767 ^6557^ State Street Trust Company, Boston Some Merchants and Sea Captains of Old Boston THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF COMMODORE BYRON MCCANDLESS 1^ 5 O ^ )- > "- »j S « « ._. i::; o ac3 o S c u w c o S.-5 20 ^ o c c iL o. ^s o ^ oh" O "1 o is = — «> (/■> •- c c £ .E-5 6 .Sou c o !:: M u ^U <«$ ■£.£2 SOS- SOME MERCHANTS A>D SEA CAPTAINS OF OLD BOSTON BEING A COLLECTIOX OF SKETCHES OF XO TABLE MEX AXn JIERCAXTILE HOUSES PROMIXEXT DURIXG THE EARLT HALF OF THE NINETEENTH CENTCRX IN THE COMMERCE AND SHIPPING OF BOSTON PRISTED FOR THE ^tatr ^trrrt arust (rmti;jang BOSTON. MASS. C"opvRK;in. igi8 ItV THE STATE SIRKF. r TRUST COMPANY Tlie headpiece above the article on Russell Sturgis is drawn from the picture of "India Wharf in 1857" through the courtesy of F. B. C. Bradlee, Esq. (Compiled, arranged and printed by direction of If'a/ton /Advertising y Printing Co. Boston, Mass. 767 FOREWORD /4 1" the beginning of the last century and well towards its fifties / % lumbering, fishing, ship-building and whaling were the principal / % industries of New England. On most of the harbours, upon many of the navigable rivers and creeks, could be heard the sound of the caulker's maul at work on vessels large and small, schooners, sloops, barks, and clippers in all stages of construction. Few there are who thought these days would ever return, but time often plays strange tricks. Those who travel between New York and Boston, or between Boston and Portland or beyond, can see from the car windows ships on the ways at many a small town that has hereto- fore been asleep for years, but that now bustles with the activities of ship-building. Often five or six ships side by side may be seen, — ships of a different build from those of the older days, but capable of again carrying the names of New England merchants. New England cap- tains, and New England towns into the harbours of the world as did the clippers of almost a century ago. To-day from the Atlantic to the Pacific ships are being launched at a greater rate than ever before in the history of this country. It is because of this renaissance in maritime affairs that the State Street Trust Company this year has prepared another pamphlet which smacks of the sea. This brochure contains a short account of the lives of some of Boston's merchants and captains who did so much to build up the commercial interests of Boston and New England, and who helped to make the Eastern States a synonym for daring business enterprise and skilful seamanship. There are many other merchants and captains of Boston who ought to be included in this pamphlet, but it has been impossible to do so owing to the limited space, and also because of the fact that the compilers were unable to find sufficient information concerning many of them. In next year's brochure the State Street Trust Company hopes to include other Boston merchants and captains, with stories or anecdotes concerning their lives, and would therefore very much appreciate it if any one having any diaries, information, or stories in regard to members of their families, would be so kind as to confer with the officers of the Company. It hopes that an insight into the old days may prove interesting, and will carry the reader back to the time when the shores of Boston were alive with ships just arrived or about to sail; when the " counting- houses " — for they were never called offices — covered the wharves; when shipping held the centre of interest on State Street and Commer- cial Street; and when at almost any hour of the day could be seen on Telegraph Hill, at Hull, from the cupola on Central Wharf, and from 1023978 FOREWORD the cupola on the Old State House the signals announcing a new arrival in the harbour. The Company also hopes that ihesc stories and deeds of our an- cestors will prove an inspiration to the youths of to-day to choose the sea as their calling, and to help man the large fleet of merchant vessels that the Government will own after the war, and which all loyal Amrricatis, even those living in the inland States, nozv knozv should be kef^t under our flag for the future tveljare and protection of our country. England's large merchant marine helped to prevent her from starving, and also made it possible for the United States to turn the tide of battle by assisting in carrying abroad two-thirds of the American Army up to August 15, 1918. Americans must therefore realize the value of the merchant marine to this country in peace and in war, and should see that Congress passes laws that will enable our ships to live on the seas on a basis comparing favorably with those of other countries. To the following persons who have rendered much valuable assist- ance in compiling this pamphlet the State Street Trust Company de- sires to extend its thanks: Captain Arthur H. Clark, Otto Fleischner and other officers of the Boston Public Library; Charles F. Read of the Bostonian Society; Robert B. Smith of the Marine Museum; Francis R. Allen, Edwin F. Atkins, Louis Bacon, W. P. Barker, Charles A. Barry, T. Dennie Boardman, Robert A. Boit, F. B. C. Bradlee, John K. Burgess, George E. Cabot, Samuel Cabot, Samuel W. Comstock, Horace S. Crowell, Henry W. Cunningham. Frederic Cunningham, Mrs. E. A. Dolliver, Captain Oscar G. Eaton. William C. Endicott, Chester Guild, William F. Halsall, Alpheus H. Hardy, Arthur Sherburne Hardy, Charles A. Hardy, Miss Susan W. Hardy, Augustus Hemenway, Augustus Hemenway, Jr., Paul K. Hisada, Osborne Howes, Prof. T. Makino, Prof. Mizusaki, Lester H. Monks, H. S. O. Nichols, J. W. T. Nichols, Russell Sturgis Paine, Mrs. Charles E. Perkins, William F. Searle, J. H. Shapleigh, F. W. Sprague, Morgan H. Stafford, John H. Sturgis, C. H. Taylor, Jr., T. C. Thacher, Barclay Tilton, R. E. Townsend, Herman A. Train, Mrs. Franklin M. Train, Captain N. B. Washburn, Dr. F. S. Watson, Thomas Weston, William G. Wheildon, T. T. Whitney, T. T. Whitney, Jr. ALLAN FORBES, President State Street Trust Company. Janu.\ry 1, 1919. THE OLD CLIPPER DAYS JULIAN S. CUTLER The old Clipper days were jolly, when we sailed the Seven Seas, And the house-flags of our merchant ships were whipped by every breeze; It was good-by to your mother and the pretty girls on shore, For we're off around the howling Horn, bound down to Singapore. We romped the rushing trade-winds, and we raced the big monsoon; We carried reeling royals from Manila to Rangoon; We were chased by Aialay pirates from Natura to Penang, And we drove her scuppers under to outsail the cut-throat gang. We went rolling in "The Doldrums" till the tar oozed from our seams; We went pushing through the ice-pack till the pressure cracked our beams; And old Mother Carey's chickens wheeled around us o'er the brine. While we entertained Old Neptune when he hailed up on the line. Those were days to be remembered, when our good ship sailed away, From the old home port behind us, to Calcutta or Bombay; When we sold the Heathen nations rum and opium in rolls, And the Missionaries went along to save their sinful souls. It was "Bundle out, my bullies, and we'll give the sheets a pull"; It was "Ease her off a little, till the topsails stand rap full"; It was "Scrub the decks, my Jackies, and we'll take the sun at noon"; It was "Sou'-sou'-west-half-south, my boy, beneath the Southern moon." We raced across to Africa with "dicker" in the hold; We traded beads and calico for ivory and gold; We raised the Northern Dipper as we sunk the Southern Cross, And when we figured up the run the owners felt no loss. Then 'twas "Home again, my bullies," with our bows knee- deep in foam, To the mother that was waiting and the happy ones at home; It was home from old Calcutta or Hong Kong or far Bombay, To the land we loved to think of when our hearts were far away. SOME MERCHANTS AND SEA CAPTAINS OF OLD BOSTON RUSSELL STURGIS USSELL STURGIS'S grandfather, who bore the same name, visited the Daniel Bacons on Cape Cod, and while there he met and married Elizabeth, the daugh- ter of Mrs. James Perkins. Mrs. Perkins was the daughter of Thomas Handasyd Peck, who left some interesting letters concerning the lives of the Boston- ians of the early days. Of her it is related that during the Revolu- tionary War there was much sickness among the English troops in Boston and the English general was advised to get assistance from Mrs. Perkins, who was known to be very capable. She replied, as was quite natural at that time, that she would aid them " as sick men but by no means as soldiers." After the war Mrs. Perkins and her son-in- law returned from the Cape to Boston. Russell Sturgis, the grandson and well-known Boston and Canton merchant, was born in Boston in 1805, went to Harvard at the age of twelve, and in 1828 made his first voyage abroad in the " Boston," with only two fellow-passengers. He had settled down in this city as a young lawyer and would probably have continued in this profession had he not overheard John P. Cushing speak of the unwillingness of a certain person to go to China. "I wish I had that chance offered me," remarked Sturgis. In a few days the oppor- tunity was given to him by Mr. Cushing and he sailed for Canton in 1833. Eventually Sturgis entered the firm of Russell & Sturgis of Manila and Russell, Sturgis & Co. of Canton, and in 1840 the latter house consolidated with Russell & Co., Mr. Warren Delano being taken in as a member of the firm. Two years later Russell Sturgis became a part- ner. The East had a great fascination ior him, and in fact for all the men who went out there from Boston. The life there was new and 1 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON interesting to them, and they assumed great responsibilities; they lived a life of great freedom, although they were not allowed to go outside the " Factory " reservation. Besides being called " foreign devils " they were also described as " a ghostly tribe of barbarians," as " uncouth beings with fiery hair," as " a strange people who came to the Flowery Kingdom from regions of mist and storm where the sun never shines," even as " wild, untamed men whose words are rough, and whose language is confused." During the opium war, Rus- sell Sturgis's son, Julian Sturgis, who wrote a short memoir of his father, describes how each member of Russell & Co. had to do some of the housework. Lots were drawn and the duty of cook fell to Capt. R. B. Forbes, who was soon deposed from his position by Warren Delano for presenting to his fellow-captives a dish of ham and eggs which was mistaken for some sort of leather. John C. Green, who was the head of Russell & Co., tried his hand at boiled rice, which resembled a mass of glue, so the story goes. A. A. Low, father of Seth Low, was ordered to set the table after having produced some boiled eggs that resembled grape-shot. To kill time they played whist, and hunted rats with a terrier, which latter fact led the Chinese to believe that the "Fan-Kwae" were holding a continuous feast. Julian Sturgis also mentions the Canton Regatta Club, which was founded in 1837, thereby causing a protest to be Issued by three of the Co-Hongs, who believed that great danger would arise from its formation. The protest reads as follows: — "On the river boats are mysteriously abundant; everywhere they conpre- gate in vast numbers; like a stream they advance and retire unceasingly. Thus the chances of contact are many; so are accidents even to the breaking of one another's boats, to the injury of men's bodies, while more serious con- sequences might ensue! HOUQUA, MOUQUA, PwANKEIQUA." " More better no go," warned Houqua, In his pigeon English. In 1844 Russell Sturgis retired from business and came home to Boston to join his children, who had been sent there to school, their mother having died in Manila in 1837. Sturgis then married again, his wife being Julia A. Bolt, a sister of Robert A. Bolt's mother. He found the scale of living in that day more expensive than he