GUSH History ABORATORY METHOD DUE or THE STUDY OF HISTORY BY THE LABORATORY METHOD FOR HIGH AND GRAMMAR SCHOOLS ISnglanti BY MARY E. WILDER / sn^ LEE AND SHEPARD PUBLISHERS lO MILK STREET BOSTON 189s ^.^yi ^906 Copyright, iSgi, 1S94, by Mary E. Wilder All Rights Reserved Study of English History ELECTROTYPED BY C. J. PETERS Hi. SON PRESSWORK BY S. J. PAKKHILL & CO. BOSTON MASS. yj G^ PREFACE The following topical arrangement was prepared for my own use in classes in tlie Gloucester High School. Because of the immaturity of the pupils no attempt was made to bring out the weightier side of English History. Hence the deeper constitutional and ecclesiastical subjects were avoided, and it has been thought unwise to depart from the original plan in offering the work to the public. At the end of each period I have inserted a short list of historical novels and dramas, as they give us a picture of manners and cus- toms usually lacking in the history proper. The following is a list of the authorities referred to in these topics. The name of the author only is given, except when more than one work of a writer is referred to. J. J. Anderson . . . Mrs. E. S. Armitage Grant Allen .... J. F. Bright .... A. J. Church .... A. J. Church .... B. M. Cordery and / J. S. Phillpotts i M. Creighton M. Creighton E. S. Creasy . Chas. Dickens E. A. Freeman E. A. Freeman E. A. Freeman School Hist, of England . . . The Childhood of Eng. Nation Anglo-Saxon Britain .... Eng. Hist, for use of Pub. Schools Story of Early Britain . . . Henry V King and Commonwealth . . The Age of Elizabeth .... Wolsey Fifteen Decisive Battles . . . The Child's History of Eng. . Old English History .... Hist, of the Norman Conquest Shorter Hist, of the Norman Conquest 3 Ma. Longm Soc. Ch .K. 4 vols. D. Put. Macm. E. M. A C. Scr. E. S. Macm. T. E. S. H. H. 6-i U. Macm. 6 vols. Macm. Macm. Preface E. A. Freeman J. A. Froude . S. R. Gardiner S. R. Gardiner J. Gairdner . J. Gairdner . J. R. Green . J. R. Green . J. R. Green . J. R. Green . Mrs. J. R. Green F. Guizot . . E. Hale . . . F. Harrison . Thomas Hughes David Hume . W. Hunt S. 0. Jewett . A. H. Johnson C. Knight . . T. M. Lappenberg W. E. H. Lecky J. Lingard . . T. B. Macaulay J. McCarthy . . J. McCarthy . . J. McCarthy . . Robert MacKenzie H. Martineau C. E. Moberly . D. H. Montgomery E. E. Morris . . . E. E. Morris . . . C. W. Oman . . . H. M. Scarth . . William the Conqueror . . . Macm. T. E. S. Hist, of Eng. from Fall of Wol- sey to Death of Elizabeth . 12 vols. Scr. Student's History of England . Loiigin. The Puritan Revolution . . . Scr. E. S. Henry VH Macm. T. E. S. The Houses of Lancaster and York Scr. E. S. The Conquest of England . . H. The Making of England ...//. History of the English People . 4 vols. H. Sh. Hist, of the Eng. People . H. Henry H Macm. T. E. S. History of English Revolution B. The Fall of the Stuarts . . . Scr. E. S. Oliver Cromwell Macm. T. E. S. Alfred the Great Macm. Hist, of Eng. Student's Ed. . H. Norman Britain Soc. Ch. K. The Story of the Normans . . Put. The Normans in Britain . . . Scr. The Popular Hist, of England 5. The English under the Anglo- Saxon Kings 2 vols. B. Hist, of England in tlie iSth Century 4 J'"^-^- ^PP- History of England .... 13 vols. Shea. History of England .... ^vols. BclV. (^ F. History of our own Times . . 2 vols. H. Epoch of Reform Scr. Four Georges 4 "^'ol^- ^■ 19th Century N. History of England . . . . B. The Early Tudors Scr. E. S. The Leading Facts of English History Ginn. The Age of Anne Scr. E. S. The Early Hanoverians . . . Scr. E. S. Warwick Macm. E. M. A. Roman Britain Soc. Ch. K. Preface W. Stubbs A. Thierry G. M. Towle G. M. Towle H. D. Traill W. Warburton A. H. Welsh . A. M. Wheeler C. M. Yonge . The Early Plantagenets . . The Norman Conquest . . Young People's Hist, of Eng Young People's Hist, of Ire. William HI Edward HI Development of Eng. Lit. and Lang Sketches from English History Cameos from English History Scr. E. S. 2 vols. B. L. and S. L. and S. Macm. T. Scr. E. S. E. S. G. Ch. 7 vols. Macm. In the abbreviations, App. stands for Appleton ; B. for Bell (Bohn Library); C. for Coates; Ch. for Chautauqua; DeW. & F. for DeWolfe, Fiske & Co. ; D. for Dutton ; G. for Griggs & Co. ; H. for Harper; H. & I\L for Houghton, Mifflin & Co. ; L. and S. for Lee and Shepard; Longm. for Longmans ; M. for Maynard ; Macm. for Mac- Millan; N. for Nelson; Put. for Putnam; S. for Sangster; Scr. for Scribner; Soc. Ch. K. for Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; E. S. for Epoch Series; E. M. A. for English Men of Action; T. E. S. for Twelve English Statesmen. ADDITIONAL AND MISCELLANEOUS LIST W. H. D. Adams Lucy Aiken . Osmund Airy . Thomas Arnold E. S. Beesly . Oscar Browning J. Corbett . . G. W. Cox . . Mrs. M. Creighton M. Creighton . M. Creighton . G. P. Fisher . B. M. Gardiner T. W. Higginson Longmans . . T. B. Macaulay Charles Norris Battle Stories from English History. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. The English Restoration and Louis XIV. Modern England. Elizabeth. Modern England. Drake. The Crusades. England a Continental Power. The Tudors and the Reformation. Life of Marlborough. The Reformation. Struggle against Absolute Monarchy. History of England for American Readers. Summary of English History. Essays. Historical Tales. Preface C. W. Oman . C. H. Pearson G. W. Prothero L. von Ranke . W. J. Rolfe . James Rowley James Rowley Frederic Seebohm Agnes Strickland 0. W. Tancock . W. M. Thackeray F. F. Tout . . . G. M. Towle . . G. M. Towle . . A. Waites . . . Sir Chas. Wilson F. York-Powell . C. M. Yonge . . C. M. Yonge . . Warwick. English History of the 14th Century. Simon de Montford. History of England. Tales from English History in Prose and Verse. RISC' of the People and Growth of Parliament. Settlement of the Constitution. The Era of the Protestant Revolution. Lives of the Queens of England. England during American and European Wars. Four Georges. Edward I. Drake the Sea-King. Raleigh : His Exploits and Voyages. Historical Student's Manual. Clive. Early England. History of England. Stories from English History for Young People. MINIMUM LIST FOR TOPICS Armitage Childhood of the English Nation. Bright English History for Use of Public Schools. Church Story of Early Britain. Freeman Shorter History of the Norman Conquest. Gardiner Student's History of England. Green History of the English People. Green ....... Shorter History of the English People. Hughes Alfred the Great. Hume Student's Edition of History of England. Knight Popular History of England. MARY E. WILDER. Gloucester, September, 1894. 3 4-^ ■"♦3 3 HINTS TO TEACHERS Those inexperienced in the use of the laboratory method will find the following hints of assistance. These topics form a network which the teacher must take care to fill in with solid work adapted to the capacity of the pupil. It is worth while to insist on the memorizing of the topics. Note-books are necessary, and two are not too many ; one for notes taken in the class from the teacher or other pupils ; the other for the student''s own personal researches. If the pupil is very im- mature, he should be guided for a time in choice of material for his note-book. He should be encouraged to consult two or more authorities on all topics, and to read continuously some history other than those used fpr reference ; likewise to own at least one, the best he can afford. Atlases should be in constant use, and progressive maps should be prepared by the pupil, subject to examination by the teacher from time to time. Essays written on subjects connected with the study are helpful. This work may be varied by writing a review of some historical novel which has been read as a part of the prescribed work. Historical novels, scrap-books for cuttings and pictures, the learning of spirited poems and ballads, all help to rouse the inter- est and enthusiasm. A library of books of reference is necessary to the successful use of the laboratory method. But one need not depend on public funds for such supplies. Schools and classes can by a little effort obtain these for themselves. Our own school owns not far from twelve hundred volumes, nearly all of which were bought by the school with money earned in lecture courses and entertainments. 