031 INORGANIC EVOLUTION AS STUDIED BY SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. LIST OF WORKS BY SIR NORMAN LOCKYER. CONTRIBUTIONS TO SOLAR PHYSICS. CHEMISTRY OF THE SUN. THE METEORITIC HYPOTHESIS. THE SUN'S PLACE IX NATURE. RECENT AND COMING ECLIPSES. INORGANIC EVOLUTION. STARGAZING, PAST AND PRESENT. (In conjunction with G. M. Scabroke.} ELEMENTARY LESSONS IN ASTRONOMY PRIMER OF ASTRONOMY. THE DAWN OP ASTRONOMY. MOVEMENTS OF THE EARTH. STUDIES IN SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. THE SPECTROSCOPE AND ITS APPLICATIONS. THE RULES OF GOLF. (In conjunction with jr. Rutherford.) INORGANIC EVOLUTION AS STUDIED BY SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. BY SIR NORMAN LOCKYER, K.C.B., F.R.S. Correspondent or THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE ; THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF NATIONAL INDUSTRY OF FRANCE ; THE ROYAL ACADEMY , OF SCIENCE, GOTTINGEN ; THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA ; THE ROYAL MEDICAL SOCIETY OF BRUSSELS ; SOCIETY OF ITALIAN SPECTROSCOPISTS ; THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF PALERMO ; THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF GENEVA ; Member OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF LYNCEI, ROME ; AND THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, PHILADELPHIA; Honorary Member OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCE OF CANTANIA; PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF YORK ; LITERARY AND PHILO- SOPHICAL SOCIETY OF MANCHESTER ; AND LEHIGH UNIVERSITY ; Director OF THE SOLAR PHYSICS OBSERVATORY ; AND Professor OF ASTRONOMICAL PHYSICS IN THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LONDON. llon&on MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED 1900 [All Rights Reserved.] LOAN STACK - 1 1 z.r LONDON : HARBISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. "M PUTIN'S LANE. LSI PREFACE. THIS present volume contains an account of my most recent inquiries into the chemistry of the stars, and of some questions which have grown out of these inquiries. It has taken its present form because several friends, upon whose judgment I can rely, suggested that I should preface the account of the work, and the conclusions I have derived from it, by a statement, as clear and simple as I could make it, of the principles of Spectrum Analysis and of the earlier steps in the various investi- gations the convergence of which has led to the present stand- point. In my " Chemistry of the Sun," published in 1887, I dealt chiefly with the then state of the problem, so far as the Sun was concerned. In two later volumes, " The Meteoritic Hypothesis " and the "Sun's Place in Nature," I included the stars in the survey. The short story which I give in the earlier portion of the present book consists of a resume of the three volumes, so far as the question of dissociation is concerned ; this is followed by evidence recently accumulated by other inquirers, all of which tends to strengthen my original thesis. In the latter part of the volume I endeavour to show how, in the studies concerning dis- sociation, we have really been collecting facts concerning the evolution of the chemical elements ; and I point out especially that the first steps in this evolution may possibly be best studied by, and most clearly represented in, the long chain of facts now at our disposal touching the spectral changes observed in the hottest stars. My thanks are due (1) to Messrs. Lockyer, Fowler and Baxan- 205 2 vi PEEFACE. dall, and other assistants at South Kensington, who have helped me to do the work ; (2) to my colleagues, Professors Perry, Howes and Farmer, and Professor Poulton and Dr. Woodward, who have so freely given me information 011 several of the points touched upon in the later chapters ; (3) to Professor Kayser, Sir William Crookes, .Professor A. Schuster, and Dr. Preston, who have been good enough to look over the portions referring to their researches ; and (4) to the officers and council of the Royal Society and to Messrs. Macmillan, for placing at my disposal some of- the illustrations. NOBMAN LOCKYER Solar Physics Observatory, South Kensington, January 9, 1900. CONTENTS. BOOK I. THE BASIS OF THE INQUIRY. CHAP. PAGE I. Principles and Methods ... ... ... ... ... 1 II. Some Pioneering Difficulties ... ... ... ... 18 III. The Present Position 29 BOOK IL APPLICATION OF THE INQUIEY TO THE SUN AND STARS. IV. The Sun's Chromosphere 38 V. Stellar Atmospheres ... ... ... ... ... 45 VI. The Chemistry of the Stars ... 55 VII. A Chemical Classification of Stars ... 66 BOOK III. THE DISSOCIATION HYPOTHESIS. VIII. Recent Opinion 73 IX. Stellar Evidence 78 X. " Series " Evidence 83 XI. "Shifting "of Lines Evidence 101 XII. Magnetic Perturbation Evidence ... ... ... 109 XIII. Fractionation Evidence . 116 BOOK IV. OBJECTIONS TO THE DISSOCIATION HYPOTHESIS. XIV. The Chemistry of Space 120 XV. The General Distribution of Stars 124 XVI. The Distribution of Chemical Groups of Stars ... 129 XVII. The Result of the Inquiry ... ... ... ... 141 XVIII. Replies to Special Objections ... ... ... ... 144 Vlll CONTEXTS. BOOK V. INORGANIC EVOLUTION. CHAP. PAGE XIX. What Evolution means : Organic Evolution ... ... 152 XX. The Stellar Evidence regarding Inorganic Evolution ... 157 XXI. The Simplest Elements appear first ... ... ... 162 XXII. The Relations of the Organic and Inorganic Evolutions 168 XXIII. Inorganic Evolution from a Chemical Standpoint ... 175 XXIV. Inorganic Evolution from a Physical Standpoint ... 184 ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 1. Arrangement of candle, prism and eye 2 3. Use of the simple spectroscope ... ... ... ... 3 3. A continuous and a discontinuous spectrum ... ... ... G 4. Use of a circular and line slit ... ... ... ... ... 7 5. Observation of a flame with ordinary spectroscope ... ... 7 6. Steinheil spectroscope ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 7. Angstrom's grating spectrometer ... ... ... ... 9 8. Spectra of barium and iron contrasted ... ... ... 9 9. Fluting of carbon 10 1 0. Fluting of magnesium ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 1 1 . The " series " of cleveite gases ... ... ... ... 11 12. Fraunhofer's solar spectrum ... ... ... ... ... 15 1 3. A stellar spectroscope ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 14. Spectroscope attached to a telescope for sun observations ... 21 15. First method of spectroscopic work 21 16. New method of using a lens 22 17. Long and short lines of strontium and calcium ... ... 23 18. Long and short lines of sodium ... ... ... ... 24 19. Spectrum of a sun-spot... .... ... ... ... 25 20. Spot and prominence lines contrasted... ... ... ... 26 21. Different rates of motion registered by different iron lines ... 27 22. Comparison of chromospheric and test spectra 40 23. Spectrum of chromosphere contrasted with Fraunhofer lines 40 24. Temperature curve ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 25. Comparison of the spectrum of a Cygni with enhanced metallic lines 49 26. Comparison of the spectrum of a Cygni and chromosphere ... 53 27. Map of chemical substances present in stars of different tem- peratures ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62 28. Comparison of the spectra of Sirius and a Cygni ... ... 69 29. Comparison of the spectra of Procyon and y Cygni ... .. 69 30. Simple flutings of nitrogen 84 X ILLUSTRATIONS. TIG. PAGE .31. Spectrum of the cleveite gases ... ... ... .. 84 32. Same spectrum sorted out into " series " ... ... ... 85 33. Triplets in spectra 92 34. Map showing residual lines in the spectra of calcium and magnesium 96 35. Changes of wave-length due to pressure 105 36. Results of magnetic perturbations on spectrallines .. ... Ill 37. A f ractionation diagram ... ... ... ... ... 118 38. Comparison of relative numbers of stars 130 39. Distribution of bright-line stars in the Milky Way 133 40. Photograph of glass globe showing Milky AVay 134 41. Photograph of the same showing distribution of bright-line stars 135 42. Spectrum of Nova Aurigse ... ... ... ... ... 138 43. Diagram showing time and temperature relations of organic and inorganic evolution ... ... ... ... ... 173 INORGANIC EVOLUTION AS STUDIED BY SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. BOOK L THE BASIS OF THE INQUIRY. CHAP. I. PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. THE thirty years' work to which I have to refer in this book has had to do with various points raised by the investigation of the radiation and absorption of light ; the science of spectrum analysis is involved. Spectrum analysis, indeed, is now becoming so far-reaching, espe- cially in inquiries having to do with the conditions of the various celestial bodies, that there are many who are anxious to know some- thing of its teachings. To some of these, however, the terms used by men of science, a very necessary shorthand, are unfamiliar, and appear hard to understand, because the opportunity of seeing the things they are intended to define, and which they generally do define in most admirable fashion, has never presented itself. I propose, therefore, to attempt to show that there is nothing recondite about these terms ; that it is possible without any expensive apparatus for every one who will take a little trouble, to observe the phenomena for himself, after which the meanings of the terms employed will present no difficulty whatever. One key to the hieroglyphics, the light story, which is hidden in every ray of light, is supplied to us by the rainbow. It teaches us that the white light with which nature bountifully supplies us in the sun's rays is composed of rays of different kinds or of different colours ; and it is common knowledge that there is an almost perfect analogy between these coloured lights and sounds of different pitches. The blue of the rainbow may be likened to the higher notes of the key-board of a piano, and the red of the rainbow, on the. other hand, may be likened to the longer sound waves which produce the lower notes ; and as we are able in the language of music to define each particular note, such as B flat and G sharp, and so on, so light- waves are defined by their colours or wave-lengths. 2 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. What nature accomplishes by a rain-drop we can do with a prism or a grating. A prism is a piece of glass or other transparent mate- rial through which the light is bent out of its course or refracted in the process. A grating is a collection of wires, or scratches on glass or metal, equidistant, very near together, and all parallel. When light passes through, or is reflected by such a system, it is said to be diffracted, and one result that we are concerned in is very similar to that of passing light through a prism. It is rapidly becoming a familiar fact to many that when a ray of white light is refracted by a prism or diffracted by a grating a band of colour similar to a rainbow is produced, and that this effect follows because white light is built up of light of every colour, each colour having its own special length of wave and degree of refrangibility. Our rainbow band is called a spectrum. Such a glass prism or grating is the fundamental part of the instru- ment called the spectroscope, and the most complicated spectroscope which we can imagine simply utilises the part which the prism or grating plays in breaking up a beam of white light into its constituent parts from the red to the violet. Between these colours we get that string of orange, yellow, green, and blue which we are familiar with in the rainbow. A Simple Spectroscope. For sixpence any of us may make for ourselves an instrument which will serve many of the purposes of demonstrating some of the mar- vellously fertile fields of knowledge which have been recently opened up to us. From an optician we can buy a small prism for sixpence ; get a piece of wood from 20 to 10 inches long (the distance of distinct vision), 1 inch broad, and J an inch thick. On one end glue a cork Prism Candle FiG. 1.-- Arrangement of candle, prisrn and eye. 2 inches high, at the other end fasten, by melting the bottom, a stump of a wax candle of such a height that the dark cone above the I.] PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. 3 wick is level with the top of the cork. Then glue the prism on the cork, so that by looking sideways through the prism the coloured image or spectrum of the flame of the candle placed at the other end of the piece of wood can be seen. We get a band of colour, a spectrum of the candle flame built up of an infinite number of images of the flame produced by the light rays of every colour. But, so far, the spectrum is impure, because the images overlap. We can get rid of this defect by replacing the candle by a needle. If we now allow the needle to reflect the light of the candle flame, taking care that the direct light from the candle does not fall upon the face of the prism, we then get a much purer band of colour, because now we have an innumerable multitude of images of the thin needle instead of the broad flame close together. The needle is the equi- valent of the slit of the more complicated spectroscopes used in laboratories. FIG. 2. Use of the simple spectroscope. We can vary this experiment by gumming two pieces of tin oil with two perfectly straight edges on a piece of glass so that the straight edges are parallel and very near together. In this way we have a slit ; this should be fixed close to the candle and between it and the prism. Now the light of the candle is white, and the preceding experiment tells us that such light gives us a band containing all the colours B 2 4 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. without any breaks or gaps. We have what is called a continuous The Continuous Spectrum. If we burn a piece of paper, or a match, or ordinary coal-gas, we get a white light identical to that given us by the candle ; solids which do not liquefy when made white-hot, and liquids which do not volatilise under the same condition, and some dense gases when heated, do the same. This effect is produced because there is light of every wave-length to produce an image of the needle (or the slit) ; these images blend together continuously from one end of the spectrum to the other. Let us then consider this fact established, namely, that solid or liquid bodies and dense gases, when heated to a vivid incandescence, give a continuous spectrum. Under these circumstances the light to the eye, without the spectroscope, will be white, like that of a candle or white-hot poker. The Length of the Continuous Spectrum -varies with Temperature. If we put a poker in a fire, it becomes red-hot ; if we heat a platinum wire by passing a feeble current of electricity along it, it becomes red- hot like the poker. In both cases examination by means of the prism shows that the red end only of the spectrum is visible. But if the poker or wire be gradually heated more strongly, the yellow, green, and blue rays will successively appear. Finally, when a brilliant white heat has been attained, the whole of the colours of the spectrum will be present. Hence we learn that *if the degree of incandescence be not high, the light will only be red. But, so far as the spectrum goes and it will expand towards the violet ! as the 'incandescence increases, as before stated it will be continuous. ' >% The red condition comes from the absence of blue light; the white condition comes from the gradual addition of blue as the temperature increases. One of the laws formulated by Kirchhoff in the infancy of spectro- scopic inquiry has to do with the kind of radiation given out by bodies at different temperatures. The law affirms that the hotter a< mass of matter is the further its spectrum extends into the ultra-violet. . Gaslight is redder than the light of an incandescent lamp because the latter is hotter. The carbons in a so-called arc-lamp give out a bluish- white light because they are hotter still. By similar reasoning from experiment we are bound to consider I.] PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. 5 the bluish- white stars, the white stars, the yellow, red and blood-red stars to indicate a decreasing order of temperature.* We shall not go far wrong in supposing that the star with the most intense continuous radiation in the ultra-violet is the hottest, inde- pendently of absorbing conditions, which, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, we must assume to follow the same law in all. An inquiry into the facts placed at our disposal by stellar photo- graphs, shows that there is a considerable variation in the distance to which the radiation extends in the ultra-violet, and that the stars can be arranged in order of temperature on this basis. Judged by this criterion alone, some of the hottest stars so tar ob- served are 7 Orionis, fOrionis, aVirginis, y Pegasi, ?? Ursse Majoris, and A. Tauri. Of stars of lower, but riot much lower, temperature than the above, may be named Kigel, f Tauri, aAndromedae, /3Persei, a Pegasi, and j3 Tauri. In this way spectrum analysis helps us with regard to temperatures, both on the earth and in the heavens. Discontinuous Spectra with Bright Lines. Let us next pass from a solid which retains its incandescence like platinum wire without melting, or a liquid which retains its incan- descence, like molten iron, without volatilising and see what happens. We have found that when the light entering the slit consists of every colour and every tone, we have a continuous band of colour. If there is any defect in the light we must have a discontinuous one, for the reason that an image of the slit cannot be produced in any particular part of the spectrum if there be no light of that particular colour to produce it. There are many artificial flames which are coloured, and if their light is analysed in the same way as the light of the candle, a perfectly new set of phenomena present themselves. Let us again make use of our improvised spectroscope, and allow the needle to be illuminated by the flame of a spirit lamp into which salt is gradually allowed to fall we see at once why the flame is yellow. It contains no red, green, blue, or violet rays, so that we should not represent the spectrum by * On this point 1 wrote as follows in 1892 : " An erroneous idea with regard to the indications of the temperature of the stars has been held by those who have not considered the matter specially. It has been imagined that the presence of the series of hydrogen lines in the ultra-violet was of itself sufficient evidence of a very high temperature. The experiments of Cornu, however, have shown that the complete series of lines can be seen with an ordinary spark without jar. Hence the high temperature of such a star as Sirius is not indicated by the fact that its spectrum shows the whole series of hydrogen lines, but by the fact that there is bright continuous radiation far in the ultra-violet. 6 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. as in the case of the candle, but simply by [CHAP. We see one image of the needle coloured in yellow. We have passed from the spectrum of polychromatic to that of monochromatic light from white light to coloured light from light of all wave-lengths to light of one wave-length ; from an infinite number of slit images giving a continuous band of every colour, to one image of the slit produced by light of one refrangibility, the colour of the image depending upon the refrangibility. What we shall see in pass- ing from the spectrum of the candle to that of sodium vapour in the spirit lamp is shown in the accompanying woodcut. Candle-flame spectrum. Straight slit.^j g . it >lamp flame King slit. J wif FIG. 3. A continuous and a discontinuous spectrum. That we are truly dealing with an image of the needle (or a slit) can be proved by using a slit of any shape. This can be shown by slightly altering our needle experiment. Take a piece of glass and a piece of tin-foil 1J inches square, cut out of the centre of the tin-foil a disc slightly larger than a threepenny-piece, and gum the remainder on the glass. In the centre, where the disc has been cut away, gum a threepenny-piece. The interval between the threepenny-piece and the tin-foil constitutes a circular slit. Let it replace the needle, and ex- amine the flame of the spirit lamp charged with salt through it with the prism as before. It will readily be grasped, from what has been stated, that in the case of coloured flames, the light passing through the spectroscope being only red, or yellow, or green, as the case may be, will go to build up an image of the slit in the appropriate part of the spectrum, and I.] PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. that the image thus built up will take the form of a line or circle, according to the slit we use. Many chemical substances, salts of various metals, become lumin- ous by inserting them into flames, as we have treated common salt (chloride of sodium). With each metal the colour imparted to the flame is different. The resulting spectrum is called a discontinuous spectrum, because it is only here and there that images of the slit are produced ; because some coloured rays, and not all, are present. FIG. 4. The spectrum of a complicated light-source as seen with a circular and a line slit. The usual laboratory arrangement for^ observing the spectra of flames, is shown in the woodcut (Fig. 5). Further, the system of images of the needle (or slit) varies for each substance, and it is on this ground that the term spectrum analysis is used, because we can in this way recognise the various substances in the flame. Fia. 5. Observation of a flame spectrum -with ordinary spectroscope with com- parison prism, a, prism ; b, collimator ; d, slit ; e e, flames to be compared ; /", observing telescope ; g, scale illuminated by h and reflected by the second surface of the prism into the telescope. S INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. But we are not limited to flame temperatures ; substances in a state of gas or vapour may be made to glow by electricity. At these higher temperatures very complicated spectra are produced, and again the spectrum is special to each chemical substance experimented on ; the images of the needle (or slit), occupying different positions along the spectrum according to the nature of the source of light. Fig. 5 gives us a laboratory prism spectroscope of small disper- sion ; with the more complicated spectra the phenomena are often better seen if more than one prism is employed. Fig. 6 shows an instrument in which four prisms are used. FIG. 6. Steinheil spectroscope with four prisms. It is in the case of the more complicated spectra that the wave- length has to be specially considered from the point of view of denn- ing the position of a line. It is not enough to say, as was said in the case of the sodium line, that it is located in the orange. The lengths of the various light-waves are very small. The wave- length of the sound-wave of the middle C of a piano is about 4 feet, while the wave-length of yellow light as defined by that of a line very accurately measured is -0005895 of a millimetre, that is 5895 ten- millionths of a millimetre ; so that there are 43,088 waves in a British inch. The unit of wave-length usually employed is the ten-millionth of a millimetre. These wave-lengths get shorter as we pass from the red to the violet. For accurate measures of the wave-lengths of the lines a grating is employed as shown in Fig. 7. I.J PRINCIPLES AND METHODS 9 So much then in general for the radiations given out by light sources, and the manner in which the spectroscope shows them and the student records their positions. Spectrum analysis was established when experiment proved that no two substances which give a line spectrum give the same order of lines from one end of the spectrum to the other ; in other words, the line spectrum of each chemical substance differs from that given by any other. Here then is one of the secrets of the new power of investigation of which the spectroscope has put us in possession : we can recognise FIG. 7. Angstrom's grating spectrometer. each element by its spectrum, whether that spectrum is produced in the laboratory or is given by light travelling earthwards from the most distant star, provided the element exists both here and there. It is in this way that spectrum analysis helps us with regard to FIG. 8. Parts of the spectra of (A) barium and (B) iron (from a photograph). 