Leaders of Fashion in Dry Goods and Clothing. PREMIUM LISt -OF THE Mexico + Exposition^ A N D DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION. THIRD ANNUAL FAIR To be held at the CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE OCTOBER 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6, 1883. A.LBCQUERQUE: IOFKNAI P>O<>K ANI> |OH IM^ixii 1883. RAILROAD AVENUE, ALBUQI EKQUE, , Ladies and Gents Furnishing" Goods. JESSE M. WHEELOGK THE fll FrStfltfl Xc J nonronnn * Office : Kromwell Block, Rooms 1 and 3 P. O. Box, 233. 1, 1 SHAR1CK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE HTTORNEY HT MI & NOTHRY PUBLIC Offices on Gold Ave.,, bet 1st and 2d Sts. Lock Box No. 76, I 1 . < ' ALBUQUERQUE, - - NEW MEXICO Has for Sale the Largest Variety of Choice Business and llesideuce Lots and Ranch Property offered by any firm in the City. Call and See the Whose Great Pleasure is to Make Sales, and get Better Bargains than any other Agency can Offer. A Two-Horse Team always in waiting to show Customers around, THE I/ERY BEST HF INSURANCE IN TIII-: :/E IF o Collections/ Carefully Auended ittances 1'ronij j, SHARiCK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, ADVERTISPMKXTS. W. E. TALBOTT Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALER for .Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. INT. Carries the largest and finest stock of Wines and Liquors of any house in the southwest, and makes a specialty of fine OLD WHISKIES. A full and complete line of imported Wines, Liquor s and Champagnes for family and medicinal use. TALBOTTS SAMPLE ROOM n all its appointments superior je any in the Territory. Celebrated for its choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SOLE AGENT for the following celebrated Beer; PHILIP BEST, Milwaukee, EXCELSIOR-PILSENER, St. Louis TALBOTT'S "MONTEZUMA" Billiard and and Reading Room New B.runswick Tables ! All the leading Daily and Illustrated Papers on file! Acknowledged by all as the Most Popular Resort in the Southwest ior Traveling Men I. J. SHARICK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, E. S. STOVER O. E. CROMWELL . M. J. Mfc\CK W. Ii. WHITE MAN- EDWARD MEDLER . PERFECTO AKMIJO . W. K. ].'. WILSON . I). B. EMMERT . President. . 1st Vice President. . 3 d . 4 th " , 5 th Treasurer. Secretary. E. S. STOVER, EDWARD MEDLER, R. C. VOSE, G. E. CRARY, E. IE KENT, J. E. SAINT, W. IE WHITEMAN. directors. (). E. CROMWELL. A. M. CODINC,TON. G. L. ALTHEIMER, W. B. GUILDERS, C. W. LEWIS, T. HUGHES. B. MUSKS. W. K. P. WILSON, H. FORRESTER. E, H i;\ INC,. P. ARM [jo, M. J. MACK, W. C. HfVXI.EDLNE, S. Sttperintenfcents. DIVISION. Grounds and Speed Ring. Minerals Cattle Horses and Mules Sheep Swine , Poultry Fruit Grain Vegetables Household Products Domestic Manufactures. . Fine Arts Flowers and Shrubs Home Manufacture and P. Mechanic Arts . , ducts SUPERINTENDENT. J. G. Hope. Dr. T. W. Strachan. G. W. Stoneroad. H. F. Swope. W. S. Moore, D. W. Cobb. W. F. Crane. J. H. Sullivan. Anthony Joseph. IE R. Whiting. A. J. Fountain. Geo. FE Pradt. Mr O. (.'. Christian. Gen. G. A. Smith. Mrs, F. VV. Smith. fonn P. Sellar. Prof. Longemare. A. S. Stivers, C. W. Kennedy. N. C. Blythe. W. G. Fischer. Mrs. Tucker. Jose G. C haves. P. Welden. Ira M. Bond. Mrs. W. G. Ritch. . C. IE Kirkpatrick Mrs. Win. Crane. E Bradford Prince G. ],. Sands. Xeil B. Field. lExectttitte Committee. E. S. STOVER, A. M. C' W. IE Wim KM AN. EDWARD MEDLEK. [, J, SHARiGK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, Civil Engineer, Surveyor, , unless by lal permission of the General Superintendent. I, J, SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue. ADVERTISEMENTS. JEFFERSON RAYXOLDS, President; W. K. P. WILSON, Cashier; NORMAN C. RAFI , ant Cashier. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. special Attention Given to Collections on all accessible points in New Mexico and Arizona Issues Drafts on all the Principal Cities of Europe. Depository of the Atlantic & Pacific and Atchison, Topeka & Santa Pe Railroads. ALBUQUERQUE, Agent For New Mexico Town Co. NEW MEXICO, Correspondence Solicited. Finest and Largest Stock in the Territory. I3ST ^uXjZj ZTS ^SS^Orders promptly attended to. Shop on Silver Avenue, near corner of Third Street., ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. Dealer in ' Staple, Fancy and Family Groceries TEAS A SPECIALTY, GOODS DELIVERED. : eet, between / < ;<>ld& Silver Aves. f I, J, SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue, RULES AND REGALATIONS. STALLS AND PENS. Stalls for horses and cattle, and pens for sheep and hogs will be furnished dur- ing the Exposition to such as are exhibited. Grain, hay and straw will be furnish- ed on the ground at prime cost. Stalls or pens can be procured by letter or appli- cation to the General Superintendent. The stalls and pens will be numbered, and will be assigned in regular rotation. PRICES OF ADMISSION. For a four-horse vehicle. For a two-horse vehicle, For a one-horse vehicle, P'or one horse, $1 oo 75 50 25 Single ticket, admitting one person once, whether on horse, in vehicle, or on foot , 50 Children over 5. and under 12 years, 25 Exhibitor's tickets, good for all day, 25 THUMFSIIN, STflfflM X EH ^-JOBBERS OF Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Produce. DEALERS I1T- STHPLE flHD FfiNCY GROCERIES Flour, Produce, Etc. Fruits of All Kinds. Fine Teas a Specialty, ORDERS SOLICITED. - Gold , i venue. HLBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO i, J, SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue, IO ADVERTISEMENTS. SPIEQELBERG BROS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Agents for Palk'a Milwaukee Beer, FRONT STREET, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. BANK EXCHANGE JA.C0B SOTCIr&iE-R, Proprietor. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Railroad Avenue, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. ARTHUR KAlVILINr Wholesale and Retail :D IE ^. Xj IE Cigars by the Box at Wholesale Prices. NOTIONS, STATIONERY, CANDIES, ETC. Railroad Avenue, Albuquerque, X. M, D ! R I TJ I G I G- 1 1 1 S IT Railroad Avenue, Albuquerque, N. M. AND COMMODIOUS BATH TUBS, A,. ALEXANDER, - Proprietor. The most delicate Artists in the Territory employed. Stop on your way to the Postoffice. in the Cromwell Block. SECOND STFtEET, AU3UQUEFtQXJE TORREY &L SLOAJKT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FIURNITURE GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, DERTAKINC A SI'KCIAI.TV. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. J, SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD. 11 -OF THE Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Company 20,000,000 Acres of Land for Sale in New Mexico and Arizona, The Land Grant of this Company extends entirely across the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona, between the 34th and 36th degrees of north latitude, with a width of 80 miles, and comprises the best grazing lands of both Territories, and in the valleys are many desirable localities of good agricultural lands susceptible of irrigation. A sufficiency of water has been found wherever cattle and sheep have been grazed, and large herds have been grazed in the country ever since the com- ing of the Mexicans. Wells with good water have been successfully sunk. On the very summit of the Sierra Madre, in the vicinity of Fort Wingate, the large herds of the Navajo Indians (a tribe numbering some 12,000 or 15,000 souls) have been grazed for the last hundred years, and good crops of corn, oats, barley and garden vegetables are grown by irrigation. A stream of running water (the Rio San Jose) rises near the summit of the Sierra Madre, and runs eastward seventy-five miles to the Rio Puerco. The Com- pany's road traverses the whole length of the valley of the San Jose. There are numerous fine valleys opening out to tne valley of the San Jose, flanked by grassy and wooded hills, upon which there is an open growth of small cedar and pinon. There is an extensive belt of good pine timber on the mountains, near the railroad, and numerous large springs are found on the eastern slope of the Sierra Madre. There is a large coal field west of Fort Wingate which is fully explored, and which will soon provide labor for a large population; and there are coal deposits on the eastern slope of the Sierra Madre. Many varities of building stone are found in great quantity along the line of the railroad. In Arizona the grazing areas are supplied with good water, and the grazing is described by competent United States surveyors to be equal to, if not better, than that of Wyoming or Montana. The Navajo Indians grow corn each season, with- out irrigation, in the valley of the Puerco of the West, on the Company's land, on the line of the road, and good crops of corn, sorghum, oats, barley, and garden vegetables are grown in the valley of the Little Colorado. There is an extensive timber belt on the San Francisco mountains, through which the line of the railroad passes, diversified by beautiful valleys and parks, with good water, and wonderful canons. The line of the road traverses a picturesque country, not at all monotonous, and much more inviting than were the plains of Kansas. The road is completed and in operation to the Colorado River, 575 miles from Albuquerque, N. M., and there connects with the railroad system of California, reaching San Diego, Los Angeles, and all points on the Pacific coast to San Francisco. The valley of the Rio Grande has an elevation of 5000 feet above the sea, and the passes of the Sierra Madre, and the San Francisco mountains in Arizona, have an elevation of 7000 feet, with a depression at Winslow, on the Little Colorado, of 5000 feet elevation; which gives a Salubrious climate of mild winters, and cool nights in summer, and insures a healthful climate and a promise of thrifty and prosperous States when the Territories shall, within a few years, be established as such Maps will be forwarded on application, and accredited persons desirous of in- specting grazing lands with a view to purchase and establish grazing ranches, will be given facilities for that purpose. JAMES A. WILLIAMSON, THOMAS S. SEDGWICK, 87 Milk Street, Boston, Mas,. . -&.g-e:n.t, Albuquerque, N. M. I, J, SHARIGK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue, 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. CL COLLECTION DEPARTMENT. KARL A. SNYDER, Manager. FRANK: L. CASEY, Collector. A. Attorney at Law, Notary Public, U. S. Commissioner, uominissioner of Deeds for Arizona . 1 McCcntas & Catran & Thornton ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Cromwell Block, - - - Albuquerque, New Mexico. Will ptactice in all the Courts of the Territory, and particularly in the counties of Bernalillo, Valencia and Socorro. WM. H. WHITEMAN 3ttoviug cuttr Counsellor at aro SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MINING AND CORPORATION BUSINESS. First National Bank Building. - - Albuquerque, N. M. IE! I HLj 3D IE _ C ^Ittorncg at Caw) Office North Side Gold Ave. Albuquerque, N. M. William C. Hazledine I3^TE3"Z" ^^JT Albuquerque, New Mexico JAS. T. SAUNDERS Office No. 5 Cromwell Block, Albuquerque, Jf. M. \V:i'. practice in all the courts of the Second Judicial District. All busines.- en :)ir -A ill icceivc prompt and careful attention. I, J, SHARICK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, primmtni Cist. Division Superintendents are requested to get good competent men on their awarding committees, and have their work disposed of as near as possible in ac- cordance with the programme. Exhibitors are requested to read the rules and regulations and become familiar with them; also to decide in which class they wish to make entries, so as to take up as little time as possible in making entry. DIVISION A. MINERALS. DR. \V. T. STRACHAN, SUI-I>IUNTKM>KM. PROF. LONGUKMARE, ASSISTANT. CLASS i. 1st pr'm 2d \>r'm Best collection of specimen ores from any one mining dis- trict in New Mexico $ 100 oo $ 50 oo Best display gold-bearing rock from any mining district in New Mexico 50 oo 25 oo Best collection of silver ores from any one mine in New Mexico 50 oo 25 oo Best display of copper ore from any one mine in ' ,o oo 25 oo Best display of lead ore from any one mine in New Mexico. . 