LIBRARY OF COISTGRESS ^'^^- SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON PARCELS POST COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP HER^IANN HENRY BERNARD MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOQRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OPPIOB X'> !f i;'?^ 8061 U m Hi SO J a piOlivQ ^unouioqjn 1 SOUTHERN BRANCH, jUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, iLOS ANGELES, CALii^. LIBRAEY OF COI^GRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON PARCELS POST COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION 0¥ HERRMANN HENRY BERNARD MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER ''".'. J>. > St ' •■ ' 1 ' > JJJJJJ J, J ' '111, 3 1 ' ,1 ' ' ' 3 ' ' 3 1 1 , ' , »> , ^ >', ^ > > > ' J -» * 3 > J i > „1 ' 2H-i.- 1-, 161, [1] p. 8°. (Samm- lung nationalokonomischer und statistischer Abhand- lungen. 8. Bd. 3. Hft.) "Verzeichnis der hauptsiichlichsten benutzten Schriften": p. 156-161. l-G-1003 HE6173.G3H9 32 Italy. Direzione generate delle poste. Leggi, regolamenti ed is- truzione ad uso delle direzioni e degli ufizi siil servizio dei pacchi postal! per I'mterno del regno e per I'estero. Roma: Tip. eredi Botta, 1881. 222 p. 8°. 9-31348t HE6173.I8A5 1881 33 Japan. Imperial Japanese commission to the Louisiana purchase exposition. Japan in the beginning of the 20th century. [Tohyo, Japan: Printed at the "Japan times'' office] 1904- 2 p. l, via, 828 p., 2 1. 8°. Ed. by Haruki Yamawaki. "Foreign mail and parcel post": p. 661-666. A condensed view of operations of parcels post conventions with other countries. 4-21898 HC462.J36 34 Jevons, William Stanley. A state parcel post. (In his Methods of social reform and other papers. London, 1883. p. 324-352.) HN389.J5 Reprinted from Contemporary review, Jan. 1879, v. 34: 209-229. AP4.C7,v.34 34a Kansas. University. Extension division. Debating and pubUc discussion; announcements of the Kansas high school debating league, for 1910-1911. Lawrence: University of Kansas, 1910. ^5 p. 12°. {Bulletin of the University of Kansas, July, 1910, v. 11, no. 10; Debating series, no. 2.) [List of references on] the parcels post: p. 26-28. PN4185.K3 35 Kirkman, Marshall Monroe. The baggage, parcel and mail traffic of railroads, explaining its practical working and the princii)les and philosophy that underlie its opera- tion; its legal status; how rates are made. Chicago: Railway age publishing company [1881]. xx, 417 p. 12°. An elementary discussion of the subjects embraced in the title. 5-39109t HE2556.K59 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 36 Lewis, David John. A system of postal express. Are parcels- post schemes adequate? What shall we do mth the express companies, their prohibitive rates and inade- quate service ? An economic study. [WasUngton: Govt, print, off., 1911.] 87 p. 8°. Statement before Hearings before subcommittee no. 4, of the Committee on the Post office and post roads, House of Representa- tives, June, 1911, with appendixes. 37 A system of postal express to include both country mer- chants and farmers or express company monopoly, prohibitive rates, and inadequate service — Which? Speech in the House of Representatives, June 8, 1911. Washington: [Govt, print, off.] 1911. 32 p. incl. tahles. 8°. Appendix A. Bill for the acquisition of express companies; E. Express merchandise rates; S. Parcels post rates in the domestic service of Great Britain, Xew Zealand, etc. Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands, Chile, Cuba; T. Table of express and freight rates in different countries; U. The parcels-post system of Germany, by J. C. Monaghan. CA 11-1936 Unrev'd HE6471.L4 Also printed in Congressional record, 62d Cong. 1st sess., v. 47, pt. 2: 1769-1788. J11.R5, v. 47, pt. 2 38 Lubin, David. A novel proposition. Revolutionizing the dis- tribution of wealth, farm products moved as mail mat- ter at a uniform rate for all distances. Sacramento [Cal.]: D. Johnston cfc co., printers, 1893. 32 p. 8°. 6-46883 HE6471.L9 39 Mazoyer, Jlmilo. La poste, le telegraphe et le telephone. 4. ed. Paris: Bureaux du Courrier des examens des pastes, des telegraphes et des telephones [1902?] 777 p. incl. illus., maps. 8°. Colis postaux: p. 253-255. 2-15846 HE6071.M47 40 Meyer, Andreas. Die deutsche Post im Weltpostverein und im Wechselverkchr. Erlauterungen zum Weltposthand- buch und zum Handbuch fur den Wechselverkchr. 2. A'lfl. ... bearbeitet von IT. Ilerzog. Berlin: J. Springer, 1908. xii, Jf.16 p. 8°. "Vertrag, betreffend den Austausch von Postpacketen " : p. 173- 253. 9-21603 HE6997.M63 41 Mondell, Frank W. Star routes and rural parcels Speech in the House of Representatives, Jmii. 19, 191 1. (In Congressional record, 6l8t Cong. 3d sess., v. 46, pt. 2: 1134- 1140.) J11.R5, V. 46, pt. 2 Favorable. PARCELS POST: BOOKS 11 42 Moss, Ralph W. Proposed parcels post. Speech in the House of Representatives, January 17, 1911. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 46, pt. 1: 1033- 1035.) J11.R5, V. 46, pt. 1 m 43 Speech m the House of Representatives, Feb. 2, 1911, quoting certam editorials on the Parcels post. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong. 3d sess., v. 46, pt. 2: 1832- 1833.) J11.R5, V. 46, pt. 2 Favorable. 44 National board of trade. Committee on parcels post. Report. {In National board of trade. Proceedings of the fortieth annual meeting, held in Washington, Jan. 1910, pp. 110-133. Phikdelphia, 1910. 8°.) HF296.A14 1910 45 Palombi, Adriano. Manuale postale. Notizie storiche suUe poste d'ltalia. Milano: TJ. Hoepli, 1902. xxxi, 309 p. 24°. (Manuali Hoepli) . Deipacchi postali: p. 156-177, 259-262. 11-6341 HE7015.P2 46 The Parcel post. Its value in trade extension. England, France, Sweden, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, India, Jamaica, Colombia, United States. {In United States. Bureau of manufactures. Winning foreign markets. Apr. 1908, p. 209-214. Washington, 1908.) Describes operation of parcels post in several countries and notes need of foreign parcels post. HF3029.A4 47 Parcels post. {In Bliss, W. D. P., ed. The New encyclopedia of social reform. New ed., p. 931-932. New York, 1908. 