10 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. chemistry ; the spectrum varies according to the chemical substance which produces it in a manner that will be gathered from an inspec- tion of the photograph (Fig. 8) which shows the difference between the spectrum of barium (A), and that of iron (B). Flutings. The earliest spectroscope observations revealed the fact that in some spectra the lines, instead of being irregularly distributed along the spectrum, were arranged in an easily seen rhythmic fashion. Such allocations of lines are called flutings, as a succession of them gives rise to an appearance strongly recalling the flutings of a Corinthian column seen under a strong side light. FlG. 9. Fluting of carbon. Our improvised spectroscope helps us here too ; use the candle and straight slit in front of it as before, but shorten the slit, and only allow the blue light from the base of the candle flame to pass through it to the prism. We see two or three sets of flutings. These are the flutings of carbon; they are amongst the most beautiful examples known and are thoroughly typical. FIG. 10. Flutins: O f magnesium. Series. One of the most important discoveries made in recent years, teaches us that in the case of many chemical elements, the apparently irregular distribution of the lines is really dominated by a most beautiful law, and that the most exquisite orderly rhythm can be obtained by sorting I.] PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. 11 out the lines into what are termed " series," that is lines numerically related to each other. Messrs. Runge and Paschen* showed, in 1890, that the spectra of lithium, sodium, and potassium were the summation of the spectra of various " series." Later they have shown that the same is true in the case of the cleveite gases. Violet. Red l"iG."ll. The series in the cleveite gases. A " series " of spectral lines may be defined as a sequence of lines, the intensity of which decreases with the wave-length, and the wave- number or wave-frequency of which may be determined by the formula A + BM 2 + G//i 4 , where n represents the integers from three upwards, and the constants A, B, and C are determined for each element separately. The shorter the wave-lengths the greater number of waves there will be in a given length ; hence the wave-frequency varies inversely as the wave-length. The fact that lines must close up to one another, as the violet end of the spectrum is reached, indicates that the character of a " series " is best brought under notice in the ultra-violet end of the spectrum. In the visible part of the spectrum the lines forming " series " are too far apart to be recognised as belonging to a series. The accompanying diagram (Fig. 11) shows how the apparently irregular lines observed in the spectra of the cleveite gases can be arranged into the most exquisite order when the six series of lines which build up the spectra are shown separately. Some of these series are composed of triplets and some of doublets instead of single lines. * AWi. k. AJcad. Wist., Berlin, 1890. 12 . INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. I wrote thus on this subject in 1879 : " I am at present engaged in investigating this question of rhythm, and I have already found that many of the first order lines of iron may probably arise from the superposition or integration of a number of rhythmical triplets. All this goes to show how long the series of simplifications is that we bring about in the case of the so-called ele- mentary bodies by the application of a temperature that we cannot as yet define. " Indeed, the more one studies spectra in detail, and especially under varying conditions of temperature which enable us to observe the reversal now of this set of lines, now of that, the more complex becomes the possible origin. Some spectra are full of doublets ; others again are full of triplets, the wider member being sometimes on the more, sometimes on the less, refrangible side."* Mascartf had noted this recurrence of similar features in spectra ten years earlier. Discontinuous Spectra with Dark Lines. It is time now to make still another experiment with our needle and prism. If we study sunlight (taking care again to shield the prism), by- allowing a sunbeam to illuminate the needle, we get a spectrum of a kind differing from those we have seen before, inasmuch as the con- tinuous band of colour is broken, it is full of dark lines ; that is, some of the coloured rays are lacking ; and hence images of the needle are not forthcoming in places. The positions of some of the chief dark lines lettered by Fraunhofer are shown in Fig. 12. We now know that this result is produced by what is termed the absorption of light. To understand it we have only to look at a candle through glasses of different colours : a blue glass absorbs or stops the red light, and only the blue end of the spectrum remains; a red glass absorbs or stops the blue, and only the red end remains. In these cases large regions of the spectrum are alternately blotted out as differently coloured glasses are used, but the absorption with which we have to do mostly is of a more restricted character : lines, that is, single images of the slit, are in question. One of the most important results that has been gathered from the * Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxviii, March, 1879. t In 1869, he wrote as follows : " Jl semble difficile quo la reproduction d'un pareil phenomene soit tin effet du hasard : ii'est-il pas plus naturel d'admettre que ces groupes de raies semblables sont des harrnoniques qui tiennent a la constitution moleculaire du gaz luniineux ? II faudra sans doule un grand nombre d' observa- tions analogues pour decouvrir la loi qui regit ces harnioniques." [.] PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. 13 study of these absorption effects is that if we look at a light source competent to give us a continuous spectrum through any of the vapours or gases we have so far considered as producing bright lines, provided the .light source is hotter than the gases or vapours, the par- ticular rays constituting the bright line or discontinuous spectrum of each of the vapours as gases will be cut out from the light of the con- tinuous spectrum. Explanation of Absorption. While in the giving out of light we are dealing with molecular vibration taking place so energetically as to give rise to luminous radiation ; absorption phenomena afford us evidence of this motion of the molecules when their vibrations are far less violent. The molecules can only vibrate each in its own period, and they will even take up vibrations from light which is passing among them, provided always that the light thus passing among them contains the proper vibrations. An illustration from what happens in the case of sound will help to make this clear. If we go into a quiet room where there is a piano, and sing a note and stop suddenly, we find that note echoed back from the piano. If we sing another note, we find that it is also re-echoed from the piano. How is this 1 When we have sung a particular note, we have thrown the air into a particular state of vibration. One wire in the piano was competent to vibrate in harmony with it. It did so, and, vibrating after we had finished, kept on the note. This principle may be illustrated in another and very striking mariner by means of two large tuning-forks mounted on sounding-boxes and tuned in exact unison. One of the forks is set in active vibration by means of a fiddle-bow, and then brought near to the other one, the open mouths of the two sounding-boxes being presented to each other to make the effect as great as possible. After a few moments, if the fork originally sounded is damped to stop its sound, it will be found that the other fork has taken up the vibration and is sounding, not so loudly as the original fork was, but still distinctly. If the two forks are not in perfect unison, no amount of bowing of the one will have the slightest effect in producing sound from the other. Again, suppose we have a long room, and a fiddle at one end of it, and that between it and an observer at the other end of the room there is a screen of fiddles, all tuned like the solitary one, we can imagine that in that case the observer would scarcely hear the note produced upon any one of the open strings of the solitary fiddle. Why 1 The reason is that the air- pulses set up by the open string of this fiddle, in tune with all the others, would set all the other similar strings in vibration ; the air pulses set in motion by the vibration of the fiddle cannot set all those strings 14 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. vibrating and still pass on to one's ear at the other end of the room as if nothing had happened to them. Now apply this to light. Suppose we have at one end of a room a vivid light source giving us all possible waves of light from red to violet. This we may represent as before by . Sly w a m Y L^ Also suppose that we have in the middle of the room a screen of molecules, say a sodium flame, capable of emitting yellow light, What will happen 1 Will the light come to our eyes exactly as if the molecules were not there ? No ; it will not. What then will be the difference 1 The molecules which vibrate at such a rate that they give out yellow light, keep for their own purpose filch, so to speak, from the light passing through them the particular vibrations which they want to carry on their own motions, and we shall have \V7 n PET) (f\i /TS\ nET) \J 'J LED vLfl ( ^) Lr\i as a result ; the light comes to us minus the vibrations which have thus been utilised, as we may put it, by the screen of vapour. We have, in fact, an apparently dark space which may be represented thus : - w a [ Y \& In the spectroscope we see what would otherwise be a continuous spectrum, with a dark band across the yellow absolutely identical in position with the bright band observed when the molecules of the vapour of which the screen is composed radiated light in the first in- stance. It is not, however, a case of absolute blackness, or absence of that particular ray, for the molecules are set in vibration by the rays which they absorb, and therefore give out some light, but it is so feeble as to appear black by contrast with the very much brighter rays coming direct from the original source. This great law may be summed up as follows : Gases and vapours, wJien relatively cool, absorb those rays which the)/ themselves emit wlien incandescent ; the absorption is continuous or discontinuous (or selective) as the radiation is continuous or discontinuous (or selective). I have referred to this matter at. some length because in our light sources, in the sun, an.d in most of the stars we have light from a more highly heated centre passing through an envelope of cooler vapours, and on this account absorption phenomena are produced. PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. 15 It was Fraunhofer, at the beginning of the century which is now so rapidly passing away, who was the discoverer of the fact that the spectrum Jof the sun was discontinuous with dark lines. When we wish to go further afield than the sun, that is, to the stars, 16 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. we must first use a telescope to collect the light, and then employ a spectroscope. - Fig. 13 shows a spectroscope thus attached at the eye-piece end of the great Lick refractor. In astronomical inquiries the same methods of work are employed, and although it will be seen that we are now far beyond the improvised spectroscope with which we began, both in construction and use, no new' principle is involved. FIG. 13. A stellar spectroscope attached 'to the Lick equatorial. Now if my reader has not hesitated to invest his or her sixpence in a prism, and has had the patience (no other quality is needed) to do what I have suggested, the way is open to read without difficulty most I.] PRINCIPLES AND METHODS. 17 books involving spectrum analysis which he or she- is likely to come across ; terms such as Spectrum Fluted spectra Continuous spectrum Discontinuous (or selective) spectrum Grating Fraunliofer lines Prism Wave-length, wave-frequency Spectroscope Kadiation Slit Absorption Line spectra Series, should now have acquired a definite meaning, and I trust the expressive ness of the terms will be acknowledged while they are accepted as part of the future mental stock-in-trade. IS CHAP. II. SOME PIONEERING DIFFICULTIES. I began to endeavour to apply the principles of spectrum analysis to the investigation of the nature of the heavenly bodies in 1865, the then idea, based upon Kirchhoff and Bunsen's work of 1859, was that the spectrum of a chemical element was one and in- divisible that it could not be changed by temperature or by anything else. Looking back it is easy to see now that this idea largely depended upon the fact that in the early days low j flame temperatures were generally employed, and that it so happens that the substances best visible in the flame and which were therefore chosen to experiment upon, such as sodium, calcium, potassium and the like, give us line spectra at low stages of heat. Hence the first spectroscopic ideas entirely agreed with those of the chemist, that the chemical " atom," defined by a certain " atomic "" weight was a manufactured article, indivisible, indestructible. Chemi- cal elementary substances were either composed of these atoms, these indivisible units ; or of " molecules " consisting of two or more of them, hence the terms " diatomic " and " polyatomic " molecule. The difference between the spectra of the same element in the solid and gaseous, states, in which we have first a continuous and secondly a line spectrum, was ascribed to the restricted motion of the atom in the solid and its freedom in the gaseous state it was a question of " free path." The difference between the states which gave us the continuous and dis- continuous spectra was a physical difference having nothing to do with chemistry. According to the kinetic theory of gases, the particles of all bodies are in a state of continual agitation, and the difference between the solid, liquid, and gaseous states of matter is that in a solid body the molecule never gets beyond a certain distance from its initial position. The path it describes is often within a very small region of space. Prof. Clifford, in a lecture upon atoms, many years ago illustrated this very clearly. He supposed a body in the middle of a room held by elastic bands to the ceiling and the floor, and in the same manner to each side of the room. Now pull the body from its place ; it will vibrate, but always about a mean position ; it will not travel bodily out of its place ; it will always go back again. We next come to liquids. Concerning these we read : "In fluids, on the other hand, there is no such restriction to the excursions of a CHAP. II.] PIONEERING DIFFICULTIES. 19' molecule. It is true that the molecule generally can travel but a very small distance before its path is disturbed by an encounter with some other molecule ; but after this encounter, there is nothing which determines the molecule rather to return towards the place from whence it came than to push its way into new regions. Hence in liquids the path of a molecule is not confined within a limited region, as in the case of solids, but may penetrate to any part of the space occu- pied by the liquid. Now we have the motion of the molecule in the solid and the liquid.. How about the movement in a gas 1 "A gaseous body is supposed to- consist of a large number of molecules moving very rapidly." For in- stance, the molecules of air travel about 20 miles in a minute. " During, the greater part of their course these molecules are not acted upon by any sensible force, and therefore move in straight lines with uniform velocity. When two molecules come within a certain distance of each other, a mutual action takes place between them which may be com- pared to the collision of two billiard balls. Each molecule has its course changed, and starts in a new path." The collision between two molecules is denned as an " encounter" ;. the course of a molecule between encounters a " free path." " In ordinary gases the free motion of a molecule takes up much more time than is occupied by an encounter. As the density of the gas increases the free path diminishes." It will be seen at once that on the view first held that the differ- ence between continuous and discontinuous spectra depended simply upon the solid and gaseous states, no solid could give us 'a line spec- trum ; and the well-known absorption spectra of didymium glass and other solid bodies would be impossible. Another important series of facts was soon brought to the front. Pliicker and Hittorf in the year 1865, announced that "there is a certain number of elementary substances which when differently treated furnish two kinds of spectra of quite a different character, not having any line or band in common." The difference in character to- which reference is here made consists in the spectrum produced at the lower temperature being composed of flutings, which are replaced by lines when the higher temperature is reached. This was the first blow aimed at the general view one element one spectrum to which I have referred above. It was met in two- way s. Taking the line spectrum as representing the true vibration of the chemical unit, I have already shown that the continuous spectrum was explained as due to its physical environment, the solid or liquid state. This, then, had not to be considered from the chemical point of view. C 2 20 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. The fluted spectra were boldly ascribed to " impurities," but not always wisely, for, to get rid of the difficulty presented by the two spectra of hydrogen, two perfectly distinct spectra were ascribed to acetylene. Again the " bell-hypothesis " was suggested, according to which the spectrum did not depend so much upon the substance as upon the way it was made to vibrate. According to this view the same chemical atom might have a dozen spectra if struck in a dozen differant ways. But it was answered that this argument proved too much ; and for this reason. Mitscherlich showed in 1864 that some bodies known to be chemical compounds when raised to incandescence, give us a spectrum special to the compound ; that is, they have a spectrum of their own ; no lines of either of the constituents are seen. I showed later that when the temperature was sufficient to produce decomposition, the lines of the elementary bodies of which the com- pound was composed made their appearances according to the tempera- ture employed. And I also showed that precisely the same thing happens with regard to the fluted and line spectra of the same chemical element. We may get the first alone at a low temperature ; we may increase the temperature and dim it slightly, some lines making their appearance ; and next, by employing a very high temperature, we can abolish the fluted spectrum altogether and obtain one with lines only. Since then the difference between the two spectra of the same ele- ment was no more marked than the difference between the spectrum of a known compound and its constituents after the compound had been broken up by heat, it was as logical to deny the existence of compound bodies as to deny that more molecular complexities than one were in- volved in spectral phenomena. Attacks like these finally caused the chemists to reconsider their position, and some time later, being under the impression, which has turned out to have no justification, that " monatomic " elements like mercury have not fluted spectra, they conceded that the fluted spectra might represent the vibration of the " diatomic " molecule in the " diatomic " elements. This, of course, was to give up the " bell- hypothesis." At the time when the differences of opinion arising from the ex- istence of fluted as well as line spectra in the case of many elements were being discussed, solar observations were beginning to bring before us a perfect flood of facts apparently devoid of any law or order. In 1866 I threw an image of the sun on the slit of a spectroscope (Fig. 14), in order to observe the spectra of its different parts, and in this way the spectra of sun-spots (Fig. 19) and eventually of prominences were observed. II.] PIONEERING DIFFICULTIES. '21 FIG. 14. Spectroscope attached to a large refractor which throws an image of' the sun on the slit plate. In the first method of work adopted in the laboratory the spectro- scope was directed to the light source, so that the spectrum was built up of the light coming from all parts of it without distinction. FIG. 15. The first method of work with the slit of the spectroscope close to the light source. In the experiment illustrated the light source is an electric spark produced by an induction coil with Leyden jar in circuit. The slit end of the spectroscope is shown to the right. "22 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. In 1869 I introduced into laboratory work the method adopted in the case of the sun in the observatory ; that is, an image of each light source experimented on was thrown on to the slit by a lens (Fig. 16), so that the spectrum of each part of it could be observed, and some of the results obtained by the new method were the following : FIG. 16. The method of throwing an image of the light source (in this case a candle flame) on the slit plate of a laboratory spectroscope. The spectral lines obtained by using such a light source as the electric arc or spark were of different lengths ; some appeared only in the spectrum of the centre of the light source, others extended far into the outer envelopes. This effect was best studied by throwing the image of a horizontal arc or spark on a vertical slit. The lengths of the lines photographed in the electric arc of many metallic elements, were tabulated and published in 1873 and 1874. In Figs. 17 and 18 these so-called "long arid short lines" are illustrated. In one case we deal with a mixture of the salts of calcium and strontium, in the other with the metal sodium. The richness of the lines in the spectrum of the core of the arc will be best gathered from Fig. 17, the variations in the lengths of the lines from Fig. 18. Here then was the first glimpse of the idea that the complete spectrum of a chemical element obtained at the highest temperature might arise from the summation of two or more different line spectra, produced at different degrees of temperature, and therefore bringing us in presence of two or more molecular complexities ; that is, different molecules broken up at different temperatures. So soon as experi- .] PIONEERING DIFFICULTIES 23 merits in the laboratory had given a definite result with regard to the spectrum of a metal in this way, I proceeded to study the sun with a view of determining how that metal behaved in the sun. This involved, first, photographs of the solar spectrum with its dark lines, photographic comparisons of these dark lines with the bright a o * PH 1 J -3 * bC O I lines constituting the spectra of the metallic elements. This enabled us to compare the total light given by each light source with the light received from all parts of the sun indiscriminately. 