Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofoldboOOIongrich CATALOGUE OF OLD BOOKS, IN THE ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES AND VARIOUS CLASSES OF LITERATURE: COMPRISING SEVERAL VALUABLE LIBRARIES AND NUMEROUS ARTICLES OF GREAT RARITY, RECENTLY PURCHASED. TO BE SOLD AT THE PRICES AFFIXED TO EACH BY LONGMAN, HURST, BEES, ORME,AND BRO WN, PATERNOSTER-ROW, LONDON. 1817. H. Bryer, Printer, Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London. INDEX. Folio. 4to. 8vo. 12mo. &c. History, Biography, Antiquities, and Mis. cellanies. English 1 34 88 152 Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei •• 183 202 214 222 Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Va- rious Languages 230 249 269 296 Facetiae, or Books of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. Various Languages 315 319 328 334 English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama <•••• 349 356 393 425 Magic, Witchcraft, Alchymy, Physiognomy, &c. Various Languages • • • • 459 460 465 468 Natural History, Anatomy, &c. Various Languages 472 478 485 490 Mathematics, Sciences, &c. Various Lan- guages 494 497 502 502 Livres Francais ; Libri Itatiani ; Libros Espanoles; Deutsche Bucher, &c.»... 508 525 544 560 Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. Various Languages 579 587 595 609 Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. 614 631 645 668 Reprinted Editions of Rare Books 678 679 685 685 (C^ Libraries, or small collections of old books, purchased upon liberal terms. 185 HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, AND MISCELLANIES.— ENGLISH. FOLIO. 1. A CRONYCLE of Englonde— 2&teCft %ttttt— £105. Lond. by WL. J&ad)Utti», circa ] 483; No name of printer, place or date, appears in this volume, but as "the type is precisely the same as that of the Speculum Christiani, printed by Machlinia, no doubt can be entertained of this having been pro- duced by the same press. It would be useless to comment upon the extreme rarity of this book, but it may be added, that a copy, in the possession of Earl Spencer, is believed to be the only perfect one in existence. The present is perfect with the exception of four leaves, viz, a 1, a 2, X 2, X 7. As the Libraries of several Gentlemen pos- sess fragments, it is probable that these defects may be remedied; 2. Atkyns's (Sir Robert) Ancient and present State of Gloccster- shire ; plates, large v aver, fine copy, half bound, russia back, gilt leaves, £ 9- Lond. 1768. 3, Ashmolr's (Klias) Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter ; with the Catalogue of the Knights-Companions and Officers continued to l693 ; plates by Hollar, neat, £6. l6s. 6d. ib. l6£)S. 4. Another Copy, russia extra, blank tooled, gilt leaves, &c. o^lO. 10s. ib. 1693. 5. — History and Antiquities of Berkshire ; with the map, fine copy, in the original binding, =£8. 10a 1 "Reading, I? 36. 6. Anderson's (James) Royal Genealogies: or the Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes, from Adam to these Times : neat, in russia, £ 2. 5s.* Lond. 1732. A 2 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7. ^sop's Fables, (a collection of Prints, by Stoop, &c. in illus- tration of) in a bound volume, £l. 15s. 8. Athenian Society (the History of the) for resolving all nice and curious Questions, frontispiece, half-bound, £ 1. Is. Lond. 1692. 9. Adams's (J.) Index Villaris ; or an Alphabetical Table of all the Cities, Towns, &c. in England and Wales, large paper, in old morocco, £ 2. 2s. ib. 1680. 10. Abercrombie's (Thomas) Martial Atchievements of the Scottish Nation, 2 vols, neat, £2. 5s. Edinburgh, 1711. 11. Bunbury's (Henry) Prints: (an extensive collection of) com- prising his Illustrations of Shakespeare ; a variety of whim- sical Caricatures, Portraits, and Eccentric Groupes, mounted on elephant paper, and bound in russia. 12. Buck's (Samuel and Nathaniel) Antiquities ; or venerable Remains of about Four Hundred Castles, Monasteries, Palaces, 6cc. &c. in England and Wales, with near One Hundred Views of Cities and Chief-Towns — good impressions, 3 vols, russia, marbled leaves, £ 31. 10s. Lond. 1774. 13. Biographia Britannica : or the Lives of the most eminent Per- sons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, 7 vols, half-bound, uncut, £ 11. lis. ib. 1747-66. 14. Bridges' (John) History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, by Whalley, with plates, 2 vols, neat, £ 13. 13s. Oxon. 1791. 15. Borlase's (William) Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, and the Natural History, of the County of Cornwall, plates, 2 vols, neat, £7. 7s. ib. 1758-6*0. 16. Another Copy, plates, 2 vols, half-bound, £6.*»ib. 1754-58. 17. Barnes's (Joshua) History of that most victorious Monarch Ed- ward III. King of England, portraits, neat, £l. lis. 6d. Cambridge, 1688. " Barnes has diligently collected whatever was to be had (far and near) upon the several passages of this great King's reign." — Nicholson's English Historical Libiary. 18. Britannia Illustrata : or Views of several of the Queen's Pa- laces, as also of the Principal Seats of the Nobility and History, biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Folio. 3 Gentry of Great Britain, comprised in 80 engravings, fine impressions, half-bound, £3. 10s. • • Lond. 1707. lp. Baker's (Sir Richard) Chronicle of the Kings of England, with frontispiece, neat, 14*. ib. 1660. 20. Another Copy, with frontispiece, neat, 18*. ib. 1696. 21. Another Copy, frontispiece wanting, clean copy, 15s. ib. 1684. 22. Book of St. Albans ; containing the Treatises of Hawking, Hunting, Coat of Armour, Fishing, and Biasing of Arms, reprinted from the rare edition of Wynhyn de JVorde, boards, £8 ib. 1811. 23. Another Copy, russia, gilt leaves, blank tooled and joints, of 5 10. ib. 1811. 24. Blagdon's (Francis William) Brief History of Ancient and Mo- dern India ; with 24 coloured Views in Hindostan from original Pictures painted by Danielis ; and 12 coloured Views of Places in the Kingdom of Mysore; descriptions of the Places, and a detail of part of the Operations of the Army under the Marquis Cornwallis, by R. H. Colbrooke, oblong size, half -bound, russia, £\\. lis. ib. 1805. 25. Beaumont's (Albanis) Travels through the Rhsetian Alps, from Italy to Germany through the Tyrol, plates, boards, £2. 10s. ib. 1792. 26. • Travels through the Maritime Alps, from Italy to Lyons across the Way of Col de Tende ; and select Views in the South of France, with plates, boards, £4>. 4s. ib. 1794-5. 27. — — Views of the Antiquities and Harbours in the South of France, with Topographical and Historical Descriptions, boards, £ 2. 2s. ib. 1794. 28. Travels from France to Italy through the Lepontine Alps, with plates, boards, £ 1. l6s. "ib. 1806. 29. Another Copy, half-bound, £l. 16s. ib. 1806. 30. Burnet's (Bishop) History of his Own Time, 2 vols. £% 2s. ib. 1724. 31. -fine copy ) 2 vols. £ 2. 12*. 6d. ib. 1725. 4 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 32. Bell's Weekly Messenger, a Sunday Newspaper, from the year 1806 to 1815, being 10 years, in numbers, £6. 33. Brown's (Edward) Travels in divers parts of Europe, plates, 9s. ib. 1687. 31. Bacon's (Lord) History of King Henry VII. 5s. ib. 1641. 35. Resuscitatio, or Bringing into Publick Light several Pieces, Civil, Historical, Philosophical, and Theological, hitherto Sleeping, by W. Rawley, portrait, 6s. 6d.-*ib. 1(561. 36. and Godwyn's History of the Reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. Edward VI. and Queen Mary, half-bound, 9s. 6d. ib. I676. 37. British Mercury, a Weekly Periodical Paper, from Oct. 15, 1712, to July 28, 1714, half-bound, 7s. 6d. 38. Bocalini's (Trajano) Advertisements from Parnassus : in Two Centuries, with the Political Touchstone, with head, half- bound, 7 s. ib. 1679. 39. Brady's (Robert) Introduction to the Old English History with the continuation, 3 vols. £2 12*. 6d. ib. 1684-1700. 40. Another Copy without the Continuation, 2 vols. £1. 10*. ib. 1684. 41. Burghley's (William Cecil Lord) collection of State Papers re- lating to the affairs of Queen Elizabeth, by Murdin, boards, £l. 5s. ib. 1757. 42. Burghley's (Lord) State Papers relating to Affairs in the Reigns of Kings Henry VIII. Edward VI. Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth, by Haines, fine copy, £2. 6s. ib. 1740. This Work is peculiarly interesting, as it contains the examinations and depositions made in a " delicate investigation" respecting the familiarities that passed between Elizabeth, when Princess, and Seymour the Lord High Admiral, the particulars of which are truly curious. 43. Bentivoglio's (Cardinal) History of the Wars of Flanders, trans- lated by the Earl of Monmouth, Portrait and Map, neat in brown calf, 18s. ib. 1678* 44. Bartholoma>us de Proprictatibus Rerum, translated into Englyshe, (Title and four leaves of the Table wanting) half- bound, £3. 3s. ib. by Berthelet, 1535. 45. Boyer's (Abel) History of Queen Anne, Portraits, bad copy, &s. ib. 1735. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies, English.— Folio. 5 46. British Gallery of Portraits, finely engraved, and illustrated by- Biographical Sketches, the first eleven Numbers, elegant in russia, gilt leaves, £9- 9s. • Land. 1808-12. 47. Burton's (Robert) Anatomy of Melancholie, with frontispiece, neat, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1660. 48. (William) Description of Leicestershire, map, boards, 15s. - . Lynn, 1777. 49. Brathwait's (Richard) English Gentleman and Gentlewoman, 15s. Lond. 1641 . 50. Another Copy, half-bound russia, 18s. ib. 1641. 51. Brath wait's (Richard) Time's Treasury, or Academy for Gentry, with a tine frontispiece by Marshall, £l. l6s. • • • • ib. 1652. This work is, in fact, ■ The English Gentleman,' but agreeable to a custom, which was too prevalent, the genuine title has been super- seded by another, probably intended to be more striking. 52. Buck's (George) History of the Life and Reigne of Richard IIL with Portrait by Cross, neat, £l. Is. • • • • ib. 1647. 53. Brown's (Thomas) Enquiries into Vulgar and Common Errors> very neat, \5s. ....... • ib. 1646. 54. Browne's (Alexander) Ars Pictoria, or an Academy treating of Drawing, Painting, Limning, Etching, &c. with plates, calf extra, £\. 10s. • ib. 1675. 55. Beawes's (Wyndham) Lex Mercatoria, or a complete Code of Commercial Law, enlarged and improved by Mortimer, very neat in calf, £2. 2s. ib. 1792. 56. Bowen's (Emanuel) complete System of Geography, Maps, 2 vols, neat, £l.5s.— •* 1747. 57. Caxton's Cato Magnus. — Here begynneth the prologue or pro- hemye of the book callid Caton, whiche booke hath ben translated in to Englysshe by Mayster Benet Burgh, late Archdeken of Colchester and bye chanon of saint Stephens at Westmestre, which ful craftly hath made it in balade ryal for the erudicion of my lord Bousher, Sone & heyr at that tyme to my lord the erle of Estsex. And by cause of late cam to my hand a book of the said Caton in Frensshe, whiche reherceth many a fayr lernynge and notable ensamples, I have translated it oute of freDsshe in to Englysshe, as al 6 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, along here after shalle appiere, which I presente unto the Cyte of london— f$iath %ttttt — a fine large copy, in morocco, with joints, fyc* • • »by ©axton in thabbay of west' mynstre, 1483. This rare volume commences with Caxton's Preface, which is a most interesting production. The present copy begins, it is believed in common with all others, with sig. ii. and concludes with the colophon on the recto of i. ix. The entire number of leaves, including one blank (a. i.) at the end of the table, is seventy-seven. 58. Carte's (Thomas) History of the Life of James Duke of Ormonde, 3 vols, neat, £7. 7 s. Lond. 1736. 59. History of England, 3 vols, (the 4th being wanting) £5. 5s. ib. 1647. 60. Chauncy's (Sir Henry) Antiquities of Hertfordshire, a remark- ably fine copy, elegantly bound in russia, old style, blank tooled, gilt leaves and joints, £2±. ib. 1700. This Copy wants but one Plate, viz. Newsell's Bury, which is so extremely rare, that few Copies possess it. 61. Another Copy, three plates wanting, elegant in russia, gilt leaves, c£l8. ib. 1700. 62. Another Copy, several plates wanting, but has some original Drawings, russia, gilt leaves, £\4>. ib. 1 700. 63. Camden's (William) Britannia, by R. Gough; maps and plates, 4 vols, russia, gilt leaves, £17- * ib. 1S06. 64. fine paper, with coloured maps, 4 vols, russia, gilt leaves, £20. • • "ib. I8O0*. 65. by R. Gough ; with maps, §c. 3 vols, neat, e£l4. 14s. ib. 17%9- 66. Another Set, 3 vols, neat, £15. 15s. ib. 1789- 67. Camden's (William) Britannia, by Gibson; neat, £l. Is. ib. 1695. 68. -* History of Queen Elizabeth, neat, 1 5s. ib. 1675. 69- Clarke's (James) Survey of the Lakes of Cumberland, West- moreland, and Lancashire, maps, boards, £ 1.11s. 6d. ib. 1789- 70. Complete History of England; with the Lives of all the Kings and Queens thereof, from the earliest account of History, Biography, Antiquities, Sp Miscellanies. English. — Folio. 7 time, to the death of King William the Third ; by Milton, Daniel, Habington, Sir Thomas More, Buck, Lord Herbert, Sir John Haywood, Camden, &c. — compiled by Kennett; fine heads, 3 vols, neat in calf, £3. 3*.« •**•,••' Lond. 1706. 71. Another Copy, best edition, 3 vols, neat, £-i.4s. •"•ib. 17ig. 72. Cotman's (J. S.) Engravings of the most remarkable of the Sepulchral Brasses in the County of Norfolk, complete in 10 numbers, £3. 3s. Yarmouth, 1815. 73. Cromwelliana ; or Chronological detail of events in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged, boards, 12?.« -West. 1810. 74. Conspiracies against Charles II. (Account of) 5s. » -Lond. 1685. 75. Cleveland's (E.) Genealogical History of the noble and illustrious family of Courtenay, with a collection of Deeds and Instruments, and other Writings referred to in the foregoing History, very neat, £2. l6s. Exon. 1735. 76. Collins's (Arthur) Historical Collections of the noble Families of Cavendishe, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle, with the lives of the most remarkable Persons, very fine impressions of the portraits, neat, £7. 10*. Lond. 1752. 77. Catrou and Rouille's Roman History, with Notes, Historical, Geographical, and Critical, translated by Bundy, plates, 6 vols, very neat, £4>. 4,s. ib. 1728. 78. Cruttwell's (Rev. C.) Universal Atlas, half-bound, £l. Is. • *n.d. 79. Costumes of various Nations, &c. — Smith's Selections of the Ancient Costume of Great Britain and Ireland, from the seventh to the sixteenth Century. — Pyne's Costume of Great Britain. — Walker's Costume of Yorkshire illustrated by a series of forty Engravings, being fac-similes of original Drawings, with descriptions in English and French. — Muller's Costume of the Empire of Russia. — Alexander's Costume of China, illustrated in forty-eight coloured Engravings. — Solvyns' Costume of Hindostan, elucidated by sixty coloured Engravings, with descriptions in English and French. — Bertrand de Moleville's Costume of the Hereditary Estates of the House of Austria, displayed in fifty coloured Engravings, with descriptions and an Intro- duction. — Colnaghi's Costume of Portugal. — Dalvimart's 8 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. Costume of Turkey, illustrated by a series of Engravings, with descriptions in English and French.— Van Lerberghi's Italian Scenery, representing the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the different States of Italy. — A Collection of the Dresses of different Nations, Antient and Modern, particularly old English Dresses, after the designs of Holbein, Vandyke, Hollar, and others ; with descriptions in English and French : the whole forming a splendid and interesting Collection, 12 vols, elegantly bound in green morocco, gilt leaves, £$0. Lond. 1757-181 5. 80. Costume of Hindostan by Bait. Solvyns of Calcutta, half-bound, russia back and corners, £5. 5s. ib. 1804. 81. . — . the Russian Empire, illustrated by upwards of seventy richly coloured engravings, with descriptions in English and French, elegantly bound in rnssia, gilt /eaves, £6. 6s. ib.l 803. 32. Great Britain and Ireland, from the seventh to the sixteenth Century, fine coloured engravings, with their des- criptions ; half-bound, c£lO. ib. 1815. 83. Cassar's Commentaries, translated by William Duncan ; with numerous fine plates, very neat, £5. 15s. 6d. ib. 1753. 84-. Chardin's (Sir John) Travels into Persia, and the East Indies, through the Black Sea and the Country of Colchis, with portrait and plates, very neat, £2. 2s. ib. l686\ 85. Chishull's (Edmund) Travels in Turkey, neat, 7 s. 6d.- -ib. 17*7. 86. Cabala, or the mysteries of State and Government in Letters of Illustrious Persons, in the Reigns of Henry the Eighth, Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles, with frontispiece by Fait home, good copy, £l. Is. • • • • ib. 169L 87. Churchill's (Edmund) Remarks upon the Lives of all the Kings of this Isle, from the year of the World 2855, unto the year of Grace, 1660, 7s. ib. 1675. 88. Crawfurd's (George) Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Crown and State in Scotland, from the beginning of the reign of King David the First, to the Union of the two Kingdoms, neat, £2. 10s, » ib. 173fJ. History, Biography, Antiquities, & Miscellanies. English. — Folio. 9 #9. Caulfield's (James) Court of Queen Elizabeth, originally written by Sir Robert Naunton, under the title of Fragmenta Regalia, with Biographical additions, portraits, large pater ,boards, £2. 12s. 6d. Lond. 1814. 90. Catalogue of the Harleian Collection of Manuscripts in the British Museum, 2 vols. h. b. russia 9 £l. l6s. • • • *ib. 1759- 91. Clarendon's (Edward, Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, portraits, 3 vols, neat, £3. 10s. Oxon. 1702. 92. Another Copy, with his Life, and continuation of the History of the Rebellion, portraits, 4 vols, large paper, neat, <£io. 10*. ib. 1707, &c. 93. Dictes and notable wyse Sayenges of the Phylosophers, emprynted by me gStttltam <£axt0tt, at Westmcstre, the year of our Lord M.CCCC.LXXVH. This very rare book is quite perfect as described in Dibdin's edition of Ames. It is the first Edition, and superbly bound in morocco, joints, &c. 9-i. Dugdale's (William) Monasticon Anglicanum, in English, plates 9 £5. 5s. ib. 1718. 95. Stevens's Conti- nuation to, Vol. I. neat, £3. 3s. Lond. 1 722. 96. with Stevens's Con- tinuation, fine impressions of the plates, 3 vols, elegantly bound in russia, blank tooled, gilt leaves, £34>. ib. 171 8, SfC, 97' — Baronage of England, 2 vols, in 1, elegant in calf, .£10. 10$. ib. 1675. 98. Ditto, a very fine and tall copy, 2 vols, neat in calf £13.135. ib. 1675. 99' ■ — Antiquities of Warwickshire, plates, neat 9 £14. 14«. ib. 1656. 100. History of St. Paul's Cathedral, with portrait and plates by Hollar, £5. 5s. ib. 1658. 101. Another Copy, £7. 7s. ib. 160S. 102. by Maynard, neat, £7. 7s. ib. 1716. 103. — . russia, £9. 9s. >ib.\7\6. B 10 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 104. Dugrl ale's (William) Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the great Councils and Parliament of this Realm, fne copy, russia, gilt leaves, £3. 13s. 6d. Lofid. 1685. 105. Short View of the late Troubles in England, with portrait, 15s. Oxon. 1 68 1 . 106. Drake's (Francis) History and Antiquities of the City of York, together with the History of the Cathedral Church, and the Lives of the Archbishops of that See; with numerous Jine engravings, neat, £l2. 12*. Lond. 1736. 107. Another Copy, russia, <£l3. 13-s. ib. 1736. 108. wants Tide, half-bound, £7. 7s. ib.1736. 10(). with the Anns, $c. coloured, in russia, blank tooled, £15. 15s. ib.1736. 110. Dart's (J.) History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's Westminster, and the Cathedral Church of Canter- bury, with plates, 3 vols, russia extra, marbled leaves, £15. 15*. ib. 1723-36. HI. Cathedral Church of Canterbury, plates, £l. 10s. ib. 1 726. 112. — Another Copy, plates, £l. l6s. ib.17%6. 113. Description and History of the Metropolitan and Cathedral Churches of Canterbury and York, numerous plates, neat, £4,. 4s. ib. 1755. 114. Diodorus Siculus, translated by Cogan, calf, elegant, £l. 5s. ib. 1653. 115. Danieli's (Thomas and William) Oriental Scenery, viz. Four Series of Views in Hindoostan — a Series of Indian An- tiquities — and Hindoo Excavations in the Mountain of Ellora; the whole forming a collection of 144 engravings in aquatinta, (24 inches by 17) which are most exquisitely finished in colours to imitate the original Drawings, mounted upon and interleaved with drawing paper, 6 vols, elephant size, half-' bound, with a descriptive Volume, in 8vo. ,£180.. • 1803, &c. A case for the reception and display of these inimitable views, has been constructed upon a principle admirably adapted to those purposes, as ■well as the advantage of being an ornament to the Library, at a moderate expence. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Folio. 11 llfj. Drummond's (Alexander) Travels in Germany, Italy, Greece, and Asia, many plates, 10s. 6d. • • • Lond. 1754. 117. Daniel's (Samuel) and John Trussell's Collection of the History of England, neat, 12s. • ib. 1685. 118. De Solis's (Antonio) History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, portrait by Vertue, and other plates, l6s. 6d. ib. 1724. 1 19. Declaration concerning the late Tumults in Scotland, by Charles I. 6s. ib. 1639. 120. ■ ' m l with portrait, neat, 9s. . • . ib. 16*39. 121. D'Ewes' (Sir Simonds) Journals of the Parliaments in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 12*. • ib. 16*82. 122. Davila's (H. C.) Historic of the Civil Warres of France, £l.6s. ib. 1647. 123. Duhalde's (P.J. B.) Description of the Empire of China and Chinese Tartary, plates, 2 vols, in 1 , £% 10s. • • • • ib. 1 738. 124. Another Copy, 2 vols, neat, £3. 10s. ib. 1738. 125. Douglas's (Robert) Peerage of Scotland, with plates, £l. l6s. Edinb. 1764. 126. De Gomberville's Doctrine of Morality, exemplifyed in one hundred and three copper-plates, by Monsieur Daret, with letter-press Descriptions, neat, 15s. Lond. 1721. 127« Defoe's (Daniel) History of the Union of Great Britain, l6s. Edinb. 1709. 128. De la Loubere's Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Siam, with plates, very neat, £l. lls.6d. Lond. 16*93. 129* Digges's (Sir Dudley) Compleat Ambassador, frontispiece, neat,£l. Is. ib. 1655. 130. Edmondson's (Joseph) Complete Body of Heraldry, large paper, coloured plates, 2 vols, elegant in russia,£24. ib.lTSO. 131. Engravings (a Collection of 130 xcell-executed, curious and very interesting) engraved by Crispin Pass, John Collaert, and I. and P. Galle, in one volume, neat, ,£10. This singular series of prints combines so great a variety of subjects, that a B2 12 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. minute description would occupy many pages; it commences with il- lustrations of the attributes of the four elements j then the four periods of the day; next follow picturesque representations of the employments and amusements peculiar to each month, which are succeeded by the four seasons. Next appear, an Astronomer making observations; a Ship ©f War ; a Water Mill ; Statuary and Painting ; Copper-plate Engraving and Printing ; Wind Mill ; Letter-press Printing, with many others of a similar kind. The next portion is a long series of prints, which exhibit the various ways of catching or destroying Birds and Animals, many of a most singular and grotesque description. The volume end3 with figures of the Horse, Mule, and Ass, peculiar to various Countries. 132. Enfield's (William) History of Leverpool, plates, half-bound, 133. Enderbie's (Percy) Cambria riumphans, or Britain in its perfect lustre, shewing the Origin and Antiquity of that illustrious Nation, the original edition, with an Index, neat, £5. 5s. ib. 1661. 134. Reprint, russia, £ 3. 3s. ib. 1810. 135. LARGE PAPER, of which only a few copies were printed, boards, £4>. 4s." ib. 181Q. 3 36. Evelyn's (John) Discourse of Medals, Antient and Modern, plates, very neat, 18s. ib. 169/. 137- England Displayed, being anew, complete, and accurate survey of England and Wales, by Russell and Price, with numerous fine plates, 2 vols, neat, £2. 2s. • •• ib. 1779. 138. Fayttes of Armes (The Book of) and of Chyvalrye, in red mo- rocco, Emprynted by OT. ©axton, Lond. 1489. This " boke beyng in freshe was delyuered to me Willm Caxton by the most crysten Kyuge and redoubted Prynce my naturel and souerayn Lord Kyng Henry VII. Kyng of Eoglond and of Fraunee, and desired and wylled me to translate this said boke and reduce it in to our Eng- lish and natural Tonge." 139. Fowler's (William) Engravings of the principal Mosaic Pave- ments,\vhich have been discovered in the course of the last and the present Centuries in Great Britain ; also Engravings of several Subjects in stained Glass in the Windows in the Cathedrals of York, Lincoln, &c. &c. each plate finely co- loured after its original Subject, a beautiful work, 2 vols, half-bound, russia^ o£31. 10$. History, Biography, Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. English. — Folio. 13 140. Fowler's (J.) History of the Troubles of Suethland and Poland, •with portraits, £l. 6s. • • Lond. 1654. 141. Freart's (Roland) Parallel of the Ancient Architecture with the Modern, by Evelyn, 5*. ■ ib. 1723. 142. Fiddes's (Richard) Life of Cardinal Wolsey; portraits, (one wanting) large paper, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1724. 143. Foulis's (Henry) History of the Wicked Plots and Conspiracies of our Pretended Saints, 6s. ib. 1 662. 144. Fabian's Chronicle, which he nameth the concordaunce of Histories, — 2B(acft %ttttt — very neat, £5. 5s. Lond. by iftgnggton, 1559. 145. Fuller's (Thomas) History of the Worthies of England, head, neat, £6. l6s. 6d. Lond. 1 662. 146. russia, £8. ib. 1662. This was a presentation Copy from the Author, as appears by the Manu- script on the Title. 147. Folkes's (Mart.) Coins comprised in 42 plates, in which are introduced the various Coins of England, from Edward the Third to Charles the Second inclusive, neat,£2. 125. 6d. n. d. 148. Feltham's (Owen) Resolves, Frontispiece, 15s. •• Lond. 1677. 149. Fox (Sir Stephen) Memoirs of the Life of, with portraits, large paper, russia, £2. 10s. ib, 1807. 150. Another Copy, illustrated with 18 fine Portraits, &c. including King Charles the first on Horse-back, by Hollar, half-bound, russia back and corners, £l . Us. ib. 1807. 151. Forbes's (Dr.) View of the Public Transactions of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. £1. 10*. ib. 1740. 152. Fryer's (John) New Account of East India and Persia, portrait and plates, £ 1 . 5s. ib. 1 698. 153. Felibien's Tent of Darius Explained, or the Queen of Persia at the Feet of Alexander, in French and English, fine plate, neat, £l. 5s. ib. 1703. 154. Favine's (Andrew) Theater of Honour and Knight- Hood, many cuts, calf, extra, £9- 9s. ♦ ib. l6"23. 14 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 155. Game and Playe of the Chesse, translated out of the French, hnpryntcd by Wi. <£axton, JFestm. 1474. This Work is one of the rarest productions of Caxton's Press, and is RE- PUTED TO BE THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN ENGLAND. For a detailed account of it, vide Mr. Dibdin's edition of Ames's Ty- pography, Vol. I. p. 28. 156. Gough's (Richard) Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain applied to illustrate the History of Families, Manners, Habits, and Arts, at the different periods from the Norman Conquest to the Seventeenth Century, with an immense collection of fine engravings, a remarkably clean set, 2 vols, bound in 5, russia, gilt leaves, £jo. ib. 1786, &c. There are few complete Sets of the above splendid Work, which are not stained, but the present Copy is entirely free from defect. 157. Another Copy, wanting the Indexes and Preface to the second volume, 2 vols. .£18. >Lojid. 1786, &c. 158. Grotius's (Hugo) Rights of War and Peace, in three books, wherein are explained the Law of Nature and Nations, and the principal points relating to Government, with Notes by Barbeyrac, neat, £3. 10s. ib. J 738. 159. Gentleman's Recreations in Horsemanship, Hawking, Hunting, Fowling, Fishing, &c. with near 100 curious plates, neat, £5. 5s. » ib. 1710. 160. Guillim's (John) Display of Heraldry, a very fine tall and clean copy, best edition, neat in russia, £6. 6s. 1724. 161. ' • ■ with the Arms Emblazoned, large pater, neat in russia, <£4>. 4s. Lond. l679» 162. Gordon's (Alexander) Journey through the most of the Counties of Scotland, and those in the North of England ; containing an account of all the Monuments of Roman Antiquity found in that Journey, and an account of the Danish Invasions on Scotland, and the Monuments erected there, &c. plates t £l. 16s. ib. 1726*. 163. Gunton's (Simon) History of the Church of Peterburgh, plates by King, £%2s. ib. 1686. 164. Guthrie's (William) History of England, from the Invasion of the Romans under Julius Caesar, to the late Revolution, History, Biography, Antiquities, Sf Miscellanies. English. — Folio. 15 illustrated with portraits, a fine copy, 4 vols, in old morocco, gilt leaves, £4,. 10s. Lo?id. 1747. lo\5. Gage's (Thomas) New Survey of the West Indies, ?naps, 9s. ib. l655. 166. Grimestone's (Edward) General Historie of Spaine, neat in calf, iSs. ib.1612. 167. G ell's (William) Topography of Troy and its Vicinity, many plates, finely coloured, boards, £8. 8s. ib.l 804. 168. Giannone's Civil History of the Kingdom of Naples, by Ogilvie, 2 vols. £3. 3s. ib. 1729. 169. Grey's (William) Chorographia ; or a Survey of Newcastle uponTyne, in 1649, reprint, boards, 15s.* 'Newcastle, 1815. 170. Higden's (Ranulph, Monk of Chester) Polychronicon, translated from the Latin, by John Trevisa, c£l2. 125. Emprynted at Westmestre by Mtgnfegn the S&ortlc, M.CCCC.LXXXXV. A few leaves in the Index are wanting. 171. Hamilton's (Sir William) Collection of Engravings from An- cient Vases, mostly of pure Greek Workmanship, discovered in Sepulchres in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, but chiefly in the neighbourhood of Naples, with Descriptions in English and French, 3 vols, russia, £lo. 15s. Naples, 1781. 172. Houbraken and Vertue's Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, with their Lives and Characters, by Birch : boards, £7. 7s. j Lond. 1 747. 173. Another Copy, very fine impressions, neat, £9. 9s. • • ib. 1747. 174. 1 large paper, brilliant vnprcssiofis, neat, o£2S #. 175 s. 175. Hogarth's (William) Works, (an extensive Collection of) com- prising a fine Sett of the original editions of his various Works * likewise variation Prints, numerous Frontispieces, &c. &c. and a few original Drawings, amounting in all to 801, mounted on columbier paper, 3 vols, half-bound, morocco backs. 176. Halle's (Edward) Chronicle; the Union of the two Noble and Illustrate Famelies of Lancastre and Yorke ; reprinted title, and wants a leaf in one of the Tables, though few Copies 16 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. hate any of the Tables — 2Macfc %ttttt — neat in russia, oflO. 10*. Imprinted by ©rafton, Lond. 1 548. 177. Horsley's (John) Britannia Romana; or the Antiquities of Britain; with many plates, fine copy, in the original, binding, £l4. 14*. ib. 1732. 178. Another Copy, uncut, £14. 14s. ib. 1732. 179- ' tbr$ neat in russia, £15. 15s » • ib. 1732. 180. Hutchins's (John) History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset, with numerous fine plates, 2 vols, neat, o£l0. 10*. ib. 1774. 181. Another Copy, in boards, uncut, 2 vols. <£l0. ib. 1774. 182. Hollinshead's (Ralphe) Chronicles of England, Ireland, and Scotland, fine set— %>latfi %ttttt— 3 vols, in 2, neat, £18. ib. 1587. 183. a very fine set — 23lacfc 3Utter — 3 vols, in russia, gilt leaves, o£ > 21. ib. j'087. !8 4. SBlacfc Eetter— 2 vols, elegant in calf, £20. ib. 1 587- 1S5. Vol. 1 and 2, bound together containing the England, Scotland, and Ireland — 23tacfc %ZtUl— russia, £5. 5s. ib. 1586\ 186. ■ Vol. 3, being the Chronicle of England, from 1066 to 1586 3 (imperfect) £2. 10*. ib. 1586. 187- (the reprinted Castrations to) boards, £l. 10s, 188. Herbert's (Lord, of Cherbury) Life of Henry VIII. portrait by Fait home, neat, 15s • ib. 1683. 189- Howell's (James) Londinopolis ; an Historical! Discourse or Perlustration of the City of London, with the genuine view, £2.2*. , ib.l657. 190. Another Copy, with the full length portrait and re- engraved view, neat, £2. 2s ib. 1657* 191. Discourse concerning the Precedency of Kings, calf extra, £l* Is. - - ib. 1664* History, Biography, Antiquities , Sf Miscellanies. English. — Folio. If 1P2. Hakluyt's (Richard) Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, fine copy — SlflCft %ZKX,ZZ — 3 vols, russia, gilt leaves, £l6. l6s. Lond. 1598, &c. J 93. Another Copy, with the original Voyage to Cadiz— 2Jlacft %ttttt-^-3 vols, elegant, in morocco, gilt leaves, £2\. ib.\59S, &c. 194. Another Copy, (reprint) imperial paper, of which only 76 Copies were printed, 5 vols, elegant, in russia, £24*. • • • • 1 8O9. 195. Harris's (John) Collection of Voyages and Travels; consisting of above Four Hundred of the most authentick Writers ; beginning with Hakluyt, Purchas, &c. 2 vols, with portraits, maps, &c. neat, £2. 6s. ib. 1705. 19o\ Another Copy, best edition, 2 vols, with plates, russia. £4. 10s. ib. 1 744. 197. 2 vols, with plates, elegant, in russia, £6. 6s. ib. i 744. 198. History of Kent, head and plates, neat, £i. 16s. ib. 1719. 199. 1 LARGE PAPER, £2. 12*. 67/. ib. 1 719. 200. (Walter) Life and Reign of King William the Third, with plates, neat, £3. 3s. Dublin, 1 749. 201. Hoare's (Sir Richard Colt, Bart.) Ancient History of South Wiltshire, complete in 3 Parts, with plates, large paper, boards, £\6. Lond. 1812. 202. Harrington's Oceana and other W orks, frontispiece, neat, 14s. ib. 1737. 203. Helvicus's Historical and Chronological Theatre, dirty Title, very neat, 9s. ib. 1687, 204. History of the Reign of King Charles the First; disposed into Annals, half-bound, 15s. • ♦ ib. 1656. 205.. Another Copy, with frontispiece by Faithorne, including a portrait, half-bound, russia, £l. Is ib. 1656. 20& History of the Life, Reign and Death of Edward the Second, King of England, portrait, half-bound, 12s ib. 1680. C 18 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 20/. Heywoode's (Thomas) Nine Bookes of various Hisiory, con- cerninge Women, inscribed by the Names of the Nine Muses, engraved title, half -bound, £l. 10s. Lond. 1624. 208. Historie of the uniting of the kingdom of Portugall to the Crowne of Castile, neat, 7s. 6d. • • • • ib. 1600. 209. Hume's History of England, Bowyer's splendid edition, with plates, good impressiojis, 10 vols, elegantly bound in russia, gilt leaves, <£63. ib. 1 806. 210. Historie (The) of Philip de Comines, 12*. ib. 1614. 211. Another Copy, 10s. 6d. ib. 1674. 212. Hooper's (Jacob) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, neat, 1 5s. • • ib. 1738. 213. Historicall Meditations (wants Title) neat, 5s. 214. History of the Troubles and Tryal of Arch-Bishop Laud, por- traits, very neat, \0s. 6d. ib. I695. 215. Hobbes's (Thomas) Leviathan; or the matter, forme, and Power of a Commonwealth, 9s. ib. 1651. 216. Hale's (Sir Matthew) Primitive origination of Mankind, con- sidered and examined according to the Light of Nature, Jine portrait, elegant in calf, £l. 2s ib. l6*77» 217. Heath's (James) Chronicle of the late Intestine War, frontis- piece, containing 22 portraits, half-bound, <£l* 8s. • *ib. 1676. 218. Hereditary Right of the Crown of England arrested, 18s. ib. 1713. In 1714 the Rev. Hilkiah Bedford was sentenced to three years imprison- ment and a heavy fine for writing this book. — The real Author was the Rev. G. Harbin. 219. Honour, Military and Civill, contained in foure Bookes, viz. Justice and Jurisdiction, Military Knighthood, Combats for Life, &c. and Precedence of great Estates and others, Qs. ib. lfJ02. 220. Ireland's (Samuel) Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth, from Pictures, Drawings, and scarce Prints, large paper, 2 vols. half-bound, russia backs, uncut, £8. 8s. ib. 1794. 221. Johnson's (Capt. Charles) History of the Lives and Adven- tures of the most famous Highwaymen, Murderers, &c. History, Biography , Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. English.— Folio. 19 with all the plates, tall copy, ruled with red lines, c£lO. 10s. Lond. 1734. 222. Another Copy, neat, £9 -9s. & 1734. 223. Jefferys' (Thomas) Description of the Maritime Parts of France, with 85 plates, large paper, half-bound, russia, £l.Us.6d. tf.1774. 224. Jones's (Inigo) Designs, consisting of plans and elevations for Public and Private Buildings, by Kent, half-bound, russia, back and corners, £0. 5s. ib. 1 770. 225. Antiquities of Stone-Heng, with Charleton's Chorea Gigantum, on Salisbury Plain, plates, 18s. • •ib, 1725. 226. ■ : fine copy, por- traits by Hollar andLombart, and other plates, £2. 2s. ib. 1725. 227. (Edward) Index to Records called the Originalia, and Memoranda on the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's Side of the Exchequer, &c. &c. 2 vols, neat £2. 2s. ib. 1793. 228. King's (Edward) Munimenta Antiqua, or observations on antient Castles, including remarks on the whole progress of Architecture, Ecclesiastical, as well as Military, in Great Britain, and on the corresponding changes in Manners, Laws, and Customs, with numerous fine engravings, 4 vols, in 2, superbly bound in morocco, blank tooled, gilt leaves and joints, £'22. • ib. 1799* 229. Kit-Cat Club; being a collection of fine Portraits of the Members of that Club, from the original Paintings of Sir Godfrey Kneller, by Faber, half-bound, £6. 6s. ...•••••«. d. 230. Kaims's (Lord) Principles of Equity, neat, £i.6s. Edinb. 1 76O. 231. King and Hollar's Series of Engravings of the Cathedral and Conventual Churches of England and Wales, mounted on co- loured paper, elegantly bound in russia, gilt leaves, £\0. n. d. 232. Keating's (Geoffrey) General History of Iceland, with plates, large paper, neat, c£8. 85. Westminster, 1726*. 233. Liber Veritatis, or a collection of Two Hundred Prints, after the original designs of Claude le Lorrain, in the collection of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, executed by Richard 20 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. Earlom, in the manner and taste of the Drawings, with a descriptive Catalogue of each Print, an original subscriber's copy, 2 vols, russia, £38. Lond. 1 777. 234. Le Bruyn's Travels in Muscovy, Persia, and part of the East Indies, with plates, 2 vols, very neat, £3. 3s.»»»*ib. 1737* 235. Locke's (John) Works, portrait, 3 vols, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1740. 236. Another Copy, portrait, 3 vols, neat, £% 2s. ib. 1751. 237. Ludolphus's (Job) History of Ethiopia, being an accurate description of Abessinia, plates, neat, 18s. • • • • Lond. 1684. 238. Lysons's (Samuel) Account of Roman Antiquities discovered at Woodchester in the County of Gloucester, with Jin e en- gravings, many of which are in colours, russia extra with joints, £10. 10*. ib. \797- 239- Love Letters between a Nobleman (Lord Grey) and his Sister, in three parts, 7s. 6d. ib. 1 735. 240. Lower's (Sir Wil.) Relation of the Voyage and Residence of Charles II. in Holland, bad copy, 12s. 6d.> • • 'Hague, 166'0. 241. Lomatius, (Paul) Tracte containing the Artes of Paintinge, Caruinge, and Buildinge, englished by Richard Haydocke, frontispiece with portraits of author and translator, and other plates, morocco elegant, joints, £3. 10s. • • Lond. 1598. 242. Le Sage's Genealogical, Chronological, Historical, and Geo- graphical Atlas, half -bound, £1. l6s. ib. 1801. 243. The Myrrour of the World, or Thymage of the same, " which book I began first to translate the second day of Janyuer the yere of our Lord 1480, and fynysshed the 8 day of Marche the same yere," second edition, superbly bound in blue morocco, £50. @a*tOtt me fieri fecit, (circa) 1481. The two leaves of the Table and a portion of two other leaves are supplied by Manuscript, but in such a neat manner, that it is difficult to dis- tinguish them from the print. There has been much controversy amongst Bibliographers, relative to the exact date of this work. In Mr. Dibdin's edition of Ames, this edition is said to consist of 84 leaves, which is presumed to be in- correct, as there are 87 leaves in this copy. This is one of Caxton's most rare Works, and is copiously described by Mr. Dibdin, with fac similes of the engravings, which he observes are the first known engra- vings, with a date, produced in England. The Duke of Roxburgh's copy produced the sum of «£351. 15s. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Folio. 21 244. Morant's (Philip) History and Antiquities of the County of Essex, plates, 2 vols, neat, c£l3. 135. Lond. 1768^ 2+5. Ditto, with a number of additional plates, 2 vols, large paper, mssia, £21, ib. 1768. 246. Ditto, large paper, splendidly illustrated with an immense number of Portraits, Topographical and Historical Plates, 2 vols, superbly bound in russia, gilt leaves, £3%. ib. I76S. 247. Morant's History and Antiquities of the most ancient Town and Borough of Colchester, with plates, good clean copy, neat,£\. lis. 6d. ib. 1748. 248. Montfaucon's Antiquities and Supplement; translated by Humphrey, with the Antiquities of Italy, being his Travels from Paris through Italy in the years I69S and 1699, with plates, 9 vols, elegant in russia, c £'24.» • • • • 'ib. 1721, Spc. 24p. Antiquities of Italy, being his Travels from Paris through Italy in the years 1698 and l699> very neat, £l.4>s. ib. 1725. 250. Another Copy, calf extra, £\. lis. 6d. ib. 1725. 251. More's (Sir Thomas, Knyght) Workes,— 2&lacft Setter— £\0. 10s. • • • 'printed at London, at the Costes and Charges of John Cawood 9 John Waley, and Richard Tottell, 1557# ^or an account of this very scarce Work, see Wood's Athenae Oxonienses by Bliss; Herbert's Ames; Dibdin's More's Utopia, &c— a perfect copy is very seldom met with. S52. Maitland's (William) History and Survey of London, from its foundation to the present time, with plates, neat, £l. 4>s. Lond. 1739. 253. Another edition, with plates, 2 vols, neat, £l. 4s. "ib. 1750. 254. Another edition, many plates, 2 vols, in ?iumbers, £3. 3s. ib. 1772. Two numbers are wanting, being signatures 13 Z. 14 A. 14 B. 15 G.- 15 H. 15 1. : 255. Murphy's (James) Plans, Elevations, Sections and Views of the Church of Batalha, illustrated by letter-press, 27 fine engravings, half -bound, calf £3. 3s. Lond. 1795. 256. Another Copy, half-bound, russia, £3.l3s.6d ib. 1795. 22 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Browk. 257. Major's (Thomas) Ruins of Pactum otherwise Posidonia, in Magna Grascia, half-bound, russia, £4>. Lond. 1768. 258. Morley's (Thomas) Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke, half -bound, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1597- 259. Moll's (Herman) System of Geography, with ?naps 9 5s. ib. 1701. 260. Monro his Expedition with the worthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) neat, £l. Is. ib. 1637. 261. Manuscript (A) of 320 pages, written in the Reign of James I. £2. 2s. This MS. is the production of a Catholic, and abeunds with curious anecdotes concerning the Reformation. 2(52. Metz's (C. M.) Imitations of Ancient and Modern Drawings, from the restoration of the Arts in Italy to the present time, with a chronological account of the Artists, and strictures on their Works, in English and French, half-bound, russia back and corners, £\2. • Lond. 1798* 263. Malton's (Thomas) Picturesque Tour through the Cities of London and Westminster, illustrated with the most interesting views, accurately delineated and executed in Aquatinta, 2 vols, in 1, russia, gilt leaves, £15. 15s. ib. 179%- 264. Martyn's (William) Historie and Lives of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror unto the end of the Raigne of King Henrie the Eight, neat, l6s. • ib. l6l5. 265. Machiavell's Discourse upon the meanes of well governing and maintaining in good Peace, a Kingdome or other Principalitie, neat, 1 5s. ib. 1602. 266. Museum Britannicum, or a Display in 32 plates, of Antiquities and Natural Curiosities in the British Museum, after the original designs from Nature, by John and Andrew Van Rymsdyk, half bound, £2. 10s. ib. 179L 9&7* Markham's (Francis) Booke of Honour, 7s. 6d.»»»*ib. 1625. 268* Moryson's (Fynes) Ten Yeeres Travell through the twelve dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Switzerland, &c. &c. neat, £5. 5s. • ib. l6l7. 269. Madox's (Thomas) History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, neat, £l, lis. 6d. ib, 17 11. History, Biography, Antiquities, 8p Miscellanies. English. — Folio. 23 270. Madox's (Thomas) Firma Burgi, or an Historical Essay con- cerning Cities, Towns, and Boroughs of England, neat, £l.5s. Lond. 1726. 27l. Baronia Anglica; an History of Land- Honors, and Baronies, boards, 15s. ib. 1741. 272. Another Copy, neat, 18s. ib. 174,1. 273. Mortraye's (de la) Travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa, with plates, 3 vols, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1723. 274. Another set, 3 vols, neat, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1732. 275. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Stephen Fox, Knight, portrait, elegant in russia, (reprint) £2. 10s. ib. 1807- 276. Another Copy, illustrated with 18 portraits, including King Charles I. on horseback, by Hollar, half-bound, £7. 7s. ib. 1807- 277. Nichols's (John) History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, with the continuation of the Town of Leicester, 7 vols, half-bound, russia, and the Indexes, boards, £68. ib. 1795, SfC 278. Vol. I. containing Doomesday, &c. the Rivers and Navigations of Leicestershire, and the History and Antiquities of the Town of Leicester, boards, £6. 6s. ib. l79«5. 279. Vol. II. Part I. containing Framland Hundred, boards, £5. 5s. ib. 1795. 280. North's Diall of Princes, containing the golden and famous Booke of Marcus Aurelius, sometime Emperor of Rome, elegantly bound in calf, £2. 2s ib. 16\9* 281. Ditto, an indifferent Copy, 6s ib I6I9. 282. Newcastle's (Duke of) General System of Horsemanship, in all its Branches, with plates, 2 vols, in 1, calf, gilt leaves, £7. 10s }.;•'& 1743. 283. Nash's (Thomas) History of Worcestershire, with Supplement, many plates, 2 vols, boards, £8. 8s. ib. 1799. 281. Another Copy, spendidly illustrated with an extensive variety of interesting Topographical and Historical engravings, a fine 24 Longman, Huhst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. collection of portraits, &c (in addition to what properly be- long to the work) 2 vols, superbly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, £30. • LoncL 1799. 285. Nalson's (John) Collection of the Great Affairs of State from the Scotch Rebellion in 1639, to the murther of Charles I. two frontispieces, 2 vols. £1. 15s ib. .1682, 2S6. Norden's (Frederick Lewis) Travels in Egypt and Nubia, large paper, many plates, 2 vols, in 1, russia, with joints, Sfc. £9. 9s. ib. 1757- 287. Ogilby's (John) Africa; being an accurate description of the Regions of Egypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid, the land of the Negroes, &c. — Asia ; being an accurate de- scription of Persia, and the several Provinces thereof, the vast Empire of the Great Mogul, and other Parts of India, &c. — Atlas Japannensis ; being remarkable addresses by way of Embassy from the East India Company of the United Provinces, to the Emperor of Japan. — An Embassy from the East India Company of the United Provinces to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperor of China. — Atlas Chinensis, being a second Part of a Relation. of remarkable Passages, in two Embassies from the East India Company of the United Provinces to the Vice-Roy of Singbamon, and the Emperor of China ; the whole interspersed with an immense number of fine plates, illustrative of the manners of the People, and Topography of the different Countries, 5 vols. uniform, half bound, £6. 6s. Lond. 1670, &c. 288. Ogilby's three Embassies to China, with numerous fine plates, 2 vols, elegant in calf, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1671-73* 289. ■ Embassays to the Emperours of Japan, half-bound, £1. Us.6d. ib. 1673. 290. Entertainment of his most excellent Majestie Charles the Second in his passage through the City of London to his Coronation, with a view of the procession, and other plates, half bound, £1. 15s. ib. 1662. 291. Ogilby's (John) Britannia, or a Geographical and Historical Description of the Principal Roads of England and Wales, many plates , neat, 15s. • t . .ib. 1675. History, Biography, Antiquities, § Miscellanies* English. — Folio. 25 292. Olearius's (Adam) Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors, sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein to the Great Duke of Mus- covy and the King of Persia, with portraits, good copy in calf, £1. 5s. Lond. 1662. 293. Ottley's (William Young) Italian School of Design, ex- emplified in a Series of Fac-Similes from the original Drawings of the most eminent Masters, Part I. and II. boards, £S. 8s. ib 1812. 294. Ormerod's History of the County Palatine and City of Chester, L4JIGE paper, Parts 1 to 3, all that are yet published, £5. \5s. The other parts Will be delivered to the Purchaser as they are published ; this is probably the only Copy on Large Paper for sale. 295. Pennant's (Thomas) Account of London, splendidly illustrated with an immense number of fine Portraits, Views of Churches, Monuments, Ancient Buildings, and other Topographical Views, 4 vols, elegant in russia, gilt leaves, £\5Q. 296. Purchas (Samuel) his Pilgrimes, very fine copy, with the rare frontispiece, 5 vols, very neat, gilt leaves, £35. Lond. 1625, &c. 297. Pococke's (Richard) Description of the East and some other Countries, with plates, 2 vols, neat, £12. 12s. ib. 1743. 298. Another Copy, 2 vols, neat, £13. 13s. ib. 1743. 299. Puffendorf's (Baron) Law of Nature and Nations, with Bar- bey rac's Notes, neat, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1729. 300. Pern's (Charles) View of the Levant, or History and De- scription oftheOthoman Empire, neat, 10s. $d. "ib. 1743. 301. Polwhele's (Richard) History of Devonshire, plates, 3 vols. in 1. boards, £6. l6s. 6d. Exeter, 1 797-1806. 302. Paine's (James) Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Noblemen and Gentlemen's Houses, Bridges, &c. &c. 74 large plates, half bound, £l. Is. Lond. 1767. 303. Pontoppidan's (Rev. Eriel) Natural History of Norway, plates, very neat, £4<. 4>s. ib. l7o5. 304. Prince's (John) Worthies of Devon, fine copy in russia, £7. 7s. Exeter, 1701. D 26 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 305. Pine's (John) Procession and Ceremonies observed at the time of the Installation of the Knights Companions of the Order of the Bath, June 17, 1725. The Portraits of the Knights Companions, &c. are done from original Pictures : the description in English and French, fine copy, elegantly bound, £5. 15s. 6d. Land. 1730. S06i Peck's (Francis) Antiquarian Annals of Stamford, with plates, £2. 2s. ib. 1727- 307. Primavdaye*s (Peter de la) French Academy, neat in calf, 18s. ib, l6l8. 308. Pye's (Charles) Provincial Copper Coins or Tokens issued between the Years 1787 and 1796, half -bound, £l. 16s. Birming, 1 796. 309. Parkin's (Charles) Topography and History of the Borough of King's Lynn, plates, neat, 18s. Lynn, 1762, 310. Painters, (the true Effigies of the most eminent) and other famous Artists that have flourished in Europe, curiously en- graven on 125 copper-plates, with an account of their lives, russia, £3. 3s. • Lond. 1694. 311. Pyne's (W. H.) Microcosm: or a Picturesque delineation of the Arts, Agriculture, Manufactures, &c. of Great Britain, 2 vols, oblong folio, boards, £5. 5s. ib. 1808. 312. Prynne's (William) Canterburies Doom, or, the first part of a Compleat History of the Trial, &c. of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, frontispiece by Hollar, and two portraits, neat, 18s. • ib, 1646*. 313. Parival's (J.) History of this Iron Age, translated B. Harris, with all the portraits, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1656. 314. Another Copy, without portraits, 6s. ib. 1659. 315. Present State of New England, with respect to the Indian W r ar, in four parts, calf extra, £1. Is. ib. 1675-6, 316. Rushworth's (John) Historical Collections, 8 vols, neat, £10. ib. 1721. 317. Another Copy, 8 vols, large paper, neat, £16. 16s. ib, 1682, &c. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies, Engiish. — Folio. 27 31 S, Rapin's History of England, and Tindal's Continuation, with portraits by Houbraken and Vertue, Maps, Monuments, and Medallic History, fine set, 5 vols, russia, £25. Lond. 1743, &c 319. Another Set, 5 vols, rough calf, £20. ib. 1743. 320. Another Set, 5 vols, elegantly bound in russia, gilt leaves, £40. ib. 1732, &c. 321. with the Acta Regia and numerous additional por- traits, 9 vols, russia, £56. • ib. 1743, &c. 322. Rapin. — Maps and Plans to Tindal's Continuation of Rapin's History of England, half -bound, £l. 5s. 323. Rapin's History of England, 2 vols, uncut, £l. ]0s. Lond. 1732. 324. Raleigh's (Sir Walter, Knt.) History of the World, with his Life, and Additions by Oldys, best edition, 2 vols, neat, £4. 4*. Lond. 1736. 325. Rennell's (Major) Bengal Atlas: containing Maps of the Theatre of War and Commerce on that side of Hindostan, neat in calf, £2. 2s. ib. I771. 326. Reports from the Select Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Public Records of the Kingdom, £l. 16s. 1800. 327. Robertson's (George) Charts of the China Navigation, half-bound, £3. 3s. • Lond. 1788, 328. Richardson's (George) Iconology; or a collection of Em- blematical Figures containing Four Hundred and Twenty Four remarkable Subjects, Moral and Instructive; in which are displayed the Beauty of Virtue and the Deformity of Vice ; the figures engraved by capital artists, with ex- planations from classical authorities, 2 vols, elegant in russia, £\0. 10s. ib. 1779. 329. Stow's(John) Survey of London, neat, £l. lis. 6d.» >ib. 1633. 330. . — the .Cities of London and Westminster by John Strype, with plates, 2 vols, half bound, £5. 5s. ib. 1735. 331. BEST EDITION, 2 vols, neat, «£l2. 12s. i. 1754. 332. Another Copy, 2 vols, neat, £lS. 13s •• ib. 17 54. D 2 28 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 333. Stow's (John) Annates or Generall Chronicle of England, en- larged by Edmond Howes— 23focft S5.tttCr — in 3 vols, neat, £3. 10s. Lond. 1615. 534. Stuart's (James) Antiquities of Athens, the original Edition, 3 vols, superbly bound in purple morocco, joints, and gilt kales, £31. 10* «& 1762, &c. 335. Sandford's (Francis) Genealogical History of the Kings of England and Monarchs of Great Britain, fine impressions of the plates, in russia, £5. 5s ib. 1677* 336. Ditto, much enlarged by Samuel Stcbbing, with additional plates, <£$. 9*. #• 1707. 337. Another Copy, .£10. 10*. ib. 1707. 338. large paper, elegantly bound in russia, gilt leaves, c£38. ib. 1707. The Large Paper of the above Work is of extreme rarity; a Copy was re- cently sold by Auction for £52. 10f. 330 # . History of the Coronation of James II. and his Queen, with numerous plates, <£2. 12*. 6d. ib. 1687. 340. Another Copy, large paper, neat, £3. 13*. 6d. ib. 1687* 341. Salt's (Henfy) Twenty Four Views taken in St. Helena, the Cape of Good Hope, India, Ceylon, Abyssinia, and Egypt, elephant folio, half-bound, <£l6. 16*. ib. 1809. 342. Speed's (John) Historic of Great Britaine, with a fine por- trait by Savery, h. b. russia, £2. 15*. ib. 1632. 343. Another Copy, a few leaves damaged, 15*. ib. 1614. 344. Salmon's (Nathaniel) History and Antiquities of Essex, very neat in calf, £2. 2s. ib. 1743. The author of this work died suddenly in April 1743, in consequence of which it remains in an unfinished state. 345. Sanderson's (William) Graphice, the Use Of the Pen, and Pencil, or the most Excellent Art of Painting, with 3 fine portraits by Faithorne, very neat, £\. lls.6d.»*ib. 1658. History ', Biography, Antiquities, Sp Miscellanies. English.- — Folio. 29 346. Strafford's (Thomas Earl of) Trial, published by John Rush- worth, neat, 10-9. 6d. Lond. 1680. 347. Smith's (Joseph) Britannia Illustrata, or views of several of the Queen's Palaces, as also of the principal Seats of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain, curiously engraven on 160 copper plates, -with above three Hundred Coats if Arms, 2 vols, in 1, £5. 15s. 6d. ib. 1714-17. 348. Shaw's (Thomas) Travels, or Observations relating to se- veral parts of Barbary and the Levant, large paper, with plates, neat, £3. 10s. Oxon, 1738. 349. Seneca's Works by Thomas Lodge, engraved title, elegant in calf, £l. lls.6d ib. 1620. 350. Spencer's (John) Store-house of Similies, Sentences, Allegories, Apophthegms, Adages, &c. half-bound, £l. ls."ib. 1657- 351. Another Copy, neat, £l 5s. • ib. lo58. 352. Somner's (William) Antiquities of Canterbury by Batteley, with plates, half-bound, \Ss. ib. 1 703. 353. Another Copy, neat, £\. 4s. ib. 1703. 354. Sanderson's (William) History of the Life and Raigne of King Charles, head, 9s. ib. l658. 355. Salustius's two most worthy and notable Histories which re- maine unmained to Posterity, viz. the conspiracie of Cata- line and the Warre with Jugurth, 15*. Lond. printed for John Jaggard, 1608. 356. Sloane's (Sir Hans) Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbadoes, Nieves, St. Christopher, and Jamaica, with the Natural History of the Herbs and Trees, Beasts, Fishes, Reptiles, &c. of the last of those Islands, with numerous plates, 2 vols. russia, <£l4. 14*. ib. 1707. 357. Spence's (Rev. Job) Polymetis, or an enquiry concerning the agreement between the Works of the. Roman Poets and the Remains of the Antient Artists, with plates, best edition, neat , £6. l6s. 6d. ib. 1 747. 358. Smeaton's (John) Narrative of the Building and a description of the construction of the Eddystone Light-house with Stone, with plates, half-bound, russia back and corners, £6, 6s. ib. 1793. 30 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, anb Brown. S5Q. Scudery's Apologies for several Princes, justifying to the World their most eminent Actions by the strength of Reason, frontispiece, neat, £\. Is. * • • 1654. 360. Stevens's (Henrie) World of Wonders, or an introduction to a treatise touching the conformitie of ancient and moderne Wonders, dirty title, £l. Is. Lond. 1607. 361. Scobel's (Henry) Collection of Acts and Ordinances of Ge- neral Use, made in the Parliament from 1640 to 1656, neat, 14s. ib. 1658. 362. Shakespeare Illustrated by an Assemblage of Portraits and Views appropriated to the Work, &c. by Harding, large paper, half-bound, ib. 1793. 363. Spon's (Isaac) History of the City and State of Geneva, 10*. Lond. 1687. 364. Sandys's (George) Relation of a Journey begun 1610, Foure Bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of iEgypt, the Holy Land, &c. plates, a splendid copy in russia, gilt leaves, £\. lis. 6d. ib. 1621 . 365. 8s. ib. 1670. 366. very neat in calf, 14?s.» ib. 1670. 367. — 18s. ib. 1673, 368. Stackhouse's Universal Atlas, half-bound, £2. 5s. n. d. 369. Sprigge's (Joshua) England's Recovery, being the History of the Motions, Actions, and Successes of the Army under the immediate conduct of Sir Thomas Fairfax, kt. with a fine portrait of Fairfax on Horseback, and the view of the Battle ofNaseby, £6. 6s. ib. 1647. 370. elegant in russia, blank tooled, gilt leaves, &c. £7. 17s. 6d. ib 1647. 371. Statutes (a Collection of) concerning the Incorporation, Trade, and Commerce of the East India Company, neat, £3. 3s. ib. 1789. 372. Spencer's (Nath.) Complete English Traveller, many plates, complete in 60 Numbers, £1. Is. ib. 1772. 373. Thoroton's (Robert) Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, plates, fine copy, superbly bound in russia, £13. 13s. ib. 1677. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Folio. 31 374. Thoresby's (Ralph) Topography of the Ancient and Populous Town and Parish of Leeds, and parts adjacent in the West Riding of the County of York, with plates, £6. 6s. Land. 1715. 375. Another Copy, large paper, plates, neat, <£21.» -ib. 1715. 376. Thurloe's (John) Collection of State Papers, by Birch, 7 vols. half-bound, russia, £6. 6s. ib. 1742. 3/7. Another Set, 7 vols, very neat in calf, £7. 7s. ib. 1742. 378. Tatham's (Charles Heathcote) Etchings representing the best Examples of ancient ornamental Archilecture, drawn from the originals in Rome, and other parts of Italy, elegant in russia, £'5. 5s. ib. 1799. 379. Tanner's (Thomas) Notitia Monastica by Nasmith, portrait and plates, neat, £7. 7s. Camb. 1787. 380. Tatler (The) original edition, No. 85 to 271 inclusive, 7s. Lond. 1709. 381. Treaties and Conventions (a Collection of, in separate Tracts) printed in England, and N. America, including the Articles of Union between England and Scotland, in one volume, morocco, £2. 10s. Lond. fyc. 1654-1759. Formerly Lord Shelburne's copy, 382. Tempest's (P.) Cryes of the City of London, drawne after the Life, brilliant impressions, fine copy, russia, extra, £7. 7s. Lond. n, d. 383. Tavernier's Travels through Turkey into Persia, and the East Indies, with plates, 2 vols, in 1, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1684. 384. Tacitus's Works, by T. Gordon, 2 vols, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1728. 385. Temple's (Sir William) Works, 2 vols, in 1, head, neat, £l. Is. ib. 1740. 386. 2 vols, very neat, £l. 1 5s. ib. 1740. • 387. £l. 6s. ib. 1720. 388. Thevenot's (Monsieur de) Travels into the Levant, with plates, frontispiece damaged, 15s. • • • • ib. 1687. S89. ' ! with plates, clean copy, £l.6s. ib. 1687. 32 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 390. Treasurie of Auncient and Moderne Times ; containing the Learned Collections, Judicious Readings, Memorable Obser- vations, &c. Morall, Philosopbicall, Poeticall, Martiall, &c. of Pedro Mexio, 2 vols, neat, £2. 2s. Lond. 1613. 391. Tracts:— A Collection of Letters relating to the Popish Plot: A Letter from Lucifer to his Romish Agents: A true nar- rative of the Popish Plot against King Charles I. l680: An account of the injurious proceedings of Sir George Jefferys, Knight, against Francis Smith, Bookseller: Tryal of Elizabeth Collier the Popish Midwife: A Poem upon the Prentice's Feast at Merchant Taylors' Hall: The resentment and indignation of the Free-born Subjects of England against Popery, Arbitrary Government, the Duke of York, or any Popish Successor: A Dialogue between jest and earnest, concerning the Times, in 78 Numbers, and 50 other Tracts on similar Subjects, published during the latter part of the Reign of Charles II. neat in calf, £5.5s. tf.l680,#c. 392. Trials of Vice Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser, Bart, and Admiral Keppel, with eight Views, representing the Manoeuvres of the English and French Fleets on the 27th of July, 1778, half-bound, russia back and corners, 12s. ib. 1779' 393. Thucydides's Eight Bookes of the Peloponnesian War, trans- lated by Thomas Hobbes, engraved title, neat, 18s. ib. 1629- 394. Tyrrell's (James) History of England, frontispiece, 5 vols. neat, £4. 4s. t*. 1698. 395. Vere's (Sir Francis) Commentaries, plates, but not the por- traits, Camb. 1657.— Historie of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart, Queene of Scotland, Lond. 1624, in 1 vol. neat, £1. Is. 3Q(j # by Dillingham, very fine impressions of the heads and plates, £4>. 145. 6d. Cambridge, l657» 397. Venn's (Thomas) Military and Maritime Discipline, with many curious plates, elegant in calf, gilt leaves, £l. 1 5s. Lond. 1672. 398. Vertot's (Monsieur de) History of the Knights of Malta, with fine heads, 2 vols, neat, £3. 10s. ib. 1728. History, Biography, Antiquities, $r Miscellanies. English. — Folio. 33 399' Vincent's (Augustine) discoverie of Errours in the first edition of the Catalogue of Nobility, published by Ralph Brooke, neat, £2. 2s. Lond. 1622. 400. Views. — A Collection of 169 Views of Churches and other Public Buildings, to illustrate the Histories of Pennant, Lysons, Smith, &c. &c. £3. 3s. Lond. 401. Whitelock's (Bulstrode) Memorials of the English Affairs, or an Historical account of what passed from the beginning of the Reign of King Charles the First, to the Restoration of King Charles the Second, 18s. ib. 1682. 402. neat in calf, £2. 2s. ib. 1(582. 403. 1 ' best edition, neat, £4. 4s il),\ 732 . 404. £4. 14*. 6d. ib. 1732. 405. « ■ very neat, £5. 5s. ib.1732. 406. ritssia, £6. 6s. ib.1732. 407. Memorials of the English Affairs from the supposed Expedition of Brute to this Island, to the end of the Reign of King James the First, neat, £l. 4s. Land. 1 707. 408. Ware's (Sir James) Antiquities and History of Ireland, plates, neat, £l. 16s. Dublin, 1705. 409. Wynne's (William) Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, Judge, Ambassador, and Secretary of State, 2 vols. £6. 6s. ib. 1724. 410. Wilson's (Arthur J History of Great Britain, being the Life and Reign of King James the First, illustrated by 182 portraits, fyc. many of which are scarce, engraved by the Passes, M. Sadeler, Holla v, Galle, Faithorne, Vertue, Hou- braken, Spc. including many from the Heruologia, bound in russia, gilt leaves, <£24. • ib. 1653. 411. Walker's (Sir Edward) Historical Discourses upon several occasions, connected with the Reign of Charles I. £1. Is. ib. 1705. E 34 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 412. Waldron's (George) Works, including his Description of the Isle of Man, large paper, £ 1. Is. Land. 1731. 413. Wilkins's (Bishop) Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language, 18*. ib. 1668. 414. Wicquefort's (Monsieur) Rights, Privileges, and Office of Embassadors and Publick Ministers, translated into English by Mr. D\ghy,jine copy, calf extra, £l. lis. 6d.- *ib. 1740. 415. Wood's (Anthony a) Athena? Oxoniensis, an exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their Education in the University of Oxford, 2 vols. £3. 10*. ib. 1721. 416. _ Another Copy, 2 vols, in 1, £2. 2s. ib. 1721. 4I7. with a continuation by Bliss, vols. 1 and 2, large paper, being all that are yet published, boards, £25. 4*. ib. 1813-15. Of this edition on imperial paper, there are only 25 Copies printed. 418. Watts's (William) Views in Turkey in Europe and Asia, selected from the collection of Sir Robert Ainslie, with an elucidative letter-press, russia, .£14. 14$. ib. 1801. 419. Weskett's (John) Complete Digest of the Theory, Laws, and Practice of Insurance, neat, £l. 16*. ib. 1781. 420. Winwood's (Sir Ralph) Memorials of Affairs of State in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James the First, portrait by Vertue, 3 vols, large paper, neat, £3, 3s. » • • « ib. 1725. 421. Warcupp's Italy, in its original Glory, Ruine, and Revival, -plates, 9s ib. 1660. 422. Xenophon's Cyropaedia, translated by Philemon Holland, neat, 7 s. 6d. ib. 1632. QUARTO. 423. ADDISON'S (Joseph) Works, 4 vols. £l. 8s. .. Lond. 1721. 424. — 4 vols, plates, russia, £7. 17 '&• 6d. Birmingham, printed by John Baskerville, 176 1. 425. Another Set, 4 vols, plates, fieat, £6. 6s. •••..♦... *ib. 1 76 1. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies, English. — 4to. 35 426. Anderson's (James) Collections relating to the History of Mary Queen of Scotland, 4 vols, in 2, £2. 2>\ • • Edinburgh, 1727. 427. Another Set, 4 vols, neat, £2. 10s. ib. 1727. 428. (Adam) History of Commerce, frontispiece, 4 vols. russia, £4>. 14s. 6d. Lond. 1801. 42$. Ayeen Akberry, or the Institutes of the Emperor Akber, translated from the Persian by Francis Gladwin, 2 vols. russia, £ 1 . 1 4* ib. 1800. 430. Archasologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, Volume XIII, neat, £i. \0s. -ib. 1800. 431. Araignement of Mr. Persecution, presented to the consideration of the House of Commons, and to all the common People of England, &c. &c. half-bound, 9s. 6d. Europe, 1645. 432. Alexander's (William) History of Women from the earliest Antiquity to the present time, 2 vols, neat, £\. 6s. Lond. 1779. 433. Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry, with Notes by Thomas Twining, calf extra, £\. lGs. ib. I789. 434. Government, by William Ellis, neat, £l. Is. • ib. 1776. 435. Amot's History of Edinburgh, map and views, £l. 10s. Ed. 1789- 436. > Collection and Abridgement of celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland, £l. Is. ib. 1785. 437. Ascham's (Roger) Works, by James Bennet, neat, £l.lls. 6d. Lond. 176I. 438. Andrews's (James Petit) History of Great Britain, connected with the Chronology of Europe, 2 vols, in 1, half-bound, £2. 2s. ib. \79k. 439. russia, £2. 5s.' -ib. 17.94. 440. morocco, £2. \0s. ib.\79±. 441. Ashley's (Robert) Cochin-China, containing many admirable rarities and singularities of that Countrey, half-bound, 7s. 6d. ib. 1638. 442. Assize of Bread, newly corrected and enlarged, from twelve 36 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. pence the Quarter of Wheat, to three pound and sixpence, with sundrie ordinances for Bakers, Brewers, Inholders, Victuallers, &c. curious cuts,— %latk %ttttt— 18s. Lond. l6ll. 443. Artes of Logike and Rhetorike, plainlie set foorth, in the English tounge, easie to be learned and practised, &c. 7s. 6d. ib. 1584. 444. Adams's (Thomas) White Devill, or the Hypocrite uncased, half-bound, 6s. 6d. ib. 1621. 445. Archdall's (Mcrvin) Monasticon-Hibernicum ; or an History of the Abbies, Priories, and other Religious Houses in Ireland, plates, half-bound, £l. \6s. ...... ib. ] J&6. 446. Anson's (Lord) Voyage round the World in the Years 1740 tP 44, Jine impressions of the plates, large paper, purple mo- rocco, gilt leaves, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1748. £47- LARGE PAPER, russia, £2. 2s. • ib. 1776. 448. 1 ■ SMALL PAPER, neat, £l. 15s. ib. 1767 '. 449. Anstis's (John) Observations introductory to an Historical Essay upon the Knigthhood of the Hath, half-bound, 9s. Lond. 1725. 450. Archaica. Containing Reprints of Scarce Old English Prose Tracts. With Prefaces, Critical and Biographical, by Sir E. Brydges, Bart, finely printed and ornamented with vignettes and capitals beautifully engraved in wood, 2 vols. hoards, £9- l6s. ib. 1815. Only 200 copies were printed of these interesting revivals of early aud rare English Literature. 451. Argensola's (Barth. Leonardi de) Disovery and Conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Islands, 6s. ib. 1708. 452. AylonVs (Sir Joseph) Historical Description of an Ancient Picture in Windsor Castle, sewed, 4s. ib. 1773. 453. Bentham's (James) History and Antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely, with plates, fine copy, £%. 18s. 6d. Cambridge, 1771. This is the Rev. W. Cole's subscription copy, and is enriched by some MS. notes: — It also has an original autograph letter by Mr. Beutham. History, Biography, Antiquities, # Miscellanies. English. — 4to. 37 454. Bentham's History of Ely, boards, £7. 7s. Lond. 1812. 455. Brydges's (Sir Egerton) Memoirs of the Peers of England, during the Reign of James the First, large paper, illus- trated with 110 portraits, fyc. many of which are proofs, and the greater partjine engravings, sumptuously bound in green morocco, with joints, fyc. £25. ib.n. d. 456. British Atlas, comprising a complete set of County Maps of England and Wales, with Plans of Cities and Towns, large paper, half-bound, russia, £2. 15s. ib. 1810. 457. Barrett's (William) History and Antiquities of Bristol, plates, boards, £l. lis. 6d. Brist. 1789. 458. Another Copy, neat in calf, £2. lGs. ib. 1789- 459. russia, £2. 5s. ib. 1789. 460. Bougainville's (M. de) Voyage to the Malouine or Falkland Islands, plates, very neat, ISs. Lond. 1773. 461. Barrington's (Honourable Daines) Observations upon the Statutes chiefly the more ancient, neat, 14*. ib. 1766. 462. Another Copy, very neat, 18s. ib. 1796. 463. Boswell's (James) Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, portrait, 2 vols. fine copy, very neat in calf, i2. 2s. ib. I79I . 464. Barrow's (John) Travels in China, Cochin China, and the Interior of Southern Africa, many coloured engravings, 4 vols, half bound, green morocco, elegant, £\0. 10s. ib. 1804-6. 465. Bolts's (Wil.) Considerations on India Affairs, boards, 4.$. 6d. ib. 1772. 466. Burney's (Charles) History of Music, plates by Bartolozzi, %c. vol. I. in russia, £l. Is. ib. 1776. 467. Boyer's (Abel) Great Theatre of Honour and Nobility, being a Treatise on Heraldry, &c. English and French, plates, neat, 18s. ib. 1729. 468. Bacon's (Lord) Works, portrait, 5 vols, russia, o£l0. 10*. ib. 1765. 469. 1 5 vols, very fine copy, russia, gilt leaves, £ll. 11*. ib. 1778. 470. 1 Philosophical Works by Shaw, 3 vols. £3. 3s. ib. 1737. 3S Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 471. Bacon's (Lord) Essay es, or Counsels Civill and Morall, Js. 6d. Lond. 1622. 472. Brand's (William) History and Antiquities of Newcastle upon Tyne, plates, 2 vols, boards, £'2. 2s. ib. 1789. 473. Bacon's (John) Liber Regis vel Thesaurus rerum Ecclesias- ticarum, neat, £3. 7s. ib. 1786. 474. Brathwait's (Rich.) English Gentlewoman, h. b. russia, 10s. 6d. ib. 1631. 475. English Gentleman, fine copy, 9s. ib. 1633. 476. Another edition, h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1630. 477. Blaxton's (John) English Usurer, or Usury Condemned, with a curious wood cut, and two pages of Poetry by George Wither, h. b. russia, \Ss. ib. 1634. 478. Butler's (Charles) Feminine Monarchic, or the Historie of Bees, 9s. • • • Oxon. 1634. 479- Barrett's (Phineas) Tables of the several European Exchanges, neat, £\.\s Lond. 177L 480. Black well's (Thomas) Memoirs of the Court of Augustus, 3 vols, large paper, neat, £5. 5s. Edinb. 1753. 481. Bryant's (Jacob) Analysis of Ancient Mythology, plates, with the Bartolozzi gem, 3 vols, boards, £6. Lond. 1774?. 482. 3 vols, neat, £6. 10s ib. 1775. 483. a very fine tall copy, 3 vols, russia, gilt leaves, £8. 8s. ib. 1774. 484. vol. 1. and 2. containing the Bartolozzi gem, boards, £2. 2s." • *ib. 1774. 485. Blair's (Hugh) Lecture on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, portrait, 2 vols, very neat, £l. 10s. ib. 1783. 486. Birch's (Thomas) History of the Royal Society of London, 4 vols, neat, £2. 2s ib. 1756. 437. Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, from the year 1581, till her Death, 2 vols, neat, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1754. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — 4>to. 39 488. Barctti's (Joseph) Journey from London to Genoa, through England, Portugal, Spain, and France, 2 vols, russia, £l. lis. 6d. Lond. 1770. 489- Berkeley's (Bishop) Works, portrait, 2 vols, neat, £3. 3s. Dublin, 1784. 490. Berington's (Joseph) History of the Reign of Henry the Second and of Richard and John his Sons, russia, £l. 1 5s. Birmingham, 1790. 491. Bryan's (Mrs.) Lectures on Natural Philosophy, plates, very neat in calf, £l . 10*. Land. 1806. 492. Bligh's (Lieut. William) Voyage to the South Sea in his Majesty's Ship the Bounty, plates, neat, .€1.8*. . . ib. 1792. 493. Bowles's (Carington) New English Atlas, coloured maps, russia, £l. 16s. ib. 1785 494. Bowyer's (William) Miscellaneous Tracts, by Nichols, calf extra, £2. 2s. ib. 1785. 495. Brown (Sir Thomas) Vulgar Errors, 7s. 6d. ib. 1669. 496. ■ fine copy, portrait, neat, IBs. ib. 1672. 497. Bucaniers of America, or a true account of the most remark- able assaults committed of late years upon the Coasts of the West Indies, plates, £l.Ss. 2&.1684. 498. — very fine copy, on thick paper, plates, neat, £2. 5s. ib. 1684. 499* russia, £3. 3s. ib. 1684. 500. with the fourth part, plates, neat, £4. 4>s. ib. 1684. 501. Barclay's (Sir Richard) Discourse of the Felicitie of Man, or his Summum Bonum, with the emblematical plate, neat in calf,£\.6s. ib.l603. 502. Barriff's (William) Military Discipline, or the Young Artillery Man, wherein is shewn the Postures of the Musket and Pike the exactest way, &c . fine portrait , very neat, 18*. ib. 16*35. 503. Blunt's (Henry) Voyage to the Levant, very fine copy in calf, 12* '•'.'. i *•'•&. 1638. 40 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 504. Bullock's (William) Virginia impartially examined, half* bound, morocco backs, 10*. 6d. Lond. 1649. 505. Breton's (Nicholas) Good and the Badde, or descriptions of the worthies and un worthies of this Age where the best may see their Graces and the worst discerne their Baseness, half-bound, £2. 2s. ib. l6l6*. 506*. Brown's (Dr.) Dissertation on the Rise, Union and Power, the Progressions, Separations and Corruptions of Poetry, and Music, 6s. 6d ib. 1763. 507- Browne's (W. G.) Travels in Africa, Egypt and Assyria, from the Year 1792 to 17.98, plates, boards, £l. Is. ib. 1799- 508. neat, £l. 4*. ib. 1799. 509. half -bound, russia, uncut, £l. 4s. ib. 1799. 510. Bromley's (Henry) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, boards, 16s. ib. 1793. 511. Blainville's Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and other parts of Europe, 3 vols, neat, £l. 15s. . *ib. 1743. 512. Beaumont's (John) Considerations on Burnet's Theory of the Earth, 5s. ib. 1 693. 513. Burton's (Richard) Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland. — Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London and Westminster. — Admirable Curiosities, Rarities, and Wonders in England, Scotland, and Ireland. — History of the Kingdom of Ireland. — History of the Kingdom of Scotland. — History of the House of Orange, 6 vols. 4to. large paper, (being all that were reprinted) in which are a great number of Portraits, Topo- graphical Views, &c. boards, £15. ib. 1810. Of the above Works only 50 Copies were printed on large paper, some of which are extremely scarce. 514. Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London and Westminster, Portraits, &c. 4to. boards, 12s. ib. 1810. 515. LARGE PAPER, boards, £3. 3s. ib. 1810. History, Biography, Antiquities, Sr Miscellanies. English. — Mo. 41 516. Burton's (Richard) History of the Kingdom of Ireland, por- traits, 4to. large paper, boards, £3. 3s. "Lond. 1811. 517. Brooke's (Ralph) Discouverie of certaine Errours in the much commended Britannia, 1594, with Camden's An- swer, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1723. 518. Bates's (John) Mystery of Nature and Art, curious cuts, 75. ib. 1635. 519. Blundeville (Mr.) his Exercises, cuts,— 2Macft %ttttl— 12s. ib. 1613. 520. 10*. 6d. ib. 1636. 521. Book of the continuation of Forreign Passages, (that is Treaties between England and Foreign Powers,) portrait of Louis XIV. by Pass, xcith several other portraits and historical views, fine copy in morocco, £7- 7s. $• l6o7« 522. British Bell-man, half-bound, 7s. 6d. printed in the year of the Saints Fear, 164S. 523. Blackstone's (William) Tracts, chiefly relating to the An- tiquities and Laws of England, neat, 18s. Oxon. 1771. 524. Boyle's (Hon. Robert) Works, with the Life of the Author, portrait, 6 vols, russia, £7* 17s. Gd. Lond. 1772. 525. Churchyarde's (Thomas) Lamentable and Pitifull description of the Wofull Warres in Flanders, since the foure last yeares of the Emperor Charles the Fifth his Raigne, — SBlacft %ttttt — £6. 6s. Imprinted at London by Ralph Newberrie, 1578. 526. — true Discourse Historicall of the succeeding Governours in the Netherlands, and the Civill Warres there begun in the yeare 1565, with the memorable services of our honourable English Generals, Captains, and Souldiers, especially under Sir John Norice, Knight, there performed from the yeere 1577, untili the yeere 1589, and afterwards in Portugal, France, Britaine, and Irelande, untili the year 1598,— 23iacfc %ttttt— £l. Is. Lond. 1602. 527- Ditto, a very fine copy, neat in calf, £4. 4s. ib. 1602. 528. Churchyarde's Generall Rehearsall of Warres, wherein is five hundred seuerall services of Land and Sea, as Sieges, F 42 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. Battailes, Skirmishes, and Encounters. A thousande gentle Mennes names of the best sort of Warriors, &c. &c. — $lacft %ttttt— £13. 13*. Lo?id. 1579- The running title to this rare volume is called Churchyard's Choice, and a considerable portion of the Work consists of Poetical Legends. 529. Cooper's Chronicle, — %latk %ttttt — neat, £l. 11*. 6d. ib. 1565. 530 # „, ^ 15*... ib. 1565, 531. ■ ■ very imperfect, 3s. 6d. 532. Costume of China, illustrated by sixty coloured engravings, with explanations in English and French. — Punishments of China, illustrated by twenty-two coloured engravings with explanations in English and French, 2 vols, elegant in russia, joints, .£10. 10*. • ib. 1 S00-1. 533. Cooke's (Captain James) Voyages round the World, with his Life by Kippis, very Jine impressions, 9 vols, calf, and an Atlas of folio plates, half bound, £'27' ih. 17/3, fyc. 534. Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World, in the years 1772 to 1775, being his second Voyage, two of the plates damaged, 2 vols, neat, c£4. io*. ib. 1777. 535. ■ 2 vols, neat, £6. 6s. ib. 1777. 536. fine impressions of the plates, 2 vols, boards, uncut, £S. 8*. ib. 1777. 537. Third and last Voyage, 3 vols. boards, with fine impressions of the plates, large folio, boards, ££). 9s. ib. 1784. 538. Clarke's (Dr. E.) Tomb of Alexander; a Dissertation on the Sar- cophagus brought from Alexandria, and now in the British Museum, plates, boards, 18*. Cambridge, 1805. 539. Coxe's (William) Historical and Biographical Works, viz. Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole. — Memoirs of Lord Walpole. Anecdotes of Handel and Smith. — Historical Tour in Mon- mouthshire. — History of the House of Austria. — Memoirs of the King of Spain, plates, 13 vols, boards* • • • 1798, #c. History, Biography, Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. English. — 4to. 43 540. Coxe's (William) Travels in Switzerland, and in the Country of the Grisons, fine aquatinta engravings, large paper. 2 vols, russia, £7 '. 7s. Lond. 1794. 541. Charnock's (John) History of Marine Architecture, -with many plates, 3 vols, russia, £7. 7s. ib. 1801. 542. Campbell's (John) Political Survey of Great Britain, 2 vols. £l. 10s. 1774. 543. Cooksey's (Richard) Life of Lord Somers, calf extra, 18s. Worcester, 1791 . 544. boards, 10s. 6d. ib. 1791. 545. Court of Queen Elizabeth, by Sir Robert Naunton, with his Memoirs, and considerable additions by James Caulfield, illustrated with 70 portraits, elegantly bound in blue mo- rocco, £6. 6s. • • • • ib. 1814. 546. Cabala, Mysteries of State, and Letters of the Great Ministers of King James and King Charles, neat, 7s. 6d.**i&. l654>. 547. Copper Plate Magazine, or Monthly Cabinet of Picturesque Prints, consisting of sublime and interesting Views in Great Britain and Ireland, from the Paintings and Drawings of the first Masters, 4 vols, half-bound, <£8. 8s. • • • -id. n. d. 548. Cibber's (Colley) Apology for his Life, portrait, neat, £\. Is. ib. 1740. 549. Cavallo's (Tiberius) Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air, l6s. ib. 3/81. 550. Chalmers' (George) estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain, during the present and four preceding Reigns, served, os ib. 1780. 551. Carey's (John) English Atlas, half-bound, £l. 8s.* >ib. 1793. 552. calf, £l. Us. 6d. ib. 1793. 553. Survey of the High Roads from London to Hampton Court, &c. neat, 15s. ib. 1789. 554. Carleton (Sir Dudley, Knt.) Letters during his Embassy in Holland, neat, £l. Is. ib. 1757. 555. Chauchard's Geographical, Historical, and Political descrip- tion of Germany, &c. russia extra, with the atlas, large folio, half-bound, £6. ib. 1800. 44 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 556. Clarendon's (Henry, Earl of) State Letters during the Reign of King James the Second, 2 vols, neat, £3. 105. Oxon. 1763. 557- Carew's (Richard) Survey of Cornwall, half-bound, £l- 1*. Lond. 1769. 558. Chodowieck's Characters of Human Passions, with Manuscript descriptions in German by Lavater, and translations in French and English, elegant in morocco, £9- 9$- 559. Courbeville's Hero, from the Spanish of Baltasar Gracian, calf extra, 10s. ib. 1726. 560. Cunningham's Tactics of the British Army, neat, 7s. 6d. if). 1802. -56l. Codrington's (Thomas) Marrow of History, or the Pil- grimage of Kings and Princes, — 23lacft %ttttt — russia, 18*. ib. 1652. 562. Courtiers Academic, comprehending seuen seuerall dayes discours: — viz. OfBeautie. — Of Human Loue. — Of Honour. — Of Combate and single Fight. — Of Nobilitie. — Of Riches. — Of Precedence of Letters or Armes, half -bound, £\. Is. printed by Valentine Sims, n. d. 56o. Camden's (William) Remaines concerning Britain, neat, £l. Is. Lond. 1629. 5Q4,. with many rare Anti- quities by Philpot, portrait, £l. Is. ib. 1636. 555. portrait, £l. Is. ib. 1637. 566. Carion's thre Bokes of Cronicles, gathered with great diligence, of the best Authours that haue written in Hebrue, Greke, or Latine, whereunto is added an Appendix, gathered by John Funcke of Nurenborough, whyche was never afore prynted in Englysh ,— 23lacft ftettet— neat, £3. 3s. Imprynted at London, for G. Walter Lynne, dwellynge on Somers Keye, by Byllinges Gate, in the year e of our Lord, 1550. 567, Cardanus's Comforte, translated into Englyshe, by Thomas Bedingfield, and published by commandement of the righte honourable the Earl of Oxenforde,— SBIacft %ttttt— neat, £4. 4s. Imprinted by Thomas Marsh, 1576 History ', Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Mo. 45 568. Converted Fryar, or a defiance to the Church of Rome, as it was acted at Westminster, on Saturday the 8th of March, 1672, half-bound, 5s. 6d. Lond. 1673. 569. Cowdray's (Robert) Treasurie, or Store-House of Similies, dirty title, £l. Is. ib. 1600. 570. Court Career, Death Shaddow'd to Life, or Shadowes of Life and Death, a Pasquil Dialogue seriously perused, and approved by the clearest Judgement, with a wood-cut of King Charles and Oliver Cromwell imperfect at the end, 5s. 6d. ib. 1659. 57 1. Coppie of the Anti-Spaniard, made at Paris by a Frenchman, a Catholique, wherein is directly proved how the Spanish King is the only cause of all the troubles in France, translated out of French, — SBfacfc %ttttt — 15s. London, printed by John Wolfe, 1590. 572. Caveat for Knaves, half-bound, morocco back, Is. • • • >ib. 1648. 573. Campbell's (Donald) Journey over land to India, very neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1796. 574. (Alex.) Journey from Edinburgh through parts of North Britain, with numerous plates, 2 vols, boards, £3. 3s. i^ 1811. 575. Chandler's (Richard) Travels in Asia Minor and Greece, 2 vols. neat, £5. \5s. 6d. Oxon. 1775-6. 576. Cordiner's (Rev. James) Remarkable Ruins and Romantic Prospects of North Britain, with Ancient Monuments and singular Subjects of Natural History, fine impressions, 2 vols. calf extra, £4>. 4>s. ib. 1 795. 577- (James) Description of Ceylon, many plates, 2 vols, half -bound, russia, £2. l6s. Lond. 1 807. 578. Chappie's Review of part of Risdon's Survey of Devon, russia, £l 5s. Exeter, 1785. 579. Coryat's Crudities hastily gobbled up in five moneths Trauells in France, Sauoy, Italy, Rhetia, commonly called the Grisons country, Helvetia alias Switzerland, &c. newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe, wants the engraved 46 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. frontispiece, but has the other plates, russia, gilt leaves, £7. 7s. Lond. 1611. 580. Another Copy, with the plate of the Tun only, <£4. 4*. ib. 1611. 581. Charlton's (Walter) Antiquity of Britain, vulgarly called Stone- Heng, with the plate, and commendatory Verses by Robert Howard and John Driden, half-bound, 7s. Gd. •••• ib. 1663. 582. Clarke's (James Stanier) Progress of Maritime Discovery, plates, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1803. 583. Clerk's (John) Essay on Naval Tactics, plates, neat, £l.\0s. ib. 1 790. 584. Capper's (James) Observations on the Passage to India through Egypt, and across the Great Desert, maps, morocco, 15s. *'£. 1783. 585. Can's (John) Stranger in France, plates, including Bonaparte and his Empress, half-bound, £\.\s. ib. 1803. 586. Concise History of the Antiquities of Egypt, with some account of Sir Hans Sloan his Antiquities and Curiosities, plates, half-bound, 9s. ib. 1 755. 587. Civill Considerations upon many and sundrie Histories, as well Ancient as Moderne, by Gabriel Chapperys, 8s. 6d. ib. 1601. 588. Clavigero's History of Mexico, translated by Cullen, plates* 2 vols, boards, £l. 8s. ib. 1787. 589. Cajsar translated by Arthur Golding— SBtaCft %ttttt— half- bound, £l. lis. 6d * ib. 1590. 590. Daniel's (Rev. William) Rural Sports, plates, 3 vols, imperial paper, elegant in russia, gilt leaves, £25. ib. 1805. 591. ■ 3 vols, imperial paper, with the plates beautifully coloured, elegant in morocco, gilt leaves and joints, £52. 10s. . • ib. 1 805. Very few Copies were printed on Imperial Paper, and those only for Subscribers. 592. FIRST EDITION, 2 vols. neat, £10. 10s. ib. 1802. 593. Drinkwatcr's (John) History of the Siege of Gibraltar, with plates, calf, £3. 3s. ib. 1785. 594. Another Copy, plates, neat, £2. 12s. 6d. ••••ib. 1785, History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — 4£o. 47 595. De Foe's (Daniel) History of the Union between England and Scotland, portrait, half -bound, l6s. Lond. 1786. 596. portrait, LARGE PAPER, Cttlf, £l.Ss. lb. 1786. 597- Dow's (Alexander) History of Him\ostan 9 frontispiece and map, 2 vols, neat, £l. 14s. * • "ib. 1768. 598. Dallas's (Sir George) Letter to Sir William Pulteney, on the subject of the Trade between India and Europe, calf extra, l6s. ib. 1802. 599. Dc Lovenhorn's Sailing Directions for the Kattegat, half bounds 10s. Copenhagen, 1800. 600. Dale's (Samuel) History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dover- court, with plates, neat, £l.ls. Lond. 1 730. 601. russia, £l.6s. •* ••U. 1730. 602. Dirom's Narrative of the Campaign in india, which termi- nated the War with Tippoo Sultan, in 1792, plates, £\. 4*. ^.1793. 603. Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting, by Dryden, frontispiece, fine copy, in russia, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1695. 604. : New System of Geography, with a Set of Maps engraven from Cellarius's, neat, ISs. ib. 1742. 605. Dunsford's (Martin) Historical Memoirs of Tiverton, plates, boards, 12s. Exeter, 1 790. 606. Dillon's (John Talbot) Travels through Spain, with a View to illustrate the Natural History and Physical Geography of that Country, plates, very neat in calf, l6s. . • • • Lond. 1782. 607. Dalzel's (Archibald) History of Dahomy, an Inland Kingdom of Africa, Jine plates, boards, 12s. ib. 1793. 608. Demosthenes, translated by T. Leland, neat, £l. 5s. • *ib. 177 1. 609. Darell's (Rev. W.) History of Dover Castle, plates, boards, 15s. ib. 1797. 610. Description of Killarney, boards, 4>s.6d. ib. 1776. §11. Donne's (Dr.) Letters to several Persons of Honour, wants the head, 6s. ib. 1651. 612. ! with the portrait, calf extra, 186. • ib. 16*54. 48 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 613. Delices de la Grande Bretagne : containing 36 fine Engravings of Landscapes in different parts of England, by Buck, with a description of each in English, xery neat, <£2. 2*. Lond. 1791- 614. De Lolme's History of the Flagellants, or the advantages of Discipline, plates, xery neat, £l. 5s. ib. 1777 > gl5 # , another edition, without plates, 7s. 6d. Lond. n. d. 616. Darcie's (Abraham) Annates: The True and Royall History of the famous Empresse Elizabeth Queene of England* France, and Ireland, &c. tilth the curious frontispiece, £3. 13*. 6d.. ib - l6 ~ 5 ' 617. Dekker's (Thomas) Magnificent Entertainment, given to King James, Queene Anne his Wife, and Henry Frederic the Prince, upon the Day of his Majesties Triumphant Passage (from the Tower) through this Honourable Citie (and Chamber) of London, being the 15th of March, 1633, half- bound, £5. 5s. & 1^04. 61 8. Discouerie of the most secret and subtile practises of the Je- suites, translated out of French, morocco, £l. Is. • • ib. 1610. 619. Dance of Death, Painted by H. Holbein and engraved by W. Hollar, illustrated by letter-press, with two sets of plates, one coloured, the other plain, elegant in blue morocco, £<2.l2s.6d. ■*• ISO*. 620. Destruction of Troy, in three Books, neat, £l. Is. > • ib. 1702. 621. Disconsolate Ileformado; or the sad look'd Presbyterian Jack, half -bound, morocco back, 7 s. 6 d. ib. 1647. 622. Davies's (Sir John) Discouerie of the true Causes why Ireland was neuer entirely subdued, untill the beginning of his Majestie's Reigne, neat, 14s. ib. l6l2. 623. De Beau Chesne's Booke containing divers sortes of hands, as well the English as French Secretaire, with the Italian, ' Roman Chancelry, and Court Hands — Davies's (of Here- ford) Writing Schoole-Master or the Anatomy of Faire Writing — Seamei's Arts Master-piece or the Pen's Glory — The Art of Faire Writing, bound together in russia, £2.2s. i*.l641,&c. History, Biography, Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. English, — 4fo. 49 624. Day's (Angel) Englishe Secretaire ; or mcthode of Writing of Epistles and Letters, dirty title— 23lacft %ttttt — neat, 9s. Lond. l6l4. 625. Drewreys (II.) Vindication of the separate Brethren of the Spirit, against a Libell called the Resolution of the Round- Heads, half -bound, morocco bach, Js. 6d. ib. 1641. 626. Discoucrie of the most Secret and Subtile Practices of the Jesuites, morocco, £\. Is. ib. l6l0. This Copy has in several places Ireland's forgery of Shakspeare's writing. 627. Demosthenes' Orations, translated by the Rev. Philip Francis, 2 vols, neat, £i.\s. ib. 1757. 628. Edwards's (Bryan) History of the British Colonies in the West Indies, plates, 2 vols, neat, £3. 3s. ib. 1 794. 629. - ■ Historical Survey of the French Colony in the Island of St. Domingo, map, half-bound, 12s. • • ib. 1797. 630. Epictetus's Works, by Eliz. Carter, neat, £ 1. 1*. . . . . ib. 1758. 631. Ende of Nero and beginning of Galba. Fower Bookes of the Histories of Cornelius Tacitus. The Life of Agricola, by Henry Savile, half-bound, £\. 10s. Printed at Oxford by Joseph Barnes, 1581. 632. Earlom (Richard) and Charles Turner's Portraits of Characters Illustrious in British History, from the beginning of the Reiib. 1601. 640. England's Royall Fishing Revived, or a computation as well of the charge of a Busse or Herring Fishing Ship as also of the gaine and profit thereby. — Royal Fishing Revived wherein is demonstrated from what causes the Dutch have engrossed the Fishing Trade, 12s. ib. 1630-31. 641. Essay concerning Obedience to Supreme Powers, half -bound) 3s. ib. 16^4. 642. Eccentric Magazine, or Lives and Portraits of Remarkable Persons, large paper, 2 vols, boards, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1814. 643. Ecton's (John) Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticum, being an Account of the valuation of all the Ecclesiastical Benefices, 14s. ib. 1763. 644. Forbes's (Sir William) Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. James Beattie, portrait, 2 vols, calf, £2. 12s. 6d. Editn 1806. 645. Forster's (George) Journey from Bengal to England through the Northern Part of India, Persia, and Russia by the Caspian Sea, 2 vols, in 1, neat in calf, £2, 12s. 6d, Lond. 1806. 646. Frezier's Voyage to the South Sea and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, in the Years 1712, 1713, and 1714, plates, 12s. •••••& 1717. 647. Fox's (Charles James) History of the early part of the Reign of James the Secoud, head, elegant in calf, 1 5s. ib. 1808. 648. Another Copy, large paper, boards, £1. 5s. • • • • ib. 1808. 6*4,0, small paper, illustrated with 57 fine por- traits, russia, gilt leaves, £8. 8s. 26. 1 808. 650. Francklin's (W.) History of the Reign of Shah-Aulum, the Emperor of Hindostaun, plates, neat, £1. Is. .... ib. 179& 651. Folkes's (Martin) Tables of English Gold and Silver Coins, neat, £l.4s. : • • ib. 1736-45. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies, English, — 4>to. 51 652. Forrest's (Captain Thomas) Voyage from Calcutta to the Mergui Archipelago, plates, large paper, calf, £2. 10s. Lond. 1792. 653. — Voyage to New guinea and the Moluccas from Balambangan, portrait and plates, boards, £l.ls. ib. 1780. 654. Another Copy, neat in calf, £l, 6s ib. 1780. 655. Fortis's (Alberto) Travels into Dalmatia, with 20 plates, boards, 10s, 6d. ib. 1778. 656. Fenn's (Sir John) Original Letters, written during the Reigns of Henry the Sixth, Edward the Fourth, and Richard the Third, •with portraits, autographs, Sf-c. 2 vols, boards, £l. lis. Gd. ib. 1787. 657. Another Copy, complete, 4 vols, boards, £5. 5s. • • ib. 1787-9. 658. Fielding's (Henry) Works, portrait, A, vols. russia y £C>. ib. 1762. 659> Froissart's Chronicles of England, Franc,?, and the adjoining Countries, with his Life by Johnes, 5 vols, boards, .£25. Hafod Press, 1803. 660. Ferguson's (Adam) History of the Progress and Termination" of the Roman Republic, 3 vols, neat in calf, £4>. 4s. Lond. 1783. 661. Francis's (Philip) Original Minutes of the Governor General and Council of Fort William on the Revenues of Bengal, calf extra, 1 Ss. ib, 1782. 662. Free.Holder's Plea against Stock-Jobbing Elections of Parlia- ment Men, As. ib. 1701. 663. Fannant's (Thomas) Historicall Narration of the Manner and Forme of that Memorable Parliament, which wrought Wonders in 13. 5, half -bound, russia, 7s. ib. 1641. 664. Grose's (Francis) History and Antiquities of England and Wales, with the Supplement, 6 vols. — Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols. — Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vols. — History of the English Army and Armour, 2 vols, with the collection of Plans to the England and Wales, and Darell's History of Dover-Castle, 52 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. in all 14 vols, very fine impressions of the numerous plater, the largest paper, calf,£60. Lond. 1773, &c 665. Grose's (Francis) History and Antiquities of England and Wales, plates, 4 vols, largest paper, neat, £9. 9s. ib. 1773, &c. 666. Scotland, largest paper, very fine impressions, 2 vols, neat in calf, «£7« ib. 1789- 667. Military Antiquities, respecting a History of the Eng- lish Army, plates, 2 vols, russia, extra, £5. 5s." • *ib. 1801. 66S. Gough's (Richard) Anecdotes of British Topography, neat, £l.ls. 26.1768. 669. British Topography, or an Historical account of what has been done for illustrating the Topographical An- tiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, maps, 2 vols, russia, marbled leaves, £5. 15s. 6d. ib. 1780. 670. ■ 2 vols, very neat, £4. 10s. ib. 1780. 671. Another Copy, illustrated with various Topographical Views, &c. 2 vols, russia, £l . 7s. ib. 1780. 672. Grammont's (Count de) Memoirs, with many portraits, and others in addition, russia, gilt leaves, £7. 7s. • • . . ib. 1793. 673. Gibbon's (Edward)IIistory of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 6 vols, very neat, £\0. 10s. ib. 1776-88. 674. Ditto, with his Miscellaneous Works, 9 vols, neat, £16. ib. 1782, &c. 675. Miscellaneous Works, 3 vols, neat in calf, £5. ib. 1796, &c. 676. Gentoo Laws (a Code of) or Ordinations of the Pundits, from a Persian Translation, neat, 12s. ib. 1776. 677. Grant's (Charles, Viscount de Vaux) History of Mauritius, or the Isle of France, and the neighbouring Islands, plates, boards, £l.\s. ib. 1801. 678. Grieves's (James) History of Kamtschatka and the Kurilski Islands, plates, very neat, £l. 8s. Gloucester, 1764. 679. Gallery of Fashion : comprising a collection of whole length Figures of Ladies with Fashionable Dresses, published History, Biography, Antiquities, 8y Miscellanies. English. — 4£o. 53 Monthly in the year 1794, 1795, and part of 1796, half- bound, russia, £l. Is. Lond. 179^-5. 680. Gisborne's (Thomas) Enquiry into the Duties of Men, neat, 18*. - ib.179*- 681. Gilbert's (Thomas) Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, plates, very neat, l6s. ib. 1789. 682. Granger's (Rev. J.) Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution, 5 vols, half-bound, mo- rocco backs and corners, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1769-84. 683. Garrard's Lunar Tablets, neat, 5s. ib.n. d. 684. Gibson's (Kennett) Comment upon part of the fifth Journey of Antoninus through Britain, sewed, 15s. ib. 1800. 685. ■ (Matthew) View of the Ancient and present State of the Churches of Door, Home-Lacy, and Hempstead, fron- tispiece, neat, 15s. ib. 1727. 686. Gentleman's Journal for the War: being an Historical account of several strong Cities, Towns, and Ports of Europe, with plans of Fortifications, &c. 8.? '• ib. 1693. 687. Golden Fleece; treating of the Errours of Religion, the Vices and Decayes of the Kingdome, and lastly the wayes to get Wealth, &c. 10*. 6d. .'ib. 1626. 688. Greatarick (Valentine) (Miraculous Conformist: or an account of severall Marvellous Cures performed by the stroaking of the Hands of Val.) with the very rare portrait, and also a re-engraved copy, russia, gilt leaves, £5. 10s. • *Oxon. 1666. 689. Ghost of Sir John Presbyter; wherein he desircth that the rest of the faction may desist and prosecute no farther that Monster of Presbytery, half-bound, morocco back, 6s. • • • 'Lond. l647. 690. Green's (Valentine) History and Antiquities of Worcester, fine plates, 2 vols, boards, £\.15s. • Lond. 1796. 691. Gladwin's (Francis) History of Hindostan, vol. 1, neat £l. 1 Is. 6d. Calcutta, 1788. 692. Gesner's (Solomon) New Idylles, &c. translated by Hooper, plates, very neat, l6s. Lond. 1776. 693. Gueuara's (Sir Antonie of) Familiar Epistles, translated by Edward Hellowes— 2?(acft Setter — 12*. '*• ib. 1584. 54 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 694. Grimestone's (Edward) History of the Serrail and of the Court of the. Grand Seigneur, Emperor of the Turkcs, very neat, 1 5s. Lond. printed by William Stansby. 695. Hutchinson's (William) History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, 3 vols, half-bound, vellum, uncut, £8.Ss. Newcastle, 1785. 696. - of Cumberland, 2 vols, fine paper, russia, £7. 7 s. Carlisle, 1794. 697> Hakluyt's (Richard) Historie of the West Indies, containing the Actes and Adventures of the Spaniards which haue con- quered and Peopled those Countries, translated by M. Lok, half-bound, russia, £2. 2s. London, printed for Andrew Hebb, n. d. 69S. Historia de Donne Famose. Or the Romaine Jubilee which happened in the year. 855. Disputed lately that there was a Woman Pope named Jone the Eighth against all the Je- suits, by a Germaine, &c. calf extra, £l.ls. ib. 1599. 699. Heylin's (Peter) Little Description of the Great World, 9s. ib. 1627. 700. ■ History of St. George of Cappadocia,yro»- tispiece, neat, 9s. 6d. ib. 16*33. 701. Huartes' (John) Examination of Men's Wits, 10s.* • • • ib. 1594. 702. Harvey's (John) Discoursive Probleme concerning Prophecies, far they are to be valued, or credited according to the surest Rules and Directions in Diuinitie, Philosophic, As- trologie, and other learning, fine copy — SBIacft %ttttt — o£4.4*. ib. 1588. 703. Hogarth, Tothall, &c. : — An Account of what seemed most remarkable in the Five Days Peregrination of the Five fol- lowing Persons, viz. Tothall, Scott, Hogarth, Thornhill, and Forrest, from May 27th to the 31st, 1732, with eight en- gravings designed by Hogarth, and three original drawings, russia, £3. 10s. ib. 1782. 704. Hogarth's Works Moralized, by Trusler, plates, neat, £6. 1 6s. 6d. ib. 1768. 705. Hay ward's (Sir John) Works, viz. Lives of the 3 Norman Kings, William I. II. and Hen. I. Lond. 10*13. — Life of Henry IV. Lond. 1599.— Life of Edward VI. Lond. 1&30. History, Biography, Antiquities, Sf Miscellanies. English.^-4>to. 55 — Answer to Oilman's Tonference, Lond. 1603. — in one volume, neat* £3. 10s. In this volume are well executed portraits of Hay ward and of Edward VI. the former l>y W. Pass and the latter by R. Vaughan. 706. Hay ward's 'Sir J.) Answer to the first part of a certaine Con- ference, concerning succession, published under the name of R. Dolman, neat in calf, 10s. 6 d. Lond. l6'03. 707. First Part of the Life and Raigne of Kinu I fenry the Fourth, half 'bound, 10s. 6d. ib. 1599- 708. Another Copy, sewed, 7s. 6d. ib. 1599« 709. Harvey's (Gabriel) New Letter of Notable Contents, with a straunge Sonnet, entitled Gorgon, £3. 3s. ib. 1593. 710. His Majestie's (King James I.) Speach in the last Session of Parliament, half -bound, 3s. ib. 1605. 711. Howard's (John) State of the Prisons in England and Wales, with an account of some Foreign Prisons, plates, neat, £\.\s. Warrington, 1777- 712. __ Ditto, with an Account of the Principal Lazarettos in Europe, and various Papers relative to the Plague, plates, 2 vols, very neat, £2. 2s. • • • • Lond. 1791-2. 713. ■ Another Set, plates, 2 vols, very neat, £2. 5s. ib. 17.91-2. 714. Hamilton's (Charles) Hedaya, or Guide; a Commentary on the Musselman Laws, translated by order of the Governor General and Council of Bengal, 4 vols, neat, £l0.» »ib. 1791. Only very few Copies were printed, and those not for sale. 715. Hawkins's (Sir J.) General History of the Science and Practice of Music, plates, 5 vols. neat,£ 7.7s. ib. 177 6. 716. Halfpenny's (Joseph) Fragmenta Vetusta, or the remains of Ancient Buildings in York, boards, £2. 2s ib. 1807. 717. Hawkeworth's (John) Account of Voyages for making dis- coveries in the Southern Hemisphere, including Captain Cook's first Voyage, plates, 3 vols, neat, £6. 6s. ib. 1773. 718. History of the Town and Parishes of Gravesend and Milton, by Pocock, plates, boards, 10s. 6d. Gravesend, 1797. 719' History of the Great Emperour Tamerlan, Drawn from the auncient Monuments of the Arabians, by Mes. Jean du Bee. 56 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. Translated by II. M. Lond. 1597.— History of the Wars between the Turks and Russians, from the Italian of Minadoi, by Ab. Hartwell, Lond. 1595, in one vol. half-bound, neat, £2. 2s. 720. Harrington's (Sir William) Oceana and other Works, with an account of his Life by Toland, frontispiece, neat, £l. lis. 6d. Lond. 177i. 721. Hubbard's (W.) Present State of New England, 5*.« -#. 1677. 722. Husband's Collection of Remonstrances, Declarations, &c. frontispiece, neat, Qs. ib. l6*42. 723. Harleian Miscellany, or a collection of scarce, curious, and entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, as well in Manuscript as in Print, found in the late Earl of Oxford's Library, interspersed with Historical, Political, and Critical Notes, 8 xote. very neat, £\2. 125. ib. 1753. 724. Harris's (James) Works, with his Life, &c. by his Son the present Lord Malmesbury, 2 vols, neat, £S. 3s. • • ib. 1801. 725. Harrison's Picturesque Views of the principal Seats of the Nobility and Gentry in England and Wales, with a de- scription of each Seat, neat, £6. 6s. ib. 1J87- 726. Another Copy, morocco, gilt leaves, £7. 7s. ib. 1787. 727- Heraldic Miscellanies, containing Lives of Sir W. Dugdale, and G. King, Esq. by themselves, with a copy of the third part of the Boke of St. Albans, boards, 12s. ib. n. d. 728. History of Framlingham in Suffolk, by Robert Hawes, and enlarged by Robert Loder, plates, boards, 18s. Woodbridge, 1798. 729. Hayley's (William) Essay on History, boards, 6s. ib. 1780. 730. Hunter's (John) Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, &c. &c. plates, neat, £l. lls.6d. ib. 1793. 731. Home's (Mr.) Select Views in Mysore, the Country of Tippoo Sultan, finely engraved, with Historical Descriptions, neat in calf, £4. il. 1 794. 732. Another Copy, elegant in morocco, gilt leavcs } £4. 14s. 6d. ib. 1794. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — 4>to. 57 733. Hodges's (William) Travels in India, plates, 18s.-Lond. 1793. 734. Harte's (Rev. Walter) History of the Life of Gustavus Adol- phus, King of Sweden, with portrait, maps, fyc. 2 vols. neat, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1759- 735. Hutcheson's (Francis) System of Moral Philosophy, 2 vols. neat, 18s. ib. 1755. 736. Honour and Dignity of Trade, particularly as connected with the City of London, illustrated with portraits, by Marshall, Vertue, and others, red morocco, gilt leaves, £5. 5s. ib. 1813. 737- Hogarth's (William) Analysis of Beauty, splendidly bound in calf, 18*. ib. 1753. 738. Another Copy, with the original prints, £l. 15s. •• ib. 1753. 739. russia, £2. 2s. ib. 1753. 740. Hardwicke's Miscellaneous State Papers, from 1501 to 1726, frontispiece, 2 vols, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1778. 741. Another Set, 2 vols, half-bound, uncut, £2. Ss.**ib. 1778. 742. Hastings' (Warren) Narrative of the Insurrection which hap- pened in the Zemeedary of Benaris, neat, £l. lis. 6d. Calcutta, 1782. 743. Hatsell's Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons, 4 vols, neat, £2. 2s. Lond. 1785. 744. Ives's (Edward) Voyage from England to India, in the year 1754, plates, neat, £l. 6s. ib. 1773. Y4,5. — — another copy, very neat, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1777. 746. Illingworth's (Rev. Cayley) Topographical Account of the Parish of Scampton in the County of Lincoln, boards, £l. 5s. ib. 1810. 747. Jortin's (John) Life of Erasmus, portrait, neat, £l. 15*. ib. 1758. 748. with the second volume, portrait, 2 vols, neat, <£4. 4s. ib. 1758, Sfc. H 58 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 749. Jones's (William of Nayland) Physiological Disquisitions, or Discourses on the Natural Philosophy of the Elements, plates, neat, £2. 2s. Lond. 1781. 750. (Sir W.) Institute of Hindoo Law, neat, £3. 13s. 6d. Calcutta, 179*. 751. Jackson's (John) Chronological Antiquities, 3 vols, neat, £l. 1Y#: 6d. Lond. 175% 752. Jeffery's French Coasting Pilot, 5s ib. if oil 753. Journal from Mount Sinai by the Prefetto of Egypt, in Com- pany with the Missionaries de Propaganda Fide at Grand Cairo, translated by the Bishop of Clogher, (Clayton) 10*. 6d. ib. 1753. 754. Rennet's (White) Parochial Antiquities of Ambrosden, Bur- cester, and other adjacent parts in the Counties of Oxford and Bucks, plates, neat, £j. 7s. Oxon. 16*95. 755. Kennedy's (James) Description of the Antiquities and Cu- riosities in Wilton House, with 25 engravings, neat, £l. Is. Salisbury, 1779- 756. Kirk's (R.) Outlines from the Figures and Compositions upon the Greek, Roman, and Etruscan Vases of the late Sir William Hamilton, with engraved Borders, also several Drawings. — Representations of a Greek Vase in the pos- session of C. II. Tatham, bound together, russia, 'gilt leaves, £5s. 5s. Lond. 1804-11. 757. Kilburne's (Rich.) Survey of Kent, portrait, l6s.*-it>. 1659. 758. Another Copy, portrait, rough calf, IBs. ib. l659- 759. Kippis's (Andrew) Life of Captain James Cook; portrait, boards, £l. 5s. ib. 1788. 760. Keysler's (John George) Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain, plates, 4 vols. neat, £\. 10*. ib. 1756. 76'1. Lavater's Essays on Physiognomy, translated by Hunter, with picked impressions of the plates, 5 vols, elegant in morocco t gilt leaves, £ol. 10s. ib. 17&9> History, Biography, Antiquities, Sp Miscellanies. English. — 4to. 59 762, Leland's (Thomas) History of Ireland from the Invasion of Henry the Second, 3 vols, very neat, £4. 10s. Loncl. 1773. 763, — — . . Life of Philip, King of Macedon, por- trait and map, 2 vols, very neat, £l. 15s. ib. 1758. 764,. Lyttleton's (Lord) History of the Life of King Henry the Second, 4 vols, very neat, £4>. 4>s. ib. 1767. 765. 1 4 vols, russia, £i. 14>s.6d. ib. 1767. 766, Miscellaneous Works, portrait, half -bo und, 18*. lb. 1775. 767. Life of Edward Lord Herbert, of Cherbury, written by Himself, frontispiece, russia, £3. 10s. Strawberry Hill, 1764. 768. Ledwich's (Edward) Antiquities of Ireland, plates, half- bound, russia back, uncut, £3 .3s. Dublin, 1 790. 769. Ludlow's (Edmund) Memoirs with a collection of original Papers, and the case of King Charles the First, portrait, russia, extra, £3. 3s. Lond. 177 1. 770. Locke's (John) Works, 4 vols, portrait, very neat, £7. 17s. 6d. ib. 1768. 771. Lysias and Isocrates' Oraiions, by John Gillies, portraits, neat, £1. 16s. ib. 1778. 772. Lairesse's Art of Painting, plates, half-bound, £2. 2s. ib. 1778. 773. Lewis's (William) Commercium Philosophico-Technicum, or the Philosophical Commerce of Arts, plates, very neat, £l. 16s. ib. 1763. 774. Lambard's Perambulation of Kent, map — 2$lacft Setter — calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. 2s. ib. 1576. *775. ' BEST EDITION, with both the maps, — SMacft %ttttt—neat, £2.6s.-*ib. 1596. 7760 Lhoyd's (II.) llistorie of Cambria, now called Wales, by Powel, — SBtaCfc Hettet— £7. 7s. Imprinted at London, by Rdfe Newberie and Henrie Denham, 1584. 60 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 777 • Lhoyd's (II.) Historie of Cambria, now called Wales, by Powel, russia, gilt leaves, — SBlaCfc %ttttt — £S. 8s. "Lond. 1584. 7/8. Another Copy, imperfect, £l. 4s. ib. 1584. 779- Latham's Falconry : or the Faulcon's Lure and Cure, both parts, cuts, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1633. 780. Leigh's (Gerard) Accedence of Armorie, 15s. • ••• ib. 1591. 781. 9s. ib. 1597- 782. neat, l8s.>-ib. 1597- 783. Lloid's (Lodowicke) Pilgrimage of Princes, both parts com- plete~2Blatk%ttttt—neat, £l. 10s. Lond. by William Jones at the West-Door of Pawles. n. d. 784. » __- , — — first part, 18*. Lond, 1607. 785. 1 — ■ — second part, 18s. ib. 1653. 786. Lisle's (William) Ancient Monuments in the Saxon tongue, written seven hundred yeares agoe, with the Testimony of Antiquitie, &c. &c. neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1638. 787. Lichefield's (Nicholas) History of the Discouerie and Con- quest of the East Indies by the Portingales, in their daun- gerous Nauigations, in the time of King Don John, the Second of that Name — &Iacft %ttttt — morocco, gilt leaves, £3. 3s. Imprynted at London, by T. East, 1582. 788. Law's Resolutions of Women's Rights : or the Lawes Pro- visions for Woemen, 4*. ib. 1632. 789. Lanquet Cooper and Cowley's Epitome of Chronicles,—* S&lacft SUttet: — russia, gilt leaves, £2. 10*.. • • *ib. 1559. 790. Martin (Thomas) and John Lettice's Antiquities of Hercu- laneum, comprised in 50 engravings with appropriate de~ scriptions, half-bound, £3. 3s. • • • ib. 1773. 791. Macartney's (Lord) Embassy to the Emperor of China, by Staunton, large paper, 2 vols, calf extra, and a folio volume of plates, half bound, £8. 8s. ib. 1797. 792. Another Copy, 2 vols, russia, and the folio plates, half- bound, £8. 18s. 6d, • . . * , . ib. 1791. History , Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Mo. 6l 793. Middleton's (Conyers) History of the Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero, 2 vols, neat, £l. 11 s. 6d. Lond. 1741. 7-94. Miscellaneous Works, portrait, 4> vols. £2. 2s. & 1752. 795. _ . 4 vols, neat, £3. 3s. ih. 1J52. 796. Miller's (Edward) History and Antiquities of Doncaster, plates, large parpe, h. b. morocco, uncut, £\. 10s. Doncaster, 1805. 797. Murphy's (James) Travels in Portugal, plates, boards, £ I. Is. Lond. l79o. 798. Another Copy, neat in calf, £l.8s. ih. 1795. 70)0). — General View of the State of Portugal, plates, boards^ 15s. ib. 1798. 800. Another Copy, neat in calf, £l. Is. ib. 1798. 801. Milner (John) on altering Cathedrals, 3s. ib. 1798. 802. Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, in the Ship Duff, by Captain Wiison, plates, very neat, 18*. ib. 1799- 803. More's (SirTho.) Utopia, translated by R.Robinson, with Notes, &c. by T. F. Dibdin, large paper, boards, £l. 10s. ib. 1808. 804. Another Copy, calf extra, gilt leaves* £l. 18s.»-ib. 1808. 805. Moore's (Charles) full enquiry into the subject of Suicide, 2 vols, in 1, neat, £l. 4s. ib. 1790. 806. Meyrick's (Samuel Rush) History and Antiquities of Car- digan, plates, russia, £2. 10s. ib. 1808. 807. Marvell's (Andrew) Works, with his Life by Thompson, 3 vols, neat in calf, £% 12s. 6d. ib. 1776. 808. Mascou's (John Jacob) History of the Ancient Germans, by Lediard, 2 vols, neat, £\. l6s. • • -ib. 1737. 809. Memoirs of Richard Cumberland, written by Himself, 18s. ib. 180o\ 810. Mante's (Thomas) History of the late War in North America, many plates, very neat in calf, £\.\\s.6d. ib. 1772. 62 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 811. Malcolm's (J. P.) Historical Sketch of the. Art of Cari- caturing, plates, boards, £l. 13s. Lond. 1813. 812. Morgan's (J.) Phoenix Britannicus, being a miscellaneous Collection of scarce Tracts, neat, £l. 10s. ib. 1732* 813. Markham's (Gervase) Soudier's Accedence ; or an Intro- duction into Military Discipline, 7s. 6d. ib. 1625. 814. Moonshine, or the Restauration of Jews-Trumps and Bag- pipes, half-bound , 10s. 6d. ib. l6j2. 815. Mulcaster's (Richard) Positions wherein those Primitive Cir- cumstances be examined, which are necessarie for ihe training up of Children, either for skill in their Booke, or health in their Bodie, half-bound, £2. 12s. 6d.»*ib. 1581. 816*. Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean in the Ship Duff, plates, very neat, 1 Ss. ib. 1 jgg. 817. Meares's (John) Voyages made in the years 1788 and 17SO. from China to the North-West Coast of America, with plates, boards, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1790. 818. Another Copy, in russia, £l. l6s. ib. 1790. 819. Macaulay's (Catherine) History of England from the Ac- cession of James the First, to that of the Brunswick Line, 9 vols, neat, £6. 6s. ib. 1763. 820. Milner's (Rev. John) History, Civil and Ecclesiastical, and Survey of the Antiquities of Winchester, plates, 2 vols. neat, £3. 10s. Winchester, n. d. 821. Manzini his most exquisite Academicall Discourses, by M. de Scudery, 6s. Land. 1655. 822. Mirrour (The) of Policie. x\ worke no lesse profitable than necessarie, for all Magistrates and Governours of Estates and Commonweales, with wood-cuts, l6s. ib. 1599. 823. May's (John) Declaration of the Estate of Clothing now used within this Realme of England, damaged, 7s. 6d. ib. 1613. 824. More's (Sir Thomas) Utopia, translated by Ralphe Ro- binson, 6s. • • • • • • ib. 1 624. History, Biography, Antiquities, Sp Miscellanies, English, — 4>to. 65 825. MSS. on Various Subjects, written in the year 1721, and pre- ceding 100 years, including one on the Brunswick Family, £5. 5s. A former possessor thus remarks,— '*, The MS. on the other side of this book, relating to the royal family of Brunswick is very curious, and for the honour of their ancestors it is to be hoped not true. I do not think that either it or the first part it alludes to ever were pub- lished, or if so they must have beeu in a very confined circulation, among the Jacobites. — Wraxall gives some particulars of the fate of George I.'s wife but not so particularly horrible as this." 826. Nichols's (John) Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth ; among which are interspersed other Solemnities, Public Expenditures, and remarkable Events during the Reign of that Illustrious Princess, zvitk plates, 2 vols, neat, £18. f'3.1788. 827. Another Copy, 3 vols, complete, £40. ib. 1788-1805. Nearly the whole of the impression of vol. 3, of the above Work, having been destroyed by fire, complete sets are of very rare occurrence. 828. — i Miscellaneous Antiquities, No. 2, Part 3, containing Reliquiae Galeanae, plates, £l. 15s. ••••ib. 1792. 829. ___ No. 5, being the History of the Collegiate Church of St. Catherine's, plates, boards, Us. 6d. ib. 1782. 830. ■ Liber Quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Garde- robse, Anno regni regis Edwardi Primi Vicesimo Octavo, boards, £l . Is. ib. 1787. $31. ■ — — Biographical and Literary Anecdotes of William Bowyer, Printer, F.S.A. and of many of his learned Friends, portrait, boards, £l . 1 1 s. 6d. ib. 1 782. 832. Another Copy, very neat in calf, £l. 15s. ib. 1782. 833. Collection of all the Wills now known to be extant of the Kings and Queens of England, and every Branch of the Blood Royal, russia, £l. 4>s. ib. 1780. 834. Another Copy, neat, £1.1*. ib. 1780. 835. Newcome's (Rev. Peter) History of St. Alban's, 2 vols, in 1, plates, neat, £1. 6s. ib. 1793. 836. Newton's (Sir Isaac) Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1728. 64 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 837. North's (Roger) Life of the Right Honourable Francis North, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal under King diaries the Second, and King James the Second, portrait, 2 vols, neat, £3. 10s. Lond. 1742. 838. Noble's (Rev. Mark) History of the College of Arms, portraits, boards, £l.ls ib. 1804. 839. New System of Mercantile Calculation, by the use of Universal Arbiter Numbers, half-bound, russia, 1 5s. ib. 1795. 840. Another Copy, boards, 9s. • ib. 1795. 841. Norden's (John) Speculum Britanniae, the first parte an His- toricall and Chorographicall description of Middlesex, maps, neat, £1. Is. • n.d. 842. ■ Mirror of Honor, neat, 14s. ib. 1 597. 843. Surveior's Dialogue, "eery neat in brown calf, 16s. < ib. l6lS. 844. Nedham's (Marchamont) Case of the Commonwealth of England, stated in two Parts, 9s. ib. 1650. 845. Nicols's (Thomas) Lapidary, or the History of Pretious Stones, 6s. Camb. 1652. 846. Narrative of the most terrible and dreadful Tempest, Hurri- cane, or Earthquake in Holland, the 22nd of July last, half-bound, 7s. n. d. 847. Nest of Perfidious Vipers, or the second part of the Par- liament Kalendar of Black Saints, half-bound, 6s. Lond. 1644. 848. Newes Out of Spaine of infinite concernment to England, half-bound, 6s. ib. 16*44. 849. Newes from the Great Turke. A blasphemous Manifestation of the Grand Seignior of Constantinople against the Chris- tians, &c. half -bound, 7s. 6d. • ♦ ib. 1645. 850. Noli me Tangere : or a Thing to be Thought on, wood cut on title, 5s. ib. 1642. 851. Newes from Parnassus. The Politicall Touchstone, taken from Mount Parnassus, 6s. at Helicon, 1622. 852. Another Copy, tery neat in calf, 12s. ib. 1622. History, Biography, Antiquities, 8r Miscellanies. English. — 4>to. 6S 853. Ormondes (Marquesse of) Declaration proclaiming Charles the Second, King of England, &c. sewed, 5s. Land. 1649. 854. - . true relation of divers defeats given against the Rebels of Ireland, by the, part of the plate •wanting, 5s. ih. lrj42. 855. Oddys (J. Jepson) on European Commerce, shewing new and secure Channels of Trade with the Continent of Europe, &c. half-bound, £2. 2s. ih. 1805. 856. Another Copy, russia, £2. 5s. ib. 1805. 857. Orme's (Robert) History of Military Transactions in Indostan, 3 vols, boards, £3. 3s. ib. 1803. 85S. Ornaments of Churches considered, with a particular view to the Church of St. Margaret's Westminster, 10s.6d. Oxon, 1761. 859. Pennant's (Thomas) Works on Topography and Natural History, vie. Genera of. Birds and Systematic Catalogue, in 1 vol. — Tours in Scotland, 3 vols, — British Zoology, 4 vols. — Tours in Wales, 2 vols. — History of Quadrupeds, 2 vol6. — Journey from Chester to London, 1 vol. — Arctic Zoology, 2 vols. — Supplement to ditto, with Indian Zoology, and the Author's Life, in 1 vol. — Account of London, 1 vol. — History of Whitefurd and Holywell, 1 vol. — View of Hindoostan, 4 vols. — Tour from Downing to Alston Moor, and thence to Brimham Crags, 2 vols, in J, — Journey from London to the Isle of Wight, 2 vols, in 1. being in all 24 vols, with numerous plates, neat in calf, £50;."" « ib. 1774, &c. StjO. Tour in Wales, plates, 2 vols, half-bound, russia, £5. 5s. * * » • • • ih. 1/84. 85l # ; vol. 1, boards, £l.4*s. ib. 1778. 862. — — 1 Journey from Chester to London, plates, neat, £5. 5s-. ' ib. 1782. 863. . plates, boards, £6. 6s. *&- 1782 # 864. _ London to the Isle of Wight, plates, 2 rols. hards, £2. 12s. 6d. .#•♦••• • ..•••• ib. 1801. I 66 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 865. Pennant's (Thomas) Tour from Downing to Alston Moor plates, boards, £l.ls. Lond. 1801. 866. Alston Moor to Harrowgate and Brimham Crags, plates, boards, .£l. Is. •••••• ib. 1804. 867. Journey to Snowdon,p/a?es,&otfrr/s,c£2. 2s. ib. 1781. 868. 1 very fine copy in mo- rocco, £2. 12s. 6d •'•«&• 1781. 869. Literary Life, written by Himself, plates, neat, 15s. * 1793. 870. History of the Parishes of Whiteford and Holywell, plates, half-bound, russia back, IBs ib. 179&- 871. boards, 16s ib.l 796. 872. ■ very neat, 18s. & 1796. 873. Outlines of the Globe, or View of Hin- doostan, plates, 4 vols, boards, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1798. 874. 1 very neat in calf, 4 vols. o£4. ». 1 798. 875. Account of London, plates, neat in calf, £l.Ss. H ■ 1 79 1 • 876. • Tour in Scotland, and Voyage to the Hebrides, plates, 3 vols, neat in calf, £6. 6s. ib. 1790. 877. History of Quadrupeds, plates, 2 vols. boards, £l. 15s. ib. 1793. 878. ■ neat in calf, 2 vols. £2. 2s. •••»'. 1 793. 879. British Zoology, plates, 4 vols, boards, £14. 14s. Warrington, 1776. 880. Indian Zoology, plates, half-bound, russia, £\.ls. • Lond. 1790. 881. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from the first establishment to the year 1801 inclusive (the abridgement to the year 1750, and from thence at large) with Mary's General Index, being 57 vols, uniformly hound in russia, £45. • • • • • • •«•••• • • • ib. 1749-1802. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Ato. 67 882. Palmer's (Charles) Collection of Select Aphorisms and Maxims, neat, 1 5s. Lond. 1748, 883. Peck's (Francis) Desiderata Curiosa, or a collection of divers scarce and curious Pieces, relative chiefly to matters in English History, portrait, 2 vols, in 1, russia, £3. 3s. ib. 1779. $81. ~ 2 vols, in calf, £2. 18$. ib. 1779. 885. Pegge's (Samuel) Series of Dissertations on some elegant and very valuable Anglo-Saxon Remains, with the plate, 7s. 6d. ib.\756. 886. Translation of Fitz-Stephens's Description of London, half-bound, 12s. ••• • • • ib. 1772. 887- Assemblage of Coins fabricated by the Arch- bishops of Canterbury, boards, 1 5s. ib. 1772. 888. Dissertation upon Oriuna said to be Empress of England, 1751. — Pegge's Dissertation on Anglo- Saxon Remains, 1756, in one vol. half-bound, moroceo, £l. lls.6d. 889. ' Life of Roger de Weseham, Dean of Lincoln, &c. half-bound, 10s. 6d. ib. 1761. 890. ■■ Dissertation upon Oriuna said to be Empress of England, sewed, 7s. 6d. * • • • ib. 1751. 891. Pettingal's (John) Dissertation upon the Tascia or Legend on the British Coins of Cunibelin and others, plates, boards, 15s. ib. 1763. 892. ■ Dissertation on the original of the George and of the Garter, plates, half-bound, £l. \s. Lond. n. d. 893. Perouse's Voyage round the World, performed in the years 1785-6-7 and 8, plates, 3 vols, elegant in calf, £5. 5s. ib. 1799. 894. — 2 vols, russia, and the. plates in folio, half-bound, £b. 5s. ib. 1 799* &95. Plowden's (Francis) Historical Review of the State of Ireland, from the Invasion under Henry the Second, to the Union with Great Britain, portrait , 3 vols, russia, £4, 14>s. 6d. ib. 1803. 68 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 896*. Plowden's (T.) Enquiry into the original nature and extent of Ecclesiastical and Civil Authority, with reference to the British Constitution, russia, £l. 5s. • • • • • Lond.1795* 897. Polybius's General History, translated by Hampton, 2 vols. russia, £3. 3s ib. 1756-72. 898. ' vol. 1. neat, £l. It, ib. 1756. 899. Paley's (William) Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, neat, Ids. ib. 1786. 900. Polyaenus's Stratagems of War ; translated by Shepherd, hoards, 12s.6d. • ••••». 1796. 901. Phillip's (Bartholomew) Treatise of Counsels and Counsellors of Princes; Englished by J. T.— SBtacft Eettet— half-bound, £l.ls. ib. 1589. 902. Pemberton's (Henry) View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy, plates, neat. 10s. • • • • ib. 1728. 903. Phillips's (J.) General History of Inland Navigation, map, half- bound. 15s. • ib. 1793. 904. Parkyns's (Thomas) Inn Play, or the Cornish Hugg Wrestler, cuts, half-bound, 15s. • ib. 1727. 905. 15*. *'£. 1714. 90fj. Another Copy, large paper, fine copy in old morocco, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1727. 907. Peacham's (Henry) Complete Gentleman, with the Gentleman's Exercise, in drawing ail manner of Beasts, as also making all sorts of Colours to be used in Limning, Painting, Tricking, &c. cuts, very neat in calf, £\ .5s. ib. 1634. 905. Another Copy, half-bound, 17s. ib. l66l. 909. Worth of a Penny, or a caution to keep Money, half bound, 12s. • ib. 1095. 910. Phisicke against Fortune, as well prosperous, as aduerse ; con- teyned in two Boukes, whereby Men are instructed, with like indifferencie to remedie theyr Affections, as well in tymc of the bryght shyning Sunne of Prosperitie, as also of the foule lowrying Stormes of Aduersitie, written in Latine History, Biography, Antiquities, Sr Miscellanies. English.— Mo. 69 by Francis Petrarch, and now first Englished by Thomas Twyne,—%\gLtl\ %ttttt— £5. 5s. London, printed by Richard Wathjns, An. Bom. 1579- 911. Purchas's (Samuel) Theatre, of Politicall Flying Insects, or History of the Bee, 5s. ib. 1657* 912. Prynne's (William) Sovereign Power of Parliaments and King- domes, 4 Parrs. — Rome's Master Piece or the Grand Con- spiracy of the Pope and his Jesuited Instruments to extirpate the Protestant Religion, &c. — The opening of the Great Seal of England, containing certain Brieff iiistoricail and Legall Observations touching the Original, Antiquity, Pro- gress, &c. of the Great Seal of the Kings and Kingdoms of England, &c — An humble remonstrance against the Tax of Ship-Money. — The Doome of Cowardize and Treachery or a Looking-G lass for Cowardly or Corrupt Governours and Souldiers, who through Pusillanimity or Bribery, betray their Trusts to the Publick Prejudice, a singular collection and very clean throughout, very neat in calf, in one vol. £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1643. 913. Prynne's Histrio Mastix, the Players Scourge, or Actors Tragedy, in two parts, wants title, l6s. ib. l6'33. 914. with the title, £l.5s. ib. 1633. " This is that famous infamous Book which cost the Author his Ears." vide Biographical Dictionary. 915. — Healthes Sicknesse, or a discourse prouing the Drink- ing and Pledging of Healthes to be sinful, and utterly un- lawful, 12*. il.l628. 916. New Discovery of the Prelates Tyranny, with heads of Laud, Burton, and Bastxvick, half-bound, russia, £\. 8s. ib. 1641. 917« Briefe Memento to the present unparliamentary Junto, half bound, 12s. ib. 1648. 918. Plea for the Lords and House of Peers; brown calf, £l.ls. ib. 1658. 9l9« Plato's Io, a Dialogue concerning Poetry, 45 ib. 17 59. 70 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 920. Plato's Greater Hippias, a Dialogue concerning the Beautiful, 5s. 6d. Lond. 1759. 021. Banquet, a Dialogue concerning Love, in two Parts, 9*. • ib. 1761. 922. Meno, a Dialogue concerning Virtue, 6s. 6d. ib. n. d. 923. Lesser Hippias, a Dialogue concerning voluntary and involuntary Error, 2s. 6d. ib. 1761. 924. Second Alcibiades, a Dialogue concerning Prayer, 5s. ib. 1776. 925. — Philebus, a Dialogue concerning the Chief Good of Man, the Second Part, 10s. 6d. ib. 1780. 926. Plato: — A Synopsis or General View of the Works of Plato, 3s. ib. 1769. 927. A Dissertation on the Doctrine of Heraclitus so far as it is mentioned, or alluded to by Plato, 5s. • • • • ib. 1775. 928. Price's (Francis) Observations on the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, plates, neat, £l. lls.6d. e'6.1753. 929. Park's (Mungo) Travels in the Interior of Africa, plates, half* bound, £3. 3s. ib. 1799- 930. Porter's (Robert Ker) Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden, coloured plates, 2 vols, boards, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1809. 931. Parkinson's (Sydney) Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, plates, large paper, neat, £l. Is. ib. 1773. 932. Papers relative to the Agreement made by Government with Mr. Palmer for the Reform and Improvement of the Posts, 4s. 6d. & 1797. 933. Pleasures of Princes, or Good Men's Recreations : contayning a Discourse of the Generall Art of Fishing, &c. with the Choyce, Ordring, and Dyeting of the Fighting Cock, &c. half-bound, £l. Is. ib. 1635. 934. Phillip's (Arthur) Voyage to Botany Bay, neat in calf, £l. Is. ib. 1789. 935. Another Copy, in boards, uncut, £l. Is. ib. 1789. 936. Pownall's (Governor) Antiquities of the Provincia Romana of Gaul, boards, 7s. 6d. 1*. 1 788. History, Biography, Antiquities, Sp Miscellanies. English. — 4,to. 71 937. Playfair's (William) Strictures on the Asiatic Establishments of Great Britain, ealf elegant, l6s. Lond. 1799- 938. Papers respecting the Trade between India and Europe, calf elegant, £l. Is. & 1802. 939. Peter's (John) Relation of the Siege of Vienna, with plan, 6s. ib. 1684. 940. Painting Illustrated in three Dialogues, with the Lives of the most eminent Painters, 15*. ■ M- l6S5. 941. Primaudaye's (Peter de la) French Academic, ruled with red lines, 9s. > ib. 1602. 942 Rennell's (James) Geographical System of Herodotus, ex- amined and explained, maps, very neat, £5. 15s. 6d. ib. 1800. 943. — Memoir of a Map of Hindoostan, boards, Iqs. 6d. ib. 1783. 944. 1 — * maps, boards, £2. 2*. 1788. 945. * best edition maps, neat, £3.13s.6d. ib. 1793. 946. russia, with the large map separate, £5. 5s. ib. 1792. 7. Robertson's (William) Historical Disquisition concerning the knowledge which the Ancients had of India, maps, elegant in calf, £l. Is. ib. 1791. 948. Roscoe's (William) Life of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Mag- nificent, portrait, 2 vols, neat, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1797* 949. Rastall's (W. Dickinson) History and Antiquities of the Town and Church of Southwell in the County of Nottingham, plates, large paper, russia, joints, gilt leaves, £4>.4s. ib. 1787. 950. '• plates, small paper, neat, £2. 2s ••• ib. 1787, 951. Ruins of Rome and its Vicinity, (Select Views of the) executed from Drawings made upon the Spot, in the year 1 791, with 72 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. descriptions in French and English, half-bound, russia, £3. 3s. Lond. 1797- 952. Ruins of Rome and its Vicinity, (Select Views of the) executed from Drawings made upon the Spot, in the year 1791? with descriptions in French and English, coloured plates on India Paper, russia, gilt leaves, £5. 5s. ib. 1797* 95S. Russell's (Patrick) Natural History of Aleppo, containing a description of the City and the principal Natural Productions in its Neighbourhood, ^/tftes, 2 vols, neat in calf, £3. 13s.6d. ib. 1794. 954. Rowland's (Henry) Archaeological Discourse on the Antiquities Natural and Historical, of the Isle of Anglesey, plates, 15s. Dub. 1723. 955. Ditto, with the History of the Island of An- glesea, plates, boards. £l. Is. ib. 1766*. 956. Reid's (Thomas) Essays on the Intellectual Power of Man, neat, ISs. Ediru 1785. 957. Roberts's (Rev. Peter) Chronicle of the Kings of Britain, Vol. I. (all 'published) neat in calf, £l?lls.6d. Lond. 1811. 958. Reliquiae Gethinianae, or Remains of the Lady Grace Gethin, russia, 15s. ib. 1699. 959. Ryley's (Sir Heister) Visions with other Entertainments, 10*. 6d. n. d. 960. Rauthwell's (Richard) Roman Antiquities of Overborough, plates, 9s. • Lond. 1 746. 961. Robertson's Memoir of a Chart of the China Sea, calf extra, 1 5s. • • • • ib. 1791 • 962. Rereby's Miscellany of Ingenious Thoughts and Reflections, very neat, 15s. ib. n. d. 963. Regulations and Instructions relating to His Majesty's Service at Sea, neat, 3s. ib. 1772. 964. Richardson's (Jonathan) Works, containing the Theory of Painting. — Essay on the Art of Criticism so far as it relates to Painting, &c. portraits, calf extra, £l. 15s. "ib. 1792. 965. Richardson's (Robert) State of the Evidence in the Cause be- tween the Duke of Hamilton and Archibald Douglas of Douglas, very neat, 10&r 6d .#....... ib. 1779. History, Biography, Antiquities, Sp Miscellanies. English. — 4>to. 73 966. Rameau's Dancing Master : or the Art of Dancing explained, translated by Essex, plates, elegant in calf, £l. 15s. Lond. 1728. 967. Ross's (Alexander) Philosophical Touch-stone, or Obser- vations upon Sir Kenelm Digbie's Discourses of the Nature of Bodies, 6s. * if*. 1645. 968. Room for the Cobler of Gloucester and his Wife : with seve- ral Cart-Loads of Abominable Irregulars pitiful Stinking Priests : with a parallel between the Honour of a Lord Bishop, and the Honour of a Cobler, half-bound, 1 5s. ib. 1688. 969- Rarities of the World, translated from the Spanish into French, and thence into English by Joshua Baildon, half-bound, neat, IQs. 6d. ib. 1651. 970. Randolph's (Bernard) Present State of the Morea, and the Islands in the Archipelago, maps, 7s. 6d. ib. I687-9. 97 \. Rutherford's (T.) System of Natural Philosophy, plates, 2 vols. 18*. Camb. 1/48. 972. Stukeley's (William) Medallic History of Marcus Aurelius Valerius Carausius, Emperor in Great Britain, both books, plates, neat, £2. 2s. ib. \7 57-59- 973. Part I. £l. 1*. ib. 1757. 974. ■ ; Account of Richard of Cirencester, boards, 12s. ib. 1757- 975. Simon's (James) Essay towards an Historical Account of Irish Coins and of the Currency of Foreign Monies in Ireland, plates, dirty title, 18s. Dub. 1749. 976. (Thomas) Medals, Coins, Great Seals and other Works, engraved and described by Vertue, russia, <£4. 4*. Lond. 1753, 977. Another Copy, neat in calf, £2. \0s. ib. 1780. 978. Snelling's View of the Coins at this time current throughout Europe, plates, neat, \&s. ib. 1766. 979. Smith's Antiquities of Westminster, with the sixty-two addi- K 74 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. tional plates, and also the stone print, 2 parts, boards, tfll.ru. Land. 1807; A view of the inside of the Painted Chamber was engraved on stone, of which only 300 impressions were taken in consequence of the stone breaking. Copies having the stone print are now becoming extremely scarce. 980. Stuart's (Gilbert) View of Society in Europe, boards, stained, 7s. 6d. ib. 1782. 981. Swinburne's (Thomas) Travels through Spain, plates, very neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1779- 982. — — in the two Sicilies, plates, 2 vols, boards, £2. 2.9. ib. 1783. 983. Stolberg's (Leopold Count) Travels through Germany, Swit- zerland, Italy, and Sicily, plates, 2 vols, elegant in calf, £2. 2s. ib. 1796. 984. Struys' Voyages and Travels through Italy, Greece, Muscovy, Tartary, Media, Persia, &c. with numerous plates, neat, £2. 12*. 6d. ib. 1684. 985. Statutes (A Collection of) relating to the East India Com- pany, neat, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1810. 986. Sallust, translated by Thomas Gordon, also Cicero's Orations against Catiline, boards, 12s. ib. 1769- 987. Another Copy, neat, l6s. "ib. n. d. <^88. translated by Henry Steuart, and illustrated by Essays, Notes, &c. 2 vols, boards, £l. ISs. ib. 1806. 989. Singer's (S. W.) Researches into the History of Playing Cards ; with illustrations of the Origin of Printing and Engraving orf Wood, fine cuts, boards, £3. 15s. ib. 1816. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed. 090. Sotheby's (W.) Tour through parts of Wales, in Poetical Epistles, plates, calf extra, £l.lls.6d. ib. 1794. 991. Strutt's (Joseph) Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England, with plates, 2 vols, boards, £8. 8s. ib. 1796. 992, Another Copy, with the Sports and Pastimes, 3 vols, with the plates beautifully coloured, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, £18. 18s. • ib. 1796-1810. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English.—itto. 75 993. Strutt's (Joseph) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, plates, boards, £2. 2s. • Lond. 1810. 994, Manners, Customs, Arms, &c. of the In- habitants of England, plates, 3 vols, boards, c£20. ib. 1774. ggS, — — — — - Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities, plates, russia, £2. 10s. ib. 178?. 996. Supplement to the Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities, plates t half -bound, £2. 2s. ib. 1792. 997. Chronicle of England, vol. 1, plates, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1777. 998. Sydney's (Algernon) Discourses concerning Government, portrait, neat, £l. l6s.» • • • ib. 1763. 999. Spens's (II.) Republic of Plato, large paper, neat, £l. 4s. Glasgow, 1763. 1000. Simes's (Thomas) Treatise on the Military Science, 6s. 6d. Lond. 1780. 1001. Sheraton's (Thomas) Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing-Book, plates, 2 vols, half-bound, £2. 10s. ib. 1794. 1002. Another Copy, in one volume, half-bound, £2. 2s.*»ib. 1793. 1003. Sinclair's (Sir John) History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire, 10*. 6d. ib. 1785. 1004. State of Facts in Defence of His Majesty's Right to certain Fee Farm Rents in the County of Norfolk, morocco, 18s. ' ib. 1758. 1005. Steuart's (Sir James) Inquiry into the Principles of Political (Economy, being an Essay on the Science of Domestic Po- licy in Free Nations, 2 vols, calf extra, £3. 3s. "ib. 1767. 1006. Swift's (Jonathan) Works, plates, 12 vols, very neat, £\2. 12s. ib. 1755. 1007. Seale's (Bernard) Hibernian Atlas, with a description of each County ; and some Views, finely engraved by Milton, neat, £l. lis. 6d % ib. 1776. 76 Longman, Hurst, Reus, Orm£, and Brown. 1008. Sprat's (Thomas) History of the Royal Society of London, with a beautiful and rare frontispiece on India Paper, calf extra, £2. 2s. Land. 1667- 1009- Somner's (William) Antiquities of Canterbury, maps, lSs. ib. 1640. 1010. Symmons's (Edward) Vindication of King Charles, por- trait, 6s. ib. 1648. 1011. 1 vwry neat in calf, \0s. 6d. ib. 1648. 1012. Stow's (John) Survey of London,— SBIflcfe %ttttt— calf, gilt leaves, £1. Ss. ib. 1603. 1013. continued to 1618 by A. Munday,— &lacfc %ttttt—£l. 6s. ib. 1618. 1014. Secret History of the Calves Head Club, very neat, 9s. ib. 1703. 1015. Scot's (Thomas) Highwaies of God and the King.— The Bclgicke Pismire stinging the Slothful Sleeper. — The Pro- jector. — Experimental Discoverie of Spanish Practises, or the counsell of a well wishing Souldier for the good of the Prince and State. — Tongue-Combat betweene two English Souldiers in the Tilt-Boat of Gravesend — Newes from Parnassus. — The Political Touchstone, taken from •Mounf Parnassus. — Vox Populi, or Newes from Spayne, bound together in calf, remarkably clean, £1. 18s. ib. 1623, 4c 1016. -» Experimentall discoverie of Spanish Prac- tises, 2 Parts and other Tracts, neat, lSs.-'ib. 1623, fyc. 1017. Tongue Combat, neat, 10s. 6d.--ib. 1623. 1018. ; r-r. Vox Populi, or Newes from Spayne, and another Work by Scott, wanting the title, with a curious cut of the Spanish Parliament, half -bound, 18s. ib. 1020, Sfc. IO19. 1 Belgickc Pismire, stinging the Slothful Sleeper, neat, 12s. ib. 1622. 1020. Vox fcopuli, or Newes from Spaine, 1620. — Second part of ditto, with the full length of Gon- History, Biography , Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Mo. 77 domar 9 and print of the Spanish Parliament. — Vox Coeli or Newes from Heaven, 1624, in one vol. neat, £'2. 1021. Stubbes's (Henry) Farther Justification of the War against the Netherlands,^/^ plates, neat, £l.\s. Lond. 1673. 1022. Stephens's (Alexander) History of the Wars which arose out of the French Revolution, 2 vols, boards £l. 10s. ib. 1803. 1023. Stafford's (William) Compendious or briefe examination of certayne ordinary complaints, of diuers of our Countrymen in these our dayes ; — with Pierce Peniless his supplication to the Deuill, by Nash, title and one leaf made up by MS. — 2Macfe Uletter— c£s. 8s. ib. 1531-92. 1024. Sacke(The) of Roome— 23lacfc Hotter— £2. 10s.* *ib. 1590. 1025. Sheridan's (Thomas) Lectures on Elocution, fine copy in calf, 12s. ib. 1762. 1026. Strahlenburgh's Description of the North and Eastern parts of Europe and Asia, plates, neat, 7s ib. 1738. 1027- Smythe's (Sir John, Knight) Discourses concerning the Formes and Effects of diuers sorts of Weapons, and other very important matters Militaire, &c. &c. 15s. "ib. 1579. 