ColumMa SJnibersttg STUDIES IN ROMANCE PHILOLOGY AND LITERATURE CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE THE -INDEBTEDNESS OF CHAUCER'S *yi V/V/t ^Z^^/fe Ce>/Oj9*&* TROILUS AND CRISEYDE TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE'S HISTORIA TROJANA BY GEORGE L. HAMILTON, A.M. SOMETIME FELLOW IN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES IN TRINITY COLLEGE NORTH CAROLINA gorfe THE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, AGENTS 66 FIFTH AVENUE 1903 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped January, 1903. Norfoooti : J. 8. Cuahing & Co. Berwick & Smith Norwood Mass. U.S.A. PREFACE THE following study is a dissertation offered in the spring of 1900 to the Faculty of Phi- losophy of Columbia University, in fulfilment of one of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. My original plan was to make an investigation of Chaucer's indebt- edness to the French and Latin writers who were his predecessors in telling the story of Troilus and Criseyde, but owing to the fact that Joly's edition of the Roman de Troie is so very incomplete and uncritical, I confined my study to the work of Guido, citing from the French poem only when it was necessary to quote illustrative parallel passages. I have used the 1486 Strasburg edition of the His- toria Trojana, but I have been able to collate the passages cited with the readings in the vi PREFACE best and oldest manuscripts of the work in the Bibliotheque Nationale and the British Museum, without, however, finding cause to make changes which were essential. Studies made subsequent to the writing of this dissertation, upon the relations between versions of Benoit's work and the plagiary of Guido, may lead me, at a later date, to mod- ify certain statements. I desire to thank Professor Henry A. Todd for his kindness and care in reading over, and giving helpful criticism on, the manuscript of this book. CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE CHATJCEK'S INDEBTEDNESS TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE ONE of the most discussed of literary problems is that of the sources of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, owing, among other causes, to the author's own statements of the case. Twice in the poem he cites the name of the writer who he would have us think was the author of the book from which he draws his narrative : "Myn autour called Lollius" (I. 394), t "As telleth Lollius " (V. 1653), and whom he elsewhere enumerates with those who have written about Trojan matters : " And by him stood, withouten lees, Ful wonder hye on a pileer, 2 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS Of yren, he, the gret Omeer ; And with him Dares and Tytus Before, and eek he, Lollius, And Guido eek de Columpnis, And English Ganfride eek, y-wis, And ech of these, as have I joye, Was besy for to here up Troye." l It is only the task of a translator that he undertakes; he has rendered the story out of the original text "in swich English as he can," 2 and attempts nothing beyond : " O lady myn, that called art Cleo, Thou be my speed fro this forth, and my muse, To ryme wel this book, til I have do ; Me nedeth here noon other art to use. For- why to every lovere I me excuse, That of no sentement I this endyte, 1 Hous of Fame, 1464-1472. 2 Canterbury Tales, Group B, 49. Cf. L. of G. W., A, 85-88. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 3 But out of Latin in my tongue it wryte" (II. 8-14). 1 He frequently calls attention to the close- ness of the translation he is making of his original, which he mentions as if it were his sole authority, whether he refers to the writer or his work : " And of his song nought only the sentence, As writ myn autour called Lollius, But pleynly, save our tonges difference, 1 Cf. L. of G. W., A, 264-266 : " Hast thou najbjnad in English eek the book How that Crisseyde Troilus forsook In shewinge how that wemen han don mis ? " But in the second form of the same passage the God of Love reproaches the poet, as if he had expressed merely his own " sentelnent " in that work. L. of G. W., B, 332- 334: ' " And of Criseyde thou hast seyd as thee liste ; That maketh men to wommen lasse triste That ben as trewe as ever was any steel." In the Retraction at the end of the Persones Tale, " the book of Troilus " is the first mentioned in the list " of my translacionjL^and endytinges of worldly vanitees." Canterbury Tales, Group I, 1084-1085. 4 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS I dar wel sayn, in al that Troilus Seyde in his song ; lo ! every word right thus As I shal seyn ; and who-so list it here, Lo! next this vers, he may it finden here" (I. 393-399). " Wherefore I nil have neither thank ne blame Of al this werk, but pray yow mekely, Disblameth me, if any word be lame For as myn auctor seyde, so seye I. Eek though I speke of love unfelingly, No wonder is ; for it no-thing of-newe is, A blind man can-not juggen wel in hewis" (II. 15-21). 1 *Cf.L.ofG. TF., A, 340: " Or elles sir, for that this man is nyce, He may translate a thing in no malyce, But for he useth bokes for to make, And takth non heed of what matere he take ; Therfor he wroot the Rose and eek Crisseyde Of innocence, and niste what he seyde ; Or him was boden make thilke tweye Of som persone, and durst hit nat with-seye ; For he hath writen many a book er this, He ne hath doon nat so grevously amis To translaten that olde clerkes wryten, As thogh that he of malyce wolde endyten Despyt of love, and had him-self y-wroght." Cf. T. and C., HI. 1328-1336. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 5 "Myn auctor shal I folwen, if I conne" (II. 49). "And what she thoughte sorawhat shal I wryte, As to myn auctor listeth for to endyte " (II. 699-700). " For ther was som epistel hem bitwene, That wolde, as seyth myn auctor, wel contene An hondred vers, of which him list not wryte ; ( Far. Neigh half this book, of which him list not wryte ;) How sholde I thanne a lyne of it endyte" (III. 501-504). " Nought list myn auctor fully to declare, What that she thoughte whan he seyde so, That Troilus was out of town y-fare, As if he seyde ther-of sooth or no" (III. 575-578). " Though that I tarie a yeer, somtyme I moot After myn auctor, tellen hir gladnesse, As wel as I have told hir hevinesse " (III. 1195-1197). " Thourgh yow have I seyd fully in my song Th'effect and joye of Troilus servyse, Al be that ther was som disese among, 6 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS As to myn auctor listeth to devyse " l (III. 1814-1817). "And after this the story telleth us " (V. 1037). " But trewely, the story telleth us " (V. 1051). And again he is careful to give notice that he is abridging his original : " [She] gan a lettre wryte, Of which to telle in short 2 is myn entente Th'effecty as fer as I can understonde " (II. 1218-1220). 1 In II. 31-32 : " As the story will devyse How Troilus com to his lady grace." and V. 1093-1094 : " Ne me ne list this sely womman chyde Ferther than the story wol devyse." reference is made to the tale as it is found in Chaucer's own narrative, as he took it from his sources. Cf . T. and C., V. 1772-1776. 2 On the frequency of this phrase and its equivalents, "shortly to tell," and "shortly to say," in Chaucer's poems, cf. T. R. Lounsbury, Studies in Chaucer, 1892, Vol. II. pp. 95-96, 547-548. In T. and C. (III. 548, 1117, 1156 ; V. 1009, 1826), except in the passage cited in the text, such expressions are used as mere chevilles. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 7 " But, sooth is, though I can not tellen al, As can myn auctor, of his excellence, Yet have I seyd, and, god to-forn, I shal In every-thing al hoolly his sentence " (III. 1324-1327). And yet, as if he did not see the con- tradiction of his own statements, he is careful to note that he consulted various works in writing his poem : - " But whan his shame gan somwhat to passe, His resons, as I may my rymes holde, I yow wol telle, as techen bokes olde" (III. 89-91). " Criseyde, which that f elte hir thus y-take, As writen clerkes in hir bokes olde, Right as an aspes leef she gan to quake, Whan she him felte hir in his armes folde " (III. 1198-1201). " And trewely, how longe is was bitwene, That she for-sook him for this Diomede, Ther is non auctor telleth it, I wene. Take every man now to his bokes hede ; He shal no terme finden, out of drede " (V. 1086-1090). 8 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS " For how Criseyde Troilus forsook, Or at the leste, how that she was unkinde, Mot hennes-forth ben matere of my book, As wry ten folk thorugh which it is in minde. Alias ! that they shulde ever cause finde To speke hir harm ; and if they on hir lye, Y-wis, hem-self sholde han the vilayne " (IV. 15-21). " And treweliche, as writen wel I finde, That al this thing was seyd of good entente ; And that hir herte trewe was and kinde Towardes him, and spak right as she mente, And that she starf for wo neigh, whan she wente, And was in purpos ever to be trewe ; Thus writen they that of hir werkes knewe " (IV. 1415-1421). " Lo, trewely, they writen that hir syen, That Paradys stood formed in hir yen" (V. 816-817). "I finde eek in the stories elles- where" (V. 1044). " In alle nedes, for the tounes werre, He was, and ay the firste in armes dight ; TO GUIDO DELLE COLONISTE And certeynly, but-if that bokes erre, Save Ector, most y-drad of any wight " (III. 1772-1775). "And trewely, as men in bokes rede" (V. 19). " This Diomede, as bokes us declare " (V. 799). "For these bokes wol me shende" (V. 1060). " For whom, as olde bokes tellen us, Was maad swich wo, that tonge it may not telle" (V. 1562-1563). " In many cruel batayle, out of drede, Of Troilus, this ilke noble knight, As men may in these olde bokes rede, Was sene his knighthod and his grete might " (V. 1751-1754). " Ye may hir gilt in othere bokes see " (V. 1776). The three passages, " And certainly in story it is y-f ounde " (V. 834), " But certeyn is, to purpos for to go, That in this whyle, as writen is in geste, He say his lady som-tyme ; and also She with him spak" (III. 449-451), 10 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS " And ofte tyme, I finde that they mette With blody strokes and with wordes grete, Assayinge how hir speres weren whette ; And god it woot, with many a cruel hete Gan Troilus upon his helm to-bete" (V. 1758-1762), are too indefinite in their statements to specify whether one or more authorities are referred to. v Again, he does not care to give on his own authority statements which he has not found vouched for elsewhere : " But whether that she children hadde or noon, I rede it nought ; therefore I lete it goon " (I. 132-133). " But how it was, certayn, can I not seye, If that his lady understood not this, Or f eyned hir she niste, oon of the tweye ; But wel I rede that, by no maner weye, Ne semed it as that she of him roughte, Nor of his peyne, or what-so-ever he thoughte " (I. 492-497). TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 11 unless it may be upon a matter of his own experience : " But as we may alday our-selven see, Through more wode or col, the more fyr ; Right so encrees of hope, of what it be, Therwith f ul of te encreseth eek desyr ; Or, as an ook cometh of a litel spyr, So through this lettre, which that she him sente, Encresen gan desyr, of which he brente. Wherfore I seye alwey, that day and night This Troilus gan to desiren more Than he dide erst, thurgh hope " l (II. 1331- 1340). He makes a point of referring his readers who are interested in the fate of Troy to the books devoted to that subject: " But how this toun com to destruccioun Ne falleth nough to purpos me to telle ; 1 As illustrative of Chaucer's process of composition it may be noted that II. 1331-1337 are not based upon the corresponding stanza in the Filostrato (III. 130); the comparison II. 1335 is taken from the Liber Parabolorwn of Alain de Lille (Migne, Patrologia, vol. CCX. col. 12 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS For it were here a long disgressioun Fro my matere, and for yow long to dwelle. But the Troyane gestes, as they felle, In Omer, or in Dares, or in Dyte, Who-so that can, may rede hem as they wryte" (I. 141-147). and, as the theme of his poem is the love of Troilus for Criseyde, those who wish to know of his warlike exploits must go else- where for information : " And if I hadde y -taken for to wryte The armes of this ilke worthy man, Than wolde I of his batailles endyte. But for that I to wryte first began Of his love, I have seyd as that I can. His worthy dedes, who-so list hem here, Reed Dares, he can tell hem alle y-fere (V. 1765-1771). Lydgate, in the " Prologue " to his Tragedies, a free paraphrase in verse of 583; cf. E. Koeppel, Herrig's Archiv, vol. XC. p. 150), while the conclusion II. 1338-1340 is a translation of the mere statement of fact by Boccaccio. (FiL, III. 131, 1-3 ; cf. 130, 7.) TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 13 the French prose version by Laurent de Premierfait of Boccaccio's De Casibus Virorum 1 in his " list " of Chaucer's works, notes that: " In youthe he made a translation Of a boke which called is Trophe In Lumbard tonge as men may rede and se And in our vulgare, long or that he dyed Gave it to name of Troylus and Creseyde." 2 1 T. Warton, History of English Poetry, ed. 1840, vol. II. pp. 277-278, 320. P. Paris, Les manuscripts francois de la Bibliotheque du Roi, Paris, 1836-1848, vol. I. pp. 233- 260; II. 231-244; V. 119-122. A. Hortis, Studi sulle opere Mine del Boccaccio, Trieste, 1879, pp. 638-642. E. Koeppel, Laurents und Lydgates Bearbeitungen von Boccaccio's Casibus Virorum, Munich, 1885. 2 The Tragedies gathered by Jhon Bochas of all such Princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of Fortune since the Creadon of A dam until his time ; wherein may be seen what vices bring mene to destruction, with nota- ble warninges howe the like may be avoydde. Translated into English by John Lidgate, MonJce of Burye, edition of J. Wayland, 1558 ; cf. T. F. Dibdin, Typographical An- tiquities, 1816, vol. III. pp. 530-531. This seems to be the "undated black-letter edition" cited by Skeat. Minor Poems of Chaucer, p. x. U CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS Again, in his version of the Historic* Trojana of Guido delle Colonne, in the translation of the critical discussion of the writers upon the Trojan war, Homer, Virgil, Ovid, Dictys, and Dares, such as he found it in his original, 1 depending, doubtless, upon the list in Chaucer's Hous of Fame, he adds without comment a new name, 1 Warton was uncertain whether Lydgate's Troy-book was a direct translation from the work of Guido, or from a French version of the Latin original. (Hist, of Eng. Poetry, 1840, vol. II. p. 292.) A. Joly thought that the Latin original had been amplified by the use of Benoit's poem. (Benoit de Ste. More et le Roman de Troie ou les metamorphoses d'Homere et de Vepope'e greco-latine au moyen- age, vol. II. pp. 494-496.) Henry Bradshaw regarded the Latin work as the original of this, as well as the other English versions. (Proceedings of the Cambridge Anti- quarian Soc., vol. III.) Sidney Lee, evidently upon the sole authority of the title-page, stated that "Lydgate mainly paraphrased < Guido di Colonne's Historia de Bello Trojano' and perhaps Dares Phrygius and Dictys Creten- sis." (Diet, of Nat. Biog., vol. XXXIV. p. 312.) Schick seems to think that a French source was used in conjunc- tion with the Latin work. (Lydgate's Temple of Glass, p. (jxvii. ; cf. Troy-book, sig. b 2 verso, col. 1.) TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 15 "And of this syege wrote eke Lollius." l And when he comes to the episode of Tro- ilus and Criseyde in his original, he states that he will not give it in full : " Syth my maister Chaucer here afore In this matter hath so well him bore, In his boke of Troylus and Creseyde Which he mayde longe or that he deyde." 2 In the first edition of the works of Chaucer which contained anything in the way of a commentary, 3 that of Speght, 1 The Auncient Historie and onely Trewe and sincere Cronicle of the Warres betwixte the Grecians and Troyanes. . . . Wrytten by Daretus a Troyan, and Dictus a Grecian . . . and Digested in Latyn by the lerned Guydo de Colump- nis and sythes translated by John Lid gate Moncke of Burye. Thomas Marshe, 1555, sig. b 2 verso, col. 1. Cf. Dibdin, I.e., vol. IV. pp. 494-496. I cite this as Troy-book. 2 I.e., sig. R 2 verso, col. 1. 8 The Troilus had already been printed in the " Works of Chaucer," in the editions of Pynson, 1526 ; of W. Thynne, 1532 and 1542; and the reprints of the latter in 1550 and 1561 ; as well as separately by C ax ton, ab. 1483; Wynkyn de Worde, 1517; Pynson, 1526. (Henry Bradshaw, ap. Francis Thynne's Animadversions, ed. F. J. 16 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS published in 1598, in the section of the introduction which treats of the works of the poet, the editor writes: "Troilus and Creseid called Throphee in the Lumbard tongue, translated not verbatim, but the argument thence taken, and most cunningly amplified by Chaucer." 1 This magisterial sentence seems to imply that Speght had information of a definite nature upon the sources of the Troilus other than that given in Lydgate's lines; but his restatement of the same matter in the corresponding passage, in his edition of 1602, promptly disposes of such a sug- gestion. " Troilus and Creseid called Throphe in the Lumbard tongue was translated out of Latin, as in the Preface to the Seconde booke of Troilus and Creseid he conf esseth in these words, Furnivall, 1875, p. 70 n. Cf . Skeat in Works of Chaucer, vol. II. pp. Ixxv-lxxvi.) 1 Workes of Chaucer, 1598, sig. c 1 recto. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 17 6 To every lover I me excuse, That of no sentement I this endite, But out of Latin in my tonge it write.' " 1 His identification of Lollius as " an Ital- ian Historiographer borne in the citie of Urbine " in his list of Most of the Authors cited by G. Chaucer in his works by name declared, 2 has the merit^ of being specific as to the author, if not supplying infor- mation about his work and the language in which it was written. 1 Workes of Chaucer, 1602, sig. c 1 recto. 2 Cf . Francis Thynne's Animadversions, p. 71. " The fourthe things ys, that in the catalogue of the auctours, you have omytted manye auctours vouched by Chaucer ; and therefore dyd rightlye intitle yt, * most/ and not all, of the auctours cited by geffrye Chawcer." In the edition of 1602, Speght obviated this criticism by writing, " The authors cited by G. Chaucer in his workes by name declared." Dryden's information about the source of Chaucer's Troilus is due to Speght ( Works of Dryden, ed. Scott-Saintsbury, vol. VI. p. 225), to whom he is indebted in other ways. Cf. F. H. Tupper, Mod. Lang. Notes, vol. XII. pp. 347-352 ; cf . Douce, Illustrations of Shakespeare (1807), p. 64. 18 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS Sir Henry Savile, in his edition of the work De Causa Dei contra Pelagas of Bishop Thomas Bradwardine (1290(?)-1349), published in 1618, suggested that the dis- course upon predestination in the Troilus (IV. 966-1078) and in the Nonne Preestes Tale? where the author's name is men- tioned, bespoke an acquaintance with his work. 2 ^"Sir Francis Kinaston, who in 1635 pub- lished the first two books of his Latin ver- sion of the Troilus, in which the metrical structure of the original was preserved in 1 C. T., Group B, 4432. 