50 oo 25 oo Best display of iron ore from any one Mine in New Mexico. . 30 oo *5 oo Best exhibit of free milling ores from any mine in New Mex- ico (to be tested on the ground.) 25 oo Best exhibit of anthracite coal from any mine in New Mex- ico Silver Medal. Best exhibit of bituminous coal from any mine in New Mexico Silver Medal. Best exhibit of lignite coal from any mine in New Mexico. .Silver Medal, xhibit of coking coal from any part of New Mexico. . .Silver Medal. hibit of mica from any mine in New Mexico Silver Medal. Best exhibit of marble from any quarry in New Mexico Silver Medal. Besl exhibit of bitumen from any part of New Mexico Silver Medal. Best, exhibit of petroleum from any part of New Mexico. . . . Silver Medal. Best display of precious stones in New Mexico Silver Medal. I, J, SHARICK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, 14 ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRST NATION Al7 BANK Of -A.ltn3.q.n3.erq.\xe, ST. 2x. STOC'IK:, $5O,OOO Bank, Southeast Corner Second St. and Gold Ave. Mariano S. Otero, President. Nicolas T. Armijo, Vice President. Daniel Geary, Cashier. Felipe Chaves, Nicolas T. Armijo, Louis Huning, T. C. Guiteres, J. R. Armijo, Jose L. Perea, Mariano S. Otero, Elias S. Stover, Cristoval Armijo, Daniel Geary. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE. Prompt and careful attention given to all kinds of correspondence, and special attention to collections. CO. Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Groceries and Notions AGENTS FOR BUTTRICK'S PATTERNS. mx. Wholesale Commission Merchant FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN, BUTTER, EG6S, FRUITS AND PRODUCE OITV nnilO OTOnC Wholesale and Retail dealers in Jni u ol Jnr Drugs ' Medicines paint9 ' iis ' IV V VI Ik I varnlsheg, Brushes, Stationery, ~ -, A "it Blank Books, Toilet Articles, As- Opposite ArmiJO House. > tfjmf Materials, Photographers' Chemicals, &c. prescrtptions Compounded at all Hours G. 8. EA8TERDAY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over City Drug Store, Albuquerque, N. M. ic and Catarrhal diseases a specialty. I, J, SHARICK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, PREMIUM LIST. 15 DIVISION B. CATTLE. G. \V. STONEROAD (LAS VEGAS), SUPERINTENDENT. A. S. STIVERS, ASSISTANT. CLASS 2 THOROUGHBREDS. RULE. The exhibitors of all thoroughbred stock shall be required to file with the Secretary a copy of the authentic pedigree of all animals designed to compete in this class of blooded stock, on or before the first day of the fair. Compliance with this requirement will be rigidly enforced. Where all other points are equal, the committee is to be guided by the condition of the animal, and its superior fit- ness for breeding purposes. Quality of animals, and fitness for breeding, with justness of proportion, to be considered next after establishing purity of blood. This applies to all the improved breeds of blooded stock. Tf bulls can be accom- panied by any number of their calves, so much the better. 1st pr'm 2cl p'rm Best Bull 3 years old and over $2500 $1500 Best Bull 2 years old and under 3 15 oo 9 oo Best Bull one year old and under 2 10 oo 6 oo Best Bull Calf. 8 oo 5 oo Best Cow 4 years old and over 25 oo 15 oo Best Cow 3 years old and under 4 15 oo 9 oo Best Cow 2 years old and under 3 10 oo 6 oo Best Heifer one year old and under 2 800 500 Best Heifer Calf 5 oo 3 oo CLASS 3. BEEF CATTLE. Best Bull 3 years old and over ' $15 oo $9 oo Best Bull 2 years old and under 3 10 oo 6 oo Best Bull I year old and under 2 8 oo 6 oo Best Bull Calf 500 300 Best Cow 3 years old and over 1500 900 Best Cow 2 years and under 3 10 oo 6 oo Best Heifer I year old and under 2 800 500 Best Heifer Calf 500 300 Work cattle to be shown in yoke; no work cattle shown as fat cattle. All working oxen competing in this claim must be tested by actual draft on the fair grounds, in loaded wagons, or otherwise, as required by the committee. CLASS 4. MILK CAT n. i. Best Bull 3 years old and over 51500 $9 oo Best Bull 2 years old and under 3 10 oo 6 oo Best Bull I year old and under 2 800 500 Best Bull Calf 5 oo 3 oo Best Cow 3 year-, old and over 1500 900 Best Cow 2 years old tuid under 3 10 oo 6 oo Best Heifer I year old and under 2 800 500 Best Heifer Calf. . 5 bo 3 oo I, J, SHARiCK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, 1 6 ADVERTISEMENTS. CHICAGO CLOTHING HOUSE PHELPS & BENNETT, PROPRIETORS. Full Linelof Superior Goods. Custom Suits a Specialty _ ID. C-^ID^r Z CO_ And Dealers in Provisions, Grain, etc. ies and Lowest Prices given. \ Albuquerque, N. M. Plumbers, Steam & Gas Fitters oiF 1 Jobbers of Hose Pipe, Pumps, etc. Agts. Eclipse Wind Mills Street, The Clipper Club Rooms! KENO! KENO! EVERY NIGHT! Choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept at the Bar. Railroad Avenue. BRADLEY, WESTLAKE & KARR. No. 9 Railroad Auenue, next to Maden House. Fine Native and California Wines Beer, Pive Cents. Meals to Order at all hours, 35 cents. FRANCO FRANKS, Prop'!*, MARBLE HALL AIi CONNORS, Proprietor. .Finest Sample Room in the Territory Bar Supplied -with Imported Liquors & Cigars. Club Rooms Attached Railroad Avenue. Albuquerque. N. M. E, J, SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue, PREMIUM LIST. 17 CLASS 5. OXEN AND FAT CATTLE. Best yoke of Work Oxen of any age Silver Medal. Best Beef animal . . Silver Medal. DIVISION C. HORSES AND MULES. H. F. SWOPE (SANTA FE), SUPERINTENDENT. C. W. KENNEDY, ASSISTANT. CLASS 6. THOROUGHBREDS. The competitors who enter thoroughbred horses will note: 1. That the committee will be required to reject any animal whose pedigree is not authenticated, and which cannot be traced back without a flaw on either side of sire or dam, to well known English or American thoroughbred stock. 