THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS B PART I B— BJ PHILOSOPHY PRINTED AS MANUSCRIPT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE For sale by the 1910 Superintendent or Documents Price 15c Government Printing Offl.ce LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS B PART 1 B— BJ PHILOSOPHY PRINTED AS MANUSCRIPT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 L. C. card, 10-35001 PREFATORY NOTE. The following scheme represents the present arrangement of the collection of Philosophical works in the Library of Congress. In its preparation various systems of classification have been consulted and freely used, notably Cutter, Dewey (especially its expanded form represented in the Manuel, 1904, of the Institut international de bibliographic, Bruxelles), Hartwig, Schleiermacher, the Bibli- ography of Benjamin Rand, the Psychological index, and the index to the Zeitschrift fur psychologie und physiologie der sinnesorgane. It seemed that in this class a desired degree of consistency or uni- formity of treatment was not attainable in the distribution of the works of particular philosophers by subject, owing to lack of issues of such works in separate form, the only existing or available editions in many cases forming part of collections, collected works, or combi- nations of two or more special works. It was thought best, therefore, to keep together the resources of the library on a given writer, pro- viding for the representation of special works under the subject or subjects concerned by filing reference entries in the shelf list under Logic, Metaphysics, Psychology, Ethics, and more specific subjects, as the case might be. Although duplicating to a certain extent the arrangement of the alphabetical catalogue, this appeared to be the only method by which great irregularity of treatment could be avoided. It may also be noted that the schedules contain a number of names of writers of minor importance who happen to be represented in the collection. These were included chiefly for the purpose of illustrating the method of treatment of such classes of material. The group Occult Sciences has been appended to the literature of Psychology, owing to the difficulty of clearly separating the same from the literature of Metapsychology or Psychic Research, the one shading into the other without presenting any marked line of cleavage. This reason may also be advanced for placing Manners, Social Cus- toms, and Etiquette at the end of Ethics. The Greek and Latin classic authors may be collected eventually in Class PQ (Classic literature), to be represented in Philosophy by PREFATORY NOTE reference entries in the shelf list only. It has not been thought nec- essary to adopt for the schedules the fuller and more exact forms of name of classic writers which govern in the catalogues of the library. Throughout the preparation of the scheme I have had the counsel and criticism of Mr. Charles Martel, the Chief Classifier. Edwin Wiley Classifier in charge of Philosophy and Political Science Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, March 15, 1910. Explanation of Abbreviations, Symbols, etc. Headings marked with an asterisk (*) may be subdivided : (0) Early works (including Latin and Greek). (1) English. (2) French. (3) German. (4) Italian. (5) Spanish. (6) (7) (8) Other, A-Z. The numbers in curves (1) (2) (3) (4) following a heading or name refer to the corresponding tables of subdivisions, printed at the end (pp. 93-94), which may be applied in subdividing those subjects (with such modifications as may seem desirable in special cases) Philosophers not represented in the scheme may be provided for as required, in their alphabetical positions, by using unassigned num- bers, or Cutter numbers, e. g., B 3638 Romagnosi, B 3616.F4 Ferri. SYNOPSIS B COLLECTIONS. HISTOBY. SYSTEMS. Collections. 1-8 Periodicals. 11-18 Societies. 18-20 Congresses. 21-28 Collections. 31 Yearbooks. 41-48 Dictionaries. 49-50 Terminology. Nomenclature. 51 Encyclopedic works* 52 Study and teaching. 53-67 Theory. Method. Scope. Eelations. 56 Relation to theology and religion 61 Relation to history. 63 Relation to economics and sociology. 65 Relation to law and political science. 66 Relation to literature. 67 Relation to science. 68 Curiosa. Miscellany. Satire, etc. 69-785 History and systems. 69-103 Comprehensive works (History). 108-118 Ancient. 121-138 Orient. 140-144 Egypt. 145-9 Assyria-Babylonia. 150-4 Persia. 155-9 Hebrews. 165-491 Greece. 171-175 History. 178-491 Special. 178 Relation of philosophy to Greek life and literature. 181 Influence of Greek philosophy on modern thought. 188-491 By period. 188-258 First period. 193 Atomism. 196 Eleatics. 199 Pythagoreanism. 205-258 Individual philosophers. 265-319 Second period. 271-288 General works. 271-288 Special topics. 271 Eclecticism. 274 Elean-Eretrian school. 279 Hedonism (Cyrenaicism). 285 Megarian school. 288 Sophism. 293-319 Individual philosophers. SYNOPSIS History and systems. Greece. By period. 335-491 Third period. 335 General works. Special topics. 341 Peripatetics. 350-491 Individual philosophers. 350-398 Plato. 400-491 Aristotle. 605-626 Greco-Roman philosophy. 505 General works. 508-531 Special topics. 508 Cynicism. 511 Dogmatism. 512 Epicureanism. 514 Moralists. 517 Neo-Platonism. 519 Neo-Pythagoreanism. 522 Peripatetics (Greco- Roman). 525 Scepticism (Pyrrhonism). 528 Stoicism. 531 Syncretism. 535-626 Individual philosophers. 630-708 Alexandrian and Early Christian philosophy. 631 General works. 635-645 Special topics. 635 Apologists. 638 Gnosticism. 641 Manicheism. 645 Neo-Platonism. 650-708 Individual philosophers. 720-765 Medieval philosophy. 721 General works. 723-725 General special. 723 Influence of Oriental philosophy. 725 Influence of Aristotle. 728-737 Special topics. Conceptualism (see Nominalism and realism) 728 Mysticism. 731 Nominalism and realism. 734 Scholasticism. 737 Summism. 741-753 Arabian and Moorish philosophers. 755-759 Hebrew philosophers. 765 European philosophers. 775-785 Renaissance philosophy. 775 General works. 778-779 Special topics. 778 Humanism. 779 Scepticism. 781-785 Individual philosophers. SYNOPSIS History and systems. 790-4651 Modern philosophy. 791-798 Comprehensive works. • 802-804 By period. 802 18th century. 803 19th century. 804 20th century. 808-843 Special topics. 808 Agnosticism. (809) Criticism. 810 Dogmatism. 812 Dualism. 814 Eclecticism. 816 Empiricism (Associationalism). 818 Evolution. 821 Humanism. Neo-humunism. 823 Idealism (Transcendentalism). 825 Materialism. 827 Monism. 828 Mysticism. 829 Pessimism. 831 Positivism. 832 Pragmatism. 833 Rationalism. 835 Realism. 837 Scepticism. 839 Scholasticism. 841 Spiritualism. 843 Utilitarianism. 851-945 United States. 851-855 Comprehensive works (History). 858 Compends, outlines, etc. 861 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 865-945 By period. 865-876 Colonial (to circa 1750). 878-889 Revolutionary period. 893-945 19th century. 901-931 Early 19th century (to circa 1860). 903-905 Special topics. 903 Scotch philosophy, Influence of. 905 Transcendentalism, Brook farm, phy, etc. Concord school of philoso- 908-931 Individual philosophers. 934-945 Later 19th century. 938-943 Special topics. 938 Evolution in the United States. 941 Idealism in the United States — 943 Monism in the United States. 945 Individual philosophers. 981-995 Canada and British America. SYNOPSIS History and systems. Modern philosophy. 1001-1004 Spanish America. 1015-1019 Mexico. 1025 Central America. 1028 Tuba and West Indies. 10110-1084 South America. 1111-1G74 England. 1111-1118 Comprehensive works (History). 1121 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 1131-l(i74 By period. 1138-1299 17th century. 1138-1299 Individual philosophers. 1 1T> 1-1 183 Bacon, Francis. 1203-1248 Ilobbes 1253-1298 Locke. 1300-1558 18th century. 1301 General works. 1303-1397 Individual philosophers. 1303-1349 Berkeley. 1401-1558 Scottish philosophers. 1401 General works. 1403-1558 Individual philosophers. 1450-1499 Hume. 1561-1674 19th century. 1561-1565 Comprehensive works (Iiistory). 1567 Essays and other miscellaneous. 1568 71 Special topics. Evolution (see B 841). 1568 Neo-llegelianism (19th century English c mly) 1579 Rationalism (19th century English only). 1571 Utilitarianism. 1573-1612 Earlier 19th century, to 1860-70. 1574-1612 Individual philosophers. 1015-1674 Later 19th century. , 1618-1674 Individual philosophers. 1801-2415 France. 1801-1805 Comprehensive works (History). 1809 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 181.5-2415 By period. 1815-1903 17th ceutury. 1836-1903 Individual philosophers. 1836-1878 DescartiH. 1911-2178 18th century. 1911 General works. 1914 1925 Special topics. 1914 Ideology. 1917 Scepticism. 1921 Traditionalism. 1925 Other, A-Z. 2109 2178 Individual philosophers. 2185 2415 19th century. 2191 2415 Individual philosophers. 10 SYNOPSIS History and systems. Modern philosophy. 2521-3395 Germany. 2535-3395 By period. 2535-2609 17th century. 2545-2609 Individual philosophers. 2550-2599 Leibnitz. 2615-2728 18th century. 2615 General works. 2621-2628 Special topics. 2621 Die Aufkldrung . 2741-3175 Later 18th and early 19th century. 2741 General works. 2745-48 Special topics. 2745 German transcendental idealism 2748 Other, A-Z. 2750-3175 Individual philosophers. 2750-2799 Kant. 2800-2849 Fichte. 2850-2899 Schelling. 2900-2949 Hegel. 3100-3149 Schopenhauer. 3181-3399 Later 19th century. 3181 General works. 3185-3197 Special topics. 3185 Idealism. 3188 Materialism. 3191 Naturalism. 3194 Pessimism. 3197 Positivism. 3200-3395 Individual philosophers. 3501-3515 Greece (modern). 3551-3561 Italy. 3571-3648 By period. 3571-3583 17th century. 3591-98 18th century. 3601-3648 19th century. 3601 General works. 3605-08 Special topics. 3605 Positivism. 3608 Scholasticism. 3612-3648 Individual philosophers. 3801-4173 The Netherlands. 3801 General works. 3871-4098 By period. 3871-4000 17th century. 3900-4000 Individual philosophers. 3900-3949 Geulinex. 3951-3999 Spinoza. 4005-4028 18th century. 4041-1148 Holland. 4151-1173 Belgium. 11 SYNOPSIS History and systems. Modern philosophy. 4201-4278 Eussia. 4211^278 By period. 4211-4218 17th and 18th centuries. 4231-4278 19th century. 4301^489 Scandinavia. 4325-4389 Denmark. 4411-4438 Norway. 4455-4489 Sweden. 4511-4598 Spain and Portugal. 4561-68 Spain. 4591-98 Portugal. 4625-4651 Switzerland. BC LOGIC Collections. 1 Periodicals. 4 Societies. 6 Collections. 9 Dictionaries. 11-39 History. [41-49] [Special systems and theories. (Works that would be classed here at present in B, General philosophic systems.)] 50-57 Theory, nature, scope, and relations. 51 Relation to speculative philosophy. 53 Relation to psychology. 55 Relation to ethics. 57 Other. 59 Study and teaching. Treatises. 60-78 Deductive logic and combinations of deductive and inductive. 80-99 Inductive and empirical logic. 101-117 Compends, text-books, etc. 121-199 Special. 121 Genetic and evolutionary logic. 131-135 Symbolic and algebraic logic. 137-138 Mechanical logical methods and systems. "Logic machines." 141 Logic of chance. Probability. 151-161 Logic for professional classes. 151 Lawyers. 156 Legislators. 161 Other, by class, A-Z. 171-199 Special topics. 171 Truth and error. Certitude. 177 Reasoning, argumentation, etc 181 Propositions. 183 Hypothesis. 185 Syllogisms. Enthymeme. Sorites. Dilemma, etc. 199 Other, by subject, A-Z. 12 SYNOPSIS BD GENERAL PHILOSOPHICAL TREATISES, METAPHYSICS, ETC. 10-41 General philosophical treatises. 30-35 Compends and text-books. 41 Lectures, miscellany, pamphlets, etc. 100-708 Metaphysics. 150-241 Epistemology. Theory of knowledge. 181-240 Special. 181 Origin and sources of knowledge. Intuitionalism. Rationalism. Sensationalism. Empiricism. 201 Limits of knowledge. Criticism. Skepticism. Positivism. Agnosticism. Solipsism. Nihilism. 211 The unknowable. Ding an sich. 215 Belief. Faith. 221 Relativity of knowledge. 232 Theory of values. Werth. 235 Abstraction. Generalization. 240-241 Methodology. Classification of the sciences. 303-444 Ontology. Cf. Q 177. 331-444 Special. 331 Being. Nature of reality. Substance. Dualism. Materialism. Subjective idealism. Spiritualism. 352 Phenomenalism. Attributes of being. 