7 ENGLISH HISTORY Ancient England. Montgomery, i-2. Original Inhabitatits : Character, Government, Mode of Life, Religion. ' Armitage, 4, 5. Church, i-io. Dickens, 1-5. Freeman, 1-12. Gardiner, i. i-io. Hume, 2-6. Knight, i. 12, 13. Lappenberg, i. 2-17. Lingard, i. 7-19. ^ Scarth, 7-15. Roman Conquests. 55 B.C.-449 a.d. Montgomery, 12-30. Anderson, 15-27. Towie, i-ii. Invasions : ' Armitage, 5-7. Church, 12-30. Dickens, 5, 6. Freeman, 12-14. Gardiner, i. 10-12. Hume, 7, 8. Knight, i. 2-12. Lappenberg, i. 22-27. Lingard, i. 1-6, 19, 20. ^ Scarth, 20-34. 9 Caesar, lO Ens'lisJi History Emperor Claudius, Plautius, V Church, 31-38. Dickens, 6. Freeman, 15. Gardiner, i. 12-14. Hume, 8. 9. Knight, i. 16-21. Lappenberg, i. 28-32. Lingard. i. 20-25. Scarth, 35-45- Suetonius, Attack on Druids, Revolt of Boadicea, Government of Agricola, Wall of Hadrian, Severus, '' Church. 48-57- Dickens, 7. Freeman, 16, Gardiner, i. 14, 15. Hume, 9. Knight, i. 22-26. Lappenberg, i. 28-35. Lingard, i. 26, 27. Scarth, 46-54. Church, 58-65. Dickens, 7. 8. Freeman, 17-19. Gardiner, i. 16, 17. Hume, 10. Knight, i. 26-29. Lappenberg, i. 36-39. Lingard, i. 27-31. Scarth, 57-65. { Church, 66-74. Freeman, 20. Gardiner, i. 17-19. Hume, II. Knight, i. 29, 30. Lingard, i. 36, 37. ^Scarth, 66-68, 73-78. 'Church. 76-78. Freeman, 20. Gardiner, i. 19. Hume, II. Roman C onq //csts II Severus, {Continued.) Roads, Forts, Language, Religion. '' Knight, i. 29-31, Lappenberg, i. 52, Lingard, i. 38-42. Scarth, 88-92. 53- Uickens, 9. Freeman, 20. 21. Gardiner, i. 19-23. Cireen, Making of Eng., 3, 4. Hume, 13-15. Kniglit, i. 32-38. Lappenberg, i. 44, 45, 59-61, 64-67, 81-85. Lingard, i. 47. Scarth, 1 14-123, 159, 160. ^ Wheeler, 25-30. Church : The Count of the Saxon Shore. Ebers: The Emperor. Henty: Beric the Briton. Shakespeare: Julius Ccesar. 12 English History English Conquest. 449 a.d.-io66 a.d. Montgomery, 31-57. Anderson, 28-69. Towle, 11-57. Settlements, Allen. 1-8, 23-25. Armitage, 8, g, 11. Bright, i. 1,2. Church, 94-1 1 1. Dickens, 1 1-13. Freeman. 22-41. Freeman, Sh. Hist, of Nor. Conq., 7. -^ Gardiner, i. 26-28. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 22-31. Green, Sh. Hist., 7-16. Green, Making of Eng., 44-52. Hume, 21-28. Knight, i. 63. Lappenberg, i. 1 15-126. ^ Lingard, i. 60-73. King Arthur, ''Bulfinch, Age of Chivalry. Church, 100. Cox, Popular Romances. Freeman, 35, 36. Gardiner, i. 33, 34. Hume, 27. ^Lappenberg, i. 129-131. Character of Con- quest, King, Government, Armitage, 9, 10, 12-17, 34-4I- Gardiner, i. 28-37, 44, 45. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 30-36, 93. Green, Sh. Hist., 9-16. Green, Conquest of Eng., 32-37. Hume. 70-76. Lingard, i. 79, 80, 99-101. Wheeler, 30-35. English Conquest 13 Coming of Chris- tianity, Gregory, Augustine, Caedmon, Baeda, ( Allen, 85-92. Armitage, 18-23, '6, 27. Bright, i. 3, 4- Church, 120-131. Dickens, 13. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 42-50. Freeman, i. 19-23. Gardiner, i. 38-40. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 37, 38, 40-42. Green, Sh. Hist., 17, 18. Green, Making of Eng., 201-210. Hume, 30, 31 . Knight, i. 64-69. Lappenberg, i. 1 71-175. Lingard, i. 75-97. Thierry, i. 28-33. I, Wheeler, 35-39. '' Allen, 209, 210. Armitage, 25. Church"^ 151-155. Gardiner, i. 51, 52. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 54, 55. Green, Sh. Hist., 27-29. Green, Making of Eng., 357, 358. Hughes, 19-21. Hume, 35, -]■]. Allen, 61, 109-112, 213. Church, 1 57-161. Freeman, 74. Gardiner, i. 52. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 64-67. Green, Sh. Hist., 38-40. Green, Making of Eng., 383-390. Lappenberg, i. 265-266. Lingard, i. 113, 114. r Allen, 120-124, 131. Egbert, King of the I ^^^^ f'^' English, 828, j Church, 180-184. 1^ Dickens, 14, 15. 14 English History Egbert, King of the English, 828, {Continued.) f Freeman, i. 27-33. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 95-106. Gardiner, i. 54, 55. Green, Sli. Hist., 42-44. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 71, 72. Hughes, 32, 33, 40-43. Hume, 34, 36, 39, 40. Knight, i. 75-79. Lappenberg, ii. 1-12. Lingard, i. 143-146. Childhood, Youth, Danish Invasions, Alfred. 871-901. ' Allen, 136. Armitage, 45, 46. Church, 199-202. Dickens, 16. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 113-116. Green, Conquest of Eng., 94-96. Hughes, 34-37, 47-55. Knight, i. 82-85. Lappenberg, ii. 29, 30, 50-54. Lingard, i. 161-163. ^ Wheeler, 44-51. ^Allen, 125-141. Armitage, 46-50. Bright, i. 7. Church, 202-205. Dickens, 17. Freeman. Sh. Hist. Nor. Conq., 8. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 108-113, 1 17-123. Gardiner, i. 57, 58. - Green, Eng. Peo., i. 73-75. Green, Sh. Hist., 45-47. Green, Conquest, 96-105. Hughes, 68-1 13. Hume, 43-45- Knight, i. 93-104. Lappenberg, ii. 60-73. Lingard. i. i 63-1 71. Thierry, i. 67, 68. English Conquest t5 Guthrum, Treaty of Wedmore, Improvements, Strongholds, Palaces, Navy, Army, Laws, Literary Work, 123-127. (^ Allen, 137, 138. Armitage, 51. Bright, i. 7, 8. Church, 206-208. Dickens, 18. Freeman, i. 31, 32, 37. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist. Gardiner, i. 58-60. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 74, 75 Green, Sh. Hist., 47-5°- Green, Conquest, 107. Hughes. 105-113, 127. Hume, 44, 45. Johnson, 19-21. Knight, i. 105-107. Lappenberg, ii. 65. Lingard, i. 172-174. ^Thierry, i. 69, 70. r Allen, 138, 139. Armitage, 52, 53, 60. Church, 215-219. Freeman, i. 35-37- Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 132, 133. Gardiner, i. 60, 61. Green, Conquest, 127-140. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 81. Hughes, 44, 45' i39-i4i> I49-I53. 160-167. Knight, i. 108, 109. Lappenberg, ii. 77-82. ^ Lingard, i. 1 74-181. '' Allen, 139. Armitage, 53-56. Church, 219-224. Dickens, 19. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 130, 131. Gardiner, i. 60-62. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 78-80. Green, Sh.^Hist., 51. 52. Green, Conquest, 149-161. Hughes. 278-300. I Hume, 46. i6 EnglisJi History Literary Work, {Continued.) Hastings, Character, Dunstan, Six Boy Kings, f Knight, i. 110-112. Lappenberg. ii. 82-85. Lingard, i. 179, 180. f Allen, 138. Armitage, 58, 59. Bright, i. 9. Church, 209-214. Dickens, 18. Freeman. Old Eng. Hist., 136, 137. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 81. Green, Sh. Hist., 53. Green, Conquest, 162-167. Hughes, 251-263. Knight, i. 1 14-1 16. Lappenberg, ii. 66, 67. Lingard, i. 182-187. Allen, 136, 137. Armitage, 61. Bright, i. 9. Dickens, 20, 21. Freeman, i. 33-36, 48-52. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 113, 114. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 75-79. Green, Sh. Hist., 50, 51. Green, Conquest, 167-169, 178-180. Hughes, 307-309. Hume, 45, 46. Knight, i. 115, 116. Lappenberg, ii. 100-102. Thierry, i. 66, 67. ''Allen. 141-150, 164-169. Armitage, 64-73. Bright, i. 10-19. Church, 232-264. Dickens, 22-30. Freeman, i. 37-46, 177-181, 225-228, 254- 257. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist, 138-233. Gardiner, i. 63-69. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 82-86, 95-99. Green, Sh. Hist., 54-62. English Conquest 17 Dunstan, Six Boy Kings, {Conti?iued.) Hume, 49-55- Jewett, 171-173- Knis;ht, i. 121-138, 142-149, 155. 07-254. Lingard, i Sweyn, Canute, Harold, Hardicanute, Danish Line. /'Allen, 169, 170. Armitage, 73-88. Bright, i. 20, 21. Church, 262, 276, 277, 285-319. Dickens, 30-37. Freeman, i. 247, 266-273, 290-293, 320-326. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist.,-2ii-25i. Freeman, Sh. Hist. Nor. Conq., 13-15, 17-24. Gardiner, i. 79-86. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 98-103. Green, Sh. Hist., 64-67. Green, Conquest of Eng., 392-409. Hume, 57-61. Jewett, 178-184. Knight, i. 156-161. Lappenberg, ii. 240-248, 265-270, 277-284. Lingard, i. 237-277. ^Wheeler, 57-61. Godwin, English Line. 