, according to Saussure, is 14,700 French, or lo^QijQ English feet (one French foot being — 1.06575, or about ItV English). The apex is formed by indm-ated snow, lodged apparently between the apices of several aiguilles. The extreme apex, as I found it, was a ridge, nearly 200 feet in length, with scarcely any breadth; its dnec- tion east and west ; the slope on the north side very rapid, that on the south more gradual : but its form is of course subject to frequent changes, depending much on the direction of the wind while snow is falling. FIRE KINDLED ON THE SUMMIT. 57 Saussui'e found the boiling-point of water on the summit of Mont Blanc to be 68°.993 R. (— 187°.234 F.), the barometer at 16 pouces OU0 ligne (zz 17.131 EngUsh inches), a spirit- lamp having been used in the experiment. I had provided wood and charcoal, for the same pm'pose ; and these, with the aid of beUows, were kindled with less trouble than had been expected, — Couttet having told me that such materials were useless on the summit of Mont Blanc, and that no fire had been made there before.* Water was brought to ebullition, and the height of the mercury in a thermometer carefully observed, when it ceased to rise. The instrument was one procured at Chamonix, my own having been broken. Unfortunately, the scale was loose, and the graduation inaccurate, as since discovered, — so that I do not venture to state exactly the temperatm'e observed by me ; but I have no objection to say, that it did not very widely differ from, though it was ra- * I have since found that Saussure had a charcoal fire made on the summit ; but finding it very difficult to keep it up, he used it only to melt a little snow for beverage. Of the char- coal he says, that without the unceasing application of bellows, it was extinguished in a moment. 58 "ROCIIERS MERIDIONALES." tlier lower than, that indicated in the experi- ment of Saussiu'e. The mercnrial column on the two occasions was likewise about the same. Water then, because of diminished atmospheric pressure, boils at the summit of Mont Blanc at a temperature, about five-and-twenty degrees below its kno\Yn boiling-point at the level of the sea. While on the summit, Couttet fetched me specimens from the "Rochers Meridionales," — the highest rocks on its south side. Two of these, A and B, may be reckoned among the granitoid rocks of Mont Blanc, — the protog}me of some French geologists. Another, C, is hornblende rock, traversed by veins of asbes- tus. There is also a compound of hornblende and felspar, having vesicles, probably of horn- blende, vitrified by lightning, on its surface, — one of the " Rochers a buUes vitreuses" of Saussure. In our way down, I procured specunens of the " Derniers Rochers," or " Rochers du Nord," E, two little masses, projecting a few- feet through the snow, near the middle of the last slope, — and therefore just below the apex of " DERNIERS ROCHERS." 5<) the mountain, on the north side. Fragments, doubtless broken off by hghtning, lay stre^vn around them on the snow. At the time of Saussm-e's visit, these " Demiers Rochers" were the highest rocks that naturalists had exa- mined ; and his description of their composi- tion was therefore most minute. He called them granites, but as mica is wanting, — being replaced by talc, — ^they are now more general- ly termed granitoid rocks, or protog3Ta[e (VII). Specimens of most of these rocks, marked as above, are now in the Royal Museum of Natu- ral History in the University of Edinburgh. They are interesting, as the highest rocks in Europe. Saussure stated the dunensions of one of the " Demiers Rochers," to enable futm*e travellers to ascertain whether snow increased in depth upon the summit. From what I recollect of this rock, it projected just about as much (four or five feet) when I saw it, as it did at the time of Saussure' s visit, which was nearly half a century before ; and I conclude, therefore, that snow does not, upon the whole, deepen on the summit of Mont Blanc. 6*0 PROSPECT PROM THE SUMMIT. As if reluctant to approach the subject, I have hitherto said notliing of the stupendous scene spread out beneath me, when upon the summit of the mountain. In truth, I may well be reluctant to approach it, and am not ashamed to own my utter inability to describe that, of which no words can fitly tell. For, standing as I did on that mysterious " pjTamid of frozen light" that Goethe saw, — and which he well nigh deemed some heavenly Pharos, shining with the stars, — where should I begin to represent a panorama, far beyond the boundaries of even eagle-vision? — hoAv deli- neate a great half-moon, the Alps, reaching from Hungary to Southern France, — spanning at once the Mediterranean and the Adriatic Seas ? If on the Col de Balme (0) I had no eye for details, how much more were they not inappreciable, from the centre of a circle, having for its radius more than 200 miles ! Is it sur- prising, that in such a picture I was over- whelmed and lost ? Mine was a curious state, just as the apex of the mountain was attained. Now, utterly ex- hausted, gasping, fainting, caring nothing for ACTUAL RANGE OF SIGHT. 