IN MEMORIAM FLOR1AN CAJORI Teachers, Richmond, la. WILLIAM AUSTIN, ; DR. JOHN PRICHET,) n , .,, T REV. E. MCCHORD,! Centreville, la." * * * * " RESOLVED, 11. That Prof. Rainey's book is just such a work as the learner needs ; because every principle and operation is so thoroughly explained and illustrated, that by its investigation, the ordinary reader will be enabled to comprehend and practice the system. " RESOLVED, 12. That his system of Interest, as taught in his work, is of itself, worth more than his charge for both instruction and his books, and being short and easily under- stood, is pre-eminently adapted to the counting-house. [Signed by] P. Y. Wilson, Finley Bigger, John W. Barber, Dr. W. Frame, J. A. Kendall, Dr. A. Norris, and others of Rushville, la ; by John C. Osborn, Thomas Kirby, G. B. Holland, Dr, Andrews, Esquire Swarr, George B. Norris, and others, of Muncie, la ; and by Win. F. Kelso, James McMeans, and twenty others, of Newcastle, la." From the Cincinnati Evening Dispatch', also, From the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer. " RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. ... It purports to be An explanatory Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Arithmetic and Mensuration ;' and from a hasty examina- tion it appears to be of great practical use in making calculations in a great variety of business relations. It is recommended in high terms by teachers and others competent to judge, who have examined it." HAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS; AN EXPLANATORY TREATISE ON THE THEORY AND PEACTICE OF AEITHMETIC AND MENSURATION: IN WHICH THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN PRAC- TICAL CALCULATIONS ARE THOROUGHLY ELUCI- DATED AND ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ANALYTIC AND ABBREVIATED EXAMPLES. BY THOMAS R A I 1ST E Y . ENERGY IS TH!i P1UC1? OF SUCCESS. CINCINNATI: E. D. TRUMAN, PUBLISHER. 1849 NOTE TO TEACHEKS. The Teacher will observe that this work is devoted exclusively to the de- velopment and illustration of the principles of numbers, with the introduc- tion of such a number, and variety of examples, only, as subserve this pur- pose. It is deemed the privilege of the teacher, to present such examples for practice and test, as may best accord with his judgment, and in the highest degree develop the capacities of the learner. This arrangement presupposes the plan of instructing classes at the blackboard, by familiar illustrations, and the occasional test of each pupil's progress, in the presence of the whole class. A blackboard isindispensa~ ble to every good school. In Mensuration, every figure explained in the text should be carefully drawn on the blackboard; that the twofold purpose of illustration and draining might be subserved at the same time. It has been deemed useless to treat of the Elements of Arithmetic, af this department of numbers is generally studied in a separate book; and as a considerable number of good elementary works now claim the patron- age of the public. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1849, By THOMAS RAINEY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court, for the District of Ohio. C. MORGAN & Co., Stereotypers. MORGAN & OVEREND, Printers. PREFACE. IT would be both absurd and arrogant for an author, at this day, to present a new text-book on Arithmetic, according to the old and long cherished standards. A large number of ac- complished mathematicians and experienced teachers, as well in our own country as in Europe, have plied their talents and energies to this subject with peculiar ability and success; pre- senting works, perfect in their order and arrangements, and sufficiently intelligible and satisfactory, so far as the old sys- tems are concerned, for all practical purposes. _ Although Arithmetic has, until recently, been neglected by scienlific^ttfiii, yet the onward progress of latter-day^improve- "ments has necessitated a corresponding advance in this sci- ence; until a place is now conceded it among the rational and explicable sciences, instead of among the mere handicraft arts, as hitherto. This advance in the principles of the science, has involved new issues. It is found that the ordinary system . of statements is too mechanical) circumstantial, and uncertain] that the method of statement, within itself, precludes that ra- tional analysis, and thorough demonstration of principles neces- sary to the proper appreciation and use of any science; and that a sum of labor is performed, intne practical reduction " of calculations, which is not only unnecessary, but which di- ; - verts the mind from the proper issues involved in the pro- blem, and leads it into a labyrinth of doubts and obscurities. It is to the remedy of these palpable defects, that our labors are addressed; and to the presentation of a rational, satisfac- tory, simple, unique and brief system of calculations, such as demanded by the practice of ordinary business transactions. It is likewise designed to furnish the private student with an easy and certain guide to proficiency in numbers, on such (iii) IV PREFACE. principles, and in sucli accordance with common sense, as will appear to him reasonable and convincing. Hence, while the theory of each department of numbers treated, is clearly elu- cidated, the practice is illustrated and demonstrated by familiar examples, occurring in business; and, too, by a method so short and general in its application, as to admit of demonstra- tion more conclusive and pointed, than when encumbered by the masses of unnecessary multiplication, division, etc., which always attend the solution by the ordinary method. Throughout the whole treatise, the reader will observe that much importance is attached to the comprehension and proper application of the principles of Proportion; as constituting, chiefly, the basis of all those operations which follow the ele- mentary rules. In accordance with this view, all of the statements in this work, except those of addition and sub- traction, are made by Simple, Compound, or Concatenated Proportion; hence, they are unique, and may be easily remembered. - The beautiful theory of Cause and Effect is thoroughly discussed, and applied to Compound Proportion. The theory of Inverse Proportion will, as dependent on Cause and Effect, be found quite different from any hitherto presented. Much attention has been given to Mensuration, because of its practical utility, and the constant necessity of the appli- cation of its principles in active life. Contrary to the custom of many authors, we have excluded from this treatise all of those sub-divisions of numbers whose explanation depends on algebraic principles; such as the Po- sitions, Alligation, the Progressions, Permutation, Cube Rootj etc.; none of which offer any reward for the arduous labor lost in the impossible task of their attainment in Arithmetic. Jf one-half the time devoted to these principles, in their arbitrary form in arithmetic, were given to the study of Algebra, the pupil would not only learn a great portion of that beautiful science, but would thus secure the only key to the principles involved in these rules. It has been a prime object, first, to discuss principles, and PREFACE. then deduce practical directions; for rules, wUJiout reasons, are ^\ /v /, ridiculous, and insulting to the inquiring mind. I W */ No secondary principle has been used in the elucidation or illustration of one that is primary; nor has any princi- ple been anticipated; but each, used in its natural sequence, has been made the basis of a yet higher principle, in such manner, as to cultivate the reasoning powers of the learner, with- \ out embarrassing them. Jechnical phraseology has been avoided, as far as consistent with the requirements of such a treatise; a-s likewise, puzzles, and all giddy theorizing on trivial and unimportant topics, which should be beneath the dignity of a scientific man, al- though well calculated to please the fancies of a vacant mind: for he who would be a useful man, must be a practical man; and the less acquainted with fascinating chimeras, the better he is adapted to his great purpose. It is not claimed for this system that cancelation can be availed in every solution; but that a great majority of prac- tical questions can be much abbreviated by it; the excellency claimed for the system, is, that while it abbreviates the work, the statement is so simple, so philosophical, and the result, so I inevitable, that no intelligent individual can fail practicing its t principles, whether the arbitrary rules be remembered or not We shall endeavor to deal mildly with those who, being bound to the old system, as their hobby, cannot, or will not, \ . epen their eyes to the evident advance of modern improve- Uu / ments; and, therefore, submit our labors to the investigation * of those candid and intelligent minds, which are not shackled // / down to such usages of the past, as are endeared more by^ /, habit, than by any rational merit / / T. RAINEY. ^Cincinnati, July, 1849. INDEX. PAGE. Theory of Cancelation, 5 Rule for Cancelation, 7 Common Fractions, 8 Multiplication of Fractions, 9 Division of Fractions, 10 Rule for Fractions, 11 Complex Fractions, 11 Reduction of, 12 Multiplication of, 14 Division of, 15 Ratio and Proportion, 47 Definition of Proportion, and new method of Statement and Solution, 48 Analysis in Proportion, .... 50 Contrast of old and new systems, 51 Obscurity of the ordinary form of Statement, 55 Statements and Solutions,.. 57 Ex. in Complex Fractions,. . 61 Rule for Direct Proportion,. . 62 Simple Interest, 16 4 Theory of, 17 Rule for all Rates, 25 Interest at 6 per cent., 28 Illustration of Theory ,. .... 32 Rule for 6 per cent., 35 Interest at 7 per cent., 36 Rule for 7 per cent., 39 Interest at 8 per cent., 37 Interest at 12 per cent., 38 Rule for 8 and 12 per cent.,. . 39 Rate and Forfeiture Table in Int. 39 Law of making and transferring Notes,.! 37 Lapse of time between two Notes, 39 Partial Payments, 40 Ohio, Indiana, and Ken- tucky Rule, 40 Calculation illustrating Rule,... 42 U. S. Supreme Court rule, . . 45 Commercial or Vermont, and Connecticut rule, 46 Discount: Theory, 95 Rule for Discount, 99 True and False Discount,.. 100 To find the Face of a Note, to diaw a Specific Sum, ...... 101 (vi) PAGE. Equation of Payments, ...... t .. 171 Rule for Equation, 173 Time Table for Banking and Equation, 278 Profit and Loss, 62 Discussion of General The- ory, 63 Five Varieties of, 64 Var. 1 To find the selling price at a given per cent. gain or loss, 66 Var. 2 To find the rate per centum profit or loss on sales, 72 Var.3 To find the Cost Price after gaining or losing a given per cent., 75 Var. 4 Compound Profit and Loss, 81 Var. 5 Combination of state- ments, 85 Examples in Combination, . . 88 Miscellaneous examples,... 92 Rule for Combining several Oper- ations in one Statement, . 94 Commission, 102 Two methods of deducting, . 105 Brokerage and Stocks, 105 Statements combined, 107 Rule for combined Broker- age, Stocks, etc.,... 107 Insurance, 108 Four Varieties, 109 Discussion of propriety of In- surance, Ill Var. 1, and Rule, 113 Combination of Statements, 115 Var. 2, and Rule, 116 Var.3, and Rule, 117 Var. 4, and Rule, 118 Life Insurance, 119 Tolls and Rule, 120 Compound Proportion, 123 Theory of Cause and Effect: all animate things Causes,126 Causes of Time, 126 Geometrical Extent a Cause,127 Capital aCause 127 INDEX. vii PAGE. Classification of Causes in the statement, 129 The Causes and Effects,the four terms of a geometrical pro- portion, 131 Ratio among Causes, 132 Examples and Proofs, 134 Com. Prop, in Fractions, 138 Passive Causes, 141 To find Principal, in Interest,. ... 142 To find the Time, 143 To find the Rate, 143 Causes of Capacity, 145 To find the Side of a cubical figure when two of the sides are given, 145 Relative Contents of Hollow bodies, 147 Contents and Sides of Cribs,. .148 Contents and Sides of Boxes, etc., in bushels and gallons,. 149 Size and relative Weight of Me- tallic bodies, 150 Novelty in Contraction, 152 Com. Prop, by single statement,153 Rule for Com. Proportion, 154 Simple Inverse Proportion, .... 155 Theory of statement, 156 Insufficiency of com'n method,. 159 Inv. Proportion in Fractions, . . 159 Calculations in Machinery, 162 To find number of Revolutions, 162 To find Size of Wheel, 163 To find the number of Teeth or Diameter of Wheel, 164 Concluding remarks on the Proportions, 166 Rule for Inverse Proportion, . . 167 Conjoined Proportion, or Chain rule, 168 Theory of, 168 Exchange of Moneys, 170 Rule for Conjoined Prop 171 Fellowship Simple, 174 Fellowship in Fractions, 176 General Average, 177 Fellowship Compound, 179 Rule for the Fellowships and General Average, 181 Barter and Commerc'l Exchange,]82 Barter by Reduction, 184 Origin of State Currencies,. ..185 Combinations of statements,.. 186 Rule for Barter, Commercial Exchange, and Reduction,.. 187 Duties, and Tare and Tret, 188 Law relating to, 189 Definitions in Tare and Tret,. .189 PAGE. Specific Duties, 190 Ad Valorem Dut ies, 191 Law relating to, 192 Tare and Tret proper, 193 Combination of statements, . .195 Rule for Duties & Tare & Tret,196 Commercial Exchange proper, ..197 By combination, 197 Rule for Commerc'l Exchange^" Decimal Fractions, \ _ Theory of Decimals, 200 ) Addition of Decimals, 203 Subtraction of Decimals, 204 Multiplication of Decimals, . . . 204 By Contraction, 205 Division of Decimals, 208 By Contraction, 209 To reduce Decimal to common Fractions, .210 To reduce com. to Dec. Frao.211 To reduce Denominate numbers to Decimals, 212 Mensuration, or Practical Geom- etry, 213 Theory and general remarks,. .213 Measurem't of Wood and Bark, 216 Combination of statements, . .217 Measurement of Lumber, 219 Combination of statements, . .220 Cubic Measurement, 221 By Combination, '221 Masonry, 223 Plasterers' and Pavers' Work,.. 224 By Combination, 225 Carpenters' and Joiners' Work,. .226 Cribs, Boxes and Bodies, 227 Wine, Beer and Dry Measure,227 Combination of rules, 228 To find the Side of a Crib, Body, Box, etc. Rule, ...228 Tonnage of Vessels, 229 Weight of water per cubic foot and inch, 229 Cylinders, Spherical and Conical inches, Sea-water, etc 229 U. States and English Standards of Liquid Measure, 230 U. States and English Standards of Dry Measure, 230 The Winchester Bushel, 230 The Connecticut Bushel, 230 Government rule for Tonnage. 230 Carpenters' Rule, 232 Superficial Geometry, 232 Variety of Figures, Definitions and Derivations, 233 To find the Contents of a Rectan- gle, 235 viii INDEX. PAGE. Contents of a Parallelogram and Rhomboid, 235 Triangles, 236 Polygons, 238 The Circle, 239 Definitions and Derivations, ....240 Quadrature of the Circle, 241 History and difficulty of, 241 Inscribed and Circumscribed Polygons, 242 Ratio between the Diameter and Circumference, 242 To find the Circumference of a Circle, 243 Area of the Circle, 244 The Ellipse, 247 Circumference of, 247 Area of,.. 247 Contents of a Square Inscribed in a Circle, 248 Solidity of a Log when Squared,. 249 Side of an Inscribed Square, 249 To find the largest Square that a Round Stick will make, 259 The Side of a Square given to find the Diameter of a Cir- cumscribed Circle, .250 To find the Diameter of a Circle circumscribed about a Square, or how large a Round stick must be to make a Square of given Side, 25 1 To find the Side of a Square of Area equal to that of a given Circle, 251 To find Diameter and Circumfer- ence of same, . 251 Measurement of Cisterns, 252 Square and Circular, 253 Conical and Pyramidal, 254 To find the Side or Diameter of a Cistern, 255 Table of Cisterns, 256 Solid bodies; definitions and de- rivations, 257 The Cylinder, 258 Superficial Contents, 258 Solid Contents, 259 Contents of Boilers, 260 Table of Contents of, 269. PAGE. Boilers and hollow Cylinders,. 261 Air Pressure, 261 Cones and Pyramids, 262 Convex Surface, 262 Solidity of, 262 Frustum of, 863 The Sphere or Globe, 264 Surface of,... .....264 Solidity of, 264 Globe and Cylinder compared,265 The Spheroid, 265 Solidity of, 265 Proportions among Lines, Areas and Solidities, 265 To ascertain the Weight of Globes, 265 Weight of iron Cylinders and Globes given, 26^ Gauging Casks, 2Rt Mechanical Powers, 26? The Lever, 26^ The Wheel and Axle, 269 The Inclined Plane, 269 The Wedge, 270 The Screw, 270 Square Root, 271 Currency, 274 Customhouse value of Foreign Coins, 274 Table of Moneys of Account at Congress valuation, ....275 Jewish Standard Weights and Measures, 277 Jewish Standard of Money, and Table of Value, 278 Table of Areas of Valves, Circles, etc., , 279 Table of weight of Square Rolled Iron, 280 Table of weight of Round Rolled Iron, 281 Table of weight of different bo- dies of Cast Iron, 281 Table of weight of Flat Bar Iron,282 Table ofweig. of Cast Iron Pipes and Cylinders from 1 to 30 in. diameter, 284 Fac simile Coin Plates represent- ing the coins used by all na- tions, 285 to 316 KAINE Y" S IMPROVED ABACUS. CANCELATION. ALL arithmetical computations are effected by increase and decrease, which depend in their relations, on the converse operations of Multi- plication and Division. The latter are but . abbreviated methods of adding and subtracting. Increase and decrease are the results of the relative difference between different numbers and quantities of the same thing : hence their result depends, in all reckoning, on the great principles of Ratio and Proportion. Therefore, by Proportion, as the rationale of statement, and Multiplication and Division as the mechanical media of reducing such statements to their results, we have in a few words, an epitome of all arithmetic. As by this, Multiplication and Division are presented as the leading operations of reckon- ing, we may profitably spend some little time, in ascertaining a more expeditious method of determining products and quotients, than by the old, tedious, and circumlocutoiy formulae of the books. When 7 is multiplied by 3, the product is 21 : this product divided by another 3, gives 7 again; 6 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. the 7 is not changed by the Multiplication and Division : it may, therefore, be inferred, that, when any number is both multiplied and divided by any other number, the former remains un- changed. Hence, such multipliers and divisors may be dropped, as useless, and the numbers canceled. If the 7 be multiplied by 5, and the product divided by 10, the result will be 3i, or i of the 7 ; because the 5 has only one half the capacity in elevating, that the 10 has in depressing : consequently, the 7 is affected twice as much by Division as by Multiplication. We may therefore divide 10 by 5, and place the quotient 2, on the side of the 10, which shows the relation between these numbers; the one, increasing by multiplication, on the right ; the other, decreasing by division, on the left. Again : Two numbers, as 12 and 16, sustain to each other a relation, that may be expressed by smaller numbers. They may be reduced to such smaller numbers, by extracting a factor or figure which has been instrumental in pro- ducing the numbers in each case. Thus, 12 is composed of 4 times 3, while 16 is composed of 4 times 4. Here the same factor which has been used in making each number, the 4, may be extracted in each case, leaving 3 in the 12, and 4 in the 16 : which shows that \ f are equal to | ; or, that i-f make J. In this case, as in all other cases of factors, the number sup- posed, must not be written down; and must be contained without a remainder, in some number on both the right and left of the line. Such numbers on the two sides of the line, as CANCELING. 7 are divided by the supposed factor, may be canceled, and the other constituent factor must be set on the side of the canceled number, from which taken.* When there are numbers on the right and left, terminated by ciphers, these ciphers may be stricken off in equal numbers, as so many factors of 10. In | we cancel the two ciphers, and leave f ; which is equivalent to extracting 10 in each case. No cipher can be canceled which has a significant digit on its right ; for its value is qualified by such digit. Numbers on the left of ciphers may be canceled with other numbers on the opposite side of the line ; as such numbers are but factors co-operating with the ciphers on the right, to constitute their sum. Ciphers thus isolated indicate 10. From these considerations we conclude, that, to can- cel numbers, after they have been arranged on the two sides of the vertical line, 1st. Cancel all equal numbers on the two sides of the line : 2d. Cancel ciphers in equal numbers : 3d. Divide, leaving no remainder, from one side of the line into the other, and, vice versa, placing the quotient on the side of the larger : 4th. Extract all possible factors from any two numbers occupying different sides of the line, and leave the other constituents of such numbers, on the side of each. A few examples in the multiplication of fractions are given, merely to illustrate the * Cancel, is from the French cancelkr, which signifies literally, to cross a writing. 8 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. application of the foregoing directions. Multi- ply | of f of T V of 2, by of Lf of li of fi of 5. Here, as in the multiplication of all fractions, we place all the Numerators on the right, and all the Denominators on the left. We have not sufficient space to give the theory of these statements, in this little treatise, which, it is designed to devote more particularly to opera- tions in practical business ; leaving all the work preparatory to this, to lectures at the black- board, or to the elementary works of others.* The following remarks may be proper just here : The upper part of a fraction is called the Numerator ; and the lower part, the Denomina- tor. The Denominator, from de, concerning, and nomen, a name, shows the name of the fraction, or the number of parts into which the unit or whole thing, is divided. The Nu- merator, from numerus, number, shows the number of parts, of the size indicated by the Denominator, taken. A whole number is con- sidered a numerator, whose denominator would be 1. Mixed numbers, such as 4i, 3|, &c., before placed on the line, must be reduced to improper fractions. This is done by multiply- ing the whole number by the denominator of the appended fraction, and adding in the numerator. The denominator of the number is again used, as the denominator of the improper fraction. Thus, in 4i, twice 4 make 8 3 and 1 makes |. In 3^, five times 3 are 15, and 1 is '/. Hence, * Day and Thomson's Practical and Higher Arithme- tics. MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIONS. I 8 t 8Ans. 9 and 16 are the numerators, although they are larger respectively, than their den ominators. Fours equal : 5 into 10, twice ; this 2 equals 2 opposite : 8 into 24, 3 times, while 3 times 3 on the right make 9, which goes into 18 on the left twice : now twice 6 on the left equals 12 on the right : 5 into 35 seven times, and 7 into 14 twice; this 2 into 16 eight times, on the left: we have remaining on the left 8, and on the right 5 ; making f , Ans. After canceling as far as practicable on the two sides of the line, multiply continuously together all the terms on the right, for a new numerator, and all the terms on the left, for a new denominator. If nothing remains on the right, one is understood. If the number on the right be smaller than the number on the left, the answer is a fraction ; of which, in all cases, the right is the numerator ; but, if the number on the left be smaller, the right must be divided by the left : in such case, the answer will be a mixed number. What will 7i Ibs. iron come to at 2| cts. per lb.? Here 7i make 1_5 and 2 1 make l -j We place the numerators on the right, and the denominators on the ft left. Five into 15, three times ; and 1 18 cts. 2 into 12 six times ; while six times 3, the only remaining numbers, make 18 cts., the answer. 10 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. Multiply, -jf of a yard of cloth, by }f of a dollar per yard, thus, _ 3 Here, we must suppose some 3 factor, before the numbers can be 20 20 reduced. Let us take 5, which goes into 25 five times, and into 15 three times ; again : 4 into 16 four times, and into 12 three times; we have 5 and 4 as factors, neither of which has been placed down ; only their quotients. Now 3 times 3 on the right, and 4 times 5 on the left, make ^ of a dollar. What will 2f yards of gambroon come to at 1.20 cents per yard? Eight is contained in 120, 15 times ; and this number multiplied by 21 on the same side, gives $3,15 cents for the answer. #0-15 3,15 If T 8 5 of a farm are divided among 4 heirs, how much will each get? In this instance the dividend, T 8 j, must be placed on the right of the line, and 4, the di- visor, on the left; thus, A fractional number occupies the 15 * 2 right or left of the line, when its nu- merator is on the right or left. Let 15j 2 the numerator be located first; then, 15 I the denominator is merely placed op- posite. If I direct the pupil to place T 9 T on the left of the line, he must place the 9 on the left only, and the 17 on the right. The numerator always indicates the locality and value of the fraction. Divide J of f of 20, by T V of f of '/ of \ j of 4i of v- COMPLEX FRACTIONS. 11 The numerators of the divi- dend are placed on the right, and those of the divisor on the left, with all the denominators oppo- site their respective numerators. Four into 20 five times, and 5 equals 5 on the left; 9 into 18 twice, and twice 2 on the right make 4, which goes into 12 on the left 3 times; 5 into 25 five times, and this 5 again into 10 on the right twice ; 8 into 40 five 7 A 3-/W t-tt 5-40 105 16 105 times ; 3 into 9 three times ; 3 equals 3 ; 2 and 8 remain on the right, and 5, 3, and 7 on the left, which multiplied separately give T W From the foregoing we may deduce the fol- lowing directions : To multiply fractions ; place all of the numera- tors, both of the multiplicand and multiplier, on the right of the vertical line, and all the denomina- tors on the left. To divide fractions; place the numerators of the dividend on the right, and those of the divisor on the left, with the respective denominators of each opposite their numerators. COMPLEX FRACTIONS. (It is not designed in this short treatise to devote ranch space to either the theory or practice of fractions ; as it is believed that there are very many elementary works accessible, which do entire justice to this depart- ment of numbers. We shall merely introduce a page or two on complex fractions,, for the consideration of teachers, that we may present a short and simple method of using them, which is not found in the books.) Division of ordinary fractions leads to the consideration of those that are complex. The 12 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. doctrine may be advanced, that to increase the terms of a fraction, so as not to change its value, multiply both the numerator and denominator by the same number. If | be multiplied by 2, it is made f . Now, 3_L if instead of f , the fraction were-j-, we might double the numerator 3i, by multiplying by the special denominator 2, and adding in the special numerator 1 ; thus making J of the numerator. But if this numerator is thus increased by the 2, the denominator should be likewise : hence the 4 is multiplied by the same 2, mak- ing 8, by which we have t, which is equivalent 3 1 to -p. Both terms of the fraction are in- 4 creased by the same number, the denominator of the fraction annexed to the numerator. After reducing the numerator, it may be ex- 7 pressed thus : T -r, showing that the two de- " nominators have been thrown together, and may, consequently, be combined in multipli- cation. It appears thus, that if we would reduce complex to simple fractions, and at the same time to the lowest term, we should multiply each term of the fraction by the denominator or de- nominators of the fraction or fractions annexed to the numerator or denominator, or both, adding in at each separate multiplication, the given nume- rator or numerators. For example, in the frac- COMPLEX FRACTIONS. 13 tion o^,we multiply first by the denominator of the numerator, 2. Twice 3 are 6, and one, the numerator, added, makes 7, or J: now we multiply the denominator 2|, by the same 2; twice 2 are 4, and twice i are f, making 4|. This 4f must be placed under the 7, thus, j^. We have now reduced the complex fraction in the numerator by multi- plying it and the whole denominator below, by the denominator 2 above, and proceed to that of the denominator. Taking the new fraction 4| to work on, we say 3 times 4 are 12 and 2 are 14, for a new denominator, and 3 times 7 are 21, for a new numerator; thus, f-J. This reduced to its lowest term, by dividing the nu- merator by the denominator, gives 14 for the answer. It is seen, therefore, that in each case, it is necessary to reduce both the numerator and the denominator to a mixed number. After this is done, knowing that the denominator of a fraction is the divisor, we may deduce the following rule: To reduce complex to simple fractions, of the lowest term : Reduce both terms to an improper fraction, and place the numerator of the numera- tor on the right, and the numerator of the denomi- nator on the left, with their respective denominators opposite. Let us reduce in this way ^. The nume- rator 34 is first reduced to J and placed, 2 14 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. the numerator on the right of the line, and the denominator on the left; thus, Next reduce the denominator 2J to an improper fraction, and divide by it, plac- ing the 7, or numerator, as in other cases of division, on the left. Seven equals 7 ; and 2 is contained in 3 one and a half times, which is the answer, as above. By this process, the complex is not only re- duced to a simple fraction, but to the lowest term of that fraction ; all of the factors being excluded in the canceling: while it is plain and intelligible, and at once proves itself ne- cessarily correct to all who take the trouble to know that the numerator of a fraction is the dividend, and the denominator the divisor. In the same manner that other fractions are multiplied, we multiply these, by placing on the right the numerators, both in the multipli- cand and multiplier. Hence, To multiply complex fractions and reduce them to their lowest term : Place the numerators of the numerators, both of the multiplicand and mul- tiplier, on the right; the numerators of the denomi- nators on the left ; and all respective denominators opposite. Multiply ^ by j|. In the first place 8j. make \ 5 , which are placed on the right, while 4, the denominator, is placed with the 3 on the left. Under this are placed the 4|, or y , the other numerator; and f, the denominator, is placed on the left; thus, COMPLEX FRACTIONS. 15 Four times 6 on the left equal 24 on the right. The answer is 8J. 25 f ~3 1 6. Again: Multiply fby~. Thus, J is divided 4" 9" by f , and this is multiplied by f and divided by*. Three is contained in 6 twice, and $ f twice 4 equals 8 on the left. Seven equals 7, while 5 is contained in 9 f $ fi If times. 5 I 9 Division of complex fractions may be per- formed as in the division of other fractions, by inverting or placing on the left of the line the numerator of the divisor. Hence, To divide one complex fraction by another'. Place the dividend on the right and the divisor on the left. 4 2 Divide ~ by ^|. Here we place 4| on right, and 7i on the left ; and dividing by % place it on the left, while its denominator is placed opposite. 4] It appears that all of the numbers frfr equal: hence, one is understood on the right for the quotient. the .11 It is foreign to our purpose to fill this little volume with examples for the reader to solve ; nence, after pointing out clearly the principles 16 governing statements and solutions, we shall give him the privilege of working such ques- tions as his experience and business may sug- gest ; a few examples, however, will be intro- duced, to familiarize him with canceling and using figures by this system. Multiply 3J Ibs. cheese, by 8J cents per Ib. Multiply J of T \ of 20, by y of f of T 8 T of JL of f of 10i of 180. 3-^ 2 Multiply - 1 of 40 by -, and divide by f of T V Divide i by i, and multiply it by 4 of 20. The examples above are deemed sufficient to enable the learner to proceed with ease, after the questions are stated, without a teacher. If the numbers on the two sides of the line are such as cannot be canceled, they must be multiplied and divided, and the result will be the same. The vertical line will be explained in Simple Proportion. SIMPLE INTEREST.* $5- The following method of casting interest is designed for every rate percent. Many of the questions wrought under this head, can be wrought with less than half the number of figures here required, by the short 6 per cent., and other methods which will follow. SIMPLE INTEREST is an allowance made for the use of money, and is different in different countries. It is supposed that, as in one year the products of the soil, on which all other profits are primarily based, yield their regular * I am indebted to the Rev. William McGookin, of Ohio, for many impor- tant suggestions on simple interest. THEORY OF INTEREST. 17 increase, so it is reasonable that a borrower of money should be required to refund the amount borrowed, annually. Hence, the unit of time for which money is lent, is one year ; called per annum or by the year, from the Latin words, per by, and annum a year. The charge of a specific price or bonus for the use of money, requires that a sum be established, as a general sum, on which, in one year, the specified, legal interest shall be charged; so that a larger sum would receive proportionally more, and a smaller sum proportionally less interest ; while likewise a greater or less length of time than one year, would make the inter- est proportionally more or less. This specified sum is 100; a number chosen because easily used in dividing ; being the round product of two decimates. The 100 is called per centum, from per by, and centum, a hundred. Hence per centum per annum means, by the hundred, by the year. Cent, is a contraction of centum. Most of the States of our Union have estab- lished 6 per cent, per annum, as the legal rate of interest. Now, it is manifest that if per centum or 100, in per annum or 1 year, that is, if 100 dollars in one year, gain 6 dollars interest, a larger or smaller number of dollars will gain more or less than 6 dollars, in one year ; while likewise, $100 in a greater or less time than one year, would gain more or less than 6 dollars interest. If $100 in one year gain 6 interest, 200 would gain twice 6, or 12; and if 200 in one year gain 12, in two years it would gain twice twelve ; or in one half of .a year the half of 12, or 6. So we perceive that the 18 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. interest on a sum of money for a given period of time depends on the relation that such sum bears to 100, as well as the relation of the time to 1 year. These relations are properly ascertained by Compound Proportion ; but we will here present them in the form of two connected simple proportions. What is the interest on $50 for six months, at 6 per cent. ? that is, if $100 in 12 months gain $6 interest, what interest will $50 gain in 6 months ? Now we place the demand, $50 and 6 months, on the right of a line, and the terms of the same name, 100 dollars and 12 months, as the supposition, opposite these, on the left. When we place dollars opposite dollars thus, it is to get the ratio between the two numbers of dollars : the same is the case with the months, which are placed opposite. The ratio between 100 and 50 is i ; and between 12 months and 6 months \ ; so that the two ratios multiplied together, that is \ times i, make \ ; hence, the $6 interest multiplied by this i, is reduced to li, which is the result ; thus, The ratio of these numbers compared, is obtained as by a fulcrum and scale. Hence, 50 is contained in 100 twice, and 6 in 12 twice, and this 2 in 6 three times, and 2 on the left in 3 on the right li times, which is \\ dollars, the answer. Suppose the time above, instesd of being 6 months, were 6 days ; then we cc aid not place one year opposite it in the form of 12 months ; but only in the form of 360 days : for, to obtain the ratio of time that 6 days bear to a year, we 3 PRACTICE OF INTEREST. 19 must compare days with days, not with months : hence if the time were 6 days, we would place 360 days, which make a year, opposite; or which is the same thing, 30 days opposite, to make a month, and 12 months to make a year : these two numbers make 360, the number of days in an interest year. Let us find the interest for 6 days ; thus, 2 ,100 20 Jl^ 20 We must place on the left op- posite the specified time, 1 year, 12 months, or 360 days, just as the time specified, may be in years, months or days. Here again, 50 into 100 twice : 6 times 6 on the right equal 36 on the left ; leaving the cipher or 10 to be multiplied into the 2, making the denominator 20. One being un- derstood on the right, the answer is ^V f a dollar; equal to 5 cents. We see then, that 100 and the time, either in years, months or days, go to the left ; while we place the sum on which the interest is to be obtained, the time, and the rate, all on the right. Now if the rate be 6, or 10, or any other per cent., it is so many hundredths ; 100 being the denominator, while 6 or 10, &c., is the nume- rator. This denominator is composed of two decimals. Decimal is from the Latin word decent, which means ten ; hence, the decimal is the tenth part of a unit. Two of these deci- mals, or the tenth times one tenth, make one one-hundredth : hence, any two decimal factors, express so many hundredths. It is necessary in expressing a decimal fraction, that there 20 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. be one figure less in the numerator than in the denominator: and the denominator 100, containing 3 figures, we always consider that there are but two in the numerator or rate. Then, if we consider the rate per cent, two decimals, every thing multiplied into it must be made 100 times smaller : that is, if dollars be multiplied by the rate, they become hundredths of dollars, or cents : and if cents be thus multi- plied by the rate, or two decimals, they become hundredths of cents. Now, in the first question wrought, let us make this rate two decimal factors, by dropping the 100 at the left. It is unnecessary here to place a cipher at the left of the 6, to show that the rate is composed of two decimals : this will be understood. Certainly, when we multiply the $50 by this rate per cent., 6, it is made 100 times smaller than dol- lars, and becomes cents ; so that the answer is 150 cents. We will therefore cut off two figures at the right of the result for cents. Suppose again, we consider this 50 cents, instead of 50 dollars: then the cents being multiplied by the rate, become hundredths of cents ; so that in the answer, we cut off two for hundredths of cents, two more, if we have them, for cents, while the remaining figures at the left, are dollars. But having only 3 figures, the answer is 1 cent and 50 hundredths; or li cents. Let us get the interest on $60, for 317 days, at 6 per cent. We call the $60 here, as we call the sum in all other cases, the PRINCIPAL the 317 days, the TIME, and the 6 per cent, per annum, the 50 INTEREST IN FRACTIONS. 21 RATE. We place these numbers on the right, thus, and as the time is in days, we 00 place 30 and 12 opposite, or 360, 0317 which is the same thing ; and # A# r again dispense with the 100. If $|3,17 we dispense with this 100 on the | left, the answer will be 100 times smaller than the principal; and this being dollars, the an- swer will be cents. Cyphers equal : 6 into 12 twice : and twice 3 on the left, equal 6 on the right. We have 317 left, and conclude, that the answer is 3 dollars and 17 cents. If the principal were 60 cents, the answer would be 3 cents and 17 hundredths. From this we conclude, that, When the Principal is dollars, the answer is cents; and when the principal is cents , the answer is hundredths of cents. What is the interest on $80, for 9 months, at 7 per cent. ? Here, we place the P. T. & R. as before, on the right , and place 12 only, on the left; because the time is in months, or T 9 ^ of a year. We use the factor 4, which goes into 12 three times, and into 8 twice : 3 into 9 three times : now 3X2X7X10 make 420, or $4 and 20 cents. Were this $0 2 X fi-& ft 3 $|4,20 time 9 days, we would place 30 with 12 on the left. Were the principal 80 cents, the answer would be four cents and T \\. What is the interest on 37 1 cents for 18 days at 74 per cent. ? The principal and rate being mixed numbers, must be reduced to im- proper fractions ; and the numerators placed 22 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. on the right, with their denominators on the left. The numerator of a fraction in all cases, occupies the same place that otherwise the whole number would : while the denominator is invaria- bly placed opposite. Hence again, the time being days, we place 30 and 12 on the left. The principal is cents ; \ 5 cents ; hence, the answer will be hundredths ; and as such, we will strike off two numbers for hundredths, and two for cents. 2 75 j Fifteen into 30, twice, and 2 #0 / l$_ 3 2 into 18, 9 times : The fac- 4 & tor 3 into 9 three, and into 12, four times; 4X2X2 are 16 on the left, and 3X75 on the right, are 225 ; which di- vided by 1 6 gives 1 4 T l . The answer is no dollars, no cents, and 14 T J hun- dredths cents. Such examples as this are scarcely of any practical value, and only show the full extent of the theory and practice of interest by this system. What is the interest on $600,60 cents, for 3J years, at 4i per cent.? We make the 3 J years, y , and place the 10 on the right, and 3 on the left, and divide by nothing, except the denom- inator. All that we divide by the numbers 12, and 12 and 30 for, is to reduce the time to years ; hence, when the time is already in years, division by any number becomes unne- cessary, except by such denominators, as from mixed numbers, may fall on the left ; which is the case with 3 and 2 in this example. Here, the 4i make | per cent. INTEREST FOR BROKEN TIME. 23 Two into 10 five, and 3 into 9 three times: now 3X5X600,60 make 900900. We cut off two for hundredths, and two for cents : 600,60 405 ' 3 $|90,09,00 hence, the answer $90,09 cents, and no hundredths. This answer is in hun- dredths, because the principal is in cents. What is the interest on $600, for 3 years, 6 months and 20 days, at 6 per cent. ? Here it is necessary to reduce all the years to months, and add in the given months ; and likewise re- duce the days to the fractional part of a month, and add such fraction to the months. In three years there are 36 months, and 6 more added, make 42 months. Now, 20 days are f %- of a month, which, canceling the tw r o ciphers, makes . The time, therefore, is 42f months, which make -f- months. We place this 128 on the right, and 3 on the left. The time now being in months, we divide by 12 only. Six into 12 twice, and twice 000 3 on the left, equal 6 on the % 128 right: we consequently draw # 40 down the 128, and annex the f|128,00 two ciphers, making the answer $128,00. Suppose the time had been 1 year, 1 month, and 10 days. One year and 1 month make 13 months : 10 days are 1^ or i of a month : consequently the time is 13 J, or \ months. Here, 40 should go to the right, and 3 to the left, with 12. Again : Suppose the time 6 months and 15 days : These 15 days are i.f or \ month ; so that the time is 64, or l -/ months. Here, again, 12 should be placed on the left. Suppose the time 2 years, 9 months 24 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. and 25 days: the 25 days make thus, |f, equal to | of a month ; and two years and 9 months, make 33 months, which, with the f annexed, is 33 1 or 2 f 3 months. Suppose the time 27 days : this would be f J, or T \ of a month, to be annexed to all the months. Were it 28 days, it would be ||, or 1 j of a month. Nine days would be JL, or T %. of a month : so would 8 days be -J^, or T 4 j of a month. Suppose the time were three months and 29 days. Most business men would call this 30 days : but to be accurate, we would multiply the months by 30 and add in the 29. Thus, the whole time would be reduced to 119 days : and we would conse- quently divide by 30 and 12. When the days make a number that cannot be reduced to the fraction of a month, to secure entire accuracy, the years must be reduced to months, and all the given months added in ; then, these months must be reduced to days, and the given days added in. What is the interest on $50 for 1 year, 3 months and 5 days, at 6 per cent.? One year and 3 months make 15 months: 5 days are 1 of a month: hence 151, or y months, is the time. We divide by 12 only. Sixes equal: we have 12 on the 91 left, and on the right 50X91 which makes 4550. This divided by 12 gives for answer $3,791 cents. From the foregoing principles and operations, we are justified in ma- 12|4550 king the following RULE FOR ALL INTEREST. 25 SUMMARY OF DIRECTIONS, For working Interest of any conceivable Prin- cipal, Time, and Rate. Place the Principal, Time, and Rate, on the right of the vertical line ; and if the time is days, place 30 and 12 on the left: if the time is months, place 12 only, on the left: and if the time is years, place nothing on the left. If the Principal, Time, or Rate is a mixed number, reduce it to an improper fraction, and place the numerator on the right, with the denom- inator on the left. When the Principal is dollars, the answer is cents: in such*' case, two figures must be cut off for cents : when the Principal is cents, the an- swer is hundred ths of cents: here, cut off two fig- ures, commencing at the right, for hundredths, two more for cents, and the remainder at the left is dollars. The figures thus cut off for cents, hundredths, tyc., must be whole numbers; while any existing fraction will be only a fractional part of such cents or hundredths. When the time is months and days, or years, months and days, reduce the years to months, and add in all the given months : then reduce the days to the fractional part of a month, and annex this fraction to the whole number of months: reduce all to an improper fraction, and place the numerator on the right, and \he denominator on the left. In such case, divide by 12 only. If the time cannot be reduced to the fractional part of a month, re- duce tfie whole time, years, months and. days, to days, and divide by 30 and 12. 26 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. If 4ht time is years and months, reduce the months to the fractional part of a year : add to the years : reduce all to an improper fraction, and divide by the denominator only. If the answer to a question be $80, 20 cents and 38|f hundredths, and it were written thus, 80.20.38^1, it would be wrong to cut off eith- er the 18 or 29 by itself, or both together, for the denomination of hundredths; for they make only the i| part of one one hundredth part of a cent. Hence, to strike off cents or hun- dredths of cents, place the separatrix between integral numbers only. The use of 360 days to the year, may be by some thought singular; but it grows out of the standard commercial usage, 3 days to the month, and 12 months to the year. The busi- ness year, the civilized world over, is called 360 days. If, however, any wish to use the 365, they can easily do so by substituting 365 on the left, for 30 and 12. The difference in the result is only T * part. In banks, the in- terest is always reckoned for three days more than the time specified by the borrower, which are called days of grace, or days given the bor- rower to allow for any accidents or exigencies which may prevent the money being funded at the close of the discounting period. Grace means gift. Really the three days are not days of grace ; for interest is reckoned on them as part of the general discounting time. Banks, too, charge more than the legal rate of inter- est ; on what principle of ethics, however, I have never been able to learn. If the rate be 6 per cent., the note for one year, is given for INTEREST FOR MONTHS AND YEARS. 27 $100; and the interest on $100, which is $6, is deducted from the money when issued to the borrower; so that he gets only $94. Now here, he pays $6, not for the use of 100, which would be equitable, at 6 per cent., but for 94. The interest on $94, the sum that the borrow- er receives, at 6 per cent, will not be $6; so that- he loses clear the difference between the $6, and the sum of interest that 94 would gain. This difference is quite important in heavy transactions. It is frequently impossible to cancel in ques- tions of interest ; when this is the case, all the numbers on the right must be multiplied to- gether for a dividend, and all on the left for a divisor : after which the former must be divi- ded by the latter. Some would ask, " what benefit in working interest in this way, if at times, it is necessary to multiply and divide, as in the old system ?" It is because all ques- tions, whatever be the principal, time or rate, can be wrought by this one, simple rule, with- out a separate rule for every varying per cent.; and which rule itself, is based on a principle so remote, as seldom to be seen by the ordi- nary arithmetician : because the statement can be easily made and understood by any or- dinary mind ; because the work is unique and systematic; and because in most cases the work can be greatly abbreviated by canceling. We give but two other examples, and these 3 ^ without the work. What is ~~3'65000 the interest on $800, for 2 years, 8 months and 15 days, at 10 per |. b ' 65 10 28 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. cent.? Here then, the time makes -V- months. 30 12 10,000 90 What is the interest on $10,000 for 90 days, at i of 1 per cent.? This time may be placed on the line as 90 days 3 months, or i of a year. In the first case, we would divide by 30 and 12 ; in the second by 12 only, and in the last by nothing. 