373 Change. 394 Unity and plurality. 411 Finite and infinite. The conditioned and unconditioned. 416 The absolute. 420422 The soul, Immortality of, etc. 426 Pre-existence of the soul. Metempsychosis. 428 Soul of animals. 431 Life, Problem of. 444 Death, Problem of. 493-708 Cosmology. 530-652 Special. 530-595 Teleology. Causation. Final cause. 553-595 Special. 553 Mechanism. Mechanical theories of the universe (including Mechanism and Theism). 555 Theism. 558 Pantheism. 573 Philosophy of religion. 13 SYNOPSIS Metaphysics. Cosmology. Special. Teleology. Causation. Final cause. Special — Con ti n ue< 1 . 581 Philosophy of nature. 591 Cause and effect. 595 Change. Evolution, see B 818, QH. 621 Space. 626 Space and matter. 638 Time. 643 Number and quantity. 645 Cosmic harmony. 646 Matter, Structure of. Atomism, etc. 652 Matter and motion. Force. 701 Miscellaneous speculations. Curiosa, etc 708 Pamphlets. BF PSYCHOLOGY. Collections. 1-8 Periodicals. Cf. Philosophy, B 1-8; Psychic research, BF 1002- 11-18 Societies. 10 Congresses. 21-28 Collected works. Monographs, etc. 31 Dictionaries. 38-67 Theory, scope, and relations. 39 Statistical methods. 41-67 Special. 41 Relation to speculative philosophy. 44 Relation to logic. 47 Relation to ethics. 51 Relation to theology. 54 Relation to pedagogy. 57 Relation to sociology. 61 Relation to law. 64 Relation to natural sciences. 67 Psychology and life. 77 Study and teaching. 81-88 History of the science. 110-141 Treatises. 150-171 Mind and body. 173 Pathologic psychology. General treatises. 181-295 Physiological and experimental psychology. Anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. 231-295 Sensation. 241-295 Special senses. 241 Vision. 251 Hearing. 261 Taste. 271 Smell. 14 SYNOPSIS Physiological and experimental psychology Sensation. Special senses — Continued. 275 Touch and other cutaneous senses. 281 Temperature sense. 285 Muscle sense. 291 Static senses (Position, equilibrium, etc.). 295 Other. 311-499 Consciousness. 321 Attention. Apperception. 323 Other topics, A-Z, e. g. Expectancy. 335 Habit and accommodation. Inhibition. 341-346 Heredity. 353 Environment. 355 Posture. 357 Imitation. Mimicry. 365-435 Association and reproduction of ideas. 367 Memory. Mental imagery. 408-435 Creative processes. Imagination. Invention. 410 Psychology of inspiration. 412 Genius. 416 Studies of men of genius, by name, A-Z (e. g. Zola). 418 Genius and heredity. 423 Genius and insanity. 426 Genius and degeneration. 431 The age of efficiency, mental virility, etc. 435 Stupidity. Intellectual deficiency, etc. 441 Comparison, judgment, reasoning. 455 Thought and language. Speech. 456 Psychology of reading, spelling, etc.; by subject, A-Z. 458 Symbolism. 468 Psychology of time, space, causality, etc. 475 Time relations, Rhythm, etc. 481 Work and fatigue. 491 Normal illusions. 495 Synesthesia. 497 Colored audition. 498 Number forms. 511-521 Affection. Feeling. Emotion. 515 Pleasure and pain. 521 The feelings. Sensibility. 531-593 Emotion. 585-593 Expression of the emotions. 608-628 Will. Volition (cf. Ethics). 619 Diseases of the will. 620-628 Freedom of the will. Training of the will. 638-645 ' ' New Thought. ' ' 660-935 Comparative, genetic psychology and other special. Comparative psychology 660-678 Animal psychology. 685 Instinct (Comparative studies). 692 Sex psychology. (Comparative studies.) 15 SYNOPSIS Comparative, genetic psychology and other special. 697 Differential psychology (Individuality). 698 Personality. (Cf. Consciousness.) 700-755 Genetic psychology. 717 Psychology of play. 721 Child psychology (restricted to the child mind from evolu- tionary viewpoints). 730 Race and ethnic psychology ( Volkerpsychologie) . 751-755 Psychology of nations. 758 Psychology of meaning. Value. Werth. 781-788 Psychology of evidence. 795-861 Temperament, character, physiognomy and other quasi psychologic systems. 795 Temperament. 818-839 Character. 840-861 Physiognomy. 866-885 Phrenology. 890-905 Graphology. Study of handwriting. 908-935 The hand. METAPSYCHOLOGY. PSYCHIC BESEABCH. PSYCHOLOGY OF THX UNCONSCIOUS, ETC. Collections. 1001-08 Periodicals. 1010-18 Societies. 1021 Congresses. 1023 Collected works. Monographs, etc. 1025 Dictionaries. 1028 History. 1029-30 Beports of commissions, investigations, etc. 1031-38 Treatises. Comprehensive. 1048-63 Hallucinations. Illusions. 1068-73 Sleep. Somnambulism. 1075-99 Dreams. 1111-58 Hypnotism. Suggestion. Animal magnetism. 1161-71 Telepathy. Mind reading, etc. 1211-18 Multiple consciousness. Dissociation of personality, etc. 1225-1339 Spiritism. Communication with discarnate spirits. Spiritualism. 1281-1311 Mediumship. 1281-1283 Cases. 1289 Exposures of mediums. 1291-1311 Spirit messages, inspirational records, etc. 1321-1352 Trance and analogous states. Ecstasy. Sensory and motor automat- ism, etc. 1325 Clairvoyance. 1331 Crystal gazing. 1338 Clairaudience. 1343 Automatic writing. Planchette. 1347 Automatic drawing and painting. 1352 Trance utterance. 16 SYNOPSIS Spiritism. Communication with discarnate spirits. Spiritualism. 1371 Physical phenomena of spiritism. Telekinesis. 1375 Raps. 1378 Materialization. 1381 Spirit photography. 1383 Dematerialization. "Fourth dimension." 1385 Levitation. 1389 Other, A-Z. OCCULT SCIENCES. 1405 Collections. 1410-34 History, etc. 1439 Pamphlets, and other minor. 1445-1486 Ghosts. Apparitions. Haun tings. 1475 Haunted houses. 1481 Apparitions of tho living 1483 Goblins. 1486 Sea specters. "Flying Dutchman," etc. 1501-1561 Demonology. 1505-14 History. 1520-38 General works. 1543 Miscellany: Pamphlets, etc. Special. 1546-61 Satanism. Devil worship, etc. 1552 Elemental spirits. Genii. Elves. Fairies. Gnomes. 1553 The "evil eye." 1555 Possession. Obsession. 1556 Incubi. Succubi. Vampires. 1557 Familiar spirits. 1558 Incantations. Evocations. Grimoire. 1559 Exorcism of demons. 1561 Talismans. Amulets, etc. 1563-84 Witchcraft. 1565-84 History and other general. 1567 Ancient. 1569 Medieval. 1571 Modern. 1573-79 United States. 1575-76 New England: Salem, etc. 1578 Special cases. 1581-84 Other countries. 1585-1628 Magic, White and Black. Herraetics. Kabala. Necromancy. 1597-98 Biography and works of particular magicians and Hermetic philoso- phers. 1600-18 General works. 1623 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 1630-39 Alchemy. 1634 Alkahest. Universal solvent. 1637 Elixir of life. 1639 Philosopher's stone. 607023 O -44-2 17 SYNOPSIS 1651-1728 Astrology. 1715 Tables of declinations, etc. 1718 Medical astrology. 1721 Bible and astrology. 1725 Cyclic law. Periodicity. 1728 Nativities of special individuals, A T Z. 1745-79 Oracles. Sibyls. Divinations. 1777 Omens. Signs. Auguries. 1783-1815 Seers. Prophets. Prophecies. 1815 Biographies and prophecies of individual seers, A-Z. 1850-91 Fortune-telling, etc. Cartomancy. 187G-79 Cartomancy. 1881 Fortune-telling by tea and coffee cups. BH ESTHETICS. BJ ETHICS. Collections. 1-8 Periodicals. 11-18 . Societies. J 9 Congresses. 37-57 Theory, scope, relations. 66 Study and teaching. 68 Particular schools, A-Z. 71-944 History and systems. By period . 101-224 Ancient. 231-255 Medieval (to 1500). 271-285 Renaissance (1500-1700). 301-944 Modern (1700-). 1001-1185 General works (systematic treatises, etc.). 1001-1031 English. 1201-1278 Christian ethics. 1288-1335 Evolutionary and Genetic ethics. 1355-1385 Positive ethics. 1400-1408 Good and evil. 1406 Evil: Origin. Problem of. 1408 Evil: Value of. 14 10-18 Right and wrong. 1420-24 Truth and falsehood. 1430-34 Compromise. 1440-44 Casuistry. 1451 Duty. Obligation. Responsibility. 1460 64 Freedom of the will. 1471 Conscience. 1 174 Altruism and egotism. I 175 Sympathy. Compassion. 1 177 Optimism and pessimism. 18 SYNOPSIS 1480-87 Happiness. 1487 Joy and sorrow. 1491 Hedonism and asceticism. 1493-98 Active vs. meditative life. 1496 the simple life. 1498 Work. Labor and idleness. 1518-1535 Individual ethics. Character. Virtue, etc. 1533 Virtues. 1535 Vices. 1545-1688 Practical and applied ethics. Conduct of life, etc. 1611-88 Special topics. 1611-18 Success. 1631-58 Ethics for children. 1661-68 Ethics for the young man and the young woman. 1671-78 Ethics for the young man. 1681-88 Ethics for the young woman. 1695 Ethics of the body. MANNERS. SOCIAL CUSTOMS. ETIQUETTE. 1801 Collections. Periodicals. 1815 Dictionaries. 1818 Forms, blanks, etc. 1821 History (general and comparative) 1838 Minor works : Lectures, etc. 18U £■$<£. 8 Other, A-Z. Societies. 11 English and American. 12 French and Belgian. 13 German. 14 Italian. 15 Spanish. A^o PoRTu&LA: 18 Other, A-Z. Congresses. 18 Congresses, with permanent organization, by name, A-Z. 20 Other, by date. Collections. _ t(jt 21 English and American. .-if 22 French and Belgian. 23 German. 24 Italian. 25 Spanish. AN£ ~VcQTU&Ues l 28 Other, A-Z. 31 Yearbooks. Dictionaries. 41 English and American. 42 French and Belgian. 43 German. 44 Italian. 45 Spanish. 48 Other, A-Z. Terminology. Nomenclature. 49 General works. 50 Special, by subject, A-Z. 23 B PHILOSOPHY B 51 Encyclopedic works. 52 Study and teaching. (Cf. BF 77, Psychology. Study and teaching. BJ 66, Ethics. Study and teaching.) 53 Theory. Method. Scope. Relations. 56 Relation to theology and religion. (Cf. BD 573.) 61 Relation to history. 63 Relation to economics and sociology. 65 Relation to law and political science. 66 Relation to literature. 67 Relation to science. 68 Curiosa. Miscellany. Satire, etc. HISTORY AND SYSTEMS. Comprehensive works. Compends. Manuals. G9 Latin. English and American. 71 (1) Early works (to circa 1800). 72 (2) Later works. 74 (4) Manuals, outlines, and text-books. (N. B. Translations of foreign works with originals save when largely re- written.) French and Belgian. 76 (1) Early works (to circa 1800). 77 (2) Later works. 79 (4) Manuals, outlines, and text-books. 81-84 German, t 86-89 Italian.f 91-94 Spanish.f 99 Other, A-Z. (Each subdivided like 71-74, using successive ('utter numbers.) 103 Compends for Catholic students. Ancient. 108 Collections. Comprehensive works. 110 Latin. 111 English. 112 French. 113 German. 115 Other, A-Z. Special. 1 18 Nature philosophy of the ancients. t Subdivided like 71-74, or 76-79, 24 B B Orient. 121 General. By country. . 814 Eclecticism. 816 Empiricism (Associationalism) . 818 Evolution. 821 Humanism. Neo-numanism. 823 Idealism (Transcendentalism. General works on the critical philosophy). I For American transcendentalism, see B 905, 825 Materialism. ' J 827 Monism. 828 Mysticism. 829 Pessimism. 831 Positivism. ^JM79.a/*, (General works only. Prefer: B 2200-2249 Comte. 832 Pragmatism. 833 Rationalism. (Cf. B 1569.) 835 Realism. 837 Scepticism. 839 Scholasticism. (For Medieval, see B 734.) 841 Spiritualism. (Prefer B 823.) 843 Utilitarianism. (For English, see B 1571.) United States. Comprehensive works. 851 English. 852 French. 853 German. 855 Other, A-Z. 858 Compends, outlines, etc. 861 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 36 B PHILOSOPHY B 865 868 870-874 876.M2 878 879 880^884 .885 887 893 895 901 903 905 908.A6 .C4 .C6 910-918 921.J2 925-928 931. P5 .R4 .S3 .T4 .U6 .W3 934 935 Modern. United States. By period. Colonial (to circa 1750). General works. . (Including works extending into next period.) Special topics, by subject, A-Z. Individual philosophers. Cf. Theology. Edwards, Jonathan (3). Mather, Cotton. Revolutionary (to circa 1800). General works. Special topics, by subject, A-Z. Individual philosophers. Franklin, Benjamin (3). Jefferson, Thomas. Paine, Thomas. 19th centmy. Comprehensive works. Compends. By period. Early 19th century (to circa 1860). Comprehensive works. Special topics. Scotch philosophy, Influence of. Transcendentalism, Brook Farm, Con- cord school of philosophy, etc. (Cf. Idealism, B 823.) Individual philosophers. Alcott, A. Bronson. Channing, W. E. Clark, James Freeman. Emerson, R. W. (2). James, Henry. McCosh, James (3). Porter, Noah. Ripley, George. Seeley, J. H. Thoreau, H. D. Upham, Thomas C. Wayland, Francis. later 19th centmy (circa 1860 — ). Collections. Comprehensive works. 37 B PHILOSOPHY B Modern. ' United States. later 19th centnry (circa 1860 — ). Special topics. 938 Evolution in the United States 941 Idealism in the United States. (Cf. Transcendentalism, B 905.) 