lie Game - ' r"- " v \N\V ' : -' - ill IBy THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE GAME OF GOLF THE GAME OF GOLF BY WILLIAM PARK, JUN. CHAMPION GOLFER, 1887-89 WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATION'S THIRD EDITION LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. LONDON, NEW YORK, AND BOMBAY 1896 [All rights rcso-.ti] a r 'O'< PREFACE ALTHOUGH professional golfers have always been teachers of the game, their instruction has been imparted more by example than by precept. Such a method was and is undoubtedly the best, but it is not available to the same extent at the present day as it was, say, fifty or even twenty years ago, and hence a demand has sprung up for books of instruction. Amateur golfers have hitherto been the sole con- tributors to the literature of the game, but the belief has frequently been expressed to me that a volume coming from a professional would be read with interest, and it has also been suggested that I should undertake to write one. Encouraged by such friendly remarks, the attempt has been made, and it is hoped that what has been written will be of service to golfers. Being intended for a book of nstruction, the history of the game is omitted, and no reference is made either to our famous links or to the past and present heroes of 958494 VI PREFACE the game, save with the view of illustrating the more effectually some of the subjects dealt with. An endeavour has been made to write MS concisely and briefly as is consistent with giving intelligible informa- tion. I hope that lady golfers will not feel disappointed because they are not specially referred to. There is but one game of golf, and what has been written is applicable to all who play it. Proof is not wanting that there are lady players inferior to none save a lew of the cracks. I have to thank Mr. J. K Laidlay for kindly supplying me with photographs and diagrams of the style of play of which he is so able un exponent, and I cannot conclude without acknowledging my indebtedness to Mr. -John Anderson for the assistance lie has given me in preparing this book fr tbe press. \V. 1'., JK. MUSSELI'.UUfJH, 1806. CONTENTS CHAPTER I Antiquity of the Game. Description of the Game. Descrip- tion of Links. Modes of Play. Match Play. 'Singles.' Counting Scores. Foursomes. Three-ball Matches. Four-ball Matches. Handicaps. Medal Play. 'Bogey' Competitions. Ties. Inter-club Matches. Open Golf Championship. Amateur Golf Championship. -flub Tour- naments, . . . . . . . . . .1-10 CHAPTER II GOLF CLUI5S AND BALLS Golf-dubs. Lists of different Clubs used. History of the ' Bulger.' Driver. Brassy-niblick. Putter. Spoons. Cleek. Iron. Mashie. Niblick. Driving-cleek. Driv- ing-mashie. Putting-decks and Irons and Metal Putters. Park's Patent Putting -clcek. Driving -putter. Driving- irons. Lofting-irons. Materials used in making Clubs. Park's Patent Compressed Unbreakable Wood Golf-club. Good points in Club-heads and Shafts. Number of Clubs in a Set. Length and Weight of Club. 'Balance' or 'Feel.' Selecting Wooden and Metal Clubs. Extra Clubs. Left-handed Clubs. Care of Clubs, d'olf-ba/l*. Weight. 'Putty' and 'Gutty' Ba'.ls. Selecting Golf-balls. Re- making. Caddie Bags. Coats. Boots and Shoos. Gloves. 17-">4 VI 11 CONTEXTS CHAPTER III STYLE OF PLAY PACE Importance of Good Style. Grip of Club: Good and Bad. Part of Club-handle to be grasped. Position of Ball and Stance. Mr. Laidlay's Position. The Swing. Follow- through.- --\Vaggle. ' Keep your Eye on the Ball,' . fifi-ST CHAPTER IV THE LONG GAME Length of Drives. Stiff Club preferable to supple one. Moral effect of Good and Bad Drives. Selection of Tee. Play through the Green. Clubs to use. Cupped Ball. Jerking. Bad-lying and hanging Balls. Slicing and Heeling. Pulling and Hooking. -Topping and Schilling. Pressing. Carry and Run in Driving, . . . SS-104 CHAPTER V APPROACHING Meaning of Term and nature of Stroke. Three-quarter Stroke. Half Shot. Wrist Shot. Means adopted for making Ball fall dead. Putting on Cut. 'Cutting the feet from it.' Approaches off the Left Leg. Club for playing Approaches. Running up. Lofting. ---Taking Turf in playing Stroke, 1 id- IJu en A I'TEi; vi PUTTING Definition. Wooden and Iron Putters. Grip. Position of Ball and Stance. Putting off the Left Leg. Putting for the Hole and over a Line to the Hole. ' Borrowing/ ' Play for the Back of the Hole.' Down-hill Putts. Stymies p_'l-i:'>i; CONTENTS IX CHAPTER VII PLAY OUT OF HAZARDS PAGE Definition. Play out of Bunkers, Water, off Roads, out of Stones, Rushes, etc. General Remarks, . . 137-14C CHAPTER VIII GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME Recommendation to carry spare Clubs and Balls. Best ways of learning Strokes. Advantage of Straight Driving. Effect of Weather, Snow, Sunshine, Rain, and Wind. ' Playing with one's Head as well as one's Hands.' Playing against a Stronger Opponent. Playing against an Inferior Opponent. 'Pawky Play.' Advantages of Teeing well forward, and behind marks. Difficult Strokes. Remove loose Impediments. Advantage of having the Honour. Avoiding Hazards. Necessity for decision and for holing- out all Putts. Necessity of knowing Rules of Game. Opponent to play with. Foursomes. Three-ball Matches. Match Play. Scores in Match Play. Medal Play. Necessity for physical Strength. Training for Matches. Caddies, Good and Bad. Etiquette of Golf, . 147-17<> CHAPTER IX COMPETITIONS AND HANDICAPPING Prize Meetings or Club Competitions. Scratch and Handicap Prizes. Management of Competitions under Medal Rules. Management of Tournaments. Drawing Byes, etc. Handicapping, Difficulties of.- Methods of Handicapping for Club Meetings, for Medal Competitions, and for Tourna- ments. Merits of different Systems. Handicaps in Private Matches, 177-192 X CONTEXTS CHAPTER X LAYING OUT AM) KEK.HNG GOLF-LINKS PACK fl round suitable for Links. Number of Holes. -Mode of Laying out. Crossing. Lengths of Holes. Placing of Teeing- grounds and Putting-greens. Forming I'utting-greens. Hazards. Blind Holes. Upkeep of Links. Top-dressing Putting-greens. Rolling and Cutting. The Hole. Mark- ing Teeing -grounds. Repairing Hunkers. Grazing. Walking over, ..... 193 -'-MS C H A P T K H X I THK LAWS (F GOLF Mules adopted by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. -Andrews, with Notes. Table of Length of Holes on St. .Andrews Links. Table showing at what holes strokes are to be taken in the Queen Victoria Jubilee Vase (Handicap) Tournament of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club. Index lo Rules. Rules suggested, not in the St. Andrews Code. Rules of t lie Royal Wimbledon Golf Club. Table of Mat.-h- play odds. Table showing at what Holes strokes ure to be taken. Points of difference between Wimbledon and St. Andrews Rules, ..... -M4 'J.V,> C II APT Kit XIL Glossary of Technical Terms frequently used in connection \\iih the Game of Golf, . . . -Ji'.O-JTt INDEX, .... 'JT.'i -77 ILLUSTRATIONS by P. Naumann) PLATES AT PAGE MODERN GOLF CLUBS, . . . (from a photograph) 23 THE DRIVE, ADDRESSING THE BALL SIDE VIEW, ... ,, 67 FRONT VIEW, ... ,, 67 ,, MR. LAIDLAY ADDRESSING THE BALL, . ,,71 ,, THE TOP OF THE SWING . . ,, 75 THE END OF THE SWING . ,, 78 A SWING ROUND THE HEAD TOO HIGH, . ,, 82 A SWING ROUND THE BODY TOO LOW, . ,, 82 BADLY SLICED, .... ,, 84 THE APPROACH, ADDRESSING THE BALL, . ,, 1()8 A HALF-SHOT, THE TOP Of THE SWING, . ,, 109 A WRIST SHOT, ,, . ,, 110 CUTTING THE FEET FROM IT THE TOP OF THE SWING, . . ,, 114 THE END OF THE SWING, . ,, 114 THE APPROACH, OFF THE LEFT LEG MR. LAIDLAY ADDRESSING THE BALL, . ,, H5 HHTING, ADDRESSING THE BALL, . . 125 ,, OFF THE LEFT LEG MR. LAIDLAY ADDRESSING THE BALL, . 126 Xll ILLUSTRATIONS ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT All FIST. I'AliE A WOODEN CLUB, ..../. Michael Jiroirn IS AN IRON CLUB, .... ,, 'JO THE GRIT, FIRST STAGE, . . . (from a photo'jmph) r,~ ,, SECOND STAGE, . ,, 58 ,, COMPLETE, . ,, 5i> A GRIP NOT RECOMMENDED (1), . . ,, (ill W, 61 THE GRIP, POSITION OF HANDS AT TOP OF SWING- FRONT VIEW, . ,, fi'2 BACK VIEW, . . . . ,, I).'! ,, A BAD POSITION OF HANDS AT TOP OF SWING, ... ,, 64 THE DRIVE, DIAGRAM OF POSITION, . J. Mifharl Brium ()S ,, DIAGRAM OF MR. LAIDLAY'S POSITION, , , ",'2 THE KIND OF SWING THAT IS NOT DESIRABLE, . ,, 7<) THE PROPER KIND OF SWING, ,, 80 A GOOD TEE, .....,, fll* A BAD TEE, .....,, THE EFFECT OF PITCH ON IKON CLUBS, . . ,. 1 Ks PUTTING, DIAGRAM OF POSITION, ,, 1'Jti ,, DIAGRAM OK MR. LAIDL AY'S POSITION . ,, 1 'JS A STYMIE, ..... ,, l-'U THE GAME OF GOLF CHAPTER I THE GAME OF GOLF ALTHOUGH golf has become a universal pastime only within the last few years, it is a game of considerable antiquity, and has been played in Scotland from time out of mind. Who invented golf, if indeed it was invented, is not known, and it seems probable that it has been evolved from a game similarly played, but in a crude form,' rather than invented. At one time it would appear to have been the prevailing form of sport in Scotland, and so far back as the year 1457 there is an Act of the Scottish Parliament prohibiting it as interfering with the practice of archery, then all important as a martial exercise and a means of national defence. A few of the older golf clubs have records dating back more than a century, some of which seem to point to the fact that the clubs had been in exist- ence at prior dates, although the records are now lost. The Honourable the Edinburgh Company of Colters have minutes dated in 1744; the Royal and Ancient 2 THE OAME OF fJOLF Golf Club of St. Andrews dates back to 17~)4 ; the Royal Musselburgh Golf Club AVUS instituted in 1774; the first minute-book of the Bruntsfield Links Golt Club dates from 17^7 ; and the Edinburgh Burgess Golting Society claims to have been instituted in 1785. There is, however, a golf club in England the Royal Blackheath Golf Club instituted in 1008, which has. it is believed, more ancient records than any of the Scottish clubs: but it is doubted whether some of the clubs tirst mentioned are not older in point of fact, although actual proof of this cannot be produced. Whether the Scottish clubs arc more ancient or not. the Blackheath Club has the honour not only of possessing the oldest records, but also of being one of the very few golf clubs in England until within a com- paratively recent period. To describe shortly the game of golf, one may say that it consists in playing a ball, with the smallest number of strokes, from certain places called teeing-grounds into holes made for the purpose at considerable dis- tances p.way This is but a rough and ready description of the game, but it may serve as a general introduction, and tend to a better understanding of the more par- ticular explanations contained in the succeeding pages. The ground upon which the play takes place is call, d a 'links' or 'golf-course' or 'golf-green.' When the latter terms are employed, the adjective is commonly omitted, and 'the course' or 'the green' alone used. THE GAME OF GOLF The. word 'green' is apt to be somewhat puzzling to novices, because it is frequently applied indiscriminately not only to the whole links, but also to that particular part called ' the putting-green.' Along the sea-coast there lie large tracts of undulat- ing sandy ground, quite unsuited for agricultural pur- poses, and covered with short, velvety turf, interspersed with sand-holes, whins, rushes, and benty grass, and it is on these that golf has in the generality of cases been played. Such stretches of ground are in Scotland called links, but that word has now come to be almost exclusively used to signify any ground upon which golf is played. These seaside links are the best adapted for golf, but there are many excellent inland courses laid out upon any land covered with turf which happened to be available. The extent and form of a golf-course are quite arbitrary, depending in a great measure upon the nature of the ground, which makes it impossible to find two golf-courses exactly alike. This dissimilarity, it may be remarked, is one of the chief pleasures of the game, because a visit to a strange links lends variety, and helps to bring out the judgment and skill of the golfer. Eighteen holes are recognised to be the full number a links should contain, but fifteen, twelve, nine, and even six hole courses are by no means uncommon. The lengths of some of the best-known courses of eighteen holes adding together the measure- 4 THE GAME OF GOLF mcnts from hole to hole vary from about two and three-quarter miles to three and three-quarter miles. With regard to the plan on which the holes are laid down, there is no iixed system ; on some links the first nine holes follow each other consecutively in an approximately straight line in one direction, and the remaining nine holes return in much the same line in the opposite direction, while on others they are placed irregularly as the ground permits. For instance, at St. Andrews, which is considered to lie one of the best eighteen-hole greens in the Kingdom, the course has the shape of a shepherd's crook, the players going out to the end of the crook and returning the opposite way; at Musselburgh, which is possibly the best nine- hole links in existence, the shape is something like an irregular oblong, three holes out, one across, four holes back, and one home to the starling-place; at North JJerwick and Levcn, both cigh teen-hole courses, the players go straight out and come back in lines parallel to one another; while at Sandwich, a splendid link'-;, the holes are placed irregularly, something in the form of a capital T. The examples given will convoy some idea of the form of a golf-links: but so long as the screen is laid out to test good play, the shape is quite immaterial. At suitable plains on the course tecing-grounds are marked oil' from which the play to each hole begins the first teeing-ground being the starting-point from THE GAME OF GOLF 5 which the game commences and at distances varying from 100 to 500 yards or thereby from these teeing- grounds putting-greens are formed, in which the holes are made into which the ball is to be played. The size of the holes, as tixed by the laws of the game, is four and a quarter inches in diameter, and at least four inches deep, and flags mounted on tall pins are placed in the holes to indicate their positions ; such flags must be capable of being lifted out when the players are on the putting-greens. Between the teeing-grounds and the various putting-greens there are, invariably, either natural or artificially formed 'hazards,' in the shape of sand-holes (or ' bunkers '), clumps of whins, and rushes or similar obstructions placed for the purpose of entrapping, and so punishing, badly played balls. The hazards sometimes extend right across the line of play, and at other times are to be found on either side thereof, the object being in the first case to catch topped balls (i.e. balls struck on the top, causing them to run along the ground instead of rising in the air), and in the second case to trap balls played too much to one side or the other. As the play from hole to hole is continuous, the tecing-ground for the second hole is generally near the first hole, the tee for the third near the second, and so on. The chapter on laying out and keeping golf-links contains fuller information on this subject. It is a curious fact that there are no written laws of THE GAME OF GOLF golf regarding the implements either clubs or balls- to be used in playing the game ; but it is safe to assume that only golf-clubs and golf-balls can be used. The mode of play has already been briefly explained. But there are two methods, viz. ' match play,' in which individuals contend against each other for holes, and ' medal play,' in which any number compete among themselves for scores. MATCH PLAY the most genuine form of golf admits of several variations. The most usual match is a sinyle that is, two individuals play against each other. They start at the first teeing-ground, and each tees his own ball on a small pinch of sand called a 'tec' sand for the purpose being provided at each tceing-ground. If they cannot agree which is to strike off first, it is usually decided by tossing up a coin. This privilege of playing first from the tee is called ' the honour.' Each player endeavours to drive his ball from the tee on to the putting-green, and to put it into the hole with the smallest number of strokes. The player holing his ball in the fewest strokes wins the hole; if both take the same number, the hole is said to be 'halved' neither wins it. The game proceeds from teeing- ground to hole until the full eighteen holes, of which it generally con- sists, have been successively played, or until the match is finished. The player who wins the greater number of holes wins the match : but if both win an equal number the match is said to be halved, or, in other THE GAME OF GOLF 7 words, is drawn. Except in the case of the tee-shots, the person whose ball is farther from the hole plays before the other. Thus it may happen that one of the couple, on reaching the putting-green, has played two strokes while his opponent may have played three or four, or even more; and it is also possible that one of them may have to take two or three consecutive strokes before his opponent again plays, until he puts his ball nearer the hole than his opponent's is at the time. After the balls have been struck off from the tee, they cannot be touched or moved with anything except the golf-clubs, save in the exceptional cases provided for in the rules, or subject to the penalties therein men- tioned. A good golfer can drive a ball any distance up to, roughly speaking, a couple of hundred yards, and when he gets to the putting-green he should be able to put his ball into the hole in two strokes. On reading this, many persons will no doubt think that golf is quite a simple game and simple it is, in theory ; moreover, to see golf played by a ' crack ' makes it look not only simple but also comparatively easy. But let it be tried, and it will then be found that it is not quite so easy as it looks. A golf-ball is not a large object, being only about an inch and three-quarters in diameter, and to hit it accurately when it lies clear on the green and accurately hit it must be to make it travel requires both skill and practice. I have said when it lies clear; 8 THE OAMK OF GOLF but the ball may not lie clear: it may be imbedded in grass, or it may have lodged in a 'cup' or small hollow in the ground, which considerably increases the difficulty of hitting it properly. Apart from mere hitting, the distance and the direction in which the ball is to be driven must be attended to ; because, as already pointed out, the hazards are intended and are always so placed as to catch badly played strokes; and if care and skill be not exercised, one is likely to find his ball in a difficult position out of which there may be some trouble in extricating it. In addition to all this, when getting near to the putting-green, or 'approaching,' the amount of force requisite to play the ball on to the green and yet not beyond it requires to bo judged; and in putting as playing strokes on the putting-green is called the requisite strength and the proper line of play to send the ball into the hole have to be nicely calculated. But the player who has obtained even a small degree of mastery over the game feels a keen delight in endeavour- ing to overcome such difficulties; and the same amount of satisfaction as is derived by golfers from well-played strokes is probably not to be found in playing any other game. In match play it is not usual t<> count the actual number of strokes taken. (-iolf has a language of its own. When a golfer plays the same number of sfmki-s as his opponent, he is said to play ' the like/ When both have played the satin/ number they are said to be THE GAME OF GOLF ' like as they lie.' When the one has played a stroke more than his opponent, he is said to have ' played the odds.' When he plays two or any greater number of strokes more than his opponent, he is said to play ' two more ' or ' three more,' as the case may be. Now, suppose one of the couple has played three strokes and the other live strokes that is, 'two more' and it is the turn of the former to play, he does not say, 'This is my fourth stroke against your fifth/ but he says, 'I am playing one oft' two.' Similarly, he may be playing ' one off three,' and so on ; of course, when he plays one off two, if he has again to play before his opponent, he then plays the like. In a 'hole game' it is not of the slightest consequence what actual number of strokes is taken; the only object each golfer need have in view is to get his ball into the hole in one stroke less than his opponent. Having played the first hole, if it is won, the person winning it is said to be 'one up,' and his opponent 'one down.' If it be halved, the match is ' all even.' If halved, the player who originally had the honour again drives off first for the second hole. If either party wins the hole the party winning it obtains the honour; and so the game proceeds from hole to hole until the match is finished. It is not always necessary that the agreed on number \J / O of holes should actually be played out to finish the match. Suppose, for example, that one of the players 10 THE GAME OF GOLF gets to be ' four up,' and there remain but three holes to play, he has won the match, because it must be ob- vious that even if his opponent were to win all the three remaining holes, the first supposed player would at the end of the round be still one up. In such a case the successful player is said to win his match by four up and three to play. Similarly, he may be two up and one to play, or seven up and six to play, or seven up and live to play, or any such combination. The match origin- ally made (called the long match) being finished a few holes from home, the remaining holes are generally played as a ' bye.' When a player is, say, three holes up on his opponent, and there are only three to be played, that player is said to be ' dormy three/ 'dormy four,' 'dormy five,' etc., applying similarly to the num- ber of holes he is up with the like number remaining to be played. When a player is 'dormy' he cannot lose the game: it may result in a halved match, how- ever, if the opponent succeeds in taking all the remain- ing holes. A golf-match is sometimes played by a 'foursome,' and, as the term implies, four persons engage in if, two playing against the other two. The play is in no par- ticular different from that in a single above described. except that, after the tee-shot, each of the two players who are partners take alternate strokes at the ball, and they drive off from the tees alternately. A three-ball match is another variation in which three THE GAME OF GOLF 11 persons play each his own ball, and the game may be arranged in two ways. First, each person may play against each of the other two, counting in the usual manner. Such an arrangement does not, however, make a very good match not so good as a single and it is somewhat troublesome to keep a note of the state of the game, as, of three players (who may be called A, B, and C, for the purpose of illustrating what I mean), A may be two up with B and three down with C, while B is one up with C ; and besides all this, it is a three sided match, and the adage about three being no company applies in golf as in other things. The second mode of arranging a three-ball match is for one person to play against the 'best ball' of the other two; that is to say: Suppose A, B, and C play a three-ball match, in which A plays against the best ball of B and C : if A takes live strokes to a hole, while B and C each take six, A would win that hole ; but if A takes five strokes, while either B or C also takes five and the other takes six or seven or any greater number, the hole would be halved : and again, if A as before takes five strokes, and either B or C takes only four, while the other takes more, then A would lose the hole. It will thus be seen that A plays against whichever of B and C takes the fewest strokes at any hole. This makes a capital match, if, in the case supposed, A is a considerably better player than both B and C. In a three-ball match of this descrip- tion there arc only two sides, and it is a hard match 12 THE GAME OF GOLF for the single ball to win, because the other side has two chances against his one. Four-ball matches arc sometimes, but not very fre- quently, played ; and in them sides are chosen, two balls playing against the other two, and the best ball on each side counting. It is not always the case that a golfer can iind an opponent of his own calibre, and when a good and an inferior player make a match, it is usual for the good player to give to the other 'odds/ depending upon their respective merits. This may be done in two ways,- first, by allowing him a certain number of holes of start, which they arrange between themselves. For example, A, a good player, makes a match with 15, an inferior player, and alloAvs him say live holes of a start; unless A beats B (counting play) by more than live holes he loses the match ; if he beats him by five holes (counting advtd play) the match is halved, 15 having that allowance; it' A beats 15 by four holes (counting < i cl (i nl play). 1! wins ihe match bv one hole, in virtue of his allowance; but. on the other baud, it' A finishes six up (counting ai'lnul [day'), then lie ('A) wins the match by one hole. The second method of giving odds is by giving strokes at certain holes to the inferior plavcr. Thus A may allow 1] 'a stroke a hole," that is to say, B's second at each hole will count as his first, and his third as his second, and so on ; or the allowance mav be a stroke at every alternate hole, which is called THE GAME OF GOLF 13 giving ' half one ' ; or it may bo a stroke at every third hole, giving a 'third' or any variation of this nature. Handicapping is more fully dealt with in the chapter devoted to that subject. It will readily be understood that if club competitions were conducted on the lines of match play it would not be possible, when a large number of competitors enter, to finish the competition in less than three or four days. The competitors would require to be drawn against each other, and to play successive rounds of the links until, by a process of survival of the fittest, the ultimate winner vanquished all his opponents. To obviate this, club competitions, with the exception of club tournaments, are usually played under MEDAL RULES. In medal play it matters not how many or how few competitors there are, as each individual player counts the number of strokes he takes to each hole, and the total for the eighteen holes forms his score. The player having the lowest score, either actual or after deduction of a handi- cap, is the winner of the competition. 'BooEY' COMPETITIONS. An innovation in competi- tions has recently been made by each competit( r playing against what is termed a 'Bogey' score. The method of play is as follows: The committee in charge of the competition fix a fictitious score for each hole, say four strokes for the first hole, six for the second, five for the third, and so on. This ' Bogey ' score usually represents par play over the green, and 14 THE GAME OF dOLF it is made known before the competition begins, so that each competitor knows what he has to do at every hole. Each player counts his score at every hole, and if he holes out at that particular hole in fewer strokes, or in the same number, or in more than the appointed number, he wins, halves, or loses the hole to ' Bogey/ as the case may be. At the end of the game the number of holes won from ' Bogey ' are placed against those lost to 'Bogey,' and the player who is the greatest number of holes up or the fewest down wins the competition. In competitions for prizes ties are invariably played off by the parties who have tied. In ties under ' Bogey ' play the cards of the competitors who tie may, however, be compared against each other, and the one who is up on the others declared the winner. But this can only be done with fairness when these competitors have actually played out every hole. The rule before stated in regard to the ball farther from the hole being played first, and as to the honour, ought to be strictly observed both in match and medal play, subject, as regards the latter, to the special rule for medal play (9). Although in medal competitions holes are not won or lost as in match play, the honour is invariably accorded to him who takes the fewest actual strokes to the previous hole. MATCHES BETWEEN GOLF CLUBS or (lolf Societies are frequently played. In these each club selects from its THE GAME OF GOLF 15 best players a team of a certain number agreed on beforehand, and arranges the players of the team in their order of merit, the best players being placed at the top of the list. The player first on the list of the one team is matched against the player first on the list of the other team, and so on. Each couple plays the full number of holes, and at the end of the play each team counts up the number of holes by which its individual members have beat their opponents, and the club whose team has the largest number of holes to its credit is the winner. It may be noticed that the OPEN GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP is played under Medal Rules. At present the play extends over two days, thirty-six holes being played each day, and the player with the lowest aggregate score is the winner. On the other hand, the AMATEUR GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP is played by matches. If the number of entrants be not such as will result in their being ultimately reduced to one, without byes at the later stages of the game, a sufficient number of byes is drawn at first to attain this object. The competitors are in the first stage drawn in couples, the defeated player of each couple being forced to retire at the finish of each stage, and the successful player of couple number one engaging the successful player of couple number two, and so on in successive stages until only one player remains, who is the amateur champion for the year. 16 THE GAME OF GOLF CLUB TOURNAMENTS by matches are played on lines similar to the Amateur Championship, the only differ- ence being that between each stage a week or more is usually allowed to elapse, so as to give the competitors ample time to play off their matches without incon- venience. CHAPTER II GOLF CLUBS AND BALLS THE first difficulty that presents itself to any one who desires to learn to play the game of golf is the choice of clubs and balls. In the older days this was a much simpler matter than it is now : the number of clubs was then limited ; there was a plentiful supply of good material for their manufacture, and there were only a few makers, all of whom had a thorough knowledge of their business. It was therefore unlikely that a purchaser, however little knowledge he had of the subject, would be put in possession of worthless clubs. He had only to go to any clubmaker, state what he desired the extent of his purchase being regulated by the length of his purse, and he was tolerably certain of getting good value for his money. Nowadays all this is entirely changed. Clubs arc placed on the market by numberless makers, many of whom have but a limited knowledge of the game or of what is required to play it properly; good, well-seasoned wood is ditii- B 18 THE GAME OF fiOEF GOLF CLUBS ANH HALLS 19 cult to get, and is expensive, so that temptations are placed in the way of makers to manufacture clubs out of inferior material. Numberless patent clubs, many of them contrived more to create than to supply wants, and other so-called requisites for the game, are put into the hands of the inexperienced, rendering it more difficult now than formerly for those who are beginning to play golf to get a really serviceable set of clubs. The best recommendation that can be given is see that only clubs of some maker of standing and reputa- tion are obtained, and, if it be at all possible, buy direct from the maker. Sometimes clubs are offered for sale at prices considerably lower than what clubmakers usually charge, but one ought not to allow himself to be led away by the idea of getting a cheaper article. It is not possible to produce a really good, well-finished club for a less price than that now charged by the best makers ; and it must be borne in mind that in clubs, possibly more than in anything else, the cheapest may in the end be the dearest. A practised eye and hand can have little difficulty in selecting a good club, but to the inexperienced all clubs seem more or less the same. It is the skill in selecting and shaping the wood, and the workmanship in putting together tho parts, that make the difference between good and bad. The illustrations, Figs. 1 and 2, on pages 18 and 20 respectively, show the different parts of a wooden and an iron club. 20 THE GAME OF GOLF A FI<;. 