24 JNORtiANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP . 18. The longs and shorts of sodium taken under the same conditions, showing that the orange line extends furthest from the poles. Next the spectra of different parts of the sun chromosphere and prominences and spots were compared with different parts of the light source, the core of , the arc, and the centre of the spark, and the outer regions of both. It will be seen that the inquiry now had a very broad base, and it could be immediately tested in many ways at every stage. Wonderful anomalies were at once detected ; lines known to belong to the same chemical element behaved differently in several ways. Some were limited to prominences, others to spots (Fig. 20), and in solar storms different iron lines indicated different velocities (Fig. 21). In the spectrum of the hottest part of the sun open to our inquiries, the region namely immediately overlying the photosphere, which I named the chromosphere, the anomalies became legion ; suffice to say that in the hottest part of the sun we could get at, the spectrum of iron then represented in Kirchhoff's map of the ordinary solar spec- trum by 460 lines was reduced to three lines. It was no longer a question merely of settling the difficulties raised by the observations of Pliicker and Hittorf. Many observations and cross references of this kind during the next few years convinced me that the view that each chemical element had only one line spectrum was erroneous, and that the results ob- II.] PIONEERING DIFFICULTIES. 25 tained suggested that the various terrestrial and solar phenomena were produced by a series of simplifications brought about by each higher temperature employed. That is, that- the new instrument, the spectro- scope, showed that higher temperatures than those previously em- ployed were doing for chemistry what previous similar inquiries had done, namely, indicating the existence of finer constituents in matter supposed at each point of time to be elementary. This was the first glimpse of dissociation in relation to the produc- tion of changes in the line spectrum. By the year 1872 the work of Rutherfurd and Secchi on stellar spectra enabled the base of the inquiry to include the stars as well as the sun. In some of the stars the existence of hydrogen, magnesium, and carbon were beyond question. The point that first struck me was that in white stars like a Lyrse and Sirius, with continuous spectra extending far into the violet stars therefore hotter than their fellows of a yellow or red colour we had to do with hydrogen almost alone. It was in 1873 that I first called the attention of the Royal Society to the very remarkable facts which had even then been brought to- gether regarding the possible action of heat in the sun and stars. Referring more especially to the classification of stars by Rutherfurd, I wrote as follows : * "I have asked myself whether all the above facts cannot be grouped together in a working hypothesis which assumes that in the reversing FIG. 19. Spectrum of a sun-spot as compared with the general spectrum, showing that certain metallic lines (sodium and calcium in this instance) are widened. The darker portion represents the spectrum of the spot. layers of the sun and stars various degrees of ' celestial dissociation * are at work, which dissociation prevents the coming together of the atoms which, at the temperature of the earth and at all artificial tem- peratures yet attained here, compose the metals, the metalloids and compounds." Subsequently in a private letter to M. Dumas, who took the * Phil Trans., vol. clxiv, Part IF, p. 491. 26 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. keenest interest in my solar work, I wrote, " II semble que plus une etoile est chaude plus son spectre est simple." I also pointed out the close relation of hydrogen to calcium, mag nesium and other metals (it was on this ground that I had named the I substance which gave D 3 , which always varied with hydrogen, helium), and the absence of all other terrestrial gases from the solar spectrum. An interesting discussion at the Paris Academy of Sciences was thus concluded by M. Dumas : PIONEERING DIFFICULTIES. 27 II.] "En resume, quandje soutenais devant 1'Academie que les elements de Lavoisier devaient etre considered, ainsi qu'il avait e*tabli lui-meme, non comme les elements absolus de 1'univers, mais comme les elements rehtifs de 1'experience humaine ; quand je professais, il y a longtemps, FIG. 21. Different rates of motion registered by different iron lines. que lliydrogbie etait plus pres des me'taux que de toute autre classe de corps ; j'emettais des opinions que les decouvertes actuelles viennent confirmer et que je n'ai point a modifier aujourd'hui."* One of the replies to my working hypothesis was that the various chemical elements probably existed in different proportions in the different stars, and that it so happened that in Vega and Sirius one of them, hydrogen, existed practically alone. In 1878 I went further, and showed that thousands of solar pheno- mena which had been carefully recorded during the previous years could only be explained by assuming that the changes in the various intensities of lines in the line spectrum itself indicated successive dis- sociations. I pictured the effect of furnaces of different temperatures, and I wrote as follows :f * Chemistry of the Sun, p. 205. f Proc. Soy. Soc., vol. xxviii, p. 169. See also Chemistry of the Sun, chap. atvin. 28 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. II. " It is abundantly clear that if the so-called elements, or, more properly speaking, their finest atoms those that give us line spectra are really compounds, the compounds must have been formed at a very high temperature. It is easy to imagine that there may be no superior limit to temperature, and therefore no superior limit beyond which such combinations are possible, because the atoms which have the power of combining together at these transcendental stages of heat do not exist as such, or rather they exist combined with other atoms, like or unlike, at all lower temperatures. Hence association will be a combination of more complex molecules as temperature is reduced, and of dissociation, therefore, with increased temperature, there may be no end." In 1878 I went back to the study of the changes in the line spectra in relation to the changes observed when known compounds were dis- sociated, and after discussing certain objections, I submitted the con- clusion that the known facts with regard to the changes in line spectra " are easily grouped together, and a perfect continuity of phenomena established on the hypothesis of successive dissociations analogous to those observed in the cases of undoubted compounds."* It is thus seen that the conclusions to which my spectroscopic work up to the year 1880 had led me, tended in exactly the same direction as that indicated by more purely chemical inquiries thus referred to by Berthelot in that year : "L'etude approfondie des proprie'tes physiques et chimiques des masses e'le'mentaires, qui , constituent nos corps simples actuels, tend chaque jour d'a vantage a les assimiler, non a des atonies indivisibles, homogenes et susceptibles d'eprouver seulement des mouvements d'ensemble, . . . il est difficile d'imaginer un mot et une notion plus contraires a 1'observation ; mais a des Edifices fort complexes,, dou^s d'une architecture specifique et anime's des mouvements intestins ires varies."! * Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxviii, p. 179. f Comptes rendu*, 18SO, vol. xc, p. 1512. CHAP. III. THE PRESENT POSITION. IN the last chapter I referred to some of the difficulties encountered by the earlier researchers in spectrum analysis. In the present one I propose to pass over the history of nearly twenty years' work, with all its attendant doubts and difficulties, and deal with what that work has brought us, a perfect harmony between laboratory, solar and stellar phenomena. It has been proved beyond all question that not only are both fluted (or channelled-space) spectra and line spectra visible in the case of most of the elements, but that many of the metallic elements with which I shall have to deal in the sequel have at least two sets of lines accompanying, if not resulting from, the action of widely differing temperatures. It is important to mention that the different chemical elements behave very differently in regard to the action of heat and electricity upon them as we pass from the solid to the liquid and vaporous forms ; tha is, the two different forms of energy are apt to behave very differ- ently ; the permanent gases as opposed to the elements which generally exist in the solid form is the first differentiation ; the elements of low atomic weights and low melting point as opposed to the rest, is the second. In the cases in which heat-energy can go so far, we first get an increase in the free path of the molecules, and ultimately the latter are made to vibrate. In the case of high-tension electricity, on the other hand, increase of free path is scarcely involved, and hence we may have effects similar to those produced by high temperature, with scarcely perceptible effects of heat in the ordinary sense. Conversing on this subject with my friend Clifford, many years ago, we came to the conclusion that the energy imparted to a molecule might cause (1) an extension of free path; (2) a rotation; and (3) a vibration. To get concrete images of these effects we spoke of patli- heat, spins-heat, and wobble-heat. The facts seemed to show that heat energy had no effect in producing line-spectra until the two first results had been obtained, and, further, that in all gases and many metals it had no effect in producing vibrations ; while, on the other hand, elec- trical energy generally acted as if it began at the third stage and is effective in the case of every chemical substance without exception. 30 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP, However this may be, we now know that many elements present changes at several widely differing stages of heat. The line spectra of elements like sodium, lithium, and others may be obtained by the heat of the flame of a spirit lamp, or an ordinary Bunsen's burner, the sub- stance being introduced into the flame by a clean platinum wire twisted into a loop at the end. This temperature has no effect upon iron and similar metals. To get any special spectral indication from them a higher temperature than that of the Bunsen is required ; the blowpipe flame may be resorted to ; in this a stream of air is blown through the centre of a flame of coal gas burning at the end of a cylindrical tube. We get in this way what is called a " flame-spectrum," in which flutings and some lines are seen. In order to obtain the complete line- spectra of some of the less volatile metals, like iron and copper, we are driven to use electrical energy and employ the voltaic current, and (for choice) metallic poles, which are so strongly heated by the passage of the current that the vapour of the metal thus experimented on is produced and rendered incandescent. We may say generally that no amount of heat-energy will render visible the spectra of gases. These are obtained by enclosing the gases in glass tubes, and illuminating them by means of an electric current. We may go further and say that the ordinary voltaic current used in laboratories is equally inoperative. We must have the induced current, and with different tensions different spectra are produced. We have then arrived so far. Heat-energy, which does give us line-spectra in some cases when metals are concerned, fails us in the case of the permanent gases and many metals. A voltaic current gives us spectra when metals are in question, but, like heat-energy, it will not set the particles of the permanent gases vibrating. But when both metals and the permanent gases are subjected to the action of a strong induced current, that is, a current of high tension, when an induction coil with Leyden jars and an air break are employed, we get this vibration ; gases now become luminous, a distinct change in the spectra of the metals is observed, a change as well marked, or perhaps better marked, than any of the previous lower temperature changes to which I have already drawn attention. When the tension is still further increased, the differences in the spectra are most marked in the case of gases, for the reason that, being enclosed in tubes, they cannot escape from the action of the current ; all the molecules are equally affected. The spectrum is sometimes NOT a mixed one. In the case of the metals the spark is made to pass between two small pointed poles, and the region of most intense action is a very limited one ; we get from the particles outside this region the spectrum HI.] THE PRESENT POSITION. 31 obtained with a lower degree of electrical energy. The spectrum is a mixed one. Even when we take the precaution of throwing an image of the spark on the slit of the spectroscope, the outer cooler layers pierced by the line of sight add their lines to the spectrum of the centre. Not only so, but the individuality of the various chemical elements- conies out in a remarkable manner. To take one or two instances. I will begin with the gases with a weak and strong induced current. Hydrogen gives us what is termed a structure spectrum, a spectrum full of lines ; this changes to a series.. Oxygen gives us series which change into a complicated line spectrum in which no series has been traced. Nitrogen gives us a fluted spectrum, which changes into a complicated line-spectrum. I next pass to the metals, and again, for brevity's sake, I will deal with three substances only. In the case of magnesium, iron, and calcium, the changes observed on passing from the temperature of the arc to that of the spark have been minutely observed. In each new lines are added, or old ones are intensified at the higher temperature. Such lines have been termed enhanced lines. These enhanced lines are not seen alone ; as in the case of the spark,, so in the arc outside the region of high temperature in which they are produced, the cooling vapours give us the lines visible at a lower tem- perature. Bearing in mind what happens in the case of the gases, we can con- ceive the enhanced lines to be seen alone at the highest temperature in a space sufficiently shielded from the action of all lower temperatures,, but such a shielding is beyond our laboratory expedients ; still, as I shall show, in the atmospheres of the stars we have probably the closest approximation open to our observation of that equally heated space condition to which I have referred. The enhanced lines are very few in number as compared with those seen at the temperature of the arc. In the case of iron thousands are reduced to tens. The above statements are only general; if we include the non- metals, more stages of temperature are required, and it then becomes- evident that different kinds of spectra are produced at the same tem- perature in the case of different elements ; in other words, at many different heat-levels changes occur, always in one direction, but differing widely for different substances at the lower temperatures. At the highest temperatures at the limit there is much greater constancy in the phenomena observed if we disregard the question of series. If considered from the series point of view, there is no constancy at all. It is obvious that with all these temperature effects observed in a- 32 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. large number of elements, very many comparisons are rendered possible. All these suggest that if dissociation is really in question, in some cases at least more than two simplifications in the line stage are necessary to explain the facts. It is possible that the effects at first ascribed to quantity may be due to the presence of a series of molecules of different complexities, and that this is the true reason why " the more there is to dissociate, the more time is required to run through the series, and the better the first stages are seen."* After this general statement of the changes in spectra observed to accompany change in the quantity and kind of energy used in the experiments, I propose to refer briefly to the most recent work on this subject, touching the changes observed on passing from the arc to the spark in the case of many of the metallic elements. By the kindness of Mr. Hugh Spottiswoode, the photographs of the enhanced lines have been obtained by the use of the large induction coil, giving a 40-inch spark, formerly belonging to Dr. Spottiswoode, P.K.S. I am anxious to express here my deep obligation to Mr. Hugh Spottiswoode for the loan of such a magnificent addition to my instrumental stock-in- trade. The spark obtained by means of the Spottiswoode coil is so luminous that higher dispersions than those formerly employed can be effectively used, and in consequence of this, the detection of the enhanced lines becomes more easy; their number therefore has been considerably increased. At the higher temperature enhanced lines have been found Lo maKe their appearance in the spectra of nearly all the metals already ex- amined. Lithium is one exception. Neglecting then all changes at the lowest temperatures, but including the flame spectrum, four distinct temperature stages are indicated by the varying spectra of the metals ; for simplicity I limit myself to iron as an example. These are : 1. The flame spectrum, consisting of a few lines and flutings only, including several well-marked lines, some of them arranged in triplets. 2. The arc spectrum, consisting, according to Rowland, of 2,000 lines or more. 3. The spark spectrum, differing from the arc spectrum in the enhancement of some of the short lines arid the reduced relative brightness of others. 4. A spectrum consisting of a relatively very small number of lines which are intensified in the spark. This, as stated above, we can conceive to be visible alone at the highest temperature in a space efficiently shielded from the action of all lower ones, since the enhanced * Pr.jc. Roy. Soc., 1879, No. 200. III.] THE PRESENT POSITION. 