ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. A SELECTION OF VERSIONS IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES, CHIEFLY FROM THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY. BY HENRY WELLESLEY, D. D., PRINCIPAL OF NEW INN HALL, OXFORC. LONDON, JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET; OXFORD, J. H. PARKER. MDCCCXUX. OXFOHD : PRINTED BY I. SHRIMPTON. PREFACE. THE introduction of a few Latin versions from the Greek Anthology into the " Anthologia Oxoniensis," and the success of that elegant work, suggested the idea that a more copious publication of similar specimens might second the laudable aim proposed by Mr. Linwood, of promoting, or rather, reviving the taste for Latin verse composition in the University. But the mixed nature of the materials of the Greek Anthology would seem to demand the aid of more than that one vehicle for their due exhibition, and it was thought that the addition of versions in the principal modern languages, whilst it rendered more con- spicuous the varied beauties of the .Greek originals, would place in an instructive contrast the genius of the classical and living tongues. At a moment too, when every encouragement is needed to the enlarged system of study adopted in this place, the novelty and interest of a selection in which so many writers of our own and other countries will be compared and estimated, according to the laws and principles of translation, might give occasion to much profitable and amusing enquiry. The reader is accordingly here presented not only with translations possessing all requisite fidelity and closeness, but with every variety of version which may reflect the letter, the spirit, the turn of phrase, the train of thought, and the peculiarities of the expression, or the senti- ment, including imitations, and adaptations, in the way of parody or paraphrase, and even anticipations, (such as the parallel pas- ' -2 ,-** VI PRRPACK. sages from Ovid, Tibullus and Petronius,) the object being to il- lustrate, even through its minor productions, the extensive con- nexion of Greek poetry with the study of literature in general. A more limited selection, comprising nothing but the choicest gems, would doubtless have proved more acceptable to the common-place lounger. But every "Delectus" formed on that plan has been found to be comparatively unimproving : it spares the student all exercise of the judgment, and offers him no points of comparison ; whereas it is only from a selection sufficiently copious and varied to tax his own faculties of observation and criticism that any useful inductions can be drawn. He is there- fore requested to refrain from pronouncing upon the quality of any of the versions in this collection, until he has tested it by a careful reference to the original. The publication of versions unaccompanied by the text not only misleads the judgment of the reader, but has, in too many instances, encouraged a loose and vicious style of translation, of no lasting credit. In lieu of such insipid though received modern specimens, as well as of those by medieval scholars, the compiler has fortu- nately been enabled to introduce a large number of inedited and more chastened specimens. For these elegant proofs of taste and skill, and for much valuable advice and assistance, his most grateful acknowledgments are due to the friendship of those distinguished members of the University, the Rev. G. Booth, the Rev. J. W. Burgon, the Rev. G. F. De-Teissier, the Rev. E. Stokes, the Rev. G. C. Swaine, Goldwin Smith, jEsq., and in an especial manner to a foreigner of the most eminent attain- ments in all branches of ancient and modern learning, Count Mortara, now residing among us. Not only have they contri- buted more exact versions of some of the most popular pieces, but brought forward many which had never been advantage- ously rendered. Most of the edited specimens with which these are intermixed, derive sufficient interest from their singularity, or from the celebrity of the writers, independently of their in- trinsic worth, to justify their re-appearance before the public; PREFACE. Vll though a larger and better selection might have been formed, had there been leisure from other and graver occupations. The text of the Anthology, which has been followed, is the Palatine, as exhibited in the Edition of Jacobs, Lips. 1813, 3 vols. 8vo., and in his Delectus, Lips. 1826, 8vo., with an oc- casional departure either at the request of some translator, or when all the versions followed the Planudean. Without access to the original MS. any improvements on the critical labours of Jacobs would be superfluous. No merit of that kind is here offered to the Greek scholar. To him the chief use of this volume will be to remind him of many favourites of his boy- hood, perhaps to make him acquainted with new ones. To the general reader it may help to prove how largely at every period the literature of Europe has been indebted to the language of Greece; to that tongue "which has been held one of the best instruments for training the young mind ; that tongue which, as the organ of Poetry and Oratory, is full of living force and fire, abounding in grace and sweetness, rich to overflowing, while for the uses of Philosophy it is a very model of clearness and pre- cision ; that tongue in which some of the noblest works of man's genius He enshrined ; works which may be seen reflected faintly in imitations and translations, but of which none can know the per- fect beauty but he who can read the words themselves, as well as their interpretation." Liddell and Scott's Lexicon, p. iii. MEW INN HALL, JUNE, 184-9. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. I. MAPIANOY 2XOAA2TIKOY Eis irpoa.CTTfi.oi> ovo^ia^oyifvov Epwra, tv Aevp id i f fiaiov, oBlra, Trecr&v VTTO Sda/ciov a\aoerd;Iingt 8ic^ baS \\d.&a reivopeva. l 8' ap aKpefji6ve(7(nv eois \ap?i<; /36rpv<> a , &> 7rXaraz/TTe, oi<;' %\oepa 8' CLTTO creio act Kevdoi TOU? JTa^iT;? erapou?. THALLI MILE8II. Hasc frondens platanus viden ! ut bene celat amantum Delicias patulis officiosa comis, Cui ramos inter gravidis demissa racemis Indulget laeto pampinus alma Jovi. Sic semper \igeas, viridi ut tua protegat umbra Frons Paphiae socios, arbor arnica, Dea3. G. S. , rcic unter bem ^c^ren egtteig teS Derfcretteten runenb bet ^Iatano3 f)tet ^eimltcfee Siefe yerfcirgt ! 9Ranfen be 3Wetn|lo(f3 gc^ftngeu ic^ an, unb bie $rau6e, ber upc^reeKenb on 2)?ogt, tyangt on ben nur tmmer 80 griin bid?, o $fatano8 ! Smmer ertirg 2it bem umgc^attenben auf> ^a^ieng duffed efod! Jacobs. Wide-spreading plane tree, whose thick branches meet To form for lovers an obscure retreat, Whilst with thy foliage closely intertwine The curling tendrils of the clustered vine, Still mayst thou flourish, in perennial green, To shade the vot'ries of the Paphian queen. W. Shepherd. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. III. 2 A n * O Y 2. aSe KOVIS, rav 8rj Trpo ydftoio davoixrav *^9 KOI aTTO(f>difjLvas Traovxt veoBayi "A\iK0(ri /jLaivofAev Xci)pov e(f> rjBinrvoov 7T(aro)/j.eva, epyct *Opa To? ir\ridr) K7]poTrayr 91Q1M. O quse perpetuo florum tentaris amore, Flava renidentis nuntia veris, Apis ! Prata supervolitans bene olentia, pone quod hauris, Ut domus aerias cerea portet opes ! Grotius. SBrdunlic^e 3Mene, QJcrfunbtgerin g 2)ie 8icf) mit taumelnber SuSt itnter ben 93Iutf)en 8'Icuc^ nun tyin ju ber buftenben 5tu, unb fcetriefcc bie 5trbett, aff betn wdc^ern emac^) gc^rcclle com tieWtctjen ^eim. Jacofee. Thou nimble yellow Bee, that briug^st the softly-blooming spring, Thee the love of primy flowers is ever maddening, Flutt'ring o'er sweetly-breathing fields, increase thy honied store, Until the wax-compacted cell at length can hold no more. Hay. VI. A A H A O N. Els ap^ovra dvdiov, OVK ede\ovaff eg gogar aug bir etrcag ju md?en tterfianb. Voss. Oitcfjt fre^rtfltg ertyob bag egcfytcf bicf) ; gonbern junt Bfugniff, 2)aff eg auc^ gelbjl aug bir Qlfleg jit ntac^en tiermag. Jacobs Not of good- will Dame Fortune honoured you, But just to prove there's nothing she can't do. G. B. Fortune advanced you, merely to display, In doing it to you, her boundless sway. w. VII. Z Q N A. , T&V /3a\dva>v rav fiarepa fai iSeo, yijpa\eav 8" eK/cepdlQ irirvv, *H trev/cav, fj rdvSe 7ro\vcrT\.e^ov TraXiovpov, *H Trpivovs, TJ rav ava\eav K&fMpav. Trj\66i S" io"% Spvos 7T\Kvv KOKvai yap ' to? Trporepai /iare/369 z o N M. Matrem glandiferam, frondator, csedere quercum Parce : cadet meh'us falce senex abies. Aut tseda, aut multo qui stirpe viret paliurus, Arbutus, aut ilex, arida ligna, cadat. Sed procul a quercu sit falx tua : quippe ferebant Et quercus proavi nos genuisse prius. G. P. D.T. Spare the parent of acorns, good wood-cutter, spare ! Let the time-honour'd Fir feel the weight of your stroke, The many-stalk'd thorn, or Acanthus worn bare, Pine, Arbutus, Ilex but touch not the Oak ! Far hence be your axe, for our grandams have sung How the Oaks are the mothers from whom we all sprung. Merivale. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. VIII. AAE2IIOTON. E?s \ovrpbv tv 'EvddBe \ovcr apAvwv XapiTtov TTOTC, Oeavr)vcu. INCEBTI. Hoc fonte quondam Gratiis lavantibus Sacras pusillus surripit vestes Amor : Ne prodeant usque obstitit nudis pudor. G. F. D.T. Bagnandosi le Grazie entro quest' onde, Tolte lor vesti Amor, fuggissi altronde. Quivi entro ignude abbandonolle, ed ora Vergogna lor divieta uscirne fuora. Pagnini. !Da SSafc fctr rajten. tajien babeten ^)ier ; ^inju gc^Hc^ Qlmor, iinb fyagcljte 5!^nen bte ^letber ; fceScfyamt fcaben gte immer noc^ fyier. Herder. 5U bie G^ariten einft ^ter babeten, raubete 3fynen bie gc^onen ereanb' @to0 bet Heine 3ene, juSammengeSc^miegt, bie gottlicfyen Oteije erbergenb, SBIieben juriicf, or @^am, narf t ou8 bet tyiiie ju ge^n. Voss. On a Bath at Smyrna. While the Graces were taking a bath here one day, Little Love with their Goddess-ships' clothes made away, Then took to his heels, and here left them all bare, Ashamed out of doors to be seen as they were. w. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Inscribed on a beautiful Grotto near the Water. The Graces sought in yonder stream To cool the fervid day, When Love's malicious Godhead came, And stole their robes away. Proud of the theft the little God Their robes bade Delia wear, While they, asham'd to stir abroad, Remain all naked here. T. Warton IX. AI2XYAOY. Aiopio)vos 'AOrjvalov roSe icevdei MvrjfM /carotid ifjievov Trvpo6poio JeXa0i(ji.VOio Meya/eXeo? evr av Oltcreipw ak, rakav Ka\\ia, oT er s i M o N I D I s. Ut tumulum specto Megaclis tibi, Callia, ademti, Me miseret, quantum passus es ipse, mail. Q. B. Quando 1' area funerea di Megacle rimiro, Quanta pietade, o Callia, sento del tuo martiro ! M. The tomb of Megacles whene'er I see, Unhappy Callias ! then I pity thee. Sterling. When on Megacles' tomb my eyes repose, Poor Callias ! I feel for all thy woes. w. XI. n A Y A O Y 2IAENT. Etf (iKova pels Kovprjs /ioXt? 17 7/30^)15, ovre Se Ovre ae0ovTiSa Mappapvyrjv ypd^et, ical PAULI SILENTIARII. Nulla potest oculos ars efformare puellae, Auratamve comam, purpureasve genas. Qui valet igniferi radios depingere Solis, Ille tui vultus pingat, arnica, jubar. Averardua Medices. Her living glance, pure cheek, and golden hair, Alas, how dimly these are pictur'd there ! When thou canst paint a sunbeam in the sky, Then hope to match my Helen's beaming eye. J. W. B. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 11 XII. A A H A O N. 'OSira fir) Trpo&epTre Trpbs ra K\r)fj,ara, Mr}S" av TO, pfjjXa, p,T}$ OTTIJ ra /u,ecr7U\a. Tyvel 8e irpbs rrjv a-^oivov e TTOVW 0yroup709 e/crijTCU MiScov, ie BrJKev r\v &e ftev 7rapaK\VTj<;, xrr) TOP 'Epprjv, to? Katcovs a/iet/ I N C E R T I. Ad hos viator ne propinqua palmites, Nee ito qua sunt mala, nee qua mespila : Sed recta perge norma quam monstrat viam, Sic nil ut honim demetas, nil vellices, Quse rustico labore quaesivit Mido, Meque hie locavit. Si nee audis, senties, Quam sit scelestis Mercuri nomen grave. Grotius. Stay passenger, come not too near The tendrils of the young vines here : Keep off from the apple-trees And the medlars, if you please : Where the rope is set, you see Where your limit ought to be : Lest you break or rend away What cost laboiir many a day To the vine-dresser Midon, who Put me here to caution you. But if my word you disobey Hermes will shew you soon the way For two at mischiefs game to play. G. C. S. 12 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. XIII. EPATOSeENOYS. Olvbs rot Trvpl laov e%et yu.ei>o9, evr av eaivei, Bvacrodev, etc 8' dvSpwv TTCLVT eriva^e voov. ERATO9THENIS. Invadunt animum, velut ignis, vina ; nee aestus Majores Libyci concitat ira maris. Ima patent penitus turbato pectora fundo, Et mens prsecipiti vortice rapta fugit. G. S. II vino ha possa al fuoco ugual se in petto Agli uomini discende. Iv* entro desta, Qual Borea o Noto in grembo al mar tempesta. Ogni pensiero, ogni nascoso affetto Dall' intimo del sen dischiude e versa, E su le menti e i cuor fiero imperversa. Pagmni. Wine enters in, a mighty fire, "Pis like the Lybian sea, When gales from North or South conspire To stir it furiously : The depths reveal each hidden thought ; Man's scattered senses come to nought. w. XIV. A A H A O N. KAeAPHN /xe Trapep-)(pp,voicnv o Ilrjjrjv d/j,/3\v%ei yeiroveovcra vaTrrf TIdvrr) 8' av ifXardvoicn KOI ri^epoOrfKetri, 8dvais "Eo^refjifiai, (TKieprjv ^v^oijievrj K\iv Trap ejiol Ka\ KOTTOV ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 13 INCEETI. Quotquot iter facitis, vobis de colle propinquo Perpetui fontis limpida manat aqua. Hinc platanis, illinc laureti fronde coronor, Textaque de ramis porticus umbra mihi est. Ne me praeter abi, quoties furit sestus : habebis Unde leves fessum corpus et unde sitim. Grotius bteff nimmer tergiegenbe 9laff beg fti)ftaflenen prubelt bag naf)e e&itg burjltgen SBanbtetn fjetfcor. rimenbe Mortem umftdnjen mid? jletg, unb beg $Iatanog Saufcbad; fatten ntir. Jlufylenb jiigleic^ fcreitet ein Sager Stc^ aul. e^' nid)t ac^tlog neten mir ^in, imb ^afl bit beg 2)urjleg luten gegttttt, go uerjie^) ru^enb im gc^attenben eift> crre^avrjcpopof, do Vep, 6 TO Trplv Aicrcraia Kr)pv)(6el<; KcuTTa\ir)<; irap vScop, 'O Trplv eya) Ne^ey /3e/3o77/iei>ov\\dSa rep-ty tZOllOciV K TTTCpVyOJV TJOV KpKOV tear ovap 8' en croi icelvo TO \apov CTTO? ev cnoiMareacrt,' rer/ S" evdvOepos riftr), At, all, fMtTfribir) vvv -^davos eVrt /c6ft9- KCLI Setcdrov 70/3 e7rnjray, evOa VTTVOV aia(TTr)<; Koivrjv aXXfyXot? Bevro (rvvwfioa-Lrjv. Kal p 6 fiev ofr ire^nre vi8os evdeov v^atp, To Trravov TTCI)\OV TtpoaQev CKOTJrev owl;, Ov (TV icopea'O'dfjLfvos fia/cdpwv yevos, epya re /j,6\7rcus Kal 761/09 ap-^aiwv eypafas r}[j,i0ea>v. ASCLEPIADIS, VBL ARCHIVE. Pascentem te forte pecus per pascua Musae Videre e summis montibus, Hesiode. Et decerpentes frondentem ex arbore ramum Laurea temporibus serta dedere tuis. Delapsumque Helicone suo tribuere h'quorem, Bellerophonteus quern pede fecit equus. Hoc madidus, Divumque genus, terrseque labores, Claraque priscorum concinis acta virum. Petxus Prancius. The Muses, Hesiod, on the mountain steep Themselves at noon thy flocks beheld thee keep. The bright-leaved bay they pluck'd, and all the Nine Placed in thy hand at once the branch divine. Then their own Helicon's inspiring wave, From where the winged steed smote the ground, they gave. Which deeply quaffed, thy verse the lineage told Of Gods, and Husbandry, and Heroes old. o. s 22 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. XXV. $ i A i n n o Y. Etr 5ya\fia 'Eppov tv KIJTTO). A. KpdfJ,/3r)S a^rcafiat, Kv\\rjvie ; B. Mrj, Trapo&lra. A. T/9 06vo<> e/c 'Ka'xavwv ; B. Ov pvv teal rov TV(f>ov Karcnravaei, Kav 7TOTa/i09 xpva-ov vdfjbard croi trape^r). Ov Qpvov, ov jjioXdiajv ave/Jio^ trore, ra9 Be 'H Spvas, TI TrXaTavovs olSe %a/ ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 23 LUCILLII. Multa potest, inopina licet, Fortuna novatrix : Ima levat ; contra, si placet, alta premit. Ilia supercilium et fastus cohibebit inanes, Det tibi vel rutilas aurifer anmis aquas. Non humilem gravior malvam juncumque sed altam Sternere vis quercum scit platanumve Noti. G.B. Fortune peut beaucoup, voire 1' inesperee, Elle abbaisse les grands, et hausse les petitz ; Elle rend promptement toute audace atterree, Ores qu'un fleuve d'or courut en ton logis : Elle est comme le vent lequel tient a mespris D' abbattre les rouseaux, et les petites herbes ; Mais il est coustumier de sa fureur epris, Renverser les hautz pins et les chesnes superbes. Tamisier. God's providence brings much to pass that's strange, Making the small and great their lot exchange. He'll tame thy haughty brow and swelling pride, Tho' wealth pour on thee with a golden tide. Winds o'er the reed and mallow sweep in vain, But level the tall oak and spreading plane. w. XXVII. fclAIIIIIOY, of 8e 2IMQNIAOY. *H ypfjvs NIKO) MeXtT?;? rdfov 09, aV0(Tl v rjfjberepais "E(TTi Kpivov, poSer) re KaXvf, vorepij T Kal vdpKKrcros vypos ical Kvavavyes toy Tavra crTetyaftevr], \fjt;ov fieya\.av%o$ eotJcrcr els Kal \ifyeis KOI crv Kal 6 RUFINI. Hanc tibi Rufinus mittit, Rodoclea, coronam, Has tibi decerpens texerat ipse rosas ; Est viola, est anemone, est suave-rubens hyacinthus, Mistaque Narcisso lutea caltha suo : Sume ; sed aspiciens, ah, fidere desine formse ; Qui pinxit, brevis est, sertaque teque, color. Th. Gray. Mitto tibi haec, Rodoclea, virentia serta virenti : Texuit haec solo docta ab Amore manus, Narcissumque rosamque legens, mollemque anemonem, et Candida cseruleis lilia cum violis. Indue et hsec, et mitem animum. Florem esse memento, Pulcrior his qui sit, forsitan et brevior. Jortin. Floribus, in pratis legi quos ipse, coronam Contextam variis do, Rodoclea, tibi : Hie anemone humet, confert narcissus odores Cum violis ; spirant lilia mista rosis. His redimita comas, mores depone superbos, Haec peritura nitent ; tu peritura nites ! Sam. Johnson. Floribus hanc opifex mitto, Rodoclea, venustis Quse faciat capiti nexa corona tuo. Lilia sunt nascensque rosa, et rorans anemone, Narcissi molles, purpureae violse. His redimita breves fastus dimitte : corona Florida non aliter quam Rodoclea perit. G. F. D. T. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Di eletti fior che di mia man cogliea, T' invio questa ghirlanda, o Rodoclea. E 1' anemone quivi, il fiordaliso, I/ azzurra violetta, mezzo ascosa Nel suo bocciuol la rosa, Ed il molle narciso. Ne ciugi il crine, e cessa D' esser superba ; che se or tu com' essa Di belta ornata vai, Tu pur com' essa in breve sfiorirai. 91tmnt, 9tf)oboflea, ben ^ranj i?on ben jietltcfyften 95Iumen geiroben, v >en id) mit eigener 4?anb Sorglicfy gej^ocbten fiir btc^. JJilien ^ab' ic& mit 0to3en ge^aart, Qtnemonen unb bimfte 33etl*en, unb alien guletjt feud)te 3Rarciffen Dereint. @c&mitcEe bte buftenben "Sc^Iafe bamit, unD entgage bem ^orfjmut^. 5Bte biejf 2SIumengefl[e(^t fcliifjfi bu unb vuelfeji ba^in. Jacobs I send thee, my fair one, this garland of flowers, And wove it myself for you : There are lilies, and buds from the rosy bowers, And the wind-flower steep'd in dew, And the languid Narciss, and the purple shine Of the violet of the glade : So wear them, and cease to be haughty and fine, For thou bloom'st, as the wreath, to fade. G. F. D. T. XXIX. 2IMQNIAOY. Xaipet Tt9, 0o8a>pos eirel ddvov a\\os e?r' avrot Xcupijaei' 0avaT Ait, (cat AVTOS 6 /3oO7rr)<; ravpos, aval;, eyevov. MELEAOEI. Ecce tuam supplex taurus moriturus ad aram Mugitu, ut vivat, Jupiter alte, rogat. Parce, et arare sinas. Et tu, Saturnie, quondam Europam advectans per mare, taurus eras. Averardus Medices. Questo presso T altar torello aita Chiede mugghiando, e per pieta la vita. Deh tu, Giove immortal, che tutto puoi, Arator lo ritorna ai solchi suoi. Tu pur forma di toro allor pigliasti Che con Europa in dorso il mar solcasti. Pa^nini. elter bet tier, o ^inimligc^er 3eug, fteljit fle^enb am 5tttar ; Settling 8uc^t er BeSj bir, tritflenb, torn bro^enben Sob. Saff ityn fre<9, ^ronibe, ben ^flttgenben ; ^a|l bu duro^en (Sinfl boc^ Selfcer entf%t, ^onig, in <2ttete8 ejialt. Jacobs. The suppliant Bull, to Jove's high altar led, Bellows a prayer for his devoted head. Spare him, Saturnius ! His the form you wore When fair Europa through the waves you hore. Merivale. XXXI. A A H A O N. ov iror , Tpwwv $elfj,a Kal e Alrec!en (getjten bie ttedjen eg tyer an ben roiani0d?en p Nwrd T Orjpovo/Aov er bie er$en 23tanbe nicfyt gcfyon ? SSet fcringt $euet jum ^euer ^in^u ? Jacobs. Love on a Goblet ? Ah why so ? Inspire With wine thy heart ; but add not fire to fire. E. S. XXXV. A N Y T H 2. Eetz/ VTTO rav irerpav rerpvpeva Kav^an TOVTO i\ov. A N Y T E S. Fessa sub hanc rupem decHna membra viator : Dulce sub hac Zephyri fronde virente sonant. Et laticem bibe fontis. Iter facientibus hsec est ^statis calido tempore grata quies. Grotius. llnter bem S^iattenben Sets, o trembling, ruf)' ton ^rntiibung. >ier in bent gtiinen ejreeig ^taubetn bte Sttfte So giiff. Stinf au8 f it^tenbem Duett ba etquicf enbe SBaffer ; bent 3Banbtet 3fl in Sengenbet Iut btege bie fteunbttc^fle 0tafl Jacobs. On the entrance to a Cavern. Stranger, beneath this rock thy limbs bestow Sweet, 'mid the green leaves, breezes whisper here : Drink the cool wave, while noontide fervors glow ; For such the rest to wearied pilgrim dear. Anon. Eland's Collect. 30 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. XXXVI. A I O T I M O Y. Xcupe pot aftpe Kinrao-ffi, rov 'O/xa bi^ jlra^tenb ton olb QlrtemiS Xetn^el 6en?a^rt. Jacobs Hailj pretty Virgin-girdle, hail ! From her of Lydia unlaced From Omphale, (so goes the tale) By loving Hercules embraced. Blest girdle then ! blest now again, Here laid in Dian's golden fane. w. XXXVII. 4>IAOAHMOY. oi TrpoXeyei (^evyeiv iroQov ' H\to8copat\,et. PHILODEMI. Mens ab amore mihi caveam monet Heliodorae, Conscia quos sestus senserit et lacrymas. Recta monet : sed nulla fuga est : namque absque pudore, Et monet, et contra quam monet ipsa facit. Grotius. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 31 " gTiefje, Ijmdjfl bu metn enf , llnglucflidjer, benf on bie fcergongene Ouaal, Qln bie fcorigen Sfyrdnen." av\ov OvS 1 av 6 ?ra9 vtyai vdjAaaiv ' OBACULUM PYTHI.E. Mente pia sancti lustratus Numinis, hospes, Templa subi, castse flumine tactus aquae. Gutta bono satis una viro ; non ipsa sed omnis Oceani maculas eluet unda malo. G. B. Olein nur na^e bem $ent|3el, o ^reunb, unb ber ^eiligen otttyett c^ranfen, nad^bem bu bag SRajf reinen eredffer8 fceru^rt. fer geniigt fur ben reblic^en; a6er ben Sreuler mit ga'inmtlidjer &Iut^) gelBer ber Ocean nidjt. Jacobs. Enter the pure God's Temple sanctified In soul, with virgin water purified. One drop will cleanse the good ; the Ocean wave Suffices not the guilty soul to lave. w. 32 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. XXXIX. ANTIIIATPOY 2 I A Q N I O Y. Et? TTJV 'A.(})po8iTr)v, dvepxapt vrjv anb 6a\UTTi]S. Tav avaSvopevav cnro /jLarepos aprt 0a\dao-a$ KvTrptv, 'ATreXXelov fio^dov opa l8o$, '/2? %ept ffv/jufiap-^racra Sid^po'^o 'EicdXifiei vorepwv apbv CLTTO Avral vvv epeovaiv 'AOyvaiT) re xal aol /iopt^a? ei? epiv ANTIPATRI SIDONII. Emersam pelagi nuper genitalibus undis Cyprin Apellaei cerne laboris opus : Ut complexa manu madidos sails aequore crines, Humidulis spumas stringit utraque comis. Jam tibi nos, Cj'pri, Juno inquit, et innuba Pallas, Cedimus, et formae prsemia deferiraus. Auaorxius. Fuor dell' onde del mar che vita dielle, Ecco la pur teste sorta Ciprigna, Gentil fatica del pennel d' Apelle. Ve' come il crin pregno di salsi umori Ella distrigne con sua mano, e spreme La schiuma dalle trecce umide fuori. Pallade stessa e la stessa Giunone Diran ora : A contender di bellezze Non venghiam no piu teco al paragone. Pompei. Triumph and boast of Grecian painter's art, From Ocean's foam see new-born Venus start. Oh, with what grace she waves her hand of pearl And wrings the dew from ev'ry clustering curl ! Let Pallas now and Juno's self confess 'Twere vain contending with such loveliness. J. W. B. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 33 XL. IIAYAOY 2IAENT. Ovre poSov (TT(j>dva)V eTTiSeveTai, ovre (TV rre Ovre \i6o/3\rfra>v, rrbrvia, Kefcpv(j>d\tov. Mdpyapa 0-779 ^04779 aTroXewrerai, ovSe KOfAi Xpvabs arretcrrjrov v Oe\yco9, ort Kal %i(f)o$ rjv trot, Kai a)v ef?}X#e9' TOVTO Trap' urroph)V. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 35 LUCILLII. In Saltatorem ineptum. Deceptae Mix casus se miscuit arti. Histrio, saltavit qui Capanea, ruit. Idem, qui Nioben saltavit, saxeus, ut tum Spectator veram crediderit Nioben. In Canace, visus multo felicior ipsa ; Quod non hie gladio viscera dissecuit. Ausonius. Historias gestu bene qui simulare solebas, Unum, miramur, sed grave crimen liabes. Saltabas Nioben, stabas ut saxeus : idem Es collapsus, agis dum Capanea ducem. Sed male processit Canace ; tibi cum foret ensis, Vivis adhuc, hoc non convenit historise. Grotius. In historical ballets it's great want of tact To neglect sticking closely to matter of fact. In the Niobe dance you stood just like a rock, And your tumble in Capaneus came with a shock, But in Canace' s part I am forc'd to object, That to march off alive, sword in hand, 's incorrect. w. XLIII. II A A A A A A, ot 8f MAKHAONIOY. JTaz/Teyovcriv orav Se Tpetfry ^a OiKaS 1 apurr&fJLev Sevrepov ep^p^evoi. PALLAD^E, VKi MACEDONII. Mos semel est prandere, vocat nisi cum Salaminus ; Altera tune facimus prandia namque domi. Grotius. One dinner's thought enough ; but when I've dined With Salaminus, I dine again at home, or else I find That I am minus. w. 36 ANTIIOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. XL1V. MEAEATPOY. 'Atcpk, epwv aTrdrrj^ut 7r60a>v, Trapaf^vQiov VTTVOV, 'A/cpk, dpovpair] Movva0 Sie6lid)e mir, S)a3 ben Summer Serfage, ber mir So tange ben <$rf)taf raitfct ; 'Muf ! unb eroecfe ben Son, ber mir ba (Se^nen entntmmt, Reiner Ciebe will aucf> mit griinenben ^no^eu 2)irf; begc^en!en ; bicf) gofl trcinfen ber jartefte S^au. Herder. Thou locust, soother of my love, whose music slumber brings, Thou locust, minstrel of the fields, endowed with shrilly wings ; Thou artless mimic of the lyre, some song of beauty sing, By striking with thy pliant feet each music-speaking wing. Thou locust, trill me from thy chords a love-releasing strain, That thus thou may'st remove my care, my ever-wakeful pain. And I'll the evergreens to thee as morning gifts assign, And the dew-drops split in parts to fit that little mouth of thine. Hay. Meadow-cricket, with shrill wing Whiling sorrow slumb'rously : Meadow-cricket, that dost fling Music blithely o'er the lea ; Trill me something fond and sweet ; Nature's harp thou art to me ; With thy prattling wings and feet Strike up some dear melody. Thus thou may'st avert the pain Of my ever-sleepless care ; Ply me then a native strain, t Some sweet love-beguiling air : So the freshly-springing leek Shall be thine at early dawn, And to suit thy tiny cheek Cloven dew-drops of the morn. G. F.D.T. 38 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. XLV. AEQNIAOY TAPANTINOY. Herpes eK Stcrtrr}? -^v^pov KaTcnraX/jievov vBwp, Xalpois, Kal Nv/A Kovpai, /j,vpla rejjoaeva, Xaiper. ' Api(TTOK\,er)<; S' "S 1 , oSotTro/ao? a>7rep a TOUTO LEONIDS TABENTINI. Unda vale, bifidae saliens de vertice rupis, Et sibi quas finxit rustica dextra, Dese. Et fontes, et saxa, et quas circum undique, Nymphse, Vos sacra veneres mille lavatis aqua. Hoc dat Aristoclees vobis cornu ecce viator, Quo sua demisso est ante levata satis. a. s. bu I;era6 bici) ergiefft bon bem bo^etten ^elSen, o bir ! 9l(pm^en auc^ eud), Idnbltd;er >dnbe eti(b. aud), ^etSen am Duett, unb ber freunblirt?en lifer itmgetntng, mit ewigem 0laff 8ii|feS etcciffer Be&piilt, inir gegriifft ! @ud) njet^et ^tti^tofteei, iretrf^er ben >urfi ^te SCBanbernb gefiittet, baS orn, bag er jum @d;ijpfen gefcraucfyt. Farewell, cool rills, that from the cleft rock start, And fountain-heads, and carved by rustic art Your forms, sweet maiden Nymphs, who own this wave, Adieu ! th j unnumber'd charms your waters lave ! The cup of horn, he dipped there to relieve His thirst, from Aristoclees receive. w. Jacobs. XLV I. HAPMENIQN02. Tbv yalrjs KOI TTOVTOV dfjt,ei6eia-aicri, Navrijv rjTreipov, iretpTrbpov Ev TpHr9, oi/Sev JJL a *Av 8e Trapovra APOLLINABII. Si de me absenti loqueris male, nil nocet :' at si Prsesentem laudas, te male scito loqui. Grotius. SBenn ic^ ni^t ba Bin, S^rar, go tab!' imb Svelte mi^ immer : 0lur ijettitt' i(^ inir au<^, fctn i^> jugegen, betn Sofc. Herder. You harm me not whom absent you traduce : Praise in my presence is the true abuse. E.S. 40 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. XLVIII. HAYAOY 2IAENT. "TSacri Orjpeirjv eltcova . AvcrcrQxnv rd^a Triicpbv "Epws eveTrrj^ev o86vra JEi? e/*e, /col /jiavlatf Ov^ov e\r)t'craTO. yap epo /ecu TTOVTOS eTnjparov eicova Ka\ TroTapwv Bivai, ical PAULI SILENTIARII. Qui rabido, fert famaj canis sunt dente petiti, His in aquis sese monstrat imago canis. Credo, furens in me cmdeli dente venenum Exspuit, atque animo me spoliavit Amor. Quippe tuos vultus referunt mihi pontus et amnes, Et quse vite sato pocula rore madent. Grotius, Chi da rabbioso can morso sia stato Dicon che ognora dentro F acqua vede L' immagin di quel can che F ha piagato. Forse preso da rabbia Amore anch' esso Ha me col suo crudel dente trafitto, E il mio cervel tutto a soqquadro messo ; PoicV io pur, Dori, il volto tuo divino Veggo in mare, ne' vortici de' fiumi, E persin ne' bicchier colmi di vino. M. They say that one who hath chanced to suffer The venomous bite of a rabid hound, Will see a creature of horrible feature Imaged on all the waters round : So me hath rabid Cupid bitten, And smitten my soul with his raging bane ; And an image I trace on the river's face, In the glistening wine, on the level main ; But the image which wakens my soul's distress Is an image of exquisite loveliness. G.C. S. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 41 XLIX. KAEOBOYAOY AINITMA. 6 Trarrjp, TratSe? SvotcaiBeKa' TWV Be J e/cat Ai fj,ev \evKcti eacriv IBeiv, at 8' avre fj,e\aivai' 'AOdvaroi 8e r eoOcrat, a CLEOBULI ^ENIGMA. Est unus genitor, cujus sunt pignora bis sex ; His quoque triginta natae, sed dispare forma, Aspectu hinc nivese, nigris sunt ^oiltibus inde : Sunt immortales omnes moriuntur et omnes. Dodici figli ha un solo padre, e ognuno Di lor ne ha trenta d' inegual colore, In viso parte bianco e parte bruno : Tutti questi hanno fine, e nessun muore. Pagnini. L' Enigme de Cleobule. Un pere douze enfans porte, Qui en ont trente chacun, Tous de differente sorte ; Si 1' un est blanc, V autre est brun ; On les voit tous un a un, Jamais deux ni trois ensemble ; Et sans qu' il en meure aucun, Tous les jours meurent, ce semble. Jean Doublet Cleobulus's Enigma. Twelve sons there are, whose father is but one, And sixty are the daughters of each son, Of twofold aspect to the eye, Half of them dark, the other thirty fair ; And though immortal each and all they are, Yet, each and all they fade and die. O. F D. T. 42 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. L. MAKHAONIOY YIIAT. Adfyvis o (TvpiKras rpojAepy Trepl yijpdi Xeipbs depytj\a<> rdvSe ftapwoftevas Ilavl vopiav dve0ijK Kopvvav, viwv Travcrdpevos /ca/jbdrcov. yap (rvptyyi pekiaSopai,, elcrert ev rpofjiepq) crc6//.flm vaierdei a Xu/cot? aivrrjviv dv ovpea fir) rt9 ar/yei\r] yrj MACEDONII. Daphnis amans calami, confecta gravantibus annis Membra tremunt quoniam, deficiuntque maims, Pastorale pedum, quo jam non amplius utar, Custodi dono ruris habere Deo. Fistula sed notum reddit melps, et mea, ut olim, Vox, licet infirmo corpore, firma manet. At ne forte gravi me sic torpere senecta Audiat ex illo monte, bubulce, lupus. o. s. OiFre a Pan Dafnide In membra fievoli I/ antica clava, Voce cauora. Che d' anni logoro Ah de' famelici Troppo or lo grava. Lupi all' orecchio Bitien la cetera ; Rumor non penetri Che serba ancora Che Dafni e vecchio. Felici. Daphnis the piper trembling 'neath the load Of years this crook, his feeble hand no more Had force to wield, to Pan the shepherd's god Here offers up his shepherd labours o'er. His pipe he still can sweetly sound, and still Strong is his voice, although his body's weak. But look ye, swains, yon wolves upon the hill Ne'er of my feebleness o'erhear ye speak. G. S. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 43 LI. I 2 I A Q P O Y. Ov yelaa Nuco&riuov, OVK ev II\6(o 7re&?7#ei9, e<^pv. ISIDOBUS jEGEATES. Hunc Nicophemum non hyems, non siderum OccasuSj Afri non furor mersit sail ; Sed per serenam (quis putet ?) pellaciara In nave captus arsit insana siti. Et hoc patravit ventus. Is nautis malum Immane seu flat^ sive sopitus silet. Orotiua. Non hiems gra^ 7 is, et cadens Orion Merserunt sale Nicophemon Afro ; Omni sed male destitutus aura In puppi miser est siti peremtus. Ventorum hoc etiam est opus : frementes Nautis fata ferunt, ferunt silentes. Cunichius. Non spinto in mar da turbini furenti, Ma per troppa quiete, In sulla poppa Alcon peri di sete : Tutta vostr* opra, o venti ; Fatali se fremete, Fatali se tacete. Roncalli. 9 No equinoctial gales, no tempest high Whelm'd Nicophemus in the Libyan tide : Poor wretch ! becalm'd beneath a breathless sky, A parching thirst came o'er him, and he died. Ye winds, woe worth your luckless gales, that e'er In sleep, or strength, such ills to sailors bear. T. P. R. 44 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. LII. N I K A P X O Y. al TTO\V ui "'Hv o KpiT-rj^ rovTcov Tei\ei,v Mr)vo)v irevO*' o 8' efjyr) VVKTOS a\rj\.eKevai,' 'E[ji,/3\e\lras 8' at/rot? 6 Kpt,Trj<; \eyef e? ri a/j,(j)6repoi Tpe Bv^a Aorrov pe7rro/j,evove rrjv pekvyrjpvv drjSova Be^aro KOI TTTrjvrjv TTOVTIOS rjvioxei. 8' eperrj TropdjAevoftewrj, TOV rfj arTOfAaTCOV 0e\yov eyco tciddprj, Elpeiai Bvo, teal Bexa Movaai' 4epKV\i<; iv Trda-ais Movcra, Xdpts, IIa eywv 7rire\\ofiai, 6 \i/j,evira<>, LEONIDS. Hora vocat navem : jam garrula venit hirundo, Blandaque jam Zephyris mollibus aura tepet. Purpureis rident vestiti floribus agri, Horrida nee turbant flabra, nee unda mare. Littore decedat jam funis et ancbora fun do : Et quot babes plenos, na^ita^ tende sinus. Hsec ego do, portus custos, prsecepta Priapus, Qui merces alio quaeris in orbe, tibi. Grotius. fcerufet jur 5^rt; 8(^on tonet ber ^laitbernben ^uftenbe SPIumen entg^rteffen ber Qlu ; unb e gcfyrceiget bte 2>ie Sjon Orfanen ge^eitgcfjt, gc^dumenbe SSetten er^ob. SBinbet bte 5(nfer benn auf unb enjiricft, o 8^tfer, bag Jaurcerf ; 9fli(^tet bie fasten entyor, gebet bte Segel bent QBtnb. olc^eS erma^net eitc^ ^ter ber 93e3d?iitjer be8 afen8 ^rta^og, 2>aff i^r Si^et bte ^at)rt lenfet git fro^em ereinn. Jaooba. 'Tis time to sail. Soft blows the breeze, The twittering swallow now is heard, , The fields are green, and still the seas By no rough blast or billow stirred. Cut cable ! Mariner, aboard ! Weigh anchor, sst thy canvass free. Priapus bids, the harbour's lord ; Off, off, with every argosy. 50 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. LVIII. AOYKIANOY. UXouTO? 6 rffs TJrvxfjs TrXoDro? fj,6voj ^(opeveiv alel ir\ovrov e7reiy6/j,evo$, Ovros QTTola /Ae\ttrer$et)renb nur qualt, unb ja^Iet unb recfynet, auf aufen nur tfyitrmt, (Sc^atje gu iSc^atjen geSeflt, oergletc^' ic^ ber SSiene, bie tet in ben jefligen SBafceu Berettet ben @eim, beffen gtc^ anbre erfreun. Jacobs. Only the riches of the mind I prize As real riches. All the rest are nought ; Cares to the worldly ; follies to the wise. Him only rich, him only lord of aught, We justly term, who knows to use his store As one who having much, is worthy more ; Whilst he who wears his aged eyes away 'Mid dusty ledgers, heaping night and day ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 51 Thousands on thousands in his reckonings vain, Is like the bee, who gathers to the hive The honied store the busiest fool alive That wiser drones the luscious hoard may drain. Merivale. The riches of the mind alone are true : All other wealth only more trouble brings. To him the title of a rich man's due Who's able to make use of his good things ; But whoso's mind on calculations dwells, Intent on heaping money upon money, He, like the bee, adds to the hive new cells, Out of Avhich others will extract the honey. w. LIX. 2 I M Q N I A O Y. ov yap eoi/cev dviovv^ov evOdft ^ Oavovcrav dyXadv a/coiriv, Ilepidv&pov aTreicyovov, 09 7ro$' v Xaoi? repp e^cov Kopivdov. SIMON ID i s. Commemoro, obscuram nee enim decet Archenautis istic Jacere claram conjugem sepultam, Xanthippen, Periandro ortum genus, imperabat olim Qui summus altae turribus Corinthi. O. B. Reiner gebenft ntein ?ieb ; ntc^t jtemt eg 6ic^, baff bu, (orreic^e attin, riu)mlo3 liegfi tm rate. 3fant^)i^ion, bet beg f)od)getf)urmten fiefl in 5Kacf)t gegriinbet, Jacobs. I will record, for 'twere no seemly doom Had Archenautes' wife a nameless tomb, Xanthippe, sprung from Periander's race, Who held 'mid Corinth's towers the ruler's place. Sterling. 52 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. LX. 2TATYAAIOY * A A K K O Y. Els *Epa>ra Ev8etv EvSets drrjpr)*;, a re/co? 'Apoyevov<;, Ov Trevicriv Trvpoecraav eTrrjpfAevos, ovft afyv 'Etc icepaos ^d\\ci)v dvriTovoio /SeXo?. M.r) JAOI KOL Kvcoa-a-fav m/cpbv oveipov I'Sj;?. 8TATYLLII FLACCI. In amorem dormientem. Docte puer vigiles mortalibus addere curas, Anne potest in te somnus habere locum ? Laxi juxta arcus, et fax suspensa quiescit, Dormit et in pharetra clausa sagitta sua; Longe mater abest ; longe Cythere'ia turba : Verum ausint alii te prope ferre pedem, Non ego : nam metui valde, mihi, perfide, quiddam Forsan et in somnis ne meditere mali. Th. Gray. 3)er scfytummernbe Slmor. c^Idfji bit, Qtmor ? o bit, ber flerMi^en 3P?en0d)en ben @(^Iumntcr 9iauBet unb itynen go oft iRdc^te bott otgen genjd^rt ; bu ? 01ein ! tc^ titfyre nic^t an bie Brennenbe ^acfel, e ben 93ogen ntc^t an unb ben gefieberten ^Jfetl. 93ag' e3 ein anberer ; id? gdjen' auc^> ben Sd}fummernben 3Imor, 5Benn er im 3!raum aucfy nut meiner unfreunblic^ gebenft. Herder. And thou, that bid^st us mortals wake to weep, Fell child of sea-born Venus, dost thou sleep ? No torch flames in thy hand ; upon thy string No fatal arrow now is quivering. Others may courage take. Dread boy, for me E'en in thy sleep some dream of woe thou'lt see. G-. S. ANTHOLOQIA POLYGLOTTA. 53 LXI. A r A e i o Y. ifu fj,ev ov iva, geiv^s Kaivbv opapa TU^T;?. './IXX' eVt, //,> 70/775 eXew TOTTO?* ol jap IBovres Evdv pe Trpbs rvfA/Bovs OV euv 8?) r6%a)v re Kal (arcvrroScov crdevos "TTTTCOV T' dvSpwv 8ej;dfji,evoi s i M o N i D i s. Qui tecum hie claram, Spartane Leonida, mortem Oppetiere, viros inclyta terra tegit. Innumeros arcus, celerumque hi robur equorum Medorum et hello sustinuere manus. G.F. D.T. fliegen $um raB, o SeonibaS, beine enoffen, Jtonig ber 8^artigrf|cn 5tur, fam^fenfc in Bluttger cl^Ia 3)enn Sic fcefianben ber $feile etrolf, Scfyneflfufftger Sftoffe turmfraft, unb bie ercalt mebtSc^er banner nut Jacobs. On those who fell icith Leonidas. This, O Leonidas ! the glorious grave Of those who fell with thee wide Sparta's king, 'Gainst countless shafts and rushing horses brave Of Media's host they stood unwavering. Sterling. 56 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. LXIV. AAESnOTON. Kal "Epas Karevavriov d\\rj\oi(riv $aiSprjv pev Kreivev Trvpoeis TroOos ' ' I7nr6\vrov 8" dyvr) 7reve IN CERT I. Absumsere duas, ineunt dum prselia, vitas^ Hac Amor, hac Pudor, heu ! durus uterque Deus. Fervidus incesto Phsedram abstulit igne Cupido ; Hippolytum castus perdidit ipse Pudor. G. F. D.T. D' Amour et ChastetL En mesme instant Amour et Chastete Se recontrans en contrariete, Dans les enfers deux ames envoyerent : D' Amour cruel les brulantes ardeurs, La pauvre Phedre, et les trop chastes meurs Leur Hippolyt diversement tuerent. Baif. Once Love and Virtue stood opposed in fight, And either fell before the other's might. Fond Phaedra died, Hippolytus, for thee A victim, thou, to thine own chastity ! K C. C. LXV. 2 I M Q N I A O Y. /cat K\e687//Aoz/ eTrl Trpo^oycrt Oeaipov 'Aevdov crrovoevr ifaayev et? ddvarov. @prjlicL(i) Kvpaavra Xo^w* irarpos Be K\eeivov ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 57 8 I M O N I D I S. Occubuit rigid Cleodemus ad ora Theaeri, Ingenuus vetuit quern dare terga pudor, Obvius insidiis Thracum : bellantis honestum, Diphile, de nati nomine nomen habes. G.B. By shame of flight was Cleodemus led At deep Thererus' mouth to mournful doom, Surprised by ambushed Thracians ; so he spread His fame to Diphilus, his father's, tomb. Sterling LXVI. I O Y A I A N O Y A n O Y II. AIT. A. 'Aypios ecrri, Xdpwv. B. ir\eov r/mo?. A, tfpTracrev "ijS Tbv veov. B. aXXa vow rofr Tro\ioicri,v Vaov* A. Tefnroy\ri crTrevSofAev '^4XX' oi>% 'HpctK\.eiir eva Be Kri\ov rj Tra^vv apva Alrel, KCU Travrcas ev 0vos K\eyera/,. 'A\\a \VKOVS eipyei. rl Be TO ir\eov, el TO "O\\vrai elre \VKOIS, eW inro TOV ANTIPATRI SIDONII. Mercurius, pueri, minimo placabilis. Ille Lacte, vel agresti melle litatus erit. Non sic Alcides. Aries, aut agnus opimus Poscitur, aut aliquo de grege lecta pecus. Dicis : At ille lupos arcet ; quasi referat, utmm Gustos, anne rapax perdat ovile lupus. Jos. J Scaliger. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 59 Dono a Mercurio ben accetto e grato E latte e mel di querce a lui libato. Ercole un gran montone e uii pingue agnello Vuole e quanto la mandra ha di piu bello. Ei caccia i lupi ; ma che val che il gregge Si divorino i lupi, o chi '1 protegge ? Pagnini. Un peu de miel, un peu de lait Rendent Mercure favorable. Hercule est bien plus cher, il est moins traitable : Sans deux agneaux par jour il n' est point satisfait. On dit qu' a mes moutons ce Dieu sera propice ; Qu' il soit beni : mais, entre nous, C' est un peu trop en sacrifice : Qu' importe qui les mange, ou d' Hercule ou des loups ? "Voltaire >a -^irtenopfer. Setdjt irtrb >erme ge&peig't : er nimmt, ifjr tjirten, mtt rcenig Suffer Wlilfy unb beg SBaitmg rinnenbent ontg tterltefc. eraHeg nicfyt ! ben fiattlid)fteu ^Bibber ber eerbe, Dber bag fettefle amm wd^It jtc^ ber Sedre gum Sd>ntau. " Qlfrer ben 2Botf erd;eud)t er ! " irag frontmet eg, trenn bag 95en?ad?te Umfommt, ot eg ber 2Dotf, ob' g ber SBercadjenbe rautt ? Voss. Imitation. When hungry wolves had trespass'd on the fold And the robb'd shepherd his sad story told; ' ' Call in Alcides," said a crafty priest ; " Give him one half, and he'll secure the rest." No ! said the shepherd, if the Fates decree, By ravaging my flock to ruin me, To their commands I willingly resign, Power is their character, and patience mine ; Though, troth ! to me there seems but little odds, Who prove the greatest robbers, wolves or gods ! Prior. 