2 Life of Chaucer in Preface to Urry's edition of 1721 ; also quotation in Testimonies of same edition. Speght gives as the Argument of the poem, " In which discourse Chaucer liberally treateth of the divine purveiaunce." ( Workes of Chaucer, 1598 ; sig. c 5 verso ; ed. 1602 ; sig. Bb 5 recto.) The author of the Testament of Love had already referred to the same passage as authoritative on the matter. (Book III. ch. IV. 248 ff. in W. W. Skeat, Chaucerian and Other Pieces, p. 123.) Cf. Lounsbury, Studies in Chaucer, vol. I. pp. 202-204. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 19 the number of lines to a stanza, of sylla- bles to the line, and in the order of the rimes, 1 in his English commentary on the poem, noting the great difference between the story of certain characters in the Tro- jan legend, as found in Chaucer's poem, and that in other sources, writes : " Some do not improbably conjecture that Chaucer, in writing the loves and lives of Troi- lus and Creseid, did rather glance at some pri- vate persons, as one of king Edward the third's sons, and a lady of the court, his paramour; then [than] follow Homer, Dares Phyrius, or any author writing the history of those times ; for first, it cannot be imagined that Chaucer, being soe great a learned scholler, could be ignorant of the story ; next that he should soe mistake as to make Creseid the daughter of Calchus, the soothsayer, who was the daughter of one Chryses, and there uppon called Chry- seis, whereas her right name was Astynome ; then there should be any love between Troilus 1 Amorum Troili et Creseidce, Libri duo priores, Oxonise, 1635 ; cf . Lounsbury, I.e., vol. III. pp. 77-78. 20 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS and her; especially that Chaucer should per- sonate her as a widdow, whereas she was a votary to Diana." 1 ) TimotliyLThQraas, in his preface^to Urryls edition of Chaucer, published in 1721, has little to add concerning the sources of the Troilus; he repeats Speght's statements about "Lollius" and "Trophe" and then goes on to say: "He has not contented himself with a bare translation of his Author, but hath, added several things of his own, and borrowed from 1 The Loves of Troilus and Creseid, written by Chaucer; with a commentary, by Sir Francis Kinaston, never before published. London. Printed for and sold by F. G. Waldron, MDCCXVI. pp. 7-8 ; (first part) cf . Lounsbury, I.e., vol. III. pp. 81-82. Urry, in preparing his edition of Chaucer, had drawn notes from the apparently unique manuscript of Kinaston's complete work, and these were used by Thomas. Cf . Preface to Urry's Chaucer, sig. m ; Glossary, p. 47. The Loves, etc., pp. i.-ii., vii., xi.-xii. After Waldron's death, we find the manuscript in posses- sion of W. S. Singer. Cf. Works of Chaucer. Cheswick, 1822, vol. I. pp. xx.-xxi., n. ; Notes and Queries, I. 5, 252, TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 21 others .5diak4ie~thought- prop^r^f or jhe Embel- lishment .ofjthis work, and particularly the song of Troilus in the First Book is a Translation of that song in Petrarch which begins, S' amor non e, Che dunqu' e quel ch' io sento?" and he then refers to the comments of Savile and Kinaston, which have been mentioned above, and in the Glossary under Lollius, he writes : "An Italian Historiographer born at Urbino, who lived under the Emperors Macrinus and Heliogabalus, in the beginning of the Third Century, is said to have written the History of His Own Time, and also the Life of the Emperor Diadumenus, the Son of Macrinus" 1 J It was Thn-mq.p Tyrwhitt^ to whom stu- dents of Chaucer owe the most for the elucidation of the poet's work, particularly of the Canterbury Tales* who was the first 1 Tyrwhitt showed clearly that Thomas was the editor of the 1721 Chaucer, after the death of Urry. The Poeti- cal Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Ed. T. Tyrwhitt. Lon- don, 1855, p. vii. and note n. 22 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS to point out the immediate source of the story of the poem. In his Essay on the Language and Versification of Chaucer, pref- aced to his edition of the Canterbury Tales, he stated that in his opinion " Chaucer was to the full as much obliged to Boccacce in his Troilus as in his Knight's Tale'' * In his notes and glossary he shows that he has made a careful comparison of the English poem with the Italian original, 2 points out the indebtedness to the JDe Consolatione Philosophic of Boethius in the passage treating of predestination, 3 notices_that the sonnet of Petrarch was translated as the work : of Lollius, 4 whose identity he leaves as a puzzle, 5 and would identify Chaucer's own mention of Trophe, . " At bothe the worldes endes saith Trophee In stede of boundes he a pillar set," 6 1 Poetical Works of G. Chaucer, p. xxxix. note 62. 2 Ibid., pp. 182, 190, 205, 209, 457, 471, 476, 483, 486, 495. 8 Ibid., p. 457. 4 /j^-PP^a, 488. 5 Ibid., pp. 209, 479. 6 C. T., 14123-14124. Ed. Tyrwhitt. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 23 and Lydgate's Trophe, with the Filostrato. 1 He also suggests that the "Latin" from^ which language Chaucer stated he had translated his poem was Italian, as Boc- caccio in the Teseide 2 to which the Eng- lish poet was under obligations in his Parlement of Foules? Anelida and Arcite? 1 Poetical Works of Chaucer, pp. 203, 209, 495. 2 Teseide, II. 2, 4. Cf. Poetical Works, etc., p. liv. n. 3 Poetical Works, etc., p. 179 ; cf . ten Brink, Chau- cer. Studien zur Geschichte seiner Entwickelung, pp. 125- 128. 4 ten Brink, I.e., pp. 49-53, 56. On Palamon and Arcite, Chaucer's early translation of the Teseide, which, it has been conjectured, was written in seven-verse stanzas, and utilized in some of his latter works ; cf. ten Brink, I.e., pp. 39-70 ; J. Koch, Eng. Stud., I. pp. 249 ff. ; XXVII. pp. 3, 12 ; A. W. Pollard, Globe Chaucer, pp. xxvi.- xxvii. ; F. J. Mather, An English Miscellany Presented to Dr. Furnivall, pp. 301 f. Tyrwhitt, who suggested that Palamon and Arcite was a translation of the Teseida (I.e., p. xxxix. and note 62, liii.), did not note the parallel passages in Anelida and Arcite, and supposed that the later poem was written before Chaucer's acquaintance with Boccaccio's work (I.e., p. 445), and W. Hertzberg adopted this view (Chaucer's Canterbury-geschichten, 1866, pp. 61, 595), which was successfully combated by ten 24 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS Troilus 1 and the Knight's Tale 2 had re- ferred to his own language as " Latino volgare." 3 Warton, in his History of English Poetry, quotes Lydgate's statement concerning the source of the poem, which he thinks is in conflict with what Chaucer himself says about the language of the work he is trans- lating, speaks of the conjecture of Speght, whose name he does not mention, upon " Lollius," refers to the historian of the third century, Lollius Urbicus, none of whose works are extant, although Du Cange puts him in his list of authorities in his Glossariwn, who, however, "could not be Chaucer's Lollius/' who in the Brink (I.e., pp. 49, 53-56), whose theory on this point is accepted by Mather (I.e., pp. 307-312). 1 Poet. Works, p. 182. 2 Thynnes Animadversions, ed. Furnivall, p. 43 ; Poet. Works, pp. liii.-lvi., 178-182 ; T. Warton, Hist, of Eng. Poetry, 1774, vol. I. pp. 344, 357. 8 Poet. Works, p. 209. A view accepted by Skeat. Works of Chaucer, vol. II. p. 468. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 25 HOUS of Fame is plfl^d a.-mrmgsf. til ft Tn>- torians of Troy, and calls attention to the fact that the names Monesteo, Kupheo, and Phebuseo 1 denoted an Italian original. He points out a number of the passages 2 in the Troilus in which Chaucer comments upon the closeness with which he follows his authority; and mentions the indebtedness of the English poem to Boethius, Petrarch, and Bradwardine the last as if assured as the others. 3 At a later date, from information re- ceived from Tyrwhitt, 4 he knew that the Filostrato was the direct source of the larger part of the English poem, 5 whereas before, knowing merely the title of Boc- 1 T. and C., II. 51-54. 2 T. and C., II. 10; III. 576, 1330, 1823. 8 T. Warton, I.e., vol. I. pp. 384-388. 4 On Warton's great indebtedness to Tyrwhitt, cf . Ritson, Observations on the First Three Volumes of the History of English Poetry, 1782, pp. 30, 31, 33, 48. On Warton's ignorance of Italian, ibid., pp. 30, 38. 6 Hist, of Eng. Poetry, 1840, vol. II. p. 162, note. 26 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS caccio's work, he had thought that it only treated of the same subject. 1 William Godwin, in his Life of Chaur cer, published in 1.803, which " may, in- deed, be declared to deserve the distinction of being the most worthless piece of bi- ography in the English language," 2 disputes Tyrwhitt's view in every particular. He asserts that without question the Troilus is a translation of the Latin work Trophe s not theLllius iUrbicus of the third ___ century, but a contemporary of Wace and Thomas of Becket, 8 the author, also, of the original of the story of Palamon and Arcite* He asks whether it is probable that Chaucer would consult a less known work of Boccaccio, when in the Clerk's Tale he does not show an 1 Hist. ofEng. Poetry, 1778, vol. I, p. 385 ; II. p. 25. 2 Lounsbury, I.e., vol. I. p. 194. 8 W. Godwin, Life of Chaucer, 1804, vol. I. pp. 419, 429-430, 437-438. 4 I.e., vol. III. p. 17, note. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 27 acquaintance with the Decameron, the work by which the author is generally known. 1 W. W. Singer, in the introduction to the poems of Chaucer, published in 1822 in the Chiswick collection of English poets, shows that he had made a careful comparison of the English and Italian poems, stating that the Troilus was " for the most part a translation of the Filo- strato of Boccaccio, but with many varia- tions and large additions, amounting to no less than 2700 verses." Chaucer's references to "Lollius" and to "Latin" were surprising, " for nothing can be more certain than that Boccaccio was his original ; the fable and characters are the 1 Z.c., vol. II. p. 473. Sir Walter Scott, whose re- view of Godwin's book in the Edinburgh Review, can \f only find its equal for severity in Lowell's criticism on Masson's Milton, on this point rejected Tyrwhitt's opin- ion in favor of Godwin's. ( Works of Dryden, ed. Scott- Saintsbury, vol. VI. p. 243.) 28 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS same in both poems, and numerous pas- sages of the Filostrato are literally trans- lated." 1 After such a clear statement of the case as this, it was certainly "far ritroso calle," when, twenty years later, G. L. Craik in his Sketches of the History of Literature and Learning in England from the Norman Conquest to the Accession of Elizabeth, not only refused to credit the Filostrato as being the source of the Troilus, but asserted that Chaucer was quite ignorant of the Italian language, 2 a position in conflict with the undisputed statements of Lydgate and W. Thynne. 8 Again Sir Harris Nicolas, in his Life of Chaucer, prefixed to the Aldine edition of 1 The Poems of G. Chaucer, Chiswick, 1822, vol. I. p. xix. ; cf. p. xvi. 2 Sketches, etc., 1844, vol. II. pp. 47-53. Again in his History of English Literature, 1861, vol. I. pp. 272-276. 8 With Lydgate's statement concerning the source of the Troilus may be compared his problematical lines con- TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 29 Chaucer, in 1845, took the same position, remarking that those who thought differ- ently were but "indiscriminate worship- pers of genius who endow their idols with all human attainments." 1 cerning a translation made by Chaucer, Tragedies, etc., sig. a 2 verso, col. 1. " He wrote also full many a day agone Dant in English, himselfe so doth expresse." On interpretation of his passage, cf. W. W. Skeat's to- tally wrong one, Chaucer's Minor Poems, pp. xi-xii. ; 2d ed., p. 477. E. Koeppel, Laurent Premierfaits und J. Lydgates Bearbeitungen, etc., p. 82. Anglia, vol. XIII. p. 186. Lounsbury, I.e., vol. II. p. 425. Depending upon this statement, Speght in his 1598 Chaucer gives in the list of the poet's works, Dantem Italum transtulit followed by the statement, Petrarchce qucedam transtulit, (sig. c 1 recto), but both these statements are omitted in the 1602 edition. Thynne, who, as has been noticed (p. 24, n. 2), was the first to point out the source of the Knight's Tale, has elsewhere the statement, "unleste a manne be a good saxoniste, frenche and Italyane linguiste (from whence Chaucer has borrowed manye words)." Animadversions, p. 31 ; cf. p. 43. Against Craik's opin- ion, cf. Fiedler, Herrigs Archiv, vol. II. p. 151; Kiss- ner, Chaucer, etc., p. 6 ; ten Brink, Chaucer, p. 186. 1 Works of Chaucer . . . 1845, vol. I. p. 25; Yet he quotes Lydgate's statement on the matter (p. 100.), 30 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS i In his edition of Chaucer published 1854-1856, KJIell showed that he could believe the evidence of his own eyes. In his Memoir of Chaucer he notices that no such author " called Lollius," or book " called Trophe," had ever been discov- ered, accepting the opinion of Tyrwhitt upon the first point to the prejudice of that of Godwin. 1 He did not consider seriously Nicolas's opinion upon Chaucer's knowledge of Italian; besides making the general statement that " the substance of the poem, which Chaucer amplified and altered, is to be found in the Filostrato of Boccaccio," 2 in the Introduction to the and Tyrwhitt's remarks on the source of the Troilus, in his Essay on the Language and Versification of Chaucer, which is reprinted in this edition, is found later on (I.e., pp. 225-226, n.). This note is omitted in Morris's edi- tion of 1866, where Skeat's treatment of the versification is substituted for that of Tyrwhitt (vol. I. p. 172). 1 Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, edited by Rob- ert Bell, vol. I. p. 14 ; cf . vol. III. p. 10. 2 l.c., vol. I. p. 14. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 31 Troilus, the general features of the two poems are compared and at the same time examples of Chaucer's mode of translation are noted, while parallel passages from the Italian poem are cited in notes to the text. 1 It is noted that the earliest source of the story was " a prose chron- icle ... by Guido de Colonna," which must have been drawn "from some met- rical romance extant in his time/' and the fact that Chaucer elsewhere mentions Guido denoted that he was acquainted with him " either through his works or reputation." Lydgate's " Trophe " is ex- plained as "a name denoting Troylus's change of fortune." 2 It was by others than English editors 1 l.c., vol. V. pp. 10-14, 17-254 ; VI. pp. 5-52. 2 Z.c., vol. V. pp. 9-10. The collaboration of Rev. J. M. Jephson in this edition may be noted. The infor- mation of the editors about Lollius Urbicus, the Roman de Troilus, which they regard as the original of Guido, when, in fact, it is a translation of Boccaccio's poem, 32 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS of Chaucer that the next step forward was made, in the study of the sources of the Troilus. In 1858 L. Moland and C. D'H^ricault, in the Introduction to their edition of Nouvelles Francoises en prose du XIV 6 siecle, in giving a detailed ac- count of the literary history of Troilus, were the first to point out that the Filo- strato had its antecedents in the Roman de Troie of Benoit de Sainte-More/ and Guido delle Colonne's 2 Historia Trojanaf and had no doubt that the English poem was in the main an imitation of the Italian poem. 4 To explain the name Lollius they suggested that as the late fourteenth-cen- tury French romance Le Livre de Troilus and the Historia Trojana, as an authority on the siege of Thebes, is taken from Warton without acknowledg- ment. Cf. E. Koeppel, Lydgate's Story of Thebes, p. 17. 1 " Benoit de Saint Maur," as they write it (Nou- velles Francois, pp. lix, lx.). 2 " Guido delle Columne," " Guy des Colonnes," (I.e., p. Ixxx.). 8 I.e., pp. lix.-xciii. 4 I.e., xci.-xcviii. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 33 was stated by its author to be a translation of the Filostrato " compose par un poethe florentin nomme Petrarque," * Chaucer, not knowing the name of the author of his original, adopted that of Lollius. 2 Their suggestion, which was only hazarded in a note, concerning Lydgate's Trophe, can only be given in their own words: "In- diquons que troplie represente assez bien le vieux mot trufe, truphe (bourde, trompe- rie), italianise. Chaucer a-t-il truphe Lyd- gate ou Lydgate le public." 3 Sandras was the first to suggest that the work of Benoit might be the direct source of certain passages in the Troilus, in his Etude sur Chaucer considers comme imitateur des trouveres, published in 1859, printing a number of passages from the unedited Roman de Troie to substantiate 1 Z.c., pp. ci, 120. 2 I.e., xcviii.-c. 8 I.e., p. c., n. They were not acquainted with Chau- cer's own mention of " Trophe." 34 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS his conjecture, but his parallel citations are neither definite nor full enough to be conclusive. He, too, thinks that Boc- caccio is hidden under the name of Lol- lius. 1 In 1862 A. Ebert, in his brief recension of the work of Sandras, expressed the opinion that while there was reason to justify the assumption that Chaucer had recourse to other works than the Filos- trato, there was not evidence enough to show whether it was to the work of Benoit or to that of Guido which he regarded as an original production he was indebted for the introduction of epi- sodes, not found in the Italian poem. 2 In 1867 Kissner clearly showed by the citation of parallel passages that the Eng- lish poem was in large part a translation 1 fitude, etc., pp. 42-50, 263-283 ; cf . Hertzberg, Jahr. der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, vol. VI. p. 202. 2 Jahr.f. rom. u. engl. Lit., vol. IV. pp. 89-91. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 35 of Boccaccio's work, in which the order of the stanzas, the verses, and even the rime of the original were adhered to as closely as possible, 1 took the same posi- tion as Ebert in regard to Chaucer's other sources for the story, considering Guido, however, as a plagiarist. 2 He believed that by Lollius, Boccaccio was intended, a Deliberate expedient used elsewhere by the English poet to mystify his readers. 3 " Trophe/' mentioned by Chaucer in the Monkes Tale, he supposed referred to the De Casibus Virorum of Boccaccio. 4 In the same year Henry Morley, in his 1 A. Kissner, Chaucer in seinen Beziehungen zur italienischen Literature, Bonn, 1867, pp. 12-22, 25-58. 2 I.e., pp. 22-25. 8 I.e., pp. 7-9. Cf . Hertzberg, Chaucers Canterbury- geschichten, 1866, pp. 42, 44; JaJir. f. rom. u. engl. Lit., vol. VIII. pp. 154-155. Henry Bradshaw independently reached the same conclusion, G. W. Prothero, Memoir of H. Bradshaw, p. 216. For a conflicting view, cf. Louns- bury, I.e., vol. II. p. 413. 4 Kissner, I.e., p. 8. 36 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS English Writers, gave a comparative analy- sis of the two poems, noting that Chaucer's version " was more than half as long again as its original/' 1 and proved to his own satisfaction that " Latin " was Italian/ that the English poet, in " his labour towards the elevation of the Filo- strato" 3 " with a parable of Scripture in his mind, out of Lolium, the Latin for a tare, probably contrived for Boccaccio a name that he thought justly significant/' 4 and that Lydgate referred to the Filostrato as " Trophe/' because " it evidently points to Criseyde's perfidy, and is related to Tponr), a turning." 