6,25 INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT. Interest at 6 per cent, has long since been reckoned by dividing by 60, when the' time was days, or when months, multiplying the princi- pal by half their number. This process is very easy, when the number of months is even, and the half can be found without ma- king it necessary to multiply the principal by a mixed number ; but when the time is an odd number, or has years, months and days ; or when the principal is a mixed number, it is difficult, by the process ordinarily pursued, to use the fractions, and ascertain the precise result. Hence, the time is generally made too great or too little, and many fractions are thrown away ; whereas by the use of the ver- tical line, and the consequent advantage of placing the numerators and denominators on its two sides, this difficulty is entirely obvia- ted ; so that if the numbers on the two sides cannot be canceled, they can at least be mul- tiplied and divided, as by the old method. By this method, therefore, a clear gain is made of INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT. 29 all numbers that can be canceled, as well as greater ease and perspicuity in the statement. We find by the first method presented in this work, that the interest on one dollar, for 60 days, at 6 per cent., is one cent. It is likewise the same for 2 months, thus : |1 cent. |1 cent. In the former case, the time being 60 days, 30 and 12 are used on the left; in the latter, the time being 2 months, 12 only is used. The result is the same. If one dollar, as above, give 1 cent interest in 60 days, it will in 6, which is the tenth part of 60 days, give the tenth part of a cent, or one mill. The fact is therefore established, that One dollar in 6 days, at 6 per cent., will gain ONE MILL interest ; and ONE DOLLAR in 2 months at 6 per cent., will gain ONE CENT interest. Hence, we are justified in making the following statement in Proportion: If 1 dollar in 6 days on the left, give one mill interest, last on the right, how many mills will any other number of dollars and days give on the right? Or, if one dollar, in 2 months on the left, give one cent interest, last on the right, how many cents will any other number of dollars and months give, on the right ? What is the interest on $40 for 240 days? Here, the principal and time are placed for a 30 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. demand, on the right, 1 dollar and 6 days, for the same name on the left, and 1 mill, last on the right, for the denomination of the answer: Thus. The answer is consequently, mills ; hence, one figure must be cut | j off for mills, and all at the left of it jj-gQ-Q- are cents and dollars. The answer is one dollar, 60 cents and no mills. The ones are placed on the two sides of the line, merely to indicate the proportion in the statement. They are unnecessary in practice, and may be dropped in the statement and calculation. What is the interest on 20 cents 01794 3|7940 for 794 days ? Two is contained in six three times, which we can di- vide by, no farther, and consequent- ly bring down on the left. The 794 are multiplied by 10, by merely appending the cipher. In this case, the principal is cents ; hence, the answer is 1000 times smaller than if it were dollars, and is consequently thousandths of cents. We strike off one fig- ure for thousandths, two more for hundredths of cents, and the remaining figure is cents ; hence the answer, 2 cents, 94 hundredths, and 6 thousandths. The business man every- where, would call this 3 cents. By this it is seen that, when the principal is dollars, the an- swer is mills, and when the principal is cents, the answer is thousandths of cents. It is quite preferable that the answers should be in dollars, cents, and hundredths of cents. To effect this, when the time is days, and we divide by 6, as in the foregoing, we INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT. 31 may cut off and throw away at the right of the answer, one figure, for mills or thousandths of cents, as useless; and the answer will be cents or hundredths, according to the denom- ination of the principal. It must be remem- bered, that this figure is thrown away at the right of the answer, only when the time is MO - 3401 What is the in- ^g_3i 102 03 terest on 680,20 cts. -%p -- qrnrzrtt A for 93 days? $10,54,310 Ans. Here, the factor 3, is contained in 6 twice, and in 93 thirty- one times ; this 2 in 6802 is contained 3401 times. We multiply the lat- ter number by 31, by using the 3 only, not set- ting it down, but placing its product one move to the left of the unit's place, and adding the two numbers. To this sum we annex the ci- pher. One figure, the cipher, is thrown off, which leaves the answer 10 dollars, 54 cents, and 31 hundredths. The long method of mul- tiplying by 31 would be quite as easy for most persons as that use'd above. Or the two original numbers 680,20 and 93 could be mul- tiplied, and their product divided by the 6, pro- ducing the same result. It may be remarked here, that whenever it is necessary to multiply by the numbers 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, the left figure only, may be multiplied by, and its product removed one figure to the left of the unit's place, and the two numbers added. Likewise to multi- ply by 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19, use the right hand figure only, placing the product one move to the right, and add as before. In 32 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 11,750 87,5 neither of the cases do we write the number multiplied by. What is the interest on 87^ cents, for 120 days ? In this instance we may place the principal on the line as a mixed number -J-, as in the annexed ex- ample, or we may make the i cents, 5 decimals, and place it down as 87,5, thus, The result will be the same, ex- cept that, in the latter case, one figure must be cut off for the deci- 1 1,75, 00 mals; then the figures remaining may be treated as usually. In the first ques- tion, 6 times 2 equal 12 on the right; in the 2d, 6 into 12 twice, and twice 87,5 are 1750, which with the 10 annexed, becomes 17500. The result is the same, after cutting off the decimal in the latter case, and afterwards one figure in each case for the thousandths. Hence, the answer, one cent and 75 hundredths. What is the interest on 287,37i cents, for 80 days ? We give the i cent here the deci- mal expression, .5, and will throw away one figure in the answer for it. Here multiply by 8, annex the cipher, and divide by 6. The answer is 3 dollars, 83 cents, 16 hundredths, &c., &c. What is the interest on $200, for 15 days? Ans. Fifty cents. Jrt) 22990000 3,83,16,66^ 00 ,500 SIX PER CENT. INTEREST. 33 What is the interest on $360, for Jgf " 97 days ? $|5,820 We now come to questions in which the time is months, or months and days, or years, months and days. In this case 2 is used on the left, because in 2 months $1 gains 1 cent interest; the answer will be in cents and hun- dredths, without throwing off' one figure. What is the interest on $200, for 7 months ? Here we place principal and time on the right, and 2 on the left ; the answer is $7, and no cents. Interest on $387,20 cents, for 10 months? Two into 10 five times, and five times 387,20 are 19 dol- lars 36 cents, and no hundredths, answer 387,20 19,36,OC What is the interest on $47, for 5 months? In this instance, we multi- ply and divide only. 47 |235 What is the interest on $480, 93| cents, for 1 month ? Three- fourths are made .75, in the form of two decimals : hence, in the 480,93,75 1 2,40,46,87^ answer, two figures are cut off for decimals, two for hundredths, and two for cents. What is the interest on 12J cents, for 20 months ? This principal is reduced to halves : answer, 1 cent and 25 hundredths ; or li cents. 3 25 34 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 13 $|2,60 $ ^002 11 $|22,00 What is the interest on $80, for 6 months and 15 days ? 15 days being i of a month, the time is 6i, or \ 3 - months. Hence the statement. What is the interest on $1200, for 3 months and 20 days ? Twenty 20 days are |E, equal to f of a month : hence the time 3f, or -U- months. In these instances, the denominators are placed on the left with the 2 months. What is the interest on $1000, for 1 1 months and 12 days? Twelve days are 1J> equal to | of a month: the ^iK 1 ? nn 3 o * JL 5 b7 > UL time, consequently, is 11|, or -y- months. Here, 5 times 2 on the left, equal 10, or cipher on the right. The answer is $57,00. What is the interest on $1500, for three years, 8 months and 25 days ? Three years and 8 months make 44 months : and 25 days are J of a month, which makes the time 44 1 months. This reduced to an improper fraction, in |-2. months : thus, Twice six on the left, are 12, which goes into 1500, one hun- I dred and twenty five times : and $|336,25 I 269X125=$336,25, the answer. What is the interest on 80 dollars, for 4 years, 10 months and 9 days ? Four years and 10 months, make 58 months, and 9 days make y\ of a month, which ,4^00 ^5 269 40583 H| 23,32 Ans. are 58 T \, equal to - 5 T \ 3 - months. In cases where the time is an even number of years, it is only necessary to multiply RULE FOR SIX PER CENT. INTEREST. 85 together principal, time and rate, and cut off 2 or 4 figures for cents, as indicated by the de- nomination of the principal. SUMMARY OF DIRECTIONS. When the Time is DAYS, place the Principal and Time on the right, and 6 on the left. If the Principal is dollars, the answer is MILLS; here, cut off one figure at the right, for mills, and two more for cents : if the Principal is cents, the an- swer* is thousandths of cents; here, cut off one figure for thousandths, two for hundredths, and two more for cents. Or, cut off one figure at the right in cither case, and the answer will be cents, or hundredths, according to the denomination of the principal. When the Time is MONTHS, place Principal and Time on the right, and 2 on the left. If the Principal is dollars, the answer is cents ; rf cents, the answer is hundredths of cents. When the Time is YEARS, place Principal, Time and Rate on the right, and multiply contin- uously. The answer is cents or hundredths, ac- cording to Hie denomination of the principal. When the Time is years and months, or years, months and days, reduce the years to months, and add all the given months: then reduce i/te days to the fractional part of a month, if practicable ; annex this fraction to the months : reduce all to an improper fraction, and place the numerator en the right, and denominator on the left. 36 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. If the days cannot be reduced to the fractional part of a month, reduce the whole time, years, months, and days, or months and days, to days, and divide by 6, as in other cases. When the principal is a mixed number, reduce it to an improper fraction, and place the numera- tor on ike right, and denominator on the left : Or, express the fraction in decimals, and cut off as many figures on the right of the answer for deci- mals, as indicated by the number of decimals in the principal. INTEREST AT SEVEN AND EIGHT PER CENT. The first method given in this book for reck- oning at any rate per cent., is quite applica- ble to 7 and 8 per cent. Yet we may use a method which requires fewer figures, in con- nection with the 6 per cent, method just noticed. In states where the rate of interest is 7 and 8 per cent., it will be found very convenient to ascertain the interest first at 6 per cent., by the short rule given, and then add | more for 7 per cent., or i for 8 per cent. One per cent, is the i of 6 per cent.: hence we may divide the interest at 6 per cent, by 6, and thus get , which will be added to the former interest. So two per cent, over 6, making 8, is of 6: hence the interest at 6 may be divided by 3, and the quotient added to the former interest. When the rate is 12 per cent., instead of di- viding by 6 as in 6 per cent, calculations, 3 only may be placed on the left of the line, and the answer divided off as in 6 per cent, calcu- lations ; because at this rate per cent, one cfol- SEVEN AND EIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST. 37 lar in three days gives one mill interest. A few examples are given for illustration. What is the interest on $350 for 160 days at 7 per cent.? We work as in 6 percent.; thus, 350 30 i00 8 28000 9,33,3 $ 10,88,8i Placing 6 on the left, at 6 per cent, the answer would be $9,33i cents. We now place 6 at the left of this answer, which is equivalent to multiplying the answer by |, not using the nu- merator on the right, and divide the first answer, setting the quo- tient beneath. This added gives for the an- swer, $10,88 cents and 8i mills. Again : What is the interest on $20 for 8 months at 7 per cent.? Here, 2 is used on the left, the time being months, and the answer 80 cents is obtained. One-sixth or 13J added gives 93J cents. One advantage in this method is that the numbers to be divided by, on the left, 20 80 ,931 on the leit, are never large, and the fraction lost by the last division, is of no practical importance. What is the interest on $397,20 for 40 days at 7 per cent.? The answer in this instance is $3 and nearly 9 cents. What is the interest on 8 per cent? ^,20662 40 264800 441331 $ 3,08,93,3i for 371 days at 38 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 6 ^03 371 11130 3710 ; 14,84,0 Again : days at 8 In this example, after finding the interest at, 6 per cent., it is divided by 3, which is equivalent to multi- plying by i, and the quotient is ad- ded, making 14 dollars and 84 cents, answer. What is the interest on $399 for 20 per cent.? 1330 The answer is one dollar, 77 cents, and 3J mills. What is the interest on $487,20 for 4 months at 8 per cent.? 487,20 ^ ^ 2 The time being months, we di- 97440 vide first by 2, and afterward, the 32480 answer thus obtained by 3. $ 12,99,20 What is the interest on $1500 for 211 days at 12 per cent.? ii00 _ 5 | We here divide by 3 only, be- #2 211 cause, as said above, 1 dollar in 3 days at 12 per cent, gives 1 mill in- $[105,50,0 terest. Hence, one figure is cut off in the answer for mills. When the time is months and the rate 12 per cent., the principal and time may simply be multiplied together; because 1 dollar in 1 month at 12 per cent., gives 1 cent interest. Hence nothing more is necessary than multiplication, as 1 placed on the left of the line could serve RATES OF INTEREST. 39 no other purpose than to show the nature of the statement by proportion. What is the interest on $873 for 7 months at 12 per cent.? The answer i*in this, as in all other cases of months, obtained in cents, 61 dollars and 11 cents. 873 _7 1,11 DIRECTIONS FOR SEVEN, EIGHT, AND TWELVE PER CENTUM. State as in cases of 6 per cent.: if the rate is 7 per cent., divide the answer by 6, and add the quotient: if the rate is 8 per cent., divide the an- swer by 3, and add the quotient. If the rate is 12 per cent., and the time days, place principal and time on the right and 3 on the left: cut off one figure at the right, and the an- swer will be cents or hundredths of cents. When the time is in months, multiply principal and time together, and the answer will be in cents or hundredth of cents. When the time is years, multiply principal, time, and rate together; and the answer will be cents, or hundredths of cents. RATE AND FORFEITURE TABLE. RATES OF INTEREST legalized in the several states of our union, and in foreign countries, with the PENALTIES for USURY.* FTATES. RATES.! PENALTIES FOR USURY. Maine, 6 per cent. Forfeit of entire debt. New Hampshire, 6 " " Three times the usury. Vermont, 6 " '* Usury recoverable with costs. Massachusetts, 6 " " Three times the usury forfeited. * On all dues to the United States, 6 per cent, is charged, ever; where the states legalize higher rates. t If the rate is not mentioned in the note, interest may be collected at the rate established by the law s of the state in which the transaction occurs. 40 RAINEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. RATE AND FORFEITURE TABLE. STATES. R. Island, RATES. 6 per cent. PENALTIES FOR USURY. Forfeit of interest and usury. New York, 7 cc cc cc cc cc cc ' New Jersey, 6 cc cc cc cc cc cc Pennsylvania, 6 cc cc cc cc cc^ cc Delaware, 6 cc cc cc cc cc cc Maryland, 6 cc cc (1) Such contracts void. Virginia, 6 cc cc Forfeit twice the usury. North Carolina, 6 cc cc cc cc cc South Carolina, 7 cc cc Forfeit interest, usury, and costs. Georgia, 8 cc cc Forfeit three times the usury. Alabama, 8 cc cc Forfeit usury and interest. Mississippi, Louisiana, 8 5 cc cc (2) (3) Forfeit of usury and costs. All such void. Tennessee, 6 cc cc cc cc cc Kentucky, 6 cc cc Costs and usury recoverable. Ohio, ' 6 cc cc All such void. Indiana, 6 cc c Forfeit of twice the usury. Illinois, 6 cc cc (4) Forfeit interest and three tirm BS usury Missouri, 6 CC Ct (5) Forfeit interest and usury. Michigan, Arkansas, Florida, Wisconsin, 7 6 8 7 cc cc (6) (7) Forfeit one-fourth debt and us Whole usury forfeited. Forfeit interest and usury. Forfeit three times usury. mry Iowa, 7 cc cc (8) cc cc cc cc Texas, 10 cc cc All such void. Dist. Columbia, 6 cc cc cc cc cc England, 5 cc cc Forfeit three times the debt. France, 5 cc cc Ireland, 6 cc cc Canada, 6 cc cc Nova Scotia, 6 cc cc W. Indies, 8 cc cc Constantinople, 30 cc cc MAKING AND TRANSFERRING NOTES. In closing the article on interest, it may be well to give a few practical directions on making and transferring notes. Much litigation arises from inattention to the following requirements of law : 1. A promissory note is an instrument of writing in which the promisor or maker pledges the payment of money or property to a second person, at or before a specified time, in consideration of equivalent value received. 2. The sum of money or property for which the promisor gives the note, is called the " face of the note," and after being expressed in figures at the beginning of the note, should be written in words in the body of the same 3. The words " value received " should always be found in the body of (1) Contracts in tobacco may be as high as 8 per cent. (2) By contract as high as 10 per cent. (3) By agreement as high as 10; bank interest 6 per cent. (4) By agreement as high as 12. (5) By agreement as high as 10. (6) Any rate not above 10 per cent. (7) By contract as hig'h as 12. (8) By agreement as high as 12 per cent. LAWS REGULATING NOTES. 41 a note, as the laws require that money shall be paid only for a " con- sideration " or equivalent. Without this, notes are said to be invalid or worthless. 4. The individual who makes the note is called the drawer or giver ; the person to whom it is given is called the payee ; and the person who has it in legal possession, is called the holder. 5. The payee of a note may sell or transfer it to a third person, if it be written payable " to order," or " to bearer ;" and this third person or holder may sue and collect as if he had been the original payee. Such a note is called negotiable, because it can be traded by the payee, and made paya- ble to such person as he may order. 6. The law requires the holder of a negotiable note to indorse it, or write his name on the back, if he wish to sell it ; provided that such note be transferable, or " payable to order." If the holder is unable to collect the note of the drawer, then the indotser is responsible, and can be made to pay it. The holder of a note which is made payable "to bearer," can transfer without indorsing it ; and is, in this event, not liable for it. In the transfer of such notes there is said to be no recourse. Thus, if a bank- note is not indorsed by the individual who pays it, he is no longer liable to lose it, if it prove worthless. 7. A note made payable to a particular individual without the words payable " to order," or "to bearer," cannot be negotiated or traded to an- other ; nor can another individual, except in the name of the payee, col- lect it. 8. A note specifying no time for payment, must be paid on demand. Such are generally called " due-bills." 9. Conventional usage, and in some instances law, has established, that a note shall not be collected until three days after it is due ; and interest is calculated on these three days, as on the rest of the time. A note be- coming due on Sunday, with these three days included, should be paid on Saturday. Three days thus given, is to allow for all exigencies ; and are called " days of grace," because they are given gratuitously. Grace means gift. 10. Maturity of a note is the time specified for its payment. If a note is not paid at maturity that has been transferred, the holder must legally notify the indorser of the fact, or the indorser is released from his liability. 11. Interest cannot be charged on a note paid at maturity, without it has been specified ; the words, " with interest," being inserted. But when a note not containing these words, is not paid until after maturity, the rate of interest legal in the state can be charged from maturity. 12. Notes bearing interest without the rate being inserted, bear the legal interest of the state in which drawn. Any agreement for a rate of inter- est less than the legal interest, must ba specified, or legal interest can be collected. 13. Notes for any commodity of merchandise cannot be negotiated ; and if payment is not made at the time specified, the holder may recover the amount in money. In such cases the three days grace are not allowed. 14. When two or more persons give a note conjointly, the payee or holder may collect it of either or any of them. PAYMENT ON NOTES. To compute interest on notes, we must ascertain the time which elapses between the period when interest commences, and 42 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. that on which the payment is made, by subtracting the former from the lat- ter date,* which is done thus: What is the interest on a note for $500, dated May 20, 1843, and paid January 19, 1845 ? After arranging the former time tinder the ' latter thus, if the number of days in the lower line is larger than that in the yrs. mos. days. 1845 " 1 " 19 1843 " 5 " 20 Time, 1 " 7 " 29 upper, 30 days must be added to the upper line, and the subtraction made from the whole number above, and the remainder set under the days. One is carried to the act uuuci me uuys. wiie is uarncu LU me lower line of months. If this number of months is larger than that above, 12 must be added above and the subtrac- tion continued as before. It will be observed here, that the months are placed down according to the order they occupy in the year. May is the 5th month; hence we use 5 as the number ; so is 1 used lor January, it be- ing the first month. PARTIAL PAYMENTS. Below, we give the Ohio rule for casting the interest on partial payments, which is the method used in Indiana, Kentucky, and most of the states of the union. The rule, and the calculation to illustrate its application, are extracted from Swan's Treatise. " The Ohio rule for calculating partial pay- ments, is as follows : Where payments exceed- ing the interest are made after the debt is due : In such case interest should be calculated on the debt up to the time of payment, and the principal and interest then added together, and the payment subtracted from the total. Subsequent interest should be computed on the balance of principal thus found to be due. "Where the payment is less than the inter- est due, the surplus of interest must not be added to the principal ; but interest continues on the former principal, the same as if no * The day on which a note is dated, and that on which it becomes due, hould not both be reckoned. The former is excluded among business men. PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 43 payment had been made, until the period when the payments added together, exceed the interest due; and then the surplus of pay- ments is to be applied towards discharging the interest. For instance, upon a note for $100, payable in one year with interest, if a pay- ment of 10 dollars is made at the end of two years, and 10 dollars at the end of four years, and 19 dollars at the expiration of six years ; here interest on the whole amount of the note should be calculated up to the time of the payment of the 19 dollars, and then the sever- al payments should be added together, and deducted from the amount of all the principal and interest; the balance would be the amount due, and upon which interest should be after- wards computed. The following calculations will illustrate the rule in the text: A., by his note, dated Jan. 1st, 1840, promises to pay to B. 1000 dol- lars, in 6 months from date, with interest from the date. On this note are the following en- dorsements : Received, April 1, 1840, 24 dol- lars; Aug. 1, 1840, 4 dollars ; Dec. 1, 1840, 6 dollars; Feb. 1, 1841, 60 dollars ; July], 1841, 40 dollars; June 1, 1844,300 dollars ; Sept. 1, 1844, 12 dollars ; Jan. 1, 1845, 15 dollars ; Oct. 1, 1845, 50 dollars; and the judgment is to be entered Dec. 1, 1850. 44 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. CALCULATION. The principal sum carrying interest from January 1, 1840, $1000 00 Interest to April 1, 1840, 3 months, 15 00 Amount, 1015 00 Paid April 1, 1840, a sum exceeding the interest, 24 00 Remainder for a new principal, 991 00 Interest on- 991 from April 1, 1840, to February 1, 1841, 10 months, 49 55 Amount, 1040 55 Paid August 1, 1840, a sum less than the in- terest due, $4 00 Paid December 1, 1840, do. do. 6 00 Paid February 1, 1841, do. greater do. 60 00 70 00 Remainder for a new principal, 970 55 Interest on 970 55 from February 1, 1841, to July 1, 1841, 5 months, 24 26 Amount, ~ 994 81 Paid July 1, 1841, a sum exceeding the interest, 40 00 Remainder for a new principal, 954 8 1 Interest on 954 81 from July 1, 1841, to June 1, 1844, 2 years 11 months, 167 00 Amount, 1121 81 Paid June 1, 1844, a sum exceeding the interest, 300 00 Remainder for new principal, 821 81 Interest on $821 81 from June 1, 1844, to October 1, 1845, 1 year and 4 months, 65 75 Amount, " 887 56 Paid September 1, 1844, a sum less than the in- terest due, $12 00 Paid January 1, 1845, do. do. 1500 Paid October 1, 1845, do. greater, with the two- last payments, than the interest then due, 50 00 77 00 Remainder for new principal, 810 56 Interest on $810 56, from October 1, 1845, to Decem- ber 1, 1850, the time when judgment is to be en- tered, 5 years and 2 months, 251 30 Judgment rendered for the amount, $1061 86 PARTIAL PAYMENTS. 45 The following is the rule of the Supreme Court of the United States, as given by Chancellor Kent, Johnson's Chan- cery Reports, vol. 1st, page 17; and is adopted by most of the States of the Union, among which are Massachusetts and New York: SUPREME COURT RULE. I. " The rule for casting interest, when partial pay- ments have been made, is to apply the payment, in the first place, to the discharge of the interest then due. II. " If the payment exceeds the interest, the surplus goes toward discharging the principal ; and the subse- quent interest is to be computed on the balance of the principal remaining due. III. " If the payment be less than the interest, the surplus of interest must not be taken to augment the principal ; but interest continues en the former principal until the period when the payments, taken together, exceed the interest due, and then the surplus is to be applied toward discharging the principal ; and interest is to be computed on the balance as aforesaid" A. gave to B. his note for 12,000 dollars; at the expiration of three months he paid 2,000 dollars ; in three months more 6,000, and at the expiration of three months more, 3,000 dol- lars: what did he pay to B. when the note was taken up at the close of the year, the note being made on the 1st day of January ? We reckon these payments by the Supreme Court Rule. Principal $12,000 Interest on the whole for three months - - - ,180 Amount of principal and interest ----- 12,180 First payment to be deducted ------- 2,000 Balance due after first payment ------ 10,180 Interest from 1st to 2d payment, 3 months - ,152.70 Amount to be reduced by 2d payment - - - 10,332.70 Second payment to be deducted ------ 6,000. Balance due after 2d payment 4,332.70 Interest from 2d to 3d payment, 3 months - 64.99.05 Amount to be reduced by 3d payment - - - 4,397.69.05 Third payment to be deducted 3,000. Balance due after 3d payment - ------ 1,397.69.05 Int. from 3d pay't till settlement, 3 months _$ Balance due on settlement 1,418.65.58.57$ 4 46 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. The following is called the Commercial Rule, and is adopted by Vermont: COMMERCIAL OR VERMONT RULE. Find the amount of the whole debt until the time of settlement ; then find the amount of each payment from the time of payment until the time of settlement ; add these, and subtract the sum from the former amount : the remainder will be the sum due. For all payments made within one year, this rule is iden- tical with that of Connecticut, which follows : CONNECTICUT RULE. I. " Compute tlie interest on the principal to the time of the first payment ; if that be one year or more from the time the interest commenced, add it to the principal, and deduct the payment from the sum total. If there be after payments made, compute the interest on the balance due to the next payment, and then deduct the payment as above; and in like manner from one payment to another, until all the payments are absorbed ; provided the time between one payment and another be one year or more II. "If any payments be made before one year's interest has accrued, then compute the interest on the principal sum due on, the obligation, for one year, add it to the principal, and compute the interest on the sum, paid, from the time it was paid up to the end of the year ; add it to the sum paid, and deduct that sum from tJie principal and interest added as above. III. " If a year extends beyond the time of payment, then find the amount of the principal remaining unpaid up to the time of settlement, likeioise the amount of the indorsements from the time they were paid to the time of settlement, and deduct the sum of these several amounts from the amount of the principal. 11 If any payments be made of ct sum less than the interest arisen at the time of such payment, no interest is to be computed, but only on the principal sum for any period.' 9 KIRBY'S REPORTS. PHILOSOPHY OF RATIO. 47 Ignorance of the correct method of calcula- ting interest on partial payments, is the cause of much litigation. Hence, it behoves men to remember, that interest should be reckoned till the time of the first payment, and added to the principal, and the payment deducted ; provided the payment is greater than the in- terest that has accrued. But if the interest is greater than the payment, the payment must be set aside, and the interest reckoned to another payment ; or continuously from one payment to another, till the sum of the pay- ments shall exceed the sum of the interest accrued. Then the several sums of interest should be added to the principal, and the sum of the several payments deducted. The re- mainder will be a new principal on which in- terest runs till the next current payment, or till the debt^is paid, or judgment rendered. This method will stand in the courts, of the great majority of the States in the Union. RATIO AND PROPORTION. That the principles of subsequent statements may be understood, we introduce a few re- marks on Ratio and Proportion. The princi- ples and various ramifications of this subdi- vision of numbers, could not be well developed and elucidated, in less space than is occupied by this entire volume. Hence, we attempt only its outline. Ratio is the relation that exists between different 48 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. quantities and numbers of similar things ; and is ^ always expressed by an abstract number. Ten apples are twice as many as five apples : hence, the ratio or relation is 2. We have here two different numbers of the same object : but it could not be said that, ten apples were twice as many as five biscuits ; because there is no relation between one apple and one biscuit : neither can one be said to be larger than the other. Again, 15 yards of cloth are five times as many as 3 yards of cloth : here the ratio is 5. Twenty gallons of melasses are 4 times as many as 5 gallons : but 20 gallons of melasses are not 4 times as many as 5 gallons of rum. Six bushels \vheat are one fifth times as many as 30 bushels : that is, the ratio is \. Hence, the fact assumed in the outset is proven, that Ratio is the relation between similar things. __J^^xatios_make a proportion ; that is, as many times greater or less as & second thing is than the first, so many times greater or less is a fourth than the third. These relations are ascertained, by first ascertaining the ratio that exists between the two numbers or quantities in the proposition, which are alike. For in- stance : If 4 yards of cloth cost $5, what will 12 yards of cloth cost? Here the ratio between the 4 and 12 yards must be obtained first. This is done by using a vertical line, which is considered the fulcrum of a scale or balance, thus, The 12 yards are placed on the right, and the 4 yards opposite, on the left. Hence, as in the two ends of the scale, we compare their value. Four is contained SIMPLE PROPORTION DIRECT. 49 in 12 three times : hence, the ratio is 3. Now, the four yards on the left, are equal in value to 5 dollars ; which to balance the 4 yards, must be placed, likewise, last on the right. The ratio being an abstract number, and being on the right with the dollars, may be multiplied into the dollars : hence, 3 times $5 are 15 dollars ; not 15 bushels, or 15 of any thing else, except the denomination into which the ab- stract ratio is multiplied. From this, the philosophy of the statement seems to require, that the price or denomina- tion of the answer, be placed last, on the right, where it can be multiplied by the ratio between the two quantities above, and increased or decreased accordingly, as the ratio is an integer or fraction. From this, tao^tojce^j^ju^ the_ theory of equIIi5ghH^ extent, equals fKe~price^or nameTof answer, must be placed opposite, or on the left : then the number which is to be compared with this supposed quantity on the left, must be placed on the right, directly opposite the term on the left, for the purpose of ascertaining the ratio. When stated thus, it is not essential that the ratio be actually obtained, by dividing one upper term into the other; for the position indicates the ratio, and the numbers may be canceled by using one of the numbers with either of the other two. In applying this statement to questions in Profit and Loss, the conditions of the question must be strictly noticed : cost price, compared with cost price; par per cent., with par per cent. ; reduced with reduced, and advanced 3 50 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. with advanced per centum. By this means, and the directions following, the statements made in Profit and Loss, become rational and easy. In questions where any of the terms are fractional, or mixed numbers, such mixed num- bers may be reduced to improper fractions, and their numerators located in such position on the line, as otherwise the whole number would occupy ; with all respective denomina- tors opposite. If 7i yards cloth are worth $20, what will 18J yards come to? The term of demand, or which is connected with the demand, is 18-J yards. This must be placed on the right of the line first, in the form of \ 5 . The numerator 75 will consequently occupy the right, thus, The 7i belongs to the left, and being made y , we place the nume-* 05 9 1 50 rator 15 on the left : now the term in which the answer is required, $20, is placed last on the right : so that being multiplied by the ratio between the two quantities above, it will be made more or less. The question has now lost its fractional form ; and being easily stated, can be more easily wrought. Thus, if the terms were such that they could not be canceled, they might be multiplied on each side ; and the right divided by the left, with very little trouble. If i of 6 yards cost $3, what will i of 20 yards cost ? Here, i of 20 is the demand, and is placed on the right, by its numerators, 1 and 20 : \ of 6 is the supposition of the same SIMPLE PROPORTION DIRECT. 51 name, and is placed opposite, by its numerators : the price, $3, is placed last on the right; thus, This may be proven by saying, if i of 20 cost 7i, what will i of 6 cost? J of 6 is the demand; i of 20 the same name, and $7i the 2 $ term of answer, all of which are located accordingly, by their nu- merators; thus, 3 1 20 The result is three dollars, and the question is proven. This department of numbers is called " the rule of three, 51 because three terms are given and used in a statement to find a fourth. When this fourth term is ascertained, the pro- position is complete ; so, also, is the proportion. The rule of three having three terms given to find a fourth, we conclude that, two of these being either means or extremes, we may divide either couplet by the remaining mean or ex- treme, and find such mean or extreme as con- stitutes the fourth term. It is a doctrine in proportion, that the product of the two means equals the product of the two ex- tremes. If this is true, it is evident that the product of either the means or extremes, is the result of the multiplication of the two terms together as factors. Suppose the extremes be multiplied and the product divided by one of the means; it is evi- dent that the other mean will be obtained, and 52 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. that if it be multiplied with the first mean, their product will equal that of the extremes. Or, if the product of the means be divided by one of the extremes, the other extreme will be ob- tained, which multiplied with the given ex- treme will yield a product equal to that of the means. In the proportion 2 : 4 : : 8 : 16 (two to four as eight to sixteen), we multiply 8 by 4, mak- ing 32; this divided by 2, one of the extremes, gives 16, the other extreme: or, divided by 16 r gives the extreme 2. If, again, the two ex- tremes, 2 and 16, be multiplied, and the pro- duct, 32, divided by 4, one of the means, the other mean, 8, is obtained : or, if this product be divided by 8, the other mean, 4, is obtained. This law will be found necessary in the expla- nation of Compound Proportion, by cause and effect. It will require care and attention in the learner to distinguish the demand at times, the language of questions being frequently so transposed as to present seemingly new issues to those not acquainted with, or accustomed to, analyzing questions before stating them. The general nature of every question must be understood before much can be done by any process of solution. And this is the only service that analysis can render, the elucidation of the general bearings of the problem. We have always been opposed to the me- chanical routine by which persons have gone on from one question to another, and wrought some, merely because others were wrought so. So long as this method of solving questions SIMPLE PROPORTION DIRECT. 53 by a rule, whose principles may at first have been understood, is practiced among those seeking a first knowledge of the science, we may not look for such a knowledge of the sub- ject as will enable them to apply the princi- ples to the great every-day transactions of life. We shall now solve a variety of problems and prove them ; that after the path is pointed out, the pupil may pursue it with some degree of pleasure. If 10 yards of cloth .cost $16, what will 15 yards cost? The demand, 15 yards, is placed on the right, and the term of the same name, 10 yards, opposite; while the price, 16 dollars, is 24 placed last on the right, where it can through multiplication, be increased by the ratio of the two numbers of yards. We use the factor 5 into 10 and 15. The answer is 24 dollars. We prove this by saying, if 15 yards cost 24 dollars, what will 10 cost? Thus it is proven that 10 yards cost the 16 dollars assumed in the outset. ft 1A jfjUO We may now state yet differently, and say, if $16 buy 10 yards, how many yards will $24 buy? thus, Here 24 dollars become the demand, and 16 the same name; while 10 yards is the denomina- tion of answer, and is conse- 15 yds quently placed on the right. The ratio is ob- 54 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. tained between the dollars, and multiplied into the 10 yards, increasing them to 15 yards. Again: if $24 buy 15 yards, how many will 16 buy? 10yds. The first form of the question above would be stated and solved thus by the old method: 10 : 15 : : 16 : x. The second and third terms, 15 and 16, would be multiplied togethei and their product divided by the first; thus, 10 : 15 :: 16 15 80 16 10)240 24 dolls. By this mode of pro- ceeding, the figures are accumulated to a large number by first multiply- ing up, and then dividing down again; whereas both operations might be dis- pensed with, and the term of answer multiplied simply by the ratio be- tween the 10 and 15. It appears singular that any intelligent au- thor should teach that it was necessary in such a question as the one just wrought, to mul- tiply the 16 dollars by the 15 yards, which is within itself impossible ; for such an operation has no meaning. Fifteen yards times 16 dol- lars will make neither 240 yards nor 240 dol- lars. It may be urged that it is multiplying the dollars by the abstract terms of a fraction, which represents the ratio. This may be ad- mitted in the case of those prime numbers whose ratio cannot be reduced to a single ex- pression. Even then we would prefer express- ing it by a positive fraction, in a fraction's SIMPLE PROPORTION DIRECT. 55 form, or by a mixed number, either of which would indicate how many times the dollars, or other denomination of answer, was to be taken. For when the other process is pursued, the whole idea of ratio between the number multiplied and divided by, is lost; and the pupil multiplies and divides just because the rule so teaches him. But tell him to get first the ratio between two numbers or quanti- ties, and then to multiply the denomination in which the answer is required, by it, thus in- creasing or decreasing it, and he understands what he is doing. He knows that if the ratio be larger than 1, he will have an answer as much larger than the last term as this ratio is greater; and if the ratio be smaller than unity, his answer will be smaller than the term to be multiplied by such ratio. But that the second and third shall be multiplied to- gether to a product, but to be divided down again by the first, is an absurdity that in its very form excludes the idea that we should keep constantly before us, that of ratio. It is not that the boy could not understand ratio, but that the mode of applying it had so little affinity to the principle, that when the appli- cation was commenced in multiplying and di- viding, he found himself in a new field with- out any discern able directions to his point of destination. Such absurd regulations give the young an idea that nothing can or must be at- tempted beyond the comprehension of mere mechanical landmarks; while if he were told that he must get the ratio between the two numbers, and increase or decrease another by 56 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. it, the mist would flow from his eyes, and de- velop the sunlight of unclouded truth. If 5 sheets of paper make 150 pages of a book, how many sheets are required to make 800 pages? ' i 800 It requires 26| sheets. 26f If 26f sheets make 800 pages, how many will 5 sheets make ? In this instance the demand is 5 sheets, and the same name 26| sheets ; the latter is placed on the left after being reduced to 150 pages. 8_o. That is, the numerator is placed on the left, where the term of same name should go, and 3, the demominator on the right. Knowing that 26| sheets make 800 copies, and that in the use of this 800 we must find how many five sheets will make, we place the 800 last on the right, that the answer may be in pages. If 240 feet of lumber cost 9 dollars, how many feet can be purchased at 18f dollars? A fp 25 1 The two terms to be com- ~^ 2 pared are dollars: hence 18f dollars is the demand. The answer is the number of feet !500 which this sum buys, 500 feet. If a chicken that cost 5 cents is sold for 8 cents, what is the gain per 100 cents? 1002 We know that 5 cents gains 3 cents, and inquire, what will 100 cents or per centum gain? The an- swer is 60 per cent. SIMPLE PROPORTION DIRECT. 57 If a perpendicular wall 80 feet high cast a shadow at noon 60 feet wide, how wide a shadow will a perpendicular church steeple cast, which is 240 feet high ? Here the terms to be compared are not the wall and the steeple, w r hich are both perpendicular, but the separate hights of these two 60 180 dissimilar objects. The answer is desired in width or extent; this is consequently placed last on the right, where it can be multiplied by the ratio between the different hights. An- swer, 180 feet wide. If a shadow 180 feet wide be cast by a steeple 240 feet high, how high must the steeple or other perpendicular object be that will cast a shadow 60 feet wide? Here the widths are com- $ ^01^0 pared, and the answer is ob- ^0 8 tained in hight. gO How many gallons of oxygen will be neces- sary to make 720 gallons of water, if 9 gal- lons of water require 8 gallons of oxygen ? We compare water with water. The answer is 640 gallons oxygen. b40 If nine gallons of water require 1 gallon of hydrogen, how much hydrogen is required to make 720 gallons of water? ,W 8 The answer is 80 gallons of \ hydrogen. If after I see the flash of a cannon, I hear- 58 RAJNBY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. the report in 4 minutes, how far will it be off, if sound flies at the rate of 1142 feet per second ? 11240 3 1142 1760 51 TT Four minutes make 240 seconds, which is the demand, while 1 se- cond is the same name, and 1142 feet, the distance which sound flies in the one second, is the term of 19 16 171 answer. We say, how many yards will these feet make, if 3 feet opposite make 1 yard : and, again how many miles will these yards make if 1760 yards opposite make one mile? Thus three distinct propor- tions are combined in one, which produces no inconsiderable economy in the use of figures. If | of a pound of butter costs 4j cents, what will li pounds cost? The demand is placed on the right as |, the same name on the left as f, and the price last on right as y. It is seen that the numera- tor of the same name occupies the left, and its denominator the right. None of the numbers in this question can be canceled; yet no sane man will dispute that the question is stated in much better form than by the old rules; for here the pupil sees at a glance what terms must be multiplied togeth- er, and what divided by, from their very loca- tion on the two sides of the line ; which is not the case in the old method. Then, the state- ment being rational and easy, it is far prefer- able, though not a figure can be canceled. If 4j pounds of wool cost 30 cent/, what will 18| pounds come to? SIMPLE PROPORTION DIRECT. 59 This example may easily be proven by using the answer, in making inquiry with regard to some other portion of the ques- tion. "A hare starts 12 rods before a hunter, and ecuds away at the rate of 10 miles an hour: now, if the hunter does not change his place, how far will the hare get before him in 45 seconds?" The demand is here 45 seconds, which we place on the right : now, that we may reduce the hours to seconds and use them on the left, we place opposite the 45, 60 seconds, which make a minute ; while the one minute is placed on the right last, as the denomination of answer. But that we may continue on, and reduce these minutes to hours, we place opposite this one minute 60 minutes, which make an hour, and which is equivalent to 10 miles running of the hare. As this 60 minutes equals the 10 miles running, we must place the latter last on the right; for we wish the an- swer in distance. Now, it is evident that if the question were wrought without going far- ther, the answer would be in miles; but wish- ing it in rods, we place 1 mile opposite 10, and 8 furlongs on the right, saying, how many fur- longs will all the miles on the right make, if 1 mile makes 8 furlongs ? We say again, how many rods will all of these furlongs make, if 1 furlong opposite the 8, make 40 rods ; which being the term of answer, is placed last on the right; thus, 60 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 40 12 152 rods. The 12 rods which the hare had in the start, added to this, makes the answer, 52 rods. Again: "If a dog by running 16 miles an hour gain on a hare 6 miles every hour, how long will it take him to overtake her, if she has 52 rods the start?" The demand is 52 rods, and 40 rods opposite equal 1 furlong, 8 furlongs equal 1 mile, 6 miles equal 60 minutes of running, and 1 minute equals 60 seconds : hence the answer is 97i seconds. Again: "A hare starts 12 rods before a greyhound, but is not perceived by him until she has been up 45 seconds; she scuds aw r ay at the rate of 10 miles an hour, and the dog after her at the rate of 16 miles an hour: what space will the dog run before he over- takes her?" 40 t 52 6|i 160 60 60 60 195 1 16 40 What will 97i or 'f 5 seconds be, if 60 seconds make 1 minute, and 60 minutes equal 16 miles running of the dog, and 1 mile equal 8 furlongs, and 1 furlong equal 40 rods, the de- nomination of the answer? The dog will run 1381 rods These questions cannot be fully elucidated SIMPLE PROPORTION IN FRACTIONS. 61 in this little work, and are given merely to in- dicate the capabilities of this beautiful system of statement and solution. If of a 5 pound of rice feed 3 men, how many will ~ pounds feed? We treat complex fractions in the statement as all others, plac- ing the demand on the right, same name on the left, etc. In the de- mand, the numerator of the nume- rator is placed on the right, and the numerator of the denominator on the left, with all respective de- nominators opposite their numerators. of 2 yards of muslin 2A 30 If 11 15 4f be worth 3 yards of gold lace, how many yards of gold 40 lace will pay for of 12 yards of muslin ? j 402 4 Five times 3 equal 15; 3 into 9 three times, and 3 times 2 equal 6; 5 into 10 twice, and into 25 five times. 4X4X2X2X12=768, which divided by 5 gives 153f yards of gold lace for the answer. 