33 lines behave like those of a metal when a compound of a metal is broken up by the action of heat. Each line of each element, at whatever temperature it is produced, can at once be compared in relation to position in the spectrum with the lines visible in celestial bodies with a view of determining whether the element exists in them. At the time at which the earlier inquiries of this kind were made it was only possible for the most part to deal with eye observations of the heavenly bodies. The results were, therefore, limited to the visible spectrum. During the last few years photographs of the spectra of the brighter stars and of the sun's chromosphere during eclipses have been obtained ; it became of importance, therefore, to extend the observations of terres- trial spectra into the photographic regions for the purpose of making the comparisons which were necessary for continuing the inquiry. The recent work has been done with this object in view. The way in which the enhanced lines have been used is as follows. Those belonging to some of the chief metallic elements have been brought together, and thus form what I have termed a " test-spectrum." This has been treated as if it were the spectrum of an unknown element, and it has been compared with the various spectra presented by the sun and stars. How marvellous, how even magnificent, the results of this inquiry have been, I shall show later in detail ; but I may here say by way of anticipation that the test-spectrum turns out to be practically the spectrum of the chromosphere, that is, the spectrum of the hottest part of the sun that we can get at ; and that a star has been found in which it exists almost alone, nearly all the lines of which had previously been regarded as " unknown." This last result is of the highest order of importance, because it should carry conviction home to many who were not satisfied with the change of spectrum as seen in a laboratory, where always the enhanced lines seen in the spectrum of the centre of the spark have alongside them the lines in the spectrum of the outer envelope, which of course is cooling, and in which the finer molecules should reunite. For twenty years I have longed for an incandescent bottle in which to store what the centre of the spark produces. The stars have now provided it, as I shall show. Although I have promised to pass over the history of the work generally, I must still point out that the enhanced lines in the test- spectrum actually include all those first studied years ago when every- thing was dim, and we were seeing through a glass darkly ; not as we are now, face to face. To show the rigid connection of the new with D 34 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. the old, it is desirable to refer briefly to some of the work undertaken in relation to some of the first anomalies noted. One advantage of this method of treatment is that it shows that the immense mass of facts now available supports all the conclusions drawn from the meagre evidence available a quarter of a century ago. Some of the anomalies were as follows : they are given as specimens of many. 1. Inversion of intensity of lines seen under different circum- stances. I showed in 1879 that there was no connection whatever between the spectra of calcium, barium, iron and manganese and the chromo- sphere spectrum beyond certain coincidences of wave-length. The long lines seen in laboratory experiments are suppressed, and the feeble lines exalted in the spectrum of the chromosphere. In the Fraunhofer spectrum, the relative intensities of the lines are quite different from those of coincident lines in the chromosphere. 2. The simplification of the spectrum of a substance at the tem- perature of the chromosphere. To take an example, in the visible region of the spectrum, iron is represented by nearly a thousand Fraunhofer lines ; in the chromosphere it has only two representatives. 3. In sun spots we deal with one set of iron lines, in the chromo- sphere with another. 4. At the maximum sun-spot period the lines widened in spot spectra are nearly all unknown ; at the minimum they are chiefly due to iron and other familiar substances. 5. The up-rush or down-rush of the so-called iron vapour in the sun is not registered equally by all the iron lines, as it should be on the non-dissociation hypothesis. Thus, as I first observed in 1880, while motion is sometimes shown by the change of refrangibility of some lines attributed to iron, other adjacent iron lines indicate a state of absolute rest. Laboratory work without stint has been brought to bear, with a view of attempting to explain the anomalies to which attention has been directed. I only refer here to the work done on iron, magnesium and calcium, to show that in those metals the anomalies were to a large extent due to the lines now termed enhanced that is, the lines seem to considerably change their intensities when the highest temperatures are employed. Iron. In the course of my early observations of the spectrum of the chromosphere, I discovered on June 6, 1869, a bright line at 1474 on III.] THE PRESENT POSITION. 35 Kirehhoff' s scale, which I stated to be coincident with a line of iron. On June 26 I discovered another at 2003'4 of the same scale. The later researches on the spectrum of iron have shown that the iron line which I observed in 1869 to be coincident with the bright chromospheric line at 1474 on Kirehhoff' s scale, having a wave-length of 5316-79, is an enhanced line, agreeing absolutely with Young's latest determination of the wave-length of the 1474 chromospheric line. Similarly the line at 2003'4 of Kirchhoff s scale, with a wave-length of 4924, is also an enhanced line of iron. The first experiments were made to explain my own and the Italian observations of the chromosphere which proved the presence of only these two lines of iron in the part of the spectrum ordinarily observed ; the ordinary spectrum of iron, in which 460 lines had been mapped at that time, was entirely invisible. The anomalies were investigated in the experimental work with sparks produced by quantity and intensity coils, with and without jars in the circuit. The outcome of these experiments was to show that the chromospheric representatives of iron were precisely the lines which were brightened on passing from the arc to the spark, while the lines widened in spots corresponded to a lower temperature. The next anomaly observed was that in a sun spot the iron line at 4924 often indicated no movement of the iron vapour, while the other iron lines showed that it was moving with considerable velocity. It seemed perfectly clear then that in the sun " we were not dealing with iron itself, but with primitive forms of matter contained in iron which are capable of withstanding the high temperature of the sun, after the iron observed as such has been broken up, as suggested by Brodie."* On this view, the high temperature iron lines of the chromosphere represent the vibrations of one set of molecules, while the lines which are widened in spots correspond to other molecular vibrations. Similarly, the idea of different molecular groupings provides a satis- factory explanation of the varying rates of movement of iron vapour indicated by adjacent lines, the lines being produced by absorption of different molecules at different levels and at different temperatures. .-'' i Magnesium. In 1879 I passed a spark through a flame charged with vapours of different substances. In the case of magnesium the effect of the higher temperature of the spark was very marked ; some of the flame lines being abolished, while two new ones made their appearance, one of * Proc. Rot/. Soc., vol. xxxii, p. 234. D 2 36 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. them at 448 1 . The important fact was that the lines special to the flame did not appear among the Fraunhofer lines, while some of those of the spark did appear. This line at 4481 now takes its place among the enhanced lines like those of iron previously mentioned ; special cases now form pait of the more general one. Here again the experiments pointed to varying degrees of dissocia- tion at different temperatures as the cause of the non-appearance of some of the magnesium lines in the Fraunhofer spectrum. From these experiments, the results of which were subsequently mapped in relation to the various heat-levels indicated by solar pheno- mena, I drew the following conclusions in 1879 : "I think it is not too much to hope that a careful study of such maps, showing the results already obtained, or to be obtained, at varying temperatures, controlled by observations of the conditions under which changes are brought about, will, if we accept the idea that various dissociations of the molecules present in the solid are brought about by different stages of heat, and then reverse the process, enable us to determine the mode of evolution by which the molecules vibrating in the atmospheres of the hottest stars associate into those of which the solid metal is composed. I put this suggestion forward with the greater confidence, because I see that help can be got from various converging lines of work."* Calcium. In 1876 I produced evidence that the working hypothesis that the molecular grouping of calcium which gives a spectrum having its prin- cipal line at 4226'9 is nearly broken up in the sun, and quite broken up in the spark, explained the facts which are that the low temperature line loses its importance in the spectrum of the sun, in which H and K are by far the strongest lines, I summed up the facts regarding calcium as follows : " We have the blue line differentiated from H and K by its thinness in the solar spectrum while they are thick, and by its thickness in the arc while they are thin. We have it again differentiated from them by its ab- sence in solar storms in which they are almost universally seen, and, finally, by its absence during eclipses, while the H and K lines have been the brightest seen or photographed." I afterwards attempted to carry the matter further by photograph- ing the spectra of sun spots. In all cases H and K lines were seen reversed over the spots, just as Young saw them at Sherman, while * Proc. Hoy. Soc., 1879, vol. xxx, p. 30. III.] THE PRESENT POSITION. 37 the blue calcium line was not reversed. The oldest of these photo- graphs which has been preserved bears the date April 1, 1881. The experimental results in the case of calcium, therefore, followed suit with those obtained from iron and magnesium, and indicated that the cause of the inversion of intensities in the lines of a substance under different circumstances is due to the varying degrees of dissocia- tion brought about by different temperatures. Both in the case of iron, magnesium and calcium, the high tempera- ture lines involved are not seen at all at lower temperatures, and even in the case of calcium, when photographic exposure of 100 hours' dura- tion have been employed. It should be sufficiently obvious to every- body from this that temperature alone is in question. Finally, then. The similar changes in the spectra of certain ele- ments, changes observed in laboratory, sun and stars are simply and sufficiently explained on the hypothesis of dissociation. If we reject this, so far no other explanation is forthcoming which co-ordinates and harmonises the results obtained along the different lines of work. Nor is this all : as I shall show later on, there are other branches of physical inquiry which suggest the same hypothesis. 38 BOOK IL APPLICATION OF THE INQUIRY TO THE SUN AND STARS. CHAP. IV. THE SUN'S CHROMOSPHERE. I STATED in the previous chapter (p. 33), that in order to utilize the information placed at our disposal by the discovery of the new lines seen in the spectra of metals exposed to high temperatures, I had brought the enhanced lines of the chief metallic elements together, and thus formed a " test-spectrum " to use as a new engine of research in regions of work where help might be expected from it. In this chapter I shall deal with the application of this test-spectrum to a study of the sun. It is obvious that the general spectrum of the sun, like that of -stars generally, is built up of all the absorptions which can make themselvc* felt in every layer of its atmosphere from bottom to top, that is from the photosphere to the outermost part of the corona. It is important to note that this spectrum is cJiangeless from year to year. Now sun spots are disturbances produced in the photosphere ; and the chromosphere, with its disturbances, called prominences, lie directly above it. Here, then, we are dealing with the lowest part of the sun's atmosphere. We find first of all that in opposition to the changeless general spectrum, great changes occur with the sun-spot period, both in the spots and chromosphere. The spot spectrum is indicated, as was found in 1866, by the widen- ing of certain lines; the chromospheric spectrum, as was found in 1868, by the appearance at the sun's limb of certain bright lines. In both cases the lines affected seen at any one time are almost always rela- tively few in number. Since 1868 we have been enabled to observe not only the spectrum of the sun's spots, but that of the chromosphere as well, every day when the sun shines. The chromosphere is full of marvels. At first, when our knowledge of spectra was very much more restricted than now, almost all the lines observed were unknown. In 1868 I saw a line in the yellow, which I found behaved very much like hydrogen, though I could prove that it was not due to hydrogen ; for laboratory use the substance which gave rise to it I named helium. Next year, as I stated in the last chapter, I saw a line in the green at 1474 of Kirchhoff's scale. That was an unknown line, but in some subsequent CHAP. IV.] THE SUN'S CHROMOSPHERE. 39 researches I traced it to iron. From that day to this we have observed a large number of lines. But useful as the method of observing the chromosphere without an eclipse, which enables us " . . . to feel from world to world," as Tennyson has put it, has proved, we want an eclipse to see it face to face. During the eclipses of 1893, 1896, and 1898, a tremendous flood of light has been thrown upon it by the use of large instruments con- structed on a plan devised by Kespighi and myself in 1871. These give us images of the chromosphere painted by each one of its radia- tions, so that the exact locus of each chemical layer is revealed. One of the instruments employed during the Indian eclipse lias also been used in photographing metallic spectra and the spectra of stars, so that it is now easy to place photographs of the spectra of the chromosphere ob- tained during a total eclipse, and of the various metals and stars side by side. As in the case of the photographs taken with the prismatic cameras in 1893 and 1896, the spectrum of the chromosphere in 1898 is very different from the Fraunhofer spectrum, so that we have not to deal with a mere reversal of the dark lines of ordinary sunlight into bright ones. Many very strong chromospheric lines, the helium lines for example, are not represented among the Fraunhofer lines, while many Fraunhofer lines are absent from the chromospheric spectrum (Fig. 23). But the most remarkable result is that in the eclipse photograph of the chromosphere spectrum, the most important of the metallic lines are precisely those included in the " test-spectrum " (Fig. 22). This photograph in fact deals chiefly with the enhanced metallic lines. I recognise in this result a veritable Rosetta stone, which will enable us to read the terrestrial and celestial hieroglyphics presented to us in spectra, and help us to study them and get at results much more distinctly and certainly than ever before. The result proves conclusively that the absorption in the sun's atmosphere which pro- duces the Fraunhofer lines is not produced by the hottest lowest stratum, the chromosphere. It is imperative in order to clear the ground for the future study of stellar spectra, to inquire fully into the true locus of absorption. One of the most important conclusions we draw from the Indian eclipse is that, for some reason or other, the lowest hottest part of the sun's atmosphere does not write its record among the lines which build up the general spectrum so effectively as does another. INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. IV.] THE SUNS CHROMOSPHERE. 41 This conclusion differs considerably from the opinion generally held. In my paper on the eclipse of 1893,* I referred at length to this point. The matter is so important that I do not hesitate to quote what I then said. " As a result of solar spectroscopic observations, combined with laboratory work, Dr. Frankland and myself came to the conclusion, in 1869, that at least in one particular, Kirchhoff's theory of the solar constitution required modification. In that year we wrote as follows : f " ' May not these facts indicate that the absorption to which the reversal of the spectrum and the Fraunhofer lines are due takes place in the photosphere itself, or extremely near to it, instead of in an extensive outer absorbing atmosphere ? ' "In an early observation of a prominence on April 17th, 1870, I found hundreds of the Fraunhofer lines bright at the base, and remarked that ' a more convincing proof of the theory of the solar constitution put forward by Dr. Frankland and myself could scarcely have been furnished.' J " During the eclipse of 1870, at the moment of disappearance of the sun, a similar reversal of lines was noticed; we had, to quote Professor Young, ' a sudden reversal into brightness and colour of the countless dark lines of the spectrum at the commencement of totality.' On these observations was based the view that there was a region some 2"' high above the photosphere, which reversed for us all the lines visible in the solar spectrum and on this ground the name ' reversing layer ' was given to it. " Continued observations, however, led me, in 1873, to abandon the view that the absorption phenomena of the solar spectrum are produced by any such thin stratum, and convinced me that the absorp- tion took place at various levels above the photosphere. I need not give the evidence here ; it is set forth in my Chemistry of the Sun. On the latter hypothesis the different vapours exist normally at different distances above the photosphere according to their powers of resisting the dissociating effects of heat.|j " My observations during the eclipse of 1882, in the seven minutes preceding totality, to my mind set the matter at rest. * We begin with one short and brilliant line constantly seen in prominences, never seen in spots. Next another line appears, also constantly seen in * Phil. Trans., 1890, vol. clxxxvii, A, p. 603. f Proc. Soy. Sot., vol. xvii, p. 8S. J Ibid., vol. xviii, p. 353. Chapter XXII, pp. 303309. |j Proc. Hoy. Soc., vol. xxxiv, p. 292. 42 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. prominences; and now, for the first time, a longer and thinner line appears, occasionally noted as widened in spots ; while, last of all, we get, very long, very delicate relatively, two lines constantly seen widened in spots, and another line, not seen in the spark, and never yet recorded as widened in spots.'* " This is one of the most mportant points in solar physics, but there is not yet a concensus of opinion upon it. Professor Young and others, apparently, still hold to the view first announced by Dr. Frankland and myself in the infancy of the observations, that the Fraunhofer absorption takes place in a thin stratum, lying close to the photosphere." I next proceeded to discuss the numerous photographs obtained during the eclipse, and I gave a map showing that there was only the slightest relation between the intensities of the lines common to the Fraunhofer and the eclipse spectrum, and further, that only a few of the Fraunhofer lines are represented at all. Not only this, but in the eclipse photographs there are many bright lines not represented at all among the Fraunhofer lines. The chromosphere, which represents that part of the sun's atmo- sphere underlying the true reversing layer, is admirably pourtrayed in the photographs of the eclipse of 1898. So complete is the record that it is quite sufficient for our present purpose, and is the more to be relied on since it represents it at the same instant of time ; I have elsewhere pointed out that Young's list of chromospheric lines may be misleading because it is a summation of results obtained at different times and of different conditions: prominences even may be, and doubtless are, involved. The lengths and intensities of the lines are faithfully recorded in the photographs. An examination of the eclipse photographs shows that the temperu : ture of the most luminous vapours at the sun's limb is not far from that produced by an electric spark of very high tension, the lines, which we have seen to be enhanced on passing from the arc to such a spark, being present. The chromosphere, then, is certainly not the origin of the Fraun- hofer lines, either as regards intensity or number. From the eye observations made since 1868, there is ample evidence that the quiescent chromosphere spectrum indicates a higher temperature than that at which much of the most valid absorption takes place ; in other words, the majority of the lines associated with lower temperature are pro- duced above the level of the chromosphere, and hence the true reversing layer, instead of being at the bottom of the chromosphere, as held by some, is really above it. * Proc. Soy. Soc., vol. xxxiv ; p. 297. IV.] THE SUN'S CHROMOSPHERE. 43 The eclipse photographs, however, at the same time afford evidence by the relative lengths of some of the lower temperature lines that we need not locate the region which produces the absorption indicated by the Fraunhofer lines at any great height above the chromosphere. I may say that for some time I was of opinion that in the sun many of the darkest lines indicated absorptions high up in the atmosphere, for the reason that the bright continuous spectrum of the lower levels might have an important effect upon line absorption phenomena by superposing radiation, and so diminishing the initial absorption. The observations of the eclipses of 1893, 1896 and 1898, however, indicate that this opinion is probably only strictly true when the strata of the sun's atmosphere close above the photosphere are considered. Let us next turn to the highest regions of the solar surroundings to see if we can get any effective help from them. In this matter we are dependent absolutely upon eclipses, and certainly the phenomena observable when the so-called corona is visible, full of awe and grandeur to all, are also full of precious teach- ing to the .student of science. The corona varies like the spots and prominences with the sun-spot period. It happened that I was the only person that saw both the eclipse of 1871 at the maximum of the sun-spot period and that of 1878 at mini- mum ; the corona of 1871 was as distinct from the corona of 1878 as any- thing could be. In 1871 we got nothing but bright lines indicating the presence of gases, namely hydrogen and another since provisionally called coronium. In 1878 we got no bright lines at all ; so I then stated that probably the changes in the chemistry and appearance of the corona would be found to be dependent upon the sun-spot period, and recent work has borne out that suggestion. I have now specially to refer to the corona as observed and photo- graphed in 1898 in India by means of the prismatic camera, remark- ing that an important point in the use of the prismatic camera is that it enables us to separate the spectrum of the corona from that of the prominences. One of the chief results obtained is the determination of the posi- tion of several lines of probably more than one new gas, which, so far, have not been recognised as existing on the earth. Like the lowest hottest layer, for some reason or other, this upper layer does not write ivs record among the lines which build up the general spectrum. Up to the employment of the prismatic camera insufficient atten- tion had been directed to the fact that in observations made by an ordi- nary spectroscope no true measure of the height to which the vapours 44 ' INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. IV. or gases extended above the sun could be obtained ; early observations, in fact, showed the existence of glare between the observer and the dark moon ; hence it must exist between us and the sun's surround- ings. The prismatic camera gets rid of the effects of this glare, and its .results indicate that the effective absorbing layer that namely, which gives rise to the Fraunhofer lines is much more restricted in thickness than was to be gathered from the early observations. We learn from the sun, then, that the absorption which defines its ordinary spectrum is the absorption of a middle region, one shielded both from the highest temperature of the lowest reaches of the atmo- sphere where most tremendous changes are continually going on, and from the external region where the temperature must be low, and where the metallic vapours must condense. This is the first great teaching of the test-spectrum. The next chapter will deal with the second. 