1028. Thane's (John) British Autography, a Collection of Fac-similes of the Hand- writing of Royal and Illustrious Personages with their Authentic Portraits, 3 vols, russia extra, gilt leaves, £ > 24. Lond. n. d, 1029- Thoroton's (Robert) History of Nottinghamshire, by John Throsby, 3 vols, half-bound, vellum backs, £3. 3s. ib. 1797 • 1030. Tanjore, — (Copies of Papers relative to the Restoration of the) King of Tanjore, and the arrest of Lord Pigot, 5 vols, very neat in calf, £2. 12s. 6d. id. 1777. 1031. Telemachus (the Adventures of) translated by 1 law kes worth, with coloured plates, neat, 15s. ib. I795. 1032. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy for 1787 and 8 plates, 2 vols, boards, £\. 10s. • • • • Dublin, I79O. 1033. Vol. b, boards, 15s. ib. 1795. 1034. Tryals (a collection of the most Remarkable ana Interesting) half-bound, russia, 15s. *•••••••••••••••. . Lond. 1776. 78 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1035. Tryal of Sir Henry Vane, Knight, half-bound, 6s. Lond. 1662. 1036. Thomas's (Wylliam) Historye of Italye— S&faCft %ttttl~~- neat, £l. 4s i*. 1549. 1037. Treatise (A) Parsenetical, that is to say, wherein is shewed how to resist the violence of the Castilian king, translated into French and thence into English, 7s. ib. 1598. 1038. Triumphs of James the First, of Great Brittaine, Published upon his Maiesties aduertisement to all the Kings, Princes, and Potentates of Christendome, and confirmed by the wonderfull Workes of God, declared in his life. Dedicated to Prince Henry, £2. 2s. & l6l0. 1039. True Report of the four days Conferences in the Tower, with Campion the Jesuit,— 2Macft %ettet— 12*. ib. 1583. 1040. Ditto, a poor copy, 4s. • • • • • ib. 1583. 1041. Tacitus, translated by Arthur Murphy, maps, 4 vols, neat in calf, £4. 4s. ib. 1793. 1042. Another Set, 4 vols, in russia, £5. 5s. • • • • ib. 1793- 1043. Thucydides's History of the Peloponnesian War, by William Smith, map, 2 vols. neat t £\. lls.6d. ib. 1753. 1044. Teignmouth's (Lord) Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of Sir William Jones, portrait, boards, £l.4s. ib.1806. 1045. Trident, or the National Policy of Naval Celebration, frontispiece, boards, 7 s. ib. 1802. 1046. Temple's (John) History of the Irish Rebellion in 16'41, with the frontispiece, £l. Is. Dublin, 1714- 1047. Another Copy, without the frontispiece, 7s. ib. 1798. 1048. True Historicall Discourse of Muley Hamet's rising to the three Kingdomes of Moruecos, Fes, and Sus, — 2Macft %tttZt— half -bound, 1 5s. ib. 1609. 1049. Tertian-Ague growing into an Independent Fever, spreading itself over the minds of that fanaticall faction, occasioned by the Revivification of Sir John Presbyter, half-bound, 6s* ib.\647. 1050. True Relation of Cruel Oppression which hath been illegally imposed upon the Gentlemen Prisoners in the Tower of London, half-bound, 6s. • • • • • ib. l647* History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscella?iies. English.- 4to. 79 10.51. True Character of an Untrue Bishop, 5s. Lond. 1641. 1052. Tournefort's Voyage into the Levant, plates, 2 vols. £l. 15s. ib. 1718. 1053. Toulmin's (Joshua) History of Taunton, plates, boards, 7s. 6d, .Taunt. 1791. 1054. Topham's (John) Description of an Antient Picture in Windsor Castle, 4s. 6d. Lond. 1781. 1055. Tindal's (Wil.) History and Antiquities of Evesham, plates, boards, 15s. Evesh. 1794. 1056. Another Copy, neat in calf, £l. Is. ib. 1794- 1057. Turner's (Sharon) History of the Anglo Saxons, 2 vols, calf extra, £3. 6s. Lond. I8O7. 1058. Tarleton's (Lieut. Col.) History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in America, maps, boards, 8s. ib. 1787« 1059. Tickell's (Rev. John) History of the Town and County of Kingston upon Hull, plates, boards, £l. 15s. Hull, 1798. 1060. Twiss's (Richard) Travels through Portugal and Spain, plates, boards, 18*. Lond. 1775. 1061. Ditto, fine copy in russia 9 £l. 8s ib. 1775. 1062. Throsbys (J.) Select Views in Leicestershire, with Historical Relations, 2 vols, boards, £l.\6s. Leicester, 1789- 1063. History and Antiquities of the Ancient Town of Leicester, large paper, calf extra, £S. 3s. * • . *ib. 1791. 1064. True Relation of the whole Proceedings against Garnet and his Confederates, neat in brown calf, 15s. • • "Lond. 1606". 1065. Treatise of Monies and Exchanges, by a well-wisher to Trade, upwards of 700 pages, very neat in calf, 15s. • • • • ib. 1707. 1066. Tracts: — Miss Fielding's Lives of Cleopatra and Octavia, Lond. 1757*- — Question as to a Jew's ability to purchase Lands, fairly stated, Lond. 1753: — Young's Nigtit Thoughts, Night the Fifth, Lond. 1743:— Ode to the Duke of Cum- berland on his return from Scotland, Lond. 1746: The Day of Judgements Poetical Essay, Camb. 1758: — Cooke's Enquiry into the Patriarchal and Druidical Religion, Temples, &c. Lond. 1755, half -bound, russia back, 10s. 6d. 80 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 10^7. Tracts :— Parke's Explanation of the Plan of a new Philoso- phico-Chorographical Chart of East Kent, Canterbury, 1743:— Middleton's Dissertation concerning the Origin of Printing in England, Camb. 1735 :— Remarks on Doctor Middleton's Dissertation on Printing MS. signed Oxonidis : — Dissertation on the Antiquity and Use of Seals in England, plate, Land. 1740:— An Account of a Roman Temple and other Antiquities near Graham's Dike in Scotland, plates, 1 720:— Wise's Letters to Mead con- cerning some Antiquities in Berkshire, particularly shewing that the White Horse which gives name to the Vale, is a Monument of the West Saxons, made on a great Victory obtained over the Danes, A-D- 871, plates, Oxon. 1738: — Wise's further Observations upon the White Horse and other Antiquities in Berkshire, with an account of White- leaf-Cross in Buckinghamshire, and the Red Horse in War- wickshire, plates, Oxon. 1742: -North's Answer to a scandalous Libel entitled the Impertinence and Imposture of Modern Antiquaries displayed, or a Refutation of Wise's Letters to Mead concerning the White Horse, Lotid. 1741 :— -Tindal's History of Felsted, Pantfield, &e. in Essex, with a large Map of the Hundred of Hinckford, Lond. n. d. — Widmore's enquiry into the time of the first foundation of Westminster Abbey, Lond. 1743 :— Musgrave Dissertatio de Dea Salute, in qua Illius Symbola, Templa, Statuae, Nummi, Inscriptiones, Exhibenter Illustrantur, plates, Oxon. 1716, in one vol. neat, £4>. 4>s. 1068. Tracts. — Sermons at the Funeral of John Pym, by Steph. Marshall, portrait, 1644. — Journal of the Sally Fleet by John Dunton, 1637. — Poem inscribed to Stephen Duck, I73O. — Cheshire Successc, an Account of four Battles there, 1642, and others in one vol. half-bound, morocco, £l. Is. 1069. Tracts. — The German History Continued, the seventh part, ]634. — Description of the Conquest of the City of Buda, plates, 16S6. — The Great and Famous Battle of Lutzen, 1633. — Siege and Taking of Mastricht, 1632. — and D'Au- vergne's Campaigns in the Netherlands, l6£)3 7 in one vol. £l.5S. History, Biography, Antiquities, 8y Miscellanies. English. — 4>to. 8l 1070. Tracts, a Collection of, relative to the Murder of Arthur Earl of Essex, boards, 5s. Lond. 1 689-90. 1071. Tracts. — Actio in Henricum Garnetum Soc. Jes. in Anglia Superiorem, 1607. — Relation of the whole Proceedings against Garnet, 1606. — in one vol. half -bound, 7 s. 6d. 1072. Tracts. — A Briefe Description of the whole world, 1620. — Vox Populi, by Thomas Scott, 1620.— Survey of Hus- bandry, by Walter Blith, 1649, and others in one vol. half -bound, 10s. 6d. 1073. Tracts: — Prynne's Republican's Good Old Cause, Lond. 1659 : — Speeches and Prayers of some of the late King's Judges, Lond. l66l : — Mirabilus Annus Secundus : or the second part of the second Years Prodigies, Lond. 1602, in one vol. 10-s. 6d. 1074. Tracts: — A Brief Justification of the Prince of Orange's descent into England, Lond. 1689: — The present French King an Enemy to the Catholick as well as Protestant Religion, Lond. 169S I and 24 othef Tracts, 5s. 1075. Tracts. — Copie of a Letter sent from the Roaring Boyes in Elizium, Portraits.— The Old, Old, Very Old Man, or the Age and long Life of Thomas Par, Portrait ; and Reader, Hereyoul plainly see Judgement perverted by these three, a Priest, a Judge, a Patentee, by Thomas Ueywood, Por- trait, (reprints) half 'bound, morocco back, £l. Is. 1076. Tracts. — A Declaration of the Parliament of England to the States General of the United Provinces, Lond. 1645 : — A Full Narration of the late Riotous Tumult, within the City of London, 1648, and four other Tracts, relating to the Insurrection, &c. in one vol. 8s. 6d. 1077. Tracts. — Musce Cantabrigiensis, Cantab. Ifj89: — Discourse concerning Fishery within the British Seas, Lond. 1695:— - Essay for regulating of the Coyn, by A. U. Lond. I696; and several other Tracts, in one vol. 7s. 6d. 1078. Tracts.— Widmore's Enquiry into the time of the first foun- dation of Westminster Abbey, Lond. 1743: — DucarePs Repertory of the Endowments of Vicarages in the Diocese of Canterbury, Lond. 1763: — The Private Correspondence L 82 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. of Dr. Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, and his Friends in 1725 :— Fitz-Stephens's Description of the City of London, Lond. 1 772 ; neat, £1. Is. 1079- Tracts. — The Discovery of Mysteries ; or the Plots and Prac- tices of a prevalent Faction in this present Parliament, by G. Williams, Lord Bishop of Ossory, Lond. 1643 : — A very lively Portraiture of the most Reverend Archbishops, set forth in 20 irrefragable Positions, 1640, in one vol. half-bound, Ss. 6d. 1080. Tracts. — Royal Embassage from the Prince of Orange to the Peeres and Commons in England, lfj4l : — True Copie of the Petition of the Gentlewomen and Tradesmen's Wives in and about the City of London, l6*41 : — A letter of his excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax to the Lord Mayor of the City of London for better preserving a right understanding between the City and Army, 1648, and 14 other Tracts of a similar Nature, I0s.6d. 1081. Tracts. — Butler's (Charles) Feminine Monarchic, a Historie of Bees, 1623:— Purchases (Samuel) Theatre of Politicall Flying Insects, 1657, elegant in calf £l. Is. 1082. Tracts.— The Protestation Protested, 1641 :— A Survay of that Foolish, Seditious, Scandalous, Prophane Libell The Protestation Protested, 1641 : — Plaine English, or a discourse concerning The Accomodation, The Armie, The Association, 1643 : — Long lasting Newes : or Newes for Newsters; or the Check Cause Cure of Halting, by Walter Powell, 1655 ; and 12 others of a similar Nature, 10s. 6d. 1083. Tracts. — New Starr of the North shining upon the Victorious King of Sweden, Lond. 1632 : — The Jesuites Looking Glass, by L. O. in one vol, half-bound, neat, 5s. 1084. Verstegan's (Rich.) Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities concerning the most noble and renowned English Nation, 1 5s. t Lond. 1634. 1085. Virgil's Eclogues, with his Booke de Apibus, translated Grammatically, h. b. morocco, 10s. 6d. •■ ib. 1633. 1086. Vox Borealis, or the Northern Discoverie by way of Dialogue between Jamie and Willie, intermixt wit A Poetry, half History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English.— 4to, 83 bound, 14*. Amidst the Babylonians printed by Margery Mar Prelat in Thwackcoat-lane, 1641. 1087. Vincent's (Dr. W.) Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates, maps, neat, £2. 2*. Lond. 1797 '. 10S8. Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, with por- trait of Vasco de Gama, neat, £2. 6s. ib. I 800. 1089. Views in Ireland, being a series of 24 representations of Gentlemen's Seats, &c. beautifully engraved by Milton, with an account of each, £3. Dublin 1783. 1090. Vancouver's (Captain George) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, plates, 3 vols, boards, and folio Atlas, boards, £7. ljs.6d. Lond. 1798- 1091. Another Copy, 3 vols, neat, {without the Atlas) £3. 10s. ib. 1798. 1092. Vise's Enquiries concerning the First Inhabitants, Languages, Religion, Learning, and Letters of Europe, very neat, 15s. Oxon. 1758. 1093. Walpole's (Horace) Anecdotes of Painting in England; with some Account of the Principal Artists: with Portraits and other engravings, 5 vols, neat, £l\. lis. Strawberry Hill, 1765, &c. 1094. Another Set, first edition, very fine impressions of the numerous portraits, fyc. 5 vols, russia, o£l8. 18*. Strawberry Hill, 1762, &c. IO95. Description of the Collection of Pic- tures at Houghton-Hall, plates, very neat in calf, 15s. Lond. 1752. 1096. Miscellaneous Antiquities, 2 Numbers, (all published) very neat, £\. 1a.. -Strawberry Hill, 1772. IO97. Essay on Modern Gardening, in English and French, boards, \6s, ib. 1785. 1098. — Another Copy, neat in calf, £l. Is. ib. 1785. 1099. Williams's (J.) Rise, Progess, and Present State of the Northern Governments; 2 vols, neat, lSs. .. Lond. I777. 84 Longman, Hurst, JRees, Orme, and Brown. 1100. Wanley's (Nathaniel) Wonders of the Little World or a General History of Man, frontispiece, neat, £1.1$. Lond. 1791. 1101. Watson's (Rev. John) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax in Yorkshire, plates, very neat, £1. 16s. ib. 1775. 1102. Widmore's (Richard) History of Westminster Abbey, neat, 9s, ib. 1751. 1103. Winder's (Henry) History of the Rise, Progress, Declension, and Revival of Knowledge, 2 vols, in 1. neat, 12s. • • 1745. 1104. Whitehurst's (John) Inquiry, into the original State and For- mation of the Earth, boards, 5s. 6d. ib. 1778. 1105. Wright's (Thomas) Louthiana; or an Introduction to the An- tiquities of Ireland, many plates, h. b. neat, £2. 2*. ib. 1748. 1106. Walker's (J. C.) Historical Essay on the Dress of the An- cient and Modern Irish ; and on their Armour and Weapons, plates, boards, £1. 5s. Dublin, 1788. 1107. Wellesley's (Marquis) Notes on Transactions in the Mar- hatta Empire, with plans of battles, boards, 13s. 6d. Lond. 1804. 1108. Warner's (Ferdinando) History of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland, very neat, £2. 2s. ib. I768. 1109. Warren's (Erasmus) Geologia, or a discourse on the Earth. before the Deluge, wherein Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth is excepted against, 4>s.6d. ib. 1600. 1110. West's (Thomas) Antiquities of Furness, very neat, £1. 7s. ib. 1774. 1111. — ' — ■ ■ half-bound, vellum. o£l.4s ib. I774. 1112. White's (Joseph) Institutes of Timour, very neat, £2. 2s. Oxon. 1783. 1113. Willis's (Browne) Survey of the Cathedrals and Parochiale Ang. with numerous plates , 3 vols, jine set, o£l4. Lund. 174.2. 1114. Another Set, interspersed with a great number of Slips on which are valuable Manuscript Notes, 3 vols, russia, £16. ib. 1742. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — 4to. 85 1115. Willis's (B.) History and Antiquities of the Town, Hundred, and Deanery of Buckingham, neat, £\2. 12s. Land. 1755. 1116. Another Copy, russia, gilt leaves, <£l3. 13*. -ib. 1755. 1117. Wood's (Anthony) History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford, with the Appendix, by Gutch, 5 vols. co?n- plete, neat in calf, £12. 12s. Oxon. 1792, &c. 1118. -(Robert) Essay on the original Genius and Writings of Homer, with a comparative View of the ancient and present state of the Troade, illustrated with engravings, neat in calf, £2. 10s. ib. 1775. 1119. Worsley's (Richard) History of the Isle of Wight, plates, elegant in russia, gilt leaves, £3. ib. 17 SI. 1120. Another Copy, illustrated with Cooke's Views of the Isle of Wight, russia, £4. ti. 1781. 1121. Whitaker's (Thomas Dunham) History of the original Parish of Whalley and Honor of Clitheroe, in the Counties of Lancaster and York, plates, russia, gilt leaves, £5. 5s, ib. 1806. 1122. History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven, plates, boards, £4. 4s. ib. 1805. 1123. Another Copy, in russia, £4. 14s. 6d. ib. \ 805. 1124. Watson's (Rev. John) Memoirs of the Ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey, plates, 2 vols, half-bound, russia, £5. 5s. Warrington, 1782. 1125. Whetsone's (George) Mirrour for] Magestrates of Cyties, re- presenting the Ordinaunces, Policies, and diligence of the noble Emperour Alexander, (surnamed) Severus, to sup- presse and chastise the notorious vices nourished in Rome, by the superfluous number of Dicing- Houses, Tauerns, and common Stewes : suftred and cheerished by his beastlye predecessour, Helyogabalus — %iat\\ %Ztttt — morocco, gilt leaves,* * £20. Printed at London, by Richarde Jones, 1584. 1126. Walker's History of the Independency, 2 Parts, calf, 8s. 1648. 1127. 3 Parts, 10s. 6d. ib. 1648. 1128. — with the Royal Oak plate, 18s. ib. 1648. 86 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1129. Walker's History of the Independency, 3 Parts, with heads of Cromxvell and Fairfax, and the Royal Oak Plate, neat, £\.\\s.6d. Lond. 1648. 1130. Way to be Kich according to the Practice of the Great Audley who began with £200 in the Year 1605 and dyed worth c£400,000 November 1662, 10*. 6d. ib. 1652. 1131. Wright's (Major) Nature's Paradox, or the Innocent Impostor, a pleasant Polonian History, originally intituled Iphigencs, curious frontispiece, neat in cal/\ 15s. ib. 1652. 1132. Wyate's Rebellion, (The Historic of: with the order and maner of resisting the same, whereunto in the ende is added an earnest conference with the degenerate and sedicious Re- belles, for the serche of the cause of their <\a.\\y disorder, made and compyled by John Proctor — 2£lacfc %ttttt — inlaid in 4to. paper, russia, £9. Qs. Imprynted at London by Robert Coly, 1555. 1133. Wright's (Thomas) Passions of the Minde in Generall with a Succinct Philosophicall declaration of the Nature of Cly- mactericall Yeeres occasioned by the Death of Queene Elizabeth, l6s. ib. 1604. 1134. Worlidge's (F.) select collection of engravings after Drawings from curious Antique Gems, early impressions, 2 vols. morocco, gilt leaves, £12. 12s. ••-••• ib. I76S. 1135. Wraxall's (Nathaniel) History of France from the accession of Henry the Third to the Death of Louis the Fourteenth, 3 vols, half-bound, russia, £1.16*. ib. 1795. 1136. Another Copy, 3 vols, elegant in calf, £2. 12?. 6d. • • 1795. 1137. Wilson's (Captain Henry) Account of the Pelew Islands, by Keate, plates, half -bound, morocco, £1. 8s. • • • • ib. 1788. 1138. Walpole's (Horace) Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third, portrait, very neat, £l. 5s. ib. 1768. 1139. Another Copy, half -bound, 18*. ib. 1768. 1140. White's Institutes Political and Military by the Great Timour, improperly called Tamerlane, neat, £2. 2*. • -Oxon. 1783. 1141. Watson's (Robert) History of the Reign of Philip the Third King of Spain, neat, £l.l5s. Lond. 1783. History, Biography, Antiquities, § Miscellanies. English.- 4to. 87 1142. Wise's (Francis) Letter to Dr. Mead concerning some An- tiquities in Berkshire, with further Observations upon the White Horse, &c. served, 7s. 6d. Oxon. 1738-42. 1143. Another Copy, very neat in calf, 18s. ih. 1738-42. 1144. Wright's (Edward) Travels through France, Italy, Sec. plates, 2 vols. 18s. Lond. 1730. 1145. ■ 2 vols. in 1, 16s. ih. 1730. 1145. Whitelocke's (Sir Bulstrode) Notes upon the King's Writ for choosing Members of Parliament, 2 vols, neat, £2. 2s. ih. l?66. 1147. Wilson's (Thomas) Arte of Rhetorique, for the use of all soche as are studious of Eloquence— 23lacft %ttttt— £l. Is. Imprinted at London by Ihon Kingston, 1560. 1143. Wee ver's (John) Antient Funeral Monuments, plates, £2. 2s. ib. 1767. 1149. Another Copy, very neat, £2. 8s. ih. 1767. 1150. Xenophon's History of the Affairs of Greece, by Smith, map, russia, <£l.ls. ih. 1770. 1151. Another Copy, large paper, calf, £l. lis. 6d.» *ib. 1770. 1152. Young's (Arthur) Tour in Ireland, frontispiece, calf, £2. 7s. ib. 1780. 1153. Yarranton's (Andrew) England's Improvements by Sea and Land: to out do the Dutch without Fighting; to Pay Debts without Money: to sett at Worke all the Poor of England with the growth of our own Lands, &c. plates, £l.ls. ib. 1677. 1154. Yorke's (Philip) Royal Tribes of Wales, fine portraits, half- bound, £\. 10s. Wrexham, 1799. 1155. Zouch's (Thomas) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir Philip Sidney, portraits, \8s. York, 1 808. 88 Lokgman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. OCTAVO. 1156. AUBREY'S (John) Perambulation of the County of Surrey, head and plates, 5 vols, elegant in russia, gilt leaves, o£l3. 135. , Lond. 1718. 1157* Anderson's (James) Genealogical History of the House of Yvery ; in its different branches of Yvery, Luvel, Per- ceval, and Gournay, with all the portraits,^ e impressions, 2 vols, russia, £16. 16s. ib. 1742. 1158. Another Copy, 2 vols, superb in morocco, £20. •• ib. 1742. 1159. Ashmole's (Elias) History of the Order of the Garter, with plates, neat, \0s. 6d.-» • ib. 1715. 1160. Another Copy, large paper, plates, neat, £l. 10s. ib. 1715. 1161. Abingdon's (Thomas) Antiquities of the Cathedral Churches of Worcester, Chichester, and Lichfield, neat, £l. 8s. ib. ins. 1 162. Another Copy, wants the Lichfield, 18*. ib. 1723. 1163. Adanson's Voyage to Senegal, the Isle of Goree, and the River Gambia, with the map, neat in calf, 10$. 6d. ib. 1759. 1164. Another Copy, neat, 7s. ib. 1759. 1165. Armstrong (Morseton John) Survey of the Post Roads be- tween London and Edinburgh, maps, half-bound, 5s. ib. 1776. 1 1 66. Account of Spain, neat, 2s. ib. 1 700. 1167. Address of Thanks to a good Prince presented in the Panegy- rick of Pliny upon Trajan the best of Roman Emperours, neat, 5s. ib. 1680. 1168. Arbor Vita? : or a Physical Account of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, calf extra, 10s. 6d. ib. 1683. 1169. Anson's (Lord) Voyage round the World, by Walter, maps, half-bound, 8s. ib. 1748. History, Biography, Antiquities, § Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 89 1170. Anson's (Lord) Voyage round the World, by Walter, neat, 10s. 6(1. Loncl. 1748. 1171. 10*. 6d. ib. 1749. 1172. — Voyage, Journal of, by Pascoe Thomas, 5s. ib. 174-5. 1173.' Adams's (John) Defence of the Constitutions of Govern- ment of the United States of America, portrait, 3 vols. boards, 12*. ib. 1794. 1174. Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, containing a series of Views in Great Britain, with letter-press de- scriptions, 10 vols, in 5, superbly bound in blue morocco, o£13. 13.*. ib. 1807. 117<5. Athenian Oracle, being an entire collection of all the va- luable Questions and Answers in the old Athenian Mer- curies, 4 vols, neat, 18*. ib. IJ03. 1176. Addison's (Joseph^ Miscellaneous Works, portrait, 4 vols. neat, £1. 16*. 2'^. 1765. 1177. Angeloni's (i. e. Dr. Shebbeare) Letters on the English Na- tion, 2 vols, neat, 12s. ib. 1755. 1178. iEsop, Select Fables of, by 11. Dodsley, plates, neat, 10 *. 6d. llirmingham, printed by John Baskerville, 176'4, 1 179. Aurelius Antoninus's Meditations concerning himself, portrait, 4s. ib. 1692. 1180. Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher, by Bp. Berkeley, 2 vols, neat, 12s. ib. 1732. 1181. Andrews's (John) History of the American War, portraits, maps, Sfc. 4 vols, neat, <£l. ]0s. ib. 1785. 1185. Abstract of the Evidence relating to the Slave Trade, plates, neat, 4s. ib. 179L 1183. Adventurer, by Dr. Hawkesworth, frontispieces, 3 vols, neat, £\.l\s.6d. ib.ljgi. 1184. Astry'a (Sir James) Royal Politician, represented in One Hundred Emblems, from the Spanish, with head and nume- rous plates, 2 vols, neat, 12s. ft, 1 700. M 90 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1185. Alexander's (William) History of Women, 2 vols, -eery neat, lOs. Lond. 1782. 1 186. Art of Rigging, plates, boards, 6s. & 1 796. 1187. Anburey's (Thomas) Travels through the Interior Parts of America, plates, 2 vols, neat, 12s. ib. 1789* 1188. Account of the Conduct of the Duchess of Marlborough, neat, 2s. Qd. ih. 1742. 1189. Livonia, plates, neat, 4s.* • ib. 1701. 1190. Andrews's (James Petit) Anecdotes, half-bound, morocco, 9s. ib. 1789. 1191. Arrian's History of Alexander's Expedition translated by Rooke, 2 vols, neat, £l. Is. -ib. 1729- 1192. Aldrich's (Dr. Henry) Elements of Civil Architecture; Latin and English, fine portrait and plates, large paper, boards, £l . Is. • - • Oxon. 1789- 1193. Armstrong's (John) History of the Island of Minorca, plates, 2s. 6d. • Lond. 17 56. H94. Annals of the Universe from 1660 to 1680, being a Con- tinuation of Whitlock's Memorials, 5s. ib. 1709. 1195. Ayscongh's Travels through France and Italy, 3s. "ib. 1778. 1196. Atkins's (John) Voyage to Guinea, Brazil, and the West Indies, neat, 5s. 6d. ib. 1 737* 1197- Annals of Newgate, or Malefactor's Register, by the Rev. Mr. Villettc, Ordinary of Newgate, plates, 4 vols, half- bound, uncut, £\. 12s. ib. 1JJ6. 1198. Bourrit's (M. T.) Journey to the Glaciers of Savoy, 6s. Norwich, 1776. 1199- Burnet's (Bp.) Letters on Italy, 2s. 6d. Rotterdam, 1686. 1200. Bolingbroke's (Lord) Philosophical and Miscellaneous Works, 11 vols, very neat, £4. 4s. » • "Lond. 1754, fyc. 1201. Political Works, with his Life by Dr. Goldsmith, 5 vols, very neat, £l. 5s." "ib. 1779. 1202. ' Letters on the Study and Use of History, boards, 6s. ib. 1787. History, Biography, Antiquities, Sy Miscellanies. English.— Svo. 91 1203. Bolingbrokc, or a Dialogue on the Origin and Authority of Revelation, by Warner, neat, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1755. 1204. Bentley's (Dr. Rich.) Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, examined by Boyle, neat, 3s. ib. 16*98. 1205. Burke's (Edmund) account of the European Settlements in America, map, 2 vols, boards, 12s. •• ib. 1777 > 1206. Articles against Warren Hastings, Is. 6d. ib. 1786. 1207. Observations on a late State of the Na- tion. — Thoughts on the Causes of the present Discontents. — Speech on American Taxation. — Two Speeches on his arrival at Bristol and at the conclusion of the Poll in 1774. — Speech on moving his Resolutions for conciliation with the Colonies, boards, 7s. ib. 1775, fyc. 120S. Tracts : — A collection of upwards of twenty Letters, Speeches, &c. principally relating to the French Revolution, 4 vols, neat, £l. 8s. ib. 1775-1798. 1209. — Reflections on the Revolution in France, half-bound, 5s. ib. 1790. 1210. boards, 6s. 6d. ib. 1791. 1211. • 1 very neat, 8s. ib. 1790. 1212. _ — . calf ex- tra, 10s. 6d. ib. 1791. 1213. Buchanan's (George) History of Scotland, by Bond, por- traits by Vertue, &c. 2 vols, neat, £l. ls.« •••?'£. 1722. 1214. Brydone's (P.) Tour through Sicily and Malta, 2 vols, very neat, l6s. • ib. 1775. 1215. Another Set, 2 vol. neat, 14s. ib. 1776, 1216. Beauties of England Displayed, half bound, 7s.* • "ib. I778. 1217. ' (A New Display of the) numerous plates, 2 vols. £1. Is. ib. 1776. ( )2 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, ,»nd Brown. 1218. Beauties of Wiltshire, by J. Brkton, plates, 2 vols, boards, £l.ls. p ] ,07id. 1801. 1219- Bowdler's (Thomas) Letters from Holland, maps, boards, 2s. 6(1. ib. 1788. 1220. Bcrtrand de MolevihVs Annals of the French Revolution, portrait, 9 vols, very neat, £3. 10s. ib. 1 800. 3 221. British Chronologist, 3 vols, very neat, £1. 7s.- -ib. 1789. 1222. Burr's (Thomas Benge) History of Tunbridge-Wells, neat, 12$. • i*jk. 1766. 1223. Beaumont's (J.) Gleanings of Antiquities, neat, As. 6d. ib. 1714. 1224. Burrish's (Onslow) Policy and Commerce of the United Provinces, particularly Holland, extra, 7s. .. ib. 1728. F923. Bos's (Lambert) Antiquities of Greece, neat, 6s.' -ib. 1772. 1226. Brown's (Tom) Memoirs of the Present State of Spain, 5s. ib. 1701. 1227. Bossu's Travels through Louisiana, translated by J. R. Forster, plates, 2 vols, neat, £1. Is. ib. 1771. 1228. Barretti's (Joseph) Account of the Manners and Customs of Italy, £ vols, neat, $s. • ib. I769. 1229. Tolondron. Speeches to John Bowie about his edition of Don Quixote, neat, 3s. 6d.»»"»»ib. I78fj. 1230. Boswelbs (James) Account of Corsica, map, neat, 9s. 6d. ib. 1768. 1231. Braithwaite's (Captain) History of the Revolutions in the Empire of Morocco, map, neat, Ss. 6d. ib. 1729* 1232. Ball's (John) Antiquities of Constantinople, neat, 6s. ib. 1729. 1233. ■ very fine copy, 7s. 6d. : ib. 1 729. 1234. Bulstrode (Sir Richard) Letters written to the Earl of Ar- lington, 3s. 6d. ib. 1712. 1235. Brown's (Robert) Journal of a detachment of Foot Guards from Feb. 1793 to May 1795, map, 3s. ib. 1795. 1236. Boctius, his Consolation of Philosophy, 3* ib* 1730. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — 8ro. 93 1237- Barry's (James) Account of the Pictures in the Great Room of the Society of Arts, neat, 2?. 6d. Lond. 1783. 1238. Biographical Sketches of Eminent Persons whose portraits form part of the Duke of Dorset's Collection at Knole, plates, neat, 6s. ih. 1795. 1239- Beattie's (James) Essay on Truth, neat, 6s. ib. 1773. 1240. Elements of Moral Science, 2 vols, boards, 10s. 6d. Edinb. 1790. 1241. Buonamici's Commentaries of the late War in Italy, neat, 6s. Lond. 1753. 1242. Bohun's (Edmund) Character of Queen Elizabeth, fron tispiece, 6s. ib. 1691. 1243. Brand's (John) Observations on Popular Antiquities, neat, 10s. Newcastle, 1777. 1244. Bickham's (G.) Curiosities of Kensington, Hampton Court, and Windsor Castle, plates, 2s. 6d. Lond. n. d. 1245. Burchell's (Josiah) Memoirs of Transactions at Sea during the War with France, from 1688 to 1697, 26. 6d. Lond. 1703. 1246\ Bearcroft's (Philip) Historical Account of Thomas Sutton, Esq. and of his Foundation in Charter- House, 8*. 6d. • -ib. 1737. 1247. Barruel's (Abbe) Memoirs illustrating the History of Jaco- binism, 4 vols. £1. Is. ib. 179S. 1248. Bromley's (Sir George) Original Royal Letters, written by King Charles, King James, and the Queen of Bohemia, ivith beautiful portraits, neat, 9s. ib. 1787. 1249. Baldwin's (George) Political Recollections relative to Egypt, very neat, 7*** •••••••• « ib. 1801. 1250. Burgh's (W.) Political Disquisitions, or an enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses, 3 vols, very neat, £l. lls.6d. ib.\17\. 1251. Another Set, 3 vols, in boards, £l. 4s. ib. 1774. 1252. Brownrigg's (William) Art of making common Salt, 18s. ib. 1748. 1253. Browne's (W.) Extent and Limits of the Human Understanding, neat, 6s. ib. 1737. 94 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 12.54. Browne's (Sir T.) Hydriotaphia, Urne-Buriall, or a Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urns lately found in Norfolk, calf extra, 10$. 6d. Lond. 1658. 1255. Baylcy (John) on Bills of Exchange, very neat, 4s. • -ib. 1799- 1256. Beauty's Triumphant, or the superiority of the Fair Sex, invincibly proved, 6s. ib> 1751. 1257- Bonaparte's Intercepted Letters from Egypt, map, half-bound, russia, 5s. » ib. 1798. 1258. Another Copy, 2s. 6d. & 1798- 1259. Bonaparte in the West Indies, or the History of Toussaint L'Ouverture, very neat, 4s. ib. 1803. 1260. Bush's (J.) Hibernia Curiosa ; or the Manners, Customs, &c. of the People of Ireland, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. I769. 1261. Birch's (Thomas) Letters, Speeches, &c. of Lord Bacon, neat, 5s. ib. 1763. 1262. Boyle's (Captain Robert) Voyages and Adventures, 7s. 6d. ib. 1728. 1263. Burney's (Charles) Present State of Music in German}', the Netherlands, and United Provinces, 3 yoh. neat, £l. Is. v ib. 1775. 1264. Brydson's (Thomas) Summary View of Heraldry in reference to the Usages of Chivalry, elegant inmorocco, \6s. ib. 1795. 1265. Boulainvilliers' Life of Mahomet, neat, 6s. ib. 1731. 1266. Boyse's (Samuel) Historical Review of the Transactions of Europe, from the War with Spain to the Rebellion in Scotland in 1745, plates, 2 vols, neat, 8s.' -Reading, 1747- 1267. Bray's (William) Tour in Derbyshire and Yorkshire, boards, 5s.6d. ib. 1783. 1268. Bellieard's Observations upon the Antiquities of the Town of Ilerculaneum, plates, neat, 6s. ib. 1753. 1269. Boccalini's Letters from Apollo, Advertisements from Par- nassus, and Political Touchstone, 5 vols. 12s. 6d. ib. 1704. 1270. Bacon's (Sir Anthony) Right of Succession to the Crown of England in the Family of Stuarts asserted, neat, 6s. ib. 1723. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 95 12/1. Bannatyne's (Richard) Journal of the Transactions in Scotland, during the Contest between the adherents of Queen Mary and those of her Son, boards, 6s. • • • • Edinb. 1 806. 1272. Black well's Letters concerning Mythology, neat, 5s. Lond. 1748. 1273. ' a very fine copy, 8s. ib. 1748. 1274. Banier's('Abbe) Ancient Mythology, 4 vols, boards, 14*. ib. 1739. 1275. Blake's (Sir Francis) Political Tracts, containing a proposal for liquidating the National Debt. — The Efficacy of a sink- ing Fund, and the abolishing of Tythes, calf extra, 9s> ib. 1795. 1276. Bale's (John) Brefe Chronycle concernynge the Examynacyon and Death of Syr Johan Oldecastell, large paper, £l. 1 Is. 6d. ib. 1729. 1277. Baltimore's (Lord) Tour to the East in the years 1763 and 1764, with remarks on the City of Constantinople, plates, calf extra, 12s. ib. I767. 1278. Brodrick's (Thomas) History of the late War in the Nether- lands, 2 vols. 5s. ib. 1713. 1279- Bosnian's (William) Description of the Coast of Guinea, plates, 7s. 6d. ib. I72I. 1280. Boyle's (The Honourable Robert) Essay about the Origin and Virtue of Gems, neat, 8s. ib. 1672. 1281. Buchan's (Earl of) Essays on the Lives and Writings of Fletcher of Saltoun, and the Poet Thomson, portrait, boards, 7s. 6d ib. 1792. J 282. Bruce's (James) Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, 7 vols, calf gilt, with an Atlas in 4to. half-bound, £5. 5s. ib. 1804. 1283. Clarendon's (Lord) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, with his Life, 8 vols, large paper, illustrated -with a vast number of portraits, superbly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, £25. Oxon. 1 707-60. 1284. Compleated, neat, 10s. 6d. Dublin, 1 720. 96 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1285. Clarendon's (Lord) Life, written by Himself, large paper, 2 vols, boards, £2. 2s. Oxon. Ij60. 1286. Carver's (.1 ) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, plates, neat, 18s. Land. 1/78. 1287. russia, £1. Is. ib. 1778. 1288. Cook's (Captain) and King's Voyage round the World, 4 vols. plates, £\. l6s. ib. 1785. 1289. Voyage, (Journal of his last) plates, neat, 7s. ib. 1781. 1290. Coote's (Charles) History of England, with plates, 10 vols. •very neat, £6. 6s. ib. 1796. 1291. Another Set, 10 vols, boards, £±. ib. 1796. 1292. History of the Union of the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, half-bound, 7s. ib. 1802. 1293. Coxe's (William) Tnivels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, 5 vols, very neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1787'. 1294. Chastellux's Travels in North America, 2 vols, boards, 7s. 6d. ib. 1787- 1295. ■ very neat in calf, 12*. ib. 1787. 1296. Chesterfield's (Earl of) Letters to his Son, portrait, 2 vols. 14$. Dublin, 1774s. 1297. Colli ns's Peerage of England, greatly augmented and con- tinued by Sir E. Brydges 9 vols, calf extra, £"( ' . Lond. 1812. 1298. English Baronetage, 5 vols, neat, £2. \2s. 6d. ib. 1741. 1299. Covent Garden Journal, with four views, large paper, 2 vols, boards, £1. Is. ^.1810. 1300. Crumpe's (Samuel) Essay on the best means of providing Employment for the People, boards, 3s. ib. 1795. 1301. Curious Traveller, being a choice Collection of remarkable Histories, Voyages, &c. plates, neat, 6s. ib. 1742. 1302. Charnock's (John) Biographia Navalis, or Lives and Cha- racters of Officers in the Navy, 6 vols, boards, £l. 15s. ib. 1794. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English, — 8vo. 97 1303. Clarke's (Rev. D.) Survey of the Strength and Opulence of Great Britain, boards, 3s. 6d. Lond. 1801. 1304. Crantz's (David) History of Greenland, plates, 2 vols, very neat, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. I767. 1305. Cary's Survey of the Country 15 Miles round London, 7*. ib. 1786. 1306. Candid Considerations on the Nature of the Sugar Trade, plates, neat, 6s. ib. 1763. 1307. Coke's Detection of the Court and State of England during the four last Reigns and the Inter-Regnum, 3 vols, in 2, neat, 18s. ib. I696. 1308. Clarksou's (Thomas) Essay on Slavery, 7s. ib. 1786. 1309. Collier's (Jeremy) Essays, 3 vols, neat, 10s. 6d.* » • *ib. 1732. 1310. Marcus Antoninus, his Conversation with Himself, neat, 3s. 6d. ib. 1726, 1311. Charter of the Trinity House, confirmed by King James the Second, morocco, 7s. 6d. ib. 1685. 13 12. Cox (Joseph Mason) on Insanity, 2s. 6d. ib. 1804. 1313. Cheats of the Romish Priests, discovered in the History of the Devils of Loudon, neat, 5s. 6d. ib. 1703. 1314. Campbell's (Dr.) Hermippus Redivivus, or the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave, neat, 5s. ib. 1771. 1315. Chatham's (Earl of) Letters to his Nephew, boards, 4>s. ib. 1804. 1316. Connor's (Bern.) History of Poland, 2 vols. 8s. ib. 1698. 1317- Characteristicks of the Present Political State of Great Britain, neat, 25. ih. 1758. 1318. Cockburn's (John) Journey over Land from the Gulph of Honduras to the Great South Sea, 5s. ib. 1735. 1319. Chamberlayne's (John) Present State of Great Britain, 2 vols. 6s. ib. 1741. 1320. Crull's (T.) Antient and Present State of Muscovy, 5s. ib. 1698. 1321. History of the Affairs of Spain, 7s. ib. 1707. 1322. Compendious Miscellaneous History, from the Creation to William the Conqueror, plates, 3s. 6d. ib. 1754. N 98 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1323. Collection of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East India- Company, neat, 7 s. 6d. Lond. 1703. 1324. Carter's (Matthew) Analysis of Honour, with plates by Gay- wood, half -bound, 7s. 6d. ib. 1660. 1325. neat, 5s. 6d. ib. \660. 1326. elegant in morocco, gilt leaves, £\.\s. ib\ 1665, 1327. interleaved, with the law of England relating to Nobility and Geniry, by Bndall, 15*. ib. 1673. 1328. Chastellux's Essay on Public Happiness, 2 vols, very neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1774. 1329. Cotton's (Sir Robert) divers Choice Pieces, very neat, Ss. 6d. ib.\65\. 1330. Clarke's (Hugh) Concise History of Knighthood, plates, 2 vols. in 1, calf extra, \6s. #. 1784. 1331. Cicero's Select Orations, by Duncan, Lat, Eng. <)*.• •#■ 1771. 1332. of the Nature of the Gods, 9s ib. 1741. 1333. Caveat to the Cavaliers, brown calf, 7s.6d. ib. 1661. 1334. Casaubon of Credulity and Incredulity, 3*. 6d. • • • • ib. 1668. 1335. Cumberland's (Rev. R.) Attempt for discovering the Times of the First Planting of Nations, neat, 4>s. ib. 1724. 1336. Conduct of the Duke of Marlborough during the present War, 2s. 6d. ib. 1712. 1337. Coxe's (Daniel) Description of Carolina, 4*. ib. 1722. 133S. Collection of Choice, Scarce, and Valuable Tracts taken from Manuscripts and Printed Books, 10*. 6d. • • ib. 1721. 1339. Conduct of Cardinal Alberoni, half-bound, 2s. 6d.**ib. 1720. 1340. Colquhoun's (P.) Police of the River Thames, half-bound, 6s. ib. 1800. 1341. Another Copy, neat in calf, 7s. 6d. ib. 1800. 1342. Cooper's (George) Letters on the Irish Nation, half-bound, 7s. 6d. ^. 1800. 1343. Cardonnel's (Adamde) Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, proof impressions of the plates on India Paper, neat, £1.16.5. ift.1788. History, Biography, Antiquities, 8? Miscellanies. English. — 8ro. 99 1344. Coryat's Crudities, reprinted from the edition of l6ll. To which, is now added his Letters from India, &c. and extracts relating to him from various Authors; 3 vols. half-bound, £\. 10s. Lond. I776. 1345. Collection of Welch Travels and Memoirs of Wales, half- bound, neat, Qs. n.d. 1346. De Foe's (Daniel) Writings, including the True born Eng- lishman, 6s. ib. 1763. 1347. — portrait, neat, I0s.6d.ib. 1703. 1348. 2 vols. 145. ib. 1703-5. 1349. History of the Great Plague in London in the Year 1665, with a Journal of the Plague at Marseilles in in the Year 1720, neat in calf, £l. Is. ib. 1754. 1350. Life and Adventures of Duncan Campbell, plates, 9s. ib. 1720. 1351. with the secret Memoirs of Duncan Campbell, written by himself, 2 vols, very neat, 15s. 1720-22. 1352. Storm, or a collection of the most remark- able Casualties and Disasters which happened in the late dreadful Tempest both by Sea and Land, l6s. • *ib. 1704. 1353. ' Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed, lfo. ib. 1 727. 1354. ■ — Political History of the Devil, frontispiece, 12s. Westminster, 1734. 1355. _ T our through the whole Island of Great Britain, maps, 3 vols, neat, \0s.6d. Load. 1724. 1356. Description of the River Thames with the City of London's Jurisdiction, plates, 7s. ib. 1758. 1357- Holland, or the Present state of the United Provinces, neat, 3s. ib. 1743. 1358. Discourses on the Publick Revenue, 2s. 6d. ib. 1698. 1359. Drummond's (William) History of Scotland, 4>s. ib. Ifj81. 1360. Drury (Robert) Surprizing Adventures of, during his fifteen Years Captivity on the Island of Madagascar, neat, 10s. 6d ib. 1750. 100 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 136*1. Description of the House and Gardens of Stowe, and other Tracts, plates, half-bound, 4*. 1762. 1362. Dawson's (Thomas) Memoirs of St. George and of the Order of the Garter, frontispiece, neat, 5s. Lond. 1714. 1363. Duhalde's (J. B.) General History of China, plates, 4 vols. neat, £l. 4s. ib. 1741. 1364. D'Avenant's (Sir Wm.) Essays on the Balance of Power, &c. 3* 1701. 1365. Davies's (Edward) Celtic Researches, boards, 9*- •• ib. 1804. 1366. (Thomas) Life of David Garrick, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £1. Is. ib. 1781. 1367. Dramatic Miscellanies, consisting of Ob- servations on Shakspeare, Anecdotes, Sec. portraits, 3 vols. neat, £\. \s. ib. 1785. 1368. Dampier's (Capt. William) Voyages round the World, best edition, plates, 4 vols. £2. Ss. ib.1729. 1369. 4 vols. russia, £3. 10s. • ib. 1729. 1370. Dillon's (Count) Letters from Spain, on the Origin and Pro- gress of Spanish Poetry, portraits, sewed, 3s.* • • *ib. I78I. 1371. Demosthenes's Orations, translated by Thomas Leland, 2 vols. very neat, 18*. ib. 1802. 1372. Dathos (A.) Essay on the History of Hamburgh, neat, Js. 6d. ib. 1766. 1373. Dykes's (Oswald) English Proverbs, with Moral Reflections, half bound, 10*. 6d. ib. I709. 1374. Dodridge's (Sir John) Account of Wales, Cornwall, &c. neat, 6s. ib, 1714. 1375. Dodington's (George Bubb) Diary, with an appendix con- taining some curious and interesting Papers, boards, 9s. ib. 1784. 1376. <« — — _____ half bound, I0s.6d. ib.1785. I377, - - . neat, 12*. ib, 1785. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 101 1378. Dale's (Robert) Catalogue of the Nobility of England, 2*. Lofid. I697. 1379- neat, 5s. • ib. I697. 1380. Duquesne's Voyage to the East Indies, in the Year I69O and 91, map, broxvn calf, 12s. ib. I696. 1381. Du Pin's (Lewis Ellis) Library of Historians, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1709. 1382. Description of the Coasts, Harbours, and Sea Ports of the West Indies, maps, 2s. 6d. ih. 1740, 1383. Du Mont's Voyage to the Levant, plates, neat, 10s.6d. ib. 1696. 1384. Dugdale's Calendar of the Years of our Lord God, and those of the Kings of England, 5s. ib. 1685. 1385. Dauncey's (John) Compendious Chronicle of the Kingdom of Portugal, with the frontispiece, including 3 portraits, neat, 9s. ib.1661. 1386. De la Croix's History of Tamerlain the Great, Emperor of the Moguls and Tartars, 2 vols, neat, 12s. ib. 1723* 1387. Delolme's (J. L.) History of the Flagellants, plates, very neat, 10s.6d. ib. 1783. 1388. neat, 7s.6d. ib. 1785. 1389. on the Constitution of England, neat, 5s. ib. 1775. 1390. Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting, translated by Dry den, fron- tispiece, calf extra, 14*. • • ib. 1 716. 1391. Another Copy, neat, 7s. ib. I7I6. 1392. De Piles's Art of Painting, with the Lives and Characters of the most eminent Painters, neat, 9s. 6d. ib. 1744. 1393. Dissertations and Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia, by Sir William Jones, W. Chambers, Esq. Warren Hastings, Esq. and others, 3 vols, very neat, £2. 2s. • • • • ib. 1792. 1394. Douglas's (Silvester) History of the Cases of Controverted Elections, 4 vols, neat, £ 1.10s. • • • ib. 1 775. 102 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1395. Duppa's (Richard) Account of the Subversion of the Papal Government, neat, 5s. Lond. 1 799. 1396. De Page's Travels round the World, frontispiece, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. ... ib. 1791. 1397. Dying Speeches of the Several State Prisoners who have been executed the last 300 Years, 7s.6d. ib. 1720. 1398. Dicey's (Thomas) Historical Account of Guernsey, rnorocco, gilt leaves, 9s. ib. 1751. 1399. Dutens's (Rev. Lewis) Inquiry into the Origin of the Dis- coveries attributed to the Moderns, neat, 12s.. • • •#. 1779- 1400. Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries, by Taylor, boards, 5s. Amsterdam, n. d. 1401. Egede's (Hans) Description of Greenland, plates, neat, 1 5s. ib. 174,5. 1402. Ellis's (Henry) Voyage to Hudson's Bay, map and plates, neat, 15s. ib. 17*8. 1403.' ' LARGE PAPER, fine copy in russia, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1748. 1404. Entick's (John) History of the Late War, portrait and maps, 5 vols, neat, £1. 5s. ib. 1763. 1405. History and Survey of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Places adjacent, plates, 4 vols, very neat, £\.\s. ib. 1760. 1406. Echard's (Laurence) Roman History, frontispiece, 5 vols. calf gilt, £1. Is. ib. 1696. 14,07. ■ History of the Revolution, 3*. ib. 1725. 1408. Essay on Signals, coloured plates, very neat, 5s. • • • »ib. I78S. 1409. Eleoant Epistles, frontispiece, neat, \0s.6d. ib. 1794. 1410. Easton's (James) Human Longevity, recording the Name, Age, Place of Residence, and Year of the Decease of 1712 Persons, who attained a Century and upwards, calf extra, 0.9 _ ...... •••••• ...... ...... •••••• ...... io, 1 799* 1411. Erskine's (Honourable Thomas) View of the causes and con- sequences of the present War with France, boards, 3s. ib. 1797- History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies, English.— 8vo. 103 1412. Earnshaw's (James) Abstract of the Penal Statutes relating to the Revenue of Customs, 2 vols, half-bound, russia backs, I0s.6d. Lond. 1793. 1413. Erasmus's Colloquies, by Sir Roger l'Estrange, Knt. 2*. ib. 1699- 1414. by H. M. Gent. 3s. ib. 1671. 1415. English Advice to the Freeholders of England, 1714. — His- tory of the Clemency of our English Monarchs, 1717, and Letter to Sir Richard Steele, 7s. 1416. Extracts from the Press, a Newspaper published in the Capital of Ireland in 1797-8, very neat,£\. \s. Philadelphia, 1802. 1417. Este's (C.) Journey through Flanders, Brabant, Germany, &c. neat, 5s. ib. 1795. 1418. Earbery's (Matth.) Occasional Historian, neat, 5s.- 'ib. 1730. 1419. Essay for a General Regulation of the Law, 3s. ib. 1727. 1420. on Defensive War, and a Constitutional Militia, very neat, 3s. ib. 1782. 1421. Ellis's (VV.) Narrative of a Voyage by Captains Cook and Clerke, 1776-8O, plates, 2 vols, neat, 10*. 6d. .. ib. 1782, 1422. Evelyn's (John) Sculptura ; or History and Art of Chalco- graphy and Engraving on Copper, plates, 9s ib. 1755. 1423. Evans's (Thomas) Cambrian Itinerary, or Welch Tourist, map, neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1801. 1424. (Rev, J.) Tour in South Wales, half-bound, russia, 7 s. ib. 1 804. 1425. North Wales, half-bound, russia, 7s ib. 1802. 1426*. Erdeswicke's (Samson) Survey of Staffordshire, fine copy, •with the map, neat, £\. lis. 6d ib. 1723. U27. facsi- mile reprint of the original edition, neat, £1. Is. 1428. Elstob's Historical Account of Bedford Level, map, large paper, half-bound, russia, uncut, 15s ib. 1793. 1429. English Topographer; or an Historical Account of all that has been written relating to the Antiquities, Natural His- tory, &c. of England, calf extra, £\. Is. ib. 1720. 104 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1430. Essay on the Study of Antiquities, half -bound, 7 s. 6 d. Oxo?i. 1782. 1431. England's Triumph, a more exact History of his Majesties Escape after the Battle of Worcester, half -bound, 12s. Lond. 166*0. 1432. Black Tribunal!, set forth in the Triall of King Charles the First, with a fine portrait engraved by Gay- wood, half bound, 15s. ib. 1660. 1433. Another Copy, half bound, 7s. 6d. ib. 1703. 1434. English Theophrastus : or the Manners of the Age, calf extra, 9s. ib. 1706. 1435. Essays and Observations Physical and Literary, by a Society of Gentlemen at Edinburgh, 2 vols, neat, Qs. Edinb. 1754. 1436. Feyjoo's Essays, translated by Brett, 4 vols, neat, £l. 12s. ib. 1780. 1437. Fitzosborne's (Sir Thomas) Letters, by W. Melmoth, neat, 7s. ib. 1776. 1438. Fullarton's (William) View of the English Interests in India, and an account of the Military Operations in 1782, 1783, and 1784, neat, 7s. ib. 1788. 1439- Another Copy, 4s. ib. 1788. 1440. Fraser's (James) History of Nadir Shah, Emperor of Persia, frontispiece and map, very neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1742. 1441. Falle's (Philip) Account of Jersey, with the map, neat, £1. Is. ib. 1694. 1442. Francklin's (William) Tour from Bengal to Persia, very neat, 8*. ib. 1790. 1443. Forster's (J R.) Travels through Sicily, Magna Grascia, and Egypt, very neat, 8s. 6d. ib. 1773. 1444. Figure of the Earth, demonstrated by Maupertuis, Clairaur, &c. plates, 3s. 6d. ib. 1738. 1445. Ferrar's (J.) History of Limerick, plates, very neat, 8s. Limerick, 1787. 1446. Fontenelle's Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds, plates, best edition, neat, 9s. • • Lond. 1767. 1447. Fletcher's (Andrew, of Saltoun) Political Works, neat, 9s. ib. 1737. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 105 1448. Fischer's (F. A.) Travels in Spain, h. b. 6s. • • • • Land. 1802. 1449. Free Thoughts on Seduction, Adultery, and Divorce, 6s. ib.1771- 1450- Ferguson's (Adam) Essay on the History of Civil Society, very neat, 9s. ib. 1782. 1451. Fuller's (Thomas) Collection of English Proverbs, half -bound, \Qs. * ib. 1684. 1 452. (Francis) Treatise concerning the Power of Exercise, with respect to Animal (Economy, very neat, 6s. • -ib. 1728. 1453. Faithorne's (William) Art of Engraving and Etching, plates, very fine copy in calf, £\ . 7 s. ib. 1702. 1454. Fosbrookcs (Thomas Dudley) British Monachism;or Manners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns in England, 2 vols. boards, £1. lis. 6d. id. 1802. 1455. Fugitive Pieces on various Subjects, 2 vols, neat, 14s. ib. 1765. 1456. Fullwood's (F.) Pillars of Rome broken, 2s. ib. 1679. 1 457. Flanders Delineated, 2s. 6d. ib. 1745. 1458. Filmer's (Sir Robert) Freeholder's Grand Inquest 1680, and his Natural Power of Kings 1680, in one volume, with two Heads of Charles II. 5s. 1459. Farmer's (J.) History of the Ancient Town and once famous Abbey of Waltham : plates, very neat, £1. Is. • »ib. 1735. 1460. Fleetwood's (Bp.) Chronicum Preciosum, or an Account of English Money, &c. &c. neat, 8s. 6d. ib. 1707. 1461. Grose's (Francis) Antiquities of England and Wales, impe- rial octavo, fine impressions of the plates, 8 vols, in russia, £20. ■*• ib. 1784. 1462. Gent's (Thomas) History of Rippon, 8vo. — History of Kingston upon Hull, Svo. — History of York, 12mo. — Compendious History of the Monarchs and several Kings of Albion, as they are recorded by Antient and Modern Writers, with numerous cuts, 12mo. — Comprehensive History of Rome, 12mo. 5 vols, uniformly bound in rassia, raised bands, gilt leaves, o£l0. 10s. York, 1733, &c. 1463. Another Set, with the York Window, Svo. — Historical An tiquities, 8vo. and Life of St. Winefred, 12mo. interspersed O 106 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. with numerous Wood cuts, 8 vols, elegantly bound in calf 1 rai&ed bands, blank tooled, gilt leaves, £20. York, 1733, &c. 1464. Gent's History of the Loyal Town of Rippon, neat, £l. 10s. ib. 1733. 1465. Royal and Beautiful Town of Kingston upon Hull, plates, £l. Is. ib. 1735. 1466. Very fine copy, plates, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1735. 1467. England, cuts, 2 vols, neat in calf, £l. Is. ib. 1741. 1468. Gordon's (Alexander) History of the Ancient Amphitheatres, plates, 8s. 6d. Lond. 1730. 1469. Green's (Valentine) Survey of the City of Worcester, plates, neat, 8s. Worcester, 1764. 1470. Greaves's (John) Miscellaneous Works by Birch, plates, 2 vols. I65. Lond. 1737. 1471. Gardiner's (C.) Notitia Anglicana; shewing the Achievements of all the English Nobility, their several Titles of Honour, &c. 190 plates, 2 vols. 15s. ib. 1724. 1472. Gibson's (John) History of Glasgow, sewed, 2s. 6d. Glasgow, 1787. 1473. Galini (Giovanni- Andrea) Art of Fencing, frontispiece, neat, 7s. 6d. ib.1762. 1474. Grosley's (M.) Tour to London, or new observations on England and its Inhabitants, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1772. 1475. Grose's Voyage to the East Indies, plates, 2 vols, neat, 12s. ib. 17J2. 1476. Gibb's (Philip) Historical Account of Compendious and Swift-writing, half-bound, £l. Is. ib. I736. 14-77. Gilpin's (William) Picturesque Tour in the Highlands of Scotland, 2 vols. 1789- — Forest Scenery illustrated by the Scenes of New-Forest in Hampshire, 2 vols. 179L — Ob- servations on the Mountains and Lakes of Westmoreland and Cumberland, 2 vols. 1788. — Essays on Picturesque History, Biography, Antiquities, § Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 107 Beauty, 1792. — Observations on the Western Parts of England, 1798. — Observations on the River Wye, 3 789. — Observations on several Parts of the Counties of Cam- bridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, in all 10 vols, with numerous plates, elegant in morocco, £13. 1478. Gilpin's (William) Picturesque Tour in the Highlands of Scotland, plates, 2 vols, boards, £l. l6s.^Lo?id. 1792. 1479. Observations on the Mountains and Lakes of Westmoreland and Cumberland, plates, 2 vols, boards, £l. 16s. ib. 1792. 1480. — on the River Wye and several Parts of South Wales, plates, neat 9 £l. Is. ib. 1782. 1481. plates, neat in calf, 15s. ib. 1792 1482. — Three Essays on Picturesque Beauty, wants the plates, half -Sound, 2s. 6d. ib. 1794. 1483. Life of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, boards, 5s. 6d. ib. 1784. 1484. Greaves's (John) Discourse of the Roman Foot and De- narius, neat, Js. ib. Irj47^ 1485. Gregory's (J. M.) Account of the Sepulchres of the An- tients, neat, 4s. ib. 1712. 1486. Guicciifrdini's (Francesco) History of Italy, translated by Goddard, 10 vols, neat, £3. Ss. ib. 1755. 1487. Another Set, very neat, 10 vols. £3. 10s.**'*ib. 1755. 1488. Guthrie's (William) General History of the World, plates, 13 vols. £2.\2s.6d. ib. 1764. 1489. Goguet's Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, plates, 3 vols. neat, £\. \6s. Edinb. I76I. 1490. Another Copy, 3 vols, very neat, £% 2s. ib. I764. 1491. Gessner's (Solomon) Works, plates, 3 vols, elegantly bound in morocco, with beautiful Landscapes painted on the edges, £3. 13s. 6d. Liverpool, 1802. 1492. Granger's Biographical History of England, 4 vols, neat, £2. 8s. Lond. 1775. 108 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1493. Groves (Joseph) Lives of all the Earls and Dukes of Devon- shire, portrait, neat, 18* Lond. 176*. 14^4. Gutch's (John) Collectanea Curiosa ; or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to the History and Antiquities of England and Ireland, 2 vols, boards, £l. Is. Oxon. 178J. 1495. 2 vols. very neat, ,£1.4*. • •••ib. 1781. 1496. Gale's (Samuel) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Winchester, plates, £l. 106. Lond, 1715. 1497. Gentlemen's Recreations in Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, and Fishing, plates, neat in calf, 15s. ib. l677» 1498. Gage's (Thomas) Survey of the West Indies, map, 8*. Lond. lG77* 1499. Gisborne's (Thomas) Enquiry into the Duties of the Fe- male Sex, calf extra, $s. 6d. ib. 1797* 1500. Gowpowder-Treason ; with a discourse of the Manner of its Discovery, the Preface by Bishop Barlow, portraits, half' bound, 14s. ib. l6j9* 1501. Gower's (Richard Hall) Treatise of the Theory and Practice of Seamanship, neat, 6s. • • • • • ib. 1 796. 1502. Guidon's (Thornaugh) History of the High Court of Par- liament, 2 vols, neat, £l* Is. ib. 1731. 1503. Goodwin's (Philip) Mystery of Dreames Historically Dis- coursed, 6s. • • • • * ib, 1658. 1504. Gassendus's (Petrus) Mirrour of true Nobility and Gen- tility, or Life of Peiresc, portrait, brown calf, 9s. ib. 1657. 1505. Goldsmith's (Oliver) History of England, 4 vols, calf, £l. 12*. ib. 1809. 1506. Grotius (Hugo) of the Rights of W r ar and Peace, 3 vols, neat, £l.ls. ib. 1715. 1507. Greek and Roman History illustrated by Coins and Medals, representing their Religious Rites, Customs, &c. by O. W. 5*. ib. 1692. 1508. Grose's (Francis) Olio, being a Collection of Essays, Dia logues, Biographical Sketches, &c. portrait, 12s. ib. 1796. History, Biography, Antiquities, $r Miscellanies. English, — Svo. 109 1509. Grose's (John) Ethieks, Rational and Theological, half- bound, Js. 6d. • • • • Lond. n. d. 1510. Gentleman's Magazine from its commencement in 1731 to the end of the year 1813, and 5 vols, of plates, being in alllig vols, half bound, gilt leaves, £70.- -ib. 1731, SfC. This Set was formed by Mr. David Henry, the joint Proprietor and Successor of Mr. Edward Cave, the original Publisher, — the succeeding volumes were supplied by a descendant, from whom the Set has been purchased. 1511. Another Set from its commencement in 1/31 to the end of the year H81, being 110 volumes, neat, £4>5. ih. 1731, SfC. 1512. Gentleman's Magazine, (General Index to the) 2 vols, boards, £9- 9s. 16. 1789- 1513. 1732, 14*.— 1733, 9s.— 1734, 6s.— 1735,6s.— 1736, 6s.— 1737, 6s.— 1738, 6s.— 1739, 6s. —1740, 5s. 6d.—174>l, 5s.— 1742, 5s.— 1743, 5s.— 1744, 5s.— 1745, 5s.— 1746, 5s.— 1753, 6s.— 1755, 6s. — 1756, 6s.— 1763, 8s.— 1764, 8s.— 1765, 8s.— 1766, 8s.— 1767, 8s.— 1768, SS.—I769, 8s.— 1770, 8s.— 1771, 8s. 6d.— 1772, 8s. 6tf.— 1773, 8s. 6d.—l774> r 10s. 6r/.— 1775, 10s. 6d.— 1776, 15s.— 1777, 15s.— 1778 r 15s.— 1779, 15S.-1781, £2. 2s.— 1782, £\. l6s.— 1784, 2 vols. £1. Is.— 1785, 2 vols. 18s. 6d.— 1786, 2 vols. 14s.— 1/87, 2 vols. 14s.— -1788, 2 vols. 14s.— 1789, 2 vols. 14s.— 1789, 2 vols, (some plates wanting) 10s. 6d.— 1790, 2 vols. 14s.— 1790, 2 vols, (some plates wanting) 10s. 6d. — 1791, 2 vols. 14s. — 1792, 2 vols. 14s. — 1793, 2 vols. 14s.— 1794, 2 vols. I4s.— 1795, 2 vols. 14s.— 1796, 2 vols. 14s.— 1797, 2 vols. 15s.— 1798 y 2 vols. 15s.— 1799, 2 vols. 15s.— 1800, 2 vols. 15s— 1801, 2 vols. 15s.— 1802, 2 vols. 18s.— 1803, 2 vols. £1. Is. 1514. f rom 1801 t0 1815> 3 yols# ha1 j m bound, uniform, c£lO. 10s. 1515. Guidott's (Thomas) Discourse of Bath and Hot Waters there, frontispiece, 5s ib. 1 676. 110 L.OKGMAV, IIlJRST, RfiES, ORME, AND BROWN. 15 16. Gerard's (Alexander) Essay on Taste, neat, 7 s. 6d. Lond. 1759. 1517. Hasted's (Edward) History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, maps and plates, 12 vols, boards, £7. 7s. Canterbury, 1/97. 1518. • » History of Canterbury, -with plates, large paper, 2 vols, half -bound, russia backs, uncut, £l. 10«. ib- 1801. 1519. Hutton's (William) Battle of Bosworth Field, portrait, boards, 9s. Birming. 1788. 1520. History of Birmingham, 13*. 6d. ib. 1795. 1521. Trip to Coatham, portrait, boards, 9s. Lond. 1810. 1522. Hamilton's (Rev. W.) Letters concerning the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim, plates, half-bound, 10s. 6d. Dublin, 1790. 1523. Another Copy, 7s. ib. 1786. 1524. Helsham's (Rich.) Lectures on Natural Philosophy, plates, neat, 4>s. 6d. Lond. 17&J. 1525. Hutchinson's History of the Colony of Massachusets Bay, 2 vols. 10*. 6d. ib. 1 760. 1526. Inquiry concerning Virtue and Happiness, neat, 5s. ib. 1751. 1527. Hay's (Edward) History of the Insurrection of the County of Wexford, boards, 7s. Dublin, 1 803. 1528. Hunter's (William) Travels in 1792 through France, Turkey, &c. calf extra, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. ib. 1 796. 1529. Hill's (Bryan) Journey through Sicily and Calabria, neat, 7s. ib. 1792. 1530. Hassell's (J.) Tour of the Isle of W 7 ight, with numerous aquatinta xieivs, 2 vols, in 1, calf extra, £l. 7s. ib. 1790. 1531. Another Copy, 2 vols, boards, £l. 5s.' ib, 1700. History , Biography, Antiquities, 8? Miscellanies. English.— Sro. Ill 1532. History of the Isle of Wight, map, half-bound, 10s. 6d. Newport, 1705. 1533. Heath's (Robert) Account of the Islands of Scilly, plates, neat, 12*. ib. 1750. 1534. Hawkins's (Richard) Discourse of the National Excellencies of England, half-bound, Ss. ib. l658, 1535. Heme's (Samuel) Account of the Foundation of the Charter House, 7s ib. 1677. 1536. Hearne's (Thomas) Lives of Leland, Hearne, and Wood, plates, large paper, 2 vols, russia, £l. 16s. Oxon. 1772. 1537. History and Antiquities of Glastonbury, portrait, large paper, <£l0. 10s. ib. 1722. 1538. Ductor Historicus : or a Short System of Universal History, frontispiece, 2 vols, neat, 12s. Lond. 1714. 1539. Chronicles of Robert of Gloucester and Peter Langtoft's, large paper, 4 vols, boards, £3. 3s. ib. 1810. 1540 Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, 2 vols, neat, £7- 7s. Oxon. 1725. 1541. Harris's (William) Lives of King James the First, Oliver Cromwell, and King Charles the First and Second, 5 vols. neat, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1753, SfC. 1542. Another Set, with the portrait of King Charles the First, 5 vols, calf, gilt, £2. 16s. ib. 1758, #c. 1543. Harris's (William) Life of King James the First, neat, 6s. ib. 1753. 1544. — with head, half-bound, russia, uncut, £)s. ib. 1772. 1545. Historical Account of the Life of Oliver Cromwell, neat, 12s. ib. 176*2. 1546. (James) Philosophical Arrangements, neat, Ss. ib. 1775. 112 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1547. Hogarth illustrated by John Ireland, first edition, numerous plates, 3 vols, morocco, elegant, £\0. 10s, • -Lond. 179* • 1548. Another Copy, 3 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves , £j. IJs.Od. ib.1791- 1549. Hogarth (Anecdotes of, to illustrate the edition by Thomas Cook) morocco elegant, £2. 2s. ib. 1803. 1550. (Biographical Anecdotes of, by John Nichols) ele- gant in morocco, j£l. 5s.- • • • • ib. 1 785. 1551. Holstein (Baroness Stael de) on Ancient and Modern Lite- rature, 2 vols, very neat, 10s. 6 — County Elections, boards, 7s. ib. 1797* 1602. Henchman's (Thomas) Observations on the Reports of the Directors of the East India Company, respecting the Trade between India and Europe, very neat, 7s. 6d.- . • • ib. 1802. 16*03. Habesci's (Elias) Present State of the Ottoman Empire, neat, 3s. 6d. ib. 1784. 1604. Hughes's (John) Letters, with others by distinguished Persons, 3 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1773. 1(505. Hauteville's Account of Poland, 2s. 6d. ib. 169s. 1606. Halifax's (Earl of, Works and Life of) portrait, 3s. ib. 1715. 1607. Hispania Illustrata, or the Maxims of the Spanish Court, and most Memorable Affairs fully laid open, 7s. 6d. ib. 1703. 1608. HolwelPs (John Zephaniah) India Tracts, complete in 3 vols. neat, £\. lis. 6d. ib. 1774. 1609. Hervey's (Christopher) Letters from Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Germany, in the years 1759, 1760, and 1761, 3 vols. half-bound, 15s. ib. 1785. 1610. Huarte's (Juan) Tryal of Wits, neat, 5s. ib. I69S. 1611. Hanway's (Jonas) Virtue in Humble We, frontispiece, 2 vols. very neat, 18s. ib. 177 ^f 1612. Ireland's (Samuel) Picturesque and Descriptive Works, viz. River Thames, 2 vols. — River Medway, 1 vol — River Avon, 1 vol. — River Wye, 1 vol. — Tour through Holland, Brabant, &c. 2 vols. — Illustrations of Hogarth, 2 vols. — and History of the Inns of Court, 1 vol. — in all 10 vols. ILLUSTRATED BY A VAST NUMBER OF PORTRAITS AND OTHER ENGRAVINGS, IN ADDITION TO THE NU- MEROUS VIEWS PROPERLY BELONGING To THE RES- PECTIVE works, most superbly and uniformly bound in green morocco, 0^80 ib. 1792-1 800. 116 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. l6l3. Ireland's (Samuel) Picturesque Views on the River Avon, (pp. 41 to 48 wanting) boards, £\.7s. Lond. 179 5 - l6l4. Picturesque Views on the River Medway, plates, boards, £l. 15s. ib. 1793. 1615. Izacke's (Samuel) Antiquities of Exeter, cuts, large paper, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1734. 1616. Inquiry into the share which King Charles I. had in the transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan, neat, 7 s. ib. 1756". 1617. Instructions and Regulations for the Formations and Move- ments of the Cavalry, boards, 5s. 1618. Irish Historical Library, pointing out most of the Authors and Records in Print or Manuscript, 9-s. • Dublin, 1724. 1619. In Vino Veritas, or a conference betwixt Chip the Cooper, and Dash the Drawer, being both Boozy, half-bound, 5s. 6d. Lond. 1678. 1620. Ideal Beauty, in Painting and Sculpture, sewed, 2s. 6d, ib. 1769. 1621. Johnson's (Dr.) Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, 3 vols. 18*. 2*3.1774. 1622. Julian's (the Emperor J Select Works, from the Greek, by J. Duncombe, 2 vols, in 1, neat, 10s. 6d ib. 1784. 1623. Two Orations, one to the Sovereign Sun, and the other to the Mother of the Gods, calf extra, Ss ib. 1793. 1624. Jortin's (John) Tracts, Philological, Critical, and Miscella- neous, portrait, 2 vols, very neat, £\. \s. ...... ib. 1790. 1625. Jacob's (Edward) History of the Town and Port of Faversham, plates, neat, \5s. » . ib. \7JX. 1626. Ditto, a very fine copy, \Ss. ib. 177 '4. 1627. Johnstone's (Rev. James) Norwegian Account of Haco's Expedition against Scotland; Anecdotes of Olave the Black, King of Man, and Lodbrohar Quida, or the Death Song Lodbrog, large paper, neat in calf , £\. 6s. ib. 1782. 1628. Justamond's (J. O.) Private Life of Lewis XV. 4 vols, tery neat j £1. ti.H ••ib. I78I. History, Biography, Antiquities, § Miscellanies. English. — 8vo. 117 1629* Jackson's (John) Over-land Journey from India, elegant, 9$. Lond. 179Q. 1630. Jockey Club, or a Sketch of the Manners of the Age, three parts, half -bound, neat, 15$. ib. 1799» 1631. (Female) half-bound, 8s. ib. 1794- 1632. Lond. 1794. — City Biography, or Anecdotes and Memoirs of conspicuous Personages in the City of London, Lond. 1800, in one vol. h. b. neat, Ids. 1633. Journey from Aleppo to Damascus, 4s. 6d. ib. 1736. 1634. through England, in Familiar Letters, from a Gen- tleman here to his Friend abroad, 2 vols. 10*. • • »*ib 1732. 1635. Ditto with the Scotland, and Austrian Netherlands, by the same, 4 vols, neat, £l.4s. • • • • ib. 1732, 1636. through the Austrian Netherlands, 2*. 6d. • • ib. 1732. 1637. Johnson's (J.) View of the Jurisprudence of the Isle of Man, boards, 5s. • • • ib. 1811. 1638. (Dr. Samuel) Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, the original edition, half-bound, 12s. 6d. ib. 1775. 1639. Knight's (Samuel) Lives of Erasmus and Dean Colet, (two plates in the Erasmus wanting,) 2 vols, russia, £3. \3s. 6d* Camb. and Lond. 1724. 1640. Ditto, a very fine Set, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £6. 6s. ib. 1724. 1641. Dean Colet, plates, neat, £l.l0s. ib. 1724. 1642. (R.Payne) Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste, brown calf, 9s. ib. 1805. 1643. boards, 4s. 6d. ib. n.d. l6*44. Kolben's Present State of the Cape of Good Hope, plates, 2 vols, neat, £l. Is. ib. 1738. 1645. Rennet's (Basil) Antiquities of Rome, with numerous plates, neat, 3s. 6d. fo t 1713. 1646. very neat, 7s. 6d.->ib. I763. 1^47. 1 21 7s , 6d ib. 1793. 118 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1648. Keys's (John) Bee Master, plate, neat, 6s.6d. . . Lond. 1796. 1649. King Charles I/s Works, frontispiece, 2 vols, in 1, 6s. Hague, 1651. 1650. - Another Copy, very splendidly bound in calf, 2 vols. in 1, 14*. i ib. 160I. 1651. ■ A Collection of Papers relating to, 4*. Lond. 1659. 1652. II. (Account of the Preservation of) after the Battle of Worcester, portraits, 7s.6d. ib. 1803. 1653. Case, or an Appeal to all Rational Men, con. cerning his Tryal, by John Cook, 7s. ib. 1714. 1654. Kirwan's (Richard) Logick, 2 vols, boards, Ss. .... ib. 180/. 1655. Keysler's (John George) Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, &c. plates, 4 vols, neat, 1 Ss. ib. 1760. 1606. Kindersley's (N. E.) Specimens of Hindoo Literature, very neat, 15s. ^.1794. 1657. Kane's (Richard) Campaigns of King Wliliam and Queen Anne, 2s. 6d. ib. 1745. 1608. Ker's (John) Memoirs relating to Politicks, Trade, and History, 3 vols, in 2, 15#. ib. 1727. 1659. King's (William, Advocate of Doctor's Commons) Works, 3 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1776. 1660. Kelly's (James) Collection of Scotish Proverbs, neat, 18s. ib. 1721. 1661. Lowth's (Robert) Life of William of Wykeham, with the Sup- plement plates, neat, 18*. ib. 1758. 1662. ' LARGE PAPER, plates, elegant in calf, gilt leaves, £l. 10s. Oxon. 1777 > 1663. Leland's (Thomas) History of the Life and Reign of Philip, King of Macedon, frontispiece, 2 vols, elegant in calf, £l. Lond. 1800. 1664. Life and Character of Oliver Cromwell impartially illustrated^ portrait, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1770. 1665. — of Oliver Cromwell, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. \74l History, Biography, Antiquities, <$• Miscellanies. English.— 8vo. 11-9 1666. Life and Death of Thomas Woolsey, Cardinal, by Cavendish, portrait, very neat, £2. 2s. Lond. 1667 . \667. — of the Rev. Dr. John Barwick, portrait, neat, 6s. 6d. ib. 1724. 1668. Gilbert Wakefield, written by Himself, portrait, calf extra, 15s. ib. 1792. 1669. Edward the Black Prince, by Arthur Collens, neat, ]4s. ib. 1741. 1670. Bishop Kenn, by William Hawkins, portrait, neat, 6s. ib. 1713. \6jl. portrait wanting, 4s. ib. 1713. 1672. Herman Boerhaave, by William Burton, portrait, neat, 6s. ib. 1746. 1673. —- Sir Thomas More, Knight, by his Great Grandson Thomas More, Esq. portrait, neat, 18s, ib. 1726. 1674. James the Second, late King of England, portrait, 3s. ib. 1703. 1675. Chatterton, by Gregory, neat, 5s. 6d. ib. 1789> 1^76. Alexander Pope, Esq. by Owen Ruffhead, neat, 9s. ib. I769. 1677. Cicero, by Conyers Middleton, large paper, por- trait, 3 vols, ritssia, gilt leaves, £2. 12s. 6d. «... ib. 1801. 1678. Artifices and Forgeries of Japhet Crook, alias Sir Peter Stranger, Bart, half-bound, 5s. 6d. ib. 1731. 1679- William the Third, late King of England, and Prince of Orange, portraits, neat, 4>s. ib. 1703. 168O. James, late Duke of Ormonde, portrait, neat, 8s. 6d. ib. 1747. 16SI. Dr. John Tillotson, by Thomas Birch, portrait, neat, 9s- ib. 1752. l6S2. Henry, Prince of Wales, by ditto, 9s ib. I77O. 1683. the Honourable Robert Boyle, by ditto, 7s. 6d. ib. 1744. 1684. General Monk, by Skinner and Webster, neat, 6s. ib. 1723. 120 Longman, Hurst,, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1685. Life of General Monk, by Skinner and Webster, portrait) neat, 9s. Lond. 1724. l6*So\ Theodore Agrippa D'Aubigne, containing an Account of the Civil Wars of France, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1772. 16S7. Richard Nash, by Goldsmith, portrait, 75... ib. 1762. 1688. Petrarch, by Mrs. Dobson, plates, 2 vols, neat, l6s. ib. 1805. l689. — — the Duke of Marlborough, by Thomas Lediard, with maps, plans, fyc. 3 vols, neat, £\. Is. ib. IJ'36. I69O. Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury, by Arthur Duck, portrait, 10s. 6d. ib. 1699- I691. • with Sir George Paule's Life of Abp. Whitgift, portraits, £l. Is* ib. 1699. 1692. Sir Thomas Pope, founder of Trinity College, Oxford, by Thomas Warton, large paper, neat, 9s. • • ib. 1772. 10*93. Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of Lincoln, by Izaak Walton, portrait, 7s. Gd. ib. l6j8. 1694. — Socrates, by John Gilbert Cooper, portrait, 4s. ib. 1750. 1695. — and Genius (Essay on the) of Dr. Johnson, by Arthur Murphy, portrait, 4s. ib. 1792. 1696. Miracles of St. Wenefrede, with Historical Obser- vations, 5s. • ib. 1713. 1697. — of the Learned Sir John Cheke, Knight, by John Strype, portrait, £2. 2s. ib. 1705. 1698. Alfred the Great, by Sir John Spelman, Knight, por- trait, 9s. Oxon. 1709. I699. Benvenuto Cellini, written by Himself, translated by Thomas Nugent, 2 vols, in 1, xery neat, £l. Is. Dublin, 1772. 1700. Lives of the Princes of the Illustrious House of Orange, neat, 7s. Lond. 1734, 1701. all the Lord Chancellors, Lord Keepers, &c. of the Great Seal of England, 2 vols, neat, 15s. ib. 1708. 1702. Lister's Journey to Paris in the year 1698, plates, 4s. ib. 1699. History, Biography , Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 121 1703. Legal Means of Political Reformation, boards, Is. 6d. Lond. 1797. 1704. Letters from a Young Painter abroad to his Friends in England, plates, 2 yoIs. neat , 9s. ib. 174-8. 1705. — of the late Ignatius Sancho, an African, portrait, 2 vols. 9s. ib. 1782. 1706. and Negociations of Count D'Estrades, from 1637 to l652, neat, 2s. ib. 1755. 1707. Poems by the late Mr. John Henderson, (the Actor) with Anecdotes of his Life, by John Ireland, neat, 5s. 6d. ib. 1786. 1708. Papers, (A Collection of Original) concerning the Affairs of England, from the year 1641 to 1660, found among the Duke of Ormonde's Papers, arranged by Thomas Carte, 2 vols, neat, £i.ls. ib. 1739- 1709. Leland's (John) Itinerary, 9 vols, in 5, very neat, £3. 10s. Oxon. 1745. 1710. Another Copy, 9 vols, in 5, calf extra, £4. 10s. • • • *ib. 176%. 1711. London and its Environs described, with many plates, 6 vols. very neat, £l. l6s. ib. I76I. 1712. Lewis's (Thomas) History of the Parthian Empire, 4*. ib. 1728. 1713. Le Comte, (Lewis) Memoirs and Observations made in a late Journey through the Empire of China, plates, 5s. ib. 1698. 1714. Latrobe's (B. H.) Anecdotes of Frederic II. King of Prussia, 5*. ib. 1788. 1715. Lloyd's (David) State- Worthies, or the States-men and Favour- ites of England since the Reformation, frontispiece, con- taining six portraits, 1 8s. • ib. 1670. 1716. > to the Revolution, by Whit- worth, 2 vols, very neat, £l. 10s. ib. I766. 1717. Leake's (Stephen Martin) Historical Account of English Money, best edition, neat, 18s. ib. 1745. 1718. Lawson's (John) Lectures concerning Oratory, neat, 6s. Dublin, 1759. Q 122 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1719- La Bruyere's Works, by N. Rowe, frontispiece, 2 vols, half- bound, russia, 12$. Lond. 1713. 1720. Lockman's (John) Travels of the Jesuits, maps, 2 vols. caff, £UU.ff «*• 1743. 1721. Lucian's Works, translated by T. Franklin, 4 vols, calf extra, £2. 2s. ib. 1781. 1722. Lloyd's (General) Political and Military Rhapsody on the Invasion and Defence of Great Britain, boards, 4>s. ib. 1803. 1723. Le Blanc's (Abbe de) Letters on the English and French Nations, 2 vols, neat, Qs. 6d.**, ib. 17&7- 1724. Law Quibbles, 2s. ib. 1726. 1725. Laws concerning Election of Members of Parliament, neat, 3s. 6d. ib. 1780. 1726. Loyalist, containing, original and select Papers, intending to rouse and animate the British Nation, halfbound, Ss. 6d. ib. 1803. 1727. Le Grand's (Anthony) Man without Passion, or the Wise Stoick, according to the sentiments of Seneca, very neat, 7 s. 6d. ib. 1675. 1728. Loveday's (R.) Letters to several Persons, occasionally dis- tributed in Subjects Philosophical, Historical, and Moral : portrait, 6s. ib. 1677. 1729. Love's Master Piece, 5s. ib. 16*57. 1730. Law's (Thomas) Sketch of some late Arrangements and a view of the rising Resources of Bengal, 6s. ib. 1792. 1731. Lahontan's (Baron) New Voyage to North America, plates, 2 vols. 145. ib. 1 703. 1732. Lithgow's (William) Nineteen Years Travels through the most eminent Places in the Habitable World, plates, calf extra, £l. 4s. ib. I692. 1733. Le Chambre's Characters of the Passions, 5s.6d.**ib. 1650. 1734. with a Discourse upon the Passions by R. W. 7s. 6d. ib. l66l. 1735. Art how to know Men, 5s. ib. 1665. 1735. . neat, 7,, fr k;^ 1737.— frontispiece, neat, 8s. 6d.* *ib. 1650. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — 8ro. 123 173S. Larkin's (Edward) Speculum Patrum, a Looking-Glasse of the Fathers, calf extra, 9s. Lond. 1659. 1739. Leigh's (Edward) Select Observations of all the Roman Em- perors, 5s. 6d. ib. 1664. 1740. Letters of a Lady's Travels into Spain, 2s. 6d. ib. 1717. 1741. Lighte of Britayne, A Recorde of the honourable Originall and Antiquitie of Britaine, reprinted from the Edition of 1588, calf extra, 15s. ib. 1814. 1742. Leguat's (Francis) Voyage to the East Indies, 5s. "ib. 1708. 1743. Lyttleton's (Lord) Miscellaneous Works, portrait, 3 vols. very neat, £l. Is. ib. 1776. 1744. Lucas's (Richard) Enquiry after Happiness, 2 vols. $s. ib. 1717. 1745. Longinus on the Sublime, translated by William Smith, frontispiece, neat, 4s ib. 1770. 1746. Monthly Review, from its commencement in 1749 to the end of 1815 with the General Index, being in all I6l vols, very neat and uniform, in calf, £45, 1747. Moore's (John, M.D.) View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany : — View of Society and Manners in Italy : — Journal during a residence in France, from the beginning of August to the middle of December 1792, with an account of the most remarkable Events that happened at Paris, from that time to the death of the late King of France : — Edward : Various Views of Human Nature taken from Life and Manners chiefly in England: — Zeluco: Various Views of Human Nature taken from Life and Manners, Foreign and Domestic : — Mordaunt : Sketches of Life, Characters, and Manners, in various Countries, including the Memoirs of a French Lady of Quality, in all 15 vols, uniformly bound in calf, elegant, £11. lis. ib. 1789, fyc. 1748, View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany, 2 vols, half-bound, 16s. ib. 1781. 124 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1749. Moore's (John, M.D,) View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany, 2 vols, very neat, 18s. Lond. 1781. 1750. «-* Journal during a Residence in France from the beginning of August to the middle of December, 1792, 2 vols, boards, \5s. ib. 1793. 1751. 2 vols. half-bound, 18s, ib. 1793. 1752. , View of the Causes and Progress of the French Revolution, 2 vols, boards, 18s. "ib. 1795. 1753. 1 — half-bound, 18s. ib. 1795. 1754, • Society and Manners in Italy, with Anecdotes relating to some eminent Characters, 2 vols. boards, £l. 4s. ib. 1795. 1755. Zeluco : Various Views of Human Nature taken from Life and Manners, Foreign and Do- mestic, 2 vols. £l. Is. ib. 1797. 17-56. ■■' ■ Edward: Various Views of Human Nature taken from Life and Manners, chiefly in England, 2 vols, russia, £1, lis. 6d. ib. 1796. 1757. Mordaunt: Sketches, Life, Characters, and Manners, in various Countries, 3 vols, boards, £1. Is. ib. 1806. 1758. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 2 vols, very neat, £1. Is. #.1770. 1759. Montaigne's (Mich.) Essays, 3 vols, neat, £1. 4>s.*>ib. 1776* 1760. Macartney's (Earl of) Embassy to China, by Staunton, abridged, plates, very neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1791. 1761. Maillet's Discourses between an Indian Philosopher and a French Missionary, on the diminution of the Sea, the formation of the Earth, &c. neat, 9s ib. 1750. 1762. Markland's (Jer.) Remarks on the Epistles of Cicero to Brutus and Brutus to Cicero, neat, 7s ib. 1745. 1763. Mottley's (John) History of the Life of Peter the First, Em- peror of Russia, plates, 3 vols, neat, 15s #.1739. History, Biography, Antiquities^ fy Miscellanies. English. — &vo. 125 1764. Montjoye's History of the Conspiracy of Robespierre, very neat, 7s. • Lond. 1796. 1765. Memoirs concerning Scotland from Queen Anne's Accession to the Throne to the commencement of the Union, neat, 9s. ib. 1714. 1766. of the Baron de Tott, on the Turks and the Tartars, 2 vols, neat, 12s ib. 1785. I767. . .. — 2 vols. boards, 12s. * ib. 1785. 1768. Baron de Pollnitz, 4 vols, neat, 14*. ib. J 739. 1769. 4 vols, very neat, 1 6s. ib. 1737. 1770. > Duke de Ripperda, 5s. ib. 1740. 1771. Sir John Reresby, and last Governor of York; containing several Private and remarkable Transactions from the Restoration to the Revolution, illustrated with 59 portraits, views, fyc. by Hollar and others, (many of them scarce) superbly bound in purple morocco, silk linings, gilt leaves* fyc. £6. l6s. 6d. ib. 1735. 1772. Another Copy, without the Illustrations, 12s. • ••• 2*6.1735. J 773. Memoirs of the Honourable Col. Andrew Newport, who served as a Cavalier in the Army of Gustavus Adolphus in Germany, and in that of Charles I. in England, portrait, very neat, 18s. • • • • «• ib. 1792. 1774. < neat, 12s. ib.1792. 1775. ■ Life and Writings of Robert Robinson, by George Dyer, neat, 5s. ib. 1796. 1776. ■ Sir James Melvil, by George Scott, neat, 6s. Edinb. 1735. 1777, the Marquiss of Torcy, Secretary of State to Lewis XIV. 2 vols. 9s. Lond. 1757 . 1778. Life of John RadclifTe, 2*. 6d. ib. 1715. 1779- John Ker, of Kersland, 5s. ib. 1726. 1780. Edmund Ludlow, Esq. portrait, 3 vols, neat, £1. Is. Switzerland, 169S. 126 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1781. Memoirs of George Berkeley, D.D. late Bishop of Cloyne in Ireland, fine portrait, 8s. Lond. 1748. 1782. • — the Life of Gilbert Wakefield, written by Him- self, portrait, first edition, 12s. ib. 1792. 1783. - — ■ ■ Marquiss de Hautefort, Aid-de-Camp to Marshall Tallard, neat, 3s. ib. 1 763. 1784. Philip de Comines, translated by Uvedale, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1712. 1785. — Lord Bolingbroke, 2s. ib. n. d. 1786. the Marquiss de Langallerie, abounding in Secret History, 6s. ib. 1703. 1787. George Psahnanazar, portrait, 8s. • • ib. 1765. 1788. Richard Cumberland, written by Himself, Jine portraits, 2 vols, very neat, ISs. ib. 1807. 1789. John Fothergill, by John Coakley Lettsom, neat, 12*. - ib. 1786. 1790. ■ the Life and Character of the late Earl of Orrery, by Eustace Budgell, Esq. neat, 8s. ib. 1732. 1791. Life of Voltaire, written by Himself, half- bowid, 2s. 6d. ib. 1784. 1792. ■ and Death of the Rev. John Shower, portrait, neat, 2s. ib. 1716. 1793. Mills's Essays, Moral, Philosophical, and Political, neat, 5s.6d. ib. 1772. 1794. Merry Traveller, or Comical Pilgrimage of a Cynic Philoso- pher, half-bound, 6s. n. d. 1795. Moyle's (Walter) Works, portrait, 3 vols, neat, 1 5s. ib. 1727. 1796. Molesworth's (Lord) Account of Denmark as it was in the year 1692, Jine copy, 9s. 6d. ib. J 738. 1797. More's (Sir Thomas) Utopia, by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, portrait, 2 vols, half-bound, 13s. 6d. ib. 1808. 1798. Midon's (F.) History of the Rise and Fall of Masaniello the Fisherman of Naples, portrait, 7s. 6d. ib. 1729. History, Biography, Antiquities, 8? Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 127 1799. More's (Syr Thomas) Debellacyon of Salem and Bizance — SBtecfc %ttttt— £2. 2s. Prynted by W. Rastell injletestrete in Saynte Bridys Chyrch yarde, the yere of our Lorde, 1533. When Sir Thomas Moore retired from the office of Lord Chancellor, he wrote •' The Apologye of Syr Thomas More, knyght, made by hym Anno 1533," this Work produced an Answer entitled " Salem and Bizance," which Sir Thomas answered with the '* Debellacyon of Salem and Bizance." — Vide Herbert's Ames, Vol. I. p. 477-8. 1800. Misson's (Maxim.) New Voyage to Italy, with Observations on Flanders, Germany, &c. many plates, best edition, 4 vols. £1.9*. Lond. 1739. 1801. Monthly Mirror, reflecting Men and Manners a Periodical Work, with numerous fine portraits, from the commence- ment in December 1795 to December 1806 inclusive, 22 vols, elegant in calf, o£l0. 10*. ib. 1795-1806. 1802. Morris's (Valentine) Narrative of the official conduct of, late Governor of the Island of St. Vincent, written by Himself, neat, 5s. 6d. • • • ib. 1 787. 1803. Montagu's (E. W.) Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the An tie nt Republicks, neat, 7s. ib. 1759. 1804. Martin's (M.) Voyage to St. Kilda, 9s. ib. I698. 1805. frontispiece, 7s. 6d.' • • »ib. 1753. 1806. Middleton's (Capt. Christopher) Forgery Detected, 4*. ib. 1745. 1807. Montesquieu's (Baron de) Reflexions on the Causes of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, very neat, 9s. 6d. ib. 1759. 1808. Mackerell's (B.) History and Antiquities of King's-Lynn, plates, neat, \.6s. ib. 1738. 1809. Macdonald's (John) Instructions for the conduct of Infantry on actual Service, 2 vols, boards, 8s. ib. 1807. 1810. Milner's (Rev. I.) Essays on Gothic Architecture, frontispiece, calf extra, 12*. ib. 1802. 1811. Milton's (John) Defence of the People of England in Answer to Salmasius's Defence of the King, neat, 7s. 6d. . . 1692. 128 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1812. Maundrell's (Henry) Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, plates, 9s. • Oxon, 1740. 1813. ■ plates , neat in calf, 10s. 6d. • Lond. 1810. 1814. ■ ■ plates, neat in calf, 9s. Oxon. 1 703. 1815. Mercurius Rusticus: or the Countrey's Complaint of the Bar- barous Outrages committed by the Sectaries of this late flourishing Kingdom, frontispiece by Fait home, neat in calf, gilt leaves, £l.lls.6d. ib. 1685. 1816. Another Copy, frontispiece, neat, 18s. ib, 1685. 1817. Mandeville's (B.) Enquiry into the Origin of Honour and Use- ness of Christianity in War, neat, 13s. ib. 1732. 1818. Malcolme's (Rev. Dr.) Letters, Essays, and other Tracts, sewed, 9s. • ib. 1744. 1819* Monasticon Hibernicon: or the Monastical History of Ireland, many plates and map, neat, £l. \6s. ib. 1722. 1820. Macquer's (M. P.) Chronological Abridgment of the Roman History, from the foundation of the City to the extinction of the Republic, translated by Thomas Nugent, neat, 8s. ib. 1760. 1821. Malcolm's (J. P.) First Impressions, or Sketches from Art and Nature, plates, boards, 7 s. ib. 1807. 1822. Middleton's (Conyers) Treatise on the Roman Senate, neat, 3s. 6d. ib. 1747. 1823. Mocquet's (John) Travels and Voyages into Africa, Asia, America, &c. plates, very fine copy, calf extra, £1. Is. ib. 1696. 1824. Matthews's (John) Voyage to the River Sierra Leone, maps, neat, 3s. 6d. ib. 1788. 1825. Mackintosh's (James) Defence of the French Revolution, and its English Admirers, boards, 7s. ib. 1792. 1826. MTarlan's (John) Inquiries concerning the Poor, boards, 5s. Edinb. 1782. 1827. Marshall's (Joseph) Travels through Holland, Germany, &c. 3_vols. neat, £l. Is ib. 1773. History, Biography, Antiquities, Sf Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 1 29 1828. Morning's (A) Discourse of a Bottomless Tubb, introducing the Fable of the Oak and her three Provinces, 5s. Lond. 1712. 1829. Misson's (M.) Memoirs and Observations in his Travels over England, neat, 4s. ib. 1719- 1830. Mirabeau's (Count de) Doubts concerning the Free Navigation of the Scheldt, neat, 3s. 6d. ib. 1785. 1831. Miscellanies, Historical and Philological, neat, 2s. • *ib. 1703. 1832. Moffat's (John) Prognostics and Proprieties of Hippocrates, boards, 2s. 6d. ib. 1788. 1833. Manby's (George W.) History and Antiquities of the Parish of St. David, South Wales, plates, boards, 9*- •• ib. 1801. 1834. Manners and Customs of the Romans*, translated from the French, neat,6s. A 174-0. 1835. Miscellaneous Reflections occasioned by the Comet which appeared in December 1680, by Mr. Bayle, 2 vols, neat, 5s. ib. 1708. 1836. Nugent's (Thomas) Travels through Germany, plates, 2 vols. neat, Ss.6d. ib. 1768. 1837. ' Observations on Italy and its Inhabitants, 2 vols, neat, 9s. ib. 1769- 1838. Norden's (Frederick Louis) Travels in Egypt and Nubia, plates, 12s. ib. 1757. 1839- Nummi Britannici Historia: or an Historical Account of English Money, plates, very neat, 12s. ib. 1726. 1840. Nalson's Common Interest of King and People, 4s. "ib. 1678. 1841. Nichols's (John) Account of the Alien Priories, and of such lands as they are known to have possessed in England and Wales; with John Bourget's History of the Royal Abbey of Bee, near Rouen in Normandy, plates, in one volume, calf, gilt leaves, £\. 5s. ib. I/89. 1842. Another Copy, without the Abbey of Bee, 2 vols. neat, 18s...... ib. 1789. 1843. Neild's (James) Account of the Society for the discharge and relief of Persons imprisoned for small Debts, and an Account of the various Prisons, portrait, very neat, 5s. ib. 1808. R 130 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1S44. Nurse's (Tim.) Discourse upon the Nature and Faculties of Man, frontispiece, 2s. • Lond. 1697* 1845. Northall's (John) Travels through Italy, plates, neat, 7s. ib. 1766. 1846. CEconomy of Human Life, with Harding's plates, beautifully coloured, morocco, gilt leaves, £3, 13s. 6d. ib. 1806. 1847. Ockley's (Simon) History of the Saracens, plates, best edition, 2\oh.neat,£l.4s. ib. 17-57. 1848. — 2 vols. 9s. ib. 1708. 1849. Account of South-West Barbary, map, neat, 5s. 6d. 1850. Olivier's Fencing Familiarized, many plates, neat, 9s. ib. 1780. 1851. Ogilvys Itinerary, map, calf extra, 9*. • ib* 1804. 1852. Ouseley's (W.) Epitome of the Ancient History of Persia,/ro»- tispiece, boards, 5s. ib. 1799* 1853. calf extra, 8s ib. 1799. 1854. Original Letters from the Army of Bonaparte in Egypt, Eng. and French, two parts, 4>s. 6d. ib. 1798. 1855. Orrery (Earl of) on the Life and Writings of Swift, uitk portrait, 3s. 6d. • ib. 1752. 1856. Observations on ditto, neat, 2s. 6d. ib. 1754* 1857. Orrery's (Earl of) Letters from Italy, neat, 3s. 6d. • >ib. 1774. 1858. O'Leary's (Arthur) Miscellaneous Tracts, 6s. ■ Dublin, 1781. 1859. Other (The) Side of the Question, or an Attempt to rescue the Character of Q. Mary and Q. Anne out of the hands of the Duchess of Marlborough, h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. Lond. 174,2. i860. Another Copy, 45.6c?. ib.l74>2. 1861. Original Pieces relative to the Trial and Execution of Mr. John Calas, of Toulouse, 3*. 6d. ib. 1762. 1862. Ovington's (J.) Voyage to Surat, &c. plates, 6s.* . . . ib. I696. 1863. Osbeck's (Peter) Voyage to China and the East Indies, plates, 2 vols, neat, 14s. ib. 1771. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — &vo. 131 1864. Oldfield's (T. H. B.) History of the Original Constitutions of Parliaments, half-bound, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1791. 186.5. Observations on the Religion, Law, Government, anrl Manners of the Turks, neat, 3s. 6d. • ih. I77I. 1866. Olla Podrida, a Periodical Work, half '-bound, 7s. 6d. ib. 1788. 1867. Opportunity, or Reasons for an immediate Alliance with St. Domingo, very neat, 6s. •••ib. 1804. 186$. Observations in Illustration of Virgil's Fourth Eclogue, boards, 7s. ib. 1810. 1869. Powell (Dr.) History of Wales, by W. Wynne, fine copy in brown calf, 18s. ib. 1702. 1870. « by Sir John Price, very neat, ISs. i6.1774. 187 1. Pepys' (Samuel) Memoirs relating to the State of the Royal Navy, portrait, very neat, 6s. ib. 1690. 1872. Plotinus on Felicity, on Providence, &c. by Thomas Taylor, half-bound, russia back, Ss. • » ib. 1794. 1873. Pinkerton's (John) Dissertation on the Origin and Progress of the Scythians or Goths, map, boards, \0s. 6d.» -ib. 1787. 1874. Potter's (John) Antiquities of Greece, 2 vols, neat, 7s. ib. 1699 1875. Parr's (Dr.) Translation of the Preface to Bellendenus, very neat, 8s. 6d. ib. 1788. 1876. Pulteney's (Richard) General View of the Writings of Linnaeus, boards, 7s. 6d. ib. 1781. 1877- Patton's Principles of Asiatic Monarchies, calf extra, 10s. 6d. ib. 1801. 1878. Phillip's (Arthur) Voyage of, to Botany Bay, plates, 3s. 6d. Dublin, I790. 1879. Perfect Politician, or a full View of the Life and Actions of Oliver Cromwell, portrait, half bound, 8s.* • . . Lond. I6S7. 1880. Petty's (Sir William) Political Anatomy of Ireland, neat, 7s. ib. 1691. 1881. Price's (Uvedale) Essay on the Picturesque, 2 vols, calf extra, l6s. ib. 1796. 132 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1882. Price (Richard) on Reversionary Payments, calf extra, 7s. 6d. Lond. 177 1* 1883. Pluche's (Albers) History of the Heavens, with numerous plates, 2 vols, very neat, 16s. ib. 1740. 1884. Polybius's General History, translated by Mr. Hampton, 4 vols, neat, £1. l6s. ib. 1772. 1885. Penrose's (F.) Letters on Philosophical Subjects, boards, 5s. ib. 1794. 1886. Present State of Europe, neat, 3s. ib. 1753. 1887. Pettit's (Edward) Visions of the Reformation, or a Discovery of the Follies and Villanies that have been Practis'd in Popish and Fanatical thorough Reformations, frontispiece, neat, 7s. ib. 1683. 1888. Another Copy, without the frontispiece, 3s. 16S4. 1889. Pegge's (Samuel) Forme of Cury, a Roll of Ancient English Cookery, stained, 7s. ib. 1780. 1890. Pinkerton's (John) Iconographia Scotica, or Portraits of Il- lustrious Persons of Scotland, with Biographical Notices, very neat, £3. 3s. ib. 1797- 1891. Poole's (Rob.) Journey from London to France, Holland, &c. plates, 2 vols. 8s. ib. 1742. 1892. Pennant's (Tho.) Journey from Chester to London, plates, large paper, boards, 14$. ib. 1811. 1893. Tours in Wales, plates, large paper, 3 vols, boards, £2. 2s. ib. 1810. I894. Tour in Scotland, neat, 9s. ib. 1772. 1895. Pufendorf's (Baron) Divine Feudal Law, 5s. ib. 1703. 1S96\ Proofs of the Enquiry into Homer's Life, 2*. 6d. • • • 'ib. 1748. 1897. Plutarch's Morals, in English, 5 vols. 15s. ib. 1694. 1898. Preceptor, containing a General Course of Education, edited by Dodsley, plates, 2 vols, neat, 18* ib. 1783. 1899. Pugh's (John) Remarkable Occurrences in the Life of Jonas Hanway, Esq. boards, 3s. « ib. 1787- 1900. Pelaye's (St.) Memoirs of Ancient Chivalry, by Mrs. Dobson, very neat, Ss. 6d. • • • ib. 1 784. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English.— 8vo. 133 1901. Playfair's (William) History of Jacobinism, 2 vols, boards, 6s. Lond. I798. 1902. Parker's (Richard) History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge, 6s. ib. n. d. 3903. Plain Dealer, being Select Essays on several curious Subjects, 2 vols, neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1730. 1904. Plutarch's Lives by Langhone, large paper, 6 vols. calf gilt, £3. Us. ib. 1792. 1905. Piozzi's (Hesther Lynch) Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, sewed, 8s. ib. 1786. 1906*. Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, 2 vols, calf, 15s. ib. I789. 1907. Paris as it was and as it is, 2 vols, boards, \2s.» • • 'ib. 1803. 1908. Phoenix, or a Revival of scarce and valuable Pieces, 2 vols. neat, 10s. 6d. ib. I707, 1909- Philosophical Experiments of the late Dr. Robert Hooke, -plates, 5s. ib. 1 726. 1910. Phocion's Conversations : or the Relation between Morality and Politics by Mably, with Notes by William Macbean, 4* ib. 1769. 1911. Perry's (Captain John) Present State of Russia, portrait, 5s. ib. 1716. 1912. Account of the Stopping of Dag- genham Breach, 10s. 6d. ib. I72I. 1913. Portraiture of his Sacred Majesty (Charles I.) in his So- litude and Sufferings, frontispiece by Marshall, 3s. 6d. ib. 1648. 1914. . ■ • with fron- tispiece and portrait of Charles II. when at the Age of Nineteen, 6s. 6d. ib. 1643. 1915. 1 frontispiece, 4>s.6d. ib. 1681. 1916. with the Royal Martyr, or the Life and Death of King Charles I. neat, 9s. n'yib. 1 727- 134 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1917. Quinctilian's Institutes of Eloquence, by William Guthrie, 2 vols, neat , 1 8s. Lond. 1756. 1918. Quevedo's Comical Works, portrait, l6s. ib. 1707. 1919. Rollin's Ancient and Roman History, with Crevier's Con- tinuation of the Roman History, plates, 26 vols, uni- formly bound, £\2. 12s. ib. 1754, fyc. 1920. Robertson's Topographical Survey of the Great Road from London to Bath and Bristol, with Historical and Descrip- tive Accounts of the Country Towns, Gentlemen's Seats on and Adjacent to it, illustrated with Perspective Views in Aquatinta, 2 vols, neat, £3. ib. 1792. 1921. Relation of the Dreadful Earthquake which happened at Lima, and the Neighbouring Port of Callao, plates, neat, 5s. ib. 1748. 1922. Rousseau's (John James) Discourse upon the Origin and Foundation of the inequality among Mankind, neat, 5s. ib.1761. 1923. Raymond's (Henry Augustus) History of Gustavus Ericson, King of Swede*], neat, 6s. ib. 1761. 1Q24. Royal Treasury of England, or an Historical Account of all Taxes, 4*. ib. 1 725. 1925. Roberts's (Captain George) Voyages, 4s. ib. 1726. 1926. Raspe's (R. E.) Travels in Transylvania, Hungary, &c. translated from Baron Home, very neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1777. 1927. Riesbeck's (Baron) Travels through Germany, 3 vols, very neat, £l. Is ib. 1787. 1928. Rogers's (Major Robert) Account of North America, neat, 3s. ib. 1765. 1929. Review of the Public Buildings in London and Westminster, 2s. * ib. 1734. 1930. Relation of the Barbarous and Bloody Massacre of about an Hundred Thousand Protestants at Paris, in the year 1572, 5s. ib. 1745. 1931. Renold's (G.) State of the Greatest King set forth in the greatness of Solomon and the Glory of his Reign, calf extra, 15s. ♦ • Bristol, 1721. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — 8ro. 135 1932. Richard's (John) Tour from London to Petersburgh, &c. neat, Ss. 6d. Lond. 1780. 1933. Royal Martyr, or the Life and Death of King Charles I. frontispiece, neat. 2s. 6d. • ib. 1684. 1934. Ditto, a very fine Copy, frontispiece, elegant in calf, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. ib. 1 676. 1935. Rapin's History of England, with TindaFs Continuation, many portraits by Vertue, and other plates, 2 1 vols, very neat, o£l0. 10s. ib. 1757. 1936. ■ and TindaFs History of Eng- land Abridged, with the Heads and Monuments, 3 vols. £\. Ms. 6d. ib. 1741. 1937« Raleigh's (Sir Walter) Discourses on the War with Spain, &c. frontispiece, neat, 7s. ib. 1702. 1938. Arts of Empire, published by John Milton, brown calf, 7s. 6d. • ib. I692. 1939. Rowe's (Mrs. Elizabeth) Letters from the Dead to the Living, neat, 7s ib. 1750. 1940. Rawleigh Redivivus ; or the Life and Death of the Earl of Shaftsbury, portrait, neat, £)s. ib. 1683. 1941. Rose's (William Stewart) Naval History of the late War, Vol. I. all that was published, map, calf extra, <)s. ib. 1802. 1942. Rutherford's (T.) Institutes of Natural Law, 2 vols, neat, 15s. Cantab. I779. 1943. Rules and Regulations of His Majesty's Forces, neat, 5s. Lond. 1795. 1944. Reid's (Thomas) Inquiry into the Human Mind, very neat, 6s. Edin. 1765. 1945. Rayner's (John) Cases at large concerning Tythes, 3 vols. calf £l.7s. Load. 1783. 1946. Robson's (Irenus) Life of Hyder Ally, neat, f s .* -ib. \776. 1947. sewed, Is. ib. 1786. 136 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, an d Brown. 1948. Ray's (John) Travels through the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France, plates, 7s. Lond. 1673. 1949, Collection of English Proverbs, neat, 12s. ib. 1737. I950. ■ — ■ Collection of Curious Voyages and Travels, 2 vols, in 1. 6s. ib. 1693. 1951. — — (Select Remains of) with his Life by William Derham, portrait, 6s. ib. 1 760. 1952. 1 — Letters to and from several ingenious Cor- respondents, 5s. 6d. • ib. 171 8. 1953. Renaudot's (Eusebius) Ancient Accounts of India and China, by Two Mahommedan Travellers, neat, 7s. ib. 1733. 1954. Rowning's (J.) Natural Philosophy, plates, 2 vols, very neat, 8s. ib. 1744. 1955. Royal Charter of Confirmation granted by King James II. to the Trinity House of Dcptford Strond, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1730. 1956. Roscoe's (William) Life of Lorenzo de Medici, portrait, 3 vols, calf gilt, £1. 4s. ib. 1800. 1957. Russell's (William) History of Modern Europe, 5 vols, neat in calf, £2. 5s. ib. 1801. 1958. Rawlinson's (Richard) English Topographer, large paper, £1. 4*. • ib. 1720. 1959. Roman Conversations or a short Description of the An- tiquities of Rome, and the Characters of many Eminent Romans, by Wilcock, 2 vols, boards, 12*. ib. 1792. i960. Ross's (Alexander) Muses' Interpreter, frontispiece, very neat in calf, gilt leaves, 18s. ib. 1647. 1961 . Relation of the Siege of Candia, neat, 5s. ib. I67O. 1962. Reynolds's (John) Judgement of Human Action, neat, 6s. ib. 1629. 1963. Savary's Letters on Greece, very neat, 7s. ib. 1788. 1964. Sadler's (Sir Ralph) Letters and Negociations, 6s. Edin. 1720. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English* — Svo. 137 1965. Skinner'* (Thomas) Life of General Monk, Duke of Al- bemarle, Jine portrait, 6s. Lond. 1 724. i960. Swift's (Dr. Jonathan) Tale of a Tub, plates, Ss.^ib. IJW. 1967- Second Tale of a Tub, or the History of Robert Powell, the Puppet-Show Man, frontispiece, 4s. 6d. ib. 1715. J 96S. Stuart's (Andrew) Letters to Lord Mansfield, neat, 5s. Dublin, 1775. 1969. Spence's (Joseph) Parallel between a most celebrated man of Florence, [Magliabechi] and one scarce ever heard of in England [Rob. Hill] in morocco, £\. \s. Strawberry Hill, 1758. 1970. Another Copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. !*.••••& 1758. 1971. half-bound, 15*. ib. 1758. 1972. Swift'* (Deane) Essay upon the Life, Writings, and Cha- racter of Dr. Jonathan Swift, 2s. • Lond. 1755. 1973. Sinclair's (Sir John) History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire, 3 vols, calf extra, £l. 7s."*»ib. 1803. 1974-. Select Pieces on Commerce, Natural Philosophy, &c. neat, 4s. 6d. ib. 1754- 1975. Stow's Summarie of the Chronicles of England, — 2£l»tft Setter — neat, £l . lis, 6d. • ib. 1 590. 1976. Stevens's (Capt. John) Monasticon Hibernicum, or the Mo- nastical History of Ireland, plates, fine copy, £2. 2s. ib. 1722. 1977. (Sachev.) Tonr through France, Italy, Germany, &c. (no plates) 4*. ib. 1756. 1978. Skrine's (Henry) Account of all the Rivers of Note in Great Britain, maps, neat, 7s. .ib. 1 801. 1979. Stith's (William) History of the first Discovery and Settle- ment of Virginia, fine copy, 12s. ib. 1753. 1980. Salmon's (T.) Present State of the British Islands, with maps and liews, 2 vols. 10s. 6d. ib. 1735. 198I. of China, Japan, the Oriental Islands, &c. many plates, 3 vols. 8,s.»»- ib. 1725. 1982. Geographical Grammar, maps, 3s.**ib. 1749. S 138 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1983. Salmon's (T.) Chronological Historian, portraitsby Vertue, 5s. Lond. 1733. 1934. Essay concerning Marriage, neat, 3s. ib. 1724. 1985. Smollett's (Tobias) History of England from Julius Caesar to 1748, with numerous portraits, Sf-c. l6 vols, very neat, c£4. 4s & 1758. 1986. Sharp's (Samuel) Letters from Italy, neat, 3s. ib. 1766. 1987. (Granville) on the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature, 2s. ib. 1 774. 1988. on Duelling, boards, Is. 6d • *ib. 1790. 1989. Introduction to Universal History, maps, neat, 7 s. 26. 1758. 1990. Smuggling Laid Open, in all its extensive and destructive branches ; with Proposals for the effectual Remedy of that most Iniquitous VracUce,Jine copy,in morocco, 10s. 6d. ib. 1763. 1991. Sacheverell's (William) Account of the Isle of Man, 12s. ib. 1702. 1992. Shannon's (Lord Viscount) Discourses and Essays, 5s. ib. 1696. 1993. Survey and Antiquity of the Town of Stamford and Totten- ham-High-Cross, with the Turnament of Tottenham, &c. 15s. ib. 1717. 1994. Schefter's (John) History of Lapland, &c. plates, 8s. 6d. ib. 1704. 1995. Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian, large paper, imperial size, 14 vols. h. b. morocco, uncut, £\5. 15s.. -ib. 1797. 1996. Shaftesbury's (Earl of) Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, finely printed by Baskeiville, 3 vols. calf extra, £2. 2s Birming. 1773. 1997. 3 vols, large paper, russia, £2. 5s. ib. 1 70 j m 1998. Secret History of the Court of King James I. large paper, 2 vols, boards, £l.lls.6d Edin. 1811 . History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 1 39 1999. Smith's (Dr. Charles) Ancient and Present State of Irish Counties, viz. Cork, 2 vols. Dub. 1774. — Kerry, 1 vol. Dub. 1774— Waterford, 1 vol. Dub. 1774.— and the County of Down, 1 vol. Dub. 1744. — being 5 vols, with plates, very neat, £8. 8s. 2000. Antient and Present State of the County and City of Waterford, plates, neat, £l. 5s, Dublin, 1746. 2001. i Antient and Present State of the County of Down, map, neat, \0s. 6d. ib. 1744. 2002. (Charles) Tracts on the Corn Trade, neat, 7s. Lond. 1804. 2003. (James Edward) Tour on the Continent, 3 vols, neat, 18*. ib. 1793. 2004. Smith's (William) Student's Vade Mecum, containing an Ac- count of Knowledge 5 History, &c. neat, 2s. 6d. •• ib. 1770. 2005. — New Voyage to Guinea, plates, 5s. ib. 1744. 2006. (Rev. Samuel Stanhope) Essay on the Causes of the variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species, boards, 3s. 6d. • Edinb. 1788. 2007. Smyth's (George) Vanity of Conquests and Universal Mo- narchy, neat, ?s.6d. • •••' ib. 1705. 2008. Squire's (Samuel) Enquiry into the Foundation of the Eng- lish Constitution, neat, 4s. ib. 1709. 2011. Strauchius's (Giles) Chronology, translated by Richard Sault, 3s. 6d. ib. 1722. 2012. Snelgrave's (Captain William) Account of New Guinea, map, neat, 5s. • ib. 1734. 2013. Storch's (Henry) Picture of Petersburg!], frontispiece and map, boards, 8s. ib, 1801. 2014. Stephens's War in Disguise, half -bound, russia, 6s.»*ib. 1805. #015. Swinton's (A.) Travels into Norway, Denmark and Russia, frontispiece, neat, 7$.6d. • ib. 1792. 140 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, awd Brown. 20l6. Stackhouse's (Rev. Thomas) Abridgement of Burnet's History of his own Time, frontispiece, including seven portraits, neat, 12s. •* Lond. 1724. 2017- Spencer's (John) Discourse concerning Prodigies, 8s. ib. 1665. 2018. Secret History of the Court of Caramania, with the Key filled up by Manuscript, brown calf, 14s. ib. 1727 '. 2019. Sixe-Folde Politician, together with a Sixe-Folde Precept of Policy, with Verses by John Davis and others, 11 s. ib. 1609. 2020. Seller's (Abraham) Antiquities of Palmyra alias Tadmor, neat, $s. 6d. ib. 1705. 2021. Sadler's (Sir Ralph) Letters and Negotiations, neat,7s. Edinb. 1720. 2022. Stanyan's (Temple) Grecian History, 2 vols, neat, I0s.6d. Lond. 1751. 2023. Sulivan's (Richard Joseph) View of Nature, 6 vols, calf extra, £3. 3s. ib. IJ9-1. 2024. Stevens's (Captain John) Historical Account of Taxes, very neat,l$s. > ib. 1733. 2025. Semple's (Robert) Journey through Spain and Italy to Naples, 2 vols, boards, 6s. 6d. ib. 1808. 2026. Shelvocke's (Captain) Voyage round the World, plates, Js. ib. 1726\ 2027. Salmon's (N.) Antiquities of Surrey, neat 9 12*. • • • *ib. 17 36. 2028. (Thomas) Account of St. George for England, plates 9 neat, lQs.6d, . ib. 1704. 2029. Sketches chiefly relating to the History, Religion, Learning, &c. of the Hindoos, frontispiece, neat, 9s. •••» ib. 1790. 2030. Seward's (William) Anecdotes of distinguished Persons, 4 vols. •eery neat, £\. 12«. • • • • • ib. 1798. 2031. Sidney's (Sir Philip, Knt.) Works, Prose and Verse, 3 vols. neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1725. .2032. Schowart's (Anthony William) Observations on the Original of the Emperor, Kings, Electors, &c. of Europe, neat, 31. ib. 1693. History, Biography, Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. English. — 8vo. 141 2033. Sandoval's History of Charles the Fifth, translated by Captain John Stevens, portrait, 3s. Lond. 1703. 2034. Secret History of the late Ministry, 3*. ib. 1715. 5035. Collection of the Affairs of Spain during the Negociations from 1667 to 1678, 2*. ib. 1720. 2036. Sterne's (Laurence) Works, fine plates, 10 vols, calf gilt, £3*3s. ib, i7g 8m 2037- Sentimental Journey through France and and Italy, neat, 7s. ib. 1792. 2038. Secret History of Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex, very neat, 7s. 6d. #. 1699. 2039. Shaw's (James) Sketches of the History of the Austrian Ne- therlands, neat, 6s. ib. 1786. 2040. Sherlock's (Martin) Letters from an English Traveller, 2 vols. in 1, neat, 6s. ft I78O. 2041. Shirt's (J.) Chronological Tables of Europe, from the Nativity of our Saviour, to the Year 1726, finelyengraved on Copper, very neat, gilt leaves, 18s. 2042. Saxe (Maurice Count de) Memoirs concerning the Art of War, neat, 5s. Edinb. 1759. 2043. Southeys (Robert) Letters during a short Residence in Spain and Portugal, neat, 7s Bristol, 1799. 2044. Skurray's (Wickes) Description of the first Discoveries of the Antient City of Heraclea, 6s. Lond. 1750. 2045. Shower's (John) Practical Reflections on the Earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, neat, 4>s. 6d. ib. 1750. 2045. Sallust, translated by William Cooke, Ss. ib. 1746. 2047. Sorbiere's Voyage to England, 3*. ib. 1709. 2048. Scrafton's (Luke) Reflections on the Government of Indostan, very neat, 7s. ib. 1770. 2049. Sedley's (Sir Charles, Bart.) Works, 6s. ib. 1710. 2050. Somner's (William) Treatise of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, portrait by Burghers, 7s. Oxford, 1693. 2051. Senault's Use of the Passions, translated by the Earl of Mon- mouth, frontispiece, calf extra, 12* Lond. 1649. 142 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2052. Senault's Use of the Passions, translated by the Earl of Mon- mouth, portrait and frontispiece, neat, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1649- 2053. — portrait and frontispiece, morocco, gilt leaves, £l. Is. • • ib. 1649. 2054. Temple's (Sir William) Letters, portrait, 2 vols. 8*. ib. 1700. 2055. ■ fine paper, 2 vols. morocco , gilt leaves, 10a. 6d. ib, 1700. 2056. Works, 4vols,wea^, £2.2*. Edin, 1754. 2057. Townsend's (Joseph) Journey through Spain, 3 vols. £l. 4s. Lond. I797. 2058. 3 vols, very neat in calf, £l. lis. 6d< ib. 1797. 2059. Thoresby's (Ralph) History of the Church of Leedes in Yorkshire; plates, neat, £l.lls.6d. ib, 1724. 2060. Tournefort's Voyage into the Levant, plates, 3 vols, neat, £l. Us. 6d. ib. 1741. 2061. Tryon's (Thomas) Letters, Domestick and Foreign, neat, 8s. ib. 1700. 2062. True Report of the Imprisonment, &c. of the late Traytors, morocco, £% 2s. ib. 1606. *#* This Volume has a number of Manuscript Notes, purporting to have been written by Shakespeare, but in reality in the hand writing of Young Ireland. 2063. Truslers (Rev. Dr. John) Habitable W 7 orld described, with numerous fine plates, 20 vols, neat, £l5,15s. ib. 1788, &c. 2064. 20 vols. boards, uncut, o£l3. 13*. ib. 3 788, &c. 2065. Thucydides's History of the Peloponnessian War, translated by William Smith, map, 2 vols, neat in calf, £l. Is, ib. 1781. 2066. Tressan's Mythology, translated by H. North, with plates, neat, 9*. **. 1797- 2067. Triebner's (Christopher Frederick) Key to the French Revo- lution, calf extra, 8s. ib. 1794. 2068. Tour through the Island of Great Britain, map of the Siege of Colchester, neat, 12*. ib. 1724. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — 8ro. 143 2069. Tour through the South of England, Wales, and part of Ireland in 1791» plates, green morocco, gilt leaves, <£l.ls. Lond. 1793. 20/0. Tooti Nameh, or Tales of a Parrot, in Persian and English, boards, 10s. 6d. if. 1801. 2071. Theatre of the late War in the Netherlands, plates, neat, 5s. ib. 1756. 2072. Telemachus, translated by Francis Fitzgerald, with plates, neat, 7s. ib. 1792. 2073. Taylor's (Brook) Contemplatio Philosophica, and Memoirs of his Life by Sir William Young, neat, £l. ls.» • . *ib. 1795. 2074. Tryphiodorus, translated by J. Merrick, with the Greek and Latin Text, boards, 8s. Oxon. 1741. 2075. Toland's (John) State Anatomy of Great Britain, both Parts complete, half -bound, 7s. ib.n.d. 2076. Tucker's (Josiah) Tracts on Trade and Naturalization, 9*. Lond. 1753 # 2077. — on Political and Commercial Subjects, very neat, 12-s. 6d. Gloucester, 1776. 2078. i Treatise concerning Civil Government, calf extra, 12s. ib. I78I. 2079* Tuckey's (J. H.) Voyage to establish a Colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait, boards, 4*. ib 1805. 2080. True Relation of the Death of Two Catholicks, Edmund Arrowsmith and Thomas Herst, portraits, 5s. • • ib. 1737. 2081. Trials for Adultery, or the History of Divorces, 7 vols, half- bound, £5. 5s. • ib. 1771. 2082. (an Abridgement of all the) relating to the Popish, and pretended Protestant Plots, very neat, $s. ib. I69O. 2083. Tracts: — Cursory Remarks upon the State of Parties during the Addington Administration. — Thoughts on the Old and New Administration. — View of the relative situations of Mr. Pitt and Addington. — Reflections on the Policy and Justice of an immediate and general Emancipation of the Roman Catholics, and four others, half- bound, russia back, and contents lettered, 10s. 6d. ib. 1803, &c. 144 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2084. Tracts:— True and impartial account of all the Robberies committed by William Hawkins, — The Conspirators, or the Case of Catiline. — A Postscript to John Bull, con- taining the History of the Crown-Inn, with the death of the Widow, and what happened thereon, in three Parts. — Secret Transactions during the 100 Days Mr. William Greyg lay in Newgate under sentence of Death; and several others, neat, 10s. 6d. ib.l 722, &c. 2085. Tracts :— Taprell's England's Friend.— Hannah More's Re- marks on the Speech of M. Dupont, made in the National Convention of France on the subjects of Religion and Publick Education. — Milner's remarkable Passages in the Life of William Howard ; and several others, neat, with the contents lettered, 6s. • • • • • 1795, &c. 2086. Tracts. — Case and Memoirs of Rev. J. Hackman, head, 1779. — Life of Dr. Monsey, 1789-— Life of Count Cagliostro, 1787« — LB. Louvet's Narrative of his Dangers, 1795* — History of the Sufferings of Mr. De Marolles, and Mr. Le Fevre, 1788. — Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson, 1791, — in one vol. h* b. neat, 15s. 2087. Tracts.— Turreau's History of the War of La Vendee, 179& — Burke on a Regicide Peace, 1796. — Erskine on the War with France, 1797.— Roscoe on the War, 1808. — Bu rke's Three Letters on a Peace with the French Direc- tory, 1796-7} in one vol. h. b. neat, 10s. 6d. 2088. Tracts: — Scum Uppermost when the Middlesex Porridge-Pot Boils Over. — An Admonitory Nod to a blind Horse. — Wood and Stone or a Dialogue between a Wooden Duke and a Stone Lion. — Conjectures sur l'Urne de Barberini appartenant au Due de Portland ; and others, a very curious collection, several with caricature frontispieces, fyc. half' bound, russia back, zcith the contents lettered, 18*. Loud. 1802, &c. 2089. Tracts : — Substance of the Report of the Court of Directors of the Sierra Leone Company. — Catalogue of the Pictures in the Shakespeare Gallery, very neat > 3s, • • • • ib. 1792, &c. 2090. Tracts : — Dillon on the admission of Catholics to Parliament, — Sir Francis Baring's Observations on the Publication of Walter Boyd, Esq. calf extra, 5s ••ib. 180], &c. History, Biography, Antiquities, 9f Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 145 20pi. Tracts: — Sewell's Reasons for writing against the Bishop of Salisbury. — The Humble supplication of the Protestant Dissenters. — The Pope's Letter to the King of France to prevent the growth of Schism. — Swift's Essays, Divine, Moral, and Political, frontispiece. — The Undoubted Heir and he must Reign, dedicated to the Pretender, with several others on similar subjects, neat, Ss. id. 1714, 2092. Tracts. — Papers on the Expedition to Carthagena, 1744. — Account of ditto, 1743. — Journal of ditto, 1744. — with Tracts relative to the Affair of Admirals Mathews and Lestock, in one vol. 7s. 6d. 2093. Tracts.— Letter to the P. of Wales on his Debts, 1795.— Journal of the O. P. War at Covent Garden, I8O9. — The Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave, by Campbell, 1744. — British Inquisition Displayed, 1739, in one vol. half-bound, neat, 6s. 2094. Tracts : — Hodgson's Introduction to Chronology. — History of Ancient Coins, Weights, and Measures, including the Life and Glorious Actions of King Solomon. — Saul's ac- count of the Barometer or Weather-Glass, half-bound, 7s. 6d. ib.l 747, &c. 2095. Tracts: — History of England giving an account of the memo- rable Transactions from the Invasion of Julius Cassar, plates. — The first Discovery of the West Indies by Colum- bus. — Ysbrants Ides's Travels, plates. — Journal of Sir Tho- mas Hoc, Ambassador from King James to Ichan Guire, the mighty Emperor of India, 7s. ib. 1752, &c, 2096. Tracts: — Lancaster's Improvements in Education. — Hill's Reply to the Rev. Charles Daubeney's Appendix to his Guide to the Church Owen's Charge at the General Meeting of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. — Benson's Address to the Tunb ridge- Wells Volunteers, half-bound, 7s. 6d. Hi 1803, Sec. 2097- Tracts, (a collection of three) on the Corn-Trade and Corn Laws, 9s. ib.\ 760. 2098. Tracts : -Pauli's Treatise on Tobacco, Tea, Coffee, and Choco- late. — Mason's good and bad effects of Tea, frontispiece, — T 146 Longman, Hurst, Hees, Orme, and Brown. A Treatise on the Culture of the Tobacco Plant, with co- loured frontispiece, calf extra, 10s. 6d. • »Lond. 1746, &c. 2099. Tracts:— Russell's Instructions for the Drill. — Manual for Volunteer Corps of Infantry Doyle's Military Catechism, russia, 5s ib. 1804, &c. 2100. Tracts: — The Pourtraiture of His Sacred Majesty King Charles the First in his Solitudes and Sufferings. — The Royal Martyr, or the Life and Death of King Charles, neat, 9*. ib. 1727- 2101. Tracts.— Life of the late Hon. Rob. Price, with his last Will and Testament, 1734. — Will of Lord Bolingbroke, 1752. —Will of Dr. Tindal, 1733.— Will of Sir Hans Sloane, 1753. — with other Tracts, in one vol. h. b. neat, 6s. 2102. Tracts.— -A Key to Cibber's Non-Juror, 1718.— Art of In- triguing, or the various ways of making love, 1718. — with several other Tracts, in one vol. neat, 4s. 6d. 2103. Tracts.-— Thoughts of an Honest Tory. — Faults on both Sides, or an Essay on the Cause, &c. of the Factions of this Nation and four others, 2s. $.1710, &c. 2104. Tracts: — A Crying Epistle from Britannia to Col. Mack, a Poem, including a naked portrait of the King, Queen, and Prince, by Anthony Pasquin, Esq. — An Address to to the Freemen of Liverpool, 1790. — Trial of the Rev. Wm. Jackson for High Treason, 1795. — Sir JohnHawles's Englishman's Right, a Dialogue between a Barrister at Law and a Juryman. — Jasper Wilson's Letter Commercial and Political addressed to William Pitt, 1793. — Richard Brothers's revealed knowledge of the Prophecies and Times, 1794. — A Narrative of Transactions relative to a Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Brighton, Aug. 18, 1793, by Vicesimus Knox, 1793, half-bound, 6s. 2105. Tracts: — The Female Forgery, or Fatal Effects of Unlawful Love, and several other Tracts relating to Mrs. Rudd and the two Perreaus, plates, half -bound, 10s, 6d. Land. 177 &> &c. 2106. Tracts by Warburton and a Warburtonian, 6s, • • • • ib. 1789. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 147 2107. Tracts. — Winkelman on the Discoveries at Herculaneum, 1771. — Sharp's Customs, &c. of Italy, 17^8, and Joel Collyer's Musical Travels, (no title) in one vol. 4s. 6cl. 2108. Universal History, Ancient and Modern, with maps, plates, $rc. 63 vols, neat, £SU 10s. ib. 174,7, &c. 2109. ■ 60 vols, boards, £24. ib. 1779, &c. 2110. Ulloa's (Antonio de) Voyage to South America, plates, 2 vols. neat % 15s. ib. I76O. 2111. Voltaire's Age of Lewis XIV. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. ib.1752. 2112. and XV. 3 vols. 15s. . . ib. 1779' 2113. Vertot's History of the Revolutions of Rome, 2 vols, neat, Ss.6d. ib. 174,0. 2114. Another Set, 2 vols. 5s. ib. 1/20. 2115. Revolutions of Portugal, 2s. 6d. ib. 1712. 2116. Another Copy, neat, 3s. 6d. ib. 1724. 2117. Critical History of the Establishment of the Bretons among the Gauls, 2 vols, in 1, neat, 12s. ib. 1722. 2118. History of the Revolution in Sweden, half-bound, russia, 6s. ib. 1723. 2119. Voyage to the East Indies in 1747-8, plates, neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1762. 2120. Voyage to Arabia Felix, &c. plates, 6s. ib. 1732. 2121. Voyage round the World, chiefly to cruise against the Spaniards, by W. Betagh, 3s. 6d.> ib. 1728. 2122. Vallancey's (Charles) Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, a series of Dissertations and Treatises on the History and Antiquities of Ireland, plates, 4 vols, neat, £7. 17 s. 6d. Dublin, 1786. 2123. Description of the County of West.- meath, &c. being vol. I, of the preceding work, neat, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1770. 2124. Varieties of Literature from Foreign Literary Journals, &c. 2 vols, boards, 9s. Lond. 1795. 2125. Variant's Travels into the Interior Parts of Africa, 2 vols/ very neat, 1 8s. ••••,•• • • ib, 1796. 14S Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2126. Varenius's (Bernard) General Geography, by Dugdalc, plates, 2 vols, neat, ?s. Loud. 1 736. 2127. Vansittart's Original Papers relative to the Disturbances in Bengal, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1760. 2128. Verstcgan's (Richard) Restitution of decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, plates, very neat, £\.\s. ib. l655. 2120. neat, 18s. ib. 1653. 2130. Willis's (Browne) History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies and Conventual Cathedral Churches, large paper, 2 vols, neat, £16. ib. 1718. 2131. Survey of the Cathedral Church of St. David's, £2. 2s. ib. 1717. 2132. Survey of the Cathedral Churches of St. David, St. Asaph, Llandaff, and Bangor, 4 vols, uilh 2)lates, russia, gilt leaves, £7. 7s. ib, 1721, &c. 2133. Survey of the Cathedral Churches of St. Asaph and Bangor, 2 vols, plates, russia, gilt leaves. c£4. 4s. ib. 1720-21, 2134. Llandaff and St. Asaph, 2 vols, in 1, plates, russia, gilt leaves, £3. 3s. * jfc 1719-20. 2135. Llandaff plates, russia, gilt leaves, £l, lis. 6d. * • ib. 17 10. 2136. neat, £\. 1 15. 6d. n.d. 2137. ■ ' — St. Asaph, plates, £l. 16s. ib. 1720. 2138. plates, (stained) 1. 4s. ib. 1 720. 2139. consider- ably eniarged and brought down to the present time, by Edward Edwards, 'portrait', 2 vols, large paper, boards, £3. 13s. 6d. Wrexham, 1S01. 8^ Only 40 Copies were printed on large paper. "2140. Willis's (Browne) Notitia Parliamentaria, 3 vols, russia, gilt leaves, £5. 15s. 6d. Lend. 1730, kc. History, Antiquities, Biography, $ Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 149 21 11 Willis's (Browne) Notitia Parliamentaria, vol. 3. wants sheet C. in the Index, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1750. 2142. Watts's (Isaac) Improvement of the Mind, 2 vols, best edition 1 , neat, \6s. ib. 1785. 2143. xery neat, 9*. ib. 1S04. 2144. 10.5. 6d. ib. 1785. 2145. Logick, neat, 6s. ib. l78rj. 2145. 5s iht 173 £ # 2147. Wraxall's (N.William) Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, 2 vols, xery neat, \6s. ik 1800. 2148. History of France under the Kings of the Race of Valois, 2 vols, very neat, 14s. ib. 1785. 2149. Tour through the Northern Parts of Europe, map, very neat, 7 s. 6d. ib. I776. 2150. round the Baltic, through the Northern Countries of Europe, boards, 5s. ib. I8O7. 2151. Wharton's (Duke of) Life and Writings, portrait, 2 vols, neat, Ss. ib. 1732. 2152. Walker's (Rev. Robert) Researches into the Origin and Progress of Historical Time, boards, 6s. ib. 1796. 2153. (A.) Excursion through Flanders, Germany, France, and Italy, neat, 6s. ib. 1790. 2154. Whitworth's (Lord) Account of Russia as- it was in the year 1710, russia, gilt leaves, lSs. 6d.* *Straxvberry Hill, 1748. 2155. ■ morocco, gilt leaves, £\. Is. ib. 1748. 2156. Winne's (J. II.) Com pleat History of Ireland, 2 vols, neat, 12s. Lond. 1774. 2157. Webster's (Benjamin) Principles of Natural Philosophy, 2s ib. 1730, 2158. Weston's (James) Stenography Compleated, or the Art of Short-Hand brought to Perfection, engraved on copper- plates, very neat, 7s. 6d. ••••&. 1730. 150 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2159. Webb's (Daniel) Inquiry into the Beauties of Music, Poetry, and Painting, 3 vols, neat, l2s.6d Lond. 1777. 2160. Warrington's (Earl of) Works, 4>s. 6d. ib. 1694. 2161. Whiston's (William] Theory of the Earth, plates, neat, 3s. 6d. ib. 1737. 2162. Wollstonecraft's (Mary) Letters from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, half -bound, 3s. ib. 1796. 2163. Winterbotham's (W.) Historical View of the American United States, 4 vols, half-bound, £l. \Qs.....ib. 1795. 2164. Wainewright's (Rev. Latham) Literary and Scientific Pur- suits, boards, 3s. ib. 1815. 2165. Watkins's (Thomas) Travels through Switzerland, Italy, &c. 2 vols, elegant, 13*. 6d. ib. 1794. 2166. Wenderborn's (Fred. Aug.) View of England towards the close of the Eighteenth Century, 2 vols, xery neat, 15s. ib. 1791. 2167. Wren's (M.) Monarchy Asserted, 5s. Oxon. 1659. 2ft6S. Wallace's Dissertation on the Numbers of Mankind, xery neat, 8s. 6d. Edinb. 1753. 2169. White's (John) Rich Cabinet, with variety of Inventions unlocked and opened, frontispiece, 12s. ib. 1677. 2170. WagstanVs (Dr. William) Miscellaneous Works, plates, neat, 6s. ib. 1726. 2171. (Simon) Complete Collection of Genteel and Inge- nious Conversation, large paper, neat, 4>s. 6d. ib. 1738. 2172. Wilkes's (John) Correspondence, with Memoirs of his Life by John Almon, 5 vols, calf extra, £2. 5s. ....ib. 1805. 2173. Warwick's (bir Philip) Memoirs of the Reign of King Charles I. with portrait, 7s. ib. 170I. 2174. Discourse of Government,25.6f/. ib. 1694. "2175. Whitaker's (John) Mary Queen of Scots Vindicated, 3 vols. neat, £l. Is. ib. 1790. History, Biography, Antiquities, §• Miscellanies. English. — Svo. 151 2176. Walpole's (Horace) Anecdotes of Painting in England, 5 vols. very neat, £l. Us. 6d. Lond. 1786\ 2177. •__—_.——— Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Au- thors of England, 2 vols, neat, 12*. ib. 1759. 2178. Another Edition, frontispiece, 2 vols, morocco, gilt leaves, £3. 3s. Strawberry-Hill, 1758. 2179. Winstanley's (William) England's Worthies, -with a fron- tispiece of small portraits, very neat, £l. 1*. Lond. 1684. 2280. Walton's (Izaak) Complete Angler by Hawkins, plates, £l. 10s. ib. 1760. 2181. — calf extra, £l. 15s. ib. 1760. 2182. calf extra, £l. 16s. ib. 1775. 2183. ■ ; ■ with a number of valuable Manuscript Notes, (on Slips of Paper) inter- spersed throughout the Work, neat, £2. 2s. • • • • ib. 1792. 2184. Wheelers (R. B.) History and Antiquities of Stratford- upon-Avon, plates, half-bound, 4s. Stratford-upon-Avon, n. d. 2185. Xenophon's History of the Affairs of Greece, translated by Newman, 6s. ib. 1 685. 2186. ' — Memoirs of Socrates, translated by Sarah Fielding, neat, 7s. 6d. ib, 1788. 2187- Young's (Arthur) Political Arithmetic, neat, 12s. »»ib. 1774,. 2188. Farmer's Tour through the East of England, 4 vols, neat, 12«.*«*«* ib. 1771. 2189. — . Tour in Ireland, 2 vols, neat, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1780. 2190. (Sir W. Bart.) History of Athens, fine portrait, very neat, 14*. ..•••# .. ib. 1814. 152 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. DUODECIMO. 2191. ANGLER'S Sure Guide : or Angling Improved, and Metho- dically Digested by R. II. plates, 5s. Lond. IJ06. 2192. Another Copy, neat in calf, plates, 10s. 6d. ib. 1706. 2193. Angler's Vade Mecum, 4s. 6d. ib. 1700. 2194. Art of Angling, Rock and Sea Fishing, with 133 cuts, 4s. 6d. ib. 1711. 2195. Another Copy, neat, 8s. ib. IflU 2196. Art of Angling, by 11. Brookes, cuts, 7s. 6d, ib. 1774. 2197- Art of Manual Defence, whimsically bound with a Drawing of two Men Fighting on each side, 7s. 6d.» • • 'ib. 1789* 2198. iEsop's Fables, (a collection of Miniature Engravings in illustration of) mounted onjine wove paper, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, 15s. 2199- Art of Restoring, or the Piety and Probity of General Monk in bringing about the last Restoration, calf extra, 10s. 6d. ib. 1714. 2200. Augustus : or an Essay of those Meanes and Counsels, where- by the Commonwealth of Rome was altered and reduced into a Monarchy, calf extra, 6s. 6d. • •ib. 1632. 2201. Augustus Aulicus : a compendious view of the Life and Reign of that immortal and glorious Monarch Charles II. frontispiece, 5s. • ib. 1686. 2202. Aulicus Coquinarias, or a Vindication in Answer to Sir A. Weldon's Court and Character of King James, by Saun- derson, portrait of James I., 5s. 6d. ib. 1650. 2203. Artificial] Embellishments, or Art's best directions how to preserve Beauty, or procure it, very neat, 7s. Oxon. 1665. 2204. Addison's (Joseph) Miscellaneous Works, 4 vols, neat, 16s. Lond. 1753. 2205. Aphorisms for Youth, frontispiece, calf extra, 6s. • »ib. 1807. History, Biography, Antiquities, Sf Miscellanies. English. — 1 2mo. 1 53 2206. Authentic Detail of Particulars relative to the late Duchess of Kingston, portrait, neat, 6s. Lond. 1790. 2207. Advice from a Lady of Quality to her Children, 2 vols, neat, 3s. 6d. Gloucester, 1778. 2208. Academy of Eloquence, half-bound, 3s. 6d.» •• • Lond. 1670. 2209. An Attempt to explain the Words Reason, Substance, Or- thodoxy, &c. &c. neat, 3s. 6d. 26.1767. 2210. Anecdotes of Henry IV. King of France, neat, 3s. ib. 1787. 22 11. Aschara's (Roger) Toxophilus, the Schole, or Partitions of Shooting, with a Dedication and Preface by the Rev. John Walters, very neat, Js. 6d. Wrexham, 1788. 2212. Art of Speaking in Public, very neat, 6s. Lond. 1727. 2213. Austin's (William) Haec Homo: wherein the Excellency of the Creation of Woman is described, 5s, • •••••ib. l639» 2214. Anthologia Historica ; containing Fourteen Centuries of Me- morable Passages and remarkable Occurrents collected out of the English, Spanish, Imperial, and Jewish Histories, fine copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, £\. lis. 6d.*»ib. lfJ74. 2215. Adye's (Ralph Willett) Bombardier and Pocket Gunner, hoards, 2s. 6d. ib. 1804. 2216. Andrews's Inquiry into'the Manners, Taste, and Amusements ofthe English, 3s. 6d. • ib. 1782. 2217- Acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, 1638-49, 5s. ib. 1682. 2218. Burton's (Robert) Celebrated Collection of Histories, &c. Viz. Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland, from 1625 to l660; — Historical Remarks and Observations of the Ancient and Present State of London and Wi^tminster; — Choice Emblems, Divine and Moral, illustrated; — His- tory of Scotland and Ireland, to 16*02; — England's Mo- narchs; — Admirable Curiosities, Rarities and Wonders, in England, Scotland, and Ireland ; — English Empire in America ; — View of the English Acquisitions in Guinea and the East Indies; — History of Oliver Cromwell; — History of the two late Kings, Charles the Second and U 154 LoK&MAtf, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. James the Second ; — Martyrs in Flames, or Popery in it* true Colours displayed-, — Memorable Accidents, and Un- heard of Transactions; — Wonderful Prodigies of Judg- ment and Mercy; — History of the Kingdom of Ireland during the late Wars ; — History of the House of Orange ; — Female Excellency, or the Ladies' Glory ; — Winter Even- ing Entertainments ; — Unfortunate Court Favourites of England ; — English Hero, or Sir Francis Drake Revived ; — History of the Lives of those famous English Divines who were most zealous in promoting the Reformation; — Youth's Divine Pastime; — Histories of the Nine Worthies of the World ; — Extraordinary Adventures, Revolutions, and Events ; — Kingdom of Darkness, or the History of Daemons, &c. — Unparalleled Varieties, or the matchless Passions and Actions of Mankind ; — Surprising Miracles of Nature and Art; — Vanity of the Life of Man ; — His- tory of the Principality of Wales ; — General History of Earthquakes ; — Unhappy Princesses, containing the Secret History of Queen Ann Bullen and Lady Jane Grey; — In all 30 Volumes, with curious frontispieces, heads, and other engravings, a remarkably fine Set, uniformly bound inrussia, blank tooled, bands, and gilt leaves, <£35. ib. 1684-1738. 1'his is a fine collection of Burton's Works, indeed so much so, that the exertions of many years would scarcely be sufficient to form one equally good or complete — Dr. Johnson appears ohave had a proper sense of the ingenious collector's merits, (whose real name it is believed was Nathaniel Crouch) vide his Life by Boswell, vol. 4. p. 279. 2219. Burton's (Robert) Wars of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with plates, 10s. 6d. ib. Ifj81. 2220. Nine Worthies of the World, with cuts, 10s. 6d. ib. 1713. 2221. English Empire in America,, with cuts, 1 2s. ib. 1711. 2222. ■ English Acquisitions in Guinea and East India, with cuts, 16s. ib. 1728. 2223. History of Oliver Cromwell, with a fine portrait by Gunst, and plates of Medals, 12s. ••*6. 1693. History \ Biography, Antiquities,^- Miscellanies. English.' — \2mo. 1 55 2224. Burton's (Robert) History of Earthquakes, frontispiece, 10s. 6d. • Lond. 1734. "2225. Two Journeys to Jerusalem, 10s. 6d. ib. 1695. 2226. Admirable Curiosities in Great Britain and Ireland, with cuts, 12s. ib. 1737. 2227« Historical Remarques and Observations on London and Westminster, with cuts, 10s. 6d.* • • *ib. I69I. 2228. English Hero, or Sir Francis Drake Re- viv'd, portrait, 10s. 6d. ib. l695. 2229- ■ ' wants portrait, 7s. ib. 1710. 2230. Unparalleled Varieties or the Actions and Passions of Mankind Displayed, frontispiece, 8s. 6d. ib. 1728. 2231. — Britain's Glory and England's Bravery, 7s. ib. 1689- 2232. — Wonderful Prodigies of Judgment and Mercy, frontispiece, 10s. 6d. • * ib. 1707. 2233. ' History of the Kingdom of Ireland, fron- tispiece, 7s. 6d. ib. 1 73 1 . 2234. Female Excellency, or Ladies' Glory, 9s. ib. 17 18. 2235. Burbury's (John) History of Christina Alessandra, Queen of Swedland, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1658. 2236. Blount's Voyage into the Levant, neat in calf, 7s. • 'ib. 1650. 2237. British Curiosities in Art and Nature, very neat , 9s. ib. 1721, 2238. Beauties of Stow, or a description of the House, Gardens, &c. of Earl Temple, plates^ neat 9 7s. ib. n. d. "2239. Britannia? Speculum, or a short View of the Ancient and Modern State of Great Britain, 3s. 6d. ib. 1783. 2240* Bennett's (Rev. John) Letters to a Young Lady, 2 vols* half -bound, 5s. • • • • Warrington, 1789. 2241. Bowles's Universal Display of the Naval Flags of all Nations, half bound, 2s. 6d. •••••••«•••• » • Lond. n. d. 156 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2242. Baratariana. A Collection of Fugitive Pieces published during the Administration of Lord Townshend, portrait, 7s. 6d. Dublin, 1773- 2243. Boyle's (Honourable Robert) Tracts on the Saltness of the Sea, &c. 2s Lond. 1674. 2244. Bcautie's Treasury, or the Ladies Vade Mecum, being a col- lection of Receipts for making Washes, Oils, Unguents, &c. &c. frontispiece, 12s. ib. 1705. 2245. Biographical Anecdotes of the Founders of the French Re- publick, frontispiece, 2 vols, neat, 6s. 6d. ..... 'ib. 1799- 2246. Batchelor (Essays from the) portraits, 2 vols, neat, 12s. Dublin, 1773. 2247. British Chronologer, with four Sets of commendatory Y r erses, 5s. Lond. 1720. 2248. Burnet's (Gilbert) Abridgment of the History of the Refor- mation of the Church of England, 3 vols. 7s. 6d. ib. 1728. 2249- Reflections on Varilla's History, 2*. 6d. Amsterdam, 1686. 2250. Buchanan's (George) Detection of the Actions of Mary, Queen of Scots, portrait, russia, 1 Ss. • 1651. 2251. Bloody Buoy ; thrown out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of, all Nations, half -bound, 3s. 6d. • • • *Lond. 1798. 2252. Busbequius's (H. G.) Travels into Turkey, very neat, 7s. ib. 1744. 2253. Boscobel, or the History of his Majesty's preservation after the Battle of Worcester, 2*. 6d. ib. 168O. 2254. • portrait, calf extra, 7s. ib. I8O9. 2255. Brathwayt's (Richard) Essaies upon the Five Senses, frontis- piece, neat, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1625. 2256. ■ frontis- piece, very neat, £l.lls.6d. # # 1635. 2257. — wants the frontispiece, very neat, 15s. ....>. ib. 1635. 2258. Batchelor's Directory, being a Treatise of the Excellence of Marriage, 5$. » *•.••&. 1696. History, Biography, Antiquities, Sy Miscellanies. English. — \2mo. 1 57 2259. Breton's (Nicholas) Characters upon Essaies, Morall and Divine, very neat, £l. \\s.6d Lond. l6l5. *#* This Work was unknown to Mr. Stevens who had bestowed much pains informing a Catalogue of Breton's numerous Works. 2260. Bacon's (Francis Lord) Historie of Life and Death, frontis- piece, calf extra, 12s. • • • • ib. \638. 2261. Essayes and Counsels Civil and Moral, fine portrait, having Verses by W. Griffith, 7s. 6d. ib. 1664. 2262. . Natural History of Winds, 3s. ib. \653. 2263. with a fine portrait, calf extra, 7s. 6d. • ib. 1653. 2264. Boetius's Consolation of Philosophy, 3s. 6d. ib. 1609. 2265. very neat, 5s. 6d. ib. 1712. 2266. Basil ikon Doron, or His Majestie's Instructions to his dearest Sonne Henry the Prince, 7s. ib. 1603. 2267. Blackwall's (Anth.) Introduction to the Classicks, 3*. ib. 1 746. 2268. • with an Essay on Rhetorick, calf extra, 6s. ib. 1S09. 2269- Campbell's (John) View of the City of Glasgow, neat, 7s. Glasgow, 1736. 2270. Common Sense, or the Englishman's Journal, 3*. 6d. Lond. 1738. 2271. Chevreau's Mirror of Fortune, or the true Character of Fate and Destiny, calf extra, 7s. • • • • • ib. \660. 2272. Carter's (Matthew) Relation of that unfortunate Expedition of Kent, Essex and Colchester, very neat, $s. • -Lond. 1650. 2273. . neat, 7s. 6d. Colchester, n. d. 2274. Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, by Horace Walpole, 2 vols, neat, 6s. Dublin, 1759. 2275. Carlisle's (Nicholson, Bp. of) Border Laws, Ss. • 'Lond. 1747. 2276. Compendious History of the most remarkable Passages of the last fourteen Years, including the Plot and the Great Fire, very neat, $s.6d. ib. 1 680. 158 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 9.9,77. Campanologia Improved, orthe Art of Ringing, 6s. Lond. 1733. 2278. Conduct and Character of Count Nicholas Serini, neat, 6s. ib. 1664. 2279. Chamberlayne's (Edward) Rise and Fall of the late Count Olivares, half-bound, 5s. Lond. n. d. 2280. Ciceroe's (Marcus Tullius) three Bookes of Duties to Marcus his Sonne,— 2&IflCft tUtter— «£l. 1«- ib.l5S3. 2281. Offices translated by Thomas Cock man, neat, 2s. 6d. ib. 1714. 2282. Carr's (William) Remarks of the Government of several Parts of Germany, Denmark, &c. 4s. Amsterdam, 16*88. 2283. Customs and Privileges of the Manors of Stepney and Hackney, 3s. 6d. • Lond. 1736. 2284. Compleat Gamester, frontispiece, very neat, 9s ib. 1721. 2285. neat, 6s. 6d. • • • • ib. 1739- 2286. Cries of Royal Blood, being a History of the Kings and Queens of England who have been murdered by their Subjects, 12*. #.1722. 2287. Castlemain's (Earl of) Manifesto, 2s. ib. 1681. 2288. Chronology of some memorable Accidents from the Creation of the World, to the Year 1754, neat, 2s. 6d. Dublin, 1755. 2289- Cornwallyes's Essays, wants title and last leaf, 2s, 2290. Cato's Letters, or Essays on Liberty Civil and Religious, 4 vols, neat, 16s. • Lond. 1737. 2291. Craftsman, by Caleb D'Anvers, 14 vols, neat, £l. l6s. ib. 1731 . 2292. Cumberland's (Richard) Essay towards the Recovery of the Jewish Measures and Weights, 10s. 6d. ib. 1686. 2293. Cotton's (Sir Robert) Choice Pieces, 5s. ib. 1651. 2294. Chetwind's (John) Anthologia Historica, containing fourteen Centuries of Memorable Passages and Remarkable Oc- currents ; (wants two last leaves J 6s. ib. lo*74. 2295. Connoisseur, 4 vols, neat, 12s. Oxon. 1767. 2296. Citie's Great Concern in question of Honour and Arms, whether Apprenteship extinguisheth Gentry, frontispiece, £l.\s Lond. 1674. History, Biography, Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. Eng!ish.-~\2mo.l 59 2297* Codrington's (Robert) Grand Cabinet. — Counsels unlocked relative to the Civil Wars in France and translated from the French of Margaret de Valois, 5s. • • • • Lond. 1609. 2298. Clarke's (James Stanier) Historical Memoirs of Shipwrecks, frontispiece and map, 2 vols, half-bound, 9 s - • • * *^- 1805, 2299. Clark's (S.) History of the Life and Reign of Queen Elizabeth, frontispiece, 1 5s. • ib. lo83. 2300. England's Remembrancer, a Narrative of the deliverances from the Spanish Invasion and the Hellish Powder Plot, very neat, 10s. ib. 1677- 2301. Chronographia. A description of Time from the beginning of the World, 1590 — A Concordance to the New Testament 1579, in 1 vol. very neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1579-90. 2302. Dacier's Engravings of Medals of English Kings, (a collection of seventy-two neatly mounted on fine wove paper, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, £\. lis. 6d. 2303. De-Laune's (Thomas) Present State of London, or Memorials comprehending a full and succinct Account of the An- cient and Modern State thereof, plates, russia, gilt leaves, £2.2s. ib. 16S1. 2304. Dying Speeches and Characters of Noblemen who suffered in the cause of Charles I. with their portraits on wood, neat, 9s. Norwich, 1720. 2S05. D'Archenholz's Picture of England, 2 vols, neat, 8s. Land. 1789- 2306. Davies's (John) Observations on the Poems of Homer and Virgil, with the Comparison of Plato and ^ristutle, 3-s. ib. 1673. 2307. (Sir John) Discoverie of the true Causes why Ireland was never subdued until the Reign of James I. 4v. Dublin, 1761. 2308. Dyke's (Jer.) Mischiefe and Misery of Scandals, 5*. Lond. 1631. 2309- Delightes for Ladies to adorne their Persons, &c. with Beauties, Banquets, Perfumes, and Water; with a Closet for Ladies, or Art of Preserving, Conserving, and Can- dying, ffa^te^waH^'/zg) neat, 18s. ib. l6ll. 160 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2310. Dutch drawn to the Life, fine frontispiece, including 3 por- traits, half-bound, 6s. Lond. 1664. 2311. Directions for the Education of a Young Prince, fine por- trait of the Prince of Orange, calf extra, 7s. ib. \673» 2312. De la Serre's Mirrour which flatters not, plates, 7s»6d. ib. 1658. 2313. D'Arvieux's Travels in Arabia the Desert, plates, 7s. 6d. ib. if 18. 2314. Dauncey's (John) Compendious Chronicle of the Kingdom of Portugal, frontispiece, 8s. • »ib. l66l . 2315. Dalrymple's (John) Essay towards a General History of Feudal Property in Great Britain, neat, 6s. •• ib. 1759. 23 16\ Duncan's (William) Elements of Logick, neat, 3s. 6d. Edinb. 1776. 2317. Du Plessis's Resolver, or Curiosities of Nature, frontispiece, very neat, 6s. 6d. ib. 1635. 2318. D'Assigny's Art of Memory, 3s. 6d. ib. 1697. 2310. frontispiece, 7s. •••• ib. 1699* 2320. De FrevaPs History of the Heavens, from the French of Abbe Pluche, plates, 2 vols, neat, 10s. ib. 1752. 2321. Doctor and Student, or Dialogues between a Doctor of Divinity and a Student in the Laws of England, neat, 3s. 6d. Satoy, 1721. 2322. Drexelius's (H.) Considerations on the twelve Signs of Pre- destination, 2s. 6d, Lond. n. d. 2323. Dilworth's Historical and Biographical Pieces, viz. Life of Marshal Saxe. — Familiar Letter Writer. — History of William the Third. — History of the Bucaniers of America. — .History of Peter the Great.— Life of Alexander Pope. — Life of Frederick III. of Prussia. — History of Kouli Khan. — Royal Assassins. — Life of the Duke of Marl- borough. — Conquest of Peru. — History of Prince Eugene. — History of Charles XII. — History of the War up to 1759. — Life of Dean Swift, — and the History of London, in all 16 vols, uniformly bound in brown calf, gilt leaves, £S.%s ih. 1758-60. History f Biography, Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. English. — \2mo. l6l 2324. Description of the Islands and Inhabitants of Fceroe, by Lucas Jacobson Debes, translated by John Sterpin, calf extra,, 15s. • • • • Lond. \6j6. 2325. — „_ Kingdom of France, 2 vols. 2s. dd. ib. 1726. 2326. Earle's (Dr. John) Microcosmography : or a Piece of the World dicovered, 6s. 6d. ib. 1732. 2327. Another edition, calf extra, 6s. 6d. Salisbury, 1786. 2328. Auother edition, 7s. 6d. Lond. l62g. 2329. Emblem of Ingratitude; or the Hollander's Insolencies and Cruelties detected, with frontispiece, very neat, Is. 6d. ib. 1672. 2330. England's Glory, or an exact Catalogue of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, of Knights of the Garter, House of Peers, &c. curious frontispiece, representing the dif- ferent branches of the Legislature, and the Convocation at Westminster, half-bound, £l. 5s ib. 1660. 2331. Happiness Improved, or an Infallible Way to get Riches, Encrease Plenty, and Promote Pleasure, half-bound, 5s ib. 1697. 2332. Erasmus's Praise of Foil)-, with portrait and plates from the designs of Hans Holbein, calf extra, 1 5s. • • • • ib. 1735. 2333. Experienced Jockey, and complcat Horseman; or Gentleman's Delight, calf extra, 9s. ib. 1684. 2334. Emperour and the Empire betray'd : by whom and how, 2s. 6d. ib. 1681, 2335. Essays of Love and Marriage, 2s. 6d. ib. 1673. 