943 Monism in the United States. 945 Individual philosophers, A-Z. .D4 Dewey, John. .E8 Everett, C. C. .F4 Fiske, John. H3 Harris, W. T. J2 James, William. .L2 Ladd, G. T. .R6 Royce, Josiah. Canada. British America. 981 Comprehensive works. 983 Compends. 988 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 995 Individual philosophers, A-Z. Spanish America. 1001 Comprehensive works. 1003 Compends. 1008 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. By country. Under each : (0) Comprehensive workfl. (1) CompendB. (2) Special topics, by subject, A-Z. (3) Individual philosophers, A-Z. 1015-1019 Mexico. 1025 Central America. 1028 Cnba and West Indies. South America. 1030-1034 Argentine Republic. 1035-1039 Bolivia. 1040-1044 Brazil. 1045-1049 Chile. 1050-1054 Colombia. 1055-1059 Ecuador. 1060-1064 Guiana. 1065-1069 Paraguay. 1070-1074 Peru. 1075-1079 Uruguay. 1080-1084 Venezuela. 38 B PHILOSOPHY B 1111 1112 1113 1118 1121 1131 1133 1151 1153 1154 1155 1156 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1165-S9 1170-74 1180 1190-94 1195 1196 1197 Modern. England. Comprehensive works. English. French. German. Other. Special topics, by subject, A-Z. By period. 17th centnry. General works. Special topics, by subject, A-Z. Individual philosophers. Bacon. Dictionaries, lexicons, etc. Collected works. Latin and English, by date. English, by date. Partial editions, extracts, etc., by date. Translations. Greek. French. German. •Italian. Spanish. Other, A-Z. Separate works. Under each: 5 Original edition, by date. 6 1 Editions with commentary, by editor A-Z. 7 2 Selections, etc. 8 3 Translations, by language, eubarranged by translator. 9 4 Criticism, etc., by author, A-Z. I. Latin. Novum organum. De augmentis scientiarum. Other, A-Z. II. English. Advancement of science. Essays, see PR. Sylva sylvarum, see Q155. Other, A-Z. Indexes, outlines, paraphrases, etc. General works (biography, popular accounts, etc.). 39 B PHILOSOPHY B Modem. - England. By period. 17th century. Individual philosphers. Bacon. 1198 Criticism and interpretation. 1199 Special topics, by subject, A-Z, subar- ranged by .author of treatise. 1201. B5 Bromley. .B6 Browne, Sir Thomas. .B7 Burthogge. .C6 Cud worth. .C7 Culverwell. .C8 Cumberland. .D2 Davies. .G2 Gale, Theophilus. .G3 Gale, Thomas. .G5 Glanvil. .H2 Harvey; Gideon. .H3 Herbert of Cherbury. Hobbes. 1203 Collected works, by date. 1205 Partial editions, selections, etc. Translations. 1209 French. 1210 German. 1211 Italian. 1212 Spanish. 1214 Other. Separate works. Subarranged : (0) Original edition (texts), by date. (1) Editions with commentary, by editor, (2) Selections, by date. (3) Translations, by translator, A-Z. (4) Criticism, etc.; by author, A-Z. I. English. 1220 Elements of philosophy. Leviathan, see JC153. 12213 Questions concerning human liberty, neces- sity and chance. 1231 Tripos. 1232 Human nature. 1233 De corpore politico. 1234 Of liberty and necessity. 1235 Other works, A-Z. II. Latin. Elementorum philosophiae. 1239 Sectio I De corpore. 1241 Sectio III De cive. 40 B PHILOSOPHY B Modern. England. By period. 17th centnry. Individual philosophers. Hobbes. Separate works. II. Latin. Examinatio et emendatio mathematical hodier — nae (see QA). 1244 Other works, A-Z. 1245 Indexes, outlines, paraphrases, etc. 1246 General works (biography, popular accounts, etc.), by author, A-Z. 1247 Criticism and interpretation. 1248 Special topics, by subject, A-Z, subarranged by author of treatise. 1249.H6 Hooker. Locke. Collected works. 1253 Texts, by date. 1254 Editions with commentary, by editor, A-Z. 1255 Partial editions, selections, etc. Translations, by translator, A-Z. 1259 French. 1260 German. 1261 Italian. 1262 Spanish. 1263 Other. Separate works. 1270-1274 Conduct of the understanding. 1280-1284 Elements of natural philosophy. 1290-1294 Essay regarding the human understanding. 1295 Indexes, outlines, paraphrases, etc. 1296 General works (biography, popular accounts, etc.), by author, A-Z. 1297 Criticism and interpretation. 1298 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 1299. M6 More, Henry. .N3 Newton. .P2 Parker. .S6 Smith, John (of Cambridge). .W4 Whichcote. .W6 Worthington. 18th century. 1300 Collections. 1301 General works. 1302 Special topics. (e. g. Deists.) 41 B PHILOSOPHY Modern. England. By period. 18th century. Individual philosophers. 1303-1349 Berkeley (1). Separate works: 1315-1319 Alciphron. 1320-1324 The querist. 1325-1329 Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous. 1330-1334 Treatise on the principles of human knowledge. 1355-58 Bolingbroke (3). 1361 Brown, Peter. 1363 Butler. 1365 Clarke. 1366. C4 Collier. 1367 Collins. 1369 Conybeare. 1371 Darwin, Erasmus. 1373. D7 Drummond, W 1375-78 Hartley (3). 1379. H8 Hutton, James. 1381 Mandeville. 1382. P2 Paley. 1383 Priestley. 1385-88 Shaftsbury (3). 1391 Tindall. 1393 Toland. 1394. W2 Watts, Isaac. 1395 Wollaston. 1397 Woolston. Scottish Philosophers, 18th and early 19th centuries. 1401 General works. Individual philosophers. 1403.B3 Balfour, James. 1403.B5 Beattie, James. 1405-08 Brown, Thomas (3). 1410-18 Ferguson (2). 1420-28 Hamilton (2). 1435 Home. 1450-1499 Hume (1). Separate works: 1465-69 An enquiry regarding the principles of morals. 1470-74 Essays, moral and political. 1475-79 Essays, moral, political, and literary. 1480-84 Philosophical essays concerning human under- standing. 1493 Other works, A-Z. 42 B PHILOSOPHY Modern. England. Scottish philosophers, 18th and early 19th centuries, Individual philosophers. 1500-04 JJutcheson (3). 1510-18 Mackintosh (2). . 1525 Oswald. 1530-38 Reid (2). 1545 Smith, Adam. 1550-58 Stewart (2). 19th century. Comprehensive works. 1561 English. 1562 French. 1563 German. 1565 Other. • 1567 Essays and other miscellaneous. Special topics. Evolution, see B 841. 1568 Neo-Hegelianism. (19th century English, only.) 1569 Rationalism. (19th century English, only.) Cf. B 833. 1571 Utilitarianism. Earlier 19th century, to 1860/70. 1573 General works. Individual philosophers. 1574. B3 Bentham. 1575-78 Carlyle (3). 1583 Coleridge. 1584. D5 Doherty. 1585 Ferrier. 1589. F4 Field. .F7 Fraser. .G7 Green. .G8 Grote, George .H4 Hinton, James. 1590-93 Lewes (3). 1595-98 Mill, James (3). 1600-08 Mill, John Stuart (2). 1611 Smith, Sidney. 1612.W3 Wedgewood, II. .W5 Whewell, W. B 43 B PHILOSOPHY B Modern. England. By period. ' Later 19th centnry (1860/70-1900). 1615 General works. Individual philosophers. 1618.B2 Bain. .B3 Bax. .B7 Bradley, F. H. .C2 Caird, E. 1620-23 Darwin (3). 1630-38 Green, T. H. (2). 1645 Haldane. 1646.H2 Harrison. 1648 l649:R4 .R5 Nettleship. Ritchie, : &*«& **£*??? Robertson. IZV .R6 Romanes. .S4 Sidgwick. 1650-58 Spencer (3). 1665 Stirling. 1671 Wallace. France. Comprehensive works. 1801 English. 1802 French. 1803 German. 1805 Other. 1809 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. By period. 17th century. - 1815 General works. 1818 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. Individual philosophers. 1825 Bayle. Descartes. 1831 Dictionaries, lexicons, etc. Collected Works. 1833 Original editions, by date. 1835 Partial editions, selection, etc. Translations. 1836 Latin. 1837 English. 1838 German. 1839 Italian. 1840 Spanish. 1842 Other. 44 B PHILOSOPHY B 1845-49 1850-54 1855-59 1860-64 1868 1871 1873 1875 1878 1880-88 1889 1889. 1890-98 1900-04 1911 1914 1917 1921 1925 1928 1930-38 1940-48 1950-58 1959. 1960-68 1970-78 1980-88 1990-98 2000-08 2010-18 2019 2020-28 2040-48 2050-58 2060-68 Modern. France. By period. 17th century. Individual philosophers. Descartes. Separate works. Discoura de la methode. Meditationes de prima philosophia. Les passions de l'ame. Principia philosophise. Other works, A-Z. Indexes, outlines, paraphrases, etc. General works (biography, popular accounts, etc.), by author. Criticism and interpretation. Special topics, by subject, A-Z, subarranged by author of treatise. Gassendi (2). H7 Huet, Pierre Daniel. L3 LeClerc, Jean. Malebranche (2). Pascal (3). 18th century. General works. Special topics. Ideology. Scepticism. Traditionalism. Other, A-Z. Individual philosophers. Aza'is. Alembert (2). Bonnet (2). Bossuet (2) (cf. Theology). Buffier. Buffon (2). Cabanis (2). Condillac (2). Condorcet (2). Destutt de Tracy (2). Diderot (2). D8 Dupont de Nemours. Fontenelle (2). Helvetius (2). Holbach (2). La Mettrie (2). A 7 B7 45 B PHILOSOPHY B France. By period. 18th century. Individual philosophers. 2080-88 Maupertuia (2). 2090-98 Montesquieu (2). 2100-08 Morelly (2). 2109.P6 PreVost, Pierre. 2110-18 Quesnay (2). 2120-28 Robinet (2). 2130-38 Rousseau (2) (cf. JC 179; LA 121, LB 511). 2150-58 Turgot (2). 2160-68 7olney (2). 2170-78 Voltaire (2). 19th century. 2185 General works. 2188 Special topics. Individual philosophers. 2191 Ampere, A.M. 2193 Binet (cf. Psychology). 2195 Caro. 2200-49 Comte (1). Separate works: 2220-1 Cours de philosophic positive. 2225-9 Discours sur 1 'ensemble du positivism 2230-4 Systeme de politique, positive. 2240-4 Synthese subjective. 2258. C6 Cournot. 2260-68 Cousin (2). 2270.D8 Dunan. .F6 Fouillee, A. .F8 Franck, Adolphe. .G7 Guyau. 2280-88 Jouffroy (2). 2289. L2 Lamarck. 2290-98 LamennaLs (2). 2300-08 Laromiguiere (2). 2315 Leroux, P. 2320-28 Maine de Biran (2). 2331.M2 Maistre, J. M. de. 2337 Ravaisson-Mollien, F. 2339. R3 R6musat, Charles de. 2340-48 Renan (2). 2350-58 Renouvier (2). 2365 Reynaud. 2369. R6 Rosny-. 2370-78 Roye'r-Collard (2). 2380-88 Saint Simon (2). 2390 Saisset. 2392 Secr&an. 46 B PHILOSOPHY B Modern. France. By period. 19th century. Individual philosophers. 2400-04 Simon (3). 2405-08 Taine (3). 2411 Tarde. 2415 Vacherot. Germany. Comprehensive works. 2521 English. 2522 French. 2523 German. 2525 Other. 2528 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. By period. 17th century. 2535 General works. 2538 Special topics. Individual philosophers. 2545 Bekker. 2550-2599 leibnitz (1). Separate works: 2565 Animadversiones ad Cartesii principia phi- losophiae. 2566 Considerations sur les principes de la vie et sur les natures plastiques. 2567 De arte combinatoria. 2568 De prima philosophiae emendatione et de notione substantiae. 2569 De principio individui. 2570 De vera methodo philosophiae et theolo- giae. 2571 De vita beata. 2575-2579 Meditationes de cognitione veritate, et ideis. 2574 Monadologie. 2581 Nouveaux essais sur l'entendement hu- maine. 2582 Principes de la nature et de la grace. 2583 Refutation inexiite de Spinoza. 2585-2589 Systeme nouveau de la nature et de la com- munication des substances. • 2590 Theodic6e. 2591 Other, A-Z. 2603 Pufendorf (cf. JC 156; JX 2131). 2605 Thomasiue. 2609 Tschirnhausen. 47 B PHILOSOPHY B Modern. Germany. By period. 18th century. 2615 General works. Special topics. 2621 Die Aufklarung. 2628 Other, A-Z. Individual philosophers. 2634 Baumeister, F. C. (cf. JC 156; JX 2131). 2637 Baumgarten, A. G. 2640-43 Bilfinger (3). 2645-18 Buddeus (3). 2651 Creuz. 2654 Cruaiua. 2657 Engel, J. J. 2660-63 Garve (3). 2665-68 Hamann (3). 2673 Lambert, J. H. 2675-78 Leaaing (3). 2682 Losaiua. 2685 Meier, G. F. 2690-93 Mendelaaohn (3). . Nicolai(3). v \ T^'uLdLl&t 2695-98 ft 9 ' 2699.P3 Plainer. ifl4 0Co, Mr, 62 BD METAPHYSICS BD COSMOLOGY. 493 Collections. General works. 500- -505 Early* 511- -518 Recent* 523 Compends, lectures, etc. (For curiosa, etc., nee BD 701.) Special. Teleology. Causation. Final cause. (Cf. HI) 411.) General works. 530 -535 Early.* 541 -548 Recent.* Special. 553 Mechanism. Mechanical theories of the universe (Including Mechanism and Theism.) 555 Theism. 558 Pantheism. 573 Philosophy of religion. (Prefer Religion.) 581 Philosophy of nature. (Prefer Q.) 591 Cause and effect. 595 Chance. Evolution, see B 818, Q. 621 Space. 626 Space and matter. 632 Space and time. 638 Time. 643 Number and quantity. 645 Cosmic harmony. 646 Matter, Structure of. Atomism, etc. (Cf.Q, BD331.) Matter and motion. Force. 652 701 Miscellaneous speculations. Curiosa, etc. 708 Pamphlets. 63 BF PSYCHOLOGY Periodicals. (cf. Philosophy, Bl-8; Psychic research, BF 1002-1008; Experimental psychology, QP351.) 1 English and American. 2 French and Belgian. 3 German. 4 Italian. 5 Spanish and Spanish American. 8 Other, A-Z. 11-18 Societies.* $ Q 20 Congresses. 21-28 Collections.