5768 153J All such propositions as these, though not practical in their bearing, will, nevertheless, 5 62 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. afford interesting entertainment to those study- ing for the mere beauty of theory, while it is believed that a sufficient number of examples have been given to meet all practical purposes. We are aware that many authors consider the treatise of Proportion under two heads, as superfluous. It may be superfluous when treated mechanically ; but when cause and ef- fect, as the bases of these principles, are de- veloped, they induce the division on natu- ral, rational, and necessary grounds. SUMMARY OF DIRECTIONS FOR DIRECT PROPORTION. Ascertain first the term of Demand: Place the Demand Jtrst on the right : Place the term of the Same Name opposite the Demand, on the left: Place the term in which the answer is required, last on the right, and the answer will be in the same denomination. In all fractional terms, the Numerator must oc- cupy the side of the line ordinarily assigned to the integer. PROFIT AND LOSS. Profit and Loss, as constituting a depart- ment of the Arithmetic, relate to the various gains and losses of general business transac- tions. They are reckoned in two ways: spe~ THEORY OF PROFIT AND LOSS. 63 cificcdly, and at a certain per centum. A specific gain, is where any gross quantity, at a given cost price, is sold at some other price, without reference to any regular sum of profit : as 30 galls, of wine, which cost $19, being sold at $31,40; hence, the gain is $12,40, on the cost. Gain or loss per cent., is where a certain sum is gained on the hundred ; for instance, a bill of goods costs $50 ; but it is desired to sell it at 30 per cent, profit; consequently, it must be sold at $65 ; the 15 dollars gained, being a systematic profit. Some business men adopt a conscientious mode of trading, and are willing to gain such a per cent, profit, as is just and reasonable; while others, of less principle, and more exor- bitant in their exactions, make the ignorance, credulity, or necessity of the purchaser, their only standard; and grasp any advantage that circumstances may afford them. Some individuals calculate their profits and losses with reference to time; while others, and indeed the great mass of business men, regard only the simple transaction. That we should reckon with regard to the length of time occurring between the transactions of buying and selling, appears very reasona- ble, when we consider that, all capital, as a medium of gain, has delegated to it, all the productive capacities of active individual effort. The general and unavoidable expenses of every establishment, require the influx of a constant gain to preserve the capital stock entire. Hence, the capital stock that a man invests in business, must yield periodically, and 64 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. at short intervals, a sufficient amount of profit to sustain these. And if the capital, which may be the only gain producing element in a man's business, be permitted to lie during a long interval, between the purchase and sale, the profit on the sale when made, must be larger in a degree corresponding to the length of time thus invested ; or the deficit in meeting the expenses, must convert this seeming gain into a positive loss. Let us suppose money worth 10 per cent, at interest. The business man who has 2000 dollars may easily lend it, and realize at the end of the year, 200 dollars profit. But he prefers investing it in goods, which he will sell at 10 per cent, profit. If the stock of goods be sold in 6 months, he may invest again, and sell again, in 6 months. Thus he would make 400 dollars clear money. But suppose he sell his first stock at the end of the year, at the 10 per cent, profit; he will gain 200 dollars. Sup- pose, again, he sells only half, it is manifest that he gains only 100 dollars; or that, if he sell the whole in a year and a half, his gain will be 200 dollars in H years, or 6f percent, per annum. Profit and Loss may be divided into five distinct varieties. They are, First: To find how an article must be sold to gain or lose a certain per centum; or to find the sum of gain or loss, at a specified per centum. Second: To find the rate per cent., profit or loss, when an article is purchased at one price and sold at another. VARIETIES OF PROFIT AND LOSS. 65 Third: To find the cost price, when an article has been sold at a certain per cent., gain or loss. Fourth: To find the rate per cent., gain or loss, when an article, sold at a certain price, with a specified gain or loss, is advanced or reduced to yet another price. Fifth : To find the selling price of an article, whose cost price is affected by commission, premium, discount, loss or drawback, gain or loss per cent., &c. All operations coming under any of these five heads in Profit and Loss, depend primarily on the principles of ratio and proportion. Ope- rations in specific profit and loss, depend on addition and subtraction, only. Per centum being the great acknowledged basis in the rule, everything is in a ratio, greater or less than 100. The arbitrary rules in all of the old books, on this subject, have tended to make this simple and beautiful department of Arith- metic, complex; and even, in many cases, unintelligible; whereas, when the relations and bearings of the proportional principles involved, are demonstrated, we see a harmony and system, a regularity and order, that no other portion of the science can excel. Calcu- lations in profit and loss are, however, of a more apparently abstract nature, that in the general calculations of ordinary business con- cerns. Hence, it becomes necessary, that we make nicer distinctions between the terms, and their specific names and qualities, than where material objects, such as yards, Ibs., &c., are concerned. Here, we have to compare cost 66 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. price with cost price, selling price with selling price, advanced with advanced, and reduced \vith reduced price. And, too, these distinctions are vital and necessary; for they constitute supposition, demand, and term of answer. Some authors work profit and loss by a system of decimals, which, although correct, yet ob- scures entirely the principles of ratio ; making the statement, as well as the work, depend on a mechanical arrangement. VARIETY FIRST. If a Ib. of coffee cost 10 cents, for how much must it be sold to gain 20 per cent.? We may remark here, that the cost price of an article is called the "par" price; par, as meaning the equal of something else, or the equal of the price. When, therefore, we say the par of per centum, we mean the 100, without increase or decrease, as its own established rate indicates. When we say the par price of an article, we mean the cost. Thus par price, and par per centum, may be considered the same thing. When 100 is compared with any specific thing, as cents, in the above case, it loses its abstract, and assumes the denominate form of the specific thing with which compared. Hence, in the case above, we may say that the 100 becomes 100 cents , because compared with 10 cents. Now, the position assumed at first was, that per centum, or 100, gained 20, which, changed from this abstract form to the denom- inate, is 100 cents giving 20 cents, or 100 cents being advanced to 120 cents; for, if 100 cents, TO FIND SELLING PRICE. 67 or anything else, gain 20, they must be ad- vanced to 120. Now, we know that 100 is the par, or cost, or first value of per centum ; but 120 is the advanced price or value of it. Ten, we know, likewise, is the price of the coffee. Now, our demand, 10 cents, cost price, is placed on the right; 100, or per cent., opposite, on the left; and 120, advanced price, last on the right : con- sequently, the answer would be in the advanced or selling price of the coffee. Therefore, the ratio is obtained between the 10 cents and the 100 cents; and the selling price, 120, is multi- plied by it. The ratio is T J 7 ; consequently, T ^ of 120, or 12, is the selling price of the coffee, thus : \id\ib id We may, instead of placing the |i20 advanced or selling price last on the T~- right, place the gain of 100 there; get the answer, in gain, and add it to the cost price. If 100 gain 20, what will 10 gain ? We add this gain, 2, to the cost price, and i^xxi^x have, as before, 12, selling price. The K^ latter process, however, is no more per- spicuous, while it is more tedious than ' the former. Hence, it is best to find the sell- ing price, by placing the advanced or reduced per cent., last on the right. Let us now find how we will sell this 1 Ib. to lose 20 per cent. We know that if per cent, loses 20, it will be reduced to 80; so, if 100 cost, be 80, selling price, what will be the Belling price of 10, cost? Let us find the result, by the 2d process, as 4 68 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. before ; by ascertaining first, the loss, and then subtracting it from the 10. What will 10 lose, if 100 lose 20? We have 2 as before, which subtract- 12 ed, leaves 8. One thing may be noticed very particularly, in the above ; that the sum of profit or loss on any given sum, as the 100 above, is the same. In this case 10 either gained, or lost 2. This leads us to remark, that a large sum will gain or lose more than a smaller. While 10 either gains or loses 2, 12 will gain or lose more than 2 : 20 cents will gain or lose twice as much as 10 cents, while 5 cents will gain or lose only one half as much. We make these remarks, because there are some who may not appre- hend the difference between the gains or losses on larger or smaller sums. Such think that if 20 per cent, gain will advance 10 to 12, as a matter of course, 20 per cent, loss will reduce 12 to the 10. The difference consists in this, that 10 will gain 2, and advance to 12: but 12, losing more than 2, will be reduced to 9|. It will be well for the pupil to bear this differ- ence in mind, as its importance will be seen in the calculations that follow. We might prove the foregoing questions, by asking the cost price, after knowing the advanced price r 12 : but as this operation comes under variety 3d, we will defer proof till we treat of that variety. It may be proven by variety 2d, by finding the rate per cent. From the foregoing we conclude, that, To find hoiv an article must be sold, to gain or PROFIT AND LOSSVARIETY FIRST. 69 10015 24225 lose a given per cent.; place the cost price on the right, for the demand: 100 on the left, for the same name; and 100, increased by the gain per cent, added, or diminished by the loss per cent, subtract- ed, last on the right, for the term of answer. Purchased sugar at 5 cents per lb.: how must it be sold to gain 12i per cent.? Here, 5 cents is the demand; 100 the same name; and 112i, the name of answer. The latter is reduced, ma- king ---, and is stated as above. Again : how must cloth that cost $7| per yard, be sold to lose 40 per cent.? that is, what will $y be re- duced to, if $100 are reduced to 60? If a horse cost $50, how must he be sold to gain 50 per cent. ? Here, the demand is $50, 100 the same name, and 150, the term of answer. 100 15 60 $|4i 150 |75 We find that 50 per cent, advances to $75 : or, that it gains $25. Let us see if selling another horse that cost $75, at 50 per cent, loss, will bring 75 back to 50. It is per- ceived here, as in a former question, 100|75 150 1374 that 50 per cent, loss on $75, brings 75 down to $37i ; for while 50, at 50 per cent., gains or loses 25, 75, at 50 per cent., gains or loses 37|. This difference, and the reason for it, are too palpable to need further comment. If 8 yards of cloth cost $20, for how much must 200 yards be sold, to gain 20 per cent. ? Here, it is manifest that the statement is made, first by proportion, thus, 70 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 8'200 This being the cost of 200 yards, 1 20 we on anc ^ sa y> wna t will these $500 be advanced to, if 100, or per 100 50C cent . ? be advanced to 120? The 120 answer is 600. It is wholly unne- $1600 cessary to make two separate state- ments in this case : for, knowing that the answer is involved in the first state- ment, that is, that the number of dollars which the 200 yards would cost, could be found by working the question, we say, what will this supposed answer or sum, be yet farther ad- vanced to, as the demand, if 100 opposite, be made 120 ? thus, The $100, or per cent., placed on the left, is placed opposite the $20, which term represents the answer, and which is the demand. 6 6 18 1 8 100 15 9 1200 275 $1775, If i of | of a farm cost $1200, for how much must 1 of T | of the same be sold, to gain 37i per cent. ? The statement of the question made, by proportion, nothing more is necessary than to place 100 opposite dollars, or involved answer, and 137i, or ~-j on the right. I have 300 Ibs. bacon, which cost 5 cents per pound : how must I sell the whole, to gain 25 per cent. ? It is necessary in the first place, to find the cost of the whole bacon ; conse- quently, we say, if 1 Ib. cost 5 cents, what will 300 Ibs. cost ? thus, COMBINATION OF STATEMENT. 71 Then we say, what will all the cts. ., , , 5 125 paying for the bacon, be advanced to, if 100 be advanced to 125? Bought 200 galls, oil, at 60 cents , --, per gallon ; I lost 40 galls, and wish to know how. I must sell the remainder to gain 30 per cent, on the whole investment. What will 200 galls, cost if 1 gallon cost 60 cents? Then we know that after deducting 40 gallons loss, we have but 160, which this sum of money, on the right, has paid for. Supposing this on the right to be the price of the 160 galls., we say, what will one gallon cost on the right, if 160 opposite, cost these cents : the result would be the advanced price at which 1 gallon of the 160 would be sold; so that the whole sale would bring the money first invested in the 200. We then say, what will this price be yet farther advanced to, if 100, or per cent., opposite, be 130? We get the answer in the price of 1 gallon, at 30 per cent, profit, thus, 160 100 200 60 130 In the case above, all that is ne- cessary, is to suppose that the de- mand does exist on the right ; for we i ,^ , know that this demand is but the ' result of another proportion, preceding, which we could easily ascertain by making the sepa- rate statement. The demand, 1 gallon, is merely supposed ; for it is wholly unnecessary to assign a place to a unit, which, so far as the work is concerned, is useless. 72 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. SECOND VARIETY. If I buy a Ib. of butter for 10 cents, and sell it for 15 cents, what do I gain per cent. ? The demand here is, what will per centum, or 100 gain, if 10 cents opposite, gain 5? The ques- tion is not what will 100 be advanced to, if 10 be advanced to 15; but to know how much 100 will gain. Stating accordingly, the answer will be the gain of 100, or the rate per cent, profit. It is supposed, not unfrequ ently , that the per cent, must be calculated on the selling price, which, in the case cited, would present this absurdity: if 15 cents gain nothing, what will 100 cents, or per cent., gain? We know that the gain has been effected by the use of the 10 cents; and if the 10 cents have gained 5 others, certainly in the same ratio, 100, or per cent., which are 10 times as many, will gain 10 times as much as 5, which is 50 per cent. We could .find this rate per cent, profit in the following way: if 10 be advanced to 15, what will 100 be advanced to? In this case, the cost price, 10, is added to the gain, 5, to make the advanced price ; therefore, the par per centum, 100, will be added to the gain of the 100, to make advanced per cent. Hence, the necessity, if the question be wrought thus, of subtracting 100 from the answer. This mode of finding per cent, is, however, neither direct nor natural. Here, it is seen, that as we would subtract the par, 10, to leave the gain, RATE PER CENT. PROFIT AND LOSS BO we would subtract par per cent, to leave the gain per cent. This is presented only for its theory, which will be found applicable in variety fourth. Fifty per cent, answer. in inn - I 50 40 400 2 20 We now revert to variety first, and knowing that the one Ib. of coffee, which cost 10 cents, was sold at 12, to gain 20 per cent., we will see if this is correct. When purchased at 10 and sold at 12, the gain was 2 : now, if 10 cents gain 2, what will 100 cents gain? Twenty, which is 20 per cent., is the answer. Suppose the question above were thus : if 10 cents lose 2, what is the loss per cent.? It is evident that it would be precisely the same operation, and that 20 per cent, would be the result. Again : If I buy raisins at 7| cents per Ib., and sell them at 10 cents, what do I gain per cent.? The first thing to do in all such cases is, evidently, to find the gain or loss on the cost, and say, if the cost has given this gain, what will per centum give? Now, 7-J- cents gain 2i ; the question is stated accordingly; disposing of fractions in the usual manner. The result, 33 J per cent., is evidently correct, if we consider that 2i being i of 7i, the answer should likewise be J of 100. If a horse is bought for 40 dollars, and sold for 80, what is the gain per cent. ? If 40 gain 40, per cent, will gain 100. The result is 100 per centum. 15 100 100 RAINCY S IMPROVED ABACUS. From the foregoing \ve conclude that, To find the rate per cent., profit or loss, when an article is purchased at one price and sold at another; Ascertain the gain or loss on tfie cost price, by subtraction: make 100 the demand: the cost price, the same name; and the gain or loss, the name of answer, last on the rigM. The answer will be the gain, or loss, per cent. ^ k^l * g 00 ^ 3 cost 2 400 dollars, and was sold for 3000; what was the gain per cent. ? The 2400 gain- ed 600; hence, the per cent, is % J 2400 100 600 [25 Bought cloth at 4j dollars, and sold it at 4f ; how much per cent, was gained or lost ? We find that 45 dollars lose J of a dollar : hence, we inquire, what will 1 00 lose ? The rate of loss is 21-f per cent., thus, 19 8 100 100 19 19 1850 844 75 |25 100 4 425 be proven by Variety 1st, by asking, to what price will 43 be reduced, to lose 2i-| per cent. ? That I is, what will y be reduced to, if 100 be reduced to 97 T 7 ^ or ^ff-? Four 1 and five-eighths is evidently the answer; for this was the price at which it was first sold, at a loss. Ribbon that cost 6 cents per yard, is sold at 7^ cents, what is the gain per cent.? Cloth that cost 183 cents per yard, is sold at 12i cents: what is the loss per cent.? The 183 lose 6i; therefore, 100 will lose 33:, which is the rate per cent. loss. PROFIT AND LOSS : COST PRICK. 75 It must be observed here, that loss, as well as gain, is made on the cost price. THIRD VARIETY.* Sold a yard of cloth for 250 cents, and thereby gained 50 per cent.; what did it cost?. It is manifest that 50 per cent, was calculated on the cost price, and then added to it, for the selling price ; so that to take 50 per cent, from the selling price, which is considerably larger than the cost price, would be taking off a larger sum than the cost price, at 50 per cent., would give. It is, therefore, necessary to find the cost, and then 50 per cent, reckoned on this and added, would make the selling price. The 250 cents are the advanced price, from which we wish to deduct the per centum that has been added. To do this, we must compare it with the advance value of per cent., or with 100, advanced by the rate, added to it. Now the rate 50, when added to 100, makes 150, for the advance or amount of per cent. If this be the advance or amount of per cent., to find the cost or par, we must reduce it to 100. We have, therefore, 150 advance per cent, to com- pare by ratio with 250, advanced price of cloth, and conclude, that if 150 advance, be reduced to 100, par or cost, 250 advance must be reduced in the same ratio, to find its par or cost. Hence, we make 250 the demand, 150 the same name, and 100 the term of answer: thus, 76 RA1NEY ; S IMPROVED ABACUS. 150 250 100 In reducing the 150 above, it is not the 150 losing 50 per cent. ; for this would reduce it to 75, instead $|l,66f f 10 : but it is 150 losing the gain, being brought back to the cost or sum, that first gained it. If 100, at 50 per cent., be 150, certainly 100 of it is original value, and 50 gain ; both making the amount 150. So, likewise, with the cloth ; 166| is the first value, and 83 J the gain: both together, making the amount or advanced price, 250. Now, by proportion we find, that if 100 would gain $50, 166| would gain 83|. So, it be- comes reasonable, that in reducing an article that has been sold at an advanced, to its cost price, to compare advanced price of the article with advanced per cent. We may now prove this by both preceding Varieties. 100 500 150 $12,50 500 100 3 31250 |50 First, \vhat must a yard of cloth which cost 166| 5 be sold for, to gain 50 per cent. ? Second, If a yard cost 1,66|, and sell for 250 cents, what is the gain per cent.? We know that this ought to be 50. We say then, if 166J gain 83^, what will 100 gain ? It is seen here, that when we take 50 per cent, from 250, we reduce it to 1 ,66| ; and that 50 per cent, on this 166|, will elevate it to 250 again. Some think it singular that it can be done in this case, and not in the case of the first example, in Variety First. The great reason of this difference, is the difference of PROFIT AND LOSS VARIETY THIRD. 77 names. In the latter case, we are falling from the amount to the principal : from the advance to the cost, by reducing the amount of per cent., to its par or first value : in the former, the work has no reference to finding the par or cost price ; but merely to laying on or taking off per cent, on larger or smaller sums; as 10 and 12 cents : 5 and 20 cents, &c. In the latter case our supposition is the advance per cent. : in the former, it is not advance, but par per cent., or 100 being reduced to some loss price. Advance, par, loss, reduced, &c., be- come, therefore, important distinctions if we would inquire the prime reason of different ope- rations, which are rather apparently the same. Suppose I sell a yard of cloth for 480 cents, and thereby lose 20 per cent. : It is evident that I have sold it for a price, 20 per cent, too small. Now, many would think that we might advance the 480 cents, 20 per cent., and have the cost price ; but this is a mistake : for the 20 per cent, loss, is so much on the cost price, and could not be calculated on the 480 ; because it is the reduced price ; and 20 per cent, on this reduced price will not make as much as on the cost price. We say there- fore, what will this reduced price, 480, be advanced to for nar, if 80, the reduced value of per cent., be advanced to 100, par ? It is seen here, that we have reduced opposite reduced, and last on the right, par or 100 for the term of answer. We find that the cloth cost 600 cents, thus, 78 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 80 480 100 cts.|600 600 100 80 _ cts.|480 600 100 120 [20 It was this 600 that lost the 20 per cent. ; not the 480 : and if 600 be reduced 20 per cent, by Variety first, the reduced or loss price will be found 480 ; thus, This may be proven again, by Variety 2d, thus : If cloth that cost 600, is sold for 480, what is the loss per cent. ? We know that it was 20 : hence 20 per cent. 225 500 2 100 From the foregoing, we conclude, that, To find the cost price, when an article has been sold at a specified per cent., gain or loss, make the selling price the demand ; 100, increased by the gain per cent, added, or diminished by the loss per cent, subtracted, the same name, opposite; and 100, the term of answer, on the right: the answer will be the cost price. If a man sell a yard of cloth for $5, and thereby gain 12i per cent., what did it cost him ? What will 500 advanced price, be re- duced to, if 112i advanced per cent., be reduced to 100? If I have a yard of cloth that cost 4,441, how must I sell it, to gain 12i per cent.? Variety 1st. If I buy cloth at 4441, and sell it at 500 cents, what do I gain per cent. ? Variety 2d. It is evi- dent that 4441 gain 55 1 cents: then, what will 100 gain ? Here, 12 1 is the answer. 100 14,441 4000 225 4000 |5,00 100 500 PROFIT AND LOSS! VARIETY THIRD. 79 If, when wheat is sold at 80 cents per bushel, 20 per cent, is lost, what did it cost ? What will the reduced price, 80, be advanced to, if 80 reduced per cent, be ad- vanced to 100, par? When wheat is purchased at 100 cents, and sold for 80, what is lost per cent.? It is the 100 cents here, that lose 20 : hence 20 per cent, answer. If hemp, sold at $4i per cwt., gains 10 per cent., what did it cost? If hemp cost $4,09 T 1 T cents per cwt, for how much will it be sold to gain 10 per cent.? Purchased flour at 82,40 per bar- rel, which was 40 per cent, below cost : what was the cost? How must flour that cost $4,00 be sold to lose 40 per cent.? 100 100 1104,50 100 4,09 T V 60 240 100 4,00 100 400 60 2,40 Sold a horse for 120 dollars and thereby lost 20 per cent., whereas I ought have gained 40 per cent.; how much was he sold under his value? It is plain in the first place, that if I lost 20 per cent, in selling him at $120, he must have cost me more than this : conse- quently this is the reduced price. It may be said, therefore, what will this reduced price be 80 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 00,100 140 advanced to, for cost, if 80, the reduced per cent., be advanced to 100? This will give the cost price of the horse. Now, this cost price must be advanced 40 per cent. Hence, we say, what will this cost price be advanced to, if 100 be advanced to 140? Thus, the two statements are combined, We find that the horse should have sold, to comply with these conditions, for 210 dollars; from which, subtracting 120, we have a loss of 90 dollars. We might take the two questions separate- ly; or, as they are combined, we might drop the hundreds for mere convenience, saying 80, reduced price, may be advanced to 140, selling or advanced price. Suppose, when a horse is sold for $120, 20 per cent, is gained, whereas a loss of 40 per cent, might be sustained ; how much is he sold over his value ? 210 120 90 60 60 We find that the horse might have been sold for $60, and is consequent- ly sold for sixty too much, in making the price 120. Again : In the latter example the 100 is suspended on each side, while the statement is still quite as per- spicuous as before. Operations in this variety of profit and loss, are quite similar to those of discount. In dis- count the advance made from principal or par, to amount, is based on the losses of a speci- fied time; whereas, in this case, the advance 60 60" PROFIT AND LOSS: VARIETY FOURTH. 81 depends on a usage of common consent, whereby an individual is allowed to make a reasonable per cent, in lieu of the accommo- dation extended to those around him. FOURTH VARIETY. If, in selling a yard of cloth for $5, 1 gain 20 per cent., what will be gained if it sell for $6 ? In this case we may say, what per cent, wild, be gained by selling at $6, if by selling at $5 we gain 20 per cent? Thus, It would gain 24 per cent. Now 5 advancing to 6 gains 1 dollar ; what per cent is it? or, what will 100 gain if 5 gain one? We find that the simple advance 124 5100 from 5 to 6 is equivalent to 20 per cent. Here the general advance is 24, and the advance from 5 to 6, 20 per cent., which, added, make 44 per cent, as the gain in selling at $6. We say above first, what will 6 gain, if 5 gain 20: and, again, what will 100 gain, if 5 gain 1 ? In the first place 5 gains 20 as a mere addition ; and in the second, it gains 1 as a specified per cent. Knowing, then, that we must yet further use the 20 to advance it to a larger amount, and likewise the 100 to get the per cent., we combine the two operations, by adding 100 to the 20 for the purpose of getting the per cent.; suspending one of the fives on the left ; and finally, subtracting this RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 100 thus added above, which leaves the true answer; thus, 6 1202 144 100 44 By thus adding the 20 and 100, we work two propositions, and per- form addition at the same time. It is very seldom necessary to add numbers on the line ; and is done in this instance only to avoid two state- ments, and to shorten the work. When one price is advanced to another, and a gain made, we subtract 100 from the an- swer, and take the remainder as the per cent.; and when one price is reduced to another, the answer is subtracted from 100, while the re- mainder is, as before, accounted the true per cent. To prove this answer correct, we may find the cost of the yard of cloth, knowing that $5 is 20 per cent, more than the cost; thus, We find by this, that the cost was 4 dollars. Now, if 4 dollars, in advancing to 6, gain If dollars, what is the rate per cent, gain ? Thus, by variety second, we find that the original cost was 4, and after subtracting this from the sell- ing price, by variety second, find also that the rate is 44 per cent., i 11 44 as above. In selling a watch for $10, I lose 20 per cent ; what per cent, would be lost in selling it at $8? PROFIT AND LOSS: VARIETY FOURTH. 83 08 64 Here the selling price, 8, is the de- mand; the first reduced price, 10, the same name; and 100, reduced by the loss per cent, subtracted, the same name. It may be observed here, that if the per cent, is gain, it must be added, and if loss, sub- tracted. Taking 64 above, from 100, we have 36 per cent, loss, for the answer. We know that if $10 lose 20 per cent., 8 will lose 16; arid likewise in descending from 10 to 8 we lose 20 per cent.: now 20 and 16= 36, as above. This may be again proven, thus : What will $10, reduced price, be advanced to, if 80 re- duced per centum be advanced to 100 ? Thus the cost price of the watch was $12i ; now, in selling for 8, 12i loses 4i; hence we ask, what will 100 lose? 80*0 100 12* The loss in reducing to this price is thus found to be 36 per cent., which proves the work correct in every part. If, in selling a pound of tobacco for 30 cents, I lose 10 per cent., what will be lost if it is sold at 25 cents ? 36 25 003 The result is 75 cents, which we subtract from 100, leaving 25 per cent, as the answer. 75 Now, if 30 was 10 per cent, loss, we can easily see what it cost; thus, 3-4 The cost was 33 J cents. 100 84 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. If 33J reduced 100 lose? 100 A 00 to 25, loses 8, what will 25_ 25~ Again the question is proven by finding the per cent, between the cost and selling price. 3040 130 100 If, in selling a horse at $30, I gain 30 per cent., what will I gain per cent, by selling him at $40? We subtract 100, and have for an- swer 73J per cent. We now find, by variety third, the cost of the horse, which in selling at $30 gained 30 per cent.; saying, what will 30 advanced price be reduced to, if 130 advanced per cent., be reduced to 100? 130 30 Now, 23 T ^ being the cost price, we 100 know that it gains 16}| in advancing to $40. Therefore, by variety second, ^rV we say, if 23 T ^ gain 16}f , what is the rate per cent., or what will 100 gain? Again, the work is proven correct by subsequent statements. 220 From the foregoing we conclude, that, To find ike rate per cent., gain or loss, when an article, sold at a specified price, with a spe- cified gain or loss per cent., is advanced or re- duced to yet another price : Make the last selling price, the demand; the first selling price the same name', and 100, increased by the gain per cent, added, or reduced by the loss per cent, subtracted^ the term of answer. If a per cent, is gained^ PROFIT AND LOSS! VARIETY FIFTH 85 subtract 100 from the answer; if lost, subtract the answer from 100, and in either case the re- mainder will be the true rate per cent. Or, Proceed according to directions in variety third, and Jind the original cost ; then find by subtrac- tion the difference between the cost and the selling price; and by variety second, Jind the rate per cent, gain or loss. This variety of profit and loss is of but lit- tle practical value, but may serve to awaken close investigation in the mind of the reader. FIFTH VARIETY. We shall consider under this head questions of a general character, with particular refer- ence to the combination of several separate statements into one general statement, by which a specific answer may be obtained. As all operations, in this or any other department of profit and loss, depend primarily on pro- portion, it will be necessary to make all of the statements occurring in combination, by the general principles indicated in simple ratio. Such statements of concatenated proportions, might be called conjoined proportion, which in the strictest sense is but making the answer of a preceding, the demand of a subsequent pro- portion. This being the case, and all propor- tion depending in solution on multiplication and division, we conclude, that these several multiplications and divisions may be made all together, and at the same time. The statement of questions by combination 86 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. gives free exercise to all the analytic powers of the student's mind, and tends greatly to the cultivation of correct modes both of thinking and reasoning. It will be found necessary, in all such questions, to commence with the com- mencing point, and keep up all of the natural relations of the questions until the term of an- swer is found. Sent to Cincinnati for 440 gallons of wine, and paid 87i cents per gallon : paid 2 per cent, commission to my agents; and in ex- changing specie for depreciated Kentucky pa- per, gained 10 per cent- premium: lost 40 gal- lons by leakage : how much must the remain- der be sold for per gallon, to gain 20 per cent, on the prime cost? It is evident that we must find what the 440 gallons cost, at the price, and that we must then increase this sum 2 per cent, for commis- sion; for the commission is reckoned on the sum of money paid for the wine. We know that this depreciated paper will be received in payment for the wine and commission, quite as well, if necessary, as gold ; and that $1 10 of the paper are worth $100 of the specie. We, therefore, find what sum of specie will pay for this paper, or cost of the wine and com- mission. This, then, would give the amount of specie to be sent to Cincinnati; but losing 40 gallons, we divide the whole quantity of specie paying for all the wine, by the number of gallons left, 400, and find the advanced price which each gallon of the reduced lot must sell at, to reproduce the amount expen- ded. We then advance this price 20 per cent., PROFIT AND LOSS! COMBINATION. 87 and find the selling price of the wine, per gal- lon. It is a settled matter, that the commis- sion must be paid on the sum invested, wheth- er in specie or paper. It is likewise easily seen, that it is the amount of specie sent to Cincinnati that must be divided by the re- duced quantity of wine ; for the purchaser merely wishes to know the advanced price per gallon that will reinstate him in his expendi- ture, without reference to the 10 per cent, dis- count saved ; for if he were to divide the price paid in paper, he would reindemnify his loss of 40 gallons, and retain also the 10 per cent. But, as it is, he wishes only to make 20 per cent, on the whole transaction, by advancing the specie price of each gallon of the reduced quantity 20 per cent. We consequently make the statement by proportion ; thus, What will 440 gallons cost, if 1 gallon cost 87|; what will this sum, or price of all the gallons, be advanced to, if 100 be advanced to 102, for amount of both commis- sion and payment? Now, what will all this sum of money in pa- 100 110 400 100 440 175 102 100 120 1,07, per, which pays for the wine, be reduced to, for specie, if 1 10 paper, opposite, be worth 100 of specie, on the right? Then, what will 1 gallon cost, if 200, the remainder after the loss, be worth this last sum in specie? Here, the demand 1, is understood, not ex- pressed. Again : What will this price per gallon on the right, as demand, be advanced to, if 100 opposite, be made 120? We find 88 RATNEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. that the wine must be sold at 1 dollar and 7 T * y cents per gallon. The several successive steps, or proportions in this statement, may be made separately, as follows : 1 2 440 gallons. 175 cents price. Per ct. 100 385,00 whole price of wine. 102 commission. Dig. 110 392,70 amount with commission. 100 specie. 357,00 reduced amount of specie. Red. qu. 400 1 1 gallon demand. 357,00 whole price in specie. Per. ct. 100 89J price per gallon, red. qu. 120 20 per cent, profit. Ans. I,07y 7 retail price. The concatenation of the statement is here kept up, except in one instance, when 1 be- comes the demand on the right, and the an- swer of the former question, 35700, is the price of the 400 gallons. We might dispense with this 1 ; and use it here, only to show the full proportional relations. Hence, we say, if 400 gallons cost $357,00, what will 1 gallon cost; and get the ratio between the 400 and the 1, and by this ratio, which is ^, multiply the price 35700 cents, and thus decrease it to 89 cents. We have shown the absurdity of attempting to multiply together two denomi- nate things : the same reasoning is true with regard to dividing one denominate by another PROFIT AND LOSS*. VARIETY FIFTH. 89 denominate thing, as cents by gallons, or gal- lons by cents. Placing the 110 on the left according to dis- count may seem wrong, until we reflect that 39270 is the amount of paper which pays for the wine; and which we wish to reduce to gold. This amount of paper must be com- pared with another amount of paper that will equal per centum or 100 in specie; for specie is the par per cent, of exchange ; this amount of paper we know is 110; for the par, 100 specie, will pay for this sum of discounted funds. Hence, the operation is one of pure discount. Bought 5 hogsheads of sugar, containing each 1200 pounds, at 2% cents per lb., and lose 1000 Ibs.: how must I sell the remainder per lb. to gain 6i per cent, on the prime cost? The separate statements occur in the follow- ing order: How many pounds will 5 hhds. make, if 1 hhd. make 1200? what will these pounds come to, if 1 pound cost 2i cents? then, what will 1 pound cost, if the 5000 pounds, after the loss of 1000, cost the price indicated by the last answer in cents ? what will this advanced price be yet further ad- vanced to, if 100 be advanced to 106; thus, We say 5 times 5 on the right make 25, which goes into 100 on the left 4 times, etc., etc. In this question 1 again oc- curs as demand, while 5000 is the same name, and the preceding an- 1^003 1651 90 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. swer in cents, the denomination of the an- swer; that when the answer is obtained it may be advanced 6i per cent further. Suppose I purchase 90 yards of broadcloth at $5 per yard, on a credit of 1 year; but for ready payment am allowed a discount of 10 per cent.: after receiving the cloth I lose 10 yards; how must I sell the remainder per yard, to gain 10 per cent, on the prime cost? What will 90 yards come to, if 1 yard cost $5? what will this amount, 1 year hence, be reduced to for ready payment, if 110 opposite be reduced to 100? then, if this price pay first for 90 yards, or, after sustaining a loss, for 80 yards, what price will pay for 1 yard? what will this price of 1 yard be advanced to, if 100 be advanced to 110 for selling price? thus, The answer 5f dollars, or $5,62i cents, is correct; because when we deduct from the cost of the 90 yards, 10 per cent discount, and divide the remainder by 80 yards, we have the cost price of 1 of the remaining 190 06 80^00 54 yards ; thus, 1 00 110 5 80100 te 225 352 100 44 180 10 per ct. Now, the difference between this price and 5f , for which it sold, is |f|. We may now prove that in selling at 5f , 10 per cent, is gained, by variety second; thus, If 5/f gain |f f , what will 100 or per cent, gain? This 10 per cent, gain is made on the amount of money invested, as has been shown; consequent- ly, on the first cost. ,100 120 PROFIT AND LOSS: COMBINATION. 91 Purchased cloth at $3 per yard, but being damaged, I was allowed a deduction of 20 per cent.; for what must I sell it to gain 20 per cent.? The first statement evidently is, what will $5 be reduced to, if 100 be reduced to 80 : the second, what will this price be advanced to, if 100 be advanced to 120; thus, To some minds the old diffi- 400 A culty is here again presented, of finding the reduced price at 20 per cent, loss, which at 20 per cent, gain, will not produce the former price. We must recollect that when $5 lose 20 per cent., they will be reduced to a number which will not at 20 per cent, gain a sufficient amount to advance to $5 again. Five dollars in losing 20 per cent, are reduced to $4; but $4 to gain 20 per cent would ad- vance to $4,80 cents only. The defect, 20, arises from the $4 being too small to gain at 20 per cent, the sum that $5 would gain. The first statement of the question above, if wrought separately, w r ould give $4, the reduced price of the cloth; hence, when we increase this answer 20 per cent., we make it $4j. I purchase another piece of cloth, on which the sum made was 20 per cent.; in considera- tion of damages he lets me have it at cost price, or at a discount of 20 per cent.: what should I get for it? Five dollars is the advanced price; hence, we will, by variety third, compare with it 120, advanced per centum, and reduce it to cost or par price, by the par, 100, on the right.' Then, 92 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. by another combined statement, we will ad- vance it 20 per cent, for selling price ; what will the selling price be ? The 20 per cent, advance must be reckoned, like all other pro- fits and losses, on the cost price ; now, 20 per cent, discount has been taken off for the pur- pose of finding cost price ; thus, when the cost price is found, we must, by 20 per cent., ad- vance it again to its former advanced price, $5; thus, The difference in these two opera- tions is, that in the latter case we discount from the advanced to find the cost ; whereas in the former, we reduced the cost, by simple loss, to find the reduced price. We will now give a few solutions on gene- ral principles. A purchases 500 pounds of sugar at 6 cents per lb.; how must he sell it per Ib. to gain $20 on the whole lot? It is manifest that it is necessary to find, first, the cost of the sugar, which is $30,00. To this we must add 20, making $50, the whole price that the 500 Ibs. must sell for, to gain 00 1 I $20. Now, what will 1 pound 0,00 cost, if 500 pounds cost $50; 1A . thus, 10 cts. A miller sold a quantity of rye at $1 per bushel, and gained 20 per cent.; soon after, he sold of the same to the amount of $37,50, and gained 50 per cent.; how many bushels were there in the last parcel, and at what did he sell it per bushel ? PROFIT AND LOSS! COMBINATION. 93 150 37,50 100 $25 2,00 3 30 bu. We know that Si is the cost price of one bushel, with 20 per cent, profit added : conse- quently, according to variety third, the cost price of the first quantity is 83i cents; thus, Now, $37,50 is 50 per cent. 120 more than the cost price of the second lot; so, by the same pro- cess, we ascertain that the lot cost $25; thus, Now, we say, how many bush- els will $25, the cost of the lot, buy, if 83, cost price, buy 1 bush- el ; thus, We find that 30 bushels were sold. Now, if these 30 bushels cost $37,50, what will 1 bushel cost? thus, It is found by the following 30 statement that he sold 30 bushels at $1,25 cents per bushel; thus, $ 1,25 cts. We see here beautifully illustrated, the dis- tinction between cost, advanced, and reduced prices. We find the cost of each; compare the cost of 1 with the cost of the lot, and find the number of bushels in each lot. Then, knowing that these bushels cost the price of the lot, we find the price of one bushel. This is an easy and simple process of reasoning; yet the conditions and relations of such ques- tions are seldom understood, unless nice dis- tinctions are made in the terms. A merchant bought a parcel of cloth, at the rate of $1 for 2 yards, of which he sold a cer- 1 37,50 94 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. tain quantity at the rate of $3 for 5 yards; and then found that he had gained as much as 18 yards cost; how many yards did he sell? We know that the cloth cost 50 cents per yard, and that he sold it for 60 cents; conse- quently, he gained 10 cents per yard. Now, he gained as much in selling a quantity of it as 18 yards cost; which is 900 cents. If, therefore, 10 cents is the gain of 1 yard, of how many yards is 900 cents the gain? Nine hun- dred is the demand; 10 cents the same name, and 1 yard the term of answer; thus, 90yds, We have now sufficiently illustrated all of the practical operations in profit and loss, to enable the careful and reflective student to perfect his knowledge of the subject by exam- ples and experiments of his own, both in the- ory and practice, in all of the usual business transactions of life. A great number of questions in business come under the head of variety fifth, which> judiciously arranged and stated, may be easily wrought; and frequently with one-fourth the number of figures required by former methods, and separate statements. From the foregoing illustrations, we deduce the following SUMMARY OF DIRECTIONS. For COMBINATION OF STATEMENTS in Profit and Loss. DISCOUNT. 95 I. Place first on the right the quantity of the article and the cost price: II. If it is desired to advance or reduce this entire cost, by commission, premium, transporta- tion, drawback, or other consideration, place 100 on the left, and 100, increased or reduced by the per cent., on the right. III. To effect a discount, place 100, increased by the rate, on the left, and 100 on the right: Or, if profit and loss follow, place 100, increased or reduced by the gain or loss per cent., on the right, in the place of the 100 or par of discount. IV. If a specified portion of the article of mer- chandise be lost, and it is desired to know how a unit of the quantity must be sold, subtract the quantity lost, and place the remainder on the left. Or, Make the whole statement a concatenation of proportions, and proceed according to the specified directions in the various rules involved. DISCOUNT.* DISCOUNT is reckoned by two methods ; one true; the other false. The false method is very often used by business men; which is merely to reckon the interest on the amount, * Discount is from the French dccompte to count back, and is used synonymously with rebate, which is from rebattre, to strike otV. It implies the striking of a portion from an amount made of separate sums, as is the case in discount, where the amount is composed of the original principal, and the interest supposed to have accrued. .Amount is from monter, to ascend ; which is from the root of the Latin, moiis, a moun- tain. 96 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. and deduct it for the discount; making the remainder the present worth. By the true method, the amount is reduced to such a sum, as, connected with its own interest for the time, and at the rate, will restore the amount. In other words, the interest on the present worth, which is equal to the Discount, will, if added to the present worth, restore the original amount or debt. Some individuals use both of these methods : the former, if they are pay- ing out money ; the latter, if receiving it. The theory of discount is based on the sup- position, that the debt becomes due at a future period, and bears interest from date, or from the specified time when it is to be paid. Therefore, it is necessary to use some standard of present and future value, such as 100, or per centum. One hundred is the value or standard at present time; but 100, with its own interest for the time and rate, added, will be the future value, of such standard. Suppose the time 1 year, and the rate 10 per cent. : the standard of future value will be 110. This 110 is both principal and interest, which added, make the amount which is always the future value. In the same man- ner, the debt on which the discount is to be made, is both principal and interest, or amount: hence, the propriety of comparing amount of debt with amount of standard, and by proportion, reducing the amount of debt to its par or present value. In the supposition above, if 110 dollars, one year hence, be reduced to 100 dollars, present time and value, what will any other amount, as $100 debt, be 110 100 100 THEORY OF DISCOUNT. 97 reduced to, in the same proportion : that is, if $110 be reduced to $100, for present worth, what will 100 dollars be reduced to for present worth? Here, 100 is the demand; 110 the same name; and 100 the term of answer, or present worth. We state accord- ingly, and the answer will be the sum of money payable at present time. By annexing two ciphers, this answer might be obtained in cents. The present worth is 901-0. dollars; or 90 dollars, 90 cents, and \. This sum with interest for one year, at 10 per cent., will amount to 100 dollars ; which proves the position correct, that the interest on the present worth is equal to the sum of discount. It is necessary to make a distinction between the terms used. The sum is the whole of any- thing, from summum, the whole : as the sum of interest, the sum of present worth, the sum of discount, &c. The amount is the result of two or more sums added, as present worth and discount added, which make the amount of debt. Amount is from the French monter, to ascend. The present worth is the portion of the debt ^remaining, after the discount is deducted. It is necessary, in stating this sub-division of numbers, to place amount opposite amount, on the line, that we may ascertain the ratio between such different amounts, and apply it to the par, present worth, or 100, and increase or decrease it accordingly. What will be the present worth of 400 dol- lars, 10 years hence, at 6 per cent ? Here, as 98 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. in all other cases of discount, the interest on 1 dollar, for the time, and at the rate, must be ascertained, and added to 100 cents; and the amount placed on the left of the line. One hundred cents, in 10 years, at 6 per cent., amounts to 160 cents; or, 100 dollars, in 10 years, at 6 per cent., will amount to 160 dolls. It may be observed here, that the denomina- tion of the amount on the left, is determined by the demand on the left. If the demand is dollars, the amount is the same; and if cents, the amount is cents; the left, or amount, being merely an indenominate standard. It is manifest that 400 is the demand; 160 the same name; and 100 the term of answer, ,thus, 40025 This 250 dolls. , in 10 years, at 6 per cent., will gain 150 dollars, which, added to the 250, restores the original amount, 400. What is the present worth of 824 dollars, due 8 months hence, at 4i per cent.? We ascertain first the interest on 1 dollar, at 4J . per cent., thus, #_._i g > | We now add this 3 cents ## to 100, making 103, which r^ ; we place on the left of the 3 cts " ' line, thus, The answer is 800 dollars, on which, in 8 months, at 4-J per cent., the interest would be 24 dollars. This added makes the amount 824. When it is necessary to ascertain the sum of discount, subtract the present worth from the amount due. 100 RULE FOR DISCOUNT. 99 What is the present worth of $20,86,24, due in 18 days, at 6 per cent, discount? We find the amount of 100 cents, thus, The amount is 100,3. This number is placed on the left of the line, thus, 100, 3 [20,86,24 In this instance, we have 3 100 mills on the left, after the ^- Qnn cents, and on the right four >|20,80,0 hundredths of cents. Having this one decimal more on the right, than on the left, one figure must be cut off, on the right, for hundredths. This might be obviated, by using another cipher on the left, making 3 mills 30 hun- dredths. In such case, the demand and same name, would be of the same denomination. From the foregoing considerations, we are justified in making the following DIRECTIONS FOR DISCOUNT. To find the present worth of an amount of money at discount, Ascertain, by interest, the amount of 100 dollar s^ or cents, for the time, and at the given rate: or ascertain the interest on one dollar for the time and rate, and add it to 100; make the amount of the debt the demand ; the amonnt of 100 the same name ; and 100 the term of answer: the answer will be the present worth. To ascertain tlie Dis- count, subtract the present worth from the amount. If the number of decimal places in the amount on the rig/it is greater than in the amount on the left, cut off such surplus in the answer. Cancel as in 100 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. other cases ; or, if this be impracticable, multiply and divide. It may be well to offer a lew remarks to those who suppose that Discount and Interest are the same; or who think that deducting the interest, is a fair method of discounting. The true discount of 100 dollars, for ten years, at 10 per cent., would be 50 dollars. But the discount by the false method, of sub- tracting' the interest, would of itself, be 100 dollars ; leaving nothing for present worth. The absurdity of this may be better seen, by taking the discount on the same sum for 20 years, at 10 per cent. ; in which case, the dis- count would be 200 dollars: so that, if de- ducted, would leave the holder of the note 100 dollars in debt to his creditor, by receiving payment, or making settlement : whereas, by the correct method, the discount never can en- tirely consume the debt; as there must always be a present value. We have no space for descanting farther on the beautiful theory of this sub-division of Arithmetic; and will pro- ceed to the consideration of per cent., under other heads. In BANK DISCOUNT, the interest is reckoned on the face of the note, and deducted: the remainder is the present worth, or sum drawn. This is allowing a greater rate per cent, than is specified in the note ; and on what plea, in morals and justice, I am unable to learn. GIVING NOTES IN BANK. 101 FACE OF NOTES GIVEN IN BANK. It frequently becomes necessary to find the face of a note given in bank, to draw a spe- cific sum of money. Suppose the rate per cent, discount be 6; then $100 face of note will give 94 dollars ready money. Suppose it is desired to draw 4700 dollars. We say, therefore, what will 4700 dollars ready money be advanced to for face of note, if 94 dollars ready money be advanced to 100 dollars, face of note? thus, * Now, the interest at 6 per cent., for 1 year, deducted - from this 5000 dollars, will leave 4700 dollars, the sum to be drawn. Suppose the rate to be 4 per cent., and it is desired to draw 1800 dollars: we know that 96 dollars will be the sum drawn for the face 100, and state accordingly; saying, what will 1800 be advanced to, if 96 be advanced to 1.10025 Here, the factor 12 into 96 eight times, and into 180, fifteen times; again, 4 into 8 twice, and into 100, 25 times; while 2 on the left into 10 on the right, five times; which, multiplied thus, 5X15X25, makes 1875, the answer. The interest on this, at 4 per cent., is 75 dollars, which cieducted, leaves 1800, the face of the note. Hence, To find the face of a note given at bank, to draw a specific sum. Deduct the interest of 100, /or the time and at 102 RAINEV'S IMPROVED ABACUS. the rate, from 100; place the remainder on the left for the supposition, cash drawn; the sum to be drawn in cash, on the right, for the demand; and 100, face of note, last on the right, for the term of answer : the answer will be the face of the note. Bankers generally ascertain the face of the note, (though they frequently wish to avoid it altogether) by a species of approximation, by casting interest on the sum, and subsequently on each separate sum of interest, till the result is too small toj3e noticed further. The precise face of the note could never be obtained in this way. COMMISSION, BROKERAGE, &c. Commission, Insurance, Brokerage, Taxes, &c., are wrought by Proportion, and in their standards of value, are based on per ce?itu?n. Transactions of this kind are generally made without reference to time, that is, the time required for the specified transaction, is con- sidered a unit. Commission is a specified sum paid per 100, for the purchase and sale of merchandize, &c. The rate of commission varies from 1 to 20 per cent. The sum paid for commission is called bonus, which is the amount of reward for the trouble incurred; from the Latin, bonus, good. A. sends to B. 500 dollars worth of books, THEORY OF COMMISSION. 