2336. Essay in Defence of the Female Sex, frontispiece, calf extra, 10s. 6d. ib. 1696. 2337- Eccentric Biography, portraits, calf extra, 7s. •••• ib. 1801. 2338. Eachard's (Laurence) Exact Description of Ireland, Is. 6d. ib. 1691. 2339- European Mercury, describing the Stages from Place to Place through the most Parts of Christendome, neat, 3s. 6d. ib. 1641. 2340. Evans's (John) Juvenile Tourist, or Excursions through various Parts of Great Britain, portrait and maps, boards, 4s. f.ond. 1805. 162 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2341. Eunuchism Displayed ; describing all the different Sorts of Eunuchs. Occasioned by a Young Lady falling in Love with Niccolini, who sung in the Opera, and to whom she had like to be married, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1718. 2342. Eunson's (G.) Ancient and Present State of Orkney, 5s, Newcastle, 1788. 2343. Excellent Woman described by her true Characters and their Opposites, neat, 6s. Lond. 1695. 2344. Fortesque's Commendation of the Politique Lawes of England : with the translation by Robert Mulcaster— SMacft Hotter — «£l. U. ib. 1599- 2345. Flecknoe's Sixty Nine Enigmatical Characters, 9s. ib. 1665. 2346. Fairfax's (Thomas) Complete Sportsman, frontispiece, 6s. ib. n. d. 2347. Fuller's (Thomas) Directions, Counsels, and Cautions, 2 vols. half-bound, 7s. 6d. • • • ib. n. d. 2348. Page's (Robert) Description of the whole World, with some general Rules touching the use of the Globes, &c. with the large curious map by Bleau, very neat, 10*. 6d. ib. 1658. 2349. Ferguson's (Adam) Moral Philosophy, neat, 4s. Edinb. IJ69. 2350. FeneWs Proper Heads of Self Examination for a King, 7s. Lond. 1747. 2351. Fransham's (John) World in Miniature, plates, 2 vols, neat, Qs ib. 1740. 2352. Fontenelle's Plurality of Worlds, neat, 3s. • • Dublin, 1728. 2353. Familiar Essays upon Marriage, Crosses in Love, &c. 5s. 6d. Lond. 1696. 2354. Filmer (Sir Robert) on Usury, neat, 5s. 6d. ib. 1678. 2355. Falconer (William) on the Influence of the Passions on the Disorders of the Body, portrait, neat, 4s. ib. 1796. 2356. Fulke (W.) on Meteors, 4* •*. 1654. 2357. French Convert; being a relation of the Conversion of a French Lady from Popery to Protestantism, frontispiece, neat, 6s. ib.n.d. History, Biography, Antiquities,^ Miscellanies. English. — 12mo. 163 2358. Felton's (Henry) Dissertation on Reading the Classics, very neat, 6s. Lond. 1753. 2359. Flagellum : or the Life and Death of Oliver Cromwell, 4s. i^. 1665. 2360. Fraud Detected: or the Hibernian Patriot; containing the Drapier's Letters to the People of Ireland on Wood's Coinage, russia, 7 s. 6d. Dublin, 1725. 2361. Fielding's (Henry) Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon, neat, 3s. Lond. 1755. 2362. Gaule's (John) Distractions, or Holy Madness, Feruently not Furiously enraged against Euill Men; or against their Euills, wherein the Naughty are discouered to Themselues and others : and may here see at once who they are; what they doe : and how they ought, 12s, ib. 1629. 2363. Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius, wants title — SMaCft %Zt- ttt — half-bound, 4s. 6d. 2364. Grafton's Abridgement of the Chronicles of Englande — SMacft %ttttt—£2. 2s. Imprynted at London by Richarde Tottyl, 1570. 2360. . 2Macfc ftettet— neat, £2. 2s. tk.i 572. 2366. Gent's (Thomas) History of York, with the view and plan, £l.ls. York, 1730. 2367. without the plan, 15s. ib. 1730. 2368. History of England, neat, 12s. • •••*£. 1741. 2369. Gee's (Joshua) Trade and Navigation of Great Britain con- sidered, neat, 3s. • Lond. 1767- 2370. neat, 2s. ....••• Glasgow, 1755. 2371. Great Evil of Health Drinking, half-bound, 4s. . . Lond. 1684. 2372. Guardian, 2 vols, neat, 7s ib. 1 740. 2373. 6s. 26. 1741. 2374. 5s. ib. 1734. 2375. small edition, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, 15s. ib.l 750. 164 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2376. Gentleman Angler, neat, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1/26. 2377- Ganganellis (Pope Clement XIV.) Letters, with Anecdotes of his Lite, 4 vols, in 2, neat, 12s. ib. 1777- 2378. Gazetteer of the Netherlands, maps, half-bound, 4s. ib. 1794. 2379. Grosvenor (B.) on Health, 2s. 6d. z^. 1716. 2380. General Contents of the British Museum, boards, 2s. 6d. ib.1762, 2381. Great Events from little Causes, or a selection of interesting and entertaining Stories, neat, 6s. ib, 1767. 2382. History of Stanislaus I. King of Poland, portrait, 2s. ib. 1741. 2383. Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England, 2 vols. 7s. ib. 1755. 2384. the Life and Reign of William III. King of Eng- land, 4s. • • ib. 1744. 2385. Man, frontispiece, 2 vols, neat, 8s. • • • • • • ib. 174,6. 2386. — - the Life and Reign of Peter the Great, frontis- piece, 3s. 6d. ib. 1740. 2387- Francis Eugene, Prince of Savoy, portrait, 4s. ib. 1742. 2388. 2s. 6d. ib. 1742. 2389- King EdwpnilMf.&k ib. 1680. 2390. the Female Shipwright, 2s. ib. 1773. 2391. • Highwaymen from William the Conqueror, wants the Title, neat, 2s. 6d. $392. — — the Bucaniers of America, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1771. 2393. Isuf Bassa, Captain General of the Ottoman Army at the Invasion of Candia, 5s. • tr ib. 1684. 2394. the King's Affairs in Scotland, under the conduct of the Marquis of Montrose, portrait, 18s. ib. 1649. 2333. the Voyage of Katherine Evans and Sarah Cheevers, to the Island of Malta, half-bound, 7s. ib. 1715. 2396. the Triumphs of Her Majesties Arms, portrait 0} the Earl of Peterborough, half-bound, 4s. ib. 1707. History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — l2mo. 165 2397J History of Cara Mustapha, late Grand Visier, frontispiece, neat, 9s. Lond. 1685. 2398. the Pope's Nephews, half-bound, 7*. • • • • ib. I669. 23^9. — and Antiquities of Winchester, plates, 2 vols, neat, £l.ls. Winton, 1773. 2400. i — — Women, half-bound, 2s. 6d. Lond. IfjSfj. 2401. Hays's (Mary) Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, 6 vols, calf extra, £\. l6s. ib. 1803. 2402. Hume's (David) Essays and Treatises on several Subjects, 5 vols, neat, £l. 1 s. ib. 1753. 2403. - Essays, Moral and Political, 2 vols, neat, 8s, ib. J 748. 2404. Hobbes's (Thomas) Philosophical 1 Rudiments concerning Government and Society, fine frontispiece, including the portrait, calf extra, £l. Is. ib. 1651. 2405. Hope's (Sir Thomas) Treatise of the Scottish Law, 4*. Edin.1726. 2406. Hunter's (A.) Receipts in Modern Cookery, with a Medical Commentary, frontispiece, boards, 3s. York, 1 805. 24Q7. Hoyle's Games Improved, 3s. Lond. n. d. 2408. — appropriately bound, checquered sides, calf extra, 5s. ib. 1786. 2409. Hawles's (Sir John) Englishman's Right, 6s. ib \7f\. 2410. Hervey's (Rev. James) Letters to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley. wear, 3s. 6d. ' ib. 1765. 241 1. Hawkins's (Francis) Youth's Behaviour, or decency in conversation amongst Men, 5s. ib. 1663. 2412. Haigh's (James) Dyer's Assistant, neat, 7s Leeds, 1778. 2413. Human Prudence, or the Art by which a Man may raise himself to Grandeur, 3s. 6d Lond. 17Q2. 2414. Heylyn's (P.) Help to English History, 5*. 6 I. ib. 1680. 2415. Hutton's (W.) Journey from Birmingham to London, 5*. Birmingham, 1785. 2416. Hungarian Rebellion, 2s. 6d Lond. 1672, 166 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2417, Hickes's (Dr. George) Instructions for the Education of a Daughter, frontispiece, 2s. Lond. 1708. 2418. Hill's (Thomas) Natural and Artificial Conclusions, 5s.ib. 1684. 2419 5s. ib. 1670. 2420. Howel's (James) Dodona's Grove, or the Vocall Forest, plates, 5s. 6d. • • ib.n.d- 2421. Another Copy, plates, calf extra, 'ib. n. d. 2422. * Second Part of Massaniello, his Body taken out of the Town Ditch, and solemnly Buried, &c. very neat, 5s. ib. 1662. 2423. ■ ■ Instructions forForreine Travell, very neat, 5s. ib. 1642. 2424. (W.) Observations upon Historie, very neat, 9s. ib. 1641. 2425. Historical Account of the Memorable Actions of William Henry, Prince of Orange, half- bound, 6s. ib. 1689. 2426. — Account of our present Sovereign George I. por- trait, ls.6d, ib. 1714. 2427. Historian's Guide, or Britain's Remembrancer, portrait, 2s. ib. 1689. 242S. Histories of the Lives and Raignes of Henry III. and Henry IV. Kings of England, by Robert Cotton and Sir John Hay- ward, 9s. ib. 1642. 2429. Habington's (W.) Observations upon Historie, 5s. •• ib. 1641. 2430. Institutions, or Principal Grounds of the Lawes and Statutes of England, very neat, 5s. ib, 1607. 2431. Idiot, in Four Books, by C. Cusanus, very neat, 15s. ib. 1650. 2432- Idol of the Clownes, or Insurrection of Wat the Tyler, very neat, 12s. ib. 1 654. 2433. Journey into Spain, 25. ib. 1670. 2434. Julian the Apostate, being a short Account of his Life, 4s. ib. 1682. 2435. Johnson's Essayes ; expressed in sundry exquisite Fancies, 12,?. ib. 1638. 2436. Junius, 2 vols, neat, 6s .•«.... ib. J 772. History, Biography , Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. English. — \%mo. 167 2437- Junius, splendidly bound in calf, 2 vols. 125. 6d. Lond. 1772. 2438. Jones's (D.) Secret History of Whitehall, 2 vols, half-bound, 10s. 6d. ib.1717. 2439. Kentish Traveller's Companion, boards, 3s. Canterbury, 1799- 2440. Keate's (George) Sketches from Nature, 2 vols, calf extra, Ws.6d. Lond. 1782. 2441. Lectures supposed to have been delivered by the Author of a view of the Internal Evidence of Christian Religion, neat, 4>s. ib. 1787. 2442. Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding, (an Abridgement of) neat, 3s. ib. 1774. 2443. Long's (Thomas) History of all the Popish and Fanatical Plots and Conspiracies against the Established Government, 3s. 6d. ib. 1684. 2444. Loveday's (R.) Letters Domestick and Foreign, portrait, 7s. ib. 1677. 2445. Lamotte's (Charles) Essay upon Poetry and Painting, 3*. ib. 1730. 2446. Lyttleton's (Lord) History of England, 2 vols, neat, 6s. ib. 1770. 2447. Lassels's (Richard) Voyage of Italy, frontispiece, 7s. ib. 1670. 2448. Littleton's Tenures,— ^[acft ^letter— 2s. ib. 1608. 2449. — 4s. 6d. ib. 1608. 2450. La Belle-Assemble'e, being a curious collection of remarkable Incidents which happened to Persons of the first Quality in France, by Mad. Gomez, plates, 4 vols. 12s. ib. 1732. 2451. Another Copy, 4 vols, very neat, \6s. ib. 1743. 2452. Leicester's Commonwealth, 5s. ib. 1641. 2453. Loyal Sacrifice, Presented in the Lives of Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle, neat, 7s. • • • • ib. 1648. 2454. Le Grand's (A.) Divine Epicurus, or the Empire of Pleasure over the Vertues, neat, 7*. 6V. ib. 1676. 2455. Love-Letters between a Nobleman and his Sister, 6s.* »ib. 1684. 168 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brow\. 2456. Love-Letters between a Nobleman and his Sister, 2 vols. xery neat, 9s • • • • Lond, 1765. 2457. Leigh's (Edward) Observations concerning the twelve first Csesars, brown calf, Js. • • ib. 1647- 2458. Lilly's (William) History of his own Life and Times, 2«« ib. 1725. 2459- Life and Death of Thomas Savage who was twice hung for Murder, wood cuts, (M.S. title) half -bound, neat, 5s. 6d. 2460. Life of Captain William Bedloe, one of the Discoverers of the Popish Plot, portrait, 2s. ib. 1681. 246l. Donna Olimpia Maldachini, by Gualdi, half-bound, extra, 6s. ib 1666 2462. Sir George Rook, Knt. 2s. ib. 1707. 2463. Lives of the most remarkable Criminals who have been con- demned and executed from the Year 1720, 3 vols. £l. Us. 6d. .....{£. 1735. 2464. : Richard Savage, Sir Francis Drake, and Admiral Blake, by Dr. Johnson, neat, Is. 6d. ib. I769. 2465. Letters from a French Nobleman to Mademoiselle de P 2 vols, I cry neat, 7*- ib, 1793. 2466. concerning the present State of Italy, 2 A \. . . . ib. 1688. 2467. — between the Dukes of Grafton, the Earl of Chatham, many other Noblemen, &c. and John Wilkes, 2 vols. very neat, 8s. ib. 1769' 2468. ■■ " ■*■ of Madame du Montier, 3 vols, neat, 7*- 6d. ib. 1798. 2469. — the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montague, written during her Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 2«. 6d. ib. 779- 2470. — — wr ™ 3 vois. very neat, 12*.. 6d. ib. 1767' 3-471. — mnm (Familiar) written by the Earl of Rochester, Thomas Ofcway, Mrs. K. Phillips, &c &c. 2 vols, in 1, 6s. ib. 1709. History, Biography, Antiquities, Sf Miscellanies. English. — \2mo. 169 2472. Memoirs of Elizabeth Canning, Vvith the Tenor of the Evi- dence adduced on her late extraordinary Trial, neat, 6s. Land. 1754. 2473. Mrs. Letitia Pilkington, 3*. Dublin, 1748. 0474. Baron de Pollnitz, 5 vols. 9s. ib. 1738. 2475. the Life and Death of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, 2s. 6d. Lond. l682. 2476. 3s. •••. ib. 1682. 2477« ■ portrait, brown calf, 7s. ib. l682. 2478. Mr. James Parry, with his curious Amours and Lovc-Letters, portrait, neat, 8s. ib. 1742. 2479- Marlborough's (Sarah, Dowager Duchess of) Opinions, from original MSS. by Lord Hailes, sewed, £\.\s. ib, 1788. 2480. Mainwaring's (Sir Thomas) Defence of Amicia, Daughter of Hugh Cyveliok, Earl of Chester, 2 vols. £l. Is. ib. 1673. 2481. Magna Charta, translated out of Latyn and Frenshe into Englyshe by George Ferrers, wants the title, — J&lacfc %ttttZ— morocco, 15s. Lond. by T. Petyt, 1542. 24S2. Mirror, a Periodical Paper, 3 vols, neat, 9s.»»*>ib. 178I. 24?83. Moreau's (Simeon) Tour to Cheltenham Spa, plates, 2*. Bath, 1738. 2484. Manners; translated from the French, 2*. 6d.» ••• Lond. IJ 52. 2485. More's (Sir Thomas) Utopia, very neat, 9s. ""ib. 1639. 2486. Mavor's (William) Voyages, Travels, and British Tourists, the original Editions, with all the plates, 31 vols- calf extra, with the Contents lettered, £8. 8s. "ib. 179^, fyc. 2487- Mazarine's (Cardinal) Last Will and Testament, portrait, half-bound, 5s. ib. 1663. 2488. Mores (Sir Jonas) England's Interest, or the Gentleman and Farmer's Friend, 4s. 6d. ib. 1705. 2489. Mortimer's (Thomas) Every Man his own Broker, very neat, 3$. • ib. 1S01. Y 170 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Oiime, and Brown. 2490. Mossop's (Rev. J.) Orations, neat in calf, 5s.' • "Lond. 1788. 2491. Mackenzie's (Sir George) Moral Gallantry, 3*. 6d. Edinb. 1667. 52492. 35. 6d."ib. 1669. 2493. ■ very neat hi calf, .5s. ib. 1669. 2494. 2s. 6d. Lond. 1685. 2195. — Essay, preferring Solitude to Pub- lick Employment, neat, half-bound, 6s. ib. 1685- 2496. Mirrour of Mindes, or Barclay's Icon Animorum, 2s. 6d. ib. 1631. 2497- Memorandums of the Face of the Country in Switzerland, calf extra, gilt leaves, 7s. 6 d. ib. 1 799. 2498. Molyneux's (William) Case of Ireland being bound by Acts of Parliament in England, plates, 5s." •• Dublin, 1698. 2499. Moral 1 Philosophy of the Stoicks, translated by Charles Cotton, calf extra, 12s. Lond. I667. 2500. Mun's (Thomas) England's Benefit and Advantage by Fo- reign Trade, plainly demonstrated, neat, 3s. 6d. • »ib. 1698. 2501. May's (Thomas) Epitome of English History, 5s. "ib. I69O. 2502. Manley's (Captain Roger) description of Japan and Siam, russia, gilt leaves, £l. Is. ib. I671. 2.503. Mcrcurius Rusticus ; or the Countries Complaint of the Barbarous Outrages committed by the Sectaries of this late flourishing Kingdome, frontispiece by Marshall, neat, 1 8s. ib. 1 646. 2504. Milot's (Abbe) Elements of the History of England trans- lated by Mrs. Brooke, 4 vols, neat, 18*. ib. 17?1. 2505. Miscellanies by Swift, Arbuthnot, Pope, and Gay, 10 vols. neat, £i, lis. 6d. ?£. 1742. 25C6. More's (John"! Table from the beginning of the World to this day, very neat, 5s. ib. 1 593. 2507. Ketherland-Historian, containing a true and exact Relation of what passed in the late Wars between the King of Great History, Biography, Antiquities, fy Miscellanies. English. — 1 2mo. 1 7 1 Britain, and the French King, witheir Allyes against the States General 1 of the United Provinces, with portraits, plans, SfC. 12s. 6d. Amsterdam, 1675. 2308. Netherland Historian, (portrait of Charles II. wanting,) 7s. ib. 1675. 2509. Newton's (Rev. J.) Life by Himself, very neat, \s. Lond. 1765. 2510. (Sir Isaac) Theory of Light and Colours, by Al- garotti, 2 vols, neat, 6s. ib. 1742. 2511. Nichols's (Josias) Plea of the Innocent; wherein is averred that the Ministers and People falslie termed Puritanes are injuriouslie slaundered for enemies or troublers of the State, half -bound, morocco, §s. Gd. ib, 1602. 2512. Observations in a Journey to Paris by way of Flanders, 2 vols. 3s. ib. 1777. 2513. Ouerburie's (Sir Thomas) New and Choise Characters of severall Authors, with the Wife, a Poem, very neat, 10s. 6d. ib. l6l5. 2514. with additions, brown calf, gilt leaves, 12s. ib. l627« 2515. Osborne's (Francis) Miscellaneous Works, half-bound, very neat, 8s. 6d. ib. 1658. 2516. Advice to a Son, half-bound, 3s. Oxon. 1656. 2517. brown calf, 3s. 6d. ib. 1656. 2518. neat, 2s. Gd. Lond. 165S. 2519. — Miscellany of Sundry Essayes, Paradoxes, Characters, &c. half bound, 4s. ib. 1659. 2520. brown calf, 6s. ib. 1659. 2521. Obsolete Ideas, calf extra, 6s. 6d. Sherborne, 1805. 2522. Political and Satirical History of the Years 1756 and 1757, in a Series of Seventy-five Humourous Caricature Prints, with Explanations, ike. £l. l]s. 6d. Lond. n.d. 172 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2523. Pointer's (John) Antiquities and Curiosities of the University of Oxford, 5s. 6d. Loud. 174.9- 2524. Plain and Easy Road to the Land of Bliss, broxvn calf, 7s. ib. 1762. 2525. Present for the Ladies, being an Historical Vindication of the Female Sex, neat in calf, 7 s. 6d. ib. 1692. 2526. Profitable Book of Mr. John Perkins,— SMacft %ttttt— 2s. 6d. ib. 1657. 2527- Prater (The) by Nicholas Babble, Esq. half-bound, 4s. 6d. ib. 1757. 2528. Petty's(Sir William) Political Arithmetick, 4s. ib. 1691. 2529. Pellison's (Paul) History of the French Academy, 3*. ib. 1657. 2530. Pepys' Memoirs relative to the Royal Navy of England, half-bound, 4*. ib- 1696. 2531. Perfect Politician, or a full View of the Life of Oliver Crom- well, 6s. • • • ib. 166O. 2532. Percey's (William) Compleat Swimmer, calf extra, 10s. 6d. ib. 165S. 2533. Pleasant Art of Money-Catching, frontispiece, 7s.- • ib. 1705. 2534. Princely Excellence, or Regal Glory, being an Account of the Heroick Actions of William the Third, portrait, half- bound^ 6s. 6d. •• ib. 1702. 2535. Peacham's (Henry) Valley of Varietie, in old morocco, 12s. ib. 1638. 2536. Pitt's (Joseph) Account of the Religion and Manners of the Mahometans, 7s. 6d. tb. 1738. 2537. Phillips's (Thomas) Account of the Religion, Manners, and Learning of the People of Malabar, frontispiece, 3s. 6d. ib. 1717. 2538. Queen's Closet Opened, being incomparable Secrets in Physick, Preserving, &c. half-bound, 5s. ib. I6p8. 2539. ' portrait, 5s. ib.l663. 2540. -portrait, clean copy, brown calf, 10s. 6d. *+ • • • • •• •ib, 1662. History ,Biography, Antiquities, 8? Miscellanies. English. — 12wo, 173 2.541. Queen's Royal Cookery, front ispieee, 4s. 6d.»* • •Lond. 1709. 2542. Quevedo's Visions, very neat in calf, 7s. 6d. ib. 1715. 2543. Quintus Curtius, translated by John Brende— ^[acft %ttttt — 16s. ib. 1570. 2544. %lath%ttttt— Us ib. l602. 2545. w John Digby, 2 vols, in 1, map, 8s. ib. 1714. 2546. 2 vols. plates, neat, 10$. 6d. ib. 1726. 2547. ■ 2 vols, plates, neat, 9s. 6d. ib. 1747. 2548. Raleigh's (Sir Walter) Judicious and Select Essayes, neat in calf, 18s. ib. 1650. 2549. Remains, portrait, calf extra, 9s. ib. 1660. 2550. Ghost, very neat, 7s. ib. 1651. 2551. * Breviary of the History of England, 2s. ib. 1693. 2552. . Cabinet Council, containing the chief Arts of Empire, Jine portrait by Vaughan, 10s. 6d. ib. 1658. 2553. Raymond's (J.) Voyage through Italy in the Yeares 1646 and and 1647, frontispiece, 4s. ib. 1648. 2554. . slate co- loured calf, gilt leaves, 7s. 6d. ib. 1648. 2555. Reliquiae Wottonianae, or a Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems, with Characters of sundry Personages, by Izaak Walton, portraits, 9s. ib. 1654. 2556. Rusden's (Moses) Further Discovery of Bees, frontispiece, 7s. •'•••• ib. 1679. 2557. Rambler, by Dr. Johnson, 4 vols, neat, 14s. ib. 1756. 2558. Rich Cabinet, furnished with varietie of excellent descrip- tions, exquisite characters, witty discourses, and delightful] Histories, fine copy, calf extra, £2. 2s. ib. l6l6. 174 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2559. Review of the Political Life of Oliver Cromwell, portrait, neat, 5s. Lond. 1747- 2560. Reflections upon what the World commonly call Good-Luck and 111 Luck with regard to Lotteries, 5s. ib. 1699' 2561. Ray's (James) History of the Rebellion in the year 1745, brown calf, 8s. 6d. » ib. 1754. 2562. Roma Illustrata, or a description of Paintings and Sculpture, &c. at and near Rome, 2s. 6d. ib. 1722. 2563. Reynolds's (John) Treatise of the Court, or Instructions for Courtiers, engraved title, neat in calf, l6s. ib. 1622. 2564. Royal Buckler, or a Lecture to Traitors, who most wicked ly murdered Charles I. &c. fine frontispiece, calf extra, £l.lls.6d. ib. 1660. 2565. Reilly's (Hugh) History of Ireland, half-bound, 7s. 6d. ib. I769. 2566. Romulus and Tarquin, translated by Lord Cary, engraved title, 5s. ib. 1638. 2567- neat in calf, 9s. ib. 1648. 2568. Ruddiman's (Thomas) Introduction to Mr. James Anderson's Diplomata Scotiae, neat f 2s. 6d. Edinb. 1773. 2569* Relation of the French King's late Expedition into the Spanish Netherlands, 2s. 6d Lond. 1699. 2570. Remarks on the Writings of J. J. Rousseau, 2s. 6d. • -ib. 1767* 2571. Rome exactly described, portrait of Pope Alexander VII. neat, 3s. 6d. ib. 1664. 2572. Rousseau's (J. J.) Treatise on the Social Compact, neat, 3s. ib. 1764. 2573. ReynePs (Carew) Account of the chief National Improvements in Political Observations, &c. 3s. ib. 1674. 2574. Regicides, no Saints or Martyrs, 5s. ib. 1700. 2575. Relation of the defeating Cardinal Mazarine, and Oliver Crom- well's design to have laken Ostend by Treachery, half- bound, 5s. 6d. ib. 1666. 2576' Russell's Essay on the Character, Manners, and Genius of Women, from the French of Thomas, 2 vols, neat, 7s. ib. 1773. History, Biography, Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. English. — \2mo. 175 '2577. Reflections upon the Use of the Eloquence of these Times, 5s. Oxon. 1672. 2578. Remarques on the Humours and Conversations of the Town, 4* Land. 1673. 2579. Racing Calendar, by James Weathcrley, from 1790 to 1811, 22 vols, neat, £4>. 4>s. 2580. Some Account of the Family of Butlers, particularly of the late Duke of Ormond, his Father, and Grand-Father, fine head, 4s. 6 d. • ib.l7\6. 2581. Speech of Nicholas Heath, (Lord Chancellor of England in 1555) on the Supremacy, 2s. 6d. ib. 1688. 2582. Spotiswood's (John) Introduction to the Knowledge of the Stile of Writs, 4>s. Edinb. 1727. 2583. Stubbe's (Henry) Indian Nectar, or discourse concerning Chocolate, the Nature of the Cocoa Nut, &c. calf extra, 12*. Lond. 16*62. 2584. Stretch's (L. M.) Beauties of History, 2 vols, neat in calf, 9s. ib. 1793. 2585. Secret History of the Reign of King Charles II. and King James II. half-bound, 7s. ib. I69O. 2586. Saunders's (James) Compleat Fisherman, with the plate, neat in calf, Os. ib. 1724. 2587. Sterne's (Laurence) Tristram Shandy, Sentimental Journey, and Sermons, a fine set of early editions, 15 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, <£5. 5s. ib. I76O-8. 2588. Somis's (Ignazio) Account of the preservation of three Women, who were buried thirty-seven days in the Ruins of a Stable, by a heavy fall of Snow from the Mountains, at the Village of Bergemoletto in Italy, half bound, 5s. ib. 1768. 2589- Sallust's History of the Conspiracy of Catiline, by Caleb Calle, portrait, very neat, 6s. 6d. ih. 1680. 2590. Sallust, translated by John Rowe, calf extra, 7s. 6d. ib. 1715. 2591. Seneca's Morals, by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knt. plates, neat, 2s. 6d. ib. 1735. 2592. Smith's (W.) Free Mason's Pocket Companion, frontispiece, 6s. ib. 1738. 176 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2593. Salmon's (Thomas) Historical Account of St. George for England and the Order of the Garter, plates, very neat, <)s. Lond. 1704. 2594. School of Man, half-bound, 45. ib. 1753. 2395. very neat, 5s. ib. 1753. 2396. Security of English-Men's Lives, or the Duty of the Grand Jurys of England, very neat, 5s. 6d. ib. 16S2. 2597. Scanderbeg Redivivus. An Account of the Life of John, third King of Poland, with a plate representing the Grand Vizier's Standard, very neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1684. 2598. Statutes (a Collection of) relating to High Treason, old mo- rocco, 4>s. ib. 1701. 2599. Sibscota's (Geo.) Deaf and Dumb Man's Discourse, half-bound, 5s. ib. 1670. 2600. Stow's (W.) Remarks on London, 2s. ib. 1722. 2601. Seruita's (Paul) History of the Inquisition, fine portrait of Father Paul, by Lombart, 7s. 6d. ib. 1655. 2602. Smith's (Sir Thomas) Commonwealth of England, frontis- piece, russia, gilt leaves, Qs. ib. 1635. 2603. frontis- piece> 7s. 6d. ib. 1640. 2604. School of Recreation, or a Guide to the most Ingenious Exercises of Hunting, Riding, &c. frontispiece, 5s. 6d. ib. 1701. 2605. Sculptura Historico-Technica, or the History and Art of Engraving, best edition, many plates, fine copy in calf £\.ls. ib.1770. 2606. Selden's (John) Table Talk, 2s. 6d. ib. 17l6. 2607. Scott's (William) Essay on Drapery ; or the complcate Citizen. Trading justly, pleasingly, profitably, £l. 7s. • • ib. 1635. 2608. ■ ■ ■ ■ with a fine frontispiece by Droeshout, £l. 15s. ib. l635. {£5» Of this uncommon Book there does not appear to have been a Copy in the Collection of Farmer, Stevens, West, Lord Lansdowne, Boucher, Reed, or the Harleian, History, Biography, Antiquities, 3? Miscellanies, English— \%no. 177 2609. Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain, giving a particular Account of whatever is curious and worth Ob- servation, 4 vols. 12s. 6d. Lond. 1753. *26lO. Taste of the Town, or a Guide to all Publick Diversions, neat, 4>s. ib. 1/31. 2611. Thompson's (Charles) Travels through Turkey in Asia, the Holy Land, Egypt, &c. plates, 2 vols, very neat, 10s. 6d. ib. I767. 2612. Tooke's (Andrew) Pantheon, plates, 2s. 6d. ...... ib. 1781 . 2613. 2s. 6d. ib. 1735. 2614. Treason's Master-piece, or a Conference held at Whitehall between Oliver the late Usurper and a Committee of the then pretended Parliament, calf extra, 7s. •••• ib. 1688. 2615. Touch-stone, or Essays Historical, Critical, &c. 6s. ib. 1728. 2616. Travels of a Philosopher, or Observations on several Nations in Asia and Africa, 3s. ib. I769. 2617- Temple of the Muses, or the Principal Histories of Fabulous Antiquity, neat, 5s. ib. 1738. 2618. Travels (A Compendium of the most approved Modern) plates, 4 vols, neat , 18s. * * ib. 17 57. 2619. and Adventures of James Massey, frontispiece, very neat, lOs.Gd. • U**ib. 1743. 2620. of Tom Thumb over England and Wales, with the map, neat, 12s. . . * . . ib. 1740. 2621. Tracts, — Matrimonial Ceremonies Displayed, wants the title. — A Sermon Preached to a Congregation of Glass Bottles, frontispiece^ 7s. • - ib. 1 752. -2622. Tracts. — Gerania, a new discovery of a little sort of People anciently discoursed of, called Pigmies, by Barnes, with the frontispiece, 1675 : — An Essay towards the probable solution of this Question, whence comes the Stork, the Turtle, the Crane, and the Swallow ? 1733 :— Wittie's Sur- vey of the Heavens and Gout Raptures, a Poem, 1681, half-bound, 9s. ib. 1675, &c. 2623. Tracts. — The Narrative of Dr. Robert Norris, concerning the strange and deplorable Frenzy of Mr. John Dennis : — Ro- Z 178 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. samond an Opera, with frontispiece : — A Brand pluck'd from the burning exemplified in the case of Samuel Kei- mer: — A Cry from the Desert, or Testimonials of miracu- lous things lately come to pass in the Cevennes, half-bound, 6s. Lond. 1713, &c. 2624. Tracts. — Hibernian Mirrour, containing a defence of the Courage, Honour, and Loyalty of the Irish Nation. — Ap- pendix to the late King James's Acts. — Scheme humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament of Ireland, to make the Inhabitants of that Kingdom happy, 9-s» Dublin, 17ol, &c. 2625. Tracts/ — Miscellaneous Translations in Prose and Verse, by Warburton. — A Critical and Philosophical Enquiry into the Causes of Prodigies and Miracles as related by Histo- rians, neat, £)s. • . Lond. 1724-27. 2626. Tracts. — Intelligencer 15 Numbers Complete. — An Apology to the Lady C — R — T on her inviting Dean Swift to Din- ner, a Poem. — A Libel on D — D — , and a certain great Lord, a Poem. — To Doctor D — 1 — y, on the Libels writ against him, a Poem. — Remarks on some Maxims pe- culiar to the Antient as well as Modern Inhabitants of Ire- land. — The Colcannen Match, or the Belly Duel, a Poem in three Cantos. — Biackwell's Friendly Apology for a cer- tain Justice of Peace by way of Defence of II y H n, Esq. in Verse. — The Wonder of Wonders, or a Rich Vintner and no Cuckold, to which is added some Remarks upon Marriage, 14s. 6d. •••• Dublin, 1728-30. 2627. Tracts.— The Royal Game of Ombre, Lond. 166O.— History of the management of the War, Lond. 1711. — A new Simile for the Ladies. — Dermot O'Nepbely's Answer to a scandalous Poem, wherein the Author audaciously pre- sumes to cast an Indignity upon their Highnesses the Clouds for comparing them to a Woman ; and three others, 5s. Lond. 1688, &c. 2628. Tracts.-— The Whigg's Memorial, 1711.— The Modern Fa- natick, J 710, — and other Tracts published in the Reign of Queen Anne, in one vol. //. b. neat, 6s. History, Biography, Antiquities, $• Miscellanies, English. — \Zmo. 179 2629. Tracts. — Travels of John Megee, Pedlar and Flying Stationer, 1809. — Battle of Flodden Field, a Poem, 1805, in one vol. h. b. neat, 6s. 2630. Tracts. — A Treatise on Human Reason. — An Apology for the Discourses of Human Reason, 3s. • • Lond. 1675-80. 2631. Tracts. — Voice from Heaven to the Commonwealth of Eng- land. — An Echo to the Book called a Voyce from Heaven, by Arise Evans, very neat, 5s. • • • ib. 1653. 2632. Tracts. — A Moral Essay concerning Pride, 1689. — A Dis^ course of Auxiliary Beauty, or Artificiall Handsomeness, 1606, calf extra , 8s. 2633. Truster's (Rev. Dr. John) Chronology, 2 v. in 1, 6s. ib. n. d. 2634. True Relation of the Barbarous Proceedings against the English at Amboyna, frontispiece, 5s. n. d. 26*35. Trenchfield's (Caleb) Father's Counsels to his Son, calf extra, 6s. ib. 167S. 2636. Treatise concerning the Motion of the Seas and Winds, plates, 10s, 6d. ib. 1677. 2637. Tryals (a complete Collection of the most Remarkable) of the most Notorious Malefactors at the Old Bailey, for near 50 Years past, 4 vols. £l. 12s. ib. 17I8. 2638. — — (a Select Collection of the most remarkable) from the Year 1700 to 1765, 4 vols, neat, £1. 10s. ib. n. d. 2639. Trial and Sufferings of Mr. Isaac Martin, who was put into the Inquisition in Spain, portrait, 8s. ib. n. d. 2640. with many plates, neat, 10s. 6d.» ...•••. ib. 1724. 2641. Terras- Filius, or the Secret History of the University of Oxford in several Essays, frontispiece by Hogarth, neat, 12s. ib. 1726. 2o42. Terry's (Edward) Voyage to the East Indies, portrait and plates, neat, £l. Is. ib. 1655. 2643. Uncertainty of the Signs of Death, and the Danger of Pre- cipitate Interments and Dissections Demonstrated, plates, 4s ib. 1746. 180 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and 1}rown. 2644. Voltaire's Age of Louis XV. 2 vols, neat, 8s.*»Lond. 1774- 2645. History of Charles XII. King of Sweeden, neat, 4*. Edinb. 1769. 2646. • Letters concerning the English Nation, neat, 4s • Lond. 1741. 2647. Works, translated by Dr. Smollett, Franklin and others, plates, 3d vols, neat, £8. 8s. ib. 176-1- 0548. 36 vols, served, £6. 6s. 2*6. 1761. 2649. Vaughan's (Mr.) Adventures of Five Englishmen from Pulo Condoro, half-bound, 6s. ib. 1714. 2650. Voiture's (M. de) Works and Life, head, 2 vols, in 1, 5s. ib. 1715. 2651. Vertot's (Abbot) History of the Revolution in Sweden, neat, 3s. 6d. • Glasgow, 1 750. 2652. Warwick's (Arthur) Spare-Minutes ; or Resolved Medi- tations and Premeditated Resolutions, frontispiece, very neat in vellum, £l . 7 s. Lond. 1634. 2653. Way to make all People Rich, or Wisdom's Call to Tem- perance and Frugality, 3s. ••••ib. n. d. 2654. Wright's (Rev. Thomas) Antiquities of Halifax, 7s, 6d. Leeds, 1738. 2655. Widow (The) of the Wood, boards, 16s. Lond. 1755. ^656. Another Copy, neat, IS*. < "ib. 1755. This volume details a variety of curious, and almost romantic occurrences, connected with some of the most respectable Families in Staffordshire, and which took place about the jear 1750. 2657. Wanderer (The) 2 vols, boards, 3s. 6d. ib. 1798. 2658. Watts's (Isaac) Miscellaneous Thoughts in Prose and Verse, neat, 4>s. ib, 1742. 2659. Logic, small edition, calf extra, 4>s. ib. 1803. 2660. World (The) 4 vols, calf extra, £l. 4s. ib. 1782. 266l. Another Set, 4 vols, extra, £i. .. ib. 17p4. 2662. 6 vols, calf extra, £l. 7s. ib. 1755. 2663. Wilkes's Letters to his Daughter, 4 vols, neat in calf, 18*. ib. 1804. History, Biography, Antiquities, $ Miscellanies. English.-—l2mo. 181 2664. Walsh's (Peter) Prospect of the State of Ireland from the Year of the World 1756 to the Year of Christ 1652, neat in calf, £l. 10* Lond. 1682. 2665. Ward's (Samuel) Wonders of the Load-Stone, very neat, 9s. ib. 1640. 2666. Webbe's (George) Practice of Quietness, brown calf, 8*. ib. 1638. 2667* Wren's (Dr.) Observations on Monsieur de Sorbiere's Voyage in England, very neat, 7 s. ib. 1668. 2668. World Displayed, or a Collection of Voyages and Travels, many plates, 20 vols, in 10, £3. 3s."" "Lund. 1759- 2669. Whitlock's Zootomia, or Observations on the present Manners of the English, briefly anatomizing the Living by the Dead, frontispiece, 10s. 6d. ib. 1654. 2670. Walker's (Commodore) Voyages and Cruises, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1760. 2671. Woolley's (Hannah) Queen-like Closet, or Rich Cabinet stored with all Manner of Rare Receipts for Preserving, &c. frontispiece, 10s. 6d. ib. 1684. 2672. Weldon's (Sir Anthony) Court and Character of King James, portrait, 7s • ib. 1650. 2673. without the portrait, 5s. 6d. • • • • ib. 1657. 2674. with Au- licus Coquinariae, or an Answer to it by W. Saunderson, 2 vols. 12s. 6d. ib. 1650-51. 2675. Woman as good as the Man, half-bound, 7s. ib. 1659. 2676. W r ell wood's (James) Memoirs of the most Material Trans- actions in England for the last 100 Years, preceding the Revolution in 1688, half-bound, 5s. ib 1 736. 2677* Walton's (Izaak) Complete Angler, (wants a leaf, ) calf extra gilt leaves, 15s t b. 1661 . 2678. Charles Cotton and Robert \'< nables* Uni- versal Angler, half-bound, £2. 2s. ib 1676. 2679- wants title and stainedy russia, 18s. ••«•••& 1676. 182 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2680. Walton's (Izaak) Complete Angler, by Sir John Hawkins, neat, 9s Lond. 1797- 2681. Withers's (R.) and John Greaves's Great Turk's Court, 3*. 6d. 1665. 2682. Yearwood's (Randolph) Penitent Murderer, being a Nar- rative of the Life and Death of Nathaniel Butler, who became a Convert after having murdered John Knight, 7*. ib. 1657. 2683. Zimmerman on Solitude, neat in calf, 5s. ib. 1799- 2584. 's Aphorisms and Reflections, portrait, calf extra, fs. ib. 1800. ANTIQUITATES, HISTORIC I, NUMISMA- TICI, ET MISCELLANEL FOLIO. 2685. JJaCTYLIOTHEC^ UNIVERSALIS ; being a Col- lection of Four thousand one hundred and thirteen Casts in Sulphur, from Antique Gems. They are executed in a very beautiful style, and are systematically arranged in their respective classes, disposed with great taste and effect in drawers, having the figures of reference upon one side of each Gem. The drawers are inclosed in four large cases, which are so formed and ornamented as to have the ap- pearance of books of immense size, which form has been expressly adopted for the purpose of placing them upon the shelves of the Library. — Attached to this elegant and curious collection, is a quarto volume of descriptive letter- press, in Latin, by Phillip Daniel Lippcrt, of Dresden. It is arranged in a chronological manner with appropriate prefaces to each class. So much of this volume as pecu- liarly applies to these Gems, is divided into columns, shew- ing at one view the number of reference, the name or sub- ject of each, the particular stone on which the original Gem is cut; and in the two succeeding columns are given the names of the persons or Museums which possess the originals, and references to such literary works as either notice them or give engravings. In order to make this 144 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. volume more useful to the Amateur, a Summary of the names is given in French at the end of each part, or class. — The price of this fine collection is .£250. It is presumed that the above short account of the nature of this interesting series of casts from many of the finest productions of past ages, will at least excite the curiosity, of the reader of this Catalogue. So eminently beautiful is the execution of the greater part, and so won- derfully delicate is the work in many others, that a close inspection alone, could give a proper idea of the excellence of the whole col- lection. — It was formerly possessed by Clement Wenceslaus, Elector of Treves. 2686. Admiranda Romanorum Antiquitatum ac veteris Sculpture Vestigia Anaglyphico, &c. a P. S. Bartolo delineata, in- cisa; notis J. Petri Bellorii illustrata, 83 plates. Romce, 1693. — Imagines Veteris ac Novi Testamenti a Raphaelc Sanctio Urbinate in Vaticani Palatii Xystis mira Pic- turae Elegantia expressa, delin. et incisa? a P. Aquila et Caes. Fantecto. 53 plates, Romce, lGjo.— Sigismundi Au- gusti Mantuam adeuntis Profectio ac Triumphus. Opus ex Archetypo Julii Romani a Francisco Primaticio. Cum Notis Bellorii, &c. 26 plates, Roma:, l6*S0. — In one volume, very neat, £7. fs. 2687. iEsop's Fables, with his Life in English, French, and Latin; with a great number of plates by F. Barlow, large paper, £3. 3s. • Lond. I6S7. 2688. JEdium Farnesianum Tabula? ab Annibale Caraccio de- pictse a Carolo Caerio a?ri insculpta? atque a Lucio Philar- chaeo explicationibus illustrata?, numerous plates, very neat, £3. 3s. Roma, 1753. 2689. Adagia quae cum que ad banc diem exierunt, Paulli Manutii studio, atque industria, doctissimorum Theologorum con- silio, atque ope, ab omnibus mendis vindicata, qua? pium, et veritatis Catholica? studiosum lectorem poterant offen- der, £l. 15s. Florent. apud Juntas, 15J5. 2690. Augusti Corona Augustissima Augusta? Coronata, in various languages, with 10 portraits, and other engravings, 12a. Augsb. 1690. 2691. Andreae (Joannis) Tractatus super Arboribusconsanguinitatis, — $lacfc Setter— £2. 4s. Imp. per Frid. Creuzner de Nurimbergia, circa 1477 • Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatic!, et Misccllanei. — Folio. 1 85 2692. Augustini (Ant.) Antiquitatum Romanarum Hispanarumque, in Numrais Veterum Dialogi XI. with 6S plates, 9s. Ant. 1617. 2693. Burley (Walterus, Anglicus) de Vita Philosophorum, fine copy in russia, gilt leaves } £$>. 14s. 6d. circa 1480. An edition without signatures, date, or place, and it is believed has es- caped the notice of all Bibliographers. In the Rev. Mr. Dibdin's splen- did publication " Ribliotheca Spenceriann ) - , will be found an account of the author, as well as several other editions. This copy wants one leaf, containing a table. 26 v 94. Buchanani Opera Omnia, a Ruddiman, Frontispiece by Vandergucht, 2 vols. £\. l6s. Edinb. 1715. 2695. Brissonii (Barnab.) Opera Omnia, a Trekell, neat, £l. 5s. L. Bat. 1749. 2696. Bellorius Veterum Illustrium Philosophorum Poetarum Rhe- torum et Oratorum Imagines ex vetustis Nummis, Gem- mis, &c. desumpta?, witk9SJine engravings, neat in vellum, £4>. 4>s. • Romce, 16S5. 2697. Boethii (Hectoris) Scotorum Historian, £3. 10?. Paris, Bad. Ascens. circa 1500. An edition, not of common occurrence. — It is well printed, and has orna- mental capitals. 2698. Another edition, 18*. 6c?. Paris, 1574. 2699' Boccacii (Joarmis) Certaldi de Casibus Illustrium Virorum, (margin rat-eaten) <£l. Is. Paris, up. J. Petit, 1501. 2700. Genealogia Deorum Gentilium ; — ejusdem, ue Montibus, Sylvis, Fontibus, &c. in one volume, D £ > 4. 4*. Impressum Regii, 1481. 2701. Birchcrodii (Jano) Breviarum Equestre, seu de Illustrissimti et lnclytissimo Equestri Ordine Elephantino, plates, boards, 10s. 6d. Havnice, 1704. 2702. Bochii (Joanne) Historica Narratio Profectionis et Inau- gurationis Serenis. Belgii Principium Alberti et Isabella, Austriae Archidueum, with many plates, \5s. **Ant. 1602. 2703. Bartholomei Anglici (Venerandi Patris) de Rerum Proprieta- tibus, — SBFacft better— £l. Us.6d. • ... NvremO. 1519- 2 A 1SG Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2704; Baccius (Andncas) de Thermis, very neat, £\. 11*. 6d. Venet. 15SS. " An excellent edition" — vide De Bure. 2705. Budaei Annotationes in Pandectas, Paris, 1535 — et Budrei Forensia, Paris, 1544, in one volume, vellum, 18*. 2706. Blarrorivo (Petri de)Opus Nanceidos, seu deBello Nanceiano, libri Vl.Jine copy in morocco, £\3. 13*. Imp. in Pago S. Nicolai de Portu, 151 6. This volume is extremely rare, and very curious. It is ornamented with many wood cuts by Jacobus, executed in a spirited style, which represent the various events of the war of Lorraine. Some Bibliographers have mentioned an edition of 1476, but no such edition ever existed : the error has arisen from the manner in which that date is introduced at the close of the Poem. 2707. Collectanea Antiquitatum Romanarum quas centum tabulis agneis incisas et a Rodulphino Venuti: Academico Etrusco Cortonensi, notis illustratas exhibet Antonius Borioni, £2.2*. Pom. 1736. 2708. Another Copy, very neat in calf, £2. 12*. 6d. ib. 1736. 2709. Corpus Juris Canonici Emcndatum et Notis Illustratum : Gregorii XIII. Pont. Max. jussa editum. Nunc indicibus, novis, et appendice Pauli Lanceloti Perusini adauctum : cuj us partes indicat aversa pagina, £\. 5s. •• Paris, 1587. 2710. Corpus Juris Civilis, cum D. Gothofredi et aliorum Notis, 2 vols, fine set in old morocco, £ > 7« 7s. Amst. ap. Bleau fy Elzev. \66S. A beautiful and celebrated edition, which contains the notes pf some au- thors not in other editions, 2711. Camdeni (Guil.) Annales Regnante Elizabetha, 5s. 6d. Lond. 1615. 2712. Ceselii, Antiquarum Lectionum Commentarii, reparavit Lodov. Caelius Rhodoginus, (stained)^. 11*. 6d. Venet. incedib.Ald. 151 6. 2713. Commentarius de Calendrio Romano, MS. on vellum, of the 15th century, beautifully written, with diagrams, tables, Sfc. in excellent preservation^ f 492 pages) very neat, £\0. 10*. Antiquitates, Historic!, Nwnismatici, et Miscellanei. — Folio. 187 2714. Chishull Antiquitates Asiatics Christianam TEram antece- dentcs; ex prim. Monum. Gr. descriptae, Latine versa?, Notisque et comment. Must, (little stained) 14s. Lojid. 1728. 2715. Another Copy, large paper, £l. Is. ib. 1728. 2716. Ciampini Romani Vetera Monimenta, in quibus praecipue musiva opera, Sacrarum, Profanarumque iEdium Struc- tura, ac nonnulli antiqui Ritus Dissertationibus Iconibus- que illustrantur, 3 vols, numerous plates, half-bound, uncut, £4>. 14*. 6d. Rom. 1747. 2717. Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri Londinensi,//**//'- bound, russia, neat, £l. Hi. 6d. Lond. 1802. 27 18. Ciaconi Historia Utriusque Belli Dacici a Trajano Caesare Gesti, ex simulachris quae in Columna ejusdem Romae vi- suntur collecta, with 130 large plates which represent all the figures upon Trajan's pillar, £3. 3s. Ro?n. 1616. 2719. Collection of all the Documents, Examinations, and other matter connected with the Trial of Joan of Arc, the cele- brated Maid of Orleans, with the Sentence given against her by M. Hector de Coquerelle, Nicolas Dubois, and others, in 1456. The whole in Latin, MS. on vellum, of the 15th century, large folio, very neat in calf, £50. This volume was formerly in the collection of M. Firmin Didot. It was collated with a Copy in the Royal Library at Paris, and was found to correspond with it in every particular ; and as there were but four commissioners appointed in this affair, it is inferred that four copies only were written, of which the present is one. 2720. Du Chesne Historian Normannorum Scriptores antiqui; res ab illis per Galliam, Angliam, Apuliam, Capuas principa- tum, Siciliam, et Orientem gestas explicantes, ab anno Christi 838 ad annum 1220, russia, gilt leaves, £S. ISs. 6d. Paris, 1619. The valuable contents of this volume are intimately connected with the History of England. 2721. Dactyliotheca Smithiana, cura A. F. Gorii, with 100 plates, of Heathen Deities, Roman Emperors, he. finely engraved^ 2 vols, in 1, in russia, £4, 4s. Venet. 1767. 188 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2722. Dactyliotheca Smithiana, cura A. F. Gorii, with 100 plates, of Heathen Deities, Roman Emperors, &c. Jinely engraved, 2 vols, neat, (first vol. stained) £3. 3s. Venet. I767. Joseph Smith, Esq. the Proprietor of the Gems, from which these engravings were made, was British Consul at Venice, and this work is. dedicated by the publisher J. B. Pasquali, to his Majesty George III. of whom a fine Portrait is prefixed. 2723. Delbene (Barthol.) Ci vitas Veri sive Morum, curious plates, 10s. 6d. Paris, l60O. 2724. De Bry. — Collectiones Peregrationum in Indiam Oricntalem, et Indiam Occidentalem, XIX. partibus comprehensce; opus illustratum figuris sends Fratrum de Bry, ct Meriani, bound in 4 vols. £65. • • Francofurti adMoen. 1590, &c. This celebrated collection has ever been considered as one of the greatest importance, both for intrinsic value and rarity. — De Bure devotes no less than 120 pages to an account of the peculiarities of an entire set, which consists of live'ity-fne parts. 2725. Dempster de Etruria Regali, with a great number of Plates, 2 vols. Jine set, in the old morocco binding, gilt leaves, £5. 5s. Florent. 1723. 2726. D'Orville Sicula, quibus Sicilian veteris rudera, additis Anti- quitatum tabulis; illustrantur. Edidit, et Comment, ad NumismaU Sicula, Jine portrait by Houbraken, and nume- rous plates, 2 vols, very neat in calf, £3. 10s. Amst. 1764. 2727. Delfius Rerum Burgundicarum Libri sex, §s. • • • • Ant. 1584. 2728. Eadmeri Monachi Cantuariensis Historian Novorum sive Sui Saeculi Libri VI. 15*. Lond. 1623. 2729. Empirici (Sexti) Opera, Gr. et Lat. Pyrroniarum Institutio- num libri III. cum Henri Stephani versione et notis. Con- tra Matbcmaticos, sive Disciplinarum Profcssores, libri VI. &c. &c. editio optima, neat, £'3. 3s. Lips. 1718. 2730. Ebcrmayer Capita Deorum et Illustrium Hominum pacis Bellique artibus clarissiraorum nee non Hieroglyphica, Abraxea et Amuletaqugedam in Gemmis, plates, £l. 5s. Franco/. 1721. 2731. Eckhel Catalogus Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis Numorum Vetcrum, plates, 2 vols, boards, £'2, 2?.» • • • Vindob. 1779' Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Misccllanci. — Folio. 189 2732. Egidii Romani Liber de Regimine Principura, neat, £9. 9s. Roma per inclitum virion Stephanum .Plannck dc Patavia, 1482. Copies of this work are very rare. It was written for the use of Philip le Hardi, son of Louis, King of France. Warton ascribes the origin of Occleve's principal poem to this work, vide " History of English Poetry," vol. 2, p. 39. 2733, Fcstiva ad Capita Annulumque Decursio, a Rcgc Ludovico XIV. Principibus, summisque aula3 proceribus edita anno M. DC.LXII. scripsit Gallice Carolus Perrault: Latine reddidit, et Versibus Heroicis expressit Spiritus Flechier, numerous fine engravings, many of which are portraits, in morocco, £3. 13*. 6d. Paris, typog. Regia, 167O. 2734: Froelischii Numismata Syri-ae, many plates, neat, £\. lls.Gd. llndob. 1749. 2735. Fordun (Joannis de) Scotichronicon, cum Supplements et Continuatione Walteri Boweri. Prsefixi est ad historian! Scotorum tntroduetio brevis, cura W. Goodall, 2 vols. half-bound, £l.ls. • • Edin. 1759. 2736. Another Set, 2 vols, boards, los. > • • •& J 759. 2737. Fasciculus Temporum (first leaf of Index wanting) vellum, £b. 4s. Colon. Agrip. 1 4/4. This curious specimen of early typography, is the first edition of the work, and of extreme scarcity. The author was Warner Rolewinck De Laer, a Carthusian Monk. The present edit on was only known to De Bure by the reports of other Bibliographers. 273S. Fasciculus Temporum, per Wernerus Rollewinck de Laer, very neat, £3. 3s. • • no. place or date. This edition is interesting in a bibliographical point of yiew, on account of being an edition minutely described by De Bure, who states it to be much sought after by the curious in books, because it has neither the name of Printer, place, or date, and in consequence thought by some to be the first edition. 2739. The same work in Flemish, with cuts and arms coloured, superbly bound in vellum, £7. 7s. Utrecht. Veldener, 1480. See some interesting information concerning this edition and Veldener the Printer, in Heinecken's " Idee Generale d'une Collection d'Es- tampes," p. 259. igo Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2740. Fasciculus Rerum Expetendarum ac fugiendarum, neat, £2.12s.6d. Colon. 1535. 2741. Familiar Romanae qua? rcperiuntur in Antiquis Numismati- bus ab urbe condita ad tempora divi Augusti ex Biblio- theca Fulvi Ursini, many cuts, neat, £l. Is. • • Rom. 1577- 2742. Gruteri Inscriptiones Antiquae, cura Graevii, with fine portraits and numerous plates, 2 vols. Jinc set in russia, £8. 8s. Amst. 1707. 2743. Gale et Fell Historic, &c. Anglicanas Scriptores, 3 vols, very neat in calf> £9. 9s. Oxon. 1684-91. 2744. Gyraldi Opera Omnia, Historian! de Deis Gentium, Musis et Hercule Rem Nauticum, Scpulcralia, &c. &c. cum com- ment. I. Faes, et animad. P. Colomesii, ex recens. Jo. Jensii, many plates, 2 vols, in 1, £\. \\s. 6d. L. Bat. 1696. 2745. Galeria? Farnesianas Icones Romae in iEdibus Sereniss. Ducis Parmensis ab Annibale Carracio, ad veterum aemu- latione posterorumq, admiratione coloribus expressae, cum ipsarum monocromatibus et ornamentis a Petro Aquila delineata? incisae, fine impressions, with duplicate and extra prints by various engravers, fine copy, £6. l6s. 6d. Bom. Jo. Jac. de Rubcis, n. d. 2746. Historiae Anglicanas Scriptores Antiqui, Twysdeni, 2 vols. inl,c£7.75. Lond. 1652. 2747. Iiistoria Augusta Imperatorum Romanorum. Adjecta est Henrici Hamelow Historia Imperatorum Romanorum Car- mine perpetuo descripta, numerous portraits^ £2. 10s. Amst. 1710. 2748. Harduini (Joannis) Opera Varia, with numerous plates of ancient coins, large taper, £l. 10s. Amst. 1733. 2749. Opera Selecta, 12s. ib. 1709. 2750. Iiasii (Jo. M.) Regni Davidici et Salomonagi Descriptio Geogr. et Histor. una cum delineatione Syriae et Egypti sub Seleucidis et Lagidis regibus, with coloured maps, h. b.£l.lls.6d. Nurcmb.1739. 2751. Hofcmianus Chronologicarum Rerum, Lib. II. neat in vellum, £l.ls. Bas. 1573. Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — Folio. 191 2752. Herwologia Anglica, hoc est Clarissimorum et Doctissimorum aliquot Anglorum qui floruerunt ab anno Christi 1500 usq ; ad presentem annum, Viva? effigis, Vita? et elogae, Authore H. Holla n<\,ftne impressions, in russia, «£l3. 13*. Impensis Crisp. Pas- sceus Cakograpk. et Jansonii Bibliop. Arnhemiensis, 1620. 2753. Homanni (Joh. Bapt.) Atlas Novus Terrarum Orbis Imperia Regna et Status, being 91 maps, views and plans, coloured, half -bound, £\.l\s. 6d. • • Norib. 1748. 2754. Historia Treverorum, et Historia Britannorum, a Fucherio, MS. on vellum, of the 15th Century, in good condition,^ calf, £7. 7s. 2755. Isidori Junioris, Hispalensis Episcopi, de responsione Mundi et Astrorum Ordinatione, in morocco, £4>. 10s. Augsb. per Gintherii Zainer de Reutlinge, 1472. editio princeps, and very rare. It contains several wood cuts, which is an unusual circumstance in the early Augsbourg books. — Vide Dtbdin's Spencer Cat. Vol. III. p. 398. 2756. Incipit Liber qui vocatur Sompnium Vurdavii, MS. on vellum, of the 14th century ; written in two columns, in fine preservation, with a large beautiful miniature in co- lours and gold on the first page, very neat in calf, £8. 8*. 2757- Insignium Roma? Templorum Prospectus Exteriores Interior- esque a celebrioribus Architectis Inventi nunc tandem suis cum plantis ac mensuris a Jo. Jacobo de Rubeis, 72 plates, £l.5s Roma, l6S4. 2758. Juliani Imperatoris Opera, Gr. et Lat. ab Ezech. Spanhemio, £2. 2s. Lips. 1696. " This is by far the best edition of this author's works." — Bib. Diet. 2759. Johnstoni (Rob.) Historia Britannica, £2. 2s. • • Amst. 1655. A rare and valuable work, containing much curious matter relating to the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 2760. Kircheri (Athanasii) Mundus Subterraneus, in XII libros et digestos, many plates, 2 vols, in 1, 18s. 6d. • •Amst. 1668. 2761. ■ Another edition, with portraits of Pope Alexander VII. and Kircher, £l. 10s ib. 1665. 192 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2762. Kirchcri (Athanasii) Musurgia Universalis, sive Ars Magna consoni et dissoni, plates, 2 vols. £2. 2s. • • Romcz, 1650. 2763. Libri Chronicarum, per Hartman Schedel, with an immense number of engravings on wood, half-bound, russia,fne copy, £12. 12s. Nuremberg. Koberger. 1493. 2764. The same work, in German, half-bound, russia, ££). 9s. ib. 1493. One of the most magnificent productions of early printing. It is mi- nutely described by Mr. Dibdin, in his Bib. Spenceriana, no fewer than twenty-six pages being appropriated to this article ; including fac similes of the excellent wood-cut?, which were designed by Mi- chael Woigemuth the master of Albert Durer, and the founder of that peculiar style of painting prevalent in Germany during the greater part of the ensuing century. 2765. Liebe (Chr. Sig.) Gotha Numaria, sistens Thesauri Fride- riciani Numismata Antiqua aurea, argentea, asrea, ea ra- tione descripta, portrait by Gnnst, frontispiece by Dufles, and many other cuts, fine copy, £2. 2s Amsi. 1730. 2766. Luckii Sylloge Numismatum Elegantiorum, quae diversi Impp. Reges, Principes, Comites, Republics diversas ob causas ab 1500 ad lfjOO cudi fecerunt, concinnata et His- torica narratione illustrata, many plates, £\. Is. Argent. 1(520. 2767. Lambardi Archaionomia, sive de Priscis Anglorum Legibus libri, Lat. et Sax. £i. 5s. Cantab. 1644. 2768. Lyndewoode Provinciale, seu Constitutiones Anglie, finely printed in red and black, with ornamental initials, £S. 3s, Paris, 1501. 2769. Lambecii (Petri) Commentarii de Augustissima Bibliothcca Caesarea Vindobonensis, many plates, 6 vols, very neat, £6. 6s Vindob. 1665-74. A learned and interesting work, the non- completion of which cannot be too much regretted. 2770. Magna Carta Regis Johannis XV. Die Junii Anno Regna XVII. A.D. MCCXV. beautifully printed on 12 leaves of the finest drawing paper, in letters of gold, half bound, gilt leaves, £S. 8s. Lond. ap. Johan. Whittaker, IS 16. Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — Folio. 193 2771. Magna Carta Regis Johannis XV. Die Junii Anno Regni XVII. A. D. MCCXV. sumptuously printed in letters of gold on sheets of vellum of most exquisite texture, having each page surrounded by beautiful drawings in water colours, which represent the armorial bearings of the Barons, and fanciful decorations, £63. Lond. ap. Johan. Whittaker, 1816. 2772. Marmora Oxoniensia, cum Appendicea M. Maittaire, plates, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1732. 2773. — Gr. et Lat. ex editione Prideaux, &c. cum Prsefatione Ric. Chandler, with numerous fine en- gravings by Miller, imperial size, russia, gilt leaves, and joints, <£10. 10s. Oxon. 1763. 2774. Muratori Inscriptiones Antiquae, many plates, large paper, 4 vols, half bound, £\0. 10s. Mediol. 1739. 2775. Antiquitates Italicae medi sevi, sive Dissertatione, de Moribus, Ritibus, Religione, Regimine, Magistratibus, Legibus, Studiis Literarum, Artibus, Lingua, Nummis, &c. &c. ad annum usque MD.6 vols, half-bound, £10. 10s. ib. 1738. Muratori the learned author of the preceding works, justly ranks as one of the brightest luminaries of Italian literature. 2776. Musasum Odescalchum, sive Thesaurus Antiquarum Gem- marum cum imaginibus in iisdem insculptis, et ex iisdem exsculptis, quae a Serenissima Christina Suecorum Regina collects in Muses Odcscalcho adservantur, et a P. S. Bar- tolo quondam incissae, nunc primum in lucem proferuntur, with 100 plates, 2 vols, very neat in vellum, £2. 12s. 6d. Romce, 1751. 9,777* Magnan (P. Dommin.) Bruttia Numismatica, seu Bruttise, hodie Calabriae, Populorum Numismata omnii, many plates, very neat in calf, £l.l6s. ib. 1773* 2775. Museum Veronense, hoc est, Antiquarum Inscriptionum atque anaglyphorum collectio, cui Taurinensis adjungitur et Vindobonensis. Cum Inscriptiones Variae, numerous plates, £l.l6s. "• Vcron. 1749. 2B 194 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2779. Musei Capitolini, cum Animadversiones,Lat. etltal. with near 400 fine engravings of Busts, Statues, Bas Reliefs, fyc. 5 vols, boards, £8. 8s. Rom. 1750. 2780. Matthsei Paris, Monachi Albanensis Angli, Historia Major, a W. Wats, neat, £2. 12s. 6d. Lond. 1640. ** This work is carefully edited, and contains a great variety of very im- portant and curious particulars." — Bib. Diet. 278 1. Mutius de Germannorum prima origine Moribus, Institutis, Legibus, &c. £l. Is. Basil, 1539- 2782. Naugeri (Andrea?) Orationes duse, Carminaque nonnulla, editio princeps, in vellum, £3. 13s. 6d. Venet. Joan. Tacuini, 1530. 2783. Novum Italia? Theatrum, sive Accurata Descriptio ipsius Urbium, Palatiorum, Sacrarum aedium, &c. a superb work, with numerous fine views and plans of Cities, Towns, and Palaces ; represe?itations of remarkable Buildings, Antiquities, Works of Art, Sfc. Illustrated by letter-press in Latin, French, and Dutch, 4 vols. very neat, in the original splendid binding, £4>2. Amst. 1705. 2784. Numismata Antiqua et Recentiora Omnis generis, metalli et moduli, aeri incisa e ComelioThomae Comitis de Pembrook, large paper, 2 vols, in 1, in russia, e^ll. 11*. Lond. 1746'. 2785. Opmeeri et Laurentii Opus Chronographicum Orbis Universi a Mundi exordio usque ad annum l6ll. Continens His- toriam Icones, et Elogia, &c. many portraits on wood, 2 vols, in 1, ,£2. 2*. Ant. 16*11. 2/86. Originum ac Germanicorum Antiquitatum libri, cura Heroldii, £\. Is Basil 1557. 27S7- Ptolomaei (Alex. Claud.) Cosmographia, Latine, fine copy, old morocco, £9. 9s. Ab Herm. leuilapide Coloniensi Vicencia accurat.imp. 1475, Editio Puinceps ; it contains several geographical wood-cuts. . 2788. Ptolomaei Geographia, Graeco-Latinae, Latine primum recog- niti et cmendati, cum tabulis geographicis et ad mentem Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miseellanei. — Folio. 195 auct. restitutis, per Mercatorem. Jam vero ad Gr. et Lat. exemplaria, recognita a Montano, (an excellent edition) 'vellum, £3. 3s. • Amst. 1605. 2789. Parkeri (Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis) Historia Antiquitatum Ecclesiae Britannicae, necnon de Privileges Eccles. et Archiepiscopum, &c. a Drake, large paper, portrait by Vertue, and many other plates, £l. lis. 6d. Lond. 1729. For on interesting account of the learned author of this work, and the present edition, vide " Restituta" by Sir E. Brydges, Bart. No. 1. 2790. Petavii Opus de Doctrina Temporum, 2 vols. Paris, l627. — Petavii Uranalogion sive Systema variorum authorum qui de Sphaera, ac sideribus, eorumque motibus Graced com- mentati sunt, &c. Paris, 1630, being 3 vols, neat, £2. 5s. Paris, 1627-30. 27gi. Psyches et Amoris nuptiae ac fabula a Raphaele Sanctio, Romas, in Farnesianis hostis trans Tyberim expressa, a Nic. Dorigny delineata et incisa Jo. P. Bellorio notis illustr. — Romce, 1693. — Galeria Dipinta nel Palazzo del Prencipe Panfilio da Pietro Berrettini da Cortona intag- liata da Carlo Cesio — Rom. n. d. — Barberinae Aulas Fornix Romae Eq. Petri Berrettini Cortonensis Picturis Admi- randus — Rom. \686. — A Series of fine engravings, good impressions, in one volume, half-bound, £7. fs. ^792. Pompa Funebris Optimi Potentissimiq. Principis Albert! Pii, Archiducis Austria?, Ducis Burg. Bra &c. veris imagi- nibus expressa a Iacobo Francquart Archit. Reg. with descriptions in Latin, Dutch, French, and Spanish, 65 plates, in vellum, £8. 18s. 6d. Bruxel. 1623. The engravings in this scarce volume are executed with peculiar neatness, and what must enhance its interest, is that nearly the whole of the figures, which are full length, are portraits, and have the name of the person, amongst whom are many of eminence; particularly the famous General Spinola, and the Marquis of Bedmnn, whose like- nesses are excellent. 27^3. Parentalia Mariae Clementinas Magn. Brittan, Franc, et Hibern. Regiu. Jussu Clementis XII. Pont. Max. large plates, with descriptions in Latin and Italian, 10s. 6d. Rnma, l736\ 196 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2794. Pighii (Steph. Vin.) Annates Romanorum ; qui Commentarii vicem supplent in omnes veteres Historian Romanae Scrip- tores, large paper, 3 vols, in 2, in vellum, £2. 10s. Ant. ap. Plant. l6l5. 2795. Patini Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, numerous en- gravings, £l. Is. • Argent. 1671. 2796. Proclus in Platonis Timaeum, Grace, editio princeps, half -bound, £l. l6s. Basil. 1534. 1797. Pii Secundi Pontificis Maximi Historia Rerum ubique Gesta- rum. Cum locorum descriptione non finita Asia Minor jncipit, fine copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, £6. 6s. Venet. ap. Johan. de Colon. 1477. 2798. Plotini Opera omnia, e Graco in Latine translata a Mar- cilio Ficino, ££13. 13*. Magnifico sumptu Laurentii Medicis Patrice Servatoris imprcssit ex Ar- chetypo Ant onini Miscominus Florentine, 1492. Editio Princeps, and a fine specimen of early printing. — The present copy is in admirable condition, internally and externally j indeed it would be difficult for the most fastidious eye to discover a defect. 2799. Procli Successoris Platonici in Platonis Theologiam libri sex, Gr. et Lat. £l. Is. • Hamb. 1618. 2800. Prideaux Marmora Oxoniensia, ex Arundellianis, cum Com- ment, with plates, 15s. 6d. • • • Oxon. 1676. 2801. Poemata Ferdinandi Episcopi Monast. et Paderborn, with a beautiful frontispiece, including portrait, engraved by Edelinck after Le Brun, and vignettes, £l. Is. Paris, Typ. Beg. 1684. 2802. Paulus ^mylius de Rebus Gestis Francorum, cum Tilii Chronicon, neat in calf, £2. 2s. Lutet. 1550. The author was the first who reduced the ancient mass of French history to regularity and order. 2803. Pancirolli Notitia Utraque cum Orientis, tarn Occidentis ultra Arcadii, Ilonoriique Caesarem Tempora, &c. numerom engravings on wood, £\. Is. 'Basil, 1552. Antiquitatcs, Historici, Numis?natici, et Miscellanei. — Folio. 197 2804. Puffendorf (S. L. Bar. de) dc Rebus a Carolo Gustavo Suecias Rege Gestis, 2 vols, russia extra, gilt leaves, joints, fyc. £15. Norimb. 1696. This splendid work contains an immense number of spirited engravings, viz. portraits of eminent persons ; views and plans of Cities, Towns, and Fortifications; representations of remarkable events, &c. &c. forming the most minute account of Gustavu^s reign ever published. 2805. Paradigmata Graphices variorum artificium, per Joh. Epis- copium, ex formis Nic. Visscher, 58 plates, russia, gilt leaves, £2. 2s. H. Com. 1671. 2806. Panvinii (Onuph.) Fastorum, Libri V. a Romulo Rege usque ad Imp. Ca?s. Carolum V. Austrium Augustum, neat, £l. 5s. Venet. 1588. 2807. Petrarchae (Francisci) de Vita Solitaria, libri duo, fine copy in calf, £7. 7s. Argentorati, sine loco et anno. This edition has no paging, catch-words, or signatures ; an entire pao-e contains 34 lines. — It is a rare edition, and was probably printed about 14.72. 2808. Politiani (Ang.) Opera Omnia, neat in vellum, £4,. 4s. Tlorenty 1499. This Author's real name was John Petit, but he afterwards adopted the name of Angelo Politian, from Monte Politiani, the place of his birth. 2809. Pitisci Lexicon Antiquitatum Romanarum, 3 vols, half-bound, uncut, £2. 2s. H. Com. 1737. 2810. Retza (Francisci de) Comestorum Vitiorum, editio prix- ceps, a fine large copy, many leaves uncut, £S. 8*. Nuremberg, 1470. This rare volume is not only the editio princeps, but it is the first work which issued from the Nuremberg Press, bearing a date — it is a de- sirable specimen of ancient printing and paper-making. 2811. Roderici episc. Zamorensis Speculum Vita? Humana? (stained) £l. Is. a Helya Helye alias de Louffen canon, eccles. ville Beron. fyc. 1473. 2812. Roderici Zamorensis Speculum Vita? Humana?, a beautiful copy, in green morocco, j£lO. 10s. Augnstcc, Gunth. Zaincr ex Reutli?igen, 1471. An edition of the most extreme rarity, for which the curious have ever been in eager search. 198 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2813. Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii, 4s. 6d.* 'Basil. 1556* 2814. Auctorcs Varii ab Claud. Marnius et Johan. Aubrius, vellum, 7 s. Franco/. 1600. 2815. Romanum Museum, sive Thesaurus Eruditae Antiquitatis, opera et studio Michaelis Angeli Causei de la Chausse, with near 250 plates of Statues, Busts, Bas-Reliefs t &c. &e. 2 vols. neat. £3. 10s. Rom. 17*6. 2816. Rhenani (Beati) Rerum Germanicarum libri tres ; quibus praemissa est vita Beati Rhenani, a Joanne Sturmio ele- gantur conscripta, black Spanish, £3. 3s. Basil, ap. Froben. 1551. 2817. Sanderi (Antonii) Presbyteri Chorographia Sacra Brabantiae sive Celebrium aliquot in ea Provincia Ecclesiarum et Coenobiorum Descriptio, with many fine engravings, 2 vols. fine set, £52. 10s. • • • 'Bruxelles et Antterpice, 1659-69. Original edition of a most valuable work. The second volume is of such excessive rarity, that its very existence was unknown to De Bure, and until very recently, to all other bibliographers. It appears to be certain that the entire impression of the second volume was suppressed as soon as completed, and remained in the warehouse of a bookseller at Brussels until 1695, in which year that city was bombarded by the French, when all the copies, except a few in the possession of the author's friends, perished by fire. Besides the present second volume, only two copies are now known, viz. one in the Royal Library at Paris, (taken by the French Commissioners in 1796, from the Library of the University of Louvain) and another in the Public Library at Brussels. Brunet (Manuel du Libraire, torn 3.) asserts that the prints in the edition of this work printed in 1726-7, are impressions from the old copper- plates ; had he compared them he could not have committed so great a mistake, it being very evident that the plates of the first and second editions are different — a circumstance which further enhances the value of the original. 281 8. Sanderi (Antonii) Chorographia Sacra Brabantiae, numerous plates. 3 vols. £5. 15s. 6d. H. Com. 1?26. 2819. Sallengre Novus Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanorum, with many plates, 3 vols, neat, £2. %. ib. lj\6. 2820. Another Set, large paper, 3 vols. ^3. 3s. * • • • • • ib. 17 16. A?itiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — Folio. 199 2821. Saxonise Ducum. Caesarib. Creand. viivirum et caeferorum a Frederico I. ad Christianum II. tvith 18 fine portraits, {corners damaged, but not so as to injure the prints) half-bound, £l. 5s. Jug. 1601. 2822. Salmasiae Plinianae Exercitationes in Caii Julii Solini Poly- histora. Item C. J. Solini Polyhistor ex Veter.ibus Libris emendatus, &c. 2 vols, in 1, neat in vellum, £2. 5s. Traj. adRhen. 1689. 2823. Sponii Miscellanei Eruditae Antiquitatis, plates, neat, £l. Is. Lugd. 1685. 2824. Stephanus Byzantinus de Urbibus, Graece, editio princeps, red morocco, £2. l6s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1502. 2825. Stephanus Byzantinus de Urbibus, Gr. et Lat. Gronovii, cum Notae et Castigationes Holstenii, 2 vols. £l. lis. 6d. L. Bat. I694. 2826. Scoti (Joannis) in I. Sententiarum, £3. 3s. Venet. Vindel. Spira. 1472. 2827- — III. et IV. Sententiarum, £\. lis. 6d. Venet. Joan. Colon. 1477- 2828. Spelman jElfredi Magni Vita, with portrait and plates of coins, neat, £l. lis. 6d. Oxon. 1678. 2829. Spanhemii (Frid.) Opera, quatenus complectumur Geogra- phiam, Chronologiam, etllistoriam Sacram atqueEcclesias- ticam utriusque temporis,7foe head by Gunst, £l. 1 1*. 6d. L. Bat. 1701. 2830. Simsonii Chronicon Catholicon, ex excensione et cum ani- madversionibus, P. Wesseling, neat, £l. lis. 6d. L. Bat. 1729. 2831. Another Copy, half-bound, uncut, £1. 8s. • •••'•'• it. 1729. 2832. Spartianus (^Elius) de Vita Hadriani Imperatoris ad Diocle- tianum Augustum, in the original stamped binding, £1. Is. Venet. 1490. 2833. Sigilla Comitum Flandriae et Inscriptiones Diplomatum ab iis editorum, cum expositione iiistorica, Olio. Vredi Juris Cons. Brug. many plates, 1 5s. Brug. 1639 » 200 Longman, Hurst, Rees ? Orme, and Brown. 2834. Suarez (Francisci) Disputationes Metaphysics, 2 vols, in 1. vellum, 12s. 6d. Moguntice, 1630. 2835. Theatrum Boldonii Cassari Montis Cardinali Sacrum. Auctore Oct. Boldonius, with many portraits, and emblematical engravings , very neat, £l. lis. 6d. Mediol. 1636. 2836. Thulemarii (Hcnr. Gunt.) Opuscula de Bullis, a curious work with plates, £l. \s. Franco/. l6°7« 2837- Theophanis Chronographia. Leonis Grammatici Vitas Recen- tiorum Impp. Gr. et Lat. ex interpree. Jac. Goar, cum notis Fr. Combefisii, large paper, (stained) in the old morocco binding, £2. 2s. Paris, 1655. 2S38. Thesaurus Brandenburgicus Selectus : Sive Gemmarum et Numismatum Grascorum, in Cimeliarchio Electorali Bran- denburgico, Commentario Illustratas a L. Begero, 3 vols. boards, £2. 2s. Colon. March 1 696- 2839- Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglias et Wallias Auctoritate P. Nicho- lai IV. circa A. D. 1291, boards, £l. 1 s.- -Lond. 1802. 2840. Tessera? Gentilitiae, a Silvestro Petra Sancta, with fine por- trait, and many hundred engravings of armorial bearings neat, £4>. 4s. Romce, 1638. 2841. Turnebi (Adriani) Philosoph. et Gr. Lit. Regii Profes. Adversariorum libri triginta, 3 vols, neat, £l. 15s. Paris, 1580. Turnebus was one of the most profound scholars and critics of the 16th Century. Scholars from all nations went in throngs to his Lectures. —The " Adversaria" are considered the most important of his works. 2842. Veteres Arcus Augustorum Triumphis Insignes ex reliquiis quae Romas adhuc supersunt, cum imaginibus Triumpha- libus, &c. Antiq. Nummis notisque Io. Pet. Bellorii Illus- trate 52 large plates, boards, £l. lls.6d.» •Roma, 1696. 2843. Veterum Scriptorum, qui Caesarum et Imperatorum Germa- nicorum res per aliquot secula Gestas, Uteris mandarunb tomus unus. Ex bibliotheca Justi Rcuberi Jure consulti, Palatinatus consiliarii, £S. Ss. Francof. 1583. 2844. Vecchietti (Hieronymi) Florentini ab ^Egypto Doctoris Theo- logi, opus de anno primitivo ab exordio Mundi, ad annum Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — Folio. 201 Julianum accommodate) ; & de sacrorum temporum ratione libri octo, in vellum, large folio, £7. 17* 6d. August. Vindel. ex imp. Authoris, l62l. The system contained in this celebrated work, so long known for its extreme rarity, consists in the author's contending against the Romish Church, in favour of the Talmud doctrine. It had scarce issued from the press, when it excited a strong sensation, and drew upon its author many enemies, who not con'ent with cen- suring his doctrine, denounced him to the Inquisition. In conse- quence, the sale of the book was forbidden in all countries, and he was condemned to prison for life. Not succeeding in possessing themselves of his person, he with singular heroism surrendered to his enemies, and died in prison at the age of 80, courageously maintaining his original opinion. — There are few books that can be compared with the present for the immensity of labour which the author has bestowed upon it, and the Chronological Tables may rank amongst the finest efforts of the Art of Printing. The present copy is perfect, and accurately corresponds with De Bure's descrip- tion. 52845. Veteris Latii Antiqua Vestiga, Urbis Moenia, Pontes, Templa, Piscina?, &c. 60 plates, half-bound, uncut, 15s, Romce, 1751. 52846. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura libri decern, a beautiful copy, ruled with red lines, in red morocco, £3. 13s. 6d. Amst. ap. Elzev. 1649. 52847. Vaillaut (J. F.) Numismata JEraea. Imperatorum Aug. et Caes. in Coloniis, Municipiis, &c. plates, 2 vols, in 1. vellum, £l. 5s. Paris, 1695. 2848, Wise Nummorum Antiquorum Scriniis Bodleianis recondito- rum Catalogus, cum Comment, many plates, boards, 1 8*. Oxon. 1750- 2C 202 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. QUARTO. 2849. ALBER1I (Clau.) Triuncuriani Organon. Id est Instru- mentum Doctrinarum omnium in duas partes divisum. Nemne, in analyticum eruditionis modum, et Dialecticam : sive methodum disputandi in utramque partem, in very curious original binding, £5. 5s. Morgiis, 1584. This volume is dedicated to Henry III. of France, and from the peculiarly sumptuous style of the binding, and having the royal arms on each side, is very probably the presentation copy. 2850. Adler Museum Cuficum Borgianum Velitris, plates, 2 vols. sewed, 12s. Rom. 1772-92, 2851. Arrianus de Venatione, Grsece, Luca Holstenio iptcrprete, calf extra, £l. 4s. Paris, 16*44. 2852. Audebcrti (Germani) Aurelii Venetian ad seren. ac. sapient- Venct. Principem Nicolaum Deponti, vellum. Venet. 1583. 2853. Augustini Gemmae et Sculpturae Antiquse, cum praefat. kc. Gronovii, portrait and above 300 plates, editio secunda, £l. Is. Franeq. 1694. 2854. Ditto, calf extra, £l.4s. ib. 1694. 2855. Alexandrini (Hieronis) Alexandrini Spiritalium liber. A Federico Commandino Urbinate, ex Graeco, nuper in La- tinum conversus, cuts, 8s. 6d. Urbini, 1575. 2856. Aleandri Antiquae Tabula? Marmora? Solis effigie, symbo- lisque exculptac accurata explicatio, 10*. 6d.- *Rom. l6l6. 2857. Academiae Cantabrigiensis SftZTPA. Verses in Hebrew, Greek and Latin, vellum, 4*. Cantab. l66*0, 2858. Alanus de Parabolis, — SBfocft %ttttt—a rare Latin tract of twenty-four pages, <£\. Is. no place or date, but circa 1 490. 2859. Agathiae, Hist, et Pcet. eximii, de Imperio et Rebus Gestis Justiniani Imperatoris, libri quinque, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Vulcanii, loY L. Bat. 1594. Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — 4*o. 203 2860. Bruckeri Historia Critica Philosophise a Mundi incimabulis ad nostram usque astatem deducta, best edition, 6 vols. fine set, calf extra, £7. 7s. Lips. 1 767. '286 1. Bayeri Regionomontani Historia Osrhoena ct Edcssana ex Numis illustrata, 1734 — ejusdem Historia Regni Gragco- rum Bactriani. Accedit C. T. Waltheri Doctrina Tem- porum Indica cum Paralipomenis, 1738, the two books in one volume, very neat, £3. 3s. Petropoli. 1734-8. 2S62. Bayeri Regionomontani Historia Osrhoena et Edessana ex Numis illustrata, vellum, £l. l6s. ib. 1734. 2863. Bossi(Mattha3i)de veris et salutaribus animi gaudiis,o£4. 4*. lmprcssit Florentine Ser Franciscus Bonaccursis, 1 49 1 . Editio Princeps. — * Perpulchra Editio, cuidecus adjungat Ep. Politiani ad Laur. Medicein, qua Bossi opus, a se et Johanne Pico vehementer probatum, legendum misit." — Audiffredi. 2S64. Boyle (Roberti) Opera Varia, quorum posthac exstat Cata- logus, 3 vols. 18s.6d. Genev. l6'80. 2865. Burmanni (Petri) Poemata, cura P. Burmanni, Jun. fine fron- tispiece, neat in vellum, 10s. 6d. • Amst. 1 745. 2866. Burmanni Vectigalia Populi Romani, et Jupiter Fulgerator, in Cyrrhestarum Nummis, neat, 9s. Leid. 1734. 2867. Battely Opera Posthuma, viz. Antiquitates Rutupince, et Anti- quitates S. Edmundi Burgi, large paper, 12*. Oxon. 1745. 2868. Bayfii annotationes in L. II. de captivis, et postliminio rever- sis: in quibus tractatur de re navali. Ejusdem annota- tiones in tractatum de auro et argento, &c. neat, ISs. Lutet. 1549. 2869. Broukhusii (Jani) Poemata Omnia, a D. Hoogstraten, frontis- piece and vignettes, 10s. 6d. Amst. 171 1 . 2870. Budaaus de Asse et Partibus ejus, libri V. a beautiful copy, splendidly bound in red morocco, <£3. 13s. 6d. Venet. in cedib. Aldi, et Asulani, 1522. A beautiful and much esteemed edition. By this work the author not only acquired celebrity while he lived, but established a character as a scholar, which will be immortal. He was styled by Erasmus the Prodigy of France. 2871. Beveregii (Guil.) Institutiones Chronologicse, 75.. . Lond. 1705. 204 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 28/2. Bishop (Sam.) Feriae Poeticae : sive Carmina Anglicana elegiaci plerumque argumenti Latine reddita, h. b. uncut, 7s. 6d. ib. 1766. 2873. Beroaldi (Philippi) de excellentia Disceptantium, et libellus de optimo statu, et de principe, vellum, 18*. 6d. Bonon. per Bened. Hectorem, J 497. 2874*. - Heptalogos, quo septem Sapientium sen- tential discutiuntur, very neat, £l. 9s. ........ ib. 1498. 2875. « ■— Orationes et quamplures appendicular ver- suum, editas a Philippo Beroaldo jun. Bononiensi, .£3. 6s. Bonon. in commune a B. Hector 'e, 1491. 2S/6. Symbola Pythagorea, very neat, £l» 5s. ib. 1500. 2877. de Felicitate, Opusculum, very neat, £l. lls.6d. *'3.1499. 2878. ■. Oratio Proverbiorum, qua doctrina remo- tior continetur, very neat, £\. 15s. • • • ib. 1499« These early editions of the Tracts of the elder Beroaldo, printed chiefly tinder the eye of the Author, who was Secretary to the Senate at Bologna, are all of rare occurrence. 2879- Baltimore (Friderico Calvert de) Ccelestis et Inferi, Venet. 1771 — Gaudia Poetica. Composed in Latin, English, and French, in the year 1769, (by Lord Baltimore) with plates, in one volume, half-bound, in morocco, <£5. 5s. The first tract in this volume is a rare Latin poem; the second consists of prose and poetry, and is also extremely rare, a few copies only having been printed for private distribution to the friends of the noble au- thor. The only known copy, a few years since, was in the collection of the celebrated Linnseus, to whom it is dedicated. 2880. Batavia Illustrata, seu de Batavorum Insula, Hollandia, Zelan- dia, &c. Scriptores varii nota? melioris, with wood engrav- ings of Antiquities, Portraits, &c. neat, \6s. L. Bat. Elzev. 1609. 2881. Christianus ad solitarium quendam de ymagine mundi, ajine and clean copy, £4. 10s. Neither date, place, signatures, pages, catch-words, or name of printer, appears in this rare book ; — but it is surmised to have been printed by Koburger about the year 1473. Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — 4to. 205 5882. Corsini Fasti Attici in quibus Archontum Atheniensium series Philosophorum, aliorumque illustrium virorum setas atque praecipua Atticae Historiae Capita, &c. 4 vols, in 2, vellum, £3. 3s. Florent. 1744. 2883. Caryophili de Antiquis Marmoribus cui accedunt Disserta- tiones IV. Numini Majestatique Caroli VI. Mag. Ang. dicatura, 18*. Vindob. 1738. 2884. Chalcidii V. C. Tiraaeus de Platonis Translatus. Item ejus- demin eundem Commentarius, a Meursius, vellum, 1 2s. L. Bat. 1617. 2885. Cynthii Joannis Baptistae Gyraldi de Obitu Divi Alfonsi Estensis, Epicedium ; Hercules Dux salutatus ; Sylvarum, lib. I. Elegiarum, lib. I. Epigr. lib. II. &c. very neat, £3. 10s. Ferrara, 1537. A presentation copy from the author to his friend M. A. Begat — see MS. inscription on the title. 2886. Cuperi Harpocrates et Monumenta Antiqua, plates, vellum, 6s. Traj. ad Men 1687. $887. Cotovici Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum el Syriacum; access. Synopsis Reipublicae Venete, plates, vellum, £\. 5s. Ant. 1619. 2888. Chartari Imagines Deorum qui ab Antiquis Colebantur : in quibus simulacra, ritus, caerimoniae, magnaq, ex parte ve- terum religio explicatur, many very curious wood-cuts, £l. 7*. Lugduni, 158 1 . 2889. Cellarii Notitia Orbis Antiqui, with portrait and numerous maps, (an excellent edition) 2 vols, neat in vellum, £i. 10s. Cantab. Sf Amst. 1 703-6. 2890. Another edition, 2 vols. £\. 1*. •% Lips. 1701-6. 2891. Carminum Pindaricorum Fragmenta. Curavit J. Gottlob Schneider, sewed, 5s. Argent. 1776. 2892. Ciampini (Joannis) Explicatio Duorum Sarcophagorum, plates, 6s. » ....... .Ro?na, 1697. 2893. Commentarii Philippicarum Marci Ciceronis, cum Annotat. G. Trapezuntii, P. Beroaldi, &c. very neat, 7s. 6d. Paris, J. Petit, n. d. 206 Lonoman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2894. CasjE (Joannis) Latina Monumenta, ruled with red lines, 10s. 6d. Tlorent. 1567- 2895. Cannegieteri Dissertatio de Brittenburgo, Matribus Brittis, Britannica Herba, &c. &c. a Van Loon, 10*. 6d. H. Com. 1734. 2896. Chiffleti Opuscula Varia, neat in vellum, £l. l6s. Ant. 1624-26. This volume contains twelve tracts of uncommon occurrence, together. Mauy of them have plates, and one of them has a Madona and Child, by Hollar, engraved by him when at Antwerp. 2897. De Bie Numismata Aurea Imperatorum Romanorum ex Re- censione S. Haverkampi; accedit Ludol. Smids Pinaco- theca, near 100 plates, £l. Is. Amst. 1738. 2898. Dodwell de Veteribus Gragcorum Romanorumque Cydis, Obiterque de Cyclo Judasorum astate Christi, Disserta- tiones decern, cum tabulis necessariis, 12s. 6d. Oxon. 1701. 2899- Doni de Prasstantia Musicae Veteris libri tres, totidam Dialo- gis comprehensi, 10*. 6d. Florent. 1647- 2900. De Numrais Aliquot Mreis Uncialibus Epistola, many plates, 1778. — Lucania Numismatica, seu Lucaniae Populorum Numismata Omnia, a Magnan, many plates, 1775, in one volume, boards, £2. 2s. Romce, 1775-8. 2901. Eckhel Doctrina Numorum Veterum, 2 vols, boards, - £l.4>s. Vindob.1798. 2902. Edda Saemundar hinns Froda. Edda Rhythmica seu Anti- quior, vulgo Sagmundina dicta. Cum Interpret. Latina, Lectionibus Variis, Notis, &c. &c. Jine copy, calf extra, £3.13s.6d. . HafnicB, 1787- 2903. Epochag Celebriores, Astronomis, Historicis, Chronologis, Syro-Grascorum, Arabum, &c. ex tradit. Ulug Beigi, cum Comment. Grasvii, 12s. Lond. 1650. 2904. Erasmi Encomium Moriae, cum Gerardi Listrii Commentariis, half-bound, russia, £l. Is. •••••... Basil. Froben. 1517* 2905. Ennii Poetag Vetustissimi Fragmenta quae supersunt, cura Hesselii, in vellum, l6s. Amst. 1707- 2906. Epicedium Cantabrigiense, in obitum immaturum, scmperq ; deflendum, Henrici, Illust. Principis Walliae, 9s. Cantab. l6l£. Antiquitates, Historki, Nvmismatici, et Miscellanei. — 4to. 207 2907- Froelich Quatuor Testamina in Re Numaria Vetere, plates, neat, \Gs. » Vien. 1 752. 2908. Fasti Romanorum Livioni, 5*. Gedani, n. d. 2909. Ficcoronii Dissertatio de Larvis Scenicis et Figuris Comicis, with 85 plates, 1754. — Ficcoronii Gemmae Antiques Litte- ratce aliaequae rariores, &c. Illust. a P. Nicolao Galeotti, plates, 1757, the two works in one vol. vellum, £l, 16s, Roma, 17 54-7. 2910. Fontanini Forojaliensis de Antiquatibus Hostae Colonize Etruscorum, plates, old morocco, 10s, 6d. ib. 1723. 2911. Ferrarius de Re Vestiaria, cum Analecta et Dissertatio de Veterum Lucernis Sepukhralibus, many plates, 1 5s, Patavii, 16*85. 2912. Gerrard Siglarium Romanum, sive Explicatio notarum ac literarum, quae hactenus reperiri potuerunt in Marmoribus, Lapidus, Nummis, &c. large paper, bound in hog-skin, gilt leaves, %c. £2. 12s. 6d. Lond. 1792. 2913. Geographia Antiqua, hoc est : Scylacis Peri plus, Maris Medi- terranei, &c. &c. Gr. et Lat. Gronovii, sewed, 7s, 6d, L. Bat. 1700. 2914. Gibson Chronicon Saxonicum. Ex MSS. Codicibus nunc primum integrum edidit ac Latinum fecit, £S. 13s. 6d. Oxon. 1692. 2915. Guidotti (Thorn.) Ang. Brit, de Thermis Britannicis, plates, neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1691. 2916. Horapollinis Hieroglyphica, Gr.et Lat. cum integris Observat. et Notis Merceri et Hoeschelii, et selectis Caussini. Cura J. C. De Pauw, large paper, half -bound, russia, uncut, £2. Traj.ad Rhen.1727, 2917. Hanthaler Exercitationes Faciles de Numis Veterum pro Tyronibus, &c. &c. plates, 2 vols, neat, £l.4s. Vindob. 1756. 2918. Hyginus et Polybius de Castris Romanorum, plates, vellum, 12s. Amst. 1660, 2919. Historiam Principum Anhaltinorum sub prassidio Casparis Sagittarii D. Hist. Prof. P. Publice examinandam proponit Georg. H. Goltze, vellum, 15s Jenez, l686\ 208 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2920. Hankii de Silesiorum Rebus ab anno Christi 550 ad 11 70. Exercitationes. neat, I0s.6d. • Lips. 1705. 3921. Inghiramii (Curt.) Ethruscarum Antiquitatum Fragmenta, plates, neat, ISs. • Franco/. 1637. 2922. Inscriptiones Antiquag in Etruriae urbibus exstantes, Regiae Celsitudini Violentis Beatricis Vindelicorum et Etruriae, Magnae Principis ac scenarum gubernatricis. Cum notis Salvinii, cura et studio A. F. Gorii, with numerous plates, 3 vols, half-bound, russia, £5. 5s. Florent. 1727 . 2923. Irenodia Gratulatoria, sive IUustrissimi amplissimiq ; Viri Oliveri Cromwelli, &c. Epinicion, Dedicatum domino Praesidi Bradshawe, half-bound, russia, 15s. Lond. \652. 2924. Johnstone Antiquitates Celto Normannicae, containing the Chronicle of Man and the Isles, Copenhag. 1786. — John- stone Antiquitates Celto-Scandicae ; sive Series Rerum Gestarum inter Nationes Britannicarum Insularum et Gentes Septentrionales, Havnice, 1786, both works fine paper, in one vol. russia extra, £4. 4>s. . • 1786. 2925. Kempii Opus Polyhistoricum, Dissertat. XXV. de Osculis, neat in vellum, 12s. Franco/. 1680. 2926. Lydii Syntagma Sacrum de Re Militari et Dissertatio de Jura- mento, plate, 7s. 6d. Dord. 1698. 2927. Lacrymse Cantabrigienscs in Obitum Serenissimae Reginse Maria?, Lat. Gr. Gal. Aug. et Heb. 4s. 6d. Cantab. 1694. 2928. Laurentii Monumenta Romanorum in Thuringia, plates, 7s. Gothcs, 1704. 2929. Licetus (Fortunius) de Monstris. Ex recensione Gerardi Blasii, many curious plates, in russia, £1. 10s. Amst. 1665. 2930. Linacer (Thorn.) de emendata Structura Latini Sermonis, Par. R. Steph. 1540. — Linacri Rudimenta Gram, ex Anglico Sermone in Latinum versa, Interp. G. Buchanano. Par. R. Steph. 1547. in one vol. 1 5s. 2931. Libanii Antiocheni pro Templis Gentilium non Exscenden- dis, ad Theodosium M. Imp. Oratio: ante M.CCC. ferme Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei 4£o. 209 annos conscripta: nunc primum edita ^ Jacobo Gothofredo IC. Gr. et Lat. calf extra, £7. 7s. 1634. *' The Oration of Libanius in defence of the Heathen Temples against the Christians is the scarcest tract in the whole system of Greek Litera- ture. " — Harxvood. 29-32. Leslaeus (Joan ) de Origine Moribus et rebus gestis Scotorum, &c. russia elegant, gilt leaves, £2. 10s. • • . *Rom» Florent. 1750. 2985. Torfffii Trifolium Historicum, seu Dissertatio Historico-Chro- nologico Critica de Tribus potentissimis Daniae Regibus, calf extra, £l. Is. • • • • Hafnioe, 1707- 2986. Theopbylacti (Archiep. Bulgaria?) Epistolae, Graece, Meursii, calf extra, £1. 5s. X. Bat. 1617. 2987. Institutio Regia, Gr. et Lat. LARGE PAPER, £l. Is. • Paris, 1651. 2988. Tatereti (Petri) Expositio super textu logices Aristotelis, 1503.— ejusdem Xlarissima singularisq ; totius philosophic necnon metaphisice Aristotelis, 1503, in one vol. half- bound, £l.ls. 2989. Theatrum Mulierum, in quo praecipuarum omnium per Europam in Primis, Nationum, Gentium, &c. &c. being above 100 wood cuts of the various dresses of women in different parts of the world, £l. 5s.* • • > Franco f. 1586. 2990. Tomasini (J. P. Episcopi zEnomiensis) Elogia Virorum li- teris et sapientia illustrium, ad vivum expressis imagiuibus exornata, i 4. 4*. Patavii, 1644. This volume contains numerous portraits, generally well executed, par- ticularly that of Agucchius which is an etching of great force and spirit. A biographical sketch and portrait of the famous Theopbilus Folengus, are included in this uncommon book. The following has been transcribed from a MS. note on one of the fly haves and may be considered as one of the curiosities of literature. — " Mr. G. J. Vossius a dit a Mr. Paul de Colomies, que Jean Rhodius, anthem* du Traite de Acia, disoit hautement k Padoue, qu'.l avoit 'at lis Eloges des Hommes Illustres, que Thomasinus a pubiies sous sun 10m: Et que si celui ci etoit devenu EvSque, il lui en avoit toute l'obligatiou." 2991 Victorii (Petri) Variarum Lectionum libri xxxviii. 2 vols. £2. 6s Lugd. 1554. et Florent, 1569. 214 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 2992. Vossii (Isaaci) Dissertatio de Vera jEtate Mundi, &c. 3*. Hag. 1659. 2993. Vulpii Scholae Duje, etCarmina, 10*. 6d.* » • -Patau. 1725-8. 2994. Vulpii et Corradini Vetus Latium Profanumet Sacrum, 4 vols. vellum, £2. 12s. 6d. Roma, 1704-27. 2995. Valesii Emendationum libri quinque. Et de critica libri duo, a P. Burmanno, boards, 6s. Amst. 1740. 2996. Vinnii in quatuor libros Institutionum Imperalium Commen- taries Academicus et Forensis, 10$. 6?c portraits, LARGE PAPER, e£'l. Ms. 6d. 0x071. 1722. 2999- Aschami (Rogeri) et Sturmii Epistola?, a Elstob. 7s. Oxon. 1703. 3000. Ditto, with a frontispiece in which are full lengths of Ascham and Q. Elizabeth, and twelve small portraits, 10s. 6d. ib. 1703. 3001. Alciati Emblemata, with an immense number of curious engra- vings on wood, \0s.6d. Paris, 161 8. 3002. Another Copy, calf extra, «£l. Is. Lugd. l6l5. S003. Almeloveeni Fasti Consulares, cura Uhlii, in vellum, uncut, 7s. Amst. 1740. 3004. Bertii Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum libri quin- que, cum luculentis singularum Tabularum explicationibus, Ss. 6d. ib. 1606. 3005. Bos Animadversiones ad Scriptores quosdam Gracos, &c. 45. 6d. Franck. 1715 Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — Svo. 215 3006. Batei Elenchi Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia, with portraits, of Charles I. and II. 4>s. Lond. 1663. 3007. Biel Exercitatio de Lignis ex Libano, 2s.*"*H. Com. 17S0. 3008. Buchanani Rerum Scoticarum Historia, 7s. 6d. Francof. 1594. 3009. Baxteri (Willielmo) Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum, &C. LARGE PAPER, l8s. Loild. 1719- 3010. Burtoni (Johan.) Opuscula Miscellanea Metrico-Prosaica, neat, 5s. 6d. ••• Oxon. 1771 • 301 1. Barlaei(Melch.yBrabantiados et Antverpiae encomium, 1562 — ejusdemde Diis Gentium, 1562 — ejusdem Bucolica, 1563 — etejusdem de Raptu Ganymedis, 1563 — in one volume. £1.5*. Ant. 1562-3. These are the original editions, and are not of common occurrence. 3012. Barclai (Joannis) Argenis, nunc primum illustrata, with portrait, 6s. L. Bat. 1664. 3013. Boehmeri (G. P.) Principia Juris Feudalis, neat, 3s. Goet. 1775. 3014. Carmina Quadragesimalia ab iEdis Christi Oxon. Alumnis composita et ab ejusdem aedis Baccaelaureis Determinan- tibus in Schola Naturalis Philosophic Publice Recitata, in russia, l6s. Oxon. 1 7^3. 3015. Censorinus de Die Natali ; Caii Lucilii Satyrarum quae super- sunt reliquiae ; cum not. var. ex recensione Sig. Haver- campii, Jine copy in morocco, £l. 1j.*-**L. Bat. 1743. 3016. Another Copy, in vellum, 12s. ib, 1743. 3017. Camdeni Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum Reg- nante Elizabetha, 6s. Amst. 1677' 3018. Ditto, with a Jine portrait of Queen Elizabeth, 9*« ib. 1677. 3019. Chytraei Variorum in Europa Itinerum Deliciae; seu, ex variis manuscriptis selectiora tantum inscriptionum maxime recentium Monumenta, 12a*. • • 1 599- 3020. Caesaris (Julii) Portus Iccius illustratus, a Edm. Gibson, 5$. Oxon. 1694. 3021. Another Copy, with Jine portrait by Burghers, 7s. 6d. ib. 1694. 216 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3022. Conringii (Herm.) de Habitus Corporum Antiqui ac Novi Causis liber singularis, 3*. Fruncof. 1 727 • 3023. Chronicon Carionis, (a volume of above 1000 pages) 5s. 6d. Aurel. Allob. 1610. 3024. Another Edition, s Genev. l6l7. 3025. Carrara (Ubertino) Columbus, Carmen Epicum, vellum, 9s. Roma, 1715. 3026. Douzae (Georgii) de Itinera suo Constantinopolitano, Epis- tola, 18$. Ant. ap. Plant. 1599- 3027. De Pauw Notae in Pindari Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Tsthmia, sewed, 7s. 6d. Traj. ad Rhen. 1 737. 3028. De Justa Henrici Tertii Abdicatione e Francorum regno, libri quatuor, old morocco, £l. Is. Paris, 1609. 3029. Dodwelli Exercitationes Duas : prima, de ^Etate Phalaridis, sccunda, de ^Etate Pythagorae, Philosophi, blue morocco, 125. 6d. Lond. 1704. 3030. De Ratione Studii, ac legendi, interp. autores, Erasmi Rot. libellus aureus, neat, 5s • Lugd. 1541. 3031. D'Arnaud (Georgii) Specimen Animadversionum Criticarum, liarl. 1728, — ejusd. de Diis ITAPEAPOI2, H. Com. 1732. in one vol. vellum, 7s. 6d. 3032. Erasmi Colloquia, cum notis Variorum et Schrevelii, neat, 9s. L. Bat. Hack. 1655. 3033. Erasmi Apophthegmata ( wormed) 3s. Lutet.R. Steph.15^7. 3034. Eustathiusin Dionysium Periegetam, Alexandro Polito, inter- prete, very neat, 10s. 6d. Col. Allob. 1741 . 3035. Emmii Vetus Gratia Illustrata, 3 vols, in 2, 15?. L. Bat. 1626. 3036. Another Copy, 3 vols, in 1, 13s. 6d. ib. 1626. 3037. Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis Reliquas, ex nupera Editione J. Clerici, 3s. 6d. Trqj. Rhen. 1710. 3038. Eremitae Aulica? Vita? ac Civilis libri IV. Ejusdem Opus- cula Varia, cum Prasfat. Grasvii, vellum, 8s.**Ult. 1701. 3039. Eclogae recentiorum Carminum Latincrum, edidit C. G. Mitscherlich, very neat, 5s. Hanov, 1 793. AntiquitatcSy Historici, Numismatici, tt Miscellanei. — 8io. 217 3040. Fleetwood (Guil.) Inscriptiones Antiquae, (stained) 3*. Lond. 1691. 3041. Fabulae Homerica?, &c. Gr. et Lat. neat, 4s. 6d. L. Bat. 1745. 3042. Gierig Praecepta nonnulla et exempla bene dicendi, very neat, 4s. Lips. 1792. 3043. Gronovii Lectiones Plautinae, neat, 6s. Amst. 1740. 3044. Guthberleti Chronologia, vellum, 5s. ib. J 63$. 3045. Georgii de Inscriptionibus Palmyrenis qua? in Museo Capi- tolino Adservantur, boards, 4s. Ro?na, 1782. 3046. Grotius de Jure Belli ac Pacis, 2s. Gd. Amst. 1 651. 3047. Another Edition, cum Notis Variorum, 5s.» • • •#. Com. 1680. 3048. Grotii flistoria Gothorum, Vandalorum, et Langobardorum, 12*. Amst. ap. Elz. 1655. Much curious information concerning the history of Spain, and the decline of the Roman empire is contained in this volume. 3049. Horrei Observations Critical in Scriptores Quosdam Grascos Ilistoricis, neat in vellum , 9*. • • • Leovard. 1736. 3050. Heinecke Animadversiones in Juvenalis Satiras, boards, 2s. 6d. Hal. 1804. 3051. Ilearnii Camdeni Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hiberni- carum Regnante Elizabetha, portraits by Vcrtue, large paper, 3 vols, fine set, £&. 8s. • Oxon. 1717. 3052. Rossi Antiq. Warwic. Historia Regum Anglian, boards, £l. Is. • ib. 1745. 3053. Another Copy, very neat in calf, £l. 5s. • • ib. 1745. 3054. Ditto, large paper, neat, £2. 10s. •••- ib. 1745. 3055. Roberti de Avesbury, Historia de Mirabilibus Gestis, Edwardi III. large paper, neat, £6. 6s. .... ib. 1720. 3056. Johannis de Fordun Scotichronicon, large paper, 5 voh.neat, £10. 10s. *. ib. 1722. 3057* Hospitalii (Michaelis, Galliarum Cancellarii) Carmina, vellum, 6s. Amst. 1732. 3058. ilemsterhusii et Valckenaeri Orationes, boards, 9s. L.Bat. 1784. 2E 218 Longman, Hurst, Rels, Orme, and Brown. 305p. Irenasi (S. Episcopi Lugdunensis) Fragmenta Anecdota, &c. 10s. 6d. H.Com. 1715. 3060. Itinerarium totius Orbis. Ex recensione Nicolai Reusneri, 5s. Basilice, 1592. 3061. Jones (Gulielmo) Poescos Asiaticae Commentariorum libri sex, cum Appendice; subjicitur Limon, seu Miscellaneorum liber, fine copy, 12*. Lond. 1774- 3062. Langhornii (Dan.) Elencbus Antiquitates Albionenses, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1673. 3063. Leopold (J. F.) de Itinere Suecico, ad J. Woodward, Lond. 1720. — Maichelii Hist. Lit. Bibliothecis Parisiensibus, Cantab. 1721, in one volume, 12.9. 306*4. Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta, 2 vols. 4s. • • Oxon. 1699. 3065. Another Copy, , 2 vols, in 1 , 4*. 6d. ib. 1699. 3066. Musantii Tabulae Chronological, half-bound, uncut, 7 s. Romce, 1751. 3967. Montisrosarum (Jacobi, Marchionis, Comitis de Kincardiis). I. G. de Rebus Auspiciis Serenissimi et Potentissima Ca- roli, Dei Gratia Mag. Brit. Regis, &c. very neat,£l. l6s. Parisiis, 1648. When the unfortunate Marquis of Montrose was exeented at Edinburgh. a copy of this book was suspended from his neck. At the lower part of the title are the initials A. S. i. e. Agricola Sophocardio, the as- sumed name of the author, George Wishart, afterwaids B shop of Edinburgh. At the top cf the title are the initials I. G. i.e. Jacobus Graemus, the christian and sirnameof the Marquis. 3068. Michaclis vonder Kelten (Joaunis) Apelles symbolicus exhibens seriem amplissimam Symbolarum, with numerous engra- vings, 2 vols, very neat, cfl. 1*. Amst. lo*99« 3069. Musgravede Geta Britannico,/)fa/e6', 4s. •• Iscce Dun. 17l6\ 3070. Marmorum Oxoniensium Inscriptiones Grxcse ad Chandler! exemplar cdita?, a Roberts, boards, As. ...... Oxon. 1791 3071. Malalae (Joan. Antiocheni c< gnomento Gr. et Lat. Accedit Epistola Richai lium, 10s. 6d. Oxon. 1691. 3072. Menesterii Philosophia Imaginum id est Sylloge Symbolo- rum Amplissima, with a great nutnber of Engravings, neat, IS; • • Amst. 1695. 45. Kjxon. l/yi. to) Ilistoria Chronica, rdii Bentleii ad Jo. Mil- Antiqiiitates, Historki, Nimiismatici, et Miscelltmei.—Sro. 219 3073. Madan (Mart.) Poemata, parti m reddita, partim scripta, boards, 3s. Lond. 1784. 3074. Miscellanea Leibnitiana, vellum, 6s. 6d. Lips. 1718. 3075. Marliani (Bartliol.) Urbis Roma? Topographia," with a great number of woodcuts, 6s. Venet. 1588. 3076. Natalis Comitis Mythologiae (2000 pages) 4s. • • Lugd. 1605. 30JJ . Nicols de Lite'ris Inventis libri sex, 6s. Lond. 1711. 3078. Ottonis (Everardi) de Tutcla Viarum Publicarum, 1731 — de iEdilibus Coloniarum et Municipiorum, 1732 — et de Vita, Studiis, Script is et Honoribus Servii Sulpicii Lemonia, Run, 1737, 3 vols, neat, sfttf*. -Traj.ad Rhen.\73\-7. 3079. Ottonis de Tutela Viarum Publicarum, sewed, 7s. 6d. ib. 1731. 3080. Orbellis (N. de) super Sententias Compendium, — 2£Iacff Setter — neat, 85. 6d. Paris, apud J. Petit, n. d. 3081. Obsequentis (Julii) Prodigiorum Libellus, Oudenorpii, neat in vellum, Ws.6d. • L.Bat.1720. 3082. Parkerus (Sam.) de Rebus sui Temporis, large paper, 6s. Lond. 1726. 3083. Polydori Virgilii Historical Anglica libri XXVII. ex nova editione Anton. Thysii, neat, 12s. 6d. L. Bat. 1651. 3084. Petavii Rationarum Temporum, 3 vols, in 1, vellum, Ss. 6d. ib. 1724. 3085. Another edition, in 1 vol. with maps and portraits, 10s. 6d. ib. 1710. 3086. Portii (Simonis) Commcntarii de Coloribus, large paper, 12s. Florent.1548. A very uncommon book and of great learning. 3087. Pope ''Alex.) Commendatio Poclica de Homine, translata per J. J Gottlob. Am-ende, 4>s.6d. L. Bat. 1751. 3088. Phile versus lambici de Animalium Proprietate, Gr. et Lat. Camerarii, 3s. 6d. Aurel. Allob. 15$6. 3089. Pontani (Jo. Jov.) Carmina, Urania, Epigrammata, Szcjinc copy in purple morocco, £2. 10s. Venet* in cedib. Aid. 1505. 220 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Ormi, and Brown. 3090. Pontani (Jo. Jov.) de Amore Conjugali, Lyrici, &c. a beauti- tifulcopy in green morocco, £S. Venet. in cedib. Aid. n. d, 3091. Pervigilium Veneris, ex editionc Petri Pithoei, cum ejus et Justii Lipsii Notis, &c. &c. 9s. H. Com. 1712. 3092. Another Copy, sewed, uncut, \0s.6d. ib. 1712. 3093. Quilleti (CI.) Callipasdia, &c. et Scaevolae Sammarthani Paedotrophia, 4*. 6d. Lond. 1709 3094. Ruhnkenii Opuscula Oratoria, Philologica, Critica, nunc pri- mum conjunctam edita, boards, 7s. L. Bat. I8O7. 3095. Prsefat. &c. addidit Thomas Kidd, boards, 95. ••* Lond. 1807. 3096. Epistola Critica I. In Homeridarum Hyrnnos et Hesiodum, vellum, 6s. L. Bat. 174-9. 3097* Reges, Reginae, Nobiles, et alii in Ecclesia Collegiata B. Petri Westmonasterii sepulti, usque ad annum reparata? Salutis 1603, in russia, £l.7s. Lond. 1603. 3098. Selecta Poemata Italorum qui Latine scripserunt, 2 vols. 6s, ib. 1740. 3099- Another Set, 2 vols, very neat, 9$. • • ib. 1740. These volumes contain the poems of Sannazarius, Vida, Fracastorius, Pontanus, and many others of eminence. 3100. Symbolas Litterariae Opuscula Varia Philologica, Scientifica* Antiquaria, Signa, Lapides, Numismata, Gemmas et Mo- numenta medii aevi nunc primum edita complectentes, plat es, 9 vols, in 3, half-bound, vellum, £2. 12s. 6d. Romce, 1751-4. 3101. Schweighaeuseri Opuscula Academica, 2 vols, boards, 12*. Argent. 1806. 3102. Sheringham (Rob.) de Anglorum Gentis Origine Disceptatio, 9s. Qd. Cantab. 16Y0. 3103. Strozzii Poetae pater et filius, calf extra, £l. 11*. 6d. Paris, 1530. This book was once the property of John Gay the Poet, and the inter- lineations were made by him. 3104. Sigonii Fasti Consulares ac Triumphi Acti, a Romulo Rege usque ad Ti. Caesarem, large paper, very neat, 12*. 6d. Oxon. 1801. Antiquitates, Historici, Namismatici, et Miscellanei.Svo. 22 1 3105. Sigonii de Rcpublica Hebrseorum libri VII. 6s. Franco/. 1583. 3106. Sabini (Jul. Pomp.) in omnia qua? quidem extant, Virgilii Maronis Opera, Commentarii, 6s. Basil, 1544. 3107. Septem Ulustrium Virorum Poemata, plates, 8s. 6d. Antverpice, 166*2. 3108. Sacerdos Paroecialis Rusticus, Is. 6d. Oxon. 1757. 3109. Tertullianus de Pallis, Salmasii, vellum, 3s. 6d. L. Bat. 1656. 3110. Thomas (Gul.) Antiquitates Prioratus Majoris Malverne in agro Wicciensi, £l. 4s. Lond. 1725. 3111. Theodorus de Metris, Heusingeri, half-bound, russia, 7s. 6d. L. Bat. 1766. 3112. Toupii Epistola ad Guliel. Episcop. Glocest. 2*.« • Lond. 1767. 3113. Trapp Praelectiones Poeticae, neat, 3s. 6d. Oxon. 1711. 3114. Triveti (Nic.) Annales sex Regum Angliae, a li all, Jine fron- tispiece, containing a portrait, 2 vols, neat, £\. lis. 6d. ib. 1719. 3115. Annales, vol. 1, 4>s. 6d. ?3. 1719- 3116. Vibitis Sequester de Fluminibus Fontibus Lacubus, &c. cum Var. Lect. Oberlini, calf extra, 12s. Argent. 1778. 3117. Vegetiuset alii Scriptores Antiqui de Re Militari, cum Notis, 2 vols, vellum, £l. 8s. Vesal. 1670. 3118. Vaillant Arsacidarum Imperium, sive Regum Parthorum His- toria, ad fidem Numismatum accomodata# plates, 2 vols. vellum, 1 8s. Paris, 1728. 31 19. Vallesii (Frat.) de sacra Philosophia, 4>s. Lugd. 1588. 3120. Waraei de Hibernia et Antiquitatibus ejus Disquisitiones, 5s. Lond. 1658. 3121. Windet (Ja.) de Vita Functorum statu, 4ts. 6d. ib. 1664. With the autograph of tha*. learned divine, Edmund Chishul). 222 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. DUODECIMO. 3122. ALCIATI (And.) Emblemata, with many wood-cuts, very neat, 6s. Bas. 1 614. 3123. Aschami et Sturmii Epistolae, &c. a Grant, 6s. • >Lond. 1590. 3124. Albinovani Elegize III. et Fragmenta, cum Interpretatione et notis variorum, plates, neat, Js. Amst. 1703. 3125. Antiquitates Ecclesiae Orientalis, cum Vita Joh. Morini, neat, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1682. 3126*. Anti-Lucretius, sive de Deo et Natura, Poema, opus posthu- mum Cardinalis de Polignac, 2 vols, in 1, 35. 6d. L. Bat. 1748. 3127- Another edition, 2 vols, in 1, 4s. Lond. 174S. 3128. Apthonii Sophistas Progymnasmata, 4>s.6d. Amst. ap. Elzev. 1642. 3129. Another edition, vellum, 3s. Amst. 1665. 3130. Augustini Niphi de Amore liber, 1641. — Bapt. Platinae Di- alog, contra Amores, 1646. — Aug. Niphi de Pulchro liber, 1641, in one vol. 7*. L. Bat. 1641-6. 3131. Boxhornii Emblemata Politica. Accedunt ejusdem Disserta- tions Political de Roman. Imp. plates, neat in vellum, (no title) 10*. 67/. 3132. Baconi Historia Regni Henrici Septimi, 3s. Amst. Elzev. 1662. 3133. de Augmentis Scientiarum, 3*. Amst. 1662. 3 134. Baudii Poemata, half-bound, 5s. L. Bat. 1607. 3 1 35. Epistolae, with portrait, 5s. Amst. 1642. 3136. Barclaii Satyricon, cum clave. Accessit Conspiratio Angli- cana, 6s. L. Bat. Elzev. 1637- 3137. Beza? (Theod.) de Repudils et Divortiis Tractatus, 6s. Noviom. 1666. 3138. Barlaei (Casparis) Poemata, calf extra, gilt leaves, \5s. L. Bat.ap. Elzev. l63l. 3139. Brunus Nolanus (Jordanus) de Umbris Idearum, Par. 1582. — ejusd. Ars Memorise (no title) — ejusd. de Imaginum, Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — 1 2mo. 223 Signorum & Idearum compositione, Franco/. 1591 — ejusd. de Speciarum scrutinio et lampade combinatoria Raymundi Lullii, Prague, 1588 — in one volume, £1. Is. All these tracts are of rare occurrence.— Bayle admits that he had never seen any of them. 3140. Bonefonii Arverni (Johannis) Carmine, a M. Maittaire, boards, \s. 6d. Lond. 1720. 3141. Bauhini (Caspari) de Hermaphroditis, frontispiece, and portrait, by the De Bry ; also other engravings of curious objects (wormed) fs. Franco/. 3142. Bartholini Thom. Fil. de Tibiis Vcterum et earum Antiquo usu libri tres, Amst. \6J9 — Bartholini de Unicorurn Ob- servationes Novae, Amst. 1678, in one volume ; plates, . vellum, 10s. 6d. Amst. 1 678-9. 314S. Busbequii Itinera Constantinopolitanum et Amasianum, neat, 10s. 6d. Ant. ap. Plant. 1581. 3144. Chrysostomi Magneni Democritus Reviviscens, sive Vita et Philosophia Democriti, 5s. 6d. Lond. 1658. 3145. Censorinus de Die Natali, 2s. Cantab. 1695. 3i46. Carionis Chronica, 3*. • Paris, ex qffic. Puteana, 1561. 3147. Cragii Ripensis de Republica Lacedaemoniorum libri IV-. vellum, 3s. 6d. L Bat. 167O. 3148. Chytraei Oratio de Statu Ecelesiarum hoc tempore in Graecia-, Asia, Boemia, &c. 7s. Qd. Franco/. 1583. 3149. Ciofani Sulmonensis (Herculis) in P. Ovidii Metam. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1575 — Didymi Antiquis>imi auctoris inter- pretatio in Odysseam, Gr. Venet, in cedib. Aid. 1528. in one volume, 8s. 6d. 3150. Cardani (Hier.) de Utilitate ex adversis capienda libri IV. 2s. 6d. Amst. 1672. 3151. Defensio Processus de non occidendis Haeretic^. Hanov. 1593.— Justi Lipsi Orationes, Darmst. 1607. — Apotheosis Jani Dousae Patris, Norib. 1605, — and other Tracts in one vol. 8s. 1152. De Antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academia libri duo. In quo- rum secundo de Oxoniensis quoq. Gymnasif antiquitate 224 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. disseritur, et Cantabrigiense long£ eo antiquius esse defini- tur, 7s.6d." ■ Lond. Bynneman, 1568. 3153. Another Copy, russia extra, gilt leaves, l6s.* • • • *•#« 1568. 3154. De Arte Peregrinandi libri II. variis exemplis : imprimis vero agri Neapolitani descriptione illustrati, 9*-' 'North. 1591- 3155. De Principatibus Italia?, tractatus vary, neat, 4>s. L. Bat. Elzcv. 1628. 3156. Derodone (Davide) Disputatio de Atomis et de Libcrtate, 2 vols, in 1 green morocco^ l6s. 6d. Genera, 1662. 3157. Erasmi (Desid.) Colloquia, 2s. Lond. 1655. 5X58. 4^. Amst. op. Elzev. 1679- 3159. Apophthegmata, neat, 5s.« • • • Lugduni, 1574. 316O. Adagia, very neat in calf, 10s. 6d. Amst. Elzev. 1663. 3l6l. Moria3 Encomium, 35.6c?. •»•• Oxon. 1668. 3162. Epigrammatum Delectus ex omnibus turn vcteribus, turn re- centioribus Poetis accurate decerptus, &c. 4*. Lond. 1683. 3163. Eryci Puteani ^Enigma Regium, infantiam populi R. com- plectens, plates, vellum, 8*. Monad, 1 623. 3164. Emmii (Ubbonis) Republican Graecorum, 2 vols, morocco, 9,9. L. Rat. Elzev. 1632. 3165. Fida Pastora (La) Comoedia Pastoralis. Autore FF. Anglo- Britanno, very neat, fs. • • • • Lond. 1658. 3166. Feithii Antiquitatum Homericarum Libri IV. Amst. 1726. — Arntzenii Dissertationes Binae, Traj. 1/25. in one vol. neat, 3s.6d. 1725-6. 3167. Frontini Strategematicon, 2s. 6d. • L~ Bat. 1675' 3168. Flosculi Historici Delibati, sive Historia Universalis, with 70 portraits, 8s. 6d «►• Col. Ag. l66'l . 3169. Gulielmus Neubrigensis Res Anglicae. Cum rerum memora- bilium loculentissimo Indicc, 7*. 6rf.» • • • Antverpice, 156'7. 3170. Guicciardini (Ludov.) Belgica?, sive Inferioris Germanic, Descriptio, 3 vols, in 1, with plans of all the Cities and Towns, 4f. • • • Amst. 1652. Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — 12mo. 225 3171. Hesychii Milesii Opuscula, 4*. L. Bat. 1613 3172. Hotmanni de Castis Incestisve Nuptiis Dissertatio, 7s. Basil, 1594. 3173. Hottingerus de Rebus Orientals et Cippi Hebraici, 6s. Heidel. 1662. 31 74. Hottingeri Cippi Hebraici, Ss. 6d. • ib. 1662. 3175. Incipiunt opera super costitutione prouinciales et Othonis, — ^focft %ttttt— extra, £l.\ls. 6d. Lond. Wynkyn de IVorde, 1517. 3176. The same work,— SBlacft %ttttt— £l. 7s. Lond. JR. Pynson, (no date). 3177- Ignoramus, Comcedia, a Ruggles, with portrait, 3s. 6d. Lond. 1630. 3178. Another Edition, portrait, half-bound, neat, 3s. 6d. Westmonast. 1737* 3179- Johannis Secundi Opera, accurate recognita ex museo P. Scriverii, in morocco, with portrait, (leaves uncut, except at the head) £l. 9s. L. Bat. 1631. 3180. Another Edition, with portrait, vellum, 18s. • «Z». Bat. 1651. 3181. Joannis Sarisburiensis Policraticus ; sive de nugis Curialium et vestigiis Philosophorum, libri octo, 8*. 6d.» »ib. 1595. 3182. Justiniani Institutions, cura et Studio Arnoldi Vinnii, morocco, 12s. • Amst. ap. Elzev. 1669. 3183. Jovii (Pauli) Historia, 3 vols. 9s. Basil. 1567. This is Paul Jovius's History of his own time, the compilation of which was the chief business of his life for near thirty years. 3184. Jameson Spicilegia Antiquitatem iEgypti atque et Vicinarum Gentium, 4*. 6d. Glasg. 1720. 3185. Jacobi Primi, Basilicon Doron, sive Regia Institutio ad Hen- ricum Principem, neat, 7s. Lond. 1603. 3186. Kirckmanni (Johan.) dc Funeribus Romanorum, lib. IV. plates, 2s. 6d. .£,. Bat. 1672. 3187- Lhyd Commentarioli Britannicse descriptions Fragmentum, calf extra, £l. 10s. Colon. A grip. 1572. 3188. Mori Epigrammata, with the rare frontispiece by Marshall, in which is included a portrait of Sir Thomas More, £l.5s. Lond. 1638. 2 F 226 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3189. Mori Epigrammata, in morocco, £\. 9s. • • • • Lond. 1638. 3190. Mundus Alter et Idem, sive Terra Australis ante hac semper incognita longis itineribus peregrini Academici nuperrime lustrata, maps, very neat, \6s. Franco/, n. d, 3 lpl. Marmoria Oxoniensia, a Gul. Roberts, very neat in calf, 7s. 6d. Oxon. 179*4 3192. Magna Carta et cetera antiqua statuta, — SMacfc %ttttt — very neat, 10s, 6d.» * • • Lo?id. in cedib. T. Marshe, 1556. 3193. Manutii (Pauli) Epistolse, very neat, 6s.* • • -Venet. 1569. 3194. Machiavelli Hisjtorias Florentine, vellum, 5s,- *L. Bat. 1645. 3195. Miscellanea, viz. C. Julius Solinus, Fomponius Mela, &c. no title, 3s. 3196. Miltoni (Johan.) Artis Logicae, Is. 6d. Lond. 1672. 3197. Poemata Latina, very neat, 4s, 6d. ib. 1645. 3198. Machiavelli (Nicolai) de Officio Viri Principis, calf extra, 155. Montisbel. 1599. 3199. Princeps, &c. 9s.' •• • Franco/, 1 622. Bound up with this work is a scarce tract by Hubert Languet, " Vindiciae contra Tyrannos ; " published under the name of Stephanus Junius Brutus, Frankfort, 1622. 3200. Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta, 2 vols. 6s. "Lond. 1721. 3201. Maria (de) Scotorum Regina, totaque eius contra Regem coniuratione, foedo cum Bothuelio adulterio, nefaria in maritum crudelitate et rabie horrendo insuper et deterrimo eiusdem parricidio : plena, et tragica plan£ Historia, £2. 2s, Sine loco ant anno, sed circa, 15S0, 3202. Oratio in laudem Belli, per Thomam Lineum Busaumducis, neat, 7s. Iperis. 1531. 3203. Olai Magni Gentium Septentrionalium Historiae Breviarum, 6s. L. Bat. 1652. 3204. Oweni Epigrammata, with portrait, 6s. L. Bat. 16S2. 3205. Ditto, editio postrema et correctissima, 8s."" Basil. I766. 3206. Popham Selecta Poematum Anglorum, 2 vols, half-bound, 5s. Bath. 1774. Antiquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — 12wo. 227 3207. Pala?phatus de Incredibilibus, cum Doctrinoe Morales, Gr. et Lat. 4fS. Francof. 16&6. 3208. Another Edition, neat, 6s. Amst. ap. Ekev. 164-9. 3209. Petavii Rationarium Temporum, portrait, 2 vols in !. vellum, 6s. • Franeq. 1700. 32 10. Patersoni (Niniano) Epigrammata, cum aliquot Psalmorum Paraphrasi Poetica, 7s. 6d. Edinburgi, 1678. 3211. Procli Diadochi Paraph, in Ptolemaei libros IV. de Siderum effectionibus, Gr. et Lat. (wormed) 3s L, Bat. 1635. 3212. Postelli de Republica seu Magistratibus Athenicnsium liber, neat, 3s. L. Bat. 1635. 3213. Platinae (B.) de Honeste Voluptate, de Ratione Victus, &c. 4s. 6d. Colon. 1529. 3214. Puteani (Erycii) Suada Attica, sive Orationum Selectarum Syntagma, vellum, 5s. L. Bat. Elzev. 1644. 3215. Rutilii Itinerarium, cum notis variorum, large paper, uncut, 7s. • • • Amst. 1687. 3216. Relandi Antiquitates Sacra? Veterum Hebrasorum Delineate, 7s. 6d. TrqJ. 17I2. 3217. Rycqius de Capitolio Romano, plates, 3s L. Bat. 1669. 3218. Respublicae, small size, 51 vols, half-bound, £3. 10s. Amst. et L. Bat. Elzev. et Bleau, 1629, fyc. This very curious collection consists of Accounts Historical and Geogra- phical, of the different Empires, Kingdoms, and Provinces of various parts of the Universe j many of which were written hy the most eminent scholars of the seventeenth century. 3219. Sedecias Tragoedia aliaq. Poemata Caroli Malapertii e Soc, Jes. frontispiece, 4s. Duaci, 1624. 3220. Strada? (Famiani) de Bello Belgico, with nwnerous portraits, 2 vols. 6s. Rom. 1648. 3221. Prolusiones Academical, 2*. 6d. Amst. 1658. 3222. Schoettgenii Antiquitates Triturse et Fullonice, 2s. 6d. Traj. 1727. 3223. Sacro Bosco de Anna Ratione, vellum, 2s • • Paris, 1 53S. 228 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3224. Schedii de Dis Germanis sive Veteri Germanorum, Gallorum, Britannorum, Vandalorum Rcligione, 6s. Amst. Elzev. 1648. 3225. Seklen de Dis Syris Syntagmata II. Adversaria nempe de Numinibus commentitiis in Veteri Iustrumento memoratis, &c. 4*. Lips. 1672. 3226. Sertorius Ursatus de Notis Romanorum, neat, 3s. Paris, 1723. S227. Smids Pictura Loquens, sive Heroicarum Tabularum Hadriani Schoonebeeck, ennarratio et explicatio, numerous plates, 10s. 6d. Amst. 1695. 3228. Selects e Profanis Scriptoribus Historiae, half-bound, neat, 4*. Lips. 1785. 3229. Sarbievii (Matthiae Casimiri) Carmine, neat, gilt leaves, 12s. Paris, typis Barbou, 1759* 3230. Schurmam (Anme Maria?) Dissertaito de Ingenii Muliebris ad Doctrinam, et meliores Literas aptitudine. Accedunt qusedam Epistolas, ejusdem Argumenti, 6s.* *L. Bat. 1641. 3231. Scaligeri (Jos.) Opuscula diversa Graeca et Latina, very neat, 6s. Paris, 1605. 3232. Schenckelius detectus: seu, Memoria Artificialis hactenus occultata, ac a multis quamdiu desiderata, neat, 5s. Lugd. 1617. 3233. Symbola Varia diversorum Principium Sacro-Sanctae Ecclesiae et Sacri Imperii Romani. Cum Uberrima Isagoge Jacobi Typotii, numerous plates, very neat in vellum, 18s. 6d. Arnh. 1679. 3234. Symbola Divina et Humana Pontificum Imperatorum Regem Accessit brevis etfacilis Isagoge J. Typotii, numerous plates, very neat in vellum, 18s. 6d. ib. 1679. 3235. Symbola Varia diversorum Principium, Archiducum, Ducum, Comitum et Marchionum totius Italiac. Cum Isagoge d'Anselmi de Cort, numerous plates, calf extra, £1. Is. Amst. 1686. 3236. Saavedra Faxardo Ideo Principis Christiano-Politici, with numerous allegorical engravings, very neat, gilt leaves, £l. Is. Colon. 1650. Anhquitates, Historici, Numismatici, et Miscellanei. — l2mo. 229 3237. Solerius de Pilco, cum Bossius de Toga Romana, plates, 6s. Amst. 1672. 3238. Sprecheri Rhetia, ubi ejus verus situs, politia, &c. accura- tissime* describuntur, neat, Ss.6d. •• L. Bat. Elzev. 1633. 3239. Smithi (Thorn.) de Repub. Anglorum lib. III. uncut, 3s. 6d. ib. } 630. 3240. Sleidani (Jo.) de Quatuor Summis Imperiis, Is. •• Cant. l64>6. 3241. Sibylla Tridgandriana, seu de Virginitate, Virginum statu et jure Tractatus novus et jucundus, &c. 7s. 6d. Franco/. 16*10. 3242. Sambuci (Joan.) Emblemata, et aliquot Nummi Antiqui operis, numerous cuts, very neat, 7s. 6d. • • • «L. Bat. 1599* 3243. Themistoclis Epistolae, Gr. et Lat. Lips. 1722. iEsopi Fabula?, Gr. et Lat. Di/ing. 1695. in one vol. vellum, 6s. 3244. Ulitii Venatio Novantiqua, neat in vellum, 3s. 6d. Elzev. 1643. 3245. Vibius Sequester de Fluminibus, Fontibus, &c. Hesselii, vellum, 7s. Rotterd. 171 1. 3246. VernulEei (Nicolai) Tragcedia?, 2 vols, neat in vellum, £l. 10s. Lovanii, 1656. 3247. Vanierii (Jacobi) e Societate Jesu, Praedium Husticum, morocco, 10s. 6d Lutet. 1707. 3248. Vitriarii Institutiones Juris Nature et Gentium, cum Historia et Synopsis, vellum, 4s. Hate, 1701 . THEOLOGY * ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. VARIOUS LANGUAGES. POLIO. 3249. "OIBLIA Sacra Germanica, without date, place, or printer's -" name, a beautiful copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, c£30. First Edition of the Holy Scriptures in the German language. In common with most early printed hooks the present has neither catch- words, signatures, numerals, nor running titles. There has been much dispute amongst Bibliographers in fixing the date and printer of this very rare work ; the result of which is certainly in favour of Egges- teyn, who is believed to have printed it at Strasbourg about the year 1466. For the opinions of various authors and much curious dis- quisition, see I' Biblioth. Spencer." vol. 1. p. 42. 3250. Holy Bible (Macklin's magnificent edition) with fine engra- vings from Pictures and Designs of the most eminent English Artists, 7 vols, in russia, elegant, gilt leaves, §c. £57. 15s. Lond. by Bensley, 1800. 3251. Another Set, 7 vols, morocco elegant, gilt leaves, SfC, £63. ib. 1800. 3252. Holy Bible, the edition printed under the patronage of Arch- bishop Parker, generally called the Bishop's Bible — %{&& %ttttt — W#* portraits and wood cuts, 2 vols. £9. $s. Lond. by Rich Jugge, 1572. 3253. The same Bible, first edition, (title and preface wanting) russia extra, £6. l6s. 6d.- • • 'Lond. by Rich. Jugge, 1568. For an interesting account of this celebrated edition of the Bible, and the names of the learned men who were employed by Abp. Parker to translate it, see Lewis's " Hist, of the Eng. Translations of the Bible," p. 235. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages.— Folio. 23 1 3254. Holy Bible, with Index and Concordance, illustrated by a great number of engravings, russia extra, gilt leaves, £7. 7s. Lond. 1722. 3255. Holy Bible, ruled with red lines, frontispiece by Marshall, £3. 3s. Camb. by Buck and Daniel, 1638. 3256. Holy Bible, with Annotations by Samuel Clarke, with plates, rough calf, £2. 12*. 6d. ib. 176O. 3257. Holy Bible, bound up with the whole of Mortier's prints to illustrate the Scriptures, red morocco, gilt leaves, £7. 7s. Oxon. 1794. 3258. Holy Bible, commonly called Cranmer's, or the great Bible — SMacft ^tetter— (imperfect) £\. 5s. Lond. by Grafton, 1539* The celebrated frontispiece of which Lewis gives an engraved copy, occurs in this volume, preceding the Apocrypha. 3259- Holy Bible, with the Common Prayer, ruled with red lines, £l. 5s. Lond by Barker, 1 639. 3260. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, cura Bryani Waltoni, et Castelli Lexico-Heptaglotton, with portrait of Walton by Lombart, of Castell by Faithorne, and plates by Hollar, 8 vols, tall set, in the original binding, o£'45. • * Lond. 1657-69* The present is one of the copies in which Oliver Cromwell and his Council are introduced as patrons of the work in the preface, and thence styled a " Republican copy." Very few were issued before the preface was cancelled. 3261. Biblia Hebraica, cum Vers. Lat. et Nov. Test Gr. et Lat.cura Montani, very neat, £2. 12s. 6d. •••••• Antverpice, 157*2" 3262. Biblia Hebraica, sine punctis, cum Varice Lectiones, a Kenni- cott, interleaved with writing paper, and bottim in 9 vols. green calf, £\2. \2s. Oxon. 1776-80. This was Dr. Kennicott's copy, and was thus bound for his own use. 3263. Biblia Gra?ca, fine copy in the original binding, £4. 14s. 6d. Basil, per Joan Hervagium, 1545. This edition chiefly follows the edition of Cephalams, Argent. 1526, but it has some excerpta from the Complutensian edition, a^ better according with the Hebrew text. — It is considered more correct than either the Venetian edition of 1518, or the Strasburgh of 1526. 232 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3264. Biblia Sacra vulgatas editionis, Sixti V. et Clementis VIII. Pont. Max. autoritate recognita. Editio nova,notis Chrono- logicis et Historicis illustrata. Una cum Sacra Chronologia, atque Geographia, illustrated by near 800 fine engravings, from the celebrated Physica Sacra of Scheuchzer, 4 vols. fine set, very neat in calf, ,£28. Paris, 1662. 3265. Biblia Sacro Sancta Testamenti Veteris et Novi, e sacra Hebraeorum lingua Graecorumque fontibus, consultis simul orthodoxis interpretib. religiosissime translata in sermonem Latinum, fine copy, in morocco, gilt leaves, and ruled -with red lines, £8. 8s. • • • Tiguri, 1 543. " This is the famous Bible of Zurich, all of which, except a small part done by Theodorus Bibliander, was translated from the Hebrew by a Jew, who stiled himself Leo Judae, or the Lion of Judah. The Greek books were translated by Petrus Cholinus. The New Testament is that of Erasmus."— Vide Bibliog. Diet. vol. 1. 3266. Biblia Magna, Commentariorum litteralium Gagnasi, Estii, Menochii, Tirini, et aliorum illustrata, edente Johanne de la Haye, 5 vols, fine set, £5. 5s. Paris, 1643. 3267. Biblia Sacra Latina, without date, place, or name of the printer; printed in double columns of 45 lines each, <£4>. 14s. 6d. • • circa, 1465. This fine specimen of early printing has the initial letters in colours ; there are neither signatures, pages, or catch words, and there has been considerable discussion about the name of its printer, but although nothing has been proved, it is considered by competent judges that it was printed by Eggesteyn. — The present is the first volume only, in the original binding. 3268. Biblia Sacra Latina, Vulgatce editionis, cura Benedict!, £1 . 1 8s. Paris, ex Offic. Colince, 1541. A well printed volume, with numerous initials very neatly executed. 3269. Biblia Sacra, et Nov. Test. Latina, cum Notis Junii et Tre- mellii, 16$. Genev. 1617. 3270. Biblia Sacra Versificata, a very curious MS. on vellum, of the 14th century, with some of the initials in gold and colours, and all the rest in blue and vermilion, small folio, neat 7 £8* 8*. i Th cology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages.— Folio. 233 3271. Biblia Sacra Latina cum Epistola Sancti Hieronymi, &c with a great number of wood-cuts, many of which are very neat and curious, £2. 12s. 6d. Lugduni ; ex- pensis Anthonii Koberger de Nuremburgis, 1512. 3272. La Sainte Bible, avec le Preface de Calvin, 15* 1585. 3273. La Sacra Bibbia, tradotta in lingua Italiana da Giovanni Dio dati, con i Sacri Salmi, 15* Geneve, 1640. 3274. Novum Testamentum Graecum, Wetstenii, 2 vols, neat, £9. 9s Amst. 1751' 3275. Another Set, 2 vols, russia extra, £\l. lis. ib. 1751. 327^. Another Set, 2 vols, splendidly bound in blue morocco, lined with satin, joints, fyc. .£13. 13*. 26. 1751. " All former editions of the Greek Testament, were surpassed by that of John James Wetstein ; of which it is sufficient to mention, that Michaelis, his professed enemy, and who loses no opportunity of speaking harshly of him, says, that it is of all editions the most important, and the most necessary to those who are engaged in sacred criticism." — Butler's Horce Biblicce, p. 141. 32*77. Novum Testamentum, Graece, cum Scholiis, cura Gregorii, 10*. 6d. Oxon. 1703. 3278. Novum Testamentum, Gr. et Lat. a Beza, very neat, £l. IS*. Cantab, ex offic. R. Danielis, 1642. Best edition of Beza's Testament, with the learned notes of Camerarius. 3279- Novum Testamentum, Gr. et Lat. a Beza, neat, £\. 5*. Genev. 1582. 3280. Novum Testamentum Greece. Ex recensione J. J. Griesbachii, cum selecta lectionum varietate, 2 vols, boards, £6. 6s. Lips. 1803-4. These volumes only contain the four Evangelists. The exquisite elegance of the greek type is beyond all praise, and the paper is of corres- ponding beauty. In the first vol. is a fine engraving of a Madona and Child, after Carlo Dolci by Bohm ; and in the second a Saint John, after Guido Rheni, by Schmidt. 3281. Codex Theodori Beza? Cantabrigiensis Evangelia et Aposto- lorum Acta Complectens quadratis Uteris Graeco-Latinis. Academia auspicante venerandae has vetustatis reliquias, summa qua potuit fide, adumbravit expressit edidit, codi- cis historiam praefixit notasque adjecit Thomas Kipling, 2G 234 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. S. T. P. imperial paper, a most splendid work, 2 vols. russia elegant, gilt leates, &c. £l0. 10s. • 'Cantab. 1793. The types used in printing this superb book were cast for the express purpose of imitating the characters in the original MS. which is in the public Library, Cambridge. 3282. Quatuor Evangelia, Arabice et Latine, studio Jo. B. Ray- mundi, with engravings on wood by Lucas Pennis, after the designs of Anthony Tempesta, boards, uncut, £3. 3s. Romce, ex typog. Medicea, 1591. This copy has four preliminary leaves, having on the two first a title in Latin, and another Latin and Arabic. The other two contain an address inscribed to "Lectori Philarabico," and subscribed " Dabam Florentias ex Typographeo Linguarum exhorticarum V. Kalend. Julii 1774. Caesar Malanimeus." 3283. Patrick, Lowth, and Whitby's Commentary upon the Old and New Testament, with Arnald's Commentary upon the Apocrypha, 7 vols, fine set, in calf, £ 1 5. 15s. Lond. 1727-53. 3284. Lowth's (W.) Commentary upon the Prophets, neat, £l. l6s. ib. 1766. 3285. Whitby (D.) on the New Testament, 2 vols. £2. 2s. ib. 1744. 3286. Another Set, 2 vols. £\.5s. ib. ffo3. 3287. Gill's (John) Exposition of the Old and New Testament por- trait, 9 vols. c£l6. 16*. ib. 1763. 3288. Dodd's (William) Commentary upon the Old and New Tes- tament, 3 vols, fine set, in calf, £9. 9s. ib. 17J0. 3289. Henry's (Matthew) Exposition of the Old and New Tes- tament, plates, 3 vols, neat in calf, £6. l6s. 6d. ib. 1793. 3290. Another Edition, 5 vols, half -bound, neat, £7. 17s. 6d. ib. 1737. 3291. Henry's (Matthew) Exposition of St. Mark, 5s. 3292. Histoire les plus Remarquables de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament, grave'es en cuivre, par le celebre Jean Luyken, et enrichie d'une savante description, half-bound, £3. 13s. 6d. Am st. 1732. 3293. Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament, representee avec des Figures et Explications edifiantes tirees des SS. Peres, par Royaumont, numerous plates, very neat, £3. 3s. Paris, 1712 Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — Folio. 235 3294. Augustinus (S. Aurelius) de Civitate Dei libri XXII. original binding, £27 . Sub anno a nativitate domini, 1467. First edition of this work, and of such excessive rarity that few of the most celebrated libraries which have been brought to public sale were in possession of copies. It was printed at the Monastery of Subiaco, and is believed to be the third work produced by that press. Some cir- cumstances render it highly probable that Sweynheym and Pannartz were the printers employed at the monastery. 3295. Augustini Confessionum libri XIII. a most beautiful copy, morocco, gilt leaves, £l5. no place, date, or printer's name. First edition, of early date and extreme rarity. The type strongly re- sembles that of Mentelin. At the end of the last nine leaves entitled " Sermo de praesentatione beat* Marias Virginis," appears the device of Fust and Schoyffer in red, by which might be inferred that this portion was printed by them, and the former by Mentelin. 3296. Liber beati Augustini yponensis episcopi de con- sensu evangelistarum, £2. 2s, no place, date, or printer's name. Brunet mentions an edition of this work printed at Laugingen in 1473, which he says is very rare, — the present is undoubtedly a different edition, but printed at least as early, probably earlier. 3.297. Aquinatis (Sancti Thomas) Summa totius Theologian, 3 vols, in l, 15* Col. Ag. 1622. 3298. Aquino (Thomas de) Questiones de Duodecim Quodlibet — ejusdem Modus Pedendi in Sermones de Sacramento venerabilis Eukaristie, in 1 vol. fine condition, original binding, £'3. 10s. Colon, per Arnold. Ther. Hoernen. 1471. 3299. ■ ■ — • Postilla in Job, fine copy, in blue mo- rocco, £4. 4s. EslingcB, per Conrad. Fyner, 1474. 3300. Aquinas (Thomas) in III. Sententiar, MS. on vellum, of the 14th century, beautifully written on fine vellum, in co- lumns, with a fine illuminated capital and miniature on the first page; the other initials in vermilion and blue, in excellent preservation, neat in calf, £8. 8s. 236 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3301. Athanasii (Archiep. Alexand.) Opera Omnia, Graece, cum Interp. Lat. P. Nannii, editio princeps, 2 vols, in 1, fine clean copy, in the original binding, £3. 13*. 6d. ex offic. Commel. 1600. 3302. Appeal of Injured Innocence unto the Religious learned and Ingenious Reader, in a Controversie betwixt the Animad- vertor Dr. Peter Heylyn and the Author Thomas Fuller, calf extra, 18s. Lond. 165Q. 3303. Ambrose's (Isaac) Theological Works, 18*. ib. 1674. 3304. Austin's (Wil.) Devout and Learned Meditations, 5s. ib. 1537. 3305. Annales Ecclesiasticos, i Seglares de la Ciudad de Sevilla, por Acuerdo de la misma Ciudad, plates, £1. Is. Sevilla, 1746. 3306. Bonifacii Papae VIII. Liber sextus Decretalium cum glossis Joannis Andras (Juriscons. Bonon.) beautifully printed 07i vellum, fine copy, in purple morocco, gilt leaves, fyc. £45. Moguntice, per Pet. Schoyfer de Gernszheym, 1476. Copies of this celebrated work on vellum are of very uncommon occurrence. — The present has remarkably wide margins, and is in every respect a fine copy. 3307. Bocharti (Samuelis) Opera Omnia. Hoc est Phaleg, Chanaan, et Hierozoicon, a Leusden, et Villemandy, 3 vols, in vellum, £5. 5s. L. Bat. 1 712. 3308. Bedae Historia Ecclesiastica. Cui accessere Leges Anglo- Saxonicae, Sax. et Lat. very fine copy, russia extra, £6. 6s. Cantab. 1644. This copy was formerly in the possession of the two eminent Antiqnaries Gale and Gough, both of whom have enriched it with many valuable notes in manuscript. 3309. ■ ■ Sax. et Lat. cura et studio Johannis Smith, large paper, neat, £4. 4s. • • ib. 1722. 3310. Bellarmini (Roberti) Disputationes de Controversiis Chris- tianae fidei, with fine frontispiece, 4 vols, in 2, £l.5s. Co1.Ag.l6l5 Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — Folio. 237 3311. Basilica? S. Maria? Majoris dc Urbe a Liberio Papa I. usque ad Paulum V. Pont. Max. Descriptio et Delineatio. Auctore Abbate Paulo de Angelis, lib. 12. plates, 15s. Romeo, 1621. 3312. Barrow's (Isaac) Works, portrait by Loggan, 4 vols, neat, £3. 13s. 6d Lond. 1683-7- 3313. Bramhall's (Archbishop) Works and Life, 15s. Dublin, 1677- 3314. Belli Sacri Historia, libris XXIII. comprehensa, de Hierosol- yma, ac Terra promissionis, &c. Opus mirabili rerum scitio dignissimarum varietate refertum, ac historian stu- diosis ut jucundissimum, ita et utilissimum futurum: ante annos quidem circiter quadringentos conscriptum, nunc que primum Doet. viri Philiberti Poyssenoti opera in lucem editum. Gulielmo Tyrio Metropol. quond. Archiep* autore, fine copy, ruled with red lines, in the original cu- rious binding, £3. 13s. 6d. Basil, 1549. 3315. Baxter's (Richard) Catholick Theologie, 15s.. • "Lond. 1675. 3316. Bampfield's (Francis) All in One. All useful Sciences and Profitable Arts in one book of Jehovah Aelohim, 15*. ib. 1677' 3317. Brandt's (Gerard) History of the Reformation and other Ecclesiastical Transactions in and about the Low Countries, portraits by Vertue, 4 vols. £3. 3s. ib. 1720. 3318. Basnage's History of the Jews, translated by T. Taylor, £3. 10s. ' ib. 1708. 3319. Blackall's (Ofspring) Works, portrait by Vertue, 2 vols.of'l. 4s. ib. 1723. S320. Berthorii (Fratris Petri, Pictaviensis) ordinis divi patris Bene. dicti : divinarum literarum studiosissimi. Morale reduc- tiorum : sup totam Bibliam, quatuor et triginta libris con- summatum, in the original stamped binding, £l. lls.6d. Basil. 1515. 3321. Burnet's (Gilbert) History of the Reformation of the Church of England, portraits, 3 vols, neat, £7. 7s.* • • • Lond. 1681. 3322. on the 39 Articles, 7s ib. 1705, 238 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3323. Bunyan's (John) Works, with plates, the large letter edition, 2 vols. o£4. 4*. Lond. 1736. 3 24. Beard's (Thomas) Theatre of God's Judgments, (abounding in curious histories) half-bound, neat, 18*. • • • • •• ib. 1648. 3325. Bedford's Scripture Chronology demonstrated by Astrono- mical Calculations, &c. large paper, neat, £l. 10s. 1730. 3326. Bartholomaei Pisani, Summa de casibus conscientiae, — SBIacft %ttttl—£l.ls. no place, printer's name or date, (circa) 1475 There are neither signatures or catch-words to this volume, but each leaf has the page in arabic numerals. — It is supposed to be the Augsburgh edition of 1475. 3327. Chrysostomi (S. Joannis) Homiliae LXII. in Evangelium S. Matthaei ; a Georgio Trapezuntio Latine" redditae, fine copy, in russia, gilt leaves, and joints, £S. 18s. 6d. without date or printer's name, (circa) 1470. This rare volume is assigned by Braun, to the press of John Mentelin of Strasburgh, vide his Notitia, p. 4. At the bottom of the last page, are the following MS. lines and date, in red ink, by the Rubricator. " Ter tria sunt septem, septem sex, sex quoque ties suut Si numeras recte, tibi facit milia quinque." 1473. In Lord Spencer's copy of this edition there appears a MS. date of 1466, Argent, which places this work in a very early period of the annals of typography — vide Dibd. Bib.Sp. 1. 196. 3328. Castelli Lexicon Heptaglotton, 2 vols, half -bound, o^ll. 11*. , Lond. 1659. 3320. Another Copy, in 1 vol. (imperfect) £3. 10s. . ... ib. 1659. 3330. Clarke's (Dr. Samuel) Works, 4 vols, neat, £4>. 14$. 6d. ib. 1738. 3331. Ditto a very fine set, with portrait by Vertue, 4 vols. £6. 6s. ib. 1738. 3332. Clarke's (Sam.) Mirrour, or Looking-Glass both for Saints and Sinners held forth in some thousands of examples, portrait by Cross, and frontispiece by Gayuoud, 2 vols. neat, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1671. 3333. General Martyrologie, containing a collection of all the greatest persecutions which have befallen the Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — Folio. 239 Church, many portraits by Cross, fyc. and other plates, neat, £3. 3s. Lond. 1677. 3334. Clarke's (Sam.) Lives of sundry Eminent Persons, portraits, 18s. 6d. ib. 1683. 3335. Cuchvorth's (R.) Intellectual System of the Universe, fine frontispiece, £2. $£•••••• ib. 1678. 3336. Catalogus Testium Veritatis, per Matthias Francowitz, 6s. Par. lfJ08. 3337. Concordantias Graeco-Latina? Testamenti Novi, H. Stephani, £l. Is. Genev. 1624. 3338. Coriolani (Fr. Ambrosii) Vita Divi Augustini et Commentarii super Regula ejusdem Sanctijfoe copy, in russia, £3. 9s, Rom. a Magistro Georgia Herolt de Bamberg, 1481. 3339* Concordantiae Majores Sacra? Bibliae Summis Vigilis jam recens et castigatae et locupletas, in the original binding, £l. Is. Basil, 1525. 3340. Cordyale (The Book named the) or Memorare Novissima; which treateth of the foure la=>t thinges, elegant in mo- rocco «... imprynted by S2H»Ugam ©axton, 1480. The present copy of this rare book is quite complete j it is a rery large copy, but is not clean. 3341. Cressy's (R. F. S.) Church History of Brittany or England, from the beginning of Christianity to the Norman Conquest, (above 1000 pages) £1. Is. 166*8. 3342. Covel's (John) Account of the Greek Church, large paper, 9s. > • Camb. 1722. 3343. Curcellsei (Stephani) Opera Theologica, 12*. 6d. Amst. Elzev. 1675. 3344. Cypriani (S.) Epistolas, ex recens, Joan. Andrae episc. alerien- sis, fine large copy, £9. 9s. Romce, C. Sweynheym et A. Pannartz, 1471. First edition, and extremely scarce. It was printed from an ancient manuscript of S. Cyprian's Epistles discovered at Paris. 3345. Cypriani (S.) Epistolas, a very early edition, in long lines, with 240 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. signatures— beautiful copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, e£ll. 11*. no place, printer's name, or date* This volume begins with eighteen leaves of table under the signatures a. b. To which succeeds a nineteenth leaf entitled " Ex libro beati ihero- nimi de viris illustribus de beato Cipriano." Saint Cyprian's epistles occupy signatures a l.tor. Then appears a detached part, signa- tures A— D, entitled " Incipit prologus in libros beati Cipriani," &c» At the end the subscription "explicit liber leius Cecilii Cipriani," &c. The printer of this very rare edition cannot be ascertained, but the type bears some resemblance to the first edition of Cicero's Offices, printed by Fust and Schoyffer at Mentz in 1465. 3346. Clemens Alexandrini Opera, Gr. et Lat. Sylburgii, stained, 10s. 6d. Colon. 1688. 3347. Collier's (Jeremy) Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, frontispiece, 2 vols. £2. \2s. 6d Lond. 1708. 3348. Chrysostomi (Divi Joannis) Opera, 5 vols, in 4. half bound, neat, £3. 8s. Paris, 1588. 3349. Diues and Pauper (a compendiouse Treetise Dialogue of) that is to say the riche and the pore fructuously trctyng upon the X. commandments, £\5s. 1 5s. emprynted by me Ifctdjarfce ^gngon, 1493. This is the first book printed by Pynson, with a date.— With the exception of the last leaf and one of the table being a little damaged, the present is a perfect copy. 3350. Decisiones Rotae Romanae, fine copy, many leaves in a rough state, original binding of oak boards, £6. l6s. 6d. Moguntice, per Petrum Schoyffer, 1477. Few works printed at Mentz occur more seldom than this. — De Bure ob- serves that this volume has neither Index or Contents, but the present copy has an Index. In other respects his account is correct. 3351. Donne's (Dr. John) 80 Sermons, frontispiece by Merian, including a fine portrait of Donne, £l. Is. "Lond, 1640. 3352. Evangelicae Historiae Imagines ex ordine Evangeliorum quae toto anno in Missae sacrificio leguntur, in ordinem temporis vitae Christi digestae. Auctore Hieronymo Natali Soc. Jesu Theolog. a Series of 154 beautiful engravings by the Wierxes, neat, £5. 10*. Antverpia, 1647. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — Folio. 241 3353. Eusebii Chronicorum Canonum omnimodae historiae libri duo, interprete Hieronymo: ex fide vetustissimorum Codicum castigati, Gr. et Lat. £3. 3s. Amst. 1658. 3354. Preparatio Evangelica, Gr. et Lat. £2. 2s. Colon. 1688. 3355. Socratis, Theodoriti, &c. Ilistoria Ecclesiastica, Gr. et Lat. Valesii, 3 vols. £3. 10s. Paris, 1673-86. 3356. Pamphili, Socratis, Sozomeni, Theodoreti et Evagrii Historia Ecclesiastica, Gr. cum Evangelicce Praepara- tionis, Gr. a beautiful set, 2 vols, very neat, £4*. 4*. Lut. Par. ap. R. Steph. 1544. 3357. Praeparatio Evangelica, Latine, G, Trapezuntio interprete, Editio Princeps, (stained) «£l. 11*. 6d. Venet. ap. Jenson, 1470. 3358. Episcopii (Simonis) Opera Theologica, vellum, 15*. Amst. 1650. 3359. Foxe's (John) Acts and Monuments of the Church, with por- trait by Sturt and numerous plates, 3 vols, neat, £7. 7s. Land. 1684. 3360. Another Set, 3 vols. £5. 5s. * ib. l6S4. 3361. Another Edition — 2BfflCfi %ttttt— 3 vols, half-bound, neat, c£4. 10?. ib. 1641. 3362. Fuller's (Thomas) Pisgah-Sight of Palestine, maps, £l. 4*. ib. 1662. 3363. — 1 Church History of Britain, with the Cam- bridge and Waltham Abbey, very neat, £4. 14*. 6d. ib. 1655. 3364. Holy and Profane State, portraits and frontispiece by Marshall, 14s. •• • ib. 1652 3365. Fisher's (Sam.) Baptism before, or after Faith and Re- pentance, 6s. ib. 1669. 3366. Golden (The) Legende, accomplished at the commaundemente and requeste of the noble and puyssaunte erle, and my special good lorde, wyllyam erle of arondel — Sfrlacft %ttttt — first edition, very imperfect. By me fojiUgam (£axtOtt, 1483. Such as have imperfect copies of this work may either be supplied with leaves from this copy at a moderate charge, or purchase it entire. 2 H 242 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3367« Gregorii IX. Nova Compilatio Decretalium, a magnificent book, printed vpon vellum and paper alternately, fine copy, russia, gilt leaves, o£28. Mogunt. per Petrum Schoyfer, 1473. Editio Princeps. — This fine specimen of the skill of early printer?, is remarkable in the history of Typography, on account of various Latin verses at the end, wheh lay a decided claim to the invention of the art, a few years after it had been in practice. The reference to John Guttemburg, John Fust, and Peter Schoyffer, in despite of the barbarous style, cannot be misunderstood in these lines — " Quos genuit ambos urbs Moguntina Joannes, Librorum insignes Protocarigmaiicos ; Cum quibusoptatu Petrus venit ad poliandrum, Cursu posterior, introenndo prior." 3368. Gregorii Magni (Sancti) ccclcsie doctoris precipui liber Mora- lium in beatum Job, &c. — Splacft %ttttt — in the original binding, £l. lis. 6d. • • • • Lugduni ap. J. Mareschal, 1512. 3369. Gregorio Papa (Vulgarizatore del Dialogo de miser sancto) 1 8s. Mediol. Ulr. Scinczenceller, 1 48 1 . 3370. Gersoni (Johannis) Opera Omnia, 4 vols. £5. 5s. Argent. 1493-1501. It has not been discovered that this edition is noticed by any of Gerson's biographers, nor is it mentioned by De Bure, Brunet, or Santander. No recent eminent collection appears to have possessed a copy. 3371. Grotii (Hugonis) Opuscula Diversa, 13*. 6d.» ••••. ib. 1 6jQ. 3372. Gibson's (Edmond) Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani ; or Statutes, Constitutions, &c. of the Church of England, 2 vols, £2. 18s. Lond. 1713. 3373. Historia Ecclesiastica Rufini et Eusebii, MS. on vellum, of the 14th century, with curious initials in colours, neat in calf, £6. 6s. 3374. lleylyn's (Peter) History of the Presbyterians, neat, 15s. 1672. 3375. Hoadly's (Benjamin, Bishop of Bangor, &c.) Works, published by his Son, portrait by Basire, 3 vols, a beautiful tall set, well bound in russia, from sheets, £5. 5s. Lond. 1773. 3376. Hooper's (Bishop of Bath and Wells) Works, including an Enquiry into the State of the Ancient Measures, boards, 9s. Oxon, 1757m Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various La?iguages. — Folio. 243 3377. Hammond's (Henry) Works, viz. Discourses, Paraphrase on the New Testament, &c. &c. 4 vols. £2. 3s. Lond. 1684. 3378. Heywood's (Thomas) Hierarchic of the Blessed Angels* plates, £\.ls. ib. 1635. A considerable portion of this volume is poetical. 3379. HakewHPs (George) Apologie, or Declaration of the Power and Providence of God in the Government of the World, frontispiece by Cecill, neat, 10s, 6d. ib. 1635. 3380. Hospinianus de Monachis : hoc est de origine, et progressu Monachatus, acordinum Monasticorum equitimq., Mili- tarium tarn Sacrorum quam secularium omnium, libri VI. very neat in russia, £l. !*.••••• Tiguri, 1609. 3381. Job Glosatus. a fine MS. on vellum, of the 14th century. It ia written in a very superior style, in several columns and various hands, with a very curious miniature on the first leaf, painted upon a gold ground ; in fine preservation, half-bound, £6. 6s. 3382. Josephi Opera, Arlenii, Graece, editio PRiNCEPs,^/*e copy, half-bound, russia, £3. 13s. 6d.* • Basil ap. Froben. 1544. " I wonder that collectors of Greek books do not value this editio princeps more : it is one of the noblest and most venerable old books I ever saw." — Haricood. 3383. Josephus, Gr. et Lat. Hudsoni, 2 vols. £2. 10s. **Oxon. 1720. 3384. Josephus, Gr. et Lat. Itigii, (title and beginning of the Pro- legomena wanting) £\. \s. Lips. 1691. 3385. Josephi de Bello Judaico, lib. VII. (Epistle of Lud. Crendrata wanting) o£l. 10*. Veronce, per Pet. Maufer Gallicum, 1480. This copy is free from worm holes, but is slightly stained. The capitals are illuminated. 3386. Josephi Opera; de Greco in Latinum traductos per Vene- rabilem presbyterium Rufinus Aquiliensem virum doc- tissimum, half -bound, fine copy, £l. 17*. • • • • Venet. 1481. 5387. Josephus, translated by L'Estrange, large paper, 2 vols. fine copy in calf, £2. 12s. 6d. • • • ib. 1 702. 244 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3388. Josephus, translated and illustrated with Dissertations, by W. Whiston, large paper, very neat, £4.4>s.Lond. 1737- 3389. Josephus, translated by T. Lodge, 15s. ib. 1655. 3390. Liber Psalmorum, in the original stamped binding, £9' 9*« Impressum Moguntice per Joannem Schovffer, 15l6. This volume is printed with the same characters as the celebrated first Psalter of 1457, and the subsequent ones of 1459, 1490, and 1502. 3391. Litio (Rob. de, i. e. Caraccioli) Opus Quadragesimale, half- bound, £4>. 10s., Romce, Conr. Sweynheym et Am. Pannartz, 1472. 3392. Another Copy, in r us sia, joints, &c. £5. 5s. ib. 1472* 3393. Licio (Roberti de, i. e. Carraccioli) in Theologia Pitissimi Verbi Dei, &c.<£l. lis. 6d. Noplace, printer, or date, but circa 1480. 339 i. Lombardica Historia, que a plerisq. Aurea legenda sanctorum appellator— SMflCfi %ttttt — 12s. 6d. Argent. 