4°.) Discusses relation of railroads and express companies to parcels post. H41.B62 48 Portugal. Direccdo geral do ultraraar. Regulamento para o servipo de encommendas postaes nas provincias ultra- marmas approvado por decreto de 6 de setembro de 1902. Lishoa: Imprensa nacional, 1902. 97 p. 8°. 10-3262t HE6173.P8A5 1902 49 Postal progress league. [The post-ofRce, our mutual express company.] Incorporated in a speech in the House of Representatives, by Wilham S. Bennet, May 13, 1909. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong., 1st sess., v. 44, Appendix: 18.5-188.) J11.R5, V. 44, App. 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 50 Rumania. Directiunea generala a po§telor, telegrafelor §i tele- fonelor. Tarifele si instructiunilc obiectelor de mesagerii interne ^i internationale. Bucuresci: Tip. de T. Basilescu, 1900. 2Ji.8, ii p. incl. tables {1 fold.) 4°. 11-2337 HE6173.R8A4 1900 51 Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, Amand, /my^err von. Das neue Buch von der Weltpost. Wien [etc]: A. Hartleben [1901] vii, [1], 952 f. illus., pi., port., fold. maps. 8°. "Pakete": p. 913-940. 3-5911 HE6041.S41 52 Smith, Sylvester C. Speech in the House of Representatives, Mar. 3, 1908, on the parcels post. {In Congressional record, 60th Cong., 1st sess., v. 42, pt. 3: 2846- 2848.) J11.R5, V. 42, pt. 3 Contains statistics of the rates and weights in use in foreign coun- tries, and number of parcels sent by countries. Opposed. 53 Stahl, John M. A brief for a modern parcels post for the United States. Introduced in a speech in the House of Repre- sentatives, June 21, 1910, by Wm. S. Bennet. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong., 2d sess., v. 45, Appendix: 382-386.) J11.I15, v. 45, App. 54 Sulzer, William. The people favor the establishment of j)ostal savings banks, an intelligent parcels post, and the con- struction of good roads. Speech in the House of Repre- sentatives, June 9, 1910. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong., 2d sess., v. 45, pt. 7: 7718- 7727.) J11.R5, V. 45, pt. 7 55 Why the people favor a general parcels post. Speech in the House of Representatives, January 17, 1911. {In Congressional record, 6l8t Cong., 3d sess., v. 46, pt. 1: 1026- r028.) J11.R5, V. 46, pt. 1 56 Speech in the House of Representatives, January 21, 1911, on tlie parcels post bill. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong., 3d sess., v. 46, pt. 2: 1250- 1253.) Includes bill (II. R. 26581) to reduce postal rates, to improve the postal service and to increase postal revenues. J11.R5, V. 46, pt. 2 PARCELS POST: BOOKS 13 57 Sulzer, William. The people demand a general parcels post. Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 6, 1911. WasJiington: [Govt, print, off.], 1911. 15 p. HE6471.S8 Also printed in Congressional record, 61st Cong., 3d sess., v. 46, pt. 2: 2003-2007. J11.R5, v. 46, pt. 2 57a Tombs, R. C. The London postal service of to-day. [London, 1891] 4 p. I., 3-136 v. 12°. The parcel post: p. 78-85. 10-33679 HE6936.L6T6 58 Union postale universelle. Agreement for the exchange of insured letters and boxes (Arrangement concernant I'echange des lettres et des boites avec valeur declaree). 26th May 1906. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1907. 15 p. F°. (Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers hy command. Cd. 3558.) 8-6108 HE6251 1906c 59 Convention concerning the exchange of postal parcels concluded between Germany and the Germany protec- torates, the Ai'gentine Republic, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chile, the Re- public of Colombia, Crete, Denmark and the Danish colonies, Egypt, Spain, France, Algeria, the French colonies, and protectorates of Indo-China, the whole of the other French colonies, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, British India, Italy, and the Italian colonies, Japan, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Norway, the Netherlands, the Netherlands colonies, Peru, Persia, Portugal, and the Portuguese colonies, Roumania, Russia, Servia, the Kingdom of Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Tur- key, Uruguay, and the L^nited States of Venezuela. [Signed at Rome the 26th of May, 1906.] (Zn U. S. Foreign mail service. Report, 1906. Washington, 1906. p. 113-137 ) HE6477.A2 1906 60 Convention international concernant I'echange des colis postaux sans declaration de valeur, conclue a Paris le 3 novembre 1880. Sofia (Ai>P5KaBuaneiaTHPUi.a)^ 1881. 1 p. l.,20 p.incl. forms. F°. Text in Bulgarian and French. Gives blank forms at the end. c A 10-4307 Unrev'd HE6171.TJ5 1881 15852°— 12 2 14 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS (31 Union postale universelle. Documents de la conference postale de Paris. ISSO. Berne: Impr. Lang ct" comp., 1880. 4 p. I., [3]-234 p. F°. Contents. — Projets d 'arrangement et de r^glement concemant I'echange des colis postaux eans declaration de valeur. — ^Travaux de la conference. CA 10-3841 Unrev'd HE6251 1880 62 Projets d' arrangement et de reglement concemant I'echange des colis postaux sans declaration de valeur. Berne: Impr. Lang cfc c^, 1879. 14- p. forms. F°. Gives blank forms at the end. c A 10-4058 Unrev'd HE6171.U5 1879 63 Bureau international. Liste des ouvrages sur le service des postes qui se trouvent au Bureau international de rUnion postale universelle. [Berne: Lierow & cie, 1903] 10 p. 8°. 5-26831 Z7164.P85U5 64 Resume des lois et reglements interieurs appli- cables au service des colis. Berne: Impr. SUempJli, 1887. 83 p. 4°. Supplement du Resume des lois et reglements interieurs applicables au service des colis. Berne: Impr. Stxmpjii, 1890. 28 p. 4°. Gives the regulations and rates in all countries which are parties to the Convention, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Danish Antilles, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Roumania, Spain, Sweden, Switzer- land. Supplement. 10-893^t HE6171.TJ5 1887 65 TJ. S. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign com- merce. Contract between British government and American express co. . . . Adverse report. , [^yasUngton: Govt, print, off., 1911] 16 p. 8°. (61st Cong., 3d sess. House, llept. 