PHOTOSTAT FACSIMILE REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NOT FOR REPRODUCTION I -> • . • J I • « 1 * « * * * I • • ; • • < . . i * t » . • « • c » . a • ... , I > BZfffcb () • ! The occafion of this Booke. 'P OuiJius Nafo hisbanifhment.diucrsoccalions i.befuppofcd:but thecommoopinion and the moll 1 ikely is,that Augufltis Cjefar theEm perour Rea- ding his Bookes of the Arte of Louejmiilik'ed the lb much,that he condemned Ouid to exile. After which time the fayd Ouid afwel in hi s paflage on the Sea ,as after arriued in the Barbarous countries, the rather torecouer theEmpe* rours gracc,wrote thefe Elegies.or Lamentable verfcs,direc« tingfometothcGods/ometoCacfar,fome to his wife, fbme tonis Daughter,(bmetohis Frendes,fbme to his foes,#c. And called thisbooke,the books of Sorowcs ; In latin de Tri • itibiu. TO HIS MOST ASSY. red and tryed hriende Maifter (J)riftopbtr Ha f ton h(tfu ire. Thomas Churt^r art,c vnpfl)ttfj conunuaunce of Vert uc S 1 haue grcatc defyre to perfourme my promije touch' \ingmy whole Wttrket of Englilh I PerJef } good maifler Hat ton fc Jwilhrnyfelfeable eueryc waye to keepe the worthinejse of your Frendjhipjohich many haue fa* fled,andfew can fynd fault wit hall: fuch is the ewc- nefie of your dealinges y and the upright hehauiou r of the fame.? Pel Jeaft Ifhouldjteme to Jmfolde afar- die ofFlattrieJretourne to my matter My hooke he* ing Ipnreadye, confidering I was commaunded (by a great and mighty par fonage)to write y fame againe, lam forced in themeane whyle to occupy your iudve~ ment T9tth the reading of another mans Tvorkephofe doings ofitfelf 3 areJufficiet to pur chafe good report, albeit it wanted fuch aPatron as you are to defende it . The reft of that woorke which as yet is not come forth Jpurpofe to pan andfet outfrauin? a Me lea* , jure for the fame . And furely ftr y l blufh that myne owne bookeb ear e snot abetter Ty tie y but the bafc* nes of the macter wilnotfuffer it to beareany higher name 7 he Epiftie. namejthan (Jourchyardes Q>yps:jbr In the fame are fondry trjfles comfcfedin myyouth^and jucbjruitte as tbo/e dayes and myfimple knowledge couldeyelde, fo that the apteft name for fuchftuffe^as as Ithou* gbt.togeuemy workes this Title } to be calledfhurch yardes Qbips(to Trarme the wiites ofhis^ welwillers.) hi myfrfl hookejhalbe three Tragedies ,two tales $ a (Dreame,a defcription of Frendjhtp^aFariwell to the (j)Hrt } thejiege oj Leetb and fondry other thin* gesy are already written. Jind in myjeconde Booke Jhalbefoure Tragedies fin Tales f he Siege of Saint Quintaynes, Nevbauen£alhis,and Guynes/ind I hopnherejlofalltbeforretn warres , that 1 haue feene or heardof abroadejhall follow in another 1?o * lume. Thus commending this little pre/ent to your cop* deration Jtrouhleyou not long -frith the tedbu/nes of my Epiflle jmdToifhingycu muche worjbippe O good fame and bkjsed for tune , I byddeyou mojle hartely farewell. Tours in all at tornmaundement. Thomas churchy ardc. Fob* OuidtohisBooke. IheElcgiefiiO. y Ililf toobf (3 blame tbcr not)to flatrlptotenr ft all gor j£> ciucl! thfluncr,pto>bttetbougoeCtbpmaJOtr map not fo. t ap:F« futt tb? felfc,tn fabanfi fimplr gtart, i^urb rjtlee toeetie as time rrqup;e,3l toil ft tfcou do vrearc. jfio bafttc Ql tolet (bait thou; robe of purple bur, Cbofe coQlp eouloura bebnfif,our carrfulf raufe to iuc. ZtDUb cubbp reo opt not> fappe of Ccdcr trt r, |»>ucb out tear but fret hat tboubaue, as raufr aflignrs to (bee. Jfrounce not tbpfcatefull face J^n^bapWTebtao to Qrekr, 25ut rougbcanO rugdefo Ojetom.'tfibttba' pit? mappjouohe. Cboft fubtill QeigbtB be much mo;e meetp f fo? bolumea toopbe of paint *5ut thou of mp tonftr nblp Care a m??roj mufl remapne. T&potabaftjttbpruefufi blots, to fa ano ibvtotn fight, 1£hat of mp t care* men map f bem iuc gr^o baue beene mabe a right Dvpat t tbp toap ar.b in mp namt/alute rhofr bit Orb botoera, acben aa t!;p frarrfullfoote (ball fall,in C? &« Qa trip retorts. 7 ( anp be(a£ fomc there are)amongff il>e tutall route, ;ffo;getleffe frrnos Cball afhe f oj mee.oj ought (ball feette to boubre. &ap that J liue:tob»cbaa J bebpfoue ofbeaurnlpn'ighr, JBO oo copfefXemptroub!eDftate,VDb?rrinthou ftra mr plight: 3f further fpeacb fhall thee njouohe.ojotr^rfbaitbepcTauf, y charge thee then to take goob breoemo toaQrull idojo/js to baue. &j)p faulrp facts if cinpft)all,rtp;oiiepfibapa to thee, £h Doleful! beebes in publibe place eonbrmpiKb cbaunrt ro bee, ^penbtbou no tyracb,no? bo notc8te,tbo tfucalning bjotoea tb«F fcr'be, 3 tJfibtfulI caufe it rjinDi^tr) oft,to!tb toojtora if toe befeno. £>cme (haltlbou Qntc that toil b*toaple,metbns in exite feni, 3Jnb rcabing tb« tout; ruckling feaee*,mpcarefuU rafrlamenf. 8nb intbett murutngminops toiIltoifb(l*afitoichfD mm ma? heart ) Chat C*£rs »?e onct fet a fpoe,from papnw J map be dearr. ^ofur4)tber«to^astoelbotoa1),toostc)atpapnc oop;oue, OS. o might? Tour tore p;ap liketopfe.lihe fouotoea to rrmoue. ailtbtngtBtbuBftalbeinMuietfiatcanoC^Cjrs grace cruetoorw, E>oth tottt; mp loir ferae life to enbe,tobere life J fit ft brgonne. Stooge bntoo;tl;p of mp toJtte.oftbtr fame men toHltuDge. 71 ob boing that 3 thee r?qup;t,at thee ukrtopfe ftall gtubge, *. tfei Ouiddetriftibus, *^et ought a Itobge aa todl to tim:.a5 nwtec bau« rcgarbe. QCDi}!c!jifFCt)anf(as 3 Dol)opc)U)Ottfaf£lpn)altbebfltl>c. •$ ojt pleafaunt berfea Do pjoceebe,from quiet retting b;wpnei i3utfoDtnfouotof« mreafraulte0,toitbbugiebtapes ofpapne,' 31 time of trouble bopbe tt craues,a perrlt bctfe to make, Ufrut metzcbr&eaajthewjefhpngtopnDes.tbetointertopIb botbQjake? 51 minoe moje free from fearc it 8(ke0,ut beablp Doubt ]R ttanb, Ileal! t^at mp life toitb ftoojb be reft,bp fo?cc of enempes banb. £etfometberearetbarmarufUeteilI,anDrigbtfull jfluDges bee, £D.}enth;eptblsm?ane anD ftmrleb*rfe,toitbequallepesfballfee, Jfo^tljougb that Homer pet bib liue,t»itbfo;rot»eafo befet, l?ts toonreb toits tbiougb malpcemigbie>3i feareb* QjouID fojgtt. ^et Qjttot cr)p felfe(mp leelpbooke)toitbout tegatb of fame, iftojtbougbpercafethoubotftbifpleafe.Ietifnottbfeaujame. £>pth fortune fo bnfrenblp is to bopc it mere in bapne , Cbat thou trjer bp (boulb purcbofe piapfc to make tljerof t bp gapne. atObple une fmplb toitbfmtrktnfl there of f aim 35 ha b &efp;c, 3nD noteb name on eucrp fpte ,31 fought fo t : to acqup;e 21 fapneb berfe to ncto J, make.anb bate mpburtful lo;e, "Let it fuffwe, (Tib that mp toit fo;faketb me thcrfoie. f?tt goe thou one anD in mp Qxtbc the ropall ISome to fee tfoDgraunt chat there is none of mpne.tbep map account of the e. SlnD tbougbthou tbeteaftraungct be .tbinhe notbnknotorn to come l$ui that amibs tbe might? rotonetrjiu fljalt be knotoento feme. ID)? colour toil Dtfclofe tbp craft .althougbe thou tcearcno name, Bp oepe Oeccite.o.i otbertopfe bpHtill to eloake the fame . 3 n pjiup topfe pet poffe thou in mp berfe ma? els offenO, (Cop toonteb grace iceUariptoanfes.triMcb 3 to berfe bib lenb, Co reabe as mpne tf an? ujal.bntoojtbp tberfbj* beeme, 3nb from bis banbea to cattatoap to er>c bp bap Ojal feeme, ^Ce! then tbp namerrijou art not be of loue tbat taught tbe la?*, Chat tetckeb toojke barb fdt tbe papnea tbat it beftru'bbefoje. ^derbaps tbou loohft 30 Iboulb thee bib the pallace pioubeto dpme, aiDbere Cett? ropall court both Reipe toitb pleafaunt paflfeb tpme. ' Cbofepjmcelp places ano ehc<5oos,ofpaiDonto3! crane £)itb from tbe ftatelp tops of them tbis ipcjbtnmg lo toe baue . Ibe tr>me II map remember tohen tbofe <5obs moje gentle toeare. Smtbnototberfojteasburtfulbe bppjcofeofpapncjjfeare. Cbefelp£>ouetbat once toas npmb : toirbgofhauk sgrebpnppe, JDotlj D^ab tbe fmalleQ glpmpes of ber, to Bpe her grreuous gripe. Thefirflbookc. 7. Cbc teaming l>«bc p <»cn*W *<>*<. W"^"™* ^^ «fcappng tben bin cruel cbape both Oepe in u>r braiBi foul*. » M Phaeton tooutofttnneibrnip«e, if beaftapwUiDrappe, Sno bate tbe bojfeg tobom her leu'be fo; kMV of lo;mee p»r«, Scffeare tbefo.rce of flafbrng ftff. bp tbonbera tbjeainmg fcunt, ftDbo fo Caphateo fekes to fr,unne «n trap from Gi cc.-., '««"!, SS be altoapen from Ebcka £ea*. to turre b* few « rr rt« l!»pOj.ptbatlatflpt)«Oefrape,to.tbnutopao ? meac! i .ppe *n that fame place bctb bate to ccaejo? feme of like muVp. S P b?.kTiMo;c«n;ln,Tnbe»b uH., 3nD be content tbat tbou be rrft in pjiuate place aboute. WbpU3:caru«tBitbctnbfCtDingejBbi6clpmetbeOar?plKpe. in forging *>** be frl abotonc. tob.cb feme theiv name tbcrbp «he€t»ero;tbefaplc* tobfe, brcem to knots jb bar©, ff uttimc anb caufe MtcounfepUcbee, if ftw 'berto ««»««■ 3 n pole tproe if tbou efppe, toben ceafeo ib bebate , anb toben all irein pacifpe MnD turn© to frenblpttau . lo bee toltb too ? t£8 tbP toap ba«* matf ,tben go tob «^°u «t lent . *»e b-pPT bap gob graunt tbou baue.anb far ^ "f /^ Cbcn 1 baue bat), toben tbou come there, out fopotnento alia?, foabealonecanfaluempfo^oftobomthetoounbe^baJi. 5nibuttan>b«ltbpfelfeCaineIllill > Achi!c»tateljBaue, Cake beDeloW fjdpe beretn tbou fcene,tberb* no bu« a. iff, tfoi bate both fane fur mount our bopt.tbp Hfe rbtrro ? e abutfc. In mpnOee to quiet bent.reneto not toistb egapnc, £te& thou tmtoarea map huible coolea, to Double f ojroet rjapne. »* toben bnto n*hooilpboufe, tbou (halt returne to met, anb in thp croheD fbjpne bt ftt,a place mabe meeiffo? «r,ee. •€bP bjetbjen there tbou fbalt bebolb^n o?Der feemelp let, jpne onlpfatberalltbephab.toborobebp foil! beget. m>e rcQ tbattberm figbtbo fboto b P Ognea tnou mapbectrnc, Soft namta- be fet amion tbeir brotoe«,tbat tbou tberof maje tearne, 3nt alfo tfcee in p?iup place, Do lurhe in oarkefome Un, ©flouetbecraftpfhill tbepteafbt,aaitipknntoentornen. Cbafe touktb to.gbtea thou fbalt eftbeto , o> if tfccu iraproocfetnr, -Cci fucb aa fathaalatelp luto.bp Teiog nrian name, foefc tbeel toarnetbee ogrtbauCthelatbccnoto.ftaprie, jpflouiaHhoug^tbctvajtb^Wiv.totatts^rtibtuicfiaine. i" Ouiddetriftibus # tint flfternc bolumes mojein berfcof cbaungeb bobpee bee, W>b icl) at mp funerallei 3! Iiab ,ant> there bereft from tn«e. »monge tf>c tobicb tranffomieD tbou ttjatjB do craue, Cbat m? miflfojtune ma? be fet ,toi th tbem a place to haue. ©ntikdp to bet fojmerheOa.beraltnngtoonDjouaflraunge, ^o; noto foee toeepea $ tohilomfmiloejas rtjaunce of time Doty djanjje «9o;e matttr pet(if tbou haoafl:&& (t §>kp,fo;t tohat faue{ papers map pjeuaple ) ^iDo not DeQrop our fhaken Q)ippes,in furgmg <§>eas rofaple. f)o) Do pou not to Car/ais vu?atb,toitlj toboleaflent refojt, ■$0% !)im tobome one ©ob Dotb opp?efTe,an otber map fuppo;t. Chough VulcaneOoobe aDuerfeto Troy, A polio fougbt rettefe, anD Venus toae to Troy ansiuft.tbougb Pallas to;oughf tbeir gncfe. £>o Iuuo Did /Eneas hatc>tobo TurnusbelDfuIlDearc, ?>«b«%ougbbt»pe of Venus pomet,frombarme teas fa ueb flea re CbefearceNcptunusoftOibfeckc,ioQ}o?tVly|Tesbape5. " ^>i't from bet time M inerua biD.bta life pjeferue altoapes. 3Dno though toe farre infenour bc,in beauenlpfo;ce anb migbt 3 fienolp«3oD ret tobofo?biD«,an angrp<£oDfofpigbf. ' T&ut toaftefull too?Dcs(0 tojetch)}) fpenb,no goob therebparpfe. £>iuethat it makes the toattp toaues.tofp;mge from fpeafeer* epra *V)p papnfull fpeacb anb p ? apcta pjeu\the£>outh;ien topnD bath rent 9n0 fuffetanotthatthepDocornf.fc&oDstoberetbepbefent. 2»itb onealonelpcaufe therefore leaft 3 beburt.ujoulDDeeme' 26otb rbippeBanobotoe5 3)hnotonottobere J to beateatoaptbepfeeme StPnat bopiferous billotota noto(fl> tojerchJamiDa tijc toauea toe fore Xa3Dfo;tbtmtbfbouIDbauebenebeu'oetotoucbfbe3jurentpe * aCDijatbacant bailie* be there fet, in (wall otoing £> C aa fotoi ought #sp>efrnciptbou!ookea3 fhau[D,tob?erp bell be b;ougbr. ' 31 tooht about.faue 3>eaaanb fkp,nougbt fubiecttoaa to figbt, 3H)tth ftoelltng forgea one,toitb rlouDea,fbe other rfoeatneb foiahf «nb fcmimj j&taa toQafcatbrr *!«•£ *« B "f f ™ ^S ' tfoto Noiut To toft* tail ■fUpct.Dott) P ul6l V°' cf '2,7' lh „ iUf Cbc tfupbi birnfiife m boubtfulmuft,*batbe "M «* ** f " uf ' SOmutb Oapcp b to toonteb faill from tojacbi tb« W ,0 "•«*• XVt b?e tbtrfoje, no bcpt ar all* life rtjclr totb «»■** ftPfatk tbun 3 fptflb* tUe Mitei lcare0,mp fearcful fate biBapn. ^iflooWplinbopp^^^ 9nb bpourcartfullmouibabotonMbebtabip wopobo »■»• «pp goblp topfr it (mclp grcwo, in e*tk3 am !?»'• * «b» one miOja'p alone fbihno*> tb<0 *« "^ ''" ,1l» latficO feao bote Jam ceO ,tobtr no few botb leemi, SI to? wtb topnbei fb« knob,etbnot,r, W b«atb to nete bot* teemr. 0> bappp pet 3 bid b« irate, anb G> ** fftff ««f " r *o eio(po ? et, ? etcb) top P«pn *ir. *c ? e. ilff [•»* I J;" fBft,Mlcrtk Jut tbougb tbat 3 bo pcrtfbtKfth "J g J ,p JSJSS 3 ibtnbc tbet ebp mp bapeo to ltng»b afib baift m Wj to g«pr.t. aCbat alas »«tb ftaift mo« aw *f«2£22ft* SDbat crucll craving nopfc bo founb/rotn 0* «* ei ™ " N*** jflo Ugbtir blotto our fl?»P bo beat* bp forgca I"***}* Cbrn loftpMlM tuben tbrp fuOapne, tbc cannono rwttti ru *<» , *bto raging floub tfttcg benee do come, to fojci all flub* utmounr. »ebrnb ibi npt»tb befoje the ltutntb,«n fpflbt bjew """"• fn btatb 3 frare tbougb tWo bo fcerrr, a to?eubeb beatb to be, $ct to?«chr afibt, a gift ti <0,a vuelccwr.e met, Aomtobat It is fo? fuib aa ere, bpft»c?b cjfatc ti carer, Cbat bptng fo tn mouIBp earib , fell buck c W* be Japed. «Jnf fartbWfrenbeo t1;e? ttir.p irt .o?i,cnb filabfcow gwuc cbtarne, *rAoot in $c60iobaucbcne fiH;ea toobbt dame. *aoitt3bobcuit0 about and g,co fo gi catM'kb rult ifcl teatci jl, («Kai r Of citbrr fo?t tno^ircHct te ,anb ib?canung b:oU re Iftti ran. * lift tobtcb Cefan gentle tujctb, %ai'4 1< HI to pfifft cJfuc, TPertVrttb J trar(it fouktnot;at poriutb bUa atiut. 3f»np parte 1 bat etefctto'or.louepaiwFbeatbtcfrcebt? ty f fault at eilr.o t cafobtfetuic,tti tut re tic ■fcilr cgrccb. 3f c?fart;oulblautfirfti:tCottncrofuttn:nJ>n t saiiUkr, l^o btlpt of pjou fo? tljat It arte* uo? tVcrm Q>ulb libe* Ouidcletriftibus, J&0 fucb cnup ^c&otb pjeteaD no?,Iongetb fo fo? blouO, lc affcm, mp to?etcbcD boDpfauc, Ci/hib: pou bp tbat fo; DampneD foale a fjclue bcrcafter baue? Cljougb frao tocre cal ne, thougb tetnDca acre (lil.t pou £> #odc< con 1?r t a3]crtfte J (bouio rftnapitc, bp C*6n obme affent. (tffltr 3 Do nut fecac fo? sreeop gspne. bp marcbantes craftp faill 4 &>bcrtbp 3 GjoulD creation b iuc tlje fuigtng fcaa to ttll 13 0! Aehem lor 3! lobe to fee, to!;ere 3 baue fougbt fo; lo;c > l^oi Ada wtgbtP loujueo to bieui.not feme to met bifoft . fly. prtto Alexandria coO, 3 tooulD conuapeD be, Cbat tber 31 tnigbt O N Km rc&Vbp pleafures tbtrr to frr. no b ? pour beauenlp pototr permit our Q)f ?a map fople rt>c fame , £)i If pou bate, compel me tben to popnteD place to Bie, 9 part of papne 3 tbinfte tt 1 3 , tn draungero grounb to ope. tfl 3 to bale atoap pou botftcrous to t nDe* , to bp bo tote bere abpbt? 9nO 5p Uralta (ban- tn flgbt war caufeth bB to rpDee S> tb Caefarbatb DecreeDe mp fligbt, toll pou tberto oenpe, aDherefojtc permit mp cpea map come, tobcre Pontui tbep map fppe. Cl'us batb be oD0 be not bnbnotoen , Cbcn map pou fee not mp offence ,of totcbcD mpnD is grotoen. 23ut tf fucb fill tbep bane, anD 3 bperrourfo DlfJraugbt, Q9p mpitac toi» b ignorance anD not, urn b toicnebneo toig fraught* 3Ef anp loue to Czfars boufe, mee fpmple mm 00 bearc, J} is pubiiquebeSes ft (ball fuffice, tbat mcc bo tyeao anb fearr. 3Ef 31 baue toib of bappp oapeo, tobertn tbat be did rapne, " 2JJ ( *" f> %La CpJ ,c 1 hfto m Ronc,,c^.b : C cl h,hcK,«o 1 h»W )1 ,. Cl,, tar »?u, on 3 ^»»7, , "f tB V a)U « "»'" *•»•• »„* in . row » ^SSSSSm nm> w««. M ««.•«• * •"• 222SS E <«« 3 W » ""«• jfta m«n «at MM ■» »«'^* °ZT v B« MM to Am »r MM. ffiu. trim WW clout* of »™W ""Seitl. to HOC CM (tot br Ml onwojio *"'•';• 7 (0 ; „, Libia M», j3o f«m fo>".« o (,u "'"^,' ^tob I ' toKitu out* to .or. 3n own «»«« of rar fcoufc B «™ « t „„,,, „„„,,, 5, to9 bnuttb:s,m? fbletotolate 3 baue, ^:c Do Poucbfafe mFfearefullfltg'tt, from b'irtfal bate to fetie. 3;»a fap bnto tbis beauts!? tnaxty cvrou: 31 MD fail, &rafl ^rttcDuca -uaptls bej'sousbftobaue bene mtet mttball, 3 o to it mljtcl; ?on Da all perceme, let bpm percent: tbc fame, CiiaetSoDS ortccpccfo*, jl map b: due, to Usui no outtcb** name. <3ubc. f epa;nfulpja?itabaue 3 mist tOemigbtpo mas t jc p.jrntcB uigtn now come, fuD almofi paffeD eleare. Me a? jit crtoe 3 to fucb as t'cen,»np long oclap controio. ^Di^foicepoumr'tob? b^l? oj'etobettce goetoenouifbebolD i> duj often batte 3 fapnbe i lie a . fe.a crreapne boure to baue, SDbicl; foi m? toaiucp uwre moie fpt,ano me from Daungrr fane. Cbe tb:c3)o!D tb:?h 3 Btft auo tgzvfe 31 mas calbc bacbe J trite, 9$> mpno was bull aao msoe no baG.m? fcetefn firgbt toere flow. Ofttpmea S fapb faretocl.auD pet, fo'. tobfeb 3 fpeane anO p!a»n;, 9jig tier, as parting 3 returno to bide m? frenoeaagapn. £>fc tpmea tbc f j me pjcccprei 3 gaje.anb bepng pet begplOe. 3 l-s'ic i) back: anD cart mime epca > to fee m? feelp cbplo*. 3n 8nv:o»bst bad.t j Schhca noto tt to tr>ac toce are feme, 9no U jmc lot leaue, pet bath Dclapes.bc Don* of tuQ tntem. £i)v topfe aitboujb (be due J !cofc, 3 ?e t Do Hue ubetopfe (U).tb boufe anD members fiuectc tberof, Vn'otcb 3 cannot Defppfc, Qfy? fa?tfjfuU fcilo^ea cfce Vo^om 3 as b:etb?en DID efteeme, SjPbafc Mum faptb as true to aire,© Thcfc-.n mates 3 Deeme. Ctjcm tbere in armes 3 did e^nbiace ,\ub«cb ncucr mo?e 3 mtgbt, €icb batoie a grateful gajne 3*boagbt,tbatgettenmetoastbatntgbt. P. i mo;e Ddap 3 maoe but left utp talbe tmptrfJt there, 25 !l tbmgcs trjat 3 OjaulD tben baue firkin mpnD recojoeb nere. r ~D ifli to: our fo'^ipecb D;af?f labile uc: wcp:D tbus, Ciie nar liar, e ga.i appcare on fbp.a beaup Qarre to PS . %V jeraiitb a papue 3 felt, as tbaugb mp membrrabaue fo?lo?ne , 3nD f:ora T»p boDp cuerp p3rt,Dio U a; to baue bene tome. J plain The fir ft Booke. J plafnbe aa Priirn te'attam 0i5,»';:n !;e tin treafon hncto, 9ti3 fa jo I}19 fo:* from luilittJiltp;:. t)*7c:i rroiaa mirtj tb:?(ljt», 3 cormtJi en: d;3 t^i trtft/SffrurtJal ;::. ij ntlUj Cirtr carefull J::i.J:o j.'-I j: jmj j l.:,4>;.• , ) tea «.' t) i l&9tfcf| fl:ikf. D:?utujt!$J'4!3«*?j'.l / u c > Oi 1 01) cl . u: a:\-a -j, 3.iD tuttb m? t:arc J ):: jjj:o J gcc uicr, 1 la cm ; ;j;.i tgc.i tyj Gijoe. C pu ibilt not ga: togct'):r bJ.ta flea tj:> g ;'.l (OaSinfOCj JfjllJto tb«:>of tulza anfe.n ecu; nttl rca »p if. / C;;VDiptJiim?fj: , n::,in jj.t^i ton Kiils-.n: tiCIJ fff, 3;iO co pour P3j:.i3 .r)'?p:* J j 111,4 Statu b'4CDt:i bcr. CrfarfUr.itljconi'Jn-i-i^n ?ja oj^'couitr^ojarc tj ttce, loue , tljta g33J?}:dlo:ij!j>» /ijall Cjri,irg:4:torti:st p !;a tDj il;e: g i iC,tj:r p:o3t to rcfl-i;e. 9 c j::rmng fo,:?b ao* Ode tbst UKrcDcp.uuoe or rtgOcraU grj.ic, 3ni f M&m.if,iba:i3»:t3 jcaccarommg njiti i:jj i:. &j.ii< lap t!;at ty:e ourg fo?rg «;j |rtat>ji ego* oc n: :»;j'/t. 3 iiiDj ; jr J Jtc M cm:; J: .'ill i/fr Rife in ;7g )c 3'iotbit atlfigt'jilj:; rauagjpiKib.'r ba?it3;n DuUarapbc. 3:iOinr«i'jcrac3loefrjn jrjji3.^:e bcaaoe.aoone ri^'jr fo:c afra?E?» fi)j.ii:tnt:atjtr frlfc.f'j nrtmea l;tr ijoju,:p:c Oott; brtoagl* urnl^-M, 3 jo to t)tr bufbJitbabftwtbcn.fiiNort bpnaine fi;:e cad. iiij IclTe Jj:c uieepeb tocrc t:;tn tf,tjrr t ro jtull epco lijjulb fpje. s>J0 - Daughter oi mp fcire onbe imm,on burning co ilea to iff. £i>u:t) care ttjee b JO bcr ocatb to uaue.ano Wauc tfer itumg lenu, £ rt none it toere rcfpecting,tbougb 'be t fo pa Jib bence. *3u: n jud d&ob graun: that (be bo Uuc.fltt; fates bo lo otctcc, 'Coat bp bcr bdping bono j m ip.tbs m j:c reltcueb bee. Boot-inoin tDt)tcb&cepe0tl;cbcarc,of Eryaiancliu» tooob, 3la Ocean $>ca to Dpueb lou>c,t»bofr flair* co;;- Utr eric floob, Pet faple toe not In Ionian £>ea0,fo: ttjae toe fo do craue, 16 m arc compeJD top p::irnt fcarc, tno:c boitmca tticre to hau?. &o nou>( O »)«eb;u i&.a j tease blacUc.tpe boidcroud tntuos bo beat, 3ibfan!ic«tbatfromtrje beptb be umtj i'otulpbcat. iDur ^ippet coitb toaurs no UKt tben tjtllts.ta i ol.-o to anb no, © jr p amceb <£>oba tuicb btilo on b;t,( t>f» v q jwc Qdtc foago. Cb« Qenbcr flotc Do crp anb iout>o,umtj (lr;;f; tgc cables t racar ( Cijti^tp it felfc toitb our ill ijsp.a fcarefuil gronmj aia!*, CbMiiillcrbp b»a pair afprctc,becu:JFej bu fecrete fere, 3n a ouercooibe jrifrtucflbe wipp:,of ltd rolfg nut tbt Jcrr . Ouid de triftibus. like ae" tbe fearful rplcrbotb let flip tl;t boiffst rcane. ar-lje pclDctb to Ma cartlcile tout ano au fo?getteb elcane • aJucn fo.nottob«« be toouiae , but totjere tbe fo?cing toatcf b;p ue, Cljc faple 3 fee be lets at large, tn toettjing toaueo to Hue. <€ hae if fp? Aeolus, bat) not Tent bte tbaungea topnftea abiotic, 3 fureir bao o; tbfa bene place tbat toaafo?bobe • foi far from Liiu coafl la tben,on leftfpbc faQ at Ijanie, Cbe tntcraictea place tot fa to, ana fpioe Italia iann. 25ut Kttbcfomlngfeoa(v»ep?ap(fo?btiarn(bo?cto feeie* Ci-at tfjcp tottb me tbe <0oaa oba*e>ena u>to tbemfcluta mo jc mceae. 9(W) i le ft eabing tbua tore p?apae ana fcert to banc bene a?pu« abacbr, 4Tt i b toonticuo fo?ee of flutbp toaure our Qjtp Obea la bib tracae. S) mlgbtp <^oaa of matble fcas let not r our ire atlfc, Cbat Ioue bimfrle tottb mcc he to?otb»toe crew it ntapftfftce. 3JnB to pou not mptocrp minae tottb cr ucll acatb cenflra*. n , 3f be tbat bt aib batb ft.ffrea omc,cannot ret at t egajn. To hie conftant frciuL Elcgic.4, r\fw\* tobom Br 3 among mp mate* aa rbl quite co ufu mt a bee. X5cfo;e tbat tbefe tbp gooa befertea Qjell (cape mp careful tnptiD. C) c la t bia goblp Ioue tottb time . from tU nc c a u ap Hal fino. tti migbtp Cota noto fauour ibee,tt at befpe tbou nrte none crate, 2tno fortune far bnfiae to mrne, Ctt gtaunt 1 1 at trcu map baue. 'Ctx if tbc fljip baa fifelp fapia ana frenbip n j nt t»> be. a blotene. e0 flic beuD.tbcp Qijinkc «wap ahb Oee. QJDbere bugpbeapeff but Uttff tuere, not ojie no>u left tot Ite. Cbta fltflful rco J Ictent bp (to, tn other that Did groiut, 2Butnouicuenofmptico?jne Htfljapo.bppiofethr fane Jhnoto. &Mnt ttoo 0,: tbuc mv fre nDe ; rou arr.tbat of m r ' r utb remarne, Cbc red ao fortune? ana not inpncjl do accouipt tbcm pfapne. Fou fet»tberfo?c bo help o:ir pnpnr, tijat red tue map aicljtue, 3;iD that bp pou our Ojabcii Gjtpa, in fafer fljoxe arpuc. 30?ttb faptito feare b; not afrapD.a thing both fouD air borne, lead <5oD tmfUaing tljar pour loue, cflLnDcD bo retries ne. 5Fo:CcUr oft in ennempes Doth, bio faptl;f ul frtenbfl;tp p?apfe, 3 tit) that tobtch in htc otonc, tn botb app:ouc a'.toapeo. Qftr caufi pet better tot , £ baue, no aoucrfe armour, £&p follp id the caufe tbat 31 ir.p countrp baue fo; lojue . ^ttbtoahingaii.tDesourbcaupbapa.Oopoubtujarlc.aabpiapf, <€bat C^fan raging tutath the mo:t, thcrbp map baue Delap, QSDbo fo mp care g Doth feese to Kin uj, in numbtr tljcm to baue, 3 thing moie barb then map be Done, be ft caita tberbp to rraue , 4>o manp its lo baue J bojtic , 80 darres In 3 ju re ftp, 3nD little grarnea of flptng Dufl.on parchcD grounb Do Jpe. 3noman?moKof greater tuetgbt.tair foiceD tocre to bcre, QCDbtcrj tbang'i the? c g a u id of crcDtt per, tn them fome bo abt cbere toe re. *>ome part voberof §§ ootb beboue ,\mtb me mud etc atoap, Bob bpmpmeane\»oulod5oDtt>erenone,tbatmtgbttbf fame bio>:ap, 3 perdng fpcaeb although J bab.a fpjme anD fluup bieaO, 3 id greater d r.c of m jutbe a tbcrto.toberctn mo;t tonngco Did rett, Petallmicoitifs 5 foitDtbiiou) houj 31 might corr-p;e:>rni, Che thing etc t Ding furtbtr then, mp voito map ted! ertenb. fi^ptroublca great (O Poeci lernoe; foi ©ube VlyHcjtuJtgbt, £et J mjje Ua tben be bath bojnc,foj trutijpou mi? c:iDtgbt. 3.1 compaa foiiil tjee manp pcarea, una roflTeo bp md, ®eta»:n«t'i)cGfecij(nnjblelanj,aiiD rroiamfaanuotount. 16jt me t'je widcS $>:aa baue met, anD uiauDxcD toer? uu-W, .^3 G:tiCrickcibajeD;uHnbcne ; anDedj Samaria 2&ifC0, 3f8ptt- Ouidc!etnfiibus t 3 faptl-fulbenb Vljflcsbat, tottb irote* bofb true art toff, «?ui me inp reltoteee fitt in terjcmc,3! cljtcfir put tup ttuQ. 3n m erp moot e as btcto> tben, bee tocnt bis lent to fee, 2£ut IE ao bicto:cD Do tcpart,ant cjctlc bencc to Gee . 3u CDtccrc re pet 5 tl;aca grount,no; £ to 3 DtoClii -if rom to be no pspne tt in, but map be iuffreo tut II. 25ut IRouic u!;ict) from Ity mouutarncs feuen,toe tberr btbolt (n tight, Cbe empire large ent dpots tberof lo tbence 31 tabe mp Gtgbt. 31 botp Qrong Vlyfles t,oc,tljat labour coult fuflarnc, 2C fmallfintaentcr coH'te 'i baue^ub wake ant tenter bjepne. caa, baue greuet bun ngbr fo?e, lout me 3lm»gbtp Iouc oppjufle.vobofe tojatb reucngttb mo;e. •Ebe f our mtfyapsnopert at all foj'leeflngto remapne. 3n fine, tuen as be ttt ocfrjc, at popuict place o» fuc, &Pb»eb long be toiffct, rtgbt ifo be ttt, at length sttapnc aipuc 71? ut 3 mp count rp i e ate to eljtnH t:ott> neuer tio;c to fee. Wnlcffe the tre of angrp <£ot0, apyc afet lop to be. C To his wife EJcgie.f. • Alliirachustitnct fo borne, trill loueto I ydalctif, 'jf^oirctfot'ojtc ^hiljies|)flt,bter;ort on Bauisbcn-, 5i5 tfcc(C mate moft micjntp b:cG tutbfn jtr.cpcip graue, Sl'bteb u>o?tbp art a barer uot.bur happier bufbant baue, 'J fall; ng faft bp tl;tt to bolt.ap bp a booteful fcrame, T be gilr tt to,tUt 3 baue fcapt.aperr of troubles Urcam*. C (?ou art tlje caufe J sm no p?ap, to fu:l; ce fctLc to uc, <£ be Utters b?ougl,r tbat mtgbt tcclere, tbe ttocfull u^otfec Split ao rbe molfe ibet blcut Defers, tofcen burger batt toib ftickf t £*f felp ftrepc tbat be bnfcr pt,tte f cfh ful farrc boo itcb, sSDj as tbegrcctpCrrpcbpon, the careful co?p?0ccrb Care, BDbrti en t!.c grcuntbte fees It Ipc ant left fcnbutnttbcre. f; o r nc »J tr tv cs J Ucto r.ot ubo , mr ba. t tap ttt tnftrnfJ. Qlpon tx p gects if tUu lets not fit b^ntec bst lero tmuO. 3t3it I m'bf tturttit kiti;Gcnt, bpfe?cetf?ienteD full true, ^ o iitctj; j.c i^iftfcc Vic r , as lo ibetr tcttes tt bur. 3i ThefirftBooke. n 3ti careful! rift a toftneo true.tbp Dc;D:;3 tbcrefo.zt Cot!) p;Qff« $ 3f Mines Do percbauncc pjctupiCjin tbefc our Dole full Dapc0. 3>i bertujuo life Audroraacha ,tbp name Dotb not DtQatne, DOai L.i jJan ,a \»bo 010 Icauc ,\)ti life tuttb bufbanD flalne. 3f Homer rljju baDft bapt bpon,tfcp fame fbaulD farre t rcccDr, 3b aue tbccbsfte Pcaelopcit.of ta^om (n tjttn me rcabe. 35 Jt if tbefc mantra mcche t'jc oD0,DtD gecuc t»; :e all bntaugrjt. 3nD In tbc Dap of bltff till bp?tb,of nature tbou tljctn caugbt. £>; Cl0 tbc matrone mod to pzapff ,on tubem tbou tcatcjbtcQ long, 9 m?uo: Did tijee make to be ,ci boneft toiueo among. 3nD to bee felfe u»:t cuflome longc.batb caufoc tbrr uht to fee mr, 2Pe greater t'ging:fl of matters fmall.Vuce fioubt not fo: r Dceme. jc u!l U)oe 31 am nip b: rfc batb not.moic fo?ce tn fucb a cafe, 9nD tbat tnp tongue Dotb not fufftce,tbr faptfcfull facte a to blafe. if 0.1 loo be bibct liuelp ft rent j of aipnDc,afoje in Dice tljerc fp:ongr, 30 quenebco quite ano fallen a vuap.toitb fo;ro\oc0 fojc hid longc: Ctjc cljtcfc amonge tbt Labtco of .great fame tboflHiigbtefi Or, Snoof al! menbclooUte bppon,fo,ibcrtue,-tnD fot totr. 3nD fo tobat potoer mp pennc ma? bauc.vutjui berfc 3 bo tnDrtc, f rom time to time t bo u (bait ape It ue, tn berfc tbat 3 can tu?r te# ^To his friends that ware his Image ingrauJc, \J \7b«t frenb tbou be tbat 3arlanD0 gap Vsttr> 3upe ton ugbt.about \)\s bcab (ct bet. Cbcfc bappp Qgne0 mod cornel? be, tbat pleafaunt poets v»ere, flpp troubloua time 10 farre bnBt tbclatojell crotonc tobcarc. SnD tbou tbat brarco about of rtugc tbt picture pjcfl, f apnc * tbtfc tbtnge0 toere ucuer fpobc.altbougb tbou bnotoc0 t\,l Deft Cbc countenaunce bcarc of mtc>tbat am in cede fent .beboloe, ■Cbe Itbcnea of mp louring loofcf s.tobtcb tbou bad grauoc in goulDt. iWicrion ojben tbou (bait cad tbtne epeo.tljen t aplp tbou map fap, l)ou)farfromb0is Nafotiotu.our fciloto fent auiap. Cbp loue 3 bjeli alotoc but berfc0 punt mo?e plarn* flpp f o:mc:tebicb a0 tbep be, 5 bto.t reab bo not Dtfoarne. fl^pberfe J fap tbat Dotb Declare, bjU) men QraungciljapcD tib fl;atf, ©nbappp U)o:be tobofc mattlct flcD,anD left bnperflt mate Cbc fame tottb btaup banD f «ll faD tn flaming frie 3 t!;?u(? t KDttb mucb mo:e of mp grtcuouo gooD0,cubcu net Dcs Depart 3 rr.uQ. JCnD a0 tbep fap tbat Thcltiai,DtD burne tuttb fatallfj.e, fyxt fonncano tiller biruDcr u>a0,tbcn motQcr uioutic amb ire. ^o3 Ouiddetriftibus. <= o J k pbccbrs mpbouete fecar(,tebuS no tcfctt ttb fJcfcy Co fire en ap Vt-ub n ec bib ttcti, in fiefl ing flunct bc0cte« ETbub cpt! tt luac becaufc c p mufcao ! urtful 3 Did Intr, _ *D j cis fc? that nip bcrfe tuep rube anb not in petfcct Date . SlDbtch ao tbcp be not quite cjctum, bit partlp pet ap \ ere 3h bolunteo mo tr-tn one 1, tfcai tul en ii;cp U^ttten tiers. *G>(j novu ^ totfij ttjitn fit l remapnc,uonc p r !c Qouib tbat bee* Cbc uaber to trirtebut bet I. in of X3ut prt no rraii toub t-flcuntiotro.toricte tl.eni can abpfcf, Cni pt be bnc vt tbat tonco;i cct f i en. me iU U mc bit) Oicc. Ci: ai tooibctoaa plucbt otoaptobmbalfe ,tcbab big labour fbenf, GHic trimn «ng trube tbat laQ tyouib cco,s,n: p uniting* b clere.'f e uattt. ^Foipafntcbpjapfe tbp carbon traue,tbrp?rtirc ft altoelfufftcr, 3[f tbou tbat cbance to rtaDe tbto bolie, mp Uso?be bo not bcipFfir, SnD here aifo fJjce be r fro bauc >ui!;tcb tf tbcu rtjtnbe it biff, 3"u foirooQ fronte ofttjat mp bcobc,fce tbat tfcou let tUm reft. BDyat a an ttou be tbrfc bolume0toi:cb • of fatter note) biteff. 2Cnb leaftopfr granrit totrbtn pour boufe a place foj tl;cm be left . $nb tbat il ou ujoulb mo;e fauour tbero.of ijim tbep toere not fcnf> 3fn publiqm p?cofe: but 00 it toere «be o.apfltrfl l:crfe of rente. 3tf tbat bnlcarncb berfc U«rfote, Q;al tb?n frjto fo;rf; tr»p crime, Cbj marftcr tooulb bauc mentec tr,if r.e br.o lorgi r irn e. To hit It en J that br..kc his ptoraifc Elcgic-7. HTEefretb flouMtyalffani &ce*i letr^agarnetlciTrfnfriBesbnto ± £o fl;all tije £>unne tottb bojtfeo turnbe, i,tu courfcrtuohc aifo. Cfce i anb fl)af ibc tbe bright ftarre bea^onb ap;c tf e plougfc u;el c lew, Cbe water tyal; bjpnge fo.;tb tbe flamco , anb fiic C,al toartr geui Si! tbtngfS uV inoto bpnatutea raw, in o?ber flretnge woabt, fit pat ecu of :'}ie toantjpng toojitr.bifl b ap cvtgbt U;*u leaCe, %\ tbingfi al cone to palle teifjicb Xbeupsb afore colle be, So} notbtng 10 fo Oraungc to bcare , bur toe nrapbope to fee 3t C ell be fo 35 geffe becaufe, of bun J]am reiecr, ai'hofcUlpe Jbopet note ibatlbouib,mj»tDoifuicaufep;otcct# £■> faptfclt* Ir.i nr» l,otc ceme fo great fo?getfu!n» » of mee ttobp un re rbou rbcu fo fo?r ,afr apb,mp (arefulco;p0 to fee* filbat orce agapue tbou mtgbt nor Iobe,no? comfort me opp»a, ffioi pet barb bart.mpfuiicralj purfw among ibe reO \ <5fcc lacrcb name of fret* (Lip fap;c,t!;at al men boaooif . ©noer tbpfoctc thou iemC lre,a0 tbingeor Jitle Co?e Soft iLcugb ibcu bib to Jre« c (er Jall/c? tb«fi tv P f W pllgbf, C« fii urn ten Aim *Wt* «, f fi r, to |,t \* mH \\< rci^ ? i'rtfc 4t ntf 9tf.*a1 s o>r»r« tT)ir to a.-auig^ra did tijen bfi) .uc mil to fast ,' oVul) peoples b:pce ana p abltq m Ipcaco a jrre t»)it g j jd u:ll bart j 9n3 .!)M to? fac : io:t!j tn Kiruiiij fret, n j more in tlgot tapptre, sQ))ple pet ti|ju iwg'itilto Ijoh; opj.u je taJoap i ujjj iriere. C j tast aito ge uc a:t j talae altar, MM fare a;i m fuel) cifc, 9CD )tct) o i;e ae nt j 'it ana t jni iM w jj.\a ;ple a oil 3 eno jref emb;scr, 9 j orijera n jr a )icb a:tb no le ig u at frtro ijip J :j 10 bo jn it, &D i3 tli ;n 3;ciara t' jriefe of ai^.n, at j mid; ijceaua o.t gtoS: JtUKretia/gj Jl3 J [j tb;e beantr, aitjlt'c t.UJ.n MM lit, ttDttlj caafca rse ofgrrat c J:;t, a to ( jue u u.ig (fate bieo. 9CD i?clo s ira tbaalo annpbaaroej.a 10 carnti actca of mpnr, 9na J fa mi ir matter* fa?oe,an3p eaia.u puaiej of tbpne, £D nt tr a!i.i: atropatl 3jn; o.irritf 13 &:*) giODene Bait, 13 j: tho j lb oft tn eucrp p!ace, aid caio; a fclloa it, %Vu.) a. iJ Com: apnDra of i eta ai t.nnjta in Lethe ItftMct DxoaaD aittb oartictom.' nt jtjre, 3 tlimfce in toaac tboa aere not b j:tK,tbat Womc of Qjirioe bigbf ; 9 toome all j a'jereu to come, j map not aofui atgbt. 15 ut tn Kk rocsca a:ncb bete Do lffC« on left fcfie of tlje (ca , 3 i crcSco craggr fl of 5armatj$,in l inD of Scnhu. v Char tntbpbart be bcapco ing-j, of fl^it the ttanp bapnc* 9n0 1 fee • jjron trie fecDco To oaro.aubtn tbp b;cft remade*. Cbc nourfc alio a'.iicb gaae t gee fu;Sr tbiou ji tender in 3u. h t o pafTf t &)itt) fruitful teartf at;:n thou aert poang, b uamco (*igei ajff. JFoi ela tgou aouto not 1 He regaro tbc bcaup gap J bcarc, Chin Sriungerf ili.-iui gpttp per , of wgour roug i appear*. 26 it fpnee tbc (aue mp fataU fall an a loir juks do en .rcafr , >er0mtj!)t, p:ruapItfo k ubpb:b}JC» ilVnco fox uif felfe roe crueil go me.-cf coio uot m juc 3jii nnmber ttjiebe tbp trc.-oca aii com:, aliplc bap Uaiije j on tbr rpo<| Jit U oimrj cIjuo<0 of tpnte ap«dre,alone tl; j a tyait *bf je, Ouidde triftibus. Nebcin ucto sDoutS to faufe refo?t,in totitetp coloure a claboe, 3fttb;»tjlpboureof flutuQj bpjb abpbctbglebCe. Cbe porr.cful! $->tl'mccre nener ccntcc ,m batnr left toopbe art) barr, 13o f rcr.o repapjtcc Mjrr t goobo btfo?c,bc cltonc confutnDc tottb cerr. Ktfoen &!innr ctb fljtne the Qjaooni fl;ctt>c0,of them that toualfee abjebe, SaM;nt 1 1 iFCtb bib tn cloube i>c longer tr.ohc aboce, TIljc bncoqftant fojtt of pecpJe fo,bo,foUotu fo; tunes ligbt, E.VI;tc!j gvecbcb owe Id fccuaigflrotanCjibfr Oiatgit Do tokctfccirSItgbt 2f no to»ou!D to <5o\> ibou tnf gbt per :ciur,tbat falfclp tbifl bo fount, 2II3ut IE mini ncrbca co»f. ffe tbcm t rue ,bp fortune tbat 3D fount). Sl'!>?ic Vue bib flanb tu perfect Dote our boufc relr?Der>o fame, 3Butr« Vaa3 bno^cn,anb boa refojt.aa MD fufftce the fame. toben tt flrfl bfb*3« tofU&ciljip feertb ftnetbe rail, 5f ;i d luUp backrj to flying turns,! o faue t be mff lot toft ball. ifra maruaple tbcugb tbep fearc tbe flefy.of ligbtntngiruell flamer, irp fr?c cf -a. Lfcfc oil ftjiiigca ta toom.ecnfuate tbatnrare it came. 315ut Car fa; pet among i;ts f ocB.tbat trccDc botb tutu alioto, f Jfclcb both not ftjinhc trUttarp fltn,u>hen fortune bentes tier b?oto. <5?o tuomcb bfc l.e batlj to fumc(no rran 10 eno^c mcbcf}) 3 f be vtit>tct> lou'bc to toner G tl,in t r cubcic uo t ttrc to p;cff. ?(tuc0 fclarfef of ??cll,tl;efr Cob fun fcntp tea*. arte bclceue O Turnuj tbat thr cbctfaes tottb teareo tucre toer« &Drjep tboubcarb of Eurialui.anb Nyfos faprfcee fo fet. jCn tr;«tc!;co tfec there (0 a !ouc,tn foco trtrch toe app:oue, & bcaup (top fo fctu there be tubf en tottlj mp toojoo 3! moue, *butl) 10 che Qotc anb cbaunce of utcr,anb of mp matters e!l, « tat nothing cugljt my trot eo to Qop.fiom fc;r race to fair. HHcc rcioj (eth that his freod profited in learning. Elcgje.p. A itljcuglj tnp heart fo? initiate cUnixe.Wtb fatneo fo be fraugbt, * Jt Mgbter Ipc0 toben 31 bcare cf.tbe hnotoltbge tbcafcaO caugbt, 3 fato(moQ bcarc)ibat bfti ttou Ojot lb toftbtn ibto po^t artue. «f c?c tblB toop tbe to;aC Hug to lnb:0 ; tbp ft tp began te b?tue. 3f trannere tnilbe toitb bertue mtxt,o? life beuoptc of blame, 3Bc ij (C bf at t of running bnob at anp to efcrnr, € bcre cctiiro uo cbuIc u^ttb tbi D c f rr>ot>ttb pirafount *o:be btfcuD QCDtib tricfe m rrtnbe 3 nicoutb tJjoB,iu tier tljcn Creigbt cct fap, 3 greater ttsge (^ ftl«*)fflMlW§ jifJTlMtltTl to Dtf'piBi'. jfio fpicrnr of £ r if i t ,o( JLigl.intng flatrr,no QaQ;e on left Odc feenr^ tfo cblrttr.g fcrgt c? fltgbl of foulr.a Ognr tabeicof batb bene. ff y trafori role j bit) fcrutnc er.b tt ogr of t!;at Q;culb cc tnr, 9i: lUfe in tr.rnbf 3 gefjeb noMonb of tlttr.i'nctietge nctrt, 3fn gran tbere fo?e J lorfull arn.fe? tbee tbfp pjoeucb true, 5lfofo:n« tetol;cmthrtett,UR3feno\»rr«Dt,t)f»:fuf. Ann toiUtt to ^oo tbat mpnebab l?ne,fu!l lotoc In bctbntB biD. ;f ointcbcrfqunefl n pflurjtoue fl;l/,cf loucfp itglt to rib, *nb af t&e ftunce fat ant graue ,b'rtb prkeb fr t eel; at b fpnr, IDott) p;o6t ibtc :foatn 3 bart.rrttb Jojcfcnltfcc to tf-rne . 36ut ret Bip life trjou bnoto'O ttftbt tee ll, tctb tUt far rrctn tbtf at f, > a tt.airtr :s manctf Diflaiit all.t cprgnt In euerp part, CboubnotoeQofolDtlil6bcrfcta(8Bto;it,trme^t(n j tea0 fongr, 9nD tt teas tbcugb not to 3*8 anb pl8p:ng forge. ILttu a* no craft f ccullrr cart.ln tfcnr trfcrre four rr.tgbr, &o 3 fuppofe tnp f crfc mar not, ercufrb br tettb r • g l;t. Cum 80 tb'ou tfcinr crcufej anb frrroro rcufc not fojfe he , 9nt> u>itl; fuel) Ocr pre 80 tbcu tail gonr,tb,p nap riuft fo?ib Do tabr. •j Hccprayfcthhii fhtppc at Coiinrhia. Eltcic. Jo. Aftblp 3 C« ut C 8rtl ^ ct fo B ,8lj ni) gctirrn'te bp Psllaj mi^t, KDboft bapppr aire robe tor tbircof. Ciratittbie tnGgbr. 31 fapltBibttemtariuefcetobfr.tittbneririt btntr ftrfatlre, £>? If tb« otorr : brr tear ftc tefcre.n.b tafp force p;ruapfr0. 8?er fcliototB all nubfpcctpccutfr fo prune net content, Ttu t rotb put bee br bp hutyp fbillci ,all uVppre it at ro;trn t trnt. € l;c flofcutrg floubc lie ItgbMf brfir^cnO ftfe (be tcCir rj frao, P.o cruel! bjcuco Q.e pcclbco tntc tut ler la ottep \xtil) cafe. EtT ttb l;cr 3 (en:c arquapntri QtfJ, turn ft Corimhia grcui.r, Qrrbom Once a gulbr anD trnflp n:a: :,in frare ft.:i fi.r l:t 1 fct t>. Cb?ouBbfunb?p(rrtt£b^0 8nbLV.bc^UJlnl>0.ct t uc; D.cctl^ccutr, IPu teao bp fo?ce of l'albi poUcr, ficm tcurccr feeeb furc. 9nt) neto tbc gatto of baflp ^cae.b r v;aF tic: ITi n:cj clitr, 3nGctaQrrtmc0 folorgttrrefci.(J:t,U'C tra^^t If re>»l/cri tuc &Tr;ub tobfn fie lab limcylM BM . Heltifpomua po:t, 3n natrcU) uaibt au •.£ full ier.e,c,P 7 t UMU it- btt> Tifo;u ©. CnUft Ctiiddetrifiibus* £>n Icftfpoe *!)M onrcourff tote tourn'ee, from Aftors famous totone, Sirttotbetr o.ifla (6 Jmbriaytbirc/romtbcncetoecameabotoue. feo fojtjj toit'j gentle totnoea to'jen tore, Zrrinthia DtO attaint, 3nSam(uhfaciat!}ereour0).p,aUtocdtp»torema?ne, ^f rout Ijence tbercarb ts fl;3jt,tf tbOH,5«ntwafeebf0togoe,onfa&telt no me; pleafc, ffljjp tyf p fojttbtottb fo?faktng tberc.tbc Hcllcfp#ntiavr £»ea0. &1nto Dardania tben toljtclj beat*, tb* ^iHbjju^me.toebenb, 2tnO ttjce (6 I.ampface) v»t Oo feehe, to )om rural! lifooo Defenb . BXV)c« aatbc £>ea Dotb Scfton par, from Abydcnatotone, Cueu to!>erf as Hdles tobilom fetunnarroto &;dfl abofcnr. ^From tbcnceto Cizicon tobtcl; on,poutb;entotnoe, Cb3« ftom Cyaaeai WocUtai'itbaO^e Or*igbt a toap mapfinoe, 3nO fo t i Enyochus ba?«0,attO tbf nee bp Pollco fa!!, 3mD csttcb thus to ctit rjcr toap. bp Anchilam ijta toall. fl£bcnecbnto Mctfembro*po;t,anB to Opefon botoj*0, fl?a?bapl?pafTc (6 Bacchus) bp,of Ibeetbe name 5 to toieg. jftoto to Alchathocs toe go.tobtcb of rbe toauea be fpjonge, B2)bo flelngt fopfa (men far) DtO butloc, berctn tbrtr boufeg fjremge. .^Frotif tubtebbnto Wyletus totonejtfaulfelp map arrtne, BDoeretotbc feareeano beau? toiaib.of angip§ fame toao msoc in becof. ^aAA fo) eptber Adria fatoe toe tbere.m eofoeJDccemberg bar, fjoto toeepmge bcrfi aintbo tbe £?c!0 Thcfirfle Booke. 10, £>;ito to(tbooubfe£ , caotncourfc, 3 I Amos oucrritrr, 2f nt» otbcr fUpo tljctbr in flrgbt,our fdlou cb fo became, t&bcn CyiljJes erraftbtt>ercetibtrian;ai!r it uch btDto be •>ocu J among tbc rowing Coubg .tbefc bcrfco pet coir tr.aht: 3nC nctompfelfe bort>onbcrf9?c,tUtm ■!;;!) iccjii g\i nurp, Cf trpr.o anb £ raa in}' brp luce from baun jcr fcuef* ;f ot br 1 1 ma jc toitb care tcrcof , o; mobneo tuc tc col!, •£ 1)10 QuDp bolt rrpcllfrcm turnD n ptbougl -toantfoirou-foali. Oft ttrrieo in oonbtfulotrnb (otoQ,bp fto;mp fcpnerc 3 ttas, ©ft ttmc* tuiti) * icropo O fl » f' ifcca,tb;ougb tb?cetnmg u auto 3 pas At'thcphi!«, tbatfctcpf0tb«be«re,botbbatfeDtbcbapatratonr, 3no foutbtutnb tuttb tl'» tuetcro frarcr,tbc H iada» bstb D?attmc. Oft tpmco tome part iter of bit) pas into tup Qtp arrgbt , $?ct trembling 3 t')l0 tooful b trnb fcarcful banc Co totpgbtf. Coto •*»« b cbr |2ojtb?en topnbrf tbc rep<0 contend b ate to crafec. ' 3nb Itfec to bilteo tbc C?oIloto &ca0 a loftp furgmg make . <£bt mapQet uutb bio hgrtbc* cart bp, botb p?ap4»ttb fcarcful liart, fl3ebo ibuig tl en tic braucnlp ttsrreo fo:gctfut of f;io art, On cmxf fpDc tx>e one !p fa to of IDcatb tbc picturr plapnc, iTbicb 3 tntnpnbct>i& fcarc anb pc ftanng tuifb agapnr. (5ob graunt 3 trap to po;tartue,3 fcarc tbc fjtnincbt fo;c, 3n tnatcr far KtTe batmgrr to, then c n t bat curfeb fl: - ;c. £>t fubtil fnarc0 of rr:r. ci.b 8oub0,tocc OanP tn fc?ca»p b;fcrr, Cbefuiojo anb ^cntrp »c»;«rcl;cli rtunrc trttfj Dct;b!e tertour frcbr. <€be one lotb bopc vvttb gutltlro bicnb ap:ap cf Of to mate, <*bc otrjcr of tnp tuc t ;'t U bceto , t! c fan:r uoulb gleblp tebr. On trft Qbc bto. Itb a people tube ,u>t;cft trpnbco be bent to fpopfe, 3n blsmcleffe blouD.enb Oautfctcr feurcc, eno cruel toatnc tbcp botfc, 3 nD Uifctlc tbc toaflytng tofttft m,toftti to:uur Cuuto fo tu;oi.£f r, Onr rr.tnbifi to greater rot!c(tbm &>ca0 ) bp l.caup bap be t;ot;gbt. ^l'bcrcfo;c tbou ovgbt i: o;c patbcti berc( O gentle Kcarnr) b«uc, 3ttbefeappcatc,80lurcit lrrr.uibuffctUU etc to crat c. SJ^p cSarbcno notu toe u snt urtberctn,3 toont il tut o to b.;»gtr, *£l;c bfeb bebbeo trp'bcOtc tactic© to reft tbc trrerr. Rtgj r. STttt bitter tothtcr bcrro 3 am,:n u tcttb tiatcrB ibjcturr, Jfl^p papers pate, tuttb fut gco foui7,tbe gticflp ^r as bauc bnototu . Cbc totntcrangrp to tl at 3,ttcfc tcrtco tare tubtgbt, JJub c.:catfu!l tbuarmrgo caQctb tbcie top purpolc fo to fplcljt. CftnanlcttBtnter bteti7bcc,tnfclfcfemc cafe3piere, (€\j&i J map ceafe m? fp. n.plc berfr, anb be \jw rifitng Qif» , flNlS. \ Here beginneth the feconde lT( I O OK B, TaAuguftuiCffar. Elegici 3»b rou k bat thing (mm 3 abo,m» be tits »p rjapfciTi caret £ttl itat mp Uit0(o tojctihUctaufc y 3 cf ; f f « Difrap^. flf3p betfe contco neb ufeo uh^tpete J. note agarnce 3nb tt 10 net crotch, the t 3 ' «ur cr.ct tlta (ifficD i ef nc^ iQr tr r fca lo i meant blue benr, ftp b< aup hap (o gvc^na Chat 3 (elas^on currp fptt , to n an anb trpfe am fet. ckr r, ftp brtfes cat botb Cjrfar note.we ant Dip manrr s all, <€ hjcugb peruero an toltcb note of leu m fctcpe Difbainc «• fall 3?p papnful flucpe a frt faun ro of life rcmopnr, Chat gupltp 31 impute d berfe rath cat. M) plapnr. Cblfl vuc rccc tur ,ai pitee of life, ana labozo grecte of n:pno, 9oD note mj papnful ppncbmg parnco tn toeful toll 3 f n fcc. ' 3f tt>pfe 3 tot re , 3 (boulb cf right, tt c Icarncb Qftero blame, 30 grcucua goootilca to fucb 00 uo^lfypunl the Tame. Uut mabnea note tottfa; fcuer fearer ,31 c lopneti fo in er.e, T bat mint full pet of former foote t c/li flnfce tbf one . L 1 he aa tl;e toouareb foulbtcur botb.ufa:' tic firm bn? , &;a0 tbcujacbcD itp rctl; fecbr, cnlu-tl prig fees to 9. e. t^eibaps ithcbim, tottbtn ,Teutrantuj raaltri bttmrrf, Clje fame frbtcb mate tb>f grccneus mour.b.thcrof map C6fe the pa;nf t •nOanjrr tnufe Ubtctin euro tre,tl,c fame itfecurfc rcmoue, fw tocplng berfe bo grace cbtopr.c,at rr lgl. t p *£ot s abcue, <€be U)o:th \ Cameo of Italy, aotb Ccfar tell to p;op, Co Opt totteb Oatilp toners bcerc, t ufc hunting berfe to h p. Cbelikeeorhcrbujchc tebattrmc.uercplerb ttcplea'antflar/ff, 3CTblcb ncuer colb be fene, bur ence tn cne metis cv res. lo tbcfe (£) cractouo Cxfar n our, as happP mpjrou 1 c bauc, ] JTno Ictmp tetttes mo:c miibcr te:atl\cf thee bcreefrcr croue. Che feme (0 iuQ 3 bo mp tefcmstcrirc, jpo? flj- me fo far bepartcb ta f rem fccreful feet ro fire. ' 3c ut if 3 hab effcrtec naugi t cculb pou then bcQotoer £^p let ir.crcfo;c occeCcn 10 u rcrcof ttat merer grcue. &e of'ci.trrr ro as mc jtell men, tn iTnful fcultcs be fcunb . 3f lour fioulb Dnbc te n.tgl;t tn tp me lecbe Cot utn u tin to tucur te. ftut he tohen ciice uutb tfccnb;tng Mfff,fc0til tr;cetncc fo;c ttt lenDc, ftTub Jp^nuUo c?cvs tt;c clout* ep;e,ts clcaicb cut cHqi.d. OuiddetriiHbus. 9 $>dB , a gupbe , a fatbfr gr auc, of rfgbt be calo baue bene, 3 j mlggtp Joue notfjtng fo grcate ,tn Uartr nwM* l * * unt * &itbtKC alio a fjtgci gratic.aiio gtipoc infarct) tbp name, Site tljen of 45obo tbe mantra mptb.tnp power « If tor fame, •C )t toibicb full toel tbou; no man with mo.te equall banD, Cbe rtgbtful reane* couio better bolo,>»b(cvonb to rule tbe MnD* Cic Piitbuni piouDt tbou did parDouofc be; tow, SBbtcb tbep to tdce tn cafe a(ibe,teoulb not baue geuen 3 snoto. SDt>b u>oiieip totaitb anD honours bigh.aouaunceo man? bee, iVjofe guiitp banoes bib weapons tucare, to fieloc aouerie to tbtCc Cbe oap a!fu txjicomautD ire, tbp tmat!) awap Did tafee, fy i eptber part in facie o boufe,at once ttjetr offrtngea make. 3lnD as tbc foulbiour Dotb retopce,tubo Did tbp foea oppjeffe, ©o baue tbe capttues caufc pnougb, to top at fucb DtftrttTe. sP$p caufi pet better to: 3 weare no weapon fo bntrue. 0oi ennempee gutltp goons J bo, wttb greebp IuQ purfSr . 26? fcaa. bp lano.bp ftarrpfape, lo bere jB made mpbow. 13 p tbee alio tbat pjefent ta .a d5oo to wbom 3 bow. Chat tbt a goob wil(o moQ uf migbObane euer bene fn mee, 3ttb as tbrne jwne witb bart anb foule, Jl fougbt aluiapea to bee. 31 aitfyiD oft tbat berc tbou migbtc,ttt eanb baue liorb long. 5hb one J was tbat pi cpcd tbua amtba tbe tntgbt? tbjonge* 3n d facrtfpec fo; tbts 31 gaue, anb wttb mpne owne aflcnt, iJObcn publtquepjapers were p:onounc'o,ro belp to tbta tnttnt, &)? booses mp faultp factca alfo.wbat n»eDe 3 baue m mpn&e, &Ubcretn tbp name a tboufano tpmes, tn open place J fpnb. 3Sibolb Ubewpfc mp greater wo.nes, bncnbeb as tbep bee, &Dwre t!) it tcanffo:meD bobtca are tn wonDioua wife to fe. Cber fbalt tbou 6 io bp flttterpng tame, tbp name baue ban mucb pjatfe, Cbeie (bait tbou flnbe bp pleoges greate of to u tn a mtnb alwapes. Cb» glojp pet no berfe can Well, augment tn anp upfe, £>ttb notbtng map tberto be put , wberebp it mtgbt arpfr . &t |ouc tbe fa tie ootb fatre ecccebe,pet Dotb tt btm belter , i^D'tca ao toe fame in i)ati Ip berfe.we fcemlv bo euDtgbt • Jit tuat bp (0pauntcs bloabp u>arrea of mention ougbt be barb, 2Pr pn.'fc tberof be Detb retotce,fo? trutb wc Do regarDe, 13-it tb r e Do otbera bonou. »tio.:c anD ao it feemetb fit. i <$po cuitb fmalitfi enfeticc geuen, fo grace toe Do obtapne. ® toicbcb The fecond bootc n 9 €> tolcheb totgbt, £> tr jant feat cc,£> nutl curfeb fo«, Cbat did nip plrafant fancies mate to tl>e ulcloftb fo. /Co bnk w tolucb tn bookeo r t; c c if rt c honour Due , f rom rcabcr ought in lubgcmcnt iuO,mc:e fauo; to rnfuc, HP nt if ilou imp tffrnDco bc.tobo tfrn bare be mp f rm.Di |3o fcant onto mp ftife J faptbfuli f nutfljip IrnD. ftTbcn as a bcufe beraptb te bid fciicb on i l.r One, Cbcn oil ibe matt? t .tight thereof to rclbirg pauco bo flpt e .' JT: tliU/ljc i t ae bp fortunes fo;ct , a tbtnebe ttjctrtn to wapbe. cfcTttb p:apfe tbcteof tn tract of i ttt.c > t!jc fane 10 foone tecapbe . *€ be great crrup of men fo bun full toerCt bo fjnbe, 3tiD people bc(ai mce it 10)10 Cxfart floe cnclpnbe. SCL^jen bo mp life anb manero pct.tuci c n: o;c a loiuce 3 fcnotur, 3nb bp ibe boife tbe fame 3 tubge.tobicb then tbou bib beQotue, t U u-bicb artbougb it p:oflu nouqbt uo: I otu 3 piapfe 3 bauc, ret (rom tbe name of cruel ceimc mp felfc J tutfy to (auc. J ?o caufc to me commituD guiltr men amis :f 02 ii'Dgio tin r imcfl ten to lobe ,bppon tubofc office 10, 3 no puuate plapntcstuftbout offence, ag tubge jt bib becrec StPitb bi irghr mpnb tbe fame 3 toill confeffeb be 3no thatc O \»mcb)tf latcfl becbes bab not offenbeb mo?e, •£utn bp rbpne otone adf nt ,J 0;ouiD not once be faute before. Cl;e latcfl actr a bo me beOrope, mp tbip tobicb fafelp failbe, Jn beptbp anb fmallotttng u oura.tljjougb Qurbp flo;me (0 faplbi, i-)u litte parr of tobf wrung tuaucs , oppieiTctb met atone , 2£ur all tbe rloche cl flowing floubo.anb Or can fcaa in one. %X>Ur fato \ ougb^enpne cr , notubit tt c UlTc Lt toas ■fo} miginr gor d bo pur.;Qje ttjofe,bp crjauncc tbat bo iffniD, J3o; pat «on oug- r u.l,. re poo etc be l,urt ,to fucb mit&apo too lent , J&o in tbat bap tube rem 3 u>ae tottb crrour tlus beguplb, aPur IttUt cult Prcatcb ip.t-.ib fcult pc? tnltfplb. 9nblttletbougt: ret of goob fame, cum tnmpfatbcrobarco, JBo; bnto none infci tout r.«)xi, to? tonoutB r.cblr p:aj Ic, jfiot fci tt e u.i elrlt no; wont tbt rof,it can fo trell be hno tunc, ^foi ncptLer urn t u l-rrof , our bnigbelp nan c 10 gtotrnc. 3i'b be it bp out bp?tr> 02 rent our boult be lit ic nembc, ^5 *>«0 •nopacniulfiubica? caufbr at:oabe ubatbbcncfapnDr. X? \ 3£b(c{} Ouidcletriftibus. %U!itcbt1jo«Bb percale 3 fceme to bfc, as poung art toanto&lp, fa b? t'oat meant tbjtugi) ojoWd fo topbc, mp famous name Do flpe. £>i' Nafo cbe tbc nimc to UnaVum anubd tb: learncbtbionge, bare ofljfmtbc lame recoio:,tu abiect men amongc. Cbts rjoafettjitrotc to mufes great Dccap to fall, 3£ /> on: off tnci anb careful crpme, pet not accomptcD foisiu 2P :»t fo be capo ao rpfe it map , tf t bat the raging ire, £>f ejreeueb Cxfar toajeetb ripr,to toontcb tofe rctpre. f&Mjofe practcuc me rep to fo grcatc, tn tubgement of cur papnt, Cbat not To mucb ae tus btb feare,*»e banc rccciucb pi ipne £> ur life w gi uen anb not tnp oeatb ,b«0 gentle luiatrj a otb crauc, KUa!jbfebpoto£r(iO noble 0?(nce)toe piapti;etfo;ictofaue. 3 bins alfo tol?b tbrne fathers linings all, JJs tbongb mr life tbou btb accotnpt .« gpft ttjst wre to fmall. Sfte Doleful D t be c bad not conbemb,bp i&i nates cl jfe a(I. nt, ft jx b? Decree of irjfis opp:eft,tn ivrttcbcb ejeile fent. il?itl; tljreamtng \»oibcs rebuhtng blce(ao bed a pjmcc befee me) Offences all tbou Do .1 rcueng* anb mercp fo cfteeme. X:iC tbofe btcrees u>b»cb \weri pzcnounc'oe tn Oerue anba per toKf Pet in ti;c name of lighter fault tbou totlb it Qjoulo f uff ife. •cT'-i; j as bifcbargb anb fent a\»ap, no ccilcs name 39 baue, SI? 1 ' i>appp bapfs b. paining fo, anc life tbercbp to faue. $ko papnc o: greefe fa gretuous t<3,m trouble fucb of mpnbe. 9s to Difpleaft fo great a |3unce bta there to flnbe. IP :it -J oi a toV.cb v»!)tiom moucb mere ,fomctimcs oppeafeb bee, 3ho fcoujllng cloubes once D;tu:n aiiroe.a bap ful fa?:: tuee fee. gentle pjtncejtubcn tbec 3 bo bebolD, 35:tb car Decreafe vu ben 31 refpect mp faultes fo manpfolD. Cbe ro.tittg rage of fruellpng feas, ts not alphe altuape, 1 ox funea fierce Dot?) eacr lad In to (Tmg Orcames to flap. SBut fometpmes be moie calmc anb clcate.anb ceaf; tbepjbfeD topfe * HZ a mabc bs tbmfee the foice iutr lofl.of bpllotucs bopderous b:oii j is&o Do mp fcares botl).r t 'fc anb fall, fomctlmc in Doubt rcmapuc , Jin bope anb iiicabt of t!)p goob bi$l ; to pade ox p:oue mp papne, Sol loue of &o*S tberfoze vu.jtcb g:ue,tbce long anb bappp bapes, ( 3f t l^-p of noble Ifiotrap :ico bo eCccme tbp name anb p;.at it) fo The fecond Bookc. '} ^Pououittrepcketoljicb tboubo bcpe.aa guibe arib fatbt r btart* tiU&ereofmpfelfcapart J\»ag anotbeiuenjoi pafl.-Dcieait. fCotbttfbeftarilptamiitfo ibal, unto bono.iabnt refounb, %JO >o ootll f ji toll a.'iD famous facua.m ujona.'.oug baft abound. £>o Liuu nmb tb:e remap. .e.auD Hue m toebbeo Iff; 1 £l v >icb birre but mm to} ::jee alouc a f arre b.i * o:tb? 'oj pfe. Jf 3jtt tscrc nor, a 81311 (pfe.fyoulD b:3 befeemt fo.i tbee, ^foiBontttjcrcliura touj'jomtiou tn;j jn ineDDcb Ijufuanb be. O: tlKt fo Hjall a in bealtb.ano ebon in beeitb to lapne , ftt> gtcij m if tii tb? mot t rloir aje, an olb man be r • remepne. 9 to b;tng to pale tbat bapp? Oarre j, tb;ougb tl;jfc tb? noble bctbef fc flCU.tb ntijcia-'fl poung ^a(( fill abtbe , tbat tbee ut redlmc fucccoca. 4>o btctoir 1 ui'jtcb biYo itf,?b? noble cafJela to, £>!;al dill b: p:cfJ at banb al* jpj cufotib raflgncf goe. &> >c ilj »:, fcifrb tmnteb uMngca (till flpe.mttb £ ipoc of Lauio lano, Cn i;ap?P be iD a Liurell giccnr.Ojal fct ui'.rlj (t :icl» IjauO 2v uij r.ttjati fa .710113 bnrtfDo pjrfotidlfo fpgbf, 10 cu j on goob Itxae bp uec 1* ge icti,io vi>oo j uf iiiiru'i j:i j mfgfct. 3;o t'ou 3 1 1 itrtgfctp to am art fttne, a» ptefent balf* to bpbt , 3nb iialfc aui If tit furrlier parte 0, tbc blouDp ujaro to gupbe. 3 btcto: grcare from foe j f ib^u'or.bc fbal rrtourue to tbee, $&t !) crooi:teb boifc ano rrpumpbca biaue.aDujuuceb fbal bee be, Ujt fpare u>: piap tbp li^btntng fcarcc anb crutl Qjo't bp lap, 3tt? jerof(£> jo:ctc'))u): 'iauc long nou> mabc affop, •Cijo'.t art our (Marry '•«!>« oeare.iot sntnOUa of iljtc name, W)i pup tbee fpare aib graant bs b jpc, ill nine to bauc no blamr. Co comeagapne J b? not era ic, ret rue!! belru: \a: war, Cbat migbtp »Eoba nio'.eoarDa/'Jv not Dcr.icD aiunpe. 3 gentler bpnb of eicilea l?rc,MO nr rcr place l>c:To u, C'jeii of mp papnea t'jc grcatcd part \u ouib be alMt b I httoUt c C'je furtbefJ lanD jl do appiouc,3ttrj call tmong otf ioej , #0! no man from biff coiutrp tbat ,fo fer an rjwli go^s. Jtit^aucnoffeueufolb lttars S»ca,alonel)cr;^in jfffttf a BDitb ft o"b> are of ArcfaadieM cruell care a-,\ prat, d): [az^giet,t^cColchoiclU3nfe alt eb" Getan rottt. iUKt'o Meeeriut tttiani Danubt ftrcrninip fbani ffi m 'I'nr? l.rreout. 3nDt.)0jg';tbatbsucrgbcDiiucnfL.;U), 1 ..(Icnce, ^tt none to place mote fer iomjP, If lent atv. cc. S5:ponotbialanonotbmgt!;ci- t0,fdu:co': a 1 a ta nftfl fcllj 4X)a!; cuatcg o« mijClmtng .. j .vo,:j u jJ^pu (angtlL u \ Ouid de triftibus. -4fri uft frbe brrr Euxinians topne/o pan of Romaine lanD, Snftnejct tbc Bad cms anb tbc SavvromcsBfpe UjiOj ciucilfcanb, ^ bio ta tbc lent tbet latcff came to tulc of Roma>nc !a\r, 2SnD fcamip anp part tbereof.tbpne empire ncarc Do Djatot •:> STiif.fojt ? bun blp p;ap rtjat tot, be fit in faulfcr topic, 3Li art do u lib IciTc of counrcp bearr.u. t Hue incnDlca topic. &o meet u>t not tbc nirtono f. iu, toljom I flar'ffeant biup&e, $o? bo rbpfubtectca there be tane.toitb crucll toeff to brDc. •f d: no n an bojnr of bloutj can bear* tbofc barbel cub banfcf 0, li5ut that thee tot! a burocn bee bnto Cg fariani baubto f*Ttt>o f auitcs there are tbat baue rnc llarnc ,erro? anb op berfe. 3 'l other rauttea 1 tbtnke tl gooD tbat 3 do nor reberfc. omc tbmgea tbc C^odb map toell bcceiue , tben f o; to knob is rjarb, Of tbem foj raanp be To mc ane.t bat tbon DoO not rcgarbe. ^Foi U)hi !e 00 lour bribes tbc beeueno.anD mtgbtp <2>oDa alfo, Che fmailrr thing fr m loftp ffe pcc,cannor refpect bnto. ^o manp nature tbrp tfr apt ,'n bewtng u ojIo fo vurbe, Chat Icffe affarjea of trtmit mapgbt.fiom t camnlp n tnbe Do flfjbc. Cbit ta >»bi!e tbou a l&jtncc be fcr, in €tnptre large to repnr, £P sr not cnteno fonD toerfr to reabt ,anb grtattcr r bit.gca DifDarnc. Cbr uja-g^tptoargbtof ^omaynenamr^onot fottgbtp rr.oue, ftr. p.^He tkemf on bach htictbec Uhoue. 9b tbou toub tfg ho man m fit IDc, Germama chc tb:ougb infant roung, e pot. p. man t!,ie t-o rate, 25rf) c xfar Doth^^lcruflInJ : 'lrlB,foJn.ig , re c z&rmaba. 3e i in c v .vne rrc:e nere to b;cta 19 hr quiet f>nte ibou ccn nt>t b'cbul.icb t'cu bf>(i Vetlb ft: luvt t fl} u uuLitufc toata unit, nattono £uat, it;n: bari^ takra it. I cr b. aa)ftcrfc?r it? ' among fuch caufes graue, J maruaple much anb nufr. STjii thou oar ojiu follies tanulii.uDitfjcaeuetiereapcrufe. 13 4 1 if f< j 4 lia^fl | do \vi2)t) nJicpftle there baurbne, Chn in rm>ii» art no fa lit at rhapo tb»u ;j j ji • b-i' t !Vtnt. C&e ui jicj J 3d rjaflfli ana .iJ'.oeupioetuitbleuerr beasc, iftoi matter mcete tin: mtojbt beftrue of I'uch a piu.Cv be rcubc. P«t be ttjcp nut to (a una of cixct, nut m»yn= Odmc*. 1) .uebct] not m.' b io*tcs to ooubi.foi m on? nt tbok tinec, u Ijcfe berfea fomcc vot)tcb ncct approach, be (ti twin ro fee. StaaJ you aloofeyou vcttaf upev^fiiaineranne* the Bfjncij ^ - Geue place likcmfc ye purrlcd Pafviet, rh»t nalfe <• l rccc dcc!ynr« f Of latrvf jII lor an 1 tkill allovr J.vre oncJydo rclyixiJe, ^ For in our fimple rerfc there lubcj.lcryme be tuu i le. U lo oo \o:t not all fob;r baoics .from tb!j out: art ejept IN SCD.iom dole anD tape f jibiooetb piapne tmtti loud? louc to melK 25 it rmtrontfl mar mo;c arte a t iuent,anbougb tb«r be bntaugbr. • .V jerbp to maae tbe cbaleft memoes, tor.b tuicaconea be fraught. (3 j b j odea tficrfou let matrons reabe.Qtb all things be fo tlrauoge, C nt tbep be t urn jc from bt rtuouo fl it ijp btce to cbauage. 3D j j lo rotb care all tfitngefl to turrre to unong ano mo: cr part, Co btcc0 btlt bio raaners cbaunge,tb;ougb toU of too;&c to bart. f j: taa*' tn banb tbe Citonlctu booses, then tbofc notbmg ato;t graue ^ jto Ilia fapic a babe biougbt reabc tb« re ibalt tbou bauc. O : if thou lobe on Maroa vooiBes ,tber (halt tbou fee in u* jb*. l^3tu Venu«fap:eamotbcr u»aa onto tbe Tioyao ftmgb*. £\-a further pet tf all tillages map, li iemp fe accomptcb be. P. 3 htvio of bcrfc but map tbe mpitt>,corrupt at Co rue fee. • , 3t3 guilt? ret not cutrrbooke.tarinap tljacrjie otlprfc, $ v. of ecb thing tbat help: piocecoes.Dotb barmc aifj arpfr. C icii Ire what tbinge mo;: nccbefull t^i>tt mbo fo iobc u tn land, C'K bouses btgh to butnc anb fpotlr , the f pie he tahea tn hanoe. 5); itOck fometimca greatlpourrfij.f.jinctrmttf oo.o tjeale right tuef. Of be^ea tbai buit^ 1 be oj nit, ip frai ul toic to Ml ■^he thcvfe ano ware \ua?fat>rng I'poc a f u>oib tbep bauc . x'k one to ruDtheflnipic vuig it.tbc other btmfcl.ecofauc. .^u j '3 tbo:ici gaut Ijnjtunc ben taugnt,:o plcaoi fox rigbreoafaeff, ^etfauttpfolisflit ot Del ftrjco^iuoinnocciva p»>:a!t- € icn i j oj jo ha" '"■' "•'''« rrtOfi unb rq'Mll o^ngnt mpnb, 2>gil coeUptrtaiiDJ tHotftlfc tn jjj ) .no Ifilfl 1 1 U)C« to fpiice. 9bI Ouiddetriftibus. Snt» \v\io (o ttjinbes Ijt Unite concsput 0,o> bpceo tjtrcof baue , 16ut crtctb much, sno tojtttnges much be both Drpjaue. 3cvot Do rtmouc, tutjrron the plaper s fit?. SDbat cauCeo alfo baue bene geueo.of Unne inb great mtfcbitmce 3'i raarujaU 8«!Dt0 nnc placts gteate tebere Sgbtcre Do aDuaunce* !Ut Ctrc« e&e b* fet afpD*>tbe bfe tbetof not good, Che maptens chart thereto at plap ts,bp men buHnotun the r flooDt. SJCbilc men Do tome tn felfcfame pa;b, tubere lose to Do rcfo?e, BCDbp tbenbe pojctco ftt at large tobere all men map btfpo?t. SDhat place then temple© ts mo;t lergt'pct is tbetr caufc of Snr.t, 3ftutcbcDmfiiDt!3 ttjatio Delpteo, bpbap tefetttjertn . ■fv. frt In facreb houfe of Ioue pcTCbauncc it map be feene, 3£>bat number great of mothers maue, bp mtgbtp Ioue baue bene. ©jmbofbat tntbt temples p;ap,ofHabpluno(nu €*•: (Sot) flje there betuapWrtg ft eo ,anb toanton £. emmani be tot. &o fame iv. I afse that Pallas f«i,a* tl;tr bft ptctute pas, f?on> of l;(t Er.ththonius, bp flnne concctueD was. 3nb commpng to the boufe thai tee of Man the bcauenlp tutgbr, *$efo;c the gates toberc Venus flante0,fafl bpber iwojthp hntgbt. %n I /is Church tobo ebaunce, to (It ttrtl bap'P aeTie tn Doubt, SFp Ionian anD the Bofphorcftas.tobp Iuno ftiuber out. 5?0? Vcnui there Li .nal aciruiOiD, ^o: Ceres cbc DOtb IatiuirtnnD,on tofeom tbou matft be! olDf . 9!lttacfc tbtngce tberfo?e map corrupt, the utchcD pautrfc mpnD, £: t tn thetr place ful bat ir.iro flanb,rict MeOeD ft cm tber fepnD. fat from th-o art tefctcbtotirten toantontames beboue, Che fo:mcrt Ifafc of tbat fame bo: be , all mobcrt banbsremone . 9CDbo fc therefore bp bap offcnD,mo;c tb< n the ituers chart: ai?it!; gutltp men of fault ftybote ,(• ad be Orern: t toares be plafl <■ J6-o bapnous act the tt anton berfc, it ts ro I'grtlp reiCc, fo*. manp tbingts the chart ma? fee tobtcb be abbo?D tn DeeDc. Che matrons grata Do eft biboloctbc tatttp barlots ioue, IfcotonabeDtbetethcmftiutsfUp mart* Dame Venus p^onkes to pjotlf. CbeC3ertallerc0iibeterfcthcpbo,tbc&:rtGmpei0 too p fee, l ? et to rbemfttucs bp Ug V 1 1 be rcf.uo papnes befet uet bee SSut toh? bau* ]f fo much(ala0)mp muft toh-anton maDe? £>; tehot baue caufb mp totcKcD hcoLe to touelp io:t perftraDCr jK'o thtugc ftiuc Qnnc atic open fault.of fo.ue J muQconfeflr, &?$ U'l 1 tno fbt u J be Bccu^stj caufc of rug D iftrcffe . 1 he feconde Booke. J 5 • ttttjp baue 5 not the Troy.ratoS>nc,bp Cretans tn'.jtlonifacSt, 3n 3fper Urrfc the fame rttta'or, aaD touioe tljat famous face f BCD!)? fpabe 31 not of Thebai (lege, attb ujou.iDtD bictljien ttej;>ne, 3aD botu t!;e fcuen gatr0 thereof, In funDt? c'.jr.rge remapne V » 3nD mar^all Rome occaQon gaactobcrrof J Q;oulD cnatgbf f 3 goDlp toojhc u vuerc fo: countrp facto to untgbt. 3ln Bit : turtle that b? tbp Dtfcrtfl, all tbtnges fo much abouni* 9 caufc 3 baD {£> Cxfar) tub" tbp pispfc J CI; 3 u i D refouuDe. Cucn a? t!jc epes DcltgbuD bc.umb bratnes of rharbui b:tg!;t, ; S& j did tb? facta m? mpnee ta'it tbcreo' Delta 1 , t. 3*rfgbtfullp3 am rcptou'oe, tit barren flifDc J tttce, Chat noble tu oiS: ti far mo:e large.Vuitb greater plfntpc St': r a S o; though the Ch-nbcr boate is boulD.u: fma'.Wr drume t ; p : i r .. |?ct like oifpo-.t U Daretb not tn furgtnge fcas alTar. 9nD Doubting that in greater tbtnges, in? mtnbr id farre jn!tr, 3n Ditties (mall tt mapfuffrce.tbat J dcc (hcai ir,r Mr, V5ut if tbou CboulD commaunD to tell, ef oiaunt s greeucus uiountca, iPbtub the? through Me of Iouc did feci" the tootbt mp butt lonfooDes. 9 fruictfull mtnDc tt Doth rt qup:e,of Carfiui actes to untgbt, Lead els perhaps u»:t'.j matter imicb.t be tuoibe map team bis i icbt. il?bub though 3 Durd baue take in IjanDc, v:t cheating much atnenge, "£tjp noble potter J mtjbt abate ,u>btcb totre to great a uuonge. . slo lighter tooihe J therefore tocnt.auD poutbfull berfe abbuil, £JP:tbfapncDIoue scare J bab.tofctDcmp tklcbtcatt. BKMMtft loth J teas full longe to Doi.b Jt fates t;D fo o:bapne ; Sab beepc Dcflre rap mpoDc did purcbafe grcruoas parne. iU'bp baue 31 learn'c, : ; Vu:et ch *>bp baiK.nip parents taught me loic I £>a letters (mall t»bp hsue 31 to jf uii cfcs before i fr.v.y.a y am of tbte etiutbr ,b r toanton srie aright, Cr.ough tobicb thou tbmchs I chad? heaDs,be tratnD to fottle relight. none tobom wtDlocss post Doth binD.this craft baue learuo of ine t fo: who fo nothtnge Uno ojts htmfclfe, tu teacher can he be, jba b«u: 3 maDt both plcafant Copes, anD gentle facile berfe, Sa pet m talhc fo: b? u>o:oc feuDi,na toight map me rcberfe. f*.a: none \nbo Hues in tueDDeD life, amongr tic common roughs 'Char of hlmfclfc a father falfe,tbiougb mp Default Doc Dough f • s^p tin tero etitlbe repugnant arc, to toerfc ( belcue pou mrt ) sJ^p life both chad siio (hamefad ts.thotigh mufc mo? e pleafsunt bee. 3nD gtcatcd part of thofc atp too:be s, tnucntions art tntrue, f 9) much ma;c craft tl;cr Dae allaVD^thcn maUcr cuir bnt vlt. Ouidde triftibus. ifto? to?ftt«n boofeia Do nctpurpo;tt,tb*etTmtcii0 of tljt rcrr&r, 25ut iumcf! tullf to plcafaunt mr^tb*to mebc tJjc rat eo htdrncc. ^Foj Accius (! en tn cruel! CKbeo.l ercntios Q;oulb bcltgbr, «3!n bsnbrto b?aue : er.b toarrtouto be.of toatrcotbot fco cnbfgbr. 3n Bne.-tbongb btuer0 are toitbmce,ti\8ttcnberlc!!C baue ttiafbc, • ?£ct J s!cnc fo: tt(£> to?etcb)«bc papneo alunc bane papec. Theiafcttiff oi Lciyin o!be,batb Q;e not taught tbefbill? Ql^t!) plcntr great of Bacchui betscbame Venu. ncaft 10 fill ? ijtorai bati) fame Sappho Lcfbia Warn'Oc, but mapbeno fap?r to iottf, £\t s 3 j pho full rem apnctbfaulfe.atib benrp pU -fai'tit p;«;ncl<5 tbou tut confcfle, anb tranton topeo rtbetfr. l:o ft.b.c r ounbe but tel0 of lour } ir, great M eranders boofec, $>et \s tt : cd to llirgt'na ponguc.anD 2t>opce rbcrconbo Icofae. Si'!:at fl:nl!pou rcabe tn !iiat,bttl foule abuomcroue life ? 2!nb fearc afflict of loutro falfV ,toitb topic eno cnt'etTc firtfc, Cberctn tobatto tbere fct befo?r,cf chrefida tbc louc ? Slnb of t!)c traps* fr6 Captapncc caugbt, fcrrtcbancir great Mb mcue, Sfltyat 10 OtlyiTeaflB ? but totals VI)lIe«U>30atoap, i^oto of li 1 tupfc tbe (cue to get>tobat tiVorvo bib httar. S£M)0tb0tb great Homer ti-oic rrpo?t,but Man to Vcr.ui bounb, ■Jub that tbrp toere in ft'tbr beb, ai-.D foule acuou* rp frunb. 25p btm baue toe not bnotolctge caagbvbat mou tetottb louea tttZtt ? £>nc Qraunget cauf Ce (too © bui ne tn fecret fpje i Cbougb Cragctfeo ai!to?tttngc0 bofutmount, fcj matter giatic, £et cucn in tbsm occaffono grear.of louc altonpeo toe baue* ^Fo? tn Hyppolitustrjc loue.of Phcdra botof finbr, 3!nb e be boto confJant Canacc lou'be.ber bjet! tr not bnbtnfrr. oUbat btb not tbtn btngc Pe'opi tobttc, tobr n Cupid fojete l ; jo cbetre , KPttb Phrygian l)c?fcs fcarce conucp, Hjppod.mua fntre ? #iouobcb gricfc ttaougb louro be facto fc rrr fo mi tb tt b ao, ( pa0, Ctjat mother© cauf'betljtp? cruel! 215ictco.ti)?ct7Cih ffctib?cr.B tlcuu to 3Bnb !oue a btng toitb Hcmn-an rcr?e, tn fctlpct* foulrc btb cliauiit c, 3Tnb mabe &tr Itis motbet moume,vxittb 17g4;t0, a> fobbing Oraunge. Jf that Europacs bjotbet bt!e,ber leue btb not rcrjup^e, WOftb P habus : tben tte fcgb not rcab.fjoto ho^fe e btb ntr?e. $0? Scylla 0;oulb baue fo attarn'De, tbe 'Crcgtcbc fltlc bJ;roi ffllnltffe tbat !oue btr f atber fo?Oe, b<0 fatal! bearfe fo;ge. 8iX)bore life br bop Elcftran teabeo atibmebeOreftcsfjf, ^geftui f auiito no? Clytxmncftf as, Onni0,t;e cm fo;gtr. The feconde 3oofce. \6 SlJ'jat n?ct>: J f^jcahc Of Victor t\jat Chymcra did oypjtffc } SUtyo craftp ge3 DID mucb oeati; almoft DtQrefTc. tU)j3 bail; not fpose of Hcrmyonc.anD ibje CliencyJa toulD, &t lUcuucna tuijom Myccnc DuUr.m loulngc bjeatt DID foul*.' Sltyat Dancyes Daughter fa lauj,l;cr fclfe i toliat Bacchus Dame I aXhtt Hernayona tonl) ber toijicb caui'oe.of one ttoo jfttgbteo became xDrlDiac AJiictc,of Thcfeujike,iuli»t f^ouID jBberr rctounDe, £>f Orcckc io!)ofc tytp DID flrfl arriue, :n coaH of I'grygian grounDe . Hct loclicome amongc tbe refi.tottb Dcidamiafarjc, Q£D ( tb Hylasto ano Ganimcde.toi&oDiD to b?auen rtpfftf.* /}o time u)oulD ferue tbc Traicckc fp?t0,if jt fo: tbem (L-oulc loofce, jU'joi'c nanus alone coulo not be ft r.tutttjui tbt0 carcfull bcoae. 31 iD Tragedies tbc laugbterS fuulc,p:ouobc tn funD;p a i fit fcaQjaajelciTcUjoozDcflful'.matipaoticbccaufcoftlvCin arrfe. :u>.j at Ijatl) it bwDicD l;im t(}at DiD/bc fearce AchiK abuu f ^?oj wbicb 1)10 todliaunt DccDc i tofte (3(1,0110 fo|a Dto !;ict rcfufe. Anlh Jci :l)C flltl;p facta.of fonti Myf.ti ns f ou Jo, f\t from bi j to iu .e ujas not m fuel; tur-fe controulD. i)o: tubius a totter gteaf.of bp2o;pc0, l?o a> m jtijero migbt tbeir fee Da confuinc, b? f ouie anb 8:t I.t meant. atio: be u>bo Vuiotc tlje booBca.bjbtcb incn,Sabaria bauc name c, jRo: tbep luijofe oane aDuouterous Dcet tell tore not oflj-.u'cc ill t befe tut .1; graue anD lunctcnc fatuco ,of learneD men be bi c ; , Cbc facts appat mum be pet not, to p:t:;cc0 fo rcfuf Dc. 0a} J tljcfe foirarnc fac::o alone fc; mp Defence Do 6noc, 13 ut cucn In Roraayne booacfl jR rcaDr.rbc topes of toawton UiinDf, 30 Eoniut graue u>bo toonteb toaa.of mtgbip Mars to tell, Eon iui tbougb bopDe of arte, tn ton be DiD ejccell. Lucre t jus cat the ciuff Dtfcuft.of fcarcc confum.nge flame, 9nD triple u>o:bct)c DID Deutnc,of tobtcb pjaccioe tlje fame. fi>o DID Catullus toanton man, h id ILcmmans 9fMgU rcffgljr, Sl'bofc name in DceSe Ijc: cbaungcDbauiisnD Lcfbiatt;acfo;c!;!gOt> /Ooipet contentcD fo but DtD.of Dnloto morcberf;, il?itb tobom aDuoutrp brie be DiD,ccnfciTe in open toerfe. ILiae lavules life did Caluui!taDe,u>bofc ftaturc was but fmotl, 25 t > funD^p meanc© Difcloflng tb;n,h J fidbp Doingco a!'. StDbatQjoulD JfpciBeof Tynda csflilc,anDMcmnusberfcalfo, Sl^bo \u;ti'nge of bnboncl actectl^ti uameo fcaue put bnto. Sub Cinna ijere afclloui lo.aviD Anfa Ugbt as Ue, 3;,0 Cou.ihuui uianton,tuo? jkC : anD Catocs (Ue Voce fee. OuiJJc triftibus. 3Tnb be tobo 111 Phafec'ian freeze t Argos tobtlcm b;.ot'sbf> l?te fccrcte btcbeo couio net bet pe tn,tebtcb l;c befcic Ub ujotgbe. H*rtenfim *::& Sulpiiiusf acrp.ici'ctniou* be U&eVjtfe, Sub fecb Gfcue wen fcbo follot-etb not.oj botb ttjtfl tecbeg ocfpt'i. SifcnnabibM>Icfianboofee3,rebi!CCto Romayncfecrfr, Us papntdbe??ou£6pct,tbou3bfiltbpfartfll;ct5ibrcbffi>. ^?o? Gallmtb-ugtj LycoriifcaO be bib oft tttne0 atoje* Ba>a0 blameb ougbt t but fiermtD D?unc "se.bjitb topne be btbb brfcic, Co tu Dn:,:n 3 ot!)(« ftnall uuQ to baue/Tibullui tubiiom tuou.b, Jfcoj of t!jrtn fclueo vul;at tb*r bufbsnt crcbtt Ojcuio. 5fo; deeper ear of totrgtno cbaS.a fraub bebtb confeffe, 3 nb nofe(&> tojetcb) ttyougb fcifc fame art,(0 bjtuen to bcepc btGriffe, 3 nb 00 be toonlDof (l3netfap?c,o?letocl0bcrtue fJnbe, 213? craft tobtrcof bis mpflrcfle banb, to toucb be bccrc0 in mtobe. 015? puu? pornctes anb craft? b» cfea.t o ftetoc tbepi fecrete mpnbe, ISe alfo taugbt : anb (ubttle nc t r 0, tn tn ml;c ro tefic to finbe. 2Hnb bp tbe fap cf certarne beaibcc,fcobJ b^aib is ftt a frbe, Bl ,) l)crta3tbffattietb;ouBbtmituflltroutbc0.bpflrtt0cftfetbboeli6f, 3nb et tfcat tboumap bpfubtili meane.tbe greatef! number tfepb), 2JnD ftoggeb potnetre map beft cfcbcb),tb?ougb craft? arte to bnom. 3En Cable© plap tobat marbtf aua^le.o; burtfuU are itsetupfr. 31 fbtll tbe? baue to bfe tbe goobi anb lofffnge popneto btfppfe. 3 nb bob> tbe bnigbt tn.ccuiictD dab. botb rage (n rtgbt fo;ts tua?, fi&tycn tr.ibtic man t b? ouflt emiem ice iwapne jCdautt tp mabe a p;a?. 9nb^n The fecond Rocke. 17 3nD tolrtbcp bttfmar n.arel; ab;c8te,c> fojtran mafce tetpjr, Jr. 0? none atcne fron toaiDe to paue.fu? fr M c of 1 utttutt br?e. J tamcelfo t^itl, !Hl»Ccnf,fr ptafh on teHeftnall, fil;i ere ai he brtnalb tbai woU'ib all itzce.m tut fhaigfet lint to fall. 3hit> 1 tier fTmrcfr DcuifcD bc( nn hit 10 ICil J meanc) ^ hioi gt) u>bicb our time a 'Xingc mcfl Dr are, to lo ccnfuit.tD cleanc. 3nO cil,n tetl't b tlje fo;mi of l?olle o.arD J UiM of € crnto plar ee, 3h\D feme tb« ^toimtmng arte I otb ujotu.anc ft n e it:e teppe afiarccr. Gin ct aft tuitl) ccull«ra biacfcr toQaprc, Do t mcr ; take in banc £?f banbet bouiera bid bouQjoulb latues, Uut ctlcrs Decpilp fbauD. Of canli Due otbero leceti tbe bfv.tobctror tbe cupi co Do mafrc, JnD u)l)tctj:!)cturni pjclituccaiiDUlict.teiMcii.a I ■quoxtafer, 5)iicb btuDe of fpojtea mfmobp n-cuttj.of colti 13 umbers tar* Sit r P'f o rrt : no; hi abet none, fo: tl;cm tbe papr.cs In; pap. Cb'.ougl) ibefe t ]C id^p0 lo ? Ijauc no keeping be rfrs rrapcr, Vol ujctptng papnc0 fo; pl:afaunt fpejtes, 3 bane alae eflapD. Jn fme : among tbcfe tujprrr-o all,J can pr rceaue not one, Hi o tutiom bio a;ufc bane bun full bcnr,n p t'c Ife except alone. ttDfent if JfcouiDriicflltiipi'iapcBjQiieFtmg Jf'-lHBtottPtf, erctn fyf fa aires of fapncD louc, be ftt attus cs tn Ogbt , Sua mbefctbc tiictous rrar. cornea foMrj>ingaituent0frrf!.i anobjeue* 2&.jD 'a»t!p Vopfcljcr fooltOje n ate, br Qetgbt crcepueDi^or, i j t'tefc .- botb mapD.u^fcrinn n an.toith feelr cfjtlD.un fee, •Jno oftentimes the fcnaie a-bolr. tn parfon piefent brc, ■the id',i ch atone toitb ftameics fpeicl e ,t o net Defltc t l;e ran, -.-* ut Ultbi* facts befoze the epes tbep hauc Dtfc!ofeD tberc. "J ■: o mben tbc toucr bp tjie craft the huileno Dotb berplr, C*)fp ilap tbttr banDs tomb tuanfejeus ic p,«wD great rriorcfng fntf Iff, Xat that although IcfTe r.tsDrtuUis : fo; ^'octs gue»p g< p. e, ChePenrYbiilof to^jebpld^cttoitl el argetfetlclr oiti. nc. 3£*f olDc of glares i!,e gre au jrpe nee (£> c *fa») ent i Ic rf at g r t &XI icb iboubtQ pflv'Ct'-cuf.atrpercntie.vfrnir bane ben uy it targe. Lorbefctl pfttfefut>o!t Una feertt ,tal upturn focn.e.-spi< ptr. t 1 » rrt^uOp fo tcYx-Ip tc, »r;p gracr ncthir gmftapue. Strict all iftfl tt,creU'«ibit;ou Doe.tictofall too;tDbl^ot^f, ^li'at utirptilcUucglfcDlpfccnejMil/tibil'atin Scene If lotbf, &1 1 irefo;ei( letvfrlt tr,at it bc.riat JeUerafc u e» b:tQt,t flL. p LteDi'S KCt pa; n(fe e p t o n o;e t ontQ acre o wflgljt. Hbut »t ttcttiuD cf to;«tiPgt6i'e,fo;|iutnf6tot ft rrgert; S^iiD tibat it y e Cfc£C Uut !awtU4t rcair,trtr 7eQn/D RAtlCftllb f Ouiide triltibus. fea*)«ue tbe people baunccb ofr.totanfongemppor'fesbeine, fctfwl) open cvta the fame elfo,tbpfel?e oil tunes baue feene. <&Mt\ 83 tbe auncicit pictures n»rte,bp craft of toojbemans ban&, a»u:) glittering gtofc be fct in fjgbt.toftbtn pour boufc to flanb. 3 i tlictn fobr tbcit tables (mall, tn pztuate place J bnoro, 2i) ucij funO:r ajapi'aar.D ferret DccD««,ot Haop Venu»fi)oto. 3t-u a j t t j; trcfafl Aiax IXts.toit 'o tb .earning tyomes all bent, £>iaJt'oe ^ t'tcBco actto I nt, Cum fo the watrp Venai 3ts,ber oampifi) liapzca to Dip, 3io f jtncumea ftcmca'm motber'ap from Qgbt to flp. 3:0 otbera be oi'itdicr ueil toirrc0,toptb tocapons IbarpeDo tell, $?ca fame tip graunollfrs oee&es c fome tbtne owne oo flj au) rig'jt u>c!t. 3! « n urotor (pace tbe batefull toi oftjt ( oa.r.e Mature barb me pent, ji*)j» to mr rmr'uu toai>ltng tutrs.but flmoer foicc baue let'.t. £> batfPP pet f j : '» m it toaa /Enea Jos btb wjigbt, ^ 9H) io Marian beao 3 torb migb r men, ano toeapofflurce reft'gbt. /fro pare of all tooicb famous mo:se,tbe teaDera t>o Oeligbt, &> ) much : as >erc (one teas lincbt agatne all boncii rtgbt. j£>: Phyllis beliaetBifrbaue tou'0,anO Anmyilu lour, 5 i poutbfull peace be fougbt bts minDe,T»ptb Bucolickes to mouc. 2Tn »c oi'i j baue bt> touting tbcfe.committeD greeuous flnne, S) a- dnfuil factca mucb eloer oc.tbjagbpapnes but noto begmue. 3 bcrfea aid maDe mben tljou offences baue controulb, 2t bnigty bp dee to p itfc oft times,!! bopDc of cbecbe mas boulb. QlD xrefoic jB pjng ano coaming urn in tbat no Oaunget tbougbt, 83) jicb n j oj to me tn elDer age, mo:e burt'uii care baue bjougbt. 3 ncoj reuengtng pa-mea j ueie fo: aunctent toutttn $rt, tf&ie perfecutton otrTcrerbfar from time of mp befatt. $> a of mp too J2bes pou map brleuc.moie toapgbtp buroens bearc, ^Fai oftentimes moxe fljtp futtapneo tbere. fo : boobes t tupfe fa J to:ttten baue.ano Fafto* t>to them name, 3h number Ube of nonibes tocre maoe.ano enoeo tn tbe fame. 3 nt!)ar,tbaM'o:ougb mp beaut* fare, ?1 oiOfO Czlar) make, SCDjerem Jb'gilf bjaourrotbe.iubn J mptoap otDtabe. p>a C agibc 3ill in ropall berfe n>e alfo bit) enbigbt, feD icretn no matgbtp mojoeo oo want, tbat Qatelp Qile (boufb ligbt« 3 uerfr '«"fe netoalD.altbo'gbtae tooibea Imperfect bene, 92? lire fuiiip iljapes trauf oimcD are : «nb cbaungeo boOpco fc-ne. 3& it it3Ulo to 2>an. part to rcaOc, tbou tooulbcd au be boue . i »Cb« toOrbe Theth'ide'looke. 18 Tbc toojfee tx>b(eb at tbf tuojtff o toi jpfe fcu fltP bi p" r 'rg la&, Cotbpn.oQfamoi-'B tajgnc * b;»;ou (£ Catm, fll«'D. (Elftrefljalt tljoufinrc\oJ)8i Oo;ccl\utt,jnn.ttlo«.i 1 1 en {.nt*, 3no tuttb tubatiriiuocioati ce ant) rbincro to;ttf j Ijaut afToi ct, 5 bono montuptb bprtng uctfcojcburltOcc tckc bifieitu, Jftojno mans guilff ractea tbf if Dotb.toubmn.r too^l rf itmafne. ^fiom fubtiil topee 3 gultirs &n ,tbat ten pjio be u 1 1 gail, Jftr-j In tnp tocrfe no bf nrmc (ell, tu. tb mi ?tb 10 m"jo at ail 3mong fo manp t^oufano trcn,tt , i lb turfes n anp a one, AS p learnt D nofe bauc bitiDut r.01 t (,n p kUt « jeeept alone) 3t uip null.ap It flfffc tbc rf fo,u,no Konayne both RtCfCfi 2£ut much betoaple our funojF BuOffi-Uml one icrt.c r ting fcopcC. il-o? no man toiouio 3 rbinte be fan, in tbtfl n p lo?. p cbaunce, yt n etcp me tbjocgb gutliles life to gwatev rale anuauncc. Ho tb' fe tomb manp mo?c J to*iQ)*>map pctce »bP bf aucnipbjeff* (£> fatter brarf)£>fure Of:ence,our count rptsr nip »cu\ Due Defer umgrc l;ai.c, F'l N I S. The third tfooke, •j The booke to tbc RcaJer. EIclju. i. T ftatttull torfe an toucarpfrfnb ( £ Start i ) in t ti c met. /r'o^boubt tbou not (raff 3 be caufe.perl u[ c tu u,-.;i»> rl pfl uu.r, I'.otoetft intHfldotl tf»c! cto leue, ulfub) totO'.tnU fen c. J- o;nai!:rretpjti'BCbatbi'Cn fucb.atae tnlifK tofjUt, Alette rtul- j cOc4» c; p Ui-irt hr in>r n|-t litiiii tot lit Ci'.l', 2Tnb itarlibithlf wgwun yiMttA »H) r lit triwbttp, *oiatt(C tocfuiltoi;hf )ltf»bncu,^tibl ivtitilil irttoffct Solicit- ibcufcJf hb^t Jfcbiinp/etf lojtc* i I'ouc^^r if si , £ utbn antr n fctf »n to 1 \\ mg to ojuo ao rott to tin i U?eil Co rttt-n lint |jnt;i: p Vnf«,i! t [tit ip Or; I tltfttl r, *4,i tuai? itou v} it i fi't of fcap,tljc.auie time! i,auc bemt. «* *• J a* Ouiddetriftibus. 3 sitttst tti?nbtn C -bars fao n« br.ougbt u»tcb nifce b!ople tbf fe J fpabe with ftamering tunguc.anb clofelp all :oba baue gromen but late Cota t3 tbe Vic Idle place tbat lice pea Dame Pallas an tbe tpie, (&-na ts tbe Wallace fmall,toljerrto fetng Numa lid orpine. ^From bence on left fp5c toobc (qtiotb be ) Jatunus boui'e bo flanDc. t^ccre Romulus tbe loftp Rome to butlbbibtabt tn banb. inb uionbitng mucb: foitbuitib in fight J gluertng armour fppbc, ainc ropalt gateavuitbbcaucnlpbatoera, in perfect toeco befcrpbe. USebolb uf luue rbeboufc (quotb bO vbtcb we map fo ceutnc, 2Sp ropall Cromne of Oben tree, tbat btgb t be u on bo fhtne. l)i a name once bare fotttyuftli 3 fapD.njr baue beulbeb tocll, £);m»2btp louettt3theboufe,anM)c merrtn bo bu>ell. • H5ut lo.tu'.iat caufe tbe noble ijto tottb tanr.elf greened O; u>bp tbe tree tottb bjauncbea fp:cD ,batb mabe bta bnre bnfrenc i ■foi tbat tbta boufe of trpumpbea bjane.bcferuee etrrnall fame 1 £> i eia becaufc Apollo great, oath at atrip louc the fame i C j tbat tt (aenb ta i o: do all tbtngea of u muft neebe ? %>i ela of peace tbe tofeene piapne,on total! eartb bo fpieebe ? 5F0: v tbe Lator.ell grcene bo gromc,anb neuer fabea azuap, f&Q t lolelfe bono: be 1 e remapncs 5 to l> tcb pelbca to no Dccap. Che letters eae uibtcb Unttten be, about tbe Qaulr Crouinc, i^Kbe en>1gnefl be of bts beCct.ce, tbe Cittjena baue fount. £> ae fapibfull man ejeeept alone oibo b:pue n full far a ui j p, "Otw lur H iloofc ti furtbeft (anb, op:e(l tn ttcc-'f tccat>. . cH^no tbotig- ^cDo.bconfefrebtmfcltetobauc brfiruropspn^' l^a wicteco Dccoe, was caufe thereof but crroj pioutop»a[tu, 9t xotf The .think bookf ; 18. 3t ropil pln't ano wl&Ijt* roati.S) uj^tcb fo; fe are J flfthr , 9 id Doleful uwrfuil letter* fa:«r,tb.:ougij trroblpng D.iiaD DO quchf . Cbou rol brljolo to Qlcklp be ai ,'u? pap :' jo;0iti banD. 3.iD u>b £U >ieb rcaDira all :iijp t!j:rc i»')o!D, ano tberc Do Bam ir. (tojt. i9?b:rtb:f I »tb«c llobco toj.fauc tvofr JcoIDnat flrtDc, 3HJ 1 j e b^b tbc fatlier did repmt.aiiD fo Did i»tQi in m?nD. 9nD fusing rbtK^jibaPneabju e,tl;e*Kpcr of tbe plsce, D;D mil mcefroti tiiofc fjcr:o Uau'efl.op iflrfetrb fjwor pace. f€jte;rip( 8;c ,fa;fcircof fartfcif fmart. titbit cubicbvojn.'rDujiij aiujjp, tfjc learned booScaro take, it) j ilo fuf it mi to to u.b tiK fa n j,bu: clerelp Dio foifafce, •C'ljliciu^fateof espetcbcO fpera, to offpung Dotbotfccno, 3J.O facljera fcarcful Qi^bf to b«,b»S cb:ID:en Dotb cjcrcuD. f>it ma? tt bap tn tpaic to come,ttjiou^ra letigtb of laager fes«, jt careful srrf; recetue Ukeu>pie U)ttb unDeft era to fee, 3 :o uaait tljci mp Dcf}entcJ,t!;e SyrhctoUuB to fcf 3-i5 in tbat lanD tbdt, t be (3 jjtb.un poale to be. i^jtto pjic poetficccD i^'mpij:3,an0 Uarnea cunntn 3 Socsr. C?ju: fuccour u)eu»eD : jo'nc') jojft^jur fc'.fe.of Djaie Duaau^ocbe, J3r. t,*j3t Djuo^De of Derp cr?m;, ]B tu;ote DtD p;o3t oujbt, S 1 1 cie beaup cbauncc fo oft 31 b«" knocbt on gate* JSDf greet? graue, but pet no rpme coulb enter in tbcrar, ax>« p baue 3 leapt fo manp f tco?cca ,fo oft ta»ttt> *h;eatnpng b;eabe? a>.'!)P baib not fturbp. Oc;tie o;etebeimb Mjts mp bnbappp beat? © 4p"oI0 Vubom 3 to t>-?atbfuf, anb tn U>;atb ta conftani p;ouf , f?cr takers of fitfpicafurs on ' p gob both moue . §?aft on,p;oucke 3bumblF p;ap,tl;e Itgrtn^ longtb fctrs, 9nd let not ccatb be liable eft to fljut bis gt u tii Cate b^ Tohisvrife EIcgif.3. I :* marnsple eugtit (mp lotting u>p fi)tbr mi nt c parens bet apnrt J SI 1 !: p otber0 banb tbcfc letters to;c te,m p Cc one ceuft d p leme . 3fn partes cttrcame of funned lanb, ttttb fcuer fo;e opp;cft , aff tuonttb bcaltb 3 voas alntoft tolrb tcaMp bootre ttOreft. ai'bct t l/tnl'cc tljou 3 bab to Ijin as tn regton robe 3 Jap, aCetu- enc t!;c S a womci anb tfce Gctes,Y»a0 fo?ctb bere to Crap, <€b* ap;e ibjct* coulb not be toine , no; totters bfib bee, 3 no lanb it feifc 3 hncto not beta to nature blfagree. ' i?.o lioufcc apt no; meat fo; fuel; . tubom Or feres bcrb agrfear, #?o;none tl:o: coulb bppljtac&csartu ptcepettfeafercltcur. i .0 frtnfi tl;at mtgbt mp mpnb comfort, no; b;pue tvttb tec;tr &toap, &o abe of Me re.napnt.tboa paffeiJ plr afaant cape a, 3H.ia»etttti3 elearc of fouow.a m?ue, p:rcafc tboa none affapea. Pet je3 tboa not J Dare, aflfirmr : ( J5 jo j ) to graant to mp bellre, O.j jft ttpae groanb to enoe mp Dapea.anb courfe tbereln cntpje. © co ja(o tbae rptber tbefe mp papiiea,mtgb< pet baac bao oil if, £>i :ua tbat baling Dcatb bao corae.befoje J paQ a josp, y i btaltb not long agoe tt mtgbt^mp Ipfe baue tint front rare, V it now an tjriie fjcre to ope.r i;efi paTbona graunteb bee. £>o farre awap fyall taee be f o:d,to ope tn H-anb bn!inovo«n i Oi (bail tbe place tifoice rap f ate, tuttb greater foirotor a grotum ? 4pbil(notrapco?pf tntDontebbeba.confumc tuptb^ablp teoanb? €>i (I) ill tbere none mp beatb betuaple tnljen lapb J am on grounb e & iall not rap mpdretfe fozr? tearea.bpon mp face let fall ? i^oi iTjail tbe (ante toptb Iputng fcnce,mp ttrae prolong at all t &baii not jl mast mp bae requedea ? no: at ttje latcd crp i aCDitb f rlenblp banl (Ijall dj« not Gjut , ano clofc rap paStng cpe < 15it (ball mp ijeaD of funerallca.bereft anb noble graae ? 3ab lieere tn gnebp groanb be put.anb no lamenting baue * £Dilt not tbou bearing ttjts of me.wttb mmbe atna jt o datiD ? % io fambfulibicai) toitb toipjbtp ftrohea.uitlOrtse vonb fearefal ball 3lno bptbe rtaarot s in bapne altboagb.tbp oiofull armea ftretcb out i &n\> on tbp toietcbeb bufbanbea name, to crp fetll notbtng boabt i Va fpare tbp cbectteaCmpne oton fmeete beart) « lout i? I jobca to renO, fin ttrae not flrfl tbat J from tbe c.tuaa (oxQ atuap to beno. ^} )t n aa mp country beare 31 lofl,tbmch tben 31 btb a map, ■Cdc Qrd anb greatcd beatb 31 ooc, cilecme tbe fame alwap. i)o\» tf tbou can : tobtcb tbou cannot,(mp bed beloueb iupfe> ISnopcc mp beatb tbe enbe of woea, tbat fo moledcb Ipfe. 3;jo tuoulo mp foule toteb bobp mtgbt, confumcb bee tn one, &o ttjen no pan from flawing fla m?, tfcapt o be alone* c 4« f<4 Ouiddetriftibus. 31 miimi (hi?nbfn C -bars fap nm tar.ougbt mitb 0Tiifce Mgbf, jioi ihame tt oicre to be m .-je biaue then m jpftcr amp urn!) right. Che Utura (3D mbereof the blats.befeft of wanteb grace, fi.abcr) 10 mottfure, 2J:io bp what tl • ps a ft -aungers boofce, mp paffjgc ma ? procure. &i?t)ple tbefe J ip^Hc to»b Cantering tuug'ic.anD doff Ic all a .'our, SBJptournep.lo: that toi&etbmtoas.amongtbcmail but one. <£>o& graunt tljou mop ( tuljtcb Nifo to !>arb b?ne bemeo piapne, dat in thP country here mattt btoc.auD q ue: reft cbtapne. <5upb one J fljallpurfuc.aubougb bpfen* attb lanb J fought, %\\ tpieo long trip uicrp fcetc.fvom fun?) Q countrp brought. £>j:ptug ti; en a:rb palling fojtlj (quoth l:e) tmststbe grte, &i Cxlan C jurt : anO war the uamc.f ton. t£oDs banc groiutn but (ate Cots t3 the Vic ?dic place that lice pes Dame Pallas ano the tpje, Cua ts the Wallace fmalUtobercto fcmg Numa did arprje. ^From bence on left fpDc loose (qnotl) he ) Fatuous houi'e bo QanbC. l^ccre Romulus the loftp Rome to butibbiotabe tn banb. ilnb uionbjtng much; fozf bwUb tn fight 3D glitenng armour fppbe, Sflnfc ropall gates With hcaucnlp bowers, in perfect beo> btfcrpbe« H5eboID uf loue rbehotifc (quoth be) obtcb ate map fo ceutne, 23p ropall ©rocone of ce, that htgh thereon bo Q)tne. I&10 name once barofoubwitb 3 fapa.we bauc beuiDeb Well, £> ; m'gbtp loue tt ts the boufe.ano he tnerein bo bwell. • 13ut lo.w^at caufe the nobtc bta wub Hato.elf greene? O: wbp the tree tottb brunches fp:co ,batb mabe his brire bnfreiif i fji that t!u-J boufc of trpumpbes biane.bcferuee errruatl fame 1 £> 1 eis becaufe Apollo great,btth bearelp loue the fame i C; that tt (ijcrtb ts i 02 f la all thtnges of tt mut neebe ? £): els of peace the tokens ptapne.on totall earth bo fpirebr ? jFo: qt the L*W:etl greene bo growc,ant> neuer faces aajap, $&>o euolelfc bono* be re remarnes 5 w tch pelbcs to no becap. •Che letters tae which toituen be, about the Oatilp Crownc, Che en'Tgnes be of bts Dffcnce, rbc Citizens haue founc. C'nefapihn'llmaii «rc:p: alone ailiooirucn full lard jup, JDitb lurh i»l"of< In furtbett lanb, opjeft tn »ec»*e becap. m ayoo thoug'' ^iDo.bconfeffehttnfeltetobauc brfiruropspnV l^s wicteco Dccoe was caufe thereof but err 0} pzoucQ piafac, 9tng» The tlu'rdc boolcc tf. 3t ropsl pla* ani wt&btp roa:j,0 U)^tcb to; fe are J , 3 id t»o!iful wotfuli lain a fii:af,tb.'.oucjb trmblpng bjeab DO qucfct, ^bouroU brljolouUciif braj/tr.' papa pile Co change, 3o3 Do3 rcga:bi eel) o»!j»r foots. u !;a!t cjirjj trcmbltnj flrauiiej' . 3nb at tubal »uk bifpu tbe ic;- ec anD rulcra of fbe-placc, 3'i O&btrbati ii;*!bc let, J pjjptbtepltabetbpparcntea ca'e. iProm tbeate toi^CiiiD*^ #dtt>(ItJ3pa^,to!o'tpOrpflU>aabpoogbf. S.lbOaulp Cttoplf^Avtlr.oaJjJf . of great 1 Apollo fougbr. dSum mbere on oitgbil pi!l*;a ptopne | tbe noble pxrure ftanbt, BcliJei anD tbe cruel f.>;« ,.ui;!* i -i'm j taidjBttl tjauO. 3.>d Lobcre tbeaunetcru u.\:tteia Icrtx.-tbe.tottb lejrneD baitbc Mb lv?pre, SU'iicb rcaD.'ta all \\\iv t'j:rc oe')o!D, ano tberc Do fl3i»o |n 0*2 ;t. C2?b:etb:ra tberc J lotto foj.fduc ;\ofe 3 coID tiat flnbe, £D ;j e b,-»^y tbc fatixr oto rtprnt.aub fo Did nrtQj m m?nb. 9.ib fvtBtnj tberjjji bapne ab ju c,u>i (Kper of t !;.c (Wscr, &;3 ail m.'efrom tbok facr:o (lau'ea.op ifTeat: ; fp«or pace. 'Sue .npleomjct uilitc'i la^ruo were, in Uaflc j; O'O bepatt, jfijni\o)f:u< mp.feete amefo.:ct to fl;c , fo; fe jrc of fcrtbtf fmart. J-ioMbit u'jicb vo jn:c d uj 13 bIiujp, tbe learneD boo^o to tabe, SD j lib fuf a mi to to u.b tbe fa m,bu: cltrelp Dto foifabr, ttb papne, 3i l'j-.cji Ji«b;i'ic j^ oj:tbca:a,a?n tobtle tottb totHbeo eno tobtlmtng toaue»,3 boubtfulfp em toO, JS19p grpping caw anb be aup ban >ub trauapU gnat Is loft. 2a3ut toben mp toap teas enbeb once.anD Joutmu . g toojfcc gen reft, 3Jnb 3 a lanb tobeteln to toaple mp grtuoua popne pofTetl. I^augbt cl0 but toeepe 3 tocuib,na? from mpne epeo a fmafter, JDtb flou-:tttn toben tbefpiing tptnttearme>botb Motet fnoto bcuoure. £1? p boufe anb IBome remember 3 tor b toant of toontcb p lace , 9nb tnbatfoeuer tbmg of mpne botb ctttp lead embrace. €> beaup c'oe unce fo oft abla0,a£ 3 baue knocht on gate, £>f greetp graue, but pet no tpme coulb enter in tberat. ax 1 < p baue 3 leapt fo manp (too,:e>ca ,fo oft tomb fbjeatnpbg b?eabe? QWbp rjatb not flurbp Oolite o?eta>belmb tbt0 mp bnbappp beat? © 4fc»ob0 tobom 3 to tojatbfui, anb in to?atb ta confront pjour, fDct takers of btfpieafurs to>btcb>one cn'p gob botb moue. 0?aft on,p;touoke 3bumb!pp?ap,tbe Itgrtng longcb f&ttg> 9nb Icr not fccatfc be Vablc eft lo G,ut bio gneUf Catco^ To his rvifc Elcgif.3« I f marnsple ougtjt (mp Ioumg ivi u)»hr mi m i pnbap0 be fapne 1 J &ttt: r otberff banb the fc letters vu;c . p Ccfcr. c o cenft b plaine. 5" partes cjttrrame of fur the ft fanb, toub nucr fo?e opp?cft, £>f toontcb bealtb 3!toa0aJutoO tolrb *eaMp boofctebiGreft. ar bet mpnb t binfets tbou 3 bab toben ac to regton robe 3 Jap, aBetto er.c ft;c S j woroet anb tfcc Gctcs,to«0 fo?nb l.n c to fltap , *€ be ap;e i^icb coulb not be tome , no? tajatcn* bftb bee, 3 no lane tt feifc 3 kr.c\» ..of bote to nature bifagrce. ' &o boufco apt no; meat fo; ftfd;, tobom Oefene0 bcrbagrfear, jtfojncnc tbat coulb bppbiGckcsanepbecpemfeaferelieue. £0 frtnbti;et tr.tgljt mp mpnbronifB?t,nej tupue toitb tec?bc0 atoap, IT be llngrtng trine tope0 tottb fpebe, anb gteucus pepnee aiap.t. 51 U rpreb ifcns tn f imbt ft place anb lanbrc wp bpbtng baue, 3Fnb cecb tbtoge cleat !r tor.r.t mp tl;r re, n r 1 01 girt % rrpnb to craue. 9f*ct tUugb i-C'iln e my toifb bio to ant(C to) fc tbcu art tnott beate) 3f nb of n. r buft t/cu bod pcfTtf/e anb bolb ttepfare tneO ncarr* Gi ilce atone tUucjb at alf, * 9m The chirde bookc ip, % ib tboiSj'J oV pmtsf occalon tmou!*,to fpeia? of otber tblnj*, JMmibm? on j it tbp naaKDotbtoucie, aibfoitbt'iefarneitbitngf. £ea tb ri j') ] f j ratio tnere anb to i j ic.t 3 m jatb mere 5r .a furr, 3nO tljir a j on? of picifaj it mpnro.coulb eft tijc fall recurc. P:t bearing tin: mp miire j beare, to p::f:ncc fljoalo be biou jfjt , 31 roufe at? ftlfe : (o: bope an!) caufe of, (Ircnjtb tlierebp 10 to : Jiig'jt. 50) jple J in Doubt of l»fe nniPiir.tbau pallei pleafa jnt oape *, CI i x::mi elearc of fotrom:* m?ne, prrcafc tljou none a (Tare j. £>tt b 3f 2 tbou not 31 bare, tttitmt : ( s£> tboti m> beared to 4c) 3 ifj:rj juc3 fab ntt «bf;:tc farre.tijou Uabef ,tb?nt otilp Ipfe. Sit toben '" fate m; prarctj f .iilSioe, wbicb it To jg-)t of rfj^t, 3 10 bibenaolpfem? coipea bstb left, t bcatb perfoi.m'be btafptgbr, 83? ;it top fljoulb tt be tben ( £> J5 jdj ) to graunt to mp bedre, O.i jft itpue grouno to enoc mp Dapea. anb courfe tbereln ciup:c. O ttiottfo tbat eptber tbefe mp papneo.mtgbt pet bauc bab DeUp, £>icl(0tbat baling bcatb bab come.btfoie 311 pattawap, 31 1 bealtb not long agoe It migbt , mp Ipfe bauc tine from race, 15 n now an ejcile beretobpe.tbefeparbona grauntebbe*. fto farre auap (ball toec be f ifl.t ope In &anb bnHno tocn i £>! (ball tbe place nfo.ce mp fate, tut tb greater foirotoes grolvm ? &')iinot mpco?pfm\noiuio beba.confume wptbbeablp toounb* €>j ib ill tbert none mp beatb betoaple toben lapb J am on grounb t £> tall not mp mpQreffe fozrp teareo.bpon mp face let fall ? tfbi ibaii tbe (ame mptb Iputng fcnce.tnp time prolong at all i 4bal( not 31 matte mp Due requcftea > no; at tbe latcQ crp i 9a?:tl) jFrlenblp bam (bail (be not Qjiit, >n b clofc mp palling epe < (ball mp bcab of funerallca, bereft anb noble graae i Xa\> becre in griebp grounb be put.anb no lamenting baue i iDiU not tbou bearing tbts of me.uxtb minbe ama je D QanD ? * id faptbfulibicaU tuitb toipgbtp firo&ea.tuil arise iimb fearefal blD Hub bptbertearoea in bapne altbougb.tbp mofull armto ttretcb out i Stib on tbp taietcbeD buf banbea name, to crp told notbmg boubt 1 Pit fparc tbp cbeckeafmpne omn Twecte beart) $ loutlp loose? to renb, Cits ttmc not flratbat J fromtbecuaa foift amap to benb. aj?jen as mp country beare J lofi^blncfc eben J bib a map, ■Crjc Qril anb greateft Death J Doe, eilecme tbe fame almap. Bote if tbou can : ubicb tbou cannot,(mp bed beloucb u>pfe) IB.nopce mp Deatb tbe enbe of tnoea, tbat fo moledeo ipfe. 3nb bioulo mp foule tottb bobp mtgbt, confumeb bet In one, £9 tben no part from aau)(ng ttameo, cfcapeb be alone. C 4. & Ouidcletriftibus, -00} if tbe fpjtftc l>o not bcpart„bm flpe aToft In fbpcd, 2Pno tfUtoanScr tb^n.cuentettbtrf ScytljanCfcctt, SPuDibcsiuimgtl r furtCLTfppjftetfjfljaUbrtie altea*cc nCft. |?ct ( aufc tliat oil ir.p ItfclcCc bef nfB,tf put 111 c tit far,!! pot, £0 Irjoll J not altbcrgb note bc&b^n tf\\c bt t J tent. ;fo?nomon D(Dfo)btr,it;attel>fUj Thiocle* tuition; flnrc, Antiacne* G;oulb burp t;trr, tl,cu£b king tenpte it ptaprtr. 25nt mijct n«p bcanro fcitb pcucu Djr> e( futile Amrroiruj trrr, 2 tit mil c • & t'llL'il ic cf tbe tturc , ictthtmrcpofcDbrc. 2C«b lettc.cgrret tn £i> at bl< grau'tc,Uul;frcnci| fccrfcrrrtfe, eUbttb en n.p ' ibe polarc bp, ti ep tecll ctftcrre tutl, crrf, EPiTAPHE Here Nafc now bel old I ly e, that wrote offender Ioue, A Pcetleamd.wl clew its werccaufe.jideth did him remcoe And whofohere aiouer eomes,{ay thus, if Payne be none, Gcd gi aunt that Na/oesboanes abyde, in i]uiet rdt ed cnc.'' t\)ttc(tt\l(vfive;but row boclsffc fl;ati k\.£ti bite, 3>c memutnrnrcoof incr,tet:tcb tract of time Cslll pte. 3nbtbofeulttb3utbo? bunco baur.pti tope 3 ibiqi {.l.ilt feme, • SS^p time (bclimc^f piclorgrb bec,teiti. n 1 c!, cuuf.f. ci^? f?et onmp Co^ f r tic rue ttfritMB of funerals bcf.r u . 3nb on rl;t ae-rr tferlfmfccs fcr,tbr better rreteo bo Ctiu. Sft-.o tbougb the fr;c bc»b mr Cc jfr, ti> aG,ce pfilv connare, ^et O7GII ib< fo;:p fparbr oppicur , ti;r cjoclp tejtfUB bare. 2Fnb note rtectuf tbte lad farru-ctijpcrl epic, ttfct ~$ liallfrefef, Cbe btf>fcbarer>oust> to tbee J U n t> ; u:r ft iff coiroci penabr. ^Tohis friend, that heeflouM'efchevve the company cf great men. v. tkgia. 4. /"\ IDeore^nbrcbraiVrsrcB tomtc,tuttntl(0titnrtiCre0, ^^ ^ovu truftf rrpbc Once npnr fo;c bait luDctpjcfl, 3ff cugbt thou tcetbp frfcrb frtfr r ur, href! tc-ugbt I r p?emfc p?ccfc t JLtuctoibr fe'f?,fron- br.tpbtp win r*T,cf tt i£lt,ftc irctialcoff. ULtuc to fbpfeirc,eiibfo;Hl;rrctoir,f}rc0t 1 ctimrcefff tUc, IStgbt nebfe 10 the CrV 11 tube mc^Uc audi figtitfitog fitee, ;f 0? tbougb in of ir.tgbf; mc^tc befyf £lc ttc it lj tr, GCbtv 00 notbef^ but tcfUi i 1 tt.unxciaai uUL Uift. cm The thii de Bookc. 20 .Lonri:cU;tc. k 0. •3fflmrfclfct!)tfcu.ainir.Brffu;tth,laDU'arr.iDtcnco?»l/i , C!)ftoWiita)hfrciiB»itoi!jtoHlt:-ct»w!l,pcib8pB3C^i S iDnoin-i0. Biv il'li ret toitfa tl,e« ? otocit,OHD oftUM tbc pvpcltng unK bi< put, Uoatc of tnr,*,tt?otJciicuini'Uo£3.!;ci qarttteai f.i .cur. BX>l,ofaHftbonci«cnB»ouni.(00fMnM!)cfainctctl)iucTCl6ui:« v £o fallco ao toben to caul tt coins, ui t| top agapi" etuauce. *ur that poojc foule Elpcnor fell, a totone hratn bWflM or t)-ll. SlMjorc ruoutntMi fjwt !;c U:nG^nto,8pprai(6 aft«i Til. aPbar ntrtir II tl<:n that Dc.ialuslio totngte coult BWifl taw - 9nD Icaru»toiargufcoc,btfli»£ii:cef!F8rirrg'ifr. fnjfoot'o brcaufc aloft tlna cue : it,at otter fltto bcloto, ^01 boib of tbem tit aftm u^gcc.tbur Ctce topon bcCoto. ©1 iffur roc tbic totx I it c«rs todl : batb liucib torll, anrcd;f iraitoi-gl)£5lot,tobimapportttcttucH. tun en rfctlfcoilH not,bttf CMIbW.if fcwtooiiaai'onnf, ^appotfon-.nctjtcdiit on, AtHleibotfctorunnc. 3ugM .iop»-morhfcr. n.U farter 8UI bat tent, ty*e feonncmTpsc I ib£>uubUuc ana tntreca fl cult not rj««c fecu*. ^orlculitcto!frfc:ruirfea»rAc»loft|»iraucrBbitb» »nDt;aVvic6rtbn3ib«pJOwfcrrai.!r0ofittpcfcn-Bh. foi- bou toJlitto.:itP^rtfo;tbtoitb,y)tifpurnttfootc to irmrc, ^ lir tourfe cf trfr : ai.t liatie rtjp fati,rr.o?i I cucurefclr ; V t -nrr. ftlMb arnle four tb&r 1 oult 0?Bp,f<$ il;« tfcou tceO bi:«ir, J nt fartbf ull fart!) 'hot u til froir it no ttn r ever foctfifc BltibccunmauiceltfecnpcGrcfuilcafe > fib itcnMatur.f, J t ell it Biap bcireu: t p face t«6 repjef if. 3 futorhpiecrcctoMbttKbMtBfBn.tpouortrreBcftt), aHjtcbafarcncc tocrc p« urtbfo?rb,tot bt»unptor.?t0 itoobap. ITCctotbcualfoilpfncntreincu'tr.tottbttligciiceierfrbiB, Snb lUB totub ftant trar eeriD bt ctottboiUigaung ircnt r0. %\l topte of €nuf fee tboti lpue,toUf outtcnotorsc ci'pn.cb, C bp rrarrc ir qi-tct cnt t bp fclfc.totib r qu« II ^ntntO tp n atefc Snt lotettenerrecf Nafo rbtr.r.totnb tb ngiorrtalttc, ©nbamQrtren-aiMB tlercfJ trUcythiafiTabcgoric. ^nlarttobtcbnefrcflicrrifotofleirr.of l^nanrxibcarc, J,*&ftt froO coagcalcb barbae srounn umb tolb »o fiarr. Cbt Ouiddetriftibus* £()( Bofpher Urea tie a.iD Ta.ia.'j.tett!) other lake tberc bee, Jin Scychiafea ano namea a few, of place fftam knoume totnee* 9nD ckc etjere ta noting faue colb, tubtcb none can faulfclp bjoc, 9ta0 bold nearc thefurtbed ianb,app;ocl}etb to mpfpbD. 15ut far a tos.p mp country ta,a«D far mp D cared topfe, 3hd Wjattbmg cl0 befpora tbvfet Di,\»30 plcafaunt in m? Ipfe e r mpne epca mp ouiV a.iB to\»nz*anO famine of plac«0 Qjoto. 3Jnb cuer? place together tuptb >t befr &woea J (bolt Ip hitoiu. 3£>cfo:e mpne epec like a a mp p:rftm Qjapc opptarta, fl-9? dare (be greuoua puiletb botone.anb bp agapnc ti)e rearea. &bc abfent grecur/vbut ligbtcrmafct0,tbat lading louc flje JcnDf » 3io beau? cbarge bpon bertapbe.Qje eo:ittamlp befenoa. &.i pou (&> frtenw) full firmelp dtckc. tottrjtn mp fijeeb bait, 33>!)0?n 3 bcfp;t to fpeake bnto.bp err* mana name apart. 15 m fapnttng feare that ia bi to are, m? but? Due botb Ice, Bab pou ^ tomciic bntuilltng taouio.^ttbtnmpberfebefcr* Sfoje pou ujouID anD did aa ttjp loue mod fetnbe, C) at in mp berft i be lRcabcr mtgbt.pour namca (o placeb flnbr. JlD.jtcb t bin > b ecu ft 10 ooubt full notojn fee ret bjtfJ ccbe one, 31 fysll talke toub anb mill becanfe.of quaking feare to none. *-hi in m? berfe mp btbben frtcnbca, ben aping fojtb 3 bjilf fl Ccpud: : if an? pjtutlp, baue louco loue be dill. ftuom tbia aitbougb tn l&egloit nam mp reding place, $Ditt) ad mpbart poutntoarblp,3l euermoie embrace. &nD b? fucb rneaoca aa ccbe man map.rcluuc mp tla J p:ap, r our faptbfutl bant to frfeno outcad,tn grtefe bo not Droap. £&o pxofper foxtuoc bnto pau.anb bappp dill remapnt, %a neutr in like iot tbe fame ,to afkc pee map be fapne. To his Friend. Elcgia. J. r\ IT r bfe of f lienbfljtp bat!) bene fucb.tbat tbou tofttj Ut It ftame, ^^ En jougb fmal acquaintance grotue btf gbt tot! baup cloabt § 3ti foiatr r banco of t ricuDQjipo lato,bnicfl"e tbou bab'fl ben tibe, (fame. iW >cn t bat mp u)tp on fafer Qreame,u>ptb bappp topnbe bib fjtac. IP jt tuben 3 feU,ecbe man foi fcare,bio u)un mp btepe Decap, 9no roonteo frienoca tbctrmplpbacke0,frommetbepturn'Dea\uap. !?o o,i ib?ee tbat note tone poo;c m;cttb rtmapiib. Cbc ib.xp lobes tup felfc 3 fate ,anD gaui to tljtm r r gat D, Cbe face tettb Itarcs Ir be mpne cmbic tooe.onD paicut e u -tlrurr wait), Cbp tolcful D;opo 3 beire tn mpnb, ant tuoful tooicts ccbonr, Jn ttiou tl.i tbe tcares ,m cares tbp teo?oe0,ful Decpclp note te gone. ifl-^r »akeD neebe tottb beaup uwta tbou frttnolp rm fl embrace. ftl'itlj flgbing fobs c id htilcs bcepc bpon mp fearful fact. Pea abfent note ,Q f rcno) } em bp roue of tbe p:ctcctt©» Cliou bnotoeO y frcnD tbp name encJuci-s.tobtcb map not bt bcuctte. 2? no nianp robots mojc 3 marbt. of tbp bocloabtD lour . ftttbtcb in mp btcft 3 bepe ful c.'ofc.ano u>i not ibcnce rtmour . ob grauut tbou trap tn quiet Gate tbp frenbe* tefenb alttap, &Tbotn oote tn better caff tbou fjeipe of papnes to taut altap. t?i t if tt at anp frail cnqui u(as libc tbcp tetll bo fone ) 6QVl;atipft3teabr tn tbis tmanefpare bp fortune alt fo?bonr. &ap tbat fome (trie bopc 3 baur.tbardPeto totll gjaunt mojegrerf, ^ront tebtebbo not tottbojiato tbpne apte if t leu toil come tn plate* 3nD tebetber tt,3 feyongfull craue ,0? tbat 3 c ° Dcfcruci 3n tebat tbou map telpe tbou tbn to ,ano to not ligbiip fteerur. 3nD loobt tebat fbtll in cunning fpcacb, tbou learner) taQ before l)c. ten fee tbat tbou ooQ beQote te bclpc mp caufc (be mo;c. t>ote mud; 1 man moic nobtc if ,fo mutb mo;e free from trt, jn balfant bart 10 fonrfl qucntbt tbe rage of furious f 1 ?c • 3t cotb it ffice tfce 1 pon fierce to fee U» cnemp peloe, 3uD net to Ore tbe cot cljing f oe,tbat pjcflr a t lies in fprib. ret Dotlj ibr UTolfc enb lPerc tifpoplr tbe pricing p?ap in plocr , 3f no ebe c ad; otbrr bounty bead it at fpjlngto of ruber race. $v. tebat tben great A chill te; bat in me?c renctomet) fame t SfKb be at 'Crop o!b Priamt trirtff, bio not brbolb fo; Qjami. fl>r Alexander! mercies greaf,ful fure rico?tes toe l;aue. 2?p noble I J baroi tobtcb ceil: flant) bepapnter) on bis fitfltjf. 3 bneto tbr rage of noble mpntes to tnerep ligbtlp gee, $oi Iuno fenni tn late be 10, tbat teas bcr mojrali fee, 3 n fine cf grace no flgnes 3 f"i tl;at bjpuc e me te ttOrufl, •ft>\ tbat mp fault no teat b t tierces, of lators tbat be fo tuli. 3 baue noi fcugbt Augoflu* life, trt t b treafon bple to flap, Cf total! tattb tt conlpbrab tomtom all men obap. 3 naugbt banc fept,. fo; tabling re 1 r gc,t etc fp efcen c vg\, t «n 1 tT?, 3 f 3 tlnfo;i ttTcnttt Liuc ii„c ttir.c il;e coufcr if. •fr e» Oukid^ritttbus. £$ * guiltiest flgty mp pa?ne baue totougbf,tobleb 1 tbettfoi* *o blamf, 5f;jmloo^tn3ip«»mpgi<€fc Ootfa grot»,eucnrbu0pjocctbf0i|)efara«« ^ -t can ]B not tnp funD?? crtme0,DefenD agapnft ail rtgbt* 25 it part of tbem is erroi plapneano tooroe of uitifull fptgfaf. GSDjt* bope tbcrcfo:eremapBetb?et,in time to get fuel; grace* §)> i QjJlt m? parties pwcure relttfr,bp foice of cbaungcD place. 2D Jila to ma fa? (b?nt!ig &\im,\»blcb Gioioea before tbe ^otrne, %: r'lug «a Wh bo:fc let3 goe,ibt0 meffage w'B'-J* be * m9 * ^ To hU null familicr friendc. Elegn. 9. OSJ: league of Lauc (& Dtared fr«n«) In flrmett frfcnbtylp bait. C ;ou wll if Ijapplp to3uiD>tbou can Dtffembie It. C5 m::fo long *3 luvfuliiuaa.none otber tloobe moie Dear*-, /ft ): a.!? to j J til all tbJ taunt \uttb met contopnbe fo near*. <€i)i3 lone a fricnb) tbougb tbp aDu?fc,f com faulftp nmt( iiuerutD, 23 it m: m? 0; hues Dpic did Diato.biito ttit0 paling papnc* die? furcip fljut ecbe toap to me , tfiat profit couloe cooiapae. , 3iD to'ieeber J tbta mtfcbtefc raigbMn being wore auopDe, O : ela tbe wapea wbicb De(rme0 totll,b}» no meanes be DcHtopDe , £tt tbou to bo* tbat fi^eo arr,wptb long acquapntaun.e fad, aX)flnccre arc great*!"} part 3fi want.of all mp pleafutc0paft« £5. member now if fauour can,t!;p power uugbt tneuafe, Co p:ou: w'oat It fo; me? map Doe, free p:ap tl)cc neuer ceafc . Ciut C5jDbcaD once o&nDcD woulD,b»0 anger fomewbatfrapqe,, Cii3t place appopnctcD cbaungcD eft, mtgbt partcip eaf< mp papnr. *i)n tf tottb Sufull uncbcDnc0, mp biead bo not abouno, %<\b crro: be b;glmier of, mp cbicfe accuQng founb. fi;)-' tnpuDc 23 bis nuil ijurrfull to^nuDe ,'ooeij f care tbat fllt^p tpme, 'Ctjv j.-u-fc ag jpnc rcnuctb ebe,rcmemb:tng of tbe crpmc. •25 -id mbatfoeun able ts.tnee luitij fuc!) Q)ame to fptgljt, 3» t ujo u;d beboue it fypDDin tocrc tn barbdome clofeo ntgbt, fought The thirde Booke. 21 if5ougb*elatbcrcfo?8 0cclarc 3R Btli.ijtieonerpuVof ^bauc, 23ut ID fucb rpcrjr ntal; otljcr g*pn« to craue. 3>enu> k;uiueiJi!j4» ftotartco nc. CaUffodpefftetafiDeO &D:j it trjing J bo.tyc *M!lMMoaOc»9aDtti total Ban ^ obi . 'C!j«i>0)altt!)o;:idp Ji Ituc,al'i;ou3'"iioti'o «u l.-iic Jur-iilo /} )» trace of Haiti ar.j biougbr reiiricadljjpc ij.t:) tjopi it tljj^io, \U tbcu thp feltc jfft / ^01 tic urc mull the ftunDlpfatca.bath gcucn thee matter;; rhafi, 2nD luno;p giftta but rarelp feene.tottb u>tt goob Qo;c tnou haft. Co Pcgafc fKafauut felfc.of purpofc brought the fjrfr, llcaft toat fl>- bepne of facunb fpeache, mpgbt pcrD)t do to; tbpift. 3!n cbafteO ptarcB J noteb toell the aptius of thp bjapne, Sub aa tbp father upD ibec guiDc/bc toap to learning pl.ipne. (Cucn then J fap(but toue pert;aps,U)itO ttrm to tutuett dioap ) 3 pafTmg loue to thee J bab.uthtcb Urblp coulb becap. tiPbercfoic tf felft fame fpaibee tlce Do fti 11 rem aire, 5But onelp Sapphoes leamcb uniHes.Qmil thpne ui ffetli Difoer tit. 2Hno notu } fearc lea;] mp uitQ;ap9,rnt£i;t tUc percale Cfipa il, fi>; through the famefome boictico map mtrbtntbr bitaii befall. JilMjple time btb feruc chp berk to mec,anb mine to tgee 1 ufi, 3lnb notu ao Jubgc 3 tuaa.anb turoi Ji tfeec leo. O; els fomrtrmto tonth orrfru maoc, t jpne t arcu jE btc upioue, €>;fJnOtng fault : in biufljmg Cofcbci?, thp b:ouf fr.nictimco rjic tncut, JLtbrmcpetchauncc, fo: tho: n.pboo' hmbeeio >:.c io i:u, -f 01 (tun ot ulic mifchaiincc thou a-rn.'irftuouo Ucuc tLcntuje. I'^sp fcarcthou not Pcrh.lla oeare,thic counting Dieb rcmour, 2&Q that no man or that tl;p; uiuniun K attic to .oue. OuicTdetriflibuv £c» Oftutb tbftefo;e aftoarco odbc© thou moQ learncbbarnc.) r£,bf, Bfl. 1)0 )' ill r j.-,u. e r.cau toitb Qi Ubp ttepcto tuojtc ttp gi cuoua :t itbiUMfc ton blibc sbuncaunt floje. JFt : ( Cn' b tv 1 1 ti; mo?c tto;ba ? ail tno?ta:ig30bs,br Itgbtlp fpeni $ gone, £ cittlxf. \»h«cbtnthe bi f b. hio,a:ic n pnoccrcept alone. Jl-j ttibi-C of boufe and eounm bot!,anb tbee J, ttaa bereft, 2 ni o re: t cj! 'i [Mug o.pnu'bt, anbnufgl tat all tt'es left. &•> uiifca n r n' tl;cp tcft.altbcugb 1 did cmo? t! en; Oil!, £' i ti'in i,o 1 1 gin coutti Ca far fcrur,ttiberebp to toio;fec hia u>t 11. <£rl e kp t ojee oi cruet t fttiojb mp Hi mar fbone t r p;i ur, f\t iia.lmpratr.r thoi^gb 3 bc&?ab,ren'ainc atumrea alpue. & ; tU rrartial Kooicft6 tnt&atne fcucn tbc ronquereb tooilb bcf;oID, it pka.ticbttoib s (ball BUI be reaa.anb feme fo? arc be tola* JD... t'cutfifo tt at harprerbfe,orQubic0bo'Oet)ior a 3 ti ujI; ,t ibou irar,9ie batting Deatb,ttityiCb c^nblp k* fceftrop. £ Hcc ftfyrctli to ice bis fi icn Jcs .ind country, rle-x.8. X ' £>ne toonlb 3 toiibt 3! tmg»;i Vcenb.cnTriptolerous Carte, , * s*Diiu Brit tui b l^coco oncattlMofou»,liauctcugMtbtf6iUuil art. jF.kto tuoulb i tarr e t!,e nu-nQtro fell, tU tobscb Mcdca fab, Ct en tbc luftr to»j ct.of rticc C onntliuibab. Ji?tto uc lb > fcrflj t BteotiHgMnbfiiCibtj ftbera take, (k tie to hteb thou Pcrfcuk ttUlern i ar»,o: Dedalui bii'tfe wafer. Ct a fl.cb itng u.» to>u.g?,c;o.t infubtlcfbp, 3 t: gt rtovtto tlibr tucanctt>.Um3 accoumttmoO fccare. SDut 1 p u ub e; lit iflj ttnlsiig tt«c:f tr, it cu ttnttpti tft to uauti & bub netttrtboto befool tto.ebal icjretfla leftn t;a«e. I5utift»ci tt»»C»re. piareifio < *tu item b;licbe, 15c may. The third Boofce. 25 |?e rasp to rbcc LbtfirftiMfeptringtfl, aio tubecitDcbi'notafenb, Cbat\»i»tb tjc fl;n 13 fo^'cj t!;o j ma ',t»t tljp rcturnc conttno. 3lf ttjcf* I tffcf(MJ greater g>fica ) map mu r;q ipjtci bee, ft)j.1)a(linppi(ip be bebou'oe. 'c >arf, Chat from tbia laaoclatv >er> 1 .itar.bp licence rYe. Depart. flEb« ap:c fouic ariD tuatcr na u c QUI ~ioih bare, 9no lanb U fe! e m>-b.iDp bpnoca I iDeepr oifta'ca (Inc. ^Fo?eptlKrborb'np troujleo m uuctoeoo")? io:c mjlett, C: t!ott/ec'Ki;itinb:ccDe3f!je grtcic.iu^irftttt.) ittsbi .reft. £>oiooncaa J to Po uuscanc.fet'tb Dzcanco * aaj ag -cc.-co, fclflp flcirj from bonca it il. o t jztbunth.iDb'Cb aieate batb nor i I c:kd. 3hD loobe vn'.jat colour pale onO uian, topon t be irauea jo fljou>?, JtDicn winter froil beginnetb fir.l ,anD B treat bii/I « to blotue. f£> id) o(b ano toptbereo ceareo memb;ro bo penake, /^ ji ca iTc of louc cotnplapmug gr;cf . ynp yapnerull ininDe I oifabc. Jj5ji m aio:efouno citite mp mptiDc,t!)eti bo^p oo reina/tie, 13 jt ootb at once DtfcafeD be, toptb 8ta o. flc&iv.tTe parne, 15cfo:c nip ep;a me think j J fee, an J nagc J j id i.i Qgbr, QCD'nct) repicfrn ta mp flebelp fljape.anb mmoe ujitb tm* off ng'jr, *>ucb louc of bcatb tup b;ctt f ire bp ton Ge;agrounbatlaHtqepOapeo,anOilr>.clii obcu ca n efet, ^>ea tbta toiu < cbe tbp fame mo:e ol-canbiibtr terns 1 j taotmt| 3»iDof Ab(irtui-'hcD trngbt Medea bere.from rarber flnng ia} y l?cr rounng oiocra bponibta"coa(l,Cmen fup ) tu fi.t rtmc cad. ^jcg^jtngftraungf. daubing bp.refpecting uaa bp lou>e, EMct^n24Hpsalw0.i,queu;bMeonColcuc.ju laplcg j, bnooi) Ouidde triftibus. Wffc fbipmia there fo;tb;eb bib quabe,atib bp the cables caff, 31 «D mhtic the *nber bp 10 ma*gbe,tbere fcarefull bante niabe baft. «H>« p.utltp m u mithcrue!lfcuffe, tub Ortfee of ColcbcanbKfl, HH%©& barbr banD grc at bun bath to>?ougbt,aob bnto tnojc 13 putt, atoo though toftbjn tbis maprerts mtnoc, btgb courage etc rename, spucb p:i fc fi palettes pet tbcretcui feceapprarco piapne. •*»!«. n bahng (lips totth fpceop pare tsbjatottwc oeare flje fpibr, tev craft tne muft mp fotbsr flce.Gwe are brtrapb) (be cwbe, jjjjhple G)t foj counfelJ paufeD then, ano looheo rouno about, Jin ftgijt at laQ ber brother fame.amtbfl ber brrp*Q Doubt. ^bom uibf n Oje fptD*,fc;u!>totf b the fapb .• 38 bare b0 teell affurr. eft h;,.tbcre bcatb the caufe lhalbe.our fa.etp to pjocute. Me a:i bntoarts anb Djeabiug uougbt^cr cancres ctuellfptgbf, 3 nto l ;iS Obe ber btoubp fmojb fhc f bjuft txutb raging mtoht. V?tt buoepiucbt bacbe from gojeb free, (be rem totfb rutbfull taounb, £na .n?n btro uMnftc fa pectes femst, fte cafl about lb* g?ounb. 3.tib that ncr fat!;cv.mgr,trb»& roctombercbp (he paft, W 9 teof mh banoes anb bloiiop heab.umb flctgbt (he fljrtb faff, fcltob u,arlmg neu> ber agec (pK,fo;t t! ts bib n.aic befap, ano fob jtng fow the flcu> toiibt bp.Oje fafelp fcapt nwap ^creof^tta toUmc ts Ton.o*; that bpon tb«c fo{ If, befp fare a.-ir al! thr fano be fptincbfcb h»bt c,»c rratbJc freC g(cut pmc l 1 aj:c:le Borca* fclomrs enb u;b:fe tbe fmvt.lutf. cnC from #Rtrttb;e tJOle ^hctj.ottpiaFnfrbeUptopfrflrcor?. ft mrtl planet cccfe" : Ci c fix* e ,!. Ipc.tobtcbfpJug can no &urt e ? Q-o^rrfltbotof Jtfba- ftr?uig trantnt.uiaiitt.Bbr0,tobn.fnrCb:iOflH fllc vy e 3nb on the f.iO brtr.clut ret an other fate as raft. £n biucrf pJace^ wontco wic tbytti tujdue rticmbe/a bjholr fafT. ^0 f^bjj The third Boelce. z? # ^e btfirfUBfojfcfeiithtjioUnt tom^t frcmi?o;it)tL.flrb fccattrrfrne. Do make a ttnfccltngc btanr, Cbeir bcarto toitfcfrofj bi bjtgbt crrbju'D^u boatpat tbm cbmnc. Cbc cleat cb toinra hi ro;trc flanb bp.lifce fl arte of cbtuet eo tile, jRojt a?auflfc 1 1 It p t>?tncfec but n,la*lp uutl.toit b gcbleia tbjuQ btguUt. %Dbat Qjouic 31 «cii bote rtnrrf all^toitb coulb corgi nlci Qanb * 9nb botoe tfcc bjittie boaters be.cafl top tettb biggtrg Lone V Cbc fame oo ffratgbtet then the flreamc ,of Nylui bearing rteot, StM;i(b parte b into font n guift , in V a0p flfctf bo fppebc. Ch»s liter trio rtitb parcb'ngblafho.bto blutQj Wquo? Dtcpe, 3nb f ojtb In ferret Qfent treats ,to & ea m count creep*. ^ototnaptncnfouifflptoalbeonfoote.ttbetc fbirsletr pwTagr fcaV aritb coulb concrcate on testers nnccfef, tbc toe l c b bc\:fcs fab. 9nb bp fucb b?i ogic nctolp butlt,on tonbci Orbing rearr e, Sarraatia Crt n tonfcoutb STapnc a bjeto fojip tottfa fl r tubtb tf SO*. Jf ojfootb 3 Hall fcant be btlccu*br,butif retoarb of ipe, nb* anp there no toitnco ought that faptb to tsitfpt l€ fce Largic f teat torn* frofl toe fate»,Qano QUI an o ntutr flo tor 3t 3nb Qipptrp ft;c n bib tonber kccpe.bnnroouet) (urges tote*. l^o? To conttmeb to bauc fee ne.tbe batbneb Teas Vie troee, QCDben bpniofl txwxta btneatb an? fietr, not toccrtngc tbem abobr. 