1502. 3395. Legenda Sanctorum, per Jacobi de Voragine, ,£3. 3s. Venet.ap. Christ . Arnoldum $ 1473. This copy is in the original stamped binding, and in excellent preserva- tion. It is printed in columns, and is a fine specimen of early printing. 3396. Luther's (Martin) Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, 16s. Lond. 1 760. 3397. Lewis' (John) History of the translations of the Bible into English, both MS. and in print, also the most remarkable editions, to which is annexed Wiclif's translation of the New Testament ; fine portraits in mezzotinto of Lewis and JViclif, and faC'si?nile of the frontispiece to the great Bible of 1539, °£4. 14s. 6d. ib. 1731. 3398. Limborchi (Ph.) Theologia Christiana, portrait by Gunst, 10s. 6d. AmsU 1695. 3399. Le Blanc (Ludov.) Theses Theologicse, (stained) 9s. Lond. 1683. 3400. Life of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, in Flemish, with a great number of engravings on wood, coloured, fine copy, half -bound, <£3. 3s. Antwerp. 1 52 1 . 3401. Loci Communes Sacri et Profani Sententiarum omnis generis ex authoribus Graecis, &c. per Joan. Stobaeum, Gr. et Lat. (stained) 10s. 6d. *Francof. 1581. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — Folio* 245 3402. Lconis Papse (Beati) Sermones, — 25laCn* %Ztttt — in russia, £3. 7s. Venet. Andreas Parmensis impressit, 1485. 3403. Malebranche's Search after Truth, and other Works, translated by Taylor, neat, \6s ib. 1700. 3404. Newcourt's (Richard) Repertorium Parochiale Londinense : An Ecclesiastical Parochial History of the Diocese of London, 2 \oh. fuie set, £4>. 4>s. ib. 1 708-10. 3405. Another Set, 2 vols, half-bound, £3. 3s. ib. 1708-10. This Diocese includes the whole of London, Middlesex, Essex, with parts of Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. 3406*. The same work, Vol. I. large paper, half-bound, russia, which contains all the Diocese except the County of Essex, £2. 1 2*. 6d. ib. 1708. 3407. NovaLegenda Anglia-— 23lacfefLetter— oflO. 10$. Impres. Lond. in domo OTtnantt l>e 32lort)e, 1516. 3408. Another Copy, perfect, but not so good in condition, £7. 7s. ib. 15l6\ Both these copies have the large wood cut on each side of the first leaf, and again repeated on the last, with Caxton's great device on the reverse. — Ames says that this work is commonly called " Capgrave's Lives of the Saints." 3409. Owen's (John) Works, viz. on the Person of Christ, In-dwelling Sin, Death of Christ, &c. with portrait, very neat, £2. 2s. Lond. 1721. 3410. — .- Discourses on the Holy Spirit, half-bound, £l. Is. ib. 1674. 3411. Origenis Commentaria, Gr. et Lat. a Pet. Dan. Huetio, 2 vols. £l.ls. Colon. 1685. 3412. Pearson's (John) Exposition of the Creed, 8s. .. Lond. 1669. 3413. Prideaux's (Humph.) Connection of the History of the Old and New Testament, 2 vols. 1 8s. • 2*6. 1 7 i 8 . 3414. Poli (Matth.) Synopsis Criticorum, 5 vols. £6. l6s. 6d. ib. 1669. 3415. Another Edition, 5 vols, half-bound, uncut, £5. 1 5s. 6d. Franc of, 1712. 3416. Polano (Pietro Soave) Historia del Concilio Tridentino, fine copy in russia extra, £l . 1 l.j. 6d. ib. l6lp. 3417. Polano's History of the Council of Trent, translated by Brent, 15*. ib. 1676. 246 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3418. Pithoei (Fran.) Codex Canonum Vetus Ecclesiae Romanas, &c. 10*. 6d. Paris, typ. Regia, 1687. 3419- Platina's Lives of the Popes, translated and continued by Sir P. Rycaut, 13s. 6d. Lond. l6S8. 3420. Pococke's (Edward) Commentary on the Prophecy of Hosea, neat, 7s. Oxon. 1685. 3421* Commentary on the Prophecy of Joel, neat, 6s ib. 1691. 3422. Procopius in Esaiam, Grace, cum Interp. Lat. Curterii, £l. Is. Paris, 1580. 3423. Prouffitable (The) Boke for Manes Soule, and right com- fortable to the body, and specyally in adversitie and tribu- lacyon, which boke is called the Chastysing of Goddes Children— SBtacft %ttttt. emprynted by W. (JDaaton, circa, 1488. The present copy of this rare book, is quite complete. 3424. Picart's Ceremonies and Religions of various Nations of the known World, numerous plates, large paper, 7 vols, in 6", very neat in calf, £26. Lond. 1733. 3425. Another Set, large paper, 7 vols, in 6, neat, £22. ib. 1733. 3426. Picart Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses, numerous plates, large paper, 7 vols, lery neat, £l§. Amst, 1723. 3427. Quaresmii Theologica et Moralis Terra? Sanctze Eleucidatio, plates, 2 vols, in vellum, £3. 3s. Antverpice, 1639. 3428. Ridgley's (Tho.) Body of Divinity, 2 vols, neat, £2, 2s. Lond. 1734. 3429. Reynolds's (Bishop Edward) Works, neat, £l.5s.* 'ib. 1658. 3430. Rous's (F.) Treatises and Meditations, frontispiece by Cross, 12s. ib. 1657. 3431. Strype's (John) Ecclesiastical Memorials, with the Lives of Cranmer, Parker, Grindal, and Whitgift, 7 vols, elegant in russia, marbled leaves, £31. 10s. ib. 1694-1721. 3432. •• Annals of the Reformation, 4 vols. o£l2. 12*. a. 1709-31. 3433. . 1 Ecclesiastical Memorials, 3 vols, neat, £12, ib. 1721. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — Folio. 247 3434. Strype's (John) Lives of Cranmer, Grindal, Parker, and Whitgift, 4 vols, very neat and uniform, in calf \ £l\. lis. Lond. 1694-1718. 3435. Life of Abp. Cranmer, £2. 6s. ib. 1694. 3436. ■ Another Copy, £l. 18*. ib. l6£>4. 3437. Life of Abp. Parker, £2. 6s. ib.1711. 3438. Another Copy, £ 1.1 5*. ib. Ifll. 3439. Life of Abp. Whitgift, £3. 3s. • • • . ib. 1718. 3440. Annals, Vol. I. and II. £l. llf. 6d. ib. 1709-25. 3441. Vol.1. 15s 16.1709. 3442. Scale of Devotions Musical and Gradual ; being Descants on the Fifteen Psalms of Degrees, Prose and Verse, frontis- tispicce by Faithorne, (having the portrait of Henry Lord Coleraine in a Pilgrim's habit) and another plate, h. b. russia, £3. 3s. ib. 1681. 3443. Sleidan's (John) History of the Reformation, by Bohun, por- traits, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1689. 3444. Spencer (Joan.) de Legibus Hebraeorum Ritualibus et ^Earum Rationibus, 2 vols. £l. Us. 6d. Cantab. 1727. 3445. Stillingfleet's (Edward) Origines Sacra?, or Grounds of Natural and Revealed Religion, portrait, 10s. 6d. • • • *Camb. 1702. 3146. Sheuchzer's Physica Sacra, with the German text; illus- trated by 750 fine engravings, fine impressions, 4 vols, in the original binding, with oak boards, £20.- -Augsb. 1731. The prints to this wotk have been long known and admired; they are preferred when accompanying the German impress, on, having been first worked for that edition. 3447. Sewell's (William) History of the Quakers, very neat, £l. Is. Lond. 1725. 3448. Theatrum Dolorum Jesu Christi Dei Hominis pro Hominibus, Patientis, a series of 32 fine engravings describing the Passion of our Saviour, by Gregory Huret after his own designs, to which are added by the same artist, " The Con~ version of St. Paul," and " The Condemnation of St. Ste- phen," the whole of which are mounted upon imperial paper, half-bound, rnssia t ofl2. 125. Paris, 1664. 248 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3449. Tertulliani Opera, Rigaltii, 12*. 6d Paris, 1675. 3450. Turrecremata (Johannis de) Explanatio in Psalterium, fine copy, with rough leaves, £2. 12s. 6d. Jug. Find, per Joan. Schuszler, 1472. 3451. Turrecremata (Rever. Cardinalis sancti Sixti, Joannis de) Expositio brevis et utilis super toto Psalterio — a most beautiful and large copy, ruled with red lines and bound in red morocco, £16. 16s. Moguntia, Vet. Schoyfer de Gernszhcym, 1474. A very rare edition of this popular work, the first of which appeared four years before the present. 3452. Thorpe's (John) Registrum Roffense : or a Collection of Ancient Records, Charters, and Instruments of divers kinds, necessary for illustrating the Ecclesiastical History and Antiquities of the Diocese and Cathedral Church of Ro- chester, half-bound, £l,15s. Lond. 1769. 3453. Another Copy, in boards, £l. 11 s. 6d. 26.1769. 3454. Taylor's (John) Hebrew Concordance, adapted to the English Bible, 2 vols, in 1, (30 leaves at the end of the Index wanting) half-bound, £6. 6s. • ib. 1754. 3455. Taylor's (Jeremy) Life of Christ, with Cave's Lives of the Apostles, with engravings by Faithorne, Lombart, and others, £l. 10s. ib. 1694. 3456. Doctor Dubitantium, or the Rule of Con- science, head by Lombart, £l. lis. 6d, ib. 1696. 3457. Tillotson's (Abp.) Works, 3 vols. £l. 4*. ib. 1720. 3458. Trapp's (John) Commentary or Exposition upon the New Testament, portrait by Gaywood, calf extra, £l. l6s. ib. 1656. 3459. Theatrum Biblicum, hoc est Historiae Sacrae Veteris et Novi Testamenti tabulis aBneis expressae. Opus praestantissimo- rum hujus ac superioris seculi pictorum atque sculptorum, summo studio conquistum et in lucem editum per Nicolaum Johannis Piscatorem, being a series of 466 engravings by various artists, £4>. 4*. Amst. 1650. 3460. Usserii (Jacobi) Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti, best edition, neat in vellum, £l. 10s. Geneva, 1722. Theology and Ecclesiastical History . Various Languages. — 4>to. 249 346l. Usher's (Abp.) Annals of the Old and New Testament, with the Synchronismus of Heathen Story to the Destruction of Hierusalem by the Romanes, £l, 2s. Lond. 1658. 3-162. Vossii de Theologia Gentili et Physiologia Christiana; sive dc Origine ac Progressu Idololatriae, fine portrait, 2 vols. 18s Amst. 1668. 3463. Vitas Patrum, Lyues of the Holy Faders, worthy of remem- brance, whiche hath be translated out of Frensshe in to Englysshe by 2&gUam <£aitOtt, Westmynstre, late deed, and fynysshcd it at the laste daye of his lyff, elegant in puce coloured morocco, £25. Emprynted by 22Hjmfcgn Ue OToroe, 1495. This Work is ornamented with numerous wood cuts, and may be con- sidered as the most important of Wynkyn de Worde's typogra- phical labours. — In this copy the title is wantiug; also, a few words at the bottom of the prologue and two leaves of the Table, are torn off. 3464. Vita D. Thomae Aquinatis, Othonis Vasni ingenio et manu delincata, a series of 30 fine prints by Boel, Galle, fyc. h. b. neat, £l. Is. Ant.l6l0. 3465. Walker's (John) Attempt towards recovering an Account of the Numbers and Sufferings of the Clergy, during the Grand Rebellion, 15s. « Lond* 1714. 3466. Wilson's (Thomas) Christian Dictionary, continued by Bagwell, and much enlarged by Simson, neat, <£l. l6s. • • ib. l66l. 3467. Zanchii (Hieron.) Opera Theologica, 3 vols, in 1, (title MS.) 8s. 6d. QUARTO. 3468. B1BLIA Hebraica, sine punctis, Forsteri, in russia, £4>. 14>s.6d. Oxon. 1750. 3469. Another Copy, in calf, £4>. 4s. • • • • ib. 1750. «« The most elegant and correct of the Anti-Masoretic Bibles, is that of Forster." — Bibliog. Diet. 2 I 250 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3470. Biblia Sacra Latina, MS. on vellum, of the 14th century, ex- quisitely written in two columns. This volume is orna- mented with 142 initial letters, in variegated colours and gold ; 92 of which introduce figures taken from scriptural subjects;' the remaining 50 consist of dragons, serpents, &c. All the other initials are blue and red. The uniform beauty of calligraphy displayed in the execution of this MS. cannot be too much admired, in jine preservation, red morocco, <£\S. 15s. 3471. La Biblia, que es, los Sacros libros del Vieio y Nuevo Testa- mento, transladada en Espanol, vellum, £l. lls.6d. 1 669. This edition is uncommon, and is called the Bear's Bible. The place where it was printed is not stated, — it has however been ascertained to be Berne. The present copy does not contain the Testament. 3472. Sainte (La) Bible, c'est a dire le Viel et le Nouveau Tes- tament, enrichie de 26s figures, neat in calf, £2. 2s. Paris, 1703. 3473. Bible, Testament, and Psalms, in Dutch, original binding, 10s. 6d. Amst. 1590. 3474- Holy Bible, with Notes by Bishop Wilson, 3 vols, neat in calf, £5. 5s. Bath, 1785. 3475. Novum Testamentum Syriace, cum versionc Latina, Notis &c. a Trostio, £\. 10s. • • • *Cothenis Anhaltinorum, l6'21. 3476. Novum Testamentum, Gra?ce, Bengelii, neat, £\. 1 5s. Tubingce, 1734. 3477^ New Testament, — ^BlflCrt %ttttl — with numerous wood cuts, and a portrait of Edward VI. to whom this edition is de- dicated, (title and last leaf wanting") neat, £5. 5s. Lond. by R. Jugge, 1550. 347S. Another Edition, (title wanting,) neat, £4>. 4s. •• ib. 1551. 3479. (title wanting,) russia,gilt leaves, £5. 1 5s. 6d. ib. 1552. 3480. New Testament and Psalms,— $facfi %ttttt—Ss. 6d. Lond. by Barker and Day e, 1583. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various La?iguages. — Uo. 251 3481. Acta Canonizationis Sanctorum Fidelis a Sigmaringa, Camilli de Lellis, Petri Regalati, Josephi a Leonissa, et Catherine de Ricciis. Una cum Apostolicis Literis Sanct. Dom. Nostri Benedicti XIV. et Vaticanse Basilicas Ornatus Descriptione, many plates, neat, £2. l6s. • • Romce, 174-9. 3482. Aquinas (Thomas de) duodecim Quodlibetadisputata, — 23facft %tttZZ—Ji7ie copy in russia 9 £2. 10s. Venet. per J. de Colonia, 1476. 3483. Adams's (T.) White Devill, or the Hypocrite Uncased, half- bound, neat, 4s. • ib. 1 62 1 . 3484. Antoninus Archiepiscopus Florentinus de eruditione Con- fesorum, very neat, £2. 2$. Memingen, per Alb. Kunne de Duderstadt Mogunt. dioces. 1483. 3485. Arraignment of the Whole Creature, at the Barre of Religion, Reason and Experience, (little damaged) with frontispiece, 105.6c/ Lond. 1631. The frontispiece has a full length figure which is considered to be the portrait of Robert Henderson, to whom the book is ascribed. 3486. Benson's (Geo.) History of the First Planting of the Christian Religion, best edition, 3 vols. in l,russia,£2.2s. ib. 1756. 3487. Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles, 2 vols. neat, £2. 5s. ib. 1752-6. 3488. on the Epistles of St. Paul to Philemon, Thessalonians, Timothy, and Titus, neat, 18s. • ib. 1734. 3489- on St. Paul's Epistles, neat, £l. Is. ib. 1731. 3490. Bower's (Archibald) History of the Popes, from the foundation of the See of Rome to the present time, 7 vols, wear, £3. 3s. ib. 1750. 3491. Another Set, 7 vols, in russia, <£4. 45. ib. 1750. 3492. Benzelii (Erici) Sacrorum Evangeliorum, Versio Gothica ex Codice Argent. Emend, atque Suppleta. cum Interp. Lat. &c. a Lye, large paper, very neat, £2. 15*. Oxon. 1750. S493. Barclay's (Robert) Apology for the True Christian Divinity, being an explanation and vindication of the Principle and Doctrines of the Quakers, beautifully printed by Basker- rille, neat in calf, £l. Ss. Bir?ningha?n, 1765. 252 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3494. Barclay's (Robert) Apology for the Quakers, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1678. 3495. Bundy's (R.) Apparatus Biblicus, or an Introduction to the Holy Scriptures, many plates, neat, £l. lis. 6d, Lond. 1733. 3496. Brutum Fulmen, or the Bull of Pope Pius V. concerning the Damnation, Excommunication, and Deposition of Q. Eli- zabeth, &c. neat, 12s. **ib. 16*81. 3497. Bonavcnturse (Fratris)Breviloquium desacrascriptura — etopus preclarum domini Bonaventure: Biblia Pauperum, — SMacfe %ZttZZ — in one vol. fine copies, calf extra, £\0.» • Venet. per Joh. de Colonia, et Joh. Mantheu de Gherretzen, 1477* An edition of these two works, which is of great rarity. 3498. Bullinger's (Henry) fiftie godly and learned Sermons, deuided into fiue Decades, containing the chiefe and principall points of Christian Religion, 3 vols, xery neat in calf, £3. 3s. Lond. 1584. These volumes, in a collective state, are very uncommon. 3499. Briefe examination for the tyme, of a certaine declaration, lately put in print in the name and defence of certaine Ministers in London, refusing to weare the apparell pre- scribed by the lawes and orders of the Real me,— 2Macft %ttttt — 15s. • Lond. by R. Jvgge, n. d m 3500. Bede's (John) Masse Displayed, translated from the French 5s, • • • • Oxon. 1619. 3501. Bolton's (Robert) Workes, as they were finished by himselfe in his life time, with his Life, 4 vols, half-bound, neat, £3. 10*. Lond. 1641. 3502. Burton's (H.) Baiting of the Popes Bull, or an unmasking of the Mystery of iniquity, folded up in a most pernitious Breeve or Bull, sent from the Pope lately into England, curious cut on the title, half-bound, neat, 8s. 6d. ib. 1627. 3503. Another Copy, with Burton's Truth's Triumph over Trent, or the great Gulfe between Sion and Babylon, half-bound, morocco, 12s. ib. 1 626-9. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages.— 4>to. 253 3504. Baxter's (Rich.) Divine Life, in three Treatises, on the Knowledge of God, Walking with God, and Conversing with God in Solitude, half-bound, neat, 10s. 6d. Land. 1664. 3505. ■ Five Disputations of Church Government and Worship, cat/extra, 16?. ib. \65£). 3506\ Bishop of London his Legacy, or ccrtaine Motives of Bp. King for his change of Religion, 4*. ib, 1624. 3507. Buchanan (Claudius) on an Ecclesiastical Establishment for British India, boards, 7s. ib. 1805. 3508. Bedwell's Discovery of the manifold forgeries, falshoods, and horrible impieties of the blasphemous seducer Mohammed; with a demonstration of the insufficiencie of his law, con- tained in the cursed Alkoran, (stained) half-bd. £l. Is. ib. 1615. Marginal references in the Arabic character neatly executed in gold and colours, appear in almost every page. 3509. Bugg's (Francis, formerly a Quaker) New Rome Arraigned, and out of her own Mouth condemned, containing a Dis- covery of the Errors, &c. of the Quakers, curious cut, half- bound, neat, 10*. 6d. ib. 1693. 3510. Burroughs's (Jerem.) Gospel Remission, or a Treatise shewing that True Blessedness consists in Pardon of Sin, calf-extra, 12*. 6d. ib. lr574. 3511. Bale's Pageant of Popes, contayninge the lyues of all the Bishops of Rome, from the beginninge of them to the yeare of Grace. Shewing many straunge, notorious, outragious, and tragicall partes, &c. translated by Studley, — 23facft HCtter— very neat in calf, £l. lls.Gd. ib. 1574. 3512. Brooks's (Thomas) London's Lamentations, or serious Dis- course concerning that late fiery Dispensation that turned our (once renowned) City into a ruinous Heap. Also the several Lessons that are incumbent upon those whose Houses have escaped the consuming Flames, very neat in calf, \6s. 6d, ib. 1670. 3513. Bateman's (Stephen) Cbri stall Glasse of Christian Refor- 254 Longman, Hurst, Hees, Okme, and Brown. mation, wherein the godly maye beholde the coloured Abuses used in this our present time, — SMacft %ttttt — with many very curious wood cuts, (title and part of pre- face MS.) £5. 5s. Lond. 1569. 3514. Bryant's (Jacob) Observations upon some Passages in Scrip- ture, boards, 13s. ib. 1803. 3515. Checke (A) or reproofe of M. Howlet's vntimely shreeching in her Maiesties eares, with an* answeare to the reasons alleadged in a discourse thereunto annexed, why Catholikes (as they are called) refuse to go to Church, &c. — SBlacft fLettec — ^i. i*. n. i58i. 3516. Certamen Seraphicum Provincial Angliae pro Sancta Dei Ecclesia. Opere et labore R. P. F. AwgeW, Jine copy, russia, gilt leaves, <£l2. 12*. Dvaci, 1649- A complete copy of this uncommon book, having all the fine engravings, viz. frontispiece which contains full length portraits of Father Angel, Father Jennings, &c. and the separate portraits of Bullaker, Heath, Bell, Woodcock and Coleman, all of whom suffered for their ad- herence to the Church of Rome. 5517. Charleton's (W.) Immortality of the Human Soul, demon- strated by the Light of Nature, h. b. russia, 9s. 6d. ib. 1657. 3518. (George) Thankfull Remembrance of God's Mercy. In an Historical Collection of the great and merciful De- liverances of the Church and State of England, since the Gospel beganne here to flourish, from the beginning of Queen Elizabeth, portrait and many plates by G. Pass and F. Hulsius, £\.\%s. ib. 1627. 3519. Another Copy, plates, but no portrait, £l. Is.* • . -ib. 1630. 3520. Another Copy, complete, with White's Treatise on the Sabbath- Day, in one vol. £2. 2s. ib. 1627-36. 3521. Clark's (Sam.) Marrow of Ecclesiastical Historie, conteined in the Lives of the Fathers, and other learned Men, and famous Divines, with numerous portraits, russia, gilt leaves, £2. 2.9. .ib. 1650. 3522. Another Edition, very considerably enlarged, £2. \1s. 6d. ib. 1654. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — 4to. 255 3523. Collectanea Angb-Minoritica, or a Collection of the Anti- quities of the English Franciscans or Friers Minors, plates, £l. is. Lond. 1726. S524. Constitution es Sanctorum Apostolorum doctrina catholica a Clemente Romano episcopo, et ciue scripta libris octo, Gr. 18*. Venet. 1563. 3525. Common Praier noted (The booke of) — 2Macft %ttttt — £\. 4,s. Lond. by R. Grafton, 1551. This very rare and curious bock contains " so much of the order of the Common Prayer as is to be song in Churches," with the Musick composed by John Merbecke, a man of indefatigable perseverance, as appears by some interesting anecdotes in Herbert's Ame«, p. 531. 3526. Conference between the late King of England, (Charles I.) and the late Lord Marquesse of Worcester, concerning Religion, with full length of Charles by Marshall, 6s. Lond. 1651. 3527. Conspiracie for Pretended Reformation, viz. Presbyterial Dis- cipline, very neat, 6s. ib.\ 592* 3528. Cowper's (of Perth) Heaven Opened, 5s. ib. 1615, 3529. Cluverii(Joh.) Ilistoriarum totius Mundi Epitome, 3s. 6d. L.Bat. \63l. 3530. Cudworth's Intellectual System of the Universe, with Life, &c. by Birch, 2 vols, neat, £4>. 4>s. Lond. 1743. 3531. Coppin's (Richard) Michael Opposing the Dragon, or a Fiery- Dart struck through the Heart of the Kingdome of the Serpent, 9$. ib. l65g. 3532. Chrysostomi (Joannes de) et Sancti Basilii Liber de Digni- tate Sacerdotii, i2s. (Colonics, typis Vldarici ZellJ circa 1470. 3533. de Reparatione Lapsi ad Aman- ticum lapsum, 10*. 6d.* • • • • ib. 1470. 6534. Cassianus (S. Joannis) Illustratus. Sive Chronologia Vitae S. Joannis Cassiani Abbatis et Monasterii S. Vietoris ab eodem Massiliae conditi, opera et studio P. J. B. Guesnay, 18*. • Lvgd. 1652. 256 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3535. Compendium Theologice veritatis compilatum per Albertus Magnum, Venet. 1475. — F. Riberae Villacastrensis, Presb. Soc. Jes. in Epistolam B. Pauli Apostoli ad Hebraeos Com- mentarii, Salman. 1598, in one vol. 10s. 6d.* • 1476-1598. 3536. Cruttwell's (C.) Concordance of Parallels jfoe copy, calf extra, £l.lls,6d. Bath, 1790. 3537- Dimock's (II.) Notes Critical and Explanatory on the Books of Psalms and Proverbs, calf extra, £l. 7s. Oloccster, 1791. 3533, Dupuis Origine de tous les Cultes, ou Religion Universclle, with plates, 4 vols, very neat in calf, £3. 10s. Paris, 1795. 3539- Duval Jesum Christum Immanuelem, sewed, 3s. •• Got. n. d. 3540. Dale (Anton, van) Dissertationes de Origine ac Progressu Idololatrise et Superstitionum, <)s. •• • • Amst. I696. 3541. Du Choul (Guil.) Discours de la Religion des Anciens Romains, numerous plates of coins, 10s. 6d. • • Wesel. l672. 3542. Daille's (John) Treatise concerning the Right Use of the Fathers in the decision of the Controversies that are at this Day in Religion, very neat in calf, lSs. 6d. • »Lond. 1675. 3543. Doddridge's (P.) Family Expositor, or a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament, 6 vols. h. b. uncut, £3. 3s. ib. 1739. 3544. Divers Ancient Monuments in the Saxon Tongue, with an English translation, published by W. L'Isle, 10*. 6d. ib. 163 8. 3545. Discovery and playne Declaration of sundry subtill Practises of the Holy Inquisition of Spayne — &Iacft %ttttt — neat, £2. 2s. Lond. by J. Day, 1568. 3546. Danseus's (Lamb.) Wonderfull Workmanship of the World, wherein is conteined an excellent discourse of Christian naturall Philosophic,— 2Macft %ttttl—7s. 6d. Lo7id.l588. 3547. Ecton's Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum, being an Account of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiastical Benefices, J 2*. ib. 1742. 3548. Eloges Historiques des Evesques et Archevesques de Paris, with fine portraits, £\.ls. Paris, 1698. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages.— Ato. 257 3549. Expositio Hymnorum totius anni secundum usum Sarum : diligentissime recognitorum multis elucidationibus aucta, SMacfc Eettec— m russia, £2. 2s. Lond. 1502. 3550. Elizabeth's (Queen) Prayer-Book, the best edition, ornamented with wood-cut borders, in which the most striking incidents in Scripture, and Holbein's celebrated Dance of Death are represented, (slightly stained) green morocco, £7. \7s. 6d. Lond. 1590. 3551. Another edition, fine copy, in red morocco, with clasps, £7. 7s. ib. 1008. 3552. Edwards's (Jonath.) Preservative against Socinianism, 7s. 6d. Oxon. 1698. 3553. Eliot's (I.) Discourse of Christian Warre, and of Single Combat, wherein is disclosed the question, whether it be lawfull for Christians to discide a difference or controuersy by single combat or not, half -bound, neat, 18s. Lond. 1591. 3554. Expicedium. A Funerall Oration upon the Death of Queen Elizabeth, with the Order of the Funeral, Prose and Verse, 12*. ib. 1603. 3555. Foster's (James) Discourses on all the principal branches of Natural Religion and Social Virtue, 2 vols, neat 9*. ib. 1749. 3556. Another Set, 2 vols, sewed, 5s. ib. 1749. 3557- Fletcher's (Phineas) Way to Blessedness, a Treatise or Com- mentary on the first Psalme, 6s. ih, \632. 3358. Featley's (Daniel) Dippers Dipt, or the Anabaptists duck'd and plunged over head and eares, with portrait by Marshall, and print of Featley in his shroud, very neat,£\. Is. ib. 1651. 3559. with the two prints in the former copy, and another by Marshall of " the severall sorts of Anabaptists, 9 ' half-bound, russia, £u &- it. 1647. 3560. Another Copy, with the print of" the several sorts'' only, lis. ib. 1660. 2K 258 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3561. Fcatley's (Daniel) League Illegal, with his print in a shroud, half- bound, neat, l2s. Lond. 1660. 35go # Romish Fisher caught and held in his own Net, neat in tellum, 12s. 6d. & 1624. 3563. Fisher (Bishop). — This treatyse concemynge the fruytfull saynges of Dauyd the kynge and prophete in the seuen penytcncyall psaimes. Deuyded in seuen sermons was made and compyled by the ryght reverente Fader in God, Johan fyssher, doctoure of dyuynitie, and bysshop of Rochester, at the exortacion and stcrynge of the moost excellet pryncesse Margarete cofitesse of Rychemoiit and Derby, and moder to our souerayne lord Kinge Henry the VII.— 23IaCrt Xettet— (one leaf wanting) £6. 6s. Lond. by 2&2t\fcgn tie 2&ortie, 1509. 3564. Fisher's (Ambrose) Defense of the Liturgie of the Church of England, or Booke of Common Prayer, half -bound, very neat, 15s. Lond - l63 °* 3565. Fox's (John) Acts and Monuments of the Church, abridged by Timothe Bright— &lacft flettet— IS*. 6d. . • Lond. 1589. 3566. Gill's (John) Exposition of Solomon's Song, neat, £l.4s. ib. 1768. 3567. Gascoisme's (George) D room me of Doomesday. Wherin the frailties and miseries of man's lyfe, are lyuely portrayed, and learnedly set forth,— 2BIaCH %ltttt—£S. 8s. Lond. imp. for Gab. Cawood, 1576. First edition, and so rare, that neither Ames or Herbert had ever met with it. 3568. The same work, superbly bound in blue morocco, lined with satin, $*£. £6. 6s. Lond. by John Windet for Gab. Cawood, 1586. 3569. Gale's (Theoph.) Court of the Gentiles, vol. 1, or parts 1 and 2, 10*. 6d. ; Oxon. 1 672. 3570. Hottingeri (J. H.) Smegma Orientale, \Q)s.6d.-.Heidcl. 1658. 35^ . Thesaurus Philologicus, seu Clavis Scrip- ture,^. Tiguri,l659. 3572. History of Popery, with plates, 2 vols, neat, 15s. Lond. 1735. Theology and Ecclesiastical History, Various Languages. — Mo. 259 3573. Horsley's (Bishop of Rochester) translation of Hosea, very neat in russia, £l. 4s. Land. 1801. 3574. on the 18th Chapter of Isaiah, sewed, 4s. ib. 1799* 3575. Home's (George) Commenlary on the Psalms, portrait, 2 vols. neat,£l. 5s. Oxon. I776. 3576. Historical Narration of the Life and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ, As. ib. Ifj85. 3577. Heures a l'usaige de Rome, printed upon vellum, with nume- rous fine engravings on wood of a large size, and beautiful borders to each page shewing the Life of Man, of the Saints, the Dance of Death, &c. Sec. with others of a nature whimsical and grotesque, in the extreme. The initials are all in gold and colours, a beautiful and clean copy, in high preservation, £ 10. 10s. Paris, pour Simon Vostre, 1497. 3578. Heures a Tusage de Paris au long sans requirir, finely printed upon vellum, with many large engravings on wood, and wood-cut borders around every page, which represent the Dance of Machaber, the Triumphs of Cassar, numerous subjects taken from Scripture events, ornamental devices, &c. &c. a most beautiful copy, with large margins, very neat, gilt on sides, fyc. £14, . Paris, pour Eitienne Auffray, 1524. 3579- Hore Beatissime Virginia Marie ad legitum Sarusburiensis Ecclesie ritum, large copy, with numerous cuts, and each page surrounded by a handsome border, £8. 8s. Paris, Regnault, 1534. 3580. Another edition, with many wood-cuts, very neat in extra calf, £3. 3s. ib. 1535. The margin is rat-eaten, but not so as to touch the print. 3581. Iiuetii (P. D.) Demonstratio Evangelica, ad Serenissimum Delphinum. Sexta editio ab auctore recognila, castigata, et araplificata,^Ke portrait by Wolff gang, 18*. Franco/. 1722. 3582. Harris's (S.) Commentary on the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah, half-bound, uncut, 5s Lond. 1735. 260 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3583. History of the Church of Great Britain, 7 s. 6d.**Lond. 1674. 3584. Instructions et Missives ties Roys tres-Chrestiens, &c. con- cernant le concile de Trente, 3s. 6d. l6l3. 3585. Josephus's Works, translated from the original Greek by E. Thompson, and W. C. Price, with many plates, 2 vols. neat in calf, £2. 10s. Lond. 1777- 35S6. Jackson's (Thomas) History of Christ his passage, with his Disciples over the Sea of Galilee, h. b. neat, Ss. ib. 1623. 3587. Juris Canonici libri quatuor, MS. on vellum, of the 14th century, written in two columns, and ornamented with two initials having miniatures inside, original binding, £2. 12*. 6d. 3588. Koran of Mohammed, from the Arabic, by George Sale, 155. > ib. 1739. 358p. Liber Praecum, cum Calendario, MS. on vellum, of the 15th century, with 12 beautiful miniatures, splendidly bor- dered. All the initials are finely executed in gold and colours, and each page has a superb border, curious gilt binding, with appropriate tools, <£\2. 12s. 3590. Liber Sextus Deere. Sextus Liber Decretalium cum Epitomis, divisionibus, et Glossa ordinaria Do. Jo. Andre, &c. Lugd. 1553. — Clementis Quinti Constitutiones, quas Clementinas vocant, ab iEgidio Perrino Officiali de Josays, diligenter recognitae, &c. Lugd. 1553, in one vol. Jine copy, £l. Is. 3591. Litio (Fratris Roberti de) Opus Quadragesimale Sermonum, large quarto size, fine copy, very neat in calf, £3. 13s. 6d. Venet. 1472. . 10s. •••••• Edin. 1795. 3612. Missale Romanum, cum Calendario, MS. on vellum, of the 14th century, 12 pages of which have large and beautiful Miniatures with illuminated borders, well executed. The initials throughout, large and small, are in gold and colours, fine preservation, in crimson velvet, .£10. 3613. Marbeck's (John) Booke of Notes and Common Places,— 2BIflCfe %ttttt—7s. 6d. Lond. by East, 1582. 3614. Mountagu. — A Gagg for the new Gospell? No: a New Gagg for an old Goose. Who would needes vndertake to stop all Protestants mouths for euer, with 2/6 places out of their owne English Bibles. Or an Answere to a late Abridger of Controuersies, and Belyar of the Protestants Doctrine. By Richard Mountagu, half-bound, neat t 12s. Lond.1624. 3615. Mountagu. — A Gagg for the new Gospel? No : a New Gagg for an Old Goose, and A Just Appeale from Two Unjust Informers, by Richard Mountagu, 2 vols, gilt leaves, £1, Is. ib. 1624-5. 3616. Montgeron (M. de) Verite des Miracles operes par Pinter- cession de M. de Paris, demontree contre M. l'Archeveque de Sens, (part of one leaf torn away) with curious en- gravings representing individuals before and after the operation of the miraculous effects of M. de Paris 1 s Tomb, £2. 2s. Utrecht, 1738. 3617. Nash's (Thomas) Christ's Teares over Jerusalem ; whereunto is annexed a comparatiue Admonition to London, half- bound, £7. 7s. Lojid. 1613. It would appear by the preface to the present volume, that Nash had repented having written his former satirical Works: the following is an extract, " A Hundred unfortunate farewells to fantasticall Sati- Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages, -ito. 263 risme: In those vaines here-to-fore haue I mispent my Spirit, and prodigally conspired against good houres. Nothing so much doe I retract; as that whereinsoever I have scandalized the meanest. To a little more Wit haue my increasing yeeres reclaimed mee than I had before : Those that haue been peruerted by any of my Workes, let them reade this, and it shall thrice more benefit them." 361 8. Newcome's (Wil.) Version, Metrical Arrangement, and Ex- planation of the twelve Minor Prophets, very neat in calf, £l.7s. Lond. 1785. 3619. Nyder (Johannis) Consolatorium tlmorate consietie — ejusdem Tractatus de contractibus Marcatorum, &c. red morocco, gilt leaves, o£'4. 45. (Colon, typis Uld. ZellJ • • circa 1470. 3620. Norton's (Lady) Applause of Virtue. Consisting of several Divine and Moral Essays towards the obtaining of True Virtue, with fine plates, very neat in calj\ £\. Is. ib. 1705. 3621. Observationes in Veterum Patrum et Pontificum, &c. half- bound, 6s. Amst. 1734. 3622. Theonis Fastos Grascos Priores, neat, 7s. 6d. • it. 1735. 3623. ■ Heraclii ImperatorisMethodum Pabchalem, &c. half-bound, 7s. 6d ib. 1J36. 3624. Oreloge (U) de Deuocion compose en Francoys par Maistre Jehan Quentin docteur en Theologie, penitencicr de Paris, printed upon vellum, with numerous engravings on wood, which as well as the initials are illumiuated in gold and colours, (part of one leaf wanting) £8. 8s. Paris, n. d. but circa 1 500. This rare volume has escaped the researches of De Bure, Saritander, and other Bibliographers; nor was it in the collect. 00s of the Duke de la Valliere, or Gaignat. — Brunet mentions one copy, which is in the Royal Library at Paris. 3625. Olrani (Guil. de ordine fratrus minorum) Quoiiibeta -25foCrt fUtter— (stained) \5s. • • • • Paris, per Pet. Rubei, 1487. 3626. Opuscula divi Augustini longe prestantissima cum duplici in- dicis— SMacfi Eetter— 8s. 6d. Paril, 1502. 3627. Owen (John) on Evangelical Churches, 12*. • . »*Lond. 1681. 3(528. Certaine Treatises, 7s. ib. 1649. 264 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3629. Owen's (John) Enquiry in the Original, Nature, &c. of Evangelical Churches. With the True Nature of a Gospel- Church and its Government, neat, \6s. • ... Lond. 1696. 3630. Preston's (John) Saint's Daily Exercise, calf extra, 7s. 6d. ib. 1631. 3631. Processionale ad usus insignis Ecclesie Sarum obseruandos acomodum; iterum prelo applicatum absolutuqz, neat, gilt leaves, £2. 2s. Imp. Londini, 1555. A well printed volume in red and black, with the musical notes. — This edition was printed at London by order of Queen Mary I. 3632. Pie's (Thomas) Houre Glasse, contayning a Computation from the Beginning of Time, &c. (dirty title) 7s. 6d. Lond. 1597. 3633. Pentalogia; or the Quintessence of Meditation, (in Verse) 5s. ib. 1620. 3634?. Prophets Priores, cum Numeri et Deuteronome, Hebraice, 2 vols. k.b. 18s. Paris, R. Steph. 1544. 3635. Pelerin (Le) Veritable de la Terre Saincte, auquel soubs le discours figure de la Jerusalem Antique et Moderne de la Palestine est enseignd le chemin de la Celeste, many cuts, h. b. 15s. « • * Paris, 1615. 3636. Praeces Piae, MS. on vellum, of the 14th century, a large volume, finely written in a large bold character, with a miniature on a gold-ground, and a border of gold and co- lours, fine preservation, in green morocco, o£l0. 10s. 3637. Preces Pia3, cum Calendario, MS. on vellum, of the 15th century, written in two columns, red and black ink, with two most beautiful borders, in gold and colours, finely painted, which represent flowers, birds, and in- sects. There are also 12 initials of gold on a co- loured ground ; the other initials are vermilion and blue ; the entire volume is in excellent condition, in boards, £8. 8s. 3638. Preces Piae, cum Calendario MS. on vellum, of the 14th century, with one large miniature in compartments, and four small ones, the figures and general style of which are different from the greater part of Missals* Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — 4>to. 265 There are also 18 initial letters in various colours, executed with considerable taste; the other initials are. vermilion and blue, in boards, £6. 6s. 3639. Pantiera Ugho, Alchuni singolari Tractati, &c. with a neat wood- cut on the title, morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 5s. Impresso in Firenze, fyc. per ser Lorenzo di Morgiani et Giov. di Maganza, 1492. 3640. Psalterium Groecum, cura Justini Decadyi, in russia, £h. 10?. Venet. in cedib. Aid. circa 14.97- This edition is printed in black and red letters— the present copy has the line, omitted in most copies, in smaller t5'pe. 3641. Davidis Latino-Saxonicum Vetus, a J. Spelman, £\.7s. - Lond. 1640. 3642. Prints, viz. a selection of Sadeler's " Fathers of the Desert," and others, fs. 6d. 3643. Pennington (Works of the long-mournful and sorely-distressed Isaac) 2 vols. £2. 2s. Lond. 1761. 3644. Pupilla Oculi omnibus Sacerdotibus tam Curatis et non Curatis summe necessaria, per magistrum Johannem de Burgo, cancell. alme Univcrsit. Cantabrigiensis — 23facft %ttttt — in russia, £l. 10s. Rothomagi, 15l6. 3645. Preston's (John) New Covenant, or the Saints' Portion, 5s. Lond. 1620. 3646. Prynne's (William) Perpetuitie of a Regenerate Man's Estate, 7s. ib. 1626. 3647. Another Edition, &s.6d. ib. 1627. 3648. Perpetuitie of a Regenerate Man's Estate, (stained and torn leaf) 3s. * • ib. 1627. 3649. Gospel Plea for the lawfulness and con- tinuance of the Antient settled Maintainance, and Tenths of the Ministers of the Gospel, in 2 parts, 12?. • • ib. 1630. 3650. Survey and Censure of Mr. Cozens his Couzening Devotions, As. • « ib. 1628. 3651. Peters's (Charles) Dissertation on the Book of Job, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1751 . 2 L 266 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3652. Peirce's (James) Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul, 105. 6d. Lond. 1727. 3653. Palfreyman's (T.) Treatise of Heauenly Philosophic : conteyning therein, not onely the most pithie sentences of God's Sacred Scriptures but also the sayinges of certaine auncient and holie fathers— 2Macfc %ttttt— Ss. 6d. ib. 1578. 3654. Another Copy, (no title) os.6d. ib. 1578. 3655. Questo libro si chiama lo Spechio de la Croce ; copilato da fratre Domenico Cavalca de vico pisano de lordine di sancto Domenico homo di sancta vita, vellum, <£l. 5s. Vend. 1504. On the title of this edition are two neat wood -cuts, which represent our Saviour in the Manger, and on the Cross, — the latter is re- peated under the colophon on the last page. 3656. Robinson's (Rob.) History of Baptism, plates, fine copy in calf,£\.\6s. Lond. 1790. 3657. Another Copy, boards, £l. 10s, • • • • • ib. 1790. 3658. Rollok's (Robert) Lectures upon St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians, vellum, 9s. ib. l603. 3659. Raulin (Johannis) Doctrina Mortis, neat in black Spanish, £1. l6s. • • Paris, imp. per Berth. Rembolt, 1518. 3660. Relandi (Had.) Antiquitates Sacrae Vet. Hebraeorum, 7s. 6d. Traj. 1741. 3661. Riley's (W.) Parochial Music Corrected, sewed, 4>s. 6d. Lond. 1762, 3662. Rogers (Thomas) on the Faith, Doctrine, and Religion of the Church of England, calf extra, 14>s. . . ib. l66l. 3663. Rhenferdii (Jacobus) Dissertationum Philologico-Theologi- carum de Stylo Novi T. Syntagma, neat in vellum, 8s. Leovard. 1792. 3664. Religious Emblems, being a Series of fine engravings on wood, from designs by Thurston, with Descriptions by the Rev. Mr. Thomas, boards, 15s ib. 1809. 3665. Swan's (John) Speculum Mundi, or a Glasse representing the face of the World ; shewing both that it did begin, and must also end : the manner How, and time When, being largely examined, &c. 5s. Camb. 1635. 0666. Another Edition, 4s. 6d. • • • • Lond. 1670. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Langvages. — Mo. 267 3667. Sermon Preached at the Magnificent Coronation of Charles II. by George Lord Bishop of Worcester, with full length of the King enthroned, and the Royal Arms, coloured, 12s. 3668. Sermons (a collection of) Preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, by various persons, 4 vols, neat, £\.%s. • • • • Lond. 1702-33. 3669. Seysselli (Claudii, Archiepiscopi Taurinensis) de Divina Providentia, tractatus, Paris, 1520. — Propugnaculum Surami Sacerdotii evangelici, ac septenarii Sacramentorum, editum per virum eruditum, sacrarumq. literaru profes. Ed. Pouellum, adversus M. Lutherum famosum et Wic- clefistam insignen, Lond. in cedib. &♦ -Pgngoit, 1523, bound in one vol. £5. 5s. The second work in this volume, from the press of Pynson, cannot have been seen by Dibdin or Herbert, as the former merely refers to Maittaire " Ann ales Typographic^ " and the latter contents himself with observing that Ames assigns 1524 as the datej from which it would also appear not to be known to Ames. — Dr. Edward Powell the celebrated author was a man of great talents, and when Henry VIII. was seeking a cause for a divorce from Catherine, was selected by that queen, as her advocate. Subsequently, for his refusal to ac- knowledge the supremacy of Henry, he was with the customary bar- barity of that monarch, condemned to be hanged, drawn, and quartered, which took place in Smithfield, in the year 1540. 3670. Sancta Maria's Christian Policie, translated by E. Blount, Ss.6d. Lond. 1632. 3671. Selden (Joannes) de Synedriis Veterum Ebraeorum, 3 \oh. fine set,£l.lls.6d. ib.l650. 3672. Stock's (Joseph, Bp. of Killala) Book of the Prophet Isaiah, in Hebrew and English. The Hebrew text metrically arranged : the translation altered from Bp. Lowth ; with Notes, boards, l6s. Bath, 1 803. 3673. Scott's (Daniel) New Version of St. Matthew's Gospel, with Notes, boards, 6s. • Lond. 1741. 3674. Scot's (Thomas) High-Waies of God and the King. Wherein all Men ought to walke in holinesse here, to happinesse hereafter, very neat in calf, 12*. 6d, ib. 1623. 3675. Swedenborg (Eman.) Doctrina Nova? Hierosolymae de Domino, h, b. uncut % 9s* 6d. • • • • Amst. 1763. 268 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 36/6. Swedenborg (Email.) Vera Christiana Rcligio, h.b. uncut, 7s. 6d. • • • Amst. 1771- 3677. de Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doc- trina Ccelesti : ex Auditis e Ccelo, 6s. Lond. 1758. 36?8. Soules (The) Progresse to the Celestiall Canaan, (wants title) very neat in calf, 7s. 3679. Taylors (Jeremy) Dissuasive from Popery to the People of Ireland, calf extra, 12s. Lond. l664. 36SO. ■ of the Sacred Order, and Offices of Epis- copacy, by Divine Institution, Apostolicall Tradition, and Catholike Practise, calf extra, 18s. Oxford, 1642. 3681. Testimonie of Antiquity, shewing the Ancient Faith in the Church of England, touching the Sacrament of the Body and Bloude of the Lord here publickly preached, and also received in the Saxons' time, above 600 years agoe, 12s. Lond. 1687. 3682. Two Treatises : the first, of the Lives of the Popes, and their Doctrine. The second, of the Masse, &c. 8s. • • ib. 1600. 3683. Theatre des Martyrs, represents en tailles douces, par le celebre Jean Luiken, 104 neat engravings, £l. lls.6d. Amst. 1738. 3684. Tracts on the Persecution of the Protestants in France; W. Lloyd's Sermon at the Funeral of Sir E. Godfrey ; Sermons by Stillingfleet, &c. &c. in one vol. neat, 10s. 6d. Lund. 1671-86. 3685. Tracts (a Collection of Sermons, and Theological and Mis- cellaneous) published during the eventful and interesting period 1041-50, in 2 vols. £l. 9s. ib. 1641-50. 36S6. Vander Muelen (Gulielmo) Dissertationes Philologicse, 2 vols. neat, 9s. • • • Traj. 1 /3S. 3687- Vile di Santi Padri, insieme con il prato spirituale, with wood cuts, 15s. • • • Venet 1-668. 3688. YVintle's (Thomas) Version of Daniel, with Note«<, &c. hoards, 14*. Oxm. 1792. 3689. Whiston's (W.) Chronology of the Old Testament, and Har- mony of the Four Evangelists, 9s. Camb. 1702. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — Svo. 269 3690. Wither's (George, but not the Poet) View of the Marginal Notes of the Popish Testament, translated into English by the English Fugitive Papists residant at Rhemes — 2?lacfc %ttttt—Lond. 15 SS.— Catholique Traditions, Lond. 1609. — in one vol. 15s. 0691. Way of Lyfe, a Christian and Catholique Institution com- prehending principal poincts of Christian Religion, which are necessary to bee knowne of all men, from the Danish of Hemmingius, by Denham,— SBlacft %ttttt~ very neat, 15s. Lond. 1578. OCTAVO. 3692. BIBLIA Hebraica, secundum ultimam editionem Jos. Athia? a Johanne Leusdeh recognitam, aliosque codices optimos recensita, variisque notis illustrata ab Everardo van der Hooght, £4*. 4s. Amst. 1705. 3693. Another Copy, in 2 vols. £4>. 4s. ib. 1705 3694. Another Copy, in 4 vols. £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1J05, 3695. Biblia Hebraica, a Leusden, neat in vellum, £2. 12s. 6d. Amst. typis et sumptibus Jos. Athias, 1667. 3696. Septuagint, Gr. a J. G. Grabe, 8 vols, very neat, £3. 3 Sm Oxofi. 1707. 3697. Biblia Grasca, ex vers. Septuag. Interp. 10*. 6d. Lond. excudeb. R. Daniel, 1658. 3698. Biblia Sacra, Gr. et Lat. 3 vols, (stained) curiously bound in russia, gilt leaves, £2. 12s. 6d. Basilice, per Nkolaum Bry linger um, 1550. 3699- Veteris Testamenti, versio nova; ad Hebraicam . veritatem facta. Accedunt Libri Deutero-Canonici-ex Graca Edi- 270 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. tione translati. Autore C. F. Houbigant, 8 vols, neat in calf, c£3. 3s. Paris, 1753. 3700. Biblia Sacra, Vulgatae editionis, Sixti V. Pont. Max. jussu recognita atque cdita, 18s. Ant. ap. Plant. I619. 3701. Biblia Sacra Latina, MS. on vellum, of the 14th century; written in two columns upon beautiful vellum, ornamented with 138 initials, with miniatures inside them, in gold and colours ; all the others are in blue and vermilion. The uniform excellence of this manuscript, the fineness of the vellum, and its perfect preservation, render it difficult to find words of praise, large octavo, blue morocco, £l6. 16s. 3702. Holy Bible, English, morocco, 10s. 6d. Camb. 1792. S703. — 15«. **"*Lond. by Barker, 1634. 3704. Novum Testamentum Graece. Textum ad fidum Codicum, versionum et patrum recensuit et Lectionis Varietatem ad- jecit D. Jo. Jac. Griesbach, 2 vols, neat in calf, £2. 10s, Oxon. 180Q. 3705. Novum Testamentum Graece. Juxta exemplar Millianum, fine copy, russia, gilt leaves, £\. 11*. 6d. Oxon. typis Baskertille, 1763. 3706. ■ — Gr. etLat. vellum, 6s.» »Genev. J604. 3707. Graece, 7s. 6d. Glasg. typis XJrie, 1750. 3708. Another Copy, large paper, neat in calf, 15s.« »ib* 1750. 3709. Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum Scholiis Theologicis et Philologicis, ab Hardy, 2 vols, neat, £2.<*Lond. 1778. 3710. Another Copy, 2 vols, (little stained) £l. I5s.--ib. 1768. 3711. Novum Testamentum, Gr. ex utraque Regia, aliisque optimis editionibus summo studio expressum, very neat, 8s. 6d. Amst. ap. Jansson, 1639. 3712. — Graece, 6s. • • Cantab, ap. Buck, 1632. 3713, . Gr. cumnotis Stephani, Scaligeri, &c. et Var. Lect. 7* Lond. ap. Billium, 16*22. Theology and Ecclesiastical History . Various Languages. — 8t>o. 271 3714. Novum Testamentum, Gr. Texta per omnia Milliano, cum Divisione Pericoparum et Interpunctura J. A. Bengelii ; interleaved with writing paper and manuscript ?iotes by the Rev. C. Lee, 2 vols. Juilf bound, £l. Us. 6d. Oxon, 1742. 3715. Novi Testamenti editio Postrema, per D. Erasmum Roterda- mum, in vellum, gilt leaves, £l. Is. Basil, ap. Froben, 1523. 37 16. New Testament, Greek and English, by Mace, vol. 1, 5s. Lond. 1729. 3717- in the Manks Language, 5s. » • • *Lun. 1763. 371 8. and Common Prayer, in Welsh, 7s. Llund. 1752. 3719* Nova Versio Graeca Pentateuchi, a C. F. Ammon, 3 vols. half-bound, vellum, £\, 4s. Erlangce, 1790-1. 3720, Ditto, vol. I. half-bound, neat, 4s. ib. 1790. 372J. Petateuchus Hebrao-Samaritanus, a B. Blayney, very neat, 8s. 6d. Oxon. 1790. 3722. Atterbury's (Francis) Sermons and Discourses, portrait, 4 vols. £1. 4s. Lond. 1730-4. 3723. Another Set, 4 vols, neat, £1.14*. ib. 1761. 3724. Sermons, 2 vols. 10s. 6d.* *ib. 1730. 3725, Abernethy's (John) Sermons, 4 vols. o£l. 4s.* • • -ib. 1748. 3726. Discourses concerning the Being and Natural Perfections of God, 2 vols. 6s. 6d. »•••$. 1746. 3727. Another Edition, 2 vols. 7s. 6d. ib. 1757, 3728. Apthorp's (East) Discourses on Prophecy, 2 vols, neat, 7s. 6d. ib.\756. 3729. Arndtii (Joan.) de Vero Christianissimo libri IV. 2 vols.' neat, 7s. 6d. • ib. 1708. 272 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3730. Alkibla, a Disquisition upon Worshipping towards the East, neat, 5s. Loud. 1 740. 3731. Adams's (William) Discourses before the University of Oxford, 6s. ib. 171(3. 3732. Allen's (Joshua) Sermons, neat, 5s. ib. 1751. 3733. Assheton's (W.) Apology for the Honours and Revenues of the Clergy, portrait of James Duke of Ormonde, by Loggan, 4>s.6d. ib. I676. 3734. Butler's (Jos.) Sermons at the Rolls Chapel, &c. neat, 6s, ib. 1736. 3735. Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, 6s. 6d. » ib. 1740. 3736. Bullerii Dissertationum Sacrum Sylloge, sewed, 2s. Amst. 1750. 3737. Baxter's Appendix to the Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul, 4*. Lond. 1750. 3738. Brady's (Nicolas) Sermons, 4 vols. 13s. 6d. • • ib. 1713-30. 3739. Bull's (George, Bp. of St. David's) Sermons, with his Life by Nelson, portrait, 4 vols. £l. 10s. ib. 1713.. 3740. Bennet's (Benj.) Christian Oratory, or the Devotion of the Closet, best edition, 10s. 6d. ib. \760. 3741. Blair's (Hugh) Sermons, 5 vols, neat, £l. 11*. 6d. ib. 1780, #c. 3742. Breviarium Romanum ex Dccreto Sacro-sancti Cornelii Tridentini restitutum, S. Pii V. Pontificis Max. Jusse edi- tum, et Clementis VIII. primum, nunc denuo Ur'oani P. P. VIII. Auctoritate recognitum, in quo omnia suis locis ad longum posita sunt, pro majori recitantium commoditate, •with plates, 2 large vols, of near 16*00 pages each, old russia, gilt Ic axes, £\.\5s. Ant. 1748. 3743. Barrington's (Lord) Miscellanea Sacra, containing an abstract of the Scripture History of the Apostles, with four Critical Essays, 3 vols, boards, 1 5s. Lond. 1770. 3744. Burtoni Opuscula Miscellanea Theologica, et Metrico-Prc- saica, 2 vols, neat, 16s ••••.Oxon. 1771. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages.— Sto. 273 374>5. Bede's (the Venerable) Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, neat, £\. 5s. Lond. 1723. 3746. Beveridge's (W. Bp.of St. Asaph) Sermons, 12 vols. £5. 10s. ib. 1716. 3747. ■ — on Publick Prayer, 3s. ib. 1714. 3748. Bowden's (J.) Sermon at the Funeral of T. Bowden, black morocco, joints, fyc. 5s. ib. 1795. 3749. Bragge (Francis) on the Miracles and Parables of our Sa- viour — on Undissembled Religion — and on the Passions, being 6 vols. £l. 15s. ib. 1702-24. 3750. on the Miracles and Parables, 4 vols. £l.6s. ib. 1710-11. 3751. on the Miracles, first edition, 4>s. 6d. ib. 1702. 3752. Treatise on the Passions, 5s.- • • -ib. 1708. 3753. Bellarminius de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis liber unus, &c. 7s. 6d. Ltigduni, 1 675, 3754. Bradbury's (Thos.) Necessity of Contending for Revealed Religion with other Tracts, 5s. Lond. 1720. 3755. Brown's (of Newcastle) Sermons, neat, 4s. ib. 1763. 3756. Browne's (John) Sermons on the Divine Authority of the "' Christian Religion, and the Natural Deity of Jesus Christ, 4s. ib. 1732. 3757* Broughton's (Rich.) Monasticon Britannicum, or a Histo- ricall Narration of the first founding and flourishing ot the Antient Monasteries, &c. of Great Britaine, £l. Is. ib. 1655. 3758. Bunyan's (John) Pilgrim's Progress, plates, rcry neat, 10s. 6d ib, 1766. 3759. Bourn's (Samuel) Series of Discourses, 4 vols, very neat, £l. 5s. ib. 176S. 3760. Burton's (Geo.) Essay towards reconciling the Numbers of Daniel and St. John, determining the Birth of our Saviour, &c. large paper, with Supplement, &c. 2 vols. neat, 18s Norwich, 1 766-8. 2 M 274 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3761. Boyle's Lecture Sermons, vols. 3 and 4. neat, 6s. • .Lond. 1737* 3762. Burnet's (G. of Coggeshal) Sermons, 2 vols. 9s. ..ib. \7%7 m 375s. (Bp.) History of the Reformation, abridged, with 16 portraits t fine copy, 12s. ib. 1705. 3764. Another Copy, neat, 9s. ib. 1705. 3765. Burnet's (Bp.) Four Discourses to his Clergy, 4s. • .ib. l6Q4. 3766. (Thos.) on the Redemption of the World, 2s. ib. 1737. 3767. de Statu Mortuorum et Resurgentium trac- tatus, portrait, As. ib. 1727. 3768. Bell (Wil.) on the Divine Missions of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, boards, 4s. 6d. ib. 176*1. 3769. Communion and Lord's Supper, neat, 4>s. 6d. ib. lfSl. 3770. Blackall's Practical Discourses upon our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount, 8 vols, neat, £\.12s. ib. 1717- 3771. Blackburn's Historical View of the Controversy concerning an intermediate State and the Separate Existence of the Soul, boards, 6s. ib. 1772. 3772. Benson's (G.) Collections of Tracts, neat, 5s. » ...ib. 1753. 3773. Reasonableness of the Christian Religion, 4s. 6d. ib. 1746. 3774. Bryant's (Jacob) Observations upon the Plagues inflicted upon the Egyptians, 10*. 6d. ib. 1794. 3775. Bandinel's (James) Sermons at the Bampton Lecture, boards, 7s. Oxon. I78O. 3776. Bates's (William) Divinity of the Christian Religion, proved by the Evidence of Reason, and Divine Revelation, calf extra, 7s. 6d. • Lond. 1677. 3777. Bohmeri (J. H.) Dissertationes Juris Ecclesiastici Antiqui, 3s. Lips. 1711. 3778. Catcott's (A. S.) Sermons, neat, Ss. 6d.. .. .Bristol, 1752. 3779. > . " Another Edition, sewed, 7s.. • Lond. 1753. 3780. - Treatise on the Deluge, boards, 12s. 6d. ib. 1761. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages.— 8vo. 275 3781. Catcott's (A. S.) Remarks on the Bishop of Clogher, chiefly with respect to the Creation and Deluge, neat, 12s. Lofid. 1756. 3782. Calamy's (Edra.) Abridgment of Richard Baxter's History of his Life and Times, with an Account of Ejected Mi- nisters, 8-9. ib. 1702. 3783. Another Edition, with the Continuation, fine portraits, 2 vols. 18s. 6d. ib. 1713. 3784. Calamy's (Edmund) Continuation of the Account of Ejected Ministers, 2 vols. 10$ ib. 1727- 3785. Another Set, 2 vols, neat, 12*. ib. 1727 - 3786. Calamy's (Benj.) Sermons, 3s. 6d. ib. 1715. 3787. Clagett's (William) Sermons, 4 vols, neat, 12s. ib. 1689-1720. 3788. Common Prayer, Apocrypha, Testament, &c. with many plates, 7s. ib. 1671. 3789. Common Prayer in the English and Irish Languages, ncat t £l.ls. ib.n.d. 3790. Conant's (John) Sermons, 2s. ib. 1693. 3791. Charles (Jos.) on the Dispersion of the Men at Babel, 4>s. ib. 1755. 3792. Calvert's (Tho.) Blessed Jew of Marocco, or a Blackmoor made White, 5s. York, 1648. 3793. Conjectures on the New Testament collected from Various Authors, by W. Bowyer, very neat, 10s. 6d.* *ib. 1772. 3794. Chapman's (John) Eusebius, or the True Christian's Defence against a late book entitled the Moral Philosopher, 2 vols. calf extra, iSs. 6d. • Camb. 1739. 379$* Collin's (Anthony) Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion, with an Answer to it, very neat, 8s. 6d. Lond. 1737. 3796. Croese's (Gerard) General History of the Quakers, 125. 6d. ib. I696. 3797. Chubb's (Tho.) Posthumous Works, and his Life, 2 vols. 7s. 6d. Lond. 1748. Qj6 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3798. Cockman's (Tho.) Theological Discourses, portrait, 2 vols. 8*. Lond. 1750. 3799- Chandler's (Sara.) Sermons, portrait, 4 vols, neat, £l. Is. ib. 1768. 3800. Critical History of the Life of David, 2 vols. neat, \4s.6d. • .. • ib. 1766. 3S01. Vindication of the History of the Old Testament, half-bound, uncut, 5s ib. 1741. 3802. on the Conduct of Modern Deists, 1727. — Ditto on Daniel's Prophecies, 1728, with other Tracts, neat, 6s. ib. 1727-9. 3803. Review of the History of Man after God's own Heart, boards, 6s. ib. 1762. 3804. Conybeare's (Bp. of Bristol) Sermons, 2 vols. 8s. "ib. 1757. 3805. Campbell's (Archib.) Necessity of Revelation, or Enquiry into the Human Powers in Matters of Religion, h. b. uncut, 6s. ib. 1739. 3806. Christian's Companion in the Principles of Religion, and the Concerns of Human Life, neat, 4s. ib. 1771. 3807. Clarke's (J. S.) Naval Sermons, boards, 4s. ib. 1801. 3808. Clarke's (Dr. Sam.) Sermons, portrait by Vertue, 10 vols. £3. 3s. ib. 1730. 3809. on tne Being and Attributes of God, 5s. ib. 1711. 3810. Another Edition, 4s. 6d. ib. 1719. 3811. Crabb's (Habakkuk) Sermons, on Practical Subjects, boards, 5s. Camb. 1796. 3812. Coke and Moore's Life of the Rev. John Wesley, neat, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1792. 3813. Another Copy, calf extra, 9s. ib. 1792. 3814. Cloud of Witnesses, or the Sufferer's Mirrour, by T. M. 3 parts in 1, neat, 9s. ib. I67O. 3815. Carleton's (George) Sermons at the Royal Chapel of Whitehall, neat, 4s. ib. 1736. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. Svo, 277 3816. Cunningham's (James) Warnings of the Eternal Spirit pro- nounc'd during his imprisonment in the Tolbooth of Edin- burgh. Together with the Prayers and Hymns then also pronounc'd thro* him, neat, gilt leaves, \bs. Lond. 1712. 3817. Derham's (W.) Physico-Theology, plates, neat, 6s. ib. 17%7- 3818. Another Copy, 4>s. 6d ib. 17l6. 3819. Ducks (Arth.) Life of Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Can- terbury. In which there is a particular relation of many remarkable passages in the Reign of Henry V. and VI. portrait, 10s. 6d. ib. 1699- 3820. Deoderlein (J. C.) Institutio Theologi Christiani in capitibus religionis theoreticis nostris temporibus accomodata, 2 vols. calf extra, £l.lls.6d. Norimb. 1791. 3821. Dodd's (Dr. W.) Discourses on the Miracles of our Saviour, 2 vols. h. b. morocco, l6s. Lond. 1757. 3822. Drummond's (Sir W.) CEdipus Judaicus, plates, calf extra, £3. 3s. ib. 1811. 3823. Dodson's (Mich.) New Translation of Isaiah, very neat, 5s. 6d* ib. 1790. 3824. Dorrington's (Theoph.) Observations on the State of Religion in the Romish Church, 3s. 6d. ib. 1699. 3825. Dyer's (G.) Enquiry into the Nature of Subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles, boards^ 4,s.6d. ib. 1792. 3826. Defence of Revelation and the Gospel, neat, 4>s. * • • • ib. 1766. 3827. Delaunoy Defensa Romani Breviarii Correctio circa Uistoriam Sancti Brunonis, seu de Vera causa secessus S. Brunonis in Eremum Dissertatio, 7s. Pans, 1646. 3828. De Courcy's (Rich.) Sermons, fine portrait by Collyer, very neat in calf, 10s. 6d. Shrewsbury, 1805. 3829. Disney's (Dr. John) Sermons, 2 vols, neat in calf, \3s.6d. Lond. 1793. 3830. Devotions to be used by Primitive Catholics, at Church and at Home, £ 1 . Is. Liverpool, 1 747. These Devotions were drawn up by, and for the use of, the Nonjuring Clergy. 3831. Devout Christian's Exemplar, or History of our Lord and Sa- viour Jesus Christ, neat, 4*. ib. 1717. 278 Longman, Hurst, IIees, Or me, and Brown. 3832. De Virtutibus, MS. on vellum, of the 14th century, closely and neatly written in two columns, original binding, £l.\\s.6d. 3833. Evangelia Quatuor, MS. on vellum, of the 11th century, with curious tables in red and black, neat in calf, £5. 5s. 3834. England's Remembrancer : setting forth the Papal Tyran- nies, Bloody Persecutions, Plots, &c. 5*. • • • »Lond. 1682. 3835. Ende (M.J. Cam) Pauli Apostoli Epistola ad Philipenses, Gr. et Lat. 3s. 1798. 3836. Essai sur la Religion des Anciens Grecs, 2 vols, green mo- rocco, gilt leaves, £l .Is. Geneve, 1 787. 3837. Edwards's (Jonath.) History of the Work of Redemption, calf extra, 10s. 6d. • • • • •" Edin. 1774>. 3838. (John) Discourse on the Authority, Stile, &c. of the Scriptures, 3 vols. 9s. 6d. • Lond. 1 6*93-5. 3839. Enquiry after Philosophy and Theology, neat, 3s. 6d. Edin. 1755. 3840. Evanson (Edw.) on the Dissonance of the Evangelists, boards, 4>s.6d. Ipswich, 1792. 3841. Ecton's Account of Ecclesiastical Benefices, 2*. Lond. 1723. 3842. Echard's (Laurence) General Ecclesiastical History, 2 vols. very neat, 8s. • • • • • • ib. 1710. 3843. Experience, Historic, and Divinitie. Written by Richard Carpenter, Vicar of Poling, a small and obscure Village by the Sea-side, neere to Arundel in Sussex. Who being first a Scholar of Eaton Colledge, and afterwards a Student in Cambridge, forsooke the University, and immediately travelled in his raw, greene, and ignorant yeares beyond the Seas, and at length received orders in Rome, and was sent by the Pope into England, to pervert Soules, and is now at last reconciled to the faire Church of Christ in England, £1.5*. ib. 1642. 3844. Another Copy, l6s. ib. 1642. 3845. Elstob's (Eliz.) English-Saxon Homily on the Birth-Day of St. Gregory, with Notes, vignettes by Gribelin, (nofrontis- pitccj 145. » ib. 1709. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — 8ro. 279 3845. Erasmi Ecclesiastes,sive Concionator Evangelicus, liber primus, half-bound, 4s. Lond. 1730. 3847. Farmer (Hugh) on the Worship of Human Spirits in the Antient Heathen Nations, neat, 9s. ib. 1783. 3848. Dissertation on Miracles, 9s. 6d.* • • »ib. 177^* 3849. — — Another Edition, neat, 7s. 6d. . . Edin. 1798. 3850. on Christ's Temptation in the Wilderness, 5*. Lond. 1776. 3851. Flavel's (John) Works, 6 vols, neat, £l. 7s. •• Paisley, 1770. The seventh and eighth volumes are wanting to complete this set. 3852. Fenelon's Dissertation on Pure Love, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Lady, for whose sake he was banished from the French Court, &c. ?ieat, 6s. Lond. 1738. 3853. Funeral Sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, Foundress of Christ's and St. John's College in Cambridge, entitled a Mornynge Remembrance, by Bishop Fisher, reprinted from Wynkyn de Worde's edition, with a Preface, &c. &c. plates, 9s. ib. 1708. 3854. Franck's (A. H.) Christ the Sum and Substance of all the Holy Scriptures, in the Old and New Testament, neat, 7s. • ib, 1732. 3855. Fellowes's (Robert) Picture of Christian Philosophy, calf extra, 9s. ib. 1799. 3856. Franks' (James) Sacred Literature, or Remarks upon the Book of Genesis, calf extra, 10s. 6d. • • • • Halifax, 1802. 3857. Fleury's History of the Ancient Israelites, by Adam Clarke, calf extra, 9s. Liverpool, 1802. 3858. Fenner's (Wil.) Divine Message to the elect Soul, delivered in eight Sermons, neat, 7s. Lond. Irj45. 3859. Garden's (Charles) Version of the Book of Job, a Poem, with Notes, boards, 6s, Oxon. 1796. 3860. Gray's (Rob.) Sermons at the Bampton Lecture, boards, 6s. Lond. I796. 3S6\. GastrelFs (F.) Christian Institutes, neat, 5s. ib. 1707. 3862. Guyse's (J.) Standing Use of the Scriptures, 3?. 6d.*»ib. 1724. 280 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3863. Gill's (John) Sermons on Important Subjects, neat, 9s. Lond. 1790. 386*4. Grotius's Truth of the Christian Religion, by Patrick, very neat in calf, 7s. ib. 1683. 3865. . i by Clarke, fine copy, 7s. 6d. ib. 1777' 3866. Gerard's (Alex.) Dissertations on the Genius and Evidences of Christianity, neat, 5s. 6d. Edin. 1776. 3867. Greene's (Wil.) Translation of the Psalms, boards, 3s. 6d. Camb.\7fo 3868. Gilpin's (Wil.) Exposition of the New Testament, 2 vols. neat, 14s. 6d. Lond. 1793. 3869- Gibson's (Bishop) Synodus Anglicana, or the Constitution and Proceedings of an English Convocation, neat, 7s. ib. 1702. 3870. Gregory's (Geo.) Sermons, half-bound, 4ts. ib. 1789* 3871. Gentleman's and Ladies Calling, frontispieces, 2s. 6d. 1674-5. 3872. Gale's (John) Sermons, portrait by Vertue, 2 vols, neat, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1724. 3873. Gentillet (Innocent) le Bureau du Concile de Trente ; auquel est monstre qu'en plusieurs poincts iceluy Concile est contraire aux anciens Conciles et Canons, &c. old morocco, 9s. Par. 1586. 3874. Henry's (Matthew) Method for Prayer, very neat, 6s. Lond. 1727. 3875. Plistorical Dissertation on the Books of the New Testament, or an Enquiry into their authority and particular character, neat, 6s. ■ ib. 1755. 3876. Horrei (G. & P.) Animadversiones Sacra? Profanae ad Selecta Novi Foederis, Scriptorumque exterorum Grascorum loca, Hading. 174-9. et Miscellanea Critical, Leotard. 1738, in one vol. vellum, Ss. 6d. 3877. History of the English and Scotch Presbytery, curious fron- tispiece, 7s. 6d. • • • Villa Franca, l65Q. 3878. Another Copy, title in manuscript, 5s. ib. 1659. 3879- History of the Apostle's Creed, 3*! Lond. 1711. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages.— Svo. 281 3880. Henley's (the celebrated and eccentric Orator) Appeal of the Oratory to the first Ages of Christianity, — Sptfacfc %ttttt— 15s. Lond.1727. 3881. Hammond's (H.) Review of the Paraphrase upon the New Testament, neat, 2s. 6d. ib. 1656. 3882. Harwood's (E.) Introduction to the Study and Knowledge of the New Testament, neat, 6s. ib. 1767. 38SG. Hall's (C. H.) Sermons at the Bampton Lecture, boards, 5s. Oxon. 1799. 3884. Hawkins's (Wil.) Sermons at the Bampton Lecture, sewed, 6s. 6d. ib. 1 787. 3S85. Hutchinson's (John) Philosophical and Theological Works, 12 vols. £4-. 4s. Lond. 174-9- 3886. Horsley's (Bp. of Rochester) Tracts in Controversy with Dr. Priestley, boards, 12s. 6d. Glocester, 1789. 3S87- Horneck's (Anthony) Happy Ascetick, or the Best Exercise, together with Prayers, with frontispiece by Hogarth, very neat in calf, £l. Is. * Lond. 1724. 3888. Hervey (A Collection of the Letters of the Rev. James) with his Life, 2 vols, neat, 12s. ib. I76O. S889. Historical Collections, cut of several grave Protestant His- torians, concerning the Changes of Religion, and the strange confusions following from thence ; in the Reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Mary and Elizabeth, russia. gilt leaves, £l. 15s ib. 1674. 3890. Hill's (Sir Rich.) Apology for Brotherly Love, with a Sermon preached at Paul's Cross, 1590, by Bishop Babington, calf elegant, 7s. ib. 1798. 3891. Hunter's (Henry) Sermon on occasion of the Trial and Exe- cution of Louis XVI. with Fleming on the Rise and Fall of Papacy, very neat, 6s. H % 1793. 3892. Historical Account of the Life and Reign of David, King of Israel, 2 vols, neat, 18s. 6d. ib. ] 75q, 3893. Hale's (Sir Matthew) Discourse of the Knowledge of God and of our Selves, portrait, 5s. • • t£. 1 688. 2N 282 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 3894. Hodegus, proving the Pillar of Cloud and Fire, that guided the Israelites in the Wilderness not Miraculous, but Am- bulatory Beacons, plates, 5s. Lond. 1 753. 3895. Heures a l'usaige de Rome printed vpon vellum, a superb Missal. This volume has 5 large miniatures (2 at the beginning and 3 at the end) which represent the family of the individual for whom it was probably illuminated, addressing their patron Saints : It also contains 69 illumi- nated engravings (19 large and 50 small) and has all the initials in gold and colours. The margin of every page has a brilliant border on a gold ground, representing fruits, birds, flowers, &c. The printing is admirable, and the entire book may be called a fine specimen of vellum printing and illumination, in old gilt binding, £\5. 15s. Paris, pour Germ. Hardouyn, 1512. 3896. Heures a l'usaige de Rome, printed on vellum, with fine wood cuts, and borders around every page, which represent the Dance of Death, the Life of Man, of the Saints, grotesque figures, &c. &c. The initials in gold and colours, fine copy in excellent preservation, in old red morocco, £9> 9*« Prefixed to this Missal is " L'Office de la Vierge," 1621, with prints by Crispin de Pas, &c. and at the end, " Oraisons devotes pour tous Chrestiens et Catholiques," 1621, 3897. Hore Beate Marie Virginis, printed on vellum, with 16 large and 20 small miniatures illuminated, the initials in gold and colours, and beautiful wood-cut bordersto every page, fine copy, in excellent preservation, in red morocco, «6'11. it*. Paris, pour Germ. Hardouyn, 1525. 3898. Hore Beate Marie Virginis, printed upon vellum, with large wood cuts, illuminated ; initials in gold and colours, and neat borders around every page, a beautiful copy, in green morocco, c^ll. lis. Paris, par Germ. Hardouyn, 1526. 3899. Heures (Les) a l'usaige de Rome, a very curious edition, with many wood cuts, worked in various colours, neat, «£4. 4s. • Paris, par Jehan du Pre, 1490. Theology and Ecclesiastical History* Various Languages. — Svo. 283 .3900. Inquiry concerning Virtue and Happiness, neat, 5s. Lond. 1751. 3901. Ibbot's (Benj.) Thirty Discourses on Practical Subjects, 2 vols. 7s. io. 1726. 3902. Boyle's Lecture Sermons, 4*. • • • • ib. 1727. 3903. Interest (L') de l'Eglise, vellum, 2s. Par. 1663. 3904. Jones's (Jeremiah) Method of settling the Canonical Authority of the New Testament, 2 vols, very neat, £l. Is. Lond. 1726. 3905. Jones's (of Nayland) Catholic Doctrine of a Trinity, neat, 4s. 6d. ib. 1 790. 3906. — — on the Figurative Language of the Holy Scripture, boards, 7 s. 6d. • ib. 1 JS7* 3907. Jenkin's (Rob.) Reasonableness and Certainty of the Christian Religion, 2 vols, neat, 8s. ib. 1734. 3908. Another Set, 2 vols. neat 9 9s. 6d. ib. 1721. 3909. Jortin's (John) Discourses, on the Truth of the Christian Religion, 4s. ib. 1 746. 3pi0. Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, 3 vols. very neat in calf, £l. 10s ib. 1805. 3911. Judgement of the Synode holden at Dort, concerning the five Articles : as also their sentence touching Conradus Vorstius, very neat calf, £l. Is. • • ib. I6I9. 3912. Justini (Sancti) Philos. et Mart. Apologias pro Christianis, Gr. et Lat. a Ashton, neat, 7s. 67s. Paris, 1781. 3945. Leighton's (Abp. Rob.) Expository Works, 2 vols, boards, 15*. Edin. 179s. 3946. ■ 18 Sermons, neat, 5s. 6d. Lond. 1745. 3947. — Theological Lectures, f5*. ••ib, 1760. 3948. Select Works, and Life, neat, 8s. 6d. Edin. 1746. 3949. Lucas's (Richard) 24 Sermons, head, 2 vols, neat, 8s. Lond. 1735. 2S6 Loxgman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, avu Brown 3950. Lucas's (Richard) Enquiry after Happiness, 2 vols. 9*- Lond. 1717. 3951. Liber Jobi in versiculos metrice divisus, cum Vers. Lat. Alb. Schultens, et Annotat. R. Grey, neat, 7s. ...... ib. 1742. 3952. Lee's (Henry) Sophron ; or Nature's Characteristics of the Truth, in a course of Meditations on the Scenes of Nature, 3 vols, neat, ISs. ib. 1758. 3953. Another Set, 3 vols, very neat, £l.ls. ib. 1760. 3954. Leland's (John) View of the Principal Deistical Writers, 2 vols, very neat, 15s. ib. 1798. 3955. Lardner's (Nathaniel) Works, with his Life, by Dr. Kippis, 11 vols, neat, £15. ib. 1788. 3936. Sermons, 2 vols. h. b. uncut, 15s. ib. 1751-60. 3957' Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, translated by Maclaine, 5 \oh. Jine set, £2. ib. 1774. 3958. Moshemii Dissertationes ad Historia Ecclesiastica, 2 vols. 14*. Alton. 1743. 3959. Institutions Historian Christianas Recentiores, 5s. Helmstadii, 1741. 3960. Muller (C.) Satura Observationum Philologicarum maximam partem sacrarum, vellum, As. L. Bat. 1752. 3961. Millar's (Rob.) History of the Propagation of Christianity and the Overthrow of Paganism, 2 vols, neat, 12s. Lond. 1731. 396*2. Mahometanism fully Explained, written for the Instruction of the Moriscoes, by Mahomet Rabadan, translated by Morgan, plates, 2 vols. 10s. 6d. ib. 1723-5. 3963. Milner's (John) Letters to a Prebendary [Rev. J. Sturges] boards, 3s. 6d. Winches. 1801. 3964. Mosse's (Miles) Arraignment and Conviction of Vsvrie, tha* is, the iniquitie, and vnlawfulnes of vsvrie, displayed in sixe Sermons—2&Iacft %ttttl— £l. Is. Lond. 1595. 3965. Milner's (Isaac) Strictures on Dr. Marsh, boards, 5s. ib. 1813. ■r Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. Svo. 287 3966. Mystery of Jesuitism discovered, with a frontispiece, in which are portraits of Ig?iatius Loyola, and the Jesuits Garnet, Parsons, Suarez and Mariana, neat, 9s. • • • • Lond. l67°« 3967. Mystery of Jesuitism discovered in certain Letters, by Pascal, 3s. 6d. ib. 1679- 396S. Mason's (W.) Spiritual Treasury for the Children of God, very neat, 7s. •• • • • ib. 1771. 3969. Martyrologium Romanum, ad novam Kalendarii Rationem, et Ecclesiastics Historian, restitutum, 7s. • . • . Paris, 1650. 3970. Missale Romanum ex decreto Sacro-sancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum (some leaves damaged) 8s. Paris, \64 9* Lips. 1795. 4004. • - Scholia in Vetus Testamentum, vol. 5, boards, 7s. • Lips. 1806. 4005. Ray's (John) Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of the Creation, 4>s. • • »*Lond. 1722. 4006. Another Copy, 4*. ib. 1709. 4007. — ■ Physico-Theological Discourses, plates, neat, 5s. 6d. • 2&.1721. 4008. Another Edition, 4>s. 6d. ib. 1 713. 4009. Persuasive to a Holy Life, 2s. ib. 1719. 4010. Rennell's (Dr. Thomas) Discourses on various Subjects, boards, Ss.6d. • i6.1801. 4011. Ross's (Alex.) Views of all the Religions in the World, with the Lives of certain notorious Hereticks, many portraits, calf extra, 15s. ib. l6j2. 4012. Rights of the Christian Church Asserted, 2s. 6d. • *ib. 1709. 4013. Reay's (W.) Sermons on several Subjects, with a preface by Church, 7s. ib. 1755. 4014. Rogers's (Tim.) Discourse concerning Trouble of Mind, and the Disease of Melancholly, calf extra, \2s. • -ib. 1691. 4015. Seeker's (Archbishop) Works, large letter, 10 vols. half-bound, £ ib. 1648. 4038. Still ingfleet, (E.) on the Protestant Grounds of Faith, 3s. ib. 1673. 4039. Spelman's (Sir II.) History of Sacrilege, with Sir R. Twisden's Beginners of a Monastic Life, <)s. ib. 1698. 4040. Sturt's Orthodox Communicant, engraved on copper plates, with numerous vignettes, calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. 10s. ibWZl. 4041. Sykes's (A. A.) Principles and Connexion of Natural and Revealed Religion, very neat, 6s. ib. 1740. 4042. Strype's (John) Historical Collections of the Life and Acts of the Right Rev. John Aylmer, Bishop of London in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, ISs. ib. 1728. 4043. Another Edition, 15s. ib. 1701. 4044. Sanderson's (Bishop) Episcopacy, (as established by Law in England) not prejudicial to Regal Power, written in the time of the Long Parliament by the special command of the late King, portrait by Hollar, very neat, 10s. 6cl. ib. 1673. 4045. Sparke's (Edward) Primitive Devotion, in the Feasts and Fasts of the Church of England, with many cuts, neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1763. 4046. Sedgwick's (O.) Counsel to the Afflicted; or Instruction and Consolation for such as have suffered loss by Fire, with advice to such as have escaped the Judgment, calf extra, 16s. ib. 1667. 4047. Tolandi (Joannis) Pantheisticon, seu Formula eelebrandee So- dalitatis Socraticae, morocco, £l. lis. 6d. Cosmopoli, 1720. *' None of Toland's works abound so much with impiety as the present, nay to such an extreme is it carried, that the very Libertines whom he intended to gratify were disgusted." — De Bure. — There were only a few copies printed. 4Q48. Tcrtulliahi Carthaginiensis Presbyteri Apologeticus, ad Codi- ces MStos. et editiones veteres summa cura recognitus, 292 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. castigatus, cmendatus ut ct Perpetuo Commcntario: studio ct industria Sigeb. Havercampj, neat in vellum, 10s. L. Bat. 1718. 4049. Tillotson's (Abp. John) Sermons, 12 vols. £3. 15s. Lond. 1742. 4050. Another Edition, 12 vols, neat, £4. 145. 6d.*- • -ib. 1757. 4051. Tryal and Conviction of the Rev. Mr. Hendley for Preaching a Charity Sermon at Chisselhurst, curious frontispiece, 7s. 2^.1719. 4052. Twell&'s (Leon.) Sermons at Boyle's Lecture, 2 vols. 7s. ib. 1743. 4053. Taylor's (Jeremy) Rule of Conscience, abridged, by R. Bar- croft, 2 vols, neat, 10s ib. 1725. 4054. Dissuasive from Popery, with portrait, $c. neat , 6s. ib, 1664. 4055. (John) Sermons on different Subjects, published by the Rev. S. Hayes, 2 vols, very neat in calf, 15s. Lond. 1800. It is generally supposed that these Sermons were written by Dr. Johnson. 4056. True and Exact Relation of the Death of two Catholics (Hirst and Arrowsmith) who suffered for their Religion at Lan- caster 1628, with two portraits, neat, l6s. • • • 'ib. 1737. 4057. Tableau de la Croix represent^ dans les ceremonies de la Sainte Messe, ensemble le tresor de la devotion aux sou- frances de Notre S. J. C. all engraven on copper, with many neat designs, £l. 7s. Paris, 1651. 4058. Thomas a Kempis, translated by H. Lee, 3s. 67/.. 'Lond. 1760, 4059. Theological Repository, by Dr. Priestley and others, 6 vols. boards, £ • • • Lond. by J. Daye n. d. 4165. Confession of Faith; the larger and shorter Catechisms, with the Scripture Proofs at Large, neat, 4s. • • • • Edin. 1793. 4166. Catechismus Judaeorum, Heb. et Lat. a Lud. de Compiegne de Veil, 6s. t Lond. 1679- 4167. Christian Husbandry; or a Companion for the Christian, very neat, 3s. • ib. 1789. 4l6S. Christian Diurnall, by A. M. 3s. ib. 1650. 4169. Carpenter's (Richard) Anabaptist washt and washt, and shrunk in the washing : - or a Scholasticali Discussion of the much Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — \2mo. 301 agitated Controversie concerning Infant Baptism, very neat in calf, 9s. Lond. n. d. 4170. Clifford's (James) Divine Services and Anthems, half -bound, morocco, 5s. 6d. ib. 1663. 4171. Cavendishe's (Richard) Image of Nature and Grace, con- teyning the whole course, and condition of man's estate, SMacft ^letter — 9* Lond. by J. Daye, n. d. 4172. Common Prayer, and Psalms, in Greek, old morocco, 5s. Lond. by Field, n. d. 4173. Another Edition, larger size, 5s. ib. ib. 4174. Christian Remembrancer, or Reflections upon the Faith, Life and Conduct of a Real Christian, very neat, 4>s. 6d. ib. 1793. 4175. Clayton's (Bishop) Essay on Spirit, 2s. 6d. .***Dub. 1753. 4176. Chrysostomus de Episcopatu Erasmi, Graece, 4>s.6d. Basil, 1525. 4177. Coverdale's (Miles) Hope of the Faithfull. With an euident probaion, that there is an eternall life of the Faithfull, and an euerlasting damnation of the vnfaiihfull — SBlacfc better— 9*. ib. 1579. 4178. Collection of Private Devotions, in the Practise of the Antient Church, called the Hours of Praiers, very neat, 7s. ib. 1655. 4179. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye, by the most Ri uerende father in God, Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Cajiterburye, from prison in Oxeforde ; who (after Long and most greuous strayt emprisoning and cruell handlyng) most con^tauntly and willingly sutTred Martirdome ther, for the true te&timonie of Christ,— 2&facft %ttttt— £\. Is. noplace, 1556V 4180. Contra Libellum Caivini in quo ostendere conatur llsereticos jure gladii coercendos esse, 7 s. 6d. sine loco, 1562. 4181. Corraro's Rome exactly Described, as to the present state of it, under Pope Alexandre the Seventh. In two curious discourses, with portrait, 7s. ib. l66*4. 4182. Complaint (The) of Roderyck Mors, somtyme a gray Fryre, vnto the parlament house of Ingland hys natural! countrcy, 302 Longman, Hurit, Rees, Orme, and Brown. for the redresse of certein wycked lawes, evell customes, and cruell decrees,— SMacft %ttttt—£l. Is. Geneve, n. d. 4183. Cowper's (William) Defiance to Death, calf extra, 9s. Lond. 1655* 4184. Cruden's (Alex.) Compendium of the Bible, 2s. 6d. ib. 1750. 4185. Conjugal Duty; set forth in a Collection of Ingenious and Delightful Wedding-Sermons, 4 parts in 2 vols, very neat in calf, £i. 1 s. ib. 1732. 4186. Crofts's (Robert) Terrestriall Paradise, or Happinesse on Earth, very neat, l6s. ib. lo\39. This littl« volume is divided into eight sections, of each of which a poetical abstract or analysis is given. 4187. Doddridge's (P ) Hymns, neat in calf, 2s. 6d. .... ib. 1788. 4188. on the Power and Grace of Christ, neat in calf, 3s. 6d. ib. 1736. 4189. D'Emiliane Histoires des Tromperies des Prestres et des Moines, 2 vols, elegant in calf, 10s. 6d. Rotterdam, 1712. 4190. Dyer's Psalms and Hymns, very neat in calf, 4>s. Lond. 1767. 4191. Dick's (John) Essay on Inspiration, boards, 3s. >»Edin. 1800. 4192. Dissertation on the Weekly Festival of the Christian Church, 176I. — Arguments against the Doctrine of General Re- demption considered, 17^9* in one vol. calf extra, 8*. 6d. 419S. Durant's (John) Cluster of Grapes taken out of the Basket of the Woman of Canaan,^we portrait , calf elegant, ISs. Lond, 1660. 4194. Directory for the Publique Worship of God throughout the three kingdomes, h. b. neat, 4*. ib. 1651. 4195. Die getjden van onser leuer vrou we met und getijden en scone oracie, — 2Mai*ft %ttttt — with capitals in colours, and wood-cuts, £l. Is. • *Leyden, 1528. 4196. Declaration of thee power of God's worde, concerning the holy supper of the Lord, confutynge all lyers and fals teachers, whych mayntayne theyr makynge masse inuented agaynst the woorde of God, and the Kynges Maiesties most godly proceadynge,— SBtacft %ttttt— 10*. 6d. Lond. 1548. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — 1 2mo. 303 4197. Dumas (Jean Louis) Sermons sur le Christianisme Moral, boards, 4s. Dresde, 1797- 4198. Divine Breathings of a Pious Soul, extra, 4s. •• Lond. 167s. 4199. Defensative Armour, against four of Sathan's most Fiery Darts, viz. Temptations to Atheistical and Blasphemous Impressions and Thoughts, Self Murther, Despair, and Presumption, extra, 1 2s ib. 1680 4200. Drexelii (Hier.) Horologium Auxiliaris Tutelaris Angeli, very neat, 7s. 6d. • • • • Col. Ag. l6'3l . 4201. de jEternitate, plates, 3s. 6d. . . . 'ib. 1634. 4202. Duncon's (John) Holy Life and Death of the Lady Letice Vi-countess Falkland, with portrait, 18s. •• Lond. 1653. 4203. Declaration. of the recantation of John Nichols (for the space almost of two yeeres the Pope's Scholer in the English Semi- narie or Colledge at Rome) which desireth to be reconciled and received as a member into the true Church of Christ, in England, with frontispiece,— ZBlatk %ttttt — £l. 6s. ib. 1581. 4204. Derham's (William) Physico and Astro-Theology, 3 vols. pocket size, 10s. 6d. # # 1749, 4205. — -- Astro-Theology, 2s. Edin. 1777. 4206. Dunton's (John) House of Weeping, or Man's last progress to his Long Home, 4s. Lond. 16&2. 4207. De Sale's Introduction to a Holy Life, (no title) extra, 5s. 4208. Dilherrus's (J. M.) Contemplations, Sighes, and Groanes of a Christian, englished by W. Style, extra, 7s. .... ib. 1640. 4209. Divine Judgment and Mercy Exemplified, in a variety of surprizing instances, half-bound, neat, 5s. ib. 1746. 4210. England's Summons: or London's Alarum from Heaven. With a Caveat to all Cities, Towns, Counties, and Families in the same. Collected by J. W. curious cut on the title — S&lacft %ttttt— extra, 1 8s. 6d. ib. 1654,. 4211. Ensamples of Vertue and Vice, gathered oute of holye scripture. By Nicholas Hanape of Jerusalem. Very necessarye for all Christen men and women to loke vpon. Englished by Thomas Paynell,— $(acft %ttttt— 15s. ib. 1561, 304 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4212. Erasmus's Enchiridion militis Christiani; which may be called in English, the hansome weapon of a Christian Knight, — S&Iacft %ttttt — very neat, 12s.« • • • Lond. 1576. 4213. Enchiridion Theologicum, or a Manual for the use of Stu- dents in Divinity, by Bp. Randolph, 5 vols, boards, £l.5s. Oxon. 1792. 4214. English Preacher, or Sermons on the principal subjects of Morality, 8 vols, £l. 8s. Lond. 1773. 4215. Essay towards a Proposal for Catholick Communion, calf extra, 5s. ib. 1801. 4216*. Eusebii (Joan.) Vita Divina seu Via Regia, 2s. 6d. Franco/. 1724. 4217. Fisher's (James) Wise Virgin, or a wonderfull narration of the hand of God on Martha Hatfield, who when stricken dumb, deaf and blinde, was heard at several times to utter many glorious truths, half-bound, 10*. 6d. Lond. 1654. 4218. Fuller's (Tho.) Mixt Contemplation in Better Times, 6s. ib. 1660. 4219- Franck's (Aug. Her.) Nicodemus, or, a Treatise against the Fear of Man, very neat in calf, 5s. ib. 1706. 4220. Forms of Devotion for the Use of Families, extra, 4>s. ib. 1760. 4221. Forber's (Hen. Duncan) Works, 2 vols, neat, 7s.* • Lond, n. d. 4222. Flavel*s (John) New Compass for Seamen, 2s. 6d. ib. 1664. 4223. Fouler (John) against the Unlawfull Insurrection of the Protestants, with curious wood cuts, (wants title) 1 5s. ib. 1566*. 4224. Featley's (John) Fountaine of Teares, very neat, 7s. 6d. Amst. 1646. 4225. Grotius de Veritate Religionis Christianae, 2s. . ♦ Amst. I709. 4226. Another Edition, 2s. 6d ib. 1734. 4227. * nis Discourses of God and his Providence; of Christ, his Miracles and Doctrine, with Annotations and the Author's Life, 1653.— The Soule is Immortall,or Certaine Discourses defending the immortalitie of the Soule; against the limmes of Sathan, by John Jackson, 1611, in one vol. neat, 9s. Lond. 1611-53. Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Various Languages. — l<2?no. 30.5 4228. Gavin's (Antonio) Master-Key to Popery, 3 vols. 7s. 6d. Land. 1725. 4229. Ditto, 2 vols, in 1, 5s. . . . . « ib. 1 725. 4230. Galloni, (Ant.) SS. Martyrum Cruciatibus liber, numerous plates, very curious, \2s. 6d. Ant. 1668. 4231. Gregorii Nazanzeni Theologi Orationes Lectissimae XVI. Gr&ce, 7s. Gd. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1 5l6. 4232. Garden of Spirituall Flowers [prose and verse] by Richard Rogers, William Perkins, Richard Grcenham, and George Webbe, calf extra, ISs. Lond. 1609. 4233. Great Treaty of Peace, or a Serious Exhortation upon a sad occasion to double diligence about making peace with God, h. b. neat, 5s ib. l677. 4234. Histoire de l'lnquisition et son Origine, very neat, 7s. 6d. Cologne, 1693. 4235. Hall's (Joseph) Contemplations on the Sacred History, by Glasse, 4 vols, very neat, £l. Lond. 1799' 4236. f ; Characters of Vcrtues and Vices, extra, 7s. ib. 1608. 4237. Select Thoughts, one Century. Also the Breathings of the Devout Soul, portrait by Marshall, extra, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1648. 4238. Resolutions and Decisions of divers Practicall Cases of Conscience in continuall Use amongst Men, portrait by Marshall, extra, \2s. ib. 1650. 4239. Hai ward's (John) Strong Helper, offering to beare* every man's burthen, 6s. ib. 1614. 4240. Howgill's (Francis) Glory of the True Church Discovered, very neat, 5s. • • ib. l66l . 4241. Hugonis (Herm.) Pia Desideria, with numerous plates, fine impressions, largest size, 12s. ....'• Antwerp, 1632. 4242. Ditto, a miniature edition, 3s. 6d. ib. 1636. 4243. Ditto, another miniature edition, 4s. 6d. Lond. 1677. 4244. Histoire du S. Sacrement de Miracle. Reposant a Bruxelles, en l'Eglise Collegiale de S. Goudele, & des Miracles 2 Q 306* Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. faictz par iceluy. Par M. Estienne Ydens, a carious xvorh, with many neat engravings, 18s. Bruxelles, 16*05. 4245. Huntyng and fyndyng out of the Romishe Fox which more than seuen yeares hath been hyd among the Bisshoppes of Englond, after that the Kynges Hyghnes had commaded hym to be driuen out of hys real me (first and last leaf wanting)— SBfacfeflettec—^i. Is. Imprynted at Basyl, 1543. 4246. Hilton's (Walter, a Carthusian, famous in the Reign of Henry the VI.) Scale or Ladder of Perfection, first printed in the yeare 1494, extra, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1659. 4247. Hymni Sacri et Novi, Autore Santolio Victorino, neat y gilt leaves, 8s. 6d. Paris, l68Q. 4248. Histoire du Clerge Seculier et Regulier. Des Congregations de Chanoines et de Clercs, et des Ordres Religieux de Pun et de l'autre sexe, qui ont 6te etablis jusques a present, with an immense number of engravings, 4 vols, neat in calf, £2. I2s.6d. Amst. 1716. 4249. Heavenly (The) Academic, 4>s. 6d. Lond. 16*38. 4250. Hervey's (James) Meditations and Contemplations, 2 vols. 6s. ib. 1750. 4251. Hulsii(A.) Nomenclator Biblicus Hebraso-Latinus cumtribus indie ibus, fine copy, vellum, £l. Is. •••• Breda, 160O. 4252. Heraclitus Ghristianus ; or, the Man of Sorrow, frontispiece by Oliver, 3s. Lond. 1677. 4253. Heaven's Vengeance, or Remarkable Judgments upon the Transgressors of each of the Ten Commmandments, 5s. ib. 174,7. 4254. History of the Bohemian Persecution, 6s. Lond. 1650. 4255. Hodges's (J.) Wholesome Repast for the Soule, 2s. 6d. ib. 1638. 4256*. Harding's (John) Answere to Maister Juelles Challenge, 8s. 6d. Antwerp, 1565. 4257. Holy Ghost on the Bench, other Spirits at the Barre: or the Judgement of the Holy Spirit of God upon the Spirits of the Times. Recorded in Holy Writ, and reported by Richard Hojliaworth, extra, 12$. 6d. Lond. 1657. Theology and Ecclesiastical History* Various Languages. — 12 wo. 307 4258. Heath's (James) New Book of Loyal English Martyrs and Confessors, who have endured the Pains and Terrours of Death, Arraignment, Banishment, and Imprisonment, for the Maintenance of the Just and Legal Government of these Kingdoms, both in Church and State, extra, £2. 2s. Lond. n. d. bat circa, \662, 425p. Here beate Marie Virginis, secundum usum insignis ecclesie Sasburiensis, — 23facft %ttttt — neat, 12s. Lond. by J. King, 1559. 4260. Huntingdon's (Countess of) Hymns, very small, morocco, 5s. Lond. 1799- 4261. Image (The) of Bothe Churches, Hierusalem and Babel, unitie and confusion, obedienc and sedition. By P. D. M. £l. Is. Tornay, 1623. Dedicated to Charles I. when Prince of Wales, and also " Grata? Posle* ritati," in which Samuel Daniel the Poet, is styled " our English Lqcan," after which follow two pages extracted from his poem of the " Civil Wars." 4262. Interest Mistaken, or the Holy Cheat, by Sir R. L'Estrange, 5s. Lond. 1662. 4263. Independent Whig, or a Defence of Primitive Christianity, and of our Ecclesiastical Establishment, by Gordon, &c. At vols, neat, 12s. 6d. ib. 1753. 4264. Itinerarium Benjaminis, cum Versione et Notis, Heb. et Lat. 155. L. Bat. Elzev. 1633. 4265. Italian Convert, Newes from Italy, of a second Moses; or the Life of Galeacius Caracciolus, containing the Story of his admirable conversion from Popery, with curious engra- vings, neat, ?s. • Lond. 1655. 4266. Johnson's (William) Sermons preached upon a great Deliver- ance at Sea : with the Narrative of the Dangers and Deli- verances, extra, 7s* 6d. «... ib, 1664. 4267. Jenks's (Benj.) Prayers and Devotions for Families, neat, 4s. ib. 1789. 4268. Kopke (Bait.) Dialogus de Templo Salomonis, 4*. 6d. Amst. 1698. 4269. Larkin's (Edward) Speculum Patrum ; a Looking-Glasse of the Fathers, 5s Lond, 1650. 308 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4270. Liber Pnecum, cum Calendario, MS. on vellum, of the 15th century, lfjmo. with 11 large and 7 small miniatures; also 33 variegated borders, which represent Fruits, Gro- tesque Figures, Insects, Birds, &c. &c. All the initials are in colours on a gold ground, and the whole of the orna- ments are well executed, but unfortunately the volume has beeu cut too close by the Binder, in olive coloured morocco, £7. 7s. 4-271. Liber Prsecum, cum Calendario, MS. on vellum, of the 15th century, l6mo. with 15 beautiful miniatures, and 30 borders on which are represented on a gold ground, flowers and birds. The Calendar is appropriately ornamented with two miniatures to each month and a border. The initials are numerous and of admirable execution, red morocco, £8. 8s. 4:272. Liber Pra?cum, cum Calendario, MS. on vellum 9 of the 15th century, 24mo. with two borders of Flowers, Birds, Insects, &c. on a gold ground, and a great number of ini- tials in gold and colours, in black calf, £2. 2s. 4273. Liber Psalmorumeditus a Joan. Leusden, Heb. et Lat. 3s. Lond. 1726. 4274. Luplete's (Thomas) Works,— -S&Iflcft fLetteC — (title in MS.) very neat, \2s. Lond. by Berthelet, 1534. 4275. Letters between Lord George Digby and Sir Kenelm Digby, concerning Religion, calf extra, 15s. • • • ib. l6\51. 4276. Life of B. Aloysius Gonzaga, of the Society of Jesus, written in Latin by the R. Fa. Virgilius Ceparius, fron- tispiece, 9s. Paris, 1627. 42/7. Massillon (Les Sermons et autres Ouvrages de) 10' vols, neat, £5. 10s. Pans, 1745-76. 4278. Mirrour of Martyrs, very neat in calf, 10s. 6d.* • Lond. l63£). 4:279. Mystery of Jesuitisme, discovered in certain Letters, with a fine engraving, comprising portraits of Ignatius Loyala, Lessius, Molina, Vnsquez^ and Escobar, 8s. »»Lond. 1658. 4280. Another Copy, without frontispiece, 4s. ib. 1649. 4354. Warmstry's (Tho.) Baptized Turk, or a narrative of the happy conversion of Signior Rigep Dandulo, with a Jine rare Portrait, by Cross, neat in calf, £2. 2s. ib. 1658. 4355. Weemes's (Tho.) Passions of the Minde, extra, \2s.6d. 1601. 4356. Walker's (Sam.) Christian, or a Course of Sermons, 3s. ib. 1756. 2 R 314 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4357- Wollebius's (John) Christian Divinitie, translated by Alex. Ross, portrait and frontispiece, neat,6s.*»»» Lond. 1660. 4358. Wesley's (Rev. John) Journals and Tracts, a collection of, portrait, 4 vols. h. b. very neat, 18s. • • • • Bristol, 1753-58. 4359. Wells's (Dr.) Controversial Treatises, 6s. Oxon. 1710. 4360. Woodward's (Josiah) Fair Warnings to a Careless World, with plates, 6s. 6d. Lond. 1758. 436' 1. Another Copy, xvith plates, 5s i^. 1717. 4622. Whine's (Cadw.) Antidote against Sorrow, 3#. • - - • i6. 1650. 4363. Wilson's (Bp.) Private Meditations, very neat in calf, 3s. 6d. 4364. Young's (E.) Centaur not Fabulous, very neat, 4s. ib. IJ65, 4365. Yardlcy's (Edward) Character of a Reverend, Learned, and Pious Divine, boards, 3s. • • • • ib. 1764. FACETIAE, OR BOOKS OF WIT, DROLLERY, AND IMAGINATION. FOLIO. 4366. A LMAHIDE, or the Captive Queen, a Romance, by Mons. ■"• Scudery, neat, £\.fs. Lond. 1677- 4367. Ariana. In two parts. As it was translated out of the French, neat , l6s. ib. 1641 . 4368. Astrea, a Romance written in French by Messire Honor© d'Urfe, and translated -by a Person of Quality, 3 vols. neat, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1657. This work under the disguise of pastoral incidents and characters, exhibits the singular history of the Author's own family, and the amorous occurrences at the court of Henry the Great of France. — Vide several curious Anecdotes relative to this Romance in that excellent work, " Dunlop's History of Fiction." 4369. Bentivolio and Urania, by N. Ingelo, 8*. ib. 1669. A work written to counteract the supposed ill effects of Romance reading, and yet is itself composed in the form of a Romance. 4370. Bocace des Nobles Malheureux, — SMacft %ttttt — neat, £3. 3s. • Paris, par Jehan Petit, 1 538. A well printed book, with very neat initials. 4371. Cleopatra (the so much admired Romance entitled) elegantly rendered into English by Robert Loveday, neat, £l. 8?. Lond. I687. "The Speeches and Dialogues, though often prolix, frequently rise to eloquence, and paint in admirable language the emotions of dignity and tenderness," — Dunlop's Hist, of Fiction. 316 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4372. Cassandra, the Fam'd Romance, translated by Sir Charles Cotterell, frontispiece, Ss. 6d. • Lond. l66l. 4373. Coralbo, a new Romance, from the Italian of Biondi ; with a portrait of the Earl of Strafford on horseback, neat, ISs. ib. 1655. 4374. Diana of George of Montemayor, translated out of Spanish into English, by Bartholomew Yong, c£3. 10s. ib. 1598. A beautiful postoral, to which is added the enamoured Diana of Gil Polo. Both pieces are interspersed with numerous pieces of poetry by Yong, many of which possess considerable excellence. 4375. Donzella Desterrada, or the Banished Virgin, a Romance, \0s.6d. ib. 1635. 4376. Elise, or Innocence Guilty, a Romance, neat, lbs.- -ib. \655> 4377. Eromena, or Love and Revenge, from the Italian of Biondi, by James Hay ward, neat, 18s. 6d. ib. 1632. 4378. Eliana, a new Romance, formed by an English Hand, neat, 13s. 6d. ib. 1661. 4379. Francion (Comical History of) wherein the variety of Vices that abuse the Age, are satyrically limn'd in their Native Colours, by Mons. de Moulines, Sieur de Pare, 13s. 6d. ib. 1655. 4380. Honour's Academie, or the famous Pastorall of the Faire Shepheardesse Julietta, done into English by R. Tofte, neat, £3. 10s. ib. 1610. This pastoral is intermingled with so considerable a portion of poetry as to amount to near one third of the volume. 4381. Histoire (U) Palladienne, traitant des gestes et genereux Faitz d'Armes, ct d'Amours de plusieurs grandz Princes et Seigneurs, specialemente de Palladien filz du Roi Milanor d'Angleterre, very neat, £4>. 4s Paris, 1555. " A much esteemed Romance, copies of which are not easily to be procured." — De Bure. 4382. Ibrahim, or the Illustrious Bassa, a Romance, 10s. 6d. Lond, 1652 4383. Hystories (Les) des Romains, MS. on •vellum, of the 14th century. It is written in two columns, and contains 50 Facetice, or Books of Wit , Drollery, and Imagination. — Folio. 317 miniatures illuminated, chiefly on a ground of gold ; the initials are very numerous, and are beautifully executed in gold and colours. Every page is ornamented with devices and foliage, in gold and colours, branching from the miniatures and initials, — a fine manuscript, in admi* ruble preservation, superbly bound in olive coloured mo- rocco, joints, Sfc. o£40. 4384. Illustrations (Les) de Gaule et Singularity de Troyes, par Jehan le Maie, wood cuts (first title wanting) very neat, £2. 5s. Paris, by Le Noir, n. d. 4385. Another edition, wood cuts, very neat, £3. 3s. Lyons, 1524. 4386. Love and Armes of the Greeke Princes, or the Romant of Romants. From the French of Mons. Verdere, neat, £2. 2s. Lond. If540. 4387. Perceforest (La tres elegante delicieuse melliflue et tres plaisante Hystoire du tres noble victorieux et excellen- tissime Roy) — 25facft %ttttt — 6 vols, very neat in calf, £l6. 16s. Paris, 1531. 4388. Pharamond, or the History of France, a fam'd Romance, translated by J. Phillips, (one of Milton's Nephews) in twelve parts, 18*. 6d. Lond. 167J. 4389. Another Copy, 12s. ib. 1677. 4390. Polexander (History of) a Romance, done into English by William Browne, neat, £l. 7s ib. 1648. " This work which enjoyed a high reputation in the age of Cardinal Richelieu, was the earliest of the heroic Romances." — Dunlop. 4391. Princesse Cloria, or the Royal Romance, with frontispiece, neat, £l. 5s. ib. 1665. 4392. Recueil des Histoires de Troyes, compose par venerable homme Raoul le Feure et dedie a tres haut et tres puissant, tres excellent Prince Philippe par le grace de Dieu Due de Bourgogne, &c. en Deux Livres, MS. on paper, of the 15th century, in morocco, £9. 9*« This manuscript accurately corresponds with the book printed by Caxton, except in a few literal instances, and appears to have been written about the time his edition was published — probably before. 318 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 439.3. Rommant (Le) de la Rose, MS. on vellum, of the I4?th century, consisting of 170 leaves, written in two columns. It is ornamented with 76 neat miniatures drawn in a style very unusual in early manuscripts, but executed with great spirit. On the first page is an illuminated initial with branches from it around the margin — this fine MS. is in excellent preservation, folio, in red morocco, £30. 4394. Roman du Petit Artus de Bretagne, MS. on paper, folio, fine copy in calf, gilt leaves, £\0. 10s. This manuscript was written in the 15th century, and consists of 442 leaves, in admirable preservation : The Abbe Rive published a very copious account of it in a detached pamphlet. It is the copy which was in the Valliere collection. 4395. Songe (Le) du Vergier lequel parle de la Disputacion du Clerc et du Cheualier, — 23lacFt %ttttl — very neat, £3. 13s. 6d. Paris, J. Petit, n. d. This curious vclume has been ascribed to Philip de Mayzieres, to Raoul de de Praesles, and to Ch. Jac. de Louviers, but it is believed that J. de Vertu was really the Author.— .A well printed edition with numerous capitals. 4396. Rogue: (The) or the Life of Guzman de Alfarache, from the Spanish of Matheo Aleman, 18s. Lond. 1634. A work abounding with adventures of the most humorous description, The above is an entire translation, unlike the more recent French one by Le Sage, which omits nearly half of the original. 4397. Thoison d'Or, ou sont contenus lcs haut vertueux et mag- nanimes faictz tant des maisons que d'autres roys et princes ; compose* par reverende pere en Dieu Guillaumepar la per- mission diuine jadis euesque de Tournay — 23(acft %ttttt — with curious wood cuts, Jine copy, £7. 7 s. Troyes, par Nicolas le Rouge, 1530. 4398. Tarsis and Zclie, a Romance, curious frontispiece by Sturt, neat, 18s. ib. 1685. 4<399. Tragi-Comicall History of our Times, under the borrowed names of Lisander and Calista, 10s. 6d. ib. 1635. Facetics, or Booh of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — 4>to. 319 QUARTO. 4400. ARTHUR King of Britaine, (the most ancient and famous History of the renowned Prince) wherein is declared his Life and Death, with all his glorious Battailes against the Saxons, &c. as also the noble Acts of his valiant Knights of the Round Table ; with the three titles and two fron- tispieces—%\&t\ %ttttt — half-bound, neat, oflO. 10*. Lond. 1634. 4401. Boccaccio (II Decamerone di M. Giovanni) a beautiful copy, (printed in the italic character,) green morocco, gilt leaves, bound by De Rome, £2\. Impresso in Vinegia per Gregorio de Gregorii, 1516. A Copy of this Edition, in the Library of Col. Stanley, was sold for £63. 4402. Boccacci (II Decameron de Giovanni) di nuouo ristampato, et alia sua vera lezione ridotto dal Cav. Lion. Salviati, — italic letter with ornamented i?iitials — calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. 12s. 6d. Firenze, 1582. 4403. Boccaccio (II Decamerone di Messer Giovanni) neat in vellum, £2. 10s. Venet. 1538. The last leaf is in manuscript. 4404. Boccaccio (II Decamerone di) Printed from the celebrated Giunta edition of 1527, under the superintendance of Consul Smith, fine large copy, in vellum, £3. 3s. 4405. Bandello (Le quattro parti de le Novelle del) 4 vols, fine set, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l0.]0s. Londra, 1740. This beautiful edition is printed from the rare original of 1554, printed at Lucca and Lyons, and possesses the very great advantage of being complete. 4406. Brusonii Facetiarum et Exemplorum, Libri VII. £7. 7s. Basi/ice, ex Officina Nicolai Brylingeri, 155$. Fine copy, with large margins, in the original wooden binding, covered with vellum and stamped,— it is printed with italic types, and has orna- mental capitals. 320 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4407. Brusonii Facetiarum et Exemplorum, Libri VII. (title -wanting,) £1. Is. Basilice, ex Officina Nicolai Brylingeri, 1559. 4408. Blacke Booke, (The) in morocco, £8. 18s. 6d. • 'Lond. 10*04. The title of this very curious and rare book is in white letters on a black ground. At the end of the epistle to the reader are the initials T. M. no doubt, intended for those of the author. 4409. Burton's (William) Seven Dialogues both pithie and profitable — betweene a good Woman and a Shrew ; the conversion of a Harlot ; a Popish Pilgrimage, &c— SMacft Hettet— morocco, £8. 8s. ib. 1606. 4410. Cinthio (Giovan BattistaGiraldi) Hecatommithi, ouero Cento Novelle — italic letter— 2 vols. £4. 4*. • • • • Venet. 1580. 4411. Another Edition, 2 vols, in 1, (stained) £2. 2s. ib. 1574. Shakspear's, Tragedy of Othello, and Comedy of Measure for Measure, are founded upon two Novels in this amusing collection. 4412. Conquest of France, with the Life and Actions of Edward the Black Prince, 3s. • Lond. n. d. 4413. Don Quixote de la Mancha (Historia del Famoso Cavallero) por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, con Annotacioncs, Indices, y Varias Lecciones, porel Rev. D. Juan Bowie, large paper, 6 vols, in 3, fine set, calf extra, c£4.4*. ib. 1781. 4414. Don Quixote (Vida y Hechos del Cavallero) 2 vols, in 1, 18*. Barcelona, 1704. 4415. Don Quichote (The History of) translated by Thomas Shelton, first edition, two parts in one £3. 3s. Lond. 1612-20. 4416. Dekker's (Thomas) English Villanies seven severall times prest to Death by the Printer; (But still reviving againe) are now the eighth time (as at the first) discovered by Lantherne and Candle; and the helpe of a New Cryer, called O-Per-Se-O ; with a Canting Dictionary ; curious wood-cut— SBIacfc Eetter— £5. 5s. ib. 1638. 4417. Seven deadlie Sinns of London : Drawne in seven severall Coaches, through the seven severall Gates Facetite, or Booh of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — 4>to. 321 of the Citie, bringing the Plague with them— Stacft %ttttt —(manuscript title) £l '. 7s. *'*»6. 4418. Dekker's (Thomas) Batchellors Banquet, or, a Banquet for Batchellors, wherein is prepared sundry dainty dishes to furnish their tables, curiously drest and seriously served in ; curious wood-cut on the title— 2MaCft Eetter— c£3. 13*. 6d. ib. 1677. 4419. — Dead Tearme, or, Westminster's Com- plaint for long Vacations and short Termes. Written in manner of a Dialogue betweene the two Cityes, London and Westminster — SBfacft %ttttt — £7- 7s. • • • • ib. 16O8. 4420. Wonderfull yeare 1603. Wherein is shewed the picture of London, lying sicke of the plague. At the ende of all (like a mery Epilogue to a dull Play) certaine Tales are cut out in sundry fashions, of purpose to shorten the Hues of long winter's nights, that lye watching in the dark for us,— 2£IflCft %ttttt— £7- 7s. • • ib. 1603. 4421. Dutton's (John, alias Prince) Farewell to Temple- Bar, 12*. ib. 1694. 4422. Discovery of a London Monster, called the Black Dog of Newgate, profitable for all Readers to take heed by, — SMacft %ttttt— morocco, £15. 15s. ib. 1612. On the title of this singular, eccentric, and rare book, is a wood-cut, representing a black do. Us.6d. ib. 1589- 4437. Carde of Francie. Wherein the folly of those carpet Knights is deciphered, which guiding their Facctia, or Books of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination.— Ato. 323 course by the compass of Cupid, either dash their ship against most dangerous Rocks, or else attaine the haven with pain and perill, &c— $lacfc %ttttt — £l . 7 s. Lond. 1608. 4438. Greene's (Robert) Ciceronis Amor, Tullies Love: wherein is discoursed, the prime of Ciceroe's Youth, setting out in liuely Portraitures, how yong Gentlemen that ayme at Honour, should leuell the end of their affections, &c. — 2&tecft %ttttt—£o. 5s. ib. 1589- 4439. Another Edition, £4>. 4>s. • • • • ib. 1628. 4440. Another Edition, £3. 3s ib. 1639- 4441. Aleida Greene*s Metamorphosis, wherein is discoursed, a pleasant transformation of bodies into sundrie shapes, &c. &c. — 2&lacft %ZtttC — £4. 10s. ib. 1634. 4442. Euphues his Censure to Philautus, wherein is presented a philosophical combat between Hector and Achilles, discovering in four discourses, interleued with divers delightfull Tragedies, the vertues necessary to be incident in every Gentleman, £4>. 10s. ib. 1634. 4443. — Mourning Garment : given him by Re- pentance at the Funerals of Love, Prose and Verse, £5. 5s, ib. I6l6. 4444. Great Britain's Glory ; being the History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, 3s. 6d. ib. n. d. 4>&4>5. Harvey's (Gabriell) Pierce's Supererogation, or a New Prayse of the Old Asse. A preparatiue to certaine larger Dis- courses, intituled Nashes S. Fame, £l5. ib. 1593. 4446. History of the Blind Beggar of Bednal Green, with wood cuts, £<2.12s.6d ib.n.d. 4447. Honour of Chivalry, or the famous and delectable History of Don Belianis of Greece, — 23Iacft %ttttt — £2. 2s. ib. 1650. 4448. Hynd's (John) Eliosto Libidinoso, described in two Bookes. Wherein their imminent dangers are declared, who guiding the course of their life by the compass of Affection, either S24 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. dash their ship against most dangerous shelves, or else attaine the Haven with extreme preiudice, £8. 8s. Lond. 1606. 4449. History of the Marquess of Salus and Patient Grissel, 5*. ib. n. d. 4450. Harvey's (Gabriel) Foure Letters, and certaine Sonnets, espe- cially touching Robert Greene, and other parties, by him abused ; but incidently of diucrs excellent persons, and some matters of note, o£l6\ l6s. ib. 1592. 4451. Three proper, and wittie, familiar Letters, lately passed betweene two Vniversitie men, touching the Earthquake in Aprill last, and our English refourmed Versifying. With the Preface of a well-wilier to them both, — 25Iacfc fLetter — .£21. * ib. 1580. The two University m n mentioned in the title of this very rare book, were Gabriel Harvey and Edmund Spenser, betwixt whom there existed a strong intimacy. — This copy is illustrated by some valuable MS. also a fac-simile drawing of Harvey from Nash's *' Have with you to Saffron Walden." 4452. Life and Death of the English Rogue, or his last Legacy to the World ; with a Canting Dictionary, half-bound, £l. Is. ib. 1679. 4453. Lichfield's (Richard) Trimming of Thomas Nashe, Gentleman, by the high-tituled patron Don Richardo de Medico Campo, with a curious wood-cut of' Nash, in morocco, £\4. 4454. Lylie's (John) Euphues, the Anatomie of Wit — Splacft %ttttt — calf extra, £l. bs ib. \6l3. 44-55. Another Edition, h. b. neat, 15s. ib. \636. 4,456. Lodge's (Thomas) Euphues Golden Legacie, found after his Death in his Cell at Silexedra, Bequeathed to Philautus' Sonnes noursed up with their Father in England — 23(acft HetteC— (four leaves MS.) morocco, £ 10. 10.v. . .'ib. 1590. 4457. Another edition of the same Work — 23lacft ^letter — morocco, £8. 8s. ib. 1623. 4458. Another edition of the same W r ork — 23Iacft %ttttt — half- bound, £3. 10s. ib. 1642. Facetiae, or Books of JVit, Drollery, and Imagination.—^to. 325 4459. Malespini (Celio) Ducento Novelle; nelle quali si raccon- tano diversi amorosi avenimenti cosi lieti, cope mesti et stravaganti,^we copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves, £7. 17 s. 6d. Venet. 1609. 4460. Montelion, Knight of the Oracle (Famous History of) half bound, 18?. ib.n. d, 4461. Newnham's (John) Nightcrowe. A Bird that breedeth braules in many Families and Housholdes, wherein is remembred that kindely and prouident regard which Fathers ought to have towards their Sonnes — 2Macft %ttttt — morocco, £16. \6s. Lond. 1590. 4462. News from the North, otherwise called the Conference be- tween Simon Certain and Pierce Plowman. Faithfully collected and gathered by T. F. Student— 2Slacft Eettet — morocco, £12. 12-v. ib. 1585. 4463. Nash's (Thomas) Pierce Pennilesse his Supplication to the Diuell-2BlacftEetter — £6. 6s. Lond. J or N. Ling. 1595. The private epistie of the Author is not contained in iwo of the pre- ceding editions of this work. In this very curious product on may be seen the cause of the celebrated dispute between Nash and Harvey. 4464. Nash's (Thomas) Ilaue with you to Saffronwalden, or Gabriell Harney's Hunt is up. Containing a full Answere to the eldest Sonne of the llalrermaker, with a wood-cut of G. Harvey, morocco, £16. \6s. ....••• j£ # 1596*, This copy has an outline drawing of Tom Nash, copied from " Lichfield's Trimming," but the title is in Manuscript. 4465. Nash's (Thomas) Martin's Months Minde, that is. a certainc report, and true description of the Death, and I- unerall, of olde Martin Mar-prelate, the great makeUtt <>f England, and father of the factions, with illustrative mutter in manu- script and print, £8. 8s. ib. 1589. 4466. Penry's (John) Hay any worke for Cooper; or a bnefc Pistle directed by waye of an hublication to the reverende Bysshoppes— 23lacfc %ttttt— £2. 2s. •• Lond. (no date.) This author was so inveterate in his attacks upon the Clergy of his day, that he was better known by the fictitious appellation of Mar-prelate, than by his real name. — See an interesting memoir of him in Wood's AtfitntE Oxonienses. 326 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4467. Penniles (The) Parliament of Threed-bare Poets : or All mirth and wittie Conceits — 2£lacft %ttttt — half-bound, russia, £8. 18s.6d. Lond. 1608. 4468. Pasquil's Jests, mixed with Mother Bunche's Merriments. "NVhereunto is added a doozen of Guiles. Pretty and plea- sant to driue away the tediousnesse of a Winter's Evening — -SMacft better— .£12. 12* ib. 1604. A rare edition of an early collection of Jests. — In the " British Bibliogra- pher," vol. 1. may be seen an account of the edition of 1609 with ex- tracts from it, and a statement, that, *' an earlier edition is without the Gulls,'' — but the present copy although earlier has the Gulls. 446p. Pleasant (The) History of Iohn Winchcomb, in his younger yeares called lack of Newberie, the famous and worthy Clothier of England ; declaring his life and loue, together with his charitable deeds and great hospitality; and how hee set continually fiue hundred poore people at worke, to the great benefit of the Commonwealth, by T. D. — &Iacfc Eettec— ^12. 12*. ib. 1619. This rare and interesting tract is partly prose and partly verse. The initials T. D. would apply either to Thomas Dekker or to Thomas Deloney, but from the following passage in Kemp's u Nine Daies Wonder," the latter appears to be the author, " I was told it was the great ballade maker T. D. or Thomas Deloney, chronicler of the memo- rable Lives of the Six Yeomen of the West, Jack of Newbery," &c. 4470. Painter's (William) Palace of Pleasure, beautified, adorned^ and well furnished with pleasant Histories and excellent Novels, (from the rare originals printed by Thomas Marsh) printed upon vellum of beautiful texture, 4 vols, neatly half bound, russia backs and corners, £6&. • • Lond. 1813. Only seven copies were printed upon vellum. — It is the finest specimen of printing upon vellum, which the British press has produced. 44/1. Palmerin d'Oliva, and his Son Primaleon of Greece, a Ro- mance in Dutch — 2&lacft %ttttt — with wood cuts, 2 vols. very neat in calf, £6. 6s. Am. fy Rot. 1613-17. 4472. Pasquillus Testament, a Satire in Dutch, with wood cut on title, //. b. neat, 10s. 6d. 1 579* 4473. Parismus (the most famous delectable and pleasant History of) in two Parts, with frontispiece — 23lacft %ttttt — 2 vols. elegant in calf, £2. 8s. ••,...... • Lond. 1665. Facetice, or Boohs of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — Mo. 327 4474. Parismus (the most famous delectable and pleasant History of) in two Parts, •with, frontispiece — &focft %ttttt — 2 vols. in 1, half-bound, £l. 15s. Lond. 1677- 44?75. Another Copy, last page MS. 12*. ib. 1649. 4476. Pasquin in a Traunce, a Christian and learned Dialogue, wherein besydes Christe's truth playnely set forth, ye shall also finde a numbre of pleasaunt hystories — SMaCft %XtXtZ £2. 2*. ib. (no date.) 4477. Rowlands' (Sam.) Greene's Ghost Haunting Conie-catchers: Wherein is set downe the Arte of Humouring, &c. &c. — SMacft Eettet — £5. 5s. ib. 1626. 4475. Romant des Chevaliers de la Gloire ; dedie a la Reine Regente, par Francois de Rosset,Jine copy in russia 9 £3.3s. Paris, 1613. 4479* Rabelais (Les CEuvres de) avec les Remarques Historiques et Critiques, de J. le Duchat et B. de la Monnoye, with fine engravings by Picart, 3 vols, in red morocco, £j. \0s. Amst. 1741. 4480. Reynard the Fox, (The most Delectable History of) both parts, with the Shifts of Reynardine the son of Reynard the Fox— $focft %ttttt— 2 vols. £4>. 4*. Lond. 1681-4. 4481. Reynard the Fox, part the second — SBIacft %ttttt — 10*. 6 d. ib. 1672. 4482. Scogin's Jests, full of witty mirth and pleasant shifts, reprinted 1796. — Taylor the Water Poet's Life of Old Parr, re- printed, 1794. — History of Will Summers, reprinted, 1794, the three works inlaid in quarto paper, calf extra, £l. lls.6d. 4483. Theatre d'Histoire, ou avec les grands prouesses et aventures etranges, du noble et vertueux Chevalier Polimantes, Prince d'Arfine, se representent au vrai, plusieurs oc- currences fort rares et merveilleuses, with many engravings, fine copy, in morocco, £4. 4s. Bruxelles, l6l3. 4484. Valentine and Orson, the two Sonnes of the Emperor of Greece, with cuts—tylatk %ttttt—£l. lis. 6d. Lond. 1637. 4485. Another edition, 15*. • • ib.n.d. 328 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brow*. 4486. Wine, Beer, Ale, and Tobacco, contending for Superiority, a Dialogue, Aal Abound, 15s. ...... %b. l630« OCTAVO 4487. AR*T asleepe Husband ? A Boulster Lecture ; stored with all variety of witty Jeasts, merry Tales, and other pleasant pas- sages, by Philogenes Fanedonius, with the rare frontispiece by Marshall, £5. 5s. • • • • Lond. 16*40. 4488. Aretino (M. Pietro) Ragionamenti, the three parts complete, (italic type) £l.ls. 1584. 4489. Amours de Climandre et d' Aristae, 4s. Paris, 1636. 4490. Arioste Orlande Furieux, traduit en prose Francoyse, very neat, 10s. 6d. ft. XSft. 4491. Aresta Amorum (auct. Martiale d'Auvergne) cum Comment. Benedicti Curtii symphoriani, neat, 14s. • •Lugduni, 1546. 4492. Boccaccio (il Decamerone di M. Giovanni) 2 vols. £l. Is. Amst, 171 8. 4493. Boccaccio (Decameron di Messer Giov.) corretto e illus- trato con Note, 4 vols, sewed, £l. 15s. • • • *Milano, 1803. 44-94. British Apollo; Containing Two Thousand Answers to cu- rious Questions in most Arts and Sciences, Serious, Comi- cal, and Humourous, 3 vols, in 1, neat, 15s.* *Lond. 1711. 4495. Cabinet des Fees-, ou Collection Choisie des Contes des F6es, et autres Contes Merveilleux, with a great number of en- gravings, 41 vols, neat, £15. 15s. Amst. 1785-9. 4496. Cervantes (Obras de) viz. Don Quixote de la Mancha; Nove- las Exemplares ; la Galatea ; Trabajos de Persiles y Sigus- munda; y Viage al Parnaso; illustrated with many Jine engravings , 12 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £15. Madrid, 1783-1802. Facetice, or Books of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination* — 8i> o. 329 4497. Cervantes (Les Nouvelles de Miguel de) traduictes d'Es- pagnol en Francois, par De Rosset, et D'Audiguier, calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. 2s. • • • * Paris, J 625. 4498. Cervantes's Novels, translated by Harry Bridges, 9s. Bristol, 1728. 4499. Comical History of Francion, 3 vols, in 1, 10*. 6d. Lond. 1703. 4500. Castle of Otranto, by Horace Walpole, finely printed by Bodoni, with prints inserted, half-bound, gilt, £l. Is, Parma, 1791- 4501. Cyrano Bergerac's Comical History of the States and Em- pires of the Worlds of the Moon and Sun, calf extra, £i. Is Lond. 1687. This work served in many respects as the prototype to the celebrated Tra- vels of Gulliver by Swift, and it is worthy of remark, that the general turn of wit and humour is the same, and seems to be peculiar to these two writers. — Vide an interesting analysis of this curious production in " Dunlop's History of Fiction," vol. 3, p. 334. 4502. Don Quixiote de la Mancha ; nueva edicion corregida por la Real Academia Espanola, numerous plates, 4 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £4>. 14*. 6d- Madrid, 1782. 4503. Don Quixote de la Mancha (Vida y Hechos del'Ingenioso) 2 vols, vellum^ £l. 7s Amber es t 1673. 4504. Don Quixote, translated into English, by Charles Jarvis, plates by Vander Gucht, 2 vols. £l. 5s. » • • 'Lond. 1749. 4505. Don Chisciotte della Mancia (Vite e Azioni di) 4 vols, in 2, very neat, 18s. Venezia, 1755. 4506. De Foe's (Dan.) Fortunes and Misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders, half bound, russia, £l. 10s.* *Lond. 1722. 4507. Ditto, first edition, (signature K wanting) very neat, £1. 6 S . #.1721. 4508. De Foe's (Dan.) Conjugal Lewdness, or Matrimonial Whore- dom, o£l. Is. ih. J727. 4509. Daphnis et Chloe (Amours At) with prints from the Regent* $ edition, engraved by Audran, large paper, morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 2s Mithylene, 1 783. 2 T 330 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4510. Dapnhis et Chloe (Amours dc) with the same prints, sewed, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1796. 4511. Dunton's Whipping-Post : or, a Satyr upon Every Body. With the Whoring Pacquet ; or News of the St — ns and Kept M s's, £l. 45. Lond. 1706. 4512. Ephesian and Cimmerian Matrons, two notable Examples of the Power of Love and Wit, frontispiece, 5s. Savoy, 1668. 4513. Espion (L*) Anglois, ou Correspond ance Secrette entre My- lord All'eye et My lord All'ear, 10 vols, half-bound, neat, £'2. 2s Lond. 1784. These volumes contain much amusing matter, particularly that part en- titled " Les Confessions d'une Jeune Fille." 45 J 4. Erasmi Morise Encomium, id est, Stulticias Laudatio, very neat, 7s. 6d. Basil, ap. Frobcn, 1540. 4515. Endimion (L') de Gombauld, with plates by Crispin Pas, 12s. Paris, 1623. 4516. Essay towards fixing the True Standards of W r it, Humour, Raillery, Satire, and Ridicule, half-bound, morocco, 7s. 6d. Lond. 174,4!. 4517. Erizzo (Le Sei Giornate di Messer Sebast.) sewed, 7s. 6d. Milano, 1805. 4518. Essay on the Art of ingeniously Tormenting; with proper rules for the Exercise of that pleasant Art, frontispiece, calf extra, 10s. 6d. • Lond. 1753. 4519. Fontaine Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, 2 vols, beautifully printed upon vellum of exquisite texture and colour, with a neat case for the reception of each volume, o£l0. 10s. Paris, Didot, 1800. 4520. with plates from Eisen's designs, 2 vols, sewed, £2. 2s. Par. 1792. 4521. Gil Bias de Santilane, par Le Sage, with beautiful engravings from the designs of Smirke, 4 vols, calf extra, £6. Lond. 1809. 4522. Another Ediiion, many plates, 4 vols, elegant, £3. 3s. Paris, 1795. Facetice, or Books of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — 8vo. 331 4523. Gil Bias, translated by Proctor, plates, 2 vols, very neat, 15s. Lond. 1774. 4524. Grobianus; or the Compleat Booby, an ironical Poem. Done into English from the original Latin of Frederick Dedekin- dus, by Roger Bull, Esq. £l. Is. ib. 1739. A spirited translation, combining the humour of the original, with satirical allusions suited to more modern times. 4525. History of the famous Preacher Friar Gerund de Campazas, translated from the Spanish, 2 vols, neat, 14?.. -Lond. 1772. 4526. History of Reynard the Fox, Bruin the Bear, &e. 4s. 6d. Dublin, 1756. 4527* Grose's (Francis) Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, half-bound, neat, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1796. 4528. Histoire Generate des Larrons, divisde en trois livres, very neat in calf, £l. Is. Rouen, 1649. 4529. Joseph Andrews, with plates by Rowlandson, 5s. 6d. Edin. 1792. 4530. Life of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine Artist, written by Himself and translated by Dr. T. Nugent, portrait, 2 vols. neat, <£l. l6s. Lond. J1771- 4531. Life of Guzman d'Alfarache: or the Spanish Rogue. To which is added the celebrated Tragi-Comedy, Celestina, or the Spanish Bawd, with plates, 2 vols, very neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1708. 4532. Loves of Othniel and Achsah, translated from the Chaldee, 2 vols, very neat, 12s. ib. 1769. 4533. Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of Signor Rozelli, being a series of the most diverting Histories, and surprising Events, ever yet made Publick, with curious plates, 6s. ib. 1709. 4534. Merlini Coecaii Poetae Mantuam Poemata Macaronica, with cuts, sewed, leaves uncut, £3. 10s. Amst. I692. The author of this very singular work was Theophilus Folengo, more com- monly known by the name of Merlin Coccaye, which he took from Vi- rago Coccaio, his first instructor. 4535. Mock-Clelia; being a Comical History of French Gallantries, and Novels, 7*. Lond. 167S. 332 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, ani> Brown. 4536. Novelist's Magazine ; a Collection of the most popular Bri- tish Novels, and the best Translations from Foreign Lan- guages, numerous plates, 22 vols, very neat in calf, £l6s. 16s. Lond. 1781-7. 4537- Ditto, the first 15 vols. neat,£9.9s. ib. 1781, fyc. 4538. Persiles y Sigismunda, Historia Septentrional, por Miguel de Cervantes, ^/me plates, 2 vols. £l. lis. 6d.<* Madrid, 1781* 4539. Pecorne (II) di ser Giovanni Fiorentino nel quale si contengono cinquanta Novelle Antiche, 2 vols, sewed, 18s. Milam, 1804. 4540. Platir Figluolo delTmperatore Primaleone, fine copy, green morocco, £4>. 14s. 6d. • • • • Venezia, 1573. 4541. Peregrin (Dialogue tres elegant, intitule le) traduit de Vui- gaire Italien en langue Francoyse, — 23lacft %ttttl— -fine copy, in calf, £2. 2s. Paris, 1535. 4542. Raccolta di Poesie Satiriche, sewed, 7s. 6d." Milano, 1808. 4543. Robinson Crusoe's Surprising Life and Adventures, by De Foe, first edition, 2 vols. ] 8*. Lond. 1719. 4544. Raccolta di Novelle dall' origine della lingua Italiana, 3 vols. sewed, £l. 6s." Milano, 1804. 4545. Spanish Libertines, containing the Life of the Country Jilt, the Town Bawd, and Estanvillo Gonzales, &o £l. Is. Lond. 1709. 4546. Swift's (Dr. Jonath.) Tale of a Tub, plates, 5s. Lond. 1704. 4547. Sacchetti (delie Novelle di Franco) 3 vols, sewed, £l.7s. Milano, 1804. 4548. Second Tale of a Tub ; or the History of Robert Powell the Puppet Show Man, (i. c. Sir R. Walpole) 7s. 6d. Lond. 1715. 4549. Scarron's Works, including his Comical Romance, Novels, Histories, &cc. frontispiece and portrait, calf extra, £\. Is. ib. 1700. .4550. City Romance, 4s • ib* 1671. Faccetiee, or Books of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — 8vo. 333 4551. Satyre Menippee, de la Vertu du Catholicon d'Espagne et dc la Tenue des Estats de Paris, a laquelle est ajoute un Dis- cours sur ^interpretation du mot de Iliguiero del Infierno, et qui en est l'Autcur, with plates, 3 vols, neat, £l. Ms. 6(L Ratis. 1714.. 4.552. Another Set, 3 vols. £l. 4s. ib. Vf\\ m " No work is more intrinsically curious, nor throws so much light upon the secret springs of the celebrated league as the preseflt. Its style of criticism and raillery are of the highest order," — Fresnoy. 4-553. Tentation de S. Antoine, ornee de Figures et de Musique, 1781. — Le Pot-Pourri de Loth, orne* de Figures et de Musique, 1781, in one vol. very neat, 15s. ±554;. Telemaque (Les Aventures de) par Fenelon, 2 vols, beauti- fully printed upon vellum of exquisite texture and colour, with a neat case for the reception of each volume, c£lO. 10*. Paris, Didot, 1J99- 4555. Telemaque (Les Aventures de) plates, after Picart and others, 2 vols, neat, £l. lis. 6d. Lond. Dodsley, 1738. 4556. Telemachus, translated into English by Proctor, plates, 2 vols. very neat, extra, 12s. 6d. Lond. 1 7/4, 4557. Trials for Adultery, or the History of Divorces; forming a complete Account of the Private Life, Intrigues and Amours of many Characters, with the plates, 7 vols. £8. 8s. ib. 177 9 . 4556. Vade Mecum for Malt- Worms; or, a Guide to Good- Fellows ; being a description of the Manners and Customs of the most eminent Publick Houses in and about the Cities of London and Westminster. With a Hint on the Props (or principal Customers) of each House.— Beina an account of each in Rhyme, with wood-cuts of the Signs, half bound, £3. 3s. Lond. n. d. but circa I710I 4559. Vitulus Aureus; the Golden Calf, or a Supplement to Apuleius, 6s. ib j749> 4560. Voltaire (Les Romans et Contes de) with numerous fine en- gravings, 3 vols, neat, £2, 5s. Bouillon, 1778. 334 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 456l. Ward's (Ned) Nuptial Dialogues and Debates ; or, an useful Prospect of all the Felicities and Discomforts of a Marry 'd Life, incident to all Degrees, from the Throne to the Cottage, -with portrait, 2 vols. £\. Is. • • • • Land. 1710. 4552. ■ London-Spy Compleat, in eighteen Parts, calf extra, £l.ls. ib t 1709. 4563. Secret History of Clubs, in Prose and Verse, I85 ib. 1709. 4564. Wandering Spy, or the Merry Observator, 12s. 6d. id. 1724. 4565. Wagstaffe's (William) Miscellaneous Works, including a com- ment upon the History of Tom Thumb, plates, 5s. ib. 1726. 4566. Wotton's Bart'lemy Fair; or an enquiry after Wit; in which due respect is had to a Letter concerning Enthusiasm, to my Lord *** 85. ib. 1709. DUODECIMO. 4567. APULEIO dell' Asino d'Oro tradotto per M. Angelo Firenzuola, with a great number of wood-cuts, neat, £2. 2s.' Vineg. ap. Giolito, 1567. 456S. Amadis de Gaule, Roman, mis en Francois par le Seigneur des Essars ; C. Colet; Jac. Gohorry, &c. 24 vols, in old morocco, £8. \8s. 6d.*'Lyon, 1577-81, and Paris, l6l5. A complete set of this celebrated Romance, in which state copies are un- common. The first twenty-one volumes are in the sixteenmo size ; the three following are Supplemental Books, in small octavo — each volume contains one book. 4569. Amadis of Gaul, translated by Southey> 4 vols, boards, £2. 10s. Lond. 1803. Facetia, or Books of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — 12mo. 335 4570. Adventures of Captain Greenland. Written in imitation of all those Wise, Learned, Witty, and Humourous Authors, who either already have, or hereafter may write in the same stile and manner, 4 vols, neat, £l. 5s. » " • Lond. 1752. 4571. Art of Pleasing in Conversation, with additional Entertain- ments. French and English, 2 vols. 5s. ib. 1736. 4572. Art of Making Love, or Rules for the Conduct of Ladies and Gentlemen in their Amours, half-bound, neat, 6s. ib. 1676. 4573' Adventures of Jerry Buck, by Slade, neat, 5s.' • • 'ib. 1754. 4574. Annals of Love, containing twenty-one Histories of Amours, pleasantly related, (wants Jive leaves) 6s.- -Lond. 1672. 4575. Amorous History of the Gauls, containing the Intrigues, and Gallantries of the Court of France, during the Reign of Louis XIV. very neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1727* 4576. Anna, or Memoirs of a Welsh Heiress, by Mrs. Bennett, 4 vols, very neat in calf, 18*. 6d. ib. 1796. 4577. Aretino (Pietro) Ragionamento, nel quale si parla del gioco, con moralita piacevole, calf extra, gilt leave*, £l. 5s. Venet. 1569. 457S. Amours Diverses. Diuisees en quatre Histoids. Par le Sieur de Escuteaus, morocco, gilt leaves, £ I. 1 8*. Rouen, 1607. 4579. Abercromby's (David) Discourse of Wit, calf extra, 15s. Land. 1685. 4580. Arlequiniana, ou les Bons Mots, les Histoires Plaisantes et Agreables. Recueillies des Conversations d'Arlequin, frontispiece, $)s. Paris, 1694. 4581. Amours d'Ismene et d'Ismenia, suivis de ceux d'Abrocome et d'Anthia, very neat, 4*. Geneve, 1782. 4582. Al-Man-Sir, or Rhodomontados of the most Horrible, Terri. ble, and Invincible Captain Sir Fredrick Fight-all, English and French, with frontispiece, (four leaves wanting) 15*. Lond. 1672. 4583. Amourettes du Due de Nemours et Princesse de Cleves, 3*. Jmst. 1695. 336 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4584. Art of Complaisance, by S. C. (wants title) calf extra, 12s. Lond. 1673. 4585. Admiranda Rerum Admirabilium Encomia. Sive Diserta & Amoena Pallas Disserens seria sub ludicra specie. Hoc est, Dissertationum Ludicrarum, Nee non Amcenitatum Scriptores Varii, with plates, in vellum, 18s. Noviom. Bat. 1675. 4586. Aventures de Floride, Roman, 9s. Rouen, 1595. 4587. de Jaques Sadeur dans la Terre Australe, 5s. Paris, 1693. 4588. Amours de Philinde, 3*. • ib, 1601. 4589. Baudii (Dominici) A mores : ex editione Petri Scriverii, qui varia ejusdem argumenti adjecit, nempe; Laelii Capilupi centonem Virgilianum ; Pervigilium Veneris, &e. with portrait, in vellum, <£l.9s. •••••• Amst. Elzevir, 1638. " This volume contains a severe Satire upon Baudius whom the Author has endeavoured to turn into burlesque; but it is accompanied by several pieces of Poetry of a very interesting nature, and which have principally contributed to the attraction of this collection. The pre- sent edition is the only one published, and copies are by no means common." — De Bure. 4590. Bampfylde Moore Carew (Apology for the Life of) portrait, 6s. • Lond. 1775. 4591. Boccaccio (II Decameron di Messer Giovanni) nuovamente corretto per Messer Antonio Bruccioli, fa beautiful and rare edition, pocket size J £3. 10s, Venet. Gab. Giolito di Ferrari, 1542. 4592. Boccace (le Decameron de Jean) traduict en Francoys par maistre Antoine le Macon, morocco elegant, £l.7s. Lyon, 1560. Early editions of Le Macon's translation have the great advantage of being entire — subsequent ones suppress passages of a certain nature. 4593. Bocace (Le Decameron de Jean) with plates , 11 vols, sewed, £2.2s."» Par. 1802. 4594. Ditto, large paper, 11 vols, sewed, £$. Ss. • • • • ib. 1802. 4595. Boccaccio (II Philocolo di M. Giov.) nuovamente revisto, I0s.6d. •••••■••••• Venet. Zoppino, 1530. Facetice, or Books of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — \2?no. 337 459^. Boccaccio L'Amorosa Fiametta, 9*. Venet. G. Giolito, 1545. 4<597 . La Fiamette Amoureuse, en Francoise et Italienne, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. Par. 1622. 4598. Bocace (Contes de Jean) traduction nouvelle, 10 vols, neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1 791 • 4599. Brown's (Thomas) Works, Serious and Comical, in Prose and Verse, 4 vols. £l. 15*. Lond. 1715. 4600. Another Set, 4 vols. £l. 18s. ib. 1730. 4601. Another Set, 4 vols. £2. 2s. • • • • ib. 1730. 4602. Another Set, 4 vols. £2. 5s. ib. Ij60. 4603. Behn's (Mrs.) Histories and Novels, small edition, 2 vols* neat, 15s. ib. 1751. 4604. Another Edition, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, 18*. ib. 1735. 4605. Beverlandi (Hadriani) de Fornicatione Cavenda Admonitio ; cui accessit R. P. Joh. Brandii Detestatio Nefandissimi sceleris Ononitici gravissima, 18*. 1698. 46o6. Peccatum Originale philologice elucubratum Themidis Alumno, l6s. 1679. See an admirable biographical account of this learned; but eccentric author in the u Dictionnaire Historique," of Chauflfepie. 4607. Belisarius, by Marmontel, 3s. ib. 1768. 4008. Bachelor of Salamanca, by Lc Sage, plates, h. b. neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1737. 4609. Cabinet Satyrique, ou Recueil Parfait des vers piquans et gaillards de ce temps, 2 vols, elegant, £2. 12s. 6d. Cologne, 1666. 4610. Contes et Nouvelles de Marguerite de Valois, Heine de Na- varre, 2 vols. 10*. 6d. • • • • Haye, 1 777* 4611. Contes et Poesies Diverses de M. de G * * *, 3 vols. 15*. Berg, op Zoom. 1750. 4612. Cobleriana; or the Cooler's Medley, being a Choice Col- lection of the Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse, Serious and Comic, of Jobson the Cobler of Drury-lane, frontispiece, 2 vols, in one, 10*. Qd. Lond. 1768, 4613. Cassandra, a Romance, from the French, by Sir C. Cotterell, with frontispieces engraved by Hogarth, 5 vols.^1. 11*. 6d. ib. 1725. 2 U 338 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 46 14. Cupid and Hymen, or a Voyage to the Isles of Love ami Matrimony, &c. 5s. Lond. 174>Z. 46 15. Christian Turk, or Adventures of Prince Jakaya, Son to Ma- homet III. 2 vols. 9s. ib. 1735. 4616. Curious Collection of Letters, Serious, Comical, Satyrical, and Political, from the Westminster Journal, 6s. ib. l76l. 46l7« Compere Mathieu, ou les Bigarrures de l'Esprit Humain, 3 vols, neat, 15s. ib. 1772. 4618. Coriat Junior's Cursory Remarks and Tritical Observations made upon a Journey through part of the Netherlands, 3 vols, very neatly half -bound, 18s ib. 1767. An eccentric and amusing work written by Samuel Patterson, the eminent Book Auctioneer, 4619. Cymbalum Mundi, ou Dialogues Satyriqucs sur differens sujets, par Bonaventure des Perriers, plates by Picart, morocco, 10s. 6d. • • » Amst. 1711. 4620. Cynthia, with the tragical account of the Loves of Almerin and Desdemona, 4*. • • Land. 1715. 4621. Cases of Polygamy, Adultery, &c. 4>s. • *■ ib. 1732. 4622. Canting Dictionary of Beggars, High-waymen, &c. 2s. 6d. ib. 1725. 4623. Club (The) or, a Grey-Cap, for a Green-Head, in a Dialogue between Father and Son, by Puckle, with fine portrait, calf extra, 15s, ib. 1723. 4624. Another Copy, very neat, 10s. 6d. ib.n.d. 4625. Another Copy, no portrait, 5s. Dublin, 1743. 4626. Contes et Nouvelles de Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Na- varre, with numerous engravings, 8 vols, very neat, gilt leaves, £2. 5s. Par. 1787- 4627. Clarissa Jiarlowe, by Richardson, 8 vols, neat, £l. l6s. Lond. 176S. 4628. Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea, 4 vols, neat, l6s. ib. 1761. 4629. Contes (Les) et Discours d'Eutrapel. Par le feu Seigneur de la Herissaye, 15s. • • • • Rennes, 158$. Facetiae, or Booh of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — 12mo. 339 4630. Circe (La) de M. Giovan Baptista Gcllo; nouvellement mise en Francoys, very neat, 10s. 6cl. • ••• Rouen, 1551. 4631. De Foe's (Dan.) Roxana, or Fortunate Mistress, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1742. 4632. Life of Colonel Jack, 7s. 6d. ib. 1743- 4633. Disorders (The) of Rassett, a Novel, 3s. ib. 1688. -l634. Diversorum Veterum Poetarum in Priapum Lusus, very neat, £l. 8s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1531. 4635. Dictionary of the Terms Ancient and Modern, of the Canting Crew, in its several Tribes, of Gypsies, Beggers, Thieves, Cheats, &c. calf extra, 15s. ib. n. d. 4636. Another Copy, very neat in russia, 18s. ib. n. d. 4637. Daphniset Chloe (Lcs Amours Pastorales de) with fine plates by Scotin, very neat, 10s. 6d. 1731 . 4638. Daphnis et Chloe (small size) neat, gilt leaves, 4*. • • 1777. 4639. Don Quixote de la Mancha (Vida y Hechos del ingenioso,- Hidalgo) with fine plates, 4 vols, very neat, gilt leaves, £2. 12s. 6d. Amst. 1755. 4640. Don Quixote, Abridged, plates, h. b. neat, 7s. • • Lond. 1716. 4641. Delightful, Princely, and Entertaining History of the Gentle Craft, with wood-cuts, half bound, neat, 9s. • • • * ib. 1 760. 4642. Devil upon Two Sticks, by Le Sage, 2 vols. 4s. •• ib. 1757. 4643. Another Edition, with plates, 2 vols. 7s ib. 1729. 4644. Devil upon Two Sticks in England, 6 vols, in 4, neat, £l. Is. ib. 1790. 4645. Ditto, vol. 1 and 2, calf extra, 8s. 6d. ib. 1790. 4646. Democritus Ridens, sive Campus Recreationum Honestarum, 9s. Amst. 1655. 4647' Equitis Franci et Adolescentulae mulieris Italae Practica Artis Amandi, Insigni et Jucundissima historia ostensa, auct. Hil. Drudone, very neat, l6s. Ursellis, 1606. 4648. Another Edition, (wants title) 6s. Amst. 1652. 4649. English Rogue ; or the Life of Jeremy Sharp ; to which is added a narrative of Mary Toft, of an extraordinary delivery of eighteen Rabbets, 3 vols, russia extra, £Ulls.6d. Lond. 1776' 340 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4650. Evelina, by Miss Burncy, with frontispiece , by Bartolozzi, $& 3 vols, extra, 18s. 6d. Lond. 1779- 4651. Erasmus's Praise of Folly, translated by W. Kennet, with portraits of Erasmus and Sir T. More, and other plates, after Hans Holbein, 10s. 6d. ib. 1724. 4652. Another Edition, 12s. ib. 1740. 4653. Erasme Eloge de la Folie, with numerous plates, neat, 9s. Leide, 1713. 4654. Ebrietatis Encomium; or the praise of Drunkenness. Wherein is authentically, and most evidently proved, the necessity of frequently getting Drunk, 12$. • • • • Lond. 1723. 4655. Exilius, or the Banish'd Roman, by Mrs. Jane Barker, 4*. Lond. 1715. 4656. Escraignes (Les) Diionnoises, recueillies par le Sieur des Accords, very neat, 10s. 6d. Rouen, 1620. 4657. Francion (Comical History of) satirically exposing Folly and Vice in a variety of Humours and Adventures, with plates, 2 vols. l6s. Lond. 1727. 4658. Fontaine (Contes et Nouvelles de la) with many plates, 2 vols, neat, 18s. 6d. « Amst. 1776. 4659. — with many plates, 2 vols, in 1, neat, 16s. ib. 1745. 460O. ■ the same edition, 2 voh. fine set, £l. 4s. ib. 1745. 4661. Florian (Les (Euvres de) printed upon a peculiarly fine and delicate paper, with numerous engravings on copper and wood, 16 vols, in 4, elegantly bound in red morocco, gilt leaves, £5. 10s. Paris, 1812. Only six copies were printed upon this particular kind of paper. 4662. Freneh (The) Rogue, or the Life of Monsieur Ragoue, de Varsailles, 5s. 6d. Lond. 1 720. 4663. Fortunate Fool, written in Spanish by Don Alonso Geronimo de Salas Barbadillo, translated by Philip Ayres, 9s. ib. 1670. 4664. Florian (les six Nouvelles de) neat, 3s. Paris, 1792. Facetiae, or Books of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — 12mo. 34 i ±665. Gordon's (Thomas) Cordial for Low-Spirits, being a Collection of curious Tracts ; neat, 7s. Lond. n. d, 4666. Gascons (Les) en Hollande, ou A ventures singulieres de plusieurs Gascons, 2 vols, half-bound, neat, 15s. "I767. 4667. Galanteries dcs Rois de France, depuis la Commencement de la Monarchic, jusques a present. Augmentee des plusieurs Pieces Curieuses, 2 vols, in 1, calf extra, £l. Is. Brux. l6p4. 4668. Another Edition, with engravings by Bernard Picart, 2 vols. half-bound, morocco, leaves uncut, £l. 18s. "Par. 1738. 4669. Glaneur (Le) Francois, 4s. Flaye, 1736. 4670. Harington's (Sir John) New Discourse of a Stale Subject. called the Metamorphosis of Ajax, with the Apologie, 2 vols, half bound, morocco, .£10. 10s. Lond. by R. Field, 15^6. These two volumes have been chiefly known for their extreme rarity, — the singularity of their contents, is very remarkable. The present copies are illustrated by numerous manuscript notes on separate leaves, relative to the author and his literary productions. 4671. Head's (R.) English Ro<*ue Described, in the Life of Meriton Latroon, a witty Extravagant. Comprehending the most eminent Cheats of both Sexes ; portrait and other plates, 4 vols, half -bound, <£6. 6s. Lond. 1666-71, As is almost invariably the case with copies of 1' is very rare and amusing work, the present one wants a few or the plates. 4672. Proteus Redivivus; or the Art of Wheedling; or Insinuation obtain'd by general Conversation, and extracted from the several Humours, Inclinations^ and Passions of both Sexes, calf extra, £l. Is. • • ib. 1679. 4673. Another Edition, h. b. russia, l6s. ib. 1675. R. Head the dissolute author of the two preceding works, was the Bampfylde Moore Carevv of his day, having like him the talent of transforming himself to any shape suitable to his roguish purposes. — According to Mr. Aubrey lie was at one period of his life a Bookseller in Little Britain. — Vide Letters from the Bodleian Library, vol. 3, p. 439. article Meriton. 4674. Humourist (The) being Essays upon the Spleen, Idleness, Art of Begging, Fancy, Eating, &c. &c. 2 vols, half bound, neat, 12s. 6d. ib. 1720-35. 342 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4675. Humourist, (The) a Series of Essays upon various interesting subjects, (no title) calf extra, gilt leaves, Ss. 6d. 4676. Haywood's (Mrs.) Secret Histories, Novels and Poems, por- trait by 1'crtue, 4 vols. £l. 4s. • Loud. 1725. 4677. History of Fortunatus and his two Sons, half-bound, morocco, 7 s. 6d. ib. 11. d. 4678. Histoire et A ventures de Dona Rufine, Fameusc Courtisane de Seville, with plates, 2 vols, in I, 9s. Amst. 1723. 4679. High German Doctor, with many Additions and Alterations, 2 vols. 8s. Lond. 1720. 46SO. Histoire des Proverbes, calf extra, 9s. Paris, 1 803. 4681. dfu Comte de Valcourt, &c. 2s. 6d. • • Utrecht, 1739- 4682. de Guzman d'Alfarache, edition stereotype, 2 vols. fine paper, sewed, 14s. Par. 1813. 4683. History of Clarinda Cathcart and Fanny Renton, 2 vols, very neat, 6s. Lond. 1766. 4684. Homer, Burlesque Translation of, by Bridges, 2 vols. neat. 10*. 6d. Lond, 1770. 4685. Homere Travesti, ou i'Jliad en Vers Burlesques, with plates, 2 vols. 13s. 6d. Paris, 1716. 4686. Harflete's (Henry) Banquet of Essayes, fetcht out of famous Owen's Confectionary, disht out and scrv'd up at the Table of Mecaenas, £l. Is. Lond. 165$. 4687. Helpe to Discourse ; or more Merriment mixt with serious Matters; as also Epigrams, Epitaphs, Riddles, Jests, Posies, Love-Toyes, &c. &c. half-bovnd, £\.\5s. ib. 1635. 4688. Another Copy, first title, MS. in 2 vols, neat, 12s. 6d. ib. 1648. 4689. Histoires Francois Galantes et Comiques, with plates, 6s. Amst. 1710. 4690. History of the Seven Wise Mistresses of Rome, wood cuts, very neat in calf 12*. Lond. 1712. 4691. Flistory of Sophia Shakspcare, neat, 4s. ib. 1753. 4692. Huet's Treatise of Romances and their Original, 9s. ib. 1672. 4693. History of Miss Meredith, by Mrs. Parsons, 2 vols, neat, 7s. ib. 1790. Tacetice, or Books of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — \1mo. 343 4694. Ilistoire dc Guzman d' Alfarache, 2 vols. h. b. neat, 10s. 6d. Amst. 1777. 