2. Soundness, symmetry and size, as well as the utility of the recorded animal for improving the stock of horses in this territory should be considered. The ped- igree settles the question as to blood and breeding. If the stallion can be accompanied by any number of his colts, of any age, to show his quality as a stock horse, so much the better. 1st pr'm 2d pr'm Best Stallion 4 years old and over $40 oo $25 oo Best Stallion 3 years old and under 4 30 oo 18 oo Best Stallion 2 years old and under 3 ' 2000 12 oo Best Stallion I year old and under 2 10 oo 6 oo Best Stallion Sucking Colt 500 3 oo Best Mare 4 years old and over 30 oo 18 oo Best Mare 3 years old and under 4 20 oo 1200 Best Mare 2 years old and under 3 1500 9 oo Best Mare colt I year old and under 2 9 oo 5 oo Best Mare sucking colt 500 300 CLASS 7. ROADSTERS. These animals are intended for breeding purposes, and reference should be had to that point as well as to quality as a roadster. The committee will take into consideration the following points in judging of this class of horses: Pirst, compact formation; second, muscles well developed; third, an easy, gliding jjait; fourth, speed, capable of making one mile in five minutes. 1st pr'm 2d pr'm Best Stallion 4 years old and over. ... $30 oo #18 oo Best Stallion 3 years old and under 4 22 oo 15 oo Best Stallion 2 years old and under 3 15 oo 9 oo Best Stallion i year old and under 2 800 500 Best Stallion sucking colt s oo 3 oo I, J, SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue, l8 ADVERTISEMENTS. D. B. EMMERT REAL ESTATE Mine and Loan Broker Office on Third Street, ? between Railroad and Gold Avenues. )" Albuquerque. AGENT FOR THE Atlantic and Pacific Addition And Improved and Unimproved Lots in the Original Town Site, Atlantic and Pacific Addition, N. T. Armijo Addition, Highland Addition, Union Depot Frontage, Frank Armijo Addition, Ferea Addition, In fact, all over the City. Offers bargains in Improved Property, consisting of Residence and Improved Lots, fruit and Vegetable Ranches, Business Locations and Outfits, Stock Ranches and Spanish Grants /#" Call or send for Descriptive List of property. N"e\v Bargains received every day from those who are in immediate need of money. Makes a specialty of negotiating the sale of goods and other business outfits. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Business Lot, A Residence Lot, A Fruit or Vegetable Garden, A Stock Ranch., A Spanish Grant, A Business Outfit, A Gold, Silver or Copper Mine, OOU^EIE u^-^TnD SIEIE ILv/EIE Land Office Business a Specialty, i. J, SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue, PREMIUM LIST. IQ CLASS 7 ROADSTERS. Continued. 1st pr'm 2cl pr'm Best Mare 4 years old and over $20 oo $12 oo Best Mare three years old and under 4 15 oo 9 oo Best Mare 2 years old and under 3 10 oo 6 oo Best Mare I year old and under 2 700 400 Best Mare sucking colt 400 200 Best pair of roadsters, to be exhibited in harness Silver Medal, CLASS 8. DRAFT HORSES. These animals are intended for breeding purposes, and reference should be had to points that constitute a draft horse and a breeder at the same time. Great size and weight, combined with free action, are important. The perfect draft horse should stand low on limbs, somewhat heavy, but clean as possible, with great breadth of loin and buttock, flank well down, and muscles connecting hind quarter with body full: the barrel round and deep; the back somewhat short and broad; the chest both deep and broad; the shoulders somewhat straight; and the withers of good height; the neck not too heavy and somewhat short; the head small in proportion to the size of the horse. Size should be close upon sixteen hands, and weight not less than one thousand two hundred pounds. A "leggy" animal for draft is always to be considered defective as a breeder especially. 1st pr'm 2d pr'm Best Stallion 4 years old and over $30 oo $18 oo | Best Stallion 3 years old and under 4 22 oo 15 oo | Best Stallion 2 years old and under 3 15 oo 9 oo ! Best Stallion I year old and under 2 800 500 j Best Stallion sucking colt 500 300 j Best Mare 5 years old and over 20 oo 12 oo i Best Mare 3 years old and under 4 1500 o oo j Best Mare 2 years old and under 3 10 oo 6 oo j Best Mare I year old and under 2 700 400 j Best Mare sucking colt 400 200 ! Best pair of draft horses, to be tested on the grounds, as the committee may require Silver Me- CLASS 9. SADDLE HORSKS, Animals in any of the foregoing classes in this division may compete in class. Best Saddle Horse or Mare Silver Medal. Best Saddle Pony Silver M- CLASS 10. JACKS AND MUI.KS, 1st pr'm 2>i pr'm Best J ack $25 oo $18 oo Best pair of Work Mules, to be tested on the grounds Silver Meda ; . I, J, SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue. 2O ADVERTISEMENTS. M. SCOTT & CO. Have just received an immense line of FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Bureaus, Carpets, Sofas, Mirrors, Parlor and Bedroom Sets, etc. CHEAPER THAN EVER OFFERED BEFORE Finest Line in the City. Everything kept in a First Class Furniture Establishment on hand, STREET. ^L.ZjBTjQirEiaQTJE, IsT. Bakery and Fancy Groceries, Front Street, between Gold and Silver Avennes. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Railroad Avenue Meat Market And Steam Sausage Factory. McCLELLAN & RAUSCH, Proprietors. Dealers in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Citred Meats, Fish and Game. All kinds of Sausage a Specialty. Orders by mail or telegraph promptly filled. Address, RAILROAD AVENUE MEAT MARKET, Albuquerque, IT. M. i JOHNSTON & PRAEGER Manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Horse Collars, Blankets, Fly Nets, Bridles Whips, Lashes, Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, Halters, Turf Goods, tc., etc. IR, IE IP _i. I IH, 1 1ST O- IDOjtTIE S'.-L-UUU Street, north of Railroad Avenue. Albuquerque, X. M, I, J, SHARICK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, PREMIUM LIST. 21 CLASS ii. SWEEPSTAKES. Animals in any of the foregoing classes of this division may compete in this class. Best Stallion of any age or breed Silver Medal. Best Mare of any age or breed Silver Medal. Best Mare with colt at her side Silver Medal. Best five Colts shown with sire, to be paid owner colts Silver Medal. Best Spring Colt Silver Medal. Best Gelding, of any age Silver Medal. Best animal for general utility, to be tested as committee may require Silver Medal. DIVISION D. SHEEP. W. S. MOORE (ALBUQUERQUE), SUPERINTENDENT. H. C. BLYTHE, ASSISTANT. CLASS 12. FINE WOOL SHEEP. (Including all kinds of Merinos.) ist pr'm 2d pr'm Best Buck 2 years old and over $20 oo $12 oo Best Buck I year old 10 oo 6 oo Best 3 Ewes 2 years old and over 15 oo 9 oo Best 3 Ewes I year old 10 oo 6 oo Best pen 3 lambs 500 300 CLASS 13. LONG WOOL SHEEP. (Including all classes of combing wools.) Quality and weight to be considered in the judgment of the committee. 1st pr'm 2d pr'm Best Buck 2 years old and over $15 oo $9 oo Best Buck I year old 8 oo 5 oo Best pen 3 buck lambs 10 oo 6 oo Best pen 3 ewes 10 oo 6 oo Best pen 3 lambs 500 300 CLASS 14. MIDDLE WOOL AND FAT SHEEP. (Including all classes of Downs.) ist pr'm 2d pr'm Best Buck 2 years old and over $10 oo $6 oo Best Buck I year old 5 oo 3 oo Best 3 Ewes 2 years old and over 8 oo 5 oo Best 3 Ewes i year old 6 oo 4 oo Best pen 3 Lambs 400 200 Best pen fat sheep, not less than five, breeding sheep not in- cluded . . Silver Medal. I, J. SHARICK, Silverware, Ciocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, 22 ADVERTISEMENTS. GOLD AVENUE. ALBUQUERQUE, X. M, m. a. ZIRHUT Carriage Maker Special attention given to Blacksmithing and all kinds of repairing. Painting and trim- ming of all kinds done in the best style. Cor. Copper Ave. and Second St. ALBUQUEBQUE, N. M. Office on Railroad Avenue, next door to Lesser Bros., up-stairs. Homeopathic treatment furnished when desired. Residence on Silver avenue, near Fourth St. Coffins, Caskets, Metallic Cases, Burial Robes, etc., etc. Embalming and preserving bodies a specialty. E. C. Monfort, undertaker, is in charge or this department. A. M. CODINGTON & CO., B. MOSES' PAVILLION The Only Pleasure Resort in the City R. R. Ave., bet. 1st and 2d Sts. ROSENWALD BROS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cor. Railroad Avenue and Third[St., opp. Armijo House, , 3ST- I, J. SHARiCK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, PREMIUM LIST. 23 DIVISION E. SWINE. D. W. COBB, SUPERINTENDENT. W. G. FISCHER, ASSISTANT. CLASS 15. POLAND CHINA. 1st pr'm 2cl pr'm Best Boar i year old and over $10 oo $6 oo Best Boar over and under I year 600 400 Best Sow i year old and over 800 500 Best Sow 6 months old and under i year 500 300 Best Sow and 5 pigs and over 10 oo 6 oo Best pair of pigs under 6 months old 3 oo 2 oo CLASS 16. BERKSHIRE HOGS. 1st pr'm 2d pr'm Best Boar i year old and over ... $10 oo $6 oo Best Boar 6 months old and under i year - 6 oo 4 oo Best Sow i year old and over 800 500 Best Sow 6 months old and under i year 500 300 Best Sow and 6 pigs and over 10 oo 6 oo Best pair of pigs under 6 months old .... 3 200 DIVISION F. POULTRY. W. F. CRANE, SUPERINTENDENT. MRS. TUCKER (WiNsi.ow), ASSISTANT. CLASS 17. 1st pr'm 2d pr'm Best pair Brahmas $5 oo $3 oo Best pair Cochins 5 oo 300 Best pair Plymouth Rocks 500 300 Best pair Langshaus 500 300 Best pair Games 300 200 Best pair Black Spanish 300 200 Best pair Leghorns 3$ 200 Best pair Bantams Bronze Medal. Best pair Guineas Bronze Medal. Best pair Turkeys 500 3 Best pair Geese 500 300 Best pair Ducks 400 200 Best and largest display of fowls entered and owned by one exhibitor Silver Medal. NOTE. Turkeys, Geese and Ducks, as well as Chickens, must be of some 'Standard'' variety recognized by the American Poultry Association. 1. J. SHAB1CK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue. 24 ADVERTISEMENTS. E. J. POST & CO. Wholesale and Retail H ARDWARE Iron, Steel, Guns, Pistols, Wagon Timber, BRIDGE, BEACH & GO'S SUPERIOR STOVES, "BUCKEYE" MOWERS and REAPERS, SULKY and HAY RAKES. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Composition and Gravel Roofing THE CHEAPEST, BEST, and Q^- HUIUkBIrE ROOF IN USB. The only one adapted for Adobe Buildings. Send for Circular. D. R. MILLER & CO. Office with D. B. Emmert, Real Estate Agent, Third Street, between Railroad and Gold Avenues. C. A. STEIN. F. MANDELL. K. MANDELL, Special. Stein, Mandell & Co. Wholesale and Retail Agents Dupont, Jupiter aud Atlas Powder Go's. Wood's Mowers and Reapers. I, J, SHARIGK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue, PREMIUJijElST. DIVISION G. J. H. SULLIVAN, SUPERINTENDENT. JOSE G. CHAVIS, ASSISTANT. CLASS 18. FRUIT. Best collection of Fruit of all kinds by one exhibitor Best collection of Winter Apples, not less than 6 varieties Best plate Winter Apples ' Best collection Fall Apples, not less than 5 varieties Best plate Fall Apples Best collection Seedling Apples, 3 or more varieties Best collection Peaches, of 3 or more varieties Best plate Peaches Best collection Grapes, of 3 or more varieties Best plate Grapes Best plate Grapes, of any new variety Best collection plums, of 3 or more varieties Best collection of Winter Pears, not less than 4 varieties. Best plate Winter Pears Best collection Fall Pears, not less than 4 varieties Best plate Fall Pears Best collection of Quinces, 2 or more varieties Best plate Quinces DIVISION H. ANTHONY JOSEPH, SUPERINTENDENT. P. WELDEN, ASSISTANT. 25 oo 5 o I OC 5 oo I OO 3 oo 3 oo I OO 5 1 00 2 00 2 OO 5 00 I OO 5 oo I OO 3 oo I OO CLASS 19. --GRAIN. Best exhibit grain, 3 or more varieties $10 oo Best half bushel Winter Wheat Bullion Medal. Best half bushel Spring Wheat Bullion Medal. Best half bushel Rye Bullion Medal. Best half bushel Oats Bullion Medal. Best 50 ears of field corn, yellow Bullion Medal. Best 50 ears field corn, white Bullion Medal. Best 25 ears pop corn Bullion Medal. Best 25 ears sweet corn Bullion Medal. Twelve largest and longest stocks of corn Bullion Medal. Best two pounds dressed Broom Corn Bullion Medal. Best Alfalfa, 25 pounds Bullion Medal. I. J. SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue. 26 ADVERT I SK Ml J. F. GIRARD, Proprietor. NEW STONE BUILDING, GOLD AVE. *f Intel fitted up first class in every respect. Tables supplied with the best the market affords. .^^The most pleasant rooms in the cito now fitted and ready for ALBUQUERQUE, j FRANK & OUSTERS Printers and Paper Dealers THIRD STREET, BETWEEN RAILROAD AJiD GOLI) AYES. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. -THE ALBUQUERQUE DAILY DEMOCRAT Neatest, Newsiest and Best Newspaper in the Territory The Only Evening Paper in the Territory Publishing the Associated Press Dispatches, and The only Democratic Daily in Mew Mexico Democratic to the core, and is a fearless exponent of the principles of ;v. Its local and mining columns are excelled by no paper in the Territory. Daily, $1O.OO a Year. Weekly. $3.OO a Year. [oh * Mtice is more thoroughly equipped than any in the J. G. ALBRIGHT, Editor and Manager. C_ DRY GOODS and GROCERIES Highest Price Paid for Wool Hides and Pelts. .'N STREET. - ALBUQUERQUE. J, SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue, 27 DIVISION I. H. A. WHITING, SUPERINTENDENT. IRA M. BOND, ASSISTANT. CLASS 20. VEGETABLES. Best collection of Vegetables of all kinds, by one exhibitor. $25 oo Best peck of Field Beans Bullion Medal. Best peck of Pole Beans Bullion Medal. Best half bushel Onions Bullion Medal. Best exhibit of Onions, 3 or more varieties Bullion Medal. Best half bushel Turnips Bullion Medal. Best 20 or more Carrots Bullion Medal. Best 20 or more Parsnips Bullion Medal. Best 20 or more Turnip Beets Bullion Medal. Best 20 or more Stock Beets Bullion Medal. Best 3 bunches Pie Plant Bullion Medal. Best 3 Watermelons Bullion Medal. Best 3 Muskmelons Bullion" Medal. Best 6 Pumpkins Bullion Medal. Best variety of Squashes Bullion Medal. Best half dozen heads Cauliflower. Bullion M ! '>T<. Best 20 pounds Packed Butter I )ij. Best 5 pounds Fresh Roll Butter Diploma. Best Cheese Diploma. Best 10 pounds Lard 'Diploma. Best 10 pounds Domestic Soap .1 Jiploma. Best loaf of Wheat Bread Best loaf of Corn Bread Diploma. Best loaf of Graham Bread Diploma. Best loaf of Rve Bread . . . I >ipl I, J, SHARICK, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, Railroad Avenue, 28 ADVERTTSKM! MILLINERY! Suitable for Every Occasion. Exquisite Flowers ! Elegant Plumes ! At MRS. MEDLER'S, SECOND STREET, BETWEEN GOLD AND SILVER AYES. P. B. Sherman, Proprietor. ONLY FIRST CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY ,, ISC. IMI- R. C. VOSE. S. C. WILSON. W. TRUMBUI.L. VOSE & CO. Wholesale and Retail SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE TOOLS, \^|^/^ NAILS, Guns, Pistols ^Hl, Copper, Tin AX1 ) * AMMUNITION, CUTLERY AND Sheet Iron Ware Sewing Machines, -iegraph promptly attended to. Front Sti'eet. between Gold and Silver Avenues, AH)aquer(|iie, X. M. !, J, SHARICK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, PREMIUM LIST. 29 CLASS 21 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Best loaf of Fruit Cake Continued. Diploma. Host Pound Cake Diploma Best Sugar Ctike Diploma Best Jelly Cake Diploma Best Silver Cake Diploma Best Ginger Cake . . Diploma Best Gold Cake Diploma Best display of Bread, and not less than lo varieties Best Dried Fruit of any variety ..... of Cake. Silver Medal. Diploma. Best Canned Fruit of any variety Best Peach Pickles Diploma. Diploma. Best Mixed Pickles . . Diploma. Best Pickled Cabbage . . . Diploma. Best Canned Vegetables of any kind Diploma. DIVISION K. GEO. II. PRADT (SANTA FE), SUPERINTENDENT .MRS. F. HUNING, ASSISTANT. CLASS 22.- DOMESTIC MANUF Best 10 yards Rag Carpet Best Display of Millinery and Straw (roods, foreign mestic Best display of Plain Sewing Best display of Plain Sewing by girl under 14 years Most beautifully wrought Under Garment Most beautifully wrought Under Garment by girl years old Best made Worsted I )ress Best made Worsted Dress by girl under 14 years old Best made Child's Suit Best made Child's Suit by girl under 14 years old. . Best made Gent's Shirt Best made Gent's Shirt by girl under 14 years old. . Best Worsted Quilt Best Patchwork Quilt Best White Quilt Best Quilt by girl under 14 years old Best Silk Quilt Best Log-cabin Quilt % Best Counterpane uav of Kml A.CTUKES. Diploma. and do- Silver Medal, Diploma. old .... Diploma. Diploma. under 14 Diploma. Diploma. Diploma. Diploma.' Diploma. . . Diploma. Diploma. Diploma. Diploma. Diploma. Diploma. Diploma. v Diploma. Diploma. . Diploma. I. J. SHARICK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue. 30 u>\; PR I N T IN G . BI N D I N G . STEAM PRINTING HOUSE ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Blank Books, Book Supplies & Fine Gommercial Printing Extcutedin >/. Book Bindery & Paper-Ruling Department Is supplied \vith the I>eM approved machinery, and i.s prepai. ale .ill uxlers priMuptly and thoroughly. Memoranda , Pax* Check, Draft, Xotc and Receipt Rooks. Da it Rooks, Cash nooks, /^Y/^VX. Bibles, Prayer Hooks, Luir .Ycicspapcrs, I\'riodicals, etc., etc., etc. BOUND IN AN V STYLE DKSlllKl). ,-hants aiu; arers, Mining and l-'xpross ( \>mjuni. tion^ ot all kiiuls, (.'.in h ot paper ruling >>r blank books desired, on slum n. ORDERS BY MAIL FILLED PROMPTLY Address or, 1 . AIJir<(l?KK<;rK ITKLISIIIMJ CO., ', N. >l. fare, Clocks and Spectacles. Railroad htm, '.. < . -.- > :.', : . . *M* .Dapkma, IXptaea, xfeftat,*- l^plwia, f La4ie f Fzmey Work, br gjd der 14 vesu* m, iJiplomJu KLa fad-. jaaduae - >iwiita, bowet ade by bar -aadebrwacfe;, ;,JM, Cx^tto: * *< :g I, J, SHARICK, Silverware, Clocks and Spectacles, Railroad Avenue, ADVERTISEMENTS. ALBUQUERQUE FnUHHRY AND Machine Co. , UST- IMI- Iron and Brass Castings, Ore, Coal and Lumber Cars, Shafting, Pulleys, Grate Bars, Babbitt Metal, etc., etc. Golumns and Iron Fronts for Buildings. Albuquerque Planing Mill Silver Avenue, near Broadway, dc CO. ^PLANING, * MATCHING, * RIPPING: Turning, Scroll Sawing, and All Kinds of Planing Mill Work Done to order on short notice. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Correspondence Solicited. PREMIUM LIST. 33 DIVISION L. O. C. CHRISTIAN, SUPERINTENDENT. MRS. WM. CRANE, ASSISTANT. CLASS 23. --FINE ARTS, Best and largest exhibition of Paintings and Pictures Bullion Medal. Best Family Group in oil Diploma. Best Original Landscape in oil Diploma. Best Portrait in oil Diploma. Best Fruit Painting Diploma. Best New Mexico Landscape in oil Silver Medal, Best Animal Painting in oil Diploma. Best Miscellaneous Oil Painting Diploma. Best Animal Painting in water colors Diploma. Best Flower Painting Diploma. Best Crayon Painting Diploma. Best and largest collection of Pen Work Diploma. Best specimen of Business Writing Diploma. Best specimen of Pen Flourishing Diploma. Best Pen Drawing Diploma. Best samples Card Making Diploma. Best specimen Sculpture Diploma. Best specimen of Carving in Wood ... Diploma. Best and largest display of Chromos Diploma. Best collection of Photos, New Mexico scenery Silver Medal. Best and largest collection of Photographs Diploma. Best collection of Fine Printing Diploma. Best Flower Painting on satin Diploma. Be*t Flower Painting on China Diploma. DIVISION M. GEN 7 . G. A. SMITH, SUPERINTENDENT. MRS. L. BRADFORD PRINCE, ASSISTANT. CLASS 24.- - FLOWERS AND SHRUBS. Bust display of all varieties Silver Medai Best rive House Plants Diploma. Best specimen of any variety of Flowers, Shrubs or Foliage Plants Diploma. 34 ADVERTISEMENTS. W. L. TRIMBLE & CO. Livery and Transfer Stables, Second Street, north of Railroad Avenue. Albuquerque, N. M. Finest Rigs and Saddle Horses in the City. Charges Reasonable. J. S. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Shicago and Native Lumber, Wood, 6oal, Plaster, Lime, Glass, Paints, Oils, Building Paper, BUILDING STONE FBOM THE CELEBRATED EL RITA QUARRIES A general stock of Building Material always on hand. Corner Front Street and Lead Avenue. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. THEE AMERICAN Corner Second Street and Lead Avenue, Albuquerque. DR. J. M. BKLL, PROPRIETOR. One of the best houses in the City. Neat, quiet and orderly at all time Transient rates, $2.00 per day. GEO. F. WHEELOCK MANUFACTURER OF Galvanized Iron Cornice ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. fcir Correspondence Solicited. PREMIUM LIST. DIVISION N. F. W. SMITH, SUPERINTENDENT G. L. SANDS, ASSISTANT. 35 CLASS 25.-- HOME MANUFACTURES AND PRODUCTS. Best and greatest display of Native Wines Silver Medal. Best and greatest display of Filigree Jewelry Silver Medal. Best and greatest display of Crackers Silver Medal. Best and greatest display of Dried Fruits Bronze Medal. Best and greatest display of Canned Fruits Bronze Medal. Best and greatest display of Canned Vegetables Bronze Medal. Best and greatest display of Harness and Saddlery Bronze Medal. Best and greatest display of Boots and Shoes Bronze Medal. Best and greatest display of Furniture Bronze Medal. Best and greatest display of Wagons and Carriages Bronze Medal. Best and greatest display of Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc Bronze Medal. Best and greatest display of Galvanized Iron Work Bronze Medal. Best exhibit of Foundry Work Bronze Medal. Best exhibit of Electric Instruments Silver Medal.* Best exhibit of Seals, Stencils, and Rubber Stamps Bronze Medal. Best exhibit of Marble Work Bronze Medal. Best exhibit of Leather Bronze Medal. Best exhibit of Dressed Skins Bronze Medal. Best exhibit of Brick Bronze Medal. Best exhibit of Brooms Bronze Medal. Best exhibit of Cigars Bronze Medal. Best article of Native Wine Diploma. Best article of Native Brandy Diploma. Best article of Amole Soap Diploma. Best article of Beer Diploma. Best exhibit of Copper and Tinware Diploma. Best exhibit of Millinery Bronze Medal. Best exhibit of Spring Beds Bronze Medal. Best exhibit of Merino Clothing Wool Sio oo Best exhibit of Combing Wool 10 oo Best exhibit of Carpet Wool 5 oo CLASS 26. -BUILDING STONES AND WOODS. Best and greatest display of Stone, not less than three varieties Silver Medal. Best and greatest display of "Woods, not less than three va- rieties Silver Medal. Best specimen of any variety of Stone Bronze Medal. Best specimen of any varieU of Wood Bnm/e Medal. PREMIUM LIST. DIVISION O. MECHANIC ARTS. JOHN P. SELLAR, SUPERINTENDENT. NEILL B. FIELD, ASSISTANT. CLASS 27. In this division all dealers are invited to bring their implements, and will be accommodated with space to show their goods as they think best, by the consent of the Division Superintendent. Best display of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes. . .Diploma. Best Wagon Harnes$ . Diploma. Best set Parlor Furniture Diploma. Best exhibit of Furniture Best display of Saddlery Best display of Hardware and Stoves Best display of Wines and Liquors Best display of Beer Best display of Tobacco and Cigars Best display of Family Groceries Best display of Glass and Queensware Best display of Agricultural Implements Best display of Mining Machinery Best display of Wind Mills and Pumps Best display of Books and Stationery Best display of Dry Goods Best display of Musical Instruments Best display of Sewing Machines Best display of Perfumeries and" Toilet Articles. Best display of Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Best display of Gas Fixtures and Fittings Best display of Roofing Best display of Wagons, Carriages and Buggies Best display of Wind Mills Best display of Plumbing Goods . .Diploma. . .Diploma. . . Diploma. . .Diploma. . . Diploma. . .Diploma. . .Diploma. . .Diploma. . . Diploma. . . Diploma. . . Diploma. . .Diploma. . .Diploma. . . Diploma. . .Diploma. . .Diploma . . . Diploma. . .Diploma. . . Bronze Medal. . . .Bronze Medal. . . . Diploma. . . Diploma. for CONDITIONS FOR RUNNING. Contests for running premiums will be governed by Lexington rules, unless otherwise specified in programme. The first horse in all purses will receive 60 per cent.; second, 30 per cent.; third, 10 per cent., unless otherwise specified in the programme. Entrance fee on purses, 10 per cent. Five entries required, and three to start. A horse that is ruled out or dis- tanced will not be entitled to second or third money. A horse that distances the field will be entitled to one money only. Money must in all cases accompany the entry. Entrance for purses will close at n o'clock the evening before each race, at the Secretary's office. CONDITIONS FOR TROTTING. All the races to be mile heats, best two in three, unless otherwise specified in the programme, and conducted under the rules and regulations of "The National Association for the Promotion of the Interests of the American Trotting Turf." Entries to be made in accordance. Five entries required in all trotting races, and three to start. The first horse in all cases will receive 60 per cent.; second horse, 30 per cent.; third horse, 10 per cent. Entrance fee 10 per cent. A horse that distances the field will be entitled to one money only. In all heats where eight or more start, the distance will be 150 yards. Heats in each day's races may be trotted alternately. The Association has the right to declare "off" such races as they may be unable start (by occasion of bad weather or unavoidable causes), before 4:30 p. m., Friday, October 5, entrance money in such cases refunded. Time must be made in each race within ten seconds of its class. All entries forwarded by mail or telegraph to be addressed to the Secretary. Hail road Arrangements. Arrangements have been made with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe and the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Companies for TIIRF.K CENTS A MILK each way, for the round trip from all stations on their lines, and we hope to secure still more favorable rates before the Fair opens. Articles and animals intended for exhibition will be returned FREE, on certifi- cate of the officers of the Association. This arrangement includes stock and articles from Kansas, Colorado, Arizona and Texas. 38 Our Annual Exposition is an exhibit of and for the whole Territory, and it is hoped that every citizen will take a hearty interest in it. Let every one who possibly can, bring something to exhibit, so that the resources of our great Terri- tory may be fully represented. Minerals, stock, grain, vegetables, wool, every- thing that is or promises to be a source of wealth, should be so exhibited on this occasion as to show to everybody what can be done here. Thus immigrants will be attracted, and we, who are already here, will be stirred up to a worthy rivalry in the development of the Territory. Nothing is better calculated to encourage our individual efforts, than our coming together on such an occasion, and seeing what others are doing. We both teach and learn, ideas are exchanged: a new impetus is given to each, and so each and the whole is benefited. TO THE PRESS. We invoke the aid of the Press of the Territory in setting before our people the importance of our Annual Exposition, as a means of bringing together, not only our resources but our people. We hope to see every paper in the Territory, and a number outside of it, represented. Every courtesy will be extended to the members of the Press who may be present, and we are satisfied that they will have a good account to give their constituents of what they see at our third Annual Fair. JOHN D. TORLINA Wholesale and retail dealer in complete lines of Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Goths and Window Shades, Gents' Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps, THE MOST COMPLETE AND LARGEST VARIETY OF STOCK IN THE TERRITORY. STRICTLY ONE PRICE SYSTEM. rders by mail promptly attended to. GOLD AVENUE. ALBTTQTJEQTJE. NEW MEXICO. Hum. ]. G. HOPE, SUPERINTENDENT. MONDAY FIRST DAY. Pony purse (half mile dash, catch weights) $ 20 oo Running purse (catch weights, mile heats, best two in three) 75 TUESDAY SECOND DAY. Trotting purse (green horses) 75 Running (half mile and repeat, free to all, catch weights) 25 oo Trotting by stallions, mile heats, best two in three 100 oo WEDNESDAY THIRD DAY. Trotting purse (2.35 class) 250 oo Novelty running purse 120 oo Sio at first quarter; $15 at half mile; $20 at three-quarters pole; $25 at one mile; $50 at mile and a half, catch weights. Twenty mile race First, $100, second 50 oo Not les than four nor more than ten horses to be used by each rider. Time limited to 60 minutes. Mule race purse (naif mile and repeat, catch weights) 20 oo THURSDAY, FOURTH DAY. Trotting purse (2:20 class) 300 oo Running purse (mile and repeat, free to all) 100 oo Burro race First, $15, second 10 oo Equestrianism by ladies ' First, saddle and bridle; second, silver cup. FRIDAY -FIFTH DAY. Trotting race (2:50 class) 150 <9o Running race (one mile) 50 oo Indian foot race (half mile) First, $10, second 5 oo SATURDAY SIXTH. DAY. Trotting race (mile and repeat) 100 oo Runnjng race (half mile and repeat) 5 Native pony races, burro races, and foot races will be arranged for daily. Programme, FIRST DAY. Monday, October I, will be a day of general preparaiion. Entries will be made at the Secretary's office on the Fair Grounds during Monday, the first day of the Fair, and no entries will be made after 6 o'clock of that day, except in Speed j Ring. Formal opening address by Hon. L. Bradford Prince at 2 o^clock p. m. SECOND DAY. I Moqui and other Indian games. Trotting and running races in Speed Ring. Competitive Hook and Ladder, and Hose Company exercises. THIRD DAY. Superintendents of Divisions B. and D. will see that their divisions are passed on by the judges. Indian dances, races in speed ring and twenty mile race. Base ball tournament. FOURTH DAY. Awards in Division* C. F. F. G. H. I. and J. Races in speed ring. Lady equestrianism. FIFTH DAY. Divisions A. K. L. M. X. and (). will be passed on. Races in speed ring. SIXTH DAY. cavalcade, races on track, Indian games, etc. Awards of special pre- (Omissions. The names of W. Scott Moore, General Superintendent, and Frank L. C'asey. Financial Secretary, were received by the Printer too lato for insertion in proper place. U2)