98421 a UC-NRLF ^B 273 5TD Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/dictionaryofenglOOcollrich A DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH RHYMES BY JAMES A. COLLIGAN. S. J. Dec. 8, 1917. SAN FRANCISO THE JAMES H. BARRY CO. COPYRIGHT 1918 BY JAMES A. COLLIGAN. S. J. ^su^x^ »K\^ ci CONTENTS. Words ending with the satrnd of No. a in day 1 a in call 2 e in bee 3 i in high 4- in go '. 5 ow in how 6 u in true 7 oy in boy 8 V in poesy 9 b 10 d 22 f 57 g 72 ch 102 sh 120 th 127 k and X 148 1 181 m 198. n 21Si p 23i ^ r 255 ^ s 265.*^ ce 265i* ze 263 + t 315 V 380 Rhyme 392 Words that Have No Rhyme 393 List of Homonyms 394 Rules for Pronunciation 395 382714 Dictionary of English Rhymes Words ending with the sound of a in day. Bray, clay, day, dray, tray, flay, fray, gay, hay, jay, v-^'-^n^ lay, may, nay, pay, play, ray, say, way, pray, spray, < slay, spay, stay, stray, sway, affray, allay, array, astray, away, belay, bewray, betray, decay, defray, delay, disarray, display, dismay, essay, forelay, gain- say, inlay, relay, repay, roundelay, virelay, neigh, weigh, inveigh, prey, they, convey, obey, purvey, sur- vey, disobey, grey, tway, fay, shay, yea, gray, aye, denay, sleigh. 2 Words ending with the sound of a in call. Craw, daw, law, claw, draw, flaw, gnaw, jaw, law, maw, paw, raw, scraw, shaw, saw, straw, thaw, with- draw, foresaw, usquebaugh. Words ending with the sound of e in bee. Bee, free, glee, knee, see, three, thee, tree, agree, decree, degree, disagree, flee, foresee, oversee, pedi- free, he, me, we, she, be, jubilee, lee, ne, sea, plea, ea, tea, key, cap-a-pie, gree, dree, calipee, the, quay, lea, tee. 4 Words ending with the sound of i in high. By, buy, cry, die, dry, eye, fly, fry, fie, hie, lie, pie, ply, pry, rye, shy, sly, spy, sky, sty, tie, try, vie, why, ally, apply, awry, bely, comply, decry, defy, descry, deny, imply, espy, outvie, outfly, rely, reply, supply, untie, amplify, beautify, certify, crucify, deify, dignify, edify, falsify, fortify, gratify, glorify, indemnify, jus- 6 Dictionary of English Rhymes tify, magnify, modify, mollify, mortify, pacify, petrify, purify, putrify, qualify, ratify, rectify, sanctify, satisfy, scarify, signify, specify, stupefy, terrify, testify, verify, vilify, vitrify, vivify, prophesy, high, nigh, sigh, thigh, alibi, alkali, wry, dye, lye, I. Words ending with the sound of o in go. Calico, bo, portico, go, ago, undergo, row, though, tho, woe, adagio, seraglio, owe, beau, crow, lo, no, fro, so, snow, show, slow, overthrow, overflow, fore- show, outgrow, dough, foreknow, forego, undergo, below, bestow, hoe, ho, ago, strow, slow, mistletoe, sloe, toe, foe, doe, roe, oh, stow, bow, flow, glow, grow, know, low, mow, sew, plateau, throw, tow, throe, floe, sow, trow. Words ending with the sound of ow in how. Bow, how, mow, cow, brow, sow, vow, prow, avow, allow, disallow, endow, bough, plough, slough, thou, row. 7 Words ending with the sound of u in imbue, true and too. Blew, chew, dew, brew, flew, few, grew, new, coo, woo, shoe, too, who, do, blue, stew, knew, hew, Jew, mew, view, threw, yew, crew, slew, anew, askew, bedew, eschew, renew, review, withdrew, screw, inter- view, emmew, clue, due, cue, glue, hue, rue, sue, true, accrue, ensue, endue, imbue, imbrue, pursue, subdue, adieu, purlieu, perdue, residue, ormolu, avenue, reve- nue, through, pooh, retinue, you, thru, shoo, slue, two, to, ewe, flue. Dictionary of English Rhymes 7 8 Words ending" with the sound of oy in boy. Boy, buoy, coy, employ, cloy, joy, toy, alloy, annoy, convoy, decoy, destroy, enjoy. 9 Words ending with the sound of y in poesy. Pleurisy, chemistry, academy, apostacy, conspiracy, confederacy, ^^ejcstacy, democracy, embassy, fallacy, legacy,- supremacy, lunacy, privacy, piracy, malady, remedy, tragedy, comedy, cosmography, geography, geometry, jelegy, certainty, sovereignty, loyalty, dis- loyalty, penalty, casualty, ribaldry, chivalry, infamy, constancy, fealty, cavalry, bigamy, polygamy, va- cancy, inconstancy, infancy, company, accompany, litany, tyranny, villainy, anarchy, monarchy, lethargy, incendiary, infirmary, library, salary, sanctuary, vo- tary, auxiliary, contrary, diary, granary, rosemary, urgency, infantry, knavery, livery, recovery, robbery, novelty, antipathy, apathy, sympathy, idolatry, galaxy, husbandry, cruelty, enemy, blasphemy, prophecy, clemency, decency, inclemency, emergency, regency, progeny, energy, poverty, liberty, property, adultery, artery, artillery, battery, beggary, bribery, bravery, delivery, drudgery, flattery, gallery, imagery, lottery, misery, mystery, nursery, raillery, slavery, sorcery, treachery, discovery, tapestry, majesty, modesty, im- modesty, honesty, dishonesty, courtesy, heresy, poesy, poetry, secresy, leprosy, perfidy, subsidy, drapery, symmetry, drollery, prodigy, policy, mutiny, destiny, scrutiny, hypocrisy, family, ability, activity, avidity, assiduity, civility, community, concavity, consanguin- ity, conformity, congruity, diuturnity, facility, falsity, familiarity, formality, generosity, gratuity, humidity, absurdity, activity, adversity, affability, affinity, agil- ity, alacrity, ambiguity, animosity, antiquity, aus- terity, authority, brevity, calamity, capacity, captivity, 8 Dictionary of English Rhymes charity, chastity, civiUty, credulity, curiosity, finery, declivity, deformity, duty, dexterity, dignity, dis- parity, diversity, divinity, enmity, enormity, equality, equanimity, equity, eternity, extremity, fatality, felic- ^^y* JSJ^m^' fidelity, frugahty, futurity. Gravity, hostility, humanity, humility, immanity, -im- maturity, immensity, immorality, immortality, immunity, immutability, impartiality, impossibility, impetuosity, improbity, inanity, incapacity, incivility, incongruity, inequality, indemnity, infinity, inflexibility, instability, invalidity, jollity, lenity, lubricity, magnanimity, ma- jority, mediocrity, minority, mutability, nicety, per- versity, perplexity, perspicuity, prosperity, privity, probability, probity, propensity, rarity, rapidity, sa- gacity, sanctity, sensibility, sensuality, solidity, temer- ity, timidity, tranquillity, virginity, visibility, univer- sity, trumpery, apology, genealogy, etymology, simony, symphony, soliloquy, allegory, armory, factory, pil- lory, faculty, treasury, usury, augury, importunity, impunity, impurity, inaccuracy, inability, incredulity, indignity, infidelity, infirmity, iniquity, integrity, laity, liberality, malignity, maturity, morality. ^'\-ev>v-*^ok Words ending with the sound of b. Abe, astrolabe. 11 Bab, cab, dab, Mab, gab, nab, blab, rab, drab, scab, stab, slab, crab. 12 Ebb, web, neb, bleb. 13 Bribe, tribe, scribe, ascribe, describe, superscribe, prescribe, proscribe, subscribe, transcribe, inscribe, kibe, imbibe, diatribe. Dictionary of English Rhymes 9 14 Bib, crib, squib, drib, glib, nib, rib. 15 Globe, lobe, probe, robe, conglobe. 16 Fob, hob, mob, knob, sob, rob, throb, swab, squab, cob, bob, lob, nob, cabob. 17 ■ Cube, tube. 18 Cub, club, dub, chub, drub, grub, hub, rub, snub, shrub, tub. Barb, garb. 19 Orb, sorb, corb. 20 21 Curb, disturb, herb. verb. 22 Words ending with the sound of d preceded by a vowel sound. Cade, fade, made, jade, lade, wade, blade, glade, shade, spade, trade, degrade, evade, dissuade, invade, persuade, blockade, brigade, esplanade, cavalcade, masquerade, renegade, retrograde, serenade, ambus- cade, cannonade, palisade, aid, maid, braid, afraid, raid, upbraid, bade, estrade, arcade, cascade, cockade, crusade, gambade, brocade, rhodomontade, lemonade, and the preterites and the participles of verbs in number 1. lo Dictionary of English Rhymes 23 Add, bad, dad, gad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad, brad, clad, glad, plad, chad, fad, plaid, cad, shad, bade. 24 Creed, deed, indeed, bleed, breed, feed, heed, meed, need, reed, speed, seed, steed, weed, proceed, succeed, exceed, knead, read, intercede, precede, recede, con- cede, impede, supersede, bead, lead, mead, plead, glede, rede, cede, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 3. 25 Bed, bled, fed, fled, bred, Ted, red, shed, shred, sped, wed, abed, imbred, misled, said, bread, dread, dead, head, lead, read, spread, thread, tread, behead, overspread, led. lira oL , >■> t^ . <>. .. 26 Bide, chide, hide, gride, glide, nide, pied, pride, ride, slide, sighed, side, wide, stride, tide, bride, abide, guide, aside, astride, beside, bestride, betide, confide, decide, deride, divide, preside, provide, sub- side, misguide, subdivide, and the preterites and parti- ciples of verbs in number 4. 27 Bid, chid, did, hid, kid, lid, slid, rid, bestrid, pyra- mid, forbid, quid, squid, katydid. 28 A la mode, bode, code, ode, mode, rode, abode, corrode, explode, forebode, commode, incommode, episode, road, toad, goad, load, lode, and the preterites and participles of the verbs in number 5. 29 Clod, rod, sod, nod, plod, odd, cod, trod, shod, quod, pod, wad, quad, hod, tod, God. Dictionary of English Rhymes ii 30 Rude, crude, prude, allude, conclude, delude, elude, include, mood, food, rood, illude, exclude, exude, snood, intrude, obtrude, seclude, altitude, fortitude, gratitude, interlude, latitude, longitude, magnitude, multitude, solicitude, solitude, vicissitude, aptitude, habitude, ingratitude, inaptitude, lassitude, plenitude, promptitude, servitude, similitude, leud, feud, brood, and the preterites and participles of verbs in num- ber 7. 