'Allen, 170. Armitage, 89-95. Bright, i. 20-23. Church, 328-335. Dickens. 37-40. Freeman, Sh. Hist. Conq., 25, 26, 28, 39-41. Freeman, i. 274, 275, 283, 285, ii. 20-22, 84- 104, 232-235. , r . Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 259-262, 264-269. Gardiner, i. 86-89. Green, Eng. Peo.. i. 103-105. Green, Sh. Hist., 67-70. Green, Conq., 460-465, 480-483, 508-510, 514-521. i8 English History Godwin, {Continued.) Edward the Con- fessor, Harold, Hume, 62-64. Hunt, 64-68. Jewett, 184, 188, 189. Knight, i. 162-167, 171. Lappenberg, ii. 286, 287, 300-304, 313-315. Lingard, i. 279, 282, 285-292. Thierry, i. 114-118, 122, 123, 128-132, 136- 140. Yonge, i. 23-29. ^ Allen. 170. Armitage, 88. Bright, i. 21-24. Church, 320-323. Dickens, 43-49. Freeman, Sh. Hist. Nor. Conq., 24, 25. Freeman, i. 354, ii. 3-1 1, 14-18. 337-343- Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 252, 253, 258-262, 269, 270, 293-296. Gardiner, i. 86-89. \ Green, Eng. Pec, i. 103-106. Green, Sh. Hist., 68-70. Green, Conquest, 467, 468, 472, 473. Hume, 61-66. Jewett, 186-194. Johnson, iog-ii6. Knight, i. 162-167, 176. Lappenberg, ii. 285-291, 296-300, 332. Lingard, i. 277-285, 303-306. Thierry, i. 124-127. Yonge, i. 26-29. Armitage, 95-104. Bright, i. 23-27. Church, 340-343 ' 351-360. Dickens, 37-42. Freeman, Sh. Hist. Nor. Conq., 43-63. \ Freeman, ii. 23-28, 236-240, i\a,-i\6, 261, 270, 271, 283. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 297-348. Gardiner, i. 89-98. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 106, 107, in, 112. Green, Sh. Hist., 70. English Conquest 19 Harold. {Continued^ ''Green, Conquest, 535, 545-548. Hume, 66-69. Hunt, 68-75. Jewett, 255-272. Johnson, 125-131. Knight, i. 172-177, 181-183. Lapijenberg, ii. 327-329, 334, 335. Lingard, i. 300-303, 306-319. Thierry, i. 141-143, 146-157. Yonge, i. 30-37. Cowper: Cadwalla, or Saxons in Isle of Wight. BuLWER : Harold, Ike Last of (he Saxo7i Kings, Henty: The Dragon and the Raven. KiNGSLEY: Hereward, the Last of the English. Scott : Harold the Dauntless. Tennyson: Harold. Shakespeare : Macbeth. 20 EnglisJi History Norman Conquest. 1066-1154. William the Conqueror. 1066-1087. Montgomery, 58-70. Anderson, 72-81, 84-92. Towle, 54-71. In Normandy, Senlac, 1066. ^ Allen, 170-173. Armitage, 104, 105. Bright, i. 24-26. Church, 344, 350. 361-369. Freeman, Sh. Hist. Nor. Conq., 30-38. Freeman, William the Conq., 34-50. Freeman, ii. no, 1 13-124, iv. 64, 65. Freeman, Old Eng. Hist., 262, 263. Gardiner, i. 88, 89. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 109-112. Green, ShTHist., 76-78. Green, Conquest, 457, 472, 499-502. Hume, 79-81. Hunt. 34-44. Jewett, 166-170, 195-216. Johnson, 86-91, 1 16-125. Knight, i. 177. Lingard, ii. 2, 3. Thierry, i. 134, I35. 159-165. Yonge, i. 18-22. Armitage, 104-109. Bright, i. 26, 27. Church, 369-375. Creasy, 182-214. Dickens, 45-47. Freeman, William the Conq., 82-91. Freeman, iii. 266-273, 301-344. Freeman, Sh. Hist, of Nor. Conq., 71-85. Gardiner, i. 96-98. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 113-115. N'orijian Conquest 21 Senlac, 1066, {Contimted.) Green, Sh. Hist., 78-So. (ireen. Conquest, 549-551. Hume, 68, 69. Hunt, 77-80. Jewett, 304-311. Johnson, 131-135. Knight, i. 180-182. Lappenberg, ii. 355-370. Lingard, i. 311-319. Thierry, i. 165-179. Wheeler, 67-71. l^Yonge, i. 43-49. Crowning of "William, ^ Armitage, in. Bright, i. 41, 42. Dickens, 48, 49. Freeman, Nor. Conq., iii. 2>73-37S- Freeman, Sh. Hist. Conq., 87-89. Freeman, WiHiam the Conq., 94-97. Gardiner, i. 98-100. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 115. Green, Sh. Hist., 81. Green, Conquest, 551, 552. Hume, 82, 83. Jewett, 314. Knight, i. 185, 186. Lingard, ii. 6, 7.' ^Thierry, i. 1S8, 189. Resistance of England, ^Armitage, 111-115. Bright,''!. 40-42, 45-47, 50, 51. Diclvcns, 49-52. Freeman, Nor. Conq., iv. 3-5. Freeman, Sh. Hist., 93-108. Freeman, William the Conq., 93-96, iio- 121, 150-156. Gardiner, i. 101-104. Green, Eng. Peo., i. n6-ii8. Green, Sh. Hist, 82, 83.' Green. Conq. of England, 553-556. Hume, 84-87. I. Hunt, 82-89. 22 English History Resistance of England, (Continued.) f Jewett, 315, 316, 325-331. Johnson, 154-158. Knight, i. 186-190, 192-199. Lingard, ii. 3, 4. 7. 11-38- Thierry, i. 200-208, 212-227, 263-272. ^Yonge, i. 50-57. 239-243. Feudalism, a. In England, b. Under William, Domesday Book, New Forest, Curfew, Tower of London, Churches, Castles, r Armitage, 77-88, 117-122. Bright, i. 28-37. Freeman, Nor. Conq., i, 62, 63, iii. 87-90, V. 42, 246-325. Freeman, Sh. Hist., 125, 126. Freeman, WilHam the Conq., 121-136. Gardiner, i. 104, 105, 113. - Green, Eng. Peo., i. 92-94, 127-131. Green, Sh. Hist., 83-85. Hume, 71, 72, 124, 125. Hunt, 2, 3, 5, 90-92, 99-101, I15-121, 153. Jewett, 316-319. Johnson, 140-154, 158-161. Knight, i. 214. 215. V Lingard, i. 320-337, ii. 45-52. I Armitage, 122, 123. Bright, i. 38, 39, 43, 55. Dickens, 53. Freeman, William the Conq., 171, 189, 191. Freeman, Nor. Conq., ii. 113, iii. 370, 371, iv. 43, 44, 107, 145, 412-414, 469-472, V. 1-3, 432-434- Freeman, Sh. Hist., 124, 125. Gardiner, i. 104, 110-112. Green, Sh. Hist., 85-87. Hume, 91-93. Hunt, 85, 92-98, 134-136. Jewett, 251, 331. Johnson, 178. Knight, i. 203-206, 211, 213. Lingard, ii. 56, 57. Thierry, i. 196, 301-304. Yonge, i. 65-67. Norvimi Conquest 23 Character of William, Character and Re- sults of Conquest. ^Armitage, no, 124, 125. Freeman, Nor. Conq., ii. 107-113, 136, lu. 53, 108, 109, 180, iv. 418-425, 436. Freeman, Sh. Hist., 140. Freeman, William the Conq. 195-200. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 125, 126. Green, Sli. Hist., 74-76- Hume, 92. Hunt, 130-133. Jewett, 149-15I' 342-344- Jolinson, 86. Kniglit, i. 191, 218, 219. Lingard, ii. 68-71. Wlieeler, 72-77. V Yonge, i. 64, 65. ' Armitage, 115-121, 130-133. Briglit, i. 36, 37, 42, 43- , . ^ Freeman, Nor. Conq., ii. 226, iv. 8, v. 42, 43, 226-228, 262-265. Freeman, Sli. Hist., 1-5, 136-147. Green, Gonq., 520, 521. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 130-132, I35' 136- Jolmson, 221-238. ■ (^ Stubbs, II, 12. Character of Reign, William Rufus. 1087-1100. Montgomery, 70-72. Anderson, 8i. Towle, 72-76. Armitage, 134-139- Briglit," i. 56-62. Dickens, 56-62. Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 47-5°- 97, 9S- Gardiner, i. 114-121. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 136-140. Green, Sh. Hist., 89, 90. Hume, 95-98. Hunt, 138-144, 169. Jewett, 345-353- Johnson, 182-192, 197-200. Knight, i. 219-231. Lingard, ii. 15-103. Wheeler, 77-82. ^ Yonge, i. 77-84- 24 English History First Crusade, 1096. 'Armitage, 201-210. Dickens, 59-61. Freeman, Nor. Conq. Gardiner, i. 120, 121. Hume, 96, 97. Jewett, 351. 352. Johnson, 192-197. Knight, i. 226-230. Lingard, ii. 83-85. Yonge, i. 86-94. 60-63. Henry I. 1 100- 1135- Montgomery, 73-75. Anderson, 81-84. Towle, 77-82. Charter, Marriage, Armitage, 145. Bright,!. 63, 64, 73-76. Dickens, 63, 64. Freeman, v. 110-112. Gardiner, i. 123, 124. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 140-142. Green, Sh. Hist., 91. Hume, 99. Hunt, 186-188. Jewett, 354. Johnson, 202, 203. Knight, i. 233-237. Lingard, ii. 105-109. Thierry, i. 343-349- Quarrel with Robert, Bright, 65, 66. Dickens, 64-67. Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 114-118. Gardiner, i. 124, 125. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 141-143. Hume, 99-101. Jolinson, 203, 204. Knight, i. 233-241. Lingard, ii. 109-115, 119, 120, 144. Yonge, i. 102-105. Noruian Conquest 25 Angevin Marriage, Administration. { Annitage, 149. ISriglit, i. 67-69. Dickens, 68. Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 132-138. Gardiner, i. 131. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 146. I47' 150- Green, Sh. Hist., 100, loi. Hume, loi, 102. Johnson, 213. Kniglit. i. 244, 245. Lingard, ii. 120, 129-133. ^. Yonge, i. 121, 122. ( Armitage, 146- [49. Bright, i. 74-76. Freeman, v. 102-I10. Gardiner, i. 126, 127. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 143-146. Green, Sh. Hist., 96, 97. Hunt, 190-197. Johnson, 216, 221. Lingard, ii. 133-141. Wheeler, 82-85. Battle of the Standard, Civil War. Stephen, ii 35-1 154. Montgomery, 75-77. Anderson, 84-86. Towle, 83, 84. ^Armitage, 149-152. Bright,"i. 80-88. Dickens, 73-76. Freeman, v. 162-170, 176-178, 189, 195-210. Gardiner, i. 131-137. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 1 51-160. Green, Sh. Hist., 101-104. Hume, 103-106. Hunt, 198-209. KniL;ht, i. 249-253, 261-269. Lingard, ii. 156-187. Stubbs, 14-34. Thierry, ii. 25-32. '^ Yonge, i. 125-134. 190, 26 English History The Angevins or Planta^enets. 1 154-1399. Hexrv II. 1 1 54-1 189. Montgomery, 87-97. Anderson, 95-102. Towle, 84-gg. Armitage, 161-168. Bright, i. 92. 95. Dickens, 77-85. Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 441-443. Gardiner, i. 140-143. Green, Eng. I'eo., i. 163-165. Green. Sh., 106. Mrs. Green, 24-26, 78-81, 86-104. Hume, 109-1 12. Knight, i. 271-273, 280-283. Lingard, ii. 197-206. Stubbs, 67-74. Thierry, ii. 52-61. Yonge, i. 135-141- Thomas a Becket, Chancellor, Archbishop, Constitutions of Clarendon, Assize of Clarendon, . and other Reforms, Armitage, 152-158, 168-172, 181-183, 186, 187. Bright, i. 93-97, 106-109, ^^3' ^I4- Dickens, 82, 83. Freeman, v. 449-457. Gardiner, i. 143-148, 154. 155. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 162-168, 179, 180. Green, Sh. Hist., 106-I12. Mrs. Green, 68-126. Hume, III, 118. Knight, i. 283. 287, 301. 302. Lingard, ii. 213-220, 283-298, 310, 311. Stubbs, 39-48. 55-58, 76, JJ, 85-88. Thierry, ii. 65-71. V Yonge, i. 142-148. TJie Angcvins or Plant agc7icts 27 Condemnation, Exile, and Death of Becket, Ireland, Civil War, Character, Armitage, 170-179. Bright, i. 98-101. Dickens, 85-88. Freeman, v. 443-447. Gardiner, i. 143-151- Green, Eng. I'eo., i. 166, 168-170. Green, Sh. Hist., 108, 109. Mrs. Green, 104-115' 133-135- 148-15^ Hume, 112-115. Knight, i. 290-293. Lingard, ii. 221-227, 230-245. Stublxs, 74-84- Thierry, ii. 71-86, loi-iil. Wheeler, 87-92. Yonge, i. 146-156. Armitage. 196-200. Bright, i. 102, 103. Dickens, 88-90. Gardiner, i. 151, 152. Green, Eng. Pec, i. I75-I77- Green. Sh. Hist., 112. Mrs. Green, 155-169. Hume, 1 1 5-1 17. Knight, i. 296-299. Lingard, ii. 260-265. Stubbs, 91. Thierry, ii. 125, 127-135. Towle, Ireland, 49-71- Yonge, i. 159-169. Armitage, 183-185. Bright,!. 103-105. Gardiner, i. 153-157- Green, Sh. Hist., log. Mrs. Green, 170-190. Hume, 117, 118. Knight, i. 299-301. Lingard. ii. 271-282. Stubbs, 95-98. Armitage, 187-189. Gardiner, i. 138, 157, 158. 28 English History Character. {Coniiiiited.) f Green, Eng. Peo., i. i6i, 162. Green, Sh. Hist., 103-105. Mrs. Green, i, 2, 11-20. Hume, 1 19, 120. Knight, i. 274, 275. Lingard, ii. 194-196. ^ Stubbs, 36-39. Zeal against Infidels. Richard I. 1189-1199. Montgomery, 97-103. Anderson, 102-106. Towie, 100-102. ( Bright, i. 1 15-123. Dickens, 96-104. P^reeman, Nor. Conq., v. 459-466. Gardiner, i. 159-165. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 183-188. Green, Sh. Hist., 112-114. Hume, 120. Knight, i. 305-320. Lingard, ii. 314-356. Stubbs, 1 10-122, 128-130, ^ Yonge, i. 181-193. John. 1199-1216. Montgomery, 103-iog. Anderson, 106-in. Towle, 102-111. Bright, i. 126-129. Dicl-cens, 105-109. Freeman, Nor. Conq., v. 468-470. Gardiner, i. 173-176. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 189, 190. Green, Sh. Hist., 115. Hume, 132, 133. Knight, i. 333-336. Lingard, iii. 4-14. Stubbs, 140-144. L Yonge, i. 201-205. Loss of Normandy, TJic Angevins or PI ant age nets 29 Contest with Church, Stephen Langton, Magna Charta, 1215. Bright, i. 130-136. Dickens, 109-112. Freeman, Nor. Conq. Gardiner, i. 176-180. Green, Eng. Peo., i. Hume, 134-137. Knight, i. 337-343- Lingard, iii. 15-45- Stut)bs, 147-150. Yonge, i. 206-214. , V. 472, 473. 229-239. Bright, i. I37-I39- Dickens, 112-116. Freeman, Nor. Conq. Gardiner, i. 180-184. V. 474-479- Green, Eng. Peo., i. 240-249. Green, Sh. Hist., 128-132. Hume, 137-140. Knight, i. 345-351- Lingard, iii. 45-72. Stubbs, 151-158. Wheeler, 96-100. Yonge, i. 215-221. Henry III. 1216-1272. Montgomery, 109-115. Anderson, 111-114. Towle, 112-118. Bright, i. 1 52-161. Dicl^cens, 124-128. Gardiner, i. 192-200. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 274-278, 290-295. Green, Sli. Hist., 152-156. Hume, 145, 146- Knight, i. 371-373- Lingard, iii. 1 18-127. Stubbs, 193-199. Yonge, i. 250-257. Simon de Montford, Mad Parliament, Barons' "Wars, Lewes, Evesham, TBriglit, i. 162-168. I Dickens, 124-128. 1 Green, Eng. Peo., i. 295-304. [Green, Sh. Hist., 157-160. 30 English History Barons' Wars, Lewes, Evesham, {Co>iiinned.) {Hume, 147-148. Knight, i. 373-376. Stubbs, 200-209. Wheeler, 116-121. Yonge, i. 25S-263. House of Commons, 1265. ' Bright, i. 164, 165. Gardiner, i. 199-203. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 299-301. Hume, 147, 148. Knight, i. 375, 376. Lingard, iii. 161-173. Stubbs, 207, 208. Welsh Campaign, Banishment of Jews, Trouble with France, Edward I. 1 272-1 307. Montgomery, 115-121. Anderson, 114-121. Towle, 119-126. Bright, i. 175-177. Diclvens, 132-135. Gardiner, i. 210. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 324, 325, 332-334. Green, Sh. Hist., 161-169. Hume, 153, 154. Knight, i. 383, 384, 387-390. Lingard, iii. 188-198, 218. ^ Stubbs, 217-220. Bright, i. 179. Dickens, 131, 132. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 336-341. Green, Sh. Hist., 205. Hume. 155. Knight, i. 386, 387. Lingard, iii. 248-254. Stubbs, 239, 240. ^ Yonge, i. 282, 283. Bright, i. 184-190. Dickens, 135-137. Gardiner, i. 216-218. \ Hume, 157, 158, 160. Lingard, iii. 214-218. Stubbs, 243, 244. I, Yonge, i. 299-303. The Angevins or Plantagenets 31 Scotland, William Wallace, Robert Bruce, Reforms in Church and State, Model Parliament, 1295. Character. 'Bright, i. 180-186, 189-192. Dickens, 137-145. Gardiner, i. 215-224. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 341-346, 360-362, 365- 371, 380, 381. Green, Sh. Hist., 187-193. Hume, 155-158, 160-162. Knight, i. 411-426. Lingard, iii. 200-245, 274-281. Stubbs, 240-243, 257-261. Wheeler, 121-125. Yonge, i. 288-298, 306-314. f Bright, i. 172-175, 185-188, 193-196. Gardiner, i. 212-214, 220, 221. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 321, 325-332, 334-336, 349-359. 362-365. Hume, 152, 157-159. Knight, i. 385, 386. Lingard, iii. 245-248, 263-274. Stubbs, 222-238, 248-256. Yonge, i. 281-285, 301-305. Bright, i. 172, 173. Gardiner, i. 208-210. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 313-321. Green, ShTHist., 181-184. Hume, 162. Stubbs, 212-215. ^ Yonge, i. 280, 2S1. Edward H. 1307- 1327. Montgomery, 121-124. Anderson, 122-126. Towle, 127-132. Bright, i. 197-206. Dickens, 146-149. Gardiner, i. 224-226. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 380-385. Green, Sh. Hist., 207-209. Hume, 162-164. Knight, i. 428-430. Lingard, iii. 283-296. Piers Gaveston, 32 English History Piers Gaveston, {Contintied.) Scotland Regains its Independence, New Favorites, Deposition of Ed- ward. Stubbs, 263-273. Yonge, i. 315-322. ' Bright, i. 200-205. Dickens, 149, 150. Gardiner, i. 226-228. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 385-389. Green, Sh. Hist., 209. Hume, 164, 165. Knight, i. 430-439. Lingard, iii. 298-302, 313-320. Stubbs, 266, 273-276, 282. Wheeler, 126-134. I Yonge, i. 323-332. ' Bright, i. 205-21 1. Dickens, 150-155. Gardiner, i. 228-231. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 389-392. Green, Sh. Hist., 209. Hume, 164-166. Knight, i. 441-443. Lingard, iii. 320-347. Stubbs, 277-290. Ycnge, i. 340-351- Edward III. 1327-1377. Montgomery, 124-134. Anderson, 126-133. Towle, 133-140. War with Scotland, Neville's Cross, ' Bright, i. 214-218, 228. Dickens, 158. Gardiner, i. 231-234, 242, 243. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 399-402, 436, 437. Green, Sh. Hist., 223, 224, 228 Hume, 169, 170, 175. Knight, i. 443-445' 451. 464- Lingard. iv. 1-7. 