* , 31 Dictionaries. l"neory, scope, and relations. _ 38 General. ' A *' 39 Statistical methods. Special. 41 Relation to speculative philosophy. 44 Relation to logic. 47 Relation to ethics. 51 Relation to theology. 54 Relation to pedagogy. 57 Relation to sociology. 61 Relation to law. 64 Relation to natural sciences. 67 Psychology and life. 77 Study and teaching. History. 81-88'' Comprehensive.* By period. 91 Ancient. 93 Medieval. Modern. 95 General. 98 Renaissance. 101 18th century. 103 19th century. 105 20th century. 607023 O - 44 - 5 65 BF PSYCHOLOGY BF History. 108 Special topics, bv, subject, A-Z. Treatises. Early works, to circa 1850. 110 Latin. 111-18 Other.* Recent. / 121-28 Comprehensive.* 131-38 Compends. Manuals.* 141-48 Outlines. Syllabi.* Mind and body. 150-158 Early works.* 161-168 Recent.* 171 Pamphlets. 173 Pathologic psychology. General treatises. (CL BF376, 423-431, 491; IIV; QP; RC; etc.) Physiological and experimental psychology. (Mostly in QP 351-499.) 181-188 Treatises.* 191-198 Compends.* Anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. [211] General works. (See QP 361.) Special. [214] Nerve elements. The neuron. (See QP 363-368.) [218] The brain and its functions (including Localization of function). (See QP 377-425.) [223] The spinal cord, nerves, and sympathetic system. (See QP 371-374.) [226] Reflex and automatic functions. (See QP 372; cf. 391.) Pathological anatomy of the nervous system. (See RC 361.) Sensation. 231 Early works. 233 General works. (See QP 431 for physiological discussions.) [237] Psycho-physics (Weber's and Fechner's law, etc.). (See QP 431-445.) Special senses. 241 Vision. (Cf . QP 475-495.) 251 Hearing. (Cf. QP 461-469.) 66 BF PSYCHOLOGY BF Sensation. Special senses. 261 Taste. (Cf. QP 456.) 271 Smell. (Cf. QP458.) 275 Touch and other cutaneous senses. (Cf. QP451.) 281 Temperature sense. 285 Muscle sense. 291 Static sense. (Position, equilibrium, etc, cf. QP 471.) 295 Other. Consciousness. (Cf. BD 100-242, Epistemology; BD 300-341, Ontology.) 311 General works. General special. 315 The "unconscious mind," etc. [317] Reaction time, see QP 391. Cf. QP 372. Special. 321 Attention. Apperception. 323 Other topics, A-Z. (E. g. Expectancy.) 335 Habit and accommodation. Inhibition. 337 Special A-Z. (E. g. .E9 Exercise, drill.) Heredity. (Cf. B 818, Evolution; also Q, HM, etc.) 341 General. 343 General special. (E. g. Heredity in royalty.) 346 Special topics, A-Z. 353 Environment. 355 Posture. 357 Imitation. Mimicry. (Cf. B 818; Q; and BF 700-788, Genetic psychology.) Association and reproduction of ideas. 365 General. Special. 367 Mental imagery. (Cf. BF408.) Memory. 370 Early works. 371 Recent. Theory of memory, etc. 376 Diseases of the memory. 67 BF PSYCHOLOGY BF Consciousness. Association and reproduction of ideas. Memory. Mnemonics. Memory training. 381 History of mnemonic s} 7 stems. Treatises, systems, etc. 383 Early works. 385 Recent (including minor works, Loisette, etc.). Creative processes. Imagination. Invention. 408 General works. General special. 410 Psycholog}^ of inspiration. Special. 412 Qenius. 416 Studies of men of genius, by name, A-Z. (E. g. Zola.) 418 Genius and heredity. (Cf. BF 341-346, Heredity.) 423 Genius and insanit} r . 426 Genius and degeneration. (Cf. HV 4965) 431 (The age of) Efficienc} 7 , mental virility. Ability, etc. 4£5 (Ci. QP86.) * " . . . " QPPERtEtn 435 Stupidity. Mental deficiency, etc. 441 Comparison, judgment, reasoning. (Cf. BC, Logic.) 455 Thought and language. Speech, etc. 456 Psychology of reading, spelling, etc., by subject, A-Z. 458 Symbolism. (Cf. BC, Logic.) 461 Popular works. 468 Time, space, causality, etc. (Cf. BD, Metaphysics.) 475 Time relations. Rhythm, etc. 481 Work and fatigue. (Influence of posture, etc., see BF 355.) 491 Normal illusions. (See also QP; RC; BF1001, Psychology of the subconscious, Psychic research, Occult sciences.) 493 Special, A-Z. (E. g. .C7 Conjuring deceptions.) 68 BF PSYCHOLOGY BF Consciousness. Synesthesia. 495 General. Special. 497 Colored audition (pseudo-chromesthesia, synopsie, photism, phonism). 498 Number forms. 499 Other. Affection. Feeling. Emotion. 511 General. Special. 515 Pleasure and pain. (Cf. Ethics, BJ 1481-1491.) 521 The feelings. Sensibility. Emotion. 531-538 Psychological treatises.* Popular works. The "passions," etc. 550-558* Early works.* 560-568 Recent.* 575 Special forms of emotion, etc., by name, A-Z. (E. g. Anger, Fear, Love.) Expression of -the emotions. 585 Early works. 588 General treatises. Special. 591 Expression of the emotions in man. (Cf. QP 401.1 593 Expression of the emotions in animals. (Cf. QP 401.) Will. Volition. General works. 608 Early. 611-618 Recent.* Special. 620-628 Freedom of the will.* (Psychological treatises only. Prefer Ethics: BJ 1460-1464 Cf. Religion; Liberty — Political science, JC 571.) Training of the will. Effort and accomplishment. Self-direction. 632 Treatises. (Cf. Ethics.) 635 Diseases of the will. Errors and abnormalities. 69 BF PSYCHOLOGY BF "New Thought," "Menticulture," etc. 638 Periodicals. Societies. Collections. Treatises. 639 English. 640 General special. 641 Other. 645 Pamphlets and other minor. Comparative psychology. Animal psychology. (Cf. QL 785.) 660-668 Early works* 671-678 Recent* 685 Instinct. (Comparative studies.) 692 Sex psychology. (Comparative studies.) (Cf. Q, HQ.) 697 Differential psychology. Individuality. 698 Personality. (Cf. BF 311, Consciousness.) 699 Other special, by subject, A-Z. E.g., M6 Migratory impulse. Genetic psychology. (Cf. B 818, GN, HM, Q; QH 368, 371.) Treatises 700 Early. 701-708 Recent* 7 1 1 Psychological effect of biologic and other survivals. Special. 717 Psychology of play. 721 Child psychology. (Ct. BF 721, LB 1177.) (Educational psychology, child study: LB 1051-1139. , Child study (J£ugenics): HQ 771-785.) Race' and ethnic psychology. 730 Early works. i 73, - 73S „ Re « nt -* . Psychology of nations. 3nK 751 General. 755 By nation, A-Z. WXVKZ. Other special. 761-768 Psychology of evidence.* Cf. BF. 365-441. 773 Psychology of belief, faith, etc. 778 Psychology of worth, value, meaning. 70 BF PSYCHOLOGY BF Other special. Psychology of temperament. 795 Treatises. Early. 798 Recent. 800-808 Popular works.* 811 Pamphlets. Character. (Ethology.) (Cf. Ethics, in particular BJ 1518-1695.) 818 Treatises (psychologic.) Popular works. 819 Greek and Latin. 820-828 Early.* 830-838 Recent.* 839 Pamphlets. Physiognomy. 840-48 Early works (to 1850).* 850-58 Recent.* 859 Outlines, pamphlets, etc. 861 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. Phrenology. 866 Periodicals. 868 History. 870 Early works (to 1870). 871-878 Recent.* 879 Outlines, pamphlets, etc. 885 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. Graphology. Study of handwriting. 890 Early works (to circa 1850). 891-898 Recent.* 901 Outlines, pamphlets, etc. 905 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. The hancT \v^a 908 Treatises. Popular works. (Palmistry. Chiromancy.) 910-918 Early works.* 921-928 Recent.* 935 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 71 METAPSYCHOLOGY. BF Psychic research. Psychology of the unconscious, etc. Periodicals. 1001 English. 1002 French. 1003 German. 1004 Italian. 1005 Spanish. 1006 Scandinavian. 1008 Other. Societies. 1010 American. 1011 English. 1012 French." 1013 German. 1014 Italian. 1015 Spanish. 1018 Other. 1021 Congresses. 1023 Collections. . 1025 Dictionaries. 1028 History. Reports of commissions, investigations, etc. 1029 General works, by date. 1030 Special cases, by name of case, A-Z. 1031-38 Treatises, etc.* (Co mprehensi ve . ) (Cf. BF 1251 -1268, Treatises on spiritualism, exclusively " New thought" literature in BF 638-649.) 1040 Pamphlets and o ther minor. 1042 Anti-spiritualism (Cf. BF 1289.) , etc. Hallucinations. Illusions. 1048 Early works (t o 1800). 1051-58 Recent.* 1063 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 73 BF METAPSYCHOLOGY BF Psychic research. Psychology of the unconscious, etc. Sleep. Somnambulism. (Of. BF 111-1136, Hypnotism; BF 1321+, Trance etates.) 1068 Early works (to 1800). 1074 Recent. 1073 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. Dreaming. Treatises. 1075 Early. 1078 Recent. Popular works. "Dream-books," etc. 1080-88 Early (to 1800).* 1091-98 Recent.* 1099 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. Hypnotism. Suggestion. Animal magnetism. Odylic force. Biomagnetism. 1111-18 Periodicals.* ^^q Huf>t>^ 1121 Collections. 1125 History. Reports of commissions, investigations, etc. 1128 General. 1129 Special cases, by name of case, A-Z. Treatises, etc. 1131-38 Early works* (to 1870). 1141-48 Recent.* 1152 Pamphlets and other minor. 1156 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. e. g. Autohypnotism. Catalepsy. Odylic force. Psycho-therapeutics, etc. (Cf. RM 901,906,917.) Telepathy. Mind reading, etc. Treatises, etc. 1161 Early (to 1870). 1171 Recent. Multiple consciousness. Dissociation of personality, etc. 1211-18 Treatises.* Spiritism. Communication with discarnate spirits. Spir- itualism. [1225] Periodicals. (See BF 1001-1008.) 1228 Societies. (See also BF 1010-1018.) 74 BF MKTAPSYCIIOLOGY BF Psychic research. Psychology of the unconscious, etc. Spiritism. Communication with discarnate spirits. Spiritualism. 1231 Congresses. (See also BF 1021.) 1235 Collections. (See also BF 1023.) 1241 History. (See also BF 1028.) Reports of commissions, investigations, etc. (See BF 1029-1030.) Treatises. (For comprehensive works not treating exclusively of spiritualism cf. BF 1031 -1038. For anti-spiritualism, etc., Bee BF 1042.) 1251-58 Early (to 1880).* 1261-68 Recent.* 1272 Minor works: Pamphlets, etc. 1275 Special topics. (e. g. Christianity and spiritualism.) Special. Mediumship. "Psychometry." Cases. (Cf. BF 1241.) 1281 Collective. 1283 Individual, A-Z. Treatises. 1286 English. 1288 Other. 1289 Exposures of mediums. (Cf. BF 1042.) Spirit messages, inspirational records, etc. 1291-98 Early works (to 1880).* 1301-08 Recent.* 1311 Special, by subject, A-Z. Trance and analogous states. Ecstasy. Sensory and motor automatism, etc. 1321 General works. Special. 1325 Clairvoyance. 1331 Crystal gazing. 1338 Clairaudience. 1343 Automatic writing. Planchette. 1347 Automatic drawing and painting. 1352 Trance utterance. (Cf. BF 1291-.) 75 BF METAPSYCHOLOGY BF Psychic research, Psychology of the unconscious, etc. Spiritism. Communication with discarnate spirits. Special. Spirit photography. (See BF 1381.) Physical phenomena of spiritism. Telekinesis. 1371 General. Special. 1375 Raps. 1378 Materialization. 1381 Spirit photography. 1383 Dematerialization. "Fourth dimension." 1385 Levitation. [1387] Slate writing, see BF 1343. 1389 Other, A-Z. (E. g. Astral body.) 70 OCCULT SCIENCES 1 405 Collections. Ilistorv, etc. 1410 1118 General. 1410 Early. By period. 1421 Ancient. 1425 Medieval. 1429 Modern. 1434 By country, A-Z. 1439 Pamphlets and other minor. Ghosts. Apparitions, llauntings. General works. Early. 1445 To 1800. 1451-1458 1800-1880 .* 1461-1468 Recent, 1880-.* 1471 Miscellany. Pamphlets, etc. 1473 Cases, A-Z. .Special. 1475 Haunted houses. 1481 Apparitions of the living. (Cf. BF 1161, Telepathy.) 1483 House Spirits. "Poltergeister." (Cf. BF 1555, 1473.) 1486 CF , oca opcCLcIo. Tlylxlg JL'UtClULlUIl, Out). Demonology. 1501 Collections. 1503 Dictionaries. History. 1505 General. By period. 1508 Ancient. 1511 Medieval. 1514 Modern. General works. 1520-1528 Early, to 1800. 1530-1538 Recent. 77 BF OCCULT SCIENCES BF Demonology. 1543 Miscellany : Pamphlets, etc. Special. Satanism. Devil worship, etc. General works. Early, to 1800. 1546 English. 1547 Other. Recent. 1548 English. 1549 French. 1550 Other. 1552 Elemental spirits! Genii. Elves. Fairies. Gnomes. (Cf. GR, Folklore.) 1553 The "evil eye." (Cf. GR, Folklore.) 1555 Possession. Obsession. (Cf. Religion; also BF 1225-1389.) 1556 Incubi. Succubi. Vampires. 1557 Familiar spirits. 1558 Incantations. Evocations. Grimoire. 1559 Exorcism of demons. 1561 Talismans. Amulets, etc. Witchcraft. 1563 Collections. History and other general. General. 1565 Early works. 1566 Recent. 1567 Ancient. 1569 Medieval. General. (Special with countries in BF 1573-1584.) 1571 Modern. 1572 By subject, A-Z. By country. United States. 1573 General. New England: Salem, etc. History. 