had expected and therefore decided to return with his family to the East. He was to sail on the " Canada " from Boston to London, where he was to connect with a ship that was to take him eastward. The expressman who brought In the family luggage from Jamaica Plain was delayed by an open drawbridge and failed to get to the wharf until after the vessel had sailed. Sturgis and his family decided not to sail without the luggage and had to wait over for the next boat. It is said that when he found the delay occurred through no fault of the express- man, he treated the expressman so kindly that the man was so surprised and overcome that he Immediately burst into tears. The steamer on which they finally crossed did not arrive in London in time to catch the SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON boat sailing eastward, therefore Sturgis and his family had to remain a number of weeks in London before making connections. During this time he was asked by Mr. Bates, the senior member of Baring Bros. & Co., to become a partner in the firm, which position he accepted, finally becoming head of the house. It was jokingly said in the family that if it had not been for the dilatory expressman Mr. Sturgis would never have become head of the firm of Baring Bros. & Co. He never returned to this country, dying in England in 1887. Mr. Sturgis's genial, hearty, and kindly personality is well remem- bered by many Bostonians whom he warmly welcomed and sumptu- ously entertained at his town house in Carlton House Terrace and at his country place, first at Walton-on-Thames and later at Leatherhead. His American guests were often astonished at his up-to-date informa- tion, and accurate memory of births, marriages, and deaths among his acquaintances in Boston, as he always showed a genuine and constant interest in all his friends in this country. He was one of the generous contributors to the Boston Art Museum when its new building was built in Copley Square by his son John H. Sturgis. COLONEL THOMAS HANDASYD PERKINS, T^ Colonel Thomas Handasyd Perkins, Jr., son of Colonel Perkins, described in last year's pamphlet, was invariably known as " Short- arm Tom " because his right arm was a trifle shorter than his left, a defect, however, which didn't prevent his " landing " it in the right place when occasion demanded. While he was in London there was no one skilful enough to box with him and so his friends recommended that he go to a curious old African sparrer, named Richmond, who had such long arms that he could button his breeches at the knee without stooping at all. During the first lesson Colonel Perkins was at first hit very hard, but later retaliated by fighting the African backwards until he was knocked into the window and would have gone completely through had not his antagonist and his friends pulled him back by the ankles. After he had extricated a few pieces of glass from his arms, he said with great respect for his amateur sparring partner: "Golly, Massa Major, how you do hit wid dat right of yours ! Why, I radder be kicked by old Massa's black mule dan hab you hit me again like dat. No, by golly, I don't want any mo' of dat hitten here." It is interesting to record that Richmond was born at Richmond on Staten Island. He became a body-servant to General Earl Percy when the English took possession of Long Island during the Revolution, and later accompa- nied his master to England, where he served him for a number of years. He then took up prize-fighting and soon became a champion. Another example of the Colonel's strength and agility was shown when he and the well-known actor James Wallack were leaving the Federal Street Theatre in Boston. A man very much under the influence of liquor rushed at them with a knife, whereupon Colonel Per- SOMK MERCIIAN rS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON kins parried the blow and felled the assailant to the ground, but himself received a bad wound. It was later discovered that the attacker was none other than Junius Brutus Booth, the actor, who doubtless was jealous over the success of Wallack, and who had intended his blow for his rival instead of for Colonel Perkins. When Colonel Perkins first went to China he was very young, and very homesick, and was much disappointed not to be received more cordially by John Perkins Cushing, the head of the firm of J. & T. H. Perkins, who happened to be very much occupied when he arrived. Young Perkins presented a letter of introduction from Mrs. Forbes, a sister of his father, which was met with a curt " There's your desk." Nothing was said for a long time, young Perkins in the mean time spending his time making lamp-lighters, when suddenly Mr. Cushing looked over at him and said, " Is your Aunt as fat as she used to be?" "Ten times fatter" was the reply, and the conversation again ended. This may have been the same aunt who asked one of the younger members of the family to put a pillow in the small of her back. The reply came, " You haven't any small to your back. Aunty." A friendship between Mr. Cushing and his young apprentice quickly began, and the two became lifelong friends. Not many days after their first meeting Mr. Cushing asked the new arrival if he would take an armed boat and go up to Houqua's and get from him a hundred thousand dollars. Perkins got ready for the expedition and then waited around for further instructions, thinking he would need a letter of introduction to the comprador. Mr. Cushing said that this was very unnecessary, as all the business with Houqua was by word of mouth. The Chinaman promptly appeared when he knew an American had arrived to see him, and invited him ashore, saying in his pigeon English, " Hi ya, my welly glad sabe that son my olo flen, Mr. Perkins, my welly much chin chin you, askee come ashore, come ashore; as for dollar, can hab, yes, can hab leckly." While the money was being counted out, Houqua invited young Perkins to lunch with him and to attend an old Chinese play which Houqua said had been going on for several weeks. Finally the play was over, Houqua amusingly remarking that "the tide would not wait even for Confucius " and therefore the play must come to an end for the day. The dollars were taken back safely to Canton. Colonel Perkins spent a good many years of his life in London, where he made many warm friends. He also acquired the reputation of being one of the best-dressed men of his day and of having the handsomest leg in London. Wliile there he served on the staff of General Devereux for over two years. On one occasion the question of wearing knee-breeches or trousers was discussed, and those present decided to ask Major Perkins what his decision would be. His answer was that all men who had bad legs might come in trousers, and, as General Devereux expressed it, " trousers were very scarce that season at Almack's." On another occasion a marquis had driven six horses through the SOME M ERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON streets of London and had been fined, as this was against the municipal regulations. Major Perkins declared that the offender hadn't known how to do it, and he promptly made bets with all the people in the room that he could drive his six-in-hand about the Park without being fined. The next morning the same party of men scrambled into their seats in the drag and the six-in-hand started on its way about London. In a short time a " bobby " ordered them to stop, remarking that it was contrary to the law to drive six horses about the streets of London. " I am aware of that," answered Colonel Perkins. " Then I must summon you," replied the officer. " I am Colonel Thomas H. Perkins of Park Lane," was the reply, " and I am not breaking that regulation. If you will take the trouble to inspect my off-wheeler you will perceive that he is a mule and I know of no regulation which prevents a gentleman from driving five horses and a mule to his drag if he pleases." None on the drag had noticed the mule, and when they did see it there was a shout of laughter from every one, with the exclamation, " You have won, Tom," and the " bobby " remarked, " Damned Yankee trick that," as Colonel Perkins touched up his horses and started for home. General Devereux praised Colonel Perkins very highly while he was his staff officer. One day a number of men were having a discussion and the Marquis of Hertford said he knew a certain thing was so. Some one else asked him how he knew this, and he replied, " Because Tom Perkins told me so." Again the questioner rather carelessly asked who Tom Perkins was and why he should always be quoted. The questioner again was admonished by the Marquis, who replied that Tom Perkins was a young man whom he ad- mired and respected; that he admired any man who could knock Richmond through a window, and respected a young man who when he came to hunt with them not only brought nags enough to horse himself but had spare mounts for some of his own impecunious relatives. He further stated that he had seen the questioner riding some of Tom's horses himself. There was a shout from all those in the room, and the questioner declared that he was sorry he had spoken. When Colonel Perkins returned to America he purchased a house at Nahant which was owned at one time by General Charles J. Paine, the famous yachtsman. Perkins was always fond of the water and was an excellent hand in steering a small boat. Captain Dumaresq came back from Baltimore and described a very beautiful schooner which Perkins bought, and made a match with her against the " Sylph," which was to be sailed by John Perkins Cushing and Capt. R. B. Forbes. The race was to a buoy off the outer light in Boston Harbour, it being agreed that the first boat around should drive a boat-hook into the buoy and the next boat should take it out. The Perkins-Dumaresq yacht, which was called the " Dream," rounded the buoy first, and the Colonel drove his boat-hook into it and succeeded in first reaching home. The boat-hook never was brought back, and for years afterwards, when Colonel Perkins met n o o 5^ "* - Z o c ^ 3 >■ O- > cr ?3 •< o W z > r ?? C/3 g H O ?3 £- P H 3 p M > U' CO §: ^ cr o: •<; O CO Oj hJ jq' d TO z « ■«Hi\ a. \,'■^»r — SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON Captain Forbes on Temple Place or on the Common he used to yell: "Ben, ahoy! Where is my boat-hook?" Colonel Perkins was born in his father's house on Pearl Street and later attended school at Exeter Academy, where the master declared he was a very rare fellow because he had "a watch, a fowling piece and a Lexicon," a rare combination at that time. He married Miss Jane Francis Dumaresq and they lived in Boston, first on Chauncy Street and then at 1 Winthrop Place. He became a partner in the firm of J. & T. H. Perkins, and was so successful that in 1834 he built a house of his own at 1 Joy Street, where he passed many years. To their house came many of the important people of this time, — Harrison Gray Otis, Judge Story, Samuel Appleton, Thomas L. Winthrop, Daniel Webster, Nathaniel Amory, Nlajor Joseph Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Everett, Augustus Thorndike. Francis Codman, Charles Hammond, J. P. Cushing, Thomas and Lothrop Motley, Louis Stackpole, Henry Cabot, Col. T. G. Carey, W\ H. Gardiner, and others. His father's house in Temple Place was the rendezvous of all the important people of the day. Mention is often made of the wonderful Thanksgiving dinners there, which were attended by four generations, those present often numbering over sixty, and occupying two rooms for the dinner-table. Upon these occasions it was always customary after dinner for the youngest child to walk down the entire length of the table, and it is recorded that the last one to achieve this feat was a great-grand-daughter, now Mrs. F. C. Shattuck, who was then about five years old. When Colonel Perkins realized that he was about to die he said to a friend of