10$ to be sold on commission, and agrees to allow him 2i per cent, commission, what sum does B. receive? Five hundred, , M ^ bM the sum, is the demand; 100, or per cent., the same name; and 2J, the rate bonus, the term of answer. The answer is consequently 124 dollars. The same name and the term of answer, are conformed in their denomination, to that of the demand : for being only standards, they have no specific names, and may become dollars or cents, as indicated by the name of the demand. What is the commission on 750 dollars worth of wheat at 3J per ct.? , ,-^Q Here, we suspend the 100 j J 15 on the left, and cut off 2 | filFv) figures for decimals of a | dollar in the answer. 28,02-J What it the commission on 800 bushels of wheat, worth 60 cents per bushel, at 6^ per OP-ttt J T ' ' , . . , 100i$00 2 In this instance, we place I '60 the number of bushels, and A 25 the price, on the right, which irscToo is equivalent to multiplying them ; and which makes the statement the following : what will all the cents that 800 bushels cost, pay for commission, if 100 cents pay 6i cents commission? The 100 might again be suspended on the left, and two more figures cut off in the answer, for hundredths of cents. A factor receives 708 dollars and 75 cents, 104 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. and is required to purchase iron at 45 dollars per ton ; he is to receive 5 per cent, commission on the money paid : how much iron will he purchase ? The demand is the amount of money, 708,75 cents, and the same name, 100 with the com- mission added, or 105; and the name of answer, 100. This would give the amount to be invested. In this instance it would be im- proper to charge commission on the whole sum of money, that is, to charge commission on the commission received. The question is, what sum must the factor invest in iron, so that the commission on the same, would make such sum amount to 708,75, the original amount of capital. We know that for every 100 dol- lars that he invests, he receives $5 commission : this added makes 105: now, this $105 capital will make 100 investment ; and we say accord- ingly, what must 708,75 capital be reduced to for investment, if 105 capital, be made 100 investment money ? thus, 105 45,00 708,75 100 1 15 tons This will give the whole num- ber of cents that may be invest- ed : hence, we say again, how many tons iron will all these cents, in this involved or implied answer, buy, if 4500 cents opposite, buy 1 ton ? Here, we combine the two statements in one, and have for the answer, 15 tons. That the commission should be charged on the sum invested only, may be better illustrated by the following contrast : A. sends to B. $100 worth of books to be sold on commission at 25 per cent. : what commission does B. receive? It BROKERAGE. 1 Q5 is manifest, that as B. has the trouble of selling the whole lot of books, that part which pays his commission as well as the other, he should receive commission on the entire 100 dollars worth. The commission is consequently, $25. Again : Suppose A. send to B. $100 with which to purchase books : what is the commission at 25 per cent. ? Here, the commission being ready at hand, the agent has no further trouble than to deduct his commission, and invest the remainder. It would be manifestly unjust for him to charge commission on his commission, with which he had invested no time. We will suppose that if he wished to purchase $100 worth of books, he would necessarily send to B. 100 to invest, and 25 to pay commission, or 125 capital to make 100 investment. If then, $125 capital make $100 investment, what investment will $100 capital, make? 1/100 4 1/100-20 It is thus ascertained that B. must invest $80 and reckon his commission on the same ; which, at 25 per cent., would be $20 ; consuming the entire $100. The difference consists in the medium that the factor operated on ; the one, ready capital ; the other, merchandize, which must first be converted. BROKERAGE. Brokerage is but another form of commis- sion, in which the factor or agent operates in monies, stocks, &c. The rates of brokerage vary from ^ to 10 per cent. 106 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. Brokers operate in two ways : by keeping a current account with their dealers, in which they charge the various sums of premium due them ; or by deducting the premium from the capital before investment, as in the case of the purchase of books just mentioned. What will be the premium or bonus for purchasing 300 shares Whitewater canal stock, worth $50 per share, at If per cent, premium? \Ttfak Here, the number of shares is 100 50 multiplied by the price per share, #j 5 10 placed opposite, and the rate, If, j or |- last on the right. We might $|250 a g a i n suspend the 100 on the left, and cut off two decimals for it on the right. Either method may be used with ease and safety. B. has 200 shares Illinois Canal stock, which he \vishes to sell 20 per cent, below par, and agrees to pay to his broker 7 7 F per cent., for effecting the sale : stock worth $100 per share. The number of shares is here mul- tiplied by the price, and the whole sum of stock reduced 20 per cent., as in profit and loss, which gives the true value of the 200 shares. Then we say, what premium will all of these dollars give, if 100 opposite give T 7 of a dollar? Hence the answer 112 dollars. We might suspend the 100, and the T \, and ascertain the discounted value of the 200 shares stock, only. If my broker purchase for me 300 shares Railroad stock at 10 per cent, advance, and 00 ,100400 100 80 RULE FOR COMMISSION. 107 charge me 1 per cent., brokerage on the sum invested, what will my stock cost me ? Here, the advance is added to 00 the 100 on the right; whereas, in ,100,100 the question above, the 20 per 1,100110 cent, was subtracted from the same 101 number. The one per cent, added $133 330 to the 100 on the right, is not to ascertain the premium, but the whole price to which the stock is advanced ; and is identical \vith Variety 1st, in Profit and Loss. From the foregoing considerations, we are justified in making the following SUMMARY OF DIRECTIONS, for calculating bonus and premium on Commission, Brokerage, Stocks, fyc. To ascertain bonus, premium, tyc., Place the amount of money, merchandise, stock, fyc. on the right, for the ^demand: 100 on the left, for tJie same name; and the rate, bonus or premium, last on the right, for the term of answer ; the answer will be in the denomination of the amount : or, suspend the 100 on the left, and cut off two figures in the result, for hundrcdths. Again : To Jind the sum of money to be invested, after the commission is deducted from a given amount, Proceed as in discount: and make the amount the demand: 100 with the per cent, commission or brokerage added, the same name ; and 100 the term of answer. The answer will be the sum to be invested. To ascertain premium, or selling price of stock, when effected by gain or loss on par, 108 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. Place the number of shares, and the prize per share, on the right: 100 opposite; and 100 in- creased by the gain per cent., or, reduced by the loss per cent., on the right: then, to ascertain the premium, place 100 on the left, and the rate on the right ; or, to ascertain the selling price of the stock, place the 100 on the left, as before, and 100 on the right, increased by the gain, or reduced by the loss per cent. The answer will be the price of the stock, including gain or loss, and brokerage. INSURANCE. Insurance is security against hazard or loss of property on land or sea , and is usually di- vided into two kinds : Fire and Marine. Fire Insurance is that which secures build- ings and other property on land : Marine, which is from maris, the sea, is to secure vessels, boats, cargoes, &c., on sea, or on rivers, lakes, &c. The propriety of insurance is found in the fact, that by a single accident an individual may lose his entire property, with little or no hope of recovery : whereas, if he pay a small bonus to an association, his losses may be restored to him, by the association paying him from a large common stock fund ; which fund is kept up by the bonus paid by each indivi- dual who insures. Reason dictates that it is better to pay a small share of our profits for certain safety, than saving it, to be continually subject to lose, not only the small sum so saved, but the entire capital on which the hope of all gain is based. THEORY OF INSURANCE. 109 Property is insured in two ways : by corpo- rations, which are legalized associations of in- dividuals, with specific powers and privileges, based on a definite amount of common stock fund : and by individuals, according to private contract. Insurance effected in the latter way, is called, " out-door" insurance ; and is never so safe as the former, except when the insurer is careful not to insure property to a 1 arger amount than his personal property would in- demnify, in case of loss, on part of the assured. The instrument of writing given to an indi- vidual as evidence of his insurance, is called a Policy : and the sum paid by such individual for insurance, is called Premium. The latter is always a certain per cent, on the value of the property insured. The agent of the com- pany, or the individual who signs this policy or contract, is called an underwriter. The question arises, what per cent, should be paid for the insurance of property? This is always according to circumstances ; as prop- erty is more or less subject to damage. Hence, insurers divide property into hazardous, not hazardous, and extra hazardous ; charging dif- ferent rates, according to the degree of expo- sure. These distinctions refer more particularly to fire insurance on land; as, in marine in- surance, there is but little difference in degree of hazard. 1st: A stone or brick building situated re- mote from other buildings, is, from its location, and the quality of material of which construct- ed, less liable to destruction by fire, than simi- lar buildings otherwise located ; or buildings 8 110 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. of a different material in the same place. For such, the rate of insurance would be low. 2d : Buildings in blocks, densely surrounded, where fire may communicate from one to another, and constructed of more destructible materials, being more hazardous, are insured at higher rates. 3d : Buildings devoted to purposes involving greater danger, such as chemical manufacto- ries, drug establishments, foundries, &c., being greatly exposed, pay yet higher, and extra rates. In some cases of similar nature, it is impossible to effect insurance at any rate. The unit of time for insurance on property, is one year. Vessels and their cargoes are usually insured for the voyage. Coasting ves- sels are generally insured by the year ; being less liable to loss than out-sea vessels. Coast- ers are insured at rates varying from 3 to 8 per cent. ; the difference being the result of a state of peace or war in the vicinity. Whale ships are insured by the voyage, at from 4 to 10 per cent. Insurance on goods, ships, stores, manufactories, chattels, dwellings, &c., varies from i to 2i per cent., per annum, acording to exposure. The amount of insurance taken on property, is always less than the property is worth ; and is generally not above f of its assessed value. This leaves still a partial degree of risk on the owner, as well as on the insurance company, which keeps him awake to the safety of his property. But were the whole value insured, or an amount greater than this, it would be an inducement to some, to destroy their property, THEORY OF INSURANCE. HI for the base purpose of converting it into money, or of realizing a small profit on the capital invested in it. Thus, it becomes ne- cessary to insure a definite amount, which entire amount may be recovered, if it is shown that such an amount of property has been lost. But if less than this amount is lost, the whole insurance cannot be recovered ; only a share proportional to the damage sustained. For instance ; if I insure property to the amount of $1000, and lose one half of it, I cam recover but $500 insurance. If by fire or other accident, a loss occurs to property, and does not exceed 5 per cent., it is sustained by the owner; otherwise, he might carelessly consign everything to wreck around him, knowing that the company would have to pay for repairs. It is supposed by some who have little experience, and less common observation, that if insurance companies can make money by taking risks, individuals certainly can by running risks; but nothing is more illogical. A company with a large common fund, may locate their risks in a great number of places, so that a loss in one place will be more than overbalanced by the gains in another ; for it is scarcely reasonable to suppose that losses will occur simultaneously in a great number of places, and on the particular property insured by a certain company. But suppose an indi- vidual lose all his property in one place : he is not likely to have enough in another to retrieve this loss by equal gains. And suppose he lose all, which not unfrequently occurs, he 112 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. is prostrate ; his energies tied, whatever they be ; for his gain-producing property or element is gone. Now, as before said, which is better, that he save a little and risk the loss of all, or lose a little, and secure the safety of the balance ? Common sense would pronounce the former insanity, in all cases of considera- ble hazard. Let the economical merchant in Upper Missouri invest his whole worth in a stock of goods inSt. Louis, and ship them to Lexington without insurance. The boat is old and pretty well insured, and the owner would be willing to lose her, if by her sinking he would be enabled to purchase a new one; he sinks her: or, a good boat may be shattered on a destruc- tive stump, or burned: his goods are lost; his money gone ; and too, his friends, one by one, or en 7nasse, have disappeared; what resource is left him of the earnings of former years of toil, but the peaceful shades of undisturbed poverty! He was too eager to be rich; whereas, had he insured, he might, on the recovery of his money, have reinstated him- self in business, at the defiance even of accident. Insurance, like other divisions of Arithmetic involving per cent., is wrought by Simple Pro- portion. One hundred, or per centum, is the given sum that gives a specified premium. Any other sum, therefore, will, as it is larger or smaller than 100, gain a greater or less sum of premium. For instance : INSURANCE VARIETY FIRST. 113 VARIETY FIRST. A building is insured at the valuation, 2000 dollars, at li per cent, premium. Now, it is quite evident that the li premium is gained by 100, or it could not be so much per centum. The question may, therefore, be stated in proportion, thus : What premium will insure 2000 dollars worth of property, if li dollars insure 100 dollars worth of property ? The de- mand is 2000, the same name 100, and the term of answer li premium. The answer will be the premium for in- surance in dollars. The premium is $25. Again : what is the sum premium for insuring a coast- ing vessel worth 3000 dolls., at 7i per cent. ? What premium must be paid on a shipment of goods from New Orleans to Havre, worth 6,280, at 2i per cent.? What is the annual insurance ,10014000 5 41 5 A00I3000-5 on a cotton factory worth 80,000 dollars, at 4 per cent.? It is perceived here, that the rate is placed last on the right; consequently, the an- swer is in premium. If the amount insured is dollars, 0,0002 $|600 the answer is dollars ; if cents, the answer is cents ; because if the demand is dollars or cents, we place 100 dollars or cents opposite, and the premium must be a given sum on 100, of the same 114 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. denomination. We might obtain the same result in the cases above, by suspending the 100 on the left, and cutting off two figures at the right of the result for decimals of dollars or cents, as the case might be. Thus, in the last example : Here, we cut off the two ] #0,000 2 decimals of a dollar, which are found on the right as the consequence of suspending the 100 on the left. But when the rate is frac- tional, which is not un frequently the case, we must, to multiply by it with facility, place the denominator on the left of the line. In cases of prime numbers, or of odd cents in the sum, it may be well to drop the 100, and place on the right, the sum and rate only. What is the premium on a whaler for the voyage, worth 9783 dollars ? 9?83 , The. 100 could not be ea- l sily divided by in this case; hence, it is dropped, and two ' figures are stricken off for it in the answer. In fact, it may be said to be used for the purpose of keeping up the pro- portional statement, more than anything else. A. wishes to purchase a coasting vessel worth 8000 dollars, and insure it for one year at 7f per cent. : what sum of money will be necessary to pay both purchase and insurance ? This may be done in two ways : first, by find- ing the premium, and adding it to the cost of the vessel; 2d, by saying, if 100, cost price, amount to 107J cost and premium, what will 8000 cost, amount to, with premium? INSURANCE STATEMENTS COMBINED. 115 We find that the cost of this vessel, with the premium 41431' added, amounts to 8620 dol- liaForf" lars : hence we infer that the premium is 620 dollars. Questions such as the following frequently occur, when it is quite convenient and simple to combine statements. Purchased 18000 Ibs. of cheese at 5i cents per lb., on a credit of 1 year; but for ready money I am allowed 10 per cent, discount. I ship the cheese to Nash- ville, and pay If per cent, insurance: what will the cheese cost me in Nashville, exclusive of freights? 4 11 $000 3 In this statement, we find the number of cents that the 400 100 305 $1915,00 whole quantity of cheese comes to, by multiplying by o or y cents : I then dis- count 10 per cent., by saying, what will all these cents be reduced to for present worth, if 110 be reduced to 100? Having now the present cost of the cheese, we say, what will all these cents be advanced to, if 100 be ad- vanced to 101 1 for insurance, and find that my answer is 915,00 dollars. The two figures are cut off for cents, because the price was in cents, and all the operations have been per- formed on cents. Were the freight in this case 10, 15, or any other rate per cent., it might be added to the 101$. making 111$, 116$, &c., which would be placed on the line as above. 116 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. , VARIETY SECOND, In insurance, teaches the method of finding the rate per cent, at which an insurance is effected, when the premium and sum are given; as in the following: Paid 60 dollars premium for the insurance of a building, valued at 3000 dollars : what was the rate per cent. ? The question here is, what will be the premium on 100 dollars, or per cent., if on $3000 it is 60 dollars? Hence, per cent., or 100, is the demand, 3000 the same name, and 60 dollars premium, the term of answer. We wish the answer in premium, thus, Jt is found by . this ' that the ra ^ e i nsure d a t is 2 per cent., which, may be proven as , I follows: if 100 gains 2 pre- mium > what wil1 300 g ain ? The answer is here, 60 dollars, the sum of premium first ascertained. This ex- ample, proving the other, is wrought according to Variety 1st, in Insurance. From the nature and statement of the former question, it may be inferred that, To Jind the rate per cent, of Insurance, when the value of the property and premium arc gain, Make 100 the demand: the sum insured, the same name; and the premium, the term of answer : the answer will be the rate per cent, premium. If a man pay 40 dollars per annum for the insurance of his house, worth 1200 dollars,, what rate per cent, does it cost him? INSURANCEVARIETY THIRD. The rate is 3 J per cent. ; for this is the price of insurance for 100 dolls, worth of property. This question could be proven in the same manner as the one above. VARIETY THIRD, Is to find the sum insured, when the premium and rate are given. Thus, if I pay 90 dollars premium at 3 per cent., what is the sum insured? It is clear, in this case, that 3 dolls, premium, require 100 dolls, worth of property ; now, therefore, what will 90 dollars premium require? We consequently make the whole premium, the 90 dollars, the demand : the rate of premium, or per cent., the same name ; and $100, value of property insured by the 3 per cent., the term of answer. The answer is found, therefore, in amount of property, thus, We find by this, that the - ^ 3 amount insured is $3000; which may be proven by showing that the premium 100 $|3000 on this sum, at 3 per cent., is 90 dollars. Therefore, To find the amount of property insured, when the rate and premium are given, make the whole sum paid for the premium, the demand : the rate per hundred, the same name; and 100 the term of answer. The answer will be the value of the property insured. An importer paid $700 premium, on wines imported from Madeira to Cincinnati, which 118 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. was H per cent, on the sum insured ; how much did he insure ? We find that the cargo of wines was worth $56000. This may be 100 proven by finding the premium on this sum at li per cent., by Variety $|56000 lgt) w hich would be $700: or by ascertaining the rate of premium by Variety 2d. VARIETY FOURTH, Is somewhat different. By it we ascertain what sum must be insured on a specified amount of property, to recover both property and premium in case of loss. A. owns a coasting vessel worth $8400, and wishes to insure at 4 per cent., so that if lost, he may recover both the value of the vessel and the premium : what sum must he insure on ? While the rate of premium is 4 per cent., nothing is plainer than that on a policy of $100, only $96 worth of property can be insured. Therefore, if $96 worth of prop- erty, be advanced to $100, property and pre- mium, the question arises, what will $8400 worth of property be advanced to for both prop- erty and premium ? 8400 is the demand, 96 the same name, and 100 the term of answer, thus, 96i8400 One hundred here, is the amount, 100 properly speaking, of the property j and premium ; therefore, the answer 518750 I w jn k e sucn an amount as must be insured on, to secure both. Hence the result, 8750. To prove this correct, we will find that the premium on this sum at 4 per cent., is INSURANCE VARIETY FOURTH. HQ $350, which subtracted, leaves the first value of the vessel. Therefore, we conclude, that, To find a sum to be insured that will secure both property and premium, in case of loss, make the value of the property the demand : one hun- dred, reduced by the rate per cent., the same name; and 100 the term of answer. The answer will be the value of the property after the premium has been reckoned and deducted. Suppose I send to California an adventure of $19000 worth of goods, at an insurance of 5 per cent. : what sum must be insured on, that in case of total wreck, I may gain both the original value of the goods and the premium ? Here, as in the case above, 95 is the sum of property which requires for amount of property 100 2 $| 20,000 and premium 100 : hence, we say, what amount of both will $19000 property require ? Thus, it is seen that 20000 dollars worth must be insured. It may be proven by finding that the premium on 20,000 at 5 per cent., is $1000. This variety of opera- tion is precisely identical with that of finding the face of a note "given at bank, to draw a specific sum. A similar process is used to find the amount to be collected by tax-gatherers, when it is desired to pay both the taxes and the commission on them. Life Insurance is reckoned as other insurance; being a stipulated per cent., according to the age and health of the assured. To find the amount to be collected on taxes, to pay both tax and commission, proceed as in Variety 4th in commission^ as above. 120 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. TOLLS. Tolls are charges made for the transportation of merchandise, &c., by canals, and railroads : and are generally a specific sum per mile, on the 1000 Ibs., or the number of bbls., number of perches, number of feet, &c., &c. What- ever becomes the standard of a given article, as 1 barrel, 1 cord, 100 feet, 1 perch, 1000 pounds, &c., must be placed on the left of the line in working the question. For instance ; what will be the tolls on 14000 Ibs. of flour, 20 miles, at 14 mills per mile on every 1000 Ibs.? Here, we place down the num- 1000 14000 14 ber of miles first on the right, and multiply it by the number of Ibs., by placing the latter under the for- mer. The 20 times 14000 would be the whole number of Ibs. to be carried 1 mile : now, supposing this answer to be in- volved, we say, what will all of these Ibs. cost on the right, if 1000 Ibs. opposite, cost 14 mills ? Here, the answer is mills, because the last on the right is mills. It would be in cents, if the price of the 1000 Ibs. were in cents. Hence, one figure is cut off for mills, and the answer is $3, 92 cents, and no mills. What must be paid for the transportation of 18700 Ibs. bacon, 60 miles, at 15 mills per 1000 Ibs. ? CANAL AND RAILROAD TOLLS. Here, we may place the price in mills, and the answer will be mills; or, $16,83, no mills. The same result might be obtained by calling the 15 mills 1$ cents, and placing it down as |, thus, Here, the answer is in cents, and we cut off accordingly. It is optional with the operator whether he place the price in mills or cents : but if in the for- 121 60 18700 _J_5_ $116,83,0 1000 18700 $|16,83 mer, he must cut off, in all cases, one figure at the right, for mills. What are the tolls on 800 bbls. flour, 80 miles, at li cents per barrel ? 04 800 3 $|960,00 What tolls on 20000 Ibs. salt, 63 miles, at 1 cent per mile ? What tolls on 192000 shingles, at 5 mills per 1000, for 20 miles ? The answer is 19 dollars and 20 cents. What tolls on 1200 cubic feet undressed stone, 40 miles, at 4 mills per perch, of 25 cubic feet. ,1000 63 20,000 1 $|12,60 1000 192000 1 $|19,20 40 12004 4 $|7,68,0 122 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. |M0* 1003000 What are the tolls on 3000 cubic feet of lumber, at H cents per 100 feet, for 18 miles ? 40 8 3 What are the tolls on a pile of wood, 200 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 8 feet high, for 60 miles, at H cents per 100 feet? Here, it is unnecessary to multi- ply together the 3 dimensions of the pile of wood : while the placing of the several numbers on the right, will indicate the same. We 1576 00 m ight ca ^ these three dimensions 64000 feet of wood, and use, on the right, only 60, 64000, and f , which would produce the same result. It frequently becomes necessary to reckon tolls, when it is not convenient to go through with tedious multiplications and divisions : hence, the necessity of combining several op- erations, as above, in one statement. From the foregoing we conclude, that, To ascertain tolls on merchandise, Place the distance in miles, and quantity of freight in Ibs., feet, 4* c -> with the price, on the right ; and the standard measure, of the specified article of freight, on the left: that is, if tolls are charged per 1000 Ibs., place 1000 on the left: if on 100 feet, place 100 on the left, fyc. ANALYSIS OF COMPOUND PROPORTION. 123 COMPOUND PROPORTION. We have seen that a simple proportion is formed by the combination of two equal ratios ; hence, a Com- pound Proportion is formed of two or more of these simple proportions, instead of a compound and simple, ratio, as is said by some authors. In some cases, as in the following example, the compound proportion is formed of the two combined ratios of the causes, and the one ratio between the effects ; but when there are more terms in the effect than one, it is found necessa- ry to ascertain a number of ratios, as well in the ef- fects, as in the causes; so that in such case, the compound proportion would be composed of two compound ratios, instead of one compound and one simple. It may be shown, as in the question following, that by two or more statements in simple proportion, we may easily ascertain the result of a compound question. If 4 men in 8 days mow 12 acres of grass, how many acres will 8 men mow in 16 days? The first statement is, as 4 men to 8 men, so are 12 acres to 24 acres: the second, as 8 days to 16 days, so 24 acreg to 48 acres Thus, how many acres will 8 men mow, if 4 men mow 12 acres? The answer is 24 12_ 24~ Again : How many acres will 16 days work give, if 8 days work give 24 acres ? The answer, 48 acres, is thus obtained by two separate and easy statements. Here it is seen, that in each of the two ratios, we 24 48 have made a proportion; which proportion has in each case shown an increase in the number of 124 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. acres, until this number has become as great as if originally multiplied by the two ratios combined, which make 4; thus, 4 : 8 gives 2, and 8 : 16 gives 2, and twice 2 are 4, the combined ratios. Now the 12 acres multiplied by this ratio 4, becomes 48 acres, as before. In compound proportion there are always five terms given to find the sixth, seven to find an eighth, nine to find a tenth, eleven to find a twelfth, thirteen to find a fourteenth, fifteen to find a sixteenth, etc., etc. In a compound, as in a simple proportion, the two mean terms are always equal to the two extremes. Be- cause there may be ten, twelve, or more terms in a com- pound proportion question, is no reason that the theory and the governing principles of the question are any the less the doctrine of means and extremes, than if there are four terms only. All of these several terms must be so classified that they can be united in four distinct bodies ; which four bodies become means and extremes of proportion. The great difficulty with most authors on arithmetic has been to systematize this classification, so as to present it as a general truth. This classification depends on the relations of cause and effect ; and although many years since a European writer, Dr. Lardner, discovered that these causes and effects were the great foci in the state- ment of such questions, yet no system of bringing them together, or into their appropriate connection and place, was discovered, by which their use could be availed. It has been so in all sciences. Many bril- liant practical and useful axioms have been discovered, that have lain dormant in neglect, merely because the modus operandi of their application did not accom- pany the discovery, so as to give it efficiency. We shall, therefore, consider, FIRST The principles involved in Cause and Effect : THEORY OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. 125 SECOND The application of these principles; a?id, THIRD The form of statement according to the necessities of their relation, so as properly to avail all the benefits of cancelation in their reduction. Causes are anything that involve action^ or imply capacity ; and which in their action, or the contents of their capacity, produce effects. Action always commences in a life-giving principle; pursues some regular medium; and invariably shows some effect when it ends. Capacity, or Geometrical extent, in- stead of producing any effect, merely exercises an in- fluence over effects. It produces nothing, because it has no action; this action being always essential to the formation of an object. Geometrical extent per- tains to containing, circumscribing, or consuming ei* fects; and, as such, is not an active, but a passive cause. The principles in Cause and Effect pertain strictly to matter ; and, as such, admit of no subdivision. They form simply the two categories of the produc- ing and the produc-ed : the agent and the object. The medium through which causes operate to pro- duce effects cannot be real or material; has no parts, and is only imaginary. It is like a ray of light shoot- ing through the aperture of a window of a darkened room, and leaving a brilliant spot upon the wall. The bright spot is the effect ; the sun, the cause ; the space between them being only a straight line, conceivable and imaginary, though without parts. A house that has been built by a man is the effect, while the man is the cause. No relation exists between these but the builder and the built. It may be urged that there are instrumentalities necessary to enable the cause or agent to do this work or produce this effect. A pro- per analysis will show, however, that these instrumen- talities should be merged into their prime causes, and become part of them. It would be said, that in 9 12$ RAINEYS IMPROVED ABACUS. building the house, tools were the instruments ; but a little reflection will suggest that these are used only to give the hands more efficiency, and facilitate the execution of the work. So the truth is resolved back, that the man is the plastic cause that conforms and molds to his own taste; and the house, the object made. Ancient philosophers divided and subdivided these agencies and effects, in actual and material operations, into ten or twelve different categories; but these are both useless and unreasonable, and tend greatly to confusion ; while the practical fact recurs, that all ob- jects in nature are directly, either causes or effects. Causes implying action as well as capacity, and causes definitively speaking, being active and endowed with life, we conclude, that FIRST All animate things are causes. Hence we say, active causes are men and animals. When we say men, we include the whole human race men, women, and children. These constitute a higher order of causes, being endowed with reason ; and may, there- fore, be called intelligent causes. When we say ani- mals, we refer to every living, moving, creeping, fly- ing thing that Grod has made. Such may be classed among active irrational causes. Capacity being considered cause, we conclude that SECOND All time is cause ; that is, every conceiv- able subdivision of time, as centuries, generations, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds. Time within itself has none of those active powers that can entitle it to the name of an efficient cause; but it seems to be co -efficient, from the fact that it gives ex- tent or capacity in which active and operative causes may produce effects. This- capacity, or sphere of ac- tion, it will be shown, is as essential to the existence of the effect as the cause itself; though in a secondary degree in point of production. THEORY OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. 127 Geometrical extent is not unfrequently the bounds determining the extent of matter consumed or used; and hence the occupation of the vacuum or limit, de- pends on its prescribed limits Hence we conclude, that, THIRD Geometrical extent is sometimes a cause, and sometimes an effect : a cause when no more osten- sible or efficient cause is found in the question; and an effect when the dimension of something produced by an efficient cause. For instance: it is a cause when, as in making cloth, etc., a certain number of yards in length and quar- ters in width consume a given quantity of wool : it is an effect only when the dimension of something produced ; as the length, width, and hight, of a wall, etc., built by a given number of men, etc. In the latter case, it is an effect, because the work is effected by active causes, such as men. As the dimensions of a wall, this extent might be a cause; as in determining the quantity of stone consumed in its construction. Anything representing active endeavor may be call- ed a cause : hence we conclude, that, FOURTH Capital is a cause, when it produces in- terest ; because it has delegated to it all the productive and cumulative capacities of active individual effort. Capital may be said to be a cause only when it produces interest. There are, however, instances in which a sum of money becomes a cause; but only on similar grounds to that of gaining interest, as the representa- tive of active powers. It is only in transferring ac- tion to the object that the object becomes a cause. When this is done by conventional usage, as in the case of interest, where the laws give this quality to capital, it may be called a relative cause. It is a self-evident truth in common sense, that a certain number of separate causes must produce the 128 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. same number of separate effects : or that the extent of the effect is greater or less, as the cause is greater or less ; and that the quality of the effect depends on the nature of the cause ; or as the change is, in the cause, so must it be in the effect. That causes always exist before effects are pro- duced ; and that no effect can be produced without a commensurate cause; and that causes, as causes, always produce effects, are alike self-evident and reasonable. The cause occupying one position and the effect an- other, thus, CAUSE E FFECT, and the space between them being an imaginary line, no one can doubt that they are as directly opposite in their nature and relations as east and west ; right and left. Nor will it be disputed, that if from the cause we pursue a given direction to find the effect, we must, in returning from the effect to the cause, trace back the line by which we first sought the effect. We know that the united energies of any number of causes, cannot in a natural operation produce more than one effect at a time : otherwise it would be ne- cessary for them to operate in two directions at the same time, which would be impossible ; for as unity of cause produces one thing, so, whatever produces more than any one thing at the same time, must be more than one train of causes. But, as no object can be encompassed or circumscribed by the direct operation of any one other object, influence, cause, or thing, so no one cause, or agent in the sum of cause, can, unaided by another agent, produce an effect. Although men may be considere.d one of the most active species of causes constituting the sum of causa- tion, yet, the 8 men, above would never, of themselves, mow 12 acres of grass ; for, however active they may be THEORY OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. 129 as one element of causation, yet their powers must have some sphere of action', and this sphere is time. So that when we combine the energies of the men with the capacity of the time, both together constituting a community of endeavor, are enabled to encompass or effect the desired object. Any one thing by itself as a unit* is inoperative; but when multiplied into some- thing else, cumulates or expands in the ratio of squares. It is this expansion of the combined ener- gies of causes that enables them to encompass effects ; and it is the necessity of this, which prevents any one bare agent in a cause producing any effect by itself. * It may be said that certain chemicals produce pow- erful effects by their lone agency : this, however, can- not prove the position, that any one essential element of cause can produce an effect ; for whenever any chem- ical effect is produced, it is the consequence of the com- bination of different essential elements, within the chemicals, or in the air, which is the medium of operation. Hence, different effects are produced by the combination of different elements; the combined effort being the parent of the inception. From the foregoing we may safely conclude, that Causes are MEN, ANIMALS, TIME, CAPITAL, or MEDIUM : Or, whatever produces an effect. Every problem in Compound Proportion, and in Simple Inverse Proportion, is composed of its terms of supposition, and its terms of demand; and every supposition and every demand has in each, causes and effects. These causes and effects we will endeavor to clas- sify, so as to form a rational and philosophical state- 130 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. ment, which will, at the same time that it is clear, be unencumbered with those varied unmanageable depen- dencies of terms, common to the old form of state- ment; while it will be general in its applica- tion, and susceptible of all the abbreviation prac- ticable in cancelation. Some of the old works have indeed canceled some little in this department of arith- metic ; but not to any very useful extent, by reason of having no system of arranging all of the terms so as to assume the form of dividend and divisor. This is the great desideratum, so far as canceling is concern- ed, in all modern- works that pretend to use it, in any other, as well as in this department of numbers. The student has to analyze and state a question thoroughly, before he can determine what terms are divisors and what dividends. He can have, therefore, no regular or unique system of statement ; and is at all times necessitated to hunt up dividends and divisors merely as such ; whereas, by this method, he has the well-defined landmarks of cause and effect, and states according to the two great and infallible directions that nature has given him, in all created things. In the following problem we will assign to causes and effects their appropriate places. If 4 men in 8 days mow 12 acres of grass, how many azres will 8 men mmv in 16 days ? We write the supposition first, and then the de- mand, and draw a line under each ; thus, men. days, acres. men. days, acres. 4 ., 8 , 12 8 . 16 .. A short line is likewise drawn under the causes both in the supposition and demand. Here 4 men and 8 days are the causes in the supposition, and 12 acres the effect : in the demand, 8 men and 16 days are the APPLICATION OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. 1 fU causes, while a cipher or blank indicates the place of acres, which is the term in which the answer is demanded. We now draw two vertical lines near each other ; the left for the supposition and the right for the de- mand. On the left side of each line we place and on the right, effects ; thus, CAUSE. EFFECT. CAUSE. EFFECT Supposition* Demand. The left being the line of supposition, we write supposition under it ; and the right being the line of demand, we write demand under it. Now, all of the causes in the supposition are placed on the left side of the left line, and all of the effects on the right. All of the causes in the demand are placed on the left side of the right line, and their effects on the right. It appears in this question that we have no effect in the demand ; consequently, a cipher is placed on the right, to show that it is deficient, and that the answer is required in this term; thus, , E It is perceived here, that the cause 12 8 1 6 ^ a ^ P ro( ^ uces the l^ acres, is divided o -jJ into two parts, men and days; but these men and days, are placed together on the same side of the line, that their powers may be combined by multiplication ; thus rendering them unique as a cause. The same is the case with the two -causes on the other line. Therefore, we may multiply the two causes into one., in each separate case. Four times 8 in the first, make 32, combined cause ; and 8 times 16 in the second, make 128, a similar combina- tion. Instead of placing, as above, the separate fac~ c. 132 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. tors of each cause on the line, we may place their product; thus, 32 '12 128 Here it is perceived, that we have three terms of a proportion _ given to find the fourth; that is, the two means 'and one extreme, to find the other extreme. Now, we know that if these two means be multiplied together and divided by the given ex- treme, the other extreme will be found; which, too, will be the required answer. The question, as now stated, appears to be, as the cause, 32, is to the cause 128, so is the effect, 12, to the required effect, 48 ; or, as the first cause is to the first effect, so is the second cause to the second or required effect.* This proportion may be transposed as other pro- portions, into eight different forms or readings; the causes and effects being the terms. When either the means or extremes are multiplied together, they are the product of one cause and one effect ; and this product is divided by the given cause, to find the required ef- fect ; or by the given effect, to find the required cause. But suppose this question be changed and proven, by saying: If 4 men in 8 days mow 12 acres of grass, in how many days.wiB 8 men mow 48 acres? Here, 4 men and 8 days are causes in the supposition, and 12 acres the effect : 8 men and blank (0) days the causes in the demand, and 48 acres the effect ; thus> 12 8 48 We p er ceive that it takes both men and days, two causes, in the supposition, to produce the effect, 12 acres ; and in- fer that two similar causes should exist in the de- mand, to produce the one effect, 48 acres. In the de- * We do not allude here to the specific ratio between the causes and their effects ; we only refer to their categorical and regular bearings. Strictly speaking, there is no ratio between cause and effect, except that acciden- tal ratio which depends upon the nature ef things, in their unclassified and irregular state. We desire to discard this forced, and irregular, and cir- cumstantial connection or ratio, and place proportion on its true basis,- $i between, things tkat are alike.. PROPORTION AMONG CAUSES AND EFFECTS. 133 mand only one of these causes is found ; hence, the cause is deficient; that is, one of the terms of the means is deficient; and a member that is necessary to constitute the causation, producing the effect, 48. Hence, while all of the extremes are multiplied to- gether for a dividend, the product should be divided by all of the remaining means to get the required mean. We know that 16 days is the answer required. Now, the product of the extremes is 4x8x48=1536, which, divided by the product of the means 12x8= 96, gives 16, the number of days required. Thus, we might drop any one of the terms, of either the means or extremes, and ascertain it, by dividing the product of the other two, by the remaining terms. The deficient term, or that in which the answer is required, is always either a cause or an effect. This deficiency must always be indicated by a cipher. It never falls on either side of the left, or line of supposition ; because the supposition must in all cases be perfect, and have, consequently, no deficiency; but it is always found on either the right or left side of the right line, as the term wanting may be an effect or a cause; for this demand is always deficient; and it is this deficiency which makes it a demand, by asking what will supply it ; while the operation is performed for no other purpose than to supply it. To be certain that the blank, or cipher indicating the deficiency, is located correctly, we must consider whether the answer desired is a cause or an effect. If a cause, the blank is placed under the head of cause, on the left side of the line ; if an effect, it must be placed under the head of effect, on the right side of the right line. Or we may count the number of causes on each line, and if they be equal, the defi- ciency is an effect. Again : we may count the num- ber of effects on each line ; if they are not equal, the deficiency is found; if they are equal, the deficiency must be among the causes. 134 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. After placing all of the terms in the question on the two lines, according to the directions given above, notice whether the blank falls among the mean terms ; that is, between the two lines ; or whether among the extremes, or terms outside the two lines : if it fall among the inner terms, all of the inner terms must be placed on the left side of the vertical line, or line of ratio, on which the question is to be wrought: if among the outer terms, all of the outer terms must be placed on the left of this line. This is based on the principle of dividing by the mean or extreme, as the one or the other may be deficient, to ascertain the deficient term. Being thus stated, the question may be canceled as in other cases. Let us now recur to the first question : If 4 men in 8 days mow 12 acres, how many acres will 8 men mow in 16 days? and state it thus, Here we inclose the mean terms en- 12 8 16 tirely, which are 12, 8, 16, that they ~ may be clearly distinguished from the extreme, which are 4 and 8. The blank falling on the outside, the outer terms become the divisors, and the inner terms the dividend, and are placed on the right; thus, ^ 143 I Eight equals 8 ; 4 into 12, 3 times, and 3x1^=48 acres, the answer. |48 acres, i We now resume the second question, which will prove this correct. If 4 men in 8 days mow 12 acres of grass, in how many days will 8 men mow 48 acres? Four and 8 are the causes, in the supposition, and 12 the effect; 8 and blank the causes, in the demand, and 48 acres the effect. After stating the question, thus, COMPOUND PROPORTION. 135 4.8 * s seen that ^ ne blank is among the means; hence, the means, 12 and 8, be- come the divisors, and are accordingly placed on the left ; while 4, 8, and 48, the extremes, are placed on the right of the line, where the dividend ia always placed ; thus, 14 m 16 da. ! Days being the deficient term, the an- swer is 16 days. Again : If 4 men in 8 days mow 12 acres, how many men will be required to mow 48 acres in 16 days? 12 16 48 8 men. Here, again, the mean terms be- come the divisors. Hence, 8 men, the answer. Again: changing the supposition and demand, If 8 men in 16 days mow 48 acres, how many acres will 4 men mow in 8 days ? 848 16 4ST-1 12 acres. In this instance, one of the terms of supposition is dropped, which makes it deficient; it becomes, consequently, the demand; while all of the terms of the former demand are supplied; making the demand, in its turn, the supposition. Hence, the reason for placing it on the left line. The answer is 12 acres. Again: If 8 men, in 16 days, mow 48 acres of grass, in how many days will 4 men mow 12 acres? thus, 136 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 848 16 12 The first question has now been proven in all of its terms ; showing 40- 8 da. conclusively the similarity between the two causes, and the two effects, as the four terms of a proportion. Having presented the foregoing rationale of Com- pound Proportion, we will now state and solve a num- ber of problems involving all of the varieties com- mon to this department ; that in them the reader may have a sure guide to the solution of all similar ques- tions, occurring either in theory or practice. If 4 men, in 8 days of 10 hours long, mow 40 acres of grass, in how many days of 12 hours long will 15 men mow 60 acres? 