1575 Contemporary works. 1576 Other. 1578 Special cases (other than BF 1575-1576), by case, A-Z. 1579 Pamphlets and other minor. 78 BF OCCULT SCIENC] BF Witchcraft. History and other general. By country. Other countries. Under each: A J A Z Early works. By author. .A5 XI Re< -ni Bj author. .Z? Special. By date 1581 Great Britain. 1582 France. 1583 Germany. 1584 Other, A Z. Magic, White and Black. Hermetics. Kabala. Necro- mancy. 158 Periodicals. L587 Collections. History. 1589 General. By period. 1591 Ancient. 1593 Medieval. 1595 Modern. Biography and works of particular magicians and Her- metic philosophers. 1597 Collected. 1598 Individual, A-Z. (Nostradamus in BF 1815. See also B for works of Medi- eval and Renaissance mystics, etc.) General works. 1600-1608 Early, to 1800.* 1611-1618 Recent.* (Works on modern Hermetic philosophy .) 1621 Pamphlets and other minor. 1623 Special topics, by subject, A- Z. e. g. Pythagorean numb Rosicrucians. Cf. HS 141. Astral body. See BF 1389. A. 1626 Magician's wand. 162S Divining rod. Dowsingfor precious metals, water, etc. Alchemy. General works. (Cf. QD 13, 25; RS S7.) 1630 Early, to 1800. 1631 Recent. 79 BF OCCULT SCIENCES BF Alchemy. Special. 1634 Alkahest. Universal solvent. 1637 Elixir of life. 1639 Philosopher's stone. Transmutation of metals. Astrology. 1651 Periodicals. 1655 Dictionaries. 1661 Collections. History. (Prefer BF 1680-1711: General works.) 1671 General. 1674 Ancient. 1676 Medieval. 1679 Modern. General works. Early. 1680-88 To 1800. 1690-98 To 1880. 1701-08 Recent. 1711 Pamphlets and other minor. Special. 1715 Tables of declinations etc. 1718 Medical astrology. 1721 Bible and astrology. , 1725 Cyclic law. Periodicity. 1728 Horoscopes. Nativities of special individuals, A-Z. (e. g. Napoleon.) Oracles. Sibyls. Divinations. 1745 Collections. History and other general. 1750-58 General. Ancient. 1761 General. 1762 Classic Orient. 1765 Greece. 1768 Rome. 1769 Sibylline books. 1771 Medieval. 1773 Modern. Special topics. 1777 Omens. Signs. Auguries. 1779 Other, by subject, A-Z. - A I p J 80 BP OCCULT SCIENCES BF Seers. Prophets. Prophecies. 1783 Periodicals. 1785 Collections. History and other general. 1790-98 General. 1801 Ancient. 1805 Medieval. 1809 Modern. 1812 By country, A-Z. 1815 Biographies and prophecies of individual seers, A-2 Fortune-telling, etc. Cartomancy. (Cf. BF 910-935 Palmistry; BF 1080-1099 " Dream-boo ka.") General works. 1850-1858 Early, to 1800. 1861-1868 Recent. 1874 Pamphlets and other minor. Special topics. Cartomancy. Fortune-telling by cards. 1876 Early works, to 1800. 1878 Recent. 1879 Special topics. (e.g. TheTarot.) 1881 Fortune-telling by tea and coffee cups. 1891 Other. A-Z. 807023 O - 44 - 6 81 ESTHETICS BH. 1-8 Periodicals.* 11-18 Societies.* 19 Congresses. 21-28 Collections.* Theory, scope, relations. 39 General. 41 Special. Theory of fine arts, see N 61-79. Theory of literature, see PN 51-75. Study and teaching. 61 Genera! works. 63 Particular schools, A-Z. History and systems. 81 General. Antiquity. 91 General. x 101-102 Orient. [Under each: 108-109 ' Greece. (1) General. 115-116 Rome. J (2) Special. Middle ages. 131 General. 136 Special. Modern. 151 General. 160-168 16th century. 170-178 17th century. 180-188 18th century. 191-198 19th century. 201-208 20th century. 82 BJ ETHICS Periodicals. 1 American and English. 2 French and Belgian. 3 Gorman. 4 Italian. 5 Spanish and Spanish American. 8 Other, A-Z. 11-18 Societies* 19 Congresses. 21-28 C ollections* 2 \ Sterol Lr^u-a^i \ Theory, scope, relations. t j\\ < 37 General. Special. 41 Relation to speculative philosophy. 43 Relation to logic. 45 Relation to psychology. 46 Relation to esthetics (art, literature, etc.). 47 Relation to theology. 49 Relation to pedagogy. 51 Relation to sociology. 53 Relation to economics. 55 Relation to law and politics. 57 Relation to science. 63 Dictionaries. 66 Study and teaching. 68 Particular schools. A-Z. History and systems. (Mainly in B. Cf. Treatises, BJ 1001-1085.) 71-78 Comprehensive works.* 84 Special topics, A-Z. By period. Ancient. 101 Comprehensive works. 107 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. (J ETHICS History and systems. By period. Ancient. Orient. Ill General works. By country. Under each : (1) Collections. (2) History, etc. (3) Special topics, A-Z. 116-118 China and Japan. (Cf. BL.) 121-123 India. (Cf. BL.) 125 Other, A-Z. 131-133 Egypt. (Cf. BL.) 136-138 Assyria-Babylonia. (Cf. BL.) 141-143 Persia. (Cf. BL.) 146-148 Hebrews. (Cf. BL.) Greece and Rome. 160 Collections. Greece. 161 Comprehensive works. 171 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. By period. Under each: (1) Collections. (2) History, etc. (3) Special topics, by subject, A-Z. (4) Ethical philosophers, A-Z. 181-184 First period (to circa 450 B. C). 191-194 Second period (to circa 300 B. C). 211-214 Greco-Roman. 221-224 Alexandrian and early Christian. Medieval (to 1500). 231 Comprehensive works. 251 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. 255 Ethical philosophers, A-Z. Renaissance (1500-1700). 271 Comprehensive works. 281 Special topics, by subjects, A-Z. 285 Ethical philosophers, A-Z. BJ 84 JJ ETHICS History and systems. By period. Modem (1700-). 301-308 Comprehensive works.* By period. 311 18th century. 315 19th century. 319 20th century. 324 Special topics, by subjects, A-Z. By country. Under each : (1) Collections. (2) History, etc. (3) Special topics, by subject, A-Z, (4) Ethical philosophers, A-Z. 351-354 United .States. 401-404 Canada. British America. 411-414 Spanish America. General. 421-424 Mexico. 431-434 Central America. 441-444 West Indies. 451-454 South America. 461-464 Argentine Republic. 471-474 Bolivia. 481-484 Brazil. 491-494 Chile. 501-504 Colombia. 511-514 Ecuador. 521-524 Guiana. 531-534 Paraguay. 541-544 Peru. 551-554 Uruguay. 561-564 Venezuela. 601-604 England. 651-654 Scotland. 701-704 France. 751-754 Germany. 801-804 Greece. 811-814 Italy. 821-824 Netherlands. 831-834 Holland. 841-844 Belgium. 851-854 Russia, BJ 85 BJ ETHICS History and systems. By period. Modern (1700). By country. 861-864 Scandinavia. 871-874 Denmark. 881-884 Norway. 891-894 Sweden. 901-904 Spain and Portugal. 911-914 Spain. 921-924 Portugal. 941-944 Switzerland. General works. English. Treatises. 1001 To 1700. 1005 To 1800. 1006 To 1860. 1008 To 1900. 1011 1900-. Compends. 1021 Early, to 1800. 1025 Recent. 1031 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. French. Treatises. 1051 To 1700. 1054 To 1800. 1057 To 1860. 1059 To 1900. 1063 1900-. Compends. 1075 Early, to 1800. 1077 Recent. 1087 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. German. Treatises. 1101 To 1700. 1104 To 1800. 1107 To 1860. 1111 To 1900. 1114 1900-. BJ 86 BJ ETHICS History and systems. General works. German. Compends. 1119 Early, to 1800. 1121 Recent. 1125 Minor. Pamphlets, etc. 1131-34 Italian. Under each: 1141-44 Spanish and Spanish Treatises. American. (1) Early, to 1800 (2) Recent. 1151-54 Scandinavian. (3) Compends. 1161-64 Swiss. (4) Minor. 1185 Other A-Z. Christian ethics. History. 1201-08 General.* By period. 1212 Early Christian and patristic. 1217 Medieval. Modern. 1221 To 1700. 1224 To 1800. 1227 To 1900. 1231 1900-. 1238 Special topics, by subject, A-Z. (For Golden rule, see BJ 1278.) Treatises. Early (to 1800). 1240 Latin. 1241-48 Other.* 1249 Catholic works. 1251-58 Recent.* 1261-68 Compends.* 1275 Minor: Pamphlets, etc. 1278 Special, by subject, A-Z. (E. g. .G7 Golden rule.) Evolutionary and Genetic ethics. 1288 History. Treatises. 1301-08 Early (to I860).* 1311-18 Recent.* 1321-28 Compends.* 1335 Minor: Pamphlets, etc. BJ 87 BJ ETHICS BJ Positive ethics. 1355 History. Treatises. Early (to 1800).* Recent. * Minor: Pamphlets, etc. Good and evil. General works. Early, to 1800. Recent.* Special. Evil: Origin, problem of. Evil, value of. Right and wrong. Early, to 1800. Recent.* Truth and falsehood.* (Cf. BC171; BB 150-201.) Compromise.* I o^ Casnistry.* Duty,., , Obligation, Responsibility. Freedom of the wilL Necessitarianism. Determinism and indeterminism.* (Cf. BB 411, 530- ; BF 608.) Conscience. Altruism and egotism. Sympatlry. Compassion. (Cf. BF 575, BJ 1533.) Optimism and pessimism. (Prefer B 829.) Happiness.* (Cf. BF 515.) Joy and sorrow. Hedonism and asceticism (Eudaemonism and stoicism). Active vs. meditative life. The simple life. ;; Work. Labor and idleness. (Cf. HD, BF481.) The "Golden rule," Christ's ethical teachings applied, see BJ 1278.G7. Individual ethics. Character. Virtue. ''Standards of conduct," etc. (Cf. BF 637-645, BJ 1548-1595.) 1518 Collections. 1361-68 1371-78 1385 1400 1401-04 1406 1408 1410 1411-18 1420-24 1430-34/ 1440-44 1451. 146(5-64 1471 1474 1475 1477 1480-84 1487 1491 1493 1496 1498 88 BJ ETHICS BJ Individual ethics. Character. Virtue — Continued. Treatises. 1520 Early. 1521-28 Recent.* 1531 Minor: Pamphlets, lectures, etc. Special virtues and vices. 1533 Virtues, A-Z.». 7 1535 Practical and applied ethics. Conduct of life, e (Cf.BF 638, New Thought; 1JJ 1518-1533; BJ 1801-2187, Manners.) 1545 Periodicals. 1548 Collections. 1549 Classics. ■(e. g. Harvard classics: Franklin's Autobiography, Wool- man'a Journal, and Fenn'a Fruita of solitude.) General works. 1550-58 To 1700.* 1560-68 To 1800.* 1570-78 To 1900.* (.Al Early English and American.) 1581-88 1900-.* 1595 Minor: Pamphlets, etc. General special. 1600-08 "The gentleman." The courtier, etc.* (E. g. Caatiglione, II cortegiano.) Special topics. 1611-18 Success.* (Cf. HF5386; HD 6053.) 1631-38 Ethics for children.* (Cf. HQ.) 1641-48 The boy.* (Prefer HQ 41.) 1651-58 The girl.* (Prefer HQ 51.) 1661-68 Ethics for the young man and the young woman.* 1671-78 The young man.* (Prefer II Q 36.) 1681-88 The young woman.* (Prefer HQ 46.) Domestic and family ethics; see HQ 728-759 1695 Ethics of the body. (Cf. Hygiene, RA 776.) 89 MANNERS. ETIQUETTE. SOCIAL BJ USAGES 1801 Periodicals. 1809 Collections. 1815 Dictionaries. 1818 Forms, blanks, etc. 1821 History (General and comparative). 1838 Minor works: Lectures, etc. 1843 Satire, etc. Treatises. 1850-9 American. 1858 Washington, D. C. 1870-9 British. 1880-9 French. 1900-9 German. 1920-9 Italian. 1940-9 Russian. 1960-9 Scandinavian. 1980-9 Spanish, Portuguese, and Spanish Ameri- can. [1 990-99] Swiss (see French, German, and Italian). 2007 Other, A-Z. (In subarrangemcnt use Cutter numbers.) 204r8 Christian etiquette (Catholi c ) . Etiquette of entertaining. Duties of host and hostess. 2021-8 General works.* Special. 2038 Dinners, luncheons, etc. Wedding etiquette. (Cf. HQ 745.) 2051-S General works.* 2065 Special. Funeral etiquette. 2071 General works. 2075 Special. 91 Undei • each : (0) Collections. Treatises. (1) Early to 1800. (2) To 1900. (3) 1900-. (4) Minor: Pamphlets, etc. Special. (5) Social usages for men. (6) Social usages women. for (7) Other, A-Z. (9) Local, by place, A-Z. MANNERS ETIQUETTE SOCIAL USAGES Card etiquette. Stationery. 2081-8 General works* Special. 2092 Wedding stationery. 2095 Other, A-Z. Gjr ^ j, Ahho .^ Etiquette of letter-writing. 2101-8 General works.* 2115 Special. Etiquette of conversation. General works. 2120 Early. 2121-8 Recent.* Etiquette of traveling. 2137 General works. Special. 2141 Railway journeys. 2144 Hotels. 2147 Riding and driving. 2151 Bicycling. 2155 Automobiling. Club etiquette. 2183 General works. Special. 2187 Women's clubs. {Cf. JF 515; HS.) 92 PHILOSOPHY SCHEME FOR ARRANGEMENT OF WORKS UNDER INDIVIDUAL PHILOSOPHERS. Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. 50 nos. 10 nos. 5 nos. or 5 0* .Al Periodicals. 1 1 .A16 Dictionaries, lexicons, etc. 2 Collected works. 3 4 6 .A2 Original (vernacular) editions, by date. .A3A-Z Editions with commentary, by editor, A-Z. .A5 Partial editions, selections, etc. 6 Translations (including as a rule translations accompanied by original text). .A7 Greek. 7 .A8 Latin. 8 9 .E5 Englieh. .F5 French. 10 .G5 German. 11 .15 Italian. 12 15-44 3 1 6 .S5 Spanieh. Separate works, by title (when not otherwise provided for), alphabetically. Subarranged: (0) Original (vernacular) edition, by date. (1 ) Editions with commentary, by ed itor, A-Z. (2) Selections, paraphrases, etc. (3) Translations, by language, eubarranged by trans- lator. (4) Criticism, etc., by author, A-Z. * Also 50 to 99. 93 PHILOSOPHY SCHEME FOE ARRANGEMENT OF WORKS UNDER INDIVIDUAL PHILOSOPHERS— Continued. Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. 50 10 5 nos. nos. nos. 45 4 2 7 Spurious and apocryphal works, by title, A-Z. 46 5 Indexes, outlines, paraphrases, etc. 47 6 3 8 General works (biography, popular accounts, etc.), by au- thor, A-Z. 48 7 Criticism and interpretation. (Classify in preceding subdivision ("General works") when in doubt). 49 8 Special topics, by subject, A-Z, subarranged by author of treatise. SCHEME FOR ONE NUMBER OR A-Z ARRANGEMENT. (1) .A3 Complete works, by date. . (2) .A4A-Z Translations, by language, subarranged by translator. (3) .A5-Z5 Separate works, by title, A-Z. Subarranged : (1) Original, by date. (2) Translation, by language, A-Z. .1 Greek. .2 Latin. .3 English. .4 French. .5 German. .6 Italian. .7 Spanish. .8 Dutch. .9 Other. (3) Criticism, etc., by author, A-Z. (4) .Z7A-Z General works: criticism, biography, etc., by author, A-Z. 94 INDEX Abelard: B 765.A2. Ability (Psychology): BF431. Absolute, The (Metaphysics): BD 416. Abstraction (Metaphysics): BD 235. AbuBakr ibnal-Saigh ibn Baja: B 748. A6. Accommodation (Psychology): BF 335-57. Active vs. meditative life: BJ 1493-8. Adamantios (Origen): B 685. Adaptation: BF 335 Aeneas of Gaza: B 650. A2. Aenesidemus: B 535. A2. Affection and emotion: BF 511-93. Agnosticism (Philosophy) General: B 808. Special, local: B 851-4651. Agrippa: B 535. A3. Ailly, Pierre d': B 765.A3. Alanus ab Insulis, B 765. A3. Albertus Magnus: B 765. A4. Alchemy: BF 1630-45. Alcinous: B 535. A4. Alcott, A. Bronson: B 908. A6. Alcuin: B 765.A6. Alexander of ^Egse: B 535.A5. Alexander of Aphrodisias: B 535. A6. Alexander of Ilales: B 765.A7. Alexandrian school Ethics: BJ 221-24. Philosophy: B 630-708. Alexandrinus (Philo Judaeus): B 689. Algebraic logic : BC 131-5. Alkahest: BF 1634. Altruism and egotism: BJ 1474-5. Amelius: B 650.A4. American philosophy: B 851-945. Ammonius Saccas: B 650. A6. Ampere A. M.: B 2191. Amulets: BF1561. Anaxagoras: B 205. N. B. — Ancient claaeic authors and medieval philosophers are indexed under (brief) English form of name as a rule, e. g. Aristotle, Peter Lombard, William of Auvergne. Anaximander: B 208. Anaximenes: B 211. Ancient philosophy: B 108-708. Andronicus of Rhodes. B 535.A7. Anger (Psychology): BF 575. Animal magnetism: BF 1111-56. Animal psychology: BF fitiO-78. Animals, Expression of emotions in (Psy- chology): BF593. Animals, Soul of: BD 428. Anselm: B 765. A8. Anti-spiritualist literature: BF 1012. Antisthenes: B 293. A3. Anollodorus: B 535. A8. Apologist philosophers: B 635. Apparitions, ghosts: BF 1445-86. Apparitions of the living (Occult sci- ences): BF 1481. Apperception (Psychology): BF 321. ApuleiuB of Madaura: B 536.A3. Arabic philosophy. Medieval: H 74] Influence on European thought: 15 723. Arcesilaus: B 536. A4. Archytas: B 213. Ardigo: B 3612. Argumentation (Logic): BC 177. Aristippus of Cyrene: B 293. A 7. Aristo: B 536. A5. Aristotle: B 400-91. Influence of: B 725. Aristoxenus: B 536. A6. Arnobius: B 650 AS. Asceticism and hedonism: BJ 1491. Aspasius: B 536. A7. Association of ideas (Psychology k BF 365-85. Associationalism (Philosophy) General: B 816. Special: B 851-1651. Astral body: BF 1389. 95 - INDEX I Astrology: BF 1651-1728. Alhanasius: B 653. Athenagoras: B 654. Atomism (Cosmology): BD 646. Atomism (Greek philosophy): B 193. Attention (Psychology): BF 321. Audition, Colored (Psychology): BF497. Auguries, Bigns: BF 1777. Auto-hypnotism: BF 1156. Automatic drawing, etc.: BF 1347. Automatic writing: BF 1343. Automatism, Mediumistic: BF 1321-52. Automobile etiquette: BJ 2155. Avenarius: B 3200-08. Avenpace (Abu Bakr ibn al-Saigh ibn Baja): B 748. A6. Averroes (Ibn Rushd): B 749. Avicebronus (Ibn GibiroD: B 759.A5 Avicenna (Ibn Sina): B 751. Azais: B 1928.A7. Baader: B 2950-54. Babylonian philosophy: B 145-9. Bacon, Francis: B 1151-1199. Bacon, Roger: B 765. B2. Bain: B 1618.B2. Balfour: B 1403.B3. Bardesanes: B 657. Bardili: B 2956. Basilides: B 658. Baumeister: B 2634. Baumgarten: B 2637. Bayle: B 1825. Bax: B 1618.B3. Beattie: B 1403.B5. Beck, J. S.: B 2958. Bede: B 765.B3. Being (Metaphysics): BD 331. Bekker: B 2545. Belief: BD 215; BF 773. Beneke: B 2960-64. Bentham: B 1574. B3. Berengarius: B 765.B4. Berkeley: B 1303-49. Bernard of Clairvaux, St.: B 765. B5. Bessarion: B 765. B6. Bible and spiritualism: BF 1275. Biblical astrology: BF 1721. Bilfinger: B 2640-43. Binet: B 2193. Biologic survivals (Genetic psychology): BF711. Bodiryliealth (Ethical aspects): BJ 1695. Bodin: B 781. B3. Body, Mind and (Psychology): BF 150- 171. Boehme: B781.B6. Boethius: B 659. Bolingbroke: B 1355-8. Bona ventura, St.: B 765. B7. Bonnet: B 1940-48. Bossuet: B 1950-58. Bostrom: B 4480-88. Bovillus: B 781. B7. Boys, Ethics for: BJ 1641-48; HQ 41. Bradley, F. H.: B 1618.B7. Brochner: B 4353. Bromley: B 1201.B5. Brown, Peter: B 1361. Brown, Thomas: B 1405-8. Browne, Sir Thomas: B 1201. B6. Bruno, Giordano: B 783. Buddeus: B 2645-48. Biichner: B 3215. Burner: B 1959.B7. Buff on: B 1960-68. B urthogge: B 1201. B7. Butler: B 1363. Cabala: BF 1585-1645. Cabanis: B 1970-78. Caird: B 1618.C2. Calling card etiquette: BJ 2081-95. Campanella: B 785.C2. Capella: B 661. Card fortune telling: BF 1876-79. Cardano: B 785. C3. Carlyle: B 1575-8. Carneades: B 537. Caro: B 2195. Carpocrates: B 663. Cartomancy: BF 1876-9. Cassiodorus: B 665. Casuistry: BJ 1440-44. Catalepsy: BF 1156. Catholic ethics: BJ 1249. Catholic etiquette: B J 2018. Catholic philosophy (compends): B 103. Causality (Psychology): BF 468-75. Causation (Teleology): BD 530-95. Cause and effect (Cosmology): BD 591-5. Celsus: B 538. C2. Ceretti: B 3614.C3. 96 INDKX Certitude (Logic): BC 171-5. Chance Logic: BC 141. Cosmology: BD 595. Change (Metaphysics): Bl) 373. Channing, W. E.: B 908. C4. Character Ethics: BJ 1518-1696. Psychology: BF 818-39. Charron: B 785. C5. Child, Psychology of the: BF 721. Children, Ethics for: BJ 1631-58; HQ. Chinese othics: BJ 116-18. Chinese philosophy: B 125-9. Chiromancy: BF 908-35. Christian ethics: BJ 1201-78. Alexandrian: BJ 221-24. Christian etiquette: BJ 201 8 . Christian philosophy (Alexandrian) : B 630-708. Christianity and spiritualism: BF 1275. Chromesthesia: BF 49,7. Chrysippus: B 540-43. Cicero: B 550-553. Clairaudience: BF 1338. Clairvoyance: BF 1325-31. Clark, J. F.: B 908.C6. Clarke, Samuel: B 1365. Class, Gustav: B 3216.C3. Clean thes: B 557. C2. Clement of Alexandria: B 666. Club etiquette: BJ 2183-7. Cohen, Ilermann: B 3216. C4. Coleridge: B 1583. Collier: B 1366.C4. Collins: B 1367. Colored audition (Psychology): BF 497. Comparative psychology: BF 660-99. Comparison, judgment, reasoning (Psy- chology): BF441. Compromise (Ethics): BJ 1430-34. Comte B 2200-49. Conceptualism: B 731. Condillac: B 1980-88. Conditioned and unconditioned: BD411. Condorcet: B 1990-98. Conduct and character: BJ 1518-1695. Conduct of life: BJ 1545-1695. Conscience: BJ 1471. Conjuring Demonology: BF 1558. Legerdemain: GV 1541-1565. Psychology of: BF 493.C7. 607023 O - 44 - 7 Psychology ): BF 311-499. < Contemplative 1 1. active In. BJ i . Conversation | Etiquette): BJ 2120 Conyheare: B I Correspondence (Etiquette): BJ2101 15. ( iosmic harmony : BD 645. Cosmology: BD 493-708. Cpurnqt: B 2258,C6. Cousin: B 2260-68. Crates: B 557. C5. Creative processes (Psychology): BF 408-35. Creuz: 15 2661. Criticism ( BD 201. Critical philosophy. General. B 809. Special, local: B 861-4661. Crusius: B 2654. Crystal gazing: BF 1331. Cudworth: B 1201.C6. Culver well: B 1201.C7. Cumberland: B 1201.C8. Cutaneous senses (Psychology): BF 275. Cyclic law (Astrology): BF 1725. Cynicism: B 508. Cyprian: B 667.C6. Cyrenaicism: B 279. D D'Alcmbert: B 1930-38. Darwin, Charles: B 1620-3. Darwin, Erasmus: B 1371. David of Dinant: B 765.D2. Davies: B 1201. D2. Death, Problem of: BD 444. Declinations, Tables of (Astrology): BF 1715. Deductive logic: BC 60-99. Dematerialization of spirits: BF 1383. Demetrius: B 557. D3. Democritua: B 295-99. Demonology: BF 1405-1891. Descartes: B 1836-78. DestUtt de Tracy: B 20004)8. Determinism Ethics: BJ 1460-64. Psychology: BF 620-28. Devil (Demonology): BF 1546-61. Devil worship: BF 1546-1554. Diakka: BF 1555. Diderot: B 2010-18. Dietrich of Freiburg: B 7t>5. I>3. Differential psychology: BF 697. 97 INDEX Dilemma (Logic): BC 185. "Dingansich:" BD 211. Dining, Etiquette of: B J 2038. Diodoru8: B 557. D4. Diogenes of Apollonia: B 215. Diogenes the Cynic: B 305. D4. ' Dionysius Areopagita: B 667. D4. Dissociation of personality: BF 1211-18. Discipline, Mental (Psychology) : BF 632. Divinations, oracles: BF 1745-79. Divining rod: BF 1645. Dogmatism (Philosophy) General: B 810. Greco-Roman: B 511. Special, local: B 851-4651. Doherty: B 1584. D5. Dominicus Gundissalinus: B 765. D5. Dowsing for precious metals: BF 1645. Dreams, dream books: BF 1075-99. Drill, exercise: BF 337 Driving etiquette: BJ 2147. Drummond, W.: B 1373. D7. Dualism (Metaphysics): BD 331. Dualism (Philosophic systems.) _J3eneral: B 812. "^Special: B 851-4651. Diihring: B 3220-23. Dunan: B 2270.D8. Duns Scotus: B 765. D7. Dutch philosophy: B 3801-4173. Duty (Ethics): B J 1451. Eckhardt: B 765. E3. Eclecticism (Philosophy) General: B 814. Greek: B 271. Special: B 851-4651. Economics and ethics: BJ 53. Economics and philosophy: B 63. Ecstasy (Spiritism): BF 1321-52. Edesius: B 667.E3. Edwards, Jonathan: B 870-4. Effort: BF 632. Efficiency, Mental (Psychology): BF431. Egotism and altruism: BJ 1474-5. Egyptian ethics: BJ 131-33. ,\ a Vi Egyptian philosophy: B 140-44. Elean-Eretrian school: B 274. Eleatics: B 196. Elemental spirits: BF 1552. Elixir of life: BF 1637. Elves: BF 1552. Emerson, R. W.: B 910-918. Emesa, Bishop of: B 684. N3. Emotion and affection: BF 511-93. Empedocles: B 218. Empirical logic: BC 80-99. Empiricism (Metaphysics): BD 181. Empiricism (Philosophic systems.) General: B 816. Special, local: B 851-4651. Engel: B 2657. English philosophy: B 1111-1671. Enthymeme (Logic): BC 185. Environment (Psychology): BF 353. Entertaining (Etiquette): BJ 2021-2028. Epictetus: B 560-63. Epicurean philosophy: B 512. Epicurus: B 570-73. Epistemology: BD 150-241. Epistolary etiquette: BJ 2101-15. Erasmus: B 785. E6. Erdmann: B 3225. Erennius (Herennius): B 667. E5. Error and truth Ethics: BJ 1420-24. Logic: BC 171-75. Esthetics: BH. Esthetics and ethics: BJ 46. Ethics Altruism: BJ 1474. ] Casuistry: BJ 1440-44. Catholic: BJ 1249. Character: BJ 1518-1695. Christian: BJ 1201-1278. Early: BJ 221-224. Collected works: BJ 21-28. Commercial: HF 5386. Compromise: BJ 1430-34. Conduct: BJ 1545-1695. Congresses: BJ 19. Conscience: BJ 1471. Dictionaries: BJ 63. Domestic: HQ 728-759. Duty: BJ 1451. Ethics and economics: BJ 53. Ethics and esthetics: BJ 46. Ethics and law: BJ 55. Ethics and literature: BJ 16. Ethics and logic: BJ 43; BC 55. Ethics and pedagogics: BJ 49. Ethics and philosophy: BJ 41. Ethics and politics: BJ 55. Ethics and psychology: BJ 45; BF 47. 98 LNDKX Ethics— Continued. Ethics and religion: BJ Ethii :s an Evolutionary: BJ 128* Golden rule: BJ i I and evil: IU MOO-08. Greek: BJ 160 Happiness BJ 1 t v > Eebrew: 15.1 1 11 Hedonism: BJ 1491. Hindu: BJ 12] History: BJ 71 944 Oriental: BJ 111 2 Patristic: BJ 1212. Right and wrong: BJ 1 110-18. Roman: BJ 160 2 School.-: BJ I Societies: BJ I Study and teaching: BJ G6. Theory: BJ 37-57. Treatises: HJ 1001-1185. BJ 1535. Virtues: BJ 1518-1695. Will: BJ L460 64. Ethnic psychology: 15 F 730-38. Ethology: BF 818-839. Etiquette: 15J 1801 2187 .lean treal l'ling.-ard- P. i Christian etiquette: BJ 2018: Clubs: BJ 2183, Conversation: BJ 2120-8. Dictionaries: BJ 1815. Dinners: BJ 2( English treatises: BJ 1870-9. Entertainments: BJ 2Q2] French treatises: BJ 1880-9. Funerals: BJ 20 German treatises: BJ 1900-9. History: BJ 1821. Italian treatises: BJ L920-9. Portuguese tr< Russian treatisi BJ L94 Scandinavian I Spanish treal i Swiss tr- Traveling: BJ Wedding Wed I Euden Eviden Evil (Ethics): BJ 1 \< "Evil ey< ' BF Evilspi Evolution hy) ■ ra I I B Spe< ial, lu :al: B 851 10 Evolutionary ethics: BJ I - Evolutionary logic: BC 121. Irillj BF in of demons: HI ; Expectancj : BF 323. rimental | I 645; QP Expression of - (Psychol BF Fairies: BF 1" Faith: BD 215; BF 77:5. Fallaci L75. Falsehood Ethics: BJ 142( Logic: BC 171 Familiar spirits: BF 1557. Family ethics: 11Q 72S 59. al-Farabi: B 753. F3. Fatigue (Psychology): BF 481-7. Fear (Psychol Feohner: B Fechner's law: QP 431 i ! emotion: BF in: B L4K Ferrari: 15 .:■ Ferrier: B Feuerhach: B 2970-73. Fichu-. 