60 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. LXIX. 2 I M G N I A O Y. El TO a\oJ5 Ovtfarcetv dperf)<; fjbepos earrl /JL Hfjfiv etc TrdvTO)V TOUT' aTrevei/j^e Tv%r)' ' E\\d8i yap (nrevSovres e\.eu8epiav Trepideivai II II 8 I M O N I D I 3. Maxima virtutis si pars, bene ponere vitam, Nobis prsecipiium fata dedere decus. Dum properamus enim, fieret ne Graecia serva, Hie sumus seterna non sine laude siti. Grotius. 3ft ein rittymltcfyer Sob bag ertjatjenfle @rte ber Xugenb, @o tyat un3 ba eSc^icE bteSe ijor aHen getta^rt. (Sifernb int .ftantyf bag ^enentgci)e Sanb jit teftanjen nut )v. MELKASRI. Ad Amorem. Te per ego nostrse supplex rogo carmina Musae, Heliodora^ meo pectore cedat Amor. Perque tuos arcus, qui jam petiere nee ullum, Tantum in me dociles mittere tela sua. Si pereo, vocem testantia carmina linquam : Aspicis, ut morti me dedit, hospes, Amor. Jos. Scaliger. Paulisper vigiles, oro, compesce dolores, Respue nee musse supplicis aure preces ; Oro brevem laciymis veniam, requiemque furori : Ah, ego non possum vulnera tanta pati ! Intima flamma, vides, miseros depascitur artus, Surgit et extremis spiritus in labiis : Quod si tarn tenuem cordi est exsolvere vitam, Stabit in opprobrium sculpta querela tuum. Juro perque faces istas, arcumque sonantem, Spiculaque hoc unum figere docta jecur; Heu fuge crudelem puerum, ssevasque sagittas ! Huic fuit exitii causa, viator, Amor. Th. Gray. t Spare, Cupid, spare for shame my suppliant muse, And give my love for Heliodora rest. For by thy bow, whose winged shaft pursues No other quarry now but this poor breast, Die if I must I'll leave a line to say, Stranger, this man did felon Cupid slay. G. R. 62 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. LXXI. MAPIANOY 2XOAA2TIKOY. TaS" inrb ra9 TrXardvovs aTrakw Terpvpevos VTTVO) EvSev "Epws, Nv/j, ; aide Se TOVTW elirov, op,ov irvp KpaSLrjs ^epoTrmv. o>? e(f>\% Kal vdara, dep^ov etceWev NvfMpat 'EpwTidSes Xovrpo^oeva'iv yScwp. MARIAN I SCHOLASTIC I. In balneum, quod vocabatur Cupido. Has subter platanos molli dans membra sopori Tradiderat Nymphis lampada parvus Amor. Una facem rapiens, Quin hanc extinguimus, inquit, Cedat ut ex hominum pectore flamma vorax. Traxerunt etiam latices incendia. Nymphse Hinc fundunt calidas munus Amoris aquas. Grotius. In Fontem aqua calidce. Sub platanis puer Idalius prope fluminis undam Dormiit, in ripa deposuitque facem. Tempus adest, sociae, Nympharum audentior una, Tempus adest; ultra quid dubitamus? ait. Ilicet incurritj pestem ut divumque hominumque Lampada collectis exanimaret aquis : Demens ! nam nequiit ssevam restinguere flammam Nympha, sed ipsa ignes traxit, et inde calet. Th. Gray. Sopito in dolce sonno Amor giacea A pie di questi plataiii, e la face Alle Ninfe in balia lasciata avea. Queste dicean : Che piu s' indugia ? Ah spento Sia quel degli uman cuor foco vorace In seno all' onde ! E 1' onde in un momento La face infiammo si che di la fuore Versano ognor le Ninfe un caldo umore. Pagnini. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 63 Untcr bem 9lfyorn fjter lag etnfi im liefclid?en djlummer $lmor : bie ^acfet lag nefeen bie Guelle geSenft. <\efy, ba ^racf)en bie Sftymptjen : " rcaS soften wit tfyun mit bcr ^avovs. Tk r)<; el'Seo? aTrpeTrw;?. INCERTI. Id quod honos aliis, infamia magna Marino est : Nesciri quam sit turpis imago vetat. Orotius. A tutt' altri, o Marin, decoro e pregio I lor ritratti o simulacri danno ; Ma i tuoi recano a te scorno e dispregio, Perch' essi fe' di tua bruttezza fanno. Pagnini. Grato onore e un ritratto, ma e un' offesa A Marin, che si brutto 1' appalesa. V7. Portraits bring honour, or, like thine, disgrace : The proof's as plain, Marinus, as thy face. -\v. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 65 LXXV. * i A i n n o Y. v e/c /u-ey ofA/uidrwv Sdfcpv "EdXityas, eV Be TTitcpd fcap&tq j3e\r) U>7fa<; a^r). ot' epefa?. 'E29AON 'H AIKH. ca IN AGORA:. Emitte fletus, et geme, et torque manus : Sunt digna factis ista, fraudator, trds. Tuere quamvis triste, te nemo eruet. Tu namque multis excitasti lacrymas Ex ore, multis tela fixisti fera In corde, miscens virus insanabile, Cupido, ridens in malis mortalium, Quse perpetrasti patere. Jus, res optima est. Grotius. 3a, roetne nur unb Seufje ; ringe flagltc^ nur 5)te ^dutie, Steuler ! <8olc^e (Strafen jtcmen bir. ^ein better lofft btc^. (rf>aue ntc^t nac^ 2)Jitttett> auf. >enn Setter ^ajl bu anbrcr QUtflen S^rdnen oft (Sr^refft, itnb tnttre ^feite mit bir Siebe ift etrdnft, unfe^tenb, anbern in bie SBruft gegenft. 2>er 2)fengd)en Sammer, (SroS, tt bir ^ufl itnb @d?erg. 2)u tiiffeji, rcag bu gelfcfi ttertra^ft. vere thy deeds : " Fair play's a jewel." w. LXXVII. AAE2IIOTON. "AvOea TroXXa yevoiro veoS/jujra) e-nl TV/j,/3(a, Mr) /3aro, Oviftte, Kal Trepl peap 'Ap%idvaicTa JEtS(wXoi> /*op0a9 Kcobv eVecrTracraTO. 'E/c 8' /8aro9 tov iraiSa Bid/Spo^ov-apTraare f^drrjp, ^KeirrofJieva &)? et nva fiolpav e^et. Ni>fj,9. A. crTa /j,6vai<; eveTreiv. o L AUC i. Pulvere non, saxi tegitur neque pondere parvo, Sed mare pro tumulo totum Erasippus habet. Cum rate nam periit : nunc illius ossa sub unda Putrescunt mergus fors tibi dicat, ubi. G. S. \ E adErasippo tumulo Non polve, non di pietra il lieve peso, Bensi il mar tutto che qui vedi steso. Ei peri col navigio ; Ma dove a marcir sien 1' ossa, potranno Sol dir gli smerghi, ch' essi soli il sanno. w. No dust, no paltry marble for his grave Has Erasippus, but the wide sea wave. For with his ship he sank. His bones decay But where, the cormorant alone can say. G. S. LXXXI. AAE2HOTON. Kal irevii] KOI ep&>9 &vo pot, rca/cd- Kal TO fiev Kovcf>w irvp 8e (f>epiv KvTTpiSos ov I N C E U T I. Paupertas me sseva domat, dirusque Cupido : Sed toleranda fames, non tolerandus amor. Esuriens pauper telis incendor Amoris : Inter utrumque malum diligo pauperiem. C'laudianus. Claudianus. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 71 Due mail, Povertade e Amor, ho addosso : L' uno di leggier tollero, Ma il fuoco sopportar d' Amor non posso. M La dura povertade e il crudo amore Haiino le forze mie gia vinte e dome : Quella soffrir si pub, ma non amore. Bianchi. Two evils, Want and Love, my spirits tame ; The hunger I can bear, but not the flame. w. LXXXII. 2IMQNIAOY. Kpr}v, aXXa icar e S I M O N I D I S. Ores genus, hac jaceo Brotachus Gortynius ora : Non fiiit hoc, merces sed mihi causa vise. G. B. Here I, Gortynian Brotachus, am laid In death, for which I came not, but for trade. Sterling. LXXXIII. AAE2IIOTON. "Ovrws Si) Xapirwv \ovrpbv r68e' ov8e v, Xet/jiepuis fjL0va)v fj,r)Sa/J,a VVKTOS tot?" Kal yap eya) TOIOVTOV %(& p.6pov, dvrl Se TroXX?}? -ZTarp/So?, oQveiav KelfAai e'ou9 o}9 evvea /iiyi' Ka/ceivos yeXdaa^ ri (j,ev o Kpovos evvea /J,r)vwv, ^rjcrl, \eyet ; crv voet' rdpa Se euter, bent Slttgt, ungerm ^ermogencg, ju. gdcljelnb ergefete ber 9lr|t : 5)ag nenn' id^ wag Ote^iteg, tcenn @o iel 2Nonben gic^ se^t ! Jtur j serfafyr' i$ mit Mr. '8, unb ru^rt mit bent finger ifyt an, unb gie er bent anbern gebro^t, jittert unb roctyelt unb fitrfet. Jacots. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 75 Of a Phisition and a Soothsayer. Marcke fealt himselfe diseasde, The Soothsayer sayd : There bee Sixe yet remaynder dales of life No mo (friend Marcke) to thee. Then skilfull Alcon came, He felt the pulses beate : And out of hande this Marcus dide, There Phisick wrought his feate. This showes Phisition doth The Soothsayer farre exceede : For th' one can make a short dispatch, When th' other makes no speede. Turbervile. LXXXVII. 2 I M Q N I A O Y. Mf/7/io. roSe K\ivoto Meyurrui, ov irore MrjSoi ^jrep^eiov Trora^ov Krelvav ap,ei-fydp,evoi, Mdvrios, 09 Tore K^pa? eVe/o^o/iem? cra$a OVK er\r) STrdpTijs rjyefjLovas irpdXiirelv. S I M O N I D I S. Inclytus imposita jacet hie sub mole Megistias Thessala quern leto cis vada Persa dedit. Tristia qui vates instantia fata monebat, Noluit et Spartae deseruisse duces. G. B. tuljt ^errli^ ge^rieSen 3Wegitiag, wetd^en ber -iKeber, 3 er ^erc^eioS eflab fdm^fenb fcegrfirttten, crc&Iug. trotyl fattnte ber etyer bie brotyenben Sooge ber ntctyt mieb er ben J?antf unb bag g^artantgc^e eer. .. Jacobs. Of famed Megistias here behold the tomb, Him on this side Spercheus slew the Medes ; A seer who well foresaw his coming doom, But would not lose his share in Sparta's deeds. Sterling. 76 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. LXXXVIII. HPAKAEIAOY. "ATTtar^, aTTicr^e xeipas, w yewTrove, Mi]?? afji(f)irafjive Tav ev rjpiw KOVLV. Avra Kefckavrai /3&>\oen llnb rciifyte nic^t beS ratea Qld)' tyinauf. aWtt ^rcinen i|i bie @rbe l;ter Bet^aut, tlnb au tetfjtanter @rbe redc^Set bit glucfttcfyer, fein afjrentioner >alm. Herder. Stay, ploughman \ stay thy hand \ In severing the dust that moulders there, Thou ploughest through a grave. Tears have bedewed that land : And o'er the sorrow-moisten' d glebe may ne'er The joyous harvest wave. W. LXXXIX. AAESHOTON. Ets AlavTa. "Etcrcop AiavTi i't ! im rearb ber enuff ^olbBlu^enber Sugenb 2)ur^> fetnbgetigen ^riegg graugeitbe d}au8>)iel. 2Jhtrrenber, lerne ober bu ttcigft ^cfcmerjen itnb Scfyaben baor. Herder. Since life is a scene, and we players at best ; Either suffer like men, or give into the jest. ~ XCIII. AOYKIANOY. El TO rpefaiv Tra/yawa Sotcei crofyiav Trepnroieiv, Kal rpdyos evTrwycw eutrro^o? eVrt II\dra)v. LUC I A MI. Si promissa facit sapientem barba, quid obstat Barbatus possit quin caper esse Plato ? T. Morus. Se lunga barba e segno Di sapere e d' ingegno, Un barbuto caprone Pub tenersi un Platone. M. Si nourrir grand^ barbe au menton Nous fait philosophes paroitre, , Un bouc barbu pourroit bien etre Par ce moyen quelque Platon. Ronsard. If beards long and bushy true wisdom denote, Then Plato must bow to a hairy he-goat. 80 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. XCIV. A A H A O N. "Apri \o^evofJLevriv ere fie^icrcroroKcav eap "Apri $e KVKveiu) ^deyyo/jbevrj "HXacrev et? J A%epovTa 8ia TrXarv , \lVOK\faCTTUV SeCTTTOTt? ^ ' lireatv, "Hpivva, KO\.O<; TTOVO? ov ere bie 8ettyai6d}e ^tut^ unter bie entreifft bein <5uffe8 93emit^n bi^, ^rinne, bent llnb nttt ben 2Kuen fceteint gc^reitefl bit tanjenb einijer. Jacobs. The strains of swan-like song were on thy tongue, And in thy heart with honied flowers had sprung The sweet spring-tide of poesy : When Fate dread sovereign of life's distaff thread- Forth drove thee o'er the wide stream of the dead Afar to sullen Acheron. Yet thee, Erinna, thy sweet toils declare Not dead, but leading with the Muses there The dance in mingling revelry. T. P. R. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 81 xcv. NavriXoi, eys a\o9 Xalpere, Ni/ciJTyv oirives ot/cr/pere. POSIDIPPI. Quid prope me pelagus nautse sepelitis ? ab uiidis Debueram longe naufragus esse situs. Horresco mea fata, sonum maris; attamen et sic Queis Niceta fui cura, valere volo. Grotius. Perche si presso al mare, Nocchier, vi piace a me la tomba alzare ? Lungi di qua vorria Un naufrago giacer : troppo ho in orrore Del pelago il fragore, Che fu la morte mia. Pure a voi prego ore serene e liete Per la pieta che di Niceta avete. ?eer ^icr ? 5ern con ber 95auet bem Qtrmen bag ra6, reelc^en bte SBellen crtranft. > ! Be6' ic^ bem 5BogengerciuSc^. >od) banfet aitc!) bie8e8 egc^enf, bag i^r etfcarmenb t^m gafct. Why, sailors, bury me so near the shore ? The shipwreck'd mariners sad grave should be Far from the echoing breakers ; in their roar Shuddering I hear my fate : yet oh ! all ye, Farewell, and blessings for your pity take, Who even this have done for poor Nicetas' sake. w. 82 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. XCVI. H A A A A A A. AaKpv)(ea>v yev&fHJV, Kal 8aKpv. */2 yevos dvOpwirwv TroXvSdicpvTOV, dcrtfei/e?, oifcrpov, Kara 7779, Koi Sia\v6/J,evov. P A L L A D M. Natus eram lachrymans, lachrymans e luce recede : Sunt quibus a lachrymis vix vacat ulla dies. Tale hominura genus est, infirmum, triste, misellum, Quod mors in cineres solvit, et abdit humo. Sam. Johnson SCBetne'nb fcetrat i(^ bie @rbe juerfi, unb i?erlaffe ete ireincnb ; aitf trbigc^er 35al)n fanb id? al8 3^rcinen unb egc^Iecfjt, go Sammerfcelafiet unb fraftloS teigeft bu nieber jur tuft, n?o bu in yiftfye jerftiflfi. Jacobs. Tears were my birth-right ; born in tears, In tears too must I die ; And mine has been, through life's long years, A tearful destiny ! Such is the state of man ! from birth To death all comfortless : Then swept away beneath the earth, In utter nothingness ! E.S. XCVII. AOYKIANOY. 'Av6pa>7rovs filv i, aroTrov Ov X?7, ov LUC I AN I. Impia facta patrans, homines fortasse latebis ; Non poteris, meditans prava, latere Deos. Sam. Johnson. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 83 Oprando cosa rea, forse ti puoi Agli uomini celar, ma nol potresti Ai Numi gia, ne pur co' pensier tuoi. Pornpei. bu ^reuler, bu fonnfi nut $f)aten bent Qluge bet 9TOen0d)en ? 5>en ebanfen an Sic Scfyaiten bie otter in bir. Herder. SterMtrfcen 93Itcfen ent^iefcfl bu otettetr&t bie Xbaten bet ottlic^ett 5(ugen ^ertnrgt getbjl ber ebanfe sic^ nt(^t. Jacots. Man may not see thee do some impious deed ; But God thy very inmost thought can read. J. W. B. XCVIII. KAAAIMAXOY. Tecrcrape? al Xaptre?" irorl yap fila rat? rpurl "Apn 7roTTT\dcrdrj, /ajri fj,vpoicri vorei Evaiatv ev Trdcriv dpt^aXo? Bepevifca, r A$ arep ovft avral ral Xdpires Xdptres. CALLIMACHI. Tres quse fuerunt, quatuor sunt Gratise ; Accessit etenim odoribus madens adhuc Berenice ad illas, mulierum pulcherrima, Sine qua fuissent Gratiae non Gratiae. G. S. Quattro sono le Grazie ; or s' e creata Oltra le prime tre Grazia novella Rugiadosa d' unguenti. Oh fortunata E a tutte invidia Berenice bella, Che le Grazie non son Grazie senz' ella. Ugo Foscolc. The Graces, three erewhile, are three no more : A fourth is come, with perfume sprinkled o'er. 'Tis Berenice blest and fair ; were she Away, the Graces would no Graces be. o. s 84- ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. XCIX. AEONIAOY. OVK epM ravra \dvpa" rt's 6 OpvyKOiaiv dva "Apyos ravrav TOV a^apiv ^aptra ; "AK\ai8iov OakafJMV "Apevs 8' aifUiToevTa Sica^tTTTroio \dvpa Nrjov KO&fAoir)' rot? elme Oon feinent v aperav ov% i/cero KCLTTVOS AWepa, $aio/j,VT]<; evpv%6pov O't ftov\ovro 7ro\iv fj.ev \ev0epia redakvlav Hcaal \nreiv, airrol S' eV 7rpo/j,d^oicn davelv. BIMO N ID 1 8. Fumus ab his erat ut vacuas non iret in auras, Nee latum Tegeae flamma forum caperet. Scilicet hi patriam voluere relinquere natis Liberam, et in mediis hostibus oppetere. G.F. D. T. cmf eg ber ^amvfenben SKut^, o Segea, bagg girf) ton beinen 3innen ber JcirBelnbe 9lau(^ nid?t ju bem ^tet^er er^ob ; 56(ii^enb in gre^eit wottten bie v\aKTov OIKOV KepBaXeovs Si^ecrQe SO/AOU?, \rji 'Etaos, Nvv Se, 0av(ov, Xa/ATret? "Etnrepos ev PLATONI8. Stella priiis superis fulgebas Lucifer, at mine Extinctus cassis lumine Vesper eris. Olim inter vivos fulgebas Lucifer ; Hesper Morte obita fulges nunc apud exanimos. Pierius Valerianua Eri fra noi la Stella alma e gradita Che in oriente al sol fiammeggia innanti : Espero or sei, che i tuoi bei raggi santi Nascondi a questa, e scopri all' altra vita. Coppetta. nb 2l6enbftern. ie ber gtdnjenbe (Stern beg 2tf orgenS, icanefl bu Sitngling Un8 ; ben Sobten anje^t ge^ bit, etn .^e^erug, auf. Herder. Unter ben Sefcenben frra^Itefi bit gonfi al3 2ftorgen=eftirn eSeru0 gtdnjeft bit iefct unter ben (batten im $ob. In Hfe thou wert my morning star ; But now that death hath quench'd thy h'ght, Alas ! thou shinest, dim and far, Like the pale beam that weeps at night. Jacobs. Moore. To Stella. Thou wert the morning star among the living, Ere thy fair h'ght had fled ; Now, having died, thou art as Hesperus, giving New splendour to the dead. Shelley. 90 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CVI. MEAEATPOY. Ov ydfiov, dXX,' 'Affiav Tmn>fjbLSt,ov KXeaptcrra Aearo, TrapOevia? ap^ara Xfo/tera. "ApTi, jap eanrepiot vvpfyas ejrl Si/c\i(rtv a%evv Aa>Tot, teal OaXdfjiwv eTrXarayevvro Bvpat' 'Ha>oi 8' 6\o\wy/*ov dvefcpayov, e/c 8' 'T/A 5*470^619 yoepov eyyo<; eSaSov^ovv Trapa TlevKai, Kal ^dtjjieva vepOev eatvov 686v. MELEAORI. Non tulit amplexum sponsi Clearista, sed Orci, Cum foret in socio zona soluta toro. Vespere namque nurus sonuit tibicine limen, Et thalami plausse concrepuere fores ; Mane sed exoritur plangor, pavidusque silescens Vertitur in luctum nsenia factus hymen : Ipsaque fax eadem quae lumen prsetulit aulse, Ducit ad infernas heu ! minus apta ! domes. G. B. El horroroso Dite, Del thalamo las puertas No la boda festiva Sus cantos aplaudian ; En esponsales dones Mas al alba sonaron Recibio Clearista Las voces matutinas Al deslazar la vanda Con funebre alarido Entre dulces caricias. Por nupcial armonia, A los umbrales cantan Y las festivas teas Al acabar el dia Que al thalamo Servian, Las alegres canciones Antorchas que alumbraron Las entonadas Ninfas ; La obscura infernal via. Conde Upon a Maid that died the day she was married. That morne which saw me made a bride That evening witnest that I dy'd. Those holy lights, wherewith they guide Unto the bed the bashful bride, ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 91 Served but as tapers for to burne And light my reliques to their urne. The Epitaph, which here you see, Supply' d the Epithalamie. Herrick. The cruel fates to Clearista gave, Alas ! no husband, but a wedded grave ! Erewhile, at eve there reigned the bridal hour, And lute and jocund din assailed her bower : The dawn brings shrieks ! that hymeneal song Is hushed : sad strains the dirge of woe prolong. The selfsame torch that lit the nuptial dome, Shews the drear passage to her last long home. G. B. CVII. A P X I O Y. iv 8rj rov "Epcara Kevbs V&voy ov yap akv^o), VTTO 7TT1JVOV TTVKVO, 8tft)/CO/AI/O9. A R C H I /E. A Veneris puero nulla est fuga. Quo miser ibo, Perpetuo peditem cum premat ales Amor ? Grotius. Quid fugis, ah ! demens ? Vanus labor est fuga Amoris, Effugere alatum uon potes ipse pedes. Th. Farnaby, A che giova da Amor fuggir, mortal! ? Voi a piedi fuggir da mi che ha T ali ? w. Que veut dire, Catin, cette fuite frivole ? Crois-tu qu' Amour ne te puisse attraper ? Tu vas a pied, et ce Dieu vole ; Penses-tu pouvoir echapper ? Jean Doublet. Of shunning Love 'tis vaiii to talk, When he can fly and I but walk. 92 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CVIII. UAATfiNOS. J A(TTepa9 TroXXoiV o/Afuuriv 6t? ae PLATONI8. Astra vides, utinam fiam, meus Aster, Olympus ; Ut multis sic te luminibus videam. Apuleius. Stella meus, stellas dum suspicis ipse utinam sim Ccelum, oculis ut te pluribus aspiciam. Huretus. Stella mea, observans stellas, Dii me sethera faxint Multis ut te oculis sim potis aspicere. Sam. Johnson. Mentre, mia stella, miri Fiso tu rivolgessi I bei celesti giri, Le tue dolci pupille, II cielo esser vorrei, lo vagheggiar potessi Perche negli occhi miei Mille bellezze tue con luci mille. Torquato Tasso 2)ein 93HcE ineitt an ben Sternen, meitt Qtfter ; o bafg ic^ ber ganje UranoS ware, mit t>tel 5lugen ben Stealing u Sc^aun. Erichson. The Lover to his Ladie that yased much up to the skies. My girle, thou gazest much Upon the golden skies : Would I were heauen, I would behold Thee then with all mine eies. Turbervile. " Would I were yon blue field above/' (Said Plato, warbling am'rous lays) " That with ten thousand eyes of love " On thee for ever I might gaze." ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 93 My purer love the wish disclaims, For were I, like Tiresias, blind, Still should I glow with heavenly flames, And gaze with rapture on thy mind. Why dost thou gaze upon the sky ? Oh that I were yon spangled sphere ! Then every star should be an eye To wander o'er thy beauties here. Sir W Jones Moore. Dost scan the stars ? O would I were those skies, To gaze upon thee with their myriad eyes. G.S. CIX. HAYAOY 2IAENT. Mr/re /BaOv/eredvoio TU^T;? Kov(j)leo poifyo, Mrfre aeo yvdpTJrr) ebv ev Trvpl 6elctalte, Sudeten bet Qlnmutlp Sc^treftern unb fanben ityn in QlriSto^aneS eift. Herder. The Muses seeking for a shrine Whose glories ne'er should cease, Found, as they stray'd, the soul divine Of Aristophanes. Merivale. CXII. ANTIHATPOY 2IAQNIOY. Trjvos 6'Se Z-TJVWV Kiriw i\o<>, 05 TTOT' "O\v/J,Trov "ESpa/uiev, OVK "Ocra-ij Ilrfkiov dvde/Afvos, OvBe rd 7' 'HpaK\rjos' TCLV 8e TTOT aarpa 'ArpaTTiTov p.ovva<; evpe cracxfrpocrvvas. ANTIPATRI SIDONII. De Zenone Citiensi. Hie Citio gratus Zeno est, qui scandit Olympum, Impositum non quod Pelion Ossa tulit, Alcidse neque per certamina : solus ad astra Repperit ex sanctis moribus ille viam. Grotius. II buon Zenon di Cizio Quest' e, che al cielo ascese Senza ad Ossa impor Pelio, Senza d' Alcide rinnovar le imprese. Alle stelle la via Colla virtu soltanto egli si apria. M. Here lies the Citian Zeno : Heaven he won, But not by Ossa piled on Pelion, Nor as the meed of feats Herculean ; nay \ He mounted to the stars by Virtue's way. O. 8. 96 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CXIII. KAAAIMAXOY. jS) 'J5/7r^/cu8e9, ev ovpecn irdvra Xcvywbv a, /co ^Ttfly teal vi(f)eTS Kexpyftevo?, rjv 8e ri. a Ka\ov r /2t TTOI/TO? KOI %d(t)v el/ce V l\a0t Sovpas drapftes' del Se ere Tra? rt? d Tap{3r)vpea<; ea-^dcra/jiev Kd\v/ca<>, vTa i>Lwv acrcroraTr) Xe^ecov. aAXt'ffTT?? 6df)vai CTTI Kpord(j)OLa't Adaiov, f) [jiifAvetv rjpivbv r/eXiov. C K I N A a O B JK. Vere rosse quondam solitae florere, rubentes Nunc hyeme in media pandimus ecce sinus. Natalis tua lux nobis laetissima venit SciHcet : et prope nunc ipse Hymenaeus adest. Dulce foret solem sestivum zephyrosque manere, Dulcius est frontem sic redimire tuam. G. S. To deck the honours of thy natal day, Soon to be followed by thy nuptial lay, We roses, wont in early spring to blow, Expand our beauties midst the winter's snow ; More pleased thy lovely tresses to adorn, Than wait the splendours of the summer's morn. W. Shepherd. 100 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CXVII. 2 I M Q N I A O Y. j Trore /za/j^o?, Trarpos Trep 'Hvt/c d(f> ifieprrjv eirveev r)\t,tctav TL TifATjvopiBr), ?rat8o9 (j)l\ov oviTore Ovr dperrjv "jrodewv, ovre aao, Ka\bv ^de\^, avo'pa rvpavvov BTJ yap ere \aftu>v 6 rvpavvos tv Xoilre' ri rovro \ey(o ; (ruifJM yup, ov%i 8e KpVTrrofjieBa, tpfyepals (frpovrtcri njKO/jLevat. AGATHI^E SCHOLASTIC I. Coelibibus non tanta viris mala, quanta puellas, Pectora sint quamvis mollia iiostra, gravant. His chorus sequalis juvenum, quibus anxia mentis Prodita fidenti pondera voce levant. Ludicra sectantur solatia, quseque vagatis Picta per urbanas dant simulacra vias. Ipse nee est nobis sol aspiciendus, at intus Abdimur, et curis tabida corda nigrant. G. B. Qlcfy ir Qlrme ! 2>te Sungltnge liefcen nic^t tcie icir Iteten : SBenn SSerlangen fie qutitt, troften einanber flc jtcfc, ut^en ^reunbe, t>ertraun bent ^reunbe ben ^uninter ber @eele, ucfyen 3rjheuung, get;n 5tuen unb 2tfencfyen unb JJunfl ; llnb nrir eingegc^Ioffene, irir fletnmut{)tge (Seelen, infant jetyren n?ir un liefcenb unb Sdjnenb tn rat. Herder. Ah ! youths never know the weight of care That delicate-spirited women must bear ; For comrades of cheery speech have they, To blandish the woes of thought away : With games they can cheat the hours at home ; And whenever abroad in the streets they roam, With the colours of painting they glad themselves. But as for us poor prisoned elves, We are shut out from sunlight, buried in rooms, And fretted away by our fancy's glooms. G. C S. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 103 CXXII. BAKXYAIAOY. EijSrj/j,o<; rbv VTJOV e?r' dypov rovS" dveOrj/cev Ta> -rrdvrcov dve/Jiwv Trtordra) Zefyvpw. eva) yap 01 rj\0e ftoadoos, o(f>pa Kapirov air dcrra^ixav- BACCHYLIDIS. Accipe, ventorum mitissime, quod tibi fanum In proprio Eudemus surgere jussit agro. Te, Zephyre, extritis prsesentem poscit aristis ; Nee mora, quin fmges, dum quatit aura, legit. w. Eudemo uu piccol terapio In questo verde fondo Innalza al vento Zeffiro D' ogni altro piu fecondo ; Perche accorse sollecito Allor che fu chiamato, E dalle secche foglie Ha il grano suo mondato. Felici. S)tg 3Bor flerS 5) a n f . SMeSe ^a^ett' im efttb' etfcauete banfbar (SubemoS 2)em tor jegttd^em 28tnb gegnenben 3^^5)to3 ^ter : 2)enn tt)m f am er ein elfer, bent fle^enben, baff er in dile SBorfette ton ber geborrt fliegenben et\,6fJievov \4cr7rt9 ejj,ol TV/JL^OV /cocr/io? y^eya?' alpe ra Hepcr&v Kelteet rj<;, aSovijTos eve^erai, ovSe Els e/ie crv^vyiTjv Kipdfj,evos PAULI SILENTIARII. Nemo pharetrati formidet spicula Amoris, Nam cuncta in nostro pectore fixa manent, Nee strepitum alarum timeat ; quo tempore victum Me superimpositis pressit ovans pedibus, Ut semel arrepta nunquam de sede volaret, Abscidit pennas improbus ille sibi. Averardus Medicea Nessun paventi piu d' Amor gli strali, Che tutta in me la sua faretra ei spese ; Ne il suo piu tema awicinar dell' ali, Che d' allor quando a calpestarmi prese, Immobile al mio petto il crudo nume Affisse il piede, e si tarpo le piume. Pagnini. 9Hemanb finite bie SieBe tynfort unb bie $feile ber 55enn e8 entleerte auf mitf) @ro beg Jtod)ei SRiemanb furcate 9Se8u^ beg Seftugelten. eit er mir (Sonber (SrBarmen ben guff ftotj auf ben 9kcfen @ifet er mir rcanffoS ftetS in bent innerften -erjen unb reeicfet nil 5irf| unb ber Srittirfje $aar ^at er fufy 8eI6er gefurfet. Jacolas. Fear no more Love's shafts, for he Hath all his quiver spent on me. Fear not his wings ; since on this breast His scornful foot the victor prest, Here sits he fast, and here must stay, For he hath shorn his wings away. as. o 106 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. cxxv. A r A e i o Y. Tov Odvarov n o/3et<7$e, TOV rj Tov Travovra voaovs ical 7rei//?7difj,evoicri Tov Aijdrjs ejr e/jiol /JLTJ TI TTIT?? v8aro<;. IN CERT I. Parrulus iste lapis monumentum, care Sabine, Ingentis nostrse monstrat amicitiae. Semper te quseram ; modo, si licet, inter humatos, Me propter, Lethes pocula nulla bibas. Obsopaeus. Sum fcer greunkc6aft. UnSrcr 5Teunbc^aft, Creft, ber groffen evci^en B'reunbS^aft Jlleineg 2)enfmal)I Ses? bieger erinnernbe <8tein. Sntnter voiU ic^ bit^ guc^cn ; unb bu au^ unter ben Sobteu, XrinJe ja uber ntic^ nte ben Set^digc^en Sranf. Herder. This stone, beloved Sabinus, on thy grave Memorial small of our great love shall be. I still shall seek thee lost ; from Lethe's wave Oh ! drink not thou forgetfulness of me. o. s. 108 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CXXVII. A A H A O N. 'H ypal<; apyvper) fjiev, or e/c Trvpos rjKdov, 2aiai Be KOI xpvcrer) yivo/j,ai cv iQSe trot, a> %aplecrcra Aeovriov, v / Te'xyr)*;, ev 8' etSou? atcpa SeSco/ce INCERTI. Exieram nuper flammis argentea, sed nunc Sum graphis in digitis aurea facta tuis. Quippe decus supra decus omne Leontion uni Dat Venus in forma, Pallas in arte tibi. Grotius. Lo stilo di Dafne studiosa. lo che dapprima fui stilo d' argento, Dafne, nelle tue man d' oro divento ; Cui quanta Citerea belta comparte, Tanto Palla ti dona ingegno, ed arte. Pelici. >er rtffel. ajf jle nid)t gdjnell flct; er^ett unb ben etiefcten Jacobs Touch not this marble Ariadne. See, She starts ! To Theseus' arms she longs to flee ! w. 110 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CXXX. AMMIANOY. Eli) croi Kara 7^5 Kov(f>rj KOVIS, oifCTpe Neap^e, v Opa <; A M M I A N I. Sit levis, infelix, tandem tibi terra, Nearche ; Promptius effodiant ut tua membra canes. Grotius. Lieve la polve sia sulla tua fossa, O sciaurato Nearco, accio dai cani Piu facilmente fuor trarti si possa. Pompei. IAOAHMOY. o? KOL \a\irj KCU K(ari\ov 6p.fjia, Kal ySr) HavdiTTTrrjf;, Kal Trvp, apri Karap^6fji,evov, */2 ^rv)(ri, \el~ei, ere' TO 8 CK TWOS, rf Trore, KOI OVK olSa- yv(ao/Jievr). PHILODEMI. Et lyra Xanthippes et vox, oculique protervi, Quique recens coepto gliscit ab igne calor, Te, mi anime, incendent ; quando, quo more, vel unde, Nescio ; cognosces, cum, miser, ustus eris. G. B. " 5lc^ if)t Suffer @eang ! itnb ifyre tegaufcernbe bte ^lainmc eqe^rt ? Herder. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Ill The strains that flow from young Aminta's lyre, Her tongue's soft voice, and melting eloquence, Her sparkling eyes that glow with fond desire, Her warbling notes, that chain the admiring sense, Subdue my soul : I know not how nor whence ; Too soon it will be known when all my soul's on fire. Xanthippe's lyre and voice, her eye, That luring eye ! this kindling glow, "Will burn thee, soul ! whence, when, or why, I know not ; thou in flames wilt know. G. B. Merivale. CXXXII. AEQNIAOY TAPANTINOY. AvT00e\rj<> Kapirovs, a\\a Treireipov? ndvrore' fjirj ovcA?7pot9 TVTTTG jj,e ^ep/L Mrjvi&et Kal Ba/c^o? evvftpi^ovTt ra KGLVOV Avfcovpyeios pr) \a6era) ae rv^. LEONIDS TARENTINI. Sponte mea soleo dare, cum maturuit, uvam, Quid miseram saxis turba proterva petis ? Ultorem Bromium nescis, et fata Lycurgi? Contemni graviter fert sua dona Deus. Grotius. 9MItg entlab' tc^ mtc^ Sel&er ber ^ruc^t ; co^ irenn fte gereift ifl. erlee mid? nicfyt, SSanbrer, mtt gcfcarfen efteitt. e t ^ eni fteueluben 3)?ann, ber Seine e^cfcenfe t, mit rdrf;enbem 3orn. Senfe ber Jacobs. I grant my fruit with right good- will So soon as it be ripe for using ; So prithee do not treat me ill, With horrid stones my branches bruising. I tell thee, Bacchus still is strong To punish those who do him wrong ; Lycurgus once indulged a whim Bethink thee what became of him. G. C. S. 112 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CXXXIII. ANTinATPOY 2IAQNIOY. A. "Opvi, Aios KpovlSao SiaKrope, rev yapiv ropyb<> virep peydXov rvft/Bov ' B. 'Ayye\\o) ptpoTTeacnv oOovveteev Oio)va)V ryev6fj,av, TOGCTOV 6'S' r/ldecav. AeiXai rot, SeiX.ola'iv efaSpr/crcrovai Tre ANTIPATRI 8IDONII. Nuncia fida Jovis, cur sic stas lumine torvo In tumulo magni semper Aristomenis ? Mortal! ut dicam generi, quod^ ut ipsa volucrum Sum princeps, juvenum sic fait ille decus. In timidi timidse monumento state columbse : Nos juvat intrepidis semper adesse viris. Dan. Heinsius, Nuncia fida Jovis, die, cur sic vivida servas, O avis, extincti corpus Aristomenis? Nuncio, quod tantum hie juvenes supereminet omnes, Quantum avium pennis optima dicar ego. Assideant timidse timidorum ad busta columbse ; Inter magnanimos me decet esse viros. Averardus Medicos. Messaggiero di Giove, Augel, che P all Stendi si minaccioso, Che fai sull' urna u' Aristomene e ascoso ? Narro a tutti i mortali, Che tanto i pari suoi vinse in valore, Quanto son' io d' ogni altro augel maggiore. Del vil presso alia tomba Stia F imbelle colomba ; A me, di generose opre capace, Coir alme grandi conversar sol piace. Averardo de' Medici. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 113 8rt. 2>ienenber SBote beS 33, rt$, trefltcfyer 5tbler, rce^atb bu mene3 rafc trc^tgen SBltcfee feercacfcfl ? W. @ud? 311 erfiinbigen, bajf, nrie id) Sefbfi Son ben SSogeln bet fcefte, <&o fcon ber Simgttngen cr immer ber ebeljle rrar. 9W6ge bte Xautc, bag feige egc^Iec^t, Be!? bem fteigltttge ft^en ! 9Btr Sc^afft fr'reube ber 2)iann, rrelc^er tm Jtam^fe nid^t jagt. Jacobs. Herald of Jove, why in stern majesty Here dost thou sit ? That all the earth may see, As I of birds the monarch am, so erst Was Aristomenes of youths the first. Let coward doves perch on the coward's grave, But the brave eagle ever loves the brave. G S. CXXXIV. nOAAIANOY. Elcrl Kal ev Movo-pa-iv 'Epivves, a'L fmb t argere 3Kufy fann irf^ bir rcungcfyen ! O Some Furies sure possessed the Nine, what time They dubb'd thee poet, with thy trashy rhyme. Scribble away ! If madness be a curse, What greater can I wish thee than thy verse? w. 114 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. cxxxv. KAniTQNOS. avev ^apirwv Tepirei JJLOVOV, ov KaTe%ei 8e, CAPITONIS. Forma animos hominum capit, at si gratia desit, Non tenet : esca natat pulchra, sed hamus abest. Sam. Johnson.. Belta che non ha grazia in compagnia, Diletta solo, e non rattien, siccome Esca notante che senz' amo sia. Pompei. Beaute de graces depourvue, Peut bien plaire en charmant la vue ; Mais c' est 1' appat sans hame9on, Qui n.' arrete pas le poisson. Poan-Saint-Simon. on bem ^tngel getrennt l^wimmenber Jtober nic^t t;alt. Jacobs. Beauty without the graces may impart Charms that will please, not captivate the heart ; As splendid baits without the bearded hook Invite, not catch, the tenants of the brook. Fa-wkes. Graces must hold, though beauty first may gain : Without the hook, the bait but floats in vain. Sayers. Beauty without the graces is a bait Without its hook ; and fails to captivate. w. CXXXVI. 2 I M Q N I A O Y. Twv avrov ri9 e/eatrro? tnro\\vfjiva)v avidrat' NiKoSiicov Se (j)i\oi tcai 7roXt9 ^Se iroBel. 8 I M O N I D I S. Quisque suum plorat quern fato perdit : amici, Tota simul plorat patria Nicodicum. Q-rotius. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 115 llnter ben Sobten tercetnt ein jeber bie pa Trapa Tlpop. 'lot"? Be Trrepoevras ava K\OVOV avSpes e 'Ev Kpa8uti<;, 6\oa Emeritos arcus Promachus, vacuamque pharetram, Haec pia suspendit munera, Phoebe, tibi. Hostibus at volucres haerent in corde sagittse, Sparsa per instantem noxia dona globum. G. B. Gli archi e'l turcasso insieme, o Febo, in dono Da Promaco a te qui sospesi sono ; Gli strali no : funesto ed inaccetto Dono a j nemici, e' stanno lor nel petto. M. >ie3en geScfyttwngcnen SBogen, 7(^oft, iinb ben Jtodjet ber $feifc anget, etn frommeS egc^enf, SPromac^og reei^enb bit auf. Qlber ber ^feile egc^off, ber fceflugelten, na^men bie 5etnbe, a SBtlt teS ferine? 2Bdl)ne md;t, o uter ! ein 4?erme3fctlb uon ben oielett jit gcfyaun ; benn mid? fiettete <2f ovag ^ie|)er. VO83 Think not that 'tis some common Mercury, No, my good friend, 'tis Scopas' work you see. w. CXL. AAE2IIOTON. T/Trre fj,drr)v 'yoocofre? e/i&j TrapafMtfivere rv/j,/3(0 ; Ovbev e-)(w 6pr}vwv aj~iov Iv <>6ifj,evois. Arjye yowv, teal Trave, Trocris, KOI TratSe? e'/ieto Xa/pere, /cat ^vri^v crater' 'Apa^oviris. INCERTI. Quid jurat incassum flentes adstare sepulcro ? Non apud infernos sors miseranda mea est. Siste tuos, conjux, fletus, et vos mea proles, Salvete, o, memores semper Amazonise ! O. F D. T. Perche voi tutti da cordoglio vinti Intorno alia mia tomba invan plorate ? Nulla degno di pianto ho tra gli estinti. Deh, sposo e figli, il lagrimar cessate, E memore sol viva a voi nel petto Per la vostra Amazonia un grato affetto ! Pagnini. 3Barum tteinet i^r go, an meinem rak oettretlenb ? ^i^tS, bag $f)ra'nen oercient, fanb i(^, bem Seben entritcft. 55eine nic^t mef)r, utein tranter entail ; ityr ^tnberc^en, cjet;et 5r6^ttd) ^eint, unb fcletbt eurer Q(ni)mone gut. Voss. In unavailing sorrow why linger by my grave? Number'd among departed souls no cause of grief I have. Then dry those tears, and weep no more, husband and children dear Farewell, and oh ! remember Amazonia many a year. w. 118 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CXLI. A E Q N I A O Y. Eir) TrovTOTTOpo) TrXoo? oijpw r\v ' ap 1 dr)Tir)s, c /2? e/ie, rot? 'AtSeco Trpocnre\.d' 77/u.erepou Treioyiar' e'Xucre rdfpov- L E O N I D ^E. Sit felix utinam cursus tibi, navita ! Portus Si tamen in Stygios te quoque ventus agat, Non maria infida, at tua te dementia perdit, Ausus es e tumulo qui dare vela meo. o. s. 2Berbe bit glurfltc^e S^rt, o @cf)t[fenber ! 5(6er entfittjrt bid) @tira ber @turm, u>te mic^, 511 bent !^ett)did;en $ort, 2)ann gd;tlt nimnier bag 2)ieet, bag itnicirt^Iic^e, gonbern bte eigne ^ii^n^eit, baff bu bag Xau f)tet on bent rate gelofi. Jacobs. Good voyage, mariner ! But should the gale (My fate) to Death's dark harbour drive thy sail, Curse thine own rashness, not the treacherous wave, Thou that hast dared cut cable from my grave. G. S. CXLII. AAHAON, oi 8e DAAAAAA. 'H (pvcris e^evpev, (4X4779 6ecrp,ov, INCERTI. Absentes inter reperit commercia, leges Dum natura sacras curat amicitiae. Nam calamos, chartas, atramentumque notasque Eminus hsec animi signa dolentis habes. Grotius. La natura che suol dell' amistade Le leggi amar, trovb modi ond' insieme Conversin que' che in varie son contrade ; ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 119 Penna, carta ed inchiostro, e della mano Le impresse note, simboli di afflitto Cor che addolora dello star lontano. Pompei. 5htd; getrennete Brennbe mit guffen 93anben ju fnupfen, tyanb bie gute iftatur ling eine d)rift. <8ie fitfyrt Seelen juammen, bie fern an einanber gebenfen, g'ufytt ben <>, Bia rovro ye\a KOI [j,ei\i%6s ecrnv Ov yap e%ei TO^OV, KOL irvpoevra j3e\r). Ov& fjidrrjv 7ra\dfj,ais tcare^ei Se\(>iva KOI avdos' Ty JAW yap yaiav, rp Be OaXacrcrav e^et. P A L L A D M. Nudus Amor, quseris placido cur rideat ore ? Quod neque nunc arcus nee sua tela gerit. Altera cur piscem teneat manus, altera florem ? Scilicet lisec terris imperat^ ilia mari. G. S. Jj' arco non ha, non ha lo strale ardente, Nudo e Amor, percib placido e ridente ; Ma il delfino ed il fior non porta in vano : La terra ha in una, e^l mar nell' altra mano. Pasquale Carcani. SBaffenentHofft g^iaut milbc ber ott unb Idc&elt o freutibtic^, SBeit i^m ber flammenbe ^fetl, well tf)m ber SBogen gefcri(^t. ntc^t trcigt in ben >anben umSonft er SBIunten unb er mit bieger bag Sanb, ^dlt er mil jener bag 3Keer. Jaco"bs. On a Cupid disarmed. Stript of his fiery darts and fatal bow, See Cupid smiles ; how mild the urchin's brow ! In either hand he holds a fish and flower, O'er sea and earth just emblems of his power. Ph. Smyth. CXLV. A A H A O N. To poSov aK/jid^eL ftaibv %p6vov r\v Se 7rape\0rj, Zrfrwv vpJi ma la spinn. Folici. SBenige age, 80 fnrfct bte 9RoSe. SBoritfcergegangen 3fl fte ; bu Sucfycft nun 3Ro3en, itnb ftnbefl ben 2>orn. Herder. 3Senige Sett nur frliifym bie 0Jo3en un8 ; wann fie Srifffl bit bte SloSen nirf;t mdjr, gonbern bie S)ornen atletn. Jacobs. Short is the rose's bloom ; another morn No rose is there, you find instead a thorn. CXLVI. 2 I M O N I A O Y. /c\eo9 otSe t\r) Trepl irarpHk Bevres Kvdveov Bavdrov dfji(j)/3d\ovTO vefos' OvSe redvaai Oavbvres, eirel crge8enft ; @o baff bit Iei(t)t t^n tntt t)ergrf>Ioffnen 5tugen ge^)|l. Jacobs. With courage seek the kingdom of the dead ; The path before you lies : It is not hard to find, nor tread ; No rocks to climb, no lanes to thread, But broad and straight, and even still, And ever gently slopes downhill : You cannot miss it, though you shut your eyes. C. Merivale. CXLVIII. AEQNIAA. EiKova Mv)vo86rov ypd'tyas AioSaypos, e II\r)V TOV MrjvoSorov Tracriv 6fj,oioTdrr]v. LEONIDS. Hsec tua quam nuper pinxit Diodorus imago, Cujusvis magis est, quam tua, Menodote. Th Morus. ANTIIOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 123 Pingere Menodotum voluit Diodorus : at ilia Omnes, Menodotum prseter, imago refert. Grotiua. Pinse Alcon di Menodoto il sembiante Piu che ad esso a tutt' altri somigliante. Pagnini. $ierf)er fiettte SKenobotoS 9Bilb $ioboto3 ber 2ttar)ter, 3eglid?emtgleid?et bag SStlb, nur bent 3enoboto3 nidjt Jacobs. 2luf ten 3Hatet Itcf. 2Wid) malte Simon JltecfS 60 treii, So meiilerltc^, aff atter 28elt, go gut alS mtr, bag aBiltniff glid^. Lessin|. \Vhen Diodorus sketch' d your phiz, Menodotus, 'tis true A likeness was produced, for 'tis Like ev'ry one but you. CXLIX. ANTinATPOY. fj,ev SaTrfao' rocrcrov 8' vTrepecr^ov doi8av 0rj\eiav ) avSpwv ocrcrov 6 MaioviSaf. ANTIPATKI. Sappho nomen erat : tantum muHebria vici Carmina, tu quantum vincis, Homere, viros. Grotius. Fo3mineos cantus superavi mascula Sappho, Quantum hominum vicit carmina Mseonides. A. M. Salvinius, ifi mein Stame : id? fyafce bie 9Bei6cr fcefteget it eSange, wie eud; SWannet ^omeruS oeftegt. roarb id; genannt ; idj beflegte tie Sieber ber SBeifbin, So wie Bonier mdnnlidje Sieber beftegt. Herder! Jacobs- Sappho my name. When Homer's song divine Man hath surpass'd, may maiden rival mine. R C- C. 124 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CL. * i A i n n o Y. Els 'i rov ^aXa^evr^ rd(j>ov, Tbv (f)plKTOV, 'iTTTTWVaKTOS, OV T6 %a Tamit bit ntc^t ber ^erten 9Be8^e drummer florfi, 2>ie ScHifl tin ^abeS, jeneS attett rotteS Soft, QJoui Srf;arfen SSogen fhacfs jum 3UI @fojonten Sc^icfft. Jacobs. Fly, stranger, nor your weary limbs relax Near the tempestuous tomb of Hipponax, Whose very dust, deposited below, Stings with Iambics Bupalus his foe. Rouse not the sleeping hornet in his cell ; He loads his limping lines with satires fell ; His anger is not pacified in Hell. fawlces. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 125 CLI. A T A I O Y 2XOAASTIKOY. Etr ^eto 7ro\vK\rjvra rinrov crrrjaav, Xatpcovev n\ovTap%, Kparepwv wee? Avcroviww "Orri irapa\\r]\oiat, ftioi<;"E\\'T)va<$ dpicrrov? reov PLOTOLO Trapd\\i]\ov ftlov OvSe o~u 7' dv 'ypai|rat9. ov yap ofJioiov OBATOIII8. Effigiem, Plutarche^ tibi statuere merenti, Claxum opus, Ausonii quos genuere patres. Nempe Parallelis nosti componere Vitis Romulidis Graios, nomina summa, viros. Tute Parallelam non posses scribere vitae Ipse tuae Vitam : non habet ilia parem. G. B. , ber ge^te tetenbe S3Ut>, i^nen jum t(ei6enben 5)ir jum 2)anfe : benn bu oergtic^fl init griec^i 9tomer=@eelen unb tyafl @Ietrf;c jii (eleven bu jle^ejl atlein : benn S^rieb' ein jreeiter 2>id) ; teen glit^' er bir, ba bit ein Qleijnlicfyet fefylt ? viov narrpov. Xd\K0<;, aXV aOprjcrov ocrov Opdcros avvae Ka-rrpov O vrXacrra?, e^Trvovv Otjpa rvTrcatrafjuevo^, XatVa? av-^evioix; Tre^piKora, Orjicrbv oSovra Bpv%ovTa, y\rjvai<; (fipitcrbv levra cre\a?, J Ad<; %ee9* ovKe Ilepa-ai' trvyyvcofiij fioval \eovra (f>vyelv. POSIDIPPI. In Alexandrum cere cffictum. Quantum audet, Lysippe, manus tua ! surgit in sere Spiritus, atque oculis bellicus ignis adest : Spectate hos vultus, miserisque ignoscite Pcrsis : Quid mirum, imbelles si leo sparsit oves ? Th. Gray. Jtiinftler, 80 mitt^ig an eift, alS ^cinben, S3tll>ner, furwa^r Slaiunten entepritfycn bent ^rj, bie eftalt ^leianberS bit gatft. Se^t tabett bie $e*3er 0liemanb. tteren Serjet^, wcnn t?or bent Sijroen jle flie^n. Jacobs. Lysippus, Sicyon's genius, master bold ! The bronze looks very fire, tlius cast by thee In Alexander's form. Persians, behold, Your flight was blameless : herds the lion flee. o. s. CLV. A A H A O N. Els BaK^/j tv Bvfavrt'w. rrjv BUK^V, fir) \aivfi) irep eovaa OvBov vTrepOefjievrj, vyov VTTfC7rpoon ber vscfytrette be3 $f)ot3 fyitpfe gum Sempel fyinauS. Herder. a(tet fefl bte SBaccfyantin ! Ofcgleidj au3 on (ciftigen 2Mt)en bag ?Mb; aitf bent 3)2eere ber @d)rerfen ; Swcr/t auf frembem efriet, fcift bu ntit iitern fcega&t; iMbeft bu Sttangel, go lefcfi bit int >ruon jn?et)tt : enttreber ntmmer ju lefcen, Dbcr geto^ren, Sogleict; wieber bag Seten ju flie^n. Jacobs. Man's life, after Possidonius or Crates. What path list you to tread ? what trade will you assay ? The courts of plea by braule and bate drive gentle peace away. In house, for wife and child, there is but cark and care ; With travel and with toyl ynough in fields we use to fare. Upon the seas lieth dread ; the riche in foreign land Doo feare the losse; and there the poore like mysers porely stand. Strife with a wife ; without your thrift full harde to see. Young brats a troble ; none at all, a mayme it semes to be : Youth fonde, age hath no hart, and pincheth all to nie : Choose then the leefer of these two, no life or soon to die. Poems of Vncertaine Auctors, 1530 1660. The world's a bubble, and the life of man lesse than a span, In his conception wretched, from the woombe so to the tombe : Curst from the cradle, and brought up to yeares, with cares and feares. Who then to frail mortality shall trust, But limmes the water, or but writes in dust ; Yet since with sorrow here we live opprest, what life is best ? Courts are but only superficiall schooles to dandle fooles. The rurall parts are turn'd into a den of savage men. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 133 And where's a city from all vice so free But may be termed the worst of all the three ? Domesticke cares afflict the husband's bed, ot paines his head. Those that live single take it for a curse, or doe things worse. Some would have children; those that have them, mone, or wish them gone. What is it then to have or have no wife, But single thraldome, or a double strife ? Our owne aftections still at home to please is a disease ; To crossc the sea to any foreine soyle perills and toyle. Warres with their noise affright us : when they cease Ware worse in peace. What then remaines ? but that we still should cry, Not to be borne, or being borne to dye. Lord Bacon. An Epigram concerning Man's Life, composed by Crates or Posidippus, What course of life should wretched mortals take ? In courts hard questions large contention make : Care dwels in houses, labour in the field, Tumultuous seas affrighting dangers yeeld. In forraine lands thou never canst be blest ; If rich, thou art in feare ; if poore, distrest. In wedlock, frequent discontentments swell : Vnmarried persons as in desarts dwell. How many troubles are with children borne ! Yet he that wants them counts himselfe forlorne. Young men are wanton, and of wisedome void : Gray haires are cold, vnfit to be imploid. Who would not one of these two offers choose : Not to be borne, or breath with speede to loose ? Sir Jcbn Beaumont. 134 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CLVIII. MHTPOAQPOY. Havroirjv ftioroio ra/iot? rplftov. elv dyopfj /j,ev KvSea teal TTIVVTCU Trjte? 1 ev Be ' eVt f;elvr]s, rjv ftev ^779 rt, *Hv 8 ttTrop^?, [J,6vo<; olSas. e^et? yd/Mov ; o'/co? a/aicrroy "Scrcreraf ou 7ayu,eet? ; ?}ov Ol8t7r68ao IIai 'At8 l et? 'A%epovTO<; eva TT\OOV rjpvtf crnryepo? a>et icfjv ba tedjtg unb Itnf g ftreitenb bie Bflamnte ert^eilt. Herder. The sons of CEdipus should buried be Far from each other, they, whose enmity Death bounds not. On the last sad voyage they part, Unnatural hate still living in each heart. See e'en the flames at strife : the cloven fire Soars in two angry points, though one the pyre. CLXI I. HAPMENIONOS. Ets 'A\cav8pov T&V Mantftova. PARMENIONIS. Mortis Alexandri falsa est, si verus Apollo, Fama ; sub invictis mors quoque victa jacet. Grotius. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 139 Funus Alexandri mentitur fama ; fidesque Si Phoebo, victor nescit obire diem. Sam. Johnson. False is the tale ; a Hero never dies. Or Alexander lives, or Phosbus lies. E.6. CLXIII. A N T I * I A O Y. K\(i)Vyavu>Tepoi, olicia OiKia TTTvya>v, evSiot, a/cpe/ioi/e?, !.e rov vfjLTepaie S^cige beg SBelcbe tor btiicfenber Iut njanbernbe banner SauBret^ 2)adE>, gtei<^ Siegefo, unb bitter noc^, 3seige jur trrenber tauten, unb eudf>, gir^enbe rttten, Befttmmt ; 9ludj t^> eitte ju bit, urn in fiitylenbeni fatten gu raften. 9itmm mic^ freunblic^ in @(^u|, tre^renb ber Jacobs. Aerial branches of tall oak, retreat Of loftiest shade for those who shun the heat, "With foliage full, more close than tiling, where Dove and cicada dwell aloft in air, Me too, that thus my head beneath you lay, Protect, a fugitive from noon's fierce ray. G.S. 140 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CLXIV. AAESnOTON. El TOVS ev TreXayet a-fb^eis, KvTrpi, /cape TOV ev ja Navayov, (pt,\ir), cruxrov INCERTI. Alma Venus servas si quos mare jactat, amoris Naufragus in terris quin tibi server ego. Orotius. $Bcnn bit im 9)?eere bent av^oKa vavfydopias, Kal TVfA/3

e cr/iiAc/)ot9 TOV peyav evriOere ; GEMINI. Grsecia pro tumulo mihi sit, fractasque, ruinse Barbaricse testes, insuper adde trabes. Inde pedem circum Xerxem Xerxisque cohortes Pone : Themistoclem sic sepelire decet. Pro cippo Salamis, referens mea praelia, surget : Non capiunt magnum parva sepulchra ducem. G. S. @e|e jttm rate ntir ettaS, imb @teffe itfcer bag ratmal, Seic^en ber rufimttcfyen (S^tac^t, bie bidE), o 4?eflaS, tefrett. Vlnb ber erfi8rt)e 2War8 ttnb XerreS gotten ntetn ratmal Xragen ; attf U)nen nur ru^et ^emtftof(e ra6. alantig 8ei) bie ante babei. >ann 8age bie Sagcijrtft : t^at tc^. O ityr, riecfien, Begrufcet ntic^ ftein." Herder. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 141 Give me no grave but Greece ; that grave bedeck With symbols of the fallen barbarians' wreck : The base to Xerxes and the Persian fleet. Such burial for Themistocles is meet. For column Salamis my deeds to tell Shall stand : such greatness brooks no narrow cell. G. S. CLXVI. ANTIIIATPOY. "TSaro? atcprjTov Ke/copij/jLeva) ay%i TrapacrTas e/J.ol Xe^eow -Ba/e^o? e'Xee race- tov VTTVOV a/JTe.^Qo^ Elire /J,ot,, S) vrjfywv, Trevdeat, ' rf rt Trd6r) geftern ftont reic^tic^en 9Iaff ber 9lajabcn geSdtttgt <2c^tummerte, na^)te bem 33ett SSacc^oS mit bto^enbem ' etn /jLepopTj/jieve troirrw, Ketcrat Brj ^eivrj etr' rfiovi, *H av 76 7T/30? Trerprjcrf ra S' o\ftia tcelva /J,e\aOpa $pov8a re, KOI Trdcrijs eX-Trl? o'XwXe Tvpov. Ov8e rt ere Kredvwv eppixraTO' ev, ANTIPATRI THES8ALON. All miser sequoreis Nicanor merse sub undis, Nudus in externo littore nempe jaces, Aut aliqua sub rupe : vacant ilia inclyta tecta, Et tecum periit spes quoque tota Tyri. Nee tot opes potuere tibi defendere laeva Fata, laborasti piscibus et pelago. Grotius. QIlSo bem 9)feere oer^ieff bag eS^icf fcid^ armcr 0lifanor? Qld), ciug frembem eflab liegft bu be rabeg fceraubt ; Ober ant Oiiffe beS 2JJeerS ? o/>/ua>i' etTrez/ apicrrov v8a>p. c YR i. Quod citharam pulsans, aqua dixerat optima rerum, Cyrus aquas propter Pindaron hie statuit. Salviniua. Why at this fount stands Pindar's form exprest? Because th' enchanter sung that " water's best." ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 143 CLXIX. AAPIANOY KAI2APO2, ol 8f TEPMANIKOY. "E/crop, 'Aprjiov al/j,a, Kara %6ovbar ntc^t elben trie bu, after bocfy ftieber itnb fii^n. e^)' unb ag'eg Qt^ill : " ^ie ^^rnttbonen ftnb nic^t mefjr ; U6et ^effatien ^errgc^t je^t ein 5tenea=e8c^Iecf>t." Herder. Hector, brave heart, if still thy spirit hears, O list ! and stay awhile thy patriot tears. Troy stands a noble city ; and in war Her sons, though weak to thee, still valiant are. The Myrmidons are gone. T' Achilles say, ^Eneas' offspring all Thessalia sway. G. S. 144 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CLXX. E Y H N O Y. JloXXot? dvriXeyetv /Mev e0o<> irepl Travrbs 6/W&>$v ev, O'iTrep Kal paarr]<^ elcrl 8i8aer SOBiberg^ruc^. ifl sielen efcrauc^ tei ottem, rcag ouffattt : 9BiberVruc^, Setten ijl bieSer eirait(^. egen jcne geniigt bte eingtge Otebe ber Qtlten : I)tr mag biee8, metn 5unb, Sc^etnen ba anbere mir. ^unbige nur geirtnnt man gogletcfy burc^) 3Borte ber SBafjrtiett, SCBeil bte Jtunbigen ftets and) bte gele^rtgften flnb. Voss. Flat contradiction is a rule Practised by every clown and fool ; } The question why they thus object Soon would their ignorance detect. To such this adage I apply, " Sir you are right and so am I : " But wise men to conviction lean ; And aptly catch at what you mean. Ph. Rmyth.- To contradict alike whatever's meant Is more in fashion than fair argument ; And to all such the common phrase comes pat, " I am of this opinion, you're of that." Yet men of sense at once to sense give way, As apprehending soonest all you say. w. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 145 CLXXI. ANTIIIATPOY. An 6$ roi 8o/to? ouro?, (en-el irapa KV/JMTI Trrjym "ISpvfiai vorepfjs SecrTrort? fjlovo?) A\\a Be (TOL T) V Ovptof, YI -^apoTTU) TrvevcrofAal ev 7re\ayet. A N T I P A T R I. In sacellum Veneris marines. Non pretiosa quidem domus hsec, quia fluctibus adstat, Et me parva madens ora salutat heram : Sed bene grata; juvat nam me reverentia ponti, Creber et a nostra navita salvus ope. Tu sacra fac Veneri, cursus promitto secundos, Seu pelagi, seu te jactat amoris hiems. Grotius. ift bieff auS unb gcring benn ^ter an bic bunflc SBranbung itarb i^-geftettt erttn be fcuc^ten eftab Q(t>er mir rcettl). 3)enn bieScr mic^ trett^in fittc^tenbcn Steu' itf) mid) ; @d;tffenber auc6, recipe fid) retten ju mir. Setenb erflefye bit ^^rienS ulb ! S)enn je^t in ber Sietc, auf bro^jenbem SWeer Senb' id) bit gunftige 2uft. Jacobs. Small is this dome, where o'er the billowy main, Sole empress of the sea-beat shore, I reign, Yet dear ; for much I love the roaring sea, And much the shipwreck'd seaman saved by me ! Worship thou Venus ; her propitious gales, Lover or mariner, shall fill thy sails. "Wrasgham. 146 ANTIIOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CLXXII. AOYKIAAIOY. o>9 eXeai>Tt, VTTTIOS eerr), &> (p06ve, Ot/T0>9 ITTTTeVtoV wXeTO Kol $a0Ci)V. LUC ILL 1 1. Faustulus insidens formicse, ut magno elephanto, Decidit, et terrse terga supina dedit. Moxque idem ad mortem est mulctatus calcibus ejus, Perditus ut posset vix retinere animam. Vix tamen est fatus : Quid rides, improbe Livor, Quod cecidi? cecidit non aliter Phaeton. Ausonius. Ausus formicse Nanus conscendere tergum, Credebat domito sese elephante vehi. At vero, ut cursu fertur nimis ilia superbo, Infelix media prsecipitatur humo : Calcatusque miser, Quid rides, invide, casum, Dixit, communem cum Phaethonte mini? J. Secundua. Sul tergo asceso E maltrattato D' una formica, Da J calci orribili Micron di peso Gridb cosi : Precipito ; Invido fato ! E il capo e gli omeri Fetonte ancora Si fracasso ; Cosi peri. Felici. Subio atrevido miserable enano En una hormiga de su cuerpo Athlante, Gloriosa de llevar su semejante : Tal puede en proporcion el arte humano. Sin espuela en el pie, rienda en la mano Caminaba tan bravo y arrogante Como pudiera el Cesar mas triunfante En el aplauso del laurel Romano. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 147 Corrio la hormiga, y di6 con el en tierra, Y entonces dixo : Envidia, que te ries ? De una suerte caimos yo y Phaetonte. Lydio, camina en paz, non me des guerra, Que es grande diferencia, aunque porfies, Caer de hormiga y de celeste monte. Lope de Vega Carpio. Faustulus once bravely mounted on an Ant, As on the back of some tall Elephant, Fals ; with her heele the Ant nigh strikes him dead : At length come hardly to himselfe, he said : Jeer'st thou, base Envie, at any fall so low ? Why so, for all the world, fell Phaeton, just so. Leximos Uthalmus. High mounted on an Ant Nanus the tall, Was thrown, alas ! and got a deadly fall. Under th' unruly beast's proud feet he lies All torn : with much ado yet e'er he dies, He strains these words : Base Envy, do laugh on ; Thus did I fall, and thus fell Phaeton. Crashaw. Bestride an ant a Pigmy great and tall Was thrown, alas ! and got a dreadful fall ; Under th' unruly beast's proud feet he lies, All torn ; but yet with generous ardour cries, " Behold, base, envious world, now, now laugh on, " For thus I fall, and thus fell Phaeton ! " Sprat. CLXXIII. H A A A A A A. &)ai eTrereiX At 8e Ka*T aKpoTaryv d\\6fj,evai "A%ova Sivevovcriv o 8" aKTiveaaw eXt/crat? * dpxaiov fiiorov iraXiv, el Arjovs epya ANTIPATKI. Parcite pistrices manibus, longumque soporem Carpite, mane licet gallus adesse canat. Flava Ceres choreas en Nymphis imperat : illse Saltantes summo molliter orbe super Circumagunt axem : radii momenta seqmmtur, Bis duo versantes concava saxa molse. Vita redit veterum, quando cerealia nostro Dona frui nobis absque labore datur. Grotius. (Scfyonet ber malenbcn &dnb', o 3DWiHerinnen, itnb gc^tafet avpoTa,Tov ; A. Zri9 e\nrov ftiov. B. El yap a86f&>9 ; A. Keipai 8* evddSe vvv. . . B. TV? rivi ravra \e PAULI SILENTIARII. Nomine dicor ego. Quid turn ? Mea patria. Quid turn ? Nobilis. At quid turn, si sine gente fores ? Splendida vita fuit. Quid si nee nota fuisset? Hie jaceo. Sed quis? cui, precor, ista refers? Grotiua. Mon nom. Que fait ton nom ? Ma patrie. Eh ! tais-toi. Ma haute extraction. Quand elle serait basse? Mon rang. Quand on t' cut vu dans la derniere classe ? Dans ce tombeau. Qu' es-tu ? poussiere, ainsi que moi. Poan-Saint-Simon. My name my country what are they to thee ? What, whether base or proud my pedigree ? Perhaps I far surpassed all other men ; Perhaps I fell below them all ; what then ? Suffice it, stranger ! that thou seest a tomb ; Thou kiiow'st its use ; it hides no matter whom. W. Cowper. 150 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CLXXVI. A T A I O Y 2X0 A. IId rrjv vv/cra Kivvpopat' evre 8 7re\dp "Opdpos eXivva'at p, 'Ap,(f>nrepiTpv^ov(Ti ^e\iSoi/e?, e? Se Bd\.\ovri<; di Trjv $i\of J irf\.ei'tiv 7 '^4XX' "iTuXoy K\aloire tear ovpea, ical Elf CTTOTTO? KpavarjV av\iv eq BdlOl' IVa KVUXTfTOLLLCV' 1(70)5 O6 "O? /tte ' Po8av0eloi$ irrj-^ecnv due6jAevo<> TreraXot? 7rpiov(a$e(Ti i Nv/j,(f>a Ilaiyviov, dvTwSbv TIavl Kpeicwv Keka&ov, "O(f>pa (fivywv rbv "Epwra /j,earrjfj,^pivbv VTTVOV d f) tceic\ifJievo<; 7r\ardv(a. M E L E A ft R I. Hue age quse poto canis ebria rore, Cicada, Arva replens numeris et loca sola tuis. Et pede serrato summis in frondibus hserens, More lyrse, fusco corpore dulce sonas. Eia novum quiddam sylvestribus incipe Nymphis, ^Emula Maenalii carmina funde Dei ; Sic ab amore vacans somnum resupinus inibo, Dum platani nimium distinct umbra jubar. * G. S Canta, cigarra, canta, Armonioso y vario Hora que estas beoda Tu chincharchar se forma. Del rocio del alba, Ea, cigarra mia, Con las suaves gotas. A las Nmfas hermosas En soledad amena due los sagrados bosques, Sobre las tiernas copas Y por las selvas moran, De los arbustos cantas Entona nuevo canto, Tus pastorales odas. Que al de Pan corresponda, Tus delicadas alas Para que Amor me dexe Agitas quando entonas En las ardientes horas Las dulces cantinelas, Gozar el blando sueno Y qual lyra sonora Del platano a la sombra. Tipsy with dew-drops, through the desert shrill, Noisy Cicada, thou thy strain dost trill ; And from thy dusky sides with jagged feet, Perch'd on an air-hung spray draw'st music sweet ! Conde. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 153 With some new chirrup, friend, the Dryads cheer, Rival to Pan's some carol bid them hear ; That scap'd from Love, secure at noon-tide laid, I may woo slumber 'neath the plane-tree's shade. Wrangham. Loud sounding grasshopper, 'tis thine, with dew-drops drunk, to fill The speaking solitudes afar with thy rural notes so shrill. Thou sitt'st on high ; and ne'er thy feet, broad, flat, and saw-like, tire In striking, from thy dusky wings, clear notes, as from a lyre. Come then, some new, some sportive song to the wood nymphs now essay, Thou lov'd one, while thy rival Pan gives back th' alternate lay : That Love may for a while forbear to pierce this heart of mine, While I, in quest of noon-tide sleep, in the plane-tree's shade recline. Hay. Oh shrill-voiced insect ! that with dew-drops sweet Inebriate, dost in desert woodlands sing ; Perch'd on the spray-top with indented feet, Thy dusky body's echoings, harp-like, ring : Come, dear Cicada ! chirp to all the grove, The Nymphs and Pan, a new responsive strain ; That I, in noon-day sleep, may steal from Love, Reclined beneath the dark o'erspreading plane. Elton. CLXXIX. 2IMQNIAOY. Taipetr)<$ avrl SIMONIDIS. Aio Sinopensi posuisse Theognidi Glaucum Hsec mea pro longo saxa sodalitio. G. F. D. T. Del Sinopeo Teognide L' avel son io, che ad esso ha Glauco eretto In contraccambio di diuturno affetto. M. Theognis of Sinope's tomb am I, By Glaucus reared for ancient amity. Sterling. 154 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CLXXX. MEAEATPOY. \evic6tov , 0d\\ei 8" ovpecrtyoira icpiva. e/jaaipa je\are ; 'A at mir ftcfy ein 3Roeid)en entfnoSpet, Reiner Senopfyila SufT^ufT ufcerrebenber 3Kunb. 2(uen, irae ^ranget il)r mit euren IteBIic^en ^ranjcn ? @uffere SBIut^c geird^irt metne Sentyfyla mir. Herder. ^, c^on tlutyt auf ber ^Iiir ba Seitfoton; feut^te S^atciffen bie Sittien beS ^atg buftenbe Sitien offnet bie 9ftoe, 3eno^tla, Stefeenber Ofoge bie SBruji, ^lunie ber SBIumen, im Sen^ O reag Idcfcett it;r 2Bie6en untSonfi mit bent freunblicfeen HivwfJW KOIVOS Tracrt Xt/ir/j/ 'At L E O N I D j. Potor aquae jacet hie Eubulus. Vina bibamus : Terminus hie cunctis scilicet unus erit. G S. S-ubuto' rab. 2)er bu am raBe fcorfcei) ^ter roanberfi, gebenfenb be euButg, trin! ; eg fcegef)rt aKe 8ic^) 9K beg gurfi. Erichson Sober Eubulus here doth buried lie : Then let us drink ; for all alike must die. G. S. 156 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CLXXXII. n A A A A A A. Ilatr/viov (TTI Tv%r)<; fiepoTrwv /3/o?, ot/CT/309, aXrjrr]^ nXoisrov KOI vrevirjs ftecrcro^ pe/i/36ftew9, Kai TOVe\a)v elf 'Aifyv Kardyei. P A L L A D J. Ludus Fortunes vita est, sortem inter utramque Usque repercussae more rotata pilae : Hie modo sub manes depressus ad astra resultat, Ad terram e summis nubibus ille cadit. o. s. Di guai 1' umana vita e di orror piena Giuoco della Fortuna e, che d' intorno Infra ricchezze e povertk la mena. Altri ch' ella depresse, ad alte cime Novellamente in sue rivolte estolle, E dal cielo all' inferno altri deprime. Pompei. Written on a window in the Tower, where Sir Robert Walpole had been confined. Good unexpected, evil unforeseen, Appear by turns, as fortune shifts the scene : Some rais'd aloft, come tumbling down amain, And fall so hard, they bound and rise again. Grairjille Lord Lansdowne, This wretched life of ours is Fortune's ball ; Twixt wealth and poverty she bandies all : These, cast to earth, up to the skies rebound ; These, tossed to heaven, come tumbling to the ground. CLXXXIII. n A A A A A A. TOV "EpWTa /, 77 vvfj,r]v' r/viKa ' afufroTepovs EVTTO\IV &>? dyadijv re Avicaiviov, aw v/j,evaiov "Evfiecrev ev Trpcorrj VVKTI ireo-c/bv #aXa/Ao? OVK a\\ft> To8e tcf)So GV /j,ev vlov, Ni/a, (TV 8" eicXav(Ta<;, EvStice, Owyarepa. INCEETI. Sponsus erit vel sponsa stus si flenda propinquis^ Hoc miserum : quod si raptus uterque simul, Eupolis ut, dulcisque Lycsenion, obruit atras dueis thalami prima nocte ruina faces ; Par dolor huic non est alius : ploratur in iisdem, Nici, tibi natus ; Theudice, nata tibi. G. B Alas, alas ! the worst bereavement is A bridegroom, or a bride ! but oh ! the two Like good Lycaenium and Eupolis, Whom the first night the chamber falling slew, No .woe like that ! Nicis, a son 'twas thus You wept, and you a daughter, Eudicus ! CLXXXVI. A A H A O N. TroXXa rpefaiv, KCU Stw/iara TroXX' aveyeipetv ei'Taf ecrri 8' aet fcpeicra-ov 6(f>ei\6fjLevov. MENECRATIS. Quserimus absentem, praesentem plangimus, et quse Ventura est nobis sola senecta placet. Grotius. Fin ch' e lontana la vecchiezza bramasi, Ma quando vien, ci accuora : Sempre ^ migliore non venuta ancora. M. On t' espere de loin : on te raaudit de pres. Vieillesse, dis : J' arrive ; et n' arrive jamais. Poan-Saint-Simon. For age we pray, when at a distance seen ; But when arrived, we loathe its hideous mien. We spurn it ever, as a boon bestowed, And prize it most when as a debt 'tis ow'd. Merivale. All pray to reach old age : when come, how few But blame it, as a thing that's better due. w. 160 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CLXXXVIII. I O Y A I A N O Y. Ovvofjua fiev Ka\ij' peatro rief : 2)iic^ fronet ityr ! SSenn id? ju Sefyn Bin. 3^u' id? 9Ber^id)t auf ben ^rei ; Obem nur Bin id? unb Suft. Jacol s. Three thin ones strove the glorious prize to win Of being judged the thinnest of the thin. Hermon, the first, great skill exhibited, And through a needle's eye crept with the thread. Next, from his hole upon a cobweb sprung Demas, and by the spider was up-strung. The palm, Sosipater exclaims, I bear; I yield if I am seen : Fm nought but air. w. 164 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CXCII. AIO2KOPIAOY. Td Ilirdva Qpaviov. DIOSCOEIDIS. Excipis adverse quod pectore vulnera septem ; Arma superveheris quod, Thrasybule, tua; Non dolor hie patris : Pitanse sed gloria major. Rarum, tarn pulcliro funere posse frui. Quern postquam msesto socii posuere feretro, Talia magnanimus edidit orsa pater : Flete alios : natus lachrymis non indiget ullis, Et meus, et talis, et Lacedaemonius. Ausonius. Ad Pitanam in clypeo csesus, Thrasybule, redibas, Septem ex Argivo vulnera marte ferens, Cunctaque in adverse. Nati turn Tynnichus ipse Membra senex posuit sanguinolenta rogo, Atque ait : " Ignavos lachrymae ; te, digne parentis, Digne puer patriae, lumina sicca decent." G. 8. De sept fleches atteint, et perce par devant, Thrasybule tomba, digne de sa patrie, Et sur son bouclier fut ramene saus vie. Son vieux pere au bucher le porta tout sanglant. Que les laches, dit-il, pleurent sur mon enfant. Mes larmes fletriraient la gloire qui couronne L' heureux fils de Tynnique, et de Lacedemone. Poan-Sain t- Simon . ^ttana Satj auf bent @d)ilb X()raS^niIoei, StynmdjoS Sproffliug, ^ren ; nut 9Bunben fcebecf t \)on ber 5lrgiyer egcfyoff, (Sieten, unb att' auf ber mannlicfyen Srufi. llnb auf flammeti ben ben fcluttgen Seifr, gagte ber mut^ige ret : ber &eigling winen, O @o|n. 3^ geBe bent rafc bt(^ Jrocfenen 5(ug'g ; benn mir tift bu unb @arta entjlammt. Jacobs. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 165 To Pitana came Thrasybulus slain Upon his shield, seven wounds from Argives ta'en, And all in front. Old Tynnichus his sire Cried, as he laid him bleeding on the pyre : " Let tears for cowards flow : I shed no tear, Mine own true son and Sparta's, on thy bier." a-, s. CXCIII. A E Q N I A A. Av\ia } KOI NvfjL(f>e(i)v lepos Trdyos, at 6' VTTO UtSae9, ij 6* vSacnv yeiroveovcra TTI'TJ^?, Kal av TTpdy\a)%iv } /z^Aocraoe, MaidSos 'Epfid, 17 O? re TOV alyi/Sor'Tjv, Ildv, Kcne%ei<> "I\aoi rd fyaiatd, TO re aicvfyos e/j,7T\eov oi 6\ AuuciBeo) Swpa LEONIDS. O stabula, o rupes Nymphis sacra, tuque sub ilia Fons, et fontanae proxima pinus aquae, Tuque ovium custos, Maja sate, imagine quadra, Et qui cum capreis hsec juga, Faune, tenes, Hos vini latices, hsec mellea liba volentes Sumite ab vEacida dona Neoptolemo. Grotiua. Hear ! oh ye folds ! and thou, the sacred hill Of the fair Nymphs, and every trickling rill Beneath the rocks, and thou, close bordering pine, Thou too, quaint image of a form divine, Four-cornered Hermes, guardian of the fold, And Pan, by whom each goat-fed peak we hold, Deign to accept these cakes this cup of wine, From Pyrrhus, heir of great Achilles' line. E. S. 166 ANTIIOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CXCIV. M A P K O Y A P T E N T A P I O Y. Tr\ovra>v ^wcriKpaTer d\\d er epas" Xt/io? (^dp^aKov olov 'H Se Trdpo<; ere KaXevcra pvpov teal repirvov "AScoviv Mr)vo? ouSet? ov8ev e%ovTi t'Xo?. MABCI AHGENTAKII. Dives eras, et amator eras ; nunc pauper, amore Es liber : prsesens o medicina fames ! Quse te delicias dulcemque vocabat Adonim, Menoplnle, nomen nunc rogat ilia tuum. "Qui genus? unde domo?" Jam te docet usus, opinor, Quod cui res deerit, nullus amicus erit. anus. Dives amavisti, desisti pauper amare, Sosicrates. Quanta est proh medicina fames ! Quse prius unguentum, quae te vocitabat Adonim Menophile, nomen jam rogat ilia tuum. " Ecquis es, unde domo ? Quae patria ? " Jam puto, verum Esse vides, inopi nullus amicus erit. Grotius. formats Hefctefi bu immer, ofifrate8, alg bit nod) retcfy njarfl ; Slrm jegt, tieteji bu nid)t. ^linger cutiret gegd)tcinb. 6ie, bie Sonjt bid) QtboniS genannt itnb ttyr gitffeS 93erlangen, 5)eine 3Weno^i)tIa fragt je^o " reie ncnnt fid; ber SWann ? 3Ber unb reot;er con ben 3Kdnnern ? TOO fyauSet er ? " Snblid) erfd^rft bu 3e|t " fetn etb, fein ^reunb " laute be8 e6en3 ege|. Jacobs. Rich, thou hadst many lovers ; poor, hast none, So surely want extinguishes the flame, And she who call'd thee once her pretty one, And her Adonis, now inquires thy name. Where wast thou born, Sosicrates, and where In what strange country can thy parents live, Who seem'st, by thy complaints, not yet aware That want's a crime no woman can forgive ? W. Cowper. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 167 When you were rich, Sosicrates, you used to fall in love ; But you are poor oh what a cure doth poverty not prove ! And she who call'd you spikenard and Adonis when you came Menophile, is puzzled now to recollect your name. O say, where can you come from ? for 'tis known at the world's end, That those who nothing else possess, can ne'er possess a friend. o. c. s. CXCV. A A A A A A. fj,oi v/u/Trto?, -yayev ovpav, r Hwv r oixra vvpdvvwv, IlatScitv r', OVK ypdr] TOVV e? drao-daXi'rjv. 8 I M O N I D I 8. Hippia quam genuit laudem virtutis adeptus, Archedicen isto pulvere terra tegit. Quae reges habuit fratresque patremque, viruraque Et natoSj nee erat facta superba tamen. Grotius. D' Archedice quest' urna il cener serba : Che figlia e suora fu, consorte e madre Di re possenti, e pur non fu superba. Felici. Imitazione. Mori Enrichetta Balbo Tapparella, Donna nobile, dotta, giovin, bella, E pur non vanerella. Oligoro. ^Ir^ibice, bie attinn beg ^errlic^fien unter ben tiecfyen, , bur^ S^rdnen unb 5Ie^n unetMttIid)er ! undent linger fteunbttc^eS ^inb, na^mft bu go frulje on atten ge^erjt in ben 2Sol)nungen er : afar ba^etm lieff er unnenntaren ram. VOBS. O Deathj untouched by ruth, unmoved by prayer, And could' st thou not our young Callaeschrus spare ? The joy of all that pretty babe will be In realms below, but sad at heart are we. CXCIX. AOYKIANOY. Sarrov erjv Xev/cou? Kopaicas, 7m}vds re ^eXcom? Evpeiv, r) SOKI/JLOV pr/ropa KaTnraSoKrjv. LTJCIANI. Ante albos videas corvos, testudo volabit, Quam clarum rhetora Cappadocen. Paulus Stephanu3. Corvi bianchi, e testuggini volanti Si rinverran piu presto Che un orator di Cappadocia onesto. M. When crows are white and tortoises can fly, Lawyers in Cappadocia may rank high. w. 170 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGI/OTTA. CC. MEAEATPOY. n\e%a) \evicoLov, TrXe'fa) 8" dira\r)V apa p.vproi.<; Ndp/ciffaov, 7r\efa> KOI ra VTa icpiva, H\e&> KOI KpoKov r]8vv e7rnr\ej;a> S" vd/civdov Ilopi\.epacrTa poSa, '/2f av eVt fcpOTafois p,vpo^oarpv-)(pv ' H.\io$(apat&p6fjiov<> e\iica<;, OVK^T eiri-fyavo} 701'^? Trocriv, aXXa Trap" aura) Zavl #eoT/ooi779 7rf/t7rXa/u afi^pocrir)^. PTOLEM^EI. Me scio mortalem, sed cum volventia coelo Contuor, inque suas astra relapsa vias, Non ultra pedibus tango sola, sed Jovis hospes Nectare coelesti pascor, et ambrosia. Grotius. TJ 1 Astronomo. So che mortal son io, Che breve e il viver mio ; Ma se degli astri all' ordine Sollevo il mio pensier ; ]\I' ergo coi pie dal suolo ; Al ciel mi levo a volo ; In grembo a Dio m' inel)bria L' alma immortal piacer. Felici. Mortal io son, mel so ; ma il guardo mio S' io levo agli astri, e i lor gran giri esploro, Terra co' pie non tocco, e su nel coro Beato i' cibo ambrosia al par d' un Dio. Pagnini. Bin ic^, uni> furgeg Se6enS ; boct| enn ic^ ber (Sterne 9Ba^nen meff' unb jatyl' i^re gebtangete 3t)^ 2>ann fcerii^tet bte @rbe ntein Suff nur; unter ben ottern SReic^et mir Su^tter Selbfl geinen unflerBIic^en Sranf. Herder. On Astronomy. Tho' but the being of a day, When I yon planet* s course survey, This earth I then despise : Near Jove's eternal throne I stand, And quaff from an immortal hand The nectar of the skies. Ph. Smyth. 172 ANTIIOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCII. A r A e i o Y. Ti? [loyeeGKev eV 1^6 vcn' TOV 8' eer Qtrme trarb nun reir^, 2)er 9tetd?e flolj, ber @totge ein Styrann. @ie^, g^ra^ ba Iucf jitr Steteg gottinn, icer Qluf rben jlarfer Se9, i^ ober bu ? Herder -4 Controversie of a Conquest 'twixt Fortune and Venus. Whilst fissher kest his line The hovering fish to hooke, By hap a rich mans daughter on The fissher kest hir looke. Shee fryde with frantick love ; They maride eke at last : Thus fissher was from lowe estate In top of treasure plast. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 173 Stoode Fortune by, and smylde : How say you, dame ? quoth shee To Venus. Was this conquest yours, Or is it due to mee ? Turbervile Euseia rich in gold and land, To a poor fisher gave her hand. Ophion, dazzled with his gain, Grew haughty, petulant, and vain. Venus, says Fortune, looking sly ; Who play'd this trick, pray, you or I ? Ph Smvth. CCIII. NIKAPXOY. i 0avarr)(f)6pov' aX\' orav ai'\09, 05 Kpvfrijpi -rrapd TrXew oivoTrord^wv Neticea teal 7ro\efiov SaicpvoevTa \eyef '.4A,\' ocrrt? Movpo. ANACREONTIS. Non placet ille mihi, qui lites ssevaque bella, Dum spumant Bromio pocula rore, crepat : Sed qui Pieridum Cytherese munera miscens Muneribus, Iseto tempore Iseta canit. Grotius. liefe ift ntir ber SWann, roenn einer Befent gcfjaumenben S^rdnenerrcgenben ^rieg, aber unb @d?tad)ten ertnd^nt. wol, reeTc^er ber 3Kuen unb ^^rien8 ftra^Ienbe atcn @inenb, ber lieblic^en Suft frozen enuffeS gebenft. Jacobs. AN.THOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 175 On Company. I ne'er can think his conversation good, Who o'er the bottle talks of wars and blood ; But his whose wit the pleasing talk refines, And lovely Venus with the Muses joins. Fawkes No friend is he to social joy, Who these gay moments would destroy, By tales of martial woe ; But he, who with a toast and song The sportive pleasures shall prolong, Which from yon goblet flow. Ph. Smyth. When to the lip the brimming cup is press' d, And hearts are all afloat upon the stream, Then banish from my board th' unpolish'd guest Who makes the feats of war his barbarous theme. But bring the man, who o'er his goblet wreathes The Muse's laurel with the Cyprian flower : Oh ! give me him whose heart expansive breathes All the refinements of the social hour. T. Moore. CCVI. AOYKIAAIOY. Tou? TroSa? et Kparepb? KCLI ra? %epa? d% 6\OK\ijpov<;, OVK dpa TTJV K(j)d\r)v *%, roiavra ypdcfrwv. L U C I L L 1 1. Forte pedes habuit Craterus cum scriberet ista, Forte manus : verum cor, puto, non habuit. Grotiua. Se Cratero ebbe mani E piedi interi e sani, Non par perb che avesse punto testa, Avendo scritto roba come questa. w. I dare say Craterus had hands and feet Sound and complete, But not a head, at least with brains enough, Writing such stuif. w. 176 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCVII. AOYKIANOY. El rani's ei? TO (frcvyeiv, teal TT/JO? Spopov d Tofc TTO LUCIANI. Manducare celer cum sis, et currere tardus, Mauduca pedibus, curre sed ore tuo. Orotius. Se a mangiar voli, e a correr tanto stenti, Mangia dunque co' pie, corri co' denti. Roncalli. 21 uf tinen unnutjen SBebtenten. 3m fiett tift bu g^nett, im etyen ti(t bu faut. 3jf mit ben Suffen, ^reunb, unb nimm gum e^n bag SKaut. Leasing. So slowly you walk, and so quickly you eat, You should march with your mouth, and devour with your feet. Anon. Translations from Leasing, 1825. You eat fast and run slow : now you'll win more applause, If you eat like your paces, but go like your jaws. w. CCVIII. AAESIIOTON. M/; jj.e rd<^y (rvytcptve rov"E/cropa, /iT/8' CTTI TV Merpei rov tracri]^ ' JEXXaSo? awriirakov. /i?;po5 e/iol ' rourot? Tracnv El 8' o\lrfrfv aOpei? TT e/^ot KOVIV, OVK e/iot at ' JSXX^i/eoy expats ^pa-lv e^wvvvf^eOa. INCERTI. Hectora parce sui spatio conferre sepulchri, Nam par Grajugenum millibus unus eram. Ilias, et Vates, et versis Graecia turmis, Hie rogus, his cunctis sum sepelitus ego ; Turpe nee est, parva si contumulamur arena : Hostilis posuit nostra sepulchra manus. G. S. AXTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 177 nicfyt eftor3 JlBertfy nact; bent rab tyter; ober sergfeidje rufttgen fteinb mit bent unifyuflenben <8taub. 3ftat ift joiner unb bie 3Ha8, unb bet 'Ncfyaier SMeff afleS erfyebt ntir fid? aU bauernbeS 9)ial. (Steffi bu mtcf) burfttg wit @vbe frebecft, mtr ifl eg etn cfytmpf nicljt g-einblic^er 2)anaer 4?anb becfte beg 5einbe ebetn. JaccLs. O mete not Hector's greatness by his grave : This single arm erewhile all Greece could brave. The Iliad, Homer, Greece and Greeks that fled, These are my tomb ; all these enshrine me dead. Mock not, if scant the dust that o'er me lies : The foeman's hand performed our obsequies. G. s. CC1X. SIMONIAOY. rdSe V7rcop6(f)ia, crrovoevra Kara K\OVOV ev Sai Hepawv iTTTrofjui^wv at/iaxt \ov in bent flo^nenben Grange ber Oft mit bent purpurnen SBIttt $erft3cJ>er 3teiter gefdrbt. Jacoc.s No longer bent in deadly fight, these bows Beneath Minerva's sacred vaults repose : Wielded in many a battle-rout, they He Bathed in the blood of Persian cavalry. w. 178 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. ccx. A A H A O N. NavriXe, fj,7) TrevOov T/I/O? evOdSe rv/jif3o<} 08' et/it, avrbs TTOVTOV Tvyxave I N C E tt T I. Nauta, quis hoc jaceat ne percontere sepulchre; Eveniat tantum mitior unda tibi ! Sam. Johnson. Non cercar, navigante, Di chi la tomba io sia, Ma aver piu mite il mar sorte ti dia. M. [', o @d?tffenbet, nid)t, rceff raf> bu 80 efcen 2>Ioc3eft bu eI6cr bid) ttur milberer gTuttyen erfreun. Jacobs. Seek not, o mariner, to learn whose tomb it is you see ; But to yourself may ocean prove more gentle than to me. W CCXI. AOYKIAAIOY. Tbv TTravbv 'Epfuiv, TOV Oewv v Tbv 'ApicdScov avaKTa, rbv 'EffTwra TwvSe jvfivaaitov eT 'O WKTiK\e7rra>}- BIANORIS. Te captum in media, Clitonyme, csede tyranni Piscibus, et fluvio gens inimica dabat : Non tulit invidiam tantam Deus arbiter sequi, Ripaque te totum lapsa repente tegit. Non igitur vir fortis aquis agitabere : justa Pro libertatis vindice fecit humus. Orotius. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 181 Lo, to the fishes aiid the stream a murderous band hath roll'd Clitonymus, who came to slay the tyrant in his hold. But Justice found him burial; for the crumbling bank gave way, Duly to shroud from head to foot the hero as he lay. And now the waters drench him not : the land envelopes there The refuge of her liberties with reverential care. w. ccxv. A A H A O N. Tov jBtov, 'HpdK\ene, TTO\V ifkeov ijirep 6V 1^9, Aditpvc vvv 6 /3t'o? e'crr' eXeetvorepo?. Tov PIOV apn ye\a, Arj/jLOfcptre, TO 7r\eov rf Trpiv Nvv 6 /3tO5 TrdvTow Icrri yeXoiorepos. lf tyiea9 Se KCLI avros opwv, TO fj,era^v ^epi^vo), d/ta crol Kkavcrw, TTCO? apa crol yeXa ilpoaOels 8e %a\r)V /SttTTret?, TO Se yr/pas ovTrore fidgets, OuSe Trapeidwv e/cravvcreis p Mr) roivvv TO TrpocrwTrov airav "flare 7rpO(ra)7reiov, Kov OuSev yap 7r\eov eerri. ri paiveai ; oirrrore aoi ebwprjcravTO, MevavSpe, Z(t)i<; 4? aloiva' TO 8e /tXeo? ecrrlv ' 'Eic aeOev, ovpaviwv cuwronevov V(j>ecav. INCERTI. Infudere tibi nectar de floribus ortum, Pieridum campos quae populantur apes : Sermonis facilem, qualem vult fabula, ductum Gratia donavit trina, Menandre, tibi. Perpetuum vives. Quse de te surgit Athenis Gloria, crelestes venit ad usque domos. Grotius. 5BteI Buntfarfciger SBlitmert eicci(^S au bem arten ber ^Brac^ten, SJienanbroS, bit 93ienen ur tiefclic^en Roft : jRetjenbe afcen oerlie^n bit bie S^ariten ; -Ttnutut^ gujfcS e8(^n3a|, Sc^enften fie betnem ebicfyt. 2>auetnbe8 SeBen ift betn bir bafur; unb e8 wa^ft ber 5ltljenet tra^tenber 9lu^nt burc^ bid? Bi3 511 ben SQBoIfen empor. Jacobs. The very bees, O sweet Menander, hung To taste the Muses spring upon thy tongue ; The very Graces made the scenes you writ Their happy point of fine expression hit. Thus still you live, you make your Athens shine, And raise its glory to the skies in thine. Anon. Spectator. A a 186 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCXXI. I2IAOPOY A I T. E A T O Y. '!&> KOI Ka\d[JLOiaiv air 776/909 avrbv EijfjLr]\o<;, XtTw?, ttXX' ev ikevdepir). Ov-rrore 8' odveiTjv exvcrev %e/oa 7acrr/)09 TOVTO rpv(j)r)v Keivw, TOUT' eanb, um ben 2ftagen ju fiitten ; 2)teff tear ftreube fur i^n, btegeS ein ^ettrer enuff. 2>rei)mal brei)ffig (summer tterlefct' er 80. 9lun er im tab rutjt, Sdfft er ben Jtinbern ben Seim, Oiut^en unb ^ogel juritcf. Jacobs. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 187 With reeds and bird-lime, from the desert air Eumelus gather'd free, though scanty, fare. No lordly patron's hand he deign' d to kiss, Nor luxury knew, save liberty, nor bliss. Thrice thirty years he lived, and to his heirs His reeds bequeath' d, his bird-lime, and his snares. W. Cowper. OCXXII. KPATHTO2. "Epwra Travel Xt/tto?' el Be /j,rj, 'Eav Se fjLTjSe Tavra rrjv Ta @e)V olicov aTroffKOTreei? ; B. Wv%f) Se ere r)[u Xpfjcris yap irXovrov fjLapTvs, 'A7ro\\6(f)avev\drrrj<; KXrjpovo/jiois, aTrb vvv yfryvercti a\\6rpia,. IN c ERTI. Sis aliis dives : certe mihi pauper haberis : Divitias usus monstrat, Apollophanes. Uteris ipse bonis ? tua sunt : hseredibus autem Quse servas jam nunc hsec aliena puto. Gro tills. A Luc. Chacun estime pour ton bien due tu es riche a 1' avantage : Mais tu es pauvre, et le soustien. Qu' ainsi soit, de ton bien 1' usage M' en est suffisant temoignage. Qui a des biens en sa puissance, S' il s' en donne la jouissance, Vraiment, Luc, les biens sont a luy : Mais a toy n' est pas la chevance, due tu epargnes pour autruy. Baif. They call thee rich ; I deem thee poor, Since, if thou darest not use thy store, But savest it only for thine heirs, The treasure is not thine, but theirs. W. Cowper. Men say that you are rich, but I refuse That name for wealth which you do never use. What you enjoy is your's, but what for heirs You hoard, no longer can be your's, but their's. E.S. 190 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. ccxxv. A N T I * I A O Y BYZANTIOY. KOI a\/f09 VTTO ovov a\\a poTciTr)V. ANTIPHILI. Tempore fit vetus aes, sed et aere perennior ipso Laus tua, Diogenes, tempus in omne manet. Tranquillum vitse cursura modicoque beatum Quod nos callemus, consilii omne tui est. T F. Copper decays with time, but thy renown, Diogenes, no age shall e'er take down : For thou alone hast taught us not to need, By thinking that we don't : and hast us freed From cares ; and shewed the easy way to life. W. Baxter. E'en brass, Diogenes, to time gives place ; But with thy praise time shall out-run its race. 'Twas thine frugality's best wealth to shew, And man instruct life's easier ways to know. T. F. CCXXVI. riAATQNOS. , ay%i, 8e ifieda' ev, yairjs ocrtrov a(j) rffjierep^. P L A T O N I S. Euboici sumus hie prope Susa : at Eretria nostris Ossibus heu procul, heu dulcis abest patria ! 0. F.D. T. Sanguine Eretriaco creti, prope Susa jacemus, Euboici, heu nostra quam procul a patria ! w. linker @uB6a8 ftnb anr ^retrier ; na^e fat) v Xapircov avQos, 'Avao-Tacrir]. Sol yeveTijs, , rav etc Ko\o(f)a)vo<; eraipav, *As Kal eVt pvriScDV 6 6fj,vai %t6vi. At, at, &j]pifj,a%o<; 8e Trapa Spv% TOV fuucpbv evSei "TTTVOV" KOip,r)dr] 8' etc 7rvpb<> ovpaviov. DIOTIMI VEL LEONIDS. \d stabulum, sed sponte sua, de monte redibant Hiberno gelidse de nivis imbre boves. Eheu, Therimachus sub quercu nocte quiescit Perpetua, sacro tactus ab igne Jovis. Qrotius. Sparse di neve e pavido 1'armento Riede soletto or che sul monte steso Giace, qual uom da cupo sonno preso, Terimaco da strale etereo spento. Pagnini. ," : ur((;tgam elite bie ug gcfyltift I)ier getnen eivigen glummer, Unter ber ic^e, TOO t^n $euer beS iwmel8 traf. Herder. Covered with snow, the herd (with none to guide) Came to the stall adown the mountain's side : '3ut ah, Therimachus beneath the oak Uept the long sleep from which he ne'er awoke, LulTd to his slumber by the lightning's stroke ! J. W.B. CCXXXIII. E P Y K I O Y. (TVpiyjcov vofjbiov [Ae\o<; cuyybOi ravras wtyj /3\o)0pa<>, Or) pipage, TrXardvov (rev tc /ca\dfjia)v tcepaal /86e? d8v i, (TKiepa Trap Spvl' KK\ifj,evov. .dXecre yap irprjcrTrip ae Kepavvio? al 8' eVi Karefiav. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 19; ER YC I I. Non posthac silvestre canet tibi fistula, fuso Hujus sub platani tegmine Therimacho ; Nee tua mulcebunt quercus sub fronde jacentis Carmina cornigeras corpora fessa boves. Tu cadis igne Jovis : sero rediere juvencae Ad stabula, et multa permaduere nive. Hanc prope proceram platanum tua, Tityre, posthac Non dabit agrestes fistula nota modos ; Nee capient, quercu te sub pendente reposto, Suave tuum placida nunc melos aure boves. Fulmiue tactus eras : rediit, sed vespere sero, Et nivis impulsu, te sine, triste pecus. O.JB: Ahi misero Terimacho ! Nou piu di mele aspersi, Sotto un eccelso platano Andrai cantando versi; Ne sotto quercia ombrifera Ad ascoltarti intenti Verran, lasciando i pascoli, I vagabond! armenti. Ah ! tu se' morto. Un fulmine, Che scaglib Giove, t' arse : Le vacche a notte riedono Di neve il tergo sparse. Felici. mef)t fiimmjl bu tytnfort, f)erimad?o3, itnter beS t;ol;en $Iatano ?autbac^ ^ter lanbltc^e ftloten gum Steb. me^r laugc^et bcm lietltc^en Xon on ben SRofyren bag SBetbenb iimtyer; ni^>t me^r ru^fl an bet @td)e bu Selbft. S)enn bid) traf auS ben 5Botfen ber aSHfc ; unb cS fetyrten bte (Stlenb im jlofarnben <2(^nee 8)3at ju ben <2taflen jurucf. Jacobs. O never more, beside this lofty plane, Therimachus, thou'lt pipe thy pastoral strain : The herd no more will drink thy soft sweet song, Stretched in the oak-tree's shadow all along. Thou wert by lightning stricken ! 'Mid a fall Of snow, thy herd benighted gain'd the stall. J. W. B. 196 ANTHOLOGIA'JPOLYGLOTTA. CCXXXIV. AEONIAA AAESANAPEG2. Alav o\r)v v>']crov<; re lypcnrrfj irvfcriSi 8' opraXL^wv irianv ako TrjvSe v\d1;eiv fjLrjS 1 ISioov (f)etcrafji,evr)v re/ceav ; LEONIDS ALEXANDBINI. Medeae statua est, misella hirundo, Sub qua nidificas. Tuosne credas Huic natos, Togo, quse suos necavit ? Politianus. Colchidos in gremio nidum quid congeris ? eheu ! Nescia cui pullos tam male credis, avis. Dira parens Medsea suos saevissima natos Perdidit ; et speras parcat ut ilia tuis ? Andr. Alciatus.^ E/ondinella, che scorso hai tanti lidi, Perche a Medea, perche, tuo nido affidi ? Come puoi tu sperar che a* figli tuoi Tenga fede costei che ancise i suoi ? Pagrtini. In questo quadro infido Salvera dunque i tuoi Ov* e Medea, tu vuoi Chi uccise i figli suoi ? Far, rondinella, il nido ? RoncaUi. ute @^w>at6e, bit flogfl burt^ treite Sanber unb Sngeln ; llnb nun nifteft bit t;ier auf ber 2J2ebea ettilb ? Xraufl i^r beine ^tnber noc^ unttefiebert, unb fyoffejt, 2)aff fie ben Srembltngen Sety, n?a fie ben S^ten nic^t rear? Herder. Sanber unb 3n3eln unb 3Keer burc^Sc^njetftefl bu jnjttd;ernbe @d;refllfce, llnb nun ^auft bu bag 0teft ut>er ber JMcfyerin SBttb ! ^offeft bu, |ene fceica^re bir Sreu, unb f>e3d?uje bte fremben ^inber, bie mitletbloS gelfcft nidjt bte etgnen ttergcfyont ? Jacobs Thou sieh'e foule, what meanes this foolish paine, To flie to Colche too hatch thy chickins there ? A mother thou mayst hap returne againe, Medsea will destroy thy broode I feare : For shee that spared not to spoile hir owne, Will she stand friend to foules that are unknowne ? TurbervUe. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 197 ccxxxv. AAE2HOTON. 'H/30&OTO? Mov eSco/ce fj,iav. INCEST I. Hospes ut Herodotus Musas exceperat, illi Hospitii pretium quaeque dedere libruin. Orotius. Exceptae hospitio Musae, tribuere libellos Herodoto hospitii praemia, quaeque suum. Sam Johnson Erodoto alle Muse ospizio diede, E un libro da ciascuna ebbe in mercede. Pagnini. $ltt e bergelfcen ein 3Buc^. Herder The Muses to Herodotus one day Came, nine of them, and dined ; And in return, their host to pay, Each left a book behind. G. P. D. T. CCXXXVI. A P X I A O X O Y. Ov fjioi TO. Fvyefi) TOV 7ro\vxpvi'Xo? et dvrjrols, i'Xos el pafcdpeffo i, Kai (rev pTjiBicix; eK\vov ev *Hv TTTaicTT;?, ouSet? eri crot er gtnna^m, fragt' ic^ : QSon n;em ? tyorte ben Seamen unb ftarfc. Voss. Celsus nor gave me purge, nor clyster, Nor felt my pulse, nor ordered buster : But, being ill, I chanc'd to hear The doctor's name, and died for fear. Graves. No, blame not the doctor ; no clyster he gave me, He ne'er felt my pulse, never reach'd my bed-side ; But, as I lay sick, my friends, anxious to save me, In my hearing just mentioned his name, and I died. MerivaJe. The physician who kill'd me, Neither bled, purged, or pill'd me, Nor counted my pulse, but, it comes to the same, In the height of my fever I thought of his name. 200 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCXXXIX. 2TPATQNO2. Ei i\ y. STRATONIS. Basia surripui : Sseva est injuria, clamas : Basia mi referas ; poena sit ista reo. w. Se il mio baciarti ingiuria Estimi, e te ne offendi, A te dunque ; puniscimi, E 'I bacio mio mi rendi. M. Ne me reproche point, Philis, Les baisers que je t' ai ravis ; Je suis fier, et pret a les rendre, Philis, si tu veux les reprendre. Le Brun. Lorsque pour satisfaire a mon brulant desir Je te baisai, jeune merveille, Si ce trait te causa le moindre deplaisir, Venge-toi, rends-moi la pareille. De Cailly. Whilst thus a few kisses I steal, Dear Chloris, you gravely complain : If resentment you really do feel, Pray give me your kisses again. Ph. Smyth. If of my kisses you complain, Then take and kiss me back again. G. 8. CCXL. A A H A O N. Tovro rb BovXevetv et%es TraXat. d\Xa TO Brjra OVK eTrtyiryvcaa-KO)' Ae\ra yap eypdfaTo- INCERTI. Pastorem populi scribi te prsecipis : illud A non agnosco : sed fac / quod fuerat. Grotius. Observant wert thou always, yet that ' Ob' Seems new ; the rest thou wert for any job. E. S. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 201 CCXLI. * i A i n n o Y. Ei? TO TOU 'OXti/XTTt'ou Atos ayaX/xa. *H 6eos rf\.B' eirl yrjv e ovpavov, elicbva 8ei%(av, $eiSla, rj crv 7' e/??;? Toy 6eov o-v^o/Aew?. p H i L i P P i. Juppiter ad terras, an ad sethera Phidia venit, Ut viso fieret tails imago Deo ? Grotius. O il nume e in terra giu dal ciel disceso A mostrarti sua forma, o sei lo stesso Nume tu, Fidia, a rimirarne asceso. Pompei O discese quaggiu da' regni sui Giove a mostrarti la sua immago. o Fidia, O tu salisti al cielo a veder lui. M. II faut que Jupiter soit descendu des cieux, Et que visible il soit apparu a Phidie ; Ou que luy soit monte jusqu' aux celestes lieux, Pour y veoir Jupiter, et prendre V effigie. Tamisier A Phidias. Ou ce dieu, pour offrir un modele a tes yeux, Ici has descendit lui-meme ; Ou c' est toi qui montas aux cieux, Phidias, pour y voir sa majeste supreme. Cocquard. 2>tr entireber tft %tn om ^tmmel ^ernieber gefttegen ; Dber bit jltegefl fyincmf, ^imjiter, unb Sa^ejl ben ott. Herder. 3euS fam 8eI6|i S)om Oltjm^oS ^eraB, bit ju jetgen Sein 5tntli|, $^ibia8 ; ober 2)u fliegfi i^)n ju Bec^oucn ^inauf. Jacobs. On the statue of Jupiter, by Phidias. Did Jove descend, and thus unveil His form before the sculptor's eyes ? Or Phidias self Olympus scale To view the monarch of the skies ? Graves. Say, Phidias, did the God appear to thee ? Or didst thou mount to heav'n his form to see ? w. c c 202 ANTIIOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCXLII. AIO2KOPIAOY. Elf Srjttov Tre/ii/raora Xo^ou? Arj^aLverij OKTO) IlatSas, VTTO (rrijXrj Trdvras edajrre p,ia. Adicpva S" OVK eppr)f~ > eVt irevdecriv' dXXa roS' elirei' Movvov i'w STrdpra, 61)n' entSanbte Semaneta gegen ber $dnbe eergc^)aar. fitter etein becfet ein einjigeg raB. 2^)ranen entfielen ber Stauernben ntc^t. ieff ein^tge 3Bort nur po8tTj;y TTJS tv Kvi8(o, KOI TTJV ev ' ITai?7iinft eine einjige 9^ac^t eine unenbltc^e 3^it. Gockingk. In pleasure's bowers whole lives unheeded fly, But to the wretch one night's eternity. Merivale. Short to the happy life's whole span appears, But to the wretch one night is endless years. O. B. CCXLV. IIAATQNO2. Ovre o-e TIpa^i,T\Ti0' 6 triSapos' *A\\' 01>T&>9 lcm?9, 9 7TOT6 KplVOftevrj. P L A T O N I S. Nil tu Praxiteli, nil debes, Cypria, ferro ; Sed stas qualis eras judice sub Paride. Nee te Praxiteles, nee ferrum, Cypria, finxit : Tu coram Phrygio judice talis eras. SBebet $tatitele3 fyat bid? gefonnt, nod) bie (Sonbern bit jetgeft bid; tyet, rote bu bem Ottdjter erSd^ienft No chisel of Praxiteles Hath sculptur'd limbs so fair as these : But thou wert standing thus divine When Paris cried : The prize is thine ! J.W B. CCXLVI. HAPMENIQN02. 'O Zevs rqv Aavariv 'xpvo'ov' Kaya> Se IlXeiova yap Sovvat TOV Aios ov PARMEN IONIS. Ut Danaen auro qusesivit Jupiter, auro Sic ego te. Possem qui dare plura Jove ? Grotius. Oro die Giove a Danae, Ed oro io pur do a te : Dar piii che Giove in poter mio non e. M. 3eit3 gafc 2>anaen @otb j go fctet' auc^ bit i(^ ein olbjlitcf. ntefcr qeten alg 3eit faun id^ ; o Siebli^e, nicfyt. Jacobs Be mine for gold : Thus Jove of old Won Danae's love. I cannot give thee more than Jove. w. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 205 CCXLVII. A A H A O N. 9 /2 %eve } rovSe rdfov rov 'Ava/cpetovros d/jbeificov, Sirelo-ov fioi 7rapiev ecrd\a KOI ey^o/Aevoi? Kai "Aft/At SiSov ra Be \vjpa KCU evxpftevc INCERTI. Summe parens, nobis, sileamus sive precemur, Da bona ; quse mala sunt, quamvis orautibus, arce. Grotias. Sive petam, seu non, quse sunt bona, Jupiter o Rex, Da mihi; quae mala sunt mihi nee largire petenti. Leximos Uthalmus. Chiesto o no il ben ci dona, o Dio che il puoi ; E tien lungi, anche chiesto, il mal da noi. M. Su^iter, ute8 gte6 mir, unb wenn id^ aud) utd)t barum Bate ; SBoSeS ttjenbe on mir, ffe^t' id? and; eefynltd; barum. Herder. 23ater 3euS bag ute, n?ir jte^en bir, ober retr fle^n nid^t, tb unS jiet8 : bod} 3B6ge8, ofcgleid) wir ^en, tiergag' ung. Voss. Pray we or not, great God ! do Thou supply All good ; all harm, e'en to our pray'rs, deny. w. 206 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCXLIX. AOYKIANOY. Sol fiopffis av0r]tca Tffjs Tre/at/caXXe? aya\/jM, Kvjrpi,, re?}? fj,op (freprepov ovSev e^aw. L u c i A N I. Te tibi, sancta, fero nudam ; formosius ipsa Cum tibi, quod ferrem, te, Dea, nil habui. Th. Gray. Effigies tibi danda tuse pulcerrima formae ; Quum raelius forma nil mihi, Cypri, tua. a. a. Pour te faire un present beau comme ton visage, Le monde n' en a point si ce n' est ton image. G. Colletet. olbe otten, id) weif)' bit after gcfyiinen eftalten d^onfte, bein eigeneS 3BtIb. ^dnb' ic^ etn gcfyonet egc^enf ? Herder. Venus, thine own sweet image take ! The fairest offering I can make. w. Thine own fair form's sweet image, Venus, take : Than this no choicer offering could I make. G. B. CCL. P O Y $ I N O Y. El Sv\6ya, Trjv kvl Kai,o^kvr]v ; crfiecrov, r) E u F i N i. Ne sis nunc injusta, Venus, sed serviat aeque Vinctus uterque tibi, vel mea vincla leva. Tibullus Aut restingue ignem, quo torreor, alma Dione ; Aut transire jube ; vel face utrimque parem. / Ausonius. O haz, Cupido, non ame a Luisa, O haz Luisa me ame, Cupido, Para que 6 me aparte de ella, O ella se junte conmigo. Arroyal. IDit etngttttge ?iebc. Jtonnteft nut tner Stamme bu nicfyt jtte^ -erjen ent jimben, SieBe, go ntmm fie auc^ mir, ober er6renne mid^ gang. Herder. O quench, or rid me of this cruel flame ; Or kindle, Love ! in both our hearts the same. J. W. B. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 207 CCLI. AOYKIAAIOY. Scnrdvrjv ev VTTVOK; 6 ' etn foftlic^eS afhnat)t ; llnb aug Summer be^alb tying er am SDiorgen flc^ auf. Jacobs. The miser Hermon dreamt one night He'd spent some cash. The painful fright Caused him to hang himself outright. a. F. D.T. CCLII. A A H A O N. Etr \ovrpov. Kirn-pis, "Epws, XaptTe?, Nvptyai, Aiovvcros, ' "flpocrav a\\ij\oi<> evddSe vaierdeiv. IN CERT I. Phosbus, Amor, Nymphse, Venus, Evan, Gratia trina Jurarunt hoc se degere velle loco. Grotius. Ciprigna, Amor, le Grazie, Apollo ancora, Le Ninfe e Bacco, insieme Giuraro di far qui la lor dimora. M. ag 33at btr otter. unb 93acctyug, bie rajten, 2lmor unb S*)^riS einanber : bteff 95ab eei) unS auf unmer gemein. Herder Venus, and Love, the Nymphs, and Graces three; And Bacchus, and Apollo, did agree, (Yea swore) that this their dwelling-place should be ! J. W B. 208 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLIII. API2TQNO2. el jj,ev ITT aprov eX.rjXvdaT, e? /iv%oy a\Xov eirel Xtr^/v olfceo/jiev Ka\vj3riv, Ov teal iriova TVpov aTro&ptyeede, teal avrjv 'Icr^aSa, teal SeiTrvov trit^vov diro do<; ovtcen Oprjva)' Tow 8' eVt TrpoaSoicir) tfama? del davdrov. L U O I L 1 1 L Non fleo vitalem qui carpere desiit auram, Sed si quis mortis carpitur usque metu. Henr. Stephanus. ANTHOLOGIA POL'YGLOTTA. 209 Non di chi trapassb, piango la sorte Di chi vive aspettando ognor la morte. M. tie fcebaur' icfy, bie ben tyolben a$>ne, bem 6^ore bid; 3^u8. Ericlison. Three are the Graces. Thou wert born to be The Grace that serves to grace the other three. w. 0d 210 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLVI. 2 I M G N I A O Y. EvddSe IIvdtavaKTa Kaa-iyvrjrov re Ke/cevOe Pat , epa,Tr)<; ijfir)? irpiv reXos arcpov ISeiv. MvfjfjLa S' aTTofyQinkvoiGi Trarrjp MeydptcrTos eOytcev 'AOdvarov, 6vi]Tolepet. OvS" rj vv%, ov ^7709 e/cotfAicrev, oXX' VTTO i\Tpa>v "HSr) TTOV Kpd&ia &>om Qlug mir ivad)t er am Sag, unb raftlo tt>ad)t er bie 9tad)t aud) ; 9Wate ttont 33ranb jeiget bag lieBenbe -^erj. r, 6ed)tt)ingte (Sroten, irietteid)t reo^t ^tugel junt ^ommen, 5l6er tjon ^innen ju fite|)n fefylet ben @d)njingen bie ^traft ? Jacobs. The voice of love still tingles in my ears ; Still from my eyes in silence flow my tears ; By night, by day, no respite do I find ; One dear idea fills my anxious mind. Say, winged lovelings ! round my aching heart Still will ye flutter, never to depart ? W. Shepherd. ANTHOLOGIA PoLYGLOTTA. 213 Ever sinks the chime of love Ringing deep within mine ear ; Ever in my longing eye Fondly stands the silent tear. Never night, nor morning light Brings my heart its wonted rest : Charms have stamp'd an image there Long familiar to my breast. Winged Cupids, well, I ween, Ye can light upon the heart ; But from off that heart again Never, never, can depart. Q . F. D. T. CCLIX. A r A e i o Y. Nal XiVo/Aat, Trapobira, p avafj,ifj,vrjcrKr) TT}? Trore KovpiBii)*;. AGA.THI&. Thessaliam si forte meam, bone, viseris, hospes, Dignere haec nostro verba referre viro : Mortua sum, patriaque eheu ! tellure carentem Extera Threicii littoris ora tegit. At prope te tumulus saltern mihi surgat inanis, Quse doceat sponsse te memorem esse tuse. G.S. Stranger, should'st thou to Thessaly repair, To my loved lord, I pray, this message bear. Thy wife is dead, far from her native land Laid in the grave, that grave the Thracian strand. Build me a cenotaph by thy dear side, That thou may'st think on me, thy virgin bride. 214 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLX. MEAEATPOY. Evoprot vaes TreXayiriSe*;, at 7r6pov"E\\a rf\.9ev epwrwv Tov /jLavnv, Kol TTfti? 7r\i>crTai acr9. X&) yuaim?, Trpwrov ^ev, e^yr/, Kaivrjv e%6 rrjv vavv, Kal fir) ^etyu-wi/09, TOV Be Qepovs dvdjov TOVTO yap av Troifjs, ^et? tcaiceia-e fcal'&Se, *Av /j,rj Treiparr)*} ev 7re\dyei tre Xdfiy. NIC ABC HI. Praescius a nauta consultus Olympicus, iret Anne Rhodum, quanam tutus, et iret ope ; Esto, inquit, primum navis nova : tu neque brumse, Si sapis, at veris tempore vela dato. Hoc etenim facto, peregreque domumque meabis ; Injiciat prsedo ni maris ante manus. o. B. 55 t e 21 8 t r o I o g e n. @inflmal8 fam gu bem c^er Dti)m))tf 08 einer imb fragt i^tn, OB er root ofyne efa^r fit^re nac^ Sfltyobog, unb roie ? SSetSe *>eret ber $ro^et : SRtmm erfttid? ein titc^t^eg, neuee! ^a^r jeng ; ^att' auc^ nie tcci^renb be turnie8 bie <&ec. ^olgefl bu inir, go f omntfl bu, e fann ntcf;t fe^ten, nac^ Offyoboci, llnb aucf> trieber guri'icf, raufct ein pirate bt^ nic^t. Jacobs. Tom prudently thinking his labour ill spared, If e'er unadvised for his plans he prepared, Consulted a witch on his passage to Dover, If the wind would be fair, and the passage well over. The seer gravely answered, first stroking his beard : " If the vessel be new, and well rigg'd, and well steer'd ; " If you stay all the winter, and still wait on shore " 'Till spring is advanced, and the equinox o'er, " You may sail there and back, without danger or fear, " Unless you are caught by a French privateer." Merivale. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 217 CCLXIV. MAKEAONIOY YDATOY. OVK e/xy&v TO fj,ev ovvop,a icaXbv a/coucra? r av Be /j,oi Trifcporepr) Oavdrov. Kal i\eovra, Kal ov (f)i\eovra Sua/ceis, "O(j>pa TraXiv Kelvov Kal i\eovTa (frisyrjs. MACEDONII CONSULIS. Parmenis es non re : veram te nomen habere Credideram ; sed tu plus nece dura milii. Si quis amat, fugis hunc, et amas qui te fugit, ut si Hie te rursus amet^ rursus et hunc fugias. Grotius. Ruthless to me as death ! in sound how fair, Inconstant Constance, is the name you bear ! Belov'd, you fly ; not courted, you pursue ; That you may fly again, when loved anew. w. CCLXV. NIKAPXOY. 'OpOwcrac rov Kvprov L^rocr^o/iei/o? Aio^wpov Tov KVpTOv cm/Sapovs eirl Trjv pa^iv' a\\a Tedvrjicev, yeyovev 8' opOorepos KCLVOVOS. NIC ARCH I. Corrigat ut Socles Diodori in corpore gibbum, Trina simul dorso saxa quadrata locat. Ille gravi pressus posuit sub pondere vitam, Rectus ita, ut non sit regula recta magis. Grotius. Diodorus the hunch-back in sorrowful plight Went to Socles, who promised to set him all right. So on crooky's back-bone He piled three tons of stone, Which crushed him to death with the weight : But when he came out It appear'd beyond doubt, That no ruler was ever so straight. E e 218 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLXVI. APXIAOXOY. Sv/j,, Ovfji a/J/rfxavoiffi Kij8e ev Ottcw KaraTrecroov oBvpeo. *A\\a 'xapTolcriv re %atpe, Kal Mr) \ti)v on betnem hammer bid) nid?t frafttog njinSelnb nieber8d/fagen ! CRur bid; beffen |let8 ju frcuen, rca6 ber Sreitbe 2Bert$ ifl, jtrefce bu, itnb bid; im HngtitcE burd; ber 2Wendjen hnmer njanbelfeareS 8008 ju troffen ! Christian von Stolberg. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 219 My Soul, my Soul, care-worn, bereft of rest, Arise ! and front the Foe with dauntless breast ; Take thy firm stand amidst his fierce alarms ; Secure, with inborn valour meet his arms. Nor, conquering, mount vain-glory's glitt'ring steep ; Nor, conquered, yield, fall down at home, and weep. Await the turns of life with duteous awe ; Know, Revolution is great Nature's law. Marquis Wellesley. CCLXVII. AOYKIANOY. v Tracriv TOVVCKO, KOI fjiedveiv auro? e'8oe LUC IAN I. Sobrius in potis dum quserit Acindynus essc, Solus ab his potus cur habeatur, habet. Grotius. Vuol fra gli ebbri Acindin sobrio restare ; Cosi egli solo esser briaco appare. M. Entre todos los borrachos Luis quiere parecer sobrio ; Y aun por esto me parece Que es mas borracho que todos. Arroyal. 21 n ten $ a u I. (3 3d)einet, baff bu $aul, ber einj' ge Sruuf nc ttfl : S5enn bu icittfl nuc^tetn 3el)ii, io feiner nit^tern i^. Unter ben Xtunf 'nen fcegefyrte 5lftnb^no niic^tern ju S^einen, >anun <^ten er attein unter ben Snmfnen 6erauS^t. Jacobs. Akindynus kept sober, when all were drunk but he ; So that he seemed the only one beside himself to be. Imitation. Enough ! old Sober cried, and pass'd the wine : My head's all right, you're all as drunk as swine. Drunk ! with one shout respond the jovial crew ; That's capital ! there's no one drunk but you. 220 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLXVIII. APXIAOXOY. Xprj/jLarow ae\Tnov ovSev eartv, ovS 1 airw^orov, Ov&e 6avfj,d(riov' eireiSr) Zevs Trarrjp 'O\v[i7ri ntct;tS ber SSevcunbruitg icert^. 2)cr 35ater ber otter madjt aug 3)iittag' oft S)te 0Ia(^t; ba Sicf>t tterScljroanb 6ei) ber @onne tang, llnb traurige ^urcfit befatlt ber 2Wen3cf)en ^erg. 9Iic^t3 ift unglauBIirf; ; nic^tg ot;ne jiev ev Netcpor eyot) 8' aXX&)9 ovvopa TU/^yS Kt]pvcr, UoXXwi; fJLvrjo-a/jLevtj rwv eirl aol Kal yap del irpepvov aoi dvear^pi^ev el I7oXXa/a Kal Bpo/Miov Kkrjftaa-i Kal Arjovs eTrX^tre, Kal vSaro? av\aKa$ eX/caw, *Av0' S)V ffv Trprjeia Kara Kpordtyov iroKiolo Kettro, Kal elaptvds avQoKo^i fiordvas. INCEETI. Alma sinu vetulum Tellus amplectere Thyrsin, Hunc memor assidua te coluisse manu. Namque tibi semper stirpem defixit olivse, Addidit et Bacclii palmite ssepe decus j Et Cerere implevit ; ductisque per arida rivis, Edere te fructus, edere jussit olus. Pro quibus officiis cani senis, ipsa jacenti Sis levis, et verna floreat herba coma. O B. >a8 rafc etne Santtnannc* uttge Gutter, @rbe, nimm leid^t unb freunbltd; ben alten, uten 5lmS)ntt(^uS auf, ber bid; im efcen geliefct ; er^djmuef te bid) unijerbroffen mit emflgen anben j on Dty. unb 5Bein franjten Setn frieblid;eg 4?au3 ; @aaten ber 6ereS unb mttbe en?ad;8e ietetten @einen SBoben, ben er tranfte, mit frofyem enuff. 5)arum berfe nun Sanft ben grauen (Sdjeitet, unb laff i^m 2>anf6ar itter bem aut Jlrduter unb SBIumcn fclit^'n. Herder. 8reunblid) em^fange ben rei 5lmtyntid?o, giitige @rbe, 2)er Setn 2ef>en ^inburd; beine efitbe tierSdjont ; er rei^jete bir fcalb (S^rofflinge fetter Dtiben, 99alb ber tronti3d)en Xrautt' eble e^enf e gum @d)mitcE ; lo^nt' i^m aud; 2)eo, unb fro^ ber tcaffernben Dueflen ba artengettjad)8, ^rangte tal0amisid)e8 Otjt. 3)arum berfe bit ganft bie fitfcertyaarige d^eitet, Unb mit Mufyenbem ^raut 8d^n;ene ber diaSen emVor. Voss. ANTIIOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 223 Verses left on a seat, at the Leasoices ; the hand unknown. O Earth ! to his remains indulgent be, Who so much care and cost bestow'd on thee ! Who crown' d thy barren hills with useful shade, And cheered with tinkling rills each silent glade ; Here taught the day to wear a thoughtful gloom, And there enlivened nature's vernal bloom. Propitious earth ! lie lightly on his head, And ever on his tomb thy vernal glories spread ! Anon. Shenstone's Poem^. Take to thy bosom, gentle Earth ! a swain With much hard labour in thy service worn. He set the vines that clothe yon ample plain, And he these olives that the vale adorn. He fill'd with grain the glebe ; the rills he led Through this green herbage, and those fruitful bowers. Thou, therefore, Earth ! lie lightly on his head, His hoary head, and deck his grave with flowers. W. Co-wper. Take to thy bosom, Earth ! the dear remains Of sage Amynticus, whose kindly pains Raised the green olives, train' d the clustered vines. And led the irriguous rill in lengthened lines ; Nurtured of herbs and plants the tender shoots, And fill'd the gardens with autumnal fruits. Lie lightly on the old man's hoary brow, And on his grave let thy first flowerets blow. W. Shephera. Dear Earth, take old Amyntas to thy breast, And for his toils not thankless give him rest. On thee the olive's stem 'twas his to rear ; His, with the mantling vine to grace thy year. Through him thy furrows teem'd with plenty ; he Eed with rich streams each herb and fruit for thee. For this lie lightly on his hoary head, And with thy choicest spring-flowers deck his bed. Wrangham. 224 ANTIIOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLXXI. * i A i n n o Y. TV? ere 7ra70ol3\r)Te i s del tcpvpa Trjs re criSrjpoTOKOv /SaiXo? 'I/S^ptaSo? ; *H royic^, bie fcenritberte SKutter ber -^erlinge, ntmmer eriretd)ter 93eeren em ^erteS etrtinf ^reffet bie belter bir at. fatten reir |e^t bein 3SeiI, o SipfurgoS ! Dber rcer Sonjl mci^t Iln8 bteff twlbe eranf 6i8 gu ber SBurjel Jacobs What cheerless, sunless crag, ill-favoured tree, Mid northern Scythia's wilds gave birth to thee ? Or didst thou mid the Alps' perpetual snow, Or in Spain's soil, parent of iron, grow ? Thy harsh tart grapes ne'er felt the sunny south ; Like verjuice are they to the puckered mouth. O ! for thy hand, Lycurgus, to uproot The graceless plant that bears such bitter fruit ! o. s. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 225 CCLXXII. A A H A O N. Mr) fie 6ows KvSicrre Trapep^eo rvfi/Sov 68ira, Soicriv aKOi/jMJrois irocral Ke\ev0o7r6pe' AepKoiievos 8" epeetve, T/$, rj irbdev ; 'Apfioviav yap Tvcocreai,, 779 yeverj \dfjwrerai eV Meydpow Tldwra epei K\eo/j,/3ov ddprjaov e? ovpavias yap d TraiTTaivei craft dTroSvcra/jievi). I N C E R T I. Ne me prsetereas gressu properante, viator, Perpetuum insomni dum pede tendis iter : Respice ! Posce simul quse sim, et quo sanguine ? Nosces Harmoniam : Megaris est mihi clara domus. Quicquid enim in terris pulchrum est, convenit in unam ; Nobilitas, virtus, et sine labe pudor. Quod superest, cineres age contemplare, soluta Corpore co3lestes prospicit Ipsa vias. G. S. O traveller, pass not here with steps That rest may ne'er beguile : Speed not so swiftly by the grave, But stay and gaze awhile. Ask, who and whence, within this tomb Is laid, and thou shalt know, That one in Megara dear to fame, Harmonia, sleeps below. Each virtue, that may honour bring To man, in her was seen ; Of noble birth, of modest ways, Of wise and prudent mien. Mark well her tomb ; and let the while This thought thy spirit raise ; Her soul has doff'd its mortal frame To seek Heaven's happy ways. T. P. R. Ff 226 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLXXIII. MEAEATPOY. Waveis, eKirpoXiTTOvs elapiva? /eaA,ua, (pi\epaa-re, ira\ifnrov>er$en tjertirgt? 3a, bag ^jaft bu gemeint. 2>oc^ fetjre nur, freitnbltcfye 3Botin, ^re guritcE. @d)on langft ttufften wir, n;ag bu mid; lefyrft. Jacobs. Little bee, on blossoms faring, Wny neglect the spring to seek ? Why to settle art thou daring On my Heliodora's cheek ? Is it that thou'rt me assuring, Love has something sweet to bring, But withal past hearts' enduring Leaves a bitter in his sting ? Yes : I ween, this was your presage : Get thee hence, thou lover's friend : Long ago I've known your message : Hence, begone; I cannot mend. G.T.D.T. 228 ANTHOLOGIA POLYQLOTTA. CCLXX1V. n A A A A A A. 'Av8poacrl ^dpairiv ovap, Kal %pr)cr/j,q)Sfj(Tai' Karatcei/Aevos OVTOS, dvLc Kal Koifjico fJ,Ta/3d<;, w ra A O? Se SivTrvurOels /iere/S^. TO Se cradpbv e Tei^iov ej;al6voi<>' J 6 HdpcnrK; exprjae 7rd\iv, Sid VVKTOS e al /j,e So/ceis, a0\ie, TWV a&licwv ; El fir) vvv ae /leOf/rca daveiv, ddvarov /j.ev a\V7rov Nvv e^irye?, crravpw 8' ladt, P A L L A D M. Sub muro dormit dum putri homicida, Serapis Huic fait in somnis visus adesse deus. Surge, inquit, miser; inque alio cito carpere somnos Festina, tutus si cupis esse, loco. Hie surgens migrat : murusque repente ruinam, Sub quo decubuit, dat resupinus humi. Diis ratus acceptos homicidas improbus esse, Mane orto, fecit diis sacra multa pius. Dixit at huic adstans iterum sub nocte Serapis : Me curare malos, furcifer, anne putas ? Te morti eripui leni expertique doloris, Ut subeas, quam scis te meruisse, crucem. Maittaire. Au pied d 5 un m^chant mur dormait un meurtrier. Serapis d' accourir, Serapis de crier : Leve-toi, leve-toi. Quel danger te menace ! Malheureux ! pour dormir choisis une autre place. Notre homme eveille fuit. II etait a deux pas ; Soudain le mur eclate, et tombe avec fracas. Des 1* aurore, ex voto, sacrifice splendide. Les dieux apparemment protegeaient T homicide. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 229 Serapis reparait. Monstre, as-tu pu penser Qu' aux jours d' un scelerat j* irais n' interesser ? D' une mort sans douleur sauve par providence, Une autre mort t' attend. On dresse ta potence. Poan-Saint-Simon. in SRdufcer gd;lief an einer alten 2Banb a fianb ber ott e?, aypy Te-nija Spocrepwv e\KT air aKpepovcav, Trjv NvfjLea)v Trapo&lriv dy&ova, KrjfiaTi Ovpevt Kal o-Kiepais govdd \a\evvra 'Hvi&e Kal Ki%\,r)v Kal Ko, 6 '.E? irporepi]v epycav apcreva S' VTTO (nrXdyxvois rrrXarv (frdcryavov, ev JAOVOV "AvSpas v Apif]^ Kreivei, SeiXorepovs 8e z/ocros. PHILIPPI THE88ALONICI. ^Elius, in bellis nulli virtute secundus, Cinxerat et cujus laurea saBpe caput, Tabifico implicitus morbo, memorique revolvens Mente manus oh'm fortia facta suae ; Intrepidus ferro trajecit viscera, et in quit ; Mars fortes perimit, morbus iners timidos. Maittaire. When ^Elius of the iron hand (the Argive chief, whose neck Full many a victor's golden chain, in battle won, did deck), Was wasting with a slow disease, one savage deed expressed How brooded he on by-gone deeds within his gloomy breast : Pierced by his own broad sword, 'twas thus his parting accents ran : " Let the coward die by sickness ; 'tis a sioord should slay the man !" J. W. B. 232 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLXXVII. H A A A A A A. Mdyvos, or els 'At&rjv Kareftrjv, rpo/jiewv 'AiSwvevs Elvrev' avaaT^awv rfkvde Kal vetcvas. PALLADjE. Magnus ut in nigrum Styga venerat, intremuit Dis : Reddat ut et vitam manibus, inquit, adest. Orotius. Quando Magno discese Alle infernali arene, Palpitante gridar Pluto s' intese : Ah costui 1' ombre a rawivar sen viene ! Pagnini. Sittetnb at) otn$luto ben -ftoer f ommen im Drfug ; " ^aj| er mit nur ntc^t gat, tief er, bie ^obten etnjedt !" Herder. Sluf ben Sob beS 2). 5tteab. QII8 9J?eab am <5ttyr erg(^ien, ttef $Iuto hotter cfjrecfen : mir ! nun fommt er gar, bie Sobten ju erreecfen ! Leasing. On Dr. Mead. When Mead reach'd the Styx, Pluto started and said : Confound him ! he's come to recover the dead. Anon. Translations from .Leasing. 1825. CCLXXVIII. A N Y T H 2. OUT05 6 %(Spo5, 7rel i\ov eTrXero rrjva Alev air rjireLpov \ap,TTpbv oprjv "Opi\ov vavrrjcri, reXfj 7r\6o 4 elective i, \i7rapbv Beptcofievos %6avov. A N Y T E S. Ista decet Venerem sedes, quae lucida gaudet ^Equora de specula littoris adspicere ; Ut placidum prsestet nautis iter, et tremat ipsam, EflBgiem pulchram dum videt, unda maris. Grotius. airier. 9Som ^o^)en eftabe gefdtft i^rS, ie SBetten jit 8rf)aitn, auf ba tegtangete STOeer ^tffern euc^ jur gludlic^en 5at;rt. >a8 liiirmenbe SWeer 9ting6nm, rcenn e8 it)r Silb, nsenn e3 t^r 5lntltg gcijaut. Herder. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 233 Jl 9 p 1 1 8 am 2JJ e e r. >ie0er Ort ifl ber Jt^riS gefyeiliget ; benn e8 gefiel ifyr a|J ernrim3d?t Set bie 5ai)rt ben cfyiffenben, unb bas eroaffer @f>rfurcl>tSofl anjioun' t|re er!Iarte eftalt. VOBB. On a Statue of Venus. Cythera from this craggy steep Looks downward on the glassy deep, And hither calls the breathing gale, Propitious to the venturous sail ; While Ocean flows beneath, serene, Awed by the smile of Beauty's Queen. Wr and ham. CCLXXIX. AOYKJANOY. OuSev ev avOpayrroHTi $utrt9 %(i\7ra)Tpov evpev 'AvdpcaTTOv Kadapav tyevBofievov 5 e%0pbv i\ov, ev rovro) 7r\eiova ^XaTr-rop^da. L U C I A N I. Non aliud usquam gignitur molestius Sacram homine mentito fidem : Hunc non cavemus hostem, amico hoc utimur In nostra fecundo mala ! O F. D. T. Tra gU uomini non v' ha d' un alma infida, Che simuli amista, mostro peggiore. Tant' ella recar suol danno maggiore, Quanto piu credulo altri in lei s' aflida. Pagnini. No mischief worthier of our fear In nature can be found Than friendship, in ostent sincere, But hollow and unsound ; For lull'd into a dangerous dream We close infold a foe, Who strikes, when most secure we seem, The inevitable blow. W. Cowper. g 234 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLXXX. IIAATQN02. Nawyyov ra09 ei/u* 6 8" dvriov ecrrl yetapyov' 'fls d\l KCU yaip %vvb<; inrear 'y4i'&?7?. P L A T O N I S. Naufragus hicjaceo; contra, jacet ecce colonus : Idem orcus terrae, sic, pelagoque subest. Sam. Johnson D' un nanfrago son io la tomba, e quella Che sta dicontro un campagnuol rinserra : Morte ha balia del pari e in mare e in terra. M. $)er gleic^t $ob. in . Ericheon. This is a sailors, that a peasant's tomb : 'Neath sea and land there lurks one common doom. K. C C. CCLXXXI. n A A A A A A. 4>eOye Adiccav TTOTG Sfjpw vTravTidcracra 8e f^ij ElTre, Kara (nipvwv aop avaa^o^kvr Z(06)v fikv ako fjirjTpl Siaftfrepes a'cr^o? Kal Kparepfjs STrdpTr)? Trdrpia Ota *Hv 8e 8dvr)<; 7ra\dfji,r] Ni/cvXXa, rives ftaTrreiv aar ; t>a bot^ i^r aar gc^on 8d?arj, at3 fie eg faufte, war. Lessin. 9)?and)e Be^au^ten, bu pflegteft bein J&aar, O 9Iift)fla, ju g^warjjen, 2)aS bu boct? gcfyroarj, reie e0 ifl, grf^on on bem JKarfte gefauft. Jacobs Nycilla dyes her locks, 'tis said ; But 'tis a foul aspersion ; She buys them black ; they therefore need No subsequent immersion. "W . Cowper. Some say, Nicylla, that you dye your hair, Those jet-black locks ! you bought them at the fair ! E.S. 236 ANTHOLOQIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLXXX1II. AAESnOTON. Els oyaX/io Ni'wjs airrtpov tv 'Pai/xi;, rjs ra irrtpa Kfpavv<& K 'P(o/j,t) TrafA/3ao-i\ia, TO crbv /eXeo? OVTTOT oXeircu' NiKf) yap (re vyetv aTrrepos ov 8vvarai. INCERTI. De simulacra Victories sine alis Romce, quddfulmine crematcc essent alee. Te nunquam amissis fugiet Victoria pennis, Nee tua laus poterit, maxima Roma, mori. Jos. J. Scaliger. En ne te fugiat Victoria, perdidit alas : Roma, tuse semper laudis id omen erit. . Grotius. Cum fugere hand possit, fractis Victoria pennis, Te manet imperii, Roma, perenne decus. Sam. Johnson Non est quod pereat victricis gloria Romse : Nempe sedet raptis custos Victoria pennis. G. F. D.T. 3luf fcte a3Utdute ter ottinn 9Joma, at ctn a3ti|fha^t bet SSictoria, tie fie in tcr -&anb Stt, tie Sluget getroffcn ^atte SBettfcetyertStfierinn -JRom ! J)ie iegeggotttn entfliegt bir S^intnter ; Su^iter Setfcfi ^at i^r bie 5'tuget tterfcrannt. Herder. SRtemalg irirb bein 9lat)me Uerge^n, atltiettS^enbeg 9Romn, 5)enn me flie^t bi(^ ber @teg, ben bu ber ftliigel teraubt, Jacobs Queen of the world, how should thy glory die, While Vict'ry stays, and hath no wings to fly. * G.F.D.T. CCLXXXIV. AOYKIAAIOY. II\ovTov fiev 7rXouTo{Wo8' eVe^w CALLIMACHI. Critice epitaphium. Cyzicon ingresso, facili est reperire labore Hippacon et Didumen ; nobile quippe genus. His tu moesta quidem referes jam nuntia, natum Die tamen illorum quod teneo Critiam. N. Frisohlinua. If thou should'st go to Cyzicus, pray seek For Hippacus and Didyme ! (Their name is known there : 'twill no trouble be) And tell them . . . (well I wot the words thou'lt speak Will cut them to the heart !) ... yet tell them, Here I hold the ashes of their Critias dear. J W. B 238 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLXXXVI. A r A e i o Y. Ets Tpoiav. */2 TroXt, irf) crio Kelva ra reject ; TTTJ 7roXvoX/3o. Nr)ol ; Trrf Se /3owi> Kpdara Ur) Ua$M79 aXa/3avv/Jiiijv. K\r)Oeif)Te KOI v/i/z,e? 'EpcoriSes' ov i>e/ieeri9 rot "H^ei Srj Tavrijv K\.rjcriv a/iet-v^a/^eiYM?. Ilai&l yap, ov TVfj,f3q> Airi<$ vTreOiJKare /3cb\ov, OVVOJJM Kal nopffiv auTO? e&ci)Kv"Ep(i)<;, T /2 \dwv (rrj^aroecrcra, Kal 77 irapa Oivl Qahacrcra, IlaiSl crv /j,ev Kov. 2)erf' if)n 8anft o (Srbe, ben fyolben ^naten ber Siefce, llnb U)r 9BeUen, terut)rt Iei8e Sein rutytgeS raB. Herder. Full oft^ of old, the islands changed their name, And took new titles from some heir of fame : Then dread not ye the wrath of gods above, But change your own, and be the Isles of Love ; For ' Love's' own name and shape the infant bore Whom late we buried on your sandy shore . . . Break softly there, thou never- weary wave, And earth, lie light upon his little grave ! J. W. B. 240 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCLXXXVIII. P O Y * I N O Y. ITaXXa? ea-aOpija-aa-a Kal"Hpr) MaiovlS\ etc tcpaSir)*; ia% OvKeri yvfJi>vovfjL(T0a' Kpicris ftia Trot/iei/o? Ov KaXov r/TTaa-dai 8t? irepl Ka\\oen 5(uftgene8 80. Herder. d:rbe, e<9 tnir gegritfft, 9dnmtter f unb tcelrf^er im Seien 2)tr nicfyt ^ajl war, Ietd;t geS) bent 5ttftgenc auc^. Erich 3 on. @e!9, 5lffmutter, gegrutTt ! 2Cie Qliflgenes me bic^ gebrucft ^at f 5l(go Betafie bu je^t aut(? ben 9Uftgene8 nid?t. Jacobs. Earth, lightly press Ausigenes, for he, Mother, ne'er set a heavy foot on thee. I B ccxc. MNASAAKOY. KXVT rfyddeov roS' dvdicropov, dlva fK^pacrdevra e'c tfaXacrcrjjf (v Trj Srj TrXcorolcnv cflyaXXo/nei/o? ire\dyea'cnv ev avappfya) (Svaaodev o OvSe vrepl (TKdXfjLolcn j/ea)9 cra), rapa 7ropTraarev a&av, Batya/Aeva icoiXcov eWo? apt) Xayovwv, Md-njp, a cr eretcev, da/Adrpie' (f)d Be triBapov os eov (f>vp8av pecrrov %pvcra va/3r)8bv emTrptovcra vydv, re\edet<; ovr e/no?, cure AU.KWV, ANTIPATRI THES8ALON. Te verso properantem hostili ex agmine tergo, Trajecit ferro vindice mater atrox, Te tua quse peperit mater : gladiumque recenti Spumantem pueri sanguine crebra rotans, Dentibus et graviter stridens, qualisque Lacsena, Igne retro torquens lumina glauca fero, Linque, ait, Eurotam; et si mors est dura, sub Orcum Effuge ; non meus es ; non Lacedsemonius. T. Warton. Thy mother gave the death thou'dst basely fled ; Through thy deep flank the sword thy mother sped, Demetrius, she that bare thee, and she cried, Her hand upon the steel thy life-blood dyed, Champing her foamy lip in furious wise, And Sparta's daughter glaring in her eyes : Eurotas spurns ; Hell calls thee. Thou could'st flee ! Craven ! thou'rt nought to Sparta, nought to me ! 0.8. ccxcv. n A A A A A A. .TV}? eVeyS^i/ 717*1/09, 71741/09 6* VTTO yaiav aireifiv Kal ri fjLarrjv fjLo^dw, yvfivov opwv TO re\09 ; P A L L A D M. Nudus in hanc terram matris sum lapsus ab alvo : Quo terra excedam tempore nudus ero. Quid gravibus curis, studiis quid inanibus angor ? Dum loquor, a tergo mors quoque nuda venit. Ph. Melancthon. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 245 Terram adii nudus, de terra nudus abibo. Quid labor efficiet? non nisi nudus ero. 8am. Johnson. Ignudo venni in terra, E ignudo andrb sotterra. A che mi affanno e sudo Se finir debbo ignudo ? Paginal. fam id; unb narft gef)' id) einft unter bte (Srbe; on fjtnnen ju gefm, fcraudrt eg tno^I Summer unb 8etb ? Herder. 9lacft einfl fam id) jur HBett ; ucuft rcanbel' id? unter bte drbe. Sold) etn nacfteg egdiirf ijl eg ber SWu^en iro^t rcert^) ? Jacobs. Naked I came upon earth, and naked beneath it I'm going ; Why then labour in vain, seeing that naked's the end ? w. Naked, I entered at my birth ; Naked, I hie me back to earth : Why then should I so anxious be, Since naked still the end I see ? J. W B. CCXCVI. 2IMQNIAOY. "AvOpanr, ov Kpoia-ov XeiW5 rdfov, a\\a yap avSpb? Xepvr/Teca' /upo5 Tv/Aftos, efj.ol 8" iicavos. OVK TTi8o)v vvfifaia \)(TJ Kareftrjv TOV atyvKTOv SIMONIDIS. Non Croesi hie tumulus; privata condor in urna : Ut tenui, tenuis sufficit iste lapis. Nomine Gorgippus, vixi sine conjuge : nunc me Persephone thalamo non fugienda tenet. w. -ftroiSoS rob nidjt fte^fl bu, o SSanberer ; gonbern beg arnten Solblingg. ^lein nur ijV'g, at>er ger.ugenb fur mid;. frolggam fiieg orgi^^og ^inafe ju ^erge^oneng bunfler o^nung, o^ne fid? je Brdutltdjen Sagerg ju freun. Jacobs. A poor man, not a Croesus, here lies dead, And small the sepulchre befitting me : Gorgippus I, who knew no marriage-bed, Before I wedded pale Persephone. Sterling. 246 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCXCVII. NIK APX O Y. OVK airodvrjffKeiv Set pe ; ri fj,oi pe\ei, rjv re TroBaypos, "Hv re Spo/J,evs yeyovo)? et9 'AiSrjv vTrdyw ; UoXXol yap p cupovffiv ea ^&>X6z> /*e yevecrOcu. T&vS 1 evetcev yap icrws OVTTOT e&> 6t,acrovs. NICARCHI. Quidquid agam, mors certa manet. Refertne podager, An cursor Ditis limina nigra petam ? Multi me tollent. Fiam sine claudus : ob illud Ne dulces thiasos sit mihi deserere. Grotiue aJhiff \fy nid^t fterBen bareinft ? 3Ba3 fummert'S mify, ob tcfy Ober alg Sdufer fcefyenb fteige jam >abeg i)inat ? SBiele j;a tragen mtc^ bann ; brum lafft mtc^ fyinfen, o 2)e8^aI6 fcleifc 'ic^ funuafer nirf)t oon bem rfimaitSe Jacobs Must I not die at all events, and go, Nimble or gouty, to the shades below? Then what if I grow lame ? There will be found Bearers enough, to lift me off the ground : Is it to ease them that you'd now perchance Bid me leave off the revels and the dance ? w. CCXCVIII. 2IMQNIAOY. */2 ^eiv, ayye\\eiv AaiceSaiiLoviois, on roSe KeL/jueda, rots tceivwv prj^acn TreiOofAevoi. SIMON I D IS. Die, hospes, Spartae, nos te hie vidisse jacentes, Dum sanctis patriae legibus obsequimur. Cicero. Nos Lacedaemoniis refer hie, peregrine, jacentes, Exhibito illorum vocibus obsequio. Laur Valla Nos hie esse sitos Spartse die, qusestimus, hospes, Dura facimus promto corde quod ipsa jubet. Grotius Annunzia a Sparta, o passeggier, che noi Qui giacciam, fidi a quanto impone a' suoi. 1C. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 247 SOBanbret, gag' e8 in ^atta : 3Bir finb iw (Strette gefatten, lr) a-retydvow;, rfj IIa\\dBt T)jv 7rXoa/u8a, 'Apre/uSi (t>wr)v avBero Ka\\ipor)' EvpeTO yap /jLvrjcrTfjpa rov r^de\e, KOI Xa^ei/ r/ftrjv %(0(f>pova, Kal reKecDV ap&ev eriK7 ir reetfjt ^alltr^oe ben .Kranj ^ter $atfag, bie SocEe bir; 5)ir o 2)iana ben urt; 2)enn tfjt gatet i^r, ute, ben STOann, ben fie miing^te, bie 3at)re linger 9Sernunft unb bann ^inber, ein mannli(^ e8(^te^t. Herder. Venus, this chaplet take ! (Callirrhoe pray'd) The youth I loved, thy power hath made him mine. These locks to thee I vow, Athenian maid ! By thee I holy kept my virgin shrine : To Artemis my zone ; a mother's joy She gave me to possess; my beauteous boy. Merivale. 248 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. ccc. 2IMQNIAOY. UoXXa TTIODV Kal TroXXa aya)v teal TroXXa Kate eiVa>i> 'AvdpwTTOvs, Kei^at Tt/WKpewv 'PoSto?. 8 I M O N I D I 8. Edi multa, bibi multa, et probra plurima dixi, Qui situs hie nunc sum, Timocreon Rhodius. Orotiua. Epitaphium Joannis Eccii sophistce et parasiti Pontificii. UoXXa 7ria>v, Kal TroXXa (f>ayo)v Kal TroXXa Kait eiirwv 'Ev Be rd(j>a) "JE/ao? yr)pa\eos ; INCERTI, VBt BIANORIS. Insatiate Charon, juvenem cur Attalon aufers ? Non tuus ille, senex si moreretur, erat ? Grotius. O tu, Caron, insaziabil fera, A che si giovin Attalo rapisti ? S' ei moria vecchio, forse tuo non era? M. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 249 ittimmergegdttigter Job, rcag rautft bu ben blitynben ^nafcen, Slttalog ? 9Bar er ntdjt betn, rcenn er int Qllter erfcltcfy ? Jacobs. Why, greedy Charon, haste to take Young Attalus away ? If in old age he cross'd thy lake, Were he not still thy prey ? w. CCCII. A A H A O N. Hive KOI vpaivow ri yap aijpiov, rj ri TO /J,e\\ov ; OuSei? yvyvwcricei. /J,rj rpe^e, /XT) KOTTIU. f /2? Svvacrai, -^dpurai, nerdSo To tfiv rov firj ffiv ovSev oXw? a JTa? 6 ^to? rotocrSe, poTrrj p,6vow av Trpo\d^rji\.6(jLe0a ; INCERTI. Infantem quid me rapis, insatiabilis Orce ? Omnes debemur nos tibi : quid properas ? Grotius. SWtd) unmitnbigen ^natett entrafftefl bu, gieriger $ob, 0c^on ? $BaS So geetlt ? tub nidjt atle btr flc^er genug ? Vcss. Insatiate Grave ! we all are due to thee. Then why such haste ? Why seize a babe like me ? w. ANTHOLOGIA POLYQLOTTA. 251 cccv. AAHAON 01 8e MEAEATPOY. 'AiSao 6eov xty a dppijrov Befjivta IlapOevoi o>aTlV OVK "Epya, ryvvaitcetov S' erpairev e? ITte/otSe?, rt Kopycnv e'<' v/3pi(TTTJpa6TCe6enb im 5l%tgercotf, bet geftiigeltc rog, SCSurbe gefangen, bein SBItrf fing, o ^imarion, mid^. Ericheon. 'Tis Love himself, entangled as he flies ! Timarion, you've caught him with those eyes. 254 ANTIIOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCIX. A A H A O N. OVK a piv ovpdviov Kpvos wXecrev* ?} yap AWepos, ovpavicov avTiTra\o<; vimntet6 erlag ; benn ufcer ben Sttmjen SBe^renb bem (Sturm unb en:6lf fcarrte fie mntterltd) au. s 4Jrofne, d;dmfl bu bid? ntcf;t in bem QltbeS ? fcefcft bu, 2Kebea, 9lid;t bor bir Selber juriicE, ^orfl bu bie 3^aten beg &u^n3 ? Jacobs. When winter's snow in beating storms descends, Her callow brood the mother bird defends : Her fostering wings their tender limbs embrace : Till froze to death, she still retains her place. In Pluto's realm, amidst the illustrious dead Blush, Procne, blush ; Medea, hide your head, Whilst a poor bird, by nature taught alone, To save her younglings' lives could sacrifice her own. Sir A. Croke. 'Twas winter ; and the farm's domestic bird Shed her soft pinions round her nestling brood, Sprinkled the while with snows : nor yet she stuVd Though 'neath heav'n's frost to perish, as she stood Their champion still 'gainst storm and cruel sky ! Hear, Procne, and Medea, hear, for you Were mothers : and, from where in death ye lie, Know your full shame by what the fowls can do. O. F. D. T. 256 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXI. AAESnOTON. Els AeiaviSrjv. IIo\\ov air 'JroX/T;? /eei/iat %0ovo. Ovvopa 8' OVK revere AecovlSov aura/ie Swpa Kiipva-crei Mova-ewv Travras eV ^eXtoi/9- INCEBTI. Italia'longe jaceo, patriaque Tarento, Et magis liaec res est aspera morte mihi. Invita usque adeo vita est peregrina : sed ipsis A Musis melior nunc mihi vita data est. Quippe per Aonidum sacra munera tempus in omne Concelebrat nomen fama Leonideum. Grotius. Sanbe, ber glucEHct)en emtat^ SarantoS raB ; 8(^merji)ott nte^r al ber $ob ift mtr ba. (Sin llnleljen, ac^ ; lefct ber 3Sertannete. 5lfcer bie 2Jht8en i SBaren mir ^olb ; unb entnjolft Iticfjett mir Belter metn 3!ag. SRtmtner ijerge^et Seoniba'8 9lu^m ; bie egcfyenfe ber SKugen ulb |at mir (SiiffeS fur 9Bittre8 erlie^n. 0limmer UernjeKet ber 9flu^m beg SeonibaS ; gonbern ber 2Jht8en a6en t>erfunben i^n jietg Big gu bem @nbe ber 3^*- Jacobs. Far from Tarentum's native soil I lie, Far from the dear land of my infancy. 'Tis dreadful to resign this mortal breath, But in a stranger clime 'tis worse than death \ Call it not life, to pass a fever'd age In ceaseless wanderings o'er the world's wide stage. But me the Muse has ever lov*d, and giVn Sweet joys to counterpoise the curse of Heav'n, Nor lets my memory decay, but long To distant times preserves my deathless song. Merivale. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 257 A long way from the land of Italy, And, bitterer to me than death ! I lie Not in my native Taranto : so fares The needy wand'rer ! But the tuneful Nine Gave me their love, and sweets in lieu of cares. And now can no oblivion sink my name ; For to all time the Muses' gifts proclaim Leonidas, where'er the orb of day doth shine. w. CCCXII. AEONIAA A A E E A N A P E Q 2. 6 veoyvbs CLTTO Kpr)fj,vov Trdis epircw ' '/i(7Tf am/ere 4779 rjp^ero Svcr/topir)?' 'H 8e /AeOcoSyyiicrev cnrb crrepvow 7rpo(J>pov y\VKpois /36rpv(nv r} Kal /JLTJV ouS' 7r efjLol /jLrjrrjp coSti/a? Av. Mr) ve/jieaa /Satotcrf %a/3<poSiTav Tifidr , r) TOV "Epwv vfipiv efyoTrKiGOpai. Xai Mova-ai irorl Kinrpiv "Apei ra arw^vKa ravra- 'Afuv 8' ov Trerarat TOVTO TO TraiSdptov. MUSICII, VEL PLATONI9. Cypris ait Musis : Agnoscite nostra, puellse, Numina, vel jussus vos male perdet Amor. Has, Dea, respondent Musse, Marti occine nugas. Ad nos lascivus non volat ille puer. Coromirius. Ad Musas Venus hsec : Veneri parete, puellae, In vos ne missus spicula tendat Amor. Hsec Musae ad Venerem : Sic Marti, Diva, mineris ; Hue nusquam volitat debilis iste puer. Sam. Johnson. Vener disse alle Muse : O m^ onorate, Ovver I' arme d' Amor tosto aspettate. Ed elle : Non dir piu ; che '1 tuo figliuolo Cos! alto ove siam, non drizza il volo. L. Alamanni. Disse alle Muse un di la Cipria Dea : Fate a D'ione, o verginelle, onore, O v' armo contro Amore. E le Muse alia vaga Citerea : Queste belle parole Serba al tuo Marte amato ; Che intorno a noi mai non avvien che vole Quel garzoncello alato. FT. Forzoni Accolti. Alle Muse Ciprigna : Fate onore, O giovincelle, a Venere ; od arinato Faro che contra voi ne venga Amore. E a Ciprigna le Muse : Questi tuoi Ciarlari a Marte. Non ispiega il volo Cotesto fanciulluzzo inverse noi. Pompei. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 261 i'cniis tint tic tytatf) jit ben 2ftu3en : " fcmljrt, o SKabd)en, bie l)of)e $a$)ia, ober id) . . . titfte ben %nor aitf eud? ! " <$d?tt>dgerintt, g^radjen bie 2Jht8en, bem ungefltteten 2tfa&or8 2>rot)e ; ben 2Jhtgen tmngt ntmmer bein Jtnafce efatyr. Herder. Grog unb fcte 3u$en. tac^ ju ben 2tfugen : i^r QJMbcfyen, tiere^rt 5tv^obitenS ott^jeit, ober id) ri'tfl' @ro3 jum ^am^fe mit eud). bet ijttin erwieberten jen', (Sn^alioS Sage 2)te $raf)Itt>orte ; Bebrof)t ling bag gefh'igelte ^inb? Erichson. 2)? u 9 c n u n fc 2t p t) r o fc i t e. rac^ ju ben 2Jhi3en : 3^r 3KdgbIein, eljrt Dber mit 9Baffen fwefyrt enb' id) ben @ro ju eud). bie 9RuSen ernneberten i^r: 2)ieff bro^e bem QtreS; egen ung, ^^ria, fe^rt nimmer ber JtnaBe ben 5Iug. Jacobs Yee Nymphs, quoth Venus, stand of mee in awe, Or armed Love shall all your hearts invade. Goddesse, sayd they, wee reckon not a straw That winged boy ; these threats to Mars upbraid. Leximos Uthalmua. Imitation. Thus to the Muses spoke the Cyprian dame : Adore my altars, and revere my name ; My son shall else assume his potent darts : Twang goes the bow : my girls, have at your hearts ! The Muses answer'd Venus : We deride The vagrant's malice, and his mother's pride. Send him to nymphs who sleep on Ida's shade, To the loose dance and wanton masquerade. Our thoughts are settled, and intent we look On the instructive verse and moral book : On female idleness his power relies, But when he finds us studying hard, he flies. Prior. 262 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA CCCXVI. E Y H N O Y. "Els 6/j0a. EUENI. Ut Cnidiam videre Jovis soror atque Minerva, Dixerunt : Querimur non bene de Paride. Gkro.tius. Palla e Giunon, allor che vedut' hanno La Gnidia Citerea, dissero : A torto Biasmi al Frigio pastor da noi si danno. Pompei. @^auenb bie ^ntbiSc^e J^rtS, tcgannen Qlt^en' unb be 2>onn'rer3 attinn : mit Unrest bod? ftrafen njir $riamoS @of)n. Ericbson ^ere unb $atta8, al3 fie bte ^nibict;e 6ttin ertttcfteu, OUefen : SWit Unrest, traun, Scfyalten reir $arig erid)t. Jacobs When Pallas and Jove's bedfellow Surveyed the Cnidian dame, We have no right, they cried, to throw On Paris all the blame. w. CCCXVII. A E Q N I A O Y. Mr) av y eV olov6/j,oio TrepfafXeov t\vo<; &8e TOVTO ^apaSpaiij^ 6ep/j,6v, oStra, Trigs' 'A\\a fw\cov fiaXa rvrOov inrep 8afjia\i](3oTOV a/cpav, Keicre ye Trap tceiva Trotfjuevla Trirvl Evpijo-et? Ke\apvov evicprjvov 8ia vrerp^? Nd/jia, Bopeialrjs ^Jri^poTepov vid8o6Iiefc, 3d?ofe ben lautid?en runf. ^Better ein rcemgeg nur urn ben fdlberrceibenben wgel, >ort, wo -trten jur Sufi gduSelnb bte fttcfyte fid) fyU, ftinbeji bu tiofl aufftrontenb beg quettigen ^etSengeftufteS mare 8flut^, njie beS 0Iorb8 fttocfengefto&er, So fait. Voss. Jlrinfe nid)t ^ter auS bem einsamen >untyf unb be ictlbtn etvdfferd Olejten ba laulige 91ajf, SEanbrer, tntt gc^Iamme <&onbern ein rcenig entfernt an ber ^inberernd^renben 0le6en ber &i*te ; bem @t ireibenber >trten ju teffet ftc^ bir ein ftlBerner SBacf) au ber mojtgen ftalt ie t^rafiS^er @^nce, riegelnb jur bne 6era6. Jacobs. Too lonely is this place ; nor cool nor clear The torrent's water ; wand'rer, drink not here. Climb but yon knoll, the heifer's pasture sweet ; There, by yon pine, the shepherd's noonday seat, Thou'lt see from out its rocky fountain flow The gurgling wave, more cold than Scythian snow. CCCXVIII. A A H A O N. ?, MtXndSr), ra aar. 2)?arat^ong 5elb ifi bir ein iem^el be6 Jacobs Miltiades \ thy valour best (Although in every region known) The men of Persia can attest, Taught by thyself at Marathon. W. Cowpor. Miltiades, thy victories Must ev*ry Persian own ; And hallow'd by thy prowess lies The field of Marathon. \v. 264 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXIX. IOYAIANOY ANTIKEN2OPO2. otcrja-ov Tlvyftauav ^So/ievr) yepavos. JULIANI ANTECESSORIS. Obvia, Pygmseo quae gaudet sanguine, ne te Grus fodiat rostro, tutus in urbe mane. a. B. Statti in casa, o le gru ti assaliranno, Che de' pigmei ghiotte del sangue vanno. M. Don't venture out of town : a crane, may be, Scenting out pigmy blood, will peck at thee. w. Keep safe in town ; some raVning crane, mayhap, In pigmy's blood delighting, thine may tap. O. B. Rondeau. Stay in town, little wight, Safe at home : If you roam, The cranes, who delight Upon pigmies to sup, Will gobble you up. Stay at home. w. cccxx. A M M I A N O Y. El ftov\ei rov "jralSa SiSdgai pr/ropa, Hav\e, 'fit OVTOC TTavre?, ypdfjLfjLaTa jj,rj jjiaOeTO). AMMIANI. Institui puerum si vis a rhetore, Paule, Nil legat : illorum more disertus erit. Grotius. Vuoi che a' nostri orator divenga pari, Paolo, tuo figlio ? Fa che nulla impari. Pagnini. Would you breed your son a speaker, like the men who rule the nation, Have a care you don't unfit him by a learned education. w. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 265 CCCXXI. AEIJNIAOY, of 8e 0EOKPITOY. Kal rf^direvv *A7r6\\o)v, '{2elio3 gcfju^te l;ulbretc^ il^n, 2)aff inelgercanbt er unb bet Stebetgafce fcofl 2)e8 ^08 $Beien unb bat Si)ra 5!on fanb. Jacobs. On Archilochus. Archilochus, that antient bard, behold I Arm'd with his own iambics keen and bold ; Whose living fame with rapid course has run Forth from the rising to the setting sun. The Muses much their darling son approved, The Muses much, and much Apollo lov'd ; So terse his style, so regular his fire, Composing verse to suit his sounding lyre. FaVkes. Ll 266 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXXII. ANTIIIATPOY. eiKova Neftpeiwv oiroa-ov 9' Ou8e f^drrjv airakols govQbs Trepl %ei\etrtengeSang Id'nblidjet SBten ttergaff. Jacobs. On Pindar. As the loud trumpet to the goatherd's pipe, So sounds thy lyre, all other sounds surpassing ; Since round thy lips, in infant fulness ripe, Swarm'd honied bees, their golden stores amassing. Thine, Pindar, be the palm, by him decreed Who holds on Msenalus his royal sitting ; Who for thy love forsook his simple reed, And hymns thy lays in strains a god befitting. Merivale. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 267 As the voice of the jubilant trumpet's swell Surpasses the goatherd's flute, So, Pindar, whenever thou strik'st the loud shell, Overpower' d all others are mute. T' was for this, on thy soft lips the bees in a throng Honied labours are said to have plied, And Maenalian Pan, for the charm of thy song, Laid his pastoral ditty aside. w. CCCXXIII. KAAAJMAXOY. Aaip.ova rt? 8' ev ol8e rbv avpiov, dvi/ca KOI ere, Xdp/j.i, TOV 6(f>0a\fAol<; ^Bt^bv ev d/j,eTepoi,$, Ta erepa K\avcravTe<; eddrrro^ev ; ovSev eiceivov Elbe Trarrjp Aiofywv %p}/*' dviijporepov- CALLIMACHI. Fata, quis est hominum, novit qui crastina, Charmi, Si te, quern populus vidimus omnis heri, Nunc flemus, terrseque damus ? Nil tempore tanto Aspexit Diophon tarn sibi triste pater. Orotiua. Crastina nescimus quee lux mala proferat : et te Vidit heri in vivis deliciasque pater, Charmi, nova quern luce sepulcro tradimus : ista Nil potent, Diophon, tristius esse die. T. F. Chi puo il domane saper mai, se visto Te ieri, o Canni, co' nostri occhi abbiamo, E sotterra piangendo or ti poniamo ? Tuo padre non provo caso piu tristo ! Pa&nini. Who shall pretend to read tomorrow's doom ? O Charmis dear ! One day, our eyes beheld thee in thy bloom ; The next, we laid thee weeping in the tomb : Ne'er knew thy sire a sorrow so severe ! J. W. B 268 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXXIV. AAOEIOY MITYAHNAIOY. eri dpffvov dtcovopev, claeri Tpoirjv 1 K (BdOptav 7rd tonen jte mit, bet 5tnbromad)e Jtlagen. 3n Sroja *>or ung, liiirjenb in drummer imb rau. fdm^fet noc^ jefct ior StionS ^eiligen 3Jiauern, eftorn 6e^en njir not^ flnfen in d)maf)Iidien taitb. (Stner, ber SKdonibe, gab 5lttem unfierbtic^eS Sefeen, Unb Scin 3Saterlanb ift jebe fcercofynete SBelt. Smrnet noc^ ^)6r' icfy ben O^merj ^nbrontad;eng ; unmet nod; ct;n iviv 3lion8 fyeiltge 33utg tief aug ben SCButjetn jetjlijtt -, Unb ben 9lianti8djeit ^amff, unb sjon feuttgen Sftoffen 5tcf?itteug &eftot8 Seiche ge^Ieift untet ben 5Kauetn bet 8r). Eiy " Av JM ealSrjS, KOI eyai ae" crv fj,ev (3i\tamfe bie Srauten, unb Set Jtimig be ndc^tti(^en 3Berf ! ouf, unb emauntre ben ^eltertanj, pon ben leic^ten ffitffen trtefe ber 2)?ojt unb bom geScfymeibtgen r jungefcelefcenbe SSein, Bel 'm O^fer ber llnb ber jottigen eiff, firom' in bie 5af[e Christian von Stolberg. pecriv r)8vv ev 77/877 Olcrrpotyopov ITa^HT?? dea-fiov aTrenrd/Jievos, /SeXeecrcrty dve/Jifia'Tos 6 Trplv 'Epcaratv, aol K\lva>, KvTrpc, /J,ecrai7r6\io<>. -a, aoi)V ort, IIaX\dSa Nvv TrXeov, 77 TO Trdpos IM']\W efi ' PAULI SILENTIARII. Ille ego qui quondam, dum ver mihi floruit EEAH, In Paphiae leges corde rebellis eram ; Ille ego qui vixi telis intactus Amoris, Submitto senior jam tibi colla, Yenus. Suscipe me rideque : magis jam Pallada vincis, Quam cum de malo lis fuit Hesperidum. Grotius. QuelF io, che gia degli anni miei sul fiore Venere odiai, a Palla ognor costante, A nuovo stral decrepito amatore Offro oggi il cuor non mai piagato avante. Lieta m^ accogli, o madre alma d' Amore, E insuperbisci pel canuto am ante ; Per cui nuovo trionfo hai sulla Dea Piu bello assai della \ittoria Idea. Averardo de' Medici. The youth who with unmitigated mind Inciting Paphia's gentle sway declined, Who proved so unassailable when blooming, And set at nought Love's arrows limb-consuming ; Now, Cypris, with his wise head frosted over, Bends low to thee his neck and turns a lover. Take me and laugh. Thou thwartest Pallas wise, E'en more than when she lost the Hesperid golden prize. O.C. 3. 272 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXXVIII. HAATQNO2. Els ayaKfJLa Ilavos crvpiov. Svydrw \daiov 8pvd8a>v Xe-Tra?, 01 T cnro Kpovvoi, Kal fihrj'xr) 7rovXt>/U77)9 TO Avrov' Al 8e Trepi% 6a\epolcn %opbv irodiv ecnrjaavro PL ATONI9. De ejfigie Panis fistula canente. Balatus ovium sileant, Dryadumque recessus Frondiferi, et murmur rupe cadentis aquae : Ipse canens silvis carmen resonabile Faunus Labra super vinctis ponit arundiiiibus : At circum in numeros perplexa ambage feruntur Pulcher Amadryadum Naiadumque chorus. G-rotius. 9luf etne gc^one egenb, in ber $an SSitbntff ftanb. <5d)rceige, bu ic^en^ain ! 3^r Cuieften unter ben 5elen, SKurmelt letter, unb i^r, irten unb evoio ; Kryrbv yap OvrjTols ov&e 7Tt Quo precor usque citis, quas spes tibi subjicit, alls, O anime^ ad coeli nubila summa volas, Divitiasque tibi semper, nova somnia, pingis ? Parce ; parant homines absque labore nihil. Pieridum placeant tibi munera : qui velit, amens Obscuris animum pascat imaginibus. Grotius. 2>ie Sffiotfen. @eele, rcte lang', o tie tang nriflft bit ben leeren offnungen fliegen nac^i, unter bie SKotfen tyinauf ? SOBoIfen unb leere Xrciume jagen einanber, ben (SterMtrfien nirf)t3, nt^tg fie 93egtucfenbe8 ^ier. J?omm' ^erunter, iinb 8ucf)e ber SBeig^eit afeen. 5)er itle ben leeten 2Binb, ber nut bie Seeten Beglitcft. Herder. ?, o t^ortgeS on eitler offnung trunfen em^or gdfynjeBcn jum fatten ereotf ; 2>ie|f $f)antom mit jenem, unb Xra'ume mit 5!raunten tertau6^enb ? rcitb 3)?eng^en ju S^eit, o^jne SSetnutyn unb umSonfl. ber 2P?u3en ec^en? erflrete bit \ 3enet oetnjortnen 95ttber i)on tiicf unb emtff mogen ftd) 3^)oren erfreun. JacolDS. How long upon vain hopes, oh wretched Soul, Still fluttering too near the cloud's cold chill, Shall dream on dream of riches thee cajole? For nought accrues to mortals as they will. Seek thou the Muses' gifts ; and leave to fools These visions dim, wrought by thy fancy's tools. E.S. M m 274 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. cccxxx. MEAEATPOY. Al Nv/j,(f)ai rov Bdic'xpv, or etc Trvpos ij\aro Ntyav vTrep repr)s apTi KV\iofJievov. Tovverca trvv Nv/j, Bpo/j,ioionl}u8 einfi au Su^terS fflammen an'g Sicfyt Sprang, 2Bu3d?en bie Sflqm'vfyn iljn freunblid) am ,Ru|)tenben Xuett ; Unb nod) liefct er bie 0ltym$)en, itnb nrirb mit Ujnen go milbe ; Dfyne ber -Sttfylenben 9Sab ift er ein Brennenber ott. Herder. et>en al3 ^inb aug ben $Iammen tyeroorging, on ber Qlec^e fceberft, njug^en bie SR^m^en i^n afc. Darum Bringt er enuff mit ben 9tymvf)en nur. torfl bit bie alte <5intrad?t, finbejt bit nur ffantmenbeS Seuer in i^m. Jacobs. Great Bacchus^ born in thunder and in fire, By native heat asserts his dreadful sire. Nourished near shady rills and cooling streams, He to the Nymphs avows his amorous flames. To all the brethren at the Bell and Vine, The moral says : Mix water with your wine. Prior. While heavenly fire consumed his Theban dame, A Naiad caught young Bacchus from the flame, And dipp'd him burning in her purest lymph. Still, still he loves the sea-maid's crystal urn, And when his native fires infuriate burn, He bathes him in the fountain of the Nymph. T Moore. CCCXXXI. A A H A O N. 'Els Atoi/f(roi/. 'Ex Triyjo?, o> Aiovvae, TO Sevrepov, fjViKa '.Efeurt. Erichson. Bacchus, the flames have brought thee twice to view : From Myron's forge thou'rt born in bronze anew. w. 276 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXXXII. 2IMQNIAOY. "Ore \dpvaici ev ScuSaXea aj/e/to? Bpefjiy TTvewv, Kivr)6eianae' ^lagc. @in fragment. 2ltrifto jttang Seine iEix^ter Jlanae, mtt intent c^ne 5|3ereu3 in einem SKcu^en ufcet ta8 QJJeet ju fluc^ten. Da bet turm flc^ er^ot) mtt wilbem SBtauSen, llnb bie em^orten Sogen 311 $er3d)etten Dro^tcn ben 0la^cn ; gd^tang bie tangc 3Kutter Wit fcetljtanten SBangen ben Qtrm um i^ren , unb rufte llagenb : O, mein Sammer erbulb' ic^ ? SorgloS 2)u inbeff in ber Suffen (SaugltngSung^ulb DeineS ^etjenS ! (Singe^^Ioffen int graugen Jlerfer, 278 ANTHOLOQIA POLYGLOTTA. 9?on ben ftlutfyen ge8d;leubett, unb in fhiffre SDKtterndcfytttctye fatten eingetyittfet. 9lcfy, bu Itegejt inbcff fcebed t mit beincnt $urutmantel, unrcetyt on beinen fraugen 5Baflenben ocfen ; unfcefummert burd? bie turjenbe 5Bog', unb butd? beg turnteg @au3en ! 51(1) bu 8d?one8 J?ndf>Iein ! n>enn bit furcfytfcar, bit ware bieSe Clotty, bu njiitbefl bein jarteS D^r ju nteiner Jt (age ! 51^, ic^ fle^e bir, 6$Iafe ^tnb ! unb Sc^Iafet SGBogen ! unb bu, unenblidjet Sammer, Sc^Iafe ! Christian von Stolberg. When the wind, resounding high, Bluster'd from the northern sky, When the waves, in stronger tide, Dash'd against the vessel's side, Her care-worn cheek with tears bedew' d, Her sleeping infant Danae viewed ; And trembling still with new alarms, Around him cast a mother's arms. " My child ! what woes does Danae weep ! But thy young limbs are wrapt in sleep. In that poor nook all sad and dark, While lightnings play around our bark, Thy quiet bosom only knows The heavy sigh of deep repose. The howling wind, the raging sea, No terror can excite in thee ; The angry surges wake no care That burst above thy long deep hair; But couldst thou feel what I deplore, Then would I bid thee sleep the more ! Sleep on, sweet boy ; still be the deep ! Oh could I lull my woes to sleep ! Jove, let thy mighty hand o'erthrow The baffled malice of my foe ; And may this child, in future years Avenge his mother's wrongs and tears ! " ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 279 CCCXXXIII. APXIOY MITYAHNAIOY. &pr)licas alveiTQ) TIv Trpbs 6i[ivoi. ARCHIVE. Thracum laudanda est sapientia ; queis modo natus Excipitur fletu tristitiaque puer ; Ast anima e vita discedens non sine plausu Mittitur ad Stygias lastitiaque domos. Principium luctus nasci est mortalibus aegris^ Perfugium luctus et medicina mori. G S. Danno i Traci a ragion per chi vien fuore Dal sen materno segni di dolore, E stiman sovra tutti awenturato Quel cui ratto involo di vita il fato ; Che niille e mille mali a' vivi assedio Fan : morte sola e d^ ogni mal rimedio. Pagnini. The Thracians* custom I applaud, for they Bewail the infant on his natal day ; But joy when death with unexpected blow Consigns the spirit to the shades below. Full well j for every ill besets man's life ; But death's the balm of all its varied strife. T. F. Wise Thracians ! O'er the new-born boy Just entering on the world they weep ; But speed, when life is o'er, with joy The spirit to its last long sleep. For misery comes to man with breath, And misery's sovereign balm is death. Q-. 8. 280 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXXXIV. A r A 9 I O Y 2XOAA2TIKOY. JjwfJM (f>epa)v ovaoetSe?, aSep/cei' epeiv. HSea fj,ev yap aov TO, (frvcrei Ka\d, en ? 11 ^afl jtrar 5"au8enb lleM, unb fie nteiben unb travjeu ijt gc^wer. 5l6er bit 8d)enffl ung auc^ i?iel gc^one a6en, bte @onne, SWeer unb (rbe, ben 5Wonb unb bte eftttne ber ^reiti^ ijl 9lfle gonfl Soil ^uvc^t unb @$merfcen. SebeS lucfeS enuff immer bte 0lemeftg nac^. Herder. Set fann o^ne ju ftetten bic^ fl!ie^en, o SeBen, unjcii)I6ar 3fl betn Seiben ! bid? fliefjn unb bi^ erbulben ifl gc^irer ! Penned; Btul;en ung gd)6ne ^reuben, bie G'rb' unb bte (Semite efcen fte un8, unb ber 2Wonb, unb bie efttrn' unb bag 2)?eet ; 5(6er, je nte^r bie ftreube bent tntntet unb @rbe, SDJeer unb efitrn' unb ber 3J?onb, elio Ieud?tenber Ianj. 3furd?t unb Seiben erfuU'n bag u6rige. ijttnet bag litrf btr uteS, 80 vraget bafur 0ientert8 2?6Seg ung gu. Jacobs. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 283 From thee, o Life ! and from thy myriad woes Who but by death can flee or find repose ? For though sweet Nature's beauties gladden thee, The sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the sea, All else is fear and grief; and each success Brings its retributive unhappiness. w. CCCXXXVIII. M A K K I O Y. Eis ndi/u. EvTreraXov yXavtcav dvaBevBpdBa rdvBe Trap 1 aicpais 'IBpvvOels \oiais Ilav oS' e7TK7*07re&>. El Be (re TroptyvpovTOS e%ei TTO^OS, & TrapoBlra, Borpvos, ov 8oveco jaarpl %apL%o/jLeva>' *Hv 8e %fpt fyavcrys K\OTTIT) povov, avriica Be^r] ^O^aXerjv ftatcrpov njvBe Kaprj^aplfjv. QUIXTI MACCII. Hos ego cserulea frondentes vite racemos In summo collis vertice Pan tueor. Purpureas si vis uvas gustare, viator, Non tibi quod ventri sit satis invideo. At si fare manu properes vel tangere tautum, Hoc faciam doleat jam tibi fuste caput. Grotius. Hie stans vertice montium supremo Pan, glaucei nemoris nitere fructus Cerno desuper, uberemque silvam. Quod si purpureae, viator, uva3 Te desiderium capit, roganti Non totum invideo tibi racemum. Quin si fraude mala quid hinc reportes, Hoc poenas luito caput bacillo. T. Warton. To guard the gleamy-leaved and clustering vine Here Pan is placed aloft upon the hill. The purple grape to taste shouldst thou incline, I bid thee welcome, traveller ; eat thy fill. But if thou lay'st one finger here, to steal, The weight of this good cudgel shalt thou feel. G. 8 284 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXXXIX. AAE2HOTON, ol S EYHNOY. Kopa, fj,e\iOp6irre, XaXo? \d\ov d Terrtya Trravois Saira (frepeis re/ceo-iv, Tbv \d\ov a \a\6earaa, rbv eirmepov a 7TTep6eonig gend^rt, bu entfitfyrft bie Gtcabe epet? aSi/cov. MARCI ARGENTARII. Melissa^ facis quod mellis artifex apis : Id meute servo conditum : Des basia, fluis melle ; mercedem petas, Iniqua aculeos agis. G. F.D.T. Cuncta, Melissa, facis, quse mellificans apis : olim Id novi; id, mulier, mente manet memori. Dulcia fers modo nunc mellitis basia labris ; Injusto repetis mox pretium stimulo. O. F.D.T. Melissa, your name, and your deeds are the same As all those of the flow'r-loving bee ; No truth on my breast is more deeply imprest ; And, woman, 'tis thus d'ye see. From your lips, as you kiss, so sweet is the bliss ; Methinks they drop with honey : And you carry a sting, an iniquitous sting, That strikes, as you ask for money. CCCXLI. A I O T I M O Y. Ti Tr\iov eiV ' rfj 8' e/c KaXa^t]^ Iei^e bic^ ganft um'8 rat, bu immergri'tnenber @^eu, @anft unt o^ofleS rat gc^Iinge bie Socfen um^cr; Slogentugc^e, ^ffanjet eu^ ^)tn; mtt glii^enben 3ie^e ber SGBeinftocf Sc^tanf gleitenbe SfteBen 5)enn ber reeiSe 2)t(^ter, ber ^)ier Sc^taft, t;atte ber titel ; i^m war 2)?uge unb rajte ^olb. Herder. ben 9, Seivo?. ri Se TO 7r\eoz>, r\v irciXiv enra>, Kal TtaXiv, oi/jubfyov iro\\dici, Seivbs "Epax; ; yap 6 7rai \oi&opa, Kal rpefarcu. a Be fioi, TTW? apa Sia ie bu, ber fclauen } $lod;ter, au0 91aff tut^ ju geod^ren &ermod)t. Jacobs. Cruel is Love ! But where' s the use Still ' Love is cruel' thus to say ? The urchin laughs, nay on abuse He thrives, revile him as you may. Venus, thou daughter of the sea, O how can fire thus spring from thee ? o. s. o o 290 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXLV. *IAinnOY 6E22AAONIKEO2. AdrvTTOS 'Ap%iTe\r]<} 'Ayaddvopi TraiBl Oavovn Xepcrlv ol&pals r)p/j,o\6yr)(re rdfov, At at, Trirpov e/cetvov, ov OVK KO\a^re (rtSrjpos, \4\\' erd/crj Trvtcivois Sdicpva-t reyyo/Aevo?. $ev, (7Tij\r) KOV^TJ fteve, /ceivos 'iv "OvTQ)s TraTwr) et3 eTredrj/ce \i6ov. PHILIPPI THES8ALONICENSIS. Parvi busta vides Agathanoris^ ipse paterna Condidit Architeles quae lapicida manu. Sseve lapis, non te uota ferrum excavat arte, Lapsa sed ex oculis plurima gutta meis. Sis puero, precor, usque levis ; sic dixerit, hunc quse Imposuit^ vere dextra paterna fuit. Q". S. The stone-hewer Architeles uprears, Fashion'd by sorrowing hands, this monument To Agathanor his departed son. That stone alas ! needed no chisel ; tears, Fast flowing tears their melting streams had lent To wear deep characters of woe thereon. Lie light upon the dead, thou stone ! that He May own a father's care in placing thee. w. CCCXLVI. AAE2HOTON. Avro) teal re/eeecro-fc yvvaitct re rv^ov eSeipev 'AvSpOTuov oisTTQ) 8' ouSei/o? ct/u Ta Qlnbrotion ; nod) fief)' id? ein rcartenbeS raf>. SKog'id; eS lange nod? geijn; bod) gdjlagt bie (Stunbe beS 3lfc3d)ieb$, 3BunSd?' id? ben 5tttern mir fietg *>or bem Sitngern sjotan. Herder teere rab. $)te8e @raB ertaute f!(f) Setfefl, bem SBetb' unb ben ^inbern 5lgattyon ; boc^ it j[et tuljet norf; feiner ottf;ter. 2)aff id) also nod) lang' f;inbaiterte ! SCSenn eg benn enbtidj ein muff, t>erg' id; in mir freunblid) bie rflen juerfl. Voss. Androtion's care hath founded me, His own, wife's, children's tomb to be. Still tenantless I am, and fain Would ever tenantless remain : But Fate forbids. Then to their tomb May all in nature's order come. G.S. CCCXLVII. A A H A O N. ecrrl Ilav rb Trepirrov, aicaipov eVei Xoyo? 'fl? KCtl TOV /ie\fcT09 TO 7T\eOV 6<7Tt INCERTI. Insuave est quicquid nimium est : nam dicitur olim : Mel quoque, si immodica est copia, bins erit. Era Omne nocet nimium, vetus est sententia : nam quod Mel fuerat, net fel tibi, si nimium est. Grotius. Ogni troppo e nocivo ; ed anche il mele (Dice antico proverbio), Presone troppo, si converte in fiele. M. 3u Jriet nrirb rcibrig, 8agt ein _ , , ---,-, 3u atle mod)t'S ben onig3eim Sogar. Gockin^k. Ill-timed is all excess. "Tis known to all That even too much honey turns to gall. w. 292 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXLVIII. API*PONOS 2IKYONIOY. 'Tyieia, Trpe Merd crev To \ei7r6fjuevov Sv Se pot, 7rp6(f)p(i)v a-vvoiKos El yap TIS f) TrXoi/rou %a/3t?, rj rexecov, Ta? ro8ai/zoi>6<> T' dvdptoTrois a?, rj -rrodcov, ap/cvcrt d *H ei rt? a\Xa Oeodev dvdpwTroicrt *H irovow ap/jrvoa Trefyavrat,, Mera /3t5 ov Tt? evSai/Acov. ARIPHRONIS SICYONII. Divarum antiquissima Sanitas, Utinam semper tecum habitarem, Animus dum meus hos reget artus ! Placeant nostri tibi, Diva, lares. Nam si gratia opum est, aut sobolis, Superisque homines reddentis pares Regalis honoris, amorumque, Occultis quos Veneris laqueis Carpimus ; aut siqua viris a Deo Missa voluptas, requiesque mali est ; Ubi ades cunque, ahna favens Sanitas, Florent omnia ; Charitum ver nitet : Te sine nulli esse beato licet. Fed. Morellus. Alma Salus, qua nulla magis veneranda dearum Incolit seterni regna serena poh ; Esse velim tecum, superest quod mobilis aevi, Tuque meo faveas hospes arnica lari. Siquis enim dives censu laetatur opimo, Seu pia cui sobolis pectora mulcet amor : Regia coelesti par visa potentia sorti, Prseda Cytheriacis illaqueanda dolis ; ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 293 Sive alia est hominum divinitus orta voluptas, Grata vel alterno facta labore quies : Onmia, blanda Salus, florent ea gaudia tecum, Et Charitum vernans splendet ubique decus. Te sine, non hominum cuiquam licet esse beato, Non superis placita, te sine, luce frui. O. B. Alma Salus, superos inter sanctissima, tecum Sit mini vitai degere quod superest. Tuque volens in tecta veni ; nam siquid amoeni Divitise, si quid pignora amoris habent, Regis honos si quid, superisque sequata potestas, Aut dolus, et Paphise dulcia furta Dese, Sive alia humanis dantur bona munera votis, Si requies curse, si medicina mali, Alma Salus, tecum surgunt tecumque virescunt, Tecum agitat nitidos Gratia verna chores. Omnia tu tecum mortalibus optima prsebes, Teque carens felix vivere nemo potest. J. E.B. Imitation. O charmante Sante, Que ta presence aimable Est un bien desirable ! Uuelle felicite De t' avoir pour partage, En tout temps, a tout age ! Est-il d' autre bonheur, Dans le cours de la vie Qui doive faire envie, Et chatouiller un ccaur ? Le luxe, V abondance, Le savoir, V eloquence, Les amours, les grandeurs, Et les faveurs des princes Sont des presens bien minces. Un monceau de tresors, Une grande lignee, Et la beaute du corps D' une femme bien nee, Sont-ils des biens sans toi ? Quand ce seroit un Roi, Si la douleur V accable, Je le tiens miserable. Tous les bienfaits divers Qu J accorde a la nature Tu' auteur de V univers ; La charmante verdure Qui renait tons les ans Au retour du printemps, Ce qu' il produit de rare Pour recreer nos sens, Tout ce qui les repare 294 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Quand ils sont languissants, Comtne un bien desirable, Et ce que sa largesse Sans ta presence aimable, Repand sur nous sans cesse, O charmante Sante' ! Peut-il etre compte M. me Deshoulierea. 21 n tie @e8unb$ett. egunbt)eit, altejte ber etigen, STOocfyt 'id? rcotynen mit bir mein itfirigeg Sefcen inburd), llnb mocfytefi bu au<^ ^ulbreic^ mit mtr ico^nen ! 2)enn rcenn ber 0leic^t^um rajte ^at, SCBenn ^inber erfreuen, menn ber gIMlicfyen ertSc^aft SBenn SieB' ergefcet, bie n?ir mit ber (i)ri0 ^eimli(^em rjagen, unb anbere ^reuben me^r 93on ott ling Hitfy'n, nac^ 3Wu^e !Ter erquicfenben Ru^e enuff ; D Settge 6ttmn ! e^unb^ett, 80 entg^roffeten jle mit JDir, 3Rit 2)ir fclitfyt Jeber rojie Seng, llnb olme bic^i gifct'3 feinen IitcUc^en Je. Herder. J&^mnu8 an kte ot'tinn ber Segnenbe ottinn, mic^ njo^nen Bei bir ! aBen ^utte, SSenn er Jrcanget in ber gere^tigfettreattenben 4?err8ci)aft lang, Senn ber fitete ecfymacfytenbe e^nSu^t fl^ itanbelt 3n ber Suffejien gteiibe enuff, SBenn in be8 93oter3 5luge bet 0lurung S^rdnen ber Sciugling lorf t, elige <9gieia ! 9Benn bie otter auf un8 Xraufeln be8 egenS 2I?anni^faItige SBenn ung rben^ilger ber {Ru^e iiffeg Sa&Sal erquitft , o dttin, BIu|et iebe ^reube buftenber bitrd? bi^> ! ir Idc^ett ber ragien Seng, llnb njenn bu reeidjeft, ber @egen mit >ir ! Christian von Stolber&. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 295 To Health. Eldest born of powers divine ! Bless'd Hygeia ! be it mine To enjoy what thou canst give, And henceforth with thee to live : For in power if pleasure be, Wealth or numerous progeny, Or in amorous embrace, Where no spy infests the place ; Or if aught that Heaven bestows To alleviate human woes, When the wearied heart despairs Of a respite from its cares ; These and every true delight Flourish only in thy sight ; And the sister Graces three Owe, themselves, their youth to thee, Without whom we may possess Much, but never happiness. W. Ccmper. Health, brightest visitant from heav'n, Grant me with thee to rest ! For the short term by nature giv^n Be thou my constant guest ! For all the pride that wealth bestows, The pleasure that from children flows, Whate'er we court in regal state That makes men covet to be great ; Whatever sweets we hope to find In love's delightful snares, Whatever good by Heaven assigned, Whatever pause from cares, All flourish at thy smile divine : The spring of loveliness is thine ; And every joy that warms our hearts With thee approaches and departs. Bland. 296 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Oh ! honour'd most of heavenly powers ! Health, be it mine to dwell with thee, To pass with thee life's closing hours, Nor thou my partner scorn to be. For, oh ! whatever of joy we prove In coffered gold, in children's love, Or regal power, and state that vies E'en with th' immortal deities ; Or if there be a sweet delight In furtive toils of Aphrodite, With thee, sweet Health, they burst to light, With thee the Graces' spring is bright ; Each charm with thee conspires to bless : Without thee, where is happiness ? J.E.B. CCCXLIX. AOYKIAAIOY. Marcporepq) vravpw crravpovfjuevov a\\ov eavrov 'O (f)6ovepb<> dioG)v eyyv? I8(bv eraicr). LUCILLII. In cruce cum figi socium majore videret, Liventi Diophon tabuit invidia. H. Steplianug. Paul, cet envieux maraut, Sur 1' echelle meme enrage, Qu' un autre ait eu pour partage De deux gibets le plus haut. Peiisaon. ei bent -anSe beS QlciS 9itd?t me^r flngen, bu njirfl nimmer bie @onne me^r e^n : )enn bu Btfl ^tnunter ju ^luto'g 9Biee gcflogen, Srinffl auf SBIumen baSetBft jarten eli)fl8c^en Sfyau. Herder. me^r algo etfcltcft, ^etltonenbe rttte, bet ^ag bid? ; ^r gd;attet on btr 5UfiS tegitterteg o$ Sc^tffe nur ! QltS tcf? tm @ Umfaut, freuten flcfy bo(^ 5lnbre ber gtitcfti^en Safyrt. Jacobs. A ship-wreck'd sailor, buried on this coast, Bids you set sail. Full many a gallant ship, when we were lost, Weather'd the gale. w. ANTHOLOGUA POLYGLOTTA. 301 CCCLVII. AEQNIAOY. eK rvfjL/Sov \ve ire la- fiara vavry^olo' \v/jvwv a\\o9 evrjoiropei. LEONIDS. Aude de tumulo submersi solvere ftmem : Tune quoque cum peril, quos mare ferret, erant. Orotius. Sciogli le sarte pur senza pavento Da quest' avel : spiegava un' altra nave, Meutre noi perivam, le vele al vento. M. Tu me vois sur le rivage, Pilote, et tu crains la mort ? Va, suis ta course et ton sort. Lorsque je faisois naufrage, D' autres arrivoient au port. Pelisson. Loose from my tomb thy hawser : though I died Shipwrecked, my comrades 'scaped the raging tide. W. Shepherd. Fearless set sail from this wreck'd seaman's grave. We perish'd : others safely rode the wave. w. CCCLVIII. AAE2IIOTON. OVK e0e\co Tr\ovreiv, OVK ev^ofjLai' a\\d /toi ei Zrjv etc TWV o\i /cat re/cva Kal fSiov Hvvov ael Be arfav \wlov et? ero? r^v 'Etc (re6ev apxpfAevois, & TTOTVIO.' Kifiopevot, yap 'ABavdrcov ainol Tfkeiov e^ovcn THEOCRITI. Publica non isthsec Venus est : placare memento Uranien, castse munere Chrysogonae In thalamo Amphicli, socii prolisque larisque. His facilis quovis tempore vita fuit A te principium ducentibus, o Dea ; nam qui Dulcia cumque colit numina, laetus agit. Dan. Heinsius, Non e gia questa la volgar Ciprigna. Fatti la Dea benigna, Ed al sno pie t' incnina, Chiamandola divina. Lei gia ponea la buona Pudica Crisogona In casa Anficle, con cui figli ottenne, E comun vita tenne : Quindi un miglior evento Tutte le cose loro ogni anno aveano, Perche da te faceano, O venerabil Dea, cominciamento : Che a momenti i mortali Crescono di ventura Qualora gli Immortali Ei si dan d' onorar pensiero e cura. C. Gaetani della Torre. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 303 dint 3n3cf>rtft auf kit 5BiH>dule bet 9SenuS Utania. 2>ie3e StwnS ijt nitfjt bie gemeine otttnn beS SSolfeg ; >aff fie gitnftig bit Set, nenne bie immli8ctje fte ! GljttySogona reeitjete fie, bag 2Beifc beg 3lntl)ifle8, SBeldjent IteBenb fte lefct, roeldjein fie ^tnber gefcar ! Smmer'trdefyget i^)r lucf, t?on bit, o ottinn ! fcegann e8, 3)reimal Setig ifl ber, rcelcfyer bie otter sjete^rt ! Fried. Leopold von Stolberg. Here Venus, not the vulgar, you survey ; Style her celestial, and your offering pay : This in the house of Amphicles was placed, Fair present of Chrysogona the chaste : With him a sweet and social life she led, And many children bore, and many bred. Favoured by thee, O venerable fair, Each year improved upon the happy pair ; For long as men the deities adore, With large abundance Heav'n augments their store. Fawkes. CCCLX. A A H A O N. ^Hpda^Oriv, e(pi\ovv, erv^ov, tcare^rpa^, afj,at,. TV? Be, Kal ^9, Kal 7r&>9 ; 17 #09 olSe fiovrj. IN CERT I. Exarsi, petii, tenui, successit, amat me. Quis, quse, quove modo? scit Dea sola Venus. Grotius. Je la vis, je 1' aimai, lui plus, et fas heureux ; Ou ? qui ? comment ? ceci n j est su que de nous deux. Poinsinet de Sivry. 9Sifft ! 3c^ Iie6' unb njerbe geliebt, unb f uff ' unb genteffe 5(ber wet ? unb ^ went, nriffe bie ottinn attein. Herder. I fell in love, I loved, I won, I triumph'd, she's mine own ! Who, I or she, or how we loved, the Goddess knows alone. K. C. C. 304 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCLXI. AEQNIAOV. 'Atfteco \V7rrjpe Stijtcove, TOUT' ^ "TStop 09 TrXtoet? 7ropdfj,i8t, Kvavey, Ae%ai jjC, el /cat croi /j,eya ftplOerai, ofcpvoevcra Bdpis aTrcxfrOtfJLevcov, TOV fcvva Aioyevyv, *O\7rr) yttot real Tnijpij e6\Kia, KOI TO TraXaiov "E&dos, ^00 vavcTTO\ecav 0/80X09. Tlavff ocra /cr/v ftoot? eireTrd^eda, ravra Trap' "AiSav 8' ovSev inr rjekiw. LEONIDS. Qui subigis conto tristem ferrugine lintrem Per Stygis hanc, Orel dure minister, aquam ; Tot sit onusta licet tibi cymba horrenda sepultis, Diogenem capiat me tamen arcta Canem. Pera, lagena mihi sunt sarcina^ tritaque vestis, Manibus et quanti per vada constat iter. Quse tenui vivus, me tota sequuntur ad Umbras, Sub supero quidquam nee mihi sole, manet. G.B. Sinfieret 2)tener ber 0letc^' 5l'iboneu'S, ber bit bte 2Baffer ier be ^of5)toS auf gcbrearjbdmmernbet SBarfe beScfytffft, 911mm, 06 laflenb bie djaar ^tfcgegc^iebner ben gdjaurigen Sobteu 9la^>en bit anfuftt, SWic^, ^ijnen, SMogeneg auf. 9Wtt mir ge^et ber ^rug, unb metn alteS ereanb, unb ber Oiangen, ' Vtnb ber jum ^attengebiet I68et bie Satyrt, ber OfcoL Segti^eS, nja8 i(^ BeSajf auc^ im 3tetd) ber l^efcenb' gen, i<^ fufyr eg STOit mir gum >>abe8, unb nidjtg lajf' tc^ ber @onne juriitf . Erich son. 2>er bu, o trauriger Wiener bea QlibeS, bieSe ereaffer 5lc^eron8 emjlg Beftifyrft mit bent umnac^teten ^a^n, rurft au^ Srfjon ber eflortnen ebrang auf bag g^recEHc^e 9iintm atg ufcrige 5rac^t bod^ ben >iogene3 auf. nur ijl bag efcarfe beg ^unb'g ; Sornifier unb Delfrug, Unb beg fcejaljrten ewanbg Oiejl, unb ber UoXXa/ KeKkifj^va tca/cvei e'/e e9 TOV TroSa' teal v (frepei. INCEKTI. Clauda tibi mens est ut pes : naturaque recte, Quod latet interius, prodidit exterius. Paulas Stephanu.8. Contro uno zoppo maligno. Torta hai la mente e il piede. In te F esterno Natura architettb come F interne. Pagnini. De Cotin. Tu as F ame autant contrefaicte, Cotin, comme tu as le cors : Car en la forme du dehors Du dedans F image est pourtraicte. Baif. If the outward form's akin To the nature that's within, By your limping gait we learn, Your intellect's a lame concern. w. CCCLXIV. 0EOKPITOY. Ta poSa TO, Spoaoevra, Kal a KardtrvKVO^ etcefva "Ep7rv\\os tceiTcu rat? ' EXiicwvtdmv Tal 8e fj,e\dfj,(f)vX\,oi Sdi5 eTrel Trerpa rovro rot dy\dipbv cnrb Kprjp,volo j36aov. '-4\X' auro5 avrov veicpos cart KOI rder am ^obagra ftart?" Otic^ttg. 9Ba8 wunbert bi^> bran? f, bet 8onfl auf Jtriicfen niir ^untpeltc, JetSo in einer ntit ^urtigem ftujf Bi gu bem SartaroS lief." Voss. No, nor by Jove ! may Lyco's name be passed, Whose gouty feet brought on his death at last : And yet, if I a candid man must be, How, in one night, a wretched imp, Who all his life-time used to limp On crutches, ran so long a way As down to Hades, I must say, Is that which seems the strangest thing to me. J. "W.B. 312 ANTHOLOGIA POLYQLOTTA. CCCLXXI. A A H A O N. Etf Tifjiatva T&V fjtKrdvdpUTTov. *Ev0d8' aTTOpprjgas tyv)(r)V j3apvSal(J,ova tceifiai' Ovvofjba S' ov TrevGOiade, Kaicol Se /ca/e&k a-rroXoicrde. INCERTI. Hie situs abrupta vita infelice quiesco : Nomen ne rogitate : malos Di vos male perdant. Grotius. My luckless breath cut short, my grave ye view. Ask not my name : a curse on all of you ! w. CCCLXXII. A A H A O N. Kal vexvs &v, TI/JLWV 07/3105- GV 8e 7', o> 7rv\acope JlXovTODZ/o?, rdplSei, KepfBepe, pij (re Sdicy. INCERTI. Timon, umbra licet, ferus est : tu janitor Orel Cerbere, ne morsu te petat ille, cave. Grotius. Et ferus est Timon sub terris; janitor Orci Cerbere, te morsu ne petat ille, cave. Sam. Johnson. Timon, though dead, is savage : have a care, Dread watch-dog, Cerberus ! He bites : beware ! CCCLXXIII. HTOAEMAIOY. Mr) TroOev eiju [AdO-rjs, /*^8' OVVO/JLO,' 7r\rjv OTI Binjertceiv Tov$ Trap ejArjv trrrjXrjv epxpjjievovs e0e\io. PTOLEM^EI. Unde ego non disces, nee quo sim nomine : sed quod, Hunc tumulum quisquis praeterit, opto moid. Grotius. Unde, et quid nomen ne percontere, sed ipse Mortuus hoc de te, morte jacere, volo. T.F. My name and whence I come cease to enquire ; That you like me may die is my desire. T. F. Ask not my name, nor whence I am ; and you, Who pass my grave, would you were buried too ! ANTHOLOOIA POLYQLOTTA. 313 CCCLXXIV. I O Y A I A N O Y. Aak, dfj,a\,8vv0i(Ta ^ovu) 7repiKa\\ea fioprj tr nut flnb ereige Otei^e oerlie^'n." Herder. Lais, when time had spoil' d her wonted grace, Abhorred the look of age that ploughed her face : Her glass, sad monitor of charms decayed, Before the queen of lasting bloom she laid. The sweet companion of my youthful years Be thine (she said) ; no change thy beauty fears. Ogle. Lai's saw nature's quick decay, The wrinkled cheek, the ringlet grey, And heav'd a heartfelt sigh : " Witness of all that makes me grieve, Venus, this hateful glass receive ; Your charms can time defy." Ph. Smyth, E r 314 ANTHOLOGIA POL1GLOTTA. CCCLXXV. HAATONOS. 'H lrj TO KaroTrrpov' eVel TOW; fjLev bpavdai Ovtc 0e\ar dii] 8' TJV irapos ov Sv PL ATONI8. Lais anus Veneri speculum dico : dignum habeat se ^Eterna seternum forma ministerium. Ast mihi nullus in hoc usus, quia cernere talem Qualis sum, nolo; qualis eram, nequeo. Ausonius, Ilia triumphatrix Graium consueta procorum Ante suas agmen Lais habere fores, Hoc Veneri speculum : nolo me cernere qualis Sum nunc, nee possum cernere qualis eram. Sam. Johnson. Imitazione. Ruppe lo specchio, e disse, Piangendo la fuggita eta novella, Donna clie fu gia bella : Specchio incostante, omai Morta la mia belta tu non vivrai ; Che mirar questo volto Qual e non vogh'o, e qual gi& fu m' e tolto. Alessandro Q-uarini. Lo specchio mio ti dono, O Diva del piacere : Qual fui non posso, e come fatta sono Non mi voglio vedere. Pananti Pour mirer desormais \' eternelle beaute De ta face, o Venus, je t' offre ce miroir, Car je ne m' y vois plus telle que j' ai ete, Et telle que je suis, je ne m' y veux plus voir. Jacques de la Taille. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 315 Voeu d" un miroer a Venus. Moy qui pour mon folastre ris En mon oeilladante jeunesse Avois & ma porte une presse De jeunes amoureux epris, A la princesse de Pane Ce miroer voue je dedie ; Car telle qu' aujonrdhuy je suis Me mirer je ne voudrois onques, Et telle que j' estois adonques, Aujourdhuy me veoir je ne puis. Baif. Je le donne k Venus, puis qu j elle est toujours belle : II redouble trop mes ennuis. Je ne saurois me voir en ce miroir fidele, Ni telle que j' etois, ni telle que je suis. Voltaire. 3d?, beren SSorSoal gonft tton 8d?mad?tenben Sungligen t>oU roar, >ie mit ber deepen Ijerj n?ie mit bent S3afle geS^ielt ; reei^et ber $^ia Jefct ben (Spiegel. @r jeigt iljr njaS jle war ; nja8 fie tjt, mag f!e ntd)t ge^en in i^m. Herder. arl rtVo?. " Ee/ ' 'Apery /impovo ; an ber ir na^er, ben @tein ju tJe3et)n, unb ju tegen bie 3ngd?rtft ; @t^er terfunbet er un8, tneffen e6ein er tebecft. " ??reunb, TlretemiaS warb ic^ genannt ; au bent ^nibigrt>en fianbe ; on fit^rte mi<^ fyeim ; ^tnber geba^r ic^ U)m greei). tierlteff ic^ Ujm etneS bafon jum Xvijfter be filters ; entfu^rt' icfy, im rab mic^ ber dttnnrung ju freun." Jacobs. In Cnidus born, the consort I became Of Euphron : Aretimias was my name. His bed I shared, nor proved a barren bride, But bore two children at a birth, and died : One child I leave to solace and uphold Euphron hereafter, when infirm and old ; And one, for his remembrance sake, I bear To Pluto's realm, till he shall join me there. "W. Cowper. ANTHOLOQIA POLYQLOTTA. 317 CCCLXXVII. A A H A O N. Kai /j,6 \iBov Ilepa-ai Sevp rfyar/ov, o(f>pa rpoTraiov ^Tijaovrat i/i/ca?* ei/j,l 8e vvv Nejj sjeretnt ; etn 3 ify n be3 SiegS ben ^ettenen, bem 2Webigc^en 3SoIf ^emejtS freelnben JfriegS. Jacots. Brought by the Medes a stone to be A trophy sure of victory ; By Phidias carv'd, I stand to teach The pow'r of Nemesis to each. Trophy of Greece's conquering host, I shame defeated Persia's boast. w. On the first Stone of Buonaparte's marble column, raised by the Expeditionary army and Flotilla of Boulogne, and afterwards made to commemorate the res- toration of the Bourbons. Frenchmen ! who brought this marble block to stand A trophy of th' invasion of yon land, Behold ! it marks a Bourbon's restoration, And tells that you are the invaded nation. * TTT 318 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCLXXVIII. 0EAITHTOY. Eis rrjv 'A.6rjvai<>>v Xtoverjv fie \L6ov AaoTirrros r/t^a? TrerpOTO/iot? axurt 7rovTOTr6pevv a Kai vees vypoiropovv yevpacnv ai/jui\eoi<;, "E^ecrav 'ASpjjcrTeiav apurrwSive 1 ? ' Aaifiov VTrep. EUENI. Rode caper vitem : tamen hinc, cum stabis ad aram, In tua quod spargi cornua possit, erit. Ovidius. Parodia, in Domitianum ob edictum de excidendis vineis : ex Suetonio. Krjv fjie ^07779 irl pi^av, o/40>? eri /capTro^opijcrco, "O&erov e7rwr7retit auf bem Dpfet attat, 9Botf, git Begieffen beS SBIut. Ericlison. 0Jagfl bu mid) aud) 6ig jitt SCBut^el, o Sorf, bod) ttag' id) gum D^fet 3'mmet be8 2Beine3 genug, bid) gu fceneffen am eetb. Jacobs. Though thou shouldst gnaw me to the root, Destructive goat, enough of fruit I bear, betwixt thy horns to shed, When to the altar thou art led. Meiivale. 320 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCLXXX. 2IMQNIAOY. 'E\\ijvcov Trpofuvxpvvres ^Adrjvaloi MapaO&vi Xpva-o6p(i>v MijSwv ecrropecrav Svva/juv. 8IMONIDI8. Attica pro patria pugnans Marathonis in ora Aurea Medorum contudit arma cohors. a. s. At Marathon for Greece the Athenians fought ; And low the gilded Medians' power they brought. Sterling. CCCLXXXI. AAMATHTOY. Ovr OTTO Meer Jttmfl ; id), tcie e3 ben muttyigen fiafebdmoniaS jiemt, flege bwd) mdnnltd^e Jacobs . No Messenian wrestler, no Argive is here ; Of Sparta, fam'd Sparta, my birth. Let them brag of their skill ; by my strength 'twill appear How the Spartan evinces his worth. w. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 321 CCCLXXXII. 2 I M Q N I A O Y. "Ban TIS \6yo Ov8e 7rai/ra>dpoi<; Ovartav * fl fj,r) 8aKe6vfj,o<; i8pa><; *Ev8o0ev (J. 'Tyiaiveiv fiev dpiarov avopl Aevrepov oe, Ka\bv vav To rpfaov oe TT\OVTIV aS6Xo>9, Kal TO reraprov rjftav //.era rwv iin*c6c "tti ifl bem 2)ritte 9Sierte, mtt Sctnen eliefcten fid) tung erfteuen. Herder. The first of human gifts is health ; The next on beauty's power attends ; The third, possessing well-earned wealth ; The fourth is youth, enjoyed with friends. Burney. Of mortal blessings here, the first is health, And next, those charms by which the eye we move ; The third is wealth, unwounding guiltless wealth, And then, an intercourse with those we love. Moore, Good health for mortal man is best, And next to this a beauteous form ; Then riches not by guile possessed, And lastly youth with friendships warm. Sterling. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 323 CCCLXXXIV. ANASANAPIAOY. 'O TO (TKO\LOV Vp(0V ^KeiVOS, OOTf? rjV, To /JLCV vyiaivew TcpWTOv &>? api<7Tov fy, "flvon-aazv opO(aepet' KaXo? Se Treivwv GGTiv aia"xpbv Brjpiov. ANAXANDB I.DA;. Conscriptor scolii carminis^ quiqui fuit, Quod bene valere posuit in primo loco, Bene fecit. At pulcrum esse cum facit alterum, Et divitem esse tertium^ insanit nimis. Divitiae, res a sanitate est proxima : Nam foedum est animal, pulcher quern vexat fames. Sclrweighaeuser. That health is the first of all blessings below, Is a truth which no logic can fairly confute ; But the second on personal charms to bestow, And on riches the third, I beg leave to dispute : Next to health give me riches ; for beauty, though bright, In hunger and rags is a villainous sight. Burney. Well says the father of the song, " The first of human joys is health ;" But when he thus pursues the strain, " Then beauty, and the next is wealth," Indeed, I think him very wrong, And bid him tune his harp again : For, in these days of want and evil, Unportion'd beauty is the devil. Merivale. 324 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCLXXXV. niTTAKOY MITYAHNAIOY. 2 K 6 \ i o v. Set TO^OV teal Io86tcov (fiaperpav irorl ^xwra Kaxov Hicrrov yap ov8ev 7\w<7 Trapeovri Tp%eiv avdyicr). IN CERT I. Scolium. Si potes, e terra pontum adspice ; credita ponto, Quo jubeant aurae, cogitur ire ratis. G. S. Du rivage observons le cours de nostre flotte, Considerons son bord, et quel est son pilote ; Que si nous avons mis nostre sort en la mer, II faut centre 1' orage esperer et ramer. L' abbe de Marolles. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 325 bet od) ttienn bu auf ben Suttfyen 8d)nnmmeft, SWufft bu bem Oiufe be8 @d)tcf3al3 folgen. Jacobs. 'Tis best from land to watch the raging sea, If so you may, and have the poVr ; But if you chance on the wild waves to be, Then make the best o' th' present hour. Merivale. From shore look out, and turn thine eyes Seaward, if thou art weather-wise. The vessel, if it once set sail, Must run according to the gale. (JCCLXXXVII. 2 O A Q N O 2. 2 KoXiov. V P. H H avopa fKCHTTOv opa, Mr; KpvTTTov eyx oy Kpa8ir) jqj 9 f 'AvSpeicov 8e, yevofieva ev 0iit miv iRagenben rae', iitc SSernunft mit bent 9Scrniinftigen. W. Schlegel. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 327 Quaff with me the purple wine, And in youthful pleasures join ; Crown with me thy flowing hair, With me love the blooming fair. When sweet madness fires my soul, Thou shalt rave without control ; When I'm sober, sink with me Into dull sobriety. Bland. Be thou gay when I'm gay, when I'm jolly be jolly, With me wear the chaplet, and woo the fair maid : When I'm mad, be thou mad, play the fool in my folly, Or, if I'm staid and sober, be sober and staid. G B cccxc. TIMOKPEONTO2. r)r ev 777, [Ayr' ev 6a\d(r<7rj } ev r)7relpq> avfjvai, 'A\\a Tdprapov re vaieiv 1C ^A^epovra' 8ia a Xa\a rbv oiv \afia>v Evdvv xprj rbv eraipov ep,^ev, Kal fj,r) a-KO\ia poveiv. INCEBTI. Scolium. Prensum forcipe tune suo Anguem cancer ita admonet : " At rectas socium vias, Non obliqua sequi decet." G. B. With his claw the snake surprising Thus the crab kept moralizing : ' Out upon sidelong turns and graces : Straight's the word for honest paces !' D. K. Sandford. CCCXCII. BAKXYAIAOY. AvSia fj^ev yap \i0os Mavvei '^pvaoV 8" apeTav re 7rcvy/cparr)<; BACCHYLIDIS. Aurum Lydius indicat Lapis ; sed sapientiam Virtutemque hominum arguit Vincens omnia Veritas. G.F. D.T. 5>et Sprufeftein. 2)er Ssjbig^e Tt,yevr)v\a(ra'6, irbcrei TrpoiKa ^ ANTIPATRI. Antigenes, vita jam deficiente, Gelous Edidit hsec natae verba suprema pater. Fulcra genas virgo, mea filia ! det tibi, vitae Quod satis est inopi, juncta ministra colus. Uxor eris si cui, Graias tu vive parentis More probae : dos haec certa futura viro. O. B. Allor che giuso per discender era Infra gli estinti Antigene G-eloo, Alia figlia parlo di tal maniera : Vergin vaga d' aspetto^ e figlia mia, La rocca all' opre abbi compagnaj e fondo Bastante a vita povera ti sia. Ma se Imeneo fra' suoi lacci t' annoda, Serba di Greca madre i bei costumi, Dote allo sposo ben sicura e soda. Pompei. 3)er letjtt SDille etnc 51(8 QlnttgeneS einfl, bcr elenSer, jum ett)af)re jur Sreunbinn 2)tr bie @^inbel, fie l)ilft treu bit bag Sefcen ^tnburd^. Unb gelangfl bu jut (', 80 ^att' an bet ftieblicfyen @itte 2)etnet 2Kuttet, bem 3)?ann ifi fie bag fofilicfyfie ut. Herder. Antigonus perceived the approach of death, And gave this counsel with his latest breath : Fair daughter, honest labour be your guide ; Ne'er let the distaff quit your patient side : ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 331 But, should a lover court you to his arms, Let modesty commend your sober charms : Let your dear mother's precepts form your life, So shall you prove the best and richest wife. Ph. Smyth. When now departing to the silent dead, These words Antigenes of Gela said : Fair daughter, keep the distaff at your side, A livelihood, though small ; and, if a bride, Keep to your mother's virtues ; they will prove The surest dow'r to win a husband's love. w. cccxcv. AAAAIOY MAKEAON02. AvKcucL KOI yijpa Terpvpevov epyarivrjv ftovv "A\KO>v ov ^tovirfv ijyaye -jrpo? KOTriSa, els epyw 6 8e irov ftadey evl Troip aporpov repTrer 1 e\v0epirj. ADD^EI MACEDONIS. Defessum senio longisque laboribus arvi Ad cultrum dominus non vocat Alco bovem ; Tanta viro est operum reverentia : mugit in herba Ille, nee in collo liber aratra timet. (Seinen on Surd?' ttnb Qllter entfrafteten nwrbigen $flugjrier ftuljrete >auton tytefyer, nid)t gum ernmrgenben tafyl ; 0lein jiim So^n beg SSerbienfleg. 3m ^oc^gegc^offenen rage 3aud;jt er mit frotyem efcriitt ufcer bie Sreityeit beg $^ugg. Voas. )iegem ttom 5Utar ermiibeten tier itnb ijon emjtger Qtrteit, grt^rete Qllfon ni^t unter bag morbenbe SBeil, 5lc^tenb beg i'^iereg SBerbtenfi. 9hm wabet er freij Von ber $fluggcfyaar, Smmer mit fro^em efcrufl tief in bem iq3^igen rag. Jacob*. The ox with age and labour spent Died not by butcher's knife : In gratitude for service lent Alcon hath spared his life ; And now along the grassy lea Joyous he lows, from plough set free. G.S. 332 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCXCVI. 0EOKPITOY. 'O /AOUO-OTTOtO? vOd8 f 'iTTTTMVa^ KeiTCU. El fl.V TTOVTJpOS, jJ,rj TTOTCpXeV TO) El 8' iadl Kpriyvos re, Koi irapa THEOCBITI. Poeta, lector, Me quiescit Hipponax, Si sis scelestus, praeteri, procul, marmor : At te bonum si noris, et bonis natum, Tutum hie sedile, et si placet, sopor tuus. Sara Johnson Musis sacer quiescit Hipponax illic. Tu si malus, cave hocce bustum adeas, hospes : Sin es probus, probaque stirpe prognatus, Fidens recumbe, et, si lubet, cape hie somnum. Job. Dan. Schuize. Se improbo sei, non appressarti. Quivi Chiuso il poeta Ipponate sen giace : Se poi se' buono, e da buoni derivi, Siedi, e se vuoi, con lui t' addormi in pace. Orti. Ipponatte il poeta qui riposa. Alia sua tomba, ove mal uom tu sie, Non t' appressar, ma se probo, e di pie Oneste genti, qui secur ti posa, Ed anco, se ti piace, Dormici in tutta pace. M. 2)ieS tfl bag rat> beg ^ip^onar. &innjeg ! SCBenn bu ein 9368er Bifi ; bo^ 6i|l bu gut, llnb guter @Itern a I) n t >er Heine -ugel, bet burcfy meine ^jrduen grunt, >erft meinen 2)afmi3 tyier, bem er gum raftmal bient. Jtetn 9B6Ser rub/ ouf ifym ; U)n fount' ein llnfatt flrafen. SGBer after rebltd? ift, mag auf ifym ffdjer Sdjlafen. Ewald. Old Hipponax the Satirist lies here ; If thou'rt a worthless wretch, approach not near ; But if well bred, and from all evil pure, Repose with confidence, and sleep secure. Fawkes. CCCXCVII. AOYKIANOY. '/2ewu ;a/HTe9 Tpcu' r\v Se Ilacra %a/3t? Kevei], pijSe Xeyotro LUC I AN I. Gratia, quse tarda est, ingrata est gratia : namque Cum fieri properat, gratia grata magis. Ausonius. Si bene quid facias, facias cito : nam cito factum Gratum erit : ingratum gratia tarda facit. Ausonius. Gratia cum properat, fit dulcior ; ast ubi tardat, Tota perit, nee jam nomine digna suo est. Janus Pannonius Gratia ter grata est velox; sin forte moretur, Gratia vix restat nomine digna suo. Sam. Johnson. Quse cito das benefacta placent : sunt omnia vana, Ni cito des, dici nee benefacta merent. Teucherus. 3ebe efdtttgfeit muff Iet, av eer^ema? KXetTOpos e'p^o/xez/oi/, /j.ev dirb Kpr)vi)s dpvcrat, Tr6/j.a, /cal Trapd NvjJLaivv/JLov, 05 rdSe tca\a Eifyen, amBroflgc^e Softer beg 5tuffe8, t^r 2)ie ifyt mit rojigent ^uff i'tBer ben SBetten ^ier SeBet rootyl unb er^altet gegunb ben Jtleon^mug, ber euc^ 2)ieSe 9Bitber gum >anf unter bie ^i^te geSe^t. Herder. amabr*9aben, beg tromei amtrojUdje Softer, i^)r Slsjm^e mit rofigem &uff immer bie $iefen bitrc^ttattt ; mir gegriijft, unb BeSc^ii^t ben ^leon^mol, roeldjet bie g 93ilber Don 4>olj eu^ ^ier unter ben Stdfyten gewet^t. Jacobs O forest-nymphs, o daughters of the river, Who haunt, ambrosial, these deep glades for ever, With rosy feet ; Thrice hail, and be Cleonymus your care ! For he, in this pine-sheltered calm retreat, To you erected all these statues fair. J. W.B ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 339 CCCCIV. A I O T I M O Y. Tav rjfBav e? aeffXa 7ra\a? ija-Krj&e parataoiv a/ya>v ov %a\iceov afjil Xefitjros, 'A\)C o<7Tt? tyaav oia-erai rj Odvarov. 'Avratov TO Trrw/ta' TrpeTrei 8" 'Hpa/c\ea viKav Tbv A LOS. 'Apyeuov a ird\a, ov Aiftvoov. DIG T IM I, De Hercule et Anteeo. In lucta vires exploravere juventse, Neptuno satus hie, et satus ille Jove : Non ex sere lebes pretium certaminis hujus, Sed superaret uter, sed moreretur uter. Occidit Antaeus ; par est Jove vincere natum ; Lucta quoque Argivum gloria, non Libyum. Grotius. Ne' piu verdi anni il gran figliuol di Giove Col figliuol di Nettunno a lottar venne ; Ne leggier premio alle lor dure prove, Ma vita, o morte riportar convenne. Anteo cadde, e morio, die V alte e nuove Forze d' Ercole invitto non sostenne ; E fu ben dritto ; che la Grecia dotta, Non la Libia, trovb la forte lotta. Benedetto Yarchi. Two wrestlers here their youthful vigour prove ; The son of Neptune this, and that of Jove. They for no vase of bronze contend ; no prize Is set ; whichever lives, the other dies. Antaeus falls ! 'Tis Jove's son, Hercules, Must win. The Art's not Libyan, but of Greece. w. For the mighty wrestler's guerdon, each in youthful vigour strove, Here the child of ocean's sovereign, and the nobler child of Jove. Not for them the brazen tripod stands, the brave reward of strife, They must struggle each to vanquish, one to death and one for life. Falls Antaeus : thus to conquer it must Hercules behove ; Greeks, not Libyans, founded wrestling, and the Greek's a son of Jove. O. F. D T. ^ 340 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. ccccv. *IAHMONO2. El rats d\r)0iaunv ol &v, war 1 ISeiv EvpnriSrjv. PHILEMONIS. Post fata si quis esset, ut quidam putant, Sensus superstes, ipse me suspenderem, Hac spe, liceret ut videre Euripidem. Orotiua. Some say the dead with conscious sense converse with whom they please If this be true, Fd hang myself, to see Euripides. w. CCCCVI. AAE2IIOTON. TV? Troff 6 TOV Tpoirjs TTo\efJLOV , ov TTO\IV. ovpdvie Zev, Mtj TTore awv eirecov So^av "Ofjirjpos e%6i, ; INCEETI. Quis exaravit Troicum Martem stylo, Longasque Ulyssei vias ? Unde et quis ille, quaerimus. Diespiter, Scripsisse te putaverim ! G. F.-D.T. Chi di Troja la guerra, e chi d' Uh'sse II lungo irsene errando in carta scrisse ? Dinne la patria, o Giove, e '1 nome vero, Ne 1' onor de' tuoi carmi abbiasi Omero. w. SBer nur ^at ben XrojantS^en Jlrteg awf tie SBIdtter Obcr Saerte'8 @o^n8 9Rufyn unb irrenbe 5a^rt? 2)eutlic^ gewa^r id) nicfyt Seamen nod; @tabt. O ertyafmer fronton, (Signet ^omeroS iricfleicfyt beine eSange flrf; an ? Jacobs. The writer of the famous Trojan war, And of Ulysses' life, o Jove, make known ; Who, whence he was ; for thine the verses are, And he would have us think they are his own. Hebtea. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 341 Who first transcribed the famous Trojan war, And wise Ulysses' acts, o Jove, make known : For since 'tis certain thine these poems are, No more let Homer boast they are his own. Anon. Spectator. CCCCVII. A N Y T H 2". 8dva<; v0a\ea pd roc dad/Jiaivovra TTOPOJ? depeos (f>i\a yvla 'A/j,7rava"r)ov, 'J2? o jj,o<;, IIavvvxt,ot,\67rat,8a ^eXvv, Kr)V %dovl TreTTTT/to?, /ce^aX?}? etyinrepde epoiro 'Ay\aov dtpaitav ftorpvv air dfcpepovcav, Kat ftiv ael refyoi voreprj Spoon ber @infl So Bolben erucfy ei'tffer eScinge Jjerlie^. Herder. 9Refce, bu SWutter ber 5rucf)t, QlUfreuenbe, rot^elnber SrauBen SRci^rerin, bie bu eflecfyt jierlict^er Sftanfen erjeuggt. ^ticfyt bein gritnenbeS ^au6 um 9tnafreon niebrigen -ugel ; Uefcer ben @d?eitel be8 3KaIg breite ben Hit^enben ^ran ; SDaff tyter 9Sacc^og ^riefier, ber taumelnbe ^ittyrer ber Oieigen, tjon Siete teraugc^t nd(f)tli(^ baS SBartiton Scfyfug, in bent 5libe3 nocfy an ben Hit^enben S^eigen ben $urur (Stra^tenben XrauBen ertticf)t itBer bent ^eitigen -au^t, Smmer tene|t t>on bent t^auenben S^aff; ben Suffer al SBeinmofl SCBe^ten bent Sejig^en reig Sieber born lieMid)en 3funb. Jacobs. All-cheering Vine ! with purple clusters crown'd, Whose tendrils, curling o'er the humble mound, Beneath whose turf Anacreon's relics rest, Clasp the low column rising o'er his breast, Still may'st thou nourish, that the bard divine, Who nightly sang the joys of love and wine, May view, though sunk amongst the silent dead, Thy honours waving o'er his aged head ; Whilst on his ashes, in perennial rills, Soothing his shade, thy nectar'd juice distils : Sweet juice ! but sweeter still the words of fire That breathed responsive to his tuneful lyre. W. Shepherd. Mother of clustered fruit and gushing wine, With verdant ringlets decked, all-cheering Vine, Wind o'er the crowning stone and lowly mound, Where rests Anacreort in this sheltering ground. 344 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. That he, sheer-toping reveller, all night long Whose amorous lyre rung forth a wanton song, Stretched though in earth he lies, may o'er his brow Bear the rich burden of thy teeming bough ; And still thy dew the loved old bard may sip, Whose own soft lay fell sweeter from his lip. G.B. Heart-easing, all-soothing Vine, thou mother of clustering offspring, Curling with tendril so green, breeder of generous wine, Bendo'er the low-rais'd mound, and spread o'er the name-letter'd headstone, Here, where the Teian bard sleeps in the sheltering ground. So shall that reveller gay, that sheer-drinking, top-heavy toper, Who through the livelong night woke up an amorous strain, Prostrate in earth though he now in the cheerless grave be reposing, Still from thy loaded branch prop a rich store with his brow; So shall thy genial dew yet steep in its balm the old songster, Who a far sweeter lay breath'd from his soft-wooing tongue. G.B. Sweet, all-seducing, conquering Vine, Rich queen of autumn's purple wealth, Whose crisped tendrils round entwine The kindly germs of life and health. Disdain not thou that humble mound ; Its pillar claims thy choicest care ; For he who spread thy fame around, Thy Teian poet slumbers there. So shall the wild, the jovial bard, Who quaff d thy wine-cups foaming free, Nor ever till the dawning spared The chords attuned to love and thee, Contented in his narrow grave Beneath thy grateful shelter rest ; For him thy richest bough shall wave, For him thy ripest grape be prest. And let the soft and mellow dews The old man's dream of joy prolong, Who breath'd, when thou didst crown his Muse, A softer and a mellower song ! ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 345 Source of all soothing balm ! parent of wine, Inlaced with mazy tendrils, bounteous Vine ! May'st thou for ever o'er the marble bloom That crowns yon slender mound, Anacreon's tomb : So he of tipsy jollity the king, That all night long would strike the merry string, Though in the dust he lie, still o'er his head Shall bear thy golden clusters ever spread, And still be moistened with that juice, which he Outvied, though sweet, with sweeter melody. O 8. CCCCIX. 2TPATQNO2. El fj,ev yrjpda'Kei TO KaXov, fterdSos, Trplv a.7T\0r)' El Se /j,evi, ri dpoicri Hv Se , apyvpos ei/u pbvov. JULIANI -SOYPTII. De securi Prcesidis. Si male quid facias, me noveris esse securim ; Si sapis, argentum sum tibi, nil aliud. Grotius. Sur la hache Consulaire. Mechant, que voyez-vous? Le coutelas fatal. Et vous, homme de bien ? Un morceau de metal. Poan-Saint-Simon If you transgress, in me An axe you see ; If innocent you feel, A piece of steel. w. CCCCXI. $ i A i n n o Y. "IS' to? 6 7Tfj,eva6K\ee<;, Oii'WTrov Bdtcxpv (Borpvv e 8 I M O N I D I S. Ergo exstincta tua est, Sophocles divine, senectus ; Occludit fauces uva inimica tuas. G. S. Ah Sophocles ! choice minstrel of the stage ! The vine's dark grape extinguish' d thy old age. w. CCCCXIV. ANTI'HATPOY 2 I A Q N I O Y. Els '\vanptovTa. &d\\oi TerpaKOpvpfios, *Avdicpeov, dfi(j>l , S' OTTO 77)5 7781; %eoiTQ pedv, "Opa Ke rot o-iroSir) re Koi 66l/J,eVOli\e, fidpfttrov, w crvv doi&a Udvra SiaTT\(ocraenged;mudt, o Qlnafreon, frdnge ba8 ratimat, Unb ber etHufjenbe d^nutd 5 ^ur^urner 9Bte8en um^er, Don gdjaumenber 2)?ild? aufftrome bie 8ritbelnbe @rbe, llnb om iigel ^erafe quette ber bitftenbe 2ftoft ; S)aff bein ntobernb efcetn unb bie Qtd?e noc^ Sreube genieffe ; SBenn tm iAT5, fjto\is evpe refcova-a 8" eiravaaro Elf eva fwvvov"O/J.? TrXoucrto? TJV TTOTC Kal /9ac7tXeu? elvai TI)S /u-eyaX?;? ' '-4\X' orav e//,/SA,e\/rct> Niicdvopa rbv Kal yva>, Trpos ri Troiel ravra ra y\o>o - <7o/co/xa, "AKTIJV TTOV vrao-o-a?, Kal rat? /coruXat? i^ro/Spe^a?, Tr)v 'Affirjv 7T6)X&) 7T/3O? fjivpa ical e8 SKeereg SBette junt lifer bocty lieff fie i>a ^Ieii> ifyrent (Sntgeelten unb flol;. ba fam ein 0tduter, unb wag bie SCBette nic^t wagte, er ; er na^m bag ^leib einem @nt8eetten unb flolj. bann ! 3!rag' eg o tauter unb trag'g f)ina(> in ben Orf 116, S)ajf bid? Qleafug gleidj, tauter beg Xobten, erfennt. Herder. Ittt id) im SWeet ; bod) fyatt' er @rtarmen, unb liefl" mtr @d;onenb bag le^te @en;anb in bem ewii^Ie bcr 5tut^. >od; aud; biegeg entriff mir ein QWengd) mit ben freuelnben 4?dnben, llnb fur ben fleinen etvinn gd^eut' er nid^t grdjflid;e @d?ulb. (Stieger bod) algo Befleibet fjinalj in beg 5l'ibeg SRad^treid;, >aff bort 9W inog i^)n gd)aue in ineinem @en?anb f Jaoobe A shipwrecked corse behold ! the pitying sea Spared one remaining vest to cover me ; But a wretch stripped it off with hand profane : Oh how great guilt incurr'd for that vile gain ! For he shall wear it to his dying day, And stand before his judge in my array. w. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 353 CCCCX1X. B I A N O P O 2. e/c\aiov 6/079 p,Qpov, a\\' e'm 7rat8o9 'jE\7ricri Kovorepa$ ecnevov ei? 6$vi>as. 8' ert KOI 7rai8o9 ffrOovepij /t' airevoo-fao'e Molpa' \>, ftpeos e^revcrdrjv teal fyerfce ; bod^ Iie|f fie Sfytet Orajte SBilb mtr no<^ jum linbcrnben 3:rofl, UnSern <&on ; auc^ biegen ^at mir bie $arje geraubet ; 5tuc^ bu tyaft mic^ getdugc^t, freunblic^eS, troftenbeS ^inb. @6tttnn be3 Sobtenreic^cS, o |6r' bie J^rdne be SSaterS, ber SRutter bag Jfinb Sanft in ben jdrtli(^en cfyooff. Herder. I wept Theonoe's loss ; but one fair child His father's heart of half its woe beguiled. And now, sole source of hope and solace left, That one fair child the envious fates have reft. Death ! hear a father's prayer, and lay to rest My little one on its lost mother's breast. G. S. Yy 354 ANTHOLOQIA POLYGLOTTA. ccccxx. AAE2nOTON. "Hfirjv dxpeiov /ca\o/AO? vrov etc verai, ov o-ratyvkij. 'y4\\a fjC avrjp efJLvrjd eXiKWViBa, Xerrra T0pr)' El 8" av prj #eo? eort, i>o//,teo-0a> debs elvai. IN CERT i. Si deus est, quo more deos, veneremur Homerum : Et si non deus ille, tamen deus esse putetur. Grotius. Se Omero e un dio, fra gl' Immortai si adori ; Se un dio non e, pur come un dio s'onori. M. To Homer, if he be a god, be godlike honours done : Again, if he be not a god, let him be reckoned one. w. 356 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCXXII. eEOTNIAOS. *A Seikrj Trevir), rl Bevels TrpokiTrova-a Trap' a\\ov ievai ; fj,rj 8ij $ OVK i, /cal SofJLOV d\\ov e Alel Sva-rijvov rovSe /3/oy THEOONIDI8. Cur sic, Pauperies, cunctis inimica relictis Me colis, invitmn me male semper amas ? Vade, aliam tibi quaere domum ; non omnibus annis Has mecum serumnas participare velis. G. S. Why linger here, sad Poverty ? Go, dwell With whom thou wilt ; I woo thee not, farewell ! Go seek another home, nor stay with me, Only to share this life of misery. w. CCCCXXII I. I Q N O 2. Xaipe /AeXa/iTreTrXoi?, EvpnriSr), ev yvaXoitnv rov aei VVKTOS e WV, OTl ? TOV epacrrrjv ei?' eXeou 8' ovS ovap r/VTiacra^. olKreipovcri' av 8' ovS" ovap. rj 7ro\ir) Se Airrix avafjuvrjcrei ravrd ere irdvra Ko/j.r). C ALLI 51 AC HI. Sit talis somnus, Conopion, et tibi, qualem Me super hoc gelidum limen habere facis. Sic injusta cubes, ut me requiescere cogis : Quippe nee umbra levis de pietate tibi est. Vicinos miseret, sed te nihil. Advenit alba, Quae te horum immemorem non sinit esse, coma. Q ro Li us. mogeft bu gc^Iummern, Jlono^ion, ime bit auf biegen Sd)tt>eflen erjlarrt je^o gu gd;lafen mid) ^roingft mogefl bu d)Iummern, 3Serrdt^ertn ! reie bu beu (freuub ^ier 6inn)icg|l ; 9KttIeib na^t Selber im Xraume bir nicfyt. jammern unt mid; ; bu im Sraum nid?t. 5(ber bag graue aar ruft funftig aud; bieff bir in'8 ebdd?tniff jurutf. Jacobs. Such sleep, Conopion, on thy eyelids wait, As sits on his now shivering at thy gate ! Such sleep, thou false one, as thou bidst him prove, Who vainly sues thy stony breast to move ! Not ev'n a shade of pity thou'lt bestow : The neighbours weep to see me suffer so ; But thou, not ev*n a shade. O cruel fair ! Be this remembered with thy first gray hair ! Merivale. 358 ANTHOLOGIA POLYQLOTTA. ccccxxv. N I K A P X O Y. Tov ypvTTov pjrfjpo/4O5 yevofAijv, (rcuvpov, o' en moderer ? ardeur, Et la fidele Pouvoir mourir ! Heureux Zephyr ! Rose plus fortunee De cette main touchee ! Toi qui pourras t' epanouir Sur ce beau sein que la cruelle A mes yeux jamais ne revele, Et la mourir, De cette main touchee, Rose plus fortunee ! E. C.H. 2ftoc$t' id) ein SOBefhtinb 8ei)n, unb bit gingjl in ben tra^Ien bcr onne, Itnb mit entg^Ie^erter 93rujl nci^mfl bu ben au^enben auf ! 2ftbd)t' id) bie 0loe bo^ 8eijn, unb bit fliuf te|t mic^ bann mit ber 4?anb db ; llnb on ber tlenbenben 3Britjl liejft bit bie Jwtpitrne tit^n ! Jacobs. O that I were some gentle air; That, when the heats of summer glow, And lay thy panting bosom bare, I might upon that bosom blow ! O that I were yon blushing flower, Which even now thy hands have press'd, To live, though but for one short hour, Upon the Elysium of thy breast ! MerivaJe 360 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA, CCCCXXVII. HAM^IAOY. OVKCTI, 8?; ^Xtapowrti/ ee6fAVO0i/j,eva<; \CVK offrea To38' evl rv(ji,(3

ert rpofieeiv 6-fjpas, ayp&cm Tdv S' dperav oi&ev pAya HrjKiov, a r "Oera-a, Kidaip&vos T oiovoftoi SIMONIDIS. Mortua sis quamvis, tamen ad tua Candida credo Nunc etiam cervos contremere ossa, Lycas. Sola Cithaeronis te saxa, et Pelion ingens, Ossse conspicuus te bene norat apex. G. S. Tremare ancor su la tua tomba antica Veggio le fiere, o cacciatrice Lica, La cui preclara memorabil possa Ammirar Peh"o, Citerone ed Ossa. Pagnini. ANTHOLOGIA POLYQLOTTA. 361 (Jrbe fcebecft bein Weidjenb efcein, lautfceflenbet 2>eunod) tefcet bag 2Btlb audj bem eftorfcnen im tab. jetton rceiff, nrie Jriel bu t>ermod)t, audj rcetff eg ^ittjdtong (SHnSam ragenb etnrg j walbtger Dffa, audj bu. Jacots. Hound Lycas, even now thy white bones cold Within this tomb must needs the stags arouse : Thy worth great Pelion knew, and Ossa's wold, And all Cithseron's solitary brows. Sterling. Lycas, thy bleaching bones from out this mound Startle the deer, I ween, much dreaded hound. Huge Pelion, and the far-seen Ossa speak Thy prowess, and Cithseron's lonely peak. CCCCXXIX. MNA2AAKOY. 'A Gvpiyl;, ri rot wSe Trap 'Atypoyeveiav opovcras ; Tiirr airo TTOifjievtov ^et'Xeo? e58e Trdpei ; Ov rot, Trp&ves 0' 0)8", ovr ayicea' iravra 8' "Epwre? Kal IIoOos' a S' cuypia Mover ev opet vefjierai. MNA8ALC.E. Cur hue ad pulcram venisti, o fistula, Cyprin ? Pastorum positis cur ades hucce labris ? Nee colles, nee habes hie valles ; omnia amores. Vivit in excelsis rustica Musa jugis. Q. S. Fl. Christianue. Sdnbttc^e 5I6te, wag tfyuft bu ^iet in bet golbenen Si))3rig ^attafl, n?o bu Jjerfhimmt, etne 3Serac^tete ^dngfl ? ier flnb fetne eturge, noc^ nrieberfyaflenbe 3^)ate, 5tntor unb 2Bo^Uu^ nur tanien unb 6u|Ien um^er. Jle'Ote guriicE, 5?erirrte ; jurucf gur 5lue be8 Bitten : ione bcr UnS^utb freu'n nur ein unSctyutbigeg er5- Herder. Say, rustic pipe ! in Cythersea's dome Why sounds this echo of a shepherd's home ? Nor rocks nor valleys here invite the strain ; But all is Love. Go, seek thy hills again. F. H. Z Z 362 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. ccccxxx. MEAEATPOY. "Ey^ei, Kal irakiv sltre, iraXiv, Trakiv, 'HXcoSwpas, EiTre, t\epacrTov, ISov, poSov, ovve/ca icetvav "A\\o0i, KOV /co\?roi9 i7yu.erepot9 eaopa. MELEAGRI. Infunde, atque iterum atque iterum die, Heliodora, Et confunde mero nomina blanda Dese. Tum illius monumentum, hesterna et molliter uncta Accedat capiti plexa corona meo. Ecce tibi, rosa plorat amantibus sequa ; quod illara Absentem, et nostro non videt in gremio. Dan. Heinsius. Quiero mas ; echa vino ; Que texieron sus manos Llena, llena la copa ; De azucenas y rosas : Que bebermela quiero A mis sienes la cine ; Al nombre de Eliodora : Mas ay ! tal vez ahora Y tii quando la llenes, Ella en agenos brazos Su dulce nombre, Dorcas, Descuidada se goza, Repite a mis oidos, Que mustias me lo dicen Y traeme la corona Las flores amorosas. Conde. Tic uetnenbe SRo&t. c^enfe ntir ein, unb ruf, tuf ' nocfymaf)I : ^eltobora ! ben Staljmen gujfsflingenb jinn fro^tic^cn SBetn. mir auf ben ^rang, ber no^ on ben geftrtgen @al6en 2)uftet ; e8 gafc i^n mir i^re ^ofeSelige -anb. jle^ ba ! eg rcetnet an i^m bie 3fto3e ber Stefce ute 0loge, bu einjl, baff mir bie Siefclitfee fe^It. Herder. Fill high the cup with liquid flame, And speak my Heliodora's name ! Repeat its magic o'er and o'er, And let the sound my lips adore Sweeten the breeze, and mingling swim On every bowl's voluptuous brim ! ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 363 Give me the wreath that withers there ; It was but last delicious night It hung upon her wavy hair, And caught her eyes' reflected light ! Oh ! haste, and twine it round my brow ; It breathes of Heliodora now ! The loving rose-bud drops a tear, To see the nymph no longer here, No longer where she used to lie, Close to my heart's devoted sigh ! T.Moore. CCCCXXXI. A A H A O N. Els fiKova Mr)8(ias tv 'Pa>p,ij. ffropyrjv KOI T}\OI> eBei^e Mr)8elr)s, retcvwv ei'< fjwpov eXtcofjkevojv. Tff fjiev jap ffwevevaev eTrt io?, fj 8' dvavevei, Sco&iv Kal KTeiveiv ftovkofj&vr) rexea. INCERTI. Dum rapit in letum pueros Medea, parentis ^}mula nunc rabies, nunc amor ora tenet. Timomachi fuit ars. Eenuit, simul annuit ensi, Jam parsura, eadem jam nocitura, suis. G.F:D. T. Di Timomaco 1' arte al vivo espresso Ha 1' amore e il furor, onde Medea Inverso i figli ardea. Ve' come al tempo stesso Salvar la prole, e trucidar bramando, Strigne e rigetta il brando. Pagnini. tferluc^t unb aJhittergcfii^I, gtauSame 2J?ebeo, @ini> uon Ximoma^uS anb bir in bag 5(uge gemt8d)t. 2I?ut^enb Id^>elt jte an ben Hinfenben I)olc^ ; unb (Stfcarmen ^att j!e jurncE; fie nrifl tobten unb retten bag tfinb. Herder. Timomachus Medea's image made, Which all her sternness, all her love displayed. She lifts the sword ; assents, and yet refuses : At once to slay, and save, the mother chooses. J. W B. 364 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCXXXII. MAKEAONIOY YHATOY. Ets t j/oSo^eio v. rea e/o? aet 0/Xo9* oy 7/1/3 epevvav Ti9, TroOev, ye rivwv, eVrl MACEDONIA Civis et externus grati; domus hospita nescit QuEerere, quis, cujus, quis pater, unde venis. Sam. Johnson. Comune ospizio son ; ne a me conviene Chiedere altrui chi, quale o d' onde ei viene. Pagnini. Townsman and stranger, both I greet, nor deem it hospitality To ask my guest, who, whence he is, his parentage and quality. CCCCXXXIII. IOYAIANOY TOY A. Y. AITYDT. ftev, Kvdepeia, ^apl^eai' dXXa papaivei, 'O %p6vo<; epTrvfyov crrjv, /Sacri'Xeta, Awpov o vfj,Tpoio "Trapa/Trrafji^vov fie Akyyvao KOI Siopov, troTvia, JULIANI jEOYPTII. Das formam, formosa Venus : sed serior aetas Illud perpetuum non sinit esse bonum. Cum tua defugiant me munera, quo mihi testis Muneris, hunc etiam tu tibi, diva, cape. Grotius. Ben, Venere, tu doni la beltade ; Ma questo dono tuo guasta, o regina, Col serpeggiante suo venir 1' etade. E poiche un dono tal, Dea di Citera, Or mi trasvola, o veneranda, accetta Pur questo, che del don testimon era. Pompei. <5d)6tu)eit jnjar, ^t^erea, getcd^refl bu, aber bic 3* nimmt 2)einer fcegliirfenben unjl SSIut^e gerflijrenb ^inweg. SCBeil aucfj mtr fie oriiBergerau8^t, o Jttytljere, 00 nimm auc^ 2)eine8 tteriornen eSc^enfS 3fU9n, 6r^a6ne, juriicf. Jacobs. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 365 Beauty as Venus' gift I own : But stealthy time removes it ; And, Goddess, now thy gift is flown, O take the glass that proves it. w. CCCCXXXIV. AOYKIAAIOY. Tut "rrarpi /J.OV TOV dBe\9 d 'A\\ Epfjt,OK\L&T)<> avrov JAOVO Eil-jre S\ or' avrov eaa> vetcpov e LUCILLII. Vaticinabantur quantum fait astrologorum ^)tatis patruo tempora longa meo : Hermogenes unus, mors, inquit, acerba notatur : Sed tune cum funus plangeret atra domus. Grotius. Al mio germane una ben lunga vita Fu da strolaghi molti presagita. Ermo solo assegnbgli un \iver corto, Ma quando in casa e' si piangea gia morto. Pa^nini. II devoit vivre cent ans, Disoient tous les charlatans, Et triompher de 1' en vie : Comme on F alloit enterrer, Un seul trouva sans errer, Qu' il seroit de courte vie. Pelisson. The astrologers did all alike presage My uncle's dying in extreme old age ; One only disagreed. But he was wise, And spoke not till he heard the funeral cries. W. Cowper. Your uncle's sure to live through many a year : So, all but one, the fortune-tellers swore. Says Hermoclides : he's short-lived I fear ; But this was when the hearse was at the door. 366 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. ccccxxxv. A E Q N I A O Y. "Apeos eirrea ravra TWOS x^P tv > & Kvdepeta, 'EvSeSvaai, tcevebv TOVTO epovcra ftdpos ; AVTOV "Apij yvftvr) yap a^)d)7rXtcra5* el Be Kal LEONIDS. Anna, Venus, Mortis sunt haec : quid inutile pondus, Mortali bellum si meditare, subis. Nil opus est ferro, ferri cum nuda potentem Exueris spoliis omnibus ipsa Deum. Lud. Ariostus. Haec Martis sunt arma, Venus, cur cingeris istis ? Cur, Cytherea, geris tarn grave pondus iners. Mars est a nuda victus. Cum cesserit ipse Vel Deus, haec frustra nunc geris arma viris. Natalia Comes. >ie geicaffnete QRutter ber Sie&e, bu ^ajl bie 9Baffen beg gc^recfli^en 5lngeleget ? rooju trdgfl bu bie e^erne Safi ? &afl bu ben ott nit^t 8eI6|l in narfter SBajfen be QtreS ? Sffiarum trcigjl bu fur U)n bieSe ^ergeblic^e Safl ? 9tacft entroaffnetefl bu ben enjaltigen. 2Benn bit ein ott weifyt, $raun, 80 rufleji bu bic^ gegen bie 2Wen8cfyen umSonfl. Jacobs. The arms of Mars why, Cytherea, wear ? Why such an useless burthen bear ? Mars, though a god, thy naked charms Spoiled of his arms : Then, against mortals, spear and shield How vain to wield ! J. W. B. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 367 CCCCXXXVI. * A A K K O Y. " Eftpov ^e//zp/(M5 dra\b<; Kovpos 6\i(r6iipois Troacrlv edpavae irdyov, Tov Trapaa-vpofjievoio Trepippayes SrjyaXeov irorap.ov Burrovioio Kal TO fj,ev ripTrdcrdr) Bivais pepos' q 8e Aei(f>Qev virepde ra^w fiovvov edrj/ce icdpa. Mvpo/j,vr) 8e raXaiva, reVo?, re/to?, etTre, TO fj^v ffov r), TO Se , e? eiXaTTiwrjv yue KoXecra-as, "Eicrave, 7retva\eov<; TOW Trtvatcas Trpo(pepa>v. 'O%#/7eyyei Xt/zw- Hov fj,oi ^opracrirj oarpaicivwv irivaKwv ; PALLAD^E. Dum tot, amice, cibo prefers argentea nullo, Regifica perimit me tua coena fame : Et dico indignans splendores inter inanes : O qui fictilibus me saturem efficiat ! G. S A certain host, and at a grand repast, Starved me to death with silver dishes bare. Vex'd, famish' d, dazzled, I exclaimed at last : O for a belly-full, and earthenware ! w. CCCCXXXVIII. M Y P I N O Y. &vpp,r)Tri<;, 6 ra vv^iKa /j>fj\a 6 v Troifivia ftdtcrpov 1 'A Nvfjirerften ! baft fein SCBolf ^^rienS f nafcen jerretiTt. Jacobs. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 369 Thyrsis, employed by Nymphs their flocks to feed, Thyrsis, who Pan could equal on the reed, Drunken mid-day under a pine doth sleep, And Cupid bears the crook, and tends the sheep. Awake, ye Nymphs, awake the shepherd bold, Or wolves will bear off Cupid with the fold. T. F. CCCCXXXIX. AOYKIANOY. IlalBd ytte TrevraeTrjpov, a/cr)8ea OV/JLOV e^ovra, 'A\\d p,e firj /cXai'oi?' KOI yap ftioroio Havpov, Kal Travpwv TWV /Storoto icaicutv. LU C I A N I. Quinquennis puer, et curarum nescius, orco Raptus ab immiti Callimachus peril. Ne me flete tamen : cui vitae tempora pauca, Huic etiam vitae pauca fuere mala. Cunichius. A cinqu' anni la spoglia io qui lasciai. Non t' attristar : che se del viver mio Fur pochi i di, pochi fur anche i guai. Roncalli. Libre de tous soucis, a 1* age de cinq ans La lumiere du jour vient de m' etre ravie. Va, ne me pleure point : j' ai vecu peu d' instants ; Mais aussi j' ai souffert peu des niaux de la vie. Poan-Saint-Simon. On an Infant. Bewail not much, my parents ! me, the prey Of ruthless Hades, and sepulchred here. An infant, in my fifth scarce finish'd year, He found all sportive, innocent, and gay, Your young Callimachus ; and if I knew Not many joys, my griefs were also few. W. Ccrwper. A child of five short years, unknown to woe, Callimachus my name, I rest below. Mourn not my fate : if few the joys of life, Few were its ills, its conflicts, brief its strife. 3 A 370 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCXL. MEAEATPOY. Adicpvd aoi KOI vepde 8ia ^#01/69, ' H~\.io$u>pa, Awpovnai, (TTopyds \etyavov, et? 'AtSav, Adicpva SucrSd/cpvTa' 7ro\VK\avT(t) ' em. rvf OiKTpd yap, olfcrpd i\av tre Kal ev 0i/ji,evots Alda>, Keveav et'vpe teovis. J A\\d ae yovvovfActi, enn id) Kage bid^ gtfjwer, o Scfjnjer Betriitet, inbejf bit, eine 9Stume gerauBt ? a*, ber entftettenbe @tauB. ^' id) bid) an, bu aflerfcarmenbe Gutter @rbe, bie Sanftejle Olu 1 ^' gonn' i^r in beinem Herder. Bring' id^ bir, o Sitffe Sreunbinn ! ber SHefce ingige @afce, bie bir folgt in baS eingame raB. SStttre 3^ranen ! id? jie^' an beinem 2Raal', unb eg rinnen Xro^fen ber @e^ngud;t ^eraB, Sropfen ber SieBe ^eraB. SKeine .Stage folget bir nad? in bie Siefen ber @d;atten, ^Dort, mo bie Sugenb sjerBIu^t, bort, no bie rajie fleudjt ! 3ld? ! TOO tfi fte nun, bie gd?6nfie ber aBtumen ? bie ruft fyat @ie DerSdjIungen, eg ^at Qtd;e bie 93Iutb,en ent|tettt ! ^nieenb fle^' id) bid; an, o aflegernal^renbe @rbe ! Saff, bie id; lieBe, j!e ganft, Gutter, im id; entfu^rte beg &abeg 0leibigd)e anb, unb ad; ! migdjte bie 95tut^)e bem riicfe bag jarte eBitb leig' an bie IteBenbe Srufl. Jacobs. 372 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Tears, all that love has left to give the dead, Take, Heliodora, e'en in earth's lone bed ; Tears, bitter tears, the glistening mound below, Regret's, affection's fond memorial flow. Thee sorely, sorely, loved though lost, laments Meleager, nor Pluto's heart relents ! Ah ! where's my soul's sweet blossom ? reft ! the tomb Hath reft it ! dust has stained her prime of bloom. All-nursing Earth ! O bid her softly rest, And gently fold my mourned one to thy breast. G-. B. Though the earth hide thee, yet there, even there, my Heliodora, All that is left me, I give, tears of my love, to thy grave, Tears, how bitterly shed, on thy tomb bedewed with my weeping, Pledge of my fond regret, pledge of affection for thee. Piteously, piteously still, but in vain, grieves on Meleager : Thou art among the dead ; Acheron heeds not my woe. Where is the flower that I loved? Death has torn it away in the springtide, Torn it away, and the dust stains the fair leaves in their bloom. Genial Earth, be it thine, at the mourner's humble entreaty, Gently to hold in thine arms her whom I ever deplore. E. C.H. Tears, that through earth shall find their way, For thee, my Heliodora, flow ; The tears of bitter weeping they, Love's tribute to the realm of Woe. Still shall around thy sacred tomb Her sad libations Memory shed, And cherish still, 'mid sorrow's gloom, Affection lingering o'er the dead. Yes, dearest still, though lost for ever, Meleager for thee shall mourn, Though vain the Poet's fond endeavour To call thee from thy dark sojourn. My pleasant plant ! where is it, where ? The grave hath rifled all its pride ! The flower that bloomed so full and fair, Is sunk to dust in summer-tide ! ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 373 All-fostering Earth, behold me weep ! Behold me bend the suppliant knee ; Lull'd on thy breast to gentle sleep, Clasp, mother, clasp thy child to thee. H. H. Tears, Heliodora ! tears to thee, though under ground, I shed, All that remains of yearning love, an offering to the dead ! Tears o'er thy loud-lamented tomb, which falling sadly prove Memorials of affection fond, and longings of my love ! But vain are Meleager's woes, in vain he thee deplores, His tears, unheeded offerings, fall on 'Acheron's dark shores. Alas ! where art, my much-lov'd flowey? Thy bloom has Ades spoil' d, And all thy beauteous primy hues in baleful dust defiled : But thee, O Earth ! I supplicate, to thy all-fost'ring breast Clasp gently my lamented one in ever peaceful rest ! R. Swainson Fisher. CCCCXLI. A A H A O N. ecrr ayaObs , 'H\t,6$(op t Tq> ical Trjprjaat rovrov eViCTTa/iei/a). INCERTI. Nullus thesaurus prsestantior, Heliodore, Quam, bene si serves, fidus amicus erit. Grotiua. Felix, qui servare bonum sibi novit amicum ! Ingentem thesaurum, Heliodore, tenet. w. A lui che sa serbarlo, Eliodoro, E uu amico fedel grande tesoro. M >e3 Se&enS groffejler 09, , Aaicpvcras eTTi/crjpov ebv fiiov ov&e yap auro? "Hir)s e? KviSov ep-^op.e.vrji\ei<;, pr} Tre/i^r???' ov Seo/uai yap Olvov TOIOVTOV, /Lwy/cer' e~)(G>v Op&aica*;. LUCIAN I. Sjepe merum mihi misisti, gratesque peregi, Sparsus nectarei pectora rore meri. At mihi ne mittas posthac, rogo. Quo mihi acetum ! Lactucis et qui caulibus abstineam. D' Orvillms. Oft as you sent me wine, I gave you for*t The thanks your nect'rous tipple claim'd in reason. Now if you love me, send no more : that sort Is of no use ; salads are out of season. w. 376 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCXLV. IOYAIANOY TOY A. Y. AITYIIT. U\oifT(av, Seo, pa/tap, A^pbicpiTov, <9 icev, avdacrwv Alev ayLtetS^-noy, real VTa Xa^oi?. JULIANI ^GYPTII. Accipe Democritum, Pluton, ut rideat unus In regno risum non capiente tuo. Grotius. Accipe Democritum, Pluto, precor, una sit ut quse Tot flentes inter rideat umbra tibi. Fazakerley. Varca Democrito Fosti de' miseri Lo Stigio fiume ; Sempre fra i lai ; Lieto ricevilo, Con lui nell' Erebo Tartareo Nume. Or riderai. Felici. Epitaphe de Rabelais. O Pluton, Rabelais recoy, Ann que toy qui es le Roy De ceux qui ne rient jamais, Tu ais un rieur desormais. Baif. (Seliger $Iuto, ntmm, nimm un ben lac^enben SCBeiSen, Unter ber traurigen d^aar ^afl bu jegt @tnen, ber tac^t. Herder. etliger Q3Iuton, ntmm ben 2>emofrito3, bajf bu in beiner @tet3 unfreunbtic^en @c^aar einen boc^ Ijafcefi, ber lac^t. VOSB. err8c^er ber fatten, em^fang ben 5)emofrito8, baff ftcfy bent ernjien 93otfe, Bel? bem bn regierfl, enblic^ etn Sadder ereint. Jacobs. Pluto receive the sage, whose ghost Is wafted to thy gloomy shore. One laughing spirit seeks the coast, Where never smile was seen before. Merivale. Greet, Pluto, greet Democritus, and have One merry soul, thou monarch of the grave. w. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 377 CCCCXLVI. AAE2IIOTON. 