4()Qo. History of the Seven Champions, cuts, neat, 8s. • 'Lond- n. d. 4696. Impostors Detected : or, the Life of a Portuguese. In which the Artifices and Intrigues of Romish Priests are humorously displayed, 2 vols, in 1, neat, 9s. Lond. I76O. 4697. Infortune Napolitain, ou les Avantures du Seigneur Rozelli, many plates, 2 vols, in 1, half-bound, 10s. 6d. Amst. 1719- 4698. Journey through Every Stage of Life, described in a variety of interesting Scenes, 2 vols. Ss. Lond. 1 754. 4(>99. Klimii (Nicolai) Iter Subterraneum novam telluris thcoriam, plates, neat, 6s. 6d. ; Ha/nice, 1 741 . 4700. Life and Entertaining Adventures of Mr. Cleveland, natural Son of Oliver Cromwell,* £l. 5s. Lond. 1734. 4701. Another Set, 5 vols. 13s. 6d. ib. 1734. 4702. Laus Asini, tenia parte auctior ; cum aliis festivis opusculis, quorum seriem pagella sequens indicat, blue morocco, 15s. L. Bat. Elzev. 1629. 4703. La Picara, or the Triumphs of Female Subtility, rendered into English by John Davies of Kidwelly, 8*. 6d. Lond. 1665. 4704. Life and Adventures of William B — ds — w, commonly styled Devil Dick, 2 vols. 9s. ib. IJ55. 4705. Lucubrations of Gaffer Graybeard, 4 vols, in 2, very neat in calf, £l. Is. *ib.?i. d. 4706. Lazarillo de Tormes (Vida de) y de sus fortunas y adversidades, neat, £4>. 4s. Anvers. 1 553. First edition of this very amusing work, and of the most extreme rarity. It was written by Didacus Hurtado de Mendoza. 4707. Lazarillo de Tormes (Life and Adventures of) with plates^ one leaf wanting, 10*. 6d. Lond. 1708. 4708. Life, Extraordinary Adventures, Voyages, &c. of Captain Neville Frowde, 4*. ib. 1 j67'» 4709. Life of John Franks. — History of Q. Elizabeth.— History of Hector, Prince of Troy, and other Tracts, very neat, 5s. 344 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4710. Lucky Idiot, or Fools have Fortune, by Quevedo, cuts, elegant, lbs. Lond. 1710. 4711. Lettre Philosophique, avec plusieurs pieces G al antes et Nou- velles, 3*. 6d Par. 1747. 4712. Lettere A morose di due Nobilissimi Ingegni, 3s. 6d. Venet.1567- 4713. Lettere (de le) Facete, ct Piacevoli di diversi grandi huomini, &c. raccolte per Dion. Atanagi, 5s. 6d ib. 1561. 4714. Les Mille et line Nuits, Contes Arabes, with 06 plates, 7 vols, sewed, £1, 10s. Par. 1811- 4715. Moyen de Parvenir, par Fr. Beroalde de Verville, 2 vols. neat, 10s. 6d. Chinon, n. d. 4716. Another Edition, 2 vols, in l,neat, 9s. nullepart, 1732. A most singular work, abounding in whimsical stories. 4717. Mogul Tales, or the Dreams of Men Awake, plates, 2 vols. neat, 12s. Lond. 1736. 4718. Meursii Elegantiae Latini Sermonis, (no title) £l. Is. " This infamous book was the work of Nicholas Chorier, an Attorney of Grenoble." — Bibliog. Diet. 4719. Marmontel Contes Moraux, with plates, 4 vols, calf extra , £1. 105. Haye, 1774. 4720. Marmontel Contes Moraux, 3 vols. 7s. 6d. Amst. 1779. 4721. Memoirs of the Society of Grub-street, 2 vols. 14*. Lond. 1737. 4722. Melandri Joco-Seria, 10*. 6d. Franco/. I617. 4723. Ditto, an enlarged edition, 3 vols, in 2, neat in vellum, £l.lls.6d. ib. 1626. 4724. Marianus, or Love's Heroick Champion, frontispiece by Marshall, 10*. 6d. • Lond. 1641. 4725. M ore's (Sir Thomas) Utopia, in Latin, neat, 8s. Glasg. ap. Lou lis, 1750. 4726. Novelty (The) or Pieces of Wit, Humour, and Serious Matter, 7s. 6d. Dublin, 1768. 4727. Niphi (Augustini) Medicis ad illust. Joannam Arragonam, Tagliacocii Principem de A more liber, green morocco, 14*. 6d. L. Bat. 1641. Facetue, or Books of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — X2mo. 345 4728. New Quevedo, or a Vision of Charon's Passengers; front the Creation of the World down to this Present Year, 8*. Lond. 1702. 4729. Nouvelles de Lancelot. Tirees des plus celebres Autheurs Espagnols, l6s. 6d. •*•• Rouen, 1641. 4730. Nuga3 Venales. Sive Thesaurus Ridendi et Jocandi ad Gra- vissimos Severissimosque viros, Patres Melancholicorum conscriptos, 10*. 6d. . • 1648. 4731. Another Edition, very neat in calf, l6s. 1662. 4732. Nugae Venales; cum Pugna Porcorum par P. Porcium, Poetam ; with a print of the battle of the pigs, and another of a piggish pilgrim penning his poem, in vellum, £l. Is. 1681. 4733. Paysan (Le) Gentilhomme, 3*. Haye, 1738. 4734. Petronius Arbiter, in Latin with a French translation, 2 vols. 9s. Cologne, l694i. 4735. Parismus, Prince of Bohemia, (History of) 12*. • • Lond. n. d. 4736. Post-Man Robb'd of his Mail : or the Packet broke open. Being a Collection of Miscellaneous Letters, Serious and Comical, Amorous and Gallant, 75 ib. 1719. 4737. Political Merriment ; or, Truths told to some Tune. Faith- fully translated from the Original French of R. H. S. H. H. S. F. A. G. G. A. M. M. P. &c. 12*. ib. 1714. 4738. Pill to purge State-Melancholy : or, a Collection of Excellent New Ballads ; calf extra, 10s. 6d. ib. 1715. 4739. Pasquin Risen from the Dead, or his own Relation of a late Voyage he made to the other World, 5*. ib. 1674. 4740. Pitaval Art d'Orner l'Esprit en l'amusant, 2 vols, neat, 8s, 6d. Paris, 1732. 4741. Politeuphuia, Wits Commonwealth, 7s. Lond. 1650. 4742. Another Copy, calf extra, 9s. ib. 1669. 4743. Another Copy, calf extra, 12*. ib. I678. 4744. Pilgrim (The) a pleasant piece of Gallantry, by M. S. Bremond, 7*. • ib. 1680. i74?5. Question de Amor y Carcel de Amor, 7*. . • • . Anvers, 1556. 2X 346 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4746. Quinze (Les) Joyes de Mariage. Ouvrage tres ancien ; auquel ou a joint le Blason des Fausscs Amours, &c. fine copy, red morocco, £2. 2s. a la Haye, 1 726. 4747. Quevedo's Visions, translated by L'Estrange, calf extra, 7$» Lofid. 1670. 4748. Rabelais' Works, translated by Sir Thomas Urchard; with portrait, 5 vols, half -bound, extra, £2. 2s. ib. 1694. 4749. Rabelais' Works, by Sir T. Urquhart, edited by Ozell, (Brindley's edition) plates, 5 vols. £2. 15s. ib. 1750. 4750. Religieuse (La) Cavalier, Memoires Galands, 5s. Brusselles, 1710. 4751. Rommant (Le) de la Rose, par J. de Meung et Guil. de Lorris, nouvellement reveu et corrige oultre les precedentes impressions, wood cuts, neat, £3. 3s. Paris, 1529. 4752. Another Edition— ^focfe %ttttt—£l. 15s. ib. 1538. 4753. Roman de la Rose, revu surplusieurs editions et sur quelques anciens manuscrits, 3 vols. neat,£\. 16s. • • • »Amst. 1735. 4754. Romancio-Mastrix : or a Romance on Romances. In which the prodigious vanities of a great part of them are (as in a Mirrour) most lively represented, and so naturally per- sonated, that the ingenious Reader observing their defor- mities, may delightfully be instructed and invited to the pursuing of more honourable and profitable Studies, by Samuel Holland ; frontispiece by Stent, £\. 15s. Lond. 1660. The original title of this curious and rare work was as follows " Dob Zara del Fogo ; a Mock Romance. Written originally in the Brittish Tongue, and made English by a person of much Honor," &c. date 1656. ^755. Remarques on the Humours and Conversations of the Gallants of the Town, with a Defence of Marriage, against the Poetick Discipline and unjust Attacques of this Age, half- bound, 10s. 6d. ib. 1673. 4756. Robinson Crusoe, (La Vie et les Aventures de) with plates , 4 vols, neat, 15s. • 1784. 4757. Roderik Random, (Aventures de) 4 vols, neat, Ss. 6d, * • 1784. Facctia, or Boohs of Wit, Drollery, and Imagination. — \2mo. 347 4758. Siecle (Le) d'Or de Cupidon, ou les Heureuses Avantures d'Amour, (two leaves wanting) h, b. neat, 4>s. 6d. Cologne, 1712. 4759. Secret History of Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex, h. b. neat, 5s. 476*0. Secret Memoirs and Manners of several Persons of Quality, from the New Atalantis, 4 vols. h. b. neat, 13*. Lond. 1720. 47^1. Serrees de Guillaume Bouchet, Sieur de Broucourt, revue, et augmente par l'Autheur en ceste derniere Edition presque de moitie, 3 vols, very neat, £4>, 4*. Paris, 160S, 4762. Sermonum Convivialum libri X. Autore D. Georgio Pictorio Villingano medico, &c. neat, 9s. 6d. Basil, 1559, 476*3. Swift's (Dean) Essay on Gibing, &c. head by Vertue, 5s, Lond. 1727. 4764. Tale of a Tub, plates, 6s. ib. IflU 4765. Scarron, le Roman Comique de, 2 vols, in 1, 7s, • »Amst. n, d, 4766. Themidore, Histoire Galante, 7s. • • • • Hayje, 1758. 4767. Theogenes et Chariclee, 2 vols, neat, gilt leaves, 7s. Geneve, 1782. 4768. Travels of Mr. John Gulliver, son to Capt. Lemuel Gulliver, frontispiece designed by Hogarth, 2 vols, neat, 9s. Lond. 1731. 4769. Thousand Notable Things, containing Modern Curiosities, calf extra, 10s. 6d. ib. n, dm 4770. Two discourses ; concerning the different Wits of Men, and the Mysterie of Vintners, calf extra, 12s. ib. 1669. " Locke is said to have taken several of his ideas from this tract." — MS; note to the first Discourse. 4771* Telemachus, translated by Hawkesworth, many plates, large papee, 2 vols, boards, 10s. 6d. • • • ib. 1800. 4772. Things as they Are, or the Adventures of Caleb Williams, 3 vols. h. b. very neat, 12s. ib. 1796, 4773. Tristani Cavalieri della Tavola Ritonda (L'Opere Magna- nanime de i due) 2 vols. (vol. 1. stained) £3. 8s. Venet. 1552-3. 348 Longman, Hurst, Reus, Orme, and Brown. 4774. Universal Masquerade; or, the World turn'd Inside-out. De- lineating and detecting the Virtues and Vices of Mankind, from the Court to the Cottage, in all Professions, by O. Sedgewick, 2 vols. 10*. 6d. Lond. 1742. 4775. Unfortunate Lovers, or the History of Argalus and Parthenia, 3*. 6d. • ib.n.d. 4:776. Venetian Tales; or a Curious Collection of Entertaining Novels and Diverting Tales, half-bound, very neat, 7s. 6d> ib. 1737. 4777. Witch (The) and the Maid of Honour, 2 vols, boards, 3s. 6d. ib. 1799. 4778. Ward's (Ned) Account of the Clubs and Societies in London and Westminster, (the corners of two leaves burnt off), neat, 7s ib. 1756. 4:779* Ward's (Ned) London Spy Compleat, 7s. ib. 1753. 4780. Wise One's Bubbled, or Lovers Triumphant, 2 vols. 8*. ib. 1760. 4781. Wits Common-Wealth, 4s. ib. 1722. 4782. Wits Theater of the Little World, £l.l7s. ....•*..ib. 1599- 4783. Warm Beere, or a Treatise wherein is declared by many rea- sons that Beere so qualified is farre more wholesome than that which is drunk cold, very neat, 15s. • • • • Camb. 1641. 4784. Whimzies, or a New Cast of Characters, Lond. 1631. — A Cater-Character thrown out of a Boxe by an Experienced Gamester, very neat in calf* £l. lis. 6d.» • • • Lond. 1631. 4785. Another Copy, imperfect, 6s. • • • • • ••..... ib. lo*3L ENGLISH POETRY, PLAYS, AND WORKS ON THE DRAMA. FOLIO, 4786. A RIOSTO'S Orlando Furioso, translated by Sir John *"■ Harington, with his Epigrams, plates, neat, £3. 3s. Lond. 1634. 4787. Another Copy, elegant in purple morocco, £4>. 4$. • *ib* 1(>34. 4788. Ditto, indifferent Copy, title wanting, 10s. 6d.* • • *ib. 1634. 4789. Barclay's (Alexander) Shyp of Folys of the World, translated out of Laten, French, and Doche, with curious woodcuts, — 3&f#Cft %ZttZt — -superbly bound in morocco, £75. Imprynted in London by Richarde Pynson, 1509. This beautiful copy of the first editiok, is quite complete, except that the corner of one leaf is mended and neatly supplied by manuscript. 4790. — Ship of Fooles, with diuers other workes adioyned to the same, curious wood cuts, — 3&[acft %ttttt — tall copy, extra, c£l0. Lond. by J. Cawood, 1570. 4791. Myrrour of Good Maners, conteyng the iiii uertues called cardynall compyled in latyn by Domynike Mancyn— S&lacft %ttttt — blue morocco 9 e/e- gant , with joints, £9. 9s. • • • • Lond. by JR. Pynson, n. d. 4795. Benlowes's (Edward) Theophila, or Love's Sacrifice, a Divine Poem, with curious engravings on wood and copper, £6. 6s. • • Lond. 1652. 4793 # Another Copy, wanting nearly the whole of the prints, £\. ll*.6c/.t ..nZwrf. 1652. 350 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 4794- Brooke's (Fulke, Lord) Learned and Elegant Workes, 12*. Lond. 1633. 4795. Another Copy with illustrative Manuscript, 18s. 6d. ib. 1633. The first twenty-two pages in this book are invariably wanting, — It is sup - ; posed they consisted of a Treatise on Religion, suppressed by Abp. Laud. 4796*. Beaumont's (Joseph) Psyche, or Loves' Mystery, a Poem, 10*. fjf/.. . . , Cantab. 1702. 4797. Another Copy, with a fine portrait by White, 15s.»»ib. 1702. 4798. Chaucer's (Geoffrey) Canterbury Tales — SMacft %,ettet— £25. Lond. by R. Pynson, 1526. Pynson's second edition. — This copy wants three leaves. 4799« Chaucer's (Geoffrey) Workes, with dyuers workes which were neuer in print before — 2$[acft %ttttt — £6s. 6s. Lond. by W. Bonham, circa 1542. 4800. Chaucer's Works— SMacft fetter — £6. 6s. Lond. by R. Toye, circa 1542. These two, are in fact the same edition, with the sole variation of the im- print. 4801. Chaucer's Works— ^focfe %ttttt— £$. 5s. Lond. by J. Reynes, 1542. 4802. ■ with the Siege and Destruccion of Thebes, by Ihon Lidgate— 23lacft %ttttt— £4. 4*. Lond. by J. Kingston, 156l. 4803. Another Copy of the same Edition, half* bound, £2. 2s. .ib. 1561. 4804. IBlatk %ttttt— two first leaves want- ing, £2. 2s. • • • • Lond, by R. Kele, n. d. 4 g05. by Thomas Speght— &IaCrl %ttttt— £l. lis. 6d. Lond. by G. Bishop, 1598. 4806. Ditto, a very fine copy in russia, £3. 10s. ib. 1598. 4807. — ■ Another Edition by Thomas Speght, with additions— %l*tl%ttttt—fine copy in russia, £4,. 4s. Lond. by A. Islip, 1602. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama.— Folio. 350 4808. Camoens's Lusiad, a Poem, translated by Sir R. Fanshaw, portraits, £2. 2s. Lond. 1655. 4809. De Foe's (Daniel) Jure Divino, a Satyr, portrait by Vander Gucht, 7s. it* 1706. 4810. Dryden's (John) Fables, with beautiful engravings by Barto- lozzi, SfC. from the Designs of Lady Diana Beauclerc, large paper, in russia, £5. 5s. ib \797» 4811. Drayton's (Michael) Poly-Olbion, the first part, with fron- piece and maps, very neat, £2. 12 s. 67/. • • • *Lond. 1622. 4812. Poems, (title wanting) £\. 7s. ib. 1619. 4813. Battaile of Agincourt, Moone Calfe, Nymphidia, and other Poems, £l. 10*. ib. \627* 4814. D'Avenant's (Sir William) Works, consisting of Plays and Poems, with the portrait by Faithurne, Jinc copy in pale russia, £2. 7s. •"•'« ib. 1 673. A very complete and excellent edition. 4815. Daniel's (Samuel) Works, viz. Civil Wars, Musophilus, Letter from Octaviato Marcus Antoninus, Cleopatra, Com- plaint of Rosamond, and Delia, neat, £3. 3s. Lond. by S. Waterson, 16*02. 4816. Gower (John) Confessio Amantis, a Poem, MS. on vellum, russia, gilt leaves, £\2. \2s. It is highly probable that this is a contemporary MS. as the writing abounds with Saxon characters and abbreviations. 4817* Gower (John) Confessio Amantis ; that is to saye in Eng- lysshe, the Confessyon of the Louer, — 25facft %ttttl — £25. • Emprynted by WL. <£a*ton, 1483. This volume is in sound condition but unfortunately imperfect, wanting as follows— Table, 6 leaves j A. 8. P. 1. P. 2. P. 7. P. 8. Q. 1. R. 8. S. 1. S. 2. T. 1. U. 8. and from folio 190 to 211 inclusive. 48l8. de Confessio Amantis, a Poem, in English, — SBfocft %ttttt— tall copy, neat, £9. 9s. Lond. by Berthelet, 1554. 4819. Gray's (Thomas) Poems, with engravings from the Designs ofR. Bentley, first impressions, calf extra, £2. I2s.6d. Lond, 1754. 852 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4820. Homer's Batrachomyomachia, or the Battaile of Frogs and Mise, his Hymns and Epigrams, translated by George Chapman, with a Jine impression of the rare frontispiece by William Pass, which includes the portrait of Chapman, £Q. £)s. Lond. n. d. 4821. Howard's (Sir Robert) Five Plays, with portrait by White, neat, 10s. 6d, ib. l6$2. 4822. Another Copy, without portrait, 8s. Qd. ib. l665» 4823. Jonson's (Ben) Works; Poems, Plays, and Prose, in one volume, with portrait by Elder, £l. 14s. ib. 1692. 4824. Dramatic Works, 18s ib. 1631. 4825. Juvenal and Persius, translated by Barten Holyday, with notes, plates, 12s. 6d. Oxon, 1673. 4S26. Killigrew's (Thomas) Comedies and Tragedies, with the beauti- ful portrait by Faithorne ; a fine drawing from it by Hard- ing, in colours; and a print after the drawing, most superbly bound in morocco, highly worked in gold inside, (a match- less copy) £l5. 15s. Lond. 1664. 4827* ■ ' Comedies and Tragedies, no portrait, £3. 3s. ib. 1664. 4828. Lydgate's (John) Hystory, Sege, and Dystruccyon of Troye — 23lacft %ttttt — with curious wood-cuts, neat, £37.\6s. Lond. by R. Pynson, 1513. First edition, rare in the extreme, and of which no perfect copy is known to be extant. It is not in the British Museum, the Bodleian, Earl Spencer's, the Marquis of Blandford's, or Capell's Shaksperiana, It was not in the Libraries of Chauncey, West, Hutton, Wright, Pear- son, Steevens, Allen, Dodd, Fillinghaoi, Malone, Mason, or the Duke of Roxburghe. — This copy was Dr. Farmer's, and wants A 1 , E4,S, (6 leaves) D I, D 2, D 3. 4829- Lydgate's (John) Falles of sundry most notable Princes and Princesses with other nobles; First compyled in Latin by that excellent clerke Bocatius, an Italian borne, with wood' cuts and initials^-SBlatk %ttttt — (a large clean copy but wormed) £4>. 10s. Lond. by Tottel, 1554, 4830. Another Copy, cut down very short, with MS. title, £2. 2s ib. 1554. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — Folio. 353 4831. Milton's Paradise Lost, beautifully printed by R. and A. Foulis, with portrait, in russia, £l. 10s. Glasgow, 1770. 4832. The same Edition, large paper, in russia, £2.. 10s. ib. 1770. 4833. Newcastle's (Duchess of) Poems, or several Fancies in Verse, and the Animal Parliament in Prose ; with the rare print of the Duchess in her Study, engraved by Van Schuppen ; a copy of it on a smaller scale ; the conversation print copied from Clouet, and a portrait of the Duke, by Turner, Jine copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, £j '. 7s.* • • • Lond. l66S. 4834. Ovid's Metamorphoses, Englished by George Sandys, with frontispiece by Cecill, and a portrait by Marshall, neat, 18* ib. 1626. 4835. Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated by Garth, and others, with a fine portrait by Vertue and other plates, large paper, in russia, £l. \6s. ib. 1717- 4836. Orpheus Britannicus. A Collection of all the Choicest Songs, with the Music composed by Henry Purcell, 2 parts in 1, half-bound, neat, £l. 18s. • • ib. 1702-6. 4837. Philips's (Katherine) Original Poems and Translations, with a beautiful portrait by Faithorne, 12s. ib. 1667. 4838- Poems. — A Collection of forty-five detached Poems by va- rious authors, serious and comic in one volume, £l. Js. ib. 1695-1702. 4839- Poems. — A Collection of Poems in MS. chiefly Comic and Satyrical, written during the years 1680 to 1687, £1. lls.6d. 4840. Shakspeare's Dramatic Works, the first four original editions, viz. FIRST, 1623, SECOND, l632, THIRD, l664, FOURTH, l685, elegantly bound in purple morocco, double bands, $c. 4 vols. ,£105. ib, 1623-85. 4841. Dramas, first edition, (title wanting) «£l6. 16s. fa l0 - 2 3^ 4842. Another Copy (very imperfect) £5. 5s. • • • • . ib. 1623. 2Y 354 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4843. Shakspeare's Dramas, third edition, neat, £8. 8s. Lond. 1664. Part of the portrait is wanting, and the title and dedication are inlaid — in other respects this is a good copy. 4844. ■ Dramatic Works, Boydell's magnificent edition, with numerous Jine engravings, 9 vols, superbly bound in russia, double bands, fyc. Also the Large Engrav- ings, 2 vols, in 1, atlas-folio, half-bound russia, beautiful impressions, .£84. ib. 1802. 4845. Slatyer's (William) Palae Albion. The History of Great Britaine from the first peopling of this Island, frontispiece, neat, £3. 3s. ib. 1621. 4846. Another Copy (six of the Introductory leaves wanting) very neat, £2. 2s, 1*6.1621. 4847. Sterling's (William Alexander, Earl of) Recreations with the Muses, with a brilliant impression of the portrait by Marshall,Jine copy, russia elegant, gilt leaves, £45. ib. 1637. The rare portrait in this volume is undoubtedly Marshall's master-piece, and it is conjectured upon good grounds, that there are not more than three copies in existence. 484S. Recreations with the Muses, very neat, £3. 3s. it. 16*37. 4849. Another Copy, £2. 2s.* * ib. 1637. 4850. Sylvester's (Joshua) Translation of the Divine Weeks and Works of Du Bartas, and his own original writings, with frontispiece by Elstracke, and portrait of Sylvester by Fan Dalen,very fine copy, calf extra. £3. 3s. ib. 1641. 4851. Ditto, wanting portrait and frontispiece, \5s. • • • • ib. 1641. 4852. Another Edition, with the portrait and frontispiece, very neat, £l. 15s • ib. 1633. 4853. Sandys's (George) Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems, fine copy, very neat in calf, £l. \6s. • • • • ib. 1638. 4854. — Book of Job, a con- temporary MS. 10*. 6d. 4855. Spenser's (Edward) Faerie Queene, very neat, £l. 5s. 1609. 4856. Another Edition, with his other Works, £l. 8*. •• ib. l6ll. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — Folio. 355 4857. Surry (Earl of). — A Collection of Manuscript Poems in the hand-writing of Queen Elizabeth's Reign, including many by Henry Howard Earl of Surry, and Sir Thomas Wyat, FOLIO, £63. *f This valuable and authentic manuscript was formerly in the possession of the Rev. William Sayle, of Stowey, in the county of Somerset, during which period it was lent by that gentleman (i. e. in 1791) to Dr. Percy, Bishop of Dromore, who has given his opinion of its contents in some memoranda of his own writing upon the page preceding the table of contents ; he commences by stating that it had formerly belonged to the Harington family, an assertion not only corroborated but proved by two autographs at folio 60, being those of Francis Harington, (who was the younger brother of Sir John, and an assistant in his translation of Ariosto; having furnished fifty stanzas in book xxxii.), and Ellina Harington, whose autograph again occurs at p. 209. This lady is presumed to be the daughter of Sir James Harington, who married Sir Henry Clinton, in 1606. Dr, Percy also observes that the version of Ecclesiastes by Lord Surrey, and most of the other Poems, are in Dr. Harington's MSS. In this volume are also many of Sir Thomas Wyat's poems, but with considerable va- riations from the printed copies, and probably on that account more attractive in the eyes of a poetical antiquary." — Bibliotheca Anglo- Poetica. 4858. Thomson's (James) Seasons, a magnificent edition, with fine engravings by Bartolozzi, SfC.from Paintings by Hamilton, elegant in morocco, £\0. 10s. • • • Land. 1807. 4859- Poetical Works, finely printed by Foulis, large paper, 2 vols, in 1, russia extra, £2. 5s. Glasgow, 1783. I860. Taylor's (John, the Water Poet) Works, with the rare frontis- piece, by Cockson, including Taylor's Portrait, fine copy in russia, £12. 12s. Lond. 1630. 4S6l. Another Copy, without the frontispiece, in indifferent condi- tion, £6. 6s. ib. 1630. 4862. Another Copy, without the frontispiece, and four leaves sup- plied by MS. in tolerable condition, £6. 6s ib. 1630. 4S63. Tasso's Godfrey of Boulogne, translated by Edward Fairfax, £i.5s. • ib. 1624. Now acknowledged to be the only good translation ofTasso. 356 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4864. Virgil, translated by Dryden, original edition, with plates by Hollar, Lombart, fyc. o£l. 1*. •••• Lond. 1697- 4865. Wesley's (Samuel) Life of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, a Poem, with numerous fine engravings, £1.4* ib. 1693. 4866. Wither's (George) Collection of Emblems, with frontispiece by Marshall, Jine portrait by John Payne, and 200 emblema- tic prints by Crispin Paw,—- a beautiful copy, elegantly bound in olive coloured morocco, <£l2. 12*. • • • • ib. 1635. 486/. Another Copy, perfect, but the prints injured, by partial colouring, <£3. 13*. 6d. « • • • • ib. 1635. QUARTO. 4868. ASKE'5 (James) Elizabetha Triumphans. Conteyning the Damned Practizes, that the Diuelish Popes of Rome have used euer sithence her Highnesse first coming to the Croune, by mouing her wicked and Traiterous subiects to Rebellion and conspiracies, &c. &c. — SBlacft %ttttt — neat, £9. 9*. Lond. by T. Orwin, 1588. 4869. Adam Bel, Clym of the Cloughe, and Wyllyam of Cloudesle — SBIaeft %ttttt— (first four pages MS.) half-bound mo. rocco, o£2. 10*. no date, or place. 48?0. Acts and Deeds of Sir William Wallace, by blind Harry the Minstrel ; together with Arnaldi Blair Relationes — SBlaCfe %ttttt — calf extra, £2. 5s. • • • • Edinburgh, 1758. 4871. iEschylus, translated by Potter, very neat, £l,11s.6d. Norwich, \777- 4872. Abelard to Eloisa, Leonora to Tasso, Ovid to Julia, and other Poems, neat in russia, 10*. 6d. Lond. 1788. 4873. Annalia Dubrensia. Vpon the yeerely celebration of Mr. Robert Dover's Olimpick Games vpon Cotswold-Hills, EngUJi Pottry, Plays, and Works u the Drama. — 4/o. 357 being Poems by Michael Drayton, Shackerly Marmyon. Thomas Ileywood, &c. &c. (two last leaves and frontis- piece wanting) calf extra, £\. ll*.6(/..».. Land. 1636. 4874. An Answere to a Romish Rime lately printed and entitled a proper new Ballad. Written by that Protestant Catholike I. R. half bound, extra, £2. 12*. 6d. ib. l602. 4875. As You Find It, a Comedie, 3s. 6d. ib. 1703. 4876. Bourne's (Vincent) Miscellaneous Poems : consisting of Ori- ginals and Translations, neat, 15*. ib< 1 772. 4877. Boys's (John) ^Eneas his descent into Hell ; translated from Virgil, to which are added some certain Pieces relating to the Public, written by the Author, £3. 3s ib. l66l. 4878. Baker's (Sir Richard) Cato Variegatus, or Catoes Morall Distichs ; translated and paraphras'd, with variations of expressing, in English Verse, very neat, £l. 18*. ib. 1636. 4879- Breton's (Nicholas) Sir Philip Sidney's Ourania, that is Endimion's Song and Tragedie containing all Philosophic, morocco, £5. 5s. ib. 1655. 48S0. Soules Immortall Croune, a Poem, with curious wood cut borders, (title wanting) £2. 2s. • »ib. 1605* 48 S 1 . Bancroft's (Thomas) Two Bookes of Epigrammes and Epitaphs, half-bound russia, £l I. lit. ib. 1639' 4882. Beaumont and Fletcher's Maid's Tragedie, 10*. 6d. ib. 1641. 4883. Another Edition, h. b. morocco, 12s. ib. 1650. 4884. Another Edition, 4s. ib. 1717. 4885. Tragedy of Thierry, King of France, and his Brother Theodoret, first edition, 18*. ib. l62L 48S6. Another Edition, 7s. 6d. ib. l64£. 4887. Chances, a Comedy, altered by the Duke of Buckingham, 5*. ib. 1682. 4888. Woman Hater, or the Hungry Courtier, a Comedy, 7s. 6d. • • • • ib. 1 649- 4.889. Loyal Subject, a Tragi-Comedy t 3s. 6d. ib. 1717- 4890. * _- Scornful Lady, a Comedy, 3*. 6d* ib. 1717. 358 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4891. Beaumont and Fletcher's Valentinian, a Tragedy, 3*. 6d. Land. 1717. 4892. Elder Brother, a Comedie, 7s. 6d. ib. 1651. 4893. « Cupid's Revenge, a Play, 9s. 6d. ib. 1635. 4894. Brewer's (Anthony) Lingua, or the Combat of the Tongue and the five Sences, a Comedie, 10s. 6d. ..•••» ib. 1632 , 4895. Another Copy, title damaged, 7s. 6d ib. 1622. 4896. Battle of Alcazar, a Tragedy, rare, £3. 10s. ib. 1594. 4897. Brome's (Richard) Antipodes, a Comedy, 10s. 6d. • *ib. 1 640. 4898. Behn's (Mrs.) Emperor of the Moon, a Farce, 5s. • -ib. l6S7. 4899. Rover, a Comedy, (wants title) 3s. 4900. Sir Patient Fancy, a Comedy, 5s.- -ib. 1678. 4901. Blount's (Sir T. P.) DeRe Poetica : or Remarks upon Poetry. With Characters and Censures of the most considerable Poets, neat, l6s. 6d. ib. 1694. 4902. Blair's Grave, illustrated with 13 plates by Schiavonetti from the designs of Blake, boards, £l. 10s. ib. 1 808. 4903. Benlowes's (Edward) Summary of Wisedome, a Poem, 10s. 6d m ib. 1657. 4904. Carlisle's (Earl of) Father's Revenge, a Tragedy, with other Poems, beautiful engravings after the designs of Westall, green morocco, elegant, £7, 7s ib. 1 800. This volume was printed by the noble author, for private distribution. 4905. Collins's (Emanuel) Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, half- bound, neat, 8s. * Bristol, 1762. 4906. Chapman's (George) Shadow of Night, containing two Poeti- cal Hymnes, morocco, ofl8. 18s. Lond. 1594. 4907. « Ouid's Banquet of Sence. A Coronet for his Mistresse Philosophic, and his amorous Zodiacke. With a translation of a Latine coppie, written by a Fryer, anno dom. 1400, morocco, .£18. 18s •■•••ib. 1598. 4908. ■■- — i Epicede, or Funerall Song on the most disastrous Death, of the High-borne Prince of Men, Henry Prince of Wales, &c. £4. 4s. ib. l6l2. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama, — Ito. 359 4909. Chapman's (George) Georgicks of Hesiod, translated elabo- rately out of the Greek, £9. 9s Lond. l6l8. 4910. Euthymiae Raptvs ; or the Teares of Peace, with Interlocutions, half-bound, extra, £3. 3s. ib. 1609. 4911. Chaucer's Troilus and Cressida, the original text, with a Latin metrical translation by Sir Francis Kynaston, Jine copy, in russia, £2. 2s. Oxon. \635. 4912. Another Copy, wanting title, commendatory verses, &c. 9s. ib. 1635. 4913. Cibber's (Colley) Lady's Last Stake, a Comedy, 3*. • -ifc n. d- 4914. Churchyard's (Thomas) Chippes, the first portion, except the leaves numbered 17 and 24— SMacft %ttttt — £6. 6s. Lond. by T. Marshe, 1578. 4915. Churchyard's Challenge, (title in manuscript) — SBIacft %ttttt — in blue morocco, £28. Lond. by J. Wolfe, 1593. This very rare volume of Churchyard's was not known to Anthony a Wood. — Some copies of this book want the entire of sheet T. and it was thought by Dr. Pegge, that this defect extended to all the copies now known, but the present is an exception. 4015. j — , A Musicall Consort of Heauenly Harmonie (compounded out of many parts of Musicke) called Churchyard's Charitie, morocco, <£30. Lond. by A. Hatfield, 1595. This rare book was also unknown to Wood. — An interesting poetical tract by the same author is appended ; it is in 117 stanzas of four lines, and entitled " A Praise of Poetrie." 4917. Chaucer's Assemble of Foules— S&lacft %ttttt— £45. Imprinted in London in Flete Strete, at the Sygne of the Sonne agaynste the Condyte, by me SSHgnfejm Ue OTortle, the 24fth day of January, in the yere of our Lorde, 1530. This very rare volume (of which another Copy for many years has not been known to exist) is in excellent condition; it is erroneously stated in Herbert and Dibdin's Ames as a Folio, in other respects the description is accurate, with the exception of several words wrong spelt : it consists of Fourteen Leaves, is splendidly bound, and is the Identical Copy from which the description communicated to Herbert was taken. 360 Longman, Hurst, Rff.s, Ormf, and Brow&. 4918. Careys (Henry) Poems and Dramatic Works, portrait by Faber, calf extra, £2. 2s. Lond. 1729-43. 4919. Calver's (Edward) Passion and Discretion, in Youth and Age, a Poem, very neat, £4<. 14s. 6d. ib. 1641. 4920. Churchill's (Charles) Poetical Works, 2 vols, -eery neat, 16s. 6d. ib. 176S. 4921. Crouch's (John) Londinenses Lacrymae. London's second tears mingled with her Ashes, a Poem, 7s. 6d. * *ib. 1666. 4922. Cleveland's (John) Character of a London Diurnall, with se- veral other Poems, by the same author, extra, 12s. ib. 1647. 4923. Cowley's (Abraham) Poetical Blossomes, with the very rare portrait of Cowley at the age of thirteen by Vaughan, and a smaller one by another hand, fine copy in blue morocco. £l% 12s. ib. 1633. 4924. Another Copy, without a portrait, £3. 3s. ib. 1633. 4925. Clavell's (John) Recantation of an 111 led Life ; or a Disco- verie of the High-way Law ; with the re-engraved portrait and Waldrorts Life of Clavell, half-bound, russia, £3. 3s. ib. 1634. 4926. Cotton's (Roger) Spirituall Song: containing an Historicall Discourse from the Infancie of the World untill this present time, (part of the title and last leaf wanting) very neat, £&• 4s Lond. by G. Simson, 1 596. 4927. * — Armore of Proofe, brought from the Tower of David, to fight against Spannyardes and all enemies of the truth, (last leaf wanting) very neat, £4>. 14s. 6d. ib. 1596. Ireland's manuscript remarks, purporting to be in the hand writing of Shakspeare, with fair transcripts, are in each of these two works by Cotton. 4928. Collection of Poems on Affaires of State, in four parts, £l.lU. 6d. Lond 1689. 4-929. Collection of Poems, Songs, Catches, &c. against Popery, re- lating to the Times, S vols, half bound, £l, lis. 6d. ib. I689. English Poetry, Flays, and Works on the Drama. — Uo. 36 1 4930. Counter-Scuffle, whereunto is added the Counter-Rat, written by R. S. very neat, £1. Is. Lond. 167O. 4931. Another Edition, very neat, 18s. ib. 1680. 4932. Camoens' Lusiad, an Epic Poem, translated by W. J. Mickle, portrait and frontispiece, neat, £l t 4s. * Oxon* 1778. 4933. Cupid's Whirligig, a Comedy, [supposed to be by Edward Sharpham,] very neat, £l. 18s. Lond. 1630. 4934. Crown's (J.) Countrey Wit, a Comedy, 6s. ib. 16J5. 4935. Daniel's (Samuel) Delia. Contayning certayne Sonnets, neat, £6.6s. ib. 1592. First edition of these Sonnets.— The title and dedication are in manuscript. 4936. — Whole Workes in Poetrie, without the frontispiece, £2. 1 2s. 6d. ib. 1623. 4937. Musophilus; containing a generall defence of learning, a Poem, very neat, £3. 13s. 6d. . • . . ib. 1599. 4938. Civill Wars of England, (signature B. wanting) h. b. morocco, £2. 2s. ib. 1597. 4939. ■ ' — Tragedie of Cleopatra, h. b. morocco, c£2. 7s. ib. 1599. 4940. Letter from Octavia to Marcus Antonius, hi b. morocco, £2. « ib. 1599. 4941. Complaint of Rosamond, (wants title and last leaf) l6s. ib. 1599. 4942. Day's (James) New Spring of Divine Poetrie, half-bound extra, £3. 13s. 6d. ^ 1637'. 4943. Donne's (John) Poems, with Elegies on his Death, fine por- trait by Lombart, first edition, calf extra, £l. 1 U. 6d. ib. 1633. 4944. Denham's (Sir John) Cooper's Hill, frst edition, 1642.— His Destruction of Troy, first edition, 1656, in 1 vol. half- bound, extra, l6s. ib. 1642-56. 4945. Dryden's (John) Hind and the Panther, a Poem, first edi- tion, neat, 9s. ib. 1687'. 4946. Du BartasV four books, the Arke, Babylon, the Colonnyes, and the Columues, in French with an English translation by William L'Isle, and a Commentary by S. G. S. £l. is. 2Z ib.1637. 362 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4947. Drayton's (Michael) Owle, a. Poem, with a curious wood-cut on the title, calf extra, £4>. 14*. 6d. Lond. 1604. In the folio edition of Drayton's Works, printed 1748, this poem has been most unaccountably omitted. 4948. Drayton's (Michael) Muses Elizium, lately discovered, by a new way over Parnassus. The passages therein, being the subject of ten sundry Nymphallsjofl. 11*. 6d. •• ib. 1630. 4949. Davies's (John, of Hereford) Microcosmos. The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof, (illus- trated by some interesting matter in manuscript) £\0. 10*. Oxford, 1603. 4950. Another Copy, (title, six last pages, and the commendatory verses at the end wanting) £l.5s. ib. 1603. 4951. — Muses Teares for the losse of their hope ; heroick and ne're-too much praised, Henry, Prince of Wales, &c. Together with Times Sobs for the untimely death of his glory in that of his Darling : and lastly his Epitaphs, o£4. 4*. Lond. 1613. 4952. 1 Summa Totalis, or All in All, and the same for exer, half-bound, extra, £6. 6s. ib. l607 # 4953. Holy Roode, or Christ's Crosse ; containing Christ Crucified, describing in Speaking-picture, with a facsimile drawing from the rare print of Davies, calf extra, £12. 12*. ib. 1609. 4954. ■ (Sir John) Nosce Teipsium, a Poem, (title wanting} £i- is. ib. 1599. 4955. Drue's (Thomas) Life of the Duchess of Suffolk, a Tragedy, (three leaves wanting) half-bound, 5s. »»»ib. 163 1. 4956. Dowriche's (Anne) French History. That is ; a lamentable Discourse of three of the chiefe, and most famous bloodie broiles that haue happened in France for the Gospell of Jesus Christ, morocco, £21. • • • •Lond. by T. Orwin, 1589. 4,957. D'Avenant's (Sir W.) Platonic Lovers, a Tragi-Comedy, half- bound, neat, 8*. • • • • Lond* 1636. 4958. Just Italian, a Tragi-Comedy, half-bound, neat, 8*. 6c/,»»««»# •••• .»•••..#•#• ••ib*\6ZQ* English Poetry^ Plays, and Works on the Drama, — 4fo. 363 4/959. D'Avenant's (Sir W.) Love and Honour, 4*. ••••Lond. 1649, 4-960. Triumphs of the Prince d'Amour, a Masque, 8s. * 1635. 4961. Dekker's (Thomas) Honest Whore, a Comedy, part the second' half-bound, neat, 15s. ib. 1630. 4962. Dennis's (John) Plot and no Plot, a Comedy, 3s.* • . *ib. n. d. 4963. Liberty Asserted, a Tragedy, 3s. • • ib. 1704- 49tf4. Daye's (John) Isle of Gulls, a Comedy, neat, £l. IS*, ib. 1633. 4960. Darwin's (Erasmus) Temple of Nature, a Poem, plates, large paper, boards, l6s. • • • • • • ib. 1803- 4966*. Duck's (Stephen, the Thrasher) Poems, with his Life by Spence, 6*. • * • • • ib. 1736* ±967. England's Faithful Monitor-, being the Works of that Suffering Protestant, Mr. Stephen Humance, when under Exile and Confinement, in the years 1685 and 1686, in Verse, (last leaf wanting, 7s. 6d. • •• *• ib. 1689. 4968. Epicedium, a Funerall Song, vpon the vertuous life and godly death, of the right worshipfull the Lady Helen Branch, (by Sir William Harbert) Lond. by T. Creede, 1594.— A Commemoration of the life and death of Dame Helen Branch, by whose godly and vertuous life, virgines are insinuated to virtue, wives to faithfulness, and widdowes to Christian contemplation, &c. (by I. P.) Lond. by T. Creede, 1594. — An Epitaph of the vertuous life and death of the right worshipfull Ladie Dame Helen Branch, &c. &c. Lond.-hy T. Creede, 1594, in one volume, morocco, «£38. Each of the three tracts in this volume is believed to be unique. On one page is a Latin Epitaph, fairly written, which appears to hav« been done in the year the tracts were printed. 4969. Elys's (Edmund) Alphabet of Elegiack Groans, upon the truly lamented Death of that rare exemplar of Youthful Piety, John Fortescue, of the Inner Temple, Esq. very neat, £3. 13s. 6d. Lond. 1654. 4970. Elvira, a Tragedy, by Lord Digby (title wanting) 3s. 4971. Evans's (Evan) Specimens of the Poetry of the Ancient Welch Bards, neat, £l. !*%•••• ••••••• ib, 1764* 364 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 4972. Euripides, translated by R. Potter, 2 vols, half-bound, russia £l. 15$. Lond. 1781. 4973. England's Helicon, MS. transcribed from the rare book printed in 1600, £4. I4>s. 6d. 4974. Fraunce's (Abraham) Countesse of Pembroke's Yuychurch. Conteining the affectionate life, and unfortunate death of Phillis and Amyntas ; that in a Pastorall ; this in a Funerail. — The Countesse of Pembroke's Emanuel. Conteining the Nativity, Passion, Buriall, and Resurrection of Christ, together with certaine Psalmes of Dauid, with remarks and extracts from xarious works in MS. neat, £35. Lond. by T. Orwin, 1501. 4975. Third part of the Countesse of Pem- broke's Yuychurch : entitled A mintas Dale. Wherein are the most conceited tales of the Pagan Gods, in English Hexameters : together with their auncient descriptions and philosophicall explications, neat, £30. Lond. 1 502. The title, dedication, and the leaves numbered 59, 60, in this rare book, are in manuscript, and were transcribed from the only perfect copy at present known. 4976. Page's (Mary) Fames Roule ; or the Names of our dread Soveraigne Lord King Charles, his Royall Queen Mary, and his most hopefull posterity ; together with the names of the Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Viscounts, Bishops, Barons, Privie Counsellors, Knights of the Garter, and Judges of his three renowned Kingdomes, England, Scot- land, and Ireland. Anagrammatiz'd and expressed by acrosticke lines on their names, c£25. ib. 1637. A very singular work, and so rare that the present copy is probably unique. ^977- Fletcher's (Phineas) Purple Island, or the Isle of Man ; together with Piscatorie Eclogs, and other Poeticall Mis- cellanies, large paper, <£l0. \0s. • • Cambridge, 163S. From the size of the paper, and a copper-plate engraving with some verses, it may be inferred that this is the copy which was presented by the author to Edward Beulowes, the author of Theophila, to whom it is dedicated. 1 4978. Another Copy, small paper, blue morocco, £2. 2s. • ib. 1633. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — 4to. 365 4979- Fletcher's (Phineas) Locusts, or Apollyonists, a Satirical Poem, blue morocco, £8. 8s. Cambridge, 1627. 4^80. ■ Another Copy, one leaf very neatly supplied by MS. blue morocco, £5. 15s. 6. 4>s. ib. 1604. 4999. Goodall's (Baptist) Triall of Trauell, or 1. the Wonders in Trauell, 2. the Worthes of Trauell, 3. the Way to Trauell. In three books epitomiz'd, morocco, c£lO. 10s. "ib. 1630. 5000. Gayton's (Edmund) Art of Longevity, or a Diaeteticall Institu- tion, a Poem, £3. 3s. • ib. 1609. 5001. Gray's (Thomas( Poems, with Memoirs of his Life, by Mason, fine portrait, neat, £l. 10s. York, 1775. 5002. Works and Life, by W. Mason, much enlarged and re-edited by T. J. Matthias, large paper, imperial quarto, 2 vols, boards, £9. 9s. Lond. 1814. 5003. Gough's (J.) Strange Discovery, a Tragi-Comedy, 12*. ib. 1640. 5004. Ghost, or the Woman wears the Breeches, a Comedy. £l. 10$. ib. 1653. English Poetry, Tlays, and Works on the Drama.- Mo. 367 5005. Golden Age, from the fourth Eclogue of Virgil.— Crisis upon Crisis, a Poem, half-bound, morocco, 10s. 6d. Land. 1703-14. 5006. Gorgious Gallery of Gallant Inuentions, in Verse, by T. P. MS. transcribed from the rare book printed in 1578, £3. 13s. 6d. 5007. Heywood's (John) Workes, being Epigrammes, &c. with the rare full length wood cut of Hey wood, £\.0. 10s. Lond. by T. Marsh, 1587- 5008. Parable of the Spider and the Flie, with numerous wood cuts, — 2£[flCft %ttttt — (the title leaf, table of contents, and leaf preceding the first chapter wanting,) £8.8*. • • • • Lond. by T. Powell, 1556, 5009- Another Copy, wanting the first thirteen leaves, £6. 6s. ib. 1556. 5010. Hey wood's (Thomas) English Traveller, a Tragi-Comedy, half-bound, morocco, £\.l%s. Lond. 1633. 5011. Loves Mistresse, or the Queenes Masque, £l.9*. ib. 1640. 5012. If you know not me you know nobody, part the Second, half -bound, £4*. 4s. ib. n. d. 5013. .— Fair Maid of the West, (title and last leaf wanting) 10s. 6d. ib. 1631. 5014. Hardyng's (John) Chronicle in metre, fro the first begynnyng of Englade, vnto the reigne of Edwarde ye fourth, where he made an end of his Chronicle. And from y l time is added with a cotinuacion of the storie in prose, to this our tyme, [by R. Grafton] now first printed, gathered out of diuers and soundrie autours, — 2Macft %Ztttt— £9- 9s. Lond. by R.Grafton, 1543. 5015. Another Copy, the last leaf reprinted, £7. 17 s. 6d.< *ib. 1543. 5016. Another Copy, title and two last leaves of the continuation in manuscript, £6. 6s. • • • • • • • ib. 1543. 5017. Another Copy, without the prose continuation, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1543. 368 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 501S dayman's (Robert) Quodlibets, lately come over from New • taniolt, Old Newfoundland. Epigrams and other small (s both Morall and Divine, neat, £7. 7s. Lond. 1628. 5019. Ila\w 's (Edward, a Westminster Scholar of sixteen) Tray- terous Percye's and Catesbye's Prosopopeia, with a wood cut on the title, morocco, £30. ib. 1606. A work so rare, that this copy is prouably unique. 5020. Holme's (Wilfride) Fall and euill successe of Rebellion from time to time, wherein is contained matter, most meete for all estates to vewe. Written in old English verse, — Sttfacft %ttttt — neat, £2\." *Lond. by II. Binneman, 15/3. 5021. Hornby's (William) Scourge of Drunkenness, a Poem, curious wood cut on the title, morocco, £24>. Lond. l6l8. 5022. Heyrick's (Thomas) Miscellany Poems, including the Sub- marine Voyage, half-bound, russia, 18s.»» • • Camb. 1691. 5023. Another Copy, very neat, £l. Is. • ib. 1691. 5024. Howell's (Thomas) Fable of Ouid treting of Narcissus, trans- lated out of Latin into English Mytre, with a moral ther- unto, very pleasante to rede, — SBIarft %ttttt — half-bound^ russia, £20. Lond. by T. Hackette, 1560. 5025. Hunnis's (William) Hyve full of Hunnye; contayning the firste booke of Moses, called Genesis, turned into English Meetre,— 23Iacfj %£tttt— -fine copy in russia, c£l8. IS*. Lond. by T. Marsh, 1578. 5026. Hunting (The) of the Pox ; a pleasante Discourse betweene the Authour and Pild- Garlike. Wherein is declared the nature of the Disease, how it came, and how it may be cured, by I. T. £7. 17s. 6d. Lond. 1619. 5027 . Hudibras Redivivus ; or, a Burlesque Poem on the Times, 2 vols, or 24? parts complete, in 1 vol. neat, £l. 10s. ib. 1705-7. 5028. Hausted's (Peter) Rival Friends, a Comedy, half-bound, neat, 15s. ib. 1632. 5029. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, translated by Cowper, large paper, 2 yoIs. in russia, £3, 13s. 6d. • *ib, 1791* English Poetry, Plays, and Works o?i the Drama. — Ato. SGQ 5030. Hay ley's (William) Essay on Sculpture, with Notes, plates, neat hirussia, £\.\\s. 6c/. • • • Lond. 1 S0& 5031. Triumphs of Temper, half-bound, Js. ib. 1781. 5032. Horace his Satyres, Englyshed according to the prescription of Saint Hierome. The Wailyngs of the Prophet Hiere- remiah, done into Englyshe verse, also Epigrammes; by T. Drant,— ^lacfc fletter— elegant, £10. 10s. Lond. by T. Mar she, 1566. 5033. Horace his Arte of Poetrie, Pistles, and Satyrs Englished, and to the Earle of Ormounte, by Thomas Drant addressed, — SMacfc %ttttl— £As. 4*.. • Lond. by T. Marshe, 1567. Signature L. is wanting, and some of the initial letters have been cut out. 5034. Horace's Art of Poetry, translated by Colman, with the Latin text, 6s. • • • • • Lond. 1783. 5035. Hoccleve's (Thomas) Poems, never before printed, with a Preface, Glossary, &c. by G. Mason, calf extra, £l. As. ib. 1796. 5036. Another Copy, boards, 15s. ib. 1 796. 5037. Howard's (Henry) Choice Spirits Museum, a Collection of Songs, with the Dutch and German Story of Mynheer Eupharson, and Mynheer Vanslawken, portrait, half- bound, l6s. ib. 1765. 5038. Handefull, (A) of pleasant Delites; containing sundry new Sonets, &c. by Clement Robinson, MS. transcribed from a unique copy, printed in 1584, £5. 5s. 5039. Hake's (Edward) Commemoration of the Raigne of Queene Elizabeth, MS. transcribed from a unique book printed in 1575, £3. 3s. 5040. James VI. King of Scotland, his Essayes of a Premise in the Divine Art of Poesie, with a fine and rare portrait of James, un-noticed by Granger, inrussia, of^. 15s. Edinburgh, by T. Vautrovllier, 1585. 5041. his Majesties Poeticall Exer- cises at Vacant Houres, ,£15. 15*. Edinburgh, by T. Waldegrave r 1591. 3 A 370 Longman, Hurst, Hees, Orme, and Brown. 5042. Johnson's (Richard) Nine Worthies of London; explaining the honourable Exercise of Armes, the vertues of the valiant, and the memorable attempts of magnanimious minds. Pleasant for Gentlemen, not unseemely for Magis- trates, and most profitable for Premises, neat, £\7$. 17*. Lond. byT. Orwin, 1592. This rare work is in prose and verse, the former in black letter, the latter is written on the plan of the Mirror for Magistrates. Wanley in his Catalogue of the Pamphlets in the Harleian Library, says of this, that it " may be reckoned among those monuments in memory of the meri- torious which are too scarcely met with, and suffered too much to run to ruin. The author is often very elegant and poetical for the lime he wrote in." 5043. Jonson's (Ben) Execration against Vulcan. With divers Epigrams by the same Author to severall Noble Personages in this Kingdome, £l. Is. Lond. 1640. With the autograph " Izaak Walton," on the title page. 5044. Catiline his Conspisacy, a Tragedy, 7s. 6tt. ib. 1635. 5045. Jones's (Sir W.) Moallakat, or Seven Arabian Poems, which were suspended on the Temple at Mecca, fine portrait, boards, 1 5s. ib. 1 783. 5046. Jonas Redux, or a Divine Warning-Piece shot from the Fort- Royal of Ninive, Lat. Eng. 5s. 6d ib. 1672. 5047. Jemmat's (Catherine) Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, very neat, 14s. • • • • ib. 1766. The Marchioness of Rockingham's copy, with the receipt of the authoress. 5048. Kyd's (Thomas) Spanish Tragedie, or Hieronimo is mad againe. Containing the lamentable end of Don Horatio and Belimperia, &c. xvood cut on the title, £u 5s. id. 1633. The character of Hieronimo in this place, was originally performed by Ben Jqhsoo. 5049. Another Edition, half-bound, morocco, £\. Is.* ••'ib. l6l0. 5050. King's (Bishop) Deepe Groane fetch'd at the Funerall of that incomparable and glorious Monarch Charles the First* 9s. * ib. I64p. 5051. Lucretius on the Nature of Things, translated from the Latin by Dr. Thomas Busby, large paper, with a fine en* English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — 4>to. 371 graving by Cardon, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, c£4. 14*. 6d. Lond. 1813. 3052. Legende of Captaine Jones, first part, calf extra, £l* 5*. ib. 1636. 5053. Lamentation (The) of Troy for the Death of Hector. Whereunto is annexed an Olde Woman's Tale in her solitarie cell, by I.O. half-boand,russia, £ '15. 15s. Lond.by P. Short, 1594, 5054. Leycester*s Ghost, very neat, 7s. 6d. • ib. 1641. 5055. Langbaine's (Gerard) Momus Triumphans, or the Plagiaries of the English Stage exposed, half bound, morocco, £l. 5s, ib. 1688. 5056. Lower's (Sir William) Phoenix in her Flames, a Tragedy, 12*. ib. 1639. .5057. Lydgate (John). — This booke was compiled by dan John Lydgate, monke of Burye, at the excitacio and stirynge of the noble and victoryous Prince King Hary the rlfthe, in honour, glory, and reverence of the berth of our most Blessed Lady, mayde wife and moder of our Lord Jhesu Chryst, MS. on paper, blue morocco, £8. lSs. 6cl. This manuscript bears the date of 1602, and appears to be accurately transcribed from the " Life of our Lady" printed by Caxton. 5058. Lok's (Henry) Ecclesiastes, otherwise called the Preacher. Containing Salomon's Sermons, or Commentaries, &c. compendiously abridged and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie. Whereunto are annexed sundrie Sonnets of Christian Passions, &c. £25. Lond. by R. Field, 1597- A book of the most extreme rarity. It was not in the celebrated collections of West, Pearson, Farmer, Steevens, or Reed. It was also unknown to Ritson, 5059. Little (The) Grey Man. A Ballad of the Maese, calf extra , 12*. Bury, 1797. 5060. Myrrour (A) for Magistrates. Wherein maye be seen by ex- ample of other, with howe greuous plages vices are pu- nished : and how frayle and unstable worldly prosperity is founde, euen of those whom Fortune seemeth most highly 372 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. to fauour, by William Baldwin — 2MaCft %tttW—calf extra, £12.12s. Loud, by T. Marshy 1 56*3. 5061. Another Copy, wanting two preliminary leaves of prose en- titled " A Briefe Memoriall," &c. half -bound, russia, c£8. 10*. ib. 1563. 5062. Myrrour for Magistrates, by Baldwin — 23lacft %ttttt — a very rare edition, £\5, \5s ib. 15/1. 5063. Mirour for Magistrates, contayning the falles of the first in- fortunate Princes of this lande ; from the comming of Brute to the incarnation of our sauiour and redemer Iesu Christe, by John Higgins, Lond. by T. Marshe, 1575. The Mirour for Magistrates, by W. Baldwin, Lond. by T. Marshe, 1575, both 23lflCft EetteC— in one vol. £9. 9s. 5064. by Baldwin— 23lacft %ttttt— a cut down copy, with four leaves MS., half-bound, russia, £5. 5s. Lond. by T. Marshe, 1 578. 5065. by Thomas Blener Hasset— &lacft %ttttt — a few of the latter leaves partly made up with MS. calf extra, £7. 7s* Lond. by R. Webster, 1578. 5066. enlarged by John Higgins — SMacfe %Xtttl—Jine copy, £7- 17*. 6d. Lond. by H. Marsh, 1587. 5067. Another of the same Edition; title and one leaf of the con- tents in MS. — the dedicatory epistle is wanting, neat, «£4. 4>s. ib. 1587- 5068. Mirour for Magistrates, by Baldwin, Higgins, and Blencr-Has- set, enlarged and edited by Richard Niccols, iery neat, calf, £8. 18s. 6d. Lond. 1610. 5069. Ditto, bound in 3 vols, a most beautiful copy, calf extra, £12. 12s. ib. 1610. 5070. Mirour for Magistrates, by Baldwin, Higgins, and Blener- Ilassct, enlarged and edited by Richard Niccols, title in manuscript, £5. 5s. ib. 1610. English Poetry, Plays, and JVorlcs on the Drama. — 4eto. 373 5071. Mirour for Magistrates, by Baldwin, Higgins, and Blener-Has- set, enlarged and edited by Richard Niccols, with the re- printed title " The Falles of Unfortunate Princes," &c. &c. £6. 6s Lond. 1619. For an account of the various editions of the celebrated " Mirror for Ma- gistrates," by whom the respective poems were written, a minute col- lation of the entire contents of the last edition by Niccols, (noticing its variations from the former) and other interesting matter, see " Biblio- theca Anglo- Poelica, p. 201. 5072. Milton's (John) Paradise Lost, a Poem in ten books, £\. 18s, ib. 1668. 5073. Paradise Lost, £\. l6s ib. 1669. These two articles are in fact the same edition, the first, with no other alteration than the variation of titles. 5074. Paradise Lost, Book I. from the text of the edition of 1672, with copious notes, very neat, 15s. Glasg. by R. and A.Foulis, 1750. Of this beautiful specimen, no more was published. 5075. Milton's (John) Poetical Works, by Bp. Newton, with plates, 3 vols, very neat, £0. 15s. 6d. ib. 1 77^* 5076. Mary Magdalen's Lamentations for the losse of her Maistcr Jesus, a Poem, calf extra, £7. 7s. ib. 1604. 5077^ Martyrdome (The) of Saint George of Cappadocia: Titular Patron of England, and of the most Noble Order of the Garter, a Poem, very neat, £7. 7s. ib. 1614. 5078. Mery (A) Pnosticacion for the ycre of Christes incarnacyon a thousand fyue hundreth fortye and foure. This to pronos- tycate I may be bolde that wha the nevve yere is come gone is ye olde, with a curious wood-cut on the title — 2£foCft %ttttt — morocco, £$. 8s. ••no imprint or date, but 1544. This humorous and rare tract is probably one of the earliest attempts to satyrise what the Almanack-art terms ' sham predictions and prognos- tications.' 5079* Mastive (The) or Young-whelpe of the Olde-Dogge. Epi- grams and Satyrs, by H. P. morocco, ofSl. Lond. by T. Creede, circa, 1 600. As an Epigram in this collection also appears in Henry Peacham's " Mi- nerva," with a slight variation ; it is fair to surmise that he was the author of this very rare volume, in preference to Henry Parrott. — An Advertisement to the Reader, on one leaf, is wanting. 374 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5080. Maxwell's (James) Laudable Life, and Deplorable Death of our late peerlesse Prince Henry. Briefly represented. Together with some other Poems in honor of our most gra- cious Soueraigne King James, &c. morocco, <£l0. 10*. Lond. 1612. 5081. ■ Monument of Remembrance, erected in Albion, in Honour of Frederick Duke of Bavaria, &c # and Elizabeth Infanta of Albion, daughter of James I. of England (Poetical) h. b. extra, £2. 10*. ib. l6l3. 5082. Modell (A) of Truths ; or a Discovery of certaine reall pas- sages of this Parliament, half-bound, 12*» ib. 1642. 5083. Macklin's (Charles) Man of the World, a Comedy, and Love- a-la-Mode, a Farce, with jine portrait by Conde, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. 7s. ib. 1793. 50S4. Mason's (William) English Garden, a Poem, in four books, 7s. York, 1781. 5085. Maurice's (Thomas) Richmond HiJl, a Descriptive and His- torical Poem, finely printed, with engravings, boards, 12*. 6d Lond. 1807. 5086. Grove Hill, a Descriptive P oem, finely printed, with beautiful engravings on wood, by Anderson, boards, 18*. ib. 1 799. 5087. Montolieu's (Mrs.) Festival of the Rose, with other Poems, green morocco, £l. Is. ib. 1S02 # 5088. Massinger's (Philip) Maide of Honour, a Tragae-Comedy, half- bound, neat, 12*. ib. 1632. 5089- ■ Emperour of the East, a Tragae-Comedy, half-bound, neat, 15s. • • • • ib. 1632. 5090- « Renegado, a Tragae-Comedy, half-bound, neat, 12*. ib. 1630. 5091. Bond Man, an Ancient Storie, half-bound, neat, 9*. #• 1 632. 5092. — Great Duke of Florence, a Comicall His- toric, half bound, neat, 9*. ib. 1636. 5093. Picture, a Trage-Comedie, half bound, neat, 12*. it. 1630. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — 4>to. 375 5094. MassingerV (Philip) New Way to Pay Old Debts, a Comedy, half -bound, neat, 12s Lond. 1623. 5095. and Decker's Virgin Martyr, a Tragedie, half-bound, neat, 1 4s. • . ib. l66l. 5096. Mason's (John) Turke, a Worthie Tragedie, half-bound, neat, £i-6s. 26.1610. 5097. Marlow (Christopher) and Chapman's (George) Hero and Leander, a Poem, first edition, with a copy from the rare portrait of Chapman, and much interesting matter in manuscript, o^lO. 10s. ib. lfjOfj. 5098. Moore's (Thomas) Epistles, Odes, &c. boards, 18s. ib. 180o\ 5099. M'Creery's (John) Press, a Poem, with fine wood-cut en- gravings, 10s. 6d. Liverpool, 1 803. 5100. Middleton's (Thomas) Mayor of Quinborough, a Comedy, 1 s.6d. ib. 166I. 5101. • Game at Chess, a Comedy, with the cu- rious frontispiece of the characters, £4>. 4s, • • ib, lfj24. 5102. A Mad World my Masters, a Comedy, half-bound, l6s. •••• • ib, 1640. 5103. and William Rowley's Changeling, a Comedy, large paper, half-bound, neat, £\.\s. ib. 1653, 5104. ; ■' Faire Quarrel, a Comedy, £l . 10s. ib. Ifj32. 5105. ■ (Christopher) Legend of Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, a Poem, half bound, russia, £7. 7 s. . *ib. 1600. Written after the plan of the " Mirror for Magistrates j" — it is equal in excellence with the majority of poems in that celebrated collection. 5106. Mountfort's (William) Successful Strangers, a Tragi-Comedy, 5s. ib. I690. 5107. Machin's (Lewis) Dumbe Knight, an Historical Comedy, 18s. ib.l<$33. 5108. Marston's (John) Malcontent, a Tragi-Comedy, with addi- tions by John Webster, £l, 15s ib, lfj04. 5109. Murford's (Nicholas) Memoria Sacra, or Offertures unto the fragrant memory of the Right Hon. Henry Ireton, late 376 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Lord Deputy of Ireland, intended to have been humbly presented at his Funerall, MS. on paper, half-bound, russia, £3. 3s. This is an original manuscript, and there is no reason to believe that the poems which it contains, have ever been published. 5110. Nabbes's (Thomas) Plays, &c. viz. Microcosmos, a Moral Maske, \637 . — Hannibal and Scipio, a Tragedy, 1637. — • Covent-Garden, a Comedy, 1638. — Spring's Glorie, a Maske with Poems, 1638. — Totenham-Court, a Comedy, 1639. — Unfortunate Mother, a Tragedie, 1640. — and the Bride, a Comedy, 1640, in one volume, half-bound, russia, £9. 15*. 5111. __ — Tottenham-Court, a Pleasant Comedie, half-bound, neat, £l. 5s. Lond. 1638. 5112. — Unfortunate Mother, a Tragedy, l6s. ib. 1640. 5113. ■ Microcosmus, a Morall Maske, half- bound, neat, £l. Is. ib. \637. 5H4 # Bride, a Comedy, 15*. ib. 1640. This author's dramas possess the rare merit of being entirely original, as he did not borrow, to the smallest extent, from any writer that pre- ceded him. 5115. Newton's (Thomas) Astropoion Delion, or the Death of Delia : with the Teares of her Funerall, MS. from a rare book, printed in l603,c£l. 11*. 6d. 5116. Nixon's (Anthony) Scourge of Corruption. Or a Crafty Knave needs no Broker— $lacft %ttttt—£3. 13*. 6d. ib. l6l 5. This very singular production is in prose, with the exception of nine six- line stanzas. 5117. Niccols's (Richard) Cuckow, a Poem, calf extra, £7- 7s. ib. 1607. 5118. Londons Artillery, briefly containing the whole practice of that worthie Societie : with the Moderne and Ancient martial exercises, natures of Arms, vertue of Magistrates, Antiquity, Glorie, and Chronography of this honourable Cittie, calf extra, ^lO. 10*. •••••• ib. lo*l6\ English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama, — 4to. 377 5119. Niccols's (Richard) Three Sisters' Teares, Shed at the late Solemne Funerals of the Royall deceased Henry, Prince of Wales, &c. half-bound, neat, £6. 6s. Lond. l6l3. 5120. Norden's (John) Vicissitudo Rerum. An Elcgiacall Pocme, of the interchangeable courses and varietie of things in this World, very neat, £10. 10s. • • Lond. by S< St a ford, l600. This volume is styled in the title " the first part," hut it cannot be dis- covered that any subsequent part ever appeared. 5121. Naogeorgus's (Thomas) Popish Kingdome, or reigne of Anti christ, written in Latine Verse, and Englyshed by Barnabc Googe— 2Macfi %ttUt—very neat, £4. 4s. Lond. by H. Denham, 15/0. The poem of the " Popish Kingdome" in this volume, is complete, but of a second poem entitled " Spirituall Hushandrie," the four last leaves are almost entirely destroyed. It also wants the Dedication to Q. Elizabeth, Googe's Arm?, and has the title in MS. 5122. North-Country-Wedding; and the Fire, two Poems in Blank Verse, half -bound, extra, 10s. 6d. Dublin, 1722. 5123. Otway's (Thomas) Soldier's Fortune, a Comedy, 5s. Lond. 1687. 5124. Order and Disorder : or the World made and undone. Being Meditations upon the Creation and the Fall, a Poem, half- bound, 15s. ib. 1679* 5125. Ogilvie's (John) Britannia, a National Epic Poem, portrait, boards, 12s. 6d. Aberdeen, 1801. 5126. Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated into English Meeter, by Arthur Golding — Sfacfc ^tetter— neat, £l. 5s. Lond. 1612. 5127. Another Copy, title and part of the Epistle wanting, 15s. 5128. Pursuits of Literature a Satirical Poem, the largest paper, imperial quarto, illustrated by a vast num~ bcr of fine portraits by Bartolozzi, Houbraken, Vertue,' Heath, Meyer, Hall, Vander Gucht, Caroline Watson, Sfc. SfC. in 2 vols, superbly bound in red morocco, joints, gilt leaves, fyc. £55. Lond. 1812. 5129. Phaer (Thomas). — Seuen first bookes of the Eneidos of Virgil], conuerted in Englishe meter by Thomas Phaer Esquier, Sollicitour to the King and Queene's maiesties — 23facfc %tttft—calf extra, £6. • • Lond, by J, Kingston 1558. 3B 37S Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5130. Phaei's (Thomas) and Thomas Twyne's translation of the thirteene bookcs of iEneidos. The first twelve being the worke of the divine Poet, Virgil Maro; and the thirteenth,. ' the Supplement of Maphseiis Vegius— fBlatk %ttttt — neat, £5. 15s. 6d. Lond. by T. Creede, 1584. 5131. Another Edition, neat in russia, £3. 13s. 6d. • • • • ib. 1620. 5132. Pricket's (Robert) Times Anatomic. Containing the Poore Man's Complaint, Briton's trouble, and her triumph. The Pope's pride, Rome's treasons, and her destruction : affirm- ing, that Gog, and Magog, both shall perish, the Church of Christ shall flourish, Judea's race shall be restored, and the manner how this mightie work shall be accomplished, morocco, £12. 12s. Lond. l6o6. 5133. Peacham's (Henry) Minerva Britanna, or a Garden of Heroi- cal Devises, newly devised, moralized, and published, with numerous engravings on wood, fine large copy, half -bound, £7. 10*. ib.1612. 5134. Another Copy, in russia, gilt leaves, £6. 6s. • • • • ib. 1612. 5135. Ditto, with the four last leaves entitled ** The Author's Con- clusion," reprinted, russia, £4>. 14.?. 6d. ib. 1612. 5136. Primrose's (Lady Diana) Chaine of Pearle. Or a Memoriall of the peerles Graces, and Heroic Virtues of Queene Eliza- beth, of Glorious Memory, half-bound, russia, £j. 17*. 6d. ib. 1(530. 5137. Palingenius Stellatus (Marcel! us) his Zodiake of Life; trans- lated out of Latine into Englishe, by Barnabie Googe and by him newly recognished — 2M&Cft %ttttt — calf extra, £6. 6s. Lond. by R. Robinson, 1588. 5138. Pennycuik's (Alexander) Collection of Curious Scots Poems, very neat in calf, £l.8s. Edinburgh, 176*2* 5139. I'asquil's Palinodia, and his progresse to the Taverne, where after the Survey of the Sellar, you are presented with a pleasant pinte of Poeticali Sherry, half-bound, russia £5. 5s. Lond. 1634,. 5140. Another Copy, one leaf wanting and title damaged, half-bound, morocco, £2. 12s. 6d. • • • ib. n.d. 5141. Phillips's (John) Satyr against Hypocrites, 15*. • • •-• ib, 1655. English Poetry? Plays, and Works on the Drama. — 4to, 379 -514-2. Powell's (Thomas) Passionate Poet. With a Description of the Thracian Ismarus, half-bound, russia, £l5. 15s. Lond. by V. Simmes, 1608. 5143. Passion (The) of a Discontented Mind, a Poem, half-bound, extra, £3. 3s. *****<* Lond. 1 621 . .5144. Prynne's (William) Mount Orgueil : or Divine and Profitable Meditations, with other Poems, £\. 5s. • • ib. 1641. 514:5. Pack (A) of Patentees Opened, Shuffled, Cut, Dealt, and Played, half-bound, morocco, £2.12s.6d. «... ib. 1641. 5146. Pierce Plowman's Vision — 23Iacfi %ZttZZ — russia, oflO. 10*. Lond. by Robert e Croaley, 1550. 5147. %\&tb%ZXttl— morocco, £6. 6s. Lond. by Owen Rogers, 156l. 5148. Ditto, superbly bound in morocco, joints, fyc. £7. 7s. ib. 1561. 51 49. Ditto, in russia, £5. 5s. ib. 1561. 5150. Another Copy, with numerous manuscript illustrations tend- ing to throw considerable light upon the Poem, critically or historically considered, neat, £7. 7s. ib. 156l. 5151. Pierce Plowman's Crede— SMacfc %ttttt— half-bound, mo- rocco, £6. 10s. ib. 1561. The present copy of this very rare Poem unfortunately wants two leaves, signature A 3, and D 1. 5152. Porter's (Henry) Pleasant History of the two angry Women of Abington. With the humorous mirth of Dicke Coomes .and Nicholas Prouerbcs, two Seruingmen, (part of last leaf wanting) £7. 7s. Lond. 1599. 5153.. Puttenham's (George) Arte of English Poesie. Contriued into three Bookes: the first of Poets and Poesie, the second of Proportion, the third of Ornament, neat, £7. \7s. 6d. Lond. by R. Field, 1589. Besides numerous manuscript illustrations, this copy has, in print, " Cer- taine notes of instruction concerning the making of verse or rhyme in English," being four leaves from a copy of George Gascoigne's Works. 5154. Another Copy, in green morocco, £6. 16s. 6d. ib. 1 589, 5155. Pindar's Odes, translated from the Greek by West, with the addition of others by Lee, many of which have not hitherto 380 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. appeared in English, fine head, calf extra, gilt leaves, £ 1.17s. • • • • Lond. 1810. 5156. Pratt's (S.J.) Cottage-Pictures; or the Poor, a Poem, wUh engravings from the designs of Loutherbourg, calf extra, cfl.ls.-..- ib. \S03. 5157. Sympathy, a Poem, 3s. • ib. lySI . 5158. Poems.— The Naval Triumph of Britannia, 1799>— More Odes upon Odes, or a Peep at Peter Pindar, 17S7' — and Margett's Horary Tables, in one volume, calf extra, l6s. ib. 1787-99. 5159. Poems. — A Poem Congratulatory on the Birth of the Young Prince, by D'Urfey, 1688.— The Wecsils, a Satyrical Fable, 1691. On the Death of Lady Pryce, 1740.— The Dunciad, 17^2, in one volume, neat, 15s. "ib. 1688-1742. 5160. Poems. — A Full and True Relation of the great and bloody Fight, between three Pagan Knights, and a Christian Gyant, 1682. — Withers Redivivus, in a small New Year's Gift, by T. P. 1689-— The Grand Birth of Man, by Matthew Stevenson, 1686. — The Confusion of Babel, 1683, and others, in one volume, half-bound, 15s. ib. l6S2-9. 5161. Pleasant (A) Comedie, called Wily Bcguilde, £l. Is. ib. n. d. 5162. Poems. — Mrs. Ycarsley's Poems, three parts, 1785-7- — The Mine, by J. Sargent, 1785. — Sonnets by Charlotte Smith, J7S6. — Tales by Hannah More, 1786, &c. in one volume, very neat, 15s. 5163. Poems and Songs, a Collection of, in MS. written about the year 1620, half-bound, russia,£\. Is. 5164. Peek's (George) Old Wiues Tale. A pleasant conceited Comedie, (last leaf wanting) £9. 9s. Lond. by J. Danter, 1595. 5165. Pretie (A) new Enterlude both pithie and pleasaunt of the Story of kyng Daryus, beinge taken out of the third and fourth chapters of the thyrd booke of Esdras, — %\aik JltXttt — £9- 9s. Lond. by T. Coln'cll, 1565. 5166. Paradise of Dainty Deuises, MS. transcribed from the edition of 1596, with interesting illustrative matter, £4>. -is. English Poetry, Plays , and Works on the Drama. — ito. 381 5167. Petowe's (Henry) Eliza's Funerall, a fewe Aprill drops, showred on the Hearse of dead Eliza, MS. transcribed from the book printed in 1603, £\. Is. 5168. Phoenix Nest, (The) Built up with the most rare and refined vvorkes of Noble men; woorthy Knights, &c. Set foorth by R. S. of the Inner Temple, MS. transcribed from the rare book printed in 1593, c£4. 4s. 5169. Quin's (Walter) Memorie of the most worthie and renowned Bernard Stuart. Lord D'Aubigni renewed. Whcreunto are added Wishes presented to the Prince at his Creation, calf extra, £7. 7s. ih. I6I9. 5170. Quarles's (Francis) Argalus and Parthenia, a Poem, 15*. ib. 1647. 5171. Divine Fancies ; digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations, very neat, £l.5s. ib. lo38. 5172. ■ Shepheard's Oracles : delivered in certain Eglogues, half -bound, neat, £\. 5s, ib. l64o\ 5173. > Feast for Wormes. Set iorth in a Poemc of the Historic of Josias, half-bound, neat, Ji 1. Is. ib. 1620. 5174. Roister Doister, a Comedie, with Son.**,— SBfacfe %tttet — (no title) £7. 7s. bona, about 1580. 5175. Rowland's (Samuel) Betraying of Christ. Judas in Despairc: with Poems on the Passion, <£7- 17*. 6d. Lond. by Adam It>lip y 1598. 5176. . Diogenes' Lanthorne. In Athens I seeke for honest men, But I shall find them God knows when, lie search the City, where if I can see One honest man, he shall go with mee, curious wood cut on the title, elegant in morocco, <£\ 2. 12s. Lond. lfj2S. 5\77> ■ Doctor Mi i -man; or Nothing but Mirth, half-bound, morocco, c£l0. 10s. ib. 1609. This is one of our earliest works of drollery. 5178. 1 Sacred Memorie of the Miracles wrought by our Lord and Saviour lesus Christ, with several engrav- ings on wood, calf extra, o£l0. 10*. ...... .... ib. 1 6 1 S . 5179. Night Raven, calf extra, £15. ib. 1634. The contents of this singular work are of a satirical description j and are arranged in the form of humorous stories or jests. 3 82 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5 150. Ripley's (George) Compound of Alchymy. Or the Ancient hidden Art of Archeraie , conteining the right and perfect- ed meanes to make the Philosophers' Stone, &c. set foorth by Ralph Rabbard, Gentleman, £5. 5s. Lond. byT. Orwin, 1501. 5151. Rivcrs's (LA.) Devout Rhapsodies, in which is treated, of Excellencie of Divine Scriptures, Also, of God, his Attri- butes, &c. &c. morocco, <£4>. 4s. Lond. 1648. .51 S2. Rosse's (Alexander) Three Dccads of Divine Meditations, whereof each one containeth three, 1. History, 2. An Alle- gory, 3. Prayer. With a commendation of the priuate Countrey Life, calf extra, £&. 8s. Lond. n. d. but circa, 1630. 5183. Riddles of Heraclitus and Democritus, calf extra, .£21. Lond. by Am. Hatfield, 1598. It is by no means an improbable surmise, that this is the Book of Riddles to which Shakespeare alludes in the Speech of Master Slender to his Man Simple, in ' Merry Wives of Windsor,' Act. I. Scene I. 5184. Rowley's (William) New Wonder, a Woman never Vext, a Comedy, £l.lls.6d. Lond. 1632. 5185. Match at Midnight, a Comedy, 185. ib. 1633. 5186. Spenser's (Edmund) Faerie Queene, first edition, neat, £8. Ss. Lond. by W. Ponsonby, 1590-6. 51 S7. with an exact collation of the two original editions; to which are added a Life of the author, and a Glossary, with engravings from the de- signs of W. Kent, large paper, 3 vols, neat, £7. 7s. Lond. 1751. 5188. Shepheard's Calender: contcyning twelve iEglogues, proportionable to the twelve Moneths — 2Blacft %ttttt — with wood engravings, £6. 6s. Lond. by T. Creede, 1597- 51 89. . Another Copy of the same edition, wanting title and last leaf, £3. los.Gd. ib. 1597- The edition of 1597 is the last of the five quartos, and very uncommon. 539O. Shepheard's Calendar,— 2&IflCft %Mtt— with wood engravings, £8. Ss.* • Lond. by T. East, 1581. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — Mo. 383 5191. Spenser's (Edmund) Prothalamion, or a Spousall Verse. In honour, of the double marriage of the two honourable and vcrtuous Ladies, the Ladie Elizabeth, and the Ladie Katha- rine Somerset, half-bound, morocco, £0. 6s. Lond. by IV. Ponsonby, 1506'. 51p2. Colin Clouts come home againe ; Astro- phel, and other Poems, half-bound, morocco, £6. 6s. ib. 1595. 5193. Fowre Hymnes ; Daphnaida, an Ellegie upon the death of Douglas Howard, daughter and heire of Henry Lord Howard, &c. half-bound, morocco, £6. 6s. ib. 1596. 5194. . Mother Hubbard's Tale, and other Poems, in bad condition, 10s. 6d. ib.n.d. .5195. Selimus, (the first part of the tragical raigne of) a Play, £4>. 14s. 6d. Lond. by T. Creede, 1594. No other part of this drama ever appeared. 5196. Shakspeare's (William) Works, edited by Sir Thomas Han- mer, with plates, 6 vols, very neat in calf, £4. 4*. Oxford, 177 1. 5107. _ . Whole Contention betweene the two Famous Houses, Lancaster and Yorke, two parts, £6. 6s. Lond. for T. P. 5198. The same Play, first part only, .£4. 4s. ib.for T. P. 5199. Midsommer Nights Dreame,<£4. 14s.fr/. * ib. by J. Roberts, 1600. 5200. Henry the Fift, £5. 10s. ib.for T. P. 16*08. 5201. Taming of a Shrew, £6. 6s. ib. by P. Short, 1594. 5202. — True and honorable history of Sir John Old-castle, £3. 3s. ib.for T. P. lfJOO. 5203. Pleasant and excellent conceited Comedy of the Merry Wiues of Windsor, .£3. 3s. ib.for A. Johnson, I6I9. 5204, Excellent History of the Merchant of Venice, £6, 6s. • ♦ • • • • ib, by J. Roberts, 1600. 384 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Oiime, and Brown. 5205. Shakspcare's (William) Pericles, Prince of Tyre, £2. 2s. Lond.for T. P. 1619- 5206*. Yorkshire Tragedie, £2. 2s. i^. 1619- 5207. School (The) of Slovenrie ; or Cato turned wrong side outward. Translated out of Latine into English Verse to the use of all English Christendome, except Court and Cittie, by R. F. Gent, morocco, £21. Lond. by V.Simmes, 1605. This rare work is a translation from the T.atin of Frederic Dcdekindus, of an eccentric and humorous poem entitled Grobianus and Grobiana. 5208. Storer's (Thomas) Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardi- nall diuided into three parts; his Aspiring, Triumph, and Death, Kith some interesting matter in MS. illustrative of the poem, half-bound, russia, £20. Lond. by T. Dawson, 1599- 5209. Sorrowes Joy, or a Lamentation for our late deceased Sove- raigne Elizabeth, with a triumph for the prosperous suc- cession of our gratious King James, [being a series of Poems by members of the University of Cambridge] fine copy, £10. 10s. Cambridge, by I. Legat, l603* 5210. Suffolk's Tears: or Elegies on that Renowned Knight Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston. A Gentleman eminent for Piety to God, love to the Church, and fidelity to his Country; and therefore highly honoured by them all, &c. &c. calf extra, £10. 10s. Lond. 1653. 5211. Shoemaker's Holiday, or the Gentle Craft. With the humorous life of Simon Eyre, shoemaker, and Lord Maior of London— SMacfc %ttttl—£-±. I4>s.6d. Lond. by Vol. Sims, 1600. This play has been ascribed to Dr. Barton Holyday. 5212. Southwell's (Robert) Saint Peter's Complaynt. With other Poems, first edition, Lond. by J. Roberts, 1595. — Moenonia?, or certaine excellent Poems and Spirituall Hymnes, Lond. by V. Sims, 1595. — The Triumphs over Death, in Prose, Lond. by V. Sims, 1596, in one volume, neat, <£l0. 10*. 5213. Saint Peter's Complaynt, with other Poemes, morocco, £6. 6s, Lond. by I. Wolfe, 1595. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama.— 4,to. 385 5214. Southwell's (Robert) Saint Peter's Complaint, with other Poems, calf extra, (title damaged) £4,. 14s. 6d. Lond. 1599. 5215. Saint Peter's Complaint, with other Poems, morocco, c£l3. 13s. Edinburgh, by Pi. Waldegraxc, no date, but circa, 1600. The Edinburgh edition is excessively rare; it contains the same as the London of 1595 and lo99, except the omission of an epistle "The Author to his loving cousin, - ' and the addition of a sonnet, " A sinfull soule to Christ." •521 6. Sacred (A) Poeme describing the Miraculous Life and Death of the Glorious Convert S. Marie of iEgipt, who passed fortie seauen ycarcs in the desarts leading a penitentiall life, to the astonishment of all succeeding ages, calf extra, £9- 9s. no 'place or date, but probably Douay, circa lf530. 5217. Saint Peter's Ten Teares. Ten Teares of St. Peter's supposedly written upon his weeping sorrowes for denying his Maister Christ, very neat, £6. 6s.* *Lond. by Gab. Simson, 1597. 5218. Another edition, calf 'extra, £0. 5s. Lond.for IF, Jones, 1602. 5219. Spared (The) Houres of a Soldier in his Travels, or the True Marrowe of the French Tongue, with Godly Songs, Sonets, &c. French and English, by John Wodroephe, £3. 10s. Dort, 1623. 5220. Sylvester'* (Josuah) translation of Du Bartas his Deuine Weekes and Workes, with frontispiece by Hole, 1 8s. Lond. l6ll. 5221. Lachrymal Lachrymarum. Or the Spirit of Teares, distilled for the on-tymely death of the incom- parable Prince Panaretus, third edition, with additions, and other Elegies, £3. \3s.6d. ib. 1612. 5222. Speed's (Samuel) Fragmenta Carceris ; or the King's Bench Scuffle, with the Humors of the Common Side. The King's Bench Letany, and the Legend of Duke Humphry, curious cut on the title, half-bound, russia, £3, 3s. ib. 1675. 5223. Soules (The) Pilgrimage to Heavenly Hierusalem. In three severall Dayes journeyes. By three severall wayes; Pur- gative, Illuminative, Unitive. Expressed in the Life and SC 386 Lonoman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown.. Death of Saint Mary Magdalen, very neat, £7. 7s. printed in the year e l6*50v 5224. Somervile's (W.) Hobbinol, or the Rural Games, 3s. Lond. 1740, 5225. Silkewormes (The) and their Flics : Liuely described in verse r by T. M. a Countrie Farmer, and an apprentice in Physicke. For the great benefit and enriching of England, half-bound y russia, £l 2. 12* Lond. by V. Sims, 1 500. 5226. Seneca the Philosopher, his Booke of Consolation to Marcia. translated into an English Poem, £l. 10s. • • Lond. 1635. 5227- Sandys' (George) Paraphrase upon the Song of Solomon, half-bound, extra, 9s. ib. 1642. 5228. Strange Newes from Campania, a Province in Italy ; being a true Relation of one who slept at noon time of day, how his spirit was transported into the Province of Campania in Italy, by chance, near unto the Lake Avernus, also his discourse with an old man of that Province, concerning the present distempers in those parts, not unlike those in England, who after his recovery out of an extasie (by reason of the Cruelties, and bloud-sucking oppressions in that Province) writ these ensuing lines, half bound, morocco, £3. 3s. ....... Imprinted at Attalia, in the yeare 16*47. 5229. Southerner (Tho.) Fate of Capua, a Tragedy, 3s. Lond. 1700. 5230. Salomon's Pest-House or Towre Royall ; also London Looke- backe, a poetical description of the Plague of 1625, .£1.4$. ib. 1630. 5231. Scott's (Walt.) Lay of the Last Minstrel, first edition, boards, £l. Is. • ib. 1805. 5232. Short (A) and Serious Narrative of London's Fatal Fire, with its Diurnal and Nocturnal Progression, from Sunday, Morning (being) the Second of September, Anno Mirabili 1666. Until Wednesday night following. A Poem. As also London's Lamentation to her regardless Passengers, half-bound, morocco, £2. 2*. • • • Lond. 1667. 5233. Shirley's (James) Changes, a Comedy, £1. ls.....*J. 1632. 5234. Hide Parke, a Comedy, 13* & 1637 English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — Mo. 387 5235. Shirley's (James) Triumph of Peace, a Masque, «£l. 5s. Lond. 1633. 5236. Schoole of Complement, a Comedy, £\. 5s. ib. 1631. 51237- ' Contention for Honour and Riches, a Masque, £l.5s. ib. 1633. 5238. Traytor, a Tragedy, \6s- ib. 1635. 5239. Grateful Servant, a Comedy, 9s. **ib. 1630. 5240. Dukes Mistress, a Tragi-Comedy, 12*. 1638. 5241. Wittie Faire One, a Comedy, £\. Is.ib. 1633. £242. — Opportunitie, a Comedy, 18s.»»»«z"6. n. d. 5243. Arcadia, a Pastoral, \6s. 6d ib. 1648. 5244. Maid's Revenge, a Tragedy, (vxints title) 5s ib. 1639. 5-245. Settle's (Elkanah) Empress of Morocco, with plates, which represent the interior of the Duke's Theatre, half -bound, neat, £l. Is. ib. 1673. 5246. ■ — — Female Prelate, a Tragedy, 7s.-*ib. 1680. 5247. Sir Gyles Goose-Cappe, Knight, a Comedy, £2. 2*. Lond. by John Windet. 1606. 5248. Shadwell's (Thomas') Sullen Lovers, a Comedy, 4*. ib. 1670. 5249. Solimon and Perseda, a Tragedie, [supposed to be by Thomas Kyd] a fac- simile reprint from the edition printed by Bdward Allde, half-bound, extra, 1 8*. 5250. Tasso's Godfrey of Bullogne^ or^he Recoverie of Hierusalem. An heroicall poeme translated into English by Richard Carew. And now the first part containing five cantos, imprinted in both Languages, very neat, £9. 9s. Lond. by J. Windet, 1594. 5251. Tusser's (Thomas) Five hundreth pointes of good Husbandrie. as well for the Champion or open countrie, as also for the Woodland or Severall,— 2&lacfc %ZttZZ—£3. 13s. 6d. Lond. by li. Denham, 1586. 5252. Another Copy, in russia, £5. ib. 1586. 5253. Another Copy, in morocco, £5. «... ib. 1586. 388 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5254. Tusser's (Thomas) Fiue hundreth pointes of good Husbandric, as well lor the Champion or open countrie, as also for the Woodland or Severall, — SMacft %ttttt — half-bound, mo- rocco, £o. 3s. Lond. l6l0. 5255. Another Edition,— SBIacfc %ttttt—neat 1 £3. 6s. • 'ib. \63Q. An edition net inserted by Dr. Mavor in his list of the various impressions of Tusser, in the republication, edited by him, — under the impression that no such edition existed. 5256. Another edition,— &lacfc 3tetter,-~<£l. 1*. & 16*72. 5257- The Three Ladies of London, (A Right Excellent Comedy called) written by R. W. — &Iacfi fUttCC — ftWO leaves of Sig. A. wanting) Lond. by J. Danter, 1592. 5258. Tom Tyler and his Wife, a passing merry enterlude, (no title) 10*. 6d. Lond. \66l. 5259. Taylor's (John, the Water Poet) Three weekes, three daies,and three houres Observations and Travel from London to Hamburgh in Germanie, half -bound, extra, £2. 2s. ib. l6\7- 6260. — Mad Fashions, Od Fashions, or the Emblems of these Distracted Times, curious wood cut on the title, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1642. 52 6 A . , Olde, Old, Very Olde Man : or the Age and long Life of Thomas Par, the Sonne of John Parr of Winnington in the Parish of Alberbury ; in the County of Salopp, (or Shropshire) who was Borne in the Raigne of King Edward the 4th, and is now living in the Strand, being aged 152 years and odd Monthcs. His manner of Life and Conversation in so long a Pilgrimage ; his Marriages, and his bringing up to London about the end of September last, with the rare portrait by Van Dalen, calf extra, £4>. is. ib. 1 635. 5262. A Reply as true as Steele, to a Rusty, Rayling, Ridiculous, Lying, Libell ; which was lately written by an impudent unsodcr'd Ironmonger, and called by the name of an Answer to a foolish Pamphlet enti- tulcd," a Swarme of Sectaries and Schismatiques, curious cut on the title ; — Aqua-Musai : or, Cacafogo, Cacada2fnon, Captain George Wither wrung in the Withers. Being 4 English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama.— 4* 4s. ib. 1553. 5280. Virgil's Georgicks, otherwise called his Italian Husbandrie, diui- ded into foure bookes. Grammaticallie translated into Eng- lish meter, in so plaine and familiar sort, as a learner may be taught thereby to his profit and contentment, by Abraham Fleming, calf exlra } £3. 3s. (last leaf wanting). Lond. by T, Orwin, 1589. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — Uo. S91 5281. Virgil's Eneid, translated into Blank Verse, by Berresford, (Author of the " Miseries of Human Life,") neat, 18*. Lond. 1J 94>. 5282. Vennard's (Richard) Right Way to Heaven; and the true testimonie of a faithfull and loyall subiect, with the title and initial letters in colours, (the two inner leaves of Sig. E. wanting) £6. 6s. ib. 1601 . 5283. Vertue Triumphant, or a Liuely Description of the Foure Vertues Cardinal, (wants the last three leaves) half-bound, neat, £3. 3s. ib. 1603. 5284. Vertumnus, a Latin Play, by Dr. Matthew Gwinne, £\. Is. Lond. by N. Okes, 1607. 5285. Wither's (George) Opobalsamum Anglicanum ; an English Balme, lately pressed out of a Shrub, and spread upon these papers, for the cure of some Scabs, Gangreeves, and Cancers, indangering the Body of this Common- Wealth, &c. with other Tracts by the same author, £2. 12s» 6d. Lond. 1646. 52S6. Warner's (William) Albion's England: a continued Historie of the same Kingdome, from the originals of the first In- habitants thereof. With varietie of inventive and historical! intermixtures, £6. 6s. Lond. by the Widow Orwin, 1596. This edition is so uncommon, that neither Ames or Herbert appear to have seen it. — Steevens and Ritson were also ignorant of its existence. — The present copy has some interesting matter relative to the author and his writings in manuscript. 5287- Another edition of the same work, neat, £4. 4s. "ib. 1597. 5288. Ditto, with the addition of a thirteenth book, and a Continua- tion, calf extra, £5. 5s.* • "Lond. by E. Bollifant, 1602. 5289- Warning (A) for Faire Women. Containing the most tragicall and lamentable murther of Master George Sanders of London Merchant, nigh Shooters' Hill, — SBIflCrj %ttttt — £6. 6s.* • • • • »•» Lond. by V. Sims, 1 599. 5290. Another Copy, (wants title and ten first leaves) £l.]s. ib. 1599. 5291. Westmoreland (Earl of) Otia Sacra. Optima Fides. Deus nobis base. Otia fecit, Virg.—jine copy, purple morocco, joints, Sfc. £\6. l6s. Lond. by R. Cotes, 1648. The following is an extract from the Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica. — To this very rare and unpublished volume of sacred poetry by Mildmay Fane, 392 Longman, Hurst, IUes, Orme, and Brown* Earl of Westmoreland, there is no regular title, — the Latin words and imprint here given [as above] are placed in different parts of a frontis- piece, engraved by Marshall, representing a column raised to Faith, which pierces through the clouds into a stream of light. Opposite the print are verses entitled " Columna Fidei," and others, " On the Title Page." On pages 99, 101, and 105, are prints from engravings on copper, which, as well as some others on wood, are emblematical. At p. 125, a second part commences, having on the opposite page a neat print by Marshall, which appears to represent the double hill of Parnassus, from the centre of which issues a spring j on the left is a lofty oak, and on a scroll at the top of the print is the motto, " Famu- lentur prioribus," and at the bottom, tutus in Umbra, Silvestrem tenui Musam meditatus arena. Virg. 5292. Willymat's (William) Prince's Looking Glassc, or a Prince's Direction very requisite and necessarie for a Christian Prince to view and behold hiraselfe in, &c. &c. calf extra, £8. 8s. Cambridge, 1603. 5293. Warren's (Arthur) Poore Man's Passions, and Pouertie's Patience, morocco, o£l0. 10s. Lond. 1605. 5294. Warres of Cyrus King of Persia, played by the children of her Maiesties Chappcll, £4. 14s. 6d. Lond. by E. Allde, 1594. 5295. Whetstone's (George) Remembraunce of the wel improved life, and godly end of George Gascoigne, MS. from an unique printed copy, £l. lis. 6d. 5296. Willet's (Andrew) Sacred Emblems, in Latin and English, calf extra, 9. 9s. Cambridge, circa 1598. 5297- West's (Richard) Court of Conscience, or Dick Whipper's Sessions. With the order of his arraigning and punishing of many notorious, dissembling, wicked and vitious liueri in this age, c£l0. 10*. Lond. by G. Eld. 1007. 5298. Warton's (Thomas) History of English Poetry, 3 vols, neat, £8. 8s. Lond. 1774-81. 5299. Fragment of vol. 4, 88 pages, all that were printed, sezved, 7 s. 6d. 5300. W T harton's (Richard) Roncesvalles, a Poem, in twelve books, fine frontispiece, elegant in red morocco, £2. 2s. ib. 1812. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — Svo. 303 5301. Whyte's (Samuel; Shamrock ; or Hibernian Cresses. A Col- lection of Poems, Songs, Epigrams, &c. Latin as well as English, the original production of Ireland, very neat, £l.ls. Dublin, 1772. 5302. Wilkins's (George) Miseries of Inforst Mariage, a Corned}', IS*. Lond.1629. 5303. Another edition, 15*. ••• ib. 1638. 5304. Widow (The) a Comedy, by Ben Jonson, John Fletcher, and Tho. Middleton, 9s. ib. 1652. 5305. Yates's (James, a Serving- man) Castell of Courtesie, wherc- unto is adioyned the Holde of Humilitie ; with the Chariot of Ciiastitie thereunto annexed. Also a Dialogue betweene Age and Youth, and other matters herein conteined — 2BIacft %ttttt— £45. London, imprinted by John Wolfe, 1582. Tills unique copy of James Yates's metrical compositions, appears to have been preserved from utter demolition by Mr. Thomas Martin, the Suffolk Antiquary, whose notes occur at the close. It was next possessed by Major Pearson, who put it in the present binding; after the death of that Gentleman it graced the Library of Mr. Steevens, who had so exalted an idea of its value, that he would not, on any pretext, suffer it to be out of his own possession. — Something is evi- dently wanting at the end, but all attempts at completion would be fruitless. OCTAVO. 5306. ARCHERIE Reviv'd; or the Bow-Man's Excellence. An Heroick Poem, by Robert Shotterel, and Thomas D'Urfey, £l.\s. Lond. 1676. 5307. Addison's (Joseph) Miscellaneous Works, in Verse and Prose, 4 voh.fne set, £2. 2s. ib. 1765. 5308. Amaranth, (The) or Religious Poems ; consisting of Fables, Visions, Emblems, &c, with plates engraved by Hibbart^ half'bound, neat, 12*. 6d. - • • ib. 1767. 3D 394 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and. Brown. 5309. Aikin's (John) Essays on Song Writing, with a Collection of Songs, and some Originals, first edition, calf extra, 15s Load. n. d. 5310. Another edition, very neat, 12s. 6d. Warrington, 177^» 5311. Another edition, by R. H. Evans, boards, 8s. • • • -Lond. 1810. 5312. Arwaker's (Edmund) Truth in Fiction, or Morality in Mas- querade; being Fables of iEsop and others in English Verse, 8s. 6d. ib. 1?08. 5313. Ayres's (Philip) Lyric Poems, made in Imitation of the Italian, of which many are translations, very neat in calf, \0s.6d. ib. 1687. 5314. Apollonius Rhodius, translated by F. Fawkes, half-bound, neat, 5s. ib. 1 780. 5315. iEschylus, translated by R. Potter, 2 vols, very neat, 12s. 67/. ib, 1779. 5316. Butler's (Samuel; Hudibras, with Notes by Dr. Grey, and prints from the designs of Hogarth, large paper, 2 vols. in russia, £8. 18?. 6d • Cambridge, 1744. 5317- Hudibras, by Grey, with Hogarth's plates, 2 vols. neat,£\. 10s. Loud. 1 76U 5318. Hudibras, by Dr. Grey, 2 vols, and his Genuine Remains, by Thyer, 2 vols, being 4 vols, in calf, £3. 10s. Comb, and Lond. 1744-59. 5319. British Poets and Translations from the Classics, with Lives by Dr. Anderson, 14 vols, half -bound, russia backs, uncut, very neat, c£l2. 12s. Lond. 179J-J807. 5320. Another Set, 13 vols, half-bound, sheep backs, £8. 8s. ib. 1795-1807. 5321. Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, with Notes by Theobald, Seward, Sympson, &c. with many engravings, and an extra set, from an earlier edition, 10 vols, calf extra, £7. 7 s. • ib. 1778. 5322. ■ by Weber, 14 vols, calf extra, X§:'§i. ib. 1812. 5323. Buckingham's (John Sheffield, Duke of) Works, 2 vols. neat y 9s. • '••?• ib. 1729. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — Svo. 395 532-1. Buckingham's (John Sheffield, Duke of) Works, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. Is. Lond. 1753. 5325. Bancks's (John) Miscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose, with humorous engravings from the designs of Hogarth, &c. 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. Is ib. 1 739* 5320. Blondevi lie's (Thomas) Three Treatises, no lesse pleasaunte than necessary for all men to reade : whereof the one is called the Learned Prince, the other the Fruites of Foes, the thyrde the Porte of Rest, — SMacfi Itettet — half. bound, morocco, £\0. 10*. Lond. by W. Seres, 1561. 5327. Buds and Blossoms of Piety, with some Fruit of the Spirit of Love, and Directions to the Divine Wisdom. By B. A. In Verse, half-bound, neat, 18*. ib. 16*91. 5328. Blair's (Robert) Grave, first edition, green morocco, 10s. 6d. Edinburgh, 174,7. 5329. Bysshe's (Edward) Art of English Poetry, 5s. "Lond. 1708. 5330. Ditto, a very fine copy, in calf 10s. 6d. ib. 1705. 5331. Brand's (Hannah) Plays and Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, l2s. Norwich, 1798. 5332. Burgoy ne's (General) Dramatic and Poetical Works, large paper, with plates, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. 5s. Lond, 1808. 5333. Bulkeley's (J.) Last Day, a Poem, 4*. ib. 1720. 5334. Barber's (Mrs.) Poems on several Occasions, roan extra, gilt leaves, 12s. 6d. ib. 1736. 5335. Battle of Floddon, in Verse, with Notes, &c. by R. Lambe, and farther illustrations by Henry Weber, calf extra, gilt leaves, 15s. * • • Edin. 1808. 5336. Ditto, large paper, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. 7*. • ib. 1808. 5337. Baker's (D. E.) Biographia Dramatica, 2 vols, boards, 7s. 6d. Dublin, 1782. 5338. (Hen.) Medulla Poetarum Romanorum ; or Passages of the Roman Poets, with translations into English Verse, 2 vols, boards, Ss. 6d. Lond. }J37. '5339. ■-■ Another Set, 2 vols, very neat, 16s. fib. 1737. 396 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5340. Bchu's (Mrs. A.) Plays, one leaf wanting, 5s.. • »*Lond. 1702. 5341. Byron's (Lord) English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, a Satire, third edition, boards, £2. 2s. ib. 1810. 5342. Barbauld's (Mrs. Ann Lretitia) Poems, 7s. ib. 1792. 5343. Bennet's (John, a Shoemaker) Poems on Several Occasions, calf extra, gilt leaves, 9s. Lond. 1774. 5344. Blackiock's (Thomas) Poems, with an Account of his Life and Writings, by the Rev. Mr. Spence, neat, 6s.* *ib. 1756. 5345. Baron's (Robert) 'EPOTOIIAITNION or the Cyprian Academy, half-bound, morocco, uncut, the fore-edges being unopened, (with the rare portrait and frontispiece) £8. 8s.»*ib. 1647. 5346. Pocula Castalia, or the Author's Motto. For- tunes Tennis Ball, Eliza, Poems, Epigrams, &c. with the rare portrait of the author, morocco, £5. 5s.* • • *ib. 1650. 5347. Beloe's (Rev. W.) Poems and Translations, boards, 5s. ib. 1788. 5348. Bayly's (Anselm) Alliance of Musick, Poetry and Oratory, neat, 6s. ib. 1789- 5349. Banquet of Dainties ; for all such Gestes that loue moderatt Dyate (title manuscript) — SBfocft %ttttt — in morocco, £8. 8s. Lond. by T. Hacket, 1566. 5350. Bowdler's (MissJ Poems and Essays, 2 vols, neat, 8s. 6d. Bath, 1786. 5351. Brome's (Alexander) Songs and other Poems, portrait by Logan, 9s. • '• • • *Lond. 1668. 5352. Brathwayte's (Richard) Nature's Embassie: or the Wilde- Man's Measures, Danced naked by twelve Satyres, with sundry others continued in the next Section, £7. 7s. ib. 1621. 5353. Behn's (Mrs.) Poems, with the Voyage to the Isle of Love, g s , ib. 1684, 5354. Browne's (William) Britannia's Pastorals, Poems in two Books, (title to the first book wanting) half-bound, neat t £l< 10*. ib. 162* English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — Sro. 397 5355. Browne's (William) Shepherd's Pipe, half-bound, russia, £6. 6s. Lond. l6<20. George Wither claims a share with Browne in writing the contents of this volume: It is so rare that Mr. Thomas Warton was at one time sup- posed to possess the only remaining copy. 5356. Butlers Ghost, or Hudibras, the fourth part, by D'Urfey, 4s. 6d. ib. 1682. 5357. Bell's British Theatre and Cawthorn's Minor Theatre, large paper, with proof impressions of the fine engravings, (a Subscriber's Copy) 170 numbers, £31. 10s. The subscription price was 5s. each number, being o£42. 10*. 5358. Bold's (Henry) Latine Songs, with their English, and Poems, half-bound, extra, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1(585. 5359* Chaucer's (Geoffrey) Canterbury Tales, with an Essay on his Language and Versification; an Introductory Discourse; Notes and a Glossary, by T. Tyrwhitt, 5 vols, fine set , russia, gilt leaves, £6. 6s. ib. 1775-8. 5360. Another Set, 5 vols, half "-bound, uncut, £4>. 4s. •• ib. 1775-8. 5361. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, moderniz'd by several hands; published by Ogle, 3 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. 2s. Lond. 17^1. 5362. in the original, and modern al- terations ; by Dr. T. Morrel, neat, 10s. 6d. • • ft*. 1737. 5363. Cowley's (Abraham) Mistresse, or several copies of Love Verses, first EDiTioN,^/*e copy, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1647. 5364. Works, with many fine portraits and miscellaneous prints, 2 vols. 12s. 6d. ib. 1707. 5365. Ditto, with the additional volume, 3 vols, neat, £l. Is. ib. 1707-8. 5366. Another Set, 3 vols. 16s. 6d. ib. 1707-8. 5367. - Select Works, by Bp. Hurd, 2 vols. very neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1772. 5368. Coward's (Wil.) Licentia Poctica discuss'd, or the True Test of Poetry, a Poem, 7s.6d. ib. I709. 5369. Clio and Euterpe, or British Harmony ; a Collection of Cele- brated Songs and Cantatas, tvith the Music, and an appro- 398 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. priate design at the top of each page, all engraved on cop- per plates, 2 vols, very neat in calf, £S. 3s. Lond. 1758. 5370. Catalogue of the Pictures, &c. in the Shakspeare Gallery, with appropriate extracts, svperbly bound in morocco, joints, S)C. 12s. ib. 1802. 5371. Cotton's (Nathaniel) Various Pieces in Verse and Prose, 2 vols. very neat in calf, \0s. 6d. ib. 1791* 5372. (Charles) Poems on several Occasions, £2. 2s. ib. 1689. This volume of Poems is by the celebrated co-adjutor of Isaac Walton. Its contents consist of Sonnets, Odes, Epigrams, and other miscellaneous subjects both serious and comic. 5373. i — Wonders of the Peake, 7*. ib. l68l. 5374. Virgil Travestie, 4*. ib 166*5. 5375. Chatterton's (Thomas) Works, with Life by Gregory, 3 vols. calf extra, £2. &- 1803. 5376. Another Set, 3 vols, boards, £l.ls. ib. 1803. 5377. Miscellanies, Prose and Verse, neat, 6s. ib. 1778. 5378. Cowper's (William) Poerrrs, 2 vols, neat, 12s. ib. 1788. 5379. Clark's (Richard) Words of the most Favourite Pieces, per- formed at the Glee Club, &c. boards, 18s. ib. 1814. 5380. Considerations on the Stage, half-bound, 2s. 6d. . • • *ib. 1731. 5381. Carysfort's (the Earl of) Dramatic and Narrative Poems, 2 vols, morocco, £2. 2s. ib. 1 810. 5382. Crawford's (the Earl of) Poems on Various Subjects, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. • • • ib. 1810. 5383. Clievclandi Vindicise; or Clieveland's Genuine Poems, Ora- tions, Epistles, &c. os. ib. 16*77 '• 5384. Another Copy, with a portrait of Cleveland, 7s. . . ib. 1677- 5385. Ditto, with portrait, elegant in morocco, 14*. • • • . ib. 1677- 5386. Cleveland's (John) Works in Prose and Verse, with his Life, and portrait, 12s. 6d. ib. 16*87. 33 S7. Caulfield's (J.) Manners of Paphos, or Triumph of Love, calf extra, gilt leave* 7s • • • • Dublin, 1777 • English Poetry, Plays, and Worls on the Drama.— too. 399 5388. Crashavv's (Richard) Steps to the Temple, the Delights of the Muses, &c. 1670.— Michael Drayton's Battle of Agin- court, Nymphidia, Moon-Calf, and other Poems, 1631, in one volume, 18*. 5389. Cant's (James) enlarged edition of II. Adamson's Muses Threnodie, or Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Mr. Gall, with additional matter relative to the History of Perth, neat, 10*. 6d. Perth, 177*. 5390. Another Copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, 1 45. ib. \ 77 4. 5391. Churchard's (Thomas) Worthincs of Wales, a Poem, in ritssia, 1 05. 67/. • Lond. 1 7 76, 5392. Carew's (Thomas) Poems and a Masque, very neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1670. 5393. CapelPs (Edward) Prolusions ; or select Pieces of Antient Poetry, compil'd with great care from the several Originals, and offcr'd to the Publick as Specimens of the Integrity that should be found in the editions of worthy authors, elegant in morocco, £2. 2s ib. 1760. 5394. Cooper's (Mrs. Eliz.) Muses Library, or a Scries of English Poetry, neat, I85 • ib. 1741. 5395. Another Copy, without title, 105. 6d. ib. 1741. 5396*. Carr's (Rev. W. W.) Poems on various subjects, elegant in morocco, 15s. ib. 1/91. 5397. Congreve's (William) Dramatic and Poetical Works, 3 vols. elegantly bound, gilt leaves, <£2. 5s. ib. 1710. 5398. Calender's (John) Two Ancient Scottish Poems; the Gaber- lunzie-Man, and Christ's Kirk on the Green, with Notes and Observations, calf extra, gilt leaves, 15*. Edinburgh, 17S2. 5399* Cartwright's (Wil.) Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, and other Poems, with the genuine portrait, by Lombart, calf extra, £\. 115.6V/. Lond. 1651. 5400. Ditto, a very fine copy, £2. 2s. ib. [651* 5401. Another Copy, no portrait, half -bound, 185. ib. 1651. 5402. Caledonia, a Poem in Honour of Scotland, calf extra, gilt leaves, 7s. 6d. • . ib. 1748. 400 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 5403. Collection of Odes, Songs, and Epigrams, against the Whigs, half-bound, neat, 5s. Loud. 1790. 5404. Collection of Poems, the Productions of Ireland, neat, 6s. ib. 1773. 5405. Collier's (Jeremy) View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, 3s. ib. 1 698. 5406. Defence of ditto, 2s. ib. I699. 5407. Chudleigh's (Lady) Poems, 2s. 6d. ib. 1703. 5408. Chambcrlaine's (James) Sacred Poem, wherein the Birth, Miracles, &c. of the Most Holy Jesus are Delineated, with other Poems by the same author, frontispiece, £\. Is. ib. l6SO. 5409. Collection of Poems, written upon several occasions by several persons, 7s.6d. ib. 1 673. 5410. Dryden's (John) Works, illustrated with Notes and a Life by Walter Scott, large paper, 18 vols, calf extra, £\3. 135. ib. 1808. 5411. ■ Miscellaneous Works, with his Life, &c. edited by Samuel Derrick, portrait and vignettes, 4 vols. fine set, £3. 3s. ib. I76O. 5412. Dodsley's (Robert) Trifles, in Prose, and Verse, 2 vols, very neat in calf, £\.4>s. ib. 1 777. 5413. Collection of Poems, by various authors, 6 vols. 185. ; ib.1755. 5414. Du Bos's Critical Reflections on Poetry, Painting, and Music, translated by Nugent, 3 vols, fine set, in calf, £l.ls» ib. 1748. 5415. Douce's (Francis) Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of Ancient Manners : with Dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakspeare; on the Collection of Popular Tales entitled Gesta Romanorum ; and on the English Morris Dance ; — with many very curious engravings on wood and copper, 2 vols, boards, £l. 7s. ib. 1S07. 6416. Another Set, 2 vols, half-bound, neat, £\. \0s. . . • . ib. 1807. 5417. Duck's (Stephen, the Thresher) Poems, with portrait by Bick~ ham, calf extra, gilt leaves, 1 2s. • • • • ib. 1 736. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — &vo. 401 5418. Donne's (John) Poems, with Elegies on his Death, 7s. 6d. Lond. 166Q. 5419. D'Urfcy's (Tom) Works, viz. Pills to Purge Melancholy, 6 vols. 1719. — A Pill to Purge State Melancholy, 1715. — New Operas, with Comical Stories and Poems, 1721. — Tales, Tragical and Comical, 1704. — Butler's Ghost, 1682. — Collin's Walk through London, 16*90. — and Satyrs, Elegies, and Odes, I69O, being 12 vols, elegantly bound in purple morocco, £l2. 12s. Lond. 1682 — 1721. 5420. • New Operas, with Comical Stories, Qs, ib. 1721. 5421.' Another Copy, 7s. 2*6.1721. 5422. Dodd's (Dr. William) Poems, portrait, fine copy in calf, £l.\s. Lond. by D. Leach, 1767. The unfortunate author's own edition — not printed for general sale. 5423. D'Anvers's (Caleb) Collection of Poems, publish'd in the Craftsman ; half -bound, russia, 6s. Lond. 1731. 5424. Dyer's (John) Poems, with portrait by Hall, calf extra, gilt leaves, 9s. ib. 1 770. 5425. Douthwaite's (Thomas) Impartialist, or Universal Inspector, in Poems, with plates, calf extra, gilt leaves, 7s. 6d. ib. 1775. 5426. Dekker's (Thomas) Satiro-Mastix, or the Untrussing of the Humorous Poet, reprinted edit, half-bound, neat, 7s, 5427. Davies's (Thomas) Life of David Garrick, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. Is. 2^. 1781. 5428. Dramatic Miscellanies, consisting of Ob- servations on Shakspeare, Anecdotes, &c. h. b. neat, 3 vols. 15*. ib.1785. 5429. — Another Set, with extra portraits, 3 vols. neat, £l. Is. ib. 1785. 5430. (John, of Hereford) Humours Heav'n on Earth; with the Ciuile Warres of Death and Fortune, as also the Triumph of Death : or, the Picture of the Plague, accord- ing to the Life, as it was in anno domini 1603, elegant in morocco, £\5. 15s. • ib. l609 # 3E 402 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5431. Davis's (Sir John) Nosce Tcipsium. Hymnes of A&traea in Acrosticke Verse. Orchestra, or a Poeme of Dauncing, calf extra, £5. 5s. Lond. 1622. 5432. on the Soul, a Poem, 2s. 6d. ... »ib. 16*97. 5433. Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, translated into English Verse, by Boyd, 3 vols, very neat in calf, £l. 10s. ib. 1802. 5434. ■ Ditto, large paper, 3 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. l6s. ib, 1802. 5435. Drummond's (William) Poems, with portrait by Gay-wood, and the two titles, calf extra, £5. 5s. ib. 1 656-9. 5436. Another Copy, interleaved with writing paper ; with two titles and four portraits, viz. Gaywood 9 s ; a re-touched one of ditto ; one. which was not known to Granger, and another by Birch, illustrated by manuscript notes, in russia f £S. Ss. ib. 1656-9. 5437* Another Copy, two last leaves wanting, and title damaged, elegant in morocco, £2. 12s. 6d. » ♦ ib. 1659. 5438. Daniel's (Samuel) Certaine small Poems lately printed : with the Tragedy of Philotas. Also a Panegyrike Congratula- toire delivered to the King's Majestie at Burleigh Harring- ton, with a Defence of Ryme, fine copy in morocco^ £\2. 12s. ib. 1603-5. The Defence of Rhyme in this volume is the first edition, printed in 1603. It has escaped the notice of Anthony a Wood, and the other Biogra- phers of Daniel, who fix 1611 as the date of its first appearance. 5439. Pangyrike delivered to the King's most ex- cellent Majestie at Burleigh Harrington. Also Certaine Epistles, with a Defence of Ryme, neat, £5. 5s. ib. 1603. This volume is enriched by manuscript remarks, criticisms, and extracts, as well from Daniel's other productions, as from the tract by Thomas Campion, to which Daniel's * Defence' was a reply. It also has a fins drawing of Daniel done with the Pen. 5440. Drayton's (Michael) Poems, calf extra, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1605. 5441. Another Edition, engraved frontispiece, £l. Is. • • • • ib. n. d. 5442. Another Edition, £\.5s. ib.\6l0. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — 8 to. 403 5143. Drayton's (Michael) Works, with frontispiece, 4 vols, calf extra, marbled leaves, £3. 3s. • Lond. 1753. 5444. Another Set, 4 vols, neat, £2. 10s. ib. 1753. 5445. Diverting Jumble ; or they shall be saved. Being a Collec- tion of Pamphlets, which have been heretofore published, and though well received by the Public might have pe- rished, had they not been carefully preserved and collected together, 2 vols, neat, h. b. £\. Is. ib, 1747. 5146. Denham's (Sir John) Poems and Translations, 3*. • *ib. 1/03. 5447. De Foe's (Dan.) Jure Divino, a Satyr, 4s. ib. 1706* 5448. Ellwood's (Thomas) Davideis, the Life of David, King of Israel, a Sacred Poem, £l. Is. • ib. 1 763. 5419. Elogium Famae Inscrviens Jacci Etonensis, sive Gigantis ; or the Praises of Jack of Eton, commonly called Jack the Giant, collected into Latin and English Metre, after the Manner of Sternhold, Hopkins, and John Burton, half- bound, morocco, 12s. Oxford, ] 750. 5450. Etherege's (Sir George) Plays and Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, 14*. Lond. 1704. 5451. Epigrams translated into English Verse, from the Original Greek, selected from the compilation of R. P. Brunck, calf extra, 9s. ib. 1789, 5452. Electra of Sophocles ; presented to her Highnesse the Lady Elizabeth ; with an Epilogue shewing the Parallell in two Poems, the Return and the Restauration, by C. W. in ma* rocco, with joints, £3.\3s. 6d. at the Hague, 1649. 5453. Ellis's (George) Specimens of the Early English Poets, and Metrical Romances, 6 vols, boards, £2. 17s. Lond. 1803-5. 5454. Another Set, 6 vols, calf extra, £3. ISs. ib. 1803-5. 5455. Ellis's Specimens of the English Poets, 3 vols, very neat in calf,£l.Us.6d. ib. 1801. 5456. Ditto, fourth edition, 3 vols, russia, curiously bound in the antique manner, £3. 3s. ..;••••#••••• 2^. 1811. 404 Longman, Huiist, Rees, Orme, and Brown* 5457. Fontaine's Tales and Nov'els, translated by several hands, plates, (all published) half -hound, neat, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1736, 5458. Fabliaux or Tales, abridged from French Manuscripts of the 12th and 13th Centuries by M. Le Grand, selected and translated into English Verse, with Notes, &c. by G. L. Way, 2 vols, in 1, very neat in calf, £3 ib. 1796. 5459. Another Copy, 2 vols, in 1, superbly bound in blue morocco, £3. 135.6V. ib. 1796. 5460. Faerno's (Gabriel) Fables in English and French Verse, with 100 copper-plates, calf extra, 14s. 6d. ib. 1741. 5461. Another Copy, neat, Qs. ib. 1741. 5462. Fawkes's (Francis) Original Poems and Translations, 1761. — Poems on several occasions, by Henry Jones, 1749, in one volume, half -bound, \2s. ib. 1749-61 . 5463. Flatman's (Thomas) Poems and Songs, portrait by White, in russia, 15s. ib. 1674. 5464. Flecknoe's (Richard) Sir William D'Avenant's Voyage -to the other World ; with his Adventures in the Poets' Elizium, a Poetical Fiction, calf extra, £3. 13s. 6 ib. 1733. 5469. Gilbert's (Thomas) Poems on several occasions, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. ib. 1747. 5470. Griffith's (Mrs.) Morality of Shakspeare's Drama Illustrated, fine portrait, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1775. 5471. Another Copy, no portrait, 6s ib. 1775. 5472. Gay's (John*) Fables, with numerous engravings, 2 vols, calf extra, £l. Is. ib. 1737. 5473. Gray's (Thomas) Poems, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Mason, 4 vols, very neat,£l. 16s. York, 177 EngUsk Poetry , Plays, and JVorJcs on the Drama. — Stto. 405 5474. German Theatre, a Series of Plays from the German, by Benj. Thompson, with fine plates, large paper, 6 vols. calf extra, £3. 10s. Lond. 1801. 5475. Gould's (Robert) Poems, chiefly consisting of Satyrs and Satyrical Epistles, calf extra, 1 5s. ib. 1689. 5±76. Grantham's (Sir Thomas) Prisoner against the Prelate ; or a Dialogue between the Common Gaol and Cathedral of Lincoln, very neat, £2. 12s. 6d. no place, or date, but circa 1650. 5477. Another Copy, with the rare wood-cut frontispiece, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1650. 5478. Goff's (Thomas) Three Excellent Tragedies, viz. the Raging Turk, the Courageous Turk, and Orestes, 18s. • *ib. 1656. 54,79- Genlis' (Countess de) Theatre of Education, 4 vols, neat, £l.Ss. Lond. 1781. 5480. Grotius (Hugo) his Sophompaneas, or Joseph, a Tragedy. With Annotations by Francis Goldsmith, portrait by Cross, very neat, £4. 4s. ib. 1652. 5481. Garth's (William) Dispensary, a Poem, with many of the blanks filed up in MS. very neat, 7 s. ib. 1703. 5482. Goldsmith's (Oliver) Poems and Life, finely printed, with plates, red morocco, 18s. 6d. ib. 1800. 5483. Horace (Odes of) translated by Sir T. Hawkins, frontispiece^ h. b. neat, l6s ib. 1631. 5484. Horace in English Verse, with Notes, by Francis, accompanied by the original text, 4 vols, very neat in calf, £l. 15s. ib. 1753. 5485. Another Set, 4 vols, very neat, £l.4s. ib. 1753. 5486. Another Set, 4 vols, very neat, £l.4s. Dublin, 1756. 5487* Horace's Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry, English and Latin, by Dunster, 4s. Lond. 1729. 5488. Another Copy, in old morocco, 6s. ib. I709. 5489. Horace, rendred into English Verse, chiefly by Alexander Brome, with portrait of Horace, by Dunstall, very neat in calf 12s • , . , . #. 1666. 406 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5490. Horace, rend red into English Verse, chiefly by Alexander Brome, with portrait of Horace, and one of Brome by Logan, calf extra, gilt leaves, lGs. Lond. 1666. 5491. Another edition, with a portrait of Horace, neat, 9s. ib. 1680. 5492. Horace, selected Parts of, concluding with a piece out of Ausonius, and another out of Virgil, Latin and English, 7s. 6d. • ib. 1652. 5493. Another Copy, very neat, in calf, 10s. 6d. ib. 1652. 5494. Horace with an English Commentary, and Notes by Bishop Hurt}, 3 vols, neat, 14-s. 6<7. ib. 1766. 54-95. Another edition, in 2 vols, neat, Qs. Camb. 1757. 54-96. Horace's Odes and Epodes, translated by T. Hare, 3s. 6d. Land. 1737. 5497. Hurdis's (James) Village Curate, a Poem, elegant, 6s. BishopstonCy 1797' 5498. Husbands' (J.) Miscellany of Poems, by several Hands, calf extra, gilt leaves, ISs. Oxford, 1731. 5499. Hill's (Aaron) Works, consisting of Letters, Poems, and the Art of Acting, 4 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, c£l. lls.6d. Lond. 17o4. 5500. Harte's (Walter) Poems on several Occasions, roan extra, gilt leaves, 12s. ib. 1727. 5501. Honey-Suckle; consisting of Original Poems, Epigrams, Songs, Tales, kc. 10s.6d. ib. 1734. 5502. Herbert's (William) Translations from the German, Danish, Icelandic, &c. and Miscellaneous Poetry, 2 vols, calf extra, ISs. ib. 1S04. 5503. Hinchliffe's (W.) Poems, Amorous, Moral and Divine, calf extra, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. ib. 171 S. 5504. Hogg's (James, the Ettrick Shepherd) Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. < #. 1 §07. 5505. Hunter's (John) Poems,, with fine engravings, elegant in morocco, 18*. Lond. 1805. 5506. (Mrs. John) Poems, calf extra f gilt leaves, 9s. 6d. ib. 1802. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — 8vo. 407 5507- Hull's (Thomas) Moral Talcs in Verse, 2 vols, in 1, very neat, 7s. Lond. 1797. 5508. Howard's (Sir Robert) Poems, with illustrative manuscript, 1 6s. 6d. Lond. l66'0. 5509. Another Copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, 18s. ib. 1660. j510. Howard's (Edward) British Princes, an Heroick Poem, very neat in calf, \2s. ib. 1669. Vt.ll. I Ierrick's (Robert) Hesperidcs ; or Works both Humane and Divine, with a facsimile engraving of the portrait, c£4. Us. 6d. ib. 1648. 5512. Select Poems, edited by Dr. Nott, calf extra, 12s. Bristol, n. d. >513. Halifax's (Charles, Earl of) Works and Life, neat, 7s. Lond. 1715. 5514. Huddesford's (George) Wiccamical Chaplet, a Selection of Original Poetry, in morocco, 12s. ib. 1804. 5515. Higgons's (Thomas) translation of a Prospective of the Naval Triumph of the Venetians over the Turk. To Signor Pietro Liberi, that Renouned, and Famous fainter. By Gio : Francesco Busenello, very neat in calf, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1658. 5516. Hogan-Moganides ; or the Dutch Hudibras, a Poem, calf extra, £)s. ib. 1674. 5517. Hayley's (William) Poems, Plays, and Essay on Old Maids, 9 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £3. 3s." -"ib. 1788-93. 5518. Harrington's (Sir John) Englishman's Doctor, or the Schoole of Salerne, or, Physicall Observations for the perfect pre- serving of the Bodie of Man in continuall Health. Where- unto is adioyned Precepts for the Preservation of Health, translated from Henricus Ronsovius, into Verse, calf extra, £9. 9s. ib. 1624. 5519. Heath's (B.) Revisal of Shakspcare's Text, 6s. ib. 1760. 5520. Irish Hudibras, or Fingallian Prince, taken from the sixth book of Virgil's vEneid, and adapted to the present times, 10*. 6(1 ib. l6$9. 408 Longman-, Hurst, ReEs, Orme, and Brown. 5521. Ireland's (W. H.) Rhapsodies, with portrait, calf extra, gilt leaves, 9s. Lond. 1803. 5522. Another Copy, elegant in morocco, 12s. ib. J 803. 5523. James's (Capt. Charles) Poems, with plates, large paper, neat , gilt leaves, 15s. ib. 1792. 5524. James the First, King of Scotland, (Poetical Remains of) calf extra, 12s. Edinburgh, 1783. 5525. Another Copy, neat, Ss.6d. ib. 1 783. 5526. Jenyns's (Soame) Miscellaneous Pieces, in Verse and Prose, fine copy, in russia, 1 5s. Lond. 1770. 5527. Jago's (Richard) Poems and Life, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12*. ib. 1784. 5528. Jamieson's (Robert) Popular Ballads and Songs, from Tradition, Manuscripts, and scarce Editions, &c. 2 vols, purple morocco, £l.Ss. Edinburgh, 1S06\ 5529. Jones's (Sir William) Poems, consisting chiefly of Translations from the Asiatick Languages, with two Essays, in russia, 12s. 6d Lond. 1777- 5530. Jacob's (Hildebrand) Works, containing Poems; and Fatal Constancy, a Tragedy, 7s. 6d.» ib.1735. 5531. (Giles) Lives and Characters of the English Poets, (no portraits) 2 vols, in 1, half-bound, uncut, 5s. ib. 1723. 5532. Jonson's (Ben) Works, with plates, 6 vols, very neat, £3. 3s. ib. 1716. 5533. Juvenal and Persius, Lat. and Eng. by Madan, 2 vols, boards, 16s. it. 1789- 5534. Juvenal, translated by Sir Robert Stapylton, fine portrait by Marshall, and frontispiece including a head of Juvenal, by Rawlins, russia, gilt leaves, 14s. ib. 1647. 5535. Another Copy, with Persius by Holiday, calf extra, l6s. ib. 1635. 5536. King's (Dr. W.) Art of Cookery, in imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry, with the original, calf extra , 8s. • >t&. ». d. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — 800. 409 5537- Kemble's (Stephen) Odes, Lyrical Ballads, and Poems on Various Occasions, large paper, fine portrait, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. 5s. Edin. 1 8O9. 5538. Kenrick's (William) Poems ; Ludicrous, Satyrical, and Moral, neat, 9* ' Lond, 1768. 5539. Kennedy's (John) Historie of Calanthrop and Lucilla. Con- spicuously demonstrating ihe various mutabilities of For- tune, half-bound, russia, £2. 2s Edinburgh, 1626. This copy is not perfect; six leaves in Sig. G. and two in Sig. H. are wanting, and the title is neatly supplied by one in manuscript. 5540. Killigrew's (Sir William) Mid-night and Daily Thoughts. In Prose and Verse, £2. 12s. 6d. • Lond. 16*94. 5541. Lindsay's (Sir David) Poetical Works, Life, &c. by G. Chalmers, 3 vols, calf extra, £2. 2s. ib. 1S06. 5542. Lewes's (John Lee) Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. Liverpool, 1811. 5543. Lillo's (George) Dramatic Works, 10s. 6d.- ••'Lond. 1740. 5544. Lloyd's (Robert) Poetical Works, 2 vols, very neat, 8s. 6d. ib. 1774. 5545. Literary Museum, or a Selection of scarce Old Poetical Tracts, by Waldron, half-bound, neat, 7s. 6d.»*ib. 1792. 5546. Lucretius of the Nature of Things, translated by Thomas Creech, and illustrated by numerous Notes, 2 vols, fine set, in calf, £l. 6s. • ••.... . «j£. 1714. 5547. Legend of Mary, Queen of Scots, and other Ancient Poems, now first published from MSS. of the sixteenth century, •with portrait, calf extra, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. Lond, 1810. 5548. Luck's (R.) Miscellany of New Poems, with Hero and Leander from the Greek of Musaeus, and Latin Poems, caff extra, 10s. 6d. ib. 1736. 5519* Langbaine's (Gerard) Account of the English Dramatick Poets, \0s. 6d.'*" Oxford, 1691. 5550. Another Copy, 8*. with the reprinted title of, Lond. 1751. 5551. Lachrymae Musarum, the Tears of the Muses; exprest in Elegies, written by persons of Nobility and Worth, upon 3 F 410 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown* the death of Henry, Lord Hastings. Collected and set forth by R. B. (Richard Brome) calf extra, £4. 4s. Loud. 1650. 5552. Another Copy, with the folio leaf, which contains a Latin Epitaph, by Philip Kindar, morocco, elegant, £5. ib. 1650. 5553. Manners's (Lady) Poems, finely printed, with portrait, imperial octavo, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. 6s. ib. 1793. 5554,- Malone's (Edmond) Inquiry into the Authenticity of the Papers attributed to Shakspeare, boards, 7s. 6d.» *ib. 1796. 5555. Maurice's (Rev. Thomas) Select Poems, very neat in calf, 12s. ib. 1803. 5556. Mathias's (T. J.) Runic Odes from the Norse Tongue, calf extra, gilt leaves, 15 s. ib. 1 790. 5557. Maine's (Jaspar) Amorous War, a Tragi-Comcdy, and City Match, a Comedy, elegant, £l. 5s. Oxford, 1659- 5558. Masters's (Mary) Poems on several Occasions, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. ' Lond. 1 733. 5559. Milton's (John) Poems, English, Latin, and Italian, with Trans* lations ; also Notes, Sec. by Thomas Warton, very neat in calf, 12s. ib. 1791. 5560. Miscellany Poems, by the most eminent hands, 3s. ib. 1684. 5561. Milton's (John) Poems, and Tractate of Education, portrait 1 by Bolle, 15s. « •••*'o. 1673. 5562. Another Copy, very neat, (no portrait) 12s. •• "ib. 1673. The edition from which Warton republished Milton's Juvenile Poems. 5563. Comus, with Notes, &c. by H. J. Todd, half- bound, moroccot 5 s. 6d. Canterbury, 1798. 5564. Mason's (William) Poems, 6s. • Lond. 1764. 5565. Another edition, 5s. • York, 1 779. 5566. Musical Miscellany; being a Collection of Choice Songs, and Lyric Poems, with the Music to each, 6 vols. £2. 2s. Lond. 172£-31. 5567. Another Set, 6 vols, in 3, £1. 11 *. 6d ib. 1729-31. 5568. Another Set, 6 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £3. 10s. < ib. 1729-31. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama.-~-8vo. 411 5569. Murphy's (Arthur) Grecian Daughter, a Tragedy, half-bound, ■neat, 3s. Lond. 1772. 5570. All in the Wrong, a Comedy, half-bound, neat, 3s. • ib. 1787. 5571. Arminius, a Tragedy, half -bound, neat, 3s. ib. 1798. 5572. ' Apprentice, a Farce, half bound, neat, 2s. 6d. ib.\756. 5573. Citizen, a Farce, half-bound, neat, 2s. 6d. ib. 1786. 5574. Old Maid, a Farce, half-bound, neat, 2s. Gd. ib. 1761. 55J5. Morell's (Thomas) Poems on Divine Subjects, original and translated from the Latin of Hieron. Vida, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. 6d. ib. 1732. 5576. Martial (Select Epigrams of) translated and imitated by W. Hay, 5s. ib. 1755. 5o77> Middleton's (Thomas) Tragi-Coomodie, called the Witch, C Isaac Reed's reprinted edition) 7s.Gd. ib. 1778. 5578. Musae Seatonianse. A Complete Collection of the Cambridge Prize Poems, neat, 5s. ib. 1772. 5579. Muses Mirrour, a Collection of Poems, by various Authors, 2 vols, neat, 12s. ib. 1783. 5580. Muses (The) Farewell to Popery and Slavery, or a Collection of Miscellany Poems, Satyrs, Songs, &c. half-bound, neat, 9s. 6d. i .ib. 1689. 5581. Another edition, enlarged, neat in calf 12s. Gd, • • • »ib. 1690. 5582. More's (Henry) Philosophical Poems, 18s.- .Cambridge, 1647. 5583. Another Copy, calf extra, £l. 1 Is. 6d. ib. 1647. 5584. Moore's (Edward) Fables for the Female Sex, plates, calf extra, 10s. 6d. Lond. 176l. 5585. Metellus his Dialogues. The first part, containing a relation of a Journey to Tunbridge Wells ; also a Description of the Wells and Place. With the fourth book of Virgil's ^Enejd in Englih, 16s. ib. 1693. 412 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5586. Mirrour of New Reformation, wherein Reformers, by their owne acknowledgement, are represented ad vivum. The beauty also of their handy-worke is displayed, half-bound, .£4. 45. Paris, by John Cousturier, 1634. 5587. Martial his Epigrams translated, with sundry Poems and Fancies, by R. Fletcher, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. Is. Lond. 1656. 5588. Monteith's (Robert) Theater of Mortality, or the Funeral Inscriptions over Scotland, two parts, very neat, £2. 2*. Edmburgh, 1704-13. 5589. The same work, second part, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. 5s. ib. 1713. 5590. Mysteries of Love and Eloquence, or the Arts of Wooing and Complementing, with Poems, pleasant Songs, Riddles, Jests, Questions and Answers, &c. &c. very neat, £l. 18*. Lond. 1685. 5591. Oppian's Halieutricks of the Nature of Fishes and Fishing of the Ancients, translated from the Greek by John Jones, 7s.6d. Oxford, 1722. 5592. Oxford and Cambridge Miscellany Poems, by various Authors, with frontispiece, neat, 7s. 6d. • Lond. n. d* 5593. Ogilvie's (Dr. John) Poems on several Subjects, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, 18s » • • • ib. 1 769* 5594. Another Set, 2 vols, sewed, 6s. ib. 176*9. 5595. Orpheus Caledonius ; or a Collection of Scots Songs. Set to Musick by W. Thomson, 2 vols, calf extra, £l. 10s. ib. 1733. 5596. Oldham's (John) Works, with a fine portrait by Scheneker, and another by Vander Gucht, very neat in calf, 12*. it. 1710. 5597. Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative, with some of Modern date ; reprinted from rare copies, with Notes, 4 vols, very neat, £l.§s. Lond. for T. Evans, 1777-S4- 5598. Oldmixon's (John) Poems on several Occasions, written in imitation of the manner of Anacreon, with other Poems, Letters and Translations, 10$. 6d. ... • • Lond. 1696. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama.— Svo. 413 5599. Orrery's (Earl oO Plays, 2 vols, (titles to both wanting) Ss. 5600. Ovid's Fasti, in English Verse, with Notes, by W. Massey, neat, 6s. Lond. 1757. 5601. Poems on several choice and various subjects, occasionally composed by an Eminent Author. Collected and Pub- lished by Sergeant Major P. F. £2. 10s. ib. 1663. This rare volume consists of the Poems of that multifarious writer, James Howell, edited by Payne Fisher. — In 1664 a title was pre- fixed having the author's name in full — see a copious account of a copy in " Biblioilieca Anglo-Poetka." p. 167. 5602. Pinkerton's (John) Select Scotish Ballads, 2 vols. 18*. ib. 1783. 5603. Pope's (Alexander) Poetical Works, and translations of the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, DuRoveray's superb editions, imperial paper, with brilliant impressions of the nu- merous jine engravings, 18 vols, in 9> green morocco, with insides splendidly worked in gold, .£45. ib. 1804-6. 5604. Works, with notes and illustrations, by Dr. Joseph Warton, 9 vols, boards, £3. 13s. 6d...ib. 1797. 5605. by Warburton, 9 vols, neat, £3. 3s. ib. 1751. 5606. 9 vols, neat, £2. 10*. ib. 1753. 5607. Petrarch Translated ; in a Selection of his Sonnets and Odes, with Notes and the Original Italian, portrait, very neat in calf, 9s. ib. 1808. 5608. Plautus's Comedies translated into Blank Verse, by Bonnell Thornton, 5 vols, very neat in calf, £2. 2s. • • • • ib. 1769. 5609. Persius, translated by Holyday, half-bound, extra, 7s. 6d. ib. 1635. 5610. Plays.— Matilda, a Tragedy, by Franklin, 1775.— Percy, a Tragedy, by Hannah More, 1784.— Count of Narbonne, by Jephson, 1787- — Widow of Malabar, by Mrs. Starke, 1791.— West Indian, by Cumberland, 1771.— Belles' Stratagem, by Mrs. Cowley, 1787, and others, 2 vols, half- bound, neat, 8s. 5611. Plays.— School for Wives, by Kelly, 1774.— Matilda, by Franklin, 1775.— The Fathers, by Fielding, 1778,— Road 414 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. to Ruin, by Holcroft, 1792. — Every one has his Fault, by Mrs. Inchbald, 1792. — Fontainville Forest, by Boaden, 1794, and others, in one volume, half-bound, neat, 7 s. 5612. Plays. — Dramatist, 1793. — Notoriety, 1793. — How to grow Rich, 1793.— and the Rage, 1795, all by Reynolds, with his portrait, in one volume, half-bound, neat, 5s. 6d. 5613. Plays. — The Robbers, from the German of Schiller, frontis- piece, 1797. — and Fiesco, from the German of Schiller, 1798, in one volume, half-bound, very neat, 5s. 5614. Plays. — Count Benyowsky, 1798. — Spaniards in Peru, 1799- — and the Natural Son, 1799> all from the German of Kotzebue, in one volume, half-bound, very neat, 4*. 5615. Plays.— School for Scandal, (not Sheridan's) 1779. — Sir Thomas More, a Tragedy, by Hurdis, 1792. — The Jew, by Cumberland, 1794, and others, in one volume, half- bound, very neat, 5s. 5616. Plays. — Iron Chest, a Play, by Colman, first edition, with the Original Preface, 1 796.— Inkle and Yarico, an Opera, by Colman, 1792. — Mountaineers, a Play, by Colman, 1795.— and the Man of Ten Thousand, a Comedy, by Holcroft, I796, in one volume, neat in calf, £\. \0s. 5617. Plays, viz. The Humours of Oxford, 1730.— Way to Keep Him, 176l. — Clandestine Marriage, 1766, and 5 others, in one volume, 4$. Lo?id. 1 730-66. 5618. Plays. — Battle of Hexham, 1808. — Surrendtr of Calais, 1808. — Heir at Law, 1808. — and the Iron Chest, 1808, all by G. Colman, Jun. in one volume, half-bound, neat, 8s. 5619. Pattison's (William) Poetical Works, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. 6d. Lond. 1728. 5620. ParnelFs (Dr. Thomas) Poems, with fine portrait, calf extra,. gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. ib. 174,7. 5621. Prior's (Matthew) Miscellaneous Works, 2 vols, neat, 12s. ib. 1740. 5622. Pilkington's (Matthew) Poems on several Occasions, frontis- piece, roan extra, gilt leaves, 12s. ■• • • ib. 1731. 5623. Pack's (Rich.) Miscellanies, Prose and Verse, 2*. 6d. ib. 1719. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama, — Svo. 415 5624. Philips's (John) Poems and Life, portrait by Vander Gucht, 3*. Lond. 1720. 5625. Cyder, a Poem, 2*. ib.\ 708. 5626. Pearch s (G.) Collection of Poems by several hands, (Sig. L. Vol. III. wanting) 4 vols. 10*. 6d. ib. 1770. 5627* Poems written chiefly at Cambridge, together with a Latin Oration upon the History and Genius of the Roman Laws, with a comparison of the Laws of England, large paper, fine copy, 12*. 6d. Camb. I76O. 5628. Poems. — Dispensary by Garth, 1709.— True Born English- man, by De Foe, I7O8. — Charms of Liberty, 1709. — History of Insipids, 1709, with many other Poetical Pamphlets, published at the same period, in one vol. 15*. 5629. Poems in MS. — Cynthia, and Sonnets, by R. Barneneld, 1595. — Fidessa, more chaste then kinde, Sonnets by B. Griffin, 1596. — Diella, Certaine Sonnets, by R. L.Gent, 1596. — Diana, or the excellent Sonnets of II. Constable, 1594, transcribed from the rare printed books, oj the above dates, in one volume, £3. 3s. 5630. Poetical Amusements at a Villa near Bath, 2 voLs. neat in calf, 10*. 6d. Lond 1776. 5631. Poems. — Essay on Poetry, by Lord Mulgrave, 1709. — The Kit-Cats, 1708.— The Spleen, l709>— Lucretius, 1709, and others, in one vol. half-bound, 4s. 5632. Philipott's (Thomas) Poems, very neat, £2. 10s. "ib. 1646. 5633. Another Copy, half-bound, morocco, £2. 2s ib. 1646. 5634. Prolusiones Poetica?. Poetical Essays, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l.lls.6d. • ib.l68~. 5635. Poole's (Josua) English Parnassus, or a Help to English Poesie, neat, 15s. ib. 1657. 5636. Another Copy, superbly bound in morocco, £l. Is.' ib. 1657. 5637. Another Edition, 10$. 6d. id. 1677, 5638. Pendragon, or the Carpet Knight his Kalendar, a Iludibrastic Poem, in twelve Cantos, 8*. 6d. ib. 1698. 5639. Philip's (Katherine) Poems, with a fine portrait by Vander Gucht, and another "without name, calf extra, gilt leaves, 95. ib. 1664. 4l6 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5640. Poetical Recreations; consisting of Original Poems, Songs, Odes, &c. With several New Translations, in two parts, calf extra, £ I. Is. Lond. 1688. 5641. Another Copy, neat, 15s. ib. 1688. Twelve Poems in this collection are by the Publisher, Benjamin Crayle. 5642. Percy's (Bishop) Five Pieces of Runic Poetry, translated from the Islandic Language, neat, 6s. ib. J 763. 5643; Poems relating to State Affairs, from Oliver Cromwell, by the greatest Wits of the Age, 6s. ib. 1705. 5644. Poems. — The Republican Procession, n, d. — The Hudibras- tick Brewer, J 7 14. — The Quack Vintners, 1712, h. b. in one vol. 6s. 5645. Psalms of David in Prose and Meeter. Whereunto is added many godly Prayers, &c. vert/ neat, £2. 2s. Edinburgh, 1635. 5646. Another Copy, wanting title, calendar and last leaf, 15*. ib. 1635. 5647. Pall-Mall Miscellany, containing many curious pieces in Prose and Verse, half -bound, morocco, 7 s. • • • • Lond, n. d, 5648. Pursuits of Literature, a Satirical Poem, calf extra, 12s. 6d, ib. 1798. 5649. Pritchard (Rhys) y Sereu Foreu neu Ganwyll y Cymry h. b. neat, 4s. Llanymddyfri, 1770. 5650. Quarles's (Francis) Solomon's Recantation, 2*. • -Lond. 1739. 5651. Rowden's (Frances Arabella) Poetical Introduction to the Study of Botany, imperial paper, elegant in green morocco, £2. 2s. ib. 1801. 5652. Rapin of Gardens, a Latin Poem, English'd by Mr. Gardiner, portrait by Vertue, and other plates, roan extra, gilt leaves, 12s. ib. 1 728. 5653. Rochester's (Earl of) Poems, neat, 7s. ib. 1706. 5654. Another Copy, 5s. ib. I696. 5655. Roberte the Deuyll, a Metrical Romance, from an ancient illuminated manuscript, with 14 plates, calf extra, \Qs. ib. 1798. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — &vo. 417 5656. Rogers's (Samuel) Poems, Vol. I. (no more published) 5*. Lond.1764. 5657. Robinson's (Mrs. M.) Poems, portrait, boards, 6s. • • ib. 1791. 5658. Riccobini's (Lewis) Account of the Theatres in Europe, 4>s.6d. ib. 174-1. 5659. Review of the Text of Milton's Paradise Lost, neat, 4s. 6d. ib. 1733. 5660. Rowley. — Observation upon the Poems of Thomas Rowley, by Jacob Bryant, boards, 5s. • ib, 1781. 5661. Rowley's (Thomas) Poems, with a Glossary, &c. 7 s. 6d. ib. 1777. 5662. Another Copy, very neat, 9*. 6d. Camb. 1799. 5663. Rawlet's (John) Poetick Miscellanies, portrait, 3s. Lond. l6S7. 5664i. Ross's (Alexander) Mystagogus Poeticus, or the Muses Inter- preter, with frontispiece, neat in calf, 15s. ib. 1648. 5665. Another Edition, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12*. 6. 4*. 5714. Tyer's (Thomas) Historical Rhapsody on Pope, 1782.— Pro- bationary Odes for the Laureatship, 1 785, in one volume, elegant, 5s Lond. 1782-5. 5715. Tabor's (John) Seasonable Thoughts in Sad Times, being some Reflections on the Wane, &c. in verse, neat in calf, 14*. ib. I667. 5716. Telemachus, translated into English Verse, by M. A. Meilan, 4 vols. 9s. ib. 1776*. 5717. Tryphiodorus, translated by Merrick, with the Greek and Latin text, very neat, 12*. Oxford, 1741 . 571 8. The True and Lyuely Historyke Purtreatvres of the Woli Bible, ,£6. 6s. Lyons by Jean of Tovrnes, 1553. This volume is of extreme rarity, and appears to have been unknown to all poetical Bibliographers. On each page is a well executed wood- cut, with metrical lines underneath. The corners of two leaves are damaged. 5719. Thespian Magazine and Literary Repository, with fine por- traits of actors and actresses, 3 vols. h. b. neat, 18*. Lond. 179S-4. 5720. Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, &c. translated by R. Polwhele, 2 vols, elegant, l6s. • Bath, 1792. 5721. Tracts. — Harlequin-Horace : or the Art of Modern Poetry, 1731. — The London Medley : a Collection of Poems, 1731. — Beauties of the Universe, a Poem, 1732. — Happiness, a Poem> 1737, and other Poems, in one vol. neat, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1731-9. 5722. Tracts .^-Tunbridge Miscellanies, 1730. — Ditto, for 1737-8, and 1739. — Bath Miscellany, for 1740, &c. in one vol. 5*. English Poetry , Plays, and Works on the Drama.— 8to. 421 5723. Tracts. — Papers on the Expedition to Carthagena, 1744. — Account of ditto, 1743. — Journal of ditto, 1744. — with Tracts relative to the Affair of Admirals Mathews and Lestock, in one vol. 7s. 6d. 5724. Tracts. — Altar of Love, a Collection of Poems, 1727. — Rape of the Smock, a Poem, 1727-— The Patch, a Poem, 1724. with other Poems, in one vol. neat, 9s. 5725. Tracts. — Hoglandiae Descriptio, 1709. — Art of Poetry, 1710. — Muscipula, 1709. — History of Insipids, 1709. — True Born Englishman, 1708, and many other Poems, in one vol. h. b. neat, 10$. 6d. 5726. Tracts. — Garth's Dispensary, 1709. — Pope's Essay on Criti- cism, 1713. — Pleasures of a Single Life, 1709. — Philips's Pastorals, 17 10, and other Poems, in one vol. neat, 9*. Lond. 1709-12. 5727. Tracts. — Spartan Dame, a Tragedy, by Southerne, 1719. — Rape of the Lock, by Pope, 1714. — Count de Gabalis, a History of the Rosicrucian Doctrine of Spirits, 1714. — Pastorals by Gay, 1714. — Stephen Duck's Poems, 1730, and others, 10*. 6d. Lond. 1709-30. 5728* Tasso's Aminta, a Pastoral, translated into English Verse, together with divers Ingenious Poems, l6s.**»'ib. 1660. 5729. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, translated by E. Fairfax, neat, 16s. 6d. ib. 1749. 5730. Tate's (Nahum) Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, 1 5s.* *ib. 1677, 5731. Townshend's (Thomas) Poems, with fine engravings, calf extra, 12*. ib. 1796. 5732. Travers's (H.) Miscellaneous Poems and Translations, calf extra, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. ib. 1731. 5733. Thomson's (James) Seasons, Jirst octavo edition, 9s. ib. 1726-30. 5734. Seasons, a Poem, with plates, large paper, very neat in calf, 18s. • ib. 1802. 5735. Seasons, 6s. •' •••ib. 1735. 5736. Upton's (John) Critical Observations on Shakspeare, 4>s. 6d. ib. 1748. 422 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5737. Upton's (Robert) Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, Is. 6a\ Lond. 1750. 5738. Virgil, translated by John Ogilby, with numerous plates, Jint copy, 9s. • •• 'ib. 1675. 5739. Another Copy, 7s. ib. 1675. 5740. Virgil's iEneids, translated into English deca syllables by John Vicars, with frontispiece, neat in calf, £2. 2s. ib. 1632. 5741. Works, translated into English Verse by Rob. An- drews, finely printed by Baskerville, boards, 7*« 6d. Birming. 1766. 5742. Georgics, translated by T. Nevilc, very neat, 3s. 6d. Camb. 1767. 5743. Vicars's (John) Quintessence of Cruelty, or Master-Piece of Treachery, the Popish Powder-Plot, invented by Hellish- Malice, prevented by Heavenly-Mercy, with curious wood- cuts, wanting title, dedication, pp. 73-4, and the table, £l. Us. 6d. Lond. 1641. 5744. Verstegan's (Richard) Odes, in Imitation of the seaven Peni- tential Psalms, with sundry other Poems and Ditties tend- ing to Devotion and Pietie, .£10. I0s.» •• •Antwerp, l601. Two leaves and the title in this copy, are imitatively supplied in manu- script, copied from the only perfect one that is known. 5745. Voltaire's Henriade, an Epic Poem, very neat, \0s.6d. Lond. 1732. 5746. WodhulPs (Michael) Poems, with portrait and plates, boards, 8s. • ib. 1804. Printed by the author for private distribution. 5747. Warton's (Joseph) Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, large paper, 2 vols, calf extra, £l. lls.6d. • -ib. 1806. 5748. (Thomas) Observations on the Fairy Queen of Spenser, best edition, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. • • • • ib. 1762. 5749. Another Set, large paper, 2 vols, neat, 1 Ss. 6d."ib. 1762. 5750* Wignell's (J.) Collection of Original Pieces, consisting of Poems, Songs, &c. &c rpan extra, gilt leaves, 13s. 7 English Poetry, Plays, and Worfo on the Drama.— Svo. 423 5751. Walpole, Earl of Orford's Mysterious Mother, a Tragedy, sewed, 5s ~Lond. 1781. 5?52. Whateley's (Miss) Original Poems, calf extra, gilt lea*es> 9s. 6d. ^. 1 764. 5753. Wheatley's (Phillis, a Negro) Poems, portrait, 5s. ~A 1773. 5754. Wilkes's (Thomas) General View of the Stage, 4s. 6d. ib. 1759. 5755. Woodhouse's (James, a Shoemaker) Poems, with portrait, very neat, 8s. 6d. • ;/,. \jQ6. 5756. Wakefield's (Gilb.) Poetical Translations from the Ancients, boards, 3s. 6d. , . . . ^. 1795. 5757. Whaley's (John) Collection of Original Poems and Trans- lations, with the Greek and Latin originals, calf extra, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. ^ # 1 745 5758. Whincop's (Thomas) Scanderbeg, a Tragedy, with a List of English Dramatic Poets, portraits, 7s. 6d. .... ib. 174<7. 5759. Wycherley's (William) Posthumous Works and Life, very neat, 7s. ^ 1728# 5760. Wyntown's (Andrew of) Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland, now first published with Notes, Glossary, &c. by Mac- pherson, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £3. 3s. . .& 1795. 5761. Woodford's (Samuel) Paraphrase upon the Canticles and some Select Hymnes of the New and Old Testament, with other Compositions in English Verse, fine paper, elegant in morocco, £l.5s. # l6?9 5762. Wollaston's (William) Design of part of the Book of Eccle- siastes : or the Unreasonableness of Men's restless Con- tentions, represented in an English Poem, £2. 10*. ib. 1691. A volume of considerable rarity, as the author, some time after its pub- lication, was so dissatisfied' with his attempt, as to collect and destroy every copy that he could procure. 5763. Willan's (Leonard) Astrasa, or True Love's Myrrour, a Pas- toral, half-bound, morocco, £2. 2s. 0. i(j 5u 5764. Ward's (Ned) Vulgus Britannicus : or the British Hudibras, a Poem, 6s. iL lm ' 5765. Another Copy, neat in calf, 10s. 6d. ib. 1711. 424 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5766. Ward's (Ned) Nuptial Dialogues and Debates, 2 vols. £l. Is. Lond. 1710. 5767* — Writings in Prose and Verse, vols. 2 and 3, 18s. 6d. ib. 1706. 5768. (Thomas) England's Reformation, a Poem, with Notes, 7s. 6d. ib. 1716. 5769* ' The same Work, best edition, with plates, 2 vols.^1. 1*. ib. 174*7. 5770. — Another Set, 2 vols. l6s. ib. 1747. 5771. Wells's (Jeremiah) Poems, with a Character of a London Scrivener, very neat, £l. 10s. ib. 1667' 5772. Winstanley's (John) Poems, with mezzotinto portrait, 2 vols. calf extra, gilt leaves, £\. 5s. Dublin, 1742-51. 5773. — (Wil.) Lives of the most Famous English Poets, 9s. Lond. 1687. 5774. ■ ~ Another Copy, with a portrait by Van Hove, very neat in calf, \2s.6d. •••••••••••• ib. 1687. 5775. Webb's (Daniel) Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry, 3$. ib. 1762. 5776. Waller's (Edmond) Poems and Life, with fine portraits by Vertue,$c. ib. 1711. 5777. Maid's Tragedy Altered, &c. 3*. ib. 169O. 5778. Woty's (William) Poetical Works, 2 vols, neat in calf, 10s. 6d. ib. 1770. 5779- Another Set, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, 18s. ib.1770. 5780. Woodward's (George) Poems on several occasions, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. • Oxford, 1730. 5781. Walters's (John) Poems, with Notes, calf extra, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. ib. 1 780. 5782. Wit Paraphras'd, or a Burlesque upon the several Transla- tions of Ovid's Epistles, neat, 8s. 6d. Lond. 1680. 5783. Winchelsea's (Countess of) Miscellany Poems on several Oc- casions, elegant in morocco, IBs. ib. 1713. 5784. Wharton's (George) Select and Choice Poems, half~bound, extra, 15«. ib. l66l. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — 12mo. 425 DUODECIMO. 5785. AUSTIN'S Urania, or the Heavenly Muse, in a Poem full of most feeling Meditations for the comfort of all soules, at all times: by Samuel Austin, B. of Arts, of Ex. Colledge in Oxford, £5. 15s. 6d. Lond. l629* 5786. Ayres's (Philip) Emblems of Love, in four Languages, with appropriate designs, the whole engraved on copper-plates, £l. Is. ib. 1683. 5787. Another Edition, calf extra , gilt leaves, 18$. ib. n. d. 5788. The same Edition, a few leaves wanting, half-bound, neat, 8s. ib. n. d. 5789« Anderson's (R.) Poems on various subjects, very neat, 6s. Carlisle, 1798. 5790. Aleyn's (Charles) History of that Wise and Fortunate Prince Henry of that name the Seventh, King of England, a Poem, with a portrait of Henry, by Marsha 11 , elegant in mo- rocco, £l. lis. 6d. Lond. 1638. 5791 • Actor (The) or a Treatise on the Art of Playing, by Sir John Hill, 5s. ib. 1755. 5792. Art of Poetry, illustrated with a great variety of Examples, 2 vols, neat , 7s. ib. ) 762. 5793. Arwaker's (Edmund) Pia Desideria: or Divine Addresses, with 4>7 engravings by Shirt, calf extra, gilt leaves, lSs. 6d. ib. 1686. 5794>. Another Copy, elegant, 15s. ib. 1 702. 5795. Butler's (Samuel) Hudibras, plates, 3s. 6d. • • • • Lond. 1716. 5796. Posthumous Works, plates, 10s. 6d. ib. 1730. 5797. Beauties of Kotzebue, by Oulton, calf extra, 7s. 6d. ib. 1800. 5798. Shakspeare, calf extra, 6s. • •'• • ib. \ 800. 3H 426 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5799. Beauties of Modern Dramatists,^ portraits, 2 vols, boards, 55# Zone?. 1800. 5800. Bossus Treatise of the Epick Poem, 2 vols, very neat, 8s. 6d. ib. 1719. 5801. Billingsly's (Nicholas) Brachy-Martyrologia: or a Breviary of all the greatest Persecutions which have befallen the Saints and People of God, a Poem, £3. 3s. • « • • ib. 1657- 5802. KO£MOBE$A, or the Infancy of the World, with an Appendix of God's resting Day, Eden Garden, &c. &c. neat, £3. 3s. ib. 1658. 5803. — Treasury of Divine Raptures. Consist- ing of Serious Observations, Pious Ejaculations, Select Epigrams, £3. 3s. ib. 1667. 5804. Baviad and Masviad, a Satire, by W. Gifford, calf extra, g s . • • ib. 1800. 5805. Brydges's (Sir E.) Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, 9s. ib. 1807. 5806. Browne's (William) Works, with Notes and Life by Thomp- son, 3 vols, in 1, neat, 15s. ib. 1772. 5807. Britannia's Pastorals, two last leaves wanting, half-bound, neat, 18s. 6d. ib. 1625. 5808. Bee, (The) Collection of Poems, three parts in one, 10.9.6c?. ib. 1715, 5809. Boileau's Art of Poetry and Lutrin, plates, very neat in calf, 7s. ib. 1715. 5810. British Martial, or an Anthology of English Epigrams, 2 vols. calf extra, \6s. ib. 1806. 