440 8 10 1560 12 Here, the different lengths of the days are expressed by the hours, as A* 4 2|da. causes, in each case. Hours have, therefore, assigned to them the place of cause, as all other causes of time ; and cooperate with the men and days to produce the effect, by extending the time or sphere of execution, and defining its limits. The answer is 2| days. If 4 men in 20 days of 8 hours long, build a wall 400 feet long, 32 ft. wide and 5 ft. high, in how many days, 15 hours long, will 6 men build another wall, 300 ft. long, 80 feet wide, and 30 feet high? While 4, 2, and 80 are the causes in the supposi- tion, 400, 32, and, 5 are the dimensions of the effect, which, properly considered, is a unit. In both cases, supposition and demand, these dimensions are made the effect, and we proceed with the work as hereinbe- COMPOUND PROPORTION IN FRACTIONS. 137 fore described. The answer being required in days the blank comes under the head of cause, to show it. Hence the mean terms are the divisors, and the an- swer is a term of cause, 80 days. 20 8 400 32" 15 300 80 30 Two ciphers equal two ciphers; 8 times 4 equal 32 ; 6 times 5 equal 30 ; 3 into 15, 5, and 5 times 4 equal 20; the answer is 80 days. Now, let us I prove this question by using this answer, and drop- ping some other term ; the 80 feet wide, for instance. The question will be as follows : If 4 men in 20 days of 8 hours long, build a wall, 400 feet long, 32 feet wide, and 5 feet high, how wide will that wall be, the length being 300 feet and the hight 30 feet, which 6 men, in 80 days, 16 hours long, will build ? :400 >32 85 2032 80 16 300 30 Here it is seen that the blank comes under the head of effect, one of the dimensions of the wall, which causes us to divide by the extremes. 300 7*00 32' A 85ift.w. The following question involving fractions may be as easily disposed of as the others. We will simply place the mixed numbers on the two lines of supposi- tion and demand, without reducing them, until they are brought to the line of ratio; when, after being re- duced as in other cases, to improper fractions, the nu- merators will occupy just such position as if they were whole numbers, with their respective denomi- nators opposite them. Thus, the question will be S IMPROVED the I'orm of whole nunibtjrs, avuiuij-p: thi inorous iractioiial difficulties which usually render such solutions too complex to be interesting to the general reader. If 5 men, in 7-J- days of 12^ hours long, dig a ditch 400 feet long, 4| feet wide, and 6 feet deep, how many men will be required in 20 days, 6 hours long, to dig another ditch 640 feet long, 3f feet wide, and 3i feet wide ? 500 4f 4 0640 203 We have placed all of the inner terms on the left, and ah 1 of the outer terms on the right, without observing any particular order as to which should be placed on the line first. Men. 815 If 6 men in 10 days, 8 hours long, dig a ca- nal 200 yards long, 80 yards wide, and 3 yards deep, in how many days of 12 hours long, will 5 men dig an- other canal 300 yards long, 40 yards wide, and 16 yards deep, supposing the difficulty or density of the soil to be, in the latter case to the former, as 5 to 2 ? It is palpable, that 2 degrees density of soil must be placed, among the effects of the supposition, to determine the extent or difficulty of the effect to be produced; while, for the same cause, 5 degrees of density are placed among the effects of the demand. The same results could be obtained, if 2i were placed among the effects of the demand, or f among those of the supposition ; in this instance, however, the sym- metry of the terms would be lost, and the statement is made according to the first suggestion; thus, COMPOUND PROPORTION IN FRACTIONS. 139 10 200 80 3 2 5J300 040 12 16 5 6 12 10 200 300 80 40 3 16 2 5 80 da. We find in Compound Proportion many conditions that can be appended to questions, which ordinarily render them apparently very complex; but these conditions may be disposed in the most summa- ry and natural manner, by assigning to the terms repre- senting them, their proper places as causes and effects. How long will 8100 Ibs. of bread serve a garrison of 100 men, if 900 Ibs. are consumed in 50 days by 20 men? If, in this instance as in all others, indi- cates the supposition, which is 20 men, 60 days, and 900 Ibs. of bread ; while the demand is 100 men, days, and 8100 Ibs. We state as in other cases; re- membering that whatever the language in which a problem is stated, whether the men eat, or whether the bread is consumed, whether the demand or sup- position be given first, we must transpose the ques- tion, until it is brought before the mind in its proper bearings ; and then state according to common sense. Some would think, at first sight of this question, that because the pounds of bread served the garrison, these pounds must necessarily be the cause, and the garrison the effect. Such must consider, and ask in what term the greater action exists ; whether in the bread, in supplying or being eaten, or in the men, by eating and consuming it. The latter implies action; while the former is only subject to action, and as an object in its passive form, becomes an effect, 201900 50' 100 8100 000 50 #009 90 days. 140 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. If 60 horses in 20 days consume 15 bushels of oats, how many horses will 600 bushels feed 120 days? Horses become the deficient term ; hence we divide by the inner terms, and find that 400 horses will con- sume the 600 bushels in 120 days. 60 20 15 01600 120[ 0004 400 This question, as well as the fore- going, and all that will follow, may be proven in as many different ways as there are differ- ent terms given in the supposition and demand. If 400 musquitoes, in 30 nights, 15 hours long, raise on an animal 60,000 lumps, of an inch in diam- eter and i inch high, in how many nights, of 10 hours in length, will 800 musquitoes be required to produce 50,000 lumps, -fj of an inch in diameter, and ^V of an inch in hight? Here, the number of lumps, their diameter, and hight are the effects, in each case; while the musqui- toes, nights, and hours are the causes. We state accordingly. 400 30 15 60,000 800 10 50,000 800400 1030 60,00015 14 18 50,000 169 201 In this question numerous other conditions might be added: it might be said that the warmth of the night, in the one case, was to that of the other as a given ratio : also, it might be said, that a cer- 16 m. tain ratio of difference existed between the two sub- jects operated on, as to adhesiveness of material, etc. All of these conditions would be legitimate in such questions, at least in theory. We now come to the consideration of questions in which the causes that produce effects, instead of being RELATIVE CAUSES IN PROPORTION. 141 active, are merely passive; with an efficiency dele- gated, rather by the attendants, and controlling cir- cumstances and customs of the day, than any inherent or vital principle of action. Capital and time are causes in the production of interest, not because they have any active powers that would enable them to encompass or accomplish this object, but because public common consent grants that capital may, by representing individual effort, be supposed to do this; and this supposition or permis- sion of the thing, is equivalent to the act or fact, " other things being equal," so far as matters of com- mon consent are concerned. If I lend my friend, in his need of money, $200, for 20 days, and he agrees to render me a similar accom- modation when necessary; and when my occasion re- quires it, he has only $150, how long must I use this sum to remunerate me for the loan of the $200 ? The question appears to be this : If $200 in 20 days, render 1 accommodation, in how many days will $150 render 1 accommodation? The 200 and 20 are the causes in the first case, and 1 accommodation the ef- fect; while, in the other, 150 and days are the causes, and, as before, 1 accommodation the effect. State as follows: 200 20 150 Hence the answer, 150 200 20 26| days. The pupil will notice, that in the foregoing propo- sition the effects are equal; that is, the effect in the supposition and demand is the same, or common. We shall have occasion to use this fact in our remarks on Inverse Proportion; for it is easily seen, that if the one effect equals the other, they can both, as terms, be dispensed with : hence, in the statement of the ques- 10 142 RAJNEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. tion without them, we would find only three terms given for ascertaining the fourth; and this would make it a simple proportion. Let a few other questions be now presented, in which capital is cause, and which will teach the pupil the very important method of finding principal, time, and rate in interest. We will find, first, the interest on $200 for 3 months, at $6 gain on the $100, or 6 per cent.; and here, as in other cases, we must have a supposition, which, if not given in the question, must be taken from legally-established custom. We say, therefore, If $100 dollars, in 12 months, gain $6 interest, what interest will $200 gain in 3 months? The causes in the supposition are $100 and 12 months, while $6 interest is the effect; and in the de- mand $200 and 3 months, while the effect is wanting. State as follows : 10016 12 200 We find the sixth term $3, which is the effect; showing that, if $100 8. 3 int. in 1 year gain $6 interest, twice this sum, in time, will gain ^ of 6, or $3 interest. the TO FIND THE PRINCIPAL IN INTEREST. Having ascertained the interest, let us now find the capital that in 3 months would produce this interest. To do this we make the following statement : If $100, in 12 months, gain $6 interest, what sum of capital will gain $3 interest in 3 months? thus, 1006 12 3 Our answer is $200 capital, which is correct ; because at the given 100 & $ 200 prin. TO FIND PRINCIPAL, TIME, AND RATE. 143 rate per cent, it has just gained, in the time specified, the $3 interest. Here, it has become necessary to assume the standards of per centum and per annum in interest, for supposition. TO FIND THE TIME IN INTEREST. Changing the statement, it may be well to find the time in which $200, at 6 per cent., will gain $3 inter- est : and when we say at 6 per cent., we assume that $100, in 12 months, 360 days, or 1 year, gains this $6. Thus, the statement : If $100, in 12 months, gain $6 interest, in what time will $200 gain $3 interest ? thus, 1006 013 12 200 The answer is 3 months time. 3 mos. This answer may again be changed so as TO FIND THE KATE OF INTEREST. It is only necessary now, to complete this series of proofs and proportions, to ascertain the rate at which money is lent, when a certain sum has gained another specific sum of interest. We commenced in the ques- tion, by saying, that the rate per cent, was 6 ; and have used this rate in the statement of the supposi- tion with which it is connected. It is now desired to find this 6 per cent., per annum. When we say 6 per cent., per annum, we mean 6 on the one hundred, for or by the one year, or 12 months. It cannot be denied, that this $6 was gained by the $100 in one year, or 12 months. The former supposition, "If 100 in 12 gain 6," now becomes the demand; one of 144 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. its terms, the 6, being deficient. The former demand, therefore, now becomes the supposition, and is as follows : If $200, in 3 months, gain $3 interest, what in- terest will $100, or per centum, gain in 12 months, or per annum? The answer will certainly be the sum that the $100 in 1 year would gain ; that is, $6, which proves it 6 per cent, per annum. 20013 I 10010 a 2 6 per ct. We may in a similar manner find the rate at which interest has been gained on a given principal, and for any given time, by saying, if such principal, in such time, gain so much interest, what interest will $100 principal gain in 1 year, 12 months, or 360 or 365 days, as the case may be ; for, if the time in the sup- position be in years, 1 year must be used in the de- mand: if in months, 12 months in the demand; and if in days, 360 days. For example : If $60, in 120 days, gain $1| interest, what is the rate per cent, per annum ; or, what will $100 gain in 860 days? Thus, 60111 120J 100 360 00 ^00 ^0 0032 In the question preceding this, the reader will perceive, that al- 6 per cent, though this is a compound statement, yet the suppo- sition and demand are located, as in simple proportion, with the term of answer, $3 interest, last on the right. This is not an inverse statement, because the an- swer is required in interest, which is an effect. Again : Suppose I have a debt of $40 to pay in 80 COMPOUND PROPORTION: CAUSES OF CAPACITY. 145 days, and have no means of getting the money except by lending to some individual a sum of my capital, large enough to gain this sum of debt, in the given time, at 6 per cent.; how much capital shall I thus put on interest, for the 80 days, to gain the $40 ? The question would be stated, thus, If $100, in 360 days, gain $6 interest, what prin- cipal will gain $40 in 80 days ? 1006 360 80 40 #006 0100 405 It is thus seen, that the sum to be negotiated is $3000, which may be $ 3000 cap. easily proven, by asking the interest, at 6 per cent., on this sum, for 80 days, which would be found $40. We next proceed to the consideration of causes of capacity, properly so called. It is known that the di- mensions 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet high make 1 cord. Now, If 4 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet long make 1 cord of wood, how many cords will a pile 400 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 16 feet high make? In each case the dimensions are the causes, and the number of cords which they make, the effect. We state accordingly, 400 60 16 The answer is 3000 cords of wood. 460 3000 cor. Now, suppose we wish a pile to be made large enough to make a certain number of cords, where two of its dimensions are given ; for example, If 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 8 feet long make 1 cord, how high must a pile be, whose width is 8 feet and length 40 feet, to make 10 cords? thus, 146 RAINEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. 010 8 40 The pile must be 4 feet high ; | which may be easily proven by sus- 4 feet hi. pending some other dimension, or finding the number of cords that these complete dimensions will make. If 10 yards of cloth, J of a yard wide, consume 40 Ibs. of wool in the facture, how many pounds will it take to make 20 yards, f of a yard wide V We have shown that no one cause, by itself, can pro- duce an effect, until united with some other cause ; we have likewise shown, that no cause, or combination of causes, can produce more than one effect. Now, al- lowing the existence of these truths, it would be ridic- ulous to say that the pounds of wool, in the question above, was the cause of producing so much cloth, so, and so wide. But, to say that the length and width in yards and quarters, disposed of, or con- sumed a given number of pounds, would be both rea- sonable and natural. The want of a little discrimi- nation and reflection here, will involve the student in innumerable absurdities ; while, on the other hand, a proper and intelligent attention to the relations and operations of causes and effects, cannot fail conduct- ing him to proper and palpable results. 1040 200 Our answer, 93i Ibs., is the effect of the capacity of the 20 yards long and wide. These two, as causes of 10140 20 7 93i capacity, consume or appropriate this number of pounds of wool, as the effect. We are apt to fall into the same unheeded absurdity in questions like the following : COMPOUND PROPORTION : CAUSES OF CAPACITY. 147 If the transportation of 20 tons of freight, 30 miles, cost $60, how many tons can be carried 800 miles for $250? Here the tons and distance are the causes, and the price the effect: thus, 2060 30 800 250 250 The answer is 3| tons. 3| tons. The same result may be obtained, though impro- perly, by saying that the dollars are the causes, and the weight and distance the effect. If all the rela- tions of the more palpable operations of cause and effect have but one tendency, and which reversed, dis- orders the whole, certainly, because in other cases these laws and relations are not so easily perceived, is no reason that they are not founded upon, or governed by, the same fixed and eternaj principles. Nor can these principles be neglected* or perverted, without consequent disorder, at some time, and in some place. If $40 pay for hauling 16 cwt. of hemp 28 miles, how many miles can -56 cwt, be hauled for $200 ? 16140 28| 0|200 56| 200 40 miles. It is an easy matter, in any question, to determine what terms have such a connection as to require that their energies be combined ; while it is not less easily determined which term appears the great focus of all these operations. The former are causes, while the latter is an effect. If a cistern 8 ft. deep, 20 ft. long, and 3 feet wide, hold 340 barrels, how many barrels will be contained in one 28 ft. deep, 60 ft. long, and 15 ft, wide? The barrels are, in each case, the effects. 148 RAINEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. 20 3 340 28 60 15 17 (7 15 It may be observed here, that in all cases, such as the one above, if 17850 bis. inches be annexed to, or connected with, the feet, they must be reduced to the fraction of a foot. Three feet 4 inches may be reduced by saying, 4 inches are T 4 2 or of a foot ; this fraction added, makes 4| or y feet. If 2150 inches make 1 bushel, how high must a crib be, to contain 800 bushels, which is 200 inches long and 86 inches wide? In this question, it is the geometrical extent of all the sides of the bushel measure, which is the cause ; the 2150 being the product of the three dimensions. The cube root of this number would be one of the sides; and this, placed down three times, on the left side of the line of supposition, would constitute the causes producing the effect, one bushel. As it is un- necessary to find this side an9 use it three times, which, at best, could only reproduce the number 2150, we merely write the 2150, which is the product of these sides, and produces precisely the same result. In place of the two remaining factors constituting 2150 y we use two inverted commas; thus, 2150 200 86 800 5 100 in. hi. It is seen, that the crib should be 100 inches high. By this mode of operation, either the contents, or any of the sides of a crib, body, box, etc., may be found. The question above may be proven, by asking, how many bushels a crib will contain, which is 200 inches long, 86 inches wide, and 300 inches deep. Again: If 2150 inches make 1 bushel,, haw long must a bos COMPOUND PROPORTION : CAUSES OF CAPACITY; 149 be, to contain 1 bushel, which is 20 inches wide and 15 inches deep? 21501 20 15 We find that it must be 3 4 643 7i in. inches long. One bushel is the common effect in both the supposition and demand. We see by this calcu- lation, that a box 7 in. deep, 20 in. long, and 15 in. wide, will contain one bushel. This may be proven, by multiplying the three sides to a continued product. We might, in this instance, give a short, but somewhat mechanical, rule for finding any remaining side of any figure of 6 sides, when the contents were a unit of any given standard, or any number of units of such standard, as 1 bushel, or 80 bushels; 1 gallon, or 20 gallons, etc. According to the foregoing, we may, in a similar manner, find the. dimensions of a box or cistern that will hold a given number of gallons, if the standard of unity be first assumed, and used as a supposition; thus: If 231 inches make a wine gallon, how long, wide, or deep must a box be, to hold any specific number of gallons, if it be of a given width, or depth, etc.? Beer gallons may become the standard of measure, by using 282, instead of 231 inches If 231 inches make 1 wine gallon, how long must a box be, to contain 100 gallons, which is 15 in. wide, and 11 in. deep? 231 15 11 100 1002 140 in. long. By this, it is seen, that the box must be 140 inches long. 150 RAINEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. If 2688 inches make 1 dry bushel, how wide must a body be, to hold 100 bushels of coal, which is 120 in. long, and 32 in. deep ? Here, 2688 is the product of the three sides of the dry bushel ; and, consequently, must be considered as the unit of cause, that produces or contains the 1 bushel. We state as in the similar case above. 2688 120 32 100 100 70 in. long. The width of the body must be 70 inches. We know that 1 inch wide, 1 inch thick, and 3 T 8 / F inches long, make 1 pound "of cast iron. Now, these dimensions are the causes in the supposition, and 1 pound, the effect. We may take the 3 T \\, or, which is equivalent, 3|i solid inches to represent the dimensions of the quan- tity, and say, If 3f inches make 1 Ib. of iron, how many Ibs. will a bar make, that is 24 in. long, 4 in. thick, and 6 in. wide? 240 6 This 3fi can be. very easily used without the least difficulty in 150 Ib. the fraction, as f f , as above. The question may now be changed; and having the width and thickness of the bar, let us see how long it must be to weigh 150 pounds. By careful attention to the statement and solution of this question, any question arising as to the length, width, or thickness of bars of iron, window-weights, etc., etc., may be easily solved. It frequently be- comes necessary, after the two dimensions and weight are given, to find the other dimension, which is COMPOUND PROPORTION : CAUSES OF CAPACITY. 151 often very troublesome to practical men; especial- ly if many fractions are found in the work. The question is, If 3f i inches make 1 lb., how long must a bar be, that is 6 in. wide, and 4 in. thick, to make 150 Ibs? 150 From this work it appears, that 24 in. long, the bar must be 24 in. long, which is true; because this length was used to find the weight. If 3-f.j- inches make 1 lb., 94 inches will make 25 Ibs. The product of 96 is composed of 8 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 3 inches thick ; therefore, in stating questions of this nature, it may be said, If 96 inches make 25 Ibs ; or, if 8 in. long, 4 wide, and 3 thick make 25 Ibs., how long, or thick, or wide must a bar be, with two dimensions given, to make any specific number of pounds? If 8 in. long, 4 in. wide, and 3 in. thick make 25 Ibs., how long must a window -weight be, to make 25 Ibs., which is 4 in. wide and 1-J-in. thick? 25 4 H 25 The bar is 16 in. long. Again : 16 in. long If 8, 4, and 3 make 25 Ibs., how wide must a bar be, to make 25 Ibs., which is 12 in. long and 1-Jin. thick ? 25 12 25 152 RAINEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. This mode of stating such ques- tions can be easily used, if any at- tention be given to the general principles. 5-j- in. wide. All mixed numbers must be reduced to improper fractions, here, as elsewhere. We will now solve one or two other questions, and close this article by endeavoring to show how such statements may be made on one line, as in Simple Proportion. If 10 men, in 15 days, 8 hours long, compose a book of 16 sheets, 36 pages on a sheet, 25 lines on a page, and 60 letters in a line, in how many days, 10 hours long, will 40 men compose another book, of 48 sheets, 32 pages on a sheet 50 lines on a page, and 90 let- ters in a line ? 10 15 16 36 25 60 4048 1050 32 50 90 $ ,24 00 The answer is 24 days. 24 days. There is a novelty in the statement and solution of this question, arising from the fact that it can be wrought without- the use of one figure more than is necessary to state it. Instead of canceling, as above, we may have said, 16 into 32, twice ; twice 9 into 36, twice; and twice 4, on the left, equals 8: 10, equals 10; cipher, equals cipher; 25 into 50, twice; 2 into 6, three times; 3 into 15, 5 times; five into 10, twice; and 2 into 48, twenty -four times ; the answer, as above. COMPOUND RROPORTION: SINGLE STATEMENT. 153 One more example is given, to illustrate the method of stating on one line. If 4 men in 16 days, 12 hours long, compose a book of 14 sheets, 24 pages on a sheet, 44 lines on a page, and 40 letters in a line, in how many days, 8 hours long, will 12 men compose a similar work, of 42 sheets, 16 pages on a sheet, 48 lints on a page, and 55 let- ters in a line ? 14 24 1244 40 16 12 42 16 48 55 Twelve equals 12 ; 8 into 16, twice, and twice 4, on the right, make 8, which goes into 40, five times ; 5 into 55, eleven; 11 into 44, four times; 4 24 da. into 16, four times; 4 into 24, 6 times; 6 into 42, seven times ; 7 into 14, twice ; and 2 into 48, twenty- four times ; the answer. This question may be stated in the following order : In how many days, 8 hours long, will 12 men pro- duce a certain effect, if 4 men produce the same in 16 days, 12 hours long? The answer is desired in days ; a cause. Hence, this term, 16 days, is placed last on the right for the term of answer; while the causes, which cooperate with it to produce the given effect, are placed on the same side of the line,, where their energies can be multiplied. Now, these causes being necessarily on the right, the causes in the demand must be placed opposite them, on the left. Hence, in all inverse ques- tions, the demand is placed on the left: thus, Here, if no effects were to be considered, the answer would certainly be in days : 8 days. Thus, we see, that when the answer desired, is a Men, Hours, 12 4 Men, 12 Hours, 16 Days, 8 days. 154 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. cause, the demand, that is, the causes of demand, must be placed on the left ; and those of the supposi- tion, opposite. Now, if causes and effects are always directly opposite in their nature, the effects in the demand, must be placed on the right; and those of the supposition, opposite ; thus, Sheets, 1442 Sheets, Pages, 2416 Pages, Lines, 4448 Lines, Letters, 40 55 Letters, It is seen here, that the effects occupy the reverse side of the line. This is, both because causes and effects are opposite in their nature ; and because, when an answer, as the one above, is desired in an effect, the proportion is direct, requiring that the demand be placed on the right. Thus, 3 is the answer ; which, multiplied with the 8, gives 24, as in the former work. Each term is placed opposite the term of its own kind, to get the ratio. This order of statement is re- versed, if the answer is required in an effect. In such case, all of the causes, in the demand, are placed on the right, and those in the supposition, opposite ; while all the effects are placed opposite their respec- tive causes. From the foregoing, we deduce the following SUMMARY OF DIRECTIONS FOR COMPOUND PROPORTION. Separate the question into terms of Supposition and Demand : Ascertain which terms, both in the suppo- sition and demand, are Causes, and which are Ef- fects : Draw two vertical lines : Place all of the terms of supposition on the left line ; and all of the terms of demand, on the right line : Place causes on the left side of each line, and effects on the right. If the answer be required in a cause, place a ci- pher on the left side of the right line ; if in an effect, place a cipher on the right side of the right line. INVERSE PROPORTION. 155 When the cipher falls between the two lines, make all of the inner terms the divisor, and all of the outer terms the dividend : when it falls outside of the two lines, make all of the outer terms the divisor, and all of the inner terms the dividend* The causes are men, animals, time, capital, and medium. To state on one line : When the answer is desired in a cause, place all of the causes in the demand, on the left ; and all of the causes in the supposition, on the right ; with the respective effects of each, opposite: When the answer is desired in an effect, plact all of the causes in the demand, on the, right ; and all of the causes in the supposition^ on the left ; with the re- spective effects of each, opposite. SIMPLE PROPORTION INVERSE. The consideration of Compound Proportion, leads to that of Simple Inverse Proportion ; the great leading principles of both, being cause and effect. We have seen, from the solution of one or two questions in compound proportion, that the effect in a compound question being the same, or a unit, in both supposi- tion and demand, there are but three remaining terms to use. The effect, being unity in each case, we say, that the two terms are common; and conclude that the problem, as properly enounced, is composed of causes only. It is evident, that if all of the terms are causes, and that as some one of them must be the denomination of the answer, therefore, this answer must, when obtained, be a cause. And here exists the differ - * Recollect that the divisor is always placed on the left' side of the line on which the question is wrought, and the dividend, on the right. 156 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. eace between direct and inverse proportion. From what has been said of the relations of cause and effect, it is evident, that as causes exist before their effects, so the production of these effects is a direct or first ope- ration of the cause ; hence, it is the province of di- rect proportion to ascertain effects. If, again, causes and effects possess an opposite nature, it is reasonable to suppose, that when the cause is demanded as an answer, the course pursued to find it, will be a retro- grade from the effect, to the cause. Hence, the direct course is broken, and reversed ; and the line of opera- tion, which the cause first pursued to find the effect, is retraced from the effect to the cause. This inver- sion, or turning around, is the basis of the theory of Inverse Proportion. The term is derived from the Latin, inverto, to turn back. We may always know that a question is inverse, if there are no given terms of effect, whatsoever, above unity. When the effect is not common, the question is necessarily compound; having more than three terms. All inverse questions are properly compound propor- tion, and may be solved most intelligibly and easily, by a statement under this head, according to the great principles just treated. Therefore, when they are re- duced to the form of simple proportion, we may rea- sonably expect an entire change in the statement, from questions ordinarily occurring in this department. The following illustration, according to compound propor- tion, may be given : How many men will be required to do a piece of work in 15, which can be done in 24 days, by 5 men? The enunciation of the question may be changed, thus : If 5 men in 25 days do one piece of work, how many men will be required to do one other piece in 15 days? THEORY OF INVERSE PROPORTION. 157 The piece of work is the effect, in each case; a common effect -, and is located as follows : 24 15 8 men. It is seen, that in dividing by the inner terms, the 15 is placed on the left. This term would be the demand in simple pro- portion ; and, it is evident, that it is placed on the left, that, by dividing the product of the other two terms, the fourth term may be found; which, linked with the 15, would complete the proportion. It is not, however, placed on the left as a factor only, to find another factor; but that its ratio, with a similar term on the opposite, may be ascertained. The 5 men is the de- nomination of the answer, and must, consequently, be placed last on the right. Now, this 5 men does not equal in value the term of supposition opposite, the 15 days, which is the sole connection between the two similar terms in direct proportion; but, as a cause, it is combined with another cause, the 24 days, to pro- duce the common effect, one piece of work. That these two causes may occupy a position where their energies may be multiplied together and cumulated, the 24 days is placed on the right of the line, in the place ordinarily assigned to the demand, and just over its cooperative term, 5 men; for causes producing a common effect, cannot be separated. Now, to obtain the ratio between this 24 days in the supposition and the 15 days in the demand, the 15 must be placed op- posite. Hence, by the necessity of purely philosophi- cal principles, the demand in inverse proportion is in- verted, or placed on the left. This is the only satis- factory reason why the demand changes its place, or is inverted. These laws, necessitating more than one cause to produce an effect, and an actual connection of the various terms employed, so as to elicit their 158 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. combined energies, in their creative capacity of some effect, have been so clearly elucidated and demonstra- ted in the discussion of first principles, as to leave no doubt, on the part of the reader, that both terms in the supposition must be placed on the right; one, as the denomination of the answer, and the other as the term to be compared with the term of similar name, in the demand, on the left. The two ones may be dropped in the statement. Again : If 15 men, in 8 days, do a piece of work, how many men will do the same in 24 days ? thus, The demand is placed on the left ; the same name opposite it ; and the ,r term of answer, last on the right. Let { us prove this again. If 8 men, in 15 days, do a piece of work, how many days will 5 men be required to do the same ? L g ** *L g While men are compared in this state- ment, days become the term of answer. |24days. ! It is sometimes difficult to determine what is cause, and what effect; especially, when geometrical extent is a cause. Therefore, for the benefit of those who are not experienced in the designation of causes, we give the following directions for stating such ques- tions correctly ; and which, to some minds, is the only means of determining whether a proportion is direct or inverse: If the answer desired should be larger than the same term in the question, phice on the left the smaller of the two terms to be compared by ratio : if the an- swer required be smaller, place on the left, for the de- mand, the larger of the two terms to be compared. This is what is called by the old schoolmen, " more giving less, and less giving more;" which simply INVERSE PROPORTION IN FRACTIONS. 159 means, if the one cause or factor in a question be larger, the other must be smaller ; and vice versa. Most authors have written about the necessity of inverting terms in inverse ratio, as they call it (which, in truth never existed), as well as about more giving less, and less giving more: but none of them have ever explained satisfactorily the reason for this inver- sion, or why "more gives less, and less more." Nor have any of them so reasoned on the assumption, as to give the pupil even their own vague and indefinite ideas ; much less satisfying his common sense with a rational and demonstrable theory. No doubt that the best arrangements practicable have been made ; for it is wholly impossible to explain the theory on any other principles than those of cause and effect. These are the very embodiments of inverse action ; the one go- ing directly on to create ; the other returning to the creator or cause, from the created effect. The obe- dient pupil has too long followed in the wake of rules that linger along in obscurity and darkness, not only in this but in most of the departments of this beauti- ful science. How many yards of cloth, 4 quarters wide, are equal to 40 yards, 5 quarters wide ? 5 Here, 4 quarters is the demand, 5 quarters the same name, and 40 yards the term of an- swer. 1 50 If it take 20 yards of cloth, f of a yard wide, to make a gown, how many yards, wide, will it take to line it? The demand, , is placed on the left, by I 7 $ 2 its numerator; while the same name, f, is, in the same manner, placed on the right. 17f How many yards of silk serge, 2 yards wide, will 160 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. line a coat, that requires 15 yards of cloth, f of a yard wide ? Fifteen yards being the denomination of the answer, is placed last on the right. 5 yds. If 5 yards long, and 2 yards wide, line a coat, how long must the piece of cloth be, which is f of a yard wide, to make it? t* ft p o rpjjg demand is % in this case, while the _ 5 same name is 2|-. Again: 15yds. If 15 yards long and f wide make a coat, how wide must 5 yards of serge be, to line it ? In this case, the two terms to be com- pared, are in length ; while width is the de- nomination of answer. The serge must be 2^ yards wide ? If 5 yards long and 2^ wide, make a coat, how wide must 15 yards in length be, to line it ? m-i 43 t-tt 4 0-3 4 3 4 The answer is f of a yard wide. It is perceived, that these questions are inverse, be- cause all of the terms are causes of capacity. Suppose a garrison has provisions to last 4 months, at 20 ounces per day ; how many ounces should they use, for it to last 6 months ? INVERSE PROPORTION. 161 The two different number of months 3 014 must here be compared ; 6 months being mQ the demand, and 20 ounces the term of "lilTi answer. I If, when wheat is worth 60 cents per bushel, the cent loaf weighs 10 ounces, how much ought it to weigh when wheat is worth $1,25 per bushel? The prices are compared, as causes, and the weight is the term of answer. 125 60 10 4* If, when wheat is worth $1,25 cents, the cent loaf weighs 4f ounces, what ought it to weigh when wheat is 60 cents per bushel ? 60 125 The answer is 10 ounces. 24 10 oz. If a bushel of wheat make 40, five cent loaves, how many eight cent loaves will it make ? The ratio is obtained between the 8 and 5 cents, as the two most active causes con- ducing to the effect. Thus, capital is at times a cause. 25 If it require 110 yards of carpeting f of a yard wide, to carpet a room, how many yards, 1-f yards wide, will carpet the same? tfaf 2 The answer is 60 yards. 60 If I lend a friend $100, for 40 days, how long ought he to lend me $80, to return the accommodation? > 1005 The answer must be in days. "J50 da. 162 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. How long must a board be, that is 9 inches wide, to make a square foot? The question should be, If 12 inches long and 12 inches wide, make 1 foot, what length, with 9 inches in width, will make the same? Nine, the width, is evidently the demand, while 12 in width is the same name, and 12 in length is the term of answer; for the answer is required in length. $ 4-4 4 Without transferring and working the jLA 4 question anew, we may prove it by simply multiplying 9 and 16, which make 144, the number of square inches in a square foot. If a certain pasture supply 1500 cows 75 days, how long will it supply 2000 cows ? 16 in. 2000 1500 75 The causes are, in this instance, active causes. If a man perform a journey in 24 days, when the days are 12 hours long, how many days will he be re- quired to do the same, when the days are 18 hours long? The causes here, are all of the same kind, time ; yet we know that the an- swer must be in days, and place the days, consequently, on the right. We will now present a few questions in the calcula- tion of machinery ; all of which, so far as velocity is concerned, are inverse. If a drum, 60 inches in diameter, make 72 revolu- tions per minute, how many revolutions will a pulley connected with it, make, which is 6 inches in diameter ? It is necessary, in this question, to compare the two diameters ; and, as 6 diameter is the demand, we place CALCULATION OF MACHINERY. 163 it on the left, and 60 diameter on the right ; while 72, the number of revolutions, becomes the denomination of the answer. The answer is 720 revolutions _ 720 Let us now change this question, and find the diam- eter of this pinion, knowing the number of revolu- tions that we wish to make. If 72 revolutions require 60 inches in diameter, of what diameter must a pinion foe, to make 720 revo- lutions ? NAM Thus, the diameter used at the outset 60 is again found. "~ /T~I Again: Making the two diameters of the demand thus found, the supposition, we will endeavor to find #ach term of the former supposition, 72 and 60. If 6 inches in diameter nmke 720 revolutions, how many revolutions will 60 inches diameter make ? Here, the diameters must be compared. 720 72 rev. If 720 revolutions require 6 inches diameter, what diameter will give 72 revolutions ? Thus, we can find the diameter and revolution of any wheel, the diameter and revolutions of that with which it is con- nected, being given. 6 60 in. It frequently becomes necessary to Ascertain the revolutions or -diameter of a wheel connected with several others. This is done by what is called " con- joined proportion," which our limited 'space will not permit us to treat here- 10 in. 200 in. 164 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. Suppose a counter wheel in a mill turn 40 times per minute ; how large must a trundle be on a spindle, to make 240 revolutions per minute, the counter wheel being 5 feet in diameter ? Two hundred and forty revolutions is the demand, 40 revolutions the same name, and 5 feet, or 60 inches, the diam- eter of the counter wheel, is the term of answer. Hence, the trundle must be 10 inches in diameter. How many inches in diameter must a water-wheel be, to make 12 revolutions, if a counter wheel, 60 inches in diameter, makes 40 revolutions per minute? &4Q These 200 inches make 16| feet, which might be easily obtained by substi- tuting 5 feet, for 60 inches, when the an- swer would be in feet. This shows us, that a water-wheel 16-j- feet in diameter, making 12 revolutions per minute, working in a crown wheel of equal size, with a counter wheel, 60 inches in diame- ter, making 40 revolutions, must have a trundle 10 inches in diameter, to make 240 revolutions per minute. We may go on thus from one wheel to an- other, to any extent, and apply the diameter and rev- olutions of one to another, coming in regular sequence after it, until we ascertain the revolutions and diame- ters in a long chain of machinery. Such calculations as the following, are frequently necessary in finding the size of wheels, their " pitch- line," and the number of " cogs," or teeth. They come properly under the head of direct proportion ; but are placed in this connection, that most of the re.- marks of machinery may be found together. The problems are solved as other questions in simple proportion. Suppose it be required to make a wheel 1^ inches larger, whose pitch-line ia 12 if inches in diameter t INVERSE PROPORTION: MACHINERY. 165 how many cogs will the wheel so enlarged have, if the first wheel had 67 cogs ? We first add 1% to 12}f inches, making thus, 12-|- 1=13 inches : ^ inch equals T 8 F , and 8-J-15 sixteenths equal f-f , or 1 7 7 F , which added to 13 makes 14y 7 F , the diameter of the pitch -line, after adding the 1^ inches. We now say, as 12 T f is to 14 T 7 g-, so will 67 cogs be to the number required. If a wheel 12-J-J- inches in diameter, have 67 cogs, how many cogs will a wheel 14 T 7 g- inches in diameter have; thus, 231 16 67 The demand is here placed on the right. 16 The wheel, thus increased in diameter, will 207 have 74|f cogs; and, as the number of cogs must always be even, we will sup- pose that the wheel shall have 75 cogs, being the whole number that nearest expresses the fraction. Now, this will require the pitch-line to be still a little larger. So we say, if 67 cogs be ad- vanced to 75 cogs, what will the pitch-line, 12 T f , be advanced to ? Seventy-five cogs is the demand, 67 cogs, the same name, and 12} in diameter, the term of answer. 67 16 75 207 The answer is a very minute fraction under 14^- inches; and this pitch-line can be made so nearly the right diame- ter, as to step off with the " dividers " 75 cogs, without any perceivable fraction. Suppose, again, a wheel, that is 18 inches in diam- eter, has 100 cogs; how many cogs must it have to be enlarged 6 inches ? Here, 18-|-6=24, the diameter of the required wheel. Now, how many cogs will 24 the desired di- ameter require, if 18 inches, the given diameter, re- quire 100 cogs; thus, 166 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 18 24 100 1334- This gives for the number of cogs in the larger wheel 133-J, which not being an even number, we call 133, that from this smaller number of cogs, we may make the new pitch-line proportionally smaller. If 100 cogs require 18 inches diameter, what pitch, diameter, will 133 cogs require? 100 133 18 I"** Therefore, to make 133 cogs, which is an even number, the new pitch-line must be 23|J, or 23.94 decimal inches; which, too, can be so accurately approximated, as to give 133, in about the desired diameter. The article on Inverse Proportion, although short, has, we trust, a sufficient number and variety of ex- amples to enable the judicious and discriminating reader to apply the principles in practice whenever found necessary. We now close our remarks on the proportions; and shall hereafter advert to them only to show the philo- sophy of the statements that follow in the various rules of arithmetic and mensuration : as all of these subdivi- sions depend in principle and detail on the proportions ; and are but different branches of them, assuming such apparently different form, as the circumstances of their application may require. We feel confident, that if the reader will carefully review the foregoing pages, with a close attention to principles, rather than prac- tice, he will find no difficulty of perceiving the neces- sary operations to be performed on all questions that will follow in this work; nor in applying the principles that he has learned, in such manner as to conduct to satisfactory results. He cannot expect to do this, by a slight and indifferent course of reading : progress in arithmetical knowledge justifies no such conclusion, if we consult the history of those who have attained great proficiency in its principles. To become tho- roughly acquainted with the science, requires not only INVERSE PROPORTION: RULE. 167 a due comprehension of each separate principle, but a knowledge of all their relative bearings; and even with these,, such an acquaintance and familiarity, as to render their constant contemplation, which ever enables us to discern new beauties, rather a pleasure than a task. Nor must we regard cancelation as a short-hand system, merely, that will enable us to ar- rive at results instanter, without that thought neces- sary to the apprehension of great general principles in any science : for the abbreviation of this system, con- sists, not in the shortening of principles, but in their use and concentration. If, moreover, we investigate a proposition for the beauty and grandeur of its prin- ciples and relations, instead of as a forced and neces- sary task, for merely speculative purposes, we will not fail being thoroughly acquainted with it; thus connecting the pleasures of the science, with the neces- sity of the art. From the foregoing illustrations, we deduce the following SUMMARY OF DIRECTIONS FOR INVERSE PROPORTION. Ascertain first the term of Demand : Place this Demand on the left : Place the term of the same name of the demand, opposite the demand, on the right: Place the term in ichich the answer is required, last on the right. If any of the terms are fractional. Place the Numerators on the side of the line ordina- rily assigned to the integers, and the Denominator opposite 168 RATNEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. CONJOINED PKOPORTION. Conjoined Proportion differs from Simple Propor- tion, only by reason that, instead of one, many differ- ent proportions are found in one question. Hence, all questions coming under this head, may be wrought by continued separate statements in Simple Propor- tion. The demand is placed on the right, and the same name, in the supposition, on the left. This sup- position merely equals in value the term in which the answer is required, and which is placed invariably on the right. Hence, statements in this species of pro- portion are always direct. Now, the term which is of the same name of that just used as denomination of answer, may be placed opposite this denomination of answer, and the new denomination of answer which this second term of supposition, or same name, equals, may be placed last on the right for a new term of an- swer. So, again, this term of answer may be used as demand, with another supposition opposite, and an- other term of answer succeeding, until any number of separate statements are merged into one general state- ment. Hence, the statement will be but a concatena- tion or chain of statements ; from this fact, it has re- ceived the name of " chain rule" Nothing more is necessary, to make this interlinking of statements plain and easy, than to find the term of demand, or that term for which an equivalent term in value, is demanded. It will, therefore, be necessary, to place terms of the same denomination, and such only, oppo- site one another. If 5 Ibs. of raisins are worth 81bs. of tamarinds, and 3 Ibs. of tamarinds are worth 18 Ibs. of figs, and 20 Ibs. of figs are worth 75 Ibs. of cheese, and 40 Ibs . CONJOINED PROPORTION. 169 of cheese are worth 16 Ibs. of butter, and l&f Ibs. butter are worth 30 yards of calico, and 5 yds. calico are worth 4J- bushels of apples, how many bushels of apples are worth 13^ Ibs. of raisins ? It is evident, that the answer must be in bushels of apples, and that the demand is 13^ Ibs. of raisins: hence, we conclude, that if raisins is the demand, raisins must be the same name; and consequently, place opposite the 13f Ibs. raisins, the term of raisins given in the question, which is 5 ; and so on with all of the other terms, making the 8 Ibs. tamarinds, which this 5 Ibs. equals, the term of answer, under the de- mand, and, again, the 3 Ibs. of tamarinds, the same name, opposite, and so on ; thus, This may be proven by changing the conditions of the question. Again : t 25 30 7128 If 3 days work of A, are equal to 5 of B, and 4 of B to 9 of C, and 10 of C to 6 of D, and 8 of D to 40 of E, and 3 of E to 2 of F, and 3| of F to 18f of G, how many days' work of A will equal 25 of G? Here, G- is the demand, and certainly G must be the same name ; hence, we state in the retrograde order of the question, until we find A, which was the first term proposed, and which is now the term of an- swer; thus, 170 RA1NEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. 3- 15 15 of A. The result is T 8 -j of 1 day's work of A. The proportion in these questions is always direct ; because the number on the left merely equals in value some other member on tLe right. Again : If $18 U. S. are worth 8 ducats, at Frankfort; 12 ducats at Frankfort, 9 pistoles, at Geneva; 50 pistoles at Geneva, 40 rupees, at Bombay; 16 rupees at Bom- bay, 20 rials, at Buenos Ayres ; 15 rials at Buenos Ayres, 6 candarines, at Canton; 4J- candarines at Canton, 8 lepta, at Corinth ; 2 lepta at Corinth, 5 as- pers at Cairo ; and 20 aspers at Cairo, 40 copecks, at St. Petersburgh; how many copecks of St. Peters- burg are worth $120, U. States ? The answer is 142f co pecks. Dol. 18 120 Dollars. Due. 12 8 Ducats. Pis. 50 9 Pistoles. Bup. 16 Ri. 15 40 Rupees. 20 Rials. Can. 9 6 Candarines. 2 Lep. 2 As. 20 8 Lepta. 5 Aspers. 40 Copecks. 142f All questions of a similar nature, in exchange and reduction of monies, may be wrought as the above, and without the least difficulty, when proper attention EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. 171 is given to the foregoing, which may be brought into the following SUMMARY OP DIRECTIONS FOR CONJOINED PROPORTION. Place the demand first on the right: Place the same name opposite ; and place the term of answer, which equals the same name, under the demand, on the right. Again: Place opposite the term of answer, the term of the same name, and the term which equals the same name, under the former term of answer, on the right ; and so on, until all of the terms are placed down. Cancel as in other cases. EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. It frequently becomes necessary to make several different payments on a note at one time, or to make one payment of several different notes. This is done by liquation of payments, which simply means, to make the time of one payment equal to the average of the several periods. Equation is from the Latin, equa, equal. The following facts may be assumed : 1, in 3 months, will gain as much as { 510, in 8 " " " " " < >40, in 1 " " " " " 4, in 20 days " " " " l S17, in 11 " " " " " ' $, in 1 year " " " " ' *19, in 7 " " " " " 3 in 1 mo 8 in 10 1 in 40 " ^20 in 4 da. ;ll in 17 " 1 in 8yrs. 7 in 19 " A merchant owes two notes, payable as follows : one for $10, payable in 8 months, and the other for f payable in 6 months. Now, 172 RA1NEY 3 IMPROVED ABACUS. 