45 CHAP. V. STELLAR ATMOSPHERES. AFTER the laboratory work undertaken with the view of att3mpting to find explanations of the various phenomena presented by the sun had reached a certain stage, it became necessary to endeavour to get an idea of the sun's place among the stars by a discussion of all I/he existing spectroscopic observations which might throw light upon the subject. At that time a very large number of the most important lines, both bright and dark, recorded in stellar spectra were of unknown origin. The inquiry, therefore, in the case of all the hotter stars had to do with the spectral lines as hieroglyphics, not as special chemical representatives. When I began the inquiry, the prevailing ideas were that the first period of a star's life was one of the highest temperature, and that all the differences observed were due to different stages of cooling having been reached. With regard to the nebulae, they, it was imagined, formed a different order of created things from the stars. Passing over the old views, among them one that the nebulae were holes in something dark, which enabled us to see something bright beyond ; and another that they were composed of a fiery fluid, I may say that not long ago they were supposed to be masses of gases only, existing at a very high temperature ; and it was also suggested that they, perchance, represented the residua in space left after all the stars had been formed. The upshot of this inquiry forms the subject matter of two com- panion volumes,* so I need not dwell upon it in any detail here. But it is necessary that I should state, as briefly as may ba, the results to which the discussion of all the then available spectroscopic observations led me. All the observations were satisfied by the working hypothesis of the evolution of all cosmical bodies from meteorites, the various stages recorded by the spectra being brought about by the various conditions which follow from the hypothesis. The nebulas present us with the first stage. They are taken to be sparse swarms of meteorites colliding together, and thus producing their luminosity, which spectroscopically is found to be due to permanent * The Meteoritic Hypothesis and The Sun's Place in Natiire. Maemillan. 46 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. gases, hydrogen and the cleveita gases and carbon compounds driven out of the meteorites as a result of the heat produced by the collisions ; and to a less extent to the low temperature lines of some of the chemical metallic elements known to exist in meteorites. We have then to deal with the colliding particles of the swarm and the permanent gases given off and filling the interspaces. The tem- perature is relatively low ; since gases may glow at a low temperature as well as at a high one, the temperature evidence depends upon the presence of cool metallic lines and the absence of the enhanced ones. The nebulae, then, are relatively cool collections of some of the per- manent gases and of some cool metallic vapours, and both gases and metals are precisely those I have referred to as writing their records most visibly in stellar atmospheres. If the nebulae are thus composed, they are bound to condense to centres, however vast their initial proportions, however irregular ths first distribution of the cosmic clouds which compose them. Each meteorite, the motion of which is stopped by collisions, must at once fall to the centre of gravity of the swarm. Each pair of meteorites in collision puts us in mental possession of what the final stage must be. We begin with a feeble absorption of metallic vapours round each meteorite in collision ; the space between the meteorites is filled with the permanent gases driven out further afield, and having no power to condense. Hence dark metallic and bright gas lines. As time goes on, the former must predominate, for the whole swarm of meteorites will then form a gaseous sphere, with a strongly heated centre, the light of which will be absorbed by the exterior vapour. As condensation goes on, the temperature at the centre of condensa- tion always increasing, all the meteorites of the parent swarm in time are driven into a state of gas. The meteoritic bombardment practically now ceases for lack of material, and the future history of the mass of gas is, speaking generally, that of a cooling body, the violent motions in the atmosphere while condensation was going on now being replaced by a relative calm, producing a quiescent reversing layer the observa- tion of which alone enables us to define the temperature of the star. The temperature- order of the group of stars with bright lines as well as dark ones in their spectra, has been traced, and typical stars indicating the spectral changes have been as carefully studied as those in which absorption phenomena are visible alone, so that now there are very few breaks in the line connecting the nebulas with the stars on the verge of extinction. We find ourselves here in the presence of minute details exhibiting the workings of a law associated distinctly with temperature ; and STELLAR ATMOSPHERES. 47 more than this, we are also in the presence of high temperature fur- naces, entirely shielded by their vastness from the presence of those distracting phenomena which we are" never free from in the most perfect conditions of experiment we can get here. Thanks to the spectroscope, the old guesses have now been replaced by the result of a general inquiry, in which hundreds of thousands of eu " '*'"} '''.''''<''.'>. -f observations have been used, and for my part I do not think it prob- able that the scheme of celestial evolution which I have sketched above 48 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP, and which is indicated in the accompanying temperature curve, will be greatly changed in its essential points ; it rests upon so wide a basis of induction. When this view of celestial evolution was first formulated as the result of the wide spectroscopic inquiry to which I have referred, most of the lines in the nebulae, and in the stellar groups III, IV, and V r were of unknown origin; the groups were established by accepting their presence as criteria, without any reference to chemistry. In the lower groups I, II, and VI, the chemistry was obvious, and the identi- fication of many metallic flutings made it clearer still. When engaged later on, in 1893, in the classification of stars, accord- ing to their photographic spectra* I came across two very important sets of lines of unknown origin, one in the hottest stars, the other in stars of intermediate temperature. After the discovery of a terrestrial source of helium by Professor Ramsay, I showed in a series of seven notes communicated to the Royal Society,! May September, 1895, that the cleveite gases, which I obtained by the process of distillation, accounted to a very great extent for the first set. This result proved to be the key to the chemistry of groups III and IV, which contains the hottest stars. In 1897, in a series of three communications to the Royal Society,! I pointed out that some of the other set of unknown lines in the stars of intermediate temperature, taking a Cygni as an example, were due to the enhanced spark lines of iron and other metals, the arc lines being almost entirely absent. The recent developments of this research, and the ultimate forma- tion of a " test-spectrum," have been referred to in Chapter III. The result of this has been to greatly strengthen the argument based upon the first observations. In the accompanying photograph, a comparison is shown between the lines of a Cygni and the enhanced lines of the substances thrown together to form the " test-spectrum." The extraordinary number of coincidences is seen at a glance. The facts are as follows : The number of lines measured in the spectrum of o Cygni at Kensington between \ 3798'! and A 4861 '6 is 307 Of these the number which approximately coincides with the enhanced metallic lines so far observed is . .. .. ..120 * Phil. Trans., A, vol. clxxxiv, p. 675. f 1st note, Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. Iviii, t>. 67; 2nd, ibid., vol. Iviii, p. 113 ; 3rd, ibid., vol. Iviii, p. 116 ; 4th, ibid., vol. Iviii, p. 192 ; 5th, ibid., vol. Iviii, p. 193 ;. 6th, ibid., vol. lix, p. 4 ; 7th, ibid., vol. lix, p. 342. J Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. Ix, p. 475; ibid., vol. hi, p. 148 ; ibid., vol. Ixi, p. 441. STELLAR ATMOSPHERES. The number of lines (excluding the hydrogen serie*) in a Cygiii of intensity over 4 (the maximum being represented by 10) is . . 40 Of this number, the coincidences with enhanced metallic lines with the dispersion employed amount to ..- .. .. .. .. 38 9 < Ci << CO cc Ci CO c < - u 5K, 70 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP that the form of the words used to define them should be common to both ; hence I suggest an adjectival form ending in ian. If the typical star is the brightest in a constellation, I use its Arabic name as root ; if the typical star is not the brightest, I use the name of the constellation. The desideratum referred has to a certain extent determined the choice of stars where many were available. I have to express my great obligations to Dr. Murray for help generously afforded in the consideration of some of the questions thus raised. The table runs as follows : CLASSIFICATION OF STARS INTO GENERA DEPENDING UPON THEIR CHEMISTRY AND TEMPERATURE. Highest temperature, simplest chemistry. Argonian. Alnitamian. Crucian. Taurian. i Bigelian. g, Cygnian. 1 Polarian. ^ Aldebarian. Antarian. Achernian. Algolian. Markabian. Sirian. Procyonian. Arcturian. Piscian. The cheirical definitions of the various groups or genera are as follows : DEFINITIONS OF STELLAR GENERA. Argonian. Predominant. Hydrogen and proto-hydrogen. Fainter. Helium, unknown (\4451, 4457), proto-niagnesium, proto-calcium, asteriuni. Alnitamian. Predominant. Hydrogen, helium, proto-silicium, unknown (A 4649-2). Fainter. Asterium, proto-hydrogen, proto-magiiesiuni, proto- caleium, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon. C Crucian. \ Achernian. Predominant. Hydrogen, he- \ Same as Crucian. Hum, asterium, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon. Fainter. Proto -magnesium, proto-calcium, proto-silicium, un- known (A 4649'2), silicium. VII.] A CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION OF STARS. 71 Taurian. Predominant. Hydrogen, he- lium, proto-magnesium. asterium. Fainter. Proto-calcium, sili- ciuiu, nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, proto-iron, proto-titanium. Rigelian. Predominant. Hydrogen, proto- calcium, proto-magnesium, helium, silicium. Fainter. Asterium, proto-iron, nitrogen, carbon, proto-titanium. Cygnian. Predominant. Hydrogen, proto- calcium, proto magnesium, proto- iron, silicium, proto-titanium, proto-copper, proto-chromium. Fainter. Proto-nickel, proto- vanadium, proto-manganese, proto- strontium, iron (arc). Polarian. Predominant. Proto-calcium, proto-titanium. hydrogen, proto- magnesium, proto-iron, and arc lines of calcium, iron, and manga- Fainter. The other proto-metals and metals occurring in the Sirian genus. Aldebarian. Predominant. Proto-calcium, arc lines of iron, calcium, and manganese, proto -strontium, hydrogen. Fainter. Proto iron and proto-tita- nium. Antarian. Predominant. Flutings of manga- nese. Fainter. Arc lines of metallic ele- ments. Algolian. Predominant. Hydrogen, proto- magnesium, proto- calcium, helium, silicium. Fainter. Proto-iron, asterium, carbon, proto-titanium, proto-cop- per, proto-manganese, proto-nickel. MarJcabian. Predominant. Hydrogen, proto- calcium, proto-magnesium, sili- cium. Fainter. Proto-iron, helium, asterium, proto-titanium, proto- copper, proto-manganese, proto- nickel, proto-chromium. Sirian. Predominant. Hydrogen, proto- calcium, proto-magnesium, proto- iron, silicium. Fainter. The lines of the other proto-metals and the arc lines of iron, calcium ; and manganese. Procyonian. Same as Polarian. Arcturian. Same as Aldebarian. Pis dan. Predominant. Flutings of carbon. Fainter. Arc lines of metallic ele- ments. 72 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP VI I. We may take for granted that as time goes on new intermediate genera will have to be established; the proposed classification lends itself conveniently to this, as there are no numerical relations to be disturbed. A still more general chemical classification is the following, it being. understood that in it only the most predominant chemical features are considered, and that there is no sharp line of separation between these larger groups. The peculiar position of calcium and magnesium renders- this caveat the more necessary. CLASSIFICATION OF STARS. Highest temperature. Gaseous stars r Proto-hydrogen stars . . . ( ^rgoman. J I Almtamian. f Crucian. * Cleveite-gas stars < I Taunan. . TEigelian. Proto-metallic stars 1 Cygnian Metallic stars fPolarian. I Aldebarian. Stars with fluted spectra Antarian. Lowest temperature. Achernian. Algolian. Markabian. Sirian. Procyonian. Arcturian. Piscian. The detailed chemical facts to be gathered from the definitions of the several genera indicate many important differences between the order of appearance of the chemical substances in the atmospheres of the stars and that suggested by the hypothetical " periodic law." I shall refer to this point later on. BOOK III. THE DISSOCIATION HYPOTHESIS. CHAPTER VIII. RECENT OPINION. WHEN stating in Chapter II some of the difficulties encountered by the early workers in spectrum analysis who found it impossible to reconcile the facts which the new method of work was accumulating with the then received chemical view, I pointed out that as early as 1873 I had suggested that many of our difficulties would vanish if it were conceded that the " atoms " of the chemist were broken up, or dissociated, into finer forms by the high temperatures necessarily employed in the new method of investigation. The year 1873 was 27 years ago ; I propose, therefore, to briefly refer, as judicially as I can, to the recent state of opinion on this subject, or rather on some of the main points of it. Only some of the views I had brought forward from time to time have received general acceptance, those include the breaking up of the solid metal giving (from whatever cause) a continuous spectrum into smaller molecular groupings giving fluted and line spectra. My view as to the subsequent dissociation of molecules, when once the line spectrum stage has been reached, was still rejected by many. For myself, I am not surprised at this. In a question of such tran- scendental importance, caution must be redoubled; an absence of work and expression of opinion in such a line of inquiry with questions of pure science only involved, is almost inherent to the nature of the investigations. The chemist has little interest in an appeal to celestial phenomena, and astronomers do not generally concern themselves with chemistry. The region investigated by the chemist is a low tem- perature region dominated by monatomic and polyatomic molecules. The region I have chiefly investigated is a high temperature region, in which mercury gives us the same phenomena as manganese. In short, the changes with which spectrum analysis has to do take place at a far higher temperature level than that employed in ordinary chemical work, and hence probably it is that I can only refer to one chemical experiment bearing on the subject. It is important, however, to point out that in cases where the two regions overlap, vapour density determinations and other work have been in harmony with the spectroscopic results, e.g., the changed 74 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. density of iodine at changed temperatures and with a change in spectrum. The specific gravity of iodine vapour was found by Deville and Troost to be 8'72 (air = 1), which corresponds to the density 125-9, proving that the molecule or two volumes of iodine gas weighs 126-53 x 2 = 253-06. When iodine vapour is heated to 700 its specific- gravity begins to diminish until at higher temperatures it becomes constant, and is half that at 700, the vapour consisting of free atoms.* Another, but less direct, argument in favour of dissociation, independently of the changes in the intensities of the lines, was based upon some observations I had made in an attempt to work out a spectroscopic method for the detection of impurities. I noted the presence of what I termed "basic lines," that is, short lines which remained common to two or more spectra, after " long lines " had been eliminated as being due to impurities. I now refer to these different points seriatim. Flutings represent Vibrations of Complex Molecules. I take the change of the continuous spectrum successively into flutings and lines first, and in justification of the statement that in this matter my view is now generally accepted, I give the following quotations from Schuster and Eder and Yalenta : " That the discontinuous spectra of different orders (line and band spectra) are due to different molecular combination I consider to be pretty well established, and analogy has led me (and Mr. Lockyer before me) to explain the continuous spectra by the same cause ; for the change of the continuous spectrum to the line or band spectrum takes place in exactly the same way as the change of spectra of different orders into each other."! "Spater fiihrte Lockyer weiter aus, dass die Gase, solange ihre Molekiile aus mehreren Atomen zerfallen, Linienspectren geberi miissen. Diese Anschauung wurde seither ziemlich allgemein accep- tirt/'| The question of flutings was early conceded generally, but special exceptions were made, carbon furnishes one instance. Messrs. Liveing and Dewar in 187 9 objected to my hypothesis, V Viet. Meyer, Ser. DeutscTi. CJiem. Ges., vol. xiii, pp. 394, 1010, 1103; Meier and grafts, Compt. Rend., rol. xc, p. 690; rol. xcii, p. 39. f \chuster, Phil. Trans., 1879, Part I, vol. clxix, p. 39. J Eer and Valenta, DenJcschriften der Jcaiserlichen AJcademie der Wissen- schaften, Wien, vol. Ixi, p. 426, 1894. Froc. Hoi,'. Soc., vol. xxx, p. 508. VIII.] RECENT OPINION. 75 that the sets of carbon fiutings in the green represent molecular groupings of that substance other than that (or those) which gives us the lino spectrum, as gratuitous. I showed that the flutings, which Messrs. Liveing and Dewar ascribed to a hydrocarbon, were present in the spectrum of tetrachloride of carbon which gave no trace of hydrogen, This experiment at first gave them no reason to modify their con- clusion, but later they repeated and endorsed it, and finally admitted that "the spectrum of the flame of hydrocarbons is not necessarily connected with the presence of hydrogen,"* and so far as I can under- stand their paper they seem to accept the idea of different molecular groupings, which they began by characterising as " gratuitous." The Complexity of the Line Spectrum. With regard to the view that the line spectrum integrates for us the vibrations of several sets of molecules, as I have already stated this was not accepted. The number of objections is legion, and it is impossible to refer* to all of them here. But, at the same time, the opinion of some of those workers who have approached the subject from both points of view was, I think, coming round to my side, and I shall briefly refer to one or two instances. Attention has recently been drawn to the variations in the appear- ance of the magnesium lines in the celestial bodies by Dr. Scheiner, of the Potsdam Observatory, who is not apparently acquainted with my work of 1879 ; he, however, accepts the idea that the variations furnish us with a precise indication of stellar temperature,! and he is now employing it in the work of the observatory .J * Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxxiv, p. 423. t Astronomical Spectroscope, Frost's Translation, p. viii. Dr. Scheiner points out that in the spectra of nearly all stars of Class Ta (Group IV) the line at 4481 " generally appears as a broad line in some spectra as strong as the hydrogen lines but its intensity decreases just in proportion as the number of lines in the stellar spectrum increases, so that it is hardly of the average intensity in the solar spectrum, or other spectra of type Ha, and the author is unable to detect it in the spectrum of a Orionis." My prior work, dating from 1879, being probably unknown to Dr. Scheiner, Messrs. Liveing and Dewar are credited with the discovery of the peculiar behaviour of this line in laboratory experiments, and it is added that " the dependence of the line upon the temperature thus readily suggests that the temperature of the absorbing vapours upon the stars of Class Ilia (Group II) is something like that of the electric arc, while that of the stars of Class Ha is higher, and that of stars of Class la is at least as high as the temperature of the high-tension spark from a Leyden jar. This view receives striking confirmation in the precisely opposite behaviour of the magnesium line at A 4352-18. First becoming visible in the spectra of type la (Group IV), which have numerous lines, it is strong in the spectra of type Ha (Groups III and V), and increases jo as to be one of the strongest lines as we pass towards type Ilia 76 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. Professors Eder and Valenta thus state the conclusions they have recently arrived at in their study of the changes in the spectrum of mercury : " Ferner ist die Erscheinung der ziemlich unvermittelten Auf- blitzens des linien-reichsten Spectrums (siehe die Abbildung, Fig. 8, der heliographirten Tafel) bei hochgradig gesteigerLer Starke des Flaschenfunkens und gleichzeitigem Erhitzen der Capillare, beson- ders das Auftauchen zahlreicher neuer Hauptlinien, welche friiher nicht oder kaum sichtbar waren, und mancher Doppellinien an Stelle von einfachen Linien, eine derartige, dass sie zu Lockyer's Theorie der Dissociation der Elemente passen wiirde, wenn man iiberhaupt die Zerlegbarkeit lingerer Elemente in die Discussion ziehen will."* [Translation : " Moreover the appearance of the great brilliancy of the richly lined spectrum with a high tension jar spark, the capillary being heated, and especially the interchange of a great number of new lines which were dim before, and also the change of single lines into double ones ; these are such that would harmonise well with Lockyer's theory of dissociation of the elements, if one is prepared to bring into the discussion the possibility of the dissociation of the chemical elements."] I am glad to be able to quote the following opinion of Sir William Crookes,t to which I attach great weight : " Until some fact is shown to be unreconcilable with Mr. Lockyer's views, we consider ourselves perfectly justified in giving them our provisional adhesion, as a working hypothesis to be constantly tested by reference to observed phenomena." I am anxious to refer here also to the opinion expressed by my colleague, Professor Sir William Roberts-Austen, whose researches have mostly been carried on at high temperatures : " Mr. Lockyer has, however, since done far more : he has shown (3roup II). Now, as was found by Liveing and Dewar, this line exhibits just the same peculiarities in the laboratory ; in the spark spectrum it is hardly recognis- able, in the arc spectrum it is very strong." My most recent work suggests that Dr. Scheiner is wrong in identifying the magnesium line 4352'IS in the cooler stars with the line nearly in the same position in the hotter stars. In the hot stars the line behaves almost exactly like the enhanced line of magnesium 4481'3, and I have previously pointed out that the stellar line was therefore possibly not due to cool magnesium. This is now justified by the discovery of an important enhanced line of iron at 4351*93, which accounts for the line in the hot slars, and really strengthens Dr. Schemer's argument. * DenJcschrijten der Jcaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, vol. Ixi, p. 429, 1894. f Chetn. News, 1879, vol. xxxix, p. G3. VIII. RECENT OPINION. 77 that the intense he;it of the sun carries the process of molecular simplification much farther; and, if we compare the complicated spectra of the vapours of metals produced by the highest tempera- tures available here with the very simple spectra of the same metals as they exist in the hottest part of the sun's atmosphere, it is diffi- cult to resist the conclusion that the atom of the chemiit has itself been changed. My own belief is that these ' atoms ' are changed, and that iron, as it exists in the sun, is not the vapour of iron as we know it upon earth."* .The Basic Lines. With regard to the basic line part of the inquiry, I think I shall tiot be going too far in saying that it has been universally rejected, .and chiefly on the ground that some lines which appeared coincident at the dispersion I employed appeared double with higher disper- sions. I have pointed out in the Chemistry of the Sun (p. 377) that this is not a sufficient answer, but I have left aside this branch of the inquiry for some years in the hope that some chemist would take up the question of spectroscopic impurities out of which it grew. But it is evident that this basic line point of view, even though it be considered a less direct attack on the problem than others since begun, assumes a much more important and definite position in the light of the new work. I will not go into this question at length now, but will content myself here by asking whether one actual demonstration of dissociation will not take a form very like that which the chemist has taken to be a proof of the existence of impurities. I shall return to this later on. Other Physical Researches now in progress. \ So much for opinion a year or two ago. In subsequent chapters I shall refer to other attacks upon the problem of dissociation, which to my mind and to many of the objectors sets the matter on a much firmer basis by accumulating facts, not only with regard to the stars, but in other fields of inquiry in which the idea of dissociation has to be appealed to in order to explain the phenomena. * Proc. Roy. In Messrs. Eunge and Paschen have shown conclusively that when we come to sort these lines out into series, there is just the same K HJ exquisite order that we find in flutings. Fig. 32 shows how they have all been resolved into two sets of three series which gradually get nearer together towards the violet and stronger towards the red; the irregular line spectrum when analyzed in this way, is translated into a wonderful order. I suggested many years ago that 86 INORGANIC EVOLUTION , [CHAP. the triplets in the ordinary line spectrum of a substance may really be remnants of compound flutings, and such inquiries as these really seem to justify that suggestion. We arrive at the fact that the term " series " applies to related lines. It is impossible to suppose that these wonderful rhythmic series of lines are not related in some way to each other, and that being so we have to study their wave-lengths, that is, their positions in the case of any one element to find out and define the relationship ; and not only so, but to see if any relation exists between the lines of different elements. A Shoi't History. The history of this quite modern inquiry is not very long, but short as it is I only propose to refer to it in the briefest possible manner. The first attempt to discover relationships among the lines of spectra was made by Lecoq de Boisbaudran,* who investigated the spectrum of nitrogen. The conclusions he arrived at suggested that the luminiferous vibrations of the molecules could be compared with the laws of sound, but as these were not based on wave-length determinations of sufficient accuracy, and also were not confirmed by Thalen, no great weight could be attached to the result. Stoney,f who followed up these investigations, was more success- ful ; he showed that the hydrogen lines C, F, and h were connected by the relationship 20 : 27 : 32. Several other workers Reynolds, Soret, &c. took the subject up r but it was left for the more thorough work of Schuster J to show that this theory could no longer be considered as expressing the law connecting the mutual relationships between the wave-lengths of lines in a spectrum. Liveing and Dewar next called attention to the fact that the distance between two consecutive lines of these groupings decreases with diminishing wave-lengths, so that eventually the lines asymptoti- cally approach a limit. " Harmonic " was the term they used to express such a series of similar groups of lines. It was, however, the work of Balmer which gave the subject the mpetus by which it has of late years made great progress. Balmer|| published a formula by which the positions of the hydro- * Comptes rendus (1869), vol. Ixix, p. 694 f Phil. Mag. (1871), [4], vol. xli, p. 291. J Brit. Assoc. Report, 1880; Proc. Soy. Soc. (1881), vol. xxxi, p. 337. Phil. Trans. (1883), p. 213, and previously. || Wied. Ann. (1885), vol. xxv, p. 8. x.] THE "SERIES" EVIDENCE. 87 gen lines could be calculated with wonderful accuracy. The formula is as follows : rt-2 x = A -^-i> n- - 4 in which A is the wave-length in vacuo of' the line to be calculated, A constant common for all the lines, and n one of the series of numbers from 3 to 15. The constant A, according to Cornu's measurements, is 3645*42 Angstrom units, or, using Ames' more correct value, 3647*20 Angstrom units. Simultaneously with Balmer's discovery, Cornu* pointed out that the lines of aluminium and thallium, which are readily reversible, bear a definite relation to those of hydrogen, while at a later date Des- landresf published a formula from which could be calculated the wave- lengths of the lines composing the bands of numerous elements. The above brief history brings us down to the year 1887, in which Kayser and RungeJ began their series of minute investigations dealing with a great number of elements. It was also about this time that Rydberg commenced to take up the subject. The work of Kayser, Runge ami Rydberg. I will state generally the ground over which their work has ex- tended. They have attacked the question mathematically from different standpoints. In the following table (p. 88) I give th& formula employed by Kayser and Runge, and that employed by Rydberg. The formulae are not by any means identical, but both deal with wave-frequency, that is to say, the number of waves in a given unit of length. Both Kayser and Runge, and Rydberg employ certain signs to represent the successive integers which have to be used to- define certain of their terms, and in addition to this we get certain constants which are calculated for each series. The most interesting consideration from this point of view is that Rydberg found that there was one constant which he could use in order to search for the- series of lines in the spectra of all the chemical elements with which * Complex rendu.1 (1885), vol. c, p. 1181. t Ibid. (188G), vol. ciii, p. 375; (1887), vol. civ, p. 972. "t "TJeber die Spectren der Elemente," Alhandlungen d. K. Alcad. Berlin,. 1888, 1889, 3890, 1891, 1892, 1893. SvensJca Vetenslcat. Akad. Handlingar, Stockholm (1890), vol. xxiii No. 11;. Wied. Annalen (1893), vol. 1, p. 629 ; (1894), vol. lii, p. 119. INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. Formula for Calculating Series. Kayser and Eunge. Bydberg. where It seems as if the two series are of the " subordinate " type, and that the principal series is wanting if Rydberg's conclusion be not accepted ; because while in subordinate series the lines for large values of n lie very near to one another, the similar lines of the principal series on the other hand are always more refrangible. It seems, therefore, probable that one or two of the many unknown lines recorded in stellar spectra still awaiting identification may belong to the principal series of hydrogen. If we are dealing in this case with a single molecule of hydrogen vibrating in a previously unknown way in consequence of a higher temperature, why is it that the molecules of other bodies do not put on- similar transcendental vibrations and appear in the same stars so that we shall get new forms of the other chemical elements ? The fact that we do not do so is, I claim, an argument in favour of the view that the- principal and subordinate series are produced by molecules of different complexities, and that the finer molecules can alone withstand the- action of the highest temperatures, and require high temperatures to- produce them. In this way we can easily explain the visibility of the new form of hydrogen in connection only or mainly with the lines of the cleveite and other similar gases (for there is already evidence of the existence of other similar gases) in the hottest stars. From the admirable work done on such substances as lithium,, sodium and potassium, which apparently are reduced to their finest atoms at relatively low temperatures, and more recently on the series of oxygen seen at low temperatures, we are bound to consider that when the- research includes the complicated spectrum of iron that that also must follow suit ; but it is already obvious that a principal and two sub- ordinate series will never do ; there will be very many series involved. Now these series must include both the arc and the enhanced lines, and as these are visible each without the other in stars of different temperatures, in one case associated with the cleveite gases, in another without them, we have another argument in favour of molecular com- plexity. I may here point out that it is always the hot line which avoids " series." The argument that lines in series represent the vibration of one molecule proves that lines not in series are produced by the vibrations of some other molecule. Finally then, I stated in 1878 that the spectrum of a substance was the integration of the spectra of various molecular groupings. It has now been definitely established that the spectrum of some substances is the integration of " series." H 2 100 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. X. So far there has been no definite pronouncement touching the possibility that each series may represent vibrations of similar mole- cules, but the facts as they stand are in favour of this view so long as we consider a series as representing the simplest result of atomic vibra- tion. There are facts which suggest that even a series is not a simple result. I am glad to be able to complete this chapter, which Professor Kayser has kindly read over for me, with the following expression of his opinion, which he allows me to publish. " I quite agree with your opinion, that the molecules of elements .are in general very complicated systems of atoms, and that their complexity is very variable with temperature and perhaps other conditions. I think that at the highest temperature every molecule has the simplest structure ; is perhaps a single atom ; and that in this condition it will emit a very simple spectrum consisting of one, or perhaps three, series of doublets or triplets. If the temperature is not high enough above the melting point to dissociate all the molecules, nevertheless some will be dissociated, and we shall have always a mixture of molecules, from the most complex ones that can exist at this temperature to the most simple ones. When the temperature gets lower and lower, more and more complex molecules will be added, while the simplest ones gradually disappear. In the same degree the simplicity of the spectrum is lost, of the series only the strongest lines or none remain, and the spectrum is the sum of more or less lines of a great many different spectra. I expressed the same opinion in the first publication of Kayser and Runge (Abhandl. d. k. Akad., Berlin, 1888), and I think our researches have shown nothing that contradicts it." 101 CHAP. XL EVIDENCE AFFORDED BY THE SHIFTING OF LINES. RECENT work in America, by means of the great dispersion afforded by Rowland's concave gratings, has supplied us with results* of the highest interest, touching small variations in the wave-lengths of spectral lines and the causes which produce them. These are stated to have been, in the first instance, established by Mr. Jewell by an exami- nation of the Rowland series of photographs of the solar and metallic spectra taken by means of a concave grating of 21 \ feet radius and 20,000 lines to the inch an instrument of research which, so far as my own experience goes, is obtained with great difficulty by workers in this country. Mr. Jewell's investigations began in 1890. Messrs. Humphreys and Mohler studied in 1895 the effects of pressure on the arc spectra of the elements, work suggested by Mr. Jewell's prior researches. Mr. Jewell, as a basis for his new conclusions, investigated under modern conditions classes of phenomena which I was the first to- observe and describe more than a quarter of a century ago. To show the relation of the new work to the old, it is best to- begin with a short historical statement, which will have the advantage of giving an idea of the meaning of some of the terms employed. I first employed, as stated on p. 22, the method of throwing an image of a light source on to the slit of a spectroscope by means of a lens in 1869, and some of the results obtained by the new method were the following. (1) The spectral lines, obtained by using such a light source as the electric arc, were of different lengths; some only appeared in the spectrum of the core of the arc, others extended far away into the name and outer envelopes. This effect was best studied by throwing the image of a horizontal arc on a vertical slit. The lengths of the lines photographed in the electric arc of many metallic elements were tabulated and published in Phil. Trans., 1873 and 1874. (2) The longest lines of each metal generally were wider than the others, the edges fading off, and they reversed themselves ; by which I mean that an absorption line ran down the centres of the bright lines. These results were afterwards confirmed and extended by Cornu.f * Astropbysical Journal, February, 1896, vol. iii, p. 111. f Chemistry of the Sun, p. 379. 102 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. (3) From experiments with mixtures of metallic vapours and gases it came out that the longest lines of the smaller constituent remained visible after the shorter lines had disappeared, the spectrum of each substance present getting gradually simpler as its percentage was reduced,* the shorter lines being extinguished gradually. Shortly .alter these observations were made, I included among some general propositions :f "In encounters of dissimilar molecules the vibrations of each are damped." (4) The various widths of the lines, especially of the winged longest ones, were found to depend upon pressure or density, and not tem- perature. J (5) The " longest lines " of any one metal were found to vary in their behaviour in most extraordinary fashion in solar phenomena, being furthermore differentiated from the shorter ones ; and on this -and other evidence, I founded my working hypothesis of the dissocia- tion of the chemical elements at the solar temperature. In 1876 I set out the facts with regard to calcium. (6) In 1883, Professor W. Vogel, in a friendly criticism, pointed out the evidence, then beginning to accumulate, that under certain cir- cumstances the wave-lengths of lines are changed. In 1887, I extended this evidence,|| and I think it w^as I who coined the word " shift " to express these changes. U I now pass on first to the results which Mr. Jewell claims to have established. With the enormous dispersion produced by the instruments referred to, it is found that certain metallic lines, but not all, are displaced or " shifted " towards the violet when compared with the corresponding ;solar lines. " There was a distinct difference in the displacement, not only for the lines of different elements, but also for the lines of dif- ferent character belonging to the same element." The " different character " above referred to turns out to relate not so much to the intensity as to the length of the line, and, asso- ciated with this, its reversibility ; the longest lines are the most dis- placed, the shortest, least. Further, in the spectrum of the arc itself, the position of a line with * Phil. Trans. (1873), p. 482. f Studies in Spectrum Analysis (1878), p. 140. t Phil. Trans., 1872, p. 253. Nature, vol. xxvii (1883), p. 233. || Chemistry of the Sun, p. 369. 1[ Since the parentage is uncertain, I may say that perhaps "shiftings" would Tiave been a better word, as shift is otherwise employed, e.g., Love's last shift ^translated by a French author, la derniere chemise de V amour). XI.] EVIDENCE AFFORDED BY THE SHIFTING OF LINES. 103 but little material present " was approximately the same as the posi- tion of the line when reversed." Now since the longest lines are most displaced to the violet, this means that the smaller the quantity of a substance present the greater is the displacement towards the violet ; and, therefore, the greater the quantity present, the greater the dis- placement towards the red. Mr. Jewell found that " with an increase in the amount of the material in the arc there was an increasing displacement of the line towards the red," and then that, " unless the line became reversed, all further progress in that direction ceased." Here is an observation regarding the red line of cadmium. " It was found that if the micrometer wires were set upon it with very little cadmium in the arc, then as the amount was increased the line almost bodily left the cross-hairs, always moving towards the red." Mr. Jewell considers he has established that the vibration-period of an atom depends to some extent upon its environments. " An increase of the density of the material, and presumably an increase of pressure, seemed to produce a damping effect upon the vibration period." My result of 1872 with regard to pressure was endorsed, " the new results are found to be due to pressure and not temperature." We seem, then, now to be in presence of two damping effects in the case even of metallic lines, one which extinguishes lines when we deal with dissimilar molecules, and one which changes their wave-length towards the red when we deal with similar molecules. A carefully prepared table showed the origin, intensity and character of the solar lines considered, the intensity and character of the corresponding metallic lines, the wave-lengths of both, and the observed displacement. Many references to solar phenomena were made by Mr. Jewell in relation to his work, but I do not propose to discuss them here. There is one point, however, I must refer to. He considers that the conclu- sions to be drawn from a study of the new shifts " effectually disposes of the necessity of any dissociation hypothesis to account for most solar phenomena." I have already pointed out that this was Professor W. Vogel's conclusion with regard to possible shifts, so far back as 1883. It is quite easy. " Two adjacent lines of iron, for instance, may show the effects of a violent motion of iron vapour in opposite direc- tions, in the neighbourhood of spots, or one line (the smaller one cor- responding to one of Lockyer's * short lines ') may show a broadening and increase of intensity in the spectrum of a sun-spot, while the other line (the larger one corresponding to one of Lockyer's ' long lines ') is unaffected. But this does not prove that iron vapour is dis- 104 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. sociated in the sun. It merely shows that the apparently similar portions of the two lines in the solar spectrum are produced at dif- ferent elevations in the solar atmosphere. The stronger iron line will be affected in a sun-spot as much as the other one, but it is the portion of the line produced at the same level as the other line, and may be masked completely, or very largely, by the emission line produced at a higher level, while the second absorption line in the solar spectrum may be entirely unaffected, being produced at a still higher altitude." " This also explains why some of the lines (the short lines generally) of an element may be most prominent in sun-spot spectra, while others (generally the long lines) are those most frequently seen in promi- nences or in the chromosphere." My thirty-three years' work at solar physics leaves me with such an oppressive feeling of ignorance that I willingly concede to Mr. Jewell a knowledge so much greater than my own as to give him a perfect right to dismiss all my work in two lines ; but I am compelled to point out that he has not carefully read what I have published. A comparison of the facts brought together on page 26, for instance, drives his last paragraph into thin air ; it is distinctly shown that we have to do with the short lines in the chromosphere and with the long lines in spots, the exact opposite of his statement. Mr. Jewell does not run counter to my views in supposing that different phenomena are pro- duced at different elevations. I thought I had abundantly proved in my eclipse observation of 1882 (Chemistry of the Sun, p. 363), and the later evidence will be found on p. 41, et seq., that the iron lines, to take a concrete instance, are produced at different heights in the solar atmosphere ; and that was one among many reasons which compelled me to abandon the thin reversing layer suggested by Dr. Frankland and myself in 1869 in opposition to KirchhofFs view. But surely the more we consider the solar atmosphere as let out in flats, with certain families of iron lines free to dwell in each and to flit a discretion, the more a dissociation hypothesis is wanted. And beyond all this, we have to take into account that at the sun-spot maximum no iron lines at all are seen amongst the most widened lines, while at the minimum we have little else. The real bearing of the new work on the dissociation hypothesis has been accurately caught by Professor Hale, as I shall show later. Another very interesting part of Mr. Jewell's work refers to the phenomena of absorption. There is room for plenty of work here. As I pointed out in 1879, we get unequal widenings, " trumpetings," and a \vhole host of unexplained phenomena.* It is clear that the * Chemistry of the Sun, pp. 380387. XL] EVIDENCE AFFORDED BY THE SHIFTING OF LINES. 105 dispersion at Mr. Jewell's command will largely help enormous matters. I now pass to Messrs. Humphre/s and Mohler's researches. These investigators used an electric arc enclosed in a cast-iron- cylindrical vessel, which enabled them to vary the pressure up to four- teen atmospheres. One hundred photographs of metallic spectra were taken, and the shifts of some lines of twenty-three elements have been measured. The accompanying rough diagram, bringing together specimens of their observations, will indicate the kind of result they have obtained. /O 35. Changes of -ware-length produced by pressure, showing the different behaviours of the lines of calcium (H and K and the blue line). The pressures in atmospheres are shown to the left. The shift towards the red in thousandths of an Angstrom unit are shown below. The shifts have been reduced to what they would be at A, 4000, in the neighbourhood of which most of the work was done. The displacement or shift varied greatly for different elements. It was always towards the red, and directly proportional to the wave- length and the excess of pressure over one atmosphere. 106 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. Only one exception to this general statement was noted at the beginning of the inquiry ; it refers to calcium. " The lines H and K, .among others, shift only about half as much as g (the blue line at A 4226-91), and the group at A 5600. That.? should differ in this respect from H and K is not very surprising, since it is known to differ greatly from them in many other respects." On this exceptional behaviour of these lines of calcium, I quote the following, from a note by Professor Hale.* " The difference in behaviour of H and K and the blue line of calcium discovered by Messrs. Jewell, Humphreys, and Mohler, seems to support Lockyer's views as to the dissociation of calcium in the arc and sun. The remarkable variations of the calcium spectrum with temperature have long been known principally through the investiga- tions of Lockyer. The writer has shown that the H and K lines are produced at the temperature of burning magnesium and in the oxy- coal-gas flame. They could not be photographed in the spectrum of the Bunsen burner, though an exposure of sixty-four hours was given. Since these experiments were made, I have been informed by Professor Eder that his own efforts to photograph the lines in the Bunsen burner were no more successful, though an optical train of quartz and fluor- spar was employed. It would thus appear that the temperature of the dissociation of calcium is between that of the Bunsen burner and that of the oxy-coal-gas flame. The high molecular weight of calcium has hitherto conflicted with our belief in the presence of this metal in prominences. If, however, it be granted that dissociation can be brought about by temperatures even lower than that of the arc, the difficulty is very greatly lessened." In an article which I wrote in Nature on this work,f I pointed out that " it would be very interesting to see if the strontium line at A 4607*52 behaves like the calcium g in relation to the lines at A 4077-88 and A 4215-66, representing H and K." This prediction was subsequently confirmed by Mr. Humphreys, J who gave a table of the shifts measured on the strontium lines mentioned above. When working with pressures varying from 6 to 12 atmo- spheres, the shift of the line at A 4077*88 was always approximately half that at A 4607-52. There can be little doubt after this successful prediction that other enhanced lines will follow suit as this new attack is carried further. * Astrophysical Journal, loc. cit. t Nature, vol. liii, p. 416, March, 1896. J " The Effect of Pressure on the Wave-lengths of lines in the Spectra of certain Elements," Asirophysical Journal, vol. iv, p. 249. XI.] EVIDENCE AFFORDED BY THE SHIFTING OF LINES. 107 Artificial Shifting of Lines. The " shifts " we have so far referred to are real, depending upon the environment of the molecules the vibrations of which build up the spectra. But there are also what we may term artificial shifts, the observa- tion of which has recently led Dr. Schuster and Mr. Hemsalech to conclusions of great importance almost equalling those noted by Messrs. Jewell, Humphreys and Mohler from our special point of view. To see the point of this new work, let us consider a strong jar spark taken between two different metallic poles in air. What happens is thus described. u The initial discharge of the jar takes place through the air ; it must do so because there is at first no metallic vapour present. The intense heat generated by the electric current volatilises the metal which then begins to diffuse away from the poles ; the subsequent oscilla- tions of the discharge take place through the metallic vapours and not through the air."* Next let us assume that the vapours produced at each pole take time to pass to the other. If we observe by means of a revolving mirror, the spark qud air will give us a straight line, the spark gud each vapour will give us curved lines. Next suppose that instead of observing the sparks thus produced by the three different sources, we observe their spectra. This has been done by Dr. Arthur Schuster and Mr. Hemsalech, who thus refer to it : " The method of the rotating mirror tried during the course of several years in various forms by one of us, did not prove successful. On the other hand good results were obtained at once on trying the method used by Professor Dixon in his researches on explosive waves. This method consists in fixing a photographic film round the rim of a rotating wheel. All that is necessary for its success is to have sparks so powerful that each single one gives a good impression of its spec- trum on the film. Were the sparks absolutely instantaneous, the images taken on the rotating wheel would be identical with those developed on a stationary plate, but on trial this is found not to be the case. The metal lines are found to be inclined and curved when the wheel rotates, and their inclination serves to measure the rate of diffusion of the metallic particles. The air lines, on the other hand, remain straight, though slightly widened. " To avoid the tendency of the film to fly off the wheel when fixed round its rim, as in the original form of the apparatus, a spinning disc was constructed for us by the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Com- pany. The film is placed flat against the disc, and is kept in place by * Free. Roy. Soc., vol. 64, p. 331. 108 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. XI. a second smaller disc, which can be screwed lightly to the first. The diameters of the two discs are 33 and 22-2 cm., the photographs being taken in the annular space of 10'8 cm., left uncovered by the smaller disc. An electric motor drives the disc, and we have obtained velocities of 170 turns per second, though in our experiments the number of revolutions was generally about 120, giving a linear velocity of about 100 metres/second for that part of the film on which the photograph was taken." Now the curvature of the metallic lines must depend upon the rate of diffusion of the vapours in opposite directions from the metallic poles ; and if the spectrum of each metal used as a pole be due to the vibrations of one set of molecules, there will be equal curvature in all the lines of that metal. The photographs however, so far taken, show that the curvature is not equal ; so in this work as in the other I have referred to in the previous chapters, and shall refer to in subsequent ones, we are driven to the conclusion that the spectrum has a complex origin. The results of the investigation, so far as it has gone, have not yet been completely published, but Dr. Schuster in a letter to me states that he has " no doubt as to great differences in inclination [curvature] of the bismuth lines. I also believe the difference to be real in the case of the zinc lines (the green doublet being different from the blue triplet), but this I do not consider established with the same certainty as in the case of bismuth." In order to give an example of the magnitude of the differences in velocity determined by the unequal curvature of the lines, Dr. A. Schuster allows me to print the following numbers : - Wave- Velocity Metal. length. metres/ second. Zinc 4925 1 41g 4912J 481 H 545 4722 / Cadmium 5379 1 435 5339 J 5086 1 4800 L 559 4416 | 3613- 1 Bismuth 5209 i 4561 I- 1420 3696 J 4302 1 533 4260 J 3793 394 Mercury . 4359 481 3663 383 109 CHAP. XII. EVIDENCE AFFORDED BY THE MAGNETIC PERTURBA- TIONS OF LINES. LONG before the present electro-magnetic theory of light was formu- lated in its present shape, several observers endeavoured to see if any spectrum change was to be noted when the light source was placed in a strong magnetic field. Of these, Professor Tait seems to have been the earliest. He made the attempt in 1855 :* it led to no result. The same thing happened to Faraday in 1862. Indeed, his experiment on this question was the last he ever made. I extract the following account of it from his life by Dr. Bence Jones : t " 1862 was the last year of experimental research. Steinheil's appa- ratus for producing the spectrum of different substances gave a new method by which the action of magnetic poles upon light could be tried. In January he made himself familiar with the apparatus, and then he tried the action of the great magnet on the spectrum of chloride of sodium, chloride of barium, chloride of strontium, and chloride of lithium." An experiment made on March 12 is thus recorded : " The colourless gas flame ascended between the poles of the magnet, and the salts of sodium lithium were used to give colour. A Nicol's polarizer was placed just before the intense magnetic field, and an analyzer at the other extreme of the apparatus. Then the electro- magnet was made and unmade, but not the slightest trace of effect on or change in the lines in the spectrum was observed in any position of polarizer or analyzer. " Two other pierced poles were adjusted at the magnet, the coloured flame established between them, and only that ray taken up by the optic apparatus which came to it along the axis of the poles, i.e., in the magnetic axis, or line of magnetic force. Then the electro-magnet was excited and rendered neutral, but not the slightest effect on the polar- ized or unpolarized ray was observed." About the year 1872, Professor Clifford and myself made some experiments with the large Steinheil spectroscope then in use in my laboratory at the School of Science ; the only magnet available was a * Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. ix, p. 118, 1875-6. t Vol. ii, p. 449, 1870. 110 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. feeble one, and nothing came of them. In 1885 M. Fievez* was more fortunate. He made a set of experiments which may be said to be the first recorded success, or at least partial success, of the solution of this problem which now concerns us. M. Fievez observing with a flame in a magnetic field as Faraday had previously done. He noticed a widen- ing, and apparently a doubling of lines, but the doubling he attributed to absorption. He wrote : " Les phenomenes qui se manifestent sous Faction du magnetisme sont identiquement les memes que ceux produits par une elevation de temperature." In spite of this, however, Dr. Preston has expressed the opinion that if Fievez " had known the theory, the whole question would have been settled in 1885." The subject remained unfruitful until 1897, when Dr. Zeeman made known the results! of an important series of observations which he had been quietly carrying out. In a course of measurements concerning the phenomena first ob- served by Dr. Kerr, Dr. Zeeman was led to reopen the inquiry whether the light of a flame submitted to the action of magnetism really did undergo any change. He remarked : "If a Faraday thought of the possibility of the above-mentioned relation, perhaps it might yet be worth while to try the experiment again with the excellent auxiliaries of spectroscopy of the present time. . . ." And his observations established that the bright lines of spectra are modified considerably when a strong magnetic field is used. It was at once seen why pre- vious experimenters had failed : the effect is small, so that besides a strong field, high dispersion is necessary. No sooner had Dr. Zeeman made his discovery public, than Pro- fessor Lorentz, and subsequently Dr. Larmor, investigated the subject theoretically. They showed that dealing with the theory in its simplest form, not only mere broadening of the lines should be expected, but that each line should really consist of three separate lines, or in other words, form a triplet. According to the simple theory, each element of matter which carries an electric charge proper to it the complex being called an ion has its movements affected by the magnetic field. If we consider these ions to be the elements of matter the move- ments of which produce light, it is certain that in a magnetic field the movements will be affected ; there will not only be the normal move- ment in the orbit, but an added precessional movement, or spin, round * Bulletin de VAcad. des Sciences de Belgique, 3e Serie, tome ix, p. 381, 1885. t Phil. Mag., [5], vol. xliii, p. 226. XII.] THE MAGNETIC PERTURBATION OF LINES. Ill the lines of magnetic force. If we represent the electric charge of the ion by e, and its inertia by m, the ratio e/m in a field of given strength is proportional to the precession, or spin, of the orbit of the ion. By using specially constructed electro-magnets, and arranging special conditions of the experiment, it was not long before a magnetic field was produced which was sufficiently strong to completely separate- the components of the lines previously thought to be only broadened. MOO * * i S 2 1 A K* S'C * sir P tC "o fe S 1 2 & t^ * r- H c g^.S a- Fia. 38. Comparison of relative numbers of stars generally and carbon stars. That I was in 1884. In 1891 Professor Pickering, when he found that he had collected something like 10,000 stars in the Draper cata- logue, began to consider their distribution in different parts of space in relation to the then classification, which was practically one founded on hieroglyphics, since we knew very little about the chemistry of the different bodies at that time. XVI.] THE DISTRIBUTION OF CHEMICAL GROUPS OF STARS. 131 He found that the Milky Way was due to an aggregation of white stars, by which he meant, as we now know, very hot stars, and the hottest of them, that is the gaseous ones, exist more obviously in the Milky Way than do the others. The proportional number of proto- metallic stars in the Milky Way was greater for the fainter stars than for the brighter ones of this kind, and that at once suggests a possi- bility that in the Milky Way itself there is a something which absorbs light ; so that the brightest stars are apt not to be really the brightest, but apparently bright because they have not suffered this absorption, and that those which have suffered this absorption may be very much further away from us than the others of a similar chemistry. He also arrived at this extremely important conclusion, namely, that the metallic stars, that is, stars like our sun, stars more or less in their old age, had no preference for the Milky Way at all, but are equally distributed all over the sky. With regard to the group of stars known by metallic flutings in their spectra, he has no information to give us any more than Duner had, for the reason that their number is small, and they have not yet been completely studied. Only last year this inquiry was carried a stage further by Mr. McClean, who not only photographed a considerable number of stellar spectra in the northern hemisphere, but subsequently went to the Cape of Good Hope in order to complete the story with reference to the stars down to the third or fourth magnitude which he could observe there. He was very careful to discuss, in relation to the Milky Way and certain galactic zones, the distribution of the various kinds of stars which he was fortunate enough to photograph. He found that if we deal with the gaseous stars the numbers in the north and south polar region are small, and that the numbers nearer the Milky Way are greater, so that finally we can see exactly how these bodies are distributed. If we take the gaseous, that is to say the hottest stars, we find the smallest number in the polar regions ; but if we take the metallic stars we find practically the largest number, at all events a considerable number, in the polar regions. The general result, therefore, is that the gaseous stars are mostly confined to the galactic zones, the proto-metallic stars, that is those down to about 3J mag- nitude, are not so confined. What is also shown is that the metallic fluting stars are practically equally distributed over the polar regions and over the plane of the Milky Way itself ; so that, in that respect, we get for these stars very much the equivalent of the result arrived at by Duner for the carbon stars, that is to say, they have little pre- ference for the Milky Way. K 1 132 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. Bright-line Stars. These, then, are the results with regard to the stars having obviously dark lines in their spectra, but besides these there are many so-called bright-line stars. I should say that there has necessarily been a change of front in our views with regard to these bright-line stars since they were first classi- fied with nebulae. The nebulae are separated generic-ally from the stars by the fact that in their case we have to deal with bright lines, that is to say, we deal only with radiation phenomena, and not with absorp- tion phenomena, as in the case of the stars so far considered ; and in the first instance it was imagined that the bright-line stars were, from the chemical point of view, practically nebulae, although they appeared as stars, because the brightest condensations of them were so limited or so far away that they gave a star-like appearance in the telescope. Since that first grouping of bright-line stars, by the work chiefly of the American astronomers, it has been found that in a large number of cases they hove also dark lines in their spectra, and that being so we must classify them by their dark lines instead of by their bright ones ; and the bright-line stars thus considered chiefly turn out to be gaseous stars, with a difference. What is that difference 1 It is this, I think: in the case of the bright-line stars we are dealing with the condensa- tions of the most disturbed nebulae in the heavens, together with the light which we get from the nucleus of that nebula which appears as a star, and can be spectroscopically classified with the other dark-line stars, inasmuch as the surrounding vapours close to the star produce absorption, and therefore give us dark lines ; other parts of the nebulae, probably those further afield, give us bright lines which mix with the dark ones. Therefore we get both bright lines and dark lines under these conditions. So far as the result goes up to the present moment, it looks as if we have now to consider that these bright-line stars, instead of being nebula? merely, are gaseous stars at a very high temperature, in consequence of the fact that the nebula which is surrounding them, which is falling upon them, is increasing the temperature of the central mass by the change of vis vim into heat. Pickering,* in his discussion of these stars, had thirty-three to deal with, and he found that there was a wonderful tendency among these to group themselves along the Milky Way : that very few of them, in fact, lay outside its central plane ; the galactic latitude, the distance in degrees from the plane being limited in the generality to only 2, and the greatest departure, the greatest galactic latitude, was something within 9. That was the story in 1891. Two years afterwards Campbell, another distinguished * Astr. Nach., No. 2025. XVI.] THE DISTRIBUTION OF CHEMICAL GROUPS OF STARS. 