UN:V RSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO 1 s * presented to the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO Joan Jensen BOLSHEVISM ITS CURE BY DAVID GOLDSTEIN MARTHA MOORE AVERY PUBLISHERS BOSTON SCHOOL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 468 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE BOSTON, MASS. COPYRIGHT, 1919 AVERY AND GOLDSTEIN ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS IN RECOGNITION OF ITS WORLD-FAMED WAR WORK IN APPRECIATION OF ITS FAR-SIGHTED EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGN DEFENDING FAITH AND FATHERLAND AGAINST THE ASSAULT OF SOCIALISM INTRODUCTION We were so early in the field combating International Socialism that it was a whole decade before the first edition of our book, Socialism: The Nation of Father- less Children (1903), secured much of any notice, al- though it was highly commended by our then President Roosevelt, Samuel Gompers, His Eminence Cardinal O'Connell and other men vigorously interested in the relief of the masses as against the oppression of many masters of industry. Later editions were given a rather wide reading 50,000 copies having been circulated. After we entered the world-war we thought, perhaps, the movement to run up the red flag over every capitol in the world had spent its projective force. But the Dictatorship of the Proletariat in Russia gave dire proof that its full fury had not until then broke loose in any nation and recalled to us an obligation to our country and our faith that could not in conscience be denied. In the days long gone, when we were neither Catholics nor reasoning rightly as to historic testimony, we were under that hallucination that sets many faces to look the wrong way for the right thing equitable social rela- tionships. At length, being forced to the understanding that Marxians hold a philosophy quite at variance with sound principles and to practises contrary to moral re- quirements we withdrew early in nineteen hundred from iv INTKODUCTION the Socialist movement after a long and futile attempt to persuade the party to repudiate its socially disruptive doctrines. Indeed it was not a blissful experience but it was wholesome at last to learn that the stability and peace of nations is based upon a recognition of what God intended the state to be, not upon any man-made scheme that departs from the Ten Commandments. We have come to know that the Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII The Condition of the Working Class written in 1891 gives the right direction to the efforts of those who would reconcile the two rival camps called capital and labor. To plant the Cross of Christ between the two armies is but the beginning of the work to save nations. So that we send forth Bolshevism : Its Cure in the hope that all those who love Old Glory better than the red flag will give heed to the essential differ- ence between those who would work the will of the Marxian destroyers and those who would give to our own dearly beloved Columbia what is due to her under God. A glance at our table of contents will reveal the struc- ture of the book, that it is grounded upon truth, natural and revealed, thus setting up the standards by which to make correct judgments. The contents will show how vast a field is covered by this movement, generally known as Socialism, that in its latest phases is now called Bolshevism. Since Socialism is alleged to be a philoso- phy of life that takes its rise in a so-called scientific un- derstanding of the economic relationships of man to man, it is our purpose to show the wide spreading activ- INTRODUCTION v ities of this movement that it may never take on in this country its final phase of red ruin as in Russia. Our expectation is that robust Americanism will call a halt to this force of destruction before it tramples law and order under foot. It is not surprising that the public mind has long been and still is in a state of confusion as to what Socialism-Bolshevism is, for its subject mat- ter is truly too vast to be confined within a given sphere of social activity. Its meaning can be seen only by a synthetic view of things human for the simple reason that it contemplates a complete overthrowing of the Christian civilization that was builded upon the down- fall of the Pagan authority of Greece and Rome. Once again, it would have a state where God is unknown; where human will is responsible only to human author- ity; where justice is this to-day and that to-morrow. We begin by showing that the deep springs of its ac- tion lie in rebellion, in atheistic materialism; that its world force is drawn up in hostile array to Christian civilization; that its philosophy and its psychology vitiate every mind and every organization that gives it a sympathetic service, that within the four grand divisions of human society, namely, the domestic sphere, the social sphere, the political sphere and the economic sphere, no department escapes its mental and moral blight. The two world powers of construction and destruc- tion are placed in contrast one to the other and the op- posing standards of Faith and Fatalism make it clear to logical minds that order as opposed to chaos rests upon vi INTRODUCTION the belief in Almighty God and in obedience to His commands. We show that the structure of human so- ciety is sound and yet sounder in so far as right-reason is obeyed and man's love for man is made manifest, and that, society is sick and yet sicker in so far as it takes Socialist remedies, since reconstruction upon solid prin- ciples is not its object but rather the complete destruc- tion of the private ownership of capital and the aboli- tion of the wage system. Having set down as philosophical opposites the Chris- tian principles of moral responsibility as against the So- cialist principles of irresponsibility, we pass to those of might as against right. Good and evil are affairs of the heart one sound the other diseased but might as against right is seen in the deeds of men. It is be- cause irreligion is now so common as to supply a great and growing host of men who are subject to a still fur- ther undermining of their morale that upon the domain of Caesar the Socialist-Bolsheviki can raise so great a tumult, here, there and everywhere. The perversity of their long time propaganda in undermining love and loyalty to our home-land is set forth at some length and brought up to date by citing their treasonable efforts during the world-war. We then pass on to the some- what obscure struggle between those who stand for right as against wrong upon the broad field of education and artistic culture. Here, indeed, their most insidious efforts are greatly rewarded. Their atheist philosophy is leavening the whole lump of so-called free thought with a Pagan view of things human as relentless as it INTRODUCTION vii is cruel. It is as truly a culture of sense perception as was that of degenerate Rome under the rule of Nero. When the facts are pointed out to them, we must assume that even those men and women who love God but lit- tle and their country much will take pause to consider that Godless education leads to an utter breakdown of patriotism and so to the necessary conclusion that once love of country is gone there is no binding force of loy- alty in any land. Having sketched their several modes of propagating their doctrine we come to the thing objectively to Bolshevism itself ; which term is only another name for Socialism in operation upon a national scale. Here we show the so-called scientific tests by which to recognize the Socialist regime in Russia by its deter- mination to overthrow the principles of just govern- ment ; by denying the right of private property and by permitting only one class the working class to take part in its administration of affairs. Coming back to sane and lofty deeds of faith in God and loyalty to country we make final pause, knowing we have done what we could for God and fatherland. Well aware of the terrible indictment we bring against the Bolsheviki we have permitted them to convict them- selves by the use of their own data, quoting only such authorities as may not with truth be denied a national and international leadership amongst them. Here and there we have paid some little attention to a popular writer who, while preaching the selfsame philosophy that Lenin and Trotsky are practising, dis- viii INTRODUCTION claims all responsibility, as Marxians, for the horrors of the dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia. It is our hope that such a one may come to see how ludicrously inconsistent such an attempt is in those who appeal to the principle of cause and effect for the facts in the case. To our many friends throughout the country who have sent us kind acknowledgments of the usefulness of our book Socialism: The Nation of Fatherless Children we recommend Bolshevism: Its Cure as practically adapted to give information and argument to educators, editors, writers and speakers, a fair view of the dangers to our country of Bolshevism, and a strong indication that one must look the right way for the right thing Its Cure. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION iii C H A PXE R I. TWO WORLD POWERS 1 " THE BLACK INTERNATIONAL " 13 THE RED INTERNATIONAL 14 II. STANDARDS OF FAITH AND OF FATAL- ISM 28 CIVIL SOCIETY 31 SOCIAL INTERCOURSE 32 THE COMMERCIAL SPHERE 34 THE DOMESTIC SPHERE 37 SOCIALISM DENIES THE MARRIAGE BOND ... 66 SOCIALISM ASSERTS SEX FREEDOM .... 67 SOCIALISTS ADVOCATE FREE LOVE 70 SOCIALISM PROMOTES EASY DIVORCE .... 71 III. PATRIOTISM 78 THE HIERARCHY'S CALL 101 CARDINAL GIBBONS 103 CARDINAL FARLEY 103 CARDINAL O'CONNELL 104 WAR ITSELF 107 "To WHOM, SHALL WE Gof " 115 IV. THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER OR THE RED FLAG 119 CHILDREN CAST OFF THE AMERICAN FLAG . . . 137 INNOCENCE AND GUILT 139 V. WOULD CORRUPT THE ARMY AND THE NAVY 149 " SOCIALIST CRIPPLING OF WARSHIPS " . . . . 166 THE DICK MILITARY LAW 167 CITIZEN ARMY 178 CONTENTS CHAPTER MAKING PERVERTS OF SOLDIERS SOLDIERS BARRED FROM MEMBERSHIP . EXPERIENCE IN COUP D'ETAT THAT FAILED THE BALLOT Too SLOW . VI. BOLSHEVISM IN SCHOOLS 211 INTER-COLLEGIATE SOCIALIST SOCIETY .... 213 RAND SCHOOL 221 TEACHERS' BUREAU 226 HIGH SCHOOLS 230 YOUNG PEOPLES SOCIALIST LEAGUE .... 234 BOY SCOUTS 236 SOCIALIST SUNDAY SCHOOLS 256 MODERN SCHOOLS 256 FRANCISCO FERRER 256 FERRER SCHOOLS 277 PUBLIC AND PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS 280 VII. BOLSHEVISM ITSELF 296 WHAT is BOLSHEVISM? 302 THE CLASS STRUGGLE 303 CLASS-LESS SOCIETY 308 THE SOCIALIST STATE 316 DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT 321 DEMIOCRACY 326 PARIS COMMUNE 329 SOVIETS 337 EXPROPRIATING THE EXPROPRIATORS .... 843 FREE SPEECH FREE PRESS 358 MARITAL RELATIONSHIP 364 AN UNACCEPTED CHALLENGE 368 ALL-RUSSIAN CONSTITUTION ON DIVORCE . . . 372 WORLD REVOLUTION 376 PROPHECY 383 VIOLENCE 386 VIII. THE POPE AND THE WAR 395 POPE AND BELGIUM' 405 THE POPE AND ITALY 409 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE TWO WOELD POWERS THE members of the Catholic Church and its coun- terfeit organizations Communism Socialism Bolshevism are now coming to grips. Civiliza- tion may indeed be thrown back into chaos ere this evil association spends its force, but it is certain that so long as men shall live on earth the Church of Christ will be here to call sinners to repentance that they may spend their immortal life in Heaven. Of course, it is not sufficient for the support of civilization that citizens may merely know the action of these opposing forces but also, or rather, that there shall, at least, be found ten men to serve Csesar for the love of God. For half a century the world has been warned that life was becoming intolerable to those who stand for social justice as against the men who lust for power and riches. Pope Leo XIII sent out the warning and the true remedy. Socialism sent out the demand that pri- vate property should cease to exist because the Deca- logue was outworn. But the world would not listen, it went its way, while the tide of just resentment by those who love the right and hate the wrong crept higher! 2 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE Meantime the cries of the masses for justice and mercy were mingled with the blasphemies that cursed God, whom they deny, and His Church that they know not. It was just prior to the world conflict that America was assured by the report of the President Emeritus of Har- vard, who had taken a swing around the world, at the hest of the Carnegie Foundation, that all was well that war was afar off. But though the mills of God grind slowly, there comes the time when Eternal Justice is seen to have in keep- ing the fate of nations as well as the conscience of men. No, we have no need to cite the horrors of the past four years of the world-war; but rather the great need to fairly face the future that the Bolsheviki would pre- pare for the peoples of the earth. Otherwise our joy at the signing of the armistice by Germany on November the eleventh, nineteen-eighteen, may be merely a passing event. For the underlying forces in human society that make for peace and war are as conspicuous to-day as they were before the dogs of war were let loose upon an unoffending neighbor. As Christ and Caiphas, right faces might in its effort to persuade men of good will to put into practise those just principles that are above the guarantee of an enduring peace between nation and nation between man and man. But, above and below these national forces that have spent their blood and their treasure in offensive and defensive action, two or- ganizations of world-wide proportions The Catholic Church and the International Socialist movement have stood out so prominently during the recent conflict TWO WORLD POWERS 3 that men with ears heretofore closed to the sacred voice of the one as against the materialistic assertions of the other are coming to see that civilization itself is on the scales ready to be tipped over into chaos if the powerful and the rich will not return to those neighborly relations demanded by the Author of Nations. When the fatal shot struck down the heir to the throne of Austria, Pius X, knowing the temper of all Europe, implored in vain that they would stay their slaughter. But the din of war drowned out the voice of the Vicar of Christ and with the clash of arms came the death broken-hearted of this holy man seated upon the throne of the Fisherman : " Now I begin to think as the end is approaching, that the Almighty in His inexhaust- ible goodness wishes to spare me the horrors Europe is undergoing " were the passing words of Pius X " The children's Pope." When Benedict XV had ascended the pontifical throne his first Encyclical set forth the causes of the world-war and the remedies needed to compose differences : " Now when from the height of this Apostolic dignity, We can, as if at one glance, contemplate the course of human events, and when We see before Us the miserable conditions of civil society We are affected with acute sorrow. And how could We, as the common Father of all men, not be sorely troubled at the sight of Europe, and, indeed, of the wbole world the most terrible and most painful spec- tacle perhaps that has ever been presented in the course of history? We warmly beseech rulers and Governments to consider the tears and the blood already shed and to hasten to restore to the people the precious blessings of peace. May 4 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE the merciful God grant that, as on the appearance of the Divine Redeemer upon the earth, so at the beginning of Our duty as His Vicar, the angels' voices may proclaim ' Peace on earth to men of good will' (Luke ii, 14), and We pray that they may listen who have in their hands the destinies of States. Assuredly there are other ways and other methods by which justice can be done to injured rights. Let the belligerents, laying down their arms, have recourse to these, animated by good faith and intention. It is through love of them and of all nations and not from any motive of Our own that We speak. Let them not, then, permit Our friendly and paternal voice to be raised in vain. " But it is not merely the sanguinary war which darkens passions and troubles and embitters Our spirit. There is another furious war which eats at the entrails of modern society a war which terrifies every person of good sense, because whilst it has accumulated, and will accumulate ruin amongst nations, it contains in itself the seeds of the present disastrous struggle. From the moment when the rules and practises of Christian wisdom ceased to be observed in States rules and practises which alone guarantee the sta- bility and peace of institutions these States necessarily began to tremble at their foundations, and there followed such a change in ideas and customs that, if God does not soon intervene, it appears as if the dissolution of human society is at hand. " The disorders that have arisen are : " 1st. Want of mutual love amongst men; " 2nd. Contempt for authority; " 3rd. Injustice in the relations between the different classes of society; " 4th. Material welfare made the only object of man's ac- tivity (as if there were not other and much more desirable blessings to be gained). " These, in Our opinion, are the four causes why human society is so greatly disturbed. It is necessary then that energy be exercised generally for the purpose of removing such disorders and restoring Christian principles, if the ob- ject is to put an end to discord and compose differences." The world knows that this appeal to those " who have in their hands the destinies of States " was not heeded. But, our Father Almighty has a way to compel a hear- ing. Like as the " Scourge of God " swept down upon a decaying Pagan culture so has Bolshevism risen like a high tide inundating the despotic lust of power that had for centuries held captive the right of the Vicar of Christ to rule over His children in Russia. Its flood swept over into the land of Luther where the false prin- ciple of Higher Criticism had long since ripened into the atheist assent that right is the creature of might. Then came the recognition by those in whose hands are the destinies of States that their foe within was a force that must be reckoned with and the hand of European suicide was stayed. Yet, not before our own America had played so glorious a part in the world conflict that Columbia must henceforth be given a powerful voice in winning for the subject peoples their right to a self- determined government. As it should be, after a fall when self-will has left us bruised, battered and burnt, that reflecting upon the right and the wrong of the world conflict we are able to see the conduct of Christ and Caiphas as a warning that God is not mocked that in His own good time, through the conflict of right with might, men come face to face with first principles. If nations will not 6 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUEE correct the contempt for authority by an impartial ruling of justice ; if they will not institute the reign of equity upon the field of commerce, then that " furious war which eats at the vitals of modern society " will not stop at the eastern shore of the Atlantic, but set up its reign of terror on our own soil and overspread the world. Truly both reason and experience attest that He that is not with Me is against Me. So must we choose ! Not as between Christ and Caesar, but between Christ and Caiphas for we are bound to love and serve, at once, both God and Country. The time of reckoning seems not afar off. For the choice is not now between na- tional existence with God merely left out, but rather between national extinction and the restoration of Christian principles with their application to all the affairs of the classes and the masses. In one word, the choice of those who wield unjust power and exploit the poor with ill-gotten gains, is to make restitution or to be caught with all of us in the on-rush of the men who will not serve God, neither Country nor Master. The issue is clearly seen by those who with super- natural light observe the character building of men and of nations as they are ground betwixt the upper and nether millstone. Pope Leo XIII covered the whole ground of this irresponsible power and pointed out the necessity of Christian Democracy, if civil society were to survive the oncoming shock. As against this re- ligious power, of which the Bishop of Rome is the Liv- ing Visible Head, the opposing force, Communism TWO WORLD POWERS 7 Socialism Bolshevism is arrayed. We shall per- mit Vladimir Llitch Ulianoff Nickolai Lenin in Soviets at Work, to give the warrant for using Com- munism, Socialism, or Bolshevism as these three shades of meaning are required, since his dictum rests pre- cisely upon the principles of the Communist Manifesto that have since 1848 supplied the ground for what is generally known as " Scientific Socialism." " The Bolsheviks formerly a faction within the Social- Democratic Labor Party, have recently changed their name to Communist Party to distinguish themselves from -the other Social-Democratic groups. " The terms Bolsheviks and Mensheviks date back to 1903, when at a congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party a difference arose on a seemingly unimportant question (editorial supervision of the party organ), when upon a vote which decided the question there naturally was a majority and minority. Those who were with the majority were nicknamed Bolsheviks and those with the minority Menshe- viks, deriving their names from the Russian words Bol- shinstvo and Menshinstvo, meaning majority and minority respectively." Socialists know very well that to de-Catholicize the people means the de-Christianization of the world. But, to de-Christianize the world were the triumph of his Sa- tanic Majesty. Be it so! and they sing a hymn in honor of that first and greatest rebellion against the Giver of Life (the Rebel, Socialist weekly, Halletsville, Texas, Oct. 21, 1916) : 8 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE A PRAYER TO LUCIFER BY COVINGTON HALL Mighty Spirit ! Lord of Light ! Beautiful and brave and bright! Rather than in Heaven crawl, Give me strength with Thee to fall ! Glorious, unconquered Chief, Warring on through years of grief, Give me strength to share Thy load, Let me die on freedom's road! Rebel Leader, true as steel, Thou who hast refused to kneel, Hated by King, Priest and Slave, Give me strength to be as brave ! Mighty Spirit, strong and bright! Splendid Bearer of the Light ! Oversoul of liberty, Up the pathway of the free, Give me strength to follow Thee! From this dictum they argue, thus only one world- force would remain, and that power would be under the control of Socialism. However, we may let the Chairman of the International Socialist Bureau (Emil Vandevelde) set forth their official opinion: " It is an indubitable fact that, notwithstanding appear- TWO WOK1D POWERS 9 ances to the contrary, Europe is now de-Catholizing her- self. One might even go further with safety and say that she is de-Christianizing herself. Slowly but surely, with the irresistible movement of a geological subsidence, faith is waning among the industrial workers and even among the peasants. One may safely assert that about twenty years ago nearly every one held to some religious creed. Free- thinkers were few and to be found only in the middle class. Societies for promoting secular marriages and burials existed only in the larger cities. To-day we see them spreading and multiplying throughout the industrial centers and wherever mining and manufacturing are carried on. In Belgium, in France, in Germany, the workmen who follow no particular creed number hundreds of thousands yes, millions and as their hopes of a heavenly kingdom dissolve, other hopes assert themselves with a growing intensity. Wherever free thought penetrates, Socialism enters also. We know, it is true, many workmen who become Socialists without re- linquishing, or without totally abandoning their religious convictions ; but aside from ' yellows ' and ' blacklegs,' acting solely from mercenary motives, we neither know nor can conceive of any freethinking workman who is not at the same time a Socialist. " In the old world, two gigantic coalitions are formed l}y the elimination of intermediaries: The Black interna- tional and the Red international. On the one hand all those who hold that authority should descend from above and who find in the Catholic Church the perfect expression of their ideal, the most flexible guardian of their class privileges; on the other hand are those who insist that authority shall come from the people, and who, by the logic of circumstances, can found their hopes on nothing but Social Democracy. " Between these two extremes Protestantism hesitates and Liberalism shifts from place to place. One may welcome or deplore the fact of this coming concentration of forces 10 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUEE about the Catholic Church on the one side, and Social Democracy on the other. But, none can deny that this con- centration is inevitable, and that the future struggles will have to be fought out between these two armies. To those, therefore, who are interested in the social movement in Europe, we say : ' Observe, above all else, if you wish to consider only the essential factors, the political activities of the Roman Catholic Church and those of International Socialism.' " (New York Independent, Dec., 1904, Vol. 15, p. 817.) There is no modification of pronouncement by So- cialists here at home. The Cross of Christ must yield to the red flag. 'So confidently do they predict that the " red international will down the black interna- tional " that the leading Socialist daily the New York Call presents its readers with a cartoon, well spread over a page of its paper, of their flag supplanting the Cross. A Socialist workman of giant proportions wearing a leather apron and a French Revolutionary Liberty Cap is standing in front of the magnificent Cologne Cathedral " The charnel house of dead men's bones, of ignorance and superstition " - hoisting the red flag above the Cross that tops the steeple. Bishops and priests with miter, croziers and money bags are running away in confusion. Tagging on to the cord about the Bishop's waist are the military officers. The legend beneath " Down with the Black and Up with the Red!" For God and Caesar have been put to rout. Tersely reechoing the words of the International So- cialist Chairman, the United States Congressman from 11 Milwaukee Victor L. Berger, member of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist party and editor of the Milwaukee Leader, when being interviewed by the Boston Herald said: " I predict that in the final summing up it will be a fight between the red and the black international." " What do you mean by the black international? " " The Roman Catholic Church." Certainly Catholics are not in doubt about the issue of the conflict. As surely as God is not mocked; as surely as the Almighty weighs the slightest offense against His Majesty in the scales of exact justice and as surely as our Heavenly Father is merciful to repentant sinners, just so sure are we that the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church of Christ: For, our Blessed Lord Himself has said so. Neither is there any doubt, humanly speaking, about the correctness of the Socialists' estimate as to the part Protestantism or Liberalism is plaving in the world- A / o conflict, as between the two opposing forces one Cath- olic-universal, supra-national, the other non-national and world wide. As Protestant Christians hesitate to go to Canossa at the call of the Pope they are pushed on to so-called Liberalism, while Liberals shift from one unsound defense to another, finally taking their destined place in a blank denial of the supernatural. Thus they leave the brunt of the battle against the Lord God of Hosts to the army of Socialists, whose power for destruc- tion none now may dispute. It is true, however, that individual Protestants and 12 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUEE Liberals who love truth above all things and so are will- ing to pay the price of liberty within the Law are, in large numbers, finding their way by the grace of God back over a stony road to Rome. This were indeed a logical sequence, since nothing less than a rational explanation of the meaning of life will satisfy the demands of the human heart and mind. And, since apart from the supernatural revelation within the keeping of the Catholic Church no man is able to tell us how it is that a good God reigns over a bad world. So it is, then, in God's goodness, that to those who " knock " the meaning of life here and here- after is opened unto them. Socialism would supersede the Church. It explains the fact of life by a process of evolution that starts off with a " causeless cause " for the cosmos and brings conscious man forth from a non-conscious universe made up of mere matter and force. It explains that the meaning of life ends with death; save for such of his words and his deeds as react upon those left behind. How then, should a body of men dead both to the love and the fear of God conceive of the Catholic Church as other than a man-made institution whose " political activities " stand directly in the path of Socialism, the object of which is to create a " classless society"? A society not merely within this, that or another nation, but, rather, counterfeiting the Church militant on earth by their battle cry : " Working-men of all countries unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains and a world to win" TWO WORLD POWERS 13 " THE BLACK INTERNATIONAL " The history of the world attests to the truth that men have never ceased to recognize the Pope as the supreme head of that Living Organism natural and supernatural which is by the Socialists opprobriously designated the " Black International." There is no break in the Apostolic Succession. There are some 300,- 000,000 persons of all races and climes who acknowledge allegiance to the Pope as their Spiritual Father their authority and guide, on earth, in matters of faith and morals. From the beginning of the Christian era, Catholics have held that the power exercised by the Pope was originally conferred upon Simon, the Fisher- man; when in response to Simon's confession of super- natural faith, Christ our Lord said : " Thou art Peter and on this Rock I will build My Church, and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against It." In perpet- ual light Catholics have always held that as Christ's Church was to endure forever, as Christ was to be with His Church until the consummation of the world, as the Gates of Hell were not to prevail against it, consequently the power of Peter was to pass down to his Apostolic Successors through all the ages of time. This belief history substantiates first in the selection of Linus (67 A. D.), Cletus (76 A. D.) and so on all down the centuries until time brings us to Benedict XV, the 259th successor of Peter, whose power of the Keys he exercises. This being so, Catholics, therefore, believe Pope Benedict XV to be the Chief Pastor of the universal flock as Peter 14 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE was Chief Pastor of the Apostles, entrusted by Christ with the divine authority to teach all nations " to ob- serve all things whatsoever I have commanded you." In a general way when we speak of the Pope we mean the Church itself that Christian Organism within which abides the love, the light and the life of Christ, the Saviour of Mankind, established in the year 33 A. D. THE RED INTERNATIONAL Socialists themselves proudly designate as the " Red International " that society made up chiefly of repre- sentatives from groups organized sociologically, indus- trially and politically. The political groups are known variously as Social Democratic, Socialist, Socialist- Labor, Collectivist and Communist parties. Embrac- ing all the known shades of open and organized revolt against what is termed the Present Order, Capitalism, Wage-Slavery, etc., etc., the International gathers strength from decade to decade notwithstanding the fact that its course has been twice interrupted and reorgan- ized. Or, to use the Socialist phrase, " The point of the Revolution has been broken " for the second time. The first International, organized in London (1864) under the title The International Workingman's As- sociation, called together about half a hundred delegates, representing six nationalities, with trade unionists in the ascendency. Many of the continental delegates were in exile in England with Karl Marx as the most not- able personage. The ostensible purpose of the London conference was TWO WORLD POWERS 15 to find means to prevent the importation of cheap labor from the continent into England ; to organize and assist wage-earners to obtain better economic conditions. Yet underlying these practical issues the real purpose of the leaders was " to afford a central medium of com- munication between workingmen's societies existing in different countries " for the propagation of their doc- trine of revolt against " class-rule." The trade union element brought forth a resolution under the leadership of Mazzini advocating harmonious and reciprocal re- lation between capital and labor. In opposition to this draft Marx declared for the " abolition of class-rule " and his resolution was carried although the English workingmen made up nearly one-half of the delegates assembled. So it was that Marx became the dominating figure at the initial gathering of the International, and Socialism started upon its world-wide career. So opposite were the practical aims of the trade union- ists from the demands of the Socialists, Anarchists, Com- munists on the Continent that the English workmen virtually withdrew from the organization. The affairs of the Red International were conducted through congresses held in different countries and through a General Council located in London, with Marx as German Secretary. The first of these con- gresses was held in Geneva 1866. It was attended by about sixty delegates who were more " radical " than those assembled at London. By the time the second congress was convened at Lausanne, Switzerland, the full-fledged spirit of revolt 16 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUEE had developed as expressed in the closing words of the President : " We want no more governments, for governments oppress us by taxes; we want no more armies, for armies massacre and murder us; we want no religion, for religion chokes the understanding." Upon the entrance of Michael Bakunin, a Russian, into the International Workingmen's Association at the congress of 1869 began a struggle between the Bakunians and the Marxians for supremacy. While holding the self-same atheistic philosophy, their methods for the realization of the " new society " very soon developed antagonism sufficient to " break the point of the Revolu- tion " and thus extend their cult of destruction under the segis of Socialism and Anarchism with Marx and Bakunin respectively in the lead throughout the world. The failure of the Paris Commune, which the Interna- tional is said to have inspired, added to the disruption of these two forces while the success of the Bakuninites in getting their program adopted at the Basle Congress (1869) added fuel to the flame; and plans were laid to drive the Russian revolutionist out of the International. The final clash came in 1872 with the Socialists in the lead, as the Anarchists had been deprived of their leader. The Marxians had succeeded in having Congress con- vene at The Hague. They knew that Bakunin would be unable to attend as he had been " exiled from both French and German territory, and being at the time a resident of Switzerland, he was unable to reach Holland 17 without crossing one or other of the countries named." (Report Int. Workers' Congress. The Leader Press, London, 1896.) Nor was this all, " The Committee of credentials which was packed by Marx's supporters " gave them the control of the congress by a majority of " three votes." Bakunin was expelled from the Inter- national. However, the lead was still so unsafe for the Marxians that it was " deliberately " decided that death to the organization was preferable to the non-Marxian control of the International. The General Council was thus transferred to New York, far away from Bakunin's influence. Here in America the first International languished and died. Mr. F. A. Sorge, a life-long friend of Karl Marx, endeavored to keep the organization alive. He called a convention in Philadelphia for July 15, 1876. Ten delegates assembled to represent the working-class of America and one who claimed to represent a Social- ist group in Germany. So discouraged were they at the small attendance that the International was formally dissolved upon issuing a declaration that reads, in part, as follows : u Fellow Working-Men, The International convention at Philadelphia has abolished the General Council of the Inter- national Working-Men's Association, and the external bond of the organization exists no more. " The International is dead ! The bourgeoisie of all coun- tries will again exclaim, and with ridicule and joy it will point to the proceedings of the convention as documentary proof of the defeat of the labor movement of the world. Let us not be influenced by the cry of our enemies ! . . ." 