61 the spot on which I stood, sinkmg vipon the snow. A few moments of repose, with normal breathing, and all the exhaustion, faintness, and indifference gone. Then scarcely crediting, but at length assured, that the mountain-top was really gained, receiving back my lost enthusi- asm, and turning with a thrill of exultation never felt before, towards the unutterable great- ness of the scene. The actual range of sight, though limited by Alps in various directions, comprehends nearly all Sardinia, the western half of Switzerland, one-third of Lombardy, and an eighth of France. This immense extension, because of Alps, that bound ^it on the north-east and south-west, is really of an oval form ; its longitudinal diame- ter reaching from Mont Morran in France, north-west, to the mountains of Tuscany, south- east. I must not attempt more than a bare enu- meration of some of the most striking objects. And first, of mountains, — Northwards, — in the foreground and below me, were the Breven and the Aiguilles rouges ()2 MOUNTAINS. (1); then, beyond, the white dome of Buet, with other mountains of Savoy. North-east, — the Diablerrets ; fiuther off, the Gemmi'.s bifid top ; and then, in hne, the other splendid snowy peaks of Berne ; of which the Eiger, Jungfrau, and the highest of them all, the pointed Finster-aar-honi (the horn of the dark eagle), were perhaps the most distinct : those Bernese alps, which, seen from the summit of the near Faulhorn, had seemed so vast, now fomiing but an inconsiderable part of the mighty whole. Southwards, — ^nearest, the Grsecian alps, in- cluding the Little Saint Bernard, IVTont Iseran, Mont Cenis ; and separating Savoy and the Ta- rentaise, west, from Piedmont and Aosta, east. Then, south and south-west, the clustered Cot- tianAlps, MontViso, which gives rise to the river P6, at their most southern end. Here began the Maritime Alps, which, extending still south- wards, afterwards divide, sending one branch south-west into Provence, another south-east, terminating with the Col de Tende. South-east, — the Apennines, in beautiful dis- tinctness, though distant nearly a hundred and fiftv miles. MOUNTAINS— PLAINS AND VALLEYS. 63 , East, — not the Great Saint Bernard, — for that momitain is not seen, — ^but just beyond it, Mont Velan ; fiu'ther off, theMatterhoni; and distant about fifty miles, a seven-pointed, cro^\ai-like mountain, with most enormous glaciers. It was Monte Rosa, seated majestically at the east ex- tremity of the Pennine Alps, — the Alpes Sum- 7nw, — of which Mont Blanc occupies the western end. The former mountain takes its name, Welden thinks, fi'om the rose tint, given pecu- liarly to it, from its situation, by the rising sun. North of east, — the Furca, and the Saint Go- thard. West, — close below me, the Col de Bon-hom- me (74), and North-west, — the whole chain of Jura, from end to end, — ^i-eaching from Lyons to Basle. Of plains and valleys, — North, — at my feet, the vale of Chamonix, with the Priory (48), — the latter distant two leagues and half, in a straight line ; the valley winding north-westward, towards Servoz and Sallenche. Much further off, — between the chain of Jura, and the Bernese Alps, — the great vale of Switzerland. G4 PLAINS AND VALLEYS- WATERS. South-east, — at the mountam's foot, Aosta ; much further off, the plains of Piedmont, bound- ed by the Apennines ; and beyond the latter, part of the coast of Genoa. Further eastward, Lombardy; beyond which, the eye was lost in a vast blue space, that con- tinues level to the gulf of Venice. J; c^v North-east, — part of the valley of the Rhone, walled by the Helvetian Alps. West, — the plains of France. Of waters. North, — the silver Arve (49), winding through the vale of Chamonix, — then wending towards Geneva, where it pours itself into the Rhone. North-west, — part of Lake Leman, like a cre- scentic pond, so small, and seeming not far off, though distant fifty miles. Its eastern half hidden by mountains of Savoy. North— and further off, the Lake of Neucha- tel. In the south-east, — the windings of the Po and other streams; but not the Mediterranean Sea, — that is hidden, Welden says, by the heights of Coome and Saone. VIEW TOO VAST FOR THE HUMAN EYE. 65 These are a small part only of the chief mountains, valleys, plains, and waters. How vast the sea of Alps, the names of whose waves I did not try to learn ; wdth vales and rivers "winding through them, seeming mere dells and brooks, — plains and lakes, that looked like fields and ponds. The human eye, however, cannot appreciate the distant objects, and the nearer ones, unless lofty, can be but indistinctly traced, in such a field of view, I saw however, clearly, one range of mountains, more distant than any of those named : these were the heights of Tus- cany, between which and my station there in- tervened about two hundred miles. And all of this vast panorama was seen be- neath a sky of ebony, in which there was not nisiUe a cloud. But not extent alone ; the kind of scenery was wonderful : and there was no part of it that held the eye so much as the chain of Mont Blanc itself. Seven miles in breadth, and five- and-twenty long, a host of stem and rifted rocks, — the dark " Aiguilles," — projecting through seas of snow, and the bright whiteness E ()G TELL— COLUMBUS— HANNIBAL— C^SAR, &c. of " most resplendent glaciers ;"* theii' inac- cessible and needle-tops, — to which we had with dizziness looked up, — now, surmounted, far beneath our feet. We stood upon that pla- cid p3Tamid, seen from the Col de Balme (9), enthroned and dominant among his vassal peaks ; and, years which no man can number, holding his icy, silent, solitary reign. The eye took in at once the chill abodes of unrelenting frost, and Italy's fair land, " where citrons bloom ;" it tm-ned from the fi-ozen sum- mits of the highest Alps, doAvn to the velvet verdure of the vales. Far in the north, there rose the mountains of the patriot Wilhelm Tell. South, hidden by the Apennines, and distant fifty leagues, the birth- place of Columbus ; of whom Genoa may well be proud. In this direction lay Turin, stormed by the Carthaginian Hannibal; — in that. Cham- ber!, through which place Csesar led his mailed legions, when first marching into Gaul. Here Voltaire had conceived and penned his dreadful l)lasphemies ; — here a Rousseau, — and there a Gibbon Avi'ote, and after having written the last * Clissold. SAUSSURE—BECCARIA—COUTTET'S SKETCH. 67 sentence of his history, looked at the summit of Mont Blanc. Here was the Col du Geant, where the illustrious Saussure had sojourned fom-teen days : I stood upon the spot, he mainly had been the means of man attaining. And there should stand Milan, the native city of Becca- ria, through whose A^Titings, I believe it was, that the great experiment was tried, for twen- ty years, in Tuscany, — proving that a blood- less might be an efficient code of laws. Couttet afterwards shewed me a very toler- able sketch he had on a former occasion made, of the principal objects seen from the sum- mit. He now has a Camera lucida, to use for the same purpose when again there ; if, indeed, he reach that spot yet once more.* We had all left the summit by half-past three, — several of the g-uides having descended sooner, a few hundred feet, to a more shelter- ed situation. I left it with extreme regTet. * Of the summit I have since had an excellent view from the mountain-roadj between Neuchatel and Basle ; at three or four hours' ride from the former place : so distinct, indeed, as to ad- mit of being sketched. This was at a distance of about thirty leagues in a straight line. De Saussure believed that lie saw it from Dijon in France, distant fifty leagues. e2 68 DESCENT RAPID— SEVERE FALLS. The descent was rapid, and fearfully so at the " Epaule droite." The guides slid down whole fields of snow, supported by their batons. While descending the slopes of ice above the Grand Plateau (60), I met with frequent and se- vere falls, from the new snow concealing their slippery surface ; and as I more than once slipped down to near the margin of a precipice, this was not without its danger. But the guides very coolly drew me up again, and ap- peared to be alarmed only, lest the overhang- ing masses of snow should by these means be set in motion ; for it happened just at a part where they were anxious to proceed as gently as possible, — scarcely ventm*ing to speak aloud, — from its liability to avalanches, which were also very likely to occur at that time of the day (it was between four and five in the afternoon), and by which we might have had a recurrence of the fatal scene of 1820, already referred to, that took place at but a short distance from this spot. In the descent, my respiration was not at all disturbed, nor, I believe, that of any of the guides. The only uneasiness affecting me. MONT BUET : DEATH OF ESCHEN THERE. 69 commenced at about 2000 feet below the sum- mit, where I became the subject of great lassi- tude, and frequently sank down upon the snow. It was natural that I should by this time have become weary, for the exertion had been long-continued and extraordinary : I had not had more, perhaps, than three hours of sound sleep the night before, — and the previ- ously sustaining stimulus, the mountain-top, was now but a r^^^'ospective object, from which, too, every step removed me further. Having tAvice named Mont Buet, I shall give Ebel's account of the melancholy scene, of which I have already called it a warning mo- nument. " In the year 1800, on the 7th of August, M. Eschen, a Dane, known in Germany by an excellent translation, in verse, of the odes of Horace, perished miserably upon this moun- tain. Having left Servoz in the evening with a feUow-traveller, he slept at the chalet of Villy. The next morning they ascended the Buet, with their guide. When they had ar- rived upon the glacier of snow, M. Eschen, who Avas some hundred paces in advance, suddenly 70 NARROW ESCAPE ON A CRUST OF SNOW. disappeared. His friend and the guide hasten- ed back to obtain assistance, and the same night four men left Servoz to render it. They found the unfortimate Dane in a cleft of the glacier, 100 feet below the sm*face. He was in an upright posture" (I presume wedged in between the approximating sides of the chasm), "liis arms above his head, and entu-ely frozen."* Such might have been my fate also ; for in passing over the hidden cavities we had cross- ed that morning, I stept into a hole con- cealed by snow. I was attached at this time to two guides, — the one preceding me, the other following. On being drawn out, I disco- vered that a mere crust, a few inches thick, was all that still separated me from a chasm, the depth of which could not be ascertained. It is not improbable that the extent of the ca- vity, in other directions, was in proportion to its depth ; and that had more of the crust given way, my two nearest guides would have shared with me the consequences. This affords an example of the necessity for several persons * Manuel du Voyagcur en Suisse, traduit de rAllemand, torn, ii. p. 239. ORGAN OF HEARING— RETURN TO THE ROCK. 71 being constantly held together by means of ropes ; though even this precaution might have here proved unavailing. It appears to me that it is by the drifting of snow over the crevices, as it falls, that they be- come covered and concealed, — flake after flake first clinging, then freezing to the margin ; and thus gradually roofing them with thin crusts. Our descent of the steep declivities of snow was very rapid; and, from the experience of some, there might, in consequence, have been expected sensible pressure on the external sur- face of the membrane of the tympanum (the drum of the ear), before an equilibrium of at- mospheric density was established by the Eus- tachian tube. This effect, however, was not ob- served. We returned to the Grand Mulct by a quar- ter past six, i. e. in little more than one-fourth of the time it had taken to ascend from this rock to the summit. It was afterwards found that a spectator, — my relative, already mention- ed, — descending from the Breven, had, with the assistance of a glass, counted us, — seven in number, — into these our quarters for the night. 72 ANOTHER NIGHT UPON THE ROCK. At half-past six o'clock, the barometer was = 21.225 inches English ; its attached thermo- meter being = 44°. 3 7 Fahr. 1 saw from that rock another sunset. The sun's disk appeared, as noticed by others, very much smaller than when seen from lower regions. A fire was again made, — the cabin recon- structed on the same ledge of rock as before, — we supped, finding our appetites to have return- ed, and retired to rest. The night before, as already mentioned, excitement had kept me much awake ; — this night, I slept most soundly. Two of the guides again passed the night with- out a shelter, but without sustaining any harm. Had a stonn arisen, it is probable that we should all have done the same, — for a gust of wind would have blown away the batons and sheet which formed ovu* cabin. As many of the attempted ascents of Mont Blanc have been unsuccessful from bad wea- ther, extreme cold, or fatigue, it seems desir- able that a more substantial shelter should be provided, into which a party could retu*e, for even a few days, if requisite : and it might be worth PROPOSED CAVITY— PLANTS. 73 the consideration of the Sardinian Government, to employ some men a month or two, in hew- ing out a cavity in the Grand Mulct Rock, for this purpose. The next morning, 18th, on this rock, the ba- rometer, at a quarter past six o'clock, stood at 21.198 inches English, the attached thermome- ter being = 39°.87 Fahr. Specimens were col- lected of a few plants growing here. The flowering plants were Aretia alpina, Saxifraga hryoides, — neither of them in flower, — Poa laoca and nemoralis (var. iS ?), — ^both in fruit. Of the grasses, but a single tuft was found. Lichens, Cornicularia latiata, and ochroleuca ; and Gyro- phora polyphylla (? ). Mosses, Sphagnum aciUifo- lium, and a species of Gnmmia, Trichosto- mum ( ? ), and Eucalypta.^ Specimens were taken of a mica-slate, con- taining cubes of iron-pyrites ; and of gneiss with asbestus. A small bird was observed on the rock, but I did not see it. We were grati- fied, just before leaving the rock, with the sight * Most of these plants were in a state in which it was not easy to determine them. I have been assisted in naming them by Professor Nees Von Esenbeck of Bonn, and by my friend Dr Grevillc of Edinburgh. 74 THE GLACIER RECROSSED. of a splendid avalanche, which occurred at a distance, as estimated by one of the guides, of " une demi-heure" (= H mile English) ; and in a few moments, a shower of ice particles, that resulted from it, reached us. We left the Grand Mulct Rock at half-past seven A. m., and retraced our steps across the glacier, to the foot of the Aiguille du Midi (37). Here, numerous fragments of ice, very newly fallen, covered the ground for a considerable distance, and we tried to pass quickly over it, in dread of more ; but these fragments served also to retard our progi-ess. Having safely recrossed the glacier, all serious danger Avas past. The undertak- ing had been well-timed : it was not until Saussure's tln7'd attempt, and after he had contemplated the ascent for six-and-twenty years, that he succeeded; and the indefati- gable BomTit was obliged to retm'n ^ve times unsuccessful, and never attained his object (IX). Human forms were soon afterwards descried upon the rocks below Pierre a I'Echelle ; and I had the satisfaction, trulv not a small one, of ANXIETY OF A BROTHER. 75 recognising among them my brother, who, ac- companied by a man and boy, had ascended thus far to meet me. He, as well as others, had witnessed, from the Breven, our arrival on the summit, and had seen us in different parts of the snowy track. His feelings, on first dis- covering us, which had been, as expected, a little before we reached the Grand Plateau (60), may be judged of, from the fact of his having, a few hours previously, observed a tremendous avalanche, near the Grand Mulct, just at the time when we were likely to be leavuig that rock. In magnitude, it had resembled a city falling ; the icy edifices first dashing fearfully down the glacier from side to side; — then bmied in a cloud of particles, into which they had been shivered. He was standing at one of the Hotel windows, at the time, with a telescope directed towards the rock. In a state of dreadful suspense, he then as- cended the Breven, from which the best view of our track was to be obtained. From a party that overtook him, he learnt that we had been seen from the valley. The question tlien was, in what direction we were moving. If uj)wards. 7(j OUR TRACK FOLLOWED FROM THE BREVEN. the presumption would be that we were all safe; for, of course, had any of the party perished, the rest would have returned. This, however, had not been ascertained. At length, he saw himself, by means of a telescope,- two or three black points, so small that he compares them to the feet of ants. They were not likely to be chamois so high up on the snow. These points, if long watched, were observed to change their relative positions, — sometimes forming, to- gether, a triangle, — sometunes a line, — some- times disappearingbehind the blocks of ice. There remained no doubt of its being our party ; but it was not easy to determine whether our course was up or do>\Ti, — there being no dark and fixed objects, with which to compare our elevation. At length, however, it became certain, that we were ascending, — a discovery most relieving. Our track was now followed, and finally we were seen to reach the summit. Soon after re-entering the Forest of Pines, we met a mountain-gM, w ho had ascended thus far, (several thousand feet,) with refreshments for us. It was very interesting to me, just before RETURN TO THE PRIORY. 77 reaching the valley, to meet with Jacques Bal- mat, mentioned in Note IX., now an old man of seventy-three. At the village of Les Pelerins, several of my countrymen met and congratulated me on my safe return ; and as we passed through the val- ley, the cottage doors presented smiling counte- nances, that bespoke a heart-felt welcome, and feelings veiy different from those with which our departure had been witnessed three days before. Between three and fom* o'clock in the after- noon, we arrived at the Priory (48), not having met with any accident, and having had three days, driving which I did not see, from zenith to horizon, a single cloud. The barometer brought down from Mont Blanc stood at 26.918 English inches at five p.m., the attached thermometer = 71°.37 F. In the evening, the g-uides supped with me, my relative, and the venerable Jacques Balmat joining us. What a repast it was ! Jacques Balmat could tell of dangers, half a century gone by, — of anight spent in solitude, in a storm, upon the glacier, — of the exultation felt when 78 SUPPER WITH THE GUIDES & JACQUES BALMAT. the summit was for the first time attained ; the result of his own exertions. Couttet, — hm-led into a crevice by an avalanche in 1820, — buried, and almost asphyxized, in the snow, w^hen discovered and dra\^^l out by a fellow- guide,* fallen into the same fissure, — had noAv stood on the summit for the ninth time : with him and Michel Balmat, more especially, I could converse of the dangers we had together shared, for they usually took immediate charge of me, when not requu'ed to go in advance of the party. It was Balmat who had given me the wine, w^hen fainting on the last slope. Of Jean Tairraz I could say, that it w^as he w^ho drew me out of the cavity into which I was falling, and that he made the fire, by which water was boiled on the summit. (He was very anxious that I should notice the lat- ter in his certificate, which was done.) Tour- nier had had me in charge in some critical moments ; Despland had assisted me in scahng * Julien Devouassoud, a very distinguished guide, whose af- fecting relation of the catastrophe has been quoted above, from Dr Clarke's narrative. I regretted that his absence from Cha- nionix prevented my having his services. SUPPOSED DEATH OF JACQUES BALMAT. 79 t hundi-ed feet of the Grand Mulet ; Pierre Tairraz had taken a fui* covering for his feet during the night, at this rock, but wi-apped it around my ovni. These brave Savoyards, — three days before, I had seen them for the first time; but our common dangers, our hair-breadth escapes, their true services, made my friendship towards them feel as of older date ; and it was with not a little regret, that I bade them fare- weU ! I am grieved to leani, by a letter from Couttet, that the interesting old man, Jacques Balmat, is supposed to have perished on a mountain near the " Dent du Midi de Bex," whither he had gone in search of minerals. It appeared by the list at the Priory, that mine was the sixteenth ascent, and later in the season, by seven days, than any former one. By the same document, I found myself to be the twentieth person (guides not included), and the twelfth Briton, who had reached the sum- mit.* A certificate, from the Sardinian Go- * One woman also has gained the summit ; Maria " dc Mont Blanc, — "still living, I believe, at Chamonix. She accompanied a party of guides. 80 CERTIFICATE vernment, of having accomplislied the ascent, was, as is usual, received from the Syndic, or Magistrate of Chamonix, attested by the guides.* * Extract from the Certificate : — ''NouSj Sin die de la Commune de Chamonix, province de Fau- cigny, Duche de Savoie, certifions et attestons a qui dc droit, que Monsieur Martin Barry, Anglais, Docteur en Medecine 'a fait I'ascension du Mont-Blanc, le dix-sept du Courant, accom- pagne des six guides de nommes Tairraz Jean Pierre, Couttet Jo- seph Marie, Balmat Jean Michel, Despland Francois, Tournier Simon, et Tairraz Jean. Qu'ils sont partis de Chamonix le seize du Courant pour aller coucher au Grand Mulet, et parvenus le lendemain, dix-sept du Courant, sur la cime du Mont-Blanc, a deux heures apres midi, avec un beau tems, ou Mr le Docteur Barry est reste', accompagne de ses guides, plus d'une heure de tems, et ou il a fait diverses experiences phisiques, et observations ba- rometriques. Qu'ils sont successivement redescendus coucher au Grand Mulet, ou ils sont arrives a sept heures du soir, et de retour ici aujourdhui a Chamonix a trois heures apres- midi, tous sains et saufs : que pendant leur ascension, ils ont continuelle- ment ete apergus et observes par la multitude des vojageurs qui se trouvaient a Chamonix, et par les habitants de la Com- mune, (meme au moment ou ils arriverent a la sommite de cette montagne dont I'elevation fait temerite (?) et la rend re- markable. ***** £]n temoignage de quoi nous lui avons de- livre le present, que nous avons signe's, avec les six guides de Mr Barry." Chamonix, le 18. 7. hre. 1834. (Signed) Couttet Joseph. Le Sindic de Chamonix, Michel Balmat. (Signed) Couttet, Jean Tairraz. Sindic, Simon Tournier. Francois Despland. Pierre Tairraz. TWENTY IN ALL— COUNT DE TILLY. 81 Of those who have reached the summit up to the present time, there appear to have been 1 Savoyard, 2 SAviss, 12 Britons, 1 Courlandais, 1 Hamburger, 1 Pole, 2 Americans ; In all, 20. Count de Tilly, a French Nobleman, arrived at Chamonix three weeks afterwards. Hearing that the ascent had so recently been found practicable, and that no countryman of his had ever been up the mountain, he determined to make the attempt, and succeeded. As he re- mained but a few minutes on the summit, it is probable that the cold was very intense. In descending, his feet were frozen. The Syndic of Chamonix has obligingly fur- nished me with a list of all those who have ac- complished the ascent. I extract it from his letter : — F g2 LIST OF ASCENTS. " Etat de toiites les Ascensions qui ont eu lieu a la Cime du Mont Blanc. Date des Ascensions. /Jacques Balniat (Guide of Chamonix) de Chamonix. 1786, Aout «-lLeDoctcurPaccard 1787, „ .3. M. De Saussure de Geneve. „ „ 9. Lc Colonel Beaufoy ™. Anglais. 1788, „ 5. M. Woodley — „ „ f Biiron Doorthesen — . — de Courlande. 1802, „ 10. Ij^j p^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ de Lausanne. 