31 Bud, scud, stud, mud, cud, blood, flood. 32 Good, hood, stood, withstood, understood, could, would, wood, brotherhood, livelihood, likelihood, neighborhood, widowhood. 33 Fraud, laud, applaud, defraud, broad, abroad, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 2. 34 Void, avoid, devoid, asteroid, alkaloid, varioloid, and the preterites and participles of the verbs in number 8. 35 Shroud, cloud, loud, proud, aloud, crowd, over- shroud, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 6. 36 Words ending in Id. Bald, scald, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 192. 12 Dictionary of English Rhymes Field, yield, shield, wield, afield, weald, and the preterites and participles of words in number 184. 38 Held, geld, withheld, upheld, beheld, eld, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 185. 39 Mild, wild, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 186. 40 Gild, build, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 187. 41 Old,, cold, bold, fold, gold, hold, mold, scold, sold, told, behold, -enfold, unfold, uphold, withhold, fore- told, manifold, marigold, and the preterites and parti- ciples of verbs in number 188. 42 World rhymes with the preterites and participles of verbs in number 197. 43 Words ending in nd. And, band, hand, land, rand, sand, brand, bland, grand, gland, stand, strand, command, demand, coun- termand, disband, expand, withstand, understand, reprimand, contraband, and preterites and participles of verbs in number 217. 44 Fiend rhymes with the preterites and participles of verbs in number 219. Dictionary of English Rhymes 13 45 End, bend, mend, blend, fend, lend, rend, send, spend, tend, vend, amend, attend, ascend, commend, contend, defend, depend, descend, distend, expend, extend, forefend, impend, misspend, obtend, offend, portend, pretend, protend, suspend, transcend, un- bend, apprehend, comprehend, condescend, discom- mend, recommend, reprehend, dividend, reverend, friend, befriend, penned, kenned. 46 Find, mind, blind, kind, grind, rind, wind, behind, unkind, remind, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 221. 47 Rescind rhymes with the preterites and participles of verbs in number 222. 48 Pond, bond, fond, beyond, abscond, correspond, blond, despond, diamond, vagabond, conned. 49 Fund, refund, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 226. 50 Maund rhymes with the preterites and participles of verbs in number 218. 51 Found, bound, ground, hound, mound, pound, round, sound, wound (verb), abound, aground, around, confound, compound, expound, profound, re- bound, redound, resound, propound, surround, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 228. 14 Dictionary of English Rhymes 52 The noun wound rhymes with the preterites and participles of verbs ' in number 225. 53 Words ending in rd. Bard, card, guard, hard, lard, nard, shard, yard, bombard, discard, regard, interlard, retard, disregard, and words ending in d from verbs in number 256. 54 Beard and weird rhyme with the preterites and participles of verbs in number 257. 55 Cord, lord, record, accord, abhorred, hoard, horde, , board, aboard, ford, afford, sword, chord, and the pre- terites and participles of verbs in number 261. 56 Curd, absurd, bird, gird, heard, herd, sherd, word, and the preterites and participles of verbs in num- ber 259. 57 Words ending with the sound of f. Safe, chafe, vouchsafe, waif. 58 Gaff, chaff, draff, graff, quaff, staff, distaff, engraff, epitaph, cenotaph, paragraph, photograph, telegraph. 59 Grief, chief, fief, thief, brief, lief, belief, relief, reef, beef, leaf, sheaf. Dictionary of English Rhymes 15 60 Clef, nef, semibref, deaf. 61 Rife, fife, knife, wife, strife, life. 62 If, skiff, stiff, whiff, cliff, sniff, tiff, hieroglyph. 63 Oaf, loaf. 64 Off, scoff, cough, trough, doff. 65 Hoof, proof, aloof, disproof, reproof, behoof, roof, woof. 66 Buff, cuff, chuff, bluff, huff, gruff, luff, muff, puff, snuff, stuff, ruff, rebuff, counterbuff, rough, tough, enough, slough, chough. 67 Calf, half, behalf, laugh. 68 Elf, delf, pelf, self, shelf, himself, Guelf, Guelph. 69 Dwarf, wharf. 70 Turf, scurf, surf, serf. 71 Nymph, lymph. i6 Dictionary of English Rhymes 72 Words ending with the sound of g in cage and g in dig. Age, cage, gage, guage, mage, page, rage, sage, wage, stage, swage, assuage, engage, disengage, en- rage, presage. -r''Kr*Arv^,,^-* D is silent before the sound of g in cage or j. Bridge, ridge, midge, fidge, abridge. 78 Dodge, lodge, hodge, podge, bodge. 79 Judge, drudge, grudge, trudge, adjudge, prejudge, fudge, smudge, nudge, budge, sludge. 80 Plague, vague. 81 Bag, cag, fag, gag, hag, jag, lag, nag, quag, rag, Dictionary of English Rhymes 17 sag, tag, wag, brag, crag, drag, flag, knag, shag, snag, stag, swag, scrag, Brobdingnag. Egg, leg, beg, peg, keg. (W 83 '^ League, teague, intrigue, fatigue. 84 Big, dig, gig, fig, pig, rig, sprig, twig, swig, grig, Whig, wig, jig, prig. 85 Rogue, vogue, prorogue, collogue, disembogue. 86 Hog, bog, cog, dog, clog, fog, frog, flog, jog, log, agog, gog, prog, shog, tog, pollywog, dialogue, epi- logue, synagogue, catalogue, pedagogue. Do not give o in these words the sound of aw in August, which is the sound of aw in saw. Give it the sound of o in not. ^7 Lug, bug, dug. drug, hug, jug, rug, slug, smug, snug, mug, shrug, pug. 88 Bulge, indulge, divulge. 89 Change, grange, range, strange, estrange, arrange, exchange, interchange. 90 Bang, fang, gang, hang, pang, tang, twang, sang, slang, rang, harangue, swang, stang, lang, chang, clang. 91 Avenge, revenge. 1 8 Dictionary of English Rhymes 92 Cringe, fringe, hinge, singe, springe, swinge, tinge, twinge, infringe. 93 Plunge, sponge, expunge. 94 Bring, sing, cling, fiing, king, ring, sling, spring, sting, string, swing, wing, wring, thing, and the par- ticiples of the present tense in ing, with the accent on the antepenultimate, as recovering, altering. 95 Long, song, strong, wrong, along, belong, prolong. Let us give o in the words in number 95 the sound of aw in saw. 96 Dingdong, gong, prong, throng, thong. Let us give o in these words the sound of o in not. OiTV^ 97 ^ Bung, clung, dung, flung, hung, lung, rung, strung, sung, sprung, slung, stung, swung, wrung, unsung, young, tongue, among. Barge, charge, large, marge, targe, discharge, over- charge, surcharge, enlarge. 99 Verge, absterge, emerge, dirge, urge, purge, surge, immerge, thaumaturge, gurge, diverge, scourge, serge. 100 Exergue, burgh. 101 Gorge, disgorge, reforge, forge, George. Dictionary of English Rhymes 19 102 Words ending with the sound of ch in teach. Catch, match, hatch, latch, patch, scratch, smatch, snatch, dispatch, ratch, slatch, attach, detach, thatch. T before ch is silent. 103 Beach, breach, bleach, each, peach, preach, teach, |f impeach, beech, leech, speech, beseech, leach. . 104 Fetch, stretch, wretch, sketch. 105 Itch, ditch, pitch, rich, fitch, bitch, flitch, hitch, stitch, switch, twitch, which, bewitch, niche, enrich. 106 Broach, croach, poach, approach, encroach, re- proach, abroach, loach. C-iTit-^vv 107 Botch, notch, watch, crotch, blotch, Scotch, swatch. 108 Crutch, hutch, Dutch, much, such, touch. 109 Couch, pouch, vouch, slouch, avouch, crouch. Filch, 1 milch. 110 Mulch, gulch. 111 112 Blanch, Haunch branch, 1, launch, stanch. , paunch. 20 Dictionary of English Rhymes 111 the first three words give a the sound of in branch. In the last three words reject u and give a the sound of a in park. 113 Bench, drench, retrench, quench, clench, stench, tench, trench, wench, intrench, blench, wrench. 114 Clinch, finch, inch, pinch, winch. OOwJK 115 Bunch, punch, hunch, lunch, munch, scrunch, crunch. . 116 Arch, march, larch, parch, starch, countermarch. 117 Church, lurch, birch, smirch, perch, search. 118 Scorch, torch, porch. 119 Wards ending with the sound of sh. Ash, cash, dash, clash, crash, flash, gash, gnash, hash, lash, plash, bash, pash, brash, rash, thrash, slash, trash, abash, sash, splash. 120 Flesh, fresh, refresh, thresh, afresh, nesh, mesh. 121 Dish, fish, wish, cuish, pish, quish. 122 Bosh, wash, squash, quash, swash. Dictionary of English Rhymes 21 123 Barouche, cartouche. 124 Blush, brush, crush, gush, flush, rush, hush, lush, frush, mush, tush. 125 Bush, push. 126 Harsh, marsh. 127 Words ending with the sound of th. Bathe, swathe, lathe, scathe. 128 Faith, wraith. 129 Bath, path, hath, aftermath, rath. 130 Breathe, sheathe, wreathe, inwreathe, bequeathe, seethe. 131 Heath, sheath, teeth, wreath, beneath- 132 Breath, death, saith. 133 Blithe, hithe, tithe, scythe, writhe, lithe. 134 Pith, smith, frith, sith. 135 Clothe, loathe. 136 Both, loth, sloth, oath, growth, loath. 22 Dictionary of English Rhymes Broth', cloth, froth, troth, moth, swath, wrath, be- troth. 138 Booth, smooth, soothe. 139 Tooth, truth, youth, uncouth. 140 Azimuth, doth. 141 Mouth, south, drouth. 142 Health, wealth, stealth, commonwealth. 143 Filth, tilth, spilth. 144 Plinth, hyacinth, labyrinth. 145 Length, strength. 146 Earth, dearth, birth, mirth, worth, berth, girth. 