8 months equals $ 80, for 1 month. 40X6 " " $240, for 1 " 50||320, for 1 64 months. $50 Above, each sum is multiplied by its number of months. The original sums are added, making $50, for the equated time ; or, their products in the months, making $320, for 1 month. The latter product is divided by the former, giving the equated time 6f months. The question would be stated thus, by In- verse Proportion : If $320 shall be paid in 1 month, in how many months must $50 be paid ? Thus, 50 320 This is the proper method of arriving at 1 the proportion in such questions. The an- ~~ 7JT" swer is, as before, 6f months ; because 1 1 J ' month was the last term on the right. Again : A owes to B 4 notes, payable as follows : ; 25 X in 6 months = 9 150 ] , 75x in 8 " =$ 600 ( 200 X in 10 " =$2000 f 1 i 60X in 3 " = $ 180 J 1 month. $2930 360 2,930 Ans. 8/g-, equal to 8 months, 4 days, and 4 hours. I give 2 notes, one for $100, payable in 6 months; the other for $100, payable in 18 months: at what time may both be paid together ? RULE FOR EdUATION OF PAYMENTS. 173 $100 X- 6 months = $ 600 ) , 1 ., j$100xl8 < = $1800 ( h * $200 #00 #0012 12 months, answer. This method of calculating equation of payments, is not strictly correct ; being based on the supposition that interest and discount are the same ; that is, that the deduction made in advance, is equal to the interest that accrues, after a certain period. Thus, in the question above, $100 are withheld from the creditor 6 months, and interest should be charged ; whereas, an- other $100 were paid 6 months before due, and should sustain only a discount. The interest on the money withheld, is greater than the discount on that advanced; hence the difference. This differ- ence is, however, very minute, and of no practical importance. When the time is days or years, such days or years must be multiplied into the sum to be paid, as in the cases of months above ; and the equated time will be days or years, as the case may be. When the time is months and days, it must be reduced either to months or days. If one of the debts is paid down, or a payment made at the date of the obligation, it will make no product in multiplying into time, and will be used only in finding the sum of the debts or payments. From the foregoing, we deduce the following DIRECTIONS FOR EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. Multiply the sum of each payment by its time, add the several payments: then, add their products ; and divide the sum of the products, by the -sum of the payments. 12 174 RAlNEY y S IMPROVED ABACUS r The several periods of time must be of the same denomination ; either days, months, or ytars, separate- ly ; and the answer will be the equated time, in days, months, or years, as the ease may be. Or, state as m Inverse Proportion. FELLOWSHIP, SIMPLE AND COMPOUND INCLUDING PARTNERSHIP, GENERAL AVERAGE, BANK- RUPTCIES, ETC, In Simple Fellowship or Partnership, General Ave- rage, Bankruptcy, etc., two or more individuals, on- different sums of money, gain or lose some general sum ; when, it is desired to know each individual gain oir loss. In Compound Fellowship, not only the sums of cap- ital are different, but are invested for different peri- ods of time, etc. From this fact it takes the name of Compound Fellowship. A, B, and C invest $1000 in a cargo of wheat : A puts in $200, B $300, and C $500 ; and agree to share the profits and losses, in proportion to the capi- tal severally invested. They gain $600 ; what is each man's share? A's share $200 B's " 300 C's " 500 $1000. Sum of gain $600. Now, fhe whole sum, 1000, gains the whole sum, 600 ; therefore, we may ask, what share of 600 each SIMPLE FELLOWSHIP. 175 individual share gains. The statements, according to proportion, are as follows : If 1000 gain 600, what will 200 gain? u a 300 " 500 " 000200 $120 300 600 500 600 300 A's share of gain 120 B's " " " 180 O's " ' " 300 Whole sum gained, $600 Proof. A father divides $1800 among three sons, in the following proportion : A, 1 share ; B, twice as much as A ; and C, three times as much as B ; what is the share of each? Let us set A's share down as a unit ; thus, 1 B's share, as twice this, 2 C's share, as three times the latter, 6 Sum of the shares, 9 Thus, there are 9 shares ; and A has ; B, f , and C, : hence, their shares would be as 9 to 1 ; 9 to 2 ; and 9 to 6 ; thus, 0^002 #,i#00 - 2 2 200 400 6 1200 Or, the questions might be stated, thus, What will 1 share be, if 9 shares be 1800? What will 2 shares be ? What wiU 6 shares be, etc.? 200 _j_400+1200=$1800, the estate ; which proves the work correct. 176 RAINEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. A owes to B $400; " " " C $600; " " " D $500; " " " E $800; " " " F $200 ; and pays only much does each $2500 R600: how lose? $2500 $900 The whole sum of the credits loses $900 : hence, the following statements: 00 400 00 9004 600 ?00 900 4 500 9004 $ 144 B 00 g V 800 9004 216 C. n to 200 900- 180 D. 1 144+216+180+288+72=900 dollars, the whole Bum lost. A man left to his four sons $60, to be divided in the proportion of -J-, one get ? i of 60=20 | 60=15 i " 60=12 i- 60=10 , i; how much does each 57 20 60 is 57 : 60 :: 20 : X or 21/ T " 57 : 60 : : 15 : X or 15^5. " 57 : 60 :: 12 : Xorl2-f4 " 57 : 60 :: 10 : XorlOfl $60 5715 57 12 57 10 60 8 60 60 'l ZA. 1On n 1H3 I 4 -**? [ Av i7 The several sums, added, make the original $60. GENERAL AVERAGE IN FELLOWSHIP. 177 The $57 was the deficient sum of capital; and 20, 15, 12, and 10, the deficient individual sums. Then, if 57, deficient, be advanced to 60, full sum, what will any of the other deficient sums be advanced to, for full sum or share ? Railroad, canal, bank, and other stock dividends, or assessments, may be calculated as the first and second examples given. GENERAL AVERAGE. It frequently becomes necessary, at sea, to throw overboard a large portion of the cargo, to secure safety in time of storm. The property thus sacrificed may belong to one individual, although it is thus thrown overboard for the benefit of the whole. Hence, the whole cargo should sustain a loss proportionate to the value of each individual interest. Now, it becomes necessary to assess the loss according to value : this is called General Average ; while the property ejected is called jettison, from the French, jetter, to throw. All such losses are sustained by the ship, the cargo, and the freight, according to the value of each, which is called pro rata, or in proportion. Ordinary losses, such as wear and damage, or sacri- fice made for the safety of the ship alone, must be borne by the owners of the vessel; losses made for the safety of any particular portion of the cargo, must be charged to the individual so losing,andarenot to be brought into the general average. The property lost must be reckoned, as well as that saved. The cargo is valued at the price it would bring at the place of destination, after deducting storage and all necessary charges. One-third is generally deducted from the freight, for 178 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. wages, pilotage, etc., etc.; in New York, one-half is allowed. One- third of the cost of repairs, on masts, spars, rigging, etc., is deducted before the average is made; thus making the valuation of the old. two-thirds of the new. This is done on the principle of insuring only two-thirds of the value of property on land; or to allow for damage. And here, the danger must be imminent, or the general average will not be allowed. All necessary charges must be deducted from each individual's interest before the average is made. Example : The ship, John Adams, from Havre to Boston, had on board a cargo estimated at $60,000. Of this A owned $20,000; B, $30,000; and C, $10,000. The Eoss amount of freight and passage money was .2,000. The ship was worth $50,000; and $800 d been paid for insurance. The ship, being in great distress, the master threw overboard $7,800 worth of goods, and cut away her masts, rigging, and an- chors. In port, it cost $3,000 for repairs; what was the loss of each owner, both of ship and cargo. Ship valued at .... $50,000 Premium deducted, . . . 800 $49,200 Cargo worth, ' 60,000 Freight and passage, . . .12,000 One-third deducted for wages, 4,000 8,000 Sum of individual interests, . . . . $117,200 Goods thrown overboard, 7,800 Cost of new masts, spars, etc., $3,000 One-third deducted for wear, 1,000 2,000 Com. on repairs, 20 Port duties and other expenses, ... 180 Sum of loss, ... . . $10,000 COMPOUND FELLOWSHIP. 179 As 117,200 : 20,000 :: As " : 30,000 :: As " : 10,000 :: As : 49,200 :: As : 8,000:: PROOF. Whole loss, 10,000 .: $1706.48 A's loss : 2559.73 B's : 853,24 C's " : 4197.95 Ship's 1. : 682.60 Frt's. L $10,000.00 as ab've. COMPOUND FELLOWSHIP. A, B, and purchase a pasture to be used by them jointly, for $50, in which A keeps 80 oxen 3 months; B, 100 oxen 2 months; and C, 160 oxen 1 month: what part of the cost must each pay ? It is not necessary here that the time be expressed .as months ; for it is simply a unit ; and 3, 2, and 1 show the ratios of consumption of grass, rather thaa the time^ as the $50 pay alike for 1 month, 1 year, or 10 years. The multiplication of the time and oxea together, shows -merely how many oxen, in each case, remain a common length of time in the pasture ; for, after being thus multiplied, one lot is supposed to be in the pasture as long as the other; and the difference of consumption and price is the effect of the different numbers of oxen thus grazing. A's 80x^ months -= 240 oxen for the time. B's 100x2 " = 200 " " " C's 160x1 " = 160 " " " The whole = 600 " -" Now, if 600 oxen cost $50, what will 240, 200, and 160 cost, respectively; thus, 600 240 50 600 20 A's. PJEIOOF. 200 50 eoo 16| B's. 160 50 180 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. A and B companied; A put in $2,000, January 1 ; but B put in June 1 ; what sum did he put in, to have an equal share of the profits with A ? A has 2,000 employed 12 months ; it is, therefore, desired to know how much capital belonging to B will, in 7 months, make equal profits with the 2,000, 12 months. Hence, the question is one of inverse pro-- portion, and is wrought thus, 12 2000 The demand is on the left. $ 3428A " In an adventure, A put in $12,000 for 4 months; then adding $8,000, he continued the whole 2 months ; B put in $25,000, and after 3 months took out $10,000, and continued the rest 3 months longer; C put m $35,000 for 2 months ; then, withdrawing f of his stock, continued the remainder 4 months longer : they gained $6,000 ; what was the share of each ? = 88,000. A'sj A's! $12,000x4 BIOS. 20,000x2 " = 48,000, = 40,000, B'sj B's< $25,000X3 " |15,OOOX3 " = 75,000, = 45,000, C's $35,000x2 " C's $25,000x4 " Whole sum, = 70,000, = 100,000, $378,000 If 378,000 gain 6,000, what will 88,000, A's, gain? If 378,000 " " " " 120,000, B's, " If 378,000 " " " " 170,000, C's, " A gains B " $1,396.83, ) $1,904.76, \ =6,000, PROOF, $2,698.41, ) RULE FOR THE FELLOWSHIPS. 181 From the examples given, we deduce the following SUMMARY OP DIRECTIONS FOR SIMPLE FELLOWSHIP. Add the several sums: make the whole sum the supposition ; each separate sum, the demand ; and the whole gain or loss, the term of answer : the answer will, in each case 9 be the gain or loss on the individual sums. PROOF: Add the several answers, and the whole sum will equal the whole gain or loss. To make General Average, FIRST : Ascertain the value of the cargo ; the sum of the freight-Nil, passage, etc., minus one-half, or one-third, as customary : the sum total will be the general value : SECOND : Ascertain the sum of loss, goods throivn overboard ; cost of new masts, spars, rigging, etc. y minus one-third; commission on repairs; port duties, and other expenses : add these, and the sum total will be the loss. Then, make each individual loss the de- mand; the sum of all the combined interests, the same name ; and the whole sum of loss, the term of answer. PROOF : The several answers, added, will equal the whole loss. COMPOUND FELLOWSHIP. Multiply each sum of capital by the time invested; add the products ; make, each separate product the demand; the sum of the products, the same name; and the whole gain or loss, the term of answer. PROOF : Add the several specific sums, and they will equal the whole sum of gain or loss. When a part of an investment is deducted, or an additional sum paid in, make the remainder, or 182 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. the increased sum, as the c-tse may be, a new invest- ment for the time that it runs ; and multiply by the time, as before. When tzoo or more investments, made by one indi- vidual, are multiplied thus, the separate products may be added into one individual product, before being placed on the line. BARTER, DUTIES, AND COMMERCIAL EX- CHANGE. Barter * is the exchange of one article of specified value, for an equivalent value in something else. Hence, articles in Barter, or Commercial Exchange, are considered in the ratio of their separate values or quantities. How many bushels of wheat at 50 cents per bushel, will pay for 200 bushels of corn, at 30 cents per bushel? The demand here, is, what will 200x30 cents buy, if 50 cents, opposite, buy 1 bushel? Thus The answer is 120 bushels of wheat. The 30 and 200 are here multiplied, j2Q , merely to show that the demand is the price of the whole of the corn ; other- wise the proportion would not be recognized. It should be stated with the terms to be multiplied, one jvhove the other; thus, * Barter is from the Spanish, baratar, from the Latin root, verto, to turn or exchange. This change implies equality in the articles, or the prices of the articles, exchanged. From its derivation, it hears a striking resem- blance to the word proportion. BARTER. 183 One hundred and twenty, as before. 200 5030_ 120 How many bushels of corn, at 30 cents per bushel, will pay for 120 bushels of wheat, at 50 cents per bushel? The answer is 200 bushels of corn. 50 |200 If 200 bushels of corn, at 30 cents per bushel, pay for 120 bushels of wheat, what is the price of the wheat ? rWp 00 05 The answer is 50 cents. 50 cts. How many pounds of butter, at 12^ cents per lb., will pay for 1&| Ibs. of bacon, at 10 cents per lb.? Here, the demand is 18f times 10 cents ; the same name 12-J- cents ; and the term of answer, 1 pound of butter : hence, 15 Ibs. of butter, the answer. 15 Ibs. How many pounds of sugar, at 3-J- cents per lb., will pay for 20 bbls. of rum, 35 galls, to the barrel, worth 90 cents per gallon ? The answer is 18,000 pounds of sugar. 20 tl> 90 2 l> 5 18,000 If 18,000 Ibs. of sugar pay for 20 bbls. of ram 184 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 35 gallons to the barrel, and worth 90 cents per gal- lon, what is the sugar worth per lb.? What will 1 lb. of sugar cost, if 18,000 Ibs. cost 20x35x90 cents ? If 18,000 Ibs. sugar, at 3 cts. per lb., pay for 20 bbls. of rum, worth 90 cents per gallon, howrnany gal- lons are there per barrel ? > 5 It is seen in this and the preceding examples, that all of the constituents of the given commodity are placed on or I! the right, and the remaining constitu- ents, of the commodity about which the inquiry is made, on the left. If there are four constituents on the right for the perfect supposition, and three out of four given, for an equivalent in barter, the three given, must be placed on the left, and the other factor or constituent will be found. It is ob- served that the price is placed on the left, to find its associated quantity ; or, the quantity is placed on the left, to find its associated price. BARTER BY REDUCTION All reduction, ascending and descending, is a spe- cies of concatenated or conjoined proportion. Where articles are of different denominations, or are paid for in prices of different denominations, it is very con- venient to make these reductions on the line, at the same time that the general question is wrought. And, if treated proportionally, the statement becomes lucid, and the work interesting. How many yards of cloth, at $1,25 per yard, will pay for 6 tons of iron, and 5 pence per lb., in the cur- BARTER BY REDUCTION. 185 Ton. 1 Cwt. 1 Lb. 1 D. 12 Sh. 6 Cts. 125 6 Tons. 20 Cwt. 100 Lbs. 5 Pence. 1 Shil. 100 Cents. 1 Yard. A ns. 666f yds. rency* of New England, which is 6 shillings to the dollar? What will 6 tons make, if 1 ton make 20 cwt.; what will this make, if 1 cwt. make 100 Ibs.; what will all of these Ibs. come to, if 1 Ib. cost 5 pence; how many shillings will these pence make, if 12 pence, opposite, make 1 shilling; how many cents will all of these shillings make, if 6 shillings, New England, opposite, make 100 cents; how many yards will all these cents buy, if 125 cents buy 1 yard? Hence, the answer is in yards, 666-|; the number that will pay for the 6 tons. Let us now prove it, by asking, how many tons will pay for 666-| yards. The latter number becomes the demand; thus, o Yd. 12000 Yds. Cts. 100125 Cts. Sh. 16 Sh. D. 512 D. Lbs. 1001 Lb. Cwt. 201 Cwt. Ton. The ones arc wholly unne- cessary in the solution; and are given merely to indicate the ratio Ans.\6 tons. beautiful decimal system. Sterling money derived its name from Ester ling,vfho first made the coin. The dollar mark is a combination of U. S, nnrl \vn nrirrinallv \vrittpn TT S Oft OO. Pt TRET : Place the sum on the right ; the standard on the left ; and the standard, reduced by the tare, on the right. The answer will be the net weight. FOR DUTY: Place 100 on the left, and the rate duty on the right : the answer will be the duty in the. denomination of the sum. To MAKE DISCOUNTS, PROFITS, LOSSES, ETC.: Place 10.0, increased by the rate discount, on the left ; and COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE. 197 100, on the right: also, 100 on the left, and 100, in- creased by the gain per cent., or reduced by the loss per cent., on the right. If there be discount, and profit or loss, both in the same question, suspend the two one hundreds. COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE. Operations in this department of numbers are iden- tical with those of Conjoined Proportion; hence, the statements are simple and easy, the demand being placed on the right, the same name on the left, and its equivalent on the right, as the term of answer. Again, this term of answer becomes a new demand, while a term of the same name is placed opposite, and its equivalent in value again on the right. This order is, however, frequently interrupted, by the introduc- tion of discounts, gains and losses, reductions, etc.; yet such may be easily interwoven and combined in the statement by the reflecting student. Bought 2,200 Ibs., gross weight, of wool, and was allowed a deduction of 5 Ibs. per 105 for tret; I paid for net weight 3s. 6 d. per lb., New York currency, and having a credit of 12 months, was allowed a dis- count of 10 per cent, for ready money; for how much did I afterward sell the whole to gain 20 per cent, on my investment-? 100 p G. 105 Net. 1 2 Sh. 8 Dis. 110 Par. 100 2200 Gross. 100 Net. 7 Shillings. 1 Dollar. 100 Par. 120 Profit. !P 1,000 Above, what will 2,200 gross be reduced to, if 105 I ( J8 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. gross = 100 net; and 1 Ib. net = f shillings; and 8 shillings = $1 ; and $110, in discount, is reduced to $100 par; and $100 par, opposite, is advanced to $1*20 , 20 per cent, profit ? In the solution, the two 100s, par of discount, and par of profit, were left out ; and 110, discount, simply advanced to 120, profit. Bought 1,500 Ibs. of butter, at 7 d. 2 far. per Ib., New Jersey currency, and was allowed 30 Ibs. per 100 for firkin, and 4 Ibs. per 100 for impurities or tret, t had a credit of 1 year, at 5 per cent, interest, but paying the cash, was allowed 5 per cent, discount. I imme- diately sold the same so as to realize 60 per cent, on my money invested : what did I get for the butter, in Federal money ttW 160 G. 100 1500 Gross. Sut. 100 70 Suttle. Net. 1 96 Net. 2 15 Pence. D. 12 Sh. 20 1 Shilling. 's. 3 1 Dis. 105 8 Dollars. Par. 100 100 Par. 160 Profit. $ 128 Ans. A merchant has 20,000 Ibs. of cotton, which he can sell a t 4 d. per Ib., New England currency. Fail- ing to find a purchaser, he gives to A, in barter, 4-J- Ibs. cotton for 15 Ibs. of butter: he then barters with B, giving him 40 Ibs. of butter for 3 yards of gambroon : again, he barters all of his gambroon with C, giving him 2-J yards gambroon for 2 yards broad- cloth : now, he barters his broadcloth with D, giving him 1} yards for 12 yards linen ; and to E he gives 30 yards linen for 8 cwt. sugar : he now barters his* sugar with F, giving 3 cwt. of sugar for 50 gallons of COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE. 190 melasses : after this, he gives G 4-^ galls, melasses for 1^ galls, of rum: he gives to H 400 gallons of rum for 3 horses: and, finally, to J he gives 2 horses for 120 sheep: he sells his sheep at $1,80 cts. per head; how much is he gainer or loser by trading, instead of taking the original offer for his cotton? 0^0,000 Lbs. 9 20,000 Lbs. 2 B. 40 15 Butter. Ga. 5 3 Gambroon. 2 C. 6 2 Yds. cloth. 5 L. 30 12 Linen. Su. 3 M. 9 8 Cwt. sugar. 50 Galls, mel. 2 2 3 Galls, rum. R. 400 H. 2 3 Horses. S. 1 120 Sheep. 180 Cents. $ 48000,00 1 3 /W 20 3 #0000 4 1 1 10,00 Ans. $ 1111,111 050 ,140 Ans. $48000,00 1111,111 Ans. $46888,88| In the last calculation, 3 equal $10 ; hence, the an- swer above; which, subtracted from the amount ob- tained in exchange, leaves for the gain of the merchant in trading $46,888,88f cents. The answer of the * 200 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. first question is cents, because the price of one sheep, last on the line, is cents. From the foregoing we deduce the following DIRECTIONS FOR COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE. Make the gross quantity the demand; the specific quantity the same name; and the specific quantity of the article which it equals, the term of answer : repeat the process, and continue the concatenation of state- merit, until tht last term of answer is placed on the right ; and the answer will be in the denomination of such last term. When tare, tret, or other per cent., is to be deducted, place the standard, whatever it be, on the left ; place the same standard, reduced by the deduction, etc., on the right, for suttle, net weight, etc. When a discount is to be deducted, place the amount, 100 and rate, added, on the left; and 100, on the right, for present worth: When a given per cent, is to be gained or lost, place 100 on the left, and 100, increased by the gain, or reduced by the loss per cent., on the right ; and the answer will be the advanced or reduced price. DECIMAL FRACTIONS. Before commencing the article on Mensuration, it may be well to give some few general remarks on decimal fractions, that the pupil may be pre- pared to use them intelligibly, as they constantly occur in this department of numbers. Decimal fractions being of little service to the ordinary arithmetician, except in Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction, we shall give only such an outline of their nature and relations as will meet the wants of the practical calculator. Consequently, the reader will not look for an elaborate explanation of abbreviations in decimal calculations; of circulating decimals ; or even of the four divisions mentioned. Units are divided into regular and irregular THEORY OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 201 fractions. When divided into 3ds, 4ths, 9ths, IGths, etc., they are called irregular or common fractions; having such denominator as indicated by the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided. In decimal fractions the unit is divided into ten equal parts ; while, again, one of the latter is divided into 10 parts, making tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc. Hence, the name decimal, from the Latin, decem, ten. If units increase in a tenfold ratio, from right to left, certainly, from left to right, they decrease again in the same ratio. Now, continuing this decrease, from the units place to the right, it is palpable, that numbers decrease in each successive order, in the ratio of .J-, y i-, T oVo- etc., without limit. Hence, the first figure to the right of units, is ten times smaller than units; the second one hundred times smaller; the third, one thousand times smaller, and so on. The point ( , ) is placed between whole numbers and decimals to distinguish them ; and is called the sepa- ratrix or decimal point.. The denominators of the de- cimals .3, .4, and .07, would be T 3 , T 4 , T /^. Hence, if the decimal numerator belong to an order of decimals below tenths, a sufficient number of ciphers must be prefixed to such numerator, to supply the place of the vacant orders. In the case of yf^, above, it is neces- sary, in showing that the 7 occupies the hundred's place, to place a cipher before it, to fill the tenth's place. If the 7 were y^o^, ^ ree ciphers would be placed at the left for this purpose, and would be written, thus, .0007, with the cipher prefixed as far as the order of tens. From this we see, that Tke denominator of any decimal fraction is a unity with as many ciphers annexed, as there may be figures in the numerator. This is reasonable when we reflect that the denomi- 202 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. nator of each separate figure in the numerator, is ten. Consequently, There must be one figure less in the numerator, than in the denominator. If it be necessary to express three, seven hundred thousandths, we know that as there are six figures in the denominator, there must be five in the numerator ; and, as the 3 belongs to the order of hundreds of thousandths, the five vacant orders must be filled by figures that express no value ; thus, .00003. Hence, Ciphers prefixed to decimal digits, have no active value, and serve only to show the order occupied by such digits. The orders of decimals and their names may be seen in the following DECIMAL TABLE. J -2 o 1 .3 sM 11 1 1 . 1 1 5 * * I is I ^ * * 'g tl "a o a Is 5 c'cs e la 3 all ^ Q> & M *> B i 3 73 _3 *- W 5347.457923865497329 Here, at the left of the separatrix, we have 7 units, 4 tens, 3 hundreds, etc.; while, at the right of it, we have 4 tenths, 5 hundredths, 7 thou- sandths, etc.; or .45 hundredths; .457 thousandths, etc. Again, we pass by or suspend the 4 and 5, and say that the 792, being of the order of hun- dred thousandths, taken together, may be expressed, thus, .00792; the two ciphers prefixed, showing the order to which the 792 belong. If these two ciphers were left out, the 792 would be so many thousandths only. Three, decimally expressed, would be .3, or -fa; but, with a cipher prefixed, it would be .03, or T . Hence, Each move of a decimal one place from the deci- mal point or unit, decreases its value ten tines. ADDITION OF DECIMALS. 203 Ciphers annexed to decimals do not change their value; as the significant decimals occupy still the same order or value in relation to the unit's place. In decimal fractions, the denominator is never written or expressed ; and is only understood. A great ad- vantage in the use of decimals is, that instead of mul- tiplying or dividing by the denominator, as many figures may be cut off, as there are tens in the denominator. We give a few examples in the ADDITION OF DECIMALS. Add 318.972; 4.38; 62.7895; and 3412.013; thus, 318.972 4.38 62.7895 3412.013 3798.1545 All of the units in the whole numbers are written in a column; 8, 4, 2, and 2. At the right of this, the decimals are written, tens under tens, hundreds under hundreds, etc., each order under its sep- arate column, and under a similar order. We add, as in other cases, beginning at the right, and carrying all that may be over nine to the next figure at the left, both in the decimals and the whole num- bers. After this, the separatrix is placed in the sum, in its own column, under the similar separatrices in the sums above. Therefore, TO ADD DECIMALS: Place down the several whole numbers and deci- mals, units under units; tenths under tenths; hun- dredths under hundredths t etc.: add as in whole num- bers, and place the separatrix of the sum under the separatrices above. 204 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. SUBTRACTION OF DECIMALS. Subtraction in decimals is performed as in case of whole numbers. Let the smaller number be written under the larger; units under units; tenths under tenths ; hundredths under hundredths, etc. From 972.3856 subtract 298.534; thus, 972.3856 298.534 673.8516 i n / 10 o i i 1 9 from 12, 3, and so on ; borrowing as in the subtraction of integers. Hence, Nothing being under the 6 at the right hand, we say, from 6 leaves six : 4 from 5, one ; 3 from 8, five ; 5 from 13, eight ; TO SUBTRACT DECIMALS: Place the smaller of the two numbers under the larger ; units under units ; tenths under tenths; hun- dredths under hundredths, etc.: subtract as in whole numbers, and locate the separatrix, as in addition of decimals. If there be a larger number of decimals in the lower than in the upper number, ciphers may be annexed, ad infinitum, to the decimal in the upper number. We have seen before, that ciphers thus added, do not change the value of the number of decimals to which they are appended. MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMALS. Multiply .46 by .5 We proceed as in ordinary multiplication ; thus, .46 ' If a whole number be multiplied by a deci- .5 .230 mal, the answer will be a whole number and a decimal combined ; if a decimal be multiplied by a decimal, the product, according to the laws of multiplication, must be decimals only; for decimal factors cannot produce integers ; nor can in- tegers produce decimals ; that is, the product must be MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMALS. 205 of the denomination of the multiplicand and the mul- tiplier. Hence, as both of these, in the question above, are decimals, the product must be decimals ; and as there are no integers, there can be no integers in the result. Therefore, As many figures must be cut off for decimals^ as there are decimal factors, or places in both the mul- tiplicand and multiplier. As ciphers, appended to decimals, have no value, the cipher in the result above may be dropped, and the de- cimal called .23 hundredths, instead 230 thousandths, which is equivalent, as before. Multiply 275.437 yards of cloth by 3.07 dollars per yard; thus, Here, both the multiplicand and mul- tiplier have both integers and decimals : hence, there are both integers and deci- mals in the answer. Cutting off five places for decimals, the answer is $845.59159 ; or 59 cents and 159 thou- sandths of a cent. Hence,* 275.437 3.07 1928059 826311 845^69159 *SHORT METHOD OF MULTIPLYING DECIMALS. In cases where the multiplier is 10, 100, 1000, 10000, etc., the decimal point may be removed as many figures to the right, as there are ciphers in the multiplicand. Thus: Multiply 198.7486 by 100. Thus, 19874.86, Ans. Decimals below the 4th and 5th orders, are so small as to be of very little value : hence, when the decimal places are very numerous in the multiplicand and multiplier, or either, and it is not desired to extend the calcu\ation beyond 4, 5, or 6 deci- mal places, it becomes necessary to resort to a method of find- ing the product without multiplying to whole number of de- cimals. This is done as follows: We assume the following, in ordinary multiplication: The left hand figure of the multiplier may be multiplied by 14 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACITST. TO MULTIPLY DECIMAL FRACTIONS. Proceed as in the multiplication of whole numbers / cutting off as many figures in the product for deci- mals^ as there may be decimal factors or places, both in the multiplicand and multiplier. When there is a larger number of decimal places first, If tens are still placed under tens; .hundreds under hundreds, etc.; thus, 1284 2475 2568 5136 8988 6420 3177900 1284 2475 2568 5136 8988 6420 8177900 Hence, as above, commencing with the left hand figure ID the multiplier, and causing the scale to descend te the right, produces the same result, as multiplying first by the unit's place and descending to the left. Now, it is evident, that we may multiply in cases of deci- mals in the same way, and by carrying the multiplication to a certain number of orders to the right, to get the product of the orders so used, throw away all useless and minute mul- tipliers. Let us multiply 2.8724 by .37854; thus, All of the figures to the right of the vertical line, are useless, as there are five places of decimals on the left of it, being as many decimals as desired in the product. In placing down the entire pro- ducts, the figures on the right of the line serve to show what numbers are carried to the first place of decimals retained on the left. 2.872'4 .3785 4 86172 20106 2297 143 11 8 92 620 4896 1.0873 1 8296 Ans. MULTIPLICATION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. 207 in the multiplicand and multiplier, than in the pro- duct, prefix ciphers to the product until the defi- ciency is supplied. We may now show how to get the figures on the left of the line, without having to make those on the right. We multiply the first right-hand figure of the multiplicand, by the left-hand figure of the multiplier, placing the product un- der the figure thus multiplied. We next multiply by the second decimal multiplier, 7. Multiplying this into 4 would necessa- rily cause the product to be placed one move to the right of the former product, 2; and, as this is unnecessary, we multi- ply the 7 into the second figure from the multiplicand, 2, carrying to the product 2.872'4 .3785 4 ~86172 20107 2298 143 11 1.08731 Ans. the nearest number of decimals which this 7 and the suspended 4 would make. Seven times 4 making 28, nearly 3 decimals, we say, 7 multiplied by 2 equals 14, and 3 added, makes 17. Hence, the 7 is placed under the 2, at the right, and 1 carried to the product of 7 into 7, which makes 49, making it 50, and so on. We multiply again by the next decimal multiplier, 8, suspending both the 4 and 2, at the right of the multiplicand, and carry its product into the 7 above, the nearest number of decimals that the 2 and 4 make. Thus, 8 times 7 are 56: now, 8 times the former 2 are 16, and 8 times 4 are 32 ; carrying 3 from 32, to 16, makes 19; very nearly 2 decimals: hence, 2 added to 56 make 58; the 8 being placed under the right-hand column, and the 5 carried as before. In like manner we proceed next with the 5 and 4. After multiplying 8 by 5, we carry 3; because 5 into 7, the suspended order, makes 35, which we call only 3 decimals, although it is three and a half, allowing this half over 3, for the deficit in previous numbers, where the number of decimals carried, was rather too large. Thus, the numbers become pretty well balanced. Above, we must always cast off one figure less in the mul- tiplicand than the number of decimals which we wish to re- tain: for the first decimal figure of the multiplier, when mul- tiplied by, would otherwise give one factor too many; and consequently, one place of decimals too many in the product. The first multiplier will, however, be multiplied into the re- jected figure, and the nearest number of decimals in the pro- In this division, the decimal on the left, equals or neutralizes one decimal on the .208 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. DIVISION OF DECIMAL FRACTIONS. How many gallons of melasses, at .4 of a dollar per gallon, can be bought for .96 of a dollar ? Here, .4 equals T \ ; and .96 equals T 9 6 o We now divide the latter common fraction by the former; thus, $ 24 | The answer is in units of gallons. Now, instead of dividing 24 by this 10 on the left, it is quite as easy to cut off one figure at the right of the 24; thus, 2.4, and the 4 is understood as T \, or a de- cimal. Hence, it may be divided decimally ; thus, .4) .96 24 right : hence, the remaining decimal becomes a unit. In multiplying decimals, the product must have as many decimals as there are decimals in both the mul- tiplicand and multiplier. The dividend is always equal to the product of the divisor and quotient; hence there must be as many decimals in the divisor and quotient, taken together, as there are in the divi- dend. Therefore, To locate the decimal point, ascertain the differ- ence between the number oj decimals in the divisor and the dividend ; the remainder will be the number of decimals to be cut off, in the quotient. If there are not as many decimal places in the quotient as the dif- ference^ prefix ciphers to the quotient, until the num- duct, will be carried to the product of the first figure of the multiplicand. The rejected figure is in the column of the last decimal of the answer. Hence, count to the left from this, and locate the decimal point accordingly. This subject cannot be treated elaborately here; as it be- longs to Elementary Arithmetic. DIVISION OF DECIMALS. 209 ber in the, quotient equals the number in the dif- ference. Divide .00954 by 3.08. 3.08).00954(.003 924 ~30 The answer is 3 thousandths. By annexing ciphers to the 30, the division may be continued, and the quotients placed at the right of the .003. However far the division may be carried in this example, it will not ter- minate. It is called a circulating decimal. The division has been con- tinned on to fourteen places, giving the following, .00309740292207792 When the number of decimals in the dividend and divisor, is the same, the quotient is a whole number. When there are not as many decimals in the dividend as in the divisor, annex ciphers to the former until they are equal. It is generally very useless to carry decimal calculations further than four or five figures TO DIVIDE DECIMAL FRACTIONS.* Proceed as in the division of whole numbers ; and ^CONTRACTION IN THE DIVISION OF TRACTIONS. Division of decimals may be very much abridged when there is a very large number of decimal places in the divisor, as in the following example. Divide 4.3125 by 3.2364, retaining four decimal places in the answer. Common Method. Contraction. 3.2364)4.3125(1.3324 32364 10761 9709 1052 971 81 _65 16 3.2364)4.3125 32364 (1.3324 10761 9709 2 1051 970 80 92 80 64 880 728 16 12 1520 9456. 3 2064 210 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. cut off, in the quotient, a number of figures equal to the excess of the decimals in the dividend, compared with those in the divisor. If the number of decimals in the quotient be too small, prefix ciphers until the number equals the excess, above named. Reduce the decimal .225 to an equivalent common fraction of the lowest term. Subscribing the denominator, .225 becomes fWo- This reduced to its lowest term is \. Hence, TO REDUCE DECIMALS TO COMMON FRACTIONS. Cancel the decimal point, and place the denomina- tor below the. given decimal; reduce the fraction to its lowest term, and the answer will be an equivalent common fraction, in its lowest term. The first figure of the quotient is 1. Now, instead of an- nexing a cipher to each remainder, and thus multiplying it successively by 10, we reject at each separate division the right-hand figure of the divisor, which is equivalent to divi- ding it successively by 10. In multiplying the last unrejected figure in the divisor, 6, by the second quotient figure, 3, mak- ing 18, we carry 1, which is the nearest decimal that the pro- duct of the 3 and the rejected 4, will make. The decimal accession, from the rejected figures of the divisor is consid- ered hi each subsequent multiplication and division, until the 4 required decimal orders are found for the quotient. In multiplying the 3 in the divisor, by the third 3 of the quo- tient, the product is increased to 11 by the accession from the last two rejec4ed figures, 3 times 6 making 18, and 3 times 4 making 12, the sum of which is 20, or 2 decimals. If the divisor has more figures than the number required in the quotient, including integers and decimals, take as many on the left of the divisor as required in the quotient, and di- vide by them, as in other cases. If the number in the divisor be smaller than that required in the quotient, divide as ordinarily, until the deficiency is filled; after which, contract as before. When the divisor is 10, 10-0, 1000, etc., remove the separa- trix to the left, as many places as there are such ciphers; and the division will be performed without further reckoning. COMMON FRACTIONS REDUCED TO DECIMALS. 211 Keduce f to an equivalent decimal fraction. We multiply the numerator and the denominator, each, by 100; because the product of two tens into the numerator, is the smallest number that can be di- vided by the denominator, 4. This makes f -J-, which divided by the original denominator, 4, gives --- This T 7 o%- = .75; for always dividing the product of the numerator and denominator into tens, hundreds, tc., by the same denominator thus multiplied, it is evident that the denominator must always be composed of tens. .Since, therefore, these tens, hundreds, etc., in the denominator of a decimal, are useless, we avoid the process of getting them, and simply annex ciphers to the numerator of the common fraction, and divide by the denominator, until an exact result is obtained, or as many decimal places as requisite ; Thus, The division here terminates in two places ^ of annexed ciphers. Again: ,75 Reduce 4 to a decimal, Here the divisor terminates in one place of | ' annexed ciphers. ,i Beduce '-|* to a decimal ; thus 8)200000000000000000000 666666666666666666664- TO REDUCE A COMMON TO A DECIMAL FRACTION. Append ciphers to the numerator, and divide by the Denominator , until the denominator terminates, or *Tbis is called a repeating decimal ; showing that although the process anight be repeated ad infinitival, yet the true result would never be ob- tained. Hence, although we get nearer to the true answer at every step, yet, we would never get it entirely, although the division were continued forever. In such cases the division need not be carried further than from four to six places, as in the seventh place one of the sixes would be only ^. ___ &. ___ a very minute and scarcely conceivable common fraction, 1 (' 0' J iT.h? /'/MA- iu;irk is appended to aho.w that it is still .imperfect. 212 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. until a sufficient number of decimals is obtained. Cut off, for decimals, in the quotient, a number of places equal to the number of ciphers annexed. When the figures in the quotient are not equal to the number of ciphers annexed, prefix ciphers to the quotient, until the deficiency is supplied. The method of pointing off above, will appear reasonable, when we re- flect, that every cipher annexed to the numerator, multiplies it by 10; hence, after it is divided by the denominator, the quotient will be ten times too large, and should, consequently be divided again by 10. This is done most easily, by cutting off one figure toward the left. The same rea- soning is true as regards annexing two, three, or more ciphers, and increas- ing in the multiplication, by 100, 1000, etc., necessitating a division of the result by the same numbers. Hence, the propriety off striking off a num- ber of figures in the result, for decimals, equal to the number of ciphers, appended. To reduce compound numbers to decimals, Reduce the denom- inate number to a fraction of the denomination required, and this fraction, to a decimal. Reduce 5 shillings 3 pence to the decimal of a pound. 5s. =60 d; and 60+3=63 d: now, 1=240 d: henceJLSL of a pound must now be reduced to a decimal, thus, 24)63000(.2625 48 150 144 60 48 If we divide by the 240, there would be a cipher in the unit's place; but dropping the cipher in the divisor, we have no unit in the quotient, and place the decimal point at the left of the answer, which is .2625 decimals of a pound. 120 120 Reduce 15 minutes, 30 seconds to the decimal of an hour. !5X'60==>900-)-30=930 seconds: now, 1 hour contains 3600 seconds: hence, reduce -^^g- to a decimal; thus, 36)9300QOO(.258S33 The result is .258333. This is a repeating decimal; hence> the calculation is discontinued at six places. All other redactions in denominate numbers may be mada as these, DEFINITIONS IN GEOMETRY. 213 MENSURATION, OR PRACTICAL GEOMETRY.* MENSURATION is that department of the science of numbers, which treats of the meas- urement of lines, superfices, solids, &c., and is derived from measura, measure. The general principles and laws regulating this department of the science, are derived from Geometry. Geometry is the science of magnitude, in all its various forms and relations ; and is divided into practical and theoretical. The latter treats of those portions which are so complex as to require symbols and the higher mathe- matical formulae for their illustration : the former treats of such portions only, as depend on the simple relations of numbers, as mani- fested through proportion. Geometry is from 7*7, the earth, and /if?po*>, measure, and primarily signified the measure- ment of the earth. Many of the laws of Geometry are demon- strated by formulae that the ordinary reader * It may be remarked, while treating of superficial measurement, that Abacus is a Latin word which means flat, fn the primitive ages, ail calculations were made by the Oriental nations on boards covered with dust, on which lines and signs could be easily traced. From the word abak, signifying dust, the Greeks deduced their word a@*g. This Abacus used by the Romans, and Abax by the Greeks, was a large board with transverse lines drawn on it, on which calculations were made by sundry move- ments of pebbles, or calculi. Hence, the derivation of our En- glish word calculate, from cakulo, which is from calculus, a pebble. The latter word is from the Syriac kalkai, gravel. ft 214 RAINEY : S IMPROVED ABACUS. would not comprehend ; they can, however, be made quite as intelligible by the manifest relations and deductions of common sense, without the exercise of which, all formulae become mere mechanical arrangements ; being neither appreciated nor understood. Too many writers endeavor to teach Mensuration by the introduction of Geometrical signs and reasonings ; thereby endeavoring to teach a primary, by the rules of a secondary science. Hence, the reason of so many failures in this study ; and hence, the mechanical patch-work by which many practical men make such calculations. Practical Geometry is divided into superficial and solid. Superficial, which is from superficies, the surface, the outside, fyc., relates to the meas- urement of surface, which has extent merely, without bulk ; and has two sides given to find the contents : Solid Geometry relates to the measure- ment of bodies or magnitudes, which have length, breadth, and thickness. This species of measurement is generally called cubic. A cubic foot of timber, is a foot Io7ig, a foot wide, and a foot thick, or 12 inches in everyway: hence, when these 3 twelves are multipled continu- ously, they make 1728, the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot.* Cubic is from the Latin cubicus, from cubus, a die. Hence, cubic is a congregation of par- ticles, forming a solid mass of six equal sides. According to the laws of Multiplication, concrete objects cannot be multiplied together ; * This solid foot, or 1728 cubic inches, weighs 1000 ounus rain water. THEORY OF MENSURATION. 215 nor can concrete objects of different denomi- nations be multiplied. Feet multiplied by feet, through ratio, will give feet; but feet multiplied by inches, will give neither feet nor inches. Ten feet long and 12 inches wide will give neither 120 feet nor 120 inches. Hence, when the denominations are dissimilar ', such reductions must be instituted as will make the terms alike. Above, if we divide the width 12, by the number of inches in a foot, we find that the width is 1 foot; now, the length and width being in feet, we conclude that there are 10 superficial feet. Ten feet in length and 10 in width give 100 feet superfice : this multiplied by 10 feet in height, will give 1000 feet solidity. These similar dimensions , length, height h, and width, multiplied together, give the cubic or solid contents of the figure, in the denomination of the dimensions : as a crib, a box, a wall, a boat, a cistern, &c. Let the learner keep these truths before his mind, and but few difficulties will present themselves in ordinary measurements. When- ever mathematical rules are introduced, they must be received by the student on authority, as it would be impossible, In a treatise on numbers, to develop their principles. It may be remarked here, that too much time is generally spent on algebraic and mathematical solutions, while the learner pro- poses to study arithmetic. The introduction of such questions and rules, is an oversight in too many authors : for the student thus wastes his time in pursuing the work of mathematics, 216 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. which is impossible in arithmetic; while it should be devoted to numbers only ; for noth- ing: else than numbers can be learned in arithmetic. WOOD AND BARK. WOOD and BARK are generally measured by the cord, which is a pile 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 8 feet long. The word cord is derived from the Welsh cord, signifying a twist, relating to a rope : hence, the cord, or rope, with which the ancients were accustomed to measure a pile of wood, gave 128 solid feet, which these dimensions, 4, 4 and 8 make, when multiplied. A pile of wood contains more or less than a cord, when it has more or less than 128 solid feet. Hence, wood is measured by proportion. We may multiply together the dimensions of the pile, and com- pare the whole number of feet with 128; or we may compare the several separate dimen- sions with 4, 4, and 8. The latter is preferable. How many cords of wood in a pile 120 feet long, 20 feet wide, and 2 feet high? g.^rfx ir i Here, we place the several 2 4 05 |37-J- cords. dimensions of the pile, on the right, and the dimensions of a cord opposite these, on the left ; and say, what will all these feet on the right make, if 8, 4, and 4, on the left, make 1 cord, last on the right, it is unnecessary to place the 1 on the right, as it will not assist in the calculation. WOOD AND BARK MEASURE. 217 How many cords in a pile 200 feet long, 3? feet wide, and 16 feet high? Here, we say 4 times 4 on the left, equal 16 on the right. The answer is eighty-seven and a half cords. cords. 7 32|175 51 1 cds. How many cords in a pile of bark 20 feet long, 3 feet 4 inches high, and 10i feet wide? In this instance, 4 inches are of a foot, making the height 3J or y> feet. The numerator of this, as well as j of the *y , is placed on the right, and the denominator opposite. The answer is 5i| cords. What will a load of wood 8 feet long, 2 feet 6 inches high, and 3 feet 4 inches wide, come to, at 1 dollar and 80 cents per cord. Again, the inches are made the fractional part of a foot, and added to the given feet in each case ; while the mixed number is placed on the line in the form of an improper fraction. We know that the 8, 4, and 4, on the left, make 5 /1 05 41375 93|cents. one cord, or that these 128 feet are worth the price, 180 cents; then the price is placed last on the right in the place of the one cord, and the answer must be the price of the whole pile of wood at 180 cents per cord. This is nothing more than simple proportion. Twice 218 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 3 on the left, goes into 18 on the right three times. The answer is 93 J cents. This method is quite preferable to ascertaining the quantity, which may be fractional, and multiplying it by the price as a separate operation. How many cords in a pile of wood 10 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 7 feet high? and what will the same come to, at 240 cents per cord? There are 1|1 cords wood. We will now state both in one, thus. The two was used in 4 on the left, and in 10 on 64J105 9 | 3,93f 2|75 \r4JA. o r* 11JL * ULL ILL _itt=tl 6 the right. What will a pile of wood 40 feet long, 3 feet high, and 20 feet wide, come to, at 2 dollars per cord? The price is dollars in this case, and the answer is in dollars ; 37 dollars arid 50 cents. From the foregoing, we conclude that, To ascertain the number of cords in a pile or load of wood or bark, place all of the dimensions on the right in feet, and 4, 4, and 8, or 128, on the left. If there are inches in any of the dimen- sions, they must be reduced to the fraction of a foot, and added to the feet, and treated as other improper fractions . If the answer is desired in the price of the whole quantity of wood, place the price of one cord last on the right, in dollars or cents, and the BOARD MEASURE. 