his: " I am about as good as Gus Thorndike, Jim Otis, or Charlie Hammond, and almost as good as Frank Codman. I shall go where they go, and that is where I wish to go." In a few weeks this fine gentleman died, in the year 1850. THCKFRMAN TOWN^FND k CO The white flag with two letter T's and a blue border, flown by Tuckerman, Townsend & Co., was known in many ports of the world, but chiefly in Palermo, Singapore, Penang, Calcutta, and other Eastern ports. The head of this house was Gustavus Tuckerman, Jr., who was born in England in the year 1824. It had been intended that he should go to Harvard College as his elder brother John Francis Tuckerman had done, but owing to a change of plans he went into the office of Curtis and Greenough. He was sent by this firm in 1847 to Palermo, Sicily, as its representative to attend to the purchase and shipment of the cargoes, sending, as he deemed most profitable, cream of tartar, shellac, wine, fruit, licorice, paste, linseed, etc., etc., to Boston. He represented the firm a second time in 1849, passing another year at Palermo, and his letters of introduction at both times brought him in contact with many interesting people. On his return he was made a partner in the firm of Curtis & Greenough 8 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON and in 1851 married Emily Goddard Lamb, a daughter of Thomas Lamb, president of the New England National Bank of Boston. Alfred Greenough died about this time, and Tuckerman formed a partnership with Thomas D. Townsend, who was also in the firm of Curtis & Greenough, under the firm name of Tuckerman, Townsend & Co. In 1852 Tuckerman sailed for India to represent the new firm. The most reliable captain sailing for this house was Captain Mea- com, who has been described by Mr. Tuckerman as one of the old- fashioned sort who would take good care of his vessel and be honest for his owners. He was the oldest trader who called at Calcutta and was privileged to wear a pennant on holidays and was called '' Com- modore," both old customs of that port. During Tuckerman's second trip to India, in 1859, the firm of Tuckerman, Townsend & Co. lost a great deal of money owing to adverse business conditions which virtually ruined the old India trade. On his return he decided to dissolve the firm rather than to continue on borrowed capital which was offered him at that time. He there- fore brought his family to New York City and accepted the position of treasurer of the Hazard Powder Company. His heart was ever true to the old business, however, and he always loved to remember the old days in the India trade, and the ships and captains of the square-riggers that his firm had owned and chartered. Joseph Tuckerman, a cousin of Gustavus Tuckerman, was in business with Josiah Bradlee, and gave up this position to act as super- cargo of the " Cowper," owned by Russell & Co. Some years later he brought back a shipload of Eastern merchandise to New York, arriving during the panic of 1837. As he approached his home his father opened the window and greeted him with these cheerful words: "Joseph, we are all ruined, you're ruined." It was true; they were bankrupt, as the goods brought no bids. Tuckerman was not dis- couraged by this adverse fortune, but set out to make his living in some other line. One day he was riding on the Camden-Amboy Railroad, the train being drawn by the famous English locomotive "Johnnie Bull," which was imported from England a few years before. He at once realized the value of iron for the railroads, entered the iron business, and recouped his lost fortune. CAPTAIN BURKE AND HIS GALLANT RESCUE Captain Edmund Burke of the "Azor " was the most popular of all the Fayal captains and usually made very fast voyages owing to the fact that he always trimmed the sails to take advantage of every pufi" of air. His mate, a man named Davis, was an excellent navigator, although with but little education. He was not at all ashamed of the fact that he was a self-made man, and often said jokingly that he had only three days of school in his life: " The first day school didn't keep; the second day the teacher was sick; and the third day I played hookev." 9 From a photograph Kindness of Frederic Cunningham SOME MERCHANTS ayid SEA CAPTAINS of OLD B OSTON One of the men in Captain Burke's crew sailed with him for eleven years, and every one, both passengers and crew, was very fond of him. Once when it became necessary to cut away the masts on one of the voyages into New Bedford four Portuguese sailors in the crew, who had been on the ship for over four years, were so filled with grief at being forced to raise a hand against the ship they loved so much that they wept bitterly all the while they were hacking at the masts with their axes. On his first voyage in the "Azor" in 1855 the following were among the passengers bound to Fayal: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dabney, Olivia Dabney, C. P. Webster, E. W. Pomeroy, Edith Dabney, and F. Kinni- cutt, Jr. The Dabney family was associated with Fayal for many years and thought little of making a trip there. The following words are taken from an old log of the "Azor." "Sweet Barque, it is of thee, From all bilge-water free, Of thee I sing; Barque of the noble prow, So clean from top to toe, Long mayest thou to and fro The Dabneys bring." While on the way from Fayal to Boston in 1865, Captain Burke encountered tremendous gales, and when nine hundred miles from Boston fell in with the ship " Gratitude," which was in such a leaky condition that all of her passengers had to be transferred to the "Azor," which had been rechristened " Fredonia." Three hun- dred and twenty people were transferred with great difficulty, which increased the " Fredonia's " list from fifteen to a total of three hun- dred and thirty-five persons, and to provide quarters for them all it was found necessary to throw overboard thousands of boxes of oranges. More severe weather was encountered and the thermometer dropped to zero, necessitating the constant hammering of the rigging by the sailors to keep it clear of ice. Several times the vessel was blown to sea as she was about to enter Boston Harbour, and as their food consisted chiefly of oranges, which had now been almost all consumed, the consequences might have been disastrous. Finally port was safely made, and Mayor Lincoln and many of the good citizens of Boston took prompt steps to relieve the sufferings of the unfortunate passengers. The cargo which was thrown over- board from the " Fredonia " was insured, but by getting rid of it before the people from the " Gratitude " came aboard, the insurance was forfeited. Generous Bostonians again came to the rescue, realiz- ing that the captain could not have acted otherwise, and raised the amount of the loss by popular subscription. Some months later Captain Burke sailed to Lisbon, and on arriving at that port the officials informed him that there was a quarantine against arrivals from certain ports in the United States, as smallpox SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAL\S of OLD BOSTON had broken out there. The Americans were much amused when they were furtlicr informed that ail ships sailing from America were exempt from quarantine, except those from New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Cincinnati. On one of these rough voyages to Fayal one of the passengers, undoubtedly a poor sailor, as will be observed by the reader, composed the following verses, which may prove amusing: — A PSALM OF THE SEA A. C. SICKFELLOW Tell me not in cheerful numbers Life at sea's a pleasant dream, For all round me seasick grumblers Anything but pleasant seem. Life is hateful — life's disgusting, When in torture past control, To bounding billows you're entrusting Your scarce-swallowed breakfast roll. Short the voyage, the bark swift sailing. No ill wind nor storm betides; Yet, still obtrudes the thought prevailing, 'Twas not meant for my insides. In future, friends, nor doctor either, Trust when urging change of air; Firmly tell them that you'd rather Stay at home and tear your hair, Than to ride with ocean demons In a plight that nothing cures; With the vessel on her beam ends, And you, hapless wight, on yours. Rolling on the broad Atlantic, Reeling feet from stem to stern; Every one with efforts frantic Striving head from heels to learn. You lose your meals — don't lose your temper. Cheerful let your dinner go; All know, who've suffered this distemper, You've "that within which passcth show." Let us, then, while onward gliding, As for land we long and wait. Still from port to starboard sliding. Learn to grin and bear our fate. 12 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON Not for comfort in our sorrow, Nor for brandy, now we call; All we ask is that each morrow Bring us nearer to Fayal. BY s. B. s. {From Passenger 5 Log of the "Jzor" in possession of Mrs. Clara D. Benton, of Michigan, daughter of Captain Burke.) AUGUSTUS HEMENWAY & CO. Augustus Hemenway was one of the most influential merchants of Boston. He was born in Salem in 1805, and like many boys of that period he was obliged to go to work when he was very young. His first position was as clerk in a small dry-goods store in Charles- town, and later he was employed by Benjamin Bangs & Co., going out as supercargo in their vessels. When he was fifteen years old, it is recorded, he was earning $60 a year and his board. With the Bangs firm he began trading for himself in a small way with the seacoast r.owns in Maine, then he branched out to the West Indies, and by 1836 he was in business for himself under the firm name of A. Hemen- way & Co. He owned eight large ships, which he built for his own business, under his own orders, and which plied to and from Val- paraiso, where he had his own warehouse and stores. The names of these vessels were " City of Valparaiso," " City of Santiago," " Inde- pendence," " Magellan," " San Carlos," "Prospero," " Sunbeam," and ' Quintero." He also owned the entire cargoes which consisted of what- ever American products he considered would be salable on the west coast of South America, — soap, candles, kerosene, refined sugar, boots, shoes, etc.; lathes, shovels, picks, and other tools and machines, woollen and cotton cloth; sewing-machines, organs, pianos, furniture, and other manufactures. For the homeward voyages the ships were loaded with copper ore, nitrate of soda, wool, hides, goatskins, etc. As all the cargo belonged to him, he never had to advertise for freight. One of his captains said that when his crew was taken on board in Boston, one of them was very drunk and noisy, whereupon the mate told him to stop his noise and go below. The man made some insulting reply, whereupon the mate seized a belaying pin, struck him a heavy blow on the head which brought the blood over his face, and knocked him senseless to the deck. A lady passenger, who saw it, was horrified at the sight, and hastened to the cabin. A few days ater, when the ship had sailed, this lady came on deck and observ- ing the man who had been belabored, at the wheel, steering the ship, exclaimed, "Oh, my good man, how is your head.''" The nan glanced at the compass and replied absent-mindedly to the puzzled ady, " East-north-east-half-east, Madam." Another captain brought home from Valparaiso a French ship- master whose vessel had been sold. He had with his baggage a quantity of fine French brandy. On the last day of the discharge 13 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON of the cargo the Frenchman invited the custom-house officer on board to take a glass of this brandy, which the officer said was the finest he had ever tasted. The Frenchman asked if he would consider it a good thing to have in the house, and asked for a memorandum of his residence. Soon after that a man came from the cabin with a half-dozen bottles in a basket and started for the shore. Of course, the officer could not see goods taken ashore until the duty was paid, so he looked the other way. When he went home that night he was surprised and disappointed at not finding the brandy there and dis- covered a few days later that the address given to the man with the basket was that of one of the Frenchman's friends, and not his own address. The custom-house official could not say anything about the incident without showing his neglect of duty in allowing the brandy to be landed. Mr. Hemenway's quiet manner of managing his affairs was appre- ciated by every one. One day the stevedores' engine, at work on the wharf, threw oflF a mass of soot which was blown into the office windows, covering the desks and papers. Mr. Hemenway spoke to the wharfinger about it, who must have been a punster, for he replied, " I am very sorry; we are always trying to s^nt you," and then proceeded with his work. Besides his Valparaiso business Augustus Hemenway owned an entire township in Maine, where he procured pine-trees, floating the logs down to his own saw-mill at Machias. Here they were cut into boards and loaded on his schooners for Cuba, where he owned a large plantation and sugar-mill, in which he took a great interest. One winter evening, while on his way from Sagua to the St. George estate, Mr. Hemenway was captured by insurgents and held for ransom. The manager of the estate, who was with him, was very much terrified, but Mr. Hemenway showed no fear whatever and passed a good part of the night sitting on a log, smoking cigars, and endeavoring to beat down the exorbitant demands made for his ransom, in which he was largely successful. At daybreak he sent his manager, Mr. Bartlett, to the bank, in Sagua, for the necessary funds, paid his ransom, then went quietly on his way. Absolute fearlessness was one of his strongest characteristics. After this adventure, how- ever, he made it a point to go by train from Sagua to the estate. Mr. Hemenway was an industrious, quiet, and unassuming gentle- man, and was a most successful merchant. He was so conscientious about his business that he was seldom willing to leave details to others, sometimes even superintending the loading of his vessels. He married Mary Tileston, the daughter of Thomas Tileston of New York, who was one of the foremost merchants of that city from 1820 until his death in the late sixties. There was another Hemenway in the family who was a noted captain, and it was said of him that he was such a good pilot that he could " take a ship to the White Mountains, gather a freight of cool air and return on time with his eyes shut." 15 'J rvj rrri: vwv'jpli ■j rri nr']" r^ "HHi *^"' ,J lil'j 'gim.'"'^ ■ ' JT-' p*^ -' * I*. SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON From a painline rru'tied hy Barclay TlHon, E^q. "DASHING \VA\E," OWNED BY STEPHEN TILTON & CO., ENTERING BOSTON HARBOUR IN 1855 The Tilton firm has had offices in the same location, 10 Central Wharf, — now 10 Milk Street, — since 1830. The ships of the firm used to dock opposite the counting-house. STEPHEN TILTOX & CO., WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE THRILLING ADVENTURE OF TWO OF THE TILTON FAMILY AGAINST INDIANS. The firm of Stephen Tilton & Co. was composed of Stephen and his two sons, Stephen, Jr., and Joseph B. Tilton, the latter the father of Barclay Tilton, and their offices since 1830 have been at the same location, formerly 10 Central Wharf, now 10 Milk Street. The old sign over the door is still there, although no longer legible. The firm had started business a few years before in Newburyport. The ships of the firm used to dock right opposite the " counting-room," the dock itself being situated where the present Chamber of Commerce is. Central Wharf in the early days was the continuation of what is now Milk Street, below India Street. The Tilton firm at first traded with the W^est Indies and later with Calcutta, where some of the cousins and uncles lived as agents, handling chiefly tobacco sent out there from Virginia. The two best known of their ships were the " Dashing Wave " and " Water Witch." When the " Dashing Wave " was converted into a barge a shot from the Confederate cruiser " Ala- bama " was found in her timbers. At present writing she is still used as a barge. The logs of the firm's ships were found in the offices at 10 Central Wharf. 18 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON The grandfather and uncle of Stephen Tilton had a thrilling ex- perience with some Penobscot Indians, which is most interesting, and which has been described in "A Brief Narrative or Poem, giving an account of the hostile Actions of Some Pagan Indians towards Lieu- tenant Jacob Tilton, and his brother Daniel Tilton, both of the town of Ipswich, as they were on board of a small vessel at the Eastward; which happened in the summer-time, in the year 1722. With an ac- count of the Valiant Exploits of the said Tiltons, and their victorious Conquest over their insulting enemies." This narrative was discovered stowed away in the Newburyport Town Hall. The two Tilton brothers went off on a fishing voyage, and, to quote the first few lines of this poem:- — "Down at an eastward harbour call'd Fox Bay,* They in a Schooner at an anchor lay. It was upon the fourteenth day of June, Six stout great Indians in the afternoon In two Canoes on board said Schooner came, With painted faces in a churlish frame." The warriors ran down into the cabin and demanded to know the reason why the white men retained one of their Indians as a hostage, to which Lieutenant Tilton expostulated that "Great while since we from Boston hither came We poor fishermen are not to blame." The Indians with considerable difficulty then managed to bind their two captives, and danced around them, flourishing their long knives. Presently two of their number rowed ashore to carry back the good news of the capture, leaving on guard the other four, who felt so certain that they had their prisoners secure, that they left them and began to plunder the ship of all food and valuables on board. The following lines plainly describe what ensued: — "While they were plundering so busily, He saw a splitting knife that was near by, To which he goes and turns his back about Eyeing them well, lest they should find him out: And so he works said knife into his hand, With which he cuts his line, but still doth stand. Although two of said Indians him ey'd. They did not know but he remained fast ty'd. Two of said Indians were plundering, Down the Forecastle while he did this tiling, The other two so watchful and so sly, And on him kept a constant Indian eye, That he stands still waiting till he could find A time when they did him not so^much mind; * Fox Bay was undoubtedly North Haven. 19 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTO^ But when for plunder they to searching goes, Then his contrivance presently he shows: He to his brother Jacob runs with speed, And cuts his line; now both of them are freed. The Indians now alarmed, hereby. In Indian lanpuape, made a hideous cry: Cryinp Chau hau, chau hau; for they espy'd. That both these Englishmen were got unty'd; Like roaring Lyons with an ax and knives Made violent assaults to take their lives; But God who had determined to save, I'ndauntcd courage unto them He gave; That they with such a manly confidence, Altho' unarm'd stood in their own defence; And tho' they had from these blood-thirsty hounds Received many dismal stabs and wounds, While in their skirmish blood was up and hot. No more than Flea bites them they minded not, Said Daniel still retained his splitting knife. Who nimbly ply'd the same and fit for life; With one hand fended off the Indian blows, And with the other crossed the face and nose Of Captain Sam, until his pagan head Was chop'd and gash'd, and so much mangled; Bits of his Indian scalp hung down in strings, And blood run pouring thence as out of springs." Jacob Tilton was able to hurl one of the wounded Indians overboard. "Then Daniel presently took Captain Sam, And brought his hand about his Indian Ham, And to the vessel side he nimble goes. And his black carcass in the water throws." Jacob then threw the third over the side, the fourth deciding that he would jump of his own accord. Two of the wounded men in the water then climbed on board a canoe which was lying alongside the vessel. The poem goes on to say: — "Said Indians on board had left a gun. Unto the same said Jacob Tilton run. Catching it up to shoot them, it mist fire. Which disappointed him of his desire. He catching up a stout great setting Pole, With all his might he struck them on the jcle. Giving them many blows upon the head; Over they turns, and sunk like any lead. We think our Country now at Peace might rest, If all our Indian foes were thus supprest. Let God the glory of such conquest have, Who can by few as well as many save. Then having thus dispatch'd the savage crew. They presently consulted what best to do. 20 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON Three more Canoes ladden to the brim With Indians as deep as they could swim, Came padling down with all their might and main Hoping the valient Tiltons to retain. Daniel, which was both nimble, stout and spry, He fetch'd an ax, and running presently. He cuts the cable; then they hoist their sail. Leaving their Neighbors, that they might bewail Over their Governor who in dispute, Had term'd himself as great and good as Shute.* After they had from foes escaped thus. They sail'd and came into Alintinnicus" (now Matinicus). Here their wounds were dressed by the English and then "Their course for Ipswich town they next contrive, Where in a few days their Vessel did arrive: Through so much danger, misery and pain, They are returned to their friends again. Thus I have summed up this tragick scene. As from their mouths it told to me has been." * Shute was then Governor of Massachusetts. 1867. FORT ^^ HILL BOSTON, MASS. 1892. |rjpmwMff.Tin:i».niye:i:2c HIGH STREET BRIDGE, OVER OLIVER. HIGH STREET, COR. OLIVER. Then * anD * noW. FORT HILL IN 1867 AND IN 1892 Kindness of J . Chany The Sailors' Home and the waters of Boston Harbour can be seen in the background of the picture on the left. 21 ^ < s u (^ w H CO <: w o w w >^ w I Q 3 3e t- tie « c -o tie s <= « O nl o 5 Cl ^ C '-' ►.r « C o ^ " 2 tjr • O ^_C £ 5, t> 1- a 60 «- Cb C -c,, c« •- V <_ 00 SOME MERCHANTS a7id SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON ALPHEUS HARDY &: CO. Alphcus Hardy and Ezra Baker in the early forties were successful in the coastwise trade, so much so, in fact, that for the purpose of extending their commerce they purchased the " Otho," a little brig of 150 tons, to send to the Mediterranean, and although she was very small the merchants of Boston looked with jealous eye upon her. The " Otho " made a remarkable trip, and arrived in Boston long before the rest of the fleet. At once her cargo was advertised at auction, and buyers thronged the pier where old John Tyler was reaping fancy prices, when in the midst of the sale one of Boston's merchants drove up in a chaise and called out to the crowd: "Buy easy, boys, buy easy! My bark is just signalled, and she will be here before night." Perhaps the sale would have terminated more successfully had the buyers known that this bark had not signalled, and that a fortnight was to elapse before she appeared in port. In spite of this misfortune which attended the disposition of the " Otho's " first cargo under her new ownership, the firm of Hardy and Baker prospered, and became a worthy predecessor of the later firm of Alpheus Hardy & Co. The latter firm had the distinction of owning many swift vessels. They also never sold a ship nor changed a flag through fear of either foreign or domestic foe, and perhaps as a reward they never lost a ship to the Confederates during the Rebellion. Their ships included the " Conquest," " Ocean Pearl," " Cowper," " Granite," " Wild Rover," and " Moun- tain Wave," and their barks were the " Young Turk," " Kepler," ''Cleber," "Wild Gazelle," "The Turk," "Bounding Billow," "Daniel Webster," "Dorchester," and "Young Turk, 2nd." The "Daniel Webster " owned by the Hardy firm was usually the ship that brought the first cargo of fruit into the Boston market, a coveted honor among the vessels of those days. She was later owned by John S. Emery & Co. of Boston. In a letter written by Alpheus Hardy at Gibraltar, November 20, 1845, he said: "I sailed from our good city, the Queen city of the States. My leaving was under the most pleasing and happy cir- cumstances, so far as conveyance and company were concerned, our firm having prepared a new bark completely fitted for our comfort. My pride was moved by going in my own vessel, and with a cargo under my control. Poor human nature!" During this tour made by Mr. Hardy to the Nile and the Holy Land, ships belonging to the firm were frequently met with, and in them were sent home many purchases, and mementos of travel. It was the " Wild Rover " belonging to Alpheus Hardy & Co. that in 1865 brought into the United States the first Japanese to come to this country in search of learning, and it was Alpheus Hardy who be- came the benefactor of and who educated Joseph Hardy Neesima, the young immigrant, and who lived to see his protege serve Japan and there found Doshisha University. Neesima's escape from Japan to China 24 From a photograph Kindness oj Arthur Sherburne Hardy JOSEPH HARDY NEESIMA He escaped from Japan and came to America on one of the Hardy ships. He was then educated by Alpheus Hardy, who always took a great interest in the young Japanese. Neesima took Mr. Hardy's name for his middle name. SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON was made in an American vessel of which William T, Savory of Salem, Mass., was master. Captain Savory kindly consented to aid the young Japanese, and, in order to secure his safety from the custom-house officers, locked Neesima in the store-room of the cabin. At Shanghai, Neesima was transferred to the Hardy ship " Wild Rover," commanded by Captain Horace S. Taylor of Chatham, Mass., and after a prolonged voyage of eight months the vessel reached Cape Cod. When the young Japanese came on board he could speak only a few words of English, and when he was asked his name by the captain he replied that it was " Neesima Shimeta." *' I think I had better call you Joe," rejoined the captain, and from that time he was known by that name. Upon meeting Neesima in Boston, Alpheus Hardy undertook the education of the young foreigner who had risked his life to come here in search of knowledge. He was placed in Phillips Academy at Andover, and afterwards was sent to Amherst College, where he was graduated in 1870. He is remembered as the Apostle to Japan. Up to Mr. Hardy's death in 1887 his interest in Neesima's work was very great. Professor T. Makino and Professor Mizusaki, who have been living in Boston recently, were two of Neesima's pall-bearers when he died in 1890. Alpheus H. Hardy succeeded his father as a member of the firm of Alpheus Hardy & Co. The younger Mr. Hardy in 1853 — when but thirteen years of age — crossed the Atlantic in the 320-ton bark " Young Turk " belonging to his father and manned by a Chatham crew. During this voyage young Hardy kept a diary in which he recorded impressions of the sea and of places visited, his last entry, November 9, 1853, giving a vivid picture of the lad's joy in seeing Boston again. " On Long Wharf," he says, " I recognized father among the crowd, and also the blacks (black horses) and mother's face at the carriage window. I touched the wharf before the ship and was soon out of the crowd and where in comparative seclusion, I might be welcomed at home." At the two hundredth anniversary of Chatham, Mass., in 1912, Mr. Hardy recalled this early voyage. " In the years," said Mr. Hardy, " when we still owned ships, so far as possible, we chose Chatham or Cape men as masters. Among them was John Paine, to whom was gladly paid a higher wage if he would take his wife with him; David Nye Nickerson, Thomas Crowell, Thomas Sparrow, Andrew Reynolds and others. . . . The choice was based upon the confidence and belief in the character and ability of the men. In connection with this, let me mention an incident which occurred this morning. Captain Ephraim Smith told me that my father told him when he had chartered him for a special voyage, ' I have not chartered your vessel, but you.' It was not the ship, but the man he wanted. I recall the unwillingness to let the now Rev. S. S. Nickerson go to sea in command of the ' Heroine,' which he had chartered, because of his extreme youthful appearance, until he learned that he was a Chatham boy. That settled it, and he made a successful voyage." 26 "nie Best Cliaiice Yet, for A Meeting will be tjeld in f"k Com|)any ;'' to be consfHtsed of SH> Members, and eaeh Member paying S9»30^>. COH ASSET, J.ANl.VRY «i, IS4J>. Fropeller Fower Pressei, 142 ^^aahtngtoB St., Dotton. Kindness of the Boston Marine Museum From a broadside NOTICE OF A MEETING HELD IN COHASSET IN 1849 TO FORM A COMPANY TO SEEK GOLD DURING THE CALIFORNIA GOLD CRAZE In this year 775 vessels cleared from Atlantic ports for San Francisco, Massachusetts sending 224. 91,405 people arrived in the Golden City during the year 1849. SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON OSBORX HOWF Osborn Howes was born in Dennis, Mass., in 1806, the family having settled on Cape Cod as early as 1635. His father, who was also a well-known sea-captain, was captured by the English during the war of 1812, but managed to escape, and succeeded in recapturing his own vessel, bringing her and her crew back into Portland Harbour. Nothing could be more interesting than the description in Mr. Howes' autobiography of his early life on Cape Cod, which pictures his mother spinning and weaving the clothing for the whole household, while the son wound quills and attended to the farm. In 1818 the Howes family put all their property on board a small schooner and sailed to Boston, going to Dedham by stage-coach, where they took up their residence, the younger Howes journeying to the new home on top of a pile of furniture which was placed on the ox-cart. The trip consumed all of the day and part of the night. At an early age he was sent by his father, who sailed ships for Edmund Baylies and Thomas B. Curtis, to Copenhagen under Captain Burgess. The second voyage was as supercargo in the " Cipher," which had been commanded by his father. Several years later David Ellis asked him to take the bark " Hebe " to Brazil, expressing this promotion by saying that he could not afford to pay the salaries of both a captain and supercargo, and that he would therefore have to act in both capacities. Howes, of course, was overjoyed and, with an interest in the undertaking, sailed for Per- nambuco. On his return he purchased the remaining interest in the " Hebe " and made several successful voyages in her, one of them being to Turkey, where he was hailed as the first American captain to visit that country. He then took his brother-in-law into partnership, forming the firm of Howes & Crowell, which continued in business for thirty-four years. The "Josephine," " George Hallett," " Newton^" and " Osborne Howes " also carried the flag of the firm. The business of the house increased at the time of the gold craze in California, and many vessels owned by them were employed in trade with California, China, Australia, and Western Europe. During the latter years of Captain Howes' life he was persuaded to manage the American Steamboat Company and to invest in some of its stock. The enter- prise proved unprofitable, and Mr. Howes had to give all his energy at an advanced age to wind up the affairs of the Company, the strain on his physique being very severe. In 1874 he foresaw the wane of shipping investments and spent the next few years of his life in selling his vessels. When he died, an intimate friend of his said, " To have known him was a great privilege; to have had personal acquaintance with him was to believe forever in the men who made us a nation, and consequently to have faith in its future." For many years Howes and his family shared a house on Fort Hill with Captain Ezra H. Baker. The family now spells the name Osborne. 29 SOME MERCHANTS aiid SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON I T From a print f "iv.ii^flfj i-ffw :»■ •CAMI'XOCk' Kindness nf Louis Bacon This famous clipper was owned by Daniel C. Bacon and was built by Samuel Hall. She was one of the fastest vessels ever built. Her figurehead of a Game Cock with outstretched neck arkd head was known to many ports of the world. CAPTAIN DANIEL C. BACON The " Canton Packet" while in China, in 1820, was blown ashore by a typhoon, which left her almost high and dry on the rice-fields. Daniel Bacon had gone over as captain of the "Alert," and as soon as he discovered the mishap he rushed over to assist in floating the American vessel. He gave orders to one of the sailors to " bear a hand and loose that topsail " and "to cut away the stops," and was surprised to receive the answer that it couldn't be done, as he had no knife. "A pretty sailor without a knife," said Captain Bacon, not realizing at all that he was working with and talking to Robert Bennet Forbes, who was soon to become his most intimate friend. In fact, the two families have always maintained that in later life when either of these well-known captains was taking a nap, each one gave instructions to be waked only for his chum. Captain Bacon was born in Barnstable, Cape Cod, the family hav- ing moved there from England in 1639, and the property where they resided still remains in the family, although the original house is not now standing. At this earlv date the Cape-Codders used to refer to "Goodman" and " Goodwife " instead of "Mr." and "Mrs." When the first railroad was built on the Cape, the Bacons relate that one of the women of the family had such an aversion to its being laid that when she went out to drive she carried a large turkey-feather 30 From a portrait Kindness of Louis Bacon CAPTAIN DANIEL C. BACON One of the most famous of old sea captains, and builder of the "Gamecock," for many years one of the fastest ships afloat. SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON fan to hold in front of her eyes so that she couldn't see the trains go by. Life on the Cape was excellent training for the sea, and it wasn't at all surprising that one of the later members of the family, Daniel Bacon, should at an early age set out on the old family white horse for Boston to seek his fortune as a sailor, hiring some one to ride his horse back to Barnstable. He shipped before the mast, rising quickly in rank until he became first mate under Captain William Sturgis, and then captain of vessels owned by Ropes & Pickman and by Theodore Lyman, both of whom were prominent merchants of this city. Bacon sailed several times under Captain Sturgis, and when the latter was married, the two brought their ditty-bags and sewed together the carpet for the bride to stand upon. It is interesting to record that, nearly a century later, a marriage took place between two of their grandchildren. Captain Bacon commanded the "Atahualpa," the " Vancouver," the "Alert," and other ships, and later in life built the well-known " Game- cock," one of the first of the California clippers, and other vessels for his own use. For many years the " Gamecock " was the fastest ship afloat, and it was probably this vessel that prompted the famous challenge for a match race which was made to British shipbuilding in 1851 by the American Navigation Club, of which Bacon was president. The " Gamecock " had a figurehead of a flying bird with outstretched neck and head, ready for any contest. Captain Bacon besides being a successful captain was also a good trader, which was just as important in the early days of trading, when great judgment and secrecy had to be used. The " Gamecock " is shown on page 30. An amusing entry in Captain Bacon's log of the "Atahualpa " reads, "All sail set that is of the least use to drive us along toward the Yankee lasses." A later entry, which rather disclaims this fond- ness for the fair sex, reads, " It is so fine and smooth that I should like to have about forty or fifty pretty lasses on board for two or three hours upon a tea-drinking party, if there is any pleasure in them, but for my own part, I had rather be excused any time than to go to one of them." Long after Captain Bacon gave up the sea, Mrs. George Lyman, daughter-in-law of Theodore Lyman, became very ill and was ordered by her physician to go to Cuba. She refused to go unless Captain Bacon sailed her down, and, being of an obliging disposition, he donned his sea togs again and took her to Cuba, together with her carriage and horses. Another time he was obliged to undergo a severe operation, before the days of anaesthetics. Dr. Warren tied him down and operated on his patient, who suffered terribly. When it was over. Bacon said jokingly, " Dr. Warren, if I ever get you on blue water, I'll give you hell!" An interesting incident in his life was the lodging of the Siamese twins in his woodshed, they having been brought to America as a speculation by Captain Abel Coflin, one of Bacon's under-officers. Daniel Bacon has been described as the " synonym of mercantile 32 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON enterprise, honor and integrity." Captain Forbes when told that he had died of enlargement of the heart remarked that this was im- possible, for his heart couldn't be any larger than it always had been. The family lived at one time in Temple Place, later moving to Jamaica Plain near the Pond. A prized possession is a silver tray service given Captain Bacon by the underwriters for saving the cargo of his vessel which went ashore in a storm at Nantasket. Young Bacon hired an ox-team and drove back and forth through the icy water until all the cargo was safely on shore. CXPTATN" l^ORFRT ?>F.N\^FT FOT^P^FS "Commodore" Forbes, or "the seamen's friend," as he was often called, went to sea at the age of thirteen, had been captured three times by the British before he was nine years old while travelling with his mother, and commanded the " Canton Packet " when he was only twenty, thereby fulfilling the fondest dream of a boy of those days. Throughout his career he always lived up to the advice given to him by Captain William Sturgis: "Always go straight forward, and if you meet the Devil cut him in two and go between the pieces; if any one imposes on you, tell him to whistle against a North- easter, and to bottle up moonshine." Captain Forbes, or " Black Ben/' as he was also often called, was a merchant as well as a sailor, and was a partner of Russell & Co. for some years. As was the case with so many men of his day, when he or his mother needed any money it was a question of another trip to China. The point of view at the present time is in great contrast to the ideas expressed in his memoirs, in which he wrote, "Looking back to 1824 when I was content in the command of a little ship of 264 tons, on a salary of six hundred dollars per annum, I conceded that I had arrived at the acme of my hopes." " Commodore " Forbes built and sailed many ships. When the well-known clipper " Paul Jones " was launched in Medford, a number of Captain Forbes's friends were present to witness the event. No wine was served for lunch, and when one of the guests was asked by the " Commodore " how he liked the vessel, he replied, " I think she is going to be a d — d dry ship." Another time when sailing to China as a passenger in the " Mary Chilton " a Chinese pilot hove In sight, remarking, " Missee Captain, you must take in that stu'n sail, plenty lock (rock) here, stlong tide." The Captain then asked how much the Chinaman wanted for taking the ship to Hong Kong, to which he replied, " Ole Flen [friend] askee hundred dollah, welly cheap!" "Commodore" Forbes, who knew every inch of the China coast, approached at this point in the conversation and was recognized by the pilot, who immediately changed his figures, exclaim- ing, " Hi-yah, ole Foxe! Ten dollah can do, Missee Captain." Even at this reduced price the pilot was unnecessary. So fond was Captain Forbes of anything pertaining to the sea 33 S OME MERCHANTS and SEA CA PTAINS of OLD BOSTON that he built port-holes around the upper part of his house on Milton Hill to make his house on land seem more like his home on the sea. He occupied a great deal of his time in making models of ships for the boys of Boston and Milton; when a boy grew to a certain mark on the wall of the workshop he was entitled to one of these miniature sail-boats, and, as they were much prized, many a boy tried to tiptoe to make himself tall enough to get the coveted boat. " Commodore " Forbes led a life full of excitement and adventure. He was interested in over seventy vessels; commanded the "James- town," which took provisions to the Irish during the famine of 1847; hunted in Pau when over sixty-five years old; founded the Sailors' Snug Harbour, in Quincy; superintended the building of gun- boats for our Government during the war; and when the " Europa " ran into and sank the "Charles Bartlett " in mid-ocean he jumped into the sea and saved many lives, for which he received several medals. He once wrote to a friend that he expected him to jingle a marline- spike on his monument at Forest Hills before many days. Through some mistake this remark got into the newspaper and therefore the " Commodore " was obliged to write again. " Dear old sinner," he said, " since the report of my serious illness I have been obliged to hire a police officer to stand at the front door and reply to the numer- ous kind enquiries as to my condition. The Smiths and the Joneses, undertakers, have been looking around expecting a job! My daughter telegraphs for particulars and has prepared her kit to leave Iowa; my servants have given warning, alleging they cannot be kept running to the front door to answer the bell; I have been so worried that I have been obliged to call in Dr. Watson; my credit at the banks has suffered, and, worse than all, my creditors, the butcher, the baker, and the grocer, have sent in their bills! I am still living and have bought a six-shooter, so be on your guard." A short time before his death, when a friend was calling upon him, he said, " I have gone down to the docks, and I am waiting for the old ferryman to carry me over." His dying wish was that the following words be placed on his tombstone: "He tried to do his duty." H. C. THACHER & CO. The counting-rooms of H. C. Thacher & Co. were at 13 Central Wharf before the days when Fort Hill had been dumped into the sea to form a part of Atlantic Avenue. Many of the boys of Boston used to prowl around this wharf and those near by, to see their fathers' vessels from foreign ports discharge their cargoes. Another interesting event was to see the Yarmouth and Cape Cod packets tie up to their docks, which were directly opposite the office of the Thachers. H. C. Thacher was born at Yarmouth on the Cape in 1829, at a time when most of the people of Cape Cod drew their livelihood from the sea. At one time he used to tell his family that 35 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS oj OLD BOSTON he knew over fifty sea-captains who lived along the main street of Yarmouth within a distance of less than two miles. He organized his firm in 1852 and for almost half a century he was engaged in the Mediterranean trade. There is not a Cape Cod family that has not had its sea tragedy as well as its romance, and the Thacher family was no exception. There were two brothers in Yarmouth, called Bartlett and Chandler Thacher. Bartlett was only thirteen years old when he shipped as cabin boy on H. C, Thacher's bark " Mimosa," which plied between Boston and Smyrna and which was captained by a live Yankee skipper named Hall. She was a clipper, and her captain used to crowd on all the sail he could. Bartlett made his first trip to Smyrna and returned safely to Cape Cod and was on the point of sailing on his second trip to the same port. On the very day that he was to leave, his younger brother. Chandler, who was only ten years old, was drowned while playing at the Yarmouth wharf. Word was immediately sent to Bartlett, who was already aboard his vessel at East Boston, to give up sailing, but there was some delay in delivering the message and the " Mimosa " had already put to sea. She made a fast trip to Smyrna and with a large cargo on board started as usual on her homeward voyage. This was her last trip, as neither the vessel nor any of the crew were ever heard of again. The two nephews, Thomas Chandler Thacher and Lewis Bartlett Thacher, who are living in Boston to-day, were named after their uncles, who died so tragically in their youth. From a painting by Robert W . Salmon about 1840 Chimed by Henry W . Cunningham BRIG "PICO" OF BOSTON Lying in the harbour of Fayal, with Pico Mountain in the distance. The "Pico" was owned by A. & C. Cunningham. 36 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON X - TV - f' Within a few years could still be seen in one of the windows of the office of A. & C. Cunningham, at 17 Rowe's Wharf, a round hole through which the two brothers, Andrew and Charles, members of this firm, used to place their old-fashioned spy-glass in order to watch their ships as they set sail for foreign shores, or to sight them as they came up the harbour to their berths. These two brothers were well-known Boston merchants and ship-owners, and were partners during most of the first half of the nineteenth century. The firm was founded in 1822, just after Charles Cunningham returned from Fayal, where he had married Roxa Dabney, the daughter of John Bass Dabney, the ceremony having been performed by the father of the bride in his capacity as consul. These two families, even up to the present time, have always been closely related both in marriage and business since the year 1783, when Charles's father, Andrew, and John Bass Dabney married two of the many daughters of Joseph Lewis of Dedham. This house traded to a large extent with Sicily and Italy, bringing home quantities of oranges and lemons, as well as macaroni and sulphur. It is surprising that Boston got as good fruit as it did in those days when one reads in the log books that some vessels took thirty days to come from Gibraltar. The firm also imported hemp from Russia, sending ships to Riga on the Baltic, and in the summer season to the port of Archangel, on the White Sea; logwood, indigo, and tortoise shell from Honduras; and from Fayal, through their rela- tives, the Dabneys, wine, fruit, and whale oil, the latter commodity being left at that port by Nantucket and New Bedford whalers. The firm also traded with the West Indies, Central and South America, and Cape Town, and during the later years imported teas from China. Both partners were men of very methodical business methods and were at their counting-room at seven o'clock in the morning, which was the custom of the day; in fact, they were typical representatives of the old-time merchants. The late Aaron Sargent, in a recent paper read before the Boston Society, on the old merchants of Boston, described Andrew and Charles as " dignified and severely polite." After the " Beacon " was removed and Beacon Hill was dug down to make room for the new State House, Mt. Vernon Street was laid out, and here were the residences of both the Cunninghams, Andrew re- siding at No. 25, behind the State House, and Charles at No. 48, near Walnut Street. Many fine vessels were owned or managed by these two merchants, including among others the ships " Morea," "Adrian," "Helen"; the barks "Francia," "Matilda," "Adelaide Metcalf," "Elizabeth Leavitt," "Fame," and "Peru"; the brigs "Spartan," "Boston," " Swiftsure," " Wave," and " Pico," the latter being shown in a cut on the opposite page. 37 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON At the time of the death of Andrew Cunningham, in 1861, Captain John Codman, who had sailed many voyages for him, wrote a letter to a Boston paper, in which he paid warm tribute to his ability and sterling character, relating also the following incident in his career. Long before the days of cables, when much of the business in foreign ports was transacted by the captains, John Codman was about to set sail for China with a large cargo, and, as much money had recently been lost by Boston merchants in importing tea, he was especially in- structed not to invest in a pound for his return cargo. When the ship arrived in China conditions had so changed that tea seemed like the most promising purchase, and Captain Codman loaded his ship en- tirely with that product. When he arrived in Boston his cargo of tea showed a handsome profit, but Mr. Cunningham nevertheless called the captain into his private office and severely reprimanded him for disobeying orders. As he left the office, however, the old gentleman remarked that the voyage had been a successful one and handed Captain Codman, to his great surprise, an envelope containing a check for $1,000. Another one of the Cunningham captains was Jonathan Edwards Scott, who was well known in Boston. It is related of him that on one of his voyages to Boston he had lost both his anchors, and was afraid that any towboat which he took to bring him in might claim salvage, so he piled a lot of rubbish in the bows to hide the deficiency, and when the towboat hailed him and asked if he wanted a tow, he said he guessed not, adding that he thought he could sail up. " Well," said the towboat captain, " I'm going up anyway, and may as well take you up," and he named a very small sum. " All right," said Captain Scott, and threw out his line. When nearing the city the towboat hailed him to know where he wanted to anchor. Captain Scott replied, " Put me right in at Rowe's Wharf," which was done, and the captain thereupon paid his towage and took a receipt in full. Upon leaving the ship the towboat captain saw she had no anchors, and said, "Where are your anchors. Captain?" and when Scott told him he had lost them the other exclaimed, " Good Lord, Captain, if I had known that, I would not have towed you up for less than $500." In 1849 Charles Cunningham retired from business, and, as his brother's two sons, James Henry and Charles West Cunningham, had grown up and were ready to take a hand in the business, the younger members of the family were admitted as partners, the firm name being changed to A. Cunningham & Sons. At about the same time Charles Cunningham's son, named Frederic, formed a partnership with his cousin, Charles W. Dabney, Jr., under the name of Dabney & Cun- ningham, with offices at 59 Commercial Wharf, taking over a part of the business which the other firm had transacted with the Western Islands. Their vessels included " Harbinger," " Pomona," "Grampus," " Me- lita," " lo," " Mermaid," " Lotos," " Azor," " Fredonia," and " News- boy." Still another firm was Cunningham Brothers, which was com- 40 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON posed of two nephews of Andrew and Charles Cunningham, John A. and Loring Cunningham, brothers of the late Edward Cunningham, who was an eminent merchant of China, and partner of Russell & Co. Mr. Edward Cunningham's place was in Milton, and the children thereabout were wont to wonder at the great Chinese dragons which served as gateposts at the entrance to his driveway. They were brought from China, were sunk on the way, but were recovered with great difficulty and landed in this country. From a painling THE KING'S YACHT Kindness of Chester Guild This graceful yacht was called "Kamehameha HI.," after one of the rulers of Hawaii and was fitted out by him as a man of war. She was sailed out to the Sandwich Islands by Cap- tain Fisher A. Newell of Boston, and was captured by the French a few years later. She was the pride of Hawaii, and was called "Kammey" by the islanders. The painting from which this picture is taken was brought from Honolulu to Boston by Captain Richard Mitchell of Nantucket, who landed at the Islands to ship home some whale oil. Captain Mitchell gave the painting to his son-in-law, Seth A. Fowle, who had it hung in his office for many years. It then descended to his cousin, Chester Guild, and it was through his kindness that it was possible to obtain this photograph. The studding sails on the foretop and foretop gallant yard are very unusual. Her Boston owners were Deming Jarvis, Benjamin Howard, and John D. Lambree. E. ATKIXS & CO. Elisha Atkins started in the Cuban business for himself in 1835. In 1866, John W. Cummings, who had been his chief clerk for many years, was taken into partnership, forming the firm of E. Atkins & Co. The senior member, Mr. Atkins, was taken when a boy from Cape Cod, where the family had lived since 1639, to Roxbury, where his parents hoped there would be less chance of his being tempted to go to sea. In spite of this precaution he entered the office of Dennis 41 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON Brigham on Rowe's Wharf, and went out as supercargo to Caracas on one of his employer's vessels, a few years later going into the sugar business for himself. In 1837, during the panic brought on by the failure of the United States Bank, his business was unprofitable. The following year the firm of Atkins & Freeman was formed, William F. Freeman being admitted as partner. The firm had offices on India Wharf, its neigh- bors being Thomas Wigglesworth, W. F. Cunningham & Co., George T. Lyman, Bullard & Lee, the Higginsons, R. B. Storer, W. Windsor Fay, E. A. Homer, B. Burgess, JVIinot & Hooper, Boardman 8c Pope, all well-known merchants of their day. To those offices the rich plant- ers came, and then spent their money at Saratoga Springs, and along the wharves could be seen cargoes from all parts of the globe. Here also were the consulates of Sweden, Norway, Belgium, and Russia. " Here," as described by William Howell Reed, who wrote the life of Mr. Atkins, " were the quaint old offices with their ancient furni- ture, the blazing open fires in winter, the pictured walls with ships sailing in every ocean, the models of favorite vessels, the courth- manners of the old merchant princes of that day, the counting-house decorum, the quiet respectability, the aroma of the lofts above packed with the merchandise of the East." R. G. Shaw & Co. once joined Mr. Atkins in making up a cargo on one of the earlier voyages, while Joshua Sears, one of the large retail purchasers of sugar in Boston, assisted occasionally in times of tight money. The first shipment to Cienfuegos was in 1843, at which port Columbus landed on his first voyage. There was little going on here at this time, Trinidad being the centre of business and society; but gradually this port grew, owing to the large amount of business transacted there by Mr. Atkins and Mr. Benjamin Burgess. In these early days the mills were run by oxen and were called '' Bull Mills." Mr. Atkins's letters home give a good idea of the life on the plantations. One letter describes a night spent on top of some sugar- boxes on board a very small vessel, while another one mentions his disgust on seeing for the first time a very pretty Cuban girl light a large cigar. In 1849 Mr. Atkins again conducted business alone, Mr. Freeman retiring. The business, however, continued to prosper, and his vessels visited not only Cuba, but the Windward Islands, St. Thomas, Ja- maica, Guatemala, and occasionally Rio Janeiro. Boston now became a great sugar market. John S. Emery, ship owner and broker, chartered over four hundred vessels to Mr. Atkins. It was at this period (1866) that Mr. Cummings was admitted to partnership. Some of the vessels owned were the well-known "Adelaide," " Chat- ham," " Marine," " Tom Corwin," " W. B. Stetson," "Jacinta," "Clo- tilda," and " Neptune," the latter being the favorite ship. A few of the shipmasters in whom Mr. Atkins took a great interest were Captains Burt, Bassford, Harding, and Beal. Mr. Edwin F. Atkins, the son of the founder of the business, was admitted to partnership in 1874, and is now the head of this well- 43 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON known house, conducting the business with his son, Robert W. Atkins, who was taken into the firm in 1915, being the third generation in a business of over eighty years' standing, as commission merchants, planters, manufacturers, and refiners. The Bay State Sugar Refinery of Boston, owned and operated by E. Atkins & Co. for many years, entered the consolidation which com- prised man\' of the sugar refineries of the United States, then known as The Sugar Refineries Company, just before the death of Elisha Atkins in 1888; and Edwin F. Atkins later became prominent in the management of its successor, the American Sugar Refining Company. Elisha Atkins was considered one of the most capable merchants of his day. He was one of the builders of the Union Pacific Railroad and active in its management up to the time of his death. He was also connected with many enterprises, both in New England and through- out the West. ENOCH TRAIN Enoch Train was so popular with his employees that when he failed during one of the panics prior to the Civil War, one of his Portuguese stevedores, taking his own bank book, placed it on his employer's desk, saying, "Take it; I have made the money out of your ships." This anecdote well illustrates the fine relations that existed between himself and his employees, to whom he was always kind and considerate. He was likewise the soul of honor and integrity, and was generous and public-spirited in every worthy cause. Aaron Sargent in his " Recollections of Boston Merchants " best describes his popularity: "To receive a bow or a 'Good-morning' salute from Enoch Train, as, tall and erect and with manly step, he walked down State Street and along Commercial Street to his counting-room, was something not to be despised by any one, whether a merchant or one holding some other position in commercial Boston." He was also foremost among the merchant ship-owners of his day, and at one time owned the largest number of ships of any firm in Boston, thirty or more of his vessels plying between this port and Liverpool. Having been brought up in the hide and leather store of his uncle, Samuel Train, his earliest ventures after he went into shipping on his own account were in the Russian and South American trades, importing principally hides. A few years later, in 1844, he estab- lished the well-known Train line of packets to Liverpool, the first ship built being the " Joshua Bates," named after the American part- ner of Baring Brothers at that time. This vessel was built for him at Newburyport by the celebrated ship-builder, Donald McKay. Mr. Train was so much pleased with this first vessel and with the skill of the builder that on the day she was launched he said to McKay, "You must come to Boston; we need you, and if you want any financial assistance in establishing a shipyard let me know the amount and you shall have it." The rest is too well known to repeat. In 44 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON rapid succession were launched the "Anglo Saxon," "Anglo Ameri- can," " Washington Irving," "' Ocean Monarch," " Parliament," " Star of the Empire," "Chariot of Fame," " Staffordshire," " Cathedral," and " John Eliot Thayer." The " Staffordshire " was lost at sea not far from this coast and many passengers were lost. It is stated that there were so few boats and panic-stricken people slung so desperately to the gunwales of the rowboats that one of the officers was obliged to chop off their fingers with a hatchet in order to save even a few of the passengers. Another ship, the " Ocean Monarch," was burned at sea with a loss of four hundred lives, and George Francis Train, a representative of the firm, in an account of his life, describes the pathetic scene he witnessed when the news was first announced in Boston. It was customary for the captain of each inward-bound \-essel as she approached her dock to shout from the rail the latest news. On this occasion the " Persia " under Captain Judkins was about to dock, and hundreds of people were waiting to hear tidings of some friend or vessel. The captain shouted the sad fate of the " Ocean Monarch " and within a few minutes the announcement was made in the Merchants Exchange. The Train firm on another occasion believed the " Gov. Davis," which ran on their Boston. New Orleans, Liverpool triangular route, had also been burned at sea, as word was received that " The ' Gov. Davis ' is burned up." While those in the counting-house were grieving over their losses of friends and cargo, another message was handed to them, changing the message to " The ' Gov. Davis ' is bound up." The vessel was safe in Boston Harbour and there was great rejoicing in the Train office. Another ship belonging to the firm, called " Break of Day," came into Boston Harbour on a winter's day without a spar standing. " The Chariot of Fame " was Train's favorite vessel, her master being Captain Knowles. She had a reading-room on her quarter-deck for cabin passengers, a great luxury in those days. Donald McKay also built for Mr. Train the " Flying Cloud," " Empress of the Seas," " Plymouth Rock," which was half-owned by George B. Upton, and the " Lightning." Some of Train's captains were Caldwell, Thayer, Murdock, Brown, Richardson, Howard, and Knowles. In 1855 the Boston & European Steamship Company was incor- porated, with Enoch Train, George B. Upton, Donald McKay, An- drew T. Hall, and James M. Beebe as sponsors, " for the purpose of navigating the ocean by steam." The plan was to build a splendid line of steamers, rivalling in every respect the well-known Collins line of New York, the English port to be Milford Haven in Wales. The remarks made by Enoch Train at that time are especially inter- esting to look back upon, as they show his ideas in regard to the steamship which was then just beginning to replace the sailing-ship. It had been expected that Train would oppose the suggested company, as being antagonistic to his own, but instead he was so broad-minded that he lent it the strength of his right arm, as he expressed it. 45 ustn AID inuriioi piciets. Snilinjr from Boston SomiBInnthly, and from Liverpool every W.wk i ...liograpl: from an nrigimil Kindness of Stephen G. Train TRAIN & CO.'S POSTER Showing the "StafTordsliirc" belonging to this line, also the flap of the firm, list of ships owned and map showing distances from Boston. This poster is rare. .\'0 Dh-UNKAJID HIT ALL EXTFJi 77/ A' KINGDOM OF GOD m L THE usDEKiiGNED, am pledged, and Jiuve covenanted with my Shipmates iiud other seaineii, wmprising tlie jailors' Jomc Cempcraiicc ^oticti), To abiindon, and pei'siiade others to abandon tlie use of Ardent Sfjkits. May God give me strengtii to keep thiis pledge inviolate, l^eceived of tlie Rev. Eli.iau Kelluog. Chaplain Sailor.-;' Home, Boirton. \m^^^ '^fk^g^'^ '^-i^^Mk Kindness oj J . Chany PLEDGE OF THE SAILORS' HOME TEMPERANCE SOCIETY Showing the Sailors' Home, and men on the wharf destroying barrels of rum. The remark, "You've given me many a broken head, and now I'll give you one," is amusing. SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS oj OLD BOSTON " There is a vast difference," he said, " between steam and sailing vessels." and steam would not interfere with his regular business, the transportation of coarse and weighty commodities, and passengers who could not afford the luxury of steam passage. A large committee was appointed, but the panic of 1857 put a stop to all plans. Frederic \V. Thayer, a partner at one time of Mr. Train, estab- lished an office in Liverpool. Later he and Mr. George Warren formed a partnership under the name of Thayer & Warren, succeed- ing to the business of Enoch Train & Co. At a still later date the name was changed again to the well-known firm of Warren & Co. This latter firm still flies the Train private signal, a red ground with a white diamond, and was one of the first houses to appreciate the commercial importance of iron screw steamers. Enoch Train at first had his counting-house at 37 Lewis Wharf, and later, about 1852, he bought Constitution Wharf for the use of his ships, moving his private office to State Street. The two cuts as the frontispiece of this pamphlet show in the first picture an Irishman in straitened circumstances carefulU' ex- amining one of Enoch Train & Co.'s shipping announcements of a sailing to Boston; the second one depicts the same individual about to return from Boston on the same line to the " Old Country," having become prosperous in the Ignited States. 1 Frnm a painting in the Nantucket Library THE "SAMUEL RUSSELL" Named after the founder of the house of Russell & Co., the largest of the American firms in China. The "Samuel Russell" was built in 1846 for .'\. A. Low & Co., was commanded for many years by Captain N. B. Palmer, and was lost off the Cape of Good Hope. She was one of the fastest clippers of her day. 48 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON ONE OF THE BEST KNOWN SHIPS OF BENJAMIN C. CLARK i CO. CAPTAIN ARTHUR H. CLARK Captain Arthur H. Clark quotes Thomas Appleton as saying that no Boston family was quite complete that could not claim at least one retired sea-captain! and if one examines the names of Boston cap- tains, one finds that this statement has much truth in it. Captain Clark had many friends in the same trade, and a list made by him furnishes further proof that Appleton was right in his assertion. Robert Adams, of the " Rocket " and " Golden Fleece," was a son of the Rev. Nehemiah Adams; John Boote succeeded Captain William C. Rogers in the " Witchcraft "; Robert Almy was captain of the " Nor' Wester "; Henry Sargent, of the '' Rockland," " Phantom," and " Emily C. Starr," was an elder brother of Daniel and Frank Sargent and Mrs. Goodwin Whitney and Airs. William Appleton of New York; Captain Gannett, of the ship "Benares," was a younger brother of the Rev. Dr. Gannett; Frank Haskell, who commanded the " Norseman," was an elder brother of Thomas and Frederick Haskell; Captain Frank Dale, who sailed the " Fleetwood," was a brother of Dr. Dale, and uncle of Eben Dale and Mary Dale, who married Colonel Charles TurnbuU; Putnam Upton, of the "Dragoon," was a son of George B. Upton, the well-known ship-merchant; James Dwight, of the " Cutwater " and " James Freeman Clarke," was a cousin of Howard and Wilder Dwight; and Montgomery Parker, captain of the ships " Judge Shaw " and " Lord Lyndhurst," was a son of Richard G. Parker. All of these names and many more were, according to Cap- tain Clark, the pride of Boston, and will go down on the records of the maritime history of the city. 49 From a photograph Courtesy of Captain Arthur H. Clark CAPTAIN ARTHUR H. CLARK A splendid seaman, good business man and excellent writer of maritime history. He is one of the last of the captains of the old school. His residence is in Brooklyn, N.Y., and he is the New York representa- tive of Lloyd's. SOME MERCHANTS a7id SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON Captain Clark, who is now Lloyd's representative in New York, has an extraordinary record as a Boston shipmaster. His first sailing experience was with small model yachts on the Frog Pond, which was opposite his father's house. No. 36 Beacon Street, and later he learned to navigate his father's yacht off Nahant. After leaving the Latin School he determined to adopt the sea as his calling, and shipped before the mast on the clipper " Black Prince " around the Horn to San Francisco, Manila, Foochow, and other distant ports. When this ship returned, two and one-half years later, he had been advanced to the position of third mate. He then became second officer of the famous "Northern Light," returning to the "Black Prince " as chief mate. In a short time he rose to be chief mate of the ship "J. C. Humphreys," then master of the "Agnes," and the " Verena," in the China trade. His next adventure was to command the yacht "Alice," only forty-eight feet long, on a voyage from Boston to England, one of his companions being Mr. Charles Longfellow, son of the poet. Up to this time this was the smallest yacht to cross the Atlantic and the first American yacht to sail from America direct to England. Upon his return to Boston, Captain Clark was appointed by J. M. Forbes & Co. to take the steamship "A. J. Ingersoll " to China. He subsequently commanded the " Manchu," " Suwo Nada," and " Venus " in the China Seas, and received a service of silver from American and British underwriters for his wonderful feat in bringing the " Suwo Nada," owned by Augustine Heard & Co., into Hong Kong in such a sinking condition that she sank in the graving dock before the gates could be closed, having struck an uncharted rock on the Chinese coast. Captain Clark subsequently commanded the American Mail S.S. " Indiana," between Philadelphia and Liverpool, and retired from the sea in 1877, but made one more ocean voyage in 1894-1895 when he brought the steam yacht " Sylvia," owned by Com- modore Edward M. Brown of the New York Yacht Club, from Queens- town to New York during the months of December and January. This yacht was 138 tons gross. The "Alice" and "Sylvia" are the two smallest sailing and steam yachts respectively that have crossed the Atlantic under the burgee of the New York Yacht Club. Both made the passage in nineteen days. Captain Clark is a very familiar figure of the down-town shipping community of New York, and is one of the last of that fine type of gentleman sea-captains of the old school. He is not only a splendid seaman, but also a business man of sound judgment, and a writer of maritime history of first importance. He is the son of Hon. B. C. Clark, who was the founder of the firm of Benjamin C. Clark & Co. of Boston. This well-known house from 1830 to 1848 owned a number of clipper brigs and topsail schooners which were engaged in the West India coffee trade and the Mediterranean fruit and wine trade, some of these vessels being the " Sea Eagle," " Water Witch," " Silenus," " Red Rover," and " Sea Mew." Benjamin C. Clark built and owned the schooner yacht "Mermaid," which was then — 1832 — the first decked yacht owned in Boston, and a few years later he 52 SOME MERCHANTS and SEA CAPTAINS of OLD BOSTON built the " Raven," which won the cup in the first regatta sailed in Massachusetts Bay, at Nahant, on July 19, 1845. Oh, again to hear the Lascars' rousing "chanty" in the morn, When we broke away the anchor to sail home around the Horn! Oh, to see the white sails pulling, feel the lift beneath the keel, With the trade-wind's push behind her and the roll that made her reel! The old Clipper days are over, and the white-winged fleets no more, With their snowy sails unfolded, fly along the ocean floor; Where their house-flags used to flutter in the ocean winds unfurled, Now the kettle-bellied cargo tubs go reeling around the world. But 'twas jolly while it lasted, and the sailor was a man; And it's good-by to the Lascar and the tar with face of tan; And it's good-by mother, once for all, and good-by girls on shore; And it's good-by brave old Clipper-ship that sails the seas no more! {From Boston Transcript.) 53 IF' University of California Library Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date snmp.^ K.I. 12005 £c%^te^4^-'* ';5" 1 58 00436 4294 -H \ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001007 741