1812, Sept. 10. M. Rhodas (Rodatz ?)„.,.™™™ de Hambourg. 1818, Aout 4. Le Comte de Matezesecki Polonnais. f Le Docteur Rensselaer™„„„- Americain. 1819, Juin 19. ,, TT 1 ' i-M. Howard -..-™,™™™™~_~™~-~—~ „ ., Aout 13. Le Capitaine Undrell . — „.. Anglais. .1822, „ 18. M. Fred. Clissold„™™„™™ ™ „ 1823, Sept. 4. M. Jackson „ , f Le Docteur Edmund Clarke™-.-,-,—™^ „ ' " ■ iLe Capitaine Markham Sherwill-^ — „ 1R07 r -u 05 (M.Chas. Fellowes 1827, Juill, -o. ^ ^j ^^ Hawes™™™™^.,..™™™ „ Aout 9. M. J. Auldjo — ^,...^,, ,„,,. — .~™^ Eccossais. 1830, „ 3. Le Capitaine Wilbrahani „^„„„«™.^ Anglais. 1834, Sept. 17. Le Docteur Martin Barry -™~„„„™,„ „ „ Oct, 9. Le Comte de Tilly~^,v-^ .,^,-,-™„„„ Frangais." The distance walked, in ascending and de- scending Mont Blanc, — from the very zigzag course taken, — is computed at about a hundred miles ; but I do not think it so much. On the day after my return from the summit of Mont Blanc, I walked without much incon- venience, by Montanvert (31), to the Jardin, and back to the Priory (48), the same evening, — thus crossing and recrossing the Mer de Glace (30), — a distance said to be = about forty Eng- lish miles ; but this also must be an exagge- DO I RECOMMEND THE ENTERPRISE TO OTHERS. 83 rated estimate. Subsequently, all that 1 suf- fered from, was desquamation of part of the epidermis of the face (the effect of the desicca- tion spoken of before),* and some soreness of the lips, and around the nostrils. A state of col- lapse, which was to be expected, after such ex- traordinary exertions, was not perceived to fol- low. For observations made mth the barometer and thermometer, vide Note VIII. It will be expected that I should now sa}^ whether I recommend others to see for them- selves those scenes, which I have been describ- ing. If I say no, it may seem sinister counsel; for the interest of that summit is just inversely as the number who attain it : if I say yes, how- ever, I must add, as a sine qua 7i07i, the object should be a great one. Mine, I acknowledge, insufficiently provided as I was with instini- ments, was not commensm'ate with the great risk and danger to seven human lives. Now, however, that the enterprise has been • Possibly this excessive desiccation of the face might be pre- vented, on such an expedition, by using some unctuous matter during the journeA'. f2 84 A MINE OF RECOLLECTIONS. accomplished, there remams a mine of recollec- tions, — inexhaustihle, — always at hand, — call- ed up by slight associations, — ^yielding delight that is ever ne^y. Even the hardships and the perils have their charms, in retrospect ; the es- capes, an interest proportioned to the danger. Held to the guides by ropes, trying each step, among narrow crevices and openings, conceal- ed by recent snow, — clinging with arms and knees, to ice in motion, — walking on narrow and uncertain ridges, between dark chasms, — crossing, by frail ice-bridges, unfathomable depths, — retracing painfully taken steps, — now, by means of ropes, drawn up, and now let down a Avail of ice, — listening, sleepless, the night through, to avalanches, such as might hmi us to destruction on the morrow, — toiling, dispirited, up a vast field of snow, the last for- lorn hope, — sounding for a stepping-place, among the ice-rafters of unseen cavities, — parched with thirst that was unquenchable, — now oppressed with heat, now with feet half frozen, — the surface giving way, and thus ready to be cast down an unliiiow^n depth, at the " Epaule droite," — fainting on the last A MINE OF RECOLLECTIONS. 85 declivity, — slipping down to the margin of a precipice, — ready to disappear, throngh a thin and yielding crust of snow, — climbing over ice-debris, just fallen; that debris warning to hasten, yet stopping up the way; — those scenes are now unutterably interesting, to look back upon, — life-long sources of most grateful contemplation. And whether I behold the fairy structures on the glacier, — alps, far below me, glowing in the rosy, crimson, purple light of sunset — the mighty prospect from the summit, — or, more than them all, that moonlight, mid- night hour and half of solitude upon the rock ; —it is a picture of sublimest beauty, vivid and indestructible by time ; but it is one that, not knowing how to paint for others, I must con- tinue to enjoy alone. NOTES. - I. Colour of the ice — the ice stratified — seracs. II. Effect of contrast on the colour of the sky — cyanometer — a well-marked border to the darker blue. III. Evaporation — sun's calorific power. IV. Loss of appetite — thirst. V. Boussingault — respiration. VI. Experience of others in regard to the effect of an attenuated air on respiration — Great differences in this respect from un- known causes — Inhabitants of lofty regions — New comers at first affected — Respiration embarrassed by any great and sud- den change in atmospheric density — Oxygen received and oxy- gen absorbed — Vicarious office of the liver — Rest, and muscu- lar exertion — Gay-Lussac, balloon — Boussingault^, impure air — objection to his analysis — Sensations experienced by some, much severer than mine — Hsemorrhages — cause of Hsemorrhages — Speaking at great heights. VII. Brochant de Villiers on the granitoid rocks of Mont Blanc. VIII. Observations with the barometer and thermometer. IX. Early attempts to ascend Mont Blanc — 1760 and 1761, Saus- sure promised a reward — 1762, Pierre Simon made the first at- tempt — 1775, four men by the mountain of La Cote — 1783, three guides of Chamonix — same year, an attempt by Bourrit — 1784, Bourrit — 1786, Saussure, Bourrit, and Bourrit jun. — 1786, six men of Chamonix — same year, Jacques Balmat, and Dr Pac- card succeeded, the first who reached the summit — Saussure's attempt to follow their track — 1787, Saussure's ascent — same year, another attempt by Bourrit — 1788, Bourrit's fifth and last attempt, unsuccessful. X. Narratives