'O (f>66vo<; earl /ca/aoro?, ej(et, Se TI Ka\,bv Iv avrat' jap 6ovepwv o^ara KCU KpaBirjv. INCERTI. Pessima res livor : sed habet laudabile quiddam, Liventi quod cor exedit atque oculos. Orotius. Pessima e invidia ; ma ha del buono ancora : Gli occhi ed il cor delF invido divora. M. L' envie est, dites vous, de mille maux la cause. Hola ! cher ami, parlez mieux ; L' envie est mie bonne chose, Elle fait crever F envieux. De la Monnoye. 9Mb, bu groffcg llebel ! bod) ifl bag ute nod) in bit, iDaff bu mit eigenem $feil getber bag ofyrft Herder. Envy's detestable, but has this good ; The envious waste their eyesight and heart's blood. CCCCXLV1I. KAAAIKTHPO2. Ets larpov K\irrr)v. 'P68a)v \e7rpav Kal %oipdBas at pet" Ta\\a Be TTCLVT alpei teal St^a app,aKia)V, CALLICTER. Herbis tollenti strumam scabiemque Bhodoni, Herbis, ut tollat csetera, non opus est. Orotius. On a pilfering quack. Celsus takes off, by dint of skill, Each bodily disaster : But takes off spoons, without a pill ; Your plate without a plaister. Graves. With medicines Rhodon carries off the gout, But every other kind of thing without. w, SB 378 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCXLVIII. A A H A O N. Ov Svvarai rfj %etpt JTpo^Xo? rrjv ptv a pivos yap e^ei TTJV Ov8e Xeyet Zev craxrov, eav TTTapf)' ov yap dicovei T?}9 pivof, TTO\V yap Trjs d/co^9 aTre^et. INCERTI. Bicardus nescit madidas emungere nares ; Tarn longo est naso, tarn brevis a cubito : Nee si sternutat, ' fausto siet omine ! ' clamat ; Tam longe amotos non capit aure sonos. H. Drury. Proclo soffiarsi il naso tenta invano, Perche del naso e assai minor la mano ; Ne il naso suo lontan, quand' ei starnuta, Udir ei puo per dir : Giove^ m' aiuta. Pagnini. Du Nez de Germain. II n' est possible que Germain Son nez avec sa main touche, Pource que sa trop courte main De son nez la longueur n' approuche, Meme il ne s' oit eternuer, Et sij Dieu nous aid, on luy crie, Ne daigneroit s' en remuer, Pensant que ce soit moquerie. Baif. 2luf eint lange D atter 9taSen 9Ra8' ! 3c^ reottte 5)aS D^r fann fie nid)t gc^nauten ^ Leasing. On a great Nose. Thy nose no man can wipe, Proclus, unless He have a hand as big as Hercules : When thou dost sneeze, the sound thou dost not hear, Thy nose is so far distant from thine ear. Anon. Mus. Del. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 379 Proclus with his hand his nose can never wipe, His hand too little is his nose to gripe ; He sneezing calls not Jove ; for why ? he hears Himself not sneeze, the sound's so far from 's ears. Sir Thomas Brown. Dick cannot wipe his nostrils when he pleases, His nose so long is, and his arm so short ; Nor ever cries, God bless me ! when he sneezes, He cannot hear so distant a report. Merivale. CCCCXLIX. AHMOAOKOY. KainraSofCijv TTOT' e^iSita icaKrj Sdicev d\\a teal ainrj KdrBave, yevGapAmt) at/zaro? lo/36\ov. DEMODOCI. Vipera Cappadocem jam saeva momordit, at ipsa Hausto lethifero sanguine rursus obit. Salvinius. Morse fier* aspe un Cappadoce nn di ; Ma il costui sangue velenoso appena Ebbe 1* aspide tocco, che mori. M. Imitazione. Una vipera a Luca s' awento : Che cosa vi credete che seguisse ? Che Luca ne morisse ? La vipera crepo. Pananti. Imitation. Un gros serpent mordit Aurele ; Sais-tu ce qu' il en arriva? Qu' Aurele en mourut. Bagatelle ! Ce fut le serpent qui creva. Bruzen de la Martiniere. Hier aupres de Charenton Un serpent mordit Jean Freron. Que croyez-vous qu' il arriva ? Ce fut le serpent qui creva. Voltaire. A viper stung a Cappadocian's hide ; And, poison'd by his blood, that instant died. Merivale. ANTHOLOQTA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCL. ANTIHATPOY 2IAJJNIOY. TV)? TToXt?}? r68e trr/fta MapwviSos, 17? em Tvp.f3(a PXvTTTrjV K 7TT/)?79 ai/TO? OjOa? KV\lKd. ' H. 8e v * Av S 1 tarpevrj, ruv Oepairevop-evrnv. AMMIANI. Nicetas Paean vere est novus ; ut citharaedus Aures, asgrotos enecat ut medicus. Grotiua. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 381 Nicetas sings, and without shame Murders the finest musick. When he prescribes he does the same, And murders me or you sick. CCCCLI1. A A H A O N. '/2 jaa'rijp KvvbfJivia, Si rjv KoXatces Trapdcrtroi Za)fj,ov TTcoXovcrtv Oeapov eXevOepfys. I N C E R T I. Improba res venter, parasitus sumine vili Si libertatis vendere jura potest. G.S. O ventre non saziabile, che vendi La liberta pel cibo che tu prendi. LJ. Aiamanni. 3)er SSauc^. 3Baucf), bu Uner0d)timter ! 2)er ^re^eit ^etlige SRefyte i6t ber o?, ov Sta /3ov\a$ '.EXXxzs eXevOepiT)? apfyedero (rrtyavov. S I M O N I D I 8. Cernis Adimanti tumulum. Hoc duce et auspice facti Est libertatis Grsecia nacta decus. o. s. SJieff tfl bag rafc 5lbuuantS. Qtuf Seinen tot^enben 2hi8cfylag (Sc^te ber riec^en Sanb ranje ber ^re^eit ft<^ auf. Herder. Here Adeimantus rests : the same was he, Whose counsels won for Greece the crown of liberty. Merivale. Here Adimantus lies, by whom led on To fight, all Hellas freedom's garland won. Sterling. 382 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCLIV. A O Y K I A A I O Y. Elf v\aicr)v ftXyOek Trore Map/to? 6 0/3769, e/covri, 6vov. LTTCILLII. Carcere conclusus Marcus piger ille, fatetur Caedem sponte sua; quippe ilium exire pigebat. Jac. Duportus. Marco, celebre poltrone, Per uon prendersi il fastidio D J uscir fuora di prigione, S' accuse d' un omicidio. Pagnini. Lazy Mark, snug in prison, in prison to stay, Thought confessing a murder the easiest way. w. Mark declares he's a murderer : who credits the tale ? He's only too lazy to come out of jail. w CCCCLV. AOYKIAAIOY. T?}s VVKTOS rpo^a 6 dpyos ), fjurj TTO\,I TTOV LUCILLII. Cum semel in somnis Marcus piger ille cucurrit ; Ne rursum currat dormire haud amplius audet. Jac. Duportus. Heus ! piger iste, modo in somnis sibi currere visus, Non iterum, ne iterum curreret, it cubitum. G-. P. D. T. 2)?atfo3 ttaumte, ber ^aule, ^orlangjl, alg ^aB' er gelaufen, @eitbem Sc^Iaft er ntd)t me^jr, aeil ijor bent Saufen i^m bangt. Jacobs. That dream about running gave Mark such a fright About running again, that he sits up all night. w. Marcus dreamt he was running ; so took in his head, For fear he should run, not to get into bed. G. B. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 383 CCCCLVI. A A H A O N. Ek 'Ai&rjv Weia KarrjXva-is, etr' air 'AOrjv&v SVei^oi?, eire vetcvs vureai etc Meporjs- Mr) ai(p Zrjvl pevovcr lepd' "H8rj jap ^a\09 re yepav, avrij re rerpvcraL IIvKva tcpaSaivofjieva Brjiq) ev iro\efim. SIMON I DI S. Sic gracilis longse stabis suffixa columnae Hasta, Panomphaeo rite dicata Jovi. Nam tibi consenuit cuspis, vibrantis et ipsa Attrita es multa per fera bella manu. as On a soldier's spear dedicated to Jove, Against this pillar tall thou taper spear Repose, to Jove oracular offered here ; For now thy brass is old, and, worn at length By warlike uses, thou hast lost thy strength. Sterling. Here, tapering lance, beneath the dome Of Jove oracular, be thy home, Yon column tall thy stay. Dulled is thy point so keen and bright, And brandished oft in mortal fight Thy shaft is worn away. G. 8. CCCCLVIII. KAAYAIANOY. Etr K.pv(TTaX\., \i6q> TrevrvKao'/Aevov v TYpt/ca tfrepot, Zevpos, Nijo/3dTr]v o-^reffde' 8e8ot/ca yap ou? vra/ao? er\t}v KivSvvov?, avepois avTifcopvo-a-ofjievos. LEONIDS. Non ego, ventorum quamvis freta blanda fruaiitur Pace, vel a Zephyro molliter acta tremant, Scandam transtra ratis. Quae namque pericula sensi Luctatus contra namina sat memini. Orotius. Though smiling calms should smooth the glassy seas, Or the light ruffling of the western breeze Should skim their surface, with no venturous prow Will I the dreary waste of waters plough. By sad experience warn'd I tempt no more The swelling billows and the tempest's roar. W. Shepherd. 3c 386 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCLX. M O 2 X O Y. Eis "Epatra dpoTpimvra. Aa/j.7rd8a 0el<; ical roi-a, j3or/\aTiv etXero pdfiSov Ou\o<; *Epo)<}, Trrjpr/v S' etye KaTQ)fj,aStr]v' Kal feufa? raXaepyov VTTO %uybi> avykva ravpwv "E&Treipev Ar)ovs avXa/ca irvpcxpopov. EJTre 8' ai/to /3Xei|ra? avrat Alt' ir\r\dov apovpas, Mr) er8 (SroS ber eo efllb. Qluf jum 3eu nun Hicf t' er, unb rebete : ^itfle bie fturcfyen ! )ber id; tyole bic^) gletc^, tier ber (Suro^a, ^um $flug ! Voss. Laying aside his bow and torch, a whip Severe Love took, and at his side a scrip ; Then on the patient oxen doth impose A yoke, and in the fertile furrow sows : And looking up : Good weather, Jove, or thou (Saith he) Europa's bull shalt draw my plough. T. Stanley. Cupid turned ploughman. His lamp, his bow, and quiver, laid aside, A rustic wallet o'er his shoulders tied, Sly Cupid, always on new mischiefs bent, To the rich field, and furrow'd tillage went. Like any ploughman toil'd the little god, His tune he whistled, and his wheat he sow'd ; Then sat and laugh' d, and to the skies above, Raising his eye, he thus insulted Jove : Lay by your hail, your hurtful storms restrain, And, as I bid you, let it shine or rain j Else you again beneath my yoke shall bow, Feel the sharp goad, and draw the servile plough ; What once Europa was, Nannette is now. Prior. CCCCLXI. n A A A A A A. ddvr)V ical Nio/Bijv wp^ffaro Me/A5 6 '/2s %v\ivo$ Ader fi n } r. 5,'angt id) bie SRiofce nidjt imb bie S)a$)ne red?t nad? bent Sefcen ? SBaljrlid? ! 3ene nrie @tein, bieSe trie StamnbeS Herder. $du3d)enb furrcatyr fleflt $>a^nen unb 9ttofcen SKem^iS im $anj bar ; Mgern bie 2)a^ne, unb bid?, SantaloS 3^oc^ter, wie @tin. Jacobs. The dance of Memphis well portray'd Daphne and Niobe : Like stone the Niobe he played, The Daphne like a tree. "W. CCCCLXII. nAATQNOS NEOTEPOY. } Avepa rt? \nroyviov virep vcaroio PL A TON 1.8. Aspice, cseci humeris fertur pede claudus utroque. Commodat hie oculos, commodat ille pedes. Q. S. Mentre un cieco sul dorso un zoppo tiene, D^i in presto i piedi, e gli occhi in presto ottiene. Pagnini. Un boiteux des deux pieds sur un aveugle mis, Marche droit ou il veut ; 1' aveuglfe voit sa voye, L' un prenant ce qu' a P autre, et s' entr' aidant, amis. Le boiteux ses yeux prete a 1' autre et le convoye : L* aveugle prete apres ses deux pieds au boiteux ; I/ un change en yeux ses pieds, et \' autre en pieds ses yeux. Antoine Mage. Un aveugle porte un boiteux ; Us font prudemment tous les deux : I/ un des yeux le guide en la sorte, I/ autre des pieds ainsi le porte. La Preanaye. Un aveugle portait sur son dos un goutteux. Comme il pretait des pieds, il empruntait des yeux, Poan-Saml-Siraoa. Said the lame to the blind, on your back let me rise : So the eyes were the legs, and the legs were the eyes. W.F. 390 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCLXIII. 2IMQNIAOY. OvSev ev avdp(i)iroicri fievet Xpfj/A e/nreSov alel' 8e TO KaX\iv\\a>v yeveij, roiijSe KCU av&pwv. Havpoi fj.iv 6vr)T&>v ovcuri Sef-dftevot eyKareOevro. Trdpeart yap eXirls eKa &v % re vewv pa TIS av6o<; e-^rj TroXvrjparov Kov(f>ov exwv Qvpov TroXX' are\e<7Ta voet. Ovre yap \7Tt'8' e%i yrjpaa-ffe/jLev, ovre OuS', vyirjs orav fj, fypovriS e%ei NIJTTIOI, oZ? ravrr} KCITCM 1/605, ovBe r f /2? %p6vooiVt(r06vos ; elfu 8e KaS/uo? Ketfo?, a' ov ypcnTTav 'E\\a<; e%et i\dpyvpos el&ev ev o't/cw, Kai, rl TTOiei?, (j>r)xt rpoffis irapa trol xprj^ofjiev, d\\a LUC ILL 1 1. Irrepsisse suas murem videt Argus in sedes, Atque ait, heus, a me nunquid, amice, veils ? Ille autem ridens, metuas nihil, inquit ; apud te, O bone, non epulas, hospitium petimus. Th. Gray. Vide un topo entro il suo tetto Asclepiade, e paventando D' alcun danno : Ah maledetto, Che, diss* egli, vai cercando ? Quegli a lui dolce ridendo : Non temer danno o periglio ; Che appo te non cibo iutendo Ritrovar, ma un nascondiglio. Felici. I/ avare Hermon voyant trotter uue souris, Eh ! chez moi, lui dit-il, que fais-tu, ma petite ? Ne crains rien, reprit-elle avec un doux souris : Mon cher, je cherche ici, non du pain, mais un gite. 3) c r W c t ? ft a ( uttb tie :l'i a u e S)cr ^itngerleiber Qlefle^iabeS eine 2Rau8 in geinem ^&au6e. " 2BaS? fcringjl bit inir, metn 2Mu8d?en?" tywfy er Stiff. @e5) rufytg, lieter ^reunb, anttnortet fie : 3n beinem au8e 8ud;t etn 9Kdu6c etnja SBotynung, atcr feinen Herder. 13 ein 2ftau8d)en ber ^nicfer Qhntynt in bent aueie gewa^rte, 0iief er ernjunbert i^nt git : ^letne, ?a8 ivifffi bu fcety niir ? ))6ttt^ Iacf;elnb ernriebert bie 3)?auS : @e9 rttj)ig, o SieBer ! gutter eroatt' te^ nic^t ^ier ; rcotynen nur laff mic^ im au8. Poan-Saint-SimoD. Jacobs. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 393 Of a covetous niggard, and a needle mouse. Asclepiad that greadie carle, by fortune found a mouse (As he about his lodgings lookte) within his niggish house. The chiding chuffe began to chafe, and (sparefull of his cheere) Demaunded of the siely beast and sayde what makste thou heere ? You neede not stand in feare (good friend) the smyh'ng mouse replide : I come not to devoure your cates but in your house to bide. Turbervile. As Pedro stalk'd around his house, The jealous miser spy'd a mouse : How now, cries he, what dost thou here ? Sir, says the mouse, dismiss your fear ; I come not with the hopes of food, But for the sake of solitude. Graces . A miser traversing his house, Espied, unusual there, a mouse, And thus his uninvited guest Briskly inquisitive addressed : Tell me, my dear, to what cause is it I owe this unexpected visit ? The mouse her host obliquely eyed, And, smiling, pleasantly replied : Fear not, good fellow, for your hoard ! I come to lodge, and not to board. "W. Cowper. A mouse miser Elwes once found in his house : What occasions your visit to me, pretty mouse ? Says the mouse, sweetly smiling : My friend, do not fear, I expect not a meal but a solitude here. Sir Alexander Croke. Parody. As was stepping out of bed, A lurking mouse he spies ; And thus, alarm' d with sudden dread, Aloud to Tony cries : Tony make haste the trap prepare I see the rascal dodging. 3 D 394 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Friend, quoth the mouse, you need not fear, I come but for a lodging ; Nor plant that dreadful engine there, To catch me by the neck fast ; For surely I had ne'er come here, If I had wanted breakfast. Richard Owen Cambridge. CCCCLXVI. A A H A O N. Els aya\pa Nto/3i/s. 'Etc &>?}9 /j, 6eol T6vav \i6ov e/c Be \i0oio Zwr/v npa^ire\r}<} ejj,Tra\iv eipydcraro. i N c E u T i. Vivebam : sum facta silex, quse deinde polita Praxitelis manibus, vivo iterum Niobe. Reddidit artifieis manus omnia, sed sine sensu. Hunc ego, cum laesi numina, non habui. Au3onius. Me saxum e viva potuerunt reddere Divi : E saxo vivam reddere Praxiteles. Vavassor. Vivam olim in lapidem verterunt numina, sed me Praxiteles vivam reddidit ex lapide. Caelius Calcagninus. Fecerat e viva lapidem me Jupiter ; at me Praxiteles vivam reddidit e lapide. Th Gray. Ex viva lapidem Dii me fecere ; retroque E saxo jussit vivere Praxiteles. O. F D. T. In sasso un di conversa, In sasso oggi scolpita Niobe, la vita hai persa : Ricuperi la vita. Aurelio Bertola. Me viva i muni in sasso han convertita ; Prassitel me dal sasso or torna in vita. M. Par les Dieux irritez, de vivante autrefois Je fus en pierre transformed ; Et Praxitele une seconde fois, De pierre que j' etois m' a rendue animee. Longepierre. 395 Le fatal courroux des Dieux Le sculpteur a fait bien mieux; Changea cette femme en pierre. II a fait tout le contraire. Voltaire Des dieux la jalouse colere Fit de mon corps vivant jadis un bloc de pierre. Praxitele, ton art savant D' un bloc de pierre a su me faire un corps vivant. Poan-Siunt-Simon. efcenb rcar id), ba rcanbelten mid? bie otter gum tein um ; 5I6er Qkcmteleg Sctyuf iweber gum Sefcen ben (Stein. Herder. Menb trarb id) tterfteint sou ben immlid?en ; abet aug teiue )3raritele mid) roieber gur !?e6enben um. The gods to stone transformed me ; but again, I from Praxiteles new life obtain. John Addison. To stone the gods have chang'd her but in vain ; The sculptor's art has made her breathe again. Anon. Elegant Extracts. The gods the living Niobe Praxiteles arose, and, see, To marble turned : in vain ! The marble lives again. G.S. VO33. CCCCLXVII. AAE2HOTON. Aetyava AOVKI\\I)S SiSvpctTO/cov evddBe Kelrai, H<; fj,/j,epio~ro ftpeoT7? irvevpM av fjioi -%dpicrat. Tavra Xeyovros, eickavaev aKO-fyi'icracra Se Sd/cpv, Tat? BUFINI. Cum Prodicen solam, iiullo comitante, viderem, Lapsus ad ipsius^ supplice more, pedes, Serva hominem, dixi, cui mors gravis imminet, et fac Muneris hanc animam, qu?e fugit, esse tui. Flebat, ut audierat : sed flentia lumina siccans Nos a se tenera repulit ilia manu. Grotius. Sola in buon punto io Prodica mirando, Supplice a lei dicea : Deh salva un uom ch' e di se stesso in bando, E il fuggente mio spirto in me rappella. Al suon di mia favella Pietosa ella piangea. Poi gli occhi asciuga, e con 1* eburnee braccia Lungi da se mi scaccia. Pagnini QBtifjrenb tc^ $robifen iungfl jut encunSc^tcflen Stunbe afletu fanb, Sirdprr) evoirXov 'A.(f)pobiTT}v. IId\\a<; rav Kvdepeiav evo"jr\ov eenrev ISovaa' KvTrpi, 0e\ei<> OVTCOS e? /cpipeva fjiovvov erepTrov, uS' ovap evyevercus yvwpi/j,odyov lives' otrrea 8' avre t ^v^pfj rfj8e Trap' rjiovi. ANTIPATEI. Non tellus totum, non me tenet unda, sed sequam Terra mei partem, nee minus sequor habet. Piscibus esca caro facta est mea : littore summo Hue ejecta maris fluctibus ossa jacent. Grotius. Ne mar ne terra intero hanno il mio frale ; Ma 1' uno e Y altra han di me parte uguale. Mangiaro i pesci in mar la carne, e in questo Lido gittato fu dall' onde il resto. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 403 Nor land nor sea hath all of me Now that I'm dead ; But equal shares have sea and land. For when upon my flesh at sea The fish had fed; My bones were cast on this bleak strand. w. CCCCLXXV. A A H A O N. .V) Tpe A"?^' &/J.OIS %ap07TOV TOVTO XeOZ'TO? IIrj/j,aivetv ov Trdvra^ eirUrrafUU, d\\a Kcucovpyovs, Kal ffco^eiv dyadovs e^ d%e(0i> SvvafJLai. INCEBTI. Signum Herculis Averrunci. Cornua ne quoniam cernis sinuata^ viator, Spiculaque ante pedes nuda jacere, time ; Nee quia nodosam gestat mea dextera clavam, Terga Cheronsea nee quia pelle tegor ; Lsedere non cunctos, sed solos ista nocentes Anna, bonis eadem vim prohibere solent. Grotius. Bittre ni^t, trett bit ben 93ogen, o SBanberer, ober ber $feile (S6en ge8d>Iiffhe8 e0^oif nacf t mir ju ^ufffn erbltcf fl ; 3(udj nici^t, roeil mir bie Jteufe bie >anb fitUt, ober be grauSett Unt^ierS jOttigeS 5eff 9Ritcfen itnb <2c6wltern umfliefft. I)enn nicfyt Seben Bebro^t ber eritflete, 8onbem bie ben uten genjaljrt >erafle8 (^u^ in efat)r. Jacobs. Let not my bow, O traveller, cause you fright, And newly sharpen'd arrows placed in sight, Nor fear the club I wield, nor, 'tis my pride, That I stand wrapt in this grim lion's hide. None would I injure but the bad alone, The good distress'd my saving prowess own. T F. 404 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCLXXVI. AOYKIAAIOY. TOIOVTOV, 'O\u/47rt#e, JJ.TJT' CTTI ev opet, Trpos TI 8iavyes v8a)p' Kal ? Ndptcia-<> davdrov. LUCILLII. Insignis rostro ingenti fuge, Pyrame, fontem, Et cave lucidulos ne videas latices : Ut quondam ille sui periit Narcissus amore, Sic tu forte odio ne moriare tui. Cunichius. In puellam deformem. Narcissus vitreis cum se vidisset in Tindis Interiit fonnae captus amore suse. Tu quoque te speculo videas vel fonte, caveto : Tune odio vultus interitura tui es. Se ami te stesso, Aronte, Fuggi lo stagno e il fonte : Che, come il bel Narciso Gia vi peri d' amor, Tu con quel brutto viso Vi puoi morir d' orror. Roncalli Avendo cefFo tu di tal figura, Non appressarti, Olimpico, a font ana, Ne per monte mirar dentro onda pura ; Che qual Narciso, nel vedere espresso II tuo sembiante, ne morrai tu pure Sino a morte portando odio a te stesso. Pompei. Imitation. II est certain ruisseau, miroir trop peu flatteur, Qui peint aux yeux, sans artifice, Et les attraits et la laideur : Fuis ce miroir ; en s' y voyant, Narcisse Mourut d' amour, tu mourrais de frayeur. Imbert. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 405 2>ajf bu nut bteSem eflcfyt, o DltympifoS, ntminet bent SBrtmnett 0ia^fl, tmb auf bent efctrg niutmer bent gjriegelnben @ee ! 35enn rote JftarftffoS einft, ertticffl bit bein tcirHi^eS Slntltfc, (Stitfcfl bu batob. 3unt $ob iritrbe bit grauSen or btr. Jacobs Beware, my friend ! of crystal brook, Or fountain, lest that hideous hook, Thy nose, thou chance to see ; Narcissus' fate would then be thine, And self-detested thou would'st pine, As self-enamour' d he. W. Cowper. No more near yonder fountain stray, Nor in yon stream your face survey, Reversing sad Narcissus' fate : He was by idle love betray'd To languish for a beauteous shade ; But you will pine with grief and hate. Ph. Smyth. Olympius, with such a snout, beware of every fountain, Or pool of limpid water, such as stand on any mountain. For as whpn fair Narcissus gazed, his beauty was his bane, You'd die of sheer disgust to see your countenance so plain. G C. 8. CCCCLXXVII. n A A A A A A. rt? Tbv \6 f yov eyKpvTTTwv, a>9 PALLAD.E. Vir rudis est una prudens ratione, tacendo : Comprimit ut morbum dum sua verba gravem. Grotiua. Cum tacet indoctus, sapientior esse videtur, Et morbus tegitur, dum premit ora pudor. Sam. Johnson. The greatest of fools, if he keeps himself still, With the worst of disease, may be wise if he will. W. T. A blockhead, as long as he's silent, is wise ; For his talk is a sore he should hide from all eyes. w. 406 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCLXXVIII. IOYAIANOY A I T Y II T I O Y. evpov l> T04? Kat TWV irrepfav '-Ey&zTTTio-' et? TOV dlvov. Aaftwv 8' ejrtov avrov Kal vvv earn Hrepolai, JULIANI AQTPTIf. Cum necterem corollam, Inter rosas repertum Cupidinem prehendi Ala, meroque mergens Una imbibi procacem. Nunc ille saevit imis Puer mihi in medullis. Nel fare un serto Di rose belle, Colgo fra quelle Nascosto Amor. Per 1' all il prendo, Che porta al tergo, Nel vino immergo duel traditor. Guari non ha che standomi Una ghirlanda a tessere, Fra rose Amor trovai, E per 1' ali acchiappatolo, Di vino in una ciotola L' immersi, e ^1 trangugiai Ora colP ale il rio Titilla il dentro mio. 1C. Ph. Melancthon. Invan le piume Scuote il tiranno, lo lo tracanno Fra il buon liquor. Per questo avviene, Che ognora io provo Un grato, un nuovo Palpito al cor. Rogati. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 407 Tejiendo unas guirnaldas Vi a Amor entre las rosas, Y el batiendo las alas Vertio vino en mi boca ; Entre unas frescas rosas Tejendo unas guirnaldas Halle al Amor un dia : Cojile de las alas, Y en vino sumergido Me lo bebi con ansia, Tal que hora voltea En torno a mis entrahas. Canga A table faisant 1' autre jour Des couronnes de fleurs nouvellement ecloses, Je trouvai le petit Amour Panni de delicates roses : Par 1' aile je le pris soudain, Et je le plongeai dans du vin. P avalai tout ensuite, et des peines nouvelles Me le font sentir dans mon sein, Qui me chatouille avec ses ailes. lo bebi Amor y vino : Y desde aquella hora Se apodero el muchacho De mis cut ran as to das. Villeg aa Lon|epierre. 3dj flocfyt ein Jto8enfranj Seine Slugel, tlnb trarf i^n in ben 93edjer, Unb tran! im SBein i^n nieber. i)lun fl|t er mit im llnb gfyeitret mit ben Herder. wanb i^> mir ein in ben 9fto3en Slmor, Unb fafft' i^n iei ben Slugeln SBarf i^n in metnen SBec^er, llnb tran! i^n mit tyinuntcr. SRun fu^elt er mid) innen 3m J&etjen mit ben 5lugeln. J. Pried. Degen. 408 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. As a rosy wreath I bound, 'Mongst the roses Love I found ; Swift I seiz'd his pinions fast, And in wine the wanton cast ; Taking then the laughing cup, Swift I drank the wanton up. Now with ever-tickling wings Up and down my breast he springs. John Addison. As once a flowery wreath I wove, I found among the roses Love ; By both his wings the god I bound, And in a cup of nectar drowned : I pledged my fair, and took the cup, And mad with rapture drank him up. Ah ! ever since on tickling wings About my throbbing heart he springs ! R. S-wainson Fisher. CCCCLXXIX. AIMIAIANOY. "E\K, rd\av, Trapa fArjTpbs ov ovrcen "E\Kvcrov va-rdriov vci(J,a Kara( "HSij yap j-Hpeea-o-i XtTTOTrz/oo?' d\\a ra [J,r)Tpb<> $t\rpa Kdi elv 'A'l'By irai^oKop^lv epaQev. JEMILIAHL Sume, puer, tibi quse praebent dona ultima lactis Materni, vita deficiente, sinus ! Sume, miser ! tua te non ipsa in morte relinquit, Sed vivum exanimo pectore mater alit. Grenville, Baro. Exprime, non posthac misero dabit, exprime lactis Quod tibi supremum dat moribunda parens. Exanimis jam caesa jacet ; sed morte sub ipsa Dulcis opem natis scit dare matris amor. G. B. Lac de matre, miser, lac extrahe fonte benigno, Quod moriens rursus non dabit alma parens. Et jam vita sub ense fugit, sed morte vel ipsa Maternus quod alat reddere discit amor. T. F. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 409 Suck, little wretch, while yet thy mother lives, Suck the last drop her fainting bosom gives ! She dies : her tenderness survives her breath ; And her fond love is provident in death. Webb. CCCCLXXX. AOVKIAAIOY. Mrjicert, prjKeri, Mdptce, TO TraiSiov, a\V e/*e KOTTTOV, Tov TTO\V TOV Trapa trot vetcporepov TCKVIOV- Els e/ie vvv e\eyov? troUi traXiv, ei? e//.e Qprjvovs, Ar)fue, TOV crTf%ivu> o-^a^o/juevov 0avdTe Zd\.a> real TCKVOIS dvTi/jiede\Kofjievav, Mvpiov dparo fj,6%0ov, "v tfOea $i 8" e7r\?7/3ftHrei>' opa TVTTOV. ev yap a Adicpvov, ev 8' e\ew #ty/,09 dvaa-Tpe^era ' Aptcei S' a fj,e\\rjcris, e(j>a et ^inber 3BIut u Dergteffen, pracfy ber ^iinfiler, gejtemt nur ber SKebea, nie^t mir." Herder. The fell Medea's soul to trace, Its conflict waging in her face, To paint the wife's, the mother's mind, At once to hate and love inclined, ANTHOLOGIA POLYQLOTTA. 411 Timomachus, might task thy skill ; Yet could thy hand its part fulfil ; Pity and rage are mingling here, The menace struggling with the tear. Painter, the murderous thought we see. Enough ! The deed beseems not thee. o. s. CCCCLXXXII. A2KAHIIIAAOY. OtcTO) fjbev Trj^et? aTre^e, rp^veta 6d\acra'a ) KCIL KVfiaive /3oa $', r)\iKd trot SvvafAi*;' Hv Be TOV Ev/jidpeo) Kade\.r)s rd\iaQov 8e fiioio ?, Atftvicov /iecrtra Becov Kayo) fj,ev Trovry Sti/ev/xei/o?, fydiKri Kvp/j,a, Ol^ev/MU' "fyeva'T'rjs S' ouro? 7T(m \0oenn bcin ^ertlic^er 9ftu^m, bier, umjira^Iet baS 3WaI. Jacobs. Divine Euripides, this tomb we see So fair, is not a monument for thee, So much as thou for it, since all will own Thy name and lasting praise adorns the stone. Anon. Spectator. This marble is no monument of thine, Euripides ; thou mak'st the stone a name. What though the tomb thine ashes here enshrine ? That tomb itself is circled with thy fame. Q. F. D. T. Imitation, On Drat/tori's Monument in Westminster Abbey. Doe pious marble, let thy readers knowe What they, and what their children owe To Drayton's name, whose sacred dust We recommend unto thy trust. Protecte his memory, and preserve his storye, Remaine a lastinge monument of his glorye ; And when thy mines shall disclame To be the treasurer of his name, His name, that cannot fade, shall be An everlasting monument to thee. 414 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCLXXXVI. II A Y A O Y 2IAENT1APIOY. Ely ftciKxrjv (V BvavTia>. SrjKaro, teal f^avltjv eyKare^i^e \iQa>. PAULI SILENTIARII. Baccha quod insanit, non hoc natura, sed ars est, Vivit enim lapidi mixtus ab arte furor. Grotius. Credite, non viva est Maenas ; non spirat imago : Artificis rabiem miscuit sere manus. Th. Gray. 'Twas Art, not Nature, made this Bacchant rave, And inwrought phrensies to the marble gave. w. This Bacchant is no work of Nature, Art Maddened the stone, it raves in every part. CCCCLXXXVII. AIOSKOPIAOY. val 8ovXo9, e\evdepiIJ/JLOI<} Bo^av ei OvBe yap Alvelav TTOT' eda-yavov d/j,(f)irofMov- ?, rt fioi dyvbv lOLYGLOTTA. 417 Nunquam etenim JEneam vidi, neque tempore eodem, Quo cecidit Priami regia, Byrsa fuit. Ipsa mihi, ne me Libycus poteretur Hyarbas, Conscivi mortem fortiter ausa manu. At vos impure Musse favisse Maroni Non pudet, et tantum sustinuisse nefas ? P. Angelius Bargaeus. Didane dt'pmta. In questa viva immagine Fu Troja eran gia secoli, Vedi la Tiria Dido, Allorcbe in Libia scese. Che di valor, di grazia Sol per fuggire il talamd Sparse gia tanto grido. Dell' amator Numida L' arte trionfa ingenua S' immerse in core intrepida Nella belta del volto ; La sua spada omicida. Ma il bello piu pregevole Muse, e al cantor di Mantova Fu dalT error sconvolto. Spiraste un si bel foco Del pio figliuol di Venere Perche la donna Punica Dido non mai s' accese. Volgesse a turpe gioco ? Felici. Yo soy la casta Dido celebrada, Y no que Virgilio infama en vano, Porque jamas me vio Eneas Troyano, Ni a Libia descendib su Teucra armada. No fue lascivo amor, fue casta espada La que me hirib por Hiarbas el tyrano. Vivi, y mateme con mi propria mano, Mis muros levantados, y vengada. Pues yo vivi sin ofender las glorias, De mi fama, y hazahas, porque infamas Mi castidad, Virgilio, en versos tales ? Pero creed los que leys historias Que no es mucho disfame humanas famas Quieu se atreve a los Dioses celestiales. Lope da Vega Carpio 2)ieff ifl, ffianbrer, bie rcatyre efialt bet gefes^rten 2)ibo ; c^on^eit gottlt^cr 5ltt jlra^It uon bcm ^olben ebilb. 2Bic bu mid? ftetyfl, 80 war id? Jjorbem ; n?a8 atet on meinem @inne bu ^orteji, crfanb mid) gu sjerleumben ber 418 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 8uf)' mein 9lug' ben 5lenea8 j aiicfy ju bet Beit, \vo $ro|a getftort, fam id? nad? Sibtyen nicfyt. Qtber SarbaS anb gu ent^te^n unb beg tymen ercattttyat, tteff id? bag 3d)neibenbe cfyrcerb mutfyig mir getber tn'8 >er g. 3Ku8en, tt)e8^at6 nur gabt i^)r gegen mic^ 9Qaffen bem $E>a8 er ber Jteit8d)f)eit 9luf go mir butd? Suge beflecft? Jacobs. Of Dido and the truth of Mr death. I Dido and the Quene of Carthage ground, Whose limmes thou seest so lively set to sight : Such one I was, but never to be found So farre in love as Vergill seemes to wright, I livde not so in lust and fowle delight. For neither he, that wandring Duke of Troie, Knewe mee, nor yet at Lybie land arivde : But to escape Jarbos that did anoie Mee sore, of lyfe my carcasse I deprivde, To keep my hest that he would tho have rivde. No storme of love nor dolour made me die, I slue myselfe to save my sheete of shame Wherein good Sycheus wrapped me perdie : Then Vergill then the greater be thy blame, That so by love doest breede my fowle defame. Turbervile. ccccxc. A O Y K I A A I O Y. ear apybs UavTaiveTos, wo-re Trvpegas ST avaa-Trjvai Trairo? e'Setro deov. Kal vvv OVK e6e\cov ftev eyeiperai, ev 8e ol avTco Kco(f>a dewv abi/cmv ovara /^.e/A^)6/iei/o9. LUCILLII. Tarn piger est, ut febre calens Pantaenetus omnes Orarit, nunquam surgere posse, Deos. Nunc quoque quod surgit procul est ut gaudeat; ipsa Incusat precibus numina surda suis. Grotius. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 419 So lazy is Pantaenetus, to all the gods he prayed, His fever they would never cure, nor set him on his legs. And now perforce recover' d, he does nothing but upbraid The partial gods, whose cruel ears are deaf to all he begs. w. CCCCXCI. AOYKIAAIOY. Ol roixpi, 4ioavTe, ra tcvpara Trdvra Kai oia TWV 0vpi$a)v '/2eai/o9 (freperat. Ae\iv 7rXoi&) crov vr\-yo^va /^XeTrerat. * Av 8 avafjueivw^ev, TrXevaet rd^a teat rt? ev rj Ov yap evecrriv vSoyp ovKen TW LUCILLII. En quassum, Diophante, omnes latus accipit undas, Perque foros laxos sequora tota ruunt. Delphinumque greges, et Nerei lucida proles Nant per navigium luxuriantque tuum. Utque expectemus, cito navita velificabit Per nostram, pelago deficiente, ratera. Uefcer bte SBdnbe be3 @d)ip, 5)to^anto3, jiiirjet bet STOeer Itnb ber DfeanoS bringt tuilb gu ben ^cnjlern ^eretn. 0iereuS njtmmelnbe 33rut unb beS SefyfjinS gtdnjenbe eerben, c^njimnten in beinent efdff munter ^inauf unb tyinafc. SBarten wir nur, So Segelt auc^ n?o^t noc^ ein cfyiff in bem 2)enn eg fceginnt gd;on, ^reunb, SCBajfer ju mangetn im 3Keer. Jacobs. Through your timbers, Diophantus, not a wave but freely goes, In and out, and through your hatches Ocean pouring ebbs and flows, While you see the shoals of Dolphins and the beauteous Nereid train Swim about in all directions in your ship as in the main. Wait a little, and some other ships will sail in us may-be, For there can be no more water left to float them in the sea. w. 420 ANTHOLOG.IA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCXCII. ANTIHATPOY. JIoO TO 7re/tH/8Xe7TToi/ /eaXXo? dvai -rrvpycov ; TTOV ra TraXat tcreava ; IIov vrjol fjLarcdpwv, TTOV Sto/tara, TTOV Se 8a/ 2i e^(f>ayev TroXe/io?. Movvai cnropdrjToi NrjprjtSe 1 ?, '/2/cea^oto Kovpai, ANTIPATEI. Heu ! ubi conspicuae, tua Dorica moenia, turres ? Heu ! veteres ubi opes, pulchra Corinthe, tuae ? Fana Deum^ atque aedes, et Sisyphise Matronae, Et, quae nunc nulla est, maxima turba fori ? Cuncta quidem, miserae nee enim vestigia restaut, Absumpsit Mavors improbus ingluvie. Nos solae indomitae Nereides Oceaninae, Tanta strage tua, linquimur Halcyones. Or. P. D.-T; !Da jerftotte e, n?o Bi|t bu fyin, bu 2Bo ift betn S^urmi)aw^t je|t ? beine go teic^e eflatt ? 2Bo bte ^em^el bet otter unb betne flol^en Sftyriaben tou 5?olf, @ig<9^ Jletne @^uren, o ^trme, fmb on bit Qlffe ijertilgete fte wiit^enb bet grau3ame Un8 nur gc^ont' er, bte SRereiben, OceanuS Unb mit ber 3Sette eraug^ flagen mir-immer urn bi<^. Herder. Where is. thy grandeur, Corinth ! shrunk from sight, Thy ancient treasures, and thy ramparts' height ; Thy god-like fanes and palaces ! Oh where Thy mighty myriads, and majestic fair ! Relentless war has pour'd around thy wall, And hardly spared the traces of thy fall ! Edward Dodwell. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 421 Where are thy splendours, Dorian Corinth, where Thy crested turrets, thy ancestral goods, The temples of the blest, the dwellings fair, The high-born dames, the myriad multitudes? There's not a trace of thee, sad doom'd one, left, By ravening war at once of all bereft. We the sad Nereids, offspring of the surge, Alone are spared, to chaunt thy halcyon dirge. w. Paraphrase. Where, Corinth, are thy glories now, Thy ancient wealth, thy castled brow, Thy solemn fanes, thy halls of state, Thy high-born dames, thy crowded gate? There's not a ruin left to tell, Where Corinth stood, how Corinth fell. The Nereids of thy double sea Alone remain to wail for thee. Q. S. CCCCXCIII. AOYKIAAIOY. raStoS/ao/io?, a\\' CTTI , wore \eyeiv EvTv%i8a<; Trerarai. LUCILLII. Eutychides cursu tardus fuit ; at celer idem Caenipeta, ut dicas : en volat Eutychides. Grotius. Eutychides tardus cursu : sed currere novit Ad mensam, ut dicas, jam volat Eutychides. Obsopwus. Pigro alia lizza e Condon : se mai Lo inviti a cena, un volator vedrai. Pagiiini. Sanggam war atS Saufer @utt)^ibe3; o6er jur Sflafyljeit Sief er, unb njer U)n 8a^, Sagte : ^ut^ibeS jliegt. Jaoobe. Eutychides was no swift runner. True ; But as a diner-out you'd say he flew. w. 422 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. CCCCXCIV. T E M I N O Y. Ets aya\fj.a 'HpaK\tovs. "HpcucXes, TTOV trot 7TTO/9009 yLteya?, ; re X\aiva, feal i] TO^WV e/ATrXeo? Io8o/cr] ; Hov cro{3apbv ^pi/j.tjpa ; rt S Avcrnnros, %a\KQ) T' ey/caTe/uf oSvvrjv ; "A^Oy V creo' Ti? Se cr eirepcrev ; 'O -jrrepoeis, WTO)? et? /3a/3V9 a^Xo?, "Epas. GEMINI. De ffercults imagine. Alcide, quo clava tibi, telisque pharetra DiveSj et e Nemea raptus amictus abit ? Fastus ubi ? quis te tarn tristi fronte figurat ? Lysippus. Paret multus in, sere dolor. Arma tibi moeres detracta. Quis abstulit ilia ? Unum certamen, sed grave, prsepes Amor. Grotius. Viandante ed Ercole. V. Ercole ov' e la tua gran clava e il manto Nemeo ? ove di strali il pien turcasso ? Ov' e sparito ogni tuo fasto e vanto ? Chi ti foggib si gramo, afflitto e lasso ? E. Lisippo fu ch' espresse Nel rame di mia sorte il rio tenore. Tolse a me I' armi, e si mi vinse e oppresse duel fero volatore, Quel piu penoso mio travaglio, Amore. S, wo nur ^afl bu bie mac^ttge Petite getaffen ; unb SBogen unb >|3feit, unb bag 9lemeigct>e bein bro^enber SBlicI ? Se^atfc nur formte >t(^ So ntebergebritcft, migc^enb bie @cfyaam mit bent @rj ? Qlfret bu trauerjl ber $kffen entBIofft. Set ^at bic^ ge^tiinbert ?- , ben bu attein nutyt ju kflegen ijenuoc^t. I . Jacobs. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 423 Dialogue between Hercules and a Traveller. TRA. Where now the club by great Alcides borne? The skin from the Nemean lion torn ? Where, the bent bow ? The full-fraught quiver, where ? The walk majestic, and disdainful air? Who dar*d the mighty Hercules debase, With abject posture and dejected face? HER. In molten brass Lysippus made me bow, And cast this cloud of sorrow on my brow. TRA. Spoil'd of your arms, you mourn the secret shame ! But who the mighty son of Jove could tame ? HER. Love of his arms the son of Jove despoils; The only heavy toil of all my Toils. Ogle. ccccxcv. * i A i n n o Y. Et? oyaX/ia 'HpajcAeovs. TOUT' apa \onrov e/3ouXeTO, Tracriv eV a "OTT\WV yvfjivbv ISetv TOV dpatrvv 'HpaK\ea. IIov 'X\.aiva)fJLa Xeozro?, o r evpottyrros eV 'Jo?, /col fiapinrovs o^o? 6 6r)po\,TT], O7r\cov voa-fyicraQ^ 'Hpa/c\ea. PHIL IP PI. Cernere prae cunctis certamen maluit unum Alciden armis Juno carere suis. Ilia sonans humeris pharetra, exuviseque leonis, Clavaque monstrorum sanguine turpis, ubi? Despoliavit Amor : qui de Jove fecit olorem, Quid mirum nato si rapit arma Jovis. Grotius. iDieff nut rcunScfyte bie attin beg 3eu3, nac^ ber S^aten 93otlenbitng Sftacft unb SCBaffenBerouBt J&erafleg c^uttern ju Se^n. 3Bo benn ^)a|t bit bie wfle beg Ceun, unb be8 tltrrenben l', unb ber ^eute enjic^t, reelrfie ben Screen c^. @r, njel^er gum @^njane ben bie SSaffen btr njo^I, otn ber 5ttfmene, en^ieljn. Jacobs. 424 ANT.HOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Each toil attempted, and each toil surpast, Juno reserved this Labor for the last. Spoiled of his arms she wish'd him : and she viewed, And smil'd to see, the son of Jove subdu'd. No more Alcides formidably drest, Arms with the lion's skin his milder breast. His winged quiver seems an useless freight ! Nor feels he, of his club the force, but weight ! Depos'd by Love, apart each weapon lies. Nor wonder thou, dread empress of the skies ! If Jove was humbled to a swan by Love ; Why may not Love disarm the son of Jove. Ogle. CCCCXCVI. AAE2HOTON. Ets aiya 6rj\dova cfyaf, fcaS einen 2Bolf n Sty ret. 2Bojn jictngeft bu mid; ? mit metnen friebtid;en SBrufien, oft id; mein Samm ntd;t me^r, muff id; ernd^ren ben SEoIf. irte, bu nrirft'8 erfa^ren, reenn 2)u, wenn id; erjogen : ^eine 9Bo^)It{)at intb nnft anbert be SSoSen Sftatur. Herder. itngern nd^r' id; ben 2BoIf an bent gd^ivettenben @uter unb gdug' t|n ; mid; gnringet be errn t^ijrigter 2BiHe baju, ernjdd;fl er burd; mid; ; bann wtrb er fid; gegen mid; rid;ten ; Sofylrtjun nod; unjl anbert bie ed;Iimme 9Iatur. Jacobs. A wolf reluctant with my milk I feed, Obedient to a cruel master's will ; By him I nourish'd soon condemned to bleed, For stubborn nature will be nature still. Bland. CCCCXCVII. AOYKIAAIOY, ot Se MENEKPATOY2 2AMIOY. El rter ^Seit^o fit^^en, ber ' iinb eflatt ; auc^ ber ^attiope Son ; @inn unb jltttic^eS 5Waaff, unb bte anbe bet 3e|t flnb algo mit bir, >olbe, ber 6^ariten ijier. Jacobs. Persuasion's lips, the bloom of beauty's queen ; Calliope's sweet voice ; the spring's gay mien ; Minerva's hands are yours, and Themis' mind ; Four are the Graces to my charmer join'd. John Addison. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 427 Cypris in beauty, Persuasion in tone, Fresh as the Hours in exuberant May, Endued with a voice like Calliope's own, Prudent as Themis thy counsel to weigh, Nimble at work as Athene ! 'tis clear The Graces are four for the future, my dear. G. C. S. CCCCXCIX. A A H A O N. *Av 7Tpi\ieu, 8pvas, ovKeri V avToi>6[j,ov<} Ov vi^>eru>v avp^ov<; } ov Trarayevaav a\a. v fl\eo yap' en o Unb ben $d% unb be3 ain freie 3?etr>ofyner urn bid? ! 2ld), nun tyemmft bu ben eigeft ben orauSenben (Sturm, ad? ! unb bie QBogen nid)t ntefyr ! Wfy, bu ftarfcft, bu gottlidjer @el)er ! ba ftoffen ber 3Wu8en Xfcrdnen, unb btttrer ram futile ftafliope'S erj ! Unb trir mitrren tei'm Jobe ber Un^ern, ba SelOer ber otter @(^i Seivos, 6 'AfJ,OTe/3Ot? ^aXe?r^ ^eos. ot S' aTro es aOavdrovs, e/c Trupo? a INCKBTI. DC imagine Bacchi et Herculis. Ambo belligeri, Thebarumque ambo propago, Et Jovis : hie clavam^ thyrson at ille gerit. Vicini effigie, cultus paris : hunc leo vestit, Hunc nebris : hie crotalo ludit, hie sera crepat. Juno potens utrique gravis Dea : venit uterque Ad superos : ignis fecit utrique viam. Grotius. Thebis orti ambo^ clari armis, ex Jove nati Ambo, thyrsiger hie, claviger ille Deus. Stant pariter metse amborum. Hie spolia hirta leouis Nebrida at hie gerit : hie cymbala ; at hie crotala. Junonem sunt passi ambo : venere beatas Ambo deum ad sedes ignibus e mediis. Cunich-ius. Ercole e Bacco. Ambo figli di Giove, ambo Tebani, Un la clava, uno il tirso ha nelle mani : Vi'aggiatori illustri ambo e guerrieri Pari han colonne agli ultimi emisferi : Uno ha il cembalo, e veste da leone j Un la nacchera, e veste da caprone : Soffriron per Giunon ambi non poco : Ambi saliro al cielo in mezzo al foco. ' Bbncalli. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 431 On the image of Bacchus and Hercules. Both sons of Jove ; both Thebans ; in the field Mighty, the thyrsus or the club to wield ; Their pillars coupled ; their accoutrements, The fawn's or lion's hide ; their instruments, Cymbals and rattles ; how their fates conspire ! From earth to heav'n, both, spite of Juno's ire, Ascend immortal through the cleaving fire. w. DII. N I K A P X O Y. cnqpepov Aenrvelv. ftr) ytte/A^, K\i/j,a.K e^et? 'Ev ravrrj TreTrolrj/ca 7ro\vv 'xpovov ovS" av ecr , dX,X' aveftijv tceprcov ovov rwv acnpwv. Zei>vr)<; el' re^vrjv TTW? eery NICABCHI. Ad ccenam quod heri, Demetrie parce, vocatus Nunc veuio, in scalis est ea culpa tuis. Longa via et durus labor est : asinique tenerem Cum caudam, scaiidi sic quoque vix hodie. ' Grotius. 'Twas yesterday, Demetrius, you bade me come and dine : I'm come to-day, as you observe : the fault was none of mine. 'Twas that unending flight of stairs of yours that made me fail : Nor had I reached the top to-day ; but by an ass's tail I held when all my breath was gone. Why, sir, you're in the sky This way, I 'think, the bird of Jove with Ganymede did fly. So low as Hades from this height you'll never surely fall : So you're immortal it would seem. Sharp fellow after all ! Or C. S. 432 ANTIIOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Dili. IOYAIANOY ANTIKEN20P02. b' To) ere xprj BpeTrdvotcri, KOL ov -\/raXtSet\OKeprofJioi' el-ne Be Kal aferet; Sage niir bennorf), SBarum Micffi bu auf unS 80 tnit eldd?ter untljer? " i'ot 93errcunberung Iad)t' id?, rcte Sd?ou au8 mand)etlei Stcincn 3d) gugamntengefugt Vlofcltdj gum (Satire n?atb." VO88. 51. 3rcar @^ottlu|l ^egt {eber ijon euc^ ; bod^ gage mir, @ati)r, SCBag btc^ gum 2acfeen Betregt, reen bu aud^ tntmer erbtirffl ? 93. SWuff id? nid^t fiaunen unb (acften jugletrf), baff aug @teinen unb nrieber (Steinen juSammengefugt, ^lo^tic^ jum @ati?t id^ warb ? Jacobs. A. Satyrs deal in pert grimaces ; Saucy Satyr, prithee say, Why you look in all our faces, Thus to laughter giving way ? B. When was such a laughing-matter, When was such a wonder known ? All at once I'm grown a Satyr, Out of these odd bits of stone. w. DV. *QKYAIAOY MIAH2IOY. Kal roSe $fotcv\&(i>' Aepioi KaKoL' ov% 6 fj,ev, 09 8' oir Havre?, irXrjv IIpoK\eov<;' Kal UpoicXerjs Aepio?. PHOCTLIDI8. Pessima gens Leria est : non partim ; pessima tota. Excipio Procleem : sed Proclees Lerius. 0.8. clari jjuerpwv ol TevTOver ov% 6 f^ev, 09 8' ov' Havre?' TrX^i/ "Ep/uivvor 6 8' "EpfAavvos /aa\a Tevrtav. R. Person. The Germans in Greek Are sadly to seek : Not five in five score But ninety-five more ; All but friend Hermann, And Hermann's a German. R. Person. 3 i 434 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. DVI. A A H A O N. ''ASe TOI, 'Ap%iov vie, TTepi'/cXee?, a \iOiva 'ya> "Ea-ratca a-rdXa, ftva/jLa Kvvayeaiar Ildvra 8e TOI Trepl of)n ^erifleeg, roatb id) ertidjtet, (Sine elite Son (Stein, alg ein ebadjtniff ber fcereitete man um bag 1>enfinat : $ferb' unb eecfcoffe, ' unb affetn unb ^e', iifcer bie afetn geg^annt. oon (Stein ift atteg ! 2Bie ttiel beg eitbeg um^ertauft ; , ein 2)ir, o Aerifies, MrcfyiaS reift trrt bag ereilb urn bag rafcmal, llnb bit, Sungting, gcfylaffi nimmer errcerflic^en Jacobs. To thee, O son of Archias, In token that the chace, Periclees, thy pastime was, This tomb of stone we place. And all around thy monument We've carved thy hunting-gear, The dogs, the steeds, each implement, The pole, the net, the spear ; ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 435 All, all, of stone, alas ! un-scared The deer run tripping by ; Whilst thou, for twenty brief years spared, Sleep'st here eternally ! w. DVJI. AEQNIAA TAPANTINOY. $aXa' e tcevov re/cvov K6/c\avfj.evov adpwv , BaKpvet, Tral8a TeXevTcvyoprjv. LEONID^E TABENTINI. Cur ita Timaris, resonum mare, per freta prolem Tarn modica vectum nave Teleutagorara Prsecipitem egisti violenta desuper unda, Saeva furens, tenues et leve pondus opes ? Littore quern vasto, mergi fulicseve, marina; Exanimem luxit nil nisi clangor avis. Sed, vacuum nati spectans lacrymabile bustum, Flet pater erepti fata Teleutagorae. G.B. Wherefore, ye sounding seas, in tempest wild, On that small bark that bore Timares' child, With all its freight, hurl down th' impetuous surge ? Breathless he lies on some lone beach, his dirge The cormorant-and rav'ning sea-mew's cry ; Whilst poor Timares gazing on the bier, Where Teleutagoras, his child, should He, Pours on his empty tomb full many a tear. w. 436 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. DVIII. KAAAIMAXOY. Tfj&e Jidwv, o Aiicwvos, 'Aicdvdios lepov VTTVOV i. 0vrjifon8 ros OVTIJV Ilrj f trefte. 9Bol)tn fef)rfl bit bag ya\fj,a Eei/o\7}i> ovtc eTrCkavBdverai. THEOCUITI. Hanc vobis Xenocles statuam de marmore puro Dedicat, Aonides, turba novena^ Dese, Musicus. Haud quisquam negat hoc, cui parta canendo Fama, Camoenarum par meminisse fuit. Qrotius. A tutte voi questo di marmo eletto Siraulacro ha Senocle, o Muse, eretto. Ei Musico, e per tale arte in onore Venuto, non oblia 1' Aonie Sucre. M. On a monument erected to the Muses. Here Xenocles hath rais'd this marble shrine, Skill'd in sweet music, to the tuneful Nine : He from his art acquires immortal fame, And grateful owns the fountain whence it came. Fawkea. DXT. TPAIANOY BA2IAEQ2. ^Avriov TjeXt'ou (TT^cra? piva KOI crro/xa yaaicov, Aei%eiv eXnrev {^po^ov avrap 6 *Ov \LTrev ov% evpwv, fj-fyev ov evpe (3p6%ov. PLATONIS. Thesauro invento qui limina mortis inibat Liquit ovans laqueum quo periturus erat. At qui, quod terra abdiderat, non repperit aurum, Quern laqueum invenit, nexuit : et periit. Ausonius. Qui laqueum collo nectebat, repperit aurum : Thesaurique loco deposuit laqueum. At qui condiderat, postquam non repperit aurum : Aptavit collo, quern reperit laqueum. Ausonius. Hie, aurum ut reperit, laqueum abjicit, alter ut aurum Non reperit, nectit quern reperit laqueum. Sam. Johnson. Un che impiccarsi per poverta intende, Trova un tesor : lascia il laccio, e quel prende. I/ altro che '1 suo tesor trova furato, Impicca se col laccio ivi trovato. L. Alamanni. Chi strozzar si volea, trovb un tesoro : Se '1 prese, e lascio il laccio ov' era P oro. Chi 1' oro non trovo quivi lasciato, Col laccio si strozzo da lui trovato. Pagnini. Un pobre, de miseria ya aburrido, Se iba a ahorcar ; mas encontro un tesoro ; Y sacandole alegre, en vez del oro El lazo del cordel dexo escondido. Vino el rico, que oculto le tenia, Gozoso; pero al verse sin dinero, Tomo el cordel, y se ahorco severo. He aqui como la suerte se varia. Arroyal. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 441 Un fol attachant a son col Pour s' estrangler, un fier licol, Trouva sous 1' arbre, d' avanture, Un beau thresor, en lieu duquel II jetta le cordeau mortel, Ou ja branloit sa mort future. L' autre venant chercher son or, Trouvant en lieu de son thresor Le licol, le prend et le noue De rage a son col, et soudain S' en pendit de sa propre main. Ainsi de nous le sort se joue. LI ado u da la Haye Un qui la corde en main s' en alloit pour se pendre Trouve un riche tresor ; laisse la corde la. Le maitre du tresor allant pour le reprendre, Et ne le trouvant plus, dn licol s' etrangla. Tatniaier. Celui qui pauvre s' alloit pendre, Trouve un tresor dans un poteau ; Pour le tresor qu' il alia prendre, II laissa la son vil cordeau. Mais celui, qui riche avoit mise Sa pecune au poteau fendu, A du pauvre la corde prise, Et, miserable, s' est pendu. La Fresnave Un jour le malheureux Lindor, Etant sur le point de se pendre, Vint a decouvrir un tresor, Qui du coup aTec joie eut 1' heur de le defendre ; Mais Chrisophon triste et touche De ne plus retrouver T or qu* il avoit cache Eut bien une autre destinee ; Car ce desespere, que la fureur surprit, En se mettant au col la corde abandonnee, Serra le nosud dont il pent. Maul trot. 3 K 442 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Un homme allait se pendre. II decouvre un tresor, Jette sa corde, et prend la somme. Le maitre vient, ne trouve plus son or, Mais bien la corde. Elle pendit mon homme. Poan-Saint-Simon. >a otb iinb fcet tricf. otb tag fyier tegrafcen ; ein 2)iirfttger, ber in 93et^etfhmg gcfyon fnityfte ben ob, fanb ba fcegrafrene olb, unb ttergaff ben tricf, ben er gum $obe ficty f nityfte. 5u, ber bag otb fcegruf>, 6ud/ eg unb finbe ben tricf. Herder. For shamefast harme of great and hatefull nede, In depe dispaire as did a wretch go, With ready corde out of his life to spede, His stumbling foote did finde an horde, lo, Of gold, I say, where he preparde this dede, And in exchange he left the corde tho. He that had hid the golde, and found it not, Of that he found, he shapt his neck a knot. Sir Thomas "Wyat. Of two desperate men. A man in deepe despaire with hempe in hand Went out in haste to end his wretched dayes : And where he thought the Gallotree should stand He found a pot of gold : he goes his wayes Therewith eftsoone, and in exchaunge he left The rope wherewith he would his breath bereft. The greedie carle came within a space That ownde the gold and saw the pot behinde Where ruddocks lay, and in the ruddocks place A knottie corde, but ruddocks could not finde. He caught the hemp and hoong himselfe on tree, For griefe that he his treasure coulde not see. Turbervila A man found a treasure, and what's very strange, Running off with the cash left a rope in exchange : The poor owner at missing his gold, full of grief, Hung himself with the rope which was left by the thief. Sir Alexander Croke. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 443 DXIV. MAPIANOY 2XOAA2TIKOY. Els \ovrp6v ovofjia^o p.tvov "Epmra. Mrjrepa Kinrpiv e\ovarev "Epwf jrore rySe \oerpw, AUTOS VTro(f)\e^a<; \afA7rd8t /ca\ov v8a)p. IS/3&)? S' dfj,(3poaiot,o ^vQels %/aoo9 afj-fjur^ ' TSacri, (f>ev, TTVOITJS oaraov dinj-^ev eap' "Evdev del poSoetrerai/ dvatpiovcriv /2? en, rrj? xpvarrjs \ovofjievr)<$ MAEIANI 8CHOLA8TICI. Laverat hoc quondam genitricem fonte Cupido, Subjiciens undis mollibus ipse facem. Ambrosius nitido manans e corpore sudor Quam plenas rosei fecit odoris aquas ? Ex illo sic semper aquis ver spirat in illis, Ceu se prolueret nunc quoque pulchra Venus. Grotius. Qtmor unb S^rig feabeten ^)ier in ber Hebli^en Ouette ; 9lmor gcl)er|te barin, tauc^te bie ^acfet ^inetn, @ie^e, ba miSc^ten jld) ^unfen ber Siete jur glan^enbe 9Bette, llnb oon ber otttnn floff Suffer amBroftSc^er 2)uft Smmer noc^ blinft unb buftet bie iiiefle i)on roftger Siebe : Qlmor unb QJa^ta, fie fcaben noc^ immer in il;r. Herder. As in this fount Love wash'd the Cyprian dame, His touch the water tinged with subtle flame ; And, while his busy hands his mother lave, Ambrosial dews enrich the silver wave, And all the undulating bason fill ; Such dews as her celestial limbs distil. Hence how delicious float these tepid streams ! What rosy odours ! what nectareous steams ! So pure the water, and so soft the air, It seems as if the goddess still were there. Ogle. Once on a time Love bathed his mother here, First heating with his torch the waters clear. Lo from her goddess form what dews distil ! And wake fresh odours in the mingling rill ! E'en now, such roseate fumes ascend, you'd swear That golden Venus still was bathing there. 444 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. DXV. KAAAI2TPATOY. 'jEy p.vprov /cXaSt TO f i< "flffirep 'ApfAoo'ios K ' ' Apiv, "Ore rbv rvpavvov Kraveryv 'Iirert mit 2Bte armobia3 t^at, unb ^Iriflogit 2)a ben 3!t)rannen fte, ben 3Rann Jlobteten tei 9lt^ene'8 D^ferfefte ! rotrb auf (5rben tonen euer , ^annobtog unb $Irijlogtton, iDie i^r tobtetet ben Ssjrannen, bte i c^cnftet 5lt^en erec^tigfeit unb Christian von Stolber. 1^11 wreath my sword in myrtle bough, The sword that laid the tyrant low, When patriots, burning to be free, To Athens gave equality. Harmodius, hail ! though reft of breath, Thou ne'er shalt feel the stroke of death ; The heroes' happy isles shall be The bright abode allotted thee. I'll wreath my sword in myrtle bough, The sword that laid Hipparchus low, When at Minerva's adverse fane He knelt, and never rose again. While Freedom's name is understood, You shall delight the wise and good ; You dar'd to set your country free, And gave her laws equality. D In myrtle my sword will I wreath, Like our patriots the noble and brave, Who devoted the tyrant to death, And to Athens equality gave. 446 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. Lov'd Harmodius, thou never shalt die ! The poets exultingly tell, That thine is the fulness of joy, Where Achilles and Diomed dwell. In myrtle my sword will I wreath, Like our patriots the noble and brave, Who devoted Hipparchus to death, And buried his pride in the grave. At the altar the tyrant they seiz'd While Minerva he vainly implor'd, And the goddess of wisdom was pleas' d With the victim of liberty's sword. May your bliss be immortal on high, Among, men as your glory shall be ! Ye doom'd the usurper to die, And bade our dear country be free. Paraphrase. Wreath' d with myrtles be my glave, Like the falchion of the brave, Death to Athens' lord that gave, Death to tyranny ! Yes ! let myrtle- wreaths be round Such as then the falchion bound, When with deeds the feast was crowii'd, Done for liberty ! Voiced by Fame eternally, Noble pair ! your names shall be, For the stroke that made us free, When the tyrant fell. Death, Harmodius ! came not near thee, Isles of bliss and brightness cheer thee, There heroic breasts revere thee, There the mighty dwell ! D. K. Sand ford. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 447 DXVI. A A K A I O Y. ev vejj,ei at KprjviSwv \ovcrav OTTO crfyerepwv, Kal Tafav v^rooa-avTO' yaXa/CTi Se uotftej/e? aiy&v "Eppavav, av6a> /j,ij;,evot, /ueAm* ToLrjv yap /cat jrjpvv aTreTrveev, evvea Movaecov O Hesiodi corpus silvae sub Locridos umbra Laverunt Nymphse fonte nitente suo, Et tumulum fecere super, quern lacte rigarunt Pastores, memores addere nectar apis. Fuderat his rebus similes quia pectore voces, Aonidum puro potus ab amne senex. Grotius. QU3 int Sofrigc^en >ain ber 9Bu8(^en int flaren Ouetl SRijm^^en ben tyetUgen 2etb Unb errt^teten i^nt Sein ratmal. chafer itnb trten offen jum D^fer i^nt 3KiIc^ unb ontg ^inan : 2)enn bag atfyneten etnfl be Sefcenben Sujfe eange ; STOugen, c8 tran! ber reiS euren reinflen Duett. Herder / Deep in a shady Locrian glade The wood-nymphs Hesiod's funeral made : They washed his corse, they raised a mound ; "While shepherds on that hallowed ground The tide of milk and honey poured To him whom all their hearts adored. For why ? Because the Muses nine Once fed him from their fount divine ; And from that hour the poet's song Like milk and honey flowed along. J W. B. 448 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. DXVII. A A H A O N. Olo<; e;5 favycov rbv Ovftov, eV aKpordrw Trvevfjuan Oels Tolov e%d\Kevpdcrai SVVCITOV, INCERTI. Ladas per stadium saltaverit, an volitarit, (Tarn cito confecit) dicere nemo potest. Grotius. Such was the speed of Ladas, no one knew Whether he leapt across the course or flew. w. DXIX. snEYSinn Ets nXarcopa fiev ev KO\TTOI<; are%et r68e yaia SPEUSI PPI. De Platone. Terra sinu magni complectitur ossa Platonis, Par superis animus regna beata tenet. Grotius Ha in sen la terra di Platon la salma, Ma immortal fra' beati alberga F alma. M. ^3Iaton3 itfle ijerfcirgt in bcm ^eiligen @d)ooffe bie @rbe; 5t6er ber Sctyopfe bir gc^nett einen erfviec^enbeu :$runf. gebenfe beet Ouetlg aud? feme noct), icetc^en am ittoS v icovpos, ^wo? eo)v erapo?. At at, \evya\erj /cat a/u-etXt^o? eTrXero Moipa, rerjs ^T??, Sva-fiope, PAULI SILENTIARII. Multa tuo tristes lachrymas fudere sepulchro Lumina : multa ob te pectora luctus habet. Nam cunctis dilectus eras, quasi filius esses Omnibus, aut junctus lege sodalitii. Ah nimium crudelis erat, nimis impia Parca, -lEtatem quse non est miserata tuam. Qrotius. Saepe tuum in tumulum lachrymarum decidit imber, Quern fundit blando junctus amore dolor ; Charus enim cunctis, tanquam, dum vita manebat, Cuique esses natus, cuique sodalis, eras. Heu quam dura preces sprevit, quam surda querelas Parca, juventutem non miserata tuam. Sam. Johnson. rab*c$rift auf etnen Sungling. 33iete Xfyrdnen benegen bein rafc, fie traufeln ung atten, ItnS, btc ber Sannner Derge^rt, iitjer bie SOBangen ^erat>. wareft bu t^euer, unb ivare^ atten, o Sungling, 8?teunb, unb SBruber, unb ofyn, ba bu auf @rben nod) ivarfl ; ci?, eS crtarmte ftdj nicift bag unerBttttid)c ? o 'Hi/tSe ical 2a7r Ae&fioOev rj Setcdrr). PLATONIS. Musas esse novem referunt, sed prorsus aberrant : Lesbica jam Sappho Pieris est decima. Th. Morus. Esse novem quidam Musas dixere, sed errant : Ecce tibi Sappho Lesbia quae decima est. Grotius. Esse novem Musas nonnulli quam temere ! aiunt. En ! decimam Sappho Lesbia terra dedit. G. B. Con poco senno alcuni Di nove Muse fer 1' Aonio coro. Ve' che Saffo e la decima tra loro. Pagnini. How careless they, who say, " Nine Muses," when With Lesbian Sappho, as you see, they're ten. w. "The Muses nine" say some : how rashly ! when With Lesbian Sappho, here, we see they're ten. G. B. DXXVI. 'Oeu Travrr) jrepl TOV rdfav etVti/ aKavOcu Kal <7/c6\OTT65' ^\d-\ffts roy? TroSas, rjv Trpocriys' TroXXa, 7rdpe\6e JAOVOV. HEGESIPPI. Hunc circa tumulum surgunt spinaeque sudesque, Si prope sis, referes saucius inde pedem. I procul hinc : Timon moror hie mortalibus hostis : Meque jube, si vis, flere, sed i procul hinc. Grotius. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 457 3)tfWn umjhtten bag rafc; gcfyarfjtecfyenbe >ornen fcernwnben, SBanbrer, ben etlenben 8?uff, rcenn bu gu nat)ern bid? n?agft. Simon rcofynet banmter, ber SWengcfyeit gaffer. 93otbety benn, SBanbrer ! go inet bir feeliefct gtfjettenb. 0)ut gefye sorte^. Jacobs. Sharp thorns and stakes beset this tomb all round : . Stranger, approach it not ; your feet you'll wound. Timon the misanthrope dwells here. Pass on : And vent your curses as you pass. Begone ! w. DXXVII. IQANNOY TOY BAPBOYKAAAOY. AWe ere, IlivSape, fjt,a\Xov e/iot? eKddijpa peeOpois, Kal fcev apuTTOV vSwp rovfJibv e9 at IN CERT I. Servus, Epictetus, mutilato corpore, vixi, Pauperieque Irus, curaque summa Deum. Sam Johnson. lo Epitteto servo fui ; storpiato, Povero A' Iro al paro, E agli Immortali caro. M. 3d) rear dfpiftetuS, etn .ftnecfyt, unb tytnfenb am Qtrm trie 3ruS, unb bod? rcaren bie otter mir Herder. A slave was Epictetus, who before thee buried lies, And a cripple and a beggar, and the favourite of the skies. G. S. DXXX. KYPIAAOY. IIdyKa\6v eerr' eTTiypa^/jLa TO SI|rft)Se?9, KOVK eiriypa^a \eyeis, CYRILLI. Versibus ex geminis bona sunt epigrammata ; quod si Tres excedis, epos non epigramma facis. Grotius. Optima, queis bini versus, epigrammata; trinum Si superes, epos est, non epigramma facis. G. B. Keep to one couplet ; epigrams are good on that condition : Exceed three lines ; your epigram becomes a composition. w. A perfect epigram should lie within a single distich, But loses, when beyond three lines, its true characteristic. w To make a perfect epigram, your thought within a distich cram ! Beyond that size, you rhapsodize, and do not write an epigram. J."W.JB An epigram, in proper taste composed, Should ever be within two lines enclosed : For epigrams, extended beyond three, Are more like compositions, as you see. w. ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. 100 DXXXI. KPATHT02 *IA020*OY. Xaipe dea BeffTroiv', dvSp&v wyadwv ar^cntr^ia, EirreXiT], K\eivrj<; ejyove Sb)(f>poaier terblic^eu icar'ei, u?er bic^ tilbete. 97etn, line enfcitcft bic^ (Sa^ on ben %d%m geflredt SSromiog, ftett't er bicfy bat. Erichson. No mortal artist chiselPd thee ; Bacchus th' enamour'd Deity, Such as he view'd thee laid upon the rock, Sculptur'd thy living form upon this block. DXXXVI. AAE2IIOTON. opas u, "TaKivdos evddSe INCEETI. Si tibi flos notus, sine quo fit nulla corolla, Nomen habes nostrum : jaceo hac Hyacinthus in urna. G. S A flow'r of earth, most mourned of flow'rs that die, And Hyacinth my name, lo, here I lie ! w. Name me the flow'r to every garland dear ; That name I bore ; for Hyacinth lies here. ANTHOLOGIA POLYQLOTTA. 463 DXXXVII. APXEAAOY, ol bt ASKAHniAAOY. Eif (TTT)\T)V 'A\t-t-dv8pov roD T6\fJ,av *A\edv8pov real o\av a TIV 681 ^a\o? e^et 8vvafj,iv ; 8' eoiKev 6 ^a A/ceo 9 e? Aia \evhttty lett anj im SStlbe Si?fl^^8. ^ontglic^ mcic^ttgeS @rj ! Q(uf Hicft er gen tntmel, al3 gprdc^' er jum otte beS >tmmetS : " 2Kein iji bie @rb' o 3eu8 ! ^aBe bu beinen * ' " Herder. What power, Lysippus, hath thy bronze ! The conqueror's daring mien, All Alexander's glorious self embodied here is seen. The living metal seems to say with eyes uplift to Jove : Mine are the realms of earth below, thine be the realms above. O.3. 464 ANTHOLOGIA POLYGLOTTA. DXXXVITI. AAESnOTON. '.E\7rt9 Kal s xai Alfi /iot 8i'f ei AlfTf, TlTTTf AWt ere, AiXios 6 AtdXov 'Axpis, tf PACK 356 AX(TOf 316 'AfJLrjros TTO\VS . 260 'A/*(pdrfpoi 302 * Av fi (cri8r]s 129 ' Av p-tv dnovra 361 AV TTfplKtXpft) 3 ' Av8pofjLd\T]s en 31 'Av8pos dpHrrfvaavTot 57 'Av8po cat irraffi PAOI 460 432 430 269 39 427 268 168 228 40 389 147 67 226 462 82 245 140 330 438 76 250 368 366 174 80 149 llfi 265 3 N 466 INDEX. PAGE PACB AcrftfOTOV K\fOS . 121 Af^irfpjji/ 'Ai8ao . 251 'Acrrtpas flcradptls 92 Aevp' 16 1, /3atdj 1 'Aorrjp irplv fitv 89 Aipcpvoy eS^drmev 77 ' Acrros ep-ol . . 364 AovXoy e'ya) . . . 414 " Aa-rpa p,ev . . 415 AovXoy 'EjriKTijToy . 458 Ao~(paXeG>y o'lKrjcrov , . 264 Aovpuy 'AXe^avSpoio . 97 'Ardl Kopa . . 284 Apdyp.urd 0*01 \a>pov . 65 "Arpopos fK rvpfiov . 301 Avo-Kaxpo) 8vo-Kd>(pog 44 AvXaKi Kal . . 331 Al'fT/iopf NtKCIPOp . 142 AvXta, Kal Nvp,v . 165 Avrd roi, rpe&aavri . 244 Avral iroiuaivovra 21 "E^pou . 376 Aurui (rot aTop.dr((rcriv . . 185 Ey^et, Kal ira\iv . 362 Avrr]v Qfioborijv . 119 Et /3ovXet TOJ . . 264 Avro6f\t)s Kapnoiis 111 Et dvcrlv . . . 206 Avrofiarai SetXal . . 194 Ei ^fdy fcrriv . . . 355 AuToy, aca . 270 Ei Kal tnl (ivr]s . . 452 AuToy 6 j3ouy . .. 26 Et p.ev yrjpdiTKfi . 345 AUTO) KOI TfKttcrcri . 290 Ei ere (piXwi/ a8i . 200 ' A(ppoytvovf Hatpins 202 Ei Taiy d\r)dfiaio~iv . , 340 'AfflftS TtTTt^ . . 152 Ei Ta^iy eiy TO . 176 A^pt rev, a Sei'Xate . . 273 Et Tiy a7ra y^p-ay . .86 Et TIS yrjpd&as . 425 Ei TO KaXcoy 60 Bi'/SXot ' Api(rroova TIS . . 267 EITT' ayf p-ot . 384 AuKpvd croi . 370 EtTray, ijXIe x a 'P e 48 &aKpvx(>v 82 EiTre, TI crol . 258 Ad . 388 E?7r Tty, 'HpaKXeire 98 Ad(pi/(y 6 crvpiKras . 42 Eiy 'AtiSji . 383 Aeii/oj- *Epo>( . . . 289 Eiy Srjtwi' . . 202 INDEX. 467 Eis ov a8(\(bfiovs rmimm 412 Ei/KoXof 'Epfitias PAGI Kfl ElS 6 TTUTTjp . . 41 EvTTfTaXoV . Uo 283 Els 'P68uv fl . . 216 17 * -. ' tiiVpf v\aKr)v . . . 382 ESpov p,f . 412 Eicrl Kal iv Movo~rjo-iv . . 113 Ei/frrddif 16 Eio~i8fv Avrtovos . . 281 Etfafios yXaxro-;; . 100 'EK yqs xpr) . 324 Evfpoprot vats . . 214 'Eic fwJjf . 394 "E^owa 8d . 324 EK nvpos 'iXiaKov . 115 EK nvpos 6 paiorrjp 87 EK nvpos, 2) Aio'i/vcrf . 275 Zfv /SacrtXfC . 205 'EK\T)0T]V . 431 EKTop, Aprfiov . . 143 "EKTOp 'Owpdrjo-tv . 250 H ypafpls dpyvptrj . 108 /-, .V t. f j tLKTcap Aiavri e-ifpos 76 H ypijvs NiKcb 23 "EK(ppova . 414 *H Sfos r,\6" nl . 201 *EXK, TttXai/ . 408 *u - v j n ' H o~(v Kat (pOifjifvas . 360 E\\T)VU>V npOfJMVOVVTfS . . 320 H o~o(3apbv . , . 314 E\nis Kal o~v . . 464 H TO'IOV KvSepeiav . 307 Ev Kvd0a> TOV *Epu>ra 28 H (pixris ({-evpfv . 118 'El/ fJLVpTOV KXa8t . 444 Hfieta \}svxpolo . . 337 Ev nao~iv p.fuuovo~iv . . 219 "H8r) X(VKO"IOV . . 154 'Ev0d8' diropp^as . 312 H61OOI' U,V . . . 454 Ev6d8e Xovcra/xeVwi/ . 8 Hu\$) 2) ZTJVQ&P . . 101 'Evdd8f UvQvvaKTa . 210 "RdfXov av . 351 'Evvfa TOS . 456 'HWfOlS OVK t(TTl . 102 'Ep/j.oytvriv TOV laTpbv . 74 *H\0( S frfs fajs 63 'EppoKpaTT]* . 439 Hpepl nav0f\KTeipa . 342 Ep%o, Kal KOT fp.av 18 *HjjiT)v dxpdov . . 354 Epa>Ta travel . 187 *ttv Ppa8vs . 421 'Evpfo-Qrjs . 348 Hv p.ev aXiTpaivrjs . 346 "EaTi naTpa . 391 Hv vfos, dXXa . . 210 *E(TTi TIS Xoyoy . 321 *Hv onore . 402 En npaTTO>v . 198 "HpaK\ff . 422 Evdypei, \ayodrjpa . 308 'Hpdo-0rjv, (v , . 166 Evye TToi>v . 450 'Hpfp vnip . 288 Ev8r}fJLOS TOV 103 "tlpi) TOVT apa . 423 EvdvfJLdviiiv dv8pu>v . 215 'Hpvr)(ravTO Kal aXXat . 239 Ev6vp.os &>v . 122 'Hp68oTos Moixras . 197 EvKaipm . 397 "ttptoos HpiafMov 27 EvK\(as aia 55 'Htri'oSof Movcrats 33d 468 INDEX. 'HcrtdSou TTOTt . Hero HOT* Tjyddtov 'H^^eaaa MfXaVtTTTrOJ/ OdXXot TtrpaKopvpftos 0acrat rbv QOTTOV fT)V \fV7TOVS QdOVOTjS . Qrjtravpbs ptyas 6 K(l)fJLT]TT]S V l8' a>s 6 TraiXof *leu airas "lfv VTT' alydpoicriv 'irjrpos 'K.partas 'l^w Kai KaXd/iioicrti/ TIJI/ Kai yap eya) ra KM i K\IU. KOI . Kat /xe \i6ov Kat vtKvs &>v Kal irevit) KOI (pa>s Kai T Kai T KaXa KaXXos ai/cv KaXXos ex ar KdXXos //ei/ PAOI 183 241 435 94 348 182 169 353 373 279 218 368 346 341 451 20 186 146 167 128 148 180 K.fjv irr/opioi, KvftKOJ/ f)V (\6flS Ku/iara Kai Tpr)%vs ovros Addas . Aats, d 6(\ Atfyava AovKiX\r)s AITGS rot &6/J.OS AoKpibos AvSia p.(V . Av y' (TT olov6fj,oio Miy rpec Mijre flat Mijrepa Kvirptv PAGK 319 69 139 22 71 237 54 232 207 449 313 386 290 395 287 61 145 447 328 128 257 45 232 296 46 179 409 105 310 225 176 350 259 312 262 403 93 443 INDEX. 469 Mijnjp via XtTrdira MtXcwoff To8' Mvap.oo~uvav eXf ro8e a, ov yap Movvav (TVV TeKvois Mvv 'J Nat Xtro^iat Nat TOV *Epa)ra . Nd^toy OVK (Trl yrjs Nav^ydv p.f 8t8opKas Nav^yov rd(poy ft/it AioK\tos NavJ/you Ta p,(v Trysts . -, . 411 392 '0\Kas dp.(Tp^Tov . 243 "Op.p.aTa p.iv . 10 *Ovra>s 817 Xapt'rwi' .- 71 213 'O^fiai itdvTTj . . 456 157 Opdaxrai TOV . . 217 221 "Opvi, Atof Kpovt8ao . 112 352 "Ore \dpvciKi . 276 300 Oil ftpOTOS . 462 234 Ov ydp.ov, aXX' "AtiSai/ 90 300 Ov 8vvaTOi . 378 178 Ov KOVIS, ov8* oXt'yov 70 81 Ov p.d TOV, av8e . 311 266 Ov p.oi TO. Tvyfot . 197 380 Ov crov p.vfjp.a . . 413 173 Ov TpT))(ls . 453 338 Ov ifoi TrXowetv . 301 49 OVK ep.a TOVTU 84 271 OVK. fp.(, TTJV . 182 14 OVK tffTi yrjp-af . 254 323 OVK fortv p.flfav HF. 136 309 OvKfTt 8f, TrXammrtv . *. 242 377 OiiKfTi 8fj ifTfpvyt(r(rt. 15 299 OvKtTi 817 o~t . 297 11 OlIKfTl 8t) ^XtapOKTlV . 360 457 OvKtTi 6t\yopxvas . 428 419 OvKtTi avpiyyw 194 470 INDEX. PACK Ovt>up.a jjifv . 160 H\OVTOV p.(V Ovvopd /iot' Tt 8e . OUT' dno Wl(cro~dvas 123 . 149 . 320 TfXoVTOS 6 TT]S . Ilotelf ndvTa OUT' ?K\vo-ev . Ovre p68ov (m(pdvv OvTf O~f TTOITOS . 199 33 . 298 JloilJV TIS jSlOTCHO Hoirjo-as 8aTrdvT)i> Tlo\\a TTiutv Kal TroXXa OVTC erf HpaiTf\r)s OVTOS A.8ftfJidvTOv . 204 . 381 IloXXa TO 8aifj.6vwv IIoXXaKi fitv To8' OvT TOI fj,f\ia . 384 rioXX((K(f OIVOV OVTWS fffr dpyos s\* r ' vJuTCOff V7rV(t)O~dlS . 418 . 357 IloXXoIf dvTi\ty(iv IIoXXoi' air IraXtijf IloC TO Trep^XeTJToj/ IlouXii Ai)v!.8fy TIS avev Ual8fs 'Adr)vaia>v 13 Ha\\d8os dpi (pvTov H(iX\us fo~affpr]o~ao~a . IlaXXa; al K.povi8ao IlaXXaf Tav Kvdfpfiuv . 72 . 240 . 262 . 398 'P(ap.r) ra/ij3ao-iXeta Hdv TO ITfplTTOV Tlavra Kad 'KTTopiTjv . 240 . 291 34 2i//xa Qt6yvi8os Tlavra \iipatv . IldvTfs oara . . HdvTfs pfv 2aTi/pot IldvTfs, Mi\Tid8rj Tlavroirjv fiiOTOio Tlapp.fv\s OVK fpya Has TIS dTTUl8fVTOS . 248 . 432 . 263 . 134 . 217 . 405 2f)p.a Trap' Aldvreiov 2tyaTW \doriov . SKTJVTJ TTO.S 6 ftios 2ot fjitv Kap.Trv\a 2oi p.opoy irXfKcav Hdo~av eya> 150 15 JLw uot irivf "S,vvfTa>v tarlv . IlfftTra) roi, 'Po8oK\ia . 24 2o)LLCt Ll)/ TltTpqs tn 8icro"tjs . Tled)v\ayfj.fvos 38 . 325 2T) Kai Hiv8apov iptpoevra Hivf p T^Xordreo \evucr6at TTJV Kpa\r)v Trjvos S8f Ztjvwv Trjs WKTOS Tijs TroXt^f Tt TT\fOV fCS Tiirrt p,f rbv (pi\(prjfjLov Tis yXfyas TOV "Epcara Tis \l6ov Tis noff 6 TOV . T\s tre Trdyos . TtV ere TOV ov \a\fovra To p68ov aKfjidfri Tottri piv (v ToX/xaf 'A\f{-dv8pov Tov ftiov, 'HpaK\(iTf, Tov yairjs xal irovrov Tov TI Tov \VKOV Tov rraxyv fv . Tov TTTOVOV Tov Tpi(TT) iraifavra Td^a Ta8f Tov ypvrrov Tovs KOTaXf Tovs 7r68as tl TOVTO TO PACK PAGI 62 ToVTO TOI f)[i,tTtp1]f , . 107 32 Tpt'is tio-\v XdptTtf . 209 28 Tpfls XfTTTOi . 163 339 Tpio~o~ai fttv XdpiTts . . 126 410 Tvpfios 'AxtXXijof 26 400 Ta5 ypnrtl UtXdyatvi 86 235 Tut naTpi p,ov , . 365 47 Tuv avrov TIS . . 114 83 Tail' tv fp/iOTTuXatj 5 363 Ta>v8e 81 dvOputnatv 85 247 436 138 Yytaivtiv p.ev . . 322 184 Yyitta, npto-fiio-ra . 292 95 Yfiara Krjpaivovra . 334 387 286 "Yfiaroy dxprjTov YlfOS WKVfJiOpOV 141 58 YfJUV TOVTO . . . 438 4 "Ycrrara 817 . 461 117 230 101 374 QapnaKioio-i 'V68tvyt A.UKCOV irori . 234 340 Qtvytiv 8fj Tov'Eparra . 91 224 <$; iroTt . 100 64 $0io-0ai 'A\fav8pov . . 138 120 */w*4*? . 459 203 463 181 Xalpt 6ta . 459 38 Xatpt f*f\afjnrfn\ois . 356 106 Xaipt pal tijJfii 30 424 Xaipt p.oi, at vavTjyt 78 192 Xalptt TIS, Qf68a>pos 25 178 Xd\Ktos, dXX' adprjfrov . . 127 68 Xd^KOTvrros . . . 156 177 Xtifitplois vKpd8t\6v fx (ts ' . 306 472 INDEX. tcronrpov fioi TrpoXryet *O Xwore *Q fJLiifS (I piv . *Q tiv) dyyt\\(iv I'A'.I. 110 108 30 381 116 208 246 124 Q TTo'Xt, TTTj (TfO J2xet(H %dpiT(S , "Qpios fl\f 8, 469,471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 477, 484, 486, 490, 493, 494, 495, 498, 501, 502, 503, 504, 508, 510, 511, 514, 516, 518, 519, 521, 522, 525, 526, 527, 530, 531, 532. G. S. v. Smith, Goldwin. Guarini, Alessandro, (d. 1636,) Itcd. 375. HADRIANUS CAESAR, 169. Hardecoperus, or Huidecoperus, (frcm versions under' this name, MSS. D'Orvitte X. 1, infr. 1, 10,) Lat. 255. Hawkins, A., Esq., F. H. S., (1817,) Eng. 458. Hawtrey, Edward Craven, D.D, Head Master of Eton College, Ital. 426. Fr. 426. Eng. 440. Hay, William, (1833,) Eng. 5, 17, 44, 115, 178, 350. Haye, v. Maclou, de la. Hayley, William, (b. 1745; d. 1820,) Eng. 378. HEGESIPPTJS, 526. Heinsius, Daniel, (b. 158c); d. 1665,) Lot. 85, 133, 284, 299, 359, 430. HERACLETUS, 376. HERACLIDE.S, 88. Herder, Johann Goitfiied, (b. 1744; d. 1803,) Germ. 8, 16, '20, 23, 31, 37, 44, 47, 60, 71, 84, 88, 92, 97, 105, 111, 121, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 136, 137, 142, 143, 149,' 151, 155, 158, 161, 165, 169, 180, 190, 197, 201, 202, 215, 216, 223, 232, 234, 235, 241, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 268, 270, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 280, 283, 284, 287, 289, 295, 299, 303, 310, 315, 322, 324, 328, 329, 330, 337, 339, 341, 343, 346, 348, 349, 350, 360, 374, 375, 379, 383, 392, 394, 396, 397, 403, 408, 414, 418, 419, 429, 430, 431, 435, 440, 441, 445, 446, 452, 453, 456, 461, 465, 466, 468, 470, 478, 481, 487.492, 496, 500, 504, 508, 509, 513, 514, 516, 517, 520, 529, 534, 537. Jferr-ck, Robert, (b. 1591,) Eng. 106. Hestaud de Nuysament, Clovis, (b. c. 1550; d. c. 1625,) Fr. 417. H. H. v. Howard. flobbes, Thomas, (b. 1588 ; d. 1679,) Eng. 197, 406. Hodgson, Francis, B.D., Provost of Eton, Eng. 292, 298, 349, 407, 429, 488, 508. Howard, Hon. Henry, D.D., Dean of Lickfield, Eng. 408, 440. INDEX OF AUTHORS. 479 Jacobs, Friedrich, (b. 1764 ; d. 1848,) Germ. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 14, 17, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 36, 38, 45, 54, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 69, 75, 76, 78, 85, 86, 87, 90, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 104, 105, 120, 124, 128, 129, 132, 133, 135, 138, 141, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 157, 160, 163, 164, 166, 167, 171, 174, 180, 191, 192, 194, 200, 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 219, 220,' 221, 2?3, 226, 227, 233, 234, 237, 241, 242, 245, 246, 247, 251, 258, 263, 267, 271, 273, 275, 282, 283, 289, 290, 295, 296, 297, 298, 301, 302, 303, 306, 310, 311, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 321, 322, 324, 326, 328, 329, 330, 337, 339, 343, 344, 350, 356, 361, 362, 365, 366, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 381, 386, 395, 403, 406, 408, 412, 414, 418, 423, 424, 426, 428, 433, 435, 438, 440, 441, 443, 445, 450, 455, 456, 461, 463, 465, 469, 470, 475, 476, 482, 485, 48fi, 489, 491, 493, 494, 495, 496, 498, 500, 504, 506, 508, 519, 521, 526, 533, 538. J. B. v. Besly. J. E. B. v. Bode. Imbert, Barthelemy, (b. 1747 ; d. 1790,) Fr. 476. Johnson, Samuel, (b. 1709 ; d. 1784,) Lot. 6, 28, 32, 46, 56, 79, 89, 92, 96, 97, 102, 104, 108, 109, 135, 137, 162, 186, 196, 203, 210, 211, 215, 235, 257, 280, 283, 289, 295, 315, 337, 356, 358, 372, 375, 381, 396, 397, 432, 477, 482, 497, 513, 522, 529. ION, 423. Jones, Sir Will'am, (b. 1746 ; d. 1794,) Eng. 108. Jonson, Ben, (b. 1574 ; d. 1637,) Eng. 485. Jortin, John, (b. 1698 ; d. 1770,) Lat. 28, 332. J. R. v. Riddell. IsinoRUS JSgeates, 51, 221. JTJLIANUS Antecessor, 319, 503. JCLIANUS Prsefectus ^Egypti, 20, 66, 79, 91, 104, 143, 188, 228, 229, 353,366, 374,410, 433, 445, 478. J. W. B. v. Burgon. King, Henry, Bp. of Chichester, (b. 1591 ; d. 1669,) Eng. 368. Lancetti, Vincenzo, (1808,) Ital. 237. Lansdown, Granville, Lord, (b. 1667 ; d. 1735,) Eng. 182. Lascaris, Janus, (b. c. 1405 ; d. 1535,) Lat. 314. Le-Brun, Antoine Louis, (b. 1680 ; d. 1743,) Fr. 239. Leichius, Joannes Henricus, (b. 1720 ; d. 1750,) Lat. 161. LEONIDAS, Alexandrinus, 234, 312, 473. LEONIDAS, (sine gentHi), 57, 141, 181, 193, 232, 317, 321, 355, 357, 361, 435, 459, 483. LEONIDAS, Tarentinus, 45, 85, 99, 132, 147, 148, 367, 472, 488, 507. LEONTIUS, Scholasticus, 16. Le Sage, Alain Rene, (b. 1668 ; d. 1747,) Span. 244. Lessing, Gotth. Ephraim, (b. 1729 ; d. 1781,) Germ. 104, 148, 207, 267, 277, 282, 448. Liebel, Ignatius, (1812,) Lat. 305, 321. Lilius, Gulielmus, (b. 1468 ; d. 1523,) Lat. 538. Linwood, Rev. William, M.A., Student of Christ Church, Oxford, Lat. 356. Longepierre, Hilaire Bernard de Requeleyne, baron de, (b. 1659 ; d. 1721,) Fr. 366, 389, 466, 468, 478, 498. 480 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Loyer, Pierre le, (b. 1550 ; d. 1634,) Fr. 211. LUCIANUS, 58, 93, 97, 199, 207, 219, 237, 244, 249, 267, 279, 397, 439, 444, 528. LuciLircrs, 26, 42, 128, 172, 206, 211, 251, 254, 282, 284, 336, 349, 434, 454, 455, 465, 476, 480, 490, 491, 493, 497, 528. M. v. Mortara. MACCIUS, 326, 338. MACEDONIUS, 43, 50, 264, 432. Maclou de la Haye, (1553,) Fr. 513. Maffeius, Scipio, (b. 1675 ; d. 1755,) Lat. 77. Mage, Antoine, (fl. 15301570,) Fr. 84, 462. Maittaire, Michael, (b. 1668 ; d. 1747,) Lat. 157, 158, 274, 276. MARCUS ARGENTARIUS, 194, 218, 340. MARIANUS Scholasticus, 1, 71, 513. Mariscottus, Agesilaus, (b. 1577 ; d. 1618,) Lat. 219. i Marolles, V att>t. Michel de, (b. 1600 ; d. 1681,) Fr. 386. Martin, Jean, (d. 1553,) Fr. 398, 399, 400. Martiniere, Antoine Augustin Bruzen de la, (b. 1662 ; d. 1746,) Fr. 449. Maultrot, . . . (1787,) Fr. 613. Medices, Averardus, (739 ; d. 1808,) Lat. 11, 30, 114, 124, 133, 188, 269, 306, 364, Ital. 133, 327, 364, 460, 496. Melancthon, Philippus, (b. 1497 ; d. 1560,) Or. 300. Lat. 295, 300, 478. MELEAGER, 30, 44, 70, 106, 152, 178, 180, 184, 200, 258, 260, 273, 289, 308, 330, 344, 430, 440. MENECRATES, 187, 497. Merivale, Rev. Charles, (1833,) Eng. 9, 85, 103, 147. Merivale, John Herman, (b. 1779 ; d. 1844,) Eng. 7, 18, 30, 46, 58, 84, 111, 113, 122, 130, 131, 138, 174, 187, 200, 203, 213, 238, 244, 263, 268, 290, 299, 300, 31 1, 312, 322, 334, 379, 384, 385, 386, 392, 393, 412, 424, 426, 445, 448, 449, 453, 508, 511, 519. METB.ODORUS, 158. MNASALCAS, 17, 138, 290, 362, -129. Molsa, Franciscus Maria, (b. 1489 ; d. 1544,)Za^. 75. Moneta, (de laMonnoie,) Bernardus, (b. 1641 ; d. 1728,) Lat. 260. Fr. 446, 524, bis. Montalti, Cesare, (1808,) Ital. 289, 508. Moore, Thomas, Esq., (1844,) Eng. 22, 105, 108, 205,217, 330, 366, 383, 414, 430, 468, 538. Morellus, Fredericus, (b. 1558 ; d. 1630,) Lat. 173, 348. Mortara, Conte Alessandro, Ital. 1, 10, 28, 34, 48, 81, 85, 89, 93, 101, 103, 104, 111, 112, 128,138, 139, 155, 177, 179, 187, 199, 203, 210, 221, 222, 227,239, 241, 244, 246, 248, 251, 252, 254, 267, 280, 289, 298, 300, 301, 309, 319, 336, 347, 355, 357, 396, 409, 421. 441, 446, 449, 456, 466, 478, 484, 504, 508, 509, 510, 519, 529. Morus, Thomas, (b. 1480 ; d. 1535,) Lat. 93, 102, 125, 148, 284, 511, 525. MOSCHUS, 460. Muretus, Marcus Antonius, (b. 1526 ; d. 1585,) Lat. 108, 190, 330. MUSICIUS, 315. INDEX OF AUTHORS 481 MYRINUS, 438. MYRO, 403. Negri, Francesco, (b. 1769 ; d. 1827,)/^. 217. Newton, William, Esq., (1791,) Eng. 400. NICARCHUS, 52, 86, 191, 203, 238, 263, 265, 297, 425, 502 NICIAS, 5, 5gl. NILUS, 504. Noretius, Joannes, (1545,) Lat. 398. Obsopams, or Opsopaeus, Vincentius, (1540,) Lat, 126, 493. (ENOMAUS, 34. Ogle, George, (1741 ; d. 1746,) Eng. 374, 494, 495, 514. Oligoro, (a Piedmontese, who published some Epigrams in 1796,) Ital. 197. Orti, Conte Girolamo, (1840,) Ital. 396. Ovidius, Lat. 237, 379. Pagnini, Giuseppe Maria, (b. 1737 ; d. 1814,) Ital. 3, 8, 13, 23, 30,' 31, 46, 49, 53, 56, 67, 68, 71, 74, 91, 92, 95, 110, 113, 124, 140, 148, 183, 186, 188, 190, 201, 223, 227, 232, 234, 235, 233, 269, 277, 279, 284, 295, 320, 323, 324, 325, 333, 344, 352, 303, 365, 377, 381, 419, 428, 431, 432, 434, 442, 443, 448, 454, 460, 462, 467, 469, 471, 473, 474, 482, 484, 487, 488, 493, 494, 499, 513, 525, 528, 535. PALLADAS, 18, 43, 92, 96, 142, 144, 173, 182, 183, 195, 216, 274, 277, 281, 295, 354, 393, 437, 461, 477. PAMPHILUS, 427. Pananti, Filippo, (b. 1766; d. 1837,) Ital. 73, 375, 449. PAN CRATES, 103. Pannonius, Janus, (b. 1434; d. 1472,) Lat . 397, 509. PAXMENIO, 46, 118, 162, 246. PAULUS Silentiarius, 11, 40, 48, 109, 124, 175, 327, 486, 522. Pelisson-Fontanier, Paul de, (b. 1624 ; d. 1693,) Fr. 52, 349, 357, 434. Perrault, Claude, (b. 1613; d. 1688,) Fr. 398, 399,400. Peruse, Jean de la, (b. 1530? d. 1556?) Fr. 388. Petronius, Lat. 237. PHILEMON, 405. PHILIPPDS, 25, 27, 75, 150, 241,271, 411, 495. PHILIPPUS Thessalcnicensis, 54, 123, 276, 342, 345. PHILODEMUS, 37, 131. Philpot, Rev. William Benjamin, B.A., Scholar of Worcester CoUtge, Oxford, Eng. 531. PHOCYLIDES, 505. PITTACUS, 385, 388. PLATO, 105, 108, 111, 157, 226, 245, 280, 315, 328, 375, 418, 462, 513, 525, 533. Plumptre, Huntingdon, (1629,) Lat. 137. Poan de Saint-Simon, (b. 1728; d. 1814,) Fr. 23, 79, 104, 135, 175, 187, 192, 216, 222, 238, 242, 244, 274, 336, 410, 420, 439, 462, 465, 466, 496, 497, 499, 508, 513. Poinsinet de Sivry, Louis, (b. 1733; d. 1804,) Fr. 360. 3 P 482 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Politianus, Angelas, (b. 1454 ; d. 1494,) Lat. 3, 84, 104, 234, 368, 460. POLLIANUS, 134. Pompei, Girolamo, (b. 1731 ; d. 1788,) Ital. 39, 55, 66, 97, 130, 135, 137, 142, 143, 180, 182, 184, 231, 241, 255, 273, 288, 315, 316, 394, 433, 468, 471, 476, 498. Pontanus, Jacobus, (b. 1542 ; d. 1626,) Lat. 49. Person, Richard, (b. 1759; d. 1808,) Eng. 505. POSIDIPPUS, 78, 95, 154, 157. Pratensius, Bartholomaeus, (1545,) Lat. 399. Prior, Matthew, (b. 1664 ; d. 1731,) Eng. 68, 215, 315, 330, 375, 460, 470. Propertius, Lat. 367. PTOLEM^US, 201, 373. R. C. C. v. Coxe. Riddell, James, Esq., M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, Eng. 298. Rogati, Francesco Saverio de', (b. 1745; d. 1827,) Ital. 478. Rogers, Samuel, Esq., Eng. 3 1 2. Rogers, Rev. Thomas Percival, M.A., Student of Christ Church, Oxford, Eng. 51, 69, 78, 94, 102, 223, 260, 262, 272, 314, 499, 500. Roncalli, Conte Carlo, (1798,) Ital. 16, 51, 186, 207, 219, 230, 234, 282, 293, 409, 439, 476,501,537. Ronsard, Pierre de, (b. 1524; d. 1585, )'Fr. 93, 157, 196. Rossi, Luigi, (b. 1764; d. 1824,) Ital. 460. Rousseau, Jean Baptiste, (b. 1671 ; d. 1741,) Fr. 524. RUFINUS, 28, 212, 250, 288, 468, 469, 498. Saint-Gelais, Mellin de, (b. 1491 ; d. 1558,) Fr. 409. Salvinius, Antonius Maria, (b. 1653; d. 1729,) Lat. 149, 168, 177, 183, 449. Ital. 524. Sanado, Natalis Stephanus, (b. 1676; d. 1733,) Lat. 460. Sandford, Sir Daniel Keyte, (d. 1838,) Eng. 391, 515. SAPPHO, 3, 101. Sayers, Frank, (b. 1763; d. 1817,) Eng. 135,222, 253. Scaliger, Josephus, (b. 1540; d. 1609,). Lat. 68,70, 283. Schlegel, August Wilhelm, (b. 1767 ; d. 1845,) Germ. 305, 389, 396. Schulze, Joannes Daniel, Gymnasii Duisburgensis Director, (1826,) Lat. 396, 527. Schweighaeuser, Joannes, (b. 1742 ; d. 1830,) Lat. 384. SECUNDUS, 293. Secundus, (Everard,) Joannes, (b. 1511 ; d. 1536,) Lat. 92, 172. Shakspeare, William, (b. 1564; d. 1616,) Eng. 71. Shelley, Percy Bysshe, (b. 1792; d. 1822,) Eng. 105, 223. Shepherd, William, (1829,) Eng. 2, 22, 23, 116, 125, 258, 270, 309, 357, 408, 459. Sheppard, S. (1651,) Eng. 222. Sherburne, Sir Edward, (b. 1618; d. 1702,) Eng. 440. Simiane, Pauline de Grignan dame de, Marquise ig. 73, 86, 108, 125, 202, 234, 281, 436, 465, 470, 489, 511, 513. Tweddell, Rev. Robert, M.A., (1815,) Eng. 456. Valerianus (Bolzanins), Janus Pierius, (b. 1477; d. 1558,) Lat. 105. Valla, Laurentius, (b. 1407 ; d. 1457,) Lat. 298. Varchi, Benedetto, (b. 1502 ; d. 1565,) ltd. 404. Vavassor, Franciscus, (b. 1605; d. 1683,) Lat. 466. Vega- Carpio, Lope de, (b. 1562; d. 1631,) Span. 172, 489. Velius, Caspar Ursinus, (1525,) Lat. 512. Vicini, Giovan Batista, (b. 1709; d. 1782,) Ital. 321, 472. Villegas, Estevan Manuel de, (b. 1595 ; d. 1669,) Span. 478. Voltaire, Fr. M. Arouet de, (b. 1694 ; d. 1778,) Fr. 68, 375, 449, 466. Voss, Johann Heinrich, (b. 1751 ; d. 1827,) Germ. 6,8, 68, 91, 122, 130, 134, 139, 140, 155, 170, 198, 238, 248, 255, 270, 278, 284,304, 317, 341, 346, 349, 370, 385, 395, 397, 407,416, 445, 460, 466, 504, 506, 521. Uthalmus, Leximos, (Author of Fasciculus Florum, Lond. 1633,) Lat. 248, 511. Enj. 172, 186, 315. W. v. Wellesley, Henry. Wakefield, Gilbert, (b. 1756 ; d. 1801,) Eng. 369. Walsh, Benjamin Dann, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Eng. 231. Warton, Thomas, (b. 1728 ; d. 1790,) Lat. 115, 275, 294, 338, 403, 440. Ena. 8. W. B. P. v. Philpot. Webb, Daniel, (d. 1798,) Eng. 479. Wellesley, Henry, D.D., Principal of New Inn Hall, Oxford, Lat. 122, 226, 227, 239, 296, 346, 414, 534. Ital. 74, 80, 83, 107, 156, 206, 406, 423. Eng. 6, 8, 10, 13, 26, 27, 35, 37, 38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 53, 58, 69, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 83, 88, 91, 95, 103, 134, 109, 113, 118, 320, 122, 127, 123, 129, 134, 133, 139, 140, 142, 143, 148, 152, 155, 156, 160, 164, 168, 170, 173, 177, 184, 185, 186, 187, 191, 195, 196, 199, 203, 206, 207, 209, 210, 212, 214, 216, 226, 230, 238, 241, 243, 246, 247, 248, 249, 255, 264, 267 bis, 288 bis, 291, 295, 297, 300, '301, 306, 307, 308, 311, 313, 316, 318, 319 bis, 320, 322, 325, 331, 334, 336, 337, 341, 345, 347, 352, 353, 355, 356, 357, 358, 363, 366, 371, 372, 373, 377 bis, 381, 386, 388, 393, 394, 398, 401, 404, 405, 409, 410, 413, 417, 418, 421, 422, 423, 225, 428, 432, 433, 434, 437, 442, 444, 445, 446, 447, 451, 552, 454 bis, 455, 456, 458 bis, 461, 464 bis, 467, 471, 473, 474, 477, 480, 482, 484, 486 bis, 490, 491, 492, 493, 497, 499, 501, 503, 504, 506, 507, 508, 514, 518, 520, 525, 526, 528, 530 ter, 531, 535, 536 bis, 538. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Wellesley, Richard Colley, Marquis, (b. 1760 ; d. 1842,) Lot. 266. Eng. 266. West, Richard, (b. 1716 ; d. 1742,) Lai. 78. W. F. v. Farley, William. W. L. v. Linwood. Wrangham, Francis, (b. 1770 ; d. 1843,) Eng. 19, 41, 171, 178, 229, 270, 275, 278. Wyat, Sir Thomas, (b. 1503 ; d. 1541,) Eng. 513. ZENO, 464. ZENODOTUS, 120. ZONAS, 7. OXFORD : PRINTED BY I. SIIRI5CPTOJI . ERRATA. Page vi., line 27, for Swaine read Swayne vii., line 5, for Lips, read Gotha, , line 8, for improvements read attempts at improvement - 43, line 9, for ISIDORUS jEGEATES. read ISIDORI - 47, line 38, for 1737 read 1734. 75, line 25, for et read at - 104, line 16, for Lord Grenville read Grenville, Baro. 141, line 3, for to read be. 143, line 9, for ADRIANI read HADRIANI - 158, line 3, for'tii, Hi, read M, at, 210, line 34, for Lord Grenville read Grenville, Baro. 215, line 31, for Q. Septimii Florentis Christian!, read Q. S. Fl. Chrii- tianus. 216, line 11, for tutus, read tutus 219, line 19, for Cosi read Cos! 229, line 2, for n' interesser read m' interesser 304, line 19, for sole, read sole 325, line 26, for Quamlibet read Quemlibet , line 27, for recessu read recessu, 433, line 30, for Ni75's tl , line 31, for /uoAa read o-6Spa , line 32, for R. Porson. read Anon. Etonensis. , line 37, for All but friend read All j save only 452, line U, insert, Te quanquam sepelit peregrina, Leontie, tellus, Et genitore jaces et genitrice procul ; 454, line 9, for Salvinius. read Salvini. 476, line 25, for De-Tessier, read De Teissier,