219 answer will be the price of the whole, in dollars or cents. LUMBER MEASURE. Under this head may be classed superficial board measure, and the measurement of solid timber. We have only two general dimensions in board measure; length and width. The thickness is generally considered a unit ; inch measure being the standard. Anything under one inch is not noticed ; but all above an inch in thickness, as two inches, three inches, &c., is called two, three, &c., thicknesses of lumber. If a piece of lumber 20 feet long, 16 inches wide, and 8 inches thick, be measured, the thickness is called eight planks.* The first thing to be done with such a ques- tion as the one above, is to reduce the width, which is in inches, to feet, that width and length in feet may be multiplied together for the superficial contents. This would after- wards be multiplied by the 8 thicknesses, giving 8 times as many feet as in the one piece. All of this may be done in the same operation ; thus, It will be observed here, that the length, width, and thickness are all placed on the right of the line, and 12 only, on the left, to reduce the width, 16 inches, to feet. Hence, the an- ' |213 ft. swer is 213J feet. * In America the words board and plank, are variously used to denote the same thing. This is incorrect. While a board is a thin piece of timber, a plank is a thick and heavy piece. The word is from the Dutch plank, or the Danish planke, a thick board. Hence the difference. RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 8|135 161 ft. When it is necessary to get the cubic con- tents, we place another 12 on the left, to reduce the thickness in inches to feet, that having all three dimensions in feet, the product may be feet. How many feet of lumber in a board 18 feet long, 7i inches wide, and li inches thick? Here, the mixed numbers are reduced to improper fractions, as in all other cases. No other statement is necessary in board measure, than such as will ad- mit of the several dimensions being multiplied together. Now the width being generally in inches, and the thickness often fractional, it is quite conve- nient to throw the numbers on the line, and the standard which reduces the inches to feet, with the denominators, on the left. <15 How many feet in a board 7i $ ^ feet long, 8 inches wide, and 4i 3 inches thick ? When the length ~, , is a mixed number, as in this in- ^ ' stance, it must be reduced to an improper fraction, as in other cases. What will a pile of planks containing 120 pieces, 16 feet long, 15 inches wide, and 6 inches thick, come to, at 37i cents per 100 ft. ? In this instance, we mul- tiply by 120, the number of pieces, and ascertain the number of feet in the whole pile : the question is then proportional, and by com- bination of statement, we | 54,00 MENSURATION. 221 say, what will all of these feet come to, on the right, if 100 feet opposite, cost 37i, or y cents ? The answer is 5400, the number of dollars and cents, which pay for the whole. 12 16 100 275 16 15 6 120 13 Suppose in the case above the timber will lose T \ of an inch in sawing. We say, what will the whole quantity of lumber be re- duced to, if y be reduced to i-f ? $|43,87i What will 4 pieces of timber come to, at $2i per 100 ft. which are 10, 20, 18 and 12 feet long respectively, and 16 inches wide, and 3 inches thick ? 10 20 18 12 60 entire length. In this instance, it is necessary to add the several lengths, and place their sum on the right. Had there been 10, or any other num- ber of pieces in each pile, 10 or such number would be placed on the right, once, and only once : for the question, by getting the sum of the lengths, was changed into this, how many feet in a piece 60 feet long, 16 inches wide, and 3 inches thick ? Hence, ten times the number in each case, would be ten times the 60 feet. What will 10 piles lumber, with 40 pieces lo 222 KAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. in a pile, come to, at $H per 100 feet, the plank being 18 inches wide, 3J inches thick, and 20, 16, 17, 19, 23, 10, 7, 12, 6, and 20 feet long? The sum of the lengths is 150 feet: hence, we place it on the right, thus, 2, * 4 150 3 15 8|3375 j 3 Here, 40 planks in a pile, is placed down once for the whole lot, considering that the lot is now 150 feet long. The answer is in dollars, because the price was dollars. What will 80 pieces of lumber, 8 feet long, 9 inches wide, and 2i inches thick, come to, at 60 cents per hundred ? We deem the examples given, sufficient for the measurement of lumber, as there is but very little difficulty in the statement. How many cubic feet in a stick of timber 30 feet long, 8 inches thick, and 10 inches wide ? In this example it is ne- cessary to divide both the width and the thickness by 12, to reduce them to feet, that by multiplying all the di- mensions in feet, the product may be solid feet. Hence, 60 jlGfft. To measure lumber, Place the length in feet, the width in inches, and the thickness, in incJics, on the right , and 12 on the left. To ascertain the number of feet in the whole pile, when of the same dimensions, place the number MASONRY. 223 of picas, likewise on tlw right. If the answer is desired in dollars, or dollars and cents, place 100 on the left, and the price per hundred, on the right. To lose a fraction for saw-cut, subtract the fraction lost from such a number of parts of the same she as would constitute a unit, place the remainder on the right, and the number making a unit, on the left. MASONRY. Masonry, as a department of measurements, may properly be classed with cubic timber measure. Stone work is measured by the perch, which is generally 25 solid feet, or 16 J feet long, \\ feet wide, and 1 foot high. A solid perch in masonry, is a mass 162 feet in every way. The word perch is derived from the French perche, which signifies sharp, extend- ing, fyc., as a pole or rod for measurements. Hence the name is derived from the limits which define it. How many perches of masonry in a wall 80 feet long, 15 feet high, and 2i feet thick? Here, we make 25 solid , , k\$Q 4 feet a perch, saying, what will all of the feet in the wall 3 make, if 25 opposite make 1 r^r perch. Hence 120 perches. We may easily ascertain the price for a piece of work at the same time that the quan- tity is obtained, by placing the price per perch last on the right. 224 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. ^ o ~ What will it cost to put up a wall 200 feet long, 6 feet 3 inches high, and 3f ft. thick, at 120 cents per perch of 25 15 The price being in cents, 2 figures are cut off at the right of the answer, for cents. How much will it cost to wall a cellar, at $1,60 cents per perch, 20 feet square, and 7i feet deep, with a wall li feet thick? / , 27 It is evident that the two end walls are each 3 feet shorter than those of the sides : hence, the entire length 4 |1,60 ^h I CO QO place this, with the height and thickness, on the right, and the denomi- nators on the left. We use the factor 5 on the two sides of the line. Hence, To ascertain the number of perches in a piece of stone work, place the length, height, and width, in feet, on the right, and 25, or whatsoever stand- ard is acknowledged, on the left: the answer will be solid perches. If the cost is desired, place the price per perch last on the right, and the answer will be tJie cost of the entire work, in dollars or cents. PLASTERERS', PAVERS', AND BUILDERS' WORK. Plasterers and Pavers calculate their work by the square yard, or 9 square feet : Builders reckon by the square, which is 100 square PLASTERERS' AND PAVERS' WORK. 225 110 1 80 yards. 18 4 2 36 80 feet, in weather-boarding, ceiling, framing, shingling, &c. How many square yards of plastering in a room 18 feet square, and 10 feet high. We place the side, 18, on the right, and 4, which will give all the sides. Having the dimensions in feet on the right, we place 9 feet, which make a square yard, on the left : the answer is the sum of the four sides, 80 yards. We now place 18 on the right of another line twice, and ascertain the num- ber of yards overhead, by the same process, which is 36. The two added, make the number of yards in the room, 116. We might have ascertained the cost of the whole, quite as easily, by placing the price in each state- ment, last on the right. What will the plastering of a room come to, which is 15 by 20 feet, and 12 feet high, at 22i cents per yard? The 4 sides make 70 feet around, which we place with the height and price, on the right. The cost of the sides is $21,00. Again, we place 15 and 20 on the right, with the price, and 9 on the left. This makes the plastering over- head come to 7 dollars and 50 cents, which, added to the sum above, makes the 70 2 21,00 7,50 $|28,50 t 5 $|7,50 226 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 30025 75 $|56,25 cost of the room amount to 28 dollars and 50 cents. How much will it cost to lay a pavement 300 feet long, and 4 feet 6 inches wide, at 37i cents per square yard ? This question is identical with those just wrought in plastering. Hence, To ascertain the number of yards of plastering, or paving, place the whole length of the walls, or pave, with the width or height in feet, on the right, and 9 on tJie left: if the answer is wished in money, place the price per square yard, last on the right : the answer will be the price of the whole. How many squares of weather-boarding on a building 50 by 40 feet, 21 feet high? What will the same come to, at $1,50 per square? The whole length of the build- ing, or sum of the sides, is placed on the right, with the price, and i 100, the number of feet in a JP 4O, /U I .-l -i n 1 square, on the left. What does it cost to shingle a roof 80 feet long, and 20 feet from the eaves to the cone, at 87i cents per square ? The roof is 80 by 40 feet, which dimensions are placed on the right, with the price. Thus, by proportion, what will all of these feet come to, on the right, if 100 feet, opposite, cost 87i cents? The answer is $28. Hence, To ascertain the cost of weather-boarding, shingling, framing, flooring, atXAxof, or parallelos, opposite the one to the other, and y^ppa., or gram- ma, a character or figure. ** Rhomboid is from the Greek, /Joyu/So?, or rorribos, a rhomb, and wJoff, or eidos, form. Rhomb is from the Latin rhombus, a whirl, or constantly varying square : in fabulous history, a varying or rolling instrument by which witches were said to bring down the moon from heaven. ft Lozenge is from the Gr. AOOC or loxos, oblique,, and yuvk*. or gonia y a corner 234 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. A figure with four unequal angles, and two parallel sides, is called a trapezoid* A figure having three or more equal sides, is called a polygon.^ The lowest polygon, that of three sides, is called a triangle ;J that of four sides, a quadrilateral; of five sides, a pentagon; of six sides, a hexagon; of seven sides, a heptagon; of eight sides, an octagon; of nine, a nonagon; of ten, a decagon; of eleven, an undecagon ; and of twelve, a dodecagon. There are four principal triangles : the equilateral, the isosceles, the scaline, and the rectangle triangle. A triangle which has three sides is called equilate ral :\\ one which has two of its sides equal, is called isosceles : one which has three unequal sides, is called scaline :^[ and that which has a right angle, is called a rigM angled, or rectangle triangle. The longer arm of the right-angled triangle is called the basefoom the Lat. basis, the bottom or foundation : the shorter arm is called the side ; and the side opposite the right angle, the hypotenuse, from the participle of * Trapezoid is from the Gr. rpstTrt^tov, or trapezion, a small table, and s^To?, or eidos,form. f Polygon is from the Gr. TTOMZ, many, and ywta, an angle. t Triangle is from the Lat. triangulum, from tres, three, and angulus, a corner: hence, a figure with three angles. Quadrilateral is from the Lat. quatnor,four, and latus, side; having four sides : pentagon, from the Gr. WSVTS, or pente, jive, and yu>vi, or gonia, a corner. Hexegon, heptagon, octo- gon, nonagon, decagon, undecagon, and dodecagon are com- pounded by prefixing to the yavtx, or gonia, t%, or ex, six; sirra., or epta, seven; x.ra), or okto, eight; Lat. nonus, nine; JMA, or deca, ten; Lat. undecim, eleven; JWSKA, or dodeka, twelve, etc. || Equilateral is derived from the Lat. aquus, equal, and late- ralis, from latus, a side: equal sided. Isosceles is derived from the Gr. ires or isos f equal, and CTMSXO? or skelos, a leg: hence it has two equal legs. If Scaline is from the Gr. O-X.X.XMK, or skalenos, that totters or hangs over to one side, obliquely. GEOMETRICAL FIGURES. 235 the Greek verb wroTwovo-et 9 or upoteinousa, extending under, or from corner to corner. Any of the sides of an equilateral and scaline tri- angle may be called the base. The base of an isos- celes triangle is the short side. The upper point where the two sides of an isosce- les, or other triangle, meet, is called the vertex of the triangle; by some, the apex.* The theory of determining angles, and the lengths of the sides of triangles, constitutes the science of Trigonometry ; and cannot be properly treated in arith- metic. We have before seen that, To find the contents of a square or rectangle, multiply the two sides together. A parallelogram is equal in contents to a square or rectangle, when its base and verticalf hight are equal to the base and side of such square or rectangle A rhomboid or lozenge is equal to a square of the game base and altitude. Hence, To find the contents of a parallelogram, or rhomboid, multi- ply the base by the vertical hight. To find the contents of a trapezoid, multiply half the sum of the two parallel sides, by the vertical distance between them. How many yards of plastering in a wall 30 feet square ? We divide by 9 feet, which make 1 square yard. 100 * These two words are frequently used synonymously. Some apply apex to triangles, and vertex to cones, because of the primary signification of vertex, from the Lat. vertex, a point, which is from verto, to turn. The plural of vertex, is vertices; and of apex, apices. fThe vertical hight of any quadrilateral or four-sided figure, is a line dropped from the upper plane or vertex, per- pendicular to the base. Hence, the side of a parallelogram must not be multiplied into the base for the contents, as thte is too long, but the side arising from a line dropped at right angles with the base. 236 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. How many acres are there in the road from Cincin- nati to Dayton, which is 64 miles long, and 4 rods wide? 64 Ans. 512 A. Here, we ask how many rods 64 miles will make, if 1 mile make 8 furlongs, and. 1 furlong make 40 rods ; then, multiplying by 4 rods in width, we say, how many acres will all these rods make, if 160 rods make 1 acre? Ans. 512 acres. The first question relates to a square, or equal rhomboid; the second, to a rectangle, or equal paral- lelogram. The two parallel sides of a trapezoid are 40 and 60 rods, and the distance between them 80 rods : how many acres are there ? i 025 #0 The answer is 25 acres. Ans. 25 acres. TRIANGLES. Every triangle is half of a square, rectangle, paral- lelogram, or rhomboid of similar base and altitude. To prove this, let us, on the hypotenuse, or longest side, of any given triangle, erect another triangle, with the side and base parallel and equal, each, to the side and base of the triangle. The figure formed will be a square, rectangle, parallelogram, or rhomboid, which proves the position correct. Hence, To find the contents of any triangle, multiply half of the base by the whole vertical hight, or the whole base by half of the vertical hight, as may be most convenient. How many acres of land in a rectangle triangle, of 240 rods base, and 120 rods side ? THEORY OF TRIANGLES. 237 Ans. 90 A. Here, we place down the whole ' fi.$0 fififi 3 base and side, and divide by 2, # 1#0 3 which is both easy and simple ; while, likewise, we have the advan- tage of dividing by such denominate numbers as are necessary to reduce to a given denomination. How many square feet in an isosceles triangle, of 16f ft. base, and 37^ ft. vertical hight? 505 c\ Here, 2 is thrown on the left; and we divide by the denominators, 3 and 2. Hence, the answer, 312^ square feet. 625 If a line dropped from the vertex of a scaline tri- angle, fall outside of the triangle, the line of the base must be produced until it meets the vertical line. The square* of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, is equal to the sum of the squares of the base and side. For example ; the base of a right-angled triangle is 8, the side 6, and the hypotenuse 10. Now, 8x8= 64; and 6><6=36; and 36+64=100; hence, the hypotenuse is 10x10=100, which is the sum of the squares of the base and side. A rectangle, whose sides are 4, 3, and, 5, shows the same equality; thus, 4X4=16; 3x3=9; and 16+9=25: now, 5x5 =25, which proves again that the sum of the squares of the two sides equals the square of the hypotenuse. Frem the foregoing, it follows, that To find the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle^ *The square of any number, is that number multiplied into itself; 49 is tbe square of 7- When it is desired to square a number, 2 is written over it, thu, 72 1G 288 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. extract the square root of the sum of the squares of the base and side.* To find the base, when the hypotenuse and side are given, subtract the square of the side from the square of the hypotenuse ; extract the square root of the re- mainder, and the answer will be the base. To find the side, when the hypotenuse and base are given, subtract the square of the base from the square of the hypotenuse ; extract the square root of the re- mainder, and the answer will be the required side. The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is 10 ft., and the side 6 ft.; what is the base ? The square of the hypotenuse is 10x10=100; and of the side 6x6=36: now, 10036=64, and the square root of 64, is 8, which is the required base. POLYGONS. If lines be drawn from the angles of the polygon, to the center, it is manifest that the polygon will be divided into isosceles triangles ; and if the contents of one of these be multiplied by the whole number of angles thus made, the answer will be the contents of the polygon. Hence, To find the contents of a regular polygon, multiply half of the diameter of the polygon, vertical to one of the sides, by half of one of the sides; and the product by the number of sides. Or, Place the shortest semi-diameter*, and one oj the sides, on the right of the line, and 2 on the left. * Carpenters frequently use this method of finding the length of braces, where the distance from the angle, or lower end of the post, to the extreme end of the mortice, is given. W!,en the base and side of a rectangle triangle are of the same length, th* 1 hypotenuse may be found by multiplying the base or side by 1.4142. This number is the square root of twice 3J41592, which is the ratio of the circumference to the circle. t Semi-diameter means half -diameter, from the Latin semi, half. Ra- dius is used to denote the same thing in circles. SPHERICAL MEASUREMENTS. 239 THE CIRCLE.* Squares are always used as the units of superficial measurement, by reason of their sides and angles co- inciding, and leaving no intervening space between their limits. The unit assumed is generally a square inch, a square foot, a square yard, a square mile, etc. A circle is a plain figure, bounded by a line called the circumference,^ which is, at all parts, equally dis- tant from a point within, called the centre ; hence, The circumference of a circle is a line drawn at all parts equally distant from the centre. The diameter % of a circle is a straight line drawn from the opposite sides of the circumference, through the centre, dividing the circle into two equal parts. The periphery \\ of a circle is its circumference; the two words being used synonymously, at pleasure. The radius^ of a circle is a line drawn from the * Circle is derived from the Latin circus, a round ring, or limit; or from the Gr. M/MOS or kirkos, a falcon, that, in flying, describes circles ; or from the Arabic kara, to go round. Many individuals confound circle with circumference; where- as, while the latter merely describes the limits, the former is the space included in such limits. t Circumference is from the Lat. circum, around, and/ere/i- tia, from fero, to bear. Centre is a French word, from a Gr. noun, signifying a goad or point, which is from the root KWWM or kenteo, to prick. t Diameter is from the Gr. Jin or dia, through, or through the middle, and jutrpsv or mttron, to measure. || Periphery is from iryt or peri, around, about, and pg/>a> or fthero, to bear: hence, it is identical with the circumference. The word perimeter is sometimes used in the same sense, but improperly. It relates particularly to the measurement or ex- tent of circumferences, from peri and metron, to measure around. Radius is a Lat. word, from radio, to sJuoot beams of light, etc. The use of this term in geometry, originates from the fact, that when a large number of radii are drawn in a circle, the circle resembles the sun darting his rays in every direc- tion from the center. 240 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. center to the circumference, or half the diameter ; two or more of these lines are called radii. The perimeter* of a circle, or other figure, is the ex- tent of its circumference or bounds. The arecfi of a circle, or other figure, is the surface or space contained within the limits of the circumfe- rence or perimeter. A circle is said to be inscribed J in a polygon, when the line of the circumference, cuts the sides of the polygon. A polygon is inscribed in a circle, when its angles coincide with the circumference. A polygon is circumscribed|| about a circle, when its sides coincide with the circumference. A semicircle^ is a half circle, described by cutting the circumference of a circle by a right line drawn through its diameter. An ellipse** is an oblong, circular figure, having two axes; the minor, a transverse, and the major, a longitudinal line, each drawn through the center, and on either of which, the figure may be supposed to revolve. * Perimeter is from the Gr. mp or peri, around, about, par- ticularly around the space described from a center, and jmtrpsv or metron, to measure. f Area is a Latin word, which means space within given bounds. Dr. Webster thinks it is from the Chaldee word ariga, a bed; or from a Hebrew word which signifies to stretch or spread The plural of area is area; this is, however, seldom used; being substituted by the anglicised word, areas. t Inscribe is from the Latin inscribo, to write within. II Circumscribe is from circum, around, and scribo, to write or draw. IP Semicircle is from the Lat. semi, half and circulus, a circle. ** Ellipse is from the Gr. root &.KWTOO or dleipo, to pass by or reject. QUADRATURE OF THE CIRCLE. 241 The circumference of a circle is divided* into 360 equal parts, called degrees ; each of these degrees, into 60 parts, called minutes ;f and each of these minutes into 60 parts, called seconds. The degree, is marked, thus ( ) ; the minute, thus ( ' ) ; the second, thus ( " ). Sometimes 30 degrees are said to make 1 sign, marked (5); and 12 signs, 1 circle, marked (c). QUADRATURE OF THE CIRCLE. The circle, from the varied nature of its uses and application, is one of the most interesting, and yet perplexing, figures in geometry. The comparison of circles and squares; the difficulty of determining the ratio of the circumference to the diameter ; the pro- blem of ascertaining the precise area ; and the diffi- culty of a continued application of its principles to the measurement of solid bodies, in the form of spheres, cones, etc., have, in all ages, rendered its study peculiarly interesting to mathematicians. We shall consider, first, the relation of circumfe- rence and diameter; next, the area; and after this, apply these principles to a great variety of practical measurements. The difficult and impossible problem of the quad- rature* of the circle, is the determination of the area of a circle, whose diameter is equal to that of a given square, or of a circle inscribed in a square. The in- vestigation of this problem commenced with Archime- des, a Grecian. The first step to be taken, was evi- * The division of the circle into 360 parts, originated from the division of the year by the ancients, into 360 days. The 12 signs represent the 12 months. f Minute is derived from the Lat. minutum, a small part: second, from secundus, the second, or second order of minutes. t Quadrature is from the Lat. quadratura, squaring, from quatuor ', four ; reducing the circle to a similar area of four equal sides. 242 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. dently to ascertain the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. And here, the investigation must be commenced, by every geometer. It is impossible to give the process and reasoning used to ascertain this, in a treatise on arithmetic ; we will, however, in- dicate the process, and avail the benefits, without fur- ther investigation. Neither the exact ratio of the circumference to the diameter, nor the exact area of a circle, can ever be ascertained ; and both have long since been abandoned, as impossible, by all good math- ematicians. The method used, is to inscribe and circumscribe the circle with regular polygons ; then, to increase the number of the sides of botli of these, to such an ex- tent, that they seem to merge into a common line ; and although the sides can never entirely coincide, yet they so far coincide, as to give almost entire accuracy, to all practical operations. The reason why they can- not coincide is, that a curved and a straight line can never become one line, however small the degree of curvature. The line of the circle is always found between these two polygons ; and when the sides are increased to a very large number, the human eye, as- sisted by the microscope, is unable to see more than one line in the three. Archimides carried the number of sides to 32768, and thus secured the ratio to seven decimal places. He obtained the ratio 3^--- and 3|3-, which, reduced to an improper fraction, gave 2 T 2 , or the circumference to the circle, as 22 to 7. These numbers may be used for all ordinary and rough pur- poses ; but are far from being accurate, when com- pared with the ratio afterward obtained by Metius, a German, who carried it to 17 places of decimals, giv- ing the ratio of 355 to 113. Yan Ceulen, a Dutch mathematician, carried it yet much further, and ascer- tained that if the circle was 1, the circumference would be greater than 3.14159265358579323846264- CIRCUMFERENCE AND DIAMETER. 338327950288, and less than 3.14159265358579323- 846264338327950289, demonstrating the coincidence of the two polygons to a fraction less than one nonil- lionth ; a difference too small to be adequately concei- ved. The upper number represents the inscribed, and the lower, the circumscribed polygon, between which we may vainly seek the line of the circle. Later math- ematicians have carried the calculation as far as 140 places of decimals. The relation of the circumference, may, from the above, be safely set down as 3.141592, This gives the exact ratio to 5 places of decimals, leaving a frac- tion as small as TO - OO'O"O ^ or a ^ practical purposes, 3.1416 may be used, changing the 5th decimal, 9, into 6, in the 4th order. What is the circumference of a circle, whose diam- eter is 31 feet? 3.1416x31=97.3836 Ans. Here, we multiply by the decimals, and consequent- ly cast off four decimals in the result. Hence, To find the circumference of a circle, when the di- ameter is given^ multiply the diameter by 3.1416, and cut off four places of decimals in the -answer: or, for entire accuracy,, multiply by 3.1415926, and cut off seven places for decimals at the right. It is desired to place 40 sentinels around a camp, which is 1 mile in diameter ; how far will they be apart ? [0-44 3.1416 138.2304 We reduce* the mile to yards, and get the answer in yards ; they will be placed over 138 yards apart. To find the diameter of a circle, when the circum- ferejice is given, divide the circumference by 3.1416. Or, multiply the circumference by 7, and divide %22. Qr 9 multiply the circumference by .3183L 244 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. The circumference of a circle is 1 multiplied by 3.1416; hence, the diameter is 1 divided by 3.1416, equal to .31831, which multiplied into the circumfe- rence gives the diameter. The circumference of a lot is 500 yards, and it is desired to plant 10 trees on the line of its diameter; how far apart will they be ? The trees will be placed nearly 16 feet apart. .31831 15.91550 It will be found far more convenient to multiply by this, than to divide by the other decimal. THE AREA Of THE CIRCLE. In treating of polygons, it has been shown, that to> ascertain the area, multiply the half radius by the en- tire perimeter. It has since been shown, that the cir- cumference or perimeter of a circle includes a vast number of polygons. Hence y To find the area of a circle, when the circumference and diameter are given, multiply the circumference by half the radius : Or y Place the circumference and diameter on the right of the line, and 4 on the left. A circle is 10 feet in diameter, and 31.416 ft. m circumference ; what is the area ? One fourth of the diameter, equal to the semi- radius, is 2-J feet, and 31.416x2^=78.540; thus, #44^015708 5 The answer is 78,54 feeL T8J4ft r AREA OF THE CIRCLE. 245 Let us suppose a square with a circle of equal diam- eter inscribed : the diameter of the circle is equal to the diameter of the square : ^ of the perimeter of a square or circle is the side of such square or circle, which multiplied into itself will produce the area de- noted by the perimeter. The square of the diameter indicates the area of the square ; and 3.1416, the area of the circle : now, as ^ the perimeter of the square is equal to the side of the square, so ^ the perimeter of the circle, .7854, is equal to the side of the circle. Hence, if the square of the diameter be multiplied by J of the circumference of the circle, or .7854, the re- sult will be the contents of the circle. For this rea- son, geometers take the of 3. 141592=. 7854, and multiply it into the square of the diameter, when the circumference is given. Hence, the circle is .7854 of a circumscribed square. That is, if the square is 1, the circle is .7854; or, if the square contains 10,000 parts, the circle contains 7,854 parts. Hence, To find the, area of a circle, when the diameter only is given, Multiply the squared of the diameter by .7854, and cut off four places in the answer for deci- mals. For greater accuracy, multiply by .785398, and cut off six places : Or, Place the diameter and 11 on the right , and 14 on the left of the line. What is the area of a circle whose diameter is 18 inches ? Here, 18xl8x.7854=254.4696. The answer is 254^ inches, nearly. How many acres in a circular field 40 rods in di- ameter ? *The square of the diameter , is the diameter multiplied into itself. 246 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. .7854 _ The field contains nearly 8 acres. We divide by 160, because this number of I square rods equals an acre. What is the area of a circle ameter? of an inch in di- 1 1 .7854 1.19635 The answer is very nearly square inch. The cylinder of a steam engine is 15 inches in di- ameter ; what is the area in inches and in feet ? 15xl5x.7854=176 .715 inches. Ans. 98175 1.7854 1.22718+ in ft. How many acres of land in a tract 4000 rods in di- ameter ? Here, 160 rods opposite, instead of making 1 acre, as would be the case in a square tract, make in the circular tract only .7854 of an acre; . ,. i in stating, we say, how many acres will 4000x4000 rods make, if 160 rods, make .7854 of an acre? The answer is 78,540 acres. We may ask, What will the above land cost at 62i cents per acre? We may make this among the other statements, in- stead of separately ; thus, THE ELLIPSE. 247 In this instance, 1 acre is placed opposite .7854 of an acre, and the price which the 1 acre equals last on the right. 125 49087.500000 How many inches in a valve 11 J in diameter ? 895 4^95 Although very few figures can be canceled in this ques- tion, yet there is a decided ad- vantage in locating the frac- tions on the vertical line. Ans. 110.7536+ To ascertain the area of a circle, when the circum- ference only is given, multiply the square of the cir- cumference by the square of 7, and the product by .7854; and divide by the square of 22. What is the area of a circle 33 ft. in circumference. This is an easy and simple method of arriving at the result, by one statement. The answer is 86-| feet. See Table of Circles and Areas. 33 33 22 7 22 7 .7854 Ans. 86.59085 TO FIND THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF AN ELLIPSE. Multiply the square root of half of the sum of the two axes squared, by 3.1416; the product will be the circumference. The axes are the longest diameters from side to side, and from end to end. TO FIND THE AREA OF AN ELLIPSE. Multiply the product of the two diameters by .7854. 248 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. TO FIND THE CONTENTS OF A SQUARE INSCRIBED IN A CIRCLE. We shall endeavor to prove that such a square is one half of another square circumscribed about a cir- cle; thus, Let us draw a square of a given side, and inscribe in it a circle ; then, in the middle of the sides of the square, where the circumference of the circle cuts the square, let us locate the four angles of a square inscribed in the circle. Thus, each side of this in- scribed square will be the hypotenuse of a right-angled and equal- sided triangle. Now, from the opposite an- gles of the inscribed square, draw two diagonals. It will now be perceived, that the inscribed square con- tains four equal triangles, and the circumscribed square, eight : hence, the inscribed square is equal to half of the circumscribed square. It is manifest, that if we square the semiradius of this circle, it will equal two of these triangles ; hence, twice the semiradius, will equal four of them, which are equal to the inscribed square, or half of the cir- cumscribed square. What is the area of a square inscribed in a circle, 10 feet in diameter? 10 Here, we place the square of the diam- $ 4.0 5 eter on the right, and 2 on the left. This " KA fl~ is identical with the other operation, in which 50 ft. ,, . -,. j ,,' the semiradius would be used ; thus, semi- radius, 5; this squared and multiplied by 2, thus, 5X>X2=50 f e et, the answer, as before. Thus, by the second operation, we find it troublesome to find the semiradius, then square it, and afterward multiply it ; while the other process is quite simple and easy. How many cubic feet in a log 3 feet in diameter, and 40 ft. long? INSCRIBED AND CIRCUMSCRIBED SQUARES. 249 Here, the perimeter is simply multi- plied by the length and divided by 2, because the inscribed is one half of the circumscribed square. We ask again, 2 100 $',30.00 180 feet. What will the same come to at $20 per 100 ft.? 3 3 Here, the statements are combined, and the answer is obtained in dollars. '~$36 How much will a log cost, at 33^- cents per foot, which is 18 inches in diameter, and 80ft. long? In this instance, two twelves are JL& 4-$ 3 placed on the left, because the two di- mensions on the right are inches, and must be reduced to feet. The 2 is placed on the left as usual ; while 33-J-, the price of 1 foot, is placed on the right; hence, To find the contents of a square inscribed in a cir- cle, place the square of the diameter on the right, and 2 on the left. To ascertain the solid contents, place the length on the right likewise. To find the price of the whole, place the price last on the right) and the quantity which it equals, on the left. TO FIND THE SIDE OF A SQUARE INSCRIBED IN A CIRCLE. By reverting to the figure just used, we find that the side of the inscribed square is the hypotenuse of a right-angled and equal-sided triangle; .hence, the square root of the sum of the squares of these two sides, 250 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. or, which is the same thing, the square root of twice the square of the radius, is equal to the hypotenuse, or side of the inscribed square. This being trouble- some to attain, and knowing that the smaller square is half of the larger, we extract the square root of 3.141592, which is .707106, and multiply it into the diameter of the circle for the side of the inscribed square: likewise, we extract the square root of the product of 1 divided by 3.1416, into .707106, which is .22508 ; this multiplied into the circumference will give the side. How large a square can be hewn from a round stick of timber, 20 inches in diameter? Thus, 20 X- 7071=14.142. The side is 14 inches and a fraction. What is the side of a square that can be sawed from a log 60 inches in circumference ? 60 X- 22508 13.5048 inches, Ans. We may caU the last decimal .2251, instead of .2250, etc. Hence, To find the side of a square inscribed in a circle, multiply the diameter by .7071, or the circumference by .2251. THE SIDE OF A SQUARE GIVEN, TO FIND THE DIAME- TER OF THE CIRCUMSCRIBED CIRCLE. By reverting to the same figure, as above, we find that the diagonal of the inscribed square, is the hy- potenuse of a right-angled and equal-sided triangle, whose sides are the sides of the square. Hence, the square root of the sum of the squares of these two sides would be the diagonal, hypotenuse, or diameter. This being tedious, we find a decimal, which multiplied into the side, will give the diagonal of the square, or di- ameter of the circle. This decimal is 1.4142. Like- wise, the side multiplied by the decimal 4.443 will give the circumference of the circumscribed circle. INSCRIBED AND CIRCUMSCRIBED SOTARES. 251 The former of these numbers is the square root of twice 3.141592 ; and the latter, the square root of twice this number, multiplied by itself. How large must a tree be, in diameter, to square 12 inches ? 12 X 1.4142=16.9704 inches, Ans. How large is the circumference of a tree, or circle, around a beam or square, whose sides are 20 inches ? thus, 20x4.443 -88.86 inches, Ans. The sides of a sill must be 12-J- inches ; how large must the tree be, in diameter, from which it is sawed? By this statement, we avoid #25 the difficulty of using the frac- tions. Hence, Ans. 17. 5525 inches To find the diameter or circumference of a circle circumscribed about a square whose sides are given ; or, to find the diameter of a tree, that will square a given size, multiply the side of the square by 1.4142 for the, diameter ; and by 4.443 for the circumference. or girt. Jt is frequently necessary to find the side of a square, whose area is equal to that of a given circle; or the diameter or cir- cumference of a circle whose area is equal to that of a given square. As it belongs to geometry to demonstrate the vari- ous relative proportions of figures, we shall pursue this course no further than is demanded by a common-sense view of the subject, and give a few numbers without tracing their origin. To find the side of a square whose area is equal to the area of a given circle, multiply the diameter of the circle by .8862, or the circumference by .2821. To find the diameter or circumference of a circle, whose area is equal to the area of a given square, multiply the side of the square by 1.128 for the di- ameter, and by 3.545, for the circumference. These rules will be found useful to mechanics and other business men generally, and are giyen in such form as to be easily understood and used. 252 RATNEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. APPLICATION OF THE CIRCLE TO CISTERNS.* Cisterns are large vaults made underground to hold rainwater. They are of various shapes, square, round, and conical or pyramidal. A conical cistern is round, but of different diameters at bottom and top. A pyramidal is square, and wider at bottom or top. All that is necessary in finding the contents of cis- terns, is to ascertain the number of gallons in a solid foot, and multiply the number of feet by it. This is done, by dividing the number of inches in a cubic, or cylindric foot, by the number of inches in a wine or beer gallon. A cubic foot contains 7.48 wine gallons. " " 6.127 beer " cylindric " " 5.875 wine 4.812 beer The numbers 5.875, and 4.812 were obtained by multiplying 1728, the number of cubic inches in a cu- bic foot, by .7854, to reduce them to the number of inches in a circular or cylindric foot;' the product, then divided by 231 and 282, respectively, gave the numbers, as above. Thus, we see the continued ap- plication of the decimal .7854. Were this process not pursued, and the number of gallons in a foot obtained, it would be necessary to find the number of cubic inches in a cistern, and multiply by .7854, when round, and divide by the number of inches in a gallon. We may dispense with the use of the decimal, par- tially, and multiply by two other numbers in the form of a common fraction. This is done, by multiplying the decimal by some number that will terminate in ci- phers, and dividing by the same. For instance: * The root of cistern is the Lat. cista, a box, whence cistcrna, a vault for rainwater. MEASUREMENT OF CISTERNS. 253 7.48x2=14.96. Here, 14 is the whole number, and the .9, or T \, at the right of it being very nearly a unit, we carry it to 14 and call the multiplier 15. We divide this by 2, on the left of the vertical line, as well as multiply by it, to make the other number 15. A square cistern contains 100 cubic feet ; how many wine gallons does it contain? Here 100x7.48=748.00 gallons. By the other process, we place the square of the side on the right, multiply by 15, and on the left, divide by 2 ; thus, It is seen here, that the answers vary only 2 gallons in 750. Hence, it is sufficiently accurate for ordinary purposes. When strict accuracy is ' Z77[ i7~ desired, the decimal may be used. I Ans '\" g alls - Therefore, To find the contents of cisterns which are square, place the square of the side, and depth in feet ) with 15. on the right, and 2 on the left, for wine gallons; or multiply the number of cubic feet in the cistern by 7.48. For beer gallons, place 49 on the right and 8 on the left, or multiply by 6.127. For circular cis- terns, 47 on the right and 8 on the left, or multiply by 5.875, for wine gallons: and for beer gallons, 24 on the right, and 5 on the left ; or multiply by 4.812. For conical or pyramidal cisterns, add the areas of the two ends : multiply the two areas, and extract the square root: add this to the sum of the two areas above : place this sum and the depth on the right, and 8 on the left : place likewise, on the right and left, the numbers representing gallons, in the measure desired, and, for square or circular cisterns, as the caw may be It may be remarked, that wine measure, or 231 cu- bic inches to the gallon, is generally used as the stan- dard in the United States. 17 254 RA1NEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. How many wine gallons in a circular cistern 12 ft. in diameter and 20 feet deep? 12 4$ 3 4 #|47 The same answer might be ob- tained by suspending the 47 and 8, and placing 5.875 on the right. Ans] 1692 galls. ' How many hogsheads of water m a circular cistern, 30 feet in diameter, and 21 ft. deep, beer measure ? #0 6 In this instance, the answer is reduced to hogsheads, by placing 63, the number of gal- lons in a hogshead, on the left. How many beer gallons in a circular cistern of con- ical shape, which is 9 ft. in diameter at the top, 7, at the bottom, and 9 ft. deep? 9x9=81 area of upper end. 7x7=49 " " lower Ans. 24 1440 hhds. i 5 193 0-3 24 5 13896 Ans. 27791 We first square each of the diame- ters, and add them ; next, multiply to- gether these squares, and extract the square root ; we add this root, 63, to the sum of the two squares above, 130, making 193 : this 193, mean area, is placed on the line, with the depth of the cistern, while 3 is placed on the left. This is equivalent to mul- tiplying the mean area by -J of the depth. Lastly, we place 24 on the right and 5 on the left, which numbers represent both the number of gallons in a solid foot, and the deduction for the quadrature of the circle. Any conical or pyramidal cistern may be measured in the same way. It is wholly unnecessary above to get DIMENSIONS AND CONTENTS OF CISTERNS. 255 first, the circular area by multiplying by .7854 ; as this can be done quite as easily, by the 24 and 5, or by the number which represents the gallons and quad- rature, 4.812 ; for circles and squares are to each other as the squares of their diameters. Required the depth of a rectangular cistern, to hold 5400 gallons, which is 8 ft. wide, and 10 ft. long. We here place the contents of the cistern on the right of the line, and the two given dimensions, with the fraction expressing the number of gallons in a foot, on the left. The fraction in this case is y , the mea- sure being wine gallons : thus, Were this beer gallons, we would place 4 9 on the left. If the cistern were circular, we would place on the left 4 7 , or 2 -/, as the case might be, with the square of 15 .Ans. 00135 9 feet deep. the diameter, to find the depth, or the depth, to find the square of the diameter. As the answer, in the latter case, would be the square of the diameter, it would be necessary to extract the square root for the diameter of the cistern, Example : What is the diameter of a circular cistern which contains 960 gallons, beer measure, the depth being 8 feet? The result is 25 : now, the square root of this, 5, is the di- ameter of the cistern. Hence, When two dimensions and the contents of a cistern are given to find the other dimension, for rectangular cisterns, place the contents on the right> and the two given sides, with the fraction representing the num- ber of gallons in a solid foot, on the left : the answer will be the required side. For circular cisterns, place the contents on the right, and the square of the diameter and fraction, on 256 RA1NEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. the left, for the depth ; or the depth and fraction, for the square of the diameter ; in the latter case, extract the square root, and the answer will be the required diameter. TABLE, Giving the capacity of Square and Circular Cisterns, Wells, etc., 1 foot deep, in wine and beer gallons. Diam., or side in feet. Circular Cisterns. Square Cisterns. The table of cis- terns of different figures, and of dif- Wi. gall. B'rgall. Wi. galls. B'r galls. 3 52.875 43.2 67.5 55.125 ferent kinds of 3V 71.96 58.8 91.875 75.031 measure, is given 4 994. 76.8 120. 98. for the purpose of 118.969 146.875 97.2 120. 151.875 187.5 124.031 153.125 convenience. The calculations are 5V 177.719 145.2 226.875 185.906 made for cisterns 1 6 2 211.5 172.8 270. 220.5 foot deep; there- gi/ 248.219 202.8 316.875 258.781 fore, nothing more 7 287.875 235.2 367.5 300.125 is necessary in as- 7v 330,469 270. 421.875 344.531 certaining the con- 376. 307.2 480. 392. tents of a given sy 424.437 346.0 541.875 442.531 cistern than to find 9 475.875 388.8 607.5 496.125 the contents of a 9V 530.219 433.2 676.875 552.781 given diameter in 10 587.5 480. 750. 612.5 the table, and mul- !!* 647.719 710.875 529.2 580.8 828.875 907.5 675.281 741.125 tiply it by the re- quired depth. For iji/ 776.969 634.8 991.875 810.031 example: it is de- 12 2 13 846. 992.875 691.2 811.2 1080. 1267.5 882. 1035.125 sired to know how much a circular cis- 14 15 1151.5 1321.875 940.8 1080. 1475. 1687.5 1200.5 1378.125 tern 20 ft. in diam. and 30 ft. deep, will 16 1504. 1228.8 1920. 1568. contain, in wine 17 18 1697.875 1903.5 1387.2,2167.5 1555.22430. 1770.125 1984.5 gallons. We refer to the table and find 19 2120.875 1732.8 2707.5 2211.125 that such a cistern 20 2350. 1920. 3000. 2450. 1 foot deep will 21 2590.875 2116.8 3307.5 2701.125 contain 2350 galls., 22 2843.5 2323.2 3630. 2964.5 and infer that 30 23 3107.875 2539.2 3967.5 3240.125 times this or 70500, 24 3384. 2768 4320. 3528. will be the con- 25 3671.87513000. 4687.5 3828.125 tents of the re- DEFINITIONS IN SPHERICAL GEOMETRY. 257 CYLINDERS, CONES, SPHERES, ETC. A cylinder* is a round solid body, of uniform diam- eter, whose two ends or bases are at right angles with the sides. A cone'f is a round solid body, tapering in a direct line from the periphery of the base to a point at the top, called the vertex. A pyramid^ is a square body, tapering in a direct line from the periphery of the base to the vertex. A frustu7Ji\\ of a cone, or pyramid, is the part re- maining after a portion of the top is cut off by a plane parallel to the base. The convex^ surface of a cylinder, cone, pyramid, or frustum, is the curved surface, exclusive of the ends, or bases. The entire surface, includes the area of the ends, or bases. A sphere^ is a solid, round body, with a curved surface, all parts of which are equally distant from the center within ; and is generated by the revolution of a semicircle about its own side. A spheroid** is an oblong sphere, whose diameter across is less that the diameter of the opposite ends, and is formed by the revolution of an ellipse about either of its axes. The extremes of the longer diam- eter are called the major axis, and of the shorter, the * Cylinder is from the Gr. root KVXI& or kulio, to roll. t Cone is from the Welsh con, that which shoots a point. J Pyramid originates from a Gr. word whose origin is ?rvp or pur, a flame, from its resemblance in shape to a blaz- ing fire. || Frustum is a Lat. word, which means a broken piece. Convex is from the Lat. convexus, to bend down on every side, as the heavens; the opposite of concave, from cavus, a hollow. If Sphere is from the Lat. sphcera, a round ball. . ** Spheroid is from the Gr. o-v&ip* or sphaira, a round ball, and ttcfo? or eidos,form; globe-like. 258 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. minor axis, from the Latin, major and minor, greater and less. The axes* of a body are points on which it is sup- posed to revolve. The diameter of a sphere is a line drawn through the extreme opposite surfaces. The radius, a line drawn from the center to any part of the surface. A section, as of a cone, or other body, is a portion cut off; from the Lat. root seco 9 to cut ojf.f THE CYLINDER. To find the convex surface of a cylinder, multiply the circumference by the length: for entire contents, add to this twice the area of the base, or the area of the two ends. It may be observed that the convex surface of a cylinder is a rectangular figure, supposing it to be rolled out in the form of a plane. Hence, the length multiplied by the width, will give the superficial contents, as in other cases of rectangles. What is the convex surface of a cylinder, 18|- in. in circumference, and 8 ft. long? 6 4 75 O 1 j_ 24 feet. Having the length in feet, we di- vide by 12, to reduce the width to the same dimension, that the an- swer may be in feet. What is the entire surface of a cylinder 30 inches in circumference, and 40 inches long ? * Axes is the plural of axis, which is from ct%u>v or axon, a table at Athens on which the laws were written, and which revolved on centers or axes. This word is from or ago, to guide or direct movements-, hence, the direction of the mo- tion of a body. fThis is the origin of that beautiful, yet very difficult de- partment of geometry, called Conic Sections, whose demon- stration requires the closest and most perspicuous reasoning. MEASUREMENT OF THE CYLINDER. 259 2 5 2 5 22 7 22 7 .7854 2 .9939 area of both ends. 8.3333 convex area. 12 feet. Ans. 9.3272 entire surface. In the work above, the difficulty is presented of finding the diameter of a circle, then squaring it, and multiplying by .7854, for the area, and 2, for the two ends, which would make two statements necessary. Hence, to avoid this, we multiply together the square of the circumference, the square of 7, the decimal .7854, and 2, representing the two ends, and divide by the square of 22, and the denominators found in the circumference. To find the solid contents of a cylinder, place the square of the diameter, the length, and .7854 on the right, and such denominate numbers as may be neces- sary, on the left: or, instead of .7854, place 11 on the right, and 14 on the left. What is the solid contents of a cylinder 30 inches in diameter, and 16 feet long? Here the two twelves are placed on the left to reduce the square of the diameter to feet, that all of the dimensions may be in feet. Four places of de- cimals are cut off in the answer. Ans. .7854 78.5400 ft. How many solid feet in a cylinder 10^ feet in di- ameter and 12 ft. long? 260 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 21 ll 22079 The 11 and 14 are used in this calculation. These are not suffi- ciently accurate in cases where great precision is desired. CONTENTS OF BOILERS. To find the contents of boilers, place the square of the diameter and length in feet, on the right with 47, and 8 on the left : the answer will be the contents in wine gallons. Ascertain the contents of the fiues in the same ivay, and subtract these from the contents above. For beer gallons, instead of 47 and 8, use 24 and 5. Or, Multiply the length in feet, by the contents of the given diameter, as found in the subjoined table, and strike off as many figures in the answer for deci- mals as there are decimal places in the multiplier. How many wine gallons in a boiler 39 inches in di- ameter and 40 feet long, having two flues, each 9 inches in diameter? 43 47 Boiler. Flues. 264.375 13 47 2482.1875 264.375 Ans. 2217.8125 gallons. In this example we make a separate calculation for the flues, which are % of a foot in diameter; and as there are two of them, we multiply by 2, instead of working the ques- tion twice. The answer is 2218 gallons, nearly, wine mea- sure. The same process may be pursued for beer gallons. The subjoined table will be found very convenient for prac- tical men* AIR PRESSURE, CONES, PYRAMIDS, ETC. 261 TABLE Of contents of Boilers 1 foot in length, in wine gallons, from 3 to 38 inches in diameter. Dla. Cent's. Dia. Cent's. Di. Cent's. Di. Cent's. Di. Cent's. 3 .367 7^ 2-293 12 5.875 21 17.992 30 36.719 3*X .499 8 2.611 13 6.895 22 19.739 31 39.207 4 .652 W 2.947 14 7.997 23 21.582 32 41.777 4X .826 9 3.304 15 9.179 24 23.5 33 44.421 5 1.02 9# 3.682 16 10.444 25 25.499 34 47.163 5^ 1.234 10 ' 4,079 17 11.788 26 27.666 35 49.978 6 1.469 IQiX 4.498 18 13.219 27 29.308 36 52.875 6K 1.724 11 4.937 19 14.719 28 31.985 37 55.853 7 2. UK 5.396 20 16.319 29 34.311 38 59. AIR PRESSURE. To find the air pressure on piston heads and other circular areas, place the square of the diameter and 165 on the right, and 14 on the left. This rule is based on the supposition that the pressure of air, per superficial inch, is 15 lbs.,and that LI is the ratio of the circle to the square: hence, instead of using the 15 and 11, separately, we make them one number, such as may be easi- ly remembered, by multiplying them together. The pressure may be quite accurately obtained by multiplying by 59 and dividing by 5; though, for entire accuracy, it is best to use 1.5 and the decimal .7854, which, multiplied into the square of the diameter, will give the true result What is the air pressure on a piston head 10-j- inches in diameter ? The answer is nearly 1300 pounds. Ans. 21 i 3 165 10395 12S9| Ibs. What is the air pressure on a piston head 35 inches in diameter, in tons ? 262 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 22 400/tf 7 2-20 ttl 32 AnS. 231 The answer is 7^ tons, equal to 7 tons, and 437-| Ibs., avoirdupois. CONES AND PYRAMIDS. To find the convex surface of a cone or pyramid, multiply the circumference or perimeter of the base by the slant hight, and di- vide by 2. The reason for dividing by 2, is that the convex surface of a cone or pyramid is just % the convex surface of a cylinder of similar base and altitude. The circumference of a cone is 90 inches, and the slant hight 10 feet ; how many feet in its surface ? J003 Twelve is used on the left, to re- duce the circumference to feet. 105 150 Ans. 37| ft. To find the solidity of a cone or pyramid, multiply the square of the diameter, the vertical hight, and .7854 together, and divide, by 3, and such other numbers as may be necessary to reduce the dimensions to the came denomination. Cut off four figures for decimals in the answer. The reason for dividing the product of the dimensions by 3, is, that a solid cone is one-third of a cylinder of similar base and altitude. The same thing is true of a pyramid. How many solid feet in a cone 10 feet in diameter, and 30 feet high? 10 The answer is 785 solid feet, X 10 nearly. We might use the 11 and 14, instead of .7854, which would give .7854 the same answer within a very small fraction. Ans. 785.4000 To find the convex surface of the frustum of a cone or pyramid, SOLIDITY OF THE FRUSTUM OF A CONE. 263 place the sum of the circumferences, or perimeters, of the two ends, with the slant hight on the right, and 2 on the left; for the entire surface, add to the result, the sum of the areas of the two ends. A cone, superficially measured, may be easily proven to be a triangle; hence, the necessity of dividing the product of its two sides, as a rectangle, by 2, to get the triangle. Like- wise, the superfice of a frustum may be divided into two tri- angles: hence, the necessity of the sum of the circumfe- rences. To find the solidity of the frustum of a cone or py- ramid. To the sum of the areas of the two ends, add the square root of the product of these areas; place this sum, with the vertical hight, on the right of the line, and 3 on the left. Thus we obtain the mean and two end areas, which are the bases of thrfce right cones: these three cones are equal to the solid frustum. How many solid feet in the frustum of a cone 4| ft. high, and 6 ft. in diameter at the lower, and 5 ft. at the upper end ? 6x6=36 X- 7854=28.27 area of lower base. 5 X 5=25 X- 7854=19.63 " upper " 47.9 sum of bases. 28.27x19-63=^/554.94=23.55. Now, 47.9+23.55=71.45, and this multiplied by the hight, and divided by 3, gives the answer ; thus, In the work above, we ascer- # fiji.jif; 1429 tained, first, the two areas, mul- tiplied them, and extracted the square root of their product, which root was 23.55. This, added to the sum of the two areas, 47.9, gave 71.45, to be multiplied by -J- of the hight. It is almost impossible to explain such operations as this satisfactorily by arithmetic ; yet their utility in practical affairs necessitates their intro- duction. Ans. 114.32 264 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. THE SPHERE OR GLOBE. To find the surface, of a sphere or globe, Multiply the, circumference by the diameter : Or, Multiply the square of the diameter by 3.1416 : Or, Multiply the square of the circumference by .3183. The decimal .3183 is obtained by dividing 1 by 3.14159. What is the surface of a sphere, whose diameter is 3 feet? thus, 3x3=9, the square of the diameter; and this 9x 3.1416=28.2744, or 28 superficial feet, the answer. To find the solidity of a sphere, Multiply the cube* of the diameter by the decimal 5236 : Or, Multiply the square of the diameter, .7854, of the diameter, and 4 together: Or, Multiply the square of the diameter by 3.1416, and the product by of the diameter. The decimal .5236 here used, is one-sixth of 3.1416. In- deed, all of the decimals used as multipliers in anything per- taining to circular figures, can be traced back to the number representing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. A globe is 10 inches in diameter; how many solid inches does it contain? 10 10 X 10 X 10=1000 X.5236r= 523.6 cubic inches, Ans.; or, 10xlOX.7854xlfX4=523.6; or, 35 Ans. 10 3.1416 523.6000 Any of the processes above may be used with en- tire safety. * The cube of a number is that number multiplied into it- self twice; the cube of 4 is 64. THE SPHEROID, WEIGHT OF GLOBES, ETC. 265 A globe is 30 inches in diameter ; how many solid feet does it contain ? It is frequently quite convenient to state on the line, where reduc- tion is to be performed, or any fractional numbers used. The question may be stated thus, 4 /i 4^ 12 tfO 3.1416 5 Ans. 8.18125 e are 2 5 imen- 2 5 must 12 3.1416 5 The two dimensions in the square are reduced to feet, while the third dim en - sion, in the cube, is still inches, and must be reduced by 12. It may be remarked, that when a cylinder is circumscribed about a sphere, whose length is equal to its own diameter, or that of the sphere, the relation of the surface of the sphere to the entire surface of the cylinder is as 2 to 3; and that the relation of their solidities is the same. Hence, an easy method of finding the solidity of a sphere, is to take two-thirds the solidity of a cylinder, of diameter and length equal to tho diameter of the sphere. THE SPHEROID. To find the solidity of a spheroid, Multiply the square of the shorter or minor axis by the longer or major axis, and the product by .5236. A spheroid is 20 by 30 inches; what is its solidity? 20X20X30X. 5236 6283.2 cubic inches. Ans. Lines are to each other as their linear extent: Areas are to each other as their squares : and Solidities are to each othtr as their cubes. There- fore, To ascertain the weight of a globe, when the weight of a globe of similar material is given, Place the cube of the diameter of the globe whose weight is re- quired, on the right, and the cube of the globe whose diameter is given, on the left, and the weight of the given globe, on the right. 266 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. The solidity of a globe, whose diameter is one inch, is .52359, which, for practical purposes, is called .5236^. A globe of wrought iron, 1 foot in diameter, weighs 254.8 Ibs., and of cast iron, 242. The weight of bar iron being 1, the weight of cast iron is .95, of steel, 1.02, copper, 1J.6, brass, 1.09, and lead, 1.48. A cubic foot of rolled iron weighs 486.65 Ibs., avoirdupois; a cylindric foot, 382.2 Ibs. Hence, a cubic inch weighs .28166 of alb.; a cylindric inch, .22116; now, taking two thirds of the latter, shows that a spherical inch of rolled iron weighs .14744, and of cast iron, .14006 of a Ib. A cubic inch of cast iron weighs .26757 of a Ib.; hence, 3.84 cubic inches of cast iron weigh 1.02 Ib.; 3.84 cubic inches are generally allowed for 1 Ib. If a cast iron globe, 12 inches in diameter, weighs 242 Ibs., how much will a globe of the same metal weigh, which is 15 inches in diameter? Here, the cube of the di- ameter is placed on the line in inches, in each case ; and as the cube of 12 equals 242, the cube of 15 must equal 473, etc. Ans. GAUGING.* Gauging is the measurement of casks or barrels ; and is subject to no specific rules, from the fact that a cask is not identical with any regular geometrical figure; hence, no certain directions can be given to measure all of the various shapes which casks assume. They are generally considered the two equal frustums of a cone, with greater or less lateral curvature. It is not necessary to enter into an investigation of the principles on which we found the following * Gauge is from the French, jauge, a measuring rod. PHILOSOPHICAL CALCULATIONS. 267 DIRECTIONS FOR GAUGING CASKS. Place the sum of twice the square of the bulge di- ameter and once the square of the head diameter, with the length, on the right ; and, on the left, 882 for wine gallons, and 1077 for beer gallons: Or, Multi- ply the square of the mean diameter by the length, and the product by .0034 for wine, and .0028 for beer gallons. To ascertain the mean diameter between the bung and the head, where the stave is greatly curved, add to the head diam- eter .7 of the difference between the head and bung diame- ters; when moderately curved, .55; and when very slightly curved, .5. How many wine gallons in a cask 49 inches long, 30 inches bung, and 21 inches head diameter? thus, 30x30x2=1800 21x21 = 441 2241 6 747 Ans. 124^ galls. The measurement of casks by calculation is of but little utility, as it is now mostly done by a rod, with computations already made, in tabular form. MECHANICAL POWERS. The remarks on the mechanical powers will be very limited, as this subject belongs legitimately to natural philosophy. Yet we may give such general directions as will enable the student in philosophy to make his calculations with greater facility, than by the old method. The mechanical powers are six : the lever, the in- clined plane, the wheel and axle, the pulley, the screw, and the wedge. 18 268 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. Several of these are, however, the same powers, which receive their name from the nature of their ap- plication; as there are, strictly speaking, but two powers, the lever and inclined plane. The wheel and axle, and pulley are revolving levers ; the screw, a revolving inclined plane ; and the wedge, a compound inclined plane. The fulcrum* of a lever is the point or pivot on which the lever rests: the arm is the distance be- tween this rest and the power or weight. When the two arms of a Lever and the power are given, to find the weight that will equiponderate, proceed as in Inverse Propor- tion: Or, Place the length of the arm for which the weight is re- quired, on the left, and the other arm and the given weight on the right: the answer will be the required weight. A lever 20 feet long rests on a fulcrum 5 feet from one end ; on the short end is a weight of 3000 Ibs.r what weight attached to the other end will equipon- derate ? teooo 1000 Ibs. This may be proven by finding the length of one of the arms. If the arm of a lever 15 feet long, with 1000 Ibs. attached, equiponderate 3000 Ibs., how long is the arm to which the latter weight is attached ? 1000 Here, 3000 feet is the demand, 1000 ]Lp 5 the same name, while the term of an- ~T~~ r f swer is 15 feet. The 1000 Ibs. and the 1 15 cooperate to produce the common effect, equiponderance. Hence, they are causes in proportion. When a weight is sustained between two props or fulcra, pro- ceed by Inverse Proportion; making the entire length of the lever the demand, the sJiort arm the same name, when the weight on the * Fulcrum is a Latin word which means a prop, or brace. MECHANICAL POWERS. 269 prop of the long arm is required, and vice versa, and the whole weight the term of answer. Two men, A and B, carry a burden on a lever 30 feet long, placed 10 feet from A; what is the weight sustained by B ? 30 20 400 30 10 400 Ans. 266f A's. Ans. 1.33 Ibs. B's. The weight to the answer is inversely as the arm to the whole lever. These two results added, make 400 Ibs., the whole weight. The diameter of the wheel, the diameter of the axle, and the power given, tofnd the weight: Proceed as in Inverse Propor tion, etc. The diameter of a wheel is 21 ft., and that of the axle 8 inches ; what weight attached to the axle will balance 140 Ibs. attached to the periphery of the wheel ? We here make the 8 inches f of a foot, and placing it on the left, di- 100 vide likewise by 100 which reduces the answer to cwts.: hence, 50| cwt. The radius of a wheel is the long arm; the radius of the axle, the Ans. short arm. The weight is the power. 10 21 440 7 504 50| This question may be proven by finding the power attached to the wheel, or by finding the radius of either the wheel or axle. The ingenious pupil may experiment at pleasure. The length, the Jdglit, and the power of an inclined plane given, tofnd the weight: Make the length the demand in direct propor- tion; the hight, the same name; and the power, the term of an- swer: the answer will be the weight. To find the power, make the hight the demand, etc. An inclined plane is 72 ft. long, and 8 ft. high ; what weight will 781 Ibs. power sustain? 270 RAUTEY'S IMPROVES ABACUS. 7gj The demand, 72, is placed on the right. Again: Ans. 7029 Ibs, What power will sustain 7029 Ibs. weight on an in- clined plane 72ft. long, and 8 ft. high? We now get the power assumed in- the first question, for the answer. The side of a wedge, the thickness of the head, and the power given, to ascertain the force: Make the length the demand; the thickness, the same name ; and the power, the term of answer. The dimensions and resistance given, to fnd the power: Make the thickness the demand; the length the same name; and the re- sistance the term of answer. The length of a wedge is 40 inches, the head 8 inches, and the power 300 Ibs. what is the force? This may be proven by finding the power, the force being the resistance ; thus, Ans. 40 300 Ans. 1500 Ibs. : 2 1500 300 Ibs. These statements are made by di- rect proportion. The distance between the threads of a screw, the length of lever, and power given, to ascertain the weight: Make the circumference whose radius is the lever, the demand; the distance between the threads, the same name; and the power the term of answer. The weight given, to ascertain the power: Make the distance between the threads, the demand; the circumference, as above, the same name; and the power, the term of answer. The distance, parallel to the center, of a screw be- tween its threads, is 2-J- inches ; the length of the lever, 56-J- inches, and the power, 9 tons ; what pres- sure will it give ? SQUARE ROOT. 271 Here, 355 is the circumference of twice the radius, 56 . 5355 2 9 Ans. 1278 tons. Let us now find the power, the pressure, 1278 tons, being ascertained ; thus, We merely reverse the supposition and demand, after finding weight, force, pressure, etc., to find the power. We trust enough has been said to render the appli- cation of arithmetic to philosophy, plain and simple, so far as the mechanical powers are concerned. 355 2 5 1278 Ans. 9 tons. SQUARE EOOT. The extraction of the square root, and all the other roots, depends on principles which it is extremely dif- ficult to explain satisfactorily, in arithmetic. The roots belong properly to Algebra ; and the only ex- cuse for the notice of square root here, is, that we very frequently require it in practical affairs. Cube root, to the contrary, is very seldom needed, except by scientific men, such as have thoroughly studied all of the principles of algebra. I have never, in the course of my life, found occasion for extracting the cube root once, for practical purposes. Hence, the propriety of excluding it from this treatise ; as likewise all of those subdivisions of numbers whose explanation depends on algebraic principles ; such as the Positions, Alliga- tion, the Progressions, Permutation, etc., etc.; none of which offer any reward for the arduous labor lost in the impossible task of their attainment in arithmetic. If 272 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. one-half the time devoted to these principles in their arbitrary form in arithmetic, were devoted to the study of algebra, the pupil would learn a great portion of that beautiful science, and thus secure the only key to the principles involved in these rules. The sign ,J placed before a number, indicates that the square root is to be extracted. By placing 3, 4, 5, etc., over it, we understand that the cube, fourth, or fifth root is to be extracted ; thus, 6=r4; and 4x3=J144. SUMMARY OF DIRECTIONS. I. Separate the number into columns or periods of two figures each,, by placing a period ( . ) over the unifs figure, and over every second figure from this to the left, and in decimals, over every second figure toward the right. II. Find the greatest square number in the first period to the left, and place the root, or an equal factor of such square number, for the quotient, at the right of the whole number: subtract the square of this root, or quotient figure, from the first period, and to the right of the remainder bring down the two figures of the next period, for a new dividend. III. Double the root or quotient figure obtained, and place it to the left of the new dividend, for a new partial divisor: ascer- tain how many times it is contained in the new dividend, ex- clusive of the right-hand figure of such dividend, and place the quotient to the right of the first quotient or root: place this quotient, or second figure of the root, likewise to the right of the partial divisor, which was used in obtaining it: multiply the whole number thus found as the divisor, by the figure thus appended, or the last figure in the root: subtract the product, and bring down the next period, for a new dividend. IV. Proceed with this period as the one preceding, and thus continue the operation, until the roots of all the periods are ex- tracted. V. If there be a remainder after all the periods are thus used, two ciphers may be added at a. time, and the operation continued to any desired number of decimal places. VI. The work is correct, if the root multiplied by itself, gives a product equal to the original number. SQUARE ROOT. 273 What is the square root of 729? It this example, we make 7 the first, and 29 the second period : 2 squared, equal to 4, makes the largest number 2)729(37 4 that can be extracted from 7 ; for 3 I 47^090 squared, would give 9, a number too | 399 large. We place this 2 to the right, subtract its square, leaving 3, and bring down the 20: we now square the 2, placing the square 4, on the left of the new dividend, 829 ; we divide the 4 into the first two figures of the dividend, 32, and find that it would go eight times, and conclude that 8 must be placed to the right of the divisor, 4 ; but, when we multiply the 48 thus found by the root 8, we find that it makes 384, a number that cannot be subtracted from 329. Hence, we conclude that the partial divisor, 4, must go into 32 only seven times, making allowance for the one that will be car- ried from the 9 which is rejected, and place the 7 in in the root, and also at the right of the divisor 4, making 47. Now, this 47, multiplied by the root, 7, makes 329, which subtracted leaves nothing. We, therefore, conclude that the root is 27, and prove it by finding that 27 X27=729. Again : What is the side of a square field that contains 42025 square roods ? We first divide this number into periods ; thus, The first root is 2, and its pro- 2)42025(205 4 405)2025 2025 duct, 4, subtracted leaves nothing. 20 being the next period, we know that 4, which is the root doubled, would be contained 5 times ; but, as 45 multiplied by 5 could not be subtracted from 20, we say that this period gives no root figure, and supply its place by a cipher in the root, and also a cipher at the right of the partial divisor, 4. Now, this partial divisor, 274 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. 40, is contained in the 202, five times : hence, \ve place 5 in the root, and 5 at the right of 40, and mul- tiply the divisor thus found by the 5, making 2025. Hence, the root is 205. This multiplied by itself gives the original number. In decimals appended to a whole number, the ex- traction is effected as in whole numbers. The only tiling to be observed, is to place the decimal point after the last root figure in the whole numbers, and all of the remaining figures will be decimals. To ascertain the square root of a vulgar fraction, reduce ike fraction to its lowest term, and extract the roots of the nume- rator and denominator, separately. What is the square root of y 8 81 = 9 J9=3 9 )777 7^ ; now > ~ 144=lb the roots of the fraction, and reduce these to the lowest term; /81 = 9 9 =3 thus, - ; and Ans. 7144=12' 12=4 A number whose root cannot be exactly ascer- tained, is called a surd. CURRENCY. Value of foreign Gold and Silver Coins, according to Custom- House usage. Guinea, English, gold, $5.00 Crown, " silver, 1.12 Shilling, .23 Bank token, English, silver, .25 Florin, of Basle, silver, .41 Moidore, Brazil, gold, 4.80 Livre, of Catalonia, silver, .53K Florence Livre, silver, .15 Louis d'or, French, gold, 4.56 Crown. " silver, 1.06 40 Francs, " gold, 7.66 5 Francs, " silver, .93 Geneva Livre, silver, .21 10 Thalers, German, gold, 7.80 10 Pauls, Italy, silver, .97 Jamaica Pound, nominal, 3.00 Leghorn Dollar, silver, $0.90 Sen do, of Malta, " .40 Doubloon, of Mexico, gold, 15.60 Livre, of Neufchatel, silver, .26 % Half Joe, Portugal, gold, 8.53 Florin, Prussia, silver, .22% Imperial, Russia, gold, 7.83. Rix Dollar, Rhenish, silver, .60% " " Saxony, " .69 Pistole, Spanish, gold, 3.97 Rial, silver, .12> Cross Pistareen, " .16 Other Pistareens, " 18 Swiss Livre, " .27 Crown, of Tuscany, silver, 1.05 Piaster, Turkish, " .05 FOREIGN COINS AND MONIES OF ACCOUNT. 275 Monies oj Account and Coins^made current by act of Congress.* Pound Sterling, G, Britain, $4.84 Do., Canada and N. Sc., 4.00 Do., N. Bran, and N. Found., 4.00 Franc, of France and Belgium, .186 Livre Tournois, France, ..185 Florin, Netherlands, .40 Do., Southern Ger. States, .40 Guilder, of Netherlands, .40 Real Vellon, Spain, .05 Do., Plate, .10 Milree, of Portugal, 1.12 Milree. of Azores, .83% Marc Banco of Hamburg, .35 Thaler, or Rix Dollar, Prussia, and Nor. Ger. States, .69 Rix Dollar of Bremen, $0.78% Specie Dollar of Denmark, 1.05 Do.., Sweden and Norway, 1.06 Rouble, Russia, silver, .75 Florin, of Austria, .485 Lira or Lambardo, Venetian kingdom, .16 Lira, of Tuscany, . .16 Lira, of Sardinia, .186 Ducat, Naples, .80 Ounce, of Sicily, 2.40 Livres, Leghorn, .16 Tael, of China, 1.48 Rupee, Company, .445 Pagoda, India, 1.84 Foreign Monies of Account, giving the value of the unit, accord- ing to custom, in dollars and cents.^ Brazil. 1000 Rees =-1 Milree = in Federal money to $0.828 The silver coin, 1200 Rees = 994 Bremen. 5 Schwares =1 Grote; 72 Grotes =1 Rix Dollar, silver, .787 Belgium. 100 cents =1 Guilder or Florin; 1 Guilder, (silver),. ,. . 40 Bencoolen. 8 Satellers 1 Soocoo; 4 Soocoos=l dol~ lar or rial, .... 1.10 Austria. 60 Kreutzers 1 Florin; 1 Florin, silver = .485 British India. 12 Pice =1 Anna; 16 Annas =1 Co Rupee, silver, ....... . . . . .445 In Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, the current silver Rupee = 444 Buenos Ayres. 8 Rials =1 dollar, common currency, (fluctuating), 93 Canton. 10 Cash 1 Candarine; 10 Candarines =1 Mace; 10 Mace=l Tael, ] .48 (The Cash, composed of Copper and lead, is said to be the only money coined by the Chinese.) Cape of Good Hope. 6 Stivers =1 Schilling; 8 sen- = 1 Rix dollar, 313 Ceylon. 4 Pice=l Fanam; 12 Fanarns = 1 Rix dol., 40 Cuba. 8 Rials, plate, =1 dollar; 1 dollar, 1.00 Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and New Grenada. 8 Rials =1 dollar; 1 dollar, fluctuating, 1.00 * Monies of Account are not represented by coin, and are used for fa- cility in reckoning, only, as mills in our country. To ve/ify the tables above, see Laws of the United States. .tSee Encyclopaedia JBritaunica, and McCulloctfs Commercial Dictionary 276 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. Chili. 8 Rials =1 dollar; 1 dollar, silver, = $1.00 Denmark. 12 Pfennigs =1 skilling; 16 Sk. =1 Marc; 6 Marcs =1 Rigsbank, or 1 Rix dollar, silver, 52 Egypt-* Aspers =1 Para; 40 Paras =1 Piaster, sil., .048 Hamburg. 12 Pfenings =1 Schilling or Sol; 16 Schil. =1 Marc Lubs;* 3 Marcs =1 Rix dollar, Current Marc, silver, 28 Marc Banco, 35 Holland. 100 Cents =1 Florin, or Guilder: 1 Florin, silver, 40 Greece. 100 Lepta =1 Drachme; 1 drachme, silver,. . .166 Great Britain and France. See tables above. Japan. 10 Candarines ==1 Mace; 10 Mace ==1 Tael, .75 Malta. -20 Granif =1 Taro; 12 Tari =1 Scudo; 2> Scudi =1 Pezza, 1.00 Java.- 100 Cents =1 Florin; 1 Florin, as in Nether- lands, 40 Mauritius. In accounts of state, 100 Cts. =1 dol. = .968 Manilla. -34 Maravedies =1 Rial; 8 Rials =1 dollar, Spanish, 1.00 Milan. 12 Denari =1 soldo; 20 Soldi =1 Lira, 20 Mexico. -8 Rials =1 dollar, 1 dollar, 1.00 Montevideo. 100 Centesimi =1 Rial; 8 Rial =1 dol., .833 Naples. 10 Grani =1 Carlino; 10 Carlini =1 Ducat, silver, 80 Netherlands. Throughout the whole kingdom, ac- counts are kept in Florins or Guilders, and cents, as per law of 1815. See Holland. New South Wales. Accounts are kept in Sterling Money, only. Norway 4 120 Skillings ==1 Rix dollar, silver, 1.06 Papal States. 10 Bajocchi =1 Paolo; 10 Paoli =1 Scudo or Crown, 1.00 Peru. 8 Rials =1 dollar, silver, 1.00 Portugal 400 Rees =1 Cruzado;^ 1000 Rees =--1 Mil- ree or Crown, 1.12 * Lubs indicates that it is the money of the city Lubec; the common coin is the marc currency; the marc banco represents the certificates of deposit of bullion, jewelry, etc., in the bank of Hamburg. Invoices and accounts are frequently made in Flemish pounds, shillings, and pence, which are subdivided as sterling money. The Flemish pound is equal ta7% marcs banco. t Grani is the plural of grano; tari, plural of taro; scudi, of scudo; lire, of lira; pezze of pezza; soldi, of soldo; carlini,+f>f carlinoj bajocchi, of bajoccho; and paoli, of paolo. t Norway has no gold coin of her owu. Cruzadi is plural of cruzado; groschcn, of grosch; centesimi of ctnti- lima; lire piecole t of lira pictola; soldi di pezza> of soldo di pezza* JEWISH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 277 Prussia. 12 Pfennigs =1 Grosch, silver; 30 Groschen =1 Thaler, or dollar, $0.69 Russia. 100 Copecks =1 Rouble, silver, 78 Accounts were kept in paper Roubles previous to 1840, 3j^ of which were equal to 1 silver Rouble. Sardinia. 100 Centesimi =1 Rira; 1 Lira=l Franc, French, 186 Sweden. 12 Rundstycks -=1 Skilling; 48 Skilling =1 Rix dollar, specie, 1.06 Sicily. 20 Grani=l Taro; 30 Tari==l Oncia, gold, 2.40 Spain. 2 Maravedies=l Quinto; 16 Quintos=l Rial of old plate:* 20 Rials vellon =1 Span, dollar, 1.00 St. Domingo. 100 Centimes =1 dollar: 1 dollar, 33) Tuscany. 12 Denari di Pezza =1 Soldo di Pezza; 2 Soldi di Pezza =1 Pezza of 8 Rials; 1 Pezza, silver, .90 Turkey. 3 Aspers =1 Para; 40 Paras =1 Piaster, varying, 05 Venice. 100 centesimi =1 Lira; 1 Lira =1 Franc, Fr., .186 Accounts were once kept in ducats, lire, etc. 12 Denari =1 Soldo; 20 Soldi =1 Lira Piccola; 6j. Lire piccole =1 Ducat current; 8 Lire pic. =1 Ducat effective; the Lira piccola is worth, 096 West Indies, British. Pounds, shillings, pence, etc., as in England; the value varies in the different islands, and is in all of them below that of England. Jewish or Scripture, Standard Weights and Measures.^ WEIGHTS OF MONEY. 60 Shekels =1 Maneh ; 50 Maneh =1 Talent; or 113 Ibs., 10 oz., 1 clwt., 10 grs., Troy. LONG MEASURE. 4 Digits ==1 Palm: 3 Palms ^=1 Span; 2 Spans =1 Cubit; 4 Cubits =1 Fathom; 2 Fathoms =1 Ara- bian Pole; 10 Poles =1 Schoenus, which is the measuring line, and is equal to 144 feet, 11 inches. ITINERARY MEASURE. 400 Cubits =1 Stadium; 5 Stadia =1 Sabbath-day's Journey; 10 Stadia =1 Eastern Mile; 3 Eastern Miles =1 Parasang; 8 Parasangs =1 Day's Journey, or 33| English Miles. DRY MEASURE. 20 Grachal =1 Cab; 1 A Cabs=l Gomor; 3> Gomor =1 Seah; 3 Seahs =1 Ephah; 5 Ephahs =1 Le- leeh; 2 Leteeh =1 Comer, or 2 Bushels, 1 pint, English. LIQUID MEASURE. lj/g Caph ==1 Log; 4 Logs =1 Cab; 3 Cabs =1 Hin; 2 Hins =1 Seah; 3 Seahs =1 Bath or * Although rial of old plate is not a coin, yet it is the denomination in which exchanges and invoices are reckoned. ISce Kelly's Universal Cambist. 278 RA1NEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. Ephah; 10 Ephah s =1 Chomer, Homer, or Corus, which equals 75 gallons, 5 pints, English Measure. 1 Talents=113 Ibs., 10 oz., 1 dwt., 10 grs; or 655714 grs. 1 Maneh ==13114.28 grs.; or, 27.3214 oz.; or, 2.27678 Ibs. T. 1 Shekel = 218.57133 grs. 1 Schoenus=145ftll in.; or, 1 " =1751. inches. 1 Pole = 175.1 " 1 Fathom = 87.55 ", or, 7 ft. 3% inches. 1 Cubit =~ 21. 8875 inches. 1 Span 10.9437 1 Palm = 3.6477 " 1 Digit .9119 1 Day's Journey =33i Eng- lish miles; or 58374.3216 yds. 1 Parasang =7296.7902 1 Eas. Mile =2432.2634 yards. 1 Stadium 243.2263 1 Sab. D. J .=1216.1315 1 Comer =2 bu. 1 pt., Eng.; or 16.125 galls.; or 129. pts. 1 Leteeh =64.5 pints. 1 Ephah =12.9 1 Seah 4.3 1 Gomor = 1.29 1 Cab = .7166 1 Grachal = .0358 1 Chomer =15 galls., 5 pts., English; or 605 pints. 1 Ephah =60.5 pints. 1 Seah =21.166 1 Kin =10.083 1 Cab = 3.361 1 Log = .8402 1 Caph = .6301 1 Talent, silver =$1589.61; of gold, =$25415.27. 1 Ma- neh, silver =$31.79; gold, =$508.22. 1 Shekel, =$0.529; gold, =$847; all 24 carets fine, allowing no alloy. Time Table, for Banking and Equation, giving the number of days from any given date in one month, to the same date in any other month. A.D. 1849. a 53 1 9 < ri ~, a> c o 1 II III Jan. 365 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334 Feb. 334 365 28 59 89 120 150 181 212 242 272 303 Mar. 306 337 365 31 61 91 122 153 184 214 245 275 Ap'l. 275 306 334 365 30 61 91 122 153 183 214 244 May. 245 276 304 335 365 31 61 92 123 153 184 214 June. 214 245 273 304 1334 365 30 61 i 92 122 153 183 July. 184 215 243 |274 |3Q4 335 365 31 ! 62 92 123 153 Aug. 153 184 212 243 273 304 334 365 31 61 92 122 Sept. 122 153 181 212 -242 273 303 334 365 30 61 91 Oct. 92 123 151 182 212 243 273 304 335 365 31 61 Nov. Dec. 61 31 92 62 120 151 181 90 11211151 212 242 273 304 334 365 30 182 i ! 212 1243 274 1304 1335 365 TABLE OF DIAMETERS AND AREAS. 279 The number of days expiring between any two periods may be very easily ascertained in the foregoing table, by ascertaining the time between the first and second dates, and adding or subtracting the overplus, or deficit, minus 1. For example: How long does a note run, dated January 4, and payable December 14? In the table above, from Jan. 4, to Dec. 4, is 334 days; and 9 days more, added, excluding the latter date, make 343 days, the time that the note runs. How long does a note run from December 4, to January 41 In the left-hand column we find December, and opposite it, under the head Jan., we find 31 days, the time. The month of the first date must be sought in the column at the left. For leap-year, one must be added to the number of days, when the month of February comes within the two dates. TABLE Of Diameters and Areas of Circles. Dia. Area. Dia. Area. Dia. Area. Dia. Area. Dia. Area. lin. .7854 IOK 82.516 19 K 298.648 28% 649.182 38 1134.11 IX 1.2271 10 ^ 86.590 19% 306.355 29 660.521 38X 1149.08 \y z 1.7671 10? 90.762 20 314.160 29^ 671.958 38^ 1164.15 1% 2.4052 11 95.035 20^ 322.063 29 y z 683.494 38% 1179.32 3.1416 ivx 99.402 20 y* 330.064 29% 695,128 39 1194.59 2K 3.9760 11 y' 103.869 20% 338.163 30 706.860 39K 1209.95 2> 4.9087 ft% 108.434 21 346.361 30% 718.690 39^ 1225.42 5.9395 12 113.097 21K 35-1.657 30^ 730.618 39% 1240.98 3 * 7.0686 12^ 117.859 21 y z 363.051 30% 744.644 40 1256.64 3K 8.2957 % 122.718 aig 371.543 31 754.769 40^ 1272.39 3> 9.6211 !2% 127.676 22 380.133 31K 766.992 40 K 1288.25 3% 11.044 13 132.732 22K 388.822 31X 779.313 40% 1304.20 4 12.566 !3K 137.886 &X 397.608 31% 791.732 41 1320.25 4K 14.186 13 y* 143.139 22% 406.193 32 804.249 41X 1336.40 4% 15.904 13% 148.489 23 415.476 32^ 816.865 41 K 1352.65 4% 17.720 14 153.938 23>4: 424.557 32 y z 829.578 41% 1369.00 5 19.635 14^ 159.485 23 y z 433.731 32% 842.390 42 1385.44 5% 21.647 !4^ 165.130 23% 443.004 33 855.30 42X 1401.98 5>a 23.758 m 170.873 24 452.390 33^ 868.30 42^ 1418.62 4! 25.967 15 176.715 24^ #1.864 33^ 881.41 42% 1436.36 6 28.274 15^ 182.654 24K 471.436 33% 894.61 43 1452.20 6X 30.679 % 188.692 24% 481.106 34 907.92 43X 1469.13 6K 33.183 U% 194.828 25 490.875 34X 921.32 43 y z 1486.17 6% 35.784 16 201.062 25K 500.741 **y* 934.82 43% 1503.30 7 38.484 16>^ i 207.394 25 K 510.706 34% 948.41 44 1520.53 7K 41.282 16 >/ 213.825 25% 520.769 35 962.11 44X 1537.86 7 K 44.178 16% 220.353 26 530.930 35^ 975.90 44 y z 1555.28 TX 47.173 17 2*5.980 26^ 541.189 85 989.80 44% 1572.81 8 50.265 ft* 233.705 26K 551.547 35% 1003.70 45 1590.43 8K 53.456 17$ 240.528 26% 5ty.00'3 36 1017.87 45K 1608.15 8^ 56.745 ITX 247.450 27 572.556 36M 1032.06 45}^ 1625.97 8% 60.132 18 254.469 27X 5S3.208 36 >/ 1046.30 45% 1643.89 9 63.617 18X 261.587 27 >^ 593.958 36% 1060.73 46 1661.90 9X 67.200 18 K 268.803 27% 604.807 37 1075.21 46X 1680.01 9K 70.882 18% 276.117 28 615.753 37^ 1089.79 46 >^ 1698.23 9% 74.662 19 383.888 28^ 626.798 37 > 1104.46 46% 1716.54 10 78.540 19X 291.039 28^ 637.941 37% 1119.24 47 1734.94 280 RAINEY'S IMPROVED ABACUS. TAB LE C&nt inued. Dia. Area. Dia. Area. Dia. Area. Dia. Area. Lia. Area. 47% 1753.45 57% 2619.35 68K 3658.44 85 y z 5741.47 9 8 73.391 47% 1772.05 58 2642.08 68% 8685.29 86 5808.81 9 9 74.662 47% 1790.76 58% 2664.91 68% 3712.24 86K 5876.55 9 10 75.943 48 1809.56 58 % 2637.83 69 3739.28 87 5944.69 9 11 77.236 48% 1828.46 58% 2710.85 69% 3766.43 87> a x 6013.21 10 78.540 48% 1847.45 59 2733.97 09% 3-793.67 88 6082.13 10 1 79.854 48% 1868.55 59^ 2757.19 69% 3821.02 88 K 6151.44 10 2 81.179 49 1885.74 59% 2780.51 70 3848.46 89 6221.15 10 3 82.516 49K 1905.03 69% 2803.92 1Q 1 4 3875.99 89% 6291.25 10 4 83.862 49% : 1924.42 60 2827.44 70% 3903.63 90 6361.74 10 5 85.221 49% 1943.91 60^ 2S51.05 70% 3931.36 90% 6432.62 10 6 86.590 60 1963.50 60% 2874.76 71 3959.20 91 6503.89 10 7 87.969 50% 1983.18 60% 2898.59 71# 3987.13 91 % 6573.56 10 8 89.360 50 % 2002.96 61 2922.47 71% 4015.16 92 6647.62 10 9 90.762 50% 2022.84 61M 2946.47 71% 4043.28 92% 6720.07 10 10 92.174 51 2042.82 6i % 2970.57 72 4071.51 93 6792.92 10 11 93.598 51% 2062.90 61% 2994.77 72% 4128.25 93% 6866.16 11 95.033 51% 2083.07 62 3019.07 73 4185.39 94 6939.79 11 1 96.478 51% 2103.35 62)^ 3043.47 73% 4242.92f 94% 7013.81 11 2 97.934 52 2123.72 62% 3067.96 74 4300.85 95 7088.23 11 3 99.402 52K 2144.19 62% 3092.56 74K 4359.1'') 95% 7163.04 11 4 100.879 52% 2164.75 63 3117.25 75 4417.87 ft. in. feet. 11 5 102.368 52% 2185.42 63X 3142.04 75 y* 4476.97 8 50.265 11 6 103.869 53 2206.18 63% 31G6.92 76 4536.47 8- 1 51.317 11 7 105.379 53% 2227.05 63% 3191.91' 76 4596.35 8 2 52.381 11 8 106.901 53% 2248.01 64 3216.99 77 4656.63 8 3 53.456 11 9 108.434 53^ 2269.06 64# 3242.17 77% 4717.30 8 4 54.541 11 10 109.977 54 2290.22 64% 3267.46 78 4778.37 8 5 55.637 11 11 111.531 54% 2311.48 64% 3292.83 78> 4839.83 8 6 56.745 12 113.097 54% 2332.83 65 3318.31 79 4901.68 8 7 57.862 13 132.732 54% 2354.28 65^ 3343.88 79% 4963.92 8 8 58.992 14 153.938 55 2375.83 65 % 3369.56 80 5026.56 8 9 60.132 15 176.715 55K 2397.48 65% 3395.33 80 % 5089.58 8 10 61.282 16 201.062 55% 2419.22 66 3421.20 81 5153.00 8 11 62.444 17 226.980 55% 2441.07 66K 3447.16 8L& 5216.83 9 63.617 18 254.469 56 2463.0r 66 % 3473.23 82 5281.02 9 1 64.800 19 283.529 56K 2485.05 ; 66% 3499.39 82 y, 5345.0-3 9 2 65.995 20 314.160 56% 2507.19 67 3525.66 8S 5410.62 9 3 67.200 21 346.361 56% 2529.42 67^ 3552.01 83^ 5476.00 9 4 68.416 22 380.133 57 2551.76 67% 3578.47 : 84 5541.78 9 5 69.644 23 415.476 57K 2574.19 67% 3605.03 84K 5607.90 9 6! 70.833 24 452.390 57% 2596.72 68 3631.68 85 5674.51 9 71 72.130 25 490.87* Weight of a Lineal Foot of Square Rolled Iron, in lbs.,from to 12 inches square. Size, Wei't, Size, Wei't, Size, Wei't, Size, Wei't, Size, Wei't, in in. inlbs. in in. in Ibs. in in. in Ihs. in in. inlbs. in in. in Ibs. K .211 % 2.588 1 7.604 2% 15.263 2% 25.560 % .475 1 3.380 1% 8.926 2% 17.112 2% 27.939 .845 1% 4.278 1% 10.352 2% 19.066 3 30.416 i 1.320 1% 5.280 1% 11.883 2% 21.120 3% 33.010 % 1.901 lg 6.390 2 13.520 2% 33.292 3K 35.704 WEIGHT OF DIFFERENT BODIES OF IRON. 281 TABLE Continued. Size, in in. Wei't, in Ibs. Size,, in in. Wei't, in Ibs. Size, in in. Wei't, in Ibs. Size, in in. Wei't, in Ibs. Size, in in. Wei't, in Ibs. 3K 86.503 4% 72.305 5^ 111.756 7& 203.024 10 337.920 B 41.408 4% 76.264 5K 116.671 8 216.336 10K 355.136 3% 44.418 4% 80.333 6 121.664 8K 230.068 10 K 372.672 3% 47.534 5 84.480 6K 132.040 8K 244.220 10% 390.628 3% 50.756 5K 88.784 6K 142.816 8% 258.800 11 408.960 4 54.084 5K 93.168 6% 154.012 9 273.792 UK 427.812 4K 57.517 5% 97.657 7 165.632 9K 289.220 UK 447.024 4K 61.055 5K 102.240 7K 177.672 9K 305.056 11% 466.684 4K 64.700 5% 106.953 7K 190.136 9& 321.332 12 486.656 4K 68.448 Weight of Round Rolled Iron, 1 foot long, and from % to 12 inches in diameter. - Dia., Wei't, Uia-, Wei't, Uia., Wei't, Dia., Wei't, Dia., Wei't, in in. in Ibs. in in. in Ibs. in in. in Ibs. in in. in Ibs. in in. in VSs. K .165 2K 11.988 8# 39.864 5% 84.001 8% 203.269 % .373 2K 13.440 4 42.464 5?4 87.776 9 215.040 % .663 a% 14.975 4X 45.174 5% 91.634 9K 227.152 % 1.043 2K 16.688 4V 47.952 6 95.552 9K 239.600 % 1.493 a* 18.293 4?< 50.815 ex 103.704 93^ 252.376 % 2.032 2% 20.076 4K 53.760 6# 112.160 10 266.288 1 2.654 ^ 21.944 4% 56.788 6%r 120.960 10K 278.924 IK 3.360 3 23.888 4# 69.900 7 130.048 10K 292.688 IK 4.172 *K -25.926 4% 63.094 ? 139.544 10% 306.800 IK 5.019 3X 28.040 5 66.752 K 149.328 11 321.216 IK 5.972 3% 30.240 5K 69.731 7% 159.456 UK 336.004 1% 7.010 3K 32.512 5# 73.172 8 169.856 UK 351.104 IK 8.128 3% 34.886 5'< 76.700 8* 180.696 u% 3b6.536 IK 9.333 8* 37.332 5^ 80.304 8^ 191.808 12 382.208 2 10.616 Weight, in Ibs., of different bodies of Cast Iron, 1 foot in length, and from % to 12 inches diameter or side. Side, ordi. Squa. Hex a- gon. Octa- gon. Circle. Side, or di. Squa. Hex a- gon. Octa- gon. Circle. iru-b. inch. y, .781 .675 .650 .612 3K 33.009 28.565 27.475 25.921 X 1.75(5 1.528 1.471 1.387 8 38.281 33.131 31.818 30.065 1 3.125 2.703 2.603 2.454 3% 43.943 38.031 36.581 31.512 IV 4.881 4.225 4.065 3.854 4 50.000 43.271 41.621 39.268 1U 7.031 6.085 ; 5.856 5.521 4X 56.443 48.353 46.990 44.331 1 9.568 8.281 ' 7.971 7.515 *K 63,281 5-1.768 52.681 49.700 2 12.520 10.815, 10.412 9.815 4fc 70.506 61.021 58.696 55.375 2V 15.818 13.990 i 13.168 12.425 5 78.125 67.515 65.040 61.359 2^ 19.531 16.900, 16.256 15.337 5J4 86.131 74.549 71.701 .67.709 2^ 23.631 20.450 19.671 18.559 5V, 94.531 81.815 78.696 74.243 3 28.125 24.340 23.412 22.087 &% 103.318 89.421 86.015 81.126 282 RAINEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. TABLE Continued. Side, or di. Squa. Hexa- gon. Octa- gon. Circle. Side, or di. Squa. Hexa- gon. Octa- gon. Circle. inch. inch. 6 112.500 97.368 93.656 88.354 9K 266.781 231.418 222.600 210.800 6K 122.058 105.640 101.621 95.871 9> 282.031 244.100 234.793 221.506 sy* 132.031 114.271 109.948 1 103.696 &2 296.968 257.105 247.315 233.318 6% 142.381 123.231 118.534 111.825 10 3-12.500 270.471 260.163 245.437 7 153.125 132.528 127.478 120.372 10K 328.318 284.159 273.341 257.859 7K 161.256 142.162 i 136.743 128.986 10^ 344.531 298.193 286.828 270.593 175.781 152.037 ! 146.337 138.056 IOM 351.131 312.559 300.645 283.633 7% 187.693 162.449 156.259 147.415 11 378.125 327.268 314.796 296.978 8 200.000 173.099 166.503 157.078 11 ^ 393.216 342.315 329.268 310.631 w 212.693 184.087 177.071 167.049 U> 410.281 357.693 344.062 324.587 *y 2 225.781 195.412 187.365 177.328 HM 429.023 373.325 359.187 338.856 8% 239.256 207.078 199.127 187.912 12 450.000 389.475 374.613 353.428 9 253.125 219.078 210.721 199.203 i Weight of a lineal foot of Flat Bar Iron, in lbs.,from % to inches in width, and from % to 5 indies in thickness. c c. i J c I c * t e c g c .S ^ g e c c a fl 5 J I a c 2 5 c ' .S [c i _^ g i g g" 1 \ ^ H .j H g _H g ** TJ 0.211 5,/ 2.375 % 4.435 1 S '8 9.610 1% 12.673 K 0.422 % 2.850 1 * 5.069 /8 ^ 0.792 2Ji 3>8 0.89S ?-i 0.634 /8 3.326 ji/ 5.703 34 1.584 K 1.795 ?8 >a' 0.264 1 3.802 IK 6.337 2.376 x 8 2.693 0.528 IK 3s 0.528 6.970 3^ 3.168 3.591 X 0.792 K 1.056 [5^1 1^ 0.686 /8 3.960 1: /8 4.488 1;, 1.056 X 1.584 K 1.372 ;-i 4.752 x4 5.386 & X 0.316 2.112 % 2.059 j s 5.544 /8 6.283 X 0.633 /8 2.640 i/ 2.746 1 6.336 1 7.181 0.950 k 3.168 % 3.432 1 1 B 7.123 1>8 8.079 V 1.265 3.696 x^ 4.119 IK 7.921 8.977 ^ 1.584 [ X 4.224 T/ 4.8051 1% 8.713 j 1/8 9.874 7 '8 l,g 0.3'39 MX 4.752 \ 5.492 1 1'^ 9.505 lx/ 10.772 X 0.738 ?: s x 0.580 6.178 ; ] sj 10.297 1/8 11 670 X 1.108 1.161 IK 6.864 1 3 'i 11.089; 1^4 12.507 1.477 1.742 l/'s 7.551 2 3 8 0.845 I 1% 13.465 fa 1.846 K' 2.325 1 1/ 8.237 3i 1.689! 2 14.362 m 2.217 2.904 X // 0.739 X 2.534 - 1 i "K 0.950 1 ]& 0.422 3 i 3.484 3i 1.479 X 3.379 ! K 1.900 14 0.845 % 4.065 ^ 2.218 4.224 i % 2.851 % 1.267 4.646 K 2.957 ! x4 5.069 ^2 3.802 1.690 i/ 5.227 * 3.696 , J. g 5.914 | % 4.752 /8 2.112 ik 5.808 4.435; [ 6.758 % 5.703 ; ! .i 2.534 IK x 0.633 7/ 8 5.178 (X 7.604 % 6.653 7/ 2.956 K 1.266 1 5.914 8.448 1 7.604 1 "o i,/ 0.475 1.900 6.653 [% 9.294 IX 8.554 K 0.950 i> 2.535 H^ 7.393 IX 10-138 IK 9.505 1.425 Sg 3.168 8.132 ' 1% 10.983 1% 0.455 X 1.901 % 3.802 ik 8.871 1% 111.828 1.406 WEIGHTS OF FLAT BAR IRON. 283 TABLE Continued. .2 c c a & .2 2 | .S c & c .S .2 c a .2^ .2 s i i .2 d c a e c C i g JL g i g fl g ji H g_ i I g N 12.356 P' 12.199 2M 26.719 m 19.221 iX. 17.953 ''i 13.307 L K 13.308 K 1.267 20.699 21.544 /8 14.257 14.417 X 2.535 1% 22.178 L% 25.135 15.208 1 '":{ 15.526 3.802 2 23.656 ! 28.725 ^K 16.158 \\- 16.635 jy 5.069 2X 26.613 32.316 1% X 1.003 2 17.744 k< 6.337 2 ' . 29.570 2 1 / 35.907 2.006 2 1 - 18.853 X 7.604 ix 32.527 iy 39.497 /8 3.009 JU 19.962 % 8.871 3 35.485 3 43.088 K 4.013 2 :i .. 21.071 1 10.138 3X 38.441 3X 46.679 ; S 8 5.016 2' 1 '.', 22.180 I lx 3 11.406 3% K 1.584 50.269 6.019 2% K 1.162 IX 12.673 X 3.168 3V 63.860 % 7.022 X 2.323 13940 % 4.752 4 57.450 8.025 % 3.485 IK 15.208 K 6.336 <%. X 3.802 K 9.028 K 4.647 1 5 .. 16.475 % 7.921 7.604 10.032 / 5.808 1?4 17.742 M 9.505 /I 11.406 L % 11.035 % 6.970 1% 19.010 /6 11.089 1 15.208 'K 12.038 % 8.132 2 20.27 r 1 12.673 IX 19.010 [; 13.042 1 9.294 2X 22.811 IK 14.257 22.812 [% 14.046 IK 10.455 2 \; z 25.346 IX 15.841 i ' ; r 26.614 1% 15.048 IX 11.617 2/4 27.881 1% 17.425 2 30.415 2 16.051 1.3.;, 12.779 3X i, 8 1.373 IK 19.009 2K 34.217 2/8 17.054 IK 13.940 X 2.746 ^/8 20.594 38.019 w '4 18.057 1-TjT 15.102 / 3< ! 4.119 1 ;*, 4 22.178 L' '' ^ 41.820 2K K 1.056 i ; V 16.264 4jj 5.492 ]% 23.762 3 45.623 X 2.112 1% 17.425 ?i 6.865 2 25.346 8X 49.425 / 3.168 2 18.587 /-'t 8.237 ax 28.514 53.226 ^ 4.224 2X 19.749 / 9.611 31.682 '"' ;i '-4 57.028 K 5.280 2 '4 20.910 1 10.983 2X 34.85 r 4 60.830 X 6.336 2% 22.0724 1^8 12.356 ar 38.019 4X 64.632 7.392 23.234 l' 1 1 13.730 3 ^ 41.187 4M X 4.013 l /8 8.448 v..,, 24.395 1 '-',.. 15.102 44.355 8.026 IK 9.504 2% K 1.215 I IK 16.47 1 2 1.690 X 12.039 IX 10.560 X 2.429 1 ' f] 17.84c X 3.380 1 16.052 1/^3 11.616 % 3.64- ] :'. 19.22 6.759 IX 20.066 IK 12.672 4.85^- IJ'H 20.59 X 10.138 IX 24.079 13.728 % 6.07:. 2 21.96 1 13.518 1 ';. j 28.093 i ! 14.781 s v 7.287 2X 24.71 ^ 16.897 2 ' 32.105 iji 15.840 % 8.502 "-'/: 27.45 20.27 -X 36.118 2 16.896 1 9.7K 2% 30.20 1 l\i 23.65 2 A , 40.131 2.'; 17.952 IX 10.931 3 32.950 2 27.03 2X 44.144 ^''1 19.00h iV,' 12.145 ''> l . K 1.471 2X 30.41 3 48.157 2# ^ 20.06 l.lOf 13.360 14.574 X 2.95 4.436 2>^ ! 33.79 2% 1 37.17 3 52.170 56.184 X 2.218 ifl 15.789 /" 5.91 3 40.55 ' ; "' 60.197 /i 3.327 i ?( 17.003 /i" 7.39 HX 43.93 4 64.210 * 4.4,% i 7 ,. 18.218 x-i 8.87 :;>, 47.31 4):i 68.223 5.545 2 19.43i, r/ 10.350 50.69 11. 72.235 X 6.654 20.647 1 11.82 *x I B 1.79 5 X 4.224 % 7.763 Likj 21.861 1 i, a 13.30 X 3.59 8.449 i 8.872 - );; i; 23.076 1 ^ 14.78, k 7.18 /i 12.673 IK 9.981 Jl., 2-1.200 1 -i j, 16.26 10.772 1 16.897 IX 11.090 88 25.50, 1^-. 17.74 l" 1 14.364 IX 21.122 284 RA1NEY S IMPROVED ABACUS. Weight of a lineal foot of Cast Iron Pipes, or Cylinders, in Ibs., the thickness and bore being given. c S.S .2 8.S s c 2^ s^ 2.S d ^ J2 S.S J.s 5 D '" tt.S 3 g 11 * 11 j ?LS 11 IS ! r il 1 X 3.06 * 43.68 % 77.36 17 X x 88.23 % 5.05 % 53.30 % 93.70 % 111.06 IX X 3.67 63.18 % 110.48 % 134.16 % 6. 7 & 36.66 1 127.42 % 157.59 IX K 6.89 % 46.80 12 X X 63.70 i 181.33 X 9.80 % 56.96 % 80.40 18 % 114.10 1% % 7.80 % 67.60 % 97.40 X 137.84 % 11.04 i 78.39 % 114.72 % 161.90 2 % 8.74 7 n ., % 39.22 1 132.35 i 186.24 X 12.23 % 49.92 13 X 66.14 19 % 120.24 2X % 9.65 K 60.48 % 83.46 % 145.20 X 13.48 % 71.76 % 101.08 % 170.47 2X % 10.57 1 83.28 % 118.97 i 195.92 % 14.66 8 X 41.64 1 137.28 20 % 126.33 % 19.05 % 52.68 13 X X 68.64 % 152.53 2% % 11.54 % 64.27 % 86.55 % 179.02 X 15.91 % 76.12 X 104.76 i 205.80 % 20.59 1 88.20 % 123.30 21 K 132.50 3 % 12.28 8X X 44.11 1 142.16* X 159.84 K 17.15 % 56.16 14 X 71.07 % 187.60 % 22.15 K 68. % 89.61 i 215.52 X 27.56 % 80.50 % 108.46 22 % 138.60 3X i/ 18.40 1 93.28 /'8 127.60 X 167.24 fc 23.72 9 X 46.50 1 147.03 196.46 X 29.64 % 58.92 ' 4 >a X 73.72 i 225.38 3X X 19.66 % 71.71 % 92.66 i3 % 144.77 X 5 8 25.27 % 84.70 X 112.10 % 174.62 X 31.20 1 97.98 % 131.86 K 204.78 3M X 20.90 9X X 48.98 1 151.92 1 235.28 x 5 ** 26.83 P 62.02 15 X 75.96 24 % 150.85 % 33.07 & 75.32 % 95.72 X 181.92 4 x 22.05 % 88.98 X 115.78 % 213.28 % 28.28 1 102.90 % 136.15 i 245.08 X 34.94 10 X 51.46 1 156.82 % 156.97 4X X 23.35 % 65.08 15 K 1^ 78.40 K 180.28 /'8 29.85 % 78.99 t/ 98.78 % 221.94 X 36.73 % 93.24 119.48 i 25-1.86 4X X 24.49 1 108.84 J? 140.40 16 % 196.62 / 5/ 8 31.40 10 % X 53.88 1 161.82 % 230.56 % 38.58 % 68.14 16 X 80.87 i 264.66 4% X 25.70 X 82.68 % 101.82 27 % 204.04 % 32.91 % 97.44 K 123.14 % 239.08 X 40.43 1 112.68 % 144.76 1 274.56 5 X 26.94 11 X 56.34 1 166.60 28 M 211.32 % 34.34 71.19 ie y z X 83.20 % 247.62 % 42.28 M 86.40 % 104.82 1 284.28 SK X 29.40 % 101.83 X 126.79 29 X 218.70 % 37.44 1 117.60 % 149.02 % 256.20 % 45.94 ix X 58.82 1 171.60 i 294.02 X 31.82 % 74.28 17 K 85.73 80 % 226.20 % 40.56 K 90.06 % 107.96 % 264.79 X 49.60 % 106.14 X 130.48 i 303.86 % 58.96 1 122.62 % 153.30 X 343.20 ^ X 34.32 12 V* 61.26 i 176.58 GOLD COIN. United States, English and French. 285 4 Eagle ri7951._$5.25. Eagle.- $10.50. % Eagle. $5,00. Eagle $2,50. Sovereign.- $4,85 286 GOLD COIN. American, English and French. 40 Francs. $7,60. Double Sovereign. $9,60. Eagle. $10,00. Bechtler pieces. $2.37. 20 Francs. $3 83 Sover'n. $2,42- American Gold Dollar. 16th Doubloons.- .$1. #1.20. Sovereign. $4,85. Double Louis d'or. $8,50. Sovereign.-^$45. GOLD Go. English, French and South American. 287 Sovcreign.-$4,85. t Do U bl oou .-S3.75. 4DoabIooB.-f7.7S. 288 GOLD COIN. French and South American. Doubloo i. $15,55-60. Doubloon. $15,50. 20 Francs. $3.83. 4 Douoioon.- $4. Sovereign. $4.85 GOLD COIN. South American and German. 289 ^840 Doub. $3,-0. Doubloon. -$7.75. Double Frecl.d'or. $7.80. Moidore [Brazil] $4,80. $ Joe. $8.50. $1,96 290 GOLD COIN, S. American, Portuguese, Spanish, German. Doubloon. $15,75-16. Doubloon. $15,55-60. Escudo. $1,90. Moidore. iOc. . 24 cents. Thai $1,94. Doubloon. $15.55. 10 Thaler.- -$780 10 Thaler.-$7.80. 10Thaler.-|7.80. 40 Lire.-$7.66 GOLD COIN. Portuguese, German and Italian. 291 One Mohur. $6.7 10 Tlmlet.-f 7.80 1-16 Dou. lOcts. 10th Moidore. 50 cents. 1-16 Doub. 90cts. 10 Thalers $7,80. 1 ) Timie.s $7 80. 10 Thalers $7,80. Fred.d'or. 3.90. 5 Thale7.~ |3.90. -"l*^ 5 Tlialers $3,10 292 GOLD COIN. German and Italian. Double Ducat $4.40 lOScudo $10 Soverain. $6.50. ^ 20 Lire -$3 80 10 Lire. 1.90 5 Gilder. $2 Ducat. $2.20. 80 Lire. $ 1 5.32. 5 Thaler $3.90. 20 Lire. $ : 3.80. \ Joe. 1.75. Fvquni. $2.20. Ducat .^2.20, Ducat. 12.20 20 Lire. 83.80 DUCUL $2.20 GOLD COIN. German and ltd. SILVER COIN. U. #293 Gold Crown -$5,72. > Imperial $3,90. 5 Roubles. $3,90. 10 Guilders $3,95. 20 L ire . $3,82. 2 Christian u'or $7,80. U* States Silver Coins. I dime, 5 cents. U. States One Dollar. One Dime, 10 cte. SILVER COIN. United States Quarter Dollar, 25 cents, % Dollar. 25 cents. * Dollar, 25 cents SILVER COIN. United States and English. 295 Dollar. 25 cents. Dime. 10 cents. 7 cent Shilling 20 cents. ^ Dollar 24 cents. Shilling, 20 cents. SILVER COIN. English. 25 cents. 1 Shilling 18 cents. Shilling. 20 cents. I Shilling. 19 cents. 18 cents. 1 Shilling. 18 cents SILVER COIN. English. 1 Rupeo. 40 cents. U Dollar. lOcts. I H ISH **SgnJ!^ 11 cents Six-pence, 10 cents. 5 Cent3 . SILVER COIN. English and Spanish. _ _ Dollar. 10 cts } Pistareen. 8 cts- Real. 10 cents. VB 17420 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY