T D SZ& UC-NRLF B 3 255 042 EXCHANGE > x ^4 OF THE CITY ENGINEER OF A SEWER SYSTEM FOR [SAN FRANCISCO AS MADE TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED BOND ISSUE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS MONDAY, MAY 11, Published by Authorit BOARD OF SUPERV JOHN E. CARLISLE & CO. PRINTERS 1130 MISSION STREET LIBRARY 2 9 1945 ; i'-J EXCHANGE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER SYSTEM. DATA* A.VAII/A-Bijfe.-^-Fbrtunately very extensive studies have been mnde of this problem and printed reports of the results are available. However, all the original notes and large scale maps of existing and pro- posed sewers were destroyed in April, 1906, but the undersigned and sev- eral members of the engineering staff of the City Engineer's office were employed on the original work. The following printed reports are available. "Progress Report of the Engineers in Charge to Devise and Provide a System of Sewerage," (1892-1893), Board of Engineers, Prof. Davidson, Col. Mendell, M. Irving Scott, Marsden Manson and C. E. Grunsky. "Report Upon a System of Sewerage," C. E. Grunsky, Marsden Manson, Chas. S. Tilton, City and County Surveyor, and Rudolph Hering, Con- sulting Engineer, 1899. "Report Upon a Sewerage System for San Francisco, Cal.," by C. E. Grunsky, City Engineer. Date, June 30, 1903. Municipal Reports, San Francisco, 1902-1903. Studies and modifications of the above under the Board of Public Works, 1900-1907, by City Engineer Grunsky and Principal Assistant En- gineer Connick. These data are made use of in the preparation of this report. TOPOGRAPHY OF THE PENINSULA. The topographical features of the peninsula on which San Francisco is built have been quite fully described in the reports previously made, and are fully detailed on the printed maps accompanying these reports. The City and County is in the shape of an irregular square, with sides r early seven miles long and running north and south and east and west; cut of the northwest corner of this irregular square a smaller .one about four square miles in area, is cut out. The east and north shores on the peninsula are washed by the waters of the bay, and the west by the Pacific Ocean. The natural watersheds are, therefore, three: westwardly into the ocean; eastwardly into the bay; and northerly into the bay and Golden Gate. The ridge dividing the ocean drainage from that of the bay crosses the southern boundary of the county near its median point and extends in a nearly direct line to Fort Point. The elevations of this ridge range from 250 to 900 feet. Thus, by far the greater portion of the area permits of rnpid gravity drainage. This ridge, together with the minor subdivision ridges control the division of the city and county into sewage districts. DISPOSITION OF DRAINAGE AND SEWAGE. The topography of the peninsula of San Francisco is such that its drain- age of whatever nature must be discharged from its easterly and northerly slopes into the Bay of San Francisco and from its westerly slope into the Pacific Ocean. No other rational and economic disposition is possible. The degree of dilution secured by the solution of proper points of out- fall is such that no perceptible polutiion of the waters of the bay can result. POINTS OF OUTFALL. These may be: (1) Multiple, Or to the most direct points of discharge hi conformity with the plans more or less, followed prior to January, 1900. v.hich provided some 125 points of discharge between Hunter's Point and the Presidio, and which have resulted in the nuisances now existing on the bay frontage; or (2) They may be selected as recommended in the Teports above referred to, and which are reaffirmed in this report. 2 \V 2 & The selected points were chosen by reason of the strong tidal currents which sweep between them and the shore, thus giving maximum dilution of sewage, together with its entire removal from the shores c jd In C seTecting these points of outfall the following principles have been TO remove and suppress the present nuisances around the bay frontage from Butchertown to Washerwoman's Bay, notably at Creek, Channel street, the foot of Brannan, Washington, Pacific, Powel and other streets, by collecting the sewage in large mains and dischargm it only at selected points where tidal currents will sweep it into deep water, distribute and dilute it to the maximum extent, and thus to make the shore waters of the bay adjacent to the wharves and docks clean and pure. 2d. To preserve forever from any taint or appearance of contamina- tion the waters and shores of the beach at and south of Point Lobos. These selected points of discharge were determined upon only after a scries of observations by means of floats conducted during all stages of the tides and over a period of three months and a critical study of the results. The points at which the sewage will ultimately be discharged are: 1. Off Hunter's Point. 2. Off the northerly termination of Dupont street. 3. Off the northerly termination of Pierce street. co 4. Off Mile Rock Point. S The plans are as follows: 1. To conduct by gravity by means of sewers in Milliken street and >? Visitacion avenue, the sewage from Visitacion Valley to a temporary out- S fall in the bay just north of the southerly boundary line of the City and g County. Ij 2. To conduct by gravity all of the sewage, together with that frac- as tion of the drainage due to a rainfall of 14 of an inch in twenty-four hours g from the Hunter's Point district, as shown on the accompanying plan, the aggregate area of which is over 2,300 acres. The main sewer will commence at Mission and Springdale streets and follow along the best grades and alignments in a general easterly and southeasterly direction to Fifth avenue and H street, where it will dis- charge temporarily into the waters of the bay; eventually it is to be con- tinued to Hunter's Point, and carried into the deep waters of the bay, well off shore. Ultimately this gravity main will receive by pumping the sewage from the flat districts south of Islais Creek Channel and from those to the north of South Basin. At selected points drainage in excess of the rain- fall above noted is to be carried by relief sewers along the most direct lir.es of the bay. The temporary outfall above noted is to serve as a future &torm water outlet. NORTH POINT MAIN. This main will commence at Treat avenue and Twenty-ninth street, where it receives several sub-mains and will be located thence along the best grades and alignments to the outfall point, receiving en route the several sub^mains serving the sub-districts of this district. In this loca- tion due regard will be had to the results of studies now in progress as to the stability of the foundations at certain points. At selected points this main is to be relieved of drainage water, in excess of the rainfall named, and this excess storm water conducted by gravity relief sewers to the most convenient points of discharge in the bay or its tidal estuaries. The main will serve about eighty per cent of M262666 the present population. The separate system and pumping stations are necessitated by the following facts: Over the district east 01 Sansome and between the bases of Telegraph and Rincon hills, and over the flat area between Howard street and Central Basin, officially established grades are too low to give adequate basement and sanitary drainage; hence, these districts must be separately sewered for these purposes; and storm drain- age waters must be carried by large sewers to the most suitable and con- venient points of outfall on the water