1 II . !'. 2974 Ficht( Ficino Marsilio Final causi Finite and infinite: BD 111. 99 INDEX Fontenelle: B 2020-28. Force (Cosmology): BD 652. Fortune telling: BF 1850-91. Astrology: BF 1651-1728. Dream books: BF 1080-99. Palmistry: BF 910-35. Fouillee, A.: B 2270.F6. Fourth dimension: Mathematics: QA 691-699. Spiritism: BF 1383. Franchi( Bona vino): B 3618. Francis of Assisi, St.: B 765.F6. Franck, Sebastian: B 765. F7. Franklin, B. (Philosophy): B 880-4. Fraser: B 1589. F7. Freedom of the will Ethics: BJ 1460-64. Psychology: BF 620-28. French philosophy: B 1801-2415. Fries: B 2975-79. Frohschammer, J.: B 3245.F7. Funeral etiquette: B J 2071-5. Gale, Theophilus: B 1201. G2 Gale, Thomas: B 1201.G3. Galen: B 577.G2. Galileo: B 785. G2. Galluppi: B 3620-23. Garve: B 2660-63. Gassendi: B 1880-88. al-Gazali: B 753.G3. Generalization: BD 235. Genetic ethics: BJ 1288-1335. Genetic logic: BC 121. Genetic psychology: BF 700-755. Genii: BF 1552. Genius and degeneration: BF 426. heredity: BF 418. insanity: BF423. Psychology of: BF 412-26. German philosophy: B 2521-3395. Gereon: B 765.G3. Geulincx: B 3900-3949. Ghosts: BF 1445-1543. Gilbert de la Porre6 (PorretanuB): B 765.G5. Gioberti: B 3625-28. Glanvill: B 1201. G5. Gnomee: BF 1552. Gnosticism: B 638. Goschel: B 3251. Golden rule (Ethics): BJ 1278. Good and evil (Ethics): BJ 1400-08. Gorgias of Leontium: B 305.G3. Graphology: BF 890-905. BTi&33. Greco-Roman ethics: BJ 211-14. Greco-Roman philosophy: B 505-626. Greek ethics: BJ 160-224. Greek philosophy, Ancient: B 165-491. and modern thought: B 181. Nature philosophy: B 118. Greek philosophy, Modern: B 3501-15. Green, T. H.: B 1630-8. Gregory of Nazianzus: B 667 :G5. Gregory of Nyssa: B 667.G7. Grimoire (Demonology): BF 1558. Grot: B 4240-48. Grote, George: B 1589.G8. Grotius: B 785.G7. Gruyer, L. A.: B 4161. H Habit (Psychology): BF 335. Haeckel: B 3260-68. Haldane: B 1645. Hallucinations: BF 1048-63. Hamann: B 2990-2993. Hamilton: B 1420-8. Hand (Palmistry, etc.): BF 908-35. Handwriting (Graphology): BF 890-905. Happiness: BJ 1480-84. Harrison: B 1646. H2. Hartley: B 1375-8. Hartmann: B 3270-78. Harvey, Gideon: B 1201. H2. ,' gp£ Haunted houses: BF 1475. Hauntings (Occult sciences): BF 1405- 1543. Health, Physical (Ethical aspects of): BJ 1695. Hearing (Psychology): BF251; QP46L-9. Hebrew ethics, Ancient: BJ 146-8. Hebrew philosophy Ancient: B 155-159. Medieval: B 755-9. Hedonism: B 279. and asceticism : BJ 1491. Hegel: B 2900-49. Helmholtz: B 3279.H5. Helvetius: B 2040-18. Hemsterhuis: B 4020-28. 100 [NDEX Heraclitus: B 220-23. Herbart: B 3000 3049. Herbert of Cherbury: B L201.H3. Herder: B 3051. Heredity ( Psychology >: B I ■ 3 1 1 -16. Heredity and genius: BF 418. HennarchuB of Mytilene: B 577.113. Hermetics? BF 1585 L623. Heusde. P. II. van: B 4060-68. Hieronymus: 15 577.115 Hindu ethics: BJ 121-3. Hindu philosophy: B 130-34. Hinton, James: It L589. H 4. Hippolytus: B 667.115. History and philosophy: B 61. Hobbes: B 1203 1248. Hoffding: B 4360-68. Holbach: B 2050-58. Home: B 1435. Hooker: B 1249. H6. Horoscopes: BF 1561-1728. Hotel etiquette: BJ 2144. Huet, P. D.: B 1889.H7. Hugo of St. Victor: B 765. H7. Humanism Renaissance: B 778. Modern: B 821. Hume: B 1450-99. Hutcheson: B 1500-3. Hutton, James: B 1379. H8. Hygiene, Personal (Ethical aspects of): BJ 1695. Hypnotism: BF 1111-56. Hypothesis (Logic): BC 183. I Iamblicus: B 669. Ibn Gibirol (Avicebronue): B 759. A5. Ibn Maimun (Maimonides): B 759. M3. Ibn Rushd (Averroes): B 749. Ibn Sina (Avicenna): B 751. Ibn Tufail: B 753.13. Idealism (Philosophy) General: B 823. Special, local: B 851-4651. U.S.: B941. Ideas, Association of (Psychology): BF 365-85. Ideology, French: B 943. Idleness and work: BJ 1498. Illusions Normal: BF 491. Metapsychology: BF 1001-1389. Imagination (Psychology): BF367; BF 408-36. Imitation (Psychology): BF 357. Immortality of the soul: BI) 420-22. Incantations (Demonology): BF ]. r >. r ,8. Incubi (Occult sciences): BF I Indeterminism (Psychology): BF 020-28. Individuality (Psychology): BF 697. Inductive logic: I'.'' 80-99. Infinite and finite: BI) 411. Inhibition (Psychologj ll BF 335-7. Insanity and genius: BF I Inspiration (Psychology): BF 410. Inspirational records, Spiritistic: BF 1291-1311. Instinct (Psychology): BF 685. Interest: BF 321: Intuitionalism (Metaphysics): BD 181. Invention (Psychology): BF 408-35. Irenaeus: B 671. Isidorus Gnosticus: B 672. Isidorus Hispalensis: B 673. Italian philosophy: B 3551-3655. Jacob i: B 3055-59. James, Henry: B921.J2. Japanese philosophy: B 125-29. Jefferson, Thomas: B 885. Jewish ethics, Ancient: BJ 146-8. Jewish philosophy: B 155-59. Medieval: B 755-59. John of Salisbury: B 765.J4. John Scotus Erigena: B 765.J5. Joseph (Ibn Zaddick): B 759.J5. Jouffroy: B 2280-88. Joy and sorrow: BJ 1487. Judgment, reasoning (Psychology): BF441. Julian: B 674. Justin Martyr: B 675. K Kabala: BF 1585-1623. Kami, Albert: B 3279.K2. Kant: B 2750-99. Kempis, Thomas a: B 785.T5. Kierkegaard: B 4370-78. al-Kindi: B 753. K">. Knowledge, Relativity of: BD 221. Knowledge, Theory of : BD 150-241 Krause: B 3061. 1 d J.O.5 101 fWfcW ot 1.11. INDEX Kroman: B 4381. Krug: B 3063. L Labor and idleness: BJ 1498. Lactantius: B 677. Lamarck: B 2289. L2. Lambert, J. H.: B 2673. LaMettrie: B 2060-68. Lanfranc: B 765. L3. Lange, F. A.: B 3281. Language and thought (Psychology): BF 455-63. Laromiguidre: B 2300-08. Law and ethics: BJ 55. Law and philosophy: B 65. Law and psychology: BF 61. Lazarus, M.: B 3285. Le Clerc, Jean: B 1889.L3. Legal logic: BC 151. Leibnitz: B 2550-99. Leroux: B 3315. Lessing: B 2675-8. Letter-writing (Etiquette): BJ 2101-15. Leucippus: B 225-8. Levitation (Spiritism): BF 1385. Lewes: B 1590-4.. Life, Problem of: BD 431. SITil.L^. Lipsius: B 785. L4. Literature and ethics: BJ 46. Literature and philosophy: B 66. Locke: B 1250-1298. bc« a s Logic Algebraic: BC 131-35. Argumentation: BC 177. Chance: BC141. Collected works: BC 6. ' Compends: BC 101-17. Deductive: BC 60-99. Dictionaries: BC 9. Empirical: BC 80-99. Evolutionary: BC 121. , Fallacies: BC 175. History: BC 11-39. Hypothesis: BC 183. Inductive: BC 80-99. Logic and ethics: BC 55; BJ 43. Logic and philosophy: BC 51. Logic and psychology: BC 53; BF 44. Mechanical: BC 137-38. Periodicals: BC 1. Probabilities: BC 141. Proof: BC 173. Logic — Continued. Propositions: BC 181. Reasoning: BC 177. Study and teaching: BC 59. Syllogisms: BC 185. Symbolic: BC 131-35. Treatises: BC 60-161. Truth and error: BC 171. Longinus: B 679: Los§ius: B2682. Love (Psychology): BF 575. Lucian: B 577. L5. Lucretius: B 577. L6. Lully (Lull, Ra ymond): B 765. L8. Luncheon etiquette: BJ 2038. ' Lyco: B 577. L8. M Macchiavelli: B 785.M2. McCosh, James: B 925-8. Much, Ernst: B 3300-03. Mackintosh: B 1510-18. Magic: BF 1585-1623. Magician's wand: BF 1626-8. Maimon, Salomon: B 3065-69.' Maimonides: B 759. M3. Maine de Biran: B 2320-28. Maistre,J. M. de: B 2331.M2. Malebranche: B 1890-98. Mamiani: B 3635. Mandeville, Bernard de: B 1381. Manicheisra: B 641. Marcion: B 681. Marcus Aurelius: B 580-3. Marsilius: B 765.M3. Martensen: B 4383. Materialism (Metaphysics): BD 331. Materialism (Philosophic systems) General: B 825. Special, local: B 851-4651. Materialization of spirits: BF 1378-81. Mather, Cotton: B 876. M2. Matter: Cosmology: BD 646. Substance, being: BD 331. Matter and motion (Cosmology): BD 652. Matter and space (Cosmology): BD621-32. Maupertuis: B 2080-88. Maximus of Ephesus: B 683, Maximus of T yre: 15 588. Mechanical logic: BC 137 Mechanism (Cosmology): BD 102 ?33.M3. , fAl 1 1 1 < *-< < i >t i Meditative i active life BJ 1 19 I Mediums (Spiritism): BF L281 Megarian Bchool: B .,1 i: Memon [Psyctolog) Mendelssohn: B* Mental deficiency i Psychology I Bl Mental discipl ilogy I Bl Mcn'al imagery (Psychology): BF Mental virility (Psychology): BF 131. Meniicultuiv B pirit: BF 1291-1311. Metaphysics: Bl). ( ompends: 131. -in (logy 193-708. Epistemology: 150 24 L. Methodology: 240-1. Ontology: 300-444. Teleology: 530-95. Treatises: 100 125. Metals. Transmutation of: BF 1639. Metapsychology: BF 1001-1389. Metempsychosis: Bl) Uu. Methodius: B 684.M3. Methodology: BD 240-1. Migration (Psychology): BF 699. Mill. J. S.: B 1» Mill, James: B 1595-8. Mimicry (Psychology): BF 357. Mind: ' Mental deficiency: BF435. Mental discipline: BF 632. Mental virility: BF 131 Menticulture: BF 638-45. Mind and body (Psychology): BF 150-171. Mind reading: BF 1161-71. Minucius Felix: B 684 .-M5. Mirantlola, (.. F. Pii o della; B /s.YMi ftnenfo'nics (Psyciiology*: ; Modern philosophy: B 790-4651. Mfibius, P.J: B3309.M6. Mkandola, G. Picod.: B 785. Monism General: B 827. Special, local: B 851-4651. Montaigne: B 785.M7. Montesquieu: B 2009-98. Moorish philosophy: B 741-53. Moralists, (-reel..; r, 514. More, Henrj : B L299.M6. M. Telly: B 2100 Motion and matter 1 1 Multipl ism lieval: B Modern Spa ial N Natio Nativities (Astrology): BF Nature, 1'lnl, »phy of: BD 581. mi I! lis Greek: B 118; 171 BJ 1460-64. h log) Bl 623. Nemesius Bishop of Emesa): B 684.N3. Neo-Hegeli in ism: B 1568. Neo-Humanism General B 821. Special, local: B 851-4651. Neo-Platonists: B 517. \\> x indrian: B 645. Pla 98. Neo-Pj thagorean B 519. Ncttleship: B ! New England witchcraft History: F 15. W8. Occull sciences: BF 1575-76. \ thought:" BF 638-15. n, John: B 1299.N3. Nicholas of Cusa: B 765.N5. Nicolai: B 2695 Nicolaus of Damascus: B 591. Nielsei B Nietzsche: B 3310-18. Nizolio B 785 N4. Nomenclature (Philosopl 50. Nominalism and realism: B 731. Nostradamus: BF 1815. Novalis: B 3071. Number and quantity: BD Number forma (S vie HF 498. Numbers, Psychology of: BF I Numenius of Apamea B Obligation I Ethics) BJ 1 151. niac: BF 1555 Occultism: BF i 11)3 INDEX MdL aa?. Occultism — Continued. Apparitions: BF 1445-86. Cartomancy: BF 1876-9. Demonology: BF 1405-1891. Dreams: BF 1075-99. Evil spirits: BF 1501^3. Fortune telling: BF 1850-91. Ghosts: BF 1405-1543. Magic: BF 1585-1623. Palmistry: BF 910-35. Psychic research: BF 1001-1389. Satanism: BF 1546-1561. Witchcraft: BF 1563-84. Ocellus, Lucanus: B 235.03. o ly !'^ iMw lil1 " 1156 ' Oersted: B 4387. Oken: B 3073. 93, 3 , : Bl "7i^0mens, Bigns: BF 1777. Ontology: BD 300-444. Opiumism and pessimism: B 829. Ethics: BJ 1477. Opzoomer: B 4080-88. Oracles, Sibyls: BF 1745-79. Oriental ethics: BJ 111-25. Oriental philosophy: B 121-159. Origen: B 685. Oswald: B 1525. Pain and pleasure (Psycholbgy): BF 515. Paine, Thomas (Philosophy): B 887. Paley: B 1382.P2. Palmistry: BF 910-35. Panaetius: B 595. Pantaenus: B 687. Pantheism: BD 558. Paracelsus: B 785. P2. Parker: B 1299.P2. Parmenides: B 235. P2. Pascal: B 1900-04. Pathological psychology: BF 173. Illusions: BF491. Memory: BF 376. Pathology of genius: BF 423-6. Patristic ethics: BJ 1212. Patristic neo-Platonism: B 645. Patritius, F: B 785. P4. Paulsen: B 3321. Pedagogics and ethics: BJ 49. Pedagogics and psychology: BF 54. Pereira: B 785. P46. Periodicals Astrology: BF 1651. Ethics: BJ 1-8. Practical: BJ 1545. Etiquette: BJ 1801. Logic: BC 1. Magic: BF 1585. "New thought:" BF 638. Occultism: BF 1783. Philosophy: B 1-8. Phrenology: BF 866. Psychic research: BF 1001-08. Psychology: BF 1-8. Periodicity (Astrology): BF 1725. Peripatetic philosophy: B 341. Greco-Roman: B 522. Persian ethics: BJ 141-3. Persian philosophy: B 150-54. Personality (Psychology): BF 697-8. Personality, Dissociation of: BF 1211-18. Pessimism (Philosophy) Ethics: BJ 1477. General: B 829. Special, local: B 851^651. Peter Lombard: B 765.P3. Petzholdt, Jos.: B 3323.P3. Phaedo of Elis: B 305.P4. Phenomenalism: BD358. -«* < Philo Judaeus Alexandrinus: B 689. Philoof Larissa: B 598. Philodemus of Gadara: B 598, P4. Philolaus: B 235.P4. Philoponus: B 691. Philosopher's stone: BF 1639. Philosophy Aesthetics: BH. Ancient: B 108-708. Christian, Early: B 630-708. Collected works: B 21-28. Congresses: B 18-20. Dictionaries: B 41^8. Encyclopedias: B 51. Ethics: BJ. History, systems, etc.: B. Logic: BC. Medieval: B 720-65. Metaphysics: BD. Modern: B 790-4651. Oriental: B 121-159. Periodicals: B 1-8. Philosophy and economics: B 63. 