581 1. Beaumont's (Sir John) Bosworth Field, and other Poems, neat, £2. 25. • « ib. 1629- In this volume there is (it is believed to be invariably the casp) an apparent want of a leaf, viz. p. 181-2, which was probably cancelled before publication. 5812. Bysshe's (Edward) Art of English Poetry, with the Sup- plement, 4 vols. 12*. ib. 1718. 5813. Battle of Flodden Field, a Poem, from Ancient Manuscripts, by J. Benson, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. ♦ • • • ib. 1774. English Poetry, Plays, and JVorks on the Drama. — l2mo. 427 5814. Blackmore's (Sir Richard) Prince Arthur, and Creation, Poems, with two portraits, 2 -vols, elegant in morocco, £\. 4s. in • "Lond. 1714-18. 5815. — — — — Creation, a Poem, 3*. ib. 1718. 58l6\ Burgess's (Daniel) Psalms, Sec. portrait by Vertue, neat, 4>s. ib. 1714. 5817- Beloe's (William) Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, 3 vols. neat in calf, 18s. ib. 1795. 5818. Bloomfield's (Rob.) Farmer's Boy, calf extra, 6s. 6d.ib. 1801. 5819. Brice's (Thomas) Compendious Register in Metre, containing the names and pacyent sufYryngs of the membres of Jesus Christ and the tormented ; and cruelly burned within England, since the death of our famous Kyng, of immortall memory, Edward the sixte, — &Iacfc %ttttl — £6. 6s. Lond. by J. Kyngston, 1559. 5820. Baxter's (Richard) Poetical Fragments, very neat, £2. 10s. Lond. 1681. 5821. Another edition, calf extra, £l.\6s. » . . • ib. 1699. 5822. Barnaby's (Drunken) Four Journeys, first edition, with the frontispiece by Marshall, (five leaves reprinted) very neat, £5. Lond. n. d. but circa 1640. 5823. Ditto, second edition, with two plates, 15s. "Lond. 1716*. 5824. Ditto, third edition, with four plates, very neat, 18s. ib. 1723. 5825. Another Copy* collated with the first edition, and illustrated by MS. £l. 5s. • ib. 1723. 5826. Ditto, fourth edition, no plates, 7s. ib. 1774. 5827. Bel-vedere, or the Garden of the Muses, by John Bodenham, morocco, £l5. » ib. 1600. First edition of this collection ; and one of the rarest volumes in the class of English Poetry. 5828. Bell's original editions of the following Poets, with fine en- gravings, sewed, viz. Butler,; 3 vols. 7s. — Broome, 1 vol. 25.— Buckingham (D. of) 1 vol. 2*.— Cunningham, 1 vol. Is. — Denham, 1 vol. 25. — Dyer, 1 vol. 25. — Gray, 1 vol. 25.— Garth, I vol. 25,— Hughes, 2 vols. 45. - Lord Littleton, 428 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 1 vol. 2*. — Lansdowne (Marq. of) 1 vol. 2*. — Milton, 4 vols. 9s. — Parnel, 2 vols. 4*.— Spenser, 8 vols. 18s. — Thomson, 2 vols. 4*. 6d. — Waller, 2 vols. 4s Edin. 1777-9- 5829. Cibber's (Colley) Apology for his Life, with a List of Dramatic Authors and their Works, portrait, 2 vols, neat, 15s Lo?id. 1756. 5830. ' Dramatic Works, plates, 5 vols, neat, £l.5s. ib. 1736. 5831. Another Set, in 4 vols. lSs. ib. 1754. 5832. Cibber's (Theoph.) Lives of the Poets, 5 vols, neat, 18s. 6d. Lond. 1753. 5833. Another Set, 5 vols, very neat, £l. 10s. ib. 1753. 5834. Comment upon Chaucer's two Tales of the Miller, and the Wife of Bath, 9s. •*. 1665. 5835. Cotton's (Nath.) Visions in Verse, neat, 3s. ib. 1767. 5836. Comforts of Matrimony, or Love's Last Shift, consisting of Matrimonial Dialogues, 6s. ib. 1780. 5837. Catt's (Jacob) Self-Conflict, or the powerful Motion between the Flesh and Spirit, half-bound, extra, 6s. ib. 168O. 5838. Cowley's (Abraham) Works, 3 vols, neat, 15s.- "*ib. 1721. 5839. Another edition, in one volume, 8*. ib- 1681. 5840. Cockin's (William) Rural Sabbath, and other Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, 8s. ib. 1805. 5841 • Christ's Passion, a Tragedy, 4s. ib. 1698. 5842. Collection of Original Poems, by the Rev. Mr. Blacklock, and other Scotch Gentlemen, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. Edin. 176O. 5843. Divine Hymns and Poems, neat, 5s. Lond. 1719. 5844. Cleveland's (John) Poems, 7s. ib. 1651. 5845. calf extra, 10s. 6d. ib. 1654. 5846. 5s. • ib. 1656. 5847. wiM portrait very neat, 9s. 6d. ib. 1659. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the "Drama, — Ifyno. 429 5848. Cleveland's (John) Poems, bound up with Wild's Iter Boreale and other Poems, portrait, calf extra, gilt leaves, 1 8s. Lond. I66l. 5849- ■ portrait, green morocco, l6s. ib. 1662. 5850. Cooke's (VVil.) Memoirs of Samuel Fooie, portrait, 3 vols. h. b. morocco, 9s. ib. 1705. 5851. Centlivre's (Mrs. Susannah) Dramatic Works, 3 vols. £2.2*. ib. 1761. 5852. Christmas Treat, or Gay Companion, being a Collection of Epigrams, boards, 4*. Dublin, 1767* 5853. Caledoniad (The) a Collection of Poems, written chiefly by Scottish Authors, 3 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l.lls. 6d. Lond. 1775. 5S54. Carew's (Thomas) Poems, a Masque, &c. neat , 5s. 6d. ib. 1772. 5855. Another Copy, very neat in calf, 7s. 6d. •« ib. 1772. 5856. Chappell's (Bartholomew) Garden of Prudence. Wherein is contained a patheticall discourse, and godly Meditation, most brieflie touching the vanities of the world, the cala- mities of hell, and the felicities of heaven. You shal also find planted in the same, diuers sweet and pleasant Flowers, most necessarie and comfortable both for body and soule, c£l4. 14s. Lond. by R. Jones, 1595. A book of extreme rarity, of which it is believed no other copy is known. 5857. Crusius's (Lewis) Lives of the Roman Poets, 2 vols. 6s. Lond. 1733. 5858. Crabbe's (Rev. G.) Poems, 2 vols, boards, Ss. • • • • ib. I8O9. 5859. Choice Collection of 180 Loyal Songs, to which is added the- Musical Notes to each Song, 10s. 6d. ib. 1694. 5860. Corbet's (Rich. Bp. of Norwich) Poems, first edition, elegant in morocco, <£l. lis. 6d. ib. 1647. 5 8 (5l. _ calf extra, £l. Is. 1648. Second edition, which appears to have been printed in France or Flanders. This copy has a neat portrait drawn with a pen. 5862. ' ■ — third edition, illustrated by interesting manuscript, £l. Is. Lond. 1672. 430 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5863. Corbet's (Bp.) Poems, 5s. 6d, Lond. 1672. 5864. Cooper's (Ann) STPATOAOriA, or the History of the English Civil Warrs, in English Verse. Containing a brief Account of all Fights, &c. in England. By an Eye-Witnesse of many of them, very neat, ci'lO. 10*. ib. 1660. 5865. Colvil's (Samuel) Whigg's Supplication, or the Scotch Hudibras, a Mock Poem, roan extra, gilt leaves, 12*. • •• • ib. 1710. 5866. Cocks's (Roger) Hebdomada Sacra. A Weekes Devotion ; or Seven Poeticall Meditations upon the second chapter of St. Matthewe's Gospell, £3. 10s. ib. 1630. 0867. Crowley's (Robert) Voyce of the Laste Trumpet, blowen by the seuenth Angel, (as is mentioned in the eleuenth of the Apocalips) callying al estate of men to the ryght path of theyr vocation, wherin are conteyned xii Lessons to twelue several estats of men, which if thei learne and folowe, al shall be wel and nothing amis, — S&focfc %ttttt — calf extra, gilt leaves, <£l2. 12*. Lond. by R. Crowley, 1550. 5868. Crown Garland of Golden Roses, gathered out of England's Royal Garden. Set forth in many pleasant new Songs and Sonnets, — 2Bfacft %ttttt — elegant in morocco, £6. 6s. Lond. 1662. 5869. Choice (The) a Collection of above 700 Songs, 3 vols. 18*. ib. 1729. 5870. Claphara's (Henoch) Briefe of the Bible. Drawne first into English Poesy, and then illustrated by apte Annotations ; together with some other necessary Appendices, (two last leaves damaged) very neat, £2* 2s. ib. 1596. 5871. Curiosity (The) or the Gentleman and Lady's General Library, Poems, &c. 4*. Manchester, 1738. 5872. Cupid, a Collection of Love Songs, (bad copy) 5s. Lond. 1739. 5873. Colman's (G.) Broad Grins, boards, 4*. ib. 1807. 5874. Description (A Most Pleasant) of Ben wel Village in the County of Northumberland. Intermix'd with several diverting Incidents, both Serious and Comical, £3. 3s. Newcastle, 1726. This very rare volume, a poem of more than two thousand six line stanzas, is ascribed by Mr, Gough to a Dr. Ellison, English Poetry, Plays, and fVorks on the Drama.— l2mo. 431 5875. Daniel's (Samuel) Poetical Works, and Life, 2 vols. 12*. Lond. 1718. 5S7 ^' ' Delia and Rosamond augmented, and Cleo- patra, purple morocco, £6. 6s. Lond. J or S. Waterson, 1594. 5877. Dalrymple's (Alex.) Extracts from G. Wither's Poems, 5s. Lond. 1785. 5878. D'Urfey's Comical History of Don Quixote, three parts, Is. ib. 1729. 5879- (Young) Rattle for Grown Children, portrait, elegant in morocco, 10* ft. \ j^6. 5880. Drummond's (William) Poems,>e head by Birch, half -bound neat >9 s > ;*. 1790. 5881. Another Copy, calf extra, 12s. fy 1790# 5882. Day (The) of Doom ; or a Description of the Great and Last Judgment, a Poem, half bound, neat, 10s. 6d.... .ib. \6s6. 5883. Dramatic Historiographer; or the British Theatre Delineated, 3 *' it. 1735. 5884. Davison's (Francis) Poetical Rapsodie, containing diuerse Sonnets, Odes, Elegies, Madrigals, Epigrams, &c. third edition, half- bound, russia, £8. 18s. 6d. £. ^n. 5885. The same work, fourth edition, half -bound, russia, oto. 16s. 6d. . -l ,z?„. ib. 1621. 0886. Another Copy of the same edition, imperfect, £2. 2s. ib ifol 5887. Davies's (Sir John) Ncsce Teipsium. Whereunto is added ' Hymnes of Astra* in Acrosticke Verse; or Praises of his Soueraigne Q ue ene Elizabeth, elegant in morocco, o64. 14*. 6d. I ., Z * 58 oo T *.1619. 5888 Immortality of the Soul, a Poem, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s n *>• t00rt ^ 6 ' Dublin, 1733. 5889. Drayton's (Michael) Poems, £2. 2*. _ Lond - for N. Ling. 1605. ~~~ " Poems > collected into one volume, with frontispiece by Marshall, which includes a portrait of Drayton, calf extra, £1. l U .6d. Lond , j6$ £ ~~ 6d England's Heroical Epistles, calf extra, "••"•••• *** ib. I737. 5891. 432 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5892. Donne's (John) Poems, with Elegies on the Author's death, fine impression of the portrait by Marshall, neat, £l. 5s. Lond. 1635. 5g()3. , . Another edition, portrait by Marshall, 12s. 6d. ib.l639. 5894. — — Another copy,w russia, 18s. ib. 1639- 5gp5 # Another edition, 8s. ...... ib. 1654. 5go,6. ■ Another copy, calf extra, 12s. ib. 1654. 5gt)7\ ■ and Life, uncut, 7s. ib. 1719. 5gpg. r . . Another copy,, blue morocco, 155. ib. 1719. 5899- Dodd's (Dr. W.) Thoughts in Prison, neat, 3s. • • • 'ib. 1781. 5900. Dodsley's Select Collection of Old Plays, 12 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £7 '. 7s. ib. 1744. 5901. Delaune's (Henry) ITATPIKON AttPON, or a Legacy to his Sons, being a Miscellany of Precepts digested seven Cen- turies of Quadrins, very neat, £3. 13*. 6d. ib. 1657. 5Q02. Deloney's (Thomas) Garland of Good Will, divided into three parts. Containing many Pleasant Songs and Poems, £l. Is. ib. n.d. 5903. Dryden's (John) Dramatic Works, plates, 6 vols, fine set, old calf extra, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1735. 5904. Another Set, 6 vols. 18s. ib. 1 718. 5Q05. r- Plays, a Selection of, 3 vols, neat, Qs. ib. 1735. 5Q06\ _ , Fables, Ancient and Modern, 3$. 6d. ib. 1721. 5907. Dimond's (William) Petrarchal Sonnets, &c. elegant, 5s. Bath, 1 800. 5908. D'Avenanl's (Sir W.) Madagascar and other Poems, calf extra, 12s. • Lond. 1648. 5909. Denham's (Sir J.) Poems and Translations, neat, 6s. ib. 1719- 59IO. ■ with fine portrait, elegant in morocco, 16s. ib. 1719. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama.-*-12mo. 433 5911. Denham's (Sir J.) Poems and Translations, plates, neat, 2s.6d. Edin. 1719. 5912. Egerton's Theatrical Remembrancer, interleaved with writing paper, 5s, • Lond. 1788. 59 1 3. England's Parnassus ; or the choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall comparisons, collected by Robert Allot, neat in calf, £l3. 13*. ib. l600. 5914. Another Copy, elegant in green morocco, £l5. •••• ib, 1600. 5915. English Poets, with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by Dr. Johnson, fine portraits, 6$ vols, neat in calf, £15. 15s. ib, 1779. 5916. English Minstrelsy, being a Selection of Fugitive Poetry, 2 vols, calf extra, ljs. Edin. 1810. 5917. Epictetus's Enchiridion, made English by Walker, ls.6d. Dub. 1702. 59 18. Epigrams (a Collection of) half-bound, neat, 9s. • »Lond. 1735. 5919. Ever-Green (The) being a Collection of Scots Poems, wrote by the Ingenious before 1600. Published by Allan Ramsay, 2 vols. 18*. Edin. 1761. 5920. Enemy (The) of Idlenesse. Teaching a perfect platforme how to indite Epistles and Letters of all sortes. Newly pub- lished and augmented by W. F. — 2Macft fUttet — half- bound, ritssia, £[. lis. 6d. Lond. 1(521. This volume is all prose except the last thirteen pages, which contain metrical love Epistles. 5921. Flecknoe's (Richard) Diarium, or Journal; divided into twelve Jornadas, in Burlesque Rhime, or Drolling Verse, with divers other pieces, calf extra, £2. 2s. ib. 1656. 5922. Epigrams of all sorts, £l. 5s. • »ib. 1670. 5923. Relation of ten years Travels in Europe, Asia, AfFrique, and America, ,£l. 5*. n. d. but circa, 16*54. 5924. Love's Dominion, a Drama, (last leaf wanting) 6s. ib. 1654. 5925. Farquhars (George) Dramatic Works, 2 vols. 9s. •• ib. 1735. 5926. Festoon, a Collection of Epigrams, Ancient and Modern, 7s.6d. ib.1766, 31 434 Longman, Hurst, Kees, Orme, and Brown. 5927* Festoon, a Collection of Epigrams, Ancient and Modern, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. Lond. 17 67. 5928. Farlie's (Robert) Emblems, in two parts, with two rare frontispieces, and many engravings oh wood, <£$. 9s. ib. 1638. 5929. Ditto, the second part, with frontispiece, calf extra, £2. 10s. ib. 1638. 5930. Fitz*GefTry's (Charles) Blessed Birth-Day celebrated in some sanctified Meditations. Also Holy Raptures in contem- plating some of the most observable Adjuncts about our Saviour's Nativitie, neat, £3. 13s. 6d. ib, 1654. 5931. Green's (Matthew) Spleen, and other Poems, plates, calf extra, 9s. • ib. 1796. 5932. Greenwood's (James) Virgin Muse. Being a Collection of Poems, from our most celebrated Poets, 3s.« • • 'ib. 1717* 5933. Another Copy, with frontispiece, calf extra, gilt leaves, Ss.6d. ib. 1717. 5934. Gent's (T.) Poetic Sketches, calf extra, gilt leaves, 8s. Yarmouth, n. d. 5935. Gray's (Thomas) Poems, neat, 4s. Glasg. 1773. 5936. Giblet Pye, being the Heads, Tails, Legs, and Wings of Songs, by various authors, boards, £l. Is. Shamborovgh, n. d. 5937. Guarini's Faithful Shepherd, in English, with the original Italian, very neat, 6s. Lond. n. d. 5938. Gildon's (Charles) Complete Art of Poetry, 2 vols. 10s. 6d. ib. 1718. 5939. Goldsmith (Oliver) and Paul Whitehead's Poems, very ?ieat, 4>s.6d. • ib. 1790. 5940. Gomersall's (Robert) Poems, green morocco, £2. 2s. ib. 1633. 5941. Garrick's (David) Poetical Works, 2 vols, neat, 16s. ib. 1785. 5942. Gerrond's (John) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, calf extra, gilt leaves, 7 s. 6d. Glasgow, 1 802. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — IZmo, 435 5943. Gordon's (Patrick) Famous History of the Renown'd and Valiant Prince, Robert, sirnamed the Bruce, King of Scotland, &c. a History both pleasant and profitable? £3. 3s. Edinburgh, 1718. 5944. Graham's (Dougal) History of the Rebellion of 1745-6, in Verse, very neat, <)s.» • • . Glasgow, 1774u 5945. Gratims on Hunting, a Poem, by C. Ware, 6s. • *Lond. 1651. 59±6* Hubert's (Richard) Deplorable Life and Death of Edward the Second, King of England, £\. l6s. Lond. 1628. 5947. Another edition, calf extra, gilt leaves, 14,?. ib. 1721. 5948. Horace, translated into Verse, by Francis, with the original Latin, 4 vols, neat, l6s. • ib. 1 778. 5949. Another Set, 4 vols, neat, 13s. ib. 1?56. 5950. Horace, translated by Creech, 3s. ib.J730. 5951. Another edition, in red morocco, by B,oger Payne, 15s. 2*5.1711. 5952. Horace, translated by Cowley, Prior, Milton, &c. neat, 3s. ib. 1730. $953. — translated by Lord Rochester and others, 4>s. ib. 1715. 5954. — ; translated into English Prose by Smart, with the original text, 2 vols. 8s. » ib. 1780. 5955. — Another Set, 2 vols, elegant, 10s. 6d."--ib. 1801, 5956. translated by Oldisworth, 2s. ib. 1719* 5957. 1 translated .by .Sir. T. Hawkins, frontispiece, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1635. 5958. Hive (The) a. Collection of the most celebrated Songs, 4 vols. neat, £l. 16*. 2b. 113% 5959. Hayward's (Thomas) British Muse, or a Collection of Thoughts, Moral, Natural, and Sublime, of our English Poets, who flourished in the sixteenth .and seventeenth centuries, 3 vols- very neat, £l. \6s. ib. 1738. 5960. Another Set, 3 vols. £l. 10s. ib. 1738. The Historical and Critical Preface to these volumes is the composition of William Oldys. 436 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5961. Herbert (Edward Lord, Baron of Cherbery) his Occasional Verses, half-bound, russia, £9. 9s. Lond. 1665. This volume of Poems by a celebrated nobleman is rare in the extreme. 5962. Herbert's (George) Temple. Sacred Poems, and Private Ejaculations, second edition, £l. 10s. Cambridge, 1633. 5963. Hughes's (John) Poems, and other Works, plates, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, 18s. Lond. 1735. 5964. Hayley's (William) Triumphs of Temper, plates, calf extra, 9s. 6d. *• 1801. 5965. Hardy's (Thomas) Songs from the Rock, elegant, 6s. ib. 1794. 5966. Hutton's (Thomas) Follies Anatomie, or Satyres and Satyricall Epigrams. With a compendious History of Ixion's Wheele, elegant in morocco, £S. ISs. 6d. ib. 1619. 5967. Heywood's (Thomas) Pleasant Dialogues and Drammas, selected out of Lucian, Erasmus, &c. with sundry Emblems from Jacobus Catricis. As also certaine Elegies, Epitaphs, and Epitaphalamions, &c. &c. £2. 5s. ib. l637« 5968. Another Copy, imperfect, very neat, 18s. ib. 1637. 5969. Hausted's (Peter) Hymnus Tabaci ; a Poem in Honour of Tabaco, from the Latin of Raphael Thorius, with the original text, half-bound, extra, 18s. ib. 1651. 5970. Hoppner's (J.) Oriental Tales, boards, 3s. 6d....-ib. 1806. 5971. Hunt's (Leigh) Essays on the Performers of the London Theatres, boards, 5s. ib. 1807. 5972. Holyday's (Barten) Survey of the World, a Poem, in ten Books, very neat, £ c i. 12*. 6d Oxford, l66l. 5973. Harington's (Sir John) Most Elegant and Witty Epigrams, very neat, £3. 3s. Lond. 1618. 5974. Another edition, calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. 10s.. .ib. 1625. 507 5 # . Englishman's Doctor, or the Schoole of Salerne. Or Physicall Observations for the perfect preserving of the body of Man in continuall health, very neat, £10. 10s. ib. 1609. An edition of excessive rarity, probably unique,— from the collection of Dr. Farmer. English Poetry, Plays, and IVorks on the Drama. — 12w?o. 437 5976. Harrington's (James) Essay upon two of Virgil's Eclogues, and two books of his JSneis, 5s. • • • * Lond. 1658. 5977* Home's (John) Divine Wooer ; or a Poem, setting forth the Love and Loveliness of the Lord Jesus, and his great desire of our welfare and happiness, &c. &c. (last page in manuscript) £l. lis. 6d. • • • ib. 16*73. 5978. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, translated by Pope, with Notes, and plates, 1 1 vols. £1. 18s. ib. 1750-2. 5979- Homer's Iliad, translated by Pope, plates, 6 vols. 18s. 6d. ib. 1732. 5980. Homer's Odyssey, by Pope, 3s. Edin. 1769. 5981. Homer translated by Pope; Virgil by Dryden; Ovid by Garth and others, with engravings by Heath, Holloway, Sf-c. 17 vols, very neat in calf, £3. 8s. Lond. 1794-5. 5982. Homer a la Mode. A Mock Poem upon the first and second books of Homer's Iliad, very neat, \2s. 6d. Oxford, 1665. 5983. Holland's (Robert) Holie Historie of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's nativitie, life, actes, miracles, doctrine, death, passion, resurrection and ascension. Gathered into English meeter, and published to withdraw vaine wits from all unsaverie and wicked rimes and fables, to some love and liking of spiritual 1 songs and holy scriptures, calf extra, £18. 18s. Lond. by R. Field, 1594. This is so rare a book, that it may be doubted whether another copy is known. It is not mentioned by Warton, and as the author is called Henry, by Ames and Herbert, it may also be presumed to have been unknown to them. 5984. Hagthorpe's (John) Visiones Kerum. The Visions of Things or Foure Poems, elegant in morocco, £3. 3s. Lond. 1623. 5985. Hall's (John) Emblems, with many copper-plates, (last page MS.) elegant in morocco, £3. 3s. ib. 1648. 5986. Habington's (William) Castara, fine copy, in morocco, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1640. 5987. Hunnis's (William) Seuen Sobs of a Sorrowfull Soule for Sinne ; comprehending those seuen Psalmes of the Princelie Prophet David, commonly called Pcenitentiall. Where- 438 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. unto are also annexed his Handfull of Honisuckles, &c. morocco, £7. 7s. Lend, in the house of H. Denham, 1 585. 59S8. Another edition, imperfect, half bound, neat, £l. Is. Lond. 1636. 5989. Ireland's (W. H.) Ballads, very neat, 4s. 6d. it. 1801. 5990. Another Copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, Ss ib. 1801. 5991. Intriguing Milliners and Attornies Clerks, a Mock-Tragedy, with Poems, frontispiece, 5s. 6d. ib. 1738. 5992. Juvenal, translated by Sir R. Stapylton, frontispiece and portrait, very neat, Ss. 6d. ib. 1673. 5993. Juvenal and Persius, translated by Dry den and others, 3*. 6d. ib. 1726. 5994. Johnson's (Dr. S.) Poetical Works, fine copy in morocco, 9s. ib. 1789- 5995. Jonson's (Ben) translation of Horace's Art of Poetry, with other workes of the author never before printed, £l. Is. ib. 1640. 5996. Another Copy, with a rare portrait of Jonson, by Marshall, unknown to Granger, elegant in morocco, £3. 3s. ib. 1640. 5997. James I. (King of England) his Translation of the Psalms of David, frontispiece and arms by Marshall, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. lOs. Oxford, 1631. 5998. Jordan's (Thomas) Wit in a Wildernesse of Promiscuous Poesie, ,£3. l6s. Lond. n. d. 5999. King's (Henry, Bishop of Chichester) Poems, Elegies, Para- doxes, and Sonnets, elegant in morocco, £3. \3s. 6d. ib. 1657. 6000. Psalms of David, from the New Translation of the Bible, turned into Meter, first edition, with frontispiece, elegant in morocco, £3. 3s. . . ib. 1651. 6001. Keach's (Benjamin) Glorious Lover, a Divine Poem, upon the Adorable Mystery of Sinner's Redemption, neat, £1. is. ib. 1679- English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — 12 wo. 439 6002. Reach's (Benjamin) War with the Devil, a Poem, cuts, 5s. 6003. ■ *— Grand Impostor Discovered: or the. Quaker's Doctrine weighed in the Ballance and found want- ing, a Poem by way of Dialogue, <£l. Is. • 'Lund. \6j5. 6004. Kerr's (Symon) Scottish Poems, Songs, &c. calf extra, gilt leaves, 9s Perth, 1802. 1 6005. Knight of the Kirk, or the Ecclesiastical Adventures of Sir John Presbyter, by VV. Meston, 6s. Lond. 1728. 6006. Lindsay's (Sir David) Poetical Works, half-bound, 7s. Edin. 1720. 6007. L'Estrange's (Sir Robert) Fables, in English Verse, by E. Stacy, frontispiece, 5s. Lond. 1717. 6008. LittleV(i. e. T. Moore) Poems, boards, 6s. ib. 1806. 6009. LorTt's (Capel) Eudosia, or a Poem on the Universe, with por- trait, calf extra, gilt leaves, gr. ib. 1781. 6010. Lee's (Nathaniel) Dramatic Works, plates, 3 vo\s.fne set in calf, £h lis. 6d. ib. 1734. 6011. Six Select Plays, 4*. ib. 1734. 6012. Lillo's (George) Arden of Feversham, 2s. ib. 176*2. 6013. Leycester's Common-wealth, with Leycester's Ghost, in Verse, calf extra, gilt leaves, $s. • ■ * • • ift- 1641. 6014. Leyden's (John) Scenes of Infancy, calf extra, gilt leaves, Ss. Edin. 1811. 6015. Lyster's (Thomas) Blessings of Eighty-Eight, or short Narra- tive of the Auspicious Protection of our Keform'd Pro- testant Church, under the number of Eight, Prose and Verse, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1698. 6016. Lover's (The) Manual. Being a Choice Collection of Poems, interleaved with Poems in manuscript, 2 vols. $s. ib. 1750. 6017. Lluellin's (M.) Men-Miracles, with other Poems, very neat in calf 12*. 6d. ib. 1656. 6018. Another Edition, indifferent copy, 4>s. 6d. ib. 1646. 440 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6010. Legend of Captain Jones, both parts, with the scarce frontis- piece by Marshall, in russia, £2. 10s. Lond. 1659. 6020. Love Letters between a Nobleman and his Sister, and between a Nun and a Cavalier, in Verse, 2 vols, neat in calf, 10s. 6d. ib. 1716-34. 6021. Loyal Garland (The) containing choice Songs and Sonnets of our late unhappy Revolutions, very delightful and profit- able, both to this present and future ages. Published by S. N. a Lover of Mirth, — 2Blacfc %ttttl — in russia, £3. 3s. ib. 1671. 6022. Lilly's (John) Sixe Court Comedies, viz. Endimion ; Alex- ander and Campaspe ; Sapho and Phao ; Gallathea ; My- das ; and Mother Bombie, very neat, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1632. 6023. Lucan's Pharsalia: or the Civil Warres of Rome, between Pompey the Great and Julius Caesar, Englished by Thomas May, with Continuation, frontispiece, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. \\s.6d. ib. 1635- 6024. Another Edition, small size, calf extra, gilt leaves, £ 1.1 Is. 6d. ib. 1 650. 6025. Milton's (John) Poems, English and Latin, with a fine impres- sion of the rare portrait, engraved by Marshall, calf extra, £4. 4s. ib. 1645. The portrait of Milton in this volume was the first engraved: — A copy of it sold at Sir W. Musgrave's Sale for £±. 18a 6326. Another Copy of the same edition, portrait by Vander Gucht, calf extra, £l.5s. ib. 16*45. 6027. Modern Midnight Conversation, or Matrimonial Dialogues, elegant in morocco, 12s. • • • • • • » ib. n. d. 602S. Muse in a Moral Humour, being a Collection of agreeable and instructive Tales, Fables, &c. 2 vols, half-bound, neat, 10s.6d. ib. 1757. 6029. Muse in Good Humour, or a Collection of Comic Tales in Verse, neat, £l. 4>s. ib. 174-6. 6030. Miller of Trompington, being an Exercise upon Chaucer's Reeve's Tale, very neat, 6s. ib. 1715. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama— \2mo. 441 6031. Moore's (Edward) Fables for the Female Sex, plates, very neat, 5s. Lond. 1799. 6032. Musseus, or the Loves of Hero and Leander, translated by Sir Robert Stapylton, £l. lls.6d. ib. 1647. 6033. Meston's (William) Poetical Works, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. 6d. Edinburgh, 1767. 6034. Montgomery's (Alex.) Poetical Works, calf extra, gilt leaves, 95. Glasgow, 1 754. 6035. May's (Thomas) Victorious Reigne of King Edward the Third, a Poem, with portrait of Edward, £l.lls.6d, Lond. 1635. 6036. Munday's (Anthony) breefe Aunswer made unto two sedi- tious Pamphlets, the one printed in French and the other in English. Contayning a defence of Edmund Campion and his complices, their most horible and unnaturall Trea- sons, against her Majestie and the Realme — 2Macft %ttttl —£6. 6s. Lond. for E. White, 1 582. A very rare and curious little book : it is not mentioned in Oldys's MS. concerning Campion, nor was it known to Ames or Herbert, 6037- Made Long Since for the Anniversary Solemnity on the fift day of November, in a private Colledge at Cambridge. By A. B. C. D. E. and now by conquering importunity made publique. For a small memoriall of England's great deliverance from the Powder Treason, with a wood-cut frontispiece, £2. 10s. Lond. 1641. 6038. Mill's (Humphry) Night's Search. Discovering the Nature and Condition of all sorts of Night-Walkers; with their Associates. As also the Life and Death of many of them, curious frontispiece, £4. 4s. ib. 1640. 6039. Milton's (John) Paradise Lost, second edition, coloured plates, fs. 6d. ib. 1674. 6040. Ditto in Prose, with Notes, 45. ib. n. d. 6041. Modern Receipt, a Comedy, altered from Shakspeare, with Poems, &c. 3$. 6d. * ib. 1739. 6042. Mason's (Rev. W.) Poems, two portraits, boards, 5s. ib. 1805. 3 K 442 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6043. Nicol's (Alexander) Poems, Serious and Comical, 2 vols. calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. Is. Edinburgh, 1753-6. 6044. Old Ballads (A Collection of) corrected from the best and most ancient copies extant. With Introductions Histori- cal, Critical, or Humorous, with plates, 3 vols, calf extra, £5. 5s. Lond. 1727- 6045. Ovid's Hcroycall Epistles, in English Verse ; set out and translated by George Turbervilc, Gent. With Aulus Sabi- binus' answers to certaine of the same — 2MaCn %ttttt — inorocco, £8. 8s Lond. by J. Charlezvoode, n. d. 604:6. Ovid's Epistles, translated by several hands, plates, green 7110. rocco, by Roger Payne, 15s. Lond. 1720. 6047. Ovid's Epistles, translated by W. Saltonstall, with plates, elegant in morocco, <£\. lis. 6d. ib. \673. 6048. Another edition, without plates, half-bound, extra, 12s. ib. 1677- 6049. Ovid's Tristia, translated by W. Saltonstall, frontispiece, by Cecil, calf extra, gilt leaves, £\. 15s. ib. 1633. 6050. translated by T. P. calf extra, 12s. "ib. 1713. 6051. Another edition, calf extra, 10s. 6d. ib. 1726. 6052. Invective or Curse against Ibis, faithfully and fami- liarly translated into English Verse by John Jones, calf extra, £2. 10s. Oxford, 1658. This copy has some presentation verses in the hand-writing of Jones. 6053. Another Copy, stained, and made up with MS. 9s. ib. 1658. 6054. Ovid's Invective against Ibis, translated into English Meeter by Thomas Underdowne— SMacTt %ttttZ — calf extra, £7 . 7s. Lond. by II. Bynneman, 1577. 6055. Ovidius Exulans, or Ovid Travestie, a Mock Poem, on Five Epistles of Ovid, by Naso Scarronnomimus, elegant in morocco, £\. \ls.6d. Lond. 1673. 6056. Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated by Sewell and others, plates, 2 vols. 7s. ib. 171 7> 6057. translated by Garth and others, plates, 2 vols. 8s. ib. 1751. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — X2mo. 443 6058. Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated by G. Sandys, half -bound, 6s. Lond. 1656. 6059- Ot way's (Thomas) Works, best edition, 3 vols, very neat, £l.4s. ib. 1768. 6060. 2 vols. 6s. $..1702. 6061. Overbury's (Sir Thomas) Wife, a Poem, with New and Choice Characters, portrait by Simon Pass, calf extra, £l. 5s. ib. 1615. 6062. — — 1 — Another Edition, with portrait, calf extra, 18s. ib. l6l6. 6063. The same Edition, without portrait, 7s. ib, \6\6. 6064. Another Edition, enlarged, elegant in calf, 15s. ib. 1664. 6065. Ossian's Poems, plates, 2 vols, elegant 8s. Edin. 1803. 6066. Poetical Works of the author of the Heroical Epistle to Sir W r . Chambers, half-bound, extra, 3s. 6d. • • • • Lond. 1805. 6067. Phillips's (John) Poems, 2s. ib. 1728. 6068. Pennecuik's (Alex.) Streams from Helicon : or Poems on Various Subjects, 14s. 6d. ib. 1720. 6069. Prologues and Epilogues celebrated for their poetical merit, very neat, 5s. Oxford, n. d. 6070. Pasquin's (Anthony) Children of Thespi-, a Poem, calf extra, gilt leaves, 8s. Lond. 1792. 6071. — Poems, 2 vols, very neat, 9s. . -ib. 1789. 6072. Pecke's (Thomas) Parnassi Puerperium, or some Well-wishes to Ingenuity, being Epigrams translated from Owen. Mar- tial, &c. £2. 2s. ib. 1659. 6073. Another Copy, with the rare portrait of Pecke, morocco, £G-6s- ib. 1659. 6074. Pranceriana Poetica; or Prancer's Garland, 2s. 6d. Dub. 1779. 60/5. Pope's (Alexander) Works, 6 vols, neat, 18s. .. Lond. 1736. 6076. Paterson's (James) Commentary on Milton's Paradise Lost, 5s. ib. 1744. 444 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6077. Phillips's (Edward) Theatrum Poetarum, or a compleat col- lection of the Poets of all ages, 12*. Lond. 1675. 6078. Poems by Ben Jonson Junior. Composed by W. S. Gent. elegant in morocco, <£2. 15s ib. l6*72. 6079- Pembroke's (Countess of) Tragedie of Antonie done into English, half-bound, Jieat, £8. 8s. Lond. fur W. Ponsonby, 1595. 6080. Palingenius his firste syxe bokes of the Zodiake of Life, trans- lated by Barnabe Googe— SMacfc %ttttt— calf extra, gilt leaves, £5. 5s. .••••• Lond. by I. Tisdale, 156l. This rare edition was unknown to Warner or Tanner; and Herbert the editor of Ames had only seen one copy. The present wants a leaf, containing Verses by G. Chatherton, also the last leaf of Poetical words. €081. Poems in Latin and English, by Archibald Pitcairn, W. Scot, and T. Kincaid, including Poems on the Royal Com- pany of Archers, 7s. 6d. Edin. 17*17. 6082. Another Copy, on fine thick paper, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. 5s. ib. 1727. 6083. Plays, a collection of, by the best Tragic and Comic Writers, 9 vols, neat, £l. 7s. Lond. 1735, drc. 6084. Plays, a selection of, 5 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. • • • • ib. 1735, &c. 6085. Pomfret's (John) Poems, neat, 2s. ib, 1736. 6086. Penwarne's (John) Contemplation, a Poem, with Tales, &c. morocco, 9*. • ib. 1 8O7. 6087. Pindar, translated from the Greek, by Gilbert West, with original Poems, 3 vols, neat, 13s. 6d. ib. 1766. 6OS8. Political Merriment, or Truths told to some Tune. Faithfully translated from the original French of R. H. S. H. H. S. F. A. G. G. A. M. M. P., &c. 9*. ib. 1714. 6089. Prior's (Matthew) Poems, (two leaves MS. J 3s. « • ib. 1720. 6090. — — — • neat, 4>s.6d. ib. 1754. 6091. Another Edition, 2 vols. 6s. • • • • ib. 1721. 6092. Pope's (The) pittiful Lamentation for the Death of hisdere darling Don Joan, of Austria : and Death's Aunswer to the same. With an Epitaphe upon the said Don Joan, English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama.— 12 wo. 445 translated after the French printed coppy by Henry Chettle, — 25tecft %ttttt — elegant in morocco, £5. 5s. Lond. by J. Charlewood, 1578. 6093. Parrot's (Henry) Laquei Ridiculosi: or Springes for Wood- cocks, neat, £$. 8?. Lond. \6\o. To this rare volume of Epigrams Mr. Malone was considerably indebted while writing his Historical Account of the English Stage, and it is observed by Warton that " many of them are worthy to be revived in modern collections." — The present copy has manuscript illustra- trations. 6094. Poems, viz. The Reigne of King Henry the Second, by Tho- mas May, with portrait by Vaughan, Lond. 1633. — The Historie of Edward the Second, by Francis Hubert, -with portrait, Lond. 1629- — The Victorious Reigne of King Edward the Third, by Thomas May, with portrait, Lond. 1635. — The Battailes of Crescey and Poictiers, by Charles Aleyn, Lond. Irj33. — Plantagenet's Tragical Story ; or the Death of King Edward the Fourth, by T. W. with the rare portrait by Marshall, Lond. 1649. — -The Historie of King Henrie the Seventh, by Charles Aleyn, with portrait by Marshall, Lond. 1638. — and Bosworth Field, by Sir John Beaumont, (from his volume of Poems, 1629). — This cu- rious collection of Historical Poems, is in one volume, in the original parchment binding, and very good condition, o£24. Lond. 1629-38. 6095. Poems. — A Choice Collection of Scots Poems, ancient and modern, Edin. 1 766.— Poetical Works of William Meston, Ea]in. 1 767. —Collection of Scots Poems, by Alexander Pennecuik and others, Edin. 1769, in one vol. half- bound, russia, £2. 2s. 6Q96. Poems. — Kalender of Man's Life, by Robert Farlie, with the frontispiece and wood-cuts, Lond. 1638. — Keach's Youn<* Converted Gallant turned into a Poem, by J. Mason, Lond. 1676. — Divine Emblems by John Bunyan, Lond. 1757. Marrow of Gospel-History, by Hercules Collins, Lond. 1696, in one volume, £2. 2s. 6097. Poems. — Poems by Richard Corbet, Bishop of Norwich, Juond. 16/2. — Family Hymns gather'd out of David's 446 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. Psalms, Lond. 1718. — Iter Borcale, Lond. 1716, and other Tracts, in one volume, 15$. 6098. Plat's (Sir Hugh) Floures of Philosophic, with the Pleasures of Poetrie annexed to them, as wel pleasant to be read as profitable to be folowed of all men — SMacft %ttttt — calf extra, gilt leaves, £7. 7 s. • *Lond. by H. Bynneman, 1572. The u Floures of Philosophic," consist of 883 short sentences in prose; hut the ' Pleasures of Poetrie," is entirely metrical. It wants a leaf or two at the end. 6099' Pordage's (Samuel) Poems upon several occasions, and a translation of the Troades of Seneca, calf extra, £2. 12s. 6d. Lond. 1660. 6100. Psalmes of David, in Prose and Meeter, with their whole usuall tunes, in russia, £2. 12s. 6d. • • • • Edinburgh, 1640. 6'101. with apt notes to sing them withall, fine copy, ruled icith red lines, blue morocco, £l. Is. Lond. 1643. 6102. Psalms of David— %latk %tttZt—£l. Is. ib. 1621. 6103. Passion of Dido for iEneas, translated from Virgil by Edmund Waller and Sidney Godolphin, calf extra, gilt leaves, 15s. ib. 1658. 6104. Quarles's (Francis) Emblems, calf extra, gilt leaves, £3. 3s. Cambridge, 1643, 6105. — Another Edition, calf extra, £l. 7s. Lond. I676. 6l06. Argalus and Parthenia, calf extra, 15s. ■ ib. 1687. 6107. — — Divine Poems ; containing the History of Jonah, Ester, Job, Sion's Sonnets, &c. with frontispiece, by Cecil, £2. 2s. ib. 1630. 6108. Another Edition, 1 5s. ib. 1642. 6109. ■ Another Edition, 10s. 6d. ib. 1669. 61 10. . Another Edition, calf extra, l6s. ib. I706. 6111. — (John) Fons Lachrymarum; or a Fountain of Tears, from whence doth flow England's Complaint, Jeremiah's Lamentations Paraphras'd, with Divine Meditations, &c. English Poetry, Flays, and Works on the Drama. — l2mo. 447 with rare portrait not mentioned by Granger, neat, £3.13s.6d. Lond. 1648. 6112. Quarles's (John) Regale Lectum Miseriae, or a Kingly Bed of Miserie, 10*. 6d. ib. 1649. $\\3, Divine Meditations upon several Subjects, calf extra, gilt leaves, 18*. ib. 1679* 6114. Another Copy, with ajine portrait, £l. 5s. ib. 1679. 6115. Quillet's Art of geting beautiful Children, translated by N.Rowe, 5*. ib. 1720. t)ll6. Rowe's (Elizabeth) Works, in Prose and Verse, with two portraits, 2 vols, elegant in morocco, £1.4. •• ib 1642. 6125. Richardson's (W.) Essay on Shakspeare's Dramatic Cha- racters, 2*. ib. 1784. 61 26. Roscoe's (W.) Nurse, a Poem, from the Italian of Tansillo, elegant, 7s. Liverpool, 1 800. 6127. Randolph's (Thomas) Poems, with the Muses Looking Glasse, and Amyntas,u'iM a frontispiece, which contains Randolph's portrait, calf extra, gilt leaves, £\. is. • • • • Oxford, 1640. 448 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6128. Randolph's (Thomas) Poems, with the Muses Looking-Glasse, and Amyntas, no frontispiece, 7 s. 6d. • • • • Oxford, 1640. 6129. Another Edition, calf extra, gilt leaves, 14s. • • >*Lond. 1664. 6130. Another Copy, neat, 8s. ib. 1664. 6131. Another Edition, 10s. 6d. Oxford, 1668. 6132. Roy's (William) Rede me frynde and be nott wrothe for I saye no thynge but the trothe, — 23iacft %ttttt — morocco, cflO. 10*. printed at Wesell, by H. Nycolson, 1546. The present copy of this uncommon book has the title supplied by manu- script, and the first leaf of the preface is damaged. 6133. Ramsay's (Allan) Miscellany of Scots Songs. 5*. 6d.Lond. 1727- 6134. Rochester's (Earl of) Poems, with others by the E. of Ros- common, Dorset, &c. 2 vols, inl, £l. Is. ib. 1731. 6135. Stagg's (John) Miscellaneous Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, 8s. Wigton, 1 808. 6136. Stevenson's (William) Poems, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, 16s. Newark, 1 782. 6137. Southerne's (Thomas) Plays and Life, with portrait, 3 vols. very neat, £l. 7s. Lond. 1774. 613*. Skelton's (John) Pithy, Pleasaunt, and Profitable Workes, neat, £1. l6s. ^.1736. 6139. Another Copy, with a considerable portion of interesting extracts and remarks in manuscript, £2. 6s* ib. 1736. 6140. Spenser's (Edmund) Works, with a Glossary, &c. by Hughes, 6 vols, neat, £l. lbs. ib. 1715. 6141. The same edition, large paper, 6 vols. neat, £2. 17$. ib. 1715. 5142. Works, with plates, (Bell's edit.) 8 vols. elegant, £l. 9s. ib. 1787 6143. Shirley's (James) Six Ncwe Playes, with portrait by Wilkin, elegant in morocco, £2. 12s. 6d. » ib. 1653. 6144. Select Epigrams, 2 vols, in 1, very neat, 8s. ib. 1797- 6145. Spiritual Life. Poems on several Divine Subjects, calf extra, gilt leaves, £)s. 6d. Edinburgh, 1727* 6 146. Shad well's (Thomas) Dramatic Works, portrait by Gribclin, 4 vols, neat, £2. 6s, Lund. 1720. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — l<2?no. 449 6147. Shenstone's (William) Poems upon various Occasions. Written for the Entertainment of the Author, and printed for the Amusement of a few Friends, prejudic'd in his Favour, neat, £8. 8s. Oxford, 1737. This was the first publication of Mr. Shenstone. It is very rare, because he took uncommon pains to suppress it, by collecting and destroying the copies wherever he met with them. 6148. Works, 3 vols, neat, 15s. . -Lond. 1773. 6149. Shakspeare's (William) Poems, russia, gilt leaxes, £2. 12s. 6d, ib. Ifj40. 6150. Shakspeare, (Bell's edition) from the text of Johnson and Steevens, with copious notes, and illustrative matter ; fine impressions of the engravings, (a subscriber's copy) 20 vols. in numbers, £5. 5s. ib. 1788. 6151. Shakspeare, edited by Theobald, 8 vols, neat, £l. l6s. ib. 1752. 6l 52. Scott's (Thomas) Four Paradoxes of Arte, of La we, of Warre, of Seruice, elegant in morocco, £\6. \6s.ib. 1602. This is a volume of such extreme rarity, that the present copy, which was originally Major Pearson's, is probably the only one that is known. 6153. Philomythie, or Phiiomythologie. Wherein outlandish Birds, Beasts, and Fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely, with the rare frontispiece by Elstracke, 1622. — Certaine Pieces of this Age Paraboliz'd, by T. Scot, 16 1 6. — The second part of Philomythie, by T. Scot, 1625, in one vol. neat, £5. 5s. ib. l6l6-25. 6154. — Another Copy of the same poems and editions, without Elstracke's frontispiece, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1616-25. 6155. Philomythie, &c. first part, part of the frontispiece cut off, l6l6. — Certaine pieces Paraboliz'd, 1615, neat,£l. Us. 6d. ib. 1615-16. 6156. Lyric Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, £)s. ib. 1773. 6157* Stanley's (Thomas) Poems, translations of Anacreon, Bion, &c. Excitations, Sylvia's Park, Oronta, Aurora, &c. &c. fine copy, £6. 16s. 6d. ib, 1652. 3L 450 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6158. Smith's (Charlotte) Sonnets, vol. 2, very neat, 5s. Lond. 1797* 6159. Select Portions of Psalms, purple morocco, 7 s. • • • • ib. 1802. 6l6\). Sidney's (Sir Henry) very godly Letter unto Sir Philip Sidney his sonne, then of tender yeeres, at schoole in the toune of Shrewesbury, with one M. Astone. Most necessarie for all yoong Gentlemen to bee carried in memorie, with an excellent Epitaph of the Life and Death of Sir H. Sydney, both which being put in print at the humble request of one William Gruffith of Coredaney, in the countie of Angles, sometime Clarke of his Kitchin, — SBlacft %ttttt — morocco, <£l3. 13*. Lond. by T. Dawson, 1591. The Epitaph consists of sixty- one stanzas of four lines. The name of William Griffith, the author, does not occur as a poet in Ritson, a strong proof of the great rarity of his verses. 6161. Sedley's (Sir Charles) Works, portrait by Vander Gucht, 2 vols. 15s. Lond. 1722. 6162. Stevenson's (Matthew) Poems, very neat, £7. 7s. • • • 'ib. 1665. Prefixed to this volume is a fac-simile engraving, from the rare portrait by Gaywood, with four lines underneath ; it is mentioned by Granger, though he admits he had never seen the print ; yet nevertheless makes a severe attack upon the author, in consequence of a curious mistake, of which the particulars are given in Bib. Ang. Poet. p. 332, 6163. Southwell's (Robert) Saint Peter's Complaint, Mary Mag- dalen's Teares, with other Workes, with the Douay first title of ] 620, in russia, £3. 3s. ib. 1630. 6164. - Another edition, (first title MS.) very neat, £2. 10s ib. 1634. 6\65. . St. Peter's Complaint, and Saint Mary Magdalen's Funerall Teares. With sundry other selected and devout poemes, calf extra, £5. 5s. • • • • Douay, 16*20. 6166. Slater's (Samuel) Poems, calf extra, £l. Is. • • *»Lond. l679« 6167. Sheppard's (S.) Epigrams, Theological, Philosophical, and Romantick. Also the Socratick Session, or the Arraign- ment and Conviction of Julius Scaliger, with other select Poems, rare frontispiece, calf extra, <^10. 10*.- »ib. 16*51. 6168. Sion in Distress; or the Groans of the Protestant Church, half -bound, morocco, 12s. 6d. ib. 1682. English Poetry , Plays, and Works on the Drama. — 12mo. 451 6169. Speed's (Samuel) Prison Pietie, or Meditations, Divine and Moral. Digested into Poetical Heads, on mixt and various Subjects, calf extra, gilt leaves, 18s. Lond. 1677- 6l70» Sacred Epigrams, English and Latin, calf extra, 5s. ib. 16S2. 6171. Scbola Cordis, or the Heart of it selfe, gone away from God; brought back againeto him; and instructed by him, in 47 Emblemes, plates by Van Lochem, (some leaves MS.) £2. 2s. ib. 1647. 6172. Stafford's (Anthony) Femall Glory; or the Life and Death of our Blessed Lady, the holy Virgin Mary, God's owne immaculate Mother, in Prose and Verse, plates, £2. 10s, ib.l635. 6173. Sacontala, or the Fatal Ring, an Indian Drama, translated by Sir W. Jones, calf extra, 7s. • ib. 1792. 6174. Stevens's (G.Alex.) Songs, Comic and Satyrical, fron tis- piece, 4)S. ib. 1772. 6175. Stephens's (John) Essays and Characters, Ironicall and Instructive. With a new Satyre in defence of Common Law and Lawyers, &c. &c. (two leaves and part of two others, MS.) neat, £2. 2s. ib. l6l5. 6176. Smith's (Jud.) Misticall deuise of the spirituall and godly loue betweene Christ the spouse, and the Church or Con- gregation. Firste made by the wise Prince Solomon, and now newly set forth in verse ; whereunto is annexed certeine other brief stories, — 23(acft %ttttt — o£l0. 10*. Lond. by H. Kirckham, 1575. This rare book was unknown to Ames or Herbert; and Warton who has enumerated various versions of Solomon's Song in the sixteenth century seems to have been ignorant of the present. 6177. Sandys's (George) Christ's Passion, a Tragedy, with Anno- tations, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. Lond, 1640. 6178. Slatyer's (William) Psalmes of David in four Languages, and in four parts, set to the tunes of our Church, engraved on copper, calf extra, £4>, 14*. 6d. ib. 1543. The four Languages are Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and English. 6179. Sylvester's (Josuah) translations from Du Bartas, Original Poems, &c. £2. 12s. 6d, (no place or date. J 452 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6180. Sterling's (W.Alexander, Earl of) Monarchicke Tragedies, neat, £\0. 10s. Lond. l6l6. A rare edition which varies from all the preceding. — It is not noticed by Reed in his account of the Earl of Sterling's writings. 6181. Seneca's Hippolitus, translated out of Seneca by Edmund Prestwich. Together with divers other Poems of the same Author's, calf extra, £\.\\s.6d. ib. \65l. 61 82. S'too him Bayes : or some Observations upon the humour of writing Rehearsals Transpros'd, 4*. 6d. Oxon, 1673. 6183. Suckling's (Sir John) Works, in Prose and Verse, portrait by Vander Gucht, calf extra, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1719. 6184. Ditto, without the portrait, 6s. ib. 1 7 1 9- 6lS5. Sonnets and other Poems, with Tales in Prose, calf extra, gilt leaves, 7s. ib. 1705. 6 186. Thomson's (James) Works, viz. Poems and Plays, plates, 4 vols.^we set in calf, £l. Is. • ib, 1762. 6 187- Seasons, very small, 2s. ib. n. d. 6 188. The Turtle Dove, under the Absence and Presence of her only Choice, or Desertion and Deliverance Revived. By a Lover of the Celestiall Muses, elegant in morocco, £6. 6s, Edinburgh, 1664. 6189. Translations of German Poems, from the author of the Ger- man Erato, with the originals, 2 vols, calf extra, 1 4s. Berlin, 1801. 6190. The Trumpet of Fame : or Sir Frauncis Drake's and Sir John Hawkins' Farewell : with an encouragement to all Sailors and Souldiers that are minded to go in this worthie enterprise. With the names of many Ships, and what they have done against our foes — 2Mac6 %ttttt — in morocco, o£l3. 13s. Lond. by T. Creede, 1595. A Poetical Tract of excessive rarity, of which neither a copy, or even the title was known to Ames, Herbert, Warton, and Ritson. The initials were probably intended for Henry Roberts, author of an Epitaph upon the Earl of Leicester. 6191. Tatham's (John) Fancies Theater, Poems, in morocco, £6. 6s. Lond. 1640. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — \2mo. 453 6192. Taylor's (John) Errant Thiefe, whom every Man may Trust: in Word and Deed exceeding True and Just, <£2. 2s. Loncl. 1622. 6193. A Bawd, a vertuous Bawd, a modest Bawd> as Shee deserue, reprove or else applaud, (no title) 7s.6d. 6194. Theatrical Records, or an Account of English Dramatic Authors and their Works, neat, 18s. ib. 1756. G. Steevens's copy, having in his hand-writing this remark. — u Originally printed in 1750, by that most notorious liar William Rufus Chetwood, under the title of the British Theatre." 6195. Teate's (Faithfull) Per Tria: or the Doctrine of the three Sa- cred Persons, Father, Son, and Spirit, &c. Summarily digested for the pleasure and profit of the Pious and Ingeni- ous Reader, calf extra, £l. lis. 6d. • • • • ib. 1669. 6196. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, translated by Hoole, 2 vols. elegant, lis. 6d. ib. 1803. 6197. Toldervy's (W.) Select Epitaphs, 2 vols, very neat, £\.ls. ib. 1755. 6198. Union (The) or Select Scots and English Poems, by T. and J. Warton, Hammond, Smollet, Collins, &c. 3s. 6d. ib. 1766. 6199. Another Copy, neat in calf, 6s. ib. 1766. 6200. Another Copy, calf extra, 8s. ib. 1 759. 6201. Vanbrugh's (Sir John) Plays, 2 vols, calf extra, lis.ib. 1776. 6202. Vander Noodt's (John) Theatre, wherein be represented as wel the miseries and calamities that follow the voluptuous Worldlings, as also the great ioyes and pleasures which the faithful do enioy, with curious wood-cuts, — SBIacft %ttttt — in morocco, £20* ••• Lond. by H. Bynneman, 1569. A book of extreme rarity, with which are connec: ed some particulars highly curious. — It is copiously described in Bib. Ang. Poet. p. 369. 6203. Vaughan's (Henry) Silex Scintillans : or Sacred Poems and Priuate Ejaculations, two parts, in calf, £l. 10s. Lond. 1650-5. 6204. Olor Iscanus. A Collection of some se- lect Poems, and Translations, with frontispiece engraved by R, Vaughan, in russia, £3. 3s, • ib. 1651. 454 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Bkown. 6205. Vaughan's (William) Church Militant, a Poem, £l. lls.6d. Lond. 1640. 6206. Vaticinium Votivum : or Palaemon's Prophetick Prayer. With several Elegies of Charles I. &c. calf extra, 10s. 6d. Traj. 1649. 6207. Vida's Art of Poetry, translated by Pitt, neat, 4s. Lond. 1742. 6208. Virgil's Eclogues, translated into English by W. L. Gent. £l.l6s. ib. 1628. 6209. Another Copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. 2s. ib. 1628. 6210. Virgil's Georgick?, Englished by Thomas May, frontispiece by R. Vaughan, £l.l5s. ib. 1628. 6211. Another Copy, wanting a leaf, pp. 19, 20. £l. 4s.**ib. 1628. 6212. Virgil, in English Verse, translated by Pitt and Warton, plates, 4 vols, neat, £l. Is. • • ib. 1763. 62 L3. Virgil, translated by John Ogilby, portrait by Marshall, blue morocco, 15s, ib. 1665. 6214. Victor's (Benj.) History of the Theatres of London and Dublin, 3 vols, very neat, 10s. 6d. ib, 176I- 6215. Vortigern and Rowena (Passages selected on the great Literary Trial from the Play of) 2 vols, in 1, h. b. morocco, 4s. ib. 1795. 6216. Verbal Index to Milton's Paradise Lost, 2s.6d.»* • *ib. 1/41. 6217. Wesley's (Samuel) Maggots : or, Poems on several subjects never before handled, calf extra, £l, 5s. ib. 1685. 6218. Another Copy, with a tracing from the rare portrait, also an indian-ink drawing of his son John, half-bound, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1685. 6219. History of the Old and New Testament, in Verse, with 300 engravings by Sturt, 3 vols, russia extra, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1704. 6220. — Ditto, a bad Set, 3 vols, not uniform, £l.5s. • ib. 1704. 6221. (John) Collection of Moral and Sacred Poems, vols, elegant, £l.ls, • Bristol, 1 744. 6222. (J. and C.) Hymns and Sacred Poems, calf extra, gilt leaves, 7s. 6d, • Lond. 1 756. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama. — l2mo. 455 6223. Waller's (Edmond) Poems and Life, 2.9. 6d. Lond.1722. 6224. __ Works, by Feriton, neat, 4>s. Lond. J 744. 6225. Poems and Life, small edition, 5s. ib. 1712. 6226. Works, with Life by P. Stockdale, plates, elegant in purple morocco, joints, fyc. £1. 7^« 'ib. 1772. 6227. Watts's (Isaac) Lyric Poems, portrait by Vertue, neat, 45. 6d. ib. 1722. 6228. neat, 4s. ib. 1786. 6229. portrait, in purple morocco, 12s. ib. 1804. 6230. Woty's (W.) Blossoms of Helicon, calf extra, gilt leaves, Ss. ib. 1763. 6231. Witty and Ingenious Riddles, half-bound, extra, (no title) 4*. 6232. Wits (The) or Sport upon Sport. In Selected Pieces of Drol- lery, by Francis Kirkman, both parts, with titles, prefaces, and the rare frontispiece, calf extra, gilt leaves, £3. 13*. 6d. ib. 1672-3. 6233*. Another Copy, not quite perfect, calf extra, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1672-3. 6234. Warburton's (Bishop) Miscellaneous Translations in Prose and Verse, neat, \5s. ib. 1734. 6235. Wittie's (Robert) Survey of the Heavens, with Gout-Raptures in English, Latin and Greek Lyrick Verse, half-bound, neat, 6s. 26. 1681. 6236. Ward's (Ned) Nuptial Dialogues and Debates, 2 vols. neat, 18*. ib. 1 737. 6237. (Tho.) England's Reformation, a Poem, in four Cantos, 8*. ib. 1715. 6238. Wreath, a Collection of Songs, 3s. ib. 1753. 6239. Williams's (Miss H. M.) Poems, 2 vols, very neat, 9s. ib. 1786. 6240. . Another Copy, 2 vols, in 1, 5s. ib. 1786. 6241. — (Sir C. H.) Odes, elegant, 7s. 6d. ib. 1780. 456 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 6242. Williams's (William) Poetical Piety, or Poetry made Pious, calf extra, gilt leaves, 18s. Lond. 1677 » 6243. Wright's (Abraham) Parnassus Biceps. Or severall choice Pieces of Poetry, composed by the best Wits that were in both the Universities before their dissolution, bad copy, made, up with MS. 15s. ib. 1656. 6244. Watkyns's (Rowland) Flamma sine Fumo : or Poems without Fictions, £3. 3s. • • ib. 1662. 6245. Witt's Recreations refined and augmented, with Ingenious Conceites for the wittie, and Merrie Medicines for the Me- lancholic, with frontispiece, (some leaves wanting) half- bound extra, £2. 2s. ib. 1663. 6246. Wit and Drollery, Jovial] Poems: Corrected and much amended, with additions, by Sir John Mennis, Dr. James Smith, Sir William Davenant, and John Donne, (three leaves damaged) 4s. 14s. 6d. ib. l66l . 6247. Westminster Drollery. Or, a Choice Collection of the Newest Songs and Poems both at Court and Theatres. By a Person of Quality. With additions, calf extra, gilt leaves, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1672. 6248. Westminster Quibbles in Verse ; being a Mock to the Crab of the Wood, and to that Tune ; or, a Miscellany of Quibling Catches, Joques, and Merriments, calf extra, gilt leaves, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. n. d. 6249. Wild's (R.) Iter Boreale, and several other Poems, very neat, 6s. • • • . . . . ib. I67I . 6250. Wastel's (Simon) True Christian's Daily Delight : being the Summe of euery Chapter of the Old and New Testament, set downe alphabetically, in English Verse, vellum, 3. 3s. ib. 1623. 625/. Microbiblion, or the Bibles Epitome, in Verse ; digested according to the Alphabet, half-bound, £% 12s. 6d. ib. 1629. 6252. Wither's (George) Abuses Stript, and Whipt j Or Satyrical Essays, first edition, £l. lis. 6d. ib. l6l3. 6253. Another Edition, £\. \6s. ib. 1617. English Poetry, Plays, and Works on the Drama, — \2mo. 457 6254. Wither's (George) Abuses Stript and Whipt : Or Satyrical Essays, .£1. Is. Lond. l6l7« 6255. Juvenilia, a Collection of those Poemes which were heretofore imprinted, containing Abuses Stript and Whipt; A Satyre; Shepheard's Hunting, &c. (en- graved title wanting) in russia, £3. 3s. ib. 1615. 6256. * Juvenilia, another edition, with additions, and engraved title, neat, £o. lSs. 6d. ib. 1622. 625f. Juvenilia, 'another edition, with farther ad- ditions, neat, £ 4. 10s. ib. 1633. 6258. Faire Virtue, the Mistresse of Phil'arete, first edition, £l. 15s. ib. l622. 6259- Satyre : dedicated to his most excellent Maiestie, l6s ib. 1615. 6260. Hymns and Songs of the Church, 10s. 6d. ib. 1623. 6261. ! Another Edition,— -SBIacfe %ttttt— 18$. ib. n. d. 6262. ! — '■ : — Improvement of Imprisonment, Disgrace, and Poverty, into Real Freedom; Honest Reputation, Perdurable Riches ; evidenced in a few Crums and Scraps late found in a Prisoner's-Basket at Newgate, £1. 11*. 6d. ib.1661. 6263. Speculum Speculativum ; or a Consider- ing-Glass ; being an Inspection into the present and late sad condition of these Nations, £l. 5s. ib. 1660. 6264. Ditto, an indifferent copy, 9*.. . . »ib. 1660. 6265. Fides-Anglicana, or a Plea for the Publick Faith of these Nations, -with a Catalogue of Wither** pieces at the end, £l. Is.. • . .* ib. 166O. 6266. Memorandum to London, occasioned by the Pestilence there begun this present year 1665, and humbly offered to the Lord Maior, &c. of the said City, «£*• ls - ib. 1665. 3 M 458 Longman, Hurst, Reus, Orme, and Brown. 626*7. Wither's (George) Three Private Meditations, which being for the most part, of Public concernment, are therefore published, £l. Is. Lond. 1666. 6268. Ecchoes from the Sixth Trumpet, £\. Is. ib. 1666. 6269. — _ Campo-Musae, or Field Musings, frontis- piece, £l. lis. 6d. ib, 1613. 6270. Motto, a Poem, with the frontispiece by Elstracke, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1621. 6271. Britain's Remembrancer, with frontispiece , ISs ib. 1628. 6272. ■ Another Copy, with frontispiece, 14-$. 6d. ib. 1628. 6273. Another Copy, without frontispiece, 8s. ib. 1628. 6274. Nature of Man, by Nemesius, translated by Wither, 18* ib. 1636. 6275. Youth's Comedy, or the Soul's Tryals and Triumph, a Dra- matick Poem, calf extra, 9s. • • • ib. l6S0. 6276. Young's (Dr. Edward) Poetical and Dramatic Works, 5 vote.fne set in calf £l. 10s. ib. 1767. MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT, ALCHYMY, PHYSIOGNOMY, #c. FOLIO. 6277. A GRIPPiE (Henrici Cornelii) de Occulta Philosophia •"• Libri tres ; with a wood-cut portrait on the title (several leaves damaged) «£l. 11#. 6d. Bas. 1533. " An edition of great repute, and remarkable on account of the Emperors privilege at the beginning of the volume." — DeBure.— Clement says it is a very scarce book. 6278. Boissardi (Jan. Jac.) de Divinatione et Magicis Praestigiis, quarum Veritas ac Vanitas solide exponitur per Descrip- tionem Deorum Fatidicorum qui olim Responsa dederunt, with a great number of curious plates, by J. T. De Bry t £l. 5s. Franco/. 1627. This volume contains the portraits of Boissard and De Bry. 6279. Cabei (Nicolai) Philosophia Magnetica in qua Magnetis na- tura penitus explicatur, et omnium quae hoc Lapide cer- nuntur causae propriae afferuntur, &c. many cuts, in russia, £l. lls.6d. Ferrar. 1629. 6280. Goad's (J.) Astro-Meteorologica, or Aphorisms and Dis- courses of the Bodies Ccelestial, their Natures and In- fluences, neat, £\. 5s. • Lond. 1686. 6281. Howard's (Henry, Earle of Northampton) Defensative against the poyson of supposed Prophecies. Not hitherto con- futed by the Pen of any man, which being grounded, either upon the warrant and authority of Old painted 460 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. Bookes, Inuocations of damned Spirits, &c. &c. haue beene causes of great disorder in the Common-wealth, fine copy, £2. 2s. Lond. 16.20. " This elaborate work is replenished with a variety of learned authorities from the Ancients, and Historical examples of all times." — Oldys*s British Librarian. 6282. Porta's (Baptista) Natural Magick, with a fine frontispiece by Gaywood, which contains a portrait, elegant, £l. is. ib. 1658. 6283. Scot's (Reginald) Discovery of Witchcraft, with a Dis- course on Devils and Spirits, (wants one leaf) 15s. ib. 1665. 6284. Sanders's (Richard) Physiognomie, and Chiromancie, Meto- poscopie. The Symmetrical Proportions and Signal Moles of the Body, &c. Whereunto is added the Art of Me- mory, with fine portrait and other cuts, half -bound, russia, £l. 15s, Lond. 1672. 6285. Another Copy, wants title and portrait, (indifferent copy) 145. ib. 1672. 6286. Webster's (John) Displaying of supposed Witchcraft. Where- in is affirmed that there are many sorts of Deceivers and Impostors, and divers persons under a passive delusion of Melancholy and Fancy, &c. £l. Is. ib. 1677. 6287- Another Copy, 1 5s. • • • ib. 1677. ' '• This work is written with much piety, learning, acuteness and strength of argument, and particularly examines all those passages of scrip- ture which have been thought to countenance the vulgar idea of the power of witches and evil spirits." — Cens. Lit. vol. 10. p. 307. QUARTO. 6288. AGRIPPA (H. Cornelius) of the Vanitie and uncertaintie of Artes and Sciences. Englished by James Sanford — SBIacft %ttttt—£l .6s. Lond. by H. Bynneman, 1 575. 6289. Another Copy, same Edition, 16*. ib. 1575. Magic, Witchcraft, Alchymy, Physiognomy, fye.—teo. 46l 6290. Alchimia (De) Opuscula complura Veterum Philosophorum, quorum catalogum sequens pagella indicabit, fine copy, russia, gilt leaves, £2. 2s. Franco/, ad Main. 1550. 6291. Advertisement to the Jury- Men of England, touching Witches. Together with a Difference between an English and He- brew Witch, 10*. 6d. Lond. 1653. 6292. Blondel (De) des Sibylles Celebris tant par l'Antiquit£ Payenne que par les Saincts Peres, Discours traittant des Noms et du nombre des Sibylles, &c. &c. 12*. 6d. Char cnt on. l64p. 6293. Blazing Star: or a Discourse of Comets, their Natures and Effects, 5s. Lond. 1665. 6294. Bulwer's (John) Anthropometamorphosis; Man transform'd; the Artificiall Changling Historically presented, with the Pedigree of the English Gallant, frontispiece and curious wood cuts, £2. 5s. • ib. 1653. 6295. Cattan's (Christopher) Geomancie, a Booke no less pleasant and recreatiue, then of a wittie inuention, to knowe all thinges, past, present, and to come — SBfccft ^Letter — half- bound, russia, £1. 5s. ib. 1591. 6296. Deacon (John) and J. Walker's Dialogicall Discourses of Spirits and Divels. Declaring their proper Essence, Na- tures, &c. &c. — with the same Author's Summarie An- swere to al the Material Points in any of Master Darel his bookes. More espcciallie to that one booke of his, intituled, the Doctrine of the Possession and Dis- possession of Demoniacks out of the Word of God, in one volume, £2. 2s. ib. 16*01. Much of Shakspeare's Witch and Wizard lore it was supposed was derived from the contents of this curious volume. 6297. Digges's (Leonard) Prognostication euerlasting of ryght good etfecte, frutefully augmented by the Author, conteyning playne, brief, pleasant, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the Sunne, Sterres, Aspectes of Planetes, &c. — 2B»facft %ttttt—£l-10s Lond. 1556. 6298. Ditto augmented by Thomas Digges — 2*MaCft %ttttt — very neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1592. 462 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6299. Devill seen at St. Albons. Being a true Relation how the Dcvill was seen there in the likenesse of a Ram. Printed for the confutation of those that believe there are no such things, 7*. 6d. ••• ••••••• Lond. 1648* 6300. Evill (The) Spirit cast out. Being a true Relation of the manner of Performing the famous Operation on the Maiden Gentlewoman whose Body was possessed with an Evill Spirit, neatly, half -bound, 10s. 6d. ib. I69I. 6301. Glauber's (J. Rudolph) Description of new Philosophical Furnaces, with a Description of the Tincture of Gold, &c. indifferent copy, 7 s. 6d. • • • • • • • ib. 165 J. 6302. Gadbury's (John) Discourse of the Natures and Effects of Comets, as they are Philosophically, Historically, and Astrologically considered, calf extra, 18s. 6d. •• ib. 1665. 6303. GyrFord's (George) Discourse of the Subtill Practices of Deuilles by Witches and Sorcerers. By which Men are and haue bin greatly deluded : the antiquitie of them : their diuers sorts and Names — SMacft %ttttt — £l- Us. 6d. Lond. by Zoty ©oofce, 1387. 6304. Historia Admiranda de Prodigiosa Apollonise Schreirse, Vir- ginis in agro Bernensi inedia, Bernce, 1604 — De Cometis Dissertationes novae, Heidclb. 1580, in one vol. vellum, 7s. 6305. Hamond's (Geo.) Discourse of Angels : their Nature and Office, or Ministry. Also something touching Devils and Apparitions, and Impulses, 18s. ib. 1701, 6306. Harvey's (John) Discoursive Probleme concerning Prophesies, how far they are to be valued, or credited, according to the surest rules, and directions in Diuinitie, Philosophic, Astro- logie, and other learning,— 25focfc Eettec — £3. 3s. Lond. by 3Jo|)tt ^acfegon, 1588. 6307. Hocus Pocus Junior. The Anatomy of Legerdemain ; or the Art of Juggling, with curious cuts, neatly half-bound, 14s. ib. 1683. 6308. Hopkins's (Matthew) Discovery of Witches : In Answer to soverall Queries, lately delivered to the Judges of Assize for the County of Norfolk, £ l t is, * • • ib. l64>7. Magic, Witchcraft, Alchymy, Physiognomy, #c.~- 4>to. 463 6309. Holland's (Henry) Treatise against Witchcraft ; or a Dialogue, wherein the greatest doubts concerning that sinne, are briefly answered : a Sathanicall operation in the Witchcraft at all times is truly prooued, &c. &c. calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. 5s. Camb. 1590. 6310. Jones's (Tho.) Astrological Speculation of the late Prodigy. Or a Clear discovery of the approaching Miseries signified by that Comet, or Blazing Star of 1680, 4>s.6d. Lond. 1681. 6311. Lavater's (J. C.) Essays on Physiognomy, translated by Dr. Hunter, with beautiful engravings by Holloway and others, fine impressions, 5 vols, morocco elegant, gilt leaves, c£31.l0*. * ib. 1789. The beautiful engravings in the present copy of this splendid work were selected at the time of its appearance in Numbers, and are peculiarly excellent for brilliancy of impression. 6312. Lewes Lavaterus of Ghostes and Spirites, walking by Night and of straunge Noyses, Crackes, &c — S&Iacft %ttttl— h.b. neat, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1596. 6313. Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius, his Prophecies, and Predictions Interpreted, &c. &c. very neat, gilt leaves, £l. Is ib. 1641. 6314. Lilly's (William) Christian Astrology modestly treated of in three Books ; fine portrait by Marshall, £2. 2s. ib. 1647. 6315. Another Copy, no portrait, and title re- printed, £l. 7s. ib. 1647. 6316. — ; Starry Messenger, or an Interpretation of the strange Apparition of three Suns seene in London, 19 Novemb. 1644, being the Birth Day of King Charles; curious figures, 10s. 6d. ib. 1645. 6317. Another Copy, half -bound, morocco, 15s. • • ib. 1645. 6318. Starry Messenger, 1645 — Easie and Fa- miliar Method to judge the effects depending on Eclipses, 1652 — and New Prophecy, 1675, half-bound, russia, £l. Is. 6319. Ancient and Moderne Prophecies, con- cerning these present Times, 15*. ib. 1645. 464 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6320. Lilly's (William) Strange and wonderful Predictions relating to the year 1678, 6s. Lond. 1716. 6321. Lawrence's (Henry) History of Angells, being a Theologicall Treatise of our Communion and Warr with them, calf extra, £l. Us. 6d. ib. 1650. 6322. Mercurius Propheticus, Or, a Collection of some old Pre- dictions. O ! May they only prove, but empty fictions, Ws.6d. ib. 1643. 6323. Maieri (Mich.) Arcana Arcanissima, hoc est Hieroglyphica iEgyptio-Grseca, 8s. 6c?. no place or date. 6324. Ness's (Christ.) Signs of the Times, or Wonderful Signs of W r onderful Times, with nine hieroglyphics, neatly half- bound, Iks. ib. 168 1. 6325. New Light of Alchymie : taken out of the fountaine of Nature, and Manual Experience. To which is added a Treatise of Sulphur : Written by Michael Sandivogius : i. e. Anagram matically Divi Leschi Genus Amo, with Paracelsus on the Nature of Things, 10*. 6d. . . ib. 1650. 6326. Pancirolli Rerum Memorabilium sive Deperditarum, a Sal- muth, 10s. 6c/ Franco/. 16^6'. 6327* Partridge's (John) Vox Lunaris, being a Philosophical and Astrological Discourse of Two Moons, seen at London, 5s. ib. 1679. 6328. Strange Witch at Greenwich, (Ghost, Spirit, or Hobgoblin) haunting a Wench, late servant to a Miser, suspected a Murtherer of his late Wife; neatly half-bound, 14>s. 6d. ib. 1650. 6329. Thryaei (Petri, Soc. Jes.) Dtemoniaci, hoc est: de Obsessis a Spiritibus Daemoniorum Hominibus liber unus, Colon. Agrip. 1598. — ejusdem Loca Infesta, hoc est : de Infestis ob Molestantes Daemoniorum, &c. Colon. Agrip. 1598, in one vol. 18*. 6330. Tracts.— Lilly's Prognostications of \667—Lo?id. \677.— Cruel Mother ; being a true Relation of the Bloody Murther committed by M. Cook upon her Child — Lond. 1670; with other Tracts, half-bound, russia } 15s. Magic, Witchcraft, Alchymy, Physiognomy , Src.—Svo. 465 6331. Tracts. — Arraignement and Triall of Witches at Lancaster, by Potts, (title and last leaf wanting) — Mather's (Cotton and Increase) Wonders of the Invisible World : Being an Account of the Tryals of several Witches in New England, — Lond. 1693. — Mather's (Increase) Cases of Conscience concerning Evil Spirits — Lond. 1693, in one volume, 18*. 6332. True Narrative of the most strange and wonderful Apparition which happened to the view of Elizabeth Freeman of the Town of Hatfield, 24th, 25th, and 26th of Jan. 1681, 7s. 6333. Webster's (John) History of Metals, as also of the Philosopher's Gold, their Mercury, the Liquor Alkahest, &c. 9*. Lond. 1671. 6334. Warren's (Hardick) Magick and Astrology vindicated from those false Aspersions and Calumnies, which the Ignorance of some hath cast upon them ; neatly half-bound, 14*. i3.1651. 6355. Wither's (Fabian) Briefe and most easie Introduction to the Astrologicall Judgement of the Starres ; and a briefe Treatise of Mathematicall Phisicke, neatly half-bound, £l.lls.6d. ib. 1598. 6336. Weidenfeld's Secrets of the Adepts, or of the use of Lully's Spirit of Wine, 9s. 6d ib. 1685. OCTAVO. 6337. AUBREY'S (John) Miscellanies upon Day Fatality, Omens, Dreams, Apparitions, Knockings, Prophesies, Magick, Converse with Angels and Spirits, &c. &c. with the Au- thor's Life, neat, 8s. Lond. 1696. 6338. Another Edition, 8*. 6c?. ib. 1721. 6339. Another, Edition, with his Life, neat, 9s. 6d. ...... ib. 1784. 3N 46*6 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6340. Agrippa's Vanity of Arts and Sciences, with portrait hj Burnford, neat, 9s. Lond. 1676. 6341. Another Copy, calf extra, 10s. 6d. - ib.l694>. 6342. Another Copy, in russia, marbled leaves, 12s. ih. 1676. 6343. Another Copy, (without portrait) 5s. ib. 1684. 6344. Brevint's (Dan.) Saul and Samuel at Endor, or the New Waies of Salvation and Service, which usually temt Men to Rome, and detain them there. Truly Represented and Refuted, calf extra, 8s. Oxon. 1674. 6345. Beaumont's (John) Historical, Physiological, and Theological Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, and other Magical Practices, frontispiece, 12s. Lond. 1705. 6346. Coley's (Henry) Key to the whole Art of Astrology. New filed and polished, with the Rudolphine Tables, &c. &c. two portraits by White, and other plates, very neat in calf, £2. 2s. Lond. 1676. 6347. Another Copy, ( no portraits) 1 8s. » ib. I676. 6348. Casaubon's (Meric) Treatise concerning Enthusiasme, as it is an Effect of Nature: but is mistaken by many for either Divine Inspiration, or Diabolical Possession, 6s.* -ib. 1655. 6349. Glanvil's (Joseph) Sadducismus Triumphans: or, a full and plain Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions; to which are added two Authentic, but wonderful Stories of certain Swedish Witches, best edition, £\. Is. Lond. 1726. 6350. : Blow at Modern Sadducism about Witch- craft, 2s. 6d. ib. 1668. 6351. Gafferel's (James) Unheard-of Curiosities, translated by E. Chilmead, very neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1650. 6352. History of the Ridiculous Extravagancies of Monsieur Ouffle ; occasioned by his reading books treating of Magick, Spectres, Charms, &c. &c. 15s. ib. 1711. 6353. Another Copy, 10s. 6d. ib. 1711. 6354. Hutchinson's (Francis) Historical Essay concerning Witch- craft. With Observations upon Matters of Fact; tending to clear the Texts of the Sacred Scriptures, and confute the vulgar Errors about that point, 6s. 6d ib. 1718; Magic, Witchcraft, Alchymy, Physiognomy, #c. — §vo. 467 6355. Hutchinson's (Francis) Historical Essay concerning Witch- craft. With Observations upon matters of Fact; tending to clear the Texts of the Sacred Scriptures, and confute the vulgar Errors about that point, f#« 6d. • • • • Lund. 1720. This work contains much interesting matter and developes many cele- brated impostures, such as Richard Dugdale, the Surry Demoniac ; the Witches of Warbois ; Witchcraft at Mohra in Sweden, &c. &c. 6356. Moreton's Essay on the History and Reality of Apparitions. Being an Account of what they are, and what they are not : whence they come, and whence they came not. With a great variety of surprizing and diverting Examples, with plates, 10s. 6d. ib. 1738. 635/. Naudasus's History of Magick, by way of Apology, for all the Wise Men who have been unjustly reputed Magicians, from the Creation to the present Age, Englished by J. Davies, Ss. 6d. ib. l657» 6358. Portae (Baptistae) de Humana Physiognomia Libri IV. with a great number of curious engravings on wood, representing Men and Animals, fine copy, £l. 1 5s. • • "Rothe?n. 1650. 6359. Another Copy, £l. Is. « Franco/. l6l8. 6360. Philosophy Reformed and Improved in four profound Trac- tates, on the Great and Deep of Mysteries of Nature, &c. by Crollius and Paracelsus, with a portrait of the latter, 6s. Land. 1657* 636*1. Ripley Reviv'd ; or an Exposition upon Sir G. Ripley's Hermetico-Poelical Works, frontispiece, calf extra, gilt leaves, 15s. ib. l6'78. 6362. Saunders's (Rich.) Astrological Judgment and Practice of Physick, with portrait, very neat in calf, lbs. • • ib. 1677* 6363. Spencer's (John) Discourse concerning Prodigies : wherein the Vanity of Presages by them is reprehended, and their true and proper ends asserted and vindicated : with a Treatise on Vulgar Prophecies, 7s. ib. ] 660. 6364. Another Copy, calf extra, 13s. 6d. ib. 1665. 6365. System of Magick, or a History of the Black Art, by De Foe, \2s.6d. ib. \7. 4>s. • ib. 1785. 6437. Meyer's (J. D.) Figures of all kinds of Walking, Flying, or Swimming Animals, comprised in Two Hundred and Forty Engravings, beautifully coloured after Nature, with the Skeleton of each, and copious descriptions in German ; (an extraordinary Work which must have cost the Author many years incessant exertion) 2 vols. half-bound, russia r £15. 15s. •••• Nuremberg, 1748-56, 6438. Parkinson's (John) Garden of all sorts of pleasant Flowers, which our English ayre will permit to be noursed up, portrait on wood and numerous cuts, half-bound, very neat, 18s. 6d. Lond. 1629. 6439. Plinio (C.) Secundo, Historia Naturale di, tradocta in lingua Fiorentina, per Christoforo Landino, ajine and perfect copyt bound in russia, £9. 95. ... . Opus Nicolai Jansonis gallici impressum anno salutos (Venet.) 1476. This magnificent edition is the first of the Italian translation, as that of Rome, 1473, which has been cited by some authors, is wholly fic- titious. 476 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Broww. 6440. Petri de Brucllis Argutissime Subtiles et fecunde Questiones Phisicales, tylatk %ttttt— worm eaten, 5s. Paris, circa 1500. 6441. Poissons Ecrevisses et Crabes dc diverses coulcurs et figures extraordinaires, que l'on trouve autour des Isles Moluques, et sur les cotes des Terres Australes, with a great number of coloured engravings, 2 vols, inl, very neat, £4>. 46. Amst. 1718. 6*442. Ditto, a fine copy of the first part, coloured, very neat, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1754. From the Collection of John, Earl of Bute. 6443. Pryce's (Wil.) Treatise on Minerals, Mines, and Mining, portrait and plates, very neat, £2. l6s.» • • *Lond. 1778* 6444. Pontoppidan's Natural History of Norway, with many plates, neat, £5. 5s. ib. 1755. 6445. Plot's (Robert) Natural History of Oxfordshire, plates, £l.lls.6J. Oxford, 1677. ,6446. Russell's (Patrick) Descriptions and Fgiures of Two Hundred Fishes, collected at Vizagapatam, on the Coast of Coro- mandel : 2 vols, in 1, neat in calf, £7. 7*«« *Lond. 1803. €447. Seba (Albertus) Locupletissimi Rerum Naturalium Thesauri accurata descriptio, et Iconibus Artificiocissimus expressio per Universam Physices Historiam. Opus, cui in hoc rerum Genere, nullum per exstitit. Ex toto Terrarum Orbe Collegit, Digessit, Decripsit, et Depingendum, curavit A. Seba, 8 vols, elegant in russia, joints. O £'250. Amsterdam, 1734-65. The extraordinary, extensive, and varied collection of Natural Curiosities which composed the Cabinet of Albert Seba was perhaps not equalled by any private Collection in Europe ; after an immense labour of upwards of Thirty Years he succeeded in producing this magnificent Work, which contains specimens of every branch in Natural History, including many Animals of uncommon rarity, particularly of Reptiles and Insects. It is comprised in 448 Engravings many of which are double the size of the Work, and contains above five thousand SUBJECTS BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED AFTER NATURE. The present COpy has a duplicate set of plates, uncoloured. It is proper to observe that the present is one of the original copies, and as such of very rare occurrence j some copies being in circulation, which were recently coloured in Paris, this notice becomes necessary. Natural History, Anatomy, Sfc. Various Languages. — Folio, 477 €448. Saint-Fond (Faujais de) Recherches sur les Volcans Eteints du Vivarais et du Velay, many plates, fine copy, very neat, £2. 10s. Paris, 1778. 6449. Sheldrake's (T.) Botanicum Medicinale, an Herbal of Me- dicinal Plants, consisting of above 100 engravings, the plants being coloured, with their descriptions and virtues underneath, neat, £5. 5s. Lond. n. d. €450. Sloane's (Sir Hans) Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christopher, and Jamaica, with the Natural History of the Herbs and Trees, Four-footed Beasts, Fishes, Birds, Insects, Reptiles, &c. of the last of these Islands, with an immense number of plates, 2 vols, very neat, £12. 12s ib. 1707. 6151. Sibbaldi (Rob.) Scotia Illustrata, sive Prodromus Historian Naturalis, plates, £l. Is. Edin. 1684. 6452. Taliacotii (Gasparis) Bononiensis de Curtorum Chimrgia per insitionem, libri duo, with numerous cuts, shewing the process of replacing the nose lost by accident or disease, £2. 16s. Venet. 159f. 6453. Thornton's (R. J.) Philosophy of Botany, ; Illustrations of the Sexual System of Linnaeus, and Temple of Flora, with nw merous engravings, a great number of which are exquisitely coloured, 5 vols, superbly bound in russia, £55. Lond, 1807-10. 6454. Tractatus super Artem Medicinae, MS. on vellum, of the 14th century, small folio, very neat, £3. 3s. 6455. Willughby's (Francis) Ornithology, translated into English and enlarged by Ray, with all the plates, very neat, russia back, Sfc, £3. 3s. H, l0 Y 8# 6456. Another Copy, (title wanting) very neat, £1. u St §d. ib. 167S, 478 Lonomaw, Hurst, Rem, Orme, and Brown. QUARTO. 6457* ANDREWS'S (H.) Botanist's Repository ; comprising beau- tifully coloured Engravings of new and rare Plants only, with Botanical Descriptions in Latin and English, after the Linnaean System, 6 vols, half-bound, morocco backs, £24,. Lond. 1797-1805. 6458. Agricultural Survey of the Central Highlands of Scotland, and of the Counties of Hereford, Lancaster, Hants, Norfolk, and Huntingdon, in one volume, calf extra, £\. Is. ib. 1794. 6459. Albin's (E.) Natural History of Spiders. — The original Drawings by the Author, and Manuscript in his own Writing; from which the engravings were made, and the work printed, superbly bound in green morocco, joints, £\5. 64/60. Natural History of Birds ; illustrated with Two Hundred and Five Copper Plates, curiously engraven from the Life, 3 vols, half-bound, russia, £5. 5s. •• • *ib. 1738. 6461 • Another Set, 3 vols, russia extra, £6. • •ib. 1738. 6462. Barton's (Richard) Lectures on Natural Philosophy, chiefly on the Petrifactions, Gems, &c. of Lough Neagh, in Ireland, sewed, £l. Is. i Dublin, 1751. 64*63. Barbut's (James) English Insects, with descriptions, in Eng- lish and French, many plates, beautifully coloured, in mo- rocco, £3. 3s. • • Lond. 1781. 6464. Baker's (G.) Newe Jewell of Health, wherein is contayned the most excellent Secretes of Physicke and Philosophic, with wood cuts,— SBlacft %ttttt—£i. is. ib. 1599. 6465, Bacon's (Lord) Philosophical Theory in Mineral Prosecutions, and other Subjects, partly abridged by Bushel], very neat, 18*. ib. 1659. Natural History, Anatomy, fyc* Various Languages. — 4£o. 479 6466. Caelius Aurelianus de Morbis Acutis et Chronicis, 7s. Amst. 1709. 6467. Clowes's (William) Profitable and Necessarie Booke of Obser- vations, for all those that are burned with the flame of Gun- powder ; for the cure of Lues Venerea, &c. — 2Macft %ZtttZ —12s Land. 1637. 6468. Dillenius's (J. Jac.) Historia Muscorum, a General History of Land and Water, &c. Mosses and Corals, many plates, very neat, £4. 4>s.* • . ib. 1768. 6469. Daniel's (Rev. William) Rural Sports, plates, 3 vols, imperial paper, elegant in russia, gilt leaves, £25.»»»»ib. 1805. 6470. ■ 3 Vols. IMPERIAL PAPER, with the plates beautifully coloured, elegant in morocco, gilt leaves and joints, £52. 10s. • ib 1805. Very few Copies were printed on Imperial Paper, and those o.ily for Subscribers. 6471. ■ FIRST EDITION, 2 vols. neat, o£l0. 10*. •••• ib. 1802. 6472. De Rochefort Histoire Naturelle et Morale des lies An- tilles de l'Amerique, plates, neat, £>1. Is. Rotterd. 1665. 6473. Dundonald (Earl of) on the Connection between Agriculture and Chemistry, boards, 8*. • Loud. 1 795. 6474. Duhamel du Monceau Traiiedes Arbres FruitieVs ; cntenant leur figure, leur description, leur culture, &c. numerous engravings, 2 vols, in russia, £9 9^» Farm, 1768. 6475. Englishman's (The) Treasure, with the True Anatomie of Man's Body, compiled by that excellent Chyrurgion Mr. Thomas Vicary,— 2Macfe %ttttt— 10«. 6d.»*Lond. 1641. 6476. Another Edition, title wanting, very neat. 8s. 6477. Edwards's (George) Natural History of Uncommon Birds, and of some rare and undescribed Animals, with the Gleanings of Natural History, original edition, nume- rous ^ohured engravings, 7 vols, in 6, fine set in red moroccv, gilt Ittvcts, Spc. £38. • * . ih, 1743-64. 4S0 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown-. 6478. Edwards's (George) Natural History of Uncommon Birds, and of some rare and undescribed Animals, with the Gleanings of Natural History, with the reprinted letter-press, 7 vols. splendidly bound in red morocco, borders, Sf-c. £30. 6479. Memoirs of, sewed, 5s. • • • *Lond. 1776. 6480. Evelyn's (John) Silva, or a Discourse of Forest Trees, with Notes by Dr. A. Hunter, portrait by Bartolozzi, and other plates, 2 vols. Jine set in russia, gilt and marbled leaves, £5. 5s. York, 1776. 6481. Another Set, 2 vols, calf extra, £4>. 4s. ib. 1786. 6482. Ellis's (John) Historical Account of Coffee, with a Botanical Description of the Tree, coloured frontispiece, 5s. bond. 1774. 6483. Forskal (Pet.) Descriptiones Animalium, Avium, Amphi- biorum, Piscium, &c. quae in Itinere Oricntali observavit, sewed, 12s. Hatnice, 1775. 6484. Gibson's (William) Treatise on the Diseases of Horses, with plates, 15s. Lo?id. 1751. 6485. Hoadley's (Benj.) Lectures on the Organ of Respiration, neat, Ss. 6d. ib. 1 740. 6486. Histoire (L/) Naturelle eclaircie dans deux de ses parties prin- cipals, la Lithologie et la Conchyliologie, many plates, neat, £l. lis. 6d. i Paris, 1742. 6487. Harris's (Moses) Exposition of English Insects, with Des- criptions in English and French, many plates, beautifully coloured, very neat in calf, £2. 10s. Land. 1776. 6488. Herbarium, cum herbarum figuris, (title damaged) 10s. 6d. Utrecht, by Veldener, circa 1480. 6489. Hippocratis de Officina Medici et de Fractis libri duo, edente Fr. Mar. Bosquillon, Gr. et Lat. large paper, boards, £\. Is. Paris, 18l6. Twelve copies only, were printed of the quarto or large paper size. 6490. Leeuwenhoek (Antonio) Arcana Naturae, ope et beneficio ex- quisitissimorum Microscopiorum, with plates, 2 vols. £ 1 . 15. L. Bat. 1695. Natural History, Anatomy, fyc. Various Languages. — ±to. 481 6491. Langham's Garden of Health, containing the sudden rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of Simples and Plants,— SMacft fUtter — 9*. Lond. l633 - 6492. Lister (Mart.) Historian Animalium Anglian tres tractatus, plates, 5s. i&. 1678 . 6493. Lewin's (William) Birds of Great Britain, with their Eggs, being a series of figures, most beautifully coloured in the style of highly finished drawings, with appropriate letter-press, 7 vols, in 4, superbly bound in red morocco, £40. Lond. 1 789-94. The figures in this splendid work, are not from copper-plates, but were executed by the hand, which as well as colouring them, was wholly ac- complished by Mr. Lewin; who limited the number of his Subscribers to sixty. 6494. Martyn's (Thomas) Figures of Non-Descript Shells, col- lected in the different Voyages to the South Seas % numerous coloured engravings, executed in a style of most exquisite taste, calf extra, £9. 9s. ib. 1789. 6495. — English Entymologist, with above 500 species of Insects, beautifully coloured, with descriptions in French, calf extra, £4>. 14s. 6d. ib. 1792. 6496. ■ Aranei, or Natural History of English and Swedish Spiders, with plates most beautifully coloured, calf extra, £6. 16*. 6d. ib. 1793. 6497. Monro's (Alexander) Works on Anatomy and Medicine, with fine portrait by Basire, neat in calf, £l. 10s. Edinb. 1781. 6498. Markham's (Gerv.) cheap and good Husbandry, for the well- ordering of all Beasts and Fowles, 1657. — The English House-Wife, containing the inward and outward Virtues which ought to be in a compleate Woman, (last leaf wanting). — Country Contentments, or the Husbandman's Recreations, 1631. — Farewell to Husbandry. — The In- richment of the Weald of Kent. — A New Orchard and Garden, or the best way for Planting, Grafting, &c. (title damaged), 1 631, in one vol. half-bound y £l. lis. 6d. Lond. 1631-57. 3 P 482 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 5499. Markham's (Gerv.) Master-Piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the Smith, Farrier, or Horse-leach, &c. with the Countreyman's care for his other Cattle, and the Compleat Jockey, with frontispiece and plate, 12s. 6d. Land. 1683. 500. English Hous-Wife, half-bound, 9s. ib. 1660. 6501. ■ Husbandman's Recreations, 1633 — Markham's Farewell to Husbandry, 1638, and other Tracts, 15s. 6502. Marshall's Minutes of Agriculture, made on a Farm of near 300 Acres of Various Soils, h. b. russia, very neat, £l.bs. ib. 1788. 6503. Mountain's (Didym.) Gardener's Labyrinth, containing a discourse of the Gardener's Life, in the yearly travels to be bestowed on his plot of Earth. Wherein are set forth divers Ilerbcrs, Knots, and Mazers, cunningly handled for the beautifying of Gardens, &c. &c. translated by II. Dethicke, — 25Iacft %ttttt—calf extra, £l. is. ib.l 59*. 6504. Another edition, half-bound, neat, 16s. • ib, 1608. 6505. Ditto, with Hill's Art of Gardening, and Treatise on Bees, £\.ls. ib.\608. 6506. Owen's (Ch.) Essay towards a Natural History of Serpents, with plates, fine copy, calf extra, «£ 1 . 10s. ib. 1742. 6507. Pennant's (Tho.) History of Quadrupeds, with numerous engravings, 2 vols, boards, £l. 15s. ib. 1 703. 6508. Another Set, 2 vols, very neat in calf, £2. 2s. ib. 1 793. 6509. ■ ■ British Zoology, plates, 4 vols, boards, £14. Us. Warrington, 1776. 6510. — Indian Zoology, plates, half-bound, russia, £l. 5s. Lond. 1790. 6511. Plaw's (John) Ferme Orn6e, or Rural Improvements. A series of Domestic and Ornamental Designs, engraved in aquatinta on 38 plates^ with appropriate scenery, plans, and explanations, elegant in green morocco, £2. 10s. ib. 1800. Natural History, Anatomy, Sfc. Various Languages. — 4/o. 483 6512. Pomet's History of Drugs, best edition, mth numerous plates, £l. 10*. Loud. 1748. 6513. Phile de Animalium Proprietate, Gr. et Lat. a J. C. de Pauw, very neat, £\.\s. Traj. ad Rhen. 1730. 6514. Regimen Sanitatis Salerni, translated into Englyshe by Thomas Paynel — 2Macft ftettet — seved, 7s. 6d. • • • • Lond. 1597- 6515. Reformed Common-wealth of Bees, presented in several! Letters to S. Hartlet, Esq. with the reformed Virginian Silk Worm, half-bound, 105. 6d. ib. 1655. 6516. Stubbes'i (M.) Miraculous Conformist, or an Account of several Marvailous Cures by the stroaking of the Hands of Valentine Greatarick, 10s. 61. Oxon. 1666. 6517- Secretes (The) of the reuerende Maister Alexis of Piemont ; contayning excellent remedies agaynste diuers dyseases, &c. the maner to make colours, &c. &c. translated into Eng- lishe by William Warde,— 23facft %,ettetr— 12*. 6d. Lond. by H. Bynneman, 156S. 6513. Another Copy, very neat, gilt leaves, £l. 7 s. ib. 1568. 6519. Schlosser (J. A.)de Lacerta Amboinensi, Belg. et Lat. plates, 5s.6d. Amst.1768. 6520. Specimens of British Minerals, selected from the Cabinet of Philip Rashlcigh, Esq. with general descriptions of each article,^ne/y coloured engravings, calf extra, <£4;. 14*. 6d. lond. 1797. 6521. Another Copy, russia extra, £5. 5s. ib. 1797. 6522. Salerne l'Histoire Naturelle eclaircie dans une de ses parties principales, l'Ornithologie, qui traite des Oiseaux de Terre, de Mer, et de Riviere, many plates, neat, <£%. c Zs. Paris, 1767. 6523. Synopsis Stirpium Indigenarum Aragonias, Auctore C. A. R* C&sar Augustino, 3s. 6d. Massilia, 1779' 6524. Samuel's (C. Vial de) Elements of the Veterinary Art, with his Life, and plates, very neat in calf, £2. • • Lond. 1797. 6525. Smithson's (Hugh) Compleat Family Physician, or Universal Medical Repository, neat in calf, £\.7s. ib. 1785. 484 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 6526. Steele's (Rich.) Essay upon Gardening, sewed, 5s.Lond. 179$. 6527. Treasurie of Hidden Secrets; commonly called the Good- huswives Closet of Provision for the health of her Household,— 3Macft %tmi—7s. ib. 1627. 6528. Tracts. — Sir W. Chambers on Oriental Gardening, 1772. ~ Epistle from Oberea to Jos. Bankes, 1774. — Epistle from Bankesto Oberea, 1774. — Fragment of a History of Eng- land by John Wilkes, 1768, and others in one vol. h. b. 18*. 6529. Three Exact Pieces of Leonard Phioravant, knt. viz. his Ra- tional Secrets and Chirurgery, with a book of excellent Experiments and Secrets, and Paracelsus his one hundred and fourteen Experiments, neat in calf, 1 2s. • • Lowr/. 1652. 6530. Vaughan's (Rowland) Most approved and long experienced Water Workes. Containing the manner of Winter and Summer drowning of Medow and Pasture, &c. &c. £2. 2s. Lond. by G. Eld. n. d. Prefixed is " A Panegyricke," in seventy-two stanzas, by John Davies of Hereford, and commendatory verses by various contemporary poets. 6531. Vicary's (Thomas) Englishman's Treasure, with the True Anatomie of Man's Body,— S&lacft %ttttt— 6s. 6d. Lond. 1626. 6532. Venner's (Tho.) Via Recta ad Vitam Longam, or a Treatise wherein the right way and best manner of living for attaining to along and healthfull life, is clearly demonstrated, with a Treatise on Tobacco,^ne copy in calf, 15s ib. \65Q. 6533. Another Copy, in bad condition, 2s. 6d. ib. 1620. 6534. Vigon's most excellent Works of Chirurgery, translated into English by Bartholomee Traheron — &Iacft fetter — £l.5s. 16.1571. 6535. Willis' (Tho.) Pharmeceutice" Rationalis, 2*. 6d. . . Ox. 1674. 6536. Young's (Arthur) Course of Experimental Agriculture, 2 vols. neat in calf, £1.45. • Lond. 1770. Natural History, Anatomy, fyc. Various Languages*— too, 485 OCTAVO. 6537. ANDREWS'S (H. C.) Heathery; or a Monograph of the Genus Erica, with many plates most beautifully coloured, 4 vols, elegant in purple morocco, o^lO. 10s. • • Lond. 1804. 6538. Alexis (Rares Secrets du Seig.) 3s. Rouen, 1671. 6539. Arbuthnot's (John) Essay on the Nature of Aliments and the Choice of them, neat, 4>s. Lond. 1756. 6540. Botanical Magazine, by W. Curtis, with numerous coloured plates, 26 vols, with Index, (the first 10 vols, bound in 5, in calf, the remainder in boards) £25 ib. 1793-1807. 6541. Botanical Magazine, by W. Curtis, the first 15 vols, bound in 5, calf extra, £12. ib- 1793, &c 6542. Berkeley's (Bp.) Siris, or Treatise on Tar Water, 2s. 6d. Dub. 1744. 6543. Bath-Society Letters and Papers on Agriculture, Planting, &c. 6 vols, neat in calf, £2. 2s. Bath, 1788-92. 6544. Bell's (Benj.) Treatise on Lues Venerea, 2 vols, boards, 7s. 6d, Edin. 1793. 6545. Essays on Agriculture, boards, 5s. • • • *ib. 1802. 6546. Bancroft's (Edw.) Essay on the Natural History of Guiana in South America,^ne copy in calf, 15s. Lond. 1769. 6547. Another Copy, 9s. ib. 1 769. 6548. Cronstedt's System of Mineralogy, Revised and Corrected by Da Costa, 6s. ib. 1 772. 65-49. Celsi (Aurel. Corn.) Medicinae lib. viii. Quinto Sereni liber de Medicina et ipse castigatiss. vellum, 10s. 6d. Venet. incedib. Aid. 1528. 6550. Donovan's (E.) Natural History of British Insects, 10 vols. 1802. — His Natural History of British Birds, 5 vols. 1799. — His Natural History of British Shells, 5 vols, 1799-1803. — His Natural History of British Fishes, 5 vols. 1808, being in all a series of 25 vols, with numerous engravings, beauti- fully coloured, and appropriate letter-press, calf extra, £*2 • Lond. 1 799-1 808. 486 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6551. Donovan's (E.) Natural History of British Birds, with fine co- loured engravings, 5 vols, russia extra, <£8. Ss. Lond. 179^. 6552. Da Costa's (Eman. Mend.) Elements of Conchology, with coloured plates, £l. 15s. ib. 1776. 6553. Essays on Husbandry, plates, h. b. neat, 6s. ib. 1764. 6554. Frank's (John) Observations on Animal Life and Apparent Death, calf extra, 9s. >*• l 790. 6555. Gooch's (Benj.) Chirurgical Works, 3 vols, boards, 10s. 6d. ib. 1792. 6556. Hippocratis de Officina Medici et de Fractis libri duo, edente F. M. Bosquillon, Gr. et Lat. sewed, 5s. 6d. Paris, 181 6. 6557. Hutchinson's (Benj.) Biographia Medica, or Memoirs of eminent Medical Characters, 2 vols, boards, 9s. Lond. 1799- 6558. Hooson's (Wil.) Miner's Dictionary, also containing the Theory and Practice of the Art of Mineing, £l. is. Wrexham, 17*7. 6559. Hunter's (A.) Georgical Essays, boards, 7s. • • • • York, 1777. 6560. Klaproth et Wolff Dictionnaire de Chimie, 4 vols, sewed, £l.l6s. Lond. 1810. 656 1* LovelPs (Robert) Panzoologicomineralogia, or a History of Animals and Minerals, 5s. Oxford, l66l . 6562. Laurence's Modern Land Steward, very neat in calf, 9s. Lond. 1801. 6563. Lavoisier's Elements of Chemistry by Kerr, with plates, elegant in calf, 129. 6d Edinb. 1799. 6564. Linne (Car.) Amcenitates Academics, seu Dissertationes variae Physicae, Medicag Botanicse, &c. 10 vols, boards, c £ > 2. Erlang. 1787-90. 6565. Martin's (Benj.) Natural History of England, with maps, 2 vols, neat, 14*. * • • • • Lond. 1 759. 6566. (W.) Outlines of an Attempt to establish a knowledge of Extraneous Fossils, very neat, 7s. • -Macclesfield, I8O9. 6567- Mackenzie's (James) History of Health and the Art of Pre- serving it, very neat in calf f 5s. 6d. ........ Lond. I76O. Natural History, Anatomy, fyc. Various Languages. — 8ro. 487 6568. M'Phail's (James) Treatise on the Culture of the Cucumber, half-bound, russia, l6s. » Lond. 1794. 6569- Another Edition, boards, 6s. • • • • ib. 1795. 6570. Mills's (J.) Treatise on Cattle, neat in calf, 7 s. 6d. "ib. 1776. 6571. Medical Extracts, on the Nature of Health, and the Laws of the Nervous and Fibrous Systems, plates, 4 vols, boards, £l.ls. ib. 1798. 6572. Moises' (Hugh) Treatise on the Blood, boards, 2s. 6d. ib. n. d. 6573. Mineral Laws of Derbyshire, 12s. ib. 1734. 6574. Miller's (Philip) Gardener's Dictionary, 5 vols, neat, 12s. ib. 1748. 6575. Miscellanea Curiosa, containing a Collection of some of the principal Phenomena in Nature, plates, 3 vols, boardst 10s. 6d. ib. 1726. 6576. Munro's (Hugh) Modern Surgery, boards, 2s. 6d. . . ib. 1800. 6.577. Mascal (Leon) and R. Ruscam's Countrey man's Jewel, or the Government of Cattel, together with a Treatise on Hus- bandry and Gardening, calf extra, 15s. ib. 16S0. €578. Moseley's (Benj.) Treatise on Tropical Diseases, &c. neat, 7s. 6d. 1739. 6579- Nihell's (Jam.) Observations concerning the Prediction of various crises by the Pulse, very neat in calf, 6s. ib. 1741. 6580. Natural History of English Song-Birds, many plates, 6s. ib. 1738. 6581. Nicholson's (Wil.) Dictionary of Chemistry, (wants the title) boards, Ss. 6d. • • ib. 1808. 6582. Newton's (James) Compleat Herbal, curiously engraved on 1 76 copper-plates, elegant in calf, I4>s. • • ib. 1 798. 6583. Pearson's (John) Observations on Cancerous Complaints, very neat, gilt leaves, 6s. ib. 1 793. 6584. Pennant's (Tho.) British Zoology, numerous plates, 4 vols. boards, of 3. 8*. • £3. 1812. 6585. Raspe's (R. E.) Account of German Volcanoes, sewed, 3s. 6d. ib. 1776. 488 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6586. Reaumur's Art of Hatching and Bringing up Domestick Fowls of all kinds, at any time of the Year. Either by means of the heat of Hot-Beds, or that of Common Fire, with plates, £\. Is. » Lond. 1750. 6587. Another Copy of the same work, c^l. 4s. • • • ib. 1750. 6588. Reaumur's Natural History of Bees. Containing an Account of their Production, their (Economy> the manner of their making Wax and Honey, &c. plates 9 l5s. •••• ib. 174)4. 6589. Robson's (S.) British Flora, very neat in calf , 9s. York, 1777- 6590. Robinson's (Tho.) Essay towards a Natural History of West- moreland and Cumberland, 8s. 6d. • • Lond. 1709. 6591. Rapin of Gardens, a Latin Poem, Englished by Gardiner, with portrait by Vertue, 4*. • ib. 1704. 6592. Richerand Nouveaux Elemens de Physiologie, very neat in calf \2s.6d. Paris, 1S01. 6593. Raii (Joan.) Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadrupedum et Serpentini Generis, 3s. 6d. Lond. 1693. 6594. Ramesey's (Wil.) Considerations on the several species of • Wormes, 3*. 6d. Lond. 1668. 6595. Synesius de Febribus, Gr. et Lat. a Bernard, 4s. Amst. 1749« 6596. Smith's (W r illiam) Dissertation upon the Nerves, neat, 4s. Lond. 1768. 6697. Nature Studied with a View to preserve and restore Health, neat, 3s. ib. 1774. 6598. Stillingfleet's (Benj.) Literary Life and Select Works, edited by Archdeacon Coxe, 3 vols, boards, £i. 4s. .»ib. 1811. 6599- ' Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Natural History, Husbandry, and Physick, boards, Ss. • • ib, 1775. 6600. Another Copy, half 'bound, neat, 9s. ib. 1 791. 6601. Shannon's (R.) Observations on the operation and effects of Medicines in the prevention and cure of Diseases to which Europeans are subject in Hot Climates, and in these King- doms, very neat in calf, Ss. ib. 1794. 6602. Skeete's (Tho.) Experiments and Observations on Quilled and Red Peruvian Bark, neat, 5s • ib. 1 786. Natural History, Anatomy, fyc. Various Languages.— Svo. 489 6603. Sibly's Natural History of Man, of Animals resembling Man, and of Quadrupeds, with numerous engravings Jinely coloured, 3 vols, very neat in calf, £2. 5s.Lond. 1795. 6604. Townson's (Rob.) Philosophy of Mineralogy, boards, 6s. ib. 1798. 6605. Thorley (John) on the Nature, Order, and Government of Bees, plates, half-bound, very neat, 12s. ib. 1774. 6606. Trotter's (Thomas) Medicina Nautica : an Essay on the Dis- eases of Seamen, 3 vols, boards, 12s. ib. 1797' 6608. Turnbull's (William) Naval Surgeon, plates, boards, 4s. ib. 1 806. 6609. White's (Gilb.) Natural History of Selborne, and other Works, 2 vols, calf extra, £l.\s. ib. 1802. 6610. Worlidge's (J.) Treatise of Cyder, 5s. ib.1676. 6611. Wade's (J. P.) Nature and Effects of Emetics, Low Diet, &c. in Disorders of Bengal and similar Latitudes, very neat in calf, 9s. ib. 1793. 6612. Williams's (John) Natural History of the Mineral Kingdom, 2 vols, calf extra, £l. 5s. Edinb. 1789. 6613. Woodward's (Dr. J.) Attempt towards a Natural History of the Fossils of England, 2 vols, fine set, £\. 10s. Loud. 1729. 6614. Another Copy, 2 vols, in 1, neat y £l. 4s. ib. 1/29. 6615. Withering'* (William) Systematic Arrangement of British Plants, 4 vols, superbly bound in green morocco, ornamented joints, Sfc. £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1801. 6616. Young's (Arthur) Annals of Agriculture and other useful Arts, 37 vols, very neat and uniform in calf, £\4>. 14s. Bury, 1790-1801. 6617. Six Weeks (Agricultural) Tour through the Southern Counties of England and Wales, very neat, 7s. Lond. 1772. 661 8. ■ Another Copy, 5s. 6d. ib. 1772. 6169. Yeats's (Tho. P.) Institutions of Entymology, being a transla- tion of Linnseus's Ordines et Genera Insectorum, or Sys- 3Q 4p0 L(wgma», Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Browit. tematic Arrangement of Insects, superbly bound in green* morocco, lined with silk, joints, fyc. £§. • • • • Lond. 1773. This copy, which was the author's, is unique ; besides being bound in the splendid manner above described, it contains on the margin eighty- nine drawings of insects, which are executed in colours in the most ex- quisite style, the full size of life — it might almost be added that these drawings are inimitable. DUODECIMO, 6620. BROOKES'S (R.) System of Natural History, with numerous plates, 6 vols, very neat, £l.7s. Lond. 1772. 6621. Another Set, 6 vols. £\.\s, ih. 1763. 6622. Bacon's (Lord) History Naturall and Experimentall, of Life and Death, or of the Prolongation of Life, with a scarce portrait, neat, £)s. ib. 1638. 6623. Boyle's (Rob.) Tracts, consisting of Observations about the Saltness of the Sea; an Account of a Statical Hygroscope and its Uses, &c. &c. half -bound, neat, 5s. • • • • ib. 1674. 6624. Conservanda (De) Bona Valetudine, opusculum Scholar Sa- lernitana?, ad Regem Anglian, Germanicis Rhytmis illus- tratum, with many curious wood-cuts, 10s. 6d. Franco/. 1557. 6625. Celsus de Medicina, cura Almeloveenii, 6s. • • • • Amst. 1687- 6626. Chamberlain's (Hugh) Manuale Medicum, or a Treatise of the Art of Physick in general, and of Vomits, and the Jesuit's Powder in particular, calf extra, 9*. Lond. 1685. 6627. Duncan (A.) on the Use of Mercury, 1*. 6d. .... Edin. 1772. 6628. Du Verney's Treatise of the Organ of Hearing, with \6 plates, 5s. Lond.1737. 6629. Everard de Herba Panacea, quam aiii Tabacum, alii potum, aut Nicotianam vocant, brevis Commentariolus, very neat in calf, 10s. 6d. ••••••••••■••••••••••••• Ant. 1 587* Natural History, Anatomy, fyc. Various Languages. — 12wo. 491 6630. Franzius's History of Brutes, or a Description of Living Cha- racters, with frontispiece, calf extra, 12s. •• Lond. l6f0. 6631. Goulard on the Effects and Various Preparations of Lead, 2s.6d. .* ib.1772. 6632. Gilbert's (Samuel) Florist's Vade Mecum, with Head by White, 5s ii. 1682. 6633. Groenevelt (Joanne) Dissertatio Lithologica, curious plates, 4>s.6d. ih. 1684. 6634. History of Birds, including the Methods of Breeding, Manag- ing and Teaching of Song Birds, with 400 figures of Birds neatly engraved on wood, 2 vols, half-bound, £l. 10s. Birm. 1743. 6635. Another Copy, 2 vols, in 1, russia, extra, gilt leaves, £2. 2s. Lond. 1745. Notwithstanding the variation of place and date in the titles of these two copies, they are in fact the same, only one edition having been pub- lished. 6636. Harveii (Guliel.) Exercitationes de Generatione Animalium 2s. 6d. Amst. 1651. 6637- Hippocratis Aphorismi et Prasnotionum Liber, Gr. et Lat. a Bosquillon, 2 vols, very neat, 7s. Qd. Paris, 1784. 663S. Hervey's (Gideon) Anatomy of Consumptions, with his por- trait by Hertocks, very neat, 8s Lond. 1672. 6639« Conclave of Physicians, very neat in calf, 9s* ib. 1686. 6640. Art of Curing Diseases by Expectation, 3s. 0,, 1689. 6641. Innes (John) on the Human Muscles, 2*. 6d. .. Edin. 1778. 6642. Kent's (Countesse of) Choice Manual, or Rare and Select Se- crets in Physick and Chirurgery, with the rare portrait of the Countess, £l. 5s. Lond. 1659. 6643. Mawe's (Tho.) Every Man his own Gardener, calf extra, with devices on the sides, 9s. Lond. 1800. 6644. Magneni (J, Chrysos.) Exercitationes de Tabaco et de Manna, veUum,6s Mediol. 1658. 492 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 6645. Nature Displayed, many plates, 4 vols, neat, 18s. Lond. 1766. 6646. Newton's (T.) Herbal for the Bible, calf extra, 15s.- *ib. 1587- 6647. Of the Wood called Guaiacum, that healeth the Frenche Pockes, and also heipeth the Goute in the Feete, &c. — &Iacfc %Ztttt— £l.6s. Lond. by T. Berthelet, 1536. The running title of this little book is " De Morbo GaU'teo," and its con- clusion identifies the author — " Thus endeth this boke De Morbo Gal- lico, compiled by Ulrich Hutten Knyghte." 6648. Phaire's (Thomas) Regiment of Life, whereunto is added a Treatise of the Pestilence, with the Booke of children, newly corrected and enlarged — SMacrl %ttttt — in red mo- rocco, £l. lis. 6 d.^ Imprinted by 3Eoi)n itgnggton, 1553. This Work was written by Dr. Thomas Phayer, the celebrated Poet, who translated Virgil, and was a contributor to the Mirror for Magis- trates. 6649. Plat's (Sir Hugh) Garden of Eden, or an accurate description of all Flowers and Fruits now growing in England, with the secret ordering of Trees and Plants, very neat in calf, 12s. Lond. 1653. 6650. Parkinson's (James) Chemical Pocket-Book, very neat in calf, 5s. ib. 1801. 6651. Pinaeus (Sev.) de Virginitatis notis graviditate et partu. Lud. Bonaciolus de Conformatione foetus, neat, 10*. 6d. Amst. 1663. 6652. Rusden's (Moses) Further Discovery of Bees, plates, very neat in calf, 8s. • • • Lond* I679. 6653. Raii (Joan.) Catalogus Plantarum Angliae, et Insularum Ad- jacentium, neat in calf, 4s. ib. 1670. 6654. Spallanzani Fisica Animale e Vegetabile, 3 vols, half bound, 6s. Venezie, 1782. 6655. Sharp Traite des Operations de Chirurgie, 2s. » • Paris, 1741* 6656. Spectacle de la Nature, ou Entretiens sur les Particularity de PHistoire Naturelle, many plates, 8 vols. £l.8s. Paris, 1771 Natural History, Anatomy, SfC. Various Languages. — 12mo. 493 6657. Turner's (D.) Synopsis of British Fuci, 2 vols, sewed, 6s, Lond. 1802. 6658. Taplin's Farriery Improved, neat, 2s. 6d. ib. 1796. 665$. Thomson's (George) Check given to the insolent garrulity of Henry Stubbes in Vindication of Lord Bacon and the Author, 1665. — A Gag for Johnson, by the same, 1665, in one vol. h. b. neat, 6s. 6660. True Relation of the Wonderful Cure of Mary Maillard, lame almost ever since she was born, h. b. neat, 5s. Lond. 1694. 6661. Tissot Traite des Nerfs, 5 vols, neat, 7s. 6d.> • Paris, 1778. 6662. Varamundus (Ernest) de Furoribus Gallicis, horrenda et indigna Amirallii Castillionei, §c. I0s.6d. Lond. by H. Bynneman, 1573. 6663. Watson's (Bp. of Landaft) Chemical Essays, 5 vols, neat in calf, £l. Is. Lond. 1793. 6664. Another Set, 5 vols, very neat in calf, £\. 5s." » 'ib. 1800. 6665. Westmacott's (Wil.) Historia Vegetabilium Sacra, or a Scrip- ture Herbal, calf extra, 12s. ib. 1694. 6666. Warder's (Jos.) true Amazons, or the Monarchy of Bees, with portrait, 5s. ib. 1742. 6667- White's (James) Veterinary Art, boards, 3s. 6d, ib. n. d. MATHEMATICS, SCIENCES, $c. VA RIO US LANG UA GES. FOLIO. 6668. A STRONOMI Veteres, scilicet ; J. Firmici Astrono- "™* micorum lib. VIII. M. Manilii Astronom. lib. V. Arati Phenomena, Gr. et Lat. Procli Diadochi Sphaera, Gr. et Lat. neat, gilt leaves, £l5. 1 5s. Venetiis, cura et dilig. Aldi Romani, 1499* One of the most splendid productions of the Aldine press, ornamented with wood cuts. — It is observed by Renouard that some copies have not the Greek texts of Aratus and Proclus j he also remarks that the edition of Aratus described by Clement as " sans lieu ni date, et tres rare/' is, in fact the one properly belonging to this volume. 6669> Agricola de Mensuris et Ponderibus ; de Externis men- suris, &c. stained, 15s. Basil, 1550. 6670. Bode (J. E.) Uranographia, sive Astrorum Descriptio viginti tabulis aeneis incisa, ex recensionibus absolutissimis Astro- nomorum observationibus. Sumtus commodante Illust. Astron. Patrono Frid. de Hahn, Berolini, 1801. — Bode (J. E.) Description et Connoissance Gdnerale des Con- stellations, pour servir de suite a son Uranographie, Berlin, 1801, being 2 vols, svperbly bound in russia, joints, &c. c£lO. Berol. 1801. The first of these works is a folio of immense size, and consists of large engravings, to which have been added other Astronomical prints, both English and French. — The second work is intended to illustrate the former, and is in German and French. Mathematics , Sciences, $c. Various Languages.~-Folio. 4#5 667 1 . Chambers's (E.) Cyclopaedia, or Dictionary of A rts and Sciences, by Rees, numerous plates, 4 vols, neat in calf, £7s. 7s* Lond. 1786. 6672. Cellarii Harmonia Macrocosmica, seu Atlas Universales et Novus, Totius Universi Creati Cosraographiam Generalem, et Novam exbibens. In qua omnium totius Mundi Orbium Harmonica Constructio, secundum diversas diversorum Authorum opiniones, ut et Uranometria, seu totus Orbis Ccelestis, ac Planetarum Theorize, ut Terestris Globus, tam Planis et Scenographicis Iconibus, quam descriptionibus novis ab oculos ponuntur, plates coloured, fine copy, in russia, ,£10. 10* Amsterdam, l66l. 6673. Copernici (Nicolai) de Revolutionibus Orbium coelestium, Libri VJ. £1. Is. Badl, 1536. 6674. Euclidis Elementa, cum Procli Commentaria, Grsece, ^4. 4*. Basil, ap. J. Hervag. 1533. This is a very fine copy of the editio princeps, and, with the Commentaries attached, is a very rare book. 6675. English Euclide, being the first six Elements of Geometry, with Annotations and useful Supplements, large paper, half-bound, neat, £l. Is. • ••'Oxford, 1705. 6676. Euclid, cum Comment. Clavii, 4s. Colon. 1591. 6677' Guidi Ubaldi de Libra, de Vecte, de Trochlea, de Axe, de Cuneo, de Cochlea, xvith cuts, 7s. Venet. l6l5. 6678. Gellibrand (Hen.) Trigonometria Britannica, sive de Doc- trina Triangulorum libri duo, £2. 12s.6d.» • GoudcP, l6S3. This rare work was principally written by Henry Briggs the greatest Mathematician of the 17th century: Being left unfinished at his decease, it was concluded, at his particular dying request, by Gellibrand. — The present copy has many notes and calculations in MS. by that eminent Mathematician, Abraham Sharp. 6679- Gregorii a Sto. Vincentio Opus Geometricum Quadrature Circuli et Sectionum Coni decern libris comprehensum ; cum Solutio Problematis A. R»P. Marino Mersenno Minimo Propositi, £3. 3s. Antxerp. l647-p. 6680. Howard's (G. S.) Cyclopaedia, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, plates, 3 vols, very neat. £3, 10*.. 'Lond. 1793. 496 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6681. Malton's (Thomas) Treatise on Perspective in Theory and Practice, with the Supplement; frontispiece andffty-eight plates, half-bound, russia back, £3. 3s. •• Lond. 1779-83. 6682. Another Copy, neat in calf, £2. 18s. ib. 1779*83. 6683. Margett's Horary Tables for shewing by Inspection, the appa- rent diurnal motion of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, the Latitude of a Ship, &c. &c. corresponding with any Celestial Object, neat in calf, £2. 2s. ib. n. d. 6684. Roche (Estienne de la) L/Arismetique et Geometrie, stained, 3s. 6d. Lyon, 1538. 6685. Stoflerini (Joan.) Elucidatio Fabricae Ususque Astrolabii, Oppen. 1524 — Textus de Sphera Joannis de Sacrobosco, Paris, l6l6, in one vol. 18*. 6686. Sturmy's (Sam.) Mathematical and Practical Arts, plates, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1669. 6687. Tychonis Brahe Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica, with a portrait of Brahe, and other engravings, £2. 5s. Norib. 1602. 6688. Vietaei (Francisci) Opera Mathematica, in quibus Tractatur canon Mathematicus, seu ad Triangula, &c. &c. neat, £6. 6s. Lond. 1589. Dr. Hutton in the Introduction to his Tables of Logarithms, gives a very minute account of this volume, the rarity of which is so extreme that the Doctor .declares his own to be the only copy he had ever seen. A Copy is in his Majesty's Library, and it is understood that there is one in the National Library at Paris ; but it is probable that there are not more than those Copies and the present, in existence. Notwith- standing the title page, it was printed in Paris, by the King's Printer in 1579, as appears by the colophon. 6680. Wigan's Practical Arithmetick, engraved on copper-plates, with a great variety of flourishes, and portrait, very neat in calf, £l. Is. id. 1695. Mathematics, Sciences, fyc. Various Languages, —Ato. 497 QUARTO. C69O. APOLLONIIPerg^iLocorumPlanorumLibri II. Restituti a R. Simson, very neat in calf , £l.5s. Glasg. 1749« 6691. Bernouilli (Jacobi) Ars Conjectandi, et de Seriebus Infinitis, «£l. 5s. Basil, 1713. 6692. Bourne's (William) Art of Shooting in great Ordnance, with the Gunner's Dialogue by Norton, — SBlacft flettec — £l. Is. Lond. 1643. 6693. Bouguer Figure de la Terre determined par les Observations en Perou, 9s. Par. 1749. 6694. ■ Traite' Complet de la Navigation, 4>s.»»'*ib. 1706. 6695. Bailly Histoire de l'Astronomie Ancienne, very neat, 7s. 6(1 Paris, 1775. 6696. Blundevil his Exercises, on Astronomie, Cosmographie, the Globes, Navigation, &c. — SMacfc %ZtttZ— -12s. Lond. 1622. 6697. Ditto, a fine copy, with all the cuts (seldom the case) 18s. 6d. ib. 162,6. 6698. Blagrave's (John, of Reading) Booke of the making and use of a StarTe, newly invented by the Author, called the Familiar StarTe— SBlacfc Eettec— -fine copy, calf extra, £l. 10s. ib. 1590. 6699. Bate's (John) Mysteries of Nature and Art, on Water W r orks, Fire Works, &c. &c. many cuts, 7s. 6d. ib. 1654. 6700. Cagnoli Traite de Trigonometric Rectiligne et Spherique, plates, in russia, £l. ISs. Paris, 1786. 6701. Casati (R. P. Pauli) Mechanica, 5s. Lugd. 1684. 6702. Clavii (Christoph.) in Sphaeram Joannis de Sacra Bosco, Commentarius, 5s. ib. 1602. 6703. Ceulen (Lud. &)de Circulo et Adscriptis Liber-— L. Bat. 1619. — cum Grotius de Antiq. Reipub. Batav. 15s. /,. Bat. 1610. 3 R 498 LotfGMAir, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6704. Digges's (Leonard) Booke named Tectonicon, briefly shewing the exact meaning, and speedie reckoning all manner of Land, Timber, &c. &c. half-bound, neat, £\. 10s. Lond. 1634. For an account of the Author, vide Wood's Athenae ; this edition is rare, and had not been seen by Wood, nor was it known to the editor of the last edition of his work. 6705. Des Cartes Geometria, Principia Matheseos Universalis, &c. a Schooten, best edition, 2 vols. £l. lis. 6d. Amst. 1683. 6706. Emerson's (W.) Mechanics, plates, neat, 18*. 6d. Lond. 1794* 6*707. Euleri Methodus Inveniendi lineas curvas Maximi Minimive proprietate gaudentes, calf extra, £2. 2s.* • • • Laus, 1744. 6708. Eden's (Richard) Arte of Navigation, contayning a breife description of the Spheare, as also the making and use of certaine instruments — 23facft %ttttt — half-bound, russia, £l.7s. Lond. 1596. 6709. Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship, many plates, 2 vols, half Abound, uncut, £2. 2s. ib. 1794. 6710. Gunter's (Edmund) Mathematical Works, 4s. . ••• ib. 1663. 67H. Guido bonatus de forlivio. Decern continens tractatus As- tronomie, — SMacft %ttttt — half-bound, russia, £2. 2a. A well printed volume, with many curious wood cuts. It has signatures and runs in eights, but has neither catch-words or paging. — Without name of printer, place or date, but probably printed at Venice about the year 1490. 6712. Heath's (Robert) Royal Astronomer and Navigator, with the Supplement, £l.ls. Lond. 176O-8. 6713. Hutton's (Dr. C.) Tracts, Mathematical and Philosophical, half-bound, 18s. ib. 1786. 5714, —— Mathematical and Philosophical Dic- tionary, many plates, 2 vols, very neat in calf ^ £&. 4*. ib. 1796. 6715. Hygini Astronomi de Mundi et Sphere ac utriusq. Partium. Declaratione cum Planetis ct variis Signis Historian's, curious cuts, 12*. Venet. 1512. 6716. Another Edition, lfo.« Venet. per Ratdolt, 1485. Mathematics, Sciences, fyc. Various Languages.— 4to. 499 6717. Hugone Analysis Geometrica sive nova, et vera methodus rcsolvendi tarn Problemata Geometrica, quam Arithmeticas quaestiones, \8s.6d. Gadibus, 1698. 671 8. Halley's (Edmund) Astronomical Tables, with Precepts in English and Latin, portrait, neat in calf, £1. Is. Lond. 1/52. 6719. Henry Memoire sur la Projection des Cartes Geographiques, sewed, 7s. Paris, 1810. 6720. Hamilton's (Hugh) Conic Sections, boards, 10*. 6d. Lond. 1773. 6721. Johannis de Sacrobusto Anglici viri clarissimi Spera Mundi feliciter incipit, editio princeps, Jine copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, £i. 14*. 6d. Venet. par F. de Hailbrun, 1478. 6722. Another Edition, £i. lis. 6d. hnpressum liptz per Conradum tachelouen (circa) 1 490. 6723. La Lande Systeme de TAstronomie, many plates, 2 vols, neat, £2. 2s. Paris, 1?64. 6/24. — Tables Astronomiques, 4s. 6d. ........ ib. 1770. 6725. Long's (Roger) System of Astronomy, many plates, 2 vols. £l. 6s. Camb. 1742-64. 6726. Lipstorpii (Dan.) Copernicus Redivivus, seu de Vero Mundi Systemate, liber sing. 3s. 6d. L. Bat. Elzev. 1653. 6727. Lansbergen (Phil.) Bedenckingen, op den Dagelijckschen, &c. cuts, 2s. • Mid. 1650. 6728. Leybourn's (William) Art of Dyalling, 3*. Lond. 1681. 6729. Lochmans (Wolf.) Tractatus, sive Physiologia Nova de) Magnete, cuts, 4*. Sed. 1633. 6730. Moore's (Sir Jonas) System of the Mathematics, plates, 2 vols. 8*. Lond. 16SI. 6731. Memoirs of Science and the Arts, or an Abridgment of the Transactions of the principal Learned Societies of Europe, many plates, very neat in calf, £l. lis. 6d. • • • • ib. 1794. 6732. Mulier's (John) System of Conic Sections, Fluxions, and Fluents, indifferent copy, 10*. 6d. ib. 1736. 6733. Mac Laurin's (Colin) Treatise of Fluxions, many plates, 2 vols. neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1742. 500 Longman, Hurst, IIees, Orme, and Brown. 6/34. Margarita Philosophica Nova, cui insunt sequentia. Epigram- mata in comendationem operis. Instit. Gram. Lat. Precepta Logices; Rhetorice informatio. Arithmetica; Musica ; Geometria ; Astronomia ; &c. with a great number of curious wood cuts, very neat, £5. 15s. 6d.» • Argent. 1512. This is on many accounts a very curious book. It is divided into twelve parts in the form of Dialogues, and ornamented with numerous spirited engravings on wood— Vide Beloe's Anecdotes, Vol. 5, page 242. To whom this edition appears to be unknown. 6735. Moxon's (Joseph) Tutor to Astronomie and Geography, by Lea, 6s Lond. 1706. 6736. Newton's (Sir I.) Two Treatises on the Quadrature of Curves, by Stewart, £l. 10s. ib. 1745. 6737. Newtoni Arithmetica Universalis, cum Commentario Johannis Castillionei, 2 vols, sewed, £2. 12s. 6d. Amst. 1761. 673S. Orontii Finei Delphinatis, Regii Mathematicarum Professoris, de solaribus Horologiis, &c. in the curious original binding, with cuts,£l. Is. Paris, 1560. 6739. Pemberton's (Henry) Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philo- sophy, plates, 7*« 6d. Lond. 1728. 6740. Parkinson's (Rev. T.) System of Mechanics and Hydrostatics, plates, 2 vols, sewed, £l. 4*. Camb. 1 785-9. 6741. — - — — - System of Mechanics, boards, \2s. ib. 1785. 6742. Prestet Nouveaux Elemens des Mathematiques, avec Table des Logarithmes, 2 vols, vellum, £l. Is. • • • 'Paris, l6Q5. 6743. Papillon's (David) Practical Abstract of the Art of Fortification and Assailing, with frontispiece by Cross, including the Author's portrait, £l. Is. • • • • Lond. 16*45. In Nichols' Leicestershire, vol. 2, part 2, p. 708, may be seen an interesting account of this author and his family. 6744. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from the first establishment to the year 1801 inclusive (the abridgement to the year 1750, and from thence at large) with Maty's General Index, being 57 vols, uniformly bound in russia, £45. ib. 1749-1802. Mathematics, Sciences, fyc. Various Languages. — Uo. 501 6745. Recorde's (Roberte) Castle of Knowledge, a very curious and rare work, £2. 2s. Lond. by Reginalde Wolfe, 1556. 6746. Rutherforth's (T.) System of Natural Philosophy, plates, 2 vols, half -bound, uncut, £l. 5 s. Camb. 1748, 6747. Reyneau (Le Pere Charles) Analyse Demontr^e, ou la Methode de Resoudre les Problemes des Mathematiques, 2 vols, neat, £l. Is. Paris, 1708« 6748. Street's (Tho.) Astronomia Carolina, with Observations on the Planets, by Dr. Halley, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1716. 6749. Scriptores Logarithraici ; or a Collection of Curious Tracts on the Nature and Construction of Logarithms, by Baron Maseres, 3 vols. M4k ib 1791-6. 6750. Smith's (Thomas) Art of Gunnery and Fire Workes,— 2Macft ftetter — cuts, half bound, £l. Is ib. 1 643. 6751. Smith's (Capt. John) Seaman's Grammar and Dictionary, 3s. 6d. ib 1699. 6752. Souciet Observations Mathematiques, Astronomiques, Geogra- phiques, &c. 3 vols, half-bound, £2. 2s. • • • • Paris, 1729. 6753. Simpson's Mathematical Dissertations, 18s. •••• Lond. 1743. 6754. Switzer's (Stephen) System of Hydrostaticks and Hydraulicks, numerous plates, 2 vols. £\ . 5s ib. 1729. 6755. Tarde (Joan.) Borbona Sidera, 2* 6d. Paris, 1720. 6756. Vince's (Rev. S.) Complete System of Astronomy, 3 vols, very neat in calf, £4. I4>s.6d. Camb. 1797-1 80^. 6757. Walker's (G.) Treatise on the Conic Sections, plates, boards, 14*. Lond. 1794. 6758. Whetstone (The) of Witte whiche is the seconde parte of Arithmeticke— $lacfc %ttttt— 15s. it. 1557. 502 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, OCTAVO, &c. 6759. ARISTARCHI Samii liber de Magnitudinibus et Distantiis Soliset Lunae, Gr. et Lat. a Wallis, elegant, 8s. 6d. Oxon. 1688. 6760. Adams's (Geo.) Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy; many plates, 5 vols, boards, £3. 3s. Lond. 1794. 676I. Essay on Vision, boards, 3s. • • • *ib. 1789. 6762. Addy's (Wm.) Stenographia, or the Art of Short-writing, with portrait by Sturt, 7s. 6d. ib. 16*95. 6763. Addington's (Stephen) Arithmetick, Vulgar and Decimal, with the Principles of Mensuration, Land Surveying, &c. very neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1765. 6764. Atwood's (Geo.) Description of the Experiments intended to illustrate a Course of his Lectures, neat, 7s. Lond. 1776. 6765* Bryan's (Mrs. Margaret) System of Astronomy, with plates, calf extra, 10*. Gd. ib. 1799. 6766. Baddam's Abridgment of the Philosophical Transactions, many plates, 10 vols, neat, £l. 5s. 26. 1738- 6767. Bosse (A.) Traits des Pratiques Geometrales et Perspectives, plates, 5s. Paris, 1665. 6768. Bezout.Cpurs de Mathematiques, plates, 6 parts in 3 vols. <£l. 5s. Paris, 1789. 6769. - Elemens d'Arithmetique, 4s. i . 177 5 « 6770. Baxter's Matho ; or the Cosmotheria Puerilis. A Dialogue on Philosophy and Astronomy, 2 vols. 7s. •• Lond. 1745. 6771. Builder's Dictionary, illustrated with about 200 figures on copper, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1734. 6/72. Baker's (Humphrey) Well- Spring of Sciences, teaching the perfect work and practice of Arithmetick, &c. very neat, extra, 10s. 6d. ib. 1655. 6773. Bode (J. E.) Anleitung zur allgemeinen Kenntniss der Erd- kugel, half-bound, vellum, 6s Berlin, 1786. Mathematics, Sciences, fyc. Various Languages. — Svo. #c. 503 6774. Bode Erlanlerung der Sternkundc und der dazu gehorigen Wisscnschaften, 2 vols, half -bound, vellum, 14s. Berlin, 1793. 6775. Anlcitung zur Kentniss dcs gcstirnten himmels, half- bound, vellum, 7s. ib* 1792. 6776. von.dem nen entdeckten Planeten, half-bound, vellum^ 2s. : [ib. 1784. 6777- • Astronomisches Jahrbuch flir das Jahr 1796, half-bound, vellum, 3s. • ib. 1793. 677$' Bonnycastle's (John) Introduction to Astronomy, with plates, calf ext ra, 14s • Lond. 1796. 6779- Callet (F.) Tables Portatives de Logarithmes ; edition ste- reotype, gravee, fondue et imprimce, par Firmin Didot, £\.7s. Paris, 1795. This work contains all the Tables in the famous 4to. volume by Gardiner. 6780. Companion to the Planispheric Orrery, or Epitome of the Solar System, half-bound, russia, 5s. Lond. 1801. 6781. Dictionarium Polygraphicum ; or the Whole Body of Arts regularly digested; many plates, 2 vols, neat, £l. 5s. ib. 1735. 678%. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, with an immense number of plates, 4 large vols. £l. 10s. • • • • Lond. for Owen, 1754. 6783. De Moivre (A.) on Annuities for Lives, boards, 4>s.6d. Lend. 1725. 6784. De Malthe Traite des Feux Artificiels pour la Guerre, &c. avec plusieurs belles observations de Geometrie, &c. 9s. Paris, 1632. 6785. Delambrc Abr^ge* d'Astronomie, ou Lecons Elementaires d'Astronomie, with plates, sewed, l6s. ib. 1813. 6786. Euclid's Elements, by Kcill and Cunn, plates, 4s. Lond. 1745. 6787. by Dr. Barrow, plates, 5s. •••• ib. 1751. 6788. Euclidis Elementa, Clavii, 2 vols, in 1, 3s. •• Francof. 1607. 6789. Euclidis Elementorum, libri XV. Grace & Latine, 4s. 6d. Lutetice, 1558. 6790. Ewing's (Alex.) Synopsis of Practical Mathematics, boards 8s. Lond. 1799. 504 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6791. Euler's Elements of Algebra, with Critical and Historical Notes, 2 vols, very neat in calf, £l. 4>s. • • ••Lond. 1797' 6792. Ferguson's (James) Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, many plates, very neat in calf, 8s. ib. 1794. 6793. Another Copy, calf extra, 12s. ib. 1799- 6794. Goldsmith's (Oliver) Survey of Experimental Philosophy, many plates, 2 vols, very neat in calf 12s. •'• • • ib. 1776'. 6795. Guyof. Pvecreations Physiques et Mathematiques, plates, 3 vols. sewed, 15s. Paris, 1786. 6796. Gregory's (George) Economy of Nature, explained and illus- trated on the Principles of Modern Philosophy, many plates, 3 vols, calf extra, £2. 2s. Lond. 1798. 6797. Hooper's (W.) Rational Recreations, in which the Principles of Numbers and Natural Philosophy, are clearly and copiously described, numerous plates, 4 vols, boards, £\.\6s. ib. 1783. 6798. Holder (William) on the Natural Grounds and Principles of Harmony, morocco, 9s. ib. 1694. 6799. Ditto, with Rules for Thorow-Bass, by Keller, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1731. 6800. Hill's (John) Arithmetick, Logarithms, &c. by Ditton and Hatton, neat , 7*. & 176 J . 6801. Harris's (Jos.) Description, &c. of the Globes, 3s. "ib. 1768. 6802. Ditto, a fine copy, calf extra, 6s. • • • • ib. 1768. 6S03. Herdson's (Henry) Art of Memory made plain, 5s. ib. ]654. 6804. Handmaid to the Arts, by Dossie, 2 vols.o£l. Is.' • ib, 1758. 6805. Hutton's (Dr. C.) Course of Mathematicks, 2 vols, calf extra, £\.7s. » ib. 1 800. 6806. Diarian Miscellany, extracted from the Ladies' Diary 1704-73, with his Miscellanea Mathematica, 6 vols, boards, £\. l6s. ib. 1775. 68O7. Kaestner's History of the Mathematicks, in German, 4 vols. sewed, £l.Ss. Gotting. 1796-1800. Mathematics, Sciences, $c. Various Languages. — Svo. Sf-c, 505 6808. Leadbettei's (C.) Young Mathematician's Companion, being a Com pleat Tutor to the Mathematicks, neat, 5s. Lond. 1748. 6809. Ludlam's (W.) Rudiments of the Mathematicks, calf extra, 7*-6d. i6.1794. 6810. Lowe's (Sol.) Arithmetic, or a System of the Art in Memorial Verses and Dictionary-wise, 7s. ib. 1749* 6811. Le (ienrire l'Arithmetique en sa perfection, sewed, 3s. 1792. 6812. Landmann's (Isaac) Principles of Fortification, plates, very neat, 7s. 6d. Lond. 1801, 6813. Leybourn's (William) Arithmetick, with a fine portrait by Gaywood y 7s. ib. n.d. 6814. Moxon's (Jos.) Mechanick Exercises, or the Doctrine of Handy-Works, with plates, £l. Is, •••• • ib, 1703. 6815. Martin's (Benj.) Philosophia Britannica, or a System of the Newtonian Philosophy, &c. plates, 3 vo\s.neat,£l. 1 1*. Gd, Lond. 1771. 6816. — Young Gentleman and Lady's Philosophy, plates, 2 vols. 10*. 6c? ib. 1772. 68 17. ■ Mathematical Institutions, 2 vols. 12*. Gd. ib. 1759. 6818. Introduction to the Newtonian Philosophy, boards, 3s. ib. I760. 6819. Philosophical Grammar, being a View of the Present State of Experimental Physiology, or Natural Philosophy, plates, very neat, 8s. ib. 1762. 6820. Another Copy, 4*. ib. 1735. 6821. Murhard Litteratur der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, 2 vols, boards, 15s. • • Leipz. 1797-8, 6822. Mauduit's Treatise of Spherical Trigonometry, by Crakelt, neat in calf, 9s. Lond, 1 768. 6823. Muller's (John) Treatise on the Elementary Part of Fortifi- cation, plates, 9s. ib. 1746". 6824. Treatise of Artillery, with the Supplement, plates , 2 vols, neat , 14s. 6d. ib. 1 78O. 6825. Mackay's (And.) Theory and Practice of finding the Longitude at Sea or Land, 2 vols, extra, £u 4*. Aberdeen, 1801. 3S 506 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 6826. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Man- chester, plates, 4 vols, boards, £\. 15s. • • Lond. 1789-93. 6827- Maclaurin's (Colin) Algebra, plates, 8s. ib. 177 L 6828. Newton's (Sir I.) Method of Fluxions, and infinite Series, neat, 7sMd. & 1737. 6829. — _ Tables of Leases, neat, 5s. • ib. 1758. 6830. -Opticks, or a Treatise of the Reflections, Re- fractions, &c. of Light, plates, 8s. ib., 1721. 6831. Nollet's Lectures in Experimental Philosophy, by Colson, plates, very neat, 7s. ib, 1748. 6832. Ozanam's Recreations, Mathematical and Physical, many plates, very neat in calf, 1 4s. • ib. 1708. 6833. Oughtred (Guil.) Clavis Mathematical denuo limata, sive potuis iabricata, with a scarce portrait by Oughtred, 7s. 6d. Oxon. 1693. 6834. Priestley's (Dr. Jos.) Experiments and Observations on Air, 3 vols, neat, 12s. 6d. Lond. 1775. 6835. Proctor and Castieau's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, many plates, 4 vols, v-ery neat in calf, <£l.Ss. • • • • Lond. n. d. 6836. Ronayne's (Philip) Treatise of Algebra, fine paper edition, neat in calf, 8s. ■ ib. 1727. 6837. Russell's (Lieut. J.) Military Experiments of Attack and Defence, boards, 3s. 6d. • ib. 1806. 6838. Rollin's History of the Arts and Sciences of the Ancients, many plates, 4 vols, neat, £2. 10s. ib. 1737. 6839. Simpson's (T.) Treatise of Algebra, 8s. ib. 1745. 6840. Another Edition, rieat, Qs. ib. 1755. 6841. Doctrine of Fluxions, very neat in calf, 15s. ib. 1805. 6842. Simson's (Rob.) Elements of the Conic Sections, plates, neat, 3s. 6d. ....... Edin. 1775. 6S43. Stedman's (John) Study of Astronomy for Youth, very neat, 6s. • Lond.1796. 6844. Stone's (E.) Mathematical Dictionary, best edition, (part of one leaf torn off) 5s. » • • • ib- 1743. Mathematics, Sciences, fyc. Various Languages. — Svo. §c. 507 6845. Tonstall (Cuthb.) de Arte Supputandi, Argent, n. d. — Elementa Arithmetices algorithmus de numeris integris auctore G. Peurbachio, Viteb. 1534, in one vol. 5s. 6d. 684>6. Theodosii Sphaericorum libri tres, Gr. et Lat. 8s. 6d. Oxon. 1707. 6847. Vince's (S.) Elements of Astronomy, neat in calf, 7s. • • 1801." 6848. Van Etten's Mathematical Recreations, with cuts, 8s. Land. 1653. 6849. Vitali Lexicon Mathematicum, hc.3s.6d. •••• Paris, 1668. 6850. Weston's (James) Art of Short-Hand, engraved on copper, with portrait, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1733. 6851. Webster's (Wil.) Course of Practical Mathematics, 2 vols. neat in calf, \0s. 6d. ib. 1769. 6852. Another Edition, in 3 vols, old morocco, 12s. 6d. . . id. 1730. 6853. Walker's (Ad.) Companion to the Synopsis of the Universe, 1798. — F. B. Watson's Companion to the Planispherical Planetarium, 1797, in one vol. ntat in calf, 6s. 6854. Wing (V.) and W. Leybourn's Urania Practica, or Practical Astronomie, 6-s. ••••••• • ib. 1649. 6855. Ward's (John) Young Mathematician's Guide, 5s. ib. 1724. 6856. Wingate's (Edmund) Arithmetick, by Dodson,4s. •• ib. 176O. 6857. Wilkins's (Bishop) Discovery of a World in the Moon, and Discourse on a New Planet, 4s. ib. 1684. LIVRESFRANCAIS; LIBRI ITALIANI;LIBROS ESPANOLES; DEUTSCHE BUCHER,8sc. FOLIO. 6858. A RCHITECTURE (U) Francoise, ou Recueil des Plans, •^** Elevations, Coupes et Profits des Eglises, Palais, Hotels, &c. de Paris, et de plusieurs autres endroits de la France, engraved on copper, 4 vols, in green vellum, £A>. 4>s. Paris, 1727. 6859. Architecture, Peinture et Sculpture de la Maison de Ville d' Amsterdam, on 109 plates, with explanatory letter- press, neat, £l.lls.6d Amst. 1719. 6860. Antichita di Ercolano, esposto con qualche spiegazioni ; with an immense number of engravings from the Busts, Bas- Reliefs, Statues, Urns, Paintings, &c. &c. discovered in the subterraneous ruins of that celebrated city, 9 vols, half' bound, russia, £42. ••••••••• Napoli, 1755-92. 6861. Arti (Le) che vanno per vianella Citta di Venezia, inventate ed incise da Gaetano Zompini, 60 large engravings, with metrical explanations in Italian and English under each, boards, £2. 2s Ven. 1785. 6862. Augusta (L') Ducale Basilica dell* Evangelista San Marco nell* Inclita Dominante di Venezia, colle notizie, plates, £1. Is. Ven. 1761. €863. Antiche Iscrizioni di Palermo, raccolte, e spiegate sotto gli auspizi dell' Excellentissimo Senato Palermitano, plates, russia, £3. 3s Palermo, 1762, "This Copy was a present from the Author to the late Thomas Hollis Esq."— MS. note. Livres Francais ; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, fyc. — Folio. 509 6864. Besly Histoire des Comies de Poictou et Dues de Guyenne ; contenant ce qui s'est passe* do plus memorable en France, depuis Tan 811, jusques au Roy Louis le Jeune, 18*. Paris, 1647. 686*5. Bartoli et Bellori Pitture Antiche del Sepolcro de Nasonii nella Via Flaminia, with nearly 150 plates, russia, £3. 3s, Roma, 1680. 6866. Boulainvilliers (le Comte de) Etat de la France, avec des Memoirs Historiques sur l'ancien Gouvernement, de cette Monarchic, 3 vols. £l. 5s. Lond. 1727. 6867. Bentivoglio (Opere del Cardinal) £l. Is. Parigi, 1645. 6868. Bartoli Gli Antichi Sepolcri overo Mausolei Romani, et Etruschi, many plates, vellum, £l. 10s. . . • • Roma, 1697. 6869. Buonarruoti Osservazioni sopra alcuni frammenti di Vasi Antichi di vetro ornati di figure trorati ne Cimileri di Roma, plates, in russia, joints, £l. lis. 6d.... • Firenze, 1716. 6870. Barbeyrac Histoire des Anciens Traitez, ou Recueil Histo- rique et Chronologique des Traitez reCpandus dans les Au- teurs Grecs et Latins, et autres Monumens de l'Antiquite}, 2 vols, very neat t £5. 5s. Amst. 1739* 687 1. Boileau (CEuvres de) avec des Eclaircissemens Historiques, fine engravings by B. Picart, &c. 2 vols, neat in calf, £2. 8s. *^ Amst. 1718. 6872. Bibiena, (Gius. Gal.) Architetture e Prospettive, with full length portrait of Charles VI. of Austria, and many fine plates, £l. 15s. • •••.. August. 1740. 6873. Bouillart (Jacques) Histoire de FAbbaye Royale de Saint Germain des Prez, plates, half bound, £l. Is. Paris, 173,4* 6874. Calmet (Dom. Aug.) Histoire Ecclesiastique et Civile de Lor- raine, contenant ce qui s'est pass6 de plus memorable dans PArchevechS de Treves, et dans les Ev£chezde Metz, Toul et Verdun, avec les Pieces Justificatives ; with a great number of maps, plans of towns and churches, medals, monuments, &c. &c. 3 very large vols. £5. 5s. Nancy, 1728. 510 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6*875. Campo (Antonio) Cremona fedelissima Citta et nobilissima Colonia de* Romani, rappresentata in disegno, ed illustrata d'una breve historia delle cose piu notabili, et dei ritratti natural i de* Duchi et Duchesse di Milano, &c. fine copy, morocco, <£6. 6s.* *In Cremona, in casa dell'autore, 1585. The original and rare edition of a much esteemed work. — Besides the portraits of the Dukes and Duchesses of Milan, this volume contains those of the Author; Philip II. of Spain (two) and his four wives, amongst whom was Mary Queen of England j also a portrait of Vida and many others, all engraved by Agostino Caracci in his best manner. Heinecken is mistaken in saying that some of thern are engraved by Annibale Caracci, and Debure erroneously attributes the designs as well as the engraving to the former, as they were either designed by the Author who was an eminent Painter, or taken from existing portraits. 687^. Corio (Bernardino) Historia di Milano ; contenente da Tori- gine di Milano, tutti le gesti, fatti, e detti preclari, e le cose inemorande Milanesi, infino al tempo di esso autore ; con M Vitae Caesarum," 2 vols, neat, £\3. 13*. Milano Alex. Minutiano, 1503 The first, rare, and only entire edition, subsequent ones having omitted numerous important passages. — The Repertory or Index, in six leaves, (which were printed several years afterwards and form no part of the original publication) are wanting, but supplied by manuscript. 6877- Description des Arts et Metiers, faites ou approuvees par Messieurs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, 4 vols. in russia, £6. 6s. Paris, 1761. These volumes contain 25 parts, in which are comprised minute descrip- tions of 22 branches of valuable manufactures, illustrated by nume- rous engravings. — The writers were Du Hamel, Reaumur, Lalande, Nollet, and other learned men. 6878. Description des Festes Donn^es par la Ville de Paris, a l'occasion du Mariage de Madame Louise-Elizabeth de France, et de Dom Philippe d'Espagne, with beautiful engravings of immense size, very neat, £3. 3s. Paris, 1740. 6879. D'Herbelot Bibliotheque Orientale, ou Dictionnaire Universel contenant generalmente tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des Peuples de l'Orient, £2. 2* Paris, 1697- Livres Fr-aupait; Libri Itaiiani; Libros Espanoles,SfC. — Folio. 511 6880. D'Herbelot Bibliotheque Orientate, ou Dictionnaire Universel contenant generalement tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des Peuples de l'Orient, with the Supplement by Visdelon and Galand, beautiful copy, in russia, £5. 5s. Paris, 1697 -17 SO. 6881. Another Edkkm, very neat, £2. 12s. 6d. Maest. 1776. 6882. Dante, la Divina Commedia, col commento di Cristofro Lan- dino, fine copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves, £26. Fiorenza, per Niccolo delta Magna, 1481. The celebrated Jirsl edition, with Ike Commentary of Land/no. — i'he present large and in other respects, fine copy, is ornamented w:th two of the prints designed by Sandro Botticelli and engraved by Baldini, and with drawings in Indian ink at the head of many of the cantos. An original folio drawing, by Botticelli, of the Inferno Purgatorio and Paradiso is also prefixed to the volume. 6883. Dante, la Divina Commedia, col commento di Cristofro Lan- dino, inrussia, gilt leaves, £8. 10*. Brescia, per Bonino de' Bonini, 1487. This edition contains many wood cuts executed in a very rude style, with borders, and coloured. 6884. Description des Principales Pierres Gravdes du Cabinet de S. A. S. le Due d'Orleans, par De la Chau et Le Blond, large paper, numerous plates, 2 vols, in red morocco, £28. Path, 1780-4. The present copy has five prints from what are styled the " medailles spintriennes," which are generally wanting. 6885. Disegni di Vari Altari e Cappelle nelle Chiese di Roma con le loro facciate fianchi piante e misure de piu celebri Archi- tetti, date in luce da Gio. Giacomo de Rossi, 50 plates, £l. 1*. • Rom. n. d. 6886. De Thou Histoire des Choses arrivees de son Temps, mise en Francois par Du Ryer, 3 vols. £\. 1 5s.- . • • Paris, 1659. 6887. Diverses Pieces pour la Defense de la Rcyne Mere du Roy Louys XIII. faites et reveues par Matthieu de Morgues, fine frontispiece, l6s. ib. 1637. 6888. Du Halde Description Geographique, Historique, Chronolo- gique, Politique et Physique de PEmpire de la Chine et de 512 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. la Tartarie Chi noise, with maps and plates, 4 vols, neat, £8. 8s. Par. 1735. 6889. Dapper (D'o) Description exacte des Isles de PArchipel, et quelques autres adjacentes, viz. Chypre, Rhodes, Candie, Samos, Chios, &c. with a great number of maps, views, %c. neat, £2. 12s. 6d. Amst. 1 703. 6890. Descrizzione delle Imagini dipinte da Rafaelle d'Urbino, vellum, 12s. • * Roma, 1695. 6891. Doctrinal (Le)du Tems Present, compile par Pierre Michault, en 1466, dedie au Due de Bourgogne, a Poem in French verse, MS. on paper; in fine preservation, very neat, £7 -7s. 6892. Description de PAfrique, tierce partie du s Monde, par Jean Leon, Africain. Plus cinq Navigations au pais des Noirs, SfC. with many engravings on wood, 3 parts in 1, neat, £3. 3*. Lyon, 1556. 6893. D'Aubign6 Histoire Universelle, 3 vols, in 1, 7s. 6d. Amst. 1626. 6894. Descrittione di Malta, Isola nel Mare Siciliano, con le sue Antichita, ed aitre Notitie, plates, in vellum, 15s. Malta, 1647. 6895. Etudes prises dans le bas peuple et principalcment Les Cris de Vienne, on vellum, splendidly bound in green morocco, £\ 8. Vienne, n. d. This volume contains a series of well executed prints, almost the entire of which are portraits of characters well known in the streets of Vienna. — It is believed that only one copy, the present, was worked off upon vellum. 6896. Estat (L') de la Maison du Due Charles de Bourgogne diet le Hardy. Compose par Messire Olivier de la Marche, Consr. et Maitre d'Hotel de Moseig le Due, en 1474. — Cet etat a est6 imprime pour la premiere fois en 1645, et joint aux memoires du meme autheur, que Velpius publia pour lors a Louvain. Mais ce Manuscript qui est ancien et fort exact peut servir a corriger plusieurs fautes qui se sont glisses dans Pimprime ; d'ailleurs il contient le petit prologue que Pimprime* n'a pas, corarae Litres Frangais ;Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles,fyc. — Folio. 513 aussy la Signature et les titres de l'autheur mis a la fin. Cet exemplaire vient de la Maison de la Laing Comtes d'Hooghstraeten, MS. on paper, very neat, £5. 10s. 6897. Ecole des Armes, avec l'Explication Generale des principales Attitudes et Positions concernant l'Escrime, par M. Angelo, with near 50 engravings, russia extra, gilt leaves, fyc. <£*• 4*. Lond. 1763. 6898. Extrait de la Genealogie de la Maison de Mailly, suivi de FHistoire de la Branche des Comtes de Mailly Marquis d'Haucourt, et de celle du Marquis du Quesnoy, large paper, with plates, very neat, gilt leaves, £3. 3s. Paris, 1757. 6899. Froissart Croniques de france, dangleterre, descoce, des- paigne, 4 vols, in 3, very neat, £15. Paris, G.Eustace8f F. Regnault, 1513, 6900. Froissart Histoire et Chronique Memorable, revue et corrrge' par Denis Sauvage, 4 vols, in 2, stained, £2. 2s. Paris, 1574. 6901. Fontana (Carlo) Anfiteatro Flavio Descritto e Delineato dal Cavaliere, many plates, boards, £l, ls.» • •• • »Haia, 1725. 6902. Falda (Giovanni Battista) Giardini di Roma, nuovamente dati alle Stampe con direttione di Giov. Giacomo de San- drart in Norimberga, 1 8 plates, £l. lis. 6d. Norimb. n. d. 6903. Felibien (Michel) Histoire de l'Abbaye Royale de St. Denys en France, fine plates, half -bound, £l. 5s.* 'Paris, 1706, 6904. Foscarini (Mar.) della Lettaratura Veneziana libri VIII. with portrait, Vol. I. neat in vellum, £2. 2s. » • • • Padova, 1752. An interesting work, of which this volume is all that has appeared. 6905. Gallerie du Palais du Luxembourg peinte par Rubens, a series of beautiful engravings by Audran, SfC. fine impres- sions, boards, £8. Paris, 1710. 6906. Guyse (Jac.de) Illustrations dela Gaule Belgique, ou Annales et Chroniques du Haynault jusqu'en 1244, extraites et translates du Latin, 3 vols, in 1, neat, £2. 7s. Paris, Galliot du Pre, 1531. 3T 514 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 690f. Guazzo (Marco) Cronica, ne la quale ordinatamentc contiensi Tessere dcgli uomini illustri antiqni et moderni, le cose e i fatti di eterna memoria degni, occorsi del principio del mondo sino a questi nostri tempi, fine copy, neat, £4>.4>s* Venet. ap. Fr. Bindoni, 1 553. This is the first edition, containing many passages suppressed in sub- sequent ones. 6908. Grande Galerie de Versailles, et les deux Salons qui l'accora- pagnent, peints par Charles Le Brun, dessines par I. B. Massd, et graves sous ses yeux par les meilleurs Maitres du terns, fine impressions, elephant size, very neat in calf, £25. Par. 1752. 6909. Grand Cabinet Romain, ou Recueil d'Antiquitez Romanies, avec les explications dc Michael Ange de la Chausse, plates, £l. lls.6d. Amst. 1 706. 6910. Goussancourt (Mathieu de) Martyrologie des Chevaliers de S. Jean de Hierusalem dits de Malte; contenant leurs eloges, armes, blasons, preuves de chevaliere, et descente genealogique de la plus-part des Maisons Illustres de l'Europe, with a vast number of heraldic engravings, 2 vols, in 1 , o£4. 