LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class 0. s * * ^^ J 5 QD < UJ ^l o (!) g J * h < , h AA M q to^ M " CD i z ^ H u Jj W ^"^ i UJ ^ h IT ^ *H * i n 5 8 FP s i!r -^Uf^. UNI UNIVE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA EUGENE ALLEN SMITH, State Geologist -> - *> :s The Underground Water Resources of Alabama By EUGENE ALLEN SMITH PREPARED IN GO-OPERATION WITH THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Montgomery, Alabama The Brown Printing Company, State Printers and Binders 1907 PREFATORY LETTER. To his Excellency, B. B." COMER, Governor of Alabama, Sir: Since 1898 thje Geological Survey of Alabama in co-operation with the United States Geological Survey, has been engaged in the systematic investigation of the Water Resources of the State. Most of the well records contained in the present report were published by the United States Geological Survey, in Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 102, "Contributions to the Hydrology of the Eastern United States, by M. L. Fuller, 1903-4." A year later a Summary of the Underground Water Conditions in Alabama, with a sketch map showing approxi- mately the artesian water systems of the State, was prepared by the present writer for Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 114 of the National Survey, "Underground Water Condi- tions of the Eastern United States, by M. L. Fuller, 1904." The manuscript of this report, in approximately its present form, was submitted in July 1905 to the Director of the United States Geological Survey. In that office it was edited, to its material improvement, and with the expectation of early publi- cation ; but owing to the congestion of work at the Govern- ment Printing Office, the prospect of immediate publication by the National Survey seemed to be so remote that the manu- script was returned for publication by the Alabama Survey. During this interval a considerable amount of new material had accumulated, which has been incorporated in the report, together with additional sections in the discussion of the Chem- istry and Classification of the Alabama Waters. I trust that the report now submitted to the people of Ala- bama may be of service to many, and that in due time it may be followed by a more comprehensive account of the Under- ground Water Resources of the State, and especially of the medicinal waters'. 182018 iv PREFATORY LETTER. Most of the records of wells and springs herein mentioned were collected by Dr. B. F. Lovelace, then with the University of Alabama ; some, by Mr. James A. Anderson of Alabama Sur- vey; the rest by correspondence from the office of the United States' Geological Survey. The analyses, with the few excep- tions duly credited, were made in the laboratory of the Ala- bama Survey by Mr. R. S. Hodges, Chemist to the Survey. Very respectfully, EUGENE A. SMITH, State Geologist. University of Alabama, March 25, 1907. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Physical Geography, Geology and Climate Physical geography and natural divisions- Geographic position Surface configuration and grand divisions 1 River systems Mountain and table-lands . 3 Subdivisions * Geology 4 Appalachian division 6 Talladega Mountains and Ashland Plateau G Appalachian Valleys 7 Coal Fields 9 Valley of the Tennessee 10 Coastal Plain division 12 Cretaceous 1 13 Tuscaloosa formation 13 Eutaw sands 13 Selnia chalk Ripley formation Tertiary Eocene 14 Midway group 15 Clayton limestone 15 Sucarnochee clay 15 Naheola (Matthews Landing) formation . . 15 Chickasaw (Wilcox) group 15 Nanafalia formation (Coal Bluff) 16 Tuscahoma formation (Bells Landing) 17 Bashi formation (Woods Bluff) 17 Hatchetigbee formation 17 Claiborne group Tallahatta buhrstone 17 Lisbon formation Gosport greensand St. Stephens Limestone Topographic features of the Ebcene __ 19 Miocene Chattahoochee series Pliocene Pascagoula r - Grand Gulf formation _ Quaternary Lafayette formation : 24 Later formations 25 Climate of Alabama, by Frank P. Chaffee 25 General features Temperature Killing frost Precipitation 28 Hail _ 29 Fog 29 Thunderstorms Winds _ 30 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. A. General discussion of underground waters 32 Source of circulating waters ,_ 32 Disposition of the water falling upon the land surface 32 Evaporation before absorption 33 Direct runoff or flood-flow 33 Absorption _ 34 Final runoff 35 Amount of water available to artesian wells 35 Depth of penetration 36 Distribution and movements of underground waters 37 Modifications of groundwater movement due to physical structure 37 Porosity 37 Amount of water absorbed by porous rocks 38 Incomplete saturation 39 Lost water 39 Permeability . 40 Cause and rate of movement of underground waters 40 Velocity 41 Flow or discharge, 41 Modifications of groundwater movement due to topography 43 Groundwater divisions 43 Surface zone of flow : 44 Form of the groundwater table 44 Modifications of groundwater movement due to stratifica- tion 46 Deep zones of flow 46 Recovery of underground waters 48 Waters near the surface 48 Springs 48 Open wells 49 Driven wells 49 Deep-seated waters 51 Deep springs (Fissure springs) 51 Artesian wells 51 B. Artesian Wells 52 Essential conditions 52 Artesian system 53 Modifying conditions 57 Effects of erosion 57 Variations in the water-bearing stratum 58 Variations in the confining impervious beds 59 Other modifying conditions 60 Arrangement of the strata in the Alabama Coastal Plain 61 Decline or failure of artesian wells 62 Increase of leakage 62 Closure of the bore 62 Decline from exhaustion 62 Character of the water 63 Temperature 63 Mineral ingredients 64 CHAPTER III. Detailed description of the Underground waters of Alabama. Appalachian division 66 Talladega Mountains and Ashland Plateau__ 66 TABLE OF CONTENTS. vil Surface features 66 Shallow waters 66 Mineral waters 67 Artesian prospects 68 Lanett wells 70 Alexander City wells 70 Auburn, Lee county 71 Appalachian Valleys 71 Surface features 71 Shallow waters 71 Mineral waters 72 Sulphur and chalybeate waters Jones springs 73 St. Clair springs 73 Talladega springs 74 Shelby springs * 75 Hawkins well Leeds mineral water 75 Alabama White Sulphur springs 76 Blonnt springs and vicinity 77 Cold spring 79 Glenwood Springs 79 Harrell's well 80 Borden-Wheeler springs . 80 Other springs 81 Ingram Well 82 Saline Waters 82 Landers well and Gary springs 82 Ball Flat well 83 Artesian prospects 84 Anniston 85 Gate City 86 Coal Measures (Carboniferous rocks) 88 Shallow waters 88 Mineral waters 88 Cook springs 89 Springs on Shades Mountain 89 . Springs on Lookout Mountain 90 Mentone springs 91 Other springs 91 Artesian prospects 92 Etowah county 93 Cahaba field 94 St. Clair County 94 Warrior field 94 Walker County 94 Cnllman County 95 Marion County 96 Jefferson County 96 Fayette County 97 Tuscaloosa County 97 Yalley of the Tennessee 100 Surface features 100 Shallow waters 100 Mineral waters Chalybeate springs Sulphur springs Alkaline-Saline springs Acid springs Tar springs Artesian prospects 105 vin TABLE OF CONTENTS. New Market 105 Hazel Green 106 South of Tennessee River 106 Coastal Plain Division 108 General account . 108 Waters of the Cretaceous 111 Tombigbee-Alabama-Conecuh rivers drainage 111 Discussion by counties 113 Lainar County 113 Shallow waters 113 Artesian prospects 114 Sulligent 114 Fayette County 114 Tuscaloosa County 115 Surface features '. 115 Shallow waters 115 Artesian prospects 117 Tuscaloosa and vicinity 118 Right bank of river 120 Hulls 121 Willifords 122 Bibb County 122 Chilton County 123 Pickens County 123 Surface features 123 Shallow waters 123 Artesian prospects 124 Wells in the Eutaw formation 124 Sipsey River 125 Lubbub Creek 125 Aliceville and vicinity 125 Near Tombigbee River 126 Pickensville and vicinity 127 Wells in the Selma Chalk 128 Vienna and vicinity 128 Stone and vicinity 129 Sherman, Dancy and vicinity 130 Sumter County 131 Surface features 131 Shallow waters 131 Springs in Selma chalk 131 Near Epes 131 Springs in the Tertiary foramtion 132 York and vicinity 133 Artesian prospects 135 Warsaw and vicinity 135 Gainesville and vicinity 137 Epes and vicinity 139 Sumterville and vicinity 141 Livingston and vicinity 141 Greene County 143 Surface features 143 Artesian records 145 Judge Mobley's list 146 Sipsey 152 Lock 6 now Lock 9, Black Warrior River__ 152 Steeles Bluff T 152 Clinton and vicinity 152 Eutaw and vicinity and southward 152 Hairston _ 156 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ix Boligee and vicinity 156 Burton Hill 157 Erie and vicinity 157 Forkland and vicinity 157 Hale County 158 Surface features 158 Artesian wells 158 Moundville and vicinity 159 Powers Station and vicinity 160 Cypress Switch 160 Stewarts and vicinity 160 Akron and vicinity 101 Evans Station and vicinity 162 Wedgworth, (Greenwood, Mays Station) 163 Lock 4 (now Lock 7) 165 Sawyerville and vicinity 166 Erie 166 Greensboro and vicinity 167 Millwood and vicinity 168 Cedarville and vicinity 169 Whitsitt and vicinity 170 Newberne and vicinity 171 Sunshine 174 Laneville and vicinity 174 Gallion and vicinity 174 Faunsdale and vicinity _ 175 Perry County 176 Shallow waters 177 Artesian waters _ : 177 Wells in the Tuscaloosa formation 177 >\ 7 ells in the Eutaw formation 178 Marion and vicinity 178 Old Hamburg 178 Radfordville 178 Felix and vicinity 179 Wells in the Senna chalk 180 Uniontown and vicinity 180 Scott's Station 180 Southward from Marion 180 Hamburg Station and vicinity 181 Marion Junction and vicinity 182 Marengo County 182 Surface features 182 Artesian records 183 Demopolis and vicinity 183 Gallion and vicinity 185 Faunsdale and vicinity 185 Near Old Spring Hill 186 Dayton 186 Linden 187 Flatwoods or Post Oaks 188 Lower part of the county 190 Dallas County 190 General Conditions 190 Artesian records : 192 Cahaba 192 Selma and vicinity 194 Along the Louisville & Nashville R. R 199 Orrville and vicinity 199 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Martins Station and vicinity, Louisville & Nashville R. R. 100 Near lines of Southern R. R. 200 East of Alabama River 205 Lowndes Comity 205 Surface features 206 Artesian records 207 Scott Hill 207 Lowndes Station 207 Corrie 207 Hayneville 208 Montgomery County 208 Surface features 208 Shallow waters 208 Artesian records 208 Montgomery 200 North and west of Montgomery ,_ 213 South and east of Montgomery 213 Autauga County 215 Shallow waters 215 Artesian prospects 215 Prattville 215 Autaugaville 210 Elmore County 210 Surface features 210 Shallow waters 210 Artesian conditions 220 Prattville Junction 220 Grandview 221 State Farm 221 Macon County 221 Surface features 221 Artesian prospects 221 Tuskegee 222 Warriorstand 222 Chesson 222 Hardaway , 222 Downs and vicinity 222 Fort Davis 223 Roba 223 Lee County 223 Surface features 223 Artesian prospects 223 Auburn 223 Girard 224 Pike County 224 Artesian prospects 224 Orion and vicinity 224 Logton 225 Linwood ^ 225 Troy 225 Bullock County 226 Surface features 226 Artesian prospects 227 Mitchell Station 227 Fitzpatrick 227 Thompson Station 227 North of Chunnennugga Ridge 227 Shopton and vicinity 227 Bughall 228 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ( xi Union. Springs and vicinity 228 East of Union Springs 220 South of Union Springs . 229 River drainage "bine marl region" 230 Stratigraphic characters 230 County details 232 Russell comity 232 Surface features 232 Artesian records 232 Kaolin Station 232 Hurtsboro and vicinity 233 Hatchechnbbee and vicinity 234 Seale and vicinity 234 Rutherford and vicinity 235 Pittsboro and vicinity 236 Glenville and vicinity 237 Barbour County 238 Surface features 238 Artesian prospects 240 Eufaula and vicinity 240 Harris and vicinity 242 Clayton 244 Waters of the Tertiary 245 General statement 245 Discussion by counties 252 Henry County 252 Surface features 252 Artesian record 252 Houston County 252 Surface features 252 Artesian records 253 Columbia 253 Dothan 253 Geneva County 254 Surface features 254 Artesian records . 254 Geneva' 2o4 Hartford >r Slocomb '. 255 Dale County 255 Artesian prospects 255 Ozark 256 Coffee County 256 Surface features 256 Artesian prospects 256 Elba and vicinity 257 Brocton 257 Enterprise 258 Covington County 258 Surface features 258 Shallow waters 258 Artesian prospects '. 259 Andalusia and vicinity 259 River Falls and Sanford 260 Crenshaw County 261 Surface features 261 Artesian prospects 261 Theba 262 Hrantley and vicinity 262 Searight - 263 xii TABLE OF CONTENTS. Butler County 263 Surface features : 263 Mineral waters 263 Roper's well 263 liutler Springs 265 Artesian prospects 266 Greenville 266 Forest 266 Boiling - 266 Chapman 267 Dunham 267 Conecuh County 267 Surface features 267 Artesian prospects 268 Evergreen 268 Escambia County 268 Surface features 268 Artesian prospects 269 Brewton and vicinity 269 Herrington and vicinity 271 Pollard 271 West of Pollard 272 Roberts 273 Monroe County 276 Surface features 276 Mineral waters 276 Awin and vicinity 276 Tunnel Springs 277 Artesian prospects 277 Nadawah 278 Maros 278 Wilcox County 279 Surface features 279 Mineral waters 280 Caledonia 280 Schuster 280 Awin 281 Other Springs 281 Artesian prospects 282 Pine Hill 282 Catherine and vicinity 282 Clarke County 283 Surface features 283 Mineral waters 283 Tallahatta Springs 283 Lower Salt Works Sulphur Springs 283 Artesian prospects 284 Old Salt wells 284 Recent borings 286 Choctaw County 290 Surface features 290 Mineral Springs 290 Springs of the Claiborne formation 290 Thornton springs _: 290 Mineral extracts 290 Springs of the Buhrstone and Hatchetigbee formations _ 291 Bladon Springs 291 Springs along Turkey Creek 293 Other Springs 293 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xin Springs of the Woods Bluff formation 294 Butler and vicinity 294 Springs of the Tuscahoma formation 294 Springs of the Nanafalia formation 294 Springs of the Naheola formation 295 Artesian prospects _: 295 Cullom Springs 295 Butler 297 Washington County : 297 Surface features 297 Mineral Springs 298 Springs of the Hatchetigbee formation 298 Springs of the Grand Gulf formation 299 Healing Springs : 299 Artesian prospects 300 Old Salt wells .. 300 St. Stephens 301 Mobile County 302 Surface features 302 Mineral waters 304 Citronelle 304 Springs near the coast 304 Springs about Mobile Bay 306 Artesian prospects 307 Mobile and vicinity 307 Alabama Port 311 Fort Gaines 309 Wells on Portersville Bay Shore 313 Citronelle 314 Baldwin County 314 Surface features 314 Shallow waters 315 Mineral waters 316 Artesian prospects . 316 Supplementary notes 317 Additions 317 Appalachian Valleys 317 Valley of the Tennessee 317 Coastal Plain Division 318 Cretaceous 318 Hale County : 318 Tertiary 320 Sumter County 320 Corrections. CHAPTER IV. Chemistry and Classification of Alabama Waters 323 Chemistry 323 Classification 326 Scheme of Classification 328 Alkaline Waters (Tables I and II) 328 Alkaline-Saline waters (Table III) 331 Saline waters (Table IV) 332 Acid waters (Table V) 334 Generalizations 336 Waters from the Tuscaloosa strata (Table VI; 336 Waters from the Eutaw sands (Table VII) 337 Waters from Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary strata (Table VIII) 338 xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. Blue Marl waters 338 Tertiary waters 339 Concluding Remarks 344 Sanitary Analysis 345 Analysis of Mineral Waters 34G Tables df analyses of Alabama waters 351 Table I. Calcic alkaline bi-carbonates waters 352-353 Table II. Sodic alkaline bi-carbonated waters 354 Table III. Alkaline-saline waters 356-357 Table IV. Saline waters 358-359 Table V. Acid waters 360 Table VI. Waters derived from Tuscaloosa strata 361 Table VII. Waters derived from Eutaw sands 362 Table VIII. Waters derived from upper Cretaceous (Blue Marl) and Tertiary strata 363 ILLUSTRATIONS. FULL PAGE PLATES. Plate I Frontispiece. Geological and Artesian Water Map of Alabama. Facing Page. Plate II 49 Big Spring in Huntsville, Madison County. Plate III 74 Talladega Springs, Talladega County. Plate IV 75 Shelby Springs, Shelby County. Plate V 76 Hawkins Well, (Leeds Mineral Water) Jefferson County. Plate VI 77 Alabama White Sulphur Springs, Dekalb County. Plate VII . 78 Blount Springs, Blount County. Plate VIII 80 Borden- Wheeler Springs, Cleburne County. Plate IX 82 A. Ingram Well, near Ohatchee, Calhoun County. B. Gate City Well, Jefferson County. Plate X. 89 A. Cook Springs, St. Clair County. B. Mentone Springs, Dekalb County. Plate XI 100 Big Spring, Tuscumbia, Colbert County. Plate XII 103 Bailey Springs, Lauderdale County. Plate XIII 110-111 Map of Alabama Showing Approximately the Artesian Systems. Plate XIV . 1 122 Artesian Well at Willifords, Tuscaloosa County. Plate XV 169 A. Well on Crassdale Plantation (J. O. Banks) near Eutaw Greene County. B.Pickens Well, near Greensboro, Hale County. Plate XVI _ 197 TABLE OF CONTEXTS. xv A. Well in Elkdale Park, Selma, Dallas County. B. Old Road Showing Grand Gulf Strata capped with Lafayette near Gainestown Ferry, Clarke County. Plate XVII 246 A. Blue Pond Near Dixie, Covington County. B. Pavilion of Sulphur Well, near Clarke County. Plate XVIII 1 247 Red Bluff on Mobile Bay near Moiitrose, Baldwin Coun- ty, Grand Gulf Strata capped with Lafayette. Plate XIX 248 Bluff of Grand Gulf Strata overlain by Lafayette, Perdido Bay, near Soldiers Creek, Baldwin County. Plate XX 249 Perdido Bay from Bluff, near Lillian, Baldwin County. Plate XXI 250 Gum Pond, Flatwoods (Grand Gulf), Baldwin County. Plate XXII 251 Pine Meadow or Savannah, between Swift and Lillian, Baldwin County. Plate XXIII 259 McDade's Pond, Florala, Covington County. Plate XXIV 292 A. Hotel at Bladon Springs, Choctaw County. B. Pavilion of Sulphur Spring, Bladon Springs, Choc- taw County. Plate XXV 295 Hotel at Culloin Springs near Bladou Springs, Choctaw County. Plate XXVI 297 Salt Well at Cullom Springs, Choctaw County. Plate XXVII 299 A. Mound Spring at Healing Springs, Washington County. B. Creek Spring at Healing Springs, Washington Countv. Plate XXVIII 310 Bascomb Well No. 2 (Salt Water and Inflammable Gas), near Mobile, Mobile County. Plate XXIX 313 Artesian Well, Oyster Canning Establishment, near Bayou LaBatre, Mobile County. Plate XXX 342 Sketch Map of Cretaceous Formation. xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. FIGURES IN TEXT. Fig. Page. 1. Map showing mean annual temperatures in Alabama 28 2. Map showing average annual precipitation for Alabama 30 3. Ideal section across a river valley showing the position of the groundwater, etc 45 4. Diagrammatic section illustrating seepage and the growth of streams 45 5. Hillside spring from unconfmed water bed without head__ 48 6. Hillside spring from confined bed under more or less head 49 7. Diagram showing buried sloughs 50 8. Fissure Spring 51 9. Section showing conditions furnishing flows from unconfined sandy strata __ 53 11. Diagrammatic representation of a single artesian system 54 10. Ideal Artesian Basin 54 12. Underground conditions in Thompsonville well (Conn.) 55 13. Illustrating the influence of the dip of the strata on the width of the outcrop 55 14. Section showing effects of erosion 58 15. Section illustrating the thinning out of a porous water bearing bed 58 16. Section illustrating the transition of a porous water-bearing bed into a close textured impervious one 59 17. Illustrating the overlapping of the intake area of the porous bed by an impervious bed 60 18. Illustrating occurrence of a gravel bed completely enclosed in clays 60 19. Illustrating occurrence of gravelly beds of ancient streams between impervious beds 60 20. Illustrates conditions apparently favorable for water, but where it does not accumulate 61 21. Section North and South across Alabama Coastal Plain illustrating its artesian conditions 62 22. Well in jointed rock 69 23. Diagram of Blount Springs 78 UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF ALABAMA. CHAPTER I. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY; GEOLOGY, AND CLIMATE. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND NATURAL DIVISIONS. Geographic position. Alabama is situated between the eighty-fifth and eighty-ninth meridians of west longitude and mainly between the thirty-first and thirty-fifth parallels of north latitude. The .total area thus included is, according to the latest estimates, 52,251 square miles, of which 51,540 square miles' constitute the land surface. Surface Configuration and Grand Divisions. Apart from the minor inequalities and the relatively small area of the Talladega Mountains, the surface of the State may be considered as an eroded or dissected plain, whose mean elevation above sea level is not much les's than 600 feet. To the north and east the surface rises above this elevation and to the south and west it sinks below it. A curving line drawn from the northwest cor- ner of the State through Tuscaloosa and Montgomery to Co- lumbus, Georgia, would mark approximately the southern boundary of the area whose altitude is above 600 feet. This elevated land is the Southwestern terminus of the great Appa- lachian region, and forms' the Appalachian Division of this report. The line along which the highest altitudes occur i. e., the axis of elevation of this area runs in a northeast-southwest direction nearly along the northern boundaries of Coosa, Clay, and Cleburne counties. The altitude increases toward the northeast, and as a consequence the general slope of the surface is away from this elevated area toward che northwest, west, 2 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. southwest, south, and southeast. The mountains of the State all rise 1200 to 1600 feet above the highland, or 2000 to 2400 feet above sea level. The rest of the State, whose general alti- tude is less than 600 feet, constitutes the Coastal Plain Divi- sion. The surface of this' area slopes, approximately one foot to the mile, south and west toward the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi Valley. The elevation decreases from about 600 feet where it-touches the Appalachian division to 200 to 300 feet in the highlands overlooking the Gulf in the two coast counties. Into the materials of this gently sloping plain the rivers and other streams' have sunk their channels, leaving between them the remnants of the original mass which constitute the hills of this section of the State. Another point of difference between the two great divisions, readily seen by an inspection of the map, is the prevailing north- east-southwest direction of the minor subdivisions of the Appa- lachian area and the approximately east-west trend of such sub- divisions in the Coastal Plain area. Some other important dif- ferences between the two sections will be discussed below. River systems. In general terms, two factors have been mainly instrumental in determining the direction of the drain- age systems of Alabama. These are, first, the slopes toward the northwest and southeast away from the Appalachian axis of elevation, and second, the more general slope of the surface of the State, taken as a whole, southwestward toward the Mis- sissippi Valley. The latter factor has greatly outweighed the former in fixing the direction of the watercourses, the result being that the whole drainage system of the State has a gen- eral southwesterly direction, 'with the single exception of the Tennessee River. In the southeastern half of the Appalachian area, while the natural fall is to the southeast and south, most of the streams, especially the minor ones, are also influenced by the northeast- southwest trend of the valleys and ridges and make their way toward the Coastal Plain in a zigzag course, alternating between southeast and southwest. In the northwestern half of the Ap- palachian area, the two branches of Black Warrior River fol- low in general the troughs or basins of the Warrior coal field, which pitch toward the southwest, while the Tennessee, en- tering the State near its northeastern corner, follows a limestone PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND NATURAL DIVISIONS. 3 valley southwestward to Guntersville, and then turns north- westward down the slope from the axis of the Appalachian highlands. In the central part of the Appalachian area the dependence of minor ridges and valleys on the geologic structure is most clearly seen. They all have a northeast-southwest trend, par- allel to the strike of the outcropping edges of the folded strata. The valleys are cut into the limestones and other easily eroded rocks, while the harder rocks form the ridges. In the Coastal Plain area the main or trunk streams have southerly or southwesterly courses, determined by the general slope of the surface ; while their minor tributaries together with attendant ridges and valleys, are controlled in location and di- rection by the geologic structure and by the character of the materials of the geological formations. Throughout the Coastal Plain the constituent beds of sand, clay, limestone, and marl, have a dip in the same general di- rection as the surface of the country, but at a more rapid rate on an average about 35 or 40 feet to the mile. While the main (consequent) streams' have cut across the edges of these slightly inclined beds, the smaller streams run roughly parallel to them. The result is that the landward or in-facing slopes of the minor stream valleys are abrupt, while the slopes facing gulfward are very gentle, often hardly to be distinguished from horizontal. Thus, while the adjustment of the smaller streams of the Coas- tal Plain to the geologic structure is not so striking, it 5s 1 in places quite as complete as in the Appalachian area. Mountains and table-lands. As has been intimated above, the mountainous 1 region of the State is confined to the Appalachian division, the two halves of which (divided by a northeast- southwest line) show important differences. In the southeas- tern half the strata have been greatly folded and plicated and in part metamorphosed, and are always much indurated. As a consequence the mountains of this section, illustrated by the Talladega Mountain range, the most elevated in the State, are often s'harp-crested and serrated, but always with uneven sum- mits. In the northwestern half the strata are in wide, open waves or folds, and the mountains, exemplified by the Cumber- land Plateau, are merel ythe remnants of an elevated table- land, with steep slopes toward the bordering valleys.- Between 4 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. the principal members of this mountain system are great val- leys which are carved in the main from limestones interstrati- fied with harder and more durable beds' of sandstone and chert. These harder beds form northeast-southwest minor ridges which flute the great valley areas. There are no mountains properly so called in the Coastal Plain. The hills, like those of the Cumberland Plateau, are merely remnants carved from the original mass. Sub-Divisions. The sub-divisions' of the Appalachian area, based on the topographic and geologic features, are : ( i ) The Talladega Mountains and Ashland Plateau, of igneous and metamorphic rocks; (2) the Appalachian valleys of Paleozoic rocks below the Coal Measures, (Pennsylvanian) ; (3) the coal fields of the Pennsylvanian Series ; and (4) the Tennessee Val- ley, of the Mississippian Series, (Lower Carboniferous.) The Coastal Plain has two great basal systems, the Cretace- ous and Tertiary, and two blanket formations, the Grand Gulf and Lafayette. The Coastal Plain is' best adapted to general agriculture and is noted for its extensive forest growths. In both these great divisions of the State the topographic and other distinctive characters of the minor subdivisions are so intimately dependent on the geologic structure that it is de- sirable to discus's these features in connection with the geolo- gic formations. GEOLOGY. The subjoined table shows the chronological sequence of the geologic formations represented in Alabama, and the geologic map (PL I.) shows their surface distribution. It may be added that the existence of certain late Tertiary marine formations in the lower counties of the State has been revealed by deep borings, while their outcrops have not as 1 yet been observed at the surface, a circumstance that is partly explained by the pres- ence in that section of two superficial formations, the Grand Gulf and the Lafayette, beneath which these marine deposits lie in places deeply buried. GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS OF ALABAMA. Quaternary. Tertiary f Soils First bottom deposits and recent alluvium Second bottom deposits Columbia sands Lafayette Pliocene J Grand Gulf | Pascagoula Miocene Chattahoochee (Alum Bluff, Oak Grove, etc.) / St. Stephens limestone Gosport greensand I Claiborne ^ Lisbon beds Tallahatta buhrstone v Eocene-./ Chickasaw Or Wilcox j (Lignitic) Midway. Hatchetigbee J Bashi (Woods Bluff.) | Tuscahoma (Bells Landing.) Nanafalia (Coal Bluff) . Naheola (Matthews Landing.) Sucarnochee clay ( Clayton limestone f Ripley marl ] Eutaw sand I Tuscaloosa formation Carboniferous. / Pennsylvanian Series / (Coal measures) JMississippiau Series [ (Lower Carboniferous) Bangor limestone Oxmoor formation Tuscumbia limestone L Lauderdale chert Devonian Chattanooga black shale Silurian Red Mountain formation (Clinton) Pelham limestone (Trenton) Dolomite Ordovician- _ Cambrian Coosa shale Mcntevallo formation Aldricb limestone Weisner sandstone Contempo- raneous. Ft. Payne chert /Talladega slates. Metamorphic and Igneous rocks Metamorphic Paleozoic strata; Pennsylvanian in part C Metamorphic sediments of undetermined }\ C Metamorphic sediments Mshland mica schists j age> probably Paleozoic Igneous rocks C Granites, diorites, gneisses, etc., of several geg ( pre -Cambrian and Paleozoic) 6 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. APPALACHIAN DIVISION. The main characteristics of the Appalachian area have al- ready been sketched. Its four subdivisions' will now be taken up more in detail, especially as regards the topography and ge- ologic structure, the discussion of the relation of these to the circulation of the underground waters being- left to another chapter. Talladega Mountains and Ashland Plateau, (igneous and metamorphic rocks.) These two sections' correspond with the Blue Ridge and the Piedmont plateau of Georgia and the States to the northeast. They make up the southeastern half of the Appalachian division, embracing part or all of Cleburne, Talladega, Clay, Coosa, Chilton, Elmore, Tallapoosa, Randolph, Chambers, Lee, and Macon counties. The rocks are all more or less crystalline in texture and fall into two general classes : (i)massive or dike rocks' of igneous origin, such as granite, diorite, and diabase; and (2) metamorphic or schistose rocks. The latter class is likewise divided into two divisions according to origin: (a) those derived from igneous rocks, such as the gneisses, the hornblende schists, the Hillabee green schists, etc., (b) and those derived from sediments, such as the feebly crys- talline phyllites of the Talladega Mountains, which are now known to be, at least in part, of the age of the Pennsylvanian series, (Coal Measures) ; the more fully crystalline mica-schists of the Ashland Plateau; and the quartzitesi and crystalline marbles and dolomites. The planes of schistosity of these rocks, which may or may not coincide with original bedding planes, have in Alabama an almost universal dip to the southeast, giving a general north- east-southwest direction to all those topographic features which are due to the differential weathering of their outcropping edges. The Talladega Mountains, form the northwestern part of this subdivision. They are high, generally sharp-crested ridges with narrow, often gorgelike valleys between. These moun- tains have an altitude of 2400 feet above sea level and are the highest peaks in the State. From this elevated land the country falls off rapidly on the west toward the great Coosa Valley, and on the east to the Ashland Plateau. The latter has an average GEOLOGY. 7 elevation above the sea of 1000 feet. The plain-like character of this plateau is evidently the result of erosion "base-leveling" and is not due to the horizontal position of the rocks', as is the case with the Cumberland Plateau, presently to be described. The surface of the Ashland Plateau is made up of beveled-off edges of the steeply dipping schists, and the present topo- graphic features are due to the subsequent elevation of this bas'eleveled plain and the dissection of its mass by the water- courses. The recent discovery of Carboniferous fossils on the eastern flank of the Talladega Mountain range where it merges into the Ashland Plateau, is evidence that some, at least, of these metamorphic rocks are of Paleozoic age. The southeastern half of the Plateau is in part made up of gneis'ses and mica- schists which are apparently older than the schists above men- tioned. This may be due, however, simply to a greater degree of alteration. Dikes of granite, diorite, gabbro, and other types of rock generally considered to be of unquestioned igneous origin are sometimes intruded between the schists', and fre- quently across them. In the western part of the Ashland Plateau these dikes in- tersect the Paleozoic schists and are, therefore, of Paleozoic or later age. In the eastern part, the dikes are intruded into schists' of possible pre-Cambrian age. A kind of metamorphosed trap rock or greenstone of peculiar character has been traced in an irregular line of outcrop from Chilton County, Alabama, into Georgia. This has been called the Hillabee Schist. It has been observed in Alabama only along the eastern base of the Talla- dega Mountain range, generally separating the slates of the Talladega Mountains from the mica-schists of the Ashland Plateau. Appalachian Valleys (Paleozoic formations below the Penn- sylvanian). The wide valley with prevailing calcareous soils lying between the Talladega Mountains on the east and Look- out Mountain and the Coos'a coal field on the west has received the name of Coosa Valley, from the river which drains it. It is the continuation and terminus of the Valley of East Tennes- see and the Great Valley of Virginia. Cahaba Valley lies be- tween the Coosa and Cahaba coal fields; Wills Valley occupies the country between Lookout and Raccoon mountains. Both 8 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. of these valleys merge into the Coosa Valley between the end of Lookout Mountain and the Cahaba coal field. Between the Warrior and Cahaba coal fields are Shades and Jones' valleys, the latter at its north end branching into Coosa Valley on the one hand and Murphrees Valley on the other. Farther west, lying between Raccoon Mountain on the east and the Cumber- land Plateau on the west, is Browns or Blount Springs Valley, the prolongation in Alabama of the Sequatchee Valley of Ten- nessee. In structure all these valleys are anticlinal that is, they have been eroded out of the crests of the long, narrow folds into which the strata have been bent by the compressing force acting from the southeast. With the exception of Mur- phrees Valley, these folds were lapped over toward the north- west and so have their steeper slopes on that side, while the gentle slope is toward the southeast. In Murphrees Valley the reverse is the case, the steeper slope being on the southeast side. The erosion to which these arches have been subjected has re- moved their crests, leaving only the remnants of the upbent strata to show by their position the original structure. In the Coosa Valley the structure is more complex. It is not a single anticlinal fold, but rather a series of folds, closely compressed, overlapping toward the northwest, and complicated by faulting and over-riding of the broken j>arts. Most of the present strata are the remnants of these folds'. They have in consequence a very general dip toward the southeast. In the other valleys the structure is more simple, since there is but a single arch, which is nearly always, broken or faulted on the northwest side, (on the southeast side in Murphrees Valley.) The steep dips above alluded to are always on the faulted side. By reason of the faulting, some of the strata are cut out and do not appear as they should in a normal anticline. The geologic formations occurring in these valleys 1 range from the lowest Cambrian up to the Pennsylvanian series, the latter, however, affecting the valley making only in the sense that it makes the summits of the bordering mountains. The most prominent 'of these formations is the Knox dolomite, a massive calcareous rock which generally occupies the central portions of the valleys. There are also other important lime- stones and calcareous shales, of Cambrian age, which form the floors of parts of these valleys, especially of the Coosa. All these limestones are interbedded with sandstones and chert, GEOLOGY. 9 which stand out as subordinate ridges' that diversify all the val- leys. The Coosa Valley is thus a great trough, 30 miles wide, fluted with scores of parallel smaller valleys and ridges. The other valleys mentioned are of similar nature, but have less of these minor features'. The Weisner sandstone occurs, so far as the writer has ob- served, in the Coosa Valley region only. It is a veritable moun- tain-making formation, appearing most prominently in the range that extends from Alpine Mountain, near Coosa River, northeastward by Talladega, Oxford, and Anniston and on part Jacksonville into Georgia. The sandstones of the Red Moun- tain (Clinton) formation, as well as those of Mississippian se- ries (Lower Carboniferous,) in the southwestern part of the Coosa Valley, form a number of well-defined ridges. The sili- ceous or cherty parts' of two of the limestone formations the Knox dolomite and the Lauderdale make prominent flint ridges in all the valleys; the Lauderdale also caps the Red Mountain (Clinton) ridges of the smaller valleys. A great body of cal- careous shales and shaly limestones, appears in the "Flatwoods" of the Coosa Valley, extending from the Georgia line on both sides' of the river down to Gadsden and thence farther south- westward toward the north end of the Cahaba coal field. These are the Coosa and Montevallo shales of Cambrian age. The Pelham (Trenton) and Bangor limestones are of less importance in the valley making, though each is found in the subordinate troughs of the greater valleys. Shades Valley, which has been formed mainly out of the Bangor limestone, lies between Red Mountain, east of Birmingham, and Shades Mountain, the western escarpment of the Cahaba coal field, and forms a very important topographic feature of that section. These great valley regions are of extreme importance to Ala- bama from the fact that they contain the "iron ores, bauxites, limestones, shales and clays, all of which have played a promi- nent part in the development of the State. Coal fields (P ennsylvanian series.) The coal fields are four in number the Coosa, Cahaba, Lookout Mountain, and War- rior. They are separated from one another by long, narrow an- ticlinal valleys above described. Structurally they are troughs or synclines between these anticlines. In a general way it may be remarked that the synclinal troughs were much wider 10 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. than the anticlinal ridges, and that, away from the immediate vicinity of these uplifts, the strata of the coal fields are far less disturbed than are those of the adjacent valleys, retaining in general their original nearly horizontal position. By reference to the geological map it will be noticed that the expanse of near- ly horizontal strata of the coal becomes gradually wider and wider to the west and that the upward-bent wrinkles of the valleys are correspondingly narrower and farther apart. In the Coosa and Cahaba fields the syncline is unsymmetrical. Its axis lies close to its' southeastern edge, in consequence of which the strata on the western side of the synclinal axis, embracing the greater part of the field, have a gentle southeasterly dip. On the eastern side they are sharply upturned, at times verti- cal, and give to these fields the appearance of being mono- clines. Cross' folds of minor character divide both these fields into several smaller basins. Lookout Mountain is a shallow synclinal trough well elevated above the valleys on each side of it. The same may be said of Raccoon Mountain, which forms the northern and northeastern parts of the Warrior field. Raccoon Mountain is capped by the Pennsylvanian rocks' and presents steep escarpments to the bordering valleys. That part of these fields in which the flat- topped summits of the highlands are capped with Pennsylvanian rocks, has been called the "pla- teau region." Across Tennessee River, in the northeast corner of the State, these plateaus are known as the spurs of the Cum- berlands. In the southwestern part of the Warrior field, how- ever, the strata of the Pennsylvanian series are found at levels ranging from that of the general drainage to far below it. This part of the field has been called the "basin region." It is' evi- dent that in the plateau region only the lower strata of the Pennsylvanian series are present, while in the basin region we may have, and in its routhwect end do have, the entire thickness of these rocks. The principal coal-mining districts are thus to be found in the western or southwestern parts of these fields, especially in the Warrior and Cahaba, and less conspicuously in the Coosa. The Lookout field is wholly in the plateau region. Valley of the Tennessee, (Mississippian series}. The area included under this head is naturally divisible into two parts, the first including the region east of Huntsville, bordered by the Cumberland mountains on the one side and Sand Mountain GEOLOGY. 11 on the other. The second part embraces the valley west of Huntsville to the Mississippi State line. From the northeast corner of the State down to Guntersville, the river is confined to a long narrow trough, known in Ten- nessee as the Sequatchee Valley, and in Alabama as Browns or Big Spring Valley. Below Guntersville the river flows in a northwest direction along a narrow, often gorge-like valley through the Cumberland Plateau to about the Meridian of Huntsville. It here emerges into the broad and open valley which is usually referred to as the Valley of the Tennessee. The geologic formations of this lower stretch of the river are the Bangor (Chester) limestone with its interstratified sand- stones', lying in general south of the river, while the country to the north is made by the siliceous limestones of the Tuscum- bia (St. Louis), the Lauderdale, and other members of the Mississippian series below the Bangor. These strata, while almost horizontal, have yet a perceptible dip to the south. The river crosses them nearly at a right angle to the dip, giving a Coastal Plain type of topography. The river itself occupies a broad trough in the Tuscumbia limestones, while on both sides are erosion ridges, with steep northward-facing slopes and gen- tle structural slopes on the south. North of the river these ridges are formed by the siliceous parts of the limestones. On the south the principal east-west ridge, known as Little Moun- tain, owes its existence to one of the intercalated sandstones in the Bangor limestone. Moulton Valley lies between Little Mountain and 'Raccoon Mountain. The Tennessee Valley, like the Coosa Valley, is a complex trough fluted with narrow par- allel ridges and subordinate valleys. Back from the river the red residual soils form some of the finest farming lands in the State. The cherty portions of the limestone from which these soils are derived remain as low rocky knolls which support a fine growth of oaks. The houses of the planters are usually located on these knolls. In the more broken part of the valley, between the immediate lowlands of the river and the northern boundary of the State, the large proportion of siliceous matter in the limestones makes' the soils in general inferior to those of the river plain. 12 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY,- GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. The two fundamental systems of the Coastal Plain are the Cretaceous and Tertiary. They consist of interstratified beds of sand, clay, limestone, and marls, with their admixtures. These beds have an average dip toward the Mississippi embay- ment and the Gulf of Mexico, ranging from 30 to 40 feet to the mile. The surface of the Coastal Plain as a whole falls away in the same direction, but at a much less rapid rate about I foot to the mile so that in going southward from the Appa- lachian area we pass in succession over the beveled edges of thes'e formations from the oldest to the newest. Each of these formations, with the exception of some of the Miocene and Pliocene, occupies the surface in a belt proportional in width to its thickness and running approximately east and west across the State. After the close of Tertiary time there was deposited a blanket formation which is of great importance in the Coastal Plain. It is known as the Lafayette formation, and is a mantle of red- dish and light-colored loams and sands, with frequent beds of waterworn pebbles in the lower parts. It has an average thick- ness of 25 to 30 feet and formerly covered the entire area of the Coastal Plain. It rests' unconformably on the older for- mations following the topography in general very closely, though in many large areas it has been in great part removed by erosion. As a consequence this formation makes perhaps four-fifths of the cultivated soils of the whole plain, and its sig- nificance in relation to the underground waters, which appear in springs and shallow wells, cannot well be overestimated. The characteristics of the several divisions of the Creta- ceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary systems will here be reviewed in a general way, many details being left for consideration in connection with their relations to the underground water supply. The combined thickness of the Cretaceous formations in Alabama has been estimated to be about 2500 feet ; that of the Tertiary formations classed as Eocene in the table, about 1800 feet. The thickness of the post-Eocene strata can not yet be stated with much certainty, though in some deep borings at Mobile, Miocene shells found at a depth of over 1500 feet. GEOLOGY. 13 CRETACEOUS. The Cretaceous system in Alabama includes four formations which are, in as'cending order : (1) The Tuscaloosa, a formation of freshwater origin, made up in the main of sands and clays in many alternations. (2) The Eutaw, a formation of marine origin, composed of s'ands and clays more or less calcareous, but nowhere showing- beds of hard limestone. (3) The Selma Chalk, likewise of marine origin, a great calcareous formation of the nature of chalk, with varying ad- mixtures of clay and other impurities'. (4) The Ripley, also a marine formation in which the cal- careous constituents generally predominate, but in parts con- taining sandy or clayey beds. None of these formations .greatly affects the topography or has marked lithologic characters except the Selma chalk. This underlies a 'belt entering the State from Mississippi and ex- tending eastward with an average width of 20 to 25 miles', to a short distance beyond Montgomery, where its distinctive char- acters are lost or merged into those of the "blue-marl region," to be more particularly treated later. The somewhat uniform composition of the Selma chalk has caused it to be more deeply and evenly wasted by erosion and solution than the more sandy formations north and south of it. As a consequence, its' out- crop is in the shape of a trough, with a gently undulating, al- most unbroken surface except where remnants of the once con- tinuous Lafayette mantle have protected the underlying lime- stone from erosion and have thus formed knobs and ridges capped with its loams and pebbles. In this belt, more than in any other of the Coastal Plain, the s'oils show their residuary character. They are, as a rule, highly calcareous clays and, where much mixed with organic matters, of black color. Throughout this section are areas orig- inally destitute of trees and hence known as "prairies". From the agricultural point of view, the Selma chalk or black belt is the most highly favored part of the State and, apart from the cities, holds the densest population. 14 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. The Eutaw and Tuscaloosa formations outcropping north of the prairie or Selma chalk belt, show no marked topographic features'. The relatively broken and uneven topography of the Tuscaloosa area results largely from the preponderance of loose or slightly indurated sands with subordinate beds of plastic clay in the formation. The general absence of lime and phos- phate from the strata causes comparatively poor soils. The most important features of s'ome parts of this territory are, or rather were, the grand forests of long-leaf pine, now practically exhausted. The surface of the Eutaw belt is generally smoother than that of the Tuscaloosa, and the calcareous character of many of the sandy and clayey beds insures greater fertility. The Ripley formation, south of the Selma area, has many features in common with the Eutaw, and while prevalently sandy, it yet contains a very considerable proportion of lime- stone and calcareous clays. As has been intimated above, the Selma chalk seems to give out a short distance east of Montgomery, and the whole ma- rine Cretaceous section takes on a very uniform lithologic char- acter, being composed in the main of a bluish sandy marl in which scales and flakes' of mica are numerous. The lower beds of the blue marl might perhaps be discriminated from the rest by the presence of certain fossils of the Eutaw horizon. In the eastern part of the State, however, the three marine Creta- ceous formations, so clearly distinct in the western part, are represented by a series of beds of rather uniform lithologic character, though perhaps sufficiently distinct in their fossils. TERTIARY. EOCENE. In the western half of the State, in the vicinity of Alabama and Tombigbee rivers, the succession and thickness of the strata from the base of the Tertiary up to the top of the St. Stephens limestone, have been ascertained with a considerable degree of accuracy. Eastward to the Chattahoochee, less work has been done, but the formations have been fairly well studied and their succession and thickness along the Chattahoochee are also very well established, chiefly by the work of Mr. D. W. Langdon. These strata, which are usually classed as Eocene, have a thickness of about 1800 feet and present the following characteristics : GEOLOGY. 15 MIDWAY GROUP. Clayton limestone. At the base of the Tertiary is found an impure limestone, thin and inconspicuous in western Alabama, but thickening to the east until on Chattahoochee River it in- cludes fully 200 feet of alternating calcareous sands and lime- stones. This formation is called the Clayton limestone. Sucarnochee clay. Next above the Clayton there is, along Tombigbee River, a series of black or dark-brown clays at least 100 feet thick. This formation is also well exposed at Black Bluff on Tombigbee, and on Sucarnochee River, and has been called Sucarnochee. At Black Bluff and sparingly at a few other points these clays are fos^siliferous. While nearly devoid of lime in the Tombigbee drainage, except in the lower- most strata, the clays become more and more calcareous to the east, and in Wilcox county, east of Alabama River, they form the basis of some fine black prairie lands'. The formation east of Wilcox County has not been traced. Naheola formation (Matthews Landing.) Next above the Sucarnochee clays is the Naheola formation, embracing 150 feet or more of gray sandy clays, with some beds of dark sandy glauconitic clay contaaining marine fossils near the base. To the east this formation appears to die out and it is not found ex- posed on Chattahoochee River. CHICKASAW (WILCOX) GROUP. Between the top of the Sucarnochee clay and the base of the Tallahatta buhrstone lies a group which Dr. Hilgard, in his re- port on the Geology of Mississippi, called the Lignitic. The term LaGrange was used by Dr. Safford of Tennessee, to include a portion of the beds originally termed Lignitic by Hilgard. LaGrange. is a locality name and would doubtless have stood but for the fact that Safford included in it the La- fayette (Orange Sand), and a portion of the Cretaceous. The name Lignitic being also deemed inadmissible, because descrip- tive, the term Chickasaw, from the Chickasaw Bluffs near Mem- phis, was proposed by Dr. Hilgard and Prof. Dall as a substi- tute, to include the beds grouped by Hilgard under the term Lignitic, excluding what he termed the Flatwoods belt. In this 16 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. sense the name was duly accepted by the geologists and has been used by Prof. Dall and others since 1895. Some objection seems to have arisen to this name also, and in a recently pub- lished report, by Messrs. Eckel, Crider and Johnson, on the Underground Water Resources of Mississippi* the term Wil- cox, from Wilcox County, Alabama, where these beds are characteristically developed, is substituted for Chickasaw, and embraces the Nanafalia, the Tuscahoma, the Bashi, and the Hatchetigbee formations. In the present Report the accepted term Chickasaw is retained for this group with the alternative of Wilcox in case the objection to the former name proves to be well founded. This is the most massive of these divisions, having a thick- nes's which is probably not less than 900 feet. It also presents a great variety in lithologic character and in fossil contents. In the most general terms the Chickasaw or Wilcox strata are cross-bedded sands, thin-bedded or laminated sands, laminated clays, and clayey s'ands, with beds of lignite and lignitic matter which merely colors the sands and clays'. With these are found interbedded at several horizons strata containing marine and estuarine fossils. The fossil-bearing beds 1 form the basis for the separation of this group into four formations, given in some detail below. Nanafalia formation (Coal Bluff.} The Nanafalia overlies 1 the Naheola, and maintains a tolerably uniform thickness of about 200 feet entirely across the State. These beds are mostly sandy, but contain great numbers of the shells' of a small oys- ter, Gryphoea thirsae. Near Alabama River and for a short distance to the east, a gray siliceous clay with a tendency to indurate into a tolerably firm rock resembling very closely some of the strata of the Tallahatta buhrstone of the Claiborne group, presently to be described, is a characteristic feature of the whole section. At the base of the oyster-shell beds there are, at cer- tain localities, other fossiliferous beds containing a great va- riety of forms. At the bottom of the Nanafalia formation there is a bed of lignite, 5 to 7 feet thick, which may be traced across the country from Tombigbee River into Pike County, where it is' well ex- posed near Glenwood station, not far from Troy. *Water Supply Paper, No. 159, U. S. Geological Survey. GEOLOGY. 1 7 The Nanafalia sands will be considered again in another chapter in connection with the underground water supply of some parts of the State. Tuscahoma formation (Bells Landing.) These beds are about 140 feet thick and consist mainly of gray and yellow cross-bedded sands and sandy clays, generally poor in fos'sils except Pt one horizon, which is typically exposed at the locali- ties from which the two names above have been taken. Dashi formation (Woods Bluff). Above the Tuscahoma is the B?shi which averages perhaps 80 feet in thickness. It is composed of the sands and sandy clays common in the Tertiary. It is distinguished by a characteristic bed of highly fossiliferous greensand with associated beds of lignite immediately below it. By these features the Bashi may be easily identified across the width of the State. The best exposure of the fossiliferous green sands of this formation is at Woods Bluff on Tombigbee river. Hatchetigbee formation. /The uppermost formation of the Wilcox group is composed of beds of brown, purple, and gray laminated sandy clays and cross-bedded sands abounding in characteristic fossils. It is about 175 feet thick in the vicinity of Tombigbee River, but it thins to the east, though otherwise maintaining its distinctive character. These beds have been name-! Hatchetigbee, from a bluff on Tombigbee River. They will be referred to again in the discussion of the underground waters. CLAIBORNE GROUP. Between the Chickasaw group and the base of the St. Steph- ens limestone lie the strata of the Claiborne group easily divi- sible in Alabama, into three formations', the lower being the Tall?hatta Buhrstone, the middle being the Lisbon formation and the upper, the Gosport Greensand. Tallahatta buhrstone. In the western part of the State the most prominent rocks of this formation are aluminous sand- stones or siliceous claystones. They vary slightly in composi- tion, but are always' poor in fossils except the microscopic sili- 2 18 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. ceous shells of marine diatoms and radiolaria. To the east the percentage of clay decreases, the rocks become more cal- careous, and the fossils are more abundant, and in place of the silicified shell casts of the Tombigbee and Alabama drainage basins are extensive beds of s'hells, mostly oyster shells. The thickness of the buhrstone varies from 400 feet in the western part of the State to 200 feet in the eastern part. In the wes- tern part of Alabama and still more in Mississippi, beds of fos- siliferous green sand are abundant in both the Tallahatta and in the Lisbon strata of the Claiborne. The decay of the green- sands has in many places given rise to the accumulation of de- posits of brown iron ore which may some day have a commer- cial value. The Tallahatta Buhrstone as here denned is the equivalent of the Siliceous Claiborne of Hilgard. The Lisbon Formation. Between the Buhrstone and the base of the Gosport greensand are the Lisbon beds consisting of about 115 feet of calcareous clayey sands and sandy clays gen- erally fossiliferous. The lower half of these beds' contains a great number and va- riety of well preserved shells; in the upper half the shells of ostrea sellaeformis and several species of pecten greatly pre- ponderate over other forms. The most characteristic exposures in Alabama of thes'e beds, which are the equivalents of Hilgard's Calcareous Claiborne, are at the Claiborne and Lisbon Bluffs on the Alabama river. The Gosport Greensand. This division, which, so far as" yet known, does not appear in any other of the Gulf States, embraces the strata of the Claiborne group lying between the top of the Lisbon, and the base of the St. Stephens. The beds are in general highly glauconitic sands about thirty feet in thickness at the Claiborne and Gosport bluffs and include the fossiliferous greensands which have made the name Claiborne famous, and which have furnished the greater part of the Claiborne fossils described and figured by Conrad and Lea. While this division, as above mentioned, is not known in Miss- issippi, Louisiana or Texas, yet its importance in Alabama, from the historical point of view and because of the great number and variety and beautiful state of preservation of its fossils, is such as to compel mention and a distinct name. This member GEOLOGY. 19 of the Claiborne group has been observed at a number of local- ities in Monroe, Clarke, Choctaw and Washington counties. The name is from Gosport a landing on the Alabama river a few miles below the Claiborne Bluff. St. Stephens limestone. Above the Claiborne, and constitu- ting the uppermost member of the Eocene in Alabama, is the St. Stephens limestone, equivalent in part to the Vicksburg lime- stone ^nd in part to the Jackson limestone of Mississippi. In Alabama these two formations blend so completely that it has been impossible to draw clearly the line of demarkation between them, and the St. Stephens is therefore intended to include the Alabama representatives of both. Immediately overlying the Claiborne fossiliferous sands, at many points in Clarke, Choc- taw, and Washington counties, is an argillaceous limestone closely resembling the Selma chalk and like it giving rise to rich black limy soils. The fossils of this bed show that it is probably of Jackson age, but the great mass of the St. Stephens formation, between 200 and 300 feet thick, consists of a lime- stone of a considerable degree of purity in which the ever pres- ent fossil is a nummulitic shell, Orbitoides lyelli. Other shells also abound, but this is characteristic. This limestone shows many variations, being in s'ome cases hard, almost crystalline, capable of a high polish, of a pleasing variety of color, and hence probably well adapted for ornamental construction. Com- monly, however, the rock is soft and easily cut with a saw, axe, or plane when fresh from the quarry, and it is much used in the construction of chimneys and pillars to houses. On this ac- count it is well known from Texas to Florida as the "chimney rock." In the southeastern part of the State and in Georgia this limestone has frequently become silicified, and great masses of it appear to have all of the lime replaced by silica. The bones, particularly the vertebrae, of an extinct whale, Zeuglo- don, are in some localities abundant in the lower (Jackson) di- vision. Topographic features of the Eocene. In general it may be said that the part of the State in which the Eocene strata occur is a gently sloping plain into which the streams have sunk their valleys, leaving between them remnants of the original mass as hills. Two or three formations of the groups impress them- 20 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. selves on the soils and the topography more forcibly than the others. The first of thes'e is the great bed of black clays of the Sucarnochee horizon, underlying a belt of country known west of Alabama River as the "Flatwoods" or "Post Oaks." East of this river these clays are strongly calcareous and give rise to black prairie soils. The Flatwoods proper constitute a sort of trough 5 or 6 miles wide, badly drained and little cultivated, with a heavy growth of s'mall post-oaks and short-leaf pine. During wet weather the Flatwoods have all the characferistics, of a swamp. Along the northern border of this belt the clays are often highly calcareous, and the transition from the limy Cretaceous formations to the tough plastic clays of the genuine Flatwoods is very gradual. The next member of topographic importance is the Nanafalia especially in that part of the State west of the drainage area of Alabama River. In this section there is a considerable thick- ness of indurated clayey sands sandstones, in fact overlying the oyster-shell bed. This gives rise to a very broken and hilly country, as shown in the Grampian Hills of Wilcox County. In the eastern part of the State there are many "sinks" and big springs in the Nanafalia territory. Farther south the outcrop of the Tallahatta buhrstone, es- pecially in the western half of the State, makes veritable moun- tains, often rising with steep northwardfacing slopes 200 feet or more above the adjacent lowlands. In Clarke and Choctaw counties, and in still greater degree in Mississippi, these buhr- stone mountains, with their rocky slopes, remind one of the Ap- palachian region. In the eastern counties the Clayton limestone acquires ex- ceptional thickness, 200 feet or more, and shows the character- istics of limestone terranes' such as caves, lime sinks, and "big springs." The St. Stephens limestone also gives rise to broken country with characteristic caves and other features. Along the northern edge of this (St. Stephens) outcrop the strong, limy, black soils formed by the clayey limestone resemble the black prairie s'oils of the Selma chalk, but the topography of tr-e country offers strong contrast in the chalk, softly undula- ting, almost level lands ; in the lower St. Stephens, exceedingly broken and deeply eroded lands, justifying the name "lime hills." GEOLOGY. 2 1 As has been indicated above, the trunk streams of the Ala- bama Coastal Plain flow across the outcropping strata, while their tributaries flow in general parallel to the strike of these outcrops. In the gradual sinking of the beds of these tributary streams the characteristic Coastal Plain topography is devel- oped ; the infacing slopes of the hills are precipitous, while the gulfward slopes are gentle. The streams have their place gen- erally at the base of the steep infacing slopes. MIOCENE. CHATTAHOOCHEE SERIES. In 1889 Mr. D. W. Langdon of the Alabama. Geological Sur- vey, discovered on Chattahoochee River a new series of marine calcareous formations of Miocene age, overlying the Vicksburg limestone. This series he called the Chattahoochee from the town and landing of that name. With the exception of some sandy clays on Conecuh River, which hold a few poorly preserved fossils of the Chattahoochee horizon, none of these beds has' up to the present time been found to outcrop in Alabama, for the reason that the section of the state in which these outcrops' would normally occur is covered with a thick mantle of two superficial formations, the Grand Gulf and the Lafayette. In addition to this that portion of the region contiguous to Mobile river in which we should expect to find the outcrops, is of the nature of a delta with low alluvial banks. It is safe, however, to say that these Chatta- hoochee formations' underlie the southern part of the State be- neath the superficial deposits mentioned, for deep borings in Mobile and Baldwin counties have demonstrated their existence at depths between 800 and 1550 feet, by means of the shells characteristic of the several horizons brought up by the drills. PLIOCENE. PASCAGOULA. In 1889, Mr. L. C. Johnson, also of the Alabama Survey, dis- covered on Chickasawhay river in Mississippi a few mi 1 es above its confluence with Leaf river to form the Pascagoula, a highly fossiliferous marine or estuary deposit to which he gave the 22 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. name Pascagoula. This bed has as yet been seen in outcrop only at the type locality and, according to Mr. Ball, at Shell Bluff on the Pascagoula river*. At the type locality it under- lies strata of the Grand Gulf formation. Most of the shells of this bed are of a new species, (Rangia Johnsoni) ; but along with these are numerous shells of Ostrea Virginica, by Mr. Ball's determination. As this latter species is not known to occur in strata older than Pliocene, the Pascagoula is placed in this formation in our classification. In the artesian wells at Mobile shells' characteristic of the Pas- cagoula horizon are brought up from depths of about 700 feet. We may therefore be reasonably certain that this formation, like the Chattahoochee, underlies the lower part of the State though its outcrop for reasons given, has not yet been discov- ered. GEAND GULF FORMATION. This name was given in Mississippi to a series of sands and clays of varying character and varying degree of induration, overlying directly and unconformably the Vicksburg limestone, and, together with the next overlying Lafayette beds, forming the surface of the Coastal Plain of that state down to within ten miles of the Gulf of Mexico. More specifically the strata are thin-bedded and massive clays of colors varying from white through shades of red and brown to black, interstratified with sands', the latter in many places indurated to form sandstones, with aluminous or siliceous cement. Occasionally these rocks- are even quartzitic, as at the type locality and in a number of places in Georgia and Alabama, but as a rule they are only s'lightly coherent. The clays also in part are indurated into mudstones, and in part are more or less plastic. The presence of lignitic matters and of gypsum is also locally characteristic of the clays, many of which are quite meager because of intermixture with fine grained sand. In Alabama the prevailing materials are massive clays' of reddish to brown colors or mottled gray to red and laminated clays interbedded with sands varying in coher- ence from loose sands to firm sandstones and aluminous or siliceous cement. The aluminous sandstones pass by ins'ensible *This may be the same as the type locality, which is also called Shell Bluff. E. A. S. GEOLOGY. 23 gradations into meager clays which are themselves often indu- rated into mudstones as compact as some of the sandstones. While the induration of the sands is common in Mississippi along the border of the river valley from Grand Gulf down to the Louisiana line, and thence eastward beyond Brandon, it is by no means confined to those bounds as some are disposed to believe. In Georgia in all parts of the Altamaha Grit region, occasional occurrences of the exceedingly hard, sometimes quartzitic, sandstones are known down to within a few miles of the Atlantic coast. It may be here remarked that the exces- sive silicification, often resulting in the complete obliteration of the original texture of the rock, as is the case in one of the sandstone ledges at the type Grand Gulf locality, is by no means confined to that locality nor, indeed to the rocks of the Grand Gulf formation, for in the southeastern parts of Alabama and southwestern of Georgia adjacent, much of the Vicksburg limestone has been s'o completely petrified by silica that not a trace of lime remains, and many of the masses of Miocene co- rals so common in Southwestern Georgia are completely silici- fied, being interiorly a mass of amorphous silica devoid of all trace of organic structure. These remarks are made in con- nection with a proposition to restrict the name Grand Gulf to the quartzitic sandstone occurring at the type locality. While the inner or landward border of the Grand Gulf man- tle is in contact with the Vicksburg limestone in Mississippi and with the St. Stephens in western Alabama, from Covington county in the latter state eastward it is found lapping succes- sively over the older Tertiary formations, and about Clayton and Eufaula and in adjacent parts of Gebrgia, even over the Ripley beds of the Cretaceous. On the map accompanying this 1 report only this landward margin of the formation is attempted to be shown. Below or southward of this line its strata cover partially the outcrops of the upper Cretaceous and older Ter- tiary beds, while those of the newer Tertiary, Chattahoochee and Pascagoula, with the exception x>f the exposure on the Conecuh river above mentioned, seem to be completely hidden by it and the closely associated Lafayette. Along the Chatta- hoochee river south of the Alabama line, however, the whole series of these newer Tertiary beds (possibly excepting the Pascagoula,) is clearly exposed, with the Grand Gulf and La- fayette beds overlying them. In Alabama as yet we have only 24 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY,. GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. the evidence afforded by the deep borings in Mobile and Bald- win counties, to prove that below the surface occupied by the Grand Gulf and Lafayette beds, all the Miocene and Pliocene marine Tertiary formations above mentioned are reached at depths between 200 and 1550 feet. All the facts derived from observations in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida seem to show that the Grand Gulf formation cannot be older than upper Pliocene, since it overlies often by an interval cf many feet, the Pascagoula shell bed with Ostrea Virginica. In these states no formation older than the Lafayette is known to overlie it. It is impossible to give with certainty the thickness of the Grand Gulf strata. The dip in some parts of its territory seems to be no greater than the general slope of the land surface ; m this 1 respect it resembles the Lafayette. In Mobile and Baldwin counties the thickness above sea-level is at least 150 feet, and in the borings mentioned a greater but undetermined thickness is found. The absence of fossils, except plant remains and a few fresh water unios, makes the fixing of the exact age of the formation difficult; in this also it resembles the Lafayette. In the lower counties of the State the Grand Gulf is one of the most important formations in relation to underground wa- ters, and more detailed mention of it will be made later. QUATERNARY. LAFAYETTE FORMATION. The surface distribution of this great mantle formation, or rather its landward limit, will be seen by the map. In general it consists of a red sandy loam, usually devoid of stratification in the upper part, with cross-bedded s'ands and irregular beds of water-worn pebbles in the lower part. The thickness does not often exceed 25 feet, and it follows the contours of the surface very closely, being a veritable blan- ket, sometimes completely washed away, but varying very little in thickness whether on the high level interstream plateaus or along the slopes which break away from them. It overlies with uncomfortable contact every formation in Ala- bama from the oldest up to the Grand Gulf inclusive. CLIMATE. 25 Since all the high table lands, remnants of the plain into which the streams have worn their valleys, are covered by the red loam of this formation its importance as a soil former is obvious. In yet another particular its importance cannot be overestimated, namely, in its relations to the underground wa- ters. Its loam and pebble beds are storage reservoirs' of count- less springs and shallow wells over the entire Coastal Plain. Other detai 1 s will be given in connection with the discussion of the underground water distribution. LATER FORMATIONS. The later formations, 'Columbia, Second Bottom deposits, First Bottom and other recent alluvial deposits, and soils, may be here passed over with mere mention, and with the remark that no sure identification of the Columbia has been made in Alabama, though some gray and white sands frequently seen overlying the Lafayette are probably of this age. CLIMATE OF ALABAMA. BY MR. FRANK P. CHAFFEE, Section Director, U. S. Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. (By permission from an article prepared for the Climatolog- ical Department of Agriculture.) GENERAL FEATURES. In the preparation of this climatic summary, reference has been made to the reports of the Smithsonian Institution and of the United States Signal Service, now the Weather Bureau ; to Bul 1 etin No. 18 of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Au- burn, Ala. ; and to the reports of the various voluntary observers in Alabama co-operating with the Weather Bureau. In its distance from the equator, elevation above sea level, configuration of its mountain chains, proximity to the sea, and prevailing winds, Alabama is favorably situated for a temper- ate and comparatively uniform climate. In the extreme south- western portion, washed by the water of the Gulf of Mexico, the climate approaches the subtropical, while the climate in the highlands of the northeast is similar to that of regions' of less 26 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. elevation much farther north. Extremes of temperature are rare. Over the southern half of the States the heat of the sum- mer is tempered by the prevailing winds from the Gulf, and 1 'n the more northern counties the elevation secures immunity from excessively high temperature. Freezing temperatures do not often continue longer than 24 to 48 hours. Snow rarely falls, except in the northern counties, where it occurs on an av- erage of about twice each winter and s'eldom remains on the ground for more than 48 hours. The rivers do not freeze. With the exception of the country along the Gulf Coast, whert the precipitation is heavy, the rainfall is well distributed. The growing season is so long that often two and sometimes three minor crops are raised on the same ground in one year. TEMPERATURE. The average temperature of the entire State is 63 degrees ; for the southern portion, 66 degrees'; middle portion, 64 de- grees; northern portion, 60 degrees. Highest average, 67 de- grees, in Baldwin and Mobile counties ; lowest average, 60 de- grees, in Dekalb County. The average by seasons is as follows : Winter, 46 degrees ; spring, 63 degrees ; summer, 79 degrees ; autumn, 63 degrees. The average summer maximum is 90 de- grees and the average winter minimum 35 degrees. The abso- lute maximum, 109 degrees, occurred at Lock No. 4 (Lincoln), Talladega County, July 7, 1902; the absolute minimum, 17 de- grees below zero at Valley Head, Dekalb County, February 13, 1899. Average number of clays per year with temperature above 90 degrees, 62; average number of days per year with temperature below 32 degrees, 35. The temperature seldom falls below zero, the above extremely low reading being re- corded during the severe cold wave of February 12-13, 1899, which gave the coldest weather ever recorded or remembered in this section.* Killing Pro st. The average dates of last killing frost in spring are as follows : northern district, April 6th ; middle district, March 23rd ; southern district, March 9th ; for the state, March 2rd. Average dates of first killing frost in autumn : * Since preparing this article a temperature of 18 below zero oc- curred at Valley Head, Dekalb County, February 14, 1905. F. P. C. CLIMATE. 27 northern district, October 2oth ; middle district, November 5th ; southern district, November I7th; for the state, November 4th. This gives 1 average growing seasons as follows ; northern dis- trict, 197 days; middle district, 227 days; southern district, 253 days; for the state, 226 days. The latest killing frost known, May 2nd, 1897, at Oneonta, Blount Co. ; with this ex- ception, the latest on record, was April 3Oth, at Valley Head, Dekalb County. The earliest killing frost of which there is official record was October 2nd, at Decatur, Morgan County, but the voluntary observer at Oneonta reports' that there is a record of killing frost having occurred at that place, September 4th, 1866. Over the middle counties, the last killing frost, as a rule, occurs during the first half of April, and where the last frost is recorded in March, the records show its formation dur- ing the early part of April was prevented by cloudy weather or fresh to brisk winds. The first killing frost usually occurs over the middle counties during the last half of October. When the first frost occurred in November, the records show that at the same time during the last half of October the temperature was low enough for frost, the formation of which was prevent- ed by conditions mentioned above. The distribution of the temperature is shown by the subjoined chart. 28 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AXD CLIMATE. Fig. 1. Map showing mean annual temperatures (Fahrenheit) in Alabama. PRECIPITATION. Annual precipitation for the State as a whole, 52 inches; for northern district, 52 inches; middle district, 51 inches; southern district, 55 inches. The distribution of precipitation is shown by the accompanying chart. The greatest annual av- erage from 62 to 63 inches' is in the southwestern counties, bordering on the Gulf of Mexico. Another region of heavy precipitation is found over the mountainous (north-central and north-eastern) portions, where it ranges from 47 to 54 inches per annum. The region of least precipitation is near the center of the State, where the annual average is about 46 inches. The precipitation is practically all rain. Snow occurs on an average twice each winter in the northern half of the State and about CLIMATE;. 29 once a winter in the southern counties ; it varies from very light in the southern district to moderately heavy (about 8 to 14 inches) in the north-central and northern counties, it is not common for a winter to pass without snow enough to cover the ground in any portion of the State. The precipitation is well distributed throughout the growing season, especially in the middle and most important agricultural counties, and the autumns are, as a rule, favorable for the maturing and gather- ing of the staple crops. Fog. Dense fog seldom occurs, and then generally in the winter or spring months, and is mostly confined to the coast district. Hail. This occurs occasionally during the spring and sum- mer months, though really destructive hailstorms are rare in this section. Thunderstorms. These occur in some portions of the State during every month of the year, being most frequent during the stimmer months. The most severe thunderstorms occur along the Gulf coast, and in the west-central counties. 30 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. Fig. 2. Map showing average annual precipitation in inches for Alabama. WINDS. The prevailing direction for the year is south; for winter, north ; spring, south ; for summer, south ; for autumn, north. Average hourly velocity, (computed from records at Mobile and Montgomery only), 7 miles. The highest velocity ever recorded, was 72 miles from southeast at Mobile October 2nd, 1893. Winds' of 40 miles per hour or more have occurred as follows: Mobile (record from 1885 to 1893 inclusive) 23 times, or on an average or a little more than once a year. Mont- gomery, (record from 1875 to 1903 inclusive), 12 times, or an average of about once in three years. During the passage of general storms over and to the north of this region, destructive wind storms or tornadoes have oc- PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY AND CLIMATE. 31 curred as follows : Year of greatest frequency, 1884, with 19 storms ; average yearly frequency 1.6 storms ; year in past twen- ty-three with no report of storms, none ; month of greatest fre- quency, March; day of greatest frequency, January nth; hours of greatest frequency, 6 to 8 p. m. ; months' without such storms, July, August, September, and October ; prevailing di- rection of storm movement, southwest to northeast; region of greatest frequency, north central portion. CHAPTER II. A. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. SOURCE OF CIRCULATING WATERS. The ocean, which covers three-fourths of the surface of the earth is x the chief source from which is derived the water which circulates through the atmosphere, and upon and through the lands, and the great reservoir into which most of these waters finally return.* By evaporation from its surface, moisture is taken up into the atmosphere to be condensed and to fall as rain or snow e'ther directly back into the ocean, or upon the land surface and from it back into the universal reservoir by several ways more par- ticularly to be mentioned below. In this' passage, the water may be temporarily locked up and withdrawn from circulation in the tissues of organic beings, animal and vegetable, and in minerals, but eventually practically all joins again the great cycle. As has been shown in a previous chapter, the amount of this rainfall for the state of Alabama, averages about 52 inches per annum. DISPOSITION OF THE WATER FALLING UPON THE LAND SURFACE. The water falling upon the surface of the land is disposed of in the following ways: (i) A part is restored directly to the atmosphere by evaporation from the surface without previous absorption, .(2) a part runs directly into the streams without being first absorbed by the soil, and (3) a part soaks downward into the ground where it is retained for a longer or shorter period. *Different views are held as to the origin of Underground waters, for while it is generally conceded that the rainfall is the chief source, some believe that the original constituent water of the igne- ous rocks is the source of certain highly carbonated springs. Others think that the sea water included in marine sediments at the time of their accumulation is the source of some saline waters. DISPOSITION OF WATER FALLING UPON LAND SURFACE. 33 (1) Evaporation before absorption. During and immedi- ately following precipitation in the form of rain, the atmosphere is 1 commonly nearly or quite saturated. with vapor, and the evaporation which takes place before the rain is absorbed by the ground is very small, the amount being practically negli- gible as compared with that absorbed by the soil and later evap- orated from its surface or through its vegetation. The evap- oration from the streams in a region like Alabama, though con- siderable in the aggregate, is also small as compared to that from the general land surface after absorption, probably not averaging more than I or 2, possibly 3 per cent, at the out- side, of the whole amount evaporated. In broad general com- putations, the entire evaporation proceeding the absorption of the water by the soil may be neglected without introducing any material error. (2) Direct runoff of Flood flow. This portion of the rain- fall makes its way 'by open channels into the streams and thence finally back into the ocean, in its progress carving and sculp- turing the land surface into irregularities which constitute scen- ery, and producing the infinite variety of topography which we everywhere see. It moves the loos'e rock waste down the slopes and into the streams where, reinforced by seepage waters, it carries the waste, often after many interruptions, finally into the sea, and spreads it upon the sea bottom in layers of sorted materials, the basis of a new series of rock formations', which may be added to the dry land by the uplifting of this sea bot- tom. Held back temporarily in its descent by more resistant rock ledges, it develops power which may be utilized by man; in other parts, where unobstructed, it is available as a means of transport; when occasion demands' it may be stored up by artificial means and used for power, for irrigation, and for other purposes. Few observations have been made as to the amount of water which thus passes from the land without being first absorbed, but this is known to be very small when any large district is considered. In a sandy soil only 3 or 4 per cent of the rainfall may be thus returned 1 . On the other hand Prof. Prestwich*, for a region showing an ordinary succession of permeable *Geology, Vol. I, p. 155. This assumption is probably consider- ably too large. 