104 INDEX Philosophy— Continued. Philosophy and ethics: BJ 41. Philosophy and history: B 61. Philosophy and law: B 65. Philosophy and literature: B 6G. Philosophy and logic: BC 51. Philosophy and political science: B 65. Philosophy and psychology: BF41. Philosophy and religion: B 56. Philosophy and science: B 67. Philosophy and sociology: B 63. Psychology: BF. Renaissance: B 775-85. Societies: B 11-18. Study and teaching: B 52. Theory, method: B 53-67. Treatises: B 69-103. Comprehensive: BD 10-35. Metaphysics. BD 100-125. Yearbooks: B 31. Phonism (Psychology): BF 497. Photism (Psychology): BF 496. Photography, Spirit: BF 1381. Phrenology: BF 866-85. Physical health (Ethical aspects of): BJ 1695; RA 776. Physiognomy: BF 840-61. Planchette: BF1343. Platner: B 2699. P3. Plato: H 350-98. Neo-Platonists: B 350-98; B 645. Play (Psychology): BF 717. Child psychology: BF 721. Pleasure and pain Ethics: BJ 1481-1491. Psychology: BF 515. Pletho: B 785.P5. Plotinus: B 693. Plurality and unity: BD 394. Plutarch of Athens: B 695. Plutarch of Cheronoea: B 600-4503. Pueumatology: BF 1405-1891. Political science and philosophy: B 65. Politics and ethics: BJ 55. Poliziano: B 785. P6. PolyBtratus: 13 607. P4. Pomponazzi: B 785.P8. Pomponius Atticus: B 605. P8. Porphyrins: B 697. Porretanus: B 7Gf.G5. Porter, Noah: B 931.P5. Posidoneus: B 607. P2. Positive ethics: BJ 1355-85. Positivism ( Philosophy) Comte: B 2200-49. General: B 831. Special, local: B 851-1651. Possession, Demoniac: BF 1555. Posture (Psychology): BF 355. and fatigue: BF487. Potamon: B 699. Practical ethics: BJ 1518-1695. Pragmatism neral: B 832. Special, local: B 851-4651. Prantl: B 3323 RT Preobrazhenski: B 4250-58. Prevost: B 2333. Priestley: B 1383. Probabilities (Logic): BC 141. Proclus: B 701. Prodicus of Scioa: B 305. P7. Proof (Logic): BC 173. Prophets (Occultism): BF 1783-1815. Propositions (Logic): BC 181. Protagoras of Abdera: B 305 P8. Pseudo-chromesthesia: BF 497. Psychic research: BF 1001-1389. Clairaudience: BF 1338. Clairvoyance: BF 1325-31. Collected works: BF 1023. Congresses, BF 1021. Demonology: BF 1501-1561. Dictionaries: BF 1025. Dreams: BF 1075-99. Ghosts: BF 1405-1543. History: BF 1028. Hypnotism: BF 1111-56. Investigations: BF 1029-30. Multiple consciousness: BF 1211-18. Occultism: BF 1405-1891. Periodicals: BF 1001-08. Sleep: BF 1068-73. Societies: BF 1010-18. Spiritism: BF 1225-1389. Telepathy: BF 116-71. Treatises: BF 1031-38. Psychology Accommodation: BF 335. Animal psychology: BF 660-78. Character: BF 818-39. Child psychology: BF721; HQ; LB. 105 INDEX Ps ivchqj mued Collected works: BFJ 8^ '?6>. 21-28. Comparative psychology: BF 660-99. Compcuds: BF 131-38. Congresses: BF 20. Consciousness: BF 311-499. Dictionaries: BF 31. Ethnic psychology: BF 730-38. Experimental psychology: BF 181-645; QP 351-499. Feeling: BF 511-93. Genetic psychology: BF 700-38. Habit: BF335. History: BF 81-108. Imagination: BF 408-35. Memory: BF 370-85. Mind and body: BF 150-71. Nations, Psychology of: BF 751-55. Outlines: BF 141-48. Pathological psychology: BF 173. Periodicals: BF 1-8. Physiognomy: BF 840-61. Psychic research: BF 1001-1389. Psycnology and environment: BF 353. Psychology and ethics: BF 47. Psychology and heredity: BF 341-16. Psychology and law: BF 61. Psychology and life: BF 67. Psychology and logic: BF 44. Psychology and pedagogy: BF 54. Psychology and philosophy: BF 41. Psychology and religion: BF 51. Psychology and science: BF 64. Psychology and sociology: BF 57. Sensation: BF 231-75. Sex psychology: BF 692-95. Space and time: BF 468-75. Speech: BF 455-63. Study and t.e: realises Will: BF608 36. Vt^rbooWs: Psychomctry: (Mediumship) BF 1281- 1352. Psycho-therapy: RM- BF 1156. Pyrrhonists: B 525. Pythagoras: B 240-43. Neo-Pythagoreans: B 519. Pythagorean ism: B 199. Pythagorean numbers: BF 1623. %F/£, 3 Q Quantity (Metaphysics): BD 643. Quesnay: B 2110-18. f . R Rabelais: B 785. R2. Race psychology: BF 730-38. Railway etiquette: BJ 2141. Ramus: B 785.R4. Rationalism (Metaphysics): BD 181. Rationalism (Philosophy) General: B 833. Special, local; B 851-4651. Ravaisson: B 2337. Raymond of Sabunde: B 765. R2. Reaction time (Psychology): QP 363. Reading (Psychology): BF456. Realism (Philosophy) General: B 835. Special, local: B 851-4651. Realism and nominalism: B 731. Reality (Metaphysics): BD 331. Reasoning (Logic): BC 177. tcasonine power (Psvehology): BF 441. oi.l : B 1530 S. Reimarus: B 2699. R4. Reinhold, C. E. G.: B 3077. Reinhold, Karl L: B 3080-84. Religion, Philosophy of: BD 573. Religion and ethics: BJ 47. Religion and philosophy: B 56. Religion and psyc hology: B F 51. Remusat, Charles de: B 2339 R3. Renaissance ethics: BJ 271-85. Renaissance philosophy: B 775-85. Renan: B 2340-48. Renouvier: B 2350-58. Responsibility (Ethics): BJ 1451. Reuchlin: B 785. R6. Reynaud: B 2365. gr-^KRhabanus Maurus: B 765. R4. Rhythm (Psychology): BF 475. Richard of St. Victor: B 765.R5. Riding etiquette: BJ 2147. Right and wrong (Ethics): BJ 1410-18. . feMf^fiF* (Oc'cuifsc: mMii. i science Robert of Melun: B 765.R6. Robinet: B 2120-28. Roman Catholic ethics: BJ 1249. 106 INDEX Roinan Catholic etiquette: BJ 2018. Roman ethics: BJ 160-224. Romanes: B 1649. R6. Roscelin: B 765. R7. Roeencranz: B 3 Roaicrucians: BF 1623. Roamini-Serbati: B 3640-48. Rosny: B 2369. R6. Rousseau: B 2130-38. Royal heredity (Psychology): BF 343. Royer-Collard: B 2370-78. ROdiger: B 2701. Ruysbroeck: B 765.R8. St. Augustine (Philosophy): B 655. Saint. Simon: B 2380-88. Saisset: B 2390. Salem witchcraft: BF 1575-76. Sanchez: B 785.S4. Sapater: B 703.S3. Satanism: BF 1546-61. Scaliger: B 785. S4. Schelling: B 2850-99. Schiller: B 3086.S3. Schlegel, F.: B 3086.S5. Schlegel.W.: B 3086.S6. Schleiermacher: B 3090-98. Scholasticism General and modern: B 839. Medieval: B 734. Scholastic metaphysics: BD 125. Special, local: B 851-4651. Schopenhauer: B 3100-49. Schulze: B 3151.S4. Schwegler: B 3151.S6. \^.*NCe_ a -\ Science and ethics: BJ 57. Science and philosophy: B 67. Science and psychology: BF 64. Sciences, Classification of: BD 240-41; Q177. Sea specters: BF 1486. Secretan: B 2392. Seeley, J. II.: B 931. S3. Seers, prophets: BF 1783-1891. Self direction: BF 632. Self discipline (Psychology): BF 632. Selti I unselfishness: BJ 1474-5. Sensation (Psychology) : BF 231-275. Sensationalism (Metaphysics): BD 181. Sensibility (Psychology): BF521. 1 321— . I nry: B 13 Sibben Sibylli 79. r of Brabao II; QP 4 BF 1777. Simon: B 2400-04. Simple life: BJ 1496. Skepticism (Philosophic systems) General: B 837. Greek: B 525. Renaissance: B 779. Special, local: B 851-4651. Slate writing: BF 1343. Sleep, somnambulism: BF 1068-73. Smell (Psychology): BF 271; QP 458. Smith, Adam: B 1545. Smith, John (of Cambridge): B 1299.S6. Smith, Sidney: B 161 Sociology and philosophy: B 63. and psychology: BF 57. Socrates: B 310-19. Solipsism (Metaphysics): BD 201. Solov'ev: B 4260-68. Somnambulism: BF 1068-73. Sophists: B 288. Sorites (Logic): BC 185. Sorrow and joy: BJ 1487. Soul- Immortality of: BD 420-22. Preexistence of: BD 426 Soul of animals: BD Animal psychology: BF 660-85. - Space era (Occult sciences): BF 1445- 455. Spelling and reading (Psychology): BF rt: B 1650-58. 1951-3999. Spiritism: BF 1001-1389. 107 INDEX Spiritualism: BF 1225-1389. Astral body: BF 1389. Automatic writing: BF 1343. Biography of mediums: BF 1281-83. Clairvoyance: BF 1281-1352. Collected works: BF 1235. Congresses: BF 1231. Exposures: BF 1042; BF 1289. History: BF 1241. Levitation: BF 1385. Materialization: BF 1378-81. Mediums: BF 1281-1352. Periodicals: BF 1225. Photography, Spirit: BF 1381. Planchette: BF 1343. Psychometry: BF 1281-1352. Societies: BF 1228. Table rapping: BF 1375. Telekinesis: BF 1371-89. Trance:. BF 1321-52. Treatises: BF 1251-458; BF 1286-88. Spiritualism (Metaphysics): BD 331. Spiritualism (Philosophic systems) General: B 841. Special, local: B 851-4651. Staeius: B 626.S3. Stationery, Etiquette of: BJ 2081-95. Statistical method in psychology: BF Steffens: B 3151.S8. Steinbart: B 2705-08. Steinthal: B 3335. Stewart: B 1550-8. Stirling: B 1665. Stoics: B 528. Strada, J.: B 4170-73. Strato: B 626.S5. Strauss: B 3340-43. Stumpf: B 3345. Stupidity (Psychology): BF 435. Substance (Metaphysics): BD 331. Success Business: HF 5386; HD 6053. Ethics: BJ 1611-18. Succubi (Occult sciences): BF 1556. Suggestion, hypnotism: BF 1111-56. Summism: B 727. Suso: B 765.S7. Syllogisms (Logic): BC 185. Symbolic logic: BC 131-5. Symbolism Occult sciences: BF 1623. Psychology: BF 458. Sympafhy: BJ 1745. Syncretism: B 531. Synesthesia (Psychology): BF 495-99. Synopsie: BF 497. Syrianus: B 703. S8. Systems (Philosophy): B 69-4651. Table rapping: BF 1375. Taine: B 2405-08. Talismans: BF 1561. Tarde: B 2411. Taste (Psychology): BF261; QP 456. Tauler: B 765.T3. Teaching and ethics: BJ 49. Teaching and psychology: BF 54. Educational psychology: LB. Teichmuller: B 3346.T3. Telekinesis: BF 1371-89. Teleology: BD 530-95. Telepathy: BF 1161-71. Telesius: B 785. T3. Temperament, character (Psychology): BF 795^-935. Terminology (Philosophy): B 49-50. Tertullian: B 705. Tetens: B 2710-13. Thales: B 250-53. Theism: BD 555. Themistius: B 708.T4. Theodorus: B 708.T5. Theology and ethics: BJ 47. Theology and philosophy: B 56. Theophrastus of Lesbos: B 626.T3. Thomas a Kempis: B 785.T5. Thomas Aquinas: B 765.T5. Thomasius: B 2605. Thoreau, H. D.: B 931.T4. Thought and language (Psychology): BF 455. Tiedeman: B 2715. Timaeus Locrus: B 258.T4. Time and space Cosmology: BD 632-43. ' Psychology: BF 468-75. Time relations (Psychology): BF 475. Timon of Phlius: B 626.T5. Tindall: B 1391. Tonnies: B 3348. Toland: B 1393. Touch (Psychology): BF 275; QP 451. 108 , . Bj r [NDEX Training of the will (Psychology): BF632. Trance (Spiritism): BF 1321 Spirit messages: BF 1291 1311. Transcendentalism (Philosophy) American: B 905. General: B 823. Special, local: B 851-4651. Transmutation of metals: BP 1G39. Traveling etiquette: BJ 2137-55. Trendelenburg: B 3155-58. Troit.skil: B 1270-78. Truth and error Ethics: BJ 1420-24. Logic: BO 171-75. Tschirnhausen: B 2609. Turgot: B 2150-58. U Uberweg: B 3351. Ulrici: B 3160-68. Unconscious, Psychology of the: BF 1001 1389. Unconscious mind (Psychology): BF315. Unity and plurality (Metaphysics); BD 394. Universal solvent (Alchemy): BF 1634. Unknowable: BD 211. Upham, T. C: B 931. U6. Utilitarianism (Philosophy) General: B 843. Special, local: B 851-4651. Vacherot: B 2415. Valentinus: B 708. V3. Values, Theory of — Metaphysics: BD 232. Psychology: BF 758. Vampires (Occult sciences): BF 1556. Vanini: B 785. V2. Vices (Ethics): BJ 1535. Vincent, of Beauvais: B 765. V4. Virtues (Ethics): BJ L518 1695. Vision (Psychology): BF241; QP 475-95. Visiting curd etiquette: BJ 2081-95. Vogt, 0.: B 3355. Volition (Psychology): BF 608-36. "Volkerpsychologie": BF 730-738. Volney: B 2160-68. Voltaire: B 2170-78. O W Wallace: I'. 1671 Walter of S< Vu i-r: B 765.W3. Wand, Mai'ic ian »'s: I'd' 1642 5, I.: B 1394.W2 Way land, Frani is: B 931 Wi Weber's law: QP i .: Wedding etiquette BJ 2051 65. Stationery: BJ 2092 Wedgew i, B.: 15 1612 W3. Weigel: B 785.W3. Weisse: B 3175. Whewell: B L612.W5. Whi< hcote: B 1299.W4. Will Diseases of: BF 619 Ethics: BJ 1460-64. Psychology: BF 608-36. Training of: BF 632. William of Auvergne: B 765.W4. William of Champeaux: B 765.W5. William of Occam: B 765. W6. Willmann: B 3365. Windelband: B 3371. Witchcraft: BF 1563-84. Wolff: B 2720 28. Wollaston: B 1395. Woolston: B 1397. Work and fatigue (Psychology): BF 181. Work and idleness (Ethics): BJ 1498. Worth, values. Metaphysics: BD 232. Psychology: BF 758. Worthington: B 1299.W6. Writing (Graphology); BF 890-905. Wrong and right (Ethics): BJ 1410- 18 Wundt: B 3380-88. Xenophanes: B 258. X3. Y Young people, Ethics for: EQ 36, 46, BJ 1661-88. Zeller: B 3391. Zeno of Citium: B 626.Z2. Zenoof Elea: B 258.Z3. Zeno of Tarsus: B 626. Zi. Ziegler, T.: B 3395. 109 5 C UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 3DP3-1957' OlSCHHRGE-liKE MAR 1 5 19B Form L9-50m-7, '54 (5990)444 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA _.*Z___LL£. — Libra . 696 of Conprf Ufot C I a s 5 ] f i cs ti o_n_ 1910 divi sic rt I, p - Z 696 1910 I Hill llll llll 11 mm mi 3 1158 00567 4287 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY EACH IT. AA 001 204 274 3