18 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE It were indeed a correct view that the defeat of the Socialist insurrection (Paris Commune 1871) had brought death to the first attempt at world-wide action in the interest of working-class rule and that its tomb- stone was set up in Philadelphia. After eighteen years had passed the bourgeoisie were made aware that al- though the International was dead, it still lives. It had learned something of politics in this interim, making its reappearance not so much as a workingmen's economic organization but rather with the emphasis upon political parties. The new series of the International Congresses of Socialists began in Paris in 1889. The Social Demo- cratic Party of Germany was easily in the lead. To-day a political party organization, more or less defined, exists in every nation. The Paris Socialist Congress (1900) established an International Socialist Bureau with Headquarters in Brussels. Thus the second Eed International entered upon its career. Through this Bureau the Secretaries of the various countries extended and expanded their propaganda. Several congresses were held as follows: FIRST INTERNATIONAL SECOND INTERNATIONAL Geneva 1866 Paris 1889 Lausanne 1867 Brussels 1891 Brussels 1868 Zurich 1893 Basle 1869 London 1896 Hague 1872 Paris 1900 Philadelphia 1876 Amsterdam 1904 Stuttgart 1907 Copenhagen 1910 Basle . . 1912 TWO WORLD POWERS 19 Everywhere public opinion and governmental action was being influenced by Socialist propaganda. Its phil- osophy insists that it has found the key to the meaning of life and that it will, if not by ballot, then by bullet, settle once for all the injustices that are suffered by the proletariat by the abolition of private property by the repudiation of the Ten Commandments and the Giver of them. So it was at the beginning of our century that " Red ruin and the breaking up of laws " was well on its way sweeping out what little belief many talented " after Christians " still cherished in the super- natural life, who together with atheist Jews God save the mark ! and a few renegade Catholics formed a force that had already become a powerful factor, here, too, in America in opposition to those right principles and sound institutions that are our proud inheritance as a free people. This was but a natural sequence, that organized revolt should fan the fire of social discontent because of despotism, of autocracy ; because of the wan- ton use of public power by elected servants ; because of vast accumulations of wealth made by grinding the face of the poor ; because of a contempt for public authority that shielded the mighty while condemning the petty offender. In one word by the great revolt of four hun- dred years ago, the soil of murder and rapine was being mellowed by those nations and those men who arrogated to themselves the right of private judgment as against Divine Authority. Since noblesse oblige had been largely exchanged for laissez faire. Upon the outbreak of the world-war the rational na- 20 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE ture, implanted in the human race by Almighty God, asserted itself in the heart and mind of a multitude of Socialists sufficiently to call back the utter repudiation of love of country. Hence the Socialist International Bureau ceased to function. " Let weaklings go to the International, I go to Hinderiburg ," said the editor of the Chemnitzer Volksstimme. Deserted by the action of the Social Democratic Party of Germany their ideal political organization in its support of the policy of the German government the hand of death slowly closed over the second Red International. To quote an American authority A. M. Simons : " When the war broke out the Socialist International more than failed. It not only broke into as many factions as there were warring nationalities; its constituent members went over to the enemy and, in many cases, sought to use the very ties created by International Organization to serve the ends of the deadliest enemies of Socialism." (The New Review, Vol. 3, No. 17.) No less emphatic is the assertion of an international authority Rosa Luxemburg : " The German Social Democracy handed its political resignation on August 4tb, 1914. On that same day, tbe Socialist International collapsed. All attempts to deny this fact or to conceal it merely serve to perpetuate the conditions which brought it about." (New Review, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1915.) Surely one who has the world for one's country has no country. Yet, it is quite one thing to profess this TWO WORLD POWERS 21 Internationalism and honor it by the motto " The World is My Country " at the base of a statue on Com- monwealth Avenue as the citizens of Boston are doing, but quite another to carry this anarchistic opinion to its logical and treasonable conclusion as the minority groups of all the Socialist parties of the several countries are doing. If, however, we sow the wind shall we rightly expect to escape the whirlwind? The truth is that nations are not immune as is the Church against the assaults from the Gates of Hell. With the corollary that, although the life of the nation is but mortal, it, too, owes its existence to the Providence of God. Reasoning, then, with natural gratitude for its deliverance, one might assume that the recent experience of the most innocent, perhaps, and surely the most af- flicted of all the nations in the world-conflict, would have been the last rather than the first to hail the advent of the third Red International. But, the great Rebel who first brought disorder into the world has still his fol- lowers. In spite of the glorious part taken there by a Prince of the Church, the Socialists of Belgium were the first to sound the toxin for a fresh onslaught through- out the world of Red Rebellion. From under the cap- tion " The International is Dead Long Live the In- ternational" we quote: " The First International vanished. An inglorious death met the second International. But the International still lives, still is the personification of the great watchword: ' Workers of all countries, unite ! ' The first and second In- ternationals have gone, but now comes the third to once 22 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE more sound the clarion call, the revolutionary red Third In- ternational ! " (" Socialiste Beige," Revolutionary Age, Dec. 21, 1918.) Some three weeks later the Belgian Labor Party sent a committee to meet the Executive Committee of the French Socialist Party. Their purpose was jointly to send out a call for an International Congress to meet in Brussels. It was proposed that delegates should be chosen from " those members of the International Social- ist Bureau who represent the proletariat of the Allied Powers. This meeting would have for its object to ex- amine under what conditions it will be possible to recon- struct, upon the basis of sincerity and mutual confidence, the Socialist and Labor International." The French Socialists objected, since the Socialist parties of the sometime Central Powers were an integral part, indeed the larger part, of the International Social- ist Bureau, their delegates should not be excluded with- out a hearing. So that project was killed a-borning. From the news we are able to gather it now appears that not one but two Internationals will be established. One made up of " Social Patriots " the other of the Bolsheviki everywhere. Taking our cue in part from the leader of the Russian Bolsheviki, we see some little hope of a return to sanity of groups of men who before the war were unconscious of their loyalty to their own country and too of the fundamental right of every man to own private property in capital. We shall permit Lenin to define the meaning of the " Social Patriot." TWO WORLD POWERS 23 " The Social Patriots are Socialists in words and patriots in fact, who agree to defend their fatherland in an imperial- istic war, and particularly this imperialistic war. These men are our class enemies. They have gone over to the bourgeois camp. The Social Patriots are the enemies of our class, they are bourgeois in the midst of the labor movement. They represent layers or groups of the working class which have been practically bought by the bourgeoisie, through better wages, positions of honor, etc., and which help their bour- geoisie to exploit and oppress smaller and weaker nations, and to take part in the division of capitalistic spoils." (" Task of the Proletariat in Our Revolution," Petrograd, Sept., 1917.) The " Social Patriots " are those internationalists who met at Berne at the call of Arthur Henderson of England and Camille Huysmans, Secretary of the de- funct International Socialist Bureau of the second In- ternational ; and the congress was made up of Socialists and Trade Unionists. It was repudiated by Socialists of the country in which it assembled and generally by the Bolshevist element of the organized movement through- out the world. By what is said against it, rather more than by what it says for itself we gather our hope for a return to the normal activities of Trade Unions, and so a return to the world force that has in its keeping social health. The Social Democratic Party of Switzerland declared (February, 1919) : " We refuse to be represented at a conference where those morally responsible for the murder of Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg will sit beside Comrades who even in the next 24 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE few weeks will fall, new sacrifices to the government Social- ists. " We greet the Kussian revolution, and take up the battle cry of the Russian and German revolutionists, calling the proletariat to the world revolution." In our own country the Berne Congress was repudi- ated in a resolution adopted by the Central Executive Committee of the Russian, Lettish, Ukrainian, Esthon- ian and Lithuanian Eederations of the Socialist party of America, we quote from their report February 9, 1919 : " The Berne Congress favors a bourgeois League of Na- tions, instead of a Socialist League of revolutionary nations ; it is promoting a fraudulent bourgeois democracy instead of a proletarian revolution : it favors a Wilson peace of phrases instead of a Lenin peace of revolutionary deeds; it is a vipers' nest of Social Patriots and betrayers of Socialism." The Bolsheviki here will have none of the Berne Con- gress, yet there is no mistaking their intention to further the world revolution : " The last convulsive gasp of the International. Its corpse is now a stinking carrion. There must be a new Inter- national of revolutionary Socialism of the final struggle and victory." (Revolutionary Age, Boston, Feb. 22, 1919.) The uncompromising elements of the Socialist move- ment in Europe have listed the several divisions of their strength throughout the world ; have outlined their prin- ciples, program and aims and invited all their numer- TWO WORLD POWERS 25 ous national divisions to join in setting up the third International. The document is sent out by the Com- munist parties, known also as the Bolsheviki (Russia), Spartacus (Germany) or left wing Socialists (Scandi- navia, the Balkans and other countries). It is signed by the representatives of eight countries who are attached to the Foreign Bureau of the Bol- sheviki and countersigned by G. Tchitcherin, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs. For: 1. The Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Lenin-Trotsky). 2. The Foreign Bureau of the Communist Party of Poland (Manchiewsky). 3. The Foreign Bureau of the Communist Party of Hun- gary (Rudniovsky). 4. The Foreign Bureau of the Communist Party of German Austria (Duda). 5. The Russian Bureau of the Communist Party of Lett- land (Rosin). 6. The Central Committee of Finland (Siirola). Y. The Executive Committee of the Balkan Revolutionary Social Democratic Federation (Rakowski). 8. For the S. L. P., American (Boris Reinstein). Since the Bolshevists know their own, we present their list in full. Upon a recognition of the program sent out these groups will be considered " full-fledged " members of the Third International : 1. Spartacus Group (German). 2. Communist Party (Bolsheviki-Russia). 26 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE 3. Communist Party (German- Austria). 4. Communist Party (Hungary). 5. Communist Party (Poland). 6. Communist Party (Finland). 7. Communist Party (Esthonia). 9. Communist Party (Lettland). 10. Communist Party (Lithuania). 11. Communist Party (White Russia). 12. Communist Party (Ukrainia). 13. The revolutionary elements of the Czech Social Demo- cratic Party. 14. The " Narrow-Minded " Bulgarian Social-Democratic Party. 15. The Rumanian Social-Democratic Party. 16. The Left Wing of the Serbian Social-Democratic Party. 17. The Left Social-Democratic Party, of Sweden. 18. The Norwegian Social-Democratic Party. 19. The group " Klassenkampen " (Denmark). 20. The Communist Party (Holland). 21. The revolutionary elements of the Belgian Labor Party. 22 and 23. The groups and organizations and syndicalist movements in France, which in the main and on the whole, agree with Loriot. 24. The Left Social-Democrats of Switzerland. 25. The Italian Socialist Party. 26. The Left element of the Spanish Socialist Party. 27. The Left elements of the Portuguese Socialist Party. 28. The British Socialist Party, particularly that tendency represented by MacLean. 29. Socialist Labor Party (England). 30. I. W. W. (England). 31. I. W. W. of Great Britain. 32. The revolutionary elements of the Irish Labor organi- zations. TWO WORLD POWERS 27 33. The revolutionary elements of Shop Stewards (Great Britain). 34. Socialist Labor Party (America). 35. The Left elements of the American Socialist Party (the tendency represented by Debs and the Socialist Propaganda League). 36. I. W. W. (America). 37. I. W. W. (Australia). 38. Workers' International Industrial Union (America). 39. The Socialist groups of Tokio and Yokohama (repre- sented by Comrade Katayama). 40. The Young People's Socialist International. Surely here is a formidable force organized for de- struction and we confidently say that the Catholic Church which created our western civilization is the one power that can resist its advance and so preserve the human progress that has been made on earth since our Blessed Lord gave the charge to Peter, " Feed my lambs, feed my sheep." II STANDARDS OF FAITH AND OF FATALISM HAVING established the existence of a world force in active opposition to the Universal the Catholic Church the standards by which socialistic- fatalism opposes itself to faith, above and beyond the mere reaction of things material, may well be brought out to show how completely antagonistic Socialist theory and its practical application Bolshevism is to Christian principles and practise within organized so- ciety. The candid mind will admit that upon the do- main of the modern Caesar the State which may be marked off into its four grand divisions the civil ; the social ; the commercial and the domestic spheres may be clearly seen the impress of those Christian doc- trines, principles, practises and sentiments that after having conquered the ancient Pagan world erected the structure of civilization as we know it to-day, with its ever restless desire to have God's will done on earth as it is in Heaven. In truth, Socialism itself in its negative way is a tribute to Catholicity. When it condemns the evils that afflict modern life it does so upon the basis of morality and in terms that correctly correspond to Christian thought and sentiment. Yet, this is utterly inconsistent 28 FAITH AND FATALISM 29 with its basic doctrine that men are in no wise respon- sible for their individual conduct since their will is not free to choose the good from the evil. And, further- more, since good and evil are not absolute principles but rather mere attitudes of mind, one may indeed be relatively more or less " class-conscious " that is all there is to morality ! " Modern thought doesn't concern itself much about what is theoretically ' right,' but instead about what is socially useful. The more you analyze a supposed ' right ' the more you are led to see in it merely some one's concept of what ought to be. In other words, the notion of a ' right ' cannot be established on any natural or logical basis. It used to be supposed that the Almighty had granted to humankind cer- tain securities known as ' rights ' and after Rousseau's time it was supposed by many men that nature herself had definitely fixed them ; hence the term ' natural rights.' But both ideas have had to give way. What the world is now fighting for is the establishment of a social order in which every one finds opportunity for his fullest development." (Head of Information Department of Appeal to Reason, Girard, Kan., Dec. 28, 1918.) However, since right-reason forces the conclusion that the conduct of man in the family, in his industrial relations and in political and social affairs is de- pendent upon the principles, true or false, to which he pays allegiance, it becomes a matter of public safety to insist that free-will actions are moral or immoral as one's conduct conforms to the constitution natural to mankind: that is to say to God's law. The issue may be clearly seen by contrasting the view held by So- 30 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE cialists as to the origin of man with the belief held by Catholics and competent men of science. " Matter in motion " is the irrational first cause for the former ; while the First Cause for the latter is our Omniscient Father Almighty God. From the consequence that man is an entity in him- self a distinct personality having free-will he is morally bound to obey the law of his nature. His only right, therefore, lies in obedience, yet he has the power of disobedience. He has rights since God has given them and responsibilities towards God, towards his fellow men and with regard to himself. He is com- manded to love his neighbors as himself. As, by his nat- ural constitution, the man and his neighbors dwell within civil society, we shall set forth some of the simple prin- ciples that perforce govern Christians and then, in con- trast to these principles of right-reason, show forth the notions of man's relationships as they are found in So- cialist propaganda here and abroad. Necessarily, as Christ's Vicar interprets the moral law for the govern- ment of Catholics and as their recognized Socialist au- thorities interpret their theory of the origin of man and his activity, as motived by a series of " class-strug- gles," there is all the difference between light and dark- ness ; between right and wrong in the opinions and senti- ments held by the one group and the other. What then, is the Catholic attitude towards the State of whatsoever form of just government ? FAITH ATO FATALISM 31 CIVIL SOCIETY By the command of the Lord-God, to render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar, patriotism be- comes a positive law for Christians a religious obli- gation. Civil authority is not indeed personal. It does not reside in the official as an individual as the doc- trine of the divine right of kings would make it out but rather it belongs to that public entity that moral body, the Commonwealth. The will of the nation like the will of the family, its unit, is cohesive. In it is the bond of the worth of the individual, with immortal life, and the bond of the worth of the family, the unit that makes up the mortal life of the country. In the will of the Commonwealth is, too, the bond of internal and ex- ternal peace for safeguarding the rights of its members, while it claims from them their duties towards their country. Patriotism, the supreme quality of this organic bond, demands the subordination of personal interests, of fam- ily kinships and of party loyalty in times of national stress. Not indeed for the glory of the State, primarily, but rather for the glory of the Author of Nations under whose providence and protection men are born to know God, to love God, and to serve Him as the sum and sub- stance of our life on earth. It was not our country that gave us our natural rights, but rather God who gave us our Country to protect our rights on earth. So it is that the supreme sacrifice of life itself, is rightly given to one's country for the love of God ; since the country we 32 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE are morally bound to love and to serve was given to us by God for the protection of our life, liberty, property and family. Hence within, not without, love and loy- alty to God reside love and loyalty to country. Conversely, patriotism will not permit of the use of public power for the extension of private fortunes ; nor for the promotion of individual honor save for disin- terested service rendered to the body politic. Hence the social organism functioning normally in times of peace demonstrates internal order. But in times of war organized force moral and physical is necessary for the defense of rights and the enforcement of jus- tice, that peace and security may return as in normal times. Yet, since the injury done to the whole race by the rebellion of our first parents has- consequences of social as of personal disorder the virtue of patriotism by inspiring heroic deeds forms a noble guard of eternal vigilance of our country's honor the price we pay for liberty ! All of us know that only ten men are needed to save a city. SOCIAL INTERCOURSE The earth and the fulness thereof was given to man and since man must eat his bread in the sweat of his brow it consequently follows that each and every one of us, throughout all ages, should render due service to his own day and generation in return for the means of liv- ing not indeed at a dead level, but of picturesque and interesting variety. For as some persons have one talent, others five and still others ten talents expressing qualities FAITH AND FATALISM 33 and intensities of an infinitely changing development it should be evident that the flux and flow of social classes are natural to the aggregation of families that make up a nation. For men are born equal in this they are sons of God and heirs of Heaven. Although their ma- terial and intellectual advantages vary greatly, yet their moral opportunities are such that each individual soul may by God's grace find the path to eternal hap- piness. To love one another is the law and to work out our particular talents in the service of our fellow men is our opportunity to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Yet, if to the highest we will not re- spond, God's justice sees to it that we pay to the last jot and tittle what we owe to others. Since, then, we are commanded every day to pray to be forgiven our tres- passes as we forgive those who trespass against us, woe be to those of us who do not in honor "prefer one another by an exchange of courtesies that come as fittingly from the lowly as from the exalted, since the brotherhood of man is vastly more than a platitude. Resting upon Christian standards, social intercourse creates a public opinion that is at once sound and beau- tiful, and a multitude of activities are developed for cultural enjoyment, while freedom in the expression of tastes, rather than slavery to fashion, is given for the ornate or the simple life. With love and justice as the two pillars of social culture, what should hinder the classes and the masses from dwelling together in friendly relationship ? 34 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE There is no mistaking the individual right to the own- ership of economic wealth operated with a view to increase one's private property if the Decalogue is not out of date. Nor to the individual right of a permanent inheritance of lucrative property. Otherwise, the foundation were lacking for the sufficient reason that private property is necessary to the support of the fam- ily the family being the unit of the state. Since buy- ing and selling is the ground floor of commerce the con- clusion is without flaw that civil society is conditioned upon the exchange of commodities and services for its existence. But justice is the foundation of the world it claims primary recognition in all the relations of man with man. So be it ! "Upon the words of our Blessed Lord Himself, wage-paying and wage-taking is based upon the principle of economic justice. Just a little study should make it clear that the reasons for the exchange of work for money is an act of social advantage, al- though the reasons of the employer for giving the wage may differ never so greatly from the reasons of the em- ployee who receives the wage. Yet, while the exchange of money for work gives the one and the other personal satisfaction, the basis of exchange is not personal advan- tage but rather it is equity. Measure for measure in economic value must by either party to the transaction be given and received, else injustice spoils the act by giving it the baneful character of robbing the one or FAITH AND FATALISM 35 the other. It is clear then that a right understanding of the principles involved in buying and selling and a rightful discharge of duties, on either side of the bar- gain, will satisfy men of good will. To the envious man, justice is not sufficient. The laborers who re- ceived their just wage a penny a day grumbled when at our Lord's injunction His steward gave a penny also to those who, having found no man to hire them, went to work at the eleventh hour. Moreover, no Christian disputes the principle that since all we have, and life itself, must be given in serv- ice to God it is mere common sense that the wealth a man has is held in trust. Consequently, the private property consumed in the production of more wealth must be used, ultimately, to promote the honor and glory of God. Noblesse oblige is not merely a chivalrous senti- ment, it is a Christian statute, applicable to the sphere of commerce. As for the wage-earner, his right to the life that God gave carries with it a right to the means of life. On this ground Pope Leo XIII sets forth the legislation that at the very lowest round of the wage scale a man shall receive money sufficient to maintain himself and his family in frugal comfort and, too, something to lay by for a rainy day or for the disabilities of old age. More than this ! If through no fault of their own the idle men in the market place begin work at the eleventh hour, justice requires that the necessities of living be supplied to them. If not by their neighbors, the capital- ists, then by the Commonwealth. 36 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE Yet even justice were cold comfort to those who, as the street phrase has it, are down and out. The Sa- maritan who was beaten and robbed on his way to Jeri- cho may have been a saint or a sinner we do not know. But, we do know that his condition called for succor. Furthermore, we know that those who passed him by " on the other side " were his neighbors, having the sternest obligation to be his keeper. Thanks be to God ! there came a man who gave the necessary aid with the measure of generosity heaped up to the brim and running* over. Let it not be said that although the wage-system is permanent in principle and in itself entirely just, that wage-earners are doomed to remain in that economic station for life. Not so, for men are ascending and de- scending the industrial ladder from wage-earner to capitalist and from capitalist to wage-earner every day in the year. No more can the principle of economic competition be separated from that of economic cooperation. For men cooperate and compete within a single industrial plant, yet they are in combination for the purpose of winning the competition prize the market. Just as up and down come together at the horizon so the two extremes of competition and cooperation meet on common ground, each to correct the excesses of either. For under the providence of the Author of Nations the Common- wealth is entitled to the best work of all its citizens, and like as the power and skill of a man's right hand is combined with the power and skill of his left hand FAITH AND FATALISM 37 in order to work out the design in his mind into a pro- duct for his own advantage, likewise while keeping close within their mutual rights and duties may our citizens work to the advantage of the body-politic while working also for their own advantage. The Church, the Commandments, the Gospels, and right reasoning make it clear that the capitalist has a right to his justly gotten gains; yet, it is also as clear that he has the power to get and to keep ill gotten gains. Also, the wage-worker has a right to the full value of his toil. Yet, the cry of the laborer that his just wage has been kept by fraud goes up to Heaven for redress. Even so! Since it shall profit a man nothing to gain the whole world at the loss of his soul, redress is surely on its way and woe be to those who carry rebellion in their hearts to their graves. THE DOMESTIC SPHEEE As commerce is the material foundation of civilized life, so is the family the natural the moral founda- tion of the social organism. Hence it is that the health of a nation may be known to be good by the freedom of its families from blasting and corrupting motives and influences. Catholics have but one voice as to the stan- dards that are necessary for the maintenance of family integrity. For the sufficient reason that the Church has but one voice on the matter God's voice. Christians must then, of necessity, recognize marriage as divine in its origin while its purpose is natural to the existence of the human race. 38 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE Within the marriage bond " these twain are one flesh " in a life union. Marriage is a state of life mutually entered into by one's own free-will consent. The formation of this moral body the family has two primary functions, the propagation of the race and the mutual comfort and happiness of husband and wife. Within the body politic man stands as the responsible head of the family; while within the precincts of the home woman has the leading responsibility. Thus, these iw&in, made one, perfectly complement each the other in the every-day duties and dignities that the ex- igencies of life bring to the family. The primary and chief duty of parents is that of rear- ing children in the love and fear of God ; that they may glorify their Father in Heaven. The parents' secon- dary duty is like unto their first: By education, fit- ting their children to love their neighbor as they love themselves and to pay due love to their country and due loyalty and obedience to Caesar the authority of a nation that is rightly empowered to govern, upon the consent of the governed. Since the family government is prior to that of the Commonwealth and since the fam- ily is the necessary unit of the Commonwealth, God's commands lay the foundation of all government and are first to be obeyed to the end that the sufferings of Christ shall accomplish their mission, namely, the re- demption of mankind. So it is that Christians hold ever in mind the super- FAITH AND FATALISM 39 natural character of the family relation the gift by which parents in cooperation with Almighty God clothe the human soul with its physical body. Nor is it ever forgotten that our Divine Lord marked off with especial sanctification the entrance upon parental obligation, by His presence at the marriage feast at Cana there it was that Christ worked His first miracle. From the fact that God has been driven out of So- cialist consideration and that even the First Cause of all creation is asserted to be a " causeless cause " the teachings of Socialism are at once seen to be irreconcil- able with the moral code of the Church. They have no sanction for their shifting standards of belief and con- duct save only the will of their " class-conscious " ma- jority; of which the Bolsheviki is a recent and rather overwhelming demonstration. But, Christian morality is plainly based upon positive law. One must believe in God, free-will, the Christian concept of the family, of the state, of private property and of individual moral responsibility as interpreted by the Pope for the government of Catholics. All this is lightly brushed aside by a puff of wind from the lips of their founders and leaders as " bour- geois morality " something quite out of date. More- over, it is fiercely conceived to be their especial mission to oppose and to overthrow the entire structure of soci- ety ; while they await the oncoming of what the " evolu- tionary " future shall bring forth from the " womb of Capitalism." This negative, destructive attitude, is re- lied upon with as complete a fatalistic confidence as 40 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE one may rightly have with a tried-out chemical formula. To change the " capitalist system " by destroying it, is the way to form that " new society " of their dreams. This is quite logical, for it rests upon a profoundly un- reasonable, if one may be allowed the term, premise, that all factors, be they spiritual, political, social or do- mestic, are but emanations from the economic class con- flicts between man and man. The negation of man's spiritual nature and the assumption that materialism is the cause of idealism sets forth the explanation of the Socialist method of propaganda. By doing nothing on the principle of construction they propose to translate their philosophy into act. There is no mistaking the essential meaning of Social- ist philosophy. Let us quote a classic of Karl Marx a world authority : " The economic structure of society is the real foundation, on which rise legal and political superstructures and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. The mode of production in material life determines the general character of the social, political and spiritual processes of life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but, on the contrary, their social existence deter- mines their consciousness." (P. 11, " Critique of Political Economy," N. Y., 1904.) Neither common sense, world experience nor Chris- tian enlightenment can come to our aid in the interpre- tation of the premise here laid down by Marx: That the mode of production determines the spiritual pro- cesses of life : that " social existence " is the source of FAITH AOT> FATALISM 41 individual consciousness. Quite to the contrary one must have recourse to the Socialist discovery that the what and the why of life is confined to three score years and ten : that it is the " economic structure of society " - the relationships sustained by men in the production and exchange of commodities for individual profit re- acting upon the " tool-using animal " that has induced a mass consciousness of which the individual partakes. But, angels and men defend us! The conscious prin- ciple that which makes us each an individual soul, fit for immortal life, is what this latest heresy would rob the race of. Socialists would substitute for the image of God a mere by-product of the clash between eco- nomic classes. Something like the light struck by flint against flint is produced as economic class strikes against economic class the combat being perpetual. This never ceasing strife polishes up the wits that have some- how come from " matter in motion " as the final cause of the human race. Something as the pebbles on the shore are polished by the thunderous ocean as the tide heaves in and out, so are the wits of the individuals the cells of the social organism sharpened as one set the capitalists fight in taking and holding from the other set the workers who likewise fight to hold and to keep the wealth that is produced. Their theory has it that from class-consciousness there shall evolve race-consciousness, when the fight has been fought to the finish. Then harmony shall reign, since a " classless society " will have but one interest self- interest in improving its methods of production for the 42 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE benefit of all its individuals its cells. The end all and be all of life shall come. Let all eat, drink and be merry for to-morrow all die. Alas! poor Yorick! Why should a live cell speculate about a dead cell ? Surely not a little study is necessary to learn the meaning lying within the cumbersome language of the man, who above all others has laid down the dogmas of the Socialist cult. Yet, it is evident that Marx's followers the world over have mastered the irrational system of thought and are in general accord with their. German master. Throwing aside the moral obligation under which we all stand towards God, our fellow men, and towards our- selves as " meaningless and confusing " a leading Ameri- can authority Morris Hillquit sets down his al- legiance to the spurious principle that the one only fac- tor relative to moral enlightenment is the " purely so- cial factor." " The factors determining the degree and direction of moral development will be found in the philosophy of Karl Marx, who alone consistently introduced the spirit of Dar- winism into the study of social phenomena by substituting the economic interpretation of history and the resultant doc- trine of the class struggle in the more modern stages of social- development for the instinct of self preservation and the re- sulting doctrine of the struggle for existence in its lower stages." ("Socialism in Theory and Practice," pp. 51-52.) Denying the Decalogue, by ignoring it, with the as- sumption that standards for human conduct come up from time to time with the changing relations upon the FAITH AND FATALISM 43 field of commerce, Socialists now assume that the " mo- rality of the ruling class " is being overcome by the " new morality of the working class." Of course, the rational view is that since the Ten Commandments are the con- stant the never changing moral law, they are as ap- plicable at an earlier stage of social development as at a later date in the history of the race. Yet, Mr. Hillquit follows up his fallacious argument by adding two up-to- date commandments, man-made. To quote (p. 63) : " The two historical slogans given to the modern socialist and labor movement by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, ' the emancipation of the working-man can only be ac- complished by the working-men themselves ' ; and ' Working- men of all countries, unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains ; you have a world to gain ! ' may truly be said to be the main precepts of the new morality of the working- class." Plainly it is not this materialistic doctrine that at- tracts so many workers and holds them captive to the Juggernaut car of the latest paganism. It is rather the stirring of the holy spirit of freedom within them that by impatience with the mills of God that grind so slowly, turns them away from the straight and narrow paths that must be trod by the light of reason. The Socialist platforms of our country are not so coolly, so brazenly atheistic s in setting forth their fatal- istic standards of morality. Yet, the Godless basis is there, for it is the leaders who form the platform to at- tract the attention of the rank and file of the worldly ambitious and discontented men: of men with many a 44 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE just grievance that should have been righted, and would have been righted if there were to be found in every city and town within the dominion of Caesar ten men wholly determined that the law of Christ should be applied. The key note of the 1908 platform is struck dogmatic- ally : " Human life depends upon food, clothing and shelter " to be sure ! Yet, this is the lesser half of the truth since human life depends absolutely upon the will of God. Indeed, since the necessities of life are, too, as truly God's free gifts to man as life itself, it is wholly gratuitous to assert that " Only when these things are assured is freedom, culture and higher de- velopment possible." It should be held in view that higher development, in the mind of the makers of this platform, has reference to the progress of the race to- wards the super-man a sort of creature that may be expected to inhabit the earth, once the war of classes has climaxed in the " classless society." Then, too, reasoning rightly and consulting our ex- perience, we see that a state of human freedom is en- tirely compatible with the work of getting one's bread and butter by whatsoever honorable means. Happily, a vast number of our American population may testify to their religious and civil liberty. Moreover, it is com- mon recognition that true culture is impossible upon the materialistic and animalistic foundation of human society, because of the supreme fact that man lives not by bread alone. Eor just as true courtesy is an out- ward evidence of one's conviction of the equality of human souls, so is a broad culture an outward expression FAITH AKD FATALISM 45 of one's intellectual understanding that although men have a vast variety of natural gifts and genius in vary- ing degrees, the services of one particular class of work- ers are as essential to the well-being of our citizenry as another be those services rendered by men of genius most highly developed since Divine Economy rules over the acts of men en masse within the Common- wealth. This is the basis of the equality of man upon the domain of Csesar. Hence when God is left out of human reckoning the loss acts upon the intellect like the deadly fumes of gas. It creeps into the unwary mind poisoning those who are not immuned by their faith in a just foundation of things human. Despair is one of its noxious products. What would be the use to work against fate, if by fate both employer and employee were the mere sport of blind force ? Yet, this impossible task is the contract that Social- ism has taken upon itself. To quote further from the platform of 1908 : " The capitalist class . . . is bound to exploit the workers to the very limit of their endurance and to sacrifice their physical, moral and mental welfare to its own insatiable greed." Just what rightful business the word " moral " has in this connec- tion no man can tell ! Yet the explanation is simple. Mankind is given a rational nature and however hard one may try to slink away from his conscious principle, it abides. The image of God is not to be blotted out at the behest of man : " So long as the light holds out to burn The vilest sinner may return." 46 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE But not after! Knowing how difficult, aye impossible, it is for even those steeped in the poison of the " materialistic con- ception of history " to stick to their text, and conse- quently that the true records of the race are freely min- gled with their false principle of economic determinism, to the confusion of well-meaning men : that Socialist de- nunciation of the evils of the day which in fact exist in a measure hardly to be exaggerated seems to prom- ise to the lowly that they are about to bring them into their own ; knowing that the wrong cause is supported not indeed to gain a mess of pottage for which they are willing to barter their souls but with the expectation that social justice may be secured for all, we deem it es- sential to cover this fatalistic foundation of Socialist propaganda somewhat thoroughly. For it should be clearly seen for what it is the fundamental negation of the rational constitution of the race. Hence directly contrary in its norm of conduct to those Catholic prin- ciples those truths, and those alone, that shall save our beloved country from disaster. This is their touchstone : " Class morality " has ruled individual morality out of the court of mankind. Now, since " class morality " is indeed something new under the sun we shall establish the fact of its place in this world movement and show how strictly its pre- cepts are adhered to throughout our western civilization. The " Socialist Bible " Das Kapital lays down the dogma that ramifies throughout every department of their scheme to set up a free society : FAITH AND FATALISM 47 " My standpoint from which the evolution of the economic formation of society is viewed as a process of natural history, can less than any other make the individual responsible for relations whose creature he socially remains, however much he may subjectively raise himself above them." (" Capital," p. 15, Kerr edition.) First to make sure we have the genuine article made, not by the working-man for the working-man, but by a highly gifted German-Jew, whose father had re- nounced his religious connections that he might prac- tise the profession of law we quote from the plat- form of the Socialist party (1912) of our own country, the gist of " economic determinism." Having enumer- ated all the other agencies that go to make up the struc- ture of our body politic as " absolutely controlled " by the capitalist class, the " religious and moral agencies" are set down as the climax. Certainly we hold no brief for other religious bodies, but as obedient lay members of the Catholic Church we protest with all our mind, heart and strength that Her activities here on earth are neither " subsidized " nor controlled by the capitalist class. Not one of the 15,817 Parish Churches nor one of the 6642 Parish Schools, academies, colleges and universities is under the control of any group of capi- talists nor of any individual capitalist. It is God's word Christ and Him Crucified that is preached, for the love of souls. The Commandments and the Ser- mon on the Mount give the standards for Christian mo- rality ; while on every Sunday in the year the gospel les- son is set forth with the purpose of enforcing the prac- 48 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE tical application of the law and the counsels of Christ to the every-day relations of life personal, social, civil and domestic. From infancy to death Catholics are under the direct influence and in holy association with the Giver of Life of Justice of Love. However, one word aside from our main purpose may be said regarding the Socialist platform. Notwith- standing its utterly perverse basis there are many measures listed to which right-minded men may freely give assent. Measures that good citizens strive to have enacted into our statutes and enforced. But these measures do not follow as a consequence from the morally irresponsible doctrine of Socialism. Quite to the contrary they are grounded in Chrisian principles. One may look back to the days of the craft guilds when society was directed by the Vicar of Christ to see many of them, not merely advocated, but in practise. The shorter hour working day; better sanitary condi- tions in factories, mines and mills ; the abolition of child labor; better housing conditions; craft insurance; em- ployment for the unemployed ; reclamation of arid and swamp lands; etc., etc., are frankly used by Socialist parties for propaganda purposes. Socialist leaders know very well that once men have been attracted by measures to the advantage of the wage-earners and so induced to take the first step, by voting their ticket, they may be initiated later, " and then, after we have made them members of the Socialist Party, we can talk to them inside our ranks,, talk of the higher philosophies and of the logical consequences of our explanation of FAITH AND FATALISM 49 society and nature." (Ernest Unterman, Official Pro- ceedings S. P. Convention, Indianapolis, 1908.) The explanation is indeed crucial. Yet, it is in sub- stance given at the conclusion of the Practical Measures of the platform, 1912. " Such measures of relief as we may be able to force from capitalism are but a preparation of the workers to seize the whole power of government, in order that they may thereby lay hold of the whole system of industry and thus come to their rightful inheritance." The working class is thus taken under the tutelage of Socialists who propose to initiate them in that see of their political power by which every mother's son has his private property in capital, well gotten or illy gotten, taken from him. Thus it is clear that treason and theft are held to be the " class morality " by which workmen may come into " their rightful inheritance." Yet, since it was " the introduction and spread of salad-oil " that has put agnosticism almost if not quite at a respectable par with the Church of England (Engels " Socialism Utopian and Scientific " ) who knows but that up will be down and right will be left even in our own day ? Es- pecially as Prof. Charles Zueblin (Conference on Social- ism, Chickering Hall, Boston) has lent the great weight of his dictum to them in making down up and up down : " The International Socialist movement does more to preach unflinching morality than any other organization in the world." Surely from this time on chaos should be order. 50 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUEE Hold ! We are saved by material intervention ! Since Jane Addams " Newer Ideals of Peace " makes it certain that : " The Socialists are making almost the sole attempt to preach a morality sufficiently all embracing and international to keep pace with material internationalism which has standardized the threads of screws and the size of bolts." Who will now have the least possible doubt that the " standardization " of the threads of screws and the size of bolts will work even a greater regeneration in the morals of the race than the spread in the use of salad oil ? It alone, reduced English churchmen and agnos- tics to one dead level, almost, why then put a limit to the effectiveness of a truly mechanical device ? Again ! This " scientific knowledge " is having a wider circula- tion than is given by Miss Addams' book by itself. The Socialists know their own when they see it. Besides being the one and only authority on the " philosophy of life " they know who are and who are not Christians. Quite consistently they use in " War : What For ? " a book well calculated " to drain the recruiting stations and thin the ranks of soldiery " this identical quo- tation with the introduction " Listen again to the best-known and the best-loved Christian woman in the United States, Miss Jane Addams, of Hull House, Chicago." A newer ideal with a vengeance ! a morality that finds its sanction in material progress, and if it would be up to date, must keep pace with international pro- FAITH AKD FATALISM 51 ductions. A morality that has quite stripped itself free from God's law that is never new, never old, but ever ready for application to whatsoever changes the genius of race may bring about, for the material well-being of mankind. Alas ! When women join in spreading darkness for light a process as old as the hills upon which his Satanic Majesty first tempted men to their eternal damnation it is time for the most prejudiced against the Catholic Church in the interest of their country, if not for the love of the faith, to sweep their spirit in the dead of the night. No, the Socialist party platform is not a commentary. One must go to their leaders to learn what in fact is be- neath the planks of the platform. Long ago, Wilhelm Liebknecht an international authority, said in " So- ciaism : What It Is and What It Seeks," " the agita- tors, the journalists and the learned of the party must give the commentary." Quite so! Especially since the platforms are largely shaped to attract raw recruits, rather than to give an adequate idea of what the party really stands for. Who, save the veteran followers of Marx, Engels, Hillquit, Debs and Berger, in the State of Ohio, could tell what their platform of five words calls for? "The World for the Workers" (1918). Yet, after all is said their grand objective is as vague as these five words to the novice. Stated in their own terms their positive objective is necessarily obscure. The " expropriation " of the capitalist class the, tak- ing of land and capital now in private hands and making them collective property to be administered in a " class- 52 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE less " society, cannot be intellectually grasped since a " classless " society is irrational, therefore meaningless. This basic objection has never been fairly faced. When the leaders are asked how their principles are to be successfully carried out, they ring a multitude of changes all pitched in the classic key given by Marx: '' We are not making cook-shop receipts for the future society" Why, then, should one bother about the immorality of Socialist standards if their objective is irrational ? Let their movement come to naught. The answer is, that men are not deprived of their active principle because they hold immoral notions, nor because their aims are not rational, neither because the foundation of their movement is false. The danger is in the fact that al- though the Socialist movement is incapable of construc- tion it is quite capable of destruction. Besides and this is the pith of the whole matter if their propaganda did not rotate around a body of truth it could not gather a destructive force of any social consequence. What lover of economic justice does not respond to the demand of the wage-earners for their just share in the advantages of the wealth they produce ? What lover of civil liberty does not desire to see men free within the restrictions of a just government? Borrowing these great principles from Christian morality and citing their flagrant abuses in our modern society, gives a holy fire to the words of these false prophets, enabling them to lead a multitude of un- critical men the wrong way for the right thing. It FAITH AOT) FATALISM 53 was ever thus ! having incited the mob, it cries out " Crucify Him ! Crucify Him ! " If we would see what disaster, what horror, a little truth, with a deal of error, can do let us look at Russia. There the majority of the Socialist movement the Bolsheviki attempt- ing to carry out their ideal program for creating a classless society gives us a spectacle that tells its own tale. Our obligation is plain right relations and condi- tions bring peace within the Commonwealth. But, since the generality must be convinced that the stability of our country is menaced we shall do what we can for its safety by permitting Socialist authorities to set forth their own doctrine in their own way. No possible denunciation of their perverse principles could be as conclusive, to those who are able to appreciate the full meaning of their statements. Running true but far ahead of its Protestant origin by its denial of the authority of Christ's Vicar to regulate the conduct of kings with regard to the in- herent rights of their peoples and with regard to their moral conduct one towards another, Socialism repudiates moral authority altogether. Thus reducing the power of what is right below the level of the power of might. Hence the majority may work its own human will. Because of their utter repudiation of absolute author- ity the study of Socialism obliges one to give chief con- sideration to what is denied rather than to what is af- firmed, in order to view their standards of thought and conduct from the proper perspective. 54 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE Socialism Denies the Existence of God Thereby repudiating the first principle of morality. " When science began to establish the fact of the mechani- cal origin of the universe " it " threw the theological creator out of his own creation." (Ernest Unterman, " Science and Kevolution," pp. 158-159.) " Socialism knows the absence or impairment of the belief in God is one of the most powerful factors for its (Social- ism's) extension, because the priests of all religions have been, throughout all phases of history, the most potent allies of the ruling classes in keeping the masses pliant and sub- missive under the yoke by means of the enchantment of religion, just as the tamer keeps a wild beast submissive by the terrors of the cracks of his whip." (Enrico Ferri, " Socialism and Modern Science," p. 63.) Socialism denies that man is made in the image of God Therefore, he is devoid of divine attributes. " In the image of himself (man) he created Him (God) ; not vice versa." (August Bebel, " Woman and Socialism," p. 438.) " It is no longer God and Man, nor even Man and God, but Man only, with God an anthropomorphic shadow, related to man not as his creator, but as created by him. God and Man are not ' two ' but in reality ' one.' " (Arthur Morrow Lewis, " Evolution Social and Organic," p. 133.) Socialism denies belief in religion Thereby re- pudiating all moral standards for thought, word and deed. " Religion is the opium of the people. It is the striving of FAITH AND FATALISM 55 the people for an imaginary happiness. It springs from a state of society that requires an illusion." (Karl Marx, " Critique of the Philosophy of Law by Hegel.") Reporting to the National Socialist Party Convention, Indianapolis, May 12-28, 1912 (Proceedings, p. 247- 248) the Executive Committee of the National Lettish organization urges opposition to Christian morality: " The ethics of Socialism and religion are directly opposed to each other. Christianity teaches brotherly love for all, Socialism discriminates among social classes. It (Socialism) preaches the class struggle among those whose interests are opposed. . . . the Church puts the stamp of approval (good) or disapproval (bad), according to some superhuman ethics, dictated by a being unknown to mankind." " While large masses of the people are completely in ignorance about the most elementary parts of natural science it is an easy task for the Church to beguile the workers and to make them intellectual cripples. Once they have become such, they gladly accept the spiritual crutches ex- tended to them by the servants of the Church. . . ." " Our members ought to be enlightened about the evolu- tion of the universe, development of mankind, and other important matters of natural science in order that any kind of superstition may be eliminated from midst our ranks." This self-same hostile attitude towards religion is taken in every country. The British Socialist Party Manifesto (1911) that is "issued not as the view of an individual ~bui as the accepted manifesto of the Socialist party on the subject of Socialism and Religion" begins by quoting Karl Marx that religion is a mere " reflex of the real world " and that the " mystical veil," religion, 56 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE will be " stripped off " when we shall have " a society of freely associated men." The Manifesto then pro- ceeds in its own language : "It is, therefore, a profound truth that Socialism is the natural enemy of religion.. Through Socialism alone will the relations between men in society, and their relations to Nature, become reasonable, orderly, and completely intelligi- ble, leaving no nook or cranny for superstition. The entry of Socialism is consequently, the exodus of religion." Socialism denies the claims of the old Jewish theory and the claims of the religion of Christ that morality and ethics are fundamentally based upon religion the relations of man to his Maker. "Morality and ethics have nothing to do with organized religion. The contrary is asserted only by weak-minded persons and hypocrites." (August Bebel, " Woman and Socialism," p. 321.) Socialism denies eternal principles the necessity of universal standards. " There never could be and there cannot be a standard of moral principles suitable to all times and conditions." (Philip Kappaport, Chicago, 1913, "Looking Forward," p. 93.) " Truth is relative, not absolute. There are no absolute standards of right and wrong." (Joseph Cohen, " Socialism for Students," p. 120.) So easily by mere denial is God, Revealed re- ligion and the Ten Commandments ruled out of reckon- FAITH AND FATALISM 57 ing by the followers of those who pose as having the only rational view of life, in retrospect and in prospect. Upon their imperial SBgis of denial, Socialists proceed to lay down the law. Surely the universal practise amongst men of judging this good and that bad must be accounted for. Consequently they had better begin with the customs of savage tribes. Why ? Oh ! because the knowledge we have of these peoples is our latest acquisition. Is it not plain that our earliest records, both inspired or secular, were written by civilized peoples. Thus the less we know the more Socialists as- sume to know about the infancy of the race. With neither spiritual light nor human intelligence to begin with albeit God's perfect creation to the contrary men must await their time to " learn to produce food in abundance " before " the practise of man-eating and killing its own members becomes im- moral." (" Socialism in Theory and Practise " Hillquit, p. 53.) Ergo, this the proof that moral stand- ards are evolutionary not eternally fixed. Moreover, to give good measure and some thrown in, it is taken for granted that cannibalism was the common " moral " practise during the infancy of the race. Of course, one must naturally be given a lower standard from which to evolve upward. Yet, since both history and science are agreed that cannibalism has been found only in isolated instances as a food supply, and then amongst degen- erate tribes, somehow the underpinning of Socialist " morals " has dropped out altogether. Happily our native Americans have rather a clean record : 58 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE " Cannibalism simply for the sake of food could hardly be said to exist (among Indians), but, as a war ceremony or sacrifice following a savage triumph, the custom was very general, particularly on the Texas coast and among the Iro- quoian and Algonquian tribes of the east." (Professor James Mooney, U. S. Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, D. C., p. 750, Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 7.) If not history, nor science, then a little logical think- ing should be of service to those who are wont to con- demn the evils of our day with the principles set forth by the Ten Commandments the natural law im- planted in each and every one of the human race. For they have but to view their own inconsistency by con- trasting the principles with which they win sympathy, from those who defend the oppressed, and the fatuity with which they set out their hope for a " free society." Evidently it has not yet occurred to these doctrinaires that if there were no static force, there would be nothing by which to recognize the opposite dynamic force. And, thus, to reason, the moral law necessarily holds as against all pressure against it by its opposite im- moral force. Yet, if neither history, science nor logical thinking, from a basic ground that satisfies human reason, finds favor, there remains conscience. It per- sists calling men back to the natural law of their being. And at the end of life there is the Judgment. No, hell is not paved with good intentions, and the law is not far away from any one of us. " Quidquid fit contraconscientiam, sedificat ad gehennam " The rule and measure of duty is not utility, nor expedience, FAITH ASTD FATALISM 59 nor the happiness of the greatest number, nor State con- venience, nor fitness, order and the pulchrum. Conscience is not a long-sighted selfishness, nor a desire to be consistent with oneself; but it is a messenger from Him Who both in nature and in grace, speaks to us behind a veil, and teaches and rules us by His representatives. Conscience is the Vicar of Christ, a prophet in its informations, a monarch in its peremptoriness, a priest in its blessings and anathemas, and even though the eternal priesthood throughout the Church could cease to be, in it the sacerdotal principle would remain and would have sway." (The Fourth Lateran Council of the Catholic Church, A. D. 1215.) Seeing that their denials would sweep away the foun- dation of things rational, let us now turn the tables and see what Socialists set forth as their positive doctrine. Socialism asserts man's origin from the brute creation, unqualifiedly. "Darwin dealt the metaphysical concept of Nature the heaviest blow by his proof that all organic human beings, plants, animals, and man himself, are the products of a process of evolution going on through millions of years." (Frederick Engels, " Socialism Utopian and Scientific," p. 83.) " Neither as a thinking man nor as a moral being is man essentially different from the animal" (p. 119). "Probably man is not sprung from the highest type of apes, the man apes, which are tending to die out, but from a lower species of four-handed animals" (p. 75). (Karl Kautsky, "Ethics and the Materialist Conception of History.") Not to call upon religious experience for testimony, the objection is, that neither science nor common knowl- 60 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE edge upholds this dictum of no essential difference be- tween mankind and the animals. Just to the contrary, since " animals do not think." Animals have not the positive art principle; man is so endowed. When ani- mals build it is according to a design that they work out by instinct. It is God's wisdom, of which they partake non-consciously, that guides them. When ani- mals are domesticated, the will of man dominates their acts to that degree which makes them useful to him. Man is the " tool-using animal " for the sufficient reason that he has reason plus instinct. Animals use sub- stances and forces negatively they act in negative obedience with perfect conformity to the law of their being. On the contrary, man uses substances, ob- jects and forces positively; knowingly he carries out his own positively created designs. God gives the animals all things of natural creation which by his intui- tion man sees to be good for his purposes. By his free will man selects this and that. Having created his designs out of that immaterial stuff that the human mind alone is capable of using, the man proceeds to work up the things he has appropriated, from the natural store- house, into utilities. So it is that by universal experi- ence an immeasurable gulf has ever been known to lie between the brute creation and the human race. Not only do Socialists hold this gross error that man is different only in degree, not in kind, from the animals as against the common testimony of all the ages but they will not yield even to the world's most reputable and renowned scientists in the matter. Even FAITH AND FATALISM 61 though " newspaper " science still flatters this ignorant assumption it should be the common knowledge of criti- cal minds that the great biologists hold the undivided opinion that there is no data extant to prove the so- called Darwinian evolutionary theory of man's animal descent. Yet, since the fact is that " a comprehensive grasp of the Socialist philosophy implies a knowledge of Darwinian theories" ("Evolution Social and Or- ganic," p. 41, A. M. Lewis), the conclusion is that both the one and the other is quite out of reason, since they are in unity. Together with other of the world's greatest authorities on this matter may be found the names of many priests and Catholic laymen. Eev. H. Muckermann, S. J., pro- fessor of biology, thus concludes an article (Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 5, p. 670) : " There is no evidence in favor of an ascending evolution of organic forms. For there is no trace of even a merely probable argument in favor of the animal origin of man. The earliest human fossils and the most ancient traces of culture refer to a true Homosapiens as we know him to-day." With one prominent exception, it may fairly be said that the leading men of science hold the views quoted from Fr. Muckermann. That one exception is rather a camouflage, than an endorsement of the theory of man's origin from the ape. For it was the misfortune or mayhap fortune of Ernest Haeckel to be dis- credited at the college of Jena by his German as- sociates in science for using fictitious diagrams of the 62 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE " missing link " in the interest of a blood connection be- tween the man and the monkey. In his brilliant and scholarly book " The Oldest Riddle and the Newest Answer " (London, 1904) a reply to Haeckel, John Gerard, S.J., F.L.S., gives a list of Continental scholars " all of whom either reject Dar- winism altogether^ or admit it only with fatal reserva- tions." Viz : Blanchard, Wigaud, Wolff, Hamann, Pauly, Driesch, Plate, Hertwig, Heer, Kolliker, Emier, Von Hartmann, Schilde, Du Bois-Reymond, Virchow, Rageli, Schaafhauser, Fechner, Jakob, Huber, Joseph Rauke, and Van Bauer. An equally long list of American scholars could be named. Let us quote from two, Dr. N. S. Shaler, professor of geology at Harvard University, once an advocate of the Darwinian theory of evolution says: "It begins to be evident to naturalists, that the Darwinian hypothesis is still essentially unverified. Notwithstanding the evidence derived from the study of animals and plants under domestication, it is not yet proved that a single species of the two or three millions now inhabitating the earth had been established solely, or mainly by the operation of natural selection." " Professor Arthur Keith in ' The Antiquity of Man,' speaking of the latest discovery the Neanderthal Man, observed: 'When we come to review critically the facts relating to the earlier discoveries, made in England, France and Italy, we were compelled to admit that men of the modern type had been in existence long before the extinction of the Neanderthal type.'" But Socialists are not to be turned back from their confidence in the novelty of Darwinism merely because twentieth-century scientists repudiate its claims. Their FAITH AND FATALISM 63 mechanical theory renders them science-proof. Neither the lack of data nor the force of argument is of any avail. " // science has departed from Socialism so much the worse for science." Did not Marx discover the science of life ? that " mind is matter in motion " ? What then care they what other people think or say. The agnostics who still question whether or not God exists are quite too pink and white for their red blood. Only in their most ideological mood is the word soul employed and then, of course, it has completely changed its mean- ing. In the " Evolution of Man " a book most in- dustriously circulated, one lecturer alone disposing of two entire editions an appeal is made from the depths of his human " soul," since all are brothers, never to step on a beetle : "And from the depths of the human soul, . . . still an- other voice whispers into my inner ear. ... It is that other simple message which tells us : ' Thou shalt not torture any animal uselessly; thou shalt not wantonly break any flower, for they, too, are distant relations in the great flow of life, they, too, are still your brothers in the unfathomable recesses of nature. Helpless stands that flower, or that glittering little beetle before you, just like a trembling little child. But the child grows up into a man, and who knows what this flower or that beetle may become some day, or what may have become of others like them, millions of years ago ! " (P. 12, William Bolsche.) Assuming the chemical and mechanical origin of the universe : Socialism denies free will. Blotting out free will is simple enough by their 64 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE method dogmatism resting on desire. The stubborn facts that attest the freedom of man's will are brushed airily to one side in their desire to prove what is not so the absence of an intelligent First Cause. Failing first of all to distinguish between the organic and the inorganic: failing again to make the vital dis- tinction between the animal acts and the rational acts of the individual man, Socialists argue that the free will of man postulates acts without causes. In other words they deny self-determination to the soul. And this is but carrying atheism to its logical conclusion. If, indeed, a " causeless cause " rests behind all phe- nomena there is, of course, no intelligent cause any- where to be found, neither within nor without. Now this argument proves too much, for the fact of the mat- ter is that the rational view is compelled by the human experience of all the ages to acknowledge, that within an environment where cause and effect act and react according to the reign of physical, material and animal law the human mind, at will, can interject acts free from the determination that results from mere material causes. That is to say, man is endowed by his positive art principle with the capacity to create within creation a material phenomena that is easily distinguished from the works of nature herself and, too, he is able to create a psychology that is morally good or bad. So it is against universal experience and right-reason that Socialists assert that: " The Marxist absolutely denies the freedom of the will. FAITH AND FATALISM 65 Every human action is inevitable." (" Socialism, Positive and Negative," p. 65, Kobert Hives La Monte.) " The will does not choose of itself, as was supposed by the inventors of free will, that product of the impotency of the psychological analysis not yet arrived at maturity." ("Essays on the Materialistic Conception of History," An- tonio Labriola, p. 206.) " The admission of the Free-will is out of the question " (Enrico Ferri). The admission of free will certainly would be out of the question if Socialists could first blot out the exist- ence of God, and, then, the fact of civilization itself. For the mind reasoning rightly asserts the existence of Supreme Intelligence and the fact of civilization proves human intelligence in the construction of every city and town where within certain limits free choice is shown. Enrico Ferri proceeds: "Free will would imply that the human will, confronted by the choice of making voluntary a certain determination, has the last decisive word under the pressure of circumstances contending for and against this decision: . . ." (P. 65, " The Positive School of Criminology," Chicago, 1913.) The retort scientific is it has ! It may be left to Robert Blatchford to put their fatalistic doctrine into the mouth of the soap-boxer to be passed on with speed to the army of the Revolution: " If our heredity and our environment be good, we must act well, we cannot help it; if they be ill, we must act ill, we cannot help it. Suppose a tramp has murdered a child on the highway, has robbed her of a few coppers and has thrown her body into a ditch : Do you mean to say that 66 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE tramp could not help doing that? Do you mean he is not to blame not to be punished? Yes, I mean to say all these things and if all of these things are not true, this book is not worth the paper it is written on." (" Not Guilty.") Yet, since " Not Guilty " wears the habit of a man and uses rational words, he should be expected to know that the words good, bad and true have no significance if men have not the choice of being true or false to the law of their being the choice of being good or bad. SOCIALISM DENIES THE MARRIAGE BOND Here we come to the crux of the whole subject-matter under observation for the dissolution of civilization is the price of Socialism of Bolshevism. At length, after all these Protestant years since the blasting of the marriage bond became the cause of a state religion by human will established, it is now alleged that a scien- tific sanction has been formed for a " free society." Just as one lie leads to another in bolstering up a bad cause, so one social assault upon the moral constitu- tion of civil society leads to another, in the attempt to maintain the corrupt position at first taken. It is, then, clear enough that those who would give license free reign over law, with headlong course should run to their goal the death of decency. So it is not until the Socialist attack upon private property has been pushed home to its source that it is seen for what it essentially is the point at which to stab human society in its vitals. Once the vast majority of the units that go to make up the Commonwealth shall have been disrupted, FAITH AOT) FATALISM 67 it is certain that civilization were sick unto death. Yet, it is as certain that one guard may be employed by a nation and one only a return to the Ark of the Covenant. For God made these twain one flesh by the bond of marriage and He established the right of private property for the secure maintenance of the family. SOCIALISM ASSERTS SEX FREEDOM Socialist " science " reverses the will of God and gives to private property the role of setting up the bad practise of one man one wife. In " The Origin of the Family " a classic that is accepted by all of the authoritative Bolshevist writers the world over the economic origin of the family usurps the place of the family of divine origin. The book was written out by Friedrich Engels from notes left by Karl Marx. The argument runs its course to the proposed emancipation of women. Not, however, without the self-same inconsistencies that per- force accompany their every phase of doctrine. " The modern monogamous family " came into existence from the fact that in the earlier period of the struggle for existence the man being the stronger for no known reason naturally held a superior economic position. Following up this advantage over the woman, she was held in subjection at the pleasure of the male until the practise gradually became somewhat general. For some unknown reason, men were caused by their desire to favor their own offspring by bequests of property at death. Thus the accumulation of wealth, in the days of primitive production, laid the foundation for our 68 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE present " capitalist society " ; within which we are but cogs in an economic wheel that moves everybody along with it in spite of ourselves. The reason being that we are not yet sufficiently class conscious to throw off the right of private property, together with the rest of our obligations under the Ten Commandments. However, the argument proceeds to a climax, near at hand. Since the means of producing the necessities of living are now so highly developed that woman's work is very nearly, if not quite, as efficient as man's work, the conclusion is absolute that the period in time is now upon us for the introduction by fate of eco- nomic equality and with it comes the emancipation of woman from the burdens of the family, while, of course, the man is scotfree. Great is Diana! Because Socialism embraces the whole philosophy of life, minus a heavenly home, it will, forsooth, have no marriages on earth. It's all very well for Christians to talk of the individual being the unit of the society in the Kingdom of God and of the family being the unit of the society on earth, but since Socialists deny tribute to Caesar there shall be no families on earth. The transition is staged to take place upon " the in- troduction of the whole female sex into the public in- dustries" ("The Origin of the Family," p. 89.) The consequence is certainly momentous : " With the transformation of the means of production into collective property the monogamous family ceases to be the eco- nomic unit of society/' No doubt about it for this FAITH AND FATALISM 69 dogma rests upon the ipse dixit of Engels and Marx. Socialists know just what will happen if not just when. Are not Engels and Marx the men and is not Eosa the woman who from the preeminence of the class-conscious have scaled the dizzy heights of race-consciousness, be- fore all others? To be sure, Engels and Marx are long since dead, but Rosa, poor Eosa, the mob has just taken her life. So it shall be that from the degrading economic dependence of her home the very throne of the mother women en masse shall be sometime free to tend a modern machine instead of the baby. For the care and education of " legal and illegal " (p. 91) chil- dren become a public matter. There is, indeed, some doubt as to what manner of man the race shall become with the purely animal in- stinct of sex love as the one and only condition of mat- ing and parting. But, at all events this is the method by which the race shall arrive at the freedom-well of the super-men. They have no need nor no longing to go home. At any rate, " A positive cessation of fondness or its replacement by a new passionate love makes a separation a blessing for both parties and for society. But, humanity will be spared the useless wading through the mire of a divorce (court) case." (" Origin of the Family," p. 99.) Eeally it is so simple no marriage, no divorce. We should be entirely willing to await developments. To quote : " What we may anticipate about the adjustment of sexual relations after the impending downfall of capitalist produc- 70 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUEE tion is mainly of a negative nature and mostly confined to elements that will disappear. But what will be added ? That will be decided after a new generation has come to ma- turity: . . ." ("Origin of the Family," p. 109.) SOCIALISTS ADVOCATE FEEE LOVE, Socialist philosophy regarding the relation of the sexes is not a mere speculation as to future conduct and results. It has a practical application as to the viola- tion of the Christian law of marriage here and now and a quarrel with the binding force of the legal tie. No one of the great international authorities has stated the case more frankly than the distinguished Englishman, Ernest Belf ort Bax. To quote : " A man may justly reject the dominant sexual morality : he may condemn the monogamic marriage-system which ob- tains to-day; he may claim the right of free union between men and women; he may contend he is perfectly at liberty to join himself, either temporarily or permanently, with a woman; and that the mere legal form of marriage has no binding force for him." (" Outlooks from a New Stand- point," p. 114.) This is the cold and cruel craft of a brilliant mind gone wrong. Its appeal is to the vicious judgments of men, inducing them to throw off their marital obliga- tions on the ground of animal freedom. Utterly re- nouncing the duty of self-purity in the man; utterly repudiating the right of the wife in the one flesh of these twain; utterly ignoring the right of organized society that its units shall be kept sound in the interest FAITH AND FATALISM 71 of public, moral and physical health. This is bad enough ! But, the lurid warmth of the appeals 1 to women for a generous self-sacrifice is much more telling in the corruption of the family. The New York Call (Oct. 20, 1918) in its home section, "Woman's Page," urges women themselves to throw off religious restraints and conventions in the interest of economic, political and social freedom. The matter is taken from Edward Carpenter's " Love's Coming of Age " (Chicago, 1903). Here is the call to universal death and damnation. God forbid a response thereto ! " There is no solution, except in the freedom of woman which means, of course, also the freedom of the masses of the people, men and women, and the ceasing altogether of economic slavery. There is no solution which will not in- clude the redemption of the terms ' free woman ' and ' free love' to their true and rightful significance. Let every woman whose heart bleeds for the sufferings of her sex hasten to declare herself, and to constitute herself, as far as she possibly can, a free woman. Let her accept the term with all the odium that belongs to it; let her insist on her right to speak, dress, think, act, and, above all, to use her sex as she deems best ; let her face the scorn and ridicule ; let her ' lose her own life,' if she like ; assured that only so can come deliverance, and that only when the free woman is honored will the prostitute cease to exist." SOCIALISM PROMOTES EASY DIVORCE In their dramas, novels, short stories and in their so-called scientific works, from their professorial chairs, from their lecture halls and on the street corners Social- ists have outrun every other evil force in the world that 72 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUEE makes for easy divorce. But, when their speaking is official, in the ward-room, the Legislature, the halls of Congress, their vote follows their talk in favor of any and every measure that would lessen the integrity of the state. Where, for the nonce, the Socialist majority the Bolsheviki are in political control, the license to deny marital obligation, at will, is enacted into the statutes. Let us set forth the proof in their own words of class-conscious confidence : " The dissolution of the marriage relation will become as purely a personal and private affair as is the assumption of the relation now." (" Puritanism," Clarence Meily, p. 133.) Philip Rappaport is presumed to be an expert upon this phase of Socialism. In " Looking Forward " a very popular setting forth of the doctrine so ponderously promulgated in " The Origin of the Family " the soap-boxers find their arguments in language that they can convey to the audience that run together on the street corners : " Moral or religious scruples against divorce generally should not prevail. These are matters of conscience entirely foreign to the nature of a valid civil contract, and entirely within the province of individual judgment." ("Looking Forward," p. 119.) Here may be seen the principle of private judgment no longer in its green but in its rotten ripe fruit. To continue : FAITH AND FATALISM 73 " Divorce, although always an individual problem, would not be a social problem at all, if it were not made one by superstition, bigotry and intolerance." (" Looking For- ward," p. 133.) Reason here is truly fled to brutish beasts, as one cannot touch the subject of divorce save the rights of parents are brought into personal conflict relative to the mutual privileges and obligations one has vested in the other. It was no mere sentimental boast, but rather a profound understanding of the human constitution, that Shakespeare puts into the mouth of Portia : "With leave, Bassanio; I am half yourself, And I must freely have the half of anything That this same paper brings you." Then, too, divorce is a family, rather than an indi- vidual, question, relative to the natural right of the children to the care and command of their parents, before they attain to the use of free-will. Moreover, divorce is a social question, since a conflict necessarily ensues between the authority of parents and the author- ity of organized society. Parental authority over their children, being conditioned upon life itself, is prior to the authority of the commonwealth over its citizens. Consequently parents have no natural right to abrogate their authority in favor of the state nor has the state the social right to usurp the authority to care for and command these children. Obviously, again, the state has not the moral right to give over the children to the one or the other of their parents, since the children have 74' BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUEE the right to the joint care of both their parents. The conclusion is rational divorce acts against the natural rights of the individual, the family and organized so- ciety by breaking up the stability of the marriage bond. Yet, after all, it is not so much right argument that is needed to overcome Socialist propaganda when it takes on the sentimental phase as it is that sense of purity that abhors what is evil. Chastity is not so much in reason as in emotion. Not so much in right- thought about God as in right-relation with God. However, it seems necessary to permit Socialists to bespeak their own subversive doctrine relative to family purity. " If the marriage-tie could be easily dissolved, there would be an unceasing endeavor to keep alive the holy flame of love once existing, and the blissful state of wooing would never come to an end. I am firmly of the opinion that the best means to accomplish a reduction in the number of divorces is to make divorce very easy." (" Looking For- ward," p. 12.) " In their chapter ' Socialism Triumphant ' William Morris and Ernest Belfort Bax (joint authors 'Socialism: Its Growth and Outcome,' Chicago, 1909, p. 226) resume that under Socialism ' a new development of the family would take place, on the basis, not of a predetermined life-long business arrangement, to be formally and nominally held to irrespec- tive of circumstances, but on mutual inclination and affec- tion, an association terminable at the will of either party.' " Speaking of the " liberal " divorce laws, for which the Socialists fought unitedly in the Chamber of FAITH AND FATALISM 75 Deputies, Jean Jaures (" New York Independent " August 20, 1908) is quoted, saying: " They were free to make the marriage and should in the same way be free to unmake it. In fact, just as the will of one of the parties could have prevented the marriage, so the will of one should be able to end it. The power to annul should, of course, be all the stronger when' both parties desire it." After some forty-odd years of restless propaganda theory has passed into fact. In Russia the Bolsheviki, as the Socialists are popularly called, have, alas, come into their own. The Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic has enacted legislation for that most distracted country. The Decree of Divorce issued by the Council of Peoples Commissaires, Section No. 1, reads " Di- vorce shall be granted upon application made by either or both parties/' From the foregoing citations it should be certain that Socialism prosecutes its scheme with determination against the very heartbeat of civil society. Nor should this be a wonder that rebellion against the whole order of creation should run to the extreme limit of its evil power in the destruction and corruption of human society. One more quotation from this enemy of God and men shall suffice to set forth their standards and their purpose that finds its only sanction in the shifty sands of blind force. " Socialist philosophy proves conclusively that the realiza- tion of the positive political and economic ideals of socialism 76 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE involves the atrophy of Religion, the metamorphosis of the Family and the Suicide of the State." (" Socialism Positive and Negative," p. 89.) Since it is before the bar of God's justice that all human schemes, good and bad, receive their acid test it is to the Pope that we shall go for those standards relative to the family from which mankind may not depart with impunity. " Truly it is hardly possible to describe how great are the evils that flow from divorce. Matrimonial contracts are by it made variable ; mutual kindness is weakened ; deplorable inducements to unfaithfulness are supplied; harm is done to the education and training of children; occasion is af- forded for the breaking up of homes; the seeds of dis- sension are sown among families; the dignity of womanhood is lessened and brought low, and women run the risk of being deserted after having ministered to the pleasures of man. Since, then, nothing has such power to lay waste families and destroy the mainstay of kingdoms as the corruption of morals, it is easily seen that divorces are in the highest degree hostile to the prosperity of families and States, springing as they do from the depraved morals of the people, and, as experience shows us, opening out a way to every kind of evil doing in public alike and in private life. " The constant and watchful care of the Church in guard- ing marriage, by the preservation of its sanctity, is so well understood as not to need proof. That the judgment of the Council of Jerusalem reprobated licentious and free love (Acts xv, 29), we all know; as also that the incestuous Corinthian was condemned by the authority of blessed Paul (I Cor. v, 5). Again, in the very beginning of the Christian Church were repulsed and defeated, with the like unremit- ting determination, the efforts of many who aimed at the FAITH AND FATALISM 77 destruction of Christian marriage, such as the Gnostics, Manicheans, and Montanists ; and in our own time, Mormons, St. Simonians, Phalansterians, and Communists. "In like manner, moreover, a law of marriage just to all, and the same for all, was enacted by the abolition of the old distinction between slaves and free-born men and women ; and thus the rights between husbands and wives were made equal; for, as St. Jerome says, 'with us that which is un- lawful for women is unlawful for men also, and the same restraint is imposed on equal conditions.' The self-same rights also were firmly established for reciprocal affection and for the interchange of duties ; the dignity of the woman was asserted and assured; and it was forbidden to the man to inflict capital punishment for adultery, or lustfully and shamelessly to violate his plighted faith. "It is also a great blessing that the Church has limited, as far as is needful the power of fathers of families, so that sons and daughters wishing to marry are not in any way deprived of their rightful freedom; that, for the purpose of spreading more widely the supernatural love of husbands and wives, she has decreed marriages within certain degrees of consanguinity or affinity to be null and void; that she has taken the greatest pains to safeguard marriage, as much as possible, from error and violence and deceit; that she has always wished to preserve the holy chasteness of the mar- riage bed, personal rights, the honor of husband and wife, and the security of religion. "Lastly, with such power and with such foresight of legislation has the Church guarded this divine institution, that no one who thinks rightly of these matters can fail to see how, with regard to marriage, she is the best guardian and defender of the human race ; and how withal her wisdom has come forth victorious from the lapse of years, from the assaults of men, and from the countless changes of public events." ("Christian Marriage," Pope Leo XIII.) Ill PATRIOTISM PATRIOTISM? That all-embracing motive that unites the natural virtues in a supreme love for the body-politic as a moral entity: That civic passion from which proceeds devoted service to one's country in times of peace : That self-sacrifice that prompts one to give his all for his home-land in times of war. So it is that within the scope of Pagan glory, patriotism stands full orbed. Heroic deeds done for love of coun- try ever count first above all earthly gifts of wealth, honor, power or fame. Men born of such mothers as Volumnia hold above all earthly treasure above all earthly joy the gift of one's blood for one's country. Volumnia " I tell thee, daughter, I spring not more in joy at first hearing he was a man-child than now in first see- ing he had proved himself a man." Virgilia " But had he died in the business, madam ; how then?" 'Volumnia " Then his good report should have been my son; I therein would have found issue. Hear me profess sincerely: had I a dozen sons, each in my love alike and none less dear than thine and my good Marcius, I had rather had eleven die nobly for their country than one voluptuously surfeit out of action." Virgilia " His bloody brow ! O Jupiter, no blood ! " Away, you fool ! It more becomes a man 78 PATRIOTISM 79 than gilt his trophy; the breasts of Hecuba, when she did suckle Hector, looked not lovelier than Hector's forehead when it spit forth blood at Grecian sword, contemning." But when to the natural virtue of patriotism Religion lends her vision, men arise and sign a pledge with David : u If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be for- gotten. Let my tongue cleave to my jaws if I do not remem- ber thee: If I make not Jerusalem the beginning of my joy. (Psalm 136.) Even in the exalted mood of patriotism, David tempers his pledge Jerusalem shall be the beginning of his joy since God is the end, the completion of all joy. Thus it is a very practical matter of every-day duty to inculcate the virtue of patriotism and to practise it, since God is the Maker of Man and the Author of Nations. The Catholic Church has ever held her children in duty bound to cherish and to love the country in which they live and receive such enjoyments as this mortal life affords. Pope Leo XIII " On the Chief Duties of Christians as Citizens" -places patriotism as a strict obligation, natural and supernatural. Thus at once is separated and united the domain of Caesar, to whom we must pay tribute, with our duty towards God : " The natural law enjoins us to love devotedly and to defend the country in which we had birth, and in which we were brought up, so that every good citizen hesitates 80 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE not to face death for his native land." (Encyclical Letter, Jan. 10, 1890.) Accepting, then, the principle that patriotism of the highest flame is motived by religion, we may logically expect as we run down to lesser faith to find lesser patriotism in those " after-Christians " who have re- placed Catholicism with a sort of natural religion. But when we shall have come down to the perversity of a materialistic philosophy, there, indeed, patriotism is al- together excluded, for it has no support in natural law or in supernatural sanction. Yet, withal, God is not mocked for men are men. Love of country finds no place in the philosophy of Socialist doctrinaires. Patriotism is a sentiment culti- vated by the bourgeoisie in their own interest and so of no binding force. Adherents to modern class-struggle are guided by " The Socialist Declaration of Indepen- dence " The Communist Manifesto given to the world by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels in 1848. This. Manifesto by a method of negation prompts its advocates to unpatriotic thought and action. To quote : " The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got " is its argument in answer to the proposition that " The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationalities." The document proceeds to make it certain that it is the world supremacy of the proletariat that is the aim, to which the Manifesto is the guide. This view holds sway the world over with the followers PATRIOTISM 81 of the red flag. " Aside from its historic and political significance, the Communist Manifesto will remain a conspicuous monument in the literature of the world; as long as thoughts possess a sense and words have a sound" (Editor " Die Gleichbert/' the Radical Re- view, 1ST. Y., July, 1917). However democratic the form of government, their revolutionary aim is ever in view The World for the Workers. Socialists in our own country are no excep- tion. The Communist Manifesto dominates the party policy of the Socialist and the Socialist Labor parties of the United States. Eugene V. Debs, four times presidential candidate of the Socialist Party, during an address in Tremont Temple, Boston (Oct. 26, 1915) scorned the very idea of patriotism in the working class ! " Talk about men of Europe fighting for patriotism and love of their country? The workingman in any part of the world never had a country to fight for." The Socialist Labor Party, never in the rear as to revolutionary pronouncements, makes its voice heard through Arthur E. Reimer Candidate for President - in a " Working-Class Message on Preparedness " (The Weekly People, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1915). " At the risk of being called traitors the Socialist Labor Party does not consider any country under capitalis't rule worthy of defense. We say, and we say without fear of contradiction and in the face of the opposition that naturally will confront the Socialist Labor Party, that there is no country, including the United States, a capitalist country, that is worthy of the working class spilling its blood for it." 82 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE Only a few days later than this Christmas Day repudiation of loyalty to their country the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Labor Party (Jan. 2, 1916) passed a resolution endorsing the sentiments of its presidential nominee. It was officially declared : " The working class should not consider any country under capitalist rule worthy of defense no matter what the cir- cumstance may be." This were quite enough to prove that the Marxian dogma " Workingmen have no country " is relied upon by both Socialist parties as the solid ground for treasonable utterance. Yet, we shall, from a mass of evidence select additional matter taken from a critique of John Spargo relative to the St. Louis Emergency Convention by the Socialist party leaders. This con- vention sent out its report against the participation of our country in the European war and " mass action " was threatened against our government. Mr. Spargo was a member of " The Committee on War and Mili- tarism." Objecting to the " Majority Report " Mr. Spargo says of his former comrades: " At least six members expressed themselves as being ut- terly opposed to any action by the workers in defense of the nation : ' The workers have no country ; it is a capitalist's country, whether they are governed by Czar Nicholas or Woodrow Wilson, or whether the government is republican or monarchial, is a matter of complete indifference to the class-conscious workers,' ' Suppose we were invaded by Ger- many or by Mexico, why should we care? Instead of fight- ing them we should welcome the invaders as our brothers ' PATRIOTISM 83 these statements which I wrote down at the time fairly indicate the point of view of the most influential element in the Committee. Later, the spokesman of the group fought for hours against the use of such phrases as ' our government ' consistently adhering to their theory that the working-class can have no country and no government. They opposed the inclusion in the program of action specific collectivist measures, on the ground that such measures would, if adopted, 'help the capitalists to win the war.' They op- posed the inclusion of a proposal to work for the humani- tarian treatment of prisoners and the observance of lawful and humane methods of war, on the ground that such action would ' make war more tolerable.' " (" Americanism and Social Democracy," N. Y., 1918, pp. 280-281.) Surely, these then comrades of Mr. Spargo gave strict adhesion to the doctrine of the Communist Manifesto. What was Socialism in times of peace should, to them, be Socialism in times of war. But to Mr. Spargo this was a time " when a fella needs a friend." So being anxious to take Marx with him out of the Socialist Party since his own war sentiments were almost unani- mously outvoted, Mr. Spargo ascribes to Marx's youth- ful enthusiasm his 1847 declaration that " workingmen have no country." He argues that later in life Marx " advocated policies which implied the abandonment of his youthful generalizations." Assuming this to be a correct view for which we see no substantial evi- dence whatsoever the fact remains that, save here and there, a man has seceded from this time-worn treason, the party followers of Marx, especially in our own country, have abandoned not one iota of their anti- patriotic attitude towards integral nations. Capitalism 84 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE is world-wide, ergo Socialism shall be world-wide! This issue has ever served as the touchstone that dis- tinguishes reform from revolution, the Socialist from the reformer. However, far be it from our purpose to insist upon the consistency of Socialists towards their doctrines. This were utterly impossible since their principles are void of a rational foundation, while men are perforce rational beings. Operating from a false premise as to human nature their acts are, at times, necessarily at variance with their doctrine. Their philosophy denies free-will but since Socialists are gifted by God with a rational nature, they are sure to operate upon the assumption that free-will is an attribute of human nature. They affect to reject reform altogether, but their " present demands " are largely made up of measures taken from reform platforms. Again, Social- ists raise up their voices in favor of self-determination of India, not because they would admit that Indian workmen have a country, but as a means of propaganda against England a capitalist government. Whether or not Marx penned his shibboleth against patriotism in the unreasoning exuberance of youth, the Socialist party still adheres to its treasonable intention : " As an American Socialist party, we pledge our fidelity to the principles of international Socialism, as embodied in the thought and action of the Socialists of all nations. The chief significance of all national boundaries, and of so-called patriotisms which the ruling class of each nation is seeking to revive, is the power which these give to capitalism to PATRIOTISM 85 keep the workers of the world from uniting and to throw them against each other in the struggles of contending capitalist interests for the control of the yet unexploited markets of the world, or the remaining sources of profit." (Chicago Platform.) This international pledge to carry into practise the dogma that workmen have no country was kept by many who held elective office in national assemblies. Karl Liebknecht's " lone vote " was accounted an heroic act, since in obedience to the mandate of the Inter- national Socialist Congresses he had voted against the war credits. Eugene V. Debs sings his praise edi- torally : " When Karl LiebTcnecht stood up in the German reichstag, solitary and alone, even among his own Socialist colleagues, and voted against the war credit of five billion marks to pro- long the international butchery which has been going on these past several months, he proved himself a true repre- sentative of the Socialist movement and a genuine revolu- tionary hero worthy of the commendation of Socialists throughout the world." (" Rip Saw," St. Louis, Feb., 1915.) This same dogma was strictly obeyed by Ramsey MacDonald when he " opposed in Parliament the in- flation of British armaments, as all members are pledged to do in their respective countries/' (London Socialist Review.) So, too, was this dogma enacted by more than one thousand members of the Independent Labor Party in England, who in consequence were put behind the bars during the war. It was this underlying assump- tion that all government must be broken down in favor 86 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE of working class rule that caused the revolt of Lenine and Trotsky against a legitimate Constituent Assembly in Russia: That urged on the Socialist conspiracy to break down the morale of the Italian Army that brought about the disaster at Caporetto: That, no doubt, tempted Frederich Adler to murder the Prime Minister of Austria. It was this degraded view that " work- ing men have no country " bred in the bone of Jean Longuet a grandson of Karl Marx which led him to oppose self-defense of France. In our own Congress, Meyer London, has the unenviable record of refusing to vote for army and navy appropriations after our country entered the world war in the interest of demo- cratic government. Reasoning rightly the internationalism proposed by Socialists is not what the true sense of the word con- notes. The term assumes a relationship between two or more integral bodies of men. That is to say the moral integrity of nations is recognized by the fact of the relationship that binds them together either in law or in action whereas the view of a world society held by Socialists blots out individual nations. It were more to the point to insist that Socialism is anti-national rather than inter-national. Indeed, it may be seen that in doctrine and in practise Socialism is national only in the sense that it makes use of governments to break down nations ; for it is within national limits that eco- nomic classes are permitted to exist and defended by public opinion, law and force. Their inflated and dis- tended vision takes in a one-class administration of this PATRIOTISM 87 world's economic goods; and the means to this dizzy objective is a proletarian dictatorship in country after country until a classless society of economic equality may take on world proportions. To quote the Manifesto on this point: " The workingmen have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got. Since the proletariat must first of all acquire political supremacy, must rise to be the leading class in the nation, must constitute itself the nation, it is, so far, national, though not in the bourgeois sense of the word." Brought down to the concrete it is clear that Socialism is national only so far as it makes use of the instruments of a given country its press, platform, election ma- chinery, its popular opinion, etc., to gain " political supremacy " that it may further a world-wide revo- lution. " Shall we place the integrity and safety of this fatherland created by the bourgeoisie over the interests of the inter- national Socialist revolution ? " is the question scornfully asked by Nikolai Lenin, Prime Minister of Russia, in his Moscow Communication of Aug. 20, 1918, in his defense for the signing of the Brest-Litovsk treaty. His action is his answer No. In the nature of things, Socialists are obliged to carry on their propaganda within the confines of existing States. But evidence is manifold that it seeks to make the state " die out." This being so a necessary con- 88 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE elusion is that Socialist parties are not political parties in any proper sense of the word. Their object is not to carry on the affairs of the nation not to reform the methods of government for the good of the Common- wealth; their object is frankly treasonable the over- throw of civil society, which they dub the " Capitalist State." The St. Louis Emergency Convention of the Socialist Party (April, 1917) declared: " The Social revolution not political office is the end and aim of the Socialist Party. No compromise, no political trading." The World War put the human nature of the Socialist to the touchstone, the virtue of patriotism being the issue. Then it was that the natural love of country flared up in the breasts of Socialists who had forgotten their God and had for years dabbled in treason. Many men who used to be Revolutionary Socialists lined up with the governments of their country ; voted the war credits and accepted executive positions of great responsibility, quite contrary to the mandates of the International Socialist Congress that they had sworn to defend. So it is that by the scourge of war God brings men back to a sense of their duty to Caesar as Christ our Lord whipped those who traded in the Temple into a sense of their duty towards Jehovah their Father in Heaven. For instance Emile Vandervelde, Chairman of the Socialist Bureau, having in charge the affairs of the second red international, came to our country as an PATRIOTISM 89 especial envoy of the King of Belgium. During his mission in America, Vandervelde kept deliberately away from association with his fellow Socialists here, much to their chagrin. Yet, during this time, over in Bel- gium his comrades were singing L'International : The International Party Shall be the human race! Notwithstanding, they were firing bullets into their German comrades. In France, Jules Guesde and Marcel Sembat accepted portfolios in the Cabinet of Briand and Millerand: both of whom had previously been driven out of the Socialist party because they had accepted positions in " a bourgeois government." Scheidemann and his fellow Deputies, with one ex- ception, turned their backs upon their time-tried propa- ganda shibboleth Not a man and not a dollar for military purposes and lined up with the Kaiser voting the war budgets. The exception was Liebknecht. Later he headed the Spartacus group those who were Internationalists first and Germans afterwards. Mr. Scheidemann defended himself and his followers in a letter to the New Yorker Volkszeitung (Socialist daily, Sept. 10, 1914) : " We Social Democrats have not ceased to be Germans because we joined the Socialist International." But the sacrifice of nationality is precisely the price that Socialist principles exact from every comrade that he shall leave his homeland and make the world 90 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUEE his country. Hence the retort is apt: You ceased to be Germans when you joined the International you ceased to be International when you responded to the call of the German fatherland. When you depart from! the teaching of Marx you cease to be Socialists. So, in fact, it was that the great Social Democratic Party of Germany renounced the Revolution for Reform. Surely the mills of God grind slowly but at length the grist comes out in favor of the nature of man in favor of common sense. When a man with malice aforethought chooses the world for his country, he be- comes an outlaw, a man without a country, a traitor to his government, a man deliberately outside the moral constitution of human society, a recreant to his race, for the race is made up of nations. This is simple common sense, for God gave man his nature and the nations of the earth are by Him established. Because of the protection of the State the rights of men are maintained and their duties done. jN^o, those Socialists who rediscovered their patriotism, in whatsoever country, were not let off easily by their sometime comrades in the International. It was the same in the countries of the Allies and in America as it was within the central empires, wrath was freely expressed. The American Socialist, official organ of Socialist Party (Chicago, Dec. 12, 1914) vents forth its bitter woe through the pen of Oscar Ameringer lecturer and pamphleteer: " A tidal wave of patriotism swept the countries, and tore the best and clearest heads into the mad rush. German PATRIOTISM 91 Socialists shouted 'Hoch der Kaiser.' Herve, the unter- rified foe of war yelled ' Vive le Czar ' ; Sambat and Guesde joined the French cabinet with Millerand the Kenegade. Vandervelde becomes royal minister and peddles atrocity tales in England and America without finding time to call on a single prominent comrade on his journey and without visiting the headquarters of the party in a neutral country, as happened here in Chicago. Gorki, Maeterlinck, Haupt- mann, Wells, Sudermann, Anatole France, Kropotkin, Haeckel turn violent patriots." The conclusion, here, should be that it was just be- cause these men had the " best and clearest heads " amongst the Socialist groups, that they came back to sanity, by rendering unto Caesar what is due to Caesar, since each man in his respective country obeyed his country's mandate. However, it was left for John R. McMahon who has written extensively for party press to come a little nearer to the issue. In strict con- formity with his false philosophy he reverses the order of things natural, by making the return of the prodigal son a crime. To quote: " Socialism in Europe is guilty of a monstrous crime. It has swallowed its principles, spat upon brotherhood, be- trayed the class it professes to represent, everlastingly dis- graced the red banner of internationalism. It has sur- rendered to the enemy; it has joined with enthusiastic abandon the capitalistic and dynastic butchers who are turn- ing Europe into a people's killing bed. " These are severe charges for a Socialist to make against Socialists. I make them, and I know that hundreds of my comrades in this country are making them in their hearts, though they may not have yet publicly expressed them. 92 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE " Troelstra, leader of the Dutch Socialists, says that after the war the international movement will have to be re- constructed. He is right. Socialism will have to vivisect from itself its shining apostles in many lands Vander- velde of Belgium, Guesde of France, several Englishmen and Austrians, Deputy Haase and a large number of his fellow Judases masquerading as Socialists in the German Reich- stag. And the rank and file of the Socialist army must be purged of perhaps half its members, who are perfectly good patriots and butchers with a sickly tendency toward reform. " All our news from Europe is censored. Is it not possible that cunning military authorities have invented the patriotic spasms of Gustave Herve, the fatherland drivel of Germany, the motherland whine of England, and that appeal of German Socialists (God save the name!) to Italian and Dutch com- rades to " come on in, the blood is fine " ? Let us assume that these things have been invented, that the military au- thorities are writing and publishing the Socialist news- papers and Socialist manifestos of Europe. Assume so much, and yet we can hardly doubt the equally monstrous facts that Vandervelde, a leader of the international party, took a job in the war cabinet of Belgium, that Jules Guesde, the once venerable revolutionist of France, became a war minister of the French republic, and that English Socialism's best word to the combatants (excepting Keir Hardie's stal- wart but vain protest) has been to use the bayonet on our foreign comrades gently. " Millions who had been singing The International Party Shall Ite-the human race! took up the refrain of ' Deutschland iiber Alles ! ' ' Allons, enfants de la Patrie! ' and ' God Save the King! ' " (Inde- pendent, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1914.) PATRIOTISM 93 From another element in the melting-pot of Socialism we select a statement from a prominent writer William Morris Feigenbaum. (New York Call, June 4, 1916.) "Internationalism is a structure that we strove long and manfully to build up. Internationalism was a structure that meant much to millions. But the time of war came. The trumpet blew. The flag waved. The cheap and shoddy Em- peror made a claptrap speech about the sword being forced into his hand. And millions of Socialist voters goose-stepped after Hindenburg, as if they had never considered them- selves Comrades of the French and the Belgians and the English! And the French and the Kussians and the Aus- trians were as bad." With the exception of a few leaders, here, who, under the pressure of loyalty to country, resigned from party membership, the entire body of the organized Socialist movement of the United States was hostile to the "war Socialists " of Europe. A vigorous propaganda was initiated to hold American Socialists back to the treason- able principles of the International as against the natural promptings of love and duty that calls sound men to the defense of their country and so gives them that heroic distinction that all delight to honor. As it began to appear certain that our country would enter the conflict, the New York Call offered prizes for the best terse statements " concerning war and the Socialist attitude towards it." Evidently many men put despicable words on paper in answer to the Call's request for a terse statement of what in the nature of 94 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE things must prove to be disloyalty. Charles A. Maurer, editor of the Reading (Pa.) Labor Advocate was found to have filled the Call's highest expectations and so won the first prize for his answer: " In the event of sudden declaration of war against this country what should the Socialists do? " Answer : If war should be declared by this country, then the Socialists should refuse and advise all workers to refuse to enlist and fight conscription to the last ditch. Also agi- tate strikes in industries everywhere." (New York Call, June 26, 1916.) It was so long a time since God had been in fashion with the governments of the world that Socialists were surprised to find that patriotism should have so much blood. They had persuaded a multitude of men to abandon the thought and the practise of religion; to deny the family as a moral entity; to deny the hope of justice to the working class so long as the state de- fended the right of private property in productive capi- tal ; to deny even the integrity of nations that it was their confident assumption that within their camp patriotism was dead. But, when the war drum sounded that ever-living principle was found stirring to action even in the breasts of their materialistically minded comrades ; then, it was that every effort must be put forward for killing the " Patriotic bee " that was buzzing in the workman's bonnet. Thus it was so much the extension of their propaganda as the saving of their own force that oc- cupied the movement for a time. In answer to the ac- PATRIOTISM 85 cusation that Socialism undermines patriotism the New York Call boasts: " So it does, and is proud of it, if by patriotism is meant that mawkish sentiment -which causes a man for the sum of $15 a month to get out and get himself killed in defense of a country of which he owns not a single foot and can never hope to own any. If a wage slave is paid only enough to live on anyhow, what difference to him does it make whether his boss is a Britisher or a Chinaman?" (Sept. 25, 1912.) But the accusation stands! As patriotism is not a " mawkish sentiment " nor is it a part of patriotism to live contentedly as a " wage-slave." Besides, whether or not a man owns land and many of our best citizens are not land owners, it is his privilege and his duty to aid in forming a correct public opinion, by a defense of his faith and his fatherland. Moreover, he may so place his vote as to be sure that his convictions will be wrought out into the warp and woof of a good government. It is all a matter of right-thinking and of courageous action in this our own free land. In the Anti-Military edition of the World (Socialist Weekly, Oakland, California, Vol. 2, p. 181) Selig Schulberg avers : " The Socialist must understand that as long as a wage slave has a patriotic bee buzzing in his bonnet, he is in no shape to understand what is meant by International Social- ism. "It is our imperative duty to murder the patriotic bees, and the sooner we accomplish this the sooner will this and 96 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE the coming generation of mankind enjoy the entire product of their toil." It has long been the Socialist policy to pull down the honor of those great patriots who spent their fortune and their blood that lovers of liberty might here build up a nation free from oppression and greed. From two of their foremost authorities we shall take testimony : "No part of American history has been so completely buried beneath a mish-mash of patriotism and humbug as the Eevolution of 1776. " A very superficial examination of the annals of this period will reveal evidence enough to show that, even ac- cording to orthodox historians, the ' fathers of their coun- try ' were a rafher select circle of smugglers and land thieves." (Arthur Morrow Lewis, " Vital Problems of Social Evolution," pp. 92-93.) Ernest TJnterman says : " An American workingman who celebrates the fourth of July is like a French workingman who celebrates the 18th Brumaire of Napoleon Bonaparte, or a Russian workingman who celebrates the victory of the Romanoffs. He is cele- brating the victory of his oppressors" (p. 128). Mr. Unter- man declares that Washington was a liar and a thief (p. 116) ; Jefferson, Franklin and Hamilton, unscrupulous land grabbers (p. 117) ; Lafayette a haughty aristocrat (p. 118) ; Steuben a despot and Hancock a smuggler (p. 117, " The World's Revolutions," Ernest TJnterman). In practise as in theory Socialist leaders insist, as against the force of common sense, in carrying out the PATRIOTISM 97 teachings of their masters Marx and Engels. The recent action of the Socialist members of the New York Board of Aldermen in voting for the Victory Arch in honor of the soldiers who so loyally and valiantly defended the honor of our country and our flag under Generals Foch and Pershing at first glance seems to be an exception. It is not ! These un- lucky wights, who in a fit of stupor voted for the Victory Arch, were haled before a joint meeting of the six Central Committees of the Socialist Party of Greater New York, assembled in the People's House to review the work of their seven aldermen. Their apology is as ludicrous as it is pitiful: "Personally," said Alderman Algernon Lee, "I can say that no greater favor can be done me than by relieving me of my job as alderman. It is hard, unpleasant work, and there is other Socialist work that I would far rather do. I will say, for me and all my colleagues, that we all heartily regret that vote as a vote for something that tends to incul- cate a chauvinistic and jingo spirit; and if it had not been for the circumstance that the vote was sprung on us in a minute, without warning, and that I, for one was fagged out, that I had been 36 hours without sleep, that I was in a daze, I assure you that I for one would have voted no, and would have told the Comrades to do likewise." It surely is a satisfaction to note that under the influence of well poised men those of unbalanced thought come back to the normal. Even as these Socialist aldermen, who, by a long course of perverse reasoning and teaching believe themselves to be fully persuaded 98 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE that the self-sacrifice and heroic courage of patriots is the means of inculcating " a chauvinistic and jingo spirit," are cured for the nonce of treason. There is no doubt that many a man striving to up- hold the natural virtues for love of country is now well aware that the vicious propaganda of Socialism in our country in all countries is cause for positive alarm. He, too, though from a very different point of view, needs to get more than an occasional glimpse of that safe and sound state of the truly Catholic mind. Yet, merely a glimpse gives such an one pause. The wonder grows! Is it after all the truth that Almighty God has given into the keeping of the Catholic hierarchy of the world under the headship of the Pope of Rome the known cure for national evils? So the case stands! Help us, Lord, or we perish! But it is true. Honest men have but to see for themselves that the Church has set forth the practical application of the Ten Commandments to every-day life within the scope of civil society. Besides, there are sane examples of the brotherhood of man here and there within in- dustry and commerce. With regard to the family as the unit of the Commonwealth, the example of Catholics throughout the world is the one truly righteous element in civilization since the Church is the defense of the inviolability of the marriage bond as God ordained it. The conclusion is perfect a closer knowledge of the one true religion would go far to induce men of good- will no more to follow after strange gods. PATRIOTISM 99 Personally, we rejoice in the truth that makes men free: in being followers of Christ under the banner of our dearly beloved leader, Boston's great Archbishop Cardinal O'Connell : in the privilege that was ours some twelve years ago to hear His Eminence deliver his elo- quent address on that ideal patriot Joan of Arc that bespoke Socialism as it is : " Amid the new and strange doctrines which . . . Social- ism has begotten in our own time none is falser, none more inhuman, none more vicious and dangerous in its effects and conclusions than that foolish and degrading theory by which the sentiment of patriotism is flouted and denied. By its endeavors to tear out from the human heart all its inborn sentiments of reverence for rulers and for law it seeks to kill in humanity its natural love for home and all that is expressed by that sacred word. To them nothing is sacred, neither God nor his altars, nor his ministers, nor home, nor native land, nor wife, nor family. For Socialism, according to its accredited teachers, would wipe out forever from human life, all the sweet consolations as well as all the noble duties which these human relations have ever inspired in the normal man. No fatherland, no banner, no fireside, no altar, no ruler, no God. Thus are summed up all the damnable nega- tions of this satanic doctrine, which overturns with one fell blow all the holiest principles of human life. No wonder that where the voice of these prophets of evil is listened to and obeyed the disorder of hell reigns." Most certainly, the world-wide unity of Catholics in defense of faith, patriotism and purity against blas- phemy, treason and adultery, has brought down upon Holy Catholic Church the venom of anti-patriots. 100 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE POPE BUNKUM IV & GO. ROME THE WORLD'S MOST RELIABLE AND SUCCESSFUL DEALERS IN SUPERSTITION We Carry the Original, Genuine Gospel Goods Guaranteed to Produce Anesthesia Among the Masses, So That the Victims Can Be Skinned in" Times of Peace, or Made to Shoot Each Other in Times of War The Patronage of the Ruling Classes of All Nations Religiously Solicited SVRegularly Ordained Representatives hi Every Country PROF. W. WARSOON Washington, D. C. CHAMBERMAID TO THE AMERICAN AMMUNITION MAKERS Boosted by the Press.. pulpit, Politicians and Other Plutocratic Agencies Subsidized for the Purpose of Moulding Public Opinion Money-Making Wars Systematically Started With the Least Possible Suspicion on the Part of the Hornswoggled People rThe Professor Is a Self-Mad* Authority on the Inter, pretatlon of the Rules Regulating Civilized War- faro. Those Financially Interested In Wars, And Who Desire His Services, Will Please Notify Him In Advance How They Wish These Rules Interpreted PATRIOTISM 101 Apologizing for its vileness the above presents exhibits that appeared in the Melting Pot (St. Louis, June, 1916) an atheist Socialist anti-patriotic monthly that goes out highly recommended by Eugene V. Debs, agitator-superior ; Margaret Sanger, the " queen " of the birth control propaganda, and other leading radicals, to create a vile public opinion consonant with the filth that it spews forth. It was our country's entrance into war 'that brought out into the open public view, the sharply opposing doc- trines of the Pope and Socialism as they apply to the authority and domain of Ca?sar. Catholics to the last man, woman and youth were precisely and ardently loyal. While all those who are guided by the teachings of modern Socialism to regard the international revolu- tion as their means and a classless society as the 1 end all and be all of human effort, were at best anti-patriotic, at worst treasonable. Immediately, after war was officially declared the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in the United States addressed to President Wilson the determination of Catholics to stand true to our country, our government and our flag. THE HIERARCHY'S CALL " Standing firmly upon our solid Catholic tradition and history from the very foundation of this nation, we reaffirm in this hour of stress and trial our most sacred and sincere loyalty and patriotism toward our country, our Government, and our flag. Moved to the very depths of our hearts by the stirring appeal of the President of the United States 102 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE and by the action of our national Congress, we accept whole- heartedly and unreservedly the decree of that legislative authority proclaiming this country to be in a state of war. We have prayed that we might be spared the dire necessity of entering the conflict. But now that war has been declared, we bow in obedience to the summons to bear our part in it, with fidelity, with courage, and with the spirit of sacrifice, which as loyal citizens we are bound to manifest for the defense of the most sacred rights and the welfare of the whole nation. Acknowledging gladly the gratitude that we have always felt for the protection of our spiritual liberty and the freedom of our Catholic institutions under the flag, we pledge our devotion and our strength in the main- tenance of our country's glorious leadership in those pos- sessions and principles which have been America's proudest boast. Inspired neither by hate nor fear, but by the holy sentiments of truest patriotic fervor and zeal, we stand ready, we and all the flock committed to our keeping, to cooperate in every way possible with our President and our national Government, to the end that the great and holy cause of liberty may triumph, and that our beloved country may emerge from this hour of test stronger and nobler than ever. Our people now, as ever, will rise as one man to serve the nation. Our priests and consecrated women will once again as in every former trial of our country, win by their bravery, their heroism, and their service, new admira- tion and approval. We are all true Americans, ready, as our age, our ability, and our condition permit, to do what- ever is in us to do, for the preservation, the progress, and the triumph of our beloved country. May God direct and guide our President and our Government, that out of this trying crisis in our national life may at length come a closer union among all the citizens of America, and that an enduring and blessed peace may crown the sacrifices which war inevitably entails." PATRIOTISM 103 CARDINAL GIBBONS Cardinal Gibbons, in patriotic words, delivered a memorable address from the pulpit of his Cathedral in Baltimore the Sunday after our country was officially declared to be in a state of war: " The primary duty of a citizen is loyalty to country . . . exhibited by an absolute and unreserved obedience to hia country's call . . . manifested by solemn service, not by empty declamation. ... In the present emergency it be- hooves every American citizen to do his duty, to uphold the hands of the President and the Congress in the solemn ob- ligations that confront us, to pray that the Lord of Hosts may inspire them to such measures as will redound to the glory of our country, to righteousness of aim and conduct and to the future permanent peace of the world." CARDINAL FARLEY From the pulpit of his See in New York, Cardinal Farley solemnly declared on that same fateful Sunday : "Our President and our national Kepresentatives having spoken, our response to the voice of authority which they embody will be to rally around our flag with complete ful- ness of devotion, with loyal hearts and sturdiest arms, to place all that we have and all that we are, at the service of our country. We will not shrink from any sacrifice in her behalf. We will render to her what our Catholic faith and teaching both sanction and sanctify. No demand on our citizenship will go unanswered or find us other than true Americans, true children of the Church, which never was found wanting in any crisis of our country." 104 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE CARDINAL, On that same Easter Sunday (1917) at his See in Boston, Cardinal O'Connell lifted up his voice : " God and our Nation ! Let us lift to Heaven the cry. Let the love of true freedom blessed, God-given freedom, which above all other lands our country has cherished and defended let that be the thrilling power that will quicken our pulses into a still greater love of America than we have ever known till now. Whatever we can do in honor and justice, that we must in conscience do to defeat our enemy and make our Flag triumphant." Ah ! dear Lord ! what a contrast is the enlightened at- titude and action of Catholics to the lack of understand- ing of things human and the perverse conduct of Socialists! The Emergency Convention of the Social- ist Party ('St. Louis, April 7, 1917) sent out its report signed by the Committee on war and militarism : KATE EICHARDS O'HARE, Chairman. VICTOR L. BERGER. JOB HARRIMAN. MORRIS HILLQUIT. DAN HOGAN. FRANK MIDNEY. PATRICK QUINLAN. C. E. EUTHENBERG. MAYNARD SHIPLEY. GEORGE SPIESS, JR. ALGERNON LEE, Secretary. To quote in part : " The Socialist party of the United States, in the present grave crisis, solemnly reaffirms its allegiance to the principle PATEIOTISM 105 of internationalism and working class solidarity the world over, and proclaims its unalterable opposition to the war just declared by the government of the United States. " The Socialist party of the United States is xinalterably opposed to the system of exploitation and class rule which is upheld . and strengthened by military power and sham na- tional patriotism. We, therefore, call upon the workers of all countries to refuse support to their governments in their wars. The wars of the contending national groups of capi- talists are not the concern of the workers. The only struggle which would justify the workers in taking up arms is the great struggle of the working class of the world to free itself from economic exploitation and political oppression as against the false doctrine of national patriotism. We uphold the ideal of international working class solidarity. In sup- port of capitalism, we will not willingly give a single life or a single dollar; in support of the struggle of the workers for freedom we pledge our all. " Our entrance into the European conflict at this time will serve only to multiply the horrors of the war, to increase the toll of death and destruction and to prolong the fiendish slaughter. It will bring death, suffering and destitution to the people of the United States and particularly to the work- ing class. It will give the powers of reaction in this country the pretext for an attempt to throttle our rights and to crush our democratic institutions, and to fasten upon this country a permanent militarism. " We recommend to the workers and pledge ourselves to the following course of action : " 1. Continuous, active, and public opposition to the war, through demonstrations, mass petitions, and all other means within our power. "2. Unyielding opposition to all proposed legislation for military or industrial conscription. Should such conscrip- tion be forced upon the people, we pledge ourselves to con- 106 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE tinuous efforts for the repeal of such laws and to the support of all mass movements in opposition to conscription. We pledge ourselves to oppose with all our strength any attempt to raise money for the payment of war expense by taxing the necessaries of life or issuing bonds which will put the burden upon future generations. We demand that the capitalist class, which is responsible for the war, pay its cost. Let those who kindled the fire furnish the fuel. " 3. Vigorous resistance to all reactionary measures, such as censorship of press and mails, restriction of the rights of free speech, assemblage, and organization, or compulsory arbitration and limitation of the right to strike. " 4. Consistent propaganda against military training and militaristic teaching in the public schools. " 5. Extension of the campaign of education among the workers to organize them into strong, class-conscious, and closely unified political and industrial organizations to en- able them by concerted and harmonious mass action to shorten this war and to establish lasting peace. " 6. Widespread educational propaganda to enlighten the masses as to the true relation between capitalism and war, and to rouse and organize them for action, not only against present war evils, but for the prevention of future wars and for the destruction of the causes of war." These declarations were adopted by a vote of 140 of the less than 200 delegates who attended the Emergency Convention of the Socialist Party, in the Planters' Hotel, St. Louis. This action of the convention was endorsed by a referendum vote of 11,041 to 782 of their organized Socialist membership throughout the country. Surely it was with great speed that the enemy over- sowed the good seed of patriotism with the cockle of treason. The very next day after war was declared, PATRIOTISM 107 before any other organization had spoken, Socialism declared against patriotism. While the first to pledge loyalty to our flag, wheresoever it should be borne, was the entire body of Catholic citizens through the voice of the American hierarchy. WAR ITSELF The consequences that come from publishing broad- cast this action of the Emergency Convention as news and still more from putting it, as a text book, into the hands of thousands of aggressive agitators is quite be- yond our concrete view. Yet, it is safe to say that to its poison should be traced many an assault upon patriot- ism. It is not to war per se that Socialism objects: Not at all ! Its " unalterable opposition to the war just declared by the government of the United States " is upon the assumption that " the only struggle which would justify the workers taking up arms is the great struggle of the working class to free itself from eco- nomic exploitation and political oppression against a false doctrine of national patriotism." In simple words as national patriotism is the one and only kind of patriotism ever known to mankind throughout the ages, Socialism will have none of it, simply because it is an integral part of human nature, for they have made over human nature after a pattern all their own. Surely, no man can fancy a monkey to have patriotic emotions and this animal basis is the ground upon which Socialists estimate the actions of men. They will fight! yes! Not for the principle of 108 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE the self-determination of nations but for the very self- same reason that the " capitalist class " sets on the dogs of war the spoils. "Internationalism! the only war in which workers should enlist is the class war." This is the instruction given by Arthur Le Sueur member of the Socialist party Ex. Com. January, 1916. It is for Socialism that " we will mount the barricades and fight like tigers/' is the urge of Morris Hillquit, than whom no man has a louder voice in the party. In his honor the New York Call (May 14, 1917) one month after our country entered the war, put his battle cry into rhyme with the refrain : " And fight our fight on the barricades! " All over our home-land in manifold detail, their argu- ment proceeds against the justice of our cause in defense of American right or American honor. This war " is a crime against the people of the United States and against the nations of the world." Against this special pleading, in the interest of a classless society that must be established by a proletarian dictatorship such as that of Lenin and Trotsky the world knows that our sac- rifice of blood and treasure was freely made for no selfish ends, no indemnities or compensation, no desire for military glory or dominion. ' ~No, the " crime " is not ours as a nation ! The crime lies at the door of Socialism as our courts amply testify. Yet, it is not a crime to seek foreign markets. ~Not alone is buying and selling as old as the history of man but to the sanction of universal practise and common- sense there is added the sanction of the old law, and PATRIOTISM 109 the old law itself is further extended in the instruction given by our Lord Himself as the Gospels will testify. So it is most commendable enterprise to carry the products of industry the knowledge of science and art into a far country and to return home laden with a just exchange in material wealth. The flag must in- deed go with trade, since national honor must be ob- served by our citizens who sell, and national honor must be paid by those with whom we trade. Economic justice is the basis of the exchange of material goods for material goods; which results to the mutual advantage of buyer and seller, and without commerce civilization were void. It is true, alas! that the ground of equity has too often been betrayed by international transactions, especially with primitive peoples. But Catholics have no quarrel with those who seek justice. Indeed, in- justice is their cause of quarrel and greatly it has been waged throughout all the Christian centuries, in the especial interest of the oppressed and the poor. To be sure it is this betrayal of the equities involved in trade that often leads to war between nations. But, this issue is not yet pushed home. When the state commits a crime against its neighbor state, it is men who perform the unlawful acts. So the crime of the state is the personal sin of the men engaged in undoing their neigh- bors of other countries. Hence the denial of the brotherhood of man is the real issue under consideration. How ridiculously inconsistent, then, for Socialists to inveigh against the exploitation of the poor by the rich since all such indignities and crimes rest upon a belief 110 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE in the Fatherhood of God, not upon the animal origin of man that Socialists profess. We shall trust to the Holy Father's opinion that the nations of the European war were " all equally guilty." Yet, that fact does not argue against the defense of their several national lives when the conflict is on, partly inherited from other years of strife and partly induced by unworthy motives that appeal to the selfish interests of rulers. Surely, if in a personal quarrel one has been the most to blame, one must defend his life when the fight comes on. ISTor does it mitigate against the part our country so honor- ably played in preventing the " suicide " of all Europe, for a looker-on is bound to step in to prevent the death of the under dog. ISTow this is but another way of saying that the Socialist way to prevent " crime " is the way to commit crime. JSTamely the extinction of organized society. They would let nations " die out " in favor of those men who claim the world for their country. Yet, here we come to the crux of the whole matter, and its evils are as broad as they are long. The " dic- tatorship of the proletariat " would swallow up the identity of nations in the International, where might is right and the supreme state would swallow up the authority of God, and so rest human rights upon human will. No, Catholics will give to Cassar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God. So it is simple enough whether the Catholic be in high station or in low station there is but one Supreme Giver for him, it is as simple, -^- with human nature as it is that PATEIOTISM 111 the Pope is the one person on earth having the power to keep in order those who acknowledge their Maker, be they emperors, kings, premiers or presidents. The Socialist Party threatened to conduct " a con- tinuous active, public opposition to the war " using all means within its power: 1. The party would oppose all attempts to raise money by the sale of bonds: 2. It would support " mass-action " in opposition to conscription if it were voted into law by the govern- ment: 3. It would set up " vigorous resistance " to any form of censorship of press or speech. It would like- wise oppose governmental efforts to limit strikes ; to en- force compulsory arbitration of industrial disputes dur- ing the war ; it would strive against military training in schools. At the same time the Socialist Party pledged itself to extend with greater vigor a campaign to or- ganize " class-conscious " industrial unions. That is to say the form of union now operated by the I. W. W. and the Russian Bolsheviki. We assume there is no especial cause to believe that foreign monies entered into the make-up of the Emer- gency Convention report. Yet, that it gave comfort to the enemy there can be no doubt. The secret of Social- ist action, if it be a secret, lies in their basic mission the destruction of Christian civilization. They find honor in perversity and glory in treason. Seymour Steadman, member of the Nat. Ex. Com. of the Socialist Party, when defending his comrades for a violation of 112 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE the Espionage Act, before Judge Landis, plays the part of prophet : " Their children in the years to come would consider the St. Louis majority report the most comprehensive statement of the cause of war ever penned." Perversity does not even spare the little ones! What a bond of dishonor to bear. How blessed are the children of noble sires who give them counsel : " Let all the ends thou aimst at be thy country's, thy God's, and truth's." That report was hardly out-run by the anti-patriotic traitors elsewhere within the confines of our country and it may be doubted if any European state at war was so badly plagued by a document, put out in the open, more unpatriotic, incendiary or treasonable. Is it, then, any wonder that when the determination of the report was translated into personal action, that Debs, Berger, Germer, Tucker, Engdahl, Kruse, Fraina, Kate Richards O'Hare, Mrs. Phelps Stokes and the hundreds of others are under indictment or convicted for violation of the Espionage Act? But an indictment is a badge of honor, something to boast of. Art Young, the car- toonist sets out this distinction pictorially in Max East- man's Magazine (the Liberator, Nov., 1918). In a half open door a sergeant-at-arms threatens the new- comers and below the picture is this legend: Are you a Socialist? Certainly. Show your indictment. In acknowledging the compliment of being a good Socialist, " because he can show his indictment " be- PATEIOTISM 113 fore an audience of 10,000 people assembled in the Coli- seum in Chicago (Nov. 17, 1918) by William Bross Lloyd, the Chairman, Victor L. Berger responded " I can show four indictments of about sixty counts. I was not indicted because I had committed any crime. / was indicted because I stood for Socialism, that was the only reason." The audience applauded to the echo; seeming not to know that the " reason " was quite suf- ficient. Socialists flaunt their indictments all over the country as a proof of having waged a good fight in the interest of free speech. The assumption is that whatever furthers their cause may by right be said, be it never so wrong. But, it is the license of speech not free speech that wins them converts. One has the right to do only what one ought to want to do. That ought ties every man fast to the Ten Commandments, that are utterly repudiated by the followers of Marx as being of use, perhaps, during the infancy of the race, but now hopelessly out of date. Power to do wrong we all have, and it is with their power that Socialists mean to establish a " dictatorship of the proletariat " on the ruins of Christian civilization which they are pleased to term " capitalism." They mean to run the red flag up over the dome of the capitol build- ing at Washington over every national capitol in the world. Curiously enough, what is sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander no, this legend will not fit, for if one should expect consistency from Socialism it would be a proof that he himself had given over the rock of 114 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE right-reason for the shifty sand of now-you-have-it-and- now-you-don't. Freedom of the press and free speech when Socialists are in control confuses and poisons the mind of the populace. Yet, it is in the name of liberty that Socialists protest against the right of free speech being cut off in time of war. While a violation of the espionage law brings for them nothing but approval from their comrades. With one voice they all agree with Morris Hillquit's telegram to those who were con- victed for defying this war regulation : w The conviction is an act of frank and brutal class justice. It is a deliberate challenge to the Socialist move- ment the Socialists will take up the challenge." There should be no doubt about their determination to do so, for it is their purpose to carry the class war into every department of organized society. They know, that when they strike at patriotism they lay the ax at the very roots of national life. Socialists are afraid of nothing for they have blinded themselves to the existence of God. While the consequences of dis- loyalty to their country is their most fruitful means of perverse propaganda. The conclusion is perfect if Americans desire Co- lumbia to gloriously live her thousand years, her rich sons must accept the responsibility of their stewardship. They must do justice and love mercy in dealing with the laborers who are ever worthy of their hire. The right relation of man to man comes first, the volume of a just profit second. PATRIOTISM 115 The wage earners the little ones of Christ are much more sinned against than sinning. They have the Gospel preached to them and they sense that politicians plot against their rights where statesmen should guard them. They know that a gamble for gold reduces their rightful standard of living and submerges thousands upon thousands below the level of decency. " To WHOM SHALL WE Go ? " The Catholic Church ever true to the teaching of her Founder stands for patriotism for peace not for war. The Church knows and she teaches the peace promised by Christ to men of good-will. National good-will-is then the condition of unity within and a strong right arm of defense against bad-will from without. If, in- deed, lust for power and greed for wealth would give place to justice and to right, then truly we might " beat our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning- hooks." Catholics are well taught that the state has rights that must be respected as the laws of God. If, then, all other means shall have failed, the state may re- sist by war encroachments upon her rights and upon her borders. The state may go out to maintain, by force of arms, what concerns her vital well-being as a com- monwealth. " By me Icings reign and lawgivers de- cree just things." (Prov. viii, 15.) Surely it was no accident that during the World War the glorious up- standing of all other patriots gladly gave place to that of Cardinal Mercier : 116 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE " God will save Belgium, my Brethren, you cannot doubt it. " Nay rather, He is saving her. " Across the smoke of conflagration, across the stream of blood, have you not glimpses, do you not perceive signs of His love for us ? Is there a patriot among us who does not know that Belgium has grown great? Nay, which of us would have the heart to cancel this last page of our national history? Which of us does not exult in the brightness of the glory of this shattered nation? When in her throes she brings forth heroes, our Mother Country gives her own energy to the blood of those sons of hers. Let us acknowl- edge that we needed a lesson in patriotism. There were Belgians, and many such, who wasted their time and their talents in futile quarrels of class with class, of race with race, of passion with personal passion. "Yet, when on the second of August, a mighty foreign power, confident of its own strength and defiant of the faith of treaties, dared to threaten us in our own independence, then did all Belgians, without difference of party, or con- dition, or of origin, rise up as one man, close ranged about their own king, and their own government, and cry to the invader : ' Thou shalt not go through.' " At once, instantly, we were conscious of our own patriot- ism. For down within us all is something deeper than per- sonal interests, than personal kinships, than party feeling, and this is the need and the will to devote ourselves to that more general interest which Rome termed the public thing, Res publica. And this profound will within us is patriotism. " Our country is not a mere concourse of persons or of families inhabiting the same soil, having amongst them- selves relations, more or less intimate, of business, of neigh- borhood, of a community of memories, happy or unhappy. Not so; it is an association of living souls, subject to a social organization to be defended and safeguarded at all PATRIOTISM 117 costs, even the cost of blood, under the leadership of those presiding over its fortunes. And it is because of this general spirit that the people of a country live a common life in the present, through the past, through the aspirations, the hopes, the confidence in the life to come, which they share together. Patriotism an internal principle of order and of unity, an organic bond of the members of a nation, was placed by the finest thinkers of Greece and Rome at the head of the natural virtues. Aristotle, the prince of philoso- phers of antiquity, held disinterested service of the City that is the State to be the very ideal of human duty. And the religion of Christ makes of patriotism a positive law; there is no perfect Christian who is not also a perfect patriot. For our religion exalts the antique ideal, showing it to be realizable only in the Absolute. Whence, in truth, comes this universal, this irresistible impulse which carries at once the will of the whole nation in one single effort of cohesion and of resistance in face of the hostile menace against her unity and her freedom? Whence comes it that in an hour all interests were merged in the interest of all, and that all lives were together, offered in willing immola- tion? Not that the State is worth more than the individual or the family, seeing that the good of the family and of the individual is the cause and reason of the organization of the State. Not that our country is a Moloch on whose altar lives may lawfully be sacrificed. The rigidity of ancient morals and the despotism of the Caesars suggested that false principle and Modern Militarism tends to revive it that the State is omnipotent, and that the discretionary power of the State is the rule of Eight. Not so, replies Christian theology, Right is Peace, that is, the interior order of a nation, founded upon Justice. And Justice itself is absolute only because it formulates the essential relation of man with God and of man with man. Moreover, war for the sake of war is a crime. War is justifiable only if it is the necessary means for securing peace. St. Augustine said : ' Peace 118 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE must not be a preparation for war. And war is not to be made except for the attainment of peace.' In the light of this teaching, which is repeated by St. Thomas Aquinas, patriotism is seen in its religious character. Family in- terests, class interests, party interests, and the material good of the individual take their place, in the scale of values, below the ideal of patriotism, for that ideal is Eight, which is absolute. Furthermore, that ideal is the public recognition of Right in national matters, and of national Honor. Now there is no Absolute except God. God alone by His sanctity and His sovereignty, dominates all human interests and human wills. And to affirm the absolute necessity of the subordination of all things to Eight, to Justice, to Truth is implicitly to affirm God. " When, therefore, humble soldiers whose heroism we praise answer us with characteristic simplicity, ' We only did our duty,' or 'We were bound in honor,' they express the re- ligious character of their patriotism. Which of us does not feel that patriotism is a sacred thing, and that a violation of national dignity is in a manner profanation and a sacrilege ? " (Patriotism and Endurance, Xmas, IV THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER OR THE RED FLAG OUR well beloved Red, White and Blue is the sym- bol of those primary attributes of justice that, woven into the warp and woof of our country, secure to all its citizens their God-given rights ; Freedom of con- science and of worship; equality before the law; pro- tection of property. Our flag symbolizes not indeed the perfect country for that is in Heaven, not on earth, but the best that man has produced in his desire to es- tablish a government where the oppressed of the earth shall freely make their home. " Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto, ' In God is our trust.' And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." The red flag symbolizes a revolt against God as the Author of men and of nations. It definitely repudiates the authority of Caesar. In place of the principle of justice, as the foundation of the state, it floats as the basic law of human society a series of variable no- 119 120 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE tions amongst men, caused by the changing modes of producing wealth for profit, and the consequent changes in economic classes, as century after century rolls on. The red flag symbolizes the power of an irresistible force the irresponsible power that brought Capitalism to this age; the irresponsible power that shall bring the proletariat to the economic throne in the age to come. " Then raise the scarlet standard high Beneath its folds, we'll live and die, Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer, We'll keep the red flag flying here." From the time when modern Socialism launched its world-wide campaign upon the authority of the Com- munist Manifesto, the followers of Marx and Engels have vociferously preached the base notion that " work- ingmen have no country/' From that day to this the red flag has been the arch enemy of all those emblems that stand as symbols of national integrity be the form of government despotic, theocratic, oligarchical or demo- cratic. The task of the workingmen is to win the world for their country. Why not? Since these puny men have wiped God out of His world, why should they not undertake the lesser task of razing all nations to the ground and of planting the red flag over the universal ruin of what was once the nations of the earth? In- deed, it is easy enough to justify this assault against nations by the tests of their philosophy. Man is not to them gifted by God with a rational nature. No, their irrational assumption is that the rational faculties have THE STARrSP ANGLED BANNER 121 been by the experiences of time, super-added to the animal faculties. The animal faculties being the " nat- ural " endowment. If, then, one is so irrational and illogical as to accept this theory of the existence of the human race, one may insist that it is his environment that made that makes man. Furthermore, if one admits that rational faculties have been added by animal experiences why not pile unreason on unreason and con- ceive the super-man to be on the road waving the red flag? It was in France (1848) that the national emblem - the tri-colored banner was first assailed by Social- ists : "Down with the flag of kings! of crime, Hurrah for the red symbol of freedom ! " But our own starry banner is not less obnoxious than the banner of France to the men with the red flag. Eu- gene V. Debs, than whom no man, in John Spargo's view, has done nobler service " to keep the altar fires of Revolution bright " cries out "All hail the Labor Day of May! Eaise high this day the blood-red Standard of the Revolu- tion! The banner of the Workingman; The flag, the only flag of Freedom." (P. 305, "Debs: His Life, Writings and History.") When taken to task for raising aloft the red flag in- stead of our own red, white and blue banner, Socialists set forth internationalism, the world-country as the 122 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE meaning of their symbol. Forsooth! Red is their color because " the blood of all peoples is red" (" Mod- ern Socialism," C. H. Vail, p. 13.) Profound indeed! Blood is red, but red blood is not a distinctively human characteristic since the blood of the brute creation is just as red as human blood. Yet, this assumed reason is quite in line with the philosophy that knows no dis- tinct line of demarcation between the human and the brute creation, for Socialists are cock-sure to a man that they are merely a higher form of animal brother to the ape. Yet, since science knows very well the dif- ference between the blood corpuscles of the ape and the man; this popular satisfaction rests upon mere igno- rance. Further still, since the " missing link " has not been found and since there is not the slightest pros- pect that it shall ever be found this assumption that sat- isfies a multitude of men rests upon something other than ignorance there is a species of ill will in it. Here is the core of the matter ill will. Now, after these seventy years of propaganda and experiment, the Bolshevikist reign of terror in Russia shows the world what in fact is the quality of the power that is sym- bolized by the red -flag. Surely it manifests destruc- tion upon a colossal scale. Indeed no, the objection to the banner of these modern revolutionists is not based upon its color. To encroach upon the ground of the mystic, it is because red in the hands of passion signi- fies the force of the color; red in the hands of reason signifies the form of the color. The form of red is fire under rational control; the force of the red being fire THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 123 under irrational control. One fire is constructive, the other destructive. To put it into the vernacular, we expect little of the man who " sees red." The red flag in the hands of the man of Morocco would be a demon- stration of loyalty to their country ; in the hands of Har- vard men the red flag shows love for their Alma Mater. So it is that, for very different reasons, we may say with the Editor of the Class Struggle (N. Y. Dec. 1918) that " The fight against the red flag is not merely against a symbol, but against the aggressive and revolutionary char- acter of our movement." Precisely, not against the color of the flag, but against the intention of the movement to float their symbol over every national capitol in the world as a sign of Social- ism Victorious. It is against this destructive force that our quarrel is being waged. Above all others Daniel De Leon may be trusted to push their conclusions to the limit, for he holds ever in mind the organization of the Catholic Church as the model per contra for a world-wide Socialist empire. To be sure, De Leon's is a material heaven here on earth and it is his perverse conviction since God is a myth that the Catholic Church is merely a man-made political institution with the purpose of ruling from Rome the whole world in the interest of the hierarchy. De Leon's flag, he is pleased to believe, is the extreme opposite not the papal flag of the few holding in slavery the many, but the red flag that shall lay low the priests and 124 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE capitalists, thus bringing spiritual slaves and wage slaves to the top of the heap, or rather as the vision scans a dead level there would be no top. Meantime De Leon stages the probable coming to grips of the " Red " with the "White and Yellow." We quote from The Red Flag and the White and Yellow (produced in the Weekly People Feb. 13, 1913, and reproduced March 8th, 1919). " There have been now and anon legislative attempts aimed at the exclusion of the Red Flag from public displays and processions. " The Red Flag makes no bones of its purpose. Its purpose is the overthrow of the existing capitalist order of society, and the substitution of the same with the Socialist or Indus- trial order. " It is not the Red Flag of Socialism alone that is to-day proclaiming Revolution in the land. The White and Yellow Flag of the Ultramontane Papal Polity is doing the same thing. " It matters not to the Socialist that the Papal-proposed Revolution in the land is one that Socialism will oppose tooth and nail ; it matters not to the Socialist. " Legislation against the Red Flag savors, accordingly, of treason to the Spirit and the Letter of the organic law of the land; hence, of treason to the American Flag itself, the folds of which protect whatever amendment to the Consti- tution, whether 'Red' or 'White and Yellow.'" Poor De Leon! What a courageous spirit gone wrong. Of that race who wander over the face of the earth without a country because they could not and would not distinguish between the Ruler of the King- THE STABrSPANGLED BANKER 125 dom of Heaven when He came to earth in fulfilment of His promise to the Jews, and the national kingdom over which Ca3sar then reigned. De Leon was a most aggres- sive foe of the Church of Christ. Throughout his long career he persisted in ignoring the Cross of Christ as the symbol of the Universal Church seeing only the White and Yellow symbol of the Pope's jurisdiction over that piece of territory where the government of Christ's Church carries out the Command : " Go and teach ye all nations; teaching them to observe all things whatso- ever I have commanded you." As Washington, D. C., is the seat of the Federal Government of these United States so is the Papal flag the emblem that locates the territory from which those individuals throughout the world are governed who acknowledge the authority of the Pope in matters of faith and morals. It is no mere accident that Marx, Engels, De Leon, Berger, Hillquit and Trotsky men without a country should be leaders in propagating internationalism, since interna- tionalism is intended to destroy nations. Moreover, it was in this country, under De Leon as the master mind, that leaders of the Bolsheviki of Russia were trained. That our free country offered the greatest license in propagating treason is not a mere accident. Our lead- ing citizens have long since harrowed the soil of dis- loyalty all unwittingly no doubt. Cities have erected monuments to those who offensively boast The World is my country. This is now the cry of the rebellion against all government the cry of the man who would have murdered the French premier, Clemenceau. 126 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUEE Because the reasoning of Socialism is never upon the solid ground of God first, ourselves next, and all things else third, its imagery is ever lacking in balanced pro- portion in common sense. " There are many men and women to-day who are earnestly and fervently patriotic in the bourgeois sense. ' The Star Spangled Banner' makes them thrill with emotion. They will shed tears over the story of the true-hearted lad who left his sweetheart to obey his country's call, and died while try- ing to save the colors. Every Socialist knows that all these stories and songs are some of the means that the ruling class uses to cultivate a feeling of national patriotism, and that so long as such a feeling exists among many people their supremacy is safe. " In the Socialist school a feeling of international patriot- ism will be aroused. The children will be made to feel that the workingmen of all nations are brothers. They have a common enemy capitalism. They have a common aim its overthrow." (N. Y. Worker, March 7, 1908.) So it is that the red flag " international patriot- ism " seeks to swallow up the Star-Spangled Banner " national patriotism." Yet, since " national patriot- ism " is the only kind of patriotism there is in the world the standard by which we love another country like unto our own and since " international patriot- ism " means nothing at all save a base counterfeit of the love of the Cross of Christ, it is necessary sharply to dis- tinguish religion from patriotism. Embraced within the love of God is love of country, but with God left out, love of country has no com- pelling force. Patriotism is in its essence national, THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 127 hence the man who chooses the world for his country has no country, therefore, he is lacking the standards by which to love any country. For since God is the Au- thor of nations a man under God's authority must love another nation like unto the love he gives his own and it goes without saying that his country like his life is his own. If his country is not defended, it is proof that he loves neither the one nor the other. But a man's love for his own and other countries does not wipe out the fact of other nations any more than it wipes out the in- dividuality of our neighbor because we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves. This, however, is what Socialist philosophy attempts to do. Their " so- cial organism " means a crawling, sprawling humanity in which the individual soul, in the image of his Maker, is not reckoned with. This is their essential denial of immortality. Now that which is above, beyond, around and be- neath the love of a man for his flag is rightly symbolized by the Cross of Christ. But the followers of Christ are men and women with individual souls, since neither fam- ilies nor nations are members of the Church suffering, the Church militant, the Church triumphant. .But, while the person is the unit under the Cross of Christ the banner of God the family is the unit under the Red, White and Blue. Religion is by Socialism clev- erly counterfeited. Having denied the individual soul, it would wipe out families and nations together with private property and it is this bizarre vision of the world, as a herd of tool-using animals that prompts the imagery 128 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE that is stimulated at the sight of the red flag. They see red when " international patriotism " is contem- plated, for therein is neither religion nor patriotism ; the one spiritual, the other moral, has no place in their ma- terialistic scheme. We hold no brief for the defense of " capitalism " when the term connotes the grinding of the face of the poor the using of public power for private gain and glory. We shall do what we can to put under the Red, White and Blue those practises that Pope Leo has named Christian Democracy. But, all may be sure that " Revenge is mine, I will repay saith the Lord " and that He will reward and punish according to exact justice. Meantime, we rejoice greatly that love and obedience to our flag is being strengthened by the fer- vent emotion that wells up in the heart at hearing of gal- lant deeds and of noble sacrifice. Ah ! to see our coun- try's flag afloat in a foreign land! How it makes the tears of joy to flow. The Czar of the Milwaukee movement can at all times be found with the anti-patriots. Any insult to the American flag is justified : When Clarence S. Darrow a lawyer of the Tolstoyian anarchistic type was denounced in the public press for his refusal to rise when the band played the Star-Spangled Banner, in one of the leading hotels in Seattle, it was Victor Berger who upheld the affront, in a signed editorial: " The flag fetish is silly when it is not hypocritical. And it is hypocritical when it is not silly. THE STAB-SPANGLED BANNEK 129 " I would personally just as soon get up when the band plays ' Hiawatha ' or ' Hail, Hail, the Gang's all Here ' as for ' The Star Spangled Banner.' ' Hiawatha ' stands for a good time, ' The Star-Spangled Banner ' stood for Hell in Colo- rado and stands for the same in Pennsylvania and other places." Like outrages with the intent to wound and injure the patriotic spirit are not uncommon and they are fre- quently violently crass. A mild sensation was sprung in labor circles when the President of the A. F. of L. was charged with having addressed a meeting while standing on the flag. Mr. Gompers defended himself. He de- clared his respect and honor for our national emblem and explained that the flag was draped around not across the table on which he stood. This occasion was made much of in the New York Call (Feb. 10, 1912). We present the last half of an article under the caption " Respect the Uniform; Honor the Flag " (italics ours). " ' At least honor the flag ! ' they cry in desperation. 1 Honor the flag which stands for freedom, equality and fra- ternity ! ' " What flag? The American flag? The Stars and Stripes? The flag which floats over every hell hole of mine and mill and prison? The flag which floats over station house and barracks whence issue police and soldiers to hatter down and murder workers exercising their constitutional rights of free speech and free assemblage? Honor the flag which you our masters, have changed from a flag of liberty into a symbol of the cruelest exploitation and vilest oppression of the new civilization? " If I had been Samuel Gompers when he was reproached by the capitalists for placing his foot on the American flag, I should have answered: 130 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE " ' Yes, I TRAMPLED ON IT, and, more than that i SPIT UPON YOUR FLAG, not mine. I loathe the Stars and Stripes, once the symbol of liberty for all, but now the stripes repre- sent the bloody stripes left by your lash on the back of the worker, and the stars the bullet and bayonet wounds in his breast. TO HELL WITH YOUR FLAG ! ' " There is and can be but one flag for which an intelligent working man can have any respect, the flag of humanity, the red flag of the working-class. It stands for justice, for equality of opportunity, for the abolition of war, the end of oppression and exploitation, for carefree childhood, for glo- rious, unfettered manhood and womanhood, and for honored and protected old age. " When the red flag flies above our homes and our nations, we shall honor it and love it. But, until it does we refuse to recognize or respect any flag which is merely the symbol o/ and protects some national section of international capital- ism. DOWN WITH THE SCARS AND STRIPES ! RUN UP THE RED FLAG OF HUMANITY ! " The lady-reds seem to see red redder than the mere man-reds. We have before us Rose Pastor Stokes' de- fense of the revolutionary emblem. While, indeed, it makes the conventional radical argument that the red flag is red because its red color testifies to the common red blood of humanity and so, of course, in Socialist thought, the red blood of the man and the brute mingle in a common brotherhood the red of Mrs. Stokes' language gives out a most destructive fire. However, it is quite the tendency of the lady-reds to run into poetry when their flag is reprobated. On the occasion when in the Great and General Court of Massachusetts a ban was placed on the Socialist banner The Women's Day Edi- THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 131 tion of the N. Y. Call (Feb. 28, 1915) was inspired to " come back " with a piece of vice printed in the fierce garb of what should be the form of poetry. The pen of Katherine Richmond sets down eight stanzas. We pre- sent the last : " And on Massachusetts' priest-damned shore, Where the Red Flag is denied, When Liberty's clarion call is heard The rulers are defied; And in the fights for freedom, Which by rebel slaves is led, In the hearts of the brave and dauntless Burns bright the Flag of Red." Should it not give pause to many a candid mind upon learning that the red enemy of our fatherland is the red red enemy of our faith? Both are struck at once. Back of the ordered freedom of our fatherland is the faith that holds to the Rock of Ages. Yet, should it not give one courage to realize that so long as men enough acknowledge the moral law to be the foundation of all just government; so long as men enough acknowledge God as the Author of the Ten Commandments just so long shall Columbia's flag wave over a free and mighty people whom Socialism is powerless to corrupt ? Indeed, it is an especial compliment aye an especial call to Catholics that they should bear the brunt of the attack. No, not as capitalists, nor as a " police force for the capitalist class/' but as the stoutest defenders of God's authority in all the world. For it is true that Pope and people one and all reprobate the red flag 132 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE of disorder of rebellion of " The Revolution." No fear of the curse of the red flag ladies ! It will not avail to blast the faith of the good priests nor to blast the rockbound coast of the Old Bay State. Here the Church blossoms like a rose under the vigilant care of our well beloved Cardinal Archbishop. And, many a man not born in the faith comes to that Prince of the Church William Cardinal O'Connell for the ade- quate explanation of the phenomenon " An All-Red Russia." Louise Bryant (Six Months in Russia) tells of a day when Russia was reddest. The occasion was the burial of a man like a dog. The " Red Burial " in Moscow. The " Red Square " was hung in red. Great red ban- ners were flung to the breeze with " inscriptions about the revolution." Nothing but good red revolutionary blood coursed through the veins of the workmen and peasants there present. The bourgeoisie and the aristo- crats were absent murdered or in hiding. Ah, it was glorious! The fate of the empire in the hands of the red revolutionists! "All the churches and all the shrines were closed. How impressive it was ! No cere- mony, no priests; everything so simple and so real." The lady reds are rather chronic press letter writers. The Secretary of the Navy, some time since, gave them occasion to " strike back " because of his denunciation of the red flag in an address delivered at Seattle, Washing- ton. From all over the country came letters of protest. We comment upon one of these open letters for two reasons, first to show that the red flag has replaced the THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 133 Cross of Christ as the symbol of their hope and again to note the persistency with which those of radical cul- ture use, falsely, a quotation from the Encyclopedia Britannica. Mrs. Charles Edward Russell (Chicago, Aug. 2, 1913) whose husband upholds the red flag in Russia as " the universal bond of world-wide hope " deprecates the " peculiar inappropriateness in denounc- ing an emblem of Christianity " which the red flag is by inference said to be. The Hon. Josephus Daniels is re- ferred to " The Encyclopedia Brittanica in an article on Socialism you will find this statement : ' The ethics of Socialism are closely akin to, if not identical with, the ethics of Christian- ity.' " Consequently there is a peculiar inappropriateness in de- nouncing an emblem of Christianity before an organization such as the Young Men's Christian Association." If, however, our Secretary of the Navy, or any one of the Socialists, should take the trouble to look up the reference he could not but find that the Encyclopedia Britannica is not the authority for the quotation that Mrs. Russell employs, namely " The ethics of Socialism are closely akin to, if not identical with the ethics of Christianity." Yet, because their propaganda has so frequently, during the past thirty years, used this quota- tion apart from its proper setting, there is no doubt that many " slave minds " wno camp together with their " class conscious " comrades really believe that the Bri- tannica gives its sanction to this making of black white. Thus confidence in what is not so rings these changes 134 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE innocently ; others for tactical reasons. However, there are Socialists who repudiate and reprobate the notion that the red flag and the Cross of Christ symbolize ethics that are " akin or identical." Desiring an interna- tional authority one may consult the Commonweal (London, Vol. 4, No. 116) on the matter; the Editor of the Comrade (1ST. Y. May, 1903) states the case plainly : " We do not in most cases believe it. We repeat it because it appeals to the slave mind of the world. The very basis of Christianity is a denial of the basic principles of Socialism." ff Socialism Christian- ized would be Socialism emasculated and destroyed." Of course, the " slave mind " is the mind that rests se- curely upon reason enforced and enlightened by reve- lation. In a word natural revelation and supernatural revelation controls the Christian mind, holds it to law and order. From this combination of life and light comes the sage and the seer. Indeed, we are not defenders of the Encyclopedia Britannica. On the contrary we are well aware that its too frequent perversion of Catholic principles and his- tory make it an unreliable guide on things Christian. Yet, its statement relative to the content of the Socialist propaganda is quite to the issue. There is a little fringe of folk, at the outskirts of the movement who still cling sentimentally to Christian precepts, without being aware of the logic of its doctrine ; while the multitude of its followers are controlled in their thought by the lead- ers who insist upon the frankest and most outspoken materialistic conception of history. THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 135 We submit that the quotation in full will not permit Mrs. Russell to run up the red flag as anything like a fair substitute for the Cross of Christ : "It is needless to say that the theories of socialism have been held in connection with the most varying opinions in philosophy and religion. A great deal of the historic social- ism has been regarded as a necessary implicate of idealism. Most of the prevailing socialism of the day is based on the frankest and most outspoken revolutionary materialism. On the other hand, many socialists hold that their system is a necessary outcome of Christianity, that socialism and Chris- tianity are essential the one to the other; and it should be said that the ethics of socialism are closely akin to the ethics of Christianity, if not identical with them." (Page 206, Vol. 22, 9th Edition Encly. Britannica.) We know only too well many persons void of the Living Faith who, distraught because the world, the flesh and the devil seem to them to be in almost complete control of the body-politic, clutch at the red flag as the symbol of hope. Yet, there is no use of going the wrong way for the right thing. Nor is there any wisdom in letting the pest of Socialism run its course to the end when the cure is in the Cross of Christ. But the evi- dence shows that the red flag is still in its ascendant. Mr. Albert Rhys Williams a sometime Congrega- tional minister, now authorized agent of Lenin-Trotsky " to manage the Bolsheviki bureau of information in the United States " when appearing before the Senate Committee investigating this propaganda Mr. Williams was questioned about the red flag by Senator Overman 136 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE (Feb. 21, 1919). His jaunty answer was: "It ex- cites some people. " If you suppress it, they will find some other symbol. In Germany they suppressed the red flag and so they adopted the red flower and all the Socialist women began to wear red pet- ticoats and they held up a few inches of the outer skirt so everybody could see the color of the petticoat. I think there is entirely too much hullabaloo about the red flag." No doubt, the suppression of the symbol by a mere force leads to a still more determined effort to float the red flag over the Stars and Stripes. But is there no hope since the suppression of their symbol leads to still more determined perversity to establish internationalism on the ruins of nations the one following the other in rapid cycles ? Yes, undoubtedly, there is, namely a readjustment of our national affairs political, eco- nomic, domestic and social upon the principles laid down by the founders of our government. Here is the necessity for instruction in ethics and morals we must think straight and act straight if we desire the blessings of the commonwealth. But primarily, the education of ethics and morals is the office of the Church " Going, therefore, teach ye all nations, teaching them all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Then it comes to this : The rank and file of the red flag fol- lowers are like unto the little children of the poor who are ground down by the rich more sinned against than sinning. Their leaders know what they do, not so with the rabble. Our Blessed Lord prayed : " Fa- ther, forgive them for they know not what they do." THE STAR-SPANGLED BANKER 137 How is it, then, if our country would rid us of propa- ganda under the red flag, that our nationally accredited agents John Spargo, A. M. Simons, Louis Kopelin, Charles Edward Russell and Alexander Howat the Socialist Commission to Europe, may receive from Sec- retary of State Lansing commendation ? " You have done a great service not only to your country, but to hu- manity." " The Mission took part in the presentation of a red flag to General Garibaldi, the grandson of the revolutionist, by the Trieste Socialists, now in Paris." (The New Appeal, Oct. 5, 1918.) CHILDREN CAST OFF THE AMERICAN FLAG The evil effect of the Red Flag propaganda has de- scended from their fathers and mothers upon the school children. In proof we shall cite but two of the many instances that our data recounts. " Oscar Whiting, ten years old, a pupil in the Reed public school, Camden, N. J., was suspended because he refused to salute the American flag. "It seems the lad has failed to salute the flag since the opening of school, the teachers failing to observe the infrac- tion of the rules. His detection was due to an indignation meeting of the other pupils. The pupils reported the matter to Miss Holl and she asked the boy why be had not saluted the colors. " ' My parents are Socialists,' be replied, ' and have told me not to salute the flag.' "'Why not?' Miss Holl asked. " ' I don't know,' the youth said. ' They told me not to take my hat off to a flag unless it was all red.' 138 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE " The boy was sent home. At the noon hour he returned accompanied by his mother. She demanded that Miss Holl admit the lad, but the principal refused. The mother became so insistent that it was necessary for the teacher to call a policeman." (The Live Issue, Vol. 1, No. 37, N. Y.) The open rebellion of a thirteen year old girl was proudly sent broadcast by the Radical Review (N. Y., July, 1918). The incident took place in the public schools of Salt Lake City, Utah. It was required that the pupils should salute our flag and recite : " I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the republic for which it stands. One nation indivisible, with liberty and jus- tice for all." This Lena Eyler refused to do. In answer to the in- quiry of the principal of the Franklin Grammar School, the girl cast off the American flag and defended the red " I owe nothing to the American flag. It no longer stands for the noble principles in which it was conceived. If I must salute a flag it will be the red flag of Socialism because I think it stands more truly for liberty and justice than the Stars and Stripes." The writer goes on to say : "What the bourgeois school of Salt Lake City deprives Lena Eyler of Socialist tuition must substitute. The scepter of Education is passing from the Bourgeois to the Proletariat. The pure flame that burns in that child's breast must not be suffered to consume itself. Fanned with the fan of So- cialist fulness of information, that flame is rising, lambent through the length and breadth of the land." THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 139 Surely, were the scepter of education with " Socialist fulness " in the hands of a Godless school system our Sodom and Gomorrah were at hand. But is it not the handwriting on the wall that Socialism is informing the world of its intention to make all education Godless un- der their banner of savage blood red ? INNOCENCE AND GUFLT It is true that every man is at once innocent and guilty since a man is a liar if he says he is not a sinner. Yet, there is a vast an impassable gulf between those who love God and fear Him and those who deny God and deny sin. The very creed of Social- ism forbids the love of God and the fear of God. God has no existence in their dogmas, the Ten Command- ments were fit only for the servile infancy of the race. It is only by holding in mind this underlying premise of their movement that an intelligent view of their protes- tations of the superiority of their intentions over the pur- poses of men who are indeed guilty of extortion and usurpation can be seen. When Socialists boast of be- ing " open and honest " they express that desperate courage that is like to the fight of the rat in the corner. Socialists make one but one use of Christian prin- ciples, they serve mightily for the condemnation and the confusion of others. As for using Christian prin- ciples in the search for their own sins ! perish the thought, there is no God. This being so we shall set forth their purpose to supplant the cross of Christ with the red flag and of taking possession of the nations of 140 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE the earth under the sign of the red flag. May-Day our Blessed Mother's Day is their time for grandiose declamation. In the May-Day issue of the Chicago Daily Socialist (1912) Morris Hillquit delivers himself in a signed editorial. "Friday, the militant hosts of Socialism and labor will march in proud procession to the inspiring tune of the ' Marseillaise ' or the ' Internationale,' carrying the defiant emblem of their hopes and their challenge the red flag of Socialism. " As Usual also a savage howl of mingled rage and fear will go up from the capitalist press, the capitalist pulpit and the capitalist government. The parasites of all nations have a morbid aversion to the red color. Their guilty conscience in- terprets it as a symbol of carnage and bloodshed. " We Socialists glory in the red flag as the symbol of kin- ship of all that bears human countenance ; we revere it as an augury of world-wide peace, harmony and brotherhood, we cling to it as the inspiring standard in the great international fight against corruption, exploitation and oppression. We are proud of the red flag. Our allegiance to it is open and honest. " But how about you, apologists of the existing system ? You, who taunt us with our flag and flaunt into our faces the Stars and Stripes? What claim do you have to the emblem of American independence, democracy and justice ? " The Stars and Stripes are not YOUR emblem ! You have long pawned the stars to the trusts and monopolies and your stripes for the stripes of the prison garb. Your true emblem is the black flag of the pirate. " Since the fight of Socialism is a fight to re-establish equality, democracy and social justice in this country, the Socialists alone uphold the true purity and honor of the THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 141 Stars and Stripes. Since the fight of Socialism is at the same time a fight for the entire human race, the red flag supplements the Stars and Stripes. When Socialism will win its battles, both emblems will flutter together from all huts and palaces, gaily proclaiming in their multiform colors that mankind is free." Let us discriminate : When the term " parasite " is used to express the acts of those men who are respon- sible for political and economic abuses, we accept it as fitting. So, too, when the term " existing system " is used to denote those trusts and monopolies that flourish as the wicked on earth, we accept it as fitting. But when the word parasite is used by Socialists, the term is so all-embracing as to leave nobody in the country with a decent regard for the economic and political rights of others, neither is there left a great body of men who loyally stand for their country and their God. These are they who defend our country with their strength, their life and their money. These are they to whom the Most Reverend Patrick J. Hayes, D. D., Archbishop of New York, at Solemn Military Mass, Battery Park Memorial Day, 1918 addressed these words: " Here to this very ground, the gateway of America, seek- ing a haven of refuge, a land of opportunity, have come legions of immigrants. America looked out upon the At- lantic, with a cry of welcome to all, saying ' Enter ye in.' To-day she stands on this same consecrated ground and bids these new sons of hers, many, sons by adoption, to go forth across the waters over which your forefathers or yourselves have ventured and not to return until you have planted the glorious Stars and Stripes upon the citadel of 142 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE darkness that liberty and civilization may not perish from the earth." "No, not for these priest and people is it a " guilty " conscience, but rather it is history and ex- perience that forbids them to conclude that " carnage and bloodshed " is what our flag symbolizes. They know that the red flag symbolizes desecration of re- ligion, degradation of the family, confiscation of prop- erty, murder and rapine together with the overthrow of government. It were as sensible to expect the lion and the lamb to lie down together in peace, that the as- sassin and his victim will dwell together in love, as to expect the Red flag and Old Glory to flutter in har- monious union. Ah ! But the hypocrisy of the mental picture of the red flag supplementing the Stars and Stripes ! Is not the Stars and Stripes the full orbed sum of human lib- erty the promise of social prosperity and security if we will but work it out ? We know that it was not to " supplement " the tri-color of France that the red flag was raised aloft by the Commune of 1871. Ear from it. The red flag was run up on the Hotel de Ville to supplant the banner of France ; while the German enemy was thundering at Paris gates the Socialist enemy was taking possession within : When the Allies defeated the Germans the Liebknecht-Luxemburg group that are praised so highly by their American comrades ran up the red flag on the Royal Palace of Berlin not to " supplement " but to supplant the flag of Germany. THE STAK-SP ANGLED BAOTTER 143 When the Bolsheviki overthrew the Constituent As- sembly, the red flag went up on the Winter Palace of Petrograd not to " supplement " the first democratic flag of Russia, but to supplant it with the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. To come home when a motion was made at the Washington State Convention (1912) of the Socialist Party to have Old Glory displayed together with the red flag, the delegates defeated the resolve by a vote of two to one. Lacking the power, Socialist poli- ticians talk of supplementing our symbol of liberty with theirs of license ; having the power they haul down na- tional banners and run up the International flag of des- potism the color of blood. The diplomatic " Comrade " " Hillquit," is not so frank as is Ernest Belfort Bax of England an inter- national authority his frankness, not his doctrine, is to be commended when he says : "Hasten the day . . . when the working classes of the civilized world will, with one consent, finally abandon the national flags of their masters, and range themselves under the banner of Socialism. . . ." (Social Democrat, London, Vol. 8, No. 7.) " The day " has come, but not gone, in Russia as there are yet alive many who are not slaves to the will of Lenin-Trotsky. For ourselves, the question is Shall we hasten the Socialist day ? Or, shall we say They shall not pass? Abroad and at home the will to crush nations under the wheels of the Socialist juggernaut may be seen by what they do. When the deliberations of the first Inter- 144 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE national Socialist Congress (Geneva 1866) were over, a red flag fete brought the occasion to an end. A steam- boat on Lake Leman was chartered for an excursion. It was gaily decorated and a band provided inspiriting music. All the home and foreign delegates were aboard. The flags of many nations floated from the ropes run- ning to the mast head, and it was significantly bare. The band struck up the Internationale as the steamer glided smoothly out into the lake. Then came a mighty shout from hundreds of throats, " Hurrah for the Red Republic," and up went the red flag to the topmost place. Ah ! was it the red flag of Switzerland with the white cross ? No, not so, it was minus the cross. It was the blood red flag that symbolized the power that should lay low the flag of every nation under the sun. It was the red flag that pronounced the sentence No God, No Master. It was the threat of nationality wiped out of a world without religion. We have had in our own country a fantastical scene but with the same meaning. A Socialist clergyman Bouck White, whom Eugene V. Debs has ordained as " the only Christian minister " in New York, has brought the Geneva fete quite up to date. Having de- livered a sermon in " The Church of Social Revolution " on " The Idolatry of the Flag " ; and delivered himself of the accusation that " patriotism is a relic of the dark ages " ; that " the American flag has come to be the pavilion of property rights," Mr. White hied himself to the back yard. Behind the church, together with his comrades, the gentlemen proceeded to the ceremony of THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 145 melting all the nations down to dregs in a huge iron pot. One after another the flags of the several nations of the earth were placed in the pot our sacred emblem in full view. There was a flash of brimstone and devouring flames, leaping high, that reduced them all to nothing- ness. Ah! how great and glorious is the use of me- chanics following after the materialist conception of history. Lo, and behold! The red flag of Interna- tionalism waves above the hot pot. The feat is roundly applauded and the blasphemous " amen " is sounded. Let no sensible man think that this contumacious act of their pastor was resented by his Socialist flock. Quite to the contrary: a The congregation of the church, however, stands squarely behind its pastor in the position he has taken. This was made evident by the discussion that followed the sermon. Professor Imbert, of the department of history of Columbia University, arose to say that he agreed with everything that Bouck White had said and that half the boys under him at the university held the same views. In the event of the matter being forced to an issue, he said, they were willing to go to any lengths with White." (New York Call, March 27, 1916.) Bouck White was brought before the court for thus insulting our flag and given a well deserved term in the penitentiary. The judge expressed regret that the law did not permit him to give the offender a longer sen- tence. Desecrating the flag was merely a huge joke to the Socialist daily of New York. It bemoaned the event since : 146 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE "Dear Comrade Bouck White languishes in jail because he could not resist the temptation to make a little flag soup in his back yard." (Call, Sept. 3, 1916.) Surely, it is superfluous to note that this man who engages in crass and familiar chat about our Blessed Lord being the greatest Socialist rebel on record, was as unrepentant when he left the jail as he was when he entered therein. For it should be well understood that whether the event be gay at Geneva, or treasonably comic as the burning of flags in a pot in the back yard of a church or as bloody red as the Bolsheviki regime in starved and desolate Russia, their aim and end is one and the same the wide- world over: To substitute the force of the Marxian red flag for one and all national banners for which patriots give up their lives. No, we do not fear. We know as well as anybody the onrush of dangers. But we know America's best de- fense. Our glorious banner shall be seen floating ma- jestically in the breeze in all its brilliant beauty a thou- sand years after this latest heresy reduced to a physical combat has been beaten back through the Gates of Hell. This our well beloved Columbia is in our Blessed Moth- er's care; and we know that so long as the Catholic Church inculcates the love of the flag in the hearts of her children Old Glory is safe. " Up to the breeze of the morning I fling you, Blending your folds with the dawn in the sky; There let the people behold you, and bring you Love and devotion that never shall die. THE STAR-SPANGLED BANKER 147 Proudly agaze at your glory, I stand Flag o' my land ! Flag o' my land ! Standard most glorious, Banner of beauty! Whither you beckon me there will I go ; Only to you, after God, is my duty; Unto no other allegiance I owe. Heart of me, soul of me, yours to command, Flag o' my land! Flag o' my land! TOM DALY." Love of our flag is quickly, generously and proudly translated into deeds of heroic valor that never die. Whether or not the words are the same, there is the self- same straightforward promise of loyalty to the Gov- ernment when it is declared by Congress and ratified by the signature of the United States that we are in a state of war, there comes from every priestly Shepherd of his flock as came in these plain words of ARCHBISHOP GEORGE W. MUNDELEIN, OF CHICAGO "And now that it has begun, none of us can tell how long it will last, what the cost in human life may be and what sacrifices all of us must bring. But one thing is certain, and I speak for myself, for 800 priests and 1,000,000 of Catholics, the moment the President of the United States affixed his signature to the resolutions of Congress, all dif- ferences of opinion ceased. We stand seriously, solidly and loyally behind them. They have perhaps information that is hidden from us; they may know that danger threatens this nation from more than the one quarter towards which we are all looking. But in any case they are the elected representatives of the people; this is a government of the people and by the people. We have chosen them and into 148 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE their hands we have given the reins of government and by their decisions we must abide, otherwise we would prove un- worthy of the blessing of a free democracy. And so in this hour of crisis I pledge the loyalty of our Catholic people to our flag. I say this not in a burst of enthusiasm, carried away by the excitement of the moment or just as an empty figure of speech. For by our acts we will be judged, not by words. Soon will many of our young men leave home to step into the ranks of the army or navy. The old Church that looked after them at home will follow them, too, to the bat- tlefield. God knows that we need priests sorely, but we will economize our forces here that they may go with the soldier boys!" Catholics are taught to render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar to love and to honor their flag if need be unto death, for God has commanded it. Catholics are taught to render to God what belongs to God to take up their cross following after our Blessed Lord into the bliss of our Heavenly Home. NOT merely a national view but rather a world view is necessary to encompass the meaning of Socialist propaganda, for the simple reason that its aim is the undoing of nations in the interest of the Interna- tional. It is not readjustment, not even reorganization within the commonwealth, nor is it a league of nations for the better protection of individual and national rights that it seeks. Yet, it may fairly be said that it is because a remedy has not yet been applied although it was long since found and designated Christian Democ- racy by Pope Leo XIII in defense of the hewers of wood, in defense of the smaller and weaker nations against the imperialistic designs of larger and stronger nations that Socialism stalks over the earth with the stride of seven leagued boots. They want to expropriate the expropriators a class- less society. We want that the several classes in society shall deal justly one with the other. They want the land and capital now in private hands confiscated by the proletariat of the world. We want that private property shall be maintained, that employers shall produce, transport and exchange 149 150 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE commodities on the basis of equity and that wage earn- ers shall receive the full value of their toil. They want a dead level of mediocre folk with the in- dividual as the unit of the animalistic herd. We want an infinite variety of home life that corre- sponds to the multitudinous gifts, high and low with which mankind has been endowed. They want the monogamic family to make its exit upon the entrance of the whole female sex into the public industries. We want the Christian home to be that central place on earth most like to heaven above. They want to corrupt the army and navy that the na- tion may be without defense from their intrigues within and from their assaults without. We want to maintain the army and navy as a bulwark of strength against disorder at home and a sure guard against aggressions from abroad. Now, since Socialism takes advantage of every op- portunity to discredit and to undermine the vocation of the soldier and the sailor and to inoculate them with disloyal thoughts and to incite them to treasonable acts, we believe it a patriotic duty to set forth the facts in proof of this menace, that threatens to break the mo- rale of our army and navy. We do not come to the defense of war for the glory of war though we would not take away one iota of honor from those who give their blood at the call of their home-land. What we mean to do is so to extend the voice of the Vicar of Christ that his sound reasoning, THE ARMY AND THE NAVY 151 relative to armed force, may win the admiration of well intentioned men, all unaccustomed to the voice of the Church. Then we may be sure that such will give their aid in driving from our midst those opinions and senti- ments that make for desolation. As all should know the Catholic Church has but one voice since Truth is Truth with nothing added and nothing taken away. Yet, just because Truth is ab- solute men may bespeak it in a multitude of forms yet never change its meaning. The Great Doctor, St. Au- gustine, in reviewing this matter makes the reflection : " If Christian discipline condemned all wars, the Gospel would have given this counsel of salvation to the soldiers who asked what they should do, that they should throw away their arms and withdraw themselves from the military service altogether. But it says to them, 'Do violence to no man, calumniate no one, and be content with your wages,' St. Luke iii, 14. Surely it does not prohibit the military service to those whom it commands to be content with their wages." (Epirthe V. Ad Marcelium, C 2, 15 n.) Our Lord's commendation of the Centurian : " 7 have not found so great faith in Israel." (Matt. VIII, 5-10) surely takes cognizance of the fact that the Cen- turian has soldiers under him who go there or come here at his commands. Here there is not slightest sug- gestion that this officer should abandon the military service. Again, another soldier " Cornelius, a cen- turian of that which is called the Italian band," is re- ferred to by Christ as " a religious man, and fearing God '' (Acts X, 1-2.) It certainly were unreason- 152 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE able to assume that this appreciation would have been given to one who followed a vocation against the divine law. The great Apostle, St. Paul, says (Heb. xi, 32-34) : " The time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, Barac, Samson, Jephthe, David, Samuel and the prophets : Who by faith conquered kingdoms, wrought justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of liars, quenched the violence of fire, es- caped the edge of the sword, recovered strength from weak- ness, became valiant in battle, put to flight the armies of foreigners." This then is and ever has been the doctrine of the Christian Church, that the armed force of the nation is not alone proper but necessary. That, therefore, the vocation of the soldier may be followed with honor by the most religious of men. As we reflect, we give honor to the soldier Wash- ington who, under God, formed us a nation. So it is that the issue admits of no equivocation. Every citizen must stand for the integrity of the army and navy. But Socialists will not ! They reject the law of God and the love of country as a binding force, while na- tional integrity has no place in their philosophy. No- tional Integrity is a bulwark that they mean to pull down, by a propaganda that never slumbers nor sleeps. Since it is over the dead body of the nation that So- cialism climbs into its own, we may not expect a sur- cease until its ill directed energy is spent. The date of that time is for liberty lovers to fix. It must be kept in mind that however rebellious men THE AKMY AND THE NAVY 153 are, fundamental principles cannot be ignored. God is not mocked. Consequently it is certain that Social- ism will give proof though in a negative way that loyalty is necessary to their scheme of a " new so- ciety." To corrupt our soldiery is right since it ad- vances the revolution. But, once a government is in the hands of the Marxians, loyalty to death is demanded of their soldiery. Here then, is the key by which to understand the issue we are confronted with here is the proof that although loyalty is scorned as an obliga- tion to Caesar, under God, loyalty is now in Russia de- manded unto death by those men who have set up a pro- letarian dictatorship there as the first step in the con- quest of the world. We quote : THE OATH OF ENLISTMENT OF SOVIET SOLDIERS 1. Son of the People, worker and citizen of the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic, I enroll in the Workers' and Peasants' Army. 2. Before the working class of Russia and the whole world I swear: to respect my position as soldier; to conscienti- ously undergo my military training; to safeguard the in- terests of the Army and the People, and to defend them with my heart's blood. 3. I swear to submit strictly to revolutionary discipline, and to obey without question the orders of my chiefs, desig- nated by authority of the Workers' and Peasants' Govern- ment. 4. I swear to commit no action detrimental to the repu- tation of the free citizens of the Russian Soviet Republic; I swear to consecrate myself, in thought and in action, to our ideal of the emancipation of all tbe working classes. 5. I swear, that at the call of the Workers' and Peasants' 154 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE Government, I will risk my life to defend the Soviet Republic against whatever dangers there may be, from wherever it may come, and that I will give whatever I have of strength and of life for the defense of the Soviet Republic, of Social- ism and of the brotherhood of the people. 6. Let me be delivered to the contempt of the People and the severe punishment of the laws of the Revolution if I violate the oath ! (" Revolutionary Age," Boston, March 29, 1919.) We purpose now to exhibit piece after piece of testi- mony in support of our conviction that Socialists would corrupt the army and navy. Thousands of copies of a crude book " War, What For ? " by George R. Kirk- patrick (Vice-presidential nominee, Socialist Party 1916) were sent forth to " drain the recruiting stations and thin the ranks of the soldiery." Every occasion is made an opportunity of belittling a soldier's life. " Soldiers are potential strike-breakers." (New York Call, June 3, 1916.) " The American Militia is made up of young whipper- snappers, mostly sons of capitalists who go into it for fun and the purpose of killing strikers when they turn out." (Pamphlet, Daniel De Leon.) " Policemen, sheriffs and marshals are the same as soldiers, BO far as you are concerned," that is to say, the hirelings of the capitalist class are ever enemies of the working class." Perhaps the most widely circulated single attack upon the soldier was written by Jack London the famous or infamous author. His estimate of the soldier has been printed in nearly every one of their English Ian- THE AKMY AND THE NAVY 155 guage papers, on circulars and postcards, and spread broadcast throughout the world. We present it as pub- lished in the Buffalo Socialist (Sept. 20, 1913) to- gether with the Editor's introduction : "During the Perry Celebration one of the features was a grand military display. Men paraded in all kinds of fancy uniforms, and the best bands that could be procured were in the procession. Soldiers, sailors, artillery and quick-firing guns were toted through the streets, not only for the amuse- ment of the visitors, but for the purpose of inspiring un- thinking youths who might be deceived into joining these institutions of multiplied murder. For the benefit of the young men of this city we reprint Jack London's ' Good Soldier.' Cut it out and paste it up in a conspicuous place. THE 'GOOD SOLDIER' (BY JACK LONDON) " Young Men : The lowest aim in your life is to be- come a soldier. The good soldier never tries to distin- guish right from wrong. He never thinks; never rea- sons ; he only obeys. If he is ordered to fire on his fellow citizens, on his friends, on his neighbors, on his relatives, he obeys without hesitation. If he is ordered to fire down a crowded street when the poor are clamoring for bread, he obeys, and sees the gray hairs of age stained with red and the life tide gushing from the breasts of women, feeling neither remorse nor sympathy. If he is ordered off as a firing squad to execute a hero or bene- factor, he fires without hesitation, though he knows the bullet will pierce the noblest heart that ever beat in hu- man breast. "A good soldier is a blind, heartless, soulless, mur- derous machine. He is not a man. He is not a brute, 156 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUBE for brutes only kill in self-defense. All that is human in him, all that is divine in him, all that constitutes the man has been sworn away when he took the enlist- ment roll. His mind, his conscience, aye, his very soul, are in the keeping of his officer. " No man can fall lower than a soldier it is a depth beneath which he cannot go. Keep the boys out of the army. It is "hell. "Down with the army and the navy. We don't need killing institutions. We need life-giving institutions." " Our Gene," the genial Debs is not to be outrun by the most celebrated amongst socialist authors: " The workingman who turns soldier becomes the hired assassin of the capitalist master. He goes on the murderers' payroll at fifty cents a day under orders to kill anybody, anywhere, at any time. This is the vile abject thing we call a soldier. Lower than the slimy, dripping depth to which this craven creature crawls neither man nor beast can even sink in time or eternity." (Army and Navy Jour- nal, Dec. 25, 1916.) The occasion when, by our then President Roosevelt, colored troops were discharged for rioting, and other conduct unbecoming to members of the National Guard, at Brownsville, Texas, supplied an unwonted opportu- nity for displaying contempt for soldiers, who volun- teer their services in defense of our country. It was taken full advantage of. We quote excerpts from state- ments made by National Committeemen of the Socialist Party, giving reasons for their vote upon a pending mo- tion to condemn President Roosevelt's action. (S. P. Official Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 5.) THE AEMY AND THE NAVY 157 Wells Le Fevre (Arkansas) " I vote no. We might as well ask for ' justice ' from the soldier's gun as for the soldier. When he enlisted he surrendered all his rights and became a part of an infernal machine for a more infernal purpose." Comrade Woodside (Colorado) "For my part I would like to see the entire army dis- honorably discharged." " They are the lackeys of capitalism and as such ready at all times to do their dirty and criminal work." A. J. Pettigrew (Florida) "I vote no. Not because I don't want justice done, but because soldiers are not the instruments of justice." A. L. Smith (Louisiana) " His motive spells treason and could come from none but a traitor." " That base and iniquitous wretch known as a soldier." " The soldiers' business is to kill to kill what ? People. What kind of people? Working people. Did you ever know of soldiers killing any other kind ? " " It should be clear that these beasts are not members of our class the working class." J. E. Voss (Tennessee) "We cannot see how a Socialist can put himself in the same class as a lot of uninformed murderers not con- scripted, but voluntary whose sole mission is to protect capitalists' interests and shoot down the working class pro- ducers." 158 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE W. H. Mills (Texas) " The Soldiery, whatever their color, are the murderous mercenaries of predatory and repressive capitalism. Their mission is to murder the working class " Alf. Wageriknecht (Washington) " It truly seems to me that every time the capitalist class does anything to disorganize its own forces, no matter how it does it, it is to our benefit. These soldiers, formerly servants of the class opposed to us, may now, after a few more knocks in the real slave market, become what we are." Robert Bandlow (Ohio} " In voting ' no ' it is to emphasize that in the class war these negro soldiers are upholding the system which accentuates the misery of the proletarian. The Socialist Party is not called upon to meddle in the affairs of the bourgeosie." F. L. Swartz (Pennsylvania) "I would hail the day when the President of the United States and the plutes' representatives of the whole world would give all their soldiers dishonorable discharges." Referring to the " reasons " given by these Socialist Rational Committeemen for upholding disobedience, dis- loyalty and treason as the real duty of the soldiers as against their alleged duty to keep fellow workingmen in poverty and to kill them, Victor L. Berger, in his own paper, makes this comment : The statements " accom- THE AEMY AND THE NAVY 159 ponying the votes of the National Committeemen of the Socialist Party give some idea of the prevailing opinion of progressive working people on the subject of govern- ment soldiery." Yet, it is their purpose by the spread of treasonable literature to win these " dastards," these " reptiles," these " cowards," these lowest characters imaginable to their glorious cause Socialism, the religion of the working-class. Surely, such were quite fitting associ- ates! Their means are like in character to their ultimate aim. There is no beating about the bush, for the hope is boldly expressed that mutiny in the army and navy shall become an order of especial use in the confiscation of capital. The Socialist Voice (Oakland, Cal.) sent a CIRCULAE LETTER TO ALL SOCIALIST AND REVOLUTIONARY PAPERS It went the rounds. All over the country there was a vigorous ringing of charges upon its forceful phrases: " There is such a thing as mutiny." Yes, " gen- eral mutiny simultaneous with a general strike." Since ff The Socialist Party frankly avows its intention of appropriating the means of production/' it is certain that " the army and navy must be turned into a state of ferment." The way to do this is to deluge the soldiers and the sailors " with good class conscious propaganda and the results will be astonishing." At Socialist com- mand, the guns shall be turned upon the capitalist class For there is such a thing as mutiny. 160 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUHE It was somewhat astonishing that this circular should have been published in the Christian Socialist (Chicago, May 15, 1907). We give some paragraphs taken there- from: "Do you realize that there exists in the United States to-day two of the most feudalistic institutions in the world? We refer to the United States Army and the United States Navy. The discipline in these two institutions is such as to render them the most powerful and at the same time the most servile tools .of the capitalist class. It is simply appalling to contemplate the damage these two institutions could do the working class in case the present revolution assumed a violent aspect. " This Is Not a Theory, But an Oft' Demonstrated Fact. The murder, by the artillery of the men, women and children in the Southern Philippines, the brutal slaughter of the French proletarians during the Paris commune, the Nevska Prospect butchery, and others too numerous to men- tion, all indicate that the policy of the capitalist class is a policy of bloodshed and murder. " It has long been recognized that the rulers and capital- ists, synonymous terms, have exalted private property above human life . This has been proven so often as to render illustrations superfluous. Now, the Socialist party frankly avows its intention of appropriation of the means of pro- duction. There is no beating about the bush; we, the work- ers, want full product of our labor, and we propose to get it; we further realize that we can never get it under the present system. To change the system implies the taking over of the means of production and using them for the common good instead of the good of the few, as at present. Do you think the capitalists will like this? Do you think they will tamely submit to the taking of their property by legal or extra legal means? Is it possible that they who THE ARMY AND THE NAVY 161 own the courts, the legislature and the executive powers of government will make no effort to use these powers to protect their sacred property? If you think they will sub- mit without a struggle, you are pardon the frankness an idiot. " Suppose, for instance, the Socialist vote of this country became a menace and it will no doubt become a serious menace to the capitalist class. Would the ' constitution ' keep them from disfranchising the worker? Not much! Then here, as in Russia, the only weapon left the workers would be a general strike, backed up l>y an armed revolution; and in that case our only hope of winning will be to have the Army and the Navy in such a state of ferment that they will cast their lot with the workers instead of being loyal to their present masters. "Would it not be a humorous piece of poetic justice to turn the guns of the capitalists against them? And it can be done, because it has been done more than once. " There is a greater per cent, of class-conscious sailors and soldiers than of proletarians, but as yet they are unconscious of the class-consciousness. But let the Socialists deluge them with good class- conscious propaganda, and the results will be astonishing, especially to our masters for nothing astonishes a socialist. So long as the Army and the Navy are loyal to the capitalist class, it will be well-nigh impos- sible to introduce the cooperative commonwealth; but armies are not loyal to their masters; there is such a thing as a mutiny! " Take Russia, for example. Could the revolution have made such progress had it not been for the mutinies of the raw troops and the sailors ? And if ' oppressed Russia ' can successfully conduct an anti-military campaign of socialist agitation, why shouldn't 'free America'? In the United States Army every enlisted man must be able to read English ; we can easily reach them ; they have no delusions about 162 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE our 'Little Father' (Theodora I), because they are wise to him. The United States Government always imcompetent and impotent will be powerless to stop our propaganda. " Many other prominent socialists, including the editor of many socialist papers, have already endorsed the idea and not a single socialist, so far, has condemned it. " With ' the men behind the guns ' on our side, we have nothing to fear, for courts, kings and military dictators are powerless when they have no guns to back up their de- cisions ; and ' God ' is but a royal alias for a ' standing army.' All it requires is the properly directed effort on our part, and we can have a general mutiny simultaneous with the general strike." It is their brag that " not a single Socialist paper con- demned " this appeal to treason. We may be sure that this Circular Letter presents a rather plausible picture to those men who have for long forsworn their allegiance to their country. Their shibboleth No God, no coun- try expresses their case consistently. Almighty God is not merely unknown, He is " a royal alias," to Whom the Socialists on guard pay scorn instead of honor ; while they are constantly on the watch to corrupt men behind the guns. Thus the case stands a world-wide Bolsheviki prop- aganda that rises like a tidal wave to engulf nations made weak because of political injustice and economic oppression. Hence this question is pertinent what effect should Socialist propaganda have upon the great capitalists of our country ? To say nothing in the inter- est of their souls' salvation, and if from no higher mo- tive than enlightened self-interest they should be, be- THE AKMY AND THE NAVY 163 cause they can be, the first to make an effective move towards social justice by a readjustment in industry commerce finance. Liberty is in the air fanning the flame of justice that men may be free before the law and that equity shall be done in the market of the world. This is merely another way of remembering that men are made in the image of God and that not forever will they submit to a viola- tion of their inborn rights, political and economic, by the might and the greed of the few. Especially now since with the aid of a little true history they hark back to the echo of the past to the guilds of the middle ages within which master and men settled their differences not by might or crooked wisdom but by the even tones of the voice of the Church. Then, wage-earners were not treated as a mere commodity-labor to be bought at the lowest prices and furnished with the meanest accom- modations. But rather they were an elemental part of that Christian society that Brotherhood of Man that was engrafted, by the Church of Christ, into the affairs of a Pagan and barbarous world. When these guilds, of culture and of craft, were despoiled by the hand of an apostate priest and a wicked king, the best and the bravest were sent to the rack and the scaffold while the defenseless multitude were ground in the dust. Slowly, since God is good and the spirit of man is free, a readjustment so vast as to be planned by no man's hand is bringing, once more, the people into their own. By the genius of men the bounties of God are now set so free that the necessities, aye the elegancies of living 164 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE are seen to be sufficient for all. Truly it is not a dearth of material goods but the arrogant spirit of the rich that straps on the back of the poor a burden too great for men to bear. Evidently the conclusion is plain The captains of industry commerce finance must choose between self -reformation or the deluge. Yet, the wisdom of God is in no man's hand ; while the innocent ever suffer with the guilty. So much for this phase of Socialist-Bolsheviki 'propa- ganda in our country. What does the scribe tell of the preparation of the soil for the revolution over seas? There is the self-same determined attempt to undermine the loyalty of the army and navy in every country in which there has and is an active Socialist movement. Marx and Engels heavily oversowed the sentiment of national loyalty with the cockle of international bravado and much of it has ripened into rank fruit throughout Europe. With confidence Victor Grayson (Wigand, Eng. Sep. 23, 1907) expresses the view that Socialist propaganda is taking effect: "I am looking to the time when the British soldier will emulate his brother of the National Guard of France and, when asked to fire upon the People who are fighting for their rights, will turn his rifle in the other direction. We are making a Socialist of Tommy Atkins by propaganda work in the Army." Bernard Shaw's voice is still more powerful. By tongue and pen he has long served the cause of the THE ARMY AND THE NAVY 1G5 revolution, by breaking down faith in God ; love of coun- try ; the integrity of the family and the belief in private property. His estimate of the soldier is given in " John Bull's Other Island": " The Soldier is an anachronism of which we must get rid military service produces moral imbecility, ferocity, and cowardice. For permanent work, the soldier is worse than useless; such efficiency as he has is the result of de- humanization and disablement. His whole training tends to make him a weakling." L'Humanite, the leading Socialist daily published in Paris, gives out an interview with Bernard Shaw that is characteristic: "If war should eventually come to England, the English Socialists should not hesitate to advise the sabotage of the Dreadnoughts." Asked if such advice would likely be carried into effect, Shaw said : "We may reasonably hope so. The British navy has be- come indoctrinated with the new ideas. You must know that there is neither a destroyer nor a cruiser that does not carry with it on each cruise new revolutionary pamphlets, that the crew of the Jupite, a warship of the first class, was disbanded some years ago because there were at least a hundred anti-militarists among them." Army and Navy Journal makes it the subject of an editorial (May 6, 1911) : 166 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE " SOCIAUS/T CRIPPLING OF WARSHIPS " " The frequent inexplicable disasters to French warships which have so often been held up as a want of naval seaman- ship are now, since the discovery of sabotage, attributed to these cowardly miscreants who cripple a ship in such a way that it becomes helpless at a critical moment and either goes on the rocks, founders, or is the victim of a mysterious explosion in the boiler rooms. A few months ago the sights of the big guns of H. M. 8. Irresistible were thrown overboard, and this disabling of the armament was ascribed to members of the crew, although the perpetrators could not be found. The fact that so serious an expression of mutinous discontent came at a time when the Socialists boast that the Royal Navy is honeycombed with their theories is sufficient to arouse inquiry as to where such agitation will stop." It is by holding in mind the philosophy of Socialism that one is enabled to understand why the deeds of " these cowardly miscreants who cripple a ship in such a way that it becomes helpless at a critical moment " are works of heroic virtue in the view of those who ar- rogate to themselves the mission of creating the " new society." The Chicago Daily Socialist (May 25, 1909) exultantly announces that " Socialists Mar Ship Launching." It tells with pride of the occasion in Brest, France, where Socialists singing " L'lnterna- tional," prevented the battleship Danton from leaving the stocks and rejoices that " a strong Socialist spirit prevails among the employees " of the works. The source of these disasters to French battleships is coolly pointed out the new revolutionary pamphlets, so in- THE ARMY AND THE NAVY 167 dustriously circulated by the comrades, first created the " Socialist spirit " and this same spirit finds its outlet in sabotage. Without a doubt, the battleship lena was deliberately set on fire by this spirit that animated the Socialist sailory. From Norway came the news, through their leading Socialist Daily (New York Call, Sept. 20, 1911), that nearly two hundred soldiers were court-martialed and sentenced in Christiania " for breaking the military code." The comment following encourages others to do likewise : " There is, however, no doubt that the Socialist propaganda is immediately responsible for the revolt." and that " the Socialist agitation among the Soldiers continues unabated." Although the spirit of revolt is carried by Socialist propaganda into the military system of every country in Europe it shall be sufficient to show their efforts to undermine loyalty, somewhat in detail, here at home. THE DICK MILITABY LAW Ever alert to further their cause the Dick Military law was made a storm center of agitation, long before it was put into operation. The ground upon which their argument rings its fruitful charges is the fear that when the day comes as come it must for the class con- scious proletariat to " mount the barricades and fight like tigers " a well ordered and loyal army may be sufficiently strong to put down the Revolution. Hence, the Socialist duty is to weaken the defensive arm of the nation. Their agitators have no scruples as to the 168 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE means to be employed since the norm of their philosophy sets it down that what furthers the cause is moral and what retards the cause is immoral. In 1908 their most proficient propagandists began to center opposition upon this and that provision of the Dick Military Law. Resolutions, newspaper articles, essays and editorials by the hundreds have been written against the law, while it has been made the theme of thousands of lectures and soapbox talks. The Nat. Com. of the Socialist Party (Oct., 1917) endorsed the plan for a " National campaign of protest against '{he so-called Dick Military Law and advises all divisions of our party organiza- tion to hold meetings for education and protest . . /' Their Official Bulletin (Oct., 1907) in ringing tones advises the comrades to conduct meetings with " the same vigor as characterized the Moyer-Haywood meet- tings " which contributed in no slight degree to the discharge of the murder case against their idol " Big Bill " Haywood. In voting yes upon the proposed campaign the National Committeeman of Lousiana, Van Brook, says: " In regard to protest against the ' Dick Military Bill ' will say I do not see how any Socialist could well vote against repealing this infamous bill, when considering the power it gives the dominating class over the rights of the laboring class." The Pennsylvania National Committeeman, James Maurer, agrees : " I cannot think of any better work for us Socialists than to hammer their fiendish plot to THE ARMY AND THE NAVY 169 pieces." The Ohio National Committeeman, Divine, rejoices that the Toledo Central Labor Union was lined up to protest " ere this motion was made." In passing it is but just to say that very few of the trade union bodies were inveigled into adopting resolu- tions in protest to this law, by the Socialist agitators within their unions. These bodies were somewhat in- formed by the action of the American Federation of Labor, as it had reported adversely about this time upon a resolution against the Dick Military Law at one of its national conventions. Perhaps it should not be surprising, since none are so blind as those who refuse to see, that even men from Missouri had not demanded to be shown what in fact the provisions of the Dick Law are. Surely there had been time enough for thought for investigation. But evidently no candid examination of the proposed bill was made, although it was thoroughly discussed in Congress and throughout the country, before its passage. Nor has there been an honest attempt to understand its con- tent since its passage in 1903, for denunciation waxed hot and furious up to the time of our entrance into the world war. Which, of course, supplied Socialism with a much more fruitful source of treasonable propaganda. From a multitude of data we select quotations to show how vehement Socialist opposition is to an efficient mili- tary system. The meaning is clear, since their only hope is in a " Red Guard." In the Socialist State convention of Missouri (Jeffer- son City, Sept. 13, 1910) it was " Resolved, that we 170 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE demand the repeal of the so-called Dick Military Law which, by order of the President of these United States, makes possible conscript soldiers of free citizens, and is, therefore, against the spirit and character of a free democratic country." Of course, all good citizens know that this declaration is as false as it is unpatriotic. Be- sides, if lovers of democracy are not ready to give their lives in defense of a free country, surely there is no security for the blessings of peace. The Socialist Party in Convention (1904) declared: " By the Dick Militia bill liability to compulsory service has been imposed upon every male citizen between the ages of 18 and 45, and that merely at the caprice of the President." (Page 165, Proceedings, S.P., Nat. Com., May 4, 1914.) The American Socialist National official organ of the Socialist Party (Chicago, Aug. 15, 1914) con- fuses their readers by asking : " Do you know that under the Dick military law every able-bodied male citizen of the United States over 18 and under 45 is a member of the National Guard ' Reserve Army,' and can be legally summoned to military service by the president without the authority of Congress? And do you know that this is a greater military power than the head of any other government on earth is given ? Do you know that the working-class of the United States is up against the most cunning group of capitalists in all the world ? Think!" These leaders should have known, but perhaps they did not, that what they call "the nigger in the wood- THE AEMY AND THE NAVY 171 pile " namely, that universal liability to military service for every able-bodied man within specific age did not come into existence together with their mental excite- ment. As a matter of fact this section of the law is as old as our Republic itself. It is the provision under which President Lincoln called out our troops during the Civil War and President McKinley during the Spanish- American War. This section, the law of May 8, 1792, enacted during the Washington administration reads : "EVEKY ABLE-BODIED MALE CITIZEN OF THE KESPECTIVE STATES, KESIDENT THEREIN, WHO IS OF THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS, AND UNDER THE AGE OF FORTY-FIVE YEARS, SHALL BE EN- ROLLED IN THE MILITIA." (Section 1625, Revised Statutes.) But why should facts be regarded by Socialist propa- ganda? Their mission is to create what is rationally unthinkable " a classless society." Yet the Ameri- can Socialist would have the comrades : "THINK ! " " This outrageous law was sneaked through both houses and signed by Theodore, the best friend the trusts ever had." (International Socialist Review, Sept., 1910.) Yet current history testifies that the matter was several times up before the 57th congress, during which time copies of the bill had been placed in the hands of leading military authorities and had received their unanimous approval. 172 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE "Think!" u So you see, brother workingmen you belong to what is virtually the Standing Army of the United States, and are liable to the call of the President at any moment. You may be called upon to go down to Mexico and protect Ameri- can property, though in your ' Own United States ' you are not permitted to possess any," says the editor of the Com- monwealth. (Everett, Washington, Aug. 28, 1913.) If its readers were to think they might realize that sound opinion takes neither one extreme or the other; and if they were to read a little history on this point they might realize that American citizens have ever been subject to call. " Think " how irresponsible Socialist speech is ! Yet, there is no proof that they evolved from the monkey as they delight to believe. " Our Gene " Debs says : " Your time may come in America. Every man from 18 to 4^ years is a soldier whether you know it or not. The Dick military law was passed in a surreptitious manner. You are not to be consulted as to whether you are Tcilled or not." (The California Social Democrat, Los Angeles, Feb. 13, 1915.) Even the headlines are enough food for thought for these makers of proletarian society : "THIS BEATS CONSCRIPTION! The Flutes Put this Over on You During Roose- velt's Reign; Through the Aid of Senator Dick Accordingly ; You are Forced to Go to War ; If They So Desire " (New England Socialist, Dec. 8, 1915.) THE ARMY AND THE NAVY 173 While the exclamation " Every American Wage-Slave a Soldier! " sets many an embryo Bolshevik on fire for his cause; so it is an easy matter to keep up a con- tinual agitation for what is imagined to be freedom from " capitalist rule." Yet, after all, the multitudes who follow after their Socialist leaders are, in truth, more sinned against than sinning. They are God's little ones, the little brothers of those who are given great talents for organization, for the production of wealth on a vast scale. It is because this brotherhood has been so flagrantly denied in these our days of luxurious living that invites this Scourge of God to cleanse the State. Since it were better to have a millstone hanged about one's neck than to offend one of the little ones. However, quite to one side from the perverse spirit cultivated by such opposition to a good law, it illustrates clearly a characteristic of Socialist propaganda. The flattery of ignorance plays an immense role in gathering together this force of revolt. The Socialist leaders boast that there are no leaders in the movement ; the followers of the leaders boast no less loudly that Socialists have no leaders ! All the while leaders strive to hold leader- ship and to gain leadership. So a chief means of bring- ing converts into camp is the flattery of the working-class by their leaders that they are destined to create a free society. And the self-flattery of the rank and file that they have no leaders since they have in- stituted the referendum vote. To this double and twisted ignorance and bad faith is added the taunt of 174 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUKE the leaders that the workers follow like slaves after their capitalist masters. On the other hand the workers hold the lash of suspicion over their leaders the fear that they will go over to the capitalist class in obedience to self-interest, the strongest motive that Socialist philosophy acknowledges. All the while mistrust breeds mistrust in the sanity of things human. Truly the blind lead the blind, since it is safe to say that ninety-nine out of the hundred take their opinions from their spokesmen. Not merely with regard to the Dick military law, but upon all questions presented by those who threaten the stability of government throughout the world. Thus it is, while leaders deny, and are denied, leadership, they natter their followers and mount up to the dizzy throne of irresponsible power. It is said, with much truth, that all the Bolsheviki leaders of Russia got their training on the East Side of New York City. No need to question further why all this pro- test for all these years against the Dick Military Law ? It is merely a commonplace event in working for Social- ism since " there is such a thing as mutiny." It is something to fulminate against an opportunity to indoctrinate wage-slaves with the spirit of class-con- scious revolt against law and order. We shall place in contrast the arguments that led up to this act of the 57th Congress. Eor a well-regulated militia had been the ambition of every President from Washington to Roosevelt, under whose administration the Dick Military Law was enacted. THE ARMY AND THE NAVY 175 President Washington (1794) : " The devising and establishing of a well-regulated militia would be a genuine source of legislative honor and a perfect title to public gratitude." President Jefferson (1808) : "For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security. It is, therefore, incumbent on us at every meeting to revise the condition of the militia, and to ask ourselves if it is prepared to repel a powerful enemy at every point of our territories exposed to invasion. Some of the States have paid a laudable attention to this subject; but every degree of neglect is to be found among others." President Lincoln (1861) : " The recommendation of the Secretary (of war) for the organization of the militia on a uniform basis is a subject of vital importance to the future safety of the country and is commended to the serious attention of Congress." President Roosevelt (1901) : " Our militia law is obsolete and worthless. The organi- zation and armament of the National Guard of the several States should be made identical with those provided for the regular forces. The obligations and duties of the guard in time of war should be carefully defined. It is utterly impossible in the excitement and haste of im- pending war to do this satisfactorily if the arrangements have not been made long beforehand." It was our experience made in the Spanish-American 176 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUBE War (1898) that forced upon the attention of the 57th Congress the utter inadequacy of the old statutes of 1792. During the process of mobilization some of the volunteer regiments were found practically without arms or equipment. We have need only to say, that the consequences of the Dick Military Law have made of our military force one harmonious whole a bul- wark of national security. Even so, the impudence of Socialist propaganda knows no bounds. In " War, What For? " (p. 171) a book that Eugene V. Debs calls " an immortal achievement," the author some time vice-presidential nominee of the Socialist Party, declares that he " has urged capitalist editors all over " The United States to publish the Dick law. He has of- fered to pay for space at liberal advertising rates in which to print ten to one hundred lines of this law. He has not succeeded in finding a capitalist editor who would thus reveal the treachery of his class lurking in this law. This law is a rough-ground sword against the rousing, rising working- class in the United States, a law more important to the work- ingclass than any other law passed since the middle of the nineteenth century." This unblushing effrontery passes at par as an un- answerable argument a spur to urge Socialists on to do what they can to promote the spirit of mutiny within and to do what they can to prevent American citizens from joining either the army or the navy. It is fair to conclude that the letter from our then Secretary of War correctly expressed the mind of the country and THE ARMY AND THE NAVY 177 that his view of the Dick military bill, then pending, has been realized. "I am confident that when it is enacted and put into force the organization and regulation of the citizen soldiery, upon whom our country must in the main rely in its future wars, will be far more efficient than it has ever been before, and that it will give to the United States at a minimum of expense a defensive power greater than could be obtained by the expenditure of a million dollars annually in main- taining a larger standing army, and I am also confident that it will greatly promote the practical importance, the dignity, and efficiency of the National Guard throughout the United States. " Sincerely yours, " (Signed) ELIHU ROOT, "Secretary of War." Here again, we point out the proof that the repudia- tion of principles legitimate to organized society is merely a means to the overthrow of Christian civiliza- tion. As has been seen, conscription is assumed to be an outrage a crime when it is used in the protec- tion of a nation of our own country. But, when it is used in the interest of the world revolution then it is a commendable means of securing complete power by the working class. In Russia as they imagine, the first of all the nations to fall under the sway of the red flag conscription is now not a reprobate principle but rather " an honor given only to the toilers." We quote from The Fundamental LAW of the Constitution adopted at the 5th All-Russian Congress of Soviets (July 10, 1918) : 178 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CUHE " For the purpose of securing the working class in the possession of the complete power, and in order to eliminate all possibility of restoring the power of the exploiters, it is decreed that all toilers be armed, and that a Socialist Red Army be organized and the propertied class be disarmed. " For the purpose of defending the victory of the great peasants' and workers' revolution, the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic recognizes the duty of all citizens of the Republic to come to the defense of their Socialist Fatherland, and it, therefore, introduces universal military training. The honor of defending the revolution with arms is given only to the toilers, and the non-toiling elements are charged with the performance of other military duties." CITIZEN AEMY In the nature of the case one must look for the cause of Socialist action to principles that are in direct op- position to those that have ever and shall ever, prompt men to acts of loyal and disinterested service to their country. Otherwise one may not understand the mo- tives of the men who work for the Revolution. It is no slight matter constantly to hold in mind a false concept of human nature that the individual and the race is utterly void of an innate consciousness of right and wrong. Yet, this must be done to gage correctly the Socialist assumption that a series of class-struggles has controlled the actions of men up to the days in which we live. That the pending class-struggle is final, because it is expected to climax in the overthrow of the capitalist class of the whole world by the working class. During the transitional period, a proletarian dictatorship such as that of Lenin in Russia shall, THE ARMY AND THE NAVY 179 upon the ruins of private property operated for profit, establish an administration of industry by a classless society. It should thus be seen that the Socialist vision reduces the moral force of religion to the status of super- stition and that it would reduce the military force to impotency by converting the soldiers to its perverse view of all things human. The citizen army has long been a topic for the Social- ist orator. He has appealed to popular sympathy on the ground of lessening the burden of taxation due to the maintenance of large standing armies in continental Europe, and at once to the hope of his comrades of arming the workers for revolt. One after another their international congresses have declared for the " citizen army." At Stuttgart (1907) it was resolved: " The Congress sees in the democratic organization of armies, as expressed in the so-called ' citizen armies,' in place of standing armies, a good guarantee against war- like attacks of one nation by another, and against the exist- ence of national differences." This resolve was not meant to apply directly to the United States or to Great Britain, countries which have no standing armies in the Continental sense," as the Chairman of the Committee on Militarism reported, it was rather meant to express the objective of Socialists in general, as a means to an end. In our own country, they generally use the " citizens' army " " Every man a citizen, every citizen a sol- dier "- to connote the Swiss military system. In 180 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE "Socialism in Theory and Practise" (p. 30) Morris Hillquit says : " The military system of Switzerland is the Socialist model of existing military organizations." What was dubbed " the pistol resolution " came be- fore the convention of the American Federation of Labor regularly, year after year. Victor Berger, a delegate, was its author: "KESOLVED, By the twenty-fifth annual convention of the American Federation of Labor, that we declare our inten- tion, and hereby instruct all affiliated bodies, to hold abso- lutely aloof from all connection with the militia, until the military system in vogue in Switzerland, or a similar system, is adopted in the United States." To be sure, Mr. Berger's resolution was defeated time after time, as it was presented, yet, it was deemed a victory for Socialism ! Did it not give Comrade Berger an opportunity to advise workingmen " to hold aloof from all connection with the army ? " Did not his bril- liant talk furnish copy for the press ? Among Socialists it is a common practise to hold the militia up to scorn before audiences, in their news- papers, pamphlets and books, as a strike-breaking in- strument of the capitalist class. Whether or not the community was justified in calling for the protection of the militia during a strike makes not the slightest dif- ference, since Socialism does not thrive upon sincerity. Undoubtedly, the militia has at times been unduly used to break the backbone of strikes. But such occasions have been few compared to those where wholesale THE AKMY AND THE NAVY 181 slaughter of life and destruction of millions of property would have resulted had not an armed force been on guard. The Lawrence, Mass., strike of 1912 is a case in point. We were privileged to witness the good work of the old Massachusetts Ninth. But for its presence, Haywood, Ettor, Giovanatti and the followers of the " No God, no master " element would have laid waste the city and sent thousands of persons, unprepared, to death. There should be no mistaking their intention. The International Socialist Review (Feb., 1912) re- ports an address by Mr. Haywood in Cooper Union, New York City, delivered under the auspices of the Socialist Party that typifies their revolutionary senti- ments : "I despise the law (tremendous applause and shouts of ' No ! ') and I am not a law-abiding citizen. (Applause.) And more than that, no Socialist can be a law-abiding citi- zen. (Applause.) When we come together and are of a common mind, and the purpose of our mind is to over- throw the capitalist system, we become conspirators then against the United States Government. And, certainly it is our purpose to abolish this government (Applause) and establish in its place an industrial democracy (Applause). Now, we haven't any hesitation in saying tbat that is our aim and purpose. Am I correct? (Tremendous applause.) Am I absolutely correct when I state this as being the posi- tion of the Socialist party not only in New York, but in the United States and of every nation in the world? (Ap- plause.) " To make emphatic Mr. Haywood's declaration, his address was commended editorially by the International 182 BOLSHEVISM: ITS CURE Socialist Review. " To those who want to put an end to capitalism, and who wonder whether the Socialist Party members really mean what they say when they call themselves revolutionists." To make assurance doubly sure that " Big Bill " spoke the Socialist mind " straight out in meeting " the Emergency Convention (1917) five years later, de- clared :