published, — Saussure, Clissold, Clarke, Sherwill, Auldjo, Wilbraham. NOTES. (I.) The blue-green colour of the ice, when occurring in large masses, — a phenomenon, not less interesting than beautiful, — is here seen upon the grandest scale. The ice is disposed in strata, which are com- pact in proportion to then- dej)th ; the lower being blue-green, solid ice, — the upper, nearly white, indurated snow. The lines of strati- fication mark intervals of time between depo- sits of snow ; the latter becoming, by infiltra- tion, converted into ice. Masses of compact snow are met with, remarkably rectangular, sometimes almost cuboid in their tbrm. These are called "seracs," from their resemblance to a kind of Swiss cheese, in shape. (II.) The effect of contrast on the sky-blue is familiar, as produced b}^ dense and bright Avhite cumuli, the sails of a ship, and otluM- ol)jo(*ts ; his Indian gnicle, on calling aloud to his com- panion. The occurrence of haemorrhages, in the as- cent of high mountains, has thus been a fre- quent, but very variable phenomenon. Some of those now mentioned, were probably me- chanical effects of the internal and external pressures not being at first in equiUbrio. Tlie other symptoms differ from my own in degree, rather than in kind. It is known that speaking aloud at great heights is difficult : an example too, has been afforded, where calling aloud was followed by haemorrhage. It must not however be forgot- ten, that air losing in density, loses also its power of conducting sound ; and therefore, that speaking at such heights may be more forcible than it seems. 104 ft? s o J5i '^ N ft; •i c:i ^ 1^ ^ 1^ Esq I "« IT 1 t- ^^^^ ~~" C<-l O O ^ O S ^ ^ ■ti O rt p. rt g t3 o +3 ,^ o en ^ p -^ 'S TJ t^ .22 o .2 'rt >-> a ^^ o C 'C '^ -S _y 0^ CO to CO a « Pi i4 s .2 CO a < o C3 Pi fcX) .2 o O .2 "^ C '« 3 o 'm o 2 O H ^ /- H .^ H^; "— V 1 o o Cm c o fcc s « rt a C «a t a CO 3 .CO •73 l=! 1 '^ Ph rt u • ^ r^ s £h Ph ,_^ s ^ 3 3 ^ .&< r^ • • C 1 _c c3 CO (O «: • . o to o O g g 1 .2 1 O a o a ^ o "^ a) o o O "rt g~P=< o o O -•^ cc . o t>- o M (u a (^f TtT to" ■s ^ W r-( I-H r-i a "^ 105 « -a >^ -fi « o o « t3 >% d 2 <=" •2 ^ pa Pu a rt i3 3 O C7* CJ 'd w « o >> 1 y o c V2 :3 c a o o i 5 CO 3 ^s o ^ ^ a 1 • 'fco 1 o^ _^ ^ , _ =£1 o CQ c3 be a o g o 'fcB e3 1 a •S 43 •\ ^ ip ^ .2 « . , '-4-3 p tS >> ^ ri i 3 a o o o a c3 .s o o 'El 1 13 a o o a 03 a o >■( o ;-i 'a u M a 6 'd a m a a o CO O a o CO o O s 1 'd 1 O "rt 1 O o o a _a 1 "o .2 [3 C 'r3 3 -a H a 1 S a bJj .s »4 o a o o 1 a .5 1 1 t-i a o u 1 s 2 o o 1 S-i o s Q «> ' VI a o •1 1 CO w ffl ^ ^ ^ ^ e € ^ « O e and ridiculous, that nothing- could have presented more forcibly, the diffi- culty of this enterprise, — and consequently the absolute impossibility of success, for men who have neither the head nor the legs of a good guide of Chamonix." Nevertheless, the naturalist Bourrit, of Ge- neva, tried it at the end of the same season, 1783 ; but was driven back by a storm. " For my part," says Saussm'e, " after the informa- tion I had received from those who had at- tacked the mountain from that side, I re- garded success as absolutely impossible ; and it was the opinion of all the ' gens senses' of Chamonix." The year following, 1784, in September, Bourrit endeavoured to ascend the mountain from the western side ; but extreme cold and fatigue overcame him. Two of his guides, however, Chamois hunters,* continued to as- cend Bourrit saw them in the midst of the high snows; and on their return, they declared that they had proceeded to within 60 toises (nearly 400 Eng. feet) of the highest point. In 1785, Saussure, Boumt, and the son of * Marie Couttet, and Francois Ciiidet. 1786, THE SUMMIT ATTAINED. 113 the latter, made a iiew attempt, attended by 15 guides. They set off in September from Bionassay, and directed their course north- east, by Pierre-ronde, to the foot of the Aiguille du Gout^ (58) ; where they passed the night. The next day, they ascended this aiguille ; but the snow was so soft, that they could not pro- ceed further. The heat was insupportable, al- though the thermometer in the shade indicated only 2'.5, and in the sun, not more than 4". 7 Reauinm- (?) {- 37'.6 and 42°.5 Fahrenheit). In 1786, in the month of June, six men of Chamonix attempted it ; but fatigue and other circumstances constrained them to renounce the enterprise. One of them, Jacques Bal- MAT, — in quest of minerals on a rock, projecting through the snow, — strayed from the party, and was obliged to pass the night alone, in a storm upon the glacier. The vigour of youth saved his life. In the morning, he perceived the smnmit at no great distance ; and, by persever- ance that was wonderful, found out a way by which it appeared to him accessible. Jacques Balmat and Dr Paccard, were the first who attained, the summit of Mont Blanc. This was in the same year (1786). On the 7tli of H 114 JACQUES BALMAT, AND DR PACCARD. August, they set off together from Chamonix, and proceeded to the top of the mountain of la Cote (64) ; where they passed the night. The following day, at 4 a. m., they entered upon the fields of ice. At 3 p. m. they were still igno- ant what would be the success of then* enter- prise. The Doctor was greatly affected by fatigue and cold ; and Balmat did not cease to encourage him. At length, they perceived yet a summit above them, without knowing whe- ther it was the last or not. At half-past 6, they attained the most elevated point, in sight of all Chamonix, and of many stran- gers, who followed their track, by means of telescopes. At 7, they quitted the summit, — reached at midnight the mountain of la Cote (64), their resting j)lace the night before, — where they now took two hours of repose ; and arrived at Chamonix (48), at 8 in the morning of the 9th, — after having passed twenty succes- sive hom's on the ice ; their faces greatly swol- len, and their eyes in very bad condition. The King of Sardinia made Balmat a present ; and M. de Gersdorf, — a Saxon gentleman then at Chamonix, — on returning home, raised a sub- scription, and seiit to M. Bourrit 17 Louis for 1 787, SAUSSURE'S ASCENT. 115 Balmat ; who has been sm-named " Mont Blanc." The illustrious Saussure attempted, imme- diately afterwards, to follow the track of the brave Balmat, and Dr Paccard. He set off for la Cote (64), accompanied by 17 guides ; but was driven back by bad weather. The following year, 1787, Saussure, having previously engaged Balmat to reconnoitre the state of the ice, left Chamonix at 7 a. m., on the 1st of August, with a servant and eighteen guides (of whom Jacques Balmat was the principal), provided with instruments, a tent, a bed, ladders, ropes, provisions, straw, &c. The party passed the night upon the moun- tain of la Cote (64). The next day, at 4 p. i^r. they reached the middle Plateau, — passing there the second night, — and set forward again the next morning. At 8 a. m. August 3, all Cha- monix saw the party advancing towards the last heights ; and all the bells in the village were rung, when the summit was attained. Madame de Saussure and her two sisters fol- lowed the track of the naturalist, by means of telescopes. 116 BOURRIT'S LAST ATTEMPT, UNSUCCESSFUL. M. Bourrit set off immediately, but bad weather drove him back. The following year, 1788, M. Bourrit made yet another trial, with his son and Messrs Woodley and Camj^er; the foraier English, the latter Dutch. Woodley alone reached the summit, but had both his hands and feet fro- zen: this happened also to the fingers and toes of others of the party. Thus, it appears that Bourrit himself never attained the sum- mit of the mountain ; though it would seem to have been partly through his indefatigable zeal, that Saussure was induced to persevere. (X.) At page 82, a Ust is given of the suc- cessful ascents. Saussure' s " Voyages dans les Alpes" contain a minute account of the natural history of the mountain, as well as of his ascent, and experiments, performed on its summit, and at the Col du Geant. Of the later ascents, several narratives have been publish- ed, viz. " Fred. Clissold, Ascent, &c. Aug. 18. 1822 ; with an Appendix upon the sensations expe- rienced at great elevations. The profits of the NARRATIVES PUBLISHED. 117 sale to be applied to the benefit of the guides of Chamouni. London : Rivingions, 1823." I have read this narrative with the deepest interest, but am sorry to say it is out of print. The author and his guides slept on the Ro- chers Rouges, 14,700 feet above the sea, and within 1000 feet of the apex of the mountain ; being, I presume, the highest point, — more than 6000 feet, — at which a night is known to have been passed above the snow-line. Dr Clarke and Captain Sherwill each pub- hshed an account of the ascent they together made in 1825. They are highly interesting narratives; but, I fear, both out of print. Cap- tain Sherwill has published also a " brief his- torical sketch of the valley of Chamouni. Paris, 1832." Auldjo's " Narrative of an ascent, &c. Aug. 9. 1827," is well known ; having deservedly had a wide circulation. Captain Wilbraham published, I believe, in the " Keepsake" annual for 1832, an account of his ascent in 1830. 118 INDEX TO THE CHAIN OF MONT BLANC, From the Summit of the Breven. 1 Aiguilles Rouges. 2 Chalet of La Fle'gere. 3 Chalets of La Charlanoz. 4 Chalets of Planprat. 6 Path from Planprat to the Priory. 6 Les Escaliers. 7 Mountains of the northern chain of the " Vallais." 8 Rocks at the Croix de Fer. 9 The Col de Balme, 7551 feet.* 10 Chalets of Charamillan. 11 Village of Tour. 12 Aiguille du Tour. 13 Glacier du Tour. 14 AiguiUe du Chardonnct. 15 Aiguille d'Argentiere, 12,884 feet. 16 Glacier d'Argentiere. 17 Aiguille Verte. , 18 Aiguille du Dru. 19 Aiguille du Moine. 20 Glacier du Nant Blanc. 21 Aiguille du Bocliard. 22 Le Chapeau. 23 Village of Lavanche. 24 Les Tines. 25 Village of Bois. 26 Village of Prats. 27 Source of the river Ar- veiron. 28 Glacier des Bois. 29 Rocks called Des Mot- tets. 30 The Mer de Glace. 31 The " Hospice" of Mon- tanvert, 6100 feet. 32 Aiguilles de Lechand. 33 Aiguille de Charmoz, or d'Entre-Ia-Porte. 34 Aiguilles des Grandes Jo- rasses. 35 Aiguille du Greppond. 36 Aiguille de Blaitiere, or du Plan. 37 Aiguille du Midi, 12,846 feet. 38 Glacier des Pelerins. 39 Glacier de Blaitiere. 40 Glacier du Greppond. Above the level of the sea. INDEX TO THE CHAIN OF MONT BLANC. 119 41 Le Plan de I'Aiguille. 62 42 Upper Chalets of Blai- 63 tiere. 64 43 Chalets called " Sur le 65 Rocher." 66 44 Path on Montanvert. 46 Path of la Filia. 67 46 The Hamlet of Planaz. 68 47 Village of Mouilles. 69 48 The Priory or Town of 70 Chamonix, 3363 feet. 71 49 The river Arve. 72 60 Village of Favrans. 73 61 Village of Pelerins. 74 52 Cascade of Pelerins. 53 Bridge of Piralota. 54 ]\Iont Blanc du Tacul. 75 55 Aiguille Sans Nom. 76 56 Mont Blanc, 15,666 feet. 57 Dome du Goute. 77 58 Aiguille du Goute. 78 59 The Rochers Rouges. 60 The Grand Plateau. 79 61 The rocks called the Grand and Petit Mu- lct. 80 Glacier des Bossons. Village of Bossons. Mountain of La Cote. Glacier de Taconnaz. Mountain Des Feaux, or of Taconnaz. Mountain of La Gria. Pierre Ronde. Mont Lacha. Aiguille de Bionassaj. Mont Blanc St Gervais. Glacier de Bionassaj. Mountain of Tricot. Aiguille de Rousselette, on the Col du Bon- homme. Lake on the Breven. The Pavilion of Bellevue, above the Col de Voza. Village of Molaz. Route to the Grand Pla- teau. New track from the Grand Plateau to the foot of the last slope. Old track. M I I 1 '^^ '0 h t hi / ,.■•■■ ' ^~'>^. r \ /*'* . ^»v r UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 083 418 4 ' /i^ '^r^^^'^'i- %'^>'^iiv> T^^^^i^^ii^^ I % '^/.i^'t'"''^-t^i ^'/A>^"r^.^"^'^f yi'^/.v?''*'*^^^^^^^ ''",