147 Swarth, north, fourth^ iv\^C . Words ending with the sound of k and x. Ake, bake, cake, lake, make, quake, rake, sake, take, wake, brake, drake, flake, shake, snake, stake, strake, spake, awake, betake, forsake, mistake, partake, over- take, undertake, bespake, break, steak, hake, man- drake, ache, opaque. Dictionary of English Rhymes 23 149 Zodiac, maniac, demoniac, ammoniac, almanac, sym- posiac, hypochondriac, aphrodisiac, crack, lac, brach, back, hack, bric-a-brac, jack, lack, pack, quack, tack, sack, rack, black, clack, crack, knack, slack, snack, stack, track, wrack, attack, smack, thwack, arrack. C before k is silent. 150 Ax, tax, lax, pax, wax, relax, flax, knicknacks, and words in number 149 when s is added to them. 151 Beak, bleak, creak, freak, leak, peak, sneak, squeak, speak, streak, tweak, wreak, bespeak, cheek, leek, creek, meek, reek, seek, sleek, week, shriek, pique, bezique, eke, clique, critique, antique, oblique, weak, peek. 152 Beck, peck, neck, check, fleck, deck, speck, wreck, geek, reck. 153 Sex, vex, annex, convex, complex, perplex, circum- flex, and words in number 152 when s is added to them. 154 Dike, alike, like, pike, spike, strike, dislike, oblique, shrike, glike. 155 Brick, sick, chick, kick, lick, nick, pick, quick, stick, thick, trick, arithmetic, choleric, catholic, heretic, rhetoric, splenetic, lunatic, politic. 156 Sardonyx, fix, six, mix, nix, afiix, infix, prefix, pyx, transfix, intermix, crucifix, and words in number 155 when s is added to them. 24 Dictionary of English Rhymes 157 Broke, choke, smoke, spoke, stroke, yoke, bespoke, invoke, provoke, revoke, cloak, oak, soak, joke, moke, coke, equivoque, yolk. 158 Hoax, coax, and words in number 157 when s is added to them. 159 Block, lock, cock, flock, crock, dock, frock, knock, mock, rock, shock, sock, stock, clock, brock, hough, loch. 160 Ox, box, fox, equinox, orthodox, heterodox, and words in number 159 when s is added to them. 161 Duke, puke, rebuke, fluke, chibouque. 162 Buck, luck, pluck, suck, struck, tuck, truck, duck. 163 Dux, crux, lux, flux, reflux, and words in number 162 when s is added to them. 164 Book, brook, cook, hook, look, rook, shook, took, mistook, undertook, forsook, betook, stook, caout- chouc, crook, betook. 165 Auk, balk, chalk, stalk, talk, walk, calk, squawk, hawk. L is silent in the words in number 165. 166 Elk, whelk. 167 Milk, silk, bilk, whilk. Dictionary of English Rhymes 25 168 Bulk, hulk, skulk, sulk. 169 Bank, blank, brank, shank, clank, dank, drank, slank, frank, spank, stank, lank, plank, prank, rank, thank, disrank, mountebank. 170 Ink, think, wink, drink, blink, brink, chink, clink, link, pink, shrink, sink, slink, stink, bethink, fore- think, skink, swink, zinc, cinque, appropinque. 171 Lynx, minx, sphinx, methinks, jinks, and words in number 170 when s is added to them. 172 Drunk, sunk, shrunk, stunk, spunk, punk, trunk, slunk, bunk, funk, chunk, hunk, monk. 173 Ark, bark, cark, dark, dark, lark, mark, park, shark, ^.^^^ . spark, stark, embark, remark, hierarch, heresiarch, ^iT^-^t-'W^ chark, marque. ^>*u0ijAJL,mnA/^ ^ ^^4^v^^t<^/i^C^ 174 Dirk, firk, kirk, stirk, quirk, shirk, work, mirk, murk, Turk, lurk, irk, jerk, perk. 175 Ork, cork, fork, stork, York, pork. 176 Ask, task, bask, cask, flask, mask, casque. 177 Desk, grotesque, burlesque, arabesque, picturesque, moresque. 26 Dictionary of English Rhymes 178 Brisk, frisk, disk, risk, whisk, basilisk, tamarisk. 179 Mosque, kiosk. 180 Busk, tusk, dusk, husk, musk. 181 Words ending with the sound of 1. Bail, brail, fail, grail, hail, jail, mail, nail, pail, quail, rail, sail, shail, tail, wail, frail, flail, snail, trail, assail, avail, detail, bewail, entail, prevail, aventail, retail, countervail, curtail, Abigail, ale, bale, dale, gale, hale, male, pale, sale, tale, vale, wale, scale, shale, stale, swale, whale, impale, exhale, regale, veil, night- ingale, ail. 182 Shall, sal, cabal, canal. 183 Animal, admiral, cannibal, capital, cardinal, comical, conjugal, corporal, criminal, critical, festival, funeral, general, hospital, interval, liberal, madrigal, literal, magical, mineral, mystical, musical, natural, original, pastoral, pedestal, personal, physical, poetical, politi- cal, principal, prodigal, prophetical, rational, satirical, reciprocal, rhetorical, several, temporal, tragical, tyrannical, carnival, schismatical, whimsical, arsenal. 184 Deal, heal, reveal, meal, peal, seal, steal, teal, veal, weal, zeal, squeal, repeal, conceal, congeal, anneal, appeal, eel, heel, feel, keel, kneel, peel, reel, steel, wheel, ceil. 185 Ell, dwell, fell, hell, knell, quell, sell, bell, cell. Dictionary of English Rhymes 27 dispel, foretell, excel, compel, befell, yell, well, tell, swell, spell, smell, shell, parallel, sentinel, infidel, citadel, refel, repel, impel, expel, rebel, asphodel, petronel, calomel, muscatel, belle. 186 Bile, chyle, file, guile, isle, aisle, mile, pile, smile, stile, style, tile, vile, while, awhile, compile, revile, defile, exile, erewhile, reconcile, beguile. 187 Bill, chill, fill, drill, gill, hill, ill, kill, kiln, mill, pill, quill, rill, shrill, fill, skill, spill, still, swill, thrill, till, trill, will, distill, fulfill, instill, codicil, daffodil, until, and words ending in ile pronounced ill, if the words be accented on the antepenult. Full has only one 1 when a syllable or syllables is prefixed or added to it; as, fulfill, handful. 188 Bole, dole, jole, hole, mole, pole, sole, stole, whole, shoal, cajole, condole, parole, patrol, pistole, coal, foal, goal, soal, bowl, droll, roll, scroll, toll, troll, control, enroll, soul, console, girandole, vole, poll, boll, role. 189 Alcohol, capitol, doll, extol, loll, Moll, Poll. 190 Cool, fool, pool, school, stool, tool, befool, spool, buhl, pule, rule, mule. Yule, overrule, ridicule, misrule, ^f^^*^'^^*^ 191 Cull, dull, gull, lull, hull, mull, null, trull, skull, " "*~ annul, disannul, scull. > --^-^i v^ >^.>--.v(^ u4vtctfi^-<_ v - y'- 192 Full, wool, bull, pull, bountiful, fanciful, sorrowful, 28 Dictionary of English Rhymes dutiful, merciful, wonderful, and other words ending in ful with the accent on the antepenult. 193 All, ball, call, gall, caul, haul, Gaul, appall, enthrall,^ awl, bawl, brawl, crawl, drawl, small, scrawl, sprawl, shawl, squall, hall, maul, stall, fall, pall, tall, wall, inthrall, install, forestall, thrall. 194 Oil, boil, coil, moil, soil, spoil, toil, despoil, embroil, recoil, turmoil, disembroil. 195 Owl, growl, fowl, howl, prowl, scowl, foul. 196 Carl, snarl, marl, parle, gnarl, harl. 197 Earl, pearl, churl, girl, furl, curl, hurl, unfurl, un- curl, purl, whirl, thirl, twirl, whorl. 198 Words ending with the sound of m. Blame, came, dame, same, fame, flame, frame, game, lame, name, prame, same, tame, shame, inflame, be- came, defame, misname, misbecame, overcame, aim, claim, maim, acclaim, declaim, disclaim, exclaim, pro- claim, reclaim. 199 Am, dam, ham, pam, ram, Sam* cram, dram, flam, sham, swam, kam, clam, epigram, anagram, damn, lamb, jam, jamb, oriflamme, ma'am, telegram, lamm. 200 Bream, cream, gleam, seam, scream, stream, team, beam, dream, enseam, scheme, theme, blaspheme, ex- Dictionary of English Rhymes 29 treme, supreme, deem, teem, beseem, misdeem, es- teem, disesteem, redeem, seem, beteem. 201 Gem, hem, kemb, stem, them, diadem, stratagem, ia.^V>^ anadem, phlegm, condemn, contemn, parapegm, apo- '\ thegm. 202 Chime, time, grime, clime, crime, prime, mime, slime, lime, sublime, climb, rhyme, thyme, rime. ci\vv^fc 203 Brim, dim, grim, him, rim, skim, slim, trim, whim, prim, limb, hymn, limn, paradigm. 204 Dome, home, mome, foam, roam, loam, Rome. 205 Tom, from. 206 Rum, chum, drum, glum, gum, hum, mum, scum, plum, sum, swum, thrum, opium, encomium, thumb, dumb, succumb, come, become, overcome, burdensome, cumbersome, frolicsome, humorsome, quarrelsome, troublesome, crumb, plumb, some. 207 Gloom, groom, loom, room, spoom, bloom, broom, boom, doom, tomb, entomb, whom, womb, plume, spume, fume, consume, assume, presume, resume, per- fume, rheum. 208 Calm, balm, becalm, psalm, palm, embalm. 209 Haulm, shawm. 30 Dictionary of English Rhymes 210 Elm, helm, whelm, overwhelm, realm. 211 Arm, barm, charm, farm, harm, alarm, disarm. 212 Firm, affirm, confirm, infirm, chirm, worm, turm, term. 213 Storm, conform, deform, inform, perform, reform, misinform, uniform, multiform, chloroform, transform, warm, swarm. 214 Chasm, spasm, miasm, enthusiasm, cataplasm, phantasm. tAfe^xYv ^ wtxj-r^iAtftvY* -t^ 215 Chrism, solecism, anachronism, schism, syllogism, witticism, criticism, organism, heroism, pristp, ego- tism, abysm, cataclysm. 216. Words ending with the sound of n. Cain, blain, brain, chain, fain, gain, grain, lain, main, pain, rain, vain, wain, drain, plain, slain, Spain, stain, swain, train, twain, sprain, strain, abstain, amain, Jt> attain, complain, contain, constrain, detain, disdain, distrain, enchain, entertain, explain, maintain, ordain, pertain, obtain, refrain, regain, remain, restrain, re- tain, sustain, appertain, thane, Dane, bane, crane, cane, fane, Jane, lane, mane, plane, vane, wane, pro- fane, hurricane, deign, arraign, campaign, feign, reign, vein, rein, skein, thegn, champagne, ta'en, pane, sane. 217 Ban, can, dan, fan, man, nan, pan, ran, tan, van, bran, clan, plan, scan, span, than, unman, foreran. Dictionary of English Rhymes 31 began, trepan, partisan, artisan, pelican, caravan, shandrydan, barracan. 