2, AN lRd\ GOLF CLUBS AND BALLS 21 A-fter giving a list of the clubs ordinarily used, and describing the various purposes for which they are intended, some hints will be given with the view of aiding in their selection. The principal clubs are the following, viz. : Driver, Brassy-niblick, Putter, Cleek, Iron, Mashie, and Iron- niblick. Of these the first three are made entirely of wood wooden clubs, and the remainder have iron heads iron clubs. Besides those enumerated in the foregoing list, the following clubs are frequently used; and, though not generally forming part of the indispensable equipment of a golfer, one or more of them is usually to be found included in a set. They are : Spoons, Driving-cleek, Driving-mashie, Putting-cleek, Putting-iron, and metal Putter, Driving-putter, Driving-iron, and Lofting-irou. All of these, except the Spoons and Driving-putter, have iron or metal heads. Until about ten years ago all clubs were made with straight faces, although no doubt they were sometimes made with more or less hook to suit the fancy of players. In the year 1884 the idea occurred to me of trying a club with a convex instead of the usual straight face, and having made such a club, I played with it during that and the subsequent-years in fact, I played with it at the Open Championship of 1S85. It may be of interest if the principle of this club, which from its shape has been named ' the bulger,' is 22 HIE GAME OF n shortly explained. In playing with straight-faced chilis it is found that if the ball be struck with the heel of the club it will fly, not in a straight line, but curving towards the right of the player; while if struck with the toe of the club it will curve towards the left. The convex face of the bulger is intended to counteract the effect of hitting off the heel or toe, and ensure straight flight. It must be kept in mind, however, that the bulger does not counteract deviation in flight caused by slicing or pulling, and indeed, a ball sliced with a bulger will travel with far more curve than if sliced with a straight-faced club. As time has gone on it has been found desirable to somewhat modify the shape of the heads, which are now made with rather less convexity or bulge than was customary a few years ago. Bulgers have been received by golfers with great favour, and their popularity has gone on increasing by leaps and bounds; they have very largely supplanted straight- faced clubs, and it is hardly possible to cite better evidence than this as to their good qualities. All wooden driving-clubs drivers, spoons, brass v- spoons, and brassy-niblicks are nmv usually made v.ith bulger heads; but bulger putters, although occasionally made, are less frequently seen, and are, in fact, seldom used. The bulger principle is as yet practically confined to wooden clubs; for although bulger clocks and irons have been made, they arc not. in general use, and do not appear to meet with the approval of players. Hi., .'i MciliKKN (iul.K Cl.fliS GOLF CLUBS AND BALLS 23 Patent golf-clubs have been mentioned, and it is pro- posed to refer to such of them as may be considered necessary or desirable as occasion requires. To give a complete list Avould be impossible, as each day sees the birth of some new patent ; and to describe the various clubs which have been patented, and their in- tended uses, would require a large volume devoted to that subject alone. No one, not even he who has just heard the word golf pronounced, will ever for a moment imagine that all the clubs before enumerated are identical in char- acter. As a matter of fact, they are very different : and while it is not possible to lay down strictly and definitely the exact purpose or stroke for which each must be used this depending greatly upon the skill of the player, I will endeavour to state the primary object for which each is intended. Fig. 3 shows a group of modern clubs, and an idea of the differences in their make may be obtained therefrom. The clubs shown are: Bulger Driver, Straight -faced Driver, Spoon, Brassy-mblick, Putter, Clock, Iron, Mashie, Iron-niblick, and Park's Patent Putter. As the simplest method of explaining such differences, the clubs arc dealt with categorically in the order in which they are above mentioned. The Driver, or play club as it is frequently culled, is the most powerful club of a set, and should have a line springy shaft, adapted in length to suit the player, and 24 THE GAME OF GOLF should have little or no loft on the face (i.e. the face should be almost perpendicular when the club-head is laid on the ground); consequently with it the ball can be driven a greater distance than with any other club. It is therefore used for the first strokes at each hole the tec-strokes, and also for playing through the green, where the ball lies clear enough to admit of its being used, and when the distance to the hole makes it an advantage to drive the ball as far as possible. The Brassy-niblick is made with a much smaller head than the driver. It has the face considerably 'spooned' (or sloped back from the bone to the top of the head) with the object of raising the ball in the air, and the sole is shod with a brass plate. The shaft is generally rather less supple than in the driver. It is used largely for playing through the *.~ i/ L \J o o green when the driver cannot be taken, and for playing out of small shallow holes or cups it lias no equal, the small head allowing it to pick up the ball better than any other club. Brassies as all clubs shod with metal are usually and briefly termed are really of modern invention. The brassy was first used on Mussel burgh Links. As many readers will know, its southern boundary is the highroad from Edinburgh to Haddington, and a ball driven on to the road had to be played as it lay. Being a hard macadamised road, playing oil' it with a wooden club and in these days there were few iron clubs GOLF CLUBS AND BALLS 25 frequently entailed the rather severe penalty of a broken club-head, and the genius of a certain gentle- man, whose ball got on to the road with great regularity, suggested the brass plate, which was found to successfully answer the purpose of preserving the club-head from injury. Brassies are therefore well adapted for playing a ball off a hard bottom, where an ordinary wooden club would be liable to fracture. The Putter, as its name indicates, is intended for putting, or playing short strokes on the putting-green. This club is the shortest of all in the shaft, and it is more upright in fact, the shaft is little more than at right angles to the plane of the head. The head is heavier, and the shaft very stiff; it should have none of that perceptible suppleness which distinguishes the shafts of all the other wooden clubs. It has been said that the head and shaft lie at little more than right angles to each other ; in the more modern putters the angle is greater, or, as it is technically expressed, the head is flatter. This is a matter depending entirely upon the taste of the individual player. The Cleek among iron clubs is what the driver is among wooden clubs. It is the longest of all iron clubs in the shaft, though not so long as a driver, and the blade has least loft, or pitch, as it is more frequently termed when speaking of decks. A cleek will thus drive further than any other iron club. The Iron is deeper in the blade than is the ckek, 26 THE GAME OF GOLF and has more loft. It will not drive so far as the clock, but throws the ball higher into the air. This is the o club most generally used for playing approaches. The Mashie is comparatively a modern club. It is shorter in the blade than the iron and has rather more loft, while it is larger than the niblick and has rather less loft, being in fact a compromise between the two. It is mostly used for short approaches, and for playing the ball out of whins and difficulties. Mashics arc made in various ways : some have round noses and some square: in the former case they are called mashie- niblicks the latter arc, however, the more useful for general all-round work. In playing approaches with this club few golfers take a full stroke, more usually limiting it to a half, or, at most, a three-quarter swing. The Niblick is used almost exclusively for bunkers and hazards, and is undoubtedly the best club for this kind of play. The head is small and round, not much larger than the ball. For bunkers it has no equal . but if it is intended to strike the lK VIK\V FIG. 13. THE DRIVE ADUIiKSSINi! TIIK HALL KKONT VIEW STYLE. OF PLAY 67 because the position depends upon the stature of the player, the length and lie of his club, and the length of his arms. The most particular direction that can be given is to grasp the club according to the instructions before given, lay the head down flat beside the ball, the arms being held easy, slightly bent at the elbows, and in towards the body rather than out from it as shown in Fig. 12, and take up the stance at such a distance from the ball as will enable it to be struck comfortably and easily in the course of the swing without either bending forward to reach it or cramping the swing by standing too near. The club being laid beside the ball, and the player standing as far back as he conveniently is able, will form a general index of the proper distance between the player and the ball. With regard to the stance, the ball should be opposite the player's body, and the feet so far apart as to ensure a firm hold of the ground without straddling the legs and without turning out the toes too much. These are the most particular directions I can undertake to give. To make the position more intelligible there are given illustrations (Fig. 12 side view, and Fig. 13 front vieAv) of the writer in the position for driving, or, as it is technically termed, 'addressing the ball' for a drive, and a diagram, or what may be called a ground-plan (Fig. 14). In the diagram (which is drawn to a scale) the line of play is indicated by aa, and li is the ball. 68 THE GAME OF GOLF The relative distances between the feet, and between the feet and the ball, cannot be laid down by actual measurement to suit every one ; but the scale will enable the curious to make exact measurements of my stance, although, I am afraid, they will not profit very much therefrom. The illustrations and diagram will convey FIO. 11. TIIK IllUVK DIAGRAM OF POSITION a better idea of the positions than can be obtained from pages of description, and all 1 propose to add is that the position should be easy. A comparison of what has been written with Figs. 12 13, and 14 will probablv draw forth the remark that STYLE OF PLAY 69 my. own stance only complies very generally with the directions given, and this I am quite willing to admit. I say it is not possible to lay down hard and fast lines all that can be done is to give a very rough outline of the fundamental position. It will be observed that I place the ball nearly opposite the heel of my left foot- about a couple of inches more to the right and that the right foot is slightly advanced. That is my own particular style; but it is far from my intention to dogmatise and say that, because I adopt it, it is the only right one, and that all others are wrong. The ball may be moved to the right or left of the place shown in the diagram, and the feet may be placed in the same line, or either the right or the left foot may be advanced. These are merely variations of a funda- mental principle, and do not mark a defective or bad style unless exaggerated. This much I may say, however, that it may be taken as a general rule, that if the feet are placed in the same parallel line, it will be found that the ball should be teed almost exactly opposite the left heel; if the right foot is drawn back the ball will be placed slightly further to the left, and if the right foot is advanced the ball will be placed somewhat more to the right. This rule, I need hardly point out, must be applied with discretion. It is possible to draw back or to advance the right foot to such an extent as to make a comfortable stance an impossibility, and in the same way it is possible to 70 THE GAME OF GOLF move the position of the ball to the left or right of the line of the player's left heel so much as to render accurate hitting of the ball extremely unlikely. A few inches to one side or other of the position indicated in the diagram may be regarded as covering the limits of any desirable alteration. The exact position of the ball opposite the player depends upon his stance, as, if the right loot be drawn back and the ball placed much to the right of the left heel, there is great danger of the club face hanging over the ball and foundering it; and, on the other hand, if the right foot is advanced and the ball placed to the left, there is an equal danger of the ball being hooked. The older writers on the subject recommend the placing of the ball opposite the player's left heel, and the feet in a parallel line; but, to my knowledge, many of the finest players of bygone days stood with the right foot in advance, and teed the ball to the right of the position indicated by these writers. This mode of standing with the right foot in advance is becoming more and more popular, and the majority of our best players adopt that stance. My experience of the different positions leads me to the strong belief that the best stance is that with the right foot slightly advanced and the ball placed a little to the right of a line drawn out from the left heel, and for these reasons: The other position (which cor- responds to 'off the left leg' in approach play) develops a wild style of golf, and a strong tendency to pull the Kit;. 1"). --TIIK niiivK MI;, I.AIIM.AY AIMUIKSSIM; Tin; r.Ai.i. STYLE OF PLAY 71 bali, because it discourages a proper follow -through. Owing to the right foot being so far back, the player cannot at the end of the swing front the direction in which he desires to drive, and the body pivots on the left foot, thereby encouraging the club to swing round the body. On the other hand, the position which is recommended viz. that off the right leg leaves the player at the end of the swing fronting the direction of the drive, and in as nearly as possible the position any one would take up who intended to walk after his ball in the line of flight, thus enabling the arms to be well thrown out after the ball, and encouraging a follow- through. The object of the follow-through is hereafter explained. While expressing these views in regard to driving off the left leg, I feel bound to state that Mr. J. E. Laidlay adopts that position ; in fact, I believe that, were it not for his play, there would be fewer references to this particular style. Than Mr. Laidlay there is not a steadier or a better golfer, as is amply proved by his achievements during the past number of years. Mr. Laidlay has somewhat altered his stance within the lust year or two, but it is still ' oft' the left leg.' An illustra- tion (Fig. 15) and a diagram (Fig. 1C) of Mr. Laidlay 's position when addressing the ball are given. The over- lapping of the fingers in the grip of the club, shown in Fig. 15, is, it may be noted, peculiar. Mr. Laidlay and J. H. Taylor, the present champion, are the only two players I know of whose ringers overlap in this 72 THE GAME OF GOLF manner. When writing on the subject of stance, I cannot refrain from stating the opinion that although too much stress cannot be laid upon the necessity for a good stance, it is frivolous to endeavour to take up exactly the same position as some celebrated player, or even to take up exactly the same position for every FIfi. It'. I UK I>lll\E MA(iKAM OK MH. l.MI'I AY' drive. Speaking for myself and I am confident that I am expressing at the same time the views of brother professionals --[ take up a stance which is always the same in character, and from which I fed. ns 1 address the ball, that 1 can hit it; but I never think of the distance on*' foot is from the other, or how much the STYLE OF PLAY 73 right foot is advanced, or the distance the ball may be to the right or left of any particular spot, although I am. conscious that these distances are not always pre- cisely the same. Like other players, I have to humour myself and the game in this matter, and I cannot think of a surer way of courting foozles than that of worrying about getting into exactly the same position for each stroke. I have not yet referred to the position of the legs. Fig. 12 will show that I stand with my legs straight, but just eased at the knees, and the body erect; but it is more usual, and equally good, to see the legs slightly more bent at the knees. I repeat again that the whole position must be easy and comfortable, and not stiff' or awkward. The position above given, it has already been pointed out, is that for driving or playing the long game. In approaching and putting some variations are necessary, and will be referred to in the proper places, viz. in the chapters dealing with these subjects. I call the changes in position which will be described 'variations,' because I do not regard them as being of sufficient im- portance in character to make them actually different stances. There have now been described the grip, the position of the ball, and the stance, and the only remaining subject to be dealt with in this chapter is the swing. One speaks of striking the ball, but this scarcely conveys <4 THE GAME OF GOLF an accurate idea of what is required to be done in play- ing golf. No doubt the ball is struck, but the stroke should be as little as possible of an up and down motion, and should be of such a nature that the ball is swept away in the course of the swing. The ball is not to be hit as if it were desired to drive it into the ground. The player should rather have in view to swing his club as if to drive something through the ball from behind in the intended line of its flight. What is required is a sharp, quick hit, with a sweeping motion, not a heavy, ponderous stroke. It is the rapidity of the downward swing that propels the ball, and the greater the velocity with which the club-head is travelling at the moment of impact, the greater will be the distance driven. A good swing is as graceful a position as is to be seen in any sport. It is desirable to have as long a swing that is to say, to have the club-head travelling in as large a circle as possible, because the club gathers speed as it descends, and the further it has to travel the greater will be its velocity. This is what makes a half swing objectionable; but it is nevertheless possible to have too long a swing, as, for instance, when the club is swung so far back that the player loses control over it. When this happens, there is bound to be a loss of force, and such a swing is less effective than a shorter one. And now to describe the swing. The player, grasping the club in manner before indicated, and standing in the position before pointed out, will have n<;. 17. Tin; DKIVK THK ror UK THK S\VIN<; STYLE OF PLAY 75 his arms, slightly bent at the elbows, hanging down in front of the centre of his body, his right shoulder slightly depressed, his body just a little bent forward from the hips, and his knees relaxed, all to such an extent only as will give ease to his position. It may be stated that Mr. Laidlay holds his arms not opposite the centre of his body, but somewhat to the left, and this is a natural consequent of his style of play. The player must now swing the club up over his neck or top of his right shoulder until the club-shaft is at right angles with his body, or is across, but not touching, the top of his shoulders. Fig. 17 shows the position at the top of the swing. It has already been said that the club must not be swung with an up and down motion, but with a sweep ; and, to carry this into practice, the club-head must be swept back along the ground as far as the arms will permit, until it begins to rise towards the shoulder, the arms being allowed to go well out from the body with the swing, and, as the club rises, the elbows and wrists bending, the shoulders turning round so far as is necessary, and the body easing at the hip- and knee-joints, the left knee turning inward, and the left heel rising off the ground as much as is required to facilitate the swinging round of the club. The right elbow should be kept in to the right side until it is carried out in the course of the swin<\ O ' but it should not be allowed to rise above the shoulder, even at the top of the swing. Fig. 10 shows the position 76 THE GAME OF GOLF the right arm should be in at the top of the swing. I may repeat that the grip of the club must be cased, as before pointed out, as the club travels round. I have recommended that the club be swung until it is in a horizontal position across the top of the shoulders; if, however, the swing can be continued beyond this until the club-head dips, good and well, but if it be felt that going further round than is above indicated tends to allow command over the club to be lost, the swing should not be carried further. The turning of the shoulders, the easing of the body at the hip- and knee- joints, and the raising of the left heel off the ground should not be more than is suilicicnt to enable the club to be swung round with comfort. Attention has been drawn to the position of the right arm at the top (or the full extent backwards) of the swing, and it has been stated that the elbow should be held in to the side until the raising of the club carries it up; the raising of the arm should follow the club in its upward motion, and should not precede it. If the arm be raised and followed by the club, the result is thai the whole of the right arm is brought inlo such a position that, the joints jam, and prevent the swing of the club being carried round in manner above directed. This is the upward part of the swing. In making it the body should not be inclined to tin? right side; the backbone should be kept steady, and should form, 1 t/ - STYLE OF PLAY 77 as it were, a pivot round which the shoulders and body turn as far as is required for the easy accomplishment of the swing; the head should be kept as steady as possible, and the action of the shoulders, arms, wrists, and legs should be merely with the view of allowing the club to go round, and not a primary part of the swing. These parts of the body should, so to speak, be carried round by the club, and the movement of them should in no case be precedent to, but should follow, the club. It is too common to see the swing begun by raising the left heel off the ground ; this is beginning at the wrong end. The downward part of the swing is an exact reversal of the upward motion. As the club comes down, the whole position of the player reverts to that from which he originally began the upward swing, until the point is reached from whence it began (at which, or immediately after which, the ball is struck), and the downward swing is thereafter continued in what is technically termed the follow-through that is, a new upward swing in continuation of the downward is commenced over the left shoulder to a certain extent. This upward swing over the left shoulder or follow- through is the exact converse of the upward swing over the right shoulder, tlie player's body turning in the course of the follow-through till ho faces the direction in which the ball is driven. The club-head, arms, and body should be thrown out or follow on in 78 THE GAME OF GOLF the direction in which the ball is driven, and in the course of this there will be the same easing of the body at the hip- and knee-joints, but exactly the converse of what has been before stated, and the heel of the riirht O foot will be raised off the ground. Fig. 18 shows the end of the swing. A good follow-through is essential to playing a powerful long game ; it prevents the ball being undercut, helps to give it a longer night, and, most important of all, it ensures straight driving ; because, when the follow-through is properly carried out, the club-head travels after the ball in the same line in which it is intended to be driven. My father, William Park, senior, who, it is well known, was one of the straightest and longest drivers of his day, carried out the principle of the follow-through to such an extent that he used frequently to run a yard or two after his drive. It has been urged that, in the upward swing, the club-head should be swept back along (he ground as far as possible. The reason for this is that in the downward swing the club-head will instinctively be made to travel over the corresponding line that it has traversed in the upward swing; and it is one of the greatest, elements in long and straight driving that the club-head should travel in the intended line of flight of the ball as long us possible. The annexed diagrams (Figs. 19 and 20) will give a better idea of my meaning. To illustrate the point more forcibly they arc some- what exaggerated, but the exaggeration helps to show HC. IS. TIIH DRIVK Till. KNI) OF THE SWINC STYLE OF PLAY < 9 what I- mean. The circles do not show the full extent of the follow-through, but are broken off' about half- way up. With the view of making the club-head travel longer in the line of intended flight, some golfers, instead of FIO. 19. THE KIND OF SWING THAT IS NOT DESIRABLE TOO UP AND DOWN (The line represents the curve described by the club-head) keeping the body steady and pivoting the shoulders round the backbone, sway themselves towards the right as the club goes up, recovering their original position as it conies down. Theoretically this should improve the swing, but, practically, experience teaches that anything gained by so doing is counterbalanced by (1) the slow- ness of the movement of the body, and (2) the inac- so THE GAME OF GOT.F curacy entailed, and consequent difficulty of hitting the ball truly, which is the essence of perfect and steady play. Although for the sake of being explicit the swing has been divided into upward and downward, it must not F:H. 20 Tin: ri:ori:i: KINI> or SWIM;, viz. ONK THAT \vu i. SWKEI' int: UAI.I. \\v\-\ (Tlic line represents tlic curve described by the r-luli-hrad) ho supposed that, there is to be anv pause between these two parts: the whole swing from the beginning of the upward raising of the club to the end of the follow- through aft IT the downward sweep should be one casv, smooth, rhythmical motion, without any jerking, and without being dislocated or cramped in anv part. The STYLE OF PLAY 81 club should be swung backward at a good speed, but without jerking and without undue rapidity, and at the end of the upward swing the downward should be immediately commenced without pause, the downward speed increasing in rapidity until the ball is struck. I believe that a great number of faulty styles of golf arise from the fact that there is an effort made to put force into the downward swing from the moment of its commencement. This, I think, is a mistake, as the club should gather speed, and consequently force, as it descends, the greatest amount of force being put into the stroke just before impact with the ball say within a foot or two of it. As the club comes downward the player will feel his wrists straightening, and this is the most crucial part of the swing. If he wishes to drive well he must get his wrists into the stroke, and give the ball a sharp click just as it is struck. A writer on the game assiduously teaches that the club should be taken back slowly. ' Slow back ' is his motto for golfers. With all deference to his opinion, I do not think that this style is one which can be adopted with benefit. Some of our best players have had very ([iiick swings, but none of them at any stage of their career have to my knowledge had a slow back style. I believe that in the swing, as in most else connected Avith the game, there is virtue in keeping to the middle course. It may be argued that professional teachers of the game tell their pupils to take the club back slowly ; but this, it will bo F 82 THE (JAME OF GOLF found, really amounts in their case to an injunction not to jerk the swing. It is not possible for me to catalogue the various bad habits into which golfers fall. I can only warn my readers against one or two of the more common faults, and point out what appears to me to be the correct style. In addition to the defects incidentally alluded to in the course of this chapter, there are two into which young players are more than usually prone to fall, and against which 1 drsire to warn them. One is bending the body from the waist in the act of swinging. When the club goes up they pull themselves into an erect position, and when it conies down they bend forward. The player who does that will nine times out of ten miss the ball: it is absolutely fatal to accuracy. The other is moving the position of the feet on the ground in the act of swinging. It is equally fatal to accuracy. I do not refer to raising the heel of the foot ofV the ground, but to an actual change in the position of one or other foot or both. These errors are the stumbling-blocks of a great many young players. There still remains to be pointed out an important difference in regard to swings. If a number of golfers be carefully observed, it will be seen that some swing the club round their heads, some round their shoulders, and others round their bodies (sec Figs. 2i. 17. and 22). The majority of players adopt the second-men- tioned st vie that is to say, when the top of their rn:. _'!. A SWINC Korsi) THK HKAU-THO HICH FIO. 22. A SWING ROUND THK BODY TOO LOW STYLE OF PLAY 83 swing is reached, if they then paused, the club would be found to lie across their shoulders. Similarly with the others : the club would be found higher up or lower down, depending upon whether the swing was a high one or a low one. Players with differences of this kind may all be equally good golfers. But what is the effect of these differences ? The circle described by the club is probably the same in each case, but in the case of the swing round the body it is a circle less perpen- dicular or more laid on its side than is the case in the swing round the shoulders. It therefore appears that it is more likely to pull or slice the ball than is the more perpendicular circle or swing, and the lesson to be derived from all this is to play with as upright a swing as is consistent with fair hitting. With a very upright swing, such as round the head (Fig. 21), there is some danger of a twist creeping into the style, which must of course be avoided. It is not possible to have an absolutely perpendicular swing, nor, as above pointed out, is it desirable. It will be remembered that the nearer a golfer stands to the ball, and the more upright a club he uses, the more perpendicular must be his swing. In swinging the club it should not at any part of the swing touch the body. I know players who invariably touch their shoulders at the top of the swing, so much so that their club-shafts thereby become bent ; but this is a very bad habit, and should be discouraged. S4- TDK CAMK OF <;<>LF It is scarcely possible to contract n worse fault; tho touch with the body puts the whole mechanism out of joint. An error golfers sometimes fall into unconsciously is that of lifting the club quickly up at the end of the downward swing, and throwing the bodv over to the right, instead of following through. The result of this is that the ball is ' whipped up' and driven into the air. Some players are unable to cure themselves of the habit, and endeavour to counteract the effect by teeing the ball towards the right foot. This, no doubt, helps to lessen the evil: but it is better to break oneself oil' the bad habit, and cultivate a follow-through. Slicing the ball is caused in most cases by a fault of swing, the fault in this case lying in drawing the arms in towards the body, instead of following through ( Fig. 23). Slicing appears to impart two motions to the ball. The face of the club at the moment of impaet is travelling forward: but it is also, owing to the drawing in of the arms, travelling across the ball from right to left, and the result of the two motions is that the ball is propelled forward with a spin upon it, and whenever the forward motion is to any extent exhausted, the spin takes et'l'ect and causes the ball to circle to the right. Pulling or hooking may be caused by turning the body round at the end of the swing, after the fashion of a man using a scythe, or by pulling round the left arm. or b\- turninir in the nose of the club as Kl<;. ~2'A. HAIM.Y Sl.U'KJi STYLE OF PLAY 85 it hits the ball. Here, again, a spin is put upon the ball, making it circle to the left. If the arms are thrown well out after the swing, neither slicing nor pulling can take place, and the ball is driven with a forward motion without side spin. The face of the club should not be hung over the ball. It is a fault which some players who drive off' the left leg have. They hold their hands too much to the left of their bodies, thus making the face of the club lie over the ball. No doubt if the stroke is got away the ball is kept down and not driven high, but the more usual effect is to founder the shot. After taking up the stance, it is usual to rest the head of the club for a moment behind the ball, and then give it a preliminary waggle over the ball. The resting of the club allows a better aim to be taken for the stroke ; but care must be taken that the rule in regard to improving the lie, except in the case of teed shots, is not infringed. The object of the waggle is to make sure that the club and arms are free ; it is, in short, a sort of trial swing, or, as it has been aptly termed, a preliminary canter before entering upon the race. It is better to take a slow, sweeping waggle than a quick, jerky one, and it should be done with the wrists only. The waggle should be of the briefest possible duration, as it is always a mistake to hang over a stroke. At the same time, the waggle is not unnecessary, as it steadies the player before actual}}' making the stroke. 