3f fucb a one fontcttme bab bine, to tbc Leander fcjnbr, 3n narroto &t ae no fauJt tbp beatb.ej caufc of rrttnc coulb One? . Cbcn ncptber can tbe JTolpfcln fill c>in flinging ap;c attepne, ttDbom forcing fafi aloft to ffeip, Dc t b totnttr l.arD rcOrapne. 9nb though ^lr Boreai bfuQnng tut le, toitb totngtb u mte btfpfcUb, iRo furgtng biiiotuboultetb top,frctn ftoaUotofurclp Cum. Cbc pttcbeb pupa ir clcfet garble as It kerr, jpo Qrugiingf ©arcstbjougb frofen ficub.tteir ccui U are ebb $(t«Y ttTe fatoe tbc fi$ta fafrrtb faO^ong clong m^pfta elite : f^et part of ibcm eucn tben alfcpcrcciur 6 tx as to Hue : 3f cptber r agtngc topnbe tbcrefo^ tie fetter C.cU t at fargr 3n frr ring on tbc firetlng tlooCe.o; els en Krpunci cbatge. 3 none en Iftcr mabc full turn, tap tbno?ri)?cn pertc tw, % bat barcua foe on teGing bo^e.boi t tpbtngc bptber tpr 9 fkllfuUfoc in (outOmgf Orebe0,anb flung t tyaft a farrr. ftl U t eib \\% fiPditiDc Hit suteO IifP^tiircfir gt aiu-ar f e erarrr . Ouiddetriftibus. fitful) 0?ing (ad font; b3plp fcapc, turtle fleiors btifcnDeD red, fimcl) vtcbeu** na bntfcrpt rmnpne.b* robbers be poffeft. <£bc CattctI anD t ijc creesing csrtc*,fmall countrp ricbtlTe arc : 3lnD Wbat To cucr other (rc;ir,tbc Dwellers poo?? prepare* *bomc capitue tartc ore Icd but!; arm:s,barD bount) be btnD at bache , SJDitb ccttrenanct tourn'fle to lonD in batne,$boufe0 wbub tbcij laefce. 5>om; (tuUen Down full ptttouflr,^wttb bootoD fljafteff Do DjicaD, ;ffojDUncr;ing popfou c;nim 10, into tbearrotuce beeD. itoohe to!;at t:;cp can not carp fojtn ,no? D.ituc.t be? quite Deftrap, ■3Thlo Ijoilili banD wub waftmjjc flre.Wtll coates bnguflt? nop. Cucntbenarfc wben peace tspjratf.rbcp quafecm fearing figbr, f-)ci onp man wub cotter heene,io piotue tbe grcunD Deltgbt. Ct)t0 place tbt enmp e : ;cr fce'rb,o* fear'tb tbe fame bnfeewr, Ci>c lanD but if wtrb baggage rougb.ouer grown batb long time bene* 3fto plcafount (JErapc t d btDDcn bere in b,:aur.d; of bmep tree, i3o wanw newe ttmtcrrje bollougb ouerfloW we fee. ^0 apie J rounD tbts Iflegiana bcar'ib>no? bere Acontius fpcl, Of anp baD : to wi'ght the bcrfe.bte loueD mittrefle reD. 31 ii uahcD 5*10 pee fboulD tree ne bufl;es fp^eaD, (i> placs fat t e bnSr alas) c oj bappp men to treaD. 3nD though tte wojIDc be ftretcbcD our ,in compaffe wonDjou0 topDe., foi nice tbts HonD appopncreD ts,inr puntfbment to bpDc. f Hcc rnueyghcth agaynft the cuill fpeaker. I Icgic. 1 1. W^o (0 tbou art tbat mp mlfbap0 rt force, Ttiin me as guiltp Doll accuM ehe conDempne Witb bopee." £n barD a D 0tmp roebe was bo?ne : Wptb mtlhe there fodrcD long, Oi fauagc beaQcs, rbr beart moie bare t be n 10 the fi:nt fo ff rong. Qa>(j«t greater mtftbufe woulb'tt tbou withe 1 tbp wtchcD (re content, O} els what further lis coulD catife, thp popfom D tongue relent i 3ii barbarous &auD 31 (tu ,anD Pontus 3fle batb mee poffefJ, Cbe ArchaJian Weart batb mealfo.anD Boreas WpnDc DtQrcO. ar>bat potions fir oungc no talfec 31; bfe of language fount), Cche place tbereto on cucrp fJr»c,wttb Doleful! D?eaD obounD. Jf no as tbe flptng i^art once caugbf >Do (bun t be biouDp beare, Ox as tbe fcclp tapnttD lambc.tbc mountapne ^Toluea Do fearc, iS>u JH on euerp fpDe befct, Witb men of martiall Han D, 5Do tt^eWpfc^ pJapne 3 enmtes barD at bano. 9nD thottab ih DerDe tbe papnc Were fmall, mp louing wpfc to want, O} elfe mp 33abe0 odd Count rep Tweeter gntfe Were Deem ct front. The third Booke, iC filei wnf t\\)tx Hiatal!, but cnetr Carfantejatb, JDo'fltbounottbui&eibat Cafauirr.curugt cfbcugtnff I at!./ |?et fume there are tbat btplp n o>< Vrctntt rt ai & \i r;fr, 3no can tomb facur.D mcuiU alio ,ar.t: i>ltc(aur\t Iftt.hirg. Of matters plapnc to made ar;oi 'cede ti an efbiMmepO one. 2r>ut tubal Dotb ntilt in totebncD tbirgo. fuel) pvi'aunt fc;cc to tl ob-t * 3 €lo:r great '* ,0 t0 tace,tbc tctatr ant) Icftr rtall, 2!$ut otber tbmgco of uu\r fo?cr,all braDlcngc bewut to feti. 3 em not bee 3 fcuao : tobr Do'Q tl;ou fpumr mr Qjabou; bap't i Of 3Pf03f s ocao on Qonc crnfum 'Dc .tobp to'fl tU u n afee agar r.r V ttPljen Hcdor fougbt .- be Hcdor fcoo.but b?6b nc amoncjc bio font, 31)itb fo:cc of great Ane!p no\u of bun tbou ftc'il.tljf (baDotuc to rt mar re. (QDbpDoOthou beafl)toitb bitter moitco.nurejn agcibuocoGrapne, 3 p;ap tbte fpare from rcGlcfJe fp:tte,tl,ife toimente to tctrap-.c. 3no tbtnbe nip faults to baur bene true v.! cictuttb tl;cu cbdtgeO ttitc, 3nD tbtnbc tbc fame bene uucfecD all,anc follp none to bee. 35nD let me parmo cnougb abiDuo fill < l;r i nupous l; eft, 3 no lit me Dili an 4F|rtIe ltur, tn place cjctl'Ce cpuO , iH9r btaup rate fljoulD moi c ihp bearr,cn put uc plopntrs to feer r , 2Fno pet from tbecao bloutp 3uogc, tin fc Juogcmctitcs bo pjocccDc. 'STbou att mo:e crucll fsrre tben luofi BufinJci tbc king, Oj clfc tben be Mat fretting b;aftn 2? nil lib t\:mg, £1 bo (80 men fap tbio 25ull Did grue, tbe crtttli tr aunt to, €>f Sycili iUnD : vubo twit b tic ujo:ocf ,ciD p:at U tic fame a!fo. Cbt rjfe of tbto (O king quoD U;tn p;pcc bctb fat re furu, 'Clje outtuat D fo?m* : foi of tbc fbapc, make tbou tie lead Bccobn pf. On right Ob: lo tbou open fcc'ft.a place to Rant) tt. Cgt t, 3X>bei tin put fucb 80 Qcp tbou faitffie tt r fyigbt.. 3nD tbat once tent tottb fobtrgt coatee, tbe clofcD mm cenft. ire, 3Dbo line a 2? u 1 1 (ball ro;e rig!, t out .tt-ub foier cf frcttir g d v. c. ^fo?U)Ucb tnp too^hc a gruerton tetaj,tbat J Itbcupfe nrp b:ur, ^cmc tuO rctuarb of tl,ee (£> |3>;r«« ) f r parntl^il Vutttco to crcuj , $10 talc tbf0 bor.c : tbebtng Otpt fo:tb,tbon trc;bcr of tbtc pat t.c, £bo!l6tQ (quobl,e)appjcuctbe fen e.rnt fl/Clltl crctnfct llerr.e. 3fnconttntnt ae IcbaD taugbt, tuttl, fire I cc fouc Urn butr.'Dr, aiM-o crucllp bio manlp bopce to bcaQlp blcnnrcje tiun'cc. lIPui tubp fpeabe J of iycill faciro.ibefe Scythian Gctcs cmorgc ? Co ttHf^w^tcVruf pUEiitJfeuMbanojmrblcuDto'lJ longi, Ouiddetriftibus. 9no tbat tbott map toptb guilty blouo.afJaUe tbp tongeb tb?aft, 9t tbe ff tnp tooea nmb bungrp bf att.retopce tort!; gre*Dp IttS. fl>n ftatf «nb land jl flpmg faQ.fucb grccuous-papneaapp^oufp 90 bearing? tbftn to ppttous tearco , tb? ielfe percale mlgbt mow. Jf ttjat VlyCci topics tecrc fet (beleue me rnpne toitball.) Neptunus ire to louc bia Mjatbtmigbt be accoampteb fmall. Do not tbf rcf oje (tobo Co tbou an) mo grtefe again* rent toe, jftoioo not eft in gteeuouo toounoeo.tbpcrutH banbeaeaibjetot* 9nD let tb< fame of fojmcrfacrcfl.fojgcifumea obtapne, £>;> fljall of * bofe ropue finer hurts one out? f bar re rcmapne. CboabnofeieU full well (be Dcubtfuli facte*, Do burt oj betpt at toW e Cben fear c tbp feif e tb v lot bnfe«:otocn , tobtcb maptbee but oj fplil. 9nD fl t b tba now is come,to!)icb 1 DID t bin cne ecu Joe not Ijauc bene $V w ball tbou mrnbe of m? miu>ap0,tbtne o tone forgetting clean*. £et neebe tbou not to featc : oar cbaonct mod greeuous to of alt, ioi tbat tobcre Cxfars tt>:atb 13 fet all tie tbereto bef at:. 3uD tbat tbp (fife map bnoto.tbat J .bnfapncUp boa moue, Ctjefc p(apat0: J tooulD to tf oo tbe f« !f c, mtgbt euen tbe fame app;otw f Heedcfireth a gentler placeof exile, fclegie.n. Tfr: $D* Scnu toinbes gandabe tbe colDe.aofc pcare atoap to patf ff 3nb Scythian tumtct flacBJ r feem oe, tben toortttD toturer toa0. 9nD toben tbe Kamttsc on tuatero tfcin, tbat Hellcs ratyt? bjougbt, C be ligbtfome Dap toitb bars enrb n i gb t , in cquall length bao tojougbt, ^Chr ( htlo jc ii fmai anb glabfome gt r lea.ltt countrp fielD to bp grotoen, Cbe iltolcto fuieet at ttya ttme reape,tobere feeoea baue not ben fotoen, >Cbe fertile QelDee Da flutlbe noto.toptb flotocro of funoj? bctoe, 9nD babllngbpjbea fe& tongut cbattt toitb natea fo ncto. 'Che S>at!ottc ebe a nntbit btlc bet crucll DeeDre to blDf, Vs :r neat) bp bramefl Ibe mabttb clofc.anb butloca bp boufeo f>t>e . Cbe growing tframe in plotocD QetDe0>tottb f urrotbea lapDi bnCeene, aODitb Of not r fppcre tbjougb tenOcreartb apeer tb , toitb iopful! green*. o notob:ing< out : tu S cy Hpnea at all bee gtotoe. 9nb tobtreaa lofrp toooaa be fet, ti;c 3>otot0 Doe fpjeab from tree, ( jfo: neere to coaD cf Geta Crees DifcerneD bet) La tbere tbio la tbe bacant fpo:t ano pkafaunt piapef , 9nD taibmg tongues tn tuDgcaient bauics.oo ceafe fo? certapne Dapt0» On bpmurgitng bo;fr toitb armour light, tbep bjauelpnotobifpojt: 3nD fomc to Vail/anb Tom^'ro €"op. tor »b mcrrp tupube rtfojt. CIJC UiOp , The thirde 3ooke. i J •Che Uu\' pour; lU'npntco langeWptb ib?n aaDIlfOtnj Q?U, G,l):lt wcarp itmmea wtrb tester w iQie.iiiQ red from foimcr tovlt. fitxo trtumpbes are : wptb founotng b jpct, tbf Loosrrs on Oo err, ^from tb;ee foulb Oa je tbe (acttcma tbree.t'jeu fjuounng w o:Dfl let rT* £» foure times bleQ.aqO bledco mo:e tbe number can mati: plapu t : Chat mated rcmainc. . Sot 31 tbe fno w toub £&unne conftim'oe O u>:c:cb bo Ijcirc opp;our, 9nb frofea 4>:a tbe pfe whereof no foice mtg'jc thence reatoue. £3o pfe tbe fam: both now congea(e,as to am tt was to Dot, jrihi beroraea map bp trter mabe,to Sauroraathia goe. fit ttbf bap that anp $>t)ip, arrpue wttbtn ttjtj coad, iD: anp fxraungcr bap t o Pontus t^auen at 1; oad. 3 » b-iJ | ferae tbe fljipmen out (anb falutnge t!;tm b:f j,:e) ftDgat 3)'.p o? Whence fyc corns 31 afoe.oi from what yapp? fcoic. Chen tUep (bnlefje tt maruttic be ) from fonts neere loftnng Lnttb. 3Do aunfwrrc mab: : from jettons f arre, to lapie fewe tab ih (n baat, 3Jnb feloorae from Italia &cao bo anp paitage taUc, 4)3i tn tbefc po:r 3 from f&iucn To u>p tjta bpbing matt. 15-jt tf tbac anp come tl;at Ipeabctbc La: m oi tbe vSrreae, fjccjia foj tbar tnoie welcome mucb.fucb language j| bo fcea*. 31 1 lawful! to from mouth of $>ea, anb from Proponti* lono,e, Cbat men map latle With /^tbuuwmDe, tbefc Scythian fcao among, 33>bo fo bee be map baplp tnahe.fomc wbjfpcrlng rumout lowt, t£Djcrebp a part occadon gcu'tb. mo» fame thereof to groWe. Chen Do 31 piap btm maae ctfcourfe of Caefara t rlunipbcs b?aue, *.id the wbat bowta tbac butp bjtlu'tb, tbe Latian Iauc to baui. uh el a il that Germans (anb, wbtcb Out Rbrtt'rfa m Scire, 3£Pitb carefull minbeat Cipt apnea feete.all p:o3rac: now bo pelbff. 3tPbobotb >'jtcb woulo mp fclfe bab fecne) of tbefe tbingca baplp telL, 3 p:ap b«m bfe as welcome gbed.rbe boufe Wbctcin 'i owe II. l&utwiMawapta Nafow bo w fct o:i Scythiagrounbf 4'i (ball to beige mp papu* Wptball, a place therefore be fount ? « <1>od grauat rbat Car-far mat* commaimbe.not this mp boufe to bete 2£ut ratber fo; tbe tp:ne a place, where In to cba^tcc tree , •/ To his byrt'.i day. Elegie. 13. MPnatall bap Ctbo:tgb trcae then necb'th)lo bercbc^olDe H fee. ®ut pet on t&artb '0 bdi.c bene b 3 :n: : what botb It v>io3t m:e i 9nb Wbp Soft thou £> carefull Dap, tn W.JiCheb rearca appeare i tsDjtcb mtgbtbefo^ this eriioe time,mp Ufa btfpatcbcb cuare. Km Ouidde triftibus. yt an? tBXi fo; mcr tbou caft.oi frame bao tbe poffefi 25c .^onrc nip nattue ground pur fu'oe,u-bp ! fijouio bauc lea me quite tuben ao mpfetloteea me fo??oobc, 2i iit» tberc baue brtfot me toelt to fare/on tb fa a lamcnttngc loottc. Si 11 ) it oof: tbou bere tn Pontm lanbc ? ootb Cx.'ar w:II tbee go 3f n quiUtngc pfe to tojacbe b*a tre.batb be tbee cberftco fo ? 2£0 botmb i £>: cl0 tbc grnprvs of 3Bnc ence facet ?, from flacbtng flames rcl'ouuU ? tf>2 Sacrifice (ball 3D f oj tbee ano off ring? Due p:c ft nt ? C 1 • (ball our toovtiea to tnghtp ©o&s be geuen n>pib \»\)olt affent ? 3H a -!i not fo NfpofcD noto : no; time ts crfrrr fit, Cl;ot J tljp comtntng can relopc*,anD fojroVi'co qulgbt fojgff. 2T'i a .lie. frart.'ccfe: funerals, oil Dccbt tottb Ctp;es tree, 9nD Aiming fpjes to? ocatb pupar'Oe, tamuchmoie mcctcfo:mcc, % £r 3! faptifutip be ccue. HE>ut if a Hue 3B ougbt of tbem.tuttb painfull papers craue, 3 \w«fljc ifjat in tbto lanD of tbee no ft&bt mar aftet baue. f To hys friend to defend Iijs Booke. Eli-gic. H. f~\ fcolp f?oer pirate brgb,\»btcb Irarnet) men offen&ea, ^^ SCDbatDofttbounoutto toofull ty;t,that frtcnDlpbilp ;jctctiDe0? 3a thou tucte mont in be rtcr plight alu»ares to furcour mce, 3inD nou» alio leaf} q .it J fboulD.fccpair DoQ tbou fojrfte i IDoQ ibo'i pjfJcuf nipperfrfiftll.aiioin ti pfccefcttvye fate, J3^p ujofuii artcu cjecrpt alone, lubicb 2Jutfjo? burtrc l.aue ? $?ea Do tbou fo of poets netoe, tfcat careful! tuiil rcmapne, 2&nD if tbou msp mrbaplcfTctiame. tn Cttp fjtHrctapnc. i^p ft Ifc cnfoifr atonp to bookcu prt norbtnge fir, J&ojl c«u f : br tbem ccmmftttD to, to taUc of mapOeu Uo. Ct.'C rjcll'Dc fatber 6otb eft f urttO J^attcua fl*c, feio cbtlPientbougb in ttumt to bpte, ao mtk^fuil to pou Us, S?p berfe mp Ctfptrgc fo 35 cail.begot of mttljtr none, 36t.t llbc oo Pa'ljt Ubucmtoo0,of Iuuc b<0 b;artifc alone. fSTo ibee 1 tbem commit ane fpt:i,tbctr -i>p;c ts toantcD fo?e 3 Co \\)n tfpst boa protect tbc 2i3abt0,tbe burbtn is t!;c mote. 9m The thirde Boofcc. z8 *nb tlnee 3! baue tbat mp mtu>p,> name b: Mil at all. 3lnb to mp booties J. bnctu not bo cu,\»btcb bap into t!;p banb. 3bbe tljis : alt!;oi:gl; iijuj tatclp (cur, frcm bnacquamu b lanD. Cbat tobo tbjen rcabo In rcaotng tbcm,u>ill pjcfuppofc bc.'o?c, 9Dbat time tub rcftlcff* place J bab.appopncub me Co tu:ituiQes mine mop parBon farrca righteous jiuCgt tutll Q,oto, ?f tbat them macte in ccii'Dc time, an barbarous la.ib be bnom. 3n fucb miftjaps t;c mante pie uiill.bod) ttr&fl jt coulb wjite, £>j bow mp carcfnll fet fo;tb,tbe toojos J bib enC;!e. fl9pfuno?p ujocb mp u>tts baue b:obe,of tubicb longctlmi before, Cbe fountepne b.:p onto fclcnbct bame,appcareb cucrmoje. $? eonfum'be atoap, 3nD until long tb?tfl to D;ines bttuen, fuQereb mo jc be cap. jfto flose of boobco to feebe mp Scythia coaft be founbe, 3Put in tbctr place tlje Oiootmge botucs onb arroiiea bo rcfounbr. j3o learneb mates fo: conference, bo Itue uttbm this laubr, Cbat batb tbc fUtn mp berfe to rcabc,o: earrs to bnberflanbe . JG-o fpace is bere to rcame au*oe,tbat toatcb on toall to-btcb goes. 3nb gate bpEbut beepers of tl;c G ct e$,our fceablp b?cabeb foes. iCnqutrpoft J make of tuo?bes,of place o? of fome name, i,3o?anpmanl0p>cfetit berc.bptul;om J ccrtamcemc. Jfrtt fcioome J enfoicc to fl.amcfuli to conftfTr, Opt toonteb Yuo;bcs toill faple me tben.tebub J fo;gcttmg cefTr. %ViiU Thracian talbe anb Gcta rubr,mp cores be Qoppeb quit*, fipecfecmctbnoVu J able am, (n Genanvuifetonnptc, 25eleeuc mteicafl Uittlj Latin Itj'cp be tmjeeb fo;c 3 bcab, 3nb IcaQ mp tmtttngr Uiijilc tbou uctuc, the Pontui lucres Do rea*. 3nD to mp boobc fucb as it to, 2i -10,' 44(2491) THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA . - E . PA 6522 T5C4 1580a UC SOUTHS'. AA 000 313 454