mmwmw^ iBMlS S'' MiMi)vWSW\il:VjK W$$$$ra;MM^ (Hb THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES PS THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY: A MAGAZINE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ART, AND POLITICS. VOL. XXXVI. NOVEMBER, 1875. No. CCXVII. PRIVATE THEATRICALS. I. WEST PEKIN is one of those country places which have yielded to changing conditions and have ceased to be the simple farming towns of a past genera tion. The people are still farmers, but most of them are no longer farmers only. In the summer they give up the habitable rooms of their old square wood en houses to boarders from the cities, and lurk about in the nooks and cran nies of their L's and lean-to's; and, what ever their guests may have to complain of, have hardly the best of the bargains they drive with them. But in this way they eke out the living grudged them by their neglected acres, and keep their houses in a repair that contrasts with the decay of their farming. Each place has its grove of maples, fantastically gnarled and misshapen from the wounds of many sugar seasons; and an apple orchard, commonly almost past bearing with age, stretches its knotted boughs over a slope near the house. Every year the men - folk plow up an acre of garden ground, and plant it with those vegetables which, to the boarders still feeding in mid- July on last year's po tatoes and tough, new-butchered beef, seem so reluctant in ripening; but a fur row is hardly turned elsewhere on the farm. It yields a crop of hay about the end of June, in which the boarders' chil dren tumble, and a favorable season may coax from it a few tons of rowen grass. The old stone walls straggle and fall down even along the road-side; in the privacy of the wood-lots and berry-past ures they abandon themselves to reck less dilapidation. Many houses in the region stand empty, absently glaring on the passer with their cold windows, as if striving in vain to recall the households, long since gone West, to whom they were once homes. By and by they will drop to ruin; or some shrewd Irishman, who has made four or five hundred dollars in a Massachusetts suburb, will buy one of them, and stocking the farm with his stout boys and girls will have the best- looking place about. He thrives where the son of the soil starved; and if the bitter truth must be owned, he seems to deserve his better fortune. He has en terprise and energy and industry,, and to the summer boarder, used to the drive and strain of the city, the Yankee farm er often seems to have none of these qualities. It may be that the summer boarder judges him rashly; I dare say he would not be willing himself to take his landlord's farm as a gift, if he must live on those stony hill - sides the year round, and find himself at each year's end a year older but not a day nearer Copyright, H. 0. IIocoHTON & Co. 1875. 1293841 514 Private Theatricals. [November, the competence to which all men look forward as the just reward of long toil. I always fancied a dull discouragement in the native farming race; an effect of the terrible winter, that drowns a good half of the months in drifts of snow, and of the dreary solitude of the country life. Great men have come from the rural stock in our nation before now ; and per haps the people of West Pekin have earned the right to lie fallow ; but wheth er this is so or not, it is certain that they often evince an aptness to open the mouth and stand agape at unusual encounters, which one cannot well dis sociate from ideas of a complete mental repose. If they have no thoughts, they have not the irrelevance and superfluity of words. They are a signally silent race. I have seen two of them, old neighbors, meet after an absence, and when they had homily rattled their cal lous palms together, stand staring at each other, their dry, serrated lips fall ing apart, their jaws mutely working up and down, their pale blue eyes vacantly winking, and their weather-beaten faces as wholly discharged of expression as the gable ends of two barns confronting each other" from opposite sides of the road; no figure can portray the gro- tesqueness of their persons, with their feet thrust into their heavy boots, and their clothes originally misshapen in a slop-shop after some by-gone fashion, and now curiously warped, outgrown, outworn climbing up their legs and mounting upon their stooping shoulders. But if they are silent they are not surly ; give them time and they are amiable enough, and they are first and last hon est. They do not ask too much for board, and they show some slow willing ness to act upon a boarder's suggestions for his greater comfort. But otherwise they remain unaffected by the contact. They, learn no greater glibness of tongue, or liveliness of mind, or grace of man ner; if their city guests bring with them the vices of wine or beer at dinner and tobacco after it, the farmers keep them selves uncontaminate. The only pipe you smell is that of the neighboring Irishman as he passes with his ox-team; the gypsying French Canadians, as they wander southward, tipsy by whole fam ilies, in their rickety open buggies, lend the sole bacchanal charm to the pros pect that it knows. These are of a race whose indomitable light-heartedness no rigor of climate has appalled, whereas our Anglo-Saxon stock in many country neighborhoods of New England seems weather-beaten in mind as in face; and this may account for the greater quick- wittedness of the women, whose in-door life is more protected from the inclem ency of our skies. It is certain that they are far readier than the men, more intelligent, gracious, and graceful, and with their able connivance the farmer stays the adversity creeping upon his class, if he does not retrieve its old prosperity. In the winter his daughters teach school, and in the summer they help their mother through her enterprise of taking boarders. The farm feeds them all, but from the women's labor comes thrice the ready money that the land ever yields, and it is they who keep alive the sense of all higher and finer things, Heaven knows with what heroic patience and devoted endeavor. The house shines, through them, with fresh paper and paint; year by year they add to those comforts and meek aspirations towards luxury which the summer guest accepts so lightly when he comes, smil ing askance at the parlor organ in the corner, and the black - walryit - framed chromo-lithographs on the walls. Nehemiah Woodward left West Pe kin in his youth, after his preparation in the academy, which still rests its classic pediment upon a pair of fluted pine pillars above the village green, and went to Andover, where he studied di vinity and married his landlady's daugh ter. She was a still, somewhat austere girl, and she had spread no lures for the affections of her lover, who was of ten derer years than herself; he was not her first love ; perhaps he was at last rather her duty, or her importuning fate. lu any case she did not deny him in the end; they were married after his ordi nation, and went away to the parish in 1875.] Private Theatricals. 515 New York State over which he was settled, and she left behind her the grave in which the hopes of her youth were buried. The young minister knew about it; she told him everything when he first spoke to her of marriage; they went together to bid farewell to the last resting-place of the dead rival whom he had never seen; and his sublime gener osity touched her heart with a life-long gratitude. It was his only inspiration, poor soul! he was a dreadfully dull man, too dull even for the inarticulate suffering of country congregations. Parish after parish shifted him from its aching shoul ders ; they loved him for his goodness, but they could not endure him, they hardly knew why; it was really because his sermons were of lead, and finally none the lighter that they were beaten out so thin. He had thus worn west ward, leaving a deeply striated human surface behind him, in the line of the New England emigration, as far as to the farther border of Iowa, and he was an elderly man with a half-grown fam ily, when his father died and left the ancestral farm at West Pekin, to which none of the other sons would return from their prosperity in the neighbor- incr towns or the new countries where O they had settled. But it was not a fort une that Nehemiah could refuse; pos sibly he had always had his own secret yearnings for those barren pastures of his boyhood; at any rate he gladly part ed from his last willing parish, and went back to the farm. Once returned, he seemed never to have been away; he looked as much a fixture of the land scape as any out-building of the place. He quickly shed whatever clerical dig nity had belonged to his outward man, and slouched into the rusty boots and scarecrow coats and hats that costume our farmers at their work, as easily as if he had only laid them off overnight. The physical shape of the farm was favorable to his luckless gift of going down - hill, but the energy of his wife now stayed his further descent as effect ually as if he had been a log propped on the edge of a slope by some jutting point of granite. She had indeed al ways done more than her half toward keeping her family's souls and bodies together; now, with a lasting basis to work upon, she took the share on which Nehemiah's lax hold had faltered. The house was built with the substantial handsomeness which a farmer could af ford who two generations ago sent his boys to the academy. It was large and square, with ample halls crossing each other from side to side, and dividing it into four spacious rooms below and answering chambers overhead, some of which, after a season or two of summer boarders, Mrs. Woodward was able to cut in two and still leave large enough for single beds. In time a series of very habitable chambers grew out over the one-story wing; a broad new piazza in vited the breeze and shade around two sides of the house, from whose hill-top perch you could look out over a sea of rolling fields and woods, steeply shored on the south by the long flank of Scat- ticong Mountain. The air was a luxury, the water was delicious; the walks and drives through the white -birch groves were lovely beyond compare; and long before the summer of which I write, the fame of Mrs. Woodward's abundant ta ble and educated kitchen had made it a privilege to be her boarders for which people endeavored by engaging her rooms a year beforehand. Whoever abode there reported it a house flowing with unstinted cream and eggs; pease, beans, squash, and sweet corn in their season, of a flavor that the green grocery never knew; blue-berries, raspberries, blackberries, after their kind; and bread with whose just praise one must hesitate to tax the credulity of one's hearer. Mrs. Woodward not only knew how to serve her guests well, but how to profit by serving them well. She made it her business, and mixed no sentiment of any sort with it. She abolished her self socially, and none of her boarders offered her slight at the point to which she retreated from association with them. She left them perfect freedom in the house, but she kept them rigidly dis tinct from her own family, whom she 516 Private Theatricals. [November, devoted each in his or her way to the enterprise she had undertaken. The family ate at their own table, and never appeared in the guests' quarter except upon some affair connected with their comfort; but they were all willing in serving. Even Nehemiah himself, un der the discipline centring in his wife, showed a sort of stiff-jointed readiness in hitching up the horse for the ladies when the boys happened to be out of the way; and he had thus late in life discovered a genius for gardening. It was to his skill and industry that the table owed its luxury of vegetables ; and he was wont to walk out at twilight, and stand, bent-kneed and motionless, among the potatoes, and look steadfastly upon the pease, in serene emulation of the simulacrum posted in a like attitude in another part of the patch. He was the most approachable member of the family, and would willingly have talked with one, no doubt, if he could have found anything in the world to say. The others were civil, but invisibly held aloof by the mother's theory of business, or secret pride, which, whatever it was, interfered with no one's rights or pleas ures, and so was generally accepted by amiable new-comers after a few good- natured attempts to overcome it. There was only one of them who had succeed ed in breaking the circle of this reserve, and her intimacy with the Woodwards seemed rather another of her oddities than anything characteristic of them. The household of the boarders dis played that disparity between the sexes which is one of the sad problems of the New England civilization, and perhaps enforced it a little more poignantly than was just. They were not all single ladies ; a good third of the fifteen were married ; of the rest some were yet too young to think or to despair of marrying, and it could not be confidently said of others that they wished to change their state. Nevertheless one's first sense of their condition was vaguely compassionate. It seemed a pity that for six days in the week they should have to talk to each other and dress only for their own sex. Not that their toilettes were elaborate; they all said that they liked to come to the Woodwards' because you did not have to dress there, but could go about just as you pleased ; yet having the taste of all American women in dress they could not forbear making themselves look charming, and were always appear ing in some surprising freshness and fra grance of linen, or some gayety of flan nel walking costume. The same num ber of men would have lapsed into un shaven chins and unblacked boots in a single week; but these devoted women had their pretty looks on their con sciences, and never failed to honor them. Some of them even wore flowers in their hair at dinner, Heaven knows why; and the young girls were always com ing home from the woods with nodding plumes of bracken in their hats, and walking out in the dusk with coquettish head-gear on, to be seen by no one more important than some barefooted, half- grown, bashful farm -boy driving home his cows. The mothers started their children out every morning in clean, whole clothes, and patiently put aside at night the grass - stained, battered, dusty, dishonored fragments. Even one or two old ladies who were there for the country air were zealous to be neat ly capped. The common sentiment seemed to be that as you never knew what might happen, you ought to be prepared for it. What actually hap pened was the occasional arrival of the stage with an express package for one of the boarders, and a passenger for some farm-house beyond, who at very rare and exciting intervals was a man. Once a day the young ladies went down to the village after the mail, and indulged themselves with the spectacle of gentle men dismounting from the stage at the ho tel, which at such moments poured forth on piazza and gallery a disheartening force of lady boarders. Regularly, also, at ten o'clock on Saturday night, when everybody had gone to bed, this convey ance drove up to the door of the farm house, and set down the five husbands of five of the married ladies, for whom it called again on Monday morning, be fore anybody was up. These husbands 1875.] Private Theatricals. 517 were almost as unfailing as the fish-balls at the Sunday breakfast; and when any one of thorn was kept in Boston it made a great talk; his wife had got word from him why he could not come; or she had not got word: it was just as exciting in either case. The ladies all made some attractive difference in their dress, which the wives when they went to their rooms asked the husbands if they had noticed, and which the hus bands had not noticed, to a man. After breakfast, each husband took by the hand the child or two which his wife had scantly provided him (a family of four children was thought pitiably large, and a marvel of responsibility to the mother), and went off to the woods, whence he returned an hour before din ner, and read the evening papers which he had brought up in his pocket. In the afternoon he was reported asleep, being fatigued by the ride from town the day before, or he sat and smoked, or some times went driving with his family. His voice as the household heard it next morning at dawn had a gayer note than at any other time in the last thirty-eight hours, and his wife, coming down to breakfast, met the regulation jest about her renewed widowhood with a cheerful ness that was apparently sincere. It may not have been so dull a life for the ladies as men would flatter them selves; they all seemed to like it, and not a woman among them was eager to get back to her own house and its cares. Perhaps the remembrance of these cares was the secret of her present content; perhaps women, when remanded to a comparatively natural state, are more easily satisfied than men. It is certain that they are always enduring extremes of ennui that appear intolerable to the other sex. Here at Woodward farm they had their own little world, which I dare say was all the better and kind lier for being their own. They were very kind to each other, but preferences and friendships necessarily formed them selves. Certain ladies were habitually visiting, as they called it, in each other's rooms, and one lady on the ground floor was of a hospitable genius that invited the other boarders to make her room the common lounging and gossiping place. Whoever went in or out stopped there ; and the mail, when it was brought from the post-office, was distributed and most ly read and talked over, there. Till a bed was put into the parlor, one of the young ladies used to play a very little on the organ after breakfast on rainy days. One of the married ladies, who had no children, painted; she painted cat -tail rushes generally; not very like, and yet plainly recogniz able. Another embroidered; she sat with her work in the wide doorway, and those passing her used to stop and take up one edge of it as it hung from her fingers, and talk very seriously about it, and tell what they had seen of the kind. Some of them were always writ ing letters; two or three had a spe cial gift of sleep, both before and after dinner, which distinguished them from several nervous ladies, who never could sleep in the day-time. The young girls went up the mountain a good deal, when ever they could join a party; twice when one of their brothers came from the city they camped out on the mountain ; it was a great thing to see their camp-fire after dusk; once they came home in a rain, and that was talk for two days, and al ways a joke afterwards. They had a lot of novels, not very new to our gen eration, which they read aloud to each other sometimes; they began to write a novel of their own, each contributing a chapter, but I believe they never finished it; the youngest kept a journal, but she did not write in it much. She could also drive; and her timid elders who rode out with her said they felt almost as safe with her as with a man. All the ladies said that the air was doing them a great deal of good, and, if not, that the com plete rest was everything; none of them had that worn-out feeling with which she had come; if any did not pick up at once, she was told that she would see the change when she got home in the fall. Two or three, in the mean time, were nearly always sick in bed, or kept from meals by headache. From time to time the well ones had themselves 518 Private Theatrical*. [November, weighed at the village store, to know whether they had gained or lost. They all talked together a good deal about their complaints, of which, whether they were sick or well, they each had several. These were the interests and occupa tions, this the life, at Woodward farm, to the entire simplicity of which I am afraid I have not done justice, when a thing happened that complicated the sit uation and for the moment robbed it of its characteristic repose. It appears that while Mrs. Stevenson was quietly multi plying cat-tail rushes in her cool, airy, up-stairs room, one of the Woodward girls, who taught school and in vacation waited on the boarders at the table, had also been employed somewhere in the mysterious L-part, where her family be stowed itself on a work of art a head of the Alderney cow, known to the whole household as Blossom. Whether it was ever meant to be seen or not is scarcely certain; that lady who alone had the intimacy of the Woodwards came out with it from the kitchen one morning, as by violence, and showed it to the boarders after breakfast, while they still loitered at the table, none of the artist's kindred appearing. They all recognized Blossom in a moment, but the exhibitor let them suffer and guess a while who did it. Then she exploded the fact upon them, and the excitement began to rise. They said that it was a real Rosa Bonheur; and Mrs. Stevenson, who was indeed in another line of art and need feel no envy, set her head on one side, held the picture at arm's- length in different lights, and pronounced it perfect, simply perfect, for a charcoal sketch. They had looked at it in a group; now they looked at it singly, and from a distance, cautioning each other that the least touch would ruin it. Then they began to ask the exhibitress if she had known of Miss Woodward's gift be fore; the young girls listening to her re plies with something of the zeal and rev erence they felt for the artist. At last they said Mrs. Gilbert must see it, and followed it in procession to the room of the public-spirited lady on the first floor. She had been having her breakfast in bed, and now sat in a be-ruffled, sweet- scented dishabille, which became her pale, middle-aged, invalid good-looks her French-marquise effect, one young girl called it, Mrs. Gilbert's hair being quite gray, and her thick eyebrows dark, like those of a powdered old-regime beau ty. They set the drawing on her chim ney-piece, and she considered it a long while with her hands lying in her lap. " Yes," she sighed at last, " it 's very fair indeed, poor thing." " Blossom or Rachel, Mrs. Gilbert? " promptly demanded the lady who had been chaperoning the picture, with a tremor of humorous appreciation at the corners of her mouth, and a quick glance of her very dark-brown eyes. " Rachel," answered Mrs. Gilbert. " Blossom is a blessed cow. But a wom an of genius in a New England farm house where they take summer boarders oh dear me! Yes, it 's quite as bad as that, I should say," she added thought fully, after another stare at the picture. " Quite." The company had settled and perched and poised upon the different pieces of furniture, as if they expected Mrs. Gil bert to go on talking; but she seemed to be out of the mood, and chose rather to listen to their applauses of the picture. The sum of their kindly feeling appeared to be that something must be done to encourage Miss Woodward, but they were not certain how she ought to be encouraged, and they began to stray away from the subject before anything was concluded. When the surprise had been drained to the dregs, a natural re action began, and they left Mrs. Gilbert somewhat sooner than usual and with signs of fatigue. Presently no one re mained but the lady who had exhibited the picture; her, as she made a move ment to take it from the mantel, Mrs. Gilbert stopped, and began to ask about the artistic history of Miss Woodward. II. Mrs. Belle Farrell, one of the summer boarders, stood waiting at the side of the 1875.] Private Theatricals. 519 road for Rachel Woodward, who pres ently appeared on the threshold of the red school-house, with several books on her arm. It was Saturday afternoon; her school-term had ended the day be fore, and she had returned now for some property of hers left in the school-house overnight. She laid down the books while she locked the door and put the key in her pocket, and then she gathered them up and moved somewhat languidly towards Mrs. Farrell. This lady was slender enough to seem of greater height than she really was, but not slender enough to look meagre, and she wore a stuff that clung to her shape, and, with out defining it too statuesquely, brought out all its stylishness. Her dress was not so well suited to walking along country roads as it was to some pretty effects of pose; caught with the left hand, and drawn tightly across from be hind, its plaited folds expanded about Mrs. Farreli's feet, and as she turned her head for a sidelong glance at her skirt, it made her look like a lady on a Japanese fan. The resemblance was heightened by Mrs. Farreli's brunette coloring of dusky red and white, and very dark eyes and hair; but for the rest her features were too regular; she knitted her level brows under a forehead overhung with loose hair like a French painter's fancy of a Roman girl of the decadence, and she was not a Buddhist half the time. This afternoon, for ex ample, she had in the hand with which she swept her skirt forward, a very charming little English copy of Keble's Christian Year, in mouse-colored, flexi ble leather, with red edges. It was a book that she had carried a good deal that summer. She now looked up and down the road, and seeing no one but Rachel she undid her attitude and pinned her draperies courageously out of the way. ' ' Let us go home through the berry pasture," she said, and at the same time she stepped out towards the bars of the meadow with a stride that showed the elastic beauty of her ankles and the neat fit of her stout walking- shoes; she mounted and was over before the country girl could let down one of the bars and creep through. In spite of Mrs. Farreli's stylishness, the pasture and she seemed joyously to ac cept each other as parts of nature ; as she now lounged over the tough, springy knolls and leaped from one gray-lich- ened rock to another, and glided in and out of the sun-shotten clumps of white birches, she suggested a well-millinered wood-nymph not the least afraid of sa tyrs ; she suffered herself to whistle frag ments of opera, as she stooped from time to time and examined the low bushes to see if there were any ripe berries yet. Such as she found she ate with a frank, natural, charming greed; but there were not many of them. "We shall have to stick to custard pie for another week," she said; " I 'm glad it 's so good. Don't let 's go home at once, Rachel. Sit down and have a talk, and I '11 help you through after wards, or get you out of the trouble somehow. Halt! " she commanded. The girl showed a conscientious hesi tation, while Mrs. Farrell sank down at the base of a bowlder on which the sun set had been shining. The day was one of that freshness which comes often enough to the New England hills even late in July; Mrs. Farrell leaned back with her hands clasped behind her head, and closed her eyes in luxury. " Oh you nice old rock, you! How warm you are to a person's back! " Rachel crouched somewhat primly near her, with her books on her knee, and glanced with a slight anxiety at the freedom of Mrs. Farreli's self-disposi tion, whose signal grace might well have justified its own daring. "Rachel," said Mrs. Farrell, subtly interpreting her expression, " you 're al most as modest as a man; I 'm always putting you to the blush. There, will that do any better? " she asked, modi fying her posture. She gazed into the young girl's face with a caricatured prudery, and Rachel colored faintly and smiled. "Perhaps I wasn't thinking what you thought," she said. " Oh yes, you were, you sly thing; don't try to deceive my youth and inex- 520 Private Theatricals. [November, perience. I suppose you 're glad your school 's over for the summer, Rachel." "I don't know. Yes, I 'm glad; it 's hard work. I shall have a change at least, helping about home." " What shall you do ?" " I suppose I shall wait on table." " Well, then, you shall not. I '11 ar range that with your mother, any way. I '11 wait on table myself, first." " I don't see what difference it makes whether I work for the boarders in the kitchen or wait on them at the table." " It makes a great difference: you can't be bidden by them if you 're not in the way, and I 'ni not going to have a woman of genius asking common clay if it will take some more of the hash or another help of pie in my presence. Yes, I say yenius, Rachel; and Mrs. Gilbert said so, too," cried Mrs. Farrell, at some signs in the girl, who seemed a lit tle impatient of the subject, as of some thing already talked over; " and I 'm proud of having been in the secret of it. I never shall forget how they all looked, when I came dancing out with it and stood it up at the head of the table, where they could see it ! They thought I did it, and they had quite a revulsion of feeling when they found it was yours. Where are you going, Rachel ? To Flor ence, or the Cooper Institute, or Doctor Rimmer? " " I have no idea of going anywhere. I have no money; father could n't afford to send me. I don't expect to leave home." " Well, then, I '11 tell you: you must. Why can't you come and stay with me in Boston, this winter? I've got two rooms, and money enough to keep a couple of mice, especially if one 's a country mouse, and we '11 study art together. I might as well do that as anything or nothing. Come, is it a bargain? " " If I could get the money to pay for my boarding, I think I should like it very much. But I could n't," answered Rachel, quietly. Why, Rachel, can't you understand that you are to be my guest? " Even the women of West Pekin are slow to melt in gratitude, and Rachel replied without effusion. ' ' Did you mean that ? It is very good of you, but I could never think of it," she added, firmly. " I never could pay you back in any way. It would come to a great deal in a winter, city- board." " Do I understand you to refuse this handsome offer, Rachel? " "I must." " All right. Then I shall certainly count upon your being with me, for it would be foolish not to come, and what ever you are, Rachel, you 're not fool ish. I 'm going to talk with your mother about it. Why, you little chipmunk," cried Mrs. Farrell, adding the term of endearment after some hesitation for the precise expression, " I want you to come and do me credit. When your things are on exhibition at Williams and Ev erett's, and Doll and Richards's, I'm going to gather a few small spears of glory for myself by slyly telling round that / gave you your first instruction, and kept you from blushing unseen in West Pekin. I 've felt the want of a proleyee a good while, and here you are, just made to my hand. I heard before I came away that they were going to get up a life-class next winter. Perhaps we could get a chance to join that." "Life-class?" " Yes; to draw from the nude, you know." " From the " Rachel hesitated. "Yes, yes, yes! my wild- wood flow er. From the human being, the fellow- creature, with as little on as possible," shouted Mrs. Farrell. " How can you learn the figure any other way ?" A puzzled, painful look came into the girl's eyes, and " Do do ladies go? " she asked faintly. " Of course they go! " said Mrs. Far rell. " It 's a regular part of art-educa tion. The ladies have separate classes in New York; but they don't abroad." Rachel seemed at a loss what to an swer. She dropped her eyes under Mrs. Farrell's scrutiny, and softly plucked at a tuft of grass. At last she said, with out looking up, " It would n't be neces- 1875.] Private Theatricals. 521 sary for me to go. I only want to paint animals." "Well, and aren't men animals?" demanded Mrs. Farrell, leaning forward and trying to turn the girl about so as to look into her averted face. " Don't! " said the other in a wound ed tone. "Rachel, Rachel!" cried Mrs. Far rell, tenderly, "I 've really shocked you, have n't I? Don't be mad at me, my lit tle girl: / didn't invent the life-class, and I never went to one. I don't know whether it 's exactly nice or not. I sup pose people would n't do it if it was n't. Come, look round at me, Rachel: I 'm so glad of your liking me that if you stop it for half a second you '11 break my heart! " She spoke in tones of anxious appeal, and then suddenly added, "If you '11 visit me this winter we won't go to the life-class; we '11 sleep together in the parlor and keep a cow in the back room." Rachel gave way to a laugh, with her face hidden in her hands, and Mrs. Far rell fell back, satisfied, against her com fortable rock again, and put her hand in her pocket. "Look here, Rachel," she said, drawing it out. "Here's something of yours. " She tossed a crisp, rattling ten - dollar note into the girl's lap, and nodded as Rachel turned a face of question upon her. ' ' I sold your Blossom for that this morning; I forgot to tell you before. No, ma'am; I did n't buy it. Mrs. Gilbert bought it. The others praised it, Mrs. Gilbert paid for it: that 's Mrs. Gilbert. I told her some thing about you, and how you owed every thing to my instruction, and she offered ten dollars for Blossom. I tried to beat her down to five," she continued, while Rachel stared dumbly at the money, " but it was no use. She would n't fall a cent. She . . . Ugh! What's that?" cried Mrs. Farrell. She gathered her dispersed pictur- esqueness hastily up, threw her head alertly round, and confronted a mild- faced cow, placidly pausing twenty paces off under the bough of a tree, through which she had advanced her visage, and softly regarding them with her gentle brown eyes. " Why, Blossom, Blos som!" complained the lady. "How could you come up in that startling way? I thought it was a man! Though of course," she added less dramatically, " I might have remembered that there is n't a man within a hundred miles." She was about to lean back again in her lazy posture, when voices made themselves heard from the wood beside the pasture, out of which Blossom had emerged. "Men's voices, Rachel!" she whispered. " An adventure! I sup pose we must run away from it ! " Mrs. Farrell struggled up from her sitting posture, and, entangling her foot in her skirt, plunged forward with grace ful awkwardness, but did not fall. She caught the pins out of her drapery, and Rachel and she were well on their way to the bars which would let them into the road, when two men emerged from the birch thicket out of which Blos som had appeared. One was tall and dark, with a firm, very dark mustache branching across a full beard. The other was a fair man, with a delicate face; he was slight of frame, and of the middle stature; in his whole bearing there was an expression of tacit resolu tion, which had also a touch of an inde finable something that one might call fanaticism. Both were city - clad, but very simply and fitly for faring through woods and fields; the dark man wore high boots, he carried a trouting - rod, and at his side was a fish-basket. They looked after the tAvo women, with eyes that clung charmed to the fig ure of Mrs. Farrell, as she drifted down the sloping meadow-path. "Magnificent!" said the dark man, carelessly. " ' A daughter of the gods, divinely tall and most divinely fair! ' ' A flush came over the cheek of the other, but he said nothing, while he ab sently advanced to the rock beside which the women had been sitting, as if that superb shape had drawn him thus far after her. A little book lay there, which he touched with his foot before he saw it. As he stooped to pick it up, Mrs. Farrell stopped fleetly, as a deer stops, and wheeh'ng round went rapidly back, 522 Sonnet. [November, towards the two men. When Mrs. Far- rell advanced upon you, you had a sense of lustrous brown eyes growing and brightening out of space, and then you knew of the airy looseness of the over hanging hair and of the perfection of the face, and last of the sweeping, undu- lant grace of the divine figure. So she came onward now, fixing her unfright- ened, steadfast eyes upon the young man, out of whose face went everything but worship. He took off his hat, and bent forward with a bow, offering the pretty volume, at which he had hardly glanced. " Thanks," she breathed, and for an instant she relaxed the severe imperson ality of her regard, and flooded him with a look. He stood helpless, while she turned and swiftly rejoined her com panion, and so he remained standing till she and Rachel had passed through the meadow-bars and out of sight. Then the dark man moved and said solemnly, "Don't laugh, Easton; you would n't like to be seen through, your self." " Laugh, Gilbert? " retorted Easton, with a start. " What do you mean? What is there to laugh at? " he de manded. "Nothing. It was superbly done. It was a stroke of genius in its way." "I don't understand you," cried Easton. " Why, you don't suppose she left it here on purpose, and meant one of us to pick it up, so that she could come back and get it from him, and see just what manner of men we were; and " "No! I don't suppose that. " " Neither do I," said Gilbert, non chalantly. "I never saw anything more unconscious. Come, let 's be go ing; there 's nothing to call her back, now. ' ' He put his hand under the fish-basket, and weighted it mechanically, while he used the mass of his uncoupled rod staff- wise, and moved away. Easton followed with a bewildered air, at which Gilbert, when he happened to glance round at him, broke into a laugh. W. D. Howells. SONNET. I STOOD and leaned upon a balustrade: Beneath me lay the gray-roofed city, Rome. The sun had sunk beneath Saint Peter's dome, While all the bells their Ave Mary played. Sweet music filled the air, and the young moon Trembled in liquid tenderness on high; But I was looking northward with a sigh, And said, " A^i, quiet vale, I greet thee soon!" Now when the daylight fades I stand and gaze Upon the silent fields and the dark hills That close around my lonely home, till fills My heart with longing for the Roman days. O longing, changing heart! O world too small! Would all were one, or one dear place were all! F. S. 674 Private Theatricals. [December, PRIVATE THEATRICALS. III. IN the evening Gilbert walked over to Woodward farm from the hotel where he and Easton had stopped that morn ing, and called on his sister-in-law. He had brought word from her husband in Boston, whom he had gone out of his course to see on his journey up from New York. When she found out that he had been in West Pekin all day, he owned that he had spent the time fish ing. "I didn't suppose you'd be in any hurry to hear of Bob's detention; and really, you know, I came for the fishing. ' ' "You needn't be so explicit, Will iam," said Mrs. Gilbert. "I'm not vain." " I was merely apologizing." "Were you? What luck did you have?" " The brooks are fished to death. I 've had bad enough luck to satisfy even Easton, who has a conscience against fishing, among other things." "Easton! Four Easton? Is AVayne Easton with you? " demanded Mrs. Gil bert, with impetuous interest. ' ' You don't mean it! " " No, but I say it," answered Gilbert, unperturbed. " What in the world brought him? " pursued his sister-in-law more guarded ly, as if made aware by some lurking pain that an impetuous interest was not for invalids. " The ideal of friendship. I hap pened to say that I was feeling a little out of sorts and was coming up here, and he jumped at the chance to disar range himself by coming with me. He was illustrating his great principle that .New York is the best place to spend the summer, and it cost him something of a struggle to give it up, but he con quered." " Is he really so queer? " " He or we. I won't make so bold as to say which." " Has he still got that remarkable protege of his on his hands? " " No; Rogers has given Easton his freedom. He 's gone on to a farm, with all Easton's board and lodging, Latin and French, in him. His modest aspira tion is finally to manage a market gar den." "What a wicked waste of benefi cence! " " Easton looks at it differently. He says that no one else would ever have given Rogers an education, and that the learning was n't more thrown away on him than on many, perhaps most, peo ple who are sent to college; learning has to be thrown away somehow. Besides, he economized by sharing his room with Rogers, you know." " No, I did n't know that. Don't you think that was rather more than Provi dence required of Mr. Easton? " " I can't say, Mrs. Gilbert." " But to take such a hopeless case so hopelessly common! " " There are some odd instances of the kind on record. The Christian re ligion was originally sent to rather a common lot." " Yes, but Latin was n't, and French wasn't, and first-class board Avasn't. You need n't try to gammon me with that sort of thing, William. I won't stand it." "Well, I would n't, myself. But I thought perhaps a lady might. Why did you put me on the defensive? / did n't try to form Rogers, or reform him." ' ' No, but you countenanced your Mr. Easton in it. He ought to have mar ried and supported a wife, instead of risking his money on such a wild vent ure; it 's no better than gambling." " That 's your old hobby, Susan. % A man can't always be marrying and sup- 1875,] Private Theatricals. 675 porting a wife. And as for countenanc ing Easton, if he thought a thing was right, it 's very little of my cheek he would want to uphold him." " Oh, I dare say. That 's his insuffer able conceit; conscientious people are always so conceited! They 're always so sure that they know just what is ri'Jit and wrong. Ugh! I can't endure Yin." "I don't think Easton's conscien tiousness is of that aggravating type, exactly," said Gilbert with a lazy laugh. " He has got a good many principles, ready cut and dried, but I should say life in general was something of a puz zler to him. He 's one of the wrecks of the war. Easton was peculiarly fitted to go on fighting forever in a sa cred cause; he's a born crusader; and this piping time of peace takes him at a disadvantage. He hates rest, and ease, and all the other nice things; what he wants is some good, disagreeable, lasting form of self -sacrifice: I believe it's a real grief to him that he did n't lose a leg; a couple of amputations would have made him perfectly happy; though of course he would choose another war of emancipation, for he would n't want to be happy in such a useless way. As it is, he is a wretched castaway on the shores of the Fortunate Isles." "Why doesn't he do something? Why does he idle away even the con temptible hours of peace and prosper ity V" "He does; he doesn't. He's at work on that book of his, all the time." " Oh, I don't call that work." " He makes it work. Even if he went merely to literature for his material, his Contributions to the Annals of Heroism might be a serious labor; but he goes to life for it. He hunts up his heroes in the streets and in the back alleys, in domestic service, in the newspaper offices, in bank parlors, and even in the pulpits: he has a most catholic taste in heroism; he spares neither age, sex, nor condition. I suppose it is n't an idle thing to instruct the world that all the highest dreams of self-devotion and courage and patience are daily realized in our blackguard metropolis: we leave culture and refinement to Boston. And if it were so, it must be allowed that even with a futile object in view, Eas ton does some incidental good: he half supports about half of his heroes, and he 's always wasting his time and sub stance in good deeds." " Well, well," said Mrs. Gilbert, " I can't admire such an eccentric, and you need n't ask me." " I don't. But this is just what shows the hopeless middlingness of your char acter. If you were a very much better or a very much worse woman, you would admire him immensely." " Oh, don't talk to me, William ! He 's a man's man, and that 's the end of him. Why did n't you bring him with you to night?" " He would n't come." " Did you tell him there Vere fifteen ladies in the house? " ' ' It was that very stroke of logic which seemed to settle his mind about it. He is a man's man, you're right: he 's shyer of your admirable sex than any country boy; it 's no use to tell him you 're not so dangerous as you look. But even if he had n't been afraid of your ladies, the force of my argument might have been weakened by the fact of the twenty-five at the hotel. What are the superior inducements of your fifteen?" " They are all very nice." " How many? " " Well, three or four; and none of them are disagreeable." " Are you going to introduce me? " " They 're in bed now, it 's half past eight, and they 'd be asleep if it did n't keep them awake to wonder who you are. If you '11 come to-morrow I '11 introduce you." " Good! Now, I 'VQ been pretty sat isfactory about Easton, I think " " I don't see how you could have said less. Every word was extorted from you." '* What I want to know," continued Gilbert, "is whether the loveliest being in West Pekin, not to say the world, counts among your fair fifteen." 676 Private Theatricals. [December, When Mrs. Gilbert married, her hus band's youngest brother, William, had come to live with them, his father and mother being dead, and his brothers and sisters preoccupied with their own children. He was not in his teens yet ; and she had taken the handsome, dark- eyed, black-headed boy under the fond protection which young married ladies sometimes like to bestow upon pretty boy brothers-in-law. This kindness, at first a little romantic, became, with the process of years that brought her no children of her own, a love more like that of mother and son between them. Her condescension had vastly flattered the handsome lad; as he grew older, she seemed to him the brightest as well as the kindest woman in the world; and now, after a score of years, when the crow was beginning to leave his foot prints at the corners of her merry eyes, and she had fallen into that permanent disrepair which seems the destiny of so much youthful strength and spirit among our women, he knew no one whose company was more charming. The tacit compliment of his devotion doubtless touched a woman who was long past compliments in most things; something like health and youth he al ways seemed to bring back to her when ever he returned to her from absences that grew longer and longer after her husband removed to Boston, Mrs. Gilbert's native city, and left William to follow his young man's devices in New York. Through all changes and chances she had remained constant to this pet of her early matronhood, now a man past thirty. It was her great affliction that she could not watch over him at that distance in the dangerous and important matter of marriage, for she was both zealous and jealous that he should marry to the utmost advan tage that the scant resources of her sex allowed, and it was but a partial conso lation that she still had him to be anx ious about. They were sitting together in her hos pitable room by the light of a kerosene lamp, with the mosquitoes, which swarm in West Pekin up to the end of July, baf fled by window-nettings. She rose dra matically, shut the window that opened upon the piazza, and said, "You have n't seen her already! Where? " " In one of the back pastures." " I '11 never believe it! How did she look? Dark or fair? " "Dark; Greek; hair fluffy over the forehead ; eyes that ' stared on you si lent and still, like the eyes in the house of the idols.' I know it was she, for there can't be two of her." Gilbert gave a brief account of their meeting. " It was, it was," sighed Mrs. Gilbert, tragically. " It was Mrs. Belle Far- rell! " "Mrs.? " " A widow. The most opportunely bereft of women! " " Susan, you interest me." " Oh, very likely ! So will she. She must be famishing for a flirtation, and it 's you she '11 bend her devouring eyes upon, for I infer that your Mr. Easton, whatever he is, is n't a flirt." " Easton? Well, no, I should think he was n't." Mrs. Gilbert leaned back, staring with a vacant smile across the room. But directly, as she began to talk of Mrs. Farrell, her eyes lighted up with the en joyment that women feel in analyzing one of themselves for a man who likes women and knows how to make the due allowances and supply all the skipped details of the process. Gilbert had tak en his place in her easy-chair when she shut the window, and she had disposed herself among the cushions and pillows of her lounge; he listened with lazy lux ury and a smile of intelligence. " Yes, she will'interest you, William; she interests me, and I don't dislike her as I might if I were a youthful beauty myself. In fact, she fascinates me, and I rather like her, on the whole. And I don't see why I don't approve of her. I don't know anything against her." Gilbert laughed. " That's rather a damaging thing to say of a lady." " Yes," answered his sister-in-law, " I would n't say it to everybody. But really, it seems odd that one does n't know anything against her. She 's very 1875.] Private Theatricals. 