133 American astronomer, also interested himself in this question of the bright-line stars, and he discussed them, his catalogue containing fifty- five as opposed to Pickering's thirty-three. He found also that they were J 2 vo c c r collected almost exclusively in the Milky Way, and that outside the Milky Way . practically none had ever been observed. The importance of this result I will indicate by and by. The . central line of the map 134 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. (Fig. 39) represents the galactic zone, the plane of the Milky Way, and along it the different galactic longitudes are indicated, above and below the plane a few degrees of galactic latitude north and south are shown, sufficient to enable all the bright-line stars which Campbell discussed to be plotted. The map shows that all the bright-line stars F IG . 40. Photograph of a glass globe showing the relation of the Milky Way to the Equator and to Gould's belt of stars. really are close to the central plane of the Milky Way. Only one out of the fifty-five is more than 9 from it, and this lies in a projecting spur, so that we cannot really say that that is out of the Milky Way. It is remarkable that these bright-line stars are not equally dis- tributed along the Milky Way. They are chiefly condensed in two oppo- site regions, and there is one region in which they are markedly absent. XVI.] THE DISTRIBUTION OF CHEMICAL GROUPS OF STARS. 135 Figs. 40 and 41 are photographs of a glass globe, on which are indicated the Milky Way; the secondary Milky Way, which starts from it at one point of the heavens-and meets it again, is also shown ; together with Gould's Star Way and the equatorial plane. The dark wafers indicate the positions of the bright-line stars. Fia. 41. The Milky Way, where double in relation to the Equator and Gould's belt of stars, showing that the bright-line stars (dark wafers) and new stars (white wafers) are limited to the Milky Way. We find that these stars begin just before the doubling commences. They continue along the plane, and are sometimes very numerous, and they end just after the doubling ends ; and we notice there is a long range of the Milky Way where it is single in which there is absolutely no bright-line star at all. It looks, therefore, very much ae if there is 136 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. a something connected with this doubling of the Milky Way which produces the conditions which generate these bright-line stars. By the labours of Duner, Pickering, McClean and Campbell, we are beginning to get very definite notions as to the distribution of the various chemically different stars in relation to the Milky Way. As I have already noticed, there can be no question as to the intimate association of the bright-line stars with nebulae. We must next then consider the nebulae from the point of view of chemical distribution, but here we are somewhat in a difficulty. I have already stated that with regard to the general question of the nebulae it is impossible to speak with certainty, because at present there has not been sufficient time and there has not been a sufficient number of observers at work to classify the thousands of " nebula? " which we now know of into those which give us the gaseous spectrum and those which are entirely different, apparently, in their constitution, and only give us what is called a continuous spectrum. Still we can go a little way in this direction by means of some figures which I have noted. The point is to see whether there is any difference in the dis- tribution of those nebulae which are undoubtedly masses of gas, which give us the so-called nebulous spectrum, and those other nebulae about which at present we know very little, which give us so-called continuous spectra. It is clear that on this point undoubtedly, at some future time, a great deal will be learned. The figures I give bring the results up to the year 1894. If we take the region near the Milky Way, the region bounded by 10 galactic latitude north and south, and consider the planetary nebulae, we find that there are forty-two ; but if we deal with those which are further than 10 from the Milky Way, that number drops to five. If we take other nebulae, not necessarily planetary but gaseous like planetary nebulae, inasmuch as they give us a spectrum of bright lines, we find that there are twenty-two in or near the Milky Way, and only six outside. If we take the so-called nebulae known to have continuous spectra, which need not be nebulae at all we only imagine them to be nebulae because they are sa far away that we cannot get a really true account of them we find that the condi- tions are absolutely reversed. There are only fourteen of them in the plane of the Milky Way, but there are forty-three lying outside it ; so that the percentage within 10- of the Milky Way comes out to be eighty-four in the case of the planetary and the other nebulae which give us bright lines, and in nebulae with continuous spectra only twenty- five. Therefore we get an absolute identity of result with regard to the bright-line stars and the other objects which give us bright-line spectra. There is another class of bodies of extreme interest. In fact, to XVI.] THE DISTRIBUTION OF CHEMICAL GROUPS OF STARS. 137 some they are more interesting than all the other stars in the heavens, because they are the mysterious " new stars," which have been supposed to be new creations. When we come to examine these so-called new stars we find that they also are almost absolutely limited to the Milky Way. Our information begins 134 years before Christ, and it ends last year. The number of stars thus reported as new stars is thirty- one, and of these only three have been seen outside the Milky Way. Fig. 40 shows what the facts are with regard to the new stars. The bright-line stars being distinguished by dark wafers, the new stars are shown by white wafers. We notice that where we get practically the greatest number of dark wafers we get a considerable number of white ones. That means that these new stars take their origin in the same part of space as that occupied by the bright-line stars, and it is also interesting to point put that the void indicated where the Milky Way is single, where there were no bright-line stars, is equally true for the new stars; only one new star has been recorded in this region (Fig. 41). As I have said, a great deal of interest has been attached by many people to the question of the new stars, for the reason that whenever a new star appeared in a part of the heavens where no star was seen before, it was imagined that something miraculous and wonderful had happened. That was justifiable while we were ignorant, but recent work has shown, I think almost to a certainty, that the real genesis of a new star is simply this. We have near the Milky Way a great number of nebulae, planetary or otherwise we have more planetary nebulae near the Milky Way than in any other part of the heavens ; the nebulous patches also observed in it may include streams of meteorites rushing about under the influence of gravity ; the origin of a new star is due to the circumstance that one of these unchronicled nebulae suddenly finds itself invaded by one of these streams of meteor- ites. There is a clash. These meteorites we know enter our own atmosphere at the rate of thirty-three miles a second, and we may therefore be justified in assuming that any meteoritic stream in space, even in the Milky Way, would not be going very much more slowly. If we get this rapidly-moving stream passing through a nebula, which is supposed to be a mass of meteorites more or less at rest, of course we must get collisions ; of course, also, we shall get heat, and therefore light. When the stream has passed through the nebula the luminosity will dim and ultimately, attention having been called by this cataclysm to that particular part of space, we shall find that there is a nebula there. This has always been so ; and therefore in the case of new stars we must always expect to get indications of the existence of two bodies, the intruder and the body intruded upon. 138 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. We must also expect, if we are dealing with small particles of meteoritic dust, .that the action will be very quick, and that the war will be soon over. All this really agrees with the facts. In the case of the new star we were fortunate enough to have the opportunity of observing in the northern hemisphere, not very long ago, the new star in the constellation Auriga, we obtained undoubted indications of the K H h G- F Fia. 42. The spectrum of Nova Aurigae, showing both bright and dark lines. fact that we were dealing with two different masses of matter ; for the reason that if we take the chief spectral lines marked G, h, H and K (Fig. 42), that is to say, the lines of hydrogen and of calcium, we find both bright lines and dark lines, which being interpreted means that hydrogen and calcium were both giving out light and stopping light. We cannot imagine that the same particles of calcium and of hydrogen were both giving out light and stopping light ; there must have been some particles of hydrogen and calcium giving light and others stopping light ; and if we look at the photograph carefully we find that the bright lines and the dark lines are side by side, and we know that that means a change of wave-length in consequence of movement, and we also know from the change of wave-length indicated that the differential velocity of the particles which gave us the bright hydrogen and calcium, and the dark hydrogen and calcium, must have been something like 500 miles a second. In that way we obtained indisputable proof that we were really dealing with two perfectly different series of particles moving in opposite directions, and that that was the reason we got that sudden illumination in the heavens which as suddenly died out until finally a nebula previously undiscovered was found to occupy the place. The nebula is really not the result, the nebula was the cause, but we did not know of its existence until our special attention had been drawn to that part of the heavens. B. In relation to Distance. So much, then, for the first statement of facts relating to the dis- tribution of the various star groups and nebular groups in the most general form. The next question is, can we say anything about the distances of these bodies *? The way in which an astronomer attempts to determine the dif- ferent distances of the various stars from the earth, may be very well XVI.] THE DISTRIBUTION OF CHEMICAL GROUPS OF STARS. 139 grasped by considering what happens to any one, travelling in a railway train. If the train be going fairly quickly, and we look at the near objects, we find that they appear to rush by so rapidly that they tire the eye ; the more distant the object we look at is the more slowly it appears to move, and the less the eye is fatigued. Now, sup- pose that instead of the train rushing through the country and passing the objects which we regard under these different conditions, the dif- ferent objects are rushing past us at rest. Then, obviously, those things which appear to be moving most quickly will be those nearest, and the more distant objects, just because they are distant, will appear to move more slowly ; that is to say, we shall get what is called a large " proper motion " in the case of the objects nearest to us, and a small " proper motion " in the case of the bodies which are further away. This question has been attacked with regard to the stars in mag- nificent fashion by a great number of astronomers. It was Mr. Monck who was the first to show in 1892* that the gaseous stars had the smallest proper motion ; that is to say, that the hottest stars were further away from us than the cooler ones. He next found that the proto-metallic stars that is to say, the stars not so hot as the gaseous, but hotter than the metallic stars had the next smaller proper motion. This, of course, indicates that the metallic stars are the nearest to us unless proper motion does not depend upon distance, but rather upon a greater average velocity in space. It has been shown, however, by considering the sun's movement in space, that this view probably may be neglected. The first discussion of proper motion, then, went to show, roughly, that the hotter a star is the further away from us it is ; and it made out a fair case for the conclu- sion that the sun forms one of a group or cluster of stars in which the predominating type of spectrum is similar to its own. Kapteyn carried the inquiry a stage further.! Working upon the idea that stars with the greatest proper motion are on the average the nearest, the part of the piroper motion due to the sun's translation in space he considered must depend strictly upon the distance, and he determined this by resolving the observed proper motion along a great circle passing through the point of space towards which the sun is moving, which is called the apex of the sun's way, and reducing to a point 90 from the apex. His results were practically the same as those obtained by taking the individual proper motions. He also found that stars with the greatest proper motion are mainly metallic, and have no regard at all to the Milky Way ; that stars with the smallest and no observable proper motion are gaseous and proto- * Astronomy and Astro-Physics, vol. xviii, 2, p. 876. f Amsterdam Academy of Science, 1893. HO INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. xvi. metallic, including a few metallic ones which have collected in the galactic plane. In this he agrees with the prior observations to which I have drawn attention. In the table which I now give the mean proper motion is shown. Relation between Spectra and Proper Motions of Stars (Kapteyn). Mean proper motion. Gaseous and \ proto -metallic stars. Metallic stars. Metallic flutings. Ratio, metallic to gaseous. 1-39 3 51 17'0 0-52 12 66 ] 5'5 0-35 14 66 4-7 0-24 34 124 3'6 0-18 35 67 3 1-9 Inappreciable 79 35 1 0-44 j We find that the gaseous and proto-metallic stars increase in num- ber as the proper motion decreases. We find also the ratio of the metallic to the gaseous and the proto-metallic. We begin with a ratio of 17, and end with something like a ratio of O4; so that the results may be considered to be pretty definite. These results were obtained by Kapteyn with 591 stars which were common to Stumpe's catalogue of proper motions and the Draper catalogue dealing with spectra. The general result may, therefore, be stated that at the nearest dis- tance the metallic stars are seventeen times more numerous than gaseous stars, and at the greatest distance they are not half the number. Here again the question arises, how far the intrinsic brightness of these bodies, in relation to their distance from us and the possible greater or less extinction of light in space, has to be taken into con- sideration. That is a problem which will require a considerable amount of work in the future. It is rather remarkable that if we take the stars with very great proper motion, very much greater than the average, we find with regard to four that three of them are undoubtedly metallic, but it is possible that the star 1830Groombridge, which is always looked upon as the star which beats the record in velocity seeing that it would travel from London to Pekin in about two minutes, is not a metallic star.* * These stars are 1830 Groombridge 2 2758 . . S 578 . . B.C. 583 . . 7 '04 . . Gaseous or proto-metallic. 5 -196 . . Metallic. 4-0, Co, &c., the lines AI, A 2 , &c., show the same magnetic effect in character, and have the same value of 0/w. The lines BI, B-2, BS, &c., and Ci, C-2, Cs, &c., form other series, and possess a common value for the quantity e/m in each case. Dr. Preston, one of the most successful workers in this new field; states : " The value of e/m for the A series differs from that possessed hy the B series, or the C series, and this leads us to infer that the atom of zinc is built up of ions which differ from each other in the value of the quantity e/m, that each of these different ions is effective in pro- ducing a certain series of lines in the spectrum, of the metal." But this is by no means all that is to be learned from Dr. Preston's researches. He writes " When we examine the spectrum of cadmium or of magnesium that is, when we examine the spectra of other metals of the same chemical group we find that not only are the spectra homologous, not only do the lines group themselves in similar groups, but we find in addition that the corresponding lines of the different spectra are similarly affected by the magnetic field. And further, not only is the character of the magnetic effect the same for the corresponding lines of the different metals of the same chemical group, but the actual magnitude of the resolution, as measured by the quantity e/m, is the same for the corresponding series of linos in the different spectra. This is illustrated in the following table, and leads us to believe, or at least to suspect, that the ion which produces the lines AI, A 2 , AS, &c., in the spectrum of zinc is the same as that which produces the corre- sponding series AI, A 2 , AS, &c., in cadmium, and the same for the corresponding sets in the other metals of this chemical group. Iri other words, we are led to suspect that, not only is the atom a com- plex composed of an association of different ions, but that the atoms of those substances which lie in the same chemical group are perhaps built up from the same kind of ions, or at least from ions which possess the same e/m, and that the differences which exist in the materials thus constituted arise more from the manner of association of the ions in the atom than from differences in the fundamental cha- racter of the ions which build up the atoms/' 188 INORGANIC EVOLUTION. [CHAP. Nonets Magnetic effect. or complex Sextet*. Triplets. triplets. Cadmium . . . . A = 5086 4800 4678 Zinc A = 4811 4722 4680 Magnesium . . . . A = 5184 5178 5167 Processional spin .. e/m = 55 ejm = 87 ejm = 100 [This table shows the effect for the three lines which form the first natural triplet in the spectrum of cadmium compared with the corresponding lines in the spectrum of zinc and magnesium. It will be seen that the corresponding lines in the different spectra suffer the same magnetic effect both in character and magni- tude. Thus the corresponding lines 4800, 4722, 5173 are each resolved into sextets, and the rate at which the ionic orbit is caused to precess is the same for each (denoted by ejm = 87 in the table). Similarly for the other corresponding lines.] This is a result of the first order of importance. I previously dis- cussed what might be expected to happ3n if the complex system giving the spectrum of an element were broken up, and showed that if less complex systems of the same pattern that is, consisting of centre of force and ion with its electric charge were thus produced, these systems would be just as capable of giving spectra as the one the breaking up of which produced them. We should get new ions free to move 'and vibrate, and new spectra which may reveal the constituents, that is, the mariner in which the complex system breaks up. But Dr. Preston goes further that this. He shows that the same ion associated with different centres of force gives us lines at different wave-lengths. That a certain ion which in the spectrum of mag- nesium gives rise to b is also present in zinc and cadmium, though there is no trace of b in their spectra. Now, if the views held by those who have worked along any of these lines be confirmed, we shall be compelled not only to give up polymerisation as the only cause of greater complexity of the mole- cules of the elements, but to acknowledge a great strengthening of the view that all chemical atoms have a common basis, and build new mental images on this basis. I now pass from the spectroscopic evidence to work in a new field. Professor J. J. Thomson's Researches. I have before referred to the fact that science now has to consider masses much smaller than the atom of hydrogen. This we owe not only to a discussion of the phenomena of series, but also to some XXIV.] FROM A PHYSICAL STANDPOINT. 189 recent researches of Professor J. J. Thomson, made in connection with his work on the cathode rays. Since the cathode rays produce -luminous effects their path can be traced, hence it is known that they are deflected in a magnetic field. This deflection depends upon the mass of each particle and the electric charge it carries, that is, upon their ratio, m/e. This ratio Professor J. J. Thomson finds to be about yj^th of the corresponding value for the hydrogen ion in ordinary electrolysis. At the same time it has been found by Professor J. J. Thompson and Mr. Townsend that the electric charge e is the same for cathode rays and a hydrogen ion. The m/e in fact may be regarded as inde- pendent of the nature of the gas. Since then the m/e of the hydrogen ion is 700 times greater than in the case of cathode particles, the m, the 'smallest mass whose existence Professor J. J. Thomson has glimpsed, can only be about T J^th of the hydrogen ion. Professor J. J. Thomson writes : l " The explanation which seems to me to account in the most simple .and straightforward manner for the facts is fc*unded on a view of the constitution of the chemical elements which has been favourably enter- tained by many chemists ; this view is that the atoms of the different chemical elements are different aggregations of atoms of the same kind. * * * * * * " Thus on this view we have in the cathode rays matter in a new state, a state in which the subdivision of matter is carried very much further than in the ordinary gaseous state : a state in which all matter that is, matter derived from different sources, such as hydrogen, oxygen, &c. is of one and the same kind, this matter being the sub- stance from which all the chemical elements are built up. * * * * * * " The smallness of the value m/e is, I think, due to the largeness of