218 Dawn, brawn, fawn, pawn, spawn, drawn, yawn, awn, withdrawn, lawn, prawn, gone, faun. 219 Keen, screen, seen, green, spleen, between, careen, teen, foreseen, queen, bean, clean, dean, glean, lean, mean, wean, yean, demean, unclean, skean, convene, demesne, intervene, mien, machine, serene, obscene, terrene, scene. V^-^^iM^ bee^rv 220 Den, hen, fen, ken, men, pen, ten, then, when, wren, denizen. o-itA.^ , p-tyl^Xjuy^ ^■ ' 221 Dine, brine, mine, chine, fine, line, nine, indign, pine, sh.ine, shrine, kine, thine, trine, twine, vine, Rhine, wine, whine, combine, confine, decline, define, incline, enshrine, entwine, opine, calcine, recline, re- fine, repine, superfine, interline, countermine, under- mine, eyne, supine, concubine, porcupine, divine, sign, assign, consign, design, condign, indign. q^^V^v^ntcsn >rv e. Ji/*x'>WNrvc. 222 Bin, chin, din, fin, gin, grin, in, inn, kin, pin, shin, sin, spin, skin, lin, thin, twin, tin, win, within, javelin, begin, whin, baldachin, cannikin, discipline. 223 Prone, drone, throne, alone, stone, tone, lone, zone, atone, enthrone, dethrone, postpone, cone, grown, flown, disown, thrown, sown, own, loan, shown, overthrown, groan, blown, moan, known, shone, mown. .i>vvuc^ 32 Dictionary of English Rhymes On, con, upon, anon. lAn^-^w, .p-«r^ i i/^^^^^ On in these words has the sound of on in con- science. 225 June, tune, untune, jejune, prune, dune, triune, im- portune, croon, hewn, swoon, moon, soon, boon, noon, spoon, buffoon, lampoon, poltroon, coon, cocoon, raccoon, shalloon, dragoon. 226 Dun, bun, gun, nun, pun, run, sun, shun, tun, stun,^ spun, begun, son, one, ton, done, won, none, undone. 227 Coin, join, subjoin, groin, loin, adjoin, conjoin, dis- join, enjoin, foin, proin, purloin, rejoin, coign. 228 Town, clown, crown, down, drown, frown, gown, adown, renown, embrown, noun. 229 Barn, yarn, tarn, darn. 230 Born, bourne, corn, horn, morn, adorn, scorn, thorn, suborn, unicorn, sorn, Capricorn, shorn, torn, worn, lorn, forlorn, lovelorn, sworn, forsworn, overborne, mourn, warn, forewarn, forborne. 231 Burn, churn, spurn, turn, urn, return, overturn, tern, discern, earn, sojourn, adjourn, rejourn, fern, stern, hern, concern, learn, yearn, quern, dern, cterne. Dictionary of English Rhymes 33 232 Words ending with the sound of p. Ape, cape, shape, grape, rape, scape, scrape, escape, nape, chape, trape, jape, crape, tape. 233 Cap, dap, gap, hap, lap, map, nap, pap, rap, sap, tap, chap, clap, trap, fap, flap, knap, slap, snap, wrap, scrap, strap, enwrap, entrap, mishap, affrap, mayhap. 234 Creep, deep, sleep, keep, peep, sheep, steep, sweep, weep, asleep, cheap, heap, neap. 235 Step, nep, skep, rep, steppe. 236 Gripe, pipe, ripe, snipe, type, stripe, wipe, arche- type, prototype. -t>>ii0^ift- 237 Chip, lip, hip, clip, dip, drip, nip, sip, rip, scrip, ship, skip, slip, snip, strip, tip, trip, whip, equip, and words ending in ship with the accent on the ante- penult; as fellowship. 238 Hope, cope, mope, grope, pope, rope, scope, slope, trope, aslope, elope, interlope, telescope, heliotrope, horoscope, antelope, ope. .^Mki ^^^^^Aa. . 239 Chop, hop, drop, crop, fop, top, pop, prop, flop, shop, slop, sop, stop, swap, underprop, ciir^ 240 Loop, poop, scoop, stoop, troop, droop, whoop, coop, hoop, soup, group, dupe, cantaloup, troupe. 34 Dictionary of English Rhymes 241 Cup, sup, pup, dup, up, 242 Alp, scalp. 243 Help, whelp, kelp, yelp. 244 Holp, colp. 245 Gulp, sculp, pulp, ensculp. 246 Camp, champ, cramp, damp, stamp, vamp, lamp, clamp, decamp, encamp. 247 Imp, limp, pimp, gimp, jimp.^^-'-v^-'vYN^ 248 Pomp, swamp, romp. 249 Bump, pump, jump, lump, plump, rump, stump, trump, thump, clump. 250 Carp, harp, sharp, counterscarp. 251 Thorp, warp. 252 Usurp, chirp, extirp, discerp. 253 Asp, clasp, gasp, grasp, hasp, rasp. 254 Crisp, wisp, lisp. Dictionary of English Rhymes 35 255 Words ending with the sound of r. Care, dare, fare, gare, hare, mare, pare, tare, ware, flare, glare, scare, share, snare, spare, square, stare, sware, yare, prepare, aware, beware, compare, declare, ensnare, air, vair, fair, hair, lair, pair, chair, stair, affair, debonair, despair, impair, glair, repair, bear, pear, swear, tear, wear, forbear, forswear, there, were, where, ere, e'er, ne'er, elsewhere, whate'er, howe'er, howsoever, whene'er, where'er, heir, coheir, their, bare. 256 Czar, bar, car, far, mar, par, tar, spar, scar, star, char, afar, debar, petar, unbar, catarrh, particular, per- pendicular, secular, angular, regular, popular, singular, titular, vinegar, scimetar, calendar, avatar, cinnabar, caviare, are, jar. 257 Beer, deer, fleer, gear, jeer, peer, meer, leer, sheer, steer, sneer, cheer, veer, pickeer, domineer, cannoneer, compeer, engineer, mutineer, pioneer, privateer, char- ioteer, chanticleer, career, mountaineer, fere, here, sphere, adhere, cohere, interfere, persevere, revere, austere, severe, sincere, hemisphere, ear, clear, dear, fear, near, sear, hear, pier, bier, tier, smear, spear, tear, rear, year, appear, besmear, bandolier, disappear, endear, auctioneer, seer, shear. 258 Er as in administer. Islander, arbiter, character, villager, cottager, dow- ager, forager, pillager, voyager, massacre, gardener, slanderer, flatterer, idolater, provender, theatre, am- phitheatre, foreigner, lavender, messenger, passenger, sorcerer, interpreter, officer, mariner, harbinger, min- ister, register, canister, chorister, sophister, presbyter, lawgiver, philosopher, astrologer, loiterer, prisoner, / 36 Dictionary of English Rhymes grasshopper, astronomer, sepulchre, thunderer, trav- eler, murderer, usurer. ^^^^AA^v^z-t. QLl^^L?t^ "^^Ji^roA^ 259 9-«>*/>^ AW(3JLA» \J^ Her, sir, fir, burr, cur, err, aver, defer, infer, deter, inter, refer, transfer, confer, prefer, whirr, purr, myrrh, slur, fur, bur, spur, concur, demur, incur, skirr, amateur, connoisseur, bon-viveur. 260 Fire, dire, hire, ire, lyre, mire, quire, sire, spire, squire, wire, tire, attire, acquire, admire, aspire, con- spire, desire, inquire, entire, expire, inspire, require, retire, transpire, gipsire, gire, pyre, choir, ^i-*.^*.-'*- 261 Or, for, four, abhor, bore, boar, pour, pore, tore, tor, hoar, war, corps, core, gore, lore, more, ore, score, shore, snore, sore, store, swore, wore, adore, afore, ashore, deplore, explore, implore, restore, forebore, foreswore, oar, roar, soar, door, floor, o'er, encore, and other words in or which have the accent on the last syllable or the third syllable from the end of the word. 262 Cure, pure, dure, lure, sure, adjure, allure, assure, demure, conjure, endure, manure, inure, insure, imma- ture, immure, mature, obscure, procure, secure, adjure, calenture, coverture, epicure, investiture, forfeiture, furniture, miniature, nouriture, overture, portraiture, primogeniture, temperature, poor, moor, your, con- tour, amour, boor, tour. u>aWlA 263 Our, bower, tower, deflower, flower, devour, scour, sour, lour, hour, flour. Dictionary of English Rhymes 37 264 Words ending with one of the sounds of s. They are words ending in ce, se, s and ze. Craze, daze, blaze, gaze, maze, raze, amaze, glaze, graze, raise, praise, dispraise, phrase, paraphrase, maize, and the words in number one when s is added to them ; as, days. CMM^-''^''**^*'^^^ 265 Has, as. 266 Ace, dace, pace, face, lace, mace, race, brace, chase, grace, place, Thrace, space, trace, apace, deface, efface, disgrace, displace, misplace, embrace, grimace, inter- lace, retrace, populace, carapace, base, case, abase, )\L,'K'G^KitJL. debase, bass. 267 Ass, brass, class, grass, lass, mass, pass, alas, amass, cuirass, repass, surpass, morass, gas, bass. c^jLtj^^^i^*^ 268 Breeze, freeze, wheeze, sneeze, squeeze, cheese, these, ease, appease, disease, displease, tease, seize, frieze, please, and words in number 3 when s is added to them. 269 Cease, lease, release, grease, decease, decrease, in- crease, release, surcease, peace, piece, niece, fleece, geese, frontispiece, apiece, Greece. 270 ESS — Bless, dress, cess, chess, guess, less, mess, press, stress, acquiesce, access, address, assess, com- press, confess, caress, depress, digress, dispossess, distress, excess, express, impress, oppress, possess, profess, recess, repress, redress, success, transgress, bashfulness, bitterness, cheerfulness, comfortless, comeliness, dizziness, diocese, drowsiness, eager- 38 Dictionary of EnglisbR|i^[j^«5'"'^'^ ness, easiness, embassadress, emptiness, evenness, fatherless, filthiness, foolishness, forgetfulness, for- wardness, frowardness, fruitfulness, fulsomeness, gid- diness, greediness, gentleness, governess, happiness, haughtiness, heaviness, idleness, heinousness, hoari- ness, hollowness, holiness, lasciviousness, lawfulness, laziness, littleness, liveliness, loftiness, lioness, lowli- ness, manliness, masterless, mightiness, motherless, motionless, nakedness, neediness, noisomeness, num- berless, patroness, peevishness, perfidiousness, pitiless, poetess, prophetess, ransomless, readiness, righteous- ness, shepherdess, sorceress, sordidness, spiritless, sprightliness, stubbornness, sturdiness, surliness, steadiness, tenderness, thoughtfulness, ugliness, un- easiness, unhappiness, votaress, usefulness, wakeful- ness, wantonness, weaponless, weariness, duresse, cesse, yes, willingness, wilfulness, weariness, wicked- ness, wilderness, wretchedness, drunkenness, childish- ness. ^a^jJ^-^^Jlj^^^^ 'Uy>^vfi**«,. 