677 peculiar for a woman; and I don't know^vhether her peculiarity comes from her character or from her circumstances. It 's a trying thing to be just the kind of handsome young widow that Mrs. Farrell is in Boston." Gilbert did not comment audibly, but he lifted his eyebrows, and his sister- in-law went on: " Not but that we ap prove of youth and beauty as much as any one. In fact, if Mrs. Farrell had simply devoted herself to youth and beauty, and waited for the right man, she could have married again splendidly, and been living abroad by this time. But no! And that 's been her ruin." "She's rather a picturesque ruin to look at," said Gilbert. " What has she done to desolate herself? What was she when in good repair ? ' ' "Well, that isn't quite so easy to make you understand. Originally she was something in the sea-faring line. Her father was a ship's captain, from somewhere in Maine, I believe; and when her molher died, this young lady was left at a tender age with her sea faring father on her hands, and they did n't know what to do with each other. But the paternal pirate had a particular friend in a Mr. Farrell, the merchant who owned most of his vessel, and this Mr. Farrell had the little girl brought up and educated with his half-sisters, he was a bachelor and very much their eld er. One day the captain came home from a voyage, and was drowned by the capsizing of his sail-boat in the bay; I believe that 's the death that old sea- captains generally die ; and this seemed to suggest a new idea to old Mr. Far rell. He thought he would get married, and he observed that the little girl under his charge was an extremely beautiful young woman, and he fell in love with her, and married her to the disgust of his half-sisters, who did n't like her. He was a very respectable old party; Rob ert knew him quite well in the way of business, but I never saw anything of her in society; and if she liked age and respectability, it was all very well, espe cially as he died pretty soon afterwards I don't know exactly how soon." " He left her his money, I suppose? " " Yes, he did; and that 's the oddest part of it; there was very little of the money, and Mr. Farrell was supposed to be rich. Still, there was enough to have supported her in comfort, while she quietly waited for her second hus band, if she 'd been content to wait qui etly; and she could easily have kept Mr. Farrell's level in society if she had remained with his family. In fact, she could have risen some notches higher; there are plenty of people who would have been glad of her as a sort of orna mental protegee, don't you know; and if she had got a few snubs, it would have done her good. But she would n't be patronized, and she would n't wait quietly. ' ' " Perhaps you ! ve grown to be some thing of a snob, Susan." "I know it; I own it; did I ever deny it? It 's the only safe ground for a woman. But Mrs. Farrell preferred to go living on in that demi-semi-Bohe- mian way ' ' " What demi-semi-Bohemian way? " " Oh, skirmishing round from one shabby-genteel boarding-house to anoth er, and one family hotel to another, and setting-up housekeeping in rooms, and studying music at the Conservatory, and taking lessons in all the fine arts, and try ing to give parlor readings, and that and not doing it in earnest, but making a great display and spectacle of it. And so instead of keeping her little income to dress on, and getting invitations to Newport for the summer, she 's here in a farm-house with us old fogies and de cayed gentles and cultivated persons of small means. But it 's rather odd about Mrs. Farrell. I don't believe she would enjoy herself in society; it has limita tions; it does n't afford her the kind of scope she wants; it does n't respond with the sort of immediate effects that she likes, at least Boston society doesn't. What Mrs. Belle Farrell wishes to do is something vivid, stunning; and that is n't quite what society smiles upon in Boston. Besides, society may be very selfish, but it really requires great self- sacrifice, and I don't believe Mrs. Belle 678 Private Theatricals. [December. Farrell is quite equal to that. Don't you see? " " Dimly. Did she ever try the Cause of Woman, amongst her other experi ments? " " Well, that requires self-sacrifice, too, in its way; and Mrs. Farrell doesn't like women very much, and she does like men very much; and she couldn't bear to be grotesque in men's eyes. Not that she would respect men much, or more than she does women. She 's very queer. I suppose she has streaks of genius; just enough to spoil her for hu man nature's daily food." " We do find genius indigestible in women," allowed Gilbert, thoughtfully. "But isn't life a little less responsive to her vivid intentions at Woodward farm than it would be anywhere else? Forgive the remark if there seems to be any unpleasant implication in it." "You've nothing to be forgiven, William. We know we are dull ; we glory in our torpidity. But I suppose Mrs. Farrell has had the immense relief, here, of not trying to produce any effect. Consciously, I mean ; unconsciously, she never can stop trying it till she 's in her grave." Gilbert, who had leaned forward with interest, in the course of Mrs. Gilbert's tale, now fell back again in his chair, and said, " Oh, I see. You are preju diced against Mrs. Belle Farrell. You have amongst you here a woman of. ex traordinary beauty, who strives in her own fashion after the ideal, who strug gles to escape from the stupid round of your cares and duties and proprieties, and you want to hem her in with the same dread and misapprehension that imprison her life in your brutal Boston. She longs for a breath of free mountain nir, and you stifle her with your dense social atmosphere. I see it all, plainly enough. You misinterpret that sensi tive, generous, proud spirit. But no matter; I shall soon be able to make my own version. ' ' "She'll give you every facility. I have no doubt she 's in her room now, preparing little hints and suggestions for your fancy to-morrow. Her dress at breakfast will tell the tale. But you need n't flatter yourself, Willian^, that she '11 care for you personally or indi vidually; it 's you in the abstract tli;n will interest her, as a handsome youni man that certain effects of posture and drapery and gesture may be tried upon. I should like to know just how she stood and stared when you met her, you two. there in the berry pasture, alone. Did she look magnificently startled, splendid ly frightened? The woman wouldn't really have minded meeting a panther." " I did n't say she was alone." "So you didn't! Who was with her? " " Oh, a little thrush of a girl, slim and shy-looking. ' ' "Well, William! You may as well take your Mr. Easton and go back to your New York at once." " What have I done?" " Nothing; you have simply exhaust ed our resources; you have devoured with the same indiscriminate glance our Beauty and our Genius." " What do you mean? " " That little thrush of a girl is the Rosa Bonheur of West Pekin." " Truly? Do I understand that the young lady does horse - fairs for a liv- ing?" " Not exactly, or not yet. She is the daughter of our landlady. She teaches school for a living, and last year she waited on table in vacation. I don't know how long she may have been in the habit of doing horse-fairs in secret, but she produced her first work in public this morning or rather Mrs. Farrell did for her; the exhibition was too much for the artist's modesty, and we had no chance to congratulate her. She had done a head of Blossom, the Alderney cow, in charcoal." " Was it good? " asked Gilbert, in differently. " That was the saddest part of it: if it had been bad, I should have had some hopes of her, but it was really very prom ising; and it made my heart ache to think of another woman of talent struggling with the world. She would be so much happier if she had no talent. I suppose, 1875.] Private Theatricals. 679 now it 's out, she '11 be obliged by public opinion to take some sort of lessons, and go abroad, and worry commissions out of people. Honestly, don't you think it 's a pity, William? " "It isn't a winning prospect," said Gilbert. " What did you all say and do?" Mrs. Gilbert relaxed the half-serious ness of her face. ' ' Oh, it was a very pret ty scene, I can tell you. They brought the sketch into my room after breakfast, with Mrs. Belle Farrell at the head of the procession, and set it down on my mantel-piece, and all crowded round it, and praised it with that enthusiasm for genius which Boston people always feel." Gilbert smiled insult, and his sister- in-law went on. " It was really very touching to hear our two youngest girls rave over it in that fresh, worshiping way young Bos ton girls have; and we have another artist in the house (she paints cat - tail rushes, and has her whole room looking like a swamp) who hailed it with effu sion. She said that Miss Woodward's talent was God-given, and ought to be cultivated." " Of course." " Then everybody else said so, too, and wondered that they had n't thought of God-given before Mrs. Stevenson did. It seemed to describe it so exactly." " I see," said Gilbert. " Mrs. Steven son embodies the average Boston art- feeling. How long has she left off chro- mos ? How does her husband like the cat-tails? " " He thinks they 're beautiful, and he attributes all sorts of sentiment to them. He 's a very good man." Gilbert laughed aloud. " He must be. What did the Woodward family think of Blossom's head in charcoal? " " Nobody knows what the Woodward family think of that or of anything else," said Mrs. Gilbert. " I hope they don't despise us, for I respect Mrs. Woodward very much; she has character, and she looks as if she had history; but they draw the line very strictly between themselves and the boarders, all except Mrs. Far rell." " Ah? " said Gilbert, who had visi bly not cared to hear about the Wood wards, " and why except Mrs. Farrell? " " Well, nobody exactly knows. She thawed their ice, I suppose, by having a typhoid fever here, summer before last, when she first came; they nursed her through it, and did her no end of kind ness, and of course that made them fond of her so perverse i.s human nature. Besides, I think she fascinates their straight-up-and-downness by the grace ful convolutions of her circuitous char acter; that 's human nature, too." Gilbert laughed again, but did not say any thing; and his sister-in-law, after waiting for him to speak, returned to what she had been saying of Rachel Woodward. " You had better tell Mr. Easton about our artist. He may be on the lookout for another beneficiary, now Rogers is gone, and would like her for a protegee. If some one could only marry her, poor girl, and put her out of her misery in that way! As it stands, it's a truly deplorable case." " I 'm sorry you still think so meanly of Woman, Susan," said Gilbert, rising. " Yes, it is sorrowful; but it 's an old story to you. I take my cue from Nat ure ; she never loses an occasion to show her contempt for us ; she knows us so well. Do you see anything hopeful in Miss Woodward's predicament? " " I 'm a man. If I were a woman I would never go back on my sex." " Oh, you can't tell; a man can have no idea how very little women think of each other. Is Robert really so very busy? I don't blame him for finding a substitute for West Pekin when he can ; but I do blame him for trying to spare my feelings now, when he hasn't been here but twice this summer. Of course, he hates to come, and I 'm going to give him his freedom for the rest of the sea son." " I think he '11 like it," said Gilbert. He offered his hand for good night, and his sister-in-law allowed him to go, like a wise invalid who knows her own force and endurance. Gilbert found Easton waiting for him 680 Private Theatricals. [December, on the upper gallery of the hotel, which overlooked a deep, broad hollow. At the bottom of this the white mist lay so dense that it filled the space of the val ley like a shallow lake, and the clumps of trees stood out of it here and there like little isles. The friends sat looking at the pretty illusion in the silence which friends need not break, and Easton's cigar flashed and darkened in the shadow like the spark of a far-seen revolving light. He often lamented this habit of his in vigorous self-reproach, not chiefly as a thing harmful to himself, but as a public wrong and an oppression to many other people; if any one had asked him to give it up, he would gladly have done so; but no one did, and he clung to his cigar with a constancy which Gilbert, who did not smoke, praised as the sav ing virtue of his character, the one thing that kept him from being a standing re buke to humanity. After a while Easton drew the last shameful solace from his cigar and flung the remaining fragment over the rail. He rose to look after it and see that it set nothing on fire; then he returned to his seat, and, clasping his hands outside his knees, said, "I've been thinking over that encounter of ours with that girl to-day, and I believe you are right. She did leave the book there that she might have an excuse to come back and see what we were like." "Well?" " And I see no harm in her having done so. We should n't have thought it out of the way in a man ; and a wom an had as much right to do it. The subterfuge is the only thing; I don't like that, though it was a very frank artifice, and the whole relation of the sexes is a series of subterfuges: it seems to be the design of Nature, who knows what she 's about, I dare say. No doubt we should lose a great deal that 's very pleasant in life without them. ' ' " There could be no flirting without them," answered Gilbert, " and no lovely Farrells, consequently." Easton turned his face toward him, and Gilbert continued: " Farrell is her name: Mrs. Belle Farrell ; she is a widow. ' ' " A widow? " echoed Easton, rather disappointedly. "Yes, "said Gilbert. "I dare say she would be willing to mend the fault. She 's passing the summer at the Wood ward farm; my sister-in-law has been telling me all about her," he said. He reproduced Mrs. Gilbert's facts and im pressions, but in his version it did not seem to be much about her, after all. Easton rose from his chair and struck a light on his match-case, but he ab sently suffered it to burn out before lighting his cigar. When he had done this a second time, he began to walk nervously up and down the gallery. "It's a face to die for!" he said, half musingly. " Very well," said Gilbert, "I think Mrs. Farrell would be much pleased to have some one die for her face, and on the whole it would be better than to live for it. But these are abstractions, my dear fellow; I'm going to bed now; there 's no use in being out of sorts if I don't. Good night." " I 'm not, yet a while," said Eas ton. " Good night. Are you going over to the farm again in the morning? " " Yes. Will you go with me? " " I don't know; I thought I should go to church." ' ' All right. Very likely the Farrell may be there. But I prefer to chance it at the farm." Easton did not answer. He struck a third match, and this time lit a cigar. Gilbert went his way, and left' him seated on the gallery, looking over into the mist-flooded hollow. IV. They were at work on the founda tions of the First Church in West Pe- kin when tidings came of the battle of Lexington, and the masons laid down their trowels and the carpenters their chisels to take up their flint-locks for the long war then so bravely beginning. After the close of the struggle, it ap pears that a sufficient number of the parishioners survived to finish the build- 1875.] Private Theatricals. 681 ing in all the ugliness of the original de sign. It stands there yet, a vast, barn- like monument of their devotion, and after the lapse of a hundred years is beginning slowly to clothe itself in the interest which we feel in the quaint where we cannot have the beautiful. Some of the neighboring houses, restored and improved for the accommodation of summer boarders, have the languishing curves of the American version of the French roof, and are here and there blistered with bay windows; and by con trast with these, the uncompromising ga bles and angular oblongness of the old church acquire a sort of grave merit. There is no folly of portico, or pedi ment, or pillars; the front and flanks of the edifice are as blank and bare as life in West Pekin, but they are also as honest. It is well built; the inhabitants have of course the tradition that when its timbers were exposed for some mod ern repairs, the oak was found so hard that you could not drive a nail into it. From time to time its weary expanses of clapboarding are freshened with a coat of white paint, under which what ever picturesque effects time might have bestowed are scrupulously smothered, so that it has not a stain or touch of de cay to endear it. Every spring a colony of misguided swallows stucco the eaves with their mud - nests, placed at such regular intervals as to form a cornice of the rude material not displeasing to the eye of the summer boarder; and every spring when their broods are half fledged the sexton mounts to the roof and knocks away such of their nests as he can reach, strewing the ground with the cruel wreck and slaughter. But he is old and purblind, and a fair percent age of the swallows escape his single burst of murderous zeal, to wheel and shriek around the grim edifice all sum mer long, and to renew their hazardous enterprise another year. The old church has no other grace than they give it, as it stands staring white on the border of the village green, and sends out over the valleys and up lands the wild, plangent summons of its Sabbath bell. It is not an unmusical note, but it is terrible, and seems al ways to warn of the judgment day, so that one lounging over the fields or through the woods, or otherwise keep ing away from the sermon, must hear it with a shudder of alarm. It is a bell to bring a bird's-nesting boy to his knees ; and to the youth of West Pekin in former days I could imagine it a pe culiarly awful sound, which would pur sue them through life and in all their wanderings over the sea and land. It could now no longer call many youth to worship, but mostly a thinned and fal tering congregation of old men and women responded to its menace, and sparsely scattered themselves among the long rows of pews. The stalwart boys and ambitious, eager girls had emigrated or married out of the town, till now the very graves beside the church received none but aged dead, and the newest stones hardly remembered any one un der sixty. From time to time an oc togenarian or nonagenarian wearied of his place in the census, and irreparably depopulated Wesi Pekin, to the loud sorrow of the bell, which made haste to number his years to the parish as soon as the breath was out of his body. The few young people who remained in the town after marriage limited their off spring to the fashionable city figures, and the lingering grandsires counted their posterity in the lessening proces sion which would soon leave the fam ily names entirely to the family tombs. Their frosty heads nodded to the sermon with the involuntary assents of slumber or of palsy, and on the cushions beside them sat their gray wives, ruminating with a pleasant fragrance the Sabbath spray of dill or caraway, unvexed by thoughts of boys disorderly in the back pews or the gallery, or, if tormented by vague apprehensions, awaking to find their fears and boys alike an empty dream. Even the theology preached them was changed. It was the same faith, no doubt, but it seemed to be made no long er the personal terror it had been, nor the personal comfort; the good man who addressed them was more wont to dwell 682 Private Theatricals. [December, upon generalities of reward and punish ment, and abstractions in morals and be lief, and he could easily have been at tainted of a vague liberality, if there had been vigor of faith enough left in his congregation to accuse him. But faith, like all life in West Pekin, had shrunken till one might say it rattled in its shell; and this great empty church seemed all the emptier for the diminution of fixed beliefs as to the condition of sinners in the world to come. A choir and a par lor organ rendered most of the psalms or hymns that the minister gave out, and when the congregation raised its cracked basses and trebles in song, it was doubtless an acceptable sacrifice, but it was not a joyful noise. In West Pekin no one walks who can drive, even for a short distance; doubt less because of the mud of spring and fall, and the heavy winter snows, which make walking in New England, any where off the city pave, a martyrdom, three fourths of the inhospitable year; and Easton watched the church people arrive in their dusty open buggies, which they led, after dismounting, into the long sheds beside the church, hitching their horses in the stalls, there to gnaw the deeply-nibbled posts and ineffectu ally to fight the embattled flies, and ex change faint whinnies and murmurs of disapprobation among themselves. Easton was standing at the hotel door, dressed with whatever of New York nat- tiness he had been able to transport to, West Pekin in the small valise he had allowed himself. He was not a man of society in any sense, but he always, upon a fixed principle, kept himself scrupu lously tailored, and it would have been a disrespect of which he could not be ca pable, to appear before the West Pekin congregation in anything but his best. The vehicles straggled slowly up the hill ; the bell began to falter in its clamor, and to toll in a dismal staccato before it should stop altogether ; and now the village peo ple issued from their doors and moved hurriedly across the green to the church. Easton went back for a moment to Gil bert's room, and found his friend, whom he had left in bed, lazily dressing. Gil bert looked at him in the glass, and said, " I 'm going over to the farm when I 've finished. You 'd better come too, after sermon." " I don't know. Shall you be on the lookout for me? " " You wouldn't have the courage to hunt me up in that houseful of women? All right. I '11 sit on the piazza and watch. I '11 expect you." He went on tying his cravat, while the other took his way to church, and entered as the last note of the bell was dying away. The choir began to sing, and Easton rose with the people and faced the sing ers. Mrs. Belle Farrell stood singing from the same book with llachel Wood ward, and she cast her regard careless ly over the church, and let her eyes rest upon him with visible recognition. She was a woman whose presence would have been magnificent anywhere; here her grace and style and beauty simply annulled all other aspects, and a West Pekin congregation could never have looked so old and thin and pale and awkward. Easton did not know music, and was ignorant that she sang with courageous error. She had a rich voice, from which tragedy would have come ennobled, but she had little tune or time. The subdued country girl at her side sang truer, and with wiser art. Rachel was then twenty; her scarcely-rounded cheeks had the delicate light and pallor of the true New England type; her hair was rather brown than golden ; her eyes serenely gray; and her face, when she closed her lips, composed itself instantly into a somewhat austere quiescence. The girl glanced at Easton in sympathy with her companion- instinctively per haps, and perhaps because of some secret touch or push. The sermon was of the little captive Hebrew maid who remembered the fa mous cures of leprosy by a prophet of her nation, and was thus a means to the healing of Naaman, her Philistine lord. From this the minister drew the moral that even a poor slave girl was not so lowly but she could do some good; he did not attempt the difficult application to West Pekin conditions. From the 1875.] Private Theatricals. 683 sandy desert of his discourse a dim mi rage of Oriental fancies rose before Eas- ton, with sterile hills, palms, gleaming lakes, cities, temples of old faith, and priestesses who had the dark still eyes, the loose overshadowing hair, the dusky bloom of Mrs. Farrell; a certain famil iarity in her splendor he accounted for suddenly by remembering a figure and face he had once seen in the chorus of the opera of Nabucco. This was in his mind ^till when he rose and confronted the Babylonian priestess as she sang the closing hymn in the West Pekin choir. Without, the July noon had ripened to a perfect mellow heat which the yes terday's chill kept from excess, and over all the world was the unclouded cup of the blue heavens. The village people silently and quickly dispersed to their houses, and the farmers sought their dif ferent vehicles under the sheds, while their ^-ives stood about the church door and in a still way talked together; as fast as the carriages came up, each mounted into her own, and drove off, passing Easton as he strolled down the hill-side road winding away from the village. The weather was dry. and the dust pow dered the reddening blackberries of the wayside and gave a gray tone to the foliage of the drooping elm and birch boughs, and to the branches of the ap ple-trees thrust across the stone walls and fantastically dressed with wisps caught during the week from towering hay wagons. When the road left the open hill slopes and entered a wood, Easton yielded to an easy perch on the stone wall, and sat flicking the long, slim wood-plants with his cane. Between the walls the highway was bordered all along with young white birches; some were the bigness round of a girl's waist, and, clasped with the satiny smoothness of their bark, showed a delicate snugness of corsage to which an indwelling dryad might have given shape; they drooped everywhere about in pretty girlish atti tudes; and Easton, whose fancy was at once reverent and rich, as that of an unspoiled young man may be, sat there in a sort of courtship of their beauty which was all the fresher in him, for he was a life-long cockney, and, so far from sentimentalizing Nature, had hardly an acquaintance with her. He had started on his stroll with the unconfessed hope that the road might somehow bring him to Woodward farm, and as he walked he had been upbraid ing himself for his irresolution, without being able either to turn back or boldly to ask the driver of some passing team his way to the farm. In the joy of this cool ness and silence and beauty of the woods his conscience left him at peace, and he lounged upon the broad top of the wall- with no desire to do anything but remain there, when a wagon came in sight under the meeting tops of the trees at the crest of the hill, and his heart leaped at what he now knew he had been really waiting for. Yet as it came nearer and nearer, he perceived that he had been waiting for it with no motive upon which he could act; and he felt awkwardly un accounted for where he was. Mrs. Far rell was driving on the front seat, and behind her sat Rachel Woodward with her mother; they all three seemed to be concerned about some part of the equi page: they leaned forward and looked anxiously at the horse, which presently, as they came to a little slope, responded to whatever fears they had by rearing violently and dashing aside into a clump of bushes, where he stood breathing hoarsely till Easton ran up and took him by the head. "I don't think you need get out," he said, as the women rose. "It's only something the matter with the hold back." He turned the horse again to the road and began to examine the har ness. "That's all," he said; "one side of the hold-back is broken, and lets the wagon come on him. If I had a piece of twine Or, nevermind." He took his handkerchief out of his pocket. " Oh, no; don't," pleaded the eldest of the women. " We shan't need it, now. It 's up-hill all the rest of the way to the house." But Easton said, "It'll be safer," and went on to supply the place of the broken strap, while Mrs. Belle Farrell, turning upon Rachel, made a series of 684 Private Theatricals. [December, faces expressing a mock-heroical grati tude. Suddenly she gave a little shriek as the horse darted off with an ugly spring and lurch. " Oh, do stop him! stop him!" she implored, and Easton had him by the bridle again before her words were spoken. "Well, Mrs. Woodward," said Mrs. Farrell, excitedly, " / should whip that horse." " No, don't whip him," said the eld erly woman, "I don't believe he's to blame; I don't think he was hitched up just right in the first place. The boys said there was something the matter with the harness; but they guessed it would go. ' ' " Very well," answered Mrs. Farrell, " he 's your horse, but if he were mine, /should whip him; that 's what / should do." Her eyes lightened as she stooped for ward to gather up the reins, which had been twitched out of her hands, and the horse started and panted again, while Easton stood beside him in grave em barrassment. He made several efforts to clear his throat, and then said husk ily, " What do you want me to do? Shall I lead him ? I don't know much about horses." He addressed himself doubtfully to the whole party, but Mrs. Woodward answered: " Won't you please get in alongside of that lady? I shouldn't want he should think he had scared us; and he would, if we let you lead him." Easton obediently mounted to Mrs. Farrell's side. She was going to offer him the reins, but Mrs. Woodward in terposed. " No, you drive, Mrs. Far rell, so long as he behaves; " and the horse now moved tremulously but peace ably off. "We're very much obliged to you for what you 've done," she add ed; and then Easton sat beside Mrs. Far rell, with nothing to do but to finger his cane and study the horse's mood. He glanced shyly at her face; from her silks breathed those intoxicating mysterious odors of the toilette ; the light wind blew him the odor of her hair; when by and by the horse began to sadden, under the long up-hill strain, into a repentant walk, and she gave him a smart cut with the whip, Easton winced as if he had him self been struck. But the lady paid him very little attention for some time; then, when her anxieties about the horse seemed to have subsided somewhat, she looked him in the face and demanded, " If you know so little about horses, how came you to stop him so well? " "I don't know," said Easton. "It was rather sudden ; I did n't I had no choice " " Oh," exulted Mrs. Farrell, "then if you could have chosen, you 'd have let him go dancing on with us. I with draw my gratitude for your kindness. But," she added, owning her recognition of him with a courage he found charm ing, " I '11 thank you again for picking up that little book of mine, yesterday. You certainly might have chosen to let it lie." Easton, if brought to bay in his shy ness, had a desperate sort of laugh, in which he uttered his heart as freely as a child; he set his teeth hard, and while he looked at you with gleaming eyes the laughter gurgled helplessly from his throat. It had a sound that few could hear without liking. It made Mrs. Far rell laugh too, and he began to breathe more freely in the rarefied atmosphere that had at first fluttered his pulses. She spoke from time to time to Mrs. Wood ward or Rachel, who, the first excite ment over, appeared distinctly to relin quish him to her as part of that summer- boarding world with which they could have only business relations. They came presently to a turn in the road which brought the farm - house in si^ht, and Mrs. Farrell lifted her whip O * * to encourage the horse for the sharper ascent now before him; but she abruptly dropped her hand, and bowed her face on the back of it. Then very gravely, ' ' I beg your par don," she said to Easton, " but I don't know how we are going to account for you to the people in the house. What should you say you were doing here ? ' ' "Upon my word," said Easton, "I don't know." Mrs. Farrell asked as seriously as be- 1875.] Private Theatricals, 685 fore, " Were you going anywhere in par ticular? Have we taken you out of your way? This is Woodward farm." " Yes, I know it. I was coming here to find a friend." " Well, then, you have a choice this time. You can say we were passing you on the way, and we gave you a lift; or you can say that you saved us all from destruction, and got in to see us safe home. You 'd better choose the first; nobody '11 ever believe this horse was running away." " We won't say anything about it," Easton suggested. " That will b'e the easiest way." " Oh, do you think so? " cried Mrs. Farrell. " Wait till you 're asked by each of our lady boarders." They now drove out of the woods and came upon a shelving green in front of the fan 11 -house. Here, at one side of the door, there were evidences of attempt- / ed croquet. The wickets were in the ground and the mallets were scattered about; the balls had rolled down-hill into desuetude ; there was not a level in West Pekin vast enough for a croquet ground. On the piazza fronting the road were most of the lady boarders ; the five regu lar husbands were also there, and Gil bert, lounging on a step at the feet of his sister-in-law, dressed the balance disordered by the absence of the irregu lar sixth. He rose in visible amazement to see Easton arrive in the Woodward wagon at the side of Mrs. Farrell, and walked down to the barn near which she had chosen to stop. The other specta tors, penetrated by the sense that some thing must have happened, ranged them selves in attitudes of expectancy along the edge of the piazza. Mrs. Woodward and Rachel, dismounting, renounced all part in the satisfaction of the public curi osity by entering the house at a side door, but Mrs. Farrell marched, with the two gentlemen beside her, up to where Mrs. Gilbert sat, and gave a succinct state ment of the affair, which neither omitted to celebrate Easton's action nor over praised it. She ended by saying, "I wish you 'd be good enough to introduce my preserver, Mrs. Gilbert." " I will, the very instant I have his acquaintance," replied Mrs. Gilbert. "William!" "It's my friend Mr. Easton. Eas ton, present you to Mrs. Gilbert." " I 'm glad to see you, Mr. Easton," said Mrs. Gilbert, shaking hands; "you 're no stranger. This is Mrs. Farrell, whose life you have just had the pleas ure of preserving. Mrs. Farrell, let me introduce Mr. Gilbert, also." Mrs. Farrell kept her eyes steadily on the gentlemen, and bowed gravely at their names. Then she gathered her skirt into her hand to mount the step, gave them a slight nod, smiled with ra diant indifference upon the rest of the company, and disappeared in-doors. Mrs. Gilbert made proclamation of the facts to the ladies next her, and casually in troduced her guests to two or three, who presently left them to her again, as they went to give themselves the last touches before dinner. Mrs. Gilbert then turned to Easton and said, "Mrs. Farrell ran a very fortunate risk. I don't believe anything less would have brought you here." " Oh, yes," answered Easton, " I was on my way. The only difference is that I rode instead of walking." " Well, no matter, so you've come. I 've been persuading my brother to stay to dinner, and he says he will, if Easton will. Will you? " At every word Mrs. Gilbert kept studying Easton's face, which the young man had a trick of half-averting from any woman who spoke to him, with fu gitive glances at her, from time to t^ime. The light of frank liking for him came into Mrs. Gilbert's eyes when he turned with a sort of hopeless appeal to Gilbert, and then said, " Yes, I shall be very glad to stay." " You 're ever so good to be glad," she said, " but after saving one lady's life, you could n't do less than dine with another. My brother says you and he are to be at West Pekin for a fortnight. That 's very nice ; and I hope you '11 come here often. We consider any gen tleman a treat; and the only painful thing about having two brilliant young 686 Private Theatricals. [December, New Yorkers in West Pekin is that per haps we can never quite live up to our privileges. ' ' " One of us might go away," said Easton, taking heart to return this easy banter, but speaking with a quick, em barrassed sigh. "Do you think you could live up to the other? " Mrs. Gilbert smiled her approval of his daring and of his sigh. " We will make an effort to deserve you both. Has your friend here told you anything about us? " " How can you ask it, Susan? Did you ever know me to be guilty of such behavior toward you? " demanded Gil bert. " No, William, I never did; and I must add that it 's no fault of yours if I did n't. He means, Mr. Easton, that he 's 'been generous to a little foible of mine. I do like to lecture upon people when I can get a fresh, uncorrupted list ener, I won't deny it; and I should have been inconsolable if William had ex ploited us to you, as he certainly would have done if he had liked to expatiate and expound which he doesn't; and I believe men never do, however much they like being expatiated and expound ed to. Well now, as I 'm not going to have any partiality shown by any guests of mine, and as I 'm going to introduce you to every lady at dinner, recollect, you 've promised to stay, I 'm going to give you a little synopsis of each of them. Mrs. Farrell you 've already had the pleasure of meeting; once in the berry pasture, yesterday afternoon, and once this morning when you saved her life yes, her life; I insist upon giving the adventure a decent magnitude, and I will listen to no mannish, minifying scru ples saved her life ; and so I will only say that she is young, beautiful, and singularly attractive. The absence of any perceptible husband does not neces sarily imply that she is a widow; though in this case it does happen that Mrs. Farrell is a widow. Have I got the log ical sequences all right, William ? Yes ? Well, I 'm glad of that; not that I care the least for them, but I like to consult the weakness of a sex that can't rea son without them. As I was saying, she is young, beautiful, and attractive; the fact might not strike you at first, but she is. The only drawback is her ex treme unconsciousness. But for all that, if I were a man, T should simply 20 rav ing distracted over Mrs. Belle Farrell." " I won't speak for Easton," said Gil bert, " but I think men generally prefer a spice of coquetry in the objects of their raving distraction. This simplicity, this excessive sinsleness of motive, it does n't wear well." Mrs. Gilbert owned, " It does render one forgetful and liable to accidents, but it is n't the worst fault. You gentlemen are very exacting; I see that you 're bent upon decrying every one of our ladies, whatever J say of them, and I believe I shall leave you to form your own per verse opinions. Yes, I 've changed my mind, Mr. Easton, and instead of lectur ing you on them beforehand, I shall con fine myself to satisfying any curiosity you may happen to feel about them when you 've seen them. Is n't that the way a man would do ? " " Perhaps," answered Easton. " But he would n't like it in a woman." "I dare say. That 's his tyrannical unreasonableness. What was the ser mon about this morning? Mrs. Belle Farrell?" It was impossible not to enjoy the mock innocence with which Mrs. Gil bert put this question. Easton's eyes responded to the fun of it, while his blushes came and went, and he kept thrusting his cane into the turf where he stood, just below the step on which she sat. She went on : " We seldom go to church from the farm; we come to the country to enjoy ourselves. Mrs. Fan-ell goes, and sings in the choir, I think. Some of us went to hear her sing once, and came home perfectly sat isfied. She 's a great friend of younjr Miss Woodward, and is the only boarder ad mitted into the landlord's family on terms of social equality. The regime at Wood ward farm is very peculiar, Mr. Easton, and will form the topic of a future dis course. I shall also want to inquire your views of the best method of extinguish- 1875.] The Flamingo. 687 ing talent in the industrial classes; I be- " Go on," said Gilbert; " you might lieve you 've experimented in that way." as well have your say out, now, if there *s Easton lifted his downcast face and anything left on your mind. Easton 's looked at Gilbert with a queer alarm, made up his mind to renounce me, and that afforded Mrs. Gilbert visible joy. you can't do me any more harm." "Miss AVoodward is the victim of a ca- " Stuff! Mr. Easton and I understand pacity, lately developed, for drawing; each other, and we know well enough your friend Mrs. Farrell has fostered that you have n't been disloyal to him. this abnormal condition, and it is the At least we won't believe it on the in- part of humanity to stop it. Now per- sinuation of a malicious, backbiting old haps from your experience with Mr. woman; if Mr. Easton has any doubts Rogers" of you, I'll teach him better. Come, The dinner bell sounded as Mrs. Gil- it 's dinner. This is a great, day with bert reached forward and appealingly us : we have our first string-beans, to- touched Easton's arm with her fan; and day: that's one of the reasons why 1 she stopped. asked you to stop." W. D. Howells. THE FLAMINGO. THE red flamingo flew up from the South, From the land all withered and parched with drouth. He gleamed on the sky like a flaming brand Blown from a burning prairie land. He waded deep through the dark morass, In the samphire beds, and the cool dank grass. When the wind blew east, to the sea he went, Red as the sun in the firmament, And turned aside, with a look aslant, At the deadly eye of the cormorant. And the eagle, old with a hundred years, From the height of his vaulted eyrie peers. When the wind blew west, to the fields he sped, Where the blue-eyed gentian lifts its head; And the dew flushed red to a scarlet dye On the lily's breast, as he floated by; And here and there in the silent dell, From his wing a scarlet feather fell. He sailed on his way as the mariner sails, AVith stout heart fearing nor wind nor fales. 688 The Flamingo. [December, On and on through the land he went, Like a fleet and royal messenger sent, Till he came at last to an ancient town Never on map or chart laid down. His wearied wings beat soft and low, For the dreary streets were of muffled snow. The houses were counted by two and two, And the footsteps numbered were faint and few. The ships that had sailed to that silent shore Were bound, snow-locked, without mast or oar. The shrouds had vanished, a dreary wreck, With the tropic bird, on the lonely deck. His eye grew dim in the cold, wan light, And his royal plumage blanched snow-white. He strained his gaze to the farthest north, And again on fluttering wings went forth, And sailed away, with his plumage pale Forever hid by a snowy veil. Whether he drifted east or west, And gazed on a mighty mountain crest, Or a glorious sea with turrets high, Reaching far up to the polar sky, Or drooped in death on a waste of snow, His secret none shall ever know. He lived his life on his errand sent, And tracked the path of a continent. Whoever has crossed to that silent strand Has passed beyond to an unknown land. Buried in snow, and under the gates, Frozen and .stark the sentinel waits Till the snow shall be lifted from off his breast, And the pathway cleared to the great Northwest! Sarah D. Clark, THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY: A MAGAZINE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ART, AND POLITICS. VOL. XXXVII. JANUARY, 1876. No. CCXIX. PRIVATE THEATRICALS. V. MRS. GILBERT kept her word, and presented the young men to each of the boarders; but for all that, the talk did not become general. After dinner she went off for a nap, and the young men both followed Mrs. Farrelltothe piazza, where they seemed to forget that there was any one else. She was very amiable to both, but a little meek and subdued in her manner; if she encouraged one more than the other, it was Gilbert. She was disposed to talk of serious things, and said that one could not realize the New England Sabbath in town as one could in the country ; that here in these hills the stillness, the repose, seemed to have something almost holy about it. Two young girls in gay flannel walking- skirts and branching shade-hats passed Mrs. Farrell where she sat with her court, and she who passed nearest dropped a demure glance out of the corner of her eye, and a demurely arch "good -by" from the corner of her mouth. "What for?" asked Mrs. Farrell, breaking abruptly from her pensive mood. " Those brakes," said the girl over her shoulder, having now got by. ' ' Oh come ! Won't you go too ? " cried Mrs. Farrell; " it 's an old engagement. Wait, please !" she called to the girls, and ran in to get her hat, while they loitered down the path. Gilbert walked forward to join them, and Easton stayed for Mrs. Farrell, who delayed a little, and then came out in walking-gear which had the advan tage over the dresses of the young girls that foliage or plumage has over dress always : it seemed part of her. "If you '11 be so kind yes," she said, giving Easton her light shawl, while she fitted her hat-cord under the knot of her hair. " It 's a little coolish sometimes in the deep woods, and it 's best to bring one. Don't you think," she asked, dazzling him with the ra diant, immortal youth of her glance and smile, ' ' that the worst thing about growing older is that you have to be so careful about your miserable, perisha ble body ? I hope I 've not made you do anything against your principles, Mr. Easton, in getting you to go with me after brakes on Sunday ? We don't often do such things, ourselves." "No," said Easton; " unfortunately, I have no principles on that point. I suppose it 's a thing to be regretted." " Ob,, yes indeed," said Mrs. Far rell, earnestly. " I think one ought al ways to be one thing or the other. I find nothing so wretched as this sort of betwixt - and - betweenity that most people live in nowadays; and I envy Copyright, H. 0. HOUOHTOX & Co. 1875. Private Theatricals. [January, Rachel Woodward her fixed habits of religious observance. I wish she could have gone with us this afternoon; but the Woodwards never do. You must get acquainted with her, Mr. Easton. She's a splendid girl; she has a great deal of talent and a great deal of char acter; more than all of us lady boarders put together, except Mrs. Gilbert, of course." It vaguely troubled Easton, he did not know why, to have her talk of Rachel Woodward: at that moment it vexed him that there should be any other woman in the world than herself. But he contrived to say that Mrs. Gilbert had mentioned Miss Woodward's talent for drawing. "Is n't she nice, Mrs. Gilbert? " asked Mrs. Farrell, looking into Easton's face, and no doubt seeing there a con sciousness of his having heard from Mrs. Gilbert something not to her advantage. " She's the only one of our boarders that one cares to talk with: she 's such a humorous old thing that I like to hear her even when I know she 's looking me through and through. She 's a very keen observer, and such a wonderful judge of character! Don't you think so?" "I hardly know; I'm scarcely ac quainted with her or the people she talks about." " To be sure. But then, I think you can often see whether a person under stands people, even if you don't know any of them. ' ' " Oh yes, yes," answered Easton. They had crossed the road from the farm-house, and, traversing some sloping meadows, were at the border of the wood in which the tall brakes grew, with delicate shapes of fern slowly waving and swaying in the breeze. He was offering her his hand to help her over the wall into the wood, and she was throwing half her elastic weight upon his happy arm. Gilbert and the young girls were far ahead among the brakes, which their movement tossed about them with a continual, gracious rise and fall of the stately plumes, the bright colors of the girls' dresses deepening their tint as they glimmered through the undulant greenery. " How lovely! " cried Mrs. Farrell. She chose to sit still a moment on the wall. "And isn't your friend superb in his white flannel and his planterish- looking hat? When I was a little girl I was traveling with my father on the Mississippi, and one night a New Or leans boat landed alongside of us. The most that I can remember is those iron baskets of burning pine-knots they stick into the shore, and the slim, dark young Southerners, in white linen from head to foot, as they came on and off the boat in the red light. I felt then that I never could marry anybody but a young South erner in white linen. Your friend re minds me of them. But he is n't South ern? " 1 ' No ; he was South before the war, a while, and he tried a cotton plantation after the war; but he 's a New Yorker." "How picturesque he is!'