4s. • • Paris, 1643. 6911. Histoire Curieuse de tout ce qui e'est passe a l'Entrde de la Reyne Mere du Roy tres Chrestien dans les Villes des Pays Bas, par le Sieur de la Serre, with plates, half-bound, russia, £i. lls.6d. Anvers, 1631. 6912. Histoire de Saint Louis par Jehan Sire de Joinville. Les Annales de son Regne par G. de Nangis. Sa Vie et ses Miracles, &c. neat, £\.\0s. Paris, 1761. 6913. Histoire de Charles VI. Roy de France, traduit sur le manuscrit Latin de M. de Thou, par M. Le Laboureur, 2 vols, neat, gilt leaves, £2. ih. 166*3. 6914. Histoire de Charles VII. Roy de France, par Jean Juvenal des Ursins; augmentee par Denys Godefroy, 2 vols. £l. 15s. ib. 1653. 6915. Histoire de Guillaume III. Roi d'Angleterre, par Medailles, Arcs de Triomphe, Inscriptions, &c. many plates, neat, £l.lOs Amst. 1692. Livres Frangais; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles,fyc. — Folio. 515 6916. Histoire dc Guillaume III. Roi d'Angleterre, par Medailles, Arcs de Triomphe, Inscriptions, &c. many plates^ neat, (several parts of leaves cut off) 15*. Amst. 1692. 6917. Herodote (Les Histoires d') mises en Francis par P. Du Ryer, large paper, £l. Is. Paris, 1658. 6918. Hedlingcr (CEuvre du Chevalier) ou Recueil des Medailles de ce celebre Artiste, gravees en taille douce, accompagnSes d'une explication historique et critique ; et pre'ced^es de la vie de l'Auteur, the engravings beautifully executed, 2 vols, very neat, gilt leaves, £7. 7s. Basle, 1778. 6919. Hamilton's (Sir W.) Collection of Engravings from Ancient Vases, with Descriptions in English and French, 2 vols. sewed, (vol. 2. without the letter-press) £6. 6s. Naples, 1791. 6920. Histoire de la Peinture Ancienne, extraite de l'Hist. Nat. de Pline, avec le Texte Laiin, frontispiece by Picart, neat, 18s. Lond. 1725. 6921. Images presque de tous les Empereurs depuis C. Julius Caesar jusques a Charles V. et Ferdinandus son frere, pourtraites au vif, prinses des medailles anciennes : non comme elles ont este evulguees par cy devant ains au vrai et par tres grande cure et diligence. Ensemble aussi leur vie et leurs faitz tant bons que mauvais, depaintz du pinceau historique, beautiful copy, £\2. 12s Anvers. 1 559, The engravings in this work are admirably executed, and worked off with two blocks in a peculiar style partaking of the bistre and bronze appearance. 6922. Images (Les) ou Tableaux de Platte Peinture des deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, et les Statues de Callistrate. Mis en Francois par Blaise de Vigenere, plates, £l. 10s. Paris, 1629. 6923. Isole (L') piu Famose del Mondo descritte da Thomaso Por- cacchi da Castiglione, with 47 maps engraved on copper, £l,10s. Padova, 1620. 6924. Livius (Les Grands Decades de Tit.) translates de Latin en Francois. Et ensuyant les faictz du dit T. Livius aucunes 5l6 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. additions de plusieurs grans historiographies — 2&I0C& %ttttt— -fine copy in the original stamped binding, £20. Paris, par Guih'aume Eustace, 1515. 6925. Le Roy Ruines des plus beaux Monumens de la Grece, with 60 fine engravings, 2 vols, in 1, very neat, £5. 15$. 6d. Paris, 1758. 6926. La Legende des Flamands, Haynuyers, Arthesiens et Bour- guignons ; en laquelle sont contenues plusieurs hystoires de France, Angleterre, Flandres, Bourgogne et autres pays. Dedie a Madame Loyse de Savoye, Duchesse d'Angoumoys, &c. mere de Francois premier, MS. on vellum, of the 15th century, with 55 initials beautifully executed in gold and colours, in fine preservation, in old morocco, £\5. 15s. 6927. Le Musee Francais; Recueil complet des Tableaux, Statues, et Bas-Reliefs, qui composent la Collection Nationale : avec l'explication des Sujets, et des Discours Historiques sur la Peinture, la Sculpture, et la Gravure, par Visconti et Emeric-David, public par &ofrtllart)=¥*ronbtUe et Sauwnt, 4 vols, atlas folio, half-bound, uncut, £200. Paris, 1803-9. This is undoubtedly the most magnificent work that has issued from the Parisian press. — The plates, principally master- pieces, were en- graved by the most skilful artists on the Continent — and the impres- sions in this set are brilliant. 6928. Marcolini da Forli, (Francesco,) Le Sorti intitolate Giardino di Pensieri alio illustrissimo Signore Hercole Estense Duca di Ferrara, fine copy, in the original curious inlaid binding, e£l6\ l6*. Venetia per F. Marcolini da Forli, 1540. First edition of this singular work, and so rare, that there are not, probably, three copies in the kingdom. This volume is ornamented with a great number of beautiful wood cuts from the designs of Giuseppe Salviati, and consist of a scries of emblematic figures which represent the Vices, Virtues, Passions, &c. The frontispiece is a large and admirable engraving on wood, having upon a tablet the name of the artist " Ioseph Porta Garfagninus j" at the back of this leaf is an excellent portrait of Marcolini. See some remarks upon this book in Singer on Playing Cards, p, 64. Livres Francais ; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles } SfC — Folio. 517 6929. Museo Pio Clcmentino descritta da Giambattista Visconti, Prefetto delle Antichita di Roma, with a great number of beautiful engravings of Statues, Busts, Bas-Re/iefs, fyc. 6 vols, russia extra, joints, &c. £%0. • • • • Roma, 1782-9- 6930. Marescal de Bataille, contenant le Muniment des Armes; les Evolutions, &c. &c. invente et recueilly par le Sieur de Lostelneau ; with many curious plates, £\. Is, Paris, 1647. 6931. Monstrelet (les Croniques de)— SMacft %Ztttt— small folio, 3 vols, in \, fine copy in vellum, £&. 8s. Paris, pour Jehan Petit et Mich. Le Noir, 1512. 6932. Monstrelet (Chroniques de) 3 vols, very neat, gilt leaves, £7. 17s. 6d. Paris, 1603. 6933. Milton Paradiso Perduto, Poema Inglese, traduzzionedi Paolo Rolli ; with portraits of Frederic Prince oj Wales, and Rolli, engraved in mezzotint 0, and Milton, by Vandevgucht, £l.ls. Land. 1736. 6934. Medaillcs sur les Principaux Evenements du Regne de Louis, le Grand, avec des Explications ilistoriques. Par PAca- demie Royale des Inscriptions et Medailles, lauge paper, fine copy, very neat, £6. 6s. Paris, I 702. 6935. Montfaucon (Bernard de) Antiquite Expliquee et repre- sentees en figures, avec le Supplement, et les Monumens de la Monarchic Francoise, all large paper, numerous plates, 20 vols, neat, £68. Par. 17 19-57-29. 6'936. Antiquite ExpliqueV et Repre- sentee en Figures, avec le Supplement, numerous plates, 15 vols, bound in 10, o£30. Paris, 1722-57. 6937. — Monumens de la Monarchic Francoise, qui comprennent l'Uistoire de Frame, avec les figures de chaque Regne que 1'injure de* terns a epargne*es, 5 vols, neat, o£21. Paris, 1729. 6938. Medailles du Regne de Louis XV. on 78 copper-plates, with ornamental borders around each, in russia, £2. 2s. Paris, 1750. 518 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6*939. Mandelslo Voyages celebres et remarquables, faits de Perse aux Indes Orientales, numerous views, maps, &o 2 vols, in 1, half-bound, £l. 10s. Amst. 1727. 6*940. Monumens Egyptiens, consistant en Obelisques, Pyramides, Chambres Sepulcrales, Statues dTdoles et de Pretres, en Momies, &c. le tout grave sur 200 planches qui renferment environ 700 sujets, avec leurs explications llistoriques, 2 vols, sewed, £4. 14>s.6d. Rome, 1791- 6941. Marsigli Etat Militaire de I* Empire Ottoman, en Francais et Italien, plates, neat, 10s. 6d. la Haye, 1732. 6942. Mezeray Histoire de France, with a great number of portraits, engravings of medals, Sfc. 3 vols, very neat, £4>. 14s. 6c?. . Paris, 1643. 6943. Marcassus (P. de) Histoire Grecque, 9s. ib. l64>7. 6944. Negotiations de Monsieur le President Jeannin, Jine portrait by Nantueil, 15s ib. 1656. 6945. Ovide (Les Metamorphoses d') en Latin et Francois, avec des Nouvelles Explications, numerous engravings, <£l. 15s. Amst. 1 702. 6946. Original Letters, MSS. (a large collection of) with the Auto- graphs of Sovereigns, Ministers of State, and other eminent Characters, amongst which are some by Philip II — III — and IV. of Spain; Charles II. of England ; Alexander of Austria ; Isabella Infanta of Spain ; Duke of Alva; Count Mansfeldt ; Prince Eugene of Savoy, &c. &c. To these Letters are added original and very interesting documents, connected with the History of the Netherlands, and copies of the Letters which were written by Philip II. to the Duke of Alva, with the Answers of the said Duke concerning the Letters written to the King against Car- dinal Granville, by the Prince of Orange, De Horn, and Count Egmont, in the year 1563. — These curious Manu- scripts are chiefly in French and Spanish, 3 vols, half- bound, £40. 6947. Piranesi (The Works of Bapt. Franc, and Ch. Franc.) being an extensive series of fine engravings, principally illustrative of the Antiquities of Ancient and Modern Livres Francais ; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles,8fC. — Folio. 519 Italy, viz. Les Antiquites Romaines et Supplement. — Le Tombeau des Scipions. — La Magnificence de ^Archi- tecture des Romaines. — Differens Ouvrages d'Architec- ture. — Fastes Consulaires. — Le Champ de Mars. — Les Antiquitds d'Albane. — Vases et Candelabres. — Les Co- lonnes Trajane et Antonine. — Les Ruines de Poestum. — Theatre d'Hcrculaneum. — Vues de Rome. — Choix des meilleures Statues. — Maniere d'orner les Chemine'es, &c. Recueil de Dessins d'apres Gucrichin, &c. — L'Ecole Italicnne. — Di verses Gravures de Sala Borgia, &c. — An- tiquites de Pompeia, &c. in all 26 vols, a fine set of this magnificent series, neatly and uniformly half-bound, morocco backs, c£l50. Paris, var. years. 6948. Patte (M.) Monumens eriges en France a la Gloire de Louis XV. with numerous plates, c£l. 1*. ib. 1765. 6949. Principi del Disegno tratti dalle piu eccellenti Statue An- tiche per li Giovani che vogliono in camminarsi nello studio delle Belle Arti. Publicati ed incisi da Giovanni Volpato e Raflaelle Morghen, half-bound, £3. 3s. Romce, I7S6. 6950. Pluvinel (Antoine de) Instruction du Roy en l'Exercise de Monter a Cheval; with all the curious plates, in which are. introduced many of the eminent characters of the court of Louis XIII., in the old morocco binding, ^10. 10s. Paris, 1625. 6951. Pluvinel. — A set of 69 plates to that work, by Crispin and Simon Pass, proofs before the writing, mounted upon ele- phant size paper, in russia binding, o^lO. ..... ib. 1623. 6952. Poliphili (Francisci Colonnse) Hypnerotomachia, ubi humana omnia non nisi somnium esse docet* • • '(opus a Leon. Crasso veronensi editum) in old morocco bindings gilt leaves, £8. 8s. . . • . Vcnet. in csdib. Aid. 1499. First edition of a most singular work, a strange compound of Italian, Latin, and other languages. The last leaf of the present copy has the dale 1467, the time when the work was composed ; the following leaf which contains the errata, the printer's subscription and the date M.I.D. is wanting. In this volume are numerous exquisite engravings on wood, but by whom designed or engraved has never been clearly ascertained. 520 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6953. Plan de Paris, dessine* et grav£, sous les ordres de Mes. Michel Eticnne Turgot, Marquis de Sousmons, &c. Leve et des- sin£ par Louis Bretez, graved par Claude Lucas, on 21 large sheets, very neat, £2. 12s. 6d. Paris, 1739» 6954. Palazzi Moderni di Genova, raccolti e designati da Pietro Paulo Rubens, withabove 100 plates, in russia, £l. lls.Gd. Anversa, 1652. 6955. Puffendorf (le Baron Samuel de) Histoire du Regnede Charles Gustave Roy de Suede, with a great number of plans and •views of battles, cities, towns, principal events, fyc. fyc. 2 vols, neat, £3. 3s. Berlin, 1697. 6956. Petrarcha (Opera del preclarissimo Poeta Miser Francesco) con li commenti sopra li Triomphi, Sonetti, &c. with spirited outline engravings on wood, and ornamental capitals, £\. lis. 6d. Venet. 1497. 6957. Pierres Antiques Gravies, sur lesquelles les graveurs ont mis leurs noms. Dessinees et gravies en cuivre sur les originaux par Bernard Picart. Expliquees par M. Philippe de Stosch, Latin et Francais, 70 plates, neat, £2. 2s. Amst. 1724. 6958. Pine (Jean.) Procession et les Ceremonies a PInstallation des Chevaliers de l'Ordre du Bain, Fr. et Ang. many plates, h. b. russia, £4>. 4s. Lond. 1 730. 6959> Portraits (131) des Hommes Illustres qui ont vecu dans le XVII. Siecle, avec leurs Armes et Devises, dessinez et peints au naturel par le fameux Anselrae van Hulle, et gravez en suite par le plus habiles Maitres, £3. 10s. Amst. 1706. 696O. Plutarque CEuvres Morales et Mesl6es, traduites de Grec en Francois, 2 vols. £\ . 4?. • Paris, 1655. t)96l. Perfetta, e Veridica Relatione delli Processi Criminali, et Essccutioni delli medesimi, Fattasi contro li tre Conti Fran- cesco Nadasdi, Pietro di Zrin, e Francesco Christofforo Frangeparai, plates, £l. Is. • . . • Vienna, 1671. 6962. Roma Antica con sue Vedute Moderna, a series of large views, fyc. vellum, £l. lls.6d. Roma, 1693. Litres Francais ; Libri Itatiani ; Libros Espanoles, $c. — Polio. 521 6963. Relazione del Funerale celebrato nella Chicsa Metropolitana di Milano il giorno 8 Feb. 1741, many plates, 2 parts, 12^. 6d. Milano, 1741. 6964. Representation natiirelle et exacte de la Favorite de son Altesse Electorale de Mayence, en 14 Vues et autant de plans sur les desseins du Sr. Salomon Kleiner^we plates, in vellum, £l.ls Augsb. l/26\ 6960. Relation de la Feste de Versailles, IS Juillet l66S, with many fine prints, neat, £\. Is. • • • • Paris, 1669. 6966. Segoing Armorial Universel, contenant les Amies des princi- pals Maisons de l'Europc, all engraved on copper plates, £l. Is. ib. 1679. 6967. Stieglitz Plans et Dessins tires de la Belle Architecture 011 Representations d'Edifices executes ou projettes en 115 planches avec les explications necessaires, boards, <£'5. 5s. ib. 1801. 6968. Saint Real Histoire de la Conjuration des Espagnols contre la Republique de Venise, upon fine writing paper, of which only 65 were printed, boards, £3. ib. 1795. 6969. Segni (Bernardo) Storie Florentine, dal' anno 1527 al 1555, colla Vita di Niccolo Capponi, vellum, uncut, £l. \0s. Augusta, 1723. 6970. Studio d'Architettura Civile. Opera de pi a Cclebri Archi- tetti de nostri tempi, numerous plates, 4 vols. £6. 6s. Roma, 1702-28; 6971. Theatre des Etats de Son Altesse Royale le Due de Savoye, savoir le Piemont, la Ville de Turin, les Lieux Voisins, la Savoye, &c. with a vast number of Jine engravings, being views of Cities, Towns, Fortresses, Palaces, Ro- mantic Scenery, frc. fyc. 2 vols, of immense size, very neat, c£lO. 10*. Hayc, 1700. 6*972. Tableaux de 1'IIistoire Romaine, abrege de Millot, par lui meme, with 4S fine engravings, very neat, gilt leaves, £3.13s.6d. Paris, 1796. 6973. Tombeaux des Princes, des Grands Capitaines, et autres Hommes lliustres qui ont fleuri dans la Grande Bretagne, with fine engravings, elephant size, very neat, £2. 12*. 6d. 3 U ib. n. d. 522 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 6974- Thevet (And.) Pourtraits et Vies des Hommes Illustres (stained) £6. 6s. Paris, 1584. The numerous portraits in this large volume would be found excellently adapted for the purposes of illustrating any Biographical Dictionary in quarto or folio. 6975- Tacite (Les CEuvres de Corn.) le tout mis en Francois, large paper, ruled with red lines, £2. 2s. ib. 1582. 6976. Tasso Gerusalemme Liberata, with many fine engravings from the designs of B. Piazzetta, large paper, neat, £4:. 10s. Venezia, 1745. 11 A magnificent edition, held in great esteem by the curious ; copies of which are no longer to be had, but with difficulty." — De Bure. 6977' Triomphes de Louis le Juste, XIIL du Nom, en Latin et Francais, with numerous fine portraits, plans of Battles, &c. &c. £2. 6s. Paris, 164a. 6978. Tristan (Jean) Commentaircs Ilistoriques, contenans l'Histoire Generale des Empereurs, Imperatrices, Caesars, et Tyrans de l'Empire Romain ; with numerous engravings of medals, &c. 3 vols. £3. 135. 6d. ib. 1657- 6979- Trissino, (Giorgio) La Poetica, Vicenzaper II Janicolo, 1529- — Col Dialogo intitolato II Castellano, ncl quale si tratta della Lingua Italiana, in one vol. vellum, £2. 2s. Vicenza, 1529. A rare volume, printed with a mixture of Greek Characters, adopted by Trissino. 698O. Tableaux du Temple des Muses, representant les Vertues et les Vices, sur les plus illustres Fables de l'Antiquite, par M. de Marelles, Abbe de Villeloin, with a fine portrait and a great number of beautiful engravings, (six wanting) h. b. russia, £l. lls.6d. » Paris, 1655. 69S I. Tesauro (Emanuel) del Regno d'ltalia, sotto i Barbari Epi- tome, many portraits and maps, 15s. Torino, 166*4. 6'982. Tableaux Topographiques, Pittoresques, Physiques, Llistori- ques, Moraux, Politiques, Litteraires, &c. de la Suisse, par De La Borde, with a vast number of views, portraits, &c» fine impicssions, 4t vols, in 3, very neat in calf, marbled leaves, £45. Paris, 1780-8. 6983. Varchi Storia Fiorentina> sewed, 18*. • • • Colon, 1721. Litres Francais; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, fyc. — Folio. 523 6984. Vignole (Jacques Barozzio de) Livre Nouveau ou Regies des cinq ordres d'Architecture, &c. with 104 plates, half- bound, russia, £l.lls.6d. Paris, 1761. 6985. Vitruve (les dix livres d'Architecture dc) numerous plates, half bound, £l.7s. ib. 1673. 6586. Vitruve ses dix Livres d'Architecture; seconde edition, cor- rige'e et augmented par Perrault, many plates, elegant, £3. Ss Paris, 1684. 6987, Vedute delle Feste nel Roma, being a series of 54 large engravings, £3. 10s. Roma, 1722. 6988. Vander Meulen. — A collection of large and fine Engravings by Baudouin, Bonnart, Cochin, &c. after Paintings by Vander Meulen, which represent the campaigns of Louis XIV. in Flanders ; Views of Towns, Palaces, &c. in one vol. atlas size, in the original morocco binding, £10. 10*. Paris, 1685. These prints form a part of the celebrated " Cabinet du Roi," and are the original impressions. 69S9. Verona Illustrata, per Scipionc Maffei, plates, 3 vols, in 1, Tcli'itm, 1 8s. • Verona, 1732, 6990. Voyages des Sieurs Albert de Mandelso et Adam Olearius, en Perse, la Moscovie, &c. numerous plates, large paper, 2 vols, neat, £3. 13s. 6d. Amst. 1727. 6991. Cataluna lllustrada, contiene su Descripcion en comun, y particular con las Problaciones, Dominios, &c. escriviola Estevan de Corbera, (last leaf wanting) vellum, £l . 7s. Nap. 1678. 6992. El Museo Pictorico y escala Optica. Theorica de la Pintura, en que se describe su Origem, Essencia, Especias, &c. Practica de la Pintura, en que se trate del modo de Pintar a el Olio, Temple, &c. por Don Antonio Palomino de Castro y Velasco, many plates, 3 vols, in 2, £&. 5s. Madrid, 1715-97- .-24 Longman, Hurst, Hees, Orme, and Brown. 6.993. Memorias de Felipe de Comines, traducidas de Frances por Don Juan Yiiiian, Espanol, 2 vols, in 1, £l.lOs. Amber es, 1643. 6<$4. Mariana (Juan de) Historia General de Espana, nuevamente anadido en este impression por Don Felix Lucio de Espi- nosa y Malo, 2 vols, in 1, half-bound, 2s. 6d. Madrid, 1(578. 6995. Another Edition, 2 vols. £l. lis. 6d. •• •• ib. 1623. 6*990. Another Edition, 2 vols. £2. 2s. ib. 1635. 6997. Obras Chronologicas de Don Caspar Ibaiiez de Segovia, £l.ls. • Valencia, 17 4-4. 699$' Original Letters Patent of Nobility, in Spanish, from the Royal Archives at Valladolid, MS. on vellum, with initial letters, and other ornaments in gold and colours, some of considerable beauty, 3 vols, half-bound, £j. Js. 6999. Tooneel der Ikerschappyen van zyne koninglyke hoogheyd i\vn liartog van Savoie & Piemont, with fine portraits by Nunteuil, and a vast number of views of Cities, Towns, Fortresses, Palaces, Romantic Scenery, &c. &c. 2 very large vols, fine copy, in the original superb binding, £\0. 10s. Graxenhage, 1697. 7000. Der Teutsch Cicero, or a German Translation of Cicero, with many curious wood-cuts, £4. 4s. Avgsb. 1534. 7001. Hamclmannum (Flermannum) Oldenburgisch Chronicon, das ist Beschreibung der Loblichen Vhralten Grafen zu Oldenburg und Delmenhorst, &c. with numerous portraits, c)c. half-bound, russia, £3. 13s. 6d. Oldenb. 1599. 7002. Ilistoria Antipodum, oder Newe Welt, das ist Natur und Eigenschani dess halbcntheils der Esden, so West Indien generint wild, &c. &c. with a great number of curious plates, £2.l2s.6d. Franco/. 1655. The prints in this book are from the same coppers as those in the celebrated Latin collection of Voyages by De Bry. Livrcs Frangais ; Libri Ttaliani; Libras Espanolcs, Sf-c. — 4to. 525 7003. Typographia Galliae, dat is ecnc Algemeene en bysondere naukeurige Lant en Plaets beschrivinge vont machtige' Koninckvijck Vranckrijch, with an immense number of views of the principal Cities, Towns, Palaces, Churches, Sfc. $c. in France, 4 vols, neat, £\0. Amst. 166 1. 7004. Dapper's Descriptive Account of Syria, Palestine, India, Persia, Africa, Arabia, Islands in the Archipelago, the Morea, the City of Amsterdam, — NieuchcPs Account of the Brazils and China; Baldeus's Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel, and the Island of Ceylon, in all 10 vols. neatly and ■uniformly hound in calf except one in vellum, c£l4. 14*. Amst. 1663-93. This collection is in the Dutch language. It is illustrated by about two thousand engravings, which consist of maps, views of cities, towns, and other remarkables. Figures of animals and other objects of Natural History. The Costume of the Inhabitants, &c, &.C the whole forming a series of prints of o most interesting nature. 7005. Topographia Archiducatus Corinthise antique et modernae complcta: das ist Vollkomme und grundlicke Land Besthreibung dess Erz. Herzogthums Karndten, with an immense number of views, 2 vols, vellum, £3. 3s. Number g, 1688. QUARTO. 7006. ANN ALES d'Aquitaine ; faicts et gestes des Roys de France et d'Angletcrre, &c. par Jean Bouchet ; augmented de plusieurs pieces rares, neat, £l. 5s. * • • *Poictiers, 1644. 7007- Alberti. (Leon. Bat.) Opuscoli Morali, ne quali si contingono molti ammaestramenti necessarii al viver de l'huomo, &c. tradotti, e in parte corretti, da M. Cosimo Bartoli, vellum, £l. 15s. Venet. 1568. The frontispiece to this volume is a wood engraving of singular force and beauty, having on the reverse a portrait of the author — yarious other cuts arc interspersed. 526 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7008. Abcedario (L') Pittorico dall' autore ristampato corretto et accresciuto di molto professori e di altre notizie spettanti alia pittura, 15s. Bolog. 1719. 7009. Antiquity des terns rdtablie et defendue. Contre les Juifs et les Nouveaux Chronologistcs, 7s. • • • • • Paris, 1687. 7010. Augustes (Les) Representations de tous les Roys de France depuis Pharamond jusqu'a Louys XV. dit le Grand, avec un Abreg6 de leurs Vies, being a series of portraits, en- graved on copper, £2. 2s. Paris, 1714. 7011. Ariosto Orlando Furioso; with many curious and spirited engravings on wood, calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. l6s. Vineg. 1550. 7012. Another Edition, (several leaves of table wanting) vellum, 9s. Venet. 1573. 7013. Apologie faicte par un Serviteur du Roy, contre les calomnies des Imperiaulx : sur la descente du Turc, Paris, 1552 — L'Ordre des Estats Generaux tenus a Bloys, Bloys, 1589, in one vol. 12*. This volume contains both parts of the Apology. 7014. A venture di Saffo, a series of engravings designed and en- graved by H. Tresham, to which are added others of a miscellaneous nature designed by Cosway, and Angelica Kaufmann; engraved by the latter and Bartolozzi, boards, £2. 2s. Roma, 1783. 7015. Averani (Giuseppe) Lezioni Toscane, 3 vols, sewed, £l. 10s, Fircnze, 1744. 7016. Alamanni (Luigi) La Coltivationc, Poema, fine copy, very neat, £2. 6s. Stamp, in Parigi da Rob. Stepha?io, 1546. A beautiful edition. The present copy has the list of errata, the privilege of Fiancis I. and the epistle to "Madama la Delphina," all of which are frequently wanting. 7017. Anticbo (L') Veio di Famiano Nardino, Discorso investigativo del Sito da quella Citta, Napol. 1647. — Dell' Antico Ginnasio Napoletano, Opera Posthuma di Pietro Lasena, Napol. 1688. in one vol. 10s. 6d. 70 18. Abregc de la Vie des plus Fameux Peintres, with numerous portraits, 2 vols. £2* 2s. Paris, 1745. Livres Frangais; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, §c. — 4>to. 527 7019. Allegranza (Giuseppe) Spiegazione e Riflessioni, sopra alcuni Sacri Monument! Antichi di Milano, sewed, 7s. 6d. Milano, 1575. 7020. Baldirucci Vita del Cavaliere Gio: Lorenzo Bernino Scul- tore, Architetto, e Pittore, plates, very neat, 18s. Firenze, 16*82. 7021. Barre (le Pere Joseph) Histoire Generale de l'Allemagne, 10 vols. £7. 7s.»* • Paris, 1748. 7022. Baldi (Bernardino) Versi e Prose. Dei Versi, la Nautica, la Favola di Leandro di Museo, &c. Delle Prose, Cento Apologi, &c. neat in vellum, £2. 2s. Venet. 1590. 7023. Barros (Giovan. di) L'Asia; nella quale oltre le cose appar- tenenti alia militia, si ha piena cognitione di tutte le Citta, Monti, &c. &c. di lingua Portoghese tradotta, (one leaf of table wanting) very neat, £l. lis. 6d.*» Venet. 1562. 7024. Bembo (Pietro) Gli Asolani, ynorccco, £l. Ss. Venet. incedib. Aid. 1505. The first and rare edition. This copy has the Epistle to Lucretia Borgia which is frequently wanting. 7025. Bentivoglio Histoire de la Guerre de Flandre, traduite par Antoine Oudin, (stained) 9s. Paris, 1634. 7026. Brumoy Theatre des Grecs, 3 vols, neat, £2. 2s.* »ib. 1730. 7027- Ditto, large paper, 3 vols, neat, £2. 15s.»»»*ib. 1730. 7028. Bernardino (R. P. F.) Trattato delle Piante et Immagini de Sacra Edifizi di Terra Santa. Disegnate in Jerusalemme, secondo le regole della Prospettiva, et vera misura della lor grandezza, plates, very neat, £2. 12s. 6rf. Firenze, 1620. 7029. Baudier (Michel) Histoire Generale du Serrail, et de la Cour du Grand Seigneur, frontispiece, Is. 6d. Paris, 1 632. 7030. Buonarotti Osservazioni Istoriche sopra alcuni Medaglioni Antichi, many plates, russia extra, joints, £2. 12s. 6d. Roma, J 698. 7031. Bolla (La) d'Oro de Fanciulli Nobili Romani, plates, Rom. 1732. bound up with 36 plates of Ancient Medals, &c. very neat, 15s. 528 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7032. Bouhier Rechcrclies et Dissertations sur Ilerodote, very neat, ] 8s. Dijon, 1 746 . 7033. Boccacio Genealogia de gli Dei cle Gentili, tradotta par M. Gioseppe Betussi da Bassano, £l. 5s. Venet. 1574. 7034. Another Copy of the same edition, 15*. rib. 1574. 7035. Collection des Ouvrages imprimes per Fr. Amb. Didot 1-aiue, et P. 'Didot fils, pour ^education du Dauphin; savoir Telemaque, par Fenelon, 2 vols. 1783. — CEuvres de Jean Racine, 3 vols. 1783. — Histoire Universelle, par Bossuet, 1 vol. 1784. — Biblia Sacra, 2 vols. 1735.— Fables de la Fontaine, 1 vol. 1788. — CEuvres de Boileau, 2 vols. 1789. Petit Careme de Massillon, 1 vol. 1789. — CEuvres de Jean Baptiste Rousseau, 1 vol. 1790. — La Henriadc, par Vol- taire, 1 vol. 1790. in all 14 vols, uniformly bound in red morocco, gilt leaves, £70. The above were Firmin Didot's copies, and selected by hiin with great care from the respective impressions. 7036. Cartari (Vincenzo) Imagini dei Dei gli Antichi, Prose e Versi, with many curious engravings, in vellum, 1 5s. Venet. 1571. 7037. Crasso (Lorenzo) Elogii di Capitani Illustri, with near 100 portraits of eminent characters, £5. 3s. • • Venezia, 1683. A work of uncommon occurrence. Many of the Lives are accompanied by Italian and Latin verses. 7038. Capecelatro Istoria della Citta, e regno di Napoli detto di Sicilia, com Origine delle Citta, e delle Famiglie Nobili di Napoli, 3 vols, in 2, half -bound, £l. Is." Napoli, 1769. 7039. Condivi Vita di Michel Agnolo Buonarroti, Pittore, Scultore, &c. portraits, large paper, in calf, 18s. Firejize, 1746. 7040. Cabinet des Beaux Arts, ou Recueil d'Estampes gravees d'apres les Tableaux d'un plafond ou les Beaux Arts sont representes, avec Implication, finely engraved, in mo- rocco, £l. 10*. Paiis, 1690. Litres Frangais ; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, 8fc.—-4to. 529 7041. Cronikes d'Angleterre, &c. a fait MS. of the fifteenth cen- tury, on vellum, bound in irussia, £l5. About the middie of this volume, that is, on the verso of the 118th leaf, appears this colophcn, in red ink, — " Cy finoient lez veulz cronikes dangletre appellez le Brute iesqes an temps du Roi Edevard le se« cunde Et y apres ensuoient pluseurs autres nouelles Cronikes dez guerres de ffrance dangletie de scote despagne & de bretagne faitz en le temps du noble Roi Edevard le tierce," &c. To the subjects here mentioned, the remaining 85 leaves are appropriated, except that the volume concludes with an enumeration in English rhyme, of the va- rious countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe, on two pages. 7042. Costume des Anciens Peuples a l'usage des Artistes, par Dandre Bardon, with near 400 plates, 2 vols, neat in calf, £3. 10s. .-Par. 1784; 7043. Cabinet de Pierres Antiques Gravees, on Collection Choisie de2l6Bagues et de 682 Pierres, tirees du Cabinet de Gorlee, &c. 2 vols, half-bound, £2. 2s. "Paris, 1778. 7044. Cary Histoirc des Rois de Thrace et de ccux du Bosphore Cimmerien, served, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1 752. 7045. Dionisio Halicarnasco delle coze antiche della Citta di Roma. Tradotto in Toscano per messer Francesco Venturi Fio- rentino, a beautiful copy, ?norocco, gilt and marbled leaves, £4<. 4*. • • • • Venet. per Nicolo Bascarini, 1545. 7046. Dutens Explication de Quelqucs Medailles Grecques et Pheni- ciennes, avec une Paleographie. Numismatique, large paper, plates, ruled with red lines, neat in calf, £l. 4s. Land. 1776. 7047. Denys d'Halicarnasse Antiquitez Romaines, traduites par Le Jay, 2 vols. £l. 4s. Paris, 1 722. 7048. Demetrio Falareo della locuzione volgarizzato da Pier Segni Academico della Crusca detto l'Agghiacciato, elegant, gilt leaves, £\.9s. • • • Pirenze, 1603. 7049. Difesa di Tie Documenti Antichi del Archivio del Real Monistero di Santa Giulia di Brescia, 4s. 6d. Bres. 1728. 7050. Declaration de sa Majeste de la Grande Bretagne (Charles I.) fine portrait, 7s. • • Lund. 1 640, 3 X 530 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7051. Delia Guerradi Campagna di Roma e del Regno di Napoli nel pontificate* di Paolo IV. con Istoria del Tumulto di Napoli di Tommaso de Santis, half-bound, 10s. 6d. Napoli, 1769-70. 7052. D'Ancarville Recherches sur POrigine, PEsprit et les Progres des Arts de la Grece; sur leurs connections avec les Arts et la Religion des plus anciens peuples connus ; sur les Monumens Antiques de PInde, de la Perse, du reste de PAsie, de PEurope et de PEgypte, plates, (without the Supplement,) 2 vols, half-bound, russia, £\. lis. 6d. Loud, 1785. 7053. D'Auteroche (Chappe) Voyage en Siberie, with fine en- gravings, 3 vols, imperial size, very neat, gilt leaves, and a Folio Atlas, half-bound, £\2. 12s. Paris, 1778. The Atlas contains the map No. 10, " Carte des Vosges," which having appeared some time after the others, is frequently wanting. 7054. Davila (Hen. Cat.) Historia delle Guerre Civili di Francia, h. b. 16s. Venet. 1692. 7055. Another Edition, vellum, 1 8s. ib. 1642. 7056. De Fer Histoire des Rois de France depuis Pharamond, jusqu'a Louis Quinze, with portraits, engravings of memo- rable events, $c. all on copper plates, £l, 10s. Paris, 1722. 7057. De Solis Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique, plates, 15s. Paris, 1691. 7058. Dante Alighieri (Opere di) con varie Annotazioni, many plates, large paper, 5 vols, neat in calf, £15. 15s. Venezia, 1757-8. This admirable edition of Dante contains all his works, accompanied by the learned dissertations of Lorenzo Eerti and others; the life of Dante by Jos. Pelli, and arguments to each canto by Gaspar Gozzi. 7059. D'Herbelot Bibliotheque Orientale ou Dictionnaire Universel contenant tout ce qui fait connoitre les Peuples de POrient, portrait by Houbraken, 4 vols, russia extra, marbled leaves, £8. 8s. • Haye, \777- 7060. De Rome de l'Isle Metrologie, ou Tables pour servir a l'lntelligence des Poids et Mcsures des Anciens, et princi- Livres Frangais ; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, Sfc. -Ato. 531 palement a determiner la valeur des Monnoies Grecques et Romaines, half-bound, \5s. Paris, 1789. 7061. Diego de Torres Relation de TOrigine et Succez des Cherifs, et de l'estat des Royaumes de Marroc, neat, 9s. » *ib. 1636. 7062. D'Hermilly Histoire du Royaurne de Majorque avec ses an- nexes', neat, \2s. Maest. 1777- 7063. Delia Novella Poesia cioe' del vcro genere e particolari bellezze della Poezia Italiana [scrit. Giulio Cesare Becelli], neat, £l.ls. Verona, 1732. 7064. D'Orleans (Le Pere) Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre, 3 vols, neat, £l. Is. Paris, 1693. 7065. Dolci, (Lodovico) Le Transformationi di, with numerous en- gravings on wood, very finely executed, in vellum, £2. 2s, Venet. apprcsso Gab. Giolito, 1 553. The best and most uncommon edition of this work. 7066. Denon Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, 2 vols, avec un Atlas de 109 Gravures, in folio, boards, £3. 13s. 6d. Lond. 1807. 7067. Daviler Cours d'Architecture qui comprend les Ordfes de Vignole, avec des Commentaires, les figures et descriptions de ses plus beaux Batimens, et de ceux de Michel-Ange, &c. &c. with a vast number of plates, 2 vols. £l. 4s. Paris, 1720. 706S. De-Rossi della Vana Aspettazione degli Ebrei del Loro Re Messia, sewed, 6s. Parma, 1773. 7069. della Lingua Propria di Cristo, &c. sewed, 9s. ib. 1772. 7070. Doni, (Ant. Fr.) I Marmi del, the four parts complete, neat in vellum, £3. 3s. Vinegia, per F. Marcolini, 1552. A well printed volume, the contents of which are in verse and prose. It contains a great number of neat engravings on wood, including a portrait of the author. 7071. Description des Royaulmes d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse, par Estienne Perlin. Histoire de l'entree de la Reine Mere dans la Grande Bretagne, par De la Serre, plates, sewed, Ss ' 6d - Lond.1775. 532 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7072. Description du Cabinet Roial de Dresde touchant l'Histoire Naturelle, in vellum, 7s. Dresde, 1755. 7073. Description Exacte de tout ce qui s'est pass£ dans les Guerres entre le Roy d'Angleterre, le Roy de France, les Pro- vinces Unies, &c. de Pan l6*6"4 jusqu'a Tan l667> with curious plates, representing Sea Fights, the fire of London, Sfc. (last leaf of table wanting) neat, £l. lis. 6d. Amst. 1668. 7074. Esequie di Ferdinando II. Gran Duca di Toscana, plates, 5s. Fircnze, I67I. 7075. Ficorini (Francesco de') Vestigia, e Rarita di Roma Antica, with engravings of Statues, Bas Reliefs, SfC £l. Is. Roma, 1744. 7076. Figures des DirTerents Habits dcs Chanoines Rcguliers, avec un Discours sur les habits ancicns et modcrnes, par Du Molinet, in vellum, £l. Is. Paris, 1666. 70/7. Fino (Alemanio) Historia di Crema, neat, 7s. 6d. Venet. 1566'. 7078. Ficino (Marsilio) Libro della Christiana Religione, fine copy, in vellum, £2. 2s. From the Library of the late Right Hon. C. J. Fox. It has neither title page, catch words, signatures, or pages, and from these circumstances and the rude structure of the type, is supposed to have been printed about 1470. 7079. Fialetti (Odoardo) Habiti delle Rcligioni, con le Armi e breve descrittioni lore; many plates, £l. 5s. ■ • • *Parigi, 1680. 70S0. Fauchet Antiquitez Gauloiscs et Francoises, 2 vol. in 1, vellum, £\. Is. • ! Paris, l6lO. 7081. Frizon Vie du Cardinal Bellarmin, neat, 7s. 6d. Nancy, 1708. 7082. Forestiere (II) lstruito delle cose piii' rare di Architettura, e di alcune Pitture della Citta' di Vicenza, plates, boards, 7s. • Vicenza, 1 761 . 7083. Fitzhcrbert Nouvelle Natura Brevium, nouvellement compose par Guil. Rastell, large papeii, 5s. 6d.- • • • Lond. 1581. 7084. Grobert Description des Pyramides de Ghize, de la Villc du Kairc et de ses Environs, with plates, half-bound, 12s. Qd. Paris, 1801. Livres Francais ; hibri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, fyc, — 4>to. 533 7085. Guer Mceurs et Usages des Turcs, leur Religion, tear Gou- vernement Civil, Militaire et Politique, avec un abrege de Tliistoire Ottomane, many plates, 2 vols, neat, £2. 2s. Farts, 1747. 7086. Guasco sur PUsage des Statues chez les Anciens, plates, neat, £\. 10s. Bruxelles, 1768. 7087. Galuzzi (Riguccio) Istoria del Granducato di Toscana, sotto il Governo della Casa Medici; with many portraits, and other plates, 5 vols, very neat in calf, £5. 5s. Firenze, 1781. 7088. Grotius sur le Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix, avec les Notes de Barbeyrac, 2 vols. 18*. Amst. 1724". 7089- Gaudenti (Antonio) Storia della Santa Casa di Loreto, plates, sewed, 10$. Qd. Loreto, 1784. 7090. Gonzaga (Curtio) II Fido Amante, poeme Eroico, vellum, £l. 105 Mantoua, 1582. 709 1« Giovio (Paolo) Historic del suo Tempo, tradotte per M. Lo. dovico Domenichi, 2 vols. \6s. Fioren. 1551-3. 7092. Histoire des Ordrcs Monastiqucs, Religieux et Militaires, et des Congregationes secuiicres de Pun & de Pautre sexe, qui ont ete establies jusqu'a present ; contenant leur origine, leur fondation, leurs progres, les evenemens les plus con- siderables que 3' sont arrives ; la decadence des uns et leur suppression, Paggrandissement des autres, par le moyen des differentes Reformes qui y ont e;e introductes les Vies de leur Fondateurs et de leur Reformateurs ; with an immense number of engravings of the different Orders, 8 vols, very neat, £\2. 12*. Paris, 1721. 7093. Histoire de France, representee par figures accompagnees de Discours. Les Figures gravees par F. A. David, le Discours par Guyot, 5 vols, elegant, gilt leaves, £j. ?s. Paris, 1787. 7094. Histoire d'Angleterre, representee par figures accompagnees de Discours. Les Figures gravdes par E. A. David, le Dis- cours par Le Tourneur et Guyot, 2 vols, elegant, gilt leaves, £4*. 1 4s. 6d. • H, \ JS4?. The engravings in the two preceding articles illustrate the most remarkable events in the Histories of the rival countries, and with the aid of copious letter-press form very interesting works. 531 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7095. Haym (Nic. Fr.) Tesoro Britannico, overo II Museo Num- maiio, Ital. et Ing. many plates, 2 vols, neat, £l. 6s. Lond. 1719, 7096. Histoire du Vicomte de Turenne, par De Ramsay, with fine for trait, plans of battles, fyc. 2 vols. £l. 5s. Paris, 1735. 7097. Histoire du Chevalier Bayard, avec plusieurs choses memo- rabies advenues en France, Italic, Espagne, et les Pays Bas, very neat in calf, £3. 3s. ib. 1616. 7098. Iscrittioni (Le) poste sotto le Vere Imagini de gli Huomini Famosi. Tradotte di Latino in Volgare da Hippol. Orio, fine copy, in vellum, £l. \s. Fior. 1552. 7099. Images des Heros et des Grands Homines de l'Antiquite, dessinees sur des Medailles, des Pierres antiques et autres anciens Monumens, par Jean Ange Canini, with 11? plates engraved by Picart, $-c. neat, £3. 3s. Amst. 1731. 7100. Imprcsse (Le) Illustri con espositioni, et discorsi del Senor Jeronimo Ruscelli. Con la giunta di altre Impresc tutto riordinato et corretto presso e Francesco de Franceschi, Senese, with numerous plates, 15s. Venet. 1580. 7101. Jeux (Les) de Calliope, ou Collection de Poemes Anglais, Italiens, Allemands et Espagnols, large paper, plates, blue morocco, £l. 1 Is. 6d. Paris, 1 776. 7102. La Lucania Discorsi di Giuseppe Antonini Barone di S. Biase, sewed, 10s. 6d. ■ • • Nap. 1745. 7103. Le Mascrier Description de l'Egypte, contenant plusieurs remarques curieuses sur la Geographie, les Monumens, les Moeurs, &c. &c. de ce Pays, composee sur les Memoires de M. De Maillet, plates, neat, £\. 5s. • • "Paris, 1735. 7104. Lytylton (Les Tenures de) interleaved with writing paper and manuscript, and bound in russia — SMacft %ttttt — a rare edition, imprynted by lttd)art> :^gttSOn,o£lO. 10*. • . (no date) 7105. Landon Vie et CEuvres des Peintres, viz. Dominiquin, 3 vols. Raphael, 2 vols, et Poussin, 1 vol. numerous fine engravings in outline, boards, £l6. l6s. 6d. Paris, 1803-9- The succeeding volumes, being eight, are to be had. 7l06\ Le Blanc Traitd Historique des Monnoyes de France, plates, neat, 10s. 6d. Amst. 1692. Livres Frcmcais ; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles, #c— .4*0. 535 7107'. Le Vassor (Mich.) Histoire Generate de 1' Europe sous le Regne de Louis XIII. 6 vols, fine set, in calf, £4>. 4*. Am&t. 1757. 71 08. Lettres du Cardinal D'Ossat, portrait by Thomassin, 2 vols. neat, 18*. Paris, I698. 7109. Labyrinth of Versailles, many plates, Descriptions in Eng. Fr. German and Dutch, 5*. • • • • Amst. n. d. 7110. Lettere e Dissertazioni Numismatiche sopra alcune Medaglie Rare della Collezion Ainslieana, e di altri Musei, 5 vols. boards, £2. 12s. 6d. • Livorno, 1789-94. 7111. Lancilotto Dissertazione sopra una Statua di Marmo scoverta nella novine deir Antica Citta d'Alesa in Sicilia, Palermo, 174-9. — Storia di Alesa, raccolta da Selinunte Drogonteo; plates, Pal. 1753, Ac. in one vol. very neat, £l. Is. 7112. Marte (II) di M. Vicenzo Metelli Giustinopolitano, ovesotto bellissiroe Favoleet Inventioni sidescrive tutta la Guerra di Cipro, curious cuts, very neat, £2. 2s. Venet. 1582. 7113. Miroir (Le) de la cruelle et horrible Tyrannie Espagnole per- petre'e au Pays Bas par Tyran Due de Albe. Avec la deuxieme partie des Tyrannies commises aux Indes Occi- dentales, par un Evesque Bartholome de las Casas, neat, gilt haves, £5. 15s. 6d» Amst, 1620. This is a fine and perfect copy, of a very uncommon volume. It is or- namented with numerous engravings, the impressions of which are very good. 7114. Mengs (Ant. Raphael) ses (Euvres completes ; contenant dif- ferens Traites sur la Theorie de la Peinture, 2 vols, half- bound, russia, £l. 15s. • • • Paris, 1 78rj. 7115. Memoires de Philippe de Comines, ou Ton trouve FHistoire des Rois de France, Louis XL et Charles VIII. portraits, 4 vols, neat, £3. 3s. • Paris, 1747. 7116. Memoires de Cond£, ou Recueil pour scrvir a l'Histoire de France, sous les Regnes de Francois II. et Charles IX. portraits, Sf-c. 6 vols, neat, £3. 10s. Haye, 1743. 7117- Mariana Histoire Generate d'Espagne, traduite en Francois, avec des Notes et des Cartes, par J. N. Charenton, (little wormed) 5 vols, neat, £3. 3s, • • Paris, 1725. 536 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7118. Minturno (Anton.) l'Arte Poetica, con le Postille del Dottor Valvassori, neat in vellum, £l. 7 s. Venet. 156*3. 7119. Montesquieu (CEuvres de M. de) 3 vols, very neat in calf, £3. 105. Lond.1767. 7120. Mirabeau (Comte de) de la Monarchic Prussienne, sous Fre- deric le Grand ; avec un Appendice contenant des recher- ches sur la situation actuelle des principales contr^es de FAUemagne, 4 vols, neat in calf, £5. • ib. 1788. 7121. Magnifique (Le) Chasteau de Richelieu en General et en Par- ticulier, ou les Plans, les Elevations, et Profils Generaux et Particuliers du dit Chasteau ; grave par Jean Marot, 7s. Par. n. d. 7122. MS. in French, being a Poem entitled " Champ Royal f in- scribed to the " tres illustre Soueraine et Clemente Reyne et dame Claude Reyne de france et duchesse de Bretaigne,'* written on vellum, with illuminated capitals, and three drawings : bound in crimson velvet, £3. 3s. 7123. Machiavelli (Tutte le Opere di Niccolo) con una Prefazione di Giuseppe Baretti ; fine portrait, 3 vols, russia, £4. 10s. Lond, 1772. 7124. Machiavelli (Tutte le Opere di Niccolo) 2 vols, in J, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1747. 7125. Mezeray A brege Chronologique, ou Extraict de l'Histoire de France; with a fine engraving of Louis XIV. and a great number of portraits of the other monarchs of France, 3 vols. £3. 3s. Paris, 1668. 7126. Mezeray Histoire de la Regence de Marie de Medicis, 7s. Haye, 1743. 7127. Navigations, Peregrinations, et Voyages, faicts en la Turquie> par Nicholay, with many engravings on wood, after the designs of Titian, (last leaf of the table wanting) neat, £2. 2s Anvers, 1586. 7128. Nani (Battista) Historia delia Republica Veneta, 2 vols, neat, 12s. Venet. 16S6. 7129. Niebuhr (C.) Voyage en Arabic, avec le Description d'Arabie, et les Questions de Michaelis, plates, 4 vols, sewed, £3. 13s. 6d. Amst. l774>-6* L fores Fran gats ; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, $c.—Mo. 537 7130. Orationi in materia Civile, e Criminale, raccolte par M. Re- migio da grHistorici Greci, e Latini, (wants title) very neat, 9s. Venet. ap. Giolito, 156l. 7131. Platina(Bartolomeo) Vite de Pontefici dal Salvator nostro fino a Paolo II. 5s. Venet. 1674. 7132. Principes du Blazon, ou Ton explique toutes les Regies et tousles Termesde cete Science, plates, 10*. 6d. Paris, 1715. 7133. Paruta (Paolo) Historia Venetiana, divisa en due parti, neat, £l. Is. Venet. 1605 7134. Petrarcha (Le Rime di Francesco) con PExpositione di M. G. A. Gesualdo, ornato di Figure, £15. in Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito e Frat, 1553. This is a most beautiful Copy, of the best of the editions edited by Gesu- aldo. The leaves are curiously ornamented with gold and various colours. The exterior is superhly inlaid, and gilt, having on the one side Miniatures of Petrarch and Laura, and on the other, Armorial Bearings of the Medici. It is on the whole an extraordinay specimen of early fine printing, and the perfection of Ancient Book-binding. 7135. Petrarca (LeRime di) con le considerazioni d'Aless. Tassoni, e le note di Girol. Muzio e di L. Muratori^/ie copy in russia, £2. 1 2s. 6d. • • • • • Modena, 171 1. 7136*. Petrarca (Le Rime del) brevemente esposte per Lodovico Cas- telvetro, edizione corretta ilkistrata, ed accresciuta, siccome della seguente Prefazione apparisce, 2 vols. £2. 2s. Venezia, 175f>. 7137. Another Set, large paper, 2 vols, neat, £5. 5s."ib. 1756. 7138. Pfeffel Nouvel Abr£g6 Chronologique de l'Histoire et du Droit Public d'AHemagne, 2 vols, elegant, £3. 3s. Paris, 1776. An excellent work, formed on the plan of Henault's celebrated History of France. 7139. Peyssonnel Observations Historiques et Geographiques sur les peuples barbares qui ont habit£ les bords du Danube et du PontEuxin, maps, ^c. half -hound, neat, \2s. Paris, 1765. 7140. Puccini (Vincenzo) Vita e Opere di Santa Maria Maddalena de* Pazzi Carmelitana, neat, 12*. Venezia, 1739. 7141. Pareri intorno al taglio della Macchia di Viareggio, del Sig- nore Pasquale Rinomati, &c. plates f vellum, 9s. Lucca, 1739-40. 3 Y 538 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7142. Plutarco (Vite di) tradotte da M. Lodovico Domenichi, 2 vols. neat in vellum, £l. 18*. • Vinegia, 1560. A beautiful edition, and mentioned with praise by Haym. 7143. Pigna (Giovan. Battista) I Romanzi di, ne quali della Poesid, et della vitadeir Ariosto con nuovo modo si tratta, vellum, £2. 2s. ib. 1554. 7144. Quinte Curce dela Traduction de Vaugelas, avec les Supple- raens traduits par du Ryer, neat, 14*. Paris, 1659. 7145. Recueil de plusieurs Plans des Ports et Rades de la Medi- terrannee, 5s. » ib. 1730. 7146. Relazione Istorica del Cavaliere Marco Foscarini Veneziano Ambasciatore Straordinario della Serenma. Republica appo della Maestiadi Carlo Emanuell II. Re di Sardegna nell suo ritorno dalla da Corte, l'anno 1743, MS. on paper, 10s. 6d. 7147* Rota (Bernardino) Rime. Terza impressione questa una volta da lui data in luce. Egloghe pescatorie, Carmina Latina, in vellum, £2. 7s. Napoli, 1 572* 7148. Ringhieri (Innocentio) Cento Guiochi Liberali et d'Ingegno, vellum, £l. 15s. Bologna, 1 551 . 7149. Raccolta di Targhe fatte da Professori primari in Roma, disegnate, ed intagliate dal Cav. D. Filippo Juvarra, 50 plates, neat, 14* Roma, 1722. 7150. Recueil d'Estampes representant les differents evenemens de la Guerre qui a procure* l'lndependance aux Etats unis de rAmerique, finely engraved, boards, £l.5s. Paris, 1784. 7151. Ripa Iconologie, ou Nouvelle Explication de plusieurs Images, Emblemes, et autres Figures Hyerogliphiques des Vertus. des Vices, &c. &c. with an immense number of engravings, 14*. ib. 1681. 7152. Another Edition, 15*. Padoua, 1630. 7153. Spon Recherches Curieuses d'Antiquite, contenues en plu- sieurs Dissertations sur des Medailles, Bas-reliefs, Statues, &c. plates, vellum, 9s. • Lyon, 16*83. 7154. Symeoni Illustratione de gli Epitaffi et Medaglie Antiche, with engravings on wood, neat, «£l. I*. • • Lione 9 1558. Some Italian Poetry it introduced in various parts of tbis volume. Livres Francais ; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, Spc. — 4/6. 539 7155. Symeon, les Illustres Observations Antiques, with engravings on wood, 12s. •• Lione, 1 558. 7156. Sparrman Voyage au Cap de Bonne Esperance et autour du Monde, plates, 2 vols, neat in calf, £\. 10*. Paris, 1787. 7157. S'ensuyt le seiour d'honneur copose par reuered pere en dieu messire Oetouie de saict gelaiz Euesque d'agoulesme, — 2Macft Hetter— m vellum, £4>. 4s. Paris par la Veufve feu Jehan Trepperel, 1526. A curious book, and an edition rather uncommon. There is a wood-cut on the title, another on the reverse, also one which represents the author presenting his book, and one on the last page. — The contents are chiefly poetical. 7158. Scannelli da Forli Microcosmo della Pittura, neat in vellum, 15s. • Cesena, 1657. 7159. Savot Discours surles Medailles Antiques, neat, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1627. 7160. Salzade Recueil des Monnoies tant Anciennes que Modernes, ou Dictionnaire Historique des Monnoies qui peuvent etre connues dans les quatre parties du Monde, neat, 10s. 6d. Brux. 1767. 7161. Sarasin (Les (Euvres de Monsieur) contenant l'Histoire du Siege de Dunquerque, Poesies, hc.Jine portrait by Nan~ tueil, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1656. 7162. Soprani (Raffaello) Vite de Pittori, Scultori, e Architetti Genovesi, con Note e Continuazione ; with numerous por- traits, in russia, £2» 2s. Genova, 1768. 7163. Turpin de Criss6 Commentaires sur les Memoires de Monte- cuculi, with many plans, 3 vols, sewed, <£l. lis. 6d. Paris, 1769 7164. Traits General de la Regale, 5s 1681. 7165. Theatre des Villes et Fortresses des Provinces Unies et Fron- tiers tant en Brabant, Flandre, qu'au Rhin, &c. <£l. 5s. Ant. n. d. 7166. Tassin Plans et Profils de toutes les principalis Villes et lieux considerables de France, neat, 10s. 6d. . » ib. 1632. 540 Longman, Hurst, Kees, Orme, and Browit. 7167. Tasso Gierusalemme Liberata, (two cantos wanting) with Cinque Canti di Camillo Camilli, 5s. Mant. 1584. 7168. Traite" sur la Noblesse, MS. on vellum, of the 15th century, formerly belonging to Anthony, Grand Bastard of Bur- gundy, whose arms and colours it bears. It is in fine preservation, and has upon the first page a beautiful il- luminated miniature, which represents the Duke of Bur- gundy creating a Knight of the Golden Fleece; this paint- ing is surrounded by a superb border, which, as well as the initial letters, is in gold and colours, in blue morocco, £l5. 15s. 7 J 69. Tournefort (P. de) Relation d'un Voyage du Levant, many plates, 2 vols, in 1, h. b. neat, £l. 5s. • • • • Amst. 1718. 7170. Tresor Politique, contenant les Relations, Traictez, &c. ap- partenans a la parfaicte intelligence de la Raison d'Estat, (above 1000 pages) 9s. Paris, 1608. 717L Virgile (L'Eneide de) en Vers Francois, plates, printed with the characters of P. Moreau " seul Imprimeur et graveur de la nouvelle Imprimcrie," vellum, £l. Is.- 'Paris, 16*48. 7175. Ventura (Comin) Thesoro Politico, 3s. Franc. 16*10. 7173. Vallo du Faict de la Guerre et Art Miliraire, a curious old edition, with cuts, 18*. Lyon, 1 554. 7174. Vasari Vite de piu Eccellenti Architetti, Pittori, et Scultori Italiani, first edition, a beautiful copy, 2 vols, superbly bound in morocco, joints, &c. £\0. Firenze, 1 550. 7175. Vasari Vite de' piu' Eccelenti Pittori Scultori e Architetti, correte da molti errori e illustrate con note, Giov. Bottari, numerous portraits, 3 vols, elegant, gilt leaves, £ '11. 11$. Roma, 1759-60. 717f. Another Set, 3 vols, neat, £6. l6s. 6d. ib. 1759-6*0. 7177. Vertot Ilistoires de Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, appellez aujourd'hui les Chevaliers de Malte; •with maps and many fine portraits, 4 vols, fine set, gilt leaves, £7. 7s. Paris, 1726. Litres Francais; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles,SjC. — 4»to. 541 7178. Varie Vedute di Roma Anticae Moderna disegnate e intagliate da Celebri Autori, above 100 engravings, h.b. £l. Is. Roma, 1748. 7179- Vite de Prencipi di Vinegia, di Pietro Marcel lo, tradotte in Volgane do Lodovico Domenichi, 7*. 6d. **Vcnet. 1557. 71 80. VVinkelmann Histoire de I' Art de 1' Antiquity, tra recopiladas por D. Carlos Coloma, £l. Is, Amberes, 1625. 7196. Medallas de las Colonias, Municipios y Pueblos Antiguos de Espana, Coleccion de las que se hallan en diversos Aut»res, y de otras nunca publicadas : con explicacion y dibujo de cadauna. Por el R. P.M. Fr. Henrique Florez, large paper, with plates, 4 vols, very neat in calf, £5. 5s. Madrid, 1757. 7197. The same work, small paper, (vol. 2. wanting) £1. 10s, ib. 1757. 7198. Novelas Exemplares, y Amorosas, de Dona Maria de Zayas, y Sotomayor, Natural de Madrid, £l. lis. 6d. Barcelona, 1764. 7199. Quevedo (Las Obras de Francesco de) 4 vols. £l. \s, Madrid, 1 713-16. 7200. Refranes y Modos de Hablar Castellanos con Latinos, que les corresponden, juntamente con la Glossa, y explicacion de los que tienen necessidad de ella, neat, 10s. 6d. • »ib. l6j5. 7201. Suefios Morales, Visiones y Visitas de Torres con Don Fran- cisco de Quevedo, por Madrid, with other Tracts, 18s. Madrid, 1727 7202. Vidas de los Padres del Desierto de Dunas, en que se refieren exemplos raros, y muchas antiguedades de varias provin- Livres Frarifais; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles, #c— ito. 543 cias en particular de las de Flandes, por Chrisostomo Enriquez, very neat, £l. 5s. Amberes, 1629. 7203. Ulloa (Don Jorge Juan et Don Antonio de) Relacion His- torica del Viage a la America Meridional hecto de orden de S. Mag. para medir algunos grados de Meridiano Terrestre, many maps, fyc. 5 vols, fine set, in calf, £S. 8s. Madrid, 1748. 7204. Annalen der gesammten Numismatik. Heransgegeben von Friedrich Schlichtegroll, Vol. I. and Vol. II. Part I. plates, 1 8.9. • • • • Leipsig, 1 804-6. 7205. Ideen zur Philosophic de Geschichte der Mensch heit, von Johann Gottfriel Herder, 3 vols, sewed, £l. 5s. Riga, 1784. 7206. Synchronistiche Tabellen iiber die Nene Geschichte der Eoropiischen Reische, von M. Daniel Gotth. Joseph Hub- ler, 2 vols, boards, 1 Os. 6d. Freyberg, 1 802. 7207. Uber die Malarei del Alten. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kunst. Veranlasst von B. Rode. Verfasst vom A. Riem, plates, very neat 9 £l.4>s. Berlin, 1787. 7208. Zend-Avesta. Zoroasten Lebendiges Wort, worin die Lehren und Meinungen dieses Gesetzgebers von Gott, Welt, Natur, Menschen ; ingleichen die Ceremonien des heiligen Dienstes der Parsen u. s. f. auf behalten sind, 6 vols, sewed, £l. lls.6d. Riga, 1776. 7209. Den Nederlandtsen Hovenier door I. van der Groen, Hovenier van H. den H. Prins van Orangien, curious cuts, very neat, £\.\s. Amst. 1670. 7210. William Lithgow's celebrated Travels, in Dutch, with plates, sewed, 15*. .....#. ]67£. 544 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. octavo. 7211. AUTORI Classici Italiani Prose e Versi; — an uniform series of the principal writers in the Italian Language, printed from the best and rarest editions, and ornamented with portraits, 250 vols, sewed, £63. Milano, 1802-14. This collection is illustrated by critical remarks and biographical sketches of the authors. It includes the works of Adimari, Alamanni, Alberti, Amalteo, Anguillara, Aretino, Ariosto, Baldi, Baldinucci, Bellini, Bembo, Benini, Bentivoglio, Berni, Bibiena, Boccacio, Bojardo, Vin. Borghini,Bracciolini,Buommattei, Buonarroti Mich. Ang., Burchiello, Caro, Casa, Castiglione, Cellini, Chiabrera, Cinonio, Crescenzi, Dante, Davila, Firenzuola, Galileo, Gelli, Guarini, Guicardini, Lollio, Ma- chiavelli, Magalotti, Marchetti, Medici Lorenzo de, Passavanti, Petrarca, Pulci, Redo, Rosa, Sacchetti, Salviati, Segni, Sperone, Tansillo, Tasso, Tassoni, Varchi, Vassari, Villani, with many others either entire or selected. 7212. Andrea di Bergamo (Pietro Nelli) II primo libro delle SatirS alia Carlona, Venet. per Alessandro de Viario, 1566. — Delle Satire alia Carlona, libro secondo, Venet. ap. Barnard et Til. Stagnini, 1565, in one vol. russia, £2.l6s. 7213. Alberti (Leonbat.) della Pittura e della Statua, portrait, sewed, 6s. 6d. Milano, 1804. 7214. Ariosto Orlando Furioso, beautifully printed by Baskerville, and illustrated with fine engravings by Bartolozzi and others after the designs of Cipriani, Eisen, Moreau, &c. 4 vols, boards, £5. I5.s. 6d. Birmingham, 1773. 7215. Ariosto's Orlando Furio.o, in Italian, with explanations of equivocal words, &c. by Isola, 4 vols, sewed, £\. lis. 6d, Camb. 1789. 7216. Ariosto (Opere di Ludovico) portrait, 5 vols, sewed, £2. 2s. Milano, 1812. 7217. Arrien Histoire des Expeditions d'Alexandre, traduit par Chaussard, 3 vols, sewed, 18s Paris, 1 802. Livres Fratifais ; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles, #c— 8uo. 545 7218. Alamanni (Luigi) Coltivalione, Fior. 1549. — Opere Toscane di Luigi Alamanni, 1532, in one vol. calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. 12s. 6d. 7219. Amours de Zoroas et de Pancharis, Po6me Erotique et Didao tique, ou Veillees d'un Homme de Loisir, plates, 3 vols. sewed, £1. \s Paris, 1802. 7220. Ditto, in Latin, fine paper, sewed, 12s. ib. 1801. 7221. Apologie pour Jehan Chastel, execute" a mort, par Francois de Verone, 4>s. • • • ..... l6l0. 7222. Annales du Mus6e et de l'Ecole Moderne des Beaux-Arts. — Recueil de Gravures au trait d'apres les principaux ou- vrage de peinture, sculpture, ouprojets d'Architecture qui, chaque ann6e, ont remport6 le prix, soit aux ecoles spe- ciales, soit aux concours nationaux, &c. &c. Redig^ par C.P. Landon, 16 vols, boards, o£l3. 13s. Paris, 1801, &c. *7223. Anquetil Motifs des Guerres et des Traites de Paix de la France, sewed, 4s. • • Paris, 1798. 7224. Abel Remusat Essai sui la Langue et la Litterature Chinoises. plates, sewed, Js. ib. 1811. 7225. Abrege de l'Histoire de Bruxelles, neat, 2s. 6d.* *Brux. 1785. 7226. Boileau (CEuvres de) avec des eclaircissemens Historiques, sa Vie, &c. plates, 4 vols, neat, £l. lis. 6d. Dresde, 1746. 7227- Boileau (CEuvres de) avec les notes de Le Brun, Jine e?i- gravings, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. 6s. •• Paris, 1808. 7228. Boileau (CEuvres de) avec des Eclaircissemens Historiques donnes par lui meme, et redigSes par M. Brossette ; aug- mented de plusieur Pieces, tant de l'Auteur, qu'aiant rap- port a ses Ouvrages ; avec des Remarques et des Disser- tations Critiques, par M. De Saint Marc, numerous vig- nettes, 5 vols, very neat, £7. 7s. • • • Paris, 1 747« A very beautiful and rare edition. 7229. Boileau Despreaux (GEuvres completes de) edition stereotype, 3 vols, sewed, £l. 4>s. ib. 1810. 7230. Ditto, on fine paper, 3 vols, sewed, £2. ib. 1810. 7231. Bibliotheque des Ecrivains Francois en Prose, Vol. 2. con- tenant Eloquence, Tableaux, Mceurs, Sec. calf extra, 10s.6d, Lond. 1803. 3 Z 546 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7232. Berni (Opere di Francesco) portrait, 5 vols. sewed, £l. lbs. Milano, 1806. 7233. Baudoin Recueil d'Emblemes Divers. Avec des Discours Moraux, Philosophiques et Politiqucs. Tirez de divers Autheurs, Anciennes et Modernes, with a great number of curious engravings, 2 vols, neat, £l. 8s. »* Paris, 1646. 7234. Bruyere (Caracteres de la) a laquelle il a ete ajoute differens morceaux interessans, et dans laquelle toutes les explica- tions connues sous le nom de Clef des Caracteres, sont mises par ordre de citation, 2 vols, very neat in calf, 18s. ib. 1790. 7235. Bembo (Pietro) tutte le Opere di, portrait, 12 vols, sezved, £4. 4s. Milano, 1808. 723fj. Bartsch (Ad.) Catalogue des Desseins Originaux dans le Cabinet du Prince de Ligne, neat, 6s. Vien. 1794. 7237- Bartolomeo da S. Concordio Ammaestramenti degli Antichi, •portrait, sewed, 8s. Milano, 1808. 7238. Boccage (Recueil des CEuvres de Madame du) 3 vols, boards, 15s. Lyon, 1770. 7239. Bosse Traite pour Practiquer la Perspective sur les Surfaces Irregulieres, &c. plates, 3s. 6d. Paris, 1653. 7240. Benivieni (Girolamo) Opere, col commento dello III. S. Conte Giovanni Pico Mirandolano, £l. lis. 6d. Venet.per G. de Gregori, 1524. 7241. Bibliografia delle opere contenuto nella collezione de' Classici Italiani, sewed, 6s. 6d. Milano, 1814. 7242. Borghini (Raffaello) II Riposo di, 3 vols, sewed, 18s. ib. 1807. 7243. (Vincenzo) Discorsi di, portrait, 4 vols, sewed, £l. 5s. ib. 1808. 7244. Bracciolini (Francesco) Lo Scherno degli Dei, portrait, sewed, 8s. ib. 1 804. 7245. Bentivoglio (Cardinal) Opere Storiche del, portrait, 5 vols. sewed, £l. 14s. • ib. 1806. 7246* Baldinucci (Filippo) Opere di, portrait, 14 vols, sewed, £4. 10s. ib. 1808. Livres Francais ; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles,SfC. — 8vo. 547 72*7. Buora matted (Benedetto) della Lingua Toscana, portrait, 2 vols, sewed, 12s. 6d. Milano, 1807. 7248. Chiabrera (Gabriello) Rime di, portrait, 3 vols, sewed, 18s. 6d. ib. 1807. 7249. Chronologie Septenaire de l'Histoire de la Paix entre les Roys de France et d'Espagne, frontispiece, neat, 6s. Paris, 1605. 7250. Crescenzi (Piero de*) Trattato della Agricoltura, portrait, 3 vols, sewed, £l. 4s. Milano, 1 805. 7251. Carli (delle Opere del Signor Commendatore Don Gianrinaldo Conte) vols. 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, being 7 vols, very neat in calf, £\. Us. 6d. • ib. 1784. These volumes contain "Dell' Origine e Commercio della Moneta." — " Dell' Instiiuzione delle Zecche d'ltalia." — " Della Spedizione degli Argo- nautici in Colco." — " Lettere Americane," &e. which are said in a manuscript note by Dr. Henley, to " constitute the most valuable part of Carli's works, and were selected from the larger collection on that account." 7252. Chantreau Histoire de France, 2 vols, sewed, £l. 8s. 7253. Collection Universale des Memoires Particuliers relatifs a l'Histoire de France, 12 vols, half-bound, elegant, £5.l5s.6d. Paris, 1785. 7254. Cicerone (Epistole Famigliari di) 4s. Fenet. 1573. 7255. Coltivazione (La) di Luigi Alamanni, e le Api di Giov. Bu- cellai, two portraits, sewed, 10s. 6d.* • • *Milano, 1804. 7256. Castiglione (Baldes.) il libro del Cortegiano, portrait, 2 vols. sewed, 14s. ib. 1803. 7257. Casa (Opere di Giovanni della) portrait, 10 vols, sewed, £l. 8s ib. 1806. 7258. Caro (Opere d'Annibal) portrait, 8 vols, sewed, £3. ib. 1807 . 7259. Costanzo (Angelo di) Istoria del Regno di Napoli, portrait, 3 vols, sewed, £1. Is. ib. 1805. 7260. Cellini (Benvenuto) Opere di, portrait, 3 vols, sewed, £l. 6s. ib. 1806. 7261. Cavalcanti (Bartol.) Trattati sopra gli ottimi reggimenti delle Republiche, sewed, 6s. ib. 1805. 548 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7262. Colardeau Temple de Gnide, mis en Vers, fine plates, very neat, 7s. • • • • Paris, n. d. 7263. Chronique et Histoire Universelle de Jean Carion, 4 vols, in 2, 5s ib. 1 579. 7264>. Comazano (Antonio) de Re Militari, lib. IX. in terza rima, vellum, £3. 3s Ven. per Melch. Sessa, 1526. 7265. Chouetde Mauny Explication des Figures de Jupiter, d'Osiris, d'Isis, et autres fausses Divinitez, morocco, 8s. Maus. 16*88. 7266. Dureau»de-Lamalle Geographie Physique de la Mer Noire, de l'lnterieur de l'Afrique et de la MediterranSe, maps, sewed, 5s. Paris, 1807. 7267. Demosthene et Eschine ((Euvres completes de) traduites avec des Remarques par Auger, 3 vols, neat in calf, £l. 7s. Paris, 1784. 7268. Another Set, 3 vols, morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 6s. "ib. 1784. 7269. Another Edition, on finer paper, 5 vols, boards, £2. 2s. ib. 1777* 7270. Daillecourt, de l'lnfluence des Croisades sur PEtat des Peuples de l'Europe, very neat in calf, 10s. 6d. ib* 1809. 7271. Declamation (La) Theatrale, Poeme, with fine plates from designs by Eisen, morocco, gilt leaves, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1771. 7272. Diverse Imprese accomodate a diverse moralita, con versi, tratte da gli Emblemi dell' Alciato, numerous wood cuts, 10s. 6d. Lione, 1551 . 7273. De Thury (Hericart) Description des Catacombes de Paris, plates, sewed, 15s. Paris, 1815. 7274. Desodoards Histoire d'ltalic, depuis la Chute de la Repub- lique Romaine jusqu* aux premieres ann^es du dix neuvieme sifccle, 9 vols, half-bound, gilt, £2. 14*. ib. 1803. 7275. Du Marsais des Tropes, ou des differens sens d'un meme mot, 3s.6d. ib- 1757. 7276. Dante (Opere di) a most beautiful copy of a rare edition, in purple morocco, gilt leaves, £5. 5s. Venet. in csdib. Aid. 1 502. 7277. Another Edition, vtllum, £2. 12s. 6d « it. 1515. Livres Francais ; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles,SfC. — 8x>o. 549 7278. Dante (Opere di) portrait, 3 vols, sewed, £\. 7 s. Milanb, 1804. 7279. De Pauw Recherches Philosophiques sur les Grecs, 2 vols. sewed, 8*. Berlin, 1788. 7280. Da Vinci (Lionardo) Trattato della Pittura, numerous plates, sewed, £\.\s. Milano, 1804. 7281. Davanzati (Bern.) Scismad'Inghilterra, portrait, sewed, 6s.6d. ib. 1807. 7282. Dati (Carlo) Vite de' Pittori Antichi, portrait, sewed, 7s. ib. 1806. 7283. Dialogo dell* Imprese Militari et A morose di Monsig. Giovio Vescovo di Nocera, numerous wood cuts, neat, £l. Is. Lyone, 1574. 7284. De la Puissance Legitime du Prince sur le Peuple, et du Peuple sur le Prince, nouvellement traduit en Francais, 1581. — Des Grands et Redoutables Jugemens et Punitions de Dieu advenus au Monde, &c. Muges, 1581, in one vol. £l. Is. Both these works are curious and uncommon. The first was suppressed, which accounts for its rarity. 7285. Du Fresnoy, L'Art de Peinture, 3s. Paris, 166*8. 7286. Delices du Brabant et de ses Campagnes, par M. de Cantillon with 200 views, plans, fyc. 4 vols, very neat,£\. 10*. Amst. 1757. 7287. Davila Storia delle Guerre Civili di Francia, 6 vols, sewed, £2. 2s. Lond. 1801. 7288. Essai General de Tactique precede d'un Discours sur l'etat actuel de la Politique et de la Science Militaire en Europe, plates, 2 vols, neat, 12*. Liege, 1775. 7289. Essai sur la Marine et sur le Commerce, with an English Translation, neat, 4s. 6d. • • 1743. 7290. Esprit de PHistoire Generale de PEurope, very neat, 6s. Lond. 1783. 7291. Erotopsie, ou Coup-d'ceil sur la Poesie Erotique, et les Poetes Grecs et Latins qui se sont distinguSs en ce genre, saved, 3s.6d. p flri > 1802 * 550 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7292. Frederic II. Roi de Prusse (GEuvres Posthumes de) 15 vols. neat in calf, £<2.12s.6d. Ber. 1789- 7293. Fida (La) Pastora, Comoedia Pastoralis, autore FF. Anglo- Britanno, frontispiece by Vaughan, 15s. • • • • Lond. 1658. 7294. Firenzuola (Agnolo) Le Rime di, vellum, £2. 15s. Fiorenza, Bern. Giunti, 1549. This rare edition is the one quoted by the Academy of Delia Crusca. 7295. Firenzuola (Agnolo) Opere di, portrait, 5 vols, sewed, £l.lls.6d. Milano, 1802. 7296. Flechier (CEuvres completes de Messire Esprit,) 10 vols, sewed, £4>. 14*. 6d. Nismes, 1782. 7297. Fioravanti (Leonardo) dello Specchio di Scientia Universale, neat in vellum, 9s. 6d. • Venet. 1 572. 7298. GentiPhuomo (II) del Fausto da Longiano, &c. 5s. 6d. ib. 1542. 7299. Girard (Bern.) de PEstat et Succez des Affaires de France, 4s. 6d. Pans, 15S0. 7300. Guide, ou Description d'Amsterdam, son origine, aggran- dissemens, et son etat actuel, many plates, very neat in vellum, 126. Amst, 1772. 7301. Grandval Vice Puni, ou Cartouche, Poeme, plates, 4*. Anvers, 1768. 7302. Gresset Parrain Magnifique, Pceme en dix chants, ouvrage posthume, plates, boards, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1810. 7303. Guide du Voyageur pour les Antiquites et CuriositSs Natu- relles de Pouzol, &c. many plates, 10s. 6d.- • Naples, 1792. Presented by the author to the celebrated Lady Emma Hamilton, and so stated in her own hand writing 011 the fly-leaf. 7304. Guarini (Battista) II Pastor Fido di, portrait, Ss. Milano, 1807. 7305. Guiccardini (Francesco) Istoria d'ltalia, portrait, 10 vols. sewed, £3. 8s. ib. 1803. 7306. Gelli (Gio. Battista) Opere di, portrait, 3 vols, sewed, 18s. ib. 1804. 7307. Galilei (Galileo) Opere di, portrait, 13 vols, sewed, £4. 45. ib, 1808. Livrcs Francais; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, fyc. — Svo. 551 7308. Habiti (degli) Antichi et Moderni di diverse parti del Mondo, libri due, fatti da Cesare Vecellio, et con Dis- corsi da lui dichierati, with a vast number of engravings on wood after the designs of Titian, fine copy, in morocco, £7. 7s. Venet. 1590. 7309. Habiti Antichi, overo Raccolta di Figure diligentemente intag- liate, conforme alle Nationi del Mondo. Libro utilissimo a Pittori, Dissegnatori, Scultori, &c. calf extra^ gilt leaves, £5. 5s ib. 1664. Each of the above two very curious volumes con'ains abovt; two hundred engravings on wood, representing the Costume Jine portraits by Scriven, &c. 2 vols, russia extra, warbled leaves, £3. 3s.* Lond. 1811. 7351. Martial (Les Epigrammes de) Latin et Francais, 3*. 6d. Paris, 1655. 7352. Maxime de Tyr (Dissertations de) traduites par Combes- Dounous, 2 vols, sewed, 12s. 6cl. ib. 1802. 7353. Naudet Histoire de l'Etablissement, des Progres, et de la De- cadence des Goths en Italic, sewed, 4s. 6d. ib. 1811. 7354. Necker Dernieres Vues de Politique et de Finance, calf extra , 10*. 6d. ib. 1802. 7355. Ovidio, le Metamorfosi d', ridotte da Giov. And. dell' An- guillara, portrait, 3 vols, sexced, £l, 6*.» • •• Mila?io, 1805. 7356. Omcro (Iliade d') tradotta dall' original Greco in versi sciolti, 2 vols, neat , 15*. • Firenze, 1723. 7357. Odes Prononc6es par les Juifs d'Avignon et de Bordeaux residants a Paris, dans leur assemblee, a l'occasion du Sacre de Louis XVI. le 11 Juin, 1775, en Hebreu et Francais, printed upon white satin, and bound in purple morocco, £2. 2s. Paris, 1775. This book was presented to Louis XVI. on the day of his coronation. — It was purchased at the sale of M. de Calonne's library. 7358. Pierre de Touched, ou Satyres du Temps contre l'ambition des Espagnols, 3*. 6c?. • • ib. 1635. 7359. Pandolfini (Agn.) del Governo della Famiglia, portrait, served, 7s. 6d. • • • • » Milano, 1802. 7360. Petrarca (Le Rime di Francesco) two portraits, ' 2 vols. sewed, 18*. ib. 1805. 7361. Pulci (Luigi) Morgante Maggiore, portrait, 3 vols, sewed, £l. 4*. *'£. 1806. Livres Frangais ; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, fyc. — Svo. 555 7362. Poliziano (Angelo) Stanze e l'Orfeo, &c. portrait, sewed, 6s. 6d. Milano, 1808. 7363. Poesic Pastorali e Rusticali, con Note, sewed, 7s. 6d. ib. 1808. 7364. Poiret Voyage en Barbarie, ou Lettres ecrites de l'Ancienne Numidie,en 1785-6,2 vols, half-bound, Us.- -Paris, 1789- 7365. Pindare (Odes Pythiques de) avec des Remarques par Che- banon, et le texte Grec, very neat, 9*- & 1772 • 7366. Papesse (La) Jeanne, Poeme en dix chants, par M. Borde de Lyon, half-bound, morocco, 6s. Haye, 1778. 7367. Poesie di Domenico Michelessi, served, 3s.- •• • Fermo, 1786. 7368. Quatremere Memoires Geographiques et Ilistoriques sur FEgypte, et sur quelques Contrees voisines, 2 vols, sewed, 16s. Paris, 1811. 7369. Question Historique, si les Provinces de l'Ancien Royaume de Lorraine doivent estre appellees Terres de l'Empire ? h. h. 7s.6d. Paris, 1 644. 7370. Rime di Paolo Rolli, neat, 3s. 6d. Verona, 1733. 7371. Racine (CEuvres de Jean) edition stereotype, 5 vols, fine pa- per, sewed, £2. \0s, Paris, 1813. 7372. Racine (CEuvres de Jean) 5 vols, beautifully printed upon vellum of exquisite texture and colour, with a neat case for the reception of each volume, 0^3 1. 10$. Paris, par Didot, 1799. 7373. Redi (Francesco) Opere di, portrait, 9 vols, sewed, £2, 16s. Milano, I8O9. 7374. Raccolta di Lirici Italiani, compilata da Robust. Girond, por- trait, 7s.6d. fa ] 808 . 7375. Raccolta di Prose Italiane, three portraits, 3 vols, sewed, <£l'*«> ib. 1809. 7376. Raccolta di Poemi Didascalici, portraits, sewed, 7s. 6d. ib. 1813. 7377. Raynal (CEuvres de PAbbS) 4 vols, half -bound, gilt, £\. \0s. Geneve, 1784. These volumes contain Raynal'i works, excepting the History of the East and West Indies. 56 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 737$- Sens (Les) Poemc en six Chants, with beautiful engravings, after Eisen, neat, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1766. 7379. Senebier Histoire Litteraire de Geneve, 3 vols, half-bound, neat, 10s. 6d. ib. 1786. 7380. Saint-Fond Description des Experiences de la Machine Aeros- tatique de MM.de Montgolfier, sewed, 3s. 6d. Paris, 17S3. 73S1. Saint-Foix (CEuvres Complettes de M. de) 6 vols, neat, £\. 10s. • ib. 177S. 7382. Sannazaro (Jacopo) Arcadia di, portrait, sewed, 6s. Milano, 1806. 7SS3. Segni (Bernardo) Storie Florentine, portrait, 3 vols, sewed, £l. Is.- • r • ib. 1805- 7384. Salviati (Lionardo) Opere di, portrait, 5 vols, sewed, 15s. ib. I8O9. 73S5. Tooke Histoire de l'Empire de Kussie, avec les corrections de M. Imirnove, 6 vols, sewed, £\. lis. 6d.* • • • Paris, 1801. 7386*. Tibulle (Elegies de) avec des Notes, suivies des Baisers de Jean Second, traduction nouvelle par Mirabeau Faine, avec le texte Latjn, fine engravings, 3 vols, very neat, £l. 5s. Tours, 1795. 7387. Tibulle (Elegies de) en Latin et Francais, 6s.* • • »Amst. 1776. 7385. Travaux (Les) de Mars ou la Fortification nou\elle, tant reguliere qu'irreguliere, with numerous plans of fortifica* tions, views of cities, towns, &c. 3 vols, neat, £l. Is. Paris, I671. 738p. Tassoni (Alessandro) La Secchia Rapita, Poema Eroi-comico, plates, 2 vols, very neat, gilt leaves, £l. 5s. Parigi, 1 766. 739O. . ■ La Secchia Rapita, portrait, sewed, 7s. 6d. Milano, 1806\ 7391. Toderini (Giambatista) Letteratura Turchesca, 3 vols, sewed^ £\.\\s.6d. Venezia, 1787- 7392. Teatro Itaiiano Antico, with portrait, 10 vols, sewed, £3. 3s. Milano, 1808. . Tasso (Opere di Torquato) portrait, 4 vols, sewed, £\. 14s. ib. 1S0L Lines Frangais ; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles,SfC. — Sro. 557 7394. Theophraste (Caracteres de) en Francais, par Coray, avec le texte Grec, sewed, 6s. • Paris, 1799. T'395. Theophraste (Caracteres de) very neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1790. 7396. Valliere (Due de la) Bibliotheque du Theatre Francois depuis son origine, 3 vols, neat, £l'. l6s. Dresde, 1768. 7397. Voltaire. — A collection of one hundred and sixty seven beau- tiful engravings (including twenty-one portraits) to illustrate the works of Voltaire, c£lO. 10$. 7398. The same Engravings, (Proof impressions before the writing) £21. These fine prints are from new designs by the celebrated Moreau, junior, and are equally beautiful in design and execution, being engraved by the most eminent Artists of France. — As the designs are taken from subjects not illustrated by the former ones of Moreau, they will serve to illustrate any edition either in octavo or duodecimo. 7399- Voltaire Essai sur les Mceurs et l'Esprit des Nations, et sur les principaux faits de l'Histoire, depuis Charlemagne jusqu'u Louis XIII. 5 vols, calf extra, £2. lis. 6d.- * Paris, 1796\ 7400. (Les Romans et Contes de) with numerous Jine engra- vings, 3 vols, very neat, £2. 2s. Bouillon, 1778. 7401. ■ La Pucelle d'Orleans, on vellum, by Didot, £8. 18s. 6rf..-«. Paris, 1801. 7^02. — Poemes et Discours en Vers, on vellum by Didot, £5.15s.6d.* , ib. 1800. The vellum upon which these two articles are priuted is remarkable for its beauty of texture and delicacy of colour — each volume is contained in a neat case, purposely made. 7403. Volney Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, pendant les annees 1783-4-5, maps, 2 vols, very neat, 14y.. • . • Paris, 1787. 7404. Vertot Histoire des Revolutions de Suede, 2 vols, calf extra, £l. Is. ib. 1796. 7405. Portugal, calf extra, 9s. ib. 1796. y±06. Varchi (Benedetto) Sonetti, colle risposte e preposte di di- versi, 2 vols, vellum, £7. 7s.-*Fior. Torrentino, 1555-7. jCopies of these admired poems are of rare occurrence, as the two parts seldom occur together. 558 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7407. Varchi (Benedetto) Opere di, portrait, 7 vols, sewed, £2. 9s, Milano, 1803. 7408. Villani (Giovanni) Istorie Fiorentine, portrait, 8 vols. sewed, £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1802. 7409. Valvasone, (Erasmi di) La Caccia Poema, sewed, 6s. ib. 1808. 7410. Vasari (Giorgio) Vitede' piu eccellenti Pittori, Scultori e Ar- chitetti, numerous portraits, 16 vols, sewed, £7. 7s. ib. 1807. 7411. Historia de las Guerras Civiles de Granada, russia,gilt leaves,. £2. 2s. Paris, 1660, 7412. Historia de Don Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordova, renomhrado el Gran Capitan, escrita en Frances por Duponcet, y tradit* cida en Espanol por Don Joseph Fernandez de Cordova, 2 vols, old morocco, £S.13s.6d. Madrid, 1729. From the Royal Library in the Escurial near Madrid. 7413. Los Comentarios de Cayo Julio Cesar, traducidos en Castel- lano por Don Manuel de Valbuena, (with the original Latin text J 2 vols. £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1789* 7414. La Araucana, Poema; sur autor Don Alonsode Ercilla, 2 vols. fine set, calf extra, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1776*. 7415. La Mosquea, Poetica Inventiva, en octava rima, compuesta por Don Joseph de Villaviciosa, Jine copy, calf extra r £1. is. ib.1777* 7416. Altes und Neues Vorder-und Mittel-Asien oder pragmatisch- geografische, fysiche und statistische Schilderung und Geschichte des Persischen Reichs, von Gunther Wahl, (near 1000 pages) sewed, 8s, Leipzig, 1795. Litres Francais ; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles, SfC. — &vo. 559 74L7- Beschreibung der Abene von Troja, von Andreas Dalzel, aus dem Englischen ubersetzt und mit Vorrede, &c. des Herrn Hof. Heyne, maps, sewed, 6s. Leipzig, 1792. 7418. Das Gelehrte Teuschland oder Lexicon der jetzlebem den Teutschen Schriftsteller. Angefangen von G. H. Hamber- ger, Fortgesetzt von J. H. Meusel, 6 vols, sewed, £\. Is. Lemgo, 1783-95. 7419. Houbraken's Lives of Painters, in Dutch, with numerous beautiful portraits, 3 vols, neat in vellum, £5. 5s. A?nst. 17 18. 7420. Furstenspiegel, sewed, 3s. 6d. Berlin, 1798. 7421. Handbuch der allgemeinen Volkergeschichte alter zeiten, vom Anfang der Staaten his zum Ende der romischen Republik, von Dan. Gotth. Jos. Hubler, 5 vols, sewed, £l.ls. Ft cyber g, 1798-1802. 7422. Handbuch der alter Erd beschreibung zum Gebranch der zwolf grotzern D'Anvillischen Landcharten aus den besten Quellen verfatzt, 6 vols, boards, £l. 5s. Nurnberg, 1796-S. 7423. Lavater's (Johann Kaspar) Lebensbeschreibung von seinem Tochtermann Georg Gesner, plates, 3 vols, boards, £.h !*• Winierthur, 1802. 7424. Memnonium oder Versuche zur Enthullung der Geheimnisse de Allerthums von Fried. Victor Lebercht Plessing, 2 vols. sewed, 9s. Leipzig, 1787. 7425. Vierten Ausgobe des Gelehrten Teutschlandes von Johann Georg Meusel, 4? vols, sewed, £l. Is. .... Lemgo, 1786. 7426. Ueber die Beweire fur das Daseyn Gottes, von Lud. Hein. Jakob, sewed, 3s. Liehau, 1 798. 7427. Versuche zur Aufklarung der Philosophic des altestcn Alter- thums von. Fried. Victor Lebrecht Plessing, 3 vols, sewed, 15s ' Leipzig, 1 788-90. 7428. Uniform of the Austrian Army, being above 100 coloured engravings, with German letter-press, 9s. "Vienna, 1787. 560 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown DUODECIMO. 7429. ARIOSTO (Lodovico) Orlando Furioso di, 4 vols, calf extra, £2. 2s. Parigi, 1 746. 7430. Aubery Histoire du Cardinal Mazarin, 2 vols. 7s. Paris, 1695. 7431. Aretino (Pietro) II Genesi di, 10*. 6d. Vinegia, 1541. 7432. Atanagi (Dionigi) Lettere Facete, et Piacevoli di diversi Grandi huomini, ct chiari ingcgni, calf extra, 14*. 6d. Vend. 1561. 7433. Anecdotes Arabes et Musulmanes, depuis Pan de J. C. 6i4 epoque de Petablissement du Mahometisme, jusqu'a Pex- tinction du Califat en 1538, (above 700 pages) neat, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1772. 7434. Ammian Marcellin (les dix huit livres qui nous restent des 31 de PHistoire qu'avoit composez) 3 vols, neat, 15s. ib. 1672. 7435. Anecdotes Venitiennes et Turques, ou Memoires du Comte de Bonneval, 2 vols, in 1,2*. Franc. 1740. 7436. Anacharsis, Voyage du Jeune, en Grece, par Barthelemy, 7 vols, served, £1.1*. Paris, 1810. 7437. Alcoran des Cordeliers, tant en Latin qu'en Francais ; c'est a dire Recueil des plus notables bourdes et blasphemes de ceux qui ont os£ comparer S. Francois a Jesus Christ, with plates by Picart, 2 vols, half-bound, uncut, £l. 10s. Amst. 1734. 7438. Anquetil Intrigue du Cabinet, sous Henri IV. et Louis XIIL terminer par la Fronde, 4 vols, neat, 14*. 6d. Paris, 1780. 7439. Esprit de la Ligue, ou Histoire Politique des Troubles de France, pendant les 16 et 17 siecles, 8 vols, neat, 10*. 6d. ib. 1779. 7440, Precis de PHistoire Universelle, 12 vols, sewed, £2.$s. ib. 181 U Litres Franpais ; Libri ItaUani ; Libros Espanoles, fyc. — l2mo. 56l 7441. Abrege* de PHistoire Grecque, neat, 4s. Paris. 1774. 7442. Aristote (La Rhetorique . 7466. Familier Esclaircissement de la Question si une Femme a est£ assise au Siege Papal de Rome entre Leon IV. et Benoist III. 6s. Amst. 1647. 7467. Beccarria dei Delitti e delle Pene, red morocco, Qs. Harlem, 17 66. 7468. Berquinl'Ami des Enfans, 20 vols, in 10, very neat, £l.5s. Lond. 1782. 7469. Bertin (CEuvres du Chevalier de) 2 vols, neat, gilt leaves, 7s. 6d. • Paris, 1791. 7470. Bernis (CEuvres Complettes du Card, de) 2 vols, neat, gilt leaves, 8s. ; Lond. 1786. 7471. Bernard (CEuvres Complettes de M.) neat, gilt leaves, 3s. 6d. ib. 1777. 7472. Chateaubriand Genie du Christianisme, 9 vols, sewed, £l.l) s.6d. Lyon, I8O9. 7473. Cleon, Rheteur Cyren^en, ou Apologie d'une partie de PHistoire Naturelle, 10s. 6d.* Amst. 1 770. A very singular little work, of a nature tk tres piquant." 7474. Corneille (les Chefs-d'ceuvre de P.) very neat, 10s. 6d. Oxford, 1746. 7475. Coran (Le) traduit de PArabe, avec la Vie de Mahomet, &c. par S-avary, 2 vols, very neat } 12s, ........ Amst. 1786. Livres Trangais; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, Sfc. — 12mo, 563 7476. Cochin Voyage d'ltalie, 2 vols, neat, 6s. Paris, I769. 7477. Chef d'CEuvre d'un Incormu, portrait, 4>s. • • • • Haye, 1714. 7478. Curiositez de Paris, de Versailles, de Marly, de Vincennes, &c. with many plates, 2 vols, neat, 3s. 6d. • • Amst. 1718. 747P. Another Edition, 2 vols. 4*. Paris, 1733. 7480. Charron (Pierre) de la Sagesse, suivant la vraye copie de Bourdeaux, neat, gilt leaves, 12s. 6d. Leyde par J. Elzevir, 1656. 7481." Condillac Traite* des Sensations, 2 vols, very neat, 9s. Paris, 1754. 7482. Ciel (Le) ReTorme, Essai de traduction de partie du livre Italien, Spaccio della Bestia Trionfante, calf extra, 9s. Paris, 1750. 74S3. Chappe d'Auteroche Voyage en Siberie, 2 vols, avec l'Anti- dote, 2 vols, et l'Histoire du Kamtchatka, par Krachenin- nikow, 2 vols, plates, 6 vols, half -bound, gilt , £l. 8s. Amst. 1760-71. According to Brunet the Antidote, which is a bitter attack upon d'Aute- roche's work, was composed by the Empress Catherine II. in conjunc- tion with Schouwaloff. 7484. Comedie (delie) Elette, novamente raccolta insieme, con le correttioni, et annotationi di Girolamo Ruscelli, 7s. Venet. 1554. 7485. Cornazano de Re Militari, nuovarnente consomma di licentia impresso, 9*« Pirenze, Phil, di Giunta, 1520. 7486. Cousin Histoire de Constantinople, depuis le regne de l'Ancien Justin jusqu'a la fin de l'Empire, trauuite sur les originaux Grecs, 8 vols, vellum, £3. 10s. suivant la copie de Paris, 1685. 7487. Ciceron (Pens^es de) Francais et Latin, half-bound, gilt, 3s. Paris, 1755. 7488. Causes Celebres et Interessantes, avec les Jugeraens qui les ont deciders, 23 vols. £4>. 4>s. . 'Paris et Amst. 1739-73. 7489. Chaulieu (CEuvres de) 2 vols, morocco, 9s. • • . . Haye, 1777. 7490. Dialogo di M. Lodovico Dolce, delle qualita, diversita, &c. de i colori, 5s. •••••• • • Vc net. ] 565. 56*4 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7491. Dialogo di M. Lodovico Dolce, nel quale si regiona del raodo di accrescere e conservar la memoria, curious cuts, first edition, 10s. » Venet. 1562. 7492. D*Anville Geographie Ancienne, with many maps, 3 vols. neat, 18s. * * • * • • Paris, I768. 7493. Another Set, 3 vols, neat, £l. l«..».i»» ••»•••* *ib. 1782. 7494. Description de PEgypte, composed sur les Memoires de M. de Maillet, par l'Abbe Le Mascrier, plates, 2 vols, sewed, 7s. 6d Haye, 1740. 7495. Dames (Les) Illustres, 011 par bonnes et fortes raisons, il se prouve, que le Sexe Feminin surpasse en toute sorte de genres le Sexe Masculin, par Damoiselle I. Guillaume, 7s. 6d. •• ••• Paris, 1665. 7496. D'Apligny Traite des Couleurs Materielles, neat, 4s. 6d. ib. 1779. 7497. De la Vega Histoire des Yncas de Perou, avec une Descrip- tion des Aniraaux, des Fruits, des Mineraux, des Plantes, &c. plates, 2 vols, neat, 14s. ....»* Amst. 1715. 7498. Demanet Histoire de l'Afrique Francoise, 2 vols. 6s. 6d. Paris, 1766. 7499. De Moustier(C. A.) Lettres k Emiliesurla Mythologie, 4 vols. in 2, vellum, 8s. 6d. •••• ........... Amst. 1 791 • 7500. — • Lettres a Emilie, sur la Mythologie, the finest paper, with proofs and etchings of the be autiful engravings, and many additional prints, 6 vols, half-bound, morocco, uncut, £3. 13s. 6d.» • • • * • • Paris,, 1801. 7501. Discorsi Familiari passati tra un Cattolico et un Riformato, 2s. 6d. Ven. 1750. 7502. D'Emiliane Histoire des Tromperies des Pretres et des Moines, 2 vols. 4$. 6d. • • • • Rotterdam, 1721. 7503. Descrittione delle Citta di Napoli, e dell' Antichita della Citta di Pozzuolo, with cuts, neat, 6s. • • • • Napoli, 167O. 7504. Another Edition, 4*. ib. 1615. 7505. De la Bleterie Vie de l'Empereur Julien, very neat, 5s. Paris, 1775. Litres Frangais; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles,fyc. — 12mo. 565 7506. Descrizione deila Reale Galleria di Firenze secondo lo stato attuale, neat, 5s. • Firenze, 1792. 7507. Description de la Galerie Royale de Florence, edition re- formed et augmented, very neat, 5s. ••••• • Arezzo, 1790. 7508. D'Alembert sur la Destruction des Jesuites en France, Is. 6d* 1765. 7509. De Bilistein sur les DuchSs de Lorraine et de Bar, 2*. Amst. 1672. 7510. Divorce (Le) Celeste, cause par les desordres, et les dissolu- tions de l'Epouse Romaine. Et dedie* a la simplicity des Chrestiens Scrupuleux, 5s. Cologne, 1696. 7511. Double-Cocu (Le) Histoire du Tems, par le Sr. S. Bremond, 5s. • Paris, 1678. 7512. Deseine (Francois) Description de la Ville de Rome tant Ancienne que Moderne, with an immense number of en- gravings, 10 vols. £l. 5s.**" Leide, 1713. 7513. Delices de l'ltalie, qui contiennent une Description exacte du Pays, des principales Villes, &c. &c. with near 200 engravings, 6 vols, in 4, neat, 1 5s. ib. 1709. 7514. Another Edition, in 3 vols, vellum, 9s. ib. 1706. 7^515. Description des Villes de Berlin et de Potsdam, et de tout ce qu'elles contiennent de plus remarquable, neat, 3s. 6d. Berlin, 1769. 7516. " des Chasteaux et Pares de Versailles et de Marly, many plates, 2 vols. 2s. 6d. ••••••Paw, 1713. 7517. Ducatiana, ou Remarques du feu M. Le Duchat, very neat, 2 vols. 9s. Amst. 1 738. 7518. Desormeaux Histoire de la Maison de Montmorenci, 5 vols. very neat, gilt leaves, £l. Is. Paris, 1 76*4. 7519. Domenichi (Lodovico) Progne, Tragedie di, 9s."Fior, l56l. 7520. De la Potherie Histoire de l'Amerique Septentrionale, plates, 4 vols, neat, 13s. 6d» Paris, 1753. 7321. D'Orleans Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre, 4 vols. half-bound, uncut, 10s. 6d. ....#... ib. I767. 7522. D'Origny Chronologie des Rois du Grand Empire des Egyp- tiens, 2 vols. 10s. 6d. Paris, 1765. 566 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7523. De la Jaisse Plans des Principales Places de Guerre et villes raaritiraes du Royaume de France, 112 plates, 4s. 6d. Paris, 1736. 7524. Deschamps Voyage Pittoresques de la Flandre et du Brabant, avec la Vie des Peintres Flamands, 3.9 Amst. 1772. 7525. Etat et les Delices de la Suisse, ou Description Helvetique Historique et Geographique, many plates, 4 vols, neat, £l. Is. Basle, 1764. 7526. Esop en Belle Ilumeur, ou dernier traduxion, et augmenta- cion de ses Fables, en prose et en vers, many plates, 7s>6d. Amst. 1690. 7527. Estratto de Sogni di Francesco Quevedo, Venet. 1664. — La Solinavra del Conte Nicolo Maria Corbelli, in one vol. 45. Venet. 1664. 7528. Expilly Description Historique-Geographique des Isles Bri- tanniques, with mtfps, 3s. 6d. Paris, 1759. 7529. Eneide(L') Travestita del Signor Gio. Battista Lalli, 7*. 6d. Venet. 1675. 7530. Fenelon Dialogues des Morts et Vies des Anciens Philo- sophes, 3 vols, in 1, neat, 7s. Amst. 1727. 7531. Fillidi Sciro, Favola Pastorale, with engravings by Le Clerc, neat, 5s. Glasg. Foulis, 1772. 7532. Flechier Histoire de Theodose le Grand, in vellum, 6s. Paris, 1680. 7533. Florian Nuraa Pompilius, second Roi du Rome, with plates , 2 vols, red morocco, iSs. Paris, 1786. 7534. Melanges de Poesie et de Litterature, with plates, red morocco, 9s. ib. 1 787. 7535. Estelle, Roman Pastoral, very neat, 3s. 'Bn/x. 1788. 7536. Freret (CEuvres Completes de) sur FHistoire, la Philosophic, la Chronologie, &c. 20 vols, sewed, £2. lQs. Paris, 1796. 7537. Fontaine (Fables Choisies de La) 2s. Lond. 1736. 7538. Another Edition, 3s. 6d. Amst. 1722. Livres Frangais; Lihri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, ^r.— \2mo. 567 7539. Galeria del Cavalier Marino, old morocco, 3s. no place or date. 7540. Genie de M. de Buffon, h. b. 2s. 6d. Paris, 1778. 754?1. Galland Recueil des Rits et Ceremonies du Pelerinage de la Mecque, &o 3*. Amst. 1754*. 7542. Gemelli Careri Voyage autour du Monde, many plates, 6 vols. (except vol 5.) 18s. Paris, 1727. 754?3. Goguet de I'Origine des Loix, des Arte, et des Sciences, et de leurs progres chez les Anciens Peuples, plates, 6 vols, very neat in calf, £2. 2s. Paris, 1759, 7544. Geographie AbregSe de la Grece Ancienne, half-bound, 2s. 6d. ib. 1772. 7545. Girard Preceptes de Rhetorique, tire's des meilleurs auteurs anciennes et modernes, sewed, 3s. ib. 1811. 7546. Gesner la Mortd'Abel, Poeme en cinq Chants, neat, 3s. Land. 1785. 7547. Guarinile Berger Fidelle, en Francais et Italien, with plates, in vussia, • • • • Cologne, l6Yl . 7548. Guazzo (Dialoghi piacevoli del Sig. Stefano) 5s. Venet. 1604. 7549. Genlis (Mad. de) Theatre d'Education, 5 vols, sewed, £l. Paris, 1813. 7550. a Adele et Theodore, 4? vols, setced, 16s. ib. 1813. 7551. Galatee, ou PArt de Plaire dans la Conversation, par M. Dc la Case, blue morocco, 7s. 6d. ib. l66S. 7552. Goudar (Ange) Pensees Diverses, 2s. 6d. Lond. 1750. 7553. Histoire des Favorites ; contehant ce qui s'est pass£ de plus remarquable sous plusieurs regnes, plates, 2 vols, in 1, 7s. 6d. Amst 1703. 7554. Nouvelle de la Cour d'Espagne, 3s. - • • . Haye, 16*92. 7555. Histoire dela Sainte Chapelle de Notre-Dame des Hermites, 4>s.6d. Einsilden, 1775. 568 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7556. Histoire de Madame Henrietta d'Angleterre premiere Femme de Philippe, Due d'Orleans, 2 vols, in 1, 3s.. 'Par. 1720. 7557. ■ de Pierre de Montmaur, Professeur Royal en Langue Grecque dans PUniversite de Paris, par De Sallengre, plates, 2 vols, very neat, £\. Is. Haye, 1715. 7558. Publique et Secrete de la Cour de Madrid, des Pavene- ment du Roi Philippe V. a la couronne, portraits, in vellum, 9s Cologne, 1719- 7559. de Jean de Bourbon, Prince de Carency, 3s. Haye, 16*92. 7560. Helvetius (Poesies de M.) neat, gilt leaves, 3s. * -Lottd. 1781. 7561. Henault Abrege" Chronologique de PHistoire de France, 3 vols. very neat, l$s.6d. Paris, 1 775. 7562. Another Edition, in 2 vols, neat, 9s. ib. 1756. 7563. Huarte Examen des^Esprits pourles Sciences, 2 vols. 3s. ib. 1675. 7564. Herodien, traduite en Francois, par Mongault, avec des Remarques, very neat, 5s. 6d. ib. 1784. 7565. Hudibras, Poeme ecrit dans le terns des Troubles d'Angleterre, et traduit en vers Francais, 3 vols, very neat in calf, £5. 15s. 6d. 1757. This masterly translation of the inimitable Butler into French, was per- formed by Mr. J. Towneley. The publication of it was superintended by M. l'Abbe Turberville Needham, and illustrated with notes by Larcher. The original English text is preserved, as well as engrav- ings from the designs of Hogarth. 7566. Homere (Plliade et POdyssee d') avec des Remarques, pre- cedee de Reflexions sur Homere, et sur la traduction des Poetes, par Bitaube, et les Notes de Mentelle, 14 vols, very neat in calf } £3. 3s. Lyon, 1796*. 7567. Hommes (Traite* sur les) 2s. 6d. Amst. 1712. 7568. Indecence (De P) aux Hommes d'accoucher les Ferames, et de PObligation aux Femmes de nourrir leurs Enfans, neat, 4*. 6d. Trevoux, 1708. 7569. Irail Histoire de la Reunion de la Bretagne a la France, 2 vols, in 1, 5s. Paris, 17^4 : Livres Francais ; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles,S;c. — \2mo. 569 75JO. Images de la Mort, avec la INIedecine de l'Ame, la Consolation des Malades, &c. with fine engravings on wood, from Hans Holbein's designs, yellow morocco, lined with silk, &c. &c. £3. 3s. Lyon, 1547. 7571. Introduction au Traite de la Conformity dcs merveilles an- ciennes avec les modernes. Ou, Traite preparatif a l'Apo- logie pour Herodote. L'argument estpris de l'Apologie pour Herodote, composee en Latin par Henri Estienne, et est ici continue par luymesme, neat, gilt leaves, £l. 5s. Paris, 1580. 7572. Justin (Histoire Universelle de) avec des Remarques, 2 vols. 5s Paris, 1694. 7573. Another Edition, 2 vols. 6s. ib. 1708. 757^. Jeu (Le) de l'Hombre, augmente des Decisions Nouvelles sur les Difficultez et Incidens de ce Jeu, 2s. 6d. . . • >ib. 1709. 7575. Journal Historique du Regne de Louis XV. 3s. > • . -ib. 1766. 7576. Journal du Regne de Henri IV. Roi de France, par De l'Etoile, portrait, 4 vols. 7s. 6d. • ib. 1732. 7577' La Oille, Melanges, ou assemblage de divers mots pour tous les gouts. Par un vieux Cuisnier Gaulois, 7s. 6d.* • 1755. 7578. Legende Veritable de Jean le Blanc, half-bound, neat, 7s. 6d. 1677. 7579- Le Fevre traduction du Premier Alcibiade de Platon, 2s. 6d. Amst. 1776. 7580. La Peinture, Poeme en trois chants, par M. Le Mierre, avec divers morceaux en prose, plates, boards, 3s. 6d. Amst. 1770. 7581. Lucrezio Caro della Natura delle Cose, tradotti da Alessand. Marchetti, 2 vols, very neat, 7s. Lond. I76I. 7582. Another Ser, 2 vols, red morocco, gilt leaves, 12s. 6d. ib. 1761. 7583. Le Courayer Defense de son traduction de PHistpire du Concilede Trente, neat, 2s. 6d. Amst. 1742- 7584. Lettre sur le Luxe, half -bound, gilt, Is. 6d.- • • -Land. 1746'. 7585. Lettres sur les Voiages et surd'autres Sujets, (mo title) 2s. 4C 570 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7586. Labat (J. Bapt.) Nouvelle Relation de l'Afrique Occidentale, many plates, 5 vols, neat, £\. 10s. Paris, 1728. 7587. 6 Voyage du Chevalier des Marchais en Guin^e, Isles Voisines, et a Cayenne, with maps, and other plates, 4 vols. 13*. 6d. ib. 1730. 7588. Another Set, 4 vols. lis. 6d. Amst. 1731. 7589. Lucien, de la traduction de N. Perrot d'Ablancourt, with plates, 2 vols, neat, 8.s. 6d. ib. 1709- 7590. Lettres de Quelques Juifs a Voltaire, boards, 6s. Paris, 1769. 7591. Lettres d'une Peruvienne, avec une traduction Italienne, 3*. ib. 1786. 7592. Lunadoro (Girolamo) Relazione della Corte di Roma, 3s. Roma, 1728. 7593. Les Lauriers Ecclesiastiques, ou Campagnes del'Abb^T***, 10s. 6d. Luxuropolis 9 1 777. 7594. Leti (Gregorio) Vita di Sisto V. Pontefice Romano, with plates, 2 vols, neat, lbs. Amst. 1721. 7595. Vita dell* Invitissimo Imperadore Carlo V. 4 vols, sewed, 10s. 6d. ib. 1 700. 7596. Lettres a Madame la Marquise de P ■ sur TOpera, 2s. Paris, 1741. 7597. Le Noble Contes et Fables en Vers, 2*. ib. 1710. 7598. Le Moine Marchand, ou Traite contre le Commerce des Re- ligieux, par Theophile Reinaud, 3*. Amst. 1714. 7599- Le Vassor (Michel) Histoire du Regne de Louis XIII. Roi de France, with numerous fine portraits, 17 vols. £2. 12s. 6d. ib. 1700-11. 7600. Memoires tres particuliers pour servir a l'Histoire d'Henry III. Roy de France, 3*. Paris, 1667. 7601. Maupeouana, ou Correspondence Secrette et Familiere du Chancelier Maupeou, 2 vols, very neat, 9s. 1773. 7602. Memoires, contenant ce qui s'est passe* de plus particulier sous le Ministere du Cardinal de Richelieu, et du Cardinal Mazarin, 5s. Haye, 1707 • 7603. Manuel d'Epictete, et les Commentaires de Simplicius, par Dacier, 2 vols. 7s. 6d. ........ Paris, 1715. Livres Frangais; Libri Italiani; Libros Espanoles,3fC.—\2mo. 571 7604. Morise (Paul) Histoire de POrigine de toutes les Religions, les Ordres Militaires, &c. 6*. Paris, 1578. 7605. Millot Histoire Ancienne, 4 vols, sewed, lSs. ••••26. 1808. 7606. Histoire d'Angleterre, 4 vols, sewed, 18s. • »ib.- 1810. 7607. Memoires du Marechal de Berwick, ecrits par lui-meme, 2vols. I0s.6d. • i6.1778. Marshal Berwick was the son of James II. King «f England, and Arabella Chu. ohill, who was the great Duke of Marlborough's sister. 7608. Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de Corse, par le Col. Frede- rick, tils du Roi Theodore, with a map, (no title) 3*. 6d. 7609. Memoires de Messire Philippe de Commines, Sieur d'Argen- ton,Jine copy in morocco £2. 2s. a Leide, chez les Elzevirs, 16*48. Copies of this beautiful edition, especially in good condition, are rare. 7610. Memoires Militaires, sur les Anciens, par Maubert de Gou- vert, plates, 2 vols, in 1, half -bound, gilt, 7s,* -Haye, I762. 7611. Memoires du Due de Villars, Pair de France, 3 vols. 7s. 6d, Amst. 1735. 7612. Memoires de Gui Joly Conseiller au Chatelet, &c. 3 vols. very neat, 16s. ib. 1738. 7613. de la Minorite* de Louis XIV. 2 vols. 3s. 6d. ib. 1723. 76l4. et Reflexions sur le Regne de Louis XIV. 2s. ib. 1716. 76l5. du Comte de Bussy Rabutin, 3 vols, neat, 7s. 6d. Paris, 1704. 7616. Misson Nouveau Voyage d'ltalie, many plates, 3 vols. 9*. Haye, 16*94. 76l7« Montesquieu sur la Grandeur et la Decadence des Romains, neat, 3s. Paris, 1755. 761 8. Modello (II) di Martino Lutero, xellum, 2s. 6d.»* Venet. 1555. 7619. Marcel Tablettes Chronologiques, neat, 3s. 6d." Paris, 1709. 7620. Memoires de Henry dernier Due de Montmorency, 2s. ib, 1666. 572 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7621. Memoires de la Vie du Comte de Grammont, 4s. Cologne, 17V3. 7622. Memoires de Madame la Duchcsse de Nemours, 3s. Artist. 1738. 7023. Memoires dc la Vie de Henrielte-Syhie de Moliere, 2s. Par. 1672. 7624. Malherbe (Poesies de) the finest Stereotype edition, calf extra, 7s. 6d. ib. 1800. 7625. Memoires et Avantures d'un Homme de Qualite, qui s'est retire du monde, 7 vols, in 5, £l. \s. ib. 1732. 7626. Nouveau Trait e de la Civilite, Is. 6d. Lyon, 1699- 7627. Nouvelle Ecole Publique des Finances, ou Tart de Voler sans ailes par toutes les Regions du Monde, 5s. Paris, 1/07. 7628. Nouveau Theatre Italicn, ou Recueii General des Comedies, avec les Airs grave's des Vaudevilles, (the late G. Stearns's copy J 10 vols, half-bound, vellum, £l. l6s. • • • • ib. 1753. 7629. Ovide (Les Metamorphoses d') avec explications par Banier, plates, 3 vols, neat, 12*. Amst. 1732. 7630. Ovidio (Metamorfosi d') tradotte da G. A. Anguillara, with en- gratings on wood, (reprinted titles) 2 vols, very small size, 12*. 6d. Venezia, 1624. 7631. Ornemens de la Mcmoire, ou les Traits Brillans des Poetes Francois les plus celebres, neat, 7s Paris, 1789. 7632. Observations Ilistoriques sur la Nation Gauloise, neat, 2s. 6d. ib. 1746. 7633. Ocellus Lucanus en Grec et en Francois, avec des Dissertations par le Marq. D'Argens, very neat, 7s. 6d. • • Utrecht, 1762. 7634. Oraisons Funebres de Bossuet, de Flecbier, de Massillon, de Bourdaloue, de la Rue, et de Massillon, portraits, 3 vols, fixe paper, in black morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 12*. Gd. Paris, 1802. 7635. Ovide, L'Art d'Aimer, traduit en Prose, neat, 3s. "ib. 1783. 7636. Ovide (Les Epistres d') en Vers Francois, 2*. 6d. Rouen, 1692. Livres Frangais; Libri ItaUani; Libros Espanoles,8fC* — 12mo. 573 7637. Oexmelin Histoire des Aventuriers qui se sont signalez dans les Indes, plates, 2 vols. 6s. Paris, l6s6, 7638. Petrarca (Rime di Francesco) 2 vols, elegant 9 10s. 6d. Lond. 1796. 7639- corrette da Dolce, con le avert. di Camello, neat, £l. Is. Vineg. Giolito, 1557. A very scarce and excellent edition. ?640. Parrhasiana, ou Pens^es Diverses par Theodore Parrhase, 2 vols, very neat, 10s. 6d. Amst. 1701. 7^41. Polibio Historico Greco tradotto per M. Lodovico Domen- ichi, 12*. Vinegia, ap. G. Giolito, 1545. 7642. Puffendorf Introduction a l'Histoire Generate et Politique de l'Univers ; completed, et continuee jusqu'a 1743, par Martiniere, with maps, 1 1 vols, neat, £\.l\s.6d. 1743. 7643. Pitture (Le) di Bologna, neat, 3s. Bologna, 1732. 7644. Perefixe Histoire du Roy Henry le Grand, 12s. Amst. par Dan. Elzevir, 16*79. 7645. Platin Abrege de l'Histoire Generale de Suisse, 5s. • • • «l666. 76*46. Prevost Histoire de Marguerite d'Anjou, Reine d'Angleterre, 2 vols. 4.s. 6d. Amst. 1740. 7647. Pelisson Histoire de l'Academie Francoise, 2s.» ' > *Par. 1700. 7648. : — 2 vols. 6s. ib. 1730. 7649. Poesies et Cantiques Spirituelles, par Madame J. M. B. de la Mothe Guion, 4? vols, very neat, l6s.* . . -Cologne, 1722. 7650. Paradin (Claude) Devises Heroiques, with numerous wood cuts, 7s. 6d. Anvers. 1563. 7651. Porny Essai sur l'Education, neat, 2s. Lond. 1771. 7652. Perrault Paraleile des Anciens et des Modernes, en ce qui regarde les Arts et les Sciences, 2 vols. 3s. - -Paris, 1693. 7653. Quinte Curce de la Vie et des Actions d'Alexandre le Grand, traduit par Du Ryer, 2 vols. 7s. 6d ib. 1680. 7654. Relatione della Citta di Fiorenza, e del Gran Ducato di Tos- cana, Colon. 166S. — Relatione della Signoria di Luca, in one vol. vellum, 7s Colon. 1668. 574 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 7655. Recueil General des Pieces concernant le Procez entre la De- moiselle Cadiere et le Pere Girard, 8 vols. £l. 15s. a la Haye, 1731. 7656. Rollin(C) Histoire Ancienne, 14 vols, sewed, £2. 15s. Paris, 1805. 7657. Histoire Ancienne et Romaine, Abrege par Tailhi£, 10 vols, sewed, £2. • Lyon, 1813. 7658. Rochefoucault (Due de la) Maximes et CEuvres Completes, 2 vols, very neat in calf, 12s. Paris, 1796. 7659' Another Edition, portrait, calf extra, gilt leaves, 12s. Paris, par Didot, 1796*. 7660. Renneville Inquisition Franchise, ou l'Histoire de la Bastille, with plates, 7s Amst. 1 715. 7661. Recueil de Bons Mots des Anciens etdes Modernes, 5s. Paris, 1702. 7662. Racine (CEuvres de Jean) nouvelle edition, plus correctc et plus ample que les precedentes, 3 vols, fine set, gilt leaves, £l.7s. • ib. 1755. 7663. Relation du Voyage d'Espagne, 3 vols, in 1, 5s. 6d. Hayc, 1691. 7664. Remarques ou Reflexions Critiques, Morales et Historiques, 2s.6d. Amst. 1692. 7665. Recueil de Diverses Pieces servant a THistoire de Henri III. de France, ruled with red lines, in curious morocco bind- ing, £l . 15s. Cologne, 1666. 7666. Richardet, Poeme, 2 vols, elegant, 7s. 1781. 7667. Rousseau (J. J.) Contrat Social, neat, gilt leaves, 3s. • • 1782. 7668. Rousseau (J. B.) Odes, Cantates, Epitres et Poemes Diverses, 2 vols, morocco, elegant, gilt leaves, £l. 7s. • 'Paris, 1799. 7669. (CEuvres Diverses de J. B.) 4 vols. 12*. 6d. Amst. 1734. 7670. Raguenet Histoire du Vicomte de Turenne, 2 vols, in 1, 3s. 6d, Paris, 1759- .7671. Relation de la Campagne en Brabant et en Flandres, 1745-6-7, $*. Ha V e > 174>s - 7672. Real (La) Galleria di Firenze descritta, neat, 2s. ••••1782. Livres Frangais ; Libri Italiani ; Libros Espanoles, #c— -12»io. 575 7673. Regnard (CEuvres Complettes de) 6 vols. 16s. . . Paris, 1783. 7674. Rosa (Salvator) Satire di, very neat, £l. Is. Amst. press. Sexero Protomastix, senza data. 7675. Science (La) des Medailles, avec les Remarques Historiques et Critiques, plates, 2 vols. 18*. • . Paris, 1739. 7676. Saint Evremoniana, ou Recueil de Pieces Curieuses, &c. de M. de Saint Evremont, very neat, 5s Luxemb. 1702. 7677. Speroni (Dialogi di M. S.) red morocco fa very rare edition) «£l • J*> • • • Vinegia. apud Aldi, 1544. 7678. Seneque (Les Pens€es de) Lat. et Fr. h. b. gilt leaves, 5s. Par. 1765. 7679* Spanheim Histoire de la Papesse Jeanne, plates, 2 vols. 9s. Haye, 1736. 7680. Sallust, Latin and French, 3s. Paris, 1782. 7681. Semaine (La) d'une Maison d'Education, 2*. 6d. Lond. 1798. 7682. Scotti (Fr.) Itinerario dTtalia, plates, 3s • • Rom. 1717* 7683. Snelgrave Relation de quelques endroits de Guin§e, 2*. 6d. Amst. 1735. 7684. Sermoni di S. Giovanni Climaco Abbate nel Mont§ Sinai, con le allegationi della Sacra Scrittura, 4>s . 6d. Vineg. 1585. 7685. Syphilis, ou le Mai Venerien, Poeme Latin de Jer. Fracastor, avec le traduction, 3s. 6d. Paris. 1753. 7686. Soldat Parvenu, ou Memoires et Aventures de Mr. de Verval dit Bellerose, plates, 2 vols. 8s. Dresde, 1753. 7687. Tasso (I'Aminte du) en Francais, neat, gilt leaves, 3s. Lond. 1789. 7688. Tasso Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves^ £l. 3s. Venezia, 1787- 7689. Theatre des Auteurs du Premier et du Second Ordre, ou Recueil des Tragedies et des Comedies, 67 vols, sewed, £7. 7s. Paris, 1810. 7690. Theatre Espagnol, ou Comedies par Lope de Vega, &c. 4 vols. neat, 10s. ib. 1770. 576 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7691. Terence (Les Comedies de) traduit par Mad. Dacier, avec Ie texte Latin, plates, 3 vols. 10s. 6d. Rotterd. 1717. 7692. Another Set, 3 vols. 7s. **- 1717. 7693. Traite" de Mignature, pour Apprendre aisement a Peindre sans Maitre, &c. 5s. Paris, 1681. 7694. Testament Politique du Card, de Richelieu, 2s.**Amst. 1688. 7695. Another Copy, Is. 6d. & 1691. 7696. Tableau Historiques des Gens de Lettres, ou Abrege Chro- nologique et Critique de l'Histoire de la Litterature Fran- coise, 6 vols, neat, £\ . 5s. • Paris, l7o7- 7697. Vie (La) et les Sentimens de Lucillo Vanini, neat, 7*» Rotterd. 1717. 7698. Valesiana, ou les Pensges Critiques, Historiques et Morales, et les Poesies Latines de M. de Valois, 4s. • • • • Paris, 1695. 7699. Voiture (Lettres de M. de) 2s. 6d. Wcsel, 1668. 7700. Voiture (CEuvres de M. de) 3s. Paris, 1656. 7701. Vergier (CEuvres de) 3 vols, neat, 8s. Lond. 1780. 7702. Vie Privee de Louis XV. ou Principaux Evenemens, Particu- larity et Anecdotes de son Regne, portraits, 4 vols, very neat, 16s. ib. 1781. 7703. Verites Satiriques en Dialogues, 4s. Paris, 1725. 7704. Vie de Philippe d'Orleans, petit-fils de France, Regent du Royaume pendant la Minorite de Louis XV. 2 vols. 5s. Lond. 1738. 7705. Vertot Histoire des Revolutions Romaines, 3 vols. 8s. 6d. Haye, 1734. 7706. Another Edition, in 2 vols, sewed, 7s. 6d. • • • • Paris, 1810. 7707. Vertot Hist, des Revolutions de Portugal, 2s. 6d. Haye, 1734. 7708. Venette Tableau de TAmour, considere dans l'Estat du Mar- riage, first edition, 7s. Parme, 1687. 7709. Vie de Jean-Bart, Chef d'Escadre sous Louis XIV. portrait, neat, 4s. 6d. Amst. 17S0. 7710. Voyage de France, d'Espagne, de Portugal, et dTtalie, par M. S***, 4 vols, in 2, half-bound, gilt, 8s. 6d. Paris, 1770. Livres Tranqais; Lihri Italiani ; Libras Espanoles, fyc. — 12w?o. 577 7?1 1. Voyage en France, en Italie et aux Isles de l'Archipel, 4 vols. neat, 10s. Paris, 1763. 7712. Ville (La) de Rome, ou Description de cctte superbe Ville," plates, sewed, 2s. 6d. Rome, 1778. 7713. Voyage Pittoresque des Environs de Paris, 1*. 6d.- Paris, 1762. 7714. Vaticano (il) Languente. Dopo la raortedi Clemento X. con i Remedii preparati da Pasquina, e Marforia per guarirla, 3 vols. 6s. 1677. 7715. Voltaire (Chefs d'CEuvre Dramatiques, de) 4 vols, sewed, 1 5s. Paris, 1808. 7716. Voltaire Histoire de la Guerre de 1741, Is. 6d. Lond. 1J56. 7717. Zadig, ou la Destine>, plates, 2s. 6d. "ib. 179Q. 771 8. Xenophon L'Economique, &c. traduits par Dumas, 3s. Paris, 1768. 771.9. Arte de Agradar na Conversacao, por Mr. Prevost, traduzida do Francez por Jo. Vic. Rodrigues, 4s. 6d. • 'Porto, 1783. 7720. Collecion de las mejores coplas de Seguidillas Tiranas y Polos, 2 vols. 10s. 6d. - Madrid, 1 805. 7721. Diana Enamorada, compuestos por Gaspar Gil Polo, very neat, £2. 2s. • -en Paris, en casa de Rob. Estevan, l6ll. 7722. La Huerfantia Inglesa, o Historia de Carlota Summers, 4 vols. sewed, 14s. • Madrid, 1 804. 7723. Las Metamorfoses, o Transformaciones de Ovidio, en quinze Libros, traducidos de Latiuen Castellano, 6s. . *ib. l664>. 7724. Another Edition, with numerous wood-cats, \0s.6d. Anxers. 1595, 7725. La Lena por don Alonzo Velasquez de Velasco Pinciano, 5s. Milan, 1602. 7726. RepublicaLiterariaescri viola Don Diego de Saavedra y Fa- jardo, neat, 6s. Alcala, l677> 7727. Telemaco hija de Ulisses (Aventuras de) plates, 2 vols. h. b. russia, I2s.6d. Par. 1733. 4D 578 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, *xd Brown. 7728. Ueber die Bestimmung des Canzelredners von J. G. Marezoll, sewed, ls.6d. Leipz. 1793. 7729. Gotth. Eph. Lessings Fabeln dray bucher, sewed, Is. 6d. Munich, 1792. 7730. Fragraente des Wolfenbuttelschen Ungenannten, sewed, 2s. Berlin, 1788. 7731. Gesange Davids und seiner Zeitgenossen, erster band, sewed, ls.6d. Leipz. 1796. 7732. Zerstrente Blatter von J. G. Herder, 5 vols, sewed, \2s. 6d. Gotha, 1785-93. 7733. Generale Beschryvinge van den Tegemvoordigen in-gebroken Ablassen-Waert, in Zuyt-Hollandt, vellum, 5s. Leiden, 1741. DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. FOLIO. 7734. A PPOLLONII Sophistae Lexicon Graecum Jliadis et ""• Odyssea, Gr. et Lat. a Villoison, large paper, 2 vols. in l,neat in calf? £5. 5s. Lutet. 1773. 7735. Ditto, the largest paper, 2 vols, neat in vellum, £8. 8s. ib. 1773. Of this excellent work there are three sizes, viz. quarto, and small and large folio; of the two latter the above are copies, 7736. Bailey's (N.) Universal English Dictionary, enlarged by Dr. Scott, best edition, plates, neat, £2. 12s. 6d. Lond. 1756. 7737. Bayle Dictionaire Historique et Critique, 4 vols. £2. 12*. 6d. Amst. 1697. 7738. Bayle's (Peter) Historical and Critical Dictionary, with his Life and Additions, by Des Maizeaux, 5 vols, neat, £7. 7s. Lond. 1734. 7739. Ditto, large paper, 5 vols, neat, "with russia backs, £\2. \2s. ib. 1734. 7740. Baretti's (Jos.) Spanish and English Dictionary, neat in calf, £l.7s. ib. 1 778. 7741. Another Copy, £ i. ib. 1778. 7742. Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus et Nova, sive Hispani Scriptores qui ab Octaviani Augusti JEvo, ad annum Christi J 684 580 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. floruerunt. Auctore D. Nicolao Antonia Hispalensi, 4 vols. neat and gilt, ^18. 18s. Matriti, 1783-8. An important and valuable work, being the only complete account of Spanish writers and their productions. 7743. Baret's (John) Alvearie, or Triple Dictionarie, in Englishe, Latin and French, half-bound, £\. Is. Land. 1573. Prefixed to this work are thirteen stanzas of seven lines by Arthur Golding, inscribed •« To the Reader." 7744. Budaei (GulieL) Commentarii Linguae G rascal, £l. 185. Paris, ap. JR. Stephani, 1548. " A work much esteemed by the learned. This edition is very fine, and copies are not common." — De Bute. 7745. Blount (T. Pope) Censura Celebriorum Authorum, eest edition, neat, £ I. Is. Lo?id. 169O. 7746. Bohun's (Edmond) Historical, Geographical and Poetical Dictionary, compiled from Moreri, &c. with additional matter, 2 vols, half-bound, neat, 18s. ib. 1694. 7747. Brissonii (Barnab.) Lexicon Juris, vellum, 7s> Franco/. 1587- 7748. Cbalcondylae (Demetrii) et Manualis Moschopuli Erotemata. Gregorius Corinthus de Dialectis, Grqece, £22. Sine anno, loco et typog. sed (Mediolani, circa \4>$2>.) editio princeps, of extreme rarity. The present is a very fine copy. — De Bure admits that he had never seen a copy of this edition, and the late Rev. T. Crofts thought there were not more than three copies in existence. See more particulars in Dibdin's Bib. Spencer. Vol. III. 7749. Cunningham's (T.) Law Dictionary, 2 vols, neat, £l. Is. Lond. 1783. 77'50. Cotgrave's (Ratidle) French and English Dictionary, £l. 4s. ib. 161 1. 7751. by Howell, £1. 10s. ib. 1650. This Dictionary will be found peculiarly useful to those who read the early French writers, explaining as it does, many words which have long been obsolete. 7752. Constantini Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. editio optima, tall copy, in russia, o£l0. 10s. • • • 1592. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography* — Folio. 581 7753* Cooperi Thesaurus Linguae Romanae et Britannicae, £l.4>s. Lond. 1573. This Dictionary, which is an improvement upon Elyot's, was so much ad- mired by Queen Elizabeth, that she took the author under her im- mediate patronage, and promoted him to several Bishopricks. 7754. Calepini (Ambrosii) Dictionarium Octolingue, 2 vols, in 1, £l.7s. * Lug. 1634.. 7755. Another Copy, 2 vols. neat, £1.7 s. ib. 1620. 7756. Calepini Dictionarium Septem Lingue, 12s. 6d. Venet. l6$9. 7757- D'Herbelot Bibliotheque Orientale, ou Dictionnaire Universel, contenant generalement tout ce qui regarde les pe uples de rOrient, £2. 2s. Paris, 1697. 7758. Dictionarium Graecum piosissimum secundum ordinem alpha- beti cum interpretatione latina, Jine copy, neat in vellum, £6. 6s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1497. 7759' Doleti (Steph.) Commentariorum Linguae Latinae, 2 vols. Jine set in russia, £&. 8s. • • • • Lugd. ap. Gryph. 1536-8. This valuable work contains many dissertations and treatises both excellent and interesting. See De Bure, No 2281. 77^0. Davies (Joan.) Antiquae Linguae Britannicae, nunc vulgo dictae Cambro-Brit. a suis Cymraecae vel Cambricae, ab alliis Wallicae, et Linguae Latinae, Dictionarium Duplex, £2.2s. Lund. 1632. 7761 . Davies's Welsh and Latin Dictionary, (wants title and part of dedication) indifferent copy, but neat in calf, 15s. ib. l6"32. 7762. Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana compuesto por la Real Academia Espanola, £5. 15s. 6d. Madrid, 1803. 1763. Dictionary and Grammar of the Portugueze and English Lan- guages, £l. Is. Lond 1701. f 764. Etymologicum Magnum Graecae Linguae, &c. Ex Hecensione Calliergi, cum Praefatione Musuri, editio princeps, £7- 7s. • Venet. 1499. 7765. Ditto, a remarkable Jine tall copy, in russia, o£l0. 10*. Venet. 1499. This beautiful work may rank as one of the finest specimens of Greek typo- graphy which has yet issued from the press — there are numerous orna- ments printed in red. 582 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. „ 7766. Etymologieum Magnum Graecae Linguse, Sylburgii, neat, £9. 9s. • • • • Heidel. 1594. A most valuable and erudite performance. The valnable additions, indexes, &c. of Sylburgius, are so important that many scholars have given this edition the appellation of " editio optima." 7767. Fabri (Basilii) Thesauris Eruditionis Scholasticae, cum notis Gracvii, £l. 4s. > Lips. 1710. 7768. Florio's (John) Queen Anna's New World of Words, or Dictionarie of the Italian and English Tongues, very neat, £\. 10s. • ....•Z.onrf. l6ll. 7769. General Dictionary Historical and Critical, including a new translation of the whole of Bayle, 10 \oh. Jine set, £15. 15s. ib. 1734. 7770. Hesychii Lexicon Grascum, Alberti e Ruhnkenii, with a fine Portrait of Albertus by Houbraken, 2 vols, very neat in calf, £6.10s. L. Bat.l 746-66. 7771. Ditto, large paper, 2 vols, jine set inthc original binding, £l\. lis. L.Bat. 1746-66. One of the best edited lexicographical works that has ever appeared — it is higly eulogized by Harles. 7772. Hickes (Geo.) Linguarum Vett. Septentrionalium Thesaurus Grammatico-Criticus et Archasologicus, large paper, portrait and other plates, 3 vols, in 2, .£10. 10s. Oxon. 1705. 7773. Haltaus (C. Got.) Glossarium Germanicum, fine copy in calf, £6. • Lips. 1 758. 7774*. Hager's (Jos.) Explanation of the Elementary Characters of the Chinese, boards, £l. 5s. Lond. 1801. 7775. Julii Pollucis Onomasticon, Graece, editio pRinceps, in russia, £3. Venet. ap. Aid. 1502. 7776. Julii Pollucis Onomasticon, Gr.et Lat. cura Hemsterhusii, 2 vols, neat, £4. Amt. 1706. 7777. Another Set, 2 vols, in vellum, £4. 4s. L. Bat. 1706. An edition far eclipsing all preceding ones, and in consequence styled " editio optima." 7778. Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) English Dictionary, 2 vols, neat in calf, £6. 6s. Lond. 1784. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — Folio. 583 7779- Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) English Dictionary, 2 vols, in russia, £7. 7s. -. Lond. 1784. 7780. Johnson's English Dictionary, 2 vols, fine set, calf extra, by Kalthoeber, £8. 8s. ib. 1773. 7781. Joannis de Janua Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum, Summa, qua? vocatur : Catholicon— SMaCrl %ttUt — £9- Lugduni, 1514. Fine copy of a rare edition — it is ornamented with a vast number of initial letters, and is ruled with red lines. — The author's real name was John Ealbi, a monk of the order of St. Dominic, and a native of Geneva, on which account he was surnamed in Latin Joannes Genuensis, thence by corruption Joannes de Janua, by which name he is generally known. This work was entitled Catholicon, or Universal, because it contained entire, a Grammar divided into orthography, etymology, syntax, and prosody, Rhetoric, and a Latin Dictionary, or Vocabulary. 77&%* Junianus Maius Parthenopceus de Priscorum proprietate Ver- borum, 3 vols, fine copy, in calf, xoith morocco backs, £l2.»»N"eapoli, Impressere Mathias Moravus et Blasius Theologus, 1475. Editio Princeps, and one of the finest works that issued from the celebrated press of Moravus. Copies are uncommon, and not contained in many of the most eminent collections. 7783. Junianus Maius Parthenopseus de Priscorum proprietate Ver- borum, £% 2s. Venet. Od. Scotus, 1482. 7784. Lye (Edvardi) Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum, a Owen Manning, cum Grammatica Ang. Sax. et Moeso Gothica, 2 vols, in calf, £8. 8s. Lond. 1772. 7785. Another Set, 2 vols, boards, £8. • ib. 1/72. 7786. Labbe (Phil.) Nova Bibliotheca Manuscriptorum Librorum, with fine Portrait by F. Poilly, 2 vols, neat, £2. 18s. Paris, 1657. 7787. Llhyd's (Edward) Archasologia Britannica; an account of the Languages, &c. of the original Inhabitants of Great Britain, fine copy, in calf, £3. 7s. Oxford, I7O7. 7788. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, very neat, 12s. 6d.* >Lugd. 1550. 7789- Meninski (F. a Mesgnien) Lexicon Arabico Persico-Tur- cicum, large paper, 4 vols, fine copy, very neatly bound in rvstid, £30. Vin. 1780. 584 Longman, Hurst, Rees, OrHie, and Brown. 7790. Montfaucon (Bern.) Palseographia Graca, sive de Ortu et Progressu Literarum Graecarum, &c. plates, £l. lit. 6d. Paris, 1708. 7791. Miller's Gardener's Dictionary, 15s. Lond. 1783. 7792. Minsheu's (Philip) Guide into the Tongues, a Dictionary of nine Languages, neat in calf, £2. 2s. Lond. 1627. 7793. Spanish and English Dictionary and Grammar, 15s. ib. 1623, 7794. Martiniere (Bruzen de la) Grand Dictionnaire Geographique, Historique et Critique, 6 vols, neat, £6.'» • • Paris, 176*8. 7795. Another Edition, 10 vols, elegant in calf, £ 10. 10*. Venice, 1737. 7796' Military Dictionary, or the Field of War; an account of Battles, Sieges, &c. &c. portraits arid maps, neat, £2. 2s. Lond. 1760. 7797. Menagio (Egidio) Origini della Lingua Italiana, colla Giunta de Modi di dire Italiani, &c. £i. 1*. Genet a t 1685. 7798. Modus Legendi Abbreviaturas in utroque jure, in vellum, £"7, 7s. • • • • sine notd Anni vel Typog. sed circa, 146*5. This very early edition of the 15th century is printed with the same type as the two Tracts of Thomas Aquinas, described by Braun, " Notitia," i. p. 116. and of which he has given a specimen. Tab. viii. 6. 7799. Onomasticon Propriorum Nominum Primum ad C. Gesnero, ex variis Dictionariis collectum, 12s. 6d. • • • • Basil, 1590. 7800. Pereyra (Bcnedicto) Prosodia in Vocabularium Bilingue, Latinum et Lusitanum digesta, neat, £2. 2s. • 'Ebor. 1698. The last leaf of " Selectissimae Descriptiones" is wanting, but the omission does not in the least affect the Dictionary. 7801. Postlethwayt's (Mai.) Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, best edition, 2 vols, neat in ntssia, £3. 3s» Lond. 1774. 7802. Photii Myriobiblon, sive Bibliotheca Librorum quos legit ct censuit Photius Pat. Const. Gr. a Iloeschelius, cum vers. Lat. a Schottus, vellum, £2. 6s. • • • • • Rothom. 1653. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — Folio. 585 7803. Pereyra (Ben.) Prosodia in vocabularium trilingue, Latinum, Lusitanicum, et Castellanicum, £1. Us. 6d. Vlyssipone, l66l. 7804. Philippe's (Edward) New World of Words, or a General English Dictionary, with eight portraits, 8.?. 6d. Lond. 1678. 7805. Philipps's (Edward) English Dictionary, enlarged by Kersey, with the frontispiece of eight portraits, 12s. 6c?. ib. 1706. 7806. Rhaesus Cambrobrytannicae Cymraecaeve Linguae Institutiones et Rudimenta accurate, £2. 2s. ib. 159$. 7807. Rider's (William) New Universal English Dictionary, in- cluding Biography, Arts, and Sciences, 9s.»'*>ib. 1759* 7808. Schindleri Lexicon Pentaglotton, Hebraicum,Chaldaicum, Sy- riacum, Talmudico-Rabbinicum et Arabicum, very neat, £2. I2s.6d. Hanov. 1606. 7809. Suidae Lexicon, Graece, editio princeps, russia extra, joints, &c. £7. 17 s. 6d. Medio!. 1499* A beautiful work, and of great repute. This first edition contains a Dialogue not inserted in the subsequent ones. 7810. Suidae Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. Kusteri, 3 vols, a very fine set in calf , cfll. Cantab. 1705. 7811. Suidae Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. Kusteri, large paper, 3 vols. neat in calf, £16. » • • • ib. 1 705. Kuster's edition is the fifth, last, and best edition of Suidas. — Critics are unanimous in extolling its merits. 7812. Spelmanni (Hen.) Glossarium Archaiologicum, best edi- tion, with Portrait by White, in russia, £4>. 14s. 6d. Lond. 1687. 7813. Stephani Thesaurus Graecae Lingua?, 4 vols. c£20. Paris, 1572. 7814. Another Set, 4 vols. c£l5. 15s. ib. 1572. 7815. • cum Glossariaduo, 5 vols. neat, gilt leaves, £35, • • ib. 1572-3. 7816. Stephani Thesaurus Linguae Latinse, editio secunda, 3 vols. binding very loose but quite clean inside, £3. 13*. 6d. ib. 1543- 4 E 586 Longman, Hurst, Rees> Orme, and Brown. 78 1 7. Stephani Thesaurus Linguae Latinas, 4 vols, neat, £4>, 4,s. Lond. 1734. 7818. ' ' '■ LARGE PAPER, 4 vols. neat, £l6. \6s. ft 1734. Only ten copies of this edition were printed upon large paper, it cannot therefore often occur for sale. — It is a magnificent and correct work, and was edited by Drs. Law and Taylor, aided by Messrs. Johnson and Hutchinson, all men of eminent classical acquirements. 7819. Stephani Dictionarium Historicuro, Geographicum, Poeticum, a Lloyd, in vellum, 15s. ib. \686. 7820. Scapulas Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. neat, £5. 5s. ib. 1619- 7821. cumindice Lat. editio optima, Jine copy, russia, £\ 2. • • • • ■ L. Bat. Elzev. 1652. 7822. Another Copy, (re-printed title) in russia, £9-* • • 'ib. 1652. 7823. Skinner (Steph.) Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae, £2. 2s. Lond. 16*71. 7824. Stevens's (Capt. John) Spanish and English Dictionary, both parts, neat, 1 5s. ib. l706. 7S25. Thesaurus Cornucopia?, et Horti Adonidis Gr. a very beautiful and rare work, fine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, £17. Us. Venet. ap. Aid. 1496\ u This publication is a collection of grammatical tracts in the Greek language selected with incredible labour from the remains of thirty-four ancient grammarians, whose names are prefixed to the work. The printing was undertaken by Aldus, with the assistance of Urbano Valerianoj who both however exercised the office of editors ; and the work is justly con- sidered as one of the finest productions of the Aldine press." — Rvscoe's Leo X. vol. 2. p. 262. 4to. 7826. Theodori (Gazae) Introductiuae graraatices libri quatuor. Eius- dem de Mensibus opusculum sane quapulchtu. Apollonii gramatici de constructione libri quatuor. Herodianus de numeris, Graece, £%. 8s.. . . • Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1495. 7827. Another Copy, £6. 6s ib. 1495. This is a very rare book, and contains the first edition of the works enume- rated in the title: 7828. Vocabularia degli Academici della Crusca, .£2.2$. Venet. 1650. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — Uo. 587 7829. Vallensis (Laurentii) Libri Sex Eleganfciarum ; Tractatus de reciprocatione Sui et Suus, ad Joannem Tortellium; Invec- tiva in errores Antonii Raudensis ; de Libero Arbitrio Dialogus, £3. 3s. Per me Johan. Koelhoffde Lvbeck Civem Colonie, SfC. 1482. 7830. Wilkins's (John Bp. of Chester) Essay towards a Real Cha- racter and a Philosophical Language, 18s.» • • • Lond. 1668. QUARTO. 7831. AMYOT Dictionnaire Tartare-Mantchou Francois, par Langles, 3 vols, sewed, £2. 15s. Paris, 1789-90. 7832. AudiffrediCatalogusHiscorico-CriticusRomanarumEditionum Saeculi XV. sewed, £l. 10s. Rom. 17 S3. 7833. Audiffredi Specimen Historico-Criticum Editionum Italicarum Sasculi, XV. sewed, £l. 18s. Rom. 1794. 7834. Assemani Catalogo de Codici Manoscritti Orientali della Bib- lioteca Naniana, sewed, £l. Is. Padova, l/*87. 7835. Auctores Latinae Linguae in unura redacti corpus; adjecitnotis Dion. Gothofredi, 10s. 6d. ay. G. Leimar, 1585. 7836. Affo, Saggio di Memorie su la Tipografia Parmense del Sec. XV. very neat, £l. Is Parma, Bodoni, 1791. 7837- Ames's Typographical Antiquities, (the author's own copy with the original drawings from which the cuts were en- graved) neat, £3. 13s. 6d. Lond. 1 749. 7838. Ames's Typographical Antiquities, enlarged by Herbert, 3 vols. very neat in calf, £5. 5s #. j 735^ 7839- Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Herbert, enlarged and improved by Dibdin, vol. 1, 2, and 3. boards, £n. ib< 1810-lfj. 588 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7&1-0. Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Herbert, enlarged and improved by Dibdin, large paper, vol. 1, 2, and 3. boards, £4,0. ••••Lond. 1810-16. The fourth volume of this elaborate work is in a state of forwardness, and the entire undertaking will be completed in six volumes. — Copies on large paper are of considerable rarity. 7841. Alberti (Francois d') Dictionnaire Francois-Italien et Italien- Francois, 2 vols. £l. 10s. Bassan, 1796. 7842. Ammonius de adfinium vocabulorum Differentia, cum Ani- madvers. Valckenaeri, in vellum, 18s. ••• ' L. Bat. 1739. 7843. Another Copy, 15s ib. 1739. 7844. Ditto, 2 vols, in boards, 12*. 6d. ib, 1739- 7845. Ascham's (Roger) Scholemaster, or plaine and perfite way of teachyng children, to vnderstand, write, and speake, the Latin tong, &c. — SMacfc %ZttU— first edition , calf extra, £2. 7s Lond. by John Bay, 1570. 7846. Brisson Dictionnaire Raisonne de Physique, with 00 plates, 3 vols. £l. 10s. Paris, 1781. 7847. Bibliotheca Americana; or a Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets, &c. relating to North and South America, boards, 7s. Lond. 1789. 7848. Burrow's (James) Essay on Punctuation, boards, 4s. 6d. ib.177'2. 7849. Boxhornii, de Typographiae Artis Inventione et Inventioribus, Dissertatio; in qua Bernard Mallinkrotii rationes po- tissimum refelluntur, neat, £l. Is L. Bat. 1640, 78p0. Bolzanii Urbani Bellunensis, Institutiones Grammatical Gr. £4t. 4s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1497. This is a book of very uncommon occurrence. 7851. Barctti's (Jos.) Dictionary of the English and Italian Lan- guages, 1 vols. £\. 10s Lond. 1771. 7852. Another Set, 2 vols, half 'bound, £l.4s. ib. 1788. 7853. Bate's (Julius) Hebrew English Dictionary, without points, boards, £\. 7s. ib. 17&7. 7854. Bihliotheques Francoises de la Croix du Maine et de Du Verdier Sieur de Vauprivas, avec un Discours sur le Progres des Lettres en France, et des Hemarques Historiques, Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — to o. 589 Critiques et Litteraires de M. de la Monnoye et de M. le President Bouhier, &c. par Rigoley de Juvigny, 6 vols. sewed, £4>. 4s. Paris, 1772-3. 7855. Biblische Encyklopsedie oder exegetisches Realworterbuch uber die sammtlichen Kulfswissenschaften des Aurlegers, nach den Bedurfnissen jetsiger zeit, 4 vols, boards, £3. 3s. Gotha, 1793. 7856. Bythneri Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis, £\. lis, 6d. Lond. 1650. 7857. Another Copy, £\. 10*. ib. 1679- 7858. Boyer's (Abel) French and English Dictionary, by Fierville, neat, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1796. 7859- Bibliothecaj Apostolica Vaticana, cum comment. Angelo Roccha, £l. Us. 6d. Romce, 1591. 7860. Cook's (E.) English School-Master, calf extra, lbs. Lond. 1655. 786 1. Catalogue Raisonnee de la Collection de Livres de M. Pierre Antoine Crevenna, 6 vols, sewed, £4>. 4s. • • • • Amst. 1775. 7862. Caninii Anglarensis Hcllenismos in Script, de Ling. Graece, 8s. 6d. • Par. 1555. 7863. Catalogue of the most vendible Books in England. The like work never yet performed by any, neat, l6s.- -Lond. 1652. 7864. Confucius (the Works of) containing the original text, with a Translation; to which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Chinese Language and Character, 2 vols, neat, £6. 6s. Serampore, 1809. 7865. Carbognano (Cosimo Comidas de) Prirai Principi della Gra- matica Turca, neat, £S. 3s. • • • • Roma, 1794. 7866. Danet Magnum Dictionarium Latinum et Gallicum ad pleniorum plenioremque Scriptorum Latinorum Intelligeri- tiam, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1704. 7867. Danet Dictionnaire Francois et Latin, 6>. 6". ib. 1684. 7868. Dammii Lexicon Homericum et Pindaricum, Gr. et Lat. 2 vols. neat, £7. 10*. Berol. 1774, A work of first rate excellence, the merits of which have been long in a merited estimation. 590 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7&69- Dibdin's Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or, a Descriptive Cata- logue of the Books printed in the fifteenth century, and of many valuable first editions, in the Library of George John, Earl Spencer, K. G. large paper, with numerous cuts, 4 vols, boards, £40. Lond. 1814-15. Of this beautiful specimen of the perfection of modern printing, only ffly were thrown off upon large paper, forming four magnificeut quarto volumes. 7870. De Dieu (Ludov.) Grammatica Linguarum Orientalium, ex recens. D. Clodii, £l. 4*. Franco/. 1683. 7871. De Rossi de Prsecipuis Caussis, et momentis neglectae a non- nullis Hebraicarum Litterarum disciplinse, 7s. Aug. Taur. 1769. 7872. Erpenii Grammatica Arabica, Schultensii, very neat, £l. 7s. L.Bat. 1733. 7873. Encyclopedic, ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonn6 des Con- noissances Humaines, a Collection of about 1500 engrav- ings to illustrate that work, with copious explanatory letter- press, by aid of which it forms a complete work, 10 vols. half-bound, uncut, £\0. 10*. Yverd. 1775. 7874. Encyclopaedia Londinensis, or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature, Vols. 2, 3, 4, each volume £l. Is. 7875. Fabricii Bibliotheca Grssca, sive notitia Scriptorum Veterum Graecorum quorumcunque monumenta integra, aut frag- menta edita exstant : turn plerorumquee MSS. ac deper- ditis, 14 vols, neat in vellum, £7. 10*.« • • •Hamb. 1705-28. 7876. Fabricii Bibliotheca Graeca, cura Harlesii, 12 vols, very neat in calf, gilt, £20. ib. 1790-1809. 7877. Another Set, fine paper, 12 vols, half bound, extra, c£24. ib. 1790-1809. 7878. Fabricii Bibliographia Antiquaria, sewed, 1 5s ib. 1760. 7879. Folqman' Diccionario Portuguez, e Latino, £l. It. Lisboa, 1755. 7880. Falconer's (William) Marine Dictionary, plates, neat, £l.8s. Lond. 1780. 7881. Guasco (Giov.) Storia Litteraria del Principio, e Progresso dell' Accademia di Belle Lettere in Reggio, vellum, 7s. Reggio, 1711. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. -~4,to. 591 7882. Georgii (August. Ant.) Alphabetum Tibetanum Missionum Apostolicarum commodo editum, fine copy ££3, Ss. Roma, 1762. 7883. Hoogeveen de Particulis Graecis, large paper, 2 vols, neat, £4>.4>s. L. Bat. 1769. 7884. Another Set, 2 vols, boards, £4. 4*. ib. 1769. A most erudite and excellent performance, and indispensable to the library of the Grecian scholar. 7885. Hoogeveen Opus Postumum exhibens Dictionarium Analogi- es um Linguae Graece, boards, £l. 5s. Cantab. 1 800. 7886. — Dictionarium Analogicum Linguae Graecae, Boards, £l.7s 26. 1810. 7887. Histoire de POrigine et des premiers progres de PImpriraerie, neat, £2. 10s. Haye, 1740. 7888. Hesychii Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. cura Schrevelii, 15s. L. Bat. 1668. 7889. Halma (Francois) Grand Dictionnaire Francois et Flamand, 7s. 6d. Amst. 1717. 7890. Harpocrationis de Vocibus, Gr. cum notisGronovii, in vellum, £l.ls. L. Bat. I696. 7891. Jamieson's (Dr. John) Etymological Dictionary of the Scot- tish Language, 2 vols, boards, £5. 10s. Edin. 1808. 7892. Junii (Francisci) Gothicum Glossarium, with a fine portrait by Hollar, £3. 3s. Dord. 1665. 7893. Jones's (Sir W.) Grammar of the Persian Language, neat, 9s. Lond. 1783. 7894. Another Copy, boards, 6s. 6d. ib. 1783. 7895. Knight's (R. Payne) Analytical Essay on the Greek Alphabet very neat, £l. 4>s. ib. 1791. 789^. Lexicon Grasco-Latinum, vellum, 12*. apud Jo. Crispinum, 1566. 7897. Ludolfi (Jobi) Lexicon ^thiopico-Latinum, £l. 5s. Lond. l66l. 7898. Lambarde's (William) Alphabetical Description of the Chief Places in England and Wales, fine portrait by Vertue, very neat, £2. 2s. ib. 1730. 592 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7899* Lascaris (Constantini) Byzantini de octo partibus oronis Lib. I. ejusdcm de Constructione Liber secundus, ejusdem de nomine et vcrbo Liber tcrtius, &c. &c. Greece et Latine, £3. 10s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1512. A rare edition of a very valuable work, the contents of which are described by Renouard in the " Annales des Aide," vol. 1. p. 94. 7900. Littleton's (Adam) Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary, 125. 6d. Lond. 1735. 7901. Lescallier Vocabulaire des Termes de Marine Anglois et Fran- cois, with plates, very neat, £l. Is.** Paris, 1777 . 7902. Moreira's (J. Rod.) Vocabulary in Hebrew, English and Spanish, 12s. 6d. Lond. A. M. 5533. 7903. Morelli Thesaurus Graecse Poeses; sive Lexicon Graeco Proso- diacum, with the portrait by Basire, after the original of Hogarth, £3. 3s. Eton, 1762. 7904. Ditto, a very fine copy, with portrait, in russia, joints, fyc. £l. 10*, ib. 1762. 7905. Another Copy, without portrait, boards, £3. ib. 176*2. 7906. Manuelis Moschopuli de Ratione examinandse Orationis, Graece, in vellum, £\. Is. Lutet. ex offic. R. Stephani, 1545. 7907. Another Copy, with a very large margin, £l. 1 ls.6d. ib. 1545. 7908. Meermani Origines Typographical, with two portraits by Hou- braken, fyc. and fac similes of the early block books, 2 vols. in 1. boards, £l. \0s. H. Com. 1765, 7909. Ditto, large paper, ruled with red lines, 2 vols, very neat, gilt leaves, £3. 3s. ib. 1765. 7910. Another Set, 2 vols, in russia, (margin a little stained) £2. 6s. ib. 1765. 7911. Morhofii (Dan. Georg.) Polyhistor, Literarius, Philosophicus et Practicus cum access, virorum clariss. Joannis Frickii et Joan. Molleri Fleusburgensis, best edition, 2 vols. neat t £2. 5s. hub. 1747. 7912. Another Set, 2 vols, in vellum. £2. 10s. ib. 1747- 7913. Mentelius de vera Typographic Origine, neat, £l. 4s. Paris, 1630. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — Mo. 595 7914. Nestoris Dionysii Novariensis, Vocabulorum, libri viii. &c. very neat in russia (top margin stained) £7. 7s. Mediolani Impressum per Leonardum Pac/itl et Ulde- ricum Sinzenceler de Alemannia Socios, 1483. Editio Princeps. — Laire erroneously gives the appellation of * erlitio princeps' to that of Venice, 1486, which he calls, " edit, assez recherchee." 7915. Nelme (L. D.) on the Origin and Elements of Language and Letters, boards, 18s. Lond. 1772. 7916. Owen's (William) Welsh and English Dictionary and Gram- mar, large paper, in 7 parts, boards, £3. 7s. ib. 1793. 7917. Prisciani Opera Grammatica, £2. 12s. 6d. Venet. ap. Aicens. 15l6\ A very rare edition, with ornamental initials. — Appended is a Latin me- trical paraphrase of Dionysius de Situ Oi bis. 7918. Peuchet Dictionnaire Universeldela Geographie Commercante, 5 vols, russia extra, gilt leaves, £6. 10s. • • • • Paris, 1799. 7919- Panzeri Annales Typographic^ 11 vols, boards, £15. 15s. Norimb. 1793*1803, 7920. Pilkington's (Rev. M.) Dictionary of Painters, from the re- vival of the Art, to the present period, a new edition with considerable Alterations, Additions, an Appendix, and Index. By Henry Fuseli, R. A. large paper — 2'/- lustrated with Portraits of the different Artists, Original Drawings and Etchings by them, many of which are scarce and valuable; a Variety of Prints engraved from their different Designs, chiefly selected from the Orleans, Choi* seul, Poullain, and Houghton Galleries, — The illustrative specimens amount to 1435, and have been collected by a Gentleman of distinguished Taste, at a very considerable expence. Splendidly bound in 8 vols, with Original Draw- ings for the Title Pages, in blue morocco, joints, gilt leaves, &c. o£400. Lond. 1805. 7921. Pilkington's (Rev. M.) Dictionary of Painters, enlarged by Barry, neat, £l.7s. • • * ib. ] jg$.^ 7922. Ditto, enlarged by Henry Fuseli, neat, £\. lis. 6d. ib. 1805, 4F 594 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7923. Pilkington's (Rev. M.) Dictionary of Painters, enlarged by Barry, russia extra, £2. 5s. • * Lond. 1810. 7924. Parkhurst's (John) Hebrew and English Lexicon, neat, £l.ls. ib. 1762. 7925. Another Edition, large paper, inrussia, £2. 8s. ib. 1792. 7926. Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament, interleaved with writing paper, in rough calf, £l.lls.6d. ib. 1769. 7927. Palmer's General History of Printing, £ 1. 5s. ib. 1733. 7928. Ditto, with MS. (Mr. Ames's copy) neat, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1732. 7929. Robertsoni (Guliel.) Thesaurus Linguae Sanctae, a very fine copy, in russia, £2. 10s. • ib. l680. 7930. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, 10*. 6d. Cantab. 1676. 7931. Serenius's (Jacob) English and Swedish Dictionary, £l. l6s. Harg and Stenbro, 1757. 7932. Sobrino Nuevo Diccionario de las Lenguas Espanola, Francesa y Latina, por Cormon, 3 vols. £3. Amberes, 176*9- 7933. Schelleri Lexicon Latino-Belgicum Auctorum Classicorum, curante Davide Ruhnkenio, 2 vols, boards, £2. 10s. L. Bat. 1799- 7934. Sejournant Nouveau Dictionnaire Espagnol, Francois et Latin, vol.1, l6s. • ---1790. 7935. Schoepflini Vindiciae Typographical £l.ls. • 'Argent. 176O. An interesting work, with fac simile specimens of early printing. 7936. Scholtz Lexion iEgyptiaco-Latinum a Woide, boards, £l. Is. Oxon. 1775. 7937 . Grammatica iEgyptiaca, a Woide, boards, 12s. 6d. ib. 1778. 7938. Strutt's (Joseph) Biographical Dictionary of Engravers, plates, 2 vols, very neat, £8. 8s. Lond. 1785. 7939. Tachart Dictionarium Novum Latino-Gallicum, neat, 12s. Paris, 1693. 7940. Vocabolario degli Accademici dclla Crusca, 5 vols, in vellum, £6. 6s. • • .................. Venezia, 1741, Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. ~8to. 595 7941. Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca, 5 vols, boards, £5. 10s. Venezia, 1763. 79^2. Another Edition, 5 vols, in vellum, £5. 1 5s, 6d. Firenze, 1739. 7943. Another Set, 5 vols, half -bound, £4>. 4>s. ib. 1739- 7944. Vossii (Isaaci) de Arte Grammatica libri septem, 10-s. 6d. Amst. 1635. 79^5- Valla? (Laurentii) de Latinae linguae elegantia Lib. VI. &c. &c. 18* Paris, R. Stephani, 1 541 . 79^6, Villoison (d'Ansse de) Anecdota Graeca, 2 vols, in 1, vellum, £\.7s. Venet. 1781. 7947. Zonarae et Photii Lexicon Graecum, Tittmanni, cum Appendix Notarum et Eroendationum in Photii Lexicon, a Schleusner, 4 vols, boards, £7. Is. Lips. 1808-12. 79^8. Ziegenbalg (Barthol.) Grammatica Damulica, 12*. 6 d. Hal&, 1715. OCTAVO. 7949. /ESOP's Fables in Greek and Latin interlineary, for the benefit of those who learn without a Master, by J. Locke, plates, 6s. Lond. 1723. 7950. Ascham's (Roger) School Master, by the Rev. Jas, Upton, 4>s.6d. ib. 1711. 7951. Alphabetical Register of all the Authors actually living in Great Britain, Ireland, and North America, with a Catalogue of their publications, sewed, 7s. 6d. • • . • Berlin, 1791. 7952. Achard Cours Elementaire de Bibliographie, 3 vols, sewed, £l.3s. • Marseille, 1806. 7953. Ash's (John) Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vols. £l. 4*. • Lond. 1775. This Dictionary contains many hundreds of words which are not in any other of the same extent. 596* Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 7954. Analytical Review, from its commencement in May 1788, to August 1792, 13 vojs. Iwards, £2. 2s. 7955. Anchoran's (John) Gate of Tongues unlocked and opened, Latin, English and French, 6s. Lond. l637- 795o*. Account and Extracts of the Manuscripts in the Library of the late King of France, 2 vols, boards, 8s. ib. 1789- 7957- Bielfeld's (Baron) Elements of Universal Erudition, translated by Dr. W. Hooper, 3 vols, very neat, 18s.« • • 'Lond. 1770. 795S. Boyer's (A.) French and English Dictionary, 4s. ••*&. 176Y- 7959- Another Copy, very neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1751. 7960. Brunet Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres, 4 vols. sciced, £3. 3s. • • • Paris, 1814. 796'L Ditto, fine paper , 4 vols, boards, £4>. 45. ib. 1814. 7962. Baycri Museum Sinicum in quo Sinica? Lingua? et Litteraturaj ratio explicatur, plates, 2 vols, in 1. £\. 15s. Petropoli, 1730. The first volume contains the Grammar, the characteis cut on copper plates; the second contains the Lexicon, all on copper, with a Latin translation, and other tracts: — " This is a work of singular erudition, and the most perfect we have in the Chinese language." — Bib. Diet. 7963. Barctti's (Jos.) Introduction to the most useful European Languages, neat, 6s. 6d. Lond. 1772. 7964. * Italian Language, neat, 4rS.6d. ib. 1755. 7960. Italian Library, an Account of the Lives and Works of Italian Authors, 7s. 6d. ib. 1757 » 7966. Grammar of the Italian Language, 5s. ib. 1778. 7967. Buxtorfi (Johan.) Thesaurus Grammaticus Linguae Sanctas Hebra3a3, 7s. Basilia, 1620. jg68. Another Copy, 6s. ib. 1629. 7969. Another Copy, 5s. • • • • • ib. 1651. 7970. Bos Ellipses Grasca?, edid. Schaefcr, boards, l6s. 6d. Lips. 1808. 7971. British Bibliographer, by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. &c. 4 vols, boards, £8. 8s... Lond. 1810. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — 8vo. 597 7972. British Bibliographer, by Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. &c. 4 vols, half-bound, £s. 18s. 677. Lond. 1810. 7973. British Librarian, or Analyses, &c. of rare Books by Oldys, half-bound, uncut, £\. 18s. ib. 1738. 7974. Balfour's (Francis) Forms of Herkern, in Persian and Eng- lish, half-bound, russia, 7s. • • • • • • • • ib. 1 804. 7975. Brerewood's (Edw.) Enquiries on the Diversity of Languages and Religions, 5s. ib. 1647. 7976. Bolzanii (Urbani) Grammatical Institutiones ad Graecam Lin- guam a mendis quam plurimis vindicate, vellum, £l. 3s. Vcnet. ap. Paul Manut. 1557. 7977- Bayly's (Anselm) Hebrew Grammar, sewed, 4>s.6d. Lond. 1773. 797S. Bohun's (Edmund) Geographical Dictionary, with an Index of the Ancient and Latin names, russia extra, 12s. ib. 1688. 7979. Bibliotheea Anglo-Poetica; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry : in the possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. Illustrated by occasional Extracts and Remarks, Critical and Biographical, boards, £\ . 14s. ib. 1815. Tnis work forms a large volume in royal octavo ; it is beautifully printed and ornamented with eighteen Portraits, twenty-four decorated ini- tials, a title-vignette, and an outline fac-simile, all of which are well engraved on wood. Only 450 copies were printed (of which a few re- main unsold) besides 50 on large or imperial paper, with proof im- pressions, which were bespoke previous to publication. 7980. Bibliotheea Manuscripta Lansdowniana, boards, 3s. ib. 1807. 7981. Lansdowniana; a Catalogue of the Library of Lord Lansclowne, boards, 3s. 6d. 1 806. 7982. Beauclerkiana; a Catalogue of the Library of the Hon. Topham Beauclcrk, 3s. 6d. 26. 1781. 7983. Ditto, with the prices, half bound, 12s. 6d. ib. 1781. 7984. Farmcriana; a Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Richard Farmer, with the prices, half-bound, l6s. ib. 1798. 79S5. — Townleiana; a Catalogue of the Library of John Townley, parti, large paper, 5$. ib. 1814. 598 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 79^6. Bibliotheca Rawlinsoniana, sive Catalogus Librorum Rich. Rawlinson, 5s. Lond. 1756. 7W. Bridgesiana ; or a Catalogue of the Library of John Bridges, with the prices, frontispiece, 1 5s. ib. 1725. Dr. Farmer's copy, with his autograph, and other MS. 7988. Bibliotheca Fageliana ; a Catalogue of the Library of Greffier Fagel, Part I. boards, 3s Lond. 1802. 79&9' Maddisoniana; a Catalogue of the Library of John Maddison, with the prices, boards, 10s. 6d. • • • • ib. 1809. 7-990. Splendidissima ; a Catalogue of the Library of M.de Talleyrand, Prince of Benevento, fine paper, with prices and purchasers' names, half-bound, £\. Is. •••• ib. 1816. 7991« ■ — Ditto, common paper, without prices, 3-s. ib. 181 6. 7992. Pinelliana ; a Catalogue of the Library of Maffei Pinelli, half-bound, 5s. ib, 1789. 7993. Brandiana; a Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. John Brand, boards, 7s. 6d. ib. 1807. 7994. Ditto, with prices and purchasers' names, half bound, morocco, £l. 1*. ib. 1 S07. 7995. Croftsiana ; a Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Thomas Crofts, half bound, 5s. ib. 1783. 7-006. Critica, 2 vols, boards, 7s. Amst. 1779-83. 7997. Hulsiana, sive Catalogus Librorum quos magno labore, summa cura et maximis sumptibus collegit Vir Consul. Samuel Hulsius, 6 vols, sewed, 10s. 6d. H. Com. 1730. 7998. Bibliotheque Italique ou Histoire de lTtalie, depuis Janvier 1728, jusqu* a l'an 1784, 10 vols, in 9, sewed, £\. Is. Geneva, 1728-34. 7999. Bennet (Tho.) Grammatica Hebraea, 3s. Lond. 1728. 8000. Censura Literaria; containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old English Books, with original Disquisitions, articles of Biography, and other Literary Antiquities, by Sir E. Brydges, second edition, 10 vols, boards, c£l2. 12*. ib. 1815. This new edition possesses the peculiar advantage of having the article s classed in chronological order under their separate heads. — The im- pression has been limited to the small quantity of one hundred copies. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — Svo. 599 8001. Catalogue of the Library of the Duke of Roxburghe, large paper, with the printed prices, extra, <£4>. \6s. Land. 1812. 8002. Mr. W. Richardson's Books, with the prices, 5s. ib. 1812. S003. Mr. John Mackinlay's Books, with the prices, 8*. ib. 1812. 8004. the Library of H. P. Hope, with the prices, 9s. ib.1813. S005. the Library of W. Roscoe, with prices and pur- chaser's names, half -bound, extra, £l. Is, ib. 1816*. $00(3. the Library of Mr. James Edwards, larg^ paper, with prices and purchasers' names, £\. Is, ib. 1815. 8007- Catalogus Librorum Johannis Bridges, with the prices, large paper, in russia, £l. is ib. 1725. 8008. Catalogue des Manuscrits Samskrits de la Bibliotheque Im- periale, boards, 7s. 6d. • • • • Paris, 1807. 8009. Catalogo de' Novellieri Italiani posseduti dal Conte A.M. Borromeo, large paper, sewed, i0s.6d. Bassano, 1805. 8010. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, by W. Harris, half-bound, russia, 12s. Lond. 1809. 8011. Catalogues of various Libraries, including the MSS. of Dr. Askew, the Collection of the Chev. D'Eon, &c. &c. some with prices, half-bound, 7s.- ib. 1785, &c. 8012. Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet de M. Firmin Didot, sewed, 4s. Paris, 1 810. 8013. Catalogus rarissimorum et praestanti'ssimorum Librorum, 3s. Leidcs, 1725. 8014. Catalogus Librorum Italicorum, Latinorum, et Manuscrip- torum, magno sumptu. et labore Liburni collectorum, 12*. Lib u mi, 1756. 8015. Catalogue of Books and Tracts, printed at the Private Press of the Hon. Horace Walpole (afterwards Eari of Orford) at Strawberry Hill, sewed, f 2s. 6d. •••• Lond, 1813. 8016. Ditto* large paper, zexvedp 5s, « • • Lond. 1813. 600 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. SO 17. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de M. de Lamoignon, 3 vols, in 1, half-bound, 18s. Paris I791. 8018. Another Copy, 3 vols, sewed, l6s. • • ib. 1791. 801 9. Chrysoloras Erotemata Linguae Graecas, Guarini, cum multis additamentis et cum commentariis Latinis, £4. IQs. Impres. Ferrar, 1509- This edition is rare in the extreme. S020. Clavis Virgiliana, or a Vocabulary of all the Words in Virgil, 8*. • Lo?id.\742. 8021. Caninii Anglarensis Hellenismos in Script, de Ling. Gnecae, 5s. Paris, 1568. 8022. Comenii (J. A.) Janua Linguarum reserata, cum Graeca vcr- sione Theod. Simonii, innumeris inlocis emendata, a Steph. Curcellaso, qui ctiam Gallicam Novam adjunxit,y/we copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, £2. 2s. L. Bat. ap. Elzev. 10*65. 8023. Coles's (E.) English Dictionary, 3*. Lond. 17 13. 8024. De Bure Bibliographic Instructive, ou Traite' de la Connois*- sance des Livres rare., et singuliers, 7 vols, neat in calf, £6. 6s. Paris, 1 765. 8025. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque du Due de Valliere, avec le Supplement, 4 vols, neat in calf, £3. 3s. ib. 1783. 8026. Supplement a la Bibliographic Instructive, ou Cata- logue des Livres de M. Gaignat, 2 vols, neat, £2. 10*. ib. 1769. 8d27, Dibdin's Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or, a descriptive Catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century, and of many valuable first editions, in the Library of Earl Spencer, with numerous cuts, 4 vols, boards, £\4. \4s.» 'Loud. 1814-15. 802&. ... (T. F ) Bibliomania, or Book Madness, illustrated by a vast number of portraits on copper and wood ; also a portrait in Indian ink of the author, in 4 vols, superbly bound in morocco, ornamented joints, Sfc. £2%. 26. 1811. SO29. — * — - Introduction to the Knowledge of the Classics, 2 vols, boards, £\. 5s. • * • • ib. \ 808, Dictionaries, Grammars , and Bibliography. — 8uo. (Dr. S. of New York) Hebrew Grammar, 5s. ib. 1771. 8068. Ker (Joan.) Selectarum Linguae Latina, 2 vols. 6s. ib. 1/09. 8069- Kals Grammatica Hebrseo-Harmonica, cum Arabica et Ara- moea Methodo-Logiea Mathematica, &c. 10s. 6d. Amst. 1758. 8070. Jones's (Row.) Circles of Gomer, or an Essay towards making the English an Universal Language, very neat, 18s. Lond. 1771. 8071. Lyons's (Israel) Hebrew Grammar, 4s. 6d. • • • *Camb. 1735. 8072. Leroux Dictionnaire Comique, Satyrique, Critique, Burlesque, Libre et Proverbial, 2 vols.^zie set in russia, £2. 2s. Pampelune, 1786. 8073. Luckombe's History and Art of Printing, very neat, 16s. Lond. 1771. 8074. Ladoocat (Abbe) Dictionnaire Historique Portatif, 3 vols. in rough calf, £\. Is. Haye, 1754. 8075. 's Historical and Biographical Dictionary, translated by Catherine Collignon, 4 vols, boards, £\. \6s. Camb. 1799. 8076. Lates' (Dr. F.) New Method of easily obtaining the Italian Tongue, very neat, 6s. Land. 1762. 6oi Longman, Hurst, Rbes, Orme, and Brown. 8077- Lami (Jo.) Deliciae Eruditorum, seu Veterum Anecdoton opusculorum collectanea, 18 vols, in vellum, <£l\.. lis. Florentine, 1736-69- Two leaves in one of the volumes are supplied by MS. 8078. London Catalogue of Books for 1799 and 1805, in one vol. very neat, 4s Lond. 1799-1805. 8079. Lewis's (John) History of the several Translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into English, with the large plate, £l. 10s. Lond. 1739. 8080. Lennep (Jo. Dan.) Etymologicum Linguae Graecae, Scheidii, cum Valckenaerii Observationes, 3 vols, fine set, calf extra, £2. 12s. 6d. Traj: ad Rhen. 1 790. 8081. Laire Index Librorum, ab inventae Typographia ad An. 1500. 2 vols, half-bound, russia, with the third vol. by De Bure, sewed, £l. 8s, Senonis, et Par. 1791-2. These volumes contain the Catalogue of the Library of the Cardinal Lo- menie deBrienne. 8082. Milner's (John) Greek Grammar, 4>s. 6d. Lond. 1740. 8083. Monboddo (Lord) on the Origin and Progress of Language, vols. 1 and 2, 8s. 6d. ib. 1773-4. 8084. Monthly Review, from its commencement in 1749 to the end of 1815 with the General Index, being in all l6l vols. very neat and uniform, in calf £45. 8085. Menckenii (Frid. Ottonis) Observationes Linguae Latina?, vellum, 12s. Lips. 1 745. 8086. Miscellanas Observationes in Auctores Veteres et Recentiones. Ab Eruditis Britannis Anno CIOIOCCXXXI. edi coeptae, cum notis et Auctoris variorum doctorum, et in Bel- gio collectae et proditae, 22 vols, in 14, half bound, uncut, £6. 6s. Amst. 1732-51. 8087. Another Set, in 14 vols, vellum, £7. 7s. ib. 1732-51. 8088. Macbean's (Alex.) Dictionary of Ancient Geography, neat in calf, 8s. 6d. Lond. 1 773. 8089. Manuel du Naturaliste, ou Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, 2 vols, in J , 125. 6d. Brux. 1795. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — Svo. 605 8090. Maittaire (Mich.) Stephanorum Historia, Vitas ipsorum ac libros complectens, 2 vols, in 1, £2. Qs.* • *»Lond. 1709. 80pi. Another Copy, 2 vols, in 1 , £l. 6s. ib. 1709. 8092. Maittaire Dialecti Linguae Grsecae, Reitzii, large paper, (stained neat, gilt leaves, 12s. 6d. H. Com. 1738. 8093. Massey (W.) on the Origin and Progress of Letters, with the Lives of English Penmen, &c 4 neat, 12s. 6d. Lond. 1763. £094. Murray's (L.) English Grammar, large paper, boards, 4s. York, 1804. 8095. Miscellaneorum ex MSS. Libris Bibliothecae Coll. Romani Soc. Jesu, 2 vols, in vellum, £l.Ss. Rom. I754t. SO96. Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque de Lyon, ou Notices sur leur Anciennet£, leurs Auteurs, &c. &c. par Delandine, 3 vols, sewed, £l.lls.6d. Paris, 1812. 8097. Nares's (R.) Elements of Orthoepy, boards 9 13s. 6d. Lond. 1784. 8098. Nichols's (John) Origin of Printing ; containing the sub- stance of Dr. Middleton's tract, Remarks on the Polyglots, &c. with an Introduction to Hebrew Criticism, neat in calf, 15s ib. 1774. 8099. Another Copy, half -bound, 12s. ib. 1776. 8 100. Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique-Portatif, ou Histoire Abregee de tous les Hommes qui se sont fait un Nom par des Talens, des Vertus, &c. &c. 4 vols, very neat, £l. 4s. Amst. 1774. 8101. N6e de la Rochelle Eloge Historique de Jean Gensfleisch di Guttenberg, premier inventeur de l'Art Typographique, with a fine Portrait, sewed, 10s* 6d. Paris, 1811. 8102. Nemuick's (Phil. And.) Counting-House Lexicon, in nine Languages, boards, Qs. Hamb. 1803. 8103. On the Prosodies of the Greek and Latin Languages, boards, 45. 6d. Lond. 1796. 81 01. Owen's (Wil.) Welsh and English Dictionary, Part I. boards, 2s. 6d. .ft, 1793. 606 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8105. Port Royal Method of learning the Latin Tongue, 2 vols. neat, l6s. Lond. 179L 8l06\ Parkhurst's (Rev. John) Hebrew and English Lexicon, neat, £\.ls. ib. 1807. 8l O7. Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament, in russia, £l. 4>s. ib. 1798. 8108. Preceptor, containing a General System of Education, with maps and other plates, 2 vols. 13s. 6d. Lond. Dodsley y 1763, 8 109. Pointer's (John) Characters of the Classic Authors ; a Cata- logue of the best Editions of their works, &c. &c. neat, 6s. Oxon. 1718. 8110. Palermo's (Evang.) Grammar of the Italian Language, neat, 6s. Lond. 1777- 8111. Porti Lexicon lonicum, G. et Lat. editio optima, £1. Is. Franco/. 1603. 8112. Pasori Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. in N. Testamentum, cum Indice, &c. neat in calf, Ss. 6d. Genev. 1662. 8113. Planche Dictionnaire Grec-Fran9ois, compose' sur l'ouvrage intitule* Thesaurus Linguae Grascae de Henri Etienne, (a large volume of near 1500 pages), neat, £2. 12s. 6d. Paris, 1809. 8114. Pike's (Sam.) Hebrew Lexicon, 4>s. Lond. 1766. 8115. Planquais' (Thomas) Spanish and English Grammar, neat, 9s. ib. 1807. 81 16\ Peignot Repertoire de Bibliographes Speciales, curieuses etin- structives, fine paper edition, sewed, l6s.»* Paris, 1810. 81 17. Restituta; or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature Revived, by Sir Egerton Brydges, and other Literary Characters, 4 large vols, extra boards, £5. 12s. Lond. 1814-16. 8118. The same Work, printed upon coloured paper, 4 vols, half- bound, extra, £9. 9s. ib. 1 814-16*. Eight copies only were printed upon coloured paper. 8119- Reitzius de Ambiguis, mediis et contrariis sive de significationc verborum ac phrasium ambigua, in vellum, 10s. 6d. Traj. ad Rhen. 1752. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — 8vo. 607 8120. Renouard Annalesde PImprimerie des Aide, ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs editions, 3 vols, sewed, £l. 7s. Paris, 1803. 8121. Ditto, 3 vols, very neat in calf, £l.l%s. T ib. 1803. 8122. The same work on a fine writing paper, 3 vols, sewed, £3. ib. 1803. 8123. Richards' (Thomas) Antiquae Linguae Britannicae Thesaurus ; being a British, or Welch-English Dictionary and Grammar, fine copy, £l. lls.6d. Bristol, 1753. 8124. Another Copy, boards, £l. 4>s. ib. 1753. 8125. Rousseau's (S.) Persian Vocabulary, boards, 4s. 6d. Lond. 1802. 8125. Rutilii Lupi de Figuris Sententiarum et Elocutionis libri duo Recens. et Annotat. Ruhnkenius, vellum, 9s. L. Bat. 176&. 8127- Rulandi (Martini) Synonymia Latino Graeca, 9*« Geneves, 164:6. 8128. Rodde's (Jacob) German and Russian, and Russian and Ger- man Dictionary, elegant 3 1 5s. Riga, 1784. 8129. Roberts's (T. T.) Indian Glossary, calf extra, 9s. 6d. Lond. 1800. 8130. Schrevelii Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. with afine portrait, 7s. 6d. L. Bat. 166U 8131. Santander (de la Serna) Dictionnaire Bibliographique Choisi du Quinzieme Siecle, ou description des editions les plus rares et les plus recherchees du Quinzieme Siecle, avec un Essai Historique sur l'Origine de lTmprimerie, 3 vols, sewed, £2. Bmxelles, 1805. 813.2. Another Set, 3 vols, very neat, £2. 10s. ib. 1805. 8133. Santander. — Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de M. C. de la Serna Santander, avec le Supplement, dans Icquel sont des Observations sur le filigrare du papier des livres impri- mis dansle XVmc siecle. Un JVlemoire sur le premier usage des signatures et des chiffres dans Part tvpographique, &c. 5 vols, half-bound, morocco, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1806. 8134. Smith's (William) Pronouncing Dictionary of the French and English Languages, fine head } neat, 6s.* • Lond. 1795. 6oa Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8135. Stephanus (Hen.) de Abusu Linguae Graecae, 1563,— ejusd. Annotationes in Sophoclem et Euripidem, 1568, 12*. 8136. Sharp's (Gregory) Origin and Structure of the Greek Tongue, very neat, 7 s. • Lond. 1767. 8137. — Two Dissertations, on Languages, on the Powers of Letters ; with a Hebrew Grammar and Lexicon, large paper, neat, 10*. 6d. • ib. 1751. 8138. Schleusneri Novum Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in novum Tes- tamentum, 2 vols, boards, £2. 2*. Lips. 1808. 8139. Specimen of Printing Types, by W.Caslon, 4>s."Lond. 1796. 8140. Sheridan's (Tho.) Lectures on the Art of Reading, neat, 7s. 6d. ib. 1770. 8141. Squire's (Sam.) Defence of the Ancient Greek Chronology, and_ Enquiry into the Origin of the Greek Language, 4*. Camb. 1741. 8142. Savage's (James) Librarian, or Analyses and Collations of rare and valuable Books, &c.&c. 3 vols, neat in calf, <£\. 10s. Lond. 1808. 8143. Sanctii Minerva, seu de Causis Linguae Latinae Commentarius, Perizonii, neat in vellum, 14s. Amst. 1733. 8144. Saxii Onomasticon Literarium, sive Nomenclator Historico- Criticus, boards, 6s. Traj. ad Rhen. 1775. 8145. Another Copy, in vellum, 10*. 6d. ib. 1 775. 8146. Sanxay Lexicon Aristophanicum, Grseco Anglicum, editio optima, 12*. Lond. 1754. 8 147. Simonis Lexicon Manuale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum, in vellum 9 £l. 5s. • Halce, 1 757. 8148. Scoti (Alex.) Universa Grammatica Grasca, (above 1200 pages) 10*. 6c? Lugduni, 1614. 8 149. Toupii (Jo.) Emendationes in Suidam : in quibus plurima loca Veterum Graecorum, Sophoclis et Aristophanis^ &c. four parts, sewed, 10*. 6rf.» • • • • • • Lond. 1760. 8150. — et Hesychium, et alios Lexicographos Graecos, 4 vols, very neat in calf, £2. Oxon. 1700. 8151. Another Set, 4 vols, very neat in russia, £3. ib. 1790. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — 12wo. 609 8152. Terrentius Varro de Lingua Latina, 2 vols, boards, §s. 6d. Biponti, 1788. 8153. Thomas Magister, Gr. cum notis variorum Blancardi et Ber- nardi, in vellum, £l. Is. L. Bat. 1757. 8154. Universal, Historical, Geographical, Chronological, and Poe- tical Dictionary, 2 vols, very neat, £l. Is. • *Lond. 1703. 8155. Vosgien Dictionnaire Geographique, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. Bruxelles, 1783. 8156. Vigerus de Idiotismis Grascse Dictionis, Ss. 6d. L. Bat. 1742. 8157. Ditto, curis Hoogaveeni, et Zeunii, very neat, 15s. Lips. 1789. 8158. Verwey Nova Via Docendi Graeca, vellum, 6s.**Amst. 1737. 8159. Another Edition, 2s. 6d Gaudce, l6\S4. 8160. Veneroni Grammaire Italienne, neat, 6s. Lyon, 1792. 8161. Weston's (Steph.) Remains of Arabic in the Spanish and Por- tuguese Languages, boards, 5s. Lofid. 1810. 8162? Willymott's (Wil.) Peculiar Use and Signification of certain Latin Words, neat, 4>s. • • Eton, 1767. 316*3. Werenfelsius's (Sam.) Discourse of Logomachys, or Contro- versy about Words, calf extra, 15s. Lond. 171 1. 8164. Welleri (Jac.) Grammatica Grseca, cum Animadversiones, Fischeri, 5 vols, very neat in calf, £3. Lips. 1 78 1-1 801, DUODECIMO, Sl65. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Miscellany, by Dr. Adam Clarke, 2 vols, in 1, elegant, 12s. 6d. Lond. 1806. 8 166. Buxtorfii Mamiale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum, 5s. Basil, 16 58. 4 H 610 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8167. Buxtorfii Grammatical Hebraic®, a Leusden, 4*. 6d. L. Bat. 176I. 8 168. Bibliotheque, contenant un amas curieux de Sentence de Morale, 2s. 6d. • • Haye, 1702. 8 169. Bibliotheca Librorum novorum collecta a L. Neocoro, plates, 3s. Trqj. ad Men. 1697* 8170. Bos Ellipses Graecae, a Michaelis, very neat, 9s. Halce, 1765. 8171. Basan Dictionnairedes Graveurs, Anciens et Modernes, depuis POrigine de la Gravure, 3 vols, neat, 18*. • 'Paris, 1767. 81 72. Blackwall's (Anthony) Introdution to the Classics, extra, 5s. Lond. 17 18. 8 173. Casaubon (Mer.) Le Lingua Hebraica, et de Lingua Anglica vetere sive Saxonica, 7*. 6d. ib. 1650. 8174. Catineau (P.) Nouveau Dictionnaire de Poche de la Langue Franeaise, avec la Pronunciation, very neat > 7*- 6d. Paris, 1802. 8 175. Ciceronianum Lexicon Graeca Latinum. Ab Henrico Ste- phano, ruled with red lines, neat, 15s. Paris, H. Stepk. 155?. 8 176. Colloquies ou Dialogues, avec un Dictionnaire, en huict lan- guages, 4>s.6d. Middleburg, 1631. 8 177. Dictionnaire Porfatif des Conciles, depuis le premier Concile, tenu par les Apotres a Jerusalem, jusques et au-dela du Concile de Trente, 4>s.6d Paris, 1764. 8178. Dictionnaire Raisonn£ d'Anatomie et de Physiologie, 2 vols. 5s. ib. 1766. 8179. Dictionnaire des Alimens, Vins et Liqueurs, leurs qualitgs, leurs effets, relativement aux differens ages, et aux differens temperamens, 3 vols, half bound, neat, 9s. ib. 1750. 8180. Davis's (John) Introduction to the Hebrew Tongue, 5s. 6d. Lond. 1656. 8181. Dictionary of Polite Literature, or Fabulous History of the Heathen Gods and Illustrious Heroes, plates, large paper, 2 vols, yellow morocco, joints, «£"!. lis. 6d. Lond. 1804. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — 12mo. 6ll SI 82. Dictionary of the Terms Ancient and Modern of the Canting Crew, in its several tribes of Gypsies, Thieves, &c. neat in russia, 15s. Lond. n. d. 8183. De Rythmo Grsecorum liber singularis, sewed, 2s. 6d. Oxon. 1789- 8184.. Essay on Punctuation, 2s. 6d. Lond. 1 791 . 8185. Essay towards an English Grammar, neat, 2s. 6d. • *ib. 1784. 8186. Fischeri Animadvers. super Gram.Gr. Velleri, 5$. Lips. 1750. 8187. French Schoole Maister, first collected by C. H. and now newly corrected and amended, by James Giffard, 7s. 6d. Lond. \6Si. &188. Grammar, Spanish to learn French, 4s. • • • *Zaragoga, 1673. 8189. Guidon (Le) de la Langue Italienne, par Nathan. Duez, 5s. Amst. Elev. \760. 8190. Grammaire Generale et RaisonnSe, 2s. fid. • • • • Paris, 1768. 8191. Gramatica de la Lengua Castellana compuesta por la Real Academia Espanola, 5s. Madrid, 1781 . 8 192. Gradus ad Parnassum, neat, 6s. Lond. 1766. 81 93. Grantham's (Henry) Italian Grammar, written in Latin by Scipio Lentulo, a Neapolitane, and turned into English, russia, gilt leaves, £l. 7s. Lond. 1575. 8 194. Hulsii Rhematologia Major Latino-Belgica, 4>s. L. Bat. 1684. 8195. Holliband's (Claudius) Italian Schoole-Maister : containing Rules for the perfect pronouncing of th' Italian tongue. And a fine Tuscan histoire called Arnalt and Lucenda, £l.ls. Lond. 1597. 8 196. Journal de Scavans, from the year 1665 to 1759, 215 vols. in vellvm, with 83 vols, of the years 1761 to 1777 sewed (the last series not complete) in all 298 vols. c£20. 1665—1777' As this celebrated Journal flourished for many years previous to the ap- pearance of similar works in this country, and contains analyses and reviews of rare books in all branches of knowledge, it must ever re- main an useful work of reference to gentlemen of studious habits. 8 197. Jones's (Tho.) Welsh and English Dictionary, 4*. Lond. 1688. 8 198. — — 5 S , Shrewsb. 1777. HIS, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. S199- Jansonii ab Almeloyeen (Thcod.) de Vitis Stephanorum cele- brium typographorum, 12*. .............. Amst. 1683. 8200. Kusterus dc vero usu Verborum Mediorum, 1750. — Labbe Erudite Pronuntiationis Catholic* Indices, 1751, in one vol. 3s. 6d. 8201. The same works, in one vol. 4?. 6d.» • • Lond. 1771-3. 8202. Lusus Poeticus Latino-Anglicanus : or the more Eminent Sayings of the Latin Poets. Lat. Eng. by John Langston, elegant, 7s.6d. • • • ib 1688. 8203. Lexiphanes, a Dialogue, imitated from Lucian, and suited to the present times. Being an attempt to restore the English Tongue to its antient purity, neat, 10s. 6d. • • • • • • ib. 176Y- S204. Another Copy, 9s. • &- 1767- 8205. Masclef (F.) Presbyteri Canonici Ambianensis Grammatica Hebraica, 2 vols. £l. 10*. .............. Pans, 1/31. $20o\ Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire des Hommes lllustres dans la Republique des Lettres. Avec un Catalogue Raisonne de leurs Ouvrages, 30 vols, half-bound, neat, £7. 7*. ib. 1727-34. 8207. Memoires Litteraires de la Grande Bretagne, pour Pan 1767, half -bound, morocco, 4$ • Lond. 176*8. 8208. Moore's (J. J.) British Mariner's Vocabulary, a Dictionary of Technical Terms, very neat in calf, 7s. 6d.»»»*ib. 1801. 8209. Major (Eb.)de Varianda Oratione ad Lectionem Veterum, vellum, 6s. Jence, 1684. 8210. Postlethwaite's (Rich.) Grammatical Art Improved, neat in calf 9 5s. 6d. • • • • • • • Lond. 1795. 8211. Pereira (Ant.) Novo Methododa Grammatica Latina, 2*. Lisboa, 1765. 8212. Port Royal General and Rational Grammar, neat, 4>s. Lond. 1753. 8213. Restaut Principes Generaux et Raisonngs de la Grammaire Franchise, 3*. 6d. • • • • • • • • • '• Paris, 1773. 8214. Rules for explaining and decyphering all manner of Secret Writing, by J. F. 7*. Lond. l69'3. Dictionaries, Grammars, and Bibliography. — 12mo. 6l3 8215. Shaw's (Rev. J.) English Grammar, neat, 2s. 6d.Lond. 1793. 821 6. Thomas Magister, Gr. Blancardi, 2s. 6d. Franeq. 1690. 82 17. Sherrye's (Richarde) Treatise of the Figures of Grammar and Rhetorike, whereunto is joygned the oration which Cicero made to Csesar, — $Iacfc %ZttZl — £l. Is. Lond. by Tottel, 1555. 8218. Ter. Varronis (ad M.) assertiones analogiae Sermonis Latini, Appendix H. Stephani, 3s. 6d. Paris, 1591. S219. Verreius Flaccus, et Sextus Pompeius Festus, cum notis Scaligeri, &c.7s.6d. Lutet. R. Steph. 157 6. 8202. Veneroni Grammaire Francoise et Italienne, avec un Diction- naire, s. 6d. Lyon, 1 771. 8221. Walton (Brian) Introductio ad lectionem Linguarum Orienta- lium, morocco, gilt leaves, £l.4>s. Lond. 1655. 8222. Wailly Principes de la Langue Francoise, neat, 3s. Paris, 1780. 8223. Wolle de Verbis Grsecorum mediis Commentationes Kusteri, Clerici, &c. boards, 3s. • • Lips. 1752. 8224. Zeltneri (Joh. Con.) C. D. Correctorum in Typographiis Eru- ditorum centuria speciminis loco, sewed, 6s. 6d. Norimb. 171Q, AUCT0LIE8 CLASSIC 1, GR. ET LA T. FOLIO. 8225. A RISTOTELIS Opera, Gr. et Lat. Duvallii, 2 vols. £7. 7s. "" Lutet. Paris. Typis Regiis, 1619. 822o\ — , LARGE PA- • per, 2 vols, russia extra, gilt leaves, joints, fyc. <£l5. 15s. Lutet. Paris Typis Regiis, l629» Large Paper copies of this edition are extremely rare and truly magnifi- cent. — The present edition and the former of 1619, are the best in every essential connected with utility and accuracy. 8227. Aristophanis Comoedias, Gr. cum Scholiis Musuri, editio princeps, russia, £\0. • Ventt. ap. Aid. 1408. In the opinion of eminent critics, posterity is deeply indebted to the inde- fatigability and keen research of Aldus, as it may truly and literally be said, that he rescued Aristophane&from dust and oblivion. 8228. Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat. Kusteri, neatincalf, £8. 8s. Amst. 1710. 8229. Another Copy, neat in vellum, £8. 8s. ib. 1710. 8230. Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat. Kusteri, neat in ?-ussia,£8. 18*. 6d. ib. 1710. 8231. large paper, very neat, £12. 12s. ib. 1710. This admirable edition, which is distinguished by the emphatic title of ' editio optima,' has been long known and esteemed by the literati of this, and foreign countries. Auctores Classici, Gr.et Lat. — Folio. 615 8232. Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat. Mm. Porti, £2. 12s. 6d. Aurel. Allob. 1607. In this edition are incorporated the Scholia of Bisetus, and the Notes of Girardus; — It formed the basis of Kuster's celebrated edition. 8233. Appiani Alexandrini Romanae Historian Lat. P. Candidi In- terpreratione, 2 vols, in 1. £7. 7 s. Venet. per B. Pictorem et Erhard Ratdolt de Augusta, 14,77- A fine specimen of early printing, having numerous capitals, which are executed with considerable taste. 8234. Appianus, Gr. et Lat. cum Annotat. H. Stephani, large pa- per, fine, copy % neat in calf, £2. Genev. H. Steph. 1592. This is a reprint of the edition edited by that great scholar and eminent printer, Charles Stephens, of whose character Mattaire speaks in. terms of enthusiasm. (Vit. Steph. 172.) 8235. Appiani Historia Romana, Lat. cum Velleius Paterculus, neat, l6s. Par. Vascosan, 1538. 8236. Ammiamis Marcellinus, cura Valesii, large paper, £2. 12*. 6d. Paris, 1681. " The most magnificent edition I know. It is printed with large types ot extreme beauty." — Clement. 8237. Ammianus Marcellinus, cura Gronovii, with plates, 1 5s. L. Bat. 1693. 82S8. Another Copy, large paper, (stained) l6s.» •• »ib. 16*93. 81239- Athenseus, Gr. et Lat. cum Animadvers. Casauboni, 2 vols, in 1 , neat in vellum, £5. 5s. *....,.. Lugd. 1657. 8240. Ditto, 2 vols, in 1, russia extra, £4. I4>s. 6d. ib. 1657. Some idea may be formed of the obstacles which the learned editor of this work had to overcome, by consulting the preface to Schweighaeuser's edition, wherein is drawn a lively picture of Casaubon's anxieties and labours. See also, for many curious particulars, " Edinburgh Review,* ' 1803. p. 185. 8241. Arrianus, Gr. et Lat. Gronovii, large paper, fine copy, in vellum, £2. 5s. • Ams't. 1704. " An edition of considerable repute, being regarded as one of the best works produced by the eminent critic whose name it bears." — De Bure. 8242. Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae, a And. Catherensis, 7*/ze copy, in morocco, gilt leaves, $c. c£l3. 13*. Venet. per And.Jac. Thareus. 1477. 6\6 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8243. Auli Gellii Noctes Attica?, a And. Catherensis, £8. 89, Venet. 1477. Ah edition extremely scarce, and very beautiful. Vide Clement's " Bib- liotheque Curieuse." 8244. Aristidis Orationes, Greece, EDITIO prjnceps, beautifully printed,^?*? copy in calf, £4. 4*. Tlorent. ap. Junta?, 1517. 8245. ^schylus, Grsece, Porsoni, illustrated by a series of en- gravings from the compositions of Flaxman, blue morocco, £4>. 14s. 6d. Glasg. typis And. Foulis, 1795. Of this superb edition only 52 copies were printed. 8246. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis, in Sophisticos Aristotelis elencho^, commentaria, Grsecae, (stained) vellum, £l. lis. 6d. Venet. in cedib. Aldi, 1520. 8247. Boetius de Consolatione Philosophic, Libri V. Lat. et Belgice. — SBIacft %ttttl— £24*. Ghent, per Arctid. De Keyser, 1485. A good copy with wide margiu, of an edition both curious and rare. The page which commences each of the five books is surrounded by a bor- der richly coloured, comprising figures of animals, flowers, &c. In these pages are also five large paintings, chiefly representing confe- rences between the author and a personification of philosophy, — the initial letters within the borders are in gold and colours. It appears that a copy of this edition in the magnificent collection of Earl Spen- cer has also paintings, but instead of being connected with the work, with singular absurdity pourtray the History of Susannah and the Elders. Vide " Bib. Spencer," vol. i. p. 285. 8248. Boetius de Consolatione Philosophica et de Disciplina Scola- ram— $[acft ftetter— £l. Is. Venet. 1498, 8249. Bessarionis, Cardinalis Sabinis, et Patriarchal Constantinopo- iitani, adversus calumniatores Platonis libri V. ejusdem de natura et arte, contra Georg. Trapezuntium liber, editio princeps, ^zwe copy in morocco, gilt leaves, <£l8. 18s. Romce, per Conr. Sweynheym et Am. Panhartz, 1469. A fine specimen of the excellence of typography so rapidfy attained by the eminent printers Sweynheym and Panhartz. — Bessarion was one of those illustrious persons who contributed to the revival of litera- ture in the 15th century. See an account of this very rare book in Santander's " Diclionnaire Bibliographique." 8250. Caesaris Commentaria, half-bound, <£l4. Venet. per Nicol. Jenson, 1471. Second edition of Caesar. It was not known in the time of Fabricius, buS Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lot. — Folio, 617 is stated by Clement to be " more beautiful and magnificent than the second edition of Sweynheym and Panhartz, 1472, and also equally- rare." The present copy has manuscript notes on the margin. 8251. Caesaris Commentaria, old morocco, £6. 6s. Tarvuii, per Michael. Manzolinum Parmenum, 1480. A very rare edition : the present copy is not a fine one, but is, generally, in good condition, with large margin. 8252. Caesaris Commentaria. Accuratissime cum Libris Editio & MSS. optimis Collata, Recognita & Correcta. Accessarunt Annotationes Samuelis Clarke, S.T.P. Item Indices Loco- rum, Rerumque & Verborum Utilissimae, Tabulis ^Eneis Ornata. The middle paper edition, russia extra, £18. Loud. 1712. 8253. Another Copy, from the celebrated collection of M. Lamoignon, 2 vols, original morocco binding, o £ > 20. Lond. 1712. The merits of this magnificent edition of Caesar by Dr. Clarke, have been long known, and properly appreciated. It has beenjustly considered as one of the most splendid publications of an ancient classic, which has issued from the British press. 8254. Ciceronis Opera, Victorii, 4 vols, vellum, £15. Venet.per Luc. Ant. Junta, 1534-7. Victorius's celebrated edition printed by Ant. Junta, has been long known, and long justly praised. Graevius asserts that Cicero owes more to him than to all the other editors put together. The present is a perfect and fine copy. 8255. Ciceronis Opera, Lambini, 2 vols, neat, £2. 12s. 6d. Lvgd. 1577. 8256. Ciceronis Opera, Gruteri, 2 vols, in 1. in vellum, £l. 5s. Hamb. Irjl8. 8257* Ciceronis Opera, Camerarii, 4 vols, neat, £2. l6s. Basil, ex Offic. Hercag. 1540. A good and scarce edition of Cicero. Beck, Harles, and the Bipont edi- tors bestow many praises upon Camerarius. 8258. Ciceronis de Ofiiciis libri tres ; liber de Senectute liber de Amicitia, et Paradoxa, neat in vellum, £9. Mediolani, per Anton. Zarottts, 1474. 8259. Another Copy, £5. 5s. ib. 1474. This is an edition of such rare occurrence, that De Bure admits its exist- ence to be doubtful. 41 618 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8260. Ciceronis de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum libri V. fine large copy, very neat, £12. 12s. Venet. per Joan. exColonia, 1471- A rare and beautiful edition. It is suggested in the Valliere Catalogue that this book was printed by Spira, and the expences defrayed by John de Cologne. 8261. Ciceronis Orationes Philippics, £9. Venet. Joan, de Colonia, 1474. A rare and valuable edition, of which a copy was sold in 1775 at Dr- Askew's sale for «£14. 8262. Rhetorica, Oratoria, Orationes, &c. very neat, £l. Is Paris. Bad, Ascens. 1528. A well printed volume, with ornamented capitals. 8263. Cornelius Nepos, editio princeps, fine copy in morocco, £l5. Venet. per Nicol. Jenson, 1471. An edition both scarce and excellent — critics and bibliographers speak highly in its favour. It is the only edition deserving of particular no- tice, published in the fifteenth century. 8264. Callimachus, Grsece, russia, 9s, • 'Glasg.typis Toulis, 1755. 8265. Demosthenes et iEschines, Gr. et Lat. Woliii, fine large copy, neat in vellum, £8. 8s. Franco/. 1604. "Best edition of one of the most erudite illustrations of Grecian literature that has yet appeared. 8266. Diodoms Siculus, Gr. et Lat. cura Wesselingii, with fine Por- trait, &c. by Tanj&, 2 vols, neat in vellum, £7. 7s. Amst. 1746. 8267. Another Set, 2 vols, russia extra, £8. 8s. ib. 1746. " The splendour and critical excellence of all former editions are eclipsed by this of Peter Wesseling, which contains every thing to be found in preceding ones." — Harks. 8268. Diodori Siculi Historiarum priscarum a Poggio in latinum tra- ducti libri, neat in vellum, £9. Bononice, 1472. First edition, and of extreme rarity. At the end are 6ix leaves printed with the same types as Diodorus, and entitled " Cornelii Taciti Illus- trissimi de situ moribus & populis Germania? libellus aureus." The present is a perfect copy, and corresponds with the description given by De Bure. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat.^Folio. 619 8269. Dionysius Halicarnasseus, Gr. et Lat. cura Hudsoni, 2 vols. neat, £6. 6s. Oxon. 1704. " This most beautiful and superb edition of Dionysius does great credit to the University of Oxford, and to the learned and laborious editor." — Bib. Diet. Notwithstanding the false assertions of Reiske, the book is as correct as beautiful, and is highly commended by Count Re- vickzky, who minutely enters into a detection of Reiske's falsehoods. 8270. Dion Cassius, Graece, R. Stephani, editio princeps, good copy, £2. Lutet. 1548. " First edition of this author j it is very beautiful and scarce." — Fournier. 8271. Diogenis (Laertii) vitae et sentential eorum qui in Philosophia probati fuerunt, e graeco in latinum translatas a fratre Arn- brosio, ex recens. Benedicti Brognoli, Jine copy in vellum, £8. 8s. • • • • Venetiis, Nic. Jenson, 1475. First edition, and excessively rare. The present copy has large margins, and is in all respects a fine one. 8272. Diogenes Laertius, Gr. et Lat. cura Menagii, good copy, £l. ISs. Lond. 1664. " Concerning this splendid and rare work, consult Freytag, Harles, and Fabricius." — Dibdin. 8273. Euripides, Gr. et Lat. Barnesii, with fine Portrait by White, old morocco, gilt leaves, £6. 6s. Cantab. 1694. 8274. Another Copy, without Portrait, vellum, £5. 5s. • • • • ib. 1694. The merits of this celebrated edition are beyond all praise — all the pre- ceding editions were eclipsed by the present. 8275. Epigrammata Graeca, cum notis Hen. Stephani et aliorum, £l. lls.6d. Franco/. 1600. 8276. Herodotus, Grsece, editio princeps, Jine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, £8. 8s. Venet. ap. Aid. 1502. 8277- Another Copy, in vellum, £5. 5s. .... Venet. ap. Aid. 1502. First edition, and said by Wesseling to be a very faithful and accurate edi- tion ; compiled with great care and executed with considerable typo- graphical elegance. Bergler ranks it with the very best productions of the Aldine Press, and in point of fidelity is greatly preferable to the Medicean MS. so loudly boasted of by Gronovius. 8278. Herodotus, Gr. et Lat. H. Stephani, neat, £2. • -Paris, 15s. Venet. ap. Hier. Scotum, 1544, 8295. Justim Historia,jf?we copy in morocco, £4. 4s. Venetiis,per Philippam Condam Petri , 1479. A very curious and rare edition; a copy was sold in 1784, at the La Valltere Sale, for 81 livres. 622 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8296. Jamblichus de Mysteriis jEgyptiorum, Chaldasorum, et Assy- riorum, necnonet alii Tractatus Philosophic!, half- bound, morocco, £5. 5s. • • Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1497. The present, is a very fine copy of an edition extremely scarce, — the margins are so capacious that the full size of the original sheets is nearly preserved. 8297. Another Copy, (cut down, first and last leaves in manuscript) ,,£1. 4s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1497. 8298. Joannis Grammatici Philoponi Commentariain libros de Anima Aristotelis, Gr. — Venet. in cedib. B. Zanetti, 1535 — ejusd. In libros (Aristotelis) de Generatione et interitu, &c. Gr. — Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1527, fine copies, in one vol. neat, £2. 12s. 6d. 8299. Lucianus, Graece, editio princeps, red morocco, lined with satin, joints, Sfc. £4>0. • Florent. 1496. A beautiful and large copy which was supposed by its late possessor, who had compared it with others, to be the finest in the kingdom. — It is an edition of great excellence and considerable rarity, — as is testified by all the eminent bibliographers. S300. Another Copy, £21. ib. 1496. 8301. Gr. et Lat. cura Bourdelotti, (stained) £2. Lutet. 1615. " A very elegant and respectable edition." — Dibdin. 8302. ex Erasmi et Tho. Mori interpretatione, ex offic. Ascens. 1506 — Euripidis Hecuba et Iphigcnia, Lat. ib. 1506 — Laurentii Vallae de elegantia latina? linguae libri sex, Paris, per N. de Pratis, 1505, in one vol. (stained) £l. Is. 8303. Lucretius,^we copy in red morocco, £17. 17s. Veronce, Paulus Fridenberger, I486. First edition with a date, and until very recently, supposed to be the genuine editio princeps. — Maittaire, De Bure,jFabricius, Ernesti, and Harwood, knew not of an edition earlier than the present, which is now ascer- tained to be the second. 8304. Livii Historia, 3 vols. c£52. 10*. Venetiis, Vendelinus de Spira, 1470. This edition of Livy is one of the most rare and beautiful productions of the fifteenth century. De Bure and others bestow their warmest eu- logiums upon its rarity and excellence of typography.— The present Auctores Classici, Gr. ct Lat. — Folio. 623 copy has many of the leaves in a rough state, and its margins are so capacious as to give it the appearance of large paper. Several pages are surrounded by fine borders and the initial letters are in gold and colours. That so fine a book should have any defects is much to be regretted, it is therefore added, with reluctance, that some leaves are slightly wormed. 8305. Livii Historia, MS. on vellum, of the 1 3th century. It is written in two columns, very distinctly, having the initials in vermilion and blue, upon fine vellum, and wide margins, and forms an immense volume, in the original wooden binding, with clasps, £30. 8306. . — Minutiani, in russia, £S. 8s. Mediol. ap. Uld. Sinzenzeler, 14p5. This edition of Minutianus's Livy is presumed to be of great rarity, as it appears to have escaped the notice of De Bure, Dibdin,and others, who only describe the same editors edition of 1505, which is alse rare. — One circumstance may render it an object of curiosity j the colophon and device at the end of the volume, tend to prove that Henricus Ger- manus was one and the same person with Ulric Sinzenzeler, as conjec- tured by Saxius. A fac-simile of the device to the Editio Princeps of Isocrates, corresponding with that at the end of this book, maybe seen in Bib. Spencer, vol. 2, p. 97. where the conjecture is mentioned. 8307. — Vascosani, fine copy, morocco, gilt leaves, £3. 3s. Lutet. ex offic. M. Vascosani, 1552. 8308. — — . Ascensii, in the original stamped binding, £3. 3s. Paris, 1516. Appended to this Livy is an edition of Aulus Gellius, edited by Ascensius, Paris, 1519. Both works are well printed and ornamented with deco- rated capitals. 8309- Lucani Pharsalia, in the original binding, £l. Ms. 6d. In cedib. G. de Fontaneio Mont isf err ati, 1520. This edition of Lucan is ornamented with wood cuts, and capitals. Bound up in the same volume is an edition of Justin " Impressum Venetiis Bertol. de Zanis de Portesio, 1533." It is well printed, with capitals at the beginning of each chapter. 8310. ex optimis exemplaribus emendata, board*, of 4. 10-s Paris, typis Didot, 1795. Renouard, the editor, says, in his preface, that this edition is not taken from any particular one ; but that he hopes, as well as its being the most beautiful, it is also the most correct one extant. — Two hundred and twelve Copies only were printed. 624 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8311. Lycophron, Gr. ct Lat. Potteri, neat, £2. 8s. • • Oxon. 1702. The best of Potter's two editions of this author ; which, says Harwood, " I have carefully read and can pronounce it to be very correct, and an everlasting monument of the learning of the illustrious editor." 8312. Libanii Sophista? Epistola?, Gr. et Lat. cum notis J. C. Wolfii, large paper, russia, gilt leaves, £5* 5s. • »Amst. 1738. In this volume there are more than 1600 Letters of a very interesting description, by Libanus. 8313. Lactantii Firmanii Opera, a beautiful copy, in red morocco, gilt leaves, £\S. • • Romce, per Conradum Szoeynkeym, et Arnold. Pannartz, in domo Petri de Maximo, 1468. An edition of the most extreme rarity. 8314. large copy, very neat in calf, £7. 7s. • « Romce, Sweynheym Sp Pannartz, 1470. 8315. ■ fine large copy, original binding, £2. 2s • • Venet. per Johan. de Colonia, 1478. 83 16. vellum, £2. 2s. Venet. Andreas de Paltaschis, fyc. 1478. 8317. — neat in calf, £3. 3s. Venet. Sim. Bevil. 1497. 8318. Lescaloperi (Petri) Parisini, e Soc. Jes. Humanitas Theo- logica in qua M. T. Cicero de Natura Deorum, Argu- mentis, Expositionibus, Illustrationibus nunc primum insignis in lucem prodit, large paper, in splendid old binding, £\. 1 0s. Paris, 1660. 8319. Macrobii Aurelii Theodosii Viri Consularis in Somnium Scipionis libri duo : ejusdem libri Saturnaliorum ; in the original wooden binding, but worm-eaten, £\. is. Colon. 1521. 8320. Macrobii Expositio in Somnium Scipionis, et Saturnalia, ab Arnoldo Vesaliensi. — Colon. 1521. — Quintiliani Institu- tions Oratoriae, in one vol. £2. Colon. 1521. 8321. Orosii (Pauli) Historian — a rare edition, first leaf illuminated, neat, £3. 13s. 6d. Venet. Octav. Scotus, 1483. 8322. Orosius et Sallustius, MS. on paper, of the 15th century, written in long lines, and in fine preservation, in ancient calf binding, £S. 8s. Auctores Classici, Gi% et Lat. — Folio. 625 $323. Pindari Opera, Gr. et Lat. a West et Welsted, fine copy in russia, £5. • Oxon. If597. ft Upon the whole, we must allow that the editors of this magnificent work have taken infinite pains to bring together every thing which could illus- trate and improve the reading of the poetj and notwithstanding they have been since eclipsed by the taste and erudition of Heyue, their edition will long remain a splendid monument of classical research and typographical beauty." — Dibdin. 8324. Platonis Opera, Gr. et Lat. Serrani, with the three Dedicatory Epistles, 3 vols, very neat, £8. 18*. 6d. Paris, excud. H. Stephanas, 1578. The great variety of critical materials embodied in this admirable edition, are of a description so important, that the libraries of the learned can- not be considered complete without it. 8325. Plinii Historia Naturalis, in morocco, gilt leaves, £24>. Venet. ap. Jensoti, 1472. " One of the most splendid, rare, and magnificent editions of Pliny, the typo- graphical art ever produced. The work is highly treasured in the ca- binets of the curious." — Dibdin. '* This edition is beautifully splendid." — Ernesti. The present copy is a beautiful and perfect one, remarkahl}'" tall, with ornamental drawings of letters at the beginning of each chapter finely executed. 8326. Plinii Historia Naturalis, cura Hardouini, with Plates of An- cient Coins, 3 vols, neat in vellum, £5. 15s. 6d. Pans, 1723. 8327. Another Set, 3 vols, elegant in russia, gilt leaves, &c. £8. 8*. ib. 1723. 8328. Plinii Historia Naturalis, cura Hardouini, large paper, 3 vols, in 2. beautiful copy, old calf extra 9 .£10. 10*. ib. 172$. Of the two editions of Pliny edited by the celebrated Hardouin, that of 1723 is the most useful and extensive. 8329. Plin» Historia Naturalis, half -hound, £l. lis. 6d. Paris, per Nic. de Pratis, 1516\ A well printed volume with numerous initials neatly executed. 8330. Plinii Historia Naturalis, with many very curious engra- ving* on wood, £l, 5s. ••••'• • ........ . Francof. J 582, 4K 626 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8331. Plutarchi Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Xylandn, Cruserii, &c. 2 vols, very neat in calf, £4>. 10s. Francof. 1599. A very good edition, copies of which are not common. 8332. Plutarchi Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Xylandri, Cru- serii, Rualdi, &c. 2 vol. a beautiful copy, bound in hog skin, joints, gilt leaves, &c. £6. 10*. Lutet. 16*24. This is a magnificent re-impression of the Frankfort edition of Plutarch, 1 620, but contains, in addition, Rualdus's Life of Plutarch, with his annota- tions upon seventy-two very corrupt passages. 8333. Plutarchi Moralia, Grace, Xylandri, emtio optima, half- bound, russia, £l. 1 1#. 6d.» •'•••'■ Basil, ap. Froben, 1574, " A valuable edition." — Harwood. 8334. Plutarchi Vitae Parallels, vol. I. £l. 4*. no place, printer, or date, but circa 1472. The edition of which this is the first volume is extremely rare. Biblio- graphers, in general, suppose it was printed at Strasburg by the celebrated Mentelin. 8335. Pausanias, Graece, editio princeps, fine copy, calf extra, £7- Venet. ap. Aid. 1516. 8336. Another Copy, <£4. 4*. ib. 1516. A very scarce and excellent edition. 8337. Pausanias, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Xylandri, Sylburgii, et Kuhnii, neat in vellum, £4>s. Lips. 1696. 8338. Another Copy, very neat in calf, gilt leaves, £4>. 4s. ib. 1696. This edition has justly acquired the appellation of Editio Optima. 8339. Polybius, Gr. et Lat. cura Casauboni, tall copy, in russia, £4>. Paris ap. Hieron. Drouard, 1609. This has been long known as a most excellent edition. Dr. Joseph Warton considered the Preface as one of the finest ever written. — The Paris title is the original j in 1619, Wechel of Hanover printed a new one for the copies which were in his possessiou. 8340. Polybius de Pi imo bello Punicoet Plutarchi Parallelia, 15s. Imp. Brixiee, per Jac. Britan. 1498. 8341. Poetae Graeci Principes Heroici carminis, et alii nonnulli Graece ; scilicet, Homerus, Hesiodus, Orpheus, Callimachus, Auctores Classici, Gr, et Lat. — Folio. 627 Theocritus, Bion,&c. &c. necnon fragmenta aliorum, ex editione H. Stephani, 2 vols, neat and good copy, £5. 5s. Paris, H. Steph. 1566. " A highly esteemed work, and much sought after by the learned $ the value of copies increase daily." — De Bure, Heyne and other eminent critics speak decidedly in praise of the Homer, as well as the editions of other poets which are given in this collection. 8342. Plautus, integer cum interpretatione Joannis JSaptistae Pii, in vellum, £l. lis. 6d. Mediol. per Uld. Scinzenzeler, 1500. S343. Philostrati Opera, Gr. et Lat. ex recens. et cum notis Goth. Olearii, largest paper, neat in calf, £&.4>s. Lips. 1709. Best edition of this author: It was printed on three different papers— the present is on the royal, thick paper, which is the best and most un- common. 8344. Porphyrii Philosophi, de non necandis ad epulandum Animan- tibus Libri IIII. Grasce, a Pet. Victorio, £l. 15s. Florent. Junta, 1548. 8345. Quintiliani Institutionum Oratoriarum libri XII. ab Omnibono Leoniceno emendati — -fine copy in vellum, £l5. Venetiis, Nicolaus Jenson, 1471. Third edition of Quintilian. It coutains some good readings, which have not been adopted by subsequent editors. In this edition the Greek words were omitted, but the omission has been supplied by manuscript in the present copy. — It is extremely scarce. 8346. Quintiliani Institutions Oratoriag (no date or place) Quintiliani Declamationes (no date) in one vol. in the original wooden binding, £2. 2s. Printed in the Roman letter— date about 1490. 8347. Quintilianus, cura Ascensii^we copy, neat, £l. 15s. Paris, 1519. This is Ascensius's best edition, as it illustrutes and corrects many passages. 8348. Quintilianus, cura Capperonerii, £2. 12s. 6d. ..Paris, 1725. " An edition much esteemed and considered as the best up to the present time." — De Bure. f 6*28 Longman, Hurst, Rees, OrmE, and Brown. S34J). Strabo de situ Orbis, Latine, a Guarino Veronesi et Gregorio Tiphernato, a fine and very large copy, in russia, £\2. \2s. Venet. Vindclin. de Spira. 1472. It lias been doubted, whether this edition, or that of Rome in the same year be the first. De Bure says, " the two editions are very rare, and are of equal consequence in the eyes of the curious collector." 8350. Strabonis Geographia, Gr. et Lat. Cassauboni, neat in vellum , £3. %s. • Paris, 1620. Of Casaubon'stwo editions, this is by far the most accurate 8351. Strabonis Geographia, Gr. et Lat. Almeloveenii, 2 vols, neat, in vellum, £5. 5s. • Amst. 1 707- This edition, founded upon the preceding one of 1620, and containing Ca- saubon's entire notes, with those of many other learned men, is justly styled editio optima. 8352t Suetonius, cum Comment. Sabellici, in vellum, £i. 6s. Venet. per Damian. de Mediolano, 1493. 8353. Silii Italici Punicorum Libri XVII. £5. 5s.> • • • Parma, 1481. 8354. Silius Italicus, cum Comment. Petri Marsi, neat, £2. 2s. Venet. 1483. First edition, with a commentary. 8355. Sidonii Apollinaris Carmina et Epistolae, cum Commentariis Joann. Baptists Pii. Pine eopy in green morocco, by De Rome, £ 12. 12s. Mediolani,per Ulder. Sinzenzeler, 14£8. An edition of extreme rarity, and notwithstanding anterior editions have been mentioned by some Bibliographers, it was the opinion of De Bure that this is the eclilio princeps — an opinion which nothing has since oc- curred to invalidate. 8356. Scriptores Rei Rusticae Veteres Latini, Cato,Varro, Columella, Palladium, &c. £4. 10s. Imp. Regii, Bartkol. Bruschius, 1482. This edition, in general, corresponds with the edilio princeps, of 1472, but has some readings peculiar to itself. 8357- Thucydides, Grsece, £6. 6s. Venet. ap. Aid. 1502. Editio princeps, the text of which is so accurate, that there are many scholars who prefer it to the greater part of the subsequent editions. Auctores Classici, Gr. et LaL — Folio. 6%9 S358. Thucydidis Histcriarum Libri VIII. e Graeco Latine : inter- prete Laurentio Valla, neat in vellum, (no place or date, but apparently printed about I ±90 J £5. 5s. Editio princeps of the Latin text of Thucydides. De Burehas given a mi- nute description of this volume, with which the present copy exactly corresponds. 8359. Taciti (C. Cornelii) Opera, libri xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix, xx. ct pars libri xxi. a beautiful MS. on vellum, of the 14th century. It consists of 192 leaves of the finest vellum, and is ornamented with initials executed in gold and colours, in red morocco, gilt and marbled leaves, e£l4. 8360. Taciti Opera, Lipsii, access. Velleius Paterculus, £l. Is. Antverpice, l627. A very good edition ; it was enlarged and corrected by Pichena. 8361. Themistii Opera, Graece, editio princeps, clean copy, in the original binding, gilt leaves, £4>. 4s. Venet. ap. Aid. 1534. Minutely described by Renouard, and mentioned by De Bure, as a very rare Book. 8o6 l 2. Themistii Orationes, Gr. et Lat. ex recens. D. Petavii, et cum obscrvat. Jo. Harduini, fine large copy, the leaves being merely smoothed in part, £3. 3s. Parisiis, Typ. Reg. 1684. 8363. Another Copy, 18s. ib. 16S4. 8364. Ditto, large paper, half-bound, russia, uncut, £6. 6s. Par. Typ. Reg. 1684. An excellent edition and much esteemed. — Large Paper copies are very scarce. 8365. Terentii Afri Comcediae omnes, cum Absolutis" Commentaries et Indice, with wood cuts, old morocco, £l. \0s. Venet. ap. Bonel, 1561. 8366. Terentii Comcediae ; ab Antonio Goveano integritati suag res- titutae, 12*. Lugd. ap. Gryph. 1541. c2>67> Terentius, cum comment. Donati et Calphurnii, with many wood cuts, neat, but stained, £i. Is. Venet. 156l. 8368. Virgilii Maronis Opera, illustrated by 104 Engravings finely executed by Hollar and Lombart, including a beautiful Por- 630 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. trait by Faitlwrne, 2 vols, russia extra, gilt leaves, £35. Parmcz, in ccdibus Palatinis, Typis Bodotiianis, 1793. A more splendid edition of an ancient classic, has not issued from the Press. The impression was confined to 175 copies. The illustrative prints are beautiful impressions. 8369. Virgilii Opera, neat in •vellum, £\. Is. Taurini, 1518. At the end of this volume there are several Poems, by various authors, some of which, it is believed, do not occur elsewhere. 8370. Virgilius, cum notis Variorum et Lucii, 18*.« • "Basil, l6l3. 8371. Virgilii Opera, cum Versione Italica, notis et variis Lectionibus, edente Ambrogio, 3 vols, a beautiful set, in red morocco, gilt leaves, £6. 6s. Romce, 1763-5. This splendid edition is from the text of the Medicean MS. of Virgil, with various readings from the Vatican MS. — It is illustrated by near 200 engravings after ancient gems and paintings, by BartoU* 8372. Virgilius, ex editione Burmanni, large paper, 2 vols, red morocco, gilt leaves, £3. 3s.»»Glasg. typis Fovlis, 1778. 8373. Valerius Maximus, cum commento Oliv. Arzignanensis. Additis XXIV. exemplis nuber ab Aldo Romano inventis, neat, £l. 1 Is. 6d. Venet. 1 505. 8374. Valerius Maximus, £4>. 10s.. Parisii, per Pet rum Ccesaris et Joan. Stol, 1475. In the original binding, and ruled with red lines. — One leaf is a little da- maged. 8375. Xenophontis Opera Omnia, Graece, editio princeps, £2. 12*. 6d. Florent. ap. Juntas, 1516. 8376. Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. Leunclavii, neat in vellum , £2. 2s. Franco/. 1596. S3J7* Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. Leunclavii, £2. 2s. Lutet. typis Regiis, 1625. 8378. Xenophon, Grace, neat, £1. 10s>» 'Paris, H. Steph. 1561. Auctores Classici, Gr. et hat. — 4>to. 6*31 QUARTO. 6379. ANTHOLOGIA Grasca, ex recensione Joan. Lascaris Rhyndaceni. (Ed. litteris capitalibus excusa.) blue mo- rocco, gilt leaves, c£l4. Florentice, par Laur. Fr. de Alopa, 1494. Editio pmnceps : in the present copy the original dedication of Lascar is supplied by the fac-simile from Maittaire's Annales Typographic^ which bibliographer supposes that the cause of this rare volume so ge- nerally wanting the original preface is to be attributed to the cu- riosity of collectors and antiquaries, wio have torn it out for the sake of the literary anecdotes it contains ; it is however the opinion of Mr. Roscoe that what follows is the true cause.— This volume was published at Florence in August 1494. In the following September, Charles IX. of France entered Italy, and Piero the son of Lorenzo de Medici (to whom the preface was addressed) was soon afterwards expelled from Florence, and the palace and library of the Medici sacked and dispersed. It is hence concluded, that the few copies which had been circulated before this event took place, had the ori- ginal preface; whilst the others were carefully deprived of what could not have failed to draw the public resentment upon the editor. 8380. Anthologia Graeca, cum Versione Latina Hugonis Grotii. Edita Hieronymo de Bosch, the thick Dutch paper edition, 3 vols, boards, £5. Ultrajecti, 1795-8. 8381. Another Set, thick paper, 3 vols, calf extra, £6. Ult. 1795-8. 8382. Another Set, thick paper, 3 vol. russia extra, joints, gilt leaves, &c. £7. ••••• Ult. 1795-8. 8383. Anthologia Veterum Latinorum Epigrammatum etPoematum # Sive Catalecta Poematum Latinorum in VI. libros digesto. Cura Petri Burmanni Secundi, 2 vol. neat in velhm, £3. 10*. AmsU 1759. 8384. Anthologia, sive Epigrammatum Grsecorum Libri Septem, Graecd, cura H. Stephani, 16*. Paris, apud ipsum H. Steph. 1 566. 8385. Another Copy, neat, £l,\s.** • Paris, 1566. 032 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8386. Aristidis Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Jebb, 2 vols, very neat, £4. 14s. 6d. Oxon. 1722. In forming this admirable edition, many MSS. were collated, besides two corrected eopies of the first edition, by Morell and Casaubou. 8387. Antonini Augusti Itinerarium, cum notis intcgris Jos. Simleri. &c. cura Wesselingii, neat in vellum, £2. 2s. Amst. 1735. An excellent edition of a useful geographical work. 8388. Auctores Classici, typis J. Baskerville, viz. — Virgilius, 1757 — Sallustius, 1773— Catullus, Tibullus, et Proper- tius, 1772 — Lucretius, 1772 — Juvenal et Persius, 1761 — et Terentius, 1772, being 6 vols, very neat in calf, £6. 6s. Birm. 1757-73. These editions are beautiful and accurate. 8389. Auctores Mythographi Latini, cum notis Variorum, cura Van Staverenii, Jine copy, £l. 10s. L. Bat. 1742. 8390. Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae, cum notis Gronovii, vellum, £l. 10s. ib. 1706. An edition of great repute, highly eulogized by Dr. Harwood. 8391. Aristotelis de Poetica, Gr. et Lat. a Tyrwhitt, boards, £l. 1 5s. Oxon. 1794. 8392. JEliani Varia Historia, Gr. et Lat. cura Gronovii, 2 vols. o£l- 145. . L. Bat. 1731. An admirable edition, in which are all the notes of the preceding editors, accompanied by the learned remarks of G-ronovius. 8393. iEliani Natura Animalium, Gr. et Lat. Gronovii, 2 vols, neat, £2. 2$. • • • Lond. Bowyer, 1 774. An excellent and ample edition, in which the notes of Gesner and Triller are incorporated. It also has the readings of 4he Medicean MS. 8394. jEliani Varia Historia, Graece, editio princeps, in red morocco, gilt leaves, £3. 3s Roma, 1 545. Fine copy of a very rare editiou. It is mentioned by Harles with con- mendation. Auctores Classic!, Gr. et Lat. — 4>to. 633 8595. Appollonius Rhodius, Graece, editio princeps, Litteris ca- pitalibus impressa, cum Scholiis Gratis, ex recensione Joan. Lascaris, e£lO. 10*. Florent. 1 496. An edition of excessive rarity. The present copy has some manuscript on the margins. 8396. Apuleius, in usum Delphini, 2 vols, very neat, £2. 18s. Paris, 1688. 8397. Aurelius Victor, cura Arntzenii, with a great number of ca- meo portraits of Emperors, &c. &c. neat in vellum, £1.18*. Amst.1733. $398. Another Copy, neat in calf, £2. ib. 1733. Best edition of this author, and in consequence not to be dispensed with in the library of the classical collector. 8399- Aurelius Victor, in usum Delphini, 15*. Paris, 1681. 8400. Anacreon, Gr. et Lat. cum notis J. C. De Pauw, neat, 12s, Trqj.adRhen.1732. 8401. Ammianus Marcellinus, cum Var. Lect. &c. ex Biblioth. F. Lindenbrogi, half-bound, russia, neat, 18*. 6c?. Hamb. l609- This very excellent edition formed the basis of many following ones. 8402. Antiquae Musicae Auctores Septem. Graece et Latine. Marcus Meibomius Restituit ac Notis explicavit, 2 vols, in 1. neat in vellum, £2. 6s. 8403. Antoninus (Marcus) Gr. et Lat. Gatakeri, fine copy in calf, £1.1*. Cantab. 1652. 8404. iEschyli Tragcediae, Grace, cum Var. Lect. typis Foulis, neat, 18*. Glasg. 1746. This is Stanley's celebrated text, and is printed with great elegance as well as minute correctness. 8405. iEschyli Prometheus Vinctus, cum Stanleiana Versione, Scho- liis, Notis, &c. a Morell, boards, 12*. Lond. 1773. 8406. ^Eschylus, Gr. cura vers. Lat. et comment. T. Stanleii, notis varior. &c. cura J. C. De Pauw, 2 vols, neat in russia> £6. 6s. H. Com. 1745. 8407- jEschylus, Graece, Victorii, £l. Is. exoffic. H. St eph. 15 57. An excellent and beautiful edition, in which appeared for the first time complete, Agamemnon. 8408. Aristophanes, Graece, 15*. Basil, ap. And. Crantandrum, 1532. 4L 634 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. .840p. Aristophanes, Graece, with numerous marginal notes, very neatly written, £l. lis. 6d. Basil, ap. And. Crantandrum. 1 532. This is a rare, correct, and celebrated edition, and the first in which the eleven comedies of Aristophanes appeared, complete. 8410. Ausonius, in usum Delphini, neat, £l. lis. 6d. Paris, 1730. An edition of great merit. It is the last which has been published in usum Delpkini. 8411. Ciceronis Opera Omnia, cum delectu Commentariorum, edit. Olivetus, ' 9 vols, very neat, £l3. 135. • • • • Geneva, 1743. 8412. Ciceronis Orationes, in usum Delphini, 3 vols. £2. 2s. Paris, 1684. 8413. Academica, et de Legibus, cum comment. Turnebi, 45. • ib. 1553-7- 8414. Ciceronis de Officiis, de Amicitia et de Senectute Libri ac- curatissime emendati, boards, £2. 15s. Paris, typ. Didot, Jun. 179o\ Only 163 Copies of this beautiful and correct edition were printed. 8415. Ciceronis Epistolae ad Familiares, cum Ascensii Interpret. — SMacft %ttttt— very neat, £l. l6s. Paris, ap. J. Petit, 1519. 8416. Ciceronis de Senectute ad Atticum liber, MS. on vellum, of the 15th century, with a fine portrait of Cicero, painted as a medallion, in blue morocco, .£10. 8417. Caesar, cum notis Vossii, Davisii et Clarkii, cura Oudenorpii, neat in vellum, £3. 8s. L. Bat. 1737. 8418. Another Copy, in 2 vols, neat in calf, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1737. An admirable and truly critical edition. — " The preceding commentators of Caesar have all been eclipsed by the skill and researches of Oudenorp." Dr. Harwood. 8419. Caesar. Omnia ex recensione Samuelis Clarke, fideliter ex- pressa, typis Foulis, l6s. Glasg. 1750. 8420. Claudianus, in usum Delphini, £2. 10s. Paris, 1677. One of the best and least, common of the Delphin classics. 8421. Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, in usum Delphini, very neat, £3. 3s. Paris, 1685. A He tores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — 4fo. 635 8422. Catullus, cum Vossii Observations, 18s. Lond. 1684. " Vossius is always learned, often ingenious, sometimes whimsical, but never impertinent." — Bibliog. Diet. 8423. Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, cum Var. Lect. neat, 185. Cantab. 1702. Moch praised by Ernesti, Heyne, and Harles. $424. Chariton de Amoribus Chsereae et Callirrhoe, Lib. VIII. Gr. et Lat. D'Orvillii, neat, £2. '• Amst. 1 750. 8425. Another Copy, in 2 vols, very neat in calf, £2. 7s.* -ib. 1750. Editio Princeps. The Latin version is by Reiske. This is an edition of great excellence. D'Orville's commentary is a real treasure of Greek erudition ; in which, besides many luminous disquisitions on his au- thor, numerous passages of ancient writers are ably illustrated. — Vide Harles lntrod. Ling. Gr. 8426. Demosthenes, Gr. et Lat. Taylori, a beautiful set, 2 vols, calf extra, £6. 10s. Cantab. ] 774. An erudite edition, abounding in valuable -information. — It is much to be lamented that the learned editor did not live to complete his work j the first volume having never appeared. 8427. Demosthenis Orationes de Republica Gr. et Lat. Leuchesinii, calf extra, £l. lis. 6d. Roma, 1712. " A valuable edition, adorned with excellent notes." — Bib. Did. 8428. Diogenes Laertius, Gr. et Lat. Meibomii, with portraits, fyc. 2 vols, very neat, £2. 5s. Amst. 1692. For an account of the peculiarities of this excellent and beautiful edition, see « Bibliog. Diet." vol. 3. p. 126. 8429. Dionis ISicagi Epitome Rerum Romanorum, Graece, a Xiphi- linus, good copy, vellum, 15*.« >Lutct. ap. R. Steph. 1551. S430. Dionysii Alex, et Pomp. Melae Situ orbis descriptio. iEthici Cosmographia, C. I. Solini Polyhistor. Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis, «&c. £l. Is. Paris, ap. H. Steph. 1577. " This is the most correct and complete of all the editions of Dionysius." — Bibliog. Diet. » 8431. Dionysius Alexandrinus de situ Orbis, Grsece, cum SchoJ. large copy, 10s.6d.*." Lutet. R. Steph. ] 54'. 636 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8432. Euripides, Gr. et Lat. ex edit. Jos. Barnes, cura Beckii, 3 vols. russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves, £?, 15s. Lips. 1778-88. 8433. Ditto, the thick paper edition, 3 vols, neat in caff, £8.185. 6d. ib. 1778-88. An edition of first rate excellence, and deservedly extolled by the learned. 8434. Euripidis Tragcedia Phcenissae. Interp. addit. H. Grotii ; Grse- ca castigavit e mstis, atque adnotationibus instruxit ; seho- lia, partira nunc primum evulgata, subjecit Lud. Casp. Valckenaer, Jine copy, calf extra, £l. 2s."Francof. 1755. 8435. Euripides. — Scholia in septem Euripidis Tragoediasex antiquis exemp. ab Arsenio archiep. Monembasiae collecta, nunc denuo multo quam antea emendatiora in lucem edita, £2. 2s. • • • • •« • Basil* ap. J. Hervag. 1 544. 8436. Excerpta ex Tragediis et Comediis Graecis, turn quae exslant, turn que perierunt ; Emendata ct Latinis versibus reddita, ab Hugone Grotio, neat inrussia, £2. 15s.' • Paris, l6%6. 8437- Another Copy, morocco elegant, gilt leaves, £3. 3s. ib. 1626. 8438. Epistolae Veterum Graecorum, ab Aldo Manutio, Graece, 2 vols, neat, £3. l6s. Venet. ap. Aid. 1499. A much esteemed collection, complete copies of which are of uncommon occurrence. 8439. Eutropius, in usum Delphini, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1683. 8440. Florus, ab Elia Vineto, in veltum, 10s. 6d.» • • • Put avis, 1563. 8441. Florus, in usum Delphini, 15s Paris, 1674. 8442. Florus, ruled with red lines, 185.- 'Paris, apud Roigny, 1545. 8443. Homeri Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis Graecis, cura Bar- nesii, 2 vols. £5, 5s. Cantab. 1711. " Dr. Barnes spent his whole fortune on this publication j and this edition will maintain its distinction, not merely from its magnificence and the erudition of the editor, but from the complete Greek Scholia that are subjoined to it." — Harwood. 8444. Homeri Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Sam. Clarke, best edi- tion, 4 vols, in 2, neat in calf, c^lO. 10*. Lond."1729< This celebrated edition of Homer by Dr. Clarke, wa6 considered as such Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — Mo. 637 excellent authority, both at home and abrflad, that all editions were formed upon its basis. 8445. Homeri Opera, Graece, Camerarii, good copy in vellum, £l.9s Basil, ap. Hervag. 1541. This is theEdilio Optima of Camerarius's three editions. 8446. Homeri Opera, Gr. et Lat. Didymi et Schrevelii, 2 vols, in russia, gilt leaves, £2. \6s.» »Amst. ex offic. Elzev. 1656. 8447. Homeri Uias, Gr. et Lat. Didymi, 15s. Cantab. 1689. 8448. Horatii Flacci Carmina, curavit Jeremias Jacobus Oberlinus Philos. Prof, neat, gilt leaves, £l. Is. •••• Argent, 1788. A splendid and correct edition, to which are added various readings, from four MSS. 8449. Horatii Opera, cum Variis Lectionibus, Notis Variorum, et Indice Locupletissimo, with Portrait of Lord Mansfield, 2 vols, in russia, £4>. 4>s Lond. 1792. This beautiful edition was edited by Dr. Coombe,and the Rev. H. Homer. 8450. Horatius j ad lectiones Probationes diligenter emendatus, et interpunctione nova ssepius illustratus, large paper, half -bound, russia, 15s Glasg. typis Foulis, 176O. 8451. Another Copy, sewed, 12s. ib. I76O. 8452. Horatius, cura Talboti, neat, 12*. Cantab. 1699. Styled by Harwood, Harles, &c. «' a splendid and correct edition." 8453. Hesiodus. Gr. et Lat. Robinsoni, £l. 5s Lond. 1737. An excellent edition, and far superior to all that preceded it. 8454. Herodianus, Gr. cum interpret. Lat. Ang. Politiani, 15*. Paris, ap. H. Steph. 1581. An elegant, rare and critical edition. The two first books of Zosimus are added, with the version of Leunclavius. 8455. Jamblichus, Gr. et Lat. Kusteri, vellum, 10s. 6d. Amst. 1707, 8456. Juvenalis et Persius, cum notis Variorum, curis Henninii et Casauboni, very neat in vellum, £2. 8s.' • • •£,. Bat* 1695. " By far the best edition of these authors extant."— Kelt. 8457. Justini Historia, in usum Delphini, £l. Is. • • • • Paris, 1677. 8458. Justini Historian, MS. on vellum, of the 15th century, orna- mented with initials in gold and colours, beautifully exe- cuted, in fine preservation, £ 8. 8*. 6*33 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8459. Longinus, Gr. ct Lat. Toupii, boards, £l. 4s. • • • • Oxon. 1778. 8460. Livius, in usum Delphini, 6 vols, in 5, £7* 17 >• 6d. Paris, 1679. 846*1. Lactantii Firmiani Opera, ex editione nova, et cum notis et animadversionibus Nicolai Lenglet du Fresnoy, 2 vols. neat, £3. 3s. Lutet. Paris, 1748. The most complete edition of Lactantius, and executed with great ability. 8462. Lucanus, Oudenorpii, 2 vols, vert/ neat, £2. 18s. L. Bat. 1728. " A very good edition and much esteemed by the learned, it is preferred to that which was afterwards published with the notes of Peter Bur- man." — De Bure. 8463. Lucani Pharsalia, cum notis Hugonis Grotii, et Richardo Bentleii, calf extra, gilt leaves, joints, &c. £3. 15s. Strawberry-Hill, 1760- This valuable and beautiful edition of Lucan, is the most perfect specimen of typography that issued from the celebrated private press of the late Earl of Orford. 8464. Lucretius, calf, 9s. 6d.* • . 'Binning, typis Baskerville, 1772. 8465. Lucretius, ex edit. T. Creech, large paper, neat, 14s. Glasg. typ. Foulis, 1759- 8466. Lycophron, Gr. et Lat. 7s. 6d.* *Genev. P. Stephanus, 1601. 8467. Luciani Opera, Gr. et Lat. curis Hemsterhusii, Gesneri, et Reitzii, cum Indice, 4 vols, neat in calf, £7. Amst. 1743-6. 8468. Luciani Erasmo interprete Dialogi et alio emuncta, Quorum quasdam recentius qucedam annos abhinc octo sunt versa : sed nuper recognita : ut indice ad rinem apponendo de- clarabimus, fine copy, in russia, £l. lis. 6d. Venet. Ascens, 1514. 8469. Manilius, in usum Delphini, fine copy, in morocco, £2. 7s. Paris, 1679. 8470. Musaeus, Moschus, et Bionis, Gr. et Lat. Whiti'crdi, fine plates by Faithorne, in vellum, 18s. Land. 1659. 8471. Manethon, Gr. et Lat. Gronovii, in vellum, l6s. L. Bat. 1698. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — 4>to. 639 S472. Manethon, Gr. et Lat. Gronovii, L. Bat. 1698. — Meursii Themis Attica, Traj. 1685. — Schurzfleischi Orationes Panegyricae et Allocationes vari argument!, Vitemb. 1697. in one vol. in vellum, £l. 5s. 8473. Minucius Felicis Octavius, cum Notis, &c. Ouzeli, vellum, 7s. 6d. L. Bat. 1652. 8474. Maximus Tyrius, Gr. et Lat. curis Davisii et Marklandi, 18s. 6d. Lond. 1740. Critics on the continent consider Davis as the best editor of this author ; and Markland's remarks abound in acuteness and erudition. 8475. Martialis Epigrammata, in usum Delphini,^7*e copy, £2. 15s. Paris, 1680. One of the best and rarest of the Delphin Classics. 8476. Martialis Epigrammata, neat, 14>s.6d. Ex Museo nro Motisacuti, anno 1514. 8477* Ovidius, in usum Delphini, 4 vols in 2, vellum, £7- Lugduni, 1689. " An esteemed edition, and one of the least common of the Delphin Classics, of which this is the only one not printed in Paris," — De Bure. 8478. Ovidius, Burmanni, 4 vols, blue morocco, gilt leaves, £l 1. 11*. Amst. 1727. " This edition may justly be esteemed the chef-d'oeuvre of Uurman; it is one of the noblest and correctest of the Dutch Classics." — Harwood. 8479 1 Orosius, (Paulus) cum notis Variorum, cura Haver-campi, with plates, neat in vellum, £l. 10s. L. Bat. 1767, 8480. Ditto, a veryjine copy, calf extra, £2. ib. 1738. Notwithstanding the variation of date, these two copies are the same edition, a new title having been printed in 1767. .8481. Plutarchi Chasronensis Vitae Parallels, cum singulis aliquot, Grasce et Latine, Bryani, 5 scAs.jine set, gilt /eaves, £9. Lond. 1729. This is a most beautiful and erudite work, the great merits of which have been long justly appreciated by the learned. — Vide Harles, Reisko Dibdin, &c. 8482. Plutarchi Moralia, id est Opera, exceptis Vitis, Reliqua, Gr. et Lat. Wyttenbachii, 6 \0\s.J1ne set, gilt leaves, ,£10. 10*. Oxon. 1795— 1810, For an elaborate account of this beautiful and excellent work, see the Edinburgh Review, April 1803. 640 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8483. Petronius, cura Burmanni, large paper, c£2. Traj. ad Men. I7O9. 8484. — very neat in calf, £3. 3s. Amst. 1743. 8485. Another Set, 2 vols, vellum, £2. 2s. • • • ib. 17*3. 8486. Ditto, large paper, 2 vols. fine set, £5. 5s. • • • »ib. 1743. " Burman by his immense erudition and critical sagacity, hath so wonder- fully illustrated this difficult writer, that it is almost impossible for the best scholar to read Petronius in any other edition." — Harwood. — Large Paper copies are rare. S487. Plautus, cura Larabini, good copy, 15s. »*AureL Allob. 1605. 8488. Another Edition, 9s. Colon. Allob. 1622. Dr. Harwood commends Lambinusfor the great learning and critical saga- city which he has displayed in editing Plautus. 8489. Plautus, in usum Delphini, 2 vols. £3. 13s. 6d. Paris, 1679- This is one of the least common, and most esteemed of the editions of the Classics, called Delphin. 8490. Picturae Antiquissimi Virgiliani Codicis Biblioth. Vaticanas a P. S. Bartoli sere incisae ; accedunt ex Insignoribus Pi- nacothecis Picturae aliae veteres, Gemmae et Anaglypha, &c. 125 plates, £\. Is. Romce, 1782. A collection of prints well adapted for the illustration of a quarto Virgil. 84pl. Pindarus, Graece, Calliergi, fine tall copy, £3. 3s. Roma>, 1515. 8492. Another Copy, perfect, but stained, £2. 2s. 2^. 1515. " A very rare edition, of which copies are eagerly sought by the curious." — De Bute. — It is the first edition with the Scholia. In the Olympian, Nemean, and Isthmian poems, the readings are preferable to the Aldine; in the Pythean, they are inferior. This volume has a particular claim to the attention of the curious, from its being the first Greek book printed in Rome, vide Roscoe's Leo X. 8493. Pindarus, Graece, Brubachii, cum Scholiis, 1 85. Francof, 1542, 8494. Pindari Opera, Gr. et Lat. Schmidii, cum Scholiis, £l. Is. JFittcberg, J 616. A very excellent edition. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — 4-to. 641 8495. Pindari Opera, Gr. et Lat. Benedicti, large paper, fine copy, calf extra, £3. 3s. • • • • • Salm. 1620. Chiefly founded upon Schmid, but it is a more valuable and rare edition, 8496. Persii Flacci Satyr®, cum antiq. comment, qui Cornuto trib. collatls cum veteribus membranis, et auctis, £l. lis. 6d. Lutet. ap. Claud. Morell. l6l3. 8497- Propertii (Sext. Aur.) Elegiarum, Lib. IV. J. Broukhusii,we«* in vellum, £l. Is. Amst. 1727. The last and best of Broukhusius's valuable editions. 8498. Plinii Historia Naturalis, in usum Delphini, 5 vols, neat, £j. Paris, 1685. This elaborate edition was edited by the learned Father Hardouin. 8499. Panegyricus, Arntzenii,^/?/?e copy, in vellum, £l. fs. Amst. 1738. An edition much commended by Ernesti. 8500. Pha^drus, cum notis Hoogstratani, withjine portrait, numerous fable prints, and capital letters, £l.8s Amst. 1701. 8501. Another Copy, wanting the portrait and a few prints, 15*. Amst. 1701. A most accurate and beautiful edition. 8502. Panegyrici Veteres, cum Interpr. et notis Jac. de la Baune, in usum Delphini, neat, £l. 10s. •• Paris, 1676. 8503. in usum Delphini, boards, l6s. Venet. 1728. 8504. Poeta3 Latini Minores, cum notis Variorum ; cura Burmanni, 2 vols, neat in vellum, £3. Leid. 1731. An excellent edition, and more valuable than any that have preceded it. It contains Faliscus,Nemesianus, Calphurnius, CI. Rutilius, Numatianus, Q. Serenus Samonicus, Vindicianus, Q. Rhemnius Faunius Palannon, and the Satires of Sulpitius. 8505. Poetas Latini Rei Venaticae Scriptores et Bucolici Antiqui, cum notis Variorum, cura Kempherii, in vellum, £2. L. Bat. 1728. 8506. Quintilianus, fine copy, red morocco, ruled with red lines, £2. 2s. Venet. ap. Aid. 1514. 8507. Dcclamationes, in old morocco, 10s. 6d. Paris, ap. F. Morel, 1563. 4M 642 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 850S. Quintiliani Opera, cum notis variorum curante P. Burmanno, 4 vols. £3. 6s. L. Bat. 1720. In this, the best edition of the entire works of Qnintilian, the author is il- lustrated by a vast body of erudition. 850<), Quintilianus, Burmanni, large paper, 4 vols, neat, £S. 8s. L. Bat. 1720. Copies of this edition, on Large Paper, are extremely scarce. 85 10. Quintus Curtius, cura Snakenburgii, with plates, 2 vols. £l.lls.6d. ifi.1724. " This is one of the most valuable editions of the Latin Classics, I have ever read ."—Hartcood. 8511. Rei Agrariae Auctores legesque variae, curis Goesii et Rigaltii, large paper, £2. Amst. 1674. 8512. Scriptores Rei Rusticae Veteres Latini Cato, Varro, Columella, Palladius, &c. cum notis Variorum, cura Gesneri, 2 vols. very neat, £3. Lips. \ 773. The second and best of Gesner's excellent editions j which on the death of that eminent critic was superintended and corrected by Ernesti. 8513. Sophocles, Gr. et Lat. Brunckii, 2 vols, boards, £6. 6s. Argent. 17So\ 8514. Another Copy, 2 vols, calf extra, £7. 7s. ........ ib. 17S6*. * Editio optima' of Sophocles. 8515. Sophocles, Grasce, Johnsoni, typis Foulis, £\. is. Glasg. 1745. Of the two Glasgow editions, this, which is beautifully printed, is the most accurate. S5l6\ cum Indice, a T. Morell, neat, l6s.6d. Eton. 1786. The Index to this edition is one of the best that ever appeared. 8517. S enecae Tragoediae, cum notis J. F. Gronovii, ex recensione J. C. Schroderi, 2 vols, in 1, large paper, neat, £3. 3s. Delphis, 1728. 8513. Ditto, fine copy, 2 vols, in morocco, o£'4. 4s. • -Delphis, 1728. " This edition has a very correct text and ample commentary, and, in point of literary and critical excellence, is not inferior to any of the most famous Dutch editions of the Latin classics in 4to." — Haruiood. And ores Classic!, Gr. et Lett. —it o. 6 43 8519. Senecae (L. Annei) Naturalium Quaestionum, Libri VII. fine copy, in morocco, £3. 3s. • • • • Venet. in csdib. Aid. 1522. This has long been considered as one of the rarest works produced by the Aldine press, vide Renouard. 8520. Suetonius, in usum Delphini, £2. 2s. ♦• Paris, l684. One of the least common of the Delphin classics. 8521. Suetonius, ex recens. J. G. Graevii, cum ejusdem et variorum nods, 10s. 6d. Traj. ad Rhen. 1672. 8522. Suetonius, cum comment. Torrentii, very neat, 1 2*. 6d. Ant. 1592. 8523. Suetonius, cum comment. Casauboni, vellum, lOs. 6d. ap. Sam. Crisp, lfjll. 8524. Sallustius, a Wasse, neat, l6s. Cantab. 17 10. An edition generally styled, " Editio Optima." 8525. Sallustius, a Badius Ascensius — 2Macft UtttVC^bcautifully printed (slightly wormed) very neat, £l. Ss. Paris, ap. Petit, 1508. 8525. Statii Opera, cum Notis Crucaeii, 2 vols. £$.•• Paris, l6l8. 8527. Sapphus Poetriae, fragmenta, et elogia, Gr. et Lat. cura Wolfii, very neat, £2. 2s. Lond. 1734. Gilbert Wakefield's copy, with his autograph, and manuscript emen- dations of the text. 8528. Speculum Heroicum, ou les XXIIII. livres d'Homere, re- duict en tables demonstratives figurees, par Crespin de Passe, excellent graveur. Chaque livre rcdig en argu- ment Poetique par le Sieur I. Hillaire, Sr. de la Riviere, in morocco, £2. 12s. 6d. •••••Traj. Bat. 1613. 8529. Tacitus cura Brotierii, 4 vols, neat in calf, gilt leaves, £9> 9s. Paris, 177 1' 8530. Ditto, 4 vols, russia extra, gilt leaves, £\2.*»"ib. 1771? This is the celebrated edition of Brotier'& Tacitus which has formed the basis of so many subsequent editions. 8531. Tacitus, cum notis Variorum et Gronovii, 2 vols, fine set, in calf, £4,. 4s. Traj. 1721. 8532. Theocritus, Grace, cura Wartoni, 2 vols, neat in calf, £5. 5s. Oxon, 1770. " This is a very splendid edition, and after a careful perusal, T can pronounce it as correct as it is splendid. Every lover of Greek literature is under 644 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. great obligations to the very learned and ingenious Mr. Thomas War- ton, for his magnificent edition of Theocritus, and for several other im- mortal productions." — Harwood. 8533. Theocritus Gr. ct Lat. cum Scholiis, cura Reiskii, 2 vols, in 1, neat in calf, £l. 10* • Vien. 1765. 8534. Theocritus, Gr. ex edit. D. Heinsii, large paper, neat, 9*. Glasg. ap. Foulis, 1746. 8535. Tcrentius, cum Var. Lect. cura Lengii, neat 15*. Cantab. 1701. 8536. Terentius, cura Westerhovii, 2 vols, half-bound, russia, uncut, £4,. 4*. Hag. Com. 1726. 8537. Tibullus, Broukhusii, plates, lSs. Amst. 1708. 8538. Tibullus et Propertius, Broukhusii, 2 vols, in vellum, £l. \6s. ib. 1708-27. 8539. Virgilius Burmanni,4 vols, neat in vellum, £5.> *Amst. 1746. 8540. Ditto, 4 vols, sewed, unopened at the top, 4 vols. <£4. 14*. 6d. Amst. 1746. This excellent and well known edition contains the entire and amended com- mentaries of Servius, Philargyrus, Pierius, &c. &c. 8541. Virgilii Opera, adopt, exemp. fidem recensita, 18*. Cantab. 1701. " This edition is an honour to the University and to the editor: it is as correct as it is superb." — Harwood. 8542. Velleius Paterculus, in usum Delphini, 14*. • >>• Paris, 1726. 8543. Valerius Maximus, cum notis Variorum, edente Abr. Torrenio, neat in vellum, £l. \6s. » • • • Leid. 1726. This edition contains the notes of all the eminent commentators, and, says Harwood " the text of the author is very neatly and accurately printed, and the critical and explanatory notes of Torrenius are excellent." 8544. Another Copy, in 2 vols, neat, £l. 18*. ib. 1726. 8545. Xenophontis Cyropasdia et Anabasis, Gr. et Lat. Hutchinsoni, 2 vols, neat, £3. 10*. Oxon, 1727-35. 8546. Another Set, 2 vols, in russia, £4,. ib. 1727-35. 8547. Xenophontis Anabasis, Gr. et Lat. Hutchinsoni, cum Addenda Porsoni, very neat in calf, £l. 5s. Cantab. 1785. 8548. Xenophon de Cyri Institution, Gr. 4*. Eton. l6l3. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lett. — Svo. 645 OCTAVO. 8549. ^SCHYLUS, Grace, editio princeps, £3. 13s. 6d. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1518. 8550. /Eschylus, Gr. cum Comment. Schutzii, 3 vols, very neat, £l.\%s. » Hal. Sax. 17 S2. 8551. Gr. et Lat. Porsoni, 2 vols, boards, £\. Is. Oxon.1806. 8552. Abresch (F. L.) Animadversiones ad iEschylum, &c. 2 vols. boards, £l. 6s Mediol. 1742-63. 8553. Appianus, Gr. et Lat. Tollii, 2 vols, fine set, calf extra, £\. 18*. Amst. 1670. 8554. Schweighaeuserii, 3 vols, sewed, £4. 4s. Lips. 1785. 8555. Ditto, 3 vols, calf extra, £4>. 14*. 6d. ib. 1785. " An incomparable work, displaying great diligence, care, and erudition, on the part of the editor, and affording so large a collection of every thing relating to Appian, that all former editions of this historian, must be considered as comparatively trivial." — Dibdin. 8556. Aristotelis Opera, Gr. et Lat. Buhlii, 5 vols, boards, £3. Biponti, 1791. A very beautiful and excellent edition. 8557. Pacii, 5 vols, in 2, £l. 11 s.6d. Genev. 1597. 8558. Rhetorica, Gr. cum Var. Lect. a Holwell, very neat, 15s. Oxon. 1759* 8559. de Poetica, Gr. et Lat. neat, 4s. 6d. .... ib. I76O. 8560. ■ et Theophrasti scripta quaedam, qua? vel nunquam antca, vel minus emendata quam nunc, edita fuerunt, Gr. elegant, 7s. Paris, H. Steph. 1557. 856 1. iEliani Varia Iiistoria, Grace, cum Integ. Comment. Perizo- nii, cura Kuehnii, 2 vols, served, 18s. Lips. 1780. 8562. Another Copy, 2 vols, in 1, extra, £l.4s. • « » ib. 1780. 64*6 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8563. -&liani Natura Animalium, Gr. et Lat. Schneideri, extra, £l. 7s. •• Lips. 1784. This excellent edition has the animadversions of Schneider and others. 8564. vEschines, et Demosthenes de Corona, Gr. et Lat. a Foulkes et Freind, 5s. Lond. 1715. $565. Another Copy, 3s. 6d. ib. 1715. 8566. Ditto, editio optima , neat, 9s. • • • . • Oxon. 1696. 8567. ^schines et Demosthenes, Gr. et Lat. a Foulkes et Freind, large paper, calf extra, £\. \s. ••• ib. 1801. 8568. ^Eschinis Socratici Dialogi tres, Gr. et Lat. ad quos accessit quarti Lat. Fragmentum, cura Clerici, neat in tellum, 8s« Amst. 171 !• 8569. Another Copy, 6s. i*. 1711- 8570. Aristophanes, Graece, cura Caninii, calf extra, £l.4>s. Lugd. ap. Gryph. 1548. Said by Hemsterhusius to be a very correct edition. 8571. Gr. et Lat. Brunckii, 4 vols, calf extra, £6. \6s.6d. - Argent, 1783. This very excellent edition, besides a correct Latin version, has the admira- ble notes and emendations of Brunck. 8572, 4 vols, boards, £2. Is. Oxon. 1810. 8573. Ditto, large paper, 4 vols, boards, £3. 3s. • • • • ib. 1810. A correct reprint of the Strasburg edition. 8574. Aristophanes. — Lexicon Aristophanicum, a Sanxay, L. P. boards, 13*. ib. 1S11. 8575. Aristophanis Nubes cum Scholiis. Recens. et Adnot. Ernes- ti, suasque addit. Godof. Hermannus, 8*. • • • • Lips. 1798. 8576. Aristophanis Nubes, Gr. et Lat. Harlesii,cum Scholiis, boards, ()s. Leips. 1788. 8577. Aristophanis Plutus et Nubes, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis, 45. Lond. 1732. 8578. Aristophanis Plutus, Greece. Adjecta sunt Scholia vetusta. Recog. ad Vet. Memb. variis lect. ac notis instruxit, et scho- liastas locupletavit Tib. Hemsterhuis, in vellum, £l.ls. Harling. 1744-. Auctores Classici, Gr, et Lat, — Svo, 647 8579. Aristopbanis Plutus, Grace. Adjecta sunt Scholia vetusta. Recog. ad Vet. Memb. variis lect. ac notis instruxit, et scholiastas locupletavit Tib. Hemsterhuis, very neat, calf extra, £\. 4s Barling. 1744. A masterly performance, with the genuine ancient Scholia. 8580. Athenaeus, Gr. et Lat. cura Schweighseuserii, 14 vols, boards, £\\. lis. • Argent. 1801. 8581. Another Set, 14 vols, calf, half extra, £14. 14*. • *ib. 1801. This very excellent edition possesses so many peculiar advantages over all others, that it may be ranked as one of the most luminous illustrations of an ancient author, which has yet appeared. 8582. Anthologia Graeca. Florilegium Diversorum Epigrammatum in septem libros, vellum, £4>. 4s. Venet, in oedib. Aid. 1503. 8583. Ditto, fine copy, £4>, 14s. 6d. ib. 1503. This edition is the finest and best of this celebrated collection. Renouard in his " Annales des Aide," Vol. I. p. 65. gives an interesting account of the peculiarities of the several editions, and of the superiority of the present. 8584. Anthologia, seu Florilegium Graeco-latinum, Megiseri, (above 1100 pages) 15s. Francof. 1602. 8585. Anthologia Graeca, sive Poetarum Graecorum Lusus. Ex Recensione Brunckii. Indices et Commentarium adjccit Friedericus Jacobs, 12 vols, boards, £5. 5s. Lips. 1794—I8O3. 8586. Analecta Veterum Poetarum Grascorum. Editore Rich. Fr. Phil. Brunck, (printed on a fine thick paper) 3 vols, russia, £4>. 14s. 6d. Argent. 1772-6. 8587- Anthologia Graeca Poetica, a Harles, 6s. Baruth. 1792, 8588. 1 Prosaica, a Harles, 7s. • . "Norimb. 1781. S589* Anthologium Graeco-Latinum, per Mich. Neandrum Sora- viensem, neat, 12s. 6d. Basil, Oporinum, 1556. 8590. Anthologia? Graecae a Const. Cephala Condita; libri tres, cum Interpret. Lat. neat, 7s. Oxon. 1766. 8591. Apuleius, £l. 16s. Venet, in cedib. Aid. 1521. 648 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8592. Apuleius, cum notis Variorum et Pricaei, (illustrated with line prints, engraved for the French version), elegant, in ?norocco, £2. 12*. 6d. Goudce. 1650. Of the two variorum editions of Apuleius, that of 1650 is not only the most valuable for intrinsic excellence, but it is extremely scarce. 85$3. Apulei Opera ad optimas editiones collata prasmittitur notitia literaria Studiis Societatis Bipontinae, 2 vols, extra, £l. 5s. Biponti, 1788. An accurate and useful edition. 8594. Alexandri ab Alexandro Geniales Dies, cum notis Variorum, 2 vols, 14* L. Bat. 1673. 8595. Another Set, 2 vols. 16*. ib. J 673. 8596. Another Set, 2 vols, (stained) 8*. 6d. ib. 1673. " A good edition and one of the most esteemed of the variorum collection." DeBure. 8597. Alexandri ab Alexandro Geniales Dies, vellum, 4*. Lugd. 1616. 8598. cum notis Var. Vol. 2. 3*. 6d. ib. 1673. 8599. Aviani Fabulae, cum Var. Lect. &c a Nodell, elegant, 9s. Amst. 1787- 8600. Aratus Graece; access. Annotat. in Eratosthenem et Hymnos Dionysii, 7s • Oxon. 1801. 8601. Antonini Liberalis Transformationum Congeries, Gr. et Lat. a Verheyk, elegant, 10*. 6d. L. Bat. \77^> 8602. Alciphronis Epistolae, Gr. et Lat. ad edit. Bergleri, large paper, in vellum, \0s.6d. Traj. 1 791 • 8603. Achilles Tatius, Gr. et Lat. a Boden, in russia, 18*. 6d. Lips. 1776. 8604. Another Copy, in calf, 15*. ib. 1776. 8605. Avieni Descriptio Orbis Terrae, cura Friesemanni, half-bound, russia, 9s. Amst. 1786. 8606. Apollodori Bibliotheca, Gr. et Lat. cum Spoletini interprete Lat. vellum, 15*. ex offic* Commel. 1 599* A very rare and valuable edition. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — 8vo. 649 8607. Apollodori Bibliothecaj Gr. et Lat. Heynii, 2 vols, calf extra, £l. 10s. Gotting. 1803. This work would have immortalized the name of Heyne as a critic, had it been his only production. 8608. Apollodorus, Gr. et Lat. vellum, 4s. Salm. l66l. 8609- Artemidorus, Graece, editio princeps, neat, £i. 15s. Venet. in s.6d. Hanov. l6l 2- 8665. Diodorus Siculus, Gr. et Lat. curis Wesselingii et Heynii, 1 1 vols, neat in calf, £S. Biponti, 1 793-1807. This is a most judicious and elaborate edition of an entertaining and useful writer. Great pains have been bestowed in making it a complete work : the first volume in particular contains a treasure of curious and valuable matter: 8666. Dionysius Halicarnasseus, Gr. et Lat. Reiskii, 6 vols, sewed, £4. 10s. • Lips. 1774. 8667. Dionysii Halicarnassei responsio ad Gn. Pompeii epistolam, &c. Grasce, half- •bound t neat, 5s. 6d. Lutet. Carol. Steph. 1554. 8668. Diogenes Laertius, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Casauboni, 7s. 6d. Col. Atlob. 1616. 8669. Dion Casshis Nicseus, TElius Spartianus, Julius Capitolinus, &c. Lat. very neat y 9s. ........ . . Paris, R. Steph. 1544. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — 8vo. 653 S67O, Demosthenes, Greece, a P. Manutio, 3 vols, in 2. £2. 2s. Vend. ap. Aid. 1554. 867 1. Demosthenis Orationes Selectae, Gr. et Lat. a Mounteney, 5s. 6d. ■ Lond. 1764. S672. Another Copy, 6s. ib. 1771. $673. Another Copy, neat, 7 s. ib. 1799- 8674. Another Copy, large paper, (stained) in russia, 14s. Cantab. 1731. 8675. Demosthenes et iEschines de "Falsa Legatione, Gr. et Lat. a Brooke, 5s. Oxon. 1721. S676. Dionysii Orbis Descriptio, Gr. et Lat. cum Comment. Eusta- thii, maps, 2s. 6d. ib. 1710. 8677. Dionysii Geographia, Gr. et Lat. a Wells, neat, 4s. Lond. 1738. 8678. Ex Ctesia, Agatharchide, Memnone Excerptae Historic, Ap- piani Iberica, Item, de Gestis Annibalis, Gr. et Lat. neat, £l. is. Paris, H. Stephcni, 1 557. 8679' Euripidis Tragoediae septendecim, Grasce, editio princeps, in the original binding, £6. 16s. 6d. Venet. ap. Aid. 1503. Fine copy of a rare and beautiful edition. 8680. Iphigenia in Aulide, et Iphigenia in Taurus, Gr. et Lat. Marklandii, very neat, 10s. 6d. Lond. 1 77^> 8681. Supplices Mulieres, Gr. et Lat. Marklandii, very neat, 8s. ib. 1775. 8.682. Medea, Grace, Porsoni, calf extra, 7s.6d. Cantab. 1801. 8683. — Tragoediae quatuor Hecuba, Phoenissae, Hippolytus et Bacchae, Gr. Brunckii, sewed, £l. 6s. • • Urgent. 1780. Of this edition twenty-four copies were printed upon fine writing paper, for presents from the editor, — three copies were sent into England, and the present is one of those. 8684. Epictetus et Porphyrus, Gr. et Lat. cum comment. Arriani, 5s. Cantab. 1655. 8685. Epictetus, Cebcs, Theophrastus, &c. Gr. et Lat. Simpsoni, 6s. Lond. 1744. 654 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8686. Florus, cum notis Variorum et Dukeri, 2 vols, neat, 16s. 6d. L. Bat. 1722. An excellent edition, which, says Harwood, does Dukcr great honour. 8687- Florus, cum notis Variorum, 6s. ib. l655» 8688. Frontini Stratagematicon, cura Oudenorpii,j?we large copy in russia, £l.Ss, ib.1779, 8689. -in vellum, 10s. ib. 1731. 8690. Frontinus, cum notis Variorum, 4s. 6d. Amst. 1661. 8691. Fischeri Commentarius in Xenophontis Cyropoxliam, cdidit C. T. Kuinoel, \2s. 6d. Lips. 1803. 8692. Florilegium Epigrammatum Martialis Jos. Scaliger, vertit Graece ad Is. Casaubonium, 10*. 6d. Lulet. R.Steph. 1607. 8693. Geoponica, sive de Re Rustica, Gr. Brasicani, ct Aristotelis de Plantis, Gr. £l. 1*. Basil, 1539. This is the first and only Greek edition of the Geoponica. 8694. Geoponica, Gr. et Lat. a Needham, very neat, 18s. Cantab. 1704. 8695. Homeri Opera Omnia, Graece, a very fine and clean copy, 2 vols, in blue morocco, gilt leaves, £6. 10s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1524. S696. 2 vols. £5. 5s. ib. 1524. S697- Odyssea, Graece, £l. lis. 6d ib. 1524. 8698. Uias, Grace, very neat, 10s. 6d. Oxon. 1765. 8699- I lias, Graece, cura Wolfii, fine paper, 2 vols, sewed, £l. 8s. Lips. 1804. A beautiful edition, printed in the quarto manner ; it has several neat En- gravings. 87OO. Homeri Ilias, Greece, Ileynii, 2 vols, boards, £l. 5s. Lips. 1804. 8701. Gr. et Lat. a Clarke, 2 vols. £l. Is. Lond. 1740. 3702. : Another Set, 2 vols. 15s. ib. 1 740. 8703. Odyssea, Gr. et Lat. a Clarke, editio optima, 2 vols. neat, £l. 5s ib. 1758. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — 8ro. 655 8704. Homeri Odyssea, a Clarke, 2 vols. £l. Is. ....Lond. 1758. 8705. — — Gr. Didymi, boards, Ss. Oxon. 1794,. 8706. Opera, Andrea Divo Justinopolitano interprete ad verbum translata, et nunc ex Groeeo exemplari multis locis melius restituta, 2 vols, fine copy,in russia, £l. lis. 6d. Venet. circa 1560. 8707. Interpres, cum indice locupletiss. Porphyrii home- ricar. questionum liber et de nympharum antro opus- culum, Gr. cura Jac. Bredoti,j#«e copy, ruled with red lines, 2 vols, in yellow morocco, gilt leaves, £2. ?s. Argent. 1539. 8708. Homer. — Interpretationes et antiquse, et perquam utiles in Ho- meri Iliada, nee non in Odyssea, a Didymus, Graece, fine copy, in yellow morocco, £2. 2s. Venet. incedib. Aid. 1521. 8709. Horatii Opera, engraved on copper-plates by Pine, with nume- rous head and tail pieces, 2 vols, fine set, in the original calf binding, £5. 5s. ..•••• Lond. 1733-7. 8710. Horatius, cura Mitscherlichii, 2 vols, boards, £ I. 18s. Lips. 1800. An excellent edition, ornamented with beautiful vignettes from the designs ofFiorillo. 8711. Cunninghamii, cum Animadve'rsiones in Horatius, Bentleii, 2 vols, (no titles) fo. 8712. Mureti, 6*. Venet. ex Biblioth. Aid. 1570. 8713. —Bentleii, Ss. [ Cantab. 1713. 8714. cum notis Baxteri, 4*. •••••» Lond. 1701 . 8715. Horatii Carmina Expurgata : cum Notis Juventii, &c. a Knox, neat in calf, 14«s. 6d. • ib. 1784. 871.6. Horatius, cum notis Variorum et Bond, £l. Is. L. Bat. 1670. An edition of great merit, according to the learned Mitscherlich. 8717. Horace, translated into English Verse, by Francis, with the Latin text, 4 vols, neat, £l. 4s. Dublin, 1756*. 8718. Historiae Augustas Scriptores VI. cum notis Variorum, 2 vols. in vellum, ,£2. 2s. ••••••••• L. Bat. 1671* 656 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8719. Historiae Poeticse Scriptores Antiqui, scilicet, Apollodorus, Conon, Ptolemaeus, Parthenius, et Antoninus Liberalis, Gr. et Lat. a Tho. Gale, 12*. Paris, 1675. 8720. Ditto, a fine copy in russia, £\.ls. ib. 1675. 8721. Hesiodus, Gr. et Lat. Loesneri, very neat in calf, £l. 4s. Lips. 1778. A very excellent edition, and may be considered as the « Editio Optima' of Hesiod. 8722. Hesiodus, Gr. et Lat. Graevii, 7s.6d.»»; *Amst. Elzev. 1667. 8723. Heliodorus, Gr. et Lat. Parei, 5s. Franco/. 1631 . 8724. Herodian, Gr. et Lat. Ruddimanni, very neat, 7s. 6d. Edinburgi, 1724. 8725. Herodian, Gr. et Lat. 4s. 6d. Oxon. l699> 8726. Herodian, Gr. et Lat. 10s. 6d.* • • • Venet in csdib. Aid. 1524. This edition has the elegant Latin version of Politian, which was afterwards almost generally adopted. 8727. Hierocles, Gr.' et Lat. a Needham, 5s. • • • • • • Cantab. 1709* 8728. Hierocles, Gr. et Lat. curis Ashton and Warren, fine copy, 10s. 6d. lond. 1742. Best edition of this excellent Author. 8729. Heliodorus, Gr. et Lat. Bourdelotii,/nc copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, £l. Is. Paris, l6l9- 8730. Gr. cum animadvers. Bourdelotii, cura Schmidii, very neat, 7s. Lips. 1772. 8731. Hyginus, cum notis Joannis Schefferi, fine eopy in morocco, . £l.ls. Hamb. 1 674. 8732. Isocrates, Gr. et Lat. a Battie, 2 vols, neat, £1. Is. Cantab. 1729. 8733. — ' EDITIO OPTIMA, 2 Vols. £ 1.8s. Lond. 1749. 8734?. Justinus, cum notis Variorum et Graevii, neat, 12s. L.Bat. 1701. 8735. Justinus, cum notis Variorum, 9s, Amst. Elvez. 1669. 8736. Another Edition, 5s. • L. Bat. 1650. 8737. Justinus, in usum Delpbini, 4s. • « • Lond. 1721. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat.—Svo. 657 8738. Juvenalis et Persius, in usum Delphini, 7s. Lond. 1783. 8739. Another Copy, 2s. 6d. • ib. 1728. 8740. Juvenalis et Persius, cum notis Variorum et Schrevelii, 12s. L.Bat. 1664. 8741. Livii Historia, ab And. Asulano, 5 vols. <£ll. lis. Venet. in adib. Aid. 1 5 1 8-33* The volumes which compose this very rare edition of Livy were printed at intervals j — an entire set is of uncommon occurrence. 8742. Livius, cura Hearnii, 6 vols. £2. 2s. Oxon. 1708. 8743. Another Set, 6 vols, in 3, neat, £2. 5s. ib. 1708. This very accurate edition does great honour to the eminent antiquary Thomas Hearne. 8744. Longinus, Gr. et Lat. Hudsoni, 2s. 6d. Oxon. 1710. 8745. Hudsoni, 4s. ib. 1730. 8746. Toupii, neat in russia, 15s. **ib. 1778. 8747. Lysias quae supersunt Graeca castigavit, Taylori et Marklandi annotationibus suas adiecit, editionem curavit Jo. Jacobus Reiske, 2 vols, boards, £l. lis. 6d. Lips. 1772. 8748. Longi Pastoralium de Daphnide et Chloe libri quatuor, Gr. et Lat. ex recens. et cum Animadv. J. B. Casp. D'Ansse de Villoison, calf extra, £l.4>s. Paris, 1778. Avery excellent edition, and not of common occurrence. 8749. Luciani Dialogi Selects, Gr. et Lat. a Leedes, Is. 6d. Lond. 1726. 8750. Lucani Pharsalia, £l. 8s. Venet. ap. Aid. 1502. 8751. Martialis Epigrammata, cum Smidsii, very good copy, £l. lls.6d. Amst.1701. " A very valuable edition of Martial, and ornamented with very elegant figures." — Harwood. 8752. Martialis, cum notis Variorum et Schrevelii, neat in vellum, 9'- 6d - L.Bat. 1661. $753. Martialis Epigrammata, old morocco, £l.lls.6d. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1501. 8754. a Elphinstone, fine head, boards, 5s. Lond. 1783. 4 O 658 Longman, Hurst, Kees, Orme, and Brown. S755. Martialis, in usum Delphini, neat, 10s. 6d.» •• *Lond. 1701. S756. 55. ib. 1720. 87«57. Musasus, Gr. et Lat. Schrederi, fine paper, neat, 15s. Leotard. 1742. A most excellent edition, upon which Harles bestows a glowing panegyric. 8758. Macrobius de Somnio Scipionis, et Censorinus de Die Natali, £2. 2s. Venet. in crdib. Aid. 1528. A very fine copy of this rare volume — some of the leaves have escaped the binder's knife at the bottom. 8759. Macrobius, cum notis Variorum, 7s. Lond. 1694. 8760. Memnone (Ex) Excerptae historiae, de tyrannis Heracleac Pon- tics. Ex Ctesia et Agatharchide excerptae historiae. Omnia non solum Greece, sed et Latine, partim ex H. Stephani, parti m ex L. Rhodomanni interpretatione, Paris, H. Stepk. 1594. Appiani Alexandrini Hispanica et Annibalica, in 1 vol. very neat, £1. Is. H. Steph. 156o. 8761. Moschopuli (Man.) Scholia ad Homeri Iliados, Gr. et Lat. vellum, 12s. Traj. ad Rhen. 1 71$. 8762. Minucii Felicis Octavius, cum notis Variorum, 3.?. L. Bat. 1672. 3763. , Gronovii, (stained) 3s. •• ib. 1709. 8764. Nemesius de Natura Hominis, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis, Qs. Oxon. 1671. 8765. Ovidius, cum notis Variorum, Cnippingii, 3 vols. Jine set in vellum, extra, £4. 4* Amst. 1683. 8766. Ovid's Epistles in Latin, with a literal translation in prose, very neat, 7*- Lond. 1767. 8767. Ovidii Epistolae, in usum Delphini, 4s. ib. 1734. 8768. Ovidii Metamorphoses, curious stamped binding, 6s. Lvgd. ap. Gryph. 1534. 8769. Ovidii Opera, a Maittaire, large paper, 3 vols, calf extra, gilt leaves, £2. \6s. Lond. 1715. 8770. Another Set, (Index wanting) 3 vols, calf extra, £l. 15s. ib. 1715, Auclores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — &vo. 6*59 8771. Opuscula Mythologica Physica et Ethica: Grsece et Latine, a Gale, editio optima, fine copy, extra, £l, Js. Amst. 1688. 8772. Another Copy, in vellum, £l. 5s. ib. 1688. 87/3. Another Copy, in calf, £l. Is. ib. 1688. 8774. Oppianus, Gr. et Lat. Rittershusii, vellum, <£l. 1*. L. Bat. 1597. An excellent edition, being one of the most useful and scarce editions of Oppian. 8775. Pindarus, cum Variae Lectiones, &c. a Heyne, 3 vols, very neat in calf, £2. 10s. Got ting. 1798. 877^. Ditto, t-he fine paper, bound in 5 vols, red morocco, £7. Is. ib. 1798. 8777- Pindari Carmina cum Lectionis Varietatecuravit C. G. Heyne, large taper, calf extra, £2. ib. 1773. 8778. Another Copy, half bound, uncut, £l. 4s. ib. 1773. 8779- Pindarus, Grsece, cura Heynii, large paper, 3 vols, boards. £2. 5s. 0*07?. 1807-9. 8780. Plutarchi Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. H. Stephani ; 13 vols. very neat, £8. 8s. Paris, 1572. This is the editio princeps of the entire works of Plutarch. The present copy has the valuable volume of notes which is said by De Bure to be frequently wanting.— It is a fine set, and is now become scarce. 8781. Plutarchi de Iside et Osiride Liber; Gr. et Ang. edit. S. Squire, large paper, 7s. 6d. Cantab. J 744. 8782. Another Copy, half bound, uncut, 6s. ib. 1744. 8783. Plutarchi Liber de Sera Numeris Vindicta, Gr. et Lat. a Wyttenbach; vellum, 4s. 6d. L. Bat. 1772. 8784. Plutarchi Demosthenis et Ciccronis Vita? Parallels, Gr. et Lat. Bartoni, 4s. Oxvn. 1 744. 8785. Plutarchi et Marcelli Sidctce Medici Fragmenta, Gra?ce. Rc- cens. J. G. Schneider, 5s. Argent. 1775. S7S6. Philae (Manuelis) Carmina Grceca, Gr. et Lat. cum Werns- dorfii, neat in calf, 8s. 6d. Lips. 1768. 66*0 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8787. Plinii Epistolae et Panegyricus, £l. l6s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. et And. Asulan. 1508. A very excellent edition compiled from early manuscripts. It will ever be interesting to the Bibliographer, on account of being the first work in which the colophon states the partnership of Aldus and his father-in- law Asulanus. 8788. Gesneri, neat, l6t. Lips. 1739. 8789. Hearnii, 5s. •• Oxon. 1703. 8790. Poetae Minores Lat. Venet. Aid. 1534 — Vidae Poemata, Cremona, 1550, in one volume, Qs. 8791- Priscianensis (Francisci) Argumentorum Observations in oraneis Ciceronis Epistolas, large paper, very neat, 10s. 6d. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1549. 8792. Placita Principalia, &c e Veterum Philosophorum et Dra- maticorum fere Poetamm script's, a J. Mapletoft, 35. 6d. Lond. 1731. 8793. Philostratus de Vita Apollonii Tyanei Scriptor luculentns a Philippo Beroaldo castigatus, elegant, gilt leaves, £l. Is, There is no date, place, or printer's name in this edition, but it bears the appearance of having been printed by Gryphius, at Lyons, about 1540. 8794. Petronius Arbiter, cum Fragmentis, Lips. 1731,— Priapeia, sive Diversorum Poetarum in Priapum Lusus, cum Com- ment. &c. in one volume, very neat, IS*. • • Patav. 1664. 8795. — notis Variorum et Hadrianidii, £1.4*. Amst. 1669. 879^' Plauti Comcediae superstites viginti, novissime recognitse et emendatae, 3 vols, very neat in calf, £2. 2s. Biponti, 1788. The best of the Bipont editions, the text having been corrected by the celebrated scholar R. F. P. Brunck. 8797* Plautusjfoe copy, 10s. 6d. Lugd. ap. Gryph. 1540. 8798. cum notis Variorum et Gronovii, (stained) 9s. 6d. L. Bat. 1664. 8799- Palaephatus de Incredibilibus, Greece, cura Fischeri, neat in calf, 18*. • . Lips. 1789. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — Svo. 66l 8800. Phalaradis Epistola?, Gr. et Lat. 4s. 6d. Oxon. 1718. 8801. Plato de Republica, Gr. et Lat. a Massey, 2 vols. 14*. Cantab. 1713. 8802. Rebus Divinis, Gr. et Lat. 2s. 6d. ib. 1683. 8803. Persii Satyrae, cum Comment. &c. Casauboni, 5s. Lond. 1647. 8804. Satyrae, cum Comment, sewed, 10s. 6d. • • Paris, 1812. 8805. -7 Satyra? cum Notis, Paris, 1546. — Aelii Antonii Ne- brissensis Gram, in Cosmog. &c. Paris, 1533, 6s. 8806. Polybius, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Variorum, 3 vols, neat in lellum, £3. 10s Amst. I67O. 8807. Pomponius Mela, cum notis Variorum et Gronovii, neat in calf,£\. Is. L. Bat. 1722. 8808. en Francais, avec le texte Latin vis a vis, 3 vols, sewed, £l. 4ts. Paris, 1804. 8809. Quinti Calabri Derelictorum ab Homero libri quatuordecim, Grasce, a most beautiful copy, in morocco, £7. ljs. 6d. Venet, ap. Aid. (no date.) This volume is rare in the extreme, and contains three poets which had not been before printed, viz. Quintus Calaber, Coluthus de Rapta Helena?, and Tryphiodorus deTrojoe Excidio. — The year 1521 has been assigned as the date of this edition, but Renouard clearly proves that it cannot be later than 1513, and adduces reasons tending to support his opinion that the book was printed in 1505. — See Annates des Aide, vol. 1. p. 439. 8810. Quintus Calaber, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Variorum, cura de Pauw, fine copy, russia, £l. Hs. L. Bat. 1734. 8811. Quintus Curtius, cum notis Variorum, 10s. 6d. Jmst. Elzev. 1664. 8812. ■ (no title) neat, 6s. 8813. editio accurata, 2 vols. half. bound, russia, 125. 6d. Vnponti, I782. 8814. Sophocles, Graece, editio princeps, a beautiful copy, in purple morocco, £5.\0s Venet. ap. Aid. 1502. A very excellent and accurate edition, which formed the basis of many subsequent ones. Renouard gives the eulogium of Brunck in its favour, and then observes, " I have made this quotation rather at length in 662 Longman, Hurst, Reus, Orme, and Brown. order to prove by the testimony of one of our most learned editors, that the beautiful and early productions of the Aldine press, are not, as many think, mere curiosities, which are only valuable on account of their rarity. Nearly the whole having been formed from excellent manuscripts, by the learned Aldus and his skilful coadjutors, they are the precious sources to which it is most necessary to have recourse in order to re-establish passages corrupted by editors, if not ignorant or rash, at least careless." — Vide Annates des Aide, vol. 1. p. 53. 8815. Sophocles, Gr. et Lat. Johnsoni, 2 vols, neat, 18s. 6d. Lond. 1758. 88i6\ • 3 vols. £l. Is. Oxon. 1705. — Lond. 174-6. 8817. « 2 vols, neat, £1.4*. Eton. 177 '5. 8818. cum Scholiis, Gr. 6s." Cantab. 1673. 8819. ■ Grsece, stamped binding, £l. Is. Pa?*is. ap. Colinceum, 1528. 8820. Another Copy, very neat, £\. 4>s. ib. 1528. A good edition, copies of which are uncommon. 8821. Seneca? Tragcedice, in vellum , £\ % \0s. Venct. in cedib. Aid. 1517. This excellent edition was edited by Jerome Avantius, who asserts in the preface that he has corrected 3000 errors. 8822. Scriptores Rei Rusticce Veteres Latini, e recensione Jo. Math. Gesneri, editio accurata, 4 vols, neat in calf, £2. 2s. Biponti, 1787. 8823. Scriptores Physiognomoniae Veteres ex recensione Camilli Perusci et Frid. Sylburgii, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Variorum, extra, iSs. Altenburg. 1780. 8824. Statii Opera Omnia, Bernartii, neat, 9s. Ant. 1595. 8825. Stobeei (Joannis) Eclogarum Physicarum et Ethicarum Libri duo. Ad codd. MSS. fidem suppleti et castigati annotatione et versione Latina instruct!, ab Arn. 11. L. Heeren, 4 voir. calf extra, £2. 12s. 6d. Gotting. 1792. 8826. Solini (C. Julii) Polyhistor ad optimas editiones collatus, neat in calf, 8s Bipunti, 1794. 8827. Syntipaa Philosophi Persas Fabulas, Gr. et Lat. half -bound, neat, 7s. 6d. Lips. 1781. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — &vo. 663 8828. Sallustii Opera, a H. Homer, calf extra, 15s. •• Lond. 17S9. A very scarce edition, and has the reputation of being immaculate. 8829- Sallustius, in usum Delphini, 2s. 6d. ib. 176S. 5830. Another Copy, 4s. ib. 1726. 5831. Sallustius, cum notis Variorum, editio optima, £l. Is. Amst. 1690. 8832. Sallustius, &c. neat in russia, 12s. Basil. And. Crantandri, 1521. 8833. Sallustius, neat, £l. Is. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1521. Of Aldus's two editions of Sallust the present is the most beautiful, rare, aud correct. 8834. Suetonius, cura Wolfii, 4 vols, boards, £2. • • • • Lips. 1802. This is an excellent edition, in which the famous commentary of Casaubon is reprinted, with many other valuable editions. 8S35. Suetone Histoire des Douze Cesars, avec le Texte Latin, vis-a- vis, 4 vols, neat in calf, £l. \6s. Paris, 1771. 8836. Suetonii Opera Omnia, Notis Illustrata, 4>s. • • • . Oxon. 1676. 8837. Suetonius, cum Notis Variorum et Pitisci, plates, 2 vols. £l. 10s. Traj. ad Rhen. 1690. 8838. Scriptores Romani, 3s. Etonce, 1 791 . 8839. Strabonis Geographia, Gr. et Lat. Siebenkeesii, best paper, vol. 5, boards, £1, 18s. Lips. 1808. 8840. Sulpicius Severus, cum notis Variorum, et Hornii, 10*. 6d. Amst. Elzev. 1660. 8841- Theocritus, Gr. et Lat. a Martin, fine tall copy in vellum, l6s. Lond. 176O. A very excellent and correct edition. 8842. Valckenaerii, calf extra, 14s. L. Bat. 1773. g§43 # _. Bion et Moschus, Gr. et Lat. Valckenaerii, very neat in calf, 16s. • • • • • • L. Bat. 1779. 8844. Gr. et Lat. 3s. 6d. Oxon. I699. 8845. Terentius, cura Westerhovii, 2 vols, calf extra, £l. 10s. H. Com. 1732. Founded upon the same editor's quarto edition, and very useful for young students. 664 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8846. Terentius, editio accurata, 2 vols, in 1. half-bound, 10s. 6d. Biponti, 1779* 8847. cum Variae Lectiones, with Plates, large paper, 2 vols, in 1, 12s. Lond. Sandby, 1751. 8848. ex edit. Westerhovii, large paper, calf elegant, 10s t 6d. Glasg. ap. Foulis, 1742. 8849. Terentius, cum notis Variorumjwe copy, 9s. 6d. L. Bat. 1657. 8850. 10*. • • • • ib. 1662. 8851. "very neat, 12s. 6d. ib. 1662. 8852. 135.6c?. •<& 1669. 8853. Another Copy, (dirty) Ss. 6d. ib. 1669. 8854. editio optima, neat, in russia, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1686. 8855. large paper, gilt leaves £l. 4s. Edin. 1758. This is styled by Harwood u an immaculate edition." 8856. Terentii Coinoedise, very neat, £l. Is. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1541. 8857. Tibullus, cura Heynii, very neat, 9s. Lips. 1755. 8358. fine copy, calf extra, £\. 7s. ib. 1777. 8859. in calf, l6s. ib. 1798. There is no work more ably edited than the Tibullus of Heyne. 8860. Terentii Varronis Opera, cura notis Variorum, 2 vols, neat, £\. 4*. Dord. 1619. 8861. Thcodori Prodromi Philosophi Rhodanthes et Dosiclis Amo- rura Libri IX. Grsece et Latine. Interprete Gilb. Gaul- mino Molinensi, in russia, £l. Is. Paris, 1625. 8862. Tryphiodorus's Destruction of Troy, Greek and Latin, with an English translation and Notes, by Merrick, 85. Oxford, 1739. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — 8vo. 665 S863. Tacitus, cum notis Variorum et Gronovii, 2 vols, very neat , .£3.3*. Amst. 1673. 8864. Taciti Opera Omnia, a II. Homer, 4 vols, served, £\. 10s. Lond. 1790. 8865. Tacitus, Brotieri, 4 vols, neat in calf, £d. 13*. 6d. Edin. 1796. Containing all the notes in Brotier's various editions. 8866. cura Oberlini, 4 volt, boards, £l. 18s. Lips. 1801, $867. Ernesti, 2 vols, very neat, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1772. 886*8. Theophrasti Characters, Gr. et Lat. 3*. Lugd. 1638. 8869- Virgilius corrigente Paulo Manutio, Aldi Filio, £l. 95. Venet. 1555. 8870. Virgilius, imperial paper, beautifully printed by Bensley, 2 vols, boards, £4>. 4>s. Lond. 1800. Of this beautiful edition but few copies were printed upon this paper and the present, (both letter press and engravings, fifteen in number,) was selected by the favour of the publisher, from the entire impression, as testified in writing by the former possessor. — The text is b lieved to be immaculate. 8871. Virgilius, with fine engravings, large paper, 2 vols, ele- gant in Hue morocco, £2. 12s. 6d. Lond. by Bensley. 1800. g872. — Heynii, 4 vols, neat, £l. 16s. Lips. 1767. S87S. cura Wakefieldii, large paper, 2 vols, in red morocco, £2. 12s. 6d. Lond. 1796. 8874. Another Set, 2 vols, neat in calf, £l. Us. 6d. • • • • ib. 1796. A sumptuous and accurate edition— very few copies were printed upon large paper. 88j5. editio accurata, 2 vols, neat in calf, l6s. 6d. Biponti, 17 S3. gg^G. . cura Brunckii, neat, £l. Is. Argent. 1/85. An edition executed with great care and accuracy. 3877. — ' — a Justice, the entire text engraved on copper, with numerous vignettes, Spc. fyc. 5 vols, in 2. very neat in calf £3. 8s. • • Brus. 1 757-65 . 4P 666 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8878. Virgilius, ex edit. Burmanni, cum notis Rua?i, 2 vols. 125. Olisipone, 1789. 8879. Virgilii Opera, cum notis Variorum et Emmenessii, 3 vols. very neat in vellum, £4>. 4*. L. Bat. 1680. 8880. typis Baskerville, large paper, red morocco* £l. Is. Burning. 1766. 8881. cum Annotat. Manutii, &c. very neat, 15*. Ant. ap. Plantin. 1566. 8882. ad novissimam Ileynii editionem exactus, very neat, 13*. Lond. I8O9. 8883. in usum Delphini, 85. ib. 1722, 8884. cum notis Var. et Schrevelii, bound in 2 vols. neat, 14*. L. Bat. 1652. 8885. Heinsii, vellum, 4s. 6d. Patav. 1738. 8886. Virgil, translated by Pitt, Warton, and Spence, with Notes, and the Latin text, with plates, best edition, 4 vols, neat, £3. 3s. Lond. 1753. 8887. Virgilius Collatione Scriptorum Grascorum lllustratus Opera et industria Fulvii Ursini, neat in vellum, 16s. Leovard. 1747. 8888. Velleius Paterculus, Burmanni, vellum, 12s.- ••L. Bat. 1719. 8889. ■ Ruhnkenii, 2 vols, fine set, calf extra, ^2 ib. 1779. 8890. Valerius IMaximus, fine copy, morocco, lined with satin, £3. 10s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1 534. The best and most uncommon of the Aldine editions of Valerius Maximus. 8891. £l. 5s. ib. 1512. 8892. 3s. 6d. Lugd. ap. Gryph. 1541. 8893. Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. Wellsii, 5 vols, neat, £4. 14*. 6d. Oxon. 1 703. 8894. Another Set, 5 vols, in vellum, £4. 4*. ib. 1703. A uct ores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — Svo. 667 5. Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. cura C. A. Thieme, cum Praefatione Jo. Aug. Ernesti, 4 vols, in vellum, £3. 7s. Lips. 1763-4. 889^. i Gr. et Lat. ex editionibus Schneideri et Zeunii. Accedit Index Latinus, large paper, 10 vols. boards, £5. 15s. 6d. Edin. 1811. A very beautiful and accurate edition formed upon the most approved basis. 8897. Xenophontis Cyropasdia, Gr. et Lat. Hutchinsoni, xery neat, 10*. 6d. Lond. 1 760. 8898. neat, 9s. ib. 1782. 8999. extra, 10s. 6d. ^.1808. 890O. boards, 9s. 6d. Glasg. 1812. 8901. cum Interp. Lat. Amelburni, 4s. Lond. 1736. 8902. -- 2*. 6d. ib. !722. 8903. Memorabilia, Gr. et Lat. Simpsoni, 9s. Oxon. 1772. 8904. 10*. 6d. ib. 1749. 8905. 3s. 6d. ib. 1700. 8906. cum vers. Lat. Amel- burni, 4*. Lond. 1 720. 8907. Anabasis, Gr. neat, 7s. 6d. Oxon. 1772. 8908. Cyri Disciplina, Gr. cura Schneideri, boards, 12*. Lips. 1800. 8909. Opuscula, Gr.et Lat. Simpsoni, 9*.. . Oxon. 1 754. 8910. Opuscula, Graece, Zeunii, very neat, 9*. Lips. 177& 8911. CEconomicus, &c. Grace, Zeunii, extra, 9s. ib. 1782. 668 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8912. Xenophontis (Economicus, Gr. et Lat. 4s. 6d. Oxon. 1750. 8913. Zosimus, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Cellarii, 4s. 6d. • • . *ib. 1679. DUODECIMO. 8914. ANACREON, Gr. cum comment, et var. lect. Irapressa in Literis Majusculis, blue morocco, £l. Is. Parma, per Bodoni, 1791* 8915. Anacreon, Gr. et Lat. Barnesii, with three Portraits, 10s. 6d. Cantab. 1721. 8916. Another Copy, very neat, 10s* 6d. • »Lond. 1734. 8917. Grace, Bothii, finely printed, morocco elegant, 12*. 6d. Lips. 1805. 8918. Grace, cum versio prosaico, large paper, purple morocco, 12*. Glasg. 1801. 8919. Greek and English, by Addison, 5s."Lond. 1735. 8920. " ■ Gr. et Lat, a Trapp, 5s. ib. 1742. 8921. a Tanaq. Faber, 3*. .... Salm. 1680. S922. iEschylus, Grace, 18*. Paris, ex offic. Turnebi, 1552. This edition is formed upon the Aldine. 8923. iEschili Tragcedia? quae extant septem. Cum versione Latina, et Lectionibus Variantibus, 2 vols, very neat, gilt leaves, £l. Is Glasg* ap. Foulis, 1746. 8924. JEsopi Fabulae, Greece, cum notis Ernesti, boards, 3s. Lips. 178\. 8925. iEsopi et aliorum Fabuke, Lat. neat, 4>s. • • • »Hispali, 174-1. S926. Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat. Scaligeri et Fabri, neat, 12s. 6d. Amst. 1670, duct ores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — \2mo. 669 8927. Aristophanis Nubes, Gr. et Lat. 2s. Glasg. 1755. 8928. Asconii Pediani in Ciceronis Orationes Commentarii, &c. fine copy, in purple morocco, <£l. 10s. Florent. ap. Junta, 1519. 8929. Aristeneti Epistolas, Gr. et Lat. a De Pauw, neat in vellum, 7s Traj. 1736. 8930. Anecdota Graeca, Sacra et Profana, ex codicibus raanu exa- ratis nunc primum in lucem edita, versione Latina donata, et notis illustrata a Io. Christ. Wolfii, 4 vols, half-bound, £l.4-s. Hamb. 1722. 8931. Aristotelis Politica, Gr. et Lat. Ramii, Franco/. l601. 8932 de Poetica, Gr. et Lat. 4$. Glasg. 1745. 8933. MYmm Varia Historia, Gr. et Lat. 2s. 6d.>* . . Argent. 1662. 8934. Apollodori Atheniensis Bibliothecae libri tres, cura Notis Comment. &c. a Heyne, 4 vols, half-bound, 18*. Goets. 1782-3. 8935. Aurelius Victor ex recensione J. Arntzenii, sewed, 4>s. Rotter d. 1801. 8936. Anthologia Graca Prosaica, a Harles, neat, 7s. 6d. Norimb. 1781. $937' Alciphronis Epistolae, Gr. et Lat. Bergleri, very neat in calf, 7s. Traj. 179L 8938. Aulus Gellius, Gronovii, very neat in calf, £l. Is. Amst. ap. Elzev. 1651. 8939. Aulus Gellius, 5s. • Amst. ap. Sanson, \666. 8940. Arriani Expeditio Alexandri Grace, old morocco, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. Basil. 1539- 8941. Apuleii Opera Omnia, neat, 3s. •••• - Ant. 1610. 8942. Bion et Moschus, Gr. et Lat. a Wakefield, boards, 3s. 6d. Lond. 1795, 8943. Boethiusde Consolatione Philosophise, 2*. 6d.'»Amst. 166*8. 8944. Boethii de Consolatione Philosophise libri quinque, fine copy in green morocco, 12s. 6d. Paris, 1783. 8945. Ciceronis Opera, 10 vols, in 9. £4. 4>s. Amst. ap. Bleav, 1()58. A good copy of an excellent edition. 670 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8946. Ciceronis Opera, 10 vols, fine set, elegantly bound in red mo- rocco, £\0. 10s. L. Bat. ex offic. Elzev. 1642. 8947. Ciceronis Opera, 10 vols, in 8, neat, £7. 7 s. L. Bat. ex offic. Elzev. 1642. This is the celebrated Elzevir edition so much and so deservedly eulogized for its beauty and accuracy. — These copies have the " Consolatio" printed in Italics, and are therefore much esteemed by the curious. 8948. Ciceronis Opera, 20 vols, neat, £5. 15*. 6d. Glasg. ap. R. % A.Foulis, 1749- 8949. Ditto, the fine paper, 21 vols, fine copy, in old morocco, £9- 9s. 1*. 1 749. " The text of this very beautiful edition of Cicero is taken from Olivet, and is very correctly published." — Harvoood. 8950. Ciceronis Opera, 1 1 vols, fine copy, in morocco, ruled with red lines, £0. 5s. Paris; Colinceus,et Stephanus, 1543-7. A very small, neat, and elegant edition. 8951. Ciceronis Epistolaa ad Familiares, Grcevii, 5s. * * • • Amst. l6S9. 8952. Cicero de Inventione, &c. 2*. Lond. 1585. 8953. Officiis, ruled with red lines, blue morocco, 6s. Lugd. ap. Gryph. 1552. §054. Oratore, very small size, 5s, Cantab. 1589* 8955. Ciceronis Script. Fragmenta, 4s. Amst. 16*59. 5956. Ciceronis Fragmenta, passim dispersa, Caroli Sigonii diligen- tia collecta, et Scholiis illustrata, neat, \5s.»*Venet. 1560. 5957. Collectio Auctorum Classicorum Latinorum, viz. Horatius, Ovidius, Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Martialis, Persius, et Juvenalis, 8 vols, boards, £3. 3?.* • • • Vindob. 1802-4. These editions are printed with neatness and accuracy. 8958. Cebetis Thebani Tabula, Gr. et Lat. Johnsoni, large paper, calf extra, 9s. Lond. 1720. 8959. Callimachus, Gr. et Lat. cum Archie Epigrammatibus, Frisch- lini, 7s. Basil, 1589- 8960. Csesaris Commentaria, neat, Gs. -ib. 1554. Sg6l. Caesar, ex emend. Scaligeri, a beautiful and large copy, in red morocco, £2. 2s. L. Bat. ex offic. Elzev. 1635. This is the genuine and deservedly celebrated Elzevir Caesar. 8962. Another Copy of the same edition, £l. Is ib. 1635. Auctores Classici, Gr.et Lat. — \2mo. 67 1 8963. Cassar, ex emend. Scaligeri, 3s. « Amst. 1718. 8964. Claudianus, cum notis Heinsii,^we copy, in morocco, £l. 6s, L. Bat, Elzev. 1650. 8965. Claudiani Opera, neat, 6s. ib. 1677. 8966. Comicorum Graecorum Sententiae. Ejusdem Henrici Stephani tetrastichon de his sententiis, 7s 6d. • •••#. Stepk. 1569. 8967. Ditto, fine copy in morocco, £]. Is. ib. 1 56$. 8968. Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, very neat, 9s. Birming. typis Baskerville, 1772, 8969- Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis excerptas, very neat in calf, ,£l. 3s. L. Bat. Elzev. \672. 8970. Emendationes et Supplementa Liviana, very neat, 4s. 6d. Oxon. 1746, 8971. Fabulse Variorum Auctorum, Gr. et Lat. cura Neveleti, in russia, £2. 10s. • Francof. l660. This volume is ornamented with a vast number of engravings on wood, and contains the following Fabulists. — JEsop, Apthenius, Gubrias, Ba- brias, Pha^drus, Avienus, Abstemius, and Anonymi. Fab 8972. Florus et Lucius Ampelius, 9s. L. Bat. Elzev. 1638. 8973. Another Copy, large size, in vellum, £\. ls.»«»» • *ib. 1638. 8974. Gnomici Poetaj Graeci, Brunckii, neat in calf, 10s. 6d. Argent. 1784. 8975. Horatius, accedunt nunc Dan. Iieinsii de Satyra iioratiana libri duo, in quibus totum Poetas institutum et genius ex- penditur, &c. the three parts complete, fine copy, £i, 18s. L. Bat. Elzev. 1629. 8976. Another Copy, the three parts, £l. Is. ib. 16*29. S977. Horatius, editio immaculata, neat, 18s. Glasg. Foulis. 1744. 8978. Horatius, a Livie, neat, 14s. 6d, Birming. Baskerville, 1762. 8979. Horatius, editio stereotype, large paper, neat, 9s. Paris, 1800. S980. Horatius, cum Indice, 2s. 6d. Lond, 1702. 8981. Horatius, (first six pages wanting) 5s. Paris, typis Barbou, 1746. 672 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 8982. Horace, en Latin, avec la traduction de Dacier et Sanadon, Notes, &c. 8 vols, neat, £l. lis. 6d. Amst, 1735. 8983. Homed Ilias, Gr.etLat. 2 vols, boards, 9s.*"*Oxon. 1808. 8984. Homerici Centones ; Virgiliani Centones j Nonni Paraphra- sis Evangelii Joannis, Gr. et Lat. 12*. Paris, H. Steph. 1578. 8985. Hierocles, Grasce, cum Interp. Lat. Curterii, very neat in calf, 7*. 6d. Paris, 1 583. 8986. Historiae Romans Epitomas, viz. Florus, Paterculus, &c. ex- tra, 5s. 6d. ...... Amst. 1647- 8987. Herodotus, Gr. et Lat. ex editione Jac. Gronovii, fine paper, 9 vols, neat, £4. 4s. Glasg. ap. Foulis, 176l» 8988. Another Set, 9 vols, morocco, £5, 15s. 6d. ib. 1761. 8989. Isocratis Orationes et Epistolae, cum Latina Interp. Hieron. Wolfii, very neat in calf, 9s. Cantab. 16S6. 8990. Juvenalis et Persius, a Maittaire, 4s. 6d. Lond. 1716. 8991- Justinus, a Maittaire, 1713— Quintus Curtius, a Maittaire, 1716, in one vol. 6s ib. 1713-16. 8992. Livius, ex recens.Gronovii,^ne copy in blue morocco, £2. 5s, L. Bat. ap. Efoev. 1678. 8993. Another Copy, neat in calf, £l.lls.6d. ib. 1678. " Thisedition is remarkable for the beauty of its impression, and smalJnes* of the types used in its execution. Copies in good condition are very seldom seen."— De Bare. 8994. Livius, ex recens. Drakenborchii, cura Ernesti, 5 vols, fine copy, calf extra, £3. Lips. 1785. The fragment of the 91st Book from the Vatican library, and an excellent Glossary, render this edition desirable to the student. 8995. Livius, Clerici, 10 vols, in 5, vellum, £2. 7 s. "Amst. 1710. 8996. Livius, 3 vols. £\. 1 5s. L. Bat. ap. Elzev. 1634. 8997. Livius, Ruddimanni, editio optima, 4 vols, neat, £2. 15s. Edinburgi, 1751. 8998. Livius, Ruddimanni, 4 vols, very neat, £l. 16s.- • • *ib. 1772. 8999- Lucani Pharsalia, cum notis Grotii, 2s.6d.» •• *Amst. 1651. Auctores Classici, Gr.et Lett. — 12mo. 673 • 9000. Lactantius, neat, \6s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1515. 9001. Lactantii Opera, 4*. Cantab. 16S.5. 9002. Lucretius, cum notis Fabri, 2s. 6d. ib. 1675. 9003. Martialis Epigrammata, interleaved with writing paper, 5s. Lond. l6l5. 9004. , a Maittaire, 3*. » ib. 1716. 9005. Maximi Tyrii Dissenationes, Gr. et Lat. morocco, 8s. 6d. Oxon. 1677. 9006. Mythologia vEsopica, Gr. et Lat. Neveleti, with numerous wood cuts, very neat in calf, £2. Franco/. l6l0: In this volume are the Fables of TFsop, Babrias, Phaedrus, Avienus, Ab- stemius, and others Anonymous. 9007. Musaei opusculum de Herone et Leandro. Orphei Argonau- tica. Ejusdem Hymni. Orpheus de lapidibus, Graece, £l. 15s. Venet. in cedib. Aid. 1517- Musaeus has a Latin version, and the treatise of Orpheus appeared in this volume for the first time. 9008. Nemesii Philosophi de Natura Hominis, a Nicasio Eilcbodio, Gr. et Lat. 10*. 6d. Ant. ap. Plant. 1565. " A very scarce and beautiful edition of an elegant and useful work." — Bib. Diet. 9009. Ovide, en Latin et Frangais, par Martignac, 9 vols, neat, £l. 4s. Lyon, 1697.' 9010. Pindarus, Gr. et Lat. morocco, £ I . Is. Paris II. Steph. 1560. Besides Pindar, this volumccontains Alcaeus, Sappho, Stesichoru?, lbyeus Anacreon, Bacchylides, Simonides, and Alomanes. — The present i Stephens's best edition. 9011. 'Pindarus, Graece, cum Interp. Lat. neat in calf, £1. if, Glasg. ap. Foulis, 1 714 , " I have carefully read this edition twice through, an'l affirm' it to be on<> of the most accurate of the Glasgow editions of the Greek classics.'' — Haruood. 9012. Poetae Minores Graeci, Gr. et Lat. Winkrtoni, 3s. Cantab. 1635. 9013. Poetae Minores Graeci, cum vers, Lat. Crispini, (last leaf of index wanting) 6s. • • • • * Basil, 1 584. 4Q 674 Longman, Hurst, IIees, Orme, and Brown. 9014. Plauti Comoediae, very small size, neat, 4s. 6d. Amst. 1729* 9015. Plinii Epistolae et Panegyricus, a Maittaire, 2s. 6d. Lond. 1722. 9016. Plinii Historia Naturalis, 3 vols, neat in calf, £l. lis. 6d. L. Bat. ap. Elzev. 1635. 9017. Plutarchi de Audiendis Poetis, Gr. cum vers. Lat. Grotii, 4*. Glasg. ap. Foulis, 1753. 901 8. Phsedri Fabulae, l. p. extra, 9s. Paris, ap. Didot, 1798. 9019. Phaedrus, a Brotier, extra, 1 55. • • • • Paris, ap. Barbou, 1783. A very beautiful edition, it has the parallel Fables of La Fontaine in French. 9020. Phaedrus, cum Indice, finely printed, neat, As. 6d. Lond. typis Brindley, 1750. 9021. Phaedrus, sezied and uncut, Ss. 6d. Parisiis, ex Typog. Regia, 1729- A beautiful little edition, printed with the same types as the Horace of 1733. 9022. Prudentius, cum notis Heinsii, neat in vellum, £l. Is. Amst.ap. Elzev. 1667. A very excellent, correct, and scarce edition. 9023. Publii Syri Mimi et aliorum Sententiae, very neat, 5s. 6d. 9024. Procli Diadochi Paraphrasis in Ptolemaei Libros IV. de Siderum effectionibus, a Leone Allatis e Graeco in Latinum con- versa, 4*. L. Bat. Elzev. 1655. 9025. Pachymerae paraphrasis in omnia Dionysii Areopagitae, Athe- narum episcopi, opera quae extant Graece, neat 9 £l. Is. Par. ap. Guil. Morel. 1 56 1. 9026. Poetae Minores Graeci, Gr. et Lat. a Crispino, 2 vols, neat, 10s. 6d. Genev. 1584. 9027. Poetae Minores Graeci, Gr. et Lat. a Crispino, 2 vols, neat, 12s. Colon. Allob. 1612. 9028. Platonis Opera Omnia, Latine ex Graeco, per Marsilium Fici- num translata; & a Simone Grynaeo emendata ac collata ad Graecum Codicem ; acceduntejusdem Platonis Axiochus, seu de contemnenda. morte, Latine, ex versione Roddphi Agricola; et Dialogi sex, Latine, interprete Sebastiano Corrado, 5 vols, fine copy, in morocco, ruled with -,ttd lines, <£S. 3s • • • Lugd. 1550. Auctorts Classici, Gr. et Lat. — \%mo. 675 902.9. Petronius Arbiter, very small size, 5s. Amst, 1677. 9030. Another Edition, small size, 3s. 6d. ib. 17OO. 9031. Quintus Curtius, very neat, 15s." Paris, typis Barbou, 1757« 9032. red morocco, elegant, 18s. L. Bat. ap. Elzev. 1633. This is a copy of the original edition of 1633, and exactly corresponds with Count Revickzky's description. 9033. very neat in calf, 8s. 6d. ib. 1633. 9034. Sallustius, (the thick paper edition) neat, £l. Is. Paris, typis Barbou, 1754. 9035. Sophocles Tragoediae VII. Camerarii, 7s. • • • • Haganoce, 1534. 9036. Gr. et Lat. 2 vols. 9s. Glasg. ap. Foulis, 1745. 9037. a Maittaire, 2 vols. 8?. 6d. Lond. 1747. 9038. Sophoclis Ajax, cum Scholiis, &c. Hoerii, neat, 5s. Lips. 1766. 9039> Suetonii Tranquilli Duodecim Caesares, ex Erasmi recogni- tione, 9** Paris, ap. Sim. Colinceum, 1543. 9040. Senecae Philosophi Opera, cum notis Gronovii, 4 vols, old morocco, £2. 5s. L. Bat. ap. Elzev. 1649-58. 9041. Tragoediae, Farnabii, ls.6d. Amst. n. d, 9042. Sulpitii Severi Historia Sacra, old morocco, 8*. L.Bat.ap. Elzev. 1635. 9043. Sallustius, cum vet. Hist. frag. 3s ib. 1634. 9044. Silius Italicus, 4*. 6d."apud Seb. Gryphium Lugduni, 1547. 9045. • 5*. Amst. ap. Bleau, 1631. 9046. Suetonius, ex recens. Graevii, plates, 8*. Amst. 1697. 9047. Tragoediae Selectae iEschyli, Sophoclis, Euripidis. Cum duplici interpretatione Latina, una ad verbu, altera car- mine, 3 \o\s.fine large copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves, £3. 13s. 6d. Lutet. H. Steph. 1567. 9048. Thucydides, Gr. et Lat. ex editione Wassii et Dukeri, 8 vols. £3. 3s. Glasg. typis Foulis. 1759. 9049. Ditto, a very fine set, neat in calf, 8 vols. c£4. 8*. ib.1759. 676 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 9050. Tacitus, ex I. Lipsii editionc, cum Not. et Emend. H. Grotir ? fine copy in the original vellum binding, £2. 2s. L. Bat. ap. Elzev. 1 640. 9051. Another Copy, russia, gilt leaves, £2. 12s. 6d.' • • >ib. 1 640. The best and most scarce of the Elzevir editions. 9052. Tacitus, Brotieri, 7 vols. Jinc copy, half-bound, uncut, £4>. 4>s. Paris, 1776. This edition contains many notes and dissertations from the celebrated quarto edition, with the addition of some others. 9053. Tacite (Les (Euvres de) en Latin et en Francais, avec des Notes sur le Texte, par J. H. Dotteville, 7 vols, very neat in calf,£2. 12s.6d... lb. 1793-9- 9054. Tacitus, 6s. Amst % ap. Elzev. 1 665. 9055. Taciti Cn. Julii Agricolae Vitas, with an English Translation, by Dr; Aikin, very neat, 7s. Warrington, 1774. 9056. Theocritus, Gr. ex editione D. Heinsii expressa, neat, 4s. Glasg. typis Foulis, 174(5. 9057. Terentius, 35. Lugd. ap. God. Berxngum, 1 545. 9058. Terentius, ex recens. Heinsius, 7s. • • • -L. Bat. Elzev. 1635. 9059. Terentius, cum Bentleii Emendationes, 2*. 6d. "Dub. 1727* 9060. Thucydidis Orationes, cum animadvers. et Indice, Baveri, neat in calf, 6s. 6d. Oxon. 1808. 9061. Theophrasti Characteres, Gr. et Lat. very small, 4s. L. Bat. 1632. 9062. Thcognidis Sententise elegiaca?, Gr. cum Interp. et Schol- Eliae Vineti ; access, aliorum poetarum opera sententiosa, collecta per Jac. Hertelium, Gr. et Lat. 10*. 6d. Basil. 1569. 9063. Velleius Paterculus, neat in old morocco, 8s. 6d. L. Bat. ap. Elzev. 1639. 9064. Velleius Paterculus, cum Scholiis, neat in calf , 10s. 6d. Venct. ex cedib. Manutianis, 1571. Minutely described by Renouard, Vol. I. p. 379. 9065. Virgilius, cura Ueh\6n,fine copy of the genuine edition, green morocco, £3. l6s. L. Bat. ap. Elzev. 1636. The present copy of this beautiful edition, exactly corresponds with Do Erne's description of its peculiarities. Auctores Classici, Gr. et Lat. — \2mo. 677 9066. Virgilius, Heinsii, 5s Amst. ap. Wetsten. 1725. 9067. Virgilius, interp. Car. Ruaei, Illust. boards, 4-s. '-Oxon. 1810. 9068. Virgilius, Curis ct studio Steph. And. Philippe, with Jine en- gravings, Jirst impressions, 3 vols, very neat, gilt leaves, £2. 10s. Paris, per Const elier, 1 745. 9069. Virgilius, a Wakefield, 2 vols, in calf, iOs. 6d.--Lond. 1796- 9070. a Hunter, 2 vols, boards, 9s. • • • • Andreap. 1799. 9071. Valerius Maximus, 2s. 6d. Antverpice, 1555. 9072. Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. ex editionibus Schneideri et Zeunii. Accedit Index Latinus, finely and correctly printed, 10 vols, boards, £S. 13s. 6d. Edin. 1811. 9073. ■ Res Gestse et Agesilaus, Graece, 4 vols, in 2, calf extra, 18s. Glasg. Foulis, 1 762. 5^074. Memorabilia, &c. Gr. et Lat. 2s.--Edinb. 1739* REPRINTED EDITIONS OF RARE BOOKS. FOLIO, 9075. T>OOK of St. Alban's ; containing the Treatises of Hawking, -*-* Hunting, Coat of Armour, Fishing, and Biasing of Arms, reprinted from the rare edition of Wynkyn de Worde r 1496,/?. b. russia, £$. &s. Lond. )8ll. 9076. Dugdale's (William) Monasticon Anglicanum, with con- siderable Additions and Improvements by the Rev. B. Ban- dinel, Part I. to VII. (all that are published) c£22. Is. The succeeding parts will be delivered to the Purchaser at £3. 3s. 9077. ■ History of St. Paul's Cathedral with Additions and Improvements by Henry Ellis, Parts I. to IV. (all published) £10. 10s. The succeeding parts will be delivered to the Purchaser at <£*2. 12s. 6d. 9078. Enderbie's (Percy) Cambria Triumphans, or Britain in its perfect lustre, shewing the Origin and Antiquity of that illustrious Nation, large paper, boards, £4>. 4s. Lond. 1810. 9079. Grey's (W.) Chorographia; or a Survey of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, boards, 15s. Newcastle, 1813. 9080. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Stephen Fox, Kt. Illustrated with 18 Portraits, including King Charles I. on Horseback, by Hollar, large paper, h. b. russia, £7. 7*. Lond. I8O7. 9081. Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, from the Edition of 1623, boards, £3. 13s. 6d ib, 1808. Reprinted Editions of Rare Books. — 4>to. 679 9082. Thoresby's (Ralph) Topography of Leeds and parts ad- jacent, considerably enlarged and improved by Dr. T. D. Whitaker, with numerous engravings, 2 vols, boards, £±4,. 14s. Leeds, 1816. QUARTO 9083. ARCHAICA. Containing Reprints of Scarce Old English Prose Tracts. With Prefaces, Critical and Biographical, by Sir E. Brydges, Bart, finely printed and ornamented •with vignettes and capitals beautifully engraved in wood, 2 vols, boards, £9. \6s. Lond. 1815. 9084?. Arnold's Chronicle otherwise called the Customs of London, boards, £\. 15s. Lond. 1811. 9085. Arthur of Little Britain (History of the valiant Knight) a Romance of Chivalry, with a series of Plates from illu- minated Drawing*;, contained in a valuable MS. of the. original Romance, boards, £5. 5s. • • • ib. 1814*. 9086*. Another Copy, toith the Plates beautifullif coloured in imita* Hon of the original Drawings, boards, £$. 8s. ib. 1814. 9087- elegant in morocco, £9> 9*- ib - 1814< - 9088. Burton's (Richard) Wars in England, Scotland and Ireland. — Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London and Westminster. — Admirable Curiosities, Rarities, and Wonders in England, Scotland, and Ireland. — History of the Kingdom of Ireland. — History of the Kingdom of Scotland. — History of the House of Orange, 6 vols, large paper, being all that were re- printed) in which are a great number of Portraits, Topo- graphical Views, &c. boards, £\S- • • • • 'ib. 1810. 680 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. O08Q. Burton's (Richard) Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London and Westminster, Portraits, &c. large paper, boards, £3. 3s. Lond. 1810. 9090. History of the Kingdom of Ireland, Por- traits, &c. large paper, boards, £3. 3s.»»»*ib. 1811. 9091. Brathwayt's (Richard) Essays upon the Five Senses revived by a new Supplement with a pithy one upon Detraction, continued with sundry and divine Contemplations, boards, £l. 5s. ib. 1814. 9092. qreton's (Nicholas) Characters upon Essays, Moral and Divine, 1615, and the Good and the Bad, 1616, sewed, 14s. ib. 1815. 9093. - Smale Handfuli of Fragrant Flowers, 1575, and a Flourish upon Fancie, 1582, Poems, boards, £2. 2s. 9094. Bartholomew Faire, or Variety of Fancies where you may find a Faire of Wares, and all to please your Mind, 3s. 9095. Briefe Description of the notorious Life of John Lambe, otherwise called Dr. Lambe, together with his Igno- minious Death, 5s. 9096. Bibliographical Miscellanies : being a Selection of curious Pieces in Verse and Prose, boards, £\. ls.*>Oxon. 1813. 9097. Certaine (A) Relation of the Hog-faced Gentlewoman called Mistres Tannakin Skinker, who was bewitched in her Mother's Wombe in the year 1618 ; and can never recover her shape till she be married, portrait, 1640, sewed, 6s. Lond. 18 16. 9098. Coriate (Thomas) Traueller for the English Wits ; Greeting from the Court of the Great Mogul, resident at the Towne of Asmere in Easterne India, half-bound, fnorocco back, 12s. 9099. England's Parnassus : or the Choysest Flowers of our Mo- derne Poets : with their Poeticall Comparisons, &c. by R. Allott, 1600. in 3 parts, boards, £5. 12s. 9100. Essay (An) of the Nature and Actions of the Subterranean, and for the most part invisible People, heretofore going Reprinted Editions of Rare Books. — 4>to. 08 1 under the names of Elves, Faunes, and the Lyke, among the Low-Country Sects, &c. edited by Walter Scott, boards, £l. Is. Edin. 1815. 91 01. Froissart's Chronicles, by Lord Berners, 2 vols, boards, £5.15s.6d. Lond. 1812. 9102. Fabyan's Chronicles of England and France, by Ellis, boards, £2. 12*. 6d. ib. 1811. 9103. Fuller's (Thomas') Worthies of England, with Notes by Nichols, 2 vols, boards, £4>. 4s. ib. 1811. 9104. Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions garnished and decked with divers dayntie Devises right delicate and delightful!, to recreate eche modest rninde withall first framed and fashioned in Sundrie Formes by divers worthy Workemen of late Days, and now joyned together and builded by T. P. a Poem, 1578, boards, £2. 2s. ib. 1814. 9105. Greene's (Robert) Philomela, the Lady Fitzwaters Nightingale, 1615, boards, 14s. ?'£. 1814. 9106. Arcadia, or Menaphon, Camillas Alarum to slumbering Euphues in his melancholy Cell at Selexedra, l6l 5, boards, l6s. ib. 1814. 9107. Grafton's Chronicle of England, 2 vols, boards, £3. 13s. 6d. ib. 1807. 9108. Howard Earl of Surrey, and Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder, (the Works of) edited by Geo. Fred. Nott, D.D. F.S.A. 2 vols, boards, £1.7s. ib. 1815. 9109. LARGE PAPER, 2 vols, boards, £\\. lis. ib. 1815. 9110. Heliconia. Comprising a Selection of English Poetry of the Elizabethan Age; written or published between 1575 and 1604. Edited by T. Park, Jinely printed and ornamented with vignettes and capitals beautifully engraved on wood, 3 vols, boards, £15. ib. 1815. 9111. Hammond's (William, Esq.) Occasional Poems, 1655, boards, 18*. * ib. I8l6. 9112. Hardyng's Chronicle, by Ellis, boards, £2. 14$«*'^- 1812. 4R 6S2 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 9113. I Jail's Chronicle, boards, £2. 14*. Loud. 180— Hymns and Songs of the Church, boards. ib 1815. 686 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. 9158. Worcester's (Marquess of) Century of Inventions, served, 3s. Newcastle* 9159. The Club; in a Dialogue between Father and Son, printed from the edition of 171 1, and ornamented with beautiful engravings on wood, boards Lond. 1817* 9160. Ditto, large paper, with a duplicate set of engravings boards, t & 1817- 9161. Wits Recreations, from the edition of 1640 ; Wit Rcstor'd, from the edition of 1656, and Musarum Deliciae, or the Muses Recreations, from the edition of 1656, with all the cuts, re-engraved by Bewick, the three works in 2 vols. boards ib. 1817. 9l6t. Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry, edited by E. V. Utterson, with wood cut vignettes, 2 vols, boards, ib. 1817- An interesting selection intended to accompany the various publications of Ritson. Lee Priory Publications. 9163. LEE PRIORY (Works printed at the celebrated Private Press of J Edited by Sir Egerton Brydges ; viz. Sylvan Wanderer, Part 1,2, and 3, 8vo. — Greene's Groat's-worth of Wit, 4to. — Excerpta Tudoriana, No. 1, 2, 3, and 4, 8vo. — Sir Walter Raleigh's Poems, 4to. — Memoirs of Mar- garet Cavendish, 8vo. — Select Poems, by Sir Egerton Brydges, 4to. — Breton's Longing of a Blessed Heart, 4to. — Drayton's Nymphidia, or the Court of Fairy, Svo. — Dun- luce Castle, a Poem, by Edward Quillinan, 4to. — Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Svo. — Quil- linan's Stanzas, 4to. — The Characters of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, 8vo. — Occasional Poems, written in the year 1811, 4to. — Wither's Select Poems, small 4to. — Breton's Melancolikc Humours, 4to. — Breton's Praise of Virtuous Ladies, 12mo. — Brathwayt's Odes, or Philomel's Tears, 12mo.~ Poems- Reprinted Editions of Rare Books. — Various Sizes, 6$>7 I) William Browne, never before published, Parts 1, 2, and 3, 4to. — Lord Brooke's Life of Sir Philip Sydney, part 1 and 2, 8vo. — Desultoria, Part 1, 12mo. — Speeches livercd to Queen Elizabeth on her visit to Giles Brydges, j_ rd Chandos, at Sudeley Castle in Gloucestershire, with a fine portrait of Lord Chandos, and other decorations, 4to. — and the Brother-in-Law, a Play, 8vo. in all 35 Parts, 3T35. The above Works form some of the finest specimens of Typography that the Press has produced, and are decorated with many wood engravings, which if equalled have not been excelled. No more than 100 Copies of t»ny Work have issued from the Press, only 61 Copies of the Gre 's Groats-worth of Wit; and several of the Works have been lim 1 to 80, which, it is believed, will tye the number of each of the Wr that will appear in future. The following may be had separate. 9164. Sylvan Wanderer, Parts 1 to 3, 8vo. all that are yet pub- lished, £^. Lee Priory, 1813-16. 9J65. Part 3, 18$. ib. 1816. Only 2 Copies of Parts 1 and 2 of the above remain unsold. 91 66. Excerptu Tudoriana, or Extracts from Elizabethan Literature, Parts 1 to 4, 8vo. the only Set remaining, £2. 12s. 6d. Lee Priory, 1814-15. 9167* Part 2, 10*. 67/. ib. 1814. 9168. 3, 9s. ib. 1S14. 9169. 4 > !2*. ib. 1815. 9170. Davison's Poetical Rhapsody, Parts 1 to 6, <£5.< • "ib. 1815 9171. Part 2, 135. ib. 1813. 9172. 3, £l. ib. 1815. 9173. - 4, 15*. ib. 1816. 9174. m ■ 5, 16*. 6d. .... ib. 1816. 9175. 6, 18*. ib.l 81rJ. Only 3 complete Sets of the above remain unsold. * s ib. 1813. 688 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Okme, and Browh. 9176. Speeches delivered to Queen Elizabeth on her fi ;st Visit to Giles Brydges, Lord Chandos, at Sudeley Castle in Glou- cestershire, with a Preface by Sir E. Brydges, £art. M.P. K. J. fine Portrait of Lord Chandos, and a va u ty of other Illustrations, 4to. boards, £3. 3s. #% . i^. 1815. 9177. Drayton's (Michael) Nymphidia, the Court of Fairy, of •which only three copies remain, 8vo. sewed, £l. Is. ib. 1814. 9178. Greene's (Robert) Groats-Worth of Wit, bought with a Mil- lion of Repentance, 4to. boards, £7. 7 s. ib. 1812. 9179. Raleigh's (Sir Walter) Poems, 4to. boards, £ }. 3* 9180. Brydges's(Sir Egerton) Select Poems, 4to. boar,- ' £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1S13. 91 81. x,. Age paper, of which only six copies were printed, boards, £3, 3s. ib. 1813. 9182. Occasional Poems, sewed, 10s. 6d. ib. 1814. 9183. Breton's (Nicholas) Longing of a Blessed Heart, 4to. boards, £2. 2s. ib. 1814. 9184. LARGE PAPER boards, £4. 4*. ib. 1814. 9185. Mclancholike Humours, 4to. boards, £l. lls.Gd. ib. 1815. 91 S6. Praise of Virtuous Ladies, 8vo. 7s. 6d. ib. 1815. 9187. Characters of the Earl of Essex and Duke of Buckingham, 8vo. of which only two Copies remain, sewed, 10s. 6d. ib. 1814. 9188. large paper, £l. Is. ib. 1814. 9189* Quillinan's (Edward) Dunluce Castle, an original Poem, 4to. boards, £l. lis. 6d. ib. 1814. Only two Copies remain unsold. 9190. Stanzas, 4to. sewed, 13s. 6d.- *ib. 1814. 1 Rep. fated Editions of Rare Boohs* — Various Sizes. 68$ 9191. Desul w ria : or Comments of a South Briton on Books and Mo i, 12mo. Part I. 6s. ib. 181^. 9192. Withe \s (George) Select Lyrical Poems, sewed, 7s. 6d. \ ib. 1815. 9193. BratlnvJyte's (Bichard) Odes; or Philomel's Tears, *Svo. 7s. 6d. ib. 1815. 9194>. Browne's (William) Poems, never before printed, Part 1, 4to. «£l. Is. ib. 1815. 9195. -. —2, do. 1 8.5. ib. 1815. gygS. 3 ? 4to# 125 I ib. 1815. 9197. Brook (Lord) Life of Sir Philip Sydney, 2 Parts, 8vo. £a~$g. ib. 1815-15. 9198. «J 1 Part 2, £l. 115. 6d. 2^. 181(5. FINIS. 4S /