86 THE GAME OF GOT.F The ball should be hit with the centre of the face of the club. The maker's name is a good guide for the point of impact. If hit near the heel of the club the ball will go straight a certain distance, and then curve round to the right in the same way as if it had been sliced, and if it be hit near the toe of the club the stroke will likely be pulled. Some players always aim at the ball with the extreme toe of the club, and while swinging foil forward with their bodies, so that the ball is accurately hit. This is a serious fault, and one which grows alarmingly ; and though possibly one may not feel the effect at the time, he should instantly discourage such tendency, as he may afterwards find his play seriously affected, and the habit more difficult to break through. In playing with iron clubs it will be found advisable to take a somewhat shorter swing, and to grasp the club more firmly. It is perhaps scarcely necessary to say that the essential and elementary principle in all golf is, Keep your eye on the ball. This rule has been refined to the extent of saying, Keep your eye on the exact spot of the ball you intend to hit that is, behind the ball; but doing so seems to add a needless complexity to an otherwise simple rule. In concluding this chapter I will summarise the actions usual to playing : Having taken up the proper stance (in doing this, do not fiddle about with the feet STYLE OF PLAY 87 over much), and got the right grip of the club, botli of which will soon become instinctive, rest the club- head behind the ball for a moment, to make sure that the ball is within reach ; waggle the club over the ball once or twice ; again rest the club-head behind the ball for an instant, and s\ving. CHATTER IV Tin: LONG GAME THE expression 'the long game' is applied to driving, or strokes off the tee, and to play through the green, or the intermediate strokes between the drive and the approach to the hole, with the exception of play out of hazards. Tt is fairly descriptive of the nature of this part of the game, in which the object is to propel the ball as far as possible with each stroke. Jt can hardly be denied by any one who has played golf, that of all the different parts of the game none gives greater pleasure than long driving, although accurate approaching and putting conduce more to the winning of matches and low scoring. The golfer \vho does not feel a sensation of keen gratification, of superiority of power and skill, invest his whole bodv when lie gets away a long straight drive, must indeed be unimpressionable. After years of plav I still am able, and hope that 1 shall always be. to experience such feelings. One is told of miraculous drives of MOO yards and upwards ; indeed, drives are spoken of as it anv- thini: short of that figure were hardlv worthy of notice. THE LONG GAME 89 Although I can drive 'as far as my neighbours, and whiles a bit further,' I frankly say that I cannot, and never could, drive 300 yards, and I am convinced that no man can, unless under exceptionally favourable circumstances. An extraordinarily long shot may be made now and again, but experience proves that 200 yards is about the average limit of really long driving ; 170 or 180 yards may be considered first-class, and anything over 150 yards is fairly good. Reference is made to the second chapter, in which suggestions are given with the view of aiding in the selection of clubs. In addition to what is there stated, it may be added that a driver with a fairly stiff shaft will be found the most useful. A club with a supple shaft may possibly drive a longer ball with greater ease, but it renders the play very much more unsteady, and against a head or a cross wind there is an increased risk of pulling or slicing. Erratic driving counter- balances, on the wrong side, any advantage in extra length of stroke obtained by using a supple club, and therefore a golfer will never regret his driver being somewhat stiff. If, however, he insists upon having a supple shaft, the best advice that can be given to him is to swing easily, and, above everything, refrain from jerking, as his club will not permit of liberties being used. For foozled drives less excuse can be offered than for any other mistakes. Tn the case of the drive alone, 90 THE GAME OF GOLF with a single exception applicable to play in medal competitions, every opportunity is afforded for making a perfect stroke. Within the limits of the tceing- ground the position from which the ball is to be struck can be selected, and a tee used with the object of permitting the best possible stroke to be taken. If, therefore, a mistake is made, the player lias himself, and himself only, to blame. The importance of getting away a good drive at each hole can hardly be overrated. What are the respective positions of one golfer who has got away a ' screamer ' for a tee-shot and of another who has topped his ball ? The first feels elated and confident, and able for almost anything, and besides, his ball is about a couple of hundred yards nearer the hole than when he started ; the latter feels dejected, and has to play the long odds to his opponent, and indeed may consider himself lucky if he has not to extricate his ball from a hazard and then play the two more. A lew topped or dutVed tec-shots will break d<>\ni any but the most determined and hardened ), and the other of the end of it (Fig. '>4). The essence of the stroke lies in hitting the ball smartly and quickly: and the more quickly the ball is hit, the more back spin is put upon it, therefore the higher will it be lofted, and the shorter distance will it travel. If the face of the iron be looked at after playing, it will be found that the mark made on it is not a round mark, such as is made, for example, in playing a full deck shot; it is a sort of oval smear from the bottom towards the to]) of the blade, as if the face of the iron had forced itself under the bull before the latter had moved. This, I anticipate, is what actually does happen: and hence, as above stated, the more <|iiicklv the stroke is plaved the more back spin is put on the ball. The stroke will bean utier failure unless the club-head gets well under the bull. On a soft green such a stroke can invariably be played uith success; but on a hard green, and out of a bad lie. it is ditlicult, but not. impossible. Such strokes can best be plaved with a lofting-iron. The alternative mode of plaving approaches is 'off KI<;. .'W. CUTTIM; Tin; KKKT FROM IT THK TOP OF TIIK SWIM; --"j; KIC. 34. <.'t'TTIN<; TIIK KKKT KIIOM IT Till) KM) OK THK SWIM UIIAI 11, OIK TIII-: I.KIT LK<. MK. I.AIHLAY AIH'liKSSINC Till; HALL APPROACHING 115 the left leg.' The best exponent of this style is Mr. Laidlay, and the illustration (Fig. 35) and diagram (Fig. 36) represent that gentleman's position. In this case the weight of the body is thrown upon the left leg, and the club is held toward the player's left side. Mr. Laidlay prefers to play approaches with an iron that has not a great deal of loft on it, thus getting a FIG. 30. THE APPKOACH DIAGRAM OF MR. LAIDLAY'S POSITION comparatively low shot, and allowing the ball to finish with a run after the pitch ; but for lofted approaches he invariably uses a mashie. Mr. Laidlay believes strongly in what he terms " shoulder shots," which are similar to the stroke men- tioned at page 110. He considers that they arc most useful and deadly, especially in a wind, and his opinion on this matter is of great weight. By these shots a 116 THE GAME OF GOLF long distance can be got out of a clock or iron without taking a full swing, and hence they are very useful to men who begin golf when up in years. Every one will easily understand what has already been pointed out, that approach strokes must vary considerably in length, depending upon distance from the putting-green. With regard to long approaches there cannot be much difficulty, because one is tied down to the club that will drive the ball the distance ; but in shorter approaches one has a choice of clubs at his command, and on this subject I should like to say a few words. First and foremost, I should not in any case, save for long approaches, recommend the use of a spoon. In former days the baffy was used almost exclusively for all approaches ; but why ? because it was the only suitable club at the com- mand of golfers in those days. Now that we have cleeks and irons the baffy has disappeared almost entirely. I do not know any present-day golfer of note who uses it regularly. The reason for this principally lies in the fact that more control over the ball is obtained with an iron club. Further, I think that the nearer the ball can be kept to the ground in playing short approaches, the more precision can be obtained. Hence it is better to skiff up a ball with a cleek than to pitch it with an iron. Nay, more, if a putter can bo used, don't use a cleek. I am old enough to remember Bob Ferguson of Musselburgh in his best days, and APPROACHING 117 the marvellous precision with which he used to run up his approaches with a putter ; and even before Bob Ferguson's day, I remember my father playing the same strokes in the same way, and with the same precision. Using their putters did not spoil either of these golfers in his iron play. Bob Ferguson's iron play at North Berwick, where he used to pitch up balls when he could not run them with his putter, is still fresh in the memory of many. I quote the play of these golfers to show that I am not advocating a theory which has not been tested and proved sound. Regard must always be had to the nature of the ground between the place where the ball lies and the hole, and upon that will depend the club to be used. If a putter be used, the ball will not, of course, rise at all. but will roll along the ground ; if a cleek be used, the ball will rise but a few feet, depending upon the length and consequent strength of the stroke, and will roll a good bit after the pitch is exhausted ; while, using the iron, the stroke will be pitched up to the green and roll a comparatively short distance. On a hard green, running up will be found most successful, because it is difficult to pitch a ball dead off an iron, and should it happen to alight on any irregularity it may shoot forward or may bound off in any direction ; hence the superiority of running up, because there is much more forward motion on the ball, and it will not, if it hit some irregularity, be deflected to such an 118 THE GAME OF GOLF extent as if pitched. There is also this advantage, that, the straighter the face of the club, the less is a ball affected when not quite accurately struck, and it is easier to judge the distance that is to say, an error in calculating the strength tells less against the stroke. The more pitch there is on a club the less striking surface is presented to the ball, and the more is any mistake magnified. The diagram (Fig. 37) will show more clearly what I mean. A and B represent blades B A FIQ. 37. THE EFKKCT OF PITCH ON IRON CI.t'BS of equal depth of two iron clubs, A having very little pitch and B a good deal. Now, while almost the entire surface of A is perpendicular and available for hitting the ball, in the case of B owing to the pitch the perpendicular height of the blade when in posi- tion for play is reduced to about two-thirds of that of A. This is what makes it difficult to use irons with a great amount of loft. The iron is undoubtedly the best all-round club for APPROACHIXO 110 playing approaches, and where the ball requires to be lofted, it, or a similar club, must be used ; but this fact does not detract from what I have said above. On courses where the ground is soft, and possibly the putting-greens are surrounded with rough grass, it is not possible to play cleek or putter approaches the ball will not run ; and in these cases it must be pitched on to the green. On such greens, however, owing to their soft nature, the ball can generally be so played to advantage, and the golfer attempting to use his cleek or putter Avill be at a corresponding disadvantage owing to the ball catching in the soft ground. In all approach play remember the motto, 'Be up,' unless there is some good reason to the contrary. It is quite possible, and indeed frequently happens, that an approach may be holed out ; but unless it is up, this can never occur. A golfer should always keep in mind his own strength or weakness, and should never allow false pride to interfere with his play. There is no disgrace, and often not even implied inferiority, in not being able to play so long a cleek shot or so long an iron shot as another man, and he should select the club he is to use in approaching entirely irrespective of the club his opponent or any other player may use. One player may take a half cleek or an iron shot, where another will require a full cleek shot ; but the latter should not allow this to deter him from takincr a full cleek shot. 120 THE GAME OF GOLF There is a great temptation to emulate the play of a stronger opponent. For short approaches a mashie may be used ; but it is more ditlicult to handle than an iron, owing to the smaller size of the head and the amount of pitch. I do not wish to say anything that can be construed into advocating divots being cut out of links in play, but I believe that it helps to steady an approach, especially when the ball is to be pitched, if a little turf is taken with the stroke. Do not dig deep into the ground, but just take the surface off the turf. It ensures getting under the ball, and lessens the danger of pulling or slicing; but, above all things, see that the turf cut is replaced and firmly trodden down. CHAPTER VI PUTTING REFERENCE to the rules of the game will show that the putting-green is defined as the ground within twenty yards of the hole, excepting hazards. Putting applies strictly to play upon the putting-green, the strokes themselves being called putts. While this is the strict meaning, the verh to putt is sometimes used in a descriptive sense; for instance, an uncertain player is frequently told when his ball lies within fifty or sixty yards of the edge of a bunker, which he probably will not be able to carry, ' Just putt up to the bunker/ or he may be similarly advised Avhen he has an approach to play, 'Just putt it up.' Such strokes are not putts within the real meaning of the word, but the expression well applies to the kind of stroke intended to be made, namely, one that will roll the ball up. In dealing with the subject, my remarks will apply only to putting in its strict sense. Attention has already been directed to the necessity for playing approaches with accuracy; still greater, 121 122 THE GAME OF GOLF however, is the necessity for good putting. A stroke is defined as ' any movement of the club which is intended to strike the ball ' ; a drive of a couple of hundred yards and a putt of six inches equally count a stroke, not- withstanding the disparity of distance. It will easily be understood how a few badly played putts will make all the difference between a good and a bad score. Two strokes on each green may be regarded as the proper allowance for first-class play, three strokes means that one too many is taken; and if the latter number be required at each hole, it makes a difference of eighteen strokes on the round. It has before been stated, when treating of the subject of approaching, that a golfer who can lay the ball near the hole with his approaches has a chance of saving a stroke on almost every putting- green against an opponent who does not play this part of the game so accurately, provided always that he can putt well ; the proviso is most important. Unless the golfer is able to follow up with good putting the advantage gained by his approaches, the benefit is quite thrown away, and he is not in any better position than is his opponent who is less skilful in that particular part of the game. There is not a great number of holes on any links which require, bar hazards and mistakes, three strokes to reach the green from the tee; and leaving the diilerenec to the score altogether out of account, it must be very humiliating to most players to know that they have required MS many strokes to rover the last twenty PUTTING 123 yards of distance as it has taken them for the previous four or five hundred yards. Putting is therefore probably the most important part of the game, as no player who putts indifferently can ever hope to excel, however proficient he may be in driving and approaching. It thus behoves golfers to pay great attention to putting. Putting has changed a good deal of recent years. Formerly the only club used was the wooden putter. In more modern times innovations in the shape of putting-cleeks and iron putters began to appear, and these have now to a large extent displaced the older implement. It is difficult to say whether the change is for the better or not. The upholders of the old wooden putter defend it with great zeal, and the believers in putting-cleeks are equally assertive of the merits of their club. Both are probably good in their way. For a long run up of thirty or forty yards or so, or even further an approach putt, in fact the wooden putter is still unequalled, and I also think that it is a good club to use where the putting-green is perfectly true and smooth. There is this disadvantage, however, that if the ball happens to lie in a nick it is apt to jump off a wooden putter. For the putting-cleek, it is claimed that it has all the advantages of the wooden putter, and that the ball can be '-.opt under greater control when played off" iron than oft' wood. I incline to believe that this is correct, and I have found that 124 THE GAME OF GOLF with a putting-cleek the ball can be hit harder in proportion to the length of the putt. On a rough green this is a distinct advantage, as, more strength being put into the stroke, the ball which will travel with greater speed and will pull up more quickly is less liable to be deflected by inequalities of the ground. My belief is, shortly, that for good, smooth greens the wooden putter is stiU able to hold its own, while for rougher greens a putting-clcek can be used to greater advantage. Taking all things into account, and if a golfer desires to use one club only for putting on all greens, I would recommend him to adopt a putting-clcek as likely to prove the more useful for all-round play. A putting-cleek is preferable to an iron putter, and should have a little loft on the face. Some players use an ordinary cleek for putting, but by doing so they put themselves to disadvantage. The fiat lie of an ordinary cleek is against proper control being obtained over the ball, as it necessitates standing too far from it; the long shaft, too, is apt to catch and spoil the stroke, and on an ordinary all-round cleek there is usually rather more loft than is desirable for [Hitting. For putting, the grip of the club may. subject to the remarks made in Chapter IIL, be taken to be the same as that for driving and approaching, so far as the position of the hands is concerned. There is, however, the very import ant difference that the right hand Kli;. IK ITTTINC -AliDKKSSIXli T1IK li.VU. PUTTING 125 should hold more firmly than the left, thus reversing the rule for the grip in other parts of the game. Putting should be almost all done with one hand, because, when both hands are used, the one acts against the other; the right hand is the hand which guides the club, and guiding the club is everything in putting, especially in short putts. With regard to the part of the club-shaft to be grasped, there is the greatest possible diversity of practice. Some players grip the putter just above the neck, and crouch down to play ; others stand erect, and grip the club at the extreme end; and players may be seen with grips all over the shaft between these extremes. I do not think either extreme conduces to good play, and neither is graceful. The putter should be grasped on the leather at such a place as to give the player easy command of his club without contorting his body. The stance differs slightly from that for either driving or approaching. It is shown by the illustration, Fig. 38, and the diagram, Fig. 39. Here, as in the former case, 6 represents the place of the ball, and aa the line of play. It will be seen that the feet are placed much closer together, that the ball is nearer the right foot and also nearer the player, that the right foot is placed considerably in advance of the left, and that the knees are more bent. In this position, which is the one usually adopted, the weight of the body, 126 THE GAME OF GOLF while supported on both legs, is mainly borne by the right leg. Off the left leg may now be regarded as a recognised position for putting. It is sometimes adopted by players who drive and approach off the right leg ; and while I do not recommend that different styles should be cul- tivated by the same person for different parts of the F!0. 39. PUTTING DIAGRAM OF POSITION' game, varying the attitude docs less harm in putting than in anything else. We constantly see the best players altering their stance from time to time, and putting equally well from all positions; in the short game there is the greatest scope for golfers humouring a passing fancy, provided a stiff and cramped attitude is not acquired. Mr. Laidlay is again our authority, FKJ. 40. I'UTTINC, OFF THK I,KFT LKC MK. I.UIH.AY A I >l IKKSSI M : TIIK liAl.l. PUTTING 127 and an illustration (Fig. 40) and a diagram (Fig. 41) of his position are given. As in approaching, the body is thrown over to the left and the weight rested on that leg. A few years back Mr. Laidlay's position was different, but always ' off the left leg.' He stood with the ball almost opposite the toe of his left foot, and placed the right foot behind the line of the left, and not in front as above shown. I may remark, how- ever, that his putting has not suffered from the change; it is still of the same characteristic deadli- ness as formerly. There are two methods of putting in vogue : the one is putting for the hole itself, and the other is putting over a line to the hole. Holing a long putt is a matter of secondary consideration; the proper play is to endeavour to lay the ball near the hole to 'lay it dead,' in golfing language, with the view of making certain of getting it down with the next stroke. This is subject to the remarks to be hereafter made. On the other hand, all short putts ought to be holed, and a proportio n, varying according to their distance, of putts of average length ought also to be holed. For all putts the proper way is undoubtedly to play over a line to the hole. In explanation of this, it may be stated that, in the intervening ground between the hole and the bull, there must be a spot over which the ball will pass in its course to the hole. This spot, which shows the line to the hole, having been ascertained, all that is 128 THE GAME OF GOLF required to be done is to play over it with the requisite strength to reach the hole. It is not permissible (see Rule 33) to place any mark or to draw any line as a guide ; but even on the smoothest and best kept greens it is always possible to notice a blade of grass, or some- thing of this nature, which will serve as a guide. Such a mark should be selected comparatively near the ball, because if it be far away one may as well not have it, i~ir,. n. rirriNi; DIAGRAM OF MK. LAIPT.AY'S but play directly on the hole: it is intended as an aid. There need not be any hard and last rule which the player must observe in taking the line to the hole; but it will be found that the best way is either to stand behind the ball and look over it towards the hole, or to stand at the other side of the hole and look over it towards the bull. I prefer the latter mode. Standing in this position, it will not be ditHcult, after some little PUTTING 129 experience, to see the imaginary line which the ball must trace on its road to the hole ; and somewhere in this imaginary line, near the ball, a spot or mark such as I have spoken of before should be selected. Keeping the spot in view, the ball should be played over it with sufficient strength to reach the hole. Upon the strength may depend the proper line to the hole, as, if the putt is ' bolted,' the line will be straighter and more direct than if it is ' dribbled/ There will of course be great diversity in the nature of the ground to be traversed in the putts, and allowance must always be made for any irregularity or obstruction which lies in the way. A slight cup in the green may turn the ball off, or a ridge may make it impossible to get the ball down. In some cases the green may be found to lie on an incline or slope, the putt re- quiring to be played across. In such cases the line of putt will not be straight as on level ground, because when the ball is played forward it will at the same time roll down the slope ; hence it is necessary to play up the slope a sufficient distance to counteract the falling off, or, in technical language, it is necessary to 'borrow.' The line will be a curve, the curve beginning at the ball and ending at the hole. Having selected the spot to be played over, and estimated the strength required to reach the hole, the face of the putter should be adjusted accordingly and the putt played. It is usual to rest the club in front of the ball for an instant 130 THE GAME OF GOLF just before playing, and it is now settled that doing so is not a contravention of Ilule 34; the practice is, I think, a help to good putting. It is, however, very much a matter of taste and opinion. If the putt be dillicult, or if it be an important one, it is worth while to take some trouble with it. It may be an advantage to study the line both from the hole to the ball and vice versa, so as to ensure accuracy. At the same time it must be remembered that the line from each point of view will not necessarily be the same, and both may be correct, as there may be, and very often is, more than one road to the hole. Where both views give the same line, there can be no difficulty ; but where each shows a different line, the player must exercise his own judg- ment as to which he will take. As I have said before, I invariably adopt the line seen by looking from the hole to the ball. Golfers who desire to play the short game steadily and accurately will never regret taking plenty of time to their putts. It is a grand mistake to play hurriedly. At the same time I do not counsel an undue amount of time being spent near the hole; there is a limit beyond which one should not go, and hanging over a putt is by no means to be recommended; but plenty of time and care should be bestowed upon seeing that the proper line is obtained, and in placing the putter in the proper position. After this has been done play at once. If unnecessary time be taken, the putt is apt to grow more PUTTING 131 and more formidable-looking every instant, and when once such a feeling grows over the player, he may bid farewell to the hope of holing. He must also remember that he is not the sole occupant of the links, and must have some consideration for the players who are follow- ing up behind. The art of putting lies to a great extent in the player having confidence in himself. If he goes up to his ball in the full belief that he can and will hole his putt, he has a better chance of doing so than if he is troubled with doubts about this and that rough place his ball has to cross, and if his vision is obscured by the dread of a missed putt. If he dreads the putt, the longer he hangs over his ball the worse it will appear, and the less likely is he to hole it. One of the secrets of putting is to hit the ball, and the ball only a sclafty style of putting is fatal ; and, with the object of making absolutely certain of avoiding it, rather aim to strike the globe just the least thing above the ground. The ball should be smartly tapped with the putter, the stroke being played entirely from the wrists ; and it should neither be struck a slow, heavy blow, nor shoved, nor should it be jerked. Care should be taken to see that the putter is drawn straight back in the line of play, and brought forward in making the stroke in the same direction, so that only a forward movement is imparted to the ball ; if this be not attended to, the ball may be sliced or pulled in exactly the same way as 132 THE GAME OF GOLF in the long game, and with similar effect, the result being that the ball will go past the hole instead of in. After having got the line of play and adjusted the head of the putter thereto, a rinal glance may be given over the line to the hole, just to make sure that everything is correct, and to gauge the requisite strength ; but keep the eye on the ball when making the stroke. The face of the putter must not be inclined in, so as to hang over the ball. It is not a good system of putting to dribble the ball into the hole. A putt should be boldly played, and the ball should strike the back of the hole and fall in ; one constantly hears a player being coached to ' play for the back of the hole/ and it is one of the golden rules of golf, which has been handed down to us from former generations of players. When the putt is dribbled, there is no way on the ball, and the least inequality of the green will turn it off the line. There is another trite maxim for golfers, which has the like savour of antiquity, viz. 'Never up, never in'; unless there is some excellently good reason to the contrary, such as the state of the green on the other side of the hole, a putt should never under any circumstances be short. If the ball be not up to the hole, it cannot possiblv go in. A well-played putt which misses the hole should be, in the case of putts of long or average distance, fivm a couple of feet to a foot past, and. in the case of PUTTING 133 short putts, about six inches past. Not being up is characteristic of a weak game, and, I think, helps to break down a player much more than does being too strong. A putt down hill is somewhat difficult to negotiate, because it cannot be played boldly, but must be dribbled, and there being little pace on the ball, it is apt to be deflected off the line of play. These down-hill putts frequently require little more than that the ball be put in motion, and, gathering speed as it goes, the ball, if it misses the hole, will often roll out of holing distance for the next stroke. I prefer to play such putts with an ordinary cleek, as enabling back spin or bottom to be put on the ball, which helps to check its rolling too far. A little judgment and forethought will often obviate the necessity for having such a stroke to play. One should endeavour to avoid playing the ball into such a position that a down-hill putt will be the result, and should rather try to keep the ball at the low side of the slope, leaving a putt up hill, which can usually be boldly played with success. It is on the putting-green that there occurs the position of the balls known as a stymie, and which is shown by the illustration, Fig 42. After being struck from the tee, the ball furthest from the hole must be played rirst, and a stymie is caused by the opponent's ball lying on the putting-green between the hole and 134 THE GAME OF GOLF the ball that has to be played. According to Rule 20, when the balls in play lie within six inches of each other, measured from their nearest points, the ball nearer the hole shall be lifted until the other is played, o no. 42. A STYMIE and shall then be replaced as nearly as possible in its original position. It will thus be seen that when a stymie has to bo played, the balls must be at least six inches apart, There are two ways of playing stymies : the one is by using a putter or deck, and putting on sufficient heel or pull to screw the ball which is being played round the opposing ball ; this, however, is seldom successful, unless both balls are a few feet from the hole, and there is sufficient distance between them to permit of the heel or pull taking effect, or unless the nature of the green helps the ball to curl in to the hole. The other method and it is the best one is to loft tlie ball which is being played over the opposing ball. This stroke is best played with a lofter, or, in default of L \1 that club, an iron or niashie. The club must be grasped firmly, as for putting, and the ball struck sharply from the wrists, the strength being proportionate to the PUTTING 135 length of stroke. In stymies near the hole some players loft the ball right into the hole, while others prefer to make it loft on the green just short of the hole, and roll in. Both methods are equally good, if successful. Where the balls lie at the distance of a yard or so from it, it is hardly possible of course to loft the ball into the hole, and it must be lofted over the opposing ball and allowed to roll in. The stroke is by no means so difficult as it appears to be 'at first sight, and with a little practice one will be astonished to find how often he can negotiate a stymie successfully. The chief requisite is nerve. The taking out of a couple of balls and practising stymies is, however, quite a different matter from playing one in a match. The stroke is a very delicate one, and the least inaccuracy means a foozle, and the danger, which is great, of either missing the hole and running out of holing distance for the next stroke, or, worse than that, of hitting the opposing ball and knocking it into the hole. Even the best professional players will seldom play a stymie, unless they require to hole in that stroke to obtain a half. I would therefore say to every golfer who has been laid a stymie, and the opposing ball lies dead, if he has to play the odds, he must risk playing the stymie, because it is his only chance to halve the hole ; but if he is playing the like, he is better to putt past the opposing ball with the view of laying his own dead, 136 THE GAME OF GOLF and so making absolutely certain of a half, than to risk playing the stymie, with the possibility, on the one hand, of being successful, and so gaining the hole, and the chance, on the other hand, of foozling and losing the hole not getting even a half. CHAPTER VII PLAY OUT OF HAZARDS A GOLF-LINKS entirely devoid of hazards would be a very poor place indeed. Notwithstanding the amount of abuse lavished upon all hazards in general, it is to their presence that the game owes much of its interest. When I refer to hazards in this manner, I mean legitimate hazards judiciously placed ; because a links, otherwise good in character, may be entirely spoiled as a first-class green owing to artificial hazards being formed, or to natural hazards being interposed, at improper places. The one object of the hazard ought to be that of punishing a badly played stroke, and in a subsequent chapter I shall deal more fully with this subject. There is no player so perfect but that at some time or other he is bound to get into difficulties. Among first-class players, lie who gets into the fewest difficulties ought to be the best. The getting into a hazard ought not to seriously affect a golfer's chances of success in any competition, provided he does not repeat the mistake too frequently; and yet how many instances could bo quoted of even a single error in this direction ruining a 137 138 THE GAME OF fJOLF score which, till then, had left little to be desired ! The punishment meted out in a hazard is twofold : in the first place, the golfer is penalised by the additional stroke or number of strokes required for extrication; and, in the second place, he is penalised by the mora 1 effect it has upon his game ; the latter is frequently by far the more severe punishment of the two. At nearly every competition we may hear golfers say, ' I played a good game till I got into that bunker.' This, translated into plain English, means that the moral effect of getting into the hazard was to break up the player. Upon a hardened golfer there should be no such effect. Before beginning the game, he must be well aware that he cannot hope to avoid every hazard ; but he ought also to know that any mistake he may make will not cost him more than one stroke, and he should never lose his head and allow his play to become loose on that account. It should have quite an opposite effect : he should rather endeavour to make up for his mistake by playing a more perfect game. Hazards arc denned in the rules of the game Rule 15: 'A" hazard" shall be any bunker of whatever nature: water, sand, loose earth, molehills, paths, roads, or railways, whins, bushes, rushes, rabbit-scrapes, fences, ditches, or anything which is not the ordinary green of the course, except sand blown on to the grass by wind or sprinkled on grass for the preservation of the links, or snow or ice, or bare patches on the course.' This PLAY OUT OF HAZARDS 139 rule must be read in conjunction with Rule 14 : ' When a ball lies in or touches a hazard, the club shall not touch the ground, nor shall anything be touched or moved before the player strikes at the ball, except that the player may place his feet firmly on the ground for the purpose of addressing the ball, under the penalty of the loss of the hole.' It will be seen that the last quoted rule prohibits the club being rested behind the ball, with the view of taking a good aim preparatory to the stroke being played. The object of this is pretty clear; it is intended to prevent the position of the ball in a hazard being improved. Take the example of a ball in a sand bunker. Here the ball, getting into the hazard, is practically certain to imbed itself more or less in the sand, and, if the club-head were rested behind, the sand would be pressed down, making the extrication of the ball comparatively an easy matter. When a ball gets into a hazard, the one thing to be kept in view is to get it out. A great deal depends upon the position in which the ball is lying ; sometimes it may be lying so badly that even to extricate it is a matter of considerable difficulty, while at other times it may be lying practically teed. Whatever the lie may be, the player should never allow himself to forget the primary object in view, and to be beguiled into attempting to try a difficult stroke with the view of making more of it. Such strokes usually fail, and leave the ball where it was before in the hazard. 