.' sighed Mrs. Farrell. " Was he a soldier? " "Yes. He's Major Gilbert, if you like." " Was that where you met him, in the army? " "Yes." " And were you a major, too? " ' ' I went in as a private, ' ' said Easton. "But you didn't come out a pri vate?" " Our regiment suffered a great deal, and the promotions were pretty rapid." " And so you came out a captain? " " Not exactly." " A major a colonel? " " I could n't very well help it." ' ' Oh, I dare say you 're not to blame ! " cried Mrs. Farrell. ' ' You and Mr. Major Gilbert, were you in the same regiment ? ' ' "Yes. I owed my first commission to his interest. He was my captain, be fore I got my company." " Well, how was it, then, that you came out a colonel and he only came out a major? " asked Mrs. Farrell, inno.- cently. Easton turned about and looked after the others, whose voices, in talk and laughter, came over the bracken with a 1876.] Private Theatricals. 3 light, hollow sound that voices have in tin- woods. " Oh, don't snub me," implored Mrs. Farrell; "I didn't mean to ask any thing wrong. You soldiers are always so queer about the war; one would think you were ashamed of it. ' ' " It was full of unjust chances," an swered Easton, almost fiercely. "All that I did Gilbert would have done bet ter, and if he had done it he would have got the promotion that I got. I ought to have refused it; it 's my lasting shame and sorrow that 1 didn't." A look of strange dismay and of self - contempt came into Easton's face with the last words, which sounded like the expres sion of an old remorse. " Oh, excuse me! " said Mrs. Farrell with a quick sympathy of tone. " I 've made you talk of something I did n't think your men's friendships are so much more tenderly brought up than women's, that a woman can scarcely un derstand," she added, a little mockingly; but she made obvious haste to get away from the subject that annoyed him. " Here are tall enough brakes," she said, " if it 's tallness we 're after; but I think we 'd better get ferns. I want to show you a place down here in the hollow where I found some maiden-hair the other day. Don't you think that 's the prettiest of the ferns ? Did you ever find it in any part of the South where you were stationed ? I should fancy it might be in the Everglades or some other damp place." " I don't know what it is," said Eas ton, absently. " Not know maiden-hair? Then I 've the chance to show you something novel, as well as very pretty. Come!" She sprang lightly from the wall, and swept through the bowing brakes and down the slope of the hollow to a spot where clustering maples, flinging their shadows one upon another, made a cool gloom beneath their boughs, and the delicate maiden-hair balanced its crest upon its slender purple stems and trembled in the silent air. " Here, here! " called Mrs. Farrell. " Did you ever see anything lovelier? But does n't it seem a pity to pull it? Well, it must die for women, as humming-birds and pheasants do: we can't look pretty without them, poor things! I'm going to sit down here, Mr. Easton, and you 're going to gather maid en-hair for me and show your taste; you haven't experience in it, but you are to have instinct." She sat down on the broad flat top of a rock, and though her seat was in a spot where the slighter texture of the shade let the sunlight flicker through upon her, she gave a slight tremor, and shrugged her shoulders. " You must let me have my shawl, Mr. Easton my poor health, you know; there's rheumatism and ty phoid fever in every breath of this deli cious air." He went to lay the shawl upon her shoulders reverently, but she dragged it down and adjusted it about her waist in a very much prettier effect. " There, now, give me your hat. One of the penalties that a gentleman pays for the pleasure of going braking with a lady is to have his hat trimmed with ferns and to be made to look silly. You may have your revenge in trimming my hat." She began to undo the elastic from her hair ; but there were hair-pins upon which it was entangled, and she dropped her arms from the attempt, and with a quick " Ah! " she tried to unloose her glove. It was fastened by one of those little clasps which are so hard to undo, and after many attempts she was obliged to look up at Easton in despair. " May I try to help you? " he dared to ask. " Why, if you will be so very kind," she answered, and she held out her beautiful wrist, from which her hand drooped like a flower from its stem. It was a task of some moments, and the young man wrought at it in silence; when it was done, she did not instantly with draw her hand, but " Oh, is it really finished? " she asked, and then took it from him and pulled off the glove. She put it up to her hair again, and began to feel about with those women-fingers that seem to have all the five senses in their tips; but now they were wise in vain. " I 'm afraid, Mr. Easton," she Private Theatricals. [January, appealed with a well-embarrassed little laugh, " that I must tax your kindness once more. Would you be so very good as to look what can be the matter? " and she turned the wonder of her neck toward him and bent down her head. " Is it caught, anywhere? " "It's caught," he answered gravely, "on a hair-pin." " Oh dear! " sighed Mrs. Farrell. "May I" asked Easton, after a pause. " Why yes please," she answered faintly. He knelt down on the rock beside her and with trembling hands touched the warm, fragrant, silken mass, and lightly disengaged the string. When he hand ed her the hat she thanked him for it very sweetly, and with an air of simple gratitude laid it in her lap, and drew out its long, hanging ribbons through her fingers. She did this looking with a downcast, absent gaze at her hat. When she lifted her eyes again they were full of a gentle sadness. " I hope you won't think I spoke too lightly of the war and of soldiers, just now." "I can't think you spoke amiss," he answered fervently. " I am sure I meant nothing amiss," said Mrs. Farrell humbly. " But every thing one does or says in this world," she continued, "is so liable to miscon struction, that if one values if one cares for the opinion of others, one feels like doing almost anything to prevent it." Her eyes fell again, and she twist ed the ribbons of her hat into long curls. " I 'm glad that at least you un derstood me, and I do thank you yes, more than you can know. How still and beautiful it is here ! Do you know, I sometimes think that the boundary, the invisible wall between the two worlds is nowhere so thin as in the deep woods like this?" Mrs. Farrell looked up at Easton with the eyes of a nun. "It seems as if one could draw nearer to better influences here than anywhere else. Not, of course, but what one can be good anywhere if one wants to be, but it is n't everywhere that one does want to be good. Don't laugh at my moralizing, please," she besought him. " There, take your hat. I won't make a victim of you. I know you 'd hate to wear ferns." Easton protested that though he had never worn ferns he did not believe he should hate to wear them. " No matter," said Mrs. Farrell, "the mood is past, now; but you'd better pull a few of them, because one must n't come for ferns without getting them." She put together in pretty clusters the ferns with which he heaped her lap, holding them up from time to time and viewing them critically to get the effect, and talked as she worked, while he re clined on a sloping rock nearby. " Is n't that rather nice ? ' ' she asked , display ing the finest group, and letting the tips of the ferns drip through her fingers as she softly caressed their spray. " I suppose you '11 laugh if I tell you what my great passion in life would be, if I could indulge a great passion : millinery ! Bonnets, caps, hats, ribbons, feathers!" Nothing so enraptures a man as to hear the woman of his untold love belittle herself; it intoxicates him that this ador able preciousness can hold itself cheap as Mrs. Farrell possibly knew. " You know," she went on, "I think I have some little artistic talent not really enough for painting, but quite enough for clothes. I might set up a studio, and everybody would smile on my efforts, but if I set up a shop, nobody would associate with me. You would n't, your self! Don't pretend to be so much bet ter than other people," cried Mrs. Far rell, with nothing of the convent left in her look'. " I don't know about being better," said Easton. " But I 've lived too little in' the world to be quite of it, I suppose. I 'm afraid I am not shocked at the no tion of anybody's being a milliner that likes." " Oh yes, I know. Cheap ideas of equality. But you would n't marry a milliner, if she was ever such a genius in her art." " If I were in love with her, and she 1876.] Private Theatricals. were in love with me and would have me, I would marry her. But why do you make marrying the test of a man's respect for a woman ? ' ' "Isn't it?" Easton pondered a while. " Well, yes, it does seem to be," he said, a lit tle sadly. " But it narrows the destiny of half the world." "Are you woman's rights?" asked Mrs. Farrell, trailing a plume of fern through the air. " Oh, I'm woman's anything," said Easton; "anything that women really want ; but rights are a subject that they don't seem very certain of, themselves." " Yes," sighed Mrs. Farrell, " that's the trouble with women ; from day to day, and from dress to dress, they don't really know what they want. There 's Rachel Woodward; she has this decided talent, but she don't seem to want de cidedly to use it, as a man would. I 'm not even sure that if all the world were propitious I should open a milliner shop. But I think I should. If I ever do, Mr. Easton, and you marry one of my 'pren tices, I want you to promise that you '11 let her buy her bonnets of me. That isn't asking a great deal, is it?" She was scrutinizing a crest of maiden-hair, and making it tilt on its stem, as if in doubt just where to put it in the cluster, and she began softly and as if uncon sciously to whistle in a low, delicious note. Then she suddenly stopped, made a little prim mouth, threw up her eye brows, and said, " Why, excuse me, excuse me! What awful behavior in company ! ' ' Easton gave himself to the joy of be ing played upon by her charming inso lence, with a glad laugh, full of a sort of happy wonder; but she seemed not to notice, while she went on gravely ad ding spray to spray. "What are you making all those for?" he asked, when he was willing to change the delight of her silence for the delight of her speech. " I don't know for Mrs. Gilbert, I think. She 's so much of an invalid that she can't come after things that she does n't want, as the rest of us can, and so we 're always carrying them to her. I often wonder how she gets rid of them. You never see them next day. Is n't it strange?" asked Mrs. Farrell, with a serious face ; and abruptly : ' ' What makes you come to the country if you don't know anything about it? " " Well, I take an ignorant pleasure in it. On this occasion I came because I thought Gilbert would like it." " Ah, Damon and Pythias! Do New York gentlemen comjnonly desert their business at the beck of their men friends in that way ? We have six Boston hus bands belonging to the wives of Wood ward farm, and they can't leave their business one work-day in the week." " But I 'm not a business man. I 'm no more useless here than in New York." Mrs. Farrell looked interested, and Easton went on. "I went into the army too young to have a profession, and came out of it too old or some thing to study one. So I live upon a little money left me by a better man." " And you don't actually do any thing? " " I can't quite say that. I try not to keep other people from working; that 's something: and I have my little pur suits." "But you have no business-occupa tion? " "No." " Really! And your friend, Pythias, is he a gentleman of elegant leisure, too? " "He's a lawyer, if you mean Gil bert." "Yes, I mean Gilbert," said Mrs. Farrell, abstractedly. "He didn't go in too young, then? " " He 's a little older than I." " ' I said an older soldier, not a bet ter,' " quoted Mrs. Farrell. "Is he why, excuse me! I seem to be actually pumping you." " I hope you '11 believe that I 'm not in the habit of exploiting myself and my affairs," said Easton. But Mrs. Farrell did not seem to heed what he said. She looked him steadily in the face with her bewildering eyes, and asked, " Why does n't he live on Private Theatricals. [January, some better man's money, too? " and laughed to see his shame painted in his face. ' ' I have been so silly as to talk of my own business, and you 've punished me as I deserved; but I don't think I '11 enter into my friend's concerns, even for the honor of making you laugh," he answered, hotly. " Then you don't like being laughed at? " she gravely questioned. Easton rose to his feet. " What ! Are you actually going away from me? I beg you to forgive me, I do indeed ! I really meant nothing. You have n't said a word that I don't respect you for. I thought you would n't mind it. Tell me how I shall treat you. It 's only for a week; I should be so sorry to be ene mies with you while you stay. What shall I do to make peace ? What shah 1 I say ? " She rose quickly, and stretched her hand appealingly toward him. A mas tering impulse of tenderness filled his heart at her words of regret. Before he knew, he had pressed her hand in a quick kiss against his lips, and then stood holding it fast, awe-struck at what he had done. ' ' Oh ! What are you doing ? ' ' cried Mrs. Farrell, starting away from him in a panic. "Don't; you mustn't! Mr. Easton! Oh dear, there '11 be somebody coming in a moment!" She wrung her hand loose, and, casting one look of fear, wonder, and reproach upon him, turned and walked sadly away. He followed her as silently, and without a word they mounted the slope of the hol low, and passed through the brakes and over the walls, which she mounted now without his help. When they came to the last, which divided the wood from the open meadow, she turned her ag grieved face upon him again, and said meekly, " I shall have to beg you to go back and get me those ferns we left there in the hollow. It won't do to go home without anything. I '11 wait here; " and she sat down upon the low broken wall, and aA r erted her face from him again. He went back as he was bidden, and with a little search found the place, the sight of which somehow sent a shiver through him as if it were haunted, and gathering up the clusters of ferns re turned with them to her. He tried to say something, but could not. She took some of them, and began to talk in a curiously animated way, looking at them and comparing them; and then, not far off, he saw Gilbert and the young girls approaching. Mrs. Farrell sprang down from the wall, and hurried to meet them. They were covered with brakes and ferns, and a gay laughing and talking broke forth among the women. Mrs. Farrell attached Gilbert to her for the walk home; and it fell to Easton to ac company the two young girls. When he left them they said he was very nice- looking, but he was very hard to get along with, much harder than Mr. Gil bert, who always kept saying something to make you laugh. They did not know whether Mr. Easton was really stupid or not; he did not look stupid, and it was quite delightful to have a man so bashful. In the mean time he had parted in a blank, opaque sort of way from Mrs. Farrell, with whom he left Gilbert, and was walking moodily homeward over that road where he had met her in the morning. He found the hotel intoler able, and after a cup of its Japan tea, and a glance at its hot biscuit, its cold slices of corned beef, its little blocks and wedges of cheese, its small satellite dishes of prunes and preserves, and its twenty-five Sunday evening toilettes, he went out again, and walked far and long in a direction that he knew nothing of except that it was away from where he had spent the day. His heart was still thickly beating in his ears when he got back and found Gilbert alone on the piazza. " Hello! " said Gilbert. " Develop ing into a pedestrian ? Why did you go away so soon ? I think the lovely Far rell missed you. She was quite pensive and distraite at first ; though I must own she cheered up and collected herself after a while. She looked extremely at tractive in her melancholy." Easton sat down in the next chair without answering, and drawing a match 1876.] Private Theatricals. along the bottom of the seat lighted his cigar. After a few whiffs, he took it from his lips and held it till it went out. Gilbert went on with a quick laugh. " She 's a most amusing creature! " " I don't understand what you mean by that," said Easton, turning his face half-way toward his friend, in a fashion he had. " Well, it 's hard to say. I suppose because she 's so deep and so transpar ent. She does everything for an effect, and she is n't at peace with herself for a moment." " I suppose we all do that," com mented Easton. " Yes, but not with her motive." " What is her motive? " " That 's not so easy to explain. It 's a pity you have n't the data for com prehending her, Easton, and enjoying her character; you don't know other women, and you can't see how sublime ly perfect Mrs. Farrell is in her way. She 's one of the most beautiful women I ever saw ; one of the brightest, the most amiable. But I should be sorry to marry her; I shouldn't want my wife so ami able to everybody. She isn't meant for the domesticities. There 's no harm in her ; she simply wants excitement, lux ury, applause, all in one, all the time. By Jove, the man that .gets her will wish she was his widow, and so will she, as soon as she has him. She 's an inspired flirt; and I don't mean that she 's like young girls .who can't help their inno cent coquetries with a man or two; but her flirtatiousness is vast enough for the whole world, and enduring enough for all time. As long as she lives she '11 be wanting to try her power upon some one; and there can't be any game so high or so low that she won't fly at it. What a life that would be for her hus band! " Easton sat still while Gilbert spoke, and he remained silent when he ceased. But the words had given him a supreme satisfaction ; they had lifted a load from his heart; they had made the way clear and straight. He was infinitely far from resenting what left her, as concerned Gilbert at least, so solely to his love and worship. With his passion their reason or unreason had not a feather's weight. ' ' Shall you stay any longer than the end of the fortnight? " he asked at last. " No," said Gilbert, who was used to Easton 's way of suddenly turning from the matter of their talk, and comino- as ' O suddenly back to it some other time; " I don't think I could stand it longer." Easton made a motion to replace his cigar in his lips, then looked at it with sudden disgust and flung it over the rail. His mind ran off in wild reverie upon the kiss, which he now feigned again and again upon her hand. His eccen tric life and his peculiar temperament had kept him so unlike other young men that he had no trouble for the violated conventionality ; it could only be a ques tion of right or wrong with him ; he be lieved that he had taken an unfair ad vantage of her attempt at reparation, but the fire that burned in his heart seemed to purge it of whatever wrong there was in his violence. He was reclining there near her on the rock under the hovering shade, with the bracken in light undula tion all around above their heads, and the summer at its sweetest in the air and earth ; then he despaired to think that the night must pass before he could see her again, that life itself might pass and no such moment come again. His rev erie broke in a long, deep sigh. Gilbert gave a sudden laugh. ' ' Why, I believe, Easton, you are hit. You had forgotten I was here," he continued, as Easton looked round in a stupefied way. "Well, I'll leave you to your rapt ures." " I 'm going to bed, too," said Easton. "I'm tired to death;" and he rose from his chair with a leaden sense of fatigue in every fibre. Their rooms opened into each other, and Easton was abed, when Gilbert rapped on the dividing door. " Come in," he called. Gilbert came into the room, which the bright moon would have made uncom fortable for any but a lover. " Look here, old fellow," he said, bending over his friend, with one arm stretched along 8 Private Theatricals. [January, the head-board, " you did n't think to day, from anything my sister-in-law said, that I 'd been making light of you, did you? " " What did she say?" " Oh, about Rogers, you know." ' ' Certainly not. ' ' " Then it isn't necessary to say I hadn't?" " Oh no," said Easton, turning his head impatiently. " I never thought of it again." Gilbert's anxious loyalty annoyed him, for since they had bid den each other good night, the con sciousness that he had, however against his will, suffered something to be ex torted from him that might be con strued as derogation of his friend had troubled him, but he had rather arro gantly dismissed the thought as un worthy of their friendship. Besides, without placing himself in a false light he could not speak of it, and it was vex atious to be reminded of it by Gilbert's scruples. ".Then it's all right?" asked Gil bert. " Why, certainly! " said Easton, im patiently. Gilbert slowly withdrew his arm from where it lay, and stood a moment in hesitation; then he said " Good night," and went into his own room. Easton felt the vague disappointment in his manner, but was helpless to make the reparation to which his heart urged him. He could not expose Mrs. Far- rell's part in what had been said to his friend's interpretation; the wrong done was one of those things which must be lived down. VI. It was much later than his wonted hour when Easton woke next morning, and found a scrap of paper stuck between the mirror and its frame, on which Gil bert had written, " Off for the trout- brooks. See you at dinner." This gave him a moment's pause, and then he went on di-essing. He had a lover's single purpose of seeing her he loved, and a lover's insensibility to questions of ways and means; and after breakfast he walked away toward the farm, think ing what he should say and do when he met Mrs. Farrell. At Woodward farm there was no organization for the reception of callers upon the guests. There was no bell, and there would have been no one to answer it if there was a bell. But in a house where there was so much leisure and so much curiosity, this was ordina rily a small deprivation. Some of the ladies were always looking out, and if they saw any of their friends coming they ran forth to meet them with a great deal of pleasant twitter, having shouted a voluble welcome to them from the time they came in sight. If it was some one whom the lookers-out recognized as the friend of another lady, they went lo alarm her in ample season, and by the time the visitor ascended the piazza-steps the lady was at the door. Besides, some one or other was always sitting about out-doors, and if unknown visitors ap proached, it was a grateful little excite ment to ask them, when they had vainly inspected the door-frame for a bell, if one could call her whom they wished to see. But when Mr. Easton was descried approaching, people were quite unde cided what to do, and he was on the piazza before he had himself perceived that he had something to do besides walking up to Mrs. Farrell and telling her that he loved her. It appeared to him impossible that she should not be there to receive him ; he had been ?o rapt in his meditation upon her that he had not believed but he must meet her as soon as he reached the door ; and now she was not there! Several heads were decently taken in from the upper windows, and the broad piazza was empty but for the two young ladies whom he had walked home with yester day; they sat half in the sunlight at the corner, and one was looking down upon the work in her hand and the other looking down upon the book she was reading aloud, and he fancied him self unperceived by them. A mighty disappointment fell upon him; he had 1876.] Private Theatricals. stormed the fortress, to, find it empty and equipped with Quaker guns. As he stood there helpless, the young girl who was reading discreetly chanced to look round, and to her evident great surprise discovered him. She gave him a friend ly little nod, and as he came towards her she rose with a pretty air and of fered her hand, and the other did the same. They talked excitedly for a min ute or two, and then the conversation began to flag, and Easton uneasily shift ed his attitude. No doubt they would have liked to keep him with them for a little while, but perhaps they did not know hoAv, or thought they ought to give him a chance to get away if he wanted ; or perhaps she who spoke was quite sincere in asking, with a bright smile, "Did you want to see Mrs." his heart began to beat in his ears "Gilbert?" " Yes," said Easton stupidly. " I will go and tell her," said the young girl, laying her book down open, and lightly turning away. ' ' Thanks I'm very sorry to trouble you," said Easton; and neither he nor she with whom he was left contrived to speak one word more while the other was gone. When she came back, she said with some trepidation, "Mrs. Gilbert is very, very sorry. She has one of her bad headaches, and she can't see any one. She 's so sorry to miss your call." " Oh, no matter no matter," an swered Easton; "I'm sorry she's not well; please give her my please say I was sorry. Good morning! " he added abruptly, and cast a wistful, despair ing look at the front of the house, and could not go. "Is is Mrs. Farrell at home? " he asked, desperately. The young girl cruelly smiled, and her companion cruelly cast down her eyes, and then they both blushed. "No," said the first, " she isn't at home. She said she was going with Miss Rachel to help pick pease." "Oh!" was all that Easton could say; and as he turned away the girls said it was a perfect shame, and they were rude girls, too flat for anything. Easton forgot them both, and walked back toward his hotel. On the way down the slope from the house he looked in the direction of the vegetable garden, and faltered. Mrs^ Farrell's voice float ed over to him in a gay laugh from the ranks of the pea-vines, and an insane longing to behold her filled him to 'the throat. But he could not go and tell her he loved her, there among the pea- pods; even he felt that. He twisted his mustache into the corner of his mouth, beat the ground with his stick, and hur ried away, hurt, tormented, but not at all daunted or moved from his mind to have speech with her as soon as ever he could . When she had finished her part of the work, which was to gather pease with fitful intensity and then to talk for long intervals to Rachel's taciturn persever ance, she emptied her small harvest into the basket that one of the Wood ward boys carried, and walked pict uresquely back to the house under her broad hat, which dropped its shade just across her lips like a grace- veil, and left her dark eyes to glow, star-like, from its depths. In this becoming effect she sat down on the kitchen threshold with the wide doors open round her, and took some of the pease into her lap and shelled them with a lazy ease, moving her arms from the elbows resting on her knees, and managing chiefly with her flexile wrists, and went on talking with Rachel of a picnic excursion to the mountain, which she wished to plan. " We shall not want any one along but the youngest Miss Jewett and Jenny Alden and Ben, and we can have a splendid time. It 's just the right sea son, now. Come, Mrs. Woodward," she called into the kitchen, " are you going to let me go? " " You mostly do what you like, Mrs. Farrell," answered Mrs. Woodward's voice, " and the only way I get any obedience out of you is to forbid you to do what you don't like. Yes, go. All I ask is that you don't take me." "Now, then, Miss Prim," said Mrs. Farrell to Rachel, "you see you're commanded to go. What had we bet ter wear? " 10 Private Theatricals. [January, " Oh, wear all your worst things," said Mrs. Woodward. " Yes. but I 'in one of those poor peo ple who can't afford to have any but best things. I 'm going to get you to lend me some of your worst, Mrs. Woodward, and I 'm going to borrow Ben's hat. Will you lend it to me, Ben ? ' ' she tenderly asked of the grave young fellow who stood near, and who had to shift himself from one foot to the other and turn his face away before he could assent. She laughed at his trepi dation, as if she knew the reason of it. But by the time he could confront Mrs. Faj-rell again, she apparently did not care for his answer. Her eyes were fixed upon the figure of Gilbert, as he came up the road toward the house. He came in sight suddenly, as if he had climbed the wall from one of the birch-bordered meadows. He was better worth looking at than Ben Woodward, being very brave in his high boots and his straw hat, with his bundled rod and his trout- basket, a strong, sinewy shape, and a face very handsome in its fashion. As he drew nearer, he turned aside and slanted his course towards the door where Mrs. Farrell sat. Before he came up to her place Rachel had silently van ished within, and Mrs. Farrell sat there alone. " Good morning," he called out, tak ing off his hat. " Good morning," returned Mrs. Far rell, without changing her posture. " Don't you want to stop and help shell pease ? ' ' Either their acquaintance had pros pered rapidly after Easton had left them together the afternoon before, or else this was Mrs. Farrell' s indifference to social preliminaries. "No, thanks," said Gilbert tran quilly, wiping his forehead with his handkerchief. " My domestic gifts are small. But I was thinking, as I came along, that I would give you people my trout." " Really? How very handsome of you ! ' ' " Yes, there 's nothing mean about me. They sometimes object to cooking them at the hotel, and I don't quite like to throw them away." " Why, this is true charity! If I 'm to accept them in the name of the farm, I must see them first. ' ' Gilbert took off his basket and laid it at her feet; she opened it and cried out, ' ' What beauties ! Like flowers ! But " she gave ever so little a pretty grimace " not exactly the same per fume!" " No," said he, " they can't very well help that. But they improve with fry ing." "That's true," said Mrs. Farrell. " Well, we '11 take them. And you must get Mrs. Gilbert to ask you to sup per. / can't do it." "No," answered Gilbert, "my gen erosity shall be unblemished. I never eat the trout I 've taken, any more. Easton' s religion has had that much effect upon me." " Easton' s religion? " " Yes; he thinks it 's atrocious to kill anything for the pleasure of it." ' ' How very droll ! And you 're able to behave so nobly with your fish be cause you could n't get them cooked, and would n't eat them if you could! " Gilbert had been standing beside the pile of maple firewood, which flanked the kitchen door and sent up a pleasant odor in the sun; Mrs. Farrell said, " Sit down," and he sat down on a broad block used for splitting kindling. " I wonder what Mr. Easton would have had to say to some of the apostles on the subject of fishing." " That 's what I asked him once; but he says they did n't fish for fun." "He distinguishes! Well, but what about the clergymen who make it their diversion, and then boast about their prowess in books? " " Ask Easton for his opinion. I can assure you it 's worth hearing if you like contempt red-hot." "I don't believe I do! I'd rather ask you. Is that his whole creed, anti- trouting? " " No; hardly. He has a kindness for most of the human race as well as the lower animals. The only creature he 1876.] Private Theatricals. 11 really hates is the horse," said Gilbert, with a laugh as of recollected mirth; and in fact Easton had been known in his army days for his antipathy to his chargers. He always got full service out of them by sheer force of will; but he never liked them, and never pro fessed to understand them; the horse, he contended, was unfitted for a gentle man's society by the blackguard com pany he habitually kept. "But I don't think he 'd do even a horse a wanton injury," concluded Gilbert. "Yes?" said Mrs. Farrell. "And the rest of his opinions? " ' ' Why, there are very few things that Easton hasn't an opinion upon. It's rather odd, don't you think, to find a man in our age and country really car ing enough for matters in general to make up his mind about them? " " Very," said Mrs. Farrell, twisting her slim shape round to take a handful of pease out of the basket behind her, and putting them into her lap. " Go on." " That was all I had to say," returned Gilbert, with a mocking light in his eyes. " Oh, how can you be so cruel? when I had just got ready to listen ! Do go on ! " " Why, I was thinking " began Gilbert. "Yes, yes!" eagerly prompted Mrs. Farrell, " thinking (really thinking! Of course you can't have been doing it long!) thinking " " That it was a very inconvenient practice to inquire into the right and wrong of many things," proceeded Gil bert in solid indifference to her light im pertinences; whereupon she seemed to suffer some evanescent confusion. "It gives you no sort of moral leeway. Sup pose you want to do something any thing out of the ordinary line of things that you do or don't do; well, if you have n't considered too impertinently of right and wrong in general, you do it without once thinking whether you ought or oughtn't, and there you are on the safe side, any way." " Oh, what a beautiful philosophy! " moaned Mrs. Farrell, clasping her hands together without moving her elbows from their careless pose. She rested her cheek a moment on her folded hands ; then she asked with a voice full of mock emotion, " Do you think it would do for Woman, Mr. Gilbert? It seems just made for her!" ' "I hadn't thought about Woman," said Gilbert; "that's a matter still to be considered. You must give me time." " Oh yes, we will be patient pa tient! " and Mrs. Farrell began to shell the pease with an air of tragical endur ance. " Take any length of time you wish. But in the mean while, can't you state the Eastonian principle more ful ly?" " Only by saying that it 's the oppo site of the system you admire and covet. Easton is n't a man to formulate his ideas very freely. You 're astounded every now and then by some extraordi nary piece of apparently quite uncalled- for uprightness, and then you find that he had long contemplated some such ex igency, and had his conscience in per fect training." "How very droll!" said Mrs. Far rell. Then she said, looking at him through her eyelashes, "It's quite touching to see such attached friends." Gilbert stirred uneasily on his block, and answered, " It 's a great honor to form part of a spectacle affecting to you, Mrs. Farrell if you mean Easton and me." " Yes, I do. Don't scoff at my weak impressibility. You must see that it 's a thing calculated to rouse a woman's curiosity. You seem so very different! " " Men and women are very different, in some respects," calmly responded Gilbert, " but there have been quite strong attachments between them." "True," rejoined Mrs. Farrell with burlesque thoughtfulness. " But in this case, they 're both men." " Nothing escapes you, Mrs. Farrell," said Gilbert, bowing his head. ' ' You praise me more than I deserve. I did n't take all your meaning. One of you is so mightily, so heroically man ly, that the other necessarily womanizes 12 Private Theatricals. [January, in comparison. Isn't that it? But which is which? " " Modesty forbids me to claim either transcendent distinction." "Oh, I know! Mr. Easton is your ideal man. But i shoujd want my ideal man to do something in the world, to devote himself to some one great object. That's what I should do, if I were a man." " Of course. How do you know Eas ton does n't?" " I merely have his word for it." Gilbert looked surprised and perplexed. At length he said, rather dryly, '' I con gratulate you on getting Easton to talk about himself. Not many people have succeeded." " Oh, is he so reticent? " asked Mrs. Farrell. "I didn't find him so. He was quite free in mentioning his little pursuits, as he called it." "His book!" cried Gilbert. "Did he talk to you about that, already? " " Why, it seems that you don't know your friend very well, after all! " mocked Mrs. Farrell with a laugh of triumph. " Why shouldn't he talk to me about his book? He knew I would be interested in the subject; any wom an would." " Upon my word, I don't see what should particularly interest you in a his tory of heroism." Mrs. Farrell celebrated her fresh ad vantage with another laugh. " Why not? " she asked, taking some of the pease up in her hand and letting them drop through her fingers. " We 're all heroes till we 've been tried, and I have n't been tried. He 's going to put me into it. Do tell me his plan in writing it," she entreated. " Look here, Mrs. Farrell," said Gil bert, bending forward and looking keen ly at her, " do you mean to tell me that Easton has actually been talking to you about his book, which I now perceive I mentioned first? " " Look here, Mr. Gilbert," said she, with an audaciously charming caricature of his attitude and manner, " do you mean to tell me that you doubt my word?" " Well," said Gilbert, with a laugh, "I own myself beaten. Did you ever hear of Miss Lillian I forget her name the St. Louis lawyeress ? Why don't you study our profession ? At a cross-ex amination no witness could resist you, if I may judge from my own experience in helplessly blabbing what you never would have known otherwise. Come, Mrs. Far rell, you have triumphed so magnificent ly that you can afford to be frank; own, now, that all you know of Easton's book is what I 've told." He rose and stood looking down ad miringly upon her uplifted face. " No," she answered, " I shall not do that, Colonel I beg your pardon; I mean Major Gilbert. Mr. Easton's the colonel," she added parenthetically. " What was the reason," she continued with well-studied innocence, " that he came out a colonel and you came out only a major, when you had so much the advantage of him at first? " Gilbert's face had hardened in the lines of a smile, and it kept the shape of a smile while all mirth died out of it, and he stared into the eyes of Mrs. Far rell, from which a sudden panic looked. " Oh, dear me!" she said, naturally. "Don't don't mind. I did n't mean to do anything. What have I done? Oh, I wish don't answer, please!" she implored. But Gilbert gravely responded, "Be cause he was a better soldier. I am sorrv if I alarm you by the statement of the fact. Did you experience any fright when Mr. Easton told you? " " Oh, he never told me that he M'as braver than you. I don't think he meant to talk of the matter at all." " I can believe that," replied Gilbert; " neither do I." Mrs. Farrell made no comment, but, taking a fresh handful of the pease, shelled them, with such downcast eyes that it was impossible to say whether she was looking at Gilbert through her lashes or not. Nor could one tell with just what feeling the corners of her mouth trem bled, but his sternness seemed to have frightened and silenced her. Gilbert breathed quickly as he regarded her, but 1876.] Private Theatricals. 13 after waiting awhile, irresolute, he gave a short, sardonic laugh, and rose. '* Good morning," he said. " Good morning," I'eturned Mrs. Far- rell, woundedly, and meekly added, u Thank you for the fish," to which he bowed his reply, and then walked round the house. He knocked at Mrs. Gilbert's door, and received from her own lips the same answer which had already turned Eas- ton away, and so went quickly down the road in the direction of the hotel. In the mean time Easton had not been able to turn his steps far from the farm ; which ever way he went they tended indirect ly thither, and at last he started boldly back. At the moment he mounted the front piazza steps, Mrs. Farrell, having finished or relinquished her domestic task, came round the gallery from the side of the house and met him. "Good morning, Mr. Easton," she said pensively. " Did you want to see Mrs. Gilbert? I believe she has a very bad headache to-day." " No, I did n't want to see Mrs. Gil bert. I came to see you. ' ' " Oh ! Then will you sit down here ? ' ' she asked, and took her place where the two young girls, who were now away in the fields, had been sitting. " I came here some time ago," said Easton, "and not finding you, I tried to find that place where we got the ferns, yesterday." Mrs. Farrell's broad hat-brim thrust uncomfortably against the house where she sat on the settle beside the wall, and she took her hat off; a mass of her dark hair tumbled in a rich disorder on her back. She laid her hat in her lap and waited. "I went there," pursued Easton, "be cause I had a stupid hope that the place might inspire me with some faint shadow of reason, of excuse, for " " Yes," said Mrs. Fai-rell, interpret ing his hesitation with candid reproach- fulness; " it was not fair, and consider ing all things, Mr. Easton, I don't think it was quite kind." " Kind? Kind! " cried Easton with an inexpressible pang. Then after a moment's thought he added, "No, it was not kind; it was base, tyrannical, brutal ! It was worthy of a savage ! ' ' Mrs. Farrell turned her face slightly away, and if she had been acting wound ed innocence she could hardly have known it. " There was no excuse for such a thing but the one thing in the world which it is least like. That is its excuse to me; it seems an insolent affront to suppose that it can atone for it to you." " I suppose," said Mrs. Farrell de murely, " that women's actions are often misconstrued. Indeed, I ought to know it from bitter experience in my own case. I ought to remember that men seem even eager to misinterpret any confidence put in them ; but yesterday I I could n't!" There was a sort of passionate re proach, a tacit confession that she had singularly trusted him to her hurt, in the close of this speech, which went to Eas- ton's heart. " No, there is nothing for me to say in extenuation. Even if I tell you ' ' "'Sh!" cried Mrs. Farrell, putting her hand down at her side and electric ally touching that wrist of his next to her; " 1 thought somebody was coming. Yes, I know. Even if you tell me that you meant no harm, and I don't be lieve you did, still, don't you know Ob!" she broke off, "why is it that there is n't some common ground for men and women to meet on, and be helpful to each other? Must they al ways be either lovers or enemies ? Yes, enemies ; it 's really a state of almost warfare; there can't be any kindness, any freedom, any sincerity. And yet there are times in every woman's life when she does long so for the intelligence as well as the sympathy of some good man; and she can't have it unless she 's married or engaged. She often wants to see how some action of her own looks through a man's eyes, and the wisest woman can't tell her! Every new dis appointment that she meets with is hard er to bear. I did n't mind your kissing my hand; that 's nothing; it might even be something that a woman would be 14 Private Theatricals. [January, proud of; but by the way you did it you shocked and frightened me: I saw that you had misunderstood me, and I I was afraid you did n't respect me." Mrs. Farrell's grieving mood was so admirably represented in the outline of her cheek, the downward curve of the corner of her mouth, the low sweep of her long eyelash, and at the same time it was so discreetly felt, so far from overcharged or exaggerated, that even an indifferent spectator must have been affected with reverent sympathy. Eas- ton's heart was wrung with unspeakable tenderness and regret and shame. He could not break the silence that followed her words for some moments. At last he said, "I see how it must have ap peared to you; but it was not so. I have as little hope as I deserve to have when I say " " There! Don't speak of it any more," Mrs. Farrell interrupted, with signs of returning cheerfulness, but with beams not too speedily tricked. " Let ' not think of it. I know there must have been something to blame in me. I have a way," she continued regret fully, " which I 'm sure no one feels the disadvantage of more than I do, a sort of perverse impulse; I don't know what else to call it, that leads me to try peo ple's patience, and see how far I can go with them; and I 'm afraid I must have abused your good-nature yesterday in speaking as I did of your friend." " You said nothing against him that I remember. ' ' "I ought to be very grateful, then. I thought I was wrong in asking you about your military rank and his, when I saw that you were avoiding the sub ject. I could n't help it, and yet I meant no harm." "I know you meant none. I won't deny that I was trying to avoid the sub ject. It was placing me in the ugly light of seeming to boast at the expense of my friend." " Yes, yes; I knew that; and I sup pose it was just that which made me keep on; I liked to see your modesty put to the blush. It was wrong; but you don't think I had any very bad motive in it ? " "No, none!" said Easton, quickly. " I am so glad. I know Mr. Gilbert is n't so generous! " Easton looked at her inquiringly, and " Oh Mr. Easton," she broke out, "what have I been do ing? It must really look very black to you. Mr. Gilbert has just been here, and I have been talking to him about it I don't know why I did; and he went away very angry. It seems just as if I had been trying to make a quarrel be tween you! " She hid her face in her hands, while Easton remained gravely silent. " Why don't you speak to me? " she implored him, without taking away her hands. " It will kill me if you don't. Say something, anything; blame me, scold me! You know you think I 've behaved very wickedly. You do! " " No, I don't think so," replied Eas ton seriously. He looked at her hope less face, from which she had now with drawn her hands, and he seemed to be losing his fast hold upon things, upon truth and right and wrong. Two days ago he had not seen this face or known that it was in the world ; now it was so heavenly dear to him that it seemed to describe all knowledge and being. It was not a question whether she had a right to violate the secrecy to which Gilbert's silence and his own had con signed the fact she had so recklessly played with ; rightly or wrongly she had done this, and he had now to ask him self whether he could forgive her er ror to her penitence. Yet he did not ask himself that; she had done it; and he loved her; and there was an end. How could he believe ill of her? What oblique motive could he attribute to her that his heart's tenderness would suffer? "Ah," she broke out again, "you can never forgive me and I can never forgive myself. Why did you come here to make me so unhappy!" " Don't don't say that!" the young man implored. " There is no harm done. I was to blame for ever talking with you about the matter. How could I expect you to treat it with seriousness or secrecy? You couldn't know that it had ever been a sore affair with us. Don't be troubled. Gilbert's friendship 1876.] Private Theatricals. 15 is n't built upon such a slight basis that it can't bear" A stifling recollection of the delicacy, passing the love of wom en, with which they had always treated each other smote upon him: what could Gilbert think of his delicacy now ? "I can make it all right with him," he con tinued, as soon as he could get breath. " With him? " murmured Mrs. Far- rell. " Then you forgive me? " " I had nothing to forgive," said Eas- ton, with all his love in his face ; so that she looked away and blushed. " Don't think of it any more; it 's nothing." " How generous you are ! Oh, women couldn't be like that! How shall I thank you? I'll never forgive myself in the world that's how," she said, a faint smile dawning on her contrite face. " That would be a poor way. I want you to be friends with those I like." "Do you mean Mr. Gilbert? " " No, I don't mean Gilbert." Mrs. Farrell cast down her eyes. Then she bravely lifted them. " I will do whatever you say," she breathed, and a radiant light came from her face, as she rose and stood fronting him. " After what I 've done you have a right to command me. But now you must let me go. I have some things to do. You 've made me so happy! " " And you m^e! " he said, and he took her hand, which he dropped after a mo ment, and walked away, giddy with his insensate joy. All his soul was flattered by the far-hinting sweetness with which she had used him, and he was contented in every pulse. When he despaired he had felt that he must tell her he loved her, and let any effect follow that would, but now he was patient with the hope which he hoped she had given him ; for his confidence did not go beyond this. He loved too much to believe himself loved or to perceive that he was en couraged. To the supreme modesty of his passion her kindness was but leave to live; and he was abjectly grateful for it. He lifted his thoughts to her with worshiping reverence; it was heaven to dwell in the beauty of her looks, her attitudes, her movements; the sense of her self-reproachful meekness possessed him with the tenderest rapture. How could he expose this to the harsh mis conception of his friend? How could he explain her blamelessness as he felt it? He knew the sort of sarcastic quiet that Gilbert would keep when he should set about making him understand that he, Easton, was alone guilty in any wrong done him; that he, Easton, had given her the clew which she had afterwards followed up, from an ignorant caprice, in her talk with Gilbert; that she had bitterly upbraided herself for her error, and had dreaded its effects with a ter ror that he had hardly known how to appease. When he thought of Gilbert's incredulity, his heart beat fiercely; and he felt that he could not suffer it. Yet the thing could not go without some ef fort on his part to assure his friend that he had not been disloyal, and how to give him this assurance he did not see. No, he could not speak of it; and yet, he must. A veritable groan burst from his lips as he mounted a little hillock in the road and took off his hat to wipe away the drops of sweat from his fore head. Whither had all his bliss van ished ? A thrush sat in the elm-tree over him and sang long and sweet, and his heart ached in time with the pulses of that happy music. A little way off, under the shadow of this tree, Gilbert lay upon the grass, with his face up to the sky; and it was to Easton, when directly he caught sight of him, as if he had laid him there dead. He fearfully made a little noise, and Gilbert opened his eyes, and, looking at him, sat up. " I was waiting for you," he said, grave ly and not unkindly. "I supposed you had. gone over to the farm, for I did not find you at the hotel. Easton," he con tinued, " I saw Mrs. Farrell a little while ago. Perhaps you 've just come from seeing her? " " Yes," answered Easton. " Perhaps you don't know what we talked of ? " "Yes, I do." "I suppose it was her use of what you told her that annoyed me; but I can't understand how you came to men- 16 Private Theatricals. [January, tion the matter to her at all; much less to go into particulars, as you seem to have done." Easton colored, but did not speak. " Have you anything to say to me, Easton? I can't bear to have the slight est thing between us." " Not not now." They were both silent; and Easton doggedly cast down his eyes. " Very well, Easton," said Gilbert, rising and going towards him, " if you intend to say something by and by, and can justify yourself to yourself in making me wait, it 's all right; I can wait." He held out his hand, and Easton yearned to grasp it as it was offered, but his cold clasp relaxed upon it, and the severed friends trudged silently on through the dust toward the hotel. VII. That evening Gilbert found his sister- in-law well of her headache, and dis posed to celebrate the charm of a head ache that always went off with the go ing down of the sun. He responded at random, and then she began to talk to him of Easton, and he listened with a restlessness which she could not help noticing. " You don't seem to care to sing the praises of your idol, this even ing," she ?aid. " One can't always be singing the praises of one's idols," he answered, " if you like to call them so. One wants a little variety. You know how the Neapolitans give themselves up to com fortable cursing in the case of saints who don't indicate the winning lottery num bers." " I don't exactly see the application, William, but I 'm always ready to curse anybody; and we will devote Mr. Eas ton to a little malediction. Have you had a tiff?" " I thought you were going to curse, and you commence questioning. " " That 's true; my curiosity is upper most. Do tell me about it. I suppose Mrs. Farrell is somehow at the bottom of it. I would n't have such a friend ship as yours and Easton's on any ac count. It has cost too much. I won der you have n't assassinated each other long ago." " I 'm glad your headache 's gone," said Gilbert. " Yes, that 's gone, thanks to the sunset or -the headache pill. But I'm getting what no pill has yet been patent ed for; I mean a heartache, and for you, my poor boy. Oh, you open book! Don't you suppose I can read where that woman has written Finis in her high- shouldered English hand against the chapter of your friendship with Eas ton V" " You are taking it seriously, Susan." " Well, well. See if I 'm not right. I thought you told me your friend was afraid of ladies. Mrs. Farrell seems to have persuaded him that they 're not so dangerous. He 's been here all after noon. Oh, one can know such a thing as that even with the headache in a darkened room. No, not the whole afternoon ; they were gone a long while on a walk. He follows her all about with his eyes when she won't let him follow on foot; he's making a perfect trophy of himself. That 's the report." ' ' Very likely, ' ' said Gilbert. ' ' Eas ton never does things by halves." " He 'd better, then, some things." " AVhy, I don't know. Why should n't he marry her if he wants? " " I don't believe she wants. He can't take her fancy long, though very likely now she thinks he can. That was very pretty of you to give her your trout, this morning," said Mrs. Gilbert, with a sharp look at her brother-in-law. ' ' She had them for supper, and ate a great many for your sake, I suppose. It 's you that she wants, William ! ' ' " Does she? " asked Gilbert with a bitterish accent. " She has an odd way of going about to get me." " What has she done? " demanded Mrs. Gilbert, making an instant rush for the breach. Gilbert covered it with a quizzical smile. " Oh!" she con tinued, plainly enjoying her own dis comfiture, " when will men learn that 1876.] Private Theatricals. 17 the boomerang is the natural weapon of woman ? We 're all cross-eyed when it comes to love-glances; you can't tell where we 're looking. You think she 's aiming at Easton! Poor fellow! " " If I stay here talking," said Gil bert, rising, "I shall bring on your headache again; Good night." " Oh, William," Mrs. Gilbert ap pealed, " something sad has happened between you and Easton ; and I 'm very, very sorry. I liked him, too; and I 'm grieved to have your old friendship touched. But I know you are not to blame, and don't you be! I shall hate him if he breaks with you. Good night, my dear. Don't tell me anything you don't want to." " I won't," said Gilbert, kissing his hand to her at the door. She could not help laughing, but when he was gone she turned to the glass with an anxious air, and after a while began to let down the loose, hastily ordered folds of her hair. She stood there a long time, thoughtfully brushing it out, taking hold of it near her head with the left hand, and bending sidewise as she smoothed it down. In the light of the kerosene lamps which she had set on either side of the mirror, her reflected face looked up from the lucid depths with an invalid's wanness, which the whimsicality of her mouth and eyes made the more pathetic. Suddenly she glanced round at the door with an unchanging face, and said, " Come in," in answer to a light rap; and Rachel Woodward entered with a shy, cold hesitation. "Oh! Why, Miss Rachel! Do come in! " repeated Mrs. Gilbert, con triving in the last words to subdue the surprise of her first tones. " You won't mind my brushing my hair? There 's so very little of it! Sit down." She went on to give the last touches, with friendly looks at the girl in the glass, and with various little arts of in attention trying to make it easy for her visitor to disembarrass herself. Then she sat down in her rocking-chair facing Rachel, who had received her kindliness not unkindly, but now came promptly to her business. VOL. XXXVII. NO. 219. 2 " I ought n't to disturb you to-night, Mrs. Gilbert," she said, "and I should have come Saturday night, but I knew you had company; and last night was Sabbath. I wanted to thank you for buying that picture of mine. I never thought of any one's buying it; and I 'm afraid you gave more than you ought. I could n't bear you should do that. I 've been talking about it with mother, and she thinks I ought to offer you part of the money back." Mrs. Gilbert listened without inter ruption of any sort, and the girl, doubt less knowing better how to deal with this impassiveness than with that sec ond-growth impulse which in city New Englanders has sprung up on surfaces shorn so bare by Puritanism, went on tranquilly. " We think it is like this : it isn't probable, even if this picture is worth all of what you paid, that I can do any more as good, and if you 've bought it to encourage me, I might disappoint you in the end. Besides, we should not be willing to be beholden to anybody." Having said her say, Rachel waited for Mrs. Gilbert's response, who answered quietly, ' ' I know that you and your mother are perfectly sincere, and I am glad you came to say this to me. How much should you think I ought to take back?" Rachel thought a moment and said, soberly, "The paper cost twenty -five cents; then I used some of a prepara tion of Mrs. Farrell's to keep the char coal from rubbing, but that did n't come to anything. If my picture took the first premium at the county fair, we did think some of sending it there at first, it would be three dollars, but we should have had to pay seventy-five cents for entering it. If you really want the picture, Mrs. Gilbert, and are not buying it for any other reason, you can have it for two and a quarter." " Very well," said Mrs. Gilbert grave ly, " have you brought me the change? Then please hand it 1 to me, as I 'm an old lady, and very much settled in my rocking-chair." The girl obeyed, and approached her with some bank-notes 18 Private Theatricals. [January, in her hand. The elder woman leaned forward and caught her by either wrist, and held her, while* she exclaimed, " Rachel, you 're the manliest girl, and your mother 's the manliest woman, I know of and I can't say anything bet ter! But don't think you can take ad vantage of my sex, for all that. You shall not give me back a mill if there is such a thing outside of the arithmetic. Two dollars and a quarter! Upon my word I don't know whether to laugh or cry at you! I did n't know there was so much uncorruption left in the world. What do you suppose Mrs. Stevenson will be asking by and by for her cat-tails, when she 's learned to paint them for door-panels? Why no, I won't blot your innocence with a knowledge of that swindling. Your Blossom is worth all I paid for her. Don't be afraid that I bought her to encourage you. No, my dear, that is n't my line. I 'm the great American discourager. I suppose Mrs. Farrell has been babbling to you about the admiration your picture ex cited. She 's a foolish woman. It was admired, and I think you might be a painter. But oh, dear me! why should any one encourage you on that account ? Talent is a trouble and a vexation even to men, who are strong enough to fight against it; but for women it 's nothing but misery. The only hope for you that I can see is that you 've got something of a man's honesty and modesty to help you through. Draw up ygur chair, and sit down by me, Rachel. I want to talk to you, I want to catechise you. Oh, you need n't be afraid of me! I 'm not going to do you any favor ; and you shall keep me at a proper distance in every thing you say ! ' ' She smiled quizzically at the girl's constraint, and added, " But I'm older than you, and I 've seen more of the world, and maybe I '11 be able to tell you some things it would be useful for you to know. You shall pay me what you think is right, if I do. Why don't you want to be beholden to any one? Why should n't I give you more for your picture than it 's worth, if I like? " "I don't know," answered Rachel, shyly puzzled. " It 's a kind of feeling. The laborer is worthy of his hire; but he isn't if he takes any more." ' ' Good ! first-rate ! And you should n't think it pleasant to have things given to you? " "Oh, no!" cried the girl quickly, with a kind of shiver; " we had enough of that when father was preaching, and we used to have to take everything we ate or wore as a sort of gracious gift. We children did n't feel it as my mother did, of course. When we came here" but at this word she stopped and set her lips firmly. " Go on," said Mrs. Gilbert. " When you came here, your mother said you should starve and go in rags, before you took a shred or a morsel from anybody." " How did you know? " inquired Ra chel, lifting her eyes in a calm, grave surprise. "I knew it because I respect your mother. When I order a great ideal picture of' America from you, you shall paint me your mother's portrait. Only in these days they '11 say it is n't in the least like America. No matter: it's like what she has been and has n't for gotten how to be again." " Yes," said Rachel, simply, " we all tell mother there 's not many like her nowadays, and folks won't understand her way with them, and will lay it to pride." "Oh, let them lay it to what they like!" cried Mrs. Gilbert, with enthu siasm. " If she can keep the black bur den of gratitude off your souls, it 's no matter. It hardens the heart worse than prosperity." Rachel looked sober at the expression of these cynical ideas, and edged ever so little away from Mrs. Gilbert, who burst into a laugh. " Don't mind my harum-scarum paradoxes, Rachel! I 've' had a great many kind things said and done to me, and there are several of my benefactors whom I don't hate at all. But how is it," she asked, being per haps unable to deny herself the pleasure of looking further into this sincere nat ure, even if she used an unfair pressure in her questions, "how is it that you 1876.] Private Theatricals. 19 have let Mrs. Farrell give you lessons, in drawing for nothing? " Rachel colored and was silent some moments before she answered with dig nity, " We can take it off her board, when we find out what it ought to be. I don't know as they could rightly be called lessons. I never copied anything of hers. ' ' " I can very well imagine it," said Mrs. Gilbert dryly. " Do you admire her pictures?'" Rachel paused again before answer ing. "No, I can't say I. do. But she has told me a great many useful things, and she has corrected what I was doing. I wish you had n't asked me that, Mrs. Gilbert; I don't think " " It was quite generous? No, it was n't; but I could n't help it. I 've never seen any of Mrs. Farrell's work, and if she 's been of use to you, I never want to. Don't be troubled. You have n't been disloyal to your friend. Dear me, you should hear how / talk about my friends! Don't go yet, my dear," coaxed Mrs. Gilbert, "it'll be a real charity to stay with me a little while, to-night. I 'm fretted. Do you like to draw? Did you enjoy doing Blossom's portrait? " " I hardly know about enjoying it. I did n't think of my own feelings. But yes, I was glad when I seemed to be getting it right." " I don't quite know what to think of you," said Mrs. Gilbert gravely, and the calm-faced young girl returned her absent look with one that claimed a mut ual uncertainty. Mrs. Gilbert resumed suddenly with " Rachel! has anybody ever been so silly as to talk to you about yenius ? " Rachel smiled a little, and said eva sively that she did not mind such talk. " That's right!" said Mrs. Gilbert. " Don't get that into your head; it's worse poison than gratitude. I 'm al ways twaddling about it; it 's my be setting sin; but I hope I see the folly and wickedness of it. If you are go ing to be an artist, think of pictures as hard work; don't get to supposing that all your little efforts are inspira tions. God has got something else to do. Don't be alarmed at my way of putting things; it doesn't sound like religion, but it is. If he 's given you a decided talent in this way, and it 's altogether too soon yet for you to be certain, it's probably because he finds you able to 'endure hardness,' as Paul says, to work and to be consoled and occupied by working. After all, my dear, it 's like every other thing here below; it 's only a kind of toy; and you mustn't let it be your whole life; don't be selfishly devoted to it. Sometimes it seems to me that the Lord must smile to see how seriously and rapaciously we take tilings. I can look back and see how balls and parties were once my toys, and my en gagement was only a precious plaything! When I got married, what a toy that was ! A new husband j ust think of it ! What an amusement for a young girl! And my first house, how I played with it, and petted it, and made it pretty, and adored it! When my health gave way, it all changed, but I had my toys still. I have had doctors of every age and sex for dolls. I 've played with every school of medicine; just now I 've a headache pill that I idolize; not that it keeps me from having the headache. The main thing, as I said, is not to be selfish with your toys. I would share my pills with my worst enemy." Mrs. Gilbert seemed to enjoy the gravity with which the girl listened, and to be as well satisfied as if she had taken her lightness lightly. Rachel an swered what had been said, so far as it related to herself, by saying that she had scarcely thought of painting as a profes sion, and that she did not see how she could afford to study it. But she pre sumed that if it were meant she should, a way would be found for her to help herself. " But have you no ambition to dis tinguish yourself? " asked Mrs. Gilbert, in some surprise at her coldness. " I do not know as I have," answered the girl. " If I was sure I could make a living by painting, I should like it better than anything else; but unless I took portraits, I don't suppose I could make 20 A Painted Fan. [January, it pay, and I don't think I could paint likenesses of people." " Well, I 'm glad you have been thinking it over so soberly, for your own sake, Rachel. I suppose you did n't get these ideas from Mrs. Farrell?" asked Mrs. Gilbert. "Oh no! she's very hopeful, and thinks I should succeed at once." " Humph! " commented Mrs. Gilbert. " When is your school out? " " It ended on Friday." " Oh, indeed! And are you going to help your mother, now? " " Yes. She 's not so well as common, this summer, and we can't get hired help any that 's worth having." " Shall you wait on table? " asked Mrs. Gilbert, with a keen look. " No not just at first," said Rachel, with a little hesitation. Mrs. Gilbert lifted her eyebrows, and the girl blushed and added, " I wanted to, but mother thought it was n't best till the boarders had forgotten about about the the picture." ' ' Your mother is right. They '11 for get it sooner than you think," answered Mrs. Gilbert, looking to see if this ar row hit. But it seemed to fall blunted from Rachel's armor; she rose and said she must bid Mrs. Gilbert good night. Mrs. Gilbert followed her to the door. " Don't think, my dear," she said, " that I meant to wound your feelings by say ing that they M soon forget your picture. Perhaps it 's true. But I wanted merely to see if you 'd any false pride about you. I know how to strike it, for I 'm full of it myself. Good night, Rachel; I wish you 'd come again. Do let me be of use to you, if I can; -and tell your mother that I could n't consent to give less than I djd for Blossom. I bought it at the lowest price conscience would let me. You don't blame me for having my way about it, do you? " Rachel dropped her eyes as Mrs. Gilbert took her passive hand. She turned, as Rachel closed the door, to her bureau, near which the girl had paused; some loose bills lay on it: a five, a two, three quarters. Mrs. Gilbert's talk had ended as it began, and she had paid two dollars and a quarter for Ra chel's picture, after all, as Rachel had steadfastly meant from the first. She gave a sharp "Ah!" and flung the money on the bureau again in disgust. ' ' The girl 's granite ! ' ' W. D. Howells. A PAINTED FAN. ROSES and butterflies snared on a fan, All that is left of a summer gone by; Of swift, bright wings that flashed in the sun, And loveliest blossoms that bloomed to die! By what subtlest spell did you lure them here, Fixing a beauty that will not change; Roses whose petals never will fall, Bright, swift wings that never will range? Had you owned but the skill to snare as well The swift-winged hours that came and went, To prison the words that in music died, And fix with a spell the heart's content, 132 Private Theatricals. [February, PRIVATE THEATRICALS. vm. AT the best, love is fatal to friend ship; the most that friendship can do is to listen to love's talk of itself and be the confidant of its rapturous joys, its transports of despair. The lover fan cies himself all the fonder of his friend because of his passion for his mistress, but in reality he has no longer any need of the old comrade. They cannot talk sanely and frankly together any more; there is something now that they cannot share; even if the lover desired to rffain- tain the old affectionate relation, the mistress could not suffer it. The spec tre of friendship is sometimes invited to haunt the home of the lovers after mar riage; but when their happiness has been flaunted in its face, when it has been shown the new house, the new china, the new carpets, the new garden, it is tacitly exorcised, and is not always called back again except to be shown the new baby. The young spouses are ever so willing to have the poor ghost remain ; the wife learns whether it takes two or three lumps of sugar in its tea; the husband bids it smoke anywhere it likes, and the wife smiles a menacing acquiescence ; but all the same they turn it out-of-doors. They praise it when it is gone, and they feel so much more comfortable to be alone. Mrs. Farrell had only hastened a nat ural result from Easton's passion for her, which now declared itself without any of the conventional reserves. It was the degree of passion which is called a perfect infatuation by the tranquil spectator, but which probably appears a reasonable enough condition both to the subject and the object of it. In fact, there is no just cause why every woman should not reduce some man to it; it is a hardship that she cannot; in a better state of tilings no doubt she could. Easton found in Mrs. Fan-ell's pres ence a relief from thoughts that troubled him when away from her; when he be held her, or heard her speak, his bliss was so great that his heart could not harbor self-reproach; but at other times it upbraided him that he was making Gilbert wait for the explanation that was his instant due. His love had re vealed to him a whole new world of .rights and duties which seemed at war with those of the world he had always lived in before. This new passion claimed reverence for an ideal as ex acting as that of the old friendship; and perfect loyalty to both seemed beyond him. Gilbert neither shunned nor sought him; and it was Easton's constraint un der his friend's patience that made their being together intolerable. When they met they never spoke of Mrs. Farrell, or indeed of anything but passing trifles; and Easton avoided his friend as much as he could until the inspired moment should come to do him justice ; the mo ment which seemed to retreat farther and farther from him the more he tasted the supreme bliss which life now held to his lip. Their affairs had come to this pass when, on Friday, Gilbert abruptly announced that he had arranged with one of the men at the hotel to spend a few days in camp on the northern side of the mountain, where the brooks were less accessible and less fished than those of West Pekin. He made no pretense of asking Easton to go with him; and he parted from him with a nod when his wagon with the camping outfit in it drove up to the door. They had often parted as carelessly, but with a differ ence. Easton watched the wagon out of sight, and then started toward Wood ward farm with a sigh of sad relief. He was seen coming every morninf by the ladies on watch, who had made so careful a study of his face that they knew by its change from desperate cour age and endurance to all-forgetting ec stasy the very moment when he caught 1876.] Private Theatricals. 183 sight of Mrs. Farrell ; and they could not help rejoicing in the perfect abandon of his loverhood. It was indeed a devotion not less than heroic, which none but a primitive soul, nurtured in high and pure ideals, could have been capable of ; it was so unlike the languid dangling which they had been used to call atten tions, that they could not help regarding it with a tender admiration ; they were all half in love with a man who could be so wholly in love, and they began to re spect the woman who could inspire such a passion. They even liked the unspar ing directness with which he made it appear that he came to see Mrs. Farrell and no one else ; that he cared to speak to no other, to look at none but her; they sweetly bore, they even approved, the almost savage frankness with which he went away when she was absent. He made no pretenses of any sort ; he did not bring a book as excuse for com ing to see her; he had no scruple about asking her before half a piazza full of people to walk or drive with him ; when he sat down beside her, in whatever presence, he always seemed to be alone with her. She would perhaps have been satisfied with a less perfect surrender; it looked sometimes as if his worship alarmed and puzzled her ; but for the most she re ceived it in good part ; and if she ever found it necessary to administer a snub, he took it with heroic patience ; it plain ly hurt him to his heart's core, but plain ly it did not daunt him ; the next day he wooed as ardently, and he never dreamed of resenting it. They walked a good deal, the follow ing week, to the wood where they had sat on the first Sunday among the ferns, and there he read to her, or talked to her in the freedom of a heart never opened to a woman before. Love bap tizes us with a new youth whenever it comes; the talk of all lovers is like the babble of childhood, and a heavenly sim- pleness inspires it. This is so, whatever the number of the passion ; it is true in even greater degree if first love comes when the lover is well toward his thir ties. Easton was one of the most single- hearted of men, but pride had kept him one of the most reserved. Now love came, and, taking away his pride to ward her he loved, seemed to leave him no feserve. He told her what his life had been, what his theories of life were; his likes, his dislikes; things that had happened to him as a boy at school; about his uncle who had brought him up and left him his money; that he looked like this uncle ; he even told of curious dreams that he had dreamt. A load lay on his heart all the time : it was the thought of Gilbert, whom alone he would not speak of, though the talk seemed to be always drifting toward him. They were sitting in the old place on the Saturday afternoon of the week after Gilbert's departure. Gilbert was staying longer than his sister-in-law had expect ed, and there had begun to be a vague wonder, not yet deepened to anxiety, at his prolonged absence, which Easton in wardly shared. He began to speak now, with the intention of talking of Gilbert, as if it would be some sort of reparation to praise him to Mrs. Farrell. " Do you remember," he asked, " be ing surprised that afternoon when I told you what an idler in the world I was? " "Yes," said Mrs. Farrell, " we were both rather foolish that afternoon," and she looked at him demurely from under her fallen lashes. Easton laughed a flattered lover's laugh. " But you have forgiven me." " And you me. So sweet to be for given! " They both laughed, and she went on. ' How funny it seems, after such a very unpromising start, that you should be sitting here with me again, and really quite tolerating me." "Yes," he said in a hoarse under tone, " very droll; " but he was thinking in a rapturous absence how far her word was from painting his attitude toward her. In the same sense one might tol erate the hope of heaven. Mrs. Farrell laughed again, and he smiled his happi ness. "You seem to like being laughed at better than you did at first, Mr. Eas ton," she said gravely. " Why? " 184 Private Theatricals. [February, "Oh, I don't know; perhaps it's practice. It would be a pity if we learnt nothing from experience." " Very true, very true indeed. I 've no doubt you could learn a great many useful things. For instance, now you like being laughed at before your face, perhaps you will come to like being laughed at behind your back." ' ' I think that would be more diffi cult." " Well, let us try: I laughed at you to the Woodwards that morning when you mended our broken holdback with your handkerchief. It seemed such a wanton waste of handkerchief; and you did it with the air of laying down your life, of shedding your last drop of blood, for our sakes. It was too ridiculous! There; how do you like that? " "I don't mind it much." " Well, you 're really getting on. Shall I tell you now how I made fun of you to Mr. Gilbert?" The name gave Easton a shock. Gil bert had gone wholly out of his mind; but that was not the worst. He grew pale, and remained silently frowning. " Oh dear! now I 've done it, again," cried Mrs. Farrell. " I wonder which cord of your high-strung friendship I 've snapped this time. I wish you 'd never brought it near a plain, every-day per son like me. I can weep for my crime, if that will do any good." She drew out a handkerchief, and began to make a conspicuous pretense of drying her tears. Then she dropped it, and as Eas ton made a movement to restore it to her he suddenly arrested himself. " Why, this is my handkerchief," he said. "Excuse me, Mr. Easton," retorted Mrs. Farrell with exaggerated hauteur, " the handkerchief is mine. Will you give it back, or shall I scream for help? This wood is inhabited, and a lady does n't cry out in vain. Come, sir; my property! " She reached forward for it, and Eas ton withheld it. ' ' How came it yours ? " he asked. " Ben Woodward found it on the bug gy-harness two weeks ago, and brought it to me. I washed it and ironed it nice ly with my own hands. ' That handker chief did an Egyptian to my mother give. She was a charmer, and could al most read the thoughts of people. There 's magic in the web of it. A sibyl, that had numbered in the world the sun to course two hundred compasses, in her prophetic fury sewed the work.' " Mrs. Farrell declaimed the words with fire, and at the last caught quickly at the hand kerchief, which Easton still held beyond her reach. Then she made a fascinating pretense of taking up a point of her over- skirt in her left hand to wipe her eyes with it as with an apron. ' ' What will you give me in exchange for it?" " Nothing," she said coldly. " Why should I wish to buy your handkerchief of you? I have enough of my own;" and while Easton looked in unguarded embarrassment at her face, to see if she were really offended or not, she caught the handkerchief from him and ran it swiftly into that fold of her dress where her pocket lurked. ' ' Now ! ' ' she said, and looked at him with beautiful mocking. He gave a laugh of confusion and pleas ure, and, " Oh, you carry it off very well," said Mrs. Farrell. " Where did you study Shakespeare ? " he asked. " At school, where he was n't in the course. Look here, Mr. Easton: I think you ought to be punished, instead of re warded, for your attempt on my hand kerchief. But I am so forgiving that I can't be harsh with the. basest offend ers. So I am really going to let you have something in exchange for this handkerchief, and I hope you '11 read it often and often." She drew her hand from her pocket and offered him a little book. " Don't you remember the book you picked up for me in the meadow Here it is. You won't mind my name in it? " She put up her hand to waive his thanks, and added hastily, " Spare your gratitude. I want to get rid of the book. It 'a a constant reproach to me, and a constant reminder of my very bold behavior that day. But I could n't help 1876.] Private Theatricals. 185 it. Oh, Mr. Easton! You know I left that book there, so that I could come back and get a better look at you two, don't you? " "Yes, I know that." " And could you really pardon such a shameless trick? " ' ' I rather liked to have you look at me." " Don't prevaricate! Do you approve of such actions? " "You did it." " Oh, but that 's personal. Why, you 're actually shuffling! Now, tell me whether you don't think it was very un ladylike and unbecoming." " I saw no harm in it." " Well, you are large-minded. If I had been in your place I should certain ly have suspected some ulterior motive." " Like what? " " Like what? Why, like my wanting you to see me! " Easton merely laughed. " I had n't thought of that," he said. Her daring was delicious; he wanted her to talk on so forever. But she sat looking at him a full minute before she spoke. "Well," she said at last, "I don't know what to make of such mercifulness. I 'm not used to it. I think I might have been different if I had n't always been so sharply judged. What I do is n't so very bad, that I can see, but people seem to think it is awful. The only people I 've ever seen who could make any allowance for me are the Woodwards. I suppose it must seem very odd to you, my being with them so much, and so little with the other boarders. But you go where you find sympathy. It seems to me I've always been alone," she said with passionate self - pity that dimmed her eyes. She dried them with, Eas- ton's handkerchief, and turned her face away. He could not have spoken now with out pouring out his whole heart, and to speak of love to her in this mood would be like seizing an advantage which his fantastic notions of justice forbade him to take. " You don't know what good people they are," she resumed, with her face still averted. " When I was sick with a fever here, two summers ago. they cared for me as if I were their own child. And there is n't anything I would n't do for them anything ! I was very sick in deed," she went on, turning her eyes upon him now, and speaking very sol emnly, " and I suppose that I could not have, lived without their nursing. It was in their busiest time, and they sent people away so that they could have a chance to care for me. Mr. Easton," she cried, as if fired with a generous inspiration, "you must get better ac quainted with Rachel Woodward. She and you are just of a piece. She 's quite as large-minded as you are, and as un suspicious and good. Yes, I know you 're good; you need n't try to deceive me. I 'm not. I 'm full of vanity and vexation of spirit. I don't know what I want; I 'm restless, and perturbated, and horrid. But there 's nothing of that kind about Rachel Woodward; she's a born saint, and goes round accepting self-sacrifice as if it were her birthright. For all she 's got such a genius for draw ing, I suppose she 'd settle down into a common country drudge without a mur mur, if she found it in the line of duty. Duty! what is duty ? It 's the greatest imposition of the age, /think." Mrs. Farrell had now quite emerged from her clouds, and was able to share Easton's joy in her nonsense. " I know Mr. Gilbert did n't think so kindly of my coming back after that book," she said, as if this were the natural sequence of what had gone before, and had been in her mind ah 1 the time. , Easton's embarrassment appeared in his face, but he said nothing. " Oh well, never mind," said Mrs. Farrell, rising, " he 's welcome .to hate me if he likes; and I suppose he '11 end by making you hate me too. I 'm sure it 's very good of you to respite me so long. ' ' She gave the faintest sigh, and began to arrange her dress for walking away, looking first over one shoulder, and then over the other, at her skirt be hind. Neither of them said anything, as they quitted the place where they had been 186 Private Theatricals. [February, sitting, by a path that led homeward through a rocky dell, farther around than that they usually came and went by. In this dell there was a shade of maples thicker than elsewhere in the woods, and the heavy granite bowlders started from the soil in fantastic and threatening shapes, very different from the sterile repose that they kept in the neighboring fields and woods. Some thing of the old, elemental strife lin gered there yet; the aspect of the place was wild, almost fierce; the trout-brook, that stole so still through the flat mead ows on either side of the dell, quarreled along its rocky course in this narrow solitude, and filled it with a harsh din of waters. But the soil in the crevices and little spaces between the granite masses was richer than anywhere else on the farm. Earlier in the season, wherever the sun could look through the maple- boughs it saw a host of wild flowers, and in its turn the shade detained the spring, and there were still violets here in July, and the shy water-plants un folded their bloom at every point along the margin of the fretted brook where they could find foothold. No maples yielded a more bounteous sweet than these in the shrewish April weather, when the AVoodward boys came and tapped their gnarled trunks; and in the lower end of the valley stood the sugar- house, with its rusty iron pans and ket tles, and its half - ruinous brick oven and chimney, where they boiled the sap. Because the brook perhaps ran cooler here than in the meadows, the cattle from the neighboring pastures came to drink at the pool which its waters gath ered into at one place, just before it took the final fray with the rocks and broke out into the open sunlight beyond, where it lulled itself among the grassy lev els. An oriole had made its nest in the boughs that overhung this pool ; and higher up in the same tree lived a family of red squirrels, some member of which was pretty sure to challenge every passer. In the bushes that thickened about the meadow - border in sight of the farm house, lived thrushes and cat-birds; and in the very heart of the dell, a rain- crow often voiced his lugubrious fore boding. Mrs. Farrell entered by the vagrant path that the cattle's hoofs had made, and midway of the hollow she paused, and resting her arm on a tall bowlder looked round the place with a certain joy in her face, as of kindred wildness. Her rich eyes glowed, her bosom rose, and her breaths were full and deep. If she could indeed have been some wild, sylvan thing, with no amenability to our criterions, one could not have asked more of her than to be as she was; but behind her came a man who loved her as a woman, and whose heart was building from its hopes of her that image of pos session and of home which love bids the most hapless passion cherish. When he came up with her, he looked into her face, and said, as if no silence had fol lowed her last speech, his thoughts had been so voluble to him, " Why do you talk to me about hating you? " " Why ? " she echoed with a look of alarm, and signs of that inward trepi dation which every woman must feel at such a moment. " Oh," she added with a weak effort to jest fate aside, " I sup pose that I thought you ought to hate me." " No," said Easton with a passionate force that nothing could have stayed, " you know I love you! " Her dark bloom went, but in an in stant came again, with what swiftly blended emotions no man may guess and possibly no woman could tell, and " How can you say such a thing to me? " she demanded with the imperiousness of fear. ' ' You you hardly know me it 's hardly a week since we met." "A week? What does it matter? I have never loved any other woman: I know that you are free to love me, if you can; I don't care for any other knowl edge of you. Oh, don't answer me yet ! Listen: I don't ask you to love me now; what right have I to do that? But only let me love you ! I can wait. I can be silent, if you say so. You are my whole life, and my whole life is yours, if you choose to make me wait so long. How could it be better spent? " 1876.] Private Theatricals. 187 She sank down upon a shelf of rock beside that she had leant upon, and he fell at her feet, and then with the un- sparingness of love which claims noth ing and takes all, " Oh, my darling!" he murmured, and stretched his arms towards her. She stayed him with a little electric touch. "Don't!" she whispered, and after a look at him she hid her face. He did not move; his attitude did change, but still expressed his headlong hope, as if a sculptor had caught it in immutable stone; but when she drew out his handkerchief, and, pressing it to her eyes, handed it to him and said with trembling lips, " Take it; give me my book," a terrible despair blanched his face. " Oh!" he moaned. " Yes," she said, " I must be free. I can't think if I 'm not free; " and she put the book, which he mechanically surrendered, into her pocket. " You shall be as free of me as you will," he answered. " I ask nothing of you only leave to love you. I will go away, if you say it. I must be to blame for speaking, if it gives you so much pain. I would rather have died than hurt you." An imploring humility, an ineffable tenderness evoked by her trouble, shook his voice. She did not answer at once, but, " You are not to blame; I should be very ungrateful and very cruel to suffer it," she said, after a while, " but, oh, I 'm afraid that / must have been be having very badly, very boldly, to make you talk so to me, so soon. I'm afraid," she said, bowing her head, "that you don't respect me that you think I was trying to make you care for me." " Rt-spect you! " he echoed. " I love you. ' ' "Yes, yes. I know that. But it is n't the same thing! " He stood bewildered, where he had risen from her feet, and looked down into her face, which she now lifted to ward him. "If I had been another kind of woman, you would n't have said it tome!" "No; if you had been other than you are, I should not have loved you," said the young man, gravely. " Oh, I don't mean that. I mean Oh, Mr. Easton, what is it you find to love in me? What did I ever do or say that you ought to love me? Why do you love me? " " I don't know. Because you are you are my love." " Is it my looks you care for? " "Your looks? Yes, you are beauti ful. I had n't thought of that." "But if I was n't, you would never have cared for me." " How can I tell? I have no reasons. You are the one human creature in all the world whose being or doing I can't question. You are what I love, whatever you are." "Is it true ? How strange ! ' ' said Mrs. Farrell. "And if I had always been very cold and reserved and stiff with you, and not come back after that book, and not let you take a hair-pin out of my chignon, and not made mischief between you and your friend, and not been so ready to walk and ride with you in season and out of season, and not rather well ! cut up with you to-day about that handkerchief, would you have loved me all the same? " She was still looking very seriously into his face, so very seriously that he could not help the smile that the con trast of her words and mien brought to his lips. "Don't! Don't laugh!" she pleaded piteously. "I'm trying to get at some thing. ' ' " But there is nothing, nothing for you to get at! " he cried out. " If I tried forever, I could only say at last that I love you." "Yes, but you oughtn't to," said Mrs. Farrell, with a sigh. " You don't know anything about me. You don't know who or what I am." She re strained a movement of impatience on his part. " I 'm not at all like other people. My father was nothing but a ship's captain, and he had been a com mon sailor; and he ran off with my mother, I 've heard, and they were married against her parents' will. I can 188 Private Theatricals. [February, remember how handsome he was, with blue eyes and a yellow beard, and how he used to swear at the men I went a voyage with him once after my mother died. I was brought up at a convent school in Canada, along with the half- sisters of Mr. Farrell, who owned my father's ship; and when I came out he married me. I didn't love him; no, I never pretended to; he was too old. But I married him, and I would have been a good enough wife, I believe, but he died ; he died very soon after we were married. I never said so, but I was sorry that he should die, for he was very good to me; and yet I was glad to be free again. There, Mr. Easton, that 's all about me." Apparently this history had not given his passion the pause of a single pulse. She was all that she had been to him, or more ; his face showed that. " Well? " she asked, triumphantly. " Then you don't forbid me to love you ? " he questioned in turn. " Oh, I ought to! You are too gener ous and too good for me ! No, no, you must n't love me. I should be sure to bring harm upon you. It was all true about Mr. Farrell, but it was n't about my father. In his last years he joined the church, and he used to pray in the cabin to be forgiven for swearing on deck. So I 'm not so bad as I said, but I 'm not good enough for you to love." " Won't you let me judge of that? " asked Easton, with a smile, too happy to do else, whatever name she had given herself. He crouched again at her feet, near the base of the flat rock on which she had sunk, and while he spoke she looked beamingly upon him. " I could parade a few defects of my own," he said, " but just now, I am anxious to have you think all the good of me that you can; I shall be infinitely far from good enough." " No, no; don't do that. I want you to tell me something very disgraceful of yourself. If you don't make yourself out the blackest kind of character, I shall not let you care for me." ' ' Another time ; not now. ' ' " Yes, now. Come." Easton laughed. " I can't think of anything heinous enough for your pur pose on such short notice." "Oh, Mr. Easton! Do you mean to say that you have never done anything to be ashamed of? Have you nothing on your conscience? What was that thing you said you ought n't to have done to Mr. Gilbert? " The shadow of his lurking remorse fell over the bliss of the lover's face, and he gave a sigh like those we heave when we wake from the forgetfulness of care to the remembrance of it. " Do you really want to know ? ' ' " Yes, I do," answered Mrs. Farrell. " If you 'd been guilty of something really shabby, I should have felt more at home with you; but no matter, even if it is n't strictly disgraceful. Go on." Easton did not laugh. " Yes, I will tell you," he said; nevertheless he did not tell her at once ; he fell into a moody, unhappy silence, from which he suddenly started. "I told you once before," he began, ' ' when I did n't mean to tell you any thing, that Gilbert and I were in the army together. I knew nothing of the business, and I chose to enter the ranks, where I should at least do no harm to the cause I wanted to serve. Gilbert was my captain; we had not known each other before; but he had known of me, and he made a point of finding me out among those poor fellows, and in spite of the gulf fixed between officers and men, he made himself my friend at once ; we were younger than we are now " "How interesting!" said Mrs. Far rell; " it 's quite like a love-affair." " And after our first engagement he urgently recommended me and I got a lieutenant's commission in another com pany of our regiment. The next battle vacated the captaincy above me." " Do you mean that the officer above you was killed? " "That's the way most promotions are got." "Well, it's shocking! I don't see how you could accept it. To profit by the death of others! " Private Theatricals. 189 Easton winced. " Oh," he said, bit terly, ' ' I did worse than that. Our general was killed, and the colonel who took his place as brigade commandant had an old feud with Gilbert some thing that had begun before the war. I don't know whether he planned to strike him with my hand, when he saw what friends we were, or whether it was a sudden, infernal inspiration. But just as we were going into action, he detached Gilbert for staff duty; we were fighting on towards the end of the war by that time, and there had been many changes and losses, so that I now stood next to him in seniority, and took his place in the regiment. The colonel and the lieutenant-colonel were killed, and I brought the remnant of the regiment out as well as I could. The colonel com manding had been a truckling politician at home, and he never took his hands off the wires that work office-holders." Easton stopped, and it seemed as if he did not mean to go on, the absence which he fell into was so long. He stared at her with a look of pain, when recalled by an eager " Well ? " from Mrs. Farrell. "It all fell out with such malignant fatality that I don't think that part of it could have been planned. But one day Gilbert and I sat talking before his tent, and an orderly came up with an official letter for me. Gilbert made a joke of pretending to open it; I told him to go on, and then he opened it and looked at what was in it. He handed me the iuclosure without a word : it was iny commission as colonel; I had been advanced two steps over his head." Mrs. Farrell broke out, with a pitiless frankness that seemed to strike Easton like a blow, " I don't see how he could forgive you ! ' ' Easton passed his hand over his face. "It was a great deal to forgive; if it had n't seemed to make us closer friends, I should say it was too much to forgive ; that such a thing ought to have sepa rated us at once and forever. ' ' "Well," said Mrs. Farrell, " I don't understand how you got over it. What did you do? What did you say? " " I hardly know," answered Easton gloomily, " what I did or said. I want ed to tear the commission to pieces and leave the service. But Gilbert said I had n't any right to refuse the promo tion, I had n't any right to leave the army; and he added things about my fitness for the place, and my duty. If I declined this commission, he should not get it; but if he could get it, what sort of face could he carry it off with ? What we must do was not to let it make bad blood between us. There was a great deal more talk, but it all came to that in the end. He might often have had promotion after that in many ways in other regiments recruiting or re organizing but he refused everything ; he even refused the brevet that was offered him after the war; he said he had some doubts about this, for he knew what I had done to have his case made known and justice done him. But if I did n't mind, he said, he would rather stay what he was. He did n't go into the army for glory." ' ' How grand ! ' ' said Mrs. Farrell. "Yes," returned Easton, sadly, "it was grand enough." "But after all," she said, "I don't know why you should n't be at peace about it now. It 's all over and done with, long ago. Besides, you thought you did right, did n't you? " " Yes. But in such a case, one ought to do wrong," said Easton, sadly. Mrs. Farrell laughed. " Oh, well," said she, " you did wrong to let me sur prise the weak place in your friendship, and that makes it just right. Why, Mr. Easton ! ' ' she exclaimed ' ' are you act ually worried about that silly business? " Easton did not answer. " You 're rather too sensitive, 1 think." "Excuse me," said Easton. "A man need n't be very sensitive to dis like to exploit himself at the expense of a friend who has already forgiven him too much." " But why don't you tell him you did n't? " demanded Mrs. Farrell in amaze ment. " Why don't you tell him that I got it out of you what little you said 190 Private Theatricals. [February, before you knew what you were talk ing about? " "Why? How could I do that?" asked Easton in as great amaze. ' ' Easily ! ' ' retorted Mrs. Farrell, with enthusiasm. "Don't mind me! Why, if such a man as that had liked me, and I had offended him, there is n't any one I wouldn't sacrifice, there isn't any thing so shabby I would n't do, to get into his good graces again. Why, he 's sublime, don't you know. Who would ever have thought he was that sort of man? " Easton fell into a sombre reverie from which even her presence could not save him ; for the wretched moment he forgot her presence, and her voice seemed to be coming from a long way off as she bent down her face and peered into his with a sidelong, mock-serious glance. " Don't let me intrude upon your thoughts, Mr. Easton. I can wait till you 're quite at leisure for my answer." " Your answer? " " Yes. Qr no, it was you who want ed an answer about something, was n't it? Oh, Mr. Easton! ' Was ever woman in such humor wooed ? Was ever woman in such humor won ? ' It 's a good thing I 'm not proud. Come, begin over again. I 'm quite ready to be persuaded that you 're still perishing of unrequited affection for me." Easton gave a sigh of torment. She dropped her mocking manner and said with an earnest air, " You are thinking of the matter too morbidly. It isn't any such hopeless affair. You must speak to Mr. Gilbert and show him that no wrong was meant, and if you sacrifice yourself from any foolish idea of sparing ine, I shall never forgive you. He won't care for what I 've done to make trouble; he hates me, any way ; and then you can both go away as good as new and for get me." " I shall never go away," said Easton, " till you send me, and I shall never forget you while I live." " No? I thought you had forgotten me just now. Well, you had better go away; I don't send you, but you had better go ; and you had better forget me. Your fortnight is just up to-day: better go to-day. Come, here are both my hands for good-by. When you 've put two hundred miles between us, perhaps you can think more clearly about it all." He took her hands, which she held out to him, smiling, and bowed his lips upon them in the utter surrender of his love. " Why, you are really in my hands," she murmured. A light of triumph burned in her dark eyes, but one could not have said that as a woman she had not a right to the few and fleet ing triumphs that love gives her sex, on which it lays so many heavy burdens. " Then," she said, " you must do as I bid you. Come, let me go, now; " and she withdrew her hands and rose to her feet, and flung her shawl over her arm. "You must not talk of liking me, any more, till you are friends with Gilbert again. You may make up with him how and when you will, but you must not speak to me till you tell me you are rec onciled. I can't forgive myself till I know that you 've made up at my ex pense. Tell him that it piqued and irri tated me to see you such friends, and that I could not rest till I had got a clew to your secret; that I did n't really mean any harm; but that I was altogether to blame. Will you obey V " "No!" said Easton, so fiercely that Mrs. Farrell started with a sudden shock of panic that left no trace of persiflage in her tone, while she walked humbly before him with downcast head. How could he be angry with her? His whole heart yearned upon her as they moved on through the hollow, and came from its gloom at last upon the open meadow. "I didn't mean to offend you," she added, then. "I was only trying to show you how much in earnest I was about having you and Gilbert friends again; I could n't be happy if I thought 1 had hurt your feelings." " I will obey you," said Easton, sad- iy- " You will make up with him? " she asked. ' ' If he will let me. God knows I want to do it." 1876.] Private Theatricals. 191 " Then you may spare me all you like. You 're not angry now? " " Only with myself." ' ' And you 're going to be real patient with me, about about that little an swer? " " As patient as you can ask." " Because," she explained, " we have scarcely the advantage of each other's acquaintance as yet;" and added, "I would rather you would n't go back to the farm with me, to-day. I 'm afraid," she said, glancing at him, " that you '11 look as if you had been saying some thing. Those women have got such sharp eyes ! Should you care if you left me at the corner of the lane, and let me walk to the house alone ? Should n't you really ? And you don't think it 's asking too much? " " It would be too much if any one else asked me to leave you sooner than I must. But it 's for you to command." "I don't command," said Mrs. Far- rell. Just then they came upon a rise in the meadow, which showed the road and Rachel Woodward walking down toward the red school - house. ' ' Oh, how lucky," cried Mrs. Farrell. " Ra chel, Rachel!" she called, "wait!" and Rachel stopped till they joined her. " I want to go with you to the school- house. May Mr. Easton come too? " she asked, with a glance at him. " I won't put Miss Woodward to the pain of refusing. I think I shall find my friend Gilbert at the hotel, about this time, and I want to see him." Mrs. Farrell rewarded his surprising duplicity with a brave, strong clasp of the hand, said heartily, " Good-by," and turned away with Rachel, while he walked slowly, with his head down, in the. other direction. She had not gone far when she stopped and looked back at him over her shoulder, holding her dress out of the dust with one hand ; but he did not turn to look at her, and pres ently a downward slope of the road hid him. "He's handsome enough, I should hope," said Mrs. Farrell, only half to Rachel, who made no comment, and Mrs. Farrell asked, " What have you been doing, all the week? I 've scarce ly had a chance to speak to you." "No," said Rachel. "I don't like walking in the woods so much as you do, and I have n't time for it." "Rachel!" cried Mrs. Farrell, with affected sternness, " do you mean any thing personal? I won't have it, ma'am. Withdraw those vile insinuations. Do you wish to imply that I have gone walk ing in the woods with Mr. Easton? How very unkind of you, Rachel! But I forgive you; this sarcastic habit of yours is one of the eccentricities of gen ius. Here we are at the little sanctuary itself. How nicely it will read in the newspapers when you exhibit your first cattle-piece in Boston: During the sum mer, the fair artist, having dismissed her little flock of pupils, consecrated the red school -house at the corner of the road to the labors of her genius, devoting to them such moments as she could steal from household cares and the demands of her mother's boarders, u-ho little dreamt with what visions of beauty and fame she glorified the dim old farm-house kitchen, albeit she was familiarly known among them as the Rosa Bonheur of West Pekin, and they duly reverenced her God-given talent. There!" triumphed Mrs. Far rell, falling into her natural tone from that in which she had seemed to read these sentences aloud, " that 's from ' a lady correspondent,' and anybody could tell that Mrs. Stevenson wrote it. Now, will you say anything about my walking with Mr. Easton? Rachel! " she ex claimed, as the girl answered nothing, ' ' have I trodden on some of your out lying sensibilities ? Oh, I 'm ever so sorry ! ' ' and she fell upon her like a re morseful wolf, and devoured her with kisses. " There, I forgive you again. I 've got my hand in been forgiving Mr. Easton the whole afternoon." Rachel made no response, but when Mrs. Farrell had sufficiently wreaked her regret upon her, she felt in her pock et for the school-house key. " Why, I've come without it!" she exclaimed in dismay. " Splendid! " returned Mrs. Farrell; "that will oblige us to break in, and 192 Private Theatricals. [February, I 've always had an ungratified taste for burglary. It won't do for us to be seen getting in at the. front window; it would n't be professional ; we must go round to the back," she s'aid, leading the way, while Rachel followed. " It 's fastened with a stick from the frame to the top of the lower sash, and it 's no use trying to get in," said the girl. " Oh, isn't it! " retorted Mrs. Far- rell. "~Have you brought your knife? " She took the knife, and half opened the blade, when it snapped to again, and she flung it away with a shriek and looked to see if it had cut her finger. " I 'm still in one piece, I 'm thankful to say, ' ' she said presently ; ' ' but you open the knife, Rachel." She took it again, and, sliding the blade vertically between the upper and lower sash, sent the fast ening flying out upon the floor. ' ' That' s a little trick I read of, once," she said, handing the open knife back to Rachel, and throwing up the sash. The next moment she gave her two strong arms to Rachel, and helped her in; and then she went straight to the teacher's desk, took out a portfolio, and pinned about the walls the sketches that she found in it, Rachel making no resist ance. " Why it is quite like a studio, Ra chel," she said, and made a show of conscientiously examining each of the sketches in turn. At last she came to one from which she abruptly turned with the tragic ap peal of " Rachel! " It was the first of a series of three, and it represented Mrs. Farrell seated at the foot of a rock and turning an anxious face to con front Blossom's visage thrust through the birch-trees, with a mildly humorous gleam in her great calm eyes, as if she relished the notion of having been mis taken for a man. The next represented Blossom driven from her shelter, and at a few paces distant indignantly regard ing Gilbert and Easton, who had just appeared, while Mrs. Farrell and Ra chel were shown sailing down the mead ow with extravagant swiftness. The third was Mrs! Farrell confronting: Eas ton, to whom she had returned to claim her book ; Blossom looked on with grave surprise. The cow's supposed thoughts and feelings were alone suggested; the figures of the men were caricatures, and the fashionableness and characteristic beauty of Mrs. Farrell were extremely burlesqued. " Oh, this is how you spend your time, is it? " she asked. "I thought I would have something ready to exhibit if I went to Boston this winter," said Rachel, very demurely. " Do you like the subjects? " " This circumscribes me, fearfully," said Mrs. Farrell, not heeding the ques tion. " I can never snub you any more, Rachel. From this moment I 'm afraid of you : I 'm not hurt or angry ; I 'm fright ened. Are n't they splendid ? " she asked joyously, of Rachel, as if they were two indifferent connoisseurs of the work. " You 've got me exactly; and Blossom, why, she looks perfectly shocked. Any body can see what an unsophisticated cow she is; you 're a country cow, Blos som, or you would n't be astonished at such an innocent little manoeuvre as that. Your men are not so good as your cows and women, Rachel. Mr. Easton is n't such a stick as that, you know he is n't. Oh, Rachel," said Mrs. Farrell, sinking upon a seat behind a school desk and lean ing her elbow on it, chin in hand, while she brooded on the last sketch with ef fective eyes, "how awfully embarrass ing men are! Here is Mr. Easton, for example, who has known me a week, a week but barely two, and guess what he 's been saying to me this after noon ! ' ' She changed her posture and sat with her hands in her lap, regarding Rachel as one does the person whom one has posed with a conundrum. " Why, I don't know," said Rachel, in a voice as faint as the blush on her cheek. "Not," resumed Mrs. Farrell, "that he seems to consider it at all precipitate! I 've had to fight it off ever since last Sunday; I 've no doubt he thinks he 's waited a proper time, as they say of widowers. Why, Rachel, he 's been making love to me, that 's what." 1876.] Private Theatricals. 193 Rachel hung down her head a little, as if the confidence scared her, and played with a corner of some paper on the desk before her, but she did not say anything. She was not apparently sur prised, but silenced. "Well," said Mrs. Farrell, after a while, " have n't you any observations to offer, Rachel? What should you do to him if you were in my place? Come! " " I should think you would know," faltered the girl, " if you liked him." "Like him? Oh, dora'illike a blonde, regular - featured young man of good mind and independent property, and no more pretense than well, say pie, for instance! But that is n't the ques tion. The question is whether I ought to marry such a man. Yes, I really think I have a scruple or two, on this point. I do love him sort of. But oh dear me! I don't suppose I love him rightly, or enough of it. I could imag ine myself doing it. I can see myself," said Mrs. Farrell, half-closing her eyes as if to examine the scene critically, ' ' in some moods that I could love him with unutterable devotion in. But I should have to have something tremen dous to draw me out; a ten-horse power calamity ; and then, perhaps I should n't stay drawn out. It brings the tears into my eyes to think how, if he had lost the use of his limbs, say, and we were dread fully poor, I would slave myself to the bone for his sake for about ten min utes ! But a saint, a hero in perfect re pair, with plenty of money, it 's quite another thing." " If you were ever in earnest, Mrs. Farrell," said Rachel, sternly, " you ought to be afraid to talk as you do." "Why, so I am, aunty, so I am," retorted Mrs. Farrell, incorrigibly. " It sends the cold chills over me to talk as I do, but I can't help it. Don't you suppose I know how nice Mr. Easton is? I do. He is the very soul of truth and honor and all uprightness. He is the noblest and best man in the world. But what could I do with him, or he with me? No, ma'am, it is n't such a simple affair as liking or not liking. This is a case of conscience, I 'd have you to VOL. XXXVII. NO. 220. 13 know, such as does n't often turn up in WestPekin." Mrs. Farrell rose, and made some tragic paces across the school-room floor to where the girl sat, and fell on her knees before her, having with a great show of neatness arranged a bit of paper to kneel upon. She took Rachel's hands in her own, and with uplifted face im plored, " Advise me, my friend," which rendered the girl helpless with laugh ter. " Oh, for shame, for shame, Mrs. Farrell! " she said, when she could get breath, " you make fun of everything." "No, no, Rachel, I don't! I never made fun of Mr. Easton. Would you like to know how he behaved when he made love to me? No? Well, you shall. Now, you are the fatally beauti ful Mrs. Farrell, and you 're sitting on a rock in the hollow near the sugar-house. Your head is slightly downcast, so, yes, very good, and you are twiddling the handle of your sun-umbrella and pok ing the point of it into the dirt. Mr. Easton is standing before you with his arms folded thus, ahem ! waiting life or death at your hands." She folded her arms, and gave that intensely fem inine interpretation of a man's port and style which is always so delicious. " ' Oh, Mr. Easton,' you are faltering, ' I am afraid that you have deceived yourself in me, I am indeed. I am not at all the party you think you love. I was listen ! I was changed at nurse. She whom you love, the real Mrs. Far rell, is my twin sister, and the world knows her as Rachel Woodward ! ' " Rachel had been struggling to release herself from a position so scandalous; but Mrs. Farrell, who had never risen from her knees, had securely hemmed her in. At the climax of the burlesque, the girl flung herself back and gave way to a rush of sobs and tears. Mrs. Far rell attempted to throw her arms about her, and console her, but Rachel shrank resolutely aside. "Don't touch me!" she cried, when she could speak. " It 's horrible ! You have no pity ; you have no heart 1 You have no peace of your self, and you are never at rest unless 194 Private Theatricals. [February, you are tormenting some one else. I wish you would go away from our house, and never come back again! " Mrs. Farrell rose from her knees, all her jesting washed away, for that mo ment at least, by this torrent of feeling from a source habitually locked under an icy discipline. " Rachel," she said, " do you really hate me ? ' ' " No," said the girl, fiercely. "If I hated you I could bear it! Nothing is sacred to you. You only care for your self and your own pleasure, and you don't care how you make others suffer, so you please yourself. ' ' " Yes, I do, Rachel," said Mrs. Far rell, humbly. " I know I 'm selfish. But I do care for you, and I 'm very, very sorry that I 've wounded you. You need n't forgive me; I don't deserve it, but I'm sorry all the same." The afternoon was waning when they came into the school-house, and now a level ray of the setting sun struck across Rachel's head, fallen on the desk before her, and illumined Mrs. Farrell's stricken beauty. They sat there till after the sunset had faded away. Then Mrs. Farrell went softly about the room, tak ing down the sketches, which she brought and laid before Rachel. The girl lifted her head and took out the three sketches in which Mrs. Farrell figured, and, tear ing them in pieces, thrust them into the stove which stood, red with rust, in the middle of the room. She would not let Mrs. Farrell help her out of the win dow, and that lady followed her meekly homeward when they left the school- house. Before she slept, she came and knocked at Mrs. Farrell's door, and entered in response to her cheerful " Come in, come in ! " "I'm awfully glad to see you, Ra chel," said Mrs. Farrell, who was ly ing on her lounge, reading Shakespeare. "Do sit down and visit;" and she shut her book and rose upon her elbow. " No," said Rachel, stiffly, as she stood shading with one hand the kerosene lamp she held in the other, ' ' I have come to say that I think I have treated you badly; for whatever you did, I had no right to say the things to you that I said. I" " Oh, never mind about that," said Mrs. Farrell. " You 're all right. I dare say it was all true enough. But what I can't understand is this, Rachel: when I 've been doing anything wrong, I 'm as sorry as can be, and I have no rest till I go off and make a glib apology. That 's as it should be, of course, but it is n't like your repentance. You 've been abusing me, frightfully, and you come here and fire your regrets into the air, so to speak; you don't seem to care whether they hit me or not; you dis charge 'em, and there you are all nice ly, with a perfectly clean conscience. Well now, you know, when I apologize to any one, I like to see the apology hit them; I like to see them writhe and quiver under it, and go down before it, and I feel a good deal wickeder after I 've repented than I did before: what do you suppose is the reason ? ' ' Rachel made no reply, and Mrs. Far rell seemed not to have expected any. She went on: " Well, now, I '11 tell you what / think it is; I think it 's sense of duty. I 'm sorry when I 'm sorry be cause it 's so very uncomfortable to think of people suffering; it 's like stepping on something that squirms ; but when you 're sorry, it's because you've done wrong. There ! Now I 'm going to keep that distinction clearly in mind, and go in for a sense of duty at the earliest op portunity." Mrs. Farrell fell back upon her lounge with an air of refreshment and relief, which nobody could resist, and Rachel laughed a reluctant, protesting laugh, while the other kept a serious face. " Crimps, I suppose," she mused aloud, " would be very unbecoming to a person who was going in for a sense of duty, and I must give them up. I ought to have my hair brushed perfect ly flat in front, and I shall come down with it so to breakfast. I wonder how I shall look ? ' ' She went to the bureau, took a brush, and smoothed down the loose hair above her forehead ; then hold ing it on either side with her hands to 1876.] Boston. 195 keep it down she glanced into the mir- her hand on Rachel's cheek and pressed ror. " Oh, oh, oh! " she cried out with the girl's head against her breast, while a great laugh, " I look slyer than any- she looked down into her clear eyes. " I thing in the world! No! A sense of do love you, Rachel, and I'm glad you duty will never do for me. I must chance felt sorry for having flown out at me. it with unregenerate nature. But you / did n't mean anything I did n't in- can't say after this that I did n't try to deed; " and she tenderly kissed Rachel be good can you, Rachel? " She put good night. William D. Howells. BOSTON. Sicut palribus, sit Deus nobis. THE rocky nook with hill-tops three Looked eastward from the farms, And twice each day the flowing sea Took Boston in its arms; The men of yore were stout and poor, And sailed for bread to every shore. And where they went on trade intent They did what freemen can, Their dauntless ways did all men praise, The merchant was a man. The world was made for honest trade, - To plant and eat be none afraid. The waves that rocked them on the deep To them their secret told; Said the winds that sung the lads to sleep, " Like us, be free and bold! " The honest waves refuse to slaves The empire of the ocean caves. Old Europe groans with palaces, Has lords enough, and more; We plant and build by foaming seas A city of the poor; For day by day could Boston Bay Their honest labor overpay. The noble craftsman we promote, Disown the knave and fool; Each honest man shall have his vote, Each child shall have his school. For what avail the plow or sail, Or land, or life, if freedom fail? 196 Boston. [February, We grant no dukedoms to the few, We hold like rights, and shall, Equal on Sunday in the pew, On Monday in the mall. The wild rose and the barberry thorn Hung out their summer pride Where now on heated pavements worn The feet of millions stride. Fair rose the planted hills behind The good town on the bay; And where the western hills declined The prairie stretched away. What rival towers majestic soar Along the stormy coast, Penn's town, New York, and Baltimore, If Boston knew the most! They laughed to know the world so wide; The mountains said, " Good day! We greet you well, you Saxon men, Up with your towns, and stay! " The world was made for honest trade, To plant and eat be none afraid. " For you," they said, " no barriers be, For you no sluggard rest; Each street leads downward to the sea, Or landward to the West." O happy town beside the sea, Whose roads lead everywhere to all; Than thine no deeper moat can be, No steeper fence, no better wall! Bad news from George on the English throne: " You are thriving well," said he, " Now by these presents be it known, You shall pay us a tax on tea; 'Tis very small, no load at all, Honor enough that we send the call." "Not so," said Boston; "good my lord, We pay your governors here Abundant for their bed and board, Six thousand pounds a year. (Your Highness knows our homely word,) Millions for self-government, But for tribute never a cent. " 1876.] Private Theatricals. 329 PRIVATE THEATRICALS. IX. IT had been rather too warm on Satur day. On Sunday the breeze that draws across Woodward farm almost all sum mer long, from over the shoulder of Scatticong, had fallen, and the leaves of the maples along the roadside and in the grove beyond the meadow hung still as in a picture; the old Lombardy poplars at the gate shook with a faint, nervous agitation. Up the valley came the vast bath of the heat, which inun dated the continent and made that day memorable for suffering and sudden death. In the cities there were sun strokes at ten o'clock in the morning; some who kept within doors perished from exhaustion when the sun's fury was spent. The day was famous for the heat by the sea- shore, where the glare from the smooth levels of the salt seemed to turn the air to flame; at the great mountain resorts, the summer guests, sweltering among the breathless tops and valleys, longed for the sea. Easton lay awake all night, and at dawn dressed and watched the morning gray turn to clear rose, and heard the multitude of the birds sing as if it were still June; then he lay down in his clothes again, and, meaning to wait till he could go out and sit in the freshness of the daybreak, fell asleep. When he woke, the sun was high in his window and the room was full of a sickly heat. He somehow thought Gilbert had come back, but he saw, by a glance through the door standing ajar, that his room was yet empty. After breakfast, which could be only a formality on such a morning, even for a man not in love, he went out on the gallery of the hotel, and, as he had done the first Sunday, watched the peo ple going to church. The village folk came as usual, but the bell brought few of the farmers and their wives. The meadows were veiled in a thin, quivering haze of heat ; far off, the hill-tops seemed to throb against the sky. Easton saw the Woodwards drive up to the church; but Mrs. Farrell was not with them. He had not meant to go, even if she had come ; yet it was a dis appointment not to see her come. He went indoors and looked listlessly about the office, which had once been a bar room, and could not have been so dreary in its wicked days as now. Its manners had not improved with its morals. It was stained with volleys adventurously launched in the direction of a spittoon, it smelt of horse and hostler, and it was as dull as a water-cooler, a hotel-regis ter, a fragment of circus-bill, a time-table of the Pekin & Scatticong Railroad, can make a place. Easton went and sat upon the gallery till the people came out of church and dispersed; then he abruptly left the porch and struck out through the heat, across the grave-yard and along the top of a bare ridge of pasture, toward the woods that lay be tween the village and Woodward farm. He could think of no other place to pass the time but that which had yester day heard him say he loved her. The whole affair had taken a dozen different phases during the night, as he turned from side to side in his sleeplessness. \jnce he had even beheld her in that character of arch-flirt in which Gilbert had denounced her. He saw a reckless design in what she had done, a willful purpose to test her power upon them both. But for the instant that this doubt lasted he did hot cease to love her, to feel her incomparable charm. However she had wronged them, he could not do otherwise than remain true to her against every consequence. His love, which had seemed to spring into full life at the first sight of her, had been poisoned from the very beginning by the suspicion of others, and every day since then she had said or done things that were capable of being taken in the sense of consciously inso- 330 Private Theatricals. [March, lent caprice; yet all her audacity might be innocent in the very measure of its excess; and there was mixed with that potential slight towards her in his heart such tenderness and sweet delight, such joy in her beauty, grace, and courage, that every attempt to analyze her acts or motives ended in a rapturous imagination of her consent to be loved by him. He could not help feeling that she had not discouraged him; he excused the delay which she had imposed; how, when he thought of the conditions which she had made, could he doubt her goodness or fail to know her regret? He went, think ing, on toward the spot he was seeking, and sometimes he walked very swiftly and sometimes he found he had stopped stock still, under the blazing sun, in at titudes of perplexity and musing. When at last he entered the dell, from the field on which they had yesterday emerged, drops of perspiration rolled down his forehead, and the shadow of the place had a sultriness of its own, in which his breath came almost as faintly as in the open sunshine of the meadows. He went toward the pool where the cattle drank, and bathed his face; then, seek ing out that shelf of rock where she had sat, he laid himself down on the ledge below it and fondly strove to make her seem still there. He fell into a deep reverie, in which he was at first sensible of a great fatigue, and then of a lightness and ease of heart such as he had not felt for the whole week past. While he lay in this tran quillity, he seemed to see Gilbert and Mrs. Farrell come laughing and talking up the glen together: Gilbert was dressed in his suit of white flannel, but she wore a gown of dark crimson silk, stiff with its rich texture, and trailing after her on the gray rocks and over the green ferns. Her head was bare, and in the dark folds of her hair was wound a string of what seemed red stones at first, like garnets in color, but proved, as she came nearer, to be the translucent ber ries of a poisonous vine. When she saw that they had caught his eye, she took Gilbert by the hand and called out to Easton, " Now you can't escape. He 's going to make up with you whether you will or no. I 've told him everything, and he understands. Isn't it so major?" They looked at each other, and, with a swift, significant glance at Easton, burst into a laugh, which afflict ed him with inexpressible shame and pain. He shuddered as Gilbert took him in his arms in token of reconcilia tion, and then he found himself in a clutch from which he could not escape. Mrs. Farrell had vanished, but " Eas ton, Easton!" he heard the voice of Gilbert saying, "what's the matter?" And opening his eyes he found his friend kneeling over him and looking anxious ly into his face. " I've been asleep, haven't I? " he asked, stupidly. " Yes, and going it on rather a high- stepping nightmare," answered Gilbert, with his old smile. ' ' Better have a lit tle dip at the brook ; ' ' and Easton me chanically obeyed. He drew out his handkerchief to dry his face, and knew by the perfume it shed that it was the handkerchief Mrs. Farrell had restored. His heart somehow ached as he inhaled its fragrance, and he felt the old barrier, which had not existed for the moment, reestablished between himself and Gil bert. He came and sat down constrained ly where he had been lying. " I hope you won't be the worse, my dear fellow, for your little nap," said Gilbert. "Fortunately there isn't a spot in the universe where a man could take cold to-day." " I think I 'm all right," said Easton, and he looked down, to avoid Gilbert's eyes. Gilbert continued to gaze at him with the amused smile of patronage which people wear at the sight of one not yet wholly emerged from the mist of dreams, and waited for a while before he spoke again. Then he said, " Easton, if you 're perfectly awake, I wish you 'd hear me say what a very extraordinary kind of ass I think I 've been for the past week or so." Easton looked up, and there was his friend holding out his hand to him and gazing at him with shining eyes. He 1876.] Private Theatricals. 331 could not say anything, but he took the hand and pressed it as he had that day when they had pledged each other not to let harm come between them. " Confound it! " Gilbert went on, " I knew all the time that I was wrong, but I had to get away before I could face the thing and fairly look it out of coun tenance." ' ; Did you have a good time ? ' ' asked Easton, his voice husky with the emotion to which he refused sentimental utter ance. ' Glorious! But I missed you awful ly, old fellow, after I 'd made it all right with you, and I wish you had been with me. The trout bit like fish that had nothing on their consciences; and there was an old couple over there near the lake who supplied me with bread and milk; they could have gone into your Annals just as they are, with out a change of clothing. They had three sons killed in the last fight be fore Petersburg; I '11 tell you all about them." " You 're back later than you expect ed," said Easton. " Yes; I wanted a few nights more on the pine-boughs, and so we waited for an early start this morning. We broke camp about four o'clock, and started for West Pekin with the sun. But he beat us. I never knew heat like it; it was a good thing for me that I had been tough ened by a few days out - doors. We stopped for a wash in a brook about three miles back on the road, and then we steamed along again. I reached the hotel pretty soon after you left, and put on the thinnest clothes I had; and then I started for the farm. They had spied you making in this direction, and their information was so accurate that I had n't any trouble in finding you." In spite of a visible effort to be at ease there was a note of constraint in Gil bert's voluble talk, and he seemed eager to find some matter not personal to them. He recurred to those old people at the lake, and told about them; he described the place where he had camped ; he gave characteristic stories of the man whom he had taken with him and whose whole philosophy of life he had got at in the last three days. At the end of it all, Easton said, " I 'in glad you don't think I meant you any harm, Gilbert, and I've wanted to tell you so. But for once in my life I did n't seem to be able to do the thing I ought. I could n't understand my own action. It was mortifying to think that I could have been so little myself as to have talked of that matter, and I was ashamed to recur to it; I couldn't. I don't see now what I can say. There is nothing to say except that I was en tirely guiltless in wounding you, and that I am altogether to blame for it." Gilbert smiled at the paradox. " Oh, never mind it, Easton. I tell you it 's all right. I really saw the thing in its true light at first; and if the devil had n't been in me, I should n't have men tioned it. Nobody blames you." There was ever so slight an impli cation of superiority in the last words which stung Easton, however unmeant he knew it to be, and he rejoined anx iously, "Yes, but I was to blame; it's unjust not to blame me." Gilbert had thrown himself back on the flat rock, and was looking at the leaves above, with the back of his head resting in the hollow of his clasped hands. He turned his face a little towards Eas ton, and asked with a smile, "Aren't you making it a little difficult? Let it all go, my dear old fellow. There never was anything of it; why should we make something of it now? " " How can I let it go? " cried Easton. " I either wronged you and was to blame, or else was not to blame because I was simply the helpless means of wronging you. It leaves me in a very cruel posi tion ; I must refuse your forgiveness or accept it at the cost of one who was en tirely innocent. If I let it go as it is, I skulk behind a woman, who, as far as you are concerned, was really the vic tim of my own folly and weakness." Gilbert rose to a sitting posture and looked coldly at his friend. "I want you to take notice," he said, "that I have mentioned no one, that I have tried to pass the matter all over. You 332 Private Theatricals. [March, have no right to put if as you do. ' ' His eyes began to flash, and he went on recklessly: " And if you come to talk of cruel positions, I leave you to say what you can for a man who will lefhis friend go as long as you have let me go, with out saying the word that might have re moved his sense of a cruelly injurious slight." Easton hung down his head : "I have nothing to say in my defense." "Oh!" groaned Gilbert. "I beg your pardon; I do indeed, Easton. I didn't mean to say that." " It makes very little difference wheth er you say or think your contempt of me," rejoined Easton, gloomily. " It can't be greater than the contempt I feel for myself. ' ' He looked so piteously abased, so hope lessly humiliated, that Gilbert came and laid his arm across his shoulder the nearest that an American can come to embracing his friend. "Look here, let 's stop this thing right here, or it will get the upper hand of us in another min ute. Come, now, I won't make another apology if you won't! Is it quits? " Easton caught Gilbert's humor, and laughed the ghost of his odd, reluctant laugh. "It's safest," he said; "it seems to be the only way to keep from coming to blows. Besides, it 's super fluous on your part. ' ' " Oh, I can't allow that," retorted Gil bert, " if I may say so without offense," he added with mock anxiety. " Gilbert," Easton began, after a lit tle silence, " I suppose you must know what I would like to tell you ? ' ' Gilbert, who had resumed his former place, glanced at his friend from the corner of his eye. " Yes, I think I can guess it." " Well? " " Why, my dear fellow, it's so very completely and rightly your own affair, that I can have nothing to say if you tell it. A man does n't ask his friend for advice in such matters ; he asks him for sympathy, for congratulation." Easton gave a little sigh. " And that you 're not prepared to offer," he said with a miserable smile. " Why, Easton ! " exclaimed the other. " Is n't this rather a new line for you? Since when have you wanted my ap proval of any course you were to take ? You used to make up your mind to a thing and do it, and then ask my ap proval. ' ' " Approval is n't the question, quite," said Easton, nettled. " There 's noth ing to approve or to disapprove." " I admit the word 's clumsy," an swered Gilbert, shortly. Easton said nothing for a little while, and then he spoke soberly: " I don't want to force any confidence on you, Gilbert ; and after what 's passed I know it 's natural for you to shrink from having anything to do with this affair of mine; it is completely my own, as you say. But I can't have things remain as they are in your mind in regard to to Mrs. Farrell. You know that I 'm in love with her; it's no secret; I wouldn't mind shouting it from the housetop, even if she had refused me a hundred times. But she has n't. I have told her that I love her; and she has n't forbidden me; I don't know whether she has warranted me in hoping, or not; but she has im posed conditions on my speaking to her again, and that is something." He glanced appealingly at Gilbert, who sat up and confronted him. " Eas ton," he said, with an indefinable air of uncandor, " we never spoke of Mrs. Farrell together but once, and then I said things which, if I could have sup posed you were going to take her so seri ously, I would n't have said. You know that." "Yes, I know that, Gilbert," an swered Easton, affectionately. "Well; and now what do you want me to say ? You must let me hold my tongue. It 's the only way. I will re spect you in whatever you do. As for the lady who may some day forbid you to bring me to dinner any more, the least said is the soonest mended." " Yes; but you are very unjust to her." The words seemed to have es caped from Easton, who looked a trifle alarmed after speaking them. "Unjust? Unjust! You're right; 1876.] Private Theatricals. I revise my opinion; I think I did n't do her justice." "What do you mean?" demanded Easton. Gilbert gave a short laugh. " You must know, Gilbert," said Eas ton, breathing quickly, "that this is very insulting to me." " I beg your pardon. I don't mean to insult you, Heaven knows. But I do ask your leave to be silent." " And I ask you to hear me patient ly. Will you?" "I will, indeed." Easton opened his lips as if to speak, but he did not speak at once ; he did not seem to find the words or the thoughts so ready as he expected. "I never blamed you," he began finally, " for any judgment you formed of her character, and I certainly invited the expression of it. I know that what she says and does sometimes can be harshly interpreted," and again he hesi tated, " but I 'm sure any one who will make a generous interpretation " " I '11 try," interrupted Gilbert, " I'll adopt any generous interpretation you offer of her experiment upon the strength of our regard. How does she explain it herself? " " She explains it" began Easton, 4 ' she made it a condition of my speak ing to her again she told me to say ' ' He choked with the words, and Gil bert was silent. " Oh, my dear, dear old Easton," he broke out at last, "do let it all go! What's Mrs. Farrell to me or I to her? If you are in love with her, why, marry her and be done with it. I could imagine any woman's turn ing constant by virtue of your loving her, and I 've no doubt she '11 be the best wife in the world for you. I take back all I said of her. ' ' "It isn't that; it 's what you have n't said. It's what you think," said Easton, hotly. " Oh good Lord! And what is it I think? " " You exonerate me from all blame in the cause of our disagreement. ' ' "Yes, I do/" " But if you exonerate me at her ex pense, you disgrace and dishonor me; you offer me a reconciliation that no man can accept." Gilbert did not answer, and seemed to have made up his mind not to answer. Easton went on: " She feels so deeply the trouble between us that she charged me to make friends with you at any cost; not to spare her in the least to" Easton hesitated, and Gilbert said, " Well? " but the other did not go on. Then Gilbert said, " I have no comment to make on all this. What do you wish me to do? " " To do? What do I wish? Do you think you don't owe it to her to say " Gilbert laughed aloud. " That she acted from the highest motives through out? No, I certainly don't think that," he said, and then he began to grow pale, while Easton reddened angrily. "By Heaven," Gilbert broke out, "it seems that I have misunderstood this case. I supposed that between you you had some how used me ill, but it appears that I have done an injury to a meek and long-suffer ing angel. I 'supposed that she had cun ningly turned the chance you gave her against me, and meant, if she couldn't make me feel her power one way, to make me feel it another. I supposed she in tended to break us apart, and to be cer tain of you at any cost. But I '11 inter pret her generously, since you wish me to. I '11 say that I acquit her of any particu lar malevolence. I '11 say that she mere ly wanted to over-punish me, like a wom an, for some offense in my words or man ner; or I '11 say that she acted from an empty and reckless caprice; that it was curiosity drove her to follow up the clew which you had given her, for motives of your own; I won't judge them. I'll say that I believe she was frightened when she saw the mischief she had done, and would have undone it if she could; though I 'm not so sure of that, either! You think she might be induced to for give me, do you? Will you undertake to tell her what I say, and make my peace with her? " he asked offensively, his nostrils dilating. "I've had enough of this! " and he rose. 334 Private Theatricals. [March, Easton had sat silent under this tor rent of bitterness. He now sprang to his feet. " Stop! " he shouted. "You have got to take back every word ' ' " Don't be a fool, Easton! " Easton ground his teeth. " You take a base advantage of what has passed between us; you rely on my forbear ance to " ' ' Oh ! Passed between us ! " 'sneered Gilbert. " Your forbearance ! What do you think of the forbearance of a man who could lend himself to an infamous scoundrel's revenge; who could consent to rise at his friend's expense, and then live to boast of it to a woman? " Easton choked. " What do you think," he cried with equal outrage, " of a man who could urge me to do what I did, and always refuse to do or be any thing that could cancel my regret, hold ing my consent in reproach over me through years of fraud and hypocrisy, to fling it in my face at last? " Their friendship, honored and dear so long, was in the dust between them, and they trampled it under fotft with the in fernal hate that may have always lurked, a possible atrocity, in their hearts, si lenced, darkened, put to shame by the perpetual kindness of their daily lives. It remained for Gilbert, with all the in sult he could wreak in the demand, to ask, " Is that Mrs. Farrell's interpreta tion of my motives? " and then they were in the mood to kill, if they had been armed. But so much of the personal sanctity in which they had held each other remained instinctive with them that they could not inflict the final shame of blows. They stood face to face in silence, and then Gilbert turned and walked slowly down toward the opening of the glen; Easton made a few mechanical paces after him. When Gilbert reached the border of the meadow, he stopped, and, with whatever motive, went swiftly back to the scene of their quarrel. He came in sight of the spot, but Easton was not to be seen there ; he quickened his going almost to a run ; and then he saw Eas ton lying at the brink of the pool. There was a slight cut along his temple, from which the blood ran curling into the clear basin, where it hung distinct; like a spire of smoke in crystal air. X. Gilbert knelt at the side of the man who was his friend again, and caught up his head and dashed his face from the pool, while a groan broke from his own lips the anguish of the sex which our race forbids to weep. He stanched the blood with his handkerchief, and then felt in Easton's pocket for another to bind over the wound ; and as he folded it in his hands it emitted a fragrance that pierced him with a certain puzzling sug gestion, and added to his SOITOW a keen er sting of remorseful shame. Easton unclosed his eyes at last, and looked up at him. "Did you strike me, Gilbert ? " he asked. " No, no, oh no! God knows I didn't! How could I strike you, my dear old boy? " " I thought you did ; you would have done well to kill me. I had outraged you to the death." " Oh, Easton, I came here wanting to be friends with you, to make it all right again. And now " " I know that. It is all right. Whose blood is this ? Were you hurt ? Oh mine! Yes, I must have fainted, and cut myself in falling. I 've felt queer all day. This heat has been too much for me. How long ago was it? " " How long? I don't know. Just now." " I thought it was longer. It seems a great while ago." He closed his eyes, wearily, and Gil bert stood looking ruefully down upon him. After a little while he rose giddily to his feet. " Will you help me home, Gilbert? " he asked, as he leaned trem ulously against a rock. " You could never walk to the hotel, Easton," said Gilbert. Easton sat down again, and Gilbert stared at him in per- plexc . I silence. "By heavens!" he broke out, " I don't know what to do, 1876.] Private Theatricals. 335 exactly. If you were over at the farm, we could get their carryall and drive you to the hotel; but your room would be horribly close and hot after you got there." " I can't go to the farm-house," said Easton, with languid impatience, "and run the chances of making a scene; I could n't stand that, you know." " No; you couldn't stand that," as sented Gilbert, gloomily. " But it would be much the same thing at the hotel, with more women to assist. Faint? " he asked, looking anxiously at Easton's face. " A little. You 'd better wet my head," answered Easton, taking off the handkerchief that bound up his face. Gilbert did so, and then left the drip ping handkerchief on Easton's head. " Thanks. That 's good. We '11 stay here a while. It 's the best place, after all. It 's cool as any," he said, looking refreshed. Gilbert watched his face anxiously; but he was at his wits' end, and they both sat silent. He looked at his watch ; it was two o'clock. He grimly waited half an hour, exchanging a word with Easton now and then, and freshening the handkerchief at the pool from time to time. The opening of the glen dark ened, and the steady glare on the mead ow beyond ceased. Gilbert walked down to the edge of the pasture and looked out. A heavy cloud hid the sun. ' ' Look here, Easton, this won't do," he said when he came back. "It's going to rain, and you 've got to get under shelter, some how. We must run the gauntlet to the back of the farm-house, and try to find some conveyance to the hotel. Do you think you could manage to walk with my help across the meadow? The sun's behind a cloud, now, and I don't think it would hurt you." " Oh, yes," said Easton, " I can walk very well. Just give me your arm, a lit tle way." They set out, and toiled slowly up the long meadow slope, slanting their course in the direction of the orchard behind the house. Easton hung more heavily on his friend's arm as they drew nearer. " Do you suppose we 've been seen? " he panted, as they stepped through a gap in the orchard wall. "No; there is n't a woman on watch; not a solitary soul. They 're every one asleep confound 'em," said Gilbert, in the fervent irrelevancy of his gratitude. "Now you sit here, Easton, and I'll run up to the kitchen door and tell one of the boys to get out his team, and we '11 have you out of harm's way in half a minute." Easton sank upon a stone, and Gil bert ran toward the house under cover of the orchard trees. He was not out of sight when Easton heard women's voices behind a cluster of blackberry brambles near the wall on the left; then, without being able to stir, he heard the sweep of dresses over the grass toward him; he knew that in the next instant he was to be discovered ; he rose with a desperate effort and confronted Mrs. Farrell and the two young girls, Miss Alden and Miss Jewett, who were la menting the heat, and wondering how soon it would rain. He felt rather than heard them stop, and he made some weak paces towards them, essaying a ghastly smile as he lifted his eyes to Mrs. Fan-ell's face. Then he saw her blench at his pallor, and saw her see the cut on his temple. " I've had a fall, and a little scratch. It's nothing. Don't mind it. Gil bert" A killing chagrin, such as only a man can feel who finds himself unmanned in the presence of her he loves, was his last sensation as he sank in the grass before her. The young girls fled backward, but she rushed toward him with a wild cry, " Oh, he 's dead! " and in another mo ment the people came running out of the house and thronged round them with question, and injurious good-will, and offers to have him taken to their rooms. Gilbert came with them, and flung up his fists in despair. Mrs. Farrell had Easton's head upon her knee, and was sprinkling his face from one of many proffered flagons of cologne. " No, he shall not go to your room," she vehe mently retorted upon the last hospitable 336 Private Theatricals. [March, zealot, "he shall go to mine; he is mine!" she said. " Here, Rachel, Ben, Mrs. Woodward will you help me? " The others fell back at her brave con fession, and they all began to like her. They meekly suffered themselves to be dispersed, and they cowered together on the piazza while a messenger ran for the doctor. Then, while the ladies wait ed his report, they talked together in low tones, though they were separated from Mrs. Farrell's room by the whole depth of the house. Not a voice dissented from the praises of the heroine of a love episode whose dramatic interest reflected lustre upon them all. The ladies were even more enthusiastic than the men, and several rebuked their husbands, who had formerly been too forward in doing jus tice to Mrs. Farrell, for coldness in re sponding now to their own pleasure in her. "George, how can you smoke?" asked the youngest of the married la dies, and reproachfully drew her hus band's newspaper away from him and sent him into the orchard with his cigar. Another made her husband take the children away for a walk, in order that the ladies might not be distracted by their play while attending the verdict of the physician. The common belief was that Easton would die, and in the mean time they excited themselves over the question as to how, when, and where he had fallen. The husband with the cigar was suffered to approach and say that he had known an old fellow once who had been out in the heat a good deal, and had gone into the woods to cool off, and had come home in the evening with a cut in his head and a story that he had been attacked and knocked down. "Yes," said one of the ladies, who had a logical mind, "but. Mr. Easton does n't pretend to have been knocked down, and and he isn't an old fel low." "I was going to say," retorted the smoker, taking a good long whiff, with half-closed eyes, insensible to the fran tically gesticulated protest of his wife, " that this old fellow was supposed not to have been attacked at all; he had got giddy with the heat and tumbled over and barked his skull against a tree, and then fancied he 'd been knocked down; they often do." The theory seemed to have reason in it, but the language in which it was clothed made it too repulsive for accept ance, and there was open resentment of it by the tribunal before which it was offered. At this moment the doctor was seen slanting down the grass toward the gate from the side door; the ladies called after him and captured him. " The wound is a very slight matter," said the doctor; "but Mr. Easton had something like a sunstroke this summer in New York, and is very sensitive to the heat." " Yes, yes," said the spokeswoman, eager for all, ' ' but what happened to him ? How did he get hurt? " " His friend thinks he was overcome by the heat and struck his face against a point of rock in falling, over there in the valley by the sugar orchard." " There! " said the young wife, who at heart had felt keenly injured by the indifference to her husband's theory, " it 's just as George said. Oh, George ! " She took him by the arm, joying in his wisdom, and looked fondly into his face, while he smoked imperturbably. " Yes, but will he get well? " trem ulously demanded the spokeswoman of the group, pursuing the doctor on his way to the gate. " Oh, I think so," said the doctor; " he 's got the temperature in his favor now; " for though the threatened storm had passed without rain, it had loft the air much cooler. The doctor mounted into his buggy and chirruped to his horse, and drove off'. He came again in the evening, and said they had better not move Eas ton to the hotel that night, left his pre scriptions, and went away. Mrs. Woodward and Rachel began to talk together about where they should put Easton. "Put him!" cried Mrs. Farrell, emerging upon them where they stood in a dimly lighted group with Gilbert and Mrs. Gilbert just outside the door. 1876.] Private Theatricals. 337 She had an armful of draperies of which she had been dismantling her closet. " He 's not to be put anywhere. I 'm going to stay with Rachel, and he 's to stay where he is till he gets perfectly well. It would kill him to move him! " The women were impressed, and looked to see conviction inGilbert's face. " It would kill him to keep him where he is, Mrs. Farrell," said Gilbert, dry ly. "A man can't stand too much kind ness in his sensitive state. You must have some regard for his helplessness. He would never let you turn out of your room for him in the world; and if you try to make him, it will simply worry him to death. It '11 be gall and worm wood to him any way, to think of the trouble he 's given. You must have a little mercy on him." Gilbert had to make a long fight in behalf of his friend ; he ended by paint ing Easton's terrors of a scene, when they were coming toward the farm-house from the glen. Opinion began to veer round to his side. "Well, well," cried Mrs. Far rell, passionately, " take him away from me, take him where you will! You let me do nothing for him; you think him nothing to me! " " If he could stay where he is for the night," said Mrs. Woodward, " he could have Mrs. Burroughs' s room to-morrow; she 's going to the sea-side and won't want it any more." This matter-of-fact proposal seemed so reasonable that it united the falter ing opposition, and Mrs. Farrell had to give way. In their hearts, no doubt, all the women sighed over the situation's loss of ideality. At parting, Mrs. Gil bert took Mrs. Farrell's hand, and went so far as to kiss her. " I don't think you need be anxious," the older woman said. " The doctor says he needs nothing but care and quiet, and he '11 be well again in a few days. Even now I can't help con gratulating you. I did n't know matters had gone so far so soon. My dear," she added, after a little hesitation, " I 'm afraid I haven't quite done you justice. I thought excuse my^aying it now I thought perhaps you were amusing VOL. XXXVII. NO. 221. 22 yourself. I beg your pardon in all hum bleness." " Oh don't, don't, Mrs. Gilbert! " cried Mrs. Farrell, and cast her arms about her neck, and sobbed there. She went to Rachel's room, and changed her dress for a charming gown in which she could just lie down and jump up in an instant. She bound her hair in a simple knot, and when she came back to her own room with her lamp held high and shaded with one hand, she looked like a stylish Florence Nightingale with a dash of Lady Macbeth. Gilbert was sitting there in the dark, beside a table on which the light re vealed a curious store of medicines and restoratives, the contribution of all the boarders: five or six flagons of cologne and one of bay-rum; a case-bottle of brandy; a bottle of Bourbon whisky; a pint of Bass's pale ale; the medicines left by the doctor; some phials of ho moeopathic pellets from Mrs. Stevenson, who used the high-potency medicines; a tiny bottle of liquid nux from Mrs. Gilbert, who preferred the appreciable doses, and despised all who did not; a lemon; three oranges; a box of guava jelly from one of the young girls. Mrs. Farrell's tragic gaze met Gilbert's low ering eyes, and wandered with them to this array; they both smiled, but she was the first to frown. She beckoned him from the room, and " Here is your lamp," she said. " Don't turn it down or it will smoke, but set it where it won't shine in his eyes. I 'm going to be there in that room." She pointed down the passage-way toward Rachel's door. "If he needs the least thing you 're to call me." Her severity would have admon ished any levity that lingered in Gil bert's heavy heart, as she put the lamp in his hand. " Let me light you back to your room," he said, with moody humility. "No, I can find the way perfectly well in the dark," she answered. " Or yes, you had better come, so as to make sure of the right door in case you need me. You think I tried to make you quarrel! " she said in a swift under tone, as they passed down the hall; "but 338 Private Theatricals. [March, I never meant it, and you know that, whatever you think. Oh, I have been punished, punished! But I 'm glad you held out against me about the room," she added. " He would have been as true to you; and if you had let me do anything to make him seem silly, I should have hated you! " He saw with a man's helplessness the tremor of her lips, and then she had opened and closed the door, and he stood blankly staring at it. In the morning Easton was well enough to sit up in an easy-chair, and was fret fully eager to return to his hotel. It was clear that he was intensely vexed at having caused the sensation of the day before, and that the fear of giv ing further trouble galled him with the keenest shame. They were only too glad to release him from the fond imprison ment to which Mrs. Farrell would have sentenced him, on condition that he would consent to occupy the room vacated by Mrs. Burroughs for a few days, and be cared for better than he could be at the hotel, until he was quite well again. But in a few days he was not quite so well. He fell from his dull languor into a low fever, and from feebly loung ing about his room, and drowsing in an easy-chair, it came to his not rising one morning at all. Thus his hold upon the happiness so fiercely pursued, and now within his grasp, relaxed, and a vast vagueness encompassed him, in which he strove with one colossal task: to make Gilbert see a certain matter as he saw it, which was not at all the matter of their quar rel, but some strange abstraction, he never could make out what ; though their agreement upon it was a vital necessity. He was never delirious, but he was never sure of anything; a veil was drawn be tween his soul and all experience; he could not tell, when he had been asleep, that he had slept; his waking was a dream; the world moved round him in elusive shadow. He was what one of the ladies called comfortably sick. It was not thought from the first that he was in danger, and as it turned out, he was not. But if he had lain for a month at the point of death, he could not have been more precious to that houseful of women, who enjoyed every instant of the poetic sit uation; maid and matron, those tender hearts were alike glad of the occasion to renew in this fortunate reality their faith in romance, and they turned fond ly to Mrs. Farrell for a fulfillment of their ideal of devotion. It looked on the face of things rather like expecting devotion from a Pompeian fresco, so lit tle did her signal beauty seem related to the exigency, so far should sickness and sorrow have been from her world. But here Mrs. Farrell most disappoint ed those who most feared her pictuc- esque inadequacy. She threw herself into her part with inspiration ; rising far above the merely capable woman, she made her care of Easton a work of gen ius, and not only divined his wants and ministered to his comfort with a success that surprised all experience, but dealt so cunningly with his moods that he was at last flattered into submission if not resignation. In the beginning he was indeed a most refractory object of devotion; he chafed so bitterly against his helpless lapse into the fever, he was in such a continual revolt against his hospitable detention at the farm-house, and was so weighed down, through all the hazy distance in which his life ebbed from actual events, with the shame of being a burden, that no magic less than hers could have consoled him. But she overcame his scruples and rec onciled him to fate, so that it did not seem an unfair advantage to inflict the kindness against which he could not struggle; and she had her way with him, even to excess. Since she was not allowed to give up her room to him, she devoted herself in the moments of her leisure to the decoration of his chamber. She upholstered it almost anew with contributions from the ladies of scraps of chintz, mosquito-netting, and dotted muslin; she shut out the garish light with soft curtains; she put on the plain mirror and toilet table what Gilbert called a French cap and over- skirt, and she furbelowed the mantel- 1876.] Private Theatricals. 339 piece. She took Mrs. Woodward's ivies 'and trained them up the corners, and she had a great vase on the table, often renewed with autumnal wild flowers, ferns, and the firstlings of the reddening sumac leaves. As a final offering she brought in her spinning-wheel the ma nia was then just beginning and set it by the hearth. Jt must be owned that when all was done the place had a cer tain spectacularity; the furniture and ornaments wore somehow the air of prop erties; on the window seats, which she had contrived for greater coziness of effect, it "was not quite safe to sit down. But her friends and all the ladies were her friends now easily forgave this to her real efficiency and her unsparing self-sacrifice; the two young girls wor shiped the carpets she trod upon, and the whole sympathetic household sighed in despair at the perfection with which she, as one may say, costumed the part. She had ordinarily indulged a taste for those strong hues that went best with her Southern beauty, but now her robes were of the softest color and texture; she moved in slippers that made no sound ; in emblem of devotion to the sick-room she denied herself every ornament; at first she even lefit off her Etruscan ear-rings, and kept only a limp scarf of dark red silk, tied at her throat in a sentiment of passionate neglect. In behalf of Eas- ton's peaceful dreams she banished the Japanese fans, with their nightmare fig ures, and as she sat fanning him with a quaint, old-fashioned fan of white feath ers, which she had skillfully mounted on a long handle, her partisans declared, some that she looked like an Eastern queen, other some, like an Egyptian slave. They remembered her after wards in this effect, and also how she used to look as she stood at dusk light ing the little tapers which she had found at a queer country store in an out-of-the- way village of the neighborhood, and setting them afloat in a vase of oil, to illumine the chamber during the night. She realized the character as thoroughly in other respects; she met the friendli ness all round her with gentle apprecia tion, availed herself of it little or noth ing, and for the most part quietly with drew from it. Her defiant airs were all laid aside ; her prevailing mood was seri ous; she often spoke earnestly of matters which certainly had not commanded her open reverence before ; there was a great change in her, in every way, and some, who had always longed to like her, liked her now with thankful hearts for the opportunity. Amongst these Mrs. Gil bert made her advances like one who has an atonement to offer; Mrs. Farrell frankly accepted the tacit regret, and visited a good deal in her room. But as the sick man's disorder slowly ran its course, and the days took him further and further from any joy in her, Mrs. Farrell seemed to lose her hold of the situation, and another change came over her, in which she fell from her high activities into a kind of dull and list less patience, and dragged out the time, uncheered by the inspiration that had hitherto upheld her. She seemed not to know what to do. The spring was gone, the impulse exhausted, in that strange nature, which knew itself per haps as little as others knew it. Those were the days when she surrendered her authority to Rachel, and served under- her about Easton, who had also fallen largely to the care of Gilbert and Ben Woodward. Few young ladies would not willingly assume the task of nursing a young man through a low fever in a romance, but the reality is different. If it had been something short and sharp, a matter of a week's supreme self-devo tion, it would doubtless have been other wise with her; she was capable of great things, but a long trial of her endurance must finally lose its meaning. She had times of melancholy in which she sat behind her closed doors for hours, or when 'she went lonely walks through the woods or fields. She withdrew herself more and more from the society that sought her, and got a habit of consort ing with poor old Nehemiah as he dug his potatoes or gathered his beans, and seemed to find him a relief and shelter. Heaven knows what they talked of. Doubtless, as she followed him from one potato hill to another, and listened to 30 Private Theatricals. [March, his discourse, he admired her taste for serious conversation, and was obscurely touched that such resplendent beauty should be so meekly contented with his company. She no longer teased Ben Woodward, whose open secret of a pas sion for her she used to recognize so freely, she was the boy's very humble servant in manner; and to Rachel's effi ciency and constancy she was the strick en thrall. It was touching to see how willingly subservient she was to the girl, and how glad she was to be of any use that Rachel could think of. One night, after they had sat a long time silent by the taper's glimmer while Easton slept, she suddenly caught Rachel by the arm, and whispered, "Why don't you say it? How can you keep think ing it and thinking it, and never say it? For pity's sake, speak this once, and tell me that you know I did it all, and that you despise me! " "I don't judge you," said Rachel; " and I have no right to despise any one. You know, yourself, whether you are to blame for anything. ' ' " Do you think I acted heartlessly that day when I made fun of him there in the school-house? " 11 1 did think so, then." " Do you now? Do you believe I 'm sorry?" " How can I tell? You seemed un feeling then, but I don't believe you were ; and you seem sorry now ' ' ' ' And you don't believe I am ! Oh me, I wonder if I am! Rachel, you do be lieve I know how to feel, don't you? " " How can you ask such a thing as that ? ' ' returned the girl in a startled accent. " I wonder if I do! It seems to me that I know how to feel, but that I never feel. It seems to me that I am always acting out the thing I ought to be or want to be, and never being it. Don't trust me, Rachel not even now; I think that I 'm very remorseful and sorry, but who knows if I am? I keep asking myself what I should do if he were to die what would become of me. J try to scare myself about it; but my soul seems to be in a perfect torpor; I can't stir it. Rachel, Rachel! I did try to make him in love with me all I could. There was such a deadly charm in it his perfect faith in me, whatever I said or did. But it frightened me at last, too; and I did n't know what to do; and that day when I behaved so about him, I was frantic; if I hadn't made fun of him, the thought of what I had done would have killed me. But I hon ored him all the time. Oh, he was my true, true lover; and when I thought how recklessly I had gone on, it almost drove me wild. Rachel, do you know what I did ? ' ' She poured out the whole story, and then she said, " But now I seem not to be able to care any more. It 's all like a dream : it 's some one running and running after me, and I am laugh ing and beckoning him on, and all of a sudden there he lies without help or motion; it can't give him any pleasure to see me, now; 1 can't do anything for him that some one else can't do better, or that he won't be as glad of from an other. It 's as if he were in prison, and I sat at the door outside, waiting in this horrible lethargy. When he comes out, what will he say to me? I think that I should die if he upbraided me; but if he did n't I should go mad. No,- no ! That 's what some other woman would do. Ra chel, isn't it awful to bring all these things home to yourself, and yet not suffer from them? Oh, but I care I care because I can't care. My heart lies like a' stone in my breast, and I 'm furious because I can't break it, or hurt it. Rachel, if you give way before me I don't know where I shall end. You must never yield to me, no matter what mood I 'm in, or else I shall lose the one real friend I have in the world the only one I can be myself to, if there is really anything of me." As she ceased to speak, Gilbert came in to take his place for the night. He asked Rachel in a low voice what was next to be done, but he took no notice of Mrs. Farrell save to give her a slight nod. No one else treated her with coldness now ; but in his manner toward her there still lingered a trace of resentment. It 1876.] Private Theatricals. 341 had a tone of irony, to which she sub mitted meekly, like one resolved to bear a just penalty; and if there were times when he forgot to be severe and she for got to be sad, then afterwards he was the more satirical and she the more pa tient. It began to be said by some of the ladies that Mr! Gilbert had rather a capricious temper; but he had his defenders, who maintained that he was merely run down with worry and con finement over his friend. One day he came into Mrs. Gilbert's room, and found Mrs. Farrell with her. He offered to go away if he had burst upon a confidential interview, seeing that they fell silent at his coming, but Mrs. Farrell said that they had just fin ished their talk, and that now she was going. Gilbert did not sit down after he had closed the door upon her, but took two or three lounging turns about the room. " It 's very pleasant to see you and Mrs. Farrell such friends, Susan," he said at last. "It's really millennial. But which is the wolf and which is the lamb?" He laughed his short laugh, and Mrs. Gilbert answered nervously, " You know very well I told you, the first time we talked of her, that I liked her. ' ' " You said she fascinated you. The spell seems to have deepened. You used to find some little imperfections in her." " Well, and who pretends that I don't see them now? " " Oh, not I. But I'm affected to see you so lenient to them of late. Did you know that she was a person of strong religious convictions? " " What do you mean, William? " ' ' Nothing. She has found out that Easton and I are in a sort of suspense about such matters, and she says it is terrible. She can only account for our being able to endure it by supposing that men are different, more self-centred, not so dependent as women. She con siders the Woodwards a high example of the efficacy of a religious training in 'the formation of character. She says she is not like Rachel ; that she has an undisciplined nature, and was too irreg ularly trained, first in her father's be lief and then in a convent. What was her father's belief? I suppose some sort of marine Methodism of the speak ing-trumpet pitch. She wants my advice as to a course of reading in the mod ern philosophy; she thinks every Chris tian ought to know how his faith is be ing assailed." Gilbert stopped in his walk, and looked gravely at his sister-in-law, who gave a troubled sigh. " What right have you to suppose she is n't perfectly in earnest now, William? " " None; I think she thinks she is." " She has shown so much more char acter, so much more heart, than I ever supposed she had, in this affair, that I 'm glad to believe we were mistaken about her in several essential ways. The fact is, I always did have a sort of sneaking fondness for her, and now I 'm determined to indulge it; so you need n't come to laugh about her in my sleeve, William. I 'm an ardent Farrellite, and have been- ever since I found out that she was in love with your friend. Don't you think she 's very devoted to him? " " Oh, I dare say. He 's not in a state for devotion to tell upon, exactly." Mrs. Gilbert looked baffled. Present ly she asked, " Are she and Rachel Woodward as good friends as ever? " " How do I know? " returned Gilbert, resuming his walk. " That's a curious girl, Susan. One meets enough good women in the world; I've always been able to believe in them," he said, stop ping at Mrs. Gilbert's side to take her hand and kiss it; "in fact, the worst women seem pretty good, if one will only compare them with one's self; but I don't think I 've understood, before, just the sort of feminine goodness that the unbroken tradition of your New England religiousness produces. Puritanism has fairly died out of the belief, I don't care what people profess to believe, but in such a girl as Rachel Woodward, all that was good in it seems to survive in the life. She 's more like Easton than any other human being I know; they 're both unerringly sincere ; they 're 342 Private Theatricals. [March, both faithful through thick and thin to what they think is right ; only you can't help feeling that there 's something Quix otic in Easton's noblest moods, and that he has an arrogant scorn of meaner morals than his own. But her purity does n't seem to judge anything but it self, and her goodness and veracity al ways seem to refer themselves to some thing outside of her. You can see be fore she speaks how she is considering her phrase, and choosing just the words that shall give her mind with script ural scruple against superfluity; if you know the facts, you know what she will say, for she 's almost divinely without variableness or shadow of turning where the truth is concerned. It's awful; it makes me hang my head for shame, to watch the working of that vestal soul of hers. And with all this inflexibility, you might call it angularity, of rectitude, she has a singular charm, a distinctly feminine charm." "Oh, indeed! And what is her charm?" "Poh, Susan!" said Gilbert, look ing askance at her. " Don't make me think you can be guilty of bad taste." " Oh, well; I won't, I won't, my dear boy! I didn't mean to," cried Mrs. Gilbert. ' ' It was rather foolish in me to interrupt you." " I can't call it an interruption, ex actly; I had got to the end of my say." He went off to Easton's room, where he found Rachel Woodward putting things in order for the evening, and he smiled to see with what conscientious regard she preserved Mrs. Farrell's ar rangements, as matters having a sacred claim to which no reforms of her own could have pretended, and yet managed somehow to imbue all that picturesque- ness with a quality of home -like com fort. He nodded to her, and said he was going out for a short walk. On the road he overtook Mrs. Far- rell, who was moving rather sadly along by herself. Her face brightened as she turned and saw him, but she waited for him to speak. " Where are your inseparable com rades? " he asked. 'Oh!" said she. "Jenny Alden isn't very well, this afternoon, and Miss Jewett has gone over with Mrs. Steven son to Quopsaug." " Quop tvhat ? " asked Gilbert, stopping short. " Quopsaug," repeated Mrs. Farrell, simply. " Did you never hear of it? " "No, I never heard of Quopsaug. Is it vegetable or mineral? " " It 's vegetable, I believe. At least it vegetates. It 's a place a huddle of unpainted wooden houses in a little hol low at the foot of Scatticong, on the east side. It has a Folly and it has a Bazar. But I wonder Quopsaug has n't come up long ago in our poverty-stricken conver sation. I suppose every one must have thought everybody else had talked you to death about it." " No," said Gilbert. "What do peo ple go to Quopsaug for? " ' ' To see the Folly, that 's the store keeper's mansion; and to buy things out of the Bazar that 's his store. And to wheedle the inhabitants generally out of their spinning-wheels; at least that's what Mrs. Stevenson 's gone for to day." " And is Quopsaug a nickname? " "No; it's one of those musical In dian names we 're so fond of in New England. The people adopted it thirty or forty years ago, when they started a cotton mill which failed there. The place used to be called East Leander, but they re-christened it Quopsaug, after a chief who scalped the first settler, and then became a praying Indian, and lies over there in the Quopsaug grave-yard, under a Latin epitaph. You ought to go to Quopsaug." "I must," said Gilbert, absently; the talk dropped, and they walked on in silence till they came to a rise in the road overlooking a swampy meadow. In the midst of this stood a slim, con sumptive young maple in a hectic of premature autumnal tints, and with that conscious air which the first colored trees have. " I suppose you would like a branch of that," said Gilbert, " for your vase.'" " Why, yes," assented Mrs. Farrell. 1876.] Private Theatricals. 343 When he brought it to her, she had turned about and was facing homeward. " An olive branch ? " she asked, with a tentative little burlesque. "If you like," said Gilbert, with a laugh that was not gay. "It is n't quite the color; but it's olive branch enough for all the peace you probably mean, and it's sufficiently angry-look ing for war when you happen to feel like making trouble again." The leaves were mainly of a pallid yellow, but their keen points and edges were red as if dipped in blood. She flung the bough away and started for ward, dashing the back of her hand pas sionately across her eyes. It was as though he had struck her. He made haste to come up with her. "Mrs. Farrell," he faltered, dismayed at the words that had escaped him, " I 've been atrociously rude." "Oh, not unusually so!" she said, darting a look upon him from gleaming eyes, while her lips quivered. "You seem to feel authorized to give me pain whenever you like. You need n't do so much to make me know the difference between yourself and Mr. Easton." Gilbert's face darkened. " Upon my word," he said, "I think the less you say about that the better." " Why? " she retorted, trembling all over with excitement. " You force me every moment to remember his magna nimity and generosity; all your words and acts teach me how friendless I am without him. He never could believe so ill of a woman as you do ; but if the case were changed, I don't think he would choose the part of my torturer. And you are his friend! 1 ' She broke, and the tears fell down her face. Gilbert walked speechless beside her. "It's true," he said at last, "Easton is a better man than I; he 's a manlier man, if you like, or if you mean that." She did not speak, but she slightly slackened her fierce pace, and seemed to be waiting for him to speak again. " But I did n't know that I had been giving you so much pain. I 'm sorry I 'm ashamed with all my heart. I ask your pardon." ' ' Yes, yes ! I know how you say all that. Oh, I know the superior stand you take ! I know how you say to yourself, ' It 's my business to treat her handsome ly for Easton's sake, whatever I think of her. Come, I '11 do the right thing, at any rate! ' You ask my pardon. Thanks, thanks; I give it in all meekness. Yes, let there be a truce between us. I can't choose but be glad to be let alone. Will you walk on and leave me, now, Mr. Gilbert, or let me leave you ? " " No, I can't part from you so. Let it be peace, not a truce. I make no such reservations as you imagine. I beseech you to pardon my brutality, and to for get my rudeness." She halted, and impulsively stretched out her hand toward him, and then sud denly withdrew it before he could take it. "Wait," she said seriously. "I can't be friends with you yet, till I know whether you really think me wor thy. If you don't, you shall have no forgiveness of mine. You must be more than sorry that you hurt my feelings." " I will be as much sorry, and about as many things, as you like." " Oh, don't try to turn it into a joke! You know what I mean. Did Mr. Eas ton tell you what I told him to say about the trouble between you? Did he lay the whole blame upon me? Did he say that I did it willfully and recklessly, because your friendship piqued me, and because because though 1 never thought of that before! I was jealous of it? " Gilbert did not smile at the slight con fusion of ideas, but answered gravely, " Easton was not the man to lay blame upon you he would like it too well himself. Besides, I was unfair with him, and gave him no chance to speak in your defense." " Oh, how could you be so cruel as that ? He was so true to you ! I should think you never could forgive yourself for that. You ought to have heard him praise you. He told me everything. Yes, you did act grandly. But he could have done as much for you, and more, or he never would have suffered your self-sacrifice." 344 Pennyroyal. [March, ' ' There is only one Easton in the world," said Gilbert, gloomily; and he went on to talk of Easton 's character, his noble eccentricities, his beneficent life, and his heroic ideals. He spoke with a certain effect of self-compulsion very different from the light-hearted liking with which he had once before talked with her of Easton, but she list ened reverently, and at the end she said with a sigh, " No, I see that I did n't know him. Why, I had n't even imagined it! Why should he care for mef" Gilbert did not undertake to answer the question, and she said, " But I am so glad you have told me so much about him. How proud I shall be to surprise him with it all!" Gilbert made no sign of sharing her rapture, but she seemed not to heed him. They were very near the house, now, and she turned on him an upward, side long look, as her lower stature obliged, and asked, "And you really think me worthy to be sorry? " "Yes," said Gilbert, with a heavy breath. " Then I '11 forget your cruelty," she said; " but don't do it any more." She dropped him a little nod, and went into the house without him. He stood there watching the black doorway through which she had vanished, but it was as if he had followed her, so wholly had all sense fled after her out of his face. He stirred painfully from his posture, and cast his eye upward at Easton's room. The cold window met his glance with a gleam from which he shrank, with a sudden shock at the heart , as though he had caught Easton's eye, and he turned and walked away into the nightfall. W. D. Howells. PENNYROYAL. HEAVY with cares no winnowing hand could sift, Wrapt in a sadness never to be told, As o'er the fields and through the woods I strolled, Following with restless footstep but the drift Of the still August morn, so I might shift The scenery of my thoughts, and gild their old Monotonous fringes with a light less cold, I found the aromatic herb, whose swift Associations bore me far away To boyhood, when beneath an oak like this I culled the fragrant leaves. Crude childhood's bliss Was in the scent; but brighter smiled the day For memories now a portion of the soul, Safe from all later change and fate's control. C. P. Crunch. PRIVATE THEATRICALS. XL EASTON began to show signs of decid ed convalescence. Day by day he be came more susceptible of the kindnesses which his sympathizers yearned to lav ish upon him, all the more ardently for being so long held aloof by the certainty that the best thing they could do was to let him alone; the ladies got out their recipes for sick-room delicacies again, and broths and broils were debated. One day he sat up in a chair to have his bed made, and then a great wave of rejoic ing ran through the house. Mrs. Far- rell created a wine-jelly which, when it was turned out of the mold upon a plate, was as worshipfully admired as if it had been the successful casting in bronze of some great work of art. Her spirits had begun to rise; that day she moved as if on air, and as he grew better and better, she put off the moral and material tokens of her linger ing bondage to fear. For some time she had suffered herself to wear those great hoops of Etruscan gold in her ears ; now she replaced her penitential slippers and sober shoes with worldly boots ; she blos somed again in the rich colors that be came her; on the following Sunday she celebrated her release in a silk that in sulted her past captivity, and sang for joy as she swooped through the house in it. On Monday she bought out the small stock of worsteds at the West Pe- kin store, and sat matching them in her lap when Gilbert came out upon the piazza. He stopped to look at her, and she asked him if he had any taste in colors. " Men have, a great deal oftener than women will allow," she said. " At least they are quite apt to have inspirations in color.'' "I don't believe I have," answered Gilbert, still looking at her radiance and not at the worsteds. " I lived long and happily without knowing some colors from others by name." Mrs. Farrell laughed. " Oh, I did n't mean the names. Women are glibber than men with those. But you M have 488 Private Theatricals. [April, been able to criticise the effect, would n't you? You 'd have known that blue would n't do for a brunette, if you 'd seen it on her? " " I 'm not so sure," said Gilbert. "Why, look!" cried Mrs. Farrell, taking up a delicate shade of blue, and holding it against one cheek, while she fixed her eyes upon his with business like preoccupation. "There! don't you see how we take the life out of each other? Don't you see that it perfectly kills me?" " Well, I don't know. I should say that the worsted was getting the worst of it." ' ' Worsted and worsted ; a pun or an opinion? " demanded Mrs. Farrell, still holding the color to her cheek, -and her eyes on his. " Oh, either; one 's as good as the other. ' ' " I don't believe you meant either. I 'm sorry you can't help me about matching these wools, and I 've a great mind to make use of you in another way. But I don't suppose you would do it," she said, glancing up at him as she straightened the skeins of yarn by slip ping them over her two hands. " What do you wish to do? " "Why, I wish to wind these skeins into little balls, and " " Me to hold them, as you 're doing, whilst you wind ? I don't mind that." " Really? I think it 's the silliest po sition in the world for a man; and I can't let you. No, no; you shall not." " Yes, but I will. Come. I wish to show you that my manly dignity can rise superior to holding worsteds." He took up a skein and stretched it on his hands; she loosened a thread and began to wind; both with gloomy brows. When she had half done, she flung down the ball, and burst into a laugh. " No, no; you can't face it out. You look silly in spite of that noble frown. How do you suppose you appear to those ladies down there under the trees, with your hands raised in that gesture of stage- supplication ? You look as if you were imploring me for your life or some thing; and here I am making all these cabalistic motions." she resumed her winding, " as if I were weaving a spell around you! Do let us stop it! And I'll get Miss Jewett to help me." " No, go on," said Gilbert. " If you offer to stop, I shall clasp my hands! " "Oh, oh!" shouted Mrs. Farrell. "Don't, for pity's sake! Was ever a poor sorceress so at her victim's mercy before? This skein is nearly done. Will you put down your hands, you cruel ob ject of my unhallowed arts? " " I will, if you '11 let me put them up again, and help finish the other skeins. If you don't consent, I '11 keep holding them so." " Well, then I '11 leave you in that interesting attitude." " If you dare to rise, I '11 follow you all about in it." " Oh dear me! I really believe you would. There, take up another skein." "No, you must put it on, yourself; I 've just got my hands in the right places." " But you said you 'd put them down if I 'd let you put them up again," la mented Mrs. Farrell. " I 've changed my mind. I said that before I perceived that I had you in my power. If you don't hurry, I '11 exag gerate the attitude. Quick! " She was laughing so that she could hardly arrange the yarn upon the frame work so rigidly presented to her. " Don't hold your thumbs like sticks," she besought him. " Have a little flex ibility, if you have no pity. It 's some satisfaction to think you do look fool ish." "I have the consolation of suspecting that you feel so. I 'm quite willing to do the looking." Mrs. Farrell said nothing, but swiftly wound the yarn upon the ball, and "Don't hurry!" commanded Gilbert. " I 'm not going to put my hands down till 1 like, any way. So you may as well take your time." " Oh, Mr. Gilbert," pleaded Mrs. Far rell. " How can you threaten me, when I 'm so meekly letting you have your own way ! I never should have supposed you were that kind of man." 1876.] Private Theatricals. 439 "Neither should I," said Gilbert. " This is the first opportunity I 've had to play the tyrant to one of your amiable sex, and I 'm determined to abuse it." "Oh, that's a likely story! With that conceited air of yours, when you are so good as to address a woman! Don't be a humbug, if you are a faith less despot." " And don't you employ harsh lan guage in addressing me, Mrs. Farrell, or I '11 sit here all day with my hands out stretched to you." "All day? Oh, happy thought! Wind very slowly and tire him out! " " Do! I could stop here until I changed into a mere figure in a bas-re lief a profile and the back of a lifted hand; and you a classic shape intent upon the flying thread " "That's not fair, Mr. Gilbert. To make remarks upon me when you know I can't help myself." "Don't you like to have remarks made upon you? " " Not when I can't help myself." "Why not? I haven't forbidden you to answer back." " But you would, if my answers did n't suit you. How is it, if you don't know anything about colors, that you dress in such very tolerable taste ? ' ' " Do I? Mrs. Farrell, don't take ad vantage of my helplessness to flatter me ! I suppose it 's my tailor's taste which I always go against. And then, it 's New York." " Yes, New York is well dressed," sighed Mrs. Farrell. " Oh dear me! The style of some New York girls that I've seen! I suppose men can't feel it as we do." " Don't be so sure of that. We can't give any but the elementary names of things that a woman has on, but I don't believe the subtlest effect of a dress is ever lost upon men; and I be lieve the soul of any man of imagination is as much taken with style in dressing as with beauty. Americans all adore it, perhaps because it 's so character istic of American women that they seem almost to have invented it. It's a cu rious thing, something different from beauty, something different from grace, something more charming than either, and as various as both. I should say it was the expression of personal char acter, and that American women have more style than any other women be cause they have more freedom, and utter themselves in dry-goods more fearless ly." Mrs. Farrell stopped winding the yarn a moment, and instinctively cast down her eyes over her draperies. He smiled. "For shame!" she cried indignant ly, while her eyes dimmed with mortifi cation at her self -betrayal. But she boldly grappled with the situation. " Did you think I was thinking you thought me stylish? I know I am so; I had no need to think that. I was thinking that if ever you left the law and followed the true bent of your genius, New York ladies need n't go to Worth for their dresses." "Isn't that an unnecessarily elabo rate bit of insult, considering that I had n't said a word to provoke it? " " You smiled." " Why, you 've been laughing all the time." " But I was n't laughing at you." ' ' Whom were you laughing at ? " ' ' I was laughing at myself. ' ' " Well, I merely smiled at you." But Mrs. Farrell was plainly hurt past jesting for the present. She wound furiously at the worsted, and they both kept silence. At last Gilbert asked, " What is all this yarn for ? ' ' ' ' To knit a smoking-cap for Mr. Eas- ton," she said coldly, and then neither spoke again. Presently she caught a half-finished skein from his hand, tossed the balls and skeins together in her lap, and gathering them up swept in-doors, leaving him planted where he had sat. confronting her. In spite of the careless gayety of his banter, Gilbert had worn a look was neither easy nor joyous. He did not seem much irritated by her excessive re taliation, but presently rose and walked listlessly up to the village to get. his let ters, and when he came back, he went 440 Private Theatricals. [April, to his sister-iu-law's room with a letter which he showed her. " Shall you go? " she asked eagerly. " I don't know. I don't know why I 'm not on fire to go, but I don't hap pen to be so. There 's a day or two for thinking it over. If it were not for Easton " "He's a long while getting well," said Mrs. Gilbert with an impatient sigh; "I don't see why he 's so slow about it." " Well, Susan," languidly reasoned Gilbert, "you've been about fifteen years yourself getting well, and you have n't quite finished yet. You can't consistently complain of a few.weeks, more or less, in Easton. I dare say he would be well at once, if he could; but it is n't a matter that he can hurry, ex actly." "No," said Mrs. Gilbert. "But are n't you losing a great deal of time here, William V You came for two weeks, and you 've stayed nearly six. Don't you think Easton could get on without you, now? " " Why, considering that Easton came here because he thought I 'd like to have him, when I was merely a little under the weather, I don't think it would be quite the thing for me to go off now, and leave him before he 's fairly on his legs." " That 's true," sighed Mrs. Gilbert. " And I 'm glad to have you so faithful to your friend, William. I 'm sure you never could forgive yourself if you were recreant to him in the slightest thing. Your friendship has sacred claims upon you both. I have sometimes thought it was a little too romantic, but it 's a great thing to have the highest standard in such matters, and you could never let your fidelity be less than Easton's." Gilbert looked at her and pulled his mustache uneasily, but Mrs. Gilbert kept her eyes upon the sewing she had in hand. " You and Mrs. Farrell seem to be friends at present. I have heard of your holding worsted for her to wind, just now. The ladies who saw you at a little distance thought it a very pict uresque group, and seemed grateful for the topic you had given them. They talked about it a good deal. I suppose it was picturesque at least her part of it. I don't think manly grace is at its best under such circumstances, though I dare say you were n't posing for specta tors." "I had no quarrel with Mrs. Far rell," said Gilbert, choosing to ignore the other points. ' ' No ? I thought there seemed to be a little coldness at one time." " Perhaps the shyness of comparative strangers, Mrs. Gilbert." "William," said Mrs. Gilbert, "I wish you would talk seriously with me a moment." " Then you must start a serious sub ject. You can't expect me to be very earnest about genteel comedy, or even melodrama." " Do you mean that she 's always playing a part? Why, don't you be lieve " "Excuse me, Susan," said Gilbert, "I haven't formulated any creed on that subject, and I 'd rather you 'd make your conversation a little less So- cratic, this morning, if it 's quite the same to you." " I beg your pardon, William; I know that with your notions of loyalty to your friend, you wouldn't allow yourself to speculate about the nature of the wom an he hoped to make his wife, and I honor you for your delicacy, though she 's only another woman to me. Eas ton would deal the same with himself, if the case were yours. ' ' Gilbert listened with a stolid but rather a haggard air, and his sister-in- law continued: " I suppose she must make it difficult to treat her at times with the lofty re spect that you'd like to use, and that you have to keep him in mind pretty constantly. And yet, I don't know, after all. It seems to me that if you in terpret her behavior generously," Gil bert winced a little at the words, used almost as Easton had once used them, " and make due allowance for her his trionic temperament, it can't be so very hard for an honorable man." 1876.] Private Theatricals. 