15-21, 77-81. Warburton, 8-16, 25-34, 90-92, 122-125, 160, 161. Yonge, ii. 26-32, 34-37, 57, 58. TJic Augcviiis or Plant agcncts 33 Rise of English Commerce, Causes of French War, Sluys, Crecy, Calais, Black Death, Its Effects, Poictiers, Treaty of Bretigny, ' Bright, i. 217-224. Dickens, 158, 159. Gardiner, i, 232-239. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 398, 399, 402-415- Green, Sh. Hist., 224. 225. Hume, 170-172. Knight, i. 452-454- Lingard, iv. 21-30. Warburton, 34-44. 55-78- Yonge, ii. i-n. Briglit. i. 220, 224-228. Dicl^ens, 160-163. Gardiner, i. 239-243. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 416-425. Green, Sh. Hist., 225-228. Hume, 173-176. Knight, \. 453, 456-467. Lingard, iv. 30-62. Warburton, 80-84, 107-133. Wheeler, 134-139- Yonge, ii. 3^-53- Bright, i. 229. Dickens, 163. Gardiner, i. 246-250. Green, Eng. Fee, i. 428-433. Hume, 176. Knight, i. 469-472, Lingard, iv. 62-67. Warburton, 140-155. Wheeler, 140-144. Yonge, ii. 55, 56. Bright, i. 229-234. Dickens, 163-166. Gardiner, i. 251-254. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 434-438. Green, Sh. Hist., 229. 230. Hume, 177-180. Knight, i. 473-478, 483- Lingard, iv. 68-88. Wariuirton, 165-177, 190-192. ^ Yonge, ii. 58-66. 34 EnglisJi History Black Prince in Castile, Loss of French Pos- sessions, Bright, i. 234-236. Dickens, 166, 167. Gardiner, i. 254-257. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 448-454. Hume. 180, 181. Knight, i. 483-487. Lingard, iv. 89-100. Warburton, 197-205, 217-232 Yonge, ii. 88-109. Good Parliament, Bright, i. 237-240. Gairdner, 3. Gardiner, i. 243-246, 262. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 465, 466. Green, Sh. Hist., 231-235. Hume, 182, 226-228. Lingard, iv. 101-105. Warburton, 239-241. Character of King and Reign. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 426-428, 438-440, 469, 470. Green, Sh. Hist., 218, 219. Hume, 181, 182. Lingard, iv. 105-156. Warburton, 256-263. , Richard n. i377-i399- Montgomery, 134-141. Anderson, 134-142. Towle, 141-154. New Tax, Wat Tyler, ( Bright, i. 242-245. Dickens, 169-173. Gairdner, 12-19. Gardiner, i. 267-269. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 472-485. Green, Sh. Hist., 251-253. Hume, 184-186. Knight, ii. 3-7. Lingard, iv. 162-185. l^ Yonge, ii. 129-134. The Angevms or Plaiitagcnets 35 Deposition, Literature : State of Language, Wycliffe, Lollards, Chaucer, ( Bright, i. 248-254. Dickens. 173-177. Gairdiier, 50-61. Gardiner, i. 278-285. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 517-521- Green, Sh. Hist., 264. . Hume. 188, 189. Knight, ii. 23-38. Lingard, iv. 245-269. Wheeler. 149-154. ^ Yonge, ii. 195-209. ' Bright, i. 270-272. Gairdner, 62, 66, 6y. Gardiner, i. 258. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 502, 503. Green, Sh. Hist., 217-219. Warburton, 257, 258, 274-277. ^Welsh, i. 173-176. Bright, i. 266, 267. Froude, ii. 25-36. Gairdner, 4-8, 65. Gardiner, i. 261-263, 266. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 444-447' 467-469. 488- 496. Green, Sh. Hist., 235-244. Hume, 190, 191. Knight, ii. 8-1 1. Lingard, iv. 157-161, 185-196, 233. 234. Warburton, 247-255. Wheeler, 144-149. ^Yonge, ii. 112-115, 118, 124, 142-144. ' Bright, i. 273, 274. Gairdner, 63. 64. Gardiner, i. 270-272. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 504-509. Green, Sh. Hist., 219-223. Knight, i. 479-483, ii. 11, 12. Warburton, 279-281. Welsh, i. 204-232. Yonge, ii. 83, 113, 115. 135, 146, 180. 36 English History ( Bright, i. 273. I Gardiner, i. 258, 259, 266. ,„ T 1 J Green, Eng. Peo., i. 440-443. Wm. Langland. \ ^^^^^^^ gj^ Hist., 255-257. Warburton. 278, 279. V Welsh, i. 177-180. Doyle: T/w IVhiie Company. Edgar: Great Men and Great Deeds ( Crusades). Froissart : Chronicles. Gilliat: John Standish. Henty: Brothers in Anns, A Story of the Crusades ; For the Temple, A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem ; In Freedom's Cause (Wallace and Bruce); St. George for Ftigland (Crecy and Fo'ictiers^. James: Forest Days (Simon de Montford). Porter : Scottish Chiefs. Scott: Count Robert of Paris (1090); Betrothed (1187); Talisman (1193); Fjanhoe (1194); Castle Dangerous (1306). YONGE : Prince and Page ; The Constable's Tower. Shakespeare: King John ; Edivard III. ; Richard II. Gray : The Bard ( 1 282) . Scott: lord of the Isles (1307); Ha I i don Hill (1333). Southey: IVat Tyler. Chevy Chase. Houses of Lancaster and York 37 Houses of Lancaster and York. 1399-1485- House of Lancaster. 1399-1461- Henry IV. 1399-1413- Montgomery, 150-154- Anderson, 146-148. Towle, 155-158- Conspiracies and Revolts, { Bright, i. 276-282. Church, 10-21. Dickens, 177-185- Gairdiier, 67-72, 76-85. Gardiner, i. 285-298. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 524-533. Green, Sh. Hist., 265, 266. Hume, 193-195- Knight, ii. 40-50. Lingard, iv. 270, 271, 274-328. . Yonge, ii. 209-236. [ Bright, i. 284-286. Diclcens, 180. Gairdner, 86-88. Gardiner, i. 291, 292. Green, Eng. Pec, i. 522-524, 533-536. Green, Sh. Hist., 265-267. Knight, ii. 44-46. Lingard, iv. 328-335. ^ Yonge, ii. 236-242. Henry V. 141 3-1422. Montgomery, 155-158. Anderson, 148-151. Towle, 158-161. ( Bright, i. 287-289. Persecution Church, 97-104. of Lollards, - Dickens, 186, 187. Sir John Oldcastle, Gairdner, 93-96. 107. 108. •' ' \. Gardiner, 1. 299, 300. Persecution of Lollards. 38 English History Persecution of Lollards, Sir John Oldcastle, ( Continued. ) War ivith France: Green, Eng. Peo., i. 538-540. Green, Sh. Hist., 266, 267. Hume, 197. Knight, ii. 53-55- Lingard, v. 1-6, 31, 32. Harfleur, Agincourt, Siege of Rouen, Treaty of Troyes. , Yonge, ii. 242-246. ^ Bright, i. 291-296. Church, 61-64, 67-91. Dickens, 187-192. Gairdner, 96-103. Gardiner, i. 300-303. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 540-543. Green, Sh.^Hist., 267, 268. Hume, 197-199. Knight, ii. 55-64. Lingard, v. 6-30. Wheeler, 154-160. ^ Yonge, ii. 266-284. " Bright, i. 298-301. Church, 109-130. Dickens, 193-195. Gairdner, 107-1 13. Gardiner, i. 303-306. Green, Eng. Peo., i. 543-545. Green, Sh. Hist., 269-270. Hume, 199, 200. Knight, ii. 67-72. Lingard, v. 32-48. V Yonge, ii. 296-305, 322-324. Henry VI. 142 2-1 461. Montgomery, 158-164. Anderson, 151-157. Towle, 162-171. Rene%val of War: r Bright, i. 304-311. I Creasy, 218-236. 1 Dickens, 196-205. I Gairdner, 130-147. Orleans, Joan of Arc, Houses of Lancaster and York 39 Orleans, Joan of Arc, (Continued.') Loss of French Possessions, Jack Cade's Rebellion, f Gardiner, i. 307-313- Green, Eng. Peo., 1. 540-559- Green, Sh. Hist., 274-279- Hume, 201-205. Kniiiht, ii. 81-91. Lingard, v. 55-91. Wheeler, i6i-i66. Yonge, ii. 34^ 34^, 36i-395- Bright, i. 3'--3i9- Dickens, 205-207. Gairdner, 1 48-1 61. Gardiner, i. 313-320- , ^ .„ a Green, Eng. Pec, i. 562, 563. S^S, 569- Green, Sh. Hist., 279-281. Hume, 205-208. Knii^ht, ii. 91-93- Lingard, v. 115-13I' U3-I45- Yonge, iii. 44-56- ' Bright, i. 319-321 - Dickens, 208-210. Gairdner. 155-158- Gardiner, i. 320-323. Green, Eng. Pec, 1. 564-568. Green, Sh. Hist., 281-283. Hume, 208, 209. Knight, ii. I3i-i35- Lingard, v. 133-143- Yonge, iii. 57-64- First Battles. Cj-/ -? /^ Wars of Roses. 1455-1485- ' Bright, i. 320-327- Dickens, 210-214. Gairdner, 161-173. Gardiner, i. 323-329- Green. Eng. Pec, i. 570-576- Green, Sh. Hist., 283-285. Hume, 209-212. /"" Knight, ii. 134-146- Lingard, v. 148-171. ^ Yonge, iii. 95-114- :; 7^/ % ^S ^^^^ 1 t. 40 English History Continuation of War, House of York. 1461-1485. Edward IV. 1461-1483. Montgomery, 167-169. Anderson, 157-160. Towle, 169-171, 177, 178. Bright, i. 328-340. Dickens, 214-222. Gairdnei", 173-209. Gardiner, i. 329-336. Green, Eng. Pec, ii. 26, 27, 32, 39-47. Green, Sh. Hist., 285-288. Hume, 213-219. Knight, ii. 152-166. Lingard, v. 173-235. Yonge, iii. 114-116, 131-140. ' Bright, i. 322-327, 331-335- Dickens, 217-220. Gairdner, 163-168, 179-181, 183, 185-194. Gardiner, i. 331-334, 354- ' Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 24-45. Green, Sh. Hist., 286, 287. Hume, 207, 210. 