3 34 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. strata, assumes that 1-3 of the total rainfall is removed by di- rect runoff. In certain limited glacial areas, where the rocks are nearly or quite frae from soil, this percentage of direct run- off may be much greater than this 1 amount. In the Coastal Plain region of Alabama perhaps one fourth of the soil is clayey and would have a runoff as high as that indicated by Prof. Prestwich, but the remaining three-fourths are sandy and should possess a direct runoff of less than 5 per cent. It is believed that the direct runoff in the area of the consolidated rocks in the northeastern portion of the state will not average more than 15 or 20 per cent of the rainfall. (3) Absorption. Neglecting the small amount of evapora- tion taking place before absorption and deducting 15 per cent of the total rainfall to cover the direct surface runoff, we have a total of approximately 85 per cent, of the rainfall absorbed by the soil. This absorbed water plays an important part in the disinte- gration of rocks and their conversion into soil. It takes up the soluble matters encountered in its pas'sage through the rocks and soil, transporting a part of them in solution to the sea, de- positing a part in the interstices of loose sediments cementing them into rocks, concentrating and depositing another part in veins or beds or other available forms in which they may be turned to the use of man. It maintains and regulates' the sup- ply of moisture in the soil, without which all vegetable life would be impossible. It saturates the soil below certain depths, affording thus the sources of our springs and wells; and by its slow but constant movement through the ground it feeds the streams as they flow towards the sea. A large amount of it is returned to the atmosphere by evapo- ration either directly from the surface and through the tissues of growing plants, or from the streams after the surplus of the ground water has joined them by seepage. In Alabama the evaporation, owing to the limited area exposed in proportion to the length of the drainage systems and to the humidity of the climate, is not especially high. Determinations made in the years' 1900-1903 of the runoff of the Alabama river, showed that 27 of the 54 inches of rainfall were returned by the stream to the sea, most of the remaining 27, or nearly 50 per cent, of the rainfall, having been lost by evaporation. AMOUNT OF WATER AVAILABLE TO ARTESIAN WELLS. 35 Over the broad area of the Mississippi basin the average evaporation is much greater. According to Messrs. Humphrey s and Abbott* only 25 per cent, of the total rainfall of this basin is discharged into the Gulf of Mexico. Nearly 75 per cent, must, therefore, have been lost by evaporation. Final Runoff. One per cent, or less of the water remaining after evaporationt may be taken up in chemical combination by the rocks ; the rest representing about 35 per cent, of the total rainfall, joins the permanent underground water body occupy- ing the pores of crevices within the rocks and other materials below the water table. These materials in the course of time, where conditions have been favorable to the absorption, have become filled to saturation, -so that at the present time practically all of the ground water not lost through evaporation finds its way by seepage into the streams, constituting at least two-thirds of what is ordinarily spoken of as the final run-off, the other third being contributed by the surface run-off or flood flow. It is in high degree probable, however, that the direct sur- face run-off in Alabama covers less than 15 per cent, of the rainfall, and that the proportion of the final run-off contributed by underground seepage is 1 correspondingly greater than above given. AMOUNT OF WATER AVAILABLE TO ARTESIAN WELLS. It is computed that one inch annual rainfall amounts to 17,- 378,743 gallons per square mile; 52 inches, which is the average rainfall for the State of Alabama, being thus equivalent to 903,- 694,636 gallons to the same area. Since the area of the State, according to the Twelfth Census, is 52,250 square miles, the total rainfall per annum for the State amounts to 47,218,044,- 731,000 gallons'. As we have seen above, approximately 85 per cent, of this rainfall is* absorbed by the ground. This amount is equ : valent to a daily supply of 109,959,830,195 gallons for the whole area, or 2,104,494 gallons daily per square mile. *Report on the Mississippi River, p. 132. tC. R. Van Hise, Treatise on Metamorphism, Monograph, 47; U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 156. 36 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. The largest flow measured by the writer in Alabama is that of the great well near Roberts in Escambia county, which yields 5,000,000 gallons daily. The average daily rainfall would supply 21,992 such flows, or nearly 90,000 such as that of the Pickens well yielding 850 gallons per minute, provided all the water entering the soil were available to wells'. If we exclude the 50 per cent, returned to the atmosphere through evaporation of the 85 per cent, of the rainfall absorbed by the ground, there would still remain 35 per cent, theoretical- ly available ; but as a matter of fact the clays and other of the finer soils may contain a large amount of water and yet be- cause of their compactness give up a little of it to wells pene- trating them. For this reason the amount of available water may fall far short of the maximum above given. These rough estimates given, even with the limitations men- tioned, will suffice to show that the rainfall is adequate to sup ply as many artesian wells as are likely to be sunk within' the limits of the State supposing them to be evenly distributed over the area. As a matter of fact, however, the wells are at present, and probably always will be, more or less concentrated in groups which may lead to an excessive draining on the resources' of certain districts. It may be remarked that the water which soaks into the ground, passes directly downward into the artesian reservoir rather than laterally toward the stream channels, and that an excessive drain on account of artesian wells would show itself first of all in the general lowering of the water table, with con- sequent diminution of the supply of w r ater in shallow wells and springs, and in the lessening of the run-off of the streams. We may therefore be safe in saying that so long as' the shal- low wells and springs continue to yield, and so long as the streams continue to flow, our artesian supply may be counted on. DEPTH OF PENETRATION. The downward penetration of water under the influence of gravity takes place through cracks and fissures or through pores of the rocks, and its' lower limit will be reached when these openings no longer exist. The depth at which all pores MOVEMENTS OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. 37 are closed has been estimated to be about six miles. Experi- ence, however, shows that ground waters do not actively cir- culate to any such depth, being confined in fact largely to the upper 2,000 feet of the crust where they occur mainly in sed- imentary rocks. In crystalline rocks' the depth to which the water pentrates in economic amounts is usually much less, few wells obtaining supplies at depths of more than 500 feet. DISTRIBUTION AND MOVEMENTS OF UNDERGROUND ( WATERS. Underground water, like that which circulates in the ocean and in the atmosphere, is in constant motion as observation shows'. The chief cause of this motion is gravity. Capillary action and thermal changes are effective also, but in compara- tively limited degree. The distribution of the ground water and the direction and other peculiarities of its movements are in so great measure determined and controlled by the physical structure and ar- rangement of the materials through which it circulates, and by the surface topography, that a consideration in some detail of these modifying causes' becomes necessary. MODIFICATIONS OF GROUNDWATER MOVEMENTS DUE TO PHYSICAL STRUCTURE. POROSITY. All the materials, whether loose or consolidated, composing what is commonly called the curst of the earth, are in varying degree capable of absorbing water through the pores or open spaces separating the particles. The degree of porosity is de- termined by the size and shape of the particles' and their close- ness of approximation. If the particles are of somewhat uni- form size and shape, and rounded, the porosity will vary be- tween 25 and 45 per cent, according to the closeness of the packing. In material composed of grains of varying size and shape, the porosity is considerably less. Thus the residual materials resulting from the weathering of crystalline rocks and consisting of grains varying perhaps from a quarter of an inch in diameter down to the finest clay, would 38 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. absorb much less water than if the grains were of uniform size, whether like the larger grains or the smaller. Neverthe- less, because of the looseness of such materials the porosity may be as high as 30 per cent, or more of the volume. In sedimentary deposits (mechanical), the materials are more or less completely s'orted according to the weight of the individual particles, and hence the different beds of this kind are likely to be composed of grains of approximately uniform size, and in the unconsolidated condition may possess a poros- ity amounting to 20 to 50 per cent, of their volume. The calcareous sediments formed by the precipitation of car- bonate of lime by organic agencies' may be in the form of lime- stones or of a calcareous ooze or mud, originally as open and porous as the mechanical sediments above considered, but more liable to have the pores filled by secondary deposition of car- bonate of lime, and to become compacted limestones, which are at times the most impermeable of rocks. Under certain conditions, however, in the form of chalk or chalky marls, these beds may retain their porosity. In the change from lime- stone to dolomite the rock becomes open-textured because of shrinkage in volume, and the permeability of all rocks may be increased by the formation of cracks and fissures from any cause. On the other hand the porosity of loos'e and open-textured sediments may be diminished by pressure, and by secondary filling of the pore spaces. So while all the rocks exposed at the surface of the earth or lying within a few miles depth from the surface, possess' a greater or less degree of porosity, this porosity diminishes with the depth from the surface and is practically nil long before the extreme depth of five or six miles is reached, at which theoretically the existence of open spaces becomes impossible. Amount of water absorbed by porous rocks. The porous beds above referred to, in a region of adequate rainfall, below the water table will be saturated with water to a very consid- erable depth, and the amount of water thus absorbed is very great, as will be apparent when we consider that over 90 per cent, of the surface of the earth is occupied by such beds. In general the compact rocks' show rarely over 15 per cent, of pore space, but one hundred feet thickness of rocks of this MODIFICATION OF GROUNDWATER MOVEMENT. 39 degree of porosity, when saturated with water would hold an amount equivalent to an underground lake of water 15 feet deep. In one hundred feet thickness of loams and clays and chalks similarly saturated, the amount would be correspond- ingly greater. In the following table are given the amounts of water which a cubic foot of some common materials will absorb.* Comparative Absorptive Capacity of Different Materials. Material Water ab- sorbed per cubic foot Material Water ab- sorbed per cubic foot Quarts.! Quarts. Sand 10 [Dolomite 1 to 10 Potsdam sandstone 2 to 6 |Chalk 8 Triassic sandstone 4 JGranite 1/100 to % Trenton Limestone 14 to 1*4) Incomplete Saturation: It is generally assumed as above stated, that below the water table and down to the limit of meteoric circulation, the pores of all the strata are filled to saturation with water. But recent studies of well records and samples have shown that this is far from being true.t "Few of the crystalline rocks, for instance, hold anything like their full capacity of water. Many mines in both sedimentary and crystalline rocks are dry and dusty even when far below the water level, open and porous sandstones which contain no water at all have been recognized in deep wells, while clays underlying the ground water are often incoherent and pow- dery. Estimates' of the ground-water in the earth have varied many hundred per cent, because of the different initial assump- tions made in the computations." Lost Water. This phenomenon also is referred to in the article above quoted. "Many of the lower sandstones of south- western Pennsylvania and elsewhere, although open and po- rous, are found by the drill to be destitute of water. That they are beyond the ordinary limit of meteoric circulation will be admitted, but as marine formations', they must have been sat- urated at the time of their deposition, and as they have never *M. L. Fuller Water Supply Paper No. 114, U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 23. |M. Lt Fuller, Economic Geology, Vol. I, page 565. 40 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. down to the present time been above sea or drainage level the water should, in the absence of any known means of escape still be present. This, as has been indicated, is not the case. The problem of what has become of this water is one of the more fascinating ones 1 left for future solution." PERMEABILITY. Marked differences exist in the rate of movement of water through permeable rocks. Falling upon sand water is quickly absorbed and transmitted through the relatively large pores to the permanent groundwater below, and a small proportion only is lost by evaporation or direct surface runoff. In the case of clays the water penetrates the capillary pores very slowly. The pores in the upper layers soon become filled and much water is lost by direct runoff and by evaporation because of the slowness with which it penetrates the underlying layers. Thus, while clay possesses high absorptive capacity it holds water with wonderful tenacity, and offers the greatest resist- ance to any movements through its pores. For these reasons clays are classed with the impervious ma- terials, and in most of the artesian systems of Alabama, serve as the water-tight confining beds to the water-bearing sand- stones and other open-textured rocks. Of course, with suf- ficient time the water taken up by the clay will be transmitted, but this movement is so slow that for our present purposes it may be ignored. Other fine grained materials exhibit similar qualities and Professor Prestwich* has shown that some chalks, with the same absorptive capacity as certain sandstones, transmit water 600 times slower. Cause and rate of movement of underground waters.- : Gravity is the chief cause of the movements of underground waters as' it is for the movements of water in the surface streams. In both cases the flow is from a higher to a lower level. The rate of movement, according to Schlichter,t de- *Geology, Chemical, Physical, and Stratigraphic, Vol. I, page 159. fThe Motions of Underground Waters; Water Supply Paper No. 67, U. S. Geological Survey, p. 17. MODIFICATION OF GROUNDWATER MOVEMENT. 41 pends (i) on the size of the pores, (2) on the degree of po- rosity, (3) on the pressure, and (4) on the temperature. Ve'ocity. According to this author the velocity of the groundwater flow is the rate (measured as so many feet a day, or a year, etc.,) at which the water advances through the porous medium, irrespective of the amount of water thus' ad- vancing. For materials of various grades the following re- sults have been obtained : Velocity of Groundwater thro ugh Materials of different Grades, having a Pressure Gradient or Slope of 10 Feet to the Mile. Material. Miles per year. Ft. per year. Fine sand 0.2 mm. diameter 0.010 52.8 Medium sand 0.4 mm. diameter 0.041 216.0 Coarse sand 0.8 mm. diameter 0.16 845.0 Fine gravel 2 mm. diameter 1.02 5,386.0 The velocity for any other gradient can easily be calculated from the above. Thus, for a gradient of 100 feet to the mile, the velocity will be ten times that given in the table. Flow or Discharge. The amount of water (measured in cubic feet per minute) passing through a given cross section, is called the flow or discharge, and for the same materials and same degree of porosity and same gradient as in the preceding table, this flow is shown in the following table : Flow of Groundwater in Materials of different Grades, through a Bed of Vertical Cross section 200 by 1000 Feet, sloping 10 Feet to the Mile. Cubic ft. per minute. Fine sand 5.5 Medium sand 22.0 Coarse sand 87.0 Fine gravel 546.0 When the results of experiments on loose unconsolidated materials are compared with the actually measured rate of flow through the rocks for long distances, great discrepancies 42 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. appear; for it is found that the flow through rocks is many tunes more rapid than the calculated and observed movements through porous sands'. Concerning this Professor King* says : "It appears clear therefore, that the movements of water across long distances must take place in considerable measure through passage ways larger than those which de- pend upon the pore space fixed by the diameters of the grains which constitute the beds' themselves." There is no doubt but that the rate of flow of water through the superficial layers' of rocks is increased by the existence of cracks and fissures due to the contraction and expansion from changes of temperature, to frost, crustal movements, etc., but it must be borne in mind on the other hand that at considerable depths below the surface these cracks and fissures are likely to be closed by the creep of the rock, and by the deposition of mineral matters' from the circulating waters, so that after all we may conceive of the transmission of water through the rocks, and especially through deep seated rocks, as being main- ly through the pores of the rocks themselves. We have heretofore taken no account of another factor which is bound to affect the rate of flow, viz., hydrostatic pres- sure. On this point Prof. W. H. Nortont says, "rocks which transmit but feebly at the surface yield water at far greater ratios under strong pressure of artesian head. Since one pound of pressure to the square inch is required to support each 2.31 feet of water, in a flowing artesian well 1,155 ^ ee ^ deep in which the water rises to the s'urface from the bottom of the well, the water must exert at the base of the boring a pressure of 500 pounds to the square inch. The effect of such pressures must be to augment greatly the horizontal transmis- sion of water. The effect of even a moderate increase of pres- sure is' seen in mechanical filters, and the rapid rise in perco- lation accompanying the use of such pressure is set forth in certain experiments made by Isaac Roberts. t The stone through whose pores the water was forced is stated to have been to 10 1-2 inches thick, and of "average coarseness." *Nineteenth Annual, U. S. Geol. Survey, Part II, page 249. fArtesian wells of Iowa, Iowa Geological Survey, Vol. VI, page 165. $De Ranee, Water Supply of England Wales, p. 19. MODIFICATION OF GROUNDWATER MOVEMENT. 43 Relation of Percolation to Pressure. Pressures. Percolation. 10 pounds to square inch 4 % Imperial gallons. 20 pounds to square inch 7 % Imperial gallons. 46 pounds to square inch 19 Imperial gallons. The temperature of the water is also an important factor in determining the rate of flow, the movement being noticeably greater for high temperatures' than for low ones, as shown in the following table.* Relative Plow of Water at various Temperatures through Soil. (Standard Temperature is 50 Degrees F.) Relative Relative Relative Temperature flow. Temperature flow. Temperature flow. Degrees P. Degrees F. Degrees P. 32 0.74 55 1.08 80 1.51 35 0.78 60 1.16 85 1.62 40 0.85 65 1.25 90 1.70 45 0.92 70 1.34 95 1.80 50 1.00 75 1.42 100 1.90 MODIFICATIONS OF GROUND WATER MOVEMENT DUE TO TOPOGRAPHY. The running streams found in the caverns and subterra- nean channels' of limestone formations, and in less degree in the cracks and fissures of other rocks, while sometimes of large size and of local importance, form but an insignificant part of that great body of water circulating through sands, and other porous strata, with which we are here chiefly concerned and which is here termed "ground water." GROUNDWATER DIVISIONS. In the discussion of underground waters three divisions have been recognized: (i) The unsaturated zone, (2) The sur- face zones of flow, and (3) The deep zones of flow. *Schlichter Water Supply Paper, No. 67 U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 24. 44 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. The unsaturated zone extends from the surface of the ground down to the upper surface of the groundwater body "the water-table." In this zone the saturation of the strata is prevented partly by the downward percolation of the water into the permanently saturated layers and partly by its' being brought back to the surface by capillarity and the roots of plants and there evaporated. The surface zone of flow extends from the level of the water table down to the first impervious stratum of considerable extent. The deeper zones of flow are those which lie below the first impervious stratum, and of these there may be s'everal in the same. region. In the discussion of artesian systems we shall be chiefly con- cerned with the deeper zones of flow, while most of the other problems of the water supply pertain to the surface zone. SURFACE ZONE OF FLOW. FORM OF THE GROUNDWATER TABLE. The upper surface of the groundwater body, or the water table, shows a general agreement with the surface configu ;a- tion of the land. Where the surface is horizontal over any broad area the water table likewise tends to be horizontal, its distance belo\y the top of the ground depending partly on the rainfall and partly upon the depth from which moisture can be raised to the surface and evaporated. Where the land is sloping the waier table slopes in a similar direction but usv.aliy at a less c'.ngle._ Again where the surface is hilly there .ire correspond ir.g 'but less marked undulations in the water table, the latter being practically at the level of the streams in the val- leys, v/hilc un Jer the crests of the hills it is considerably be- low the surface, the distance depending upon the arnounl uf rainfall and the angle o* slope towards the valley . 1 -iesc re- lations are very well shown in the accompanying diagram taken from Schlichter. MODIFICATION OF GROUNDWATER MOVEMENT. 45 Pig. 3. Ideal section across a river valley, showing the position of the groundwater and the undulations of the water table with reference to the surface of the ground and bed rock. Ordinarily the surface of the water table is above the level of the streams, and it will easily be seen how streams' are con- stantly fed by seepage from the higher lands on each side, and how valleys not occupied by streams may be kept wet by the slow rise of water from below as it is forced up by hydrostatic pressure. This will be illustrated by the subjoined figure.* Fig. 4. Diagramatic section illustrating seepage and the growth of streams. Lines with arrows are lines of flow. This figure will also show that the very general belief that underground waters are fed from rivers and lakes, is true only in very exceptional cases and under peculiar circumstan- ces, for the hydrostatic pressure forcing the water from the highlands into the stream will in most cases exceed the pres- sure in the opposite direction. Where, however, shallow soil is spread out over limestones cut by fissures and cracks, it may happen that the groundwater level cannot be maintained above the ordinary level of some of the surface streams. Similar conditions may exist in certain porous sandstones or other fissured rocks which are deeply underdrained. Again, in the arid region streams flowing out upon dry plains over channels of coarse materials, are often *Schlichter Movements of Underground Water. Water Supply Paper No. 67, U. S. Geological Survey, p. 13. 46 GENERAL DISCUSSION OP* UNDERGROUND WATERS. rapidly absorbed, the water joining the so-called "underflow' which may emerge further down the valley. Usually this underflow is not important, yet where the river slope (downstream) is great and the material deposited in the river channel is coarse, or where the fine silt of the channel covers deeper deposits of coarser material, rendering seepage into the channel difficult and underground passage downstream easy, the underflow may be relatively large, but the velocity of the underflow is always, according to Schlichter, very small and the total amount is' commonly greatly exaggerated. The depth of the water table, as we have seen, is greatly influenced by topography, but in regions of abundant rain- fall and comparatively little evaporation, as in the eastern United States, the permanent groundwater level is seldom very far below the surface even in the uplands. In most parts of the Alabama highlands wells do not require to be more than 100 feet deep, and water is usually obtained at a much less depth. In lands of medium elevation the usual depth of wells is from 30 to 40 feet. In the valleys and low grounds water is often obtained very near the surface, and usually at depths of from 10 to 15 feet. It is only in the arid regions of the country that the groundwater level is many hundred feet below the surface. MODIFICATIONS OF GROUNDWATER MOVEMENT DUE TO STRATIFICATION. DEEP ZONES OF FLOW. The materials of s'edimentary formations are more or less perfectly sorted according to size, and the strata of different kinds constituting a cycle of deposition, normally succeed each other in a definite order, which is, pebbles and coarse sands be- low, followed in ascending order by finer sands, and these in turn by clays. To these inorganic matters' must be added, as the last term of the series, the organic sediments, chalk and limestone. Of the sediments above named the sandstones or sands usually constitute the porous, permeable beds, and the shales' or clays, the impervious ones. The limestones in general may be classed as impervious, but some of the chalks, and especially those limestones, which are made up of loos'eiy cemented frag- MOVEMENTS OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. 47 ments of shells and those which by exposure to weathering in the unsaturated zone, have become fissured and traversed by caverns and other open passage ways, may be in very high degree permeable, and thus water-bearers. Of this nature are the loose textured, shelly limestones of the Claiborne formation which constitute the water-bearing stratum of so many arte- sian wells in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. In still another way limestone may become open-textured, viz., in its alteration into dolomite, with attendant diminution in volume, and development of cracks and interstices. In any considerable thickness of stratified deposits represent- ing a number of cycles of deposition as above outlined, there will almost certainly be found beds of porous materials well fitted for quickly absorbing water and for transmitting it by percolation, enclosed between beds which are relatively im- pervious. And since these beds are nearly always inclined at some angle to the horizon they furnish the conditions for storing, and maintaining a circulation of water far below the zone of surface flow in one or more systems or zones of deeper flow as defined above. The distinguishing features of the deeper zones of flow have been so clearly presented by Prof. Schlichter in the work so often referred to above, that we can not do better than quote his words. "The pervious and water-bearing sandstones and limestones be- neath the surface zone of flow constitute what we have called the deeper zones of flow. There may be several of these deeper zones or they may be absent altogether. When present, they may 'be dis- tinguished from the surface zone of flow by the following character- istics: (1) The surface zcne of flow has a free, unconfined upper boun- dary (the water table) and an impervious lower boundary. The deep zone of flow has an impervious upper boundary as well as an impervious lower boundary. (2) The unit of the upper zone of flow is the drainage area or river valley. The unit of the deep zone of flow is regicnal and geologic and not dependent upon surface contours. However, it must not be forgotten that the deeper geologic structure is fre- quently the principal determining factor controlling the surface drainage, so that the deep zc'nes of flow do not commonly run counter to the direction of the surface flow. (3) The surface zone of flow is dependent upon the local rain fall of the immediate region. The deeper zones of flow receive their waters from distant areas. 48 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. (4) The surface zone of flow is in part above the level of surface drainage channels, while the deeper zones are entirely below the lo- cal drainage level. (5) There is commonly a difference in the chemical composition of the waters from the two zones. It is difficult in our present state of knowledge to make valuable generalizations. The waters of the surface zcne are usually less mineralized than those of deep strata, but in arid regions this general rule is frequently reversed. The carbonates are the predominant salts of the surface waters. The deeper waters are usually characterized by rather high amounts of dissolved chlorides. Waters of the surface zone contain dis- solved oxygen gas, which is almost entirely absent from the deep waters."* RECOVERY OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. Water is returned to the surface mainly by two general ways: (i) By springs 1 , and (2) by wells. WATERS NEAR THE SURFACE. Springs. It has already been pointed out how in a region of uneven surface the rain-fall soaking into the ground will raise the level of the groundwater in the uplands until the head is sufficient to cause lateral movement towards the low ground, where it will rejoin the surface water by general seepage or seepage springs along the sides of the valleys, or pas's into lakes and running streams and even into the sea if the distance is not too great. Where the emergence of the water is concen- trated in a small area we have what is known as a spring. Such springs most commonly emerge just above an impervious' bed. (Fig. 5)t or from between two impervious beds. (Fig. 6.)t Fig. 5. Hillside spring from unconfmed water bed without head. *The Motions of Underground Waters, page 53. tM. L. Fuller. Water Supply Paper, No. 145. U. S. Geol. Survey: page 47. s L ; o l> I J RECOVERY OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. 49 Fig. 6. Hillside spring from confined water bed under more or less head. In limestone regions they generally emerge from solution passages in a mass of uniform rock. Thes'e are often, of con- siderable size, and are commonly known in Alabama as "big" or "limestone" springs. One of the best known springs of this character in the State is that at Huntsville, (See Plate II). The water emerging from ^he subcarboniferous limestone at this 1 point forms a stream of considerable size. The Knox Dolomite, another extensive calcareous formation in Alabama, affords hundreds of similar big springs. In the Coastal Plain region, especially in Barbour and Henry Counties, the Clayton and Nanafalia limestones, and further south the St. Stephens limestone of the Tertiary, are also characterized by similar springs. Open wells. To supplement these natural modes of recovery of underground waters, recourse has been had from the ear- liest times to artificial contrivances, the most important and most commonly used of these being the ordinary open well. An excavation is made in water-bearing sands to some depth below the water table. A lowering of the water table around the well at once follows by reason of the converging flow of the underground waters into the well. If the water is not drawn from the well the level of the water table will be restored after a time and stand at the same height in and near the well as father away. If the water be removed in any considerable quantity, the level of the water in the well will remain below that of the general water surface outside, the depression de- pending on the quantity of the water removed. Driven wells. The driven ivell is merely a modification of the open well, made by driving a pipe with open end, or better 4 50 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. with closed point at the end and with perforations above it to admit the water. From the open well the water is raised by bucket, or pump, or other mechanical means. For a driven well the pump is mostly used. In all parts of Alabama, except in some of the limestone re- gions and the Post Oak Flatwoods', (and even in these in places), water may always be obtained by sinking wells to depths varying from a few feet to one hundred or more, gen- erally less than fifty feet. In residual accumulations, (i. e. those resulting from the decomposition of the rocks ), such as are common in the area of the crystalline rocks, and in the Coal Measures, and in some limestone regions where thes'e surface matters are more or less clayey and localized in ex- tent, the supply is likely to be uncertain, and the wells to go dry or to diminish greatly in summer. But where the surface materials are of such wide distribution and of such favorable composition as 1 are afforded by the Lafayette beds that have been spread so generally over the whole Coastal Plain Region of Alabama, the supply seems to be never-failing under pres- ent climatal conditions. It is not an uncommon circumstance in some parts of the Coastal Plain Region, that of two closely contiguous wells the water of the one may be good while that of the other may be unfit for use by reason of excess 1 of organic matter and iron salts. The one penetrates into a buried slough or other de- posit of organic matters, while the other does not. This is shown by the accompanying figure taken from Water Supply Paper No. 145, U. S. G. S. page 112. Fig. 7. Diagram showing buried sloughs. Wells at a and b would furnish water containing iron and organic matter. The well at c would furnish comparatively pure water. (After Purdue.) Inasmuch as* the lowering of the groundwater level in the uplands by drainage into the lowlands, goes on very slowly, RECOVERY OF UNDERGROUND WATERS. 51 the time of low water in the wells rarely coincides with the season of dry weather. The hillside springs are subject to like conditions or limita- tions, they go dry in many places in the Coal Measures and region of the Crystalline rocks, while they are never-failing in parts' of the Coastal Plain where the materials of the Lafay- ette form the surface. DEEP-SEATED WATERS. It has been shown above how alternations of the permeable and impervious strata of the sedimentary formations afford the conditions for deep seated flow of underground waters. From these deeper zones of flow as from the surface zone, the water may also be recovered through the agency of gravity supple- mented by natural or artificial return ways. Deep Springs (Pis sure springs.} The groundwater in gent- ly dipping porous beds enclosed between impervious ones, may in the course of its downward percolation to considerable depths, meet with joints or fissures in the impervious overlying bed and thus escape to the surface, sometimes 1 at considerable distance from the place at which it entered the ground, as is shown in the accompanying figure. Figure 8. Fissure spring. The waters of springs of this kind having been long in con- tact with the strata are likely to be highly charged with min- eral matters that have been taken into solution on the way. Deep springs are usually distinguished from surface springs by a greater constancy of flow, by relative uniformity of sum- mer and winter tenperatures, and by freedom from contami- nation. Artesian wells. In this paper the term "artesian" is used for any well sunk into a deep zone of flow where the water i? 52 ARTESIAN WELLS. found under hydrostatic pressure, so that it will rise in a well above the impervious confining strata. As thus defined arte- sian wells may be divided into flowing and non-flowing. This, however, is a non-essential distinction, since of two wells sunk into the same water-bearing stratum one may flow while the other on somewhat higher ground may not. From such wells the deep seated waters are recovered either by natural flow or by pumping at the surface. B. ARTESIAN WELLS. Artesian wells are governed by certain laws and present cer- tain definite features, a discussion of which will be found in the following paragraphs. ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS. In his treatise entitled, The Requisite and Qualifying Con- ditions' of Artesian Wells, *Prof. Chambcrlin enumerates the following seven prerequisites : I. A pervious stratum to permit the entrance and the pas- sage of the water. II. A water tight bed below to prevent the escape of the water downward. III. A like impervious bed above to prevent escape upward, for the water, being under pressure from the fountain head, would otherwise find relief in that direction. IV. An inclination of these beds, so that the edge at which the waters enter will be higher than the surface at the well. V. A suitable exposure of the edge of the porous stratum, so that it may take in a sufficient supply of water. VI. An adequate rainfall to furnish this supply. VII. An absence of any escape for the water at a lower level than the surface at the well. These have commonly been accepted as essential to arte- sian flows, but recent investigationst indicate that artesian flows may take place where the first four of these conditions,- *Fifth Annual Report. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1885, pp. 131-173. fM. L. Fuller. Artesian Flows from Unconfined Sandy Strata; Engineering News, Vol. 52, pp. 329-330. ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS. 53 supposedly indispensable, are abs'ent. The following figure representing a typical East and West section across the bays on the north shore of Long Island, illustrates one such case, where, notwithstanding the permeability of the sands, wells' penetrating below the water table at the base of the bluffs obtain flowing water. Pig. 9. Section showing conditions furnishing flows from un- confined sandy strata. (After Fuller.) Slight difference in the degree of porosity of the sands may account for the phenomena, or the horizontal arrangement of the grains, even in uniform sand, may so oppose the pas'sage of the water that it will pass upward through the well with greater ease than through the sand of the nature described, and a flow will result. In the region of the metamorphic and igneous rocks also, artesian wells are obtained where some of these "essentials" appear to be wanting. In fact, adequate rainfall, suitable outcrop of the porous bed, and absence of leakage being assumed, it is probable that the one essential pre-requisite of an artesian flow is a suffkien't difference in the level of the water table in closely adjacent regions. In the great majority of cases, however, with which we in Alabama are concerned, the conditions governing the artesian problems are practically those discussed by Prof. Chamberlin, and a statement of some of the most important of these condi- tions will help to a proper undertaking of much that follows. Artesian system. A series consisting of a porous or per- meable bed enclosed between two impervious ones', all having a moderate dip or incline somewhat greater than the general slope of the surface, constitutes an artesian system. Water falling as rain upon the outcropping edge of the permeable bed 54 ARTESIAN WELLS. will be absorbed by it, and by the force of gravity will perco- late through it in the only direction possible, i. e. down the dip, general diffusion being prevented by the under-and over- lying impervious beds\ Carried thus between impervious sheets to a lower level than the outcrop, the water will accu- mulate under hydrostatic pressure, and if the overlying retain- ing bed be pierced by an opening, natural or artificial, the water will ascend, approximately to the level of its head, which is the outcrop of the permeable bed. The ideal arrangement of the strata, rarely realized in nature, is that in which the basin shape is approximated. In this case the water falling upon the outcropping edges of the porous beds, gradually sinks from every side toward the center of th^ basin. This case is illustrated by Fig. 10 below. Fig. 10. Ideal Artesian Basin. A far more common arrangement and one prevalent in the Alabama Coastal Plain is that where the strata all dip in one direction and the general slope of the land surface is in the same direction but at a less rapid rate. In such a system the character of the well, whether flowing or not, will depend upon the local inequalities of the surface. These conditions are illustrated in the following figure. Fig. 11. Diagrammatic representation of a single ar- tesian system, showing the influence of relative altitude in de- termining whether or not the well will flow. A is the porous water-bearing bed enclosed between impermeable ones. The well at a will flow, that at b on higher ground will not. ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS. 55 If the general slope of the land surface were in the opposite direction from the dip of the strata, a flowing artesian well would be an impossibility except under peculiar local condi- tions. The diagram below, Fig. 12, for which we are indebted to Mr. M. L. Fuller* illustrates a case which has 1 come under his observation, where the water flows at a higher level than th* outcrop of the water-bearing bed of the region, being fed, however, in part through a joint or fault from a higher lying source. Fig. 12. Underground conditions in Thompsonville well. (Conn.) A very gentle dip of the strata is most favorable, for if the dip be great not only will the outcrop of the porous bed be narrow and its intake capacity thus reduced, but the water will very quickly be conducted to depths which it would be imprac- ticable to reach by borings. A dip of one per cent, will carrv a stratum down 52.8 feet in a mile ; a dip of ten per cent, will carry it down 528 feet in a mile ; while a dip of 45 degrees will carry the bed down one mile in a mile. Thes'e relations and the rapid narrowing of the area of outcrop with increase of the angle of the dip will be made clear by the accompanying diagram in which A, B and C, represent the relative widths of the outcrop of three strata of equal thickness but of differ- ent inclinations; A at 5 degrees, B at 10 degrees, and C at 25 degrees from the horizon. Fig. 13. Illustrating the influence of the dip of the strata on the width of the outcrop. *Water Supply Paper' No. 110, U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 102. 56 ARTESIAN WELLS. The following figures will further illustrate these points : A bed of 1000 feet thickness inclined at different angles' will have a surface outcrop varying as shown in the table be- low. Angle of Dip. Width of outcrop. 45 degrees 1414 feet. 20 degrees 2924 feet. 10 degrees 5780 feet. 5 degrees 11495 feet. 30 minutes 114547 feet. 26 minutes (40 feet to the mile) 132275 feet. 19% minutes (30 feet to the mile) 176367 feet. 16 y.> minutes (25 feet to the mile) 208333 feet. What has been said above refers to a single artesian system, but as a matter of fact the supply of a well may come from more than one such system, and the motion of the water is in cons'equence far more complicated than above indicated. On this point Mr. King* writes as follows : "It would appear that all fissures of all rocks must participate in the horizontal movements of ground water to a considerable extent if they lie below the plane of saturation and are in any way con- nected with a water-bearing stratum. Where two sandstone (po- rous) horizons are separated by rock formations possessing jointed structure developed in a marked degree it may be that these joints and fissures participate in no inconsiderable extent in the horizontal transmission of the water." "It 'may also be true that such beds separating two sandstone formations will serve to make the water in both beds available to wells which penetrate only the upper horizon, the water reaching the well not directly but by rising in a general way at many places or along numerous lines and networks of fissures and over wide areas, in such a manner as to keep the upper sandstone more nearly filled with water and thus maintain the pressure in the reck about the well at a materially higher point than would otherwise exist, especially in such cases as the wells of the city water works where continuous pumping is maintained." "It may even be true that water from an upper horizon of sand- stone may, in certain regions, pass through a general system of fissures into one of lower level, and vice versa, during the horizontal transmission, the water taking in all cases the line of least resistance so that if in the upper horizon of sandstone in a particular region the texture is closer than that in the lower, the general flow could well divide and become in one section stronger than normal, first in the lower horizon and then in the upper horizon, according as the textures of the two rocks vary in coarseness." "It would appear that the more rational view to take of the move- ment of underground water is that it is one more or less continuous *Nineteenth Annual Report, U. S. G. S. Part II, page 249. MODIFYING CONDITIONS. 57 body receiving accessions at many high levels and discharging its water at many lower levels, but that the water in reaching its lower levels may not all of the way follow continuously one particular geological horizon.' "It is of course true that the maximum flow must be concentrated in the sandstone horizons, but it seems also necessary to suppose that even here there may be joints, fissures, or ether waterways which materially assist in the transmission of the water." "In the case of wells sunk in rock the flow of water into them may be very much more rapid than thst of the general flow of the water through the formation into which the well is sunk, because when the water is taken out, either by pumping or by natural discharge, a Iccal effective head is developed, much greater than the general effective head, and as the water approaches the well from all sides, a relatively very slow flow, even a few feet back from the well, will de- liver a large amount of water to the well, 'and if the material is coarse and the bore of the well small the amount delivered may even tax the capacity of the well to deliver the water which is brought to it." MODIFYING CONDITIONS. In a single artesian system of the Alabama Coastal Plain, of limited extent and fairly uniform in the composition and structure of its strata, the conditions will be about as repre- sented in the diagram given above, Fig. n. In the very nature of things, however, these sediments will not be in continuous and unbroken sheets under the whole expanse of the Coastal Plain. They will be intersected by streams and will vary in the character of the materials and their thickness arid order of succession from place to place, so that wells', which from their position should have nearly iden- tical logs or records, do often show very great differences. Some of the complications thus brought about may be briefly noted. Effects of erosion. If the water-bearing stratum be inter- sected by a ravine or stream valley at right angles to its dip, the effect on wells on the two sides of the ravine may be very different as' the following diagram will show. 58 ARTKSIAN WELLS. Fig. 14. Section showing the effect of erosion. A is the porous water-bearing bed between two impervious ones. The well a will flow provided the distance from the ravine be considerable and the leakage from the water-bearing bed into the ravine not too great, but the well Z> will probably not flow because of this leakage into the ad- pjacent ravine. The well at c might not yield water if the exposure cf the water- bearing bed was limited to the side of the ravine and therefore of small area, but if the .bed outcrops over considerable area of the valley floor as shown in the figure, a flow would probably be obtained. Variations in the Water-bearing stratum. In two principal ways the water-bearing stratum may change so as materially to affect the artesian prospects. It may thin down in the di- rection of the dip until the confining impervious beds come to- gether. Above this point a well may be successful, below it not. Again, the porous bed may become gradually finer and finer in texture, or it may be gradually replaced by silt or clay, and trm* the transmission of the water may be clogged or prevented. Conditions like these are common enough in the Coastal Plain region and from the very nature of the mode of accu- mulation of off-shore sediments, are normal, for -the coarser materials deposited near the shore are succeeded by finer tex- tured sands and by silts and clays as the distance from the shore increases. The two figures below will illustrate these condi- tions. Fig. 15. Section illustrating the thinning out of a porous water- bearing bed, A, enclosed between impervious beds B and C thus furnishing the necessary conditions for an artesian fountain at D, but to the left of D the conditions for such fountain would be absent. (After Chamberlin.) MODIFYING CONDITIONS. 59 Fig. 16. Section illustrating, the transition of a porous water- bearing bed A, into a close textured impervious one. Being en- closed between two impervious beds B and C, it furnishes the con- ditions for an artesian fountain at D, but not for one to the right of D where the porous bed is replaced by an impervious one. (Af- ter Chamberlin.) Variations in the confining impervious beds. These beds may vary in texture from place to place, or they may be cracked and fissured in such a way as ta permit leakage sufficient to modify very materially the artesian conditions. Defects in the confining bed below may allow leakage into a lower po- rous' bed which outcrops at a lower level, thus reducing the effective head of the upper water-bearer. The character of the confining bed above is even more important than that of the underlying one, for the water being under pressure will be forced through it unless it be comparatively water-tight or else very thick, and thus the amount of water available to the well will be diminished possibly to the extent of preventing a flow altogether. The efficiency of the cover increases with its thickness as may be easily understood, and a relatively porous cover may under certain circumstances' not only serve as a confining bed but may even increase the yield of water. This will be the case when the surface of the country between the fountain head and the well is high so that the general level of the water ta- ble is above the outcrop of the porous water-bearing bed. The downward pressure of this groundwater will not only prevent the upward escape of the artesian water but may even add to its volume. On the other hand, if the country between fountain head and well is low and the cover on that account comparatively thin, there will be some leakage unless this cover is' exception- ally impervious. In this way the occurrence of a river valley between the foun- tain head and the well may seriously lessen the probabilities of 60 ARTESIAN WELLS. success of a well, even when the artesian system lies well below the floor of the valley and the cover is not cut by the bed of the stream. Other modifying conditions. In a region like the Coastal Plain of Alabama, which includes a number of artesian sys- tems, other complications arise from irregularities in the ex- tent and in the order and distribution of the various strata. The following figures, taken or adapted from Darton,* are in- troduced to illustrate a few of the cases commonly encountered. Fig. 17 Illustrates the case where an impervious bed overlaps completely the intake area of the porous bed, thus greatly dimin- ishing or cutting off its water supply. This pcrous bed may be, at other points along its outcrop, bared of this impervious overlap and thus be water-bearing. A Fig 18 Represents the occurrence of a gravel bed completely enclosed in clays so that no water can accumulate in it, and a well at A although finding favorable materials for water wculd obtain none. Fig 19 Shows the case where gravelly bedy of ancient streams or the beaches of ancient lakes have become buried under the later accumulations of impervious materials and rest on the same. Two of these lines of gravel, which may be narrow and sinuous but which may extend fcr miles, are here shown in cross section. Unlike the case represented in the preceding figure, the gravels are not com- pletely enclosed in clays, but in other parts of their courses are bared of the impervious cover and have thus become water-bearing. Wells at AA which go down into the ancient channels would be suc- cessful, while those at B and B wholly in the impervious material would net. *Bulletin No. 138. U. S. Geological Survey. STRATA IN ALABAMA COASTAL PLAIN. 61 In Fig. 20 the conditions would appear to be favorable for water at A in the gravels between the upper clay beds, but the water does not accumulate, for it is free to flow over the edge of the clay into lower gravels, where it would be found in a deep well, as at B. ARRANGEMENT OP THE STRATA IN THE ALABAMA COASTAL PLAIN. The most favorable disposition of the strata actually exist- ing in Alabama, as has been said above, is found in the Coastal Plain region, which is underlain by the sediments of the Cre- taceous and Tertiary formations, consisting of beds of sand, clay, and limestone, and others of intermediate character in many alternations. These lie in great sheets thinning out land- ward and increasing in thickness toward the Gulf, thus making a great flat wedge resting on the Gulf ward sloping floor of the older rocks.* The ground surface in the Coastal Plain sinks from an alti- tude of about 600 feet near the landward margin to the level of the s'ea in the two coast counties though there are places in Baldwin County where the land has an altitude of fifty feet or more on the very border of Perdido Bay, and high land, 100 feet and more in altitude, exists in both Mobile and Bald- win a few miles from the Gulf. The strata themselves have also a general dip or incline to- ward the Gulf, but at a more rapid rate than that of the land surface, this dip being from 25 to 40 feet to the mile, and aver- aging perhaps 30 feet. The conditions are thus afforded for *Very few cf the artesian borings in Alabama have gone down to this floor, except in the immediate vicinity of the surface out- crops of the older formations. The borings at Tuskegee have pene- trated the granitic rocks underlying that section; and at Tuscaloosa, borings within a distance of one cr two miles south of the las 1 ; appearance of the rocks of the Coal Measures in the bed of the river at the bridge, have reached these rocks and penetrated them to con- siderable depths; but beyond that distance none has gone through the strata of the Cretaceous which here overlie the Ccal Measures. 62 ARTESIAN WELLS. many artesian systems. The low relief of the country makes impossible, however, the great hydrostatic pressure observed in the mountainous regions. All this may be made clear by the accompanying diagram, taken with slight modification from Darton's Report on Arte- sian Well Prospects in the Atlantic Coastal Plain,* to which paper I am indebted for many valuable suggestions. Tertiary Fig. 21. Section from north to south across the Alabama Coastal Plain illustrating its artesian conditions. i DECLINE OR FAILURE OF ARTESIAN WELLS. The causes of decline in the flow of artesian wells and their detection, have been fully discussed in the article of Prof. Chamberlin, which those interested in the subject should con- sult. In this report we can make only brief mention of some of the most obvious of these. i Increase of leakage is responsible for most of this trouble, and is likely to occur when the well is not piped its whole 1 depth and especially when the boring is through limestone, the capillary passages and cracks in which may be gradually en- larged by solution, thus allowing the water to escape. Iron rusts quickly, especially if there are corrosive ingredi- ents in the water, and the piping thus rendered defective may cause much loss from leakage. Closure of the bore. Soft and plastic beds like those of clay and shale, and loose ones like those of sand where the pres- sure is great, may yield and tend to close the bore. Or the wa- ter-bearing rock in the immediate vicinity of the well may be- come clogged by the deposition of fine silt in its pores, or by some form of organic life, or by a deposit of iron. Decline from exhaustion. If there is but a limited accumu- lation of water in the distant elevated edge of the porous bed *Bulletin No. 138, U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 18. CHARACTER OF THE WATER. 63 and it is not promptly renewed from the surface, the well may gradually draw it off. A decreasing flow from this cause will fluctuate with the rainfall and will renew itself with returning wet seasons. But too heavy drafts on the capacity of the water- bearing stratum by increase in the number of wells will be sure to cause a gradual failure of the artesian basin, for while the water supply is' constantly renewed it may easily happen that the drains upon the basin may be greater than the supply. Of all causes of decline this is probably the most common. The ob- vious remedy would be the attaching of spigots or the reduc- tion of the outlets, by which too great waste would be pre- vented. CHARACTER OF THE WATER. C Temperature. It is a fact derived from observation that below the depth at which the daily and yearly fluctuations of temperature are felt, the temperature of the earth increases with the depth at a rate which varies with the different mate- rials' encountered, but which may be put at an average of one degree of Fahrenheit for every fifty feet of descent. In our latitude the depth of the level of invariable temperature as it has been called, is roughly speaking about 100 feet. Below this, the increase of heat with the descent should be felt. Waters coming from great depths would thus be expected to have a higher temperature than those which have a more su- perficial origin, and many tests of temperature have shown this to be the case. The first attempt to prove this' by the records of Alabama artesian wells, was made by Dr. Alexander Win- chell in 1856, while he was in charge of a school near Eutaw. The results of Dr. Winchell's tests were published by him in the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, for the year 1856. The temperatures given vary from 64 degrees to 77.5 degrees, and the depths of the wells from 90 to 728 feet. The mean annual temperature of that part of the state (temperature of the invariable stratum) is not far from 64 degrees. After rejecting a number of observations which were obvi- ously erroneous, the average shown by the records was an in- crease of I degree for every 44.96 feet. 64 ARTESIAN WELLS. It is obvious that artesian wells do not afford the best means for establishing this rate of increase, for the reason that in them the water almost always comes from several horizons and thus the temperature of the flow is likely to be lower than that of the deepest source. Still, it is very evident that the temperature of the water increases with the depth of the well, though the rate of this increase cannot be established by observations of the temperature, except in such cases where it is certain that the water comes from only one horizon. Mineral Ingredients. Water which has long remained in contact with the strata of the earth will have taken into solu- tion a portion of the ingredients of those strata, and the pro- portion of dissolved ingredients will be greater in proportion to the length of time of such contact and the temperature there prevailing. Waters which come from the greatest depths are therefore on both accounts likely to be more fully saturated with soluble matters than those which come from shallow depths only. We have seen above that the movements of groundwaters at considerable depths must be exceedingly slow giving them more time to effect solution. But on the other hand there is a great difference in the amount of soluble mat- ter which different strata contain, and it might easily happen that the water from a well of moderate depth would come from a bed with a large proportion of s'oluble salts, while one from a greater depth might derive its water from a stratum of nearly pure sand containing a minimum of such salts. It is thus probable that the dissolved salts: of an artesian water are far more dependent upon the character of the water-bearing beds than upon the depth and temperature. As the flow con- tinues 1 , the water which formed the original reservoir with a maximum of dissolved salts, would gradually be drawn off and its place would be taken by water which had not so long been in contact with the rocks. A slight dimunition of the pro- portion of dissolved salts might therefore in time be percep- tible if the flow were very generous. Inasmuch as most of the strata of the Coastal Plain of A 1 a- bama are marine sediments, it would naturally be inferred that the s'oluble materials enclosed in them and thus given up to the circulating waters, would be such as were originally held in solution in the sea water. The chief one of these is common CHARACTER OF THE WATER. 65 salt or chloride of sodium, and along with it are smaller quan- tities of the chlorides and sulphates of potassium, magnesium, and calcium. In some of the artesian waters the carbonate? predominate, such as carbonates of sodium, calcium, magne- sium, and potassium. These waters are, in some cases at least, derived from fresh water sediments. In the next Chapter are given many analyses' of the waters from the different parts of the state and from the different geological formations, which will partially illustrate this subject. CHAPTER III. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE UNDERGROUND WATERS OF ALABAMA. APPALACHIAN DIVISION. TALLADEGA MOUNTAINS AND ASHLAND PLATEAU. (IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS.) SURFACE FEATURES. In the geological sketch above it has been shown that the rocks underlying the Appalachian division of the State are more or less' crystalline in texture, and below a moderate depth usu- allly very densely compacted and practically impervious. Near the surface they are often much fractured and fissured, but the crevices offer very limited and uncertain channels for the trans- mission of ground water. Most of these rocks display at the surface division planes of schistosity, dipping generally toward the southeast, but open passages along these lines are likewise superficial, so that at best in the original rocks the conditions are wanting, or at least very unfavorable, for the storage or transmission of ground water. 1 SHALLOW WATERS. By the action of atmospheric agencies the rocks throughout this area are more or less completely covered 'by a mantle of clayey sand, the result of their decay. In favorable locations, where this residual matter is not disturbed by rains, it is possible to trace the progress of the decay from the structure- less clays through rotten slates down to the unaltered crystal- lime rock. In some places the decay penetrates to great depths, 100 feet or more. Very frequently the residual matter has been TALLADEGA MOUNTAIN AND ASHLAND PLATEAU. 67 removed from the place of its origin, having slid down slopes and accumulated in lowlying lands, leaving the comparatively fresh rock bare at the summits and along the exposed cliffs. The surface mantle thus provided, being a mixture of clayey matter with fragments of quartz and other undecomposed min- erals', is sufficiently porous to absorb and transmit with readi- ness water falling upon it. The moisture is thus diffused gen- erally throughout the mass, descending until held in check by the nearly impervious undecomposed rock below. The ground water can therefore be utilized by means of ordinary shallow wells and springs, but on account of the discontinuous charac- ter of the surface accumulations' the supply of water is in places somewhat limited and liable to failure in seasons of drought. A good many bored wells have been sunk in this residual ma- terial especially in Chilton county, about Thorsby, by Mr. I. E. Sarber. These wells get water at depths varying from 60 to 100 feet, in a clean yellow sand underlying a hard yellow or blue clay, and resting on the solid granitic rock of the country.- Into this rock the borings have pentrated as 1 much as 60 feet without any yield of water. There is generally some rise of water in the wells, the usual stand being from 30 to 70 feet below the surface. MINERAL WATERS. The Hillabee schist is the source of a number of mineral springs, the most important of which are Chandler's, Chambers', and Jenkins', all situated on the eastern flank of the Talladega Mountain range. A sample of the water from Chandler's Spring has been analyzed by Mr. Hodges, with the following results : Analysis of water from Chandler's spring. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 3.3 Sodium (Na) 7.5 Magnesium (Mg) 103 Calcium (Ca) 37.7 Iron (Fe) 4.3 Alumina (A1 2 O 3 ) 4.4 Chlorine (Cl) 1.7 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 9.5 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 186. Q Silica 55.1 68 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. This is an alkaline-saline water which, from the relatively large amounts of iron and the sulphates of potassium and mag- nesium, should poss'ess some medicinal quality. The water from Chambers Springs, a few miles distant from Chandlers' and derived from the same source, the Hillabee Schist has somewhat similar though not identical composi- tion, as may be seen from the following analysis by Mr. Hodges. Analysis of water Chamber's Spring. "Sulphur Spring." Potassium (K) Parts per million. 3 Sodium (Na) ... 5 5 Magnesium (Mg) Calcium (Ca) 19.2 39 Iron and Alumina (Fe2O3,Al2Os) 3 3 Chlorine (Cl) , 3.0 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 5 4 Carbonic acid (HCOs) Silica (SiOg) 56 7 350.2 ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. In the surface beds of residual soils and other products of decomposition the conditions are unfavorable to the success of artesian borings, since these beds' are not continuous over large areas and are lacking in alternations of pervious and imper- vious strata with gentle inclination. In the underlying solid rocks the conditions for artesian water can not be said to be much more favorable, for while these rocks attain, especially near the surface, s'ome degree of permeability by reason of the joints and fissures by which they are traversed, these channels are not likely to be continuous for any great distance nor to be present at any great depth ; moreover, their position can not be determined beforehand and there is no certainty about strik- ing them. Almost any boring into these rocks will directly fill with water, but only under favorable local conditions is' the amount likely to be sufficient to meet very large demands. TALLADEGA MOUNTAIN AND ASHLAND PLATEAU. 69 The manner in which the joints may serve as waterways for artesian supply is illustrated by the accompanying figure after M. L. Fuller.* Fig. 22. Well in jointed rock. The figure will also show how it is possible for polluted water to pass along thes'e joints into the well. On general principles then, the area of the igneous and meta- morphic rocks may be considered as unfavorable for artesian water prospects, and experience in many States bears this out. On the other hand by increasing the number of borings within a limited space, it is often possible to obtain an adequate sup- ply. This has been demonstrated at Lanett in Chambers county. Recent studies' have also thrown some light on the a-rtesian con- ditions of the crystalline rocks, and Mr. Fullert expresses the opinion that it is possible by means of careful examination to determine in advance the probabilities of the success of a well within a margin of anly a few per cent, of error. The number of well records from this section of the Appa- lachian Division, is at present quite small, but the use of the drill is steadily increasing. *Water Supply Paper No. 114, U. S. Geol. Survey, page 28. tEconomic Geology, Vol. I. page 567. 70 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. LANETT WELLS. In 1897 and '98 eight wells were bored for the L-anett Bleachery and Dye Works at Lanett in Chambers County. The first well as 93 feet deep through soil and loose rock only. It yielded thirty-six gallons per minute. Well No. 2 was bored 248 feet, 113 feet through solid rock which is of granite. This well yields 29 gallons. Well No. 3, is 467 feet deep, 390 feet being in solid rock; yield 62 gal- lons per minute. Well No. 4, 703 feet deep, 610 in solid rock; yield 62 gallons per minute. Well No. 5, 460 feet deep, 390 feet through rock; yield 17 gallons per minute. Well No. 6, record similar to that of No. 5. Well No. 7, 690 feet deep, 500 feet in solid rock. Original yield about 90 gallons per minute. Well No. 8, 1064 feet deep, 984 through rock; yield only 30 gallons. These wells are in an area of 350 or 450 feet radius. The rock, as above stated, is' a blue granite with seams or veins of flint rock, and from this flint rock comes all the water obtained from the wells. In boring the eighth well, the water from the two nearest wells was reduced, from which it has' been inferred that the group of wells takes up practically all the water avail- able within the area. The piping down to solid rock was all six inches in diameter. The water is considered very pure. It contains a trace of magnesia, and, with the exception of the water from the surface well, appears to be free from lime. Information concerning these wells is furnis'hed by Mr. L. La- nier, President of the Lanett Cotton Mills. ALEXANDER CITY WELLS. Well No. 1, depth, 525 feet; depth to water, 250 feet; diameter, 10 inches; depth of casing 60 feet, to rock; height of water, 17 feet; wields, 45 gal- lons per minute; after lowering the sand to 100 feet there was no further change by pumping; use, for fire purposes only; method of pumping, air compressor; total solids, 415.94 parts per million; volatile and organic matter, 112.98 parts per million; temporary hardness 46.22 parts per mil- lion; permanent hardness, 179.76 parts per million; mineral constituents, chlorine, lime, and magnesia relatively abundant, sulphuric acid, iron, and alumina in small amount. Well No. 2, depth, 350 feet; depth to water, 250 feet; diameter, 10 inches; depth of casing 60 feet, to rock; yield, 60 gallons per minute; height of water, 17 feet; stand has not been lowered by pumping below 100 feet; total solids, 461.7 parts per million; volatile and organic matter, 51.3 parts per million; temporary hardness, 47.93 parts per million; per- manent hardness, 172.89 parts per million; mineral constituents, chlorine, lime, and magnesia relatively abundant, sulphuric acid, iron, and alumina in small amount. The composition of the water from the two wells appeared to be substantially the same. APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. 71 AUBURN, LEE COUNTY. A well was bored at Auburn in 1899 by M. L. Fullan, the details of which will be found in the description of Lee County in the Coastal Plain division below. APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. SURFACE FEATURES. The geological formations occurring in the Appalachian .val- leys range from Cambrian up to Lower Carboniferous inclu- sive. The prevailing rocks are limestones and dolomites, but along with them are subordinate beds of shale, sandstone, and conglomerate. The great limestone formation is the Knox dolomite, which occupies a very large proportion of the entire area. Of less importance are the Trenton and Tuscumbia (Lower Carbon- iferous) limestones, which usually outcrop only along the mar- gins of the valleys or the bases of the bordering hills. In the lower part of the Cambrian occur the most important bodies of shale, which underlie large areas' in the Coosa Valley and smaller ones in the central parts of the lesser valleys. Other bodies of shale inclosing beds of sandstone, occur among the strata of Clinton (Red Mountain) ridges. Still other shales make a large part of the area of the Lower Carboniferous 1 along the western border of the Coosa Valley. The sandstones are fairly well distributed among the various formations, but the greatest bodies, including conglomerates, are found in the Coosa Valley, where they rise into veritable mountains. The sandstones of the Clinton (Red Mountain) ridges and of the Lower Carboniferous 1 formations may under certain conditions be of importance in connection with artesian prospects, which are considered below. SHALLOW WATERS. While the rocks of this subdivision are not as a rule char- acterized by any serviceable degree of porosity, as will be seen later, yet they are all covered more or less completely by soils 4 and other residual matters resulting from their decay and 72 .DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. weathering, and these surface accumulations are fairly well adapted to the absorption and storage of the rainfall, so that springs and open wells are common throughout this area ex- cept where it is too thoroughly underdrained by cavernous lime- stones. As is the case, however, with all residual accumula- tions, these surface beds are not commonly in continuous bo- dies of great extent and thus their water supply is more or less clos'ely dependent on local rainfall. Of much greater importance in this connection are the great limestone springs, or "big springs," especially of the Knox dolomite and in less degree of the Tuscumbia (Lower Carbon- iferous) limestones. Both these limestones, in some parts', are highly siliceous or cherty, and like all limestones are traversed near the surface by fissures, channels, and caverns', formed or enlarged by the solvent action of the circulating waters, which also, dissolving the purer parts of the limestone, leave behind the chert in great open masses of the highest degree of per- meability. In consequence of these conditions much of the rainfall in these terranes finds it t way sooner or later into these subterranean channels forming streams which emerge as "big springs/' It need hardly be said that wells or borings may sometimes' hnprcn to be sunk on one of these underground streams, from which large supplies of water may be obtained by pumping, though in the nature of things the water is not likely to rise in the wells, having free outlet through the underground chan- nel. In Birmingham, and probably in many other places, such streams have been utilized by air-lift appliances. It would be hardly possible to enumerate all the great lime- stone springs of this section, but the following are well known ; In the Coosa Valley, the springs about Piedmont, Alexandria, Jacksonville, Coldwater Spring near Anniston, Oxford, Tal- ladega town, Kelley's above Talladega, Fayetteville, Monte- vallo, etc. ; in the lesser valleys, Village Springs, Springville, Hawkins, Elyton, Bessemer, or Jonesboro, Bucksville, Tanne- hill, Roup's, Guntersville. MINERAL WATERS. The mineral waters of the Appalachian valleys show a great variety in their composition on account of the variety of mate- APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. 73 rials making up the formations in which they are found. The most prolific sources of these mineral waters are, perhaps, the ferruginous, calcareous' shales of the Cambrian, and the black bituminous shales of the Devonian and Lower Carboniferous; and the most common mineral waters from these formations are sulphur and chalybeate waters, usually more or less closely associated, making classification rather difficult. SULPHUR AND CHALYBEATE WATERS. JONES SPRINGS. Seven miles' southwest of Gadsden on the Ashville road, in the N. E. quarter, N. E. quarter, Section I, Township 13, Range 5 E., is a white sulphur spring on the place of Mr. Jones. The spring flows daily from 800 to 1000 gallons and the water is very agreeable to the taste. On the same land there is a large spring coming out of the limestone formation. ST. CLAIR SPRINGS. Farther southwest in Section 3, Township 15, Range 2 E., are the St. Clair Sulphur Springs. The waters come from the limestones overlying thin-bedded calcerous shales of the "Flat- woods." They are pleasant to the taste and not too strongly impregnated with sulphur. Ample accommodations are pro- vided for visitors. / There are six springs along a brook running a little east of north. The first five in order of occurrence from the south, are (1) Black Sul- phur, (2) Sulphur, (3) Freestone, (4) White Sulphur, and (5) Red Sulphur. No. 6, a short distance west of No. 5 is known as Lithia Spring. Nos. 1 and 2 are considerably stronger in sulphur than either No. 4 or No. 5, but in other respects are similar. All the sulphur waters contain lithium and traces of barium and strontium. No lithium could be detected in No. 6, which is also free from barium and strontium. The temperatures of the waters were, No. 4, 66.5; No. 5, 63.5; and No. 6,60.5, the tem- perature of the air at the same time being 73.8. 74 DETAILS : APPALACHIAN DIVISION. Analysis of water from, springs No. 4, 5 and 6, St. Glair. Potassium (K) Part No. 4 1 2 s per million. No. 5 No. 6 1.8 .6 23.6 3.5 stg. trace, none 14.8 17.3 31.8 37.5 trace, trace. 2.2 1.3 11.5 4.1 4.8 170.0 161.2 8.2 16.9 18.4 Sodium (Na) Lithium (Li) 8.3 trace Magnesium (Mg) Calcium (Ca) 16.4 36 9 Barium (Ba) trace, trace. Strontium (Sr) Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) . . Chlorine (Cl) 2.2 4 9 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) Carbonic acid (HCOs) 209 1 Sulphuretted hydrogen (H 2 S) .3 Silica (SiOs) 13 3 292.6 280.8 248.7 No. 4 "White sulphur." No. 5 "Red Sulphur." No. 6 "Lithia." TALLADEGA SPRINGS. Both sulphur and chalybeate waters are found at Talla- dega Springs, Plate III, but their origin is difficult to determine with certainty, since the springs arise from the limestones .at the foot of mountains of the Weisner quartzite (Cambrian). Inasmuch as these mountains are mostly in contact with much younger strata on me north by reason of faulting, it is prob- able that the springs have their origin in the Devonian or Lower Carboniferous black shales, both of which appear in the near vicinity, though the rock from which the water issues s'eems to be the Pelham limestone. There are many conven- iences for visitors here and the waters are well known. Below is an analysis of this water by Prof. W. C. Stubbs taken from Bulletin 32, U. S. G. S. 1886 but recomputed to ionic form and parts per million by Mr. Hodges. Determinations by Mr. Hodges of the sulphuretted hydrogen of this water in 1904 and 1905 gave only about 19 parts per million. APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. 75 Analysis of water from Talladega Springs. Potassium (K) Parts per million. 77.4 Sodium (Na) 127 7 Magnesium (Mg) 4.6 Calcium (Ca) 115.3 24 8 Iron (Fe) trace Chlorine (Cl) 55 5 Sulphuric acid (SOi) 131.7 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 368.0 539 2 Silica (SiO 2 ) 42.5 1486.7 SHELBY SPRINGS. Shelby Springs, in Section 14, Township 21, Range I W., (Plate IV) comprising two sulphur springs with white deposits, a chalybeate spring, and a magnesium spring, come from the black shale of the Subcarboniferous, which here underlies so much territory. In the near vicinity is a large limestone spring. The composition of one of the sulphur waters of Shelby Springs', viz., that from a spring near the pavilion shown in Plate IV, is given in the following analysis by Mr. Hodges. Analysis of water from Shelby Springs, "White Sulphur." Parts per million. Potassium (K) 1.2 Sodium (Na) 7.3 Magnesium (Mg) 7.9 Calcium (Ca) 47.8 Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O 3 ,A.l 2 O 3 ) 1.3 Chlorine (Cl) 2.4 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) : 9.6 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) ' 80.1 Sulphuretted hydrogen (HS) .8 Sili'ca (SiO 2 ) 36.4 194.! HAWKINS WELL. LEEDS MINERAL WATER. This well is near the line of the Southern Railway, in Jef- ferson County a mile or two east of Leeds, (Plate V). The 76 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. well is near the boundary of St. Clair County, and is an ordi- nary open well about 50 feet deep. The composition of the water is shown in the accompanying analysis, by Mr. Hodges. Analysis of Leeds Mineral Water; Hawkins Well. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 6.7 Sodium (Na) 20.5 Magnesium (MgO .9 Calcium (Ca) 2.5 Iron (Pe) 2.1 Aluminum (Al) 4.6 Chlorine (Cl) 20.5 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 35.2 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 34.5 Silica (SlOa) 19.9 147.4 The well is in Subcarboniferous' starta at the eastern foot of Little Oak Mountain, in the Cahaba Valley. This water is bottled and has an extensive sale in the State. ALABAMA WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. These springs are in the southwest corner of Section 10, Township 4, Range 10 E., in Wills Valley, Dekalb County. The surface rocks at the springs are the cherty limestones of the Subcarboniferous 1 , but the underlying Devonian shale is undoubtedly the source of the sulphur water. This black shale is rich in iron pryrites and its decomposition produces the sul- phur. There are here five springs (Plate VI), three of which are more or less impregnated with sulphur, though none of them very strongly. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES. PLATE V. HAWKINS WELL. (LEEDS MINERAL WATER), JEFFERSON COUNTY. V 5 -' OF THE " 'ERSTi ' \- OF OF THE UNIVERSITY OF (-A I ' r r\ o Kl \ KJ APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. 77 Mr. Hodges has analyzed the waters from two of the springs, viz, the White Sulphur and the Freestone, with the results given below : Analyses of water from Alabama White Sulphur Springs. Parts per million. No. 1 No. 2 Potassium (K) 3 2 trace Sodium (Na) 15.7 1.8 Lithium (Li) trace Magnesium (Mg) 55 8 5 3 Calcium (Ca) 118 3 74 6 Iron (Fe) 6 Alumina (A1 2 O 3 ) , 1.3 2 1 Chlorine (Cl) 4 2 1 4 Sulphuric acid (SOi) 304 2 10 5 Carbonic acid (HCO<>) 294.5 246 2 Sulphuretted hydrogen (H^S) 8 1 Silica (SiO 2 ) 25 8 11 831.8 353.5 No. i "White sulphur." No. 2 "Freestone." The Plate (VI) shows the White Sulphur Spring, No. i, in the foreground, and the Freestone Spring, No. 2, in the back- ground. BLOUNT SPRINGS AND VICINITY. The most noted sulphur springs in the State are the Blount Springs, situated near the end of Sequatchee (Browns) Val- ley, in the southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 13, Range 2 W. The plate, No. VII, s'hows the pavilion at Blount and the positions of the several springs mentioned below; while the diagram, figure 23. will make these positions more definite, and will serve for their better identification. The little marble basins in front of the pavilion mark the places of most of the springs. 78 DETAILS I APPALACHIAN DIVISION. Fig. 23. Diagram of Blount Springs. Quantitative analyses of the water of three of these springs have been made by Mr. Hodges, and qualitative examinations of three others 1 , with the results given below. Analyses of Blount Springs Sulphur Waters. Potassium (K) Part No. 1 14 2 s per million. No. 2 No. 3 13.8 11.8 232.0 217.8 * * 24.9 23.1 53.2 50.6 * * * * 1.0 .' 1.5 1.3 320.1 297.3 * * trace, trace, trace, trace. 276.2 257.3 - 54.2 53.1 19.7 16.6- Sodium (Na) 034 3 Lithium (Li) .. . 1 2 Magnesium (Mg) 24 3 Calcium (Ca) 51 4 Barium (Ba) 4 c Strontium (Sr) 2 4 Iron (Fe) .8 1 5 Alumina (A^Oa) Chlorine (Cl) 305 i Bromine (Br) ... 1 9 ' Iodine (I) trace Sulphuric Acid (SO 4 ) trace. 279 1 Carbonic acid (HCOs) Sulphuretted hydrogen (H 2 S) ... Silica (SiO 2 ) 56.5 26 5 "Present but not determined. 1023. S 996.6 928.9 Mf >mimmfr APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. 79 A qualitative test of springs No. 5 and 6 showed them to be very similar to No. 1. A qualitative examination of spring No. 4 gives of solid dis- solved matter 555.75 parts per million. The water is non-sulphuretted and contains some sulphates; lithium is also present. The temperature was found to be practically the same in all these springs, t;3.5 F., the temperature of the air at the same time being 82 F. With the exception of No. 4 they were all strongly sulphuretted. They furnish an abundant supply of water for drinking and baths, No. 1, the largest, having a flow of about 3 gallons per minute. The presence of some constituents in relatively large quanti- ties, not commonly found in Alabama mineral waters, makes these springs noteworthy. They contain more sulphuretted hy- drogen and lithium than any other water in the State of whichh a record is available, the presence of the latter being easily detected with the spectroscope in the water as taken from the spring, without any concentration. Salts of barium and stron- tium are also present. Cold Spring. This is a good type of the "Big 1 " springs so characteristic of the Lower Carboniferous rocks, and would not properly be considered as a mineral spring. It is about one mile south of Blount Springs Hotel near the bank of Randolph Creek. The flow of water is very large. The temperature is 1 59, the temperature of the air at the same time being 79. The analysis given below show its principal ingredient to be carbonate of lime. It is free from sulphuretted hydrogen and any large amount of sodium chloride, which are so plenti- ful in the Blount Springs water proper. Analysis of water from "Cold Spring," near Blount Springs. Potassium (K) Sodium (Na) Magnesium (Mg) Calcium (Ca) Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O3,Al 2 O3) Chlorine (Cl) Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) Silica (SiO 2 ) Parts per million. 1.3 7.2 4.4 58.7 1.7 9.9 194:8 14.8 301.! Glenwood Spring. Of somewhat similar nature is a water from the Oxmoor sandstone ridge, near Blount Springs, or. 80 DETAILS : APPALACHIAN DIVISION. the property of Mr. G. D. Fitzhugh. This spring is' in the N. W. quarter, N. E. quarter, Section 6, Township 13, Range 2 W., and is called Glenwood Spring. Analysis of water from Glenwood Spring, near Blount Springs. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 1.0 Sodium (Na) ; 4.5 Magnesium (Mg) 2.1 Calcium (Ca) 28.1 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O3,Al 2 O 3 ) 1.1 Chlorine (Cl) 5.3 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 8.4 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 91.8 Silica (SiO 2 ) 12.2 154.5 H (well's Well. The following analysis by Mr. Hodges of the water from a well 90 feet deep on the property of Mr. W. F. Harrell, one mile north of Blount Springs, shows it to be a chalybeate water, and it is reputed to have valuable medi- cinal character. Analysis of water from Harrell's well, near Blount Springs. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 1.0 Sodium (Na) 6.6 Magnesium (Mg) 7.4 Calcium (Ca) 53.9 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3) Al 2 O 3 ) 12.4 Chlorine (Cl) 15.7 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 19.3 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 167.7 Silica (SiO 2 14.7 298.2 BORDEN-WHEELER SPRINGS. This much visited resort is on the Seaboard Air Line R. R., in Cleburne County, (Plate VIII.) The accompanying analysis of the water, by Mr. Hodges, will show its character. APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. 81 Analysis of water from B or den-Wheeler Springs. Parts per million. Potassium (K) .9 Sodium (Na) 4.0 Magnesium (Mg) 6.7 Calcium (Ca) 36.3 Iron (Fe) 1.6 Alumina (A1 2 O 3 ) .3 Chlorine (Cl) 1.7 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 22.9 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 131.6 Silica (SiO 2 ) 19.9 225.9' OTHER SPRINGS. The Devonian black shales give rise to numerous sulphur and chalybeate springs in Calhoun County and elsewhere. The sul- phur springs in the N. W. quater, S. W. quarter, Section 30, Township 15, Range 6, E., in Calhoun County, occur in black shales interstratified with s'eams of resinous-looking brown and grayish sandstones. The water is pleasant to the taste, being not too strongly impregnated with sulphur. In the S. W. quarter, N. W. quarter, Section 30, Township 16, Range 4 E., in St. Clair County, a group of sulphur and chalybeate springs occur in the same black s'hales. A chalybeate spring from the Subcarboniferous shale is recorded in the S. E. quarter, N. W. quarter, Section i, Township 15, Range 6 E., also in. Calhoun County. Of chalybeate springs there is no lack in the ether formations in this section; thus in the Weisner (Cambrian) sandstones are the Chocco Springs', near Talladega, in the southeast cor- ner of Section 17, Township 18, Range 5 E., comprising two chalybeate and several freestone springs ; also another fine and well-known chalybeate spring in the northeast corner of Sec- tion 2, Township 15, Range 9 E., in Calhoun County. Chaly- beate waters are also abundant in the strata just under the bluff of the lower conglomerate of the Coal Measures capping Look- out and Raccoon mountains. These are noticed' under "Coal Measures." 82 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. INGRAM WELL. The Devonian black shale of Calhoun County yields another water of rather interesting composition from the Ingram well, 28 feet deep, in the E. half, S. W. quarter, Section 26, Town- ship 14, Range 6 E., one and one-half miles east of Ohatchee. (Plate IX A.) The analysis below is by Dr. J. W. Mallett* Analysis of Ingram lithia water from well near Ohatchee. Part? per million. Sodium (Na) 6.37 Potassium (K) 1.58 Lithium (Li) .06 Manganese (Mn) .11 Calcium (Ca) 44.21 Strontium (Sr) 16 Ammonium (NH 4 ) , .20 Zinc (Zn) .29 Iron (Fe) .70 Maganese (Mn) Copper (Cu) Aluminum (Al) Sulphuric acid (SOJ Chlorine (Cl) ........ Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) .11 .06 .27 17.13 5.68 147.72 Nitric acid (NO 3 ) .13 Silica (SiO 2 ) 39.68 Fluorine (F) trace. 268.82 *Expressed by analyst in grains per gallon and hypothetical com- binations; recomputed to ionic form and parts per million at U. S. Geological Survey. SALINE WATERS. LANDERS WELL AND GARY SPRINGS. Besides chalybeate waters, the variegated shales of the Cam- brian yield strongly saline waters of medicinal quality, as 1 may be seen from the following analyses of water from the well of Mr. A. M. Landers, of Jacksonville, and from the Gary Springs, near Centerville, both analyses of Mr. Hodges. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES. PLATE IX. A. INGRAM WELL, NEAR OHATCHEE, CALHOUN COUNTY. I B. GATE CITY WELL, JEFFERSON COUNTY, APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. 83 Analysis of water from A. M. Landers's well, Jacksonville. Parts per million. Sodium (Na) 41.3 Magnesium (Mg) 122.9 Calcium (Ca) 276.3 Iron and Alumina (FesOs.AlsOs) 3.4 Chlorine (Cl) .7 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ( 1071.5 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 206.6 Silica (SiO 2 ) < 35.4 1758.1 Analysis of water from Gary Springs, near Centerville. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 2.7 Sodium (Na) 4.3 Magnesium (Mg) 85.6 Calcium (Ca) 456.1 Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O3,Al 2 O3) 8.9 Chlorine (Cl) 3.3 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 1337.4 Carbonic acid HCO 3 ) 126.8 Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) 47.7 Silica (SiO 2 ) 18.3 2091.1 Free carbonic acid, 242 cc. per liter. The calcareous shales of the "Flatwoods" of Coosa River above Gadsden yield als'o mineral water of very decided char- acter, as may be seen from the following analysis, by Mr. Hodges. BALL FLAT WELL. Analysis of water from John B. Smith's ivell, Ba-ll Flat. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 5.9 Sodium (Na) 112.1 Magnesium (Mg) 96.3 Calcium (Ca) 393.6 Iron and alumina (FeaO^A^OaO) 3.5 Chlorine (Cl) 12/.6 Sulphuric acid (SO*) 1302.5 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 120.3 Silica (SiOa) 20.0 2181.8 84 Di-TAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. All the older rocks which have lain below a thick covering of younger formations for a long time, even though originally porous, have had their porosity greatly diminshed by the filling of the pores With silt or clay, or more commonly, in the deeper zones, of flow, by the deposition of mineral matter. Limestones are, in their original condition, in most cas'es among the most compact and least porous of rocks ; shales, while possessing a high degree of porosity, are yet almost impermeable by reason of the small size of the pores and the great friction encounter- ed by the water in passing through; sandstones have originally the greatest degree of permeability, by virtue of the compara- tively large size of the individual grains, and consequently of the pores between them. The sandstones of the Appalachian valleys, having, remained long deeply buried, have lost a part of their porosity as above explained, so that in general all the rocks underlying this area must be considered as poorly adapted to the absorption and transmission of water. On the other hand, the limestones may be open textured from several causes. Near the surface, as above shown, they may be jointed and fissured and these openings' may be enlarged by solution in circulating waters ; in the alteration of limestone into dolomite there is a diminution in the volume of the rock and a consequent development of shrinkage cracks ; where siliceous or cher.ty limestones have been exposed at the surface for a long time the lime may be leached out and the chert left as art exceedingly open and porous mas's through which the waters may pass without obstruction. Some of the sandstones still possess a reasonable degree of porosity. The shales are al- ways good covers and underlying beds' for the porous strata, and in many places the alternations of pervious and impervious beds at a gentle inclination fulfil some of the requisites of an artesian system, so that under favorable local conditions artesian water may be found in .much of this area. Thes'e fa- vorable conditions may be offset, however, in several ways. The fissures are likely to be narrowed or even closed at con- siderable depths, and they are rarely continuous for any great distance ; the same may be said of the openness" of texture pro- duced by other causes. Moreover, the geologic structure may give rise to still other opposing conditions. As already stated, APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. 85 the rocks in all these valleys have been bent upward into anti- clinal arches which are often lapped over to one side ; or several folds may be compressed together, and there may be further complications by faulting. These disturbances are more in the eastern part of this area than farther west. As a consequence the strata, even when other conditions are favorable, may stand at too steep an inclination to be well adapted to artesian bor- ings, for the water in the porous bed would be carried beyond available depths too quickly. The horizons which have yielded artesian water, so far as the collected records go, are the lower Cambrian limestones and sandstones about Anniston and the Lower Carboniferous* strata of Red Mountain, near Birmingham. The Weisner sandstone is a great mountain-making forma- tion running with occasional breaks from the Georgia line southwestward by Piedmont, Jacksonville, Anniston, and Tal- ladega to the Kahatchee Hills near Talladega Springs. The foothills of this ridge are covered with a thick layer of residual deposits resting on the other Cambrian formations. AXNISTON. Several borings have been made at Anniston with the re- sults given below. These borings pass through the residual matter near the surface and the limestones into a sandstone in which the water is obtained. This may be the Weisner sand- stone, but reliable identifications have not been made. Well No. 1, Charcoal Furnace; diameter, 8 inches; depth, 260 feet; water rises within 4 feet of the surface; capacity not determined, but seems to have been several gallons per minute; well was abandoned be- cause of the loss of tools. Well No. 2, Charcoal Furnace; drilled in 1886 by Charles Morgan; diam- eter, 6 '5-8 inches; depth, 558 feet; water at 550 feet, rising to within 4 feet of the surface. The boring struck decomposed Cambrian lime- stone at 32 feet, in which it continued all the way, except for 8 feet of porous sandstone at the bottom. The well is located about 40 feet from No. 1, on ground about 30 feet lower than the water- works well. The limestone is thicker at the furnaces. While drilling in the limestone the water level in No. 1 was affected, but on completion the limestone was cased off. A pump delivering a solid 5-inch stream did not diminish the supply after a twenty-four hour test. Coke Furnace well; drilled in 1899; diameter, 10 inches; depth. 480 feet; height of water, 80 feet. The well was begun at the bottom of a shaft which was sunk 126 feet through yellow clay, 10 feet through shale, and 344 feet into limestone. The flow of water into the shaft from the well 86 DETAILS I APPALACHIAN DIVISION. was determined by measurement to vary from 1,200 to 1,900 gallons per minute. When drawing 1,800 gallons per minute the pumps held the level constantly at 5 feet below the bottom of the shaft. City water-works well, diameter, 8 inches; depth, 310 feet; depth to water, 280 to 310 feet; water rises to within 30 feet of the surface; capacity under pump, 1,000 gallons per minute without lowering; quality, good; temperature 60 degrees. The well is supposed to be entirely in Cambrian rocks. It was started at the bottom of a shaft 120 feet deep. From the surface the materials were: Soil, a few inches; yellow clay, 4 feet; coarse gravel, 36 feet; limestone, somewhat decomposed and interspersed with numerous seams and jointed masses, 240 feet; flint, 2 inches; sandstone, at first coarse grained, but becoming gradually porous, 30 feet. In the upper part of the Lower Carboniferous beds, equiva- lent in general to the Bangor (Chester or Mountain) lime- stone division of geologists, are some thick bodies of s'hales and sandstone which have received the name Oxmoor, from their great development at the village of that name in Shades Val- ley. The same strata reappear prominently east of the Coosa coal field and between that field and the great Coosa Valley. Some of these sandstones are quite opentextured and free from lime, and thus well fitted for the absorption and transmission of water. In many places they have a gentle slope to the south- east, and being inclosed between shales form good artesian res- ervoirs. GATE CITY. Records have been collected of artesian wells in these strata at only one place, viz, the eastern slope of Red Mountain near Gate City, Birmingham, yet on general principles there s'hould be reasonable expectation of success in borings at other points in Shades Valley, as well as in the region between the Coosa coal field and Coosa Valley. Borings made by Mr. DeBardeleben in Shades Valley south and southwest of Birmingham, in prospecting for the Red Mountain ore seam, have recently fully realized this' expecta- tion. The Gate City wells are in the S. E. quarter, N. W. quarter, Section 26, Township 17, Range 2. W., in Shades Valley, at the base of the Red Mountain ridge. Here were formerly two large limestone springs about 30 feet apart. Four wells have been bored within a radius of 100 feet of these springs ; two of them are 10 inches in diameter, the other two 6 inches. The APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. 87 water in all the wells stands at about the height of the two springs' mentioned, and overflows or stands a few feet below the Surface according to the elevation of the mouth of the well. The borings are 25,85,103, and 344 feet deep respectively. The sinking of these wells has diminished the flow of one of the springs, but the other does not seem to be affected. One of these wells is shown in Plate IX. B. In the N. W. quarter of the S. E. quarter of Section 26, Township 17, Range 2 W., and a short distance southeast of the springs and wells just mentioned are other springs. The water from one of these E, T. Cox's has been analyzed by Mr. Hodges with the following results. Analysis of water -from E. T. Cox's spring, Shades Valley. Parts per million. Potassium (K) .8 Sodium (Na) 8.2 Magnesium (Mg) 5.6 Calcium (Ca) , 22.8 Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O3,Al 2 O3) 3.2 Chlorine (Cl) 3.3 Sulphuric acid (So 4 ) 6.6 Carbonic tcid (HCO 3 ) 106.6 Silica (SiOa) 43.3 200.4 The sandstones of the Clinton (Upper Silurian) formation might locally furnis'h an artesian supply, but as they are gen- erally calcareous they probably have low porosity. Their posi- tion, however, between impervious shales, is favorable. In the lesser valleys and the two Red Mountain ridges (east and west) the great preponderance of limestones and calca- reous shales among the strata and above all their high angle of dip are unfavorable for artesian prospects, though, as above mentioned favorable for "big springs." 88 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. COAL MEASURES (CARBONIFEROUS ROCKS) The strata of the Coal Measures consist in the main of the sandstones, conglomerates', and shales ; the coal seams form a very small percentage of the entire thickness and there are a few thin beds of impure limestone. SHALLOW WATERS. In consequence of weathering these rocks are covered with a mantle of residual material sands, clays, and loams of vary- ing thickness' according to the locality; though in some places this mantle has been entirely removed by erosion leaving bare rocks at the surface. Springs and open wells are everywhere sources of water for domestic use, but on account of the non- continuity of these surface beds and their variable thickness the supply is intimately dependent on occasional conditions, and is prone to diminish or fail in times of long-continued drought. These springs' escape usually just above a bed of shale or a coal seam. The latter is an especially effectual hindrance to downward percolation, and in consequence wet, fern-covered benches along the hillsides' and in the ravine heads are con- sidered good guides in prospecting for coal. The sandstone strata near the base of these measures are gen- erally good collectors and storers of surface waters, especially near the cliffs' and escarpments overlooking the valleys. The springs at Mentone, on Lookout Mountain; on Monte Sano, near Huntsville; and on Shades Mountain, near Oxmoor, are instances. The waters from Towne's spring and the De Soto Springs on Shades Mountain have been found by analysis (see below) to be alkaline-carbonate-waters, with, however, no ex- cessive amount of dissolved mineral matter. Toward their southwestern limit the Coal Measures are covered in part by later formations the Tuscaloosa and La- fayette and as these consist in the main of unconsolidated sands and pebbles, the s'urface-water supply dependent upon them is much more reliable and usually never failing. MINERAL WATERS. While the Coal Measures are prolific in mineral waters, main- ly sulphur and chalybeate, there are comparatively few places GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES. PLATE X. A. COOK SPRINGS, ST. CLAIR COUNTY. B. MENTONE SPRING, DEKALB COUNTY. COAL MEASURES. 89 where they have been utilized and where accommodations have been provided for visitors. COOK SPRINGS. These springs, (Plate X. A), located on the Seaboard Air Line, in the Coosa coal field, are well situated and improved. There are s'everal springs of different kinds, among them , a chalybeate and a sulphur spring. With the exception of these two which have respectively 269.8 and 274.1 parts per million, the waters contain comparatively little dissolved mineral waters, as may be seen by the subjoined analyses by Mr. Hodge: Analyses of ivater from, Cook Springs. Sodium (Na) Parts pe No. 1 No. 30.2 6.9 26 15 r million. 2 No. 3 No. 4 11.0 3.7 3.7 .9 2.6 1.0 117.2 2.8 10.8 .8 3.5 3.5 2.1 2.1 74.1 14.9 44.8 10.8 Potassium (K) Magnesium (Mg) 41 13 Calcium (Ca) Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 ,Al 2 O 3 ).. Chlorine (Cl) 22.6 10.0 22.6 4.0 53 53 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) Bicarbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 5.3 7.9 157.1 38.3 Sulphuretted hydrogen (H 2 S) .. Silica (SiO 2 ) .4 43.8 19 5 Total 274 1 94 7 269 8 40.5 No. i "Sulphur spring." No. 2 "Lithia or Magnesia/' No. 3 "Chalybeate." No. 4 "'Lithia." SPRINGS ON SHADES MOUNTAIN. At and near the summits of the high plateaus of the Coal Measures, adjacent to and overlooking the valleys, are many fine springs, chiefly chalybeate, though frequently alkaline-car- bonate like the Cook Springs' just mentioned. Of this kind two springs on Shades Mountain, near Oxmoor, Jefferson County, of which analyses by Mr. Hodges are given below : 90 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. Analysis of water from DeSoto Spring No. 1, near Oxmoor. Parts per million. Potassium (K) .6 Sodium (Na) 7.3 Magnesium (Mg) 3.2 Calcium (Ca) 34.1 Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O3,Al 2 O3) 5.1 Chlorine (Cl) 1.7 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 1.9 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 129.4 Silica (Si0 2 ) 36.9 220.2 In the same vicinity is another spring, on the property of Mr. John Townes, of Birmingham : Analysis of water from Towne's spring, near Oxmoor. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 2.3 Sodium (Na) 15.8 Magnesium (Mg) 3.9 Calcium (Ca) 21.0 Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O 3 ,Al 2 O 3 ) 3.6 Chlorine (Cl) 5.3 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) .5 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 118.4 Silica (SiOa) 31.1 201.9 Another well-known spring close by is the Hale Spring. As a matter of fact springs of the finest chalybeate water are nu- merous, and one might say characteristic, in the basal con- glomerates and other strata of the Coal Measures wherever these appear in cliffs overlooking the valley. SPRINGS ON LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. In the syncline of Lookout Mountain, along the banks of Black Creek, are two well-known chalybeate springs. The first is near the end of the mountain, close to Alabama City on the Hollingsworth property, in the N. W. quarter, N. W. quarter, Section 32, Township n, Range 6 E., and is known simply as the Chalybeate Spring. It flows in a small stream, strongly impregnated with iron, from beneath the sandstone or con- glomerate which makes the falls of Black Creek. This water COAL MEASURES. 91 has been favorably known for many years. No improvements have been made. Higher up the Valley, in Section 3, Town- ship 10, Range 7 E., are the Lay Springs, where several bold streams of strong chalybeate water flow from beneath a con- glomerate, probably overlying the one which makes' the falls below. At the lower end of Lookout Mountain, between Gadsden and Attalla, in the N. E. quarter, S. E. quarter, Section 31, Township n, Range 6 E., is a sulphur spring of which it is difficult to tell whether it comes from the strata of the Coal Measures or from those of the Cambrian, since the two are there brought together by faulting. On the western side of Lookout Mountain numerous sulphur and chalybeate springs' issue from beneath the capping con- glomerate of the mountain. One such spring is east of Cordell station, on the Alabama Great Southern Railroad. MENTONE SPRINGS. The following analysis by Mr. Hodges is of water from a spring at Mentone, in Section 28, Township 5, Range 10 E., (Plate X, B), owned by the Loring Springs Hotel Company. Analysis of water from springs at Mentone. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 1.3 Sodium (Na) 2.6 Magnesium (Mgr) 3.0 .Calcium (Ca) 4.5 Iron (Fe) 6.6 Alumina (A1 2 O 3 ) 2.3 Chlorine (Cl) .8 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 15.4 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 33.2 Silica (SiO 2 ) . 10.8 80.5 OTHER SPRINGS. On the west side of Wills Valley, in the N. W. quarter, Section 25, Township 6, Range 8 E., under the cliffs of Rac- coon Mountain, a chalybeate spring flows' from flagstones ly- 92 DETAILS I APPALACHIAN DIVISION. ing between conglomerates. At the head of Bristow Cove, in Murphree Valley, two similar springs are recorded, one from above and one from below the lower conglomerate. Across. Raccoon Mountain and the Tennessee Valley, among the spurs of the Curnberlands in Jackson and Madison Coun- ties, many such springs come from the meas'ures just below the conglomerates, as on Keel Mountain at Dr. Blair's residence in Section 30, Township 4, Range 3 K., and farther south in Township 5, Range 2 and 3, around the cliffs of the mountain. On Raccoon Mountain, also in Jackson County, near Fern Cliff Postoffice, a chalybeate spring arises from above the Cliff seam of coal. In Blonnt County, on the west side of the valley of Blount Springs, in the N. E. quarter, Section 10, Township 12, Range 2 W., and again on the east side of the same valley in the N. E. quarter, Section 19, Township 13, Range 2 W., are locally well-known chalybeate springs arising from the strata near the base of Coal Measures, like those above mentioned. In Winston County in a low place near Brown Creek in Section 3, Township n, Range 9 W., is the Blue Spring of Dr. Kaiser, a sulphur spring of fine quality. In the so-called rock houses of Winston and Marion counties chalybeate springs are numerous and characteristic. In Tuscaloosa County in the N. E. quarter, Section 8, Town- ship 18, Range 9 W., in Wyndham Springs. This is a sulphur spring of pleas'ant taste and reputed medicinal quality. Near- by, in the northeast corner of Section 34, Township 17, Range 9 W., is Hagler's, a strong chalybeate spring flowing from flagstones. In the N. E. quarter of Section 16, Township 18, Range 10 W., is a spring which is rather saline and from which some salt was made during the civil war. Comment has already been made on the common occurrence of chalybeate and other springs' in the wet heads of the little ravines in all parts of the basin region of the Warrior coal field, where they are shed by underlying impervious seams of coal and are thus good guides to the prospector for coal. Very few of these springs have been improved. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. The sandstones and conglomerates are the permeable beds, and as they are interstratified with shales and generally lie in COAL MEASURES. 93 nearly horizontal position or with but moderate dip, they afford in these respects the requisite conditions for artesian systems. In the smaller fields, the Coosa and Cahaba, as has been stated, the strata dip toward the southeast over the en- tire width of the fields, with the exception of a narrow belt along the eastern borders, where they stand nearly vertical in the eastern limb of the unsymmetrical synclines. In the southwestern part of the Cahaba field the stratigraphic rela- tions are more complicated, but even there these conditions pre- vail over much territory. In the Lookout Mountain and War- rior fields the strata form shallow synclines, which as a whole, have a 'pitch to the southwest. The success of arte- sian borings ^hi these areas therefore, would seem to depend chiefly on the permeability of the sandstones and conglom- erates. So far as the porosity of these rocks is concerned the case is similar to that of older rocks generally which have lain long buried beneath other strata the pore space is likely to be diminished by deposition of mineral matter from the un- derground waters. Like all massive rocks, these are traversed by joints and fissures which afford passageways for the un- derground waters, but such passageways are uncertain and unreliable. On these accounts it is generally not possible to forecast with any degree of certainty the result of artesian borings. Flowing wells of large volume are, however, hardly to be expected. j ETOWAH COUNTY. In this connection may be mentioned several interesting in- stances of successful wells near the end of Lookout Mountain, where the prospects, on general principles, would appear to be unfavorable. At Alabama City a well 6 inches in diameter was bored about six years ago in the vertical rocks of the great fault which cuts off Lookout Mountain on the south. These rocks are the sandstones and shales of the lower Coal Measures. The well is 165 feet deep and is cased to the bottom. The well mouth is about 60 feet above the railroad track at the station, and the water stands at 30 feet. A pump delivering 12 gallons per minute has raised from this well 10,000 gallons without any diminution in the amount discharged, but whether the stand in the well was lowered could not be told. 94 DETAILS I APPALACHIAN DIVISION. At the southeastern angle of the mountain rim overlooking Gadsden, at the residence of Messrs. T. S. Kyle and E. T. Schuler and the hotel, wells have been sunk into the sand- stones or conglomerates which make the highest points of the mountain here and are 500 feet or more above the court-house. Mr. Kyle's well is within 200 feet of the edge of the escarp- ment, and though only 60 feet deep it furnishes an abundant supply of water, which is raised by a hot-air pump. Mr. Schil- ler's well is in a similar position and 50 feet deep, furnishes an abundant supply, but perhaps not so much as the preceding. At the hotel also there was no difficulty in getting a good water supply in these sandstones. In all cases' the water rises in the wells, but does not overflow. The wells are sunk in the out- crop of the intaking rocks. On the N. C. and St. L. R. R. at Carlisle, on Sand Moun- tain, a fine stream of good water comes from a boring made in search of coal. Depth about 175 feet. No details obtained. CAHABA FIELD. ST. CLAIR COUNTY. At Davis Station, on the Seaboard Air Line, there is a flow- ing well, 31-2 inches in diameter and 244 feet deep, that yields about 25 gallons per minute. The well is in Section 7, Town- ship 1 6, Range 2 E., on the eastern side of the railroad, and is between the outcrops of the Wadsworth and Mammoth coal mines. WARRIOR FIELD. WALKER COUNTY. At Oakman, Walker County, a well was bored in August, 1899, during a long-continued dry spell. The depth was 58 1-2 feet ; the boring was through sandstone, in which the water was obtained. The water rises two feet above the surface and the flow is about two gallons per minute ; the temperature is 1 63F. At Jasper J. B. Carrington drilled two wells. No. I in Court House Square, went to the depth of 350 feet, but a good flow was obtained at 152 feet in a white sandstone. The water rose 17 feet above the surface and continued to flow till the second well was drilled, when the stand went down to 15 feet. No. 2 COAL MEASURES. 95 well, 6 inches in diameter, was drilled at the coke ovens, getting a good flow at 18.2 feet below the surface, which was here about 25 feet lower than the surface in the court-hous'e yard. T^ie water rose 22 feet above the surface and is sufficient in quan- tity to supply water for 300 coke ovens. A pump with 6-inch suction pipe could be worked steadily on this well for fifteen hours, and then after a rest of five or six hours could be run another fifteen hours. At Stovall's gin, between the two wells above mentioned, a shallow well was dug in which, at the depth of 15 feet, water was 1 struck which rose to the surface and flowed off as a spring. CULLMAN COUNTY. At Cullman, the county seat, a number of wells were bored during the eighties, of which the following records have been furnished by Mr. Max Schmitt, of that town. There has been no diminution in the supply of any of these wells since the first tests. RECORD OF WELLS AT CULLMAN. No. Location. Depth Feet. Water 'evel Feet. Yield. 1. 1320 80 Abundant; level not lowered by steam pump. 2. City well 715 80 Level not lowered by large air com- pressor. 3. Frank Ardt's place of business 96 63 Supply unlimited. 4. Cullman Cotton Oil Co.'s plant 100 30 5. 6. 6a. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1? A. Dreher & Co.'s furniture factory C Arnold & Son's factory 108 143 100 270 101 110 78 150 209 80 40 40 20 46 42 48 101 130 Supply unlimited. Supply limited. Supply limited. Supply unlimited. Supply limited. Supply good. Supply plentiful. Inexhaustible. Sunnlv unlimited 30 feet from No 6 J. H. Carter's place of business George H Parker's residence Paul Mohr's residence William Blevin's residence St Bernard College St. "Bernard College... 96 DETAILS : APPALACHIAN DIVISION. MARION COUNTY. 'At the Brilliant' coal mines of the Aldrich Coal Mining Com- pany two wells have been bored by J . O. Heflin, as follows : Well No. i, bored in August, 1902; diameter, 8 inches; depth, 401 feet: yields', 250 gallons per minute for four hours; well has been in daily use day and night for three years ; tem- perature, 54. The composition of the water from this well is shown in the following analysis by Mr. J. C. Long.* \ Analysis of water from well No. 1, Brilliant. Parts per million. Sodium (Na) , 2.b9 Magnesium (Mg) 17.03 Calcium (Ca) 52.11 Chlorine (Cl) 4.16 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 14.00 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 111.34 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 ,Al 2 O 3 ) "2.57 Silica (SiO 2 ) 13.96 Undetermined 36.29 254.15 Well No. 2, bored in December, 1904; diameter, 10 inches; depth, 375 feet; has yielded 1000 gallons per minute for four hours ; not yet in regular use. The water in both these wells stands just at the s'urface of the ground, with slight overflow. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Borings for water supply were made in the summer of 1900 at Pratt City by Messrs. Canfield & Irwin, of St. Louis. Well No. 1, on the ridge between the old No. 1 slope and the creek, and on the edge of the fault; depth, 354 feet; cased 50 feet; 323 feet of 4-inch discharge, and 308 1-2 feet of 1 1-3-inch air pipe; stand during dry .weather, 76 1-4 feet, falling on pumping to 80 or 85 feet; yield, 2CO gal- lons per minute; water soft and pleasant to the taste. The boring passed through alternating strata of sandstone and slate of varying degree of hardness, and a 4-foot seam of coal at 320 feet. Well' No. 2, ICO yards west of No. 1; depth 4C5 feet; has not been satis- factory and is now seldom used. *Expressed by analyst in grains per gallcn and hypothetical com- binations; recomputed in ionic form and parts per million at U. S. Geological Survey. COAL MEASURES. 97 Two other wells may be noted in this vicinity. In the N. E. quarter, N. E. quarter, Section 20, Township 17, Range 3, W. the Pratt Company has a well in which a flow was obtained at 65 feet, but lost at 500 feet. The well was 1 plugged at 85 feet and has since maintained a slight flow. In the S. E. quarter N. E. quarter of the same section Mr. W. A. Brown, of Elyton, has a well 200 feet deep, which has a good flow. In section 26, Township 18, Range 8 west one mile above the mouth of Indian creek, a boring was made to the depth of 640 feet prospecting for coal. From this boring comes over- flowing water which fills an inch pipe. Along with the water is also inflammable gas. FAYETTE COUNTY. Only one artesion record is available from Fayette County. A well was bored in 1900 by W. F. Little at the court house, Fayette. Depth, between 500 and 600 feet. Between 200 and 300 feet a seam of coal 4 feet thick was struck. No water was obtained. TUSCALOOSA COUNTY. In the city of Tuscaloosa and a few miles above, at Holt, on the banks of the river, artesian wells have been bored into the sandstones and rocks of the Coal. Measures with succes's, while at Kellerman, about 20 miles northeast, a boring to the depth of 1000 1-2 feet failed to get water. At the hosiery mills' in the suburbs of Tuscaloosa, is the well of Rosenau Brothers, drilled by Heflin Brothers in 1903. Its depth is' 520 feet; diameter, 6 inches; water obtained at 325 feet rises to within 14 feet of the surface; *sed in the mills; good drinking water ; analysis is below. Record : Soil, o to 20 feet; quicksand and gravel, 30 to 115 feet; thence to bottom of the boring alternations of sandstones and slates of the Coal Measures, reported by the drillers to be limestones' and cherts. At another boring, however, for Mr. B. Friedman, at the site of his proposed furnace only a few miles distant, a drilling to the depth of 1000 feet showed no limestone or chert, but only sandstones, slates, and coal. 98 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. The analysis of the hosiery mill water, by Mr. Hodges, is as follows : Analysis of water from Hosiery-mill well, Tuscaloosa. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 5.9 Sodium (Na) 403.7 Lithium (Li) trace . Magnesium (Mg) 14.9 Calcium (Ca) 70.0 Iron (Fe) .5 Chlorine (Cl) 703.0 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) : 2.2 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 152.1 Silica (SiO a ) 17.3 1369.6 The water from the hosiery-mill well is much used by the people of Tuscaloosa and is reputed to have decided medicinal qualities. The well at Kellerman, on the property of the Central Coal and Iron Company, also bored by Heflin Brothers in 1903, to a depth of 1000 1-2 feet into the strata of the Coal Measures consisting of sandstones, shales, and four seams of coal, did not get water in any useful quantity. This may be, in part at least, due to the altitude, which is 500 to 600 feet above tide. The other well mentioned above, at the Friedman furnace site near Tuscaloosa, passed through similar strata to a depth of 1010 feet. No record is made of the water in this well, which was, however, bored for the purpose of prospecting for the underlying coal. It is quite probable that it would yield water, ^as the altitude of the mouth of the well is' not much above that of the hosiery mill. Tuscaloosa City well. In the summer of 1905 a boring was made by the city near the Court House to the depth of 1511 feet, Mr. Heflin being the contractor. Diameter of well, 8 inches. Depth to solid rock about 90 feet. The casing went down into the rock ten or fifteen feet. No reliable record of the strata passed through is available, but the measures below the surface covering of sand and clay as s'hown elsewhere in the vicinity in other borings are the usual succession of sandstones shales, conglomerates, etc. of the Coal Measures, The water rises in the well to 65 feet and is by estimate lowered by pump- COAL MEASURES. 99 ing 10150 feet, and the estimated yield is 15,000 gallons a day. Three miles up the river from Tuscaloosa, at the furnace of the Central Coal and Iron Company, five wells were drilled in 1903 by Heflin Brothers. No. I well was 544 feet deep; No. 5, 200 feet deep; and Nos. 2, 3, and 4 were of intermediate depths. No. I yields 50 gallons per minute ; No. 2, 85 gal- lons; No. 3, 150 gallons; No. 5, about 200 gallons. Measure- ments were made by testing one well at a time. Water was found about 60 feet below the surface. No advantage was secured by lowering the water in the wells below 70 feet, and when this was done water could be heard running into the well. The water-bearing sand rock is about 89 feet above sea level. No decrease was observed in No. 2 after No. 5 was bored, and it is' not known what, if any, effect Nos. 3 and 4 have on No. 5. The water is used for drinking purposes alone, as it carries too much salt to be used in the boilers, which are supplied from the river. The water from well No. i, which is on the hill near the Semet-Solvay ovens and which is much deeper than the others, is quite similar to that from No. 5, as may be seen by the analy- sis' below : Both analysis by Mr. H. Buel,* Chemist of the Central Iron Company. Analyses of water from wells at Holt. Sodium (Na) Parts No. 1 152 63 per million. No.5 177 93 Potassium (K) . 8 17 12 74 Magnesium (Mg) Calcium (Ca) 31.12 84 00 28.11 80 97 Chlorine (Cl) 449 5 474 49 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) Carbonic acid (HCOs) 5.43 94 09 5.55 26 69 Iron and alumina (Fe2Os,Al2Oo) 13 69 13 01 Silica (SiOo) 75 52 86 80 Organic matter 103 90 106 47 Hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S) 1.54 947.80 1012.76 *Expressed by analyst in grains per gallon and hypothetical com- binations. Recomputed to ionic form and parts per million at U. S Geological Survey. 100 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. VALLEY OF THE TENNESSEE. SURFACE FEATURES. In the geologic sketch it has been shown that the Tennessee Valley in Alabama is of two fold character. The stretch from the northeast corner of the State down to Guntersville belongs to the Appalachian valleys already considered, and only that part of the State in which the river has a westerly course is' to be included in the present division. As stated, the strata are mainly lower Carboniferous limestones, with their intercalated sandstones near the top of the series. The lower sandstones of the Coal Measures cap the limestone east of Huntsville, but areas where this is the case would belong rather to the preced- ing division. SHALLOW WATERS. In the Tennessee Valley proper, therefore, the strata have a gentle dip toward the south, and, except at the western edge of the region, the rocks are covered by residual matter result- ing from their decay. This covering consists of clays and loams, with numerous' angular fragments of chert the broken-up remnants of the chert layers with which the limestone are so generally interbedded. Good supplies of surface water from springs and open wells are to be looked for except where the soil is too thoroughly underdrained into the caverns and chan- nels of the omnipresent limestones; but the water which finds its' way into these caverns emerges again as "big springs/' of which those at Huntsville (Plate II.) and Tuscumbia (Plate XI) are the most famous examples. From the nature of the materials with which they come in contact in their underground passage, these waters are generally more or less highly charged with carbonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia. The area north of the river, extending from the Tennessee line southward for about 15 miles, underlain by the more sili- ceous limestones, has more abundant surface or hillside springs, while the red lands in the immediate valley of the river, as well as those South of Little Mountain in Moulton Valley, are rather characterized by lime sinks, caves, and big springs'. The depth of the surface soils, however, in both divisions insures a fairly abundant supply of underground water. OF THE UNIVERSITY of VALLEY OF THE; TENNESSEE. 101 MINERAL WATERS. CHALYBEATE SPRINGS. These are perhaps the most numerous of the mineral waters of this as' well as of other sections. They are common at the base of the capping sandstones of the spurs of the Cumber- lands east of the Huntsville meridian, and especially where a coal seam underlies. In the upper or Chester or Bangor limestone division of the Subcarboniferous one or two thick beds' of sandstone are in- tercalated between the limestones, and at the contacts of the two rocks mineral springs are often seen, the most numerous of these being the chalybeate, though sulphur springs also occur. Examples of thes'e are the Ligori Springs, in the north- west corner of Township 6, Rang-e 1 1 W. ; and the Franklin Springs, in Section 16, of the same township and range. According to Professor Tourney's analysis of the water of the Lyigon Springs, it contains free carbonic acid, sodium chloride, sulphate of iron, and a trace of sulphate of magnesium. In the immediate vicinity of this spring is another containing chloride and sulphate of iron and free carbonic acid. At the Franklin Springs, besides the sulphur springs for which the place is noted, there is a chalybeate spring which, according to Professor Tourney, contains in addition to the iron only a little lime. At the base of the Bangor limestone, where it is contact with the St. Louis limestone, is another horizon of the chalybeate waters, which break out in many places at the foot of Little Mountain. Lastly, in the lowermost of the Subcarboniferous limestones which immediately overlie the Devonian black shale, chalybeate waters spring up in connection with sulphur waters but some- times alone. Of this class is the Pettusville Spring, in the S. E. quarter Section 10, Township I, Range 4 W. SULPHUR SPRINGS. While the chalybeate springs are more numerous the sul- phur springs are generally more valued as places of res'ort for health and pleasure seekers. The most important of these 102 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. springs in the Tennessee Valley, as elsewhere in the Appa- lachian division, have their origin in the Devonian black s'hale, because, of the organic matter and pyrite nodules which it con- tains; and it is easy to understand why chalybeate springs are often found associated with sulphur waters, from this source. The exposures' of the black shale in this area are mostly con- fined to Elk River, Limestone Creek, and the headwaters of Flint River, all in the extreme northern part of the State. The Moore Spring, 12 miles north of Athens, on Maple Creek, a tributary of Elk River, according to Professor Tourney had a temperature of 68 degrees, while the atmospheric tem- perature was 71.6 degrees. The water contains, besides, the sulphur, free carbonic acid, carbonate of lime, sodium chloride, and traces of carbonates of iron and potassium. The Wooley Springs, in the S. W. quarter Section 39, Town- ship i, Range 3 W., once much visited but now practically abandoned, include a chalybeate and an alum spring in addi- tion to the white sulphur spring. The Johnson well, near Meridianville, in Section 26, Town- ship 2, Range I W., is one of the best known springs in this section. It also embraces, in addition to the sulphur springs, an alum spring. This spring is on a tributary of Flint River and appears to rise from the lower Subcarboniferous' limestone* and^not from the black shale. Another sulphur spring, on Barren Fork of Flint River, in the S. W. quarter Section 26, Township I, Range I E., is as- sociated with a chalybeate spring. At New Market, in the S. W. quarter, N. W. quarter Sec- tion 33, Township I, Range 2 E., a well was bored for oil to a depth of looo feet or more. In this well sulphur water was 1 struck at a depth of 118 feet and again at 700 feet. The water rises above the surface and is used by the inhabitants of the town. Stewart's well, near Florence, was examined by Professor Tuomey, and found to contain, in addition to the sulphur, free carbonic acid, sodium chloride, and sodium carbonate, with traces of magnesium carbonate and alumina. Another horizon of sulphur waters is that mentioned above for chalybeate waters, viz, the contact of the intercalated sand- stone beds and the limestone in the upper Subcarboniferous or Bangor group. At Franklin Springs, in Section 16, Town- VALLEY OF THE TENNESSEE. 103 ship 6, Range n W., already mentioned under "Chalybeate springs," is a sulphur spring. Again, at the base of Little Mountain sulphur and chalybeate waters are seen near Town Creek station, on the Southern Railroad. Farther east, in Morgan County, in the southeast corner of Section 19, Township 6, Range I W., are the Valhermoso Springs, two sulphur and one chalybeate, similarly situated geologically at or near the contact of the sandstones with the limestones. ALKALINE-SALINE SPRINGS. In Lauderdale County, near the banks of Shoal Creek, are many springs which have attained some reputation. The best known of these is Bailey Springs, (Plate XII) consisting of a group of springs with water of varying quality. A sample of the water from a spring recently improved by Dr. H. A. Moody, below those shown in plate, has been analyzed by Mr. R. S. Hodges, with the result below : Analysis of water from Moody's Spring at Bailey Springs. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 1.4 Sodium (Na) 2.4 Magnesium (Mg) 2.6 Calcium (Ca) 16.0 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 Os, AlaOg) 1.6 Chlorine (Cl) 5.3 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 3.8 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 57.0 Silica |SiO 2 ) 8.1 98.2 Other springs here are called chalybeate and iron springs and are reputed to have special curative qualities. The grounds' at Bailey's are well kept and the accommodation is ample for a large number of guests. Much of the patronage from a dis- tance comes from Memphis and other points to the west in Miss- issippi. The small house or pavilion in the foreground of Plate XII is over the "Rock Spring." Professor Tuomey mentions several other springs in the same general region, viz., Todd's, Lee's, Langford's, Witherspoon's, 104 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. etc., but none of thes'e, so far as the writer is aware, is now fitted tip for the accommodation of visitors. ACID SPRINGS. At center Grove, in Morgan county, W. E. Forman has a well with strongly saline water of acid reaction and peculiar com- position, as may be seen from the subjoined analysis by Mr. Hodges : Analysis of water from W. E. Forman's well, Center Grove. Parts per million. Potassium (K) trace. Sodium (Na) trace. Magnesium (Mg) 28.2 Calcium (Ca) 23.8 Manganese (Mn) 26.6 Iron (Fe) 7.1 Aluminum (Al) 7.9 Chlorine (Cl) trace. Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 276.0 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) trace. Silica (SiO a ) 50.0 419.6 The large portion of manganese sulphate is exceptional among the waters thus far examined, and the presence of the sulphates, especially of magnesium, make it also a strongly alterative water. TAB SPRINGS. An account of the mineral springs of the Tennessee Valley would be incomplete without some mention of the tar springs which occur in connection with the upper Subcarboniferous or Bangor limestones of Moulton Valley. The westernmost of these is reported in Section 27, Township 5, Range 15 W., near the State line of Mississippi ; but the best known are the Capps Creek tar springs, in the lower part of Lawrence County, in the S. W. quarter Section 6, Township 8, Range 6 W., once much visited by the afflicted, who drank tar water or took pills of the somewhat indurated tarry matter. On Town Creek, in the N. E. quarter Section 16, Township 5, Range 9 W., and again in the N. E. quarter Section 33, VALLEY OF THE TENNESSEE. 105 same township and range, an din the N. W. quarter Section Township 6, Range 9 W., are tar springs, at all or most of which borings have been sunk for oil. In all this region the wells mentioned often yield rulphur, chn!\N^te, and salii-e waters, and some of them over now, as will b cninre particularly noted in the next section. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. From the general account of the geologic structure above given, the outlook for artesian waters might be expected to be fairly good, and the few wells that have been bored or of which records have been obtained, bear out this expectation. As has been intimated, the limestones' are generally inferior water bearers. Their capacity in this respect depends largely on the existence of fissures and joints and on other secondary characters which cannot be recognized at the surface. The almost universal presence of chert in these limestones is' a fa- vorable circumstance down to certain depths, for the leaching out of the calcareous parts by circulating waters leaves the chert as an exceedingly open and porous residue. Beds of open-textured sandstone also lie intercalated be- tween the limestones prevailing in the territory south of the river, or rather south of the range known as Little Mountain, in Moulton Valley. Many borings have been made in this ter- ritory in search of petroleum and many also probably for water, with reasonable success, though flowing wells are comparatively rare. NEW MARKET. Very few records are available of borings north of the river only those of the New Market well in the S. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 33, Township i, Range 2 E. and of two wells at Hazel Green, near Huntsville, all of which were bored for oil. 106 DETAILS: APPALACHIAN DIVISION. The record of the New Market well is as 1 follows : Record of New Market Well. Feet. Soil 8 Cherty rocks 25 Limestone and chert 30 Black shale 18 Gray sandstone 2 Limestone and shales 965 In this well the Subcarboniferous group is represented by the first three of the series, the Devonian by black shale and sandstone and the Silurian by limestones with shale parting. The well was bored in 1890, with diamond drill ; diameter, 2 inches ; permanent fresh water was struck at 22 feet and sulphur water at 1 18 and 700 feet. No salt water or gas was' found. The sulphur water from both depths mentioned flows above the sur- face and is used by the inhabitants of the town. HAZEL GREEN. Of the wells on Overton farm, near Hazel Green the fol- lowing records were obtained. Well No. 3, first water struck at 60 feet; yield, 40 gallons per minute; stand, 20 feet; temperature, 52 degrees. At 187 feet a black sulphur water was struck, and at 217 feet a strong salt water. No water was ob- tained below 271 feet, to which depth the casing extends. The mouth of the well is 667 feet above tide. Well No. 4, depth, 310 feet; first water at 32 feet, in rock; water does not flow, but stands at ground level except when gas is turned in, when it is blown about three feet above the surface; yield, 150 gallons per minute, without any perceptible lowering of the stand; temperature, 56 degrees. In this well neither sulphur nor salt water was struck and no water was found below 147 1-2 feet. The mouth of the well is 603 feet above tide. These wells were bored for oil and gas. The quantity of the latter from well No. 4 is sufficient to run a 25 horse power boiler. - SOUTH OF TENNESSEE RIVER. South of the river the borings are very numerous. Curtis well, about 6 miles southeast of Decatur ; bored about seventy-five years ago; depth, 341 feet; flow, about 10 gallons VALLEY OF THE TENNESSEE. 307 per minute, which has been constant in quantity since the well was drilled; water slightly impregnated with sulphuretted h>- drogen gas. Judge H. B. Tompkin's well About 2 miles east of Sheffield recently bored; depth, 190 feet; 50 feet through soft surface earth. 25 feet through chert, and the rest through dark flint; water rises about 48 feet in the well and is raised to the surface by windmill pump ; supply plentiful. L. W. Deprez's well, at Russellville ; depth, 60 feet ; the water rose about 38 feet in the well. E. M. Harris's well, 4 miles southeast of Russellville; depth, about 100 feet; water rose to within 15 feet of the surface. The numerous borings, some of them to the depth of more than 1700 feet, which have been made in search of oil and natural gas have in most cases yielded salt water. As has been mentioned above these wells are most common in the country about Moulton and Russellville, since it is here that the tar springs abound, and these have been selected as the most prom- ising places for borings. The Goyer wells, in Section 29, Township 7, Range 6 W. are perhaps the best known. The well at Hartsell, 1730 feet deep, found fresh water at 30 feet, sul- phur at 160 feet, brackish water at 352 feet, and salt water at 1730 feet. A salt well in the southeast corner of Section 10, Township 7. Range 5 W. has a depth not accurately ascertained but propably less than 200 feet. The water overflows, as it does also in some of the wells in Moulton Valley. However, the writer knows of no well in this region which has been sunk for water, oil being the thing sought. While little account has been taken of the water obtained in these borings it is probable that all of them have a supply sufficient for ordinary purposes, if the quality be suitable, but in only a few of them does the water rise above the surface. COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. GENERAL ACCOUNT. The general topographic and geologic features of the Coastal Plain, which embraces about three-fifths of the area of the State, have been sketched above in Chapter II ; but since most of the artesian wells of the State (more than 95 per cent, of those recorded in this report) are in this territory, it is desir- able that the stratigraphic relations of the formations be pre- sented somewhat more in detail. For shallow waters this division, like the Appalachian, is de- pendent in part on the residual materials provided by the decay of the underlying stratified rocks; but in addition to these a thin coating, 25 or 30 feet in thickness, of loam, sand, and peb- bles the Lafayette formation post-Tertiary age has been spread unconformably upon the Cretaceous and Tertiary strata over the entire Coastal Plain; and where these deposits have not been carried away by erosion they, of course, determine the s'urface-water conditions in much greater degree than do the residual soils of the Cretaceous and Tertiary. In the southern part of the State, as indicated by the map, (PL i.) another formation, in many respects similar to the La- fayette but older, covers great areas of the St. Stephens and post-Eocene formations down to the borders of the sea. This is the Grand Gulf formation, which will be treated in detail la- ter. The artesian systems of the Coastal Plain are provided by the strata of the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations. The general stratigraphic relations of these formations are shown in fig. 21, p. 62. In the great area embraced by the Coastal Plain, uniformity in the artesian conditions of the same formation in different parts is not to be looked for nor does it exist. In consequence, it will be expedient to give the notes on wells', etc., under sev- eral heads, those in which the conditions are approximately sim- ilar being grouped together. It will also be expedient to dis- cuss the subject by counties, following in general a geographi- cal order. It should be understood, however, that in the very nature of things this dual arrangement can not be followed ab- GENERAL ACCOUNT. 109 solutely, for the conditions are not identical in any two coun- ties. The wells' which derive their water supply from the Cre- taceous strata fall naturally into two groups, which, in geo- graphical distribution, coincide approximately with the drain- age areas of Tombigbee and Alabama rivers on the west and that of the Chattahoochee on the east. The Cretaceous well records by counties will be given in these two groups, preceded by such additional details of the stratification as may be neces- s'ary for the fuller understanding of the artesian conditions. The Tertiary wells are few in number as compared with the Cretaceous. They will constitute a third group and their de- scription by counties will also be proceeded by such addition- al explanatory details of stratification as can be obtained. The geographical distribution of the wells of the Coastal Plain is shown, at least approximately, on the geologic map (PL I.) The marks indicate the locations' of groups of wells rather than of individual wells, it being manifestly impossible on a small scale map to mark each of the 1414 wells of which records have been obtained. From this map it will be apparent that most of the wells are on the outcrop of the Selma chalk (prairie region). These get their water supply mainly from the Eutaw sands, but some of the deeper borings, especially those near the northern bor- der of the chalk, penetrate into the still lower Tuscaloosa strata, also water bearing. The wells on the Eutaw outcrop get their water in part from the Eutaw and in part from the Tuscaloosa, according to depth, while those located on the Tuscaloosa formation begin and end in it. South of the chalk are some wells, both in the Cretaceous and in the Tertiary, which derive their water supply from the uppermost Cretaceous (Ripley, or Blue Marl) strata. This is especially the case in the eastern counties Pike, Bullock, Bar- bour, and Russell. The following figures will show perhaps more clearly than does the map the concentration of the wells in Cretaceous strata. Of the whole number (1414) of which accounts are given herein, 1.220, or a little over 86 per cent, are in the Cre- taceous, while only 136, or not quite 10 per cent., are in the 110 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Tertiary, the remaining 4 per cent, being in the older forma- tions of the Appalachian division. The map and figures will further show the crowding of the wells in the Cretaceous counties west of Lowndes, viz, Dallas, 202; Perry, 79; Marengo, 49; Hale, 192; Greene, 323; Sumter, 59 ; and Pickens, 94 ; making 998, or something more than 70 per cent, of the whole number recorded. In these counties there are also many old wells bored before the war and now abandoned or fallen into decay, of which it is impossible to get any information, and the records' are therefore defective, ex- cept in the case of Greene County, where Judge G. B. Mobley, of Eutaw, for many years past greatly interested in the sub- ject, has collected notes from w r hich it has been possible to get a nearly correct list of that county. In the Tertiary area there is no similar concentration any- where, nor is the whole number of wells very great 136. It will be seen that most of the borings follow the railroads, the exceptions being mainly the wells recently sunk in search of oil, e. g., in the Salt-wells region of Washington and Clarke and the lower parts of Mobile and Baldwin counties, and at Citronelle, Mobile County, and Roberts, Escambia County. In the salt-wells region referred to, as in parts of the Cre- taceous prairie region, there are many old wells sunk years ago of which no records are now obtainable, indeed, the very loca- tion of many of them can not be ascertained. Most of the artesian wells in the Tertiary section obtain their supply from the great sandy Nanafalia formation and its ad- jacent Tuscahoma above, and Naheola below. A few, like those at Geneva, get water in the Claiborne or Buhrstone. At Brewton the shallow wells, less than 100 feet in depth, probably do not go deeper than the Grand Gulf, which there forms the surface ; but the deep borings get water in the St. Stephens strata. The deep wells in Mobile and Baldwin counties, starting in Grand Gulf strata at the surface, bring up from depths of 700 to 1550 feet, shells characteristic of the Miocene formations exposed along the banks of the Chattahoochee river and first brought into notice by D. W. Langdon, of the Alabama Geo- logical Survey. The outcrop of these Miocene formations in Alabama has as yet been observed at only one point, i. e., near Roberts', Escambia County, on the banks of Conecuh rivet, GENERAL ACCOUNT. Ill but exposures are numerous just across the line in Florida, at Oak Grove and other localities. The flowing wells of the Coastal Plain are practically con- fined to the lowlands, the low relief precluding the possibility of any great hydrostatic head. As a consequence, wells of this kind are not numerous outside of the great river valleys. The accopanying sketch map (PL XIII.) shows approxi- mately the artesian systems as they have been outlined above. It will be seen that the wells in the Tertiary are not numerous enough or sufficiently well distributed to make it possible to outline the separate basins', as can be done in the Cretaceous. Marks, however, are attached to all the artesian well areas showing the formation from which it is probable the water supply comes. These indicate that the Nanafalia and the immediately adjacent sandy formations above and below it are the main source in the Tertiary, as the Eutaw stands are in the Cretaceous. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. TOMBIGBEE-ALABAMA-CONECUH RIVERS DRAINAGE. From about the meridian of Montgomery westward the Cre- taceous' strata in Alabama exhibit four well-marked divisions, which, in descending order, are as follows : 1. A series of dark-gray or bluish sandy, micaceous clays which weather into yellow micaceous sands, impure limestones with many casts of fossils', then sandy strata again in all be- tween 200 and 300 feet thick. This division has been called the Ripley, from a locality in Mississippi. 2. An impure chalky, argillaceous limestone, or tolerably uniform composition, known as the Selma chalk. The thick- ness of this division is about 1,000 feet in the western part of the State and through Mississippi, but toward the east it thins down and is hardly to be distinguished east of Montgomery. 3. A series of laminated sands and sandy clays', at least 300 feet thick, know r n as the Eutaw formation. 4. A great series, at least 100 feet thick, of variously colored s'ands and laminated massive clays, some of which are filled with the impressions' of leaves, often in a good state of preser- 112 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. vation. To this series, which is, in part at least, equivalent to the Potomac formation of the Atlantic coast, the name Tusca- loosa formation has been given. The Selma chalk, or "rotten limestone," as it was once call- red, is deficient in surface waters except during wet seasons, and it is because of this and the fact that the best farming lands of the State the black prairie lands are derived from it that so large a proportion of the artesian wells are to be found located on this chalk. Especially is this true of the earlier wells, which were almost without exception in the prairie region. Recently, however, deep wells' have been sunk in other Cretaceous strata which are not lacking in surface water. In the western part of this drainage area the water-bearing formations are the Tuscaloosa and the Eutaw, which are pre- vailingly sands and clays in many alternations. The Ripley calcareous sands are also utilized to some slight extent in the western part, but they become more and more important in this' respect to the east, as will be seen below. In the Tuscaloosa formation the borings have been compar- atively few, and a general statement of the water horizons can not be made with certainty. At the summit of the formation there is usually a body of purple or red clay of considerable- thickness through which the boring must go before water is reached. Mr. John I Hawk, of Selma, who has had much experience in this business, says that when he strikes the "pink kaolin" he usually stops, as he is not likely to get water for at least 100 feet. In the lower part of the formation the borings have been more numerous, especially in Tuscaloosa County, where the records show that after a depth of 20 to 30 feet of loose materials', the borings go through 100 to 200 feet of what is called "blue rock," below which as a rule a supply of water is obtained. As regards the Eutaw sands the case is different, for by far the greater proportion of the artesian wells in Alabama derive their water from this horizon. Mr. John I. Hawk has fur- nished the following notes. Most of the wells bored by him have been in the Selma chalk area, this' being the "blue rock" of the well borers, but not the blue rock above mentioned in the Tuscaloosa formation. Mr. Hawk says : WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 113 "Once through the blue rock, we strike a sand rock varying from 1 to 3 feet in thickness, and next, small beds of black and white sand with a green coloring in it (green sand) and interspersed with green soap- stone (laminated clay.) The first water is in these strata of sand, and it comes up according to the elevation; in very low places it will over- flow, but it never makes a strong stream. "From 75 to 100 feet below the sand rock mentioned, we encounter a very hard rock (I think a white lime rock), varying in thickness in dif- ferent sections from 2 inches to 2 feet; once through this rock we get the second stream of water in much the same kind of strata, and this water will rise about 12 feet higher than the first stream. "About 75 to 100 feet below the hard cover rock just mentioned, we have what we call white soapstone, from 10 to 40 feet in thickness; then a stratum^ of sand whiter and coarser than any of the preceding, inter- spersed with green soapstone and the same green coloring in the sand. This bed is from 40 to 75 feet thick and from it comes our third water, which rises about 10 feet higher than the second. "Immediately below this is a bed of green soapstone, from 50 to 90 feet thick, followed by a marl from 20 to 50 feet thick, and beneath the marl we have a very coarse sand interspersed with sandrock and soap- stone, from 20 to 40 feet in thickness. In this we get our fourth stream, which rises from 30 to 40 feet higher than first stream and is very strong. "Below this the pink kaolin begins, there being about 400 feet or a little more between the blue rock and the pink formation. I have bored into this pink formation from 40 to 100 feet, but have never gone through it, nor increased the supply of water any by boring beyond the coarse white sand." In the eastern part of the area under consideration the drain- age i' c divided between Alabama and Conecuh rivers in Pike and Bullock counties, and the artesian characters in these two counties are transitional, having many points of resemblance to those of the Chattahoochee area in Russell and Barbour counties. DISCUSSION BY COUNTIES. LAMAR COUNTY, The surface formation in this county is the Tuscaloosa, with a capping of Lafayette sands and pebbles where erosion has not been too great. Underlying these two formations and ex- posed along the valleys of some of the streams in the northeas- tern part of the county are the sandstones and shales of the Coal Measures'. SHALLOW WATERS. The sands and pebble beds and laminated clays of the Tus- caloosa and Lafayette formations afford here, as elsewhere, 8 114 * DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. ample supplies of good surface water in springs and open wells, and as a consequence few deep wells have been needed. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. The s'ands and clays of the Tuscaloosa, in many alternations and with moderate and uniform westerly or southwesterly dip, furnish the requisite conditions for artesian systems, as is provided by the few wells that have been bored in the county and by those in the adjoining county in Mississippi, Monroe. SULLIGENT. Thus far records' have been obtained only of wells at Sulli- gent, where three were bored in 1900 by W. F. Little, of West Point, Miss. No record could be secured of the strata passed through in these borings. Town well, depth, 206 feet ; 3-inch iron casing at the bottom ; when first drilled flowed 74 gallons per minute ; In less than two years the casing was corroded and the well clogged so that the pres'ent yield ( 1904) is only 18 gallons ; water rises to 28 feet and still flows. Ogden well, 250 yards south of the town well and about the same depth ; is filled in and does not flow at present. Stone well, 250 yards east of the town well and about the same depth; still flows (1904). FAYETTE COUNTY. The stratigraphic conditions in Fayette County are prac- tically the same as those above given for Lamar County, ex- cept that the surface formations' (Tuscaloosa and Lafayette) the not present in quite so great thickness and the Coal Meas- ures appear in the valleys of most of the larger streams. What has been said concerning the surface waters and artesian pros- pects of Lamar will apply equally to Fayette County. The only artesian well in the County of which a record is 1 available is at the court-house, Fayette, and was bored by W. F. Little in 1900. Its depth is between 500 and 600 feet. At 200-250 feet a seam of coal 4 feet thick was struck. The well was through rock and was abandoned without getting any notable supply of water. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 115 This particular well, while starting in the Tuscaloosa forma- tion, soon reaches the Coal Measures', and has been mentioned under that head (p. 97). But further west in this county, the Tuscaloosa formation affords conditions similar to those re- ported above under Lamar County, and artesian borings should succeed if proper localities are selected. The wells would, however, be shallow, since the rocks of the Coal Measures are nowhere very far below the surface in Fayette County. TUSCALOOSA COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. Except in a narrow strip in the southeast corner of this county, where Subcarboniferous, Silurian, and Cambrian beds are exposed in the anticline of Roups Valley, the Coal Meas- ures should on general principles, underlie the entire county, but as a matter of fact these strata are not revealed either in outcrop or by borings southwest of a northwest-southeast diag- onal passing through the city of Tuscaloosa. Northeast of this line the sands and clays of the Tuscaloosa formation and the red loam and pebbles of the Lafayette form the surface, with the older strata outcropping in the low grounds of the streams. Only the two younger formations' are known in the southwestern half of the county, except along Black Warrior River, where the Second Bottom and other recent deposits occur. An account hay already been given (p. 97-99) of the surface and artesian waters of the Paleozoic half of the county, and this section is concerned only with the Cretaceous half. SHALLOW WATERS. In the sands of the Cretaceous and especially in the loam and pebble beds of the overlying Lafayette a practically never failing supply of good water is recovered in open wells and springs. The former are rarely as deep as 100 feet, and the finest springs of pure water flow from beneath the Lafayette mantle. It would be impracticable to mention localities of the springs, since they occur almost everywhere that the contact of the Lafayette with an older formation is exposed in a ravine or bluff. The water, as a rule, is remarkably pure, with a small content of solid matter, and the same may be said of the 116 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. waters of the open wells when they are sunk in Lafayette mate- rials only. Inasmuch as the Lafayette lies upon the eroded, uneven surface of the Tuscaloosa, the latter formation is often penetrated in wells, and when lignitic clays are struck in such cases the water frequently has 1 a brackish taste. The springs which flow from beneath the Lafayette gravel on the grounds of the University of Alabama may be taken as fairly representative of the class. Analysis of the water from one of these springs, made by Mr. Hodges, shows the following composition : Analysis of water from spring at University of Alabama. Parts per million. Potassium (K) .9 Sodium (Na) 1.8 Magnesium (Mg) 1.6 Calcium (Ca) ." 4.9 Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O3,Al 2 O3) .7 Chlorine (Cl) 1.9 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 5.3 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 20.2 Silica (Si0 2 ). 43.9 In some cases, while the total amount of mineral matter in these waters may be quite small, yet the relatively large pro- portion of some of the constituents may give to the water a de- cidedly mineral or medicinal quality. This may illustrated by the following analysis by Mr. Hodges : Analysis of water from Ozment Spring. Parts per million. Magnesium (Mg) 1.4 Calcium (Ca) 2.3 Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O 3 ,Al 2 O 3 ) 2.0 Chlorine (Cl) trace Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 5.4 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 6.9 Silica (SiO 2 ) 17.9 35.9 Here the proportions of Magnesium sulphate and of iron to the whole amount of solid matter are relatively very large, WATERS OF THE) CRETACEOUS. 117 and apparently justify the claim that this is a mineral water. Prof. J. H. Foster, of Tus'caloosa, has furnished the follow- ing notes concerning two "blowing wells" in the lower part of the county : The first of these wells' is on the old E. R. King place, now owned by Mr. J. C. Mize, in Fosters settlement, about 12 miles south of west of the city. The well is a bored well, 8 inches in diameter and 90 feet deep, with a circular plank curbing ex- tending about 3 feet above the ground. A hinged lid of board, about 10 inches wide and 12 inches long, fits over the top of the curbing. On the approach of a storm or of change from fair weather to foul, a strong current of air comes' from the well sufficient to lift the free end of the lid 3 inches, this lifting of the lid occurring at longer or shorter intervals according to the magnitude of the barometric change. Sometimes the lid will be raised and dropped with great rapidity making a rat- tling noise that can be heard at a distance. From the depths of the well come sounds as of a cauldron of water furiously boiling. Under ordinary conditions the water stands about 3 feet deep in the well, but on the approach of storms', when the water is disturbed as above described, the bucket frequently comes up only half full. These disturbances in the well usually occur from twenty-four to forty-eight hours before a predicted storm. On the premises of Mr. J. N. Robertson in Hickman, about 3 miles west of Fosters is' another well which exhibits similar phenomena. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. Northeast of the city of Tuscaloosa the Cretaceous beds occur in detached masses occupying summits only, and hence are not serviceable for artesian systems'. In the southwestern part of the county, however, they are continuous, and because of their composition (alternating clays and sands) and of their moderate and uniform dip, the conditions are in every way fav- orable to artesian wells. The fact that good surface water can so easily be had from the Lafayette beds in every part of the county has made recourse to artesian wells unnecessary, except in the Second Bottom lands of the river. Here are the earli- est artesian wells, and indeed the only ones, except those near Tuscaloosa which have been sunk into the strata of the Coal 118 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Measures, as already described (p. 97-99). To those who are compelled to live in the lowlands along the river, artesian water should prove a boon in diminishing the sickness which seems to follow the use of surface water in the river bottoms. The use of artesian water at the three locks next below Tuscaloosa is said to have effected a very great improvement in the health of the workmen. All the artesian wells in the Coastal Plain part of this county begin and end in the Tuscaloosa formation. Until about the year 1900 the only artesian well in the county was that at Willifords' Landing, on the river, mentioned below, but it has since been found that good artesian wells may be had in all the lowlands between Saunder's and Foster's ferries and thence on both sides of the river to the lower border of the county. Probably the impetus to this artesion boring w r as given by the action of the United States engineers in sinking wells' at the lock sites below the county line. Gradually bor- ings have been made farther and farther north, as success was achieved. TUSCALOOSA AND VICINITY. The following records show the present status of the sub- ject: S. F. Alston's well, in the N. E. quarter N. E. quarter Sec- tion 15, Township 22, Range n W. ; bored in 1902 by Martin & Morrison; depth, 268 feet (Alston), 234 feet (Morrison) ; original volume, 75 to 100 gallons ; ran thus 1 six months until Mr. Foster's well (see next record), a half mile away, was bored, when it fell off gradually to its present volume, 3 gal- lons ; temperature 66 degrees; water rose 16 feet above the surface and overflowed with small force; Record of S. F. Alston's well, Tuscaloosa. Feet. Clay, etc : 6 Dark sand 6 05 Blue rock 50 236 Sand, water bearing 236 268 First overflow from 236 feet; 3 inch casing down to blue rock. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 119 J. Manly Foster's wells: No. 1. in the S. E. quarter N. E. quarter Sec- tion 15, Township 22, Range 11 W.. half a mile from the Alston well; bored in 1902 by W. V. Morrison; depth, 234 feet; 3-inch casing; flowed strong stream for six weeks, then fell off suddenly to present volume of 2 1-2 gallons; temperature, 66 degrees; a good drinking water; notice- able improvement in the health of those using it. Record of J. Manly Fosters well No. 1, Tuscaloosa. Feet. Sand and gravel 30 Blue rock 30 80 Sand and water with occasional streaks of blue rock 80 234 No. 2 and 3, bored by Wyndham in the fall of 1904 on Mr. Foster's place in Section 22, Township 22, Range 11 W. ; depth, about 250 feet; both wells flow good streams from 1 1-4-inch pipe. Nos. 4, 5, and 6, bored for Mr. Foster by Wyndham in the spring of 1905, in Sections 13 and 14, Township 22, Range 11 W. ; depth, 250-270 feet; all three furnish good flow from 1 1-4-inch pipe. Well of Will Murphy (colored), in the E. half N. W. quarter of Sec- tion 13, Township 22, Range 11 W.; bored in March ,1905, by Wyndham; depth, about 280 feet; weak stream. Friedman & Loveman's well, in the N. E. quarter Section 24, Town- ship 22, Range 11 W. ; bored by W. V. Morrison in 1902; depth 320 feet; first overflow at 300 feet; 3-inch casing; original volume estimated at 4 gallons, which gradually increased to present volume, 24 gallons; tempe- rature, 66 degrees. Record of Friedman & Lovemaris well. Feet. Soil and clay 30 Blue rock 30 150 Sand, with thin layers of hard rock 150 300 Hard rock . . . . .300 320 A peculiar circumstance is related by Mr. Morrison con- cerning this well ; the water first rose to 5 feet. Three bar- rels of water were then poured into the pipe, when the water began to flow and has since continued to flow without inter- ruption. Henry A. Jones's wells, bored by Martin and Morrison in 1902: No. 1, on Slade place, in the S. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 20, Township 22, Range 10 W. ; depth, 160 feet; principal supply of water at 150 feet; 120 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. stopped in hard rock; water stands at 7 feet and pump is used. No. 2, about 100 yards from No. 1; record practically the same. Quarles well, at Foster's Ferry bridge; bored by Morrison in 1902; depth, 306 feet; 3-inch casing; overflow at 260 feet, weak; since the first few days the flow has remained constant at 6 gallons per minute; tem- perature, 67 degrees. Record of Quarles well, Foster's Ferry. Feet. Soil and clay 30 Blue rock 30 150 Sand and water with an occasional strata of blue rock . . . .150 306 BIGHT BANK OF RIVER. Below the above localities, on the right bank of the river, there are several wells lately bored, records of which have b^en secured. Henry A. Jones's wells, in Sections 5-6. Township 24, Range 53; four wells bored by W. V. Morrison in 1902, not more than half a mile apart, all flowing, and about the same depth, 166 feet (Morrison); No. 1, 3-inch casing; flows 70 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 1-2 degrees. No. 2, 3-inch casing; first overflow at 103 feet; flows, 90 to 100 gallons per minute; temperature 66 degrees. No. 3, 4 1-2-inch casing; first overflow at 136 feet; present flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature 64 degrees. No. 4, 3-inch casing; first overflow at 136 feet; present volume (estimated), 60 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 1-2 degrees. Guy Foster's well, in Section 7 or 8, Township 24, Range 5 E.; bored by Morrison in 1902; depth, 170 feet; equally strong flow at 162 feet; first overflow at 130 feet; present volume, 30 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Mr. Foster thinks that heavy rains 50 miles north are fol- lowed in three days by an increased volume; otherwise the flow is con- stant. Mr. Morrison thinks that all the wells in this neighborhood would rise 20 feet above the surface. Well of Charles Verner and Henry King, in fraction A, Section 13, Township 24, Range 4 E. ; bored by Morrison in 1902; 3-inch casing; depth, 200 feet; first overflow at 164 feet, somewhat weaker than at 200 feet; practically constant volume, 30 gallons per minute; temperature, 67 de- grees. Record of Verner and King well, near Tuscaloosa. Feet. Soil, clay 30 Blue rock 30 150 Sand with occasional thin strata of blue rock . ...150 200 WATERS Of THK CRETACEOUS. 121 Henry King's well, 1 mile northwest of the old well at King's Ferry; bored by W. M. Martin in 1904; depth, 198 feet; 57 feet of 3-inch casing; es- timated flow, 40 gallons per minute. HULLS. Y. T. Auxford's wells. Hulls station, in Section 17, Township 24, Range 5 E. ; bored by Morrison: No. 1, depth, 234 feet; overflowed at 210 feet; 3-inch casing; constant volume, 30 gallons per minute; temperature, 67 degrees. Record of Auxford well No. 1, Hulls. Feet. Soil and clay 43 Blue rock 43 210 Sand and water ., ...210 234 The water itom this well has been analyzed by Mr. Hodges, with result? as shown below : Analysis of water from Auxford well No. 1, Hulls. Potassium (K) Parts per 2 4 million. Sodium (Na) Magnesium (Mg) 4.9 8.4 Calcium (Ca) 36 3 Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O 3 ,AlyO3) Chlorine (Cl) 2.5 7 Sulphuric acid (SC^t) 5 1 / Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 148.9 - Silica (SiO a ) 17 8 233.3 No. 2, 1 mile southwest of Hulls; depth 234 feet; overflow at 200 feet: rises 4 feet above the surface; temperature, 66 degrees; volume approx- imately constant. No. 3, three-fourth mile southwest of Hulls; depth, 290 feet; 3-inch casing; overflow at 260 feet; constant volume, 1 gallon; tem- perature 66 degrees. Record of Auxford well No. 3, Hulls. Feet. Soil, clay 30 Pink sandstone 30 200 Sand, with thin layers of blue rock 200 290 122 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. WILLIFORDS. On the right bank of the river, below Thomas Allen's and almost on the lower border of the county, is the oldest arte- sian well in the county, at Willifords Landing, Plate XIV. This well is on the second terrace of the river and is said to be 400 feet deep. The water overflows in a stream about an inch in diameter, and is quite free from dissolved mineral mat- ter. No record can now be obtained of this well, which was bored more than fifty years ago. Analysis of the water by Mr. Hodges shows the following composition : Analysis of water from ivell at Williford's Landing. Parts per million. Potassium (K) .. 