441 " The clemency of your sentiments in regard to Mrs. Farrell is a continual surprise to me, Susan, when I remem ber what an outfit you gave her the time we first talked of her," said Gil bert. ' ' Oh, you can easily convict me of in consistency on any point," answered his sister-in-law. "But why shouldn't I see a change for the better in her? why shouldn't I sincerely believe her capa ble of nobler things than I once did? " " You have all the reasons in the world; and if you had none, still, op timism is amiable. But really, do you know this is getting very tiresome? Am I to spend all my leisure moments with you in philosophizing Mrs. Far rell? I'm willing to take any version of her that you give me. How can I doubt her devotion to Easton when I see her getting ready to knit him a smok- ing-cap? I know she's sorry for hav ing made that misunderstanding between him and me, for she said she was. Who would n't believe a handsome young woman when she says she's sorry? Perhaps another handsome young wom an. Not I." " Now you 're talking in a very silly, cynical way, William, and you 'd bet ter say good morning, and come again when you 're in a different mood." "I'm willing enough to say good morning,'' returned Gilbert, and went. He went by an attraction which he could not resist to Easton's room, and experienced again that heartquake with which he now always met his friend's eye, and which he was always struggling to prevent or avert. It was a thing which his nerves might be reasoned out of, with due thought, and it did not come, when he was once in Easton's presence and confronted him from time to time. But in the morning, when their eyes first met, or after any little absence, the shock was inevitable; and he knew, though he would not own it to himself, that he had been trying somehow to shun the encounter. The bitterest rage he had felt against his friend was bliss to this fear of the trust he saw in Easton's face. He could best endure it when he could meet him in Mrs. Farrell's presence. In the gay talk which he held with them together, he could persuade himself that the harmless pleasure of the moment was all. He found a like respite when alone with her. He did not pretend to himself that he tried to avoid her; he knew that he sought her with feverish eagerness; now and then in the pauses of her voice a haggard consciousness blotted his joy in her charm, but when he parted from her, he was sensible of a stupid and craven apprehension, as if the fascina tion of her presence were also a safe guard beyond which he could not hope for mercy from himself. At such times it was torture to meet Rachel Wood ward, and the shy friendship which had sprung up between them died of this pain. His haunting inward blame seemed to look at him again from her clear eyes; he accused himself in the tones of her voice; she confronted him like an outer conscience, even when her regard seemed explicitly to refuse intelligence of what was in his heart. At dinner, that day, Mrs. Farrell was very bright - eyed and rather subdued ; she looked like a woman who had been having a cry. She talked amiably with everybody, as was now her wont, and when she found herself, late in the aft ernoon, again on the piazza with Gil bert, she said, "You're sorry, I sup pose." " Not the least," he answered, with nervous abruptness. v " Why should I be sorry? Because you made an out rageous speech to me ? ' ' " You are rather a vindictive person, are n't you? " she asked, beginning again. "No, I don't think so," returned Gilbert. " Do you? " " You cherished a grudge against me a good while, and if you had n't hap pened to overdo it, you 'd be still bear ing malice, I suppose." " And because you overdid it this morning you 're able to pardon me now. I see the process of your reasoning. Well, hereafter I shall not offend you by smiling; I'm going to frown at every thing you do." 442 Private Theatricals. [April, " No, don't do that! I want you to be very kind to me." " Yes? How is a gentleman to be kind to a lady? " " Everything depends upon charac ter and circumstance. If she is n't the wisest of her sex, so few of us are, and has been used to doing and saying quite what she pleased, without regard to consequences, and she finds herself in a position where circumspection is her duty, he ought to look about for her and guard her." " From what? " "Oh hawks, and lynxes, and cats. They 're everywhere." Mrs. Farrell sat down on the bench ing and drew from her pocket the balls of worsted which she had loosely rolled in a handkerchief, together with some knitting already begun, and went on with the work, while Gilbert stood be fore her, looking down at her. "You oughtn't to have helped me with these this morning," she said, pushing the little balls about, and sorting them for the right colors. " You asked me to do it! " " But you ought to have refused. It was because I thought you were trying to embarrass me, and take advantage of my foolishness, that I got angry and was rude to you." Gilbert said nothing, and after a lit tle more comparison of the worsteds Mrs. Farrell made her decision, and took her knitting in hand. " Help me, don't hinder me!" she went on in a low voice. "Don't be amused at me; let me alone; keep away from me; don't make me talked about! " " Shall I go now? " asked Gilbert, huskily. Mrs. Farrell looked up at him in astonishment that dispersed all other emotions. " Oh good gracious! " she cried, " they 're all alike, after all! No, you poor man, you! You must stay, now, till some one comes up; and don't run off the instant they do come ! And you must keep on talking, now. Come, let us converse of various matters ' Whether the sea is boiling hot, And whether pigs have wings.' There, thank Heaven ! there comes Mrs. Stevenson. Pay some attention to her. Ask her about her art, as she calls it, and try to seem interested. Mrs. Ste venson, I 'm in despair over these worst eds. I can make nothing of them. Did you see any at the Bazar, the other day, when you were at Quapsaug ? There ought to be crewels in that immense assortment. Where is that lavender? Where, oh tell me where, is that lit tle lavender gone? Perhaps it 's in my pocket no! Perhaps it's rolled un der the bench no! Then I 've left it in my room, and I'll have to go after it. Excuse!" She caught her worst eds against her dress, and, turning a sidelong glance upon him as she whirled past, made ' ' Talk ! " with mute lips, and left him. When she came back, neither he nor Mrs. Stevenson was there. They had apparently dispersed each other. She sat down a while and knitted contented ly, and then went with her work to visit Mrs. Gilbert, who had not been at din ner. "I'm very glad to see you," said Mrs. Gilbert, who had a flask of cologne in her hand, and moistened her fore head with it from time to time as she talked. " Headache? " suggested Mrs. Far rell. " Yes, only a minor headache, nothing heroic at all. It 's merely some thing to occupy the mind. Do you hap pen to know where my brother is? " " I left him with Mrs. Stevenson on the piazza, a few moments ago talk ing art, I suppose." Mrs. Farrell ad ventured this. " They 're not there, now; perhaps he 's gone to look at her works." "That's the smoking - cap, is it?" asked Mrs. Gilbert. Mrs. Farrell held up at arms-length the small circle of the crown which she had so far knitted, and, gazing at it in deep preoccupation, answered, " Yes. These are the colors," she added. She leaned toward the other, and held them forward in both hands. " I think it 's pretty well for West Pekin." 1876.] Private Theatricals. 443 " I 've no doubt it will be charming," said Mrs. Gilbert. "I don't approve of smoking, of course, but I hope he '11 soon be able to use his smoking-cap. I was just thinking about you, Mrs. Far- rell. I want Mr. Easton to get well as soon as possible, so that you can begin to have a good, long, commonplace courtship. If you were a daughter of mine " " I should be a pretty old daughter for you, Mrs. Gilbert," said Mrs. Far- rell, flatteringly. " Oh, I fancy not so very. How old are you? " "I'm twenty-four. ' ' " And I 'm forty-five, and look fifty. You 're still in your first youth, and I 'm in my first old age. I could easily be your mother." " I wish you were! I should be the better for being your daughter, Mrs. Gilbert." " I don't know. I should n't like to promise you that. But sometimes I think I could have been a good mother, or at least that children would have made a good mother of me, for I believe that half the goodness that women get credit for is forced upon them by those little helpless troubles. Men could be just as good if they had the care and burden of children men are so very near being very good as it is." " I know it," sighed Mrs. Farrell. " I never knew my own mother," she added; " if I had, I might have been a better woman. But are we to blame, I wonder, that we are not so good as we might have been, you if you 'd had children, and I if I had had a mother ? ' ' " Oh, I don't know. I dare say we shall never be judged so harshly any where else as we are in this world," "That's true!" said Mrs. Farrell, bitterly. " Not that we don't stand in need of judgment," continued the other, " as much as we do of mercy. It 's whole some, and I 've never been unjustly blamed yet that I did n't feel I deserved it all, and more. Oh, Mrs. Farrell, if I were really to speak to you as my daughter ' ' "Don't call me Mrs. Farrell! Call me by my own name," cried the younger woman impulsively. " Call me Rosa bel." "Is that your name? I took it for granted you were Isabel. It 's a very pretty name, very sweet and quaint; but I won't call you by it; it would make you more of a stranger to me than Mrs. Farrell does." " Well, no matter. You shall call me what you like. Come ; you said if you were to speak to me as your daugh ter "- " Oh, I 'm not Certain whether I can go on, after all. Perhaps what I was going to say would degenerate into a kind of lecture on love and marriage in the abstract. If I had a daughter whose love affair had been so romantic as yours, I believe I should tell her to make all the surer of her heart on account of the romance. I 'm afraid that in matters of love, romance is a dangerous element. Love ought to be perfectly ordinary, regular, and every-day like." ' ' Those are very heretical ideas ! ' ' said Mrs. Farrell, shaking her head. "Yes, yes, I dare say," answered Mrs. Gilbert; " but, as I said before, I hope for both your sakes that you and Mr. Easton will have a good stupid wooing at least a year of it when he gets well." " I shall not object to that, I 'msure," said Mrs. Farrell demurely. " No, I should hope you were too much of a woman. That 's a woman's reign, the time of courtship. Her lover is never truly subject to her again. Make it as long as you can long enough to get the romance out of your heads. And I wish you a sound quarrel or two." " Oh! Now you are joking." " Yes, I am. I hope you may never say an unkind word to each other. Have you a temper? " " Not much, I believe." "Has he?" " I 've been a little afraid of him once or twice." " Already? Well, I think it 's a pity you have n't a temper, too. Don't be one of the coldly self - possessed kind 444 Private Theatricals. [April, when he is angry; it 's far better to be frightened." " I will try always to be frightened. But I 'm not sure that it was any vio lence of his that scared me, so much as his" " What? " "Well, his goodness or somebody else's badness. Mine, for example." " Ah, yes! He is a good man. It 's a merit in a husband, goodness is; though I doubt very much if young people often think of that; they're so blinded by each other's idolatry that they have no sense of good or bad; they adore one quite as much as the other. And you must consider yourself a young person. You must have been very young when you were married, Mrs. Farrell." " Yes, I was very young indeed. It seems a great while ago. And after wards my life was very unhappy after his death they made it so. Mrs. Gil bert," she cried, "I know you don't like a great many things in me ; but per haps you would like more if you knew more." "Yes, but don't tell them. One must have something to disapprove of in others, or how can one respect one's self?" "I don't say that the fault was all theirs; I don't pretend that I was a very meek or manageable sister, but only that I could have been better with better people. They were vulgar to the tips of their fingers. And that drove me from them at last." They sat some moments without say ing anything, Mrs. Gilbert keeping her eyes intent upon Mrs. Farrell's face, whose fallen eyes in turn were fixed upon her work. Then the former said with a little sigh, " So you think I don't like some things about you! My dear, I like altogether too many. Yes," she continued absently, studying the beauti ful face, " I suppose / should, too." " Should what? " asked Mrs. Far rell. ' ' Make a fool of myself, if I were a man. I never could resist such a face as yours; I only wonder they don't have more power. But recollect, my dear. that somehow, sometime, you '11 be held responsible for your power, if you abuse it, even though we poor mortals seem to ask nothing better than to be made fools of by you." " Was that what you were going to say? " asked Mrs. Farrell, lifting her eyes from her work, and looking keenly at Mrs. Gilbert. " No, it was n't. But I 'm so far off the track, now, I won't say it. After all, it might seem like a glittering gen erality about " The women relaxed their wary re gard; the elder did not offer to go on, and the younger did not urge her. Mrs. Farrell knitted half a round on the smoking-cap, as if to gain a new start ing - point, and then dropped her work in her lap, and laid her hands, one on top of the other, over it. " Did you ever try inhaling the fumes of coffee for your headaches? " she asked. " Oh, my dear, I gave that up away back in the Dark Ages," returned Mrs. Gilbert, resorting to the cologne. " I suppose the cologne does you no good? " "Not the least in the world. But one must do something." " Yes," said Mrs. Farrell, drawing the word in with a long breath, " one must do something." She took up her work again and knitted a while before she added, " I wonder if a man would go ou forever doing something that he knew did him no good, as a woman does? " "No, I suppose not. Men are very queer," said Mrs. Gilbert, gravely. ' ' They 're quite inert. But that gives them some of their advantages." " They have pretty nearly all the ad vantages, haven't they?" asked Mrs. Farrell, quickly. " Even when some woman makes fools of them ! At least when that happens they have all the other women on their side." As she knitted rapidly on she had now and then a little tremulous motion of the head that shook the gold hoops in her ears against her neck. " Well, then they have a right to our pity." " Oh, do you think so? It seems to 1876.] Private Theatricals. 445 me that she has a right to more." She looked down on either side of her at the floor. " I thought I brought both balls of that ashes of roses with me." Mrs. Gilbert looked about the carpet in her vicinity. " Don't trouble yourself. It's no matter. I think I won't use it here, after all. I '11 use this brown. A wom an never makes a fool of a man unless she respects him very much. Of course there must be something fascinating about him, or she would n't care to have him care for her, at all; it would be disgusting." " Yes," said Mrs. Gilbert. " And then," continued Mrs. Farrell, keeping her eyes on her work, and knit ting faster and faster, " if she has any heart at all, it must be half broken to think of what she 's done. The falsest coquette that ever was would feel like bowing down to true love in a man ; and what is she to do if ever the worst comes to the worst, and she finds she 's afraid she does n't love him? She must know that his good faith is ten million times stronger than her looks, and that it has a claim which she must try to answer somehow. Shall she marry him out of pity, and put him to the shame of find ing it out some day ? That would be the worst kind of treachery. No, no; she could n't do that! And can she tell him how wicked she has been, and ask him never to see her face or breathe her name or hear it spoken again? That would be easy, if it were only for her! But if she did this, if she could have the courage to kill his faith in her with such a blow as that, and to blacken his life with shame for having loved her, what better would she be than a mur deress? " She grew pale as she spoke, but no tremor now shook the hoops in her ears; she only wrought the more swiftly and kept her eyes upon the flying needle, while a kind of awe began to express itself in the gaze that Mrs. Gilbert bent upon her. " What should you think then of the power of a pretty face? " asked Mrs. Farrell, flashing a curious look of self- scorn upon her. ' ' What could the pret ty face do for her, or for him ? Could it help her to forgive herself, or help him to forget her? And which would have the greatest claim to the pity of the spectators ? supposing there were spectators of the tragedy, and there nearly always are. Come, imagine some such woman, Mrs. Gilbert, and imagine her your daughter, you were imagin ing me your daughter, just i ow, and tell me what you would say to her. You would n't know what to say, even to your own daughter? Oh! I thought you might throw some light upon such a case." She had lifted her eyes with fierce challenge to Mrs. Gilbert's, but now she dropped them again upon her work. " But what if the case were still worse ? Can you imagine so much as its being worse? " " Yes, I can imagine its being worse," said Mrs. Gilbert, whose visage seemed to age suddenly with a premonition that a thing long dreaded, long expected, was now coming, in spite of all attempted disbelief. " Oh yes, certainly! You were won dering just now that beauty did n't have greater power! Suppose that even in all this wretchedness, this miserable daughter of yours was afraid Ah ! Mrs. Gilbert," she cried, starting vio lently to her feet, "you were trying a minute ago don't you think I knew your drift? to peep into rny heart! How do you like to have it flung wide open to you ? " She confronted Mrs. Gilbert, who had risen too, with a wild reproach, as if she had made the wrong another's by tearing the secret of it from her own breast. Mrs. Gilbert an swered her nothing, and in another in stant she faltered, "Don't blame him, don't be harsh with him. But oh, in the name of mercy send him away! " XII. It was already dark when Gilbert knocked at his sister's door. She was sitting in the chair from which she had risen at parting with Mrs. Farrell, and into which she sank again at her going. 446 Private Theatricals. [April, Gilbert sat down before her, but did not speak. " Have you made up your mind when you shall go, AVilliam? " she asked, gently. "I haven't made up my mind that I shall go at all," he answered, in a sullen tone. "But I think you had better," she said as before. " I am always glad, Susan, of advice that costs ine nothing," he returned, with an affectation of his habitual light ness. "I have been thinking about you, William, and I want you to go to New York at once. Your friend is out of all danger, now, and it's you who are in danger." " You know I never was good at co nundrums, Mrs. Gilbert. May I ask what particular peril is threatening me at present ? ' ' " A peril that an honest man runs from the danger of doing a great wrong, of committing a cowardly breach of faith." "Upon my word, Susan, you are using words ' ' " Oh, don't catch at my words, my poor boy. Have you nothing to reproach yourself with? If you haven't, I beg your pardon with all my heart, and I will be glad to take back my words, yes, take them back upon my knees ! ' ' " What is all this coil about? What are you worrying me with these emo tional mysteries for?" demanded Gil bert, angrily, yet with a note of ungen- uine bluster in his voice. " What are you trying to get at? " " Your heart, William; your con science, your honor, your self-respect. Do you think I am blind? Do you think I have not seen it all ? If you will tell me you don't know what I mean, and make me believe it, I will never call my self unhappy again." ' ' If you have suffered yourself to be made uncomfortable by any affair or condition of mine," said Gilbert, " I ad vise you to console yourself by reflect ing that it does n't really concern you. How long is it," he demanded, savage ly, "since you have felt authorized to interfere in my questions of honor and conscience? " " Ever since a motherless boy let a childless woman love him. Oh, think that I do love you, my dear, and speak to you out of my jealousy for your stain less good faith, your sacred friendship, your unsullied life! You know what I mean. Think that she is pledged by everything that is good in her to your friend. If you believe she does not love him, let her break with him how and when she will. But don't you be her wicked hope wickeder a thousand times than she! don't be the tempta tion, the refuge of her falseness. Leave her to herself ! You could only add your treason to hers by staying! " " Wicked hope, temptation, treason this is all rather theatrical for you, Susan," said Gilbert, with an attempt to smile. He frowned instead. ' ' And what do I owe to Easton in the way of loyalty ? Do you know how little care he has had for me ? Do you know ' ' " No, no, no! I don't know, I tuon't know! If he has wronged you in any way, you are only the more bound to be faithful to him in such a case as this. But I will never believe that Easton has wronged you willingly, and you don't believe it, either, whatever the trouble is that she made between you you know you don't. You are talking away your own sense of guilt, or trying to. Well, I can't blame you for that; but keep these things to silence your conscience with when you are alone; you will need them all. How long have you watched by your friend's pillow with the hope of revenge in your heart ? ' ' Mrs. Gilbert rose from her chair and walked to one of the windows, and then came and paused in front of Gilbert, where he now stood leaning against the mantel-piece. " Come," she entreated, "you will go away, won't you, William? I know you never meant him wrong. It has all been something that has stolen upon you, but you will go now, won't you?" "No, I will not go! " " You will remain? " 1876.] Private Theatricals. 447 " Till such time as I see fit. I am not a boy, to be sent hither and thither." " What good will you remain for? " demanded the woman, sternly. " Or do you choose to remain for evil? Every hour that you remain deepens your re sponsibility. Some things have been talked of already. How long will it be before the whole house sees that you are in love with the woman promised to your friend?" " Do you suppose I care what this houseful of spying, tattling women see or say? " " They are no spies and no tattlers; but if they were, a man who had n't shut his senses against his own conscience would care. No one blames you as yet, but the time will soon be when you will make the blame all your own. ' ' " I would n't ask her to share it." " Oh, very fine ! you think your brave words will make a brave affair of a cow ardly, sneaking treason ! " "Susan!" ' ' William ! These people who are be ginning to talk you over do not know what I know. They see that you are begin ning to be fascinated with her, as he was. They don't know that you have believed her false and shallow from the first, and that if you have any hopes of her love now, they are in your belief that after all that has happened she is still too false and shallow to be true to him. He was taken with what was best in her, with all that he believed was good. But you have dared to love her in the hope that she had no principles and no heart. You are ready to lay your honor at her feet, to give all that makes life worth having for what would make your whole life a. sorrow and a shame. If you could commit this crime against Eas- ton and yourself and her, if you could win the heart you think so empty and so fickle, what would you do with it? If you could make her false enough to love you, how could you ever have peace again ? How could you ever meet each other's eyes without seeing the memo ry of your common falsehood in them ? Think Oh, my dear, dear boy, for give me! I know that it is n't your fault ; I take it all back, all that I have said against you ; I don't blame you for loving her how could you help it? She is charming yes, she charms me too; and to a man she must make all other women seem so blank and poor and plain! But now you must n't love her: she cannot be yours without a wrong that when you 're away from her you must shudder at. And and you will go, won't you, William?" Gilbert's arm dropped from the mantel where it lay, to his side. " I will go," he said, sullenly. " But I acknowledge nothing of all that you have chosen to attribute to me, motive or fact. And you must be aware that you have said things to me that are not to be for given." He turned to go out of the room, with out looking at her, but she cried after him, " Never mind forgiving me, my dear. Only go now, in time to forgive yourself, and I will gladly let you hate me all your life. Good-by. good-by ; God bless you and keep you! " He did not answer, nor turn about, but closed the door behind him and left her standing with her hands clenched, in the gesture of her final appeal. She sank into her chair, spent by the victory she had won. Gilbert went to the room which he had been occupying since his constant attendance upon Easton had ceased to be necessary, and began to gather together the things scattered about the room. It was a great and bewildering labor, but he had succeeded in heaping many of them into his valise when Rachel Wood ward appeared with his lighted lamp. Then he knew that he had been work ing in the dark. " Oh, thank you, thank you," he said, in a strange voice of un conscious, formal politeness. "I I was just going away, and it 's rather difficult getting these things together without a light." " You are going away? " she asked. " Yes; I had a letter this morning re calling me to New York, but I had n't made up my mind to go until just now. I 'm going to try to catch the express ; I '11 get a man to drive me over from 448 Private Theatricals. [April, the hotel, and I'll send him back from there for this bag. ' ' ' ' And you are going at once ? ' ' she said, almost gladly. " Yes," he said; and he gave her an address, to which he asked her to have her mother send the account of her charges against him. With a little hesi tation he offered her his hand, and she took it with something like a show of penitence. " Good -by," said he, "I hope if you ever have occasion to think of me, you '11 be lenient to my memory; and if it is n't the thing for me to say that I feel as if I somehow owed you a debt of gratitude for being what you are, why, I hope you '11 excuse it to the confusion of the parting moment. ' ' Rachel's face flushed a little, but she did not try to respond to the odd compli ment, and Gilbert said he must go and take leave of Easton. He went abruptly to his friend's room, but faltered a mo ment before he softly turned the door knob. It was dark within, and the long and even breathing from the bed where Easton lay revealed that he was asleep. Gilbert stood a moment beside him, and then leaned over and peered through the darkness with his face close to the sleep er's. Neither stirred. Gilbert waited another moment, and with a heavy sigh crept from the room. He went to his sister's door, at which he knocked, but impatiently opened it without waiting to be bidden enter. Mrs. Gilbert looked at him without surprise. " I came back on a small matter of business, Susan. I neglected to say, a moment ago, that I think myself an in famous wretch, totally unworthy of your pains and affection. You are right in everything. I thought I 'd mention it in justice to you; we all like to have our little impressions confirmed. Good-by." ' ' Oh, my dear, good boy ! I knew you would n't leave me so; I knew you would come back." She took his hand be tween her own, and he bent over and kissed the pale fingers that clasped his with their weak, nervous stress. " You 're so good, my dear, that I 've half a mind not to let you go; but I think you had better go. Don't you? " " Yes; I don't wish to stay. Very likely I should be able to behave my self; but it would be an experiment, and I have n't time for it. On the whole," he said, with a smile, " I 'd as lief be in nocent as virtuous." " Oh, yes indeed," answered Mrs. Gilbert, " it 's preferable in some cases, decidedly. You 're not so young as you were when I used to kiss you, William," she added, " but neither am I, and I 'in really going to give you a kiss now for your exemplary obedience, and for good- by." " You overwhelm me, Susan. None of the women at Woodward farm seem able to resist my fascinations. I think perhaps I had better go away on your account." He stooped down and took the kiss she had volunteered, and then with an other clasp of the hand he went. The moon had risen, and was striking keenly through the thin foliage of the avenue of white birches which the high way became in its approach to the farm house, and in the leaf -broken light he saw drifting before him a figure which he knew. He stopped, and trembled from head to foot. Then, whatever may have seemed the better part for him to choose, he plunged forward again, and overtook her. " You are going away," she said, half-turning her face upon him. "I came here so that you could not go with out seeing me. I could not bear to have you go away thinking I was such a heart less woman as you do, with no care or regret for all the trouble I 've made you." "I wasn't thinking of that," said Gilbert; " I was n't thinking so much of you as of a man excuse the egotism who has a great deal more to answer for." " Oh, no, no!" " Sometime, when you tell Easton about it all, as you must, I want you to excuse me to him; no one else can. Tell him tell him that all I had to urge in my own behalf was that I loved you." " No, no, no! You must n't speak to me in that way! It is too dreadful." " Oh, yes, it's dreadful. But you 1876.] Told in Confidence. 449 can excuse it if he could n't. How could you excuse me if I didn't love you? Why else should we be parting? I must have loved you from the first before I knew. What else could have made me so bitter with poor Easton about what he told you? I knew he never meant me any harm; I knew he couldn't; he was a man to have died for me. I was mad with jealousy. Did you mean it? You managed it well! But I loved you What a fool I am! Don't come any farther; in Heav en's name go back! No," he said, per ceiving that she faltered in her steps, as if she were about to sink, " don't stop come on." He had caught her hand, and now he drew it through his arm, and hurried forward. "Yes, come! I have something to ask you. I want you to tell me that since you have felt yourself bound to him, you have never I want you to tell me that I was altogether in a delusion about you, and that you have done nothing to make me recreant to him." " Oh, oh, oh! " she moaned. " How pitiless you are ! How hard, how hard you make it for me ! ' ' She released her hand and pressed it against his arm in the eagerness of her entreaty. " Leave me do leave me the poor hope that I have seemed worse than I was ! ' ' He threw up his arm across his fore head and started a few paces onward. She hastened after him. "And do believe," she implored him, " that I only wanted to meet you to-night to say to to somehow to make it easier for you to go. Indeed, indeed Don't leave me to despair! " He halted, and confronted her. " Was that what you came for ? I thought it might have been to see if you could n't make me say what I have just said; I fancied you might have wished to send me away beggared in everything that makes a man able to face the past and the future, and to meet the eyes of hon est men. I deserved it. But 1 was mistaken, was I? " he asked, with a bit ter derision. " Well, good-by! " "No, no! You shall never go, be lieving such a thing as that! If I hated you, hated you to death, how could I wish to do that to you? Ah, you don't believe it. You ' ' But he turned from her, and hurried swiftly down the lane without another look or word. W. D. Howells. TOLD IN CONFIDENCE. Vow you'll never, never tell him! Freezing star now glittering farthest, fairest on the winter sky; If he woo me, Not your coldest cruel ray Or can or may Be found more chill and still to him than I. Swear you '11 never, never tell him! Warm red roses lifting your shy faces to the summer dew ; If he win me, Blush your sweetest in his sight For his delight, But I can be as sweet, as sweet as you! Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. TOL. XXXVii. KO. 222. 29 1876.] Private Theatricals. 559 PRIVATE THEATRICALS. XIII. THE summer was past, but the pag eant of autumn was yet undimmed. In the wet meadows of the lowlands, even in the last days of August, before the golden-rod was in its glory, the young maples lit their torches; and what might have seemed their dropping fires crept from sumac to sumac, by the vines in the grass and over the walls, till all the trees, kindling day by day, stood at last a flame of red and gold against the sky. The jay scolded among the luminous boughs; across the pale heaven the far- voiced crows swam in the mellow sun shine. The pastures took on again the green of May; the patches of corn near the farm-houses rustled dry in the soft wind; between the ranks of the stalks lolled the rounded pumpkins. Many of the summer boarders at Woodward farm had already gone home. The two young girls had gone with each a box full of fern-roots and an inordi nate pasteboard case full of pressed ferns. Mrs. Stevenson had stayed later than she had meant, in order to complete a study of cat-tails with autumn foliage. It was the best thing that she had done, and really better than anybody had ever ex pected her to do. It sold afterwards for enough money to confirm her in her be lief that wifehood was no more the whole of womanhood than husbandhood was of manhood, and that to expect her to keep house would be the same as asking every man, no matter what his business might be, to make his own clothes and mend his own shoes. The husbands of three of the married ladies came one final Saturday night, and departed with them by a much later train than they had ever taken before, on the Monday morning following. These ladies were going home to take up their domestic burdens again for the sake of the men who had toiled all summer long in the city for them. It was a sacrifice, but thanks to the wonderful air of West Pekin, and to Mrs. Woodward's excel lent country fare, they were equal to it; at least they did not complain, or said they did not, which is the same thing. The driver from the station came to fetch them away with his yellow Con cord stage, and the ladies got upon the outside seats with him, and waved their handkerchiefs to those left behind. The husbands tried to shout back something epigrammatic as they drove off, but these things are usually lost in the rattle of the wheels, and, even when heard, often prove merely an earnest of good-will in the humorous direction, and are apt to fall flat upon the kindliest ear. Mrs. Gilbert was among the latest who remained. Under the circumstances she might not have chosen to remain, and perhaps her prolonged stay was an of fering to appearances, the fetich before which women will put themselves to any torment. Her husband was not coming for her, and she sat alone amidst her preparations for departure, when Mrs. Farrell, in passing her open door, lin gered half wistfully and looked in upon her. Since that day which was doubt less always in both their minds when ever they met, they had neither shunned nor sought each other, but there had been no intimacy between them. " Won't you come in, Mrs. Farrell? " asked the elder lady, with a glance at the jaded beauty of the other. " You are really on the wing at last," said Mrs. Farrell, evasively accepting the invitation. She came in, looking sad and distraught, and sat down with an impermanent air. " Yes, I suppose one may call it wing, for want of a better word," said Mrs. Gilbert, who indeed did not look much like flying. Presently she added, in the silence that ensued, " You are not look ing very well, Mrs. Farrell." "No?" said Mrs. Farrell. "Why should I look well? But I don't know 560 Private Theatricals. [May, that I don't feel as well as usual in the way I suppose you mean." "I'm sorry you don't feel well in every way," said Mrs. Gilbert, respond ing to so much of an advance as might be made to her in Mrs. Farrell's dis pirited words; and after another little silence, she said, "Mr. Easton seems to have gained a great deal in the last week." " Yes, he is very much better; he is going away soon; he will not be here many days longer." "Mrs. Farrell," said Mrs. Gilbert, " I wish you would let me say something to you." " Oh, say anything you like. Why should n't you? " returned Mrs. Farrell, not resentfully, but in the same dispirit ed tone. " I know you don't trust me," began Mrs. Gilbert. " There is n't much trust lost between us, is there ? " asked Mrs. Farrell as be fore. " But I hope you will believe," con tinued Mrs. Gilbert, " that when we last spoke here together I was n't trying to interfere with what you might consider entirely your own affair from any mean or idle motive. If I was trying to pry into your heart, as you said then, it was because it seemed to me that it was part ly my affair too. ' ' "I didn't mean to resent anything you did or said," answered Mrs. Far rell. "It wasn't my own affair alto gether. Nothing that 's wrong can be one's own affair, I suppose: it belongs to the whole world." Mrs. Gilbert looked a little surprised at the wisdom of this, which had its own curious pathos, com ing from whom it did, and Mrs. Farrell spoke again with sudden impetuosity: " Oh, Mrs. Gilbert, I hope you are not judging me harshly! " " No, I am trying not to judge you at all." " Because," continued Mrs. Farrell, " whatever I have done, I am not doing my own pleasure now, and my part is n't an easy one to play." " I 'm sorry you must play a part at all, my dear," said Mrs. Gilbert, with impulsive kindness. "Why must you? Or, no, now it is all your affair, and I have no right to ask you anything. Don ' t tell me don't speak to me about it! " " But if I don't speak to you, whom shall I speak to? And I shall go wild if I don't speak to some one! Oh, what shall I do?" "Do?" " Yes, yes, it drives me to despair! Ought I to break with him now, at once, or wait, and wait? Or shall I go on and marry him? I respect and honor him with my whole heart, indeed I do; and if he took me away with him away to Europe, somewhere for years and years, I know I should be good, and I should try hard to make him happy, and never, never let him know that I did n't care for him as he did for me. Women often marry for money, for ambition, for mere board and lodging; you know they do; and why should n't I marry him be cause I can't bear to tell him I 'm afraid I don't love him ?" " That's a question that nobody can answer for you," said Mrs. Gilbert. ' ' But all those marriages are abomina ble; and even to marry from respect seems wrong hideous." " Yes, oh yes, it is hideous; it would be making this wearisome deceit a life long burden. I know what it would be better than any one could tell me. I feel the horror of it every minute, and it isn't for myself that I care now: it's the shame to him; it seems to ridicule and degrade him; it 's ghastly! And he so generous and high-minded, he never could think that I wasn't always just as wood and constant as he was. No, I'm O not fit for him, and I never was. He 's whole worlds above me, and it would wear my life out trying to be what he thinks me, and even then I could n't be it. Oh, why did he fall in love with me, when there are so many women in the world who would have been so happy in the love of such a man ? Why did he ever see me? Why did he come here? Good-by, Mrs. Gilbert, good-by ! I wish I were dead! " Mrs. Gilbert caught her in an impet uous embrace of pity and atonement. 1876.] Private Theatricals. 561 Yet, an hour after, when she finally part ed from her, it was by no means with equal tenderness; it was guardedly, al most coldly. A week later, Ben Woodward asked his mother's leave to go visit his mar ried sister, who lived at Rock Island, Illi nois. He urged that now her boarders were mostly gone, she did not need him so much about the house; he hung his head and kicked the chips of the wood pile by which they stood. She looked at him a moment, and fetching a long breath said he was a good son, and she wished he should please himself. The next morning he kissed her and Rachel, shook hands with his father, nodded to his brothers, and started off toward the village, carrying his bag. At the foot of the hill on which the village stood, he met Mrs. Farrell, who was coming from the post-office with letters in one hand. With the other she held by their stems some bright autumn leaves, and she stooped from time to time and added to them from the fallen splendors about her feet. It ought to have been a poet or a painter who met Mrs. Farrell in the country road, under the tinted maples, that morning, but it was only a simple farm -boy, whose soul was inar ticulate in its tender pain. When she saw him, she put the leaves and letters together in one hand, and began to feel in her pocket with the other. His face flushed as he came up to her, where she stood waiting for him, and blanched with a foolish, hopeless pleasure in the sight of her. "Why, Ben!" she said sadly, yet with an eye that would gleam a little as she let it stray over the poor fellow's uncouth best clothes, "are you going away?" She must have known that he was. "Yes," said Ben, uneasily. " And did you mean to go without saying good -by to me? " she asked with soft reproach. " Well, I did n't see what good it was going to do." " Why, we might never meet again, Ben," she said solemnly. And as Ben shifted his bag from his one hand to the VOL. XXXVII. NO. 223. 