UC-NRLF i THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID OXFORD ATLAS OF ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, DEDICATED WITH PERMISSION TO THE REV. DR. RUSSELL, HEAD MASTER OF THE CHARTER HOUSE SCHOOL, LONDON. TT HEN it is considered that there are numerous Atlasses of Ancient Geography already in circulation, it may not unrea- sonably be inquired, wherein consists the necessity of publishing another? To this question the Publisher deems it expedient to reply; and in doing so, without entering at length into the errors and imperfections of works of this description already before the public, he would remark, that it has been suggested to him that they are inadequate on many accounts for the purposes for which they are designed. Those Maps in particular which ought to be illustrative of the earlier writers of Greece and Rome, abound with numerous errors and omissions; and frequently the position of places is entirely at variance with the description given by those writers. In those systems of Ancient Geography which are most approved and are most exempt from error, the size of the Maps is so large, that they are not only unportable, but exceedingly inconvenient for frequent reference. It is true that some of a smaller scale have within these few years been pub- lished, but they evidently bear marks of having been copied from older works, with very few corrections and scarcely any addi- tions. From these considerations it is presumed, that an Atlas free from these inconveniences and imperfections would be a de- sirable acquisition to the library of Students in the Universities, as well as Classical Scholars in general. The materials of the work will be derived from the most esteemed Geographical systems, under the superintendence of a Graduate Member of the University, who, before the Maps are presented to the public, will diligently compare them with the Greek and Roman Histo- rians they are intended to illustrate. Maps and Plans illustrative of Herodotus, Thucydides, Livy, &c. &c. will also be given, to which will be added Chronological Tables. As the utility of the work must depend on its accuracy, the Publisher assures the Subscribers that no expence or industry shall be wanting to render it worthy the high patronage already received. The Atlas will contain upwards of Sixty Quarto Plates, from Drawings made expressly for the work. The price to the Sub- scribers will not exceed Two Guineas : Non-Subscribers Three Guineas. SUBSCRIBERS. Charter House. Christ'* Hospital. Rev. Dr. Russell Rev. Dr. Trollope Rev. R. Watkinson Rev. W. H. Chapman Merchant Taylors. Rev. Mr. Bellamy Eton. Rev. J. B. Deane Rev. Dr. Keate Rev. W. Blunt Rev. Mr. Carter Rev. Mr. Yonge Greenwich. Rev. Mr. Hawtrey R D BurRev Rev. Mr. Chapman, 2 copies Rev. Mr. Coleridge, 2 copies Richmond. Rev. Mr. Dupuis _ _ _, Rev. Mr. Green ev. JJ^Tate Rev. Mr. Jenkins Rev - Mr ' Lckwood Rev. Mr. Moultrey Manchester. Harrow. Rev. Dr. Smith Rev. Dr. Butler Rev. Mr. Edwards Norwich. Rev. Mr. Mills Rev. E. Valpy Rev. Mr. Oxnam Rev. Mr. Phelps Reading. Rev. Mr. Streatfield Rev. Dr. Valpy Rugby. Dulwich College Library Rey. Dr. Bloxham Mr. Stanley Bromley College. Rev. Dr. Scott Westminster. Rev. G. Preston Elizabeth College, Guernsey. Rev. C. W. Stocker St. Paul's. St. Paul's School Library Ilminster. Rev. Dr. Sieath Rev. the Head Master Ottery St. Mary. Rev. S. Cornish Aynho. Rev. Mr. Leonard Bronmgrove. Rev. I. Topham Dedham. Rev. Dr. Taylor Henley. Rev. Dr. Bussell ' North Walsham. Rev. Mr. Rees Oxford. Lord Holmesdale, Ch. Ch. Rev. Mr. Rogers, Wadham Rev. T. V. Bayne, Jesus Rev. Mr. Hotham, University Rev. W. Stone, Brasenose Rev. J. Lingard, St. Mary Hall Peter Hansell, Esq. University Hugh Matthie, Esq. Pembroke J. Worsley, Esq. Brasenose J. E. P. Robertson, Esq. Exeter W. Gilks, Esq. Pembroke A. Skey, Esq. Exeter W. Austen, Esq. Exeter G. Forrester, Esq. Brasenose H. Barton, Esq. Brasenose H. Kuper, Esq. Merton C. Crofts, Esq. Magd. Hall C. Childers, Esq. Ch. Ch. J. Maude, Esq. Queen's W. J. Chesshyre, Esq. Balliol W. Platt, Esq. Brasenose W. H. Fellowes, Esq. Ch.Ch. T. Denne, Esq. Ch. Ch. H. D. Wickham, Esq. Exeter H. Gwyn, Esq. Trinity J. A. Giles, Esq. Corpus W. D. Bernard, Esq. Wadham J. H. Harding, Esq. Exeter H. Merivale, Esq. Trinity H. Crommelin, Esq. Exeter. C. Bowles, Esq. Exeter W. Stocker, Esq. St. John's W. Cayley, Esq. Ch. Ch. T. Whipham, Esq. Trinity G. Goodwin, Esq. Queen's W. Bowyer, Esq. Brasenose J. W. Waiter, Esq. Ch.Ch. Rev. P. Robinson, Lincoln J. Evans, Esq. Worcester C. P. Loft, Esq. Exeter C. Jackson, Esq. Lincoln J. Bazely, Esq. Queen's W. Bridge, Esq. Ch. Ch. J. R. Bloxara, Esq. Ch.Clu J. Pack, Esq. Ch.Ch. B.Botfield, Esq. Ch.Ch. G. Madan, Esq. Ch. Ch. P. Agar, Esq. Trinity T. Staniforth, Esq. Ch. Ch. S. Edwards, Esq. Trinity Rev. Mr. Gutch, Seagrave J. Gutch, Esq. Bristol W. Ormsby, Esq. Clieltenham Mr. Gardner, London Rev. J. Hambleton, Wallingfoi-d Colonel Handcock, Hereford LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS. World. Britain. Roman Empire during the Punic War. Roman Empire during the time of Augustus. Spain. Gaul. ^Germany. ^Cisalpine Gaul. *Central Italy. *Italy and Sicily. Sicily. Greece and its Colonies. Macedonia. *Thrace. *Northern -Greece. *Central Greece. *Peloponnesus. *Coast of Asia Minor and Islands in JEgean Sea. *Asia Minor. Countries between Sardis and Susa. Asia. * Africa. Palestine, Egypt. Those marked thus * will be double the size of the other Maps. To illustrate Herodotus. The World. Egypt. Delta. Scythia. Samos and Mycale. Libya. Asia. Battle of Marathon. Bridge of Boats. Pass of Thermopyla?. Battle of Platrea. Battle of Salamis. Plan of Athens. Plan of Babylon. Chronological Table. To illustrate Thucydides. Sicily.* Acarnania and ^Etolia. Sybota. Stratos. Olpe. Pallene and Siege of Po- tidzea. Amphipolis. Pylos. Battles in the Crissaean Gulph. Siege of Platsea. Plan of Syracuse. Plan of Athens. Chronological Table from the Battle of Plataea to the close of the Peloponnesian War. To illustrate Livit Mysia and Lydia. Rome. Vicinity of Rome. Battle of Caudine Forks. Passage .of the Rhone. Battle of the Trebia. Battle of Trasimenus. Battle.of Cannse. Plan of Syracuse. Siege of Syracuse. Battle at the Metaurus. Battle of Zama. Battle of Cynocephala;. Battle of Magnesia. Plan of Sparta. Plan of a Roman Encamp- ment, &c. &c. To illustrate Homer. The World. Map of the Trojan War. Miscellaneous. Plan of a Greek Theatre. Plan of a Roman Theatre. Catapulta. Balista. Testudo. Musculus and Pluteus. Battering Ram. Covered Galleries. &c, &c. &c. OXFORD, PUBLISHED BY J. VINCENT ; AND G. B. WH1TTAKER, LONDON. A LIST OF SOME OF THE 'MOST POPULAR BOOKS PUBLISHED BY J. VINCENT, OXFORD. NATURAL THEOLOGY, by WILLIAM PALEY, D.D. illustrated by a Series of Plates, and Explanatory Notes. By JAMES PAXTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. To which is added, BOTANICAL THEOLOGY, by JOHN SHUTE DUNCAN, M.A. Fellow of New College, Oxford. 2 vols. 8vo. price 1 8s. In announcing this Work to the Public, it may be observed, that it has originated from the difficulty of understanding the argument, when applied to the mechanism in the structure of natural objects, and those instances of contrivance which demonstrate a Creative Power. The physical arguments in Natural History relate to many objects which indeed may be generally subjected to our senses, but (to instance only anatomy) it is probable that they have never been seen by the generality of the readers. Those organs destined to mechanical functions the bones of man the muscles compa- rative anatomy relations and compensations even of insects and plants all admit of graphic representation. The plates which are given in the work are all accurately represented from original designs obtained from the most authentic sources, and have been submitted to the critical examination of the most competent judges. " Archdeacon Paley's work is too universally known to require comment. This edition of it has the advantage of a clear and legible type no small recommendation; and of plates, which, with the editor's " explanatory notes," are what they profess to beillustrations, contributing very materially, we think, to a thorough understanding of the author. " The Supplement, which has its illustrations also, (carrying the discussion into, and collecting evidences from another department of nature,) will be found instructive, and very interest- ing." New Monthly Magazine, October, 1826. "This is a well conceived work, containing plates of the principal subjects of anatomy and physiology, adduced by Paley. The author speaks of them as ma'de from nature; and they are obviously a very useful and illustrative explanation. The volumes deserve to be in the hands of every one who takes the " Natural Theology " as a guide in one of the most interesting studies that can be offered to the mind of piety and wisdom." Quarterly Theological Review, September, 1826. " We are surprised that twenty-three years should have elapsed before the experiment was made, but we should be ungrateful not to acknowledge its utility, however late the attempt." Gents. Mag. July, 18CC. BOTANICAL THEOLOGY, or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity collected from the appearances of Nature, by JOHN SHUTE DUNCAN, M.A. Fellow of New College. Illustrated with Four Engravings, second edition. 8vo. price 4s. Intended as a Supplement to PALEY'S NATURAL THEOLOGY. A SERIES of THIRTY SIX ENGRAVINGS, with descriptive letter-press, illustrative of PALEY'S NATURAL THEOLOGY, 8vo. boards, price 15s. A few proof impressions may be had, price 1 Is. Popular Books lately published by J. Vincent, Oxford. A SERIES of THIRTY SIX LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES, with descriptive letter-press, illustrative of PALEY'S NATURAL THEOLOGY, 8vo. boards, price 12s. An INTRODUCTORY LECTURE to a Course in Comparative Anatomy, illus- trative of Paley's Natural Theology. By JOHN KIDD, M.D. and F.R.S. Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Oxford. Second Edition, price 2s. 6d. MAPS AND PLANS, DEDICATED WITH PERMISSION TO THE REV. DR. RUSSELL, HEAD MASTER OF THE CHARTER HOUSE SCHOOL, LONDON. MAPS AND PLANS illustrative of THUCYDIDES, 8vo. boards, price 10s. 6d. " If we were desired to mention a series of works calculated to assist the Student in his progress, we should refer him to some publications which have lately appeared at Oxford. Of these, the two Atlasses before us are not the least useful. They contain not only the general Maps necessary for the study of Grecian History, but also Plans and Sections illustrative of particular passages in the authors above mentioned These chorographical treasures, long locked up in expensive publications, are now given to the world. Gail and Rennel are the principal authorities, and the engraver has executed his task with ability." Extract from the. Gents. Mag, vol. Q5, part 2. Sitp. December, 1826. MAPS AND PLANS illustrative of HERODOTUS, 8vo. boards, price 10s. 6d. " The Collection before us is chiefly selected from D'Anville, Barbee du Bocage, Rennel, and Gail, and forms an excellent Geographical Note Book for the Student. Besides the general Maps included in that portion of history, it includes Plans without which it is impossible to understand those authors thoroughly. We allude particularly to the Track of Darius Hystaspes in Scythia, the Pass of Thermopylae, the siege of Platiea, and Battles in Crisstean Gulph, etc. Similar illustrations of Livy, Polybius, and Xenophon, are announced, and a General Ancient Atlas is promised. " We earnestly recommend to the classical student an immediate acquaintance with the Maps under review." Classical Journal, December, 1825. MAPS AND PLANS illustrative of LIVY, 8vo. boards, price 12s. QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS on HERODOTUS, price 4s. boards. on THUCYDIDES, price 4s. boards. on LIVY, Book 21 to 30, price Is. on the OLD TESTAMENT, with References to the most approved Commentators, fourth edition, price Is. on the NEW TESTAMENT, with References to the most approved Commentators, fourth edition, price Js. QUESTIONS on the ARTICLES of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND, fourth edition, price Is. on LOGIC, price Is. Popular Books lately published by J. Vincent, Oxford. TRANSLATIONS. The ETHICS of ARISTOTLE literally translated, with Notes, 8vo. second edition, price 10s. 6d. The TRAGEDIES of ^SCHYLUS literally translated into English prose, 8vo. price 10s. 6d. HERODOTUS literally translated, illustrated with copious Notes, explanatory and critical, from Larcher, Rennel, Mitford, &c.; to which is added, a Chronology. 2 vols. 8vo. price 1 4s. The RUDIMENTS of the ART OF LOGIC literally translated, with Notes, third edition, price 3s. 6d. THUCYDIDES'S HISTORY of the GRECIAN WAR literally translated by HOBBES, with Notes and an Analysis, 8vo. price 12s. DIVINITY. The ARTICLES of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND, with Notes compiled from Burnet, Welshman, Tomline, &c. confirmed by Texts of the Holy Scripture, price Is. The ARTICLES of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND, with Proofs and a Series of Questions, price Is. The ARTICLES of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND^ with a Commentary, price Is. ANSWERS to the QUESTIONS on the ARTICLES of the CHURCH OF ENGLAND, price Is. DISCOURSES of a FATHER to his CHILDREN, 12mo. 3s. 6d. A COMPENDIOUS GUIDE to the STUDY of the HOLY SCRIPTURES, 12mo. EPITOME of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS, intended chiefly for Students in Divinity, price 4s. HARMONY of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS, price 2s. HISTORICAL CONNECTION between the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS, shewing the Types in the former, and their fulfilment in the latter, second edition, price Is. " This little Tract, intended for Undergraduates previous to their second examination, deserves the attention of Candidates for holy orders. A concise Prophetical Connection, with a Table of the Prophecies and their fulfilment, has issued from the same press, with Questions on the Scriptures, and the Articles of the Church of England. To the more abstruse questions references are given, which may induce the Student to consult several very valuable Works. From the specimens we have seen, we confidently recommend the whole series to Tutors out of the University." Classical Journal, September, 1824. Popular Books lately published by J. Vincent, Oxford. LAYMAN'S THEOLOGICAL INSTRUCTOR, or a Plain Exposition of the Doctrines of the Church of England, 8vo. price 10s. 6 j-^ *-^ RE.C D LD 171994 MAR 31 '65-10 AM MflY ^i fQCC rt MAT - ]^gg 2 4$23 ' 20 MB ' iv c ... ; [A MAY 2 31967 9 - .rfeW* General Library University of California Berkeley