front and on Channel street. UPPER ISLAIS CREEK SEWER DISTRICTS. In the earlier studies made of the disposition of sewage from the upper Islais Creek sub-districts, preference was given to passing this sewage r.hrough the divide by tunnel and delivering it into the North Point main; and to divert surface flood waters down Islais Creek. This preference was e-iven by reason of the fact that at that time the early construction of the North Point main was probable, and that the construction of an outfall to Hunter's Point would be delayed for some definite period and a tem- porary outfall made use of at N street South and Fifth avenue South, which is an undesirable point at which to concentrate a large amount of sewage. The alternate proposition of carrying this sewage to the Hunter's Point outfall, under the changed conditions which have elapsed since these first studies were made, has not been given the necessary study by reason of lack of time. The modified route will fte more fully considered, and the conditions should be made sufficiently elastic to permit of its adoption, should these studies show such modifications to be preferable. 3. To collect and discharge by gravity mains off the northerly ter- mination of Pierce street all sew.age and drainage originating north of the summit of the ridge commencing at Black Point and encircling to the southwest and west the north slope of the bay drainage, aggregating about SOO acres. This district is designated as Harbor View district in the report of 1899. The mains necessary to drain this district are in part constructed. They are to be completed and extended to the proper point of discharge well off shore. 4. To collect by gravity mains all sewage and drainage from the entire ocean slope of the peninsula, and discharge the same at Mile Rock outfall in the ocean currents washing that point. (For details of these districts and sub-districts see the reports above referred to, and maps etc on file in the City Engineer's office, to which special reference is hereby made.) This main will commence at W street, near Forty-fifth avenue, and will extend thence northerly along the best grades and alignments to the Mile Rock outfall, receiving along its route the sub-mains from the Ocean View district, Sunset district and West Richmond district. At present the sewage from the Richmond district is being discharged into the ocean opposite the northerly termination of Twenty-seventh ave- nue, or at the southerly end of Baker's Beach. Ultimately it will be desirable to construct a tunnel and discharge this sewage at Mile Rock, the present outfall remaining in use as a point for storm water disposal. These five districts will cover the entire city and county, and the mains herein proposed will be built with a full consideration of probable increase in their population. CAPACITIES OF SEWERS. The sewers are proposed to carry the sewage and the maximum amount ol runoff due to the periods of intensely heavy rainfall indicated on the rainfall intensity diagram hereto appended. Wherever necessary the maiiis of each district are to be relieved of dis- charge in excess of sewage and one-fourth of an inch of rainfall per twenty- tour hours. This excess is to be carried by relief sewers to the most con- venient outfall point. The relief sewers will be called into use on the average less than thirty days each year, and may be expected to serve up to their full capacity about once or twice a year. Beyond the points of relief the mains will be reduced in capacity to the sewage plus the runoff due to one-fourth of an inch rainfall per twenty-four hours. The sewers herein provided for will supply the necessary outfall to all the new and growing sections of the city as well as those now quite densely built up. It is intended that by the later construction of the necessary sub-mains and laterals no portion of the City and County shall be left without proper drainage and sewerage facilities. Detailed studies are being made with a view of reducing the area of some of the pumping dis- tricts, which are served by the separate system, by the introduction of gravity pressure mains. PROPOSED SEWERS. In order to indicate clearly which sewers are recommended for early construction the following table has been prepared. The estimate of cost covers the construction of all the sewers which are recommended for im- mediate construction, even in those cases where. streets are not now ready to receive them and where several years may elapse before their construc- tion. The information in the tables relating to sewer sizes is given in detail so far as definiteness could be given to the location of sewers, except in the following cases: In the case of Yerba Buena District, a complete system of sewers for the collection of sewage proper, are recommended for immediate construc- tion, and are covered by the cost estimate. In the case of Mission Flats District, the sewers embrace the entire system of sewers for sewage proper except a few local sewers on un- improved water-front property, and embraces also the sewers at once required south of Channel street. All of the structures and devices of every kind, including manholes, connections with old sewers, relief outlets, pumping stations and out-fall works, which are necessary for the successful operation of sewers now rec- ommended for construction, are to be considered a part of these sewers and are not specifically enumerated in the following table, but are covered by the estimate of cost. Abbreviations used in the table are as follows: N. North or northerly. So. South or southerly. E. East or easterly. W. West or westerly. Br. Brick. (Brick means either brick, or concrete and brick.) Br. cone, means brick and concrete. I. S. P. Iron-stone pipe. Req. Required. Pro. Proposed. Prod. Produced. Sta. Station. R. O. W. Right-of-way. Wd. Wood. Cone. Concrete. Extd. Extended. Ret. Retained. Rec. Recommended. Itr. Intermediate. TABULAR EXHIBIT SHOWING PROPOSED NEW MAIN AND INTERCEPTING SEWERS, AND OLD SEWERS ON WHICH MORE OR LESS REPAIR WORK IS TO BE DONE^TO MAKE THEM A PART OF THE MAIN DRAINAGE SYSTEM; ALSO SHOWING AGGREGATE LENGTHS OF SEWERS FOR SEWAGE ONLY IN THE MISSION FLATS AND YERBA BUENA DIS- TRICTS, AND THE SEWERS RECOMMENDED FOR IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION. NORTH POINT DISTRICT MAIN SEWER. Name of Street. 1 From ' A Mo? C * From *.L. To Si Material. Pre- scribed Size. Size of Old Sewer. * Waterloo St San Bruno Ave. . . Waterloo St Loomis St Barneveld Ave . . . id Ave 400 200 Brick. 3'x4' 6" 3'x4' 6" *Loomis St *Overflow Lee St. and Cortlai ^Mission St. and Ar *Overflow my St | 1 . . 1 ; : r ( NORTH POINT DISTRICT MISSION FLATS SUB-DISTRICTSTORM WATER SEWERS. *Division St . . . . | Eighteenth St Northerly line Ala- meda St 2210 Cone -Br 11' 6"x8' 9" J 5'x9' 6" 1 5' 9"xll" * Division St Alaineda St Potrero Ave Easterly line of Potrero Ave King St 1453 1578 Cone. < 11' 6"x8'9" 2 compart- ments 7' 3'xll' 6" 7' 3"xll' 6" &8'6"xll'6" *King St Division St. . . Seventh St 650 ) 8' 6"x8' 2 compart- ments box. *Seventh St . . . King St. Channel St. '. 647 ] 8' 6"x8' 2 compart- ments 3'x5' *Harrison - Ala- Fifteenth St Alabama St. . 621 I Brick. 9' 6 x8' 8' 3'x5' * Division St *Di vision St Alaineda St Fourt'th St. ext'd Tenth St Fourt'th St. ext'd Tenth St Potrero Ave 342 991 157 8' 9' 9'xl6' 7' 3"xll' 6" 7'3 // xll'6" 7' 3"xll' 6" *Harrison St. re- lief Eleventh St Tenth St - 490 I ' 8/ 18" *Tenth St 1265 8' 18" Howard St Folsom St. . . . 633 3' 6"x5' 3" 3'x5' *Seventh St . . Folsom St Brannan St 1898 5' 3'x5' t Sixth St Howard St. . . . Tehama St 220 u 3' 6"x5' 3" 3'x5' "''Sixth St Tehama St Folsom St 413 u 3' 6"x5' 3" 3' 6"x5' 3" NORTH POINT DISTRICT MISSION FLATS SUB-DISTRICTSTORM WATER SEWERS. JSixth St . . Folsom St Brannan St Howard St Folsom St Brannan St Howard St Folsom St Harrison St Bryant St Bryant St Brannan St Channel St Folsom St 1898 1612 633 1898 1612 633 633 633 | 633 1300 312 550 1037 446 633 908 908 908 908 908 908 908 358 Brick. I. S. P. Brick. Wood. 5' 5' 6" 5' 5' 6"xll' 5' 6"xll' 12" 24" 3' x4'6" 4' 6' 6" 6' 6" 6' 5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 5' cir. 5' cir. 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' box 3'x5' 6' 3'x5' 6' 6' 6' 7'x9' 7'x9' 7'x9' 7'x9' 7'x9' 7'xg 7 7' 6"x9' 6" *Sixth St *FifthSt * Fifth St Brannan St Channel St . . * Fifth St JFourth St j Fourth St Folsom St Harrison St Bryant St Brannan St. JFourthSt JFourth St JFourthSt JFourth St t Fourteenth St. extended, pro- posed new St . . t Fourth St Berry St Berry St Channel St Division St Howard St Ninth St . . Harrison St Stevenson St Division St t Brannan St j Brannan St J Brannan St j Brannan St + Brannan St j Brannan St t Brannan St t Brannan St t Brannan St t Brannan St *Overflow ^Overflow *Overflow ^Overflow Ninth St Eighth St Seventh St Sixth St Eighth St Seventh St Sixth St Fifth St Fourth St Fifth St Fourth St Third St Second St First St Brannan St. at Fr< Brannan St. at Fo Brannan St. at Fif Brannan St. at Sh Third St Second St First St Fremont St. . . ;mont urth th .th *Recommended for immediate construction. {Existing sewer to be retained. 11 CHARACTER AND DIMENSIONS OF REQUIRED SEWERS. NORTH POINT DISTRICT MISSION FLATS SUB-DISTRICT, NORTH OF CHANNEL STREET SEWAGE ONLY. 1 1 A f! Material. Pre- scribed Size. Size of Old Sewer. 69705 ISP 8" *A'0'reo r ate sewers in district. . 39325 S P 10" *A0 r T3 r ate sewers in district ........ 4040 . S. P. 12* * Aggregate sewers in district. . 1730 S P 15" 3130 S P 18" * Aggregate sewers in district 4090 S P 21" * Aggregate sewers in district 780 . S. P. 30" NORTH POINT DISTRICT MISSION FLATS SUB-DISTRICT, SOUTH OF CHANNEL STREET SEWAGE ONLY. 1789 I. S. 8" * Aggregate sewers in district 7803 10" *Aggregate sewers in district 2863 908 u 12" 15" * \g^regate sewers in district 160 u 18" *Aggregate sewers in district . 200 C. I. P. 18" '.'.'.'.'.'. '.'. YERBA BUENA DISTRICT STORM WATER SEWERS. Name of Street. From | To 3U ! ^ Material. Pre- scribed Size. Size of Old Sewer. Sansome St. . Drumm St . . . 1375 Brick 5' 3'x5' Market St California St 150 3'x5' JDrumm St *Drumm gt California St Commercial St. . . . Commercial St. . . Jackson St 515 815 5" 6" 3'x5' Jackson St. East St. N . . . 520 7' 6" J Howard St Second St East St. S 2915 3'x5' *Mission St Second St First St 908 3'x4' 6" 3'x5' *Mission St First St East St. S 2007 3'x5' J Market St Sutter St Drumm St 1500 3'x5' IBush St Sansome St. . Market St 653 3'x5' ICalifornia St Sansome St Drumm St 1375 3'x5' *Outfall '.'.'.'.'.'. Drumm St The Bay 200 " 7' 6" YERBA BUENA DISTRICT SEWAGE ONLY. * Aggregate sewers in district *Aggregate sewers in district * Aggregate sewers in district * Aggregate sewers in district * Aggregate sewers in district *Aggregate sewers in district fc 28410 ISP 8" t 30102 10" t 1295 u 12* t . . 2665 u 15" t 260 18" * * t 580 21" HUNTER'S POINT DISTRICT UNIVERSITY MOUND SUB-DISTRICT. Wayland St Bacon St 460 Brick. 5' 6" *Bacon St Goettingen St. ... Berlin St 300 5' 6" *B3rlin St Bacon St Burrows St 460 5' 6" *Burrows St *Girard St Berlin St Girard St Felton St 300 460 " 5' 6" 5' 6" *Felton St Girard St San Bruno Ave.. . 300 5' 6" Felton St Silliman St 460 tt 5' 6" *3xa Bruno Ave. . . *San Bruno Ave . . . Silliman St Silver Ave Silver Ave Gaven St 460 | 640 3' 6"x5' 3" 3'x4' 6" HUNTER'S POINT DISTRICT SOUTH BERNAL HEIGHTS SUB-DISTRICT. JAndover Ave East Ave Crescent Ave Prentiss St 783 1270 I. S. P. 21" 24" 21" 1 24" ' *Preatiss St. and' Crescent Ave Sweeny St 1130 Cast Iron. 12" *Pr3itiss St. and Islais Creek 800 Brick. 5" *0vernow Crescent Ave. and Prentiss St *Recommended for immediate construction. {Existing sewer to be retained. 12 CHARACTER AND DIMENSIONS OF REQUIRBD SEWERS. HUNTER'S POINT DISTRICT MAIN SEWAGE. Name of Street. From To Len- ^. Material. * ^u 6 ', scribed Size. Size of Old Sewer. fProposednewSt., Canal. Congdon, TrumbellSts.,and proposed new St . Springdale and Milton Sts Harvard St ext'd 2180 Brick 7' 6" Harvard St ext'd Relief outlet 1300 8' tProposed new St. . Relief outlet Southerly 1005 I. S. P. 18' tProposed new St 760 24" Boylston St. . . 750 Brick. 2'x3' *Sweeny St *Barneveld Ave. and Gaven St Boylston St Sweeny St Barneveld Ave . . . W. side San Bru- 1140 500 3'x4' 6" 3'x4' 6" *Steuben and Au- gusta Sts W. side San Bru- Charter Oak Ave 690 Tunnel 3'x4' 6" *Charter Oak Ave. . *HelenaSt.,SSt.S., and Seventh Ave. S *RSt. S Augusta St Charter Oak Ave.. Seventeenth Av.S. Helena St RSt, S E. side Sixteenth Ave. S 760 2184 320 3'x4' 6" 3'x4' 6" 3' 6"xo' 3" .,..:.,.. *R St. S E. side Sixteenth Ave S Fifteenth Ave S 240 Brick 3' 6"x5' 3" * Fifteenth Ave. S. . R St. S Southerly . . . 310 3' 6"x5' 3" *Fifteenth Ave S Q St S 354 Tunnel 3' 6"x5' 3" *Q St. S. and Four- teenth Ave. S.... *P St. S Fifteenth Ave. S. . Fourteenth Ave.S. PSt. S... E. side Thirteenth 944 5' Ave S 320 11 5' 6" *P St. S. and Tenth Ave. S E. side Thirteenth Ave S 1482 Brick 5' 6" *N St. S *Seventh Ave S Railroad Ave N St S Seventh Ave. S... M St S 840 664 6' 6' 6" *M St S Seventh Ave S Sixth Ave S 280 6' 6" *Sixth Ave S M St S 264 6' 6" *Sixth Ave. S. and L St S W line Fifth Av S 640 Tunnel | 6' 6" *L St. S. and Fifth Ave. S . . . . W. line Fifth Av.S. K St. S . 704 Brick 6' 6" * Fifth \ve S K St S Southerly 214 7' *Fifth Ave. S Last named point J St. S 450 Tunnel 7' *Fifth Ave. S J St. S 136' S. of I St. S 800 7' 6" *Fifth Ave. S Last named point . H St. S 528 Brick. r 6" HUNTER'S POINT DISTRICT SOUTH SLOPE OF HUNTER'S POINT SUB-DISTRICT. * Nineteenth Ave S. J St S H St S 1328 Brick 2'x3' *H St. S Nineteenth Ave. S. Seventeenth Av.S. 560 3'x4' 6" *Seventeenth Av. S. *G St. S H St. S Seventeenth Av.S.. GSt. S Fifteenth Ave. S. 664 560 u 3' 6"x5' 3" 3' 6"x5' 3" * Fifteenth Ave. S.. GSt. S FSt. S 604 " 4' 6" MILE ROCK [NORTHWEST OF PT. LOBOS] DISTRICT OCEAN VIEW SUB-DISTRICT SEWAGE ONLY. *Stanlev St Orizaba Ave Stanley St.and Ver- non St. northwest- terly & northerly. Holloway Ave. ext Thence northweste Northerly Vernon St Holloway Ave. ex- tended ended 'northerly . . . . - rly and northerly. . . 1560 4200 1550 1100 300 1150 6000 2900 7500 2950 500 I. S. P. C. I. P. on trestle. I.S.P. C. I. P. on trestle. I. S. P. 10" 12" 15" 18" ;. 18" 21" 21" 21" 10" 18" 10" *Main outfall sewer along proposed right of way *Main outfall sewer along proposed right of way *Main outfall sewer along proposed right of way *Main outfall sewer along proposed right of way *Main outfall sewer along proposed right of way *Parkside Ave *Parkside Ave..... . *Ocean Ave *Across Ingleside racetrack grounds tAlong proposed right of way ......... Northwesterly Last named point Thence Lee Ave. . Parkside Ave westerly Great highway... . 1500' west of In- gleside Inn ^Main outfall sewer Main outfall sewer Arlington Avenue westerly San Miguel Rancho line about 800'S.of Ocean Ave. Wly.. *Recommended for immediate construction. tNot recommended for immediate construction. CHARACTER AND DIMENSIONS OF REQUIRED SEWERS. HARBOR VIEW DISTRICT. Name of Street. 1 From To *,! J Material. Pre- scribed Size. Size of Old Sewer. { Broadway St t Broad way St {Polk St {Vallejo St t Franklin St {Franklin St. . . . HydeSt Larkin St Broadway St Polk St Larkin St PolkSt Vallejo St Franklin St Union St Lombard St Gough St Octavia St 481 481 350 962 688 1032 481 481 481 344 481 344 1720 344 459 688 688 481 962 688 962 2104 275 344 481 427 688 1032 1720 344 344 481 659 800 Brick. I. S. P. Brick. m I. S. P. Brick. I. S. P. Brick. | C. I. P. 2' x3' 2' 6"x3' 9" 3' x4',6" 3' x4- 6'" 3' x4' 6" 3' 6"x5' 3" 3' 6"x5' 3" 4' 6" 5' 5' 2' 6"x3' 9" 2' 6"x3' 9" 5' 5' 6" 5' 6" 21" 2' 6"x3' 9" 2' 6"x3' 9" 3' x4' 6" 3' 6"x5' 3" 3' 6"x5' 3" 6' 6' 6" 2' 6"x3' 9" 3' x4' 6" 24" 2' x3' 2' 6"x3' 9" 5' 24" 2' x.V 3' x4' 6" 5' 30" 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 10" 3' 6" 4' * J 10"- 12" 1 18"-20" Vallejo St Union St Franklin St Gough St {Lombard St {Lombard St *Lombard St *Laguna St {Greenwich St {Octavia St *Laguna St * Laguna St Octavia St Lombard St Gough St . . Laguna St Chestnut St Octavia St Lombard St Greenwich St " Chestnut St Jefferson St Jefferson St Tonquin St The bay Filbert St {Laguna St j Lacuna St Green St Filbert St Laguna St Buchanan St 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' 3'x5' ( Wooden < box ( sewer. J275' of } 3'xo' Lombard St Buchanan St {Lombard St {Lombard St {Fillmore St *Francisco St * Pierce St Fillmore St Francisco St Pierce St. Lombard St Fillmore. St Francisco St Lewis St Chestnut St Scott St Lyon St Union St Greenwich St Francisco St Lombard St Chestnut St Broderick St Tonquin St Pierce St Lewis St ' The bay Francisco St Pierce St Baker St | Greenwich St Francisco St Tonquin St Chestnut St Francisco St Baker St . . *Pierce St {Pierce St *Francisco St {Union St {Baker St {Baker St {Baker St 3'xf/ 12" 16" J 14"x i 16"&18" 18" " ' 18" " {Broderick St {Broderick St {Francisco St {Baker St {Outfall "Overflow "Overflow {Overflow The bay In the bay nut Sts Laguna and Chest Laguna and Tonqi Baker and Tonqui n Sts V *Recommended for immediate construction. {Existing sewer to be retained. 14 CHARACTER AND DIMENSIONS OF REQUIRED SEWERS. MILE ROCK [NORTHWEST OF PT. LOBOS] DISTRICT UPPER AND LOWER SUNSET SUB-DISTRICTS. SEWERS FOR STORM-WATER. Name of Street From To fi Material Pre- scribed' Size Size of Old Sewer *Great Highway. . . *Great Highway Ocean Ave U St USt S St 1600 1360 Rein. cone. 2' 6"x3' 9" 3' x4' 6" * Forty-eighth Ave S St L St 4760 it 3' ' x4' 6" * Forty-eighth Ave L St H St 2720 u 3' 6"x5' 3" H St C St 3400 u L St H St . 2720 Brick. 3' x4' 6" 3'x4' 6" JH St. .. Seventh Ave Tenth Ave 930 1 4' 6" J 4' 6"x 1 5' 31" JH St.. Tenth Ave Fourteenth Ave. . 1240 6' 6' JH St . Fourteenth Ave . . Twentieth Ave . . . 1890 6' 6'x7' 14" *H St Twentieth Ave Fortieth Ave 6200 6' *Across Park Fortieth Ave. and H St Forty-eighth Ave. and Fulton St 3720 6' 6" *W i ' lith A Fulton St C St 600 u 6' 6" JTenth Ave L St..: K St 680 " 2' 3" JK St Tenth Ave Eleventh Ave. . . . Twelfth Ave 310 310 u 2' 3" 2' 6"x3' 9" J Twelfth A-*e K St. . . ... J St ..." 620 2' 6"x3' 9" tJSt.. . . . Twelfth Ave Fourteenth Ave. . 620 2' 6*x3'9" J St 340' northerly 340 u 3' x4' 6" H St 1020 u 3' 6"x5' 3" Twentieth Ave H St I St 680 Rein. cone. 4' 6" *Twentieth Ave I St . . . K St 1360 3' 6"x5' 3" *Twentieth Ave K St L St 680 3' x4' 6" * Forty-fifth Ave U St T St \ *U St Forty-fifth Ave. . Forty-sixth Av. < 1670 7' 3" *Forty-sixth Ave.. . * Forty-sixth Ave. . . *Fortv-sixth Ave TSt SSt Q St QSt'. '.'.'.'.'. P St 1360 680 8'* 8' 9" P St N St 1360 u 9' *N St Forty-sixth Ave . . N St Forty-seventh. . J L St . 1 1670 u 9' 3" *LSt * Forty-eighth Ave Forty-seventh Av. L St Forty-eighth ... J C St 1 5440 u 9' 6" * Forty eighth Ave C St Ocean . . | 4500 | Tunnel. 8'xl6' *Tunnel for sewage Storm water tun- Ocean 1600 ? T 4'x5' Y VISITACION VALLEY DISTRICT To DISCHARGE IN BAY NEAR COUNTY LINE. *San Bruno Ave. . . *San Bruno Ave. Milliken St I Somerset St Visitacion St Sunnydale Ave. 1400 680 I. S. P. Rein. cone. 24" 3' 6"x5' 3" Cora St 480 3'x4' *Sunnydale Ave... . * Sunnydale Ave. . . Cora St Milliken St Milliken St Bay 1385 1500 Wood box 3' 6"x5' 3" 5'x5' ::;;:::;; *Recommended for immediate construction. ^Existing sewer to be retained. ESTIMATE OF COST. The sewers and work recommended for construction in this report are overed by the following estimates of cost. The costs are based on the same classes of material and construction as were used in the estimate* made by City Engineer C. E. Grunsky in a report on a System of Sewers ~ made tO; the Board of Public Works and dated June 30th, 1903. 1, Hua'ter's Point main sewer, sub-mains and main sewers in the Bay View and in Visitacion Valley districts. . . $ 418,549.00 2. North Point main relief outlets and special structures, mains and sub-mains in the portion of the North Point district south of College Hill 1,664,411.00 8. Mains and sub-mains in Harbor View and North Beach districts 243,974 . 00 4 Main and sub-mains tributary to Mile Rock outfall, including sub-mains from the Ingleside, Sunset and West Richmond districts 630,339 . 00 5. Storm sewers and special structures, sewage sewers and pumping station in Mission Flats district 312,727.00 t:. Storm sewers and special structures, sewage sewers and pumping station in Yerba Buena district 200,000.00 Real estate, rights of way, grade changes, etc 250, 000. 00 Preparation of plans, specifications and inspection 280,000.00 Total $4,000,000 . 00 I would note that during the past seven years the following sewers have been constructed in accordance with the herein proposed plan, at a cost of $636,702.42. They represent about one-tenth of the required work: H street from Seventh to Twentieth avenues. Mission street from Amazon arenue to Persia avenue. Amazon avenue from Mission street to London street. Persia avenue from Mission street to Dublin street. Mission street from Second to Third streets. Cole street from Oak street to Pell street.. California street from Twenty-fourth avenue to Thirty-first avenue. .Twenty-fourth avenue from California street to Lake street. China avenue from. Paris street to Edinburgh street. Van Ness avenue and Vallejo street. Valencia street from Eighteenth to Nineteenth streets. Howard street from Seventeenth to Eighteenth streets. Fourth street from Howard street to Channel street. Sixth street from Howard to Brannan streets, together with the lateral sowers on the adjacent streets. Baker street from Union street to the bay, together with the lateral sowers in the adjacent streets. Ocean avenue and Onondaga avenue, from Howth street to Islais Creek. San Jose avenue from Mt. Vernon avenue to Ocean avenue. Tenth avenue, K street, Twelfth avenue, J street and Fourteenth ave- nue from L street to H street. Seventh avenue from H to L streets. Market street and Seventh street, from Jones street to Howard street. Fourteenth street from Valencia street to Howard street. Harrison street, from Fourth to Sixth streets. Haight street from Steiner street to Pierce street. Dore street from Bryant street to Brannan street. Steuart street from Market street to Mission street. Market street from First street to East street. Drumm street from Market .street to Commercial street. Mission street from Sixth street to Eighth street. Mission street and Seventh street. A temporary pumping station on Commercial street near Drumm street. A temporary pumping station on Fourth street near Berry street. Respectfully submitted, MARSDEN MANSON, City Engineer. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. WBLBl MAY 2 91986 OCT101955LU DOT 3 1979 tin,, o. . AUG 1 5 879 LD 21-100m-9,'48(B399sl6)476 YCt 04945 GENERAL LIBRARY- U.C. 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