271 Disguise, guise, despise, merchandise, rise, wise, advise, devise, improvise, supervise, revise. Excise, exercise, exorcise, circumcise, criticise. An- glicise, compromise, demise, premise, surmise. Comprise, enterprise, surprise, apprise, emprise, ad- vertise, chastise. Civilize, idolize, realize, signalize, agonize, tyran- nize, canonize, catechize, solemnize, authorize, pul- verize, summarize, sympathize, immortalize, systema- tize, assize, prize, size. Sic^Vns The words from disguise to civilize have s and not z as their last consonant. All other words ending with the sound of ise in despise, may be given z and not s as the last consonant ; except franchise and its compounds. Let us give no word the ending cize, prize or vize except prize, and let us give no word the ending lise, nise, or tise except chastise and advertise. The Dictionary of English Rhymes 39 rules do not apply of course to words containing the short sound of i as treatise and mortise. The words in number 271 rhyme with the words in number 4 when s or es is added to them. 272 Ice, dice, mice, nice, price, rice, spice, slice, thrice, trice, advice, entice, vice, device, concise, precise, paradise, splice, suffice, sacrifice and the noun rise. 273 Bliss, miss, hiss, kiss, this, abyss, amiss, submiss, dismiss, remiss, wis, Dis, spiss. J-l'jA 274 Uif^r^, ., <. Close, dose, hose, pose, chose, glose, froze, nose, '^•^^^ ; ^"^^^^ prose, those, rose, compose, depose, disclose, dispose, ^itju^ discompose, expose, impose, inclose, interpose, oppose, propose, recompose, repose, suppose, transpose, arose, presuppose, foreclose, and words in number 5 when s is added to them, ^ctr^iw^**^-*- j^ 275 Close, dose, jocose, morose, gross, engross, verbose. 276 Gloss, boss, emboss, soss, albatross, dross. Let us give o in the words in number 276 the sound of o in not. 277 Cross, moss, loss. Let us give o in these three words in number 277 the sound of aw in law, which is the sound of au in caustic. 278 Lose, choose, shoes, ooze, noose, whose, muse, the verb use, abuse, amuse, news, diffuse, excuse, infuse, misuse, peruse, refuse, suffuse, transfuse, accuse, 40 Dictionary of English Rhymes bruise, cruise, and words in number 7 when s is added to them; as dews. 279 The noun use, disuse, abuse, dence, truce, goose, noose, moose, loose, truce, sluice, spruce, deuce, con- duce, deduce, induce, introduce, produce, seduce, tra- duce, juice, reduce, abstruse, excuse, misuse, obtuse, recluse. 280 Us, thus, buss, pus, plus, cuss, truss, discuss, in- cubus, overplus, amorcus, boisterous, clamorous, cred- ulous, dangerous, degenerous, generous, emulous, fab- - [Ifij^fjir^j^/ij^ ulous, frivolous, hazardous, idolatrous, infamous, miraculous, mischievous, mountainous, mutinous, necessitous, numerous, ominous, perilous, poisonous, populous, prosperous, ridiculous, riotous, ruinous, scandalous, scrupulous, sedulous, traitorous, teacher- ous, tyrannous, venomous, vigorous, villainous, ad- venturous, adulterous, ambiguous, blasphemous, do- lorous, fortuitous, sonorous, gluttonous, gratuitous, in- credulous, lecherous, libidinous, magnanimous, ob- streperous, odoriferous, ponderous, ravenous, rigorous, slanderous, solicitous, timorous, valorous, unanimous, calamitous.-4dNAjfiiutS>^ar«^^^'^*^/ A^vtifMy JU/^UJI/W^ i . 281 ^JvlAUUa Alms, calms, balms, becalms, psalms, palms, em- balms. 282 Cause, pause, clause, applause, gauze, because, and the words in number 2 when s is added to them ; as, laws, saws. 283 Blowze, browse, rouse, spouse, carouse, touse, es- pouse, and words in number 6 when s is added to them. 284 House, mouse, chouse, douse, grouse, louse. Dictionary of English Rhymes 41 285 Poise, noise, counterpoise, equipose, and words in oy number 8 when s is added to them. 286 Choice, voice, rejoice. 287 Adze, rhymes with words in number 23 when s is added to them. 288 Ides, besides, and words in number 26 when s is added to them. 289 Suds rhymes with Avords in number 31 when s is added to them. 290 False, waltz, and words in number 342 when s is added to them. 291 Pulse, repulse, impulse, expulse, convulse, insulse. '> \^' '' 292 Betimes, and words in number 202 when s is added to them. 293 Chance, dance, glance, lance, trance, prance, en- trance, romance, advance, mischance, complaisance, circumstance, countenance, deliverance, consonance, dissonance, extravagance, ignorance, inheritance, maintenance, temperance, intemperance, exorbitance, ordinance, sufferance, sustenance, utterance, arro- gance, vigilance, expanse, enhance. cv<0^^ > 5^ol/nrwA 296 Mince, prince, since, quince, wince, convince, evince. 297 Dunce, once. 298 Response, sconce, ensconce. 299 Ounce, bounce, flounce, renounce, pounce, de- nounce, pronounce. ou>nwv»^-»^^^'^-^>' 300 Means rhymes with words in number 219 when s is added to them. 301 Lapse, elapse, relapse, perhaps, and the words in number 233 when s is added to them : as, caps. ^5^6^-0^ 302 Eclipse, rhymes with words in number 237 when s is added to them. Dictionary of English Rhymes 43 303 Glimpse, imps, pimps, limps, gimps, jimps. 304 Corpse rhymes with words in number 251 when s is added to them. 305 Farce, parse, sarse, sparse. 306 Fierce, pierce, tierce. 307 Horse, endorse, unhorse, remorse, coarse, course, corse, force, torse, morse, divorce, enforce, perforce, hoarse, discourse, recourse, intercourse, source, re- source. 308 Verse, absterse, adverse, averse, converse, terse, dis- perse, immerse, perverse, reverse, asperse, intersperse, universe, amerce, coerce, nurse, curse, purse, accurse, disburse, imburse, reimburse, worse, hearse. 309 Unawares, theirs, and the words in number 255 when s is added to them. 310 Quits rhymes with words in number 320 when s is added to them. 311 Orts rhymes with words in number 365 when s is added to them. 312 Beaves rhymes with words in number 382 when s is added to them. 313 Loaves, groves, roves, cloves. 44 Dictionary of English Rhymes 314 Elves, themselves, delves, helves, twelves, selves, shelves. 315 Words ending with the sound of t preceded by a vowel sound. Bait, strait, v^ait, av^ait, great, straight, tete-a-tete, eight, weight, fete, plait, gait, and words ending in ate pronounced as in hate. Note. Ate at the end of verbs has the sound of ate in hate. Final ate in adjectives has an obscure sound. Final ate in some nouns has an obscure sound, in others it has the sound of ate in hate. List of words in ate. Bate, date, fate, gate, grate, hate, mate, pate, plate, prate, rate, state, sate, skate, slate, abate, belate, collate, create, deliberate, elate, dilate, estate, ingrate, innate, rebate, relate, sedate, translate, abdicate, abominate, abrogate, accelerate, accommodate, accumulate, accu- rate, adequate, affectionate, advocate, adulterate, aggra- vate, agitate, alienate, animate, annihilate, antedate, anticipate, antiquate, arbitrate, arrogate, articulate, as- sassinate, calculate, capitulate, captivate, celebrate, cir- culate, coagulate, commemorate, commiserate, commu- nicate, compassionate, confederate, congratulate, con- gregate, consecrate, contaminate, corroborate, cultivate, candidate, co-operate, celibate, considerate, consulate, capacitate, debihtate, dedicate, degenerate, delegate, de- liberate, denominate, depopulate, dislocate, deprecate, discriminate, derogate, dissipate, delicate, disconsolate, desolate, desperate, educate, effeminate, elevate, emu- late, estimate, elaborate, equivocate, eradicate. Evaporate, exaggerate, exasperate, expostulate, ex- terminate, extricate, facilitate, fortunate, generate, grat- ulate, hesitate, iUiterate, illuminate, irritate, imitate, Dictionary of English Rhymes 45 j^ immoderate, Impetrate, importunate, imprecate, inani- mate, innovate, instigate, intemperate, intimate, intimi- date, intoxicate, intricate, invalidate, inveterate, invio- --r* ^s late, legitimate, magistrate, meditate, mitigate, moderate,'''*''^^'''^^'^^ necessitate, nominate, obstinate, participate, passionate, penetrate, perpetrate, personate, potentate, precipitate, predestinate, predominate, premeditate, prevaricate, pro- crastinate, profligate, prognosticate, propagate, recrimi- nate, regenerate, regulate, reiterate, reprobate, reverber- ate, ruminate, separate, sophisticate, stipulate, subju- gate, subordinate, suffocate, terminate, tolerate, tem- perate, vindicate, violate, unfortunate, ate. 316 At, bat, cat, hat, fat, mat, pat, rat, sat, tat, vat, brat, chat, flat, lat, sprat, that, gnat. ct^X vco^ Bleat, eat, feat, heat,\meat, neat, seat, treat, wheat, beat, cheat, defeat, estreat, escheat, entreat, retreat, obsolete, replete, concrete, complete, feet, fleet, effete, gleet, greet, meet, sheet, sleet, street, sweet, discreet, beet, mete, suite. 318 ^ Bet, get, jet, fret, let, met, net, set, wet, whet, yet, debt, abet, beget, beset, forget, regret, alphabet, amulet, anchoret, cabinet, epithet, parapet, rivulet, violet, coro- net, parquette, basinet, wagonette, cadet, epaulet, piquet, sweat, threat, rosette, silhouette. 319 Bite, cite, kite, mite, quite, rite, site, smite, spite, sprite, trite, white, write, accite, contrite, excite, incite, indite, indict, invite, polite, recite, requite, unite, zoo- phyte, aconite, acolyte, anchorite, despite, disunite, appetite, coenobite, dynamite, expedite, parasite, prose- lyte, reunite, satellite, blight, bright, dight, fight, flight, fright, height, knight, light, might, pight, plight, right, 46 Dictionary of English Rhymes sight, slight, tight, affright, alight, aright, bedight, be- night, delight, foresight, midnight, moonlight, twilight, upright, oversight, night. 