211, 214-217. Knight, ii. 156-165. Yonge, iii. 127-140. '' Bright, i. 353. Gardiner, i. 358 Warwick, the King-maker, Introduction of Printing. Green, Eng. Pec, ii. 52-59. Green, Sh. Hist., 295, 296. Knight, ii. 200, 201. Lingard, v. 236-251. ^ Yonge, iii. 83-85, 122, 165. Edward V. 1483. Richard HI. 1483-1485. Montgomery, 169-174. Anderson, 160-164. Towle, 172-179. Revolts, Bosworth Field, Bright, i. 341-349- Dickens. 228-232. Gairdner, 209-236. Houses of Lancaster and York 41 Revolts, Bosworth Field, {Continued.) Effects of Wars. /'Gardiner, i. 337-343- Green, Eng. Peo., li. 59-66. Green, ShTHist., 299-301. Hume, 222-224. Knight, ii. 193-207. Lingard, v. 252-271. Wheeler, 176-180. Yonge, iii. 174-I92. Bright, i. 350-354. Gairdner, 236-239. Green, Eng. Pec, ii. 5-26. Green, Sh. Hist., 301. Hume, 225. BULWER: The Last of the Ba ions. , FuLLERTON: A Stonity Life (Warwick). James : Agincourt. Scott : Fair Maid of Perth ( 1402) . Yonge: The Caged Lion (James of Scotland); Ttvo Penniless Prin- cesses. Shakespeare: Lving ILenry IV.; King Llenry V. ; King Henry VI. ; Richard III. Schiller: Maid of Orleans. 42 English History The Two Pretenders, Discoveries, New Learning. The Tudors. 1485-1603. Henry VII. 1485-1509. Montgomery, 179 187. Anderson, 171-175 Towle, 180-183. Bright, ii. 358-362. Dickens, 233-241 . Gairdner, Henry vii., 48-62, 102-120. Gardiner, i. 343-348, 350-352- Green, Eng. Pec, ii. 68, 69, 72, 73. Green, Sh. Hist., 301, 302. Hume, 231-236. Knight, ii. 212-214. 221-233. Lingard, v. 272-290, 304-324. Moberly, 27-34, 42-49. Towle, Ireland. 102-105. ^ Yonge, iii. 193-201, 225-231. f liright, ii. 359. 363-365- Dickens, 241. Gairdner, Henry vii., 164-183. Gardiner, i. 348-351. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 74-77, 90, 91. Green, Sh. Hist., 302. Hume, 237-239. Knight, ii. 234-243. Lingard, v. 290-304. Moberly, 55-62, 71-73. Yonge, iii. 271-286. Dickens, 242. 243. Gardiner, ii. 352-356. Green, Eng. Peo., ii. 77-87. 93-105. Green, Sh. Hist., 303-307. Hume, 239. Knight, ii. 245-250. Lingard, v. 338-342. Moberly, 76-98. Yonge, iii. 272. 287-299. Foreign Alliances, Star Chamber, The TiLdors 43 Henry VIII. 1509-1547- Montgomery, 187-201. Anderson, 175-189- Towle, 183-196. Bri.i^ht, ii. 369-372. Creighton, Wolsey, 23-27. Dickens, 244-246. Gardiner, ii. 364, 405-409. Green, Eng. Pec, ii. 92, 93. Green, Sh. Hist., 311, 312, 38°- Battle of Spurs, Flodden, Wolsey's Rise and Greatness, \ Austrian Alliance, Charles V., Hume, 242, 243. Knight, ii. 263-272. Lingard, vi. 5-27. Mo'berly. 1 14-122. V Yonge, iii. 310-338. Bright, ii. 375-380- Cre'ighton, Wolsey, 18-149, 211 -221. Dickens, 247, 248. Gardiner, ii. 363-366, 371-377- Green, Eng. Pec, ii. 106, 107, 110-113, 116-123. Green, Sh. Hist., 322-331. Hume, 242-244. Knight, ii. 264-268, 274-279. Lingard, vi. 33-44i 58-62. Moberlv. 136-138- I Yonge, iii. 282, 283, 362-366. [ Bright, ii. 378, 379. Creighton, Wolsey, 76-100. Dickens, 248-250. Gardiner, ii. 369-372- Green, Eng. Pec, ii. 108, 109. 1 13-123. Green, Sh. Hist., 324. Hume, 245-250. Knight, ii. 280-288. Lingard, vi. 45-^3- Moberly, 138-143. I Yonge, iii. 375-386. 44 English History Divorce from Cath- erine, Fall of Wolsey, Act of Supremacy, Subjection of Par- liament, Suppression of Mon- asteries and Re- sults, Separation of Church from Rome, Thomas Cromwell, Execution of More and Fisher, { Bright, ii. 384-388. Creighton, 150-210. Dickens, 251-255. Froude, i. 99-160, 193, 194, 238, 239, 272- 278, 436-446. Gardiner, ii. 379-384. Green, Eng. Pec, ii. 133-141, 149. 150, 153. Green, Sh. Hist., 329, 331. Hume, 250-254, 257. Kniglit, ii. 309-324. Lingard, vi. 109-189. Moberly, 156-167. Wheeler, 185-190. I Yonge, iv. 29-40, 59, 60. ^ Bright, ii. 394-410. Dici365' 383. 384- 4ii- 416, 423-430. Lecky, iii. 333-499- 'v- 1-69, 128-163, 199- 220, 266-275. McCarthy, Four Georges, i. 310-313- ^Wheeler, 324-329. 'Bright, iii. 1092-1094, 1124-1131, 1139- 1141, 1156, 1164. Gardiner, iii. 789-792, 801-81 1. Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 275, 276. Green, Sh. Hist., 782-785, 795, 796. Hume, 625-627, 637-640. Knight, vi. 400-410, viii. 82, 83. Lecky, iii. 143-15°' 163, 164, 283, 553-568. Wheeler, 335-341- Bright, iii. 1043, 1044, 1062, 1063, 1142, 1271, 1272. Green. Eng. Peo., iv. 220-225, 248. 249, 273-277. Gardiner, iii. 779, 780. 823. Green, Sh. Hist., 767, 768, 774-776, 796, . 797- Hume. 610. 611, 671. Knight, vii. 117-120. 212, viii. 85-90. 193, 194. Lecky, ii. 13-18, iii. 78-89, 139-142 ,247- 252, 278-289. Mackenzie, 79. 80. 85. 86. iMartineau, 208-212, 231-235. f Bright, iii. 1108-1110, 1165-1177, 1189-1198, 1220-1224, 1231-1242, 1253-1257, 1262- 1266, 1285-1321. 1339-1248. Creasv, 346-364- Gardiner, iii. 788-798, 834-840, 843-875- Green, Eng. Peo., iv. 296, 297, 302-322, 328-340,352-368,371-389. Green, Sh. Hist., 805-811,818-827,834-836. Hume, 644-693. Knight, vii. 346-360, 397-390, 401-408, 441" 450, 499-508, 562-571, viii. 29-37. 64 English History War with France, Waterloo, ( Continued.) The Younger Pitt, Second War with America, Union with Ireland. ' Lecky, iv. 262-266. Mackenzie, 32-61. , Martineau, 49-58, 72-92, 138-157, 161-186, 204-207, 216-223, 261-286, 491-529. l^ Wheeler, 341-356. '' Bright, iii. 1 132-1 139, 1143,1144, 1156. 1157. 1 177, 1243-1247. 1257-1259, 1266. Gardiner, iii. 799-801, 806-812, 819. 822 825, 827-830, 842. 843, 855. Green, Eng. Pec, iv. 284-296, 344-347, 349-350-^ Green, Sh. Hist., 790-795. Knight, vii. 139-155. Lecky, iv. 320-336. Martineau, 32-42. 51, 52, 99-112, 157-161. ' Bright, iii. 1325-1328. Gardiner, iii. 872, 873. Green. Eng. Pec, iv. 378, 379. 383, 384. (ireen, Sh. J4ist., 832-834. Hume, 689. Knight, vii. 544, 545, viii. 1-19. Mackenzie, 412-414. I Martineau, 1 23-131, 287-315. r Bright, iii. 1209-1219. Gardiner, iii. 831-834, 841. 842. Green, Eng. Pec, iv. 337, 338. Green, Sh. 811-815. Hume, 655-657. Martineau, 24-29, 58-72. Towie, Ireland, 252-259. George IV. 1 820-1 830. Montgomery 344-349- Anderson, 344-348. TowIe, 342-346. Legislative Reform, Repeal of Test and Corporation Acts, Catholic Emancipa- tion. Bright, iii. 1389, 1390, 1401-1410. Gardiner, iii. 875-880. 885, 886, 894-898. Hume, 698-701. Knight, viii. 232-240. McCarthy, Epoch of Ref.. 2, 3, 21-25. Green, Sh. Hist., 838-840. ^ Mackenzie, 112, 113. House of Hanover 65 William IV. 1 830-1 837. Montgomery, 349-357- Anderson, 349-351- Towle, 346-352. Reform Bill, Emancipation of Slaves, 1833, Poor Law. Literature : Byron, Burns, Coleridge, Goldsmith, Johnson, Lamb, Macaulay Scott, Shelley, Wordsworth. Discoveries, Inventions. Bright, iii. 1423-1434. Gardiner, iii. 901-905. Hume, 702-705. Kniglit, viii. 270-285, 293, 299. 300. McCartliy, Epocli of Ref ., 25-83. Mackenzie, 100-109. Bright, iii. 1442- 1 445, 1451-1454. Gardiner, iii. 910, 911. Hume, 705, 706. Knight, vii. 466-468, 478, viii. 327-32. Mackenzie, 80-82, 116, 119-121. McCartliy, Epoch of Ref., 83-98, 124-130. 1 Gardiner, iii. 887-890. Knight, vii. 83-96, viii. 111-129. Welsh, ii. 274-355. Gardiner, iii. 813-818, 905-909, 940. Green, iv. 377-384. Knight, vii. 40-63, viii. 129-132, 258-262. Martineau, 521-531. Mrs. Charles: Against the Stream. Cooper : Wiug and Wing. Dickens : Barnahy Rndge ; Tale of 7 wo Cities. Henty: Bonnie Prince Charlie ; Held Fast for England ; The Bravest of the Brave: The Yonng Buglers ; With Clive in India. Scott: Rob Roy (1715); Heart of Midlothian; Waverley (1745); Czty Alannering ; Redgauntlet ; Antiquary. Thackeray: The Virginians. 66 English History Rise of Chartists, Corn Laws, Irish Famine, Free Trade, Victoria. 1837- Montgomery, 357-363- Anderson, 351-376- Towle, 352-366. ' Bright, iv. 44-46, 79. 80, 87, 91-93. 176-178. Gardiner, iii. 922-924. Hume, 708-711. Knight, viii. 417, 418, 421-423. Macl-cenzie, 155-158. McCarthy, H. O. O. T., i. 70-88, 292-302. ^McCarthy, Epoch of Ref., 165, 166. 'Bright, iv. 78-86, 93, 121, 128-138, 156-161, 219. Gardiner, iii. 924-939. Green, Sh. Hist., 841. Hume, 708-711. Knight, viii. 501, 513, 517, 525-528, 535-539. 547-55.1- ^ ^ Mackenzie, 126-136. McCarthy, H. O. O. T., i. 216-256. McCarthy, Epoch of Ref., i75-i93- Towle, Ireland, 267-272. Crimean War, 1854, - War in India, i ( Bright, iv. 243-286. Gardiner, iii. 943-948. Green, Sh. Hist., 842. Hume, 713-717. Mackenzie, 159-176. McCarthy, H. O. O. T., i. 433-524- McCarthy, Epoch of Ref., 210, 211. ^ Wheeler, 360-364. ' Bright, iv. 292-328. Gardiner, iii. 948-955. Green, Sh. Hist., 842, 843. Hume, 717-721. Knight, viii. 451-461, 543-545- Mackenzie, 224-248. McCarthy. H. O. O. T., ii. 33-78. , Wheeler, 364-369. House of Hanover 67 War in America, Reform Bill, 1 Bright, iv. 372-385. 490, 491. Gardiner, iii. 958-960. Hume, 723, 779, 780. Mackenzie, 419-428. McCarthy, H. O. O. T., ii. 190-228. Bright, iv. 349-352, 419. 428. Gardiner, iii. 961, 962. Hume, 726, 727. Knight, viii. 270-285, 293-300. Mackenzie, 103-109. I McCarthy, H. O. O. T., ii. 351-370- Land Act, Education Bill. 1 Bright, iv. 454-466. Gardiner, iii. 962, 963. Hume. 727. McCarthy, H. O. O. T., ii. 471-487- Towle, Ireland, 280-294. Literature Bulwer, Browning, Mrs. Browning, Carlyle, Dickens, Geo. Eliot, Mill, Tennyson, Thackeray, Tyndall. Gardiner, iii. 940-943. Knight, viii. 467-485. McCarthy, H. O. O. T., i. 629-656. Welsh, ii. 368-370, 427-501. 524-559. INDEX Ability of Mary Stuart, 47- Act, Land, 67. Act, Toleration, 57- Actsof Long Parliament, 51. Acts of Supremacy and Uni- formity, 44. 46- Addison, 58. Agincourt, 38. Agricola, Governm't of, 10. Alfred, Army of, 15- Alfred, Character of, 16. Alfred, Childhood of, i4- Alfred, Laws of, iS- Alfr i, Navy of, 15- Alfred, Palaces of , 15- Alfred, Strongholds of, 15- Alfred, Youth of, 14- Alliances of Henry VIL, Foreign, 42. Alliance, Austrian, 43- America, Seven Years' War in Europe and, 62. America, War in, 67. American Colonies, 50. American War, 62, 63, 64. Ancient England, 9. Angevin Marriage, 25. Angevins, 26. Anne, 58. Arc, Joan of, 39- Archbishop Becket, 26. Armada, Spanish, 48. Articles, Thirty-nine, 45- Arthur, King, 12. Assize of Clarendon, 26. Assizes, Bloody, 55- Attack on Druids, 10. Augustine, 13- Austrian Alliance, 43- Austrian Succession, War of, 61. Bulwer, 67. Bunyan, 54. Burns, 65. Byron, 65. Bacon, 49- Bsda, 13. Banishment of Jews, 30. Bank of England, 57. I Barons' Wars, 30. ] Battle of the Boyne, 57. Battle of Spurs, 36. Battle of the Standard, 25. Battle of Worcester, 53. Becket, 26. Becket, Condemnation of, 27- Becket, Exile and Death of, 27. Bill, Education, 67. Bill, Mutiny, 56- Bill, Reform, 65, 67. Bill of Rights, 56. Bishops, Trial of Seven, 56. Black Death, 33. Black Hole of Calcutta, 61. Black Prince in Castile, 34- Bloody Assizes, 50. Boadicea, Revolt of, 10. Book, Domesday, 22. Bosworth Field, 40. Boy Kings, Six, 16. Boyne, Battle of, 57. Bretigny, Treaty of, 33- Browning, 67. Browning, Mrs., 67. Bruce, Robert, 31- Bubble, South Sea, 60. Buckingham, Impeachment of, 51. 69 Cabal, The, 54- Cade's Rebellion, 39. Caedmon, 13. Csesar, g. Calais, 33- Calais, Loss of, 46- Calcutta, Black Hole of, 61. Canute, 17. Carlyle, 67. Castile, Black Prince in, 33- Castles, 22. Catherine, Divorce of, 44- Catholic Emancipation, 64. Chamber, Star, 42, 5'- Changes, Henry's Reli- gious, 45- Character of Alfred, 16. Character of Edward I., 31. Character of Edward III., and Reign, 34- Character of Elizabeth, and Reign, 48- Character of English Con- quest, 12. Character of Henry II. , 28. Character of Mary, Queen of Scots, 47- Character of Norman Con- quest, 23. Character of William the Conqueror, 23. Character of William Ru- fus' Reign, 23. Charta, Magna, 29. 70 Index Charter of Henry I., 24. Chartists, Rise of, 66. Charles I., 51. Charles II., 54. Charles V., 43. Charles Wesley, 62. Chatham, Lord, 61. Chaucer, 35. Childhood of Alfred, 14. Churches, 22. Church, Reforms in State and, 31. Christianity, Coming of, 13. Civil War, 25, 27, 52. Clarendon, Constitutions of, 26. Clarendon, Assize of, 26. Claudius, Emperor, 10. Clive, Lord, 61. Coleridge, 65. Colonies, American, 50. Coming of Christianity, 13. Coming of William of Or- ange, 56. Commerce, Rise of Eng- lish, 33. Commons, House of, 30. Commonwealth, 53. Condemnation of Becket, 27- Conference, Hampt'n Court 50- Confessor, Edward the, iS. Conquest, English, 12. Conquest, Norman, 20. ■ Conquest, Norman, Results of, 23. Conquest, Roman, 9. Conspiracies and Revolts, 37- Conspiracies of Mary Stu- art, 47. Constitutions of Clarendon, 26. Contest with Church, 29. Continental Wars, 57. Continuation of Wars of Roses, 40. Corn Laws, 66. Corporation Act, Repeal of, 64. Court, High Commis'n, 51. Covenanters, 54. Cranmer, 45. Crecy, 33. Crimean War, 66. Cromwell in Ireland, 53. Cromwell in Scotland, 53. Cromwell, Rise of, 52. Cromwell, Richard, 53. Cromwell, Thomas, 44. Cross, Neville's, 32. Crowning of William the Conqueror, 21. Crusade, First, 24. Curfew, 22. Danish Invasions, 14. Danish Line, 17. Death of Becket, 27. Death of Mary Stuart, 47. Death, Black, 33. Debt, National, 57. Declaration of Indulgence, 56. Defoe, 5S. Deposition of Edward II., 32. Deposition of Richard 11., 35- Dickens, 67. Difficulties of Elizabeth's position, 46. Discoveries, 42, 65. Divine Right of Kings, 50. Divorce of Henry VI 1 1 ., 44. Domesday Book, 22. Drake, Naval Enterprises of, 4S. Drama, 49. Druids, Attack on, lo. Dunstan, 16. Dutch and French Affairs, 55- E East, War in, 61. Edgehill, 52. Education Bill, 67. Edward I., 30. Edward II., 31. Edward II., Depos'n of, 32. Edward III., 32. Edward IV., 40. Edward V., 40. Edward VI., 45. Edward the Confessor, 18. Effects of Black Death, 33. Effect of Wars, 41. Egbert, 13. Eliot, George, 67. Elizabeth, 46. Elizabeth, Character of, 48. Emancipation, Catholic, 64. Emancipation of Slaves, 65. Emperor Claudius, 10. England, Ancient, 9. England, Bank of, 57. England, Feudalism in, 22. England, Flight of Mary to, 47- England, Reformationin, 45. England, Relation of France, Spain, and Netherlands with, 47. England, Resistance of, 21. England, Union of Scotland with, 58. English Commerce, Rise of, 33- English Conquest, 12. English, King of, 13. English Line, 17. Enterprises, Naval, 48. Essex and Ireland, 47. Europe, Seven Years" War in, 62. Evesham, 30. Index 71 Execution of Charles I., 52. Execution of More and p'isher, 44. Exile of Becket, 27. Fall of Wolsey, 44- Famine, Irish, 66. Favorites, 50. Favorites, New, 32. Favorites, Royal, 54. Feudalism in England, 22. Feudalism in England tra- der William, 22. Field, Bosworth, 40. Fire, Great, 54. First Battles of War of Roses, 39. First Crusade, 24. Fisher, Execution of, 44. Flight of James, 56. Flight of Mary Stuart, 47. Flodden, 43. Forced Loans, 51. Foreign Alliances, 42. Forest, New, 22. Forts, n. France, Relation of Eng- land with, 47. France, War with, 38, 64. Freedom of the Press, 63. Free Trade, 66. French Affairs, 54. French Possessions, Loss of, 34, 39- French War, Causes of, 33. Gaveston, Piers, 31. George L, 60. George II., 61. George III., 62. George IV., 64. George Eliot, 67. Germany, Reform in, 45. Glencoe, 57. Godwin, 17. Goldsmith, 65. (jood Parliament, 34. Government of .Agricola, 10. Government of England, 12. Grey, Lady Jane, 45. Greatness, Wolsey's, 43. Great Petition, 50. Greene, 49. Gregory, 13. Gunpowder Plot, 50. Guthrum, 15. H Hadrian, Wall of, lo. Hampden, John, 51. Hampton Court Confer- ence, 50. Hanover, House of, 60. Hardicanute, 17. Harfleur, 38. Harold, 17, 18. Hastings, 16. Hastings, Warren, 63. Henry I., 24. Henry II., 26. Henry III., 29. Henry IV., 37. Henry V., 37. Henry VI., 38. Henry VII., 42. Henry VIII., 43. Henry's Religious Changes, 45- High Cotnmission Court, 51. Hole of Calcutta, Black, 61. House of Commons, 30. House of Hanover, 60. House of Lancaster, 37. Houses of Lancaster and York, 37. House of Orange-Stuart, 56. House of Stuart, 50. House of York, 40. Illegal Taxes, 51. Impeachment of Bucking- ham, 51. Imprisonment of Mary Stuart, 47. Improvements, 15. Independence, Scotland re- gains its, 32. India, War in, 66. Indulgence, Declaration of, 56. Infidels, Zeal against, 28. Inhabitants, Original, g. In Normandy, William, 20. Introduction of Printing, 40. Invasions, Danish, 14. Invasions, Roman, 9. Inventions, 65. Invitation to William of Orange, 56. Ireland, 27. Ireland, Cromwell in, 53. Ireland, Essex and, 47. Ireland, Union with, 64. Irish Famine, 66. J Jack Cade's Rebellion, 39. Jacobite Rebellion, 60, 61. James I., 50. James II., 55. James II., Flight of, 56. Jane Grey, Lady, 45. Jews, Banishment of, 30. Joaii of Arc, 38. John, 28. John Hampden, 51. John Wesley, 62. Johnson, 65. Jonson, 49. K King, 12. King Arthur, 12. 72 Index King of English, 13. King-Maker, Warwick, 40. Kings, Divine Right of, 50. Kings, Six Boy, it>- Knox, 47. Lady Jane Grey, 45. Lamb, 65. Lancaster, House of, 37. Lancaster and York, Houses of, 37. Land Act, 67. Langland, William, 36. Langton, Stephen, 29. Language of Ancient Eng- land, 1 1. Language, State of, 35. Latimer, 45. Laud, 51. Law, Poor, 65. Laws of Alfred, 15. Laws, Corn, 66. Learning, New, 42. Legislative Reform, 64. Lewes, 30. Life of Ancient England, Mode of, 9. Line, Danish, 17. Line, English, 17. Literary Work of Alfred, 15. Literature, 35, 48, 58. Loans, Forced, 51. Lollards, 35, 37. London Tower, 22. Londonderiy, Siege of, 57. Long Parliament, Acts of, 52- Lord Chatham, 61. Lord Clive, 61. Loss of Calais, 46. Loss of French Possessions, 34, 39- Loss of Normandy, 2S. Luther, Martin, 45. M Macaulay, 65. Mad Parliament, 29. Magna Charta, 29. Marlborough, 58. Marlowe, 49. Marriage, Angevin, 25. Marriage of Henry L, 24. Marston Moor, 52. INLirtin Luther, 45. Mary, 46. Mary Stuart, 47. Mary, Ability of, 47. Mary, Character of, 47. Mary, Conspiracies of, 47. Mary, Death of, 47. Mary, Flight of, 47. Mary, Imprisonment of, 47. Mary, Reign of, 47. Mary, William and, 56. Measures, Popish, 56. Methodism, 62. Mill, 67. Milton, 53. Mode of Life in Ancient England, 9. Model Parliament, 31. Monasteries, Suppression of, 44. Money, Ship, 51. Monmouth's Rebellion, 55. Monopohes, 51. Montford, Simon de, 29. More, Execution of, 44. Mutiny Bill, 56. N Naseby, 52. National Debt, 57. Naval Enterprises, 46. Navy of Alfred, 15. Netherlands, Relation of England with, 47. Neville's Cross, 32. New Favorites, 32. New Forest, 22. New Learning, 42. New Tax, 34. Norman Conquest, 20. Normandy, Loss of, 28. Normandy, William in, 20. Orange, Invitation to Wil- liam of, 56. Orange-.Stuart, House of, 56. Original Inhabitants, 9. Orleans, 38. Oldcastle, Sir John, 37. Palaces, 15. Parliament, Actsof Long, 52. Parliament, Good, 34. Parliament, Mad, 29. Parliament, Model, 31. Parliament, Rump, 52. Parliament, Subjection of, 44- Parliaments of Common- wealth, 53. Parties, Strength of, 46. Peace of Ryswick, 57. Peace of Utrecht, 58. Persecution of Lollards, 37. Persecutions, Religious, 46, 54- Petition, Great, 50. Petition of Right, 51. Petition and Trial of Seven Bishops, 56. Philip II., 46. Piers Gaveston, 31. Pilgrims, 50. Pitt, William, 61. Pitt, The Younger, 64. Plague, 54. Plantagenets, 26. Plautius, 10. Plots, 55. Index 73 Poictiers, 33. Poor Law, 65. Pope, 58. Popish Measures, 56. Position, Difficulties of Eliz- abeth's, 46. Possessions, Loss of French, 34, 39. Prayer Book, 45. Press, Freedom of, 63. Pretenders, Two, 42. Pride's Purge, 52. Prince, Black, 34. Printing, Introduction of ,40. Prison Reforms, 63. Protector, 53. Punishment of Regicides, 54- Puritan Revolution, 51. Quarrel with Robert, 24. Queen of Scots, Mary, 47. R Raleigh, Naval Enterprises of, 48. Rebellion, Jack Cade's, 39. Rebellion, Jacobite, 60, 61. Rebellion, Monmouth's, 55, Reforms, 26. Reforms in State and Church, 31. Reforms, Prison, 63. Reform Bill, 65, 67. Reform, Legislative, 64. Reformation, 45. Reformation, Scottish, 47. Regicides, Punishment of, 54- Reign of Edward III., Character of, 34. Reign of Elizabeth, Char- acter of, 48. Reign of Mary Stuart, 47. Reign of William Rufus, Character of, 23. Relation of England with France, Spain, and Netherlands, 47. Religion of Early England, 1 1. Religion of Original Inhab- itants, g. Religious Changes of Henry VIII., 45- Religious Persecutions, 46. Religious Policy of Eliza- beth, 46. Renewal of War with France, 38. Repeal of Test and Cor- poration Acts, 64. Resistance of England, 21. Restoration of Stuarts, 54. Results of Norman Con- quest, 23. Results of Suppression of Monasteries, 44. Revolts, 41. Revolts and Conspiracies, 37- Revolt of Boadicea, 10. Revolution, 62. Revolution, Puritan, 51. Richard L, 28. Richard II., 34. Richard III., 41. Richard Cromwell, 53. Rights, Bill of, 56. Right of Kings, Divine, 50. Right, Petition of, 51. Riots, 63. Rise of Chartists, 66. Rise of Cromwell, 52. Rise of English Commerce, 33- Rise of Wolsey, 43. Robert Bruce, 31. Robert, Quarrel with, 24. Robert Walpole, 60. Roman Conquests, 9. Rome, Separation of Church from, 44. Roses, Wars of, 39. Rouen, Siege of, 38. Royal Favorites, 54. Rufus, William, 23. Rump Parliament, 52. R^-swick, Peace of, 57. Scotland, 31. Scotland and England, Union of, 58. Scotland, Cromwell in, 53. Scotland Regains its Inde- pendence, 32. Scotland, War with, 32. Scottish Reformation, 47. Scott, 65. Second Jacobite Rebellion, 61. Second War in America, 64. Sedgemoor, 55. Senlac, 20. Separation of Church from Rome, 44. Settlement of England, 12. Seven Bishops, Trial of, 56. Seven Years' War in Eu- rope and America, 62. Severus, 10. Shakespeare, 49. Shelley, 65. Ship Money, 51. Sidney, 49. Siege of Londonderry, 57. Siege of Rouen, 38. Simon de Montford. 29. Sir John Oldcastle, 37. Six Boy Kings, 16. Slave Trade, 63. Slaves, Emancipation of, 65 74 Index Sluys, 33. South Sea Bubble, 60. Spain, Relation of England with, 47. Spain, War with, 61. Spanish Armada, 4S. Spanish Succession, War of, 58. Spenser, 4g. Spurs, Battle of, 43. Stamp Act, 62. Standard, Battle of, 25. Star Chamber, 42, 51. State of Language, 35. State, Reforms in, 31. Steele, 58. Stephen, 25. Stephen Langton, 29. Strength of Parties, 46. Strongholds, 15. Stuart, House of, 50. Subjection of Parliament, 44- Succession, Spanish, 5S. Succession, War of Aus- trian, 61. Suetonius, 10. Suppression of Monaster- ies, 44. Supremacy, Act of, 44, 46. Sweyn, 17. Swift, 58. Taxation, 62. Taxes, Illegal, 51. Tax, New, 34. Tax, Tea-, 62. Tennyson, 67. Test Act, Repeal of, 64. Thackeray, 67. Thirty-nine Articles, 45. Thomas a Becket, 26. Thomas Cromwell, 44. "Thorough," 51. Toleration Act, 56. Tower of London, 22. Trade, Free, 66. Trade, Slave, 63. Treaty of Bretigny, 33. Treaty of Troyes, 38. Treaty of Wedmore, 15. Trial of Charles L, 52. Trial of Seven Bishops, 56. Trouble with France, 30. Tudors, 42. Two Pretenders, 42. Tyler, Wat, 34. Tyndale, 45. Tyndall, 67. U Uniformity, Act of, 46. Union of Scotland with England, 58. Union of Ireland with Eng- land, 64. Utrecht, Peace of, 58. V Victoria, 66. Virginia, 50. W Wallace, William, 31. Wall of Hadrian, 10. Walpole, Robert, 60. War, Causes of French, 33. War, Crimean, 66. War, Civil, 25, 27, 52. War, Continental, 57. War, Continuation of, 40. War, Effects of, 41. War in America, 67. War in the East, 61. War in Europe and .Amer- ica, 62. War in India, 67. War of Austrian Succes- sion, 61. Barons' Wars, 30. Wars of Roses, 39. War of Spanish Succession, 58. War with America, 62, 64. War with France, 38, 63. War with Scotland, 32. War with Spain, 61. War, Renewal of, 38. Warren Hastings, 63. Warwick, King Maker, 40. Waterloo, 63. Wat Tyler, 34. Wedmore, Treaty of, 15. Welsh Campaign, 30. Went worth, 51. Wesley, Charles, 62. Wesley, John, 62. Whitefield, 62. William the Conqueror, 20. William, Character of, 23. William, Crowning of, 21. William Langland, 36. William IV., 65. William and Mary, 56. William of Orange, Invita- tion to, 56. William Pitt, 61. Williatu Rufus, 23. Wolsey's Rise and Great- ness, 43. Wolsey's Fall, 44. Worcester, Battle of, 53. Wordsworth, 65. Wycliffe, 35. Younger Pitt, The, 64. Youth of Alfred, 14. York, House oi, 40. York, Houses of Lancaster and, 37. Zeal of Richard I. against Infidels, 28. BULFINCH'S MYTHOLOGY THE AGE~OF FABLE (IK BEAUTIES OF MYTHOLOGY By THOMAS BULFINCH Revised by Rev. E. E. HALE A. new and enlarce.l edition. The eililion of 1804 contains 5fi8 pages, inohidintt a sketch of the hisiory of Ureek sculpture, and one Uunilivd and fortv-two llhistralions connectin<; art witli mylhology. It also stales where the original ot each illustnition is located. 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