2189) Quotes rates for parcels from New York to all other points in the ' United States. 11-35217 HE6175.TJ6 66 Committee on Post-office and post-roads. Parcels post. Hearings April [20] 1910. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1910. I4 p- 8°. Statement of Thomas W. Ilardwick on rural jwrcols jiosl. 10-35546 HE6471.A4 1910 PARCELS post: BOOKS 15 67 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Post-office and fost-roads. Parcels post. Hearings April [20-29] 1910. WasJiijigton: Govt, print, off., 1910. 3^5 p. 8°. Arguments for and against parcels post. 10-35815 HE6471.A4 1910a 68 Parcels post. Hearings before subcom- mittee no. 4. June, 1911. Washington: Govt, print, off.y 1911. 390 j). 8°. 11-35668 HE6471.A4 1911 69 Second-class mail. Hearings before the Committee on the Post-office and post-roads ... 1910, January 26, 27, 28, 29, February 4, 8. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1910. 4'^0 p. 8°. John W. Weeks, chairman. Government monopoly on transportation of packets by mail, by Nathan B. Williams: p. 338-356. 10-35491 HE6432.A4 1910c 69a Violation of post office laws. Report. February 28, 1844. * [Washington: Blair & Rives, I844.] 2 p. 8°. (28th Cong., 1st sess. House. Rept. 228.) Expresses the opinion that the laws relating to the "transporting of letters, papers and other mail matter . . . are daily violated and evaded ... to the evident injury of the revenue of that important branch of the national service." 445 Reprinted in Williams, Nathan B. The American post-office. [Washington, 1910.] p. 36. HE6371.W75 70 Senate. Committee on Post offices and post roads. Parcels-post service on rural routes. Report. Jan. 13, 1911. [Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911.] 1 p. (61st Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Rept. 964.) 71 Interstate commerce commission. Annual report on the statistics of express companies m the United States. 1st, 1908/09. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. 1 v. 8°. 11-35081 ' HE 6893. A4 72 Post-offce dept. Annual reports of the Post-office de- partment [with accompanying papers] 1880, 1887- 1910. Washington: Gov't print, off., [1880-1911]. 8°. 5-9500 HE 63 13 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 72 TJ. S. Post-office dept. Annual reports— Continued. Contents relating to parcels post : 1880. Establishment of the packet post recommended: p. 35-36. 1887. Parcels post convention. Jamaica and the United States: p. 247-252; Barbados and the United States: p. 253-258; Parcel- post: p. 1015-1017; Details of the parcels-post servace in the prin- cipal countries of the Postal union: p. 1017-1019. 1888. Parcels post: p. xx^ii, 828-829. 1889. Parcels post: p. 914-915. "Workings of the agi'eement with Canada. Parcels-post convention between the United States and the Hawaiian Kingdom: p. 922-928; U. S. and the Lee- ward islands: p. 929-935. 1890. Parcels post: p. 20, 23-24. ' ' The system now in operation allows the express com- panies to bid under the postal rates and get the short hauls, while the long and expensive hauls are left to the Department." Convention between the U. S. and Costa Rica: p. 1005- 1015; U. S. and Danish We^t India islands: p. 1016-1026. 1891. Packages by mail: p. 113-114; The parcels post: p. 1056. Instances loss of postal revenue from competition by express companies. For Postmaster-general Wana- maker's famous statement, see p. 114. 1892. Popularity of the package mail: p. 68; Parcels post: p. 867. Comments on German system and recommends closing mails against large packages and extending weight limit to 11 pounds. Convention between the U. S. and British Guiana: p. 877- 882; U. S. and the Windward islands: p. 882-887. 1893. Parcels post: p. xxiii, 154-155, 451. 1894. Parcels post: p. 22, 447; Convention between the United States and Newfoundland: p. 55-60, 457^62. 1895. Parcels post: p. 457; Convention concerning the exchange of postal parcels concluded between Germany, the Argentine Re- public . . . and ^'enezuela: p. 488^92; Regulations for the execu- tion of the Convention: p. 493-503. 1896. Parcels post: p. 542. 1897. Parcels post: p. 564; Convention concerning the exchange of postal parcels concluded between Germany ... and Venezuela: p. 633-638; Regulations of detail and order for the execution of the Convention concerning the exchange of postal parcels: p. 639-654. 1898 . Parcels post : p . 7 18 . 1899. Parcels post: p. 25-26, 713. 1900. Parcels post: p. 27, 663. 1901. Parcels post: p. 30-31, 339-340, 742. 1902. Parcels post: p. 204, 534-535. Parcels post conventions with other countries and uis- cussea statistics of destination of parcels from ( ierniany to points in this country. 1903. Parcels post: p. 19, 150-151, 503. 1904. Parcels post: p. 14-15, 144-145, 463. 1905. Parcels post: p. 69-70, 203, 206, 601. 1906. Parcels post: p. 62-63, 81, 181. PARCELS POST : BOOKS l7 1907. Parcels post: p. 9-11, 159-160, 356-357. Urges extension of parcels post with a reduction in rates and an increase in weight to 11 pounds. 1908. Parcels post: p. 10-12, 52-53, 175-176, 318-319. Urges parcels post for rural routes. 1909. Parcels post: p. 160-161, 283. Statistics of the operation of parcels post between U. S. and other countries, and changes in conventions. 1910. Parcels post: p. 10, 26, 154-155, 268, 343, 349. Urges rural parcels post, an investigation of general par- cels post and notes progress of operation of parcels post conventions 73 U. S. Post-office dept. Data relative to proposed extension of parcel post. [WasUngton: Gov't print, off., 1908] 15 p. 8°. {60ih Cong., 1st sess. Sermte. Doc. 366) 8-35239 HE6471.A3 1908 Also printed in Congressional record, 60th Cong., 1st sess., v. 42, pt. 3: 2953-2957. The arguments of Postmaster-General Meyer for rural parcels post, with tables and press clippings. J11.I15, v. 42, pt. 3 74 — Letter from the Postmaster-General [G. von L. Meyer] to John M. Stahl, relative to the extension of the parcel post. Feb. 6, 1908. {In Congressional record, 61st Cong., 2d sess., v. 45, pt. 3: 3128.) J11.R5, V. 45, pt. 3 74a — - — Letter from the Postmaster-General [Frank H. Hitchcock] submitting a report giving the results of the inquiiy as to the operation, receipts, and expendi- tures of railroad companies transporting the mails, and recommending legislation on the subject. WasUngton: [Govt, print, off.] 1911. v, 306 p. 8°. {62d Cong., 1st sess. House. Doc. no. 105.) Of interest as showing the present methods and costs of transport- ing mail matter on railroads. 75 The postal laws and regulations of the United States of America. Edition of 1902. WasUwiton: Gov't print, off., 1902. 772 p. 8°. "Foreign parcels post:" pp. 262-268; 328-329; 342-343. 2-18537 HE6323 1902 75a President, 1909-(Taff, WiUiam H.). Message on the financial condition of tlie treasury, needed banking and currency reform and departmental questions. Dec. 21, 19n. Washington: [Govt, print, off.], 1911. 2If. p. 8°. In favor of parcels post: p. 19. 76 Treaties, conventions, etc. Parcels post conventions between the United States and the following countries 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS have been arranged. These may be found in the Statutes at large. Where they exist in separate form in the Ijibrary of Congress, the shelf-marks are given. Australia. 1905. Statutes at large, v. 34, pt. 3: 2872-2878. Austria. 1908. 12 p. HE6471.A3 1908d Belgium. 1904. Statutes at large, v. 33, pt. 2: 2291-2300. Bermuda. 1907. Statutes at large, v. 34, pt. 3: 2983-2988. Bolivia. 1901, Statutes at large, v. 32, pt. 2: 1948-1958. Brazil. 1911. 15 p. HE6471.A3 1910a Chile. 1898. Statutes at large, v. 31: 1840-1849. Colombia. 1889. 10 p. HE6471.A3 1889 Denmark. 1906. 12 p. HE6471.A3 1906 Dutch Guiana. 1909. 8 p. HE6471.A3 1909 Ecuador. 1907. Statutes at large, v. 34, pt. 3: 2974-2982. France. 1908. 16 p. HE6471.A3 1908c Germany. 1899. Statutes at large, v. 31: 1830-1^37. Guatemala. 1899. Statutes at large, v. 31: 1858-1867. Haiti. 1911. 13 p. HE6471.A3 1911 Honduras. 1896. 13 p. HE6471.A3 1896 Hong Kong. 1903. Statutes at large, v. 33, pt. 2: 2242-2247. Hungary. 1910. 7 p. HE6471.A3 1910 Italy. 1908. 13 p. HE6471.A3 1908a Japan. 1904. Statutes at large, v. 33, pt. 2: 2276-2281. Netherlands. 1908. 8 p. HE6471.A3 1908 Newfoundland. 1S94. Statutes at large, v. 28: 1194-1199. New Zealand. 1900. 9 p. HE6471.A3 1900 Nicaragua. 1900. Statutes at large, v. 31: 1890-1899. Norway. 1904. Statutes at large, v. 33, pt. 2: 2282-2290. Peru. 1906. lip. HE6471.A3 1906a Sweden. 1906. Statutes at large, v. 34, pt. 3: 2892-2900. Trinidad. 1898. Statutes at large, v. 30: 1747-1753. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1905. 7 j). HE6471.A3 1905 Uruguay. 1908. 12 p. HE6471.A3 1908b Venezuela. 1899. Statutes at large, v. 31: 1900-1912. 77 Wilhelm, Julius. Frachtporto. Ein Vorschlag die hoi dem Postverkehr iiblichen grundsatze der Gebiirenbemes- sung auf alle Transportleistungen auszudehnen. Wien: Manz, 1900. xiv, 13S p. 8°. A discussion of the fundamental principles of parcels post ratee with a view to their extension to all forms of transportation. 1-19085 HE6171.W6 78 Williams, Natlian V.. The American post-office. A discus- sion of its history, development, and present-day rela- tion to express companies. [Washington: Govt, print, of., 1010] 49 p. S°. {[U. S.] Gist Conrj., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 5Jf2.) Contends that laws of U. S. are violated by express companies in carrying mailable matter. 10-35703 HE6371.W75 PARCELS post: BOOKS 19 79 Williams, Nathan B. Parcels post; an address delivered before tlie national convention of the Farmers' educational and cooperative union at St. Louis, Mo. May, 1910. [Fayetteville? Ark., 1910] [8] p. 8°. 10-27217 HE6471.W6 80 plaintiff'. In the United States Circuit court of appeals. Eighth circuit. Nathan B. Williams, as informer on his own behaK and on behalf of the United States of America, plaintiff in error, vs. Wells,-Fargo & company express, defendant in error. No. 3047. Error to the District court of the United States, for the Western district of Arkansas. Brief and argument on behalf of plaintiff in error. Nathan B. Williams. For plaintiff in error. Kansas City, Mo.. F. T. Riley pub. co. [1909?] 61 p. 8°. 9-17328 HE5903.W6W7 81 Wisconsin. University. University extension division. Dept. of dehating and public discussion. The parcels post. Madison: The University, 1908. 5 p. 12°. {Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, serial no. £04: Extension series, no. 18) 10-30754 Z7161.W54 [no. 8] 81a U. S. Congress. House. Committee on expenditures in the Post office dept. Statistics of publications entered as mail matter of the second class. No. 1. Hearings [Dec. 13, 1911]. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1911. Hi, 202 p. 4°. Includes a memorandum on the alleged violation of Sections 3982 to 3985, Revised Statutes, by the carriage of mailable matter other than letters in competition with the postal service. 81b Senate. Committee on post offices and post roads. Par- cel post. Hearings before the subcommittee on parcel post. Nov. 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, and Dec. 15, 1911. Testimony of postal officials and former postal ofiicials. Vol. I. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1912. 27 ^ p. 8°. Vol. II in preparation. 81c Parcel post in foreign countries. Pre- pared under the direction of Jonathan Bourne, jr. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1912. 326 p. 8°. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 82 1859. Graham, Peter, On a small parcels post. Society of arts. Journal, Jan. 28, 1859, v. 7: lJi.4-156. T1.S64, V. 7 83 1878. The introduction of a uniform rate of postage for small parcels in international relations. r Union postale, Dec. 1, 1878, v. 3: 246-254. Notes certain progress and outlines the necessity and importance of such an arrangement. HE6251.1875, v. 3 84 1879. Jevons, W. Stanley. Methods of social reform. II. A state parcel post. Contemporary review, Jan. 1879, v. 34: 209-229. AP4.C7,v.34 85 1881. Convention concerning the exchange of postal parcels \vithout declaration of value, concluded between Ger- many, Austro-IIungary, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Egypt, Spain, France, Great Britain and Ireland, British India, Italy, Luxemburg, Montenegro, The Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Servia, Sweden and Norway, and Turkey. Z' Union postale, Jan. 1881, v. 6: 25-32. See note, p. 114, fixing May 1st instead of Oct. 1st as date for introduction, and note, p. 140, on introduction into Italy. See also V. 7, p. 135. HE6251.1875, v. 6 80 1882. [Parcels post in Italy.] L' Union postale, _ Jan. 1882, v. 7: 24- Gives statistics of first month of operation. For briefer statistics first three months, see p. 111-112, for increase first year, see p. 288. See v. 8, p. 164 for comparison of first two years. HE6251.1876, V. 7 87 1882. The government and the parcels post. Spectator, Apr. 8, 1882, v. 55: 461-462. AP4.S7, v. 55 88 1882. [Parcels post with Portugal.] U Union postale, June, Oct.-Nov., 1882, v. 7: 136; 240; 286. Brief notes relating to its introduction. HE625 1.1875, v. 7 89 1882. The parcels post. Chambers's journal, Nov. 11, 1882, v. 59: 723-724. AP4.C45, V. 59 20 PARCELS post: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 21 90 1882. The parcels post, the post office savings bank, and the insurance of Uves through the medium of the post office in Great Britain. r Union postals, Nov. 1, 1882, v. 7: 265-268. See also note on p. 220. HE6251.1875, v. 7 91 1883. Walford, Edward. A very old parcel post. Antiquarian magazine and hihliographer, 1883, v. 4: 57-63. DA20.W17, V. 4 92 1883. The parcels post. Saturday review, July 7, 1883, v. 56: 15-16. ap4.S3,v. 56 93 1883. The parcels post. Spectator, July 28, 1883, v. 56: 955-956. AP4.S7, v. 56 94 1883. Proctor, Richard A. Greatest content with parcels' post. Knowledge, Aug. 3, 24, 1883, v. 4'- 76; 126. qi.k7, v. 4 95 1883. The parcels post. Saturday review, Aug. 4, 1883, v. 56: 140-141- AP4.S3, V. 56 96 1883. The effects of the parcels post. Spectator, Aug. 4, 1883, v. 56: 989-990. AP4.S7, v. 56 97 1883. By parcels post. All the year round. Bee. 22, 1883, v. 53: 108-11 4. AP4.A4, V. 53 98 1884. Bodley, Temple. The Post-office department as a com- mon carrier and bank. American law review, Mar.-Apr. 1884, '^^- l^'- 218-225. JA1.A4, V. 18 99 1884. A year of the parcel post. Spectator, Aug. 9, 1884, '^- 57 : 1035-1036. AP4.S7, v. 57 100 1884. The conveyance of postal parcels in the territory of the Imperial German post office. V Union postale, Aug. 1, 1884, '^- 9: 177-185. Descriptive details. HE6251.1875, v. 9 101 1884. The parcel post in Italy. L' Union postale, Nov. 1, 1884, v. 9: 229-237. Descriptive details. HE6251.1875, v. 9 102 1885. The parcel post in the Netherlands. L' Union postale, Mar. 1, 1885, v. 10: 47-54- Descriptive details. HE6251.1875, v. 10 22 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS 103 1885. The parcel post in Italy during the j^ear 1883. i' Union postale, June, 1885, v. 10: 120-125. The extent and character of packages. HE 62 5 1.1 87 5, v. 10 104 1885. The despatch of postal parcels from British East India to foreign countries. i' Union fostale, July 1, 1885, v. 10: 1/^.2-145. Descriptive details. HE6251.1875, v. 10 10.3 1886. [Parcels post between Great Britain and other countries.] L' Union postale, Jan-Feh., May, July-Sept., 1886, v. 11: 24; 43; 104; 145-146; 168; 215-216. Substance of the several agreements. HE6251.1875, v. 1 1 lOG 1886. [Insurance, of ])arcels in Great Britain.] IJ Union postale, June, 1886, v. 11: 128. HE6251.1875, V. 11 107 1887. The parcel post in England and its influence on the rail- way business. L' Union postale, Apr. 1, 1887, v. 12: 70-72. HE6251.1875, V. 12 108 1888. Parcels post convention between Great Britain and Costa Rica, and Ilepublic of Colombia. V Union postale, Apr. 1888, v. 13: 67-68. HE6251.1875, V. 13 10!) 1888. Post-ofFice parcels and telegraphs. English illustrated magazine, Aug. 1888, v. 5: 738-751. AP4.E5, V. 5 110 1889. Dunster, Henry Peter. An agricultural parcels post. Nineteenth century, June, 1889, v. 25: 894-901. AP4.N7, V. 25 111 1889. James, Thomas L. Needed postal reforms. Forum, Oct. 1889, v. 8: 126-135. Urges many postal reforms and argues against Parrels post. AP2.F8, V. 8 112 1890. Tickle, W. Wilson. A winter night's ride. The royal mail parcel coach. The road, the system, and the way the work is done. Tinsley's magazine, Feb. 1890, v. 44: 183-189. AP4.T5, V. 44 li:; 1890. [Parcels post in Paris.] L' Union postale, July, 1890, v. 15: 115-1 If! . HE6251.1875, V. 15 PARCELS post: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 23 114 1893. Webber, Walter. Preparing for the parcel post. St. Martin' s-le-grand, July, 1893, v. 3: 283-2S8. HE6003.S]4, V. 3 115 1893. Willdey, C. J. The universal postal union. United service magazine, Nov. 1893, v. 183: 118-129. Parcels post, p. 123-124. TJ1.IT6, v. 183 116 1894. The parcel post service in the Republic of Salvador. i' Union postale, Dec. 1, 1894, '^- 19: 206-208. Descriptive. HE6251.1875, v. 19 117 1899. Parcel post with the United States. St. Martin' s-le-grand, 1899, v. 9: 419-420. HE6003.S14, V. 9 118 1899. Tunell, George G. A general freight and passenger post. [Review of J. L. Cowles' book.] Journal of political economy, June, 1899, v. 7: 396-403. Claims the arguments and reasoning to be faulty and facts inac- curate. HB1.J7, V.7 119 1899. [A cheap library post.] Editorial. Education, Nov. 1899, v. 20: 177-178. Discusses cheap rate for sending library books to readers. Lll.E2,v. 20 120 1899. Parcels-post exchanges with Germany. Scientific American supplement, Dec. 2, 1899, v. 48: 20008. Tl.S52,v. 48 121 1900. Guillow, Louis E. A needed postal reform. Arena, Jan. 1900, v. 23: 103-106. In favor of parcels post: gives a brief description of what has been done in other countries. AP2.A6, v. 23 122 1901. The parcel post in France. r Union postale, Feb. 1, 1901, v. 26: 21-27. HE6251.1875,v. 26 123 1901. A parcels post. [Editorial.] Independent, Oct. 31, 1901, v. 53: 2607-2608. AP2.I53, V. 53 124 1902. Parcel post with the United States. St. Martin' s-le-grand, Jan., Oct. 1902, v. 12: 75-77, 407-408. • HE6003.S14, V. 12 24 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS 125 1902. Castle, Henr}^ A. Defects and abuses in our postal system. North American review, June-July, 1902, v. 174: 807-819' V. 175: 115-127. Parcels post: p. 812-814. AP2.N7, v. 174-175 126 1902. A cheap parcels post from England, Outlook, Sept. 20, 1902, v. 72: U7-148. A discussion of the contract of the British government with the American express company for deliver}^ of English parcels in this country. AP2.08, v. 73 127 1903, Hoaton, J. Henniker. An agricultural parcel post. NineteentJi century and after, Feb. 1903, v. 53: 253-263. AP4.N7, V. 53 128 1903. Heaton, J. Henniker. Governmental parcel-post in Great Britain, Cosmopolitan, May, 1903, v. 35: 3-10. A comprehensive discussion of parcels post in Enirland. AP2.C8, V. 35 129 1903. Bellet, Daniel, Le triage mechanique des colis postaux a la gare d' Orleans, La Nature, June 6, 1903, v. 31: IO-I4. Q2.N2, v, 31 130 1903. Wanted — a farmer's post. The need for increased facili- ties for the carriage of commerce. J. G, L. Magazine of commerce, July, 1903, v. 3: 26. Hril,M2, v. 3 131 1903. Cowles, James L. What the Post-office might do. Outlool, July 11, 1903, v. 74: 666-669. "The truth is that neither in our o^vn domestic or our foreign business can any or all of our private express companies taken together give to oxu- people such a parcels service as the Post-office can easily perform." AP2.08, v. 74 132 1903. Bellet, Daniel. The mechanical sorting of postal pack- ages. Scientific American supplement, Aug. 29, 1903, v. 56: 23120-23121. Tl.S52,v. 56 Translated from La Nature, June 6, 1903, v. 31: 10-14. Q2.N2, v. 31 133 1903. Pleaton, J. Henniker. 'Cash on delivery,' or shopping by post. Nineteenth century and after, Dec. 1903, v. 54: 981-984. Discusses briefly the propo-sals to introduce C. O. D. transactions in the British parcel-? post, with the probable effect on the public, the great city retailers, and the country shop keepers. • AP4.N7, v. 54 PAECELS post: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 25 134 1904. Walker, John Brisben. The aid which the Post-office department might render to commerce. Cosmopolitan, Feh. 1904, v. 36: 3 p. preceding 380. Comprehensive arguments in favor of parcels post, existing rates upon mail matter of second class and against express company ■ • transportation. AP2.C8, v. 36 135 1904. Cowles, James L. The Post-office, our mutual trans- portation company. Independent, Feb. 11, 1904, v. 56: 306-309. AP2.I53, v. 56 136 1904. Loud, E. F. The postal service. North American review, Feh. 1904, '"• -^^'.S'; 222-234. Parcels post: p. 224-226. ■ AP2.N7, v. f 78 137 1904. Walker, John Brisben. Who will l)e benefited l)y a parcels post? Cosmopolitan, Mar. 1904, '^'- ^^•* ^ V- preceding 501. AP2.C8, V. 36 138 1904. Walker, John Brisben. Postal parcels delivery at one cent a pound. Cosmopolitan, Apr. 1904, '^'- '^^■' ^ V- preceding p. 620. See also No. 134, 137. AP2.C8, v. 36 131) 1904. Parcel post treaty between Japan and the United States. Sun trade journal, Sept. 1904, '*^- ^0: 14-15. HF41.S8, v. lo 140 1904. Quail, Jesse. The Postmaster-general as debt-collector. MontJdy review, Oct. 1904, v. 17: 61-71. Points out objections to the proposed introduction of C. O. D. transactions in the British parcels post. AP4.M882, v. 17 141 1904. Small parcels traffic in England. Railway age, Oct. 21, 1904, '^- 38: 582-584. TF1.R2, v. 38 141a 1904. Payen, Edouard. Les colis postaux. Leur origine et leur developpement. Economiste frangais, Dec. 10, 1904, '^- 32: 834-836. HB3.E3, V. 32 142 1904. Field, William. The abandonment of the proposed C. O. D. system. Magazine of commerce, Dec. 1904, '*■• 5' 421-4^3. Cites a number of reasons against the introduction of the ('. O. D. system. HF11.M2, v. 5 143 1905. Pneumatic tubes for parcel delivery: the pros and cons of this question discussed from two points of view. Magazine of commerce, Jan. 1905, v. 6: 28-30. HF11.M2, V. 6 26 LIBBAEY OF CONGEESS 144 1905. Cowles, James L. A comparison of postal rates. Outlool, Jan. 1^, 1905, v. 79: 11^8. Includes statistics. AP2.08, v.79 145 1905. Bowker, K. K. The post office: its facts and its possi- bilities. American monthly review of reviews, Mar. 1905, v. 31: 825-332. Parcels post: p. 329. AP2.R4, v. 31 146 1905. Monaghan, J. C. Parcel-post system of Germany. Catholic world, June, 1905, v. 81: 353-361. ap2.C3,v. 81 147 1905. Heaton, J. Ilenniker. The European parcels post. Arena, Aug. 1905, v. 34: 113-119. A comprehensive discussion of parcels post. AP2.A6, v. 34 148 1906. England's magnificent postal service record. Arena, Feh. 1906, v. 35: 212-213. AP2.A6, v. 35 149 1906. Monaghan, J. C. The parcels post system of Germany. Duns review, Feb. 2^, 1906, v. I4: 12-14- HF1.D8, v. 14 Manufacturer, Mar. 1, 1906, v. 19: 20-21. T1.M125, v. 19 150 1906. Payen, Edouard. Les colis postaux. Economiste franpaise, Sept. 29, 1906, v. 34: 4^5-457. HB3.E3,v. 34 151 1906. Parcel post arrangements. Railway news, Dec. 8, 1906, v. 86: 945-946. Gives details of arrangements and compensation basis between railways and British post office with reference to the transportation of parcels. TFl.R65,v. 86 152 1907. The National board of trade and the parcels post. Railway age, Jan. 25, 1907, v. 43: 107-108. Insists that no self-supporting parcels post plan has been proposed . TF1.R2, V. 43 15.3 1907. "They manage this thing better in France." St. Martin' s-le-grand, Jan. 1907, v. 17: 102-103. Brief sketch of the trouble incidental to using the parcels post in France. HE6003.S14, v. 17 154 1907. Le nouveau regime des colis postaux. Journal des transports, Feb. 16, 1907, 30. annee: 76-78. HE3.J8, V. 30 I54a 1907. The Henry parcels post bill. Postfil progress, Feh. 1907, v. 1:1,2, PARCELS post: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 27 155 1907. The postal service in Japan. Arena, Mar. 1907, v. 37: 308-309. Discusses superiority of the Japanese package service as compared with ours. State?: "that in Japan the function is performed pri- marily in the public interest." AP2.A6, v. 37 155a 1907. The express monopoly; Post office the popular defense against the exhorbitant rates of the express companies. Postal progress, Mar. 1907, v. 1: 2, 3. 156 1907. La noiivelle convention des colis postaux. Journal des transports, Apr. 6, 1907, 30. annee: 133-164. HE3.J8, V. 30 156a 1907. Foreign parcels post necessary. Postal progress, Apr. 1907, v. 1: 1-2. 156b 1907. Prouty, Charles A. Mutual transportation company. The United States post-office, the people's mutual transportion company — A proposed bill — A com- parison of home rates with foreign rates — Statistics and arguments. Postal progress. May, 1907, v. 1: 1-3. 156c 1907. Bachelder, N. J. Parcels post and rural merchant. Postal progress, May, 1907, v. 1: 4- Favorable. 157 1907. The parcels post. [Editorial.] Independent, Nov. I4, 1907, v. 63: 1185-1187. AP2.I53, V. 63 158 1907. Meyer, George von L. Extension of the parcel post. Government, Dec. 1907, v. 2: 137-142. H1.G7, v. 2 159 1908. Les colis postaux a Paris. Nombre de cohs postaux en provenance et a destination de Paris en 1904. Revue de statistique, Feb. 9, 1908, v. 11: 46-4'^- HC10.R4, V. 11 160 1908. Burrows, Charles W. Parcels post. Freight, Mar. 1908, v. 9: 46-46. Argues against parcels post; cites Post office experience with second-class mail matter. "Without the operations of a zone system, or a monopoly as on first-class matter, the Government will get all the losing business and none of the remunerative." HE2122.F8, v. 9 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 161 1908. Meyer, George von L. A parcels post. North American review, Mar. 1908, v. 187: 330-336. Urges that people in the country should have rates on parcels as low as are charged when sent to a foreign country. Gives tables of weights and rates of other countries. Discusses rural parcels post. AP2.N7, V. 187 162 1908. Williams, Nathan B. An invasion by express com- panies. American lawyer, May, 1908, v. 16. Also issued separately. 163 1908. Reduction of foreign parcel postal rates. Scientific American, June 27, 1908, n. s. v. 98: 4-55. Notes reduction in rates and increase of weight limits of parcels to foreign countries. T1.S5, n. s. v. 98 164 1908. Merritt, Albert N. Shall the scope of governmental functions be enlarged so as to include the express business ? Journal of political economy, July, 1908, v. 16: 417-435. Urges impracticability of parcels post system, that it would aid mail order houses, and having no monopoly could not compete with express companies. HB1.J7, v. 16 165 1908. Stickley, Gustav. Postal service extension: What postal savings banks and a cheap and efficient parcel post would mean to the farmer and wage-earner. Craftsman, Sept. 1908, v. I4: 587-594. N1.C87, v. 14 166 1908. The postal deficit and a rural parcel post. Outlool-, Dec. 12, 1908, v. 90: 801-802. Favors rural parcels post. AP2.08, v. 90 167 1909. Gardner, W. B. The post ofhce as collector: how the post office facilitates trade. Magazine of commerce. Mar. 1909, v. 15: 172-173. HF11.M2, V. 15 168 1909. Smith, Bell. The parcel post hospital. St. Martin' s-le-grand, Apr. 1909, v. 19: I42-I45. Description of the troubles arising from faulty packing and the steps taken to repair them. HE6003.S14, v. 19 !()•> 1909. It must come. [Editorial on the parcels post.] Independent, Oct. 28, 1909, v. 67: 986-987. AP2.I53, v. 67 170 1909. Tluntcr, A. The parcel post — A reminiscence. St. Martin' s-le-grand, Oct. 1909, v. 19: 427-429. HE6003.S14, V. 19 PARCELS POST : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 29 171 1910. Thwaites, R. G. For a parcels-post. Nation, Apr. 7, 1910, v. 90: 345. Criticises lack of efficiency of express service; would use mail but for postal limitation of weight and competitive lower rates of express companies. AP2.N2, v. 90 172 1910. The need of an improved parcels post. ScieiUiJic American, Apr. 2, 1910, n. s. v. 102: 274. Tl.S5,n. s. V. 102 173 1910. Franklin, R. Parcel post absurdities. Technical world rnagazine, June, 1910, v. 13: 413-419. T1.T2, V. 13 174 1910. Stahl, John M. A modern parcel post. Twentieth century magazine, June, 1910, v. 2: 221-224- Discusses the economy of parcels post, and discrimination of parcels rates to foreign countries as against those charged our own people. AP2.T88, v. 2 175 1910. Walker, John Brisben. The people versus the express companies. Pearson's magazine, July, 1910, v. 24: 56-60, 28, 30, 32. Charges Post office department was turned over to the control of express companies. AP2.P35, v. 24 176 1910. Williams, Nathan B. The expediency of parcels post. Freight, Oct. 1910, v. 11: 292-293. ^ HE2122.F8, v. 11 177 1910. Economy of the parcels post. Law student's helper, Oct. 1910, v. 18: 295-296. 178 1910. A parcels post made in Germany. Survey, Oct. 22, 1910, v. 25: 121-122. HV1.C4, v. 25 179 1910. Express monopoly versus a parcels post. Outloolc, N'ov. 12, 1910, v. 96: 567. AP2.08, v. 96 180 1910. Engelhard, George P. The parcels post. Outloolc, Dec. 3, 1910, v. 96: 794. AP2.08, v. 96 181 1911. Sulzer, William, The people demand a parcels post. Editorial review, Jan. 1911, v. 4' 7-12. AP2.E26, v. 4 182 1911. Anderson, George E. Parcel post advantages. Freight, Jan., 1911, v. 12: 15-16. HE2l22.r8, v. 12 183 1911. Clark, A. W. Objections to the parcels post. Independent, Jan. 12, 1911, v. 70: 72-73. Objects to parcels post and urges that it would involve govern- ment ownership of railroads, or an immense public deficit, or both. AP2.I53, V. 70 15852°— ] 2 3 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 184 1911. Parcels post once more. Independent, Jan. 12, 1911, v. 70: 105-107. An editorial response to criticisms of parcels post. AP2.I53, V. 70 185 1911. Smith, S. C. Parcels post again. Independent, Jan. 26, 1911, v. 70: 185. Says farmers want to trade away from home, and that neither rural parcels post nor one-rate system will affect express companies. AP2.I53, V. 70 186 1911. Atwood, Albert W. The great express monopoly. American magazine, Feb.-Apr. 1911, v. 71: 4^7-439; 620-630; 758-770. An exhaustive study of express company development and methods. AP2.A346, v, 71 187 1911. Let us have a parcels post. Hampton's magazine, Feb. 1911, v. 26: 261-264. AP2.H152, V. 26 188 1911. Parcel post. Canadian regulations operate to the dis- advantage of home sliippers. Conditions in European countries more favorable for transmission of small parcels. Industrial Canada, Feb. 1911, v. 11: 743-744. 189 1911. Williams, Nathan B. The press and the post office. Fra, Mar. 1911, v. 6: 183-185. Discusses effect of competition of express companies in carrying newspapers and magazines and unlawful business of express com- panies in carriage of mailable parcels. AP2.F86, v. 6 190 1911. The parcels post. Moody's nmgazine. Mar. 1911, v. 11: 186-188. HG1.M85, V. 11 191 1911. Benson, Allan L. Why we have no parcels post. Pearson's magazine, Mar. 1911, v. 25: 389-397. Accuses express companies of robbery; discusses interrelation of stock ownership — railroads and express companies — country retailer and consumer. AP2.P35, v. 25 192 1911. Ingram, Frederick F. The parcels post. Twentieth centunj magazine. Mar. 1911, v. 3: 514-522. Relation of mail-order houses to parcels post; high rates of express companies and their illegal business. AP2.T88, v. 3 PARCELS post: ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS 31 192a 1911. Seitz, DonC. The post-ofRce: an obstructive monopoly. World's worlc, Feb. 1911, v. 21: 13978-13986. Argues that the present facilities could be used for handling parcels. AP2.W8, v. 21 193 1911. Rider, Fremont. The parcels post and the retailer. Why the fear of centralization is unfounded. ^VorWs worTi, Ajyr. 1911, v. 21: I4248-I425I. Parcels post a profitable business venture for the government. Explains how it would not injure country retailer; would cheapen cost of living. , AP2.'W8, v. 21 194 1911. Loeb, Sophie Irene. The people's plea for the parcels post. Columhian magazine, June, 1911, v. 4' 4-89-500. A popular presentation of arguments for and against parcels post. AP2.C685, V. 4 195 1911. Curtis, I. G. Housekeeping by parcels post. Good houselceeping, July, 1911, v. 53: 2-10. Interesting household experiences of the workings of parcels post in England. Points out the benefits to small householder and work- ingmen's families. TX1.G7, v. 53 196 1911. Housekeeping by parcels post, [and] Why we have no parcels post in America. Outloolc, Sept. 9, 1911, v. 99: 54-56. Contrasts the English cheap parcels post with its widespread benefits to the mass of the people with the enormous express system of the United States, and states some of the present rea.=ions why we do not have a parcels post. AP2.08, v. 99 197 1911. The parcels post next. Chautauquan, Sept. 1911, v. 64: 7-8. AP2.C48, v. 64 198 1911. For a limited parcels post. Commercial west, Oct. I4, 1911, v. 20: 23. Hri.C8, v. 20 19Sa 1911. Parcels post. Industrial Canada, Oct., Nov. 1911, v. 12: 251-252; 372, 198b 1911. Parcels post in the post office budget. Baihvay and engineering review, Oct. I4, 1911 , v. 51: 887. TF1.I14, V. 61 198c 1911. Canadian manufacturers' association. Report of rail- way and transportation committee. Industrial Canada, Nov. 1911, v. 12: 44^-461. ' ' Parcels post" : pp. 452-456. I ARTICLES IN UNITED STATES CONSULAR REPORTS (Call no. HC1.R2 with no. of report added) 199 1898 Jan. Parcel post in New South Wales. George W. Bell, Sydney, July 6, 1897. V. 56, no. 208: 16-21. 200 1899 Dec. Parcels-post exchanges with Germany. Frank U. Mason, Berlin, Sept. 11, 1899. V. 61, no. 231: 637-638. 201 1904 Jan. Foreign trade by parcels post. Simon W. Hanauer. V. 74, no. 280: 152-153. 202 1904 Apr. United States-Cliina parcel post. L. S. Wilcox, Hankau, China, Dec. 23, 1903. V. 75, no. 283:42. 203 1904 Aug. Post-office to collect parcels in England. Richard Guenther, F'rankfort, Ger., June 22, 1904. V. 76, no. 287:8. 204 1904 Nov. Postal package service between France and the United States. A. M. Thackara, Havre, France, no. 290:112-113. 205 1904 Dec. International parcels post in Peru. A. L. M. Gottschalk, Callao, Peru, Oct. 30, 1904. V. 77, no. 291: 253-254. 206 1905 Apr. Parcels-post rates in Germany. E. T. Liefield, Freiburg, Dec. 22, 1904. V. 79, no. 295:22-23. 207 1905 July. European parcels-post trade with Peru. A. L. M. Gottschalk. no. 298: 108-109. 208 1906 Sept. Parcels post for Demnark and America. no. 312:151. Statistics of weights and rates. 200 1907 July. Parcels post: France, Sweden, Holland, etc. no. 322:235-237. Instances various uses to which foreign parcels post may be put in stimulating American export trade. 32 PARCELS post: U. S. CONSULAR REPORTS 33 210 1907 Nov. Parcels post from United States. Lack of this convenience proves disadvantageous [India]. E. H. Dennison, Bombay, no. 32G:37. Details uses of parcels post in foreign trade. 211 1907 Dec. Transportation of packages in Great Britain. Frank W. Mahin, Nottingham, no. 327: 250-251. 212 1908 Feb. The German parcels post. W. T. Fee, Bremen, no. 329: 104-106. A detailed description of German parcels post, with tables of rates. 213 1908 May. Parcels post in Argentina. no. 332:202. Statistics on volume of parcels from other countries by parcels post. None from the U. S. 214 1908 July. American parcels-post system. Greatly needed to facilitate business with the Levant. G. Bie Ravndal, Beirut, no. 334: 192. 215 1908 Aug. Parcels post. Brazil. American trade handi- cappetl to advantage of Europeans, George E. Anderson, Rio de Janeiro, no. 335: 179-180. 216 1908 Aug. China. Inadequate American facilities at port of Shanghai. John M. Darrah. no. 335: 180-181. 217 1908 Aug. United Kingdom. Introduction of collect on delivery parcels post feature, no. 335:181. 218 1910 Feb. United Kingdom. Marketing by train and parcels post. H. S. Culver. no. 353: 206-207. Explains rates, uses, and benefits to farmers and truckmen of parcels post in England, in the marketing of theLr food products. 219 1910 Mar. Franco-Cuban parcels post. Alfred K. Moe. no. 354: 178. 34 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 220 1910 May. Germany. Utilizing parcels post. Ralph C. Busser, Erfurt, no. 356: 9-10. 221 1910 June. Parcels post. Germany. Rates on small pack- ages — amount of business. Robert P. Skinner, Hamburg, no. 357: 109-110. 222 1910 June. Australia. Postage and parcels-post requirements of the commonwealth. Hemy D. Baker, Hobart, Tasmania, no. 357: 110-111. 223 1910 June. Parcels transportation. Russia. John H. Snodgrass, Moscow, no. 357, pt. 2: 161. 224 1910 June. Parcels post. Mexico. Handling orders — Lower rates from Europe. Richard M. Stadden, Manzanillo. no. 357, pt. 2: 163-164. 225 1910 Aug. British parcels post. John L. Griffiths, Lon ■.>* % :^ ^ •. V ■ ." >K s< :vr/^^;^ ■•/, :} M-i^^^'4 J. 5 •A.'- Mr ■.-■■■■/■' ' t r I :^- ^\ ■■^^-