320 Bit, cit, hit, fit, grit, flit, knit, pit, quit, sit, split, twit, wit, chit, whit, writ, admit, acquit, commit, emit, omit, outwit, permit, remit, submit, transmit, refit, benefit, perquisite, requisite. 321 Note, vote, lote, mote, quote, rote, wrote, smote, tote, denote, promote, remote, devote, anecdote, antidote, boat, coat, bloat, dote, float, gloat, goat, oat, overfloat, throat, moat, afloat. 322 Clot, cot, blot, got, hot, jot, lot, knot, not, plot, pot, scot, shot, sot, spot, apricot, trot, rot, begot, forgot, allot, besot, complot, grot, polyglot, yacht, melilot, quat. counterplot, what, squat. 323 Brute, lute, flute, mute, acute, compute, confute, dis- pute, dilute, depute, impute, minute, pollute, refute, salute, absolute, attribute, contribute, constitute, desti- tute, dissolute, execute, institute, persecute, prosecute, resolute, substitute, fruit, bruit, suit, recruit, boot, hoot, coot, shoot, toot, soot, root, route. 324 But, butt, cut, hut, gut, glut, jut, nut, shut, strut, englut, rut, scut, slut, smut, abut, soot. 325 Foot, put. 326 Bought, taut, ought, thought, brought, forethought, fought, nought, sought, wrought, besought, bethought, methought, aught, naught, haught, taught, caught, fraught, distraught. Dictionary of English Rhymes 47 327 Bout, stout, out, clout, pout, gout, grout, rout, scout, shout, snout, spout, sprout, trout, about, devout, with- out, throughout, doubt, redoubt, misdoubt, drought. 328 Doit, exploit, adroit, quoit. 329 Words ending in ct. Act, fact, pact, tract, attract, abstract, extract, com- pact, contract, detract, distract, exact, protract, enact, infract, subtract, transact, cataract, fract, tact, intact, contact, subact, co-act, retract, re-act, counteract, the preterites and participles of verbs in number 149. 330 Sect, affect, correct, incorrect, collect, deject, detect, direct, disrespect, disaffect, dissect, effect, elect, eject, erect, expect, indirect, infect, inspect, neglect, object, project, protect, recollect, reflect, reject, respect, select, subject, suspect, architect, circumspect, direct, intellect, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 152. 331 Strict, addict, afflict, conflict, convict, inflict, contra- dict, pict, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 155. 332 Concoct and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 159. 333 Conduct, deduct, instruct, obstruct, aqueduct, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 162. 334 Instinct, distinct, extinct, precinct, succinct, tinct, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 170. 48 Dictionary of English Rhymes 335 Defunct, disjunct, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 172. 336 Words ending in ft. Aft, daft, haft, raft, waft, craft, shaft, abaft, graft, draft, ingraft, handicraft, draught, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 58. 337 Cleft, left, theft, weft, bereft. 338 Gift, drift, shift, lift, rift, sift, thrift, adrift, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 62. 339 Oft, croft, soft, aloft, scoffed, coughed, doffed, loft. 340 Tuft rhymes with the preterites and participles of verbs in number 66. 341 Words ending in It. Shalt, alt, asphalt. 342 Halt, malt, exalt, salt, vault, assault, default, fault. 343 Belt, gelt, melt, felt, welt, smelt, pelt, dwelt, dealt. 344 ^^ Gilt, jilt, built, quilt, guilt, spilt, stilt, tilt, milt. 345 Bolt, colt, dolt, holt, jolt, revolt, thunderbolt, molt. Dictionary of English Rhymes 49 346 Result, adult, exult, consult, indult, occult, insult, dif- ficult, catapult. 347 Words ending with the sound of mt. Tempt, exempt, attempt, contempt, dreamt. P is silent in the words in number 347. 348 Prompt, romped, swamped. 349 Words ending in nt. Faint, paint, plaint, quaint, saint, taint, acquaint, attaint, complaint, constraint, restraint, feint, aint, maynt, distraint. 350 Ant, cant, chant, grant, pant, plant, rant, slant, aslant, complaisant, displant, enchant, gallant, implant, recant, supplant, transplant, absonant, adamant, arro- gant, combatant, consonant, cormorant, protestant, sig- nificant, visitant, covenant, dissonant, disputant, elegant, elephant, exorbitant, conversant, extravagant, ignorant, insignificant, inhabitant, militant, predominant, syco- phant, vigilant, petulant, shant, aunt. 351 Bent, lent, rent, pent, scent, sent, cent, shent, spent, tent, vent, went, brent, hent, absent, meant, ascent, assent, attent, augment, cement, content, consent, descent, dis- sent, event, extent, foment, frequent, indent, intent, in- vent, lament, misspent, o'erspent, present, prevent, relent, repent, resent, ostent, ferment, outwent, underwent, dis- content, unbent, circumvent, represent, abstinent, acci- dent, accomplishment, admonishment, acknowledgment, aliment, arbitrament, argument, banishment, battlement, blandishment, astonishment, armipotent, bellipotent, be- nevolent, chastisement. Competent, compliment, complement, confident, con- 50 Dictionary of English Rhymes tinent, corpulent, detriment, different, diffident, diligent, disparagement, document, element, eloquent, eminent, equivalent, establishment, evident, excellent, excrement, exigent, experiment, firmament, fraudulent, government, embellishment, imminent, impenitent, impertinent, im- plement, impotent, imprisonment, improvident, impudent, incident, incompetent, incontinent, indifferent, indigent, innocent, insolent, instrument, irreverent, languishment, ligament, lineament, magnificent, management, medica- ment, malcontent, monument, negligent, nourishment, nutriment, Occident, omnipotent, opulent, ornament, parliament, penitent, permanent, pertinent, president, precedent, prevalent, provident, punishment, ravishment, regiment, resident, redolent, rudiment, sacrament, sedi- ment, sentiment, settlement, subsequent, supplement, in- telligent, tenement, temperament, testament, tournament, turbulent, vehement, violent, virulent, reverent. 352 Dint, mint, hint, flint, lint, print, squint, asquint, im- print, sprint, quint, tint. oSi^^*^ Won't, don't. Font, want. 353 354 355 Brunt, blunt, hunt, gnmt, front, wont, runt. 356 Aunt, daunt, gaunt, haunt, jaunt, taunt, vaunt, avaunt. 357 Count, mount, fount, amount, dismount, remount, sur- mount, account, discount, miscount, account. 358 Oint, joint, point, disjoint, anoint, appoint, aroint, disappoint, counterpoint. Dictionary of English Rhymes 51 359 Words ending in pt. Apt, adapt, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 233. 360 Accept, adept, except, intercept, crept, sept, slept, wept, kept. 361 Adopt rhymes with preterites and participles of verbs in number 239. 362 Abrupt, corrupt, interrupt, and the preterites and par- ticiples of the verbs in number 241. 363 Words ending in rt. Art, heart, hart, cart, dart, mart, part, smart, tart, start, apart, depart, impart, dispart, counterpart. 364 Wert, advert, assert, avert, concert, convert, contro- vert, desert, divert, exert, expert, insert, invert, pervert, subvert, shirt, dirt, squirt, flirt, blurt, hurt, spurt. 365 Short, sort, exhort, consort, distort, extort, resort, retort, snort, mort, wart, fort, port, court, report, mort, thwart, quart, swart. 366 Words ending in st. Baste, chaste, haste, paste, taste, waste, distaste, waist, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 266. 367 Cast, last, blast, mast, past, vast, hast, fast, aghast, avast, forecast, overcast, outcast, repast, caste and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 267. 52 Dictionary of English Rhymes 368 Priest, east, beast, feast, least, yeast, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 269. 369 Best, chest, crest, guest, jest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, vest, lest, west, arrest, attest, bequest, contest, de- test, digest, divest, invest, palimpsest, alkahest, infest, molest, obtest, protest, request, suggest, unrest, interest, manifest, breast, abreast, wrest, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 270. 370 Fist, list, mist, twist, wrist, assist, consist, resist, /^ ^^X desist, exist, insist, persist, resist, subsist, alchemist, ^3^ /y^ amethyst, anatomist, antagonist, annalist, evangelist, jBL'i^JU^tA' Eucharist, exorcist, herbalist, humorist, oculist, organist, satirist, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 273. 371 Ghost, post, most, coast, and the second person sin- gular present of verbs in number 5 ; as, bestowst. Cost, frost, lost, accost, holocaust, crossed, mossed.'Ts^^ Let us give o in these words in number 372 the sound of aw in saw which is the sound of au in caustic. Pentecost, glossed, bossed, embossed, sossed, drossed. Let us give o in these words the sound of o in not. 374 Bust, crust, dust, just, must, lust, rust, thrust, trust, adjust, disgust, distrust, intrust, mistrust, robust, un- just, dost, and preterites and participles of verbs in number 280. 375 Hoist, moist, foist, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 286. Dictionary of English Rhymes 53 376 Midst, amidst, didst, and the second person singular present of verbs in number 27. 377 Burst, curst, durst, accurst, thirst, worst, first, versed, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 308. 378 Words ending in xt. Next, pretext, and the preterites and participles of verbs in number 153. » 379 Betwixt rhymes with the preterites and participles of verbs in number 156. 380 Words ending with the sound of v. Cave, brave, gave, grave, crave, lave, nave, knave, pave, rave, save, shave, slave, stave, wave, behave, de- prave, engrave, outbrave, forgave, misgave, architrave, waive: 381 Calve, halve, salve. L is silent in these words. 382 Cleave, heave, interweave, leave, lieve, weave, be- reave, inweave, receive, conceive, deceive, perceive, eve, grieve, sleeve, thieve, aggrieve, achieve, believe, disbe- lieve, relieve, reprieve, retrieve. Ei for ie or the long sound of e is not used in mono- syllables. Exceptions, seine, seize, weird, and ceil because ie is never used after c. Hence, perceive. 383 Five, dive, alive, gyve, hive, drive, rive, shrive, strive, thrive, arrive, connive, contrive, deprive, derive, revive, survive. 54 Dictionary of English Rhymes 384 Give, live, sieve, fugitive, positive, sensitive. 385 Wove, inwove, interv^ove, alcove, clove, grove, rove, stove, strove, throve, drove, hove. 386 Dove, love, shove, glove, above. 387 Approve, disprove, disapprove, improve, groove, prove, reprove. 388 Delve, helve, twelve, shelve. 389 Solve, absolve, resolve, convolve, involve, devolve, dissolve, revolve. 390 Carve, starve. 391 Serve, nerve, swerve, preserve, deserve, conserve, ob- serve, reserve, disserve, subserve, curve. Words ending with the sound of v are all spelled with final e. The letter u is never used before final ve. 392 Rh5mie. Words or syllables which have the same sound do not rhyme. Hence, sent and cent, possess and re- cess, fair and fare, do not rhyme. Words or syl- lables which have a different sound, but the same sounding vocal ending are words or syllables that rhyme. Hence the following words rhyme : track, rack, blame, lame, mile, smile, shows, those, chose, hose. 393 Words that have no rhyme. Against, bilge, chimney, coif, crimson, culm, cusj^ fugue, revenge, gulf, have, microcosm, month, the verb Dictionary of English Rhymes 55 mouth, oblige^ rhomb, scarce, scarf, silver, widow, win- dow, valve, alb, glebe, bulb, daub, was. " -^C-a/v '\^-^-«- A4A^ I ' 394 Homonyms. A homonym is a word that has the same sound as another word with a different meaning. A word does not rhyme with its homonym or homonyms. Ail, ale. Air, ere, e'er, heir. Alligation, allegation. Aisle, isle, I'll. All, awl. Altar, alter. Arc, ark. Ascent, assent. Ate, eight. Auger, augur. Aught, ought. Bad, bade. Bail, bale. Bald, bawled. Ball, bawl. Ballot, ballet. Bear, bare. Baron, barren. Base, bass. Bay, bey. Bays, baize. Be, bee. Blew, blue. Born, bourne, borne. Beach, beech. Beat, beet. Beau, bow. Been, bin. Beer, bier. Bell, belle. Berry, bury. Berth, birth. Boar, bore. Board, bored. Bold, bowled. Bolder, boulder. Bole, boll, bowl. Borough, burro, burrow. Bough, bow. Brake, break. Breach, breech. Bread, bred. Bridal, bridle. Broach, brooch. Bruise, brews. But, butt. Buy, by, bye. Calendar, calender. Call, caul. Canon, cannon. Canvas, canvass. Chased, chaste. Capital, capitol. Caret, carat, carrot. Cast, caste. Caster, castor. Cause, caws. Cede, seed. 56 Dictionary of English Rhymes Ceil, seal. Ceiling, sealing-. Cell, sell. Cellar, seller. Cent, sent, scent. Censor, censer. Cereal, serial. Cession, session. Chews, choose. Choir, quire. Chord, cord. Chute, shoot. Clause, claws. Climb, clime. Coarse, course. Coat, cote. Collar, choler. Colonel, kernel. Compliment, complement. Coral, corol. Core, corps. Cousin, cozen. Council, counsel. Courser, coarser. Creak, creek. Crews, cruise. Culler, color. Currant, current. Cymbal, symbol. Days, daze. Dear, deer. Deign, Dane. Dew, due.6>o Die, dye. Dire, dyer. Discreet, discrete. Doe, dough. Done, dun. Dost, dust. Draft, draught. Dual, duel. Earn, urn. Eye, ay, aye, I. Ewe, yew, you. Ewer, your. Eyelet, islet. Fain, fein, feign. Faint, feint. Fair, fare. False, faults. Fate, fete. Faun, fawn. Feat, feet. Ferrule, ferule. Find, fined. Fir, fur. Fisher, fissure. Flea, flee. Flew, flue. Flour, flower. Floe, flow. Fore, four, for. Fort, forte. Forth, fourth. Foul, fowl. Frays, phrase. Freeze, frieze. Furs, furze. Gait, gate. Gambol, gamble. Gaul, gali. Gild, guild. Gilt, guilt. Glare, glair. Grate, great. Greater, grater. Dictionary of English Rhymes 57 Grease, Greece. Grieves, greeves. Grisly, grizzly. Groan, grown. Grocer, grosser. Guessed, guest. Hail, hale. Hair, hare. Hall, haul. Hart, heart. Heal, heel. Hear, here. Heard, herd. Hew, hue. Hie, high. Hied, hide. Higher, hire. Him, hymn. Hoes, hose. Hole, whole. Holy, wholly. Hour, our. Hoard, horde. Idle, idol, idyl. In,, inn. Indict, indite. Jam, jamb. Key, quay. Kill, kiln. Knave, nave. Knead, need. Knew, new. Knight, night. Knit, nit. Knot, not. Know, no. Lade, laid. Lain, lane. Leach, leech. Lea, lee. Leave, lieve. Lead, led. Leak, leek. Lean, lien. Leased, least. Levy, levee. Lief, leaf. Lessen, lesson. Lie, lye. Limb, limn. Links, lynx. Liar, lyre. Load, lode. Lock, loch. Loan, lone. Loot, lute. Made, maid. Mail, male. Mark, marque. Manner, manor. Mantel, mantle. Main, Maine, mane. Marshal, martial. Mall, maul. Maize, maze. Mean, mien. Meat, meet, mete. Medal, meddle. Meed, mead. Metal, mettle. Might, mite. Miner, minor. Missal, missle. Missed, mist. Moan, mown. Moat, mote. 58 Dictionary of English Rhymes Mom, mourn. Muscle, mussel. Mustard, mustered. Mews, muse. Nay, neigh. None, nun. Nose, knows. Oar, o'er, ore. Ode, owed. Our, hour. Owe, oh. One, won. Pail, pale. Pain, pane. Pair, pare, pear. Palate, palette. Past, passed. Patience, patients. Pause, paws. Piece, peace. Peak, peek, pique. Peal, peel. Pearl, purl. Pedal, peddle. Peer, pier. Pendant, pendent. Place, plaice. Pistol, pistel. Plain, plane. Plait, plate. Please, pleas. Plum. ])lumb. Pole, poll. Pore, pour. Pray, prey. Praise, prays, preys. Presents, presence. Pride, pried. Principal, principle. Prize, pries. Profit, prophet. Pomace, pumice. Quarts, quartz. Rabbet, rabbit. Rain, rein, reign. Raise, rays, raze. Rap, wrap. Red, read. Reed, read. Reck, wreck. Reek, wreak. Rest, wrest. Retch, wretch. Rhyme, rime. Rice, rise. Rig-ht, rite, wright, write. Ring, wring. Road, rode, rowed. Roe, row. Role. roll. Roam, Rome. Room, rheum. Root, route. Rood, rude. Rose, rows. Rote, wrote. Rough, ruflF. Rye, wry. Sail, sale. Sailor, sailer. Salter, psalter. Sane, seine. .Scene, seen. Scull, skull. Sea, see. Seas, sees, seize. Dictionary of English Rhymes 59 Seam, seem. Sear, seer, sere. Sense, cents. Serf, surf. Serge, surge. Sew, so, sow. Shear, sheer. Shoe, shoo. Shone, shown. Side, sighed. Sighs, size. Sight, site, cite. Slay, sleigh. Sleight, slight. Slew, slue. Slow, sloe. Soar, sore. Soared, sword. Sold, soled. Sole, soul. v^orrte, sum. Son, sun. Stair, stare. Staid, stayed. Stake, steak. Stationary, stationery. Steal, steel. Step, steppe. Stile, style. Straight, strait. Succor, sucker. Suite, sweet. Sutler:, subtler. Tail, tale. Taper, tapir. Tare, tear. Taught, taut. Tea, tee. Teas, tease. Team, teem. Tear, tier. The, thee. Their, there, they're. Throe, throw. Throne, thrown. Threw, through. Thyme, time. Tide, tied. Toe, tow. To, too, two. Told, tolled. Ton, tun. Tract, tracked. Troop, troupe. Turn, tern. Vail, vale, veil. Vain, vane, vein. Vial, viol. Vice, vise. Waist, waste Wait, weight. Ware, wear. Wade, weighed. Waive, wave. Way, weigh. Weak, week. Weather, wither. Whirl, whorl. Wood, would. Yoke, yolk. 6o Dictionary of English Rhymes 395 The following rules apply to Latin and Greek Proper Names and to many words derived from Latin and Greek and to many other words. Rule VII is derived from Rule I. Rules VIII, IX and XI are derived from Rule V. When we speak of one consonant we do not mean the consonant x. Rules for the vowel i apply also to the vowel y. Rule I. a, e, o and u have the long sound, when they are followed by one consonant which is followed by ia, ie, ii, io, iu, ea, ee, ei, eo, eu. ' Rule II. a, e, o and u have their long sound, when they are followed by a mute and liquid which is followed by the same vowels. Examples of Rules The accented vowels in the examples : immediate, cutaneous, ingratiate, grammarian, funereal, eulogium, commodius, erroneous, copious, foliage, duteous, sulphureous, gymnasium, sagacious, phraseology, euphonious, patriarch, ecclesiastic, medieval, immediate, irradiate, plagiarism, sidereal, congenial, magisterial, premium, mediator, barium, I and II. following words are serium, magnesium, sodium, petroleum, collodion, Ignatius, Eulalia, Januarius, Demetrius, Fabian, obedient, tragedian, inebriate, expedient, Dictionary of English Rhymes 6i Damian, 'Antonius, Cornelius. Adrian, Anastasia, Gabriel, Athanasius, The principal exceptions are national, rational, discretion, precious and gladiator. Rule III. The vowel i has the short sound when it is fol- lowed by a consonant and two vowels. The accented i in the following words is an ex- ample : opinion, filial, filiation, dimidiate, novitiate, oblivion, opposition, condition, optician, beneficial, musician, Maximian, Cecilia, Bibiana. Exceptions. Accented i in ditheism and tritheism and the first i in words formed from idea have the long sound ; as, idealogy. Rule IV. A, e and o have the short sound when they are followed by a consonant u and a vowel; as accented a in gradual and casual. Rule V. An accented non-penultimate vowel has the short sound when it is followed by one consonant, a vowel, and a consonant. U in this position has the long sound. Examples. O in barometer in which o is followed by the con- sonant m, the vowel e, and the consonant t. The accented vowels in the following words are also examples : oculist, chemistry, gravity, hilarity, janitor, tenacity, sanity, nebular, velocity, vernacular, cosmology, solidity, operate, astronomy, telephone, 62 Dictionary of English Rhymes penetrate, tenebrae, centrifugal, monument, tolerance, probable, spiritual, family, charity, evidence, platinum, silicon. Polycarp, Dominic, Ag-atha, Hieronimus, Christophorus, Heliopolis, Damascene, Benedict, Leonidas, Monica, Felicitas, medical. secondary, academy, divinity, monitor, Stanislaus, Nicolaus, Catharine, sycophant, quinquagesima, holograph, secular. Exceptions. Nearly all the exce])tions are in words which have an accent on the first syllable, as o in phonograph and i in viticulture. The endings able, ible, ably, ery, ory and mono- syllabic suffixes generally do not change the pronun- ciation of the syllable or the word to which they arc added. Examples. Advisable, vitalize, scenery, votary, notary, agency, diplomacy. Rule VI. Accented a, e, i and o have the short sound when they are followed by a consonant and the ending ic; as in tonic, conic, scenic, phonic, logic, euphonic, strategic. Pacific, harmonic. A in basic is an exception. Rule VII. A, e, o. and u followed by one consonant and the endings ia, iac, ial, ian, eal, eous, ious, have the accent and the long sound : as a in spontaneous. I followed by one consonant and those endings has the short sound according to Rule III. Dictionary of English Rhymes 63 Rule VIII. A, e, i, and o have the accent and the short sound when they are followed by a consonant and the end- ings acal, ical, itude, ulous, efy, ify, ity, ety; as in charity, sanity, probity, plenitude, rarefy, edify. Rule IX. Words with the following terminations have the accent on the antepenult and the vowel in that syllable has the short sound, if it be not u : ferous ; as, argentiferous, meter ; as, barometer, cracy ; as, democracy. nomy; as, astronomy, geny ; as, progeny. pathy ; as, antipathy, gonal ; as, diagonal. phony ; as, telephony, graphy ; as, geography. vorous ; as, carnivorous, gony ; as, cosmogony. tomy ; as, anatomy, logy ; as, theology. Rule X. All vowels have their long sounds when they are accented and followed by a vowel, as i in piety and society. Rule XI. Accented non-penultimate ar, er, ir and or have their short sound when followed by a vowel and a consonant. Examples for ar, er, and ir. Charity, celerity, virulent. Or in this position has not the sound of aw in cause or the sound of or in cord, but the o in this position has the sound of o in not. Examples for or. Historical, historic, orator, origin, priority, majority, authority, categorical, seniority, minority, orifice, oracle, orison, oratorical. Hence o in historical has not the sound of o in historian. See Rule VII. 64 Dictionary of English Rhymes Exception. The rule does not apply to derivatives or com- pounds of words endings in ore and ory; as, deplore, deplorable, glory, glorify, scorify. Rule XII. When or is followed by i and another vowel, or has the sound of o in orient. Examples. Historian and oriental. Rule XII holds also when or is followed by e and a vowel. Rule XIII. O has the short sound of o in not in the follow- ing words of two syllables: Orange, coral, forage, foreign, sporule, moral, for- est, florid and florin. Also in the nouns process, produce, product, progress, project, prophet, proverb, province, provost, and in promise, profit, proper. O in oral and orally has not the short sound of o in not. Rule XIV. Every vowel has the short sound when it is fol- lowed by rr, as the vowel before rr in carry, terrible, irritate, sorrow, hurry, abhorrent, abhorrence. Exceptions. Err, erred, burr, burred, whirring, whirred, myhrr, purr, stirring, stirred, skirr, abhorring, abhorred and accented erred and urred in verbs, as, conferred and concurred. The rule does not apply to words containing w or q; as, warrant, quarry, worry. Rule XV. The sound of a in arm is used when a is followed bv r and a consonant not r ; as a in card. Dictionary of English Rhymes 65 The sound of o in ford is used when o is followed by r and a consonant which is not r; as o in cord. The sound of e in fern is used when e is followed by r and a consonant which is not r; as e in herd. The sound of e in fern is used also when i is fol- lowed by r and a consonant which is not r; as i in bird. The sound of e in fern is used also when u is fol- lowed by r and a consonant which is not r; as u in curd. The rule does not apply to words containing w or q ; as, word and quarter. Rule XVI. In monosyllables and in words accented on the last syllable a vowel has the long sound when it is fol- lowed by one consonant and final e; as, i in fine and o in depose. Exceptions. Bade, give, live, there, where, elsewhere, ere, have, one, done, none, undone, come, some, love, above, dove, glove, shove, approve, disprove, disapprove, improve, groove, prove, reprove, move, and words ending in are and ore. Rule XVII. In Latin and Greek proper names and in many other words an accented penultimate vowel has the long sound when it is followed by one consonant or by a mute and a liquid; as i in Martinus and y in asylum, and accented a in Bibiana. Rule XVIII. Dissyllables ending in id and it derived from Latin words ending in idum and itum have both vowels short; as the vowels in debit, credit, valid, placid, rigid, licit. The rule does not apply to the vowel u which is long in such a position ; as u in lucid. 66 Dictionary of English Rhymes Rule XIX. Ex at the beginning of a word is pronounced ex, that is, eks and not egz. Examples. Exaltation, exultation, exercise, execute, exigent, exit, explain, extend, exhibition, exhortation, exhale, exhume, excitation, exheredate, and exile and ex- emplary if we accent exile and exemplary on the first syllable. H after initial ex is silent except in exhale, ex- heredate, exhume and words formed from them ; as, exhumation. Exception I. Ex at the beginning of a word is pronounced egz when it is followed by a vowel which has the pri- mary or secondary accent. Examples. Exalt, exult, examine, example, exert, exertion, ex- empt. Exception II. Ex at the beginning of a word is pronounced egz when it is followed by silent h and a vowel which has the primary or the secondary accent. Examples. Exhibit, exhort, exhaust, exhilarate. Note. — The Century Dictionary follows these rules for ex. Rule XX. U contains the sound of y when it is followed by a vowel and when it is followed by one consonant and wben it is followed by a mute and liquid. Dictionary of English Rhymes 67 Hence tube is Institute Constitution " Fortitude Popular Salutary Unit Genuine '' Particular " Singular " Population *' During " Consume ** Resume " pronounced tyube. instityute. constityu-shun. fortityude. popyular. salyutary. yunit. genyuine. particyular. singyular. popyulation. dyuring. consyume. resyume. Exception I. Accented su when it is followed by r and a vowel is pronounced shu ; as in insure, assure, insurance, assurance, surety. It has this sound also in the word sure. Sure at the end of a word is pronounced zhur when it is preceded by an accented vowel ; as in pleasure, measure, enclosure. Unaccented sure at the end of a word is pro- nounced shur when it is preceded by a consonant; as in censure, pressure. Exception II. Tu is pronounced chu when it follows immediately a syllable which has the primary accent. Hence cul- ture is culchur and fortune is forchun. It is pronovmced chu also in the ending culture ; as in agriculture. Tu is chu also in spiritual and words formed from it; as spirituality. Exception III. Du is pronounced ju when it follows immediately a 68 Dictionary of English Rhymes syllable having the primary accent ; as, du in verdure which is pronounced verjure. Exception IV. Su is pronounced shu or zhu w^hen it follows a vowel having the primary accent ; as, su in casual and Jesuit. Exception V. Initial ru is pronounced roo when it is not followed by two consonants; as, rule is rool, ruin is roo-in. Rule XXI. U has the short sound only when it is followed by X or two consonants or by a final consonant ; as in cherub. U has the short sound in the prefix un, as in un-adorned; also in the prefix sub. Rule XXII. The termination sion is pronounced zhun when it is preceded by a vowel : as in explosion, invasion, cohesion, decision. The termination sion is pronounced shun when it is preceded by a consonant ; as in extension, conver- sion, expulsion, version, expansion, immersion, dimen- sion. Rule XXIII. The article a has the obscure sound of a in about. The vowel e in the article the has the obscure sound of a in about or the obscure sound of the first e in necessity when it is followed by a word beginning with a consonant sound. When it is followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound, the vowel e in the article the has the sound of e in be. Rule XXIV. Unaccented a at the end of a word has never the long sound of a in made, but it has the obscure sound of final a in America, alpha and Bibiana. *M w ^ Mm "^"^"-^^r^i m^ BORJIOWEJ .T«flj«i YB J 242-