140 THE GAME OF GOLF The most legitimate and ubiquitous hazards to be found on golf-links are sand bunkers. The sand in these is seldom smooth, but is generally pitted all over, more or less deeply, with footmarks of previous golfers walking through them, and into one of these footmarks the ball of the erring player usually finds its way. The best club to use, as before pointed out, is a niblick foiling that, a inashie. It may be considered somewhat absurd to speak of the stance and grip of the club when playing out of a bunker; but as some goiters maybe troubled with doubts on this head, I have thought it well to say a word or two on the subject. Where it can 1 ic done, the position to be taken up should be the same as that indicated in the chapter on play through the green. The stance should, however, be taken up closer to the ball, and the club should be grasped on the leather firmly with both hands. A too short grip of the club takes away from the leverage afforded by the shaft ; it is essential that a firm footing be obtained. It will not always be possible to take up the position desired, owing to the lie of the ball, which may be close to the side of the bunker, and in that case the player must suit himself to circumstances and stand as best he can. He may have to play with a foot in the bunker and a knee on the raised side of it. There is even said to be a case of a goiter playing with one foot placed on the back of his caddie. For the truth of this, however, I cannot vouch; but. in u recent match, the referee refused and, PLAY OUT OF HAZARDS 141 I think, rightly to permit of such a thing, which was suggested. Where the ball is not imbedded too deeply in the sand, and where there is no opposing side (or face, as it is generally termed) as may be the case in a shallow bunker the ball itself may be struck; but when it lies buried, or when there is a face over which the ball must be lofted, as will invariably be the case in a deep bunker, the sand behind the ball, and not the ball, must be struck, and the club-head dug deep into it. The force of the stroke is communicated to the ball through the sand, and results in its being baffed out. It is important to keep in mind that the further behind the ball the stroke is delivered, and the deeper the sand be dug into, the higher will the ball rise in the air, and the less distance forward will it travel. There is, of course, a limit of distance behind the ball within which such a stroke will have any effect, and the effect depends on the consistency of the sand ; but if the sand be the ordinary dry sand to be found in bunkers on a seaside links, the hit should be made from an inch to a couple of inches behind the ball, depending upon the height of the' face to be surmounted. The stroke should not be played with a sweep, but with an up and down motion; in fact, the head of the niblick should come almost straight down behind the ball. In these strokes out of bunkers every ounce of strength at the command of the player may usually be put into them without much risk of failure. A weak stroke in 142 THE GAME OF GOLF a bunker is useless, because the sand takes off so much force that the ball will probably not even be moved, and the more force, therefore, that can be exerted the better. I do not mean to encourage wild hitting, as accuracy is as desirable in this as in other parts of the game. It may be laid down as a hard and fast rule that a full stroke should always be played when the ball lies in a bunker, whether it is desired to drive the ball out as far as possible, or whether the bunker is close to the hole being played to. In the latter case, it may be that all that is needed to put the ball near the hole is to get it out of the bunker; nevertheless, I would still say, take a full stroke, and regulate the distance by the amount of sand taken that is, if a long shot be desired, hit the ball, or as near the ball as is possible, and if it is desired merely to get the ball out, hit deeper into the sand a little further behind it. This is to be regarded as a general rule, and subject to obvious exceptions ; for instance, if the ball be lying fairly clear, on smooth sand close to the putting-green, in such a case a carefully played wrist shot with an iron or mashie would probably give a better result than any other stroke. I have already pointed out that a ball in a bunker may sometimes bo found teed; such a ball is not to be li<'htlv regarded. The safest course is generally to ilav O */ O v 1 \s it in the same way as any other bunkered ball, and to attempt nothing more than mere extrication from the PLAY OUT OF HAZARDS 143 hazard. Many players will, however, not be content with this, but will endeavour to make more of the stroke, and for their benefit I would make the following remarks. It is of course obvious that a club with sufficient loft must be used if there is a face to clear, and in that case a cleek or an iron will be the proper club to take, as circum- stances may require. There may, however, be cases where the bunker is shallow and there is no opposing face where the ball is, in fact, rather in a sandy lie than in a bunker and then I consider that a brassy is the best club to use, if the ball be lying clear enough and if distance be required. I know some golfers think that a wooden club should never be used when the ball lies in sand, but with these gentlemen I cannot entirely agree, and for this reason: the sharp, narrow sole of an iron club tends to plough its way deeper and deeper into the sand if the ball be taken the least bit heavy, and thus the force of the stroke is lost before the ball is reached ; whereas, when a brassy is used, the broad sole prevents, to some extent at least, the club from cutting into the sand, and helps to make it skiff over the surface. The aim must, in playing these teed balls, be accurate, and the ball swept away as in driving as cleanly as possible ; it is sur- prising how much force will be taken out of the stroke if the club catches the sand ever so slightly. A ball lying in water is the subject of special rules; but these rules do not derogate from the right to play 144 THE GAME OF GOLF the ball as it lies, if this be possible and preferable, in the option of the player. Rule 21 rims : ' If the ball lie or be lost in water, the player may drop a ball under the penalty of one stroke.' The method of dropping a ball is regulated by Rule 19, which states: 'When a ball is to be dropped, the player shall drop it. He shall front the hole, stand erect behind the hazard, keep the spot from which the ball was lifted (or, in the case of running water, the spot at which it entered) in a line between him and the hole, and drop the ball behind him from his head, standing as far behind the hazard as he may please.' It can hardly be supposed that any one will elect to play a ball out of water, unless it be out of a small, shallow pool, such as may have been caused by a shower of rain. Out of such a pool there is no reason why a good stroke should not be got, pro- vided the player is willing to run the risk of a little splashing. There is, however, less danger of getting splashed than might be supposed, as the water will bo thrown forward with the stroke, and very little will toiieh the player. I have no special advice to give on the subject of playing such a stroke, except that an iron club ought to be used, and the eyes must bo kept open. The latter recommendation seems somewhat absurd; but there is an involuntary disposition to dose the eves as the club comes down, presumably to avoid the splashing. Paths and roads are enumerated am<>n<_r hazards. If PLAY OUT OF HAZARDS 145 there be no stones to prevent it, the proper club to use for playing off these is a brassy. Get well down to the ball, and do not be afraid of hitting the ground. A club is much more liable to be broken through topping the ball than by sclaffing, even when the surface is hard. A ball among stones is a very difficult one to play. Stones, in fact, are not a golfing hazard at all, and there should practically be no circumstances under which a ball can get into this position. In the majority of cases it will be unplayable. If, however, there is the possi- bility of extrication, a niblick or mashie should be used, and attention paid to the accuracy of the stroke. After sand bunkers, whins are probably more fre- quently met with than any other hazard. Bushes, rushes, and hazards of this nature may all be classed together. There is a good deal of chance in the posi- tion in which a ball may be found in these ; sometimes it may be unplayable, and at others a good stroke may be got. Everything depends upon the position of the ball. An iron club should almost invariably be used, and the general rule that extrication is the object to be attained should be kept in view. In rushes and long tufty grass a ball may sometimes be found lying teed on the top of a tuft. Like a teed ball in a bunker it is not to be trifled with. If the stroke be taken heavy, the club will cut right under the ball, and cause it to jump into the air without travelling any distance. K 146 THE GAME OF GOLF Take plenty time to the stroke, and hit the ball as accurately as possible. To these last-mentioned kind of strokes a brassy may sometimes be used. The club should always be held firmly, to prevent the possibility of its being turned by catching an ob- struction. It is not always necessary to play a ball straight forward out of a hazard. This may at times be im- possible; and it will frequently be more advisable either to play it forward in a slanting direction, or to play out to one or other side, or even to play back. The ball should be played as it will in the circumstances best go. There is a good deal of scope for the exercise of individual ingenuity, and a golfer who keeps his wits about him may often make more of a ball in a ditH- ctilty than at lirst sight seems possible. But the elementary principles having been stated, lie must deal with each contingency as it arises, according to his own judgment. CHAPTER VIII GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME To write a chapter of general remarks on the game might become a very serious undertaking were no limit placed upon the nature of the subject. This book is intended as a guide to golfers in playing, and hence the general observations I have to make will be strictly confined to what may be of service in this way, and to such matters as cannot be conveniently dealt with in any of the previous chapters matters which apply to the game as a whole, and not to any specific part of it. The chapter will necessarily to some extent be disjointed, but this I cannot well avoid. Accidents will happen to the best of players : clubs will break, and balls will be lost. What can be more annoying, or can handicap a golfer more severely in a match, than the breaking of his driver just after starting for the round, and the having to play the rest of the game without an efficient substitute ? To pro- vide against breakages and similar contingencies, it is well to carry a spare driver and brassy. In playing friendly matches, and in practice games, the breaking 147 148 THE GAME OF GOLF of a club is of less importance than in playing in a competition ; and, in the former cases, one may choose rather to run the risk of breakage than to burden him- self with extra clubs. The carrying of additional clubs is no doubt a consideration where caddies are not to be had; and, if he objects to this, he must weigh up the advantages and disadvantages in his own mind, and act accordingly. With regard to balls, it is a safe plan never to take out fewer than half a dozen. Not only is there the risk of losing one or two, or of them split- ting or becoming unplayable, but it is a fact that the life of a ball is of very short duration. A few hard strokes, or a badly topped one, and the ' life ' is out of the ball, after which it will neither drive nor putt so well as it ought to. Speaking for myself, I may say that, when playing an important match, I seldom or never use the same ball for more than four or live holes; and of course, if I happen to hack one in a bunker, I put down a fresh one at the first opportunity. I know many amateurs who follow this rule in play- ing in club competitions. The old balls do well enough for practice. In golf there is a great deal in fancy. If one takes a dislike to a club, he will never play well with it while the dislike lasts ; and, on the other hand, if he takes a fancy to any particular club, be it driver or brassy, he will probably play better with it than with any other club he can get, and will use it to good purpose for almost any GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME 149 kind of stroke. In such circumstances he cannot do better than humour his fancy. Undoubtedly the best and speediest way to learn golf is to obtain the services of a professional who is willing to act as a ' coach,' or to ask the assistance of a brother golfer who has attained some proficiency. An experi- enced eye will point out faults and the remedies for them, which it might take a beginner a long time to discover for himself. There is no better method of acquiring a good, free style, than by practising swinging the club, a mark of some kind being placed on the spot which the ball should occupy in actual play. Even for golfers who have long passed the initial stages, there is no better exercise than this ; it brings up and hardens the muscles, and will add some yards to the length of the drives. There is very little good to be derived by a beginner from playing rounds of the links until he is able to handle his clubs properly ; he will derive much more benefit from practising the various strokes. After he has acquired the proper style of swing, he can take a few balls and go to an unfrequented part of the links, where he will interfere with no one and no one will interfere with him, and there practise drives, brassy shots, and iron strokes. He will attain proficiency much more rapidly in this than in any other way, because he will more readily see where he makes any mistake, and he can again at once play another stroke of the same nature, correcting his previous error ; whereas, if ho 150 THE GAME OF GOLF is playing a round of the links, the stroke he desires to perfect may occur only twice or three times. Of course, to practise putts, it is necessary to be on a putting-green ; but opportunities for this can usually be obtained by choosing a day and hour when few players are on the links. There is no better mode of acquiring instruction than by watching the play of a good golfer. A great deal is to be learned from seeing a good match. After a beginner has got to the stage of know- ing the game, he cannot expect to derive much good from anything but steady practice, and he must not be disheartened because he practises a long time before becoming perfect. The game will come to him all at once, more probably than by a slow process of improve- ment. Some day he will find he can play a much better game than he has hitherto done, and from this point onward improvement will be more rapid, until, by continued practice, he reaches a state of proficiency. ITe must not be disheartened because he sometimes goes oft' his game. Such a temporary lapse is common to all golfers. Tt is of great advantage to be able to play straight, and to be able to play the ball to any place desired. The most famous golfers have been remarkable for tliis more than for long driving. Long driving is not within the reach of all ; it requires physical strength princi- pally strength of wrist but straightness and precision of play can be cultivated by any one with a good eye GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME 151 and hand, and conduce more to good golf than long driving. Golf, like all other outdoor games, is affected to a very great extent by the weather ; but it is possible to play during all seasons of the year and in all weathers, unless, indeed, the ground is deeply covered with snow. A slight covering of snow of an inch or so deep does not prevent devotees enjoying their game, red balls instead of white being used. I do not mean to say that the game is under such circumstances a test of skill, but it is then a healthy exercise if nothing more. The weather may be said to affect the game in two ways : firstly, indirectly, by changing the condition of the links; and secondly, directly, by interfering with the play. Upon the first head it may be remarked that, as will be obvious to every one, dry weather and sunshine make the ground hard, and the putting-greens exceed- ingly keen. Under these conditions the long game can be played to most advantage, as the ball will usually roll a considerable distance on the hard ground ; but the advantage obtained thereby is more than counter- balanced by the increased difficulty in playing the short game approaching and putting. It is not easy to make approaches, especially pitched approaches, lie near the hole, and with keen, slippery greens putting becomes very uncertain. On the other hand, yhen the ground is soft or wet after rain, the balls fall almost dead oft' drives and long strokes they practically run no distance ; 152 THE GAME OF GOLF but this again is compensated in the short game- approaches can be boldly played with success, and putts can generally be run up to the hole with confidence. Upon the second head, heat and cold affect players differently, and so does wet ; but the chief factor to be reckoned with is wind. Wind not only affects the player, but it also catches the ball. A big man fares worse in a windy day than one of less stature, because, in the former case, it gets a greater hold of his shoulders and interferes with his swing. On very stormy days some men have difficulty in keeping their feet during the swing. But on the bah 1 the effect is most visible in driving, in approaching, and in putting. Driving with the wind, it is of course possible to get longer strokes, while against the wind the distance is very considerably diminished ; and in this latter case, if the ball is not truly struck, and if there is any slicing or pulling, the effects are much intensified. If the ball be accurately hit, wind, whether blowing against the line of play or across it, will deflect the flight to a comparatively trifling extent. With a cross wind blowing from the player's left a sliced ball will certainly be a long one, but its course will be nearly semicircular; and if allowance be not made for this, the ball may be found as far from the hole as is the tee from which it has just been played. Similarly with a wind blowing from the player's right with a pulled ball. With favouring winds experienced golfers occasionally heel GENERAL REMARKS OX THE GAME 153 or pull their drives intentionally, with the object of getting longer strokes. Before attempting to do any- thing of the kind in a match, it is as well to make sure that the advantage to be gained is worth the risk, and also to be tolerably certain that success will attend the effort, as the condition of a golfer who plays for a pull but happens to get on a slice or heel instead is not to be envied. Playing for either heel or pull is a dangerous habit, and not to be encour- aged save under exceptional circumstances. When it is done, due allowance must be made for the deflected flight of the ball. This as regards driving, and these remarks apply, though in a lesser degree, to approach- ing. As regards putting, a putt with the wind will require only a gentle tap as compared with a similar putt against the wind ; and if the wind blow across the putt, allowance must be made for the ball being blown off the direct line. In driving with the wind a spoon or lofted club may be used with advantage, so as to get the ball well up in the air, and secure the benefit of the wind drifting it along towards the end of the carry. But in driving against the wind the lower the ball can be kept the better. A deep-faced club with a stiff shaft is best for this. Some players prefer, when driving tee strokes against the wind, to play a hanging ball, and others stand more over the ball- that is to say, they keep it nearer their right foot. I think the latter device is good, but the former is too 154 THE GAME OF GOLF risky. As I have said in a previous chapter, a lower tee should be taken, and be sure to play with a good follow-through. One sometimes hears it said of a successful golfer that he ' plays with his head as well as his hands,' and the meaning of this remark is too obvious to require explanation. There are many little arts in golf which may be studied, and the attention to which will con- tribute to improve play. I do not for a moment suggest that any unfair advantage should be taken, or that \J even doubtful expedients should be resorted to, though within the strict letter of the law ; the arts I refer to are quite legitimate, and matter of everyday practice. When a golfer finds himself pitted against a long and strong driver, I would say, Do not fear him unduly. It is no doubt somewhat terrifying and disheartening to be matched against such a player ; but golf docs not consist of long driving; there is no disgrace in being out-driven, and one may make up for deficiencies in the long game by more accurate approaching and putting, which, as I have stated before, tell more than any other parts of the game. One should not even be afraid to meet a stronger all-round player than himself He should play his o\vn game entirely irrespective ot his opponent, and if he cannot avoid being beat he should make as good a show as lies in his power. This applies with particular force to play in competi- tions for score. It requires some modification, as is GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME 155 hereafter pointed out, when the game is by holes ; and it may be proper to run risks to save the loss of a hole or of the match. Even when a golfer plays against one Avho is ad- mittedly and undeniably his inferior, he should beware of regarding the match too lightly. There is a good deal of luck in the game even on the best greens, and a match is not over till it is won. I could quote cases of players being eight holes up with nine holes to play, and yet losing the match all through a contemptuous re- gard for their opponents. Some golfers play with great determination and pluck, and it is possible to realise too late that, an inferior opponent, who has been held too ' cheap,' has by steady play made the match his own. It is a mistake, generally speaking, to run risks that can be avoided, and on this principle it is better to avoid a hazard if nothing is to be gained by playing over it. Cautious play of this description is usually termed 'pawky,' and my experience of pawky players is that they are very dangerous opponents. As before pointed out, a ball must not be teed in front of the marks laid down, nor on either side of these marks, nor more than two club's lengths behind them. Two club's lengths are, roughly, a couple of yards, and a couple of yards may mean all the difference between driving over a hazard and driving in. It is a mistake, therefore, to throw away distance by teeing further behind the marks than is necessary to secure 156 THE GAME OF GOLF a good toe. It may, however, be an advantage to cret */ ' O r> as far back as possible, as, for instance, at a short hole, where a full cleek shot would not reach the green, and a driver or brassy stroke would carry past the hole. In such cases it may be expedient to tee as far behind the marks as is allowed, and play with a brassy ; but L \J i/ ' this is one of the cases in Avhich a player must use his judgment. I would again counsel golfers to remember that it is better to get a ball a few dozen yards nearer the hole, out of a difficult position, than to try too much and run the risk of a miserable foozle. Rule 11 enacts: 'In playing through the green, all loose impediments within a club length of a ball, which is not lying in or touching a hazard, may be removed, but loose impediments which are more than a club length from the ball shall not be removed under the penalty of one stroke.' It is well to take advantage of the power to remove loose obstructions; even if the}' do not actually interfere with the stroke, they arc apt to catch the player's eye, and distract his attention from the ball. Whether playing against a stronger or a weaker opponent, I consider that it is always an advantage to have the honour or privilege of driving first. If the opponent is a longer driver, one is spared the temptation, which is difficult to resist, of pressing to avoid beinir out-driven. T may illustrate this by an example whicli GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME 157 fell under my own observation. A fairly good amateur golfer was playing against a professional, who allowed him a stroke at every other hole. The amateur got the first honour, and kept it for the first two holes. The professional won the third hole, and going to the fourth drove off first. He was a longer driver by some yards than the amateur, and the latter pressed to get away a long shot, with the result that he topped his ball. For the next five holes the professional held the honour, and at each of these five holes the amateur foozled his drive. I can attribute this to nothing else than pressing with the view of emulating the professional's driving, and indeed this was perfectly obvious to every onlooker. On the other hand, when the opponent is not a long driver, the moral effect of being out-driven may be such as to influence his play very considerably, as was the result in the case above instanced. It is a curious fact that golfers very frequently drive into a hazard they are doing their utmost to avoid. When there is a small obstruction, such as a post or a whin bush, at all near the line of play, though not actually in it, I have seen balls hit it frequently, although the players were endeavouring to avoid it, and the chances were much against its being struck. The only reason I can adduce for this is that if the mind be con- centrated upon an object, the hands, working in concert with it, unconsciously direct the ball towards that object. When, therefore, it is desired to avoid a hazard, I would 158 THE GAME OF GOLF recommend players not to think of avoiding the hazard, but to concentrate their attention on the intended line of play, and blot the hazard out of mind altogether. I have before referred to the necessity for playing with confidence and decision, and this is a matter which cannot be too strongly impressed upon golfers. At the risk of being tedious to the reader, I reiterate the statement. If one allows himself to lapse into in- decision over any stroke, and first selects his cleek and then thinks of his driver, and finally compromises the matter by using his brassy, he courts disaster. Let him look carefully at the lie of his ball, judge the distance to the hole, and play without further ado. Golfers should always make a rule, too, of holing out every putt, Some comparatively simple-looking putts arc deceptive ; and if the habit is acquired of considering these as good as down, and not playing them, the effect of playing them and not holing a few in a competition, when every putt must be played out, has a tendency to demoralise most men. To play golf one must know the rules of golf thoroughly, and conform thereto in every respect. There is only one game of golf, and that must be played according to the strict letter of the law, or else it is not golf. It may be a game of driving a ball round a golf- course, but it is not gulf. Nothing surprises me more than the fact that a number of really good players do not know the rules ; but this, I am sorry to say, is GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME 159 nevertheless the case. They no doubt know the principal rules ; but put them into a tight corner, and ask is this or is that allowable, or what is the penalty for doing one thing or another, and they are entirely at sea. If there is one thing a golfer ought to know thoroughly, it is the rules of the game he plays. Some years ago the rules were contained in a couple of pages of print, embracing less than a score of laws, but nowa- days they have increased considerably in number and complexity. My own opinion is that they are still far from perfect, and I should like to see a simpler and more explicit, and a more generally applicable, code introduced. However desirable this may be, we must meantime accept them as they stand, and act accordingly. A golfer who desires to improve and perfect his game should always endeavour to play with an opponent who is just slightly superior to himself one who can, gene- rally speaking, beat him by a hole or by two holes in the round of eighteen. If he chooses an antagonist of heavier metal, he will have the feeling all through the game of playing against odds he cannot hope to cope with successfully, and this will tend to make him press, and will in time break up his game and demoralise him completely ; whereas, if he plays with one just a little better than himself, though he is playing against odds, he will know that he cannot be beaten by much, and that he has a chance, and it may be a good chance, of holding his own, or even of coming in victorious, and 160 THE GAME OF GOLF lie will further know that if he desires to do this he must not indulge in loose play. His game will there- fore be kept in a healthy state of tension. He should never permit himself to play under the conviction that he must he beaten. It is an undeniable fact that if a golfer once gets a fixed idea into his head that a certain rival can beat him, he will always play a losing game against that rival, although there may be nothing to choose between them as regards golfing ability. I can quote the case of two well-known players, who were at J. L */ the time among the best of their day, and who were, in the opinion of those competent to judge, equally good players. Yet the one was invariably successful in his matches against the other, simply because he had got into the habit of beating his rival, who had come to look on defeat as a matter of course. A match between a good and an inferior player may be equalised by the former allowing to the latter a handicap of so many holes, or so many strokes to be taken at certain holes; but this never makes so good a match as a level game with a player of equal skill with oneself. Golf is a tickle game, and must be wooed to bo won. No irood can be trot by forcing the game ; and unless O O \J one feels fit and has a keen interest in the matrh, it is better not to play. Tt is no use going out and play- ing a round in a half-hearted, listless, indifferent Ai - ay. Playing in this way is ruinous to good golf; and when- ever one loses interest in the game, he is better to stop GENERAL REMARKS OX THE GAME 101 playing until he feels he can throw his mind and his heart into it. There is no greater mistake than playing till one becomes stale. Further, golf is a business-like game, and should be gone about in a brisk, business- like way. It is far better to play and walk round the links smartly and quickly than to creep round at a snail-like pace. Therefore choose a partner who will not keep you back by slow play. It is impossible to play good golf if you are thinking of something else all the time, and if you have any business worries, leave them behind when you go to the links. ' Foursomes ' are not generally regarded as of the same serious character, so far as golf is concerned, as singles. In a single each has himself and himself only to depend upon ; but in foursomes one is apt to trust either too much or too little to his partner ; and besides, there is frequently a good deal ot bantering carried on between the opponents, which is hardly conducive to good golf. Nevertheless a foursome makes a very enjoyable game if the sides are well chosen. It is not every golfer who will make a good partner in a four- some, and it is not always the best two players who will win. Much depends upon the ability of the partners to adapt themselves and their game to each other's play, and examples are not wanting of two first-class players being beaten by two of inferior calibre. A three-ball match is, I consider, one of the best forms of golf, and only little inferior to a single. By a L 1(52 THK (JA.MK OF GOLF three-ball mutch I do not mean each party playing L v L v (i against tlie other two playing his own ball, as the expression goes, hnt one, a good player, playing against the best ball of the other two somewhat inferior golfers. This form of the game is of great benefit to the single player, -who pits himself against the other two, provided the odds are not too great. On most greens three-ball matches are not within the rules of the green, and can be passed by a two-ball match. The subjects of match and medal play are deserving of some remarks. In match play the opponents are face to face, and each sees what he requires to do to win or to halve each hole as the game progresses, and must regulate his play accordingly. I have before recommended L v j *J every one to play his own game, no matter against whom he is opposed, and this is a general rule which may be with safety adhered to. .Hut. like all other rules, it, is subject to modification, especially in match play. The modifications which may be necessary can best be illustrated by examples. Let it be supposed that in playing to a hole the one player's ball lies well, while his adversary's has got, into a ha/ard requiring a couple of strokes for extrication. Under such circumstances the chances are that the first-mentioned player will win trn hole, provided he does not make some dreadful mistake, and he ought to play with caution, and run no risks of getting into difficulties, in order to make GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME 163 absolutely certain of gaining the hole. He should remember that he has two strokes in hand, and should be careful to utilise them with the object of making sure of the hole. To win the hole he requires to get down in only one stroke less than his opponent ; and if the latter takes seven strokes, nothing is to be gained by attempting to hole out in four or five strokes. Now, on the other hand, let it be supposed that our player's ball has got into a difficulty costing him a stroke, and his opponent with the like lays his ball on the green. It is almost certain, bar mistakes on the part of the opponent, or bar exceptional play on the part of our supposed golfer, that the latter will lose the hole, and he ought to run every risk, however great be it a long carry, or a difficult approach, or a tricky putt in order if possible to snatch a half out of the fire. To put the matter shortly, in match play a golfer's game must be governed by the state of the match at the time, and he must play to win holes or secure halves quite irrespective of the number of strokes taken to any individual hole, or to the score for the round. Every one wishes to win his matches, and the way to do this is to hang in to your opponent. In a close match it is the player who can hang in that wins; and when playing against a superior golfer, if you hang in to him he will possibly* l>c disappointed to find that he is not winning so easily as he probably expected, and this disappointment may in the long-run cause him to 'crack.' It is a good 1(54 THE GAME OF COLF principle to try and have your opponent beat 'before the finish/ i.e. before the last hole is reached. I have frequently heard comments made upon the scores taken in playing matches ; but, in the general case, such comments are manifestly unjust to the players. If the scores are low, the play mt'>V have been good, because 'a good stroke game can never be a bad hole game: but the play may have been equally good, and possibly even more interesting and brilliant, if the scores are high, and therefore a good hole game //"'// be a bad stroke game. A hole and hole game and a stroke game are entirely different forms of golf, and to my mind the former is by far the more interesting and sportsmanlike, because both players al \vays know how the game stands, and they are face to face with the man they have to beat. Tn competitions by strokes matters are entirely different: each player is playing against a whole field, any one of whom may return a better total, and any one of whom, however well ho may start, may break down at a critical moment, or may spoil his card by one bad hole. Hence each should play his best game without regard to the rest of the field, and without, either risking hazardous strokes or shirking difficulties. It may happen that a competitor playing late in f he- day may know what he has to do. I[e may learn that a good card has been returned, and that he has to do the remaining holes in a certain number of strokes to GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME 165 beat that card, and in this case it may be necessary to run risks with the object of saving strokes ; but this is an exceptional case, and does not frequently occur. T can, however, quote instances of it. I remember a Championship at Musselburgh some years ago in which Bob Ferguson played, when, after holing out at the third last hole, he was told he must do the remaining two holes in six strokes to tie ; and he proved equal to the occasion. Unfortunately Bob lost in playing off the tie, otherwise he would have been the only golfer who had won the cup four times successively. Later still, at the Autumn Meeting of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, in September 1893, Mr. F. G. Tait had early in the day returned a score of eighty, which was considered unassailable. Mr. Mure Fergusson, playing after him, knew at the sixteenth hole that ho must do the remain- ing two holes in nine to win, and ten to tie. Those familiar with the course at St. Andrews are aware that the direct line to the seventeenth hole from the tee is over the corner of an enclosure called ' the station- master's garden/ but it requires a long shot to carry this hazard. If successfully carried, however, it gives an easier and shorter road to the hole, making it an almost certain five. The alternative line of play is wide of the enclosure ; but this makes the hole more difficult, Mr. Mure Fergusson risked the carry, and was successful in doing the hole in live, and the next in four, thus winning the medal. These examples will show what 166 THE GAME OF fiOLF golfers must occasionally do. The necessity for sucli play can only arise when the exact state of the scores of the other competitors is known ; and it must be amply evident that this cannot happen very frequently to any individual. In the majority of cases Ir3 will have to play to the end in ignorance of the other scores, save that of his partner, and he must therefore play his usual game without either trying to do too much, or using unnecessary caution. It has already been advised that in playing for score golfers should never risk doubtful hazards, but rather play to the side or play short. In this, as in other matters, judgment must be exercised. I do not counsel golfers to play short of hazards they habitually carry, merely because they are playing in a competition. Ity such tactics more strokes may be lost than saved. It is absurd to risk a doubtful carry, but it is equally absurd to play a too cautious ^amc. When on this subject. I would again draw o t o attention to the rule under which a ball may, in a stroke competition, be lifted out of a difficulty of any descrip- tion, and teed behind the same under a penalty of two strokes. It is far better to do this at once than to lose several strokes in a hazard. Apart from the loss of strokes. |>layin<_r out of a hazard, especially a bad lying L / O l . *J O ball in a sand bunker, is hard work, and most golfers will find that they require to reserve their strength to sustain them till the finish of the game. The motto I would Li'ive to the golfer who desires to come to the GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME 107 front in playing competitions is, ' Never mind a bad hole. Blot the remembrance out of your mind, and play as if your past game had been perfect.' In order to play h'rst-class golf it is necessary for the player to possess physical strength. I do not say great strength; but, although golf is a game of science and skill, and although a very good game can be played by persons not physically strong, it is scarcely possible for any one to become a first-class player who has not sufficient stamina and strength to back up his skill. All our best players, both amateur and professional, are men of good physique muscular and wiry. The requisite skill can only be obtained through constant practice ; and before any one can consider himself really fit to take part in an important competition with the prospect of winning, he should through practice have brought himself to such a state of perfection at the game, that he will be able almost intuitively to know what he is to do at each stroke. He ought not to require t> pause at any stroke and ask himself what he should do, but ought to know this instinctively. Between a player in practice and a player out of practice there is an immense difference, especially in the short game. I will take putting as the example; but the same remarks apply to all driving, approaching, and putting. A man out of practice must carefully consider the strength of his stroke and the line to the hole, while if in practice his eve instinctivelv iruides his hand; and even if he Uj.8 THE CAME OF GOLF goes up to his ball and hits it unconcernedly it is likely to be a better stroke than he could, with all precautions and care, play if out of practice. The amount of practice requisite will vary with different players. Some men can play for a long 1 time and get steadier and better as the days go on. Others will come to their top game more quickly, and after that are apt to grow stale. T believe inconstant prac- tice when it can be got, To begin with, a round, or eighteen holes, a day will be found quite sutlicient ; as time goes on this should be increased to a couple of rounds; but after reaching top form there is a danger in playing too much. A couple of rounds twice or thrice a week is quite enough to keep in practice. My reason for advocating the increase of play from one to two rounds a day is, that all the golfing fixtures of im- portance demand, at least, thirty-six holes play: the Open Championship now requires seventy-two holes to be played thirty-six each day, and in the Amateur Championship, which is conducted on tournament principles by playing matches, there is never less than three days' play of thirty-six holes each day. Now, this continuous play is a severe strain on competitors, and. unless one accustoms himself to successive days of golfing, he will in all probability, however good a golfer he may be. find himself unequal to the task, and break- down through sheer physical exhaustion when he isj'u^t beirinninir to enter the last and critical stages. Dunn;/ GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME 169 the competition it is advisable to save oneself as much as possible by avoiding all unnecessary fatigue. I have already referred to physical strength, and physical strength cannot be supported without good fare. The man who can sit down and eat heartily is more likely to keep himself in good golfing condition than one who neglects such precautions. I have known a golfer who considered himself too strong to play good golf, and who was actually in the habit of starving himself for some days beforehand Avhen he had a big match to play. Xothing can be more ridiculous than such an idea. In training for a match, I think it is a mistake to change one's ordinary habits of living, provided they be regular. Any change, unless begun in good time before the day of play, and afterwards adhered to, seems to be more conducive to putting one off his game than getting him into form. At the same time, it does no harm to take a rest from playing the day before a match. During the actual play of a match one should stead- fastly decline to hold conversations with officious friends or other persons, or even, unless when necessary, with his opponent. One should direct his entire attention to the playing of the game, and not suffer it to be dis- tracted by anything whatsoever. The game, and nothing but the game, should occupy the player's mind if he desires success to attend him. A judicious caddie 170 THE GAME OF GOLF is of great assistance ; but in regard to caddies I have something to say later on. It will frequently happen that preliminary practice must take place over a different green than that over which the competition is to l>e played. This, of course, cannot be helped ; but it is usual to go to the given fixed on tor the competition, and have some games there a week or so beforehand. All that should be necessary at this stage should be to get some knowledge of the links. One should, however, be careful how he goes about this. If he plays a few rounds badly, he may take a dislike to the links which he will find it- hard to overcome, and which may ruin his prospects of success. The principal things to find out are the positions of the haxards, the 'distances,' the best lines to the holes, and the nature of the putting-greens. A better idea of these can be formed by taking out a club and a few balls and having some trial shots than by playing several rounds. A quiet walk round the course, and some observation of the play of the local cracks, will not do any harm, and a good deal may sometimes be learned from so doing. There are few goiters who do not. at some lime or other, grt out of form. The chief causes of this are: ( 1 ) golfui'.:' oneself stale: and ('2) indulging in a vicious si vie of plav whidi may possibly have crept on un- awares. Asa cure for both, I would sav, 'Takea rest.' It is the renicilv for the first; and as for the second, GENERAL REMARKS OX THE GAME 17 1 when play is resumed the bad habit will probably have been forgotten ; but whether or not, it will be well when making the fresh start to pay particular attention to style. The next matter I have to deal with is that of caddies. As is to be expected, the best caddies arc to be found at Musselburgh and St. Andrews, the head-quarters of golf; but these are men with whom club-carrying is a business and a science. Reference to the rules will show how important a part in the game is held by the caddie. A golfer and his caddie are regarded as one. Here are quotations from some of the rules : ' A player or a player's caddie shall not press down or remove any irregularities of surface near the ball,' etc. (Rule 16). ' If the player's ball strike, or be stopped by himself or his partner, or either of their caddies or clubs,' etc. (Rule 24). ' If the player, when not making a stroke, or his partner, or cither of their caddies, touch their side's ball,' etc. (Rule 25). 'A competitor may not receive advice from any one but his caddie' (Rule 10 for medal play). There arc other references to caddies in the rules, all pointing in a similar direction. The fault of a caddie is visited on his employer, who is entitled to look to his caddie, and his caddie only, for advice and assistance. A careless or ignorant caddie may ruin a golfer's chances of success at any competition by breaking the rules, and may also put him off his game through sheer inattention to his 172 THE GAME OF GOLF duties. A good caddie ought to be a good player, or, at all events, have a thorough knowledge of the game and of the rules, and of his employer's play. A man who has spent his life carrying clubs has a wonderful aptitude for discovering the good and bad points of the game of any individual, and after carrying fur him for a few rounds will know just about as much of that individual's game, and the way he is most likely to play a stroke successfully, as the player himself; and no one has a better eye for seeing what is wrong when his employer is oft' his game, or is more likely to recom- mend the proper cure. The man a golfer wants for a caddie is one who can advise him as the game progresses, and for this great tact and judgment are necessary. One golfer may use a brassy or driver where another would use a cleek, and both, using their respective clubs, may play perfect strokes. Xow, a good caddie, who knows his business, would not, if his advice were asked, oppose the use of a wooden club, but would rather enjoin its use, even although he know it was not the proper club to use; and the reason is that when once a golfer has made up his mind to use any par- ticular club, he will, if he changes it for another, be troubled in his own mind as to which he should take, and the result will in all probability be a foo/le. Watch a caddie who knows what he is about. After the drive has been played, his eye never leaves the ball until it- is holed out. A lost ball, unless it be driven out of (SENEHAL HEMAUKS ON THE GAME 173 sight, is an impossibility. Put down a perfectly new ball, and if it has once been struck, although there may not be a mark on it visible to the casual observer, he will pick it out from among a dozen almost identical. Golf-balls are like faces, and your caddie knows the face of your ball at once. Playing a stroke through the green, or an approach, his eye takes in the situation at a glance, and without hesitation he knows the club that you can best use, and he is handling it, or has half taken it out of the bag, when you are considering what you will do. Your eye falls on it, and you immediately ask for it and play. At the end of the game he can tell over again ever}' stroke you have played, and could go round the green and lay the ball down on almost the exact spot from which it had been played, in any of the fourscore or more strokes that you have taken. He can generally tell you the best road to the hole, and on the putting-green his line is invariably the correct one. He is always at your elbow when wanted, and yet never lets his presence be obtrusive. One who will answer these requirements is a desirable caddie; but I know caddies who do more than that. I have known them stand between a nervous player and well-meaning friends, whose anxiety to sec him win would have put him off his game. One doesn't ask the player how he stands in a match, he asks his caddie; and there is no arithmetical problem in the way of counting holes or strokes, in singles or foursomes, or in three-ball or 174 THE GAME OF GOLF four-ball matches, that a good (.-acidic cannot answer correctly in a moment. Bad caddies may be ranked in two classes, the one being those who know what ought to be done and do not do it, and the other being those who know nothing whatever about their duties. Of the tirst I may instance the case of the caddie who insists on his employer using the club of his choice, and pestering him with unasked advice, which of course is not taken : and, the inevitably bad stroke being played, reproaches him for not having done as he was bid. The last words are strong, but I cannot put it in any other way. Of the other class, the ordinary example is the boy who simply carries your clubs, lie walks round the links with you, sometimes not at all near you a lew hundred yards away, and he takes no manner of interest in the game. He never knows where your ball goes to; it' you give him two or three to carry he is sure to lose one, if not more, in the course of the round, and, unless specially watched, he will leave the ball you are playing with in the bottom of the hole. He lags behind, and when you want a club you have to wait for tive minutes, and shout yourself hoarse before he comes to you. He cares for nothing but the \J pence he hopes to receive at the end of the dav. Club carriers of these classes for 1 cannot call them caddies are worse than none. 1 do not say all boys are alike. On the contrary, some of them make fairly good caddies It is true that few of them can GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GAME 175 give you any assistance, but they will always be at hand and give you the club you ask for. If you are able get a good caddie, who will supply the require- ments before indicated; if such an one is not to be had, get an intelligent boy, who will keep near you; and, if neither is available, carry your own clubs. Fore-caddies are not, on most greens, usually employed save in important matches. In the rules of golf there are a few paragraphs devoted to what is called the ' etiquette of golf.' These have for the first time appeared in the printed rules in this form. In the older rules some of them appeared among the laws of the game. They relate, however, only to an inconsiderable part of the courtesy that ought to accompany the play of the game. This is not a subject upon which I would wish to enlarge, and I would merely say that golfers should act towards each other and towards the non-golfing public in the same manner as they would desire to be themselves treated in similar circumstances, whatever they may be. The usual mode of warning persons whether engaged in playing or not that they are in the way of a stroke, is by shouting ' Fore,' which is supposed to be a contraction of ' Before.' The warning shout should be given before the stroke is played, and no stroke should ever be played if there is a danger of the ball hitting any one. .Being struck with a strongly played golf-ball is no light matter, and serious results might follow. It sometimes 176 THE CAMK OF (JOLF happens, however, that a l>all may, l>y heeling, or pull- ing, or otherwise, in its flight travel towards persons who are considered out of its way when the stroke is played. In such cases it is not always AVISO to shout 'Fore,' as, for instance, if the persons are walking out of the way, with their backs towards the player, the shout will in all probability cause them to stand still, or to turn in the player's direction, with the result that instead of their walking out of harm's way, and the ball falling short of them or hitting them on the back, it, may strike one of them in the face. It may in such circumstances be more advisable not to shout, but to trust to Providence. CHAPTER IX COMPETITIONS AND HANDICAPPING IT is usual for golf clubs to hold three or four prize meetings or competitions in the course of each year. These are frequently named after the seasons in which they take place as the spring, summer, autumn, and winter meetings, and sometimes after the more im- portant prixes competed for, as the medal meeting and the cup meeting. Such competitions may he for scratch prizes, in which case the actual game of each competitor is alone regarded : or they may he for handicap prizes, in which case allowances are made to the weaker players, to place them on equal terms with the stronger players of the club ; or they may be for both scratch and handi- cap prizes. In one club I know of and it is a model club, embracing many of the best amateur players in Scotland the only prizes offered for competition arc scratch prizes; there are no handicap prizes at all. liut in almost all other clubs it is usual, in addition to there being at least one scratch prize, to give a certain number of handicap prizes. The object of this is to encourage golf, and to stimulate the exertions of players who could M 178 TITE OAME OF GOLF never hope to win the scratch awards. It is obvious that if only scratch prizes are to be played for, the contest resolves itself into one among the best players in the club, and among them alone, because the vast majority of members would not take part, knowing that their chances of success were very remote. On the other hand, when handicap prizes are presented, every member of the club, be he a good or a bad player, has an equal chance of gaining a prize. I would accordingly recommend clubs to adopt this system of combining scratch and handicap prizes. There should be at each meeting a scratch prize and three or four handicap prizes, and at two of the meetings the scratch prizes should be made the important events in the club's competitions. For example, there may be a scratch gold medal to be played for at the spring meeting, and a silver cup to be played for at the autumn meeting. Fmportant trophies, such as gold medals and cups, do not, as a rule, become the property of the winners: the successful competitors hold them for a year, and get their names inscribed on them, receiving at the same time a small medal or charm to be retained as a memento of their victory. Some of the cups and medals belong- ing to the older golf clubs arc of great value, not only on account of their intrinsic worth, but also on account, of the associations connected with them. Handicap prizes usually consist of articles of an ornamental or useful nature, but not of great value, as they invariablv COMPETITIONS AND HANDICAPPING 170 pass into the absolute custody of the winners. There may, of course, be scratch prizes of the same nature as the handicap prizes above mentioned, and which, like them, become the property of the winner ; and, on the other hand, there may be handicap medals and cups, tenable by the successful competitor for a year only. The conditions under which the prizes are to be won may be varied to almost any extent. For instance, a prize, either scratch or handicap, may be given for the best aggregate score at any two, or at two stated com- petitions in the year ; or a prize may be presented for competition to become the property of the player gain- ing it three times, or three times successively. Some clubs have a monthly medal or cup, to be held for a year by the golfer winning it the greatest number of times during the year, he receiving a charm or small medal as a memento. There is, however, this objection to such monthly competitions, that they interfere con- siderably with the private match play of the members of the club, and on that account they are frequently objected to. Such competitions are usually fixed for a day that will enable the greatest number of players to compete ; and as it is the invariable rule, especially with clubs having private greens, that all competitions shall take the precedence of private matches, the day becomes practically devoted to the competition, thus debarring all play except in it, and this is considered to be more or less a hardship upon those golfers who ISO THE GAME OF OOLF prefer a friendly game. All players are in the general ease allowed to compete not only for scratcli awards, lut also for handicap prizes, and it may thus happen that one man may carry oil' more than one prize ; he may, for example, win a scratcli and also a handicap prize. The stated competitions of all clubs are invari- ably played for under medal rules, or according to score. */ 1. v In addition to such meetings, many clubs hold an annual tournament, played during the summer months by holes, or under match rules. This is always under handicap, and in a new club is extremely useful in introducing the members to each other. In the first. chapter I have referred generally to playing medal competitions and tournaments. There is not much to l>e added in regard to the former. The players start in couples, and it is for the management of the club to determine whether the players may arrange their own partners, or whether they are to be balloted for. It competitors are allowed to arrange their own partners, there is this advantage, that they may be allowed to start at any time on coming forward between certain hours; while, in the other cast', the players must come forward in batches and lie balloted for partners before' they can start, thus entailing some congestion of the green at the hours of start, Where there is a ballot for partners, the order of starting is usually determined by the ballot that is to say, the tirst couple drawn start tirst from the tec. and so on; but the /aplain of the COMPETITIONS AND HANDICAPPING LSI club, if present, and his partner are always by courtesy permitted to go oft' before all others. Where the couples are balloted for, it is a good plan to divide the players into classes before the ballot takes place, because it is unfair to both if a good and a bad player be drawn together. I would recommend that all members having a handicap of less than, say, ten strokes, should be balloted for partners among themselves, those having a handicap of ten strokes and upwards being similarly dealt with. In handicap competitions under medal rules the scores for the prize list are reckoned by deducting the handicap of each player from his actual score, and the net result is his return in the competi- tion. As is hereafter mentioned, some members of the club may, owing to their proficiency at golf, have a plus handicap, and this is added to the actual scores of sudi members. The following example of a prize list will explain the matter more clearly : Name of Actual Hamli- Not J'laytT. Score. cap. K>s',ilfc. A - 00 82 Fii^t pri/.e. B - S3 S3 t Tie for L'nd and C - 73 -i- 5 S3 J 3rd h'cap. prizes. Scratch prize. I) 101 17 SI Fourth prize. 10 - 87 - a sr, With regard to the conducting of golf tournaments, I may make a few remarks. It is usual to intimate that such a tournament is to bo held, and to request intend- ing competitors to send in their names within a limited time. Very often a small entry-money is imposed vatli 1S2 THE (JAME OF GOLF the view of ensuring that only those who intend to play will enter, and in that case the entry-money is available for increasing the prize fund of the tournament. After their names have been handed in, the entrants are drawn against each other in couples. It will seldom happen that the number of couples will be exactly the number such as 64, 32, 16, or S which will ultimately reduce to 4, 2 and 1, and if not, it is necessary to draw a number of byes in the .first stage, as byes in the later stages of the game arc considered unfair. The number of byes being fixed, it is best not to have a separate draw for them, but to give byes to the couples first drawn to the requisite number. If this be done, all the couples obtaining byes must enter the play in the second round; whereas, if there is first a draw for couples and then a draw for byes afterwards, and if there be an odd man, he may draw a bye, and, having no opponent for the second round, will not require to play till the third round of the tournament. To determine the number of byes required, subtract from the nearest higher number (such as 64. -}'2, 16, or Nj which will ultimately reduce to 4, 2. and ], the number of couples competing, and the remainder will be the number of bves. Subtracting this remainder (or number of byes) from the number of couples competing will give the number of couples who must play in the first round. I give t\vo examples of how this works out : Firxf. suppose there are 4!) entrants, that is, equal to COMPETITIONS AND HANDICAPPING 183 25 couples because an odd man must in this case be regarded as a couple From the nearest higher number divisible as before, viz. ... 32 Subtract the number of couples, 25 Giving 7 byes which, subtracted from the number of couples entered, leaves 18 couples who compete in the first round. Second, suppose there are 34 players, or 17 couples From the higher number as before, viz. 32 Subtract the number of couples, 17 Giving 15 byes which, subtracted from the number of couples entered, leaves 2 couples who compete in the first round. Tn example number one the first seven couples drawn would receive byes, and the remaining eighteen couples would play in the first round, reducing their number to nine. These nine couples and the seven couples who drew byes, making sixteen couples, would compete in the second round, and thereafter, as before explained in the first chapter, the winner of couple number one would play against the winner of couple number two, and so on until the ultimate survivor was eliminated, who would be the winner of the tournament. The following table shows the method of arranging the draw : the first supposed example of there being forty-nine entrants has been adopted; each number represents 1.S4 TIIK CAMK OF <;<)LF the name of a player, and it is supposed that the first player of each couple always wins his match. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Mil (ith Kuund. Round. Round. Ruund. Round. Round. r ''i- 'I ,.- 41 . ' 7 i 8/ l.ij 171 13 f 7j u \ i:,J - nn 10) S} 1:1 ) 44 f 17 COMPETITIONS AND HANDICAPPING 185 It will be seen that the winner of each couple is always carried forward another stage. In this case, if there were four prizes, No. 1 would be winner of the first prize, No. 19 winner of the second prize, and Nos. 9 and 35 would play for the third and fourth prize. Having explained the competitions usually held by clubs, and the method of managing them, I will now deal with the question of handicapping. Handicapping in a newly formed club is a matter of vast difficulty, and it is impossible that all handicaps can be properly adjusted until the members have several times com- peted, and shown their exact form ; and even then there are bound to crop up occasional cases of members with too generous handicaps, who carry oft' the honours of the meeting. This is unavoidable ; because, however carefully the handicaps are adjusted, some players, especially young players, will improve so rapidly as to defy all attempts to handicap them accurately. Others, again, after playing a consistently bad game in former com- petitions, justifying their obtaining large handicaps, will come away with an occasional strong game very much above their usual average form. These are events over which the committee, to whom the handicapping is intrusted, have no control, and must be submitted to. Handicapping may be treated from two points of view: first, as regards club meetings and competitions; and. second, as regards private matches. I will take them in this order. 1S6 TI1K GAME OF COLF As regards club competitions, there are two stand- points from which all handicaps may be adjusted. They may be adjusted with reference to the best or scratch player of the club, or with reference to a par or scratch score for the course. In the former case the handicap committee proceed in this way: they say A, the scratch player of the club, ran give 1> six strokes on the round of eighteen holes, there-fore we will give to B a handicap of six strokes, A playing from scratch. Under the other method they say eighty, or whatever other number they think fit, is par play for the links. A can go round in that score, therefore we will make him scratch ; 13 takes eighty-six, therefore we will give to him a handicap of six strokes and they deal in like manner with every member of the club. It seems to me that of the two methods the latter is preferable, because the par play of a links is always the same, while any player's form is liable to vary. It used formerly to be, and is still, in the old established clubs, a rule that n<> player, however indifferent his game, should receive a larger handicap than eighteen strokes, or a stroke a hole, the reason being that it was considered if he could not win with such a handicap, he did not deserve to win till his play improved; and it was thought that this had the effect of making the weaker players of the club desirous of improving their play so as to get within reach of the prize list. But in more modern clubs larger handicaps up to thirty or even forty strokes are COMPETITIONS AND HANDICAPPING 187 allowed, every man being, in fact, handicapped on his form, whatever it may be. There is no doubt that this has the effect of inducing a larger turn-out of com- petitors, as frequently the more indifferent players are very enthusiastic devotees of the game. It should be kept in view that it is always better to give a player too small a handicap than too large, and no player should be handicapped until he has played at least once in a club competition. A record of all returns at com- petitions should be kept, and each member should be handicapped upon the average of his three best returns. Any player winning a prize should at once have his handi- cap reduced, the reduction depending upon the place he has attained in the prize list. Such a system of reduc- ing the handicaps of prize-winners has been condemned, but in my opinion it is a good one, and helps to make the honours pass round. When a scratch player at- tains, as many do, such pre-eminence in his club that he is able to curry off not only the scratch awards, but also the handicap prizes, it is usual, rather than increase the handicaps all round, to make such a player plus so many strokes that is, in lixing his handicap score so many strokes are added to his actual score instead of being deducted, as is usually (lone, and this works out easily and simply. What has been written deals with medal play, or play for score ; but club members require to be handicapped for tournament or hole play as well. The old practice 188 THE GAME OF GOLF was simple, viz. to give every player half as many holes as he had strokes ; thus a player plus six strokes would be handicapped in a tournament plus three holes that is to say, he would have to concede three holes to a scratch player ; or, in other words, when he and a scratch player met in a tournament, the latter would start three holes up. Similarly a player with a minus handi- cap of twelve strokes would receive six holes of start, or six holes of a handicap. This has been found to work out fairly well, unless in exceptional cases; but it will readily be seen that it is not applicable to a club where members have thirty or forty strokes of a handicap; because, according to this practice, a player having forty of a handicap would start twenty holes up in eighteen against a scratch player, which is absurd. It is difficult to suggest a system of handicapping by holes for a club which gives its members large stroke handi- caps; and under such circumstances the handicapping committee must take all the elements into account, and fix for each member a fair handicap by boles, apart altogether from bis stroke handicap. Between stroke and hole handicaps there is this ditVercnce, that in medal play, if a golfer has one bad hole in the round, it may spoil his score completely, and ruin bis chances of success, as its total must go into his card ; whereas, in a tournament, a bad hole, however many strokes may be taken, means only the loss of one hole, and the golfer may retrieve his position by good play and winning the COMPETITIONS AND HANDICAPPING 189 next hole. The majority of men who take big scores do not do so by consistently bad play, but by what may be called fairly good play coupled Avith two or three bad holes where they get into difficulties. A score in medal play is therefore not always a safe criterion from which to judge of a player's form in a hole game. There is only one way of dealing Avith handicaps in medal play that is, as before pointed out, by adding the handicap to the actual score in the case of plus men, and by deducting it in the case of men who have the usual or minus handicap. It is different in a hole and hole tournament. In the latter case the players may either receive a handicap of so many holes of start, as is before mentioned, or they may receive a handicap of so many strokes to be taken at certain holes. I do not, I think, require to say anything further about the case of giving a handicap by holes of start ; but the giving of a certain number of strokes of handicap to be taken at definite holes requires some explanation. In this case the number of strokes to be given may, except in the cases of large handicaps, be the same number as that given for medal play, and the strokes should be taken at fixed holes ; it is for those in charge of the tournament to arrange this. The tables annexed to the St. AndreAvs Rules and to the Wimbledon Rules (printed in Chapter XL) may be adopted if either is considered suitable. That is to say, if a man receives eighteen strokes of a handicap from a scratch player, 190 THE GAME OF GOLF he should take one stroke at each hole ; if he receives six strokes, he should take one at every third hole, beginning with the second hole. Under this method, where two players are drawn against each other, one of whom receives a larger handicap than the other, the smaller handicap is deducted from the greater, and the player with the greater handicap receives from the other a handicap of the difference in strokes. Thus, if one player has a handicap of twelve strokes, and his opponent a handicap of six strokes, the former would receive from the latter the difference between their handicaps, viz. six strokes, to be taken according to the table. The tables are framed with reference to the links to which they relate, and the committee of another club may think that, owing to the nature of their green, neither is suitable for their club, in which case they must compile a table for themselves in accordance with local requirements. I have known competitions in which it was made a hard and fast rule that the strokes should bo taken consecutively at the iirst holes that is, if six strokes, at the iirst six holes, and soon; but I do not consider this is so satisfactory as having a proper table. With regard to the merits of the two methods of handicapping for hole play, I must say that my preference lies with the giving of strokes at certain holes rather than with the giving of so many holes of start, and for two reasons: in the Iirst place, it more closely follows the usual system adopted in COMPETITIONS AND HANDICAPPING 191 private matches; and, in the second place, strokes at certain holes are of more advantage to the receiver of the handicap than a proportionate number of holes of start. Take the case of a scratch player being drawn against one to whom he would have to allow, say, eighteen strokes in a medal competition, and suppose that the handicap of this latter player were for a hole tournament either nine holes, or one stroke at eighteen holes : in all probability the scratch man would take nine holes straight away off his opponent, thus having the match at his mercy ; while, in the case of his giving a stroke at each hole, it would be very extraordinary if the stroke did not enable the weaker player to halve and to win several holes in the course of the game. A table of match play odds, adopted by the Royal Wimbledon Golf Club, is printed at the end of the Wimbledon Rules, and may be found useful. The method of playing 'Bogey' competitions has already been explained in the first chapter. The handicap which one player should give to another in private matches is a matter of arrangement between the players, and may be adjusted as they please. It is purely a matter of bargain, and if two golfers play much together it will very soon work itself right. The usual way is for the one to give to the other the handicap of a stroke at certain holes; but there is no reason why holes of start should not be given if this system be preferred. An innovation in such 192 THE GAME OF OOLF handicaps is the giving of 'bisques' that is, strokes to be taken at the will of the party receiving them. This is a very heavy handicap, and practically means that each bisque represents a hole, because, until the receiver has taken his bisques, they are always hanging over his adversary's head, and lie of course takes them at such holes as arc the most, advantageous for himself. It may thus happen that a hole is halved in actual play, and that the receiver of the odds will then say to his opponent, ' I will take a bisque here, which makes the hole mine.' Similarly he may take a bisque so as t'> halve a hole which his adversary had otherwise won. CHAPTER X LAYING OUT AND KEEPING GOLF-LINKS UNTIL a few years ago a golf-links at a distance from the seashore was a thing seldom seen. True it is that there were one or two inland courses on which the game has been played for centuries, such as Bruntsfield, Perth, and Blackheath ; but at almost every other place the sea-breezes and the music of the waves refreshed and soothed the jaded golfer, who obtained renewed vigour from a friendly match, unpursued by thoughts of his score or dreams of that demon of modern links, Colonel Bogey. As the demand for golfing facilities increased, it was impossible that the old courses could accommodate the numberless enthusiasts who threw themselves heart and soul into the game, and as a natural consequence golf-links have come to be laid out everywhere, very often on places which the past o-eneration of goiters would have deemed it little short O of madness to attempt to transform into a links. It has, in fact, been found possible to lay out a golf-course over almost any tract of ground of sufficient extent. The adaptability of the game is one of the ^reatest x 194 THE GAME OF GOLF features of golf, and there are really few places where a course cannot be laid out. I do not say that a first-class links can be made everywhere that golf can be played, but a course can always be laid out over which many enjoyable games can lie go', and on which a considerable amount of skill can be attained. As is before pointed out, eighteen holes is recognised as the greatest number a golf-links should contain : and while it is desirable to have this number of holes, if good ones can be obtained, it is a mistake to cram into any piece of ground a greater number than it can comfortably hold. It is better to have nine good holes than eighteen bad ones. The laying out of a golf-course is by no means a simple task. Great skill and judgment, and a thorough acquaintance with the game are absolutely necessary to determine the best positions for the respective holes and teeing-grounds, and the situation of the haxards. It is a mistake to suppose that our older golf-courses in their present state are the same as when iirst formed. The original formation of them is lost in past centuries; but we know that changes have frequently been made, and they really have been the product of ages of experience, and have, so to speak, been evolved in the course of time. At every one of our historic courses changes have been made again and again as experience dictated bunkers have been tilled up and new ones LAYING OUT AND KEEPING GOLF-LINKS 195 formed, holes have been shortened and lengthened, until these links have assumed their present state. When a new course is to be laid out I would strongly advise the promoters to obtain the assistance of some one experienced in such matters. But for the benefit of those who may desire to dispense with such assistance, or who cannot readily obtain it, I shall endeavour in this chapter to give an idea of the chief objects to be kept hi view. It is not possible for any one who has not had previous experience of the game, and who has not seen other courses, to attempt to lay out a links. When, however, a new golf club is being formed, and a links being laid down, there is usually among the initiators of the movement at least one who has a good knowledge of the game, and such individual or individuals will usually take a leading part. The most suitable ground for a links is undoubtedly that near the seashore ; it will be found that however unpromising such ground may look at the moment, owing to a heavy covering of rough, benty grass, it will very soon improve with walking and playing over it, the rough grass will disappear, and a velvety sward take its place. A subsoil of sand is always in favour of ground being suitable. Ground at the seashore is not, of course, always available, and in default of it, any old pasture or moorland will usually be capable of being formed into a golf-links. I have seen fields of arable land sown down with line lawn seeds to make an 196 THE GAME OF GOLF addition to tin existing course; but land so sown is the most expensive, it takes longer to bring into g >od con- dition, and is never so satisfactory in the end as land that has been under grass for some years. Sowing down land means making and turling putting-greens, and it is not possible to get a good iirm sole of grass before the second season at soonest. It should there- fore only be adopted as a last- resource. The ground for the links having been selected, there cannot be much difficulty in ascertaining the number of holes it will contain. If there be sufficient space foi eighteen good holes so much the better: but if not, I would recommend that the number be fixed at either nine or six, as twice round the one and three times round the other completes a game. Fifteen- and twelve- hole courses are sometimes found; but in either case the number is awkward, entailing the play over again of the first three or six holes, as the case mav be, to complete the game, and it may happen that these first holes are by no means the best on the course, and. moreover, it may have the elVeet of terminating the game at a considerable distance from the club-house. The number of holes having been decided upon, the next thing to settle is their position, and the position of the teeing-grounds. It is desirable that the first teeing- ground and the last, putting-green should be near the club-house, so that members may neither have far to walk to begin their game, nor far to walk after it is LAYING OUT AND KEEPING GOLF-LINKS 197 finished. These two preliminary points settled, a bird's- eye view of the ground from some eminence may probably suggest the positions for the other holes and teeing-grounds. Having tentatively fixed the places for them, and found that they will all fit in in due order, the place of each should be marked off by a stake, and each hole critically examined in detail. If ultimately found suitable after due consideration, the places so indicated can be finally adopted. I need hardly say that a very great deal will depend upon the natural character of the ground ; and although the following remarks are intended to guide in laying out the green, it will be found that in many cases they cannot be strictly adhered to, but must be varied to suit the nature of the ground upon which the links are being formed. It may be taken as a general indication of the length and difficulty of a green of eighteen holes, that par play over it that is to say, good play without mistakes, and allowing two strokes for holing-out in each case after the putting-green is reached should require about eighty strokes. I do not think it is advisable that any green should be more difficult. In regard to the shape of a links, 1 personally think those on which the holes go straight out to the ninth and return in the opposite direction are preferable; but this must bo decided by the nature of the ground, and the holes may be put down in any form or shape that 198 THE GAME OF GOLF is found most convenient. If possible, avoid making the line of play to one hole cross the line of play to another, and avoid the line of play to or from holes parallel to each other being too close. On a busy green crossing and playing in close parallel lines is apt to result in some of the players being struck ; and even if accidents do not happen, timid players are kept in a state of constant trepidation. The first two or three holes should, it' possible, be fairly long ones, and should be, comparatively speaking, easy of play. Holes of a good length permit the players to get away without congesting the links, or, in the words of a Musselburgh caddie, it allows them to 'get squandered.' If the first holes are too short or too long or too difficult any extreme produces the same result there is invariably a block at the tees: whereas, if the plan I have suggested can bo carried out, this is avoided. Another reason for having the first two or three holes comparatively easy is, that I consider it is only fair to permit a golfer to get warmed to his game before severely testing his abilities. A good start is all-essential, and even the best of golfers may get into ditlirulties. If he does got into ditlicultics at the first couple of holes it will materially affect his whole game and deteriorate his plav : whereas, if he gets a good start, he is not. onlv less likely to break down under the strain of difficult golf, but even if he does come to grief it will not have the same depressing effect on his after play. LAYING OUT AND KEEPING GOLF-LINKS 199 The green should be laid out so as to test the capabilities of golfers without giving undue advantage either to the man who is a long driver, or to the man who excels at the short game. A golfer who can drive further than his neighbours is undoubtedly entitled to some advan- tage for being able to do this; but, as golf does not consist solely of long driving, the advantage should not be so great as to put out of court entirely the man who, driving a shorter ball, is more expert in approach- ing and putting. There should, therefore, be a certain proportion of holes at each of which the long driver, by reason of his long driving, can save a stroke ; and there should also be a certain proportion of holes at which the player who can handle his iron and his putter skilfully has a like advantage. On every eighteen- hole course there should be at least two short holes within the reach of a good player with one stroke ; these should be certain three's. I would almost advocate their being in the one case a full cleek shot, and in the other a full iron shot ; and there should be not less than one long hole to be reached in, say, three full strokes. The other holes may be made of varying lengths none of them under two strokes in length, some capable of being reached in two full shots, and others within reach of one full drive or two full drives and iron and cleek shots of varying lengths. Holes which can be reached with a drive and an iron shot should, unless properly guarded by hazards, be 200 THE GAME OF GOLF very sparingly laid down, because they are likely to prove what lias not inaptly been termed ' levellers '- that is to say, the ball can be driven on to the green in two strokes by anybody, and it may be that at such holes, if not guarded, there is little advantage in getting away a good drive, because, even if the drive is foozled, any ordinary player can put his ball on the putting-green with his second stroke. The result is. that one man who has driven a good shot may have a short approach to play, while another who has got a bad drive, or who has foozled his stroke, will only have a longer approach to play, and his mistake will thus cost him very little. Of course in this case there is an advantage in having to play the shorter approach ; but, generally speaking, a mistake ought to pay a greater penalty than merely increased length of approach. If there be judiciously placed hazards, such an objection cannot hold good, as a foozled drive is practically certain to be punished. Jt is not possible to lay down ideal distances, because so much depends upon the nature of the ground. For instance, on a flat or on a seaside link's, where the ground is hard and the turf short, a ball can be driven much further than on a hilly or heavy course, because it has a considerable run after alighting, and it is possible to get away a long second stroke owing to the ball lying clear: while on a heavy inland course, \\here the grass is long, the drive is all carrv without any run. and owing to the interference of the grass it is not possible to get LAYING OUT AND KEEPING GOLF-LINKS 201 away a long second stroke ; and on a hilly course, the nature of the ground may considerably diminish the distance of the drive ; consequently, on courses of the nature first mentioned the holes may be made longer than on courses such as those last indicated. It is to be kept in view, too, that the links are to be laid out for the use of a certain class of golfers. If all are beginners it is a mistake to make the course too difficult at first, as it will diminish their pleasure and possibly disgust them with the green ; but as they get more expert the links can be made more difficult by lengthening the holes and similar devices. On new greens which are of a rough nature, the holes should be made shorter to begin with, until the ground is walked down, and they can afterwards be lengthened by putting the tees further back ; for, of course, the putting-greens cannot be removed save at great expense. The tees should be placed on level parts of the course, with, if anything, a slight slope upwards in the direction to be played. If there be a hillock or rising ground or any obstruction requiring to be driven over in front, the teeing-grouud should be kept far enough back to enable the ball to rise over it in the course of its flight, Provision should be made for changing the teeing- grounds frequently, to prevent the turf on them being worn out, and to permit ground previously used to recover. The selection of putting-greens is a much more 202 THE <;.\MK OK (JOLF (litlieult matter. The variety of places on which they can be formed is infinite. They may be on the level course, or in a natural hollow or basin, provided it be sufficiently large and shallow, or they may be placed on the tops of large ' tables.' All of these are good positions, and the more variety that can be introduced the better. The putting-greens should be as large as possible; and while the ground should be comparatively level, it is not desirable that it should be perfectly flat like a billiard-table, but should rather be of a slightly undulating character. It is absolutely essential that a putting-green be linn and smooth, and the turf close and short, so that the ball will roll on it and not : bobble' or jump, as it certainly will if the turf be brushy and uneven. If natural putting-greens cannot be made on the course as it stands, then they must be dug up and laid with suitable turf: but this should only be done as a last resource. It is a very bad piece of ground that will not improve sufficiently to make a fairly good putting-green, under proper care, and with due ending and rolling and tup-dressing. A strong attempt should always be made to bring the natural turf into condition before resorting to the lifting and turfing of a putting-green. Mauv will be surprised to iind the; improvement in at can be effected on any ordinary turf with proper treatment and care. If large enough putting-greens cannot be made at any particular parts ol the course, it may be necessary to have relief LAYING OUT AND KEEPING GOLF-LINKS 203 putting-greens on to which the hole can be changed when the regular greens show signs of tear and wear. The putting-greens and teeing-grounds should, as pre- viously pointed out, be in proximity to one another. With regard to hazards, I would begin by stating that there should not be any hazard out of which the ball cannot be extricated at the loss of one stroke, and that all hazards should be visible to the golfer when he stands at his ball before playing his stroke. A bunker that is not visible to the player is always more or less of a ' trap.' Sand bunkers are undoubtedly the most legitimate hazards. When there are natural bunkers, it may be possible to place the holes so that these can be made use of, but otherwise they must be formed, and in all cases they ought to be big enough and deep enough and broad enough to prevent the possibility of a ball either rolling through or jumping over. It should not be possible for a ball to lie in such a position in a bunker that a stroke at it cannot be made so as to play the ball out in one direction or another, and the corners should not therefore be sharp and angular, but rather rounded off. The hazard should be sharply defined, so that there can be 710 doubt as to whether or not a ball lies in it. AVhen bunkers are made, it is very usual to form the soil taken out into a cop in front, or behind, and sometimes in the middle. When such a thing is done, the cop should not be made high but rather broad, and it should not have steep 204 THE GAME OF (JOLF sides. Among- various kinds of hazards arc to be found walls, trees, water, fences and hedges, whins, etc. Trees are never a fair hazard if at all near the line of play, as a well-hit shot may lie completely spoiled by catching in the branches. An occasional wall or fence or stream of water or pond to lie crossed cannot always be avoided, but I do not recommend the making of such hazards merely as hazards. The placing of hazards is a matter of great difficulty, and their positions should lie such that a goiter who is playing a good game should never visit them. The positions should be varied. There should, for example, be at certain holes hazards that must be carried, and should be carried, from the tee: these should he placed at such distances from the teeing-grounds that, while a well-hit shot will carry them, a topped or half- topped stroke will get in. At other holes the hazards should be placed so as to punish badly played second strokes: at others, again, the hazards should guard [In- put ting-greens in front, and there may also be some hazards placed behind the greens. In neither of those eases should the hazards be too near the green; in the former it should be possible to loft well over the hazard, and yet he near the hole, and in the latter it should only be a ball much too strongly played that is punished. There is a ".Teat crv nowadays that < >> / kept clean, and that the Hag-stick stands when properly put in upright in the hole, LAYING OUT AND KEEPING GOLF-LINKS 211 thus saving the edges of the turf. Its disadvantage, however, lies in the fact that unless the hole is cut the exact depth of the tin which is by no means an easy thing to do, either it has to be deepened to sink the tin sufficiently, or, if it is cut too deep, the tin, by the pin being carelessly put in, and striking the bottom, is knocked down too far to be a protection to the edges of the turf. The hole should be cut straight down and the tin inserted and pushed into position, so that the upper edge is from half an inch to a quarter of an inch below the surface of the ground, depending upon the firmness or looseness of the soil. After the tin is placed in position, the ground should be firmly batted down with the back of a spade, and the top edge of the hole trimmed up. When finished, the depth should be at least 4 inches. This matter of depth is a point not always attended to. In selecting a spot for the hole, care should be taken to see that the grass is properly trimmed round about, so that no strong blade is left which might turn a ball coming into contact with it. Heavy Hag-sticks are a frequent source of injury to holes. Players are apt to put them carelessly into the hole, and the pressure against the sides breaks the green and enlarges the hole. The deeper the hole is, the less danger there is of this happening, and hence the hole should always be of a good depth. On eightecn-hole courses it is usual to have the flags of different colours for the outgoing and the incoming 212 THE fl.AME OF (iOLF nine holes. Red going out and white coining in, or >'icc versa, these colours showing up best against the green. The original idea was to prevent confusion to players, when the outgoing and incoming putting-greens lay near each other; but nowadays, even in cases where there is no risk of confusion, the custom is observed. The best mode of marking the teeing-grounds is by white discs, fastened into the ground with long pins through the centre, one at each end of the teeing- ground, in a line at right angles to the direction of play. The edges of bunkers get broken down by players walking over them, and the proper cure is to repair them by putting in turfs, laid one on the top of the other. Wood is sometimes used, but it is objectionable in this, that a ball may hit the wood and jump out ot the ha/ard. All large stones, etc., should be taken out of bunkers, as they are not only unfair, but apt to cause injury to clubs. The raking of bunkers is some- times practised, but it is not a thing I am in favour of. A ball lying on the raked surface will he teed, and may possibly be driven as far as if lying on grass, thus trust fat ing the very purpose the hazard was intended to accomplish. Moreover, in competitions for example, the lirst couples get the best of the bunkers, as each succeeding couple, if they get in. walk the sand into holes. On greens where the sand walks solid, the bunkers should be dug up. If the sides are sleep, it is a good plan to pal in a short ladder, or a few steps, to LAYING OUT AND KEEPING GOLF-LINKS 213 save the edges from being broken down by players clambering up. For keeping down the grass through the course, nothing can be better than grazing with sheep. Some clubs look for a good revenue from this, but golf and grazing are not compatible. If the ground be kept in trim for golf, there is little grazing to be got, and if the grazing is good, it means that the grass is too long for golf. Grazing by sheep is irrespective of the rent it produces the best mode of keeping down superfluous grass, and it has the effect of enriching the ground when poor. Cattle should not be permitted to graze for obvious reasons, and horses cut up the ground. But if the growth of grass is very luxuriant, grazing may not be sufficient, and it may be necessary to resort to cutting the whole green an expensive proceeding. The golfers should always endeavour to get the grazing into their own hands, so as to be able to regulate the putting on or the taking off of sheep, and the number to be grazed. If there is a separate grazing tenant who is not under the control of the golfers, he may give a good deal of trouble, and cause much annoyance. Walking over a green improves it very much, and consolidates it. It wears away the rough grass, which is replaced by an after-growth of short turf, and it is much more efficacious than cutting. When a new green is opened, give it plenty of walking over and play to tramp it down, before proceeding to incur expense in the way of cutting. CHAPTER XI TIIK LAWS OF <;<>LF THE Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews are generally recognised to l>o the lawgivers of the game. and the St. Andrews Rules arc invariably adopted by other clubs. It is somewhat unfortunate, however, that the rules which they have framed arc 1 not sufficiently comprehensive, nor arc they apparently intended to be applicable to all links on which golf is played ; and it would almost seem as if they were drawn up with reference to St. Andrews Links alone. The result of this is, that, while these rules are adopted by other clubs, they frequently require modification to suit local requirements, and it cannot therefore be said that the code of laws as it stands is always of general application. The o:ily other club which has framed u set of rules for itself is the Royal Wimbledon Coif Club: but I am not aware that their rules are adopted l>v another club in preference to the St. Andrews code, and sudi a proceeding would in Sroiland be deemed litile short of sacrilege. As a matter of fact, while both codes have their good and bad points, I recommend the adop- tion of the St. Andrews Rul^ subject to such addi- THE LAWS OF GOLF 215 tional local rules as may be necessary. This on the ground that they are invariably accepted, and it is desirable that all clubs should, as far as practicable, play under the same Rules. The Wimbledon Rules, however, will be found printed after the St. Andrews Rules, so that the two codes can easily be compared. A table showing the points of difference between them is also given. One can hardly take up a sporting newspaper which devotes a column to golf without being astonished by seeing the number of inquiries on the subject of the rules ; and with the view of making them more easily understood by those who have not had the advantage of previous acquaintance with former rules, and the customs of golf, I have appended to each rule such observations thereon as occur to me may be of service. These notes are printed in smaller type, to distinguish them from the actual rules. I would repeat the remark already made, that a thorough knowledge of the laws of the game is essential for all who profess to be golfers. RULES FOR THE GAME OF GOLF Adopted by tJie Royal anil Ancient G'oJf Club of tit. Andn-ics on 2Mh September 1B!)1, as amended on \st May 1895. 1. The game of golf is played by two or more sides, each playing its own ball. A side may consist of one or more persons 216 THE GAME OF HOLF 2. The game consists in each side playing a ball from a tee into a hole by successive strokes, and the hole is won by the side holing its ball in the fewest strokes, except as otherwise provided for in the rules. If two sides hole out in the same number of strokes, the hole is halved. These two rules are explanatory of the game. 3. The teeing-ground shall be indicated by two marks placed in a line at right angles to the course, and the player shall not tee in front of, nor on cither side of, these marks, nor more than two club-lengths behind them. A ball played from outside the limits of the teeing-ground, as thus denned, may be recalled by the opposite side. The hole shall be 4} inches in diameter, and at least 4 inches deep. The proper method of indicating the teeing-ground is as above provided. On some courses, however, the teeing-grounds are indicated by four marks two in front and two behind in which case the ball must be teed within the .space so marked off, as the two latter marks are intended to show the limit of two club-lengths, behind which the ball cannot be teed. If a ball is teed outside of the defined limits, the proper and sportsmanlike course for the opponent to adopt is to demand that the ball be brought within the limits before the stroke is played. At the same time the above is the rule (which I have frequently seen enforced), and the opponent is entitled, if lie so choose, to recall a hall driven t'rm outside the teeing-ground. This means that he may insist on another ball being played from within the proper place, but of course the playing of the first ball which is recalled does not count as a stroke. The sixe of the hole should be measured inside any lining which may be placed in it. THE LAWS OF GOLF 217 4. The ball must be fairly struck at, and not pushed, scraped, or spooned, under penalty of the loss of the hole. Any movement of the club which is intended to strike the ball is a stroke. The ball must of course be struck at with a gulf-club. It is not allowable to play a ball with the shaft of a club as with a billiard- cue, nor is it allowable to place the club-head close down beside the ball and lift it forward, as I have seen done when the ball lay in a bunker. The ball must be struck. It is counted a stroke if the ball be struck at, even if it be not actually touched or moved, either through the club hitting the ground behind the ball, or through swinging the club right over the top of it. 5. The game commences by each side playing a ball from the iirst teeing-ground. In a match with two or more on a side, the partners shall strike off alternately from the tecs, and shall strike alternately during the play of the hole. The players who are to strike against each other shall be named at starting, and shall continue in the same order during the match. The player who shall play first on each side shall be named by his own side. In case of failure to agreo, it shall be settled by lot or toss which side shall have the option of leading. The last senteneo of the first paiMgraph and the second and third paragraphs refer to foursome play. The last paragraph applies to all matches. If the parties cannot agree whi'-h is to have the honour, it sh;tll be settled by lot. The custom used to be to give the fn>t honour to the e.ipt tin of the club, or nMist member of the club playing in the match. 218 THE GAME OF GOLF 6. If a player shall play when his partner should have done so, his side shall lose the hole, except in the case of the tee-shot, when the stroke may be recalled at the option of the opponents. As before pointed out, the recalled stroke is not counted. 7. The side winning 1 a hole shall lead in starting for the next hole, and may recall the opponent's stroke should he play out of order. This privilege is called the 'honour.' On starting for a new match, (he winner of the long match in the previous round is entitled to the 'honour.' Should the first match have been halved, the winner of the last hole gained is entitled to the ' honour.' The 'long match' means the previous match, irrespective of the bye which may have remained to play after the match was decided. Thus a golfer wins his match by four up and three to play, but loses all the remaining three holes, which in all probability will be played as a bye. Notwithstanding liis losing the bye, he as the winner of the match (or the long mutch) is entitled to the honour in starting for a new round. 8. One round of the links -generally eighteen holes is a match, unless otherwise agreed upon. The match is won by the side which gets more holes ahead than there remain holes to be played, or by the side winning the last hole when the match was all even at the second last hole. If both sides have won the same number, it is a halved match. 9. After the balls arc struck from the tee, the ball furthest from the hole to which the parties are plaving THE LAWS OF GOLF 219 shall bo played first, except as otherwise provided for in the rules. Should the wrong side play first, the opponent may recall the stroke before his side has played. Observe the wording of the first part of this rule. Suppose the player who has the honour (1) misses the globe altogether, or (2) that his ball after being driven hits a stone or a post, or some obstruction, and rebounds to a distance behind the teeing-ground, he does not immediately play a second stroke ; he must allow his opponent to play his tee-sliot, the like, and the first player then plays the odd. 'Except as otherwise provided for in the rules' see Eule 32 and Special Rules for Medal Play, 9. As before explained, the recalled stroke is not counted. 10. Unless with the opponent's consent, a ball struck from the tee shall not be changed, touched, or moved before the hole is played out, under the penalty of one stroke, except as otherwise provided for in the rules. See Rules 13, 17, 20, 21, 22, 32, 36, 38 ; Special Rules for Medal Play, 8 and 9. 11. In playing through the green, all loose impedi- ments, within a club-length of a ball which is not lying in or touching a hazard, may be removed, but loose impediments which arc more than a club-length from the ball shall not be removed under the penalty of one stroke. Compare with Rules 30 and 31, also with Rule 13. This rule only applies to 'loose impediments.' 12. Before striking at the ball, the player shall not move, bend, or break anything fixed or growing near 220 THE CAME OF GOLF the ball, except in the act of placing his feet on the ground for the purpose of addressing the ball, and in soling his club to address the ball, under the penalty of the loss of the hole, except as provided for in Rule 18. Through the Lrreen the natural lie of the ball must not be improved in any way. The club may be soled, but this must not be done in such a way as to contravene the first part of the rule. 13. A ball stuck fast in wet ground or sand may be taken out and replaced loosely in the hole which it has made. This only applies to wet ground or sand, and the ball must bo replaced in the hole ; the hole cannot be closed and the ball placed on the top. 14. When a ball lies in or touches a ha/an 1, the club shall not touch the ground, nor shall anything be touched or moved before the player strikes at the ball, except that the player may place his feet firmly on the ground for the purpose of addressing the ball, under the penalty of the loss of the hole. But if in tin' Imrl-u-n i\l or iii tic' // ///V/NS-, l-rtt, u'hm,or o/Ic'i' t/rofi't in/ suhxtitnce, or Iff s/i/n of ti 1mnker,u ii'iill. a puling, <>i~ other / in nioi'iiJilc <>!>*/< /' be foiicfml, no p>' i/nl / 1/ .li< ill be, incurreil. The italic-; are mine. This latter p;(rt of the rule was added at a meeting of th" Royal and Ancient (iolf Club held on 1st .May IB!).".. The wh"le rale is one of the most important in the code. It e\piv>.-ly prohibits anything that would in the slightest decree improve the position of a bull in a ha/ard. When the ball <;ets into 'f')g, bent, whins, etc., : Rule is must be read in conjunction with THE LAWS OF GOLF 221 the above, but the player is not thereby entitled to put aside the whins, etc., to enable a better stroke to be made. The whins, etc., must not be touched (save with the object of allowing the ball to be seen) until in the act of striking. 15. A 'hazard' shall bo any bunker of whatever nature: water, sand, loose earth, mole -hills, paths, roads or railways, whins, bushes, rushes, rabbit-scrapes, fences, ditches, or anything which is not the ordinary green of the course, except sand blown on to the grass by wind, or sprinkled on grass for the preservation of the links, or snow or ice, or bare patches on the course. This rule consists of two parts, the first specific and the second general ; but the specific hazards mentioned do not limit the definition of hazards to those specifically enumerated. It would seem that blown saml, snow, or ice can be regarded as loose impediments within the meaning of Rule 11, and in this case the sand, etc., within a club-length of the ball can be brushed away, which practically results in leaving the ball teed. I hardly think, however, that this can have been intended to be the meaning of the rule, but rather that it was merely meant to permit of the club being soled when the ball lies on such sand, etc. With reference to this, see Rule 34, which permits sand, etc., to be removed on the putting- green. Here is an interesting question upon which the rule gives no direct information. Suppose a large bunker with a fair-sized patch of grass in the centre of it. Is a ball lying on this patch of grass in a hazard or not? My own view is that it is not. The ball is either in the bunker or it is not, and grass is not a bunker ; therefore the ball is not in the hazard. I am aware, however, that the point is considered debatable. K). A player or a player's caddie shall nut press down or remove any irregularities ul' surface near the ball, 222 THE GAME OF GOLF except at the teeing-ground, under the penalty of the loss of the hole. At the teeing-ground anything can be done to improve the tee, and it is quite usual to press down with the foot the grass behind the ball ; but this cannot be done at any other place, nor can the lie of the ball through the green be improved by pressing the club down behind the ball or otherwise. 17. If any vessel, wheel-barrow, tool, roller, grass- cutter, box, or other similar obstruction has been placed upon the course, such obstruction may be removed. A ball lying on or touching such obstruction, or on clothes, or nets, or on ground under repair or temporarily covered up or opened, may bo lifted and dropped at the nearest point, of the course, but a ball lifted in a hazard shall be dropped in the hazard. A ball lying in a golf-hole or flag-hole may be lifted and dropped not more than a club-length behind such hole. The theory of the rule is that there should not be any ' vessels, etc.,' on the links in the player's way. Ground under repair should be marked of!' and indicated ; it frequently happens that turf has been lifted from ground oft' the line of play, but on to which erratic players manage to drive, and the rule cannot be said to lie intended to cover this contingency, because, if the ground is oil' the line, the player has no business to be there, and he H only receiving his deserts by linding himself in ditliculties. It is puit of the unwritten laws of golf that balls shall not be played oil' a putting green, and where a ball dues happen to get on to the wroii'_r putting-green, requiring to lie played <>it', it is invariably lifted and dropped on the nearest pa it of the course. A rule for this, adopted by many clubs, is givi-n at the end of this code. IS. When a ball is completely covered with log, bent. THE LAWS OF GOLF 223 whins, etc., only so much thereof shall be set aside as that the player shall have a view of his ball before he plays, whether in a line with the hole or otherwise. Observe the latter part of the rule. The player is not entitled to improve his position. He is only entitled to see where his ball lies before striking at it. 19. When a ball is to be dropped, the player shall drop it. He shall front the hole, stand erect behind the hazard, keep the spot from which the ball was lifted (or in the case of running water, the spot at which it entered) in a line between him and the hole, and drop the ball behind him from his head, standing as far behind the hazard as he may please. The player must himself drop it, not his caddie nor his partner. Care should be taken that the ball drops clear of a hazard, because when the ball has been dropped it is in play and cannot be again touched except under the Rules, and, if again liftable, subject to any fresh penalty that may be exigible. 20. When the balls in play lie within six inches of each other measured from their nearest points the ball nearer the hole shall be lifted until the other is played, and shall then be replaced as nearly as possible in its original position. Should the ball further from the hole be accidentally moved in so doing, it shall be replaced. Should the lie of the lifted ball be altered by the opponent in playing, it may be placed in a lie near to, and as nearly as possible similar to, that from which it was lifted. 224 THE GAME OF (JOLF Suppose that, after the players have driven off, both balls lie together, almost touching each other ; if the ball nearer the hole were lifted, and the opponent in playing the other ball took it heavy and cut out a divot of turf, to replace the lifted ball on the exact spot where it originally lay would possibly mean placing it in a hole. I have actually seen such a case happen, and it is to meet such a contingency that this rule is enacted. Under it the lifted ball would nut lie replaced in the hob', but 'in a lie near to, and as nearly as possible similar to, that from which it was lifted.' 21. If the ball lie or be lost in water, the player may drop a bull, under the penalty of one stroke. Water means any water on the course, either streams or pond-* or pools formed by rain. It is optional to the player either to lift or to play, and he may sometimes prefer to do the latter when the ball lies in a small shallow rain-formed pool. The actual working out of this rule may, and sometimes doe.-, load to anomalies, as, for instance, when the water is in a hazard. Two balls may be lying in the same hazard within a couple of yards of one another, the one in water and the other not, the first can be lifted and taken out of the hazard under the above rule, subject to the penalty of a stroke, while the other would require to be played as it lay or the hole given up, or, in a stroke competition, dealt with under Special Kules for Medal Play, 8. 22. Whatever happens by accident to a ball in motion, such as its being dellected or stopped by any agency outside the match, or by the fore-caddie, is a 'rub of the green,' and the ball shall be played from where it lies. Should a ball lodge in anything movino- \J o o ' such ball, or if it cannot bo recovered, another ball, shall be dropped as nearly as possible at the spot when; the object was when the ball lodged in it. But if a ball at 'I'tvt be displaced by any agency outside, the match, THE LAWS OF GOLF 225 the- player shall drop it or another ball as nearly as possible at the spot where it lay. On the putting- green the ball may be replaced by hand. 23. If the player's ball strike, or be accidentally moved by an opponent or an opponent's caddie or clubs, the opponent loses the hole. 24. If the player's ball strike, or be stopped by himself or his partner, or either of their caddies or clubs, or if, while in the act of playing, the player strike the ball twice, his side loses the hole. It is difficult for any one but the player to say if a ball is struck twice in the act of making a stroke. Striking frwice occurs sometimes in putting when the ball lies in a 'nick' on the green the putter hits the ball, which thereupon jumps up off the face of the nick and the putter again hits it in the follow-through. It may also happen in playing a full stroke with an iron club through the ball being hit first with the hose and afterwards with the blade of the club, but the movements are so quick as to defy detection except by the sound, and can only be proved by examining the club used and seeing if there are two distinct marks of impact of the ball on it. 25. If the player when not making a stroke, or his partner or either of their caddies touch their side's ball, except at the tee, so as to move it, or by touching anything cause it to move, the penalty is one stroke. 26. A ball is considered to have been moved if it leave its original position in the least degree and stop in another; but if a player touch his ball and thereby cause it to oscillate, without causing it to leave its p 226 THE GAME OF GOLF original position, it is not moved in the sense of Rule 25. The most fruitful source of moving balls is carelessness in ad- dressing them, especially when the ball lies either on very keen ground or in long grass. 27. A player's side loses a stroke if he play the opponent's ball, unless (1) the opponent then play the player's ball, whereby the penalty is cancelled and the hole must be played out with the balls thus exchanged, or (2) the mistake occur through wrong information given by the opponent, in which case the mistake, if discovered before the opponent has played, must be rectified by placing a ball as nearly as possible where the opponent's ball lay. If it be discovered before either side has struck oft' at the tee that one side has played out the previous hole with the ball of a party not engaged in the match, that side loses that hole. There is no excuse for a player not knowing his own ball. If he finds any difficulty about it, he should mark his ball to prevent all question. It must be remembered that he is not entitled to lift a ball to examine it unless with his opponent's consent. See Itule 10. 2S. If a ball be lost, the player's side loses the hole. A ball shall be held as lost if it be not found within iive minutes after the search is begun. I apprehend that for the purposes of this rule a ball is lost if it cannot be gathfivi, even though it can be seen, as, fur instance, in the case of a ball down a rabbit-hole, visible, yet out of reach. 20. A ball must be played wherever it lies, or the THE LAWS OF GOLF 227 hole be given up, except as otherwise provided for in the Rules. Although the St. Andrews Rules say nothing about this, it is usual for clubs to make a local rule about rabbit holes and scrapes where it is necessary. Such a rule is given at the end of this code. 30. The term ' putting-green ' shall mean the ground within twenty yards of the hole, excepting hazards. 31. All loose impediments may be removed from the putting-green, except the opponent's ball when at a greater distance from the player's than six inches. Loose impediments. Nothing fixed or growing can be removed. 32. In a match of three or more sides, a ball in any degree lying between the player and the hole must be lifted, or, if on the putting-green, holed out. Stymies are not played in three-ball matches. 33. When a ball is on the putting-green, no mark shall be placed, nor line drawn as a guide. The line to the hole may be pointed out, but the person doing so may not touch the ground with the hand or club. The player may have his own or his partner's caddie to stand at the hole, but none of the players or their caddies may move so as to shield the ball from, or expose it to, the wind. The penalty for any breach of this rule is the loss of the hole. The line to the hole must not be touched. The second paragraph of the rule makes it advisable that the players and their caddies 228 THE GAME OF GOLF shall not move when a putt is being played, or until the ball has ceased to roll. 34. The player or his caddie may remove (but not press down) sand, earth, worm-casts, or snow lying around the hole or on the line of his putt. This shall be done by brushing lightly with the hand only across the putt and not along it. Dung may be removed to a side by an iron club, but the club must not be laid with more than its own weight upon the ground. The putting-line must not be touched by club, hand, or foot, except as above authorised, or immediately in front of the ball in the act of addressing it, under the penalty of the loss of the hole. Although a matter of doubt at one time, it is now settled that the last sentence of this rule does not prevent the player from placing his putter in front of his ball with the view of adjusting the face of the club before playing. 35. Either side is entitled to have the flag-stick removed when approaching the hole. If the ball rest against the flag-stick when in the hole, the player shall be entitled to remove the stick, and if the ball fall in, it shall be considered as holed out in the previous stroke. See Etiquette of Golf, Rule 8. 'M. A player shall not play until the opponent's ball shall have ceased to roll, under the penalty of one stroke. Should the player's ball knock in the opponent's ball, the latter shall be counted as holed out in the previous stroke. If in playing the player's ball clis- THE LAWS OF GOLF 229 place the opponent's ball, the opponent shall have the option of replacing it. 37. A player shall not ask for advice, nor be knowingly advised about the game by word, look, or gesture from any one except his own caddie, or his partner or partner's caddie, under the penalty of the loss of the hole. I am afraid that this rule is not so strictly observed as it should be. A friend walking round with a match too often is asked for and gives advice in defiance of the strict law. 38. If a ball split into separate pieces, another ball may be put down where the largest portion lies, or if two pieces are apparently of equal size, it may be put where either piece lies, at the option of the player. If a ball crack or become unplayable, the player may change it, on intimating to his opponent his intention to do so. 39. A penalty stroke shall not be counted the stroke of a player, and shall not affect the rotation of play. 40. Should any dispute arise on any point, the players have the right of determining the party or parties to whom the dispute shall be referred ; but should they not agree, either party may refer it to the Green Com- mittee of the green where the dispute occurs, and their decision shall be final. Should the dispute not be covered by the Rules of Golf, the arbiters must decide it by equity. 230 THE GAME OF GOLF The Rules do not provide for any mode of protest in the event of dispute between players. Suppose, for example, a ball lies on a place which the player of the b;ill maintains is not a hazard, while his opponent as stoutly maintains it is. What is to be done ? The question is one which obviously cannot wait the decision of a non- present referee or of a Green Committee. There are two courses open to the aggrieved party ; one is to lift his ball and claim the hole if the player breaks the Rules by grounding his club in the disputed ground or otherwise, and the other is to play out the hole. If he does the first he runs the risk of its being held that the ground is not a hazard, and he thereby loses a hole he might otherwise have won or halved ; and if he adopts the alternative course he may be met with the argument that he had played out the hole and debarred himself from referring the matter in dispute. I think it is un- fortunate that the Rules are silent on this subject, and in the event of dispute arising I would recommend the player who thinks the Rules have been broken to play out the hole under protest, intimated to his opponent. In competitions each player is supposed to know the Rules, and to play accordingly ; it is not for his partner, who plays with him, and whose duty it is to see that the Rules are observed, to insist on the latter's interpretation being acted on. If such partner notices what he considers a contravention of the Rules, his proper course is to report accordingly when the cards are returned, and let the Committee decide. SPKriAL 1U T LI-:S FOR MEDAL PLAY (1.) In club competitions, the competitor doin^ tlio stipulated course in fewest strokes shall lie the winner. (2.) If tin; lowest score be made by two or more competitors, the ties shall be decided by another round to be played either on the same or on any other day as the Captain, or, in his absence, the Secretary shall direct. THE LAWS OF GOLP 231 (3:) New holes shall be made for the Medal Round, and thereafter no member shall play any stroke on a putting-green before competing. The application of this rule is much more sweeping than most players imagine. No stroke on any putting-green can be played before the competition without rendering the player liable to dis- qualification. (4.) The scores shall be kept by a special marker, or by the competitors noting each other's scores. The scores marked shall be checked at the finish of each hole. On completion of the course, the score of the player shall be signed by the person keeping the score and handed to the Secretary. In amateur competitions it is usual for the competitors playing together to mark each other's score. In open competitions markers usually accompany the couples. (5.) If a ball be lost, the player shall return as nearly as possible to the spot where the ball was struck, tee another ball, and lose a stroke. If the lost ball be found before he has struck the other ball, the first shall continue in play. This rule about a lost ball puzzles a number of players. The penalty of a stroke and distance is equivalent to a penalty of two strokes, and it works out thus : the stroke played from which the ball is lost is the first, the penalty stroke counts as the second, and the stroke which the player makes in playing the fresh ball counts as the third. The player is therefore in much the same position with his third stroke as he would have been with his first had he played it properly. (6.) If the player's ball strike himself, or his clubs, or 232 THE GAME OF fiOLF caddie, or if, in the act of playing, the player strike the ball t\vice, the penalty shall be one stroke. (7.) If a competitor's ball strike the other player, or his clubs or caddie, it is a 'rub of the green,' and the ball shall be played from where it lies. (8.) A ball may, under a penalty of two strokes, be lifted out of a difficulty of any description, and be teed behind same. This is a most important rule in medal competitions, and has no parallel in match play. It is better to lift a ball out of a ha/;ird, and count two strokes for so doing, than to hammer away fruitlessly at the ball. But it is optional to the player either to lift or to play the ball. (9.) All balls shall be holed out, and when play is on the putting-green, the Hag shall be removed, and the competitor whose ball is nearest the hole shall have the option of holing out first, or of lifting his ball, it' it be in such a position that it might, if left, give an advantage to the other competitor. Throughout the green a competitor can have the other competitor's ball lifted, if he find that it interferes with his stroke. All kills must be holed out, even a ball lying within an inch of the hole. This rule prevents the application to medal competitions of Rule 3(!, as to a ball being knocked into the hole ; if this happens the ball must be replaced and holed out. One competitor is not entitled to give another the advantage of leaving his ball lying near the hole to make it bigger. If his ball be in such a position that it might give an advantage to the other competitor, it must be holed out first or lifted. THE LAWS OF GOLF 233 (10) A competitor may not play with a professional, and he may not receive advice from any one but his caddie. A fore- caddie may be employed. (11.) Competitors may not discontinue play because of bad weather. (12.) The penalty for a breach of any rule shall be disqualification. (13.) Any dispute regarding the play shall be deter- mined by the Green Committee (14.) The ordinary Rules of Golf, so far as they are not at variance with these special rules, shall apply to medal play. ETIQUETTE OF GOLF It is doubtful how far the following injunctions are obligatory as laws of the game, except by courtesy, but there is no doubt that they ought to be observed, and there is also no doubt that custom authorises the enforcing of the most of them, and that in one instance, at least, by very drastic measures. The following customs belong to the established Etiquette of Golf and should be observed by all golfers. 1. No player, caddie, or onlooker should move or talk during a stroke. 2. No player should play from the tee until the party in front have played their second strokes and 234 THE GAME OF CiOLF are out of range, nor play to the putting-green till the party in front have holed out and moved away. There is no rule more religiously and jealously enforced than this one, and disregard of it is held as entitling the party played into to drive back the offender's ball. Of course no one would resort to this extreme measure unless the provocation were great and the breach of etiquette repeated more than once after due remonstrance. 3. The player who leads from the tee should be allowed to play before his opponent tees his ball. The reason for this is that the second ball may catch the eye of the player who is about to drive, and so interfere with his stroke. 4. Players who have holed out should not try their putts over again when other players are following them. 5. Players looking for a lost ball must allow any other match coming up to pass them. The match behind cannot be asked to wait until the players looking for the lost ball have exhausted the statutory limit of time under Rule 28. The following couples are entitled to go on without pause, and it is only courteous for the couple causing the delay to permit of this without cavil. G. A party playing three or more balls must allow a two-ball match to pass them. The two-ball match must have started and played in regular course to entitle them to pass the three ball-match. A three-ball match should not be played on a busy green except by first-class golfers, and then only with consent of the following couples. Good golfers playing a three-ball match do not, as a rule, block or keep back the succeeding couples. 7. A party pluying a shorter round must allow a two- ball match playing the whole round to pass them. THE LAWS OF GOLF 235 8. -A player should not putt at the hole when the flag is in it. 9. The reckoning of the strokes is kept by the terms 'the odd/ 'two more/ 'three more/ etc., and 'one off three/ ' one off two/ ' the like/ The reckoning of the holes is kept by the terms so many 'holes up/ or ' all even/ and so many ' to play/ 10. Turf cut or displaced by a stroke in playing should be at once replaced. LOCAL RULES FOR ST. ANDREWS LINKS 1. When the Green Committee consider it necessary, a telegraph board shall be used to give the numbers for starting. 2. If the ball lie in any position in the Swilcan Burn, whether in water or not, the player may drop it, or if it cannot be recovered, another ball may be dropped on the line where it entered the burn, on the opposite side to the hole to that to which he is playing, under the penalty of one stroke. 3. Should a ball be driven into the water of the Eden at the high hole, or into the sea at the first hole, the ball, or, if it cannot be recovered, another ball, shall be teed a club-length in front of either river or sea near the spot where it entered, under the penalty of one stroke. 236 THE GAME OF GOLF 4. A ball in the enclosure (between the road and dyke holes) called the station-master's garden shall be a lost ball. 5. If a ball lie within two yards of a fixed seat, it may be lifted and dropped two yards to the side of the seat farthest from the hole. 6. Any dispute respecting the play shall be deter- mined by the Green Committee. 7. Competitions for the Spring and Autumn Medals of the club (with the exception of the George Glennie Medal) shall be decided by playing one round of the links, and the competitor doing it in fewest strokes shall be the winner. 8. The order of starting for the Spring and Autumn Medals will be balloted for on the previous evening, and intending competitors must give in their names to the Secretary not later than tive o'clock on the previous evening. Any competitor not at the teeing- ground when his number is called shall be disqualified, unless it be proved to the satisfaction of the Green Committee or Secretary that he has a valid excuse, such as serious temporary illness, a train late, or such like, in which case he may be allowed to compete, and, if allowed, shall be placed at the bottom of the list. The absent competitor's partner may start in his proper turn, provided he get another player to play with him. THE LAWS OF GOLF 237 9." Competitors for medals or prizes are not allowed to delay starting on account of bad weather, but must strike off immediately after the preceding party has crossed the burn, and, after they have started, are not allowed to take shelter, but must complete their round in the order of their start. In cases of stoppage by accident, or severe temporary illness, the Green Com- mittee may allow a competitor to resume play. 10. All private matches must be delayed till the last medal competitors have holed out at the first hole. LENGTH OF HOLES ON ST. ANDREWS LINKS 1st Hole, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ., 6ih Ttli ,, 8th 9th Out. 352 yards. 1st Hole, 417 2nd 335 3rd 3G7 4th 516 5th 359 ,. 6th 340 ., 7tli ., 170 8th 277 9th 3,133 ,, In. 290 yards. 150 333 385 475 375 331 461 387 3,190 238 THE GAME OF GOLF TABLE SHOWING AT WHAT HOLES STROKES ARE TO BE TAKEN IN THE QUEEN VICTORIA JUBILEE VASE (HANDI- CAP) TOURNAMENT OF THE ROYAL AND ANCIENT GOLF CLUB OF ST. ANDREWS. 8 1 5 11 1 2 8 1 1 1 3 7 1 1 If, 1 i 5 8 12 16 1 2 ;> 8 11 14 17 1 - 5 8 11 |:i 16 18| 4 4 6 8 11 13 15 | 17 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 | 16 IS 1 T~ 3 3 5 7 "6 9 7 10 ~iT 11 | 13 1(T|~12~ 1ft IT 17 15 17 -<- i 1 3 2 4 4 6 ~6~ 7 ~S" 9 9 10 | 12 ii|l->' 13 14 15 ~I7T 16 16 18 17 "18 1 2 3 5 t; 8 9 | 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 1 <2 3 fi 6 7 8 | 9 10 11 J3 1 1 16 17 18 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 17 18 i i2 3 4 f> 6 7 | 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 1- IN HEX TO RULES NOTE. This Index docs not tmbraci- the Etiqm-ttt een moved, .... 26 ,, within six inches of another, ...... 20 Breach of Rules, 12 Clothes, ball on, ...... ... 17 Club Competitions, ......... 1 Disputes, ........ ... 40 Disputes, ........ ... 13 Dung, how to be removed, ..-.,,.. 34 240 THE GAME OF GOLF Rule Earth lying around hole, ........ 34 Fixed obstacles, ......... 12 Flag-stick, 35 Flag-stick to lie removed, ........ 9 Fore-caddie 10 Game, of what it consists, ...,,... 2 ,, how commences, ........ 5 Golf-hole, ball in, 17 Ground under repair, or temporarily covered up, ... 17 Growing obstacles, 12 Hazard, definition of, ........ 15 Hole, flag-stick in, ......... 35 ,, sand, earth, worm-casts, or snow lying around, . . 34 ,, size of, .......... 3 Holes, new, .......... 3 Holing out, .......... 9 Honour, ........... 7 Irregularities of surface may not be pressed down, ... 16 Loose impediments in playing through green, . . . . 11 ,, ,, on putting-green, ..... 31 Match, of what it consists, ....... 2 Markers, ........... 4 Medal Round, new holes for, ....... 3 Medal Play, breach of Rules, 12 Medal Piny, ordinary Hides ajtjtlictdile, . . . . 14 Mode of playing game, ........ 1 Nets, ball on, 17 Obstacles, fixed or growing, ....... 12 Obstruction en course, . . . . . . . . 17 TYnalty stroke, 3!) Playing out (if turn, ....... .6 Prnf(x*ional t competitors may not play inth .... 10 1'uUiiiLT-i'mjn, definition of . . . , 30 THE LAWS OF GOLF 241 Rule Putting-green, loose impediments on 31 ,, no mark or line to be placed on ... 33 ,, play on 9 playing on before competing, .... 3 ,, three or more ball match on .... 32 Recalling stroke, 9 Rub of the green, 22 Rub of the green, ......... 7 Sand lying around hole, . 34 Snow ,, ,, 34 Stroke, definition of ......... 4 Teeing-ground, .......... Three or more ball match, . 32 Ties, 2 Water, ball in 21 Weather bad, 11 Wind, shielding ball from or exposing to 33 Worm-casts lying around hole, 34 The following rules, which are not in the St. Andrews code, may be found useful : If a ball lodge in a rabbit hole or scrape, the player may take it out and tee it a club-length behind the hazard, losing a stroke. If, however, the hole or scrape be in a hazard, the ball may be lifted and dropped behind, but not out of the hazard, under the same penalty. If a ball lodge in a rabbit- scrape on the putting-green, it may be taken out and placed behind without any penalty. In the event of any players causing undue delay, either in playing the game or otherwise, so that the Q 242 THE GAME OF GOLF hole in front of that to which they are playing is entirely unoccupied, the players immediately behind shall be entitled to pass such players, who shall be bound to permit this on being so required. Balls shall not be driven or played from off any putting-green. When a ball lies on a putting-green on the way to another hole, it must be lifted and dropped beyond such putting-green, and not nearer the hole being played to, without a penalty. RULES AND BYE-LAWS FOR THE GAME OF GOLF MADE BY THE ROYAL WIMBLEDON GOLF CLUB, 1883 RULE S MODE AND ORDER OF PLAYING THE GAME 1. The game of golf is played by two persons, or by four (two of a side playing alternately). It may also be played by three or more persons, each playing his own ball. The game commences by each side playing oil' a ball from the starting-point called the ' tceing-ground.' In a match of four, those who are to play oil' and 'strike against' each other shall be named at starting. The reckoning of the strokes is kept by the terms THE LAWS OF GOLF 243 'odds, 1 'like/ 'two more,' 'one off two,' etc., and the hole is won by the player holing in the fewest strokes. The party gaming the hole ' has the honour,' i.e. leads off for the next hole, and may recall his opponent's stroke should he play out of order. On starting for a second match the winner of the previous match ' has the honour.' On starting for a second round the winner of the ' long match ' in the previous round is entitled to the ' honour.' Should the first round have been halved, the winner of the last hole ' has the honour.' No player may play his tee ball until the party in front have played their second strokes. In match play, after the balls have been struck off, the ball furthest from the hole to which the parties are playing must be played first, or the opponent may recall the stroke. In a three-ball match, should a ball in any degree interpose on the putting-green between the player's ball and the hole, it must be played first. One round of the links is reckoned a match, unless otherwise stipulated. If in a double match a player play out of his turn his side loses the hole. PLACE OF TEEING 2. The ball must be teed within the limits of the ground marked out for the purpose, and not more than two club-lengths behind the front line. In match play 244 THE GAME OF GOLF the penalty for the infringement of this rule shall be the recall of the stroke at the option of the opponent. In medal play the stroke must be recalled, the penalty being the loss of the stroke. A STROKE 3. The ball must be fairly struck, and not 'pushed,' 'scraped,' or 'spooned,' and any movement of the club, made with the intention of striking at the ball, must be considered a stroke. CLUB BREAKING; 4. If, in striking, the club break, it is a stroke, if (he part of the club remaining in the player's hand either strike the ground, touch the ball, or pass it. Should the club, in striking, catch in anything, such as a whin-branch or portion of paling, and break, it must be considered a stroke, even if the part remaining in the player's hand do not strike the ground, touch the ball, or pass it. AGAINST CHANGING MALL ."). A ball struck oiV from the tee must not be changed, touched, or moved before the hole is played out, except in striking, and the cases specially provided for in the Hides. If the plavers are at a loss to know the one ball from the other, neither shall be lifted without the consent of both parties. THE LAWS OF GOLP 245 BALLS 'WITHIN SIX INCHES* 6. Whenever the balls lie within six inches of each other (the six inches to be measured from the inner surfaces), the ball nearest the hole must be lifted till the other has been played, and then replaced as nearly as possible in its original position. BALL IN WATER 7. If the ball lie in casual water on the course, the player may take it out, change the ball if he please, tee it, and play from behind the hazard, losing a stroke. If the ball be in w y ater in a hazard, or the water itself be a recognised hazard, it may be lifted and dropped behind the hazard, under the same penalty. If the ball be seen to enter water from which it cannot be recovered, the penalty shall be the same as if recovered. DROPPING BALL 8. In all cases where a ball is to be dropped, the player shall front the hole to which he is playing, stand erect behind the hazard, and drop the ball behind him from his head, the spot at which the ball was found being kept between him and the hole. 15 ALL LOST 0. It' the ball be lost, the player returns to the spot, 246 'THE GAME OF GOLF as nearly as possible, from which the ball was struck, tees another ball, and loses a stroke. If the ball be found before the party has struck the other ball, the first shall continue to be played. Whenever the second ball is struck the first ball is out of play. A player may not delay more than five minutes searching for a lost ball. BALL SPLITTING 10. If a ball split into two or more pieces, a fresh ball may be put down where the largest portion of the ball was found; and if a ball be cracked the player may change it on intimating his intention of doing so to his opponent. BAD-LYING BALL 11. No whins, bushes, ferns, rushes, grass, or moss shall be broken, bent, or trodden on, or adjusted in any way to enable the player to obtain a clearer view of his ball, or better swing, before playing ; nor is it allowable to press down any irregularities of surface to improve the lie of the ball. If the ball lie on sand, no impression may be made with the club, or otherwise, before striking. LIFTABLE BALL 12. Iii match or medal play, a ball may, under a penalty of two strokes, be lifted out of a difficulty of THE LAWS OF GOLF 247 any description, and teed behind the hazard, the spot at which the ball was found being kept between the player and the hole. The hazard, in the case of whins or bushes, may be considered as the entire group. When the ball lies on clothes, or in any of the holes made for golfing, flag-holes, rabbit-scrapes, or on ground under repair by the conservator of the course, it may be lifted, dropped behind the hazard, and played with- out a penalty. Should such a lie occur in a recognised hazard, the penalty for lifting shall be as in the previous paragraph. LIFTABLE IMPEDIMENTS 13. All loose impediments, within a club-length of the ball when it lies on grass, either on or oft' the course, may be removed previous to playing, provided always that nothing be removed which would cause the ball to move out of its place. IMPEDIMENTS NOT LIFTABLE 14. Nothing fixed or growing may be removed. A ball being in a hazard, nothing may be lifted. 'RUB OF THE GREEN,' ETC. 15. Whatever happens by accident to a ball in motion, such as striking anything, must be reckoned 'a rub of the green,' and submitted to; but a b:ill displaced by any agency outside the match must be 248 THE GAME OF GOLF replaced, or another ball dropped, as near the spot as possible, without a penalty. PLAYING WRONG BALL 1G. If a player play his opponent's ball he loses the hole. If this occur from wrong information given by the opponent, the penalty cannot be claimed ; and should the mistake be discovered before the opponent has played the other ball, it must be rectified by the ball being replaced as nearly as possible where it lay. If it be discovered, before either side has struck off for the next hole, that one of them has played out with a ball of a third party, he loses the hole. BALLS EXCHANGED 17. If each side play the other's ball, the hole must be played out with the balls thus exchanged. STRIKING OPPONENT'S BALL IS. If a player strike his opponent's ball with his foot, club, or otherwise, lie loses the hole (except see Rules 1U and 17). HALL STRIKING OPPONENT, ETC. 1!>. If the player's ball strike his opponent or his opponent's caddie or clubs, the opponent loses the hole. THE LAWS OF GOLF 249 BALL STRIKING PLAYER, ETC. 20. If, by accident, the player's ball strike himself or his caddie, or clubs, he loses a stroke. STRIKING BALL TWICE 21. If, in the act of striking, the player strike the ball twice with his club, he loses a stroke. TOUCHING OR DISPLACING BALL 22. If, after it has been played from the tee, the player, by accident, touch his ball with his foot, or any part of his body, or displace it with his club, he loses a stroke. APPROACHING THE PUTTING-GREEN 23. Players approaching a putting-green must wait until the party in front have holed out before playing on to the putting-green. Either side is entitled to have the flag-stick removed. CLEARING THE PUTTING-GREEN 24. All loose impediments, of whatever kind, may be removed from the putting-green if desired by the player, provided always that nothing be removed which would cause the ball to move out of its place. The putting-green includes all ground within twenty yards of the hole, with the exception of any portion which may be a hazard. 250 THE GAME OF GOLF HOLING OUT THE BALL 25. No mark shall be placed or line drawn, either with the club or otherwise, to direct the ball to the hole. A player or his caddie may remove sand, worm-earths, or such like, lying about the hole, but this must be done lightly with the hand. Except as above mentioned, or in the act of the player addressing himself to his ball, the putting-line must not be touched by the club, hand, or foot. If the player desire the line to the hole, it may be pointed out by a club shaft only. If the ball rest against the flag-stick in the hole, the player shall be entitled to have the stick removed, and if the ball fall in, it shall be considered as holed out. PARTIES PASSING EACH OTHER 20. A party, whether of two or four players, playing two balls, may pass parties playing three or more balls. Players for medals and important prizes shall have precedence, both in starting and through the green, over parties playing ordinary matches. CARE OF THE LINKS 27. The person appointed to take charge of the course shall make new holes when required, and in such places as to preserve the green in proper order. He shall mark out the teeing-grounds, carefully obli- terating old marks, and shall carry out such instruc- THE LAWS OF GOLF 251 tidns as he shall from time to time receive from the Green Committee. Players having complaints to make regarding the state of the green, or suggestions thereon, should address them to the Committee, and not to the con- servator of the links. It is the duty of every player to replace, or see replaced, any portion of turf which may have been cut out in the act of playing; to have stones and other break-clubs cast off the course ; and generally to con- duce to the good preservation of the golfing-course and putting-green. ASKING ADVICE 28. A player must not receive advice about the game, by word, look, or gesture, from any one except his own caddie, his partner's caddie, or his partner. In medal play, a player may receive advice from his caddie alone. DISPUTES 20. Any disputes respecting the play shall be referred to a party or parties mutually agreed upon, or to the Committee of the Club, either of whose decision shall be final. BREACH OF RULES 30. In match play, where no special penalty for the infringement of a rule is mentioned, the loss of the hole shall be the penalty. 252 THE GAME OF GOLF In medal play the penalty shall be two strokes or disqualification, as determined by the Committee of the Club. MEDAL PLAY SPECIAL RULES 31. New holes shall always be made on the day the medal is played for, and no competitor may play at those holes before he starts for the prize, under the penalty of being disqualified for competing. Before starting, each competitor must obtain from the Secretary a scoring-card, and, in the absence of a special marker, the players will note each other's score. They must satisfy themselves at the finish of each hole that their strokes have been accurately marked ; and on completion of the round hand the card to the Secretary or his deputy. All balls must be holed out. No stymies are allowed. The player nearest the hole must play first, or lift his ball, if it be in such a position that it might, if left, give an advantage to his partner. If a player's ball be displaced by any agency except himself, or his caddie, it must be replaced as exactly as possible, without a penalty. No competitor may play with a profession;,!. The ordinary rules of the gam<\ so far as they are not at variance with these special rules, shall also be applicable on medal days. THE LAWS OF GOLF 253 BYE-LAWS 1. Balls lying on the tent rings or bare patches throughout the course, not being roads, paths, or re- cognised hazards, may be treated as balls lying on grass. 2. A ball may, under a penalty of a stroke, be lifted (a) from a whin, or grass among whins, and dropped ; (6) from the gardens, butts, enclosures, and new planta- tions, and dropped at a distance of two club-lengths from the enclosure, but so that it shall not settle nearer the hole than the spot from which it was lifted ; should it do so it must be dropped again ; (c) in the ravines, and dropped in the ravine behind the immediate hazard, or from ravines if played from tee and teed again on tceing-ground. & Any party having holed out at the green opposite either club-house, shall take precedence of any party waiting to strike off, such party waiting to follow next and so on alternately. No party having completed the round shall be entitled to benefit by this rule. 4. During the Autumn Competitions, between 1 P.M. and 2.30 P.M., only those members playing for, or with a member playing for, the medals or other prizes shall be allowed to start, and the professional, or his deputy, shall be at the tee during this time to see that this bye-law is carried out. 254 THE GAME OF GOLF 5. On medal days no player shall start before the party in front have finished playing the first hole. 6. Players who have competed are bound, if necessary, to allow the use of their caddies to others who intend to compete. ENCLOSURES Ground enclosed by wire or other fencing at the third and fourteenth holes is out of play, and the ball must be lifted therefrom under penalty of one stroke, and dropped at a distance of two club-lengths from the side nearest the course, but not nearer the hole than the spot from which it is lifted. From all other en- closures for the preservation of the whins the ball must be lifted and dropped behind the hazard under penalty of one stroke (see Rule 8). If played from the tee into the old curling-pond, the ball may be teed again on teeing-ground under same penalty. BALL ON PUTTING-GREENS Except on medal days, a ball driven on to a putting- green (other than the one being played to) must lie lifted and dropped off the green, but not nearer the hole, without penalty. JVofc. Members are urgently requested to refrain from driving a ball when passers-by are within range, and to recollect that the ordinary custom of calling ' Fore ! ' adopted on most greens is not THE LAWS OF GOLF 255 deemed sufficient at Wimbledon. The player must wait until passers- by have moved out of danger. By Order (signed) N. R. FOSTER. Hon. Sec. THE CLUB HOUSE, WIMBLEDON. Recognised hazards where the ball may be lifted and teed behind under penalty of two strokes, and where the club may not be grounded, nor impediments lifted : 2nd Hole. Main road and roads to cottages* 3rd ., Cart track from large butt. Cth Carriage road, and ditch on other side of road. 7th & 9th Paths in ravine, and on north and south sides of pond. 10th ., Grassy road close to putting-green and trees. 15th Sandy pot bunker. 16th Carriage road. 17th Sandy gravel before whins, and cart road . 18th Main road to left, and cart road. N.B. Fifteenth hole : the water across main road is a hazard from which the ball may be lifted and dropped under penalty of one stroke. 256 THE GAME OF GOLF Rushes all over course to be treated as whins (ball may be lifted and dropped behind under penalty of one stroke). From iron drain gratings (except on putting-green of sixth hole) the ball may be lifted and dropped behind without penalty. MATCH PLAY ODDS In singles, three-fourths of difference between handicap allowances. In foursomes, three-eighths of difference between the aggregate handicap allowances on either side. A half stroke, or over, shall count as one. Smaller fractions count as nothing. Strokes in Strokes in Strokes in ence Singles Four- somes ence Singles Four- somes enco Singles Four- somes 1 1 13 10 5 25 19 9 2 2 1 14 11 5 2<> 20 10 3 2 1 15 11 6 27 20 10 4 3 2 1(3 12 6 28 21 11 5 4 o 17 13 6 29 22 11 (i 5 2 18 14 i 30 23 11 7 5 3 19 14 t 31 2;{ 12 8 6 3 20 15 8 3-2 24 12 !) 7 3 21 16 8 33 25 12 10 8 4 22 17 8 34 2(5 13 11 8 4 23 17 9 35 26 13 12 9 5 24 18 9 36 27 14 THE LAWS OF GOLF 257 In Match play strokes received must be taken as under : ' 1 at 8,, 9,, 10 11 ,. 12 13 ,, 14 ,, 15 16 ,, 17 ., 18 ,. 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 6 4 12 10 16 __ 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 "1 L L I _ 1 4 - 12 16 1 ! 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 5 9 13 17 I I 1 i i I 1 ! '2 5 8 11 14 17 | i i i 1 1 i ! 1 1 4 7 10 13 16 18 | ! i 1 1 1 i i 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 | it; L_L_L_L_J i i 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 | 15 17 I ! i i i 1 l| 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 | 13 i !5 | 17 [ 1 ill 1 V 3 5 7 9 11 ! 13 I IS I 17 ! 18 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 | 12 13 | 15 | 16 | 18 | | | i | | '2 3 5 6 8 9 10 | 11 12 | 14 | 15 17 | 18 | | | | | 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 | 10 11 | 1-2 i 13 | 14 ! 16 | 17 | | 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 | 9 11 j 12 | 13 14 | 15 17 | 18 | 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 | 9 10 | 11 ! 13 | 14 | 15 16 17 | 18 | 1 1 -J 2 3 3 4 5 5 ~6~ 7 | 8 7| 8 9 I 11 1 12 | 13 1 14 1 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 9| lOfll f 12 i 13 | 14 |15fl6|l7 , is" POINTS OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RULES OF THE ROYAL WIMBLEDON AND ROYAL AND ANCIENT GOLF CLUBS ROYAL WIMBLEDON OOLF CLt'B ROYAL AND ANflRNT GOLF CI,ri! RULE l. BnU in Water. If the ball lie in casual water on the course it may be teed behind the hazard, losing one stroke. If the ball be in water in a lin/.anl, or the water itself be a recognised hazard, it may be lifted and drofinsj one stroke. RIT.K -21. It the ball lie or be lost in water, the player may drop a ball (in the manner de- scribed in Rule 19), losing one stroke. THE GAME OF GOLF UoYAI, WIMBLEDON GOLF CLl'B RULE 9. Lost Ball. If the ball be lost, the player returns to the spot as nearly as possible from which the ball was struck, tees another, and loses one stroke (match or medal play). RULE l2. Liftin>i nail. In match or medal play a ball may, under a penalty of two strokes, be lifted out of a difficulty of any description, and teed behind the hazard, etc. etc. Rn.F.s 13 and 30. Loose, Impedi- ment*. In match play the penalty for removing loose impediments more than a club - length from the ball, when it lies on grass, either on or off the course, is the loss of the hole. In medal play, loss of two strokes, or disqualification. Rn.K X). - /'/(tying Ojipoitntt'x Rn.K 27. JIOYAL AND ANCIENT GOI.F /!>/cr, it,\ J i liv accident the player's ball strike himself or his caddie or chilis, he loses a .stroke. RULE 28. If the ball be lost, the player's side loses the hole (match play). RULE 5. Same as R.W.G.C. (medal play). RPLE 29. In match play a ball must be played wherever it lies (ex- cept as otherwise provided), or the hole given up. In medal play same as R.W. O.C. RULE 11. Penalty in match or medal play is loss of one stroke. A player loses a stroke if lie play the opponent's ball. Rn.K 24. If the player's ball strike or be stopped Ky himself or his partner, <>r cither of their caddies or chilis, his side loses the Imle. THE LAWS OF GOLF 259 ROVAL WIMBLEDON GOLF CLUB RULE 21. Striking Ball tvnce. If, in the act of striking, the player strike his ball twice, he loses a stroke. Displacing Opponents Ball. No corresponding rule. (The inference therefore is that it must be submitted to). RULE 25. Holing out the Ball. The line to the hole may be pointed out by club shaft only. No Rule. No Rule. ROYAL AND ANCIENT OOLF CLUB RULE 24. If, while in the act of playing, the player strike hia ball twice, his side loses the hole. RULE 6. In medal play he loses a stroke. RULE 36. If in playing the player's ball displace the opponent's ball, the opponent shall have the option of replacing it. RULE 33. The line to the hole may be pointed out, but the person doing so may not touch the ground by hand or club. RULE 11. In medal play competitors may not discontinue play because of bad weather. RULE 3. Regulation size of hole 4.^ ins. diameter. >d) N. R. FOSTER, Hon. Sec. It.W.G.C. CHAPTER XII GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS FREQUENTLY USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE GAME OF GOLF Addressing the ball. The act of the player placing himself in position to strike the ball. Approach. The stroke by which a player endeavours to play his ball on to the putting-green. See also page 105. Hack spin. See Bottom. Baff. To strike the ground immediately behind the ball with the 'sole' of the club-head in playing. The object of so doing is to put undercut on the ball and send it high into the air, to make it fall dead when it lands. See also Kelt iff. B! and. The meaning of playing against a Bogey score is explained on page lo. Bone or Horn. A piece of ram's horn, celluloid, wood fibre, or other substance, inserted in the sole of GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 26 1 wooden clubs to prevent the face from being in- jured at the bottom. Morrow. When a putt requires to be played across sloping ground, the player must borrow, or play the ball a little up the slope to counteract the effect of its falling off down hill while rolling towards the hole. Bottom. Back-spin, or a spin which will theoretically have the effect of making the ball after alighting roll back towards the player, but which practically only tends to prevent its rolling forward any dis- tance after alighting. Also called undercut.' Brassy. A wooden club shod with brass on the sole. See page 24. Break-club. A stone or any other obstacle lying near the ball which might break or injure the club in the act of playing. Bv.lycr. A club with a convex face. See page 21. Bunker. A sand-hole in the golf-course. 1 Bye. A hole or holes which remain to be played in order to complete the full round of the links, after the match originally agreed upon is iinished. See page 10. Caddie. The person who carries the golfer's clubs. Carry. Used to express the distance between the spot 1 I observe from reports of Knglish golf matches that this word is being applied to all hazards, but such is not its original or real meaning. 262 THE GAME OF GOLF from which a ball is driven to the place where it first alights, exclusive of the distance it may thereafter bound or roll. A long carry or a short carry are used to signify the distance a ball must be lofted usually over a hazard. Cleek. A golf-club with an iron head. See page 25. Club. The implement with which the ball is struck in playing golf. See pages 1 7 ct scq. Course. A golf-course is the ground upon which golf is played. Cup. A small, shallow hole in the course, frequently one made by the stroke of some previous player having removed turf. Dead. This word is used in two senses : first, when a ball falls without rolling, it is said to fall 'dead'; and second, a ball is said to lie ' dead ' when it lies so near the hole that the player is certain to put it in with his next stroke. The term is also applied to putting, and a putt is said to be laid ' dead.' Dh'ot. A piece of turf. Frequently used to signify a piece of turf cut out of the links in the act of playing a stroke. iJormy. The condition of a player when he is as many holes ahead of his opponent as there remain holes to be played. See page 10. Jjrav:. To play a ball so that it will travel with a curve towards the left hand. (Synonymous with Hook and Pull.) GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 263 Driver or Play-club. The wooden club with which the ball is usually driven from the tee, and with which the ball can be driven the furthest distance. See page 23. Driving. Used in two senses : first, playing tec-shots ; and second, playing any full strokes. Duff. To hit the ground behind the ball. With a duffed stroke the ground is hit so far behind that the ball will not be driven any distance : while in a sclaffed stroke, although the ground behind is also struck, the ball will usually be driven nearly as far as if clean hit. See also Sclaff. Face. This word is used in two senses : rirst, when one speaks of playing a ball over a ' face,' it there signifies the rise of the hazard or ground over which the ball is to be played ; second, it is applied to the front part of the club-head which strikes the ball. See page 18. Flat. A club is said to be 'flat' when its head is at a very obtuse angle to the shaft. Fog. Moss; also thick, rank grass. Follow-through. The continuation of the swing of the club after the ball has been struck. Foozle. A badly played stroke. Fore! The warning cry which a golfer gives to any person apt to be struck by the ball which he has driven or is about to drive. 2(54 THE f, 148. Hlackheath Links, 103. Golf Club, 2. Bogey competitions, 13. Hoots, 54. Brassy-niblick, 21, 22,23, 21, 33, 3S, 43; hints as to selecting, 3*, :!9. Brassy-spoon, 22. Hnintsfleld Links, 193. Golf Club, 2. Bulger, the, 21. Bunkers. See Hazards. CADDIE-BARS, 53. Caddies, references to in rules, 171; qualifications of good. 172; bad caddies, 174; fore-caddies, 175. Cautious play, 155. Cleek, 21, 23, 25, 83, 43; driving-clerk, 21, 27; putting-cleek, 21, 28, 46; hints as to selecting, 40. Club competitions. See Competitions. Clubs: wooden golf-club, IS; iron golf- club, 20; principal clubs, '_'! ; addi- tional clubs, 21 ; Imlger, 21 ; materials used for, 31 ; Park's patent compressed unbreakable wood golf-club, 31 : leather- faced clubs, 32 ; club shafts, 3'.' ; set of clubs, 33 ; selection of, 34 ; balance or ferl, 36, 47; clubs for beginm-rs, 44; left-handed clubs, 46 ; care of clubs, 47 ; advantages of stiff clubs, SC ; carrying spare clubs, 147 : fancy for club, 148. Coats, red, 58. Competitions, 13, 177 ; usual club com- petitions, 177 ; scratch and handicap prizes, 177 ; tournaments, ISO; arrange- ments for competition, ISO; example of prize list, 181 ; conduct of tournaments, 181 ; byes, 182; arrangements for draw, 183. Confidence and decision in play, liS. Cupped ball. See Pl.iy through the green. Cut in approaches, 111. 'Cutting the feet fi<>in it,' 113. DUIVKI:, 21, 22, 2:!, U:!, 43 : hints .is to selecting, 30. 274 THE CAME <>F ri\es, g..od and bad, li>3 ; length of, S.s. Driving-Cleek, 81, -7; luashio, 21, 2S ; putter, 21, 80; iron, 21, 30. KlUNliURliH I!l K..KSS Gol.KIMi So. 1KI V, 2. F.tiquette of golf, 17.'.. FAN'CY IN Ci.rn.-s 14S. l-'eel or balance in elul>-, :ii.;, 17. Ferguson, Bob, lid, ir,;,. Fergusson, Mr. Mure, li".. Flaps, :., 211. Follow-through, 7s. Fore-caddies, 17"). Four-ball matches, 12. Foursomes, i',, ir,]. GKNKKAI. KKM.MIK-, 147. Glossary of technical term.-. 2''.o. Gloves, 54. Golf, desrription of game, 1; diilieultics of, 7. Golf-balls. N' Balls. Ciolf clubs or societies, matches between. 14; tournaments of, !'. isii. Golf-clubs, 17; patent golf-rlui.s, 03. Golf-course or green, 2; extent and fonn of, 3. (iolfers, left-haniled, 40. Grazing on links. L'l.'i. Grip of club, 5f> ; natural grasp, Jii ; shaft should be across roots of linger-. 5r, ; jiosition of thumbs, a7 ; ditt'en nt ^,'iip- t"i- driving, approaching, and puttii.^ somctiine-i used, :i'.> : but not reeom- ninided, r,0; hands close to-elli.-r, i\->; _;rasp club lirinly. i'i2 ; position of hands at top of swinx, '~ : > : part of handle to be grasped, 6'.; Mr. I.aidlay's ^'lip, VI ; xnp in appriMchin^, 111; x''ip '" p';'fin;_'. 124; L:I ip for bunker play, I in. . .. . landieapi'iiii;, I'-', IS."; ditlicull ie* of. !-." ; in club c mipetUions, 1--''. : niodrs of, I 1 "' ; P lucini; b indiraps for winniiu- jiriz-s, 1-7; li.indic i) - for tourna- ment-, 1-7; hoVsof start and strokes at 'trta.:. holvs, l-'.i; is. ]>i i\ ate matches, I lul; bi.-((tics. i;'i2 ; table showing at what holes strokes are to be taken in yueen Victoria .Jubilee Vase of Royal and Ancient Golf Club, 238 ; table of match-play odds of Hoyal Wimbledon Golf Club, 250 ; table showing at. what holes strokes must be taken under Hoyal Wimbledon Golf Club rules, 257. Hanging ball, ; cutting, 200; lining for. 210; Hags, 211. Honour, li ; advantage of having the, 1 jr.. Honourable the Edinburgh Company of Golfers, 1. Hooking, 84, luu. INTKHEST IN MATCIIK.-, K'.O. Iron, -Ji. L':',, -J",. ;;;;, 43; putting, 21; driving, -J1, ."() ; lofting, 21, :'.<>, 40; niblick, 21, 2. 1 !, -''., :;:;, -IS. 4.".; hint.- as to selecting, 4O; short. T swing in playing with iron clubs, SO; eftret of pitcli on iron clubs, Us. JKKKIM;, '.'>, l(i:i. LAIM.A'I, Mr. .1. I-'... p.,.-i!ion for drniu^, 71 ; gri]., 75; ].c.siiion for approaching, 115; 'shoulder' shots, il>'. ; position loi putting, 12''.. Laws of golf. Kill. s of K-yal ,iivi Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, with notes, 21.1; Hid- -x to St. Andrews Kulcs, INDEX 275 238; additional rules balls in rabbit- holes, etc., 241 ; players causing undue delay, 241 ; balls ou putting-greens, 242 ; Rules and Bye-Laws of Royal Wimbledon Golf Club, 242; table of match-play odds, 2."i6 ; points of differ- ence between St. Andrews and Wimble- don Rules, 257. Laying out and keeping golf-linkg, 193 ; suitable ground for links. 193, 195; number of holes, 194, 106; older golf- courses, 194 ; necessity for experienced assistance in laying out links, 195 ; position of holes, 196 ; shape of links, 197 ; length of holes, 197 ; position of tees, 201 ; position of putting-greens, 201 ; position and character of hazards, 203 ; traps, 205 ; blind holes, 205 ; clearing ground, 206 ; repairing links, 206; changing round, 206; materials for repairs, 207; top-dressing putting- greens, 203; rolling and cutting, 209; ' cutting hole, 209 ; flags, 211 ; marking , teeing-grounds. 212 ; repairing bunkers. 212; grazing, 213; walking over links, 213. Learning golf, best way to employ coach, 149; practising different strokes, 149; watching play of good golfer, 150; im- provement, 150. Leather faces in clubs, "2. Left-handed golfeis, 46. Length of drives, 88. - of holes, 197 ; on St. Andrews Links, 237. Lfiven Links, 4. Links, 2, T; ; laying out and keeping. >Vc Laying out, etc. ; extent and form of, 3. Loft ing- in m, 21, 30, 45. Lung game, s8. Luck, 93. M.VSHIE, 21, 23, 26, 33, 43, 45; driving, 21, 28; hints as to selecting, 40. Match play, ii; singles, 6; mode of reckon- ing in, 8; foursomes, 10; three-ball matches, 10; four-ball matches, 12; hints on. lt'>2. M;Urhes between g,,lf elu1 s, 14. Medal play, IS ; hints on, 16t Musselburgh caddies, 171. Links, 4, 24, 207. Royal, Golf Club, 2. NIBLICK, BRASSY-, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 43; hints as to selecting, 38, 39, 43. Iron, 21, 23, 26, 33, 45; hints as to selecting, 40. North Berwick Links, 4. OPEN GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP, 15, 10S. Opponent, best, 159. Out of form, 170. PARK'S PATENT PCITER, 23, 29. compressed unbreakable wood golf-club, 31. Park, William, senr., drives, 78; ap- proaches, 116. Patent golf-clubs, 23. Paths. See Hazards. Pawky play, 155. Perth Links, 193. Physical strength, 167. Play through the green, 93; stance, 93; club to use, 93; cupped ball, 94; mode of playing cupped ball, 95 ; heavy lies, 97 ; jerking, 98 ; ball in hummocky ground, 98; hanging ball, 99; ball lying close to fence, etc., 100; remov- ing loose impediments, 150. out of hazards. .Sic Hazards. Playing 'with one's head,' 154; playing against stronger opponent, 154; playing against weaker opponent, 155. Position of ball : in driving, 6t5, 71 ; in approaching, 108, 115; iu putting, 125, 126. Practice for matches, 167; over strange- links, 170. Pressing, 102. Prizes, scratch and handicap, 177. Pulling, 84, 100 ; in putting, 132; in wind, 152. Putter, 21, 23, 25, 33, 43; metal, 21, 23; driving, 21, 30; iron, 21, 28; Park's patent, 2;;, 29 ; merits of respective putters, 42 ; hints as to selecting, 42. 270 THE riAMK OF OOLF Putting-clei-k, 21. 2s. 40, 121. - greens, ."> ; position of, 201 ; top- dressing, 20S ; lolling and cutting, 20'.'. best dull f,,r, 4ii ; definition of, 121 ; necessity for good, 122; wooden and iron putters. 121; putting. deck recom- mended, r.'4 ; grip, 124; stance, 120; Mr. Laidlay s stance, off the left leu', l.'i; line to hole, 127; irregularities of green, 129; 'borrowing,' 120; resting putter in front of ball, 130 ; necessity f..r care, i:;0 ; confidence, 131; ball should be liit just above ground, 131 : liall should lie tapped. 131 ; slicing and pulling putts, 132: putts should be played boldly, not dribbled. l::2 ; down- hill putt, l;i3 ; stymie, 133 ; modes of playing stymies, 134 ; stymies should not be played unless to secure half of h"le, 130; putting in wind, 153; putts should always be holed out, 158. KKD COATS, 03. Koads. flee Hazards. Koyal and Ancient Golf Club, 1'lay at Autumn Meeting of 189::, 165. Koyal Musselburgh Golf Club, 2. Kules of Golf. ."'., Laws. necessity for knowing, 15S. ST. ASMIKWS CAMIIKS, 171. - Links, 4, 207 ; length of holes, 237. Sandwich Links, 4. S-lalling, 101. Set ^f golf-dubs, 3.X Skills, club, 32. s, 11.: J-'. _'.:, 20, i:: ; brassy, 22, 27 ; ; hints as to .-electing, 38, 3','. di ivhig, C''. ; position must be i-asy, ';-. riles for, i'.7 ; hard and last litH-s cannot be laid down, i'ii ; advanc- ing ii. lit or left f"t, i'.:i; position ,,f ball. 70 Mi. l/i: i!ay'< position, 71 : Irt-ed.iin ;n takiii. 1 up stain e, 7L> ; varia- stance for approaches, 110; stance for putting, 125; Mr. Laidlay's stance for putting, 126; stance in bunkers, 140. Stones. Hre Hazards. Straight play, advantage of, 150. Style of play, 00. Stymies, 133; modes of playing, 134; should not be played unless to secure half of hole, 130. Swing, 73; ball should be swept away, 74; desirability of long swing, 74; too long a swing, 74; position of body before swing, 70 ; Mr. Laidlay's posi- tion, 75; upward part of swing, 70; body should pivot round backbone, 77 ; downward part of swing, 77; follow- through, 78; undesirable and desirable kinds of swing, 78 ; swaying body, 70; upward and downward swings one motion, SO ; jerking swing, 81 ; putting force into swing, 81 ; getting wrists in to stroke, 81 ; '.slow lack' condemned, 1S1 ; bunding body from waist, 82 ; moving feet during swing, 82 ; swings round head, shoulders, and body, 82 ; effects of, 83 ; danger of too upright a ciuu snoum not tie nung over hall, s > ; waggle, 80; ball should be hit with centre of club face, M; ; falling forward on ball, ST> ; shorter swing in playing iron dubs, 86 ; 'keep your eye on the ball,' 80; summary of net ions in plav- iug, 80. TAIL Mr. I', ii., 1.;:,. Taylor, J. II., grip of dub, 71. Technical terms, glossary of, 'ji''0. Teeing-groiinds, 4 ;'ion of, 3dl ; mark- ing, 212. Tees, 14; ^-lection of, 01; high tee, 01; low tee against a head wind, 'jl ; m<'de of making. '.'1 ; good and bad, '.'2 : dub t'im'h;i.g gi-"':nd behind, '.'- ; rcmo\ ii,_- INDEX 077 obstrnctions, etc., 92 ; hints as to tee- ing, 155. Three-lull matches, 10, 161. Three-quarter strokes. ,SVe Approaching. Topping, 101. Tournaments, golf club, 10, 180 ; con- duct of, 181 ; byes, 182 ; arrangements for draw, 183. Training for matches, 167, 169; practice over strange links, 170. UNDERCUT, 78, 104. Upkeep of links. See Laying out and keeping golf-links. WAI.KIXC OVKH LINKS, BEXKKIT OF, 43. Water. .See Hazards. Weather, effect of, 151 ; snow, 151 ; dry and wet weather, 151 ; wind, 152 ; play- ing for heel or pull in wind, 152 ; putt- ing in wind, 153 ; driving against wind, 158. Whins, clearing away whins, 206. .S<' also Hazards. Wimbledon Royal Golf Club rules, 242 ; table of match-play odds, 250 ; table showing at what holes strokes must be taken, 257 ; points of difference between rules of Royal and Ancient Golf Club and Royal Wimbledon Golf Club, 257. Wind, low tee in playing against, 91, 153 ; effect of, 152 ; playing for heel or pull in, 152; putting in, 153. Wrist shot. See Approaching. Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE, Printers to Her Majesty at Die Edinburgh University Press UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. IEQ1919* Retr.rned Col. Lib. DEC 1 1 1961 MOV 2 11966 KtC'O RENEWAL Mny p LDURL N V ^ Form L9-32m-8,'57 (.0868084)44.4 I THIS BOOK CARD, University Research Library .