5 He also noted that the additions to the narrative concerning 1 English Writers, 1867, vol. II. Part I. pp. 237-243. To give preciseness to his comparison, without regard to the amount utilized by the English poet, he states that the Filostrato contains 5352 lines, and the Troilus, 8251. Cf. Rossetti, Comparison, etc., p. iii. ; Skeat, Works of Chaucer, 1894, vol. II. pp. xlix-1. 2 l.c., p. 243. 3 i Ctj p. 244, n. 4 I.e., p. 243. 6 l.c., p. 221, n. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 37 the actions of the heroine in the Greek camp, and her dialogue with Diomedes and with her father/ show that Chaucer was acquainted with either the work of Benoit or the Latin version of Guido. 2 In a communication to the Athenceum for Sept. 26, 1868, are set forth the views of W. M. Rossetti, who regarded Lydgate's " Trophe" ~as~lhe English "trophy," a trophy or victim of love, which corre- sponds to Boccaccio's own definition of the title of the Filostrato ; and hence the term " Trophe " is applied to that work by Lyd- gate. Chaucer, as the French translator, considered Petrarch-itS-author, and referred f.o JTJJP a.a LoTHns in the Troilus and the Hous of Fame, though he introduces him with his real name in the Clerkes Tale because one of his correspondents ad- 1 This is one of the points wrongly made by Sandras and rectified by Hertzberg, Jahrbuch der Shakespeare- Gesellschaft, vol. VI. p. 202. 2 I.e., p. 243. 38 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS dressed him as Laelius. 1 This communi- cation led Latham, in the next number of n the same journal, to offer his most ingen- ious explanation of Lollius. He suggested that Chaucer got the idea that Lollius was a writer on the Trojan war by the misin- terpretation prevalent in Chaucer's time of the opening lines of one of the Epistles of Horace, " Trojani belli scriptorem, maxime Lolli Dum tu declamas Romse, Prseneste relegi " (Ep. I, 2), which gave the idea that " the name of the person addressed had become attached to the person written about." 2 1 Rossetti, in his Chaucer's Troylus and Cryseyde compared with Boccaccio's Filostrato, 1873, pp. vii.-viii., gives up his explanation of Lollius in favor of that of Latham, but still credits his own explanation of Trophe. 2 Athenceum, Oct. 3, 1868, p. 433. Rossetti, Com- parison, etc., p. vii., writes that this suggestion was " made or rather repeated" in the place cited; but I am not acquainted with its earlier mention. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 39 Hertzberg, in his review of Kissner's book, accepted his thesis in full, 1 and to obviate the difficulty of the " Trophe " question suggested that the line on the Monkes Tale " At both the worldes endes, saith Trophe " should be read, " At both the Worldes endes, as Trophe," even though the false reading was as old as Lydgate's time. 2 Ten Brink, in his literary study of Chaucer, accepted Tyrwhitt's suggestion that by " Latin " Italian was meant, Ros- setti's explanation of Lydgate's "Trophe" and Hertzberg's correction of the Chau- cerian text, 3 and in confirmation of La- tham's conjecture about " Lollius " a l Jahr.f. rom. u. engl. Lit., vol. VIII. (1866), pp. 156- 162. 2 /.c., p. 155. 8 Chaucer, Studien zur Geschichte seiner Entwickelung, pp. 68-70, 182-184. 40 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS conclusion he had arrived at independently suggested that it was not due to a cur- rent misinterpretation, but that in the manuscript of Horace used by Chaucer, the incorrect readings scriptorum and te legi substituted for scrip tor em and relegi. 1 He also noticed that details in the Tro- ilus were due to the work of either Be- l l.c., pp. 85-87. Skeat, Works of Chaucer, ed. 1878, vol. L, p. 18, n. Chaucer, The Minor Poems, 1888, p. 359, Works of Chaucer, 1894 (vol. III. p. 278), and Rossetti (I.e., p. 359). Works of Chaucer, 1894 (vol. III. p. 278) and Rossetti (I.e., p. vii.) accept Latham's suggestion as almost a certainty. Joly (Benoit de Ste. Maure, etc., vol. I. pp. 216-217), and Hertzberg (Shakespeare Jahr. vol. VI., p. 201, n. 2) concur in general statement of both Latham and ten Brink, without expressing their precise position in regard to secondary matters. Yet Lounsbury (I.e., vol. II. p. 410) states that " By no stretch of lan- guage can [it] be regarded as probable." Yet the main premise for this opinion to wit, that when Chaucer could translate a philosophical work, the De Consolatione of Boethius, he would not have made the slip of mistak- ing a genitive for an ablative is somewhat vitiated, when we consider that a French translation of the Latin work was Chaucer's original. Cf. Rossetti, Comparison, p. vii., n. ; M. H. Liddell, Globe Chaucer, p. xl. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 41 noit or Guido or of both, but the sugges- tion is confessedly not his own. 1 In 1869-1870, by the quite indepen- dent investigations of Dunger and Joly, the impudent plagiarisim of the Roman de Troie by Guido delle Colonne was put beyond a doubt by extensive comparisons of the French and Latin works; 2 but i/.c.,p.85. 2 A. Joly, Benoit de Ste. Maure et le Roman de Troie, 1870-1871, vol. II. 470-484. H. Dunger, Die Sage vom trojanischen Kriege in den Bearbeitungen des Mittelalters und ihren antiken Quellen, Leipzig, 1869, pp. 39, 61-64. Tyrwhitt was acquainted with both works, and suspected that the Roman de Troie was the direct source of Guide's work, but " a full discussion of the point by a comparison of Guide's work with the Roman de Troye, would require more time and pains than I am inclined to bestow on it " (note to C. T., 15147, Works of Chaucer, p. 204. Cf. note to C. T., 14914, p. 204, pp. 471, 486). Warton in his first volume of his History of English Poetry (1774) only mentioned Guido as the author of an original work upon the Troy legend, for the sources of which he accepts the author's own statements, and "from which Chaucer de- rived his ideas about the Trojan story" (vol. I. (1774), pp. 126-127 ; cf. pp. 138, 385, vol. II. pp. 82-83, 91-92, 97, on acquaintance with Guido's work ; cf . E. Koeppel, Lyd- 42 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS these two scholars in their orientations of the whole mediaeval Troy legend, only touched incidentally upon the matter of the original of Chaucer's Troilus, and failed to notice the secondary sources gate's Story of Thebes, pp. 16-17), and knew of Benoit's work and its subject at only second hand (vol. I. p. 136). In a note in the second volume, from, information unques- tionably received from Tyrwhitt, he speaks of " the an- cient metrical one of Benoit, to whom, I believe, Colonna is much indebted" (vol. II. (1778) p. 99, n.). Francis Douce, in his Illustrations of Shakespeare, published in 1807, stated that he had made the comparison suggested by Tyrwhitt, and found that Guido had " only translated the Norman writer into Latin " (vol. II. pp. 65-66), but his correct conclusion, even if the detailed results were not published, did not seem to be generally known, even though it found its way into such a popular work as Dun- lop's History of Fiction (pp. 175-176, ed. 1845). In 1857 Fromman expressed the opinion that Guide's work was nothing but a translation of the French poem (Germania, vol. II. p. 52), while in 1858 Moland and d'Hericault (I.e., p. Ixxx.) regarded the Latin work as " une amplifi- cation de 1'ouvrage de Daures mais aux merites de la- quelle Benoit de Saint-Maur n'a pas per contribue." Pey in the next year (Jahr.f. rom. und engl. Lit., 1. 228) fostered the theory that both Guido and Benoit based their works upon an original unabridged text of Dares, which has not TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 43 which, contributed to the story of the English poem. 1 Joly, to be sure, men- tioned Latham's and ten Brink's sugges- tion as if it were his own, and proposed that Lydgate's line, " Of a boke whiche called is Trophe," if restored to its probably true reading, which could so easily have been cor- rupted, " Of a boke whiche called is Strophe," come down to us. This view was accepted by Ebert (I.e., vol. IV. p. 90) and Cholevius (Geschichte der deutschen Poesie, vol. I. pp. 111-112) ; but regarded with doubt by Kissner (I.e., p. 23, n.), and one would have thought finally disposed of by Hertzberg (I.e., pp. 187-194), who like Barth (Guido de C alumna, p. 19) and Morf (Rom., vol. XXI. pp. 18-21) denied Guido even an acquaintance with the Dares as we have it; if Koerting (Dictys and Dares, 1874, pp. 67, 95 ; Boccaccio, 1881, pp. 586-587) and Greif (Die mittelalterlichen Bearbeitungen der Trojanersage, p. 62) had not adopted it as a thesis the maintenance of which was all important, and if Constans (Hist, de la lit- terature et langue francaise, vol. I. p. 215, n. 1) did not seem half inclined to accept their conclusions. 1 Joly, I.e., p. 515 ; Dunger, I.e., p. 36. 44 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS would refer to the Italian poem, thus de- noted on account of its metrical structure. 1 W. Hertzberg in a study upon the Tro- ilus legend independently reached the same general conclusions, and, in com- menting upon Kissner's results, noted that while only two-thirds of the 5288 lines of the Filostrato had been used in the Troilus, that the English poem contained 8251 lines. He further pointed out three passages in the Troilus which might equally as well have come from either the work of Benoit or Guido, and three others which from the similarity of lan- guage could only have had their sources in the French poem. 2 F. Mamroth in his work, G. Chaucer, seine zeit und Seine AbhaengigJceit von Boc- i Joly, Z.c., p. 216-217, 493. 2 Jahr. der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, vol. VI. (1871), pp. 201-205. I refer to this article as Hertz- berg, I.e. TO GUIBO DELLE COLONNE 45 caccio, although not doubting the Italian source of the Troilus, upon the authority of Bell and Hertzberg, still thought God- win's view worthy of an analysis. 1 W. M. Rossetti said. _ the final word upon the Filostrato-Troilus question by the publication in 1873 of his line-for-line comparison of the two poems, showing that somewhat less than a third of the English poem was taken directly from the Filostrato? Although he gives an analysis of the Troilus story in the Roman de Troie for the sake of setting it off against that given in the Italian poem, he nowhere suggests that Chaucer adopted hints from the French poet, or his Latin plagiarist concerning whose work he accepts the opinion of Moland and d'Hericault. 3 1 G. Chaucer, etc., Berlin, 1872, pp. 49 ff. 2 Comparison, etc., p. iii. 8 1. c., pp. v.-vi. R. Fischer's Die Troilus-Epen von Boc* 46 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS In 1867 J. Koch expressed the opinion that Chaucer possessed Boccaccio's works, of which he made such liberal use in his own poems in a manuscript or manuscripts which did not give the name of the author, and in the case of the Filostrato, as in that of other works, in order to give it an author, attributed it to one Lollius, whose name he may have come upon in the lines of Horace, cited by Latham and ten Brink. 1 In 1877 M. Landau, who supplemented Kissner's results by researches in the com- parison of the English and Italian poems, noting that Chaucer had translated liter- ally some 1200 verses of his original, advocated the view that the English caccio und Chaucer (in Zu den Kunstformen des mittelalter- lichen Epos. Weiner Beitrage zur englischen Philologie, vol. IX. (1899) pp. 217-370) offers nothing new on the question. It is a comparison of the sesthetic value of two poems, stated in percentages. i Englische Studien, vol. I. pp. 291-292. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 47 poet was ashamed to mention a modern writer in Italian as Boccaccio, and there- fore had_ adopted a Latin name which he cited AS hifl authority. 1 Ten Brink, in his Geschichte der Eng- lischen Litteratur, published in 1893, notes where Chaucer had made use of the work of Benoit at one point in his narrative, "Und begierig greift er aus Benoits Darstellung Ziige auf, die zur Entschuldigung seiner Heldin gereichen konnen. Erst dem von Troilus verwundeten Diomed schenkt sie, von Mitgef iihl geruhrt, ihr Herz ; und der Untreue folgt die Reue auf dem Fusse," 2 and in discussing the sources of the Legend of Good Women, he calls at- tention to the fact that if in this poem Chaucer has preferred Guido as a source rather than Benoit, it is the opposite of what he did in the Troilus. 8 1 Boccaccio, pp. 92-94. 2 Geschichte, vol. II. p. 95. 8 /.c., p. 116. 48 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS In 1892 Loafflsh.uxy, who seemed to think that the work of Guido was one of * /the English poet's sources for the Legend? \J stated that " Chaucer knew nothing of / Benoit." 2 In 1894 Skeat, who in earlier / contributions, when he had occasion to touch on the subject, accepted without comment the views of others upon the Filostrato-Troilus and "Lollius" questions with his usual disregard of the antecedent work of others, writing as if he were the first to suggest the possible indebtedness of Chaucer to Guido, pointed out details in the Troilus which he thought had their origin in the Latin work, and cited a number of passages of the Historia Tro- jana from an inferior manuscript to prove his thesis. "Trophe, " as mentioned by both Chaucer and Lydgate, according to 1 Studies in Chaucer, vol. II. pp. 313-314:. 2 l.c., vol. II. p. 309. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 49 his view, was Guide's work; 1 but he did not fail to note where, in the Troilus, Chaucer was unquestionably indebted to the Roman de Troie? W. J. Courthope in his History of Eng- lish Poetry regarded the use of Lollius as a deliberate mystification, on the part of Chaucer, to mislead his readers. As the authority of a work to which he wished to give a moral tone, Boccaccio "even if he had not provoked the censure of the church, would have carried no historical weight " ; and " therefore to create for his imagi- nary history, an imaginary historian/' he referred to "the Latin of the supposed Trojan historian Lollius." To fill out the story as he found it in the Filo- strato, "he borrowed numerous incidents and touches of a highly dramatic kin 1 Works of Chaucer, vol. II. pp. liii.-lxi. 2 I.e., pp. Ixi.-lxii., Ixxx. 50 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS from the Historia Trojana of Guido delle Colonne." 1 Finally , J. W. Broatch, in an article 2 in which he is assuredly "amicus Pla- tonis/' totally denies the claims of the Historia as set forth by Skeat, as one of the joint sources of the English poem. Unfortunately he rests his case mainly upon his own arbitrary statements, which are not, and cannot be substantiated by citations from the work of either Benoit or Guido. Of the known authors to whom Chaucer could have had recourse for the story of 1 Hist. ofEng. Poetry, vol. I. pp. 262-263. 2 Journal of Germanic Philology, vol. II. (1898) pp. 14-28. W. S. McCormick seems to accept Broatch's con- clusion when he states, "For the development of the story in Book V. Chaucer evidently consulted the Roman de Troie of Benoit de Sainte-More, possibly also the Historia Troiana of Guido delle Colonne." Globe Chaucer, p. xli. ; cf . pp. 543, 546, 553. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 51 the Troilus and Criseyde, Guido delle Colonne 1 is the only one whom he men- tions by name in any of his works. In the Sous of Fame, 2 in the list of the historians of Troy, he groups together " the great Omeer ; And with him Dares and Tytus Before, and eek he, Lollius, And Guido eek de Columpnis;" and by this mention of Lollius, removes any chance for the conjecture that by this name Guido was meant. Again, in his Legend of Good Women, at the beginning of the story of Hypsipyle and Medea, he mentions Guido as his authority. "Tessalye, as Guido telleth us." 3 1 The name always appears as " de Columpnis " in autograph signatures : (F. Torraca, Giornale Dantesco, vol. V. pp. 271-277 ; Studi su la lirica italiana del Due- cento, 1902, pp. 449-452), and in the best manuscripts of the Historia. 2 H. of F., 1466-1469. 8 L. of G. W., 1396. Skeat was the first, in 1889, to restore the correct manuscript reading, " Guido," which 52 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS And when he leaves him to follow another author, he notifies his readers : " Al be this not rehersed of Guido, Yet seith Ovyde in his Epistles so." 1 A careful study of the subject has shown the truthfulness of the poet's statement, and pointed out his exact indebtedness to both the authors mentioned. 2 had before always been printed as " Ovyde." The Legend of Good Women, 1889, pp. xxxi., 167. Works of G. Chaucer, 1894, vol. II. p. liv. 1 L. of G. W., 1464-1465. 2 Bech, Anglia, vol. V. pp. 324, 329-330, on Guido as source ; cf . Legend of Good Women, p. xxxi. ; Lounsbury, I.e., vol. II. p. 313 ; J. W. Broatch, Journal of Germanic Philology, vol. II. pp. 22-23. Chaucer, in following Guido, who substituted Ovid's " Thessalia " for Benoit's "Grece," perhaps to escape the difficulty found in the French poet's transformation of Dares's " Peloponneso " into " Penolope " (R. de T., 712; on source of name in Dares, cf. Dun- ger, I.e., p. 15 ; Koerting, Dictys and Dares, p. 73), which gave a Middle English translator trouble (The Seege of Troye, edited by C. H. A. Wager, 1889, v. 25 ; cf. p. lix.), although acquainted with Dares, does not, here or else- where (L. of G. W., 1397, 1400, 1409 ; cf . p. 167), correct "Pelleus " into "Pelias" (cf. Hertzberg, I.e., p. 121 ; Joly, I.e., vol. L p. 222, n.; H. Morf, Rom, vol. XXI. p. 89). TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 53 And in the Hous of Fame he refers anonymously to him as an authority for an opinion which he himself does not seem to accept. " But yit I gan ful wel espye, Betwix hem was a litel envye, Oon seyde, Omere made lyes, Feyninge in his poetryes, And was to Grekes favorable ; Therfor held he hit but fable." 1 For in Benoit's poem there is no passage corresponding in the least to Guido's long invective against Homer. After telling of the treacherous slaying of Troilus by his Greek opponent, Guido goes on : " Sed o homere qui in libris tuis achillem tot laudibus tot preconiis extulisti ; quse probabilis ratio te induxit ut achillem tantis probitatis Lydgate, who had followed others in this mistake in his Troy-book, repeats it in his Tragedies (sig. c 1 verso, col. 1). *H.of P., 1475-1480. 54 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS titulis exaltasses, ex eo precipue quod dixeris achillem ipsum suis viribus duos hectores pere- misse ipsum videlecet et troilum fortissimum fratrem ejus. Sane si te induxit grecorum affectio a quibus originem diceris produxisse vera non motus diceris ratione, sed potius ex furore." 1 1 Historia, sig. 1 2 verso, col. 2. Benoit's only comment on Homer (R. de T., 45-66 = Dares, De Excidio Troice, ed. Meister, 1, 13-17) is to the effect that his statements could not be true, as he lived one hundred years after the Trojan war, arid that the Athenians " Dampner le voldrent par raison Por ce qu'ot fet les Damedeus Conbatre o les homes charneus " (R. de T., 60-62 ; cf. Constans, Revue des Universites du Midi, vol. IV. pp. 36, 53), which Guido translated in its proper place. Historia, sig. a 1 recto, col. 1-2. It is of this passage that Broatch (I.e., p. 20) writes, " Thus in 45 he sneers at the paganism of Homer/' and of the clos- ing lines of the poem, a mere scribal formula, " Celui gart Dex et tienge et voie Qui bien essauce et monteploie " (R. de T., 30107-30108 ed., Qui bien s'avance et monte- ploie," but I have read as above on authority of MSS. B.N., 782, 1553 ; Arsenal, 3340, 3342) he remarks that the poet "expresses Christian sentiments." He emphasizes TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 55 In the Monkes Tale the stanza in the account of Hercules " Was never wight, sith that the world bigan, That slow so many monstres as dide he. Thurgh-out this wyde world his name ran, What for his strengthe, and for his heigh bountee, And every reaume wente he for to see. He was so strong that no man mighte him lette; At bothe the worldes endes, seith Trophee, In stede of boundes, he a pilar sette." 1 finds no analogue in the passage in Boethius in Chaucer's own translation, 2 which was so closely followed in the two preceding stanzas/ but has its source in Guido's state- these passages as the only evidence to support his arbitrary statement that Chaucer could have found " his source in Benoit as well as in Guido " for his attack upon paganism (T. and C., V. 1849-1855). 1 Canterbury Tales, B, 3301-3307. 2 Boethius De Consolatione Philosophic, Book IV. Metre VII. 29-67. 3 C. T., B, 3282-3300 56 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS ment, much enlarged upon that of Benoit, which merely has " Et les bonnes ilec ficha." l And Chaucer may have referred to this very statement, only in order to supplement it with the information he found in what he considered a better authority, in the work of Guido. " Hie est ille hercules de cujus incredibilibus actibus per multas mundi partes sermo dirigitur. Qui sua potentia infinites gigantes suis tempo ribus inter em it . . . ista de eo sufficiant tetigisse cum et rei veritas in tantum de sua victoria acta per mundum miraculose divulget, quod usque in hodiernum diem usque quam victor apparuit columne herculis testentur ad gades." 2 i R. de T., 795. * Historia, sig. a 3 recto, col. 1 ; cf . R. de T., 791- 794,797-798: . " Hercules Cil qui sostint maint pesant fes, Et mainte grant merveille fist. Et maint felon jaiant ocit." " Ses granz merveilles et si fait Serront mes k toz jorz retrait." TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 57 " Et locus ille in quo predicte columne Her- culis sunt affixe a quo non sufficit ultra ire." 1 But Chaucer, in other poems where no authority is named, shows that he is well acquainted with Guido's work. In the Book of the Duchesse he dreams that on the windows of his room " hoolly al the storie of Troye Was in the glasing y- wrought thus, Of Ector and king Priamus, Of Achilles and Lamedon, Of Medea and of Jason, Of Paris, Eleyne, and Lavyne." 2 1 Historia, sig. a 3 recto, col. 2; cf. Skeat, Works of Chaucer, vol. II. p. Iv. Yet Broatch (Z.c., 21) states that "the passage from the Monk's Tale ... is found in Benoit." Cf. R. de T., 796, " Ou Alexandres les [bonnes] trova," with Guido's " Ad has columnas magnas Macedo- nius Alexander . . . subjugando sibi mundum in manu legitur pervenisse," Historia, sig. a 3 recto, col. 1. Chau- cer's " both the worldes endes," as well as the statement in Guido, is based upon the geographical misconception so often found in mediaeval writers, which first confused, and finally made one, the Eastern " bornes " of Bacchus or Alexander, and the Western limits set by Hercules or Arthur. 2 B. ofD., 326-331. 58 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS In Guide's work especially is a promi- nent place given to the loves of Medea and Jason/ as a part of the Trojan story, and from this source the English poet took the names in this passage, as, at a later period, in the Legend of Good Women, he utilized the narrative. Again, in the same poem, when we find : " And therto al-so hardy be As was Ector, so have I joye, That Achilles slow at Troye Lnd therfor was he slayn also a temple, for bothe two 1 Cf. A. Joly, I.e., vol. I. p. 474; Bech, Anglia, vol. V. p. 331. While Guido always writes "Hector," the aphaeresized form, " Ector," appears in Benoit after qu* d' 9 etc. (R. de T., 296, 371; 283, 394, 420) ; but this was a common O.F. form which Chaucer could have found elsewhere. Cf . " Ercules," B. of D., 1058 ; and see p. 56. " Priamus " is exceptional in Benoit (Constans, I.e., p. 67) ; " Lamedon " has no precedent in " Laomedon " of both authors ; but for the manuscript reading, " king " before name which, it is true, may merely have been caught from 1. 328, cf . " Li reis de Troi[e] Laomedon " (R. de T., 989); "Rex Laomedon," Historia, sig. a 4 recto, col. 1. But the form " Laumedon," found both in TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 59 Were slayii, he and Antylegyus, And so seyth Dares Prigius, For love of [hir] Polixena."J It is evidently a summing-up of the story of the passion of Achilles for Polyxena, such as it appeared, in an extended form, in the Historia of Guido. 2 That Dares was not the immediate source, as stated by Chaucer, is conclusively demonstrated by his forced spelling of the name " Anti- logus," which Guido had taken as he found it in Benoit, 3 who had thus distorted Benoit (Constans, I.e., pp. 34-35, where synseresis must be allowed on account of the metre) and in Guido, would give Chaucer's spelling of the name as "Laodamia," "Laudomia," which became "Ladomea." Cf. L. of G. W., 924; C. T., B, 71; F, 1445; cf. T. and C., IV. 124, "Lameadoun." With "Lavyne" cf. R. de la Rose, ed. Michel, 21818, " Helaine ne Lavine," but 14169, " Helaine," Medee,"Z.c., 14170, 15349. 1 B. of D., 1064-1071. On spelling "Antilogus," Skeat, Minor Poems of Chaucer, 2d ed. p. 491. 2 Historia, sig. k 2 verso, col. 1, 14 recto, col. 1 ; cf . R. de T 7 ., 17457-18354, 19177-19289, 19395-19779, 20679- 20848, 21176-21256, 21799-22256. 3 R. de T., 585, 20969, 22091 ; Historia, sig. 1 3 verso, col. 2, 14 recto, col. 1. 60 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS the " Antilochus " of Dares. 1 And that it was to Guido's, and not to Benoit' s, work 1 Dares, 41, 8 ; 11, 13. Skeat's statement (Minor Poems, p. 266), " Antilochus is a mistake for Archilochus, owing to the usual mediaeval confusion of proper names," is not based on a single fact. Archilochus, who, in the Iliad (XL 100, XIV. 164), is the son of Antenor, in Dares (23, 4) is a Thracian ally of the Trojans; in Benoit (R. de T., 6854, 7692) Archilogus is the son of " Theseus de Theresche," and again appears in the same rdle in the Historia (sig. f 6 recto, col. 1; g 3 recto, col. 1) as "Artilogus" and "Archileus." But Guido, misunderstanding a passage in Benoit (R. de T., 8360- 8361, where " Antilogus " appears as the son of Theseus), makes an " Artilogus " the son of another Theseus (His- toria, g 5 recto, col. 2 ; cf . wrong translation again in the Gest Hystoriale, ed. Paton and Donaldson, 6448-6450), who in both writers appears as a Greek ally (R. de T., 8179-8184, 8873-8902, 9045-9062, 11174; Historia, sig. g 4 verso, col. 1 ; g 6 verso, col. 1 ; h 1 recto, col. 1). A certain " Artilegus " is introduced by Guido in a pas- sage in which two episodes are made from one in Benoit as a doublet of u Archelaus," who is slain by Hector (Historia, sig. h 5 recto, col. 2 ; cf. R. de T., 10817 ff.). In Lydgate's Troy-look (sig. X 2 verso, col. 2, but X 3 recto, col. 2 ; verso, cols. 1-2, the correct form " Anthylogus " appears), in the Gest Hystoriale (10555-10556), and the La destruction de Troye of Milet (3987), Archilogus is the son of Nestor ; cf . Works of Chaucer, vol. VI. p. 401. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 61 that Chaucer was directly indebted, is shown by the name of the author, " Dares Frigius," such as it appeared in the for- mer"; 1 while "Daires," "Daire," "Dares" 2 is a less specific nomenclature, found in the Old French poem. Then in the lines, " nay, certes, than were I wel Wers than was Achitofel, Or Anthaagr, so have I joye, The traytour that betraysed Troye, " 3 is at once the mediaeval tradition and spell- ing of Antenor, such as we find in Guido, 4 ' and when Chaucer writes, 1 Historia, sig. e 1 verso, col. 1 ; e 3 recto, col. 1 ; f 5 verso, col. 1 ; cf . p. 70 n. 2 R. de T., 2048, 2051, 3107, 12292, 14048, 16210,21395, 21173 ; 106, 5183, 9957, 23722 ; Constans, I.e., p. 68. On Chaucer's acquaintance with the work of Dares, when writing the L. of G. W., Bech, Anglia, vol. Y. pp. 325- 326. 8 B. of D., 1117-1120. 4 Historia, sig. m 1 recto, col. 1 ff. ; cf . R. de T., 24373-26325. There is no hint anywhere in Chaucer's works to show that he accepted the mediaeval conception 62 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS " Alias that day The sorwe I suffred, and the wo ! That trewlwy Cassandra, that so Bewayled the destruccioun Of Troye and of Ilioun, Had never swich sorwe as I tho," l he follows Guido in making a distinction between Troy and Ilium, 2 and, as he, gives Cassandra, who is only incidentally men- of ^Eneas as a traitor in conjunction with Antenor, in contradiction to the narrative of Virgil (cf . H. of F., 162 fe. ; L. of G. W., 930 ff.), unless it be in the line in the Troilus (II. 1474) in which the two are named together as friends of the enemy of Criseyde, "Were it for Antenor and Eneas," a juxtaposition of names to be found in Benoit (299; 24373). Nor is the story that Simon entered Troy concealed in the wooden horse, in Guido one of brass, " equum erum " found in his mediaeval authorities (R. de T., 25618-25639, 25760- 25923; Historia, sig. m 4 verso, col. 2 m 5 recto, col. 1), accepted to the rejection of the Virgilian authority. (H. of F., 151-155; L. of G. TF., 930-933; C. T., B, 4418-4419; F, 209-211, 305-307) ; cf. Works of Chaucer, V. p. 377. 1 B. of D., 1243-1249. 2 Historia, sig. c 2 verso, col. 1-2, in the section treat- ing of the building of Troy by Priam, we find : TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 63 tioned in the narrative of the ^Eneid, 1 a prominent position in the Trojan story. 2 Ilion formari constituit quod magnum ejus palacium appelatur. Again in the section De direptione Troie we find after entering the city that Greci ... in magnum ilion irruerunt (sig. m 6 recto, col. 1). The same distinction is made in the H. of F., 152, 155, 158; and in the L. of G. W., 936-937, " In al the noble tour of Ilioun That of the citee was the cheef dungeoun," not only the distinction, but the language, is taken from Benoit, R. de T., 3029-3030 (cf. 645-646, 10366, 24316- 24317, 25275, 26029, 26119). " A une part font Ylion De Troie le mestre danjon," Broatch, I.e. p. 22; cf. Fromman, Germania, vol. II. p. 77; C. r., B, 288-289, 4546. 1 jEn., II. 246, 403; III. 187; V. 636. 2 Historia, sig. C 1 verso, col. 1 = R. de T., 2941- 2942 = Dares, 6, 4 ; Historia, sig. e 2 recto, col. 2 = R. de T., 4127-4144 = Dares, 11, 2-5 ; Historia, sig. o 6 recto, col. 2 = R. de T., 4861-4916 = Dares, 13, 14-16 ; Historia, sig. e 3 recto, col. 1 = R. de T., 5509-5520 = Dares, 15, 17-18 ; Historia, sig. h 3 verso, col. 1 = R. de T., 10355-10390 ; Historia, sig. m 4 verso, col. 2 = R. de T., 25482-25488 ; Historia, sig. m 5 verso, col. 2 = 64 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS In the list of lovers in the Parlement of Foules, " Tristram, Isoude, Paris, and Achilles, Eleyne, Cleopatre, and Troilus," x the heroes of the two romantic episodes of the Historia are alluded to ; in the line of the Legend of Good Women, " And Polixene, that boghten love so dere," 2 R. de T., 26009-26019 = Dares, 49, 21-50, 17; Historia, sig. m 6 recto, col. 1 = R. de T., 26107-26112. In these passages her seer's powers are mentioned, and her pro- phetic lamentations are set forth in full. 1 P. of F., 290-291. J. Koch (EngliscJien Studien, vol. I. pp. 284-285) thinks that these lines, in which Troilus is taken as a type of a lover, could only have been written after Chaucer had become acquainted with the FilostratOj as his story only forms a minor episode in the works of Benoit and Guido. But he leaves un- explained the introduction of Achilles, whose name, how- ever, as that of Cleopatra, Paris, and Tristram, the English poet may have taken from a passage in the Divina Commedia of Dante (Inf., V. 63-67), of which the P. of F. shows the earliest influence. Cf. Inf., II. 1-3, 83-84, 10-11, 19-20; Purg., XXVIII., 16-18, 7-9, with P. of F., 85-86, 109-112, 123-124, 141, 169-170, 201-203. 2 L. of G. W., B, 258. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 65 there is again a reference to one of these ; in the Nonne Preestes Tale one of the " en- samples," to illustrate the value of dreams cited by Chauntecleer, " Lo heer Andromacha, Ectores wyf , That day that Ector sholde lese his lyf, She dremed on the same night biforn, How that the lyf of Ector sholde be lorn, If thilke day he wente in-to bataille ; She warned him, but it mighte nat availle ; He wente for to fighte nathelees, But he was slayn anoon of Achilles, But thilke tale is al to long to telle, And eek it is ny day, I may nat dwelle," l which has no classical authority, can be found in the narrative of Guido. So far as . ^"^i ._ ~~ - ' -- 1 the evidence of the names in the first pas- sage goes, Chaucer may have already become acquainted with the work of Benoit; he makes use of the old French poem, as well as of the Latin romance, elsewhere in the 1 C. T., B., 4331-4340, 66 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS Legend of Good Women? and in either of these works he could have read the story of the fate of Polyxena, who was slain at the tomb of Achilles by Pyrrhus, because for her "sis peres fu ocis." 2 Again, in the summary of the dream of Andromache and its fulfilment there is no hint in its details or language upon which it can be stated conclusively whether it was to the narrative of Benoit or to that of Guido, Chaucer was indebted. 8 1 Cf . p. 52, n. 2 ; p. 62, n. 2. 2 R. de T., 26297; cf. 663-668, 26369-26432; Historia, sig. m 6 verso, col. 1 n 1, recto, col. 1. For phrase, " boghten love so dere," cf . T. and C., L, 810 : " Many a man hath love ful dere y-bought," which has no equiva- lent in the parallel passage of the R. de la 7?., 21878; but T. and C., V. 1755-1756 ; " His ire ... the Grekes ay boughte," V. 1800-1801 ; " The wraththe ... of Troilus the Grekes boughten dere," finds its counterpart in Benoit's " Chier lo comparent Troien " (23688) ; Cil de Ik Tont chier comparee " (21204) ; " Mes trop les a, chier compare " (20122). Cf . 17944, 668, 13290. 8 R. de T., 15187 ff. ; cf . 390-412 ; Historia, sig. i 4 TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 67 In taking the Filostrato as a basis for his Troilus, Chaucer, knowing both of the works from which Boccaccio drew the rudi- ments of his story/ did not hesitate to adopt' verso, col. 2 ff., where Dame as elsewhere in the same work is spelled Andrometa. Tyrwhitt had stated (I.e., p. 204, note to 1. 15147), " The first author who relates it is the fictitious Dares, cxxiv, and Chaucer very probably took it from him, or from Guido de Columnis, or per- haps from Benoit de Sainte More." Cf. Broatch (I.e., p. 22), "Tyrwhitt affirmed that the dream of An- dromache . . . came from Guido. It might as well have come from Benoit." 1 Le Clerc was of the opinion that " le Filostrato n'est qu'un developpement de 1'episode de Troilus et Briseida ou Criseida dans le poeme fra^aise de la Guerre de Troie par Benoit de Sainte-More " (Hist. litt. de la France, vol. XXIV. pp. 553-554). Hortis (Studi sulle opere latine del Boccaccio, 1879, p. 118), Sandras (I.e., p. 42), Moland and d'Hericault (I.e., p. xciii), and Barth (Guido de Columna, Leipzig, 1877, p. 34) do not try to decide whether it was to Benoit or Guido that Boccaccio was indebted for the story of the Troilus. G. Koerting (Boccaccios Leben und Werke, 1880, p. 590) and V. Cresini (Contribute agli studi sul Boccaccio, 1887, p. 195) widen the question by the suggestion that it may have been taken from an Italian translation of either Benoit or Guido, instead of from the original of either 1 68 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS / hints from those authors which had been ^^C neglected by Boccaccio. Not only did he dovetail into his own narrative details of the Latin and French versions of the Troilus episode which had been omitted or changed by the Italian writer, but also \ followed "myn auctor" in seeking material \ in other episodes, and weaving romances \ j about names found in their common au- thorities. And in such additions from Benoit and Guido the predominance of the former as an authority is evident both in (cf . C. H. A. Wager, The Seege of Troye, p. xxii.) . Dunger (I.e., p. 36), Hertzberg (I.e., p. 200), Bartoli (Iprecursori del Boccaccio, 1876, pp. 64-66 ; cf. 70-80), M. Landau (Giovanni Boccaccio; seine Leben und seine Werke, 1877, pp. 90-91), and Gorra (Testi inediti di storia troiana, etc., 1889, p. 339 ff.) believed that Guide's original text was the direct source ; while Joly (I.e., vol. I. p. 504), Gaspary (Gesch. der italienischen Lit., vol. II. p. 638), Morf (Rom., vol. XXI. p. 106), and Savj-Lopez (Rom, vol. XXVII. pp. 445-449) attributed the greater influence to Benoit, although ac- knowledging the supplementary use of Guido ; and Savez- Lopez was the first (I.e., pp. 451-453) to note Boccaccio's indebtedness to the love episode of Achilles in Benoit. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 69 language and sentiment, while lie accepts the statements of the latter for specific details, the correctness of which he thinks can be vouched for. While Benoit always writes for Dictys, "Dithis" 1 or "Ditis," 2 Guido in translating the passage in the French poem which tells of the discovery by Cornelius, the " neveu " of " Saluistes," 3 of " L'estoire que D^ire ot escrite Et en langue gregoise dite," 4 regarded the participle " dite " as a proper name, and, here and elsewhere, always 1 R. de T 7 ., 637, 24301, 26202, 30095. 2 R. de T., 24299, 24322, 26040 ; Constans, Z.c., p. 64. 8 R. de T 7 ., 77-79. " Cist Saluistes, 90 truis lisant Ot un neveu forment sachant Cornelius fu apelez," is Benoit's interpretation of the words in the formula of address, " Cornelius Nepos Sallustio," in Dares. Cf . Joly, I.e., vol. I. p. 477. 4 R. de T., 87-88, ed. " En greque langue fete et dite," which I have rejected in favor of the reading in Vienna 2571, ap. G. K. Fromman, Germania, vol. II. p. 62. 70 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS referred to this author, with whose work he was unacquainted, as Dites, 1 so, Chaucer, whose ignorance on this point was one with Guido, names " Dyte " as a writer on the Trojan war, and when he gives the advice, " But the Troiane gestes, as they f elle, In Omer, or in Dares, or in Dyte, Who-so that can, may rede hem as they wryte," 2 he is speaking in all seriousness to those who were better situated than he. That he came to doubt the authority that he Accepted when writing the Troilus is shown in the later poem, Tlie Hous of 1 Historia, sig. a 1 recto, col. 2. " Eaque per ditem grecum et frigius Daretem ... in presentem libellum per me judicem Guidonem de columnis messana transsumpta legentur, prout in duobus libris eorum inscripturn, quasi una vocis consonantis inventum est athenis. Quamquam autem hos libellos . . . Cornelius nomine Salustii magni nepos in latinam transferre curverit." This mistake of Guido was first noted by Hertzberg, I.e., 189-190. Cf. sig. o. 7 recto, col. 1, " ditem grecum." On passage in epilogue, Historia, sig. O 6 recto, col. 2, in which the form " ditis " occurs which may be only a gloss, cf. H. Morf (Rom, vol. XXI. pp. 20-21). 2 T. and C., I. 145-147. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 71 Fame, where, again in a list of writers on Troy, he names " the great Omere, And with him Dares and Tytus." 1 This is no mere spelling of a name, but the statement of a correction to which the poet had given thought. In his readings he had not come across the work of "Ditis Dithis Dites," and to attribute such a work to a well-known historian, " Tytus Livius," 2 one of whose names could easily have been corrupted, seemed the sensible way. Chaucer was so well acquainted with the story of Achilles and Polyxena 3 that he *H.ofR, 1466-1467. 2 B. of the D., 1084 = 72. de la ., 9365 ; L. of G. W., A, 280. 1873, (Titus) 1683 ; C. T. y C, 1. In the B. of the D. the allusion to Lucretia is only at second hand, in the L. of G. W. the Latin history was used as a source, while again in the Frankeleyns Tale, where no authority is named, the name occurs in the list of virtuous women, translation from the monastic tract Contra Jovinianum. Cf . C. T., F, 1405-1409 ; Migne, Patrologia, vol. XXIII. col. 275. 3 Cf . p. 59. 72 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS recognized the use made of it by Boccaccio in telling of the beginning of the love adventures of Troilus, and enlarged his own narrative by hints drawn from both of the sources of the Italian poet. Boccaccio's lines, "il quale {i.e. Troilus] amore trafisse Piu ch'alcun altro," 1 could hardly have been the original of Chaucer's longer and more specific state- ment, " the god of love gan loken rowe Right for despyt, and shoop for to ben wroken; He kidde anoon his bowe nas not broken; For sodeynly he hit him at the fulle; " 2 while the figure employed seems to suggest the use of a passage in Guido's description of the first meeting of Achilles and Polyx- KV ena : "Et dum desirabili animo in earn Achilles suum infixisset intuitum sagitta cupidimis for- i m, I. 25, 7-8. 2 Tm and C ., I. 206-209. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 7B tern Achillem subito vulneravit et ad interiora pertransiens cordis ejus." 1 Again, Chaucer's lines, " And sodeynly he wex ther-with astoned, And gan hire bet biholde in thrifty wyse: *O mercy, god!' thoughte he, 'wher hastow woned, Thou art so fair and goodly to devyse ? ' " 2 " And after that hir loking gan she lighte, That never thoughte him seen so good a sighte. And of hir look in him ther gan to quiken So greet desir, and swich affeccioun, That in his hertes botme gan to stiken Of hir his fixe and depe impressioun : And though he erst hadde poured up and doun, He was tho glad his homes in to shrinke; Unnethes wiste he how to loke or winke," 3 which have no parallel in the Filostrato, are _! a clever piecing together of unconnected A 1 Historia, sig. k 2 verso, col. 2. Cf. E. Meybrinck, Die Auffassung der Antike bei Jacques Milet, Guido de Columna und Benoit de Saint-Maur, Marburg, 1886, p. 40. 2 T. and C., I. 274-278. 8 T. and C., I. 293-301. 74 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS expressions in the Latin Romance in the same episode : "Achilles igitur dum Polixenam inspexit et ejus pulcliritudinem contemplatus vere suo con- cepit in ammo nunquam se vidisse puellam nee aliquam inulierem tante pulchritudinis forma vigere. . . . Qui dum in earn frequentius in- tuendo sibi ipsi placere putaret et lenire grave desiderium cordis sui majoris scissure cordis vulneris seipsum sibi reddebat actorem. . . . Quid ultra Amore Polixene nimium, illaqueatus, Achilles nescit ipse quid faciat. . . . Propter quod dilatat amplius plagas suas et sui amoris vulnera magis sui cordis attrahit in profun- dum." 1 1 Historia, sig. k 2 verso, col. 2, k 3 recto, col. 1 ; cf . Gower, Conf. Amant. V. 7591 ff. The lines, [Calchas] " Knew wel that Troye sholde destroyed be, By answere of his god, that highte thus, Daun Phebus or Apollo Delphicus, (T. and C., I. 68-70) Thus shal I seyii, and that his coward herte Made him amis the goddes text to glose, When he for ferde out of his Delphos sterte," (T. and C., IV. 1409-1411) in which there is an allusion to the journey of Calchas to TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 75 Boccaccio did not give a description of Troilus, and Chaucer, in combining details from Benoit and Guido, takes his more definite information from the latter. Thus, when Pandarus refers to . " Troilus The wyse worthy Ector the secounde," l the Delphic oracle in the interests of the Trojans, the warning of the god, which he obeyed, in accompanying Achilles to Athens, not a suggestion of which appears in the Filostrato, do not furnish any hint as to whether it was to the French or the Latin work (cf . R. de T 7 ., 5809- 5918; Historic sig. e 6 recto, col. 1) Chaucer had resort to at this point in the story. However, it may be noted that Phebus with the French epithet does not appear in the R. de T. (cf. Danz Apollin, 13732) nor does the Latin "Delphicus" appear in Guido ("Apollo," Historia, sig. e 5 verso, col. 2). Lydgate accepts the authority of Chau- cer, and in his translation of this passage we find " Apollo Delphicus" (Troy-look, sig. 2 recto, col. 2). Guido con- fused Delos and "Delphos insulam" (Historia, sig. e 4 recto, col. 2; e 5 verso, col. 2). Benoit has Defeis (R. de T., 205, 5786). Chaucer may have written Delphos on the authority of Dares (19, 13 and 19). Cf. C. T., F, 1077, " Thy temple in Delphos wol I barefoot seke." The account of Calchas in the Filostrato (I. 8-9) corresponds to the more general statement of Guido in another passage (Historia, sig. i 1 recto, col. 2 ; cf. R. de T., 12952 ft.). 1 T. and C., H. 157-158. 76 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS or when the poet speaking in his own person says, " And certainly in storie it is y-f ounde, That Troilus was never un-to no wight, As in his tyme, in no degree secounde In durring don that longeth to a knight. Al mighte a geaunt passen him of might, His herte ay with the firste and with the beste Stod paregal, to durre don that him leste," l we have twovseparate passages based upon the statement in the Historia: " In viribus vero et strenuitate bellandi vel f uit alms Hector vel secundus ab ipso. In toto etiam regno Troie juvenis nullus fuit tantis viribus nee tanta audacia gloriosus." 2 1 T. and C., V. 834-840. Cf. II. 643, 739-740; III. 1774-1775 ; V. 1564-1565, 1803-1804. 2 Historia, sig. e 2 verso, col. 1 ; cf . sig. k 6 recto, col. 2, "alius hector qui non minori predictus est virtute inclitus ille scilicet troilus qui non minus quam si hector viveret, grecos afficit " = R. de T. (19890-19905; cf. 3973-3976, 5419-5421) which again has its source in Dares (36, 20-22), " Dio- TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 77 In describing the sorrowful plight in which Pandarus found Criseyde, Chaucer availed himself of all that the Filostrato offered, " El vide lei in sul letto avviluppata Ne' singhiozzi, nel pianto et ne' sospiri ; E'l petto tutto et la faccia bagnata Di lacrime le vide, ed in disiri Di pianger gli occhi suoi, e scapigliata, Dar vero segno degli aspri martiri," * medes et Ulixes dicere coeperunt Troilum non minus quam Hectorem virum fortissimum esse." Cf. Skeat, Z.c., p. Ivi. ; Broatch, I.e., p. 16. Skeat, I.e., pp. Ivi.-lvii., compares T. and C., I. 1072-1085, with Guide's descrip- tion of Troilus, while Broatch (Z.c., p. 16), noting that these lines refer especially to the change that took place in Troilus in consequence of his love, says that any details in this passage "might equally well have been taken from Benoit, 5372 ff." But in fact Chaucer merely anticipates the situation that he translates from the Filo- strato in a later passage. Cf. T. and C., III. 1716-1729 ; Fil., III. 72; T. and C. 9 HI. 1772-1778, 1786-1792; Fil., III. 90, 92. 1 Fil., TV. 9.6. 1-6. Cf . IV. 100, 7-8 : " E intorno agli occhi un purpurino giro Dava vero segnal del suo martiro," 78 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS and by making his own a further detail in Guide's description of the heroine's actions, "t not put to use by Boccaccio, A, " et aureos crines suos a lege ligaminis absolutes divellit," 1 introduced additional matter in his ver- sion, " And fond that she hir-selven gan to trete Ful pitously ; for with hir salte teres Hir brest, hir face y-bathed was f ul wete ; with T. and C., IV. 869-870, " About her eyen two a purple ring Bi-trent in sothf ast tokninge of hir peyne." The ultimate source is Dante (Vita Nuova, ch. xl.), "Dintorno loro (i.e. gli occhi) si facea un colore purpu- reo, lo quale suole apparir per alcuno martirio ch' altri riceva," " Ch' Amore Li cerchia di corona di martiri." On indebtedness of the Filostrato to the Vita Nuova, cf. Savj-Lopez in Rom, XXVII. pp. 443-444. 1 Historia, sig. i 2 recto, col. 2. " Aureos crines suos . . . divellit " = Fit., IV. 87, 7 = T. and C., IV. 736-737 ; " ounded hair," cf . R. de la R., 22131-22132 ; H. of F., 1386. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 79 The mighty tresses of hir sonnish heres, Unbroyden, hangen al aboute hir eres ; Which yaf him verray signal of mar tyre Of deeth, which that hir herte gan desyre," 1 and it was the same phrase in Guide's work that may have suggested to Chaucer, in his description of Criseyde, the lines, " And ofte tyme this was hir manere, To gon y-tressed with hir heres clere Doun by hir coler at hir bak bihinde, Which with a threde of gold she wolde binde." 2 1 T. and C., IV. 813-819; 1. 819 "her herte," van "for wo she." 2 T. and C., V. 809-812. A point suggested by Skeat (I.e., p. Ivii.), although " this seems fantastic " to Broatch (I.e., pp. 17-18). The hint for this detail in the description of Criseyde may be due to Guido, but the lines are only a modification of a passage in the P. of P., 267-268 : " Her gilte heres with a golden threde Ybounded were, untressed as she lay," a free translation of the Italian original (Tesaide, VII. 65,1-2),- " Ella avea d' oro i crini, et relegati Intorno al capo senza trecci alcuna." 80 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS But on the other hand, when he writes, " And eek her fingres longe and smale She wrong ful ofte." " Hir hewe, whylom bright, that tho was pale," 1 there is only a reminiscence of Guido's stronger language: " Unguibus etiam suis sua tenerrima ora dila- cerabat . . . et dum rigidis unguibus suas max- illas exarat rubeo cruore, pertinctas, lacerata lilia lacerata rosis immisceri shnilitudinarie videbantur." 2 A phrase of Guido's that suggested to Chaucer in his version an addition to Boc- caccio's description of the heroine has already been noticed, and further, a com- 1 T. and C., IV. 737-738, 740. Cf . T. and C., V. 708, " Full pale y-waxen was hir brighte face " = Fil., VI. 1, 6-7, " le f resche guance et delicate Pallide e magre Per an divenute." 2 Historia, sig. i 2, recto, col. 2 ; cf . Z.c., cols. 1-2, " si promentis alicus [vestes] manibus strigerentur et rum multitudinem eff iinderenlj," TO GUIDO DELLE COLOKNTE 81 parison of the analogous passages of the three authors shows that the English poet deferred to the authority of Guido when in conflict with that of Boccaccio in this instance for artistic reasons if for no other cause. Thus, while Boccaccio tells us of his Griseida, that " E1F era grande, ed alia sua grandezza Kispondean bene i membri tutti quanti," l Chaucer writes, " Criseyde mene was of hir stature," in this as in his other lines, " Thereto of shap, of face, and eek of chere There mighte been no fairer creature," 2 "And, save her browes joyneden y-fere, Ther nas no lak, in ought I can espyen," 3 1 Fil.j I. 27, 1-2, used by Chaucer in his description of Troilus (T. and C., V. 827-828), which is similar to that given in R. de T., 5405-5406, for which there is no equiv- alent in the Historia (sig. e 2 verso, col. 1). Cf. Skeat., Z.c., pp. Ivi., lix. ; Broatch, Z.c., pp. 16, 18, 26. 2 T. and C., V. 806-808, * T. and C., V. 813-814. 82 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS following the passage in Guido : " Breseida autem filia Calcas multa f uit spe- ciositate decora nee longa nee brevis nee nimium macilenta, lacteo profusa candore, genis roseis, flavis crinibus. Sed superciliis junctis, quorum junctura dum multa piloxitate tumesceret modi- cam inconvenientam presentabat." * 1 Historia, sig. e 2 recto, col. 1; cf. Dares, 17, 7-9, "Briseidam formosam non alta statura . . . superciliis junctis," and R. de T., 5258, 5261-5262 : " N'ert trop petite ne trop granz." " Mes le sorcil qui li giseient Auquetes li mesaveneient." A single word in the first- line suggests Dares as the source, but his statement as to Criseyde's height is not as definite as that of Benbit and Guido ; and only in the Historia is the defect of the eyebrows emphasized. On the other hand, it is to be noted that in Chaucer's story, as in Boccaccio's, the heroine appears as a widow (Fil., I. 11, 3 = T. and C., I. 97; cf. Fil., I. 19, 2, with T. and C., I. 170; Fil., II. 69, 2; T. and C., II. 750 ff.; Fil., VI. 29, 1-3; T. and C., V. 875-876), and although Chau- cer states (T. and C., I. 132-133) : " But whether that she children hadde or noon, I rede it nought, therefore I lete it goon," Boccaccio specifically states that she did not have any (Fil., I. 15, 4-7; II. 69, 3; cf. W. S. McCormick, TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 83 For the expansion of the story of the wooing of Diomedes, Chaucer drew largely from the French poem, but in the answer of Criseyde, for the lines, " I sey not therefore that I wol yow love, Ne I sey not nay, but in conclusioun I mene wel, by god that sit above," 1 no specific analogous passage is found there, while in the Latin romance we find the passages of the same import, in which the Globe Chaucer, p. 440) ; while Benoit (R. de T., 12977) refers to her as "la pucele." There is no hint of her condition in either Guido or Dares; cf. Hertzberg, I.e., pp. 197-198. With T. and C. 9 V. 815-817: " But for to speken of hir eyen clere, Lo trewely, they writen that hir syen That Paradys stood formed in hir yen," cf. Dares, 17, 9, "oculis venustis"; R. de T., 5263, " Biax ielz avoit de grant maniere " (cf. p. 124, n. 1) ; His- toria, sig. e 2 recto, col. 2, " oculis venusta " (cf . Hertz- berg, I.e., p. 180, n.) ; Fil., I. 28, 8, " Gli occhi lucenti e Pangelico viso"; T. and C., V. 820-825 = Fil., I. 11, 7; R. de T., 5264-5270. 1 T. and C., V. 1002-1004. 84 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS thought and language is similar to what we find in the Troilus : "Amoris tui oblationes ad presens nee re- pudio nee admitto." * 44 Unde sua calliditate se nolle non negat et velle in expectationis fiduciam conatur ponere Diomedem." 2 But it was in Benoit's work alone that Chaucer found mention of the tokens of love that Criseyde presented to Diomedes, circumstances omitted by Guido, and so 1 Historic sig. i 2 verso, col. 1. 2 Historia, sig. i 4 verso, col. 2. Skeat (I.e., p. Ix.) citing from MS., Mm. 5. 14, in Cambridge University Li- brary, quotes the much closer analogue, " Unde Diomedi suum non negat, etiam nee promittit," but here as else- where I prefer the text, otherwise fuller and more correct, given in the incunabula. The lines in Benoit (15588- 15589,13641), " N'est biau ne bien, reson ne dreiz Que d'amer vos donge parole," " Gie ne vos refuse autrement," do not seem to support Broatch's statement (I.e., p. 18), " There is nothing here which might not have come from Benoit," TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 85 changed in detail by Boccaccio, who had adopted this hint from this episode upon which to base an incident in his story, as to be hardly recognizable/ and the soliloquy of the heroine before she finally gives herself up to her Grecian lover/ omitted by Boc- caccio, and very shortly summarized by Guido. And yet here in one line, "Retorning in hir soule ay up and doun A Chaucer adopts a phrase of Guido' s,; "in sua mente revolvit," 4 i Cf. p. *R de T., 20194-20330. 8 T. and C., V. 1023. 4 Historia, sig. 1 recto, col. 1, but cf. T. and C., II. 601-602 : " And every word gan up and doun to winde," which translates the Italian, (Fil. II. 68, 3-4) : " Seco nel cuor ciascuna paroletta Bivolendo di Pandaro," which is rendered again in T. and C., II. 659 : " And gan to caste and rollen up and doun," while T. and C., III. 1541-1542: " And in his thought gan up and doun to winde Hir wordes alle," 86 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS and, for brevity's sake, gives the gist of Guido's account of the subsequent action of the heroine, which is only implied in the passage of the Roman de Troie. In Guido's statement, "Totum suum animum in Diomedem declinat et convertit amorem. Sed quam primum con- valescentia adeptus absolute facere velle suum, cum in ejus amore tota deferveat et flagranti desiderio penitus incalescat," 1 Chaucer found authority for his lines: " And for to hele him of his sorwes smerte Men seyn, I not, that she yaf him her herte." 2 renders FU., III. 54, 1-2 : " E giva ciascun atto rivolgendo Nel suo pensuiero." 1 Historia, sig. 1 1 recto, col. 1 ; cf . R. de T. 9 20218- 20220 : " Desor puet Ten aperceveir Que vers lui a tot atorne S'amor, son cuer et son pense." 2 T. and C., V. 1049-1050. Broatch, I.e., p. 25, cites a line of the heroine's speech (R. de T., 20271), " Trop ai TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 87 A careful investigation of Guido's work, in conjunction with the other two sources, puts beyond doubt the truthfulness of the poet's statement when he writes, " But trewely, how longe it was betwene, That she f or-sook him for this Diomede Ther is non auctor telleth it, I wene, Take every man now to his bokes hede ; He shall no terme finden out of drede." 1 But when he finds the exact number of days stated upon another matter, he is not so careful to follow his authorities. For when he writes, " For which, with-outen any wordes mo, SN To Troye I wol, as for conclusioun. But god it wot, er fully monthes two, She was ful fer fro that entencioun, For both Troilus and Troye town, en lui ja mon cuer mie," which has at least one word which is in the English lines. 1 T. and C., V. 1086-1090. 88 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS Shall knotteles through-out hir herte slyde ; * For she wol take a purpos for t'abyde," 2 he flatly contradicts Guide's more radical statement : " Non dum ilia dies [i.e. the day of her arrival in the Greek camp] ad horam declinaverat ves- pertinam cuin Briseida suas recentes mutaverat voluntates et vetera proposita sui cordis, et jam magis sibi succedit ad votum esse cum Grecis quam fuisse hactenus cum Trojanis. Jam nobilis Troili amor cepit in sua mente tepescere et tarn brevi hora repente sic subito facta volubilis ceperat in omnibus variari." 3 iCf. FiL, VI. 8, 6-7: " E'n breve spazio ne caccio di f uore Troilo e Troia, ed ogni altro pensiero Che'n lei fosse di lui o falso o vero." 2 T. and C., V. 764-770. Cf. V. 912, 1006-1008, for which the Filostrato does not furnish an analogue. 8 Historia, sig. i 3 recto, col. 2. Cf. R. de T., 13823- 13827: " Anceis que venist le quart seir N'ot el corage, ne voleir De retorner en la cite TO GUIDO BELLE COLONNE 89 / In the three lines which describe the death of Hector is a phrase of which the syntactical position, which offers difficulty, is best explained by a comparison with the parallel passage in Guido : " For as he drough a king by th' aventayle, Unwar of this, Achilles through the mayle And through the body gan him ryve." l v// Son corage est molt tost mue Poi veritable et poi estable." Cf. FiL, VI. 9, 1 = T. and C., V. 842. Cf. also R. de T., 13403-13408 ; Constans Chrestomathie de Vancien franpaise, 1884, p. 62, II. 169 ff., a mere general statement in which Broatch (I.e., p. 18) somehow finds the same definite state- ment as in Guido. Lydgate in his Troy-book (sig. R 3 verso, col. 1-2), refers his readers to Chaucer's poem for the complete story of Troilus and Criseyde, who are only incidentally mentioned in Guide's narrative, but on this one point introduces the statement of the Historia in a garbled' form : " But Guydo sayth longe or it was nyght, How Cryseyde hath forsake her owne knight And gave her herte unto this Diomode, Of tendernesse and of womanhede." i T. and C., V. 1558-1560. 90 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS " Achilles . . . accepta quadam lancea valde forti non advertente Hectore, velociter in Hec- torem irruit." 1 Finally, when in one of his closing stanzas, " Lo here, of Payens corsed olde rytes, Lo here, what alle hir goddes may availle ; Lo here, these wrecehed worldes appetytes ; 1 Historia, sig. i 6 recto, col. 1 ; cf . 1 3 recto, col. 1. The rest of the passage is due to Benoit., R. de T., 16166-16178, esp. 16169 (cf. Hertzberg, I.e., p. 204) : " Par la ventaille le teneit." " Aventayle " has been listed with " Romance words that end with a consonant in French [but] take an -e- in the Troilus" G. L. Kittredge, Observations on the Lan- guage of Chaucer's Troilus, p. 87 ; where the O. F. form "esventail" is given. Broatch (I.e., p. 19), who questions Skeat's attribution (I.e., p. Ix.) of the original to a passage in Guido, says, " Chaucer might perhaps be allowed to have invented the < eventaille.' " The aventaille of the twelfth to fourteenth centuries was a hood-shaped head- dress made of chain-mail, protecting the forehead and chin, on which the helmet rested, and the front part of which fell on the breast. ( J. Quicherat, Melanges d'arche- ologie, etc., 1886, pp. 314-324 ; Hist, du costume en France, pp. 133, 288 ; Viollet-le-duc, Diet, du mobilier francais, vol. VI. pp. 353-357; 105-107, Plates.) Cf. Skeat, Works of Chaucer, vol. V. p. 352. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 91 Lo here, the fyn and guerdon for travaille Of Jove, Appollo, of Mars of swich rascaille Lo here, the fornie of olde clerkes speche. In poetrye, if ye hir bokes seche," 1 which form a pendant to a preceding one in which the finale of the story is given, as found in the Filostrato? he moralizes on his poem/ showing an intolerance not found elsewhere in his works 4 toward the pagan deities, whom he has utilized for poetical 1 T. and C., V. 1849-1855; cf. V. 206-207, B. of Zt 52-55 : " And in this boke were written fables That clerkes hadde, in olde tyme And other poets, put in ryme To read." 2 T. and C., V. 1828-1834 = PH., VHI. 28. 8 Cf. L.of G. W., 468-474. 4 There is only one other passage in Chaucer, and that in a poem written in the same period as the Troilus, in which a like sentiment is found. Cf. The Former Age, 57-59 : " Yit was not Jupiter the likerous That first was father of delicacye, Come in this world," and with this cf . Paradiso, XV. 107 ff. 92 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS purposes in this very poem/ he shows the influence of passages in the Historia in which Guido inveighs against the deceptions and falsities of heathendom. 2 A Paadarus is mentioned first in the list of allies who came to aid Troy, accord- ing to the narrative of both Benoit and Guido, and the same person finds place in another episode. 3 Boccaccio has adopted 1 T. and C., I. 6-9 ; III. 1-46 ; IV. 22-26. 2 Historia, sig. e 5 recto, col. 2 e 6 recto, col. 1 ; i 3 recto, col. 1. In the Troilus, as in the other poems, Chaucer shows an acquaintance with a late recension of the Roman de Thebes. For similarity in language and sentiment with the stanza of Chaucer, these lines may be quoted (R. de T. ed. Constans, col. II. p. 15, 4337- 4442): " Ff ors solement danz Jupiter Qui tint un dart agu de fer Mars fu dejoste lui a destre ; Le proz Pallas fu a senestre Cil dui valent en bataille ; Plus que toute Pautre raschaille." 8 Among the combatants in the fourth battle is men- tioned (R. de T. 11179) Car le reis i fu Pandarus " TO GUIDO DELLE COLONSTE 93 this name as that of the cousin of the heroine of the Filostrato, who, in the Troilus, has become her uncle/ and (no equivalent in Historia, sig. h 4 verso, col. 1), who fights with Agamemnon (11217-11220) : "Agamemnon et Pandarus Se porterent des chevax jus, Bien s'ateinstrent et se ferirent Et durement se combatirent," which Guido renders (Historia, sig. h 5 recto, col. 1), " Rex agamemnon et rex pandalus (sic) inter in simul concurrentes ambo se sternunt ab equis." Lydgate (Troy-book, sig. Q i verso, col. 2) makes the name " Pantysylaus " ; the Gest Hystoriale, 7460, omits the episode. There is nothing in the Latin text in the corresponding passages (Historia, sig. g 4 verso, col. 1 ; i 1 recto, col. 2) to answer to Benoit's mention (R. de T. 8101) of "Li reis Pandarus de Sezile," as one of those who did not go out to fight in the second battle ; nor to the lines, in the account of the conference of the Greeks and Trojans to arrange for the exchange of prisoners, and in which permission for the return of the daughter of Calchas to her father is granted (cf. p. 104), R. de T., 12937-12939 : " Agamemnon et Menelaus Reis Pandarus et Aiaus. Et li halt home des Grezeis." i Fit, II. 20, 6 ; 23, 2 ; 27, 7 = T. and C., I. 975. 94 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS through, his story, which passed through such various vicissitudes, in English it has come to be a term of reproach. Chaucer likewise has not hesitated to take a name from one of the sources, and by various changes, has created an entirely new character. In the list referred to, we find in Guido the phrase, " Sciendus est ergo quod de regnis eorum licet dares frigius nihil inde dixerit venerunt tres reges cum plus quam tribus milibus militum armatomm, rex videlicet Pandarus, rex Thabor et rex Andastrus," 1 1 Historia, sig. f 5 verso, col. 1-2. " Pandorus " in text, but the correct reading is confirmed by the original passage in the R de T., 6645-6646, cf. Constans, I.e., p. 54: " De Sezile i vint Pandarus Hupoz li vielz et Adrastus," (which in turn renders the phrase in Dares, 22, 15, " De Zelia Pandarus Amphius Adrastus ") ; and Lydgate's translation (Troy-look, sig. M 5 recto, col. 2), "The first of them was called Pandarus," although in the Gest Hystoriale (8536) he is given a Celtic surname " Pen- TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 95 and just as the Italian writer made use of Pandarus, so Chaucer, by a metathesis of form and a change of sex, gives Criseyde dragon the pert," while Adrastus becomes " Adasthon " (5438). Benoit based part of his episode of "the dread Saggitarius " (R. de T., 12207-12348) upon the passage in Dictys (II. 40-41), which tells of the exploits of the Lycian archer, Pandarus, and his death by the hands of Diomedes. (Joly, I.e. vol. I. p. 209, cf. p. 229 ; W. Greif, Die mittelalterichen Bearbeitungen der Troyanersage, Mar- burg, 1885, p. 00. ; R. Jaeckel, Dares, Phrygius und Benoit de Ste. More, Breslau, 1875, p. 53 ; E. Meybrinck, I.e., p. 23.) This Pandarus and another, the companion of ^Eneas, are mentioned in the jEneid (V. 496; IX. 672; XL 396). It is unnecessary to assume, as Hertzberg, that (I.e., pp. 189-200, accepted by G. Koerting, Boccaccio's Leben, p. 591) " den Namen Pandarus als vox hybrida des Omens wegen ausgedeutet und fur den Freund gewahlt hat, der dem Troilus alles giebt, Leben und Lebensgliick." This explanation is based upon that given in a passage in the Prcemio of the Filostrato in which the title is explained as being about a " uomo vinto e abbattuto da amore, (p. 1, cf. Hertzberg, I.e., p. 197) ; but this symbolical explana- tion may not be Boccaccio's (cf. H. L. D. Ward, Cat. of Romances, vol. I. p. 68 ; P. Savj-Lopez, Rom, vol. XXVII. pp. 444-445). Landau, (G. Boccaccio, p. 90), and Morf (Rom, XXI. p. 106) notice the use of name in Benoit. 96 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS a niece with the name of Tharbe, 1 in the same way as he found the name of another niece, "Flexippe," in that of the uncle of Meleager, " Plexippus," 2 an outline of whose history is given in the Troilusf taken from Ovid. 4 Again, when Pandarus; to alarm Criseyde, states that Troilus 1 T. and C., II. 815-816, 1563: " And u and doun ther made many a wente Flexippe, she, Tharbe and Antigone." " Antigone, hir sister Tarbe also." 2 Ovid, Met., VIII. 439-440 : " hausitque nef ando pectora Plexippi, nil tale timentia, ferro." 8 T. and C., V. 1464-1484; cf. C.T., A, 2069-2071. 4 Ovid, Met., VIII. 260-532. On Latin proper names of masculine gender which " have lost a final -s, sometimes with further change of form," cf. ten Brink, Chaucers Sprache und Verskunst, p. 264; Kittredge, Z.c., pp. 382- 383, when the masculine form would be identical with the feminine as in this example. The forms of the names in the line "Circes eke, and Calipsa" (H. of F., 1272), are already found in Benoit and Guido. Ulysses's ad- ventures with Circe and Calypso in these two writers (R. de T., 28576 ff., Constans in Hist, de la langue et la led. dt franpaise, p. 196 ; Hist., sig. o 1 verso, col. 2 ; TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 97 " seyth him told is, of a f reend of his How that ye sholde love oon that hatte Horaste, For sorwe of which this night shall been his laste, 1 and the heroine denies the charge with the answer, " Horaste ! alias ! and f alsen Troilus ? I knewe him not, god helpe me so," 2 the name of this fictitious lover seems to have been borrowed from Guido's^account of Orestes in which the name always appears as " Horestes." 8 where false reading "Calipha"), form one episode, the source from which Gower drew his account, and to which he refers elsewhere. (C. A. VI. 1391 ff., VIII. 2598 ff. ; Mirour de I'omme, 16674 ff. ; Balades, XXX. 12 ; Traitie, VI. 17 ff.) 1 T. and C., III. 796-798. 2 Ibid., III. 806-807. 3 Historic sig. m 8 verso, col. 2 ; n 6 recto, col. 2, "De Horeste vindicante mortem patris," while in the R. de T. (27958, 28157, 28166, 28182) the name always appears as " Orestes." Kittredge (p. 347) notes the forms " Horestes," " Horest[e] " in Gower's account (C. A., III. 1885 ff., cf. Traitie IX. 18), which is based upon both sources. The "fals Poliphete" (T. and C., II. 1467, cf. 1615, 1618) who, in an episode which is CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS .ere are a number of details in the .glish poem, not found in the Filostrato, hich could have been suggested equally an innovation of the English poet (II. 1394-1757, III. 50-224), is charged by Pandarus with bringing "advo- cacyes newe " against Criseyde, must be the " Cererique sacrum Polyphoeten " of the dEneid (VI. 484) who as a Trojan priest could very properly take steps against the daughter of the renegade Calchas. The Greek leader Polypoetes, whom Hector is stripping of his armor, when he is slain by Achilles, according to the narrative of Dares (30, 5-10), does not appear in either Benoit or Guido. In that episode the name of the Greek is not given (R. de T., 16166; Historia, sig. i 6 recto, col. 1), but the French poet, making two episodes of the one in his original, represents Hector as slaying one Politenes just before (R. de T., 16105-16148 ; Historia, sig. i 5 verso, col. 2). This name is that substituted by Benoit (R. de T., 5671, 8252-8253, " Politenes ") for the classical Philoctetes (Dares, 19, 2), which again is displaced in Guido by Poli- pebus (Historia, sig. e 3 verso, col. 1), while Polypoetes appears in both authors as Polibetes (R. de T., 5663, 8243, 9981 ; Historia, I.e.), and in Guido as a doublet of the name in the form Polipotes (Historia, I.e.). He appears elsewhere in Guido as Philotois (sig. g 4 verso, col. 2), and again as Philit(h)eas (sig. h 1 verso, col. 1; h 5 recto, col. 1), which corresponds in all these places to Benoit's Filitoas (R. de T., 8189, 9065, 9375). T. E. Oliver, MileCs Destruction de Troye^ p. 229. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 99 well by passages in either Benoit or Guido. Such are the allusions to the journey of \r Calchas to Delphi and his subsequent actions/ as he " Knew wel that Troye sholde destroyed be, By answere, of his god, that highte thus, Daun Phebus or Apollo Delphicus. So whan this Calkas knew by calculinge And eek by answere of this Apollo, That Grekes sholden swich a peple bringe Thorugh which that Troye moste been for-do;" 2 " Appollo hath me told it f eithfully ; " 3 1 Cf . p. 74, note. 2 T. and C., I. 68-74. Fil., I. 8, 7-8 has merely "Conobbe e vide, dopo lunga guerra I Troian morti e distrutta la terra," which is again translated in T. and C., I. 76-77. 3 T. and C., IV. 114. Skeat (I.e., p. 462) wrongly states that Guido puts Calchas " in the place of Homer's Chryses," as the latter appears in Benoit as a fellow- priest of the former (R. de T., 25618-25619 ; Historia, sig. m 4 verso, col. 2), after he had come to the Greek camp to recover his daughter Astronomen (26746-26907), an incident omitted in Historia, sig. n 1 recto, col. 1. 100 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS " Thus shal I seyn, and that his coward herte Made him amis the goddes text to glose When he for ferde out of his Delphos sterte," 1 and to the treason of Antenor, " This folk desiren now deliveraunce Of Antenor, that broughte hem to mischaunce ! For he was after traytour to the toun Of Troye ; alias ! they quitte him out to rathe. O nyce world, lo, thy discrecioun ! " 2 which are told at length in both the Latin and the French romances. 8 Again, when Chaucer introduces Troilus returning from battle past Criseyde's house : " For thurgh this strete he moot to palays ryde; For other wey is fro the yate noon, Of Dardanus, there open is the cheyne," 4 1 T. and C., IV. 1409-1411; cf. 1396, "For al Ap- pollo, or his clerkes lawes." 2 T. and C., IV. 202-206. 3 R. de T., 24373-26038 ; Historia, sig. m 1 recto, col. 1 ; cf. Hertzberg, I.e., p. 203; Skeat, I.e., p. Ivii; Broatch, l.c., p. 16. 4 T. and C., II. 616-618. Skeat, I.e., p. 470, thinks that the opening of the " cheyne " refers to the street. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 101 there is a reminiscence of the passage in both authors, in which Hector orders that Dardanides, one of the six gates of Troy/ be opened to allow the egress of his army to meet the Greeks in their second battle. 2 When Chaucer writes, " At whiche day was taken Antenore, Maugre Polydamus or Monesteo, Santippe, Sarpedon, Polynestore, Polyte, or eek the Trojan daun Ripheo," 3 he has been directly dependent upon Boc- caccio for the list of names, even retaining their Italian forms, " Ed assai ve ne f uron per prigioni Nobili re, ed altri gran baroni. Tra quali fu il magnifico Antenorre, Polidamas suo figlio, e Monesteo, Santippo, Serpedon, Polinestorre, Polite ancora, ed il troian Eifeo," 4 1 R. de T., 3129-3139 ; cf . Constans, I.e., p. 67. Historia, sig. c 1 verso, col. 1 ; cf . Hertzberg, I.e., pp. 191-192. 2 R. de T., 7643-7658; Historia, sig. g 3 recto, col. 2. 8 T. and C., IV. 50-53. 4 Fil., IV. 3, 1-4. 102 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS but has made a radical change in the state- ment of the facts. For both in the Roman de Troie 1 and the Historia? Polydamas the other names are additions of the Italian \y poet appears, not as the fellow-prisoner, x^> but as the distressed son who uselessly attempts the rescue of his father. And it was by this change that the English poet avoided the inconsistency of which Boc- caccio was guilty in having Troilus and Pandarus visit Sarpedon, of whose return from captivity he makes no mention. 3 Again, if Chaucer's lines, " Of Pryamus was yeve, at Greek request A tyme of trewe," 4 1 R. de T., 12401-12415. 2 Historia, sig. h 6 verso, col. 2 i 1 recto, col. 1. 8 Fil, V. 38-48; T. and C., V. 430-500 ^gf. W. M. Rossetti, Comparison, etc. p. 246; Skeat, 1. c., p. '497. 4 T. and C., IV. 57-58. Cf. variants : " But natheles a trewe was ther take At gret requeste." " To (of) Priamus was yeve at his (gret, Grek, Grekes) requeste A time of trewe." TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 103 flatly contradict the statement in the Filostrato, / " Chiese Priamo triegua, e fu gli data," 1 it is because the English poet accepted in preference the joint authority of his two other sources. According to Benoit and Guido, tEe Greeks send Ulysses and Dio- medes as legates to ask for a cessation of hostilities under the plea that they wish to bury x their dead, which are breeding disease in their camp. In the council that Priam calls, Hector alone speaks against granting the truce because he thinks that the true reason for the Greeks' request is that they may obtain provisions. But the opinion of the majority, with which Priam agrees, pre- vails, 2 and in an ensuing conference of the Trojan and Greek leaders, arrangements are made for the exchange of Thoas and 1 FU. IV. 4, 1. 2 Cf. Dares, 27, 11-28, 3. 104 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS Anterior; and, at the request of Calchas through his superiors, Priam is not unwill- ing to allow the daughter of the recreant Trojan to go to her father in the Greek camp. 1 And from this narrative Chaucer modi- fied the story as he found it in his Italian prototype. He follows Boccaccio in making the return of Antenor who has been given to Calchas as a personal prisoner contingent upon that of Criseyde, 2 but in- troduces Thoas, whom he does not else- where mention, as one of the parties in the exchange of prisoners : " And of this thing fill sone his nedes leyde On hem that sholden for the tretis go, 1 R. de T. 12690-12986 ; Historia, sig. i 1 recto, col. 1; i 1 verso, col. 1 ; cf. wrong account in Skeat. I.e., p. 486. *FU. 9 IV. 10, 4-6; 12, 7-8; 13; 14, 1-3; 15, 6-8; 17,5-8; 43,1-4; 78, 7-8; VI, 19, 2-3; T. and C., IV. Ill, 133-136, 140-147, 149, 177, 195-196, 207-212, 344- 347, 663-665; V. 905. There is no equivalent in the English poem for Fil., V. 1, 2-3; 8, 5-8. Cf. Oliver, Milet's Destruction, pp. 98-100. TO GUIDO BELLE COLONNE 105 And hem for Antenor ful ofte preyde To bringen hoom king Thoas 1 and Criseyde." 2 Again, the speech of Hector in the Trojan " parlement " against the exchange of a woman for a man, 8 which finds no precedent in the Filostrato, was no doubt suggested by the similar position he takes concern- ing the truce in the common sources of the English and Italian poems, and the outcry of the people against this plea 4 is suggestive 1 The manuscript reading " Toas," adopted by Skeat, is not justified by spelling in either Benoit or Guido. 2 T. and C., IV. 135-138 ; cf . Hertzberg. Lc., p. 203. Lydgate Troy-book, sig. Q 5 verso, col. 2, r verso, col. 2 ff., has combined the narratives of Guido and Chaucer. It may be noted that MS. Harl., 1239, an in- ferior manuscript, has a reading which obviates the " Thoas " episode in Chaucer : " And hem ful ofte specyally preyde For Antenor to bringe home Creseide " (Globe Chaucer, p. 510 ; cf. p. xlii. ; Skeat, I.e., Ixxii.). 8 T. and C., IV. 176-182 ; cf. Chaucer's introduction of him as a friend of Criseyde in her case against Poli- phete, II. 1450-1466, 1481 ; cf . I, 113-123. 4 T. and C., IV. 183-196. 106 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS of their better expression of opinion upon Calchas when they learn that he wishes his daughter, as stated in the same authorities. 1 When the heroine meets her father, she "Stood forth mewet, milde, and mansuete," 2 as in the Filostrato, " Ella si stava tacita e modesta," 3 while in the narrative of both their prede- cessors, the heroine reproaches her father bitterly for having such faith in the answers of Apollo, which are not assured, as to leave his honorable position in Troy to become an ally of the bitter foes of his native country ; 4 to which Calchas replies by saying, that he has the undoubted promise of the gods that Troy will be destroyed in a short time, and that it will be better for them to escape the fate of the other inhabitants; whereupon Breseida seems to accept the situation, espe- 1 R. de T., 12967-12972 ; Historia, sig. i 1 verso, col. 1. 2 T. and C., V. 194. * Ftt., V. 14, 3. 4 Broatch (I.e., p. 16) says that in Guido, " the speech of Briseida is mere railing." TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 107 cially when the Greek princes receive her with all kindness. 1 But just as Boccaccio in the discussion of Troilus with his mis- tress before her departure from Troy antici- pates the speech of Calchas, 2 and foretells her favorable reception by the Greeks/ so Chaucer in the corresponding place in his poem has Criseyde tell how she is going to rebuke her father. 4 In Boccaccio's poem, the heroine merely states that she will persuade her father to allow her return to Troy, to recover her property which " el per avarizia Delia mia ritornata avra letizia." 6 1 R. de T., 13684-13830; Historic*, sig. i 2 verso, col. 2 13 recto, col. 2. *Fil. 9 IV. 142, 2-3; T. and C., IV. 1479-1482 ; cf. R. de T., 13767-13778. Historia, sig. i 3 recto, col. 1, " Scio enim . . . trucidatis." 8 Fil. 9 IV. 142, 4-5 ; T. and C., IV. 1485-1488 ; R. de T., 13814-13822. Historia, sig. i 3 recto, cols. 1-2, "In adventu . . . replent earn." 4 Cf. Skeat, I.e., p. Ivii.; Broatch, I.e., p. 16. *FiL, IV. 136. 108 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS In the Troilus this is elaborated into a definite plan, by which she is to bribe, deceive, and cajole Calchas into repudiat- ing the authority of the oracles of Apollo. 1 And, in the following lines, there is a reminiscence of the speech of Brisaide to her father in the earlier writers : *T. and C., IV. 1356-1414. Cf. Amphibologia ; ambigua dictio . . . ut illud responsum Apollinis ad Pyrrhum, ' Aio te, Aiacida, Romanes vincere posse.' In quo non est certum quern in ipso versu monstraverit esse victorem" (Isidorus, Etymologiarum, Lib. I. ch. 34; Migne, Patr., vol. 82, col. 109). Chaucer makes use of an- other etymology from the same source in the Persones Tale, where " seint Isidre " is referred to at first hand (C. T., I. 551 ; Etym., Lib. XVH. ch. 7 ; Migne, I.e., col. 615 ; cf. C. T., I. 85). But the first definition of Isidore is based upon a chapter in Cicero's De Divinatione (II. 56), where oracles are scored in a passage much resembling Chaucer's lines, "Tuis enim oraculis Chrysippus totum volumen implevit partim f alsis, ut ego opinor, partim casu veris, ut fit in omni oratione ssepissime, partim flexiloquis et obscuris ut interpres egeat interprete et sors ipsa ad sortes referenda sit, partim ambiguis, et quae ad dialec- tum deferendse sint." Then follow references to " hanc amphiboliam" (in inferior texts " amphibologiam "), TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 109 " For al Appollo, or his clerkes lawes, Or calculinge avayleth nought three hawes ; the answer of the oracle to Pyrrhus, cited above, and " ilia amphibolia," which was given to Croesus. Chaucer's definition of Boccaccio's word " ambages " (T. and C., V. 898-899), " That is to seyn, with double wordes slye, Swich as men clepe a word ' with two visages,' " is rather that of " amphibologyes," which he uses as a synonym. A misunderstanding of another passage (De Div., II. 54-55, " Quamobrem . . . Cassandra ") seemed to have supplied him with his second name for Cassan- dra (T. and C., V. 1450-1451) : " For which he for Sibille his suster sente That called was Cassandre eek al aboute." This work of Cicero is largely taken up with an adverse criticism of the work of the Stoic Chrysippus on dreams and oracles, and it may be to it that Chaucer refers, in the Wife of Bath's Prologue, as being one of the books " bounden in one volume " that Jankin had (C. T., D, 677) : " Crisippus, Trotula, and Helowys." Chaucer had found the De Divinatione cited in Boe- thius (B. V. pr. 4, 11, 3 ff.), and made use of it at first hand in the Nonne Preestes Tale (C. T., B, 4174-4294; De Div., I. 27. Cf. C. T., B, 4113-4126; T. and C., V. 369-371 ; De Div., I. 29. Cf. K. O. Petersen, Sources of Nonne Preestes Tale, pp. 106-110). Cf. Works of Chaucer^ vol. V., p. 309. 110 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS Desyr of gold shal so his sowle blende That, as me lyst, I shal wel make an ende. " And if he wolde ought by his sort it preve If that I lye, in certayn I shal f onde Distorben him, and plukke him by the sieve, Makinge his sort, and beren him on honde, He hath not wel the goddes understonde. For goddes speken in amphibologyes, And, for a sooth, they tellen twenty lyes. " Eek drede fond first goddes, I suppose, Thus shal I seyn, and that his coward herte, Made him amis the goddes text to glose, Whan he for ferde out of his Delphos sterte." 1 Again, when Troilus foresees the argu- ments of her father against her return to the city, 1 T. and C. 9 IV. 1397-1411. Cf. R. de T., 13732- 13737 ; Historia, sig. i 3 recto, col. 1 : "Sane decepemnt te Apollinis falsa responsa " (cf. PH., VII. 90, 7-8), " Sane non f uit ille deus Appollo sed potius puto fuit comitiva infernalium furiarum a quibus responsa susce- pisti." Cf. Skeat (I.e. p. Ivii); Broatch (I.e., p. 16); also p. 99. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 111 " And over al this, your fader shal despyse Us alle, and seyn this citee nis but lorn ; And that th' assege never shal aryse, For-why the Grekes ban it alle sworn Til we be slayn, and doun our walles torn," l he has enlarged upon two lines of the Filostrato? by borrowing from his other sources. 3 Chaucer's comment upon Cri- seyde's promises to use every means to return to Troy, i T. and C., IV. 1478-1482. * Cf . p . 74> n . *R. de T., 13767-13773. Cf. A. Mussafia, Sitzb. der Wiener AL Phil.-Hist. Klasse, vol. 67, p. 324 : " Ensorquetot bien vei et sei, Que morz et destruiz les verrai Si nos vient mielz aillors garir Que la dedanz o els morir. Mort seront il, vencu et pris ; Car li Deu Pont issi permis, Ce ne puet noes longues durer ; " Historia, sig. i 3 recto, col. 1 : " Scio enim pro certo per infabilium promisa deorum presentem guerram protendi non posse tempore diuturno et quod civitas Troie brevi tempore destruatur et ruat, destructis ejus omnibus nobilibus et universis plebeis ejus in ore gladii trucidatis. Quare carissima filia, satis est melius nobis hie esse quam hostili gladio serviente perire." Cf . p. 107, note 2. 112 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS " And treweliche, as writen wel I finde, That al this thing was seyd of good entente, And that hir herte trewe was and kinde Towardes him, and spak right as she mente, And that she starf for no neigh, whan she wente And was in purpos ever to be trewe, Thus writen they that of hir werkes knewe," l part of which he restates later on, " And trewely, as men in bokes rede, Men wiste never womman han the care, Ne was so looth out of a toun to fare," 2 has no parallel in the Filostrato, and reverses the sentiments of Benoit and Guido, as the first comments on the fickle nature of the heroine/ while the latter follows up his account of Brisaide's sorrow at parting by slurs upon her sincerity, and a diatribe against the faithlessness of woman. 4 1 T. and C., IV. 1415-1421. *Ibid., V. 19-21. 8 . de T. 13403-13408, 13826-13827. *Historia, sig. i 2 recto, col. 2. T. and C., IV. 1695- 1701, is not suggested by any passage in either Benoit or Guido (Skeat, I.e., p. Ivii. ; Broatch, I.e., p. 17). Chaucer TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 113 The declaration of his passion to Cri- seyde by Diomedes 1 and her answer in their ride to her father's tent 2 after Tro- ilus has delivered her into his care/ has its precedent in both the 0. F. and Latin romances, although Chaucer is directly has merely developed one stanza of the Filostrato (IV. 167) into two of his own (1688-1701). The day gan ryse " translates the Italian " s'appressava Gia 1'aurora," which seems in turn to be suggested by Guide's phrase, " Sed diei hora quasi super veniente," (ffiston'a, sig. i 2 recto, col. 1). *Cf. T. and C., V. 88, "The sone of Tydeus" with R. de T., 13499, Filz Tideus." Cf . p. 115, n. 2. 2 T. and C., V. 92-175. 3Cf. FiL, V. 12, 2-3: " a Diomede N"on parlo punto," with T. and C., V. 86-87 : " and unto Diomede No word he spak, ne noon of all his route," where, in Chaucer's addition, may be a reminiscence of the list of distinguished Greeks who accompanied Dio- medes, according to the narrative in the R. de T., 13490- 13494, for which Guido (Historia, sig. i 2 verso, col. 1) has merely, "Sed Grecis advenientibus ad recipiendum eandem." Cf. Oliver, I.e., p. 100. 114 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS dependent upon the speech of the Greek lover in the Roman de Troie, 1 and not upon the mere summary of the same in Guido's work, 2 although he has abridged Criseyde's answer, not from that found in Benoit, 8 but from the one given by the 1 R. de !F., 13502, 13589, 13649-13673. Cf . particularly R. de T., 13499, 13574-13580, 13526-13528, 13561-13566, 13523-13525, 13543-13551, with T. and C., V. 88, 109- 112, 155-158, 162-165, 169-175; and with the last cf. the speech of Troilus where same passage has been used, T. and C., IV. 1485-1488. The same passage of Benoit has been utilized in the FU., VI. 14-25, VI. 21 = T. and C., V. 1489-1490. Chaucer, making the first step in Dio- medes' wooing in Boccaccio's poem the second in his own, translates this in T. and C. (V. 855-942, but 940 not in Fil. Cf. T. and C., V. 155-157). 2 Historia, sig. i 2 verso, col. 1. 8 R. de T., 13585-13643. Yet Chaucer says (V. 176) that she " lyte answerde " Broatch (I.e., p. 17 ; cf . 18, 27) ; " But Benoit has, 13671, the original of the Chaucerian < thanked Diomede.'" The R. de T., 13671-13672, does state that Diomedes : " Li a cri cent feiz merci Que de lui face son ami." (Cf. R de T., 14985, with T. and C., V. 1011) ; which is not quite the same thing. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 115 latter' s plagiarist.^ The description of Dio- " This Diomedes as bokes us declare, Was in his nedes prest and corageous; With sterne voys and mighty limes square, Hardy, testif, strong and chevalrous Of dedes, lyk his father Tideus, And son men seyn, he was of tunge large, And heir he was of Calidoine and Arge," 2 is an enlargement upon the lines of the Filostrato. j/ e herte Even ato his body he deled." 3 If the first of these lines is anything more than a mere conventional phrase, its coincidence with Chaucer's statement is striking ; but only after the publication of 1 Schol., in Iliad, XXIV. 257, as amended by F. G. Welcker, Zeit.f. Alterthumsw., 1834, No. 3, p. 30; Die griechischen Tragodien mil Rucksicht auf den epischen Cyclus., 1839, vol. I. p. 124; Eustathius, in 11, XXIV. 257. Cf. W. Klein, Euphronios, 1878, p. 77, n. 2. 2 Welcker, I.e., vol. I. pp. 124-129; J. Overbeck, Die Bildwerke zum ihebischen und troischen Heldenkreis. 1853, p. 338; Klein, l.c., p. 85; Zuckenbach, in Johns Jahr. SuppL, vol. XI. pp. 610-612; cf. 603, 605, 609 ; A. Baumeister, Denkmaler der classischen Alterihum, p. 1902. 8 The Seege of Troye, etc., w. 1528-1529 ; cf . pp. xxxi.-xl. ; Granz, Seege of Troye, etc., p. 51. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 133 a critical edition of the Roman de Troie can we be assured that the two English writers found in their original a suggestion for the change of detail. It is to be noted that every time " myn auctor" is referred to on a specific point, the Filostrato is meant/ and if a sonnet of Petrarch/ given in a translation 3 in which "nought only the sentence" but " every word" has its equivalent, is attributed to " myn auctor Lollius," 4 the other refer- ence to that author is upon a detail only found in the work of Boccaccio. 5 Again, in 1 T. and C., II. 699-791 = FiL, II. 69-75; T. and C., III. 501-504 = FU. 9 III. 3, 4-5 ; T. and C., III. 575-578, 568-570 = Fil., III. 21, 4-8 ; T. and C., III. 1195-1197, cf . FiL, III. 31, 1-3 ; T. and C., III. 1324-1327 (where Chaucer states that " thogh I can not tellen al, as can myn auctor," after he has taken 126 lines to enlarge upon the substance of 21 lines in the Italian poem, T. and C., III. 1198-1323 ; cf. Fil., III. 31-33) ; T. and C., 1814-1817 = Fil., IV. 24, 1-3. 2 Sonn., 88. 8 T. and C., I. 400-420. 4 T. and C., I. 393-399. 5 T. and C., Y. 1653-1673 = Fil., VIII. 8-10; cf. p. 121. 134 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS speaking of his poem as a whole, Chau- cer only mentions "myn auctor" as his authority/ and three times he makes an indirect reference to the Italian poem. 2 When Chaucer states that " Criseyde was this lady name a-right," 3 he accepts the authority of the statement of Boccaccio, " Griseida nomata," 4 1 T. and C., I. 260-266, II. 18, 49. 2 T. and C., 1. 492-497 = FU., 1. 48 ; T. and C., II. 1219- 1225 = FU. 9 II. 125-127; T. and C., V. 1758-1764 = FU., VIII. 26. 3 T. and C., I. 99. 4 FiL, 1. 11, 6. Chaucer seems to emphasize the cor- rectness of the change of the name made by Boccaccio, under the influence of classical authorities, in which the daughter of the priest Chryses plays such a prominent part as the captive of Achilles (cf. L. Constans in Hist, de la langue et lit. francaise, vol. I. p. 209, n. ; Hertzberg, I.e., p. 197), without supposing the additional reason that "Boccaccio wollte die Chriseis als die Goldige gedeutet werden" (Hertzberg, I.e., p. 197, accepted by Koerting, Boccaccio, p. 591). Criseida and Griseida appeared as the same form in the text of the Italian poem, as is evident from the fact that both appear in MSS. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 135 rejecting the name " Brisaida," " Briseida," given by the French and Latin writers/ although he modified the spelling in later poems to " Creseyde." 2 Once he refers to a detail in his story, which " writen is in geste," 3 and this proves to be the Filostrato ; and again, when he states that he is narrating the action of his heroine, " as writen clerkes in hir bokes old," of Guido, where the copyists have substituted " Criseida " for "Briseida," the form in the original text. (Morf, Rom, vol. XXI. p. 101, n. ; cf . Moland et d'Hericault, I.e., p. cxxxv. ; Mussafia, I.e., pp. 496-497; Hertzberg, I.e., p. 197.) 1 R. de T., 12956 ; Historia, sig. i 1. recto, col. 2. 2 Against Women Unconstant, 16; L. of G. W., 332, 441, 469 ; cf. H. of P., 397-398 : " Eek lo ! how f als and reccheles Was to Briseida Achilles," where the English poet took the classic accusative form as it appeared in Ovid (Heroides, III. 137), while in C. T., B, 71, he gives a form, probably of his own mak- ing, Brixseyde " ; cf . Her., III. 1, " Briseide." 8 T. and C., III. 450 = Fil., HI. 3, 6. A satisfactory 136 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS he is merely translating a passage from the Italian poem/ which has no parallel in the other sources. explanation has not been offered as to what particular form of narrative is meant by "in geste" in the lines (C. T., B, 2122-2124): " Sir, at o word, thou shalt no lenger ryme, Let see wher thou canst tellen aught in geste, Or telle in prose somwhat at the leste." Elsewhere the word, in its meaning of " narrative," refers indifferently to authorities in Latin verse or prose (P. ofR, 1515; L. of G. W., A, 87; T. and C., II. 83, Y. 1511; C. T., B, 1126, D, 642). Gower applies it to the T. and C. (Mirour de Vomme, 5253) : " U qu'il oit chanter la geste De Troylus et de la belle Creseide." IT. and C., III. 1199 = m, 111,32; cf. p. 7; T. and C., V. 1478-1479: " Of which, as olde bokes tellen us Ther roos a contek and a great envye," where Ovid's Metamorphoses alone is referred to (cf. p. 96); and again, B. of D., 52-55: " And in this boke were writen fables That clerkes hadde, in olde tyme And other poets put in ryme, To rede, and for to be in minde." TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 137 Once he refers to "the story" for a detail only found in Benoit ; * and again 2 he calls attention to the same source as the authority for a passage which was necessarily dependent upon the Roman de Troie, except for a detail, the hint for which he adopted from the Filostrato? In translating the Italian, " NelP opere opportune alia lor guerra Egli era sempre nell' armi il primiero Che sopra' Greei uscia fuor della terra, Tanto animoso, et si forte e si fiero Che ciascun ne dottava, se no erra La storia," 4 he adds a detail from Benoit/ and mentions more than the one authority cited by Boc- 1 T. and C., V. 1051; cf. p. 124. 8 Cf.' p. 120. 2 Cf. p. 119, T. and C., V. 1037. 4 FiL, III. 90. 5 R. de T., 5418-5420; cf. Constans, I.e. p. 63 : " De eels de Troie li plus bials E li plus prouz, fors que sis frere Hector." In Guido he is always represented as the equal of Hector. See p. 76. 138 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS caccio, necessarily including his Italian predecessor as one of his sources : " In alle nedes, for the tounes werre, He was, and ay the firste in armes dight ; And certeynly, but-if that bokes erre, Save Ector, most y-drad of any wight." l The description of Diomedes is, for the most part, based upon that given in the Roman de Troie, with the addition of de- tails from the Filostrato, and possibly a V hint from Guido, 2 and here Chaucer, in speaking of his authorities, says that the " bokes us declare," 3 and "some men seyn." 4 Only once, in his description of Troilus, for which he is mainly indebted to Guido's ork, does he directly refer to this source, and with the indefinite term, " in storie it 1 T. and C., III. 1772-1775. 2 Cf. p. 115. 8 T. and C., V. 799. 4 T. and C., V. 804; cf. T. and C., I. 708. "Men seyn," where proverb is given, which the " Chanoun yeman," says he, "ones lerned of a clerk," C. T., G, 748; cf. T. and C., II. 1238. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 139 is y-founde." 1 He mentions " these olde bokes " 2 as his authorities for passages in which he has expanded a line or two in the Filostrato, by a statement of events for which he found a detailed account in the works of Benoit and Guido. 3 If in a passage in which 4 he comments upon Cri- seyde's actions, the facts could have been furnished by all of his three sources/ the kindliness of his reflections upon her mo- tives would on this point exclude the authority of Guido, whom the English poet elsewhere in the poem indirectly rebukes for his harsh opinion of the heroine, " Alias ! that they shulde ever cause finde To speke her harm ; and if they on hir lye, Y-wis, hemself e sholde han the vilanye," 6 1 T. and C., V. 834; cf. p. 76. 2 T. and C., V. 1562, 1753 ; pp. 127-129. On olde bokes," cf. pp. 135-136 ; T. and C., V. 1481. 8 Cf . pp. Ill, 127-129. 4 T. and C., IV. 1415-1421 ; cf. V. 19-21 ; cf. pp. 111- 112. 5 T. and C., IV., 15-18 ; cf . p. 125. 6 T. and C., IV. 19-21 ; cf . p. 8, and C. T., F, 551, as 140 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS even if he writes as if he alluded to more than one authority, as he unquestionably does, when he is speaking merely of the facts of the story: " Bisecliinge every lady bright of hewe, And every gentil womman, what she be, That al be that Criseyde was untrewe, That for that gilt she be not wrooth with me, Ye may hir gilt in othere bokes see." l " The stories " are the source mentioned for a passage which summarizes a long account in the Roman de Troie and the Historia? Twice he takes care to mention that certain details are not to be found in his authorities/ and if in his delineation of the character of the heroine he writes, writen folk," where the Biblical narrative seems to be referred to. 1 T. and C., V. 1772-1776. 2 T. and C., V. 1044 ; cf. p. 122 ; T. and C., V. 1459, "old stories " = " an tiche storie," Fil, Proemio, p. 7, An. and Arc., "olde storie," "storia antica," Tes., I. 2. 8 T. and C\ I. 132-133, V. 1086-1092; cf. pp. 82 n., 87. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONJSTE 141 " But trewely, I can not telle hir age," l he appears to fear to add a specific detail, which is not elsewhere vouched for. Yet in this very passage occurs a bit of charac- terization which is referred directly to the authority of those "who writen that her syen," 2 for which it is difficult to cite what lay be a parallel in any of the sources. 3 Lgain, in an episode of the Troilus which id no prototype in the story as told by the predecessors of the English poet, the gf erence is entirely fictitious in the lines " But whan his shame gan somwhat to passe His resons, as I may my rymes holde, I yow wol telle, as techen bokes olde." 4 He unquestionably refers to the unnamed Italian poem as his main authority, and if he writes of his own poem that " Out of Latin in my tonge it wryte," 5 1 T. and C., V. 826. 8 Cf. p. 83 n. 2 T. and C., V. 816. 4 T. and C., III. 89-91. 6 T. and C., II. 1 142 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS it was in order to give to his source the dignity that he wished to attribute to that of Anelida and Arcite, where, in making a very free translation of a passage in the Tesaide? he notes his intention, " in English for tendyte This olde storie, in Latin which I fynde," 2 when, in fact, he is only using the words of the Italian poem, which treats of some- thing else. 3 And, in the one poem he adopts hints from the Historia, which was the Latin source of the Filostrato, as in the other he translated passages from Star iTes., 1.2: " Che m' e venuta voglia com pietosa Rima di scriver una storia antica, Tanto negli anni riposta e nascosa Che latino autor non par ne dica Per quel ch' io senta, in libro alcuna cosa." 2 An. and Arc., 9-10. 8 Cf . pp. 23-24 ; ten Brink, Chaucer, pp. 49, 53-56 ; Skeat, Minor Poems, p. 311 ; Koch., Eng. Stud., vol. XV. p. 399. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 143 tius, 1 in whose work Boccaccio found sug- gestions for the story of the Tesaide; so that he may have felt a right in both cases to refer to the Latin sources of his Italian originals as his own. It is to mystify his readers once more, in order to hide the name of his author, that he introduces the name of Lollius, to whom he attributed a history of the Trojan war, 2 by a misinter- pretation of the lines of Horace, 8 which he found cited in the Polycraticus 4 of John of Salisbury, a work with which he was well acquainted. 5 For elsewhere he translates another line of Horace, 6 cited in the same 1 An. and Arc., 22-48 ; Thebias, XII. 519 fE. ; cf. Skeat, Chaucer's Minor Poems, pp. Ixix., 313. 2^.0/^.1468; cf. p. 51. 8 Ep. 1. 2, 1 fE. ; cf. pp. 38-40, 46. 4 Polycr., VII. 9 ; Migne, Patrologia, vol. CXCIX. vol. 657. This passage has already been noted by W. E. A. Axon, N. and Q., Ser. 9, vol. III. p. 224. 5 Cf . W. W. Woolcombe in Essays on Chaucer, pp. 293- 306 ; Lounsbury, Studies in Chaucer, vol. II. pp. 362-364. 6 Ep., 1. 10, 24 = C. T., H. 161. 144 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS work, 1 a propos of the matter he is treating of, again he refers to it by inference as an authority, 2 and quotes from it a number of times without mentioning his source. 3 In the same way in Anelida and Arcite, where he equally avoids mention of Boccaccio, he avails himself of the name of Corinna, a contemporary of Pindar, who had been remembered down to Chaucer's day, as the author of a work upon the Theban 1 Polycr., III. 8, col. 489. 2 C. T., D. 1510-1511; cf. Polycr., II. 27, col. 468; Woolcombe, I.e. p. 295. 8 C. T., C. 591, 595, 603, 621 = Polycr., I. 5; cols. 399- 400. On " Stilbon-Chilon," cf. E. Koeppel, Anglia, vol. XIII. p. 183 ; K. O. Petersen, On the Sources of the Nonne Prestes Tale, p. 100, n. C. T., H. 226 ft.=Polycr., III. 14 ; cf . Petersen, I.e. p. 114, n. 1 (Alexander and the pirate) ; possibly C., 538 &. = Polycr., VIII. 6, col. 725; cf. Wool- combe, I.e. p. 296 ; and Former Age, 33-40 = Polycr., VIII. 6, col. 727 ; cf . Works of Chaucer, vol. I. p. 541. On C. T., C. 517 ff., 527 ff., cf. Woolcombe, I.e. pp. 297-304; Works of Chaucer, vol. V. pp. 278-279 ; Lounsbury, I.e. pp. 364- 372. In the B. of D., 663-664, the information from the Polycr., I. 5, col. 399, is at second hand, the immediate source being the Rom. de la Rose, 7425 ff. TO GUIDO BELLE COLONNE 145 story, making her with Statins the joint authorities of his poem/ the source of a large part of which has not been pointed out. When he introduces into his narrative 1 As to the author referred to, I adopt the hint given by Tyrwhitt, who thinks it hardly possible that Chaucer "had met with that poem " (Works of Chaucer, p. 461). The mere statement about the composition of the work could have been as accessible to Chaucer as that about Agathon, to whom he refers in another poem (L. of G. W., 525-526 ; cf. Cary's Dante, note to Purg., XXII. 106; Bech., Anglia, vol. V. p. 365 ; Skeat, Legend of Good Women, pp. xxiv.-xxvi., 149) in some mediaeval encyclo- pedic work. Constans (Roman de Thebes, vol. II. p. clvii., n. 2), who does not know of Chaucer's indebtedness to Boccaccio in the Anelida and Arcite, unnecessarily sug- gests that Chaucer may have been acquainted with a Latin translation or abridgment of Corinna's poem, though he regards it as more probable that her name, as that of Lollius, was used to conceal the true source. Hertzberg's suggestion (Jahr. f. rom. und engl. Lit., vol. VIII. p. 160; Shah Jahr., vol. VI. pp. 173-174; cf. Skeat, Chaucer's Minor Poems, p. 312), that Corinnus, a historian of the Trojan war is referred to, has not as good ground for acceptance. 2 An. and Arc., 21 : " First follow I Stace, and after him Corinne." 146 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS the translation of a sonnet of Petrarch, as a song found in the text of his original, he may have confused the two Italian poets owing to the fact that the authorship of the Filostrato in his manuscript, as in that used by the French translator, was attributed to Petrarch ; 1 but the very inno- vation rather denotes that it was done to sustain the mystery with which he wished to surround the origin of his poem, and to avoid here, or elsewhere, mention of Boc- caccio, who has been his most important authority throughout all his works. 2 1 Cf. pp. 32-33. 2 In the Monkes Tale in the account of Zenobia, for which he drew the material from Boccaccio's De Casibus Virorum (VIII. 6) and De Mulieribus (ch. xcviii.), if any reader desires details, he writes (C. T., B, 3515-3516) :- " Let him un-to my maister Petrark go, That writ y-nough of this I undertake." Tyrwhitt (note to C. T., 14253, Works of Chaucer, p. 203) conjectured that " Boccaccio's book had fallen into Chaucer's hand under the name of Petrarch." TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 147 He nowhere mentions or even indirectly suggests 1 the title of the Filostrato in the Troilus, while in the Knightes Tale? having in mind the symbolical meaning attributed to the name by Boccaccio, 3 he has one of his characters assume it instead of the name found in the Tesaide* When Chaucer has been at so much pains to conceal the name, the author, and the language of the work which was his main authority, it is not at / all surprising that he does not cite by name * Benoit or Guido. To them he merely refers 1 The variant of T. and C., III. 503, found in St. John's College, Cambridge, MS., 1. 1, " An hondred vers of which hym liste nat write," is the only suggestion of the metrical structure of the original. 2 C. !T., A, 1428, " Philostrato he seide that he heighte." Cf. 1558, 1728. 3 Cf. p. 95 n. 4 Tesaide, IV. 3, has Pentheo." It is to be noted that certain lines of the Filostrato that are translated in the Troilus reappear in the Knightes Tale. Cf. C. T., A, 1010, 1101, 1163-1168; T. and C., IV. 627; I. 425; IV. 618. 148 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS in general terms as authorities for incidents in his story and details in his description of the characters, not found in his Italian original. From their narratives he also borrows, without notice, material for the enlargement of his own story, independent of that of Boccaccio, but taken from the same places in these works, to which the Italian poet had resort. The suggestions taken from the French poem or its Latin plagiary and often it is a word, a phrase, borrowed from one, sometimes, to supple- ment the statement of the other are skil- fully introduced into the main texture of the story, in different parts of the Troilus. 1 Some of these additions form an essential 1 In the same way Gower inserts details taken from Benoit or Guido into his versions of incidents, the main body of which is borrowed from one of these authors, so that it is sometimes difficult to decide to which one he refers as an authority in the phrases " cronique," " the tale of Troie," " bok of Troie." Cf. Traitie, IX. 4 ; Conf. Amant., III. 2641; V. 3192; I. 483; V. 3244; VII. 1559. TO GUIDO DELLE COLOGNE 149 part of his own story, as lie first wrote it ; others, again, are changes in details of state- ments, taken from Boccaccio, which he made in revising his poem. 1 As authorities for the history of the / Trojan war, he mentions Homer, Dictys, )P and Dares, 2 as he found them cited in the Roman de Troie and the Historia Trojana? 1 As is shown by the variant readings of Harleian MS. 1239. 2 Cf. p. 12. 8 Cf . pp. 51 ff. The stanza (V. 1786-1792), " Go litel boke, go litel myn tragedye, Ther God thy makere yet er that he dye So sende myght to make in some comedye But litel book no makynge thow nenvye, But subgit be to alle poesye And kys the steppes where as thow seest space Virgile, Ovyde, Omer, Lucan, and Stace," is an imitation of the closing lines of the Thebaid of Statius (XII. 816-819), " Vive, precor ; nee tu divinam Aeneida tempta, Sed longe sequere et vestigia semper adora. Mox, tibi si quis adhuc praetendit nubila livor, Occidet, et meriti post me referentur honores." And the last line is merely a variant of the stock formula, 150 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS since he was acquainted with only the work of Dares at first hand. In doing this he merely follows the precedent established by mediaeval writers, according to which the statements of a translator were as authori- tative as those of his original, and a citation at twentieth hand as good as one at first hand. He refers to Dares as an authority upon the warlike exploits of Troilus, and he may well be citing here at first hand. 1 In his account of Hercules, Chaucer refers to Guido as an authority under the name of Trophee, 2 a translation of his second name "de Columpnis." 3 For the fact that the " columne Herculis " was set up as a token so much used by mediaeval poets, in which the greatest writers of antiquity are grouped together. Cf., e.g., F. Michel, Tristan, vol. I. p. Ixv. ; Romania, vol. XXV. p. 503 ; Dante, Inf., IV. 85 ff. 1 On Chaucer's use of Dares, cf . pp. 59, 61, n. 2, 75 n., 82 n., 130 n. 2 Cf. p. 55. 8 Cf. H. of F., 1469, p. 51. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 151 of victory a trophaeum, trophee 1 is emphasized by the author of the Historia, in the passage translated by the English poet/ and elsewhere. 3 Chaucer considers the explanation of Melibee, "that is to seyn, a man that drinketh hony," 4 and the absurd etymologies of the name Cecilia 5 as satisfactory, and so, " to seye in English/' this Latin name, makes use of a single word which at once deSnes and trans- lates it. 1 Cf. p. 37 ; Works of Chaucer, vol. II. p. Ivi., n. 1. 2 Cf. pp. 55-57. 8 Historia, sig. f 5 recto, col. 1. In this passage, evi- dently as a comment on his own name, Guido speaks of certain so-called " Columne Hereulis," situated in the southern part of Italy, which, according to tradition, were put up by the hero in commemoration of his conquest there. On their site, according to Guido, the town of Terranova was built by Frederick II. Cf. Works of Chaucer, vol. II. p. Ivi., n. 1 ; Works of Gower, ed. G. C. Macaulay, vol. II. p. 501 ; Torraca, Studi su la lirica italiana del Duecento, pp. 412-416. It is conceivable that Chaucer referred to these columns, which he may have regarded as being at one of the " worldes endes." * C. T., B, 2599. 5 C. T., G, 85 ff. 152 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS Lydgate finding Trophee cited by Chaucer on the adventures of Hercules, of which Guido gives a similar account/ noticing that the treatment of the story of Troilus and Criseyde in the English poem differs from that in the Historia? supposes Chaucer's source for both .these episodes to be a work in Italian. 3 He himself was not 1 In Lydgate 's translation there seems to be reminis- cences of the lines in the Monkes Tale. (Troy-book, sig. B 6 recto, col. 1; cf. Works of Chaucer, vol. II. p. Iv.) 2 Cf. 15, 75 n., 89 n., 115 n. ; Works of Chaucer, vol. II. p. 503. On Lydgate's intimate acquaintance with the Troilus, cf. J. Schick, Lydgate's Temple of Glass, p. cxxvi. The Gest Hystoriale omits details in the account of the lovers, because, "Who-so wilnes to wit of thaire wo fir, Turne hym to Troilus and talke there ynoghe." (8053-8054; cf. Works of Chaucer, vol. II. p. Ixvi.) Gower, who made use of the works of both Benoit and Guido, always refers to the story as it is found in Chaucer's poem. (Con/. Amant., II. 2457-2459 ; IV. 2795 ; V. 7597-7602 ; VIII. 2531; Mirour de Vomme, 5253-5355; Balades, XX. 19-22.) 3 Cf . p. 13. TO GUIDO DELLE COLONNE 153 acquainted with that language/ while Chaucer refers to Dante 2 and Petrarch 3 as authorities in the same Tale in which he cites from Trophee. He knows that Chaucer was acquainted with the work of Guido, 4 and accepts his authority as to the existence 1 Bale's statements that Lydgate had travelled in Italy for the sake of learning the language, that Dante was one of the authors most studied by him, and that he translated some of his writings, as well as some of Petrarch's, have been shown to be worthless ; with how- ever much faith they were accepted and enlarged upon by the bibliographers and historians of early English history. (Bale, Scriptorum illustrium majoris Britanniae Catalogus, Bale, 1559, pp. 586, 587 ; Tanner, Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica, 1748, p. 489; Warton, History of English Poetry, 1824, vol. II. p. 362 ; Ritson, Bibliographia Poetica, p. 6 ; A. Hortis, Studi sulle opere latine del Boc- caccio, pp. 627 n., 646-647 ; Constans, La legende d'Oedipe, pp. 366-367; Roman de Thebes, vol. II. p. clxi; Morley, English Writers, vol. VI. p. 103; E. Koeppel, Laurents und Lydgates Bearbeitungen, etc., p. 83 ; Zeit. fur ver- gleichendes Literatur, vol. I. p. 426; Schick, as cited, pp. lxxxviii.-xc., xcvi., clii.) 2 C. T., B, 3657; cf. p. 29 n. 8 C. T., B, 3515; cf. p. 145, n. 2. 4 He makes use of the Legend of Good Women in his account of Jason and Medea ; cf . pp. 51-53, 53 n. 154 CHAUCER'S INDEBTEDNESS of a writer upon the Trojan war, named Lolliu^, 1 although non-committal as to his authorship of the " l^rophe." But he has no idea of the real name of the Italian work of which he speaks, or of its author, his favorite Boccaccio. 1 Cf. pp. 14-15. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS By an oversight I have failed to note G. C. Macaulay's contributions. In a communication to the Academy of April 6, 1895, he maintained the theory that the work of Guido was not used at all in the Troilus, as Chaucer is really indebted to Benoit in those passages in the Eng- lish poem for which there seems to be analogues in the Historia. In a note in F. J. FurnivalFs Three More Parallel Texts of Chaucer 1 s Troilus and Criseyde, pp. a-b, he cites a number of passages from the Roman de Troie, which were unquestionably the original of some lines of Chaucer, and notes that only in the fifth book is use made of this auxiliary source. By the same slip I have overlooked the edition of Harleian MS., 1239, an indiffer- ent copy of an early version of the Troilus, from which I have only cited at Second-hand, and without due empha- sis. The readings cited below, for the most part are not found in the other MSS., but it may be grouped on ac- count of other characteristics, with Cambridge Univ. Libr. MS. Gg. 4. 27, and St. John's College, Cambridge, MS. L 1. P. 7. The variant of T. and C., III. 1327 (Harl. and St. John's), " In every thing the gret(e) of his sentence," modifies the statement regarding the fidel- ity with which the original is reproduced, 155 156 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS and it is to be noted that this explanation is in a passage that is found in a different place in the other MSS. Pp. 8, 122. T. and C., V. 1044 : " I fynde eke in the story elles where." The correct plural form, "stories/' in the revised version refers to both the French and Latin sources, while in lines 1037, 1051, only Benoit needs to be referred to as an authority. P. 73. With T. and C., I. 293-298, cf. II. 533-535, 902. Pp. 74, 100, 109-110. T. and C., IV. 1411. The reading, " Whan he from Delphos, to the grekys sterte," adds a detail of the story as it is found in Benoit and Guido. P. 81. R. de Tr., 5231 has the variant : "Mais c'es sorcilles li joignoient." P. 83. With T. and C., V. 1004, cf. III. 1164. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 157 P. 90, n. T. and C., V. 1558 : " For as he drow a kynge by the ventaille." P. 101. T. and C., IV. 50-56 : " At whiche day was taken Antenor, Palidomas and also Menestes, Santipe, Sarpedon, Polinestor, Polite and eke the Troian dan Ruphes, And other lee folk as Phebuosos, For al Ector, so that the folk of Troye Drede the lese a gret part of hir loye." This is evidently a bad copy of a version of the stanza in the Filostrato, in which the inconsistency noted had not been corrected. P. 102. The reading of T. and C., IV. 57-59 ^ * " To Pryamus whas yeven at his requeste A tyme of trew," is again the uncorrected version of the original. P. 105, n. 2. The reading of T. and C., IV. 137-138, in Harl 1239 is a translation of a line of Boccaccio, in which the later version makes a change, not altogether 158 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS happy, by the addition of a detail found in the other sources. P. 109, n. In a note to Gower's Conf. Amant.,V. 7451-7455, " This, which Cassandre thanne hihte, In al the world as it berth sihte, In bokes as men finde write, Is that Sibille of whom you wite, That alle men yit clepen sage," Macaulay refers to, but does not cite a passage in the Pantheon of Godfrey of Viterbo, which shows that in Chaucer's lines there is a misunderstanding of a prevalent mediaeval tradition. Godfrey is treating of the various sibyls, and of these he tells us, " Fuit igitur haec Sibylla Priami regis filia, et ex matre Hecuba procreata. Vocata est autem in Graeco Tiburtina; Latine vero Albunea nomine, vel Cassan- dra." Pantheon, Pars X, in Pistorius, Scriptores de Rebus Germanicis, vol. II. p. 157 ; cf. Works of Gower, vol. III. p. 510. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 159 P. 112. T. and C., IV. 1421 : " Thus wryten thoo that ever the lestes knew." P. 116, n. 1. Kittredge (Observations, etc., pp. 410, 412, 418) notes the verses which are metrically defective in some or all the MSS. Pp. 119-120, n. The variant of T. and <7., V. 1039, " The wych of hym whan Troylus," suggests an episode of which I cannot state the source. P. 121. R. de Tr., 15102-15104: " La destre manche de son braz Bone et fresche de ciclaton, Li done en leu de gonfanon." P. 125. T. and C., V. 1095: "Hir name, alias ! ys punysshed so wyde." P. 130. T. and C., V. 1806 (Harl. 1239 and 3943 ; St. John's) : " Ful pitously hym slough the fiers(e) Ac(c)hille." 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. REC'D LD - LD MAY 1 6 1963 'D LD -m- otti- 'V>?--v. { a_\ LD 21A-50m-ll,'62 (D3279slO)476B CT6 '67 -8PM General Library University of California U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES COOfi7E1531 70 S> fu THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY