CHRONICLE ONE HUNDRED <& TIFTl m m f * ran m WILLIAM G. BROADWAY WILLIAM G BROADWAY HIS -BOOK HOW PROCUREDf.r<>5ji..Cheoiber_of Commerce DATE CHRONICLE ONE HUNDRED C&, FIFTY YE51RS ONE HUNDRED C, FIFTY YEZRS THE CHAMBER of COMMERCE & THE STATE, ofNEWYORK "The Panama Gateway "^Presidential'Nominatlons and Elections' tc. YORK, CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS MCMXVin COPYRIGHT, 1918 THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OP THE STATE OF NEW YORK INTRODUCTORY THE founders of the Chamber of Commerce and the found- ers of the American Union were one and the same body of men. When they met on April 5, 1768, to establish their commercial society they had been for three years in the fore- front of the steadily rising tide of indignant opposition to British rule which was to culminate seven years later in the Revolution. They were engaged, some of them unconsciously, in the momentous task of founding a free and independent republic at the very moment when they came together to form a union of merchants in the interest of the peaceful pur- suits of commerce. Clear perception of these facts is necessary for a just ap- preciation of the high historic value of the Chamber's records. Emerson said of Lincoln that he was the "true history of the American people of his time." In the records of the Chamber of Commerce for a century and a half there is to be found a chronicle of the acts and the spirit of the American people, not only since they became a nation but also during the epoch- making period which immediately preceded that event, for the birth of the society antedated the adoption of the Con- stitution by twenty-one years. The patriotic spirit of the society's founders was disclosed unmistakably at their first meeting. They chose for Presi- dent John Cruger, the man who had drawn up in 1765, in the Stamp Act Congress of the Colonies assembled in New York City, the famous "Declaration of Rights and Grievances of the Colonies in America," which was sent to the British Parliament. When in the same year the stamps arrived and the Royalist Governor had declared his purpose to enforce vi INTRODUCTORY the Act, there was a popular uprising against their reception, during which an effigy of the Governor was burned in Bowling Green. John Cruger, as Mayor of the city, attended by the aldermen, called upon the Governor and so impressed him with the danger which impended if he attempted to enforce the Act, that he promised to deliver the stamps to the city authorities. What next happened is thus recorded in the newspapers of the day: "They (the city authorities) accord- ingly soon after, accompanied with a Prodigious Concourse of People of all Ranks attended at the gate of the Fort, when the Governor ordered the Paper to be given up to them; and upon the Reception of it gave three cheers, carried it to the City Hall and dispersed. After which Tranquillity was restored to the City." That the members of the Chamber were in full sympathy with the patriotic views of their President was shown a year later when he was re-elected. He was at the same time Speaker of the last Colonial General Assembly ever gathered in the colony, and in the minutes of the session of the Chamber on May 2, 1769, it is recorded that "Mr. President reported that he had it in charge to give the Merchants of this city and colony the thanks of the House for their repeated, dis- interested, public spirited and patriotic conduct in declining the importation of goods from Great Britain until such Acts of Parliament as the General Assembly had declared un- constitutional and subversive of the rights and liberties of the people of this colony should be repealed." They were men who knew their rights and dared maintain them, but there was a difference of opinion among them as to the extent to which defense of their rights should be carried. When the time arrived to defend them by taking up arms against the mother country, many of them proved not equal to the test. They favored conciliation by means of resistance and protest but not to the point of revolution and separation. INTRODUCTORY vii It was inevitable that the activities of a society, founded at such a time and by such men, though nominally for "pro- moting and encouraging commerce," should be extended to a field with far wider boundaries than the words imply. From the very beginning, the Chamber took its place as an influ- ence in national affairs whenever there appeared in those affairs issues affecting the national welfare and honor, and the successors of the founders have adhered to that interpreta- tion of its functions down to the present day, not only in national but in state and municipal affairs as well. It is a noble tradition and nobly has it been maintained. Lord Morley cites in his "Recollections" a letter which somebody wrote to Mr. Gladstone near the close of his career: "You have so lived and wrought that you have kept the soul alive in England." No impartial reader of the records of the Chamber of Commerce for the past one hundred and fifty years can escape the conviction that it has so lived and wrought as to keep alive the patriotic spirit of its founders and thereby to aid in keeping alive the spirit of true patriot- ism in the land. In every crisis that has arisen since the foundation of the republic to the present time its voice, never hesitating, never doubtful, has been found on the side of right and justice and public honor. As primarily a com- mercial body, its history is interwoven with the commercial, financial, and industrial history of the whole country. As a body of public-spirited citizens, ready at all times to uphold and advance good government, to secure justice and fair dealing among men, to cultivate and maintain a sound public opinion and a true conception of patriotism, as a genuine moral force in the land, the Chamber of Commerce has throughout its career exerted a powerful influence in sup- port of those agencies which make for progress and civiliza- tion. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTORY v CHAPTER I. FOUNDING OF THE CHAMBER i ORIGIN OF THE NAME FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD. 1768. II. SOCIAL HABITS OF THE PERIOD 5 PROCEEDINGS OF THE EARLY SESSIONS REMOVAL TO NEW QUARTERS OPPOSITION TO BRITISH TAXATION. 1768- 1770. III. ROYAL CHARTER FOR THE CHAMBER 12 VICISSITUDES OF THE SEAL AND OF GOVERNOR COLDEN'S PORTRAIT. 1770-1774. IV. EARLY STAND FOR HONEST MONEY 17 STEPS IN ITS INTEREST AND IN THAT OF PURE FOOD AND BUSINESS INTEGRITY. 1768-1774. V. "THE GOOD OF THEIR COUNTRY" 22 STANDARD RATES FOR COINS PRIZES FOR FISH CATCHES. I770-I774. VI. APPROACH OF THE REVOLUTION 25 JOHN ADAMS'S VIEWS or NEW YORK IN 1774 HIS ESTI- MATES OF MEMBERS OF THE CHAMBER. 1774. VTI. ADVENT OF THE REVOLUTION 28 THE CHAMBER SPLIT IN TWAIN ITS PROCEEDINGS AS A LOYALIST BODY. 1775-1783. VHI. BRITISH EVACUATION OF NEW YORK 34 RETURN OF WASHINGTON AND PATRIOT EXILES BANQUET CUSTOMS OF THE FATHERS. 1783. b x CONTENTS CHAPTER PACK IX. REORGANIZATION OF THE CHAMBER 39 CHARTER REVIVED BY THE STATE APPROVAL OF ERIE CANAL MEMORIAL AGAINST FIAT MONEY. 1784-1793. X. THE JAY TREATY 45 VALUABLE SUPPORT BY THE CHAMBER RESULTS EF- FECTED SESSIONS INTERRUPTED BY YELLOW FEVER INTERREGNUM OF ELEVEN YEARS. 1794-1806. XI. REVIVAL OF THE CHAMBER 53 FREE-TRADE ATTITUDE OF THE MEMBERS NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY LAW FAVORED REMOVAL TO THE MER- CHANTS' EXCHANGE. 1817-1827. XII. ACTIVE INTEREST IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS 57 CITY, STATE, AND NATIONAL QUESTIONS CONSIDERED ERIE RAILROAD FAVORED BURNING OF THE MER- CHANTS' EXCHANGE. 1827-1836. XIII. FRESH LIFE IN THE CHAMBER 61 ADDITIONAL MEMBERS ELECTED GROWTH IN PROTECTION SENTIMENT. 1840-1849. XIV. NEW QUARTERS AND BROADER ACTIVITIES .... 65 SUPPRESSION OF PRIVATEERING SOUGHT MEETINGS IN CLINTON HALL FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. 1851-1858. XV. THE CIVIL WAR 71 PROMPT ACTION OF THE CHAMBER IN SUPPORTING THE GOVERNMENT AND THE NATIONAL CREDIT. 1 86 1. XVI. REBUKE TO PACIFISTS 75 LEGAL-TENDER ISSUE FAVORED LETTERS FROM JOHN BRIGHT AND ADMIRAL FARRAGUT. 1862-1863. XVII. "ALABAMA" ACTS CONDEMNED 81 A CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION IN THE CASE REWARDS FOR THE VESSEL'S CAPTORS. 1863-1864. CONTENTS xi CHAPTER PACK XVIII. END OF THE WAR , . 86 SURRENDER OF LEE DEATH OF LINCOLN DELEGATION TO THE FUNERAL GRATEFUL LETTER FROM SECRE- TARY SEWARD CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE CHAMBER. 1865-1868. XIX. EFFORTS FOR HONEST GOVERNMENT 92 COMMITTEE OF SEVENTY AND TWEED-RING DEFEAT SUPPORT OF POLICE INVESTIGATION CHOLERA SCARE. 1871-1894. XX. ASSASSINATION OF GARFIELD 96 FUND FOR HIS FAMILY FAITH OF THE CHAMBER IN PRESIDENT ARTHUR. l88l. XXI. WAR WITH SPAIN 99 PROMPT SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT PANAMA CANAL TOLLS VALUABLE HISTORICAL EVIDENCE FROM MR. CHOATE. 1898-1914. XXII. RAPID-TRANSIT SOLUTION 105 RECORD OF THE CHAMBER THIRTEEN YEARS OF LEAD- ERSHIP IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUBWAYS. 1894- 1907. XXHI. RAPID TRANSIT CONTINUED . no RECOGNITION OF MR. HEWITT'S SERVICES GOLD MEDAL AWARDED AND STATUE ERECTED TO HIS MEMORY MEDALS ALSO FOR MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION. 1894-1907. XXIV. SOUND-MONEY RECORD 114 UNBROKEN FOR ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS DEMANDS FOR RESUMPTION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS OPPOSITION TO FREE SILVER. 1768-1918. XXV. COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION 120 HISTORY OF THE CHAMBER'S EXPERIENCE FROM EARLI- EST TIMES SUCCESS OF THE SYSTEM. 1768-1918. XII CONTENTS CHAPTER XXVI. THE ATLANTIC CABLE 128 SUPPORT OF THE PROJECT BY THE CHAMBER REC- OGNITION OF CYRUS w. FIELD'S SERVICES. 1858- 1895. XXVII. THE WASHINGTON AND SHERMAN STATUES . . . SECURED FOR THE CITY BY THE CHAMBER DEDICA- TION EXERCISES. 1883-1903. 132 XXVIII. A VISIT TO LONDON 139 GUESTS OF THE LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A WEEK OF ENTERTAINMENTS WITH A NOTABLE BAN- QUET. 1901. XXIX. EARLY HOMES OF THE CHAMBER 144 FAMOUS HISTORIC BUILDINGS WHICH IT HAS OCCUPIED ITS LATER TEMPORARY ABODES. 1768-1902. XXX. THE CHAMBER'S PERMANENT HOME 155 FUND FOR ITS CONSTRUCTION GREAT HALL AND PORTRAIT GALLERY DEDICATION EXERCISES STATUES AND MEMORIAL TABLET. 1902-1911. XXXI. THE EUROPEAN WAR 164 PREPAREDNESS AND UNIVERSAL SERVICE FAVORED DECLARATION OF WAR APPROVED PORT WAR BOARD SECURED. 1914-1918. XXXII. RELIEF AND OTHER FUNDS 169 AH) FOR PERSONS IN DISTRESS FROM CALAMITIES FUNDS FOR THE BENEFIT OF FAMILIES OF DIS- TINGUISHED PERSONS TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS, $3,500,000. 1793-1918. XXXIII. OFFICIAL AND OTHER DUTIES . . ... .... . . 173 SELECTION AND REGULATION OF PILOTS WARE- HOUSING AND SEAMEN'S WAGES SAILORS' SNUG HARBOR NAUTICAL SCHOOL SAILORS' HOTELS OR BOARDING-HOUSES COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. 1791-1918. CONTENTS Xlll CHAPTER PAGE XXXTV. BANQUETS IN THE EARLY DAYS. . . . '. - : . 179 FINES UPON ABSENTEES DISTINGUISHED GUESTS INVITED ANNUAL BANQUETS ESTABLISHED AS A PERMANENT INSTITUTION IN 1873. 1769-1805. XXXV. EARLIEST or THE MODERN BANQUETS .... 184 SPEECH BY WILLIAM M. EVARTS PRESIDENT HAYES AND OTHER DISTINGUISHED GUESTS YORKTOWN ANNIVERSARY GENERAL GRANT ON HYPHENATED AMERICANS. 1873-1883. XXXVI. STATUE OF LIBERTY BANQUETS 189 SPEECHES BY FREDERIC R. COUDERT LETTER FROM A. BARTHOLDI. 1885-1886. XXX Vn. JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN CHIEF GUEST OF HONOR . 194 SPEECHES BY HIM AND BY L. Q. C. LAMAR, SECRE- TARY OF THE INTERIOR. 1887. XXXVIII. GOLDWIN SMITH CHIEF GUEST OF HONOR . . 197 GENERAL SHERMAN ON "LOYALTY TO THE FLAG" CLEVELAND ON "WHAT TO DO WITH EX-PRESI- DENTS." 1888-1889. XXXIX. FINANCIAL CRISIS OF 1890 . . '.. . . . . 201 SERVICES RENDERED BY MERCHANTS PRESIDENT ELIOT ON HARVARD GRADUATES LAST APPEAR- ANCE AND SPEECH OF GENERAL SHERMAN G. W. CURTIS ON WASHINGTON IRVING. 1890. XL. JOHN HAY ON DIPLOMACY 205 CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION LORD HERSCHELL A GUEST LETTER FROM PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. 1892-1902. XLI. LORD MORLEY CHIEF GUEST OF HONOR . . . SPEECHES BY BISHOP GREER, GENERAL HORACE PORTER, AND JOSEPH H. CHOATE THE GUESTS AT LATER BANQUETS. 1904-1915. 210 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER PACT XLII. FORMAL RECEPTIONS . .'; >"'... 215 FOREIGN VISITORS OF MANY NATIONALITIES THUS HONORED ALSO EMINENT AMERICANS. 1893- 1918. XLIII. BROAD SCOPE OF LATER WORK 222 REVIVAL OF AMERICAN SHIPPING RAPID TRANSIT STATE POLICE NEW WATER SUPPLY. 1900-1918. APPENDIX I. FOUNDING OF THE CHAMBER 229 II. ORIGINAL CHARTER 233 III. REAFFIRMED CHARTER 242 IV. BY-LAWS 249 V. OFFICERS OF THE CHAMBER 262 VI. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE CHAMBER OF COM- MERCE FOR THE YEAR ENDING MAY, 1918 . . . 266 VII. ROLL OF MEMBERS 271 VIII. CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS AND SCULPTURE .... 293 IX. PUBLICATIONS BY THE CHAMBER 296 INDEX 297 ILLUSTRATIONS The Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York . Frontispiece FACING PAGE John Cruger 4 Reproductions from Original Stamps of the Stamp Act, 1765 . 10 Great Seal of the Chamber of Commerce, 1770 .... . . 14 City Hall and Great Dock, 1679 24 Fraunces's Tavern, 1768 32 Royal Exchange, 1754 , r . 42 Merchants' Coffee House, 1737 50 Tontine Coffee House, 1796 60 Merchants' Exchange, 1827 68 John Bright 76 Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N 84 City Hall, New York, 1791 94 The Battery, New York, 1793 106 New York in 1796 . 116 The Federal City Hall, 1797 . 130 The Government House, 1797 146 Great Hall of the Chamber of Commerce, First View . . . 158 Great Hall of the Chamber of Commerce, Second View . . . 162 rv xvi ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE Alexander Hamilton 176 George Washington 196 Cadwallader Golden 204 View of Wall Street, 1850 214 Wall Street at the Close of the Nineteenth Century .... 224 CHRONICLE ONE HUNDRED Cgb FIFTY YEZRS CHAPTER I FOUNDING OF THE CHAMBER ORIGIN OF THE NAME FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD 1768 THE New York Chamber of Commerce is the oldest insti- tution of its kind in the world. There were many mercantile associations in European countries before its advent, and one which adopted the same name three and a half centuries earlier, but all these had official connection with the govern- ments under which they existed and were subject to official control. They were not, like the New York society, ab- solutely independent of government connection and super- vision of all kinds, free to act and give expression to opinion or advice in matters of public policy and welfare. France has the honor of establishing the first mercantile association under the name of Chamber of Commerce. This occurred early in the year 1400, under a government grant which vested it with extraordinary jurisdiction in deciding commercial questions. The society was several times sup- pressed and regularly restored, and received a definite organ- ization in 1650. Similar associations were formed later in other towns in France, and in 1700 a Council General of Com- merce was created in Paris. This was composed of six Coun- cillors of State, and twelve merchants delegated by the prin- cipal towns of the kingdom. It was overthrown hi the Revolution, and was revived by Napoleon. It has been subjected to various changes, but since 1852 the election of members has been regulated by law, the term of office being six years. France has a Minister of Commerce who is a member of the Cabinet and whose department maintains a 2 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS close relation with the Chambers of Commerce throughout the republic. In Great Britain, Boards of Trade date from the time of Charles II, but no association with the name of Chamber of Commerce was established till 1783, when one was founded in Glasgow, followed by one in Edinburgh in 1785, and a third in London in 1882. Modem Chambers of Commerce appeared in Germany about the middle of the nineteenth century, but are under the control of the government and may be dissolved by it at any time. In Austria they are also under the control of the govern- ment, are regulated by law, and elect members to the House of Representatives. When on April 5, 1768, twenty merchants of the little co- lonial city of New York came together to form a mercantile union it was amid conditions that must have banished from their minds all thought of connection of any kind with the existing government. They had been for three years united in a series of protests against governmental action. The very air they breathed was charged with the spirit of free- dom and independence, of revolt against official domination. The success of their union for protest had doubtless in- spired them with the idea of a commercial union for the pro- tection and promotion of their business interests. They had deliberately crippled those interests rather than submit to denial of their rights and liberties by the government, and their chief purpose in coming together was to form a united front hi case of further struggles of the same kind. The way in which they proceeded to effect an organiza- tion showed that they had come together with a clearly defined purpose and with a well-prepared plan. A declara- tion was submitted and adopted that "whereas mercantile societies have been found very useful in trading cities for promoting and encouraging commerce, supporting industry, adjusting disputes relative to trade and navigation, and pro- ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 3 curing such laws and regulations as may be found necessary for the benefit of trade in general," the twenty persons present had convened to establish such a society. It was agreed that the society should consist of a Presi- dent, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary and such num- ber of merchants as already had or afterward might become members, and should be called and known by the name of "The New York Chamber of Commerce." Without delay the meeting proceeded to elect the officers of the new society, choosing unanimously the following: John Cruger, President; Hugh Wallace, Vice-President; Elias Desbrosses, Treasurer; and Anthony Van Dam, Secretary. Resolutions were adopted declaring that meetings should be held on the first Tuesday of every month, that quarterly meetings should be held in May, August, November, and February each year, at which the accounts of the Chamber of Commerce should be settled and ballots taken for the admission of new members. It was decreed that each member should pay an admission fee of five Spanish dollars and quarterly dues of one Spanish dollar. The primitive character of the community was strikingly revealed in the decree that a proper room for the meetings of the Chamber should "be provided at the expense of the members so that it doth not exceed one shilling per man, which each person is to pay to the Treasurer at their respec- tive meetings." The city at that time had only twenty thousand inhabitants and its northern limits stopped at the present City Hall. Contemporary prints show that it had the appearance of a provincial town of the present day, with two and three story buildings, abundant shade-trees and generous lawns about the dwelling-houses, many of them extending down to the water-fronts. The value of the entire property of the city was less than that of a single one of many blocks in lower Broadway in 1918, and its entire population was not equal 4 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS to that of two of the great modern office-buildings in the same section. The founders held their meeting in the prin- cipal coffee-house or restaurant in a building known as Fraunces's Tavern, which still exists, restored to its original form, under that historic name. As it was the first home of the Chamber, and its first sessions were held there in a room which remains virtually unchanged to-day, a brief history of it is given in another chapter. The full text of the resolutions adopted at the first meet- ing of the Chamber, together with the names of the twenty founders, will be found in the Appendix of this volume. His- torians have spoken of 1768 as the year of hope and promise and the beginning of the golden age of the colonial period. The twenty gentlemen who came together on that April evening were the recognized leaders of the community, true representatives of its social and political life as well as of its commercial activities. Their names reveal the cos- mopolitan character of the city, for in them can be traced Dutch, English, Scotch, Irish, Danish, German, and other lineage. Many of these names, passed on from honored father to worthy son, have persisted to this day, made familiar, not only by the presence of descendants, but in the nomen- clature of the city's thoroughfares. They and their descen- dants have been the writers of the city's history through many years, for in the proceedings of the society which they founded can be traced every important step of its growth in numbers, wealth, and power. JOHN CRUGER. First President of the Chamber of Commerce. Painted by Thomas Hicks in 186$ from an original miniature. Collection of the Chamber of Commerce. CHAPTER H SOCIAL HABITS OF THE PERIOD PROCEEDINGS OF THE EARLY SESSIONS REMOVAL TO NEW QUARTERS OPPOSITION TO BRITISH TAXATION 1768-1770 AN eloquent historian of colonial days in New York, de- picting the disturbing change wrought in the Dutch city by the advent of Englishmen, especially shopkeepers, in large numbers, a decade or so before the founding of the Chamber of Commerce, writes: With new habits and hours of business the English also intro- duced a new beverage, which was destined to become one of the civilizers of the world, and to do more to refine society than any invention of science or act of legislation. Ale-drinking had given way to tea-drinking. The fair hands of lovely dames no longer swung the heavy tankard, and the foam of beer marred no more the beauty of their rosy lips. Men left their deep potations to watch the graceful play of taper fingers dallying with delicate cups of porcelain and light spoons of precious metal. At the tea table woman reigned supreme. That soft influence which could humanize a Johnson, soon modified the relations of the sexes and added to social life a charm before unknown; yet not without a murmur here and there from some conservative Englishman, who would fain cling to the old customs. Whatever changes may have been caused in social life by the advent of tea, the merchants of 1768 seem to have es- caped the influence, for they were "swinging the heavy tankard" of beer at their regular meetings and did not in- clude tea in their list of refreshments, for a formal statement 5 6 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS of the articles of the Chamber adopted at its sixth meeting contained this provision: A proper room for the meeting of members of the Chamber of Commerce is to be provided, and the Treasurer is to have Bread and Cheese, Beer, Punch, Pipes and Tobacco, provided at the expense of the members present, so that it doth not exceed one shilling each man, which each person is to pay to the Treasurer at then- respective meetings. The Treasurer was instructed at the first meeting to "pro- vide a strong chest wherein shall be deposited the cash, books and papers (of the Chamber) which is to have three different good locks and keys one key to be kept by the President, one by the Treasurer, and the third by the Secretary; the chest for the present to be kept at the Treasurer's." As an inducement to regular attendance at meetings a system of fines was instituted which was maintained for many years. Every member not attending a monthly meeting must forfeit and pay to the Treasurer two shillings, unless a cause for absence, judged reasonable by the Chamber, was given. Sickness and six miles from the city were specified as reasonable excuses. The membership of the Chamber grew steadily and quite rapidly from the outset. At the second meeting the number was more than doubled by the election of twenty-one mem- bers. At the same meeting there were five absentees, four of whom gave excuses. Two were "not well," one was "in Connecticut," and a fourth "in the gout." There was a full attendance at the third meeting, but evidently there was a lack of promptness in assembling, for it was proposed that in future meetings any member not present at six o'clock should forfeit one shilling. It was also proposed that "every gentle- man who hath anything to propose shall do it in writing." Both proposals were put into effect at the fourth meeting. Eight members were fined for absence without excuse and ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 7 twenty-two for "appearing after six o'clock." Fines for tardiness and absence without excuse were imposed rigorously at subsequent meetings and lists of the offenders were pub- lished in the minutes. At one of the early meetings a new fine was imposed. Any member departing before the busi- ness was done, without excuse by the President, was to forfeit four shillings. Among the excuses for absence at a meeting were the following, which are of interest because of the spelling and the limit of distance required: "Blooman- dale," "flat Bush," "Setauket," and "Jerseys." Fines were evidently the favorite remedy for all kinds of troubles. It was decreed that any member failing to rise and address the chair when he had a proposal to make, or interrupting an- other member while speaking, should forfeit one shilling. It was voted in November, 1769, that only merchants should be eligible for membership. Two years after the foundation the admission fee was doubled. In March, 1770, it was resolved that as soon as the membership reached eighty each person admitted should pay ten Spanish dollars, and this should be the fee until the membership reached ninety, when it should be increased to twelve and a hah Spanish dollars until there were one hun- dred members, and after that an increase of two and a half dollars for every additional ten members. At the same time it was resolved that three black balls should be sufficient to disqualify a candidate for admission when only thirty members were present; four when there were more than thirty; five when there were more than forty, and so on, an additional black ball for every increase of ten in the members present. The first audit of the Treasurer's accounts, made in June, 1769, showed that the three separate keys provided for the "strong chest" had not sufficed to keep its funds intact, for the auditing committee reported that the Treasurer owed the Chamber sixty-nine pounds, five shillings, and five pence. 8 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS No subsequent mention of the deficit appears in the record and it was doubtless made up by the Treasurer, for he was a highly honored merchant and citizen, and was continued in office for many years afterward. Before it had reached the end of its first year of existence the Chamber had in its membership a large majority of the merchants of the city and was a firmly established institu- tion. It had outgrown its quarters, and in February, 1769, it resolved to move for the reason that "it appears highly necessary for this Chamber to have a decent, large and com- modious room to meet in." A special committee of the Cham- ber was appointed to secure a room in the Royal Exchange and reported at the March meeting in 1769 that the Corpora- tion which controlled the building had agreed to permit the Chamber to have the use of its large room free for one year from the ist of May following, on condition of making such repairs as were required, and after that time on payment of an annual rental of twenty pounds. A description of the Royal Exchange appears in the chapter on "Temporary Homes of the Chamber." Apparently there was no method of heating, for in October, 1770, it was proposed that a "proper stove be erected at the lower end of this room for the comfort of members the ap- proaching Winter." Whether one was provided or not does not appear from the record, neither is any intimation given as to its character. The modern stove was unknown at that period, but the Franklin stove, familiar to this day, invented in 1742, was in general use in the colonies and may have been the one proposed for the Chamber. Franklin described the variety of his invention that he designed for public buildings as "in the form of temples cast in iron, with columns, cornices, and every member of elegant architecture." About the same time an entry appears of an account ren- dered by the Doorkeeper of the Chamber for fifteen pounds annual salary and two pounds, fifteen shillings, and two pence ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 9 for firewood and candles. A committee was appointed to "employ and agree with some fit person to make tables, etc., and put the said Room in order for the Chamber. " The his- torian of "Colonial New York," John Austin Stevens, Jr., writing in 1867 of the sessions of the society, said: The meetings of the Chamber in the last century were of a different fashion from that of the present day. Pleasure and business were joined together in these gatherings of the solid men of old New York. The hour of meeting was at six o'clock, and the debates were held over long tables, "where Bread and Cheese, Beer, Punch, Pipes and Tobacco" were regularly provided by the Treasurer, as ordered in the By-laws. The pipe was still in fashion among the old Knickerbockers; not the modern meerschaum but the good old Dutch clay of Holland, hogsheads of which appeared in the list of importations. Cigars were then uncommon, if at all known, to New Yorkers. If the cigar was little known at this time it seems to have come into quite general usage about twenty years later, for a traveller, writing of his experiences in the United States in 1788, makes the following philosophic observations: The habit of smoking has not disappeared from the town with other customs brought in by its first Dutch founders. They chiefly smoke cigars from the Spanish islands. These are leaves of a fragrant tobacco six inches in length which are smoked with- out the aid of any instrument. This habit shocks the French. It must be distasteful to women as it destroys the sweetness of the breath. It will be condemned by the Philosopher as a super- fluous want. But it has one merit. It tends to meditation; it checks loquacity; the smoker asks a question; the reply does not come for two minutes after, and is a sound one. The cigar per- forms the part which the Philosopher drew from the glass of water which he drank when angry. During the period of its occupancy the Chamber seems to have defrayed all expenses for repairs. The Doorkeeper pre- sented bills for glazing windows at regular intervals and there was an outlay of twenty pounds for repairing the cupola, a io ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS leak in which damaged the ceiling of the room. How so many windows needed glazing is not explained, but the breakage seems to have been a continuous performance. The Chamber continued to occupy the room in the Royal Exchange Building till the beginning of the Revolution in 1775. While the members of the Chamber were all at this time loyal subjects of the British crown, they were strenuous and inflexible opponents of taxation without representation. Their first President, John Cruger, was the author of the cele- brated "Declaration of Rights and Grievances of the Colo- nists in America," which had been addressed by the first Con- gress of the colonies to the British Government in 1765. His name and that of many other members of the Chamber appeared in the list of two hundred New York merchants who bound themselves by solemn agreement on October 31, 1765, to trade no more with Great Britain till the Stamp Act was repealed. As Mayor of New York, he had received from the Lieutenant-Governor of the colony, Cadwallader Golden, the consignment of stamps sent out to the colonists and sur- rendered by Golden to the city council after an infuriated mob had assembled before his house, torn up the palings about the Bowling Green and created with them a bonfire in which they burned his carriage with his effigy in it. When, therefore, early in the year 1769, the British Par- liament passed an act imposing duties on tea, paper, glass, etc., professedly for revenue, it was inevitable that Mr. Cruger and his fellow merchants should renew the protest and re- affirm the action that they had taken in 1765. They did so as merchants rather than as members of the Chamber of Commerce, but it is very clear from the records that its mem- bers were leaders in the proceedings, for there appears in them, under date of May 2, 1769, this entry: Mr. President reported that the Honourable House of Assembly had directed him to signify their thanks to the merchants of this Reproductions from Original Stamps Used Under the Stamp Act Passed by the British Parliament, March 22, 1765. By courtesy of Mr. James Brown. A box of these stamps (each amounting to S I 6 ster- ling) was found in the ruins of the old Houses of Par- liament when they were destroyed by fire in 1834. These specimens with others were sent out about that time to the late Mr. James Brown, of New York, one of the founders of Brown Brothers, merchant bankers, by his brother, the late Sir William Brown, M. P. from South Lancashire, England. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS n City and Colony for their Patriotic conduct in declining the Im- portation of Goods from Great Britain at this juncture, which being read, was in the words following: GENTLEMEN: I have it in charge from the General Assembly to give the Merchants of this City and Colony the Thanks of the House for their repeated disinterested, publick spirited and patriotic conduct in declining the importation or receiving of goods from Great Britain, untill such Acts of Parliament as the General Assembly had declared unconstitutional and subversive of the Rights and Liberties of the People of this Colony, should be repealed. It was ordered by the Chamber that a committee be ap- pointed to "prepare and deliver a draught of thanks to the Honorable House for the particular notice they have taken of the Merchants that compose this Chamber." Mr. Cruger was Speaker of the Assembly as well as President of the Chamber at the time. CHAPTER HI ROYAL CHARTER FOR THE CHAMBER VICISSITUDES OF THE SEAL AND OF GOVERNOR COLDEN'S PORTRAIT 1770-1774 ON February 15, 1770, a petition was approved by the Chamber requesting the Lieutenant-Governor of the colony to grant a charter incorporating the society. When this was presented to Governor Golden he expressed his willingness to grant the request by saying: "I think it a good institution, and will always be glad to promote the Commercial Interests of this City, and shall deem it a peculiar happiness that a society so beneficial to the General good of the Province is incorporated during my administration." The royal charter was granted under date of March 13, 1770. On March 24 an address approved by the Chamber and signed by Mr. Cruger, as President, was read to Governor Golden, thanking him for the grant, and declaring: "We beg leave to assure your Honour that our utmost Ambition is to approve ourselves useful members of the Community, sub- missive to the Laws, zealous for the Support of Government, and our happy Constitution, and firmly attached to our most Gracious Sovereign; and that we will exert ourselves on all occasions to promote the General Interest of the Colony, and the Commerce of this City in particular; that the Utility of the Institution and the Wisdom of its Founder may be equally applauded by the latest Posterity." The charter, which is published in full in the Appendix, embodied the articles previously adopted by the Chamber 12 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 13 and contained in addition the right to acquire real estate to the value of three thousand pounds sterling, to have a com- mon seal, and to erect out of their funds such building as the members might think necessary for the use of the society. The original charter was a document about three feet in width, with the massive wax seal of the crown, six inches in diameter, attached to it. It disappeared many years ago. At the out- break of the Revolution it was apparently in the possession of William Walton, President of the Chamber in 1775, who seems to have stored it in his residence known as the "Walton House" in Pearl Street, on what was later Franklin Square, which was regarded as the finest dwelling of its time. It stood on the south side of the street, was three stories high, built of Holland brick and brown stone, with a frontage of fifty-four feet, and with gardens in the rear extending down to the river. It is said to have had a "superb staircase, with ma- hogany handrails and banisters, by age dark as ebony, which would not disgrace a nobleman's palace," and to have been a "noble specimen of English architecture a century ago, with fluted columns, surmounted with armorial bearings, richly carved and ornamented, upholding its broad portico, and the heads of lions, cut from freestone, looking down between the windows upon the passers." Mr. Walton, it is recorded, "was very hospitable and gave, as he could well afford, the most sumptuous entertainments of any person in those plain, but bounteous days. His table was spread with the choicest viands, and a forest of decanters, sparkling with the most delicious wines. The sideboard groaned with the weight of massive silver." Truly a wonder- ful picture of the simple life led by our forefathers ! At the outbreak of the Revolution, Mr. Walton, who had joined in the opposition to the Stamp Act and other efforts of the British Parliament to tax the colonies, found himself unable to break with his loyalist associations and remained faithful to the British cause during the war, serving in the i 4 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS Chamber of Commerce when it was revived as a loyalist body during the British occupation of the city. His son, Jacob Walton, who was a rear-admiral in the British navy, returned to the United States in 1822, to take possession of his father's property, including the Walton House, then far gone in decay through neglect. In the attic of the mansion, among a vast accumulation of objects of all sorts, he found a mahogany box in which, encased in tin, was discovered the original charter of the Chamber of Commerce. It was transferred in 1827 to the rooms of the Chamber in the Merchants' Exchange, where it is supposed to have been destroyed when the building was burned in 1835, as no trace has been found of it since. The original seal of the Chamber, after many vicissitudes, is still in possession of the Chamber. It was made in Lon- don, in 1772, and was brought to this country by Captain Winn, commander of a trading-vessel. In the minutes of the Chamber for May 5, 1772, appears the following: "Proposed that seven Guineas be paid to Capt. Isaac L. Winn in addition to the ten Guineas already paid Mr. Bache, late treasurer, for a seal of this Corporation." The seal bears the date of the royal charter of the Chamber, 1770, is of solid silver, about three inches in diameter, and about one inch in thickness. It bears the motto "Non Nobis Nati Solum " (" Not born for ourselves alone ") . It disappeared during the Revolution and was recovered by marvellous chance a few years later. A gentleman, so modest that he declined to give his name to a grateful posterity, was looking over the collection of a curiosity-shop in London when he came across it and at once sent it to the Chamber. Another " find," scarcely less marvellous, was made by Prosper W. Wetmore, Secretary of the Chamber in 1843, who discovered the only two volumes of the early records of the Chamber that are in existence in a lumber-box in a store in Front Street. Without these volumes a history of the Chamber could never have GREAT SEAL OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 1770. Reproduced from an impression of the original Seal. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 15 been written. They constitute a complete account of the proceedings of the society from its foundation in 1768 till its reorganization under State Charter in 1784. In April, 1771, about a year after the grant of the royal charter, it was proposed that as the "Lieut. Governor was very kind in favoring this Corporation with a Charter and as there is now a good Limner in town, that Mr. President be desired to request the favour of Mr. Golden to sit for his Picture to be put in the Chamber as a Memorial of their Gratitude." This was unanimously adopted. It is recorded in the minutes of October 6, 1772, that the "President ex- hibited Mr. Pratt 's account amounting to 37 pounds for tak- ing Governor Colden's portrait in full length to be placed in the Chamber." At the next meeting the bill was ordered to be paid and a committee was appointed to "agree for a Frame." The frame was purchased and the portrait was hung in the room of the Chamber in the Royal Exchange till the beginning of the Revolution in 1775. The room in the Exchange was not occupied by the Chamber during the Revolution, and in that period the portrait seems to have passed into the hands of Colden's family, for there is an entry on the minutes of the Chamber in February, 1791, saying that a picture of Cadwallader Golden, in good condition, was in the possession of persons who were willing to restore it to the Chamber. At the request of the Chamber it was returned by the son of Governor Golden and was hung on the wall of the room occupied by the Chamber at that time in the Mer- chants' Coffee House, which stood on the southeast corner of Wall and Water Streets, which was then the water-front. When the place of meeting was changed to the Tontine Build- ing in 1793 the portrait was removed to that place. In 1827, when the Chamber found quarters in the Merchants' Ex- change, the picture was repaired and its frame regilded and it was hung with a portrait of Hamilton by Trumbull in the entrance-hall on the lower floor of the building. Both these 16 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS portraits were rescued from the fire of 1835, and, covered with canvas, were stored in a garret in Wall Street. They were found there in 1843 by Mr. Wetmore, Secretary of the Chamber, somewhat damaged by mildew and dust. They were completely restored and are among the choicest of the treasures which the Chamber has on exhibition in its per- manent home. CHAPTER IV EARLY STAND FOR HONEST MONEY STEPS IN ITS INTEREST AND IN THAT OF PURE FOOD AND BUSINESS INTEGRITY 1768-1774 FROM the very beginning of its existence the Chamber manifested that keen and sensitive devotion to the highest welfare of the community which has been its distinguishing characteristic throughout its career. By their first acts as a body the members showed that in forming their organization the impelling motive had been a conviction that they had a public duty to perform. At the moment, the city as well as the country was suffering from the evils of a depreciated paper currency. Each colony had a brand of its own, with a value of its own, and the result was confusion and discredit everywhere in the channels of trade. At its second meeting the Chamber took up this question in a proposal that at some future meeting it should declare whether the society should "discourage the paper currency of Pennsylvania from pass- ing in this colony" and whether the paper currency of Jersey should be received at a valuation above that given to it by the Jersey treasury. This proved to be a very troublesome question, so far as Jersey currency was concerned. The Penn- sylvania part of it was disposed of easily, for the financial position of that colony at the time was better than that of New York, and its trade was in a more flourishing condition. By a great majority the Chamber voted at its eighth meeting in October, 1768, that hereafter "Pennsylvania money be received by any member that inclines to take it at 6^ per cent advance." 17 i8 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS The problem of New Jersey currency was a far more diffi- cult one because of a practice which had grown up of re- ceiving it at a higher valuation than the State's own treasury placed upon it. After four years of debate and repeated post- ponement, a resolution was passed in March, 1772, that on and after the $d of September following, Jersey money should be received or paid by members of the Chamber only at the valuation fixed by the State's treasury. The imme- diate result was the resignation of eighteen members who declared that they could not conform to the regulation with- out injury to their business. Many other members absented themselves from the meetings of the Chamber for the same reason. In January, 1774, the action was rescinded. Every member was declared to be at liberty to receive and pay Jersey money as formerly current, and the members who had resigned were invited to offer themselves as candidates for re-election under the annual ballot restrictions. In extending the invitation the Chamber stood firmly by the principle of its original action by declaring that the members who persisted in receiving Jersey currency above its State value were by so doing "de- preciating our own currency," which, of course, was the fact. Thus early the Chamber took its position in favor of a sound money system, though it failed to stand by its guns when the first real test arose. Another matter which was taken in hand at the second meeting was carried to a more complete success. This in- volved the principle of fair dealing in trade, a fundamental principle which the Chamber had been founded to maintain. The staple product and chief export article of the colony was wheat, surprising as that may seem at the present day. There were many and serious complaints about its quality and price. A proposal was made that the Chamber consider whether the price of flour and bread casks could not be re- duced, and at the next meeting it was voted unanimously ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 19 that after a fixed date no member should pay more than a certain price. It was also decreed that steps should be taken to detect fraudulent practices in the construction of casks and to have the flour inspected and weighed. The members were instructed to do all in their power in these proceedings for the detection of fraud and to bring offenders to justice. A combination was formed by the bolters, millers, bakers, and sellers of flour to oppose the Chamber's action and main- tain existing prices. This was met at once by the Chamber in sending an agent to Philadelphia with authority to pur- chase from fifteen hundred to two thousand barrels of flour at the lowest price obtainable, have them shipped to New York, members of the Chamber to be supplied first and the remainder to be disposed of on account of the Chamber. The flour was purchased and shipped, but before its arrival representatives of the combination surrendered uncondition- ally. The following note in the record of the Chamber's meeting of November 14, 1768, quaintly tells the story of the victory: Several of the sellers of Flour, Bakers, and Boulters attended the meeting, upon notice given them that the Chamber was ready to hear anything that could be said in support of their late demand of raising the price of flour and bread cask from 253. 6d. to a8s., which they demanded lately on account of flour being rather scarce. But their allegations did not amount to sufficient proof for the Chamber to alter their resolution; and both parties debating thereon, they, the Flour sellers, Bakers, and Boulters, acquiesced with charging in the future no more than 253. 6d. per ton, craving, at the same time, that the Chamber would take into their considera- tion at their next meeting the difficulty they have to make their principals give into the measures adopted by the Chamber. Having thus secured supervision of the flour business, the Chamber proceeded to impose strict regulation upon it and to take measures for improving the quality of the flour. It referred the question of a more rigid system of inspection to a 2 o ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS committee which made a formal report in which it said that an improved inspection system of flour imported from the colony was necessary "so as if possible to retrieve its general disrepute in all parts of the world." The committee recom- mended a single inspector, giving in support of the proposal this interesting narrative of the eager rivalry in rascality which had grown up under the old system: Whereas, on the footing the law now stands, of admitting several Inspectors of equal authority, each endeavors to establish a reputa- tion with the Flour Sellers and Factors, and to secure a preference of their business; not by vieing with each other who shall inspect best, but who shall suffer the worst Flour to pass inspection; and there have been instances where one Inspector has condemned, and for that reason not been allowed to proceed any further, when another has given the sanction of his brand to all the remaining parcel of the same sort of Flour. The committee recommended also that the single inspector should not only "advert to the flour being of a proper fineness, but carefully to examine (either by mixing up a little of the Flour into a cake and baking it, or by some other effectual ex- periment) whether it has not been injured by being ground too close, or in some other way, so as to prevent its riseing and making light white bread; and that he ought not to brand it for exportation if deficient in any of these respects." After providing for better inspection the Chamber took steps to improve the quality of the flour by advocating the importation of "French Burrstones" for the better grinding of the wheat, the reputation for superior quality which the Philadelphia flour enjoyed being attributable to the use of those stones, for the "wheat from the North River is much better than any which comes to Philadelphia." These and other steps taken at that early day for the es- tablishment of the principle of fair dealing in trade, for the encouragement of commerce, and for the best welfare of the people of the city, are merely examples of its general conduct. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 21 It took steps to fix a standard ton for all other articles of ex- port, as well as flour, to affix a stable value to coins in circula- tion, to regulate procedure as to bills of exchange, and to establish rates of commission in business transactions. CHAPTER V "THE GOOD OF THEIR COUNTRY" STANDARD RATES FOR COINS PRIZES FOR FISH CATCHES 1770-1774 IN one of the early deliverances of the Chamber, the con- trolling purpose of its members during the entire colonial period was stated with strict accuracy as follows: "Cheer- fully to embrace the means which shall appear to them most likely to promote the great object of their steady pursuit, 'The Good of Their Country.'" They neither wavered nor paused in pursuit of this purpose. The records of the Cham- ber are crowded with acts for such regulation of trade and commerce as would put it on a basis of honorable dealing and enhance the reputation of the colony in the eyes of the world, thereby contributing most effectively to the welfare and prog- ress of the city. Every act of this kind was advertised in the newspapers in order that the people might be made acquainted with what was being done in their behalf. As the city was primarily a commercial community, commercial leadership was what it most needed, and this the Chamber supplied. The lack of such leadership in the past had so hindered the city's development that the volume of its trade was less than that of Boston or Philadelphia. The founders of the Cham- ber, realizing the superior advantages of position which the city possessed, and, perhaps, foreseeing dimly its future greatness in the commercial world, took upon themselves the task of winning for the city the rank to which it was entitled. Perceiving that the development of its trade was hindered by various shackles which ignorance and cupidity had placed upon it, the Chamber devoted itself with great energy, firm- ness, and patience to the removal of these. 22 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 23 Next to a depreciated paper currency, the greatest annoy- ance in commercial dealings was caused by the circulation in large quantities of foreign ^oins at varying values. There were more than a dozen varieties of these, English, French, Dutch, Portuguese, German, Spanish, and other nationalities. Their intrinsic value was diminished by clipping, "plugging," and "sweating," and the consequence was that they passed at low rates. The Chamber took up the question of a fixed rate for them in its second year and adopted a schedule which was advertised in the newspapers with the announcement that its members would pay and receive all gold and silver coins at those rates only. The immediate result seems to have been an increase in plugging, etc., for at a subsequent meeting the following was adopted: "Finding the scandalous practice of filing and diminishing foreign Gold coin too much counte- nanced, to encourage which was by no means the intention of this Chamber, in order to prevent such base practices here, we declare that we will discourage it by all means in our power, and hold any person guilty of it in contempt, and not proper to be a member of this Chamber." While the efforts of the Chamber to improve the char- acter of the currency and maintain a stable value for it were not immediately successful, and at times operated in a man- ner contrary to the intentions of their authors, the ultimate results were beneficial and the Chamber's advocacy of them placed it firmly on the side of sound financial methods, a position from which it has never varied. In addition to endeavoring to increase the trade and commerce of the city through the adoption of better and sounder business methods, the Chamber exerted itself to bene- fit the people of the city by securing for them lower prices and better quality in the necessities of life. At the request of the Chamber the Assembly of New York appropriated the sum of two hundred dollars a year for five years, to be paid to the Treasurer of the Chamber, "for the encouragement of fishery 24 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS on this coast and the better supplying the Markets of the city with Fish." The Chamber accepted the trust and advertised eight prizes for the owners and crews of fishing- vessels who sup- plied the market with the largest quantities of specified varie- ties of fish, the highest prize being forty pounds and the lowest five pounds. A committee was appointed to adjudge the prizes and they were duly awarded and the names of the winners were recorded in the minutes. The effect upon the fish-supply appears to have been encouraging, but there is no mention of its effect upon prices. It is interesting to note that what is thought to have been the first suggestion of fire insurance in New York was made in the following motion in the Chamber on April 3, 1770: "Mr. Thurman moves that, as it is the desire of a number of the Inhabitants of this City to have their Estates Insured from Loss by Fire, and that Losses of this sort may not fall upon Individuals, Proposed that the Chamber take into con- sideration some plan that may serve so good a purpose under the direction of this Corporation." The motion was brought up for consideration twice sub- sequently, but no action was taken upon it. Seventeen years later, in July, 1787, the first fire-insurance company in New York was organized by John Pintard, but he was not at that time a member of the Chamber. He became a member a year later, and was its Secretary from 1817 to 1827. There is no evidence that the Chamber had anything to do with the project. The examples, given in preceding pages, of the Chamber's activities during its colonial period are merely a few of the more notable instances of its public service. To give all in detail would be to enlarge unduly the dimensions of the present volume. A sufficient number has been mentioned to demonstrate beyond dispute the intelligent and tireless devotion of the founders to the fundamental article of their profession of faith: "The Good of Their Country." v3#"'l? *^1 2 . c S * 3 S o M 1 H 6 i < z | d| I K s i. CHAPTER VI APPROACH OF THE REVOLUTION JOHN ADAMS'S VIEWS OF NEW YORK IN 1774 HIS ESTIMATES OF MEMBERS OF THE CHAMBER 1774 THE approach of the Revolution, with its disturbing effect upon trade and commerce, and the division of the population into patriots and loyalists which it caused, paralyzed the Chamber for several years. A graphic, though not especially friendly, picture of New York at this time, comes down to us in the Diary of John Adams, together with pen-portraits of several prominent members of the Chamber with whom he came in contact. He was passing through New York in August, 1774, on his way to Philadelphia as one of the Massa- chusetts delegates to the Continental Congress. Describing his arrival, with characteristic Adams acidity, he wrote: "About eleven o'clock, four of the delegates for the city and county of New York came to make their compliments to us; Mr. Duane, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Low and Mr. Alsop. Mr. Livingston is a downright, straightforward man. Mr. Alsop is a soft, sweet man. Mr. Duane has a sly, surveying eye, a little squint-eyed; between forty and forty-five. I should guess; very sensible, I think, and very artful." Of the four gentlemen mentioned, three, Philip Livingston, Isaac Low, and John Alsop were founders of the Chamber of Commerce. James Duane was never a member. Later, Mr. Adams changed his estimate of Livingston, for this subsequent entry appears in the Diary: "Phil. Livingston is a great, rough, rapid mortal. There is no holding conversation with him." A few days after the first entry appears this estimate 25 26 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS of Isaac Low: "Mr. Low, the chairman of the Committee of Fifty-one, they say, will profess attachment to the cause of liberty, but his sincerity is doubted." Subsequent events proved the accuracy of this prediction, as will appear later in this narrative. Mr. Adams was much impressed with the elegance of the hos- pitality of the period, as it was displayed to him. Of a break- fast given to him at a home he wrote: "A more elegant break- fast I never saw rich plate, a very large silver coffee-pot, a very large silver tea-pot, napkins of the very finest material, toast, and bread and butter, in great perfection. After breakfast a plate of beautiful peaches, another of pears, and another of plums, and a muskmelon, were placed on the table." A banquet seems to have been given to him in the room of the Chamber of Commerce, for he records: "We afterwards dined in the Exchange Chamber, at the invitation of the Committee of Correspondence, with more than fifty gentle- men, at the most splendid dinner I ever saw; a profusion of rich dishes, &c., &c." The city itself came in for a word of praise. "The streets of this town are vastly more regular and elegant than those of Boston, and the houses are more grand, as well as neat. They are almost all painted, brick buildings and all." But, as a whole, Mr. Adams does not seem to have had a pleasant visit, for on leaving he made this entry: "With all the opulence and splendor of this city there is very little good breeding to be found. We have been treated with an assidu- ous respect; but I have not seen one real gentleman, one well- bred man, since I came to town. At their entertainments there is no conversation that is agreeable; there is no modesty, no attention to one another. They talk very loud, very fast, and altogether. If they ask you a question, before you can utter three words of your answer, they will break out upon you again and talk away." ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 27 Concerning the style of living in New York at this period it may not be inappropriate to quote this observation by a late historian: "The chief business of the good citizens of New York was eating and drinking. This, and their hospi- tality they derived, the one from their English, and the other from their Dutch, progenitors and predecessors." Commenting upon the remarks of Mr. Adams, the same his- torian, John Austin Stevens, Jr., says: "Adams probably knew very little about good dinners, which, on account of the meagre supply of the Boston market until quite recently, could with difficulty be served at any cost; but then a word of praise from him was quite as rare as a good New England dinner." CHAPTER VII ADVENT OF THE REVOLUTION THE CHAMBER SPLIT IN TWAIN ITS PROCEEDINGS AS A LOYALIST BODY 1775-1783 WHEN the break with England came, in the spring of 1775, the Chamber, like the city itself, was divided into nearly equal parts, one siding with the mother country, and the other with the Revolution. The wealthy class, aristocratic in sentiment and bound by family ties and long and intimate social intercourse with the British authorities in the country, were unable to break away when the final test came. When the British took possession of the city, these remained and continued to give loyal support to the authorities during the entire period of occupation. Among them was Isaac Low. Notable in the great throng of patriots who left the city when the British entered it were John Cruger, first President of the Chamber, and Isaac Roosevelt, one of its founders. They remained out of the city during the seven years of British occupancy. Isaac Low had been a delegate from New York to the Continental Congress. He had valiantly opposed the Stamp Act and other British taxation measures, but he had never been in favor of a separation from England, exerting himself till the last in favor of a compromise peace at any price. He justified the estimate of him quoted from John Adams's Diary in the foregoing chapter. The meetings of the Chamber had been poorly attended for a year before the Revolution began, and the last session was held on May 2, 1775, thirteen days after the battle of Lexing- ton. No effort was made to call another meeting till 1 779. In 28 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 29 May of that year, Isaac Low, who had been elected President at the last meeting in May, 1775, and who was now a zealous loyalist, "at the request of many members " issued a call for a meeting. The response showed that the war had di- vided the membership quite evenly, for fully half of the former members failed to appear, having departed from the city. The place of meeting was not in the room over the Royal Exchange, but in the " Upper long room of the Coffy House," in which its sessions were held till 1804. The minutes of the Chamber show that at first a rent of fifty pounds per annum was paid for use of the Long Room, and later eighty pounds with a room for committees added, and firewood and candles furnished. An account of the Merchants' Coffee House, one of the most famous of the historic buildings of the city, will be given in later pages of this Chronicle. The very first action of the body revealed its intense loyalist character. A letter addressed to the British Commandant, Major-General Daniel Jones, and signed by Isaac Low as President, and twenty-two others present, opened with a passage in which the Revolution was spoken of as the "present unnatural rebellion," and closed with the following declara- tion: "As Commandant of the City, we esteemed it our duty to lay before you the intent of our proposed meetings and at the same time we beg leave to assure you that our assistance, when called upon, will at all times be ready to facilitate the public good." To this address General Jones made a gracious response, saying he was happy to hear of the Institution and only re- gretted that he had not had the benefit of its assistance sooner to procure to New York every advantage the situation would admit of which he always had much at heart. The Chamber, thus reconvened, devoted its energies in be- half of the public welfare with the same zeal that it had man- 3 o ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS ifested in the earlier days of its career. A committee was appointed to consider means for the better cleaning of the city, and reported that that reform could be accomplished if the existing city ordinances would be enforced as thoroughly as they had been before British occupation. The committee advocated the employment of scavengers to remove dirt and rubbish from the streets and said this had been objected to by a "Person in Power" on the ground that "it would inter- fere with the common right of Mankind, because every Per- son who pleased had a right to take dirt out of the streets." As everybody in the city at the time was exercising the right to throw dirt into the streets, the committee felt moved to say of the objection of the mysterious "Person in Power" that it was "An Hypothesis in our Idea founded neither in Reason or Fact." What the ultimate result was does not appear from the records, but the reasoning of the committee was indisputably sound. The same committee, having been requested to consider the question of regulating the price of butchers' meat, reported that "Experience justifies our apprehensions that the remedy may prove worse than the Disease"; but they recommended (a century or more before the invention of cold storage) that "no fresh Provisions (Fish excepted) Vegetables or Poultry, should be suffered to be put into Stores or Cellars, on Penalty of being forfeited for use of the Alms House." The Chamber resumed the practice of having a committee to settle disputes and continued the former system of fines for dilatory and absent members. Later a new variety of fine was devised, apparently because of a tendency to shirk on the part of the members appointed on the committee to set- tle disputes, for it was ordered that each member failing to attend the sessions of the Monthly Committee each night that there was business should pay a fine of five shillings, but no member should pay more than eight dollars of such fines in one month. The members present should be judges of the ex- ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 31 cuse offered for absence and the fines should be used to defray the expenses of the committee. A special meeting was held to consider the injuries of Mr. William Tongue, who had been deprived of his license as an auctioneer not for inability to talk but for failure of duty in other directions. It being reported that he had complied with what was required of him, his license was restored. Declaring that the various artifices practised by bakers to take undue advantage of the community were "notorious and palpable," the Chamber adopted and sent to the Police regulations that: Bread of the finest and best flour should be baked into long loaves of two Pounds weight, for Fourteen Coppers. All other Flour of inferior quality or that is in the least degree Musty or Sour should (by way of distinction) be baked up into round loaves of two and a half pounds weight, and sold at the same price of the Long Loaves. Any Baker presuming to bake other than the best Flour into Long instead of Round Loaves, or of less weight than is men- tioned, should forfeit all the Bread so manufactured for the use of the Alms House. All bakers were to be watched and kept to their duty under penalty of fine. And this was more than a century and a quarter before the advent of Mr. Hoover and the efforts made by the government to regulate the price and quality of bread during the European War ! Regulations were adopted for the sale of butter, tallow, soap, candles, beef, pork, and other commodities. Both the patriots and the loyalists engaged extensively in privateering during the period of British occupation, and as the American privateers were far more active and successful than their opponents, the city was often reduced to much distress for lack of the necessities of We. The Chamber as a devoted loyalist body was bitterly opposed to the American privateers. It spoke of them as " Rebel Privateers," and when 32 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS the captain of a British packet-ship pursued by them ran his ship aground on Sandy Hook and brought the mails he had on board to the city in a rowboat, the Chamber gave him a formal vote of thanks and presented him with a piece of plate, "value about 20 Guineas," with the seal of the corporation and this inscription engraved upon it: "Presented by the Cor- poration of the Chamber of Commerce of New York, to Charles Newman, Commander of His Majesty's late Packet the Car- taret, for his great attention and Prudence, in saving and bring- ing, at all hazards, his Mail to New York." It is worthy of note that the presentation was made on July 4, 1780. The Chamber repeatedly urged the British authorities to take strong measures to restrict the operations of the American privateers, including the stationing of two fast sailing frigates off Sandy Hook. The admiral of the British naval forces replied that he had no frigates for the purpose. A few months later, when the admiral of the British naval forces, replying to the Chamber's request for a larger number of British privateers, said that there were already one thousand men in that service and that no more could be spared because there were two war-frigates in port which could not put to sea for lack of men, the Chamber made a formal protest, through its President, Isaac Low, which deserves to rank as the most remarkable of the series issued by the Chamber during its career as a loyalist body. The document is too long to quote in full, but a few of its more striking passages may be reproduced as evidence of the change in sentiment toward the British authorities which had developed among the members: The Chamber of Commerce are exceeding sorry to find His Excellency and Admiral intimates that encouraging privateers is incompatible with and prejudicial to the King's Service. Past uniform experience abundantly justifies us in observing to Your Excellency that however difficult it may be to carry on the King's Service, unless Privateers are kept within bounds, it FRAUNCES'S TAVERN, 1768. Erected in 1719 and stilt standing at Broad and Pearl Streets. The Chamber of Commerce was founded in this building in 1768 in the Long Room, which extends along the second floor on the side of the building. Reproduced by courtesy of Sons of the Revolution. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 33 will be found much more so if these bounds be reduced to too nar- row a compass. Due encouragement to Privateers is in other words only to tempt both Landsmen as well as Seamen by the most powerful inducements, that of making it their Interest, to resort from all parts of the Continent to this port. Nor has any Maxim obtained more universal assent than that all wise Governments should assidu- ously consult and attend to the Temper and Genius of the people, and it is notorious that the Genius of no people was ever more peculiar or conspicuous than that of the Americans for Privateer- ing. If, therefore, that Genius be counteracted it must necessarily produce the evils inseparable from such conduct in all other Cases. No answer appears to have been received to this protest, for a month later it was ordered by the Chamber That the President do write to General Robertson, requesting to know whether the Letter written to him on the subject of Privateering had been laid before the Admiral, and whether any or what Answer had been given thereto; and also that he write to the Admiral, representing that the Trade and Fishery was unpro- tected, and requesting that some means may be pursued so as to encourage the Fishermen to take Fish for a supply to this Gar- rison, and that its Commerce may not be annoyed by the Privateers and Whaleboats that infest even the Narrows. This was in June, 1782, and only a few meetings of the Chamber were held after that date till its final session in May, 1783. The British evacuated the city in November of that year. CHAPTER VIII BRITISH EVACUATION OF NEW YORK RETURN OF WASHINGTON AND PATRIOT EXILES BANQUET CUSTOMS OF THE FATHERS 1783 WITH the triumphant American army, General Washington at its head, that took possession of the city on the afternoon of November 25, 1783, there came a great throng of patriot exiles who had been living in neighboring colonies during the British occupation. Among them were a number of men who had been members of the Chamber of Commerce during the colonial period, including John Alsop, one of the founders, and Isaac Roosevelt, one of the founders who was not at the first meeting but had given his approval to the project. Isaac Low and many of his fellow members who had sup- ported the British authorities left the city and country, never to return. It was a joyous populace which greeted the conquering general and his army, but its high spirits do not seem to have infected the office of the Independent New York Gazette, for in its issue of the Saturday following there appeared this terse and passionless record of the events of one of the most memorable of days in all history: "Last Tuesday morning the American troops marched from Harlem to the Bowery Lane. They remained there till about one o'clock when the British troops left the posts at the Bowery, and the American troops marched in and took possession of the city." The Chamber of Commerce was in too chaotic a condition to participate as a body in the popular rejoicing which marked the great deliverance, but there is abundant evidence that 34 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 35 Isaac Roosevelt and other former members took prominent part in the hilarious celebration which began on the 25th and continued for several days. Washington was in the city till December 4, and during his stay was subjected to an al- most unbroken series of banquets from which none of the par- ticipants, if we may judge by the itemized bills for the enter- tainments which have come down to us, could have emerged either hungry or thirsty. The first of the series was given to Washington and his officers at Fraunces's Tavern, where Washington established his headquarters, by Governor Clin- ton on the evening of November 25. There was a large attendance at this feast and thirteen formal toasts were drunk. That there was no lack of liquor in which to drink them is made evident by the bill which Samuel Fraunces pre- sented and which the State paid later: November 25, 1783. His Excellency, Governor Clinton to Saml. Fraunces, Dr. To an Entertainment 30/4/0 To 75 Bottles of Madeira at 8/ 3O/ To 18 Ditto of Claret at io/ 9/ To 16 Ditto of Port at 6/ 4 /i6/ To 24 Ditto of Porter at 3/ 3/i2/ To 24 Ditto of Spruce at i/ i/4/ To Lights 6o/ Tea and Coffee 64/ 6/4/ To Brokeg 2/2/ To Punch IO/IQ/ 97/I2/ The above Bill is for an Entertainment of taking possession of the City when the British evacuated the Southern District. Rec'd the Contents in full 2d Feby. 1784. SAML. FRAUNCES. The second banquet was given at Cape's Tavern on Novem- ber 28, and that Isaac Roosevelt and his fellow exiles were the hosts on this occasion is shown by Washington's itinerary, 36 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS in which it is recorded that on that date "the citizens who have lately returned from exile gave an elegant entertain- ment to his Excellency the Governor and the Council for governing the city; his Excellency General Washington, and the officers of the Army; about three hundred gentlemen graced the feast." No itemized bill for this entertainment has been preserved, as it was not paid by the State, but by private individuals, Cape's Tavern was a famous hostelry in its day. It stood on Broadway, just north of Trinity Church. It had been built by Etienne De Lancey as a residence in 1730. In 1754 it was converted into a tavern under the name of the Province Arms. During the Revolution it was the favorite resort of the British army and navy officers. Shortly before evacua- tion it passed into the control of a patriotic hotel-keeper named John Cape, who removed its old-time royalist sign and renamed it after himself. It was the scene of the third banquet to Washington, on December 2. This also was given by Governor Clinton, at the expense of the State, and was also in honor of the French ambassador to the United States, the Chevalier de la Luzerne, who had just arrived in the city from Philadelphia. It is recorded in the Gazette as "an ele- gant entertainment at which were present his Excellency General Washington, the principal officers of this state and of the army and upwards of an hundred private gentlemen." That Isaac Roosevelt was connected with this banquet is shown by Cape's bill, of which he was one of the auditors. Theodore Roosevelt, who is a descendant of the brother of Isaac Roosevelt, reproduces this bill in his "Autobiography," saying that it came down to him among other Rooseveltdocu- ments and that it illustrates the change that has come over certain aspects of public life since the time which pessimists term "the earlier and better days of the Republic." The bill is reproduced here, with the one on a previous page, both as historic documents of large illuminating power: ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 37 The State of New York, to John Cape Dr. To a Dinner Given by His Excellency the Governor and Council to their Excellencies the Minister of France and General Washington & Co. 1783 December To 120 dinners at 48/ o/o To 135 Bottles Madira 54/ o/o " 36 ditto Port 10/16/0 " 60 ditto English Beer g/ o/o " 30 Bouls Punch g/ o/o " 8 dinners for Musick 1/12/0 " 10 ditto for Sarvts 2/ o/o " 60 Wine Glasses Broken 4/io/o " 8 Cutt decanters Broken 3/ o/o " Coffee for 8 Gentlemen 1/12/0 " Music fees &ca 8/ o/o " Fruit & Nuts 5/ o/o 156/10/0 By Cash 100/16/0 55/14/0 We a Committee of Council having examined the above account do certify it (amounting to one hundred and fifty-six Pounds ten shillings) to be just December iyth 1783. ISAAC ROOSEVELT JAS. DUANE EGBT. BENSON FRED. JAY Received the above Contents in full New York i7th December 1783 JOHN CAPE "Think of the Governor of New York," writes Colonel Roosevelt, "now submitting such a bill for such an enter- tainment of the French Ambassador and the President of the United States! FalstafPs views of the proper propor- tion between sack and bread are borne out by the proportion 38 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS between the number of bowls of punch and bottles of port? Madeira, and beer consumed, and the 'coffee for eight gentle- men' apparently the only ones who lasted through to that stage of the dinner. Especially admirable is the nonchalant manner in which, obviously as a result of the drinking of said bottles of wine and bowls of punch, it is recorded that eight cut-glass decanters and sixty wine-glasses were broken." CHAPTER DC REORGANIZATION OF THE CHAMBER CHARTER REVIVED BY THE STATE APPROVAL OF ERIE CANAL MEMORIAL AGAINST FIAT MONEY 1784-1793 WITH the withdrawal of the British and the return of the Americans, the Chamber underwent another transformation. Most of the members who had conducted it as a Royalist body left the city with the British army, never to return. The members who had absented themselves during the British occupation turned their attention almost immediately to the reorganization of the Chamber as a patriotic American body. They decided that its character could not be completely restored without an official reaffirmation of the charter, and they took steps to bring that about. Early in the spring of 1784 a petition was sent to the Legis- lature of the State of New York, signed by forty merchants, asking for a confirmation of the charter for the Chamber on the ground that the existing charter "had been forfeited and lost by reason of misuse and nonuse." The reasons for this action were set forth in the minutes in a statement which, both in patriotic and historic interest, is worthy of reproduc- tion in full: NEW YORK, April 20, 1784. The Arbitrary and Tyrannical conduct of Great Britain toward the late Colonies (now States of America), having been such as to Compel the People of these States to Have recourse to Arms for the Defence of their Liberty and Property, and the Invasion of the State of New York having driven the Inhabitants of the City to the cruel Necessity of leaving their Houses and Property and to retire into the Country, the Exercise of the Rights and Privileges of the Chamber were, in Consequence of the War, suspended from 39 40 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS the Third of May One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy-five to the Sixth of July One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy- nine, When a number of the Members Assumed the Exercises of the Powers contained in their Charter, under the Patronage of the British Commanders and the Influence of the Chamber having been Manifestly directed to Aid the British in Subjugating these States A number of the Members and other Citizens, on their return to this City, taking into Consideration the State of the Chamber and being advised by Council that the Charter of the said Chamber had been forfeited and lost by reason of the Misuser and Nonuser of the same, They thought it most advisable to peti- tion the Legislature for a Confirmation of the said Charter. In response to this petition, the New York Legislature had, on April 13, 1784, passed a law entitled "An act to remove doubts concerning the Chamber of Commerce and to confirm the rights and privileges thereof." The name was changed to "Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York," and all the powers, rights, privileges, franchises, and immunities granted under the royal charter were ratified and confirmed, and the new organization was formally continued as the suc- cessor of the old. The first meeting of the Chamber under the revived charter was held on April 20, 1784, at which John Alsop was elected President, Isaac Sears, Vice-President, John Broome, Treas- urer, and John Blagge, Secretary. From this time the Chamber resumed its regular meetings, displaying the same spirit of devotion to the public interests that had marked its colonial period. At the meeting in May the former by-laws were adopted, and a schedule of rates fixing the value at which coins in circulation should be received and paid out was agreed upon. Both the national government and the State of New York stood in great need of revenue to meet expenditures, and to assist in securing it the New York Legislature passed a law taxing importations. The revenue sought by this law was materially reduced by smuggling, which reached large pro- ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 41 portions. The Chamber in October, 1784, gave its cordial support to the efforts of the State authorities to prevent this by adopting the following resolution: Resolved, That the members of this Corporation do solemnly engage and promise reciprocally to each other, that they will, by every means in their Power, be aiding and assisting to prevent the scandalous Practice of Smuggling, and will give information of every violation of the Law which may come to their knowledge, so that the offender may be publicly known and punished; and they do most earnestly request and recommend to their fellow Citizens that they unite with them in this so necessary and lauda- ble Engagement. This attitude toward smuggling, taken in the early days of the republic, has been maintained without wavering by the Chamber to the present day. The Revolution had left the colonies struggling with the evils of a depreciated currency, and with their commerce hampered by restrictions put upon it by Great Britain. The Chamber in February, 1785, requested the State govern- ment to plead with Congress for the relief of its commerce from the "depredations made on the navigation of the United States by the Algerines, and the restrictions laid on our trade by the British and other nations." In March it ad- dressed Congress directly, expressing regret that the "pres- ent condition of the city, which through the whole course of the late war, has been devoted to the Rage of British Power," deprived its citizens of the means of gratifying their cordial wishes to make the residence of the members among them convenient and agreeable, and declaring their conviction that Congress would take measures for the advancement of Commerce "because, until our National Flag be rendered respectable, and our public credit established, the inhabitants of the United States can but partially enjoy the Great Bless- ings of Liberty and Peace for which they have so successfully Contended." 42 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS A special meeting of the Chamber was called in May, 1785, to consider a circular, signed by John Hancock and other merchants of Boston, calling for united action of the States in favor of securing a commercial treaty with Great Britain, and vesting in Congress "full power to regulate the internal as well as external commerce of all the States." The Cham- ber, deeming this subject too large for discussion and action by itself alone, resolved to call a public meeting of citizens at the City Hall for its consideration. The proceedings of the Chamber at its meeting on January 3, 1786, are notable as containing a record of the first sugges- tion of the Erie Canal. A memorial to the Chamber was presented asking its aid for a project to open "an intercourse with the interior parts of the United States, by an artificial inland navigation, along the Mohawk River and Wood Creek to the great lakes." The Chamber replied, saying its mem- bers entertained the "highest ideas of the Utility of the scheme, wishing it may meet with every possible success, but in their incorporated capacity, owing to the lowness of their funds, 'tis out of their power to lend him [the memorialist] any aid." At a special meeting, on February 28, 1786, the Chamber took again firm stand in favor of sound money, thereby affirming emphatically its policy for all time, fixing a stand- ard from which its successors have never departed. A bill was before the State Legislature providing for issuing paper money and making it a legal tender. The Chamber adopted a memorial in which it denounced the proposal in terms as vigorous as they are financially sound, and circulated it throughout the city for signatures, obtaining six hundred. Its main points were the following: Without attempting a discussion of the subject at large, your memorialists respectfully beg leave to submit a few remarks which to them appear unanswerable. First if the paper emitted should stand on such a basis as to render it in the public estimation equal to gold and silver, the . E- j I i- 6 -5 e i 2 u ~ ^^ftt^aJdgMi'H^frfe* 1 ' i A ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 43 intervention of legislative authority to enforce its reception must be unnecessary. If it should not stand on such a basis, that intervention would be unjust and indefensible on any principle of morality or public utility. It would be by law to enable the debtor to defraud his creditor. It would be by law to give the property of one set of men to another. It would be by law to involve creditors in ruin, in order to save debtors from distress. It would be by law to undermine all the principles of private credit, private faith, and private honesty. If it were to be admitted in its fullest extent that many debtors will be ruined, what interest has the state in substituting one set of ruined men to another set of ruined men. Striking tribute to the force of this memorial was paid in the refusal of the Legislature to print it or to permit it to remain on its minutes. It was placed on the minutes on the day of its reception, but when read as a part of them on the day following, it was ordered to be obliterated. Former members of the Chamber who had not joined since the revived charter were declared to be admitted, on February 13, 1787, provided they would respectively attend the Cham- ber at a stated meeting and signify their consent to become members before the first Tuesday in June following. This act of forgetfulness of past differences afforded evidence that the passions aroused by the war were already cooling. In a revision of the by-laws adopted in September, 1787, the hour of meeting was fixed at 7 P. M. from May to October, and 6 p. M. from November to April. At the same time a resolution was adopted declaring that members would pay and receive gold and silver at the rates established by the Bank of New York. Rules for the regulation of quality and weight of commodities and commission rates in domestic and foreign trade were fixed. There was a growing indifference among members at this period and a backwardness about paying dues which be- 44 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS tokened a steadily lessening interest in the Chamber and its work. In September, 1788, a list of unpaid admission fees and quarterly dues was submitted which aggregated three hundred and thirty dollars. Only a part of this appears to have been collected, for in August of the following year, very little business having been transacted by the Chamber in the interval, the Treasurer was directed to purchase in the name and for the use of the corporation one share of bank stock "out of the monies now in his possession and as soon as a sufficient Sum shall be collected (arising from the fines of Quarterages now due to this Chamber) in addition to the balances that shall then remain in his hands." The share of bank stock mentioned was one in the Bank of New York, the first institution of the kind in the city. It was organized by Alexander Hamilton, on March 15, 1784, with a capital stock of five hundred thousand dollars, divided into one thousand shares of five hundred dollars each. It be- gan business in June following, in the Walton House. Isaac Roosevelt was chosen its President in 1787. For several years the State Legislature refused its application for a charter, but granted one in March, 1791. It was decided in April, 1793, that all meetings in Novem- ber, December, January, and February be held at 6 p. M., and in the other months at 7 p. M. At this time all fines for non-attendance were abolished. CHAPTER X THE JAY TREATY VALUABLE SUPPORT BY THE CHAMBER RESULTS EFFECTED SESSIONS INTERRUPTED BY YELLOW FEVER INTERREGNUM OF ELEVEN YEARS 1794-1806 DURING its career of a century and a half the Chamber has demonstrated, on every occasion which called for a declaration of its principles, that while its members sought at all times to secure the blessings of peace, they were immovably opposed to peace obtained at the price of honor. One of the most notable and public-spirited displays of its attitude on this subject ever made by the Chamber occurred in 1794 and 1795. The occasion for it was President Washington's act in send- ing John Jay, who at the time was Chief Justice of the United States, as envoy extraordinary to Great Britain in the spring of 1794. Washington's explanation of his action was the "serious aspect" of affairs, brought about by the attacks made upon neutral trade under the orders in council issued by the British Government in the long contest with France that had recently begun and that ended twenty-one years later in the battle of Waterloo. Washington had imposed an embargo and threatened retaliation. He gave as a reason for sending Jay his belief that "peace ought to be pursued with unremitted zeal before the last resort, which has so often been the scourge of nations, is contemplated." There were wide differences of opinion about the wisdom of this appoint- ment and much severe condemnation of it. The Chamber of Commerce did not hesitate a moment about its duty in the controversy. On May 9, three days after Jay had been given 45 46 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS his instructions, it passed resolutions approving the mission and saying: "If, nevertheless, this embassy should fail to pre- serve to us the blessings of Peace, yet we persuade ourselves it cannot fail to convince all nations of our justice and modera- tion, to unite our own sentiments and efforts, and render an appeal to arms more honorable to us and more formidable to our enemies." ' Jay had scarcely sailed on his mission when the British governor of Canada, Lord Dorchester, made a speech un- friendly in character to the United States, and other develop- ments occurred which so intensified the bitterness between the two countries that Washington said in a message to Congress, on May 21, 1794: "This new state of things suggests the pro- priety of placing the United States in a posture of effectual preparation for an event, which, notwithstanding the en- deavors making to avert it, may, by circumstances beyond our control, be forced upon us." Washington had sent Jay to England as a last chance of maintaining peace. On arriving, Jay found that Pitt had vol- untarily retreated from his position and that new orders had been issued exempting from seizure American vessels engaged in the direct trade from the United States to the French West Indies. This concession was of great value, for the Americans quickly proved that they could carry West Indian produce to Europe, not only more cheaply than British ships could, but almost as quickly and could make double freight by stopping at an American port on the return voyage. The concession was attributed to fear on the part of Great Britain caused by the firm attitude which Washington had taken in his sug- gestion to Congress, quoted above, for "effectual prepara- tion" in case the controversy should result in war. The British concession justified the memorable opinion which he had expressed four years earlier, in his address to Congress in joint session, on January 8, 1790: "To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace. A ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 47 free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined." Jay had the benefit of this partial retreat by the British Government in opening his negotiations with Earl Granville. Various projects were considered, and a treaty was signed on November 19, 1794. It settled the eastern boundary of Maine, secured the surrender of western forts still held by the British, and recovered $10,345,000 for illegal captures by British cruisers. When Washington received the treaty he deliberated for some time as to whether, in view of the excited condition of the public mind, to submit it to the Senate for ratification and to the House for the legislation necessary to carry out its pro- visions. There was a furious outcry against it. Hamilton at first raised objections to it, and subsequently, when he at- tempted to speak in public in its defense, was mobbed. While public excitement was at its height and the fate of the treaty in the Senate and House uncertain, the Chamber of Commerce called a special meeting on July 21, 1795, for the purpose of considering the subject which "particularly agitates the public mind, the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Naviga- tion, between the United States and Great Britain." The minutes for the day have this entry: "This meeting was the most respectable ever held in the Chamber of Commerce, (upwards of seventy members being present). After the treaty was read, resolutions approving thereof were adopted with only ten dissenting voices." This action by the Chamber, at a critical stage of the treaty's progress, led to similar action by other mercantile bodies throughout the country and this support had a powerful influence in securing its ratification by the Senate and the pas- sage of the necessary enabling legislation by the House. Events were to prove that the Chamber was far-sighted in the wisdom of its action. Through the effects of Pitt's con- cession and certain provisions of the treaty, there was a sudden increase in American shipping of such volume, says Henry 48 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS Adams in his "History of the United States," that "at the close of the century the British flag seemed in danger of com- plete exclusion from the harbors of the United States." In support of this statement Mr. Adams gives the following figures: In 1700 more than 550 British ships, with a capacity of more than 115,000 tons, had entered inward and outward, representing about half that number of actual vessels; in 1799 the custom- house returns showed not 100 entries, and in 1800 about 140, representing a capacity of 40,000 tons. In the three years 1790- 1792, the returns showed an average of some 280 outward and inward entries of American ships with a capacity of 54,000 tons; in 1800 the entries were 1,057, with a capacity of 236,000 tons. The Americans were not only beginning to engross the direct trade between their own ports and Europe, but were also rapidly obtaining the indirect carrying-trade between the West Indies and the European continent, and even between one European coun- try and another. Summing up the effects of the Jay treaty, Mr. Adams writes: "Chief Justice Jay, in 1794, negotiated a treaty with Lord Granville which was in some respects very hard upon the United States, but was inestimably valuable to them, be- cause it tied Pitt's hands and gave time for the new American Constitution to gain strength. Ten years steady progress were well worth any temporary concessions." While on his way back from London Jay was elected Gov- ernor of New York, and that the Chamber took an active part in the celebration which greeted him on his arrival is shown by an entry in the minutes of the session of January 2, 1795, ordering payment for "gunpowder expended in celebrating the election of John Jay as Governor of the State." It is difficult for the present generation to realize what a scourge yellow fever was in American cities during the clos- ing years of 1700 and the first quarter of 1800. It appeared regularly every year, more often in Southern than in Northern ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 49 cities, and its advent paralyzed all social and business life during its stay. The secret of the transmission of the disease, which was also its prevention, was discovered by a board of army surgeons in 1900 after the Spanish War. Two members of the board Lazear and Carroll permitted themselves to be bitten by yellow-fever infected mosquitoes. Both got the disease ; Carroll recovered but Lazear died a martyr to science and the human race. Other like tests were made upon volun- teers for the purpose, and the result was absolute demonstra- tion that the disease was transmitted by the mosquito of a peculiar type and by that mosquito alone. This discovery not only banished the pest forever from American cities but from the Isthmus of Panama, thus making possible the con- struction of the canal. The first visit of yellow fever to New York occurred in 1795 and continued through the months of August, September, October, and November, causing the death of about seven hundred persons, mostly foreigners. A second visit, equally deadly, came in 1798, a third in 1799, and a fourth in 1822. In consequence of the general alarm which it caused there was an exodus of the population to regions outside the city limits. The Chamber of Commerce suspended all meetings during the summer whenever it appeared. It is recorded in the min- utes of August, 1798, that a "malignant yellow-fever having appeared about the 28th of August, and a general dispersion of the inhabitants of New York having taken place soon after, no meeting was held from that time till December 24." But while its activities suffered by these long interruptions, the Chamber during 1796, 1797, and 1798 continued to exert its influence steadily on the side of the best interests of the trade and commerce of the city, approving a bill before Con- gress for the protection of American seamen and sending a special representative to Philadelphia to impress upon Con- gress, then in session there, the necessity of adequate forti- fication of the harbor of New York. 5 o ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS That the Chamber of this period was not composed of "peace-at-any-price" men was demonstrated anew, on April 20, 1798, when the relations between the United States and the Republic of France were becoming more strained daily. A committee appointed for the purpose made a re- port approving the neutral policy adopted by President Washington at the beginning of hostilities in Europe, and adhered to by his successor, John Adams, for an amicable settlement of misunderstandings with France, and concluded its report with the following declaration and resolution: But, estimating our rights as an independent nation far above any considerations of inconvenience, which may attend the means of maintaining and preserving them, Resolved, that we will zealously support such measures as the wisdom of the Government may dictate, and demonstrate by our unanimity, that all efforts to divide us will be vain. About forty members were present at the meeting when the report was made. They voted unanimously to approve it and its accompanying declaration and resolution, and to forward a copy to President Adams. This was done, and under date of April 27, 1798, the President sent a reply in which he said the declaration and resolution were " expressive of sentiments worthy of the American people," and added: "Your approbation of the system of the United States, and the manner of the Government to pursue and preserve it, afford much satisfaction to me in reflecting on what is passed and encouragement to perseverance in future." But the demoralizing effect of the long interruptions in the sessions of the Chamber because of yellow fever began to be apparent after 1798. Very few meetings were held, and the attendance at them was too small for the transaction of business. It became necessary to call special meetings when action was considered important. One was called on Decem- ber 26, 1799, to consider "some appropriate mode of testify- 85 1 H h O ,}. ill! M U 60 w -S *" 2 1 I 8 s: i M:i Has. . M? ti 2 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 51 ing regret for the irreparable loss sustained by the nation in the death of George Washington"; and others to send memorials to Congress on the subject of some matters of large interest to the welfare of the city. Efforts were made to secure a larger attendance, but were without success, and beginning with 1806, for a period of eleven years no meetings were held. Undoubtedly the commercial depression and internal dis- sensions attending the controversy with Great Britain, which resulted in the War of 1812, had much to do with this. CHAPTER XI REVIVAL OF THE CHAMBER FREE-TRADE ATTITUDE OF THE MEMBERS NATIONAL BANK- RUPTCY LAW FAVORED REMOVAL TO THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE 1817-1827 ON March 4, 1817, Cornelius Ray, who had been President of the Chamber when meetings ceased in 1806, summoned its members together, saying to those who responded that, "from a variety of circumstances the meetings of the Chamber of Commerce had been intermitted for a considerable number of years; that at the request of several respectable gentle- men he had summoned the present meeting for the purpose of reviving this once eminent and highly useful institution." The names of thirty-six persons for new membership were proposed. At this meeting the former Treasurer resigned and in turn- ing over the affairs of his office to his successor gave this inventory of the assets of the Chamber on June i, 1806: One share in the United States Bank; i share in the Bank of New York; and $188.27 in cash. At the meeting in March following, the Treasurer reported the funds of the Chamber as follows: One share in Bank of New York; 7 shares in the Eagle Fire Insurance Co.; $372.67 in cash. The Treasurer was ordered to invest the moneys in hand in shares of the Eagle Fire Insurance Co. In April following, the practice of monthly meetings was abolished, and bimonthly ones were ordered, those in May, July, and September to be held at 12 o'clock noon, and those in November, January, and March at 6 p. M. This was the 52 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 53 only change of importance made in the existing by-laws, ex- cept that it was provided that the names of persons having disputes before the standing committee on arbitration were to be published in the newspapers. The meetings were now held in the Long Room of the Tontine Coffee House, the rental of which to the Chamber was seventy-five dollars a year. The depreciated quality of wheat and flour was a constant subject of consideration by the Chamber during 1817 and 1818, and voluminous memorials to the Legislature were made at frequent intervals. In January, 1819, the Chamber sent a long memorial to Congress requesting the enactment of a national bankruptcy law which "should put creditors of all descriptions upon a footing of equality throughout the Union"; in February and other months, other long memorials against the repeal of the charter of the Bank of the United States; against discriminating duties levied by France on staple products of the United States; on defects in the methods of collecting revenue; and on various other matters connected with trade and commerce. In September, 1820, the Chamber sent a delegation to a convention of representatives of all commercial cities which was held in Philadelphia of that year to take measures to de- feat the tariff bill then before Congress. Resolutions were adopted strongly opposing any tariff except for purposes of revenue and these, when reported to the Chamber by its re- turning delegates, were spread upon the minutes with unani- mous approval. The project for building a Merchants' Exchange was brought before the Chamber at its meeting on July 3, 1821, and a committee was appointed to consider its expediency. At the next meeting, September 4, the committee reported that they considered the project expedient and had taken it upon themselves to petition the Legislature for an act of in- corporation with a capital of five hundred thousand dollars, and in doing so did not know but that they had exceeded the 54 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS power intended to be granted them. The Chamber approved their action. The Legislature passed the act, a corporation was formed, and the Exchange was erected. A description of the building appears in other pages of this volume. Among the many memorials sent by the Chamber to the President and Congress at this time was one asking for the pro- tection of commerce against the "perils that infest the West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico"; and another, on January 6, 1824, with the united approval of the commercial towns and cities of the country, asking for a national bankruptcy law. A public meeting was called at the Tontine Coffee House to support the latter. During 1822 and 1823 the Chamber continued to send me- morials to Congress in undiminished volume, the full text of which the Secretary was required to spread on the minutes, making his office something far removed from a sinecure. In February, 1823, the Chamber, having been asked by a group of young men who a year or two earlier had united to establish a Mercantile Library Association for their own self-improve- ment, to come to their assistance, responded with an appro- priation of two hundred dollars and the appointment of a standing committee, renewed annually, to visit the library from time to time and report to the Chamber as to its condi- tion. It was estimated at the time that there were about four thousand merchants' clerks in the city, of whom only two hundred had become interested in the library. The Chamber not only encouraged the worthy project with con- tributions of money, but by its hearty commendation did much to start the association on that long, useful, and honorable career which continues to this day. The uncompromisingly free-trade attitude of the Cham- ber was displayed with great clearness on January 26, 1824, when in a series of resolutions it declared that "as (it is) the sense of this Chamber that the true and legitimate object of taxation is revenue, and that the power to lay and collect ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 55 taxes and establish imports, which is given to Congress by the Constitution of the United States, was not granted with the intention, nor will it bear the construction that it may be so exercised as to cherish and elevate one class at the expense of all the other classes of our citizens, " therefore, the Chamber "protests against increased duties as prohibitions and restric- tions on trade and will promote exclusive interests at the national expense." A memorial embodying these views at length was sent to Congress. The memorial was directed against the tariff measure of which Henry Clay became the chief champion and Daniel Webster the leader of the oppo- sition. Clay invented at that time the phrase "American system" for the doctrine of protection and made what are regarded as the ablest speeches of his career in support of the bill, carrying it to success. The Merchants' Exchange being ready for occupancy in May, 1827, the Chamber held its first meeting there on the first day of the month and signified the occasion by an act of historical interest. In co-operation with the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, it adopted a memorial to President John Quincy Adams, in favor of a line of communication be- tween the United States and the Pacific Ocean, through the Gulf of Mexico, and across the Isthmus of Darien, which at the time included what is now the Isthmus of Panama. The proposal was for a line of small national vessels to sail from Atlantic Coast ports to the mouth of the Chagres River, which was then the starting-point for transportation across the Isthmus, to the city of Panama on the Pacific side. The mouth of the Chagres River is about ten miles west of the present city of Colon and the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal. In 1827 transportation across the Isthmus was by small boat, or native dugout canoes, up the Chagres for about twenty miles to a village then called Venta Cruz, and later Cruces, and thence by mule trail to Panama, a distance of about thirty-six miles. 56 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS The originators of the project of 1827 never dreamed of a United States that should fill the entire continent between the Atlantic and the Pacific, traversed by great lines of railway, or of a railway across the Isthmus, or of a canal dividing it. Their project of a line of vessels to the mouth of the Chagres River was put into operation in 1849, an d one year later the task of building a railway across the Isthmus was begun. CHAPTER XH ACTIVE INTEREST IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS CITY, ' STATE, AND NATIONAL QUESTIONS CONSIDERED ERIE RAILROAD FAVORED BURNING OF THE MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE 1827-1836 THE modest financial condition of the Chamber at this period is disclosed in the bills paid at the time of taking up its abode in the Merchants' Exchange. There was a charge of thirty dollars for ten meetings, at three dollars each, in the Tontine Coffee House; one of one hundred dollars, as salary of Secretary, and one of five dollars for advertising. No other expenses seem to have been incurred during the year. The original charter, in its mahogany box, was duly received and placed in the new quarters. In September, 1827, and again in April, 1828, the members of the bar of the city, recognizing the influence which the Chamber exercised upon the public, requested it to express its opinion upon measures before the Common Council for changes in the judiciary system, and the request was granted. In the latter year the Chamber was requested to pass upon the names of candidates who were suggested for the newly constituted Court of Common Pleas. In response to this request the Chamber called a public meeting of merchants and traders in its meeting-room in the Merchants' Exchange for the purpose of "recommending to the Governor such per- sons as in their opinion are proper individuals for that sta- tion." A special meeting was called in February, 1828, to consider the proper means for testifying respect for the memory of De 57 58 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS Witt Clinton, who died on the nth of that month. A series of resolutions was adopted, of which the following is especially worthy of record: His devotion to the cause of science and literature, and to the benevolent institutions which distinguish the present day his successful efforts to promote schools among the great body of our citizens, whereby nearly half a million of our youth receive the benefit of education his genius in projecting, and his untiring zeal and energy in carrying into effect, the great scheme of internal navigation, which has already united the Hudson with the in- land seas of the north, and will soon lead to a similar union with the immense waters of the west, and lay open to the commerce of this city fertile countries, whose shores are not inferior in extent to the shores of Europe all show the superiority of his mind that it was directed to the most patriotic objects, and that its efforts have been crowned with the most splendid success. Three-quarters of a century later the successors of the members who paid this high and just tribute reiterated it, and confirmed it in enduring form by placing upon the front of the Chamber's permanent home a statue in marble of Clin- ton, in the fit company of Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. In March, 1828, the by-laws were again revised, with slight changes, and the hour of meeting was fixed at i p. M. It was decided to continue the standing committee on disputes, and to enlarge the rules of admission by making eligible for membership "any American citizen who regularly transacts business in the city of New York whether he be a resident of the city or elsewhere." Little action of large importance was taken by the Cham- ber for a considerable period after 1828. Congress was pe- titioned repeatedly by memorial to authorize the building of a new custom-house. "Not less than five hundred per- sons," it was declared in one of these, "daily transact business at the Custom House. It is not an infrequent occurrence to see from one to two hundred persons at a time in the Room ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 59 occupied by the Collector's Office in an area of little more than thirty feet square." It was requested that the new building be placed in Wall Street, as the convenient centre of com- mercial business, and when a proposal was made to place both a custom-house and a post-office building in the City Hall Park, vigorous resolutions were adopted and sent to Congress protesting against the plan, declaring that to place the buildings there would be "to commit a beautiful Public Square, which is now set apart for the health and comfort of the citizens, to uses for which it was never intended." The Custom House building was finally placed in Wall Street, where it still stands. It was used as a custom-house till the present building, near the Bowling Green, was completed. The City Hall Park was invaded in 1871, when the post-office building was erected on its southern end. A curious incident is recorded in the minutes of the meet- ing on May 6, 1834. A resolution was adopted declaring "that as at a late election for members of the Chamber of Commerce the privilege of excluding by blackballs under the 4th article of the bylaws was availed of against a candidate for admission, to whose character and qualifications there were no just causes of exception," it was, therefore, moved that the "4th article be suspended by unanimous consent for the purpose of balloting for John P. Stagg." The motion prevailed and Mr. Stagg was elected. At the same time vari- ous motions were made to amend the 4th article, but all of them were tabled. In September of the same year 1834 strong approval was voted of a project for a ship canal around Niagara Falls, and a railroad from Lake Erie to the Hudson. The Chamber was so favorably impressed by this project that it appointed a committee to prepare a pamphlet explaining it and setting forth its merits, the same to be used for general distribution at a cost not exceeding two hundred dollars to be paid by the Chamber. The ultimate outcome of this project was the 60 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS building of the Erie railroad, and later, when the work was under way the Chamber adopted strong resolutions in favor of its completion, urging citizens of all classes to subscribe to its stock, and expressing the hope that the Legislature would grant all reasonable aid. Under date of January 5, 1836, this single entry appears upon the minutes of the Chamber: There was no meeting of the Chamber of Commerce this day in consequence of the total destruction of the Merchants' Exchange and the confusion created in all business arrangements by the dreadful and most disastrous fire on the night of the i6th Decem- ber which has laid waste the greater part of the business section of the First Ward. The books and pictures belonging to the Cham- ber and its Corporate Seal fortunately were saved from the flames. The next meeting of the Chamber was held in the Mer- chants' Bank, on February 3, 1836, which continued to be its home till 1858. At this meeting the Treasurer reported that the sixteen shares which the Chamber held in the Eagle Fire Insurance Co., "may be considered so much loss owing to the late dreadful conflagration by means of which said company among others has been rendered insolvent." That members of the standing committee on disputes were often lax in attendance at its sessions was shown in a report which the member who had been acting Secretary since that form of committee was created in 1822 made in July, 1836. It showed' a total of one hundred and forty dollars as the amount of fines collected during that period. Steadily and persistently, during the period between 1820 and 1840, the Chamber petitioned Congress in a continuous stream of memorials to enact legislation for the regulation of pilots, for the building of lighthouses in the harbor, and for desirable quarantine regulations. X x _: il CHAPTER FRESH LIFE IN THE CHAMBER ADDITIONAL MEMBERS ELECTED GROWTH IN PROTECTION SENTIMENT 1840-1849 EARLY in 1840 a systematic effort was made to put new life into the Chamber and increase its activities. A special com- mittee, which had been appointed to "consider what steps should be taken to extend the usefulness of this corporation," made a report which was regarded as of so much importance that a special meeting was called to consider it. The Mayor offered the City Hall for the meeting and it was held there, after ten days' notice, on March 17. It was agreed unani- mously that the following programme should be put into effect as soon as possible: Elect a large number of new members. Procure offices of suitable size and a central position for the accommodation of the Library of the Chamber and for the daily meeting of such members as may choose to resort there, it being recommended that every one appear there once a day. Appoint a clerk with a moderate salary to give his con- stant attendance between 9 A. M. and 9 p. M.; keep a record daily of the time of high water, course of the wind, foreign arrivals at the port, and such other information as it may seem of importance to have; keep files of newspapers from different parts of the Union, one at least from each State, with such public documents and important laws as may be received; the clerk to serve also as librarian or assistant librarian. An annual amount, not exceeding ten dollars, be paid to 61 62 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS the Treasurer by each member, in addition to the initiation fee, such payment to entitle the member, besides the use of office and library, to the privilege of submitting cases for arbitration to the standing committee free of charge, which privileges were to cease on failure to pay the award. Privi- leges of the office could be extended to persons not members under such regulations as the Chamber might from time to time direct. Amend the by-laws so as to read: "No persons can be ad- mitted members of this corporation but merchants, and others whose avocations are connected with the trade and commerce of the country, who are American citizens or have given notice of intention to become so, or continue members if not residents in the city of New York or regularly transacting business there." The effort to enlarge the membership of the Chamber seems to have been reasonably successful, but there was little apparent increase immediately in the Chamber's activities. During the year 1841 very little business of importance was transacted. A long memorial was sent to Congress in favor of a National Bank, but in general only minor matters were considered. A statement of the Chamber's financial con- dition, made in August, 1841, showed $1,182.54 in cash; i share in the Bank of New York; 10 shares in the Mer- chants' Exchange, and 16 shares (old) Eagle Fire Insurance Co. When the question of imposing discriminating tariffs on foreign importations was before Congress in 1842, discussion of the subject revealed a distinct growth in protection senti- ment in the Chamber. Eighteen years earlier, in January, 1824, when the tariff bill of which Clay was the champion was on its passage through Congress, the Chamber had agreed upon a memorial strongly in support of a tariff for revenue only and earnestly opposed to any tariff for protection. In April, 1842, a memorial was presented to the Chamber in ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 63 which the existence and prosperity of home industry were declared to be the fundamental basis of all commerce and trade, and the attitude of the Chamber was denned as follows: The doctrine of "free trade" meets the entire concurrence of this Chamber, and wherever it can be met with, should be en- hanced, but if not mutually practised by nations in their inter- course with us, is seen to demonstrate the sad consequences which seem too self evident to need an illustration. It is the opinion of this Chamber, that in no other way, as a pre- liminary measure, can this nation be restored to its former high stand the debts of the states liquidated by the prospered condi- tion of their citizens to pay the same and the national honor and character sustained than by a resort to a discriminating tariff of duty on foreign imports. This memorial was printed and circulated widely, but when it came before the Chamber for action, consideration was in- definitely postponed by a vote of thirty-six to thirty, showing the Chamber to be nearly evenly divided. Various resolu- tions, in opposition to the discriminating tariff measure, were introduced and all met the same fate. At the meeting on February 15, 1843, ^ s minute was re- corded: "A reporter being present from one of the public newspapers, a motion was made by Mr. Blunt that no person be allowed to be present at this meeting except by special per- mission of the presiding officer." The motion was carried unanimously and the President decided that the reporter should withdraw. Six years later, in August, 1849, an applica- tion was made on behalf of a reporter of The Journal of Com- merce for permission to attend the meetings of the Chamber and report them, and this was granted with the proviso that he should submit his reports for revision to the President or Secretary and should furnish slips to other newspapers. From this time the meetings of the Chamber seem to have been reported regularly in the newspapers. In October, 1843, ^ e dues f members, in addition to 64 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS the admission fee, were reduced from ten dollars to one dollar. Various memorials were sent to Congress during this period, including one advocating the appointment of consular agents to China for the encouragement of commercial intercourse; one against a duty on railroad iron; one in favor of the estab- lishment of a Hydrographic Department in the National Ob- servatory at Washington; and several urging the removal of obstructions in the Hell Gate Channel. In May, 1849, the membership of the Chamber was re- corded officially as two hundred and five, with all dues paid. With so large a membership the general interest appears to have been slight, for at the same time the number necessary for a quorum was reduced from thirteen to nine. CHAPTER XIV NEW QUARTERS AND BROADER ACTIVITIES SUPPRESSION OF PRIVATEERING SOUGHT MEETINGS IN CLIN- TON HALL FIRST ANNUAL REPORT 1851-1858 DURING the period between 1851 and 1853 *^ e attention of the Chamber was confined quite steadily to matters relating to trade and commerce, both of the city and the country at large. Repeated action of various kinds was taken in regard to warehousing, pilots, harbor improvements, and similar subjects, and a memorial was sent to the Legislature in favor of the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution which would enable the State to borrow enough money to complete the Erie Canal. In April, 1853, a report of the Treasurer showed that there were two hundred and fifteen members of the Chamber, and there had been collected in dues for the past three years six hundred and twenty-five dollars. An earnest effort was made in January, 1854, to extend further the usefulness of the Chamber by securing more com- modious quarters and enlarging its activities as a body of citizens devoted to the welfare and progress of the city and nation. A committee, which had been appointed for the purpose, made an elaborate report on January 6, which showed that the S9ciety continued steadfast in the spirit of the founders. A few passages are worth quoting in evidence of this fact: This city in its vast amplitudes is growing up to such gigantic importance as to draw upon us the attention of the entire com- mercial world, justifying their right to expect from us the establish- es 66 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS ment and perpetuity of intelligent rules and principles of action in all the business relations of society. In its early history the Chamber was under the guidance of men whose councils aided essentially in the memorable events of our revolutionary struggle. Although, during some of the subsequent portions of the his- tory of this corporation, we may have been somewhat less energetic than we should have been, yet it can be confidently said that no step had ever been taken in it, tending to diminish its high-toned respectability. In view of all this, we should not permit the slightest relaxation in our energies; on the contrary, we should press on with a deter- mined zeal to sustain the character which our predecessors have established, thereby drawing our merchants into new habitudes of social intercourse generating a local tone and esprit de corps that is becoming more and more important as our city increases in power and wealth. As the city is destined to increase with incalculable rapidity, we feel the need of an organized body of commercial men to maintain a watchful care over our interests and to be in readiness at all times to furnish our national and state Governments with reliable information upon points affecting our general welfare as business men and citizens. The committee recommended that the Legislature be re- quested to so amend the charter as to permit the meetings of the Chamber to be held on any one of the six working-days of the week, instead of on Tuesday only; that the Chamber se- cure some commodious and suitably located room connected with proper accommodation for the safe deposit of the books, records, maps, documents, etc., of the society; that the annual dues be increased to three dollars, and immediate steps be taken to collect arrearages. The committee sug- gested that the desired result might be accomplished by the purchase or erection of a building, part of which could be rented so as to leave the Chamber free of rent. The report of the Committee was accepted unanimously. On being appealed to, the Legislature amended the charter ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 67 as desired, and the by-laws were amended soon afterward, making Thursday in the first week of each month the day of meeting instead of Tuesday. The subject of suitable rooms was under quite regular discussion for four years. The com- mittee was enlarged, and its powers were increased by giving it authority to engage a room at a rental not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars; to devise the proper mode for raising the funds requisite, and to superintend the fitting up of the rooms when secured. Finally, on March u, 1858, the committee were authorized to select from four obtainable suites of rooms the one which in their judgment was most suitable, and they chose one in the Underwriters' Building at William and Cedar Streets. A corresponding secretary was chosen at a salary of one thousand dollars, and one thousand dollars was appropriated for the purchase of books. On June 10, 1858, the new quarters were formally taken possession of, with an address by Charles King, president of Columbia College, and they continued to be the home of the Chamber till 1884. During the period in which the question of removal was under discussion the Chamber continued to exert its influence in many directions. In April, 1854, it addressed a memorial to the President asking him to "open negotiations with other powers for the suppression of privateering and also for the recognition of the principle that free ships make free goods, and the neutral flag gives neutrality to the cargo." At the same time, the Chamber sent a memorial to Congress asking for the passage of such laws as would in their opinion check and eventually put a stop to privateering. The fol- lowing passage was an additional indication that the Cham- ber was not a timid society in international controversies: "Especially do your memorialists believe that the present Belligerents (France and England) would not voluntarily in- crease the too probable hazard of a war with America on this point." A memorial was addressed to Congress in February, 1856, 68 strongly urging a treaty of reciprocity with Canada. In November a recommendation was made to the City Council to "employ steam as an arm of the Fire Department in the lower districts of the city," and respectfully urging the "im- portance of obtaining the most reliable engine for that pur- pose." The size of the membership of the Chamber in 1856 is re- vealed in the Secretary's report, showing that dues for the three years ending in May of that year amounted to $202.30, which had been collected from 303 members. The amount collected was less than a third of that collected in the pre- ceding three-year period, but no explanation was given of the decrease. A new departure was made in 1856 when a proposal was adopted to hold evening sessions of the Chamber quarterly, at Clinton Hall, in the months of January, April, July, and Oc- tober. The first of these was held on October 6, 1856, and others followed regularly for several years. They seem to have been well attended. The last one was held in Janu- ary, 1859, when it was voted that quarterly meetings be dis- continued. In March, 1858, an amendment was proposed to the by- laws increasing the annual dues from three to ten dollars. This was adopted. The latter figure was the one in force from 1840 till 1843, wnen it was reduced to one dollar. The Chamber made the year 1858 a notable one in its history by beginning the publication of an annual report, the first of a series which has been continued without interrup- tion to the present time. It was a volume of about four hundred pages and may be said justly to have set a standard for its successors, for it was a model of what such a publica- tion should be. In announcing it, as a record of the year 1858, its compilers said the Chamber had decided that an annual report be issued hereafter under the direction of its Executive Committee, "with a view to illustrate, as far as practicable MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, 1827. The Fifth Home of the Chamber of Commerce from 1827 to 1835. This building was destroyed in the great fire of 1835. From a print In the Emmet Collection, New York Public Library. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 69 in a single volume, the condition of mercantile affairs in our city during the preceding year, with reference also to any im- portant changes in the business markets of the state at large, connected with the general trade of the country." It was added: In the absence of a governmental volume from the Treasury Department, or from a Bureau of Statistics at Washington, illus- trating the interests of foreign and domestic commerce of the several States, it becomes the legitimate duty of the Chamber of Commerce annually to exhibit, as far as practicable, the progress of trade, commerce, and manufactures in our city, and such collat- eral topics as concern the interests of our merchants. It is con- sidered that such a volume might appropriately exhibit, I. The imports and exports of staples from the city and state. II. Trade reports for the year. III. A review of the financial movements of the year. IV. The progress and condition of manufactures. V. Laws of the United States for the year, and of the State of New York, of a commercial character. VI. Journal of Proceed- ings of the Chamber. This programme was admirably carried out in the first vol- ume, which is a mine of information on all the subjects men- tioned. As a pioneer in the field which has since been filled with intelligence and ability, it was a really remarkable produc- tion. In a summary of the developments of the year 1858, it was pointed out that the completion of the Atlantic cable, the negotiation of treaties with China, Siam, and Japan, and the rapid recovery of values from the revulsion of 1857, united to make 1858 an important era in the commercial history of the United States. In fact, the psychological moment for a publication of this kind had arrived, and the members of the Chamber, animated as always by an intelligent and vigilant devotion to the public interest, were prompt to recognize it. If the year 1858 marked an era in the commercial history of the country, it marked one also in the history of the Chamber of Commerce, 70 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS for as an organization it placed itself on an enduring founda- tion and advanced to a wider field of usefulness than it had ever known. Its membership at this time was five hundred and fifty. CHAPTER XV THE CIVIL WAR PROMPT ACTION OF THE CHAMBER IN SUPPORTING THE GOVERNMENT AND THE NATIONAL CREDIT 1861 WHEN the news of the firing upon Fort Sumter came in April, 1861, the Chamber did not hesitate a second as to its duty in the crisis. A special meeting was called on April 19, the day on which President Lincoln issued his proclama- tion declaring the ports of Southern States to be in a state of blockade, and the attendance was "large and enthusiastic." The key-note of the gathering was sounded by the President of the Chamber, Pelatiah Pent, in a brief speech which deserves and holds high rank among the patriotic American utterances of all time. It is reproduced here in full, as an enduring honor to its author and to the body over which he was presiding: We are assembled to-day in special meeting, at the written request of many of our members, according to the requirements of our by-laws. It has been the habit of this Board not to inter- meddle with the political questions which agitate the country; but there are occasions on which the ordinary rules of proceed- ings must give way to peculiar emergencies, and such an occasion has arisen to-day. The nation has, in the course of events sudden and unexpected, reached a crisis unprecedented in our history, when the safety of the government is threatened, and when the President of the United States, compelled by this alarming state of things, has called on the citizens to rally to the defence of the government. As an influential body of men in this commercial centre, we are bound to respond heartily to this call. I trust, 71 72 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS gentlemen, that in the discussion of this morning, we shall forget all party distinction, and, with unanimity and warm hearts, rally in support of a constitution and government the best in the world, and under which we have lived and prospered since the close of the Revolutionary war. All which has been ours in time past, and which constitutes our hope for time to come, is at stake. Under the specious name of secession, traitors have seized the public prop- erty, have attacked the national forts, and are now threatening the^national capital. The prime of our young men are marching to its defence. Let us meet the crisis like patriots and men. There can be no neutrality now we are either for the country or for its enemies. A series of resolutions was presented in which it was de- clared that the Chamber had witnessed "with lively satisfac- tion the determination to maintain the constitution and vin- dicate the supremacy of government and law at every haz- ard"; that the so-called secession of some of the Southern States having at last culminated in open war against the United States, "the American people can no longer defer their decision between anarchy and despotism, on the one side, and on the other liberty, order, and law, under the most benign government the world has ever known"; that "this Chamber, forgetful of past differences of political opinion among its members, will, with unanimity and patriotic ardor, support the government in this great crisis, and it hereby pledges its best efforts to sustain its credit and facilitate its financial operations"; and that "it recommends to the government the instant adoption and prosecution of a policy so vigorous and resistless that it will crush out treason now and forever." The members left no doubt as to their sentiments, for they sprang to their feet and adopted the resolutions unanimously with ringing cheers. A copy of the resolutions was sent to President Lincoln and a few days later the following acknowledgment was received from the Secretary of State: ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 73 DEPARTMENT OF STATE, WASHINGTON, 26th April, 1861. To PELATIAH PERIT, ESQ., President of the Chamber of Commerce, New York : Sir, The resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce concerning the present attitude of public affairs, although sent forward so early as the aoth inst, have, in consequence of postal obstructions, only just now reached this Department. I have lost no time in submitting them to the President of the United States. He directs me to assure the Chamber of Commerce that he has read the resolutions with the highest appreciation of the loyalty, patriotism and liberality of that body; and to the end, that they may find a just place in the history of this, the most important crisis, save one, that our country has been called to meet, I have deposited the resolutions in the archives of the government. I have the honor to be, with the highest respect, your obedient servant, WILLIAM H. SEWARD. In order to put the pledge of support into instant action a committee was appointed to procure subscriptions for the balance of about $8,000,000 which remained unsubscribed to the loan of $25,000,000 which the Government had au- thorized in February, 1861. Subscriptions for the desired amount were made and the Secretary of the Treasury was informed that this sum could be drawn at once. Another committee was appointed to raise funds in aid of the volunteers of the city and their families, and at the next meeting in May this committee reported that they had collected $115,853, of which $92,884 had been expended for the equipment of troops, and the balance, $22,969, had been transferred to the treasurer of the Union Defense Com- mittee. At the June meeting it was voted that a suitable medal be struck and presented to each of the officers and mem- bers of the garrison under command of Major Anderson at Fort Sumter and Lieutenant Slemmer at Fort Pickens. Later 168 medals were distributed at a cost of $1,500 which 74 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS was raised by subscription among the members. In May, 1862, Major Anderson, who had been promoted to General, attended the annual meeting of the Chamber and was for- mally presented with a medal. Jealous as ever of the honor of the nation, the Chamber felt moved at its meeting in August, 1861, to pass the following resolutions: Whereas, The government of the United States is engaged in a contest for the suppression of rebellion, and for the maintenance of the integrity of the Union which is destined to make a large demand upon the pecuniary resources of the country, and the demand must chiefly be met by means of repeated loans; Resolved, That, in the judgment of this Chamber, the success of the proposed loans will depend upon the enactment of Congress, now in session, of revenue and internal tax bills adapted to the existing emergency; or that, if the government should succeed in procuring money without making wise provision for the reim- bursement of principal and interest, it will be upon terms dis- creditable to the national name and prejudicial to the national interest. CHAPTER XVI REBUKE TO PACIFISTS LEGAL-TENDER ISSUE FAVORED LETTERS FROM JOHN BRIGHT AND ADMIRAL FARRAGUT 1862-1863 PERHAPS the most significant utterance, after its first de- liverance in April, 1861, made by the Chamber in the first year of the war, occurred in September following. Peace talk had aroused the indignation of members, and the voice of the Copperhead had begun to be heard in the land. A series of resolutions, admirably designed to arouse and guide the spirit of patriotism, was presented: Whereas, The progress of the war in defence of the Union and Constitution has given evidence of a degree of strength and energy on the part of those who are madly striving to destroy them, which can only be subdued by the marshalling of an overwhelm- ing force; and whereas, it is evident that to this end all the re- sources, both in men and means, in the loyal States, will be needed, if we would avoid a protracted struggle and secure the blessings of an early, honorable and enduring peace; and whereas humanity and interest alike demand the speedy attainment of this end; therefore, Resolved, That this Chamber, in view of the unexpected magni- tude of the contest, deems it a duty to renew its pledge to the government of earnest sympathy and support. Resolved, That the members of the Chamber, having entire confidence in the integrity and ability of the head of the Treasury Department, will exert their best efforts individually and col- lectively, and in their connections with moneyed institutions, to strengthen the financial resources and credit of the government. Resolved, That this Chamber pledges to the government its un- faltering support in a vigorous prosecution of the war, until every 75 76 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS rebel has laid down his arms, and every State returned to its allegiance. The contest, it believes, admits of no other termina- tion, since any other basis of peace would dishonor the nation, and prove to the world that our cherished form of popular govern- ment is a failure. Resolved, That all aid afforded to the enemy, either by supply- ing means of prosecuting the war, or by openly advocating their cause, is treasonable, and should be promptly punished with the utmost rigor of the law and by the stern rebuke of public opinion. Resolved, That the decisive course recently adopted by the government and its commanding officers, affords gratifying proof that the future of this contest is not to be controlled by the quixotic idea of prosecuting war in the spirit of peace, but that the guilty conspirators will be made to feel, both in their persons and their property, all the rigors that the usage of civilized warfare will jus- tify. In February, 1862, the Chamber came again to the support of the government when the legal-tender question was under discussion by adopting the following resolutions by acclamation: Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Chamber, the present financial condition of the government, and of the country, re- quires the immediate passage of the bill now before Congress, which authorizes the issue of $100,000,000 United States notes, as a circulating medium, and makes said notes, witH the $50,- 000,000 demand notes heretofore issued, a legal tender in pay- ment of all debts. Resolved, That the merchants of New York will sustain the government, by all the means within then* power, in giving credit and currency to these notes, until they can be placed on a specie basis by the imposition of taxes adequate for their redemption. While by its formal action as a society the Chamber up- held the government in all its war measures, the members of the Chamber as individuals and citizens joined heartily in all popular demonstrations to the same end. Under resolutions by the Chamber, its members co-operated with other organiza- tions in a great mass-meeting in Union Square on April 20, JOHN BRIGHT. Painted by J. Fagnani in 1865. Collection o the Chamber ol Commerce. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 77 1861, and in another in the same place on July 15, 1862. On both occasions speeches were made and resolutions adopted pledging the fullest support to the government in men and money, and urging the prosecution of the war relentlessly till victory was won. In the period of despondency which fol- lowed the elections in the fall of 1862 the Chamber adhered undismayed and unqualifiedly to its position of absolute loyalty. Early in 1863, at its monthly meeting on February 5, a long series of resolutions was adopted on the state of the country which left no doubt in any one's mind as to the position of the Chamber. In a preamble the events which had led to the war were reviewed, the results of the first two years of conflict were enumerated, and recognition was made of the fact that "there is manifest at the present time in certain quarters, a f eeling of impatience and despondency that is unworthy of a brave people and wholly unwarranted by the existing condition of public affairs." Among the resolu- tions were the following: Resolved, That at this interesting juncture, it behooves loyal citizens of New York to contemplate anew the work which, in the providence of God, it is given them to do; that it becomes wise men to look calmly and brave men to look hopefully toward the issue of the existing struggle. Resolved, That as it is a Christian duty to respect and obey, so it is the patriot's duty to honor and uphold "the powers that be" to lighten the burdens that devolve on the Executive and Heads of Departments, disproportioned as they are to human strength, and it is not a loyal part to aggravate these burdens by the voice of unnecessary and injurious complaint. Resolved, further, That the spirit of party which stifles love of country, is too manifest at the present time, and through the divisions it creates, and the animosities it awakens, is to be feared and deprecated as the ally of rebellion, and it should be rebuked, discouraged and banished from our midst. A proceeding of historical interest took place at the regular meeting of the Chamber on March 6, 1862. Mention was 78 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS made of the services of John Bright in championing the Union cause in England and the following resolutions were unani- mously and enthusiastically adopted: Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York does hereby record its grateful sense of the intelligent, elo- quent, just and fearless manner in which Mr. John Bright of Birmingham, has advocated, before the people of England and in the British parliament, the principles of Constitutional liberty and international justice for which the American people are con- tending. Resolved, That these proceedings be communicated to Mr. Bright and published. The action of the Chamber was communicated to Mr. Bright and in due course the subjoined interesting and valu- able letter was received from him in April, 1862: LONDON, April 4. DEAR SIR, I have received, through the hands of the Hon. Mr. Adams, the minister of the United States, your letter of the 8th of March, and the resolution unanimously adopted by the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York on the 6th of March. I wish you to convey to the eminent body of gentlemen over whom you preside, the expression of my sense of the honor they have conferred upon me, and of the pleasure which it gives me to know that the course I have taken in reference to the events which are now passing in your country has met with the warm approval of those whom they represent. I accept their most kind resolution, not only as honorable to myself, but as a manifestation of friendly feeling to the great majority of my countrymen, whose true sentiments I believe I have not mistaken or misrepresented, when I have spoken on the side of your government and people. I believe there is no other country in which the men have been so free and so prosperous as in yours, and that there is no other political constitution now in existence in the preservation of which the human race is so deeply interested as in that under which you live. This is true, beyond all doubt, when applied to the free States of your Union. I trust the time is not distant when it will be true over all your vast territory, from the St. Lawrence to the ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 79 Gulf of Mexico. Notwithstanding much misapprehension, and some recent excitement, I am sure that an overwhelming majority of the people of the United Kingdom will rejoice at the success of your government and at the complete restoration of your Union. While asking you to convey the expression of my grateful feelings to the members of your Chamber, I desire to tender to you my thanks for the very kind letter from yourself which accompanied the resolution. I am, with very great respect, very truly yours, JOHN BRIGHT. To P. PERIT, ESQ., President of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. When in March, 1863, the news of Farragut's famous vic- tory on the Mississippi reached the Chamber a series of resolutions was passed amid great enthusiasm, extolling the admiral's skill, gallantry, and perseverance; declaring that he had "achieved one of the most celebrated victories of any time; had added a new and lustrous page to the naval history of the United States, and proved himself the worthy peer of those earlier heroes of the republic who shrank from no ob- stacle"; that "in the progress of the war for the unity and life of this great nation no services have been more eminent" than his, and that "this Chamber watches with profound in- terest the course of the admiral and will hail with joy and hope the day when, at the head of some noble squadron, he may again lead the victorious navy to the restoration of other cities to the national rule." An engrossed copy of the resolutions was sent to the ad- miral, who in reply transmitted the following letter which is one of the most highly prized historical documents in the archives of the Chamber: ASTOR HOUSE, NEW YORK, December 16, 1863. JOHN AUSTIN STEVENS, ESQ., Secretary of Chamber of Commerce: Sir, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the resolu- tions of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, in relation to myself, handsomely engrossed on parchment, accom- 8o ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS panied by your kind letter, fulfilling the requirements of said reso- lutions in presenting the copy. In reply, I beg you, sir, to express to that honorable body my sincere thanks for this, and other distinguished marks of their high appreciation of the services I have rendered our common coun- try, and particularly its commerce, both internal and external, by what they are pleased to consider "one of the most celebrated achievements of any time the capture of New Orleans." That we did our duty to the best of our ability I believe; that a kind Providence smiled upon us, and enabled us to overcome obstacles before which, I fear, the stoutest of our hearts would have otherwise quailed, I am certain; and I trust that the recipient of these honors will ever remember the in junction of the poet: If thou hast strength, From Heaven that strength's bestowed; For know, vain man, that valor belongs to God: 'Tis man's to fight, But God's to give success. Being on the eve of departing for my station, I fully feel, and shall gratefully cherish, their kind sentiments of interest and hope for the success of the fleet which I have the honor to command; and that those hopes may be realized is the prayer of your obedient servant, D. G. FARRAGUT, Rear Admiral U. S. Navy. CHAPTER XVH "ALABAMA" ACTS CONDEMNED A CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION IN THE CASE REWARDS FOR THE VESSEL'S CAPTORS 1863-1864 A PUBLIC service, peculiarly within its functions as a com- mercial body, was performed by the Chamber in 1862 and 1863. Repeatedly during those years it made vigorous protests against the action of Great Britain in allowing the Alabama and other Confederate piratical craft to be fitted out in British ports in order to prey upon Northern vessels. In October, 1862, a series of resolutions was adopted, de- nouncing the conduct of Captain Semmes of the Alabama in burning Northern ships at sea, warning the merchants of Great Britain that the "repetition of such acts could not fail to produce wide-spread exasperation in this country," and de- claring it to be the "desire of this Chamber, as it is the inter- est of all its members, to cherish sentiments of amity with the people of Great Britain, to maintain those cordial relations which have led to profitable intercourse, and to strengthen the ties that knit them together in mutual courtesy and respect." In January, 1863, a special committee which had been appointed to consider the subject, made a report in which the action of the previous year was recalled, the various acts of piracy by the Alabama and the Florida were described, and the following recommendation was made: "In conclusion, your committee believe it is best at the present time, that the action of this Chamber should be limited to a statement of facts, as they bear upon a gigantic wrong to our country and its commerce, so that public opinion throughout the world 81 82 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS may be directed to the import of these facts and the dangers they involve, in the hope, too, that by this means the wrong may be repaired and the danger averted." Several attempts were made later, when the news of the destruction of other vessels arrived, to induce the Chamber to take more aggressive action, but without success. The Chamber adhered to its policy of stating the facts and resting there. There was no timidity, however, in the manner in which the facts were stated. At a meeting on March 5, 1863, when the question was brought up again, Abiel A. Low expressed the general feeling among the members by saying: This constant burning of our vessels by ships manned and built in Great Britain is a wrong which cannot be tolerated. It tends to war. We may disguise it as we please, but that is its tendency. It is time for Great Britain to consider that, if it takes all the vessels of our navy to arrest the ravages of the Alabama and the Oreto, how many of the ships of the navy of Great Britain it would take to arrest the destructiveness of privateers which would be fitted out in this country, in case of war. England may believe that our country is tried to the extent of all its energies in suppressing the rebellion, but there may be a mistake upon that subject. The United States are able to put down the rebellion, and, beyond suppressing the rebellion, to vindicate the character of the nation against any and all people who invade their rights. Letters were written by order of the Chamber to the Presi- dent and Secretary of the Navy and also to the Chambers of Commerce in Liverpool and Glasgow setting forth the facts in the case. The President of the Liverpool Chamber replied, enclosing an order passed by that body substantially con- curring in the American view, and saying that he was requested also by the members of that body "to convey an expression of the regret they feel that the injuries which form the subject of your communications, and which have been done to the commerce of a friendly nation as well as to our own, should have been inflicted by a vessel built in England." The Glas- ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 83 gow Chamber expressed cordial agreement with the New York Chamber's sentiments in favor of international unity, and added that questions of international law involved in the matter, being of the most delicate character, fell within the province of Her Majesty's Government in whose justice and wisdom the Chamber had full confidence. In its letter to the Secretary of the Navy, July 23, 1863, the Chamber said that one hundred and fifty vessels, including two steamers, representing a tonnage of upward of sixty thousand tons, and a value exceeding twelve million dollars, had been destroyed by the rebel privateers up to that time. The Secretary, Gideon Welles, replied briefly, saying that "measures have been taken to protect our commerce, and steamers have already been distributed over the tracks in- dicated in the memorial" which the Chamber had sent to him. Nothing more upon the subject appears in the minutes of the Chamber till about a year later, when it is recorded, on July 7, 1864, that a member called the attention of the Cham- ber to the services rendered to commerce by Captain John A. Winslow, the officers and crew of the United States sloop of war Kearsarge in the destruction of the steamer Alabama, and moved that a committee be appointed to report to the Chamber in what manner it should express its appreciation of their gallantry and service to the shipping and commercial interests of the country. This proposal was received with en- thusiasm, a committee was appointed, and on October 8 it made a report, submitting a draft of a letter to be addressed to Captain Winslow and his associates, and recommending that the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars be raised for the purchase of medals or other testimonials which it might be deemed proper for the Chamber to present to them as proof of high appreciation and as tokens by which "an event of great interest in the naval history of the country may be kept in lasting and honored remembrance." The Chamber adopted the report with its letter and recom- 84 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS mendation, and forwarded an engrossed copy of the letter to Captain Winslow. The letter, which is too long to quote in full, reviewed the history of the Alabama and Great Britain's connection with it, reiterating its frequently expressed views thereon, and added: The Chamber is heartily glad that the Kearsarge under your command, has sent this pest of the ocean to her merited doom, and would that all the bad feelings she engendered had gone down with her ! The conflict between the Kearsarge and Alabama affords other grounds of satisfaction. It marks a new epoch in naval war- fare, and adds a brilliant page to the naval history of the nation. This Chamber would recognize the skill, coolness and intrepidity with which the Kearsarge was manoeuvred in the combat with her formidable foe, and takes pleasure in making this record of the event in its book of minutes. Captain Winslow sent a modest letter of thanks in reply in which he said: "The destruction of the Alabama is an event which I do not affect to say, under the attending circum- stances, was of great importance in influencing our foreign rela- tions at the time, aside from the benefit derived from ridding the ocean of the most destructive pest upon our commerce." The committee charged with deciding upon the form which the testimonial was to take concluded to divide the fund among the captain, officers, and crew in the same manner that prize-money is divided. They had little difficulty in rais- ing twenty-five thousand dollars, which they apportioned as follows: Captain Winslow, ten thousand dollars; officers, ten thousand dollars; crew, five thousand dollars. The com- mittee paid a personal visit to Captain Winslow, whom they found to be, according to their report, "as urbane as a gentle- man as he is gallant as a sailor, and in their agreeable inter- view were pleasantly reminded of the truth of the old asser- tion, that the greatest courage is most often allied to the most gentle demeanor." ADMIRAL DAVID G. FARRAGUT, U. S. N. From a painting by Thomas \V. Wood. Collection ol the Chamber of Commerce. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 85 A full report of all the acts of the Chamber in this interest- ing historical incident, together with the correspondence with Captain Winslow, the names of the subscribers to the twenty- five-thousand-dollar fund with the amount given by each, and the names of all the recipients, is published in the Appen- dix of the Annual Report of the Chamber of 1864-1865. The Chamber had excellent reasons for pride in its course during this critical period. Its persistent agitation of the matter, its forcible and fearless statements of the nature of the offense committed by Great Britain in connection with the Alabama and its fellow privateers, and its patriotic course in confining its efforts to a plain statement of facts, trusting public opinion to recognize the merits of the case, all combined to secure a just solution of a question of vital importance to both countries. The justice and sound law of their whole conduct in the affair were demonstrated conclusively many years later in the verdict of fifteen million five hundred thou- sand dollars on the Alabama claims, awarded to the United States by the Geneva Tribunal in 1872. Joseph H. Choate said of this: "I believe it to have been the largest pecuniary award ever rendered in such an arbitration." Another subject which the Chamber kept constantly in mind during this period was the proper defense of the harbor. It sent memorial after memorial about it to the President, to Congress, to the State Legislature, and to the City Council. The Legislature, in the winter of 1862-1863, appropriated a million dollars for the purpose, and such progress had been made that a report to the Chamber, on October i, 1863, by the chairman of the Committee on Harbor Defenses, pronounced the defenses, on the authority of Colonel Richard Delafield of the United States Engineers, to be "in a satisfactory and im- proving condition" and that there was "no cause for any anxiety in the public mind as to the ability of New York to defend herself against any attack whatever." CHAPTER XVIH END OF THE WAR SURRENDER OF LEE DEATH OF LINCOLN DELEGATION TO THE FUNERAL GRATEFUL LETTER FROM SECRETARY SEWARD CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE CHAMBER 1865-1868 THE news of the surrender of Lee arrived when the Cham- ber was in session on April 10, 1865. It was voted that in view of the "glorious news" the regular order of business be suspended, and the members devoted themselves to the prep- aration of formal expressions of rejoicing. A series of resolu- tions was adopted by acclamation in which, with justifiable pride, it was recalled that the Chamber at the outbreak of the rebellion had solemnly pledged to the support of the government the vast resources of this commercial community and had since, at each and every time, when the credit or honor of the nation had been in danger, renewed that pledge. The following declarations were added: Resolved, That with reverence and thankfulness to Almighty God, "Who hath given us the victory," this Chamber propose to unite with their fellow-citizens in celebrating the triumphs of our arms, both on sea and land, which have restored the national unity, vindicated the right and power of the General Government, and shown to a doubting world that we have a country worthy of preservation, and which we are able and willing to preserve. Resolved, That our thanks are tendered to the President of the United States, his official advisers, and the officers, soldiers and sailors of our army and navy, from General Grant to the smallest drummer boy. Resolved, That while rejoicing, we must not forget the afflicted 86 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 87 who mourn for the loss of relatives and friends who have fallen dead or wounded in this great struggle for freedom and law, and we tender to them our most earnest sympathies. It was also resolved to accept an invitation, received from the Common Council, to join "in one grand and patriotic jubilee," on April 20, the day fixed by the Governor of the State for such a celebration. An additional resolution was also adopted, expressing the opinion that the rebellion had been unduly prolonged during the last two years mainly by the recognition given to it by the Continental powers of Europe, and adding: Resolved, That the thanks of the American people are due to the great masses in Europe who, since the origin of our unjusti- fiable rebellion, have sympathized with the success of the consti- tutional cause the triumph of which is assured by the series of great events which have just taken place under the transcendent genius and skill of Lieutenant-General Grant, and the patriotic co-operation of Generals Sherman, Sheridan, and others under his command; and we assure them that the United States, in the future as in the past, will furnish a home and afford protection to all who recognize constitutional representative government as the best organization known among men for the promotion of individual, civil, religious and political liberty. An adjournment was taken till April 15, and in the min- utes of that meeting appears simply this entry in a heavy black border: News was received this day of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, last evening, i4th April, 1865. No business was transacted, and an adjournment was taken till April 22, when the following was adopted: 88 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS IN MEMORIAM The death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States of America, on Saturday, the i$th day of April, instant, by its suddenness and attendant circumstances, overwhelming the people of the whole land with a feeling of profound grief, this Chamber deems it proper, in assembling at the present time, to make record on its book of minutes of the loss sustained by the nation at a very important juncture in its affairs a loss, the mag- nitude of which is made manifest in the most wide-spread demon- strations of sorrow, by the suspension of business for the space of six days, during which our fellow-citizens have voluntarily with- drawn from their customary secular avocations, on Wednesday and Thursday, the i8th and ipth instants, in obedience to the proclamation of the civil authorities, closing their places of business, and resorting very generally to houses of public worship in a spirit of humiliation and prayer. The whole city draped in mourning testifies, as no language can,' to the universal sentiment that a great and good man has de- parted this life. Sharing deeply in the nation's grief, and feeling deeply the greatness of the nation's loss, it is hereby Resolved, That this Chamber will earnestly co-operate in any measure that may be suggested by the city authorities to receive and attend, with due respect, the remains of the late President of the United States in their passage through this city, on Monday and Tuesday next. Resolved, That this Chamber will cherish and honor the mem- ory of Abraham Lincoln as of one who was wise in council, and remarkable for his singleness of purpose; in practical good sense, upright aim and devotedness of life, resembling the immortal Washington; who, throughout four years of civil war, so conducted and guided the administration of public affairs, as to lead up the minds of our people to a higher and still higher estimate of his character for sagacity combined with the utmost simplicity, for firmness tempered by moderation, for justice allied with a spirit of conciliation, and that in death all parties are united in his praise, and vie with each other in their undivided homage; of whom it may be justly said, that if not first in war in his day and genera- tion, he was " first in peace and first in the hearts of his country- men." In testimony whereof, this Chamber orders that the foregoing ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 89 be entered at length on its book of records, and that a copy of the same be sent to the family of the deceased, with whom it is a nation's privilege to sympathize and mourn as for a common and irreparable loss. It was voted to accept the invitation of the city authorities to join in the funeral ceremonies of the late President, which were to be held in Union Square, on April 25, and to take part as a body in the civic procession which was to follow. A committee of thirteen members that had been appointed to represent the Chamber at the funeral ceremonies in Wash- ington, on April 19, presented a report from which the ap- pended extracts are reproduced here as being of permanent historical interest: Impressed with the necessity of strengthening the Government by all possible means at this critical juncture in our public affairs, your committee called on his Excellency, the present Chief Magis- trate, and assured him, in the name of the Chamber, that the same hearty, persistent, unbroken and vigorous support which had al- ways been given to President Lincoln would continue to be extended to him, thus suddenly called to the discharge of such important trusts at so critical a period and under circumstances so grave and unexpected; expressing to him at the same time their entire con- fidence that the destinies of the people would be safe in his keeping, and imploring for him the strengthening hand of a beneficent Providence. The President, in response, assured your committee that he felt under great obligations for your encouragement and support. "For," said he, "in the emergencies that surround me, I need en- couragement and strength. I am not at this moment prepared to enter on any explanation of my future policy. Since my en- trance into political life, I have been somewhat actively engaged in public affairs, and to the history of my past acts I refer for those principles which have governed me heretofore and which will guide me hereafter. By a dispensation of Providence, as appalling as unexpected, I am forced to assume great responsibilities, and no one can foresee the circumstances that will hereafter arise. "I shall, however, regard myself the humble instrument of the American people, and, as their representative, endeavor to 90 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS maintain the principles of public justice, which accord with public morals and the best interests of the country. One great truth should be engraven on all hearts treason is a crime, and traitors should be duly punished. I can only assure you, gentlemen, and the intelligent and patriotic body you represent, that my adminis- tration will be based on the Constitution and the laws; and, as events arise, I shall endeavor to meet them to the utmost of my ability, trusting in the assistance of that Providence which has hitherto guarded and preserved our republican institutions." While this committee was in Washington it addressed a copy of the Chamber's resolutions to Secretary Seward, and several weeks later the following letter was received from him, marked "unofficial": DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON, Aug. 27, 1865. Having become so far convalescent as to be permitted to in- form myself of incidents which occurred during the early stages of my illness, I have today for the first time come to the knowledge of the resolutions which you had the kindness to address to me on the i gth of April in the name and behalf of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. There are no words in which I could adequately express the sense I entertain of the kindness which has been shown to me by my fellow-citizens generally during that illness. You will, there- fore, I am sure, be content with this hasty and simple, but grateful acknowledgment of the especial kindness which is manifested in your communication, and you will be pleased to convey the acknowledgment to the Chamber of Commerce. With grateful and affectionate regard Your obedient servant (Signed) WILLIAM H. SEWARD. From the moment that the war was ended the Chamber devoted its influence unceasingly to the restoration of friendly relations between the two sections of the country. In May, 1865, a series of resolutions was adopted, pledging renewed support to the government; expressing the hope that in the restoration of complete national authority, magnanimity and ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 91 clemency would be shown and no act committed which could be condemned as needlessly harsh or revengeful by the cool judgment of the humane and liberty-loving in any part of the civilized world, and declaring that the Chamber hailed with peculiar satisfaction the recent order of the President to "re- lieve the loyal citizens and well-disposed persons residing in the insurrectionary states, from unnecessary commercial restriction and to encourage them to return to peaceful pur- suits," because, in its opinion, an unrestricted commercial intercourse would prove to be the most powerful agency which could henceforth be employed for restoring peace and prosperity to all portions of our common country. The one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Chamber was observed by a public meeting held in Irving Hall on April 6, 1868. That hall, which passed out of ex- istence many years ago, stood at the southeast corner of Fifteenth Street and Irving Place. It was decorated for the occasion with the American and British colors and the flags of the city and State of New York. Portraits of Royal Governor Colden, of John Cruger, first President of the Cham- ber, and of several of his successors, were displayed at the back of the platform. A large audience and many dis- tinguished guests, including the Governor and Lieutenant- Governor of the State, the Mayor of the city, officials of the National Government, and consuls of foreign governments, attended the exercises. Addresses were made by William E. Dodge, President of the Chamber, who presided, A. A. Low, and James De Peyster Ogden, former Presidents, George Opdyke, first Vice-President, Jonathan Sturges, and S. B. Chittenden. An interesting historical sketch of the cen- tury's history of the Chamber was read by John Austin Stevens, Jr., who was for six years the Secretary of the Cham- ber, and the historian of its colonial period. A full report of the celebration, with the addresses in full, was published in the Annual Report of the Chamber for 1867-1868. CHAPTER XIX EFFORTS FOR HONEST GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE OF SEVENTY AND TWEED RING DEFEAT SUPPORT OF POLICE INVESTIGATION CHOLERA SCARE 1871-1894 No one can read the proceedings of the Chamber as they are recorded in the annual reports without being deeply im- pressed with the untiring zeal and keen intelligence with which its members sought month by month and year by year to aid and advance the interests of trade and commerce by securing improvements in the harbor; better wharves and docks; better lighting of the channels and approaches; desirable amendments in the revenue, quarantine, warehouse, custom- house and similar laws; additional safeguards in ocean travel; better life-saving devices; improvement and enlargement of railway and canal transportation; in short, whatever was needed to enhance the welfare and strengthen the fame of the city as the first commercial metropolis of the world. Al- though not always immediately successful in these efforts, the records show that perseverance and determination almost inva- riably won in the end, with the general effect not only of widen- ing the field of activity but placing the commercial interests of the city and nation on a sounder and more creditable basis. From the earliest times the Chamber steadily maintained its character as a non-political body, but while doing so it was ever quick to recognize the advent of a situation in the conduct of municipal affairs in which the issue rose above partisanship and became one of good citizenship without distinction of party. An issue of this kind arose in 1871 when the righteous indignation of the city was aroused by the ex- pa ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 93 posure of the Tweed Ring frauds made by the New York Times. When the incriminating figures were published, Mayor Oakey Hall wrote an adroit letter to the Chamber, requesting it to appoint a committee to conduct an examination of the public accounts of the city government and the condition of the city debt and make a report which should be a refutation of the exposures by the Times. The Chamber indignantly declined the proposal and immediately called a special meeting which resulted in the organization of the Committee of Seventy, composed largely of members, through whose guidance the municipal campaign of that year was conducted and the over- throw of the Tweed-Tammany Ring was secured. In like manner, when in 1894 the city was humiliated and alarmed by the misconduct of city affairs, especially in the Police Department, the Chamber took the lead in the demand for an investigation by the Legislature. At a meeting in Janu- ary, it appointed a special committee to represent it before the Legislature and the Constitutional Convention "with re- gard to any laws which may affect the good government of this city and the commercial prosperity of the State," and to advocate the "separation of municipal and State elections from State and national elections," and a single head for the Police Department. At the same time it declared that, "in the opinion of this Chamber, there should be a thorough legislative investigation of the Police Department." In response to this declaration, the Legislature appointed an investigating committee. When that committee began to uncover gross abuses, political influences at Albany combined to put an end to the inquiry, and they induced the Governor to veto an appropriation providing the funds necessary to carry it on. The Chamber came at once to the rescue and raised a fund of seventeen thousand five hundred dollars to be used in defraying expenses and paying counsel fees. The inquiry was continued and such startling revelations were made that the city rose in wrath at the following election, 94 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS overthrew the Tammany government and substituted for it a reform, non-partisan administration with William L. Strong as Mayor. Out of this victory came the selection of Colonel Waring as Street Cleaning Commissioner and the inaugura- tion of a new era in that branch of city administration which has continued till this day. Another and no less beneficent reform was accomplished at this time through the leadership of the Chamber. The revelations of the investigating committee had shown that many of the police justices were shamefully incompetent and corrupt. The Chamber based on these revelations a demand for the abolition of the police-court system and started a popu- lar agitation which resulted in the abolition of those courts and the substitution of City Magistrate Courts in their place a reform which has been shown in many years of practical operation to have been one of the most salutary ever achieved in the city's history. When the question was brought before the Chamber for action, Charles Stewart Smith, who was for many years its President, stated the attitude of the Chamber in matters pertaining to municipal affairs with clearness and force as follows: We are here in the interests of justice and righteousness; we are here in the interest of the poor, the despised and the neglected, asking that they should all have an equal chance before the law. Some of us may be politicians, some of us may be partisans, but after quite a long membership in this Chamber, and having been a regular attendant upon its sessions, I wish to record my convic- tion that the politicians and partisans in this Chamber leave politics and partisanship outside the door when they enter here. When Governor Tilden began his exposure of Canal Ring frauds in 1875, the Chamber came at once to his support, adopting, on April i, a series of resolutions in which it was declared that the Governor, "true to his honorable record against the fraudulent ring officials of this city, has now ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 95 placed the citizens of our whole State under lasting obliga- tions by his bold and masterly exposure of the enormous frauds connected with the administration of the New York canals." Under the able leadership of Samuel B. Ruggles, a high author- ity on canal matters, the Chamber recommended the passage by the Legislature of an amendment to the State Constitution abolishing the offices of canal commissioners and authorizing the appointment by the Governor of a superintendent of public works who should have control over all canal matters. This proposal was accepted by the Legislature and the amend- ment suggested was subsequently ratified by the people of the State. A very salutary reform was thus accomplished. Another opportunity for genuine public service arose in September, 1892, when the city became the victim of a genuine "cholera scare." There was an epidemic of cholera in Germany, and ships had arrived in New York harbor with victims of the disease on board. These were detained in the lower bay and none of their passengers, well or sick, was al- lowed to land. Incompetent and rather brutal conduct was exhibited by the quarantine officials in allowing the detained vessels to be tossed about in the rough waters of the bay for several days. A steadily increasing protest arose throughout the city at this treatment. The Chamber called a special meeting and appointed a committee which raised an emer- gency fund of nearly two hundred thousand dollars to be used in providing accommodations on land for the well passengers. The Governor of the State subsequently au- thorized the use of State money for the purpose, and the emergency fund was returned to the subscribers. The Chamber, deeply impressed with the gravity of the situation, adopted a memorial to Congress in favor of the establishment of a national quarantine, with the ultimate result of the pas- sage by Congress of a law giving the National Government power to act in special emergencies in case of failure of duty on the part of the State authorities. CHAPTER XX ASSASSINATION OF GARFIELD FUND FOR HIS FAMILY FAITH OF THE CHAMBER IN PRESIDENT ARTHUR 1881 WHEN the news of the attempted assassination of President Garfield on July 2, 1881, was received a special meeting of the Chamber was called on the next day for July 7, and resolutions were then adopted expressing the "unspeakable grief and indignation" of the society, and extending the deep- est sympathy to the members of the President's family. Not content with this, the members of the Chamber, animated by the desire to relieve the President's mind of anxiety in regard to the needs of his family, started a subscription for a fund for their benefit in case of his death. Contributions were solicited from all parts of the country, with the result of securing ultimately a fund of about three hundred and sixty- two thousand dollars, which was invested for the benefit of the widow and other members of the family. Another special meeting was called in September when the death of the Presi- dent was announced, at which addresses were made and res- olutions adopted expressing the sorrow of the Chamber and its sympathy for the afflicted family. In the resolutions thoughts were expressed which were in the minds of many men at the time. The manner of his death was declared to be a "solemn warning to the American people" and made it a duty to consider carefully the causes which led to it. Without mincing words, it was declared that his death "was the natural result of party rancor, and of the demoralizing influence which the system of appointment to the civil ser- 96 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 97 vice has upon weak and depraved natures," and the earnest hope was expressed that "this calamity may lead the people to remedy evils which have long been apparent, but never so clearly as now." There was no dissenting voice when the resolutions were put to a vote. Later in the proceedings, an additional resolu- tion was adopted in which it was declared that in paying just tribute to the illustrious dead some consolation was to be found in the feeling and belief that the great loss to the nation would, "in an eminent degree, be lessened by the en- ergy, fidelity and patriotism of his successor, our much respected and venerated townsman, Chester A. Arthur," who, the Chamber was convinced, would "labor for the best interests of the country in administering the office of President of the United States," and to whom the Chamber pledged its sincere and ardent support. This deliverance, coming at a time when there was much apprehension in the public mind as to the course which Mr. Arthur would pursue, had an excellent effect. He himself was much gratified by it and sent word to the members that he had a deep sense of obligation to the Chamber for its prompt and cordial expression of confidence. The faith of the Chamber was fully justified by the new President's con- duct of the government during the three and a half years in which he held the office. When he retired on March 4, 1885, the Chamber elected him an Honorary Member, and when he died in November of the following year, it paid warm tribute to his virtues in a minute prepared by his lifelong friend, Cornelius N. Bliss. After speaking of the high esteem in which Mr. Arthur had been held for many years by his fellow townsmen before he became President, it was said in the minute: "It was not strange that outside the State where his ability and character were less known, honest doubt and distrust of the future of the country, in the serious crisis, should weigh upon the hearts of the people. 98 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS He bore all calmly, in silence, with rare fortitude, confident in his own integrity of purpose, and but few then knew how deeply his sensitive nature was wounded by the injustice to which he was subjected. When he became President, his wise and conservative course soon dissipated doubt and fear, factional disputes were stilled, confidence was restored to the country, and his administration won the approbation of all men of both parties. So ends another great life; and when the events of the years 1881 to 1885 shall be recorded in his- tory, the verdict will be, that during that period the destinies of the Republic were, under Providence, directed by a wise and sagacious ruler." CHAPTER XXI WAR WITH SPAIN PROMPT SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT PANAMA CANAL TOLLS VALUABLE HISTORICAL EVIDENCE FROM MR. CHOATE 1898-1914 WHEN the question of declaring war with Spain was pend- ing, in the spring of 1898, the Chamber did not hesitate as to its duty in the premises. At its regular monthly meeting on April 7 it adopted a preamble and resolution which were reported by its Executive Committee. In the preamble it was stated that the Chamber of Commerce "will, as in the past, so in the future, never fail, when the Republic calls, to stand by the common cause in a spirit of patriotic devotion and self-sacrifice. It will also recognize as its own the inter- ests and the honor of the country." The resolution declared that "the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York most heartily applauds the pacific policy so wisely, patiently, and nobly pursued by President McKinley. It pledges to that policy its firm and active support, and it calls upon the representatives of the people to sustain and aid the President in his patriotic endeavor to secure justice to our suffering neighbors, while at the same time preserving the inestimable boon of peace to our own country." There was an animated debate on the question of adoption of the report, in which several members advocated a more emphatic utterance in favor of war if necessary, and others, including Carl Schurz, supported the resolution. A letter was received a few days later from President McKinley's secretary, conveying the President's "assurance of his cordial 99 ioo ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS appreciation of this expression of confidence and support, which is very encouraging to him." At its next following monthly meeting, on May 5, the Chamber, war with Spain having been declared in the mean- time, met the situation squarely and unflinchingly by adopt- ing a series of resolutions as follows: Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, mindful of its own loyal and patriotic past, hereby pledges its unqualified and hearty support to the President and Congress of the United States in the conduct of the war. Resolved, That .the Chamber will willingly and heartily bear its share of the common burdens, whatever they may be, to the end that such a peace may speedily be obtained as will enure to the benefit of our Cuban neighbors, and to the domestic quiet and prosperity of the United States. Resolved, That a committee of thirty members, of which the President of the Chamber shall be chairman, shall be appointed to take such action, as may, from time to time, be necessary, in order to give to this action of the Chamber its greatest possible efficiency and value. Resolved, That the thanks and congratulations of the Chamber be offered to Commodore Dewey and the gallant officers and crews of the Asiatic squadron who, by one blow, struck under circum- stances of peculiar heroism, have relieved our Pacific Coast from the fear of attack, freed our merchant ships in the East from dread of capture, and while adding new lustre to the brilliant annals of the American navy, have helped importantly to shorten the war. Speeches in support of the resolutions were made by the President of the Chamber and several members, including Abrarn S. Hewitt. The latter aroused great enthusiasm by saying: "The verdict of history will show that not only the President of the United States, but the Congress of the United States and the people of the United States have but one object in this great controversy, and that is to see that justice is done, even though the heavens fall." The resolutions were adopted unanimously. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 101 At its first meeting after the close of the war, held on October 6, 1898, the Chamber sent, with unanimous approval, a mes- sage to President McKinley, tendering to him its "earnest congratulations upon the successful termination of the war with Spain," complimenting him upon the "magnificent vic- tories achieved by the Army and Navy of the United States," and renewing the "assurance of its confidence in his wisdom, judgment and statesmanship in dealing with the difficult in- ternational problems yet to be solved." Immediately upon the raising of the question of exempting American coastwise ships from the payment of tolls in the Panama Canal, in 1912, the Chamber gave serious attention to the subject and discussed it at length in several meetings. At the annual banquet of the Chamber on November 21, 1912, Senator Root, in an earnest and eloquent speech, had called attention to the subject, saying that the United States could not refuse to arbitrate the question of whether or not the exemption was a violation of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. In it he added that if the United States refused to arbitrate the question, "we will be in the position of the merchant who is known to all the world to be false to his promises. With our nearly four thousand millions of foreign trade we will stand in the world of commerce as a merchant false to his word. Among all the people on this earth who hope for better days of righteousness and peace in the future, we will stand, in the light of our multitude of declarations for arbitra- tion and peace, as discredited, dishonored hypocrites; with the fair name of America blackened, with the self-respect of Americans gone, with the influence of America for advance along the pathway of progress and civilization, annulled, dis- honored and disgraced. No true American can fail to use his voice and his influence upon this question for his country's honor." This speech, together with the full texts of the Hay-Paunce- fote treaty and of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty which it repealed, 102 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS were published in the monthly "Bulletin" of the Chamber in order that accurate information on the subject might be placed before the members. It was evident from the beginning of the debate that the sentiment of the Chamber was overwhelmingly against the exemption as embodied in the Canal Act that Congress had passed in 1912. When, in January, 1913, Senator Root in- troduced a bill repealing the exemption clause of the act, a resolution was introduced in the Chamber at its next follow- ing meeting, approving his action. This was debated at the subsequent meetings, at the second of which Mr. Joseph H. Choate, who had been the American Ambassador at London when the Hay-Pauncefote treaty in regard to the canal had been drawn, was present and made a speech which will always remain as a valuable contribution to the history of the case. It was the testimony of a man who had first-hand knowledge with which to support his statements, and was accepted as final by the Chamber, as it must be by all who wish to know the truth. The more vital passages of his speech are ap- pended: I come here to-day as a member of the Chamber of Commerce, hoping to help it to decide right in the matter that is now before it, because I consider a wrong decision would be not only a serious blow to the good name and honor of the Chamber of Commerce but of the country itself. It is true that I had something to do with the negotiation of this treaty. In the summer of 1901 you will remember that this treaty was ratified by the Senate in November, 1901 I was in England until October, and was in almost daily contact with Lord Pauncefote, who on his side represented Lord Lansdowne, the Foreign Secretary, and was also in very frequent correspondence with Mr. Hay, our Secretary of State, under whom I was acting. As the lips of both those diplomatists and great patriots, who were each true to his own country and each regardful of the rights of the other, are sealed in death, I think it is quite proper that I should say what I believe both of them, if they were here, would say to-day: that the clause in the Panama Canal Bill exempting ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 103 coastwise American shipping from the payment of tolls is in direct violation of the treaty. I venture to say now that in the whole course of the negotiation of this particular treaty, no claim, no suggestion was made, that there should be any exemption of anybody. How could there be in face of the words they agreed upon ? Lord Pauncefote and John Hay were singularly honest and truthful men. They knew the meaning of the English language, and when they agreed upon the language of the treaty, they carried out the fundamental prin- ciple of their whole diplomacy, so far as I know anything about it, and in the six years I was engaged with them, their cardinal rule was to mean what they said and to say what they meant. When the question of approving Senator Root's repeal bill was put at the close of the debate, at a very full attendance of members, there were only seven votes in the negative. A message was sent to Senator Root informing him of the Cham- ber's action, to which he replied expressing his pleasure in knowing that the Chamber was on the right side of the ques- tion. On March 5, 1914, President Wilson read his special mes- sage before a joint session of the two houses of Congress in which he asked for repeal of the exemption clauses on the ground that in his "judgment, very fully considered and ma- turely formed, that exemption constitutes a mistaken eco- nomic policy from every point of view, and is, moreover, in plain contradiction of the treaty with Great Britain." The Chamber at once came to the support of the President, and, by request from Washington, sent a special committee to that city to appear before the Senate Committee on Interoceanic Canals and present the Chamber's attitude in the matter. The Senate Committee gave the Chamber's representatives a full and exhaustive hearing, at which the action of the Cham- ber in 1912 was presented in detail, and the economic side of the question in its relations to transportation by both water and rail was fully discussed. There is no doubt that the arguments of the Chamber's 104 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS representatives had much influence in securing the final passage of the repeal bill which became law on June 15, 1914. President Wilson recognized the value of the service rendered by sending a letter to the Chamber in which he begged it to accept his assurance that he appreciated its action in support- ing his position on the question. CHAPTER XXII RAPID-TRANSIT SOLUTION RECORD OF THE CHAMBER THIRTEEN YEARS OF LEADERSHIP IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUBWAYS 1894-1907 No public service performed by the Chamber during its century and a half of usefulness ranks above its achievement in solving the problem of rapid transit. As early as 1868 the question of an underground system of transit began to engage serious attention and during the ensuing quarter of a century repeated efforts to evolve a satis- factory system were made, all of which, for one reason or an- other, ended in failure. A charter was granted by the Legis- lature in 1868 to the New York City Central Underground Company for the construction of a subway, but it proved to be impossible to raise the necessary capital. In 1872, the Legislature incorporated the New York City Rapid Transit Company, authorizing the New York Central Railroad Com- pany to construct an underground road from the Grand Cen- tral Station to the City Hall. Criticism of this plan was so bitter that it was abandoned. In 1875, an act was passed under which the elevated railway system was constructed. This system satisfied public needs for about ten years, when the necessity for additional facilities revived the demand for an underground road. Mayor Hewitt took up the question in 1888, and endeavored, unsuccessfully, to induce the Legis- lature to pass an act for such a road. In 1891, the Legisla- ture, yielding to a strong popular demand, passed an act under which a Rapid Transit Commission was appointed. This body evolved a system which could not be constructed 105 io6 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS because of the lack of responsible bidders for the contract. In 1894 the Chamber of Commerce took up the subject. If anything had been demonstrated conclusively by pre- vious efforts, it was that private capital could not be induced to undertake the work. The Chamber, in the light of experi- ence, looked about for other methods of raising money, and could find only one, that of the city credit. There had been public talk of municipal ownership combined with municipal operation. The Chamber adopted the idea of confining mu- nicipal participation to the furnishing of credit for construc- tion, leaving to private interests the risks and burden as well as the profit of constructing, equipping, and operating the system. That separation proved to be the key to the rapid- transit problem, and the discovery was a public service of incalculable value, not only to New York, but to all other municipalities in the land. Credit for this discovery belongs to Mr. Hewitt. It was entirely his idea, Mr. Orr said in a speech at the annual banquet in 1904, that municipal credit should be a dominant feature of the enterprise. "That, to my mind, and, I believe to the minds of our colleagues of the Rapid Transit Com- mission," he added, "made our work a success." Under the experienced guidance of Mr. Hewitt, who had for many years been a zealous advocate of subway construc- tion, and with the expert legal advice of Henry R. Beekman, afterward an upright, able, and honored judge of the Supreme Court, a bill was drawn and presented to the Legislature in which for the first time the proposal to use the credit of the city was made. The Legislature, naturally timid in the face of so unprecedented a departure, passed the bill but attached a proviso that before going into effect it must first be approved by the people of the State. A referendum on the question was submitted in the election of November, 1894, and approval was given with a large majority. The way was thus cleared for the new idea in rapid transit to be put into operation. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 107 The act as passed named the persons who were to consti- tute the Rapid Transit Commission. They were the Mayor and Comptroller of the city; the President of the Chamber of Commerce; William Steinway, Seth Low, John Claflin, Alexander E. Orr, and John H. Starin. Five of the eight com- missioners were members of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Orr was President of the Chamber, and consequently an ex officio and an individual member. At the first meeting of the commission, he was elected its President. He resigned his individual membership and John H. Inman was elected to the vacancy, giving the Chamber six members of the body. From the moment of its appointment, the commission bent its energies continuously and tirelessly to the great task as- signed to it. Necessary amendments were obtained from time to time enlarging its powers. Changes in its personnel from death and other causes were made as time advanced. Mr. Low resigned in 1896, and Mr. Steinway and Mr. Inman died. Their places were filled by Woodbury Langdon, George L. Rives, and Charles Stewart Smith. In 1899, Morris K. Jesup became President of the Chamber of Commerce and thereby replaced Mr. Orr as ex officio member of the com- mission. At the first meeting of the commission thereafter, John Claflin resigned and Mr. Orr was elected to the vacancy, continuing as President of the commission. The commission, as soon as it had been appointed, organ- ized and chose William Barclay Parsons as chief engineer and George S. Rice as deputy chief engineer. A route for the subway was laid out after taking into consideration the con- venience of the population, the situation of existing lines of transportation, and the development of the city. Plans for the structure were determined upon, a financial scheme was evolved, necessary legal authority was secured from the courts, and the construction of an operating plant was author- ized. A delay of two years was caused in the actual beginning of io8 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS the work by an action brought in the Supreme Court to test the constitutionality of the Act of 1894 creating the corn- mission. This was carried to the Court of Appeals and declared finally in favor of the city. Obstacles and delays of various kinds arose constantly, but the patience and perseverance of the commission enabled it to surmount them all, and in the fall of 1899 a contract for the work was completed and was advertised for bids. On January 16, 1900, a bid was accepted, and a Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company was organized to capitalize the work. On March 24 following the work was formally begun, and four and a half years later, on October 27, 1904, the subway, fully equipped in every part and ready for opera- tion, was thrown open to the public with impressive cere- monies. Every detail of the work, construction, equipment of stations and rolling-stock, motive-power, etc., was con- sidered and determined by the commission, and after ten years of unremitting and devoted labor, its members presented the city with as perfect a system of transportation as the world had yet seen. While the commission had been engaged in this task, the Greater New York Charter had gone into effect, creating a new city with a greatly increased population and with new and diversified interests. This enlargement of its field of labor had added enormously to the work of the commission by imposing upon its members the task of evolving a system of transit that should meet the wants of all the new territory that had been added to the old. This was done so effectively that the way was opened for whatever enlargements and ex- tensions in the future the growth of the metropolis might make necessary. During the closing years of service the commission made careful examination of the merits of proposed additional routes and decided upon so many that when, in 1907, it was abolished and its work turned over to the Public Service Commission ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 109 there was little for the latter body to do except to carry for- ward the general scheme which its predecessor had planned and partially executed. That Mr. Hewitt and Mr. Orr, as well as their associates, were men of vision, as well as devoted public servants, was demonstrated by the success of their ideas and plans. CHAPTER XXIII RAPID TRANSIT CONTINUED RECOGNITION OF MR. HEWITT'S SERVICES GOLD MEDAL AWARDED AND STATUE ERECTED TO HIS MEMORY MEDALS ALSO FOR MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION 1894-1907 THE Chamber was generous in its appreciation of Mr. Hewitt's services. When the contract for building the sub- way was signed, in April, 1900, Mr. Orr reported the fact at a meeting of the Chamber and proposed that a gold medal be struck in recognition of Mr. Hewitt's eminent ser- vices, saying that the result was due mainly to the active in- fluence of the Chamber and the "genius and foresight of Abram S. Hewitt who had brought to the task a wide experi- ence in civic affairs and an intimate knowledge of the require- ments of the case." A resolution was adopted, appointing a special committee to procure a gold medal to be presented to Mr. Hewitt "with assurances of the admiration, respect and affectionate regard of his fellow members." A medal was struck and was formally presented to Mr. Hewitt at a meeting of the Chamber on October 3, 1901. In his speech of acceptance Mr. Hewitt reviewed the long campaign for an underground system, and remarked that in achieving this result the Chamber of Commerce had been the prime mover, adding: "I think it is not too much to say that in the future its successful intervention will be regarded as one of the most creditable achievements in its long and honorable history, identified, as it was and is, with the construction of the Erie Canal and of the great system of water-supply which has made ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS in it possible for more than three millions of people to dwell together in health and comfort." Of the medal he said: "It will be treasured by my children as the most precious possession which will descend to them, and be regarded by them, as it is by me, as the crowning honor of a long career, which, by the action of the Chamber of Commerce, is now brought to a happy ending." Fifteen months later, when Mr. Hewitt's life ended, the Chamber, feeling that sufficient honor had not yet been paid to him, directed that a marble statue be made of him and placed in a niche on the grand stairway leading to the great hall of the Chamber in its building. This was done, and on May n, 1905, the statue was unveiled with impressive cere- monies in the presence of his widow and children. It was the first time in its long history that such an honor had been paid by the Chamber to one of its members. On January 7, 1904, the Chamber devoted itself to an ex- pression of appreciation of the services of its members on the Board of Rapid Transit Commissioners. A resolution was adopted unanimously, appointing a committee to consider and report on the question of suitable recognition. The com- mittee reported in March and again in November. They called attention in their first report to this inscription on a tablet in the City Hall station of the first subway: SUGGESTED BY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE CONSTRUCTED BY THE CITY While approving the inscription, the committee expressed the opinion that it did not adequately set forth the service the Chamber had rendered. In its second report the com- mittee recommended that medals, similar to the one awarded to Mr. Hewitt, be presented to the members of the Cham- ber who had served on the Rapid Transit Commission. The ii2 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS recommendation was adopted, and at a meeting on December 7, they were presented by the President to the seven members who had been on the commission. In their report, the special committee said that the great community was to be congratu- lated in an especial manner upon the fact that the best virtue and the best intelligence of its citizenship had been enlisted in the enterprise. In a brief speech, thanking the Chamber for its action, Mr. Orr said that it had been both a pride and pleasure to the members of the commission to know that the very first move toward real and effective rapid transit under municipal credit had been made by the Chamber, and it was for this reason that when designing the tablet to commemorate the building of the first rapid-transit road in New York the commission de- creed that the very first line of the inscription should read: "Suggested by the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York." One of the members of the Chamber, in some remarks eulo- gistic of the work accomplished, made the important point that great as the achievement had been, the Chamber had done even more than create a work of public utility of far-reaching consequences. It had shown how a great public work, of in- calculable value to the city of New York for all time to come, could be conceived, organized, and carried out, freed from those political entanglements which so often proved a source of waste, extravagance, or scandal. In its report the special committee also recommended that a description and historical memoir of the enterprise be pre- pared and printed. This was done, and it was published in 1905, with the title of "Rapid Transit, Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York." It is an extremely valuable pub- lication, containing, in addition to a complete history of the various rapid-transit plans and of the work done by the Cham- ber's successful board, an account of similar enterprises in other American and foreign cities. Students of municipal ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 113 transit questions will find it an invaluable book of reference, containing in detail information which, from the necessity of the case, can only be summarized in this general history of the Chamber. CHAPTER XXIV SOUND-MONEY RECORD UNBROKEN FOR ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS DEMANDS FOR RESUMPTION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS OPPOSITION TO FREE SILVER 1768-1918 IN the earlier chapters of this chronicle it has been pointed out that almost from the moment of its creation the Cham- ber took an unqualified and strong position in favor of a sound and stable currency. It did this in reference to colo- nial paper currency and later in reference to depreciated and adulterated coin. In recent times it has maintained this attitude unwaveringly. When the question of the resumption of specie payments began to be discussed in 1869 the Chamber put itself on rec- ord in favor of resumption at the earliest practical moment, declaring its conviction that the public debt should be paid in gold, and that contraction of the currency must precede resumption. It adhered to this position steadily for ten years. When resumption became an accomplished fact on January i, 1879, the Chamber passed resolutions felicitating the city and country upon the "consummation of an event which has been so long and ardently desired," and later appointed a committee to ask the Secretary of the Treasury, John Sher- man, to sit for a portrait which should be hung upon the walls of the Chamber in honor of his great services. The Secretary consented, his portrait was painted and hangs to-day in the Great Hall of the society facing that of Alexander Hamilton. Early in 1872, when the bill relating to the coinage of silver which had been before Congress since the beginning of 1870 114 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 115 was under discussion in that body, the Chamber, on May 6, adopted unanimously a series of resolutions saying it per- ceived "with great satisfaction that the pending bill provides that the gold dollar shall be 'the unit of value,' and that the silver dollar shall hereafter be a legal tender only for amounts not exceeding $5, thereby putting an end, in the United States, to the absurdity of a 'double standard' for legal money, and establishing gold as the single and only standard." Copies of the resolutions were sent to members of both houses of Congress, and from that time till the final passage of the act, on February 7, 1873, t^ 6 Chamber, through its special com- mittee on the subject, of which Samuel B. Ruggles was chair- man, continued to urge its passage and to make suggestions in regard to its provisions, many of which were incorporated in the measure. This act was known afterward as the "Crime of '73," that being the title which advocates of free-silver coinage and bimetallism gave to it. That it exercised a powerful influence in keeping the country on the gold standard, all efforts to repeal it ending in failure, is universally admitted. The Chamber in upholding it from the outset not only ad- hered to its invariable policy in support of sound finance but performed a valuable service to the country. The Chamber continued its opposition to free silver in all and every one of the various forms in which it appeared dur- ing the years which followed the resumption of specie pay- ments. When, in spite of its earnest and repeated protests, the so-called "Sherman Act," authorizing the purchase of four million five hundred thousand ounces of silver monthly, was passed in 1890, the Chamber did not falter in its position. In October, 1891, when the evil influences of the act began to be apparent, it passed a resolution declaring that "in the opinion of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, so much of the existing law as compels the purchase by the Government of 4,500,000 ounces of silver per month is against public welfare and should be repealed." In April n6 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS of the following year the Chamber adopted an elaborate report by its special committee on the subject with resolutions in which it was declared that "all existing legislation which requires the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase silver bul- lion should be repealed." Repeatedly in 1892 and the early part of 1893 ^ e Chamber called earnest attention to the harm which the Sherman silver-purchase act was doing to the financial and commercial interests of the country and urged its repeal. In June the panic of 1893, one of the most serious in the financial history of the country, came as the inevitable result of the silver policy. Banks failed in all parts of the country, there were runs on savings-banks, and appeals for help reached the finan- cial institutions of New York from all quarters. The Clear- ing House Loan Committee, composed of five metropolitan bank presidents, all members of the Chamber, saved the situation, and averted financial ruin and devastation through- out the land by issuing more than forty-one million dollars in loan certificates. The Chamber besought President Cleveland to call a special session of Congress to consider the question of repealing the Sherman Act, and this he did on August 7, 1893. The House passed a repeal bill promptly, but action was delayed in the Senate for a long time. Pending action, the Chamber bent its energies to arousing popular sentiment in favor of the repeal bill's passage. Through a special committee appeals were made to over five thousand banks and trust companies and commercial associations, and thirty thousand letters were sent to private firms and individuals urging them to use their influence in securing action by the Senate in favor of repeal. Finally, the Senate passed the bill and on November i it became law. In winning this victory for sound money the Chamber had taken a very important part, and the final triumph was due in large measure to its successful efforts in arousing popular sentiment in favor of repeal. I I ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 117 In November, 1895, President Cleveland recognized hand- somely the services of the Chamber in the fight for sound money. The society invited him to be an honored guest at its annual dinner, and in a letter of regret that he was not able to accept, he wrote: "There never was a time when my admiration for this important business association was so great, and I am sure the recent efforts of its members to save the country from the havoc of financial madness ought to be appreciated by every patriotic citizen." When in 1896 the steadily growing agitation in favor of the free coinage of silver culminated in the nomination by the Democratic Convention of its leading advocate, the Chamber had no doubt as to its duty in the campaign. It realized at once that an issue had been raised that was above political and partisan considerations and involved both the national welfare and the national honor. Foreseeing the coming conflict as early as May, 1895, it had appointed a special committee to devise methods for opposing free coin- age and maintaining the standard of value. As soon as the free-silver nomination was made this committee began the preparation of a plan of campaign, appointing from their members an Executive Committee, a Finance Committee, with several subcommittees, and securing offices in which to conduct the work. They opened correspondence with kindred organizations throughout the country, sought and obtained the co-operation and assistance of large commercial houses, and thus established wide connections with business interests in all parts of the land. They then began the printing and distribution of large quantities of sound-money literature, speeches, pamphlets, and other publications, reaching with them, by means of correspondence and through the press, several millions of people, chiefly in the South and West, regularly during the campaign. They did not depend upon the political organizations for distribution, but reached the individual voter directly through the press and the avenues n8 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS of business correspondence. It is scarcely possible to over- estimate the value of the missionary and educational work thus accomplished. It could justly be claimed that these services in that campaign, one of the most critical in our history, exerted a powerful influence in winning the result- ing victory. Throughout his career as President, Mr. Cleveland and the Chamber worked shoulder to shoulder in the fight for sound money, and their relations were mutually cordial and friendly. When Mr. Cleveland's second term had ended in 1897, Presi- dent Orr, in behalf of the Chamber, wrote to him saying that it was the "earnest wish of very many of its members to demonstrate its high appreciation of the benefits conferred upon the commercial interests of this country, both at home and abroad, by the honorable and uncompromisingly honest financial policy" which he had advocated and insured through- out his entire administration, and asking him to accept a banquet in order that opportunity might be given to publicly recognize his valuable financial services and to express the Chamber's gratitude and thanks. Mr. Cleveland's reply is so thoroughly characteristic in its frankness and in its revela- tions of his high ideals of public service, that it is here pre- sented in full: EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON, February 10, 1897. MY DEAR MR. ORR: I have just received your letter of yes- terday. In reply, I desire, first of all, to express my supreme gratifica- tion that the members of the Chamber of Commerce desire to tender, in such a marked manner, their approbation of my official course. The mere fact of their entertaining such a suggestion con- stitutes a most valued reward for faithful endeavor to perform official duty. I hope you will, however, permit me to say in entire frankness and sincerity, that the assurance of the approbation of my good friends of the Chamber of Commerce affords me as complete ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 119 satisfaction and comfort as any other demonstration of it could do. Besides, all that I have done or attempted to do, in the direction of the general welfare, deserves no special manifestation of approval such as you suggest, since all this is within the scope of the service I owe my fellow countrymen who have trusted me. These considerations lead me to the suggestion that I would be better pleased if the projects you outline were relinquished. With assurances of grateful appreciation, I am, Yours sincerely, (Signed) GROVER CLEVELAND. When in 1900 the free coinage of silver was again the lead- ing issue in the national campaign, the Chamber took the same position that it had held four years earlier, and exerted its influence on the side of sound money. On the eve of election in November it sent out a formal appeal through the various commercial bodies of the country which closed with the declaration that "The Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, realizing the peril of this agitation, the sinister character of credit when attacked, and knowing that the gold standard is the only standard upon which permanent pros- perity can rest, believe now that the time has again come for commercial bodies and all men, whether engaged in farming, manufacture or trade, to unite in removing from political agitation once and forever the question of the standard of value upon which all the business of this country is transacted. The question has arisen above and beyond all parties and creeds, and now involves the honor of the nation and the in- tegrity of the individual." CHAPTER XXV COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION HISTORY OF THE CHAMBER'S EXPERIENCE FROM EARLIEST TIMES SUCCESS OF THE SYSTEM 1768-1918 A CENTURY and a half ago, at the very beginning of its ex- istence, the Chamber established the principle of voluntary commercial arbitration and has adhered to it, with honor to itself and great usefulness to the world ever since. Its rec- ord in the matter is so creditable that it deserves to be traced in full, for it is both instructive and interesting. At the second meeting of the Chamber on May 3, 1768, a committee of seven members was appointed for "adjusting any differences between parties agreeing to leave such dis- putes to this Chamber." A new and differently constituted committee was appointed at each meeting. On April 4, 1769, it was ordered that the names of persons having the dis- putes, with the sums awarded, should be entered on the min- utes, and in May following this was modified by the proviso that it should be done unless both parties to a dispute objected to it. In June the records of three disputes, with names and awards, were inscribed in the minutes but no subsequent entry of the kind was made. There was evidently much objection to the proceeding, for in June the Committee of Arbitration was instructed merely to report in writing to the Chamber "what business hath or shall come before them during their appointment." It was not known till many years later that there was in ex- istence any records of these early arbitrations, but in 1913 an original manuscript volume was found in the manuscript- ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 121 room of the Public Library, it having been purchased some time previously from a collector. In this volume were the records of arbitration cases from July 6, 1779, when the Chamber became a Royalist body, to November i, 1792, nine years after the close of the Revolutionary War. Copies of these records were published in a neat volume by the Cham- ber of Commerce in 1913. As was said in the preface of that volume: This was a great historic time in the development of New York, and the minutes constitute a historical document of high value, giving as they do an intimate view of the commercial life of New York in the later years of the eighteenth century, including the Revolutionary War, when this city was a centre of stirring events. Although containing about 50,000 inhabitants, New York was already, by reason of her spacious harbor, an active shipping port, and her leading merchants were owners of ships that traded in many parts of the world. Most of the disputes which are recorded in these minutes were differences over ships, and many of them ap- plied to the terms of employment over masters and men. The cases tried were often submitted to the Chamber by the police authorities of the city. Many of the names recorded in the min- utes are those of men prominent in the colonial period of New York, some of them being founders of families and fortunes exist- ing to-day. In February, 1770, an effort was made for compulsory arbitration in a motion that it be the standing rule of the Chamber that members should never refuse to submit all disputed matters of accounts that they might be concerned in with each other, or any other persons whomsoever, to the final arbitrament and determination of the Chamber collec- tively, or to such of the members as might be chosen by the parties, on pain of being expelled from the Chamber and dis- qualified from being ever again admitted a member of it. This motion, which was made by Isaac Low, one of the founders, was never brought to a vote. It was called up once afterward and referred to a future meeting for con- 122 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS sideration, and was not heard of again. Similar proposal was made in 1787, and in a revision of the by-laws which was adopted on September 18 of that year, it was decreed that any member refusing to submit to arbitration either of the monthly committee or of such of the members as may be chosen by the parties, or of the corporation collectively, should be expelled. An effort was made to rescind this de- cree but failed. An interesting light is thrown upon the manner in which this decree worked in practice by a minute in the proceedings of the Chamber forty years later, on January 6, 1829. A com- mittee had been appointed to consider a motion to so amend the resolution of September 18, 1787, as to limit compulsory arbitration to disputes in which the amount involved did not exceed one hundred dollars. In its report the committee said that its members cordially approved the proposed amend- ment, yet, as in practice the resolution of 1787 had been ob- solete for a long time, in their opinion it would be inexpedient now to revive any resolution or other regulation which would compel the members upon pain of expulsion to submit their disputes to the decision of the Chamber or to any committee of the same. The report was adopted, and compulsory arbi- tration was allowed to sleep the sleep of the obsolete undis- turbed. An effort in the direction of publicity was made in April, 1817, when it was decreed that the names of persons having disputes before the arbitration committee should be published in the newspapers, but no publication of the kind can be found. Five years later, in 1822, when monthly meetings of the Chamber had been superseded by bimonthly ones, it was decided to replace the monthly arbitration committee with a standing committee of arbitration, consisting of five mem- bers, one of whom should be a Vice-President of the Chamber and act as chairman, the other four to be elected by ballot at the annual meeting. The first standing committee was elected ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 123 on May 22. In April, 1840, a further and more radical change was made. The standing committee was renamed "Com- mittee of Arbitration," was to consist of five members, one to serve as chairman for a period of one year and to be elected by ballot at the annual meeting; four others to be elected by ballot at monthly meetings, one retiring each month and a successor elected; neither the Chairman nor any member to be eligible for a new term till after the lapse of a year. A new standing committee, called "Committee of Appeals," was constituted to which appeals might be made from decisions by the Committee of Arbitration. This committee was to consist of the President, first and second Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Committee of Arbitration. No appeal could be made from a decision of the Committee of Arbitration in which the amount involved did not exceed one hundred dollars, and notice of intention to appeal must be given within ten days. The first refusal to abide by a decision of the Committee of Arbitration which appears in the minutes occurred in Sep- tember, 1844. The person against whom an award had been decreed refused to pay it on the ground that the committee had exceeded its authority in summoning and examining wit- nesses. The Committee of Appeals declined to hear the case and referred it to the Chamber for action. The Chamber, after long delay, in April, 1849, amended the by-laws, author- izing the Committee of Arbitration to hear witnesses, each party to the dispute to pay such fees as the committee might deem reasonable. Both the Arbitration Committee and the Committee of Appeals were employed frequently and in the main gave satis- faction. The weak points in the system were that parties withdrew after arbitration had begun and before an award had been made, and that no method existed for enforcing awards. In 1 86 1 the State Legislature passed an act under which i2 4 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS the decisions of the Committee of Arbitration could be made the basis of a judgment in a Court of Record. The plan authorized by this act was followed by the Chamber for twelve years and proved to be the most satisfactory so far tried. In 1874 the Legislature passed an act creating a Court of Arbitration. This was amended in 1875 by con- ferring additional powers. Under it the Governor appointed an official arbitrator and an arbitration clerk. This plan, under which Judge Enoch L. Fancher was appointed official arbitrator and the Secretary of the Chamber was appointed arbitration clerk, was in operation till 1879, when it was sus- pended indefinitely through failure of the Legislature to make an appropriation for its support. It was unpopular because it endeavored to cover and dispose of in court fashion every kind of commercial dispute, and gave to the merchants of New York a court whose creation was declared to be class legislation. For several years after the suspension of this plan very little attention was paid to the question of arbitration by the Chamber. In March, 1910, a special committee was ap- pointed to consider the need of re-establishing a Court or Com- mittee of Arbitration, and, if such need existed, to report a plan. This committee made a report in January, 1911, in which it presented a plan of arbitration that was adopted and has since been in successful operation. In its report the com- mittee expressed the opinion that "dependence on the Legis- lature for support, in the effort to make the award a binding one, is the rock on which most arbitration plans of this Cham- ber have come to grief. The enforcement of the award is recognized by your Committee as of great importance, but after consideration it believes that to rest the entire plan upon this phase of it is equivalent to sacrificing the whole to save a part." Summed up briefly, the plan proposed a Committee of Arbitration, chosen by the Chamber, to which any matter in ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 125 controversy could be referred by disputants who should choose voluntarily to appeal to it for decision and who should sign an agreement, provided by the committee, not to withdraw from the arbitration after it had been begun, and to abide by the decision. The committee was required to compile and revise from time to time a list of not less than fifty qualified persons, members of the Chamber, who were willing to act as arbitrators under the rules. Disputants could select an arbitrator or arbitrators, from the committee or from the list of fifty, or submit their case to the full committee. The com- mittee had power to make its own rules and regulations and to fix a schedule of moderate fees to be paid by the disputants. The Secretary of the Chamber was to be the clerk of the committee. The committee and other arbitrators were re- quired to take the usual oath of office. From the outset the committee demonstrated that it met a general desire for the kind of adjudication which it offered. During its first year it disposed of, either through the com- mittee itself or through arbitrators chosen from the Chamber's list, a large number of important disputes, including one be- tween the Public Service Commission and subway contractors. In every instance, there was a speedy trial and quick decision, and every decision was accepted by both parties and a settle- ment made. In addition to disputes arbitrated, nearly one hundred others were settled by the committee through con- ciliatory mediation. This experience has been repeated in varying degrees in the six subsequent years. The variety of disputes covers a very wide field and has involved amounts varying from sixty-nine cents to two million eight hundred thousand dollars. All have been settled with privacy, ex- cept in a very few instances when publicity was not objected to by the disputants, and with despatch and economy. In only one instance did a disputant attempt to withdraw be- fore a decision was rendered, and he was easily convinced of the unwisdom of such a course. i 2 6 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS The secret of the success of the system lies in the fact that the character of the Chamber is the foundation upon which it rests. This was recognized by the committee in its report of May 4, 1916, in which it said that "one of the most gratify- ing experiences which your committee has had in meeting men coming to us with their problems is the exhibition of com- plete confidence in the Chamber's even-handed and unbiased attitude." By far the larger part of the committee's effectiveness con- sists in settling cases without formal arbitration, or by con- ciliatory mediation, usually by getting the disputants to- gether for a frank conference. Of these cases the committee reported in 1917 that while there was in the settlement noth- ing binding but a gentleman's word of honor, it had yet to hear of a case in which the agreement had not been scrupu- lously observed. "Your Committee is convinced that the friendly intervention of our Chamber acts as an almost irre- sistible moral force." Applications for arbitration are not confined to New York City, nor, indeed, to the country, but come from various foreign lands as well. The reputation of the Chamber's system has extended to all parts of the United States and to South America and Europe, and there are constant inquiries for information about its methods and for advice in the es- tablishment of like systems elsewhere. Through its influ- ence similar tribunals have been established in several Western and Southern States, and an Arbitration Committee was created in the New York State Bar Association, with which the Arbitration Committee of the Chamber held conferences and subsequently issued a joint report entitled " Rules for the Prevention of Unnecessary Litigation " that was published in pamphlet form and very widely circulated. It also entered into correspondence with European Chambers of Commerce and other organizations in the interest of in- ternational arbitration and has outlined a plan for such a ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 127 system. In its report for 1917 the committee expressed the opinion that there was developing among business men a conviction that an honorable and manly policy to pursue in commercial controversies was to endeavor to adjust them without resort to the courts; and, even in cases where re- course to the courts was necessary, to proceed in a friendly spirit and with a desire to preserve good- will and sound com- mercial relations. CHAPTER XXVI THE ATLANTIC CABLE SUPPORT OF THE PROJECT BY THE CHAMBER RECOGNITION OF CYRUS w. FIELD'S SERVICES 1858-1895 THE Chamber has, with excellent reason, always regarded the first Atlantic cable as an enterprise in which it took a leading and valuable part. Peter Cooper and Cyrus W. Field, its chief projectors, were members of the Chamber, and they secured its hearty co-operation in the work. When the cable was laid in 1858, a special meeting was called on April 21, to "adopt some suitable measures of respect to be paid to Cap- tain Hudson and the officers of the Niagara, together with Cyrus W. Field and others, connected with the laying of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable." Mr. A. A. Low introduced a series of resolutions in a brief speech which expressed the fer- vid enthusiasm that the successful laying of the cable had aroused. The resolutions which were adopted declared that the achievement, as the great event of the age, reflected honor on its projectors; united two continents by a new bond of union; brought two kindred nations into nearer alliance; would aid Christianity's best development by making peace and concord the common interest of all nations; and, because of the care, toil, and deep anxiety involved in the effort and of its final triumph, the Chamber would accord its meed of honor to Captain Hudson and his fellow officers, and to Mr. Field, "who has been the means of bringing into successful combination the money of the capitalist, the service and skill of the electrician, and the indomitable perseverance of the 128 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 129 sailor." A committee was appointed to consider and report upon proper testimonials to Captain Hudson and his fellow officers of the cable-laying ship, and the captain, with Mr. Field, Mr. Caleb Bristow, Mr. Underwood, Mr. Everett, and Mr. Woodhouse were elected honorary members of the Chamber. The committee decided upon gold medals for the persons engaged in laying the cable and these were presented in August, 1859. When the first cable broke a short time later, the Chamber urged its reconstruction and greatly aided in having a second and a third and permanently successful one laid in 1866. When the triumph was finally secured the Chamber gave a dinner in honor of Mr. Field. After his death in 1892, the Chamber, believing that sufficient recognition had not been given to his great achievement, requested its Executive Com- mittee to suggest an appropriate memorial. The committee reported that knowing the desire of Mr. Field for a historical painting in which the lineaments and figures of the projectors should appear, they had arranged with Daniel Huntington to execute the work. The painting was completed in 1895, and in May of that year, at a special meeting on the 23d, it was formally pre- sented to the Chamber by Morris K. Jesup, chairman of the special committee. In presenting it Mr. Jesup read an interesting letter from Mr. Huntington in which he said that the first thought of a picture representing the projectors of the Atlantic Telegraph came from Mr. Field, who had called at his studio soon after the final and complete success of the cable of 1866, and consulted him about painting such a group. He went with Mr. Field to his house on Gramercy Park, and sent a message to Mr. Peter Cooper, who came and took the chair, as he had been accustomed to preside. Mr. Field stood by the table, with charts and globes at hand, as he usually stood when explaining his plans and Mr. Huntington made sketches for the proposed picture. 130 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS A letter was also read from Justice Stephen J. Field, of the Supreme Court of the United States, a brother of Cyrus, in which he expressed regret at his inability to be present and said of his brother's labors that the "mere conception was almost a Divine inspiration, but to carry it into execution was the work of twelve laborious years years interrupted by de- feats and disappointments that would have broken down the courage of most men." A formal address was made by Chauncey M. Depew, in the course of which he said that the gentlemen represented in the painting were splendid examples of American success, and gave a brief sketch of the principal ones. Cyrus Field, the son of a Connecticut clergyman who had naught to give his family but an education and an example, had retired from business with a fortune at thirty-five. His brother, David Dudley, stood in the front rank of American lawyers, his codifications of law having secured national and international recognition. Marshall 0. Roberts had ventured with equal success upon the ocean and upon the land. Wilson G. Hunt was a conserva- tive, broad-minded, and eminently successful New York merchant. Moses Taylor was one of the most far-sighted and eminent bankers and projectors of America. Peter Cooper had overcome almost insurmountable obstacles to his career, and at ninety years of age was still quick in his sympathy with the growth of the city, the development of his country, with the needs of mankind, and with every effort for the education and assistance of youth. "The factors presented to these men of caution and of sense," said Mr. Depew, "were, a letter from Lieutenant Maury, of the United States Navy, expressing a belief in a level plateau under the ocean between Newfoundland and Ireland; a letter from Prof. Morse, then radiant with the young fame of his successful telegraph, saying that though it never had been tried, he yet believed a message could be transmitted through three thousand miles of wire; and the ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 131 enthusiasm and confidence of Cyrus W. Field. 'It will unite the Old World and the New, it will promote peace and civiliza- tion, it will help commerce, it will bring our country in con- tact with the world, and upon that I will stake my reputation, my undivided time and energies and my fortune/ said Mr. Field. 'This is more patriotism than business/ was the an- swer of his guests, 'but we will furnish the money required. ' ' A brief address of acceptance was made by Alexander E. Orr, President of the Chamber. CHAPTER XXVII THE WASHINGTON AND SHERMAN STATUES SECURED FOR THE CITY BY THE CHAMBER DEDICATION EXERCISES 1883-1903 THE city is indebted to the Chamber of Commerce for two notable public statues that of Washington in Wall Street and that of General Sherman at the Plaza entrance to the Central Park. The proposal for each of these originated in the Chamber and through its efforts the necessary funds were collected and the project consummated. Early in 1880 when the question of commemorating in a suitable manner the centennial of the evacuation of the city by the British, November 25, 1783, was under discussion, a motion was made in the Chamber that a monument be erected, on the anniversary, to commemorate the inauguration of George Washington as first President of the United States. The motion was received with favor and a committee was appointed to carry it into effect. It was decided that the most fitting place for the monument was the spot upon which Washington stood when he took the oath of office. As the subtreasury building stands on the site occupied by the old Federal Hall, on the balcony of which Washington took the oath, it was necessary to obtain from Congress permission to use the front steps of the subtreasury for the purpose. This was readily granted. The committee sought and obtained from eminent artists of the city and elsewhere suggestions as to the form of the monument and from these it reached the conclusion that a bronze statue of Washington was the most appropriate, and that it should be, "in all respects, a 132 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 133 complete embodiment of the exalted character of Washington, together with the great event the statue commemorates," and that "no expense be spared to make it, in all respects, worthy of the cause." J. Q. A. Ward was engaged to design the statue and its accompaniments. The Chamber invited the public generally to contribute to the fund and asked for the co-operation of various commercial bodies in the movement. As the 25th of November fell on Sunday, the dedication ex- ercises were held on Monday, November 26, 1883. In spite of a heavy storm of rain, an audience of several thousand persons assembled to witness the ceremonies which began at i P. M. There were many distinguished guests including the Presi- dent of the United States, Chester A. Arthur; the Governor of the State, Grover Cleveland; the Mayor of New York, Franklin Edson; the Mayor of Brooklyn, Seth Low; the Secretary of the Treasury, Charles J. Folger, and the Comp- troller of the Currency, John Jay Knox. Mr. George W. Lane, President of the Chamber of Commerce, presided. The statue was unveiled by Governor Cleveland, and brief ad- dresses were made by President Arthur, Mr. Lane, and Mr. Royal Phelps, chairman of the committee that had been in charge of the project. President Arthur said he was present merely for a slight and formal part in the day's exercises, and aroused enthusiastic applause by adding: "I have come to this historic spot where the first President of the Republic took oath to preserve, protect and defend its Constitution, simply to accept, in behalf of the govern- ment, this tribute to his memory. Long may the noble statue you have here set up stand where you have placed it, a monument alike to your generosity and public spirit, and to the wisdom and virtue and genius of the immortal Wash- ington." The oration of the day was delivered by George William Curtis and was worthy of his high reputation as one of the i 3 4 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS most scholarly writers and eloquent orators of his time. The limits of this volume do not permit the reproduction in full of this really noble flight of eloquence, but the record would be incomplete and inexcusably defective without some typical citations from it. A few are appended: From the balcony of the hall that stood here the Declaration of Independence was first read to the citizens of New York, and al- though the enemy's fleet had entered the harbor, the people as they listened, tore down the royal arms from the walls of the hall and burned them in the street, as their fiery patriotism was about to consume the royal power in the province. Here, sat the Con- tinental Congress in its closing days. . . . Yonder, almost within sound of my voice, still stands the ancient and famous inn where the Commander-in-Chief tenderly parted with his officers, and there, over the way, where once a modest mansion stood, the Federalist was chiefly written. The very air about this hallowed spot is the air of American patriotism. To breathe it, charged with such memories, is to be inspired with the loftiest human pur- pose, to be strengthened for the noblest endeavor. By the most impressive associations, by the most dignified and important his- toric events, was this place dedicated to the illustrious transaction which we commemorate to-day. What scene in human history transcends the grandeur and the significance of that consecration? Gazing upon this sculptured form, and remembering that this was the very hour and this the place of the sublime event; that here, under the benignant arch of heaven, Washington appeared to take the oath of his great office, the air is hushed, even the joyous tumult of this glad day is stilled, the familiar scene fades from before our eyes, and our awed hearts whisper within us: "Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground." The streets, the windows, the roofs, were thronged with people, and, drowning my feeble voice, surely you can hear the vast and prolonged shout that saluted the hero. Touched to the heart by the affectionate greeting, he advanced to the railing, and, placing his hand upon his breast, he bowed low, and then for a moment, overwhelmed by emotion, he stepped back and seated himself amid a sudden and solemn silence. Then he arose, and coming forward, his majestic and commanding frame stood upon the ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 135 identical stone upon which I stand at this moment, and which, fixed fast here beneath the Statue, will remain, in the eyes of all men, an imperishable memorial of the scene. Fellow-citizens, the solemn dedication of Washington to this august and triumphant task is the event which this Statue will commemorate to unborn generations. Elsewhere, in bronze and marble, and upon glowing canvas, genius has delighted to invest with the immortality of art the best-beloved and most familiar of American figures. The surveyor of the Virginia wilderness, the leader of the revolution, the president, the man, are known of all men; they are everywhere beheld and revered. But here, at last, upon the scene of the crowning event of his life, and of his country 's life, here, in the throbbing heart of the great city, where it will be daily seen by countless thousands, here, in the presence of the President of the United States, of the Governor of New York, of the official authorities of other States, of the organized body of New York merchants who, as in other years, they have led the city in so many patriotic deeds upon this spot, lead now in this commemoration of the greatest; and finally, of this vast and approving concourse of American citizens, we raise this calm and admonishing form. Its majestic repose shall charm and subdue the multitudinous life that heaves and murmurs around it, and as the moon draws the swaying tides of ocean, its lofty serenity shall lift the hurrying throng to unselfish thoughts, to generous patriotism, to a nobler life. Here descended upon our fathers the benediction of the personal presence of Washington. Here may the moral grandeur of his character and his life inspire our children's children forever ! In the evening of the same day the Chamber gave a banquet at Delmonico's in commemoration of the British evacuation at which President Arthur and other illustrious guests who had attended the exercises in Wall Street were present, together with the Governors of the thirteen original States and a large number of eminent citizens. President Arthur made a brief speech which was a graceful recognition of the Chamber's past and present services in the cause of patriotism: Gentlemen of the Chamber of Commerce: I thank you for this kindly greeting. The liberality and patriotism of the merchants 136 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS of New York contributed in no small measure to the triumph of the American Revolution. The crowning evidence of that tri- umph was the glad event whose one hundredth anniversary we are celebrating to-day. You have abundant right to share in that celebration, for you are the successors of those patriotic mer- chants who so signally upheld the national cause, and so rejoiced at the final withdrawal of all armed opposition to its ascendancy. And you yourselves have given indisputable proof that the fervor and faith of the fathers have abated not one jot or tittle in the children, and that you are ready to lend your support to every measure which is calculated to promote the honor and credit and glory of the nation. I am proud to meet you, and again thank you heartily for the warmth of this reception. There was a long list of speakers, including Joseph H. Choate, who said: "When I read this toast which you have just drunk in honor of her gracious Majesty, the Queen of Great Britain, and heard how you received the letter of the British Minister that was read in response, and how heartily you joined in singing 'God save the Queen/ when I look up and down these tables and see among you so many repre- sentatives of English capital and English trade, I have my doubts whether the evacuation of New York by the British was quite as thorough and lasting as history would fain have us believe." Speeches were made also by Governor Cleveland, Governor Benjamin F. Butler, of Massachusetts, the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher, Governor Thomas W. Waller, of Connecticut, and J. Q. A. Ward. The occasion was one of the most brilliant in the history of the Chamber. A no less valuable gift than the Washington statue, in the same field of artistic adornment, was made to the city by the Chamber in the incomparable equestrian statue of Gen- eral W. T. Sherman, by Saint Gaudens. This noble work was many years in the making, for the artist could not be hurried, meeting all efforts to hasten him with the words: "I'm thinking about it you'll be satisfied when it is finished." ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 137 Immediately after Sherman's death members of the Cham- ber started a movement to erect a suitable statue in his mem- ory. He had during his closing years become somewhat in- timately associated with the society. He was frequently an honored guest at its annual banquets, had been made an honorary member of it, and attended its monthly meetings quite regularly. The members felt that they owed it, not only to themselves and to the Chamber, but to the city that his great services to the nation should be commemorated in a monument that, in its artistic merits, should be worthy of him and an honor to the city. A meeting was called in the Chamber on March 2, 1891, when a committee, composed of twelve members, was formed under the title of "Com- mittee of the Sherman Statue Fund." By universal agree- ment, Augustus Saint Gaudens was decided to be the most desirable sculptor for the work. The committee called upon Hm and found him very willing to undertake it. An agree- ment was drawn up by which an equestrian statue was to be completed by him within two years. Subscriptions were easily obtained and the necessary fund was raised in a short time. Finally, Saint Gaudens completed his work in Paris and it was exhibited there first, in colossal size and in plas- ter, holding first place of honor in the Salon in 1899. When photographs of it arrived in this country, the members of the committee who were still living, for many of them had died in the meantime, forgot, in their admiration of the re- sult, the irritation which the delay had caused. Surely, the end had crowned the work. The statue was brought to New York and additional delay was caused through the refusal of the municipal park authori- ties to grant a suitable site for it. Finally, in 1903, under the administration of Mayor Low, a site was granted at the Fifth Avenue entrance to the Central Park, and on May 30 of that year, Decoration Day, it was unveiled with impressive cere- monies. Mr. Cornelius N. Bliss, Vice-President of the Cham- i 3 8 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS her of Commerce, presided and presented the statue to the city in the name of the Chamber and other civic organiza- tions. Mayor Low accepted it in a formal speech, and an address was delivered by the Honorable Elihu Root. The invocation was pronounced by Archbishop Farley and the benediction by Bishop Potter. CHAPTER XXVIII A VISIT TO LONDON GUESTS OF THE LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A WEEK OF ENTERTAINMENTS WITH A NOTABLE BANQUET IQOI CORDIAL relations, based upon a mutual desire to promote peace and good-will between the two nations, have always existed between the Chamber and its namesake in London. British representatives, official and private, have always been heartily welcomed while visiting New York and in many in- stances have been given formal receptions by the Chamber at which it has had the highly appreciated privilege of hear- ing interesting and valuable addresses from the guests. In May, 1899, the London Chamber of Commerce, in recogni- tion of these many courtesies, formally invited the New York society to send a delegation to London to be guests at a public banquet on such a date as would suit their con- venience. The invitation was cordially accepted, but because of the war in South Africa, and the Presidential election in the United States in 1900, the date was not fixed till 1901, when June 5 was selected. The Chamber chose a delegation of thirty-eight of its prominent members, headed by its Presi- dent, Morris K. Jesup. They arrived in London on June i and were the recipients of distinguished and most enjoy- able courtesies during their week of sojourn. Although the Court was in mourning for Queen Victoria, whose death had occurred only a short time previous, a reception was arranged for them at Windsor Castle at which the King and Queen greeted them in a most friendly and gracious manner. An official reception was also given to them at his residence by the American Ambassador, Joseph H. Choate, at which the 139 140 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS most eminent men in official and social life in London, as well as the diplomatic representatives of foreign governments, were present. The banquet, which took place in the hall of the Grocers' Guild, one of the oldest of the merchants' associations of Lon- don, was attended by more than three hundred guests. Lord Brassey, President of the London Chamber, presided, with the American Ambassador, Mr. Choate, on his right. The Mar- quis of Lansdowne, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, responded to the toast, "The President of the United States," and in beginning his speech said: "I think I may say to all the subjects of His Majesty, it requires an effort to think of our relations with the United States of America as foreign relations," a sentiment that was greeted with cheers. Lord Brassey proposed the toast, "Our friends of the Cham- ber of Commerce of the State of New York," and in the course of his remarks said: "We give a warm welcome to our guests for many reasons. We welcome them as representatives of the skill and the enterprise which have turned the vast re- sources of the American continent to the service of man. We of this old country are largely sharers in the benefits of that skill and that enterprise. Our teeming millions could not live without the food which America produces." Continu- ing, he paid a high tribute to the New York Chamber, saying of it: "It is something more than an organization of men engaged in commerce. Its members stand at all times ready to apply their knowledge of affairs and their skill as adminis- trators to wider matters than the mere pursuit of gain; and when they speak they speak with weight and authority. Not long ago a suitable occasion offered. When difficulties had arisen in relation to Venezuela, the London Chamber of Commerce appealed to the New York Chamber to use their good offices in the cause of a peaceful solution. They re- sponded to the call. We desired to mark our deep sense of the service rendered. It has brought us together this evening." ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 141 Mr. Jesup, who was called upon by Lord Brassey to re- spond for the New York Chamber, made a speech which created the most profound impression of the evening. Speak- ing of the many acts of friendship that Americans had received from Englishmen, he disclosed this extremely interesting bit of unwritten history in connection with the Chamber: I remember, and I say it with infinite gratitude, that in the year 1837, when our country was passing through a disastrous financial distress, when our banks had suspended specie payments and when our people were discouraged, that one of our loyal and most faithful citizens, Mr. James Gore King, afterwards the Pres- ident of our Chamber, visited London, and, by his high character, so impressed your financial men that the Bank of England ad- vanced one million pounds sterling in sovereigns and sent the same by packet to New York under the control of Mr. King, to enable the banks in New York to resume specie payments, and thus re- store confidence to our community. That bank did a most kindly and magnanimous thing. No stipulation was made as to the re- turn of that money; neither did they expect or ask for any reward. It was a kindly act, and one that will never be forgotten. The Right Honorable Lord Avebury, President of the Asso- ciation of Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom, and Vice-President of the London Chamber of Commerce; the Right Honorable William J. Pirrie, of Belfast; the Right Honorable Lord Alverstone, Lord Chief Justice of England; Albert G. Sandeman, ex-Governor of the Bank of Eng- land; Mr. Choate, Andrew Carnegie, A. Barton Hepburn, A. Foster Higgins, and Clement A. Griscom also made speeches. Mr. Pirrie, who as the representative of English manu- factures, spoke to the toast of " Commerce and Manufactures," said in the course of his speech: "As a manufacturer, or at least one engaged all my life in a large industrial business, I have nothing but admiration for the way in which our Amer- ican friends have made necessity the mother of invention in i 4 2 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS manufactures, and have, out of their inventive genius and power of resource, evolved machinery that has revolution- ized the workshop." Mr. Hepburn, who like Mr. Pirrie spoke on the toast "Commerce and Manufactures," paid this glowing tribute to England, which was received with cheers: "The commercial prosperity of a nation is largely dependent upon its land and sea power. That government is best which, being strongest, utilizes its power to promote those cordial principles, liberty and justice, upon which all true prosperity is based. Great Britain, in extending its dominion, is entitled to this en- comium. Wherever the British flag has been planted, ma- terial, moral, and financial advancement has inevitably fol- lowed. A high sense of commercial honor, the inviolability of contract, and the open door are among the blessings that follow British rule." Mr. Choate spoke briefly, saying: "I rise to propose a loyal benediction in offering the last toast in honor of the Lon- don Chamber, which I shall do without more ado, and in as few words as possible. This London Chamber of Commerce have done a noble and magnanimous act in thus extending the right hand of friendship to the most formidable rivals they have in the kindred nation across the sea, an act of friendship which, I believe, speaks the true sentiments of the vast ma- jority of the people on both sides of the Atlantic toward the other nation. It confirms the conviction that rests strongly in my mind that commerce, no matter what has been its his- tory in the past, is now, and in the future will be, the real pacifier, the peacemaker, the blessing, the common and mutual blessing of all mankind." On the day following the banquet, June 6, Lord Brassey gave a private reception to the American delegates at his residence which was attended by a large number of dis- tinguished guests. On June 7 the Lord Mayor of London received the delegates at the Mansion House. The visitors ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 143 were introduced to the Lord Mayor by Lord Brassey in a brief speech to which the Lord Mayor responded. Mr. Jesup spoke a few words in behalf of his associates, saying: "I speak the sentiments of their hearts as well as my own when I say that the kindnesses we have received in various ways since our arrival in London have captivated our hearts. We are the children of this great country, and coming here is like coming home." Immediately following the Lord Mayor's reception the dele- gates were entertained at a luncheon by the London Cham- ber, presided over by Mr. Sandeman. Speeches were made by him and by Mr. Thomas L. Blackwell, of the London Cham- ber, and by Mr. Carnegie and Mr. Jesup in reply. A photo- graph of the delegates and their hosts was taken at the dose of the exercises on the steps of the hall in which it had been held. In an address which he made a few months later at the annual dinner of the New York Chamber, Mr. Choate said of the London visit that it was a truly notable event, that the delegates from the New York Chamber were in London as the "representatives of a nation more prosperous than in any previous period of its history, and, may I not say, more pros- perous than any other nation of which we now have any knowledge." Concerning Mr. Jesup's speech, Mr. Choate paid him this fine compliment: "He stood in the presence, I may say, of the British nation, of all that represented its power and its commerce, and made one of the most felicitous addresses to which it has ever been my pleasure to listen." The above account of this memorable visit is necessarily little more than an outline. A full report of all the incidents, with the text of the speeches at the banquets and receptions and membership the American delegation, was published in looi by the Chamber in an attractive volume, entitled "A Pledge of International Friendship." CHAPTER XXIX EARLY HOMES OF THE CHAMBER FAMOUS HISTORIC BUILDINGS WHICH IT HAS OCCUPIED ITS LATER TEMPORARY ABODES 1768-1902 SEVERAL of the buildings in which the Chamber passed the first half -century of its corporate existence were the scenes of events which hold first rank in the history, not only of the city of New York but of the country. Only one of them remains to-day, but the fame of all of them, intimately associated as it is with the birth of the nation as a free and independent republic, will endure as long as history is written or read. Coffee-rooms or restaurants were the assembly-rooms of the day, for no others existed. In them the people of the city came together for social intercourse and conviviality, or to give formal expression of opinion on public affairs. New York of the colonial days was a convivial community. Its members loved to eat and drink together, to season their talk with cheer for the inner man. It was inevitable, therefore, that when the society of mer- chants desired a meeting-place for their proceedings they must seek it in a tavern or coffee-house. The principal one at the time was Bolton & Sigel's restaurant, known even to the pres- ent day as "Fraunces's Tavern." The building, restored practically to its original form, through the patriotic services of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution, still stands under that name at the corner of Pearl and Broad Streets. It was built by Etienne de Lancey, as a private residence, in 1719, and was regarded as one of the finest houses in the city. There has been some uncertainty as to the exact year of its construc- 144 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 145 tion, but this has been removed by the discovery in the min- utes of the Common Council of New York of this entry under date of April 14, 1719: "Mr. de Lancey applies for a small strip of land to make his lot more regular in shape as he is now going to build a large brick house." It is added that he was granted three and a half feet at one corner to straighten the lot and for the better regulation of said street and build- ing. The location was given as Broad and Dock Streets. Dock was later changed to Queen, and still later Queen was changed to Pearl. It was built on the Broad Street side of yellow brick brought from Amsterdam, and on the Pearl Street side of English red brick. It was used as a residence by members of the De Lancey family till 1757, and from that date till 1763 as a warehouse and store. In the latter year it was sold to Samuel Francis, an innkeeper, who converted it into a tavern called the "Queen's Head" or "Queen Char- lotte's Tavern," in honor of the wife of George III. Francis was a West Indian of French extraction who, because of his swarthy complexion, was sometimes called "Black Sam," a title which has led some historical writers to speak of him erroneously as a negro. The building passed into the hands of Bolton & Sigel (some- times spelled Sigell) in 1767 and they were in charge of it when the Chamber of Commerce was founded there in the following year. In 1770 Francis, who had leased it to them, retook possession, announcing that he had "refitted it in the most genteel and convenient manner for the reception of those gentlemen, ladies, and others who used to favor him with their company." He continued in charge till the Revolution was declared, when he joined the American army, remaining with it during the war. There are many conflicting accounts as to the size of the original building, due to changes which were made in it many years later and to pictures which present it in its transformed condition. All doubt on the point is removed by the descrip- 146 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS tion which Francis himself gave when he offered the building for sale in 1775. His advertisement read: "The Queen's Head Tavern is three stories high, with a tile and lead roof, has fourteen fireplaces, a most excellent large kitchen, five dry cellars, with good convenient offices, &c." During the Revolution a round shot from a British frigate went through the roof of the building, and the incident was immortalized by Philip Freneau, the poet of the period: "Scarce a broadside was ended till another began again By Jove ! It was nothing but fire away Flanagan ! Some thought him saluting his Sallys and Nancys 'Til he drove a round shot through the roof of Sam Francis." \ Francis joined General Washington on the way to New York in 1783, after peace was declared, and returned with him to the city. He at once reclaimed and secured his prop- erty and reopened the house under the name of "Fraunces's Tavern," spelling his name in that way for the first time. It is evident that Washington had a liking for Francis, for while he was living at the Franklin House, in Cherry Street, which was the President's house for a time, he had him as steward and later took him with him to Philadelphia when that city was made the capital, retaining him in his service till 1794. The tavern was the scene of many stirring incidents pre- ceding and during the Revolution. In April, 1774, when the excitement about non-importation was at its height, the Sons of Liberty and the Vigilance Committee met in the Long Room to protest against allowing English vessels with cargoes of tea aboard to land them. Some accounts say that while in session news was received that the London, a ship with tea aboard, had just docked at the East India Company's wharf near by, and that the members adjourned in a body to the wharf and threw the tea overboard, thus making a "tea- party" to rival the Boston one. Other accounts say that the t- o " S w =s fc S 2 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 147 vessels were not allowed to land their cargoes and were sent away. On May 14, 1774, a meeting of merchants assembled in the Long Room to consider the question of uniting with the other colonies in a call for a Congress of the colonies. The atten- dance proving to be too large for the room, an adjournment was made to the Merchants' Coffee House, where a Com- mittee of Correspondence was appointed and who, on May 23, issued the famous letter in which the idea of a union of the Colonies was first expressed. In August, 1774, the Massachusetts delegates to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia were entertained by the New York delegates at a banquet in the Long Room. The remarks of John Adams on the banquet and other subjects connected with the visit are set forth in a preceding chapter of this work. The Third Provincial Congress held its sessions in the Long Room from May 18 to June 30, 1776, a fact which is not generally known, but is attested by the records and also by a bill for entertainment paid to Francis. But the supreme claim of the old tavern to the title of shrine in American history lies in the fact that it was the headquarters of Washington when he entered the city on the heels of the retiring British army. On that day, November 25, 1783, Governor Clinton gave him a banquet in the famous Long Room in celebration of the event, and on December 4 following, in the same Long Room, he took farewell of his officers in one of the most affecting scenes in history. On February 2, 1790, the Supreme Court of the United States was opened in the city of New York, and in the eve- ning the Grand Jury of the United States for the district "gave a very elegant entertainment in honor of the court at the tavern," which was attended by national and city dignitaries, members of Congress, gentlemen of the bar, and leading citizens. The guests were John Jay, of New York, Chief Justice, with Justices William Gushing, of Massa- 148 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS chusetts, James Wilson, of Pennsylvania, Robert Harrison, and John Blair, of Virginia. The building has been damaged by fire several times. In 1832 its interior was partly burned out and a flat roof was added. In 1837 there was another conflagration, and in 1852 the most serious of the series virtually destroyed the eastern end on Pearl Street. In repairing it, what was left of its original architectural merit was completely obliterated by the imposition of two additional stories with a flat roof, alterations which converted it into as ordinary and common- place a five-story barrack-appearing structure as could be found anywhere. Photographs of it at this period are familiar in Valentine's Manual and other publications, and very sad exhibits they are of the awful possibilities of so-called "mod- ern improvement" in the hands of a practical contractor. The city and the nation owe a lasting debt of gratitude to the Society of the Sons of the Revolution for rescuing this most interesting and venerable building from the hands of the destroyer. Under the reverent and intelligent guidance of Mr. William H. Mersereau, the building has been completely restored and stands to-day as it stood when first constructed nearly two centuries ago. All the additions were removed, the coating put upon the old bricks as improvement, was scraped oft, and upon the original skeleton thus revealed the ancient body was reconstructed. This process of restoration was greatly helped by the preservation of the old roof lines and rafters. Modern bricks and stones which had been added were removed, yellow bricks to match the original ones were sought and obtained in Holland, and red bricks of the original shape and color were found in old buildings in Baltimore. The first floor was raised to its former level, the windows were made to conform to the original ones, and the Long Room, which is on the second floor, was restored to its original dimensions, forty-three feet in length by thirty in width, with its fireplaces in brick at each end. All the origi- ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 149 nal timbers were retained above and below the Long Room, and every brick and piece of lumber of the original building, so far as possible, was left in place. The present appearance of the building is believed to be practically the same as dur- ing the Revolution. The Long Room has such a perfect atmosphere of age, is so pervaded with the spirit of tradi- tion, that one feels, as he stands in front of the fireplace where Washington stood in that farewell scene, an emotion like that which every American experiences when he visits Mount Vernon. This is especially the effect upon members of the Chamber of Commerce who visit it and read upon the bronze tablet above that fireplace the inscription declar- ing it to have been the birthplace of their society. The second home of the Chamber was in the Royal Ex- change, a building that stood upon brick stilts, or arches, at the lower end of Broad Street in a line with Water Street. It replaced a former structure which consisted of nothing but a roof on stilts. The second one also was a very curious struc- ture, for its ground floor was open on all sides, and in tempes- tuous weather the merchants who gathered there for business found it extremely uncomfortable. It had a second story which was enclosed and consisted of a single room. The build- ing had been projected originally by the merchants of the city, who contributed to the funds for its erection, but through lack of sufficient money for the purpose the corporation of the city was appealed to for a grant which it made and under which the structure was completed. It was taken over by the city government and controlled by it afterward. One of the stipu- lations of the corporation was that the second story should consist of a room "not exceeding fifteen feet in height and not less than fourteen feet and should be arched from the height of the said fourteen feet," and that the building itself should have a cupola upon it. Later a bell was hung in the cupola. The building, which was of brick, was completed in 1754, and its upper story, composed entirely of the so-called Great Room, was used for a time as a store and later for balls and parties of various kinds. A coffee-room was later partitioned off at one end. When the royal charter was granted to the Chamber in 1770, it was provided therein that the "Meetings of the said Corporation shall be held in the Great Room of the building commonly called the Exchange, situated at the lower End of the Street called broad Street." The Chamber held its meetings there till the outbreak of the Revolution. The building itself was taken down after the Revolution. The third temporary home of the Chamber, called the Merchants' Coffee House, was one of the most famous of the historic buildings of New York. Jt was a four-story structure of slight architectural merit, and is thought to have been built about 1737. It stood at the southeast corner of Wall and Water Streets. In its early days it was used as a slave- market and general auction-room. During the French and Indian War, when privateering was very general, captures made by New York vessels were sold there, including human beings as well as goods. An advertisement of the period offers for sale whole cargoes of "fine men, women, boys and girls," the white slaves being sold under the title of "Term of Service." Later, when the stamp-tax agitation arose, public meetings of protest were held there, and it was the regular place of assembly for all committees and other bodies taking the lead in opposition to the policy of the British Government. In its rooms was composed by Isaac Low, Alexander McDou- gall, James Duane, and John Jay the famous letter of May 23, 1774, which contained the first suggestion of the American Union by calling for a union of the Colonies against Great Britain and resulted in the first Continental Congress which assembled in Philadelphia on September 5 of that year. Other events which helped to give the building first rank among famous historical structures in the country, oc- curred in 1785 and 1789. On February 3, 1785, the Cham- ber of Commerce gave a banquet in the Long Room to ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 151 President Washington and the members of the Continental Congress, thereby giving first formal recognition to the tem- porary government of the United States in the interval between the end of the war and the adoption of the Con- stitution. Four years later, on April 23, 1789, in the same Long Room, the State and city officials of New York gave a reception to General Washington on his arrival in the city for his inauguration as first President under the Constitu- tion. This historic building was destroyed by fire in 1804. More than a century later fitting honor was paid to its memory by the placing of a handsome bronze commemorative tablet upon the building at present occupying its site at 93 Wall Street. The tablet, which was the result of patriotic efforts by the Lower Wall Street Business Men's Association, was unveiled with appropriate exercises on May 23, 1914, with Seth Low, President of the Chamber of Commerce, and Honorary President of the Association, as presiding officer. Among the speakers was Abram Wakeman, who was the originator and very zealous promoter of the project. To his interesting and valuable publications on the history of lower New York, and especially lower Wall Street, all writers on subjects connected with the city's early history are much indebted. The Chamber continued to hold its sessions in the Mer- chants' Coffee House till 1793. Two lots on the diagonally opposite corner of Wall and Water Streets had been purchased by a sort of mutual benefit organization called the Tontine Association, named after Lorenzi Tonti, a Neapolitan who had founded a similar organization in France in 1653. On these lots the Tontine Association began in 1791 the erection of a four-story building which was called the Tontine Coffee House. The structure was completed in 1793. In April of that year there appears in the minutes of the Chamber of Commerce this entry: "A committee was appointed to agree 152 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS with Mr. Hyde for the use of a room for the accommodation of the Chamber on their next and subsequent meetings." John Hyde was the first landlord of the Tontine Coffee House. At the May meeting of the Chamber, stewards were appointed "for the ordering of a public dinner at the Tontine Coffee House for the merchants in general of the city." Contemporary prints show the building to have had a high first-floor story, with arched windows, and a piazza, six feet wide extending over the sidewalk on Wall Street. An English traveller, who visited New York in 1794, thus described it: "The Tontine Tavern and Coffee House is a handsome large brick building; you ascend six or eight steps under a portico, into a large public room, which is the Stock Exchange of New York where all bargains are made. The house was built for the accommodation of merchants. You can lodge and board there at a common table, and you pay ten shillings currency a day whether you dine out or not." In the fifties the Tontine Coffee House was taken down and a new structure, faced with French granite and four stories in height, called the Tontine Building, was erected in its place. This in turn gave way in 1905 to a third building which occupies the site to-day under the same name. The Chamber remained in the Tontine Coffee House till 1827, when it removed to rooms in the Merchants' Exchange, which was completed in that year. This building, which was one of the most costly and pretentious that had been erected in the city up to that time, stood on the site in Wall Street that was occupied later by the custom-house. Construction of it began in 1825 by an association which had been incor- porated with a capital of one million dollars. It had a front- age of one hundred and fifteen feet on Wall Street and ex- tended one hundred and fifty feet backward to Garden Street, now Exchange Place. It was three stories in height, with a high basement and attic, and was constructed of white ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 153 Westchester marble. The first and second stories were modelled after the temple of Minerva in Ionia. Entrance was through a portico in the centre of the Wall Street front, which was elliptical in form and was inside of a row of four marble columns, thirty feet in height, which reached to the top of the second story. Each column was composed of a single block of marble. On the top of the building was a cupola, sixty feet in height and twenty-four feet in diameter, which rested upon columns within the structure forming a rotunda in the centre. The rotunda, which was oval in form, was seventy-five feet long, fifty feet wide and forty-two feet high, was the floor of the Exchange where business was trans- acted. In the centre there stood a colossal statue in marble of Alexander Hamilton by Ball Hughes. The building, which was the pride of the city in its day, cost two hundred and thirty thousand dollars. The basement was occupied by brokers' offices, and on the gallery facing the rotunda the merchants had their offices. The post-office was also located in it, and there were rooms for such tenants as the Chamber of Com- merce. The building was totally consumed in the great fire of 1835 which destroyed four hundred and thirty-five buildings and caused a total loss of seventeen million dollars. Desper- ate efforts were made to save the Hamilton statue but the fury of the flames made it impossible to do so. After the destruction of the Merchants' Exchange, the Chamber found quarters in the Merchants' Bank in the cen- tral part of Wall Street. The building had been originally a private dwelling and was not a commodious structure. Three years after the Chamber had found a home there, the building was destroyed and in 1840 the bank took up its quarters hi a new granite structure, erected on the same site, with a front of four high columns, which was said at the time to have been the finest banking-house in the United States and to have cost more than forty thousand dollars. The Chamber followed the bank into this building and remained there till 154 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 1858, when it removed to the Underwriters' Building at William and Cedar Streets, remaining there till 1884. In the Mutual Life Building on Nassau Street, between Cedar and Liberty Streets, whither the Chamber moved in 1884, it found far more commodious quarters than it had hitherto occupied. It had a fine suite of rooms, including a large one for its meetings, and these were furnished in a dig- nified and handsome manner in accord with the position which the Chamber held in public estimation. The Mutual Life Building stands on the site of the Dutch Church which was famous in the early days of the last century. For several years the Chamber had hoped to obtain this site for the erec- tion of a building of its own as a permanent home, but it was not able, for various reasons, to do so. The rooms which it took possession of in 1884, while sufficiently ample for the purpose at that time, were gradually outgrown and ultimately became inadequate, especially in affording accommodation for the rapidly accumulating collection of portraits and the large and expanding library. CHAPTER XXX THE CHAMBER'S PERMANENT HOME FUND FOR ITS CONSTRUCTION - GREAT HALL AND PORTRAIT- GALLERY DEDICATION EXERCISES STATUES AND MEMORIAL TABLET FOR nearly one hundred and thirty-five years the Chamber of Commerce led what may be called a Bohemian existence. It had no home of its own, but wandered about from one place to another, finding temporary quarters in any building which at the time best suited its purposes. In its early days the nomadic character of its lif e was especially marked, its lodging- place being any tavern or coffee-house or merchants' exchange that granted it hospitality. Several of these temporary abid- ing-places were of large historic interest in the days preceding and immediately following the Revolution, and brief accounts of them are given in the preceding chapter. As it grew in numbers and influence and developed into an institution that represented not merely the commercial, industrial, and finan- cial interests of the nation, but was also a recognized leader in all causes affecting the national welfare and honor, the need of a home of its own, worthy of its traditions and purposes, was keenly felt by its members. This was accentuated by the important part which the society had taken in sustaining the policy of the national government during the Civil War. Various projects for a permanent home had been mentioned in a random and vague form before that time, but it was not till after the dose of the war that the question was brought before the members in a sufficiently concrete form to secure 155 156 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS for it serious consideration. At the annual meeting in May, 1865, Abiel A. Low, President of the society, brought it to the attention of the members in a manner so forcible as to lead to formal action. "Commerce," said he, "has found just expression through these last four years of civil war, in the moral and financial support given to the Government of the United States, and in the influence it has exerted for and with, throughout the loyal North. It has found just expression in the rewards and honors bestowed upon many of the great and heroic men, who, on land and on the sea, have shed such lustre upon our country's renown. "Is it not right," he continued, "that commerce should do something in its own honor, to perpetuate its own history, to hand down the portraiture of men who have been distin- guished in the walks of business for moral worth and lives of usefulness ? Is it not right that this Chamber should have a building that will stand as a monument of its own just pride, answering the demands of its steadily increasing members, and what seems to be a revival of interest in its affairs a building commensurate with the growth in wealth of the chief commercial city of the world; the heart and centre of a Com- merce which promises to exceed in magnitude that of any country hitherto known to history?" Putting his suggestion in concrete form, Mr. Low, with the clear foresight which was his distinguishing attribute, pro- ceeded to outline a project which thirty-seven years later was carried into effect. "We want and should have," he said, "an edifice wherein our merchants can meet on public occa- sions, with a separate hall for the gatherings of this society, and a gallery for the exhibition of the portraits of eminent merchants of our own and other lands. It has seemed to us that it should not be difficult to find twenty-five men who will give ten thousand dollars each, fifty who will give five thousand dollars each, and five hundred who will give one thousand dollars each, in all one million of dollars I" ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 157 The President's remarks were received with great applause and a committee of ten, with the President and Secretary as members, was appointed to report at an early day what steps were necessary to carry the proposal into effect. From that day the figure of one million dollars was fixed immovably as the desired building-fund, and systematic efforts to raise it began, but for many years little progress was made. The subject was brought up for discussion from time to time, but it was not till 1897 that tangible results began to be achieved. At the annual meeting in May of that year, Alexander E. Orr, President of the Chamber, announced that $248,500 had been subscribed by eighteen gentlemen and one lady, and he asked for a committee to be appointed to seek further sub- scriptions. On June 9 following, the committee reported $468,500 and announced that within a few days the amount would be increased to a half million. In November following, at the annual banquet, it was announced that the subscrip- tions had reached $620,000 by two hundred members. From this time, the advance toward the desired million became steady and rapid. In May, 1898, the total was $633,250; in April, 1899, $705,100; in June following, $767,550, and on April 5, 1900, President Orr announced the full million had been subscribed by five hundred and two members and two ladies. A site was obtained in Liberty Street, adjoining the centre of the financial district of the city and the erection of the building was begun at once. The exterior of the building is shown in the frontispiece. The dominating feature of the interior is an assembly-hall and portrait-gallery combined which occupies two stories in the centre of the structure. It is ninety feet in length by sixty feet in breadth with a half-domed ceiling, surmounted by a sky- light, thirty-eight feet above. On its walls are hung the portraits of the society's valuable collection, a full catalogue of which will be found in the Appendix of this volume. It numbers at present two hundred and twenty-one portraits, i 5 8 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS and there are also six marble statues and three bronze busts. Among the portraits the most notable are those of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart; Alexander Hamilton and De Witt Clinton, both by John Trumbull; John Bright and Richard Cobden, both by J. Fagnani; and Cadwallader Golden by Matthew Pratt. All the Presidents of the society since its foundation, with a few exceptions, and many of the Vice-Presidents and Secretaries are included, and with their portraits are those of Presidents Lincoln, Arthur, and Cleveland; Generals Scott, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and Hancock; John Sherman, J. Pierpont Morgan, James J. Hill, and others whose names are prominent in the country's his- tory. Many of the portraits are the work of eminent artists of their times. Credit for the collection is due largely to George Wilson, for forty years the efficient and esteemed Secretary of the society, who devoted himself with untiring zeal to the task of assembling it. Ranged about the court on the floor above the assembly- hall are the President's room, committee-rooms, and the offices of the Secretary and his staff. The fourth floor is given up entirely to the large and valuable library of the society. The building was dedicated with impressive exercises on November n, 1902, in the presence of a very distinguished assemblage which included the President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt; Grover Cleveland, the only ex-President living at the time; the Ambassadors of England and France, Sir Michael Henry Herbert, and M. Jules Cambon; Sir Albert K. Rollit, member of Parliament and Chairman of the London Chamber of Commerce; Prince Hans Heinrich von Pless, special representative of Germany; the Honorable Elihu Root, Secretary of War, and delegates from the chief Chambers of Commerce in Europe. Morris K. Jesup, President of the Chamber, presided and made an address in which he extended the cordial greetings of the Chamber to ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 159 the illustrious guests and gave a review of the Chamber's history. Ex-President Cleveland delivered a formal address, in which, after alluding to the fact that although the Cham- ber was one hundred and thirty years old it was celebrating its first possession of a permanent home, he said: "Its purposes have been so practical, and the occasions for its useful and beneficial work have been so constant, that it has been abundantly content to make a career and add lus- tre to its name before providing for itself a local habitation; but no architectural finish and no ornate decoration befits this beautiful edifice so well as the bright coloring reflected from the splendid achievements proudly borne by those who now enter upon its occupancy." In conclusion, Mr. Cleveland said: "These exercises, re- calling so forcibly the growth of American commerce in world wide influence abroad, and in usefulness and beneficence at home, cannot fail to be of interest to all our countrymen; but the citizens of the greatest of our States and of our Im- perial City, with all they have to make them proud and happy, must especially congratulate themselves upon the associa- tion of their State and City with the fame and honor which have been wrought out by the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York." At the request of Mr. Jesup, President Roosevelt, who was to deliver a formal address at later exercises in the evening, spoke a few words of welcome to the foreign guests, and brought the great assemblage to its feet with three cheers by saying: "And now, gentlemen, having greeted your guests on behalf of you, I greet you in the name of the people, not merely because you stand for commercial success, but because this body has been able to show that the greatest commercial suc- cess can square with the immutable and eternal laws of de- cent and right living and of fair dealing between man and man." Seth Low, as Mayor of the city, acknowledged in its name 160 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS the great services of the Chamber to it and expressed thanks for them. In the evening a grand banquet was held in the great hall of the Waldorf-Astoria, which was attended by about seven hundred persons and was one of the most brilliant in the Chamber's history. The distinguished guests of the morning exercises were again present and with them many others representing all professions and occupations and including the most illustrious members of each. The principal address was made by President Roosevelt. "There is no need," he said at the outset, "of my preaching to this gathering the need of combining efficiency with upright dealing, for as an American citizen and as a citizen of New York, I am proud to feel that the name of your organization carries with it a guarantee of both, and your practice counts for more than any preaching could possibly count." Later in his remarks he said that "this body stands for the triumphs of peace, both abroad and at home," and then added a passage about the necessity of preparedness for war which sounds as if it were taken from some speech of his ten or a dozen years later when the European War was threatening to involve the country in its meshes. "Remember, gentlemen," he said, "that we shall be a potent factor far peace largely in propor- tion to the way in which we make it evident that our attitude is due, not to weakness, not to inability to defend ourselves, but to a genuine repugnance to wrong-doing, a genuine desire for self-respecting friendship with our neighbors. The voice of the weakling or the craven counts for nothing when he clamors for peace; but the voice of the just man armed is potent. We need to keep in a condition of preparedness, especially as regards our navy, not because we want war, but because we desire to stand with those whose plea for peace is listened to with respectful attention." In closing, the President paid a warm tribute to the Cham- ber's work in the world, saying: ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 161 Throughout its history, the Chamber of Commerce has stood for the higher kind of success the success which comes as the reward of keen insight, of sagacity, of resolution, of address, com- bined with unflinching rectitude of behavior, public and private. It is therefore fitting that I should come on here as the Chief Executive of the nation to wish you well in your new home; for you belong not merely to the city, not merely to the State, but to all the country, and you stand high among the great factors in building up that marvellous prosperity which the entire country now enjoys. You are men of might in the world of American effort; you are men whose names stand high in the esteem of our people; you are spoken of in terms like those used in the long-gone ages when it was said of the Phoenician cities that their merchants were princes. Great is your power, and great, therefore, your respon- sibility. Well and faithfully have you met this responsibility in the past. We look forward with confident hope to what you will do in the future, and it is therefore with sincerity that I bid you Godspeed this evening, and wish for you, in the name of the na- tion, a career of ever increasing honour and usefulness. Speeches were made also by the French and English Am- bassadors; Sir Albert K. Rollit, M. P.; Prince Hans Hein- rich von Pless; M. V. Hugot, delegate from the Paris Cham- ber of Commerce; Paul Heckmann, delegate from the Berlin Chamber of Commerce; and William P. Wood, delegate from the London Chamber of Commerce and President of the London Corn Trade Association. A full report of the proceedings of the day and evening, including the text of the speeches, was published by the Chamber subsequently in a handsome memorial volume in which there were also engrav- ings of the building, of the medal struck to commemorate the occasion, copies of the formal invitation and of the embossed programme of the banquet showing in relief and colors the grouped flags of the United States and foreign countries rep- resented. The marble statues of De Witt Clinton, Alexander Hamil- ton, and John Jay, on the front of the building, were formally 162 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS unveiled on November 17, 1903, at a special meeting called for the purpose. The donors of the statues were members of the Chamber, Morris K. Jesup presenting that of Clinton, John S. Kennedy that of Hamilton, and William E. Dodge that of Jay. At the unveiling exercises Mr. Jesup, President of the Chamber, presided and announced that with these acquisitions the building was completed. Benjamin B. Odell, Jr., Governor of the State, delivered an address on Clinton, the Honorable Charles S. Fairchild, Secretary of the Treasury in President Cleveland's second administration, spoke briefly of Hamilton, and Alton B. Parker, then Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, gave a review of Jay's career and public services. A full report of these proceedings was also published by the Chamber subsequently, with the text of the speeches and engravings of the statues. Two of the most highly valued objects in the Chamber's possession were presented to it at its annual meeting on May 7, 1908. They are a portrait of Washington by Gilbert Stuart and two vases which were presented by a body of New York merchants in 1825 to De Witt Clinton, then Governor of the State, in recognition of his services in promoting the building of the Erie Canal. The portrait and vases were bequeathed to the Chamber by one of its former Presidents, Morris K. Jesup. He purchased the portrait in London, in 1902, where he found it on sale in a collection, and the vases from the last surviving heir of Governor Clinton in 1906. Joseph H. Choate, speaking in behalf of Mrs. Jesup who had carried out her late husband's wishes in donating the vases and portrait to the Chamber, read the correspondence which had taken place between the merchants and Governor Clin- ton, and said: "I trust that these vases will be accepted in the spirit in which Mrs. Jesup has offered them and in the spirit in which Mr. Jesup himself had intended to present them at the last annual meeting; that they will be cherished o s PL, g .8 is ~ 5 eo < .5 U ^ w "g < .s * ! H -S W B 02 ^: o > ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 163 as most valuable historical articles, as they certainly are which could find no more appropriate place than this Cham- ber, and no more appropriate guardian than in the successors of the very merchants who conceived the idea of originally presenting them to Governor Clinton." Of the Washington portrait, Mr. Choate said it was the best presentation of the Father of His Country that could be found anywhere, adding: "How could this Hall and this noble Gallery better be crowned than by this admirable portrait of Washington, who was the great friend of commerce, of pros- perity, and of peace among the people of his own country, and of the maintenance of friendly relations between them and foreign nations, which are indispensable to the success of our commerce and to our national prosperity?" In November, 1911, a bronze tablet, commemorative of the services of Alexander E. Orr and Morris K. Jesup in pro- moting and securing the erection of the building was formally presented. It was placed later in the entrance-hall of the building and is a handsome addition to the structure. CHAPTER XXXI THE EUROPEAN WAR PREPAREDNESS AND UNIVERSAL SERVICE FAVORED DECLARA- TION OF WAR APPROVED PORT WAR BOARD SECURED 1914-1918 THE record of the Chamber in regard to the war with Ger- many is, in patriotic spirit and prompt and wholehearted sup- port of the National Government, in full accord with its con- duct during the war of secession and the later war with Spain. Before the United States entered the European conflict, the Chamber recognized at once its duty in regard to the pro- tection of American commercial interests. At its first meeting, held in August, 1914, after war was declared by Germany, it appointed a very strong committee of twenty members to consider the problems of shipments during the war. This committee put itself in communication with members of Congress; prepared and issued reports on questions connected with the subject in hand which were printed in pamphlet form and circulated in thousands throughout the country; submitted resolutions which were adopted by the Cham- ber suggesting desirable legislation; sent a subcommittee to Washington that attended a conference over which the Secre- tary of the Treasury presided and which included sixty- four delegates who were representatives of clearing-houses, boards of trade, and shipping interests in all important parts of the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific. After several hours of discussion, this conference adopted, as an expression of its views, a series of resolutions to the same effect as those 164 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 165 which had been previously adopted by the New York Chamber of Commerce in relation to American registry, suspension or abrogation of existing navigation laws, and the establish- ment by the government of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance. In response to a request by the Secretary of the Treasury, the members of the conference remained in Washington for consultation and advice in devising legislation to carry out the recommendations, and the Chamber had the great satis- faction later of seeing, as the result of its leadership, its rec- ommendations embodied in law. Early in 1916 a special meeting was called to consider the question of national preparedness, and at this addresses were made by Joseph H. Choate and General Leonard Wood, both strongly in favor of immediate action. The subject was dis- cussed at much length at several successive meetings and a resolution was finally adopted, in April, 1916, urging the Presi- dent and Congress to give the matter their earnest considera- tion. An expression was also adopted in favor of universal physical and military training. Later the Chamber appointed a special committee on military preparedness, who made a report that was adopted unanimously, in which universal training for military service was recommended. When in February, 1917, the news was received that Presi- dent Wilson had handed the German Ambassador his papers, because of the announcement by the Imperial German Govern- ment of its purpose to make submarine warfare upon all vessels, neutral or belligerent, when found within specified barred zones, the Chamber, amid applause and without a dis- senting voice, adopted a series of resolutions including the following: Whereas, During two and a half years of war with Europe the Government of the United States has in the interests of peace patiently and with almost unprecedented forbearance submitted to many assaults upon the lives and property of its citizens and has suffered indignities at home and abroad by command of the Im- 166 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS perial German Government inconsistent with the comity custom- ary between civilized nations at peace with each other; and Whereas, The President of the United States has discontinued diplomatic relations with Germany because of the declared pur- pose of that Government to commit further assaults upon the lives and property of our citizens by methods previously admitted by that Government to be illegal and since protested by the whole civilized world as both illegal and inhuman; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York endorses and commends this action of the President; that it assures him of its heartiest and fullest support to whatever steps he may deem necessary for the protection of the lives and property of American citizens everywhere when following their lawful pur- suits. Resolved, That it urges the Government immediately to adopt such protective measures as will assure the prompt resumptfon of regular steamship service by American ships engaged in European trade, subject to the usual rules of war between civilized peoples. Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York considers the German note as a menace to the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to establish which our forefathers fought and to maintain which the people of this country are willing now to fight. At its first meeting after the declaration of war with Ger- many, the following minute was adopted amid loud and general applause, and with a standing vote: We, the members of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York in meeting assembled, realizing the solemnity of this occasion, and fully conscious of the awfulness and sorrows of war, hereby declare our belief that the President of the United States has exhausted every possible means to avert the compulsion of war and that no other course with honor was left to the President and Congress but to declare that Germany, by the acts of its Imperial Government, was waging war upon the United States. We hereby declare our full and solemn approval of the President's noble message to Congress, and we individually offer and pledge ourselves, our means and our service to the support of our Govern- ment and in help to our country's needs, in whatsoever manner we can be of use, realizing that we owe it to posterity to defend and ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 167 to pass on to it unimpaired the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which we inherited in trust from our Forefathers. The Chamber was early in the field with a demand for ac- tion in the direction of restricting war profits. In February, 1917, it adopted resolutions declaring it to be the duty of organizations of business men to aid the government to the full extent of their ability and pledging the Chamber's sup- port to the "principle that the business men of the country shall supply all services, commodities and inventions re- quired by the National Government at prices which will yield a profit no greater than would be received in similar transactions with private customers." In March following it took up the question of co-ordinating all the utilities of the Port of New York in order to secure the largest and best possible service to the National Govern- ment in prosecuting the war. The Executive Committee of the Chamber sought and obtained the hearty co-operation of the Governor of New Jersey in an effort to make the Port of New York one great undivided shipping and industrial centre. The Legislatures of the States of New York and New Jersey passed identical measures providing for the appointment of Harbor Development Commissions, and the Governors of those States appointed them, each consisting of three mem- bers. All of the New York Commissioners were members of the Chamber, including the President, and one of the New Jersey Commissioners was also a member of the Chamber. The two bodies met and formed a Joint Commission. Early in November, 1917, the President of the Chamber and other members of the Joint Commission went to Wash- ington for conference with the Secretary of War, who gave their project enthusiastic approval, and with them enlarged their Joint Commission into a War Board for the Port of New York, with the chairman of the Federal Shipping Board as 168 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS chairman. All the members of the Joint Commission were retained as members of the War Board, and with them were included the Secretaries of War, Navy, Commerce, and Labor, the counsel of the Joint Commission, the Mayor of New York, and a representative of the Railway War Council. The total membership was sixteen. At the meeting in November, 1917, the Executive Com- mittee made a report on disloyal utterances in which they said that they had observed with increasing concern the "con- tinued expression of unpatriotic and seditious sentiments in public speeches and in print by men in public office in what seems to be a total disregard of their fealty to the United States," mentioning as the most notable cases those of a Senator of the United States and a candidate for Mayor of New York, and deploring that although the country had en- tered the war six months earlier many avenues of publicity were still permitted to disloyal people for the dissemination of sentiments harmful to the cause for which the country was fighting. The committee proposed resolutions approv- ing the action of the Senate in investigating members of its own body "known to have spoken and distributed declarations inconsistent with their oaths of office and with loyalty to the country," urging upon the House of Representatives similar action, and recommending to the Departments of Justice in Washington, Albany, and New York "a more vigorous prose- cution of all those who thus abuse the privilege of citizenship or misuse the shelter afforded them by this country." The report and resolutions were received with applause and adopted unanimously. CHAPTER XXXH RELIEF AND OTHER FUNDS AID FOR PERSONS IN DISTRESS FROM CALAMITIES FUNDS FOR THE BENEFIT OF FAMILIES OF DISTINGUISHED PERSONS TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $3,500,000 1793-1918 DURING virtually its entire career the Chamber has re- sponded liberally to all calls for relief to persons in distress from great calamities of fire, flood, earthquake, and other causes, and has with equal generosity either raised funds among its members, or has joined with other persons and or- ganizations, in the raising of them for the benefit of the families of distinguished persons who have died after eminent public service leaving little or no property. The first note- worthy act of the kind was performed in July, 1793, when a large number of destitute fugitives arrived in the United States from San Domingo, having fled from that island to escape the hideous consequences of a servile war that was raging there. The Chamber appointed a committee to solicit contributions for the relief of these sufferers and took the lead in obtaining the necessary aid. From that time forward its record of generous giving is unbroken. Its aid has not been confined to this country, but has been world- wide in its scope. In 1856, when there were thousands of persons suffering from inundations in France, it took action at once and sent them liberal aid. When the city of Troy, New York, was swept by fire in 1856, a fund of $15,000 was quickly raised and forwarded; and when in the same year word was received that there was great suffering among the people in Lancashire, England, $150,000 was raised and sent there. 169 170 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS After the city of Savannah had passed into Union hands during Sherman's march to the sea, an appeal was made to the Chamber for the relief of the city's twenty thousand in- habitants who were in want of the necessities of life. The appeal was made under the authority of General Sherman, who vouched for the loyalty of the people remaining in the city. A special meeting was held on January 5, 1865, and a committee was appointed to solicit contributions of money for the purpose. Between that date and February 5, $35,681 was collected, and $8,000 was expended for provisions which were taken to Savannah on a steamer that had been offered free of charge for the trip. Later other like cargoes were sent, about $23,000 in all being expended for provisions. The balance of the fund was put to such other uses as the situation seemed to make most desirable. The action by the Chamber had a double influence for good. It relieved existing suffering and helped to soften the prej- udices which were the inevitable outcome of the war, by showing the people of the South that those of the North had only the kindest sentiments toward them. In the same year, 1865, another notable contribution was sent to the South in the form of $20,000 for the relief of des- titute persons in East Tennessee. The record is very full after this date, as the following entries by years will show: 1866. $106,000 for the relief of sufferers from the Portland, Maine, fire. 1870. $15,000 for the relief of the sufferers by the falling of the Capitol at Richmond, Virginia. 1871. $143,000 for the relief of the suffering people of France, during and at the close of the Franco-German War. 1871. $1,044,751 for the relief of the sufferers by the great fires in Chicago and the Northwest. 1876. $20,000 for the relief of the sufferers by Yellow Fever in Savannah. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 171 1878. $172,000 for the relief of the sufferers by the Yellow Fever in the Southwest. 1880. $10,000 for the relief of Yellow Fever sufferers in Memphis. 1886. $89,000 for the relief of sufferers from the Charleston (S. C.) earthquake. 1889. $57,140 for the relief of sufferers from the Johnstown flood. 1892. $51,520 for the relief of sufferers from famine in Russia. 1898. $5,403 for the relief of sufferers among the poor in Cuba. 1900. $121,392 for the relief of sufferers from the Galveston flood. 1902. $109,266 for relief of sufferers from the St. Pierre, Marti- nique, earthquake. 1906. $778,000 for the relief of sufferers from the San Francisco earthquake. 1909. $29,000 for the relief of sufferers from the Messina, Italy, earthquake. 1913. $54,932 for the relief of sufferers from the Western floods. 1916-17. $82,580 for the relief of sufferers in Belgium. 1917. $5,000 for the relief of sufferers from the explosion in Hali- fax. All together, the charitable gifts of the Chamber in this field have aggregated $3,000,000, nearly all of which has been contributed by its members. In addition, as has been men- tioned in a previous chapter, it raised from the country at large in 1881 a fund of $362,000 for the family of President Garfield. A like fund of $100,000 was raised by it in 1899 for the family of Colonel George E. Waring, in recognition of his great service to the city in establishing an efficient street- cleaning system. A graceful act in recognition of patriotic services was per- formed in 1865. Word was received that the family of the late Lieutenant John F. Shubrick, of the navy, living in South Carolina, were in such destitute circumstances that they were compelled to offer for sale three swords in their possession which had been presented to members of the family for dis- tinguished service to the country. Two of these swords had been presented to Lieutenant Shubrick of the frigate Con- stitution for valor displayed in the capture of the British 172 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS frigate Guerriere and other British vessels in the War of 1812; and the third had been presented to his son, also a lieutenant in the United States navy, for gallant conduct at Vera Cruz and other points during the Mexican war. The Chamber, finding that the swords were in need of repair, raised sufficient money to restore them to good condition, and returned them to the family with a gift of $2,500 "in recognition of the valua- ble services rendered to our country by the father and son, and as a token that gratitude for fidelity to the flag of the Union is an abiding sentiment with the citizens of New York, descending from generation to generation." The grand total of aid of all kinds extended by the Cham- ber exceeds $3,500,000, constituting a record of timely aid and generous giving of which the society may be justly proud. CHAPTER XXXIII OFFICIAL AND OTHER DUTIES SELECTION AND REGULATION OF PILOTS WAREHOUSING AND SEAMEN'S WAGES SAILORS' SNUG HARBOR NAUTICAL SCHOOL SAILORS' HOTELS OR BOARDING-HOUSES COMMERCIAL EDUCATION 1791-1918 IN several ways the Chamber has been called upon to co- operate in the administration of laws which have been en- acted chiefly through its advocacy. Very early in its history, December, 1791, it took up the question of securing competent and trustworthy pilots for the Port of New York, and for more than half a century it agitated the matter without respite. Finally, in 1853, a system was established which has worked well to the present day. Under a law passed by the State Legislature in that year a Board of Commissioners of Pilots in the City of New York was created, consisting of five per- sons to hold office for two years, three to be elected by the Chamber of Commerce, and two by the marine insurance companies. One of the arduous and useful duties of each succeed- ing President of the Chamber is supervision of the charity known as the "Sailors' Snug Harbor," situated on Staten Island. This was founded by Captain Richard Randall, who died in 1801. He left a will by which the income of his residu- ary estate consisting of a farm of twenty-one acres, lying be- tween Fourth and Fifth Avenues and running from Waverly Place to Tenth Street, in New York City, was to be used for the erection and maintenance of an asylum or marine hospital, 173 174 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS to be called Sailors' Snug Harbor, for the support of aged, decrepit, and worn-out sailors. He named as trustees the Chancellor of the State, the Mayor and Recorder of the city, the President of the Chamber of Commerce, the president and vice-president of the Marine Society, the rector of Trinity Church, and the minister of the First Presbyterian Church. The number of trustees has been reduced to six by the abolition of the State office of Chancellor and the city of- fice of Recorder. There is a tradition that Alexander Hamil- ton drew the will. It was contested by the heirs of Captain Randall for thirty years, but finally upheld in a decision by Chancellor Kent. The property had been bought by Captain Randall for about $12,500, and the income from it in 1802 was less than $2,000. Sufficient money was not accumulated, because of the law- suit expenses, to erect a building till 1833, and during that year thirty aged and indigent sailors were received. Through the granting of ground leases the income from the property increased steadily and rapidly, until the present really magnif- icent institution was established. The income from the prop- erty is now about $600,000. From the beginning, the chief burden of the trust has been placed upon the President of the Chamber. It has always been the custom for him to be the chairman of the board, and as the Mayor seldom or never attends the board's meet- ings, the President of the Chamber, being an experienced busi- ness man, has been selected to take both leadership and re- sponsibility. In 1873, the New York Legislature passed an act authorizing a Nautical School as part of the State system of education and charging the Board of Education of the city with the duty of organization and responsible control. It also authorized the Chamber of Commerce to appoint a committee whose duties were to advise and co-operate with the Board of Education, visit and examine the school, and make reports to the Chamber, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 175 which that body should transmit to the Board of Education with recommendations. In May, 1873, the Chamber ac- cepted the trust and appointed a committee of seven members for the purpose to serve for one year. Later this committee was entitled Council of the Nautical School. An act was ob- tained from Congress empowering the Secretary of the Navy to detail for the use of the school in New York and other sea- ports, vessels not needed for other service and authorizing the President to detail officers of the navy for service as superin- tendents and instructors. In 1874, the ship St. Mary's was detailed for New York and in December of that year the school was opened. The Chamber took keen interest in the school from the outset, as its object was to train men to become officers in the merchant marine. In December, 1876, it voted to appropriate annually one hundred and fifty dollars for three prizes for pupils rating the highest, to be known as Chamber of Commerce prizes. Committees were appointed each year by the Chamber and made annual reports, after visiting the school and thoroughly examining its work. This system was continued for nearly forty years. In 1913, the Chamber, having become convinced that more satisfactory results could be obtained by having the school placed under the control of the State, recommended the pas- sage of a law by the Legislature making that transfer, and such a law was enacted. It provided for a Board of Gov- ernors consisting of the State Commissioner of Education and eight appointive members, one each from the membership of the following organizations: New York Chamber of Com- merce; Maritime Association of New York; Marine Society; Alumni Association of the Nautical School; Buffalo Chamber of Commerce; Albany Chamber of Commerce, and a New York State member of the National Board of Steam Naviga- tion. Under the act the State makes an annual appropria- tion for the support of the school. Young men from all parts of the State are eligible as pupils. The Chamber chose 176 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS as its first representative on the Board of Governors, Com- modore Jacob W. Miller, who had for many years served as chairman of the Council. He was elected chairman of the new board. Since 1904 the Chamber has appointed three of its mem- bers to serve on a joint commission for the regulation of warehouses in which unclaimed goods are placed in storage by the government. This joint commission is composed of representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, Merchants' Association, Bonded Warehousemen, and the Collector of the Port. Its duties are to fix the rates for cartage, labor, and the storage of goods, for the protection of the consignee from overcharges of all kinds. Under a State law of 1866 there is a Board of Commis- sioners for licensing sailors' hotels or boarding-houses in New York City, which is composed of one member from each of the following organizations: Chamber of Commerce; American Seaman's Friend Society; Board of Underwriters; Marine Society; Society for Promoting the Gospel among Seamen in the Port of New York; Maritime Association; Seamen's Church Institute; Seamen's Christian Association, and St. Peter's Union for Catholic Seamen. The duties of the board are to grant licenses for sailors' hotels or boarding-houses, after obtaining satisfactory evidence of the respectability and competency of the applicants and the suitableness of the accommodations. The act was passed to safeguard sailors in such lodging-places, and the board administers it in such manner as to insure respectability in the management and to protect the sailors from extortion and mistreatment of all kinds. The license fee is twenty-five dollars a year. The actual expenses of the board are deducted from the receipts from licenses, and whatever balance remains is applied for the relief of shipwrecked and destitute sailors. As the board is managed economically, a considerable sum is available each year for relief purposes. For many years the Chamber has taken an active and ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Painted by John Trumbull in 1792. Collection of the Chamber of Commerce. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 177 earnest interest in the subject of commercial education, and after long and careful consideration of the subject a plan was evolved hi 1913 for the establishment of a College of Com- merce and Administration, and a Museum of Commerce and Civics. The idea was the outcome of the visit of the Cham- ber's delegation to London in 1901, during which the dele- gates investigated the results which had been accomplished by an institution of the kind connected with the London Chamber of Commerce in the direction of the better training of young men for business pursuits. A special committee was appointed in 1911 to make an investigation and report, and through its labors $500,000 was pledged by an anony- mous donor for the establishment of a College of Commerce. To this sum was added further pledges of $50,000 each from four persons as a fund of $200,000 for a Museum of Commerce and Civics. It was proposed by the Chamber that the con- templated institution should be under the joint auspices of the city, the College of the City of New York, and the Cham- ber of Commerce; that the old site of the City College, at Lexington Avenue and 23d Street, should be provided by the city for the purpose; that the Chamber of Commerce should furnish the sum of $500,000 for a building and a fund of $200,- ooo for the establishment of the museum; and that the city should equip the building, maintain the college, and pay the running expenses of the museum. The college and museum were to be administered by a Board of Trustees, consisting of representatives of the city, the City College, and the Chamber of Commerce. The consent of the City College trustees was obtained and a contract was drawn up and submitted to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the city for approval hi 1914. After long delays and many conferences, followed by much correspondence, it became apparent that the consent of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment could not be secured because of the belief of its members that the condition of the 178 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS city's finances did not permit of any increase in the expense of maintaining the city's educational facilities. Despairing of obtaining a favorable response from the city authorities, the special committee recommended, in January, 1915, that the donors of the two funds of seven hun- dred thousand dollars be released from their pledges. This was adopted and the project was abandoned, but a standing Committee of Commercial Education was appointed and un- der its guidance the Chamber is continuing its efforts to se- cure desirable results through co-operation with the city's Board of Education. CHAPTER XXXIV BANQUETS IN THE EARLY DAYS FINES UPON ABSENTEES DISTINGUISHED GUESTS INVITED ANNUAL BANQUETS ESTABLISHED AS A PERMANENT INSTITUTION IN 1873 1769-1805 AT the end of its first year the Chamber was in so flour- ishing a condition that its members voted to celebrate the occasion with a "Publick Dinner in the Chamber, at the expense of each member, absent members to pay five shillings." As no mention is made in the minutes of the price that mem- bers in attendance were to pay, the inference has been drawn that the entire cost of the feast was defrayed by the absentees. If this was the case it is not surprising, especially since the fine was subsequently raised to eight shillings, that the absentees protested and sought to have the practice abolished in 1772, but were defeated by the narrow margin of one vote. No record of subsequent opposition appears. The scope of the second annual banquet was greatly en- larged by sending invitations to the Lieutenant-Governor; the Council and members of the General Assembly; Secre- taries of the Council; the Commander-in-Chief of His Maj- esty's forces, General Gage, and his suite; the Captains of His Majesty's ships in the harbor, the principal Customs officers, and the Mayor of the city about forty in all. No mention of this or any other of the annual banquets appears in the public prints of the day, and there is no record of the number in attendance at any of them. The invitation of civil and military officials became an established custom. For the third banquet, in 1771, four members of the Chamber 179 i8o ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS were appointed stewards to "provide a Genteel Dinner," and were directed to wait upon Lord Dunmore, the newly arrived Governor, and ask him when it would be convenient for him to do them the honor of dining with the Chamber. Invitations were sent to the same public officials and others that were invited a year earlier. There were, presumably, toasts and speeches at these feasts, but as no reports were published in the newspapers and no records of the proceedings included in the minutes, an esti- mate of the oratorical abilities of those in attendance cannot be attempted. The custom of an annual dinner was observed quite regularly till 1773, when they were abandoned because of the steadily increasing excitement caused by the approaching Revolution. None were held by the loyalist Chamber during that period. As has been noted, the feasting which marked the return of General Washington and the American army was not associ- ated with the Chamber as an organization, but soon after its reorganization as an American society, it seems to have re- sumed its interest in functions of the kind. At an adjourned meeting of the Chamber, on January 20, 1785, it was ordered that the "President be requested to in- vite Congress to dine with the Board at the Merchants' Coffee House, on Thursday the 3d of February next," and a committee was appointed to "prepare a proper set of toasts and to make such other arrangements as may be necessary." At a meeting on February i it was agreed unanimously that "every member pay his Quoto of the expense of the Dinner to be given to Congress on Thursday next." There was no mention of the President as having been in- cluded in the invitation, but in the newspapers of February 4 the banquet was spoken of as a "Dinner given by the Chamber of Commerce to His Excellency the President and the Honourable members of Congress." This was notable as the first dinner given in honor of the Government of the ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 181 United States. There is no record in the minutes of the Chamber of the cost of the dinner, but some indirect light on the subject is thrown by an entry on April 5 stating that "Mr. Bradford of the Coffee House presented a bill of 6 pounds 6 shillings, the same being the proportion of three members (named) of the expense of entertaining Congress." In June, 1787, it was proposed that the members of the Chamber should dine together on July 4 at Bradford's Coffee House. A member called attention to the fact that there were other gentlemen, not members of the Chamber, who had previously determined to dine at the Coffee House on that occasion, and suggested that it would "probably be more agreeable to the whole to invite either the Chamber to them or them to the Chamber so as to form but one body, animated by the same soul." This was agreed to, and the following advertisement was inserted in the newspapers: The Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce intend dining at Bradford's Coffee House, on Wednesday, 4th July next. Such of the members as mean to join the Festive Board, are requested to leave their names at the Bar, on or before Monday evening. Gentlemen, not members of the Chamber, who wish to unite in the Celebration of that memorable day, are desired to give similar notice of their Intention. It was thought that "Fifteen Shillings each, would, with Economy, probably be adequate for the expense of the Enter- tainment." There are no records to show that the Fourth of July ban- quets became a regular institution. One was held in 1791, and Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, was in- vited to partake of it, a committee having been appointed to "obtain suitable entertainment at the city tavern," the new name of the coffee-house of which Mr. Bradford had been the proprietor. Whether Hamilton accepted the invitation, or whether the banquet took place, there is no record to show. 182 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS On October 3, 1797, the Chamber appointed a committee to "prepare a dinner in honor of the President of the United States, to be given him on his return to the seat of Govern- ment, and make such arrangements on the occasion as may appear to them proper." No record of this feast, if it took place, is extant. For 1798 two banquets are recorded: one in May, "a Public dinner at the Tontine Coffee House for the Merchants in general of the city," and one on July 4, for "members of the Chamber and such of their fellow citizens as may be disposed to join them at such place as may be thought suitable." The only dinner given for many years after this time was one in 1805 to Captain Edward Preble, the commander of the successful naval expedition against Morocco and Tripoli, in 1803-1804. The eleven years interregnum in the sessions of the Chamber between 1806 and 1817 put an end to the annual banquets for many years, and it was not till 1873 that they were resumed and re-established as a permanent institution. With this resumption the Chamber may be said to have en- tered upon a new and most valuable field of public enlighten- ment and usefulness. In the old days the annual and other banquets exerted no public influence, as their proceedings were not reported in the newspapers. The later series was begun in a different era of publicity. From the outset the modern annual banquet became a recognized forum of public opinion and information. The leading public men of the day, includ- ing often the President of the United States and members of the Cabinet, recognized in the occasion a fitting and desirable opportunity for the utterance of official views, plans, and policies which they desired to bring to the public attention. The Governor of the State; Mayor of the city; Senators and Representatives in Congress; Ambassadors to foreign coun- tries, either on leave from their posts or recently returned from them at the close of service; distinguished foreign visi- tors; diplomatic representatives of foreign countries; high ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 183 dignitaries of the Church; leaders of the bar; the foremost orators of the day in short, men of mark and influence in the affairs of the world were frequent guests and instructive speakers. For forty-five years the annual banquet has been usually the most notable event in the commercial, political, and social life of the city, and its influence, extending as it has through- out the country, has given it the proportions and dignity of a national institution. Not merely one large volume but several volumes could be made from the utterances at these feasts during this period, and they would constitute valuable and illuminating, if not comprehensive, history of the period. The extracts which are reproduced in following pages have been selected either because of then* historical value and hence worthy of preservation, or because of some other quality which gives them permanent interest. CHAPTER XXXV EARLIEST OF THE MODERN BANQUETS SPEECH BY WILLIAM M. EVARTS PRESIDENT HAYES AND OTHER DISTINGUISHED GUESTS YORKTOWN ANNIVERSARY GENERAL GRANT ON HYPHENATED AMERICANS 1873-1883 THE first banquet of the series on May i, 1873, demon- strated at once the usefulness of the institution. There were about two hundred persons present, and among the dis- tinguished guests were William M. Evarts, Mayor Opdyke, General Winfield S. Hancock, and M. Wakayama, a repre- sentative of the Treasury Department of Japan, who was visiting the United States at the time. Mr. Evarts, who for many succeeding years was one of the favorite orators at these gatherings, delivered an impressive address in which he spoke of the important part which merchants had played in our history, saying that "Commerce and the merchants who for- merly represented commerce, had much to do everything to do with the promotion of the present National Government." "One tithe," he declared, "of the energy and public spirit by which a few merchants in disguise threw the tea over- board in Boston harbor, will enable us to throw overboard from the Ship of State a great many incumbrances that are unsatisfactory and disagreeable. We in our country seem to have assumed that good government, secured by the merits of our ancestors, was as permanent a possession of our race as all the good gifts of climate and a grateful soil; but we still find that all that freedom can do for man, and all that the in- stitutions of freedom can do for men, is to enable them, possessing the spirit and courage of freemen, to defend them- selves against aggression at home and abroad." 184 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 185 Henry Wilson, Vice-President, and Mayor Havemeyer were among the guests in 1874, and in 1876 there was a notable assemblage of eminent persons, including Governor Tilden; Edwards Pierrepont, Attorney-General of the United States; John Bigelow; Charles O'Connor; Joseph H. Choate; Judge Brady; Ex- Governor John A. Dix, and General Horace Porter. President Hayes was the chief guest of honor in 1877, an d with him were two members of his Cabinet, Mr. Evarts, Secretary of State, and Carl Schurz, Secretary of the Interior. Other guests were General W. T. Sherman; General W. S. Hancock; Hugh McCulloch, Ex-Secretary of the Treasury; Mayor Ely; the Reverend Doctor R. S. Storrs, and David A. Wells. The national character of the banquets is revealed in this list as being established on a firm foun- dation. President Hayes made no formal speech, merely uttering a few words of thanks and expressing pleasure in being present. At the banquet of May 13, 1879, there was an imposing array of distinguished guests, including Andrew D. White, American Minister to Berlin; Joseph H. Choate; the Rev- erend Doctor H. C. Potter; the Reverend Doctor H. W. Bellows, and Senator James G. Elaine. The Senator was called upon unexpectedly for a speech on the "Revival of American Shipping and Commerce," and hi the course of it he paid a handsome tribute to the society by saying: "If I speak with the voice of the Chamber of Commerce of New York, I know that I speak with a voice far mightier than any that has been raised in Congress, and I have it to declare that if it be the will of that Chamber and of the people to institute a policy for the revival of American commerce, then it is done." John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury, was the guest of honor in 1880, and made an informing speech upon the finances of the nation and the administration's policy in regard to them. Other guests were Mayor Edward Cooper and the 186 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS Reverend Robert Collyer. Two members of President Gar- field's Cabinet, William Windom, Secretary of the Treasury, and Thomas L. James, Postmaster-General, with Levi P. Morton, American Minister to France, were guests of honor in May, 1881. In addition to the annual dinner in May, 1881, a special banquet was given by the Chamber in honor of the guests of the nation who had arrived in the country to attend the centennial celebration of the victory at Yorktown. The visitors were mainly from France and included descendants of Lafayette, Rochambeau, Count de Grasse, and others who had come to the aid of the American colonies in their struggle for independence, and of the Baron de Steuben, who had rendered like service. Through the aid thus rendered, vic- tory had been achieved at Yorktown, causing Washington to say on the morning of the Yorktown victory that because of it the American people owed to France the "most unalterable gratitude." The Chamber, deeply sensible of this lasting obligation, took steps while the distinguished visitors were still on their way to the United States, to prepare a suitable tribute of respect and honor to them, recalling the Treaty of Alliance with France in 1778, and declaring that the friend- ship pledged by France at that time had been "faithfully and honorably maintained for more than a century." A banquet was decided upon as the most desirable form in which to show the visitors honor, and one was given at Del- monico's on the evening of November 5. The dining-hall on the occasion was decorated with flowers, flags, and festoons of evergreens. The flags of the United States and France were draped in groups over American shields around the walls. There were two hundred and fifty persons present, including thirty-five French delegates, many of whom were descendants of Lafayette and the other French officers of the Revolution, and six descendants of the Baron de Steuben, all of whom bore his name. Brief speeches were made by a ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 187 descendant of Rochambeau for the French guests, and by a descendant of Steuben for his associates, and there were formal addresses by the Reverend Doctor Richard S. Storrs, William M. Evarts, A. A. Low, Carl Schurz, and John Austin Stevens. Perhaps the most notable contribution of the evening was made by Mr. Evarts who spoke to a toast on the treaty of 1778. "It was a very great thing," he said, "for France to make the Treaty of Alliance and the Treaty of Amity and Commerce with a nation that, as yet, had received no accep- tance from the Powers of the earth. And when we remember that France, in the contests of a thousand years, had found England no unequal match in the quarrels that belonged to the two nations, I must think that human history has shown nothing nobler than her espousal of this growing struggle be- tween these colonists and the great power of England. How much nearer France was to England than we! How much wider her possessions through the world, open to the thunder of the British navy and the prowess of the British army! And when France, in a treaty, the equal terms of which will strike every reader with wonder, speaks of 'the common cause/ to be pursued until the result of our complete inde- pendence, governmental and commercial, was attained, I know nothing, in the way of ' the bearing the burdens of one another,' enjoined as the Christian spirit, that is greater than this stupendous action of France." The banquet of May, 1883, was distinguished by a brief but forcible speech by General Grant which, read at the pres- ent time, has an extraordinarily close application to conditions growing out of our participation in the European War. "We have witnessed," he said, "on many occasions here the for- eign, the adopted, citizen claiming rights and privileges be- cause he was an adopted citizen. That is all wrong," he continued, " let him come here and enjoy all the privileges that we enjoy, but let him fulfil all the obligations that we are expected to fulfil. After he has adopted it, let this be his i88 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS country a country that he will fight for and die for if neces- sary. I am glad to say that the great majority of them do it, but some of them, who mingle in politics, seem to bank largely on the fact that they are adopted citizens; and that class I am opposed to as much as I am opposed to many other things that I see that are popular now." CHAPTER XXXVI STATUE OF LIBERTY BANQUETS SPEECHES BY FREDERIC R. COUDERT LETTER FROM A. BARTHOLDI 1885-1886 THE Chamber gave two banquets in connection with the gift of the Statue of Liberty which rank among the most sumptuous and interesting of its long series. The first was at Delmonico's on the evening of June 24, 1885, and was in honor of the commander and officers of the French national ship Isere, which brought the statue from France, and Ad- miral Lacombe, of the French flag-ship La Flore. The ad- dress of welcome was made in French by Frederic R. Coudert, then a leader of the New York bar, and one of the most de- lightful and eloquent orators that the city has ever produced. Turning to the guests, he said: " Gentlemen, you are welcome ! Welcome, because you bring us a souvenir of a beloved land welcome, because you revive in our hearts splendid memories and kindly emotions. The great dead live again to-day by your presence. How many heroes of the past come back to take their seats among us, full of grace, of life, of strength, of courage ! A century disappears, and we hold out our hands to you as in those days of hard-earned triumph, and cry out: 'You are our friends; our country is your country; our glory is your glory; honor to you; honor to your mother over the sea. May she be happy and blest among the nations!"' Alluding to the Frenchmen who came to America to aid in the Revolution as "knights of prowess," Mr. Coudert proceeded, with his inimitable lightness of touch, to delight the assem- blage by saying: "They resisted everything; all dangers, fire and sword, American winters, and even American tea and 189 IQO ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS American cooking. How much they suffered from the inflic- tion of these two instruments of torture, and how nobly they endured the infliction, will never be more than imperfectly known. Yet there is enough to show that their sufferings were not light. One unfortunate warrior, writing to his friends at home, describes the punishment inflicted upon him- self under the guise of tea, and relates how, driven beyond endurance on one occasion, he turned pleasantly to his hostess and said: 'Madame, if your servant makes me drink any more hot water I will tell him to go to hekT I have a notion that some of their enthusiasm for the American cause is traceable to the knowledge that one of the first acts of rebellion on the part of the colonies was to throw a large quantity overboard into Boston harbor. How cheerfully they would have joined in the operation, and how gladly repeated it, we may conjec- ture." Brief replies were made by Admiral Lacombe and Com- mander De Saune of the Isere, and Mr. Evarts paid a unique tribute to the latter by saying: "As for Commandant De Saune, he has done what in the history of the world our modern world, at least no nation, no ruler has successfully attempted; he has kept 'Liberty Enlightening the World' under the hatches for thirty days. It was tried in England, and 'Liberty Enlightening the World' cut off the head of the King. Tried again, it drove the dynasty of the Stuarts for- ever from that free island. In France they tried to suppress it, and it uprooted the ancient monarchy and scattered the forces which were expected to repress it. The milder form of a limited monarchy even, France would not submit to as a repression of Liberty. And, again, twice over, under the Imperial Government, ' Liberty Enlightening the World' has broken out from under the hatches." Another speaker was General Horace Porter, a familiar and always welcome guest at the Chamber's banquets. A brief quotation from his remarks will not be uninteresting. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 191 "A few years ago," he said, "distinguished military men from abroad came here to participate in the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the surrender of Yorktown by Lord Cornwallis. There were invited here by the Government the descendants of all the distinguished foreigners who partici- pated in that historical event, except the descendants of Lord Cornwallis, and if our French guests had been here then, and had gone down and seen Yorktown, they would not have wondered that Cornwallis gave up that place; their only astonishment would have been why he consented to remain there as long as he did." When on October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty was dedi- cated with impressive ceremonies, the Chamber gave a ban- quet to the distinguished guests attending the exercises on the evening of the day. There were about two hundred and forty persons in attendance, including the prominent mer- chants, bankers, and business men of the city. Among the French guests was Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. The ad- dress of welcome was again made in French by Frederic R. Coudert, and speeches were made in the same language by several of the French representatives. George William Curtis responded to the toast "Washington and Lafayette," and aroused great enthusiasm by saying at the close of his speech: "In Washington, Lafayette saw America as we see yonder statue in the bay calm, regnant, self-possessed a mighty figure of Liberty, standing on the western shore, lift- ing to the stars a light as glorious as their own, because herald- ing the peaceful federation of the world; and he went home to teach revolutionary France to light her torch at the inex- tinguishable fires of constitutional liberty. This, at last, his native land has done; and republican France to-day is the political child of Washington, and the dream of Lafayette fulfilled. And as the glory of republican liberty more and more enlightens the world, it is a glory hi which the name of Lafay- ette will be inseparable from that of Washington." I 9 2 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS A brief speech was made by the author of the statue, A. Bartholdi, who responded to the toast: "Jupiter one day had a severe headache; Vulcan opened his head with an axe; Minerva came forth fully armed." " I see," he said, "in the title of this toast that Jupiter was fortunate enough to give birth to Minerva with a plain little headache. I am obliged to confess that my headache has been somewhat longer. I have now had that headache for about fifteen years; and if I had not received the most kindly and beneficent support I believe that no axe would have opened my head enough to bring out the Statue of Liberty." That the representatives of France appreciated highly the courtesies extended to them by the Chamber was shown in a gratifying manner in 1887, when a very rare and beautiful Sevres vase, which is one of the highly prized possessions of the society, was presented to it accompanied by the sub- joined letter: PARIS, April 15, 1887. MR. PRESIDENT: The members of the French delegation, at the Inauguration of the Statue of Liberty, have been, since their re- turn, wishing to present you with the expression of their grate- ful feelings for your splendid and hearty reception. It was only near the beginning of this year that a full meeting of the delegation could take place, and these gentlemen have re- quested the French Government to grant them the disposal of some vases from the Sevres National Manufactory to accompany the expression of their kind souvenir. The object intended for your honorable society will reach you through the care of the French Consul in New York. Our present, notwithstanding the real value of all that is produced by the cele- brated institution, is merely, considering all that you have done for us, a very modest token of our friendship; but we beg you to look at it, as it were, a plain "carte de visite," and to only think of the feelings attached to it our sincere thoughts of gratitude. Please to be the interpreter of these feelings before your most honorable society, and assure them of the grateful remembrance felt by all the members of the delegation. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 193 To the foregoing I would join the assurance of my personal devotion, and remain, Mr. President, yours respectfully, on behalf of the French delegation. (Signed) A. BARTHOLDI. To the President of the Chamber of Commerce, New York. CHAPTER XXXVII JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN CHIEF GUEST OF HONOR SPEECHES BY HIM AND BY L. Q. C. LAMAR, SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR 1887 THE annual dinner of 1887 was made memorable by the presence of the Right Honorable Joseph Chamberlain, who was in the country at the time as the special commissioner of the British Government to bring about a settlement of the fisheries controversy between the United States and Canada. There was in the country at the same time a Peace Com- mission, including three members of the British Parliament, who bore to the President of the United States and to Con- gress a message of Christian peace and good-will from two hundred and fifty members of the British House of Commons and fifty members of the House of Lords. These were also guests of honor at the banquet. There was a large attendance of prominent citizens of all occupations and professions. A letter of regret was read from President Cleveland, and two members of his Cabinet, Charles S. Fairchild, Secretary of the Treasury, and L. Q. C. Lamar, Secretary of the Interior, were present. Secretary Lamar responded to the toast to "The President" and in doing so cited at the outset two verbal messages of gen- uine Cleveland quality that the President had given him. The first was: "Remind the gentlemen of the New York Chamber of Commerce that the two great causes which origi- nated the Convention which adopted the present Federal Con- stitution were, first, the necessity of a national executive to represent the united sovereignty of this great Republic; and, 194 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 195 second, the necessity of a national supervision, protection, and regulation of the national commerce with foreign nations, and between the States of the Union." The second was: "Say to the gentlemen of commerce, also, that the Government of the people should reflect the same sturdy virtue and industry which lie at the foundation of the people's success and prosperity, and that you, gentlemen of the New York Chamber of Commerce, can contribute no little to that important result by exacting of your national Govern- ment the observance of the same methods, and the exercise of the same qualities which have enabled you to do so much for your proud metropolis, and to support a Government en- deavoring to reach those standards with your characteristic firmness of purpose and energy of action, so that a business Government and a business people may go hand in hand to- gether." Secretary Lamar then asked the privilege "which we South- ern men enjoy upon occasions like the present" of offering a volunteer toast as follows: "The New York Chamber of Commerce: the representative of a class of American citizens held in high and honorable estimation all over the United States." In concluding, the Secretary said: "It has been said by an English poet, that 'Commerce is the golden girdle of the globe.' See to it, gentlemen, that that link which Ameri- can commerce contributes to this friendly bond shall be of pure gold, worked with industry, strong in the honesty of its substance, symbolizing by its weight, its brilliancy, and its solidity, the character of the men who wrought it." Mr. Chamberlain was very happy in his address. "I will promise you, for myself," he said, " that I do not ask you to be- come men of peace 'at any price.' And I will go further, and assure you that I do not look forward to any settlement of the question which we have to discuss which shall give undue advantage to either party. I do not think that it is at all likely that I can gain such an advantage in a discussion with I 9 6 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS the representatives of the shrewdest race in the world. If I could gain it, I would not attempt to do it; because I am per- fectly convinced that it is not now the interest of any great nation to make a settlement which is not permanent and satis- factory to all the parties concerned." A moment later in his speech' Mr. Chamberlain gave a striking illustration of the facility of English statesmen in quotation: Mr. Secretary Lamar, in his concluding observations, quoted a line from an English poet. I cannot help completing the quota- tion, because I think it particularly apposite to the view which I have been endeavoring to impress upon you. The quotation is from the poet Cowper, who says: " The band of commerce is designed To associate all the branches of mankind, And if a boundless plenty be the robe, Trade is the golden girdle of the globe." Gentlemen, I have no doubt that considerations of this kind will weigh heavily in any controversy between Great Britain and the United States; for, in spite of all the obstacles which politicians have contrived to interpose to free intercourse, it still remains the fact, that the two countries are the greatest customers, one of the other. At the present moment one-sixth of the whole foreign trade of the United Kingdom and more than one-tenth of our total ex- port business is transacted with the United States, and on the other hand, considerably more than one-half of your total exports find a market in the United Kingdom. Is it not true, then, to say, under such circumstances, that we have both " given hostages to fortune," and that we cannot afford the luxury of a quarrel? No, gentlemen, our sentiments and our interests alike combine to cement the ties which kinship and our common origin have contributed to establish. Speeches were also made by Abram S. Hewitt, then Mayor of the city, George William Curtis, and James C. Carter. GEORGE WASHINGTON'. Painted hy Gilbert Stuart. Collection f the Chamber of Commerce. CHAPTER XXXVHI GOLDWIN SMITH CHIEF GUEST OF HONOR GENERAL SHERMAN ON "LOYALTY TO THE FLAG" CLEVE- LAND ON "WHAT TO DO WITH EX-PRESIDENTS " 1888-1889 IN the autumn of 1888 Gold win Smith was in the United States in the interest of a settlement of the fisheries question between this country and Canada, and he and General W. T. Sherman were the chief guests of honor at the banquet in November of that year. General Sherman, who spoke first, gave evidence that he had few Democratic sympathies. "There has never been since the creation of the earth," he declared, "stronger evidence of the virtue of any nation than in the fact that four years ago the people of the United States elected to the Chief Magistracy one who took into the national council and sent abroad as representatives of our country men who a few years before had fought against us, and yet the people submitted to this without a whimper. This is now changed. Now, the people have chosen a man of my own style and stamp, and I, for one, say openly that I am glad of it. I am not only proud of Ben Harrison as one of my soldier boys, but am glad to know that no man shall represent that flag in foreign lands but one who in the day and hour of danger was true to it." Goldwin Smith spoke to the toast, "Our Relations with Canada." He advocated commercial union between the United States and Canada, and in beginning his remarks said: "As you have some gentlemen among you whose delight it is to twist the tail of the lion, so we have some whose delight it is to twitch the feathers of the eagle, but their number is 197 198 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS small, though they take care that the public shall not over- look their existence. The imperial bird, probably, feels it as little as the royal beast. Both sets know pretty well that nothing serious will ever happen, and that they are not likely ever to be called upon to face the shot." Touching upon one aspect of union not often thought of, he said: "Why, there are a million of Canadians already on the south of the line; peo- ple who swagger about iron-clads forget that they would be bombarding their own sons and brothers. As to the Fisheries question, I believe you will agree with me, that if diplomacy cannot settle it soon and amicably, the pay of the diplomatists ought to be stopped." In regard to commercial union, he made these statements: "Observe that the principle of Com- mercial Union applies merely to the internal trade of the continent. We do not raise the general question between protection and free trade, which divided your political parties in the recent election. We do not meddle with the seaboard tariff otherwise than for the purpose of assimilation. We only say a line of custom-houses drawn across this continent, whether between New York and Pennsylvania or between New York and Ontario, is, on any hypothesis, a nuisance, and ought to be removed." Congressman S. S. (Sunset) Cox, an inveterate joker, was also one of the speakers and contributed this historical in- formation about the Smith family: "Why, in the early days of Grecian history, they were demigods and founders of States. The only place where they were not recorded is in Samuel the chapter and verse I will not recall, as I am not certain about them. But it will not hurt you to search for the verse yourselves from Genesis to Revelations. The words are: 'There was no smith in all Israel.' Whenever the children of Israel wanted to sharpen their spears, or polish their ploughshares or cutlasses, or close up the rivets in their armor, they had to go down to Tyre or Sidon, and call in the smiths of that locality. In the early chronicles of Norseland, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 199 it is said, the Smiths were honored by being admitted to the royal presence. They drank mead with the king. I never saw a Smith in my life who would ever refuse to take a drink. It mattered not what kind of liquor." There was an unusually large number of distinguished guests at the banquet on November 29, 1889, including Ex-President Cleveland, General Sherman, E. J. Phelps, ex-American minis- ter to England; Justice Miller of the United States Supreme Court; Secretary Noble of President Harrison's Cabinet; Carl Schurz, General O. O. Howard, and the Earl of Meath. Mr. Cleveland, who had recently been elected an Honorary Member of the Chamber, and who had retired from the Presidency in March preceding, was in a jovial mood and made a speech which has genuine historical value. "There has been much discussion lately," he said, "concerning the disposition which should be made of our Ex-Presidents; and many plans have been suggested for putting us out of the way. I am sure we are very sorry to make so much trouble, but I do hope that whatever conclusion may be reached, the recommendation of a Kentucky newspaper editor, to take us out and shoot us, will not be adopted. Prior to the 4th day of last March I did not appreciate as well as I do now the objections to this proceeding, but I have had time to reflect upon the subject since, and I find excellent reasons for op- posing this plan. If I should be allowed to express myself upon this question, I would suggest that the best way to deal with your troublesome Ex-Presidents is to let them alone, and give them the same chance to earn an honest living that other people have. And if for any reason you desire to honor them, it cannot be done better than by putting their names upon the roll of honorary membership of the New York Cham- ber of Commerce." Mr. Phelps spoke of the fact that the banquet was in cele- bration of the Chamber's one hundred and twenty-first anni- versary, saying there were very few institutions of any sort 200 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS in this country which could extend to their friends the hos- pitalities of their hundred and twenty-first year, and added: "Such an institution indicates something more than the flight of time. It has memories and traditions worthy to be cher- ished. It has had its struggles and won its victories, and has left its mark on its time for good. I congratulate you that it shows no signs of decrepitude or decay; that it has not de- generated in its quality nor diminished in its influence. The present unites with the past in assuring us that when another hundred and twenty years shall have gone, it will still remain what it is to-day, the dignified representative of the great business and the great interests of the greatest American city." CHAPTER XXXIX FINANCIAL CRISIS OF 1890 SERVICES RENDERED BY MERCHANTS PRESIDENT ELIOT ON HARVARD GRADUATES LAST APPEARANCE AND SPEECH OF GENERAL SHERMAN G. W. CURTIS ON WASHINGTON IRVING 1890 THE banquet of 1890 was one of the largest yet held by the Chamber, the number of applications exceeding the capacity of Delmonico's dining-hall. Among the distinguished guests were Ex-President Cleveland, Carl Schurz, General Sherman, General Schofield, George William Curtis, President Charles W. Eliot of Harvard University, and Bishop H. C. Potter. Unusual interest attached to the gathering because it fol- lowed close upon a serious financial crisis which had been pre- cipitated by the suspension of Baring Brothers in London, and which had been met and arrested by the action of New York merchants and bankers in issuing clearing-house certif- icates. Furthermore, there had been passed at the session of Congress, recently ended, the McKinley tariff bill, reduc- ing the revenues $50,000,000; a new pension bill calling for an additional expenditure of $50,000,000, and the Sherman silver bill, authorizing the purchase of 4,500,000 ounces of silver monthly for the avowed purpose of maintaining gold and silver at a parity. With all these developments in mind, Charles Stewart Smith, President of the Chamber, said in opening the pro- gramme of the evening: "No one can speak even casually of the severe crisis in financial circles of the last few days, which I believe is now happily passing away, without reference to 202 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS the heroic position taken by the great banks and bankers of London and New York. They launched the life-boat in time to save a disastrous wreck, and they deserve the thanks and confidence of the commercial world. "Whatever may be our individual judgment concerning the recent legislation by Congress regarding Silver and the Tariff," he added, "no thoughtful man will deny, that, for good or evil, the last session of Congress was the most important and eventful session that has been held since the close of our civil war." President Eliot, making his first appearance at these ban- quets, spoke on "Education in its Relations to Business Affairs," declaring as the result of no little personal observa- tion that there was no more striking general fact about the graduates of Harvard during the past fifty years than their eminent success in business. From one-fifth to one-third of the members of the successive graduating classes ultimately went into business. The same was probably true, he said, of many another American college. George William Curtis delighted the assemblage with a charming tribute to the genius of Washington Irving. "In the commercial capital of the continent our distinctive American literature began," he said, "and the first American book which was accepted and approved by the world was the work of a young American merchant. To be sure he failed as a merchant. It was not until 1809 that Mr. Buckminster, the orator of the Phi Beta Kappa at Harvard, said that the genius of our letters began to show signs of greater vigor, and in the same year a young man, who as a boy, to escape the rigors of domestic religious discipline, used to drop out of the window of his father's house in William Street in the evening, and steal off to the play around the corner in John Street, published a book called 'Knickerbocker's History of New York,' and in the gay genius of Irving American literature escaped the sermon and came laughing into life. The winter ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 203 of our long literary discontent was made glorious summer by this son of York. But it was not until ten years later, when he was an unsuccessful merchant, and Sidney Smith asked his famous question, 'Who reads an American book?' that Irving had just answered it by the first numbers of the Sketch Book, and John Bull was forced to own that Jonathan had described traditional and charming aspects of his own life and character with more delicate grace than any English- man of the time." Continuing, Mr. Curtis, in a passage well worthy of pres- ervation, said: "What a sweet and blameless genius it was! It aroused no passion, no prejudice, no hostility. Irving was popularly beloved, like Sir Walter Scott, and I recall the amus- ing enthusiasm with which a party of Germans in Berlin, upon discovering that I was an American, exclaimed, 'Ah, we know very well your great General Washington Irving ! ' He touched our historic river with the glamor of the imagination. He invested it with the subtle and enduring charm of literary association. He peopled it with figures that make it dear to the whole world, like Scott's Tweed, or Burns' Bonny Doon. The belated wanderer, in the twilight roads of Tarrytown, as he hears approaching the pattering gallop behind him, knows that it is not his neighbor, it is the headless horseman of Sleepy Hollow. It is not thunder that we hear in the Catskills, on a still summer afternoon, it is the airy game of Hendrik Hudson's crew that Rip Van Winkle heard." General Sherman, called upon unexpectedly, made his last appearance as a beloved and honored guest, for he died three months later. His speech, a model of brevity and sentiment, will never be forgotten by those who heard it, and who were to realize later that it was a last farewell. "I have arisen solely," he said, "as an obedient soldier at the command of his superior officer, and will only repeat that there is no body of men on the face of the earth for whom I entertain a higher estimate than the merchants who do the work and regulate 204 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS the commerce of the United States. They are the active agents who bring into harmonious relations the people of the whole world, and who are to-day doing more than any other class to bring about the dream and aspiration of all good peo- ple, that 'Man to man the world o'er, shall be brothers all.'" CADWALLADER GOLDEN. Painted by Matthew Pratt in 1773. Collection ol the Chamber of Commerce. CHAPTER XL JOHN HAY ON DIPLOMACY CLEVELAND'S SECOND ELECTION LORD HERSCHELL A GUEST LETTER FROM PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT 1892-1902 THE comprehensive character of these annual gatherings was shown in the guests at the banquet of November 15, 1892, only a few days after the national election in which Mr. Cleveland was a second time chosen President. He was the chief guest of honor, and among the others were two members of President Harrison's Cabinet, Charles Foster, Secretary of the Treasury, and W. H. H. Miller, Attorney- General; and Whitelaw Reid, defeated candidate for the vice-presidency. Mr. Cleveland, in a few words thanking the Chamber for courtesies so often extended, said: "I beg to assure you that though I may not soon meet you again on an occasion like this, I shall remember with peculiar pleasure the friends made among your membership, and shall never allow myself to be heedless of the affairs you so worthily hold in your keeping." A special banquet was given by the Chamber on April 28, 1893, to the officers of the United States and foreign war-ships that had escorted the Spanish caravels to the harbor of New York for exhibition in the Columbus Centennial Exposition in Chicago. Four hundred persons were present. Coming closely upon the first defeat of the free-silver can- didate for the presidency, the banquet of November 17, 1896, assumed the air of a jubilee in which everybody congratulated everybody else. Among the guests were William L. Wilson, Postmaster- General, and John W. Griggs, Governor of New Jersey and later Attorney-General of the United States. In 205 206 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS his speech, Governor Griggs paid a cordial tribute to the Chamber, saying: "I cannot let this opportunity pass with- out referring to the great work which this Chamber has wrought for the State and city whose name it bears, and for the country at large. It is a long interval since these dinners were held at Fraunces's Tavern, but during all that period this institution has stood as the pilot, the guide, the director, the pioneer in all wise policies of commerce and trade and patriot- ism. You have bestowed not only wisdom and enlightenment and courage on the world of commerce, but millions of dol- lars upon the unfortunate victims of fire and flood and fever. You have been the promoters of good fortune, and the com- forters of misfortune. I wish that the people of this land could understand how much true and loyal patriotism, how much disinterested devotion to the highest interests of the country, are found among just such men as compose the Cham- ber of Commerce of the State of New York." The Right Honorable Lord Herschell, formerly Lord Chan- cellor of England, who was in the United States as president of the Joint High Commission that was negotiating a settle- ment of the Alaska boundary question, was the guest of honor in 1898. In his speech, which was heard with pleasure, Lord Herschell said that there was to him a peculiar interest in the fact that he, who had had the honor to fill the office of Lord Chancellor, should be present as the representative of his country engaged in negotiations between Great Britain and the United States. A century and a quarter ago or more, a predecessor of his in that high office had made a most unfortu- nately foolish prediction had said, with reference to the American Colonies of that time, that if they withdraw their allegiance we shall withdraw our protection, and then they will soon be overrun by the little States of Genoa and San Marino. "I could not help thinking of those words when I re- flected that I was here negotiating with the representatives of a mighty nation of seventy millions of people who have not ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 207 been overrun by the little Republics of Genoa and San Marino, although, undoubtedly, in a sense very different from that which the speaker intended, you may have been overrun by the natives of some of the Italian towns." The shadow of President McKinley's tragic death was upon the annual banquet in 1901, and its distinguishing feature was an address by John Hay, Secretary of State. Secretary Hay began his remarks with a touchingly beautiful tribute to the dead President, saying that when the latter lay stricken at Buffalo he had asked him to take his place at the banquet. "This," said the Secretary, "I had sometimes done in his life- time, though always with diffidence and dread, but how much more am I daunted by the duty of appearing before you when that great man, loved and revered above all even while living, has put on the august halo of immortality. Who could worth- ily come into your presence as the shadow of that illustrious Shade?" Turning later to the subject of "Our Diplomacy" upon which he had been requested to speak, the Secretary alluded to those persons in whose minds diplomacy was considered "an occult science as mysterious as alchemy and as danger- ous to the morals as municipal politics," and said: "There was a time when diplomacy was a science of intrigue and falsehood, or traps and mines and countermines. The word 'machiavelic' has become an adjective in our common speech, signifying fraudulent craft and guile; but Machiavel was as honest a man as his time justified or required. The King of Spain wrote to the King of France after the massacre of St. Bartholomew congratulating him upon the splendid dissimu- lation with which that stroke of policy had been accomplished. In the last generation it was thought a remarkable advance and straightforward policy when Prince Bismarck recognized the advantage of telling the truth even at the risk of mislead- ing his adversary." Having himself been a diplomat, and a most successful one 208 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS for many years, what the Secretary had to say about diplo- matic representatives was especially interesting: "There are two important lines of human endeavor in which men are forbidden even to allude to their success affairs of the heart and diplomatic affairs. In doing so one not only commits a vulgarity which transcends all questions of taste, but makes all future success impossible. For this reason the diplomatic representatives of the government must frequently suffer in silence the most outrageous imputations upon their patriot- ism, their intelligence, and their common honesty. To justify themselves before the public they would sometimes have to place in jeopardy the interests of the nation. They must constantly adopt for themselves the motto of the French Revolutionist, 'Let my name wither rather than my country be injured.'" Finally, coming to a definition of our diplomacy, he aroused great applause by saying: "The attitude of our diplomacy may be indicated in a text of Scripture which Franklin, the first and greatest of our diplomatists, tells us passed through his mind when he was presented at the Court of Versailles. It was a text his father used to quote to him in the old candle- shop in Boston when he was a boy: ' Seest thou a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings.' Let us be diligent in our business, and we shall stand stand, you see, not crawl nor swagger stand, as a friend and equal, asking nothing, putting up with nothing but what is right and just among our peers in the great democracy of nations." President Roosevelt was invited to attend the annual ban- quet in 1902, but was unable to accept. In a letter of regret he paid this tribute to the Chamber and its influence in the land: The Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York occupies a unique position. It is distinguished not only by its long history but by the vast importance of the business interests which it repre- sents, but also for the high type of public and business morality ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 209 which it represents. I pay you no idle compliment. The record of the men you have chosen as presidents; the record of the causes with which the Chamber of Commerce has from time to time been identified; and above all the standard of business integrity which the Chamber of Commerce has consistently represented, and which it has demanded among those for whom it has in any way stood sponsor, shows the truth of what I say. It is surely unnecessary to add that no body of men can render a greater service, not only to the American business world but to the American body politic, than has thus been rendered by the Chamber of Commerce. CHAPTER XLI LORD MORLEY CHIEF GUEST OF HONOR SPEECHES BY BISHOP GREEK, GENERAL HORACE PORTER, AND JOSEPH H. CHOATE THE GUESTS AT LATER BANQUETS 1904-1915 VISCOUNT MORLEY, then plain John Morley, English states- man and man of letters of the first rank, was the chief guest of honor at the annual banquet in November, 1904. Among others were Bishop Greer, Richard Olney, and Mayor Mc- Clellan. Mr. Morley had been in the United States during the closing days of the presidential campaign and had been a close observer of proceedings in Chicago on election day, lis- tening to the returns as they were received in the evening. "I confess," he said, "it greatly impressed my imagination, and stirred me to think that in this great country within a few hours the voice of the people, right or wrong, should be so emphatically and so unmistakably ascertained. I was struck with the perfectly good temper in which the defeated party, many of whose representatives were present at that moment in Chicago, took, what to them, I am sure, was a mortifying repulse." Speaking of democracy, which the English call liberal- ism, he said: "Of course it has its drawbacks, and 1 should think other forms of government have their drawbacks, too. Does anybody dream that machine politics and corruption, if you like I do not impute it, but taking the worst view of the case does anybody suppose that those things came in with democracy? For my part, I think not, and I am sure many of you know a great deal too much history to believe any such nonsense." 210 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 211 Referring to the relations between the United States and Great Britain, he declared that he believed from the bottom of his heart that it was vital to the progress of the world, and to the civilization of mankind, that there should be union be- tween them. "Thus united," he continued, "we will fight side by side for those ideals and those questions which are common to us and common to you. You have an enormous population of all kinds and nationalities coming to this great continent of yours, but, come as they may, in time they be- come fused into American citizens, and I shall persist in be- lieving to the end of my days that the ideals and the aims the moral ideals and moral aims of the citizens of the United States and of those of my country are the same ideals and the same ends." Bishop Greer, who had been called upon to make "a few appropriate remarks," complied in a brief speech in which he related an anecdote of Bishop Clarke, of Rhode Island, who was known all over the land in his time as an incorrigible joker and joyous companion. Bishop Greer said he had been mak- ing a few appropriate remarks for several months since he had been elected a bishop and had found it a dangerous as well as a difficult business since the remarks were apt to come back again with some public comment or criticism. "I remember," he said, "that the venerable Bishop of Rhode Island, Dr. Clarke, told me that he was called upon to preach a sermon before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery of Mr. Olney's State, and he was at a loss for an appropriate text, but he found one somewhere a fragment of a verse in the Old Testament, which said, 'The ancient and honorable, he is the head.' and the next morning a Massachusetts paper, with characteristic omniscience, in reporting the sermon, quoted the rest of the verse, 'And the prophet that speaketh lies, he is the tail.'" There was a large number of distinguished guests at the an- nual banquet of 1905, including Joseph H. Choate, Ambassador 212 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS to London, and General Horace Porter, Ambassador to France, both recently retired from their posts. General Porter's speech was, as usual, partly in a humorous vein. He began it by saying that his first duty in arriving in France was " to try and soften down the conditions of the inspection of Ameri- can pork and the interpretation of the copyright law. I think probably I did render some little service to those two important products of the pen." Speaking of his experiences, he made this interesting contribution to history: "Among many agree- able things that occurred in the pleasant land of France, one thing touched me deeply. There was a profound sentiment in it. When our Commissioners came to Paris, and by their treaty ended the war with Spain, they signed that Treaty of Peace of Paris upon that same table upon which Benjamin Franklin and his colleagues at the close of the Revolution signed the first Treaty of Paris, also a treaty of peace, so that our two memorable diplomatic transactions abroad occurred in Paris, and each bore upon it the sign manual of peace." Mr. Choate spoke in his customary graceful and happy vein and in closing his speech said of the Chamber of Com- merce that it should be called " Chamber of Peace, Chamber of Conciliation not only between this nation and the nation from which we sprang, but with all the nations of the world." That, he added, had been its mission, "gloriously fulfilled" for one hundred and thirty-seven years four generations of men. "For all time it has done what in it lay to promote the commerce, and necessarily with the commerce to promote and advance the peace of the world. Peace is inseparable from commerce, and commerce fails the moment that peace fails. I know not how you regard the career of this Chamber, but it does seem to me that it is one of those bodies that reflect ever new and growing credit upon the city and the country, of which it is a noble representative." Continuing, he made a prediction which the present writer of the Chamber's century and a half of history has found to ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 213 be true to the letter by careful examination of its records: "I think it would bear investigation by any Legislature, by any committee, by any examining counsel under calcium light, who might probe to the bottom the facts of its history from its beginning until now, and not one flaw in its record be dis- covered. I hope that the history of this Chamber of Com- merce, for this last one hundred and thirty-seven years, will some time be fully written. There will not be found a single blemish upon it. There will be nothing but devotion to the prosperity and the welfare of the City, the State, and the Nation." Between 1906 and the outbreak of the European War in 1914, each annual banquet had among its distinguished guests one or more of the diplomatic representatives of foreign govern- ments. In 1906 Sir Mortimer Durand, the British Ambassa- dor, and the German Ambassador were present; in 1907, J. J. Jusserand, the French Ambassador, and Baron Rosen, the Russian Ambassador; in 1908, James Bryce, the British Ambassador, and Lord Northcliffe; in 1909, Mr. Bryce, and the German Ambassador, who a few years later was given his passport by President Wilson. Among other guests during this period were Senator Lodge, Senator Root, Thomas A. Edison, Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia Uni- versity; Governor Dix, Mayor Gaynor, Mr. Carnegie, and James M. Beck. For the first time since 1873, the annual banquet was omitted in 1914 on account of the outbreak of the European War, and it was suggested that the members send the usual charge of $20 for a ticket to the Red Cross which resulted in a contribu- tion of $3,615 to that organization. The dinner was given as usual in 1915, and among the guests of honor were Secretary Redfield of President Wilson's Cabinet; Bishop Greer, and President Butler of Columbia University. The President of the Chamber, Seth Low, presided and in explanation of the resumption of the dinner custom said: "We have come to see 214 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS that it is in the interest of all men that the normal life of the world should be maintained, wherever possible, outside of the war zone." In his address, Mr. Low related an anecdote of Lincoln which is of historic value. He gave it on the per- sonal authority of General Scofield, whom it concerned. In the early days of the Civil War General Fremont, who com- manded the Department of Missouri, undertook to emancipate the slaves within that department. It was necessary for President Lincoln to remind him that action of that character belonged to the civil power. As a result, Fremont sent in his resignation. Lincoln then sent for General Scofield, and said to him in substance this: "General Scofield, I am about to send you to the hardest post in the country, because there public opinion is sharply divided. If one side praises you and the other side blames you, I do not know on which side I shall be found. That will depend upon circumstances. But if both sides praise you, or if both sides blame you, you may count on me to my dying day." Two members of President Wilson's Cabinet, Secretary Lane, of the Interior Department, and Mr. Gregory, the At- torney-General, were present at the annual banquet of 1916, but neither of them made a speech. Other guests were Mayor Mitchel, Elihu Root, General Leonard Wood, and Thomas A. Edison. CHAPTER XLII FORMAL RECEPTIONS FOREIGN VISITORS OF MANY NATIONALITIES THUS HONORED ALSO EMINENT AMERICANS 1893-1918 FROM time to time during more recent years the Chamber has given formal receptions to distinguished visitors from other lands and also to eminent Americans who have per- formed public service of high value either at home or abroad. In 1893, during the celebration of the centennial of the dis- covery of America by Columbus, it subscribed twenty-seven thousand dollars for a grand reception at the Waldorf to the Duke of Veragua and other descendants of Columbus, for which five thousand invitations were issued. Receptions have been held in the Great Hall of the building since its com- pletion and have been attended by notable gatherings of lead- ing citizens. Representatives of many foreign countries have been thus honored. Among them were Prince Louis of Batten- berg, rear-admiral commanding His Majesty's second cruiser squadron and the officers of the fleet when it was in the har- bor in March, 1905; the admirals and officers of the foreign fleets attending the Hudson-Fulton celebration in 1909, and the Japanese Commissioners to the Alaska- Yukon Exposition in the same year; the French delegates who brought from France, in 1912, the bas-relief by Rodin to be placed on the Champlain monument, when addresses were made by the French Ambassador, M. Jusserand, Gabriel Hanotaux, and Comte de Chambrun; the Imperial Japanese diplomatic War Mission to this country in October, 1917, and the Special Finance Commission from the same country in November 215 2i6 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS following; and the Chinese Military and Naval Mission on January 3, 1918. When Mr. Choate and General Horace Porter returned from their respective ambassadorships in London and France, in 1905, a joint reception, followed by a luncheon, was given them on October 17, which was attended by a large and dis- tinguished assemblage. Mr. Choate made one of his happiest speeches, describing his experiences abroad, in which he said that he had enjoyed immensely every day of his residence there. A reception followed by a luncheon was given also to Elihu Root and the members of the commission that President Wilson sent to Russia, on their return from that country in August, 1917, and like honor was paid to James W. Gerard, former Ambassador to Germany, in March of the same year. In October, 1915, the Anglo-French Finance Commission that came to the United States to negotiate the first war loan to the Allies, accepted an invitation to attend a session in the Chamber. The Earl of Reading, G.C.B., Lord Chief Justice of England, representing the English members of the commission, and M. Octave Homberg, representing the French members, made brief speeches expressing thanks for the privilege of being present and for the support given by the Chamber to their mission. One of the most notable of the receptions was that given to the British War Commission on May 12, 1917. There were twenty-three members of the commission, with the Right Honorable Arthur James Balfour at its head. A large number of distinguished guests, including Sir Cecil Spring- Rice, the British Ambassador to the United States, were invited to meet them. E. H. Outerbridge, President of the Chamber, welcomed the commission, saying that the gathering was in celebration of the fact that "we have struck hands to fight, with them, in the greatest war that the world has ever known," adding: "I venture to think that the his- ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 217 torians of the future will record, and the generations to come will agree, that the event we celebrate to-day, the joining together of these two great nations in this war, will have been fraught with vaster consequences and will have resulted in greater benefits to mankind than all the achievements of the hundred years of peace." Mr. Balfour's speech on this occasion was accounted the most eloquent and impressive of the many he made during his stay in the country. A few extracts are appended: Mr. President, I have had as the dream of my life a hope that before I died the union between the English-speaking, freedom- loving branches of the human race should be drawn far closer than in the past and that all temporary causes of difference which may ever have separated two great peoples would be seen in their true and just proportions; and that we should all realize, on whatever side of the Atlantic fortune has placed us, that the things wherein we have differed in the past sink into absolute insignificance com- pared with those vital agreements which at all times, but never at such a time as the present, unite us in one great spiritual whole. You incidentally mentioned, Mr. President, that this very body which I am addressing date the origin of their Society to the year, I think you said, 1768. Is not that characteristic and symbolic of what happens on both sides of the Atlantic? We strike our roots into a distant past. We have known how, through revolu- tions, in spite of revolutions, sometimes because of revolutions, to weld the past and the present into one organic whole; and here, in a country which calls itself and is, in one sense, a new country I everywhere see signs of those roots which draw their nourish- ment and their strength from epochs far removed from us, and when I talk to those who are born and bred under the American flag, who have absorbed all their political ideas from American in- stitutions I feel, that I am speaking to those brought up, as it were, under one influence, in one house, under one set of educa- tional conditions. I believe that on this side of the Atlantic, and I hope on the other side of the Atlantic, when these great problems have actively to be dealt with, it will not be beyond the reach of your statesmanship or of our own, to deal with them in such a manner that we cannot 218 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS merely look back upon this great war as the beginning of a time of improved international relations, of settled peace, of deliberate refusal to pour out oceans of blood to satisfy some notion of domina- tion; but that in addition to those blessings the war and what happens after the war may prove to be the beginning of a revivified civilization which will be felt in all departments of human activity, which will not merely touch the material but also the spiritual side of human nature, and which will make the second decade of the twentieth century memorable in the history of mankind. At a luncheon which was served later in the library of the Chamber's building, Mr. Balfour made a further brief speech in which he said: "I shall tell them (in England) that this great Republic is not only warmly, but passionately, engaged on the side of the Allies. From the very beginning of this great struggle, there has been the profoundest sympathy for us from every one in this country who had the imagination to grasp what was going on. Since August i, 1914, the fight has been for the highest spiritual advantages of mankind, and without a petty thought or ambition." Mr. Choate, following Mr. Balfour, in a few words of warm appreciation of the courtesies extended to the British Com- mission, said that once while he was in London and calling on Lord Salisbury he looked through a window in the park and exclaimed: "What a shame!" Lord Salisbury sprang to his feet and asked what he was referring to, and Mr. Choate re- plied: "Look at those tramps lying on the grass in that beautiful park, which should be devoted to little children and their nurses and to ladies and others who would more properly fit the surroundings." "Well," said Lord Salis- bury, "the men are tired. What would you have them do?" "Why," said Mr. Choate, "in New York we would not stand that for a moment." "What would you do in New York?" inquired Lord Salisbury. Mr. Choate said: "A policeman would order them to move on, and if they did not do so they would be locked up." Lord Salisbury then remarked: "In ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 219 America you evidently do not know what real personal liberty is." This was the last speech that Mr. Choate ever made, for he died on May 12, 1917, two days later. An informal luncheon was tendered on November 12, 1917, by the President of the Chamber and the Executive Com- mittee, to Sir Stephenson Kent and other members of the Special Commission of the British Ministry of Munitions, then on a visit to the United States in the interest of increased industrial efficiency in the production of war supplies. Brief speeches were made by President Outerbridge and several members of the Commission. An occasion which will always be held memorable by the members of the Chamber was the reception given, on March 7, 1918, to the Most Reverend Cosmo Gordon Lang, Lord Archbishop of York, Primate of England. The Archbishop had arrived recently in the country for a visit of seven weeks in response to the invitation of the War Council of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church of the United States. The object of his visit, as stated by himself, was to emphasize the impor- tance which the help of America had been to the Allied Cause, and to appeal to Americans to strengthen and keep strong their great contribution. He made a tour of the principal cities, preaching in churches and addressing audi- ences of various kinds. He appeared before the Chamber at its regular monthly meeting, when the Great Hall was filled to overflowing with members and invited guests. The President, E. H. Outerbridge, greeted him in a brief address in which he assured him that there had not been a time since August 4, 19 14 ; in which the great masses of the people of the United States had not admired and believed in the jus- tice and chivalry of England's cause. "Now that we see clearly shining," he continued, "the pure ideals and princi- ples upon which our fathers founded this nation, and which we are bound to hand down to posterity iinimpaired; now 220 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS that we have joined hands with England to fight for the sal- vation of the world, we shall not let go until we have achieved the victory or until death do us part." In concluding, Mr. Outerbridge, in the name of the Cham- ber, welcomed the Archbishop, first, for what he had been and what he had done "in leading men onward and upward in their paths through life"; second, as "a most distinguished representative of that nation with which we are now allied"; and, third, because "we feel that your presence here at this time is a benediction upon what we have done in the past and an inspiration and strengthening of our hope and courage for what we have to face in the future." The address of the Archbishop, distinguished by deep feel- ing, intense earnestness, and great charm of delivery, fairly held his audience spellbound. He spoke of the persons pres- ent as "those who are here controlling the power-house of this great nation," and said that, considering all the circum- stances, he must needs regard the occasion as one of the greatest honors of his life. "I doubt very much," he added, "whether there is any Chamber of Commerce in the world which would have expected its President to speak as yours has done, and which would have shown its capacity to rise to the vision and the ideals which he put before you. I have always said across the ocean, and have abundant rea- son to repeat it here, that what seems to me the great strength of this people and the great strength that it is bringing into our common cause, is its singular combination of high ideal- ism with a resolute and determined practical energy. And I think what has moved me to-day almost more than any- thing else is that I should feel in the midst of a number of men daily concerned with the most practical necessities and operations of business, this radiating and instantaneous re- sponse to the appeal of a high ideal." After speaking of what the war was costing England in life and treasure, the work that England was doing in manufac- ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 221 turing munitions and material with which to carry on the war, and the enormous advances England had made to its allies, he said, in regard to the aid that the United States might give: "You will, I know, do your utmost; because I realize the force of public opinion in America, upon the ad- ministration in America, which such a body as this repre- sents. You will do your best to see that nothing blocks the way of the real desire of the American people to get this thing done and this help rendered." In closing, the Archbishop profoundly moved the assem- blage by saying: "I know the tasks before us will be great and the strain will be heavy, and, therefore, with a full heart, I will avail myself of a word that left the lips of your Presi- dent at the close of his moving speech; and as one who holds an office in the service of God older than the crown of our United England, I would ask the privilege as I speak to you, by invoking upon you, Mr. President and gentlemen, in the work of this Chamber and in the struggles of these coming years, the blessing and guidance of Him upon whose will the achievement of our victory must depend." CHAPTER XLIII BROAD SCOPE OF LATER WORK REVIVAL OF AMERICAN SHIPPING RAPID TRANSIT STATE POLICE NEW WATER-SUPPLY THE range of the Chamber's activities during more recent years has broadened steadily and has included every question of importance in city, state, and national affairs. It is im- possible within the limits of this volume to take up in detail the proceedings of the Chamber in regard to all of these. A few of the more notable instances may be cited as worthy of special mention. Always interested in the revival of American shipping, the Chamber has supported every effort in that direction. It gave special attention between 1880 and 1900 to the question of ship subsidies, advocating the passage of various measures of the kind which were proposed in Congress. After war was declared by Germany in August, 1914, the Chamber took up the question of the restoration of the American Merchant Marine in foreign trade and appointed a special committee of five members to consider and report. This committee made a report at the Chamber's regular meeting on January 7, 1915, in which they disapproved the ship purchase bill which was pending in Congress and submitted a constructive plan of their own. The report was adopted, after a full discussion in several successive meetings, and the suggested substitute plan was approved, but the matter was not pressed further because of the creation of the Federal Shipping Board. After the control of rapid-transit problems was transferred to the Public Service Commission, the Chamber continued 222 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 223 to take interest in them and to give expression to its views when occasion arose for it to do so. When Mr. Gaynor was Mayor of the city he asked the Chamber for a formal expres- sion of its opinions and suggestions, and the result was an elaborate report from the Chamber's special committee on the subject which was an exhaustive discussion of all aspects of the problem, containing suggestions of great value, many of which were subsequently adopted. Special reports, of which many were published in pamphlet form, were made on such subjects of pressing interest as Forest Preservation; Municipal and State Taxation; Inter- national Peace and Arbitration; a Permanent Tariff Com- mission; National Guard and Naval Militia; Workmen's Com- pensation; Conservation of Water and Lands; Diplomatic and Consular Efficiency; State Roads; Railroad Labor Arbi- tration; Income Tax Collection Methods; Improved Postal Facilities; Barge Canal Construction; Height of Buildings; State Constabulary; Social Insurance; Waterfront and Har- bor Improvements, and general city and state legislation. Concerning many of these topics, successive sessions of the Chamber were given up largely to discussions in which ex- pert authorities, present by invitation, took part. This was the case in regard to State-road improvement and canal en- largement, National Guard and Naval Militia, and taxation in various forms. When the Federal Reserve bank measure was first introduced in Congress, the Chamber came early to its support. At a special meeting on October 20, 1913, the Com- mittee on Finance and Currency made an elaborate report containing a careful study of the bill, and recommended the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That if the pending measure be amended so as to con- form in fundamental principles and administration to the approved practices of world banking in security and flexibility, we urge upon the management of National Banks a broad and unselfish view and a hearty co-operation, believing that any temporary in- 224 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS convenience arising from changed methods will be far more than compensated by advantages which will flow from a sound banking and currency system that will benefit the commerce of the whole country. Copies of the report, with the Chamber's approval, were sent to the President and members of both houses of Con- gress. The Chamber's action was warmly commended by the press as the important action of the "greatest commercial body in the country," and hence calculated to have powerful influence at Washington. Full discussion was given also to the various antitrust measures proposed, and action was taken in favor of enlarging the membership of the Interstate Commerce Commission. When Philippine independence was proposed in 1916 the Chamber adopted a report by its Committee on Foreign Com- merce and Revenue Laws, together with this resolution: Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York deprecates any legislation which may tend to check the progress or unsettle the conditions under which the Philippine people have been advancing during the past seventeen years of American sovereignty; and, that it is the sense of this Chamber that our national obligations to this people require us to continue in the original relation of responsible trusteeship until they have attained a much larger measure of experience in self-government than has yet been achieved on their part. Early in 1914 the Chamber took a strong position in favor of a State constabulary or police force, adopting a resolution in favor of its creation by the Legislature on the ground that it "would not only to a great extent relieve the National Guard and Naval Militia from guarding property in case of strikes and other labor troubles, but would also more effectively protect the public, particularly in the rural districts." The Chamber continued its advocacy of the question steadily for several years, laying special stress upon it after the country had become involved in the European War. Through the WALL STREET AT THE CLOSE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. From an original water-color by Marry Fenn, reproduced by courtesy of Mr. John I. Waterbury. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS 225 efforts of the President of the Chamber, Governor Whitman was persuaded to give his support to a measure which was pending in the Legislature establishing such a force, and representatives of the Chamber were sent to Albany to attend hearings upon it. When General Leonard Wood addressed the Chamber on the subject of national military preparedness, in April, 1916, he stated emphatically that a State police would aid the work of military preparedness, saying that it would relieve the militia from strike and riot duty, would give a small and highly trained and very efficient force capable of meeting all the ordinary demands of the State, and would tend to economy and efficiency. A resolu- tion was adopted by the Chamber in March, 1917, asking all the members to write to their representatives in the Senate and Assembly, urging them to support the bill, and in the fol- lowing month it became a law. A work of great importance to the city and the State was the construction of the Catskill Water Supply System. In the inception of this work, as well as in its execution, the Chamber bore a conspicuous part. Mayor McClellan recog- nized the value of its services by asking it to submit a list of names from which he could appoint one of the three commis- sioners that were authorized under the bill, which he pre- sented to the Legislature in 1905, providing for the construc- tion of the system. He made a similar request of two other organizations the Manufacturers' Association of Brooklyn, and the Board of Fire Underwriters of New York. In the bill as presented such appointment was directed, but the Legislature struck out the provision as unconstitutional. To the lasting credit of Mayor McClellan, it is to be recorded that he carried out the purpose to the letter, thereby placing this enormous task, involving the expenditure of millions of the public money, in the hands of men who had the ability and character necessary to execute it in the best possible manner, free from the taint of jobbery and graft in any 226 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS form. The Mayor selected from the list submitted by the Chamber of Commerce, J. Edwards Simmons; from that by the Manufacturers' Association, Charles N. Chadwick, also a member of the Chamber; and by the Fire Underwriters, Charles A. Shaw. Mr. Simmons was elected president of the commission and resigned in January, 1908, when John A. Bensel, a member of the Chamber, was appointed by Mayor McClellan in his place and was elected president of the com- mission. Mr. Bensel resigned at the close of 1910 and Mr. Shaw resigned in January, 1911. Their places were filled by Charles Strauss and John F. Galvin. Mr. Chadwick by his untiring devotion to the work justly earned the title of "Father" of the great enterprise, which, to quote the verdict of the Chamber, "was brought to a successful conclusion by the foresight, vision, administrative ability and engineering skill of those who first conceived it." The Chronicle closes with the nation fighting side by side with its European allies in the most stupendous struggle for human freedom that the world has ever known. In this crisis, the Chamber, true to its traditions, places patriotism above all other considerations and makes whole-hearted sup- port of the National Government its first duty, subordinating all others to it. It thus follows hi the footsteps of the founders and proves itself steadfast in the faith which was their in- spiration a century and a half ago. APPENDIX FOUNDING OF THE CHAMBER Whereas, mercantile societies have been found very useful in trading cities for promoting and encouraging commerce, support- ing industry, adjusting disputes relative to trade and navigation, and procuring such laws and regulations as may be found necessary for the benefit of trade in general; For which purpose, and to establish such a society in the city of New York, the following persons convened on the first Tuesday in, and being the 5th day of, April, 1768: John Cruger, Thomas White, Elias Desbrosses, Miles Sherbrooke, James Jauncey, Walter Franklin, Jacob Walton, Robert Ross Waddle, Robert Murray, Acheson Thompson, Hugh Wallace, Lawrence Kortright, George Folliot, Thomas Randal, William Walton, William McAdam, Samuel Verplanck, Isaac Low, Theophylact Bache, Anthony Van Dam. Who agreed that the said Society of Merchants should consist of A President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and such a number of merchants as already, or hereafter may be- come members thereof, to be called and known by the name of THE NEW YORK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The Members present unanimously chose the following Gentle- men their officers for this year, to commence the first Tuesday in May next: 229 230 APPENDIX John Cruger, President, Hugh Wallace, Vice-President, Elias Desbrosses, Treasurer, Anthony Van Dam, Secretary. Then the following resolutions, being read, were agreed to. That the members of the Chamber of Commerce shall meet the first Tuesday in every month, to transact such business as may come before them; and establish such rules for the order and good government of the Society as they may think proper and find necessary. That the first Tuesday in May, August, November, and February in every year are declared to be the Grand Quarterly Meetings, at which times the accounts of the Chamber are to be settled, and any new members who desire it and are chosen by ballot are to be ad- mitted. The officers of said Chamber of Commerce to be chosen yearly by ballot on the first Tuesday in May, and to continue for one year. Every member of the Society who now is or hereafter may be admitted into the same, shall pay unto the Treasurer for the use of the said Chamber of Commerce five Spanish dollars on his ad- mission, and shall also pay unto the said Treasurer for the afore- said use the further sum of one Spanish dollar on each of the four quarterly days before mentioned, and such members shall faith- fully and truly keep, obey, and conform to all rules and regulations made and entered into by said Chamber of Commerce, which are to be entered into the Books of the said Society to be kept for that purpose, on pain of being dismissed the said Chamber of Commerce, and having his or their names struck off the list. Any merchant choosing to become a member of this Chamber of Commerce must give in his name to the President for the time being on the first Tuesday in the month preceding the Quarterly meeting, and the person proposed is to be balloted for, and if three nays appear he cannot be admitted during the government of the President in whose year he was so refused, but may be proposed the succeeding or any year after, and if not again opposed by three nays then to be admitted, but if any person is three times refused, he is never to be admitted. A proper room for the meeting of the members of the Chamber of Commerce is to be provided at the expense of the members so APPENDIX 231 that it doth not exceed one shilling per man, which each person is to pay to the Treasurer at their respective meetings. The members of the -Chamber of Commerce doth agree that the Treasurer shall provide for their use a strong chest, wherein shall be deposited their cash, books, and papers, which is to have three different good locks and keys one key to be kept by the President, one by the Treasurer, and the third by the Secretary; the chest for the present to be kept at the Treasurer's. No business to be done by the said Chamber of Commerce un- less there be twenty-one members present, of which the President or Vice-President to be always one (unless by committees to be appointed for particular purposes), the meeting on the first Tuesday in May next only excepted, when thirteen or more members may do business, and everything proposed or transacted to be by vote of the members present, and the opinion of the majority of votes to be conclusive and binding on the members, except in admitting new members, which is to be done as is hereinbefore directed. The President, with the advice of the members of the Chamber, is to appoint the place of meeting, nothing to be done but by appli- cation to him, who is to examine and sign the Treasurer's accounts, and in general to superintend all the Society's affairs. The Vice-President in the absence of the President to have the same power and authority as if the President was personally pres- ent, who is to keep the President's key when absent. The Treasurer to provide a proper book, at the expense of the said Chamber, for keeping the receipt of all money paid to him, and all money laid out by him for the use of the said Society, which are to be fairly entered at the meetings held from time to time, and which are to be audited on the first Tuesday in May in every year, and signed by the auditors to be appointed for that purpose, when he is to deliver over the cash remaining in hand, books, and his key to the Treasurer elected, or in the absence of the Treasurer so elected, then to the President, or in his absence to the Vice-President. The Secretary is to keep a fair register of all proceedings, orders, rules, and regulations of the said Chamber of Commerce, which are to be entered in a proper book to be provided for that purpose at the expense of the said Society. In the absence of the Secretary, the President to appoint one of the members to officiate in his place for the time being, to whom, by a written order from the President, the Secretary is to deliver his key. 232 APPENDIX Every member not attending the monthly meeting, to forfeit and pay to the Treasurer two shillings, and such who do not attend the quarterly meeting, to pay four shillings for non-attendance, unless some cause, judged reasonable by the Society, is admitted by them as sufficient. Sickness, and being absent at least six miles from the city, to be always allowed sufficient reasons for non- attendance. The President is to appoint a proper person, to be approved of by the Society, as their Doorkeeper and Messenger, who is to be paid by the Treasurer such sums as may be hereafter directed by the President for his services. It is agreed that no new rules, regulations, or orders for the government of this Society shall be made, unless proposed at a preceding meeting, that there may be time for the general sense of the Society to be known. The President, or in his absence, the Vice-President, hath power on any emergency to call a meeting of the said Chamber, and all meetings to be at six o'clock in the evening of every day that their attendance may be required. The following gentlemen, who are of the Society, not being pres- ent, assented to the same: John Alsop, Philip Livingston, Henry White, James McEvers. ORIGINAL CHARTER CHARTER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK GEORGE THE THIRD, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: WHEREAS, a great number of merchants in our City of New Recites that York, in America, have, by voluntary agreement, associated them- had petitioned selves for the laudable purpose of promoting the trade and com- merce of our said province; and whereas, JOHN CRUGER, Esq., the present President of the said Society, by his humble petition presented in behalf of the said Society, to our trusty and well- beloved CADWALLADER GOLDEN, Esq., our Lieutenant-Governor and Commander-in-Chief of our said Province of New York, and the territories depending thereon in America, and read in our Council for our said Province, on the twenty-eighth day of Febru- the asth Feb- ary, last past, hath represented to our said Lieutenant-Governor, ruaiy ' that the said Society (sensible that numberless inestimable benefits have accrued to mankind from commerce; that they are, in pro- portion to their greater or lesser application to it, more or less opulent and potent in all countries; and that the enlargement of trade will vastly increase the value of real estates, as well as the general opulence of our said colony) have associated together for some time past, in order to carry into execution among them- selves, and by their example to promote in others, such measures as were beneficial to those salutary purposes; and that the said Society having, with great pleasure and satisfaction, experienced the good effects which the few regulations already adopted had produced, were very desirous of rendering them more extensively useful and permanent and more adequate to the purposes of so benevolent an institution; and therefore the petitioner, in behalf of the said Society, most humbly prayed our said Lieutenant- 233 234 APPENDIX to incorporate Governor to incorporate them a body politic, and to invest them with such powers and authorities as might be thought most con- ducive to answer and promote the commercial and, consequently, the landed interests of our said growing colony; which petition being read as aforesaid, was then and there referred to a Committee of our said Council, and afterwards, on the same day, our said Council, in pursuance of the report of the said Committee, did humbly advise and consent, that our said Lieutenant-Governor, by our letters patent, should constitute and appoint the petitioner, and the present members of the said Society, a body corporate by the name and politic, by the name of "THE CORPORATION or THE CHAMBER ^Sfofthe OF COMMERCE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, IN AMERICA," agreeable comSerVe in to tne P ra Y er f the said petition: Therefore, we being willing to the city of further the laudable designs of our said loving subjects, and to New York, in .... , , J America." give stability to an institution from whence great advantages may arise, as well as to our kingdom of Great Britain as to our said province, KNOW YE, That of our special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion, we have willed, ordained, given, granted, consti- tuted and appointed, and by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, do will, ordain, give, grant, constitute, and appoint, that the present members of the said Society, associated for the purpose aforesaid, that is to say, JOHN CRUGER, ELIAS DESBROSSES, JAMES JAUNCEY, JACOB WALTON, ROBERT MURRAY, HUGH WAL- LACE, GEORGE FOLLIOT, WM. WALTON, JOHN ALSOP, HENRY WHITE, PHILIP LIVINGSTON, SAMUEL VERPLANCK, THEOPHYLACT BACHE, THOMAS WHITE, MILES SHERBROOKE, WALTER FRANKLIN, ROBERT Ross WADDELL, ACHERSON THOMPSON, LAWRENCE CORTWRIGHT, THOMAS RANDAL, WILLIAM M'ADAM, ISAAC Low, ANTHONY VAN DAM, ROBERT WATTS, JOHN HARRIS CRUGER, GERARD WALTON, ISAAC SEARS, JACOBUS VAN ZANDT, CHARLES M'EVERS, JOHN MOORE, LEWIS PINTARD, LEVINUS CLARKSON, NICHOLAS GOUVER- NEUR, RICHARD YATES, THOMAS MARSTON, PETER HASSENCLIVER, ALEXANDER WALLACE, GABRIEL H. LUDLOW, THOMAS BUCHANNAN, WM. NEILSON, SAMPSON SIMPSON, PETER KETTLETAS, GERARD W. BEEKMAN, JACOB WATSON, RICHARD SHARPE, PETER REMSEN, HENRY REMSEN, junior, WILLIAM SETON, EDW. LAIGHT, JOHN READE, ROBERT ALEXANDER, THOMAS W. MOORE, ABRAHAM LYNSON, ISAAC ROOSEVELT, NICHOLAS HOFFMAN, HAMILTON YOUNG, THOMAS WALTON, JOHN THURMAN, JOHN WEATHERHEAD, APPENDIX 235 GARRIT RAPELYE, GERARD DUYCKINCK, WILLIAM STEPPLE, WIL- LIAM IMLAY, AUGUSTUS VAN HORNE, HENRY C. BOGERT, GEORGE W. LUDLOW, JOSEPH BULL, LEONARD LISPENARD, THOMAS MILLER, JAS. BEEKMAN, SAMUEL KEMBLE, ALEXANDER M 'DONALD and SAMUEL BAYARD, jun., all of our City of New York, in our said province of New York, merchants, and their successors, to be elected by virtue of this our present Charter, shall for ever here- after be one body corporate and politic in deed, fact and name, by the name and style, "THE CORPORATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, IN AMERICA," and them and their successors, by the same name, we do by these presents really and fully make, erect, create, constitute and declare one body politic and corporate, in deed, fact and name for ever; and will give, grant, and ordain, that they and their successors, the Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of New York, in America, by the same name, shall and may have perpetual TO ha , , ,, , i_ .1 petual succes- succession, and shall and may by the same name, be persons capa- sion. ble in the law to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer TO sue and and be answered, defend and be defended, in all courts and else- manner of ac- where, in all manner of actions, suits, complaints, pleas, causes, tions- matters and demands whatsoever, as fully and ample as any other of our liege subjects of our said province of New York may or can sue or be sued, implead or be impleaded, defend or be defended, by any lawful ways or means whatsoever; and that they and their May be ca- , . , , , . r " pable in law to successors by the same name, shall be for ever hereafter persons purchase and capable and able hi the law to purchase, take, receive, hold and tate. y real e enjoy to them and their successors, any messuages, tenements, houses and real estates whatsoever, and all other hereditaments of whatsoever nature, kind and quality they may be, in fee simple, for term of life or lives, or in any other manner howsoever, and also any goods, chattels or personal estate whatsoever, as well for en- abling them the better to carry into execution, encourage and pro- mote, by just and lawful ways and means, such measures as will tend to promote and extend just and lawful commerce, as to provide TO promote for, aid and assist, at their discretion, such members of our said com mere e. Corporation as may hereafter be reduced to poverty, and their widows and children; Provided always, the clear yearly value of the said real estate doth not at any time exceed the sum of three Provided t t t i 1^1 c TT' t n their clear thousand pounds sterling, lawful money of our Kingdom of Great yearly income Britain. And that our said Corporation of the Chamber of Com- C eedj;3,oo X o merce in the City of New York, in America, and their successors for 8ter1 ' per ann ' 236 APPENDIX p o w e r t o ever, by the same name, shall and may have full power and author- oPred "estate! ity to give, grant, sell, lease, demise and dispose of the same real &c - estate and hereditaments whatsoever, for life, or lives, or years, or for ever; and all goods, chattels and personal estates what- soever at their will and pleasure, according as they shall judge to be most beneficial and advantageous to the good ends and purposes And have a aforementioned. And that it shall and may be lawful for them and wwcmay e be their successors for ever hereafter, to have a common seal, to serve altered. f or ^g causes an( i business of them and their successors, and the same seal to change, alter, break and make new from time to time at their pleasure. And also that they and their successors, by the same name, shall and may have full power and authority to erect and build out of their common funds, or by any other ways or means, May build for the use of the Corporation hereby erected, any house, houses or houses. 011 * ' r other buildings, as they shall think necessary and convenient. And for the better carrying into execution the purposes aforesaid, our royal will and pleasure is, and we do hereby give and grant to the Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of New York, in America, and their successors for ever, that there shall be For ever to for ever hereafter belonging to the said Corporation, one President, have one Presi- , T . _ P. 6 ^ - ... _. . , r _, dent, one or one or more Vice-President or Vice-Presidents, one or more Trea- President s~ surer or Treasurers, and one Secretary; and for the more immediate Trea'sur'ersl carrying into execution our royal will and pleasure herein, we do andoneSecre- hereby assign, constitute and appoint the above named JOHN CRUGER, Esq., to be the present President; the above named HUGH Appointment WALLACE to be the present Vice-President; the above named Lq ,' prelY- ELLAS DESBROSSES to be the present Treasurer, and the above named ANTHONY VAN DAM to be the present Secretary of our Eiias d Des- ^^ Corporation hereby erected, who shall hold, possess and enjoy bses. Trea- their said respective offices until the first Tuesday in May now surer; Anthony .,,, . .., . , . Van Dam, Sec- next ensuing; and for keeping up the succession in the said offices, our royal will and pleasure is, and we do hereby for us, our heirs and successors, establish, direct and require, and give and grant to the said Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of New York, in America, and their successors for ever, that on the On the first said first Tuesday in May now next ensuing, [and for the keeping May 8 in a every up the succession in the said office, our royal will and pleasure is, a^'choose'of* an d we d hereby for us, our heirs and successors, establish, direct ficere - and require, and give and grant to the said Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of New York, in America, and their successors for ever, that on the said first Tuesday in May now APPENDIX 237 next ensuing,] and yearly, and every year for ever thereafter, on the first Tuesday in May in every year, they and their successors shall meet at some convenient place in our said City of New York, to be fixed and ascertained by some of the by-laws and regulations of our said Corporation, and there, by the majority of such of them as shall so meet, shall by ballot or in such other manner and form as shall be regulated by the by-laws or regulations of our said Corporation, elect or choose one President, one or more Vice-Presi- And elect one dent or Vice-Presidents, one or more Treasurer or Treasurers, and or'more Vice- one Secretary, to serve hi the said offices for the ensuing year, who shall immediately enter upon their respective offices, and hold, exercise and enjoy the same respectively from the time of such elec- tion, for and during the space of one year, and until other fit per- And until 'v 11U i ^ *.- JT other fit p* 51 - sons shall be elected and chosen in their respective places, according sons be chosen. to the laws and regulations aforesaid. And in case any of the said persons by these presents nominated and appointed to the respec- in case any tive offices aforesaid, or who shall hereafter be elected and chosen thereto respectively, shall die, or on any account be removed from such offices respectively before the time of their respective appointed services shall be expired, or refuse or neglect to act in and execute the office for which he or they shall be so elected and chosen, or is others may be elected, i or are herein nominated or appointed, that then, and in any and every such case, it shall and may be lawful for the members of our said body corporate hereby erected to meet at such time and times, and at such place and places within our said City of New York, and upon such notices and summons as shall for that purpose be upon notice established and directed by the by-laws or regulations of our said g body corporate, and there, by the majority of such of them as shall by a majority so meet, elect and choose other or others to the said offices respec- tively hi the place of him or them so dying, removing, neglecting or refusing to act in manner and form, and after the same method to be observed in the annual elections of the like officers respectively, by virtue of these our letters patent, and the said by-laws or regula- tions of our said Corporation, hereby giving and granting that such person or persons as shall be so elected and chosen by the majority of such of the said members as shall meet in manner aforesaid, shall who shall exer- have, hold, exercise and enjoy such the office or offices to which he ^tii th the ofl |^t or they shall be so elected and chosen, from the time of such election j^ ay foUow " until the first Tuesday in May then next ensuing, and until other or others be legally chosen in his or their place and stead, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as the person 238 APPENDIX or persons in whose place he or they shall be chosen might or could have done by virtue of these presents. And our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby for us, our heirs and successors, ordain, direct and require, that every President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary to be elected by virtue of these presents, shall, before Officers to they act in their respective offices, take an oath or affirmation to be a1fi7madon h be! to them administered by the President, or in his absence, by one de r nV or ^kel f the Vice-Presidents of the preceding year, (who are hereby authorized to administer the same,) for the faithful and due execu- charge of their tion of their respective offices during their continuance in the same respectively. And we do further, for us, our heirs and successors, give and grant to the Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of New York, in America, and their successors for ever, that besides the annual meeting of our said Corporation herein The first Tues- before directed and appointed to be held on the first Tuesday in everyyearf m May in every year, it shall and may be lawful for them, their heirs and successors, for ever hereafter, for promoting and carrying into execution the laudable intents and designs aforesaid, and for the transacting the business and concerns of our said Corporation, to meet together on the first Tuesday in every month, for ever, at such place or places in our said City of New York as shall for that purpose be established, fixed, ascertained and appointed by the by- laws and regulations of our said corporation; and that the members of our said Corporation being so met, or so many of them hi number at the least as shall by the by-laws or ordinances of our said Cor- poration be for that purpose from time to tune established, directed, The President ordained or appointed, shall, together with the President or any the a vwe-prest one of the Vice-Presidents of our said Corporation for the tune be- ing, be a legal meeting of our said Corporation; and they or the major part of them so met, shall have full power and authority meedng to a dj ourn from day to day, or for any other time, as the business of our said Corporation may require, and to do, execute and per- form all and every act and acts, thing and things whatsoever which the said Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of and transact New York, in America, are or shall by these letters patent be au- thorized to do, act or transact, in as full and ample manner as if all and every of the members of the said Corporation were pres- ent. And that at any such legal meeting of the said Corporation, they shall and may in writing, under the common seal, make, frame, constitute, establish and ordain, from time to time, and at all tunes hereafter, such laws, constitutions, ordinances, regulations and APPENDIX 239 statutes, for the better government of the officers and members of the said Corporation, for fixing and ascertaining the places of meeting of our said Corporation as aforesaid, and for regulating all other their affairs and business as they, or the major part of them so legally met, shall judge best for the general good of the said Corporation, and profitable for the more effectually promoting the beneficial designs of their institution; all which laws, constitu- tions, regulations, ordinances and statutes so to be made, framed, constituted, established and ordained as aforesaid, we will, com- mand and ordain by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, to be from time to time and at all times hereafter, kept, obeyed and and be obeyed, performed in all things as the same ought to be, on the penalties and amercements in the same to be imposed and limited, so as the same laws, constitutions, regulations and statues be reasonable go that they are in themselves, and not repugnant or contrary to the laws and stat- utes of that part of our kingdom of Great Britain called England, nor of our said province of New York. And for the keeping up and and New, York, preserving forever hereafter a succession of members for the said Corporation, our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby for us, our For the sue- heirs and successors, ordain and give and grant to the said Corpora- membera? f tion of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of New York, in America, and their successors for ever, that at any of the stated legal at statedmeet- meetings of the said Corporation, to be held on the first Tuesday hi every month for ever hereafter, but at no other meeting of our said Corporation, it shall and may be lawful for them and their suc- cessors forever, to elect and choose, in such manner and form, and to elect and upon such terms and conditions, as shall be directed, ordained and choose> established for that purpose by any of the said by-laws, statutes, constitutions or ordinances of the said Corporation, such and so many persons to be members of the said Corporation as they shall think beneficial to the laudable designs of the said Corporation; which persons, and every of them so from time to time elected and chosen, shall, by virtue of these presents and of such election, be who are to vested with all the powers, authorities and privileges which any member of the said Corporation is hereby invested with. And in case any other extraordinary meeting or meetings of the said Cor- * with - poration shall at any time or times be judged necessary for the pro- Extraordi- moting the interest and business of the said Corporation, we do n hereby for us, our heirs and successors, will, declare and ordain, that it shall and may be lawful for our said corporation to meet from time to time, at such days and times, and at such places in 240 APPENDIX to meet upon our said City of New York, and upon such notices or summons as notlce> shall for that purpose from time to time be settled, established, directed, ordained and appointed for that purpose, shall, together with the President, or one of the Vice-Presidents of the said Cor- to be legal, poration for the time being, be a legal meeting of the said Corpora- tion; and they, or the major part of them so met, shall have full power and authority to act, transact, do and perform all and singu- lar whatsoever may be transacted, done and performed at any of the hereby stated meetings aforesaid of the said Corporation, saving but not to elect and except the electing members, making laws, ordinances and kwT.oTdi^l statutes, and disposing of the real estates of the said Corporation. of real estate. ^nd our will and pleasure is, that until the same shall be otherwise regulated as aforesaid, that the meetings of the said Corporation shall be held in the great room of the building commonly called the TO be held in Exchange, situate at the lower end of the street called Broad-street, ie Exchange. . an( j ^at until the same shall be also NO act done otherwise regulated as aforesaid, that no act done in any meeting totevaUdUn* of the said Corporation shall be legal, good or valid, unless the n^fnAelTbe President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, and twenty others of the present]. members of the said Corporation at the least be present, and the major part of them consenting thereto. And we do further give and grant to the said Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of New York, in America, 'that it shall and may be law- ful for the President of the said Corporation, at all times hereafter for ever, to appoint a door-keeper, one or more messenger or mes- sengers, and all such other inferior officers as shall by him be thought necessary for the said Corporation, and to displace them, and any or every of them, at his will and pleasure. Provided, nevertheless, that no such door-keeper, messenger or other officer shall hold his or their office or offices by virtue of any such appointment longer than until the then next lawful meeting of our said Corporation, unless such person or persons so appointed shall be then approved of by the majority of such of the members of the said Corporation as shall then be met. And we do further, of our special grace, cer- tain knowledge, and mere motion, for us, our heirs and successors, grant and ordain, that when and as often as the President, or any Vice-President, Treasurer or Secretary of the said Corporation shall misdemean himself in his or their said offices respectively, and there- upon a complaint or charge in writing shall be exhibited against him or them, by any member of the said Corporation, at any legal meeting or meetings of the said Corporation, that it shall and may APPENDIX 241 be lawful for the members of the said Corporation then met, or the major part of them, from time to time, upon examination and due proof, to suspend or discharge such President, Vice-President, Treasurer or Secretary, from their offices respectively, although the yearly or other time for their respective services shall not be expired, any thing before in these presents contained to the con- trary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And further, we do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors, give and grant unto the said Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of New York, in America, and their successors for ever, that this our present Charter shall be deemed, adjudged and con- strued in all cases most favorably, and for the best benefit and ad- vantage of our said Corporation, and for promoting the good inten- tions and designs hereinbefore expressed, inducing us graciously to grant the same; and that this our present grant, being entered on record as hereinafter is expressed, or the enrolment thereof, shall be for ever hereafter good and effectual in the law, according to our true intent and meaning hereinbefore declared, without any other license, grant or confirmation from us, our heirs and suc- cessors, hereafter by the said Corporation to be had or obtained, notwithstanding the not reciting or misrecital, or not naming or misnaming of the aforesaid offices, franchises, privileges, immuni- ties or other the premises, or any of them, and although no writ of ad quo damnum, or other writs, inquisitions or precepts hath been upon this occasion had, made, issued or prosecuted, any statute, act, ordinance or provision, or other matter or thing to the con- trary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. In testimony whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and the great seal of our said province to be hereunto affixed, and the same to be entered on record in our Secretary's office, for our said province, in one of the books of patents there remaining. Witness our trusty and well-beloved CADWALLADER GOLDEN, Esquire, our Lieutenant-Governor and Commander-in-Chief of our said province of New York and the territories depending thereon, in America, by and with the advice and consent of our Council for our said province, at Fort George, in our City of New York, this thirteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy, and of our reign the tenth. m REAFFIRMED CHARTER ACT OF RE-INCORPORATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AN ACT TO REMOVE DOUBTS CONCERNING THE CORPORATION OF THE CHAM- BER OF COMMERCE, AND TO CONFIRM THE RIGHTS AND PRIVI- LEGES THEREOF. Passed the i3th April, 1784. Preamble. WHEREAS, GEORGE THE THIRD, King of Great Britain, did, on the thirteenth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and seventy, grant certain letters patent to the persons therein named, under the great seal of the then colony of New York, which said letters patent are in the words following, that is to say: (Here follows a recital of the preceding Charter.) Reciting the And whereas, SAMUEL BROOME, JEREMIAH PLATT, JOHN BROOME, Tre^pHhe BENJAMIN LEDYARD, THOMAS RANDALL, ROBERT BOWNE, DANIEL Corporation. p H (ENTX, JACOB MORRIS, ELIPHALET BRUSH, JAMES JARVIS, JOHN BLAGGE, VINER VAN ZANDT, STEPHEN SAYRE, JACOBUS VAN ZANDT, NATHANIEL HAZARD, THOMAS HAZARD, ABRAHAM P. LOTT, ABRA- HAM DURYEE, WILLIAM MALCOLM, JOHN ALSOP, ISAAC SEARS, JAMES BEEKMAN, ABRAHAM LOTT, COMFORT SANDS, JOSEPH BLACKWELL, JOSHUA SANDS, LAWRENCE EMBREE, GEORGE EM- BREE, GERARDUS DUYCKINCK, Jun., CORNELIUS RAY, ANTHONY GRIFFITHS, THOMAS TUCKER, JOHN BERRIAN, ISAAC ROOSEVELT, JOHN FRANKLIN, JOHN H. KIP, HENRY H. KIP, ARCHIBALD CUR- RIE, DAVID CURRIE, and JONATHAN LAWRENCE, all of the said city, merchants, have by their humble petition set forth, that the said letters patent, and the powers and privileges exercised and en- joyed under the same, have greatly promoted the commercial in- terests of this State, and that great and daily inconveniences and injury are suffered by the suspension thereof, and have prayed that the said letters patent, with all and singular the powers and 242 APPENDIX 243 franchises therein contained, may be revived, confirmed and established: 1. Be it therefore enacted by the people of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the said letters patent, and all and singu- lar the powers, rights, privileges, franchises and immunities therein and thereby granted, shall be, and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed; and the said letters patent, and all and every other former rights, privileges, franchises and immunities therein and thereby granted, shall be and remain in full force and efficacy, notwithstanding any non-user or mis-user of any of the said powers, rights, privileges, franchises and immunities heretofore had, com- mitted, done or suffered, between the nineteenth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, and the day of the passing of this Act. And the said SAMUEL BROOME, JEREMIAH PLATT, JOHN BROOME, BENJAMIN LEDYARD, THOMAS RANDALL, ROBERT BOWNE, DANIEL PHCENLX, JACOB MORRIS, ELIPHALET BRUSH, JAMES JARVIS, JOHN BLAGGE, VINER VAN ZANDT, STEPHEN SAYRE, JACOBUS VAN ZANDT, NATHANIEL HAZARD, THOMAS HAZARD, ABRAHAM P. LOTT, ABRAHAM DURYEE, WILLIAM MAL- COLM, JOHN ALSOP, ISAAC SEARS, JAMES BEEKMAN, ABRAHAM LOTT, COMFORT SANDS, JOSEPH BLACKWELL, JOSHUA SANDS, LAW- RENCE EMBREE, GEORGE EMBREE, GERARDUS DUYCKINCK, Jr., CORNELIUS RAY, ANTHONY GRIFFITHS, THOMAS TUCKER, JOHN BERRIAN, ISAAC ROOSEVELT, JOHN FRANKLIN, JOHN H. KIP, HENRY H. KIP, ARCHIBALD CURRIE, DAVID CURRIE and JONA- THAN LAWRENCE, shall and may for ever hereafter remain, con- tinue, and be a body corporate and politic in deed, fact and name, by the name of "THE CORPORATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COM- MERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK," and by that name to sue, plead and be impleaded, and to answer and to be answered. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said JOHN ALSOP shall be the present President, and the above named ISAAC SEARS the present Vice-President; that the above named JOHN BROOME, the present Treasurer, and the above named JOHN BLAGGE, the present Secretary of the said Corporation, who shall hold, possess and enjoy their said respective offices, until the first Tuesday in May now next ensuing; and in case any or either of the said persons hereby nominated and appointed to the re- Charter of the Chamber of Comm erce confirmed, notwithstand- ing any non- user, between the xgth of April, 1 775, and the date of this Act. Members of the present Chamber of Commerce. Name of the present Cham- ber of Com- merce. Names of Their contin- 244 APPENDIX when and spective offices aforesaid, shall happen to die, or shall neglect or aulfe refuse to act in or execute, or shall be removed from such office Presidency & or ffi ces respectively, before the said first Tuesday in May next, that then, and in every such case, it shall and may be lawful for the members of the said body corporate to meet at such time and times, and such place and places within the said city as they shall for that purpose appoint, and upon such notices or summons as have heretofore been used and established by the said body corporate, and then and there, by the majority of such as shall so meet, to elect and choose other or others to the said office or offices respectively, in the place of him or them so dying, or neglecting or refusing to act, or being removed, in the manner heretofore used in the annual elections of the like officers, which person or persons so elected and chosen, shall enjoy and exercise the said office or offices, and all and singular the privileges and powers thereto belonging or appertaining, until the said first Tuesday in May next. AD former 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That The bf h enjoye C d' by Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New Corporation! 11 York, and their successors, shall and may for ever hereafter, peace- ably have, hold, use and enjoy all and every the rights, powers, liberties, privileges, franchises, usages, lands, tenements, estates and hereditaments, which have heretofore, by virtue of the above recited Charter, been given or granted unto the said Corporation, by the name of The Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce in the City of New York, in America. AMENDMENTS AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO REMOVE DOUBTS CONCERN- ING THE CORPORATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, AND TO CONFIRM THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES THEREOF," PASSED THE I3TH DAY OF APRIL, 1784. Passed January 25th, 1854. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION i. Such part of the letters patent under GEORGE THE THIRD, King of Great Britain, bearing date i3th March, 1770, APPENDIX 245 confirmed by act of the Legislature of the State of New York, under date i3th April, 1 784, as required the Chamber of Commerce of New York to meet on the first Tuesday of each month, shall be Meetings to so altered or amended as to permit of the regular monthly meet- ing being held on the first week in each month, and upon any day of such week as the President or other duly authorized members of President shall . . _ . * designate. said Corporation may designate. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect immediately. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO REMOVE DOUBTS CONCERN- ING THE CORPORATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, AND TO CONFIRM THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES THEREOF," PASSED APRIL I3TH, 1784. Passed April i$th, 1861. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly do enact as follows: SECTION i. The Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York shall have the power to elect, by ballot, hi conformity with the by-laws adopted by the said Chamber, a committee to be Election and known and styled the "Arbitration Committee of the Chamber co^uees! * of Commerce," and shall have power also to appoint a Committee of Appeal; and the duly elected members of the said Chamber, and all persons claiming by, through, or under them, may, under the lim- itations, and subject to the restrictions imposed by the provisions of the statutes of the State of New York relative to arbitration, submit to the decision of the Committees of Arbitration and Ap- peal, as the same may be constituted by the said Chamber, any con- troversy existing between them which might be the subject of an action, and may agree that a final judgment, in a court of record, to be by them designated, shall be rendered on any award made pursuant to such submission. SECTION 2. The Committee of Arbitration and Appeal, elected or appointed as aforesaid, shall possess the same powers, be subject Powers and to the same duties and disabilities as appertain to arbitrators by duties ' the laws of the State of New York, and awards made by them must be made, and may be enforced, as therein and thereby directed; 246 APPENDIX and all the provisions contained in title fourteen, part third, chap- ter eight of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York, and all acts amendatory or in substitution thereof, shall apply to the pro- ceedings had before the said Committees of Arbitration and Appeal, as if specially incorporated herein; except that the judgment, to be rendered in the manner therein directed, on any award made by in regard to them as aforesaid, that is to say by the Committee of Arbitration, judgment* 1 f no appeal from its action being taken by either party to the contro- versy, or by the confirmatory action of the Committee of Appeal, shall not be subject to be removed, reversed, modified or appealed from by the parties interested, in such submission as aforesaid. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect immediately. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED *AN ACT TO REMOVE DOUBTS CONCERNING THE CORPORATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, AND TO CONFIRM THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES THEREOF,' PASSED APRIL THIRTEENTH, SEVEN- TEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FOUR," PASSED APRIL FIFTEENTH, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE. Passed April 22, 1865. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: SECTION i. Controversies submitted to the Committee of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, under the Act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to remove doubts concerning the Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce, and to confirm the rights and privileges thereof/ passed April thirteenth, seventeen hundred and eighty- four," passed April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, may be heard and decided by a majority of the members of the said Committee. SECTION 2. The members of said Committee of Arbitration shall shall take oath not be obliged to be sworn after the manner of Arbitrators, but shall, oTth r e supreme before assuming the duties of their office, take an oath before a Court. Justice of the Supreme Court, faithfully and fairly to hear and ex- APPENDIX 247 amine all matters in controversy submitted to them under the act aforesaid, and make a just award according to the best of their understanding. Such oath shall be filed with the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. SECTION 3. The Chairman for the time being of said Committee of Arbitration shall have power to administer the oath to all wit- nesses produced before said Committee in matters of controversy submitted to said Committee. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect immediately. chairman to*ad- chamber of states!^ In? AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Passed April 6th, 1878. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION i. The Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, re-incorporated by an act of the Legisla- ture of the State of New York, passed on the i3th day of April, 1784, is hereby empowered to take and receive from the United States of America, or from any Corporation, or from any person, or , , j . persons, any real or personal estate, also to take by devise or pur- chase any real or personal estate, for the purposes of said Corpora- tion, and to convey, lease or mortgage the same, or any part thereof, the net annual income of which real estate shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars. SECTION 2. It shall be lawful for the said Corporation to elect, from among its members, at its first meeting called for the purpose after the passage of this act, six Trustees, who, with the Presi- dent of said Corporation, shall constitute a Board, and have the charge and control of the real estate of said Corporation; said Trustees, at said first election, shall be classified so that two of them be elected for one year; two of them for two years; and two of them for three years; and at each annual election after the first, l two Trustees shall be elected to fill the class of those whose terms personal es- tate, and may convey or lease income of tate C not to S- Election of a Trustees to 248 APPENDIX expire; and said Corporation, at any regular meeting of the Chamber, shall have power to fill any vacancy in said Board of Trustees. Conveyances, SECTION 3. All conveyances, mortgages, leases or contracts, of, L I ea r s t e g s a f1i S d or affecting, any real estate of said Corporation, shall be author- d b u y " ized b y said Board of Trustees, and President of the Chamber, or s^ees under o f a majority thereof ; and shall, when so authorized, be executed P o ration, at- under the seal of the Corporation, attested by the signatures of tested by Presi- . . , , , , ' , . J dent and Sec- the President and Secretary of the Chamber. retary. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect immediately. IV BY-LAWS BY-LAWS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, IN FORCE MAY, 1917 ARTICLE I OFFICERS AND THEIR ELECTION THE officers of the Chamber shall be a President, twelve Vice- Presidents, a Treasurer, an Executive Officer and a Secretary, all of whom shall be chosen by ballot, and a majority of the votes cast at each election shall be necessary in each instance to elect. At the first regular meeting in May, 1894, all of the foregoing Officers shall be chosen, and they shall hold office for one year, ex- cept as hereinafter provided. As soon as convenient after the election aforesaid, the Vice- Presidents so elected shall meet and divide into four classes, by al- lotment, of three to each class. The first class to serve for one year; the second class for two years; the third class for three years, and the fourth class for four years; after the expiration of then* respective terms of office they shall be ineligible for re-elec- tion until one year has intervened. At the first regular meeting in May, 1895, and annually there- after, there shall be chosen a President, a Treasurer, an Executive Officer and a Secretary, to serve for one year, and three Vice-Presi- dents, to serve for the term of four years, in place of those whose terms of office shall then expire. All persons elected to office shall take the oath or affirmation required by the Charter, and shall continue in office as above pro- vided, or until their successors shall have become duly qualified according to the Charter. Should any person so elected decline to serve, or resign his office, or his office become vacant by his death, or disability, the vacancy shall be filled by an election at the next regular or any subsequent meeting of the Chamber, held after such declination or resigna- tion shall have been reported to the Chamber. 249 250 APPENDIX No person shall hold the office of President for more than three successive yearly terms, unless he shall be re-elected by a vote of three-fourths of the ballots cast at the election; and the same vote shall be necessary for each succeeding re-election of the same person to the same office thereafter. ARTICLE II MEETINGS The regular meetings of the Chamber for the transaction of business shall be held in the Hall of the Chamber on the first Thursday in each month, (the summer vacation only excepted,) at twelve o'clock noon. When the first Thursday in any month shall fall on a legal holiday, the regular monthly meeting shall be held on the Thursday following, unless otherwise ordered by a vote of the Chamber. Special meetings may be held at such other places, and at such other times as the President, or, in his absence, one of the Vice- Presidents, according to seniority, may designate, upon the written requisition of ten members; provided that one day's notice of the time, place and object of the meeting shall have been publicly given; and also provided, that no other business except that desig- nated in such call and notice shall be acted upon. ARTICLE III MEMBERS AND THEIR ELECTION No persons shall be admitted members of this Corporation but merchants or others resident of this or contiguous States engaged in trade or commerce, or in pursuits directly connected therewith. All nominations for membership of the Chamber must be made in writing, signed by one member, seconded by another member, together with a statement of the occupation and qualification of the candidate, and be addressed to the Executive Committee for consideration. If the Executive Committee approve the nomination, they shall report the same to the Chamber at the first regular meeting there- after. The candidate shall be then balloted for; and if five or more negative ballots appear, he cannot be admitted a member, nor be again proposed until after the expiration of a year from the time of such rejection. APPENDIX 251 The Chamber may expel any member for dishonorable conduct or dealings, but only after a hearing of such member at a regular meeting, and by a two-thirds vote of the members present. Pro- vided, that the Executive Committee shall have recommended such expulsion, and that due notice be given by the Secretary of the Chamber, both to the accused member and to the Chamber at large, of the day when such hearing may be had; and also provided, that if the accused member do not appear for such hearing, in per- son or by proxy, the vote may be taken on his expulsion as though he had appeared. The Secretary of the Chamber shall furnish to each member who may apply therefor, and who shall have paid his admission or annual fees, an engraved certificate of membership, duly signed and authenticated. There shall be two classes of members; resident, who reside or do business in the City of New York; all others shall be classed as non-resident. When the number of the former shall have reached two thou- sand, (exclusive of Honorary members,) and that of the latter two hundred and fifty, no more shall thereafter be admitted, except to fill vacancies. ARTICLE IV HONORARY MEMBERS Honorary members may be elected at any meeting of the Cham- ber, whether regular or special, on the nomination of the Executive Committee, and without ballot, unless called for. They shall be entitled to all the privileges of regular members, and be exempt from payment of any fees whatever. The Secretary shall furnish each honorary member, thus elected, with a certificate of membership, duly signed and authenticated. ARTICLE V FEES Each member elected to the Chamber shall pay a fee of fifty dollars, which shall be in full for all dues until the first of January next succeeding his election, and thereafter shall pay an annual fee of fifty dollars on the first of January in each year. For members 252 APPENDIX not residing or doing business in the City of New York the fee shall be one-half the above amounts, payable in like manner. Every new member shall pay upon election an initiation fee of fifty dollars. The Executive Committee may, in its discretion, for reasons satis- factory to itself, remit the annual dues of any member; and it may accept the resignation of any member, at any time, if the annual fees of such member, to the date of such resignation, shall have been paid or remitted. If the fees of any member remain unpaid for a term of two years, the name of such defaulting member may be stricken from the rolls of the Chamber by order of the Executive Committee. ARTICLE VI DUTIES OF OFFICERS Of the President. The President shall exercise a general super- vision of the affairs and interests of the Chamber. He shall pre- side at all meetings of the Chamber, regular and special, and all motions of business and adjournment shall be addressed to him. He shall appoint all Special Committees, except where the Cham- ber shall otherwise order. He shall sign all official documents of the Chamber. He shall countersign the annual accounts of the Treasurer, when duly audited. He shall call special meetings of the Chamber, on the written requisition of not less than ten men- bers, stating the object thereof, and shall designate the time and place at which such special meeting may be held, and direct the due notification thereof. Of the Vice-Presidents . The Vice-Presidents, in the order of seniority, shall, in the absence of the President, have the same power and authority as the President. Of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the charge of all moneys collected or received for the use of the Chamber, except money arising from or in any way connected with its real estate, or appropriated for, or received to acquire or improve the same. He shall disburse the same whenever not otherwise provided for by these by-laws, only upon the written warrants of the Executive Committee. He shall keep books of account of all receipts and disbursements, and the vouchers therefor, in the usual form, and shall produce a copy of the same, fairly stated, for the inspection of APPENDIX 253 the members, at each annual meeting. Such a copy of accounts shall be duly audited by auditors appointed for the purpose by the Chamber, and be signed by them and countersigned by the Presi- dent, on or before the Tuesday next preceding the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall deliver over to his successor the cash remaining in his hands, as also any certificates of stock or other securities, the property of this Chamber, together with the books of account, chest and key, and may require a receipt therefor. In the absence of the Treasurer-elect, the same shall be delivered to the President. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Chairman of the Executive Committee shall perform the duties assigned to the Treasurer. Of the Executive Officer. The Executive Officer shall have the supervision and representation of the Chamber in its correspon- dence, publicity work and external relations. He shall have charge, under the general guidance of the Execu- tive Committee, of the publications of the Chamber, such as the Monthly Bulletin, special reports, and the Annual Report, and in general shall have the editing of all documents that are to be pub- lished or to be given to the Press. He shall, as far as is practicable, be in attendance at the meetings of the Standing and Special Committees, and when desired, assist in their deliberations. He shall give all of his time to the business of the Chamber. He shall conduct researches and assist the Chamber and its Com- mittees in obtaining complete information on all subjects upon which they may be called upon to report and act, and shall keep constant watch for those subjects and opportunities for usefulness which may fall within the general scope of the Chamber's activities and direct the attention of the Officers and Chairmen of the vari- ous committees thereto. In the absence of the Secretary he shall act in his place and shall exercise his powers. Of the Secretary. The Secretary shall devote himself entirely to the affairs of the Chamber. He shall be the custodian of the Hall and other rooms, and other property of the Chamber, except its real estate, and shall have the general care of the furniture, library, pictures, portraits, and of all documents and correspondence be- longing to the Corporation. He shall keep such property insured against fire. He shall attend all meetings, and keep a fair and correct register of all proceedings, rules and regulations of the Chamber, which shall be regularly entered hi the book of minutes, 254 APPENDIX after the ancient usage. He shall also attend upon and keep min- utes of the proceedings of the Executive and other Standing Com- mittees, and shall assist the Special Committees as far as in his power. He shall have charge of the office staff and shall see that all officers and Committees of the Chamber are furnished with such clerical assistance as they may need. He shall, under direction of the President, conduct the correspondence of the Chamber, as related to its internal and local administration. He shall duly notify members of their election, sign all documents jointly with the President, and have the custody of the seal of the Chamber for their proper authentication. He shall give due notice of all meetings, both regular and special. When neither the President, nor any of the Vice-Presidents is present at any meeting regularly called, the Secretary shall, after reasonable delay, adjourn the meeting sine die. He shall see to the collection of all dues from members, and regularly return the same to the Treasurer, and shall render him all required assistance in the clerical part of his duties. An Assistant Secretary may be appointed by the Executive Com- mittee. He shall assist the Secretary in the performance of his duties, and in the Secretary's absence act in his place. He shall hold office during the pleasure of the Committee. ARTICLE VII BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE REAL ESTATE Election. At each annual meeting of the Chamber there shall be elected from among the members two trustees for a term of three years, to fill the vacancies of those whose term of office will then expire. The six trustees so elected shall, with the President, con- stitute a Board, and have charge and control of the real estate of the Corporation. Any vacancies in said Board otherwise occurring shall be filled at the next regular or any subsequent meeting of the Chamber. Powers and Duties. The President of the Chamber shall be the Chairman of the Board of Trustees ex-officio, and said Board may elect a Treasurer and a Secretary, and appoint such other assis- tants as it may require. The Board of Trustees shall have the custody, control and management of all real estate of the Corpora- tion, and of all funds and other property appropriated or received APPENDIX 255 for the purchase, improvement, or any other purpose affecting real estate, and shall have full power in the name of the Chamber to contract for and acquire such real estate as it may deem wise, and to improve the same by demolition, alteration or erection of buildings or otherwise, adopt plans, modify the same from time to time, and make all appropriate contracts therefor and for the management of said real estate. The Board may provide for such compensation to its appointees and assistants as it may deem wise, and pay the same from any funds in its control. No sale or mort- gage of the real estate shall be made, except by authority of the Chamber by resolution adopted at a regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose. All conveyances, mortgages, leases or contracts of, or affecting the real estate of the Chamber, shall be authorized by said Board and the President, or a majority thereof, and shall, when so authorized, be executed under the seal of the Corporation, attested by the signatures of the President and Secretary of the Chamber. The Hall shall be used exclusively for meetings of the Chamber, unless consent for other temporary use be given by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Trustees of the Real Estate and the President of the Chamber at a regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose. The Board shall annually, and from time to time as it deems wise, make reports to the Chamber. The Board is authorized and empowered in the name of the Chamber to execute, issue and deliver certificates of indebtedness for subscriptions to the building fund received under letter of the Building Committee of May 7th, 1897, or under any other plan for providing funds to erect a building for the use of the Chamber, which certificates shall be of such form and contain such provisions as the Board may from time to time prescribe. The Board is authorized and empowered to receive from the Treasurer of the Chamber all gifts and bequests of money or se- curities given to the Chamber in trust hi the way of endowment or otherwise, for any object connected with the operations of the Chamber, except the Charity Fund, and to invest, control, manage and disburse the same as provided by the donors thereof. Duties of Officers. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Board of Trustees when present, and shall perform the usual duties of that office. The Secretary shall keep true and careful minutes of the meetings, and perform such other duties as shall be 256 APPENDIX assigned to him by the Board; the Treasurer shall be the custodian of ail funds under control of the Board, shall collect and receive all money arising from rents or otherwise, make such disbursements and payments as the Board shall direct, and keep accurate books of account therefor. All cheques against said funds shall be signed by the Treasurer and President, (or, in his absence, the senior mem- ber of the Board,) and appropriate vouchers shall be taken for all disbursements. The Treasurer shall, under the direction of the Board, be the general manager of the real estate. ARTICLE VIII STANDING COMMITTEES The Standing Committees of the Chamber shall be An Executive Committee, which shall consist of a Chairman to be elected by the Chamber at the regular Annual Meeting in May of each year, the Chairman of the Committee on Finance and Cur- rency, the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Commerce and the Revenue Laws, the Chairman of the Committee on Internal Trade and Improvements, the Chairman of the Committee on the Harbor and Shipping, the Chairman of the Committee on In- surance, the Chairman of the Committee on State and Municipal Taxation, the Chairman of the Committee on Arbitration, the Chairman of the Committee on Commercial Education, the Presi- dent of the Chamber, the senior Vice-President, the Treasurer and the Ex-Presidents of the Chamber. A Committee on Finance and Currency. A Committee on Foreign Commerce and the Revenue Laws. A Committee on Internal Trade and Improvements. A Committee on the Harbor and Shipping. A Committee on Insurance. A Committee on State and Municipal Taxation. A Committee on the Charity Fund of the Chamber of Commerce. A Committee on Arbitration. A Committee on Commercial Education. Each of these Standing Committees, except the Executive Com- mittee, shall consist of a Chairman and six members, who shall be elected at the regular annual May meeting. The Chairman shall continue in office during the pleasure of the Chamber. The mem- bers shall be elected for a term of three years, except at the election held in 1902, when six members shall be elected, two for a term of APPENDIX 257 one year, two for a term of two years, and two for a term of three years. No member of a Standing Committee, except the Executive Committee, shall be eligible for re-election to the same Committee until one year from the expiration of his term. Vacancies occur- ring in any Committee may be filled at any regular meeting of the Chamber. Three members of any Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE IX DUTIES OF STANDING COMMITTEES Of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall, under the direction of the Chamber, have a general control of the property and affairs of the Chamber. It shall act as an advisory committee to the Secretary, and direct the preparation of the Annual Report of the Chamber. It shall audit all bills and claims against the Corporation and direct their payment, if approved, except bills for salaries and rent, which shall be approved by the President, and paid upon his order, or that of one of the Vice-Presi- dents, in his absence, and except all bills affecting the real estate or funds under control of the Board of Trustees. It shall fix the amount of ail salaries and compensation for service. The Execu- tive Committee shall submit at the regular meeting preceding the annual election the names of seven members for appointment by the Chamber to nominate Officers and Standing Committees for election to serve for the ensuing year. It shall have power to accept resignations and remit fees as hereinbefore provided by Article V. Upon the complaint by any member charging dishonorable con- duct or dealings on the part of any other member, it may, in its discretion, report the complaint to the Chamber, with recommenda- tion to expel the offending member, but not otherwise; always pro- vided that it give to the member complained of an opportunity for a hearing, either in person or by proxy, before making such report. Of the Committee on the Charity Fund. This Committee shall take charge of the moneys and securities received from Mrs. JOHN C. GREEN, and from any other source, for benevolent purposes, and invest and re-invest the same from time to time, and shall have power to make distribution of the income thereof among those in- tended to be benefited. The Committee shall have power to fill 258 APPENDIX any vacancies that may occur in their number by death, resignation or otherwise. Of the Committee on Arbitration. This Committee shall have complete supervision of all matters of arbitration referred to the Chamber and shall make rules and regulations for the conduct and disposition of all matters submitted in arbitration; it shall provide a form of agreement not inconsistent with existing provisions of law by which, so far as practicable, the decision of the arbitrator or arbitrators shall become as effective as a judgment of the Su- preme Court. It shall compile and from time to time revise and keep a list of qualified persons, not less than fifty, willing to act as arbitrators under these rules, who shall be members of the Chamber. This list shall be known as "THE LIST OF OFFICIAL ARBITRATORS" of the Chamber of Commerce. Any matter in controversy may be referred by the disputants signing the form of agreement provided by the Committee, together with a stipulation to the effect that they will abide by the decision of the arbitrator or arbitrators, by them selected, and waiving any and all right to withdraw from such submission after the acceptance of their appointment by their arbitrator or arbitrators selected, and designating at their option either (a.) One of the persons named in said "List of Official Arbitra- tors," who shall act as sole arbitrator; or (b.) Any two persons to act as arbitrators, who in turn shall designate from said "List of Official Arbitrators" a third person to be associated with them as arbitrators; or (c.) The Committee on Arbitration of the Chamber of Com- merce or a quorum thereof. In any case the Committee on Arbitration may, in its discretion, decline to entertain a matter submitted for arbitration, in which event the selection of special Arbitrator or Arbitrators shall be void. The Committee on Arbitration shall, from time to time, establish a schedule of moderate fees to be paid in all matters submitted, which fees shall be chargeable as decided by the arbitrators. The Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce shall be the Clerk of the Committee on Arbitration. OF OTHER STANDING COMMITTEES Their duties shall be to examine into and make report upon such subjects as may be referred to them by the Chamber, or they may APPENDIX 259 originate and report to the Chamber such views as they may deem proper for its consideration. They shall, respectively, keep regular minutes of their meetings and proceedings, in which the Secretary shall give them all re- quired assistance, and they shall make an annual written report to the Chamber at its regular annual May meeting. ARTICLE X OF ELECTION OF SPECIAL OFFICERS UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE The Chamber shall elect, in conformity with the laws of the State, the following named officers: Commissioners of Pilots. There shall be elected by ballot, to serve for two years, at a special meeting called for the purpose, three members of the Chamber to act as Commissioners of Pilots. Whenever any vacancy shall occur by death, resignation or other- wise, of either of such Commissioners so elected, the vacancy shall be filled at a special meeting of the Chamber, and the term of ser- vice of the member so elected shall date from the day of such elec- tion, [as by law of the State of New York, passed June 28, 1853]. Commissioner for Licensing Sailors' Boarding Houses or Hotels. There shall be elected by ballot, to serve for one year, at the annual meeting of the Chamber in May, a member of the Chamber to act as Commissioner for Licensing Sailors' Boarding Houses or Hotels in the Cities of New York and Brooklyn, [as by law of the State of New York, passed March 21, 1866}. Whenever any vacancy shall occur in the above named offices by death, resignation or otherwise, except in that of the Commissioners of Pilots, the same shall be filled at the regular meeting of the Cham- ber next following. ARTICLE XI QUORUM AND ADJOURNMENT Twenty-five members of the Chamber, of which number the President or one of the Vice-Presidents must always be one, shall be necessary to form a quorum for the transaction of business, or to ballot for members. In case a quorum shall not be present at the time fixed for any regular meeting of the Chamber, the President, or, in his absence, the senior Vice-President present, may adjourn the meeting to 260 APPENDIX such other day in the same month as he may judge proper; but in case there be no quorum present at the time fixed for any special meeting, such adjournment shall not be made, except by consent of two-thirds of the members present. If there fail to be a quorum from the absence of the prescribed officers, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to declare the meeting adjourned sine die. ARTICLE XII RULES OF ORDER At all regular meetings of the Chamber, the regular order of business shall be: 1. Reading of the minutes. 2. Report of the Executive Committee on nominations for membership. 3. Ballot for members. 4. Report of the Executive Committee. 5. Reports of Standing Committees, in their order. 6. Report of Trustees of Real Estate. 7. Reports of Special Committees. 8. Unfinished business. 9. New business. Members having any motion or remarks to make shall rise and address the Chair. All resolutions or propositions, of whatever nature, must be reduced to writing before they can be entertained. The time to be taken by any member in debate may be limited by the presiding officer at the request of the Chamber. Each mem- ber shall be entitled to the floor, without interruption, for such time as may be allowed to him. Where reports of Committees are submitted to debate, the Chairman of the Committee introducing such report may open and close the debate. At special meetings called to hear and consider reports of Com- mittees ordered by the Chamber, no new propositions or resolu- tions in the nature of substitutes, (except the report of the minority of the Committee, if any,) shall be introduced or debated until after final action shall have been taken upon the report of such Com- mittee; when, if it be rejected, such new propositions or resolu- tions may be entertained, but no business other than that named in the requisition and call for the special meeting shall be entertained, even though unanimous consent be had. APPENDIX 261 Members having appeared in the Chamber shall not withdraw previous to adjournment, except by permission from the President. Whenever any resolution shall be proposed in the Chamber which calls for the immediate expression of its opinion or action touching any public matter, and if the same be objected to by any member present, it shall be the duty of the President to state the objection, and to call upon those who sustain the same to rise, and if one-fourth of the members present rise in support of such objec- tion, then such resolution shall be referred to a Standing or Special Committee, who shall report thereon at the next meeting of the Chamber; and upon the presentation of such report, the same, and the original resolution, and the subject referred to, may then be acted upon without further right of such objection. ARTICLE XIII PRIVILEGES OF STRANGERS Members may, by ticket, introduce to the Rooms of the Cham- ber and the use of the Library, Newspapers and Magazines, any stranger, and such ticket shall be available for one month from date. Delegations or Committees, which may be appointed by this Chamber at any tune to represent it at any meeting of Chambers of Commerce or Boards of Trade, or at any other Convention, meeting or Assembly whatever, shall have no authority, by virtue of such appointment, to bind this Corporation to concur in the action of any such body; but such Delegations or Committees shall report to the Chamber all propositions or actions of such body for its concurrence or dissent. ARTICLE XV All proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be submitted in writing, at a regular meeting of the Chamber; but no such amend- ments shall be acted upon before the next regular meeting. OFFICERS OF THE CHAMBER OFFICERS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, 1768 PRESIDENTS ELECTED RETIRED 1768. John Cruger I 77 ELECTED RETIRED 1848. James G. King 1849 1770. Hugh Wallace 1771 1849. Moses H. Grinnell. . 1852 1852. Elias Hicks J 8S3 1771. Elias Desbrosses. . . . 1772 1772. Henry White *773 1853. Pelatiah Pent 1863 I 773- Theophylact Bache. 1774 1774. William Walton. . . . 1775 1775. Isaac Low 1784 1863. Abiel A. Low 1867 1867. William E. Dodge. . 1875 1875. Samuel D. Babcock. 1882 1882. George W. Lane. . . 1883 1884. James M. Brown. . . 1887 1887. Charles S. Smith. .. 1894 1894. Alexander E. Orr. . . 1899 1899. Morris K. Jesup. . . . 1907 1007. J. Edward Simmons 1910 1910. A. Barton Hepburn. 1912 1912. John Claflin I 9 I 4 1784. John Alsop 1785 I 78$- John Broome 1794 1794. Comfort Sands 1798 1798. John Murray 1806 1806. Cornelius Ray 1819 1819. William Bayard. ... 1827 1827. Robert Lenox 1840 1840. Isaac Carow . . 1842 1842. James De Peyster Ogden 1845 1914. Seth Low 1916 1916. Eugenius H. Outer- bridge 1845. James G. King 1847 1847. Moses H. Grinnell. . 1848 VICE-PR! ELECTED RETIRED 1768. Hugh Wallace .... 1770 ,SIDENTS ELECTED RETIRED 1779. Hugh Wallace 1781 1770. Elias Desbrosses. ... 1771 1770. Henry White *773 1781 Jacob Walton ^83 1783. William Walton 1784 1783. Gerard Walton 1785 1771. Theophylact Bache. 1774 1772. William Walton 1774 mi. Isaac Low. . . 177$ 1784. Isaac Sears J 785 1785. William Constable. . 1788 1785. Pascal M. Smith. . . -1788 1788. Theophylact Bache. 1792 1788. John Murray. . . 1708 *774- John Alsop *779 1775. William McAdam. . 1780 1770. Thomas Buchannan 1781 262 APPENDIX 263 ELECTED RETIRED 1792. Gerard Walton 1793 1793. Comfort Sands 1794 1794. JohnBlagge 1797 1797. John B. Coles 1817 1798. George Barnewall. .. 1800 1800. Archibald Grade. . . 1825 1817. William Bayard. ... 1819 1819. Robert Lenox 1827 1825. William W. Woolsey 1839 1827. Isaac Carow 1840 1839. James Boorman. . . . 1841 1840. James De Peyster Ogden 1842 1841. James G. King 1845 1842. Henry K. Bogert. . . 1846 1845. Stewart Brown 1847 1846. David S. Kennedy. . 1847 1847. Moses H. Grinnell. . 1847 1847. William H. Macy. .. 1849 1848. Moses H. Grinnell.. 1849 1849. James De Peyster Ogden 1851 1849. Prosper M. We tmore 1850 1850. Charles H. Russell. . 1852 1851. Elias Hicks 1852 1852. Caleb Barstow 1855 1852. Samuel L. Mitchill.. 1854 1854. George Curtiss 1856 1855. Royal Phelps 1862 1856. Abiel A. Low 1863 1863. William E. Dodge. . 1867 1863. Jonathan Sturges. . . 1867 1867. George Opdyke. . . . 1875 1867. Simeon B. Chitten- den 1869 1869. R. Warren Weston.. 1870 1870. WalterS. Griffith... 1872 1870. William M. Ver- milye 1875 1870. Samuel D. Babcock. 1874 1873. Solon Humphreys... 1874 1875. James M. Brown. . . 1884 1875. George W. Lane. . . . 1882 1882. William H. Fogg. . . 1884 ELECTED RETIRED 1884. Charles S. Smith. . . 1887 1884. Josiah M. Fiske 1889 1887. Cornelius N. Bliss .. 1889 1889. Alexander E. Orr. . . 1894 1889. Morris K. Jesup 1898 1894. William E. Dodge (2d) 1895 1894. Cornelius Vanderbilt 1895 1894. William L. Strong. . 1895 1894. John Sloane 1896 1894. John Crosby Brown. 1896 1894. Richard T. Wilson. . 1896 1894. Cornelius N. Bliss .. 1897 1894. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1897 1894. William H.Webb... 1897 1894. J. Edward Simmons. 1898 1894. Horace Porter 1898 1895. D. Willis James. . . . 1899 1895. John A. Stewart 1899 1895. John Claflin 1899 1896. Henry Hentz 1900 1896. Augustus D. Juil- liard -1900 1896. John L. Riker 1900 1897. Seth Low 1901 1897. Woodbury Langdon. 1901 1897. Anson W. Hard. . . . 1901 1898. Abram S. Hewitt. . . 1902 1898. Charles S. Fairchild. 1902 1898. Jacob H. Schiff 1902 1899. J- Edward Simmons. 1903 1899. William E. Dodge (ad) 1903 1899. Levi P. Morton. . . . 1003 1900. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1904 1900. John D. Rockefeller. 1904 1900. Andrew Carnegie. . . 1904 1901. John T. Terry i95 1901. James T. Woodward 1005 1901. John Claflin 1905 1902. Whitelaw Reid 1906 1902. Clement A. Griscom 1906 1902. Charles Lanier 1906 1903. John S. Kennedy. . . 1907 264 APPENDIX ELECTED RETIRED 1903. Alexander J. Cassatt 1906 1903. Marshall Field 1906 1904. Chauncey M. De- pew 1908 1904. Vernon H. Brown. . 1908 1904. Isidor Straus 1908 1905. Cornelius N. Bliss .. 1909 1905. William Butler Duncan 1909 1905. Seth Low 1909 1906. J. Pierpont Morgan. 1907 1906. John Crosby Brown 1909 1906. D. Willis James. . . . 1907 1906. William Bayard Cutting 1910 1907. Joseph H. Choate. . 1911 1907. Gustav H. Schwab. 1911 1907. George F. Seward. . 1910 1907. Edward King 1909 1908. Cleveland H. Dodge 1912 1908. James J. Hill 1912 1908. George F. Baer 1912 1909. Stewart L. Wood- ford 1910 1909. John S. Kennedy. . . 1909 1909. J. Pierpont Morgan . 1913 1909. Jacob H. Schiff 1913 1910. A. Barton Hepburn. 1910 1910. Cornelius N. Bliss .. 1911 1910. Otto T. Bannard. . . 1914 ELECTED RETIRED 1910. Arthur Curtiss James 1914 1910. William A. Nash ... 1913 1911. John Claflin 1912 1911. A. Foster Higgins. .. 1915 1911. James Talcott 1915 1911. Philip A. S. Frank- lin 1914 1912. William D. Sloane. . 1915 1912. John I. Waterbury. . 1916 1912. T. DeWitt Cuyler. . 1916 1912. Frank K. Sturgis ... 1916 1913. J. Pierpont Morgan (2d) 1917 1913. Paul M. Warburg. . 1914 1913. George B. Cortelyou 1917 1914. Jacob H. Schiff 1917 1914. James G. Cannon. . 1916 1914. Anton A. Raven. ... 1918 1914. William Skinner. . . . 1918 1915. Cleveland H. Dodge 1915. Henry Hentz 1915. Eugene Delano 1916. Alfred E. Marling. . 1918 1916. Philip A. S. Franklin 1916. James A. Farrell .... 1916. Samuel Rea 1917. Frank K. Sturgis. . . 1917. Henry P. Davison. . 1917. T. De Witt Cuyler.. TREASURERS ELECTED RETIRED 1768. Elias Desbrosses. . . . 1770 1770. Theophylact Bache. 1771 1771. William Walton .... 1772 1772. Isaac Low 1773 X 773- John Alsop 1774 1774. William Me Adam... 1775 1775. Charles McEvers. . . 1780 1780. Robert Ross Wad- dell 1784 1784. John Broome 1785 1785. Joshua Sands 1789 ELECTED RETIRED 1789. Cornelius Ray 1806 1806. Henry I. Wyckoff . .. 1839 1840. John J. Palmer 1858 1858. Augustus E. Silli- man 1860 1860. Edward C. Bogert. . 1865 1865. Francis S. Lathrop. . 1878 1878. Solon Humphreys. .. 1900 1900. James G. Cannon. .. 1908 1908. William H. Porter. . APPENDIX 265 SECRETARIES ELECTED RETIRED 1768. Anthony Van Dam . 1784 1784. John Blagge 1785 Adam Gilchrist, Jr. . 1786 William Shotwell. . . 1787 William Laight 1796 William W. Woolsey 1801 Jonathan H. Law- rence 1803 John Ferrers 1813 John Pintard 1827 John A. Stevens. ... 1832 JohnR. Kurd 1834 Jacob Harvey 1838 1785- 1786. 1787. 1796. 1801. 1803. 1817. 1827. 1832. 1834. ELECTED RETIRED 1838. E. A. Boonen Graves 1841 1841. John D. Van Buren. 1843 1843. John L. H. Mc- Cracken 1843 1843. Prosper M. Wetmore 1849 1849. Matthew Maury. . . 1853 1853. Edward C. Bogert. . 1859 1859. Isaac Smith Homans 1862 1862. John Austin Stevens 1868 1868. George Wilson 1908 1908. Sereno S. Pratt .... 1915 1915. Charles T. Gwynne. ASSISTANT SECRETARIES ELECTED RETIRED 1909. Charles T. Gwynne. 1915 ELECTED RETIRED 1917. Jere D. Tamblyn. . . EXECUTIVE OFFICER ELECTED 1915. John Franklin Crowell RETIRED . .. 1917 VI OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE YEAR ENDING MAY, 1918 ELECTED BY THE CHAMBER Eugenius H. Outerbridge, President VICE-PRESIDENTS To serve until May, igi8 To serve until May, 1920 Alfred E. Marling Philip A. S. Franklin Anton A. Raven James A. Farrell William Skinner Samuel Rea To seme until May, IQIQ To serve until May, 1921 Cleveland H. Dodge Frank K. Sturgis Henry Hentz Henry P. Davison Eugene Delano T. De Witt Cuyler William H. Porter, Treasurer Charles T. Gwynne, Secretary Jere D. Tamblyn, Ass't Secretary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Welding Ring, Chairman Frank A. Vanderlip Charles L. Bernheimer Henry A. Caesar Howard C. Smith Samuel W. Fairchild Eugenius H. Outerbridge Irving T. Bush William H. Porter Darwin P. Kingsley A. Barton Hepburn Alfred E. Marling John Claflin COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND CURRENCY Frank A. Vanderlip, Chairman Members to serve until May, 1918 George F. Baker, Jr. Samuel Sachs Members to serve until May, 1919 Albert H. Wiggin James S. Alexander Members to serve until May, 1920 William Woodward George B. Cortelyou 266 APPENDIX 267 COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN COMMERCE AND THE REVENUE LAWS Henry A. Caesar, Chairman Members to serve until May, 1918 William E. Peck Charles A. Schieren Members to serve until May, 1919 Lincoln Cromwell John V. Jewell Members to serve until May, 1920 W. Tyrie Stevens I. Osgood Carleton COMMITTEE ON INTERNAL TRADE AND IMPROVEMENTS Samuel W. Fairchild, Chairman Members to serve until May, 1918 William R. Willcox Burns D. Caldwell Members to serve until May, 1919 James O. Bloss Charles A. Sherman Members to serve until May, 1920 Charles E. Peck Elihu C. Church COMMITTEE ON THE HARBOR AND SHIPPING Irving T. Bush, Chairman Members to serve until May, 1918 Lloyd B. Sanderson Albert Strauss Members to serve until May, 1919 John F. Wallace Clarence H. Kelsey Members to serve until May, 1920 George S. Dearborn Joseph P. Grace COMMITTEE ON INSURANCE Darwin P. Kingsley, Chairman Members to serve until May, 1918 Hendon Chubb John B. Lunger Members to serve until May, 1919 Frank E. Law Ellis G. Richards Members to serve until May, 1920 William J. Tully Isaac B. Johnson 268 APPENDIX COMMITTEE ON STATE AND MUNICIPAL TAXATION Alfred E. Marling, Chairman Members to serve until May, 1918 Edwin W. Coggeshall James H. Post Members to serve until May, 1919 William C. Demorest Leonor F. Loree Members to serve until May, 1920 James Brown William H. Wheelock COMMITTEE ON ARBITRATION Charles L. Bernheimer, Chairman Members to serve until May, 1918 Frank A. Ferris Victor Koechl Members to serve until May, 1919 George A. Zabriskie Thomas F. Vietor Members to serve until May, 1920 W. Gerald Hawes Edward O. Stanley COMMITTEE ON COMMERCIAL EDUCATION Howard C. Smith, Chairman Members to serve until May, 1918 Julio F. Sorzano J. Louis Schaefer Members to serve until May, 1919 Alexander C. Humphreys Lionel Sutro Members to serve until May, 1920 Joseph H. Sears William W. Heroy COMMITTEE ON THE CHARITY FUND OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Eugenius H. Outerbridge, President of the Chamber, Chairman, ex-officio Eugene Delano Welding Ring Alfred E. Marling BOARD OF TRUSTEES HAVING CHARGE OF THE REAL ESTATE OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Eugenius H. Outerbridge, President of the Chamber, Chairman, ex-officio Members to serve until May, 1918 Jacob H. Schiff A. Barton Hepburn APPENDIX 269 Members to serve until May, 1919 George F. Baker Augustus D. Juilliard Members to serve until May, 1920 T. De Witt Cuyler Clarence H. Kelsey COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTS, ELECTED BY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE To serve until October, 1919 Marcus H. Tracy Jacob W. Miller Arthur M. Smith COMMISSIONER FOR LICENSING SAILORS' HOTELS OR BOARDING- HOUSES Eben E. Olcott SPECIAL COMMITTEES APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT COMMITTEE ON THE NATIONAL GUARD AND NAVAL MILITIA Francis G. Landon, Chairman Union N. Bethell Henry C. Swords William C. Le Gendre Alfred R. Whitney, Jr. Anson W. Burchard James W. Lane COMMITTEE ON WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LEGISLATION Edmund D wight, Chairman Frank E. Law William Sloane Waldo H. Marshall Otto M. Eidlitz COMMITTEE ON CONSERVATION OF STATE WATERS, LANDS, AND FORESTS Charles N. Chadwick, Chairman H. Hobart Porter Charles W. Carpenter Franklin P. Duryea Lincoln Cromwell COMMITTEE ON PROBLEMS OF SHIPMENTS DURING THE EUROPEAN WAR Eugenius H. Outerbridge, Chairman Jacob H. Schiff James A. Farrell J. Pierpont Morgan Welding Ring Frank A. Vanderlip J. Parker Kirlin Anton A. Raven Charles C. Burlingham William G. Willcox Hendon Chubb Philip A. S. Franklin J. Temple Gwathmey T. Ashley Sparks Samuel Rea Frank TrumbuU Alfred H. Smith Walter B. Pollock 270 APPENDIX COMMITTEE ON THE AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE Irving T. Bush, Chairman William Harris Douglas George S. Dearborn Jacob W. Miller J. Temple Gwathmey COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMS AND RELATIONS Edward D. Page, Chairman George W. Perkins Otto M. Eidlitz William Hamlin Childs William L. Saunders COMMITTEE ON FOOD-SUPPLY AND PRICES Harry Balfe, Chairman Gustave Forges George A. Zabriski John W. Nix William McCarroll COMMITTEE ON CELEBRATION OF I5OTH ANNIVERSARY Lewis L. Clarke, Chairman James Brown Lincoln Cromwell Samuel W. Fairchild Welding Ring R. A. C. Smith John I. Waterbury COMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATION OF CAMP WHITMAN AND OTHER CAMP SITES John I. Waterbury, Chairman Leonor F. Loree H. de Berkeley Parsons Alfred R. Whitney, Jr. Michael Friedsam Julio F. Sorzano COMMITTEE ON SAFETY-FIRST PROBLEMS Franklin P. Duryea, Chairman Charles W. Leavitt Allen Merrill Rogers Charles L. Bernheimer George E. Molleson vn ROLL OF MEMBERS CORRECTED TO MARCH 7, 1918 HONORARY MEMBERS NAME DATE OF ELECTION Edison, Thomas A 1889 Hanna, Hugh H 1900 Porter, Horace 1005 Peary, Robert E 1910 Roosevelt, Theodore 1910 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Carnegie, Andrew 1911 Root, Elihu 1915 Goethals, George W 1917 Morton, Levi P 1917 MEMBERS NAME DATE OF ELECTION Abercrombie, David T 1915 Achelis, Fritz 1894 Acheson, E. G., Niagara Falls, N. Y 1002 Ackerman, Ernest R 1899 Ackennan, Marion S 1903 Adams, Edward D 1902 Adams, James W 1910 Adams, Robert F 1915 Adler, Jerome C ^9^5 Adsit, Charles, Hornell,N.Y. 1901 Agar, John G 1906 Agnew, Cornelius R 1915 Agnew, George Bliss I 99 Ahlstrom, Carl F 1913 Aldrich, Spencer 1909 Aldridge, Darwin R 1898 Alexander, Charles B 1915 Alexander, James S 1912 Allen, Frederic W 1914 Allerton, David D 1906 Allison, William O 1905 Alvord, Andrew P 1915 Ambrose, Harry T 1891 Ames, Edwin A 1912 Ames, Louis Annin 1913 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Anderson, Abraham A 1903 Anderson, Charles W 1890 Anderson, John 1908 Anderson, Lathrop, New- ark, N. J 1901 Andrews, Horace E 1908 Andrews, James K 1914 Andrews, William H., Buf- falo, N. Y 1897 Appleton, Francis R., Buf- falo, N. Y 1894 Arai, Rioichiro 1918 Arents, George, Jr 1915 Armstrong, Collin 1912 Armstrong, James Sinclair. 1892 Aron, Jacob 1913 Ashforth, Albert B 1911 Aspegren, John 1913 Astor, Vincent 1915 Astor, William Waldorf 1890 Atterbury, William W., Philadelphia, Pa 1915 At water, Theron S 1909 Atwater, William C 1909 Austin, Chellis A 1917 Ayres, Howard 1905 271 272 APPENDIX B NAME DATE OF ELECTION Babb, George W 1908 Babcock, F. Huntington. . . 1916 Bache, Jules S 1903 Bacon, George W 1915 Bacon, Robert 1912 Bacon, Robert Low IQ I 3 Bailey, Benjamin F 1917 Bailey, Frank 1901 Baker, Edwin H 1902 Baker, George F 1880 Baker, George F., Jr 1913 Baker, James B 1897 Baldwin, Leroy W 1911 Baldwin, William D 1897 Baldwin, William H 1917 Baldwin, William M 1897 Balfe, Harry 1907 Balfe, Thomas F., Newburgh, N. Y 1906 Ball, Alwyn, Jr 1901 Ball, Ancell H 1909 Ball, T. Arthur 1913 Ballard, Charles W. 1916 Ballard, Edward L 1916 Ballard, Seymour M I 9 I 4 Bamberger, Maurice 1903 Bancroft, Joseph 1913 Bangs, Francis Sedgwick. . . 1895 Banks, Theodore H 1917 Bannard, Otto T 1895 Barber, James 1910 Barbour, W. Warren 1917 Barker, Harold O 1915 Barlow, DeWitt D 1916 Barnum, William M 1915 Barr, Edward 1881 Barrett, John D 1901 Barrett, William M 1909 Barren, George Davis, Rye, N. Y 1916 Barrows, Ira 1911 Barry, Charles D 1897 Barry, John T 1916 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Bartow, Charles S 1897 Bates, Edgar A 1917 Bates, Lindon W 1915 Bausher, Charles L 1897 Baylies, Edmund L 1902 Bayne, Howard 1909 Beall, Turner A 1913 Beatty, A. Chester 1912 Bechstein, Augustus C 1889 Bedford, Alfred C 1917 Belding, Milo M 1891 Belmont, August 1891 Benedict, Henry H 1898 Benedict, James 1893 Benedict, Lemuel C 1909 Benedict, Seelye 1910 Benedict, Theodore Hudson 1902 Benedict, William L 1912 Benjamin, George P 1891 Benjamin, William Evarts.. 1916 Bennett, Walter H 1910 Bennett, Walter Mills 1917 Bensel, John A 1903 Berlin, Henry C 1891 Bernheim, Eli H 1910 Bernheim, Isaac J 1913 Bernheim, Julius C 1907 Bernheimer, Charles L 1902 Berolzheimer, Emil 1901 Bertram, H. Henry 1914 Bertron, Samuel R 1901 Berwind, Edward J 1897 Bethell, Union N 1910 Bettle, Samuel 1902 Billqvist, C. Edward 1891 Bird, John W 1911 Birdsall, Daniel 1909 Bissell, Arthur D., Buffalo, N. Y 1901 Black, Harry S 1915 Blackiston, Harry C 1917 Blagden, George 1911 Blanch arcl , Isaac H 1916 APPENDIX 273 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Bliss, Cornelius N., Jr 1899 Blood, Samuel S 1901 Bloss, James O 1884 Blum, Edward C 1009 Bogert, Henry Myers 1909 Boker, Hans R 1916 Bondy, Maurice S 1006 Bonties, Harry P 1916 Boody, David A 1887 Borden, Bertram H 1910 Borden, Spencer, Jr., Fall River, Mass 1908 Boskowitz, Adolph 1891 Bourne, Frederick G 1889 Bouvier, Maurice 1915 Bowen, Clarence Winthrop. 1887 Bowne, Samuel W 1914 Bowring, Charles Warren. . 1912 Bradlee, John R 1912 Brady, Nicholas F 1913 Brainard, Frank 1900 Brainerd, Frederick A I93 Braman, Willard 1894 Brett, George P 1902 Brewer, William A., Jr., South Orange, N. J 1902 Brewster, Henry C., Rochester, N. Y 1899 Briesen, Arthur v 1904 Briesen, Richard v I 99 Bright, Osborn W 1902 Brinckerhoff, Elbert A., Jr. 1911 Broadway, William G 1910 Brodmerkel, Charles, Jr.. . . 1915 Broenniman, Edward G. . . . 1912 Bronner, Harry 1915 Brooker, Charles F 1897 Brooks, Charles M 1917 Brown, Edward W 1916 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Brown, Elmer E 1912 Brown, Franklin Q 1003 Brown, J. Adams 1913 Brown, James 1913 Brown, James Crosby, Philadelphia, Pa 1906 Brown, Samuel T 1905 Brown, Thatcher Magoun. . 1909 Brown, Vernon Carleton. . . 1897 Brown, Walston H 1889 Brown, Willard Stanbury. . 1908 Browning, John Scott 1800 Bruere, Henry 1916 Brundrett, Hart B 1890 Bruning, Henry F 1913 Bucknall, Henry W. J 1916 Buckner, Mortimer Norton. 1917 Buckner, Thomas A 1910 Budge, Henry, Hamburg, Germany 1898 Bulkley, Edwin M 1899 Bulkley, Jonathan 1894 Bunce, H. L., Hartford, Conn 1002 Burchard, Anson W 1910 Burgess, Edward G 1903 Burke, John 1904 Burns, Walter F 1918 Burr, Winthrop 1904 Burroughs, James S 1912 Burton, Theodore E 19*7 Bush, D. Fairfax 1917 Bush, Irving T 1904 Buswell, Frederic C 1913 Butler, Charles Stewart. ... 1917 Butler, Nicholas Murray. . . 1908 Buttenwieser, Joseph L. ... 1912 Butterworth, Frank S 1917 Cabot, Francis H 1897 Caesar, Harry 1 1917 Caesar, Henry A 1890 Calder, William M 1915 Caldwell, Burns D 1913 Caldwell, George B , . 1917 274 APPENDIX NAME DATE OF ELECTION Caldwell, Robert J 1906 Cammann, Edward C 1916 Cammann, Henry L 1899 Cammann, Hermann H. . . . 1894 Camp, Hugh N., Jr 1908 Campbell, Palmer 1911 Campbell, Peter, Kearny, N. J 1915 Campbell, Samuel S 1910 Cannon, Henry W 1886 Carey, Stephen W ^59 Carhart, Edward R 1917 Carlebach, Emil 1903 Carleton, I. Osgood 1897 Carlisle, Jay F 1910 Carlton, Newcomb 1915 Carpenter, Charles W 1899 Carse, Henry R 1904 Cartledge, Charles F 1902 Carty, John J 1916 Case, Albert C 1902 Case, Charles L 1905 Case, Clinton P 1910 Cauchois, Oscar R 1916 Chadwick, Charles N 1906 Chamberlin, Emerson, Summit, N. J 1907 Chambers, Frank R 1889 Chase, Austin C., Syra- cuse, N. Y 1902 Chatillon, George E 1912 Cheney, Orion H 1917 Chew, Beverly 1899 Childs, Eversley 1916 Childs, Harris R 1910 Childs, Samuel S 1910 Childs, William Hamlin 1914 Chisolm, George E 1903 Chubb, Hendon 1910 Chubb, Percy 1910 Church, Elihu C 1913 Cillis, Hubert 1902 Claflin, John 1878 Clapp, Edward E 1902 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Clark, Charles Martin 1910 Clark, Edward Severin .... 1914 Clark, George C 1907 Clark, J. William 1907 Clark, William A 1902 Clarke, Lewis L 1910 Clarke, Thomas B 1888 Clayburgh, Albert 1912 Clews, Henry 1865 Clews, James B 1910 Clowry, Robert C 1903 Clyde, Thomas 1900 Clyde, William P 1873 Cochran, Thomas 1915 Coe, William R 1910 Coffin, Charles A 1902 Coggeshall, Edwin W 1903 Cogswell, Ledyard, Albany, N. Y 1901 Cogswell, W. B., Syracuse, N. Y 1902 Cokefair, Isaac W I 9 I 3 Cole, Edward F., Yonkers, N. Y 1917 Coler, BirdS 1898 Colgate, James C 1898 Collins, Clarence Lyman. . . 1879 Cone, Charles Arthur 1914 Cone, Frederick H 1914 Conklin, WiUiam G ... 1897 Conley, Louis D 1912 Conlin, Frederick 1916 Connett, Ernest R 1905 Conrow, Theodore 1897 Content, Harry 1902 Cook, Henry F 1897 Cooke, Delos W 1916 Cooke, William G 1910 Coombs, James Bliss 1911 Cooney, John J 1910 Copeland, Charles C 1907 Coppell, Arthur 1917 Corey, Clarence T 1912 Corey, William E 1910 APPENDIX 275 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Coriell, William Wallace. . . 1905 Corliss, Charles A 1909 Corning, Christopher Robert 1905 Corning, Edward 1893 Cornwell, William C i9 J 7 Cortelyou, George B 1909 County, Albert J., Phila- delphia, Pa 1916 Cowl, Clarkson 1897 Cowl, Donald Hearn 1917 Cowles, Justus A. B 1917 Cowperthwait, J. Howard. . 1909 Coykendall, Frederick 1913 Cozzens, Stanley T 1902 Cranford, Frederick L 1911 Cranford, Walter V 1911 Crawford, Everett Lake 1907 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Crimmms, Thomas 1902 Cromwell, David, White Plains, N. Y 1901 Cromwell, James W 1892 Cromwell, Lincoln I 95 Cromwell, Seymour LeGrand I 9 I 5 Crook, Edward K 1912 Cruger, Bertram 1904 Cumnock, Arthur James. . . 1911 Cunningham, James W. . . . 1904 Currey, Jonathan B 1900 Curtis, Sidney W 1912 Cutler, Otis H 1913 Cutter, Ralph L 1878 Cutting, R. Fulton 1896 Cuyler, Thomas De Witt, Philadelphia, Pa 1902 D Dahl, Gerhard M 1917 Daniels, Lorenzo 1916 Daniels, William Cooke, London, England 1912 Darlington, Thomas 1907 Darrell, Edward F 1916 Davenport, William B 1007 Davey, William N 1916 Davidge, William H 1904 Davison, Henry P 1900 Day, Arthur M 1904 Day, Clarence S 1895 Day, Horace L I9 X 7 Day, Joseph P 1008 Day, William A 1910 Deal, Edgar 1901 Dean, Herbert H *97 Dearborn, David B 1865 Dearborn, George S 1900 Debevoise, George 1906 Debevoise, Thomas M 1912 De Bost, William L 1917 De Cordova, Charles 1882 Deeves, J. Henry 1897 Deeves, Richard 1896 Degener, John F Degener, John F., Jr DeGraff, James W Delafield, Maturin L., Jr., Paris, France Delano, Eugene Delano, Moreau De Lanoy, William C., Washington, D. C . . . De Lima, Elias A De Lima, Elias S. A., Mexico City, Mex. . . . Demorest, William C DeMott, Harry M Denby, Isaac Depew, Chauncey M De Rham, Charles Despard, Walter D Dick, J. Henry Dickerman, George W. . . . Dickerman, Watson B . . . . Dickey, Charles D Dickinson, Edwin E Dickson, James B Dickson, Joseph B 1891 1912 1897 1900 1912 1911 1897 1897 1899 1916 1890 1885 1900 1904 1904 1911 1907 1913 1905 1897 1005 276 APPENDIX NAME DATE OF ELECTION Dieterich, Charles F 1897 Dimse, Henry 1907 Dix, John A., Jr 1906 Dodd, Louis F 1911 Dodge, Cleveland E 1915 Dodge, Cleveland H 1883 Dodge, Marcellus Hartley. . 1905 Dominick, George F IQQ3 Dommerich, Otto L 1912 Donald, John A 1912 Donovan, Walter J. M 1913 Dormitzer, Walter 1909 Doubleday, Frank N 1913 Doubleday, George 1918 Douglas, Edward D 1914 Douglas, William H 1897 Douglass, Robert Dun 1897 Dow, Charles M., James- town, N. Y 1901 Dowd, Joseph 1917 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Dowler, Arthur E 1901 Dowling, Robert E 1908 Downey, John 1 1912 Dreher, Harold J 1916 Dreicer, Michael 1909 Drexel, John R., Philadelphia, Pa 1902 Dryden, Forrest F 1916 Drysdale, Robert A 1909 Dudley, John L., Jr 1905 Duer, Edward R 1918 Duke, James B 1893 Dumbell, Henry T 1915 Duncan, Stuart 1902 Dunn, Henry E 1906 duPont, T. Coleman 1915 Duryea, Franklin P 1906 Duval, George L 1900 Dwight, Edmund 1906 E Eames, John C 1915 Eastman, Joseph 1904 Eastmond, Joseph Farnham 1917 Eckardt, Clarence W 1913 Ecker, Frederick H 1917 Eckert, John A 1910 Eddy, Jesse L 1905 Edmister, Willard Earl . . . . 1906 Edwards, George E 1912 Eidlitz, Otto M 1901 Eiseman, Samuel 1903 Eisman, Max 1901 Elliman, Douglas L 1914 Elliman, Lawrence B 1914 Elliott, Ashbel R 1912 Elliott, Howard 1915 Ellis, W. Dixon 1909 Ellison, Bennett 1918 Elms, James C 1906 Ely, George W 1900 Emanuel, John H., Jr 1914 Emery, John R 1903 Emery, Joseph H 1009 Englis, Charles M 1889 English, William H 1904 Ernst,AlwinC.,Cleveland,O. 1917 Erstein, Moise L 1914 Estee, Tully C 1915 Estes, Webster C 1897 Etherington, William F. . . . 1911 Ettlinger, Louis 1897 Eustis, John E 1910 Evans, Henry 1892 Ewart, Richard H 1907 Ewing, Blaine 1917 Exton, Brudenell N 1917 Faber, Eberhard 1912 Faber, Rudolph C 1913 Fahnestock, Harris 1908 Fahnestock, William 1898 APPENDIX 277 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Fahys, George Ernest 1897 Fairchild, Charles S 1889 Fairchild, Julian D 1893 Fairchild, Samuel W 1895 Falk, Kaufman S 1898 Fancher, Bertram H 191 1 Farrell, James A 1910 Farrell, Maurice L 1916 Farrelly, Stephen 1897 Fassett, J. Sloat, Elmira, N. Y 1901 Faulkner, Edward D 1890 Felsinger, William 1911 Ferguson, Walton 1901 Ferris, Frank A 1894 Ferry, E. Hayward I 97 Finley, John H 1916 Fisher, Edwin A., Sayre- ville, N. J 1906 Fisher, Irving R 1901 Fisher, Walter G 1917 Fisk, Pliny 1902 Fisk, Wilbur C 1912 Flagler, John H 1897 Fleischmann, Charles M. . . 1911 Fleischmann, Udo M 1911 Fleitmann, Frederick T. . . . 1007 Fleitmann, Hermann C .... 1914 Fletcher, Andrew 1914 Fletcher, Austin B 1906 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Fletcher, Henry 1915 Flint, Charles R 1877 Folger, Henry C., Jr 1913 Forbes, Allen Boyd 1906 Forgan, James B., Chicago, 111 1902 Forrest, Richard E 1916 Foss, Wilson P 1916 Foster, Nathaniel R 1917 Foster, Scott 1891 Fowler, John F 1916 Fox, Frederick P 1909 Francis, David R., St. Louis, Mo 1002 Frank, Charles A 1912 Franklin, Philip A. S I 97 Fredrick, Leopold 1909 Freeborn, James L 1916 Freeman, Charles D 1898 Frelinghuysen, Joseph Sherman 1908 Frenkel, Emil 1911 Frew, Walter E *93 Frick, Henry C 1905 Friedman, Sol 1911 Friedsam, Michael 1898 Frissell, Algernon S 1887 Frost, Russell, South Norwalk, Conn 1907 Fullerton, Henry S 1916 Gage, Baron W 1916 Garabrant, David G 1917 Garrigues, William A 1915 Gary, Elbert H 1002 Gawtry, Harrison E 1002 Gawtry, Lewis B 1905 Gaynor, Philip B 1914 Geer, George J 1890 Gelshenen, William H 1916 Gerhard, Paul F 1883 Getty, Hugh 1909 Giblin, William 1911 Gibson, Robert 1906 Gibson, Robert W 1897 Gibson, William H 1910 Gilbert, Alexander 1905 Gilbert, Charles P. H 1901 Gillies, Edwin J 1907 Gilpin, William J 1897 Gintzler, Morris 1915 Gips, Adrian, Rotterdam, Holland 1908 Glazier, Henry S 1910 Gleason, Marshall W 1910 278 APPENDIX NAME DATE OF ELECTION Glover, Charles C., Wash- ington, D. C 1902 Glyn, William E 1917 Goelet, Robert 1906 Goepel, Carl 1901 Golding, John N 1906 Goldman, Henry 1895 Goldschmidt, Samuel A. ... 1902 Goodhue, Charles E 1909 Gough, William T 1917 Gould, Edwin 1905 Gould, George J 1894 Grace, Joseph P 1903 Graham, James Lorimer. . . 1910 Graham, Malcolm 1897 Grant, Rollin P 1913 Gray, Olin D 1908 Gray, William S 1900 Greeff, Bernhard 1908 Greeff, Bernhard, Jr 1911 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Greenhut, Benedict J 1906 Greenhut, Joseph B 1910 Greer, Louis Morris 1911 Greims, Herbert S 1907 Griffin, Francis B 1899 Griffith, Edward 1902 Griffith, Percy T 1909 Griscom, Clement A., Jr. . . 1897 Guerrlich, Francis 1916 Guggenheim, Daniel 1891 Guggenheim, Isaac 1891 Guggenheim, Morris *&9S Guggenheim, Solomon 1895 Guggenheim, William 1914 Guiterman, Percy L 1917 Gunther, Bernard G 1893 Gunther, Franklin L 1889 Guye, Charles H 1907 Gwathmey, J. Temple 1903 Gwynne, Charles T 1907 H Haas, Kalman 1890 Haffner, Jacob H 1917 Hagedorn, Hermann 1906 Hagemeyer, Frank E 1916 Hagerty, George V 1906 Haggerty, J. Henry 1897 Haigh, George C. 1917 Hale, Henry 1916 Hall, A. Mitchell, 2d 1909 Hall, Albert C 1894 Hall, Edward E 1910 Hall, William Webster 1917 Halle, Stanley J 1917 Halls, William, Jr 1897 Halm, William E 1916 Halstead, J. Morton 1916 Halsted, Gilbert C 1917 Hamilton, Carl W 1916 Hammer, G: Adolph 1905 Hammond, John Hays 1915 Hanan, John H 1910 Hanauer, Jerome J 1912 Hance, John A 1909 Hare, J. Montgomery 1895 Harrington, Walter E 1917 Harris, Arthur M 1913 Harrison, George F 1911 Hartshorn, Stewart 1890 Harvey, George 1900 Harvey, Raymond 1915 Hasler, Henry 1903 Hasslacher, Jacob 1903 Hastings, Courtland E 1916 Hatch, Arthur Melvin 1898 Hatfield, Joshua A 1915 Hathaway, Charles 1896 Hatzel, John C 1918 Haven, George G 1912 Hawes, W. Gerald 1916 Hawkes, McDougall 1903 Hawkins, George F 1900 Hawley, Robert B 1916 Hay, Louis C 1911 Hays, David S 1913 APPENDIX 279 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Hazard, William A 1892 Hazen, George H 1913 Healey, Warren M 1904 Healy, A. Augustus 1891 Hegeman, John R 1910 Heide, Henry 1909 Heidelbach, Alfred S 1888 Hemphill, Alexander Julian 1905 Hendricks, Harmon W 1896 Henry, James 1908 Hentz, Henry 1858 Hepburn, A. Barton 1893 Heroy, William W 1910 Herrick, Parmely W 1915 Hester, William 1902 Hetzler, Theodore 1911 Hewitt, Erskine 1902 Hicks, Frederick C 1901 Higgins, Eugene 1889 Higgins, John D., Oswego, N. Y 1009 Higgins, Richard H 1917 Hill, Louis W., St. Paul, Minn 1916 Hill, Percival S 1915 Hillas, Robert J 1912 Hilles, Charles D *9*3 Hilliard, John Gerald 1910 Hillman, William 1898 Hiltman, John W 1911 Hilton, Frederick M 1916 Hine, Francis L 1892 Hirsch, Richard 1910 Hirsch, Robert B 1915 Hirschland, Franz H 1916 Hobart, Henry L., East- hampton, N. Y 1907 Hochschild, Berthold 1912 Hodenpyl, Anton G 1904 Hodge, Henry W 1909 Hodges, Alfred 1909 Hodgman, George B 1895 Hodgman, S. Theodore. . . . 1905 Hoe, William J 1915 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Hoffman, Charles F., Jr 1897 Hoffman, Samuel V 1902 Hoffstot, Frank N 1918 Holbrook, Edward 1889 Holbrook, John Swift 1907 Holden, Arthur Bates 1910 Holland, Charles H I 9 I 3 Hollister, George C 1912 Holmes, Edwin T 1897 Homan, Benjamin H JQJS Homer, Francis T 1914 Hooker, Elon Hun tington. . 1917 Hopkins, Eustis Langdon. . 1901 Hopkins, George B 1891 Hopkins, Jesse L 1917 Horowitz, Louis J 1915 Horr, L. William I 97 Hoskier, Herman C., South Orange, N. J 1897 Housman, Frederick 1909 Howard, William C 1897 Howell, Thomas A 1916 Rowland, W. Wallace 1891 Hoxie, William D 1912 Hoyt, Colgate 1898 Hoyt, Edward C 1889 Hoyt, John Sherman 1913 Hubbard, Samuel T 1899 Hubbard, Walter C 1906 Hubbs, Charles Francis. ... 1917 Hubert, Conrad 1912 Hudnut, Alexander M 1896 Hudnut, Richard Alex 1917 Buffer, H. C., Jr., Paris, France 1915 Hughitt, Marvin, Chicago, 111 1902 Hume, Frederic T 1897 Humphreys, Alexander C. . 1902 Humphreys, Frederick H.. . 1902 Humstone, Walter C 1902 Huntington, Archer M 1002 Huntington, Henry E 1912 Huntington, Samuel V. V. . 1917 280 APPENDIX NAME DATE OF ELECTION Hurdman, Frederick Harold 1909 Hyatt, Abram M 1901 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Hyde, E. Francis 1891 Hyde, James H., Paris, France 1899 Ichinomiya, Reitaro 1917 Ickelheimer, Henry R 1892 Ide, George E 1897 Ilsley, Silas A 1889 Iselin, Adrian 1894 Iselin, Arthur 1910 Iselin, Ernest 1918 Iselin, William E 1893 Isham, Phillips 1917 Israel, Leon 1913 Jackson, George J 1908 Jacobs, Ralph J 1890 Jacot, William 1916 Jadwin, Stanley P 1917 James, Arthur Curtiss 1893 Jameson, Edwin C 1913 Jarvie, James N 1894 Jeanne, Frank JQ 1 ? Jeffery, Edward T 1906 Jenks, Jeremiah W 1917 Jennings, Walter 1915 Jesup, Charles M., White Plains, N. Y 1883 Jesup, Frank W 1901 Jewell, John V 1903 Job, William C 1917 Johnson, Alba B., Philadelphia, Pa 1909 Johnson, Frank Coit 1903 Johnson, Frederick M 1914 Johnson, Isaac B 19*3 Johnson, Joseph French. ... 1909 Jones, E. Clarence 1901 Jones, Frank S 1899 Joost, Martin 1891 Jourdan, Edward R 1916 Jourdan, Franklin B 1915 Jourdan, James H 1916 Jourdan, William B 1914 Joyce, William B 1917 Judson, William D 1912 Juhring, William L 1916 Juilliard, Augustus D 1875 Kahn, Otto H 1897 Kaley, Frank E 1916 Kathan, Reid A 1910 Kaufman, Louis G 1911 Keiser, James R 1912 Kelley, Cornelius F 1917 Kelly, Richard B 1901 Kelsey, Clarence H *&97 Kemp, Edward C. M 1910 Kemp, William H 1916 Kent, Fred 1 1910 Kent, Thomas B 1893 Keppler, Rudolph 1899 Kerr, John B 1905 Kerr, Walter 1907 Kessler, George A 1898 Keys, Charles H 1907 Keys, William A 1907 Kies, William S 1915 Kiesewetter, Louis F 1916 Kilduff, Thomas H., Boston, Mass 1906 King, R. Courtney 1912 King, Willard V 1909 Kingsbury, Nathan C 1916 Kingsley, Darwin P 1907 28r NAME DATE OF ELECTION Kingsley, William M 1901 Kinnan, Alexander P. W. . . 1909 Kinnear, Wilson S 1916 Kirkbride, Franklin Butler. 1906 Kirkpatrick, George Under- wood 1918 Kirkpatrick, John 1910 Klinck, Jacob C 1909 Klingenstein, Charles 1915 Kneeland, Yale 1903 Knight, William 1903 Knoedler, Roland F 1887 Knox, William Henry 1906 Koechl, Victor 1889 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Kohn, Arnold 1914 Kohns, Lee 1891 Kopper, Philip W., Jr 1910 Kops, Daniel 1009 Kountze, Luther 1869 Kracke, Frederick J. H. . . . 1915 Krech, Alvin W 1915 Kremer, William N 1899 Kridel, Samuel 1902 Kuh, Charles E 1917 Kuhne, Percival 1897 Kunhardt, Henry R 1895 Kunz, George F 1917 Kuttroff, Adolf 1889 LaBoyteaux, W. Harvell. . . 1916 Labrot, Sylvester W 1917 Lafrentz, Ferdinand W .... 1915 Laidlaw, James Lees 1907 Laing, Edgar H 1908 Lament, Thomas W 1005 Landon, Francis G 1910 Landstreet, Fairfax S 1910 Lane, James W 1902 Langdon, Charles S 1915 Langdon, Woodbury, Portsmouth, N. H 1877 Langford, Herbert E 1918 Langley, William C 1917 Lanier, Charles 1865 Lanier, James F. D 1917 Law, Frank E 1912 Leach, Arthur B 1902 Leavitt, Charles W 1911 Lee, Arthur P 1917 Lee, Charles N., Farmington, Conn. . . . 1903 Lee, Ivy L 1915 Le Gendre, William C 1892 Legg, George 1895 Lehman, Arthur 1903 Lehman, Philip 1898 Lehman, Sigmund M 1898 Leland, Arthur S 1912 Lenci, Thomas A 1917 Lesher, Arthur L 1884 Leverich, Charles D., Corona, L. 1 1891 Levy, Charles E 1904 Levy, Jefferson M 1898 Lewis, Edward L 1902 Lewisohn, Adolph 1002 Lewisohn, Sam A 1916 Lilienthal, Joseph L 1909 Lincoln, Frederic W 1897 Lindenthal, Gustav 1909 Lindsay, L. Seton 1916 Linton, George 1916 Lisman, Frederick J 1902 Litchfield, Edward H 1899 Littauer, Lucius N 1899 Lloyd, Francis G 1890 Lockett, Arthur Hobart. ... 1912 Lockhart, Frederick C 1916 Loeb, Carl M 1911 Loeb, William, Jr 1917 Loeser, Vincent 1915 Loines, Stephen 1897 Look, David M 1894 Loomis, Edward E 1915 Loomis, Edward N 1902 282 APPENDIX NAME DATE OF ELECTION Loree, Leonor F 1912 Lorsch, Arthur 1917 Lovejoy, Frederick B 1917 Lovett, Robert S 1909 Low, William C 1917 Luckenbach, Edgar F 1901 LuHger, John B 1912 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Lyall, William L 1912 Lybrand, William M 1910 Lyman, Frank 1900 Lynch, John Hampton 1903 Lyon, Emory S 1910 Lyons, Edward 1916 Me McAlpin, D. Hunter 1916 McAlpin, George L 1913 McAlpin, William W 1907 McAneny, George 1914 McCall, John C 1910 McCarroll, William 1897 McCollough, Charles A 1913 McComb, David J 1908 McCutchen, Charles W 1906 McDonald, Willis, Jr 1914 McDougall, Walter 1907 McFadden, George H 1903 McGarrah, Gates W 1899 McHugh, John 1916 Mclntyre, William H 1902 McKenna, William L 1902 McKenzie, Herbert C 1912 McKesson, John 1889 McKinney, Henry N 1912 McLane, Guy Richards. . . . 1909 McLean, James 1900 McManus, Edward F 1916 McMullen, John 1914 McNeir, George 1896 McWhorter, Charles F 1917 M Mabon, James B 1901 MacArthur, John R 1916 Macdonald, James A 1897 Mackay, Clarence H 1903 MacKay, Frederic D 1909 Mackay, Malcolm S 19*3 MacLean, Charles F 1912 MacVeagh, Franklin, Chicago, 111 1902 Macy, George H 1891 Macy, Nelson 1913 Macy, V. Event 1902 Magoffin, James R 1908 Mali, Pierre 1889 Manning, John B 1890 Manville, T. Frank 1904 Marden, Francis S 1904 Markle, John 1902 Marks, Marcus M 1903 Marling, Alfred E 1897 Marling, Charles E 1916 Marsh, Henry W 1909 Marsh, Joseph A 1903 Marsh, Melville A 1910 Marshall, Waldo H I99 Marston, Edgar J 1912 Marston, Edgar L 1902 Marston, Edwin S 1915 Martin, Bradley 1912 Martin, Henry C 1911 Martinez, Aristides I 897 Masury, John W 1904 Mather, Samuel, Cleveland, 1902 Matheson, William J 1902 Maxwell, Howard W 1911 Maxwell, Robert 1901 May, George Oliver 1916 Mayer, Morris 1902 Maynard, Duff G 1915 APPENDIX 283 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Maynard, Edwin P I 9 I 3 Meade, Richard W 1915 Megargel, Roy C I 9 I S Mehren, Edward J 1917 Meinhard, Morton H 1912 Melcher, Josiah R 1913 Mendelsohn, Sigmund 1912 Merck, George 1005 Meredith, William T 1897 Merrill, Edwin G 1910 Merrill, Wm. Willis 1906 Metcalf, Manton B I 99 Mettler, John Wyckoff. ... 1911 Metz, Herman A 1899 Meurer, Jacob J 907 Meyer, Abraham B 1904 Meyer, Harry H 1902 Meyer, Henry C 1875 Meyer, John Henry 1904 Meyer, Joseph E 1006 Meyer, Julius P 1912 Meyer, Leopold, Newark, N. J 1907 Miller, Andrew J 1917 Miller, Edward C 1912 Miller, Jacob W 1893 Miller, John Doull 1899 Millett, Stephen C 1917 Milliken, Gerrish H 1917 MilUken, Seth M 1882 Mills, Abraham G 1887 Mills, Andrew 1892 Mills, John T 1895 Mills, Ogden 1906 Mills, W. McMaster 1905 Minton, Francis L 1901 Mitchel, Ormsby M 1903 Mitchell, Francis B., Rochester, N. Y 1888 Mitchell, John J., Chicago, 111 1902 Moen, Leclanche 1915 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Molitor, Frederic A 1916 Mollenhauer, Henry F 1906 Molleson, George E 1905 Monks, John, Jr 1900 Monroe, Rolland G 1916 Montgomery, James Moore. 1901 Montgomery, Richard M. . 1881 Montgomery, Robert H. ... 1909 Moody, Harry A 1916 Moore, Charles A., Jr 1905 Moore, John C 1006 Moore, William H 1902 Moran, Robert G 1912 Morgan, J. Pierpont 1894 Morgan, James L 1906 Morgan, William F 1896 Morgenthau, Henry 1001 Morrell, Joseph B 1912 Morris, Effingham B., Philadelphia, Pa 1002 Morrison, David M 1891 Morrison, Louis W 1904 Morrow, Dwight W 1915 Morse, Daniel P 1900 Morse, James R 1893 Moseley, Mercer P 1917 Mosle, George R 1003 Mott, Howard S 1916 Mott, Jordan L 1913 Mott, William C 1914 Muller, Carl 1897 Munger, Henry C 1917 Munn, John P 1909 Munro, Robert F 1915 Munroe, Henry Whitney. . . 1897 Munsey, Frank A 1899 Munson, Frank C 1915 Murphy, Patrick Francis.. . 1915 Murphy, William D 1899 Murray, Thomas E 1915 Myers, Theodore W 1896 284 APPENDIX N NAME DATE OF ELECTION Nash, Walter H 1916 Nash, William A 1891 Nathan, Alfred 1905 Nathan, Max 1891 Naumburg, Aaron 1897 Naumburg, Elkan 1879 Naumburg, George W 1899 Naumburg, Max 1889 Naumburg, Walter W 1895 Neuhoff, Karl W 1915 Newbold, Arthur E., Philadelphia, Pa 1905 Newcomb, James G 1904 Newington, Harry M 1915 Nichols, Acosta 1899 Nichols, George, Boston, Mass 1905 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Nichols, John W. T 1900 Nichols, William H 1894 Nicol, Robert A 1916 Nissen, Ludwig 1900 Niven, John B 1912 Nix, John W 1910 Nixon, Lewis 1898 Noonan, William T., Rochester, N. Y 1913 Norden, Hermann, Pasadena, Cal 1906 Norton, Charles Dyer 1911 Norton, Edward N 1910 Norton, Skemngton S 1913 Nugent, Frank Louis 1901 Nutting, J. Frank 1916 O Oakman, Walter G 1897 Obermayer, Charles J 1915 O'Brien, Edward C 1900 Ochs, Adolph S 1902 Oddie, Orville, Jr 1911 Odell, Benjamin B., Jr 1912 O'Donohue, Charles A 1895 Olcott, Eben Erskine 1902 Oler, Wesley M 1912 OUesheimer, Henry 1906 Olney, Charles 1909 Olyphant, Robert 1882 O'Neil, David W 1910 Oppenheimer, Julius 1911 O'Rourke, John F 1909 Orvis, Edwin W 1902 Osborn, Herbert 1909 Osborne, Loyall Allen 1907 Ottley, James Henry 1909 Outerbridge, A. Emilius. . . . 1912 Outerbridge, Eugenius H.. . 1903 Outerbridge, Frank R 1916 Owen, Raymond M 1909 Owens, William W., Jr 1902 Packard, Edwin 1890 Page, Edward D., Oakland, N. J . . . 1903 Page, Frank C. B 1909 Page, J. Seaver 1886 Pagenstecher, Albrecht, Jr.. 1912 Paine, Augustus G., Jr 1913 Paine, Willis S 1890 Palmer, Nicholas F 1888 Parker, Forrest H 1891 Parr, Benjamin I 9 I 5 Parson, Hubert T 1916 Parsons, Frank H 1917 Parsons, Harry de Berkeley 1902 Parsons, William H 1885 Pate, William C 1902 Patrick, Charles H 1897 APPENDIX 285 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Patterson, William A 1916 Peabody, Charles A 1910 Peabody, George Foster 1886 Pearce, Edward E 1911 Peaslee, Edward H 1901 Peck, Charles Edmund. . . . 1909 Peck, Wallace F 1916 Peck, William E 1904 Perkins, George W 1902 Perkins, Robert P 1903 Perkins, William H 1888 Perkins, William M 1906 Perry, John Moore, St. James, L. 1 1916 Peters, Ralph 1913 Peters, Samuel T 1887 Peters, William R 1897 Philips, William P 1912 Phillips, John B 1902 Pierce, Wallace L., Boston, Mass 1907 Pierson, Lewis E 1909 Pmkus, Frederick S 1882 Pine, Samuel C 1910 Platt, Abner H 1917 Platt, Willard H 1897 Platt, Willard Rice 1914 Flatten, John W 1910 Plimpton, George A 1895 Pollock, Walter B 1909 Pomeroy, Daniel E 1911 Poor, J. Harper 1911 Poor, Ruel W 1897 Porges, Gustave 1912 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Porter, H. Hobart 1904 Porter, William H 1893 Post, Charles H 1898 Post, George A 1912 Post, George B 1908 Post, James H 1902 Potter, Frederick 1901 Potter, James Brown 1895 Potts, Charles E 1916 Potts, William B 1905 Potts, William R 1895 Pratt, Charles M 1885 Pratt, Dallas B 1901 Pratt, Edward Ewing 1917 Pratt, Frederic B 1898 Pratt, Harold 1 1907 Prendergast, William A 1909 Prentiss, John Wing 1909 Presbrey, Frank 1912 Pressprich, Reginald W 1915 Price, Joseph M 1911 Price, Walter W 1917 Probst, Arthur O 1906 Probst, John D 1902 Prosser, Seward 1915 Prosser, Thomas 1906 Pruyn, Robert C., Albany, N. Y 1901 Pugsley, Cornelius A 1897 Pulleyn, John J 1912 Putnam, William A 1891 Pyne, M. Taylor 1902 Pyne, Percy R 1902 Quinlan, James 1907 R Rainey, Paul J 1906 Ramsay, Dick S 1891 Ramsey, George 1009 Rand, Charles F 1903 Randall, Henry M 1909 Randle, Arthur E., Washington, D. C 1902 Raven, Anton A 1897 Rawitser, Herman 1914 Raymond, Arthur B 1912 286 APPENDIX NAME DATE OF ELECTION Raymond, George H 1911 Raymond, Irving E 1906 Ray nor, Forrest 190x3 Rea, Samuel, Philadelphia, Pa 1903 Read, George R 1905 Reid, A. Duncan 1917 Reid, Daniel G 1903 Reid, David C 1917 Reid, Ogden Mills 1910 Reid, Wallace 1909 Reimer, Otto E 1907 Remington, Franklin 1910 Renken, Frederick 1912 Renshaw, Charles Rhoades, John Harsen Rhodes, Bradford 1899 Richard, Edwin A 1913 Richard, Oscar L 1903 Richards, Charles A 1916 Richards, E. Ira 1906 Richards, Ellis G 1902 Richards, Eugene Lamb. . . 1914 Richards, Lowell L 1913 Richardson, D wight S 1897 Richmond, Stacy C 1916 Richter, Charles J 1896 Ridgely, William Barret, Washington, D. C 1907 Riker, John J 1912 Ring, Welding 1897 Rionda, Manuel 1916 Ris, Bernard I9 J 7 Ritchie, Ryerson, Detroit, Mich 1914 Robert, Francis B 1917 Robert, Samuel 1909 Robertson, Louis J 1917 Robinson, Allan 1917 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Robinson, Andrew J 1897 Robinson, Douglas 1901 Robinson, Drew King 1906 Robinson, George N 1902 Robson, Theodore 1889 Rockefeller, John D 1889 Rockefeller, John D., Jr. . . 1900 Rockefeller, William 1888 Roe, Frank O 1916 Roebling, Washington A., Trenton, N. J 1902 Rogers, Allen Merrill 1906 Rogers, Charles B., Utica, N. Y 1901 Rogers, Edgar W 1916 Rogers, Edward L 1905 Rogers, Hubert E 1916 Rogers, Noah C 1904 Rohaut, Albert 1917 Romer, Alfred 1896 Rosen, Walter T 1915 Rosenbaum, Henry C 1898 Rosenfeld, William 1 1902 Rossiter, Clinton L 1912 Rossiter, Edward L 1904 Rothschild, Simon F 1902 Rothschild, V. Sydney 1897 Rousmaniere, John E 1916 Rowe, Frederick W 1914 Ruhl, Louis 1917 Runyon, Carman R 1906 Runyon, Edward Wheelock 1917 Runyon, Walter Clark 1917 Rusch, Henry A 1917 Rushmore, Townsend 1903 Russell, Archibald D 1896 Ryan, John D 1915 Ryan, Thomas F 1897 Ryle, Arthur 1899 Sabin, Charles H Sachs, Arthur 1911 Sachs, Harry 1900 Sachs, Paul J., Cambridge, Mass 1911 Sachs, Samuel 1886 APPENDIX 287 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Sachs, Walter E 191 1 Salomon, Arthur K 1917 Salomon, William 1886 Salt, Albert L 1916 Sampson, Charles E 1910 Sanchez, Ricardo, Liverpool, England 1914 Sanderson, Lloyd Bowen. . . 1903 Satterlee, Ernest K 1917 Satterlee, Herbert L 1904 Saunders, William L 1907 Savage, Edward S 1912 Sawyer, Philip 1910 Scammell, Frederick E J 9!7 Schaefer, Edward C 1905 Schaefer, Henry 1906 Schaefer, J. Louis IQ9 Schaffer, Frank 1910 Schall, William, Jr 1897 Schanck, George Edgar 1890 Schenck, Edwin S 1907 Schenck, Henry A 1909 Scherer, Oscar 1900 Schieffelin, William Jay. . . . 1894 Schieren, Charles A i99 Schierenberg, August 1908 Schiff, Jacob H 1889 Schiff, Mortimer L 1899 Schlesinger, Leo 1902 Schmelzel, James H 1907 Schnakenberg, Daniel 1899 Schniewind, Heinrich 1910 Schoonmaker, Sylvanus L. . 1904 Schreiber, Otto A 1910 Schuster, Richard 1904 Schwab, Charles M 1902 Schwab, Gustav 1909 Schwarz, Paul 1893 Scott, Donald 191 1 Scott, Walter 1913 Seagrist, Francis K 1912 Seaman, Henry B., Washington, D. C 1009 Seaman, Howard C 1916 NAME DATE OP ELECTION Sears, Joseph D 1917 Sears, Joseph Hamblen. . . . 1910 See, Alonzo B 1903 Seed, John H 1800 Seggermann, Frederick K. . 1911 Seko, Konosuke 1917 Selig, Arthur L 191 7 Seligman, Henry 1899 Seligman, Jefferson 1002 Seligman, Joseph L 1911 Semler, George 1905 Senff, Frederick W., Newburgh, N. Y 1911 Shainwald, Ralph L 1902 Shallcross, Cecil F 1904 Shattuck, Albert R 1897 Shaw, Munson G 1914 Shaw, Robert Alfred 1915 Shaw, Walter W., Bournemouth, England 1907 Shaw, William N 1910 Sheldon, Edward W 1007 Sheldon, George R 1894 Sherer, William 1891 Sherman, Charles Austin. . . 1909 Shibley, Fred W 1917 Shoninger, Bernard J i93 Shoninger, Charles 1003 Shonts, Theodore P 1915 Sicher, Dudley D 1918 Sickel, William G 1912 Sidenberg, Charles 1903 Siedenburg, Reinhard 1893 Siegbert, Julius 1909 Simmons, Charles H 1897 Simmons, Francis R 1004 Simmons, John S 1903 Simmons, Joseph F 1900 Simmons, Wallace D., St. Louis, Mo 1905 Simmons, William 1918 Simmons, Z. G., Kenosha, Wis 1911 Simonson, William A 1902 288 APPENDIX NAME DATE OF ELECTION Simpson, Ernest L 1906 Simpson, William L. H. . . . 1909 Sisson, Francis H 1917 Sizer, Robert R 1902 Skinner, William 1898 Skougaard, Jens C. L 1905 Slade, Francis Louis 1913 Slater, John 1906 Slee, J. Noah H 1906 Sleicher, John A 1909 Sloan, Benson Bennett 1915 Sloan, Samuel 1911 Sloane, Henry T 1899 Sloane, John 1906 Sloane, Malcolm Douglas. . 1915 Sloane, William 1897 Slocum, Thomas W 1901 Smith, Alfred Gilbert 1906 Smith, Alfred H 1914 Smith, Arthur L. J 1913 Smith, Arthur M 1915 Smith, Augustine J 1906 Smith, Charles Herbert. . . . 1902 Smith, Elijah P 1891 Smith, Freeborn G 1915 Smith, Howard C 1894 Smith, J. Waldo 1909 Smith, James A 1905 Smith, Joseph K 1917 Smith, Merritt Haviland. . . 1909 Smith, Robert A. C 1889 Smith, William Frothingham 1906 Smithers, Francis S 1890 Smull, J. Barstow 1917 Snook , Thomas Edward 1912 Snow, Elbridge G 1902 Snyder, Valentine P 1902 Soper, George A 1912 Sorenson, John S 1916 Sorzano, Julio F 1889 South wick, Francis H 1901 Spadone, Henry 1916 Sparks, T. Ashley 1912 Sparks, William J 1917 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Speers, James M 1910 Spence, Lewis H 1901 Sperry, William M 1914 Speyer, James 1891 Spiegelberg, Isaac N 1900 Spiegelberg, William 1 1897 Spofford, Charles A 1914 Sprague, Frank J 1910 Stanley, Edward 1906 Starbuck, Charles A 1909 Stauffen, Ernest, Jr 1911 Stearns, John N 1918 Stebbins, Horace Chase. . . . 1911 Steele, Charles 1912 Steele, Sanford H 1903 Steers, Henry 1910 Stein, Fred M 1902 Steinway, Charles H 1897 Stern, Leopold 1897 Stern, Louis 1889 Sternbach, Morris 1902 Sternfeld, Theodore 1912 Sterrett, Joseph E 1912 Stettinius, Edward R 1916 Stevens, John P 1913 Stevens, W. Tyrie 1915 Stewart, Duncan M 1917 Stewart, James C 1916 Stewart, John A 1891 Stewart, John W 1918 Stewart, Lispenard 1899 Stewart, Louis 1911 Stewart, William Rhine- lander 1895 Stillman, Charles 1909 Stillman, James 1886 Stoddard, Henry L 1915 Stoddart, Laurence B 1912 Stokes, James 1873 Stone, Charles A 1916 Stone, I. Frank 1906 Stotesbury, Edward T 1902 Stout, Andrew Varick 1906 Stout, Charles H 1899 APPENDIX 289 NAME DATE OP ELECTION Stout, Joseph S 1006 Straight, Willard 1914 Stratum, E. Platt 1915 Straus, Herbert N 1006 Straus, Jesse Isidor 1897 Straus, Nathan 1889 Straus, Percy Selden 1900 Strauss, Albert 1902 Strauss, Frederick 1902 Strauss, Jacob 1901 Strickland, William R 1917 Strong, Benjamin, Jr 1912 Sturgis, Frank K 1905 NAME DATE 07 ELECTION Suffern, Robert A., London, England 1913 Sulzberger, Cyrus L 1897 Sumner, Charles P.. 1909 Surbrug, John W 1808 Sutphen, Henry R 1917 Sutro, Lionel 1901 Sutro, Richard 1901 Swenson, Eric Pierson 1901 Switzer, Frederick E 1913 Swords, Henry C 1804 Sylvester, A. L 1902 Symington, Robert B 1915 Taintor, Charles N 1913 Talcott, J. Frederick 1916 Talmadge, Henry P 1887 Talmage, John F 1906 Tarns, J. Frederic 1917 TarbeH, Gage E 1000 Tatanis, Petros P 1910 Tatnall, Henry, Philadelphia, Pa 1903 Taussig, Walter M 1909 Taylor, George C 1915 Taylor, James W 1907 Taylor, Willard U 1917 Taylor, William A 1913 Taylor, William H 1905 Tenney, Charles H 1884 Tenney, Daniel G 1897 Terry, John T 1913 Thayer, Harry B 1904 Thayer, J. Warren, Scarsdale, N. Y 1909 Thorn, William B 1895 Thomas, Edward Russell, Paris, France 1897 Thomas, Eugene P 1913 Thomas, Ransom H 1902 Thomas, Seth E., Jr 1910 Thompson, Henry Burling, Wilmington, Del 1907 Thompson, Henry S 1910 Thompson, J. Walter 1903 Thompson, William B 1915 Thomson, James, New Bedford, Mass . . . 1916 Thorburn, Alfred M 1909 Thorne, Gilbert G 1906 Thome, John W 1917 Thorne, Jonathan 1885 Tiemann, Louis S 1917 Tierney, Myles 1905 Tilford, Frank 1889 Tilney, John S 1887 Tim, Louis B 1902 Timms, Walter B 1917 Timolat, James Guyon 1910 Tingue, William J 1907 Toch, Henry M 1916 Toch, Maximilian 1916 Tod, J. Kennedy 1891 Tomkins, Calvin 1897 Towne, Henry R 1896 Townsend, Edward 1905 Townsend, J. Henry 1904 Tracy, Marcus H 1910 Tread weH, Harry Hay den. . 1901 Tremaine, Harry B 1916 Trevor, John B 1906 Tripp, Guy E 1914 290 APPENDIX NAME DATE OF ELECTION Trowbridge, Charles A 1910 Trowbridge, Edmund Q. . . 1910 Trowbridge, George F 1905 Trumbull, Frank 1913 Tuck, Edward, Paris, France 1876 Tully, William J 1914 Turnbull, Frank S 1917 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Turner, John M., San Juan, P. R 1912 Turnure, George 1907 Tuttle, William P 1915 Tuttle, Winthrop M 1917 Twining, Edmund S 1916 Twitchell, Herbert K 1911 Tyner, Charles L 1912 U Ullmann, Samuel 1914 Ulman, Julien Stevens 1913 Underwood, Frederick D. . . 1901 Underwood, John T 1910 Urban, George, Jr., Buffalo, N. Y 1901 Vail, Theodore N 1915 Van Antwerp, William C. . . 1915 Van Buskirk, De Witt, Bayonne, N. J 1917 Van Cleaf, John C 1906 Vanderbilt, Cornelius 1900 Vanderhoef, Harman B. . . . 1898 Vanderlip, Frank A 1903 Van Dusen, Samuel C 1902 Van Inwegen, Charles F., Port Jervis, N. Y 1901 Van Norden, Warner M . . . 1897 Van Tuyl, George C., Jr. . . 1915 VanVIeck, Joseph, Jr 1912 Vickers, H. Mountague. . . . 1915 Vickers, Thomas L 1877 Viet, Richard C 1917 Vietor, Carl L 1913 Victor, Ernest G 1917 Vietor, George F., Jr 1912 Vietor, Thomas F 1906 Villa, Alfonso P 1912 Vogel, Martin 1914 Vogelstein, Ludwig 1912 Von Dohlen, Lawrence M. . 1916 Von Stade, Frederick H 1897 Vreeland, Herbert H 1902 W Walker, Alexander 1906 Walker, Elisha 1917 Walker, Richard L 1913 Wallace, James N 1915 Wallace, John F 1909 Wallis, Frederick A 1917 Walter, William 1 1897 Walton, David S 1897 Walworth, Charles W 1916 Wanamaker, John 1901 Wanamaker, Rodman 1912 Warburg, Felix M 1897 Warburg, Paul M 1903 Ward, George Gray 1894 Ward, John G ^9^3 Warden, David T 1917 Waring, Arthur B 1897 Warner, Charles Blaine. . . . 1913 Warner, Franklin H 1916 Warner, George H 1916 Warner, James Ward 1915 Warner, Lucien C 1886 APPENDIX 291 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Warren, Charles H 1911 Warren, Dorman T 1881 Warren, William R 1900 Waterbury, John 1 1895 Watson, Arthur W 1894 Watson, John J., Jr 1911 Watson, Thomas L 1915 Watts, Ridley 1907 Weaver, S. Fullerton 1915 Webb, H. St. John 1915 Webb, Silas D 1899 Weil, Edmond 1915 Welch, Alex. McMillan. ... 1915 Weld, Francis M 1911 Wells, William Storrs 1901 Welsh, S. Charles 1897 Wertheim, Jacob 1911 West, William T 1912 Whalen, John 1905 Wheeler, Schuyler S., Ampere, N. J 1894 Wheelock, William E 1910 Wheelock, William H 1901 Whicher, Louis E 1915 White, Alfred T 1897 White, Francis F 1909 White, James G 1897 White, Major A 1913 White, William Augustus. 1897 Whitehouse, J. Henry 1894 Whitman, Clarence 1897 Whitman, C. Morton 1914 Whitman, Nathaniel 1890 Whitmarsh, Theodore F ... 1910 Whitney, Alfred Rutgers, Jr. 1909 Wickes, Edward A 1872 Wickham, William Hull.. . . 1883 Wiggin, Albert H 1904 Wilkinson, James 1910 Willard, LeBaron Sands... . 1913 Willcox, William G 1910 Willcox, William R 1904 Willets, Howard, White Plains, N. Y.... 1892 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Williams, Arthur 1911 Williams, Benjamin A 1907 Williams, Clark 1902 Williams, Frank S 1888 Williams, Henry K. S 1910 Williams, John J 1906 Williams, Richard H 1887 Williams, William H 1914 Williams, William Henry.. . 1917 Willis, Grinnell 1904 Wills, Charles Sinclair 1902 Wilson, George 1917 Wilson, George T 1896 Wilson, Henry R 1901 Wilson, John A., Tenafly, N. J 1902 Wilson, Marshall Orme. . . . 1890 Wilson, Richard T., Jr 1890 Wimpfheimer, Adolph 1897 Wimpfheimer, Charles A. . . 1909 Wingate, Roy W 1913 Winslow, Clarion B 1917 Winter, Edwin W 1909 Winter, Hermann 1912 Witherspoon, Charles G 1913 Wittenberg, Charles J 1905 Wolf, Edwin H 1905 Wolfe, Henderson M 1909 Wollman, William J 1909 Wood, John H 1887 Wood, Otis F 1898 Wood, William S 1917 Wood, Willis D 1907 Woodin, William H 1902 Woodward, Hedley R 1912 Woodward, William 1904 Woolley, Clarence M 1917 Woolverton, Samuel 1899 Wool worth, Frank W 1904 Work, Bertram G 1915 Wotherspoon, William Wallace 1912 Wray, Alexander H 1903 Wright, Solomon ,.... 1917 292 APPENDIX NAME DATE OF ELECTION Yardley, Farnham 1913 Yoakum, Benjamin F 1908 Zabriskie, Elmer T 1915 Zabriskie, George A 1911 Zehnder, Charles H 1908 NAME DATE OF ELECTION Yohe, John W 1917 Young, Richard 1891 Ziegler, William, Jr 1913 Zinkeisen, Max 19*3 Zittel, Frederick 1904 There are three classes of members, resident, non-resident, and honorary. Those whose addresses are given are non-resident. The total membership on March 7, 1918, was as follows: Resident members i>527 Non-Resident members 91 Honorary members 9 Total membership 1*627 VIII CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS AND SCULPTURE PORTRAITS NO. 1. John Cruger. 2. Hugh Wallace. 3. Elias Desbrosses. 4. Henry White. 5. Theophylact Bache. 6. William Walton. 7. Isaac Low. 8. John Alsop. 9. John Broome. 10. Comfort Sands. u. John Murray. 12. Cornelius Ray. 13. William Bayard. 14. Robert Lenox. 15. Isaac Carow. 16. James De Peyster Ogden. 17. James Gore King. 18. Moses H. Grinnell. 19. Elias Hicks. 20. Pelatiah Pent. 21. Abiel Abbot Low. 22. William E. Dodge. 23. Samuel D. Bab cock. 24. George W. Lane. 25. James M. Brown. 26. Charles S. Smith. 27. Alexander E. Orr. 28. Morris K. Jesup. 29. James Boorman. 30. Royal Phelps. 31. Jonathan Sturges. 32. George Opdyke. 33. Simeon B. Chittenden. 34. Solon Humphreys. NO. 35- 36. 37- 38. 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44- 45- 46. 47- 48. 49. So- Si- 52. 53- 54- 55- 56. 57- 58. 59- 60. 61. 62. 63- 64. 65- 66. 67. William H. Fogg. Josiah M. Fiske. Cornelius N. Bliss. William E. Dodge (2d). Cornelius Vanderbilt (2d). J. Pierpont Morgan. William H. Webb. J. Edward Simmons. John D. Rockefeller. Andrew Carnegie. John S. Kennedy. Henry I. Wyckoff . John A. Stevens. Matthew Maury. George Wilson. Alexander Hamilton. Daniel D. Tompkins. Albert Gallatin. John Sherman. Carl Schurz. General Ulysses S. Grant. General William T. Sher- man. General Philip H. Sheridan. Admiral David G. Farragut. De Witt Clinton. De Witt Clinton. John A. King. Edwin D. Morgan. John A. Dix. Enoch L. Fancher. Cadwallader Colden. Francis Egerton. Richard Cobden. 293 294 APPENDIX NO. 68. John Bright. 69. Samuel Morley. 70. Gideon Lee. 71. Ambrose C. Kingsland. 72. William F. Havemeyer. 73. Cyrus W. Field. 74. Cyrus W. Field. 75. George Peabody. 76. Junius S. Morgan. 77. John Jacob As tor. 78. William B. Astor. 79. John Jacob Astor (2d). 80. Cornelius Vanderbilt. 81. William H. Vanderbilt. 82. Kinloch Stuart. 83. Robert L. Stuart. 84. Robert McCrea. 85. Peter Cooper. 86. John David Wolfe. 87. Preserved Fish. 88. David Leavitt. 89. Francis Skiddy. 90. Gustav Schwab. 91. Elliot C. Cowdin. 92. Anson G. Phelps. 93. George T. Hope. 94. Jeremiah P. Robinson. 95. Thomas B. Coddington. 96. George W. Blunt. 97. Walter R. Jones. 98. Loring Andrews. 99. Joshua Bates. 100. Samuel B. Ruggles. 101. Robert Ray. 102. John C. Green. 103. Charles H, Marshall. 104. James Stokes. 105. Marshall O. Roberts. 106. John Jay Phelps. 107. Paul Spofford. 108. Thomas Tileston. 109. Rufus Prime. no. George T. Trimble, in. Isaac Sherman. NO. 112. Horace B. Claflin. 113. Jeremiah Milbank. 114. Robert H. McCurdy. 115. John Caswell. 1 1 6. Jacob Barker. 117. Daniel Drake Smith. 118. Alfred S. Barnes. 119. James Brown. 120. Andrew V. Stout. 121. John S. Williams. 122. George L. Nichols. 123. George Jones. 124. Ezra Nye. 125. Benjamin H. Field. 126. Elihu Spicer. 127. Casper Meier. 128. Elliott F. Shepard. 129. William Walter Phelps. 130. Luman Reed. 131. Joseph Francis. 132. Eugene Kelly. 133. Benjamin B. Sherman. 134. Ambrose Snow. 135. John D. Jones. 136. Henry F. Spaulding. 137. Hugh N. Camp. 138. Jackson S. Schultz. 139. Christian G. Gunther. 140. F. Frederic Gunther. 141. Frederick A. Conkling. 142. John P. Paulison. 143. John Roach. 144. Richard Kelly. 145. William Denning. 146. Henry B. Hyde. 147. Charles Butler. 148. Henry Casimir De Rham. 149. James S. T. Stranahan. 150. Hanson K. Corning. 151. Moses Taylor. 152. Edward K. Collins. 153. Richard Irvin. 154. Silas Holmes. 155. David Dows. APPENDIX 295 NO. 156. Frederick S. Winston. 157. Thomas Dunham. 158. Jacob Lorillard. 159. John Jay Knox. 160. James Lenox. 161. Richard Lathers. 162. Collis P. Huntington. 163. Charles King. 164. Jesse Seligman. 165. Joseph Seligman. 166. Theodore A. Havemeyer. 167. Henry E. Nesmith. 168. Shepherd Knapp. 169. George Bliss. 170. George S. Coe. 171. Josiah Orne Low. 172. Edward H. R. Lyman. 173. Theophylact Bache. 174. Charles Lewis Tiffany. 175. Hugh H. Hanna. 176. Amos R. Eno. 177. Alexander T. Stewart. 178. Austin Corbin. 179. Walter T. Hatch. 180. Francis A. Palmer. 181. James M. Constable. 182. Alfred Van Santvoord. 183. Daniel C. Robbins. 184. William Cullen Bryant. 185. Samuel F. B. Morse. 1 86. Lieutenant Otway H. Ber- ryman. 187. The Atlantic Cable Pro- jectors. 1 88. Howard Potter. NO. 189. Samuel Marsh. 190. Horace B. Claflin. 191. Levi P. Morton. 192. Daniel F. Appleton. 193. Oswald Ottendorfer. 194. Charles Lanier. 195. General Winfield Scott. 196. Abraham Lincoln. 197. William B. Dana. 198. James B. Colgate. 199. Charles G. Landon. 200. George Washington. 201. Chester A. Arthur. 202. J. F. D. Lanier. 203. Robert Ainslie. 204. D. Willis James. 205. George F. Victor. 206. William F. Havemeyer. 207. Major -General Alexander McDougall. 208. John Sloane. 209. Grover Cleveland. 210. A. Barton Hepburn. 211. Charles M. Leupp. 212. Vernon H. Brown. 213. Gustav H. Schwab. 214. John Crosby Brown. 215. Isidor Straus. 216. William Butler Duncan. 217. Sereno S. Pratt. 218. James J. Hill. 219. George Wilson. 220. George A. Hearn. 221. James Talcott. SCULPTURE Alexander Hamilton. De Witt Clinton. John Jay. Abram S. Hewitt. Jonathan Goodhue. George Griswold. George Washington. Benjamin Franklin. Robert B. Potter. rx PUBLICATIONS BY THE CHAMBER In addition to Annual Reports published regularly since 1858, the Chamber has issued the following special publications: Colonial Records of the New York Chamber of Commerce, 1768- 1784, by John Austin Stevens, Jr. History of the Chamber of Commerce, 1768-1856, by Charles King. Arbitration Records of the Chamber of Commerce, 1779-1792. Commercial Arbitration, 1911. Rules for the Prevention of Unnecessary Litigation, 1917. Opening of Building of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, 1768-1902. (Contains also 1902 Annual Ban- quet.) Unveiling of the Statues of the Chamber of Commerce, 1903. (Also contains 1903 Annual Banquet.) Presentation of the Clinton Vases and Stuart's Portrait of Wash- ington, 1908. Rapid Transit Report, 1905. A Pledge of International Friendship, 1901. One Hundred and Thirty-second Anniversary of the Founding of the Chamber of Commerce, April 5, 1900. The Atlantic Cable Projectors, 1854-1895. Portrait Gallery of the Chamber of Commerce, 1890. Unveiling of the Statue of William E. Dodge, 1885. Banquet to Honorable Whitelaw Reid, Minister to France, 1892. Banquet to Foreign and United States Naval Officers, 1893. Banquet to Honorable Carl Schurz, 1899. Proceedings at Annual Banquet, 1890-1913 inclusive, and 1915- 1916 inclusive. Monthly Bulletins, April, 1909, to date. 296 INDEX INDEX Adams, Henry, on American and Brit- ish shipping, 48 Adams, John, 147; his picture of New York in 1774, 25-27; reply of, to Chamber's declaration of loyalty, 50 Adams, John Quincy, 55 Admission fee, 3, 7, 230, 251, 252 Alabama, the, acts of piracy of, 8 1, 82; destroyed by Kearsarge, 83, 84; claims, awarded United States, 85 Alaska boundary question, 206 Alaska- Yukon Exposition, 215 Albany Chamber of Commerce, 175 Algerines, 41 Alsop, John, 25, 34; first president under revived charter, 40 Alverstone, Lord, 141 Ambassadors, at annual banquets, 213 American Seaman's Friend Society, 176 Anderson, Major, 73, 74 Anglo-French Finance Commission, 216 Anniversary of founding of Chamber, icoth, 91; committee on celebra- tion of isoth, 270 Annual report of the Chamber, first, 68-70 Appeals, Committee of, 123 Arbitration, Committee of, 30, 53, 58, 60, 62, 120-127, 268; election of, 122, 123; proposals for compulsory, 121,122; records of, found and pub- lished, 1 20, 121; Court of, created, 124; international, 126 Arthur, Chester A., gratitude of, for Chamber's confidence, 97; hon- orary member of the Chamber, 97; tribute to, 97, 98; address of, at dedication of Washington statue, 133; address recognizing services of Chamber, 135, 136; portrait of, 158 Atlantic cable, 69; laying of, I2&-I3I Austria, Chambers of Commerce in, 2 Avebury, Lord, 141 Bache, Mr., 14 Bakers, regulations concerning, 31 Balfour, Rt. Hon. Arthur James, 216; his address at reception to War Commission, 217; speech of, at luncheon, 218 Bank, Federal Reserve, report and resolution on, 223, 224 Bank, memorial favoring a national, 62 Bank of England, 141 Bank of New York, 43, 52, 62; organi- zation of, 44 Bank of the United States, memorial against repeal of charter of, 53 Bankruptcy, request for national law concerning, 53, 54 Banquets of the Chamber of Com- merce, commemorating evacuation of New York, 135, 136; earliest an- nual, 179, 180; ambassadors at, 213; civil and military officers at, 179; annual, abandoned in 1773, 180; Fourth of July, 181; to Washington, 35-37. 147, 182; to merchants, 182; resumed in 1873, as permanent in- stitution, 182; the modern annual, 182; influence of modern, 183; earli- est of the modern, 184-188; York- town centennial, 186, 187; to French delegation, 180-193; of 1887, 194- 196; of 1888, 197-199; of 1889, 199, 200; of 1890, 201-204; of 1892 and 1893, 205; of 1896, 205, 206; of 1898, 206; of 1901, 207, 208; of 1002, 208; of 1904, 210, 211 ; of 1005,211-213; of 1906101913, 213; omitted in 1914, 213; of 1915, 213 Barge canal construction, 223 Baring Brothers, 201 Bartholdi, A., speech of, at banquet, 192; letter from, presenting Sevres vase, 192 Battenberg, Prince Louis of, reception to, 215 Beck, James M., 213 Beecher, Henry Ward, 136 Beekman, Henry R., 106 Belgium, fund for relief of sufferers in, 171 209 3 oo INDEX Bellows, Rev. Dr. H. W., 185 Bensel, John A., 226 Benson, Egbert, 37 Berlin Chamber of Commerce, 161 Bigelow, John, 185 Bills of exchange, 21 Blackballing, 7, 59 Blackwell, Thomas L., 143 Blagge, John, 40 Elaine, James G., tribute to Chamber by, 185 Blair, John, 148 Bliss, Cornelius N., 137; his tribute to President Arthur, 97, 98 Blunt, Mr., 63 Bolton & Sigel's restaurant, 144, 145 Bonded Warehousemen, 176 Boston, 22, 26, 27 Bradford's Coffee House, 181 Brady, Judge, 185 Brassey, Lord, 143; his tribute to the Chamber, 140; reception given by, 142 Bread, regulation of price and quality of, 31 Bread casks, construction and price of, 18, 19 Bright, John, resolution concerning, 78; letter from, 78, 79; portrait of, 158 Bristow, Caleb, 129 British, occupancy of New York, 28- 33; evacuation of New York, 33, 34, 135, 136; privateering, 32, 33 British Ministry of Munitions, Com- mission of, 219 British Peace Commission, 194 British War Commission, 216-218 Broome, John, 40 Bryce, James, 213 Buckminster, Mr., 202 Buffalo Chamber of Commerce, 175 Building, permanent Chamber of Commerce, subscription of fund for, 157; description of, 157, 158; dedi- cation of, 158-161 Buildings, height of, 223 Burrstones, French, importation of , 20 Business men, to aid government, 167 Butler, Governor Benjamin F., 136 Butler, Nicholas Murray, 213 By-Laws of Chamber of Commerce, 240-261; revision of 1787, 43; changes in, in 1818, 52, 53; revised in 1828, 58; motions to amend 4th article of, 59; amended in 1854, 67 Cable, Atlantic, 69; laying of, 128-131 Cambon, Jules, 158, 161 Camp Whitman, Committee on in- vestigation of, 270 Canada, commercial union with, 197, 198; fisheries controversy with, 194, 197; treaty of reciprocity with, 68 Canal, construction, 95, 223; Panama, 101-103; Ring frauds, 94, 95 Canal Act of 1912, 102 Cape, John, his bill for banquet, 36, 37 Cape's Tavern, 35-37 Carnegie, Andrew, 141, 143, 213 Carroll, Dr., 49 Cartaret, the, 32 Carter, James C., 196 Casks, bread, construction and price of, 18, 19 Catskill Water Supply System, the, 225, 226 Chadwick, Charles N., 226 Chagres River, 55, 56 Chamber of Commerce of New York, oldest institution of its kind, i; in- dependence of, i, 2; purpose and plan of, 2, 3; founding of, 2-4, 229- 232; first home of, 4; 2d and 3d meetings of, 6; 2d home of, 8; atti- tude toward British taxation, 10, n; royal charter granted to, 12; public service of, during colonial period, 17-24; stand for sound money, 17, 18, 23, 42, 114-119; devotion to welfare of the community and fair dealing in trade, characteristics of, 18-22, 29, 40; during Revolu- tion, 28-33; loyal to British, 29-33; reorganization of, as patriotic body, 30-51; petition of, for confirmation of charter, 39, 40; name changed un- der State charter, 40; first meeting under revived charter, 40; address to Congress on subject of advance- ment of commerce, 41 ; readmission of former members, 43; indifference among members, in 1788, 43; pur- chase of one share of bank stock by, 44; action concerning Jay treaty, 47; declaration and resolution as to misunderstandings with France, 50; no meetings between 1806 and 1817, 51; assets of, in 1817^ and 1818, 52; purchase of shares in Eagle Fire Insurance Company, 52; rental of room in Tontine Coffee House, 53: INDEX 301 memorials to Congress on various trade and commerce matters, 53; attitude toward tariff, 53, 62, 63; many memorials to Congress in 1822 and 1823, 54; attitude toward free trade, 54, 55, 63; first meeting in Merchants' Exchange, 55; ex- penses of, in 1827, 57; suggests can- didates for Court of Common Pleas, 57; consulted as to changes in judi- ciary system, 57; petitions of, to Congress regarding harbor improve- ment, 60; steps taken in 1840 to extend usefulness of, 61, 62; assets in 1841, 62; action to improve trade and commerce, 65; effort, in 1854, to extend usefulness, 65, 66; mem- bership in 1856, 68; annual report published by, 68-70; support of government in 1861, 71-76; resolu- tion concerning government loans, 74; resolution concerning legal- tender, 76; resolutions of 1863, on state of the country, 77; resolution concerning John Bright, 78; reso- lutions in praise of Farragut, 79; memorials on subject of harbor de- fense, 85; resolutions on receiving news of Lee's surrender, 86, 87; memorial to Lincoln, 88; support pledged to President Johnson, 89; efforts to restore friendly relations between North and South, 90, 91; resolutions of 1865, pledging re- newed support to government, 90; one hundredth anniversary of founding of, 91; efforts to advance trade and commerce, 92; reforms in city government accomplished by, 92-95; a non-political body, 92; fund raised by, to investigate Tam- many misrule, 93; action in Canal Ring frauds, 94, 95; addresses and resolutions on death of Garfield, 96, 97; support pledged to President Arthur, 97; support of government on question of war with Spain, 99- 101; services of, in creating an un- derground railway, 106-113; atti- tude toward specie payments, 114; support of President Cleveland, 117, 118; opposition to free silver, 115- 117, 119; in campaign of 1900, 119; services in presidential campaign of 1896, 117, 118; success of system of arbitration, 120-127; project of lay- ing cable supported by, 128-131; Washington and Sherman statues presented to city by, 132-138; en- tertained by London Chamber of Commerce, 130-143; early tem- porary homes of, 144-154; need of permanent home felt, 155; building fund subscribed by, 157; resolu- tions pledging support of govern- ment in war with Germany, 165, 1 66; patriotic services in war with Germany, 164168; relief funds raised by, 169-172; first annual banquets of, 179, 180; first dinner in honor of government of United States given by, 180, 181; banquets given by, from 1787 to 1805, 181, 182; modern banquets given by, 184 et seq.; influence of modern banquets of, 182, 183; formal re- ceptions given by, 215-219; vari- ous reports of, on subjects of special interest, 223, 224; services of, in construction of water-supply sys- tem, 225, 226 Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, at annual dinner of Chamber, 194; his address, 195, 196 Chambers of Commerce, European, I, 2 Chambrun, Comte de, 215 Cham plain monument, 215 Charity Fund, Committee on, 268 Charleston, S. C., fund for earthquake sufferers in, 171 Charter, the original, 12-14, 57J de- scription of, 13; disappearance of, 14; text of, 233-241; confirmation of, 39, 40; text of the reaffirmed, 242-248 Chest, treasurer's, 6, 231 Chicago, relief of fire sufferers in, 170 China, consular agents to, 64; treaty with, 69 Chinese Military and Naval Mission, 216 Chittenden, S. B., 91 Choate, Joseph H., on Alabama award, 85; on Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 102, 103; speech at banquet commemo- rating evacuation of New York, 136; official reception given by, 139; at London banquet, 140-142; his ad- dress, 142; comment of, on London visit, 143; compliment paid by, to Mr. Jesup, 143; address of, in pre- 302 INDEX senting vases and portrait, 162, 163; at preparedness meeting, 165; at banquet of 1879, l8 5J ^ s tribute to Chamber, 212, 213; reception to, 216; last speech of, 218, 219 Cholera scare of 1892, the, 95 Cigars, early use of, 9 City cleaning, 30 City College, 177 City Hall, meeting held in, 61; Park, 59 City Magistrate Courts, establishment of, 94 Civil War, the, 71-86 Claflin, John, 107 Clarke, Bishop, of Rhode Island, 211 Clay, Henry, 55 Clayton-Bulwer treaty, the, lot Clearing House Loan Committee, 116 Clerk, duties of, 61 Cleveland, Grover, and the Sherman Act, 116; Washington statue un- veiled by, 133; at commemoration of British evacuation, 136; his recognition of Chamber's services in sound-money fight, 117; letter of, declining to accept banquet, 118, 119; his message to the Chamber, 194, 195; speech of, at banquet of 1889, 199; at banquet of 1890, 201; speech of, at banquet of 1892, 205; address of, at dedication of Cham- ber of Commerce building, 159; portrait of, 158 Clinton, De Witt, portrait of, 158; statue of, 58, 161, 162; tribute to, 58; vases presented to, 162, 163 Clinton, Governor George, banquets given to Washington by, 35-38, 147 Clinton Hall, meetings in, 68 Cobden, Richard, portrait of, 158 Coins, fixed value for, 21, 23, 40; cir- culation of foreign, 23; plugging of, 23 Collector of the Port of New York, 176 College of Commerce and Administra- tion, 177 College of the City of New York, 177 Collyer, Rev. Robert, 186 Colon, 55 " Colonial New York," quoted, 5, 9, 27 Colonies, letter suggesting union of the, 147, 150 Columbus, descendants of, 215 Columbus Centennial Exposition, 205, 215 Commerce, 41, 53, 54, 65, 195, 196; European Chambers of, 1,2; French Minister of, i; Paris Council Gen- eral of, i Commerce and Administration, Col- lege of, 177 Commerce and Civics, Museum of, 177 Commerce and manufactures, ad- dresses on, 141, 142 Commercial arbitration, 120 et seq. Commercial Education, 177; Com- mittee of, appointed, 178, 268 Commission, rates of, 21, 43 Committee of Appeals, 123 Committee of Arbitration, constituted, 123; first refusal to abide by de- cision of, 123; act of Legislature concerning decisions of, 124; re- established in 1910, 124, 125; vari- ety of disputes settled by, 125; ef- fectiveness of, 126; wide influence of, 126, 127 Committee of Seventy, 93 Committees of the Chamber of Com- merce, 256, 266-270; duties of, 257- 259 Commodities, regulation of, 31, 43 Common Pleas, Court of, 57 Congress, banquet in 1785 to, 180,181 Conservation of State Waters, Lands, and Forests, Committee on, 269 Constabulary, a State, Chamber's ad- vocacy of, 224, 225 Constittttion, the, 171 Continental Congress, first, 150; ban- quet to Massachusetts delegates to, 25, 26, 147 Cooper, Mayor Edward, 185 Cooper, Peter, 128-130 Cornwallis, Lord, 191 Correspondence, Committee of, ap- pointed, 147 Coudert, Frederic R., 191; his ad- dress at Statue of Liberty banquet, 189, 190 Council General of Commerce, Paris, i Court of Arbitration created, 124 Cowper, William, 196 Cox, S. S., on the Smith family, 198 Cruces, 55 Cruger, John, first president of Cham- ber of Commerce, 3, 10-12; author of "Declaration of Rights and Grievances," 10; speaker of the Assembly, n ; remained out of New INDEX 303 York during British occupancy, 28; portrait of, 91 Cuba, relief fund for poor in, 171 Currency, gold and silver, efforts to improve character of, 23 ; fixed rates for, 23, 43; paper, in the colonies, 17, 18; memorial against paper, 42, 43 Curtis, George William, 196, 201; ora- tion of, at Washington statue dedi- cation, 133-135; speech of, at Statue of Liberty banquet, 191; his tribute to Washington Irving, 202, 203 Gushing, William, 147 Custom-house, 58, 59 Darien, Isthmus of, 55 "Declaration of Rights and Griev- ances of the Colonists in America," 10 Delafield, Colonel Richard, 85 De Lancey, Etienne, 36, 144, 145 Delegations, powers of, 261 Delmonico's, banquets at, 135, 186, 189, 201 Democracy, John Morley on, 210 Depew, Chauncey M., address of, on presentation of picture of projectors of Atlantic cable, 130 De Saune, Commander, 190 Desbrosses, Elias, 3 Dewey, Commodore, 100 Diplomacy, Secretary Hay on, 207, 208 Diplomatic and consular efficiency, 223 Disloyal utterances, report on, 168 Disputes, Committee on, 30, 53, 58, 60, 62, 1 20 Dix, John A., 185, 213 Dock Street, 145 Dodge, William E., 91, 162 Doorkeeper, 8, 232 Dorchester, Lord, 46 Duane, James, 37, 150; John Adams's estimate of, 25 Dues, amount of, 3, 61-63, 65, 66, 251, 252; unpaid, in 1788, 44; collected in 1856, 68 Dunmore, Lord, 180 Durand, Sir Mortimer, 213 Dutch Church, the old, 154 Eagle Fire Insurance Company, 52, 60,62 Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, 2 Edison, Thomas A., 213, 214 Edson, Franklin, 133 Education, Board of, 174, 175, 178 Edward VII, King, 139 Elections, John Morley on, 210; mu- nicipal, state, and national, 93 Elevated railway system, 105 Eliot, Charles W., at banquet, 201; his address, 202 Ely, Mayor, 185 Engines, steam, 68 England, A. B. Hepburn's tribute to, 142; Bank of, 141 Englishmen in New York, 5 Erie Canal, 42, 65, 162 Erie railroad, building of, 59, 60 Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, 177 European, Chambers of Commerce, 126; mercantile associations, i, 2; War, 164-168, 213, 226 Evarts, William M., 185; his address at first of modern banquets, 184; address at Yorktown anniversary banquet, 187; address at Statue of Liberty banquet, 190 Everett, Mr., 129 Executive Committee, 266 Ex-Presidents, Cleveland on, 199 Fagnani, J., portraits by, 158 Fairchild, Secretary Charles S., 162, 194 Fancher, Judge Enoch L., 124 Farley, Archbishop, 138 ' Farragut, Admiral, resolutions extol- ling, 79; letter of acknowledgment from, 79, 80 Federal Reserve Bank, report and resolution on, 223, 224 Federal Shipping Board, 167 Fees, amount of, 3, 7, 230, 251, 252 Field, Cyrus W., 128; dinner to, 129; painting as memorial to, 129-131 Field, David Dudley, 130 Field, Justice Stephen J., 130 Finance and Currency, Committee on, 266 Financial crisis of 1800, 201 Fines, for tardy and absent members, 6, 7, 30, 232; for non-attendance discontinued, 44; amount of, col- lected from 1822 to 1836, 60 Fire Department, 68 Fire insurance, first company organ- ized in New York, 24 INDEX Fire of 1835, the, 153 Fire Underwriters, Board of, 225, 226 Fisheries question, the, 194, 197, 198 Fishery, appropriation to encourage, 23, 24; effect of privateers on, 33 Floods, Western, relief of sufferers in, 171 Florida, the, 81 Flour, regulation of price and quality of, 18-20, 31; inspection system, 20; efforts to improve, 53 Folger, Charles J., 133 Food-Supply and Prices, Committee on, 270 Foreign Commerce and the Revenue Laws, Committee on, 267 Forest conservation, 223; Committee on, 269 Fort Pickens, 73 Fort Sumter, 71, 73 Foster, Secretary Charles, 205 Fourth of July banquets, 181 France, Chamber of Commerce in, i; Minister of Commerce in, i ; duties levied by, 53; mercantile associa- tions in, i; relations between United States and, in 1798, 50; fund for flood sufferers in, 169; relief of Franco-German War sufferers in, 170; Treaty of Alliance with, 186, 187; delegates from, bringing Rodin bas-relief, 215; Statue of Liberty delegation from, 189-193; visitors from, at Yorktown anniversary ban- quet, 1 86 Francis, Samuel, tavern of, 145-149; in Washington's service, 146 Franco-German War, 170 Franklin, Benjamin, 208, 212; stove invented by, 8 Franklin House, the, 146 Fraunces, Samuel, 35 Fraunces'sTavern,firsthomepf Cham- ber, 4; banquet in, 35; history of, 144-149; sessions of Third Provin- cial Congress held in, 147; Washing- ton's headquarters, 147, 149; mem- orable events in, 146, 147; dimen- sions of Long Room, 148; damaged by fire, 148; restoration of, 148; atmosphere of, 149 Free silver, opposition to, 115-117, 119 Free trade, 54, 63 Fremont, General, 214 Freneau, Philip, 146 Front Street, store in, where records were found, 14 Gage, General, 179 Galveston flood, fund for sufferers from, 171 Galvin, John F., 226 Garfield, President, assassination of, 96 ; fund raised for family of , 96, 1 7 1 Gaynor, Mayor, 213; report on rapid- transit problems requested by, 223 Gerard, Ambassador James W., re- ception to, 216 Germany, Chambers of Commerce in, 2; war with, 164-168, 213, 226 Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, 2 Gold, 43; standard, 115 Grant, General, 87; address of, at banquet, 187, 188; portrait of, 158 Granville, Lord, 47, 48 Grasse, Count de, descendants of, 186 Great Britain, Boards of Trade in, 2; taxation of colonies by, 10, n; com- mercial treaty with, 42, 45-48; re- strictions upon commerce by, 41; controversy with, 51; and the Ala- bama piracy, 81-85; John Morley on relations between United States and, 211 Greater New York charter, 108 Greer, Bishop, at banquets, 210, 213; his anecdote of Bishop Clarke, 211 Gregory, Attorney-General, 214 Griggs, Governor John W., at ban- quet, 205; his tribute to the Cham- ber, 206 Griscom, Clement A., 141 Grocers' Guild, banquet in hall of, 140 Guerrtire, the, 172 Gulf of Mexico, 54, 55 Halifax explosion, fund for sufferers from, 171 Hall, Mayor Oakey, 93 Hamilton, Alexander, Bank of New York organized by, 44; defense of Jay Treaty by, 47; and Captain Randall's will, 174; invited to Fourth of July banquet, 181; por- trait of, 15, 16, 114, 158; statue of, 58; statue of, lost in fire, 153; un- veiling of statue, 161, 162 Hancock, General Winfield S., at ban- quets, 184, 185; portrait of, 158 Hancock, John, 42 Hanotaux, Gabriel, 215 INDEX 305 Harbor, fortification of, 49; report of Committee on Defenses, 85; De- velopment Commissions, 167; im- provements, 65, 223 Harbor and Shipping, Committee on, 267 Harrison, Benjamin, 197 Harrison, Robert, 148 Harvard graduates, Dr. Eliot on, 202 Havemeyer, Mayor, 185 Hay, Secretary John, 102, 103; on diplomacy, 207, 208; tribute to McKinley, 207 Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, the, 101-103 Hayes, President, 185 Heckmann, Paul, 161 Hell Gate Channel, 64 Hepburn, A. Barton, at London ban- quet, 141; his tribute to England, 142 Herbert, Sir Michael Henry, 158, 161 Herschell, Lord, address of, 206, 207 Hewitt, Mayor Abram S., 196; ser- vices of, in construction of subway, 105-111; on war with Spain, 100; medal presented to, no, in; statue of, in Higgins, A. Foster, 141 Hill, James J., portrait of, 158 Homberg, Octave, 216 Howard, General O. O., 199 Hudson, Captain, 128, 129 Hudson-Fulton celebration, 215 Hughes, Ball, statue by, 153 Hugot, M. V., 161 Hunt, Wilson G., 130 Huntington, Daniel, painting by, 129 Hyde, John, 152 Hydrographic Department in Na- tional Observatory, 64 Importations, taxation of, 40 Income-tax collection methods, 223 Independent New York Gazette, 34 Industrial Problems and Relations, Committee on, 270 Inman, John H., 107 Insurance, Committee on, 267; fire, first suggestion of, in New York, 24; War Risk, 165 Internal Trade and Improvements, Committee on, 267 Interstate Commerce Commission, 224 Iron, duty on railroad, 64 Irving, Washington, genius of, 202, 203 Irving Hall, 91 I sere, French national ship, 189, 190 James, Thomas L., 186 Japan, treaty with, 69 Japanese, Commissioners to Alaska- Yukon Exposition, Finance Com- mission, and Imperial War Missions, receptions to, 215 Jay, Fred., 37 Jay, John, 147, 150; envoy to Great Britain, 45, 46; governor of New York, 48; statue of, 58, 161, 162 Jay Treaty, the, 45-48; provisions of, 47 Jersey, paper currency of, 17, 1 8 Jesup, Morris K., President of Cham- ber, 107; formal presentation by, of Atlantic cable picture, 129; guest of London Chamber of Commerce, 139-143; his speech at banquet, 141; his speech at Lord Mayor's recep- tion, 143; Mr. Choate's compliment to, 143; at dedication of building, 158; Clinton statue presented by, 162; vases and Washington portrait bequeathed to Chamber by, 162, 163; tablet commemorating ser- vices of, 163 Jesup, Mrs. Morris K., vases and por- trait presented by, 162 Johnstown flood, relief of sufferers from, 171 Jones, Major-General Daniel, 29 Journal of Commerce, 63 Judiciary system, 57 Jusserand, J. J., 213, 215 Kearsarge, the, 83, 84 Kennedy, John S., 162 Kent, Chancellor, 174 Kent, Sir Stephenson, luncheon to, 219 King, Charles, 67 King, James Gore, 141 Knox, John Jay, 133 Lacombe, Admiral, 189, 190 Lafayette, descendants of, 186; G. W. Curtis's address on, 191 La Flore, French flag-ship, 189 Lamar, Secretary L. Q. C., address of, at annual dinner, 194, 195 Lancashire, relief sent to, 169 Lancey, Etienne de, 36, 144, 145 Lane, George W., 133 Lane, Secretary, 214 3 6 INDEX Lang, Lord Archbishop Cosmo Gor- don, reception to, 219; address of, 22O, 221 Langdon, Woodbury, 107 Lansdowne, Lord, 102, 140 Lazear, Dr., 49 Lee, surrender of, 86 Legal tender, resolution concerning, 76 Lesseps, Count Ferdinand de, 191 Lexington, battle of, 28 Lighthouses, 60 Lincoln, President, 71, 72; assassina- tion of, 87; memorial to, 88; funeral ceremonies of, 89; portrait of, 158; anecdote of, 214 Livingston, Philip, John Adams's esti- mate of, 25 Loan of 1861, subscriptions to, 73 Loans, government, resolution con- cerning, 74 Lodge, Senator, 213 London, bankers, 201, 202; commer- cial education in, 177; Lord Mayor's reception, 142, 143; seal found in, 14; Washington portrait found in, 162 London, the, 146 London Chamber of Commerce, 2, 161; banquet given by, 139-142; luncheon given by, 143 Low, Abiel A., 91, 128, 187; protest of, against Alabama acts, 82; sug- gestion of, for Chamber of Com- merce building, 156 Low, Isaac, 150; loyal to British, 28, 2 9> 345 John Adams's estimate of, 26; protest against privateering, 32; motion of, for compulsory ar- bitration, 121 Low, Seth, 107, 133, 137, 138; Presi- dent of the Chamber, 151; services of Chamber acknowledged by, 159; address of, at banquet, 213; anec- dote of Lincoln told by, 214 Lower Wall Street Business Men's Association, 151 Luzerne, Chevalier de la, 36 Maine, eastern boundary of, 47 Mansion House, London, reception at, 142 Manufacturers' Association of Brook- lyn, 225, 226 Marine Society, 174-176 Maritime Association of New York, 175, 176 Mass-meetings in Union Square, 76, 77 Massachusetts delegates to Conti- nental Congress, 25, 147 Maury, Lieutenant, 130 McClellan, Mayor, 210, 225, 226 McCulloch, Hugh, 185 McDpugall, Alexander, 150 McKinley, President, Chamber's sup- port of, 99, 101; letter of appreci- ation from, 99; Secretary Hay's trib- ute to, 207; tariff bill of, 201 Meat, regulation of price of, 30 Meath, Earl of, 199 Medals distributed by the Chamber, 73,. 74, in, 112, 129 Meetings of Chamber of Commerce, account of, 9; day of, 66, 67; daily, 61; bimonthly, 52; quarterly, 3; hour of, 43, 44, 52, 58; time and place of, 230, 250; reported in news- papers, 63 Members of Chamber of Commerce, election of, 230, 250, 251; honorarj', 251; roll of, 271-292 Membership of Chamber of Com- merce, 6, 8; persons eligible to, 7, 58, 62; in 1849, 64; in 1853, 65; in 1856, 68; in 1858, 70 Memphis, fund for sufferers in, 171 Mercantile Associations, European, i, 2 Mercantile Library Association, estab- lishment of, 54 Merchant Marine, American, Com- mittee on, 270; report of, 222; train- ing of officers in, 1 75 Merchants, New York, agreement of, concerning trade with Great Britain, 10 Merchants' Association, 176 Merchants' Bank, the, 60, 153; cost of new structure, 153 Merchants' Coffee House, banquets in, 147, 150, 151, 180; Governor Col- den's portrait in, 15; a famous his- toric building, 150; rent of room in, 29; destroyed by fire, 151; tablet commemorative of, 151 Merchants' Exchange, 57, 62; proj- ect for building, 53; first meeting fo? 55 j Governor Cold en's portrait in, 15; destroyed by fire, 14, 16, 60, 153; description of, 152, 153; cost of, 153 Mersereau, William H., 148 Messina, Italy, fund for earthquake sufferers in, 171 INDEX 37 Military training, universal, 165 Miller, Attorney-General, W. H. H., 205 Miller, Jacob W., 176 Miller, Justice, 199 Mitchel, Mayor, 214 Morgan, J. Pierpont, portrait of, 158 Morley, John, address of, 210, 211 Morse, Professor, 130 Morton, Levi P., 186 Municipal credit in subway construc- tion, 1 06 Museum of Commerce and Civics, 177 Mutual Life Building, the, 154 National Guard and Naval Militia, 223, 224; Committee on, 269 Nautical School, organization of, 174; Council of the, 175; prizes for, 175; under State control, 175; Board of Governors of, 175 New Jersey, Harbor Development Commission, 167; paper currency, 17,18 New York, in colonial times, 3, 5, 22 et seq., 144; John Adams's views of, 25, 26; during British occupation, 28-33; British evacuation of, 33, 34; fortification of harbor of, 49; Harbor Development Commission of, 167; War Board for Port of, 167, 168 New York Central Railroad Company, iS New York City Central Underground Company, 105 New York City Rapid Transit Com- pany, 105 New York State Bar Association, 126 Newman, Captain Charles, 32 Newspapers, acts of Chamber adver- tised in, 22, 23; disputant's names in, 53, 122; files of, kept, 61; meet- ings reported in, 63; early banquets not reported in, 179, 180, 182; no- tice of dinner to Congress in, 180; Fourth of July banquet advertised in, 181 Niagara, the, 128 Niagara Falls, ship canal around, pro- posed, 59 Noble, Secretary, 199 Northcliffe, Lord, 213 Northwest, fund for fire sufferers in, 170 Observatory, National, at Washing- ton, 64 O'Conor, Charles, 185 Odell, Benjamin B., Jr., 162 Officers of Chamber of Commerce, first, 3; duties of, 231, 252-254; election of, 230, 249; election of special, 259; list of, 262-266 Ogden, James De Peyster, 91 Olney, Richard, 210 Opdyke, George, 91 Opdyke, Mayor, 184 Order, rules of, 260 Oreto, the, 82 Orr, Alexander E., 107, 109, no, 131, 157; on municipal credit, 106; speech of thanks for medals, 112; letter of, to Cleveland, 118; tablet commemorating services of, 163 Outerbridge, E. H., address of, to British War Commission, 216, 217; address at reception to Archbishop Lang, 219, 220 Panama, Canal tolls, 101-103; city of, 55; Isthmus of, 49, 55, 56 Panic, of 1837, 141; of 1893, IJ 6 Paper currency, 17, 18; memorial against, 42, 43 Paris, Chamber of Commerce, 161; Council General of Commerce, i; Treaty of Peace of, 212 Parker, Alton B., 162 Parsons, William Barclay, 107 Pauncefote, Lord, 102, 103 Peace, arbitration, international, 126, 223; Commission, British, 194 Pearl Street, 145 Pennsylvania, paper currency of, 17 Pension bill, 201 Perit, Pelatiah, address of, 71, 72; Seward's letter to, 73; John Blight's letter to, 79 Phelps, Hon. E. J., address of, 199, 200 Phelps, Royal, 133 Philadelphia, 19, 20, 22, 147, 150; Chamber of Commerce, 55; con- vention of 1820 in, 53 Philippine independence, resolution on, 224 Physical training, universal, 165 Pierrepont, Edwards, 185 Pilots, 60, 65; Board of Commission- ers of, 173, 269 Pintard, John, 24 3 o8 INDEX Pirrie, William J., speech of, at Lon- don banquet, 141 Pitt, William, and the Jay Treaty, 46- 48 "Pledge of International Friendship, A," 143 Police, a State, 224, 225 Police-court system, abolition of the, 94 Police Department, investigation of, 93 Port of New York, War Board for, 167, 168; pilots for, 173 Porter, General Horace, 185; speech of, 190, 191, 212; reception to, 216 Portland, Maine, fund for fire suffer- ers in, 170 Portraits, collection of, 157, 158, 293- 295 Postal facilities, improved, 223 Post-office, building, erection of, 59; in Merchants' Exchange, 153 Potter, Bishop H. C., 138, 185, 201 Pratt, Matthew, portrait by, 15, 158 Preble, Captain Edward, dinner to, 182 Preparedness, national, 165 Presidential campaign of 1896, 117, 118; of 1900, 119 Privateering, American and British, 31-33; captures in, 150; memorial against, 67 Profits, restriction of war, 167 Proposals, regulations regarding, 6, 7 Province Arms, the, 36 Provincial Congress, Third, sessions of, 147 Public Service Commission, 108, 125 Publications by the Chamber of Com- merce, 296 Quarantine, 60; a national, 95 Queen Charlotte's Tavern, 145 Queen Street, 145 Queen's Head Tavern, the, 145, 146 Quorum and adjournment, 64, 231, 259 Railroad labor arbitration, 223 Railway War Council, 168 Randall, Captain Richard, 173, 174 "Rapid Transit, Chamber of Com- merce of the State of New York," 112 Rapid Transit Commission, appoint- ment of, 105, 106; personnel of, 107; subway constructed by, 107, 108; medals presented to, in, 112; additional routes proposed by, 108 Rapid transit problems, report of committee on, 222, 223 Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, 108 Ray, Cornelius, 52 Reading, Earl of, 216 Receptions, formal, given by the Chamber, 215-219 Records, finding of, early, 14 Red Cross, contribution to, 213 Redfield, Secretary, 213 Refreshments, provision for, at sixth meeting of Chamber, 6 Reid, Whitelaw, 205 Report of the Chamber, Annual, 68-70 Reporters, newspaper, 63 Revenue, memorial on collecting, 53 Revolution, the, 13, 15, 25, 28-33, 4* Rice, George S., 107 Richmond, Va., fund for sufferers in, 170 Rives, George L., 107 Roberts, Marshall O., 130 Robertson, General, 33 Rochambeau, descendants of, 186, 187 Rodin, bas-relief by, 215 Rollit, Sir Albert K., 158, 161 Room, first meeting, 3, 4 Roosevelt, Colonel Theodore, com- ment of, on bill for dinner to Wash- ington, 36-38; at dedication of Chamber's building, 158; welcome to foreign guests, 159; address of, at dedication banquet, 160, 161; his tribute to the Chamber, 161; letter from, 208, 209 Roosevelt, Isaac, 28, 34-37, 44 Root, Senator Elihu, 138, 158, 213, 214; on Panama Canal tolls, 101; bill of, repealing toll-exemption clause, 102-104; reception to, 216 Rosen, Baron, 213 Royal Exchange Building, 8, 10, 15; erection of, 149; the Great Room in, 150; Governor Colden's portrait in, IS Ruggles, Samuel B., 95, 115 "Rules for the Prevention of Unneces- sary Litigation," 126 Russia, reception to commissioners to, 216; fund for famine sufferers in, 171 INDEX 39 Safety-First Problems, Committee on, 270 Sailors, fund for relief of destitute, 176 Sailors' hotels and boarding-houses, Board of Commissioners for licens- ing of, 176, 269 Sailors' Snug Harbor, 173, 174 Saint Gaudens, Augustus, Sherman statue by, 136, 137 St. Mary's, school-ship, 175 St. Peter's Union for Catholic Seamen, 176 St. Pierre, Martinique, fund for suf- ferers in, 171 Salisbury, Lord, 218 San Domingo, relief of fugitives from, 169 San Francisco earthquake, fund for sufferers from, 171 Sandeman, Albert G., 141, 143 Sandy Hook, 32 Saune, Commander de, 190 Savannah, fund for yellow-fever suf- ferers in, 170 Schofield, General, 201 School-ships, 175 Schurz, Carl, 99, 185, 187, 199, 201 Scofield, General, 214 Scott, General, portrait of, 158 Sculpture owned by Chamber, 295 Seal of Chamber of Commerce, the original, 14; finding of, 14 Seamen, protection of American, 49 Seamen's Christian Association, 176 Seamen's Church Institute, 176 Sears, Isaac, 40 Secretary, a corresponding, appointed, 67 Semmes, Captain, 81 Sevres National Manufactory, 192 Seward, William H., letters of ac- knowledgment from, 73, 90 Shaw, Charles A., 226 Sheridan, General, 87; portrait of, 158 Sherman, General W. T., 87, 170; at banquets, 185, 199, 201; addresses of, 197, 203, 204; portrait of, 158; statue of, 132, 136-138 Sherman, Secretary John, 185; por- trait of, 114, 158 Sherman Act, the, 115, 201; repeal of, 116 Ship purchase bill, 222 Shipments during War, Committee on Problems of, 164, 165, 269 Shipping, American, 222; effects of Jay Treaty on, 46-48; Federal Board, 222 Shubrick, Lieutenant John F., gift to family of, 171, 172 Siam, treaty with, 69 Silver, bill, Sherman, 201; free coin- age of, 114-117, 119; standard rate .for, 43 Simmons, J. Edwards, 226 Slaves, sold in Merchants' Coffee House, 150 Slemmer, Lieutenant, 73 Smith, Charles Stewart, 107; Cham- ber's attitude in municipal affairs stated by, 94; address of, 201, 202 Smith, Goldwin, address of, 197, 198 Smith, Sidney, 203 Smuggling, resolution concerning, 41 Social insurance, 223 Society for Promoting the Gospel among Seamen, 176 Sons of Liberty, the, 146 Sons of the Revolution, Society of the, Fraunces's Tavern restored by, 144, 148 South, the, relief funds sent to, 170 Southwest, fund for yellow-fever suf- ferers in, 171 Spain, war with, 99-101 Specie payments, resumption of, 114, 141 Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil, 216 Stagg, John P., 59 Stamp Act, the, 10, 150 Starin, John H., 107 State, constabulary, 224, 225; road improvement, 223 State and Municipal Taxation, Com- mittee on, 268 State elections, 93 Staten Island, 173 Statue of Liberty, banquets on arrival and on dedication of, 189-192 Statues owned by Chamber of Com- merce, 295 Steam-engines, 68 Steam Navigation, National Board of, 175 Steinway, William, 107 Steuben, Baron de, descendants of, 186, 187 Stevens, John Austin, 79, 187 Stevens, John Austin, Jr., historian of the Chamber, 91 ; his " Colonial New York" quoted, 5, 9, 27 Storing of food, 30 310 INDEX Storrs, Rev. Dr. Richard S., 185, 187 Stove, the Franklin, 8 Strangers, privileges of, 261 Strauss, Charles, 226 Street cleaning, 94 Strong, Mayor William L., 94 Stuart, Gilbert, Washington portrait by, 158, 162, 163 Sturges, Jonathan, 91 Subway, route and plans determined upon, 107; completed in 1904, 108; charter of 1868 for, 105; municipal credit in construction of, 106; tablet in City Hall station of, in, 112 Supreme Court of the United States, entertainment in honor of, 147 Tablets, commemorative, 111,151, 163 Tammany rule, abuses under, 93 Tariff, bill of 1820, 53; the Clay bill, 55, 62, 63; McKinley bill, 201; Commission, 223 Taxation, 54; of the colonies, 10, n; of importations, 40; State and mu- nicipal, 223; Committee on, 268 Taylor, Moses, 130 Tea, accounts as to English cargoes of, 146,^147 Tea-drinking in early New York, 5 Tennessee, East, relief sent to, 170 Thurman, Mr., motion of, concerning fire insurance, 24 Tilden, Governor, 94, 185 Times, New York, 93 Ton, a standard, 21 Ton gue, William , license of , restored, 3 1 Tonti, Lorenzi, 151 Tontine Association, the, 151 Tontine Building, the, 152; Governor Colden's portrait in, 15 Tontine Coffee House, 54, 57; meeting- room in, 53; erection of, 151; Eng- lish traveller's description of, 152; banquet in, 182 Trade, commission rates in, 43; ef- forts to advance, 22, 23, 92; fair dealing in, 18, 2022 Treasurer, chest kept by, 6, 231; first audit of accounts of, 7 Troy, N. Y., relief fund for, 169 Trumbull, John, portraits by, 15, 158 Trustees of the Real Estate, Board of, 254-256; members of, 268 Tweed Ring frauds, the, 93 Underwood, Mr., 129 Underwriters, Board of, 176 Underwriters' Building, 67, 154 Union Defense Committee, 73 United States Bank, 52 Universal physical and military train- ing, 165 Valentine's Manual, 148 Van Dam, Anthony, 3 Vase, Sevres, presented by French delegates, 192 Vases, presented to De Witt Clinton, 162, 163 Venezuela question, the, 140 Venta Cruz, 55 Veragua, Duke of, reception to, 215 Victoria, Queen, 139 Vigilance Committee, the, 146 Volunteers, funds in aid of, 73 Von Pless, Prince Hans Heinrich, 158, 161 Wakayama, M., 184 Wakeman, Abram, 151 Waldorf-Astoria, banquet at, 160; re- ception at, 215 Wall Street, portraits found in garret in, 16; Lower, 151 Wallace. Hugh, 3 Waller, Thomas W., 136 Walton, Jacob, 14 Walton, William, 13 Walton House, tie, 13, 14; Bank of New York in, 44 War, European, 164-168, 213, 226 War Board for Port of New York, formed, 167; membership of, 168 War Council of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, 219 War of 1812, 51 War profits, restriction of, 167 War Risk Insurance, Bureau of, 165 War-ships, banquet to officers of, 205 Ward, J. Q. A., 133, 136 Warehouses, 65; joint commission for regulation of, 176 Waring, Colonel George E., 94; fund for family of, 171 Washington, President, banquets to, 35-37, 147, 151, 180; reception to, by New York officials, 151; posses- sion of New York taken by, 34; reasons of, for sending Jay to Eng- land, 45-47; attitude of, toward preparedness, 46; neutral policy adopted by, 50; his liking for Samuel Francis, 146; farewell of, INDEX to his officers, 147; his recognition of debt to France, 186; and Lafay- ette, 191; death of, 51; statue of, 132-135; Stuart portrait of, 158, 162, 163 Water Supply System, Catskill, 225,226 Waterfront improvements, 223 Waters and Lands, Conservation of, 223; Committee on, 269 Webster, Daniel, 55 Welles, Gideon, 83 Wells, David A., 185 West Indies, 46, 48, 54 Wetmore, Prosper W., early records found by, 14; portraits found by, 16 Wheat, 18-20, 53 White, Andrew D., 185 Whitman, Governor, 225 Wilson, George, 158 Wilson, Henry, 185 Wilson, James, 148 Wilson, Postmaster-General William L., 205 Wilson, President, and repeal of toll- exemption clause, 103, 104; reso- lutions endorsing action of, toward Germany, 165, 166; pledge of sup- port to, 1 66 Windom, Secretary William, 186 Windsor Castle, 139 Winn, Captain Isaac L., 14 Winslow, Captain John A., rewarded for destruction of the Alabama, 83- 85 Wood, General Leonard, at prepared- ness meeting, 165; at banquet, 214; on a State police. 225 Wood, William P., '161 Woodhouse, Mr., 129 Workmen's Compensation Legisla- tion, 223; Committee on, 269 Yellow fever, in New York, 48, 49; fund for sufferers in South, 170, 171 York town, celebration of victory at, 186, 191 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 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