11.6 Sodium (Na) 17.4 Magnesium (Mg) 5.3 Calcium (Ca) 23.4 Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O3,Al 2 O 3 ) 2.5 Chlorine (Cl) 17.4 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) trace Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 130.0 Silica (SiO 2 ) 13.1 220.7 BIBB COUNTY. Some details' concerning the surface and mineral waters of Bibb County have been given above (p. 83) in the section on the Coosa Valley Region, Appalachian valleys. The south- ern and southwestern parts of the county are occupied by the Tuscaloosa sands and clays with their capping of Lafayette, and the underground water conditions are entirely similar to those in the corresponding parts of Tus'caloosa County. No well records from Bibb are available, but it may be asserted that the artesian prospects in the lower parts of the county are favorable. As in some other counties, the abundance and good quality of the surface water afforded by the open wells and springs have rendered recours'e to artesian borings unnec- essary. WATERS OF THE; CRETACEOUS. 123 C 'HILT 'ON COUNTY. In this county the general geological conditions are quite similar to those in Bibb County, and there should be no dif- ficulty in obtaining artesian water in the southwestern part, where the surface is occupied by the Tuscaloosa formation with its Lafayette capping. As' shallow wells, however, gen- erally furnish ample supplies of good water, artesian borings have not been made in many places, and there are few records.* PIC KENS COUNTY. SURFACE FEATUEES. The underlying Cretaceous formations of Pickens County are the Tuscaloosa, the Eutaw, and the Selma chalk. The Tuscaloosa occupies the northeastern and the Eutaw the South- western half of that part of the county lying east of Tombigbee River, while the Selma chalk occupies the small area west of the river, together with a few scattering tracts along the river on the eastern side. In the Tuscaloosa-Eutaw territory east of the river the county is somewhat broken because of the incoherent character of the sands and clays which make up these formations. Where the watercourses are not too close together, however, the divides between them are level plateaus with the Lafayette red-loam soils, underlain by pebbles, which once capped the Cretaceous over the entire area. SHALLOW WATERS. In the relatively small area west of the river, which is' occu- pied by the Selma chalk, the Lafayette mantle is in great part wanting and the soils are composed of the residual matter from the decomposition of the limestone. In this section open wells and surface springs are not to be counted on, because of the underlying chalk, but in the rest of the county the s'urface ma- terials afford conditions for a fairly adequate supply of water *See, however, notice of bored wells near Thorsby under Appa- lachian Division Talladega Mountain section, p. 67. 124 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. for springs and wells, though these are liable to be much re- duced or to go dry in the summer. On Coal Fire Creek are many chalybeate springs and on Lubbub Creek near Reform is a noted bold spring which is much visited for health and recre- ation. Near the mouth of Lubbub Creek and in the old town of Vienna also are bold springs' of pure, cold water. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. In the Tuscaloosa and Eutaw formations underlying Pick- ens County the alternations of sands and clays and their uni- form gentle (southwestward) dip afford favorable conditions for artesian systems, borings' for water are usually successful. The oldest of these artesian borings were made in the prairie or chalk region, or along its eastern border, but recently a few wells have been put down in the territory of the older Creta- ceous formations, notwithstanding the fact that here a good water supply can generally be had from shallow wells and springs. Wells in the Eutaw Formation. A number of artesian wells have been bored within the terri- tory of the Eutaw, chiefly in the vicinity of Bridgeville, on Lubbub Creek, along Sipsey River, and near Ringos Bluff and Pickensville. Prof. Alexander Winchell has given an account of some of these wells in an article in the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1856. The average depth of the wells mentioned in this article is 180 feet, which would reach the base of the Eutaw or the top of the Tus'caloosa as water-bearing sands. As these wells were mostly bored before the war, it is impossible at this time to get any records of the strata passed through and but few of the depth of the borings. Notes have been collected of as many as could be heard of, and the temperatures together with the volume of water afforded by those visited, are given below. The wells near the contact of the Eutaw with the Selma chalk would have an estimated depth of 300 feet, more or less, to the "fourth water" of the borers, while those near the contact of the Eutaw with the Tuscaloosa should be shallower in pro- WATERS OF THE: CRETACEOUS. 125 portion to the nearness to the latter. Near this line, however, it is probable that water is obtained from the underlying Tus- caloosa sands. SIPSEY RIVER. Well on old Doctor Hinton Place, 7 or 8 miles northeast of Vienna; old well; flow (estimated), 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 degrees. Sipsey Mill well, 8 miles northeast of Vienna; owned by John Childs; flow (estimated), 30 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 degrees. Wells on Sam Wilder place; No. 1, 9 miles northeast of Vienna; flows 4 feet above surface; yield, 33 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 degrees. No. 2, one quarter mile northeast of old Sipsey Mill and 8 1-2 miles north- east of Vienna; flows 3 feet above surface; yield, 20 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 degrees. LUBBUB CREEK. From the territory near the mouth of Lubbub Creek and for some distance upstream, and in the low ground of Tombig- bee River up to Ringos Bluff, the following are reported : Old Bridge ville well, on Lubbub Creek, 5 1-2 miles from Vienna; flows 1 foot above surface, decreasing; i. e. wooden pipe decayed; estimated yield, 25 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. ALICEVILLE AND VICINITY. At Aliceville, north of Bridgeville, a well now owned by John Coch- rane, has lately been bored by Mr. McGracken; first water at 125 feet; stand 19 feet; second water at 180 feet; stand 16 feet. The record down to the depth of 309 feet is as follows: Record of Cochrane well, Aliceville. Feet. Soil and loose materials 56 Blue rock 56 125 Sand, water 125 130 Blue rock 130 175 Hard sand 175 200 Blue rock 200 240 Sand, wrter 240 250 Blue rock 250 285 Sand 285 -288 Blue rock 288 305 White clay and black sand 305 309 Wells on Mrs. M. B. Mayhew's place, originally Cunningham place: 1 1-2 miles southwest of Aliceville; flows 2 feet above surface; yield, 8 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. 126 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Aaron Harris's well, 2 miles southwest of Aliceville; flows 4 feet above surface; yield, 60 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Well on McCaa place, 3 miles southwest of Aliceville; estimated flow, 50 gallons per minute, decreasing, in decay. Well on Spruille place, owned by L. E. McKinstry, 4 miles southwest of Aliceville; in decay, flow not estimated; temperature, 66 degrees. Well on McKinney place, owned by Mrs. L. E. McKinstry, 4 1-2 miles southwest of Aliceville; flows 3 feet above surface; estimated yield, 10 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Well on Mrs. E. A. McCaa's place, 5 miles southwest of Aliceville; flows 1 foot above surface; estimated yield 10 gallons per minute; tempe- ture, 66 degrees. Well on Billy McCaa place, owned by Gardiner & Somerville; flows 2 feet above surface; estimated yield 25 to 30 gallons per minute; tempera- ture, 66 degrees. NEAR TOMBIGBEE KIVER. Gardiner & Somerville well, Newport Landing, Tombigbee River; flows 4 feet above surface; temperature, 67 degrees. Well on Nolen place, 4 or 5 miles northeast of Vienna; flow 12 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Well on Dr. Carpenter's place, 4 or 5 miles northeast of Vienna; old well; flow 8 gallons per minute, temperature, 66 degrees. Well on Dr. Carpenter's place at ferry; old well; yield, 4 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Old well near Baptist Church, 5 miles northeast of Vienna; yield, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 1-2 degrees. Well on Bonner place, owned by Mr. Hagaman, 5 1-2 miles north of Vienna; bored about 1885; flows 1 foot above surface; yield 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 degrees. Well on Gibson place, owned by Mrs. Chapman, G miles north of Vi- enna; estimated flow, 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 1-2 degrees. Well on Mayhew place, owned by E. Stewart, 7 miles north of Vienna; yield 65 gallons per minute; temperature, 64 1-2 degrees. Wells on Gardiner place, 7 1-2 miles north of Vienna: No 1, deepened in 1860 to 285 feet; first water at 225 feet, overflowing; second water at 285 feet, rises 25 feet above surface; estimated volume, 100 to 200 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 degrees. There are two other large wells at this place which were once used to run a mill: No. 2 has an estimated flow of 125 gallons per minute; No. 3, is 300 feet deep. G. T. Heard's wells: No. 1, in the N. E. quarter of N. W. quarter Sec- tion 20, Township 22, Range 16 W. ; flows 3 feet above surface; yield, 30 gallons per minute; temperature 66 degrees. No. 2, 8 miles west of Alice- ville and 1 1-2 miles southeast of Ringos Bluff, in fractional S. E. quarter Section 14, Township 22, Range 17 W. ; on the old Stapp place; estimated flow, 50 gallons per minute, decreasing, in decay; temperature, 66 degrees. Well on Caraway place, 9 miles west of Aliceville; flows 4 feet above surface; estimated yield, 60 gallons per minute; temperature, 67 degrees. Bradford well, owned by Abe Gray, 8 miles east of Ringos Bluff; flows good strong stream; no details obtained. At Ringos Bluff there are 5 old wells, of which some records of 4 follow: No. 1, at warehouse at bluff; flows 2 feet above surface; yield, 12 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. No. 2, 30 yards from No. 1; estimated flow 40 gallons per minute, decreasing, piping in decay; WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 127 temperature, 66 degrees. No. '3, 100 yards from No. 1; old wooden piping decayed to ground, forming a kind of spring; estimated yield 5 gallons a minute; temperature, 65 degrees. No. 4, 200 yards east of No. 1; flows 2 feet* above surface; estimated yield, 4 gallons per minute; tem- perature, 65 degrees. PICKENSVILLE AND VICINITY. Henry Ball's wells: No 1, 5 miles a little west of south of Pickensville, in Section 12, Township 22, Range 17 W.; no details; flows 2 feet above surface; yield, 6 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 1-2 degrees. Mrs. E. G. Hood's well, 3 miles south of Pickensville; flows 3 feet above surface; estimated yield, 7 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 degrees. W. R. Rogers's well, 3 miles south of Pickensville, near Jackson Ferry; new well, bored by Talley & Cunningham in 1902; depth, 236 feet; 3-inch casing, 64 feet; flows 2 feet above surface; yield 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 63 degrees. Record of W. R. Rogers' well. Feet. Sand, gravel, etc 36 Blue rock 36 42 Blue mud 42 236 Mrs. W. A. Peterson's well, 2 miles west of south of Pickensville; old well; flows 2 feet above surface; yield, 25 gallons per minute; tempera- ture, 65 degrees. Well on old Walker place, three quarters of a mile south of Pickens- ville; yield, 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. W. R. Rogers's wells (old): No. 1, half a mile west of Pickensville; yield, 75 gallons per minute; temperature, 65 degrees. No. 2, three quar- ters of a mile west of Pickensville; flow, 25 gallons per minute, wooden .pipe in decay; temperature, 64 1-2 degrees. No. 3, three quarters of a mile west of Pickensville; flow (estimated), 50 gallons per minute; tem- perature, 64 1-2 degrees. J. F. Wilkins's wells (old): No. 1, 1 1-4 miles east of Pickensville, on Bonner's Mill road on Big Creek; No. 2, 5 miles west of north of Pick- ensville; both flowing; no details. H. L. Stone's well, on Nance place, 2 1-2 miles northeast of Pickensville, a quarter of a mile east of house; old well; no record. J. E. Stewart's wells: No. 1, old well, 2.1-2 miles north of Pickensville; flowing. No. 2, new well, 2 1-2 miles northwest of Pickensville; bored by Talley & Cunningham; depth, 260 feet; 3-inch casing, 22 feet; flows 2 1-2 feet above surface; yield, 8 gallons per minute; somewhat stronger than the new well of W. R. Rogers above mentioned. Well on Lee place, in Lees Bend, 6 miles northwest of Pickensville; owned by J. E. Stewart, 1 mile -northwest of his well No. 2 above men- tioned; flowing: not visited. 128 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Wells in the Selma Chalk. VIENNA AND VICINITY. The "rotten limestone" or Selma chalk makes the surface only in that part of the county west of the Tombigbee, with the exception of a small tract near the mouth of Sipsey River, about the town of Vienna. Most of -the wells in this section, as in the territory of the Eutaw formation, were bored many years ago, before the civil war, and the records have been lost. In the article above referred to Professor Winchell, on the au- thority of Mr. James Strait, a well borer, formerly of Greene County, gives the depths of the artesian wells at and near Vienna as from 350 to 400 feet. This depth would reach the "fourth water" of Mr. Hawk (see p. 113), and it is probable that the majority of the flowing wells of the prairie region are supplied by these strata near the base of the Eutaw formation. The following partial records' of some of the wells have been obtained : W. B. Peebles wells, in the S. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 34, Township 24, Range 2 W. : No. 1, depth, about 350 feet; flow, 3 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. No. 2, yield, 1 1-2 gallons per min- ute; temperature, 66 degrees. No. 3, old well; flows 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. No. 4, bored abouU 1885; depth about 380 feet; flow, 3 gallons per minute; temperature, 67 degrees Mrs. Sallie Turnipseed's well, locality same as above; old well, in Vien- na; no record. Well on old Wyndham place, one mile northeast of Vienna, owned by W. B. Peebles; flow, 30 gallons per minute; temperature, 67 degrees. Gold Dust farm well, 1 or 2 miles northeast of Vienna, owned by Mr. Hagaman, of Vienna; flow, (estimated), 5 gallons per minute, piping in de- cay, so that it forms a kind of spring. Well on Wilder place; 1 or 2 miles northeast of Vienna; old well; flows 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Well on Ferguson place, near Vienna; old well; flow, half a gallon per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Well on Cherry place, near Vienna; old well; flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Well on Manning place, near Vienna, owned by Mr. Hagaman; flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Well on Wilder place, owned by W. B. Peebles; piping in decay, no record. Wells on Richardson place, 2 or 3 miles northeast of Vienna, owned by Mr. Hagaman; bored long before the war by Mr. Garrow, to furnish water for a mill; all close together: No. 1, flows from a 6-inch pipe at the level of the ground; estimated flow, 50 to 75 gallons per minute; tem- perature, 66 degrees. No. 2, estimated flow, 10 to 15 gallons per minute; temperature 66 1-2 degrees. No. 3, water flows from a 6-inch pipe at the WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 129 bottom of a gulch, 10 feet below the surface; estimated flow, 50 to 75 gallons per minute. No. 4, water flows from an 8-inch pipe (cypress log), in gulch 8 feet below surface of ground; estimated flow, 75 to 100 gallons per minute; temperature 66 degrees. No. 5, flows at surface; estimated yield, 6 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Wells on Barnes place, 2 or 3 miles northeast of Vienna, owned by Peebles & Hagaman. One well flows 3 feet above the surface; estimated yield, 30 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 degrees. Two other wells on this place have about the same flow and temperature. Hagaman wells, in the S. W. quarter of N. E. quarter Section 27, Township 24, Range 2 W.: No. 1 flows 12 gallons per minute; tempera- ture 66 degrees. No. 2, flows 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 66 de- grees. STONE AND VICINITY. West of Tombigbee river, at Stone and vicinity and farther west, there are many old wells of which the records are not now obtainable, but concerning which a few notes may be present- ed, and several new wells have been bored which supply addi- tional needed information. Public well, Stone, old well; water formerly overflowed but now stands at 2 feet; estimated volume, 3 or 4 gallons per minute; temperature, 68 degrees. Dr. B. T. Jones's well, 200 yards east of post-office in Stone; new well, bored by C. T. White in 1902; depth 400 feet; 3 1-2-inch casing, 22 feet; 2-inch casing, 300 feet; first water at 150 feet; second water at 200 feet; third water at 400 feet; water rises 4 feet above surface; yields, 2 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 67 degrees. The record is as follows: Soil, clay, etc., 22 feet; blue rock, 22 100 feet; sand and gravel, with occasional rock, 100 to 400 feet. Dr. T. H. G. Cook's well, Stone; new well; bored in 1902 by C. T. White; depth, 650 feet; 2-inch casing, 600 feet; first water at 250 feet, stand 7 feet; second water at 300 feet, stand 7 feet; third water at 560 feet, rising to surface; excavated 3 feet to get overflow. Walter Wyndham's wells, a half mile west of Stone: No. 1, flows 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 67 degrees. No. 2, formerly overflowed; stand now 10 feet; has been sounded to the depth of 300 feet. R. C. Long's well, three quarters mile east of Stone, at ferry; flows 3 feet above surface; yield, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 67 de- grees. J. B. Somerville's well, 1 1-2 miles east of Stone; new well; bored by White in 1902; depth, 500 feet; 4-inch and 2-inch casing to bottom; first water at 400 feet; formerly overflowed, but water stands now just at surface. On the same place are several old wells, most of them no lon- ger flowing: No. 1, 150 yards south of house; overflows in the winter only. No. 2, formerly overflowed; water stands now at 4 feet. No. 3, one mile east of house; flows 4 feet above surface, a good stream. On the Winston Jones and Goldsby places, 3 miles west of Stone, are several old flowing wells. 9 130 DETAILS I COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. SHERMAN,* DANCY AND VICINITY. In the lower edge of Pickens County, about Sherman and Dancy are several wells of which the following records are available : T. Moore's well, 1 mile south of Sherman, in Section 14, Township 23, Range 3 W. ; old well; bored about 1870 by Joe Ladd (colored); depth, 600 feet; diameter, 4 inches; flow, 6 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 72 degrees. Will Oliver's well, 1 mile west of Sherman; old well; flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 70. Well of Mrs. Adams, 2 miles west of Sherman; bored about 1870 by Mi. Ladd; depth, 602 feet; flow, 30 gallons per minute; temperature, 72 1-2. W. E. Whittens well, 3 miles west of Sherman; bored by Bicksler in 1900 or 1901; depth, 725 feet; temperature, 71. Wells of Mrs. Peter Wier, Sr., 3 miles west of Sherman; three old wells, bored about 1860. One of these yields 2 1-2 gallons per minute, tempera- ture, 71. The other two are now in decay. Well on Kin^ place, 3 3-4 miles west of Sherman; very old, and with very small stream; no record. T. A. Baker's wells, Dancy; No. 1, bored by White in 1899; depth, 700 feet; not flowing; first water at 450 feet; second water, at 600 feet, stand -8 feet; third water at 700 feet, stand -22 feet. Record: Soil, 0-15 feet; blue rock, 15-280 feet; quicksand, 280-320 feet; sand and thin rock, 320-600 feet. No. 2, bored by Ladd; depth, 450 feet; water stands at -10 feet; steam pumping for twenty- four hours does not lower level. No. 3, abandoned; record same as No. 2. J. H. McDonald's well, 2 1-2 miles north of Dancy; bored by White in June, 1903; depth, 350 feet; diameter, 3 1-2 inches; water stands at -90 feet; pumped. The ground level here is estimated to be 75 feet above Dancy. Record: Soil, 0-20 feet; blue rock, 20-300 feet; sand and rock, 300-350 feet. W. D. King's well, 2 miles west of Dancy; bored by Bicksler in 1901; depth, 903 feet; cased 797 feet; first overflow at 903 feet; 3 1-2 gallons per minute; stand -20 feet. Record: Soil 0-21 feet; blue rock, 21-361 feet; sand and rock, 361-800 feet; hard rock, 800-903 feet. *Sherman is near the line of Pickens County but is in reality in Sumter county. The Moore, Oliver and Weir wells are in Sumter county; the others mentioned are in Pickens. WATERS OF THE; CRETACEOUS. 131 SUMTER COUNTY. SURFACE IEATUKES. The dividing line between the Cr.etaceous and Tertiary beds in Sumter County pass'es in a northwest-southeast direction through Livingston, the county seat. The Cretaceous strata are for the most part Selma chalk, with a narrow belt of the Ripley formation along the southern border. Southwest of the Cretaceous beds are the Tertiary strata of the Midway and Black Bluff, or Sucarnochee (post-oak Flatwoods) formations, extending as far as York station, beyond which the other beds' of the lower Tertiary make the surface of the county to its southwestern limit. Topographically, that part of the county occupied by the Cretaceous strata is in general gently rolling rather than hilly ; but through Sumterville and on to a little west of Epes runs a prominent ridge which owes its existence to a slight difference in the quality of the limestone rock. The town of Sumterville is situated on this ridge, and from its summit one may overlook the country from Tombigbee River on the one side to the Miss- issippi line and beyond on the other. This ridge and the de- pression of the Flatwoods are the two most pronounced topo- graphic features of the county. Another prominent ridge, based on what is 1 commonly known as "horse-bone rock", passes northwestward through Warsaw and Sherman, in the extreme northern part of the county. Between this ridge and that' on which Sumterville stands the limestone is quite pure and uni- form in quality, and makes the most fertile and attractive of the farming lands. In this belt are found most of the artesian wells of the county, since the Sumterville ridge is in general too high for flowing wells', and south and west of it the wells would as a rule be too deep for economy. SHALLOW WATERS. Springs in the Selma Chalk. NEAR EPES. As may be inferred there is a general scarcity of surface, springs in the chalk region of Sumter County, but there is one never failing spring in the southeast corner of the S. W. quar- 132 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. ter S. E. quarter, Section 6, Township 19, Range I W. ; about 7 miles northeast of Livingston, 3 miles southeast of Epes, and 2. miles from Tombigbee River, on the plantation of Mr. Har- den L. Jones, of Livingston. The water oozes from a fissure in the chalk rock, here slightly fossiliferous, and collects in a shallow pool. As it was' thought to have medicinal properties, it has been analyzed by Mr. Hodges, with the result given below : Analysis of water from H. L. Jones's spring, near Epes. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 14.6 Sodium (Na) 374.2 Magnesium (Mg) 277.7 Calcium (Ca) 617.7 Iron (Fe) trace Chlorine (Cl) , 665.5 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 2089.0 Carbonic acid CHCO 3 ) 453.8 Silica (SiO) 14.5 4507.0 Springs in the Tertiary Formations. In the Tertiary formations of Sumter County there is gen- erally no lack of fairly good surface waters, except in the belt of post-oak Flatwoods, underlain by the black Sucarnochee clays which weather to a reddish color. This whole belt is only slightly elevated above the general drainage plain, and is com- paratively level, as the name indicates. After rains the water stands in all the slight depressions, or runs off into streams, and very little of it soaks into the clay. As a consequence, no supply of surface waters for wells can be depended on. Cis- terns dug into the solid clay and filled with rain water from the house tops supply domestic needs', and shallow ponds are utilized for cattle. In some parts of this region shallow wells find a meagre sup- ply of water in the clay, but it is' apt to be highly impregnated with salts of various kinds and is unsuitable for drinking ex- cept by those accustomed to it. UNIVERSITY WATERS OE THE CRETACEOUS. 133 YORK AND VICINITY. On the plantation of Mr. W. A. Altman, about I 1-2 miles south of York on the Butler road is a -well the water of which is used by the negroes on- the place, who claim to be fond of it, though they say they cannot drink much of it because of itsi weakening effect, due no doubt to the Epsom salts with which it is strongly impregnated. An analysis of this water by Mr. Hodges shows the following composition : Analysis of water from Altman well, near York. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 37.3 Sodium (Na) 705.1 Magnesium (Mg) 726A Calcium (Ca) 501.3 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O S( A1 2 O 3 ) 16.9 Chlorine (Cl) 461.2 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 4636.2 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 404.5 Silica (SiO 2 ) 75 8 7564.4 Two, and perhaps more, wells in York have water somewhat similar in composition, though not so strongly saturated, as may be seen from the analysis given below : Analysis of water from C. B. Mill's well, York. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 61.9 Sodium (Na) 359.8 Lithium (Li) trace Magnesium (Mg) 542.4 Calcium (Ca) 530.3 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 Os, Al 2 Os) 17.0 Chlorine (Cl) 460.8 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 3553.4 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 80.3 Silica (SiO a ) 55.0 5660.9 134 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Analysis of water from Dr. R. H. Hale's well, York. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 14.1 Sodium (Na) 379.1 Magnesium (Mg) ... Calcium (Ca) Iron (Fe) Chlorine (Cl) Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 258.6 315.3 86.6 354.5 2283.3 Silica (SiO 2 ) 92.4 3783.9 At Curl station on the Southern Railway, a short distance east of York, a well has been s'unk in the Flatwoods clays, and the water has a composition similar to the above, as may be seen from Mr. Hodges'% analysis : Analysis of water from B. Hightower's well, Curl station. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 22.5 Sodium (Na) 540.2 Lithium (Li) trace Magnesium (Mg) 383.8 Calcium (Ca) 607.2 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 18.2 Chlorine (Cl) 761.1 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 3085.0 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 14.0 Silica (SiOa) 42.9 5474.9 The waters of the flatwoods will be referred to again under Marengo County. The Cretaceous and Tertiary formations in Sumter and other counties' of the Coastal Plain are mantled by pebbles and red loam of the Lafayette formation, and where erosion has re- moved Tcast from the surface, as on the divides, the lands are almost level and are capped by this red loam with the pebbles below it. In these table-lands there is an ample supply of the best freestone water, gathered and stored in the sands and pebble beds'. Wherever these conditions prevail no borings for artesian waters have generally been made. In the territory of WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 135 the Selma chalk the remnants of the red loam and pebble beds are generally small and insufficient to provide a durable water supply. In the sandier parts of the Cretaceous (Ripley) and in the greater part of the territory south of the Flatwoods the Lafayette mantle remains in good part intact, and the water supply is correspondingly adequate for open wells and springs. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. The records' presented below show fairly well the artesian conditions in Sumter County. They are given in the approxi- mate order of their geographic and geologic relations; the wells in Warsaw and vicinity being in the northern part of the county and nearest the base of .the Selma chalk, and the others following progressively southward and westward and being on successively later strata* The deep wells all derive their water from the Eutaw sands. WARSAW AND VICINITY. Town well No. 1, located in street: bored in 1848 by Peter Burns; depth, 400 (?) feet, diameter, 4 inches; first overflow at 300 feet; well originally flowed a 2-inch stream; on sounding the well in 1893 Peter Clements found it to be only 300 feet deep; present flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute. Town well No. 2, in street, 150 yards northwest of No. 1; bored by Peter Burns in 1849; depth, 450 feet; diameter, 4 inches; first flowing water from 300 feet; yield two-thirds gallons per minute; stands 1 foot below thev surface. J. W. Gentry's well, bored by C. T. White in 1900; depth, 560 feet; casing, 26 feet of 3-inch pipe; first water at 300 feet, rose 10 feet above the sur- face; second water at 560 feet, rose 40 feet above the surface; original flow (estimated), 250 gallons per minute; present flow, 5 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 71. Mrs. J. W. Bell's well, near Warsaw, in Section 33, Township 23, Range 2 W.; bored in 1851 by Peter Burns; depth, 400 feet; original flow, 1 1-2 inch stream from depth of 300 feet; present volume, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 68. Well on old N. A. Rogers place, in Section 33, Township 23, Range 2 W., near Warsaw; bored by Peter Burns in 1850; depth, 450 feet; flow, from 300 feet; now in decay. *Some of the wells in the vicinity of Sherman are in &umter County, though described under Pickens County. Sherman is very close to t^e county line, but in Sumter. 136 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Well on Rogers estate, near Warsaw; bored by Simon & Ladd in 1897; depth, 300 feet; diameter, 4 inches; first flow at 250 feet; volume, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. Well on Weston place, near Warsaw (?); depth, 396 feet; flows one- third of a gallon per minute; temperature, 69. Well on J. J. Little's estate, one-half mile north of Warsaw; bored be- tween 1850-1860 by John Horn; 1 1-2 inch stream originally, but now yields one-quarter of a gallon per minute; temperature, 70. William Willis's weM, 1 1-2 miles north of Warsaw; bored about 1850 by John Horn; no record. J. J. Little's well, on Washington place, 4 miles north of Warsaw; no data obtainable. Wiley Barnes's well, 2 1-2 miles north of Warsaw; bored in 1847; origi- nally gave a 2-inch stream. Robert Oliver's well, 4 miles north of Warsaw; new well; flow, 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 70. Wells on Andrew Lyon's place, 4 1-2 miles north of Warsaw; No. 1, bored in 1855 (?); water stands at -60 feet. No. 2, 40 feet lower than No. 1; flows, 10 gallons per minute; temperature, 69. J. P. Rogers's well, one half mile northwest of Warsaw; bored in 1847 by Peter Burns; originally gave a 1 1-2 inch stream, but was abandoned thirty years ago. Well on Nan Stone place, 1 1-2 miles northwest of Warsaw; bored about 1845; original stream, 1 1-2 inch; present volume, one-half gallon per min- ute; temperature, 69. William Peebles's well, 2 miles northeast of Warsaw: bored in 1845 by John Horn; originally gave 2 1-2 to 3 inch stream. Well on old Bell place, 3 miles northwest of Warsaw; water stands at -18 feet. C. J. Brockway's well, 4 miles northwest of Warsaw; bored by Ladd in 1898; flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 72. J. P. Rogers's well, one-fourth mile west of Warsaw, in Section 33, Township 23, Range 2, W. ; bored by C. T. White, in 1901; depth, 300 feet; cased to rock with 3-inch casing; first water at 220 feet, rising 10 feet above surface; original volume, 6 gallons per minute; temperature 69. Record; Sand, 0-26 feet; blue rock, 26-220 feet; sand and water, 220-300 feet. F. M. Grove's well, one-half mile west of post office at Warsaw, in Sec- tion 33, Township 23, Range 2 W.; bored by C. T. White in 1901; depth, 460 feet; casing, 20 feet of 3 1-2 inch pipe; first water at 250 feet, rose to -10 feet; second water at 300 feet, rose to -10 feet; third water at 40Q feet, overflowing; fourth water at 460 feet, flows; yield, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 70; water found beneath a thin, solidified layer. Well of Oliver & Oliver, 8 miles west of Warsaw; small stream. Well on Mac Roger's place, 5 miles southwest of Warsaw; old well; flows 1 1-4 gallons per minute; temperature, 69. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 137 J. H. Pinson's wells, 7 miles southwest of Warsaw, in Section 9; Town- ship 22, Range 3 W.; No. 1 bored by J. W. Patterson in 1902; depth, 702 feet; casing, 250 feet of 2-inch pipe, 4-inch casing at top; supply, from the third water horizon, will rise to 40 feet above surface; flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 71. No. 2, bored about 1855; flows, one-third of a gallon per minute; temperature, 68. J. W. Patterson's well, 7 miles southwest of Warsaw, in Section 23, Township 22, Range 3 W. ; bored by C. T. White, in 1901; depth, 700 feet; casing, 3 1-2 inch to rock; 250 feet of 2-inch pipe; first water at 460 feet, rose to -30 feet; second water at 500 feet, rose to -30 feet; third water at 700 feet, rose to 6 feet above surface; estimated flow, 1 to 2 gallons per minute. Record of Patterson tvell, 1 miles southwest of Warsaw. Feet. Soil 20 Blue rock 20 200 Hard, dry sand 200 300 Blue rock 300 4*50 Sand 460 500 Soapstone 500 700 Well on Taylor place, 2 miles south of Warsaw in Section 9, Township 22, Range 2 W. ; bored about 1855 by John Horn; depth, 400 feet; cased be- low rock with iron pipe; good stream until 1902, when it was stopped by entrance of sand. GAINESVILLE AND VICINITY. Some distance down the river, about Gainesville, artesian wells are numerous, many of them dating back to before the civil war. In general the first water in the vicinity of Gaines- ville is much more salty than the second. The following are the records : John Rogers's well, Gainesville; depth, 630 feet; principal water supply at 630 feet; water rises to 20 feet above surface; quality good; well starts in the "rotten limestone" and obtains its supply from the Eutaw forma- tion; blue rock is reached at 27 feet from the surface and is 383 feet thick. Old mill well, Gainesville; owned by the town; bored about 1850; depth, 00 feet; formerly overflowed, but is now pumped; yield, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, G9. R. II. Long's well, near Gainesville, in Section 2, Township 21, Range 2 W., bored by C. T. White in 1900; depth, 626 feet, rose to 25 feet above the 1 38 DETAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. surface; estimated flow, 10 gallons per minute; no decrease. Record: Gravel and sand, 0-43 feet; blue rock, 43-375 feet; sand and water, 375-475 feet; "soapstone," 475-626 feet. John A. Rogers's well, near Gainesville in Section 7, Township 21, Range 2 W. ; bored by C. T. White in 1900; depth, 630 feet; casing, 300 feet of 2-inch pipe; first water, at 375 feet, rose to -24 feet; second water, at 630 feet, rose to 20 feet above the surface; flow, 5 gallons per minute; volume constant; temperature, 73. Record: Soil, 0-20 feet; blue rock, 20-375 feet; sand and water, 375-475 feet; "soapstone." 475-630 feet. Mrs. Ben Moy's well, 4 miles north of Gainesville; old well; flow very weak, decreasing, in decay. Mrs. Mooring's well, 5 miles north of Gainesville; bored by Joe Ladd (colored) in 1875 (?); flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 71; 4 inch casing to blue rock. Well on Sallie Rogers's place, 6 miles north of Gainesville; bored by C. T. White in 1899; depth, 500 feet; casing, 30 feet of 3 inch pipe; estimated original volume 15 gallons; flow now 1 1-3 gallons per minute; tempera- ture, 71; first water, at 350 feet, rose just to surface; second water, at 450 feet, rose to 30 feet above the surface. Record: Soil, 0-20 feet; blue rock, 20-350 feet. Mrs. L. A. Landford's old well, 2 miles northwest of Gainesville; flows one-eighth of a gallon per minute, at 4 feet above the surface; tempera- ture, 69. L. A. Knight's well, 6 miles northwest of Gainesville; bored by Howard Horn in 1855 (?) ;flows 1 1-4 gallons per minute; considerable leakage; temperature, 69. Well on Marsh place, 7 1-2 miles northwest of Gainesville; old well, yielding 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 70. Long & Patterson wells, in Section 4, Township 21, Range 2 W. : No. 1, 1 1-2 miles west of Gainesville; bored by C. T. W T hite in 1900; water stands at -1 foot; depth, 700 feet; casing, 250 feet of 2-inch pipe; temperature, 69; first water, at 475 feet, rose to -40 feet; second water, at 700 feet, rose to -15 feet. Record: Blue rock, 0-475 feet; sand and water, 475-515 feet; successive strata of blue rock and clay, 515-700 feet. No. 2, 1 3-4 miles west of Gainesville; bored by C. T. White in 1900; depth, 700 feet; casing, 250 feet of 2-inch pipe; estimated to be 12 feet lower than No. 1; original flow, about 6 gallons per minute; present flow, 2 gallons per minute; tem- perature, 74. No. 3, 1 1-2 miles west of Gainesville; bored by J. W. Pat- terson in 1902; depth, 676 feet; water rising to 30 feet above the surface at 676 feet; flow, stopped by accident; water now stands at -15 feet. Well of William Wier (colored), 4 miles southwest of Gainesville; bored by C. T. White in 1900; depth, 700 feet; casing, 200 feet of 2-inch pipe; first water, at 500 feet, rose to -5 feet; second water, at 700 feet, rose to 20 feet above the surface (?); original volume estimated at 15 gallons per minute; present volume, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 71. Record: Soil, 0-20 feet; blue rock, 20-500 feet; sand and water, 500-550 feet; soap- stone, 550-700 feet. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 139 Sam T. Jones's wells: No. 1, on Wyndham place, 3 1-2 miles south of Gainesville; flows, one-quarter of a gallon per minute, formerly much stronger; temperature, 71. No. 2, 2 1-2 miles south of Gainesville; bored by C. T. White in 1901; depth, 700 feet; original flow, 12 gallons per minute; present flow, about one-half gallon per minute; temperature, 70; first water, at 400 feet, rose to -20 feet; second water, at 475 feet, rose to -20 feet; third water, at 700 feet, rose to 17 feet above the surface. Record: Soil, 0-20 feet; blue rock, 200-400 feet; sand, 400-450 fet; clay, 450-475 feet; sand and water, 475-700 feet. No. 3, one-half mile south of Gainesville; bored by J. Ladd to 360 feet, and finished to 700 feet by C. T. White in 1901; water formerly flowed, but now stands at -1 foot; casing 20 feet of 5-inch pipe; a flow of water, rising to -20 feet, was encountered at 432 feet. Record from 360 feet: Sand and water, 360-400 feet; successive strata of sand and soapstone, 400-700 feet. T. L. Smith's well, 2 miles south of Gainesville; bored by C. T. White in 1901; depth, 735 feet, casing, 320 feet of 3 1-2 and 2-inch pipe; original flow, 1 or 2 gallons per minute. Record: Soil, 0-20 feet; blue rock, 20-400; pene- trated four strata of sand. Well of Tom Minneice (colored), 3 1-2 miles south of Gainesville in Sec- tion 18, Township 21, Range 1 W.; bored by C. T. White in 1900; depth, 600 feet; casing 300 feet; original volume (estimated), 25 gallons per minute; present volume, 12 gallons per minute; first water at 300 feet, rose to 10 feet above the surface; second water, at 600 feet, rose to 25 feet above the surface; temperature, 71. Record: Soil (clay), 0-34 feet: blue rock, 34-276 feet; sand and water; 276-600 feet. R. H. Long's well, 2 1-2 miles southeast of Gainesville, in Section 13, Township 21, Range 2 W.; bored by C. T. White in 1900; depth, 600 feet; casing 250 feet of 2-inch pipe; first water at 350 feet, rose to -20 feet; second water, at 600 feet, rose to 20 feet above the surface; original flow, 15 gal- lons per minute; present flow, 3 gallons per minute; temperature, 72. Rec- ord: Soil, 0-20 feet; blue rock, 20-350 feet; sand, 350-400 feet; soapstone, 400-600 feet. Well on Senator Morgan place, 4 miles southeast of Gainesville, in Sec- tion 18, Township 21, Range 1 W. ; deepened from 350 to 550 feet by C. T. White; flow, 3 3-4 gallons per minute at 4 feet above the surface; no de- crease since well was deepened; temperature, 71. J. A. Rogers's old wells on Swilley place: No. 1, 5 miles southeast of Gainesville, in Section 20, Township 21, Range 1 W.; water formerly flowed, but now stands at -8 feet. No. 2, 6 1-2 miles southeast of Gaines- ville, in Section 22, Township 21, Range 1, W. ; flow, 7 gallons per minute at 3 feet above the sx*-face; temperature, 69. EPES AND VICINITY. Well of Epes Cotton Oil Company, at Epes, on the right bank of the Tombigbee, on Jones Bluff, the site of old Fort Consti- 140 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. tution ; bored in 1899 by J. I. Hawk. The altitude of Epes is 125 feet and it stands on the white chalk rock. Depth of well, 737 feet; record as follows: Record of Epes well. Blue rock Feet. 442 in. Reddish muddy substance 65 o Greenish sand, with water 103 Stone o g Rusty, hard pan 70 Stone o 3 White sand 42 o At first a small stream ran out at the surface; on lowering the boring, a rather better stream was obtained, but it is still weak, less than a gallon a minute ; surface about the well has been lowered in order to get better overflow. An analysis of this water was furnished by Mr. W. B. Harkness 1 ,* who also furnished the record of the well : Partial analysis of water from Epes well. Parts per million. Total solids in solution 3605.25 Volatile and organic 60.24 Chlorine (Cl) 1927.13 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 3.94 Silica (SiOo) 11.81 Magnesium (Mg) 14.95 Calcium (Ca) 45.17 Sulphuric acid ,SO 4 ) Trace Sodium (Na), present in large amount but not determined Carbonic acid, present but not determined. Potassium (K) Trace Mrs. A. M. Tart's well, 3 miles southeast of Epes; bored by Murray about 1852; depth, 930 feet; cased 400 feet; flowing water between 800 and 900 feet; yield, 28 gallons per minute; temperature, 79. W. A. C. Jones' well, 1 1-4 miles southwest of Mrs. Tart's well above mentioned, but about 150 feet higher on a hard limestone ridge. Bored by E. L. Machamer, 1906. Depth, about 1,000 feet. Water rises to within 100 feet of surface, pumped by windmill. Casing at bottom 150 feet 2-inch pipe, and on this 160 feet of 2 1-2 inch pipe. *Expressed by analyst in grains per gallon; recomputed to parta per million at U. S. Geological Survey. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 141 Record of W. A. C. Jones' well. Feet. Brownish soft top soil to 20 Blue rotten lime rock 20 72 White soft lime rock 72 495 Tough white rock 495 571 Blue lime rock 571 767 Hard white sand rock 767 773 Greensand with water 773 778 Fine sand rock with thin layers of hard rock and water which rose to within 128 feet of top 778 834 Very hard blue flint rock 834 836 Greenish sand with water 836 870 Soft, dark and muddy earth alternating with beds of hard rock and sand, water bearing.. 870 992 T. V. White's well, 3 1-2 miles northwest of Epes, in Section 11, Town- ship 20, Range 2 W.; bored by C. T. White in 1901; depth, 700 feet; original flow, 3 gallons per minute; temperature, 72; first water at 500 feet; rose to -3 feet; second water, at 550 feet, rose to -15 feet; third water, at 700 feet; flows; casing, 320 feet. Record: Blue rock, 0-500 feet; sand with water, 500-540 feet; clay, 540-550 feet; sand with water, 550-570 feet; pink soapstone, 570-700 feet. Louis Brown's well, 5 miles northwest of Epes, in Section 9, Township 20, Range 2 W. ; bored by C. T. White in 1901; depth, 735 feet; water level, -15 feet; first water, at 600 feet, rose to -40 feet; second water, at 650 feet, rose to -40 feet; third water, at 735 feet, rose to -15 feet; temperature 72. Blue rock, 600 feet thick; otherwise, record is similar to that of T. V. White's well. SUM1EEVILLE AND VICINITY. The elevation of the ridge on which Sumterville stands is too great for flowing water, but by artesian borings water could certainly be obtained sufficiently near the surface to be raised by pumps. At present the water supply is obtained from cis- terns'. At the base of the ridge, with proper selection of local- ity, flowing water might be obtained, but the boring would be deep, as is shown by the records at Epes and Livingston. LIVINGSTON AND VICINITY. On the upper strata of the chalk formation and the overly- ing Ripley stands Livingston, the county seat of Sumter County. Here a well has been bored which exhibits the full thickness of the chalk. The record is as follows: Soil and 142 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. surface sands, 20 feet; Selma chalk, or blue rock, 930 feet; Eutaw sands to bottom of well (1062 feet), 112 feet. The first water was reached immediately below the blue rock, at 966 feet, affording a small stream which rose to the surface; at 1005 feet a larger stream was obtained in coarse green sand, and deeper drilling discovered no other water. The flow is quite feeble, the water barely reaching the surface, which has been lowered about the mouth of the well for convenience in collecting the water. Analysis of water from well at Livingston. Analyst, Dr. R. E. Parts per million. Sodium (Na) 1996.65 Magnesium (Mg) 14.65 Calcium (Ca) 48.58 Iron (Fe) 2.19 Chlorine (Cl) 3123.18 Bromine (Br) 13.16 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 127.45 Strontium (Sr) Trace Silica (SiO 2 ) 19.50 5335.36 Cc. per liter. Free carbonic acid in solution 92.97 Carbonic acid in combination 40.36 Total carbonic acid ., 133.33 A considerable quantity of inflammable gas comes with the water. This water is considered beneficial to the health. *Expressed by analyst in grains per gallon, and hypothetical' com- binations; recomputed to ionic form and parts per million at U. S Geological Survey. Allison Lumber Company's well, about 11 miles south of Livingston, and 3 miles south of Bellamy station, on the Southern Railway, in Section 13, Township 17, Range 2 W.; bored in 1903; depth, 1010 feet. Record: Soil and clay, 0-20 feet; black clay (Sucarnochee or Flatwoods clay), 20-160 feet; white lime rock, 160-1000 feet; below this quicksand and water which overflows and yields about 3 gallons per minute. From the record it will be seen that the mouth' of the well is on the Flatwoods clay (Tertiary), and that the boring, like that at Livingston, passes through the whole WATERS OF THE; CRETACEOUS. 143 chalk formation into the Eutaw sand. The water from this well has been analyzed by Mr. Hodges, and has the following composition: Analysis of water from Allison Lumber Company's well, near Bellamy. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 132 Sodium (Na) 540.2 Magnesium (Mg) 43.1 Calcium (Ca) 139.6 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , AloO 3 ) 5.2 Chlorine (Cl) 4538.0 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) .3 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 784.5 Silica (SiO 2 ) 50.8 8573.7 Another well was bored- by the same company at their logging camp, 3 miles farther south. The record was about the same as that given above, except that both the black clay and the lime rock were thicker, the total depth of the well being 1240 feet. The water rises to within 5 feet of the surface; on lowering the surface below that depth a small flow, less than half a gallon per minute, is obtained. It was thought that there was some leakage at the contact of the black clay with the lime rock at about 200 feet depth, since the water rose with great force to that height. Both wells are cased for 40 feet, with an 8-inch hole below the casing. The water in the well at the logging camp is not so salty nor so highly im- pregnated with other minerals as that in the other well. Sumter Lumber Company's wells: No. 1, 4 miles southwest of Living- ston, in the Flatwoods; bored by F. H. Braswell; depth, 1260 feet; no de- tails. No. 2, 5 miles west of Livingston, also in the Flatwoods; said to be the only well drilled in Sumter County west of Livingston; bored by F. H. Braswell in 1902; never flnishedl GREENE COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The Tuscaloosa formation underlies a small area, about one township in extent, in the northeast corner of Greene County ; the rest of the county is underlain by beds of the Eutaw and Selma chalk in belts of nearly equal width from northeast to southwest. Over all the older rocks was spread the Lafayette mantle of pebbles and red loam, remnants of which are still 144 DETAILS I COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. to be seen in the high plateaus between the watercourses, where the country has been least affected by erosion. These high, level lands, 400 to 500 feet above tide, are excellent farming tracts. The soils are slightly les's fertile than those of the prairies, but their level surface, their responsiveness to fertilizers, and the abundant supply of the best freestone water, stored up in the pebbles and sands and easily reached by wells less 1 than 100 feet deep or appearing as hillside springs, more than compen- sate for the slight difference in original fertility. In the prai- ries these remnants of the Lafayette mantle are not so common as in other sections', but here and there they form conspicuous features of the landscape, as for instance in the "Fork" between Black Warrior and Tombigbee rivers, where they appear as isolated conical hills upon which many oldtime mansions are located. The smaller hills of this sort strongly resemble Indian mounds, and several of them may be seen from Burton Hill From the contact of the limestone with the overlying Lafayette sands and pebble beds, fine springs of freestone water gush out wherever the area of the hill is large enough to afford an ade- quate collecting ground. The settlement of Burton Hill is sup- plied in this way. The Lafayette is also very generally found on the third ter- race of the two rivers at an altitude of from 80 to 100 feet above the "second bottom," or lowlands. Here also, as' on the high plateaus, these materials are found in flat lands which are up- ward of 3 miles wide. The writer has been unable to discover any difference in structure and arrangement between the red loam and pebbles of this formation occurring on the high di- vides and those on the river terraces 200 feet below. From Knoxville to Eutaw the strata of the Eutaw formation are crossed in succession from base to top. The lower beds are yellow and reddish cross^-bedded sands, with thin streaks and flakes of gray clay separating the sand layers. Above these, dark-gray laminated clays alternating with yellowish sands be- come more prominent, and near Eutaw, forming the uppermost strata of the formation are cross-bedded greensands. From the character of these materials it will be easily understood that the topography of the Eutaw terranes is very much broken. with steep rounded hills and deep gullies. The soils resulting from the decomposition of the Eutaw beds are usually sandy, but there is generally a mixture of lime with the sand by which WATERS OF THE) CRETACEOUS. 145 they are easily distinguishable from the s'andy soils of the La- fayette even when the two, as is often the case, are found in juxtaposition. At the town of Eutaw begin the beds of "rotten limestone" or Selma chalk, which underlie all the rest of the county westward to Tombigbee River. In the Tuscaloosa and Eutaw territory the sandy beds of these formations', as well as of the overlying Lafayette, are, as usual, a guarantee of an adequate supply of good freestone water, and in this part of the county, artesian wells are not very numerous. Of the wells in the list furnished by Judge G. B. Mobley, of Eutaw (see below), only those around Clinton, at Lock 5 (now Lock 8) at Springfield, in north Eutaw, and about Finch's Ferry, are located in the territory of the Eutaw forma- tion. To these, however, may be added the wells in the city of Eutaw itself, which is situated at the contact of the Eutaw with the "rotten limestone," all thes'e wells except those at the lock in the river bottom, are close to the line of contact. From the data given below it will be seen that only a few borings, in the extreme northeast corner of the county, are in the area of the Tuscaloosa formation. These and most of those just enumerated, including the deeper borings in the city of Eu- taw, penetrate into the Tuscaloosa strata. With these few ex- ceptions the wells of Greene County derive their waters from the Eutaw sands'. ARTESIAN RECORDS. In the region occupied by the "rotten limestone," or Selma chalk the usual absence of shallow waters may be noted, and a correspondingly large number of artesian wells. The great ma jority of these wells are located in the northeastern half of the belt of limestone, within 10 or 12 miles of the line of junction with the Eutaw, probably because the depth to water there av- erages perhaps not more than 500 to 600 feet. In the southwes- tern half of the limestone belt the depth to water increases to looo feet and. more, as shown in the Livingston well across the Tombigbee in Sumter County. 10 146 DETAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. s o c-S o 5 OQ . >> S^gl # 6 a -.9 .- -a "a -d -S ^ Cj 02 O o"^O T3 O oag jo "^ : a TS bJ3 ' ^ 5n ^ ^|^2 H a; c 02 ^ <: z c PQ H 2 O CO 'o e rrt O S = Sss < 9 S " o UPQKQ S C3 S C C s*. o o riUO 00 5HH <>qcNo> MI d o .2 j O 03 O +J O d O> ea JO uopoag 02 qj 0) 02 bD ^H d " o> cu .,5 52 o O 0*> ^ O M03Q O g ft ? ^|S 5g ffi .- N^ .3 i-J A% WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 149 W. tfl J^ 'o> 'CD _ 72 72 - O O 1-5 1-5 >-i O 02 ^g d ^ HO K>> > CD CD f- 72 72 CD^ ^) C ?_ ^ ^!W ^ CD . . .CD r/} f| 03 s bJD'E d 02 d QO Q * o 08g JO UOH09S i 1 C*3 CO CO CD o> C C ~^0 ^ o a <^^ 11 Jill HH JH C<1 CM CM 3, Chlorine (Cl) A1 2 O 3 ) 2.1 232 7 1.9 220 7 2.7 515 5.7 2986 1 Sulphuric acid (SOi) .6 .9 1.2 3.2 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) .. Silica (SiO 2 ) 217. G 11 2 246.7 7 2 319.7 8 6 173.7 8 7 710.2 1301.8 5156.0 No. i.* From Crassdale plantation of J. O. Banks, Jr., near Eutaw, N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 30, Township 22, Range 2 E. Bored in 1854. See PI. XV. A. No. 2* From Little Egypt well, Crassdale Plantation of J. O. Banks, Jr., N. W. quarter N. W. quarter of Section 25, Township 22, Range I E. Bored by Ladd in 1899. No. 3. From city waterworks', Eutaw. No. 4.* From dump well, on Alabama Great Southern Rail- road, between Eutaw and Finch's Ferry. A record of the boring for the well at the court-house in Eutaw, in 1853, taken from Professor Winchell's article,* iff as follows : Record of Court House well, Eutaw. John W. Elliott, Superintendent of Work. Feet. Soil and red clay 15 Sand and soft, light-colored, mottled clay 45 White sand and water 3 Blue shale and yellowish clay, alternating 200 Yellowish clay, inclining to red 100 *Winchell, Dr. A., Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Vol. 10, 1856, p. 95. *See also Mobley list, page 146. 154 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Red, caving soil, crumbling like rotten brick 100 Sand (water), brown, white, and greenish 20 Red and yellowish clay ion Dark-brown sand 50 Coarse reddis'h sand with gravel and scales of mica 80 Reddis'h "soapstone" like a bed of clay 743 This record might be interpreted as follows : Soil and surface materials, 15 feet; Eutaw beds, 378 feet; Tuscaloosa beds, 350 feet. In this well water, rising within a few feet of the surface, was found at less' than 100 feet. The last well sunk in the public square at Eutaw penetrated the red Tus^caloosa clays at the depth of 445 feet, the thick- ness of the clay being 40 feet. Below this, at about 480 feet, came a quicksand, 36 feet thick, down to the next indurated bed below. As soon as the quicksand was struck the water overflowed for an hour, but sank when the sand was agitated, to its present stand of -16 feet. Well at Alabama Great Southern Railroad depot; altitude, 185 feet; drilled in 1886; depth, 400 feet; water ?alty; over- flowed at first, but has ceased to do 1 so. This well, starting in the Eutaw, penetrates the purple clays of the Tuscaloos'a at the depth of about 400 feet. McClure Lumber Company's well, near the dump well No. 4 in table above, p. , in the W. half N. E. quarter Section 36, Township 22, Range 2 E ; now (July, 1905) boring. Mr. J. G. Harris's well, in the N. E. quarter Section 4, Township 21, Range 2 E., south of the depot in Eutaw; depth, 80 feet. Judge T. W. Roberts's well,* 1 mile south of Eutaw, in the N. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 4, Township 21, Range 2E; diameter at bottom, 1 1-2 inches; depth, 239 feet; first water reported at 52 1-2 feet; water supply at bottom; flows at surface; carries some salt; starts in Selma chalk and probably gets water in the Eutaw sands. Record: Clay and sand to lime rock, 11 feet; rotten lime rock (water at bottom), 39 feet; bMe lime rock, 150 feet; sand, 10 feet; dark soapstone, 16 feet; sand, 3 feet; soapstone, 6 feet; hard rock, 2 feet; sand to water, 2 feet. Well on Clarke place (owned by Ed. and Henry Kinney) in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 9, Township 21, Range 2, 1 1-2 miles south of Eutaw, 500 yards from well of Judge T. W. Roberts; bored by Gus. Sample in May, 1905; depth, 520 feet; 3-inch casing; flows small stream; pump used; blue marl encountered at 16 feet, continuing for 500 feet. *See also Mobley list, page 146. WATERS OF THE; CRETACEOUS. 155 Well on Crenshaw place, formerly F. L. Constantine's, in the S. E. quar- ter S. E. quarter Section 9. Township 21, Range 2 E., about 2 miles south of Eutaw; bored for Eugene Anderson in May. 1905, by Gus. Sample; depth, 140 feet; 2 1-2-inch casing; first water, at 35 feet, rose to surface; overflowing water at 60 feet and bold (2 1-2-inch) stream at 105 feet. Well on J. W. Hall place, owned by Marion James (colored), in Section 15, Township 21, Range 2 E., about 3 miles south of Eutaw; bored in 1904; depth, 300 feet; 3-inch casing; flows a fine stream. Wells on Clements place,* about 4 1-2 miles south of Eutaw, in the N. W. quarter Section 21, Township 21, Range 2 E. (old wells): No. 1, on Eutaw and Forkland road; yield, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 71, water salty. No. 2, one-half mile east of road; deptn, 200 feet; twenty- five years ago gave a strong stream, but has gradually weakened; pres- ent overflow 9 feet lower than formerly; yield, 1 2-3 gallons per minute; temperature, 71; water salty. No. 3, 100 yards from house; flow exceed- ingly small. Wells on Judge T. W. Coleman's place (formerly Jos. W. Hall's): No. 1, in the S. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 33, Township 21, Range 2 E., 6 miles south of Eutaw; bored in the fall of 1904 by Gus. Sample; depth, 485 feet; flows 1 1-2-inch stream. No. 2, in the W. 1-2 N. E. quarter same section; completed in June, 1905. Judge T. W. Robert's well, in the S. E. quarter section 33, Township 21, Range 2 E., about 6 miles south of Eutaw; bored in the spring of 1905 by Gus. Sample; depth, about 450 feet; flows a strong stream. An old well with a very weak flow, on the same place is mentioned above in the Mobley list (p. 146.) Well of Dollarhide Company, in the W. half N. W. quarter Section 2, Township 20, Range 2, E., on top of hill half a mile west of the old well in section 1 (see Mobley list), which is in the swamp; bored in November 1904, by Gus. Sample; depth, about 500 feet. This well is about 75 feet higher than the old well, but flows a stronger stream. Judge T. W. Roberts's well,f 7 miles south of Eutaw, in Section 3, Township 20, Range 2 E.; bored by Kinniard & Sample in 1901; depth, 405 feet; casing, 4 1-2-inch; water at 300 feet, salty; yield, 10 gallons per minute at surface; temperature, 70. An old well near by this. Wells on Swilley place, 9 miles south of Eutaw, owned by E. W. De- grauenreid, of Greensboro: No. 1, at the house, in the S. E. quarter N. \V. quarter Section 7, Township 20, Range 2 E. ; bored by Morrison in 1898; depth, 495 feet; casing, 3-inch; yield, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 71; flow obtained from 400 feet; water very salty; used for ' domestic purposes and stock. Record: Clay, 0-10 feet; blue rock, 10-250 feet; sand, with thin strata of blue rock and water, 250-495 feet. No. 2, 1 mile north- east of the house, in the S. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 7, Township 20, Range 2 E. ; reported by Morrison in 1898; depth, 450 feet; casing, 3-inch; yield, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 71; flow from 400 feet; water salty. Record: Clay, 0-10 feet; blue rock, 10-300 feet; hard rock, 300-308 feet; sand, with water, 306-450feet. S. L. Creswell's wells, 10 miles southwest of Eutaw, in Section 17, Township 20, Range 2 E.: No. 1, depth, 456 feet; temperature, 72. No. 2. in field at Creswell's plantation; depth, 440 feet; temperature, 71. No. 3, one-half mile north of No. 1,; depth, 550 feet; temperature, 72. *See also Mobley list, page 146. tSee also Mobley list, page 146. 156 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. C. C. Dunlap's well, in center of Section 17, Township 20, Range 2 E.; recently bored; depth, over 400 feet; good flow. Capt. James Webb's well, 11 miles south of Eutaw, in Section 20, Township 20, Range 2 E.; bored by Kinniard & Sample; depth, 560 feet; casing, 4-inch; first flowing water at 540 feet; well flowed a year and then partly caved in, after which the pump had to be used. Record: Soil, 0-6 feet; blue rock, 6-540 feet: sand, 540-560 feet. Old wells renewed On the Thornton place, in the N. E. quarter Sec- tion 25, Township 20, Range 1 E., an old well has been rediscovered which now yields a plentiful supply of salty but palatable water. On the E. C. Seldon place, in Section 12, Township 21, Range 1 E., an old well was exposed by the formation of a gully. The well was found plugged up, but when opened the water stood 6 or 8 feet below the sur- face. It is near the house and is now used for domestic purposes. It is supposed to have been bored about 1840. No one in the vicinity remem- bered anything about it. In the northern edge of Eutaw, about ten years ago, a freshet exposed an old well that was bored about 1845 by Colonel Pickens. This well now gives a good supply of fine drinking water. In the vicinity of Eutaw are several old bored wells that have been converted into serviceable open wells by cutting off the old wooden casing after it has begun to decay, and digging around it to a sufficient depth. The well on the Jones place, in the N. E, quarter Section 8, Township 21, Range 2 E., has the reputation of yielding a fine sulphur water. HAIRSTON. About 2 1-2 miles east of Hairston is a well, owner unknown, that is re- ported to be 530 feet deep. Blue rock, 170 feet thick; water rises to 2 1-2 feet above the ground; yield, 4 gallons per minute. BOLIGEE AND VICINITY. Well of Moses Kay (colored), 4 miles north of Boligee; bored by Mr. Ladd in 1899; depth, 142 feet; casing, 3-inch; pure water, 2 gallons per min- ute, from bottom; flows 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 66; lime- stone occurs at 40 feet. Well of Alec. Alexander (colored); bored by Mr. Ladd in 1899; depth, 350 feet; water, which rises to 5 feet above the surface, was obtained at 320 feet. E. F. Bouchelle's well, Boligee; bored in 1899 by Mr. Ladd; depth, 500 feet; first flowing water at 300 feet; water rises to 22 feet above the ground; flow originally 60 gallons, but June 20, 1899, was 40 gallons per minute; somewhat salty; temperature. 70; closed against sand at the bottom; starts in Selma chalk; water supply from Eutaw sand. H. T. Bouchelle's well, in the S. E. quarter Section 31, Township 21, Range IE.; bored by J. I. Hawk, in 1898; depth, 450 feet; 3-inch casing; closed against sand; flowed over pipe at 10 feet above the ground; esti- mated original volume, 10 gallons per minute; first flowing water at 350 feet; somewhat salty. Record: Soil, 0-20 feet; blue rock, 20-220 feet; sand, with occasional thin layers of rock, with water, 220-450 feet. Dr. Hatter's well, depth, 250 feet; flow small; starts in Selma chalk and obtains its water from Eutaw sands. Mrs. Perry's well, 100 yards south of station; bored by Mr. Ladd in 1894; flows 3 feet above surface; yield, 1 3-4 gallons per minute from a depth of 250 feet; water carries salt and sulphur; temperature, 68. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 157 BURTON HILL. Dr. Perrin's well, in the S. W. quarter Section 13, Township 20, Range 1 E.; not flowing; depth, 544 feet; temperature, 70. Bullock well, in the N. E. quarter Section 14, Township 20, Range 1 E.; flows small stream. ERIE AND VICINITY. Well of Caleb Blackman (colored), 2 1- miles southwest of Erie, bored by Morrison in 1888; depth, 320 feet; casing, 4-inch; water from 290 feet, flowing 10 gallons per minute to a height of 5 feet above the ground; temperature, 67. Record: Sand and gravel, 0-30 feet; blue rock, 30-300 feet; sand, water, blue rock, etc., 300-330 feet. Well of Deb Marks (colored), 3 miles southwest of Erie, in Section 30, Township 20, Range 3 E. ; bored by Morrison in 1898; depth, 330 feet; casing, 3-inch; water from 300 feet, flowing 4 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. Record: Sand and gravel, 0-30 feet; blue rock, 30-300 feet; sand with water, 300-330 feet. FORKLAND AND VICINITY. Miss C. A. Lewis's well, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 3, Township 19, Range 2 E.; bored in 1901 by J. I. Hawk; water soft, not salty; originally the well gave a strong flow, but an accident in inserting the casing greatly reduced it; present flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 72. E. S. Latimer's well, in the S. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 4, Township 19, Range 2 E. ; bored by J. I. Hawk in 1901; flows 9 gallons per minute; temperature, 74; water salty but soft and gives no crust in boilers; volume constant; water rises to 18 feet above the ground; cased throughout, except in the limestone; water used for domestic purposes. Williamson Glover's well, Forkland; depth, 445 feet; temperature, 72. D. S. Brassfield's well, at Landing, in the N. W. quarter Section 14, Township 19, Range 2 E. ; depth, 575 feet; blue rock 350 feet thick; water rises to 3 feet above the ground; yield, 20 gallons per minute. W. B. Baltzell's well, 5 miles west of Forkland, in the W. half N. W. quarter Section 11, Township 19, Range 1 E.; bored by Hawk in 1891; flow, 8 gallons per minute; .emperature, 72. Emma R. Hillman's well, on the Robert Taylor place, in the W.half N. W. quarter Section 17, Township 19, Range 1 E.; flows a bold stream; water slightly salty but paiatable. W r ells on Cole place,* in Section 25, Township 19, Range 2 E.; 4 1-2 miles north of Demopolis, on the Erie road (old wells): No. 1, flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 70. Three others within a radius of 1 mile; all flow about the same stream. 158 DETAILS I COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. HALE COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The surface of Hale County is divided somewhat evenly between strata of the Tuscaloosa formation in the northeast, the Eutaw in the center, and the Selma chalk in the southwest. Over all the^e rocks were spread the pebbles' and red loam of the Lafayette ; but this mantle has been in great part removed by erosion from the area of the chalk, though present over most o-f the other two divisions. Where the county is least dissected by erosion, especially on the wide divides between the streams, the surface is' quite level, with a soil of red loam underlain by pebbles, the two together being from 20 to 25 feet thick. Along the dopes from this plateau, the underlying formations are ex- posed. Wherever the Lafayette pebbles and loam are present, and very generally in the two prevailingly sandy formations, Tuscaloosa and Eutaw, there is seldom any lack of good water to be had from ordinary wells and from springs. Among the many fine springs of this' county a few may be mentioned. The best known of all are the Green Springs, in the S. W. quarter Section 23, Township 22, Range 4 E., near the celebrated school of Prof. Henry Tutwiler, about one-quar- ter of a mile from Fivemile creek. Here are several bold springs of the finest chalybeate water. Farther down the creek, 4 or 5 miles from Green Springs, are the Linkumdoddy Springs (chalybeate and sulphur), also well known. ARTESIAN WELLS. In the region, occupied by the Selma chalk, the surface wa- ters as usual, are not sufficient for the needs' of the people, and recourse is had to artesian wells. A few of these wells are lo- cated in the Tuscaloosa area and get their water supply from its sands ; and others' located near the eastern edge of the Eutaw outcrop also penetrate the water-bearing sands of the Tusca- loosa. Of this character are the wells at Moundville, Powers, Cypress Switch, and Stewarts, on the Alabama Great South- ern Railroad. Others located on the Eutaw outcrop, especially those nearest to the chalk territory, are s'unk altogether into Eutaw materials and there obtain their water s'upply. WATERS OF THE) CRETACEOUS. 159 Most of the wells along the line of the Southern Railway between Akron and Selma are thus situated, e. g., Akron, Evans, Greenwood, (Wedgworth), Sawyerville, and Greensboro. But the great majority of the wells, especially in the western and southern parts of the county, are located on the Selma chalk outcrop, though the borings pass through that formation and get their water supply from the underlying Eutaw sands 1 . The following records of the artesian wells' in Hale County are given as nearly as possible in their geographic order, from north to south. MOUNDVILLE AND VICINITY. Thos. B. Allen's well, near the lower line of Tuscaloosa County, 3 miles west of Moundville, on the left bank of Black Warrior River; bored about 1903; depth, 275 feet; first 50 feet, down to a soft rock, cased with 3-inch pipe, the rest to bottom with 1 1-4-inch pipe; first overflow at 234 feet; water rises above the surface, making a noise like an engine pumping; yield, 24 gallons per minute; temperature, 63. The water is piped over house, kitchen, dairy, and garden. An analysis by Mr. Hodges is as follows: Analysis of water from Thos. B. Allen's well, near Moundville. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 11.8 Sodium (Na) 295.6 Magnesium (Mg) 20.7 Calcium (Ca) 109.8 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 1.7 Chlorine (Cl) 649.6 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) .6 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 115.6 Silica (SiO 2 ) 15.9 1221.3 J. A. Elliott & Son's well, bored by Morrison in 1899; depth, 600 feet; water at 450 feet, rose to -1 foot and pumping was necessary for five min- utes; on stopping the pumping the well began to flow and has since con- tinued; yield, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 67. Well is in Tuscaloosa formation. Record: Soil and clay, 0-50 feet; sand rock, 50-54 feet; pink soapstone, 54-300 feet; hard rock, 300-310 feet; sand, with water and occasional strata of hard rock, 310-600 feet. The composition of this water as shown by the analysis of Mr. Hodges, is as follows: 160 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Analysis of water from J. A. Elliott & Son's well, Moundville. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 3.3 Sodium (Na) 2.9 Magnesium (Mg) 5.5 Calcium (Ca) 23.8 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 2.0 Chlorine (Cl) 4.2 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 4.3 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 100.0 Silica (Si0 2 ) 19.2 165.9 R. L. Griffin's well, bored by W. H. Martin in 1903; depth, 480 feet; casing, 70 feet of 3-inch, 360 feet of 1 1-4-inch; water at 375 feet, rose to -1 foot; at 480 feet, rose to 16 feet above the ground; present yield 10i gallons per minute; temperature, 67; water used in several houses. Record: Clay, 0-70 feet; blue rock, 70-375 feet. W. P. Phifer's well, in the S. W. quarter Section 1, Township 23, Range 4; bored in August, 1903, by W. H. Martin; depth, 490 feet; cased 63 feet with 3-inch casing, 400 feet with 1 1-4-inch inner casing; flow, 12 gallons per minute. , POWERS STATION AND VICINITY. John Findlay's well, Powers; bored by W. V. Morrison; depth, 406 feet; casing, 3-inch.; flow at 330 feet;' yield, 7 1-2 gallons per minute, volume constant; water rises to 25 feet above the ground; temperature, 68. Record: Soil and clay, 0-500 feet; blue rock, 50-250 feet; sand and water, w* thin strata of rock, 250-406 feet. Wells at Lock 6 (now Lock 9), on Black Warrior River near Powers, in fraction D, Section 5, Township 23, Range 4; bored by Morrison in itfOO, for Christie, Lowe & Hey worth, contractors: No. 1, depth, 316 feet; 3-inch casing; original volume, 30 gallons; water rose to 34 feet above the ground; weak overflow at 296 feet; temperature, 65. Record: Sand and gravel, 0-50 feet; soapstone, 50-200 feet; water, sand, occasional thin strata of rock, 2CO-316 feet. No. ^, is a 1 1-2-inch pipe inside of well No. 1; depth, 336 feet; volume said to be variable; flow, 6 gallons per minute; temperature, 65. CYPRESS SWITCH. Strudwick Brothers' well, bored by W. J. Kinnaird in 1900; depth, 320 feet; diameter, 2 inches; water at 300 feet, rising to 20 feet above the ground; temperature, 67. STEWARTS A:\D VICINITY. C. D. Cummings's wells: No. 1, at house; bored by Morrison in 1897; depth, 605 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water at 600 feet, rising to 35 feet above the ground; flow, (30 feet above the ground), 6 gallons per minute; volume constant; temperature, 66; water hard (salt and sulphur), Record: WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 161 Soil and clay, 0-30 feet; pink soapstone, 30-6CO feet. No. 2, 250 yards north of house; bored by Morrison in 1900; depth, 400 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water at 350 feet, rising to 30 feet above the ground; decidedly mineral (chalybeate), with odor of hydrogen sulphide; record same as in No. 1. No. 3, 300 yards north of house; bored by Morrison in 1897; depth, 363 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water at 300 feet, rising to 30 feet above the ground; flow, 2 gallons per minute; volume, constant; temperature, 67; water hard and decidedly mineral (chalybeate); record same as in No. 1. W. H. Martin's well, about 2 1-2 miles east of Stewarts; bored by Martin & Morrison; depth, 550 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water stands at -39 feet; level constant. Record: Soil and clay, 0-30 feet; sand and gravel, 30-400 feet; rock, 400-402 feet; black mud, 402-412 feet; rock, 412-413 feet; successive strata of rock and black or red mud, 413-550 feet. Wells at Lock 5 (now Lock 8), between Stewarts and Akron; No. 1, drilled in 1899; diameter, 3 inches; depth, 166 feet; flow, 60 gallons per min- ute; quality good; well entirely in Tuscaloosa beds. No. 2, (owner un- known), reported to be 600 feet deep, the water standing at 8 feet above the ground. All the wells above given are located on and derive their water from the Tuscaloosa strata. AKROX AND VICINITY. W. B. Inge's well, at me hotel, Akron; depth, 140 feet; water level varies from -6 feet in dry weather to above the ground in wet weather; for- merly overflowed a foot or more above the surface; yield, 7 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. This well is located on the Eutaw sands, but gets waater from the underlying Tuscaloosa beds. Well of the Alabama Great Southern Railroad, northeast of depot at Akron. This well was bored about the year 1904 or 1905; no record avail- able. Wells of Waller, Lichtman, and Murphy Land and Development Com- pany. In 1905 seven wells were bored by this company on their property at Akron. Depths varying from 146 to 305 feet or more. Records have been obtained of only one of these wells in which three water-bearing sands were penetrated at depths of 146 feet, 200 feet, and 305 feet. It being thought that there was marked difference in the quality of these three flows, each was cased off, so that it is separately delivered at the mouth of the well, and designated No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 respectively. Casing, 3-inch down to No. 1, 146 feet; inside of this 2-inch casing down to flow No. 2, 200 feet; and inside the 2-inch casing 305 feet of 1 1-4-inch casing to the lowest water, 305 feet. Record; Soil, clay and gravel, 0-83 feet; blue soapstone, 83-116 feet, waterbearing sands ,116-146 feet, (yielding water No. 1); strata not recorded, 146-190 feet; blue soapstone 190-200 feet; below this soapstone good flow,' (No. 2); strata not recorded, 200-250 feet; pink soapstone or kaolin, 250-305, below which (No. 3,) a fine stream flow- ing about 12 feet above the ground through the well tools. The waters from No. 1 and No. 2 have been analyzed by Mr. Hodges with results given below. No. 1 and No. 2 come from Eutaw sands; No. 3 from the Tuscaloosa sands. 11 162 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Analysis of waters from Waller, Lichtman, and Murphy Land Co. well, Akron. Potassium (K) Parts p 43 er million. 3 o Sodium (Na) 8 1 6 6 Lithium (Li) Trace Trace Magnesium (Mg) 3 3 Calcium (Ca) 7 8 2 Iron (Fe) 13 6 10 Alumina (Al 2 Os) 1 8 1 6 Chlorine (Cl) 3 1 4 1 Sulphuric acid (SO 2 ) 52 5 8 Carbonic acid (HCOs) 68 6 56 Silica (SiO 2 ) ... 17 7 19 6 141.4 115.1 From the analysis it will be seen that this is one of the strongest chaly- beate waters as yet tested in the state. Well at house of W. E. Wedgworth, 1 mile south of Akron, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 19, Township 22, Range 4 E.; bored by Sample in 1902; depth, 400 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water stands at -15 feet; level constant under uomestic use;" temperature, 66. O. V. Crabtree & Go's, well, 3 miles west of Akron, on Alabama Great Southern Railroad; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1900; depth, 300 feet; casing 3-inch; flowing water at 220 feet, rising to 8 feet above the ground. Record: Soil and gravel, 0-50 feet; blue rock, 50-220 feet; sand with water, 220-300 feet. Judge Coleman's wells, near Akron, and between Akron and Finch's Ferry: No. 1, 1 mile north of the Crabtree well above described; bored . y Martin in 1904; depth, 324 feet; estimated yield, 25-30 gallons per minute; contains iron and salt; temperature, 67. No. 2, 75 yards from No. 1; record same in all particulars. No. 3, on the Bartee place, j. 1-4 miles west of the two preceding; bored in 1903; depth, 354 feet; casing, 39 feet, 3-inch; estimated flow, 50 gallons per minute. No. 4, 2 miles east of Finch's Ferry; bored in 1903; depth, 278 feet; casing, 39 feet, 3-inch; estimated flow, 12 gallons per minute. No. u, 1 1-2 miles southeast of Akron; bored in 190*; depth, 600 feet; water level, -13 feet. This well is half a milq east of the Southern Railway track, and the surface at the mouth of the well is estimated to be 15 feet higher than tne track. EVANS STATION AND VICINITY. B. S. Evans's wells, Evans station: No. 1, 200 yards from house, in the N. E. quarter Section 36, Township 22, Range 3 E. ; bored by W. J. Kinnaird in 1901; depth, 200 feet; flowing water at 180 feet, rising to 8 feet above the ground; yield, 30 gallons per minute, constant; temperature, 68. No. 2, at house; bored by Morrison; depth, 633 feet; 4-inch casing above 40 feet; water level -3 feet; used for domestic purposes. Record: Sand and clay, 0-40 feet; blue rock, 40-300 feet; sand, 300-350 feet; soap- stone, 350-633 feet. W. M. Wedgworth's wells, on McGee place, three-fourths of a mile east of Evans station; bored in 19C4 by Martin & Wyndham: No. 1, depth, 4(/j feet water level, -1 foot. No. 2, 100 yards north of No. 1; depth, 300 feet; water level, -12 fe-t. WATERS OF THE: CRETACEOUS. 163 W. M. Sample's wells: No. 1, at Evans station; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1902; depth, 180 feet, casing, 3-inch; flowing water at 160 feet; rising to 4 feet above the ground; yield, 18 gallons per minute; slightly diminished since first bored; temperature, 68. Record: Soil and clay, 0-40 feet; blue rock, 40-160 feet; sand with water, 160-180 feet. No. 2, one- fourth of a mile west of Evans station; bored oy Kinniard & Sample; depth, 180 feet; casing, 3-inch; flowing water at 160 feet; original volume, 10 gallons per minute, decreased slightly; temperature, 68. Record: Soil and clay, 0-70 feet; blue rock, 70-160 feet; sand with water, 160-180 feet. No. 3, one-half mile west of Evans station; bored by Kinniard & Cample; depth, 160 feet; casing, 3-inch; flowing water at 140 feet; orig- inal volume, 30 gallons per minute; present volume, 18 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. Record: Soil and clay, 0-70 feet; blue rock, 70-140 feet; sand with water. 140-160 feet. No. 4, three-fourths of a mile west of Evans station; bored by Kinniard & Sample; depth, 200 feet; casing, o-inch; flowing water at 160 feet; volume, 30 gallons per minute (esti- mated); temperature, 68. Record: Soil and clay, 0-50 feet; blue rock, 50-120 feet; (?), 120-160 feet; sand, with water, 160-200 feet. C. D. Cummings's well, three-fourths of a mile west of Evans station; bored by Sample & Morrison in 1902 (?); depth, 160 feet; casing, 3-inch; water rises to 4 feet above the ground; yield, 3 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. Record: Sand and gravel, 0-60 feet; blue rock, 60-155 feet; coal, 155-156 1-2 feet; sand, with water, 156 1-2-160 feet. C. H. Wedgworth's well, about 1 1-4 miles west of Evans station, in the S. W. quarter S. E. quarter Section 34, Township 22, Range 3 E. ; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1901; depth, 210 feet; casing, 3-inch; water at 160 feet, rising to 4 feet above the bround; volume, 24 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. Record: Sand and gravel, 0-40 feet; blue rock, 40-160 feet; sand, with water, 160-210 feet. WEDGWORTH, (GREENWOOD, MAYS STATION.) These are all the same locality. The railroad station is Mays ; the postoffice was Greenwood until very recently, when the name was changed to Wedgworth. W. M. Wedgworth's well, in the S. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 11, Township 21, Range 3 E.; bored by Sample & Morrison in 1899 or 1900; depth, 200 feet; casing, 4 1-2-inch; flowing water at 140 feet, rising to 10 feet above the ground; volume constant; decided improvement in the health of users; yield, 18 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. Record: Sand and gravel, 0-30 feet; blue rock, 30-140 feet; sand and water, 140-150 feet; blue rock, 150-190 feet; sand and water, 190-200 feet. The analysis of this water, by Mr. Hodges, shows the following composition: 164 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Analysis of water from W. M. Wedgworth's well, near Wedgworth. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 7.6 Sodium (Na) 24.6 Magnesium (Mg) 2.2 Calcium (Ca) 11.9 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 2.6 Chlorine (Cl) 10.5 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) ... 5.1 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 88.4 Silica (SiO 2 ) 17.2 170.1 Well at Wedgworth's store, on the railroad; bored in 1904 by Kinnaird & Sample; depth, 235 feet; 40 feet of 3-inch casing; first flowing water at 175 feet; second flow, good stream, at 200 feet; third water at 235 feet, rising to 15 feet above the ground. Miss K. C. May's well, 3 miles north of east of Wedgworth; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1902; depth, 200 feet; diameter, 3 inches; flowing water at 160 feet; estimated volume, 65 gallons per minute; flow constant; temperature, 67. Record: Soil, etc., 0-40 feet; blue rock, 40-160 feet; sand, with water, 160-200 feet. W. E. Wedgworth's wells: No. 1, 1 mile east of Wedgworth, in the N. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 1, Township 21, Range 3 E. ; bored by Sample in 1902; depth, 2iO feet; casing, 3-inch; flowing water at 170 feet, rising to 5 feet above the ground; yield, 18 gallons per minute; tempera- ture, 67. Record: Soil and clay, 0-40 feet; blue rock, 40-170 feet; sand, with water, 170-210 feet. No. 2, about 1 1-4 miles east of Wedgworth, on the old Wedgworth place; water rises to 4 feet above the ground; yield, 35 gallons per minute; temperature, 67; other data similar to No. 1. Wells on Allen Wilson place: No. "1, one-half mile west of Wedgworth; flow, 2 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. No. 2, 1 1-2 miles west of Station; flow, 4 1-2. gallons per minute; temperature, 67. Governor Seay's well, 3 miles southwest of Wedgworth, on the road to Lock 4 (7); drilled about 1897; depth, 198 feet; casing, 30 feet, 6-inch; water rises to 3 feet above the ground; yield, 15 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. E. W. Degraffenreid's well, 4 or 5 miles southwest of Wedgworth; yield, 2 1-4 gallons per minute; temperature, 68; an old well, but still flowing. E. L. Kimbrough's wells, 3 to 5 miles southwest of \vedgworth; No. 1 ("camp well"), one-fourth of a mile east of Lock 4 (.7), in pasture; bored by Morrison; depth, 160 feet; diameter, 3 inches; flowing water at 140 feet, rising to 4 feet above the ground; yield, 40 gallons per minute; flow, constant; temperature, 67. Record: Soil and clay, 0-53 feet; blue rock, 53-130 feet; sand and water, 130-140 feet; hard white rock, 140-160 feet. No. 2 ("new-ground well"), in swamp 1 1-4 miles east of Lock 4 (7r, originally bored by hand and afterwards (1898) deepened by Morri- son to 160 feet; casing, 30 feet, 6-inch; estimated original flow at 3 feet above the ground; 35 gallons per minute; present flow, 12 gallons per min- ute; temperature, 67. No. 3, ("upland-pasture well"), bored by Morri- son in 1898; depth, 160 feet; casing, 4 1-2-inch; flowing water at 140 feet; estimated original yield, 20 gallons per minute; present yield, 17 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. No. 4 ("river-field well"), bored by J. I. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 165 Hawk in 1896; depth, 185 feet; flowing water at 175 feet; yield, 12 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. Record: Clay ana soil, 0-10 feet; quick- sand, 10-40 feet; blue rock, 40-185 feet. No. 6 ("house-lot well"), bored by J. I. Hawk in 1898; depth, 272 feet; first water at 175 feet; flowing water at 240 feet; estimated original yield, 18 gallons per minute; present yield, 3 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. Record: Sand, clay, and gravel, 0-25 feet; blue rock, 25-175 feet; remainder unrecorded. No. 6 ("mill well"), bored by J. I. Hawk; yield, 17 gallons per minute; tempe- rature, 68. Wells of Madison Jones, Jr., No. 1, at Mays station (Wedgworth Postoffice); bored by J. I. Hawk in 1899; depth, 216 feet; casing, 6-inch; flow, 60 gallons per minute; volume constant; temperature, 69; well is entirely within the Eutaw sands. Record: Clay, 0-12 feet; blue rock, 1.I-170 feet; sand and water, with thin strata of blue rock, 170-216 feet. iNo. 2, in pasture opposite the house, half a mile south of the station; bored 170 feet by hand, and completed by J. I. Hawk in 1899; depth, 285 feet (256 feet according to Mr. Jones); casing, 5-inch; flows 22 gallons per minute; volume constant; temperature, 69. The water from this well shows the following composition in the analysis by Mr. Hodges: Analysis of water from well of Madison Jones, Jr., near Mays Station. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 3.9 Sodium (Na) 51.8 Magnesium (Mg) 2.6 Calcium (Ca) * 12.3 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 2.5 Chlorine (Cl) 38.4 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 5.0 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 121.2 Silica (SiO 2 ) ' 27.8 265.5 LOCK 4 (NOW 7.) Well No. 1, in the S. W. quarter of Section 18, Township 21, Range 3 E.; bored by Morrison in 1900; depth, 280 feet; casing, 40 feet, 3-inch; first flowing water at 200 feet; estimated original yield, 35 gallons per min- ute; present yield, 18 gallons per minute; temperature, 60; water rises to 24 feet above the ground. Record: Sand and gravel, 0-50 feet; blue rock, 50-160 feet; sand with water alternating with thin strata (10-12 feet( of blue rock, 160-180 feet. Well No. 2, on west bank of river; bored by N. A. Yuille; covered by water in times of flood; data not obtainable. The analysis of the water from well No. 1, by Mr. Hodges, is as fol- lows: 166 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Analysis of water from well No. 1, at Lock 4 (now Lock 7.) Parts per million. Potassium (K) 4.5 Sodium (Na) 444.8 Magnesium (Mg) 2.7 Calcium (Ca) 14.9 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , Al-Oo) 1.6 Chlorine (Cl) 481.9 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 4 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 413.6 Silica (SiO 2 ) 13.2 1377.6 SAWYERVILLE AND VICINITY. E. L. Kimbrough has two deep wells at Sawyerville, bored by J. I. Hawk. Jack Monette's wells, 3 miles west of Sawyerville: No. 1, at mill; bored by Sample & Morrison in 1897; depth, 640 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water stands at -8 feet; level constant. Record: Sand, 0-10 feet; blue rock, 10-450 feet; sand and water, with thin strata of blue rock, 450-600 feet; pink soapstone, 600-640 feet. No. 2, at house; bored by Sample in 1901; depth, 440 feet; flowing water from bottom; yield, 17 gallons per min- ute; volume constant; temperature, 70. No. 3, at mill; bored by Sample; depth, 440 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water stands at constant height of -10 feet. No. 4, at mill; bored by Smith; depth, 435 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water stands at constant height of -10 feet. No. 5, one-fourth of a mile east of Lock 3 (now Lock 6); bored by Smith; depth, 360 feet; casing, 1 1-2-inch; flows about 4 gallons per minute; temperature, 69. No. 6, one-half mile northeast of Lock 3 (now Lock 6); drilled by Smith; data lacking. Mr. Monette has also three overflowing wells at old Erie, of which records were not obtained. T. J. Yancey's well, 3 miles nearly south of Sawyerville, in Section 13, Township 20, Range 3 E.; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1902; depth, 315 feet; casing, 30 feet, 3-inch; first overflow at 280 feet, weak; water rises to 5 feet above the ground; yield 15 gallons per minute; tempera- ture, 67. Record: Sand and gravel, 0-30 feet; blue rock, -30-280 feet; sand and water, 280-315 feet. ERIE. Well at Lock 3 (now Lock 6), Black Warrior River, Erie Landing, in the N. W. quarter Section 16, Township 20, Range 3 E. ; bored by Kin- naird & Sample in 1903; depth, 520 feet; casing, 20 feet, 3-inch; first water at 300 feet, stood at -35 feet; second water, at 400 feet, stood at -8 feet; at 400 feet the water flowed over for two days; yield, 3 gallons per min- ute; temperature, 68 Record: Lime rock, 0-20 feet; blue rock, 20-300 feet; alternating sand and blue rock, 300-400 feet; pink soapstone, 400-500 feet. The last is probably Tuscaloosa formation, the first 400 feet being Eutaw sands and rock. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 167 GREENSBORO AND VICINITY. The city of Greensboro has several 4-inch wells about 432 feet deep, situated in a depression about 48 feet below the level of the court-house. The water stands at -30 feet, and the ag- gregate yield of the wells by air lift is no gallons per minute. Mr. C. E. Waller states that in the borings ten water-bearing strata were parsed, indurated ledges about 10 feet apart being above and below the water-bearing sands. The formation throughout is Eutaw. The composition of the water from the city supply is as follows, the analysis being by Mr. Hodges : Analysis of water from wells of Greensboro city waterworks. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 5.1 Sodium (Na) 24.9 Magnesium (Mg) 13 1 Calcium (Ca) 21.8 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , AloO 3 ) 5*3 Chlorine (Cl) 60.4 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 4.8 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 95'fi Silica (SiO 2 ) 4.6 235.6 Mr. William Withers states that borings have been made in this basin to depths of from 75 to 1,600 feet. The s-hallow wells furnish an ample domestic supply, while those from 500 to 800 feet deep give abundant water for industrial, manufac- turing, and irrigatiuon purposes. J. M. P. Otts's well, Greensboro, in the S. W. quarter S. E. quarter Section 17, Township 20, Range 5 E.; bored by Morrison in 1903; depth, 157 feet; casing, 36 feet, 3-inch; water stands at -7 feet. Record: Soil, 0-23 feet; blue rock, 23-55 feet; sand and water, 55-115 feet; blue rock, 115-157 feet. Blount & Ward's well, bored by Morrison in 1902; depth, 500 feet; casing, 3-inch; water stands at -13 feet; well has never been used. Record: Clay, 0-30 feet; blue rock, 30-300 feet; sand and thin strata of blue rock, 300-425 feet; pink soapstone, 425-500 feet. Cotton Oil Company's well, 300 yards from Blount & Ward well; bored by Morrison in 1902; depth, 500 feet; casing 1 , 30 feet, 6-inch; water stands at -13 feet; reported to carry 'much sulphur; used in boilers at mill; gives no crust; supply reported inexhaustible. Record: Clay, 0-30 feet; blue rock, 30-300 feet; sand, with occasional strata of blue rock, 10 inches to 3 feet thick, 300-500 feet. Lee Otts's well, on Jenkins place, about 2 1-2 miles southwest of Greens- boro, in the N. W. quarter Section 30, Township 20, Range 5 E.; bored 168 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. by Morrison in 1903; depth, 600 feet; casing, 3-inch; water stand at -7 feet; well abandoned. Record: Sand, 0-22 feet; blue rock, 22-400 feet; pink soapstone, 400-600 feet. Water is from a stratum of sand in the blue rock. In the lower part of the county, west and southwest of Greensboro, in the prairie region, are to be found many of the old-time rich plantations. This region, as has been shown, is deficient in shallow-water supply. From the beginning re- course has' been had to artesian borings, and new wells are con- stantly being put down as necessity arises. The following re- cords will show how these borings are concentrated about the older settlements and plantations. Cheney Borden's well, 6 miles west of Greensboro; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1901; depth, 400 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water stands at -40 feet; used two months and abandoned. MILLWOOD AND VICINITY. Wiley Tunstall's wells: No. 1, in the S. E. quarter Section 35, Town- ship 20, Range 3 E., at Millwood, 300 yards northwest of the house, across pond; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1901; depth, 330 feet; casing, 6-inch; flowing water obtained at 300 feet; original yield (estimated), 40 gallons per minute; present yield, 30 gallons per minute, flowing 3 feet above surface; temperature, 66. Record: Soil, 0-40 feet; blue rock; 40-300 feet; sand and water, 300-330 feet. No. 2, 400 yards north of house; bored by Kinnaird & Sample to 300 feet in 1901 and deepened to 500 feet in 1902; depth, 500 feet; casing, 6-inch; flow in 1902, 75 gallons per minute; temperature, 68; reported to have mineral properties. Record: Soil, 0-40 feet; blue rock, 40-240 feet; sand, water, etc., 240-500 feet. No. 3, 70 yards northwest of mill house; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1902; depth, 500 feet; casing, 4 1-2 inch; flowing water at 260 feet, rising to 2 feet above the ground; yield, 75 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. Record. Soil, 0-50 feet; blue rock, 50-260 feet; sand and water, with thin strata of blue rock, 260-500 feet. No. 4, 80 yards west of house; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1902; depth, 500 feet; casing, 4 1-2-inch; first flow- ing water at 260 feet; present yield, at 2 feet above the ground, 75 gal- lons per minute; temperature, 68 Record: Soil, 0-50 feet; blue rock, 50-260 feet; sand and water, with thin strata of blue rock, 260-500 feet. No. 5, in the S. E. quarter N. vV. quarter Section 33, Township 20, Range 4 E., on Jeffrey place (pasture well); bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1902; depth unknown; diameter 3 inches; present yield, 9 gallons per min- ute; temperature, 69. No. 6. in the S. W. quarter S. E. quarter Section 29, Township 20, Range 4 E., on Jeffrey place, near George Taylor's store, 3 miles east of Millwood; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1902; depth, 360 feet; casing, 3-inch; flowing water at 300 feet, rising to 2 feet above the ground; estimated original volume, 6 gallons per minute; present volume, 3 gallons per minute (much leakage); temperature, 70. No. 7, at Grindle Pond, 2 miles north of Millwood, in ^ection 23, Town- ship 20, Range 3 E. ; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1902; depth, 200 feet; casing, 3-inch; flowing water at 120 feet; present yield, 38 gallons per minute at 2 feet above the ground; temperature, 66. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OK ALAHAMA. UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES. PLATE XV. A. WELL ON CRASSDALE PLANTATION, (J. O. BANKS), NEAR EUTAW, GREEN COUNTY. B. PICKENS WELL, NEAR GREENSBORO, HALE COUNTY. WATERS 01? THE) CRETACEOUS. 369 Wells Nos. i to 4 of Colonel Tunstall at Millwood Landing, above described, have been recently bored to take the place of old wells which formerly supplied water for a mill. Some of the old wells are still in use, but are not included in the above notes. One large well on the river bank has lately been de- stroyed by the caving of the bank. Reports of the depths of the ante-bellum wells are generally exaggerated, as 1 is shown by recent borings in the same localities. Pickens well, about 2 miles southeast of Millwood, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 6, Township 20, Range 4 E., on the old Samuel Pickens place ; one of the largest wells in the State; diameter of casing, 7 1-4 inches; water rises in a solid stream 9 inches above the top of the pipe ; estimated flow, 850 gallons per minute; temperature, 72. In the immediate vicinity of this well are four or five others of varying capacity, some of them extremely bold, others' weak. No reliable re- cords are obtainable, but it is reported that the wells have depths varying from 450 to 850 feet, the former figure being probably nearer correct. PI. XV. B. shows the Pickens well in its pres- ent state. M. H. Murphy's wells: No. 1, 1 1-2 miles east of big Pickens well, in Section 5, Township 19, Range 4; bored by J. I. Hawk in 1903; depth, 502 feet; casing, 2-inch; flow, 11 gallons per minute; temperature, 70 i>o. 2, (old well, cleaned out by Hawk), in the N. E. quarter S. E. quar- ter Section 8, Township 19, Range 4; depth, 497 feet; casing, 2-inch. Well at Lock 2 (5), in the S. W. quarter Section 25, Township 19, Range 3 E. ; drilled in 1903; depth, 400 feet; casing, 3-inch; weak overflow from depth of 300 feet; estimated yield, 30 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. Record: Soil and clay, 0-20 feet; blue rock, 20-280 feet; sand with water, 280-400 feet. CEDARVILLE AND VICINITY. A. C. Jones's well, Cedarville, in the S. E. quarter .^ection 15, Township 19, Range 4; old well, not flowing. Kelly Brothers' we'll, Cedarville, in the S. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 15, Township 19, Range 4; bored by Ben Rainey about 1873; depth, about 275 feet; flow 4 gallons per minute; supply constant, water rises to 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 68. Tom Ruffin's wells: No. 1, on O'Donnell place, 1 mile northwest of Cedarville; flow, 8 gallons per minute; temperature, 67; old well. No. 2, 200 yards north of No. 1; in decay, but still flows. No. 3, 1 1-4 miles northwest of Cedarville, in Section 16, Township 19, Range 4; flow, 5 gallons per minute; water rises to 4 feet above the ground; temperature, 67. No. 4, 1 1-2 miles northwest of Cedarville, in Section 16, Township 19, Range 4; no record. These wells are located about 2 miles southeast 170 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. of the big Pickens well. No. 5, Cedarville, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter, Section 32, Township 19, Range 4; flows 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. A. B. Gewin's well, Cedarville, in the N. E. quarter N. E. quarter Sec- tion 32, Township 19, Range 4; does not overflow; windmill used; old well. Sledge & Leonard's well, Cedarville, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quar- ter Section 22, Township 19, Range 4; does not flow; pump used; water stands at -5 feet; temperature, 67 Sander's mill well, Cedarville, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Sec- tion 22, Township 19, Range 4; water rises to 2 feet above the ground; flow, 2 1-2 gallons per minute. Peyton Agnew's well, 1 mile west of Cedarville, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 21, Township 19, Range 4; old well; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 67. Kelly Brothers' well, 1 1-2 miles southwest of Cedarville, in Section 28, Township 19 Range 4; bored in 1902; depth, 175 feet; flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 65. WHITSITT AND VICINITY. Wells on Egypt place: No. 1. 1 1-2 miles west of Whitsitt, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 13, Township 19, Range 4; flowing; in decay; temperature, 66. No. 2, 2 1-2 miles west of Whitsitt, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 13, Township 19, Range 4; estimated flow, 10 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. No. 3, 2 1-4 miles west of Whit- sitt, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter, Section 13, Township 19, Range 4; flow, 15 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. No. 4, 2 1-4 miles west of Whitsitt, in the N. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 24. Township 19, Range 4; bored by Ben Rainey in 1902; depth, 125 feet; flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 67; no further data obtainable. No. 5, 2 miles west of Whitsitt, in the N. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 13, Township 19, Range 4; flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. These are all old wells. Wells on Knight place: No. 1, 3 1-2 miles south of Greensboro, near center of Section 7, Township 19, Range 5; flow, 6 gallons per minute; water level, 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 67 No. 2, in the S. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 7, Township 19, Range 5; flow, 4 gallons per minute; temperature, 67 1-2. No. 3, in the S. E. quarter S. W. quar- ter Section 7, Township 19, Range 5; temperature, 66 1-2; flows, but in decay. No. 4, in the S. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 18, Township 19, Range 5; flow, 4 gallons per minute; water level, 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 67. No. 5, no record. These are old wells. Wells on Peck place: No. 1, in the N. W. quarter S. W. quarter Sec- tion 5, Township 19, Range 5; flow, 20 gallons per minute at 4 feet above the ground; temperature, 66. No. 2 near center of Section 5, Township 19, Range 5; flow, 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. Both old wells. George Erwin's wells (old): No. 1, one-half mile west of Whitsitt, in the N. W. quarter S. E. quarter Sectiqn 20, Township 19, Range 5; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 71. No. 2, one-half mile north of west of Whitsitt, in the N. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 20, Town- ship 19, Range 5; does not flow. No. 3, one mile north of west from Whit- sitt, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 20, Township 19, Range 5; flow, 3 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. Wells on Mrs. Tunstall's place: No. 1, one-half mile east of Whitsitt, in the S. E. quarter S.W. quarter Section 21, Township 19, Range 5: WATERS OF THE) CRETACEOUS. 171 flow, one-quarter gallon per minute; temperature, 67 1-2. No. 2, 1 mile north of No. 1, in the N. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 21, Township 19. Range 5; flows one-quarter gallon per minute. Both old wells. Mrs. C. L. Karnegie's well, at Whitsitt, in the S. W. quarter S. W. quar- ter Section 21, Township 19, Range 5; old well; no longer flows. Well on Karnegie place, 1 1-2 miles south of Whitsitt; owned by Mr. White, of Newberne; flow, two-thirds of a gallon per minute; tempera- ture, 66. Wells on "Long Farm" place, near center of Section 29, Township 19; Range 5: No. 1, 1 mile southwest of Whitsitt; in decay; water stands at surface. No. 2, in decay. Both old wells. Wells on Harris Tinker place: No. 1, 1 mile south of Whitsitt, in the N. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 28, Township 19, Range 5; flow, one- half gallon per minute; temperature, 67. No. 2, 1 mile south of Whit- sitt, in the N. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 28, Township 19, Range 5; flow, one-half gallon per minute. No. 3, in the S. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 28, Township 19, Range 5; well now in decay. No. 4, N. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 28, Township 19, Range 5; in decay. No. 5, N. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 28, Township 19, Range 5; flow, one-fifth of a gallon per minute; temperature, 67. All these are old wells. Wells on Mrs. Mattie Groom's place, in Section 22, Township 19, Range 5; two old wells that flow about two-thirds of a gallon per minute; temperature, 67. Wells on Mauldin place: No. 1, 1 1-2 miles southeast of Whitsitt, in Section 27, Township 19, Range 5; flow, one-third of a gallon per minute; temperature, 67. No. 2, 1 1-2 miles south of Whitsitt, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 33, Township 19, Range 5; flow, one-half gallon per minute; temperature, 66. Both old wells. NEWBERNE AND VICINITY. Well on Irvin plantation, 2 1-2 miles northeast of Newberne; bored by J. I. Hawk in 1899; depth, 300 feet; water stands at -27 feet; quality good. No blue rock encountered; well starts in the Selma chalk; water supply from Eutaw sands. M. S. Heron's wells: No. 1, one-half mile northwest of Newberne, in the N. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 24, Township 19, Range 5; bored by Hawk in 1900; depth, 300 feet; casing, 4-inch; water stands at -35 feet; temperature, 67. No. 2, 1 mile northwest of Newberne; bored in 1896; in the S. E. quarter Section 14, Township 19, Range 5; depth, 350 feet; does not flow. R. L. Bennett's wells: No. 1, near Newberne, in the N. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 24, Township 19, Range 5; bored by Andrew Clark in 1878; depth, 425 feet; cased 250 feet with 5-inch casing; first water, at 105 feet, stood at -40 feet; second water at 165 feet, stood at ? feet; third water, at 225 feet, stood at -16 feet; fourth water, at 350 feet, stood at -30 feet. No. 2, three-quarters of a mile west of Newberne, in the N. W. quarter Section 24, Township 19, Range 5; bored by Andrew Clark in 1878; depth, 50 feet; flows 1-inch stream. A. E. Walker's well, Newberne, in the N. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 25, Township 19, Range 5; bored by Hawk in 1903; depth, 300 feet. F. S. Morrisette's well, Newberne, in the S. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 25, Township 19; Range 5; bored by Hawk in 1903; depth, 300 feet. 172 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Well on F. S. Morrisette plantation, where P. Morrisette lives; bored by Hawk in August, 1903; depth, 400 feet; casing, 20 feet 4-inch; first water at 300 feet, rose 2 feet above surface; second water, at 400 feet, rises 10 feet above surface; depth to principal water supply, 400 feet; original flow, 10 gallons per minute; depth to blue rock, 18 feet; thickness of blue rock, 250 feet. Well of Farmers' Gin and Warehouse Company, bored by Hawk; depth, 485 feet; flow, 3 gallons per minute; starts in Selma chalk; water in Eutaw sands. W. H. Landers's well, in the S. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section -24, Townsend 19, Range 5; bored by Hawk in 1903; depth, 300 feet; casing, 20 feet, 3-inch; first water, at 165 feet, stood at -42 feet; second water, at 300 feet, at -30 feet. Record same as J. H. Turpin's well below. Dr. J. Huggins reports that he has a well that does not overflow; water stands at -23 feet; impregnated with iron, sulphur, and lime. He also reports the "Duffin saline well," in Newberne, formerly owned by his father, now the property of S. Hardenbergh. This is an old well; the water was much used before the war, being thought good for indigestion. The analysis, by Mr. Hodges, is as follows: Analysis of water from S. Hardenbergh's well, Newberne. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 24.8 Sodium (Na) 266.0 Magnesium (Mg) 39.6 Calcium (Ca) 589.2 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O->, A1->O 3 ) 12.2 Chlorine (Cl) ". 720.1 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 760.4 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 528.6 Silica (SiOo) 43.4 2984.; Dr. Huggins says there are four very large flowing wells near New- berne which yield about 250 gallons per minute. He estimates about 200 artesian wells about Newberne, most of them yielding from 1 to 20 gallons per minute. J. J. Hogue's well, Newberne, 400 yards southwest of post-office, in the N. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 25, Township 19, Range 5; bored by Hawk in 1900; depth, 300 feet. Record same as that of J. H. Turpin.s well. J. H. Turpin's well, 1 mile from Newburne, in the S. W. quarter Sec- tion 25, Township 19, Range 5; bored by Hawk in 1901; depth, 350 feet; casing, 20 feet, 4-inch; first water at 110 feet; second water at 320 feet; overflows; original flow, 16 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 173 Record of J. H. Turpin's well, 1 mile from Newberne. Feet. Clay 20 Blue rock 20 95 Sand and soapstone .-.95 105 Hard rock 105 107 Soapstone 107 167 Hard rock 167 169 Soapstone 169 250 Sand and soapstone 250 300 Soapstone 300 350 Andrew J. Moore's wells: No. 1, at residence, near Newberne; bored by Hawk in 1903;depth, 500 feet; cased with 2- and 4-inch pipe; water stands- at -20 feet; first water at 250 feet; second water at 340 feet; third water at 420 feet; fourth water at 500 feet; thickness of blue rock, 175 feet; depth to blue rock, 20 feet. No. 2, in lot, 2 1-2 miles south of New- berne; bored by Hawk in 1900; depth, 5CO feet; flow, 6 gallons per minute; blue rock was encountered at 12 feet and continued to 137 feet; well starts in Selma chalk; water supply from Eutaw sands. No. 3, bored by Hawk in 1903. D. L. Moore's wells, bored by J. I. Hawk: No. 1, depth 300 feet; flow, 28 gallons per minute. No. 2, depth, 410 feet; flow 35 gallons per minute. Pollard Brothers' well, bored by J. I. Hawk in 1903; depth, probably 300 feet or more; water stands at -18 feet; blue rock at 22 feet, 80 feet thick. W. R. Tubbs's well, bored by J. I. Hawk in 1900; depth, 300 feet; water stands at -28 feet; blue rock at 20 feet, 85 feet thick. R. A. White's well, bored by J. I. Hawk in 1900; depth, 300 feet; water stands at -22 feet; blue rock at 20 feet, 85 feet thick. R. A. White & Co.'s well, at store, one-quarter of a mile north of depot, Newberne; bored by Hawk in June, 1903; depth, 300 feet; casing, 2u feet, 4-inch; first water at 165 feet, rising to -40 feet; second water at 285 feet, rising to -30 feet; depth to principal water supply, 285 feet; pump used; depth to blue rock, 19 feet; thickness of blue rock, 85 feet. Well at Newberne (owner unknown), reported depth, 475 feet; water rises to 4 feet above the ground; flows 30 gallons per minute; blue rock 8u feet thick. W. P. Nelson's well. 2 1-2 miles southwest of Newberne; bored by Hawk; depth, 500 feet; flow, 8 gallons per minute; blue rock at 20 feet, 200 feet thick. Carter Washington's well, in lot, 4 miles southwest of Newberne; bored by Hawk in August, 1903; depth, 400 feet; casing 20 feet, 4-inch; first water at 300 feet, rising to -2 feet; second water at 400 feet, rising to 5 feet above the ground; depth to principal supply, 400 feet; flow 6 gallons per minute; depth to blue rock, 16 feet; thickness of blue rock, 240 feet. Ned Pickens's well, 4 1-2 miles southwest of Newberne; bored in October, 1900, by J. I. Hawk; depth, 300 feet; diameter, 4 inches; first water, at 200 feet, flowed 2 feet above surface; second water, at 300 feet, flowed 12 feet above surface; depth to principal water supply, 260 feet; original flow, 15 gallons per minute; depth to blue rock, 16 feet. 174 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. SUNSHINE. Well (owner unknown), reported to have been bored by J. I. Hawk to a depth of 300 feet; flow, 12 gallons per minute; blue rock at 18 feet, thickness 185 feet. LANEVILLE AND VICINITY. I. F. Lewis's well, 2 miles southwest of Laneville; bored by Hawk in June, 1901; depth, 710 feet; casing, 375 feet, 2-inch and 4-inch; first water, at 350 feet, rose to -18 feet; depth to principal water supply, 690 feet; overflows; depth to blue rock, 16 feet; thickness of blue rock, 325 feet. Garber Brothers' (new) wells: No. 1, 1 mile south of Laneville; flow, 4 gallons per minute; rises to 2 feet above the ground; temperature, 74. No. 2, located one-half mile north of No. 1; flows one-half gallon per min- ute; rises to 2 feet above the ground; temperature, 73. No. 3, flows 10 gallons per minute; stands at surface; temperature, 66. No. 4, 1 mile west of No. 3; flow, 8 gallons per minute; rises to 2 feet above the ground; temperature, 66. Well on Rugh place, 3 miles northwest of Laneville, owned by W. B. Inge, of Greensboro; bored by Hawk in July, 1901; depth, 400 feet; casing 18 feet, 4-inch; first water at 250 feet, rising 2 feet above surface; second water at 390 feet, rising 12 feet above surface; depth to principal water supply, 390 feet; original flow, 15 gallons per minute; depth to blue rock, 16 feet; thickness of blue rock, 200 feet. Wells on Hermitage place, 4 miles north of Laneville, owned by Lewis; 4 old wells. Wells on "Bleak House place," owned by Mrs. Ivey Lewis estate: No. 1, near center of Section 12, Township 18, Range 4; flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; rises to 2 feet above ground; temperature, 68. No. 2, in the N. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 7, Township 18, Range 5; flow, 4 gal- lons per minute; rises to 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 69. No. 3, in the N. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 12, Township 18, Rang* 4; flow, 3 gallons per minute; rises to 3 feet above the ground; tempera- ture, 69. No. 4, in the S. E. quarter section 12, Township 18, Range 4; flow, 4 gallons per minute; rises to 5 feet above the ground; temperature, 67 No. 5, in the S. W. quarter S. E. quarter Section 12, Township 18, Range 4; flows weak stream. These are au old wells. GALLION AND VICINITY. Wells on "Oak Grove place," 3 or 4 miles northeast of Gallion, owned by Ivey F. Lewis, formerly owned by C. W. Collins: No. 1, in the N. E. quarter Section 15, Township 18, Range 4; depth, 2CO feet; casing, 3-inch; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises to 4 feet above the ground; tem- perature, 68. No. 2, in the S. E. quarter Section 11, Township 18, Range 4; flow, 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 69. No. 3, S. E. quarter Sec- tion 11, Township 18, Range 4; no record. No. 4, N. E. quarter Section 15, Township 18, Range 4; depth, 700 feet; casing, 3-inch; flow, one-quarter of a gallon per minute; water rises to 5 feet above ground; temperature, 70. No. 5, in the N. E. quarter, Section 15, Township 18, Range 4; depth 900 feet; casing, 3-inch; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises to 5 feet above the ground; temperature, 70. No. 6, in the S. W. quarter Section 10, Township 18, Range 4; flow, one-half of a gallon per minute; water WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 175 rises to 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 68. No 7, in the N. W. quarter Section 14, Township 18; Range 4; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 70. No. 8, in the S. E. quarter Section 10, Township 18, Range 4; flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 70. Well on "Simon Tract place," owned by Mrs. Dr. Browder, in Section 9, Township 18, Range 4; flow, one-third gallon per minute; temperature, 68. Mrs. Collins's wells (old), in the S. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 17, Township 18, Range 4: No. 1, flow, 4u gallons per minute; water rises to 8 feet above the ground, temperature, 72. Two other wells, one-quar- ter and one-half mile North of No. 1, flowing 1 or 2 gallons per minute. C. W. Collins's well, in the N. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 17. Township 18. Range 4; old well; flow, one-half gallon per minute; water rises to 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 8 1-2. Mrs. Julian Collins's well, 2 miles northeast of Gallion, in the S. W. quarter Section 19, Township 18, Range 4; old well; flows good stream. C. W. Collins's wells, 1 1-2 to 2 miles northeast of Gallion (old wells): No 1, at house, in the S. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 27, Township 18, Range 4; depth, 1200 feet; formerly flowed; water now stands at -8 feet. No. 2, at house; bored in 1891; depth, 1500 feet; overflow from about 750 feet; thickness of lime rock, 250 feet; at 1250 feet encountered red stratum. No. 3, 3 miles northeast from Gallion, in Section 22, Township 18, Range 4; depth, 600 or 700 feet; flow, 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 72; thickness of lime rock, 250 feet. No. 4, 3 miles northeast of Gallion, in Section 23, Township 18, Range 4; uepth, 600 or 700 feet; flow, 7 1-2 gallons per minute; water rises to 4 feet above the surface; temperature, 71. No. 5, in Section 15, Township 18, Range 4; depth, 600 or 700 feet; flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 69. B. M. Allen's wells, 3 miles east of Gallion; two old wells, no longer flowing. Mr. Allen has recently had other wells bored of which records have not been obtained. vVells on Dunlap place: No. 1, 1 1-2 miles north of Prairieville; flow, 20 gallons per minute. No. 2, 1 mile southwest of No. 1; flow, 2 gallons per minute. FAUXSDALE AND VICINITY. Well on Madden place, 3 miles north of Faunsdaie, owned by Garber Brothers; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 69. Wells on Drake place: No. 1, 3 miles north of Faunsdaie; flow one- quarter gallon per minute; rises to 2 feet above ground; temperature, 69. No. 2, one-quarter mile southwest of No. 1; flow, one-half gallon per minute; rises to 2 feet above ground. No. 3, one-quarter mile south- west of No. 1; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water stands at surface. No. 4, 200 yards east of No. 1; flow, 30 gallons per minute; temperature, 75; recently cleaned. Wells on Croom place, owned by J. H. Minge (old wells) : No. 1, 3 miles north of Faunsdaie; flow, 1 1-3 ganons per minute; rises to 4 feet above the ground; temperature, 70. No. 2, one-quarter mile east of No. 1; flow, one-quarter gallon per minute; rises to 2 feet abovetheground; temperature, 70. No. 3, 1 mile south of No. 1; 1 gallon per minute; rises to 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 69. Well of Mr. London, of Birmingham, 6 miles south of Newberne, and about same distance north of Faunsdaie; bored by Kinnaird & Sample in 1902; depth, 500 feet; 3-inch casing; overflowing water obtained at a 176 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. depth CK 500 feet after three days; flow, 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. Record: Soil 0-8 feet; blue rock with occasional strata of sand, 8-500 feet. PERRY COUNTY. SHALLOW WATERS. On account of its great extent from north to south, Perry County embraces within its borders all four of the Cretaceous formations and exhibits in consequence much variety in its to- pography and s'oils. The northeastern part down nearly to the latitude of Marion is underlain by the Tuscaloosa formation, cross-bedded sands of many colors, with strata of massive or joint clay of mottled red, purple, brown, and gray colors. In all this section the country is somewhat hilly, and the surface soils, being formed either by the s'andy strata of the Tusca- loosa or the equally sandy beds of the overlying Lafayette, are well suited for absorbing and transmitting the waters which fall upon them. Generally, therefore, in this section there is no dearth of water to be had from wells and hillside springs. Many of the wells, however, have a tendency to go partially dry in the winter season. The Eutaw formation, composed of sands and laminated clays, makes a narrow belt between the Tuscaloosa and the Selma chalk. Very nearly the same conditions of topography and soils prevail here as in the Tuscaloos'a area, and open wells and springs are numerous. In the limestone territory, on the other hand, shallow waters .are deficient and deep wells correspondingly more numerous. Some of the springs in the Tuscaloosa and Eutaw terranes are well known, and a few of them may be mentioned : The Popular Spring, near the old town of Hamburg, 5 miles south of Marion, is a cold spring boiling up through the sands; half a mile southeast of this is a similar spring, the Norman ; 8 miles southeast of Marion, on the Fikes place, I mile from the bridge, is a spring, small but constant in all seasons, tempera- ture, 66 ; 12 miles a little east of south of Marion, is' the Haynesworth Spring of chalybeate water; 13 miles west of Ma- rion is Dr. W. T. Downey's sulphur spring; n miles west < f Marion on R. M. Foster's place, are several springs; in the WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 177 corporate limits of Marion is' the Magnesia Spring, on the Per- kins place; 31-2 miles east of Marion on the road to Sprott, are the Clinton Springs which comprise several springs of sulphur and iron waters; 4 1-2 miles due east of Marion are the Bur- roughs' Springs, of mineral quality, some of them chalybeate; half a mile due north of Burroughs are several chalybeate springs; 5 miles east of Marion in sec. 26, T. 20, R. 8, is C. \V. Ford's spring, strong of iron and formerly much used bv Marion people. ARTESIAX WATERS. The Tuscaloosa and Eutaw sands are in this county, as else- where, the water-bearing sands of the artesian wells. Notwith- standing the fact that the territory of these formations is fairly- well supplied supplied with shallow wells, the records show also a number of artesian wells here. WELLS IN THE TUSCALOOSA FORMATION. The six wells recorded below are located on the outcrop of the Tuscaloosa in the northern and northeastern parts of the county, and obtain water from that formation. Well on Hornbuckle place, owned by H. A. Peters, near LeVert, in the S. E. quarter N. E. Quarter Section 34, Township 21, Range 8; flow, 1J5 gallons per minute; water rises to 5 feet above the ground; 6-inch casing; temperature, 65. This well was bored over 40 years ago, about the same time as the Sprott well No. 3. There were a number of these old wells in the vicinity, but all have stopped flowing except these two. T. M. Wallace's well, 8 miles northeast of Marion, in the N. W. quarter Section 14 or N. E. quarter Section 15, Township 20, Range 8; bored by a negro in 1898; depth, 250 feet; cased to bottom with 5, 4, and 3 1-2 inch casing; first overflow at 100 feet; second overflow at 150 feet, bold stream: present flow, one-half gallon per minute; temperature, 65 1-2. No hard rock, but principally sand, with one or two strata of blue rock. Partly bituminized logs were encountered between 50 and 100 feet. Lovelace well, 6 miles a little north of east of Marion; old well; for- merly overflowed; water now rises just to the surface; used as a kind of cistern. Sprott wells: No. 1, at house, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Sec- 'tion 31, Township 20, Range 9; bored by hand in 1886; depth, 150 feet; cased to bottom with 4 and 6 inch casing; temperature, 66. At 150 feet water rose 2 feet above surface; on penetrating a thin stratum of rock at this depth, the water rushed up with great violence, flowing 60 gal- lons per minute. Record: Sand, 0-30 feet; Tuscaloosa formation, 30-150 feet; then a few inches of hard rock. No. 2, at quarter, 1 mile*south of No. 1, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 6, Township 19, Range 12 178 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. 9 E.; bored by hand in 1895; depth, 150 feet; cased to bottom with 4 and 6 inch pipe; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 66. Record: Sand, 0-30 feet; Tuscaloosa formation, 30-150 feet. No. 3, on Wallace place, 3 miles nearly south of No. 1, in the S. W. quarter Section 1, Township 19, Range 8; very old well; depth, 150 feet; flow, 12 gallons per minute, originally much stronger; recently cased to bottom with 4-inch casing; temperature, 65. Record: Sand, 0-30 feet; Tuscaloosa formation, 30-150 feet. WELLS IN THE El TAW FORMATION. On the Eutaw outcrop as on the Tuscaloosa, bored wells are not so numerous as in the region of the Selma chalk, but a few wells are recorded about Marion and to the southeast near Radfordville and Felix. MARION AND VICINITY. Town well, Marion, in the E. half Section 12, Township 19, Range 7; bored in 1898; depth, 650 feet; 6-inch casing; water stands at -150 feet. Well at old Ike Underwood place, 6 miles southwest of Marion, in the N. W. quarter Section 28, Township 19, Range 7; flow, 2 gallons per min- ute; temperature, 66. Well on Ed. Craig place; old well; flows very weak stream. Peyton Tutwiler's wells (old): No. 1, in the S. W. quarter Section 16 or 17, Township 19, Range 7; 5 miles west of Marion; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 66. No. 2. one-half mile west of No. 1; estimated flow, 10 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. Nos. 3 and 4 are in decay. OLD HAMBURG. In and around the town of old Hamburg, close to the contact of the Eutaw with the chalk foimation, but on the former, aie many old wells yielding bold streams of fine drinking water. As the town has gone down, many of these old wells have fallen into disuse. RADFORDVILLE. J. S. Alexander's wells, near Radfordville: No. 1, in Section 32, Town- ship 19, Range 9; diameter, 8 inches; flows 18 gallons per minute; water rises to 4 feet above the ground; temperature, 66; tastes strong of iron. No. 2, in the N. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 6, Township 18, Range 9; bored about 1859; depth 250 feet; 8-inch casing; original flow, 35 gallons per minute at 4 feet above the ground; present flow, 50 or 60 gallons per minute at surface; temperature, 66; tastes strong of iron. W. B. Alexander's wells, near Radfordville: No. 1, one-half mile east from J. S. Alexander's well No. 1; depth, 250 to 300 feet; 8-inch casing- estimated flow, 50 gallons per minute, in decay; temperature. 67; tastes strong of iron. No. 2, bored by an old negro in 1897; depth, 150 feet; casing 50 feet. 4-inch; first water at 150 feet; flow, 20 gallons per minute; water rises to 4 feet above the ground. WATERS 01? THE; CRETACEOUS. 179 FELIX AND VICINITY. Walter Smith's well, near Felix; bored by W. Suttle in 1903; depth, 210 feet, 4-inch casing; first water at 210 feet; flow, 12 gallons per minute; water rises to 4 feet above the ground; temperature, 66. Wells on Suttle & Jones plantation, near Felix: No. 1, at Mr. Suttle's house, in the northeast corner of the N. E. quarter S. W. quarter Sec- tion 16, Township 18, Range 9; bored in December 1902, by Mr. Suttle; depth, 220 feet; casing, 40 feet, 4-inch; first water at 100 feet, overflowed; third water at 220 feet, flow, 12 gallons per minute; temperature, 67 . Record: Clay, 0-16 feet; gravel, 16-18 feet; clay, 18-35 feet; blue rock, 35-100 feet; successive layers of white and black sand and some sand rock, 100-220 feet. Water tastes very strong ofiron. No. 2, 200 yards north ot No. 1, at gin, in the S. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 16, Township 18, Range 9; bored in 1898 by Pat Gilmore; depth, 198 feet; casing, 32 feet. 4-inch; flow, 8 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. No. 3, 2 miles west of north of No. 1, at fork of roads near Edwards place, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 8, Township 18, Range 9; bored by Suttle in 1897; depth, 96 feet; casing, 4-inch; record same as No. 1. No. 4, 2 miles west of north from No. 1, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Sec- tion 8, Township 18, Range 9; bored by Suttle in 1903; depth, 180 feet; casing, 30 feet, 4-inch; first water at 100 feet; second water at 180 feet; both overflowed; yield, 9 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. No. 5. 2 1-2 miles northwest of No. 1, in the center of the N. E. quarter Sec- tion 7, Township 18, Range 9; bored by Suttie in 1903; depth, 186 feet; casing, 35 feet, 4-inch; first water at 100 feet; second water at 186 feet; both overflowed; estimated yield, 11 gallons per minute; temperature, 66; record same as No. 1. No. 6, 1 mile west of north of No. 1, at Goshen place, in the center of the S. E. quarter Section 8, Township 18, Range 9; in every particular about the same as No. 1. No. 7, 2 miles west of north of No. 1; old well at W. S. Suttle's residence, Edwards place, in the N. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 8, Township 18, Range 9; bored about 1852; depth, 225 feet; diameter 6 inches; estimated flow, 25 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. Nos. 8 to 14, all within 3 miles of Felix, are old wells bored about 1850; casing, 4 and 6 inch; some are rather weak now, but all were formerly good strong wells: No. 8, on Vaughn place, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 9, Township 18, Range 9; No. 9, on Vanderslice place, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 21, Township 18, Range 9; No. 10, on Vanderslice place, in the S. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 20, Township 18, Range 9; No. 11, on Swift place, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 28. Township 18, Range 9; No. 12, on Cooper place, in the N. W. quarter S. E. quarter Section 35, Township 18, Range 9; Nos. 13 and 14, on Davis place, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter, Sec- tion 2, Township 17, Range 9. WELLS IN THE SELMA CHALK. Most of the bored wells are naturally found in the relatively small area of the Selma chalk in the southwestern part of the 180 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. county. These wells get their supply generally from the Eutaw sands, the depth to which increases' southward and southwest- ward. UNIONTOWN AND VICINITY. The deepest of the wells on the Selma chalk is at Uniontown, which is also the southerlymost point from which wells are recorded in Perry County. The altitude of Uniontown is 286 feet, and the water stands at -120 feet. Depth of well (reported by the mayor in 1898), 1195 feet; diameter, 8 inches ; water comes from the second horizon at 870 feet ; raised by air-lift; volume, 300 gallons per minute; supply seems inexhaustible ; temperature, 79 ; the quality of the water, good, only 1 78.0 parts per million of dissolved solids; supply ample for the present needs of the town. J. C. Welch's well, reported in 1898; depth, 895 feet; 8-inch casing to bottom; water stands at -125 feet; temperature, about 68. G. D. Stollenwerck's well, 3 1-2 miles north of Uniontown; bored by Hawk in September, 1903; depth, 590 feet; casing, 275 feet, 2 and 4 inch; first water at 400 feet; second water, at 540 feet, stands at -60 feet; depth to principal supply, 550 feet; pump used; depth to blue rock, 20 feet; thickness of blue rock, 350 feet. G. B. Johnston's well, 10 miles south of Uniontown; bored by J. I. Hawk in 1904; depth, 875 feet; diameter, 4 and 3 inches; depth to principal supply, 855 feet; water stands at -40 feet; yield, 10 gallons per minute with pump; water stratum at 175 feet. SCOTTS STATION. Howze Scott's wells, Scotts Station; 5 old, nonflowing wells; water stands at from 3 to 30 feet from surface, as it does in all the wells in this vicinity; age of wells not known; depth generally supposed to be from 85 to 300 feet. A. B. Gewin's well, Scotts Station, 300 yards northwest of station; depth, 62 feet; casing, 18 feet, 4-inch. W. A. Thigpen's well, 3 miles south of Scotts Station; bored by a negro in 1896; depth, 100 feet; casing, 18 feet, 4-inch. SOUTHWARD FROM MARION. Wells on Billingsley place: No. 1, in the N. half of N. half Section 5, Township 18, Range 7, 7 miles southwest of Marion; in decay, flow de- creasing. No. 2, in the N. half Section 5, Township 18, Range 7; esti- mated flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 66. Nos. 3, 4 and 5 are de- creasing in flow; no other data. J. C. Tidmore's wells: No. 1, 8 miles south of Marion, on Lee place, in Section 28, Township 18, Range 8 E.; depth, 135 feet; bored with 4-inch WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 181 auger. Record: Soil, 0-20 feet; blue rock at 22 feet. No. 2, one-quarter mile from No. 1, yields water of a dark color, not drinkable. No. 3, 1 mile from No. 1, in the same hollow, yields water similar to No. 2, but not so bad. The character of the water from well No. 1 above is shown by the following analysis, by Mr. Hodges: Analysis of water from Tidnwrc well No. 1, 8 miles south of Marion. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 11.3 Sodium (Na) 177.6 Magnesium (Mg) 85.2 Calcium (Ca) 857.6 Iron and Alumina (Fe 2 O 3 ,Al 2 O 3 ) 16.8 Chlorine (Cl) 661.1 Sulphuric acid (SO*) 1448.5 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 546.5 Silica (SiOo) 54.4 HAMBURG STATION AND VICINITY. J. T. Fitzgerald's wells (old), on plantation at Hamburg station: No. 1, 1 mile southwest of Hamburg, in the S. E. quarter Section 19, Town- ship 18, Range 8; flow, three-quarter gallons per minute; temperature. 66. No. 2, 1 1-2 miles west of Hamburg, in the N. W. quarter S. E. qua- ter Section 19, Township 18, Range 8; flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; water rises to 2 feet above the ground; temperature, 66. No. 3, 2 miles southwest of Hamburg, in the N. W. quarter Section 30, Township 18. Range 8; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 66. No. 4, 2 miles south- west of Hamburg, in the N. W. quarter Section 30, Township 18, Range 8; flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. Nos. 5 and 6 are in decay and decreasing in flow. J. S. Blackman's well, 2 1-2 miles southwest of Hamburg, in the W. half N. W. quarter Section 30, Township 18, Range 8; flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. R. B. Wallace's wells (old): No. 1, 2 miles southwest of Hamburg, in the S. W. quarter Section 29, Township 18, Range 8; flow, one-quarter gallon per minute; temperature, 66. No. 2, 2 1-2 miles southwest of Hamburg; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises to 2 feet above the ground; temperature, 65. No. 3, no longer flows; water stands at -40 feet; pump used. Wells of Jones & Stewart, of Marion: No. 1, 3 miles west of south of Hamburg, in Section 31, Township 18, Range 8; water stands at -5 feet. No. 2, one-fourth mile north of No. 1; does not flow; water stands at -5 feet. No. 3, one-half mile west of No. 1, flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. No. 4, 1 1-4 miles west of No. 1; flow, 1 gallon per min- ute; temperature, 66. No. 5, 1 1-4 miles west of No. 1; flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. These are all old wells. B. Tubbs and R. Tubbs each has an old, nonflowing well, 10 miles south of Marion. No information obtainable. Judge Shivers's well, on Tarrant place, 11 miles south of Marion; non- flowing. Well of Mrs. McCarroll, of Marion, 4 miles southwest of Hamburg, in the N. W. quarter Section 5, Township 17, Range 8; flow, 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. 182 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. MARION JUNCTION AND VICINITY. Many of the wells in this 1 vicinity, north and northeast of Marion Junction, are close to the county line, and there is occasionally some uncertainty as to whether they should be credited to Dallas or Perry County. Where the locations are given above in Township 17, Range 9, it would seem that they should come under Dallas, though the best information obtain- able credits them to Perry. It is therefore quite probable that the records of localities by the land numbers may be at fault. Mrs. Chisholm's well, 5 miles northeast of Marion Junction, in the S. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 6, Township 17, Range 9, 150 yards from County line; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 69; old well. Gordon Chisholm's well, 4 miles northeast of Marion Junction, at mill, in the N. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 5, Township 17, Range 9; old well; estimated flow, 12 gallons per minute; water rises to 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 68 1-2. Johnny Chisholm's wells: No. 1, 4 miles northeast of Marion Junction, adjoining Gordon Chisholm's place on the west; old well; flow, one-half gallon per minute; water rises to 1 foot above the ground; temperature, 68. No. 2, one-quarter mile east of No. 1; new well; bored by Patrick Gilmore in 1898; depth, 70 feet; flow, constant, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. This well is located about 2 miles from the limestone belt. Record: Blue rock, 0-69 feet; hard rock, water, 69-70 feet. Brown well, 150 yards from county line, one-quarter mile east of Mrs. Chisholm's well; flow, one-quarter gallon per minute; temperature, 66; old well. Sallie White's wells (old): No. 1, 5 1-2 miles northeast of Marion Junc- tion, just beyond the bridge; estimated flow, 5 gallons per minute; water rises to 2 feet above the ground. No. 2, one-quarter mile east of No. 1, on south side of road from Marion Junction to Selma; flows 10 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. Well of W. J. & E. T. Gilmer, 3 1-2 miles Northeast of Marion Junction, 100 yards from county line; new well; bored by a negro in 1902; depth, 143 feet; water stands at -12 feet; stopped at first water. Record: Prairie soil; 0-15 feet; lime rock, 15-130 feet; sand rock, 130-131 feet; sand, 131-143 feet. Broke tool in second sand rock at 143 feet. MARENGO COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The surface rocks in a narrow strip in the northern part of Marengo County are the upper members of the "rotten lime- stone/' or Selma chalk. These rocks have the usual character, except that the limestone is at the top more mixed with clav than is generally the case and abounds in fossils, mainly WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 183 Hxogyra and Gryphaea. Next below the fossiliferous stratum comes a very pure whitish limestone, which is now utilized at Demopolis in the manufacture of Portland cement. This bed of pure limestone extends across the county by Van Dorn, Gallion, and Faunsdale to Uniontown and beyond. The strata of the Ripley formation outcrop in a belt just south of the Selma chalk. These beds are, in their disintegrated form at least, prevalently sandy, but below the zone of weathering they consist of sandy limestones or highly calcareous sandstones The sands which lie at the surface over all this Ripley belt might be supposed to indicate that this formation would be a good water bearer, but such is' not the case, at least so far as arte- sian waters are concerned, for in the Flatwoods belt adjoining the Ripley on the south, artesian borings have not generally resulted in overflowing wells. The surface sands give ris^ to fairly good wells, and springs are found along the edges of the ravines and washes', the water in both cases being usually rather strongly impregnated with lime. Although the Selma chalk outcrops only in the upper part of Marengo County, it is within this area that most of the artesian wells are found. These have a great thickness of the chalk to penetrate before reaching the water-bearing sands of the Eutaw and they are consequently deep. ARTESIAN RECORDS. DEMOPOLIS AND VICINITY. At Demopolis, on Tombigbee River, artesian wells supply the town water works. The records of these borings are given below, together with those of other wells in and around the city. City well, Demopolis, in the S. E!. quarter Section 24, Township 18, Range 2; bored by Jackson in 1885; depth, 775 feet; flow, 50 gallons per minute. City waterworks wells, Demopolis, in the S. E. quarter Section 24, Township 18, Range 2; No. 1, bored by Mr. Lipscomb in 1898; depth, 7<35 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water rises to 20 feet above the ground; origi- nal flow, 15 gallons per minute; present flow, 6 gallons per minute; tem- perature, 73. No. 2, depth, 735 feet; diameter, 4 inches; water rises to 12 feet above the surface; flow, 30 gallons per minute. New city wells, Demopolis, in the S. E. quarter Section 24, Township 18, Range 2; two wells, 50 feet apart; bored by J. I. Hawk in 1902; depth, 900 feet; first flow at 800 feet; yield, about 150 gallons per minute. Record: Lime rock, 0-500 feet; sand, 500-900 feet; at about 700 feet in one well, a thin rock, very hard, not found in the other well. A sample of this water has been analyzed by Mr. Hodges, with the following results: ] 84 DETAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Analysis of water from wells of the Demopolis waterworks. Parts per million. Sodium (Na) 255.8 Magnesium (Mg) 1.1 Calcium (Ca) 3.7 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O3,Al 2 O3) 4.0 Chlorine (Cl) : 40.6 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) trace Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 624.0 Silica (SiO 8 ) 22.1 951.! Leder Oil Company's well, Demopolis, on eastern edge of town, in the S. W. quarter Section 24, Township 18, Range 2; bored by Hawk in May, 1902; depth, 765 feet; casing 325 feet, 4-inch and 2-inch; first water at 550 feet, stand -10 feet; second water at 650 feet, stand -2 feet; third water at 750 feet, stand 10 feet above the ground; depth to principal supply, V50 feet; original flow, 12 gallon per minute; depth to blue rock, 8 feet; thickness of blue rock, 500 feet. Demopolis Cooperage Company's wells, on eastern edge of town, in the S. W. quarter. Section 24, Township 18, Range 2; bored in June, 1902, by Hawk, depth, 750 feet; casing 325 feet, 2 1-2-inch and 4-inch; first water at 525 feet, stand -2 feet; second water at 625 feet, stand 8 feet above the ground; third water at 735 feet, stand 20 feet above the ground; depth to principal supply, 735 feet; flow, 35 gallons per minute; depth to blue rock, 38 feet; thickness of blue rock, 485 feet. Demopolis Ice and Cold Storage Company's well, in the S. E. quarter Section 24. Township 18, Range 2; bored by Lipscomb in 1901; deptn, 83ft feet; casing, 300 feet, 4-inch, 535 feet 3-inch; first water at 525 leet; second water at 625 feet, flowing 6 gallons per minute; third water at 835 feet, flowing 60 gallons per minute; present flow (estimated), 35 gallons per minute. Record: Lime rock, 0-525 feet; sand, 525-575 feet; sand rock, 575-576 feet; sand, with occasional thin rock, 576-835 feet. Well on George A. Kli place, Demopolis, in the S. E. quarter Section 19, Township 18, Range 2; flows 1 1-2 gallons per minute; temperature, 82. John C. Webb's wells, Demopolis, in the S. W. quarter Section >A, Township 18, Range 2: No. 1, at Compress; bored by Stevens; estimated flow, 25 gallons per minute; temperature, 75. No. 2, bored by Stevens; flow, 25 gallons per minute; temperature, 75. John C. Webb's wells, near Demopolis: No. 1, on Sharp place, 3 1-2 miles northeast of Demopolis; bored by Hawk in November, 1901; depth, 661 feet; casing 350 feet, 2-inch and 4-inch; first water at 490 feet, stand -12 feet; second water at 550 feet, stand -4 feet; third water at 650 feet, stand 4 feet above the ground; depth to principal supply, 650 leet; original flow, 5 gallons per minute; depth to blue rock, 16 feet; thickness of blue rock, 430 feet. No. 2, on Baumgarten place, 4 miles southeast of Demop- olis; bored by Hawk in January, 1902; depth, 755 feet; casing 350 feet, 2-inch and 4-inch; first water at 600 feet; -10 feet; second water 675 feet, stand, -4 feet; third water at 750 feet, stand 8 feet above the ground; depth to principal supply, 750 feet; original flow, 10 gallons per minute; deptn to blue rock, 14 feet; thickness of blue rock, 540 feet. No. 3, on- Sledge place, 4 3-4 miles south of Demopolis; bored by Hawk in July, 1902; depth, 1040 feet; casing, 300 feet, 3-inch and 4-inch; first water at WATERS OF THE; CRETACEOUS. 185 S25 feet, stand 80 feet; second water at 950 feet, stand -70 feet; depth to principal supply, 950 feet; does not flow; pump used; depth to blue rock, 16 feet; thickness of blue rock, 750 feet. Jesse Whitfield's wells, on Gaineswood place: No. 1, one-quarter mile south of Demopolis, in the N. E. quarter Section 25, Township 18, Range 2; flow decreasing so that it forms a kind of spring, ^o. 2, 1 mile south of i>o. 1, in the N. E. quarter Section 36, Township 18, Range 2; old well; no longer flows. Gaineswood well, near Demopolis, one-half mile south of ice factory; in the N. E. quarter Section 25, Township 18, Range 2; bored about 1864; when the ice-factory well was bored this well ceased to flow. Alabama Portland Cement Company's well, at Spocari, near Demopolis, in the S. E. quarter Section 19, Township 18, Range 3; bored by Ste- vens in 1900; depth, about 750 feet; flow, 100 ganons per minute; water rose to 20 feet above the ground; first water, at 475 feet, barely over- flowed; principal supply trom 750 feet. Record: Lime rock, 0-450. feet; sanu and thin sand rock, 450-750 eet: R. P. Knox's well, Demopolis; bored by Hawk in 1904; depth, 911 feet; flows. Bessie Minge Manufacturing Company's well, Demopolis, in Section 26, Township 18, Range 2; bored by Fred Braswell; depth, over 700 feet; 400 feet through the lime rock; flow, 20 gallons per minute; temperature, 75. Black Warrior Lumber Company's well, Demopolis; bored by Hawk in 1904; depth, 760 feet; flows. _.. P. Allen's well, 3 miles south of Demopolis, N. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 1, Township 17, Range, 2; bored by Stephens in 1895; depth, 1175 feet; casing, 1030 feet, 2-inch; estimated flow, 8 gallons per minute; water rises to 9 feet above the ground; overflow at 1030 and 1175 feet. Record: Lime rock, 0-650 feet; sand with occasional rock, 650-1030 feet; gravel, 1030-1040 feet; pink soapstone, 1040-1175 feet. D. H. Britton's well, in the N. half S. W. quarter Section 20, Township 17, Range 4; old well; no record available. Well at Van Dorn station, 3 or 4 miles east of Demopolis; flows good stream. GALLION AND VICINITY. Wells on Windsor place, owned by Thornton Tayloe, 2 miles south- east of Gallion, in the S. aalf Section 9, Township 17, Range 4, E.; four old wells: No..l, flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 74. The four wells are in a radius of 1 mile; two of them no longer flow, and the tourth well flows about 2 gallons per minute. Wen on Ross place, 6 miles south of Gallion, in the S. W. quarter Sec- tion 34, Township 17, Range 4, E.; flow, one-half gallon per minute; water rises to 3 feet above the ground., temperature, 69. FATJNSDALE AND VICINITY. John Minge's well, on Body place, 5 miles southwest of Faunsdale; bored in 1903 by A. J. Dallings; no record since completion; first water, at 420 feet, stood at -6 feet. Record: Soil, 0-12 feet; blue rock, 12-420 feet; sand, 420-500 feet. 186 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Well on Palmetto place, 3 or 4 miles southwest of Faunsdale; owned by Alex Archer; estimated flow, 4 gallons per minute; water rises to 4 feet above the ground; temperature, 74. Wells on Smaw place, 3 1-2 miles north of west of Faunsdale; three old wells; all flow from one-quarter to 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 69. Well on Gholson place, 2 1-2 miles north of west of Faunsdale; depth, 300-500 feet; flows half-inch stream. Minge Wilkins's wells (old), 2 miles north of west of Faunsdale; bored about 1845: No. 1, depth, 360 feet; diameter, 3-inches; flow one-tenth of a gallon per minute. No. 2, three-fourths mile west of No. 1; depth, 400 feet; flow, one-tenth of a gallon per minute. Wells on Selden place, 1 1-2 miles north of Faunsdale; two old bored wells, not flowing at present. C. D. Walker's wells, one-half mile northeast of Faunsdale; three oil wells, one of them barely flowing at surface, the other two having stopped; depth supposed to be about 450 feet. Minis Walker's wells, Faunsdale; five wells; depths, 450, 450, 560, 650. and 830 feet; start in the Selma chalk and obtain water from the Eutaw sands; four of them overflow with small streams; yield of one is 15 to 20 gallons per minute; others can not be exhausted by deep-well pump; from the 830-foot well a windmill fills a 5,000- gallon tank in 12 hours with no decrease in volume. Well about 3 1-2 miles north of Faunsdale, reported to be 700 feet deep; yield, 8 gallons per minute; water rises to 2 1-2 feet above the ground; blue rock at a depth of 230 feet. Faunsdale Oil Mill well, bored by A. J. Ballings in 1901; depth, 700 feet; diameter, 6 inches; water stands at -45 feet; air-lift used; level varies with amount pumped. Record: Blue rock, 0-400 feet; sand, 400-55(1 feet; flint rock, 550-551 feet; sand, 551-625 feet; hard rock, 625-626 feet; sand, 626-700 feet. J. C. Brown's well, Faunsdale; bored by a negro in 1899; depth, 560 feet; first water at 540 feet, stand -70 feet, level lowered by pumping; second water at 550 feet, stands at -84 feet. Record: Marl, 0-540 feet; at 540 feet a thin stratum of sand, then 18 inches of flint rock, and greensand at bottom of boring. NEAR OLD SPRING HILL. Mrs. Charles Allen's well, 2 1-2 miles east of Old Spring Hill; depth, 1400 feet; at 900 feet water stood at -30 feet; at 1400 feet water stood at -12 feet. DAYTON. About Dayton are several wells which date from ante-bellum days and of which no records are now obtainable; but they have, according to the best available information, all gone through the limestone into the underlying Eutaw sands. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 187 At Linden, which is on the extreme southern border of the Cretaceous, a well has been put down through the whole thickness of the Ripley formation and the "rotten limestone," As Linden is located near the lowlands of the Chickasabogue, the full thickness of the Ripley sands is not here pres'ent, as the record of the well will show. The well is in the court- house yard, and the record of the borings, as furnished by Prof. L. G. Diggers, is as follows : Record of Court House well, Linden. Feet. Clay 07 Soft Limestone 734 Quicksand 3458 Blue sand 5868 Quicksand with mica 68-118 Pure white sand 118168 Blue sand 168188 Hard bluestone 188190 Soft shale or clay 193322 Light-colored limestone, like that at Demopolis..322 501 Limestone, slaty and darker than the preceding 501901 Similar rock, but harder and ending below in a hard crust .. ...901-1041 At 1040 feet, a hard s'hell of stone was pierced, below which came a fine-grained, water-bearing sand. Below this, at 1115 feet, a limestone (or clay), very hard, to bottom of well; but the boring went down to 1200 feet, through soft limestone ( ?) and white and gray clay ; there was also some quicksand below the bed rock at 1115 feet. The stream rises about 18 inches above the surface of the court-house yard, but the flow is very weak, only about 18 or 20 gallons to the hour; temperature of the water is 73, and the taste saline. It is said that a pump throwing I I -2-inch stream and worked continuously for seven or eight hours did not lower the water in the pipe below 16 feet. If this is the case, the obvious means of increasing the flow would be to pipe off the water at this depth, and there is enough slope to accomplish this without trouble.* *Since the above was written this has been done, and a good flow is obtained jit the present mouth of the well, 20 feet, more or less, be- low the level of the court-house yard. 188 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. The Linden well and that at Livingston, Sumter County, arc similarly located as' to geologic formations; both pierce the Ripley and the whole thickness of the Selma chalk, though this is not quite so evident here as at Livingston. In both places the stream is weak and the water saline. The writer's interpretation of the record above is that the line between the Ripley and the Selma Chalk will fall some- where within the soft shale or clay, 132 feet thick, between 190 and 322 feet; and that the strata below that to 1115 feet are the chalk formation, and the rest Eutaw, though, as' has been said above, this is not very apparent. The character of the water from the Linden public well is shown by the accompanying analysis by Mr. Hodges : Aanalysis of water from court-house well, Linden. Parts per million. Potassium (K) trace Sodium (Na) 550.0 Magnesium (Mg) 1.6 Calcium (Ca) 7.2 Iron and Alumina (Fe*O 3 ,AloO 3 ) 5.0 Chlorine (Cl) 445.1 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) trace Carbonic acid (HCO S ) 719.2 Silica (SiO 2 ) 17.8 1745.9 Southern Cotton Company well, Linden, in the S. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 5, Township 15, Range 3; bored by S. W. Ingram in 1902; depth, 550 feet; casing, 80 feet, 6-inch; first water at 500 feet; second water, at 550 feet, stood at -18 feet; yield, 25 gallons per minute for a week, lowering level to -33 feet. Judge S. P. Prowell's well at Linden, about 200 yards north of depot. Depth iioo feet; diameter 6 inches; casing to bot- tom. Present flow about one half gallon per minute at 6 feet elevation above the surface ; original flow 2 gallons per minute. Taste and effect decidedly those of epsom salts. Record, sand about 100 feet, then lime rock to depth not given. FLAT WOODS OR POST OAKS. South of Linden is the belt of Flatwoods or Post Oaks, as the lands have been called. The surface of this belt is occu- pied by the clays of the lowermost Tertiary. Near their contact WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 189 with the Ripley the clays are strongly limed by the washings from that formation and make a sort of black prairie country of great fertility. The main body of the Flatwoods', however, away from this contact, contains comparatively little lime. The surface is a trough between the sandy calcareous hills of the Ripley, on the one side, and the high Tertiary hills capped with the red loam and pebbles of the Lafayette, on the other. On account of the dearth of water during the summer and the excess of it during the winter, and spring, cultivation of the Flatwods land is out of the question, except locally where a remnant of sand of an overlying formation has es'caped removal by denudation. For water the few inhabitants, mostly negroes, depend on cisterns dug into the clay and filled from the house- tops. Another drawback to cultivation of the Flatwoods is the defective drainage, but this might be overcome if the water problem were solved. The following notes concerning the artesian borings in the Flatwoods of Marengo County have been furnished by Mr. C. B. Wooten, of Consul. These examples will serve to show that good water may be obtained in the Flatwoods by deep borings. In the vicinity oi Whitehall, 15 miles east of Linden, in 185;' and 1858, seven wells were bored in or near the plantation of Colonel Watts, in the midst of the Flatwoods or Post Oak belt. These wells ranged in depth from 350 to 800 feet; the first water struck in any of the borings was at 320 feet, and it rose to within 40 or 50 feet of the s'urface ; water was sulphurous and chalybeate. Colonel Watt's place was 2 miles south of the Linden and Cahaba road, 6 miles from McKinley, and 2 miles from Thomaston. Mr. Wooten, in 1858, had a well bored to the depth of 320 feet, getting splendid water which rose to within 60 feet of the surface. Since the completion of the Louisville and Nashville railroad to Myrtlewood, several deep wells have been sunk within the territory of the Flatwoods. These borings, however, do not seem to have obtained any water from the Ripley s'ands, but have gone through the Selma chalk into the Eutaw sands, like the well at Linden. Through the courtesy of Mr. J. R. Nevers we are enabled to give some account of a deep well at Gates, in Section 10, Township 15, Range 2 east. 190 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Well at Gates: Depth 1140 feet; diameter 3 inches; cased with 3-inch casing to depth not given; depth to water 1120 feet; overflowing 25 gal- lons per minute. No decrease since the beginning in 1906. The water is salty and is used only for drinking purposes. It is said to be of about the same character as the water from the Livingston well in Greene county. Record: Clay 0- 12 feet; black soapstone (Sucarnochee clay) with a little sand but no water, 12- 162 feet; limestone (Selma chalk) with occa- sional hard ledges, 162 - 1000 feet; hard rock, 1000 - 1080 feet; water bearing sands, 1080 - 1140 feet. No water was obtained until the depth of 1080 feet had been reached; the water bearing sands are 60 feet in thickness and the strainer of the well rests on the next rock below the sands. The well yields a good deal of gas at all times. The water rises to an elevation of 40 feet above the surafce. LOWER PART OF THE COUNTY. The lower part of Marengo County is underlain by sands and clays of the Tertiary formations, which in most places still have the capping of the red loam and pebbles of the Lafayette. Surface waters are therefore generally ample in quantity and excellent in quality, s'o that artesian borings are hardly needed. In these sections, however, where clays predominate in the sur- face outcrops, it would in many cases be much to the advantage of the citizens to get better water than can be had from shallow wells and springs. In such places there should be no trouble in obtaining artesian water, as is s'hown by the boring at Butler, Choctaw County, where the strata are similar to those in Ma- rengo County. DALLAS COUNTY. GENERAL CONDITIONS. Within the limits' of Dallas County all four divisions of the Cretaceous outcrop are at the surface and determine the soils, the topography, and the water conditions. The two lower di- visions (Tuscaloosa and Eutaw) appear only in a narrow strip in the northeast corner of the county, between Oakmulgee and Mulberry creeks, in Townships 18 and 19. In the greater part of this section the red loam and pebble beds of the Lafayette overlie the strata of the older formations and determine the s'oils and water conditions. Surface wells and springs yielding the best freestone water are not lacking in this section, and while WATERS OF THlv CRF.TACEOUS. 191 no artesian wells are recorded there be no difficulty in getting artesian water within reasonable depths from either the Tus- caloosa or Entaw sands. North of Alabama River, about the city of Selma,, is a wide terrace, 75 to TOO feet above river level, on which the red loam and pebbles of the Lafayette formation overlie the calcareous beds of the Selma chalk. The immediate surface about Selma and for a number of miles' up and down the river is formed by sands, probably of a later formation than the Lafayette (Colum- bia or Ozark sands). Beyond this terrace the chalk forms the surface, as a rule, to the north, west, and southwest of Selma. In all this section down to a northwest-southeast line run- ning approximately parallel to Chilatchee creek and 3 miles distant from it, water must neces'sarily come from artesian bor- ings, except where the Lafayette and Columbia sands overlie the chalk and afford the usual abundance of freestone water from wells and springs. In crossing the county from Rehobeth, Wilcox County, by way of Crumptonia, Orrville, and Marion Junction, one sees very little of the chalky limestone except near the crossing of Boguechitto Creek, the surface being formed mainly by the La- fayette and Columbia sands and loams. Near Marion Junc- tion the chalk begins. The reason for this seems to be that this road follows generally the lowlands of Boguechitto Creek and its tributaries, where erosion has been more than usually ef- fective. The sands and loams of this mantle appear to be of the same nature as the terrace sands near Selma. Not many ar- tesian wells are found along this road, but the surface wells seem to afford sufficient water to meet the demand. From 3 or 4 miles south of Marion Junction to the northern and west- ern boundaries of the county, the chalk occupies the surface. At Marion Junction ( altitude ( 204 feet) the wells do not over- flow, and windmills are used for raising the water. The depth of wells here is reported to be only 250 feet. A belt 8 or 10 miles wide in the lower part of Dallas Coun- ty, is underlain by the strata of the Ripley formation, in which, so far as the writer's information goes, no bored wells have been sunk. Much of the surface, however, throughout this belt is formed by the Lafayette sands and loams, in which sur- tace wells' afford a sufficient supply of water. 192 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. East of Alabama River the conditions are about the same as those above described for the area underlain by the chalk and the Ripley. The divides in this part of the county, in the ter- ritory of both these formations, are often high, level plains, with a surface of red loam underlain by pebbles (Lafayette). Rich- mond, Carlowville, and Pleasant Hill are upon such high pla- teaus. The lowlands have strong calcareous soils (Sehna chalk and Ripley), entirely different from the sandy loams of the pla- teaus. ARTESIAN RECORDS. The details below of the bored wells of Dallas County, will illustrate its artesian conditions. CAHABA. The old town of Cahaba was probably one of the first places where artesian borings were made in Dallas' County. One of these, "the great well," is said to yield 1200 gallons of water per minute, which if true, would make it probably the largest in the State except the Roberts well in Escambia County. The great well on the Pickens place, in Hale County, yields now only about 850 gallons per minute, and it, also, has the reputa- tion of being the largest in the State. It is probable that the flow in both these wells has' much diminished since they weiv first bored, by reason of leakage and the stopping or partial stopping of the pipe by stones and other obstructions. The rec- ord of the Cahaba well, as published by Professor Winchell.* (furnished to him by Mr. Campbell, who bored it), is as fol- lows: *Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sc. 1856, section on Geology, p. y9. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 193 Record of the "great well," Cahaba. Feet. Inches. Loam, red clay, sand, and pebbles 32 10 First "rotten limestone" 330 10 First sandstone (a concrete of sand and shells) 6 Gray sand, with water 3 Second sandstone 1 3 Gray sand 2 5 Sticky sand and clay 2 9 Sand and "rotten limestone" (?) (clay) 7 9 Sticky sand and clay 19 9 Greensand 1 6 Gray sand, with water 129 10 Third sandstone 11 Gray sand, with water and streaks of "rotten lime- stone 51 Bluish sand, with two streaks of reddish sand 32 Bluish-gray and laminated clay 27 6 Dark-gray sand, with water 26 Bluish-gray sand and clay, with water 59 8 736 6 The interpretation which might be given to this' record is : Hypothetical record of "great well," Cahaba. Feet. Sands, loams, and pebbles of the Lafayette 32.83 Selma chalk 380.83 Eutaw sands 227.66 Tuscaloosa sands and clays 145.16 740.59 This might possibly serve to indicate that borings into the Tuscaloosa formation in other places would yield a greater flow of water than those that go merely into the Eutaw sands. The general impression among the well borers is that when they reach the pink kaolin or soapstone, as it is often called, no in- crease in the supply will be obtained for at least TOO or 200 feet. Allowance rriust, of course, always be made for variations In the thickness of the beds of massive clay occurring in the Tus- caloosa formation, since they are sometimes 200 feet or more thick. It would probably be worth while in many cases to con- tinue the borings through these clays when a sufficient supply of water has not been found above them. From Dr. Winchell's paper above cited some additional rec- ords are taken of the old artesian wells about Selma and Ca- haba, before details of the more recent borings are given. Be- 13 194 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. sides the "great well," he mentions the court-house well (depth, 555 feet; temperature, 75), and the well at Bell's Hotel (depth, 400 feet; temperature, 74), both in the town of Cahaba, where there are at least 15 old wells flowing 10 to 30 gallons per min- ute and varying in temperature from 74 to 76. Dr. Wincheii also records a well on the opposite side of the river, near Ca- haba, on the plantation of E. P. Watts, bored by Crow & Read (depth, 275 feet; flow, 20 gallons per minute) ; and two wells on the plantation of Freeman King, 5 miles below Cahaba, also on the opposite side of the river, each 560 feet deep and yield- ing 250 gallons per minute. SELMA AND VICINITY. Dr. Wmchell gives records' of 11 wells in Selma, as follows: Record of wells in Selma. Location. Depth. Yield. Borer. Junction of Main and Water Sts... Main street, north of No. 1 Main street, north of No. 2 Residence of Abner Jones Feet. 470 380 334 280 330 409 360 340 350 360 Not given Gallons per minute. 100 40 12 25 230 ! 300(7) 100 300 300 Not given Mr. Crow. Mr. Crow. Mr. Crow. Mr. Crow. Mr. Crow. Mr. Campbell. Mr. Crow. Mr. Crow. Mr. Crow. Mr. Crow. Residence of J. Lapsley Foundry Machine shop Mr Hall's Russell & Berry brickyard Harrison's brickyard Blevins & Edwards's Cavithon Cotton Mills well, Selma; bored in 1899 by J. I. Hawk; flows 115 gallons per minute; depth to blue rock, 30 feet; thickness of blue rock, 250 feet; well starts in "rotten limestone" and water supply is from Eutaw sands. City waterworks wells, Selma.: six wells ranging in depth from 425 to 500 feet, all of which overflow or are pumped into reservoir; bored in 1888; temperature, 63. Four 5-inch and 6-inch wells, with depths of from 500 to 700 feet, are located at main station; water rises 3 feet above the surface, but is pumped for distribution by the air-lift process; total flow from four wells, 38,000 gallons per hour. The following analysis by Mr. Hodges shows the composition of the water of the city supply at Selma: WATERS OF THE; CRETACEOUS. 195 Analysis of water from city waterworks wells, Selma. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 5.4 Sodium (Na) .. 12.0 Magnesium (Mg) 2.3 Calcium (Ca) 19.3 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 1.0 Chlorine (Cl) 6.8 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 9.6 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 86.5 Silica (SiO 2 ) 33.0 175.9 City waterworks well, No. 4, Selma; bored by John Bicksler in 1903; cased to bottom with 6-inch, 8-inch and 11-inch casing depth, 655 feet; estimated flow, 300 gallons per minute; boring stopped in fourth water. Record of city waterworks well No. 4, .Selma. Feet. Clay 14 Sand and gravel 14 18 Blue rock 18 34 Hard rock 34 35 Blue rock 35165 Greensand 165 180 Hard rock 180 182 Sand and water (rising- to 9 feet) 182 272 Marl 272 290 Sand and gravel 290 302 Red marl 302 310 Soapstone 310 427 Hard rock 427 532 Red Marl 532 572 Sand and gravel 572 655 Well at the council chamber, Selma; depth, 620 feet; gives good flow; starts in the "rotten limestone" and obtains water from the .Tusc-ilopsa; altitude, 121 feet; temperature, 62. C. C. Ferrill's well, 1 mile from court-house, Selma; bored in 1884 by Peyton Hatch; depth, 487 feet; flow, 31C gallons per minute; tempe- rature, 68; starts in the "rotten limestone" and obtains water from the Eutaw sands or Tuscaloosa formation; depth to blue rock, 125 feet; altitude, i21 feet. Analysis of water from C. C. FerrilVs well, Selma. (Analyst, R. S. Hodges.) Parts per million. Potassium (K) 6.5 Sodium (Na) : 6.9 Magnesium (Mg) 1.8 Calcium (Ca) 21.3 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 1.8 Chlorine (Cl) 3.4 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 6.4 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 88.2 Silica (Si0 2 ) 18.6 154.9 196 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIF DIVISION. E. Oilman's well, Selma; bored in 1899 by J. I. Hawk; depth, 643 feet; flows 85 gallons per minute; 4-inch casing to blue rock, balance 2 1-2-inch; water carries some iron; altitude, 121 feet. Record of E. Oilman's well, Selma. Soil 28 Blue rock 28 90 Sand and sand rock 90 100 Sand, sandrock, and layers of soapstone 100 480 White clay 480 520 Pink kaolin 520 600 Sand, gravel, some red clay 600 643 H. A. Harralson's well, Selma; bored in 1875; depth, 780 feet; diameter, 4 inches; flow small and charged with iron; starts in "rotten limestone" and obtains water from the Tuscaloosa formation. Hestell Cotton Mill well, Selma; bored by Patrick Oilman ; depth, 465 feet; yield, 80 gallons per minute; starts in "rotten limestone" and ob- tains water from Eutaw sands and Tuscaloosa formation; altitude, 121 feet. McGill well, corner of Broad street, near union depot, Selma; flows 12 gallons per minute from 2-inch pipe; temperature, 68; altitude, 121 feet. Well at People's Oil Mills, Selma; bored in 1900; started in the "rotten limestone" and obtained water in Tuscaloosa beds; altitude, 121 feet. Record unknown. Race track well, Selma; stated to be 3 inches in diameter and to yield 150 gallons per minute; temperature, 68; water charged with iron; starts in "rotten limestone" and obtains water from the Eutaw sands or Tus- caloosa beds. J. L. Schweizer's well, at residence, two blocks northwest of Southern Railway passenger depot, Selma; bored by Hawk in December, 1900; depth, 450 feet, casing, 400 feet; 2 1-2-inch and 4-inch; first water at 100 feet, stand 10 feet; second water at 210 feet, stand 2 feet; third water at 320 feet, stand 3 feet above the surface; fourth water at 450 feet, stand 5 feet above the surface; depth to principal supply, 450 feet; flow, 20 gallons per minute; depth to blue rock, 30 feet; thickness of blue rock, 65 feet. J. M. Baker's well, at residence, 1410 Selma street, Selma; bored by Hawx in February, 1901; depth, 665 feet; casing, 2-inch, 3-inch and 4-incn; first water at 100 feet, stand 20 feet; second water at 210 feet, stand 12 feet; third water at 320 feet, stand 7- feet; fourth water at 465 feet, stand 2 feet; depth to principal water supply, 6t>0 feet; flow, 150 gallons per minute; depth to blue rock, 35 feet; thickness of blue rock, 65 feet. Knox Academy well, corner of North and Mabry streets, Selma; bored by Hawk in November, 1902; depth, 615 feet; casing, 615 feet, 2 1-2-inch and 4-inch; first water at 100 feet, stand 20 feet; second water at 210 feet, stand 12 feet; third water- at 325 feet, stand 4 feet; fourth water at 450 leet, stand 4 feet; depth to principal water supply, 610 feet; original flow, 96 gallons per minute; depth to blue rock, 31 feet; thickness of blue rock, 75 feet. There are perhaps as many as 100 smaller wells in the city of Selma in which the water stands near the surface and is OF THE UNIVERSITY CALIFOP^ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES. PLATE XVI. A. WELL IN ELKDALE PARK, SELMA, DALLAS COUNTY. I. | B. OLD ROAD SHOWING GRAND GULF STRATA CAIM>KI> WITH LAFAYETTK NKAR (JAINESTOWN FEUKY, CLARKE COTNTY. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 197 raised by pumps; but no reliable records could be obtained of these. Buckley Cotton Oil Mill well, Selma; bored by John Bicksler in 1892; depth, 500 feet; first water, at G9 feet, stood at 8 feet; second water, at 170 feet, stood at surface; third water, at 186 feet, overflowed; fourth water, at 500 feet; overflowed; yield, 300 gallons per minute. Record of Buckley Cotton Oil Mill well, Selma. Feet. Sand 20 Gravel 20 28 Soapstone 28 32 Shell 32 34 Sand 34 38 Lime rock 38 41 Sand 41 67 Hard rock 67 69 Sand and water (rising to 8) 69 88 Soapstone ' 88 98 Soft sandstone 98 170 Sand and gravel (overflow) 170 173 Hard rock 173 176 Coal 176 177 Sandstone 177 180 Marl 180 186 Sand (overflow) 186 190 Soapstone 190 196 Sandstone 196 230 Red sand 230 242 Sand 242 280 Rock 280 288 Sand and gravel (water increasing) 288 500 Well at Elkdale Park, Selma, (Plate XVI. A.) in the N. E. quarter Sec- tion 24, Township 17, Range 10; bored by John Bicksler in 1902; depth 656 feet; first water at 165 feet, stood at 7 feet; second water, at 375 feet, overflowed; third water, at 600 feet, flows 300 gallons per minute; tem- perature, 72. Mr. Bicksler thinks that the flow has increased to 400 gal- lons in two years. Record of well at Elkdale Park, Selma. Feet. Clay 18 (?) 18 34 Soapstone 34 55 Greensand 55 83 Blue rock 83 165 Sand (water rising to 7 feet) 165 170 Soapstone 170 195 Blue marl 195 202 Marl 202 375 Gravel and sand (overflow) 375 384 Rock 384 386 Sand 386 395 Red marl 395 420 (?) 420 600 Sand and water 600 656 198 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Andrew Gill, of Selma, is authority for the following: On his place two blocks west of the ice factory, is' a well bored in 1885, which ordinarily flowed 10 to 15 gallons per minute, but when the ice-factory well was bored the flow was weakened. A pump is used in the ice-factory well and when this is in opera- tion the Gill well ceases flowing entirely. The same is true of two other wells in the vicinity, one owned by Mr. Schweizer and another by Eugene Robbins. Mr. Schweizer's well is 4 years old, Robbin's well 18 years, and the ice-factory well 18 years. Several years ago Proctor & Gamble bored a well at the cotton-oil mill. At about 450 feet they got an overflow which caused the three wells mentioned above to stop, also C. C. Fer- rill's well, 250 yards southwest of the oil mill, and a well at the Hestell Cotton Mills, one-quarter of a mile west of the oil-mil) well. The wells all stopped entirely until Proctor & Gamble cased against the 45o-foot water, when they began to flow again. When Colonel Abbott had the Elkdale Park well bored, in 1902, several wells' in the vicinity were shut off and the} have never flowed since that time. Well at Summer-field Oil Mills, Selma; bored in 1899; depth, 465 feet; diameter, 6 inches; flow, 100 gallons per minute; cased to blue rock; starts in "rotten limestone" and obtains water from the Eutaw sands or from the Tuscaloosa formation; altitude, 121 feet. Well on Welch plantation, 3 miles northwest of Selma; bored in 1899 by J. I. Hawk; flow, 18 gallons per minute; depth, 424 feet. Blue rock from 18 to 138 feet, balance sand and soapstone. Well at Durands Bend, about 6 mi]es northwest of Benton; in a dilapi- dated condition and forms a kind of spring; flow was probably 10 or 15 gallons per minute; temperature, 70. Andrew Gill's well, 7 miles west of Selma; bored in 1899 to a depth of 365 feet; yield by natural flow, 30 gallons per minute; starts in "rotten limestone" and obtains water from the Eutaw sands. Well owned by Mrs. L. R. Jones, of Selma, 3 miles southwest of Selma, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 34, Township 17, Range 10; estimated flow, SO gallons per minute. Well owned by Mrs. Carroll, of Montevallo, 3 miles west of Selma, in the S. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 26, Township 17, Range 10; flow, 2 gallons per minute; reported to have had much stronger flow until a well was bored one-half mile east. Wells on Hunter place: No: 1, 5 miles southwest of Selma, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 8, Township 16, Range 10; 20.0 yards east of the Southern Railway; flow, 5 gallons per minute; temperature, GS . No. 2, 1 mile north of No. 1, in the N. vV. quarter Section 4, Township 16; Range 10; flow, 5 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. Well on Sanders place, 4 1-2 miles north of Cahaba, 5 miles southwest of Selma, in the N. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 8, Township 1(J, Range 10; flow, 2 gallons per minute; water rises 1 foot above the ground; temperature, 70. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 199 ALONG THE LOUIS VSLLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD. Well at crossing of Cahaba River; depth, 590 feet; diameter, 6 inches; water rises 22 feet above the surface; yield, 80 gallons per minute; temperature, 70; reported in 1899. Well at Salt Marsh ("Sugar Bottom"), 1 mile east of Beloit, on South- ern Railway, in fraction B, N. E. ' quarter Section 14, Township 16, Range 9; flow, 20 gallons per minute; water rises 5 feet above the ground; temperature, .- J . Two other wells are recorded on the line of this railroad, but without sufficient notes of exact locality: No. 1, depth, 487 feet; diameter, 6 inches; water rises 28 feet above the surface; flow, 110 gallons per minute; temperature, 68. No. 2, depth, 600 feet; diameter, 6 inches; flow, 80 gallons per minute; water rtees 16 feet above the ground; temperature, 72. ORRVILLE AND VICINITY. Town well, Orrville; bored by a negro in 1900; depth, 635 feet; water stands at 17 feet; first water at 404 feet; second water at 635 feet, stands at 17 feet. Record: Soil, 0-50 feet; blue rock, 50-401 feet; sand rock, with water- worn pebbles, 401-404 feet. Steam pump used and water was not lowered. Ellis & Dunaway's well, Orrville, 300 yards north of town well, in the N. W. quarter Section 2, Township 15, Range 8; bored by John Bicks- ler in 1902; depth, 1088 feet; first water at 545 feet; second water, at 73'J feet, rose 1 foot above the surface; third water not given; fourth water, at 1088 feet, stood at 11 feet. 100,000 gallons per day have been pumped from the well and the level not lowered. Well on J. F. Milhous place, 3 miles west of Orrville, on south side of Louisville and Nashville Railway, in the S. E. quarter Section 32, Township 1G, Range 8; flow, 6 gallons per minute; water rises 2 feet above the surface; temperature, 73. MARTIN'S STATION AND VICINITY, LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD. Louisville and Nashville Railroad well, Martins Station, in the N. W. quarter S. E. quarter Section 31, Township 16, Range 8; bored by Bicksler in 1900; depth, 755 feet; water rises 27 1-2 feet above surface, and keeps railroad tank full; temperature, 76 1-2. A. J. Martin's wells: No. 1, three-fourths mile northwest of Martins Station, in Section 31, Township 16, Range 8; flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute ; v water rises 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 75. No. 2, 1 mile west of Eleanor, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 36, Township 16, Range 7; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water ris s 3 feet above tne sur- face; temperature, 74. Craig Smith's well, 4 1-2 miles west of Martins Station; old well, in decay. E. B. Martin's wells: No. 1, 1 1-2 miles southwest of Martins Station, in the S. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 1, Township 15, Range 7; an old flowing well; flow,' 5 gallons per minute; water rises 4 feet above the ground; temperature, 74. No. 2, one-fourth mile southwest of Martins Station, in the S. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 31, Township 16, Range 8; very weak stream; pump used; temperature, 70. Phil Milhous's old wells: No. 1, 3 miles southwest of Martins Station, 200 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Sec. 2, Township 15, Range 7; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 77. No. 2, one-half mile northwest of No. 1, near center of Sec. 35, Township 16, Range 7; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 7.^. No. 3, flows a very weak stream, no partic- ulars. Mrs. F. M. Hunter's well, 1 1-2 miles south of Martins Station, in Section 7, Township 15, Range 18; old flowing well; yield, 6 gallons per minute. Well on Wilson place (owned by A. J. Martin) 1 mile norta of Mar- tins Station, in the N. W. quarter S. E. quarter Section 30, Township 16, Range 8; flow, 3 1-2 gallons per minute; water rises 5 feet above the surface; temperature, 71 1-2. Dr. J. P. Furniss's old well, 2 miles southwest of Martins Station, in the N. E. quarter Section 11, Township 15, Range 7; now, 5 gallons per minute. NEAR LINES OF SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Wells on Elijah Bell place: No. 1, 1 1-4 miles south of Brown's Station, in the S. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 27, Township 17, Range 7; flow, one-eighth gallon per minute; water r ses 4 feet above surface; temperature, 69. No. 2, one-half mile southeast of No. 1, in the N. W. quarter S. E. quarter Section 27, Township I/, Range 7; flows; no record. A. C. Davidson's well, 1 mile west of Brows Station, in the N. ni. quar- ter N. W. quarter Section 21, Township 17, Kange 7; flow used for ooiler in sawmill; could not be measured. Well on Clark place, near Browns Station, in the N. W. quarter Section 34, Township 17, Range 7: old well; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 70 1-2. Wells on Nelson place: No. 1, 2 miles southwest of Brov/ns Station, in the N. E. quarter Section 29, Township 17, Range 7; flow, 2 gallons per minute; water rises 2 feet above the ground; temperature, 70. No. 2, one- fourth mile west of No. 1; flow, one-half gallon per minute; water rises 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 69. No. 3, one-fourth mile west of No. 1; flow, one-half gallon per minute; water rises 4 feet above the surface; temperature, 69. No. 4, one-fourth mile east of No. 1; flow, 3 gallons per minute. Wells on Turner Bell place, 4 miles southeast of Browns Station: No. 1, in the S. E. quarter S .W. quarter Section 2, Township 16, Range 7; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 4 feet above ground; temperature, 69 No. 2, in the S. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 2, Township li>. Range 7; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 3 feet above the surface: temperature, 70. The following wells near Brown's Station were inaccessible, and no records are available. On the Buck Bell place, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 3, Township 16, Range 7; the Parnell place, in the S. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 35, Town- ship 17, Range 7; the Bland place, in the S. E. quarter Section 26, Township 17, Range 7: the A. C. Coats place, in the N. W. quarter Section 26, Township 17, Range 7. Kendrick Brothers' wells, Massilon: No. 1, at Massilon, in the S. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 20, Township 17, Range 8; bored by Pey- ton Hatch; depth, 280 feet; casing, 45 feet, 4-inch; water stands at -J'i feet; windmill used; first water at 280 feet. No. 2, at Massilon, in the WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 201 S. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 20, Township 17, Range 8; bored in 1901 by Tom Reid; depth, 280 feet; casing, 35 feet, 4-inch; water stands at 45 feet; probably stopped on rock just above second water. No. 3. 300 yards east of No. 1; old well; depth, 280(?) feet; water stands at :!2 feet. No. 4, 700 yards east of No. 1; old well; depth 280(?) feet; water stands at 24 feet. No. 5, 1 1-4 miles east of No. 1, in the S. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 21, Township 17, Range 8; bored by Tom Reid in 1898; depth, 285 feet; water stands at 45 feet. T;O. t>, 2 1-2 miles southeast of No. 1, in the S. W. quarter Section 27, Township 17, Range 8; old flowing well; no record. No. 7, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Sec- tion 20, Township 17, Range 8; bored in 1901 by Tom Reid; depth, 280 feet; water stands at 45 feet. No. 8, 1 1-2 miles northwest of No. 1; old flowing well; no record. No. 9, 1 3-i miles northwest from No. 1; old flowing well; no record. Wells on Jones estate, 1 1-2 miles southwest of Massilon; 4 old wells, now in decay; pumps used. W. H. Kendrick's wells, 3 miles southwest of Massilon: No. 1, in the S. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 31, Township 17, Range 8, on top of hill; water stands at 32 feet. No. 2, in the S. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 31, Township 17, Range 8, at foot of hill, 100 yards north- west of No. 1 and 35 feet lower; flows very weak stream. No. 3, S. JU. quarter N. W. quarter Section 31, Township 17, Range 8, 150 yards east of No. 1; water stands at 20 feet. Well on S. W. John's place, 1 mile west of Massilon, in the N. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 19, Township 17, Range 8; old well; flowing 5 gal- lons per minute; temperature, 74 C. O. Jones's well, near Massilon. in the S. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 30, Township 17, Range 8; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises to 1 foot above the ground; temperature 70. Wells on Mrs. King's place, near Massilon: No. 1, 1 1-4 miles west of Massilon, in the S. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 19, Township 17. Range 8; flow, 1 1-2 gallons per minute; water rises > feet above surface; temperature, 72. No. 2, 2 miles west of Massilon, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 25, Township 17, Range 7; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 69. No. 3, three- fourths mile west of No. 1, in the S. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 30, Township 17.. Range 8; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 2 feet ai.ove the surface; temperature, 69. No. 4, at house, in the S. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 19, Township 17, Range 8; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 69. No. 5, at house, in the S. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 19, Township 37, Range 8; flow. 1 galon per minute. Mrs. E. W. Fort's well, 1 mile north of Marion Junction, in the N. E. quarter Section 14, Township 17, Range 8; depth, 900 feet; water stands at 1> feet. Mitchell we.,, owned by H. P. Randall, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quar- ter Section 22, Township 17, Range 8; estimated flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 71. Well on Harrell place, 2 1-2 miles southwest, from Marion Junction; in the N. W. quarter Section 27, Township 17, Range 8; owned by Ken- drick Brothers, of Massilon; flow, 1-2 gallon per minute; temperature, 68. This well is located somewhat lower than the Mitchell well. Pegues well, 3 miles south of west of Marion Junction, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 29, Tovrnship 17, Range 8; flow has de- creased and water stands at surface. Rascoe well, 3 1-2 miles southwest of Marion Junction, in Section k,8, Township 17, Range 8; owned by M. 1"\ Smith, of Marion Junction: flow 1 gallon per minute; water rises 2 feet above surface; temperature, 69. 202 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Well on Overstreet place, 4 miles southwest from Marion Junction, in Section 33, Township 17, Range 8; old well; flow ,2 gallons per minute; water rises -2 feet above ground; temperature, 70. Wells on Ullman place, owned by Mudhall Smith: No. 1, 4 1-2 milo? southwest of Marion Junction; flow, 2 gallons per minute; water rises 2 feet above surface; temperature, 70. No. 2, on old mill site, one-hall mile east of No. 1, south of railroad; flow, 1 gallon per minute; watef rises 2 feet above surface; temperature, 69. No. 3, no record; does nox flow. All old wells. Will Moore's old wells: No. 1, 4 miles west of south of Marion Junc- tion; flow, 4 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above surface; tem- perature, 68 . No. 2, one-fourth miles east of No. 1; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 2 feet above surface; temperature, 69. Nos. 3 and -1; no record. Dave Taylor's well, 5 1-2 miles south of Marion Junction; no record. Henry Stubbs's well, 5 miles southeast of Marion Junction, in Section 33, Township 17, Range 9; bored in 1898 by Fat Gilmer; depth, 260 feet; water stands at 7 1-2 feet. Record: Soil, 0-8 feet; blue rock, 8-240 feet; rock, 240-242 feet; sand, 242-260 feet. Stopped in first water. Well on Crenshaw place, 5 miles south of Marion Junction, owned by Dr. Jones, of Selma; bored in 1904 by Gus. Somers; no record. Eulow well, 4 miles southwest of Marion Junction, in the N. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 3, Township 16, Range 8; owned by J. W. Wallace, of Birmingham; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 2 feet above the surface; temperature, 68. Well on Woodruff place, 3 miles southwest of Marion Junction, Section 34, Township 17, Range 8; owned by Mrs. S. E. Woodruff of Selma; old well; flow, 2 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above surface; tem- perature, 68. Well on Bean place, 2 miles west of south of Marion Junction, in the S. W. quarter Section 26, Township 17, Range 8; owned by Dr. A. W. Jones, of Selma; flow, 2 gallons per minute; water rises 2 feet above ground; temperature, 69. Well of Tom Harrell (colored), 2 miles southwest of Marion Junction, in the N. E. quarter Section 27, Township 17, Range 8; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 3 feet above ground; temperature, 68 1-2. Mrs. L. G. Fort's wed, at station, Marion Junction; bored about 1890; depth, 250 feet; diameter, 3 inches; water stands at 40 feet; pump used. The other wells at Marion Junction having the same record as Mrs. Fort's, are those of H. P. Randall, M. F. Smith, ri. A. Brice, Dr. J. ,M. McDonald, C. E. Fort, J. B. Moore, Mrs. M. F. Fort, P. B. Harrell, and Pat Gilmore Sam Bryce's wells: No. 1, 3 miles northeast of Marion Junction, on north side of Marion Junction and Selma road, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 7, Township 17, Range 9; old well; flow, 1 gallon per min- ute; temperature, 69. No. 2, in the N. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 7, Township 17, Range 9; old well; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above surface; temperature, 68 1-2. Pennell wells, both old; No. 1 does not flow; No. 2 flows 3 gallons per minute; temperature, 70. Reuben Tubbs's well, on Harrell place, 3 1-2 miles northeast of Marion Junction, in the N. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 17, Township 17, Range 9; bored in 1860; depth, 250(?) feet; flow, 3 1-2 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above ground; temperature, 69 1-2. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 203 W. A. Cochrane's well, one-fourth mile east of J.' Chisholm's well No. 2; old well; flow, one-half gallon per minute; water rises 3 reet above surface; temperature, 66. In addition to the above there are in this neighborhood (north and northeast of Marion Junction) several wells which do not flow, on places belonging to S. H. White, on the Ward tract, and on the McCreary plact-. It may be remarked here that some of the wells credited to Perry County may be in Dallas, as they are close to the County line. Wells on Johnson place: No. 1, 1 3-4 miles southeast of Harrell's, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 20, Township 17, Range 9; owned by J. W. Wallace of Birmingham; flow, 8 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 69. No. 2, 300 yards east of No. 1, estimated flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. Well on Moore place, 4 miles southeast of Harrell's in the N. W. quar- ter S. E. quarter Section 28, Township 17, Range 9; owned by E. L. Moore, of Marion Junction; old well; estimated flow, 15 gallons per minute; water rises 10 feet above the surface; temperature, 69 1-2. Well on Wade place (W. A. Cochrane estate), 3 miles southeast of Harrell's, in the S. W. quarter S. E. quarter Section 29, Township 17, Range 9; in a ravine 8 feet deep; old well; flow, 3 gallons per minute; temperature, 66 1-2. Wells on Gill place: No. 1, 5 miles southeast of Harrell's, in the S. E. half S. E. quarter Section 3, Township 16, Range 9; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 3 feet above the surface; temperature 68. No. 2, 50 yards north of No. 1, and on hillside 30 feet higher; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 68. No. 3, in the S. E. quarter N. E. quarter Sec- tion 10, Township 16, Range 9; flow, 5 gallons per minute; water rises 2 feet above the surface, 70. All old wells. Well on Phil Milhous place, 1 mile a little east of south from Gill well No. 1, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 11, Township 16, Range 9; old well; estimated flow, 10 gallons per minute; water rises 6 feet above the surface; temperature, 68. Town well, Eleanor, S. W. quarter S. W. quarter Section 19, Township 16, Range 8; bored by A. A. Simms in 1895; depth, 510 feet; casing, 3 1-2- inch; first water at 510 feet overflowed 1 1-2 feet above surface; original flow. 1 gallon per minute, 1 foot, above surface; no longer flows. P. Walter Milhous's wells: No. 1, three-fourths mile west of Eleanor, in the S. half N. W. quarter Section 24, Township 16, Range 7; bored in 1870; depth, 610 feet; diameter, 4 inches; flow, one-sixth gallon per min- ute; water rises 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 70 1-2. No. 2, 1 1-4 miles northwest of Eleanor, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Sec- tion 24, Township 16, Range 7; bored about 1880; depth, 450 feet; diameter 4 inches; flow, one-half gallon per minute; water rises 3 feet above sur- face; temperature, 70. No. 2 well is about 25 feet higher than No. 1. J. N. Walker's well, one-fourth mile east of Eleanor, in the S. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 19, Township 16, Range 8; old well; depth, 525 feet; casing, 4-inch; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 1 foot above sur- face; temperature, 69. vv^ell on Josh Hurt place in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 5, Township 16, Range 8; flow, one-fourth gallon per minute; tempera- ture, 72. Wells on Chambers place: No. 1, in the S. &. quarter N. W. quarter Section 8, Township 16, Range 8; flow, 4 gallons per minute; temperature, 70. Nos. 2 and 3 are near No. 1 and ceased flowing a number of years ago. All are old wells. 204 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Well on King place, S. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section. 18, Township 16, Range 7; owned by Mr. Potter; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 73. Well on Roscoe place; old well: flows very weak stream, no record avail- able. Well on Hempshaw place, 1 1-2 miles west of Boguechitto; flow ? gallons per minute; water rises 4 feet above ground; temperature, 71. Wells on Moss Grove place, 4 miles west of Boguechitto; owned by Col. S. W. John. No. 1, flows, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 70 1-2. No. 2, three-fourths mile west of No. 1; bored by ^r. Potter in 1883; depth, 1000 feet; casing, ,-i-inch; flow, 10 gallons per minute; first water at 52U feet, stand 18 feet; second water at 740 feet, stand 11 feet; third water at 1000 feet, stand 8 feet above surface. Record of well No. 2, on Moss Grove Place, near Bougechitto. Feet. Soil 22 Blue rock 22 518 Rock 518520 Sand and water 520 739 Hard rock 739 740 Sand 740 799 Sand rock 799 1000 No. 3, 1 mile west of No. 1; flow, one half gallon per minute; water rises 2 feet above the ground; temperature, 71. No. 4, I 1-4 mile north- west of No. 1; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 71. No. 5 and are decreasing in flow, in decay. Dr. E. B. Moseley's wells: No. 1, one-fourth mile west of Boguechitto, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 7, Township 16, Range 8; old well; no longer flows. No. 2, 150 yards west of No. 1, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 7, Township 16, Range 8; bored about 1845; flow. 1 gallon per minute; water rises 4 feet above ground; temperature, 71. No. 3, one-fourth mile east of No. 1, in the N. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 17, Township 16, Range 8; bored by a negro in 1893; depth, 740 feet; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 71. Well on William Moore place, 2 1-2 miles northeast of Boguechitto; old well; no longer flows. Well on Strong Johnson place, 1 1-2 miles northeast of Boguechitto: old well; no longer flows. Well on Wilson place, 2 miles west of Boguechitto; flow, 2 gallons per minute; water rises 4 feet above surface; temperature, 71. Well on Carmichacl place, Elias Gray present owner, 3 miles west of Boguechitto; old well; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 3 feet above ground; temperature, 71. W. N. Carson's well, on Old's place, 1 1-2 miles south of Boguechitto; in the W. half N. W. quarter Section 20, Township 16, Range 8; flow, 8 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet" above surface; temperature, 70. E. M. Overstreet's well, 1 1-2 miles north of Boguechitto, in the E. half N. E. quarter Section 5, Township 16, Range 8; flow, 2 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above surface; temperature, 70. W. N. Carson's well, 3 miles southeast of Boguechitto; in the N. LL half N. E. half Section 28, Township 16, Range 8; bored about 1894 by WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 205 negroes; depth, 420 feet; casing, 4-inch; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises 2 feet above surface, temperature, 69. Record: Clay, 0-30 feet; blue rock, 30-400 feet. Mrs. Rainey's well, 1 1-2 miles east of Boguechitto, in the S. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 16, Township 16, Range 8; flow, one-half gallon per minute; water rises 2 feet above surface; temperature, 70. Bill Hatch's well, three-fourths mile southeast of Boguechitto, in the S. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 17, Township 16, Range 8; flow, 4 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above surface; temperature, 70. George Washington's well, one-half mile west of south of Boguechitto, in the N. W. quarter S. E. quarter Section 18, Township 16, Range 8; bored in 1882; depth, over 400 feet; diameter, 4 inches; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 71 1-2. John Moore's well, three-fourth mile south of Boguechitto, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 17, Township 16, Range 8; depth, 475 feet; diameter, 4 inches; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above surface; temperature, 70. Well on Adam Edwards place, cne-half mile south of Boguechitto, in the N. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 18, Township 16, Range X; bored in 1879; depth, 475 feet; diameter, 4 inches; flow, 3 gallons per min- ute; water rises 3 feet above surface; temperature, 70. Record: Clay, 0-14; blue rock, 14-470 feet; sand rock, 470-476 feet; overflows at 476 feet. Well on Sydney Edwards place, three-fourths mile north of east of Boguechitto, in the S. W. quarter Section 9, Township 16, Range 8; flow, 2 gallons per minute; water rises 3 feet above ground; temperature, 69. Wells on Dedman place, 1 mile north of Boguechitto: 'No. 1, in the E. half N. E. quarter Section 5, Township 16, Range 7; flow, one-third gallon per minute; water rises 4 feet above surface; temperature, 70. Nos. 2 and 3 no longer flow. Andrew Ridgeway's well, on Harvey Hurt place, in the N. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 5, Township 16, Range 7; water barely flows. On this place are two other wells; both old and no longer flowing. Wash Smith's well, Boguechitto, in the S. E. quarter S. W. quarter Section 6, Township 16, Range 8; flow, 2 gallons per minute; water rises 4 feet above surface; temperature, 72. . , Ebo Smith's well, three-fourths mile northwest of Boguechitto, in the S. E. quarter N. W. quarter Section 7, Township 16, Range 8; flow, one- fourth gallon per minute; water rises 1 foot above well mouth; tempera- ture, 69. EAST OF ALABAMA RIVER. Well on Watts place, 4 miles west of Sardis; owned by John Stanfieid; flow, 15 gallons per minute; water rises to 4 feet above surface; tempe- rature, 72. Well on Duke place, 4 1-2 miles west of Sardis; owned by W. W. Burns of Selma; flow, 2 gallons per minute; water rises to 4 feet above surface; temperature, 72. Well on Stevenson place, 5 1-2 miles southwest of Sardis; owned by W. J. Stevenson of Berlin; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises to 12 feet above surface; temperature, 74. Wells on Reese place: No. 1, at Kings Landing, in the N. E. quarter S. E. quarter Section 20, Township 15, Range 10; estimated flow, 75 gal- lons per minute; water rises to 7 feet above the surface; temperature, 20o DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. 76. No. 2, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 29, Township 15, Range 10; estimated flow, 30 gallons per minute; water rises to 15 above the ground; temperature, 77. Well on Middle place, 3 miles west of Kings Landing, in the N. K. quarter S. B. quarter Section 23, Township 15, Range 9; owned by Mrs. M. E. Reese, of Berlin; flow, 12 gallons per minute; temperature, 76 1-2. Well on Wood place, 3 1-2 miles southwest of Kings Landing, in the S. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 27, Township 15, range 9; flow, 30 gallons per minute; water rises to 5 feet above the surface; tempera- ture, 76 1-2. Well on Molette place, 3 1-2 miles southwest of Kings Landing, in the N. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 1, Township 14, Range 9; flow, 10 gallons per minute; water rises to 3 feet above surface; temperature, 77 1-2. Well on Milhous place, 2 1-2 miles southwest of Kings Landing, in the S. W. quarter N. E. quarter Section 36, Township 15, Range 9; flow, 10 gallons per minute; water rises to 3 feet above the ground; temperature, 77. Well on Creek place, 2 1-2 miles southeast of Kings Landing; Sec- tion 33, Township 15, Range 10; flow, 40 gallons per minute; water rises to 6 feet above the ground; temperature, 77. LOWNDES COUNTY. SURFACE FEATUEES. The geological structure of Lowndes County is quite similar to that of Dallas County on the one side and Montgomery County on the other, and the conditions of water supply are practically the same. Very few well records, however, have been obtained from Lowndes County. The outcropping Cretaceous rocks are the Selma chalk in the northern part of the County and the Ripley formation in the southern. Both of these are mantled by the pebbles and red loam of, the Lafayette. The interstream areas are high, flat table-lands', covered by the Lafayette deposits, where the best of the freestone water is obtainable from shallow wells and hillside springs. Throughout the northern half of the county the conditions for artesian wells should be favorable, but in the southern halt the borings would necessarily be very deep, since they would have to pierce the entire thickness' of the Selma chalk. The Ripley beds form a belt 5 or 6 miles wide along the southern border of the county. They are composed of cal- careous sands interstratified with limestone ledges. This ar- rangement of the strata produces, in the process of denuda- tion, a very uneven and rugged country. In other counties WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 207 very few wells have been bored in territory formed by tlic Ripley beds, and the writer knows of none in Lowndes County. ARTESIAN RECORDS. The following are the records for the entire county. SCOTT HILL. W. D. McCurdy's well, 4 miles west of Lowndesboro, on a high hill; bored by Bicksler in 1903; water stands at 140 feet; boring ends prob- ably in Tuscaloosa beds. Record of W. D. McCurdy's well, Scott Hill, Feet. Clay 40 Blue rock 40 475 Hard rock 475 477 Sand 477 525 Blue marl 525 575 Rock 575 578 Soft sandstone 578 625 Quicksand 625 680 Blue clay 680 700 LOWNDESBORO STATION. C. M. Smith's well bored by A. Ockenden in 18C9; depth, 700 feet; cased to bottom with 2-inch, 3-inch, 4-inch casing; water stands at 23 feet; 4000 gallons have been pumped out in a day without lowering the level; does not flow; first water at 150 feet, stand 75 feet, salty; second water at 450 feet, stand 75 feet; third water at 700 feet, stand 23 feet; boring probably ends in Tuscaloosa beds. Record of C. M. Smith's well, Lowndesboro Station. Feet. Clay and gravel 15 Blue rock 15 150 Sand 150 155 Clay 155 450 Sand 450 455 Clay and sand 455 700 T. J. Hairston's well, in Section 17 or 18, Township 14, Range 16 E; bored by Ingraham; depth, 562 feet; water stands at 80 feet; raised by Marsh steam pump, delivering 2 1-2 gallons per minute; it is thought that a larger pump would not exhaust or lower the water; water has a decided taste, thought to be of soda. 208 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. HAYNEVII.LE. One well 800 feet deep; water stands at 80 feet; raised by steam pump. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. Montgomery County lies altogether within the limits' of the Cretaceous beds. The Eutaw division, .consisting of yellowish and reddish cross-bedded sands with clay partings, is well exposed in the railroad cuts and along the river bank at Montgomery, and occupies that part of the county east of the city lying between Alabama River on the north and the line of the Central of Georgia Railway on the south. In the lower townships of the county the strata of the Ripley occupy the surface, while all the intermediate area is underlain by the Selma chalk. SHALLOW WATERS. In the Eutaw and Ripley territories the sandy strata serve as water-bearers, and in all three divisions the overlying Lafay- ette sa&ds, pebbles, and loams still remain in places on the di- vides, making level plateaus about 400 feet above tide level. In the Lafayette areas an' abundant supply of good water is obtained from wells and springs. As is the case elsewhere, the Selma chalk, or "rotten limestone," is unfavorable to the existence of good surface waters and consequently the great- est number of artesian wells are found in the area of its out- crop. While the strata of the Tus'caloosa formation do not appear at the surface within the limits of Montgomery County, they outcrop in the bordering counties of Autauga and Elmore, and undoubtedly underlie the Eutaw sands south of Alabama River. ARTESIAN RECORDS. The southern limit of the Selma chalk area in Montgom- ery County is marked by an in facing escarpment, or a range of hills with steep and abrupt northward slopes, but gentle slopes toward the south. This escarpment marks' also the line WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 209 between lands on the north depending for water supply on ar- tesian wells, and those on the south in which the sands hold sufficient water to supply all ordinary needs. No record of any artesian borings south of this' line has been found, and in this respect Montgomery County agrees with all the other counties similarly situated geologically. Of the wells whose records are given below, the following are located on the Eutaw sands and get water either from these or from the underlying Tuscaloosa materials : Well on place formerly owned by M. E. Pratt, at Pratt Ferry; most of the wells' in the city of Montgomery; wells on Martin Baldwin place and Paul Le Grand place, north of Montgomery. The well records from the city of Montgomery have been most carefully kept and give the most information, and they are given first. MONTGOMERY. Within the memory of many now living the old wells in Exchange square and on Commerce street yielded overflowing streams ; but the recent sinking of so many large wells within the city limits has so lowered the water table that neither of these now flows and the same is probably true of all the older small wells. Of the older wells of the city waterworks, the fol- lowing was bored by William D. Chapin : Record, of Chapin well of City Waterworks, Montgomery. Feet. Clay 30 Sand and gravel 60 Sand rock, full of hard nodules 6 Black clay that flakes off like slate on exposure to the air and turns gray 4 So-called marl with streak of clay 80 Sand with water, but not a running sand; more like a very soft sandstone 20 Marl and clay . 100 Sand with water, like second above 15 Marl and clay 80 Coarse sandstone, some water, very soft 25 Hard sandstone, large flow of water, rises about 25 feet above the surface 2 Clay and marl, with a hard streak of lime rock at bottom 90 Lignite 3 Marl in loose pieces, like stones on seashore 60 Clay 5 Very hard lime rock 2 Coarse white sand, with streaks of hard sandstone; large flow of water, say 200 gallons per minute, rises about 40 feet above surface 51 b33 210 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Below this to the bottom of the boring was marl. The marl in this boring is probably a fossiliferous sand with streaks or partings of clay. While the boring undoubtedly reaches the strata of the Tuscaloosa for- mation, it is impossible from the record to say where the transition trom the Eutaw sands to the Tuscaloosa occurs. It is probably some- where between 250 and 300 feet. The books of the city waterworks contain much information concern- ing artesian conditions in Montgomery. Previous to 1899 there were six wells in use, the Cook, Parker's West, South, Northwest, Southwest, and Southeast wells, all bored by the Cook Well Company, of Chicago, ill. Twelve new wells were sunk in 1899. These wells do not flow and airlift is necessary. It is estimated that the daily capacity, when all are con- nected, is 5,000,000 gallons. The average temperature is 68. The record of the Cook and Parker's West wells and some details of the four other older wells are given below. Old Cook well, depth, 837 feet; started with 12-inch casing; flowed 191,998 gallons in twenty-four hours when well was first started. Record of Cook well, Montgomery. Feet. White clay 16 White sand 16 18 Blue marl 18 ^6 Coarse gravel; washing water would not fill well; had to use sand pump 26 5o Coarse gravel 55 85 Blue marl; stopped the 10-inch casing, as it would not drive; substituted 8-inch casing; struck fine gravel and sand 85 139 Blue marl; water stood at 10 feet, sand rock at 145 feet 18 inches; no headway drilling, used rotary process 139 145 Thin blue clay 148 T70 Fine white sand 170 188 Blue clay 188 ^5 Light yellow sand 225 240 Red clay 240 L'55 Blue clay and sand 255 v :58 Red clay 258 280 Yellow sand 280 288 Blue clay 288 297 Sand and clay .' 297 ;-:i2 Clay 312 320 Red and blue clay; water flowed 8 feet above surface 320 345 Clay 345 366 Coarse water-bearing sand 365 3Y3 Lignite in sand, with 1 1-2-inch rock 373 3bO Sand rock and sand, cavity 6 feet 380 38S Water-bearing sands 388 402 Fine sands 402 410 Sand, with ledges of sand rock 410 4'Jl Clay and sand ; some water 421 450 Finer sand, with a little clay 450 4SO Fine sand ; some red, mixed with clay 480 507 Black clay 507 530 Sand 530 540 Black clay, with traces of sand 540 585 Sand and clay : 585 610 Very fine, water-bearing sand ; temperature, 70 610 650 Blue clay, with some yellow 650 720 Blue and red clay 720 837 ~837 WATERS OF THE; CRETACEOUS. 211 Record of Parker's West well, Montgomery. Feet. Sand and gravel ' 89 Clay Clay and sand Fine and coarse sand Sand and blue marl . Clay and sand Red clay and sand 89 109 109 129 129 178 178 185 185 225 225 -J30 Sand ; hole, caved 40 feet ; water overflowed a little 330 395 Sand 395 411 Black clay 471 507 Black clay; with some sand; good stream 507 530 Black clay 530 546 Sand 546 580 Blue clay 580 585 Sand, with very little clay; water to surface at 600 feet 585 621 White sand 621 yi> feet, stood at 120 fee.. Union Springs is on the summit of Cunnennugga Ridge, which, as before stated, is on the contact of the Selma chalk with the Ripley sands and clays. The altitude of the ridg-: here is between 485 and 515 feet, and borings for water are necessarily deep, and with no prospect of flow. The wells which supply the city show that the water stands at 238.5 feet, from which depth it is 1 pumped by air lift. The record is as follows : City waterworks wells, Union Springs; altitude, 519 feet; two well.s, same record for both; bored by D. A. Caylor, and record furnished by him; commenced in 1894, completed in 1895; depth, 848 1-2 feet; cased to the bottom with 8-inch casing; rests on very hard impenetrable rock; water stands at 238 1-2 feet; pumps 140 gallons per minute; temperature, 68, Record of city waterworks wells, Union Springs. Feet. Top soil .,. 16 Marl, with seams of light-gray rock, vary- ing in thickness from 2 to 12 inches occurring every 25 feet 16 848 % WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 229 Analysis of water from city waterworks wells. Union Springs. (Analyst, R. 8. Hodges.) Parts per million. Potassium (K) 6.6 Sodium (Na) 61.4 Magnesium (Mg) Calcium (Ca) 2.5 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 A1 2 O 3 ) .7 Chlorine (Cl) 94 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 31.8 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 124 8 Silica (SiO 2 ) 15.1 252.5 EAST OF UNION SPRINGS. Eastward from Union Springs the Ridge loses its distinctive character, passing gradually into the high dividing line between the Alabama and Chattahoochee drainages. The two records which follow come from this high land. The waters from the wells in this section, in both Macon and Bullock counties, are said to have a strong odor of sulphur. Atlantic Compress Company's well, Suspension; bored by Y. T. Rati- ford in 1903; depth, 700 feet; casing, 4-inch; first water, at 700 feet, stood at 140 feet. This well caved, but another a short distance away gavo 4 1-2 gallons per minute with pump. J. Bank's well, Guerrytown; bored by O. B. Radford in 1904; depth, 6'JU feet; casing, 4-inch; first water, at 5bO feet, stood at 7 feet. As soon as pump is used, water falls to 100 feet. SOUTH OF UNION SPRINGS. South of Union Springs deep beds of sand, either of Lafay- ette or more recent formation, overlie, the Ripley strata, the characteristic red loam and pebble beds of the Lafayette, how- ever, appearing in many localities. This part of the county is consequently well supplied with shallow waters and deep bor- ings are rare. Only the two following records could be ob- tained : J. C. Graham's well, Inverness; bored by Y. T. Radford in 1902; depth, 925 feet; casing, 4-inch; no water. Record: Quicksand, 0-10 feet; marl, 10-300 feet; sand, dry, 300-315 feet; marl, 315-925 feet; stopped in marl. W. S. Deason's well, near Eric; bored by Sessions tn 1903; depth, 106 feet; diameter, 4 inches; first water, at 106 feet, stands at -45 feet. 230 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER DRAINAGE. "BLUE MARL" REGION. STRATIGRAPHIC CHARACTERS. East of Macon County the three upper divisions of the Cretaceous, so easily distinguished to the west, can not be made out with any definiteness. The succession and character of the strata along Chattahoochee River are somewhat as follows : First. A great series of bluish micaceous and clayey sands, with indurated ledges, all more or less fossiliferous ; and mas- sive bluish clays, sometimes with lignitic matter, along Chatta- hoochee River for a distance of 35 or 40 miles', corresponding to a thickness of 1000 feet or more. These beds, or at least the upper half of them, contain shells characteristic of the Rip- ley formation. Second. A series of cross-bedded sands, with clay partings, the latter, when thick, containing many fragments of ligni- tized stems and leaves' and occasionally large logs, also ligni- tized ; dark-colored micaceous sands with indurated ledges in which are fossil oysters ; nearly black, somewhat sandy clays and clayey sands, with many fossils, mainly in the form oi casts'. These beds have a thickness of about 400 feet along the river. The fossils of this series, so far as they have any dis- tinctive characters, seem to be closely related to the specie- occurring in the upper part of the Eutaw sands. Third. The cross-bedded sands mottled clays, gray clays, and other characteristic materials of the Tuscaloosa formation, extending from Broken Arrow Bend, 8 miles below the city up to Columbus, Ga., and perhaps farther. This formation seems to be much thinner in the eastern part of the State than farther west. It will be seen that the Selma chalk as a distinct division, recognizable by its physical characters and its fossils, has given out, strata with Eutaw fossils being directly overlain by strata with fossils characteristic of the Ripley, into which the chalk has apparently merged. In Russell and Barbour counties the Ripley beds, which occupy a large proportion of the surface have the general designation of "blue marl." Along the upper border of Russell County the Tus'caloosa beds are exposed about Columbus, Ga.. and Girard and on tht river bluffs from Columbus down to Broken Arrow Bend, where WATERS OF THE: CRETACEOUS. 231 the dark-gray calcareous sands with fossils of the lowermost Eutaw are encountered. The other strata of the Eutaw, con- sisting of clayey sands, laminated dark-gray clays', and yellow and white sands, are exposed alorg the river bluffs from Bro- ken Arrow Bend to the mouth of Ihagee Creek. From Ihagee Creek down to Otho, below Eufaula, the river banks show the succession of the Cretaceous beds, which are extremely uniform in lithologic character and which contain throughout the characteristic fossils of the Ripley group, often in the finest state of preservation and of such fresh appearance as to suggest, at least, that they are of Tertiary age. These, beds, known throughout this part of the State as ''blue marl", consist of bluish or gray calcareous effervescent sands, gener- ally containing either shell fragments or entire shells, scales of mica, grains of glauconite, bits of lignitic matter, etc. The sands show variations in the proportion of clay, mica, and lig- nitic matter, and also in the color, which shades out to yellow where much weathered and merges into brown where the pro- portion of iron is considerable and the material is not too much exposed and dried out. Some s'hade of blue or dark gray is in the main, characteristic of the whole series below the level of ground water, and this justifies the name of blue marl, if the word marl be used to designate beds of almost any ma- terial containing shells or fragments of shells. The bluish s'andy beds alternate at frequent intervals with indurated ledges of similar materials compacted into rather hard rocks by a cal- careous cement. Such ledges usually contain large numbers of the shells of the various oysters characteristic of the Creta- ceous, such as Hxogyra, Gryphaea, Anoniia, Ostrea in several species. From this account it would seem that the Eutaw and Ripley beds in this section afford fairly good conditions for artesiat; water and the records which have been obtained appear to in- dicate that both formations do yield such water; flowing wells are, however, rare. Russell and Barbour are the two typical "blue-marl" counties, but many of the characteristics of this region are observed in the Cretaceous 1 formations of Pike County and of the southern part of Bullock County, and the artesian conditions of these sections are practically the same as those described in Russell and Barbour. 232 DETAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. COUNTY DETAILS. RUH8ELL COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The topography of Russell County does not offer any very marked peculiarities. As usual, many of the high divides are capped with the L,afayette mantle of red loam arid pebble? - making level plains in which an abundance of good water can always be had from wells and springs. In the blue marl region, where the Cretaceous beds are not covered by this mantle of Lafayette, water may generally be had in wells varying in depth from 30 feet in the lowlands to 50 or 60 feet in the up- lands. If it is not obtained at that depth, it will not be found by penetrating into the blue marl. Some of these wells go dry in summer, and especially was this the case in 1897. The records given below are instructive. It is to be remarked that the water in these borings stands at a higher level than is generally the case. In most of the State the water does not overflow when the altitude of the well is much above 225 feet, and not always at lower elevations. At Hurtsboro, with an altitude of 346 feet, the water stands within a few feet of the surface (8 or less), as it does also at Hatchechubbee, with an altitude of 311 feet. ARTESIAN RECORDS. KAOLIN STATION. Two wells, bored by the City of Columbus, Ga., une mile south of the City, near Kaolin Station on Central of Georgia railway. No. i drilled by L. B. Clay, of Bartow, Ga., Depth 286 feet diameter not known ; water rises 12 to 15 feet above the ground. Record Clay, etc., 0-5 feet; sand and gravel, 5-33 feet; decom- posed sand rock, gravel and chalk, 33-53 feet; hard chalk, marl and soft rock, 53-113 feet; water bearing strata, 113-116 feet; marl, 116-146 feet; water bearing strata, 146-153 feet; marl and rock, 153-173 feet; artesian water strata, 173-185 feet; red clay, blue marl and soft sand rock, 185-235 feet; hard rock. 235-238 feet; water sand, or honey comb water bearing rock. WATERS OF THK CRETACEOUS. 233 238-245 feet; flint rock, very hard, 245-246 feet; alternating thin layers of marl rock and water bearing strata, 246-281 feet ; granite rock, very hard 281-286 feet. No. 2. Drilled by Perry Andrews of Atlanta, Ga., Depth about 280 feet; diameter 12 inches; estimated flow 5,000 gal- lons a day without pumping, estimated yield by air lift 120,000 gallons a day. Water rises 12 to 15 feet above the surface In both these wells' the underlying granite was reached and the boring discontinued at about 280 feet depth. Public well, Hurtsboro; altitude, 346 feet; bored in 1898 by Morrison and Wicker; top soil, 15 feet; sand and ma*rl. 110 feet; two ledges of shell rock in the marl, 2 feet; compact sand and shell rock every 3 or 4 feet down to 4CO feet; water-bearing- sand with some red clay at bottom; total depth, 530 reet; casing, 50 feet. 4-inch; water stands at -9 feet; tempera- ture 68. W. H. Bank's well. Hurtsboro; depth. 526 feet; water stands at -8 feet; temperature, 66. Record: Top to blue marl, 68 feet; marl, 125-200 feet thick, with about 20 ledges of shell rock, very hard; compact white sand between the ledges of shell rock; hard red clay under the marl; then water-bearing sand. J. P. Crawford's well, Hurtsboro; bored in 1898; depth, 302 feet; casing, 102 feet, 2%-inch; water stands at -2~y 2 feet; pump easily exhausts flow; flows freely after five minutes; water colors vessels. Record of J. P. Crate ford' a ircll, Ilurtxboro. Feet. Ijime rock - 12 Shell rock 12 13% Gray and red sands 13% 85 Marl 85 - 107 Gray flint rock 107 108 Hard marl 108 - 138 Rock 138 139 Marl 139 -185 Rock 185 -187 Marl 187 200 Gray sand 200 215 Hard rock (water rose to -4% feet) 215 217 Sand and mica 217 243% Rock 243% 244 Compact sand , .244 246 Sand and mica 246 263 Sand and lignite 263 278 Water-bearing sands 2 f i& 302 Eton Tucker's well, Hurtsboro, one-fourth mile northeast of Craw- ford well; bored by Mr. Tucker in 1902; depth. 560 feet; water stands at -24 feet; record same as other Hurtsboro wells. 234 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. HATCHECHUBBEE AND VICINITY. C. E. Ingram's well, Hatchechubbee; altitude, 311 feet; depth, 400 feet Water stands at surface; casing, 20 feet, 3-inch. Record of C. E. Ingrain's well, Hatchechubbee. Feet. Top Soil 20 Marl 20 100 Coarse sand, with shell rock 100 140 Hard greenish marl 1-0 200 Sand and shell rock 200 300 Pink marl 300 350 Red clay (bottom sand) .. .350 400 The wells of L. C. Cooper, F. P. Haddock, J. M. DeLacy,' and A. B. Walker, in Hatchechubbee, were all put down at the same time; all are close together and the records are the same as that 1 of the Ingram well. McMicken well, 3 miles south of Hatchechubbee; bored by W. M. Mor- rison in 1898; water stands at -50 feet; casing, 20 feet, 3-inch; top to marl, 12 feet; marl 130 feet thick; thin ledge of shell rock. Jim Perry's well, 8 miles south of Hatchechubbee; record same as that of McMicken well. SEALE AND VICINITY. Court-house well, Seale; bored in 1898 by Wicker & Morrison; depth, 170 feet; water stands at -30 feet; casing, 120 feet, 3-inch; 90 feet through clay, coarse gravel, and coarse sand with small black grains; this sand alternates with shell rock from 6 inches to 2 feet in thickness; log at 40 feet. J. S. Brannon's well. 2 l / 2 miles north of Seale; depth, 400 feet; water rises to -75 efet; casing, entire depth. 4-inch. OSWICHEE. W. J. McLendon's well, near Chattahoochee River; depth, 465 feet. Rec- ord: Sand and clay, 20 feet; marl with shell, 65 feet; beds of sand and marl, 15 to 25 feet thick, alternating, to 380 feet; hard rock, 2 feet; sand to 445 feet. Water at this point flowed 12 gallons per minute, but has de creased to 4 gallons. Well lowered 20 feet into sand to hard rock* WATERS OF THE; CRETACEOUS. 235 Analysis of water from W J. MvLendon's well, Oswichee. (Analyst. R. 8. Hudyes.) Parts per million. Potassium (K) 1.8 Sodium (Na) 23.9 Magnesium (Mg) .7 Calcium (Ca) 11.5 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 2.0 Chlorine (Cl) 1.7 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 6.4 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 93.5 Silica (SiOo) 36.8 178.3 Of the wells described above, those at Oswichee and Scale undoubtedly go into the Eutaw formation, since these two places are close to the contact of the two formations. The wells at Hatchechubbee also penetrate into the Eutaw, but the two south of Hatchechubbee barely reach it. The deepest of the Hurtsboro wells may go down to the Eutaw, but the shallower ones' hardly do so. The wells along the Seabord Air Line, described below, are farther from the contact of the Eutaw and Ripley, and as they are relatively shallow they do not pass out of the Ripley sands or marls, RUTHERFORD AND VICINITY. R. P. Tallman's well, Rutherford, 10 miles southeast of Hurtsboro; bored by W. E. Wicker in April. 1898; depth, 164 feet; casing, 22 feet, 3-inch; flow, 18 gallons per minute; piped into residence; temperature, 68. Rec- ord: Top to marl, 22 feet; marl with ledges of shell rock, 100 2eet. Later information is that the water here has ceased to flow and that other wells in the vicinity of Rutherford and Hurtsboro either no longer flow or have much weaker streams than when first bored. H. M. Rutherford's well, Rutherford; depth, 135 feet; casing, 20 feet, 3-inch; flowed 6 gallons per minute for two years, stands now at surface; temperature, 68. Record: Top soil, 18 feet; marl, about 100 feet; bal- ance sand and water. Mr. W. M. Morrison bored two more wells for Mr. Rutherford in 1901 and furnishes the following details: No. 1, at residence; depth, about 180 feet; water stands at -1 foot. Record: Clay and sand, 20 feet; blue marl. 130 feet; hard shell rock, 6 inches; water-bearing sand, 30-40. feet; hard blue rock, 4 feet; sand to bottom. No. 2, at store, near railroad; same depth and record as No. 1; flow, 1% gallons per minute. G. L. Hardin's wells, Rutherford: No. 1, "brick-yard well," three- fourths mile south of Rutherford; bored by Mr. Hardin in 1902; depth, 105 feet; casing, 3-inch; first water, at 90 feet, stood at 6 feet above the sur- 236 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. face; flow, weak; present flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises to 3 feet above the surface; temperature. 66. Record: Soil. 0-15 feet, at 60 feet, 18 inches of soft shell rock; sand, 90-105 feet. No. 2, "ginnery well," one-half mile east of Rutherford; bored by Mr. Hardin in 1899; depth. 140 feet; casing, 3-inch; first water, at 120 feet, stood at 18 feet above the surface; flow. 3 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. No. 3, three- fourths mile west of Rutherford; bored by Mr. Hardin in 1901; depth, 130 feet; casing, 3-inch; first water at 115 feet, stood at 1 foot above the sur- face; flow 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. Record same as oth- ers. N. W. E. Long's well, 1 mile northeast of Rutherford; depth, 120 feet; water stood at -4 feet; increased to small flow; gravel, marl, and sand. Well on Hatcher plantation, 1% miles northwest of Rutherford; depth, 160 feet; flow, 5 gallons per minute; cased to marl with 3-inch casing. T. L. McDonald's well, 2 miles northwest of Rutherford; bored by G. L. Hardin in 1900; depth, 260 feet; first water stands at. -60 feet. Well on plantation of S. T. Margaret, 2 miles south of Rutherford; bored by W. M. Morrison in 1901; flow, 1 gallon per minute. Record: Clay and sand. 15 feet; blue marl to 130 feet; gray sand and water to 175 feet. Gus Battle's well, 2 miles south of Rutherford, on high red hill; boreri by W. L. Morrison in 1901; water stands at -40 feet. Record: Clay and sand, 70 feet; blue marl to 210 feet; water-bearing sand, 30 feet. Upshaw Brothers' well, S 1 /^ miles southeast of Rutherford; bored by Geo. Thompson in 1901; depth, 150 feet (?); flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises to 2 feet above the surface; temperature, 67. Mr. Thompson also bored two wells at Persons Crossing, 3 or 4 miles east of Rutherford, about which no reliable information could be ob- tained. One is owned by J. W. Upshaw and the other by T. L. Mitchell. PITTSHORO AND VICINITY. Well at store of J. W. Upshaw, near Hooks Station. 8 miles west of Pittsboro; bored by Wicker in 1898; depth, 325 feet; water used is from strata at 122 feet; water rises to -35 feet; unlimited supply; colors ves- sels; , casing, 20 feet, 3-inch. Record: Top soil, 0-20 feet; marl with ledges of shell rock, 20-120 feet; sand and water, 120-122 feet; marl, 122- 325 feet. Well on L. C. Lamb's plantation, 8 miles west of Pittsboro; bored in May, 1898; depth, 129 feet; casing, 24 feet. 3-inch; flow. 10 gallons per minute; temperature, 67; colors vessels. Record: Top soil, 0-20 feet; marl, 20-128 feet; shell rock, sand underneath, 128-129 feet. Well at R. B. Adams's plantation, S 1 ^ miles northwest of Pittsboro; bored by Wicker in 1898; casing, 20 feet 4-inch; water rises to -50 feet; very hard; pumps free, supply inexhaustible. Record: Top to marl. 18 feet; water and sand; 97 feet; does not go below the marl. Well at L. C. Lamb's residence, 3% miles northwest of PittSk,orjo; bored by Wicker in 1898; casing, 20 feet, 4-inch. Record: Top to marl, 18 feet; bored to 97 feet to sand and water, marl underneath. Public well, Pittsboro; bored by W. E. Wicker in 1898; casing, 26 feet, 3-inch; flow, three-fourths gallons per minute; temperature, 72; tastes of sulphur and colors vessels with iron; stated to be good for stomach troubles. Record: Surface to marl, 24 feet; marl, with two layers of hard shell rock, 193 feet; quicksand, 2 feet, with hard rock at bottom. The analysis of the water from this well by Mr. Hodges, is as follows: WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 237 Analysis of water from public well, Pittsboro. Potassium (K) Parts per million. 1 5 Sodium (Na) 59 1 Magnesium (Mg) 8 Calcium (Ca) 9 Iron and alumina (FegOa AljjOs).... 9 Chlorine (Cl) 61.3 Sulphuric acid (804) 1 6 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) Silica (SiOg) 82.6 41 257.! Well at J. W. Caldwell's gin, Pittsboro; depth, 445 feet; casing, 26 feet, 3-inch; original flow, one-half gallon per minute; present flow, 1 quart per minute; temperature, 72; colors vessels. Record of J. W. Cahlir ell's icelL Pittsboro. Feet. Top soil - 18 Marl 18 78 Shell rock 78 - 78% Marl, sand and water (1 gallon in 8 minutes). 78% 225 Marl, sand and water '(% gallon per minute). 225 265 Marl (hard rock at bottom) 265 445 F. P. Pitts's well, at residence, Pittsboro; depth, 217 feet; temperature, 5 . Record of F. P. Pitt's well. Pittsboro. Feet. Top Soil 20 Marl 20 60 Soft shell rock 60 61 Marl 61 75 Sand 75 80 Hart flint rock 80 82 Marl (water and sand, 1 quart in 12 minutes).. 82 165 Marl 165 185 Marl (flow increased to 32 gallons per minute, drill lost) 185 217 OLE1MV1LLE AND VICINITY. Comer-Bishop Company's well, on Cowikee Creek, near Glenville; bored by Morrison in 1899; depth, 514 feet; water stands at -9 feet. Record: Clay, 0-8 feet; coarse gravel, 8-18 feet; marl, shell rock, 4 inches thick, 18-294 feet; water-bearing sands, 294-514 feet. 238 DETAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Wells on on Capt. E. C. Perry's plantation, near Glenville: No. 1, depth, 164% feet; casing, 22 feet, 3-inch; water rises to 25 feet above the surface; flow, 100 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. Record of E. C. Perry's well, No. 1, near Glenville. Feet. Top soil - 15 Quicksand 15 17 Marl 17 1GO Shell rock 160 160% Water-bearing sands 160% 164% Analysis of icater from E. C. Perry's well No. 1, near Glenville. (Analyst, R. 8. Hodges.) Parts per million. Potassium (K) 8.6 Sodium (Na) 87.2 Magnesium (Mg) 1.5 Calcium (Ca) 36.5 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 1.8 Chlorine (Cl) 73.5 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 175.9 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 )...- 12.8 Silica (SiO 2 ) 19.4 417.2 No. 2, one-half mile from No. 1; bored by Geo. Thompson in 1899; depth, 175 feet; flow, 60 gallons per minute; temperature, 67. Record same as No. 1. Wells on Hatcher's plantation, on Chattahoochee River; 4 or 5 flowing- wells are reported here, but no records were obtainable. BARB OUR COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The area of Barbour County is about equally divided between the Ripley division of the Cretaceous on the north and the lower divisions of the Tertiary on the south. Some details have already been given under Russell County, of the Ripley strata as exhibited in the eastern counties of this section. These beds consist in the main of bluish or grayish sands, with scales of mica, grains of greensand, and very gen- erally fragments and decomposed masses' of marine shells. WATERS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 239 The presence of calcareous material in the sands has caused the name marl to be applied to- them and to the formation as a whole throughout this part of the State. Besides the sandv marl, thick beds of somewhat massive clay are not uncommon in some parts of the county, where they form the basis of a certain class of soils known as the "hog wallow" prairie. South of the latitude of Clayton the Tertiary strata' lap over those of the Cretaceous and determine in great measure the character of the soils and of the topography. The contact of Cretaceous and Tertiary in many parts of this county is' marked by a well-defined ridge similar to the Chunnennugga Ridge of Bullock County, though differing in the geologic formations in- volved. In its upper part this ridge, which may be called the Clay- ton Ridge, is made by the Clayton limestone, with a double capping consisting of beds of the Grand Gulf massive and laminated clays and sands, and the usual red loam, sands, and pebble beds of the Lafayette. The northward- facing slope of Clayton Ridge is steep and well marked, while the southward slope, being structural, is gentle and scarcely to be distinguished from a level plain. On the summit of the ridge is the town of Clayton, to the north of which lie the calcareous lands of the "blue marl" region, while to the south the surface is .generally sandy, partly from the materials afforded by the Tertiary strata and partly from the overlying Grand Gulf and Lafayette deposits'. The presence beneath the surface of limestone of the Clay- ton and Nanafalia horizon is shown for many miles south of its outcrop by the bold springs of blue, limestone water which break out in places in the lower part of the county. The be^t known of these is the Blue Spring, a place of resort for people from all parts of the county. This 1 spring breaks out in the bottom of Choctawhatchee River and occupies a nearly circular area about 25 feet in diameter. The water is clear and blue like that of the Big Springs of Florida, but of considerably lower temperature. In both Cretaceous and Tertiary terranes the divides are often high, level plains capped with the materials of the La- fayette. As a matter of course surface waters in such regions are abundant and of good quality. In the Tertiarv formations 240 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. also there seems' to be no lack of water supply from ordinary wells and springs. In the northern half of the county, on the other hand, where the Lafayette sands are not present and the water must be ob- tained from the blue marl strata, the supply is deficient and ar- tesian borings are necessary. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. The few available records of the bored wells of Barbour show that the. borings have not gone deeper than the Riple> strata, except possibly in the case of the Eufaula Oil and Gin Company's well which may have reached the Eutaw sands. It may be remarked again in this connection that along Chatta- hoochee River below Columbus', the whole Cretaceous series above the Tuscaloosa, shows a great uniformity of material, so that it is not easy to distinguish between the Eutaw and the Ripley where there are no fossils available. EUFAULA AND VICINITY. At Eufaula the altitude of the well from which the city supply is derived is no feet below that, of the railroad track at the depot, or 90 feet above mean tide ; that of the Oil and Gin Company's well is about the same as that of the depot-2OO feet above tide ; and that of the well at Moulthrop's brick yard is probably intermediate between the two. At the two lower wells the water overflows, but not at the other. In all these the supply s'eems to be inadequate. City Water Company's well, Eufaula, under the bluff on the west bank of Chattahoochee River, 110 feet below the city; casing. 4-inch; flow, 5 3-4 gallons per minute; hydraulic ram used; temperature, 68. Boring is in marl to water-bearing sands at 4CO feet; several layers of soft rock; hard rock below the water-bearing sand. Eufaula Oil and Gin Company's well, Eufaula; bored in 1895; depth, 950 feet; water at first stood at -2(5 feet; now stands at -50 feet; cased at 300 feet, 4-inch and 6-inch; supply insufficient; well abandoned. \\ATKRS OF THE CRETACEOUS. 241 Record of Eufaula Oil and din Company's well, Eufaula. Feet. Top soil and sand 30 Marl 30 380 Soft sandstone 380 381 Cavity with a little water 381 389 Marl, water below in very fine sand 389 950 Well at Moulthrop's brick yard, 1 mile southeast of JtJufaula; bored in April, 1900. by Eugene Thompson; depth, 350 feet; casing, 20 feet, 4-inch; flow, 5 gallons per minute. Record: Top soil, 0-20; marl water, 20-350. The water bearing bed in this well is a sharp gray sand of fine grain, used by engineers for grinding valves. The boring went 15 feet deeper than this sand and struck a hard rock which was not pierced. The marl contains a great many shells, and in it at intervals of about 30 feet occur indurated crusts. The following analysis of the water from this well was made by the Pratt Laboratory, of Atlanta, Ga. Analysis of water from Moulthrop's well, Eufaula.* Parts per million. Sodium (Na) 136.92 Potassium (K) 3.05 Calcium (Ca) 3.49 Magnesium (Mg) .79 Chlorine (Cl) 13.68 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 5.25 Carbonic acid (CO 8 ) 172.83 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 1.88 Silica (SiO 2 ) 15.92 Organic and volatile matter 33.02 *Expressed by analyst in grains per gallon and hpothetical combi- nations ; recomputed to ionic form and parts per million at U. S. Geological Survey. Comer-Bishop Company's well, on Jennings Fryer place, 6 miles north of Clayton; bored by W. L. Morrison; record furnished by him; depth, 277 feet; water stands at 80 feet. Record: Top soil, 0-30 feet; marl, 30-1'^0 feet; sand with layers of very hard rock, from 4 inches to 4 feet thick, 120-277 feet. The analysis of this water, by Mr. Hodges, is as follows: 242 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Analysis of water from Comer-Bishop Company's well, near Clayton. ' Parts per million. Potassium (K) 3.3 Sodium (Na) ' 77.8 Mag-nesium (Mg) 4.3 Calcium (Ca) 14.9 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 7.0 Chlorine (Cl) 17.5 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 27.6 Carbonic acid (HCO 8 ) 212.7 Silica (SiO 2 ) 28.1. 393.2 HARRIS AND VICINITY. B. B. Comer's well, Harris; bored by W. L. Morrison in 1899; record furnished by him; depth, 780 1-2 feet. Record of B. B. Comer's well, Harris. Feet. Clay 4 Coarse sand 4 20 Blue marl 20 120 Shell rock 120 120% Sand 120% 130 Soft rock 130 133 White sand with plenty of water containing white sediment; not good; cased off 133 153 Soft shell rock and hard marly sand 153 220 Blue marl 220 550 Hard blue sand 550 6GO Marly sand and shell rock alternating; no more water (500 780 C. H. Bishop's well, Harris; bored in September 1899, by W. L. Morrison; record furnished by him; depth, 183 feet; water rises to 10 feet; pump put down to 120 feet; yield, 6 gallons per minute by pump. Record of C. H. Bishop's well, Harris. Feet. Clay and sand 13 Marl 13 103 Hard shell rock 103 105 Marl 105 110 Shell rock 110 112 Water-bearing- sands 112 115 Shell rock and marl alternating 115 140 Compact marl 140 183 WATERS OJ? THE CRETACEOUS. 243 The analysis by Mr. Hodges shows this water to have the following composition : Analysis of water from C. H. Bishop's well, Harris. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 3.8 Sodium (Na) 85.3 Magnesium (Mg> 5.1 Calcium (Ca) 9.3 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 . A1 2 O 3 ) 5.3 Chlorine (Cl) 17.5 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 31.6 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 211.6 Silica (SiO 2 ) 18.9 B. B. Comer's wells, all bored by D. A. Sylvester: No. 1, at Harris Sta- tion, 150 yards from depot; depth, 62 feet; casing, 3-inch, to marl; first water, at 55 feet, stands at 9 feet above the surface; original flow, 7 gallons per minute at 2 feet above the surface; present flow, one-eighth gallon per minute. Record: Soil. 0-16 feet; marl, 16-55 feet; sand, 55-62 feet; thin shell rock at 52 feet. No. 2, 75 yards west of Harris Station, on higher ground than No. 1; bored in 1904; depth, 110 feet; casing, 3-inch to marl; first water at 107 feet, stood at -14 feet. Record: Soil, 0-17 feet; marl, 17-107 feet; sand. 107-110 feet. No. 3, 300 yards north of west of Harris Station; bored in 1904; depth, 108 feet; casing, 3-inch; first water, at 100 feet, stood at surface; second water, at 106 feet; original flow, one- half gallon per minute; present flow, one-sixth gallon per minute; tem- perature, G8. Record: Sand, 10-17 feet; marl, 17-100 feet; sand, 100-103 feet; rock, 103-1CH feet; sand, 106-1C8 feet. No. 4, 1 mile south of Harris Station; bored in 1904; depth, 139 feet; casing, 3-inch; first water at 134 feet; original flow, 3V 2 gallons per minute; present flow, 3 gallons per minute; temperature, 66. No. 5, 4 miles southwest of* Harris Station; bored in 1904; depth, 201 feet; casing, 3-inch; first water, at 197 feet; rose to 3 feet above the surface; original flow, 3 gallons per minute; present flow, 2% gallons per minvite; strong of sulphur; temperature, 68. No. 6, 150 yards west of No. 5; bored in 1904; depth, 184 feet; first water at 180 feet, rose to 3 feet above the surface; original flow, 2 1-2 gallons per minute; present flow, IV 2 gallons per minute; thin shell rock at 90 and 135 feet; strong of sulphur; temperature, 67^. No. 7, 5 miles southwest of Harris Station; bored in 1904; casing, 3-inch; first water at 164 feet; rose to 3 feet above the surface; flow, 6 gallons per minute. No. 8, 3 miles southeast of Harris Station; bored in 1904; depth, 218 feet; first water at 208 feet; second water, at 215 feet, stood at -9% feet. Record: Sand and clay, 0-37 feet; marl with much sand, 37-42 feet; hard rock, 42-43 feet; marl with sand, 43-215 feet; so much sand mixed with the marl that the well had to be cased to the bottom. No. 9, 4 miles west of north of Cowikee; bored in 1902; depth, 165 feet; first water at 158 feet; second water, at 160 feet; rose to 2 feet above the surface; original flow, 2 gal- lons per minute; present flow, iy 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 69. No. 10, three-fourths mile northeast of No. 9; bored in 1904; depth, 19S feet (?); record unreliable. No. 11, one-half mile west of No. 9; bored in 1902; depth, 330 feet; first water, at 326 feet; stands at -22 feet; tastes of 244 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. alum. No. 12, one-half mile northwest of No. 11; bored in 1902; depth, 3"<0 feet; first water at 355 feet; second water, at 363 feet, stands at -26 feet. No. 13, 1 mile west of No. 9; bored in 1804; depth, 170 feet; first water, at 164 feet, rose to 4 feet above the surface; original flow, 3% gal- lons per minute; present flow, 3 gallons per minute; temperatur, 67. No. l-, on Cody place, 300 yards east of No. 10; bored in 1904; depth, 171 feet; record same as No. 10. No. 15, 2y 2 miles northeast of Cowikee; bored in 1902; depth, 270 feet; first water, at 166 feet; flow, 2 gallons per minute; temperature, 69. No. 16, 4 miles east of Cowikee; bored in 19C2; 3 wells here on Richardson place; same record as No. 15; flow, 4 gallons per minute; temperature, 69. No. 17, located 7 miles north of east of Cowi- kee; tored in 1C2; depth, 280 feet; first water, at 274 feet; stood at -19 feet. Well at Spring Hill, Cowikee; depth, 600 feet; water stands at -18 feet. CLAYTON. City well, bored by Y. T. Radford in 1903; depth, 560 feet; cased to bot- tom, 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, and 12-inch; first water, at 520 fe^et; stood at -252 feet. Record: Clay, 0-50 feet; sand, 50-80 feet; yellow clay, 80-120 feet; quicksand 120-220 feet; rock and marl, 220-520 feet; sand and water, 520-560 feet. The character of the water from this well is shown by the analysis below, made by Mr. Hodges: Analysis of water from city well, Clayton. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 4.6 Sodium (Na) 69.4 Magnesium (Mg) 2.9 Calcium (Ca) 19.5 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 6.5 Chlorine (Cl) 21.2 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 25.7 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 195.5 Silica (SiOo) 26.8 372.1 WATERS OF THE TERTIARY WATERS OF THE TERTIARY. GENERAL STATEMENT. As has been stated, (p. no), the number of artesian wells in the Tertiary area is as yet comparatively small, and the data are not at hand for defining the artesian horizons with the precision that is possible in the case of some parts of the Cre- taceous. A general account of the character and succession of the Tertiary strata has been presented in Chapter I (pp. 4-25). To this account is here added a more extended consid- eration of these beds in their relations to underground waters, especially artesian. The Clayton limestone, at the base of the Tertiary, seems nowhere to be of importance as an artesian horizon, but in the eastern counties its occurrence is of such magnitude as to give rise to underground, cavern-conducted streams and their at- tendant "big springs." The great body of Sucarnochee clays, next above the Clay- ton, is also wholly unsuited to the absorption and storage of the rainfall. They underlie, in Alabama and Mississippi, the "Flatwods," or "Post Oaks," in which the soils are generally tough and intractable, badly drained, and thus difficult of cul- tivation. All this region is deficient in good water, and very much of it is waste land. Between these Flatwoods clays and the base of the Ciai- borne, is a great thickness 750 feet or more of sands and clays and sandy clays, interspersed with beds of lignite and deposits of marine shells. These constitute the Chickasaw (Wilcox) division of the Tertiary, or Lignitic, as it was for- merly called, throughout which the conditions are more or less favorable to artesian systems ; for, while most of the strata are sandy, yet interspersed throughout their entire thickness are beds of clay and of indurated calcareous sands, so disposed as to confine the waters which may have permeated and filled the more sandy strata. Bored wells at the proper altitudes throughout this whole territory should, therefore, yield water from depths varying locally. 246 DETAILS: .COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. It has been found by experience that in the Chickasaw or Lignitic division the Nanafalia sands, together with the adja- cent parts of the Naheola below and the Tuscahoma above, form a good artesian reservoir.* At the top of this' division the Woods Bluff and Hatchetigbee sandy clays with indurated layers constitute another artesian horizon, which' is drawn upon by a number of wells. The Claiborne formation, with its three members, Gosport, Lisbon and Buhrstone. aggregating, 400 to 450 feet in thick- ness, consists' of sands, interstratified in the lower (Buhrstone) member with beds of clay, often indurated into rock, and in the upper member with indurated ledges of calcareous sands. The" whole . formation is therefore well adapted, both in materials and structure, to serve as an artesian water horizon. Many wells in Georgia and Mississippi and a few in Alabama de- rive their waters from this reservoir. The St. Stephens limestone, being calcareous throughout, would on general principles be regarded as unfavorable for ar- tesian waters; but the limestone varies widely in character, from an open, porous rock to a very compact limestone capable of taking a fine polish ; and experience has 1 shown that it fur- nishes the water supply of a number of artesian wells. The marine Tertiary beds of Miocene and later age do not appear at the surface to any great extent anywhere in Ala- bama, being covered by the Grand Gulf and Lafayette beds; but the wells in Mobile and Baldwin counties have amply dem- onstrated the fact that they are fine water reservoirs, though the water is often impregnated with salt. Throughout the entire region underlain by the above-men- tioned strata the prevalence of sands in the residual soils, as well as in the later Lafayette rnd Grand Gulf, which cover so much of the territory, has generally insured an abundance of good water, breaking out along hillsides as springs or within easy reach in shallow wells, and thus the necessity has not been felt for seeking water by artesian borings. This review of the Tertiary formations in Alabama leads to the conclusion that artesian water should be obtained from almost anv horizon above the Sucarnochee clays. It will be *In the map of the Artesian Systems (Plate XIII), the water horizon. designated as Nanafalia, is meant to include also adjacent parts of the Naheola and Tuscahoma. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES. PLATE XVII. A. BLUE POND NEAR DIXIE, COVINGTON COUNTY. B. PAVILION OF SULPHUR WELL, NEAR JACKSON, CLARKE COUNTY. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 247 seen further that there is in the Tertiary terranes no area in which the water conditions are dominated by a limestone of great thickness, like the Selma chalk of the Cretaceous. As a consequence there is no belt across the State within the limits of the Tertiary that can be compared with the chalk area in regard to the number of artesian wells and the conditions which make them almost a necessity. The nearest approach thereto is in the Flatwoods, or Post Oaks, underlain by the Sucarnochee clays ; a'nd here the parallel extends mainly to the dearth of shallow waters in both sections. In the one cas'e the strata are limestones of various kinds ; in the other they are clays; in both. the shallow waters are in excess in the winter months and almost entirely absent during the dry seas'on; in both water for domestic use is stored in cisterns excavated in the country rock, limestone or clay. The fact that the limestone soils of the Cretaceous are among the most productive in the State, has been the cause of the early settling of the Cretaceous region and the earlv re- course to artesian borings to supply human needs. In the Flatwoods, on the other hand, the native fertility of the soil has not been so immediately apparent, for the country is badly drained and difficult of cultivation and hence not much in- proved ; but the farmers are beginning to appreciat : the potential value of these lands, and deep borings are being made in 'ncreasing numbers to supply the greaes f deficiency of the region-good water. The typical Flatwods in Alabama are in Sumter and Ma- rengo counties, the underlying black clays becoming gradually more calcareous toward the east, so that acros's Alabama River in Wilcox County, the tough, intractable Flatwoods clays are replaced by highly calcareous clays which weather into fine, black prairie soils. The water-bearing strata for artesian wells of moderate depth in the Flatwoods, as well as in the Wilcox County prairie lands, are the Ripley beds, which on the outcrop are hardly more than loose sands 1 , the lime having been leached out of them; below water level, however, the\ may be compact calcareous sandstones, comparatively imper- meable. In several counties in northeastern Mississippi, where the same conditions prevail, wells bored in the Flatwoods reach water at reasonable depths, the water rising not to the surface, 248 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. but within pumping distance. In Sumter County, Ala., also, there are several old wells in the Flatwoods with the water standing -within 100 feet of the surface ; in Marengo County several wells 350 to 800 feet deep have been put down in the Flatwods region and the water stands in them within 40 to 60 feet of the surface. During the past twelve months deep wells in the Flatwods have been s'unk through the Selma chalk and obtained water from the underlying Eutaw sands. In one in stance, viz., at Cates in Marengo county, overflowing water, 25 gallons per minute, was reached at 1120 feet depth. It seems therefore in the highest degree probable that artesian water may be obtained in almost any part of the Flatwoods, at depths varying from 300 to noo or 1200 feet. The shal- lower wells have not as yet yielded overflowing water, but those which penetrate into the Eutaw sands' are likely to get it. With an abundance of good water for domestic purposes, the Flatwoods, heretofore allowed to lie uncultivated, would become desirable farming lands in places where proper drain- age is practicable. In the area underlain by the St. Stephens limestone there is, as a rule, no actual need of artesian borings for a water supply. In Washington, Choctaw, and Clarke counties, how-. ever, by reas'on of the Hatchetigbee anticlinal uplift, this 'for- mation lies at the surface through a belt of considerable width. In this belt the presence of black limy soils. and the dearth t>!.' surface waters present similar conditions to those in the ter- ritory of the Selma chalk, and here also artesian wells are nu- merous. This is especially the case in Clarke and Wayne coun- ties, Mississippi, at the west end of this anticline, where it is crossed by the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, the towns of Shu- buta, Waynesboro, and Winchester being supplied by arte- sian wells going down into the underlying Claiborne beds. In Alabama there are few artesian wells in this belt, partly at least for the reason that it is not crossed by a railroad line and has few towns of considerable size. South of the outcrop of the St. Stephens limestone, except in a few places, the only formations appearing at the surface are the Grand Gulf, the Lafayette, and the later s'ands of the bot- tom lands and parts of the coast, the shallow waters being found almost exclusively in the two flrst named. The Lafayette will be referred to in connection with shallow waters in almost WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 249 every county in the Tertiary division of the Coastal Plain, and further description of it here is unnecessary; but because of the preponderating influence of the Grand Gulf in some of the lower counties Washington, Mobile, Baldwin, Escambia, and Covington a fuller account of it and of the late Tertiary for- mations hidden underneath it will be presented at this point. This account will be made clearer by Plates XVI to XXII referred to below, which show the variations in the formation due to geographic distribution. Plate XVI, B, illustrates the relations of the strata north of Alabama River at Gainestown, Clarke County. Here the Grand Gulf overlies the St. Steph- ens limestone, which may be seen in all the low bluffs a short distance back from the river bottom. The Grand Gulf, which consists of sands with intercalated beds oi clay, is in its turn overlain by a capping of Lafayette red loam and pebbles'. None of the St. Stephens is shown in the view, but it outcrops a few hundred yards distant from this locality. In those parts of the Grand Gulf terrane, where the limestone is near the sur- face, lime-sinks and consequent deep ponds are common and characteristic. The view of Blue Pond, in Covington county, near Dixie P. O. Plate XVII, A, shows a rather exceptional type of these limesink ponds, in that its formation has been of such recent date that the banks are not yet rounded up by weathering but remain nearly vertical. It gives, however, the plainest evidence of its origin. Usually the sinks are not so s'harply defined because of the wearing down and filling in around the edges, and the lakes or ponds take on the character- istics of the lakes so numerous in Florida. These occur where the limestone is not very deep below the surface and is covered by the Grand Gulf and Lafayette materials. Only one of. this class 1 of pond is known in Alabama and that is McDade's Pond near Florala, close to the Florida-Alabama line in Cov- ington county, and shown in Plate XXIII. To the south the St. Stephens limestone sinks deeper and deeper below the surface and its influence on the topography gradually dies out. Other later Tertiary (Miocene) marine beds, many feet in thickness, come in above the limestone as it sinks. These later beds are .exposed at comparatively few places, but their presence is amply demonstrated by all the deep borings in Mobile, Baldwin, and Escambia counties, at Oak Grove, Fla., and along Chattahoochce River. 250 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Above these marine beds, apparently with nearly if not quite horizontal stratification, lie the two great surface formations of the Coastal Plain the Grand Gulf and the Lafayette practi- cally unchanged in materials and stratification down to the very borders of the bays' on the Gulf of Mexico. High bluffs of Grand Gulf material capped with the Lafayette, overlook these bays at many points where deep borings reveal the pres- ence of Miocene shell beds 700 to 1 500 feet or more below. At Montrose, on Mobile Bay, between Daphne and Point Clear, there is a fine exposure of the two formations, as shown in Plate XVIII. The capping of Lafayette red loam and pebbles is' clearly distinguishable from the main mass of the bluff, which is made by the sands and laminated clays of the Grand Gulf. The unconformity between the two formations is also very clearly shown in this view where the indurated layer in the Grand Gulf, many feet below the Lafayette at the left of the view, is in contact with it at the extreme right, the Lafayette following the contour of the surface while the Grand Gulf is nearly horizontal in stratification. So far as can be seen the materials' here are similar to those at Gainestown Ferry. Similar unconformities may be seen at many points in Alaba- ma and Mississippi, for the Lafayette seems to have been spread over the surface of the country after it had attained approxi-^ mately its present relief. On Perdido Bay, from Lillian to Sol- dier Creek Post office, and probably at many other points not visited by the writer, these same formations make high bluffs coming down to the water's edge. (Plates XIX and XX). The character and arrangement of the materials of the two formations along Perdido Bay are not essentially different from what may be seen at Montrose. A few words may be said in regard to the surface features of these highlands, which, as is' shown in the views just referred to, extend down to salt water. South of the belt in which the underlying St. Stephens causes the lime-sinks and ponds, the general surface down to the Gulf is that of a plateau, the high, flat lands being well adapted for farming and grazing, but now devoted practically to two industries timber and turpentine. The monotony of thes'e high, flat lands is, however, everywhere interrupted by shallow depressions or sinks, few of them ex- ceeding 4 or 5 feet in depth. Water may collect in these de- pressions, forming ponds a few yards to 40 or 50 yards in eh- WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 251 ameter, around which a shrubby growth. of gums may spring up (PI. XXI.) Other depressions, in many cases larger than the ponds, may be void of shrubby undergrowth or of stand- ing water, and thus give rise to savannahs or pine meadows, as shown in Plate XXII. The latter term is often applied to low r er lying lands timbered with longleaf and Cuban pine. The savannahs grade into more undulating lands which with their growth of high grass and bright flowers and absence of dis- figuring undergrowth give the impression of being well kept parks. Through these parks one may drive for miles in al- most any direction without need of road or path. In the sa- vannahs the growth of pine is stunted; in the park lands' it is better, but not of the best. There is some doubt as to the cause of these depressions, which are characteristic in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Miss- issippi, and presumably in the other Gulf States. They seem, however, to be due to inequalities in the surface of the under- lying Grand Gulf clays, since there are generally no underlying limestones or other soluble materials near enough to the surface to cause the formation of so many small depressions of limited extent within, s'ay, an acre of territory. The above account will, it is thought, better than any other description, show the absolute dependence of the shallow-water conditions in the lower counties on the two late formations which have so much in common, both being spread, with no ap- preciable prevailing dip, over the beveled edges of the south- ward-dipping St. Stephens and later Tertiary formations. The artesian conditions' in this territory are fixed by the un- derlying Tertiary formations above mentioned. That they are generally favorable is demonstrated by the success of borings in Escambia and Mobile counties, very few having been made in the other counties where similar conditions prevail. 252 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. DISCUSSION BY COUNTIES. HENRY COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The older Tertiary formations winch underlie the territory of Henry County include the Nanafalia sands and the Hatche- tigbee and Claiborne, all of which in other places are good arte- sian reservoirs. Over the greater part of the county there are, in addition to the above, two more recent formations, the Grand Gulf and the Lafayette, in the materials of which is stored a generous supply of surface water to be drawn on by springs and shallow wells'. There is no lack, therefore, of good freestone waters in most parts of the county. With proper selection of altitude, there should be no trouble in getting artesian water from the deeper beds. ARTESIAN RECORD. The record of only one deep well in Henry County has been obtained the town well at Abbeville; bored by Van Vleet in 1904; depth. 401 feet; water stands at 172 feet; pump yields 60 gallons per minute for seven hours. The formation at the ^surface is the Buhrstone and the boring penetrates probably into Tuscahoma or Nanafalia sands. HOUSTON COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The surface of new county of Houston is covered in many parts by the red sandy loams and pebble beds of the Lafayette. Below these are the sands and stratified clays of the Grand Gulf, and under them the white St. Stephens' limestone. The last-named formation underlies the entire area of the county except some small tracts in the extreme northern part and along Chattahoochee River about Columbia. . Owing to the character of the two surface formations the water supply from wells and springs is in geneial good in quality and Adequate in quantity. WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 253 ARTESIAN RECORDS. Deep wells are recorded from two points only Columbia and Dothan. COLUMBIA. Columbia is 1 situated on the terrace of Chattahoochee River in the Claiborne formation. Well bored by Harrington about 1890 or 1891; depth, 485 feet; casing, 8-inch and 6-inch, to bottom; water rose to -8 feet, and an excavation of 14 feet was made around the well to obtain a flow; yield, 50 gallons per minute; considered very fine water; analysis shows magnesia. Rec- ord: Marl near the top about 150 feet thick; hard shell rock at frequent intervals below to the bottom; probably in Nanafalia sands. DOTHAN. City Water Company's wells: No. 1, bored by C. A. Ray, of Providence. R. I., in 1896; depth, 625 feet; water stands at -150 feet; yield with air life, 2CO gallons per minute; water excellent; casing, 8-inch to about 300 feet; remainder 6-inch; flow has increased; present yield, 250 gallons per minute; temperature, 12. No. 2, bored 5 feet from No. 1; depth unknown; no water obtained. Town well, in Section 24, Township 3, Range 26; bored by S. S. Chandler in 1903; depth, 645 feet; casing, 425 feet 8-inch; 210 feet 6-inch; first water at 360 feet, stood at -75 feet; second water, at 600 feet, stands at -130 feet; air-life gives 250 gallons per minute; level lowered to -150 feet. Record of town well, Dothan. Feet. Clay 20 Sand 20-177 Sand rock 177 239 Dry sand 239 247 Sand rock 247 ?67 Dry sand 267 344 Sand rock ,...344 395 Sand 395-511 Sand rock 511 517 Sand and water 517 640 Ice Company's well, bored by Frank Sutter in 1904; depth, 622 feet; casing, 0-200 feet, 8-inch; 200-495 feet 6-inch; first water, at 400 (?) feet, stood at -60 feet, small supply; second water, at 622 feet, stands at -70 feet;pumping level, -150 feet; yield, 50 gallons per minute. Record: Clay, 0-100 feet; coarse gravel, 100-102 feet; sand, 102-210 feet; s-^nd with layers of soft rock from 1 inch to 6 feet in thickness, 210-575 feet; dry sand, 575-600 feet; clay, 600-G22 feet; sand at 622 feet. Dothan is on the St. Stephens formation and these borings probably go down into the Nanafalia sands. 254 DETAILS I COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. GENEVA COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. Geneva County lies practically wholly within the territory of the St. Stephens limestone, but the Tertiary rocks, instead of dipping uniformly southward, lie in undulations which bring the strata of the Claiborne to the surface along the banks of Pea River, even as far as the town of Geneva, near the southern border of the county. For this reason it is' not easy to deter- mine the horizon to which the bored wells penetrate. Over the older Tertiary rocks lie, as usual in this part of the State, the Grand Gulf sands and stratified clays in variable thickness, and upon these, where not removed by erosion, the Lafayette red s'andy loams and pebble beds. These two later formations afford favorable conditions for abundant supplies of good surface water from wells and ' springs. At Coffee Springs there are several magnificent springs boiling up through the sands and running off in a brook of good size. ARTESIAN RECORDS. The artesian wells of Geneva County do not flow, probably because of the lack of head due to the irregularities in the dip of the Tertiary strata. The supply, however, seems to be am- ple, the water in most of them being in all probability obtained from the strata of the Buhrstone. But few records have been collected since the boring of deep wells, except at the town of Geneva, began only on the completion of the branch of the Central of Georgia railway through the county a few years ago. The wells at Hartford and Slocomb begin in the St. Steph- ens 1 and reach the, base of the Claiborne or the upper part of the Buhrstone. GENEVA. Public well, bored by W. L-. Morrison in 1900; water, at 307 feet, rose to -14 feet, the supply appearing inexhaustible; but through some dissatis- faction the city council insisted on boring deeper, with the resul that the casing was broken, the flow lost, and the well finally abandoned. Record: Coarse white and yellow sand, 6-30 feet; yellow marl, 30-42 feet; bluish sand, 42-80 feet; buhrstone, (?) soft in middle, 80-84 feet; blue sand, 84-94 feet; shell rock, 94-98 feet; sand and coral rock alternating, 96-338 feet. The bottom of the boring was probably in the Buhrstone or the underlying Hatchetigbee. WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 255 Town well, bored by S. S. Chandler in 1903; depth, 261 feet; casing, 108 feet 10-inch, 148 feet 8-inch; first water, at 129 feet, stood at -10 feet; second water, at 216 feet, stood at -12 feet; air lift used; yield (estimated), 60 gallons per minute. Record: Sand, 0-108 feet; lime rock (probably Clai- borne), 108-129 feet; gravel, first water, 129-133 feet; marl, 133-183 feet; lime rock (probably Claiborne), 183-250 feet; sand, second water, 250-261 feet. Besides these, several shallow artesian wells have been sunk in Geneva, a typical one supplying the railroad tank near the river. The boring goes down 80 feet below the level of the track, getting water from below the first rocky or limestone ledge, with a stand of 12 or 15 feet. A well s'everal feet in diameter is sunk to this point and bricked up. A pump de- livering between 4000 and 5000 gallons per hour holds the level of the water' at a constant point, which represents the capacity of the well. The water is quite pure and soft and free from taste of any kind. HARTFORD. Town well, bored by W. C. Van Vleet in 1904; depth, 314 feet; first water at 200 feet; second water, at 314 feet, stands at -18 feet; estimated yield, 100 gallons per minute for three days; pumping level, -25 feet. SLOCOMB. Morris Lumber Company's well, bored in 1901 by the mill hands; depth, 280 feet; casing, 160 feet, 6-inch; water stands at -28 feet; pump delivers 50 gallons per minute. DALE COUNTY. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. Dale County shows a great range in the Tertiary formations, which extend from the Nanafalia to the St. Stephens limestone, all of them covered, in places at least, by the two later forma- tions' so often mentioned, the Grand Gulf and the Lafayette. There are correspondingly great possibilities in its water re- sources, both surface and artesian. As yet, however, artesian boring has been done only at Ozark the county seat, which is on the outcrop of the Woods Bluff marl. At the depth of 710 feet the boring must be near the base of the Tertiary, if not in the underlying Ripley. 256 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. OZAEK. Town well, altitude about 8 feet below that of the Railroad track; bored by W. E. Hughes, of Specialty Well Drilling Company, Atlanta, Ga., in 1902; depth, 710 feet; first water at 250 x .') feet; second water at 710 feet; capacity of well by air lift, 200 gallons per minute. Record: Red clay, 0-40 feet; marl, 40-5CO feet; sand, marl and shell rock (prob- ably the shell bed of the Nanafalia), 500-525 feet; 525-710 feet not recorded, or at least the record not obtained; boring probably ends .'n the Clay- ton. An analysis of the water from this well has been made by Mr. Hodges, as follows: Analysis of water from town well, Ozark. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 2.9 Sodium (Na) 6.1 Magnesium (Mg) 7.7 Calcium (Ca) 47.7 Iron and alumina -(Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 1.4 Chlorine (Cl) 3.5 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 8.8 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 132.9 Silica (SiO 2 ) 45.3 256.3 COFFEE COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES . The underlying older Tertiary formations of Coffee County range from the Nanafalia member of the Lignitic in the north to the St. Stephens limestone in the extreme south. Over all these are found locally remnants of the Lafayette sands, loams, and pebbles. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. Artesian borings have been made, so far as information has been obtained, only at Elba, Brockton, and Enterprise. The w?ll bored in 1904 at Elba gets water in the Nanafalia sands, as shown by the shells' brought up with the borings. The Enter- prise well probably goes no deeper than the Hatchetigbee sands underlying the Burstone. The shallower wells at Elba, 160 to 185 feet deep, hardly go deeper than the Hatchetigbee or Woods Bluff horizon, or perhaps into the upper .part of the Tuscahoma sands, the town itself being on Hatchetigbee strata. WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 257 ELBA AND VICINITY. The most instructive of the wells at Elba is' that at the rail- road depot, bored by S. S. Chandler in 1904; depth, reached in the latter part of July, 293 feet; diameter, 12 inches, reduced to 10. Record: Surface sands, 0-16 feet; marl or laminated grayish blue clays, 16-265 feet ; water-bearing sands with shells of Gryphaea thirsae, 265-293 feet. These shells show that the horizon is the Nanafalia. Public well, bored at the Elba court-house in 1899 by W. L. Morrison: flow, '1% gallons per minute at a depth of 150 feet; water now stands just at the surface; temperature, 68. Record: Yellow clay, 2 feet; coarse yellow sand, 16 feet; blue compact marl, 42 feet; hard lignitic material, 40 feet; blue marl, 30 feet; sand and lignite to the bottom at 150 feet. Other deep wells have been sunk by the same driller in this locality. Well 4 miles west of Elba, on an elevation about 112 feet above the town; bored by*W. L. Morrison in 1899; water rises to -40 feet, an un- limited supply being obtained by the use of pumps; tastes of alum. Record: Red clay, 0-8 feet; coarse yellow sand, 8-30 feet; hard black rock, 30-35 feet; coarse yellow sand, 35-70 feet; shell rock, 70-72 feec; marl, 72-250 feet; hard rock and sand, 250-312 feet. Water supply prob- ably from Nanafalia sands or lower Tuscahoma. Several other wells were bored, in 1899 and 1900 by Morri- s'on, in and around Elba. All have about the same record; some are or were flowing ; in others the water stands at the level of the ground, or slightly below. Every new well lessens the flow of the others. Among these wells are those of the county jail; N. W. Wright; William Rushing; John Rushing; (in this well a log was encountered at a depth of 40 feet) ; Judge S. M. Rushing (this well yields 3 gallons' per minute) ; W. M. Rush- ing; D. C. Collins; King & Simmons; Allen King; public school ; W. B. Perdue ; Mr. Lightner ; Raynor livery stable ; Mrs. S. E. Beard; John Farriss; T. J. Ham; William Ham; J. N. Ham ; J. T. Law ; Dr. Bradley ; Dr. Boyd ; Dr. Blue ; Mrs. Ada Rushing ; county poor house ; Fayette Prescott ; Aaron Head ; W. M. Tucker ; G. W. Gunter. BROCKTON. Well 1 mile south of Brockton, at Henderson & Boyd's saw mill; bored by Mr. Van Vleet.. water stands at -150 feet; supply probably from the Nanafalia sands. 17 258 DETAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. ENTERPRISE. Town well, bored by Frank Sutter in 1903; depth, 398 feet; casing, 6-inch; first water, at 132 feet, stood at -132 feet; second water, at 370 feet, stood at -127 feet; yield, 400 gallons per minute with air lift; level lowered 12 feet. Record: Clay, 0-60 feet; soft lime rock, 60-68 feet; shell rock, 68-98 feet; shell rock 98-104 feet; black mud, 104-130 feet; flint rock, 130-132 feet; sand, 132-140 feet; marl, 140-230 feet; mud, 230-265 feet; rock, 265-266 feet; marl, 266-370 feet; sand and water, 370-398 feet. The following analysis of the water has been made by the Southern Cotton Oil Company, Sa- vannah, Ga.* Analysis of water from town well Enterprise. Parts per million. Sodium (Na) 17.21 Magnesium (Mg) .74 Calcium (Ca) 35.17 Chlorine (Cl) 15.02 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 40.15 Carbonic acid (CO 3 ) 39.12 Iron and alumina (Pe 2 O 3 ), A1 2 O 3 ) 8.90 Silica (SiO 2 ) 19.50 Volatile matter . 33.87 205.25 COVINGTON COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The older Tertiary formations in Covington county range from the Nanafalia member of the Lignitic up to the St. Steph- ens limestone. Unconformably overlying the St. Stephens, Claiborne, and Buhrstone are the s'ands and stratified clays of the Grand Gulf, capped in turn by the red loam and pebbles of the Lafayette where denudation has not removed them. Like all the counties of this latitude, Covington is well watered, and artesian wells are few in number and of a recent date. SHALLOW WATERS. While the character of the shallow waters is in great measure determined by the loose materials of the Grand Gulf and La- *Expressed by analyst in grains per gallon and in hypothetical combinations; recomputed in ionic form, and parts per million at U. S. Geological Survey. P iV-*-^ V OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 259 fayette, yet in the lower parts of Covington and adjoining coun- ties, and in still greater measure in Florida, these waters' are modified by the underlying St. Stephens limestone, and big limestone springs running off in veritable creeks are not un- common. Akin to these are the lime sinks, ponds, and lakes of this section. Near the western limit of Covington County, in Section 6, Township 2, Range 14, is' Blue Pond, with nearly perpendicular sides as if it had recently fallen in. The name characterizes the water, which is of beautiful blue color. The pond is hardly more than 100 yards in diameter and the water is about 10 feet below the general surface of the ground. PI. XVII, A, shows this curious pond. At Florala in the lower part of the county close to the Florida line is McDade's pond shown in Plate XXIII. This is' also of limesink origin but on larger scale and of greater antiquity, and illustrates a type of pond or lake exceedingly characteristic of many parts of Florida, but, so far as known, unique in Alabama. AETESIAN PROSPECTS. The deepest of the artesian wells in Covington County is that bored for the cotton-oil mill at Andalusia, which probably goes down into the Nanafalia sands or perhaps into the Naheola. All of the wells are located geologically on the upper Claiborne strata, very near the contact with the Buhrstone. They are all likewise on or near the lines of the Louisville and Nashville and Central of Georgia railroads. ANDALUSIA AND VICINITY. Town well, 40 yards from Central of Georgia Railway station, in the N. W. quarter, N. W. quarter, Section 20, Township 4, Range 16; bored by Frank Sutter in 1904; casing, 8-inch and 6-inch; well was not tested up to the time this record was obtained; probably reaches the Tusca- homa or Nanafalia sands. 260 DETAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. Record, of town well, Andalusia. Feet. Sand and clay 113 Sand rock 113 114 Sand 114 122 Sand rock 122 123 Black mud .' 123 130 Sand rock 130 133 Shale 133 141 Sand rock 141 142 Clay 142 168 Sand (at 186 feet 3 inches of rock) 168 186 Clay 186 190 Sand 190 207 Shaly clay and sand 207 273 Rock ., 273 274 Gritty mud 274 313 Gritty mud, with frequent layers of rock 313 380 Blue marl .... .. .380 480 Southern Cotton Oil Company's well, Audalusia, one-fourth mile east of station in the N. W. quarter, N. W. quarter, Section 20, Township 4, Range 16; bored by Frank Sutter in 1902; depth, 1130 feet; water stands a*. -110 feet; casing 430 feet, 4^-inch; air lift gives 45 gallons per minute. the following analysis is by the chemist of the Southern Cotton Oil Company:* Analysis of water from Southern Cotton Oil Company's well, Andalusia. Parts per million. Sodium (Na) 63.84 Magnesium (Mg) 1.04 Calcium (Ca) 1.23 Chlorine (Cl) 12.00 Sulphuric acid (SO* 7.52 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 72.65 Iron (Fe) 47 Silica (SiO 2 ) 20.52 179.27 RIVER FALLS AND SANFORD. The three following wells probably get their water from t Hr ; lower strata of the Buhrstone or from the immediately underly- *Bxpressed by analyst in grains per gallon and hypothetical com- binations; recomputed to ionic form and parts per million at U. S. Geological Survey. WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 201 ing Hatchetigbee sands, which are frequently dark colored from lignitic matter. Horse Shoe Lumber Company's well, River Falls; bored by W. M. Mor- rison in 1901; depth, 230 feet; yield, 3 1-4 gallons per minute. Record: Clay, 8 feet; coarse sand, 12 feet; yellow marl, 30 feet; alternating blue marl and thin layers of rock to 2CO feet; buhrstone, 8 inches; water- bearing sands and lignite, 30 feet. Henderson Lumber Company's well, Sanford; bored by W. M. Morri- son in 19G1; depth, 386 feet; casing, 3-inch; water stands at -70 feet. Rec- ord: Clay, 0-12 feet; white sand, 12-30 feet; hard red and yellow clay, 30-80 feet; alternating layers of sand, blue marl and rock, 80-175 feet; blue marl, 175-275 feet; water-bearing sand and lignite, 275-295 feet; porous limestone, 2S5-350 feet; water bearing sand and rock, 350-386 feet. W. W. Vorn's well, Sanford; bored by W. Ivi. Morrison in 1901; casing iVz inch; water stands at -70 feet. Record: Hard red and yellow clay, 0-75 feet; yellow sand and soft rock, 75-90 feet; blue marl, 90-200 feet; shell rock, 200-202 feet; water-bearing sand, 202-235 feet. C REN SHAW COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The two northernmost townships in Crenshaw County are underlain by the Cretaceous formations, the rest of it by the Tertiary formations up to the top of the Lignitic. In the north- ern part of township 10, adjoining Montgomery County, the Selma chalk is' the surface formation, and in this vicinity wells would have to go through the whole thickness of the chalk to reach the Eutaw sands. A prominent ridge, the entension of the Chunnennugga Ridge of Bullock County (see p. 226), marks the line between the chalk and the Ripley in the lower part of township 10. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. In the area underlain by the Ripley, embracing most of town- ship 9, artesian prospects are favorable, but. no records of wells have been obtained. In the adjoining county, Pike, in the same formation are several wells about Orion. In the Clayton beds, which form the bas'e of the Tertiary, wells usually have to go very deep and are frequently unsuccessful. The only records obtained are from townships 6 and 7, in the lower part of the county. It is probable that the wells about Brantley and Theba 262 DETAILS I COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. get water from the Nanafalia sands- and that at Searight, from a higher horizon, possibly the Tuscahoma, Flowing wells are rare among those as yet bored. THEBA. Bently Lumbers Company's wells: No. 1, in the S. E. quarter Section 25, Township 7, Range 17; bored by mill hands in 1904; depth, 225 feet; casing, 20 feet, 6-inch; first water at 177 feet; second water, at 225 feet, rose to 14 feet above the surface; presnt flow, 17 gallons pr minute; tem- perature, 68 p . Record: Sand and clay, 0-18 feet; blue marl, 18-80 feet; sand rock, 80-81 feet; black marl, 81-90 feet; alternating layers of sand and rock, 6 inches thick, 90-200 feet; clay, 200-203 feet; rock, 203-204 feet; sand and water, 204-225 feet. No. 2, 75 yards from No. 1; bored by mill hands in 1903; depth, 177 feet; casing, 20 feet, 4-inch; flow, 1 gallon per minute; temperature, 68. Record same as No. 1. BRANTLEY AND VICINITY. Town well. Brantley, in the N. W. quarter Section 16, Township 7, Range 18; bored by C. C. Brinson in 1899; depth, 366 feet; casing, 20 feet, 4-inch; water stands at -22 feet; pump gives 20 gallons per minute for four hours. The character of the water from this well is shown by the following analysis by Mr. Hodges: Analysis of water from lown well, Brantley. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 1.3 Sodium (Na) 4.1 Magnesium (Mg) 5.6 Calcium (Ca) 45.6 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 9.9 Chlorine (Cl) 1.7 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 10.1 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 157.5 Silica (SiCV> 35.5 271.3 L. C. Cooper's well. Brantley, in the N. W. quarter Section 16, Town- ship 7, Range 18; bored by George Thompson in 1899; depth, 170 feet; water stands av. -25 feet. Southern Cotton Oil Company's well, Brantley, in the i<,. W. quarter Section 16, Township 7, Range 18; bored by S. W. tngram in 19oJ; depth, 155 feet; water stands at -18 feet. J. T. Cooper's well, at mill one-fourth mile east of Brantley, in the N. E. quarter Section 16, Township 7, Range 18; bored by George Thomp- son in 1899; depth, 260 feet; casing, 20 feet, 4-inch; water stands at -22 feet; pump gives 50 gallons per minute. WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 2G3 SEAWR1GHT. Southern Cotton Oil Company's well, in the N. E. quarter Section 19, Township 6, Range 17; bored by S. W. Ingram; depth, 276 feet; casing, 20 feet, 4-inch; first water small stream; second water, at 276 feet, stands at -12 leet; force pump gives 27 gallons per minute. BUTLER COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. With the exception of a small area in the northeast corner, Butler County is underlain by Tertiary strata, embracing all the lower divisions up to the Buhrstone. In the territory of the Ripley and Clayton calcareous beds are prevalent and the topography in general is much broken because of the numerous indurated ledges of calcareous material among the sandier beds. To the south about Greenville and for several miles on either side, is a great extent of red sands' or loams, which resemble those of the Lafayette but probably consist of residual matter from the Tertiary beds. These Tertiary formations range from the Midway up to the Claiborne, and in their outcrops present the usual monotonous character. Overlying all, where not removed by denudation, are the red loam and pebble beds of the Lafayette. In. many- localities these surface beds are extremely s'andy, especially on the watersheds. An example of this condition may be noted along the Montgomery road between Greenville and Sandy Ridge. MINERAL WATERS. ROPER'S WELL. One of the most widely known mineral waters of Alabama, sold under the name of "Wilkinson's Matchless Mineral Wa- ter," is obtained from Roper's well, 3 miles east of Greenville, and a well subsequently sunk near it. The latter well is about 40 feet deep and 15 feet in diameter. The section shown in the sides of the well consists of 9 1-2 feet of sandy clay, 6 3-4 feet of sand and mottled clay, and below this the "black earth," which continues to the bottom of the well. This black 264 DETAILS I COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. earth is the source of the "mineral." It is a dark colored sandy- clay containing organic matter and iron pyrites, with considera- ble greens'and in small grains irregularly disseminated through it. The reaction of the oxidation products of the pyrites on the clay and its contained vegetable matter yields the sulphuric acid, the alum, and the other sulphates which characterize tha water, as shown by the analysis. The water fresh from the well is colorless, the iron being in the ferrous condition, but on standing it gradually becomes yellowish red from further oxidation of the iron. As 1 the source of the mineral matter is superficial and local, the strength of the water varies with the rainfall, being much less during the rainy season. Analyses may therefore differ very widely in regard to the amount of mineral matter to the gallon. An analysis made by Dr. Metz, of New Orleans, shows 1244.45 grains; a sample of the bottled water furnished by the proprietor of the well, and said to have been collected six years ago, contains 1333.8 grains; the water in a i6-quart bot- tle on sale June i, 1905, contains 458.45 grains; while the sam- ple direct from the well collected by Mr. Hodges for analysis after several months of rainy weather, contains 213.9 grains. In putting up the water for the market it is the endeavor of the proprietor to make it as nearly as possible of uniform strength. When too concentrated it is diluted with fres'h water : when too dilute leachings from hoppers of the pyritous earth are added. Mr. Hodges''s analysis is given below ; also, for the sake of comparison, an analysis made by J. B. Little and. the writer about twenty years ago, from a sample collected by Mr. Little, and one made by Dr. Metz, of New Orleans. These analyses sufficiently illustrate the variations in the concentration, as well as in the relative proportions of the different ingredients, which takes place in the course of time and by reason of sea- sonal changes. WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 265 Analyses of "Matchless Mineral Water" from Roper's well, near Greenville. (Farts per million.) I II III Potassium (K) 7.6 15.8 33.0 Sodium (Na) 57.6 51.9 76.9 Magnesium (Mg) 78.0 235.1 278.0 Calcium (Ca) 322.4 300.8 373.4 Iron (Fe, ferrous) 90.5 10S5.0 1358.8 Iron (Fe, ferric) 204.1 1038.4 4013.7 Aluminum (Al) 132.8 33.2 69.8 Chlorine (Cl) 78.3 42.3 53.2 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 2493.3 6434.815130.3 Sulphuric acid (H,SO 4 ). free) 19.9 30.7 Silica (SiO 2 ) ." .' 131.2 86.4 103. 7 3615.7 9354.4 21490.! I Analysis by Robert S. Hodges, 1905. II Analysis by J. B. Little and Dr. E. A. Smith, about 1885.* III Analysis by Dr. Metz, of New Orleans, 1893.* *0riginally expressed by analysts in grains per gallon and in form of radicals; recomputed in ionic form and parts per million by R. S. Hodges. BUTLER SPRINGS. Near the western border of the county, just south of Redicks Creek are the Butler Springs', formerly much visited, but now nearly abandoned, though a few families come every year with camping outfits and drink the water. Its character is shown by the following analysis by Mr. Hodges : Analysis of water from Butler Springs. Potassium (K) Sodium (Na) Magnesium (Mg) Calcium (Ca) Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O3. Chlorine (Cl) Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) Silica (SiO 2 ) 76.5 266 DP/TAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. All the artesian wells in Butler are to be found along the line of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, and most of them have been bored to supply the needs of saw mills. In some cases' where the timber supply has been exhausted the mills have been moved and the wells have fallen into decay. GREENVILLE. City waterworks wells at the foot of the hiil east of town, 60 feet or more below the level of the railroad track, which is 444 feet; bored in 1892 by the American Pipe Manufacturing Company; depth, 400 feet; water supply obtained between 186 and 217 feet; below 217 feet the strata were blue to black clays, alternating with harder strata, probably of the Ripley formation; mouth of the well is on the Naheola sands; water stands at -50 feet; pump delivering 90 gallons per minute does not lower the stand more than one foot. According to the analysis of Mr. Barnum, chemist to the company, the solid matter in solution in this water, con- sist in the main of the carbonate and sulphate of magnesium and chlo- ride of sodium. Ice-factory well, in the N. E. quarter N. E. quarter Section 24, Town- ship 10, Range 14; depth, 107 feet; casing, 84 feet, 8-inch; water stands at -13 feet; force pump gives 75 gallons per minute; boring probably does not go through the Naheola. Southern Cotton Oil Company's well, in the S E. quarter S. W. quar- ter Section 14, Township 10, Range 14; bored by Morgan, of Birmingham, in 1902; depth, 105 feet; casing, 8-inch to bottom; water stands at -53 feet; estimated yield with steam pump, 150 gallons per minute; ends prob- ably in the Naheola. FOREST. W. M. Flowers's wells: No. 1, at saw mill, in the S. E. quarter Section 8, Township 9, Range 14; bored by M. S. Gilmer, in 1892; depth, 195 feet; casing, 5-inch; water stands at -20 feet; first water at 195 feet; pump yields 50 gallons per minute. No. 2, 350 yards south of No. 1; bored by M. S. Gilmer in 1895; depth, 390 feet; water stands at -20 feet; estimated yield with pump, 50 gallons per minute. These wells are located on the Nana- falia outcrop and get water probably from the Naheola sands. BOLLING. W. J. Flowers Lumber Company's wells; bored fifteen years ago and in use about ten years; now abandoned on account of removal of the mill; altitude, 308 feet; depth of No 1, 1010 feet; of No. 2, 230 feet; water stands at -10 feet; yield, about 75 gallons per minute each, to pump. The water was used for steam and domestic purposes, but was not well adapted to the former, as it produced a scale in the boilers. As no in- crease in the volume of water was noticed below the depth of 230 feet, the second well stopped there, going down probably into the Naheola sands, while the deeper well may have gone to the base of the Tertiary or into the Ripley. WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 267 CHAPMAN. The following wells are located near the contact of the Tus- cahoma and Nanafalia, and obtain water in all probability from the sands of the latter. W. T. Smith Lumber Company's well, bored in 1904 by M. Canfield; depth, 186 feet; flow. 150 gallons per minute. Louisville and Nashville Railroad well, bored in 1904 by M. Canfield; depth, 175 feet; flow, 150 gallons per minute. DUNHAM. Dunham Lumber Company's well, depth, 382 feet; probably obtaining water in the Nanafalia sands or the immediately underlying Naheola; elevation, 221 feet; water rises to 3 feet above the surface; original flow, 18 gallons per minute; flow in 1904, about 5 gallons per minute; temper- ture, 73. The record given by Mr. B. B. McKenzie is as follows: Sand and clay, 13 feet; marl, 160 feet; rock, 2 feet, below which a weak stream was struck, rising above the mouth of the well, but as the quantity was insufficient the boring was continued; at 380 feet a stratum of hard rock was encountered, 2 feet thick, and below it a fine stream of water, rising, as stated, 3 feet above the surface. The formation at the surface is Woods Bluff, and the water supply is from the Nanafalia. CONECUH COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The older Tertiary formations underlying Conecuh County range from the Buhrstone up to the St. Stephens limestone, with small tracts of still older beds in the extreme north. There is thus a considerable degree of diversity in the topography. Overlying the Tertiary beds mentioned, in the southern third of the county, is a mantle of the Grand Gulf sands and strat- ified clays, and over everything the red loam and pebbles of the Lafayette. These two later formations provide as usual, an abundance of pure freestone water from shallow wells and springs. On the high interstream plateaus, where the Lafay- ette mantle is comparatively undisturbed, the wells are of mod- erate depth, often less than 50 feet, and along hillsides between these plateaus and the stream valleys springs break out every- where above the first comparatively impervious layer beneath the mantle of sand and pebbles. 268 DETAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. While very few deep wells have been reported from this coun- ty, there is no reason why borings should not be successful, since the Claiborne beds and parts of the St. Stephens limestone are well known to be good artesian reservoirs. Only one well re- cord has been obtained. EVERGREEN. Town well, in the W. half N. E. quarter Section 3, Township 5, Range 11; bored by Porter and McDonald in 1903; depth, 168 feet; casing, G-inch. to bottom; water stands at -30 feet; estimated yield by pumping, 115 gallons, per minute; water is pumped into standpipe, from which it is distributed through the town. Boring begins in strata of the St. Steph- ens, overlain by Grand Gulf and Lafayette; water probably obtained from the Claiborne sands below the limestone. ESCAMBIA COUNTY. SURFACE FEATURES. The surface throughout Escambia County is occupied chief- ly by two formations, the Lafayette and Grand Gulf, whose sands, loams, clays, and pebble beds' have at one time covered all the underlying Tertiary rocks. The Lafayette, here as elsewhere, is a mantle averaging 20 to 25 feet in thickness, and the Grand Gulf sands and stratified clays are also of the nature of a covering formation beneath the Lafayette. The underlying Tertiary formations next below the Grand Gulf are the St. Stephens or white limestone in the northern part of the county, and the sands' and clays of the lower Miocene in the southern part. The Lafayette and Grand Gulf have been so much eroded that they are not now everywhere present, though generally so on the higher and more level tracts ; along the slopes and in the lowlands they are frequently absent and the Tertiary sands and limestones are exposed at the surface. The conditions are favorable for shallow waters and a good supply may be had almost anywhere in the county from wells 60 feet or less in depth ; springs also are not rare. WATERS OF THE; TERTIARY 269 ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. Deep borings for artesian water have as yet been confined to the* vicinity of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, mainly at Brewton, Harrington, Flomaton, and Atmore, but flowing wells should be obtained by moderately deep borings elsewhere in the country where the altitude is not too great. BREWTON AND VICINITY. Most of the artesian wells in the county are at Brewton and in its' immediate vicinity. Mr. W. J. Malone. who has drilled very many of these wells', has furnished the following general record of the conditions there : The shallowest of the flowing wells are only 40 feet deep; the deepest nearly 400 feet. The record in general is as fol- lows : surface, sand, gravel, etc., 20 feet; bluish clay, 20 feet; just below this in the sands is' the first water. The flow from the shallow wells is large at first, but falls off rapidly ; the water is strongly chalybeate. The sands below the blue marl or clay above noted are 15 to 20 feet thick, and are followed by 6 feet of white sticky mud ; then the second water at a depth of 65 feet, more or less. The flow of this is stronger than that of the first, but the water is likewise chalybeate. The white sticky mud continues 6 feet more, making 12 feet in all ; then sand for 5 feet, and a third flow of water at a depth of about 75 feet. This water is also chalybeate and the flow is a little better than the second. Below this are about TOO feet of loose white nonpacking sand, then an indurated bed of yellowish limestone 25 to 35 feet thick, below which, at a depth of about 200 feet, is another good flow of water. This is 1 described as magnesian (lime) water, and is quite different from the water obtained above it. Below the yellowish limestone are 33 feet of sand, 33 feet of blue mud like the first mentioned, 2 feet of very hard dark- blue slaty rock*, 60 feet of blue clay in egg-shaped lumps, then lirne rock down as far as the borings have penetrated. In this rock the drill will sometimes drop suddenly 2 or 3 feet, as if cavities existed in the rock. When the blue mud is' encounter- ed, gas nearly always comes up. In the lime rock water is obtained in places where the rock is of open texture, or porous. 270 DKTAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. As before stated, borings have gone into this limestone to a depth of about 400 feet from the surface, but the rock has not been passed through. The water from this horizon is' decided- ly limy, or "niagnesian." Mr. Malone states that the volume of water from the shal- low wells varies with the height of the water in Murder Creek, on the terrace of which the town is located, at about 85 feei above tide. The shallow wells probably do not go below the Grand Gulf beds. Among list of the shallow wells bored by Mr. Malone to depths of 65 to 80 feet are those of E. Downing (3 wells), J. A. McGowan (2 wells'), Jet McGowan, Mrs. Spear, P. B. Sowell (2 wells), A. McGowan (2 wells), M. McCall, W. A. Harrold, (2 wells), Brewton Gun Club, Phifer's bakery, Pe- ters Lumber Company (3 wells), and M. S. Lovelace (2 wells). These flow from 2 to 5 gallons per minute, and are generally cased for 65 feet with i i -4-inch pipe. The record is practi- cally the same for all, as follows: Sands and soil, 0-35 feet; blue marl, 35-45 feet; white sand, 45-65 feet; clay and marl, 65 feet to bottom. Besides thes'e there are about 80 other wells of the same kind in and about Brewton with similar records. Among them are the Parker well, 68 feet deep ; the canning factory well, 75 feet deep, with a good flow and water less strongly chalybeate than the others from this depth ; Allsup's well, 75 feet deep ; 2 wells at the ice factory, 42 and 44 feet deep, respectively, with strongly chalybeate water. The old McMillan well, bored many years ago, has ceased to flow. The w r ater was strongly chalybeate. The following wells get water from about 175 feet depth : Dr. W. H. Malone's, 200 feet deep, but water comes from the 175-foot level, as the well is on higher ground; Arends Hotel, 130 feet deep; Cedar Creek Mill, 178 feet; Dr. Tarrant's, 175 feet. These go into the St. Stephens limestone, and all the deeper wells are from the same formation. The well at the power house has a 2-inch pipe bringing the water from the bottom, 393 feet, and an outside 4-inch pipe bringing it from the 175-foot level. The three following records are of wells recently bored in Brewton. WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 271 Wiley Downingr's well, one-half mile from ralroad station; bored by David Carpenter in 1904; depth, 509 feet; casing, 3-inch and 2-inch; stood at -21 feet; second water, at 315 feet, overflowed; third water, at 360 feet; rises 31 feet above the surface; flow, 15 gallons per mniute at 2 feet above the surface; water is piped throughout the house and flows a strong stream on second floor. Record of Wiley Downing's well, Brewton. Feet. Sand 12 Clay 12 72 Sand 72 180 White lime rock 180 216 Black soft mud (between 290 and 300 feet shell embedded in mud) 216 300 Lime rock 300 302 Soft white marl 302 315 Rock 315 316 White soft marl 316 328 Alternating layers of soft marl 10 or 12 feet thick and hard rock 3 to 6 inches thick 328 509 E. Downing's well, one-half mile northeast of station; bored by David Carpenter in 1904; depth, 360 feet; casing, 3-inch and 2-inch; water rises 34 feet above the surface; flow, 5 gallons per minute. Record same as preceding. Cedar Creek Mill Company's well, in the S. E. quarter Section 28, Township 2. Range 10; bored by Henry Hammons in 1904; depth, 178 feet; casing, iy 2 inch; first water at 50 feet, flowing; second water, at 155 feet, flowing one gallon per minute; third water, at 177 feet, flowing 2 gallons per minute. Record: Sand and gravel, 0-25 leet; red clay, 25-30 feet; gravel, 30-33 feet; joint clay. 33-45 feet; white marl, 45-55 feet; quicksand, 55-141 feet; sand and lime rock, 141-178 feet. HERRINOTON AND VICINITY. J. A. Jernigan's well, Herrington, in the N. W. quarter N. W. quarter Section 14, Township 1, Range 9; bored in 1895 by negroes; depth, 117 feet; casing, 1% inch to bottom flow, 1 gallon per minute. Well at Keego, 1 mile northeast of Herrington, near Louisville and Nashville track; bored by negroes in 1902; depth, 135 feet; casing, 1 1-4 inch, to bottom; original flow, 10 gallons per minute; present flow, 1 gal- lon per minute; temperature, 69. POLLARD. The town of Pollard is on the terrace of Conecuh River, 25 or 30 feet above the bottom lands and perhaps 50 feet above low-water level. Many of the wells bored here reach depths of 80 to TOO feet, usually less than 90, and are probably alto- gether in Grand Gulf strata. They all yield flowing water 272 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. and in most cases good streams, the best of them filling a I 1-2 inch pipe. Most of the borings 1 have been made by Charlie Sowell, a negro, who gives the following general record : Red clay, 0-20 feet ; white sand, 20-30 feet ; white plastic clay, 30-40 feet; blue sand, 40-55 feet; blue sticky marl, 55-65 feet; at about 70-75 feet is usually a streak of black mud, in which the water is commonly found; this black mud is just above a blue clay. Well at Martin Lindsey Hotel, depth, 97 feet; flow, G gallons per minute; water rises to 7 feet above the surface; temperature, C9. W. A. Findley's well; bored about 1890; depth, 68 feet, (?); casing, 2-inch; water rises to 2 feet above the surface; estimated flow, 25 gallons per minute; temperature, 69. Lindsey Lumber Company's well; bored by Charlie Sowell; depth, 64 feet; flow, 7 gallons per minute, water rises to 4 feet above tue surface. W. T. Mayo's well, 75 yards south of station; depth, 97 feet; casing, iy 2 inch; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises to 3 feet above the sur- face; temperature, 69. C. L. Wiggin's well; bored in 1800; depth, 85 feet; flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises to 6 feet above the surface; temperature, 69; supply falls off in dry weather. Mat Manning's well; depth, 90 feet (?); flow, 3 gallons per minute; water rises to 6 feet above the surface; temperature, 69. B. F. Pringle's well; bored by Charlie Sowell; depth, 104 feet; estimated flow, 10 galolns per minute; water rises to 4 feet above the surface; tem- perature, 69. I. K. Stubb's well, 400 yards west of station; flow, 3 or 4 gauons per minute; water rises to 4 feet above the surface; temperature, 69. M. Lindsey's well; flow, 1 gallon per minute; water rises to 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 69. Well at N. N. Martin's turpentine still, one-fourth mile from station; bored by Charlie Sowell; depth, 75 or 80 feet; casing, 2-inch; flow, 25 gal- lons per minute; water rises to 8 feet above the surface; temperature, 68V 2 . J. L. Jernighan's well, one-fourth mile west of station; bored by Mr. Jernighan; depth, 73 feet; casing, iy 2 inch; flow, 25 gallons per minute; water rises to 3 feet above the surface; temperature, 69. Other wells in Pollard are on Dr. Ford's place; on the Hammock or McMillan place, where the stream fills a iy 2 inch pipe, the temperature of the water being 68; and at the Bonita Hotel. WEST OF POLLAED. To the west of Pollard there are few wells and they appear to be deeper. At Flomaton, the elevation of which is not greatly different from that of Pollard, there is only one well. viz, that in Mr. G. A. Ivey's yard. This' well was sunk by driv- ing a i i -2-inch pipe with open end down 311 feet, and pump- ing out the sand and other materials at intervals through a WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 273 smaller pipe. The water at present (1905) rises 8 or 10 feet above the surface, but Mr. Ivey states that when the three fourths-inch pipe was in it rose more than 50 feet above the surface. The material pumped out was chiefly white sand. At 211 feet the first water, a powerful stream, was 1 reached, but the sand caved in ana clogged the pipe, and it was not obtained again. Mr. Ivey reports that from near the bottom' of the well was brought up what he thought to be a petrified oak leaf, about 3 inches long and narrow like the leaf of the willow oak ; he also got at this depth "pieces of charcoal." This statement leads to . the inference that the boring penetrated the Coal Bluff lignite bed, which should be at about this depth here. He also reports that at old Erie (between Pollard and Floma- ton) there is or was 1 a flowing well, in which, at a depth of 80 feet, a "cypress" log was found. A sample of the water from Mr.'Ivey's well has been ana- lyzed by Mr. Hodges, with the result given below. Analysis of water from G. A. Ivey's well, Flomaton. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 2.3 Sodium (Na) 9.2 Magnesium (Mg) 3.7 Calcium (Ca) 8.5 Iron (Fe) '. 3.8 Alumina (A1 2 O 3 ) 2.3 Chlorine (Cl) 2.8 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 9.4 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 64.1 Silica (SiO 2 ) 15.2 121.3 The water has a slight taste of sulphur and stains glasses with the deposited iron. Further west, at Atmore, in the W. half N. W. quarter Sec- tion 29, Township i, Range 6, a well was bored by W. M. Car- ney in 1902, but no water was obtained and no record is avail- able. ROBERTS. The deepest boring made in Escambia County, is a well bored for oil on the banks of Conecuh River 6 miles above Roberts. Unfortunately samples of the materials penetrared 18. 274 DETAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. at different depths could not be obtained except in a few in- stances. At a depth of 100 feet the St. Stephens limestone wa< struck, and the boring was still in the same rock at the depth of 190 feet. Claiborne shells were brought up in abundance before the drill had gone 700 feet. As nearly as can be determ- ined the boring must have gone to the base of the Tertiary, if not into the Ripley beds. A great volume of water was struck at less than 700 feet. It was' estimated that, when half shut off, this flow Was 300x3 gallons per minute, and much greater before being reduced. The boring was done by M. Canfield in 1902-3. The Grand Gulf sands are at the surface, and the lower part of the river bluff is formed by the calcareous sands of Miocene age, while the top of the St. Stephens limestone is not far .below the water level in the river, since it shows in the banks a few miles up- stream. The water which pours' out of this well is beautifully clear and blue, such as is seen in limestone springs, and is de- cided limy. The record as given by Mr. Canfield is as follows : Record of well at Roberts. Feet. Sand 22 Blue marl 22 37 Fine white sand " 37 39 Gumbo 39 60 Lime rock and shell 60 Q\y 2 Gumbo 61% 90 Layers of shell rock and blue clay, 1 or 2 inches thick.. 90 90 Blue clay, 1 foot; white shell rock, 2% feet; blue clay, shell rock, 5 feet; very hard flint rock, 6 in., soft lime rock, 2 feet; blue clay, 2 feet 100 113 Lime rock 113 - 120 Hard lime rock, 18 inches; soft lime rock, 2% ft.; hard lime rock, 2 feet 120 126 Lime rock; small slow at about 150 feet 126 234 Lime and sand shale (water) 234 248 Sand rock 248 - 317 Lime and sand (water) 317 337 Hard sand rock (water) 337 - 347 Black muck, green clay, lignite, trace of oil; strong flow of water (3,000 gallons per minute) * 347 - 353 Lime rock, lignite, oily sand 353 363 Shale 363 365 Sandy shell rock 365 375 Shell rock 375 388 *The water from 350 feet came up through a 12-inch pipe 22 feet above the ground, then 8 feet through a 4-inch pipe, in all 30 fef?t. From the top of this pipe a 4-inch stream was projected 35 feet into the air, 65 feet above the ground surface. WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 275 Sandy shale 388 401 Soft, honeycombed lime rock 401 413 Gumbo (sea sediment) 413 416 Hard shell rock 416 427 Soft sand rock, lignite 427 441 Lignite 441 - 446 Sand 446 - 466 Soft lime rock, becoming harder 466 - 480 Honeycombed lime rock (water) 480 - 490 Hard lime rock 490 - 505 Blue marl 505 - 506 Lime rock 506 522 Soft lime 522 524 Sand, strong flow of water, nearly as great as that at 350 feet 524 526 Lime rock, sandy at times 526 588 Sandy shale 588 - 600 Lime rock, part shells 600 - 629 Blue sand shale 629 - 639 Lime rock 639 653 Sand and shale; at 675 feet good flow of water 653 698 Lime rock; thin stratum of coal in last 30 feet 698 748 Shell rock (cap rock) 748 - 758 Sand rock, much mica 758 764 Shell rock 764 773 Hard slate '. 773 813 Shell and lime rock 813 - 821 Sand 821 - 831 Shell and sand 831 - 911 Pyrite 911 - 912 Blue marl 912 - 923 Gumbo, some shell 923 958 Chalk 9o8 - 960 Gumbo 960 - 968 Soft sand rock 9o8 - 988 Sand rock 988 S92 Pyrite 9b2 - 9b9 Gumbo, streaks of shale 99J 1148 Dark clay 1148 11&4 Hard lime rock.shells 1154 1158 Clay, like lime ;..1158 1159 Lime, shells, sand rock 1159 1164 Gumbo, some gas 1164 1214 Porous lime rock 1214 1220 Shale 1220 1240 Soft, porous black rock, oil sand 1240 1245 Dark shale 1245 1290 Dark-green sand 1290 13 eet. Loose surface materials, varying slightly in color and texture 80 80 Alternations of blue and sandy marl (clay), with indurated blue ledge 5 feet thick at base 81 161 Soft clayey marl 23 184 Greensand, with shells, 3 feet, followed by 22 feet alternating hard and soft beds, the latter fossiliferous and water bearing 25 09 Marls or blue clays 46 2c5 Brown and blue marls (clavs) in many alternations (lignitic?). . 21 2< DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. MINERAL WATERS. The mineral waters in Baldwin County are in the main salty. They are to be had from shallow and driven wells sunk on the sand spits and low islands. All the bored wells on Blakely Island are reported by Mr. J. D. Webb as yielding salty water. Shallow wells on the spit between the lagoon and the Gulf yield salt water from which salt was manufactured during- the war. It is said to be more salty than the water of the Gulf. Some of these salt wells are in the N. E. quarter Section 12, Township 9 S., Range 3 E., on the eastern side of Bay St. John. Others are in the N. W. quarter Section 7, Township 9 S., Range 4 E. It is worthy of remark that simi- lar shallow wells on the mainland and quite as near to the salt water of the lagoons and bays frequently yield pure water, some of it exceptionally so. This may be seen in the analyses of the water from the Bromberg springs, and from the Bayou Labatre Cannery well, in Mobile County. Good drinking wa- ter is also to be had from shallow wells on the landward mar- gin of Perdido Bay in Baldwin County. ARTESIAN PROSPECTS. Except in a few deep wells recently bored the artesian con- ditions of Baldwin County depend on the strata of the Grand Gulf formation alone. Near Soldier creek Post-office, in Sec- tion 16, Township 8 S., Range 6 E., on Perdido Bay, in Mr. Randolph's driven well, 45 feet deep, the water rises very nearly to the surface. At Millview, on the Florida side of the bay, in a well 55 feet deep, the water rises 5 or 6 feet above the surface. Up Wolf Bay, near Swift Post-office, overflowing water is obtained at a depth of 110 feet. Near Perdido River at Lane's Ferry two flowing wells were noted and one at Gateswood, not far from Seminole. Of these no particulars were obtained. On the Florida side of the river such wells are more numerous than on the Alabama side. In the matter of deep \vells there is comparatively little to record. In the southern part of the county, in the center of Section 22, Township 8 S., Range 4 E., Major Fitzhugh has recently bored for oil to a depth of of more than 1500 feet; record not obtained. It is of interest to note that Miocene shells were encountered in this well, as in the Mobile wells, at depths of 730 feet and lower. WATERS OF THE; TERTIARY 517 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. ADDITIONS. Several analyses overlooked at the time or available since the printing of that part of the Report to which they belong, are here added. APPALACHIAN VALLEYS. Cahaba River Water. The following analysis by Mr. Hod- ges, of water from Cahaba River at DeShazo's Mill, below Leeds in Jefferson county, is given as showing the average character of the water supply of the City of Birmingham. This belongs to the bicarbonated alkaline calcic class' of waters which includes the majority of the potable waters investigat- ed by us. Analysis of water from Cahaba River, below Leeds, Jefferson County. Parts r--2r million. Potassium (K) "3.6 Sodium (Na) 3.8 Magnesium (Mg) 8.0 Calcium (Ca) 40.7 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 3.2 Chlorine (Cl) 3.5 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 1.7 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 162.2 Silica (SiO a ) 46.1 272.8 VALLEY OP THE TENNESSEE. Sanaqua Mineral Water, Huntsville, Madison County In the vicinity of Huntsville, several rather shallow bored wells have recently been sunk into the limestones of the Subcar- boniferous formation. One of these is reported 3 miles' north- west of Huntsville of which no record is available. Another about 4 miles southwest of the city, was bored in 1905 by Jud^e S. Morgan Stewart. Depth 160 feet ; 40 feet through the sur- face soil and 120 feet into the limestone. The water stands at -no feet and is brought to the surface by a pump, the tubes 318 DETAILS: COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. / of which are very quickly corroded. Because of its very decided mineral qualities this water has been put on the market as thy Sanaqua Mineral Water. Its composition is shown by the fol- lowing analysis made by Dr. B. B. Ross, State Chemist, the analysis being originally expressed in grains per gallon and hypothetical combinations', but iccomputed in ionic form and parts per million by Mr. R. S. Hodges. Analysis of Sanaqua Mineral Water, Huntsville, Madison County. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 22.5 Sodium (Na) 2634.7 Magnesium (Mg) 187.4 Calcium (Ca) 410.7 Ferrous oxide (FeO) 8.4 Alumina (A1 2 O 3 ) 10.8 Chlorine (Cl) 1365.3 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 5393.0 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) trace Sulphuretted hydrogen (H 2 S) 69.0 Silica (SiOa) 16.3 10118.1 As the analysis shows this is a strong saline water of the sulphated sulphuretted class, containing also a high percentage of sodium chloride and of salts' of iron. In these characters it resembles the waters of the Flatwoods of Sumter county as exhibited in the analyses of the waters of the Altman, Mills, and Hightower wells. COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION; CRETACIOUS. HALE COUNTY. Spring of T. G. Moore ; two miles from Greensboro in the S. W. quarter of the S. W. quarter of Section 7, Township 20, Range 5 E. This may be taken as a fairly representative spring of the kind mentioned on page 158 as coming from the Lafayette formation. The water from this spring has been analyzed by Mr. Hodges with the following results : WATERS OF THE) CRETACEOUS. 319 Analysis of water from T. G. Moore's Spring, near Greensboro, Hale County. Parts per million. Potassium (K) .6 Sodium (Na) 4.3 Magnesium (Mg) .6 Calcium (Ca) 1.2 Iron (Fe) .3 Alumina (A1 2 O 3 ) 2.3 Chlorine (Cl) 2.9 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) .6 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 13.8 Silica (Si0 2 ) 11.4 38.0 It belongs to the class of alkaline bicarbonated waters which includes many potable waters as well as waters' of reputed medicinal virtue. Artesian well at Lock 5, now Lock 8, Black Warrior River. On page 161 reference is made to two wells at this Lock, between Stewarts and Akron. The water from well No. I has been analyzed by Mr. Hod- ges with the results given below. Analysis of ivater from well No. 1, Lock 8, Black Warrior River. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 8.3 Sodium (Na) 1057.4 Magnesium (Mg) 15.2 Calcium (Ca) 87.2 Iron (Fe) 2.8 Chlorine (Cl) 1330.1 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) trace Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 865.1 Silica (SiOa) 15.8 3381.9 This is a strong alkaline saline muriated water with rel- atively high percentage of iron. The almost entire absence of sulphates is to be remarked. Well at Bvans Station. The water from one of the earlier artesian wells at Evans station in Hale county has been analyzed by Mr. Hodges; probably one of the E. S. Evans wells men- tioned on page 162. It is a good type of the alkaline saline sulphated class and as such is' here given, although more- 320 DETAILS I COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. heavily charged with dissolved salts than the majority of the waters of this class, excepting the sulphur waters. Analysis of water from, well at Evans Station, Hale county. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 3.0 Sodium (Na) 106.3 Magnesium (Mg) 33.2 Calcium (Ca) 84.2 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 1.9 Chlorine (Cl) 21.0 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) ' 274.0 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 323.4 Silica (SiO 2 ) 44.6 COASTAL PLAIN DIVISON ; TERTIARY. SUMTER COUNTY. Well of Dr. J. A. Beavers, one mile east of Cuba. Drilled by Dr. J. A. Beavers in May 1905 in his yard to supply water for domestic use. Previous to this time malarial fevers had been prevalent in his family but since the well was sunk no case of sickness has occurred and Dr. Beavers ascribes this 1 to the use of the water, which is raised by means of a hand pump. This pipe is I 1-4' inch in diameter. The analysis by Mr. Hodges shows this water to belong to the class of alkaline saline water with predominant sulphates but with a good percentage of chlorides, and relatively high content of iron. Waters of this class even when only slightly charged with these mineral matters are often considered to have medicinal value, as 1 for instance the waters of the Healing Springs in Washington county, Butler Springs in Butler, Mcntone Springs in DeKalb, Hawkin's well supplying the Leeds Mineral water in Jefferson county, mentioned in this report. WATERS OF THE TERTIARY 321 Analysis of ivater from Dr. J. A. Beavers' ivell, Sumter county. Parts per million. Potassium (K) v...; .6 Sodium (Na) 4.7 Magnesium (Mg) 1.9 Calcium (Ca) 3.6 Iron and alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 1.8 Chlorine (Cl) 6.6 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) . .. 8.4 Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 14.1 Silica (Si0 2 ) 9.5 51.2 CORRECTIONS. Several errors have escaped the proof reader, as is inevitable. The following are perhaps of enough importance to be pointed out and corrected: On page 79 the summation of the analysis of the Cold Spring water should be 301.7, instead of 301.9. On page 80 the summation of analysis of water from Harrell's well should be 298.7, instead of 298.2. The analyses on page 89 of the waters from Cook springs, No. 1 "Sulphur spring" and No. 3, "Chalybeate" are here reprinted as they should be, as the best way to make the corrections. Analyses of water from Cook Springs. Parts per million. No. 1. No. 2. Sodium (Na) , 30.2 11.0 Potassium (K) 2.6 3.7 Magnesium (Mg) 4.1 2.6 Calcium (Ca) 22.6 11.7 Iron & alumina (Fe 2 O3, A1 2 O 3 ) 2.8 10.8 Chlorine (Cl) 5.3 3.5 Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) 5.3 2.1 Bicarbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 157.1 74.1 Sulphuretted Hydrogen (H 2 S) .4 Silica (SiO 2 ) 43.8 44.8 274.2 164.; Corresponding changes should be made in the figures in the de- scriptive paragraph preceding the analyses. On page 99. The summation of Analysis No. 1 should be 949. ?4 instead of 947.80. On page 133 in the heading of the analysis C. B. Mill's should be C. P. Mills'. 21 322 DETAILS : COASTAL PLAIN DIVISION. On page 142 the summation of Dr. "Webb's analysis should be 5345.36 instead of 5335.36. On page 143 the figures showing the proportion of Sodium in the water of Allison well should be 2999.0 instead of 540.2 and the analysis correctly stated should be Analysis of water from Allison Lumber Company's well, near Bellamy. Parts per million. Potassium (K) 13.2 Sodium (Na) 2999.0 Magnesium (Mg) 43.1 Calcium (Ca) 139.6 Iron & Alumina (Fe 2 O 3 , A1 2 O 3 ) 5.2 Chlorine (Cl) 4538.0 Sulphuric Acid (SO 4 ) .3 Carbonic Acid (HCO 3 ) 784.5 Silica (SiOa) 50.8 8573.7 On page 160 the figure for Silica in the analysis should be 19.9 instead of 19.2. On page 162 the summation of the first analysis of the Akron water should be 129.7 instead of 141.4, and that of the second, 115.4 instead of 115.1. On page 258 the summation of the analysis should be 209.68 instead of 205.25. On page 276 the summation of analysis No. 3 should be 304.1 in- stead of 303.1. CHAPTER IV. THE CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. CHEMISTRY. We have seen that all underground waters have their source in the rainfall. Before reaching the earth the rainwater is practically free from solid mineral matter, but is more or less charged with oxygen and carbon dioxide, which give to it some solvent power. At the surface its solvent powers are still further increased by the solution of certain compounds resulting from the decomposition of organic matter, and local- ly, from the oxidation of metallic sulphides (chiefly iron pv- rites). Aided by thes'e it speedily becomes charged with min- eral matter in its downward percolation through permeable strata. All natural waters are therefore mineral waters, though this term has now come to include only those natural waters to which their mineral contents impart a decided taste or a decided medicinal quality. Let us first follow the course of the meteoric water, charged as it is with oxygen carbon dioxide, and organic matter, in its downward progress' through the strata. The sedimentary rocks which furnish to the infiltrating waters their mineral contents may for convenience be placed in two groups, namely: (i) those composed of the products of the decomposition more or less complete, of the crystalline rocks, and (2) those consisting essentially of limestone and dolomite. The materials of the first group are, the insoluble residual matters, (mainly quartz sand and clay, usually ferruginous), resulting from complete decomposition; the undecomposed but still decomposable fragments of the constituent (especially felds*- pathic) minerals of these rocks ; and the soluble products (main- ly alkaline carbonates and silicates) of this decomposition, per- meating and saturating the two preceding. These soluble products' and the gradual decomposition of the feldspathic fragments by the carbonated waters furnish a con- 01 I 324 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. tinuous supply of the alkalies to the water. The carbonate of potassium, as is well known, in contact with clayey sediments, very quickly passes into ins'oluble compounds; the carbonates of calcium and magnesium in this class of sediments although soluble, are present in very small quantities ; while the sand and clays are almost entirely insoluble. The carbonated water which has passed through sediments of this nature would therefore, contain notable quantities of sodium with smaller amounts calcium and magnesium. In its circulation- through the strata the carbonated meteoric water comes also in contact with the second clas's of sediments composed of limestones and dolomites, from which it takes up notable amounts of calcium and magnesium in the form of bicarbonates or as simple carbonates; and such water would therefore be characterized by a predominance of calcium and magnesium ions, although waters' coming from limestones al- ways contain more or less sodium. In their underground circulation an intermingling of waters of these two varieties would naturally give rise to those inter- mediate classes containing carbonates both of alkalies (K and Na), and of alkaline earths' (Ci and Mg.) We have also seen that the great majority of our stratified rocks are marine sediments, and therefore must necessarily have the pore spaces which constitute no inconsiderable portion of their volume, filled with the. waters of the ancient seas in which the sediments' were deposited. This will be the case especially where these rocks lie below the level of the sea and have no-: been uplifted or broken so as to allow their bitter waters to be replaced by fresh infiltrating waters. It may be remarked here also, that clayey and calcareous sediments preserve their saline solutions far better than do the porous' sandstones, as may be seen by comparison of the analyses of the water de- rived from strata of various kinds.* And furthermore, as at present, so in the past, there have been interior basins without outlet, and portions of the sea isolated from the main body in which by complete evaporation, gypsum, salt, and the more sol- uble salts of the mother liquor have bqcome incorporated in the sediments in solid form. Circulating waters after taking in solution these neutral salts from the above mentioned marine sediments, embrace on the one hand the brines, characterized *T. S. Hunt, Chemical and Geological Essays, page 104. CHEMISTRY, , 325 by the preponderance of chlorides and the practical absence of sulphates, and on the other hand, the sulphated waters char- acterized by the predominance of sulphates and the relatively small amount of chlorides. Sulphated saline waters of this origin are, however, in our experience, rare. The more prolific source of the sulphated waters is the action of the sulphuric acid and sulphates of iron and aluminum, generated by the oxi- dation of pyrites, upon salt-bearing calcareous and magnesian sediments'. Beds of carbonaceous clay with gypsum and iron pyrites are especially favorable to the production of such water as is shown by its abundance in the "Flatwoods" belt of the Tertiary. Often waters of this later class contain free sulphu- ric acid, there being all gradations between strongly acid waters nad tho ! se in which the free acid has been neutralized by the al- kaline and earthy constituents of the enclosing sediments. Those waters produced through the agency of the oxidation products of pyrites must necessarily be of superficial and local character, and, so far as we have examined them, come from springs and shallow wells, varying in composition with the saturation of the acids and in concentration with the variations in rainfall. It goes almost without saying that a water deriving its min- eral constituents from any one of the above mentioned sources alone will rarely be met with, for in the underground circula- tion there must inevitably be a more or less thorough mingling of the waters enriched from all the sources referred to. The agency of decaying organic matter, such as is found in the black shales' of the Paleozoic formations, in the mineraliza- tion of water is shown in those varieties popularity designated as "chalybeate" and "sulphur" water. Small proportions of iron ore are present in almost every variety of water, but it is only to those in which a notable amount (8 parts per mil- lion* ) of iron is present and which therefore have characteris- *In the case of waters containing only a small amount of mineral matters, iron in much smaller proportion than 8 parts per million may impart a chalybeate character to it. The analyses given in this report seem to show that when the proportion of iron to the total amount of dissolved solids in the water is as high as 1 to 75, the water is chalybeate. Thus, the water of the Ivey well at Flomaton contains only 3.8 parts per million of iron, yet it is very decidedly chalybeate, but the total solids in this water amount to only 121.3 parts per million. The water of Chandler's spring containing 319.8 total solids and 4.3 iron, is also chalybeate. The water of the Mentone spring is strong- ly chalybeate with 6.6 parts per million of iron and 80.5 parts per million total solids. 326 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. tic medicinal proprieties, that the name "chalybeate" is' com- monly applied. In the sediments free from organic matter the iron exists in the ferric or highly oxidized condition which is insoluble in meteoric waters, but by the action of decomposing organic matter this oxide is reduced to the ferrous, which is easily soluble in carbonated waters. On exposure to the air the escape of the carbon dioxide is followed by the oxidation of the iron back to the ferric or insoluble condition, and its consequent deposition as hydrated ferric oxide in the run-off of the spring. "Sulphur." waters are characterized by the presence of sul- phuretted hydrogen in such quantity as to give a distinct char- acter to the water. The origin, at least of all the Alabama wa- ters of this nature, may be traced to the reducing action of de- composing organic mater upon sulphates. In very many cases this reaction may be very intimately as'sociated with oxidation of the metallic sulphides, principally iron pyrites. This oxi- dation gives rise to the sulphate of iron and by subsequent reactions to the sulphates of magnesium, calcium, etc. When the decaying organic matter is present in sufficient amount these sulphates' may be reduced to sulphides which may be taken directly into solution or by reaction with alkaline waters may form hydrogen sulphide. Brines containing small amounts of sulphates are liable to contain traces of sulphuretted hydro- gen if organic matter be present. CLASSIFICATION. A systematic arrangement is the first requisite in a study of mineral waters'. Any classification, while to a certain extent arbitrary, must be broad enough to include any mineral water which may hereafter be analyzed and must also be in line with modern research. Many classifications have been proposed, but the one brought out by Messrs. Haywod and Smith in a recent government publication* is the most satisfactory since it is based entirely upon the chemical composition of the water, the subdivisions being determined by the predominance of one or more of the ingredients. The classes are defined not upon *Haywood and Smith, "Mineral Water of the United States," Bull. 91, Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. CLASSIFICATION. 327 the basis of the combinations of the ions* present, as most wri- ters have done, but upon the basis of the ions themselves, no chemical methods being known by which in solutions' the rela- tive amounts of acid and basic ions entering into combination with each other to form salts can be determined. In the first place, all waters are characterized by their tem- perature and are divided into two great groups : Thermal and non-thermal, waters having a temperature above 7oF., being considered as thermal. These two groups are treated precisely alike so* far as their s'olid constituents are concerned. Each contains four main classes : alkaline, alkaline-saline, saline, and acid, each of which may be further, characterized by its predominant acid constituent as carbonated or bicarbonate^, borated, or silicated for the alkaline class ; sulphated, muriated or nitrated for the alkaline-saline and saline class'es; and as sulphated or muriated for the acid class. If any basic element is prominent in the water this fact may be indicated by prefixing its name, (sodic, lithic, potassic, calcic, magnesic, ferruginous, or aluminic) to the regular class name. If any basic or acid constituent is prominent therapeutically but not chemically, this fact may be indicated by adding or affixing its name (arsenic, bromic, iodic, boric, siliceous, fer- ruginous, etc.) to the regular class name. Lastly, any water belonging to any subdivision of either of the four classes, may be characterized by the presence of gase- ous constituents, as carbon dioxated, sulphuretted, carburetted, etc. This classification, as to group, class, and subclass, is shown in the table below, any class being capable of additional char- acterization by naming its prominent acid or basic constituent, as above indicated. * According to the modern theories of electrolytic dissociation an ion is an electrically charged simple atom or group of atoms forming in itself a complete individual, i. e. acting as a chemical unit. To illustrate; common salt sodium chloride consists of an atom of sodium (Na) combined with an atom of chlorine (Cl). In solution the ions of common salt would be Na for the basic element and Cl for the acid. In calcium sulphate, a combination of calcium with sul- phuric acid, the ions are Ca for the calcium base, and SCU for the acid group. 328 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. SCHEME; OF CLASSIFICATION. Group. Class. I. Alkaline-- Thermal or Nonthermal. II. Alkaline-saline. III. Saline. IV. Acid. Subclass. Carbonated or bicarbonated. Borated. Silicated. Muriated. Sulphated. Nitrated. Muriated. Sulpha ted. Nitrated. f Muriated. \ Sulphated. Alkaline waters. Alkaline waters are defined as those giving an alkaline reaction* and containing carbonic or bicarbonic acid ions in predominating quantities, and those giving an alkaline reaction and containing boric or silicic acid ions in predominat- ing quantities, where it can be proved that the alkalinity is due to thr presence of berates or silicates. Saline waters. Saline waters are those which have an alka- line or neutral reaction and contain sulphuric, hydrochloric, or nitric acid ions in predominating quantities. Alkaline-saline waters. Alkaline-saline waters lie between the alkaline and saline classes. They have an alkaline reaction and contain acid ions from both these classes in approximately equal amounts. Acid waters. Acid waters are those which have an acid reaction, and contain either sulphuric or muriatic acid ions in predominating quantities. ALKALINE WATERS. TABLES I AND II. Of the alkaline waters as' defined above our present inves- tigations are concerned with the carbonated only, divisible into two groups, one in which calcium is the predominating basic *When acid or alkaline reactions are mentioned in these defini- tions, methyl orange is supposed to be used as indicator. (Hay wood and Smith.) CLASSIFICATION: ALKALINE; WATERS. 329 constituent, and the other in which sodium is predominant. In only one of the alkaline waters analyzed did the water fall outside of these two groups. The. water referred to is that from the mineral spring at Citronelle, Mobile County, in which iron predominates over all other basic constituents. In the exami- nation of thes'e analyses (Tables I. and II.) it will be seen that in both groups the amount of mineral matter present is rela- tively small, seldom exceeding 300 parts per million. To this, however, the water from the Demopolis City wells, with 951.^ parts per million of solid matters, mainly sodium carbonate, is a very notable exception. These waters are all good for domestic purposes, many of them constituting the water supply of our cities, and it is proba- ble that when more analyses shall have been made, this suit- ability of the alkaline waters for city supplies will be still move clearly shown. Table I includes those alkaline bicarbonated waters in which calcium is the predominant basic constituent, and of these we have 37 analyses, which we place in three groups'; (i) the normal calcic bicarbonated alkaline waters; (2) those in which the proportion of magnesium is exceptionally high, and (3) those in which iron is a characteristic or predominant constitu- ent. Of the normal waters of group i, we have 26 analyses, 18 of which are of spring waters, i of a shallow well, i of a river furnishing a city supply, and 6 of deep wells. Ten of the spring waters, and the shallow (Ingram) well water, are con- sidered medicinal waters. The Cold Spring t Blount Springs and the Freestone spring at the Alabama White Sulphur Springs may be taken as typical limestone spring waters, which issue so abundantly from the subcarboniferous limestones and from the Knox Dolomite. The Cahaba river water also gets its' character from the limestones over which the river flows in the upper part of its course. Of the 6 deep well waters, three, viz., those from C. C. Fen-ill's and the City wells at Selma, and from the well it Williford's Landing, contain relatively high percentages of the chloride and sulphate of sodium, which brings them into close relation with the waters included in Table II. In group 2 of Table I, we have placed those bicarbonated- alkaline waters which are characterized by relatively high pro- 3SO CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. portion of the salts of magnesium. It is of interest to note that of the six analyses here included, five are of "mineral" springs, and one of a deep well in the Coal Measures. All the mineral springs are places of resort. While in all these magnesic wa- ters the bicarbonates predominate, yet the saline constituents, chlorides and sulphates, are also relatively abundant. Of the chalybeate waters of group 3, one is from a spring, one from a shallow well, and three from deep wells. In this connection it is to be remarked that the magnesic mineral spring waters of the preceding group 2, are also strongly chaly- beate. In Table II, which includes those bicarbonated alkaline wa- ters in which sodium is the predominating constituent, there are 17 analyses. Of these, 13 are of waters from deep wells coming from or through limestone formations, the other 4 are from springs, three of which are classed as mineral (me- dicinal) springs. One of these, the Cherokee spring at Cit- ronelle, is remarkable from the fact that the iron predominates over all the other basic ingredients of the water. Nearly inter- mediate between this class and the preceding are the two deep well waters above alluded to, from Selma and from Williford's (Table I.) which might with almost equal propriety be put in Table II. With the exception of the Exchange Hotel and Demopolis waters', the high percentage of sodium in the deep well waters derived from limestone formations, appears to be due in part to the common salt and sodium sulphate which those formations, as marine sediments, normally contain. With increase in the relative proportion of sodium salts these waters' grade into the alkaline-saline muriated, and saline muriated wa- ters which may be considered the typical deep well waters. It will be seen by reference to the other tables that about half of the "mineral" waters of which we have analyses, are included in the bicarbonated alkaline classes', and of these a very large proportion, four-fifths or more, contain calcium as the predominating constituent. It is to be remarked that either of these groups of alkaline waters may become chalybeate through the intervention of de- caying organic matters, such as are found in the black shales of the Paleozoic formations. The same black shales', in conjunction with the oxidation products of iron pyrites,a mineral of frequent, almost univer- CLASSIFICATION : ALKALINE-SALINE WATERS. 331 sal occurrence in such shales, are the source of many of the sulphuretted waters of this section. The Cook springs in the Coal Measures' and the two St. Clair Sulphur springs in the Cambrian Flatwoods owe their existence to black pyritous shales. Chalybeate waters are more commonly spring waters than deep well waters. The only strongly chalybeate well waters in this class are those from the Akron and Brantley wells. The other chalybeate waters' come from springs in the crystalline rocks. (Chandler's and Chambers') ; in the Subcarboniferovis or Mississippian series, (Harrell's) ; in the Coal Measures or Pennsylvanian series (Cooks) ; and in the Grand Gulf, (Citro- nelle.) With the exception of Harrell's 1 (shallow well), these are places of resort. ALKALINE-SALINE WATERS. TABLE III. As the name indicates, these waters are intermediate be- tween the alkaline and saline classes and contain approximately equal portions of the carbonates which are characteristic of the alkaline class and of the "chlorides and sulphates' predominant in the saline class. They are further subdivided into two groups, muriated and sulphated, according to the preponderance of the chlorides or sulphates which they have derived from the strata through which they have passed. In this clas's the mineral contents are generally much higher than in the alkaline class, and since marine sediments which make up the bulk of our stratified rocks are richer in chlorides, mainly common salt, than in sulphates, the muriated waters hold a larger proportion of mineral matters than do the sul- phated. This may be seen by inspection of the table. The small amount of sulphates in the muriated waters is also worthy of notice. In the muriated group of alkaline-saline waters we have 16 analyses available ; 10 from deep wells, I from a shallow well, and 5 from "mineral" springs. Eight of the deep wells, viz., those in Hale, Greene, and Marengo counties', and the Pitts- boro well derive their waters from the Eutaw sands, while the 332 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. Bayou Labatre and Alabama Port wells of Mobile county find their water in Miocene or some later Tertiary strata. The three sulphur waters of Blount Springs owe their content .of sulphur to the oxidation of pyrite and the reducing action of organic matter in the Devonian black shale. The Blount waters are generally considered to be the strongest sulphur waters' in the State, a claim which is borne out, so far as the analyses pre- sented in the tables accompanying this paper are concerned.* Only one of the waters of this group is notably chalybeate, viz., that from a shallow well of J. W. Bright in Mobile county. Of the sulphated group there are n analyses available, of which 7 are of spring waters ; 2 of shallow wells, (Hawkins and Beavers) ; and 2. of deep wells, that at Enterprise deriving its water probably from the Nanafalia formation, and that at Evans Station, from the Eutaw sands. Only one of this group is a chalybeate water, the Mentone on Lookout Moun- tain, (Coal Measures.) In both groups' of this class, the gradual increase of the chlo- rides and sulphates present, marks a gradual transition into the saline class. SALINE WATERS. TABLE IV. Under this heading are included two very distinct groups, both as regards origin and composition. The one group is char- acterized by the predominance of chlorine ions', the other by the predominance of sulphuric acid ions. Both groups contain variable but relatively small quantities of carbonic acid ions as a result of intermingling with waters of other classes. The muriated waters of this class contain as their chief con- stituent, common salt, with or without the chlorides of potas- sium, magnesium, or calcium. Sulphates are practically absent (as in the muriated group of the alkaline-saline class), and this, in connection with the presence of calcium and magnesium salts (chlorides) in relatively large proportion, is' considered to be characteristic of ancient brines as distinguished from the *The large figure for the sulphuretted hydrogen, (530.2 parts per million) in the analysis of Talladega Springs water, given in Table TV. is evidently a mistake, since a recent determination made at the spring by Mr. Hodges, gave only 19 parts per million. CLASSIFICATION: SALINE WATERS. 333 waters of modern seas. Their composition points thus to their derivation from the brines and mother liquors of ancient seas', or from the salts of these ancient seas left in solid form upon evaporation of isolated basins. Of these muriated waters we have 13 analyses; all, with the exception of a spring situated on the coast in Mobile county, from deep wells deriving their supply from a great variety of geological formations. The two wells at Holt and the Hosiery Mill well at Tuscaloosa derive their water from the strata of the Coal Measures; the Allen well, the Eutaw Dump well, the Livingston and the Allison wells, from the Tuscaloosa and Eutaw sands of the Cretaceous : the Clarke county salt well. from the middle Eocene; the Jackson well and the Cullom Springs well, from the lower Eocene, although the drilling in the latter well went down into the Cretaceous ; the Fort Gaines well and the Mobile Oil Mill well, from the Miocene or some later Tertiary formation. Some of these waters are used for domestic purposes, others are too salty for constant use, while the water from the Clarke county brine well has been used in the manufacture of salt. The waters from the Hosiery Mill well in Tuscaloosa and from the Livingston well are considered to have medicinal value. The same is true also of the sulphur well at Jackson in Clarke county, which yields the only sulphuretted water of this class of which we have an analysis'. This is primarily a saline water containing a small amount of sulphates, from the reduction of which by the organic matters in the water, the sulphuretted hydrogen has originated. To ( the taste this \s one of the most pleasant of the mineral waters of the State. Of the sulphated waters' of the saline class we have 12 anal- yses ; 2 of springs, 7 of shallow wells, and 3 of deep wells. The sulphated saline waters are of two- fold origin; first, those formed by the solution of the sulphates existing in the strata as' deposits of sulphate of sodium, potassium, magnesium or calcium. The calcium sulphate (gypsum) is always pres- ent, and it may be that the other sulphates have been formed by the decomposition of the gypsum by solutions containing 334 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. the alkaline and magnesian salts.* Second, those formed by the action of the sulphuric acid or the acid sulphates' upon al- kaline solutions or upon calcareous or magnesian rocks. The sulphated saline waters thus produced through the agency of the oxidation products of pyrites must necessarily be of super- ficial and local character. These waters', with two exceptions, Hightowers and Sanaquat, contain notable amounts of carbo- nates, as a result of mixtures with alkaline waters. The sul- phated salines fall naturally into three classes according as sodium, calcium, or magnesium is the predominating basic constituent, and in the greater number of the waters of this group analyzed calcium predominates. Several waters of the sulphated saline class contain notable amounts of iron and might be called chalybeate. ACID WATERS. i TABLE V. The acid waters of Alabama are due to reactions in which the oxidation products of metallic sulphides, mainly iron pyrites, take an essential part. By this' oxidation there is produced first the sulphate of iron (possibly free sulphuric acid), and, by further reactions of this with aluminous, calcareous and magnesian rocks, and alkaline solutions, the other sulphates. So long as there is an excess of free acid or of the acid sul- phates of iron and aluminum, the waters will be acid, but by progressive saturation of the acid with the various bases men- tioned, there will be a gradual formation of neutral sulphates *The fact that these waters, with the exception of Perry's, Hard- enbergh's and Sanaqua come from springs or shallow wells is full of significance. The water standing in these wells has time to take in from the surrounding clays, into which the wells have mostly been sunk, all the soluble salts within its reach, such as sulphates of magnesium, sodium, and calcium, bituminous matters, and if pyrites be present, the products of its oxidation and their alterations. The Hightower, Mills, and Altman wells, are in the black clays of the Flatwoods, while the conditions about the Gary and Jones springs and the Tidniore, McGraw, and Landers wells are quite similar, though the geological formations are different. tThe Sanaqua \vater might probably better be classed with the acid waters since carbonates are practically absent. In the very high percentage of chlorides, however, it differs from the other acid waters which we have analyzed. CLASSIFICATION: ACID WATERS. 335 and thus a gradation into the sulphated division of the saline waters. These waters', as well as those of the sulphated saline class of similar origin, are of superficial and local character. These acid waters are, of course, highly medicinal and there- fore of much interest. The first from a shallow well of Mr. W. E. Forman, is remarkable for the large amount of manga- nese sulphate which it holds. The two free acid waters, Dr. Kale's and the Matchless Mineral Water of Greenville, are of special interest. If we compare Dr. Male's with the other three waters of the same (Flatwpods) formation, viz., Hightower's Mills', and Altman's, of the saline class, several important rela- tions will appear. The Hale water being strongly acid contains, of course, no carbonates, the Hightower water similarly has practically no carbonates, but als'o no free acid the neutrali- zation being complete and as yet no accession of carbonates from contact with alkaline waters. The other two waters, Mills' and Altman's, exhibit the further alteration of such a water as the Hightower after neutralization of the acid, through gradual accession of carbonates by intermingling with ordinary calcareous alkaline waters. All three, Hightower, Mills, and Altman, seem to betray their derivation from a water of the Hale type by their high content of iron diminishing as the alteration progresses. The other acid water, from the Roper well near Greenville, "Matchless Mineral Water," has much reputation as a medici- nal water, which it well deserves. I give in addition to Mr. Hodges' analysis of the water from a sample taken after a long wet seas'on, one by myself and Mr. J. B. Little made many years ago, and one by Dr. Metz of New Orleans, to show not only the difference in the concentration, but also in the com- position of the water at different times. One analysis shows 3,615.7 parts per million, another 9,354.4 parts per million, over twice as much, and the other 21.490.8 parts per million nearly six times as much. In the dilute water (Hodges' anal- ysis) the amounts of chlorine, sodium, potassium, calcium, aluminum, and silica are relatively much greater than in the more concentrated waters of the other two analyses. On the other hand the iron and sulphuric acid ions in the concentrated waters are present in relatively much larger proportion than in the dilute. 336 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. GENERALIZATIONS. From a study of the composition of the waters of Alabama as indicated by the analyses given in this report, I think we may be justified in drawing a few general conclusions, realizing fully, however, that entirely reliable generalizations cannot be made from a small number of analyses. For the present also, we shall consider only the deep wells', leaving the shallow wells and springs for a later occasion. In the three tables which follow we have brought together the analyses' of the deep well waters which, as nearly as we can decide it, come from the same geological formation. The class to which each water belongs is s'hown by the Roman numerals. The geographical distribution of the wells has also been kept in mind in the arrangement of the analyses in the tables, and the depths of the wells are given in most cases. In a few in- stances' the figures indicate the depth from which the water supply comes rather than the actual depth of the boring. WATERS FROM THE TUSCALOOSA STRATA. TABLE VI. In Table VI are 13 analyses of waters derived from the Tus- caloosa formation. With the single exception of T. B. Allen'c, they are of the alkaline bicarbonated class, with relatively small amounts of mineral matters and therefore all eminently fit for drinking and domestic uses ; the exception is a strongly saline water due to the presence of a large amount of salt. The waters from the McLendon well, the Union Springs Water Works, the Prattville Academy, and the Exchange Hotel, all from East Alabama, and the Demopolis well in Wes- tern Alabama, belong to the subclass in which the sodium pre- dominates over the calcium, and this predominance is due to the pres'ence of bicarbonate of sodium rather than to common salt, sodium chloride. The waters from the Elliott and the Auxford wells near the Tombigbee river in Hale and Tusca- loosa counties, are clearly of the subclass of alkaline waters in which the calcium predominates. The waters from the two Akron wells might be put in either class', since the proportions GENERALIZATIONS: DKKP WELL WATERS. 337 of sodium and calcium are approximately equal. The two Selma waters, and that from Williford's Landing are, in a way, intermediate between the two subclasses, for while the calcium predominates in each, the amount of sodium is quite high, and the large proportion of chlorine, especially in the Williford water, seems to s'how that this is due in part at least to com- mon salt. From the analyses above presented it appears that from the meridian of Montgomery eastward, as a rule, these waters are characterized by predominance of sodium salts, chiefly so- dium bi-carbonate. To the westward of the Montgomery me- ridian the subclass with predominant calcium salts (bicarbo- nate), is more frequently represented, not however, to the ex- clusion of the sodium subclass, as may be seen in the analyses of the Demopolis and Akron waters. Furthermore the propor- tion of common salt seems to be greater in the waters wesc of Montgomery than in those to the east. But the great excess of salt in the water from T. B. Allen's well is remarkable, con- sidering its source in the Tuscaloosa sands. By way of a partial explanation of the facts brought out, it may be stated that the Tuscaloosa formation, being in the main if not altogether of fresh water origin, would naturally contain only a small amount of common salt in its strata. And since the materials of this formation in east Alabama were probably furnished by the disintegration products of the igneous and metamorphic rocks, while in west Alabama they were provided by the sedimentary strata of the Coal Measures and other Paleo- zoic (marine) formations, the prevalence of the sodic subclass in the eastern section and of the calcic subclass, especially when notable amount of common salt is present, in the other section, may be accounted for. WATERS FROM THE EUTAW SANDS TABLE VII. In Table VII are assembled the analyses of waters from the Eutaw sands'. Of the 16 analyses here included, practically all belong to the saline and alkaline-saline classes, mainly the lat- ter. The two which are assigned to the bicarbonated class with predominance of sodium, viz. Wedgworth's and Madi- son Jones', contain so much salt, as indicated by the relatively 22 338 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. high chlorine content, that they might almost be included in the alkaline-saline clas's. While all these waters contain large amounts of common salt and are therefore to be classed as muriated, yet three of them, viz., those from the Perry well in Russell county, and from the Evans and Hardenberg wells in Hale county, contain so much sulphate of lime as to bring them into the sulphated division. In every other case the amount of sulphates' is exceedingly small, sometimes dwindling to a mere trace or to practical absence. They all contain notable amounts of carbonates. These facts find their explanation in the circumstance that the Eutaw sands are marine sediments and contain the salts of the ancient seas in which they were deposited. While the carbo- nates are chiefly carbonates of lime and magnesia leached from the limestones interstratified with the Eutaw sands, yet in the majority of cases the alkaline (potassium and sodium) car- bonates are also present in these waters. WATERS FROM UPPER CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY STRATA. TABLE VIII. In Table VIII we have five analyses' of deep well waters de- rived from the Upper Cretaceous or Blue Marl strata of east Alabama, and n of waters derived from several horizons of the Tertiary. Blue Marl Waters. The five analyses under this head belong to the Alkaline bicarbonated class with predominance of sodium salts, and arc all, with the exception of the Andalusia well, from wells in Barbour county. By referring to the first four analyses of Table VI, which are also of waters from East Alabama wells, it will be seen that they belong to the same class of sodic alka- line bicarbonated water, although derived from a different for- mation the Tuscaloosa. The waters of the Clayton City supply, and from the Comer- Bishop and C. H. Bishop wells, are practically identical in com- position and come from approximately the s'ame horizon. In these the sulphates are slightly in excess of the chlorides, as is the case also with the water of the Union Springs City supply GENERALIZATIONS . DEEP WELL WATERS. 339 given in Table VI. In the other two, Andalusia and Moul- throp's, the chlorides predominate slightly, but in all five the carbonates' (mainly of sodium) are considerably in excess of other salts combined. A somewhat similar relation is charac- teristic also of the four waters of the Tuscaloosa formation (Table VI) above referred to. It would seem reasonable to offer the same explanation of the predominance of the alkaline (sodium) carbonates in the Blue Marl waters as was 1 suggested for the Tuscaloosa-derrved waters of these eastern counties, viz., the formation of the sed- iments from the decomposition products of the near-by igneous and metamorphic rocks. The relatively larger proportion of chlorides and sulphates in the Blue Marl as compared with the Tuscaloos'a waters, accords with the marine origin of the Blue Marl strata. Tertiary Waters. The IT analyses of waters from Tertiary strata are arranged in geographical order from the coast regions of Mobile county northward and eastward. The Mobile county wells and the Ivey well at Flomaton derive their supply from the middle or upper Tertiary strata, (Miocene or Pliocene). The Mobile county wells all yield salt water, (muriated alkaline-saline and saline.) The water of the Ivey well is s'odic Alkaline bicarbo- nated with enough iron to make it decidedly chalybeate. The water from the town well at Brantley in Crenshaw county, is quite similar, but in it the calcium predominates ; it also is strongly chalybeate. Of the three salt wells, the two in Clarke county, viz., the Brine well and the Jackson sulphur well, probably get the salt water from the Hatchetigbee formation ; in the Cullom Springs well in Choctaw county, while the boring went down well into the Cretaceous, the main stream of s'alt water is from a depth of about 800 feet and therefore probably from the Nanafalia formation or the next underlying Naheola. All the salt wells and salt oozes of Washington and Clarke counties s'eem to be in some way connected with the Hatchetig- bee and Jackson anticlinal uplifts, and while in many places along the flanks of these anticlinals, especially along the south- ern flank of the Hatchetigbee, the salt water comes to the 340 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. surface in oozes or springs, or is brought to the surface by bor- ings ranging in depth from a few feet to 300 or 400, it may be that its real source is in deeper lying strata, and that its occur- rence at the surface and at shallow depths may be due to arte- sion conditions in the inclined strata of the uplifts and the exis- tence of cracks or the locally porous nature of the overlying con- fining strata. The town well at Enterprise probably draws upon the Nanafalia sands for its supply, and in its relatively small amount of dissolved solids, the sulphates are slightly predomi- nant over the carbonates. The deep borings of the Ozark City water works will probably reach the lower strata of the Tertiary. For a deep well this water is of rather exceptional character, bo-- ing a normal calcic alkaline bicarbonated water, and more like a spring or shallow well water than a deep well water. This composition and the relatively small amount of dissolved solids insures its suitability for a city supply. We have as yet too few analyses of waters from the Tertiary deep wells to justify any serious attempt at a geological or geo- graphical classification. From this comparison of the analyses of the bored well waters derived from the three Cretaceous formations we are led to the following conclusions ; ( I ) The strata of the Tuscaloosa and of the Blue Marl or Ripley formations yield waters of the al- kaline class, which includes the waters best suited for domestic use. The waters from the Tuscaloosa as a rule, do not holu more than 200 to 250 parts per million of solids, while thos'e from the Blue Marl hold in general between 350 and 400 parts. In all the Blue Marl waters, and in those from the Tusca- loosa east of Montgomery, the sodium predominates over the calcium, while in the Tuscaloosa waters westward from Mont- gomery, as a rule, the calcium is predominant. The larger proportion of total s'olids in the Blue Marl waters seems to be due to a relatively larger proportion of the sulphates and chlorides, the proportion of carbonates in these and the Tusca- loosa waters being approximately the same. (2) The waters from the Eutaw sands are more highly charged with mineral matters' than those from the other two formations, the total solids ranging on an average from 400 to 5000 parts' per million. Of the dissolved mineral matters, common salt (sodium chlo- ride) is usually the most important and characteristic, although GENERALIZATIONS : DEEP WELL WATERS. 341 in two of the analyses the sulphates are in excess. Because of this high percentage of salt most of these waters fall into the alkaline-saline and saline classes. Even in the two waters in which the carbonates predominate the proportion of salt is notable. While by reason of the large amount of dissolved solids which they contain, the waters from the Eutaw sands are not so well suited for domestic purposes as those from the other formations, yet they are very extensively so used in the "prairie" or "Black belt", where the surface waters are defi- cient. By far the greater part of the bored wells' of which we have records are in this prairie belt and derive their supply from the underlying Eutaw sands. The following extracts with accompanying sketch map, taken from the Report of the Alabama Coastal Plain, pages 306 and 307, may possibly throw some light upon the relations of the Cretaceous formations which have been instrumental in causing thes'e differences in the waters from the different formations and from the geographically different parts of the same formation. It must be borne in mind that the Tuscaloosa formation is of fresh water origin while the ethers are, prevalently at least, marine. 342 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. DISTRIBUTION OF CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS. 343 "An examination of the distribution of the Cretaceous for- mations in the adjoining states will make the condition of things in Alabama more easily understood, and for this' purpose the accompanying sketch map has been prepared, Plate XVI. Of all the Cretaceous formations the Tuscaloosa is the most widely distributed. It continues eastward along the foot hills of the Appalachians to Maryland and beyond. The other divi- sions have not been traced eastward beyond the western part of Georgia. The map will show how in the upper half of Ten- nessee' the whole Cretaceous, above the Tuscalooa, is repre- sented by littoral or offshore deposits, chiefly sandy, in which there are a few fossils of Eutaw species' in the eastern or lower part, and of Ripley species in the western. In the eas- tern part of Alabama we have a similar state of things, for along the Chattahoochee River the lower parts of these sandy strata hold Eutaw species' and the rest Ripley species, all the strata being of littoral or off-shore character. Below the cen- tral line in Tennessee the chalky beds of the Rotten Limestone wedge in between these two sandy series and gradually narrow down or crowd out the upper or Ripley portion of them, so there is a good stretch of county in northeastern Mississippi where the chalky strata represent the entire series above the Eutaw sands, and border upon the Tertiary formations, in di- rect contradistinction to what we have seen in northern Ten- nessee and eastern Alabama, where beds' of the Ripley aspect represent the entire series above the Eutaw. In Sumter county, Alabama, or perhaps in the immediately adjacent parts of Miss- issippi, the Ripley beds set in again as a margin of the chalk area, at first narrow, but widening out towards the east, until beyond Macon county, Alabama, it represents the whole upper series as above stated. From this we may also infer a good deal concerning the conditions which prevailed during the dep- osition of these Cretaceous beds, for we see that in the central part of this area, extending from Macon county, Alabama, around to the central part of Tennes'see, deep or open sea pre- vailed during the greater part of the upper Cretaceous times, while contemporaneously, in the eastern part of Ala- bama and the northern part of Tennessee shallow water or off- shores deposits were accumulating." 344 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. CONCLUDING REMARKS. An extended discussion of mineral waters from the point of view of their therapeutic, or curative action upon the human system, would be foreign to the intent of this report, which is to give a general account of the underground waters of Ala- bama. It is hoped, however, that the mineral waters with which our State of Alabama abounds, may be considered later in a special report, after fuller investigations and more numerous analyses. A few words may nevertheless' be appropriate here concern- ing the chemical relations of potable and mineral waters, and sanitary and unsanitary waters, and concerning the limitations of a chemical analysis in discriminating betwen them. The characteristics of a good drinking water have been de- fined as follows 1 : (i) It should be clear and limpid. (2) it should be colorless. (3) It should be odorless, especially free from sulphuretted hydrogen or putrefactive animal matter. (4) It should be cool. (5) It should have an agreeable taste : neither flat, nor salty, nor sweetish. (6) It should be free from dis- ease germs. (7) It should be free from all other substances mineral or organic, injurious in the human system; especially from dissolved organic matter of animal origin. (8) While a certain amount of saline matter is necessary to give the water a good taste, the total amount of dissolved solids should not as a rule exceed 500 or 600 parts per million, including not more than 30 or 40 parts per million of chlorine. A certain amount of gases', consisting of carbon dioxide and air (oxygen and nitrogen), is also essential to give life to the water and to save it from flatness. The first five of these are physical characters, determined by the appearance, or the smell or the taste, and not by a chemical analysis. The sixth and seventh are the characters that distinguish a sanitary from an unsanitary water, and these are determined either by microscopic examination or by a "san- itary" chemical analysis, which is quite a different thing from the ordinary mineral analysis. It is therefore only the eighth characteristic which falls in the domain of the usual analytical methods. SANITARY ANALYSIS. 345 Sanitary Analysis. No fact has been more clearly demon- strated than that diseases may be disseminated by water, and it is equally certain in some cases, and probable in all, that these diseases are due to microscopic organisms which flour- ish best in solutions of organic matter of animal origin, hence the common belief that waters' contaminated by decaying animal matters or refuse are most dangerous to health. The micro- scopic organisms above referred to may be detected by exami- nation with microscope by a competent observer. A number of specific disease germs, such as the germ of typhoid fever, are well known, and when these are detected in the water there can be no question of its unsanitary character. Such exami- nations, however, belong to the bacteriologist and not to the chemist. The nitrogenous animal matters which sustain the life of these disease germs, in the process of their decomposition in waters, yield "albuminoid" ammonia, (or ammonia from or- ganic nitrogen,) and this by further decomposition yields in succession nitrous and nitric acids which combine with bases present to form nitrites and nitrates respectively. The presence, therefore, of certain minimum amounts of al- buminoid ammonia (as distinguished from free ammonia or ammonia salts), and of nitrites and nitrates may lead to well grounded conclusions as to the amount of decomposing (pol- luting) organic matter and the stage of the decomposition. If only the nitrates are present the inference is that the water, if previously contaminated by decaying animal matters, has again become pure through their removal by complete decom- position. But waters holding a notable amount of organic am- monia or of nitrites or of both, would still contain the material upon which disease germs thrive, and would therefore be dan- gerous to health. All natural waters contain some chlorine, but when the amount in a potable water exceeds 50 parts per million, the suspicion is that this excess is due to the pollution of the water by sewage or animal excretions. An inspection of the analyses given in the tables above, will show that the waters from many of our deep wells, where there can be no question of contamination, contain much more than 50 parts per million of chlorine, so that in considering the amount of chlorine as an indication of contamination, the source of the water as well 346 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. as the normal chlorine content of the waters of the particular district, must be taken into account. In itself, therefore, the amount of chlorine in a water is no evidence of contamination. In similar manner the presence of albuminoid ammonia and of nitrites in excess of an accepted limit, while it may throw suspicion upon the water as to its sanitary character is by no means' a certain evidence thereof. In fact it is doubtful if any purely chemical examination of a water can always be relied upon to establish its s'anitary or unsanitary character. Of course, where these suspicious matters are present in large excess, or where even) normally harmiless constituents are present in quantities like 1,000 or more parts per million, the chemical analysis might be conclusive ; as would be the case also if among the mineral constituents of the water there were found any actively poisonous compounds. While there are many who are firm in the belief that the character of a water may be centainly determined by the "san- itary analysis" above referred to, some of the most experienced investigators of the subject have been forced to the opposite conclusion. In a paper on "The Futility of a Sanitary water analysis as' a test of potability"* Mr. Marshall O. Leighton of the United States Geological Survey, contends, and we think proves by citation of many analyses, that "the sanitary anal- ysis offers nothing by . which one may positively distinguish between a dangerous and a wholesome water." Dr. William M. Drown one of the most eminent of the students of sanitary problems, in speaking of the sanitary analysis, is quoted as saying :t "My long experience in this line of work has im- pressed me with many doubts concerning its value." Analysis of Mineral Waters When we undertake by a chemical analysis to determine the mineral or medicinal charac- ter of a water we are confronted with difficulties that in some cases appear to be insuperable. When the analysis reveals the presence in the water of very notable amounts of Epsom or Glauber salts, of sulphuretted hydrogen, or iron, or of other active medicinal compounds, there is 1 no difficulty in pronoun- cing upon its mineral character or in forming an opinion as to the constituents to which. the medicinal virtue is due. *Reprint from Biological Studies by the Pupils of William Thomp- son Sedg\A'ick, Boston 1906, page 36 and following. fReprint above quoted, page 48. ANALYSIS OF MINERAL WATERS. 347 On the other hand there are many springs which have rightly acquired great reputation for the curative properties of their waters, which upon chemical analysis are found to be not so highly mineralized as the majority of potable waters, and to contain nothing by which their medicinal character can be ac- counted for. Judged by the chemical analysis many of these waters would be pronounced exceptionally pure waters' of the alkaline bicarbonated or alkaline saline class, often with less than 100 parts per million of dissolved mineral matters. Many analyses of mineral waters are thus a distinct disap- pointment to the proprietors of the springs and to the doctors', who naturally, in view of the well established curative character of the waters, expect the analysis to reveal the presence in large amount of some substance of unequivocal therapeutic value. , These analyses are also sometimes a source of embarrassment to the chemist, as may be inferred from the following extract from a letter just received at this office : , March 6, 1907. Dear Sir: I spent one day this week with at He has what he thinks is a very fine mineral spring there. He had the water analyzed once, by Mr. R. S. Hodges, I believe. He is not quite satisfied with the analysis, however, as the doctors say the water produces a greater effect than is indicated in the analysis." The water in question contains less than 50 parts per million of mineral matters, consisting mainly of the carbonate, chlo- ride and sulphate of sodium. The proportion of iron is' rela- tively large but the calcium and magnesium are in smaller amounts. The inference would be that the curative effects of the water were due to the presence of the iron salts and the sulphate of sodium, but the small amount of mineral matters of any kind seems to be the stumbling block. In this' connection I cannot perhaps do better than quote some of the statements of a distinguished student of the Min- eral Waters of the United States'.* "A number of the waters included, and of importance commercially, would be consid- *A. 0. Peale. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Director of the U, S. Geological Survey, page 57. 348 CHEMISTRY AND CLASSIFICATION OF ALABAMA WATERS. ered indifferent when viewed in the light of their chemical composition, but it must be remembered that some very pure waters have an undoubted therapeutical effect, and that chem- ical analysis, which is absolutely reliable only in its estimation of basic salts and acids, will not always explain the medicinal effect of a water, and that small quantities of some constitu- ents are often more effective as remedial agents than others that are present in larger quantities." It might be well also to bear in mind that a given amount of a medicinal substance taken into the system along with a large amount of water, may be quite as' effective as the same amount taken in more concentrated form; in other words, that the actual amount in parts per million of the ingredients of a mineral water (i. e. its concentration), is of less importance than the relative pro- portions of these ingredients. In the light of recent discoveries, it seems highly probable that the curative effect of some mineral waters' of this kino may be due to the presence of radium or of some radio-active substance, which the ordinary chemical analysis does not reveal. While the ordinary limit of the amount of total solids in a potable water is put at 500 to 600 parts per million, it will be easily understod that if the sulphate of s'odium, or magnesium, or other active medicinal salts, make any considerable propor- tion of these total solids, it would unfit the water for constant use. Conversely, some waters with a far greater amount of total solids' than 600 parts per million, may be used for drink- ing purposes if certain substances, notably common salt and alkaline carbonates, constitute the major part of these solids. Many mineral waters of repute are among the purest of potable waters, and s'ome, even if they contain substances of active therapeutical value, may be tolerated by the human sys- tem and, if the dilution is sufficiently great, may serve as a po- table waters. Concerning, however, the use of such strong medicinal wa- ters as those described under our s'ulphated saline class, some comment may not be amiss, and in this connection the words of Dr. E. W. Hilgard, in that LOO little known and appreciated, but best of all State Reports, the "Agriculture and Geology of Mississippi," (p. 286) are quoted: "It cannot be too strongly urged upon the inhabitants of these regions * * * * * * that the habitual us'e of mineral water proper of USE OF MINERAL WATERS. 349 any kind, is no more rational than would be the use of any other medicine, with persons in a normal state of health. It is often said that mineral waters are "Nature's own remedy," which may be true enough, provided there is something to be reme- died. The Epsom salt, Glauber's salt, etc., contained in these waters, are no less purgative, debilitating, and therefore inju- rious to persons in good health, than the same articles are when derived from the druggist's vials.' TABLES OF ANALYSES OF ALABAMA WATERS S OT*aT* "3Ara 3 Uo i CO X O t-; co co 06 d o oo* t^ Tj< rH TH CO i (M -910 'Smjds J9i99qA\.-u9p.iog q q t> co HH CO CO CO co cr 1 b- Oi CO O OS (N TH ! TH N TH OS uij\[ ^u'eiiiug 'i -ON II9AV p.i' co N q co q rH rH rH O5 A"}unoo BSap'en'BIi 'Suuds s^iequrGqo 1 CO IO (M O 'idcici rH CO CO O rH 00 b- CO CO O b^ CO rH IO (M 1 BSgp-en^LL 'Suuds s.J9jpui3qo cc ir: co b- CO b^ O b^ rH CO i co iq co iq ' CO b- b- ! rHCO 0^ r rH rj 1 b; IO O rH ! rH Oi CO IO ooxo 00 rH CO oo -IFBIO IS 'sSuudg J I^IO IS '9 'ON Suuds -Bitniq CO rH X (M -fi rH TH TH rH 00 CO rH rH b- I 00 -ilEIO IS 'sSuudg ai^io * C<| CO rH O5 * R rH 00 CO CO rH CO 01 q 1 rH CO (M* rH ! O5 CO O rH 1 (M CO CO OS oo JT^IO IS 'sSuudg JIT?IO ^S 'S 'N ' J( 3 S anqd^ns pgy; * 00 CO 00 00 * * r-i CO* rH r-n' I T) (M IO ,OO (M | 00 Cl rH 1 O O 1 rH 10 r jO QI^^H^Q *'s,jdg Jnqd^ng oimAV "BIV ''-ids 9uo^s99j,3 ! X CO CO [ r-i IO rH 1 ^ rH b- r-> CO rH b^ rH O to 90juoi\[ 'g -ON Suijds ^ooao ' TO CO rH -H i-O t^ co o-i co ci IO rH rH rH rH CO CO 'sSuudg lunoig 'Suuds pioo rH t- rH CO LO C^l IO O rH r-i b^ CO rH w co o oq b; q q x x rH O 00 rH rH O5 rH rH O CO ' CD ' 02 1 h j a .' 1 I ,i 1 ^ O I CQ 2 -PH ^ 3 -i ^ 3 ^ 354 91139q 'A"}UnOO 9liqO]/\[ '9[{9UOJ. -}IO 'SUiadS {'BJ9UIUI 39}f t Oa9qO O O rH O CO 1 1 co c^i id b^ 10 rH O TF T-H CO ; rH b- b- b- c4 GO rH M rH (M A'lunoo anoq a^g 'UO^XBIO 'siiaoAv ag^^/w SSScI IO (M t-; IO 00 CO rH IO 1C CO N (M 01 rH g A^unoo UO^SUIAOO 'i2isni epuy 'A'u'Bdraoo HO loo '03 1 GO O (N IO j 1 1 1 O IO b- IO C^i I- (M* O rH b- (M (M sSuudg uoiufi 's>[aoA\ ag^-c^ CO ^ i IO r-\ iq ^ p [Ooo '(I -ON) 'Suiads anqding CO (N X CO CO ii 00 Tt< c^i id id b^ co rH (M 'X^unoo 9{BH 'q^aoA\ -Spa AY 'q^aoA\p9AV 'W *AV 00 NO t> ^' (M* rH 'M rH CO IO rH T^ ^ ci 6 id 06 t^ rH 00 rH i co~ GO b- '^""unoo {^ssn'jj *99qOIA\SO 'UOpUS^OJ/^f ' ' J^_ GO q t-; iq rH CO * rH C-l rH d s 3 cd 2 p :l!l 5 "3 Chlorine (Cl) Sulphuric acid (SO 4 ) B;-Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) Silica (SiO 2 ) Hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S) 356 <5 3 fc TJ i i 00 T)H Tf' rf? rH Tfi CJ rH id rH C5 CO CC -H CO Cl 10 (M b- Cl IT Cl CO Cl vC^unoD ;unoig 'sSuudg ^unotg 'z 'ON '-ids <( omesjv,, * OO O OJ Cl * * O 1C rH * * Cl b- Cl O co ci Th Cl b- rH IO CO Cl CO CO O -ti CO rH r- rH CO Cl IO oo ^unoig 'sSuiJdg ;un yg '? 'ON '^ds <( jnqd[ns a^iqAV,, oqqrHcq**ooco co** co q rH rHb-COO 'r-i b-^ b^COCO rHrHCllO C5 lOrHIO Cl 'Am^ng; 'n 9 -^ 00 O CO b- O5 CO IO rJH O5 Cl rH O5 b- O5 b- Cl (M o" rH Cl CO t> Aiunoo 3'tiqoK '^jog eui^qTiiy * ci * q rH b- O rH IO 1 r-i CO I*, CO COO -sna -oioq^M ^~in^ IO rH 00 O 05 CO rH O' CJ IO rH CO rH Cl rH 00 rJH -"B^ noXBg '^JO^OBJ SUIUU-BO 1- 10 rH LO CO "*' rH CO oo iq T^ C^l q q i~ '^^g puBJf) '^ugug 'AY uqof "tf IO d rH cico ' ^co rfl 00 Cl GO CO t-; CO CO id id GO ' T-i TH IO TH (M_ Ol )O GO TH HI' Tti ^ id 06 O C5 Cpco ' Tt? TH CO co co TP TH o TH CD GO HH Oi 'Suuds s * Ttj oo TH (N 'o 02 3 0^ ogS s'Ss ^ u s S ft |I]||I||||||| JPUCQ^O^^^ Coiwc^S 358 02 O O TF 00 Ol O # TH Ol b- X^unoo 9^.11213 'uos^oBf ^ 01 01 co ^ b- Ol HH W o^ CO 00 Ol HH jo 'A\ 'N '119AV euijq pio TH 8 l-J s Xiunoo Ave:poqo TH CO id Tin CO CO * 10 q CO 'sSuiadg raonnQ 'H9A\ d99,Q Ol HH CO b- 8 b- o A^unoo awning 01 O TH CO 01 O CO IO GO CO CO O CO O5 IO 00 HH O 'Xureipg <- oo aaqrani uosinv T 1 WJ "^ CO TH o b- b- 8 'A^unoo J9}rans 'UO^SSUIAII 'H9AV UOlSSTIIAI r I 1 b- CO CO OJ 01 IO IO IO id CO j C5 HH 00 Ol O5 TH HI O CO cr 01 r- TH b-^ C5 Ol TH T ( ! w CO 10 Aunoo CO O O5 id id CO 01 b-; b-; CO CO GO q CO 81I99JO 'AVB^ng 'H9AV dtimQ Ol IO 01 b- b- TH TH 1 TH IO TH IO A^unoo aipBio Ol CO O O CO IO 00 O O HH Ol' CO :o TH 10 co TH TjH TH GO * CO b-^ b^ OJ 00 (35 Ol A^unoo 9nqoj\[ '9Ijqo]/\[ id id t^ id iq d CO Ol b- JBt)U 'll9A\ S/OQ HO U O}}OO TH CO TH TH TH T^ 01 O5 'A'lunoo BsoojBOsnj, 'BOOOIVOSn.J. *H9A\ lltUI A".I9l!3OIJ q b-; q q 10 q id co HH o co HH b* Ol r-i CO oi oi t- IO TH TH co O5 CO CO TH '9[{TApuiioj\[ 'u9TT~y 'g 's^qx r-i id o Ci TH C5 Ol O 01 TH TH O : co id TH CO TH 01 01 TH '^unnoo 'Bsoo^'BOsnj J ''JTO^-J 'Z iv [I6A\ '00 'I q '0 l-BJ)U9Q b- C5 TH O 01 b^ GO TH TH b- Ol GO qiq CO ^ 1-1 rh CO 1- GO CO CO o C5 ^unoo BsoofBDsnj, '^OH 01 COTH GO Ol' r* "t b- CO CO O5 H^ TH iq iq id HH id TH 3 T ON HAV -oo 'I q '0 IO CO GO r-H T-I HH H^ Ol b- 00 X;uno-D aiiqow H/ id r-I CO cq q TH oi q TH q oi o co 00 CO toTO) -M 'I19AV ,U9miU9A0 01 TH TH 01 IO tH f 'ON uds Sjequiojg 'A\ ' b- b- Ci CO b- oi TH r-i CO b- C5 01 TH 'CO OJ HiiHn 1 l 1 ^. ^ 02 T_J 6 a fl ^o ^- / ca c5K a; ^-s s*^ W ^ T3 1 5 -L |S_ ^'H ^ TJ 'o < ^^3 s ^^ rtO 0(U d o^ 1 l^lgll-l g^lgl ^ H rH ^ w SEd^S<^tH c S &fl 3 pj a ^2 o^^.^^ o O jS oj P P^ 02 i^5 O i i ^43 fi J3-^^1 ^** ^ O PQ02PQ02 W 359 ijnqnrBH ' A'lunoo uosip-ew ' H3A\ 'V ' LO t:- -t d ^ t- o GO d IO 00 TH b-LC b- TH t~ X 1C T- X c^i ^' 10 co 00 O CO Oi CO r-I C-i CO x q co cq HH co d d (M CO CO X co > bT d a " ft ^j O iJ ^ > >> O M a C n S3 C/2 aS 3 A 1^ M w 02 03 o og~ * 1 0> 09 V, T CU ;_, ^w o .S h 0) a a O bC .ti a;" a) a> ^>; . S3 t>> rt . S3 >> ^ o? ^S a a H^ ^rt OJ wg W r ffl a & ^r s _T 3 'e8 gs fi Is K ?, b a> a;" >; eg o ^^ ^ s w >; ^r= w d ^ M" cc cc 1 *^H . bJO bfl ?H &jo ^ --g 2 S "^ >> ^ g i H g .sg g a^ &| ftS Constituent. o ^ ^S QQ s ft' s 02 . P |S -H S Potassium (K) * ini IQ; 141 T A iPi 33 Sodium (Na) _ _ * 48 69 3791 576 519 76 9 Magnesium (Mg) 9 2 3 37 4 258 6 78 235 1 2780 Calcium (Ca) 93 g' 65 8S 4 3153 3224 3008 373 4 Manganese (Mn) LJG (5 Iron (Fe-ferrous) 90 5 1085 1358 8 Iron (Fe-ferric) 7 1 44 6 86 6 204 1 1038 4 4013 7 Aluminum (Al) 7 9 32 2 132 8: 33 2 69 8 Iron oxide (FeaOs) and alumina (AlsOa) 42 6 Chlorine (Cl) * # 354 5 78 3 42 3 532 Sulphuric acid (SO*) 276 3360 6180 2283 3 2493 3 6434 8 15130 3 Sulphuric acid-free (HzSO*) . 199 30^7 Bi-Carbonic acid (HCO 3 ) 7.1 Silica (SiO 2 ) 50 35 4 34 5 92 4 131 2 86 4 103 7 619.6 511.8i 871.0 3783.9 3615.7 9354.4 21490.8 * Trace; percentage not determined. 361 'sunn ' s paojxnv 'J, 'A -punoH ' 'V T 'ON lie-M. '-03 I -ON IIQAV -oo 'sipdora '"BUI -pg ' '0 -Q 03 'H9AV 'sSuudg -SQ s.uopueqoK T 'A\. oqot-.oq i-i o o ci iH O5 iM O O5 "* CO ^ 00 CO CO co q iq oo 06 CO W3 00 b- lOrHCO (M T*H q co co id c4 ci oi "2 "^ ". Cullom Springs well, Choctaw 1!'.T Demopolis city wells, Marengo 184 DeSoto spring, Jefferson 90 Dump well Eutaw, Greene__ 153 Elliott, J. A. & Son, Hale 160 Enterprise well, Coffee 258 Epes Cotton Oil Co. well, Sumter : 140 Evans Station well, Hale 319 Evans Station and vicinity wells, Hale 320 Kutaw and vicinity wells, Greene 152 Eutaw city well, Hale 153 a analysis given, r record given. 366 INDEX. Exchange hotel well, Montgomery 212 Ferrill, C. C. well, Dallas 195 Forman, W. E. shallow well, Morgan 104 Fort Gaines well. Mobile___ 312 (Jury Springs, Bibb 83 Glenville and vicinity wells, Russell 237 Glenwood springs. Blonnt 1 80 Greensboro city wells, Hale ; 167 Hale. Dr. R. H. shallow well. Sumter__ 134 Ihmlenburgh. S. well. Hale _ 172 Harrell. AY. J. shallow well, Bloimt 80 Hawkins well, Leeds mineral water, Jefferson 70 Healing Springs, Washington 300 Hightower, B. shallow well, Sumter 134 Holt wells, Tnscaloosa 99 Hosiery-mill well, Tnscaloosa 98 Ingram well, Calhoun 82 Ivey. G. A. well, Escambia 273 Jones, Harden L. spring, Smuter 132 Landers, A. M. shallow well, Calhonn 83 Linden courthouse well, Marengo 188 Little Egypt well, Greene 153 Livingston and vicinity wells, Sumter 142 Lock No. 8, well Black Warrior River, Hale 319 Lock No. 7 well. Hale 166 McGraw, W. H. Caledonia shallow well, Wilcox 280 McLendon, W. J. (Oswichee) well, Russell 235 Mentone Springs, Dekalb 91 Mills, C. B. well, Sumter 133 Mobile Cotton Oil Co. well, Mobile 308 Moore, T. G. spring, Hale 319 Moulthrop, brickyard well, Barbour 241 Oyster Canning Co. well mouth of Bayou Labatre, Mobile 313 Ozment spring, Tnscaloosa 116 Ozark town well. Dale 250 Perry. Capt. E. C. well, Russell 238 Pittsboro public well, Russell 237 Prattville and vicinity wells, Autauga 216 Ropers shallow well, Butler 265 Salt well. Clarke 287 Sanaqna Mineral Water, Madison 318 Selma City Waterworks well, Dallas 195 Shelby Springs. Shelby 75 Smith, John B. shallow well, Cherokee 83 Southern Cotton Oil Co. well, Covington 260 St. Clair Springs. St. Clair 74 Stuarts Springs, Schuster. Wilcox__ 281 Tallndega Springs. Talladega 75 Towne Spring, Jefferson !><> Tidmore. J. C. wells, Perry 181 Tunnel Sprins springs, Monroe 27 Union Springs city waterworks well. Bullock 229 University of Alabama, spring. Tnscaloosa 116 a analysis given, r record given. INDEX. 367 Waller, Lichtman & Murphy Land & Development Co. well Hale 162 Wedgworth, W. M. wells, Hale 164 Williford's Landing well, Tuscaloosa 122 Analyses of Alabama waters in Classified Tables _ .__ 351 Animal precipitation map 30 Temperature map _ 28 Appalachian division, details of underground water in 66 Geological characters 6 Appalachian Valleys. Geological characters, 7 ; Details of un- derground waters in 71,317 Artesian prospects 85 Mineral waters 72 Shallow waters 71 Surface features 71 Arrangement of strata in Alabama Coastal plain 61 Artesian wells, defined, 51 ; general discussion concerning, 52 ; essential conditions of ,52 ; modifying conditions, 57 ; de- cline or failure of, 62 ; character of water of, 63 ; Judge Mobley's list of in Greene county, 146. Artesian wells, shallow wells, and springs, referred to in this report. List of. Abraham Church well, Montgomery 214 Adams, Mrs. well. Pickens i 130 Adams, D. well, Macon 222 Adams, James well. Macon ; 222 Adams, R. B. well, r. Russell 236 Agnew, Peyton well. Hale 170 Akron & Vicinity wells. Hale 161 Alabama City well, Etowah 93 Alabama Portland Cement Co. well, Demopolis, Marengo 185 Alabama Polytechnic Institute well, Auburn, r. Lee 223 Alabama Port well, a. Mobile 311 Alabama White Sulphur Springs, a. Dekalb 76 Alexander, Alex, well, Greene 156 Alexander City wells, Tallapoosa 70 Alexander, J. S. wells, Perry 178 Alexander, W. B. wells. Perry 178 Aliceville & Vicinity wells. Piekens 125 Allen. B. M. well. Hale 175 Allen, Mrs. Charles well. Marengo 186 Allen, R. P. well, r. Marengo 185 Allen. Thomas B. well. a. Hale 159 Allison Lumber Co. wells, a. r. Sumter 142 Alston. S. F. well, r. Tuscaloosa IIS Altman. \V. A. well, a. h'umter .. 133 American Cotton Oil Co.'s well. a. Mobile 308 Andalusia & Vicinity wells. Covington 259 Andalusia Town well, r. Covington 259 Anniston wells. Calhoun _ : S5 Anthony. M. well. r. Autauga * :__ 217 Ardt. Frank well. Cullman 95 Arnold, A. & Co. well, Cullman !>5 Atlantic Compress Co. well. Bullock _ 229 a analysis given, r- -record given. 368 INDEX. Auburn well. Lee _ .__71, 223 AutaugavJlle well. Autauga 219 Auxf'ord, V. T. wells, a. r. Tuscaloosa 121 Awin springs, Wilcox. 281 Awin & Vicinity springs, a. Monroe 276 Bailey springs, a. Lauderdale 103 Baker, T. A. well, Pickens _ 130 Baker, J. M. well, Dallas 196 Ball, Henry well, Pickens , 127 Baldwin, Martin well, Montgomery 213 Baltzell. W. R. well, Greene _. 157 Bark, J. well, Russell 229 Bark, W. H. well, Russell 233 Barachias well, Montgomery 214 Barnes, Wiley well, Sumter 130 Barnett, A. V. well, Bullock 227 Barren Fork spring, Madison 102 Barrett's well, Mobile 31'> Bassetts Creek Sulphur well, at Jackson, a. Clarke 285 Battles, Gus well, Russell 23(5 Bean place well, Dallas 202 Beavers, Dr. J. A. shallow well, a. Sumter 320 Bell, Elijah place well, Dallas 200 Bell, Turner wells, Dallas 200 Bell, Mrs. J. W. well, Sumter 135 Bell place well, Sumter 136 Bennett, R. L. wells, Hale 171 Bently Lumber Co. well, r. Crenshaw 262 Bessie Minge Mt'g. Co. well, Marengo 185 Billingsley place wells. Perry 180 Bishop, C. H. well, a. r. Barbour 242 Blackmail, J. S. well, Perry 181 Blackmail, Cobb well, r. Greene 157 Bladon Springs, a. Choctaw, 291 Blacksher, J. M. (at Maros) well r. Monroe 279 Blacksher Lumber Co. wells, Mobile 309 Black Warrior Lumber Co. well, Marengo 185 Blair, Dr, spring, Jackson 92 Bledsoe, E. P. well, Macon 223 "Bleak House" place wells, Hale 174 Blevin, Wm. well, Cullman 95 Blount Springs & Vicinity, a. Blount 77 Blount & Ward well, r. Hale 167 Bolen well, r. Clarke 287 Boligee & Vicinity wells, Greene 156 Bonner Place well (Mr. Hagaman owner), Pickens 126 Borden-Wheeler springs, a. Cleburne 80 Borden, Cheney well, Hale 168 Bouchelle, E. F. well, Greene 156 Bouchelle, H. T. well, Greene 156 Boynton, M. A. well, Wilcox 282 Bradford well, (Abe Gray owner), Pickens 126 Brassfield, D. S. well, Greene _ 157 a analysis given, r record given. INDEX. 369 Brannon, J. S. well, Russell 234 Brantley Town well, a. Crenshaw 262 Brnntley & Vicinity wells, Crenshaw ' 262 Brewton & Vicinity wells, Escambia 269 Bright, John W. shallow well, a. Mobile 306 Brilliant Coal Mines well, a. Marion 96 Britton, D. H. well, Marengo 185 Brockton well, Coffee 257 Brockway, C. J. well, Sumter 136 Bromberg Springs, a. Mobile 304 Brown, W. A. well, Jefferson 97 Brown, Louis well, Sumter 141 Brown well, Perry 182 Brown, J. C. well, r. Marengo 186 Brown -Station wells, Dallas 200 Buckeye Cotton Oil Mill well, r. Dallas 197 Bughall well, Bullock 228 Bullock well, Greene 357 Burns, J. C. well. r. Autauga 237 Burton Hill wells, Greene 157 Burrough's Springs, Perry 177 Bush well, Clarke 288 Butler Springs, a. Butler 265 Butler well, Choctaw - 297 Butler & Vicinity springs, Choctaw , 294 Cahaba "Great Well," r. Dallas 193 Cahaba River water near Leeds, a. Jefferson 317 Cahaba wells, Dallas 192 Caldwell, J. W. gin well, r. Russell 237 Capps Creek spring, Lawrence 104 Caraway place well, Pickens 126 Carlisle well, Etowah 94 Carmichael place well, Dallas 204 Cairiiigtoii, J. B. well. Walker 134 Carson, W. N. wells, Dallas 204 Carter, J. H. well, Culhnan 95 Cates well, r. Mareugo 190 Catherine & Vicinity, Wilcox 282 Cawthon Cotton Mills well, Dallas 194 Cedar Creek Mill Co. well, r. Escambia 271 Cedarville & Vicinity wells, Hale 16.} Central Coal & Iron Co. wells, Tuscaloosa 98, 99 Chambers Springs, a. Talladega 63 Chandlers Springs, a. Talladega 67 Chambers place well, Dallas 203 Chapin Montgomery waterworks well, Montgomery 209 Chapman Springs, Choctaw 293 Chapman wells. Butler , 267 Chapman, L. L. well, Autauga 216 Cherokee Spring, Citronelle, a. Mobile 304 Cherry place well, Pickens 128 Chesson, A. B. well, Macon 222 Chesson well, Macon 222 Chisholm, Mrs. well, Perry 182 a analysis given, r record given. 370 INDEX. Chisbolm, Gordon well, Perry 182 Chisholm, Johnny r. Perry 182 Chocco Springs, Talladega 81 Citronelle well. Mobile 314 Clarke place well, Greene _ 154 Clarke place well. Dallas 200 Clark. A. II. well, Montgomery 214 Clayton City well. r. a. Barbour 244 Clinton Springs, Perry 177 Clinton & Vicinity wells. Greene 1 152 Cochrane, W. A. well, Dallas 203 Cocbrane, John wells, r. Pickeus 125 Gorton Station well, Mobile 313 Colrt Springs, a. Blount 79 Cole place well, Greene 157 Coloman, Judge wells, Hale 1(52 Coleman, Judge T. W. well, Greene 155 Collins, Mrs. Julian well. Hale 175 Collins, C. W. wells, Hale 175 Columbia well, Houston 253 Comer-Bishop Co. well, Russell 237 Comer-Bishop Co. well, r. Barbour 242. 243 Coiner, B. B. well, r. Barbour '. 242,243 Cook Springs, a. St. Clair 89 Cook Montgomery well. r. Montgomery 210 Cook, Dr. T. H. G. well, Pickens 129 Cooper, L. C. well, Russell 234 Cooper, L. C. wells, Crenshaw 202 Cotton Oil Co. well. r. Hale 167 Cooper place well, Perry _ 179 Cox, E. T. spring, a. Jeft'erson 87 Cox, Jesse well, r. Montgomery 213 Carroll, Mrs. well, Dallas 198 Crabtree, O. V. well, r. Hale 102 Creek place well, Dallas 206 Craig, Edward well. Perry 178 Crawford, J. P.. r. Russell Crenshaw place well, Dallas 202 Crassdale plantation well, a. Greene 153 Crenshaw place well, Greene 155 Croswell. S. L. well. Greene 1-35 ('room, Mrs. Mattie place well, Hale 171 Cullman wells. Cullman . 95 Cnllman City well. Cullman 95 ,Cnllman Co. Oil Cos. well, Cullman 95 Cullum Springs well. a. r. Choctaw 295 Cnmmings. C. D. wells, r. Hale __100, 103 Curtis well, Morgan 106 Cypress switch well, Hale 160 Davidson. A. C. well. Dallas _ 200 Davis place well. Perry 179 Dayton wells, Marengo _. 180 Deasons, W. S. well. Bullock __. 229 Dedman place wells. Dallas _ 205 a analysis given, r record given. INDEX. 371 Degraffenreid, E. W.. Hale _. 104 DeLacy, J. M. well, Russell 234 Demo])olis & Vicinity wells, Marengo 183 Demopolis City wells, r. a. Marengo 183 Demopolis Cooperage ( 1 o. wells, Marengo 183 Demopolis Ice & Cold Storage Co., Marengo 184 Deprez, L. W. well. Franklin 107 DeSoto spring, a. Jefferson 90 Dollarhide Co. well, Greene 155 Dothan Ice Co. well, r. Houston 1 253 Dotban Town well, r. Houston 253 Dothan City Water Co. well, -Houston 253 Downey. Dr. W. T. spring. Perry 170) Downing, Wiley well, r. Escambia 271 Downing, E. well. Escanibia 271 Downs and Vicinity wells, Macoii 222 Drake place wells, Hale 175 Dreher, A. & Co. well, Cullman 95 Duke place well, Dallas _ 205 Dump well, Eutaw, a. Greene _ 153 Dunham Lumber Co. well, Butler 267 Dunlap, C. C. well, Greene 15(> Dunlap place well. Hale 175 Dnrands Bend well, Dallas _. 198 Edgar well, r. Clarke 288 Edwards. Adam place well, Dallas 205 Edwards, George well. Bullock 228 Kldwards. Gus well. Bullock 227 Edwards, Snyder well, Dallas 205 Egypt place wells, Hale 170 Elba & Vicinity wells, Coffee 257 Eleanor town well. Dallas 203 Elkdale Park well, r. Dallas 11)7 Elliott. J. A. & Son, r. a. Hale 159 Ellis & Dunaway well, Dallas 199 Enterprise well, a. Coffee 258 Epes Cotton Oil Co. well, a. r. Sumter 339 Epes & Vicinity wells, Sumter 33:) Erie Landing well. r. Hale J<>0 Erie & Vicinity wells. Greene 157 Erwin. Geo. wells. Hale 170 Evans Station well. a. Hale 319 Evans, B. S. well, r. Hale 102 Evans Station & Vicinity wells, a. Hale 1(52-320 Evergreen Town well, Conecuh 2rS Eufaula Oil & Gas Co. well, r. Harbour 240 Eut'aula & Vicinity wells. Barbour 240 Eufaula Water Co. well. Barbour 240 Eulow well, Dallas 202 Eutaw & Vicinity wells, a. Greene \~>'l Eutaw City well. a. Greene 1 15'-) Eutaw Courthouse well, r. Greene 15'> Exchange Hotel well, a. Montgomery 212 Fanners Gin & Warehouse Co. well. Hale _ 172 a analysis given, r record given. 372 INDEX. Faunsdale & Vicinity wells, Hale 175 Faunsclale & Vicinity wells, Marengo 185 Faunsdale Oil Mill well, Marengo 18(5 Fayctte well, Fayotte 1 114 Felix & Vicinity wells. Perry 170 Ferguson Place well, Pickens 128 Ferrill, C. C. well, a. Dallas 11*5 Findlay. John well, r. Hale 160 Findlay. W. A. well, Escambia 272 Fisher, W. M. well. Antauga 217 Fitzgerald, J. T. wells, Perry 181 Fitzpatrick well, Bullock 227 Flatwoods or Post Oak wells, Marengo 188 Flower, W. M. well, Butler 26G Flower, W. J. Lumber Co. wells, Butler 206 Ford, C. W. spring, Perry 177 Forkland & Vicinity wells. Greene 157 Fornian. W. E. well, a. Morgan _ 104 Fort, Mrs. PI W. well, Dallas 201 Fort. Mrs. L. G. well, Dallas 202 Fort Gaines well, r. a. Mobile 312 Fort Davis, wells at, Macon 223 Foster, J. Manly wells, r. Tuscaloosa 119 Foster, Guy well, Tuscaloosa 120 Foster, R. M. place well, Perry 176 Franklin Springs, Franklin 102 Friedman & Loveman well, r. Tuscaloosa 119 Friedman. B. deep boring, Tuscaloosa 97 Furniss, Dr. J. P. well, Dallas _ 200 Gainesville Mill well, Sumter . 137 Gainesville & Vicinity wells. Sumter 137 Gaineswood well, Marengo 185 Galliou & Vicinity wells, Marengo 185 Gallion & Vicinity wells, Hale 174 Galloway, Dr. J. M. well, Montgomery 214 Garber Bros, well, Hale 174 Gardner & Somerville well, Pickens 126 Gardner place well, Pickens 126 Gary Springs, a. Bibb 82, 83 Gate City wells, Jefferson 86 Geneva Public well, r. Geneva 254 Geneva Town well. r. Geneva 255 Gentry, J. W. well, Sumter 135 Gewin, A. B. well, Perry 180 Gewin, A. B. well, Hale 170 Gholson Place well, Marengo 186 Gholson, Bob well, Bullock 227 Gibson place well, Pickens , 126 Gill, Andrew well, Dallas 198 (Jill place well, Dallas 203 Oilman, E. well, r. Dallas 196 Gilmer, W. J. & E. T., Perry 182 Girard well, r. Lee _ 224 a analysis given, r record given. INDEX. 373 Glenville & Vicinity wells, a. Russell _ 237 Glenwood spring, Blount SO Gold Dust Farm well, Pickens 128 Goldsby place well, Pickens 129 Goyer wells, Lawrence 107 Graham well, mouth of Bayou Coden, Mobile 313 Graham, J. C. well, Bullock , 229 Graham, Malcolm well, Autauga 217 Greenville City well, Butler 266 Groves, F. M. well, Sumter 136 Grandview well, Elniore 221 Gray, Eli well. Bullock 227 Greensboro & Vicinity wells. Hale 167 Greensboro City wells, a. Hale 167 Griel Bros, well, Montgomery 214 Griffin, R. L. well, Hale _. 160 Haddock, F. P. well, Russell 234 Hairston well, Greene 156 Hairston, T. J. well, Lowndes 207 Hale, Dr. R. H. shallow well, a. Sumter 153 Hale Spring, Jefferson 90 Hall, J. W. place well, Greene 155 Hamburg Station & Vicinity wells, Perry 181 Hammack, P. H. well, r. Montgomery 214 Hardaway wells, Macon 222 Hardaway Town well, Macon 222 Hardenburgh, S. well, a. Hale 172 Hardin, G. H. well, r. Russell 235 Harmon, T. B. well, Pike 224 Harralson, H. A. well, Dallas 196 Harrel, Tom place well, Dallas 202 Harrell, W. J. well, a. Blount 80 Harrel place well, Dallas Herrington & Vicinity wells, Escambia 271 Harris, Will well, Macon 222 Harris, E. M. well, Franklin 107 Harris, Aaron well, Pickens 126 Harris, J. G. well, Greene 154 Harris, W. S. welj, Macon 222 Harris & Vicinity wells, Barbour Hartford Town well, Geneva Hartsell well, Morgan 107 Hatch, Bill well. Dallas 205 Hatchechubbee & Vicinity wells, Russell _ 234 Hatcher plantation wells, Russell __236. 238 Hatcher, Dr. well, Greene 156 Hawkins well, Leeds mineral water, a. Jefferson 7"> Haynesworth Springs, Perry 176 Hayneville well, Lowndes 208 Hazel Green well, Madison : 105 Healing Springs, a. Washington 299 Henderson Lumber Co. well, r. Covington 261 Heard, G. T. wells, Pickens _ 126 a analysis given, r record given. 374 INDEX. Hermit age place well, Hale _ 174 Heron, M. S. wells. Hale 171 Ilostell Cotton Mill well, Dallas 196 Hightower B. shallow well, a. Suniter 134 Hillman, Emma R. well, Greene _ 157 Hilton. Dr. well, Pickens 125 Hogue, J. J. well. Hale 172 Holt wells, a. Tnscaloosa _ __ 97, 99 Hood. Mrs. E. G. well, Pickens _. 127 Ilornbuckle place well. Perry _ 177 Horse-Shoe Lumber Co. well, Covington _ 2G1 Ilorton. Mose place well, Greene _ 152 Hosiery-Mill well, a. Tnscaloosa 98 Huggius, Dr. J. well, Hale _. 172 Hunter place well, Dallas 198 Hunter, Mrs. F. M. well. Dallas 200 Hurt, Josh place well, Dallas 203 Hurtsboro Public well, Russell 233 Hnrtsboro & Vicinity wells, Russell .__ 233 Ice-factory well, Butler 266 Inge, W. P>. well, Hale _. 161 Ingram well, a. Calhoun 82 Ingrain, C. E. well, r. Russell _ 234 Irviu plantation well, Hale 171 Ivey, G. A. well, a. Escarnbia 273 Jackson place well, Pike _ 224 Jackson Mineral Springs, Choctaw 294 Jackson sulphur well, Clarke 285 Jernigan, J. A. well. Escambia 271 Jernigau, J. L., Escambia 272 John, S. W. place well, Dallas 201 Johnson well, u.prings), Madison 102 Johnson. G. P>. well. Perry 180 Johnson place well, Dallas 203 Johnson, Strong place well, Dallas 204 Jones, Amos well, Montgomery _ 214 Jones, C. O. well, Dallas 201 Jones & Stewart well. Perry _ 181 Jones, Mrs. L. R. well, Dallas 198 Jones Estate well, Dallas 201 Jones, Henry A. wells. Tuscaloosa : 119, 120 Jones, Dr. B. T. well, r. Pickens _. 129 Jones, Winston well, Pickens _ 129 Jones, Harden L. spring, a. Sumter _. 132 Jones, Sam T. wells, r. Sumter _ 139 Jones, W. A. C. well, r. Sumter 140 Jones place well, Greene _. 156 Jones, Madison Jr. wells, a. r. Hale 165 Jones. A. C. well. Hale 169 Jones Springs, St. Clair _ 73 Kaiser, Dr. Spring, Winston _ 92 Kaolin Station well. Russell 232 a analysis given, r record given. Lxm-x. . 375 Karnegie. Mrs. C. L. well, Hale 171 Karnegie place well. Hale 171 Kay, Moses well, Greene 156 Keego well, Escambia 271 Kellerman deep baring, Aiisealoosa 07 Kelly Bros, wells. Hale K>0, 170 Kendrick Bros, wells, Dallas 200 Keudrick, W. II. wells, Dallas 201 Kimbrongh, E. L. wells, r. Hale 164. 166 King place well, Dallas 204 King. Mrs. wells. Dallas 201 King, Henry well, Tuscaloosa 121 King place well, Pickens 130 King, W. D. well. Pickeus 130 Kirksey place well, Wilcox 282 Kli, Geo. A. well, Marengo 184 Knight. L. A. well, Sumter 138 Knight place wells, Hale 170 Knox, R. P. well, Marengo _ 185 Knox Academy well, Dallas 106 Kyle, T. S. shallow well. Etowah _. 94 Lamb, L. C 1 . wells, r. Russell . 236 Landers, W. II. well, r. Hale 172 Landers, A. M. shallow well, a. Calhonn 82 Landlord, Mrs. L. A.. Sumter 138 Laneville & Vicinity wells. Hale 174 Landlord's spring, Landerdale 103 Lanett wells. Chambers 70 Latimer, E. S. well, Greene 157 Lawson. W. II. well, r. Montgomery 214 Lawson, Booker wells. Pike 225 Lay springs, Dekalb 01 Leder Oil Co. well. Marengo 184 Lee's spring. Landerdale 103 ^ee Place well, i/ickens 127 jeGrand. Paul well. r. Montgomery 213 ,ewis. Mrs. C. A. well, Greene 157 ,ewis, I. F. well. Hale 174 ,. & X. R. R. wells, Dallas 100 ,igon Springs, Colbert 101 Jnden Cniirtlirmse well, a. Marengo 188 Limlsoy. Martin, Hotel well. Escambia 272 Lindsey, M. well. Escambia _ 272 Linwood wells. Pike 225 Little Egypt well, a. Greene _ 153 Little, .T. J. wells. Sumter 136 Livingston eK. Vicinity wells, a. Sumter 141 Lock No. s. Black Warrior River well, a. Hale 310 Lock Xo. wells, r. Hale _. 160 Lock No. 8 well. Hale A 1(51 Lock Xo. 7 well r. a. Hale . 165 Lock Xo. 5 well. r. 160 Loglon wells. Pike __H__ .__ 225 a analysis given, r record given. 376 - INDEX. London. Mr. well, Hale _ . 175 Long, R. C. well, Pickens 129 Long, N. W. E. well, Russell 236 Long, R. IT. well. Sumter _ 137 Long & Patterson wells, Snmter 138 Long, R. H. well, r. Sumter 139 "Long Farm" place wells, Hale 171 Lovelace well, POITY 177 Lower Salt works Sulphur Spring, Clarke 283 Lubbub Creek well, Pickens \ 125 Lyon, Andrew well, Suinter : 136 Madden place, well, Hale 175 Magnesia spring, Perry 177 Manning, Mat well, P]scambia 272 Manning place well, Pickens _. 128 Margaret S. T. well, Russell 236 Marion & Vicinity wells, Perry 178, 180 Marion Junction wells, Dallas 202 Marion Town well, Perry 178 Marion Junction & Vicinity wells, Perry 182 Marks, Deb. well, r. Greene 157 Marsh place well, Sumter 138 Martin, N. N. well, Escambia ; 272 Martin's Station oc Vicinity wells, Dallas 199 Martin, A. J. well, Dallas 199 Martin, E. B. well, Dallas 199 Martin, W. H. well, r. Hale 161 May, Miss K. C. well, Hale 164 Mauldin place wells, Hale 171 May, Mrs. Ben well, Sumter 138 Mayhew, Mrs. M. E. Pickens 125 May hew place well, owned by E. Stuart, Pickens 126 Mayor. W. T. well, Escambia 272 McCaa, Mrs. E. A. well, Pickens 126 McCaa, Billy well, Pickens 126 McCaa place well, Pickens 126 McCarroll, Mrs. well, Perry 181 ..icCreary place well, Dallas __. : 203 McClure Lumber Co. well, Greene 154 McCurdy, W. D. well, r. Lowndes 207 McDonald, T. L. well, Russell 236 McDonald, J. H. well, Pickens 130 McGill, well, Dallas 196 McGraw, W. H. (Caledonia) shallow well, a. Wilcox 280 McKinstry, L. E., Pickens 126 McKinstry, Mrs. L. E. well, Pickens 126 McLendon, W. J. (Oswichee) well a. Russell 234 McMicken well, r. Russell 234 Mentone springs, a. Dekalo 91 Middle pface well, Dallas 206 Mills. G. B. shallow well, a. Suinter 133 Milhous, J. F. well, Dallas 199 Millions, Phil well, Dallas _. .__ 199 a analysis given, r record given. INDEX. 377 Millious. P. Walter wells, Dallas _. 203 Millwood & Vicinity wells, Hale 168 Minge, John well, r. Marengo 185 Minneice, Tom well, r. Sumter 139 Mitchell Station wells, Bullock 227 Mitchell well. Dallas 201 Mize, J. C. well, Tuscaloosa ,. 117 Mobile Oil Co. well, r. Mobile 309 Mobile Electric Light Co., Mobile 308 Mobile Brewery Co. well, r. Mobile 307 Mobile Cotton Oil Co. well, a. Mobile 308 Mobile & Vicinity wells, Mobile 307 Mohr, Paul well, Cullman 95 Molette place well, Dallas 206 Monette, Jack wells, Hale 166 Montgomery wells, Montgomery 209 Montgomery City Waterworks well, r. Montgomery 212 Montgomery Brewery Co. wells, Montgomery 212 Moore, T. G. spring, a. Hale 319 Moore, D. L. wells, Hale 173 Moore, Will wells, Dallas 202 Moore place well, Dallas 203 Moore, Wm. piace, well, Dallas 204 .Moore, John well, Dallas 205 Moore, Andrew J. wells, Hale 173 Moore, T. well, Suniter 130 Moore spring, Limestone 102 Mooring, Mrs. well, Sumter 138 Morgan, Senator John T. well, Sumter 139 Morris Lumber Co. well, Greene 255 Morrisette, F. S. well, Hale 171 Morrisette, F. S. plantation well, Hale 172 Morrison, W. M. well, r. uussell ;__ 235 Moseley, Dr. E. B. wells, Dallas 204 Moss Grove place wells, r. Dallas 204 Moulton Valley wells, Lawrence 107 Moulthrop Brickyard well, r. a. Barbour 241 Moundville & Vicinity wells, Hale 159 Murphy, Will well, Tuscaloosa 119 Murphy, W. II. wells, r. Hale _. 169 Nelson, W. P. well. Hale _ 173 Nelson place well, Dallas 200 Nelson, L. Q. well, Autauga 218 Newberne & Vicinity wells, Hale 171 Newberne well. Hale 173 New Market well, r. Madison 102, 105 Nolen place well, Pickens 126 Normau spring, Perry 176 North of Chunnennugga Ridge wells, Bullock _ 227 Near Line of So. R. R. wells, Dallas _ 200 Oak Grove place well, Pike "224 Oakman well, Walker 94 a analysis given, r record given. 378 INDEX. "Oak Grove Place" wells. Hale 174 Ogden well, Lamar 114 Old Bridgevillo well, Pickens 125 Old Hamburg wells. Perry ITS Old Spring Hill well, Marengo 186 Old Salt wells, Washington 300 Old Salt wells, Clarke 284 Oliver. Will well, Smnter 130 Oliver, Robert well, Smnter 136 Oliver & Oliver well, Smnter 136 Orion & Vicinity wells, Pike 224 Orrville town well, Dallas 101) Orrville & Vicinity wells, r. Dallas 199 Otts, Lee well, r. Hale 1(57 Otts, J. M. P. well, r. Hale 167 Overstreet place well, Dallas 202 Overstreet, E. M. well, Dallas 204 Oyster Canning Co.'s well, a. (month of Bayou Labatre), Mobile 313 Ozment spring, a. Tuscaloosa 116 Ozark town wells, a. Dale 256 Palmetto place well. Marengo 186 Parker, wells Montgomery, r. Montgomery 211 Parker, Geo. H., Cullman 95 Portersville Bay Shore wells, r. Mobile 313 Patterson, J. W. well, r. Snmter 137 Patton, A. P. well, Greene 152 Patton, Jeff well, Greene 152 Peck place well, Hale 170 Peebles, W. B. well, Pickens 128 Peebles, Win. well, Suniter 136 Pegues well, Dallas 201 Pennell wells, Dallas 202 Peoples Oil Mill well, Dallas 196 Perry, Capt. E. C. well, r. a. Russell 238 Perry, Jim well, r. Russell 234 Perry, Mrs. well, Greene 156 Persons Crossing well wells, Russell 236 Perrin, Dr. well, Greene 156 Peterson, W. A. well, Pickens 127 Pettusville spring, Limestone 101 Pickens, Ned well. Hale 173 Pickens place well, Hale _ 169 Pickensville & Vicinity wells, Pickens 127 Pierce, W. E. well, Montgomery 214 Pine Hill well, Wilcox 282 Pinson, J. H. well, Sumter 137 Pitts, F. P. well, r. Russell 237 Pittsboro public well, r. a. Russell 236 Pittsboro & Vicinity wells, Russell 236 Pharr, J. R. place well, Wilcox 282 Phifer, W. P. well, Hale 160 Pollard wells, Escambia 271 a analysis given, r record given. INDEX. 379 Poplar spring, Perry _ 176 Pratt, Mrs. Julia A. well, r. Autauga 217 Pratt City wells, Jefferson 9G Pratt, Daniel wells, Autauga 217 Prattville & Vicinity wells, r. a. Autauga 215, 216, 217, 218, 219 Prattville Junction well, r. Elmore 220 Pringle, B. F. well, Escambia 272 Pushmataha spring, Choctaw 294 Quarles, well r. Tuscaloosa 120 Radfordville wells, Perry _ 178 Rainer, S. P. well, Bullock 228 Rainer, J. H., Bullock 228 Rainev, Mrs. well, Dallas 205 Ralston well. Mobile 313 Rascoe well, Dallas 201 Rice, .Dr. Clarence well, Autauga . 217 Richardson place well, Pickens 128 Ridgeway, Andrew well, Dallas 205 River Falls & Sanford wells, Covington 260 Reese place well, Dallas 205 Ringos Bluff well, Pickens 126 Roba well, Macon 223 Roberts, Judge T. W. well, r. Greene 154, 155 Roberts well, r. Escambia 273 Robertson, J. N. well, Tuscaloosa 117 Rogers, N. A. wells, Sumter 135 Rogers; J. P. wells, Sumter 136 Rogers, Mac. well, Sumter 136 Rogers, John well, Sumter 137 Rogers, John A. well, r. Sumter 138 Rogers, Sallie, r. Sumter 138 Rogers, J. A. well, Sumter 139 Rogers, W. R. wells, r. Pickens _. 127 Ropers well, (shallow), a. Butler 263 Roscoe place well, Dallas Rosenau Bros, well, Tuscaloosa 97 Ross place well, Marengo 185 Ruffin, Tom well, Hale 169 Rugh place well, Hale _ 174 Russell. Hart well, Macon _ Rutherford & Vicinity wells, Russell 235 Rutherford, H. M. well, r. Russell 235 Rutland, Frank well, Bullock _ 227 Salt well near Bolen well, a. Clarke 287 Salt Works well, r. Clarke 288 Sample, W. M. wells, r. Hale 163 Sanaqua Mineral Water, a. Madison r 317 Sanders Mill well, Hale 170 Sanders place well, Dallas 198 Sawyerville & Vicinity wells, Hale 166 Scarlock springs, Choctaw 294 a analysis given, r record given. 380 INDEX. Schiller, E. T. well, Etowah _ 94 Schweizer, J. i^. well, Dallas _. 196 Scott Hill well, Lowndes 207 Scott, Howze well, Perry 180 Scotts Station wells, Perry 180 Seay, Governor well, Hale 164 Scale Court House well, Russell 234 Seale & Vicinity wells, Russell _, 234 Searight wells (So. Cotton Oil Co.), Crenshaw 263 Selden Place well, Marengo 186 Seldon, E. C. place well, Greene : 156 Selma Race Track well, Dallas 196 Selma & Vicinity wells, Dallas 194 Selma City Waterworks well, r. a. Dallas 194 Selma Council Chamber well, Dallas 195 Shelby Springs, a. Shelby 75 Shoal Creek Lumber Co. well, r. Monroe 278 Shopton & Vicinity wells, Bullock 227 Silver place wells, Pike 224 Simon Tract place well, Hale 175 Singleton & Linton well, r. Bullock 228 Singleton, A. E. well, Bullock 228 Sipsey Mill well, Pickens 125- Sipsey River wells, Pickeus 125 Sipsey well, Greene 152 Sledge & Leonard well, Hale i 170 Smaw place well, Marengo 186 Smith, Craig well, Dallas 199 Smith, C. M., well, r. Lowndes 207 Smith, Ebo well, Dallas 205 Smith, E. I. well, Autauga 216 Smith, John B. shallow well, a. Cherokee 83 Smith, Judge A. P. well, r. Greene 152 Smith, Major M. M. well, Autauga 219 Smith, T. L. well, Sumter 139 Smith, Walter well, Perry 179 Smith, W. T. Lumber Co. well, Butler 267 Smith, Wash well, Dallas 205 Somerville, J. B. well, Pickens 129 Southern Cotton Oil Co. well, a. Covington 260 Southern Cotton Oil Co. well, Crenshaw 262 Southern Cotton Oil Co. well, Butler 266 Spangenburg Iron spring. Choctaw 294 Spigener, G. Cook well, Autauga 217 Sprague Junction wells, Montgomery 214 Spring Hill well, Barbour 244 Sprott wells, r. Perry 177 St. Bernard College well, Cullman 95 St. Clair springs, a. St. Clair 73 State Farm wells, Elmore 221 Stewart's well, Lauderdale 102 Stewart, J. E. well, Pickens 127 Stewart's & Vicinity wells, Hale 160 Stuart Springs, Schuster, a. Wilcox 281 a analysis given, r record given. INDEX. 381 Stevenson place well, Dallas 205 Stollenwerck, G. D. well, Perry 180 Stone Station well, Montgomery 214 Stone well, Lauiar 114 Stone, H. L. well, Pickens 127 Stone Public well, Pickens 129 Stone, Nan well, Smnter 136 Stovall's wells, Walker 95 St. Stephens well, Washington 301 Stubb, I. K. well, Escambia 272 Stnbbs, Henry well, Dallas 202 Snlligent wells, Lamar 114 Summerfield Oil Mills well, Dallas 198 Sumter Lumber Cos. well, Sumter 143 Smnterville & Vicinity wells, Suniter 141 Sunshine well, Hale 174 Suttle & Jones plantation wells, Perry 179 Swift place wells, Perry 179 Swilley place well, r. Greene 155 Talladega springs, a. Talladega , 74 Tallahatta springs, Clarke 283 Talman, R. P. well, r. Russell 235 Tart, Mrs. A. M. well, Sumter 140 Taylor place well, Sumter : 137 Taylor, Dave well, Dallas 202 Thigpen, W. A. well, Perry 180 Thompson Station well, Bullock 227 Thornton place well. Greene 156 Thornton springs, Choctaw 290 Tid-more, J. C. wells, r. a. Perry : 180 Tinker, Harris place wells, Hale 171 Todd's springs, Lauderdale 103 Tompkins, Judge H. B. well, Colbert 107 Town Creek, tar spring, Law r rence 104 Towne spring, a. Jefferson 90 Troy City well, r. Pike 225 Troy Oil & Chem. Co. well, Pike 225 Tubbs, W. R. well. Hale 173 Tubbs, Mr. B. and Mr. R. wells, Perry 181 Tubbs, Reuben well, Dallas 202 Tucker, Eton well r. Russell 233 Tunstall, Wiley wells, r. Hale 168 Tunnel Springs springs, a. Monroe 277 Tunstall, Mrs. place well. Hale 170 Turkey Creek Springs, Choctaw 293 Turnipseed, Mrs. Sallie well, Pickens Turpin, J. H. well, r. Hale 172 Tuscaloosa City well. Tuscaloosa 98 Tuskegee wells, Macon 222 Tutwiler, Peyton wells, Perry 178 Tyson, Silas wells, Montgomery 214 Ullman place wells, Dallas 202 Underwood, Ike place wen, Perry 178 a analysis given, r record given. 382 INDEX. Union Slaughterhouse well, r. Montgomery 213 Union Springs and vicinity wells, Bullock 228 Union Springs City waterworks well, r. a. Bullock 228 Uniontown and vicinity wells. Perry 180 University of Alabama spring, a. Tnscaloosa 116 I' pshaw Bros, well, Russell r 236 Upshaw. J. W. well, r. Russell 236 Yalhermoso springs, Lawrence 103 Vandorslice place wells, Perry 179 Van Dorn Station well, Marengo 185 Vaughn, Dave well, Wilcox 282 Vaughn place well. Perry 179 Verner, Charles & King, Henry well, r. Tuscaloosa 120 Vienna Baptist Church well, Pickens 126 Vorn, W. W. well. r. Covington , 261 Wade place well, Dallas 203 Wadsworth. Alt', well, Autauga 219 Wadsworth, John well, r. Autauga 219 Walker Springs, Choctaw 294 Walker Springs, Clarke 286 Walker place well, Pickens 127 Walker, Mims well, Marengo 186 Walker, C. D. wells, Marengo 186 Walker, A. E. well. Hale 171 Walker, J. N. well, Dallas 203 Walker, A. B. well, Russell 234 Wallace, R. B. wells. Perry 181 Wallace. T. M. wells, Perry 177 Waller, Lichtman & Murphy Land & Development Co. wells, r. a. Hale 161 Ward, tract well, Dallas 203 Warriorstand well. Macon 222 Warsaw & Vicinity wells, Sumter 135 Washington, Carter well, Hale 173 Washington, George well, Dallas 205 Watt place well, Dallas 205 W T ebb, Capt. James well, r. Greene 156 Webb, John C. wells, r. Marengo 184 Wedgworth Store well, Hale 164 Wedgworth, W. M. wells, r. a. Hale 162, 163, 164 Wedgworth (Greenwod, Mays Sta.) wells, Hale 163 Wedgworth, C. H. well, r. Hale 163 Wedgworth, W. E. wells, r. Hale 162, 164 Welch plantation well, Dallas 198 Welch, J. C. wells, Perry 180 Weston place well, Sumter 136 White, T. A. well, r. Sumter 141 White, R. A. well, Hale 173 White, Sallie well, Perry 182 White, Judge W. R. well, Pike 225 White, S. H. wells, Dallas .__ 203 Whitfleld, Jesse wells, Marengo 185 a analysis given, r record given. INDEX. 383 Whitsitt & Vicinity wells, 'Hale _ 170 Wliitten, W. E. well, Pickens 130 Wier, Mrs. Peter wells, Sumter 130 Wier, Wm. well, r. Sumter 138 Wiggins, C. L. well, Escambia 272 Wilder, Sam, wells, Pickens 125 Wilder Place wells, Pickens _ 128 Wilkins, J. F. (old) wells, Pickens 127 Wilkins, Minge, (old) weiis, Marengo 186 Williams, L. W. well, Pike 225 Williford's Landing well, a. Tnscaloosa 122 Willis, Wm. well, Sumter 136 Wilson.' Mrs. well, Macon 223 Wilson place wells, Dallas _ 200,204 Wilson, Allen place wells. Hale 164 Wyndham Place wells, Pickens 128 Windsor Place wells, Marengo 185 Witherspoon's Spring, Lauderdale 103 Wood place well, Dallas 206 Woodruff place well, Dallas 202 Wooley Springs, Limestone 102 Wooten well, Marengo 189 Wyndham Springs, Tuscaloosa 92 Wyndham, Walter well, Pickens 129 a analysis given, r record given. Antauga County. 215.219. Artesian prospects 215 Wells described 216-17-18-19 Shallow waters 215 Harbour County. 2.38-244. Artesian prospects 240 Surface features 238 Baldwin County. 314-316. Artesian prospects 316 Mineral waters 316 Shallow waters 315 Surface features 314 Bashi formation 17 Bibb County, Appalachian division, 83 ; Coastal Plain division, 122. Bullock County. 226-229. Artesian prospects 227 Surface features 226 Butler County. 263-267. Artesian prospects 266 Mineral waters 263 Surface features 263 Cahaba field details 94 Cullman County 95 River drainage, "Blue Marl" region 230 Chattahoochee Series 21 Cbickasaw Group 15 Chilton County 123 Choctaw County. 290-297. Artesian prospects '. 295 Mineral extracts 290 Mineral springs 290 Of the Buhrstone & Hatchetigbee formation 291 Of the Claiborne formation 290 Of the Naheola formation 295 Of the Nanafalia formation 294 Of Tuscahoma formation 294 Of Woods Bluff formation 294 Surface features 290 Claiborne Group 17 Clarke County. 283-289. Artesian prospects 284 Mineral waters 283 Surface features 283 Clayton limestone 15 Climate of Alabama 25 Coal fields, Geological characters 9 Details in 88 Coastal Plain Division, geological characters, 12; general ac- count of, 108; arrangement of strata in, 61; details of waters in 108, 318, 320. INDEX. 385 Coffee County. 256-258. Artesian prospects 256 Surface features 256 Conecuh Comity. 267-268. Artesian prospects 268 Surface features 267 Corrections _ 1__ 1 321 Coviugtcn County. 258-261. Artesian prospects _1 259 Shallow waters '-- 258 Surface features 258 Crenshaw County. 261-263. Artesian prospects 261 Surface features . 261 Cretaceous, Geological characters of, 13; Details of Water Resources of, 111, 318. Dale County. 255-256. Artesian prospects 255 Dallas County. 190-206. Artesian records 192 General conditions 190 Decline and failure of Artesian wells 62 Deep-seated waters Deep springs . 51 D.eep zone of flow of underground waters 46 Depth of penetration of underground waters 36 Discussion by counties Cretaceous . 111 Discussion by counties Tertiary : 245 Disposition of water falling upon land surface 32 Direct runoff or flood flow 33 Distribution and movement of underground waters 37 Driven wells, recovery of water by 49 Effects of erosion on artesian wells 57 Elmore County. 219-221. Artesian conditions 220 Shallow waters 219 Surface features 219 Eocene formations 14 Escambia County. 268-275. Artesian prospects r 269 Surface features . 268 Essential conditions of artesian wells 52 Etowah County 93,94 Fayette County, Appalachian Division, 97; Coastal Plain Division, 114 Final runoff, underground water 35 Fog _' 29 Form of underground water table 44 Frost 26 General discussion underground waters 32 Geneva County. 254-255. Surface features 254 Artesian prospects 254 Geographic position of Alabama 1 Geology of Alabama, general account of 4 Gosport greensand 1 18 Grand Gulf formation, Geological characters, 22 ; special topo- graphic and other features of, 248 to 251. 386 INDEX. Greene County. 143-157. Surface features 143 Artesian records 145 Ground water, division of 4.H Ground water movements, modification of due to stratification 40 Ground water, modification of movements of 37 Ground water movements modified by topography 43 Ground water table, form of 44 Hail 29 Hale County. 158-17G, 318. Surface features , 158 Artesian wells 158 Hatchetigbee formation 17 Henry County . 252 Surface features 252 Artesian records 1 252 Houston County. 252-253. Surface features 252 Artesian records 253 Incomplete saturation by underground waters 39 Jefferson County _ 96 Lafayette formation 24 Lamar County. 113-114. Artesian prospects 114 Shallow waters - 113 Later formations of Coastal Plain 25 Lee County. 223-224. Artesian prospects 223 Surface features 223 Lisbon formation 18 Lost water L 39 Lowndes County. 206-208. Artesian records 207 Surface features 206 Macon County. 221-223. Artesian prospects 221 Surface features 221 Marengo County. 182-190. Artesian records . 183 Surface features i 182 Marion County I __ 96 Midway group 15 Mineral ingredients in Artesian water 64 Mineral waters, Appalachian Division. Talladega Mountain- & Ashland Plateau 67 Appalachian valleys 71 Coal Measures 88 Valley of Tennessee 101 Miocene formations 21 Modifying conditions in artesian wells , 57 Mobile County. 302-314. Artesian prospects 307 Mineral waters 304 Surface features 302 Mobley, Judge, list of Greene County wells 146 387 Monroe County. 276-279. Artesian prospects ._. fc __ 277 Mineral waters 276 Surface features 276 Montgomery County. 208-214. Artesian records . 208 Shallow waters . 208 Surface features 208 Mountain and table-lands, general discussion 3 Nanafalia formation 10 Naheola formation 15 Open wells, discussion concerning 40 Pascagoula formation 21 Permeability of rocks 40 Perry County. 176-182. Artesian wells 177 In Eutaw formation 178 In Selrna Chalk 170 In Tuscaloosa formation 177 Shallow waters 176 Physical Geography, Geology, and Climate 1 Physical Geography and natural divisions 1 Pickens County. 123-130. Wells in Eutaw formation, 124 ; in Selma Chalk, 128. Pike County. 224-226. Artesian prospects 224 Pliocene formations 21 Porosity of rocks 37 Precipitation 28 Quaternary formations 24 Recovery of underground waters - - ^ , , 48 River systems in Alabama, general discussion ^ 2 Russell County. 232-238. Artesian records . 232 Surface features ^ 232 Sucarnochee clay 15 Saline waters ; Appalachian Valleys, 82 ; in chemical discussion, 232 Source of circulating waters , ^_ 32 Springs deep (fissure Springs) 51 Springs, recovery of water by 48 St. Stephens Limestone -_ If Sulphur and chalybeate waters Appalachian Valleys 73 Sulphur Springs Valley of the Tennessee 101 Sumter County. 131-143, 370. Artesian prospects . ^_,. 135 Shallow waters 131 Surface features 131 Supplementary notes 317 Surface configuration and grand division of Alabama.-. 1 Surface zone of flow in underground waters .. 44 Tables of chemical analyses of Alabama waters _ 351 Talladega Mountains and Ashland Plateau, Geology, 6. Details of underground waters in 66. Tar Springs in Valley of the Tennessee 104 Temperature of Alabama; climatic discussion 26 Of artesian well waters _ 63 388 INDEX, Tertiary, geological characters of, 14; Details of Water Re- sources of, 24.'.. 320. Thunderstorms in Alabama ; climatic discussion ______________ 2J> Tuscaloosa County. Appalachian division ___________________ 97 County- Coastal Plain division. 115-122. Artesian prospects _______________________________________ 11T Shallow waters __________________________________________ 115 Surface features ________________________________________ 115 { 'iidorground waters: cause and rate of movement of, 40; de- tailed description of in Alabama, GO; distribution & move- ments of, .'57; general discussion of, 32; movements of modih'ed by physical structure, 37; by stratification, 40; by topography. 43; recovery of, 48; source of, 32. Valley of the Tennessee, Geological characters, 10. Details of underground waters in _________________________ 100,317 Variations in the confining impervious beds __________ ________ ;';> Variation in water-bearing stratum __________________________ 58 Velocity of movement of underground waters ________________ 41 Walker County ____________________________________________ 94 Warrior field, artesian prospects in _________________________ 91 Washington County. 297-302. Artesian prospects _______________ : _____________________ _.. 300 Mineral Springs _____________________ ^ ____________________ 298 Of the Grand Gulf formation ____________________________ L'W Of the Hatchetigbee formation _________________________ lf>8- Surface features ________________________________________ 297 Water, amount available to artesian wells Waters of the Cretaceous ______________________ _ ___________ lli Of the Tertiary , ________________________________________ 245 Wilcox County. 279-282. Artesian prospects ______________________________________ 282 Mineral waters __________________________ _______________ 28*) Surface features ________________________________________ 279 Winds 3Q C UNIVERSITY I \ / THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 30 19: LD 21-100m-7,'33 182018