36 other,' she took the hand left free, and tried to make its great red fingers close over something she pressed into the palm. " I want you to take this to re member me by, Ben," she said; but the young fellow, glancing at the gold pen cil she had left in his grasp, shook his head, and put the gift back in her hand. " I don't need anything to remember you by, Mrs. Farrell," he said huskily, looking at her half-amused, half-daunted face. " If you can give me anything to forget you by, I '11 take it," and Ben, as if he had made a point which he might not hope to surpass, was going to press by her, when she placed herself full in front of him, and would not let him. " Oh, Ben," she said, " how can you talk so to me ? You know I have always thought you such a friend of mine, and you know I like you and think ever so much of your good opinion. I shall never let you pass till you take back those cruel words. Will you take them back?" "Yes," said Ben, helpless before those still, dark eyes, "I will if you want I should." " And will you try to remember me remember me kindly, and not think hardly of anything I 've done? " "You know well enough, Mrs. Far rell," said the boy, with a sort of ireful pathos, " that I would do anything you asked me to, and always would. Don't, don't mind what I said. You know how I like you, and wouldn't forget you if I could." " Oh, Ben, Ben, I 'm very unhappy," she broke out. " Don't mind it," said Ben, with the egotism of love, but touchingly unselfish even in this egotism. "You needn't be troubled about me. I always knew just as well as you that it was all fool ishness, and I did n't ever mean to let it vex you. Don't mind it; I shall get over it, I suppose, and if I never do, I hope even when you 're a married wom an it won't be any harm for me to think you cared enough for me to be sorry that that I was such a fool." She looked at him, puzzled by his misconception, but divining it she said 562 Private Theatricals. [May, instantly, "No indeed, Ben; whatever becomes of me, I shall be only too proud to think of you as my dear, dear friend. I have n't had so many that I could spare you. I only wish I half deserved you. Ben! " cried Mrs. Farrell, abrupt ly, "do you know what I wish I was? I wish I was five or six years younger, so as to be a little younger than you; and I wish I was a good, simple girl, like some of these about here, and you had bought a farm out in Iowa, and you were taking me out there with you this peaceful, lovely morning." " Don't, Mrs. Farrell! " implored Ben. " I do, Ben, I do! And if I were such a girl as that, I would work for you like a slave from morning till night; and I would obey you in everything; and all that I should ask would be that you should keep me there out of sight of everybody, and never let me go any where, or speak to a living soul but you. And oh, Ben, you would be very kind and patient with me, wouldn't you? But it can't be, it can't be." She stooped down and gathered up some letters which had slipped from her hand; Ben let her; he had his bag to hold, and he was not used to offering little services to ladies. When she lifted her face again and confronted him, ' ' He is a good man, too; don't you think he is, Ben? " she asked, brushing her hand across her eyes. "Yes; there a'n't many like him," answered Ben, soberly. " Do you think he 's too good for me?" " I don't think anybody could be that, you know well enough, Mrs. Farrell," said Ben, with a note of indignation, as if he suspected a latent mockery in this appeal to his judgment. " Yes, yes, that 's true, I know that," said Mrs. Farrell, hastily. "I meant, don't you think he 's better than than Mr. Gilbert?" "I never had anything against Mr. Gilbert," answered Ben, loyally. "He took good care of his friend." "Oh, yes! But but Ben," she faltered, "there is something some thing I would like to ask you. It 's a very strange thing to ask you ; but there is no one else. Did you ever think sometimes I was afraid, you know, that Mr. Gilbert it makes me very, very unhappy was getting to to care for me"- " No, I never thought so," answered Ben. " Oh, I 'm so glad. But if he had?" " I should say such a man ought to be shot." " Yes, oh yes he ought to be shot," she assented, hysterically. "But, Ben, but you cared for me, did n't you? " " Yes. But that was a very different thing. Mr. Easton wasn't my friend, as he was Mr. Gilbert's, and I com menced caring for you long before he was laid there sick and helpless. He would be just as much to blame as if you was married to Mr. Easton already. I don't see any difference. But I don't think he could. You must have been mistaken." " Perhaps I was. Yes, I must have been mistaken. I 'm glad to have you speak so frankly, Ben. It is too horri ble to believe. For if he had been so, of course it could only be because he saw, or thought he saw, something in me that would let him. And you never could think anything so bad, so heartless, of me, could you, Ben? " " No, I could n't, Mrs. Farrell," an swered Ben, decidedly. " What 's the use" " Thank you, Ben, thank you. I knew you could n't; it would be too mon strous. Oh yes, it 's just like some hor rid dream. Such a woman as that would n't deserve any mercy, not if she had allowed him to think so for one single instant. Would she? " " Why, we can all find mercy, I sup pose, if we go the right way to the right place for it," answered Ben, seriously. " Yes, but I don't mean that kind. I mean, she would n't deserve Ben, if you were in Mr. Easton 's place, and the girl you were engaged to had al lowed some one else just for the ex citement, you know; not because she wanted him to, or was so wicked and heartless, but just foolish to think 1876.] Private Theatricals. 563 she might let him like her, you never would speak to her again, would you, Ben? You never would forgive her? " " No, I don't know as I could over look a thing like that." " Of course you couldn't! You al ways see things in the right light, Ben; you are so good oh! how cruel, how perfectly unrelenting you are ! That is, I don't mean that, I mean Oh, Ben, if you felt toward her I ought n't to say it, I know; but just for instance as you feel, as you used to feel, to ward me, Ben," she implored, while her tearful eyes dwelt on his, " could you forgive me her, I mean ? ' ' " I I don't know," faltered Ben. " Oh thank you, thank you, Ben! But you ought n't, you ought n't! " she cried. "I must n't keep you, Ben. Good-by. And now you '11 let me give you the pen cil, won't you? It is n't for you. It's for some nice girl you '11 be sure to find, out there. Tell her I sent it to her; and, oh, tell her the best thing she can do is to be good! I hope you '11 have a pleas ant time, and get back safely; I shan't be here when you come home." She did not shake hands with him at parting, and they went their several ways. At the turn of the road she looked back and saw him watching her. She took out her handkerchief and waved it to him; then, rounding the corner, she pressed it to her eyes, and stooped and made a little hasty toilet at the brook that ran along the road-side. When she rose she saw Easton at the head of the avenue, coming slowly down toward her. She went courageously to meet him. " Are my eyes red? " she asked. " I have just been shedding the parting tear over poor Ben. He 's a good boy, and I felt sorry for him. I 've been his first- love for several years, you know." " Yes," said Easton, with the supe riority that men feel toward much young er men's passions. " That was plain enough from the beginning." Mrs. Farrell looked at him. He was pale and thin from his long lying in bed, but his old tone and manner were com ing back, and he was growing better, though he was still far from strong. They were lingering at the farm while the fair weather lasted, that he might profit by the air as long as it could do him good, though he had meant to go before this time. " I 've brought you about all the let ters there were in the office, this morn ing," she said. " Do you want them now?" " I suppose they must be read. Yes; let us go back to the piazza and open them there. You '11 be glad to rest after your walk to the village." ' ' Is that why you want to get at your letters? I'm not tired at all, and I'd rather walk on.'" " Well, whatever you like. You 've unmasked my deceit about the letters. I certainly don't care to read them. I see that I had better never try to keep anything from you." ' ' Should you like me to tell you every thing about myself? " "Why, you did that once, didn't you? " ' ' Oh, that was nothing. I mean ev erything I think and feel and do." "If you wished to tell me. I can't know too much about you." " Don't be so sure of that. Suppose I had something that lay very heavy on my conscience, and that I didn't like to tell you. I ought to, ought n't I? " " Why, if it did n't concern me " " But if it did concern you? " "Well, still, I'm not so sure about your obligation to tell it. If you could endure to keep it, you might have a greater right to keep it than I should have to know it. The only comfort of confession is that it seems to disown our wrong, and make it a sort of public prop erty, a part of evil in general, and lets us begin new, like people who have taken the benefit of the bankrupt law." He spoke these truisms in a jesting tone. " I shall always be willing to adopt half of your sins. How have you been in juring me, Rosabel? " he asked with the smile which Mrs. Farrell' s speculative seriousness was apt to call forth; the best men find it so hard to believe that a charming woman can be in earnest about anything but her good looks. 564 Private Theatricals. [May, " Oh. I was supposing a ease," she an swered with a sigh. ' ' You do think I have some faults, then? " "Yes, I think you have; but that doesn't make any difference." "But you can't pretend you like them?" "Let me think! Do I like your faults?" " Don't joke. Which do you think is the worst? " she demanded, stopping and confronting him with a look of so lemnity, which he found amusing. " Upon my word," he answered with a laugh, " I don't believe I could say." ' What are any of my faults? " "How can I tell?" Am I willful ? Am I proud ? Am I bad-tempered? What 's the thing you would find it hardest to forgive me? " "You must give me time to think. And when I 've forgiven you a great many times for a great variety of offenses, I will tell you which I found the hard est. You must remember that I 've had no sort of experience yet." " That 's because you don't know at all how badly I 've treated you. What do you think of my laughing at you that day when I went off to the school-house with Rachel Woodward? Don't you consider it heartless? If I had n't been the worst person in the world, could I have done it? " Easton smiled at the zeal of her self- condemnation. " I dare say there had been something very ridiculous in my behavior. If you can remember any particular points that amused you, I should n't mind laughing them over with you, now." ' How good you are ! ' ' she murmured, regarding him absently. ' ' I should be the worst woman in the world, should n't I, if I deceived you in the least thing? But I never will; no, no, I couldn't! Your not thinking it anything would only make it the harder to bear. Don't you know how killing it is to have people suppose you 're too good to do things when you know you 've done them ? It 's awful. That 's one good thing about Ra chel Woodward. She thinks I 'm a mis erable sinner, but she likes me : and you must n't like me unless you think I 'm a miserable sinner. Oh no, I could n't let you. I '11 tell you: I want you to think me perfectly reckless and fickle; I want you to believe that I 'm so fool ish, don't you know, that even whilst you were lying sick there, if he *d let me, I should have been quite capable of flirting with with Ben Woodward." Easton burst into a laugh: " That 's altogether too abominable for anybody to believe, Rosabel. Can't you try me with something a shade less atrocious? Come, I 'm willing to think ill of you, since you wish it; but do be reasonable! Won't you? '' he asked, looking round into her face, as they walked along. Well, then, try to help me in another way. What shall I do about Rachel Woodward? I don't know how I 'm to express my gratitude fitly or acceptably for all the trouble she 's had with me in this most humiliating sickness of mine. Do you suppose she could be persuaded into accepting any sort of help ? Do you think she would care to become a paint er, if she had the facilities quite to her mind?" " She would," replied Mrs. Farrell, " if she did n't expect sometime to get married, like other people; there's al ways that if in a woman's aspirations. But that 's neither here nor there. If you think you can ever contrive to re ward Rachel Woodward for doing what she thinks her duty, you 're very much mistaken.' 7 " It 's rather hard to be left so much in her debt." " Yes: but she doesn't consider you indebted, that 's one comfort." Easton mused awhile. " Do yon know," he said, presently, " I sometimes won der Gilbert did n't take a fancy to our difficult little friend. They 're sufficient ly unlike, and he would be just the man to feel the pale charm of her character." " Do you think so? " asked Mrs. Far rell, with cold evasion. "I supposed Mr. Gilbert was too worldly a man to care for a simple country girl like Rachel Woodward." " Oh, you 're very much mistaken. He 'd be altogether unworldly in a mat- 1876.] Private Theatricals. 565 ter of that kind. He would be true to himself at any cost. That was what al ways charmed me so in Gilbert. He had the air and talk of a light man, but he was as true as steel under it alL Every day a man has a hundred occa sions to prove himself mean or great, and Gilbert, without any show of being principled this way or that, always did the manly and generous and loyal thing." "Shall we go back, now?" 'asked Mrs. FarrelL " I oro rather tired, after alL" "Will yon take my arm?" asked Easton. "It isn't of much use yet, I 'm ashamed to think, but it will be. Did ron despise me when I was lying there'sick?" "Despise you?" '* Why. I think a sick man is a con temptible kind of creature. You women seem to be able to make anything gra cious and appropriate, even suffering; but a sick man can only be an odious burden. We ought to be allowed to crawl away like hurt animals into holes and clefts of rocks, and take the chances, unseen, of dying or living. Were you able to pity me very much? " ' I don't see why you ask such things," she faltered. " Don't you think I did? " " Oh yes, too much. Sometimes I 'm afraid that, without your knowing it, it 's been all pity from the beginning. I dare say every decently modest man wonders what a woman finds to love in him. I wanted yon to love me from die first instant I saw you, but I never con cealed from myself that I was n't worth a thought of yours. What a curious thing it is that makes one willing to re ceive everything for nothing." He laid his left hand upon her fingers, where they passively clung to his right arm. Why, how cold your hand is!" he said. " It seems incredible that it 's going to be my hand some day ! Every thing else under the sun has its price; you slave for it, you risk your life for it, you buy it somehow. But the di- vinest thing in the world is given, it has no price, it 's invaluable; we can't Merit a woman's love any more than we can merit God's mercy. Come, take yourself from me again! I've never given yon a fair chance to say me nay. Ton must acknowledge that yon never had time to answer that question of mine. Before you could decide whether yon could endure me or not, yon had to pity me so much that yon were biased in my favor. I ought to set yon free, and let you judge again whether yon would have me! " Her breath went and came quickly, as he spoke in this mixed jest and ear nest. He tried to make her meet his eye, peering round into her face, but die would not look at him. If this was the release, the opportunity, so long and wildly desired, it found her helpless to seize it. She moved her head from side to side like one stifling. " Oh, don't! How can you? " she gasped. " Don't talk so any more," she entreated. " I can't bear it!" She turned her face away; he tender ly pressed her arm against his side. They were near the house again, and she slipped her hand from his arm and fled in-doors. He blushed with joy, and walked on down the birch avenue, where she saw him sitting, after a while, on a stone by the wayside. She went to join him, holding forward, as she drew near him, a handful of letters. " We both forgot these," she said, with a dim smile. "Oh yes," he laughed. She glanced down at the stone where he sat, and up at that clump of birches through whose thin foliage the sun fell upon him, and shivered with the recognition of the spot where she had parted from Gilbert. "Sit down, Rosabel," he said, making a place for her at his side. " This stone is large enough for both of us. I want yon to help me read my tetters." " Xo, no! " she faintly pleaded; "let me stand awhile. And do yon do you think it 's well for you to sit just here?" "Why, yes," he returned. "It seems a sufficiently salubrious spot, and this is a most obliging rock. If you won't share it with me, here!" he said, touching another stone in front of his own seat, "sit here! Then I can see your face whenever I look up, and that will be 566 Private Theatricals. [May, better even than having you at my side. Ah! Now for the letters," he cried, when she had suffered him to arrange her as he would, and she gave them into his hand. He ran them quickly over before open ing any, and "Why!" he exclaimed, holding up one of them, " did you know whom we have kept waiting? Gilbert! It 's too bad, poor old fellow ! Did n't you notice his letter, you incurious Fa- tima?" " I never saw his handwriting. How could I know his letter? " . " Of course! That might have oc curred to me if I had n't known it so well myself . Nevermind! We '11 keep Gilbert a little longer, since we 've kept him so long already, and have him last of all, to take away the bad taste, if these are not pleasant reading." He laid Gilbert's letter aside, and opened the others and commented on them one after another; but her eyes continually wandered to the unopened letter, do what she might to keep them on the level of the page he was reading. At last he .took up Gilbert's letter; a shiver ran through her as he tore open the envelope, and she drew herself closer together. " Why, are you cold, my dear? " he asked, glancing at her before he began to read. "Aren't you well? Let us go up to the house, and read the letter there." "No, no," she answered steadily; " I 'm not cold, I 'm perfectly well. I was curious to know what he said : that was all. Do go on." Easton opened the sheet, and began to read to himself, as people often do with letters when they propose to read them aloud. " Oh!" he said, present ly, "excuse me! I did n't know what I was doing. Do you think you '11 be able to stand all this ? ' ' He held up the eight pages of Gilbert's letter, and then he began faithfully with the date, and read on to the end. The first part of the letter was given to Gilbert's re grets at not having been able to write before. He took it for granted that his sister-in-law had told Easton of his sudden call to go to South America on that business of Mitchell & Martineiro, who wished him to look after some legal complications of their affairs in Brazil, which needed an American lawyer's eye; and that she had made all the amends she could for his going so suddenly. " You were asleep," he wrote, " when I went to take leave of you, and on the whole I'm not sorry. A good -by is good at any distance, and I knew I could send you mine. I did n't suppose I should be so long about it; but the truth is that what with putting my own business in order before going, and in structing myself about Mitchell & Mar- tineiro's, in a case where I can repre sent their interests only in an exterior sort of way, I have not had a moment that I could call yours. I might have sent you a line, of course, but I waited till I could do more than that. I knew you were getting well, and I need not worry about leaving you before you were quite well. And now, after all, when I have a few hours before sailing, and I sit down to write to you, I do not -know that I have much to say. Perhaps if I had had days before this, it would have come to the same thing. In fact, it could have come only to one thing under any circumstances. It could have come only to my telling you, with whatever force I had, that in all our recent unhap- piness I felt myself wholly and solely at fault. I do not merely mean that you were blameless, but that every one else but myself was so. I hope this will not come to your eye like an imperti nence; it lies under mine like a very vital thing. I do not know what your measure of my blame is, whether it has grown greater or not since we part ed; but in my own sight my treatment of you seems inexpiable. Of course I feel that in this separation of ours there are many chances that we may not meet again; but I should like to say this to you if we were to meet every day all our lives. I will not appeal to the kindness of your heart; there ought to be none for me in it. But do not for get me, Easton ; and if ever in the fut ure you can think more leniently of me 1876.] Private Theatricals. 567 than I deserve, I shall be glad of your pity." "Is that all?" asked Mrs. Farrell, hoarsely. "Yes, that's all," returned Easton, turning the pages absently over, and looking lip and down the leaves. Whatever had been her purposes, or hopes, or dreads, the moment had come from which she could not recoil, and in which she stood as absolutely unfriend ed as in the face of death. Everything had led to this at last; it might have been said that she was born for this alone, so supreme was it over all other fates and chances. If she had hoped for help from any source, from Eas- ton's possible suspicion, from the light in which she had tried to see what she had done with others' eyes, from some confession of Gilbert's in this letter of his, it was all in vain. Everything was remanded to her, and she was to make her choice, with none to urge or stay her. She sat and stared at the man who, she knew, would have given his life to defend her from others, but who was so powerless now to help her against herself. Of all the contending passions of her soul, shame, fear, re sentment, and chiefly a frantic longing to discredit the reality of what was, and had been, a momentary scorn came uppermost. " So! " she cried. " And that 's all he had to say! " She caught the letter from Eastori's hand, ran her eye swiftly over the closing page, and flung it back to him. " Yes, he was afraid to write it, two hundred miles away ; he leaves it all to me. Well, then, I will tell you Oh," she broke off, " do you love me very, very much? Yes, / must tell you, for there is no one else, and, no matter what happens, you must know it." She looked at him in an agony of terror and pity; she could not take her eyes from him while she spoke the words that now came. " He was in love with me; he said so the last moment I saw him; he was so from the first. It was that which made him quarrel with you, and it is that which makes him he thinks I 've told you ask your pity now." In the ghastly silence that ensued, they found that they had both risen, and he stood with one hand resting against the trunk of the birch beneath which they had been sitting; Gilbert's letter had fallen, and lay on the ground between them. Easton made no answer, and tried to make none, standing in a hapless maze. The silence seemed interminable ; but it was also intolerable; she recalled him to himself with a wild ' Well ! ' ' Then he seemed to find his voice a great way off, and a husky murmur preceded his articu late speech. " Have I kept you apart? " he asked. " Do you love him? " " Love him? I loathe him ! " She shuddered to see the hope that rushed into his face, when he said, " Then I pity him with all my heart. How could he help loving you? " She wrung her hands in despair. " Oh, why don't you kill me, and spare me this? How can I tell you and make you understand ? He never would have dared to speak to me if I had not He never would have dared to speak if he had believed I loved you! " " Do you love me? " he asked, as if he regarded nothing else but that, and he searched with his clear gaze the eyes which she was powerless to avert. She tried to speak, and could not. The shame, more cruel than any crime can bring, which a man feels in such a dis illusion, crimsoned his pale visage, and his head fell upon his breast. Again the terrible silence held them both. " Oh, don't, don't!" she wailed, at last. " What must you think of me? I did believe that I loved you once that day when you asked me; and then when you were taken sick, and I thought you might die, how could I help caring for you? And afterwards, when you were better, and you never showed any misgiving, I couldn't undeceive you; it had to go on. I always respected you more than any one in the world ; you 're the best man I ever saw ; better than I ever dreamed of; it frightened me to think how far too good for me you were. And why do you blame me so much, 568 Private Theatricals. [May, now? " she piteously implored. " You said, once, that you did n't ask me to love you; that all you wanted was to love me. ' ' Easton rubbed his hand wearily over his forehead, and drew a long breath. " If I blamed you, I was wrong," he an swered gravely. " It was my fault." His hand began to tremble on the birch, and he sank down on the rock where he had been sitting. She saw his faltering, and dropped on her knees before him, and instinctively cast one arm about him to support him. He put it away. " I 'tn perfectly well," he said, with his deathly face. " But I shall sit here a while before I go back to the house. Don't don't let me keep you." The dismissal seemed to strike her back from him, but she did not rise. She only dropped her face in the hollow of her rejected arm, and moaned, " Oh, how you must despise me. But don't drive me from you! " "I didn't mean that," he said; "I thought of sparing you." " But don't spare me! It 's that that drives me wild. I want you to tell me what it is I 've done. I want you to judge me." " Judge yourself, Rosabel. I will not." " But 1 can't have any mercy on my self! Oh, keep me from myself! Don't cast me off ! I know I 'm not worthy of you, but if you love me, take me! I will be a good wife to you, indeed I will." " Oh, no," said Easton, in the tone of a man hurt beyond all solace, who faint ly refuses some compassionately prof fered, impossible kindness. " I have loved you, Heaven knows how dearly, and I could have waited patiently any length of time in the hope of your love; that was what I meant when I said I did n't ask you to love me then. But now " She must have felt the exquisite man liness of his intention towards her. Per haps she contrasted the grandeur which would not reproach her by a word or look, with the relentless bitterness in which Gilbert had retaliated all upon her. She had always admired Easton; it may be that in this moment she felt a thrill of the supreme tenderness. She suddenly clung to his arm. " But I want you to take me ! " she cried. " Don't you trust me? Don't you think I know my own heart, even now ? Oh, if you will only believe in me again, I know I shall love you! " " No! " said Easton, " I love you too much for that. ' ' " And is it all over, then? Do you break your engagement ? ' ' " It 's broken. You must go free of me. I know you would try to give me what you cannot; but only misery could come of trying. It would be worse than my mistake with Gilbert, when I accept ed a sacrifice from him that no man should accept from another, because I believed that I could have done as much for him. We thought it, our bond of friendship, but it must always have been a galling chain to him. And you are asking to do a thousand times more than he did! No, no; you would only be starving yourself to beggar me. If you loved me, all that 's happened would be nothing ; but if you had married me with out loving me, you would have done me a wrong that I could never have par doned. Don't accuse yourself," he said. " If you had loved me, nothing of all this could have happened. Think of that. It was my mistake more than yours; you were unfairly bound to me. Come," he said, rising with a sudden access of strength that belied his pale looks, "I must go to-day." And he led the way back to the house in a si lence which neither broke. She did not answer him by words, then or afterwards. But when they en tered the dark of the hall doorway to gether, she expressed all by an action which was not the less characteristic for being so humble and childlike; she caught up his hand, and, holding it a moment with a clinging stress, carried it to her mouth and reverently kissed it. That was their farewell, and it was both silent and passive on his part. He looked at her with eyes that she did not meet, and moved his lips as if he would say something, but made no sound. 1876.] Private Theatricals. 569 XIV. The next morning, after Mrs. Farrell had gone, Rachel went with mechanical exactness about the work of putting in order the room where Easton had lain sick. Her mother came to the door, and, looking in, hesitated a moment before she crossed the threshold and sat down in the chair that stood just inside. " I don't know as you 've got any call to hurry so about it, Rachel," she said, with a granite quiet. " I 'd just as soon, mother ; I 'd rather," answered the girl as stonily, not ceasing from her work. The mother put her hand to her pas sive mouth and then rubbed it up over her cheek and across her forehead, and drew a long, noiseless breath, following the movements of her daughter about the room with her eyes. ' ' I suppose we shan't hear from Benny, hardly, for a week or more," she said after a pause of several minutes. Rachel did not re ply, and her mother asked, after another pause, "Rachel, what do you believe made him so set on going away? Do you think it was " "I don't want you should ask me, mother, anything" answered Rachel, nervously. The mother waited a moment before she said, perhaps with that insensibili ty to others' nerves which years often bring, " I was afraid the boy might have got to caring about her. Do you think he had?" " Yes, I think he had," replied Ra chel, abruptly, as if the words had been wrenched from her. Once more the mother waited before she spoke. She had never talked gossip with her children, and perhaps she was now reconciling to her conscience the appearance of gossip in what she had to say. " I always thought," she began, ' ' that they were both as fine young men as I almost ever saw. I never saw more of a friend than the other one was to this one. Do you think she was much sorry for what she did to part them V " " Yes, I think she was. She did more than she meant, and I don't know as we ought to be made to answer for more harm than we mean." "No," said Mrs. Woodward. "At least it is n't for us to say, here. Did you like her as well at the last as you used to? " " Yes, I liked her," answered Rachel. " Nobody could help that. She was very unhappy, and I never had any call to feel hard against her on my own account." " I don't know as I ever knew a per son quite like her," mused Mrs. Wood ward. " I don't know as I should ever rightly understand her, and I won't judge her, for one: she '11 find plenty to do that. I don't believe but what her feel ings were led away for a while by the other one, and I don't see as they ever rightly came back to this one, even sup posing that she ever did care much for him." " Oh, mother, mother, mother! " the girl broke out, and cast herself into a chair, and hid her face on the bed. A distress passed over the stony com posure of the elder woman's face, but she sat quiet, and did not go near her child or touch her. What comfort her children got from her went from heart to heart, or rather from conscience to conscience, without open demonstration; she hid her natural affections as if they were sins, but they ruled her in secret, and doubtless now her heart bled with the pity her arms withheld. She did not move from her place, and while the girl sobbed out the secret of a love which she had never yet owned to herself, the mother did not show by any sign or change of countenance that the revelation either surprised or shocked her. She may indeed have always suspected it, but however that was, she now accepted the fact as she would any calamity, in silence, and whatever inward trouble it gave her did not appear even to the soli tude in which Rachel's hidden face left her. She waited patiently, but when at last the girl lifted her face, and sat with her head thrown back and her eyelids fallen, the mother still did not speak ; she left her to deal with her pain alone, as 570 Private Theatricals. [May, was best. But that evening she came to Rachel's chamber* with her lamp in her hand, and took her place near her where she lay listless in her rocking-chair. "Before Mrs. Gilbert went away," the mother abruptly began, " she came and had a little talk with me about you, Rachel. I never told you, and I don't know as I ever should." Rachel gave no token of interest. Mrs. Woodward went on : ' ' She seemed to think a good deal of that picture of yours, and she spoke as if you 'd ought not to neglect any prov idence that put it in your way to im prove yourself. I don't use her words, but that 's what they come to in the end. She said if you would like to go down and study drawing in Boston or New York, this winter, she wanted I should let her lend you the money to do it. I was put to it what to say without seeming to hurt her feelings. I did n't make any direct answer at the time, and I haven't since. I wa'n't sure in my own mind whether we should do right to accept of such an offer unless we could see our way clear to pay the mon ey back, and what made me more doubt ful was her saying that you 'd ought to be very certain of your own feelings, whether you really wanted to be a paint er or not, for if you didn't it would be a misery every way if you was one. I don't know a great deal about such things, but I thought that was sensible. She said there wa'n't any doubt about youi making a living that way, if once you gave your mind to it. ' ' Still Rachel did not change her post ure or expression, but she passed her fingers over the hem of her apron across her lap. " As to the money," Mrs. Woodward went on, "there's your school-money in the bank; you 've worked hard enough for that, and it 's rightfully yours. I know you meant to give it to James for his schooling, but now it don't seem quite fair you should. Why don't you take it yourself, and go off somewheres, " and study, the way Mrs. Gilbert said? " "I don't want the money, mother," said the girl, coldly. Mrs. Woodward waited a while be fore she asked, " Don't you feel sure 't you want to study in that way? " " Yes, I think I could do it. Of course it is n't as if I were a man, but I believe I could be a painter, and I should like it better than teaching." " Then why don't you take up with the idea? It would be a little change for you; and maybe, if you was away from the place for a while, you might get to feeling differently." The mother was patient with her daughter while the 'girl sat thinking. The countenance of neither changed, when at last the girl broke silence, and said very steadily, " I might go in the spring, mother. But I 'm going to stay here this winter. If I 've got any trouble, I can't run away from it, and I would n't if I could. If the trouble is here, the help is here, too, I presume." After a little pause, she added, "I don't want you should speak to me about it again, mother ever. ' ' The mother said nothing, but awk wardly rose, and moved shyly to where her daughter sat. Her mouth trembled, but, whatever intent she had, she ended by merely laying on the girl's head her large, toil-worn, kitchen-coarsened hand, with its bony knuckles and stubbed, broken nails. She let it rest there a moment and then went softly out of the room. XV. In an orchestra - chair at the theatre sat a stout, good-natured looking gen tleman, iron - gray where he was not bald, with a double chin smooth-shaven between iron -gray whiskers, and beside him sat a lady somewhat his junior in appearance, pale and invalid- like, to whom the strong contrast of her silvery hair and her thick, dark eyebrows gave a singular distinction; from some little attentions and neglects it could be seen that they were husband and wife. The husband seemed tranquilly expectant, and the wife nervously so, and as they talked together, waiting for the curtain to rise, he spoke in a slow, rich, easy 1876.] Private Theatricals. 571 voice, with a smile of amiable humor, while she had a more eager and sarcas tic air, which at times did not veil a real anxiety of feeling. " And that is just where you miscon ceive the whole affair," the lady was saying. "I don't see," said the gentleman. " Why," demanded the lady despair ingly, "can't you imagine a woman's liking to triumph over people with her beauty, and yet meaning it to be a pure ly aesthetic triumph? " "No, I can't," said the gentleman, with placid candor. " Well, women can," said the lady conclusively, and the gentleman sub mitted in silence. Presently he asked, "Is n't she rather old for a novice? " " She's twenty -six, if you call that old. She 's a novice to the stage, but she 's been an actress all her life." The gentleman laughed in the content ed fashion of gentlemen who think their wives are wits, and said, " I think you 're decidedly hard upon her to-night, Susan. It seems to me you have been more mer ciful at times." " Oh, at times! I've never been of one mind about her half an hour to gether, and I don't expect to be hard upon her the whole evening, now. The last day I saw her at the farm, as I 've often told you, I pitied her from the bottom of my heart, but before we said good-by, I suspected that I had been the subject of one of her little dramatic ef fects. Can't you imagine a person who really feels all she thinks she ought to feel at any given time? " ' ' No." said the gentleman, with cheer ful resignation, "that's beyond my depth again." " Well, she 's that kind; or I 've fan cied so in my skeptical moods about her. If she dramatizes her part to-night half as well as she used to dramatize herself, she '11 be a great actress. But that re mains to be seen. When I first heard she was going on the stage, it seemed like a clew to everything; she says she always wanted to be an actress; and I felt that it was a perfect inspiration. It would give her excitement and admira tion, and it would multiply the subjects of her effects to any extent. It always did seem a ridiculous waste that she should merely fascinate one man at a time; she ought to have had thousands. But I 'in not so certain, now, after all, that she 's found her destiny." "Why?" " Why, a stage success might be very much to her taste, while she might n't at all like the trouble of making it. I think she has a real theatrical genius, but I suppose the stage takes a great deal of self - denial and constancy, and she 's fickle as the wind." " Oh come, now, Susan, you know you said yesterday that after all you did believe she had a lasting regard for William's friend." " Yes, that 's a great puzzle and mys tery. Perhaps it was because she had broken with him. I did n't infer from anything she said that their acquaintance now was of anything but a friendly sort. I wish I had felt authorized to ask just how it was renewed," said the lady re gretfully. "I wish you had. I should have liked to know. There must be some thing extraordinary about her to enable her to keep him for a friend after all that happened." " Oh, did I ever pretend there was n't something extraordinary about her? There was everything extraordinary about her ! And there are times when I can't help admiring a sort of moral hero ism she had. I think she was fascinat ed for a while with the dreadf ulness of flirting with William under the circum stances; but not one woman in a thou sand would have had the courage to do what she did when she found it was be coming serious with him." "Very likely. But I have a higher opinion of women. My sense of right and wrong has not been shaken, like some people's, by this enchantress. I can't help thinking it might not have been so rough on him if her moral hero ism had begun a little sooner: say before the flirtation." " Oh, the more I think about it, the 572 Private Theatricals. [May, less I pity him in that matter. He knew perfectly well that he was doing wrong. Men ought to do right, even if it does n't please women. ' ' The gentleman bowed his bald head in a fit of laughter. " I have no doubt those were Eve's very words to Adam," he chuckled; but the lady, without laugh ing, continued, " And when the worst had come to the worst with Easton, it seems she did n't spare herself. She told him everything.' ' " Perhaps she might have spared him somewhat if she had not been quite so frank." " It was her duty to tell him! " re joined the lady, sternly, " and I honor her for doing it. She never could have gone on and married him, with all that in her heart." " At any rate she didn't go on and marry him. And I shall always con tend that she was a hardly-used woman ; engaging herself to a man she merely pitied, under the mistaken impression that she was in love with him, and then, when she found that she didn't want his friend either, dismissing the poor fellow with a final misgiving that perhaps she did like him, after all. I say it 's a case of unmerited suffering, if ever there was one." " Oh, it 's all very well! But how do you reconcile such contradic tions? " "I don't. But I'm certain of one thing: she was n't trying any of her lit tle dramatic effects on you, when she called yesterday and made you her con fidante." The gentleman here laughed so loud that the sound of his own voice alarmed him. He looked round, and saw that the seats about them were rap idly filling up, and he fell to studying his play-bill with conscious zeal. By and by he turned again to his wife, and whispered, " Idon'tjthink William's peace of mind was permanently affected by his romance with your friend; he ap peared to be in good spirits the other day when I saw him in New York, and was taking a good deal of interest in the fine arts, I fancied, from his behavior to your little protegee." " William has been very polite and very good ; I shall always feel grateful to him for his kindness to her. He must have found it difficult at first; she 's very odd, and does n't invite attention, though of course she 's glad of it, at heart. Yes, it was very, very considerate, and I shall take it as the greatest favor that William could have done me." "Well, I don't know. He didn't seem to be regarding the affair in the light of a self-sacrifice. Suppose he had rather lost the sense of it 's being a favor to you?" " I should like that all the better." Those who remember the impression made among people who knew of her, by the announcement that Mrs. Farrell was going upon the stage, will recall the curi osity which attended her appearance in Boston, after her debut in a Western city, where she had played a season. There is always something vastly pitiable in the first attempts of a woman to please the public from the stage; this is especially the case if she is not to the theatre born, and confronts in her audience the faces she has known in the world; and her au dience may have felt a peculiar forlorn- ness in Mrs. Farrell's position: at any rate it showed itself the kindest of houses, and seized with eager applause every good point of her performance. Her beauty in itself was almost sufficient to achieve success for her. It had never appeared to greater advantage. During the first two acts, it seemed to prosper from moment to moment, under all those admiring eyes, like the immediate gift of Heaven, as if she were inspired to be more and more beautiful by her con sciousness of her beauty's power; and whether she walked or sat, or only stirred in some chosen posture amidst the volume of her robe?, she expressed a grace that divinely fascinated. Her girlish presence enabled her to realize the Juliet to many whose sensitive ideal refused the robust pretensions of more mature actresses; she might have played the part well or not, but there could be no question but she looked it. She had costumed it with a splendor which 1876.] Private Theatricals. 573 the modern taste might have accused of overdressing, but which was not dis cordant with a poetic sense of the mag nificence of mediaeval Verona. Her Ju liet was no blonde, Gretchen-like maid en, in blue and white, but an impas sioned southern girl in the dark reds and rich greens that go well with that beauty; she might have studied her dress from that of some superb patrician in a canvas of Cagliari. But with her beau ty, her grace, and her genius for look ing and dressing the character, her per fect triumph ended; there was some thing perplexingly indefinite in the nat ure or the cause of her failure, at those points where she failed. To some she simply appeared unequal to a sustained imagination of the character. Others thought her fatigued by the physical ef fort, which must be a very great one. Perhaps no one was of a very decided mind about her performance. "It was good, yes and it wasn't good, either," said one of those critical spirits, rather commoner in Boston than elsewhere, who analyze and refine and re -refine and shrink from a final im pression, with a perseverance that leaves one in doubt whether they have any opinion about the matter. "I should say she had genius, yes; genius for some thing I don't know; I suppose the drama. I dare say I saw her without the proper perspective; I was crowded so close to her by what I 'd heard of her off the stage, don't you know. I don't think the part was well chosen; and yet she did some things uncommonly well; all that passionate love-making of the first part was magnificent; but there was some detracting element, even there I don't know what; I suppose she did n't let you think enough of Juliet ; you could n't help thinking how very charming she was, herself; she realized the part the wrong way. There was inspiration in it, and I should say study; yes, there was a good deal of study; but after all it wasn't so much art as it was nature and artifice. It wanted smoothness, unity; perhaps that might come, by and by. She had a very kind house; you know what our au diences usually are; they would n't turn the thumb down, but they 'd make an unlucky gladiator wish they would. But they were very good to her, last night, and applauded her hits like a little man. She did n't seem to have given herself a fair chance. Perhaps she was n't ar tistically large enough for the theatre. I should n't have said, at first, that she was particularly suggestive of the home circle; very likely, if I 'd met her off the stage, I should have pronounced her too theatrical; and yet there was a sort of appealing domesticity about her, after all especially in her failures. It's a pity she could n't take some particular line of the profession, in which she could somehow produce a social effect, don't you know! I '11 tell you what; she could do something perfectly charming in the way of what they call sketches char acter sketches little morsels of drama that she could have all to herself, with the audience in her confidence a sort of partner in the enterprise, like the audience at private theatricals. That 's it; that 's the very thing! She 'd be the greatest possible success in private the atricals." "Well, Robert, it's better than I ever dreamt she could do," said Mrs. Gilbert, as they drove home from the theatre. " But what a life for a wom an! How hard and desolate at the best. Well, she 's sufficiently punished!" "Yes," said her husband, "it's a great pity they could n't somehow make up then- minds to marry each other. ' ' " Never! There are things they can never get over. ' ' "Oh, people get over all sorts of things. And even according to your own showing, she behaved very well when it came to the worst." " Yes, I shall always say that of her. But she was to blame for it 's coming to the worst. No, a whole life-time would n't be enough to atone for what she 's done." " It would n't, in a romance. But in life you have to make some allowance for human nature. I had no idea she was so charming." " Robert," said Mrs. Gilbert, sternly, 574 The Antietam /Statue. [May, " do you think it would be right for a woman to be happy after she had made others so wretched ? ' ' " Well, not at once. But I don't see how her remaining unhappy is to help matters. You say that you really think she does like him, after all? " " She would hardly talk of anything else where he was, and what he saw, and what he said. Yes, I should say she does like him." " Then I don't see why he should n't come back from Europe and marry her, when she makes her final failure on the stage. I would, in his place." " My dear, you know you would n't! " "Well, then, he would in my place. Have it your own way, my love." Mr. Gilbert seemed to think he had made a joke, but his wife did not share his laugh. " Robert," she said, after a thought ful pause, " the lenient way in which you look at her is worse than wrong; it 's weak." " Very likely, my dear; but I can't help feeling it 's a noble weakness. Why, of course I know that she spread a ruin round, for a while, but, as you say, it seems to have been more of a ruin than she meant; and there 's every proba bility that she 's been sorry enough for it since." ' ' Oh ! And so you think such a per son as that can change by trying and atone for what she 's done by being sorry for it! " said Mrs. Gilbert, with scorn. " Well, Susan, I should not like to be such a heathen as not to think so," responded her husband, with an as sumption none the less intolerable be cause, while his position was in itself in.pregnable, it left a thousand things to be said. W. D. Howells. THE ANTIETAM STATUE. STEADFAST and sad he stands, his level eyes Asking stern question of eternal Fate. That silent host of dead before him lies, Whose wondrous, woeful loss no years abate; Whose legend all the rolling plains relate, The wind that wails, the unrelenting skies. What have these done? " the answering echo cries; Their life, their love, their youth's sweet promise gone; Gone in a day their gilded destinies. What evil errand have their swift lives done To be so clipt, like insects in the sun ; And this gaunt stone to mock their memories ? ' ' Stone art thou! God in each true soul replies, These men who died for man outlive all earth and skies." Rose Terry Cooke. 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