Q UC-NRLF M13 DbM THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FROM THE LIBRARY OF COUNT EGON CAESAR CORTI MAIN LIB. -AGRI. MAWSON & SWAN. 1L INS TR L 'ME NTS, CHEMICAL AND PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS, CATALOGUE EL: PPAR 13 and 15, MOSLEY STREET NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. MAWSON & SWAN Have always on hand an extensive and varied assortment of PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS, CHEMICAL APPARATUS, &c.j including Pneumatic Apparatus- Air Pumps, Anemometers, &c. Meteorological Instruments Barometers, Thermo- meters, J 23 5 44 Magnetism . 39 Tangent Galvanometer . 3 2 Magnetic Needles . 40 Telegraphic Instruments 38 Magneto-Electric Exploder . ' 30 Telephones .... 40, 41 Magneto-Electric Machines Magnets, Electro- 24, 25, 29 35 Telephonic Experiments, Materials for . . . ' . 4i Magnets, various . 39 Thermo Piles .... 19 Meidenger Batteries . 16 Thief Detectors .... 45 Metallic Roller . . 12 Thunder House .... 13 Microphones . . . . 41 Tibbit's Batteries .... 22 Tin Foil . 14 Oersted's Apparatus, . 35 Orrery . , f . . 13 Vacuum Tubes .... 24 Vibrating Wire .... 35 Phosphorus Cup . 13 Voltaic Apparatus, Sets 37 Pistol .... Voltaic Electricity 34 Pith Balls ... . 14 Voltameters . . . .36, 37 Pith Figures . 13 Pith Ball Stands T 1 Whirl I-? Plate Machines, Sets " . 1 J - 9 Wire Gauze Cylinder . *o 13 Plate Machines, various . 6, 7, 8 Wires, various .... 47 Plates for Machines . 14 Winter's Electrical Machine 7 Platinized Silver . . 21 Wood Caps . . . 14 Platinum Foil or Sheet Plante's Secondary Battery . 21 18, 19 Yeates' Inductorium 22 Press Buttons 43 Zinc Cylinders . 21 Proof Plane . . 12 Zinc Plates . . . . 21 Pushes .... 43, 44 Zinc Rods 21 MAWSON & SWAN, CATALOGUE OF Electrical and Galvanic Apparatus. FRICTIONAL ELECTRICITY. APPARATUS TO PRODUCE ELECTRICITY. Rod of Sealing Wax, for the production of negative electricity, 1/6 Rod of Glass,, smooth, from i/- Rod of Glass, roughened, from 1/6 Rod of Glass, half smooth, half roughened, i/- and 2/6 Rod of Sulphur, i/- Rod of Ebonite, i -, 2/-, 3/6, and 4,6 Volta's Electrophorus, for obtaining the electric spark by induction, consisting of i2-in. ebonite plate with 8-in. brass plate and glass handle. Best finish, i is. Electrophorus, same construction, second quality, "13/6 Electrophorus, i2-in. resin plate, brass cover,' glass handle, io/- Electrophorus, i2-in. gutta-percha base, and ro-in. disc of tin, with glass handle, 4/- Cat Skins, 4/6 each. Fur Rubbers, i/- 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 6 MAWSON & SWAN, PLATE MACHINES. Cheap form, French make, lo-in. plate, single conductor, on wood ' stand, 15/6 Ditto, zoA-in. plate, double conductors, with Leyden jar, 257- Ditto, i3-in. plate, ditto, better finished (Fig. 71), 5 Double 2o/- 23/- 38;- ,, Very useful Form, consisting of a number of elements, each element composed of one carbon and one zinc plate, each 2| in. by i in., fitted on to a wood bar, so that they may be readily removed from the ex- citing liquid which is contained in glass cells, the FIG. 87. whole mounted in a simple wood frame. Number 2468 elements. ~5/6 ^ 12/6 i5/- The same with windlass arrangement to withdraw the plates, eight elements, 18/6 13 and 15, Mosley-street) Newcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, Bunseris Batteries. These consist of an outer cell of glass or earthen- ware, with a cylinder or curved plate of zinc, within which is a porous jar and block or plate of carbon. The exciting fluids are diluted sulphuric acid jn the outer, and strong nitric acid in the inner jar. Complete with clamps, &c., best make. (Fig. 88.) 4J X rfe X i^g- 4^Xi|xf 6fxigxgin. 4/~ 5,- 6/6 Size of Carbon 2JX T yx T 7 e 3J*iX Price each element 2,6 3.'- FIG. 88. FIG. 89. FIG. 90. With flat outer cell, bent zinc plate (Fig. 89), 5/- each. Cheaper form, round earthen or glass jar, zinc cylinder, without clamp, but with copper strap soldered upon. (Fig. 90.) Height in inches 3 4 5J 6j- 7 8 8 10 12 Price each - -2;- 3/- 4/6 5/- 6/6 8/- io/r i2/- 18/6 Ten Cell Bunsen Battery in Tray, 2 155. Arrangements smaller or larger to order. Groves Batteries. These consist of a square glass or earthen outer cell with a bent zinc plate, a flat porous cell with a sheet of platinum within; it thus resembles the Bunsen form, platinum being substituted for the carbon; the exciting fluids are the same as for Bunsen's. Price 9 '- per cell, pint size. In trays of four, 38'-; in trays often, 84 -; superior finish, io5/- DanicU's Batteries. Outer cell copper, porous jar with zinc rod, exciting fluids, solution of copper sulphate in the copper cell, diluted sulphuric acid in the porous cell. Pint size, 4/6; quart size, 6 6 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Nezvcastle-on-Tyne. i6 MAWSON & SWAN, DanielVs Batteries. Of Glass (Fig. 92), with balloon holding reserve of copper solution, 5/- FIG. 92. FIG. 93. Meidenger Battery (Fig. 93). This element is much used on the continent for electric bell and similar purposes; it is excited with solution of sulphate of magnesia in outer, and sulphate of copper in inner cell, and will keep in action for a long time if left undisturbed. Height without Balloon Price ------ J7 9 in - 5/6" y/- each. Ledanche Batteries. The most useful form for Electric Bells and other purposes where constancy is required, and is now also much in request for medical use. The outer cell usually of glass, with a zinc rod ; porous cell sealed, containing a plate of carbon, with a mixture of broken carbon and peroxide of man- ganese ; the exciting fluid is a solution of sal-ammoniac. Nos. 123 Cells complete 6/6 4/6 3/6 Parts supplied separately, thus Charged Porous Jars 3/6 2/10 2/3 Glass Jars - 2/2 1/3 -/ro Zinc Rods -/6 -/5 -/4 Sal-ammoniac - - - - - -/4 -/3 -/3 13 and 15, Mosley-streety Newcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, The Silvertown Firing Cell, a powerful form of the Leclanche Battery, in ebonite case, i5/- The Naval Firing Cell, for firing Torpedoes, c., ^18 IQS. Further particulars on application. Sinews Batteries. Two zinc plates, with one of platinised silver between, the exciting liquid diluted sulphuric acid, i to 7. To keep these batteries in good order the zinc plates should be amalgamated frequently. Very best finish (Fig. 94), 6;-, i2/-, 17 6, and 24,- each. Ordinary form, square earthenware cell, half- pints, 4/- ; pints, 5/6 ; quarts, 8/-. Set of six, pint size, in tray, 35/-. A A Frc - 94- and 15, Mos ley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. i8 MAWSON & SWAN, Planters Secondary Battery.^ With this battery, charged by two of Bunsen's elements or *a Gramme machine of medium size, all the experiments in diamagnetism and the electric light can be produced for which large batteries are usually employed. The battery will require recharging after some minutes, but will remain in action long enough to allow of all these experiments being observed. Planters Secondary Cell, surface of lead about 125 square inches, 15,'- 13 and 15, Mosley-street) Neivcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, 19 Planters Secondary Cell, large size, surface of lead about 620 square inches (See Fig. 95, page 17), ;i 8s. Planters Secondary Cell of 20 small sized cells, with Commutator to join them all in tension or quantity (Fig. 96), 12 IDS. THERMO PILES FOR GENERATING ELECTRICITY BY HEAT. Thermo Piles of 24 pairs of bismuth and antimony, in brass frame, and mounted on brass rising stand, i 55. Ditto 28 pairs, with silvered cone, i 123. Ditto 80 pairs, provided with silvered cone at each end, leather caps,' and mounted on brass stand with universal movement, 4 I2S. Thermo-electric pair of bismuth and antimony, V shaped, witli wires for connecting it .with a galvanometer, 7/6 Clamond's Thermo-electric Pile supplied to order. SUNDRIES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BATTERIES, &c. BATTERY CELLS, OUTER. Round earthenware for Bunsen's 4x3 8d., 6x4 i/-, 8x6 i/4 each. Round Glass Inches 4568 high. 6d. 8d. i/- 2/- each. Battery Cells, flat earthenware, for Grove's or Smee's i/- 13 1/6 each. Battery Cells of various other materials, ebonite, gutta-percha, &c.. and in sizes too numerous to detail. Any kind not in stock procured to order. Battery Cells, round porous Length in inches 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12* Diameter- - - ij i if ij 2 2\ 3 Price - - 3d. 3d. 3d. 4d. 50!. 6d. yd. 9d. 12 i/4 ea ch Batter)' Cells, flat porous Inches 4^ x 2^ x J 5x3^x1 6x4x1 7x4^x1 Price 5d. 6d. 1/3 1/3 each. 13 and 15, Mosley-street> Newcastle-on-Tyne* 2O MAWSON & SWAN, BINDING SCREWS. Brass Pillars, to screw into wood, 4d., 5d., and 6d. each; 3/6, 4/6, and 5/6 per dozen. Brass Pillars, with loose steel screw to come through wood into the brass pillar, French pattern, same prices. Brass Clamps for Zincs, 6d. each 5/6 per dozen. Brass Clamps for Carbon, 6d., 8d., and lod. each; 5/6, 7/6, and 9/6 per dozen. Clamps with two screws to join wires, 6d. each ; 5/6 per dcz. For large wires or cable, 1/6 each. Clamps for various other purposes. Any of these Clamps and Screws can be had nickel plated at small extra cost. CARBON BLOCKS 6xixi 7x1x1 8xi|xii 9x1^x1! inches. Price 8d. i/- " 1/6 2 /- "' each. 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, 21 Carbon Plates, 4x2 6x3 8x4 Price 6d. i/- 19 each. Copper Wire, per lb., No. 16, 2,6; No. 24, 3/4 Copper Wire, covered with cotton, conductivity of copper guaranteed 90 per cent and upwards. Nos. - 14 16 18 20 24^ 28 32 36 Feet to lb. 48 70 128 220 420 960 1,300 3,810 29 29 29 3/- 4/- 5/6 8/6 10 '- perlb. Copper Wire, covered with silk, the silk specially prepared for insulation. Xos. 16 24 28 32 36 40 42 6/6 8/6 10/6 13/6 i8/- 28/- 367- perlb. These covered wires, though not the cheapest, are the best procurable. In smaller quantities than I lb. a slight advance in price is made. Copper Wire, covered with India rubber and gutta-percha, see Electric Bells. Copper Strand, covered with cotton, plaited, very flexible, useful for battery handles and a variety of connections, 6d. per yard ; double strand, rod. per yard. Commutators, or Switches, for turning off or diverting the current, one way 3 '-, two way 36, three way 4'-; for affixing to coil, 6/- and 86; on separate stand, best quality, 10/6 FIG. 92A. Contact Breakers, 3/6, 4/6, 5 -, 6 6 each. Bertin's (Fig. 92A), 35'- Gutta-Percha Tissue, 2'- per yard, about 24 inches wide. Platinum, Foil or Sheet, 5 - dram; price varies. Platinised Silver, for Smee's battery, 12 /- oz. Zinc Cylinders, for Bunsen's Height in inches 3! 6 7 8 i - 2 - 2/3 2/6 each. Zinc Plates, bent for Grove's or Bunsen's, i '6 and 2/- each. Zinc Plates for Smee's, per pair, i/- and 1/6 Zinc Rods for Daniell's, 4^-in. 6d., 6-in. 9d., and 9-in. i/- star shaped, 1/3 each. 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 22 MAWSON & SWAN, COILS AND BATTERIES FOR MEDICAL USE. FOR INTERMITTENT CURRENT. Coil, small Medical, on stand, i4/- Do. do. more powerful, 18/6 Very compact, for Pocket, in handsome mahogany box, handles within, with regulator, requires a separate battery, 2o/- Fittedin mahogany boxes, with Smee's Battery No. i, i8/-; No. 2, 30/-J No. 3, so/- Gaiffe's Chloride of Silver Battery, for travelling (outside size 6f x jj x ij inches), 2 25. Yeates' Inductorium, $ 35. and ^5 55. DR. TIDBITS' BATTERIES. Induction Instrument, in mahogany French polished case, with lock and key, brass handle, hooks and eyes, coil, break circuit, graduator, till for sponges, insulated conducting wires, pair of disc rheophores, wire brush, steel lever, &c., 6 6s. VOLTAIC OR CONSTANT CURRENT INSTRUMENTS. 15 Cell Battery, in mahogany French polished case with brass handle, lock and key, hooks and eyes, till for sponges, graduating dial, pair of cylindrical rheophores, insulated conducting wires, sponges, &c. - ' - 5 S 20 Cell do. do. do. 660 30 Cell do. do. do. 880 40 Cell do. do. do. 10 10 o 5o*Cell do. do. do. 12 12 o And an addition of 2 2s. for each 10 Cells to the large Hospital Battery of 100 Cells, price 23 2 o All Batteries of more than 30 Cells are furnished with an Interrupter and a Commutator of the Poles, but these fittings are only affixed to the smaller Batteries -when specially ordered, and at an additional charge of i is. 13 and 15, Motley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, COMBINED INSTRUMENTS. Combining in one instrument both Voltaic and Induction Batteries, Combined Battery, consisting of 30 Voltaic Cells and an Induction Instrument, in mahogany French polished case, with brass handle, lock and key, hooks and eyes, graduating dial, battery break, commutator of the poles, till for sponges, insulated con- ducting wires, a pair of cylindrical rheophores, pair of disc rheophores, wire brush, sponges, &c. * - -.1414 o Do. do. 40 Cells and Induction Instrument 16 16 o Do. do. 50 do. do. do. 18180 A variety of other Patterns, and every improved form, added to stock as introduced. FOR CONTINUOUS CURRENT. The Leclanche Medical Battery is strongly recommended as the most constant form at present made ; it requires also no atten- tion, is always ready for use, and emits no unpleasant odour, and will, if fairly treated, continue in action for two years or more without any attention, when it can be recharged at a small cost. PRICE Simple Batteries 20 cells, 4 xos. ; 30 cells, 6 ; 40 cells, 7. With Current Breaker 20 cells, ^5 IDS. j 30 cells, J^j los. With Current Breaker, Commutator, and Pole Reverser 40 cells, 11 ; 50 cells, 12 los. ; 60 cells, ^"14 los. All the Batteries are fitted in Polished Teak or Mahogany Boxes. RHUMKORFF'S INTENSITY COILS, for working vacuum tubes and other experimental purposes ; well-made instruments. Length of spark j j j- j i i 2 inches. Price - - - 13 6 22 6 45 - 63 - 84 - ^7 ^8/io/- Larger sizes we quote for specially. 13 and 15, Mosley-street) Neivcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, VACUUM TUBES. J- d. Set of 4 different Tubes, in cardboard box 060 Set of 6 do., 2 varieties . . o 10 o Do. 6 do., larger .. .. o 18 6 Do. 5 do., double envelope o 18 6 Do. 5 do., larger . . . . 120 Gassiot's Cascade 7/6, 1 1/-, i6/- and i 4 o Flat Spiral in Globe, with or without liquid 8/-, 9/-> I3/-I 20 /- and * 4 o Marguerite Spiral 8/-, 9/-, I3/-, 2o"/- and 140 Conic Spiral . . io/-, i6/- and 140 Ganot's Tube io/-, i5/-, 2O/- and 140 Tube with 2 Concentric Globes, with different gases 8/- and 0160 U Tube, with or without liquid .. 9/-, ii /-, 15 /- and 140 Bent Tube, with 6 fluorescent liquids 2 o o Do. do. do. . . i io o Egg-shaped Tube, with cross 8/-, i6/- and 140 Long Tube, with uranium bulbs . . io/-, I4-/, 2O/- and 140 Spiral Tube, 8/6, 1 6/-,24/- and i io o Flower with 4 petals 1 1/-, i6/- and Flower with 2 petals 1 1/-, i6/- and Coquille Dentelee io/-, I5/- and Tete de Diable . . 10/6 and Do. Chinaman Holtz Tube, to show the direc- tion of currents . . 2O/- and De la Rive's Apparatus, to show the rotation of cur- rents 24/- and Spectrum Analysis Tubes, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitro- gen, Iodine, Cyanogen, Am- monium, Carbonic Acid, and Protoxide of Nitrogen each The above in box complete Luminous Diadem 2O/-, 4O/- and Do. Aquarium, 2O/- and Do. Miner's Lanip Medical Tube to illuminate the Throat Luminous Inscription on black board, each letter ac- cording to size, 2/-, 4/- and o 14 o 14 2 O d. i 4 o i io o 14 i 16 o o 16 o 080 MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. In these instruments the electricity is produced by the rotation of a coil of insulated wires in front of or between the poles of a permanent magnet, therefore no Battery is required ; the strength of the current is adjusted by the position of the armature or keep. Magneto-Electric Machine, in mahogany case, and drawer containing set of directions, 2 55. Magneto-Electric Machine, on marble slab, 2y/- Do. dp. first-class make, with handles, complete, 24/-, 28/6, and 35/- This is the kind in very general use. 3 and 15, Mosley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, 25 Magneto - Electric Machine, very portable, in mahogany case, 5x3x2-1 inches (can be recommended), 25,'- Magneto-Electric Machine, with two magnets and multiplying gear, in polished walnut wood case (a very powerful instrument), capable of heating platinum wire to redness, decomposing water, and for blasting purposes, &c., 63 - Gaiffe's Magneto-Electric^Machine, giving a current in one direction (a beautiful instrument), 63- ELECTRO-METALLURGY. ELECTROTYPE APPARATUS. Single Cell, one-quart size, complete, 4 - Do. very superior construction, for small work, 5/6 Quart size, in deal box, with moulds, plumbago and bronzing powders, brushes, and three bottles of chemicals, 15/6 Stoneware Troughs, for depositing, 8x8x3 inches, with brass bars and screws,. 7/6 Do. do. do. 12x8x3 inches, 9/- Larger size Trough, 12x8x8, complete, with one-quart DanielPs Battery, 2i/- Apparatus for Electro-Plating and Gilding, complete, with four Smee's Batteries in tray, depositing trough circular, 10 inches deep, 8 inches wide, 35,'- Books on Electro -Plating. Gore's Metallurgy, 6/- ; post free 6/4 Electro-Deposition, i 6; post free 1/8 SUNDRIES FOR ELECTRO -PLATING. s. d. s. d. Gold Solution . . . . per pint 6 o Silver do 3 Nickel do.' .. .. ,, i 6 Copper do ,, i o Powdered Pumice Stone, per Ib. o 8 Burnishers, Steel . . . . each i 4 Do. Agate . . . . ,, 5 o Scratch Brushes ,, i o Chamois Leather .. . . 09 Boxwood Sawdust . . per Ib. Borax , , 20 Plumbago ,, 26 Brushes for ditto . . 6d. and i o Silver Solder . . . . per oz. 6 c Soft do. . . . . per Ib. i 6 Rotten Stone . . . . , , 08 Caustic Soda .. .. ,, i o Medallions per doz. 3 o 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 26 MAWSON & SWAN, ELECTRIC-LIGHT APPARATUS. SIEMEN'S ELECTRIC-LIGHT APPARATUS. (A) Patent Dynamo Apparatus, giving the light of about 2,000 standard candles at about 850 revolutions per minute of the induction cylinder, and an absorption of about 2-J HP.; dimen- sions 23 in. x 22 in. x 10 in. ; weight 298 Ibs. Price ^65. (B) Patent Dynamo Apparatus, giving the light of 4,000 to 6,000 standard candles at about 650 revolutions per minute of the induction cylinder, and an absorption of about 3^ HP. ; dimen- sions 29*5 in. x 27*6 in. x io'6in. ; weight 419^3. Price^ioo. SIEMEN'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING ELECTRIC LAMP (small size), without reflector, for use with Machine A. Price ^14. Do., large size, for use with Machine B. Price ^30. These prices are in London, exclusive of packing, and for cash on delivery. GRAMME DYNAMO MACHINES, FOR CONTINUOUS AND INTERMITTENT CURRENTS. These are of French manufacture, and are coming into use in France for the lighting of factories and large areas. Prices on application. (See Illustration of Continuous Current Machine attached.) When any of our clients contemplate the introduction of the Electric-light, we shall be very happy to assist and advise them ; our experience in this direction enables us to do so very thoroughly. Improvements and alterations are constantly being made, so that the particulars above are applicable only to the time of pub- lishing this list. ELECTRIC LAMP, Duboscq's (clockwork arrangement), i o. ELECTRIC LAMP, Serrin's, with automatic regulator (See Illustration attached). This is a very convenient Lamp. ;i8. Hinged Reflector to use with this Lamp, ^3. Special form, opal globe for diffusing the light. Holder to attach to Lamp. GAIFFE'S ELECTRIC LAMP (See Illustration attached), ;io. Cheaper Forms of Electric Lamps (Fig. 104), 42/-, 5o/-, and Go/- All the various modifications as introduced. CARBON HOLDERS, per pair, 2/6. Do. 10/6. ROUND MOULDED CARBON PENCILS, compressed Diameter. Per ft. Diameter. Per ft. s. d. \ s. d. ^Jo. I 'O39 in 08 ^Vo 10 . . '39*-* in i o ,, 2 '078 ,, o 8 ii *4 2 9 ! 4 4- 1 eft o 8 IT. *^O7 I A c 'IQ 1 ) o 8 14 'S4^ 2 o 6 '2^4. , 08 I ^ . . '^S$ 2 O 8 '312 , i o 17 '702 2 6 ' 9 *35i i o 18 '780 2 6 Carbons for Serrin's and Siemen's Lamps, i/- to 1/4 per foot. 13 and 15, Mosley-street) Nezvcastle-on-Tyne. THE GRAMME CONTINUOUS CURRENT MACHINE. SERRIN'S ELECTRIC LAMP. GAIFFE'S ELECTRIC LAMP. MAWSON & SWAN, 2Q FIG. 104. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINE (Fig. 106), with Jamin's Magnets, for demonstration for laboratories and science classes, to work by hand. Equal to 5 or 6 ordinary Bunsen's Cells. ^35 and ^40. This Machine will serve also for Telegraphy and Electro-Metallurgy. For these different purposes it is supplied with bobbins, wound with wires of different sizes fine for tension, thick for quantity. Fir,. 106. 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, MAGNETO-ELECTRIC EXPLODER, for Firing Mines (Fig. 107) Breguet's Exploders, for firing 2 Abel's Fuses, 6. Do. do. 8 do. ;io. Do. do. 12 do. *$. Fuses, experimental, per dozen, 3 /- Do. for dynamite and blasting, &c., each, 6d., i/-, and 1/6. Cable for conducting the Current from the various Machines re- quired, price according to size. FIG. 107. and 15, Mosley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, ELECTRIC CLOCKS. Electric Clock, as illustration above, to be worked from a Normal Clock, with glass face for the lecture table, 3 35. Various other patterns for house use, public institutions, factories, &c., pro- cured to order. We undertake also the fitting up and supply of the Regulator Clock, and shall be glad to furnish any information upon application. Clocks, Tell-tale, or Watchmen's Recorder, constructed to show on a sheet of paper the time and number of the watchman's visits to the various stations he has charge of. Clock and Instrument for six stations - 24. Each extra station, ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Electro-Magnet, with Armature, length of arms, 3 in. 26, 4 in. 4/-, $1 in. 76, 6J in. 12/6 ; large size, very powerful, 21 /- Electro-Magnet, 9-in. arms, with li-in. core, mounted in a wooden frame 3 ft. high, with scale pans for weights, ^4 45. Electro- Magnets of any kind made to order. 13 and 15, Mosley -street, Neivcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, Galvanometer, horizontal index, 3/6 and 6/- Do. do. with silvered dial, brass frame 10/6, nickel plated 1 1/6 Do. do. with silvered dial, very delicate, i8/- Do. under glass shade, vertical index, 10/6 Do. Lineman's (Pocket), for testing Telegraph Work or Electric House Wires, 3o/- Do. with suspended astatic needles, silvered dial, levelling screws, and glass shade, 4o/- (Fig. 107). Do. do. do. very delicate, yo/- FIG. 107. FIG. 108. FIG. 109. Tangent Galvanometer, with 12 inch ring and silvered dial, 6$/- (Fig. 1 08). Mirror Galvanometer, for testing purposes, ^7 IDS. (Fig. 109). Sine Galvanometer, large size, with circle divided to two seconds, ,15 (Fig. no). ELECTRO -MOTIVE MODELS. Electric Pump, for lifting water by means of the electric current (Fig. in), high-class finish, 32/6 Do., another make, 2y/- The same, with rod to revolve vacuum tubes at same time, 32/6 . Engine with tube holder, 21 /- (Fig. 112). Electric Mill, with wheel and grindstone (Fig. 113), -2 7/- Electric Locomotive, with brass rails, on a mahogany stand, 6-3/- Electric Zootrope, with various sheets of comic figures, 25/- 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, FIG. 113. Balance Engine, very effective, 70,- (Fig. 114). FIG. 114. 13 and 15, Mosley-street, ' Ncwcastle-on- Tyne. 34 MAWSON & SWAN, Electric Tilt-hammer, 2y/- Barlow's Rotating Wheel, for showing the mutual attraction and repulsion of galvanic currents and permanent magnets, 75.; superior, i8/- A variety of other patterns. Every novelty as introduced. OTHER APPARATUS FOR SHOWING THE PHENOMENA OF VOLTAIC ELEC- TRICITY. FIG. 115. Ampere's Stand, with solenoid, circle, and rectangle, simple form, 24/-; best finish, 5o/- (Fig. 115). Apparatus to show the Currents of Electricity produced in a copper disc rotating between the poles of a magnet, 31/6 Apparatus to illustrate the construction and phenomena of Induction Coils, 3o/- (Fig. 1 16). Bent Wire, capable of rotating about an axis in its own plane, to show the mutual action of electric currents, 8/-; better finish, io/- Bobbin of Wire, to show induction by magnets, 6/- Chain.of alternate links of Platinum and Silver, to show the unequal heating effects of a current of electricity in the two metals, i ft. long, links i in., 2/6 ; 3 ft. long, links 3 in., 6/- Discharger or Table for Experiments with Rhumkorff's Coils, 8/- Discharger, Henley's Universal, with holders for carbon \ electrodes, i8/- > Sec page n. Do. do. more complete, 257- ) Faraday's Apparatus, for electro-chemical decomposition, 10/6 and 15;'- 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, Faraday's Rotating Needle, 7 6 Floating Batter}-, with solenoid, 6/- Do. do. with circle of wire, 6 - Hittofs Apparatus, to illustrate the difference in the passage of the electric spark through the ordinary atmosphere and through the same rarefied, i8/- Magnet, capable of rotating about a current parallel to it, 2o/- Magnet, Electro, revolving in a magnetised ring, 10/6 Magnet, Electro, to show the rotation of an electro-magnet between the poles of a permanent horse-shoe magnet, i4/- Oersted's Apparatus, to show the action of an electric current upon a magnetised needle, 5 6 The same, the needle mounted on a rising pivot, the whole on insulating stand with brass foot, 27/- FIG. 1 1 6. FIG. 117. Rheocord, Wheatstone's. for measuring electrical resistances, 257- (Fig. 117). Do. do. better finished, 42!- Resistance Coils of any kind to order, single bobbin, from 10 6 Solenoid, for converting a bar of soft iron into a magnet by passage of the current, 2/-, 6 -, and 10 - Vibrating Wire, Marsh's, 5;'- 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Neivcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, FIG. 1 1 8. Apparatus to show action upon a rectangular current movable round an axis perpendicular to an indefinite current, i5/- and ~~' (Fig. 1 1 8). FIG. 119. FIG. 120. Apparatus to illustrate the Electro Dynamic and Electric Magnetic rotation of liquids, with movable stage and Bertin's Commutator, 6o/- (Fig. 119). VOLTAMETERS THE ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER. Apparatus for the decomposition of water by Galvanism, small size, having two graduated glass tubes, 3/- and 3/6 Do., larger size, supported over circular glass trough, on stand, 8/- and io/- Do., superior make, and larger, for lecture table (Fig. 120), iS/6, 2 1/- and 25/- 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Newcas tie-on- Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, 37 Apparatus, Hoffman's, on stand, 14/6 Do. same principle, i6/- Apparatus for the decomposition of water and delivery of the mixed gases into a gas holder, consisting of a large glass jar 14 inches long, 2 inches wide, with large iron electrodes, two binding screws, caoutchouc cap, and gas delivery tube. (To be used with weak solution of caustic potash.) 7/- Btmsen's Apparatus for the preparation of pure Oxyhydrogen Gas for analytical purposes, 12 - Bunsen's Apparatus for Hydrogen alone, in a pure condition, i2/- SETS OF VOLTAIC APPARATUS. Xo. i. Consisting of 2 Bunsen's half-pint batteries, galvanometer, 4-in. horse-shoe electro-magnet, bar of iron and coil, single cell electro-plating arrangement, copper solution for ditto, 12 yards copper wire, electric bell, water decomposing apparatus, in box, i los. No. 2. Consisting of small 10 cell Bunsen's battery, electric carbon holder, single cell electrotype arrangement, copper solution for ditto, 6-in. electro-magnet, water decomposing apparatus, upright galvanometer, Ruhmkorff coil, 4 vacuum tubes, 20 yards of wire, bar of iron with movable coils, 2 electric bells, commu- tator, in box, 6. Xo. 3. Consisting of set of 20 Bunsen's pint cells in 2 trays, automatic electric lamp, water decomposing apparatus, jar for exploding mixed gases, large coil, set of 7 spectrum tubes, box of 6 tubes, tourniquet, 8-in. horse-shoe magnet, astatic galvanometer under glass shade, thermopile, dipping needle, galvanometer (simple form), 2 model telegraphs, 220 yards rubber covered wire, 2 electric bells, 2 pushes, 20 yards thick wire, in box, 20. 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Neivcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, TELEGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTS. Model of Single Needle Telegraph, . 5/ 6 , IO /- Needle Telegraph, with japanned dial, alarum, reverse and trans- mitting instrument, 2 los. Pair of Morse Sounders, with two batteries, 2 IDS. Commercial Pattern, for offices, fac- tories, &c., short distances (up to ten miles), see illustration at side, $ the pair. Single Needle Instrument, best quality, as used by Railway Companies, suitable for any distance, ;io 105. the pair. Do. do. for short distances, ^5 the pair. Breguet's Alphabetical Telegraph, with instantaneous adjustment, the 2 sets, 20. Breguet and Crossley's Patent Tele- graph, receiver, manipulator, and bell together in one box, the 2 sets, ij los. 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Neivcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, 39 MAGNETISM. Astatic Needles, 3-inch 2 6, 4-inch 3/6 Do. on stand, 6 6 Bars of Soft Iron, for magnetic induction, . d. I 17 -39 20 -56 II I 10 2 20 39 60 '81 13^ 2 o o 3 I/ '59 25 1-27 20 2 10 4 18 78 28 2-40 28^ 2 17 6 5 19 I'i'S 3U 3'3o 39i 35o 6 9 1-57 35^ 470 46 3 15 o 7 18 1-97 39 17-20 176 10 o o i 13 and 15, Mosley-strect, Ncivcastlc-on-Tyne. ^ 40 MAWSON & SWAN, Magnetic Needles, with brass centre Inches long 23469 Price each 1/6 1/6 1/9 1/9 2/6 Stand for above, i/- and 1/6 Ditto, Single, with Agate centres Inch i^_ 234 Price 3 /- 4 /- 5 /- 6/- ^ Star Shape and circular discs of sheet iron, the set, 2/6 Steel Wires, for temporary magnets, per doz., 6d. Set to Illustrate the leading principles of Magnetism, consisting of one pair bar magnets, horse-shoe magnet, magnetic needle on mahogany stand, dip needle on mahogany stand, soft iron bars, &c, to show induction, electro-magnet, Oersted's experi- ment, in neat black box, i TOS. TELEPHONES AND MICROPHONES. * d. Bell's Patent Telephone, the pair price on application Electric Call Bells for above, with key and switch com- bined, and two 2 cell batteries, the two sets 3 o o Ditto, with terminals and brass-work nickel-plated ... 3 10 o Battery boxes for the above batteries o 6 o 13 and 15, Mosley-streeti Newcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, 41 Magnetic Call Bells, dispensing with the use of a battery, for use with the Telephone, the pair... ... ... 6 Microphone, with 2 cell battery ... ... ... ... o Do. lever form ... ... ... ... ... o on ebonite ... o lever form, with fly box ... ... o with sound box ... ... ... o Do. Do. Do. Do. with 2 cell battery and Telephonic receiver 300 Cooke's Telephone Alarum o 8 6 MATERIALS FOR TELEPHONIC EXPERIMENTS. / s. d. Bar Magnets, 4 x -|, per pair Do. with adjusting screws Diaphragms... Binding Screws, per doz. ... Bobbins, empty, per pair ... Do. wound with No. 36 wire ... o 2 o O O o and 15, Mosley-street> Newcastle-on-Tyne. 3 O 2 3 o 6 3 o MAWSON & SWAN, ELECTRIC BELLS AND FITTINGS. Trembling Bells, for domestic and other purposes, in mahogany case, the wires well insulated and provided with adjusting contact breaker. English or French manufacture same price, 2-iin. 10/6, 3 in. i2/-, 31111. i5/-, 4 in. iS/-, 5 in. 25,'-, 6 in. 35/-ea. The English make can be con- verted into Indicating Bells, Single Stroke Bells, Continuous Action Bells, to indicate as shown, to strike the dome but once, or to continue ringing until stopped, 4/- each extra, three smaller sizes; 6/- the three larger sizes. Large Bells or Gongs, for Sheds and Factories, 6 in. 35,'-, 7 in. 45/-, 8 in. 6o/-, 9 in. So/-, 10 in. ioo/-, 12 in. i2o/-. Single Stroke Bells, for Mines, -as illustration at side, 6 in. 6o/-, 7 in. 75/-, 8 in. 90,''-, 9 in. io5/-. 13 and 15, Mosley Street, Newcastle-on- Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, 43 Portable Bell Case (Fig. 108), con- taining Bell, Battery, Push, and Silk Wire Cord, for "invalids or other temporary use between rooms where no communication exists. lv No. i, with 15 yards silk wire cord, 4o/-j No. 2, with 20 yards silk wire cord and larger bell, 5o/- FIG. 108. PRESS BUTTONS OR PUSHES. Small, of Hardwood, Walnut, Oak Varnished, or Mahogany, 1/2 each; i2/- per doz. Better make, Oak, Cocus, or Black Inches 2?, 3 3?, 4 Price 7^ 2/3 278 ^ These are made of well-seasoned wood and with extra strong springs. China Pushes, under 2-J in., plain, 12 and 1/6; with gold lines, 2 -: ornamented, 3 -, 3 6, 4 -. 4 6, 5 - China Pushes, white and gold, black and gold, and various patterns, 2; 1 , in. 2/3, 3 in. 3/4, 4 in. 4/6 each. China, as above, but with ebonite backs and brass flanges, 3 in. 5 -. 4 in, 7 6 each. Ivory, 2 A in. 6 6, 3 in. 8/6, 3^ in. 126 each. Enamelled, or Silver-plated Faced Metal Pushes, on black bases, 4 in. 8 -, 5 in. 10 -, 6 in. 12'- each. 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Neivcastle-on-Tyne. 44 MAWS ON & SWAN, Bronze Sunk Front Door Pushes, with " Visitors " or "Servants," 6 in. i2/-, 4^ in. 9 /- each. Bronze Flat Pushes (Fig. 109), size 4 in. x 3 in., 7/6 each. Bronze Flat Pushes, small size, 3J in. x 2 in., 6/- each. FIG. 109. Push Boards or Stands (Figs, no and in), of any shape, and mounted with engraved ivory tablets or numerals. These are priced from 2/6 per number. FIG. no. FlG ni Pulls for Hall Doors, &c., from 8/6 to 35/- each. Galvanometer Pushes (Fig. 112), for showing that the current has acted, i5/- each. China Centres, for push buttons, with " Up" and " Down," 6d. each. FIG. 112. Pedal Contact, to place under dining room table, 4/6 and io/- Pear Pushes, in cocus, box, mahogany, &c., 3/6 each. Rosettes for do., 2/- each. Pear Pushes, ivory, i5/-; rosettes for do., 4/- each. Ivory Press, with if yards silk wire rope, 8/6 Bed Pull Boxes, for attaching ordinary bell ropes to, 3/- and 3/6 each. Switches (Fig. 114), for turning off or altering the direction of the current, best make, 8/6 One way 3/-, two ways 3/6, three ways 4/- FIG. 114. 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Neivcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, 45 THIEF DETECTORS OR BURGLAR ALARMS. This admirable contrivance provides for the disconnection of the circuit by the pressure of the door or window on a small spring. On the removal of the pressure by the opening of the door or window, the circuit is completed and the bell continues ringing. Ordinary size 3 6, small size, 2/9 each. Larger or smaller sizes can be supplied for Lodge Gates, Bankers' Strong Rooms, Cash Boxes, Tills, &c. DOOR TRIGGERS. Specially adapted for shop doors, 4 '- each. A Set for a Shop Door, comprising trigger, 3 in. bell, 40 yds. wire and two Leclanche' batteries, with screws and staples provided complete, for 30;'- FIRE ALARMS, OR ELECTRIC THERMOMETERS, 8/- and 12,'- (Fig. 115). FIG. 115. FIG. 117. FIG. 116. FOR LIGHTING GAS BY ELECTRICITY, &c. Gas Lighter for Ordinary Gas Burners ; contact made in turning the gas on ; to work with two No. 3 Leclanche' cells, 5/6 (Fig. IT 6). Long Distance Gas Lighting Apparatus, warranted to work up to ^150 yards ; suitable for lighting sun burners, i5/- (Fig. 117). 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Neivcastle-on-Tyne. 4 6 MAWSON & SWAN, INDICATORS, TO SHEW FROM WHICH ROOM THE BELL HAS BEEN RUN(>(FlG. 119). /li FIG. 119. The illustration is intended to show the general form, the outward em- bellishment being altered from time to time. In plain mahogany case, three numbers and under, i5/- per number; above three and up to six numbers, 12/6 per number; above six and under twenty, n/- per number. Special quotation when over twenty numbers. A cheaper make of Indicator can also be supplied when required, but we do not recommend them. INSULATORS. Single Shackle, Porcelain, each, 2/- Do. do. best form, 3/6 Double do. {Jo. 3/8 Brownware Bolted Insulators, with saddle, each, 2/8 Insulator, with steel hook, 2/3 each. Wall Bracket, for Insulator, each, 1/8 Small Insulator for electric bell work, or Telephone lines, each, 46.. 6d., and 8d. Small Wall Bracket and Insulator, ditto, each, 1/3 13 and 15, Mosley-street, Neivcastle-on-Tyne. MAWSON & SWAN, 47 WIRE, Specially prepared for Electric purposes, insulation perfect, and conduc- tivity of copper guaranteed 90 per cent, and upwards. For Cotton-covered Wire, seep. 21. These wires, however, should only be used where no damp exists. Caoutchouc Insulated Wire : best tinned copper covered with India- rubber, and over that cotton, variously coloured for distinction in fitting up a House ; it is very flexible, and for general bell- work the most highly recommended. Copper Wire. Per 100 yards. Per mile. No. 39. 18 B. W. G. ... 176 ... ^13 15 o No. 38. 20 B. W. G. ... 15;- ... n o o No..37. 22 B. W. G. ... 9/6 ... 715 o The same diameters of Copper Wire, taped and waterproofed for outside work, at the same price. Gutta-Percha and Cotton-covered Wire. This is rather thinner than the caoutchouc-covered, and though preferred by some, cannot be so well recommended, owing to the perishing nature of gutta- percha. Covered outside, green, red, white, blue, or black cotton. Per loo yards. Per 'mile. No. 700. 22 B. W. G. ... io- ... ;; 15 o No. 705. 20 B. W. G. ... 15,- ... ii o o Gutta-Percha-covered Telegraph Wires. Nos. 22, 20, and 16, B. W. G. copper, single, covered with gutta-percha, to Nos. 16, 14, 12, n, io, 9, and 8 gauge; and No. 16, double covered, from 7 to No. i gauge. Prices vary ; quotations on application. Silk-covered Wire Cord, for Pear Pushes, for bringing a contact from mantel push to dining table, &c. Green, two-cord, best quality, 6d. per yard, doz. yards 5 6 Do. three-cord, do. Sd. do. do. 76 Other colours to order. Batteries to work the Electric Bells ; the Leclanche' form is the one most recommended for its constancy and the little attention required. See page 16 for prices. The Battery Power advised for different requirements is as follows : For a single bell, short distance, two No. i cells. For three or four bells, three No. 2 cells. For small house, four No. 2 cells. For large house or hotel, six No. 2 or six No. 3 cells. For mines, &c., varies according to length of circuit, c. 13 and 15. Mos ley-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. FOR THE PRACTICE OF PHOTOGRAPHY. COMPLETE SETS OF APPARATUS. No. i. For Plates 4^ x 3^ in., and two sizes smaller, consisting of Sliding-Body Camera, Double Combination Lens, Tripod Stand, Bath and Dipper, Three Plate Boxes, One Dozen Plates of each size, Scales and Weights, Funnel, Graduated Measure, all the necessary Chemicals, &c., and Book of Instructions, in case with lock and key. Price ... $ 10 No. i A. A more Complete Set, with Glass Plates, Chemicals, &c., sufficient for the produc- tion of 100 Pictures, 4^x3! in. size, with Sensitized Paper, and other Materials required for Printing, in box. Price ... ^4 15 No. IB. For Plates 6J x 4j in. and under ... ... ^6 10 No. ic. For Plates 8 x 6^ in. and under ... . . 12 12 o No. 2. Of Superior Quality ; suitable for Portraits 4l" x 3i i n> an d under, for Views 5x4 in., and for Printing; consisting of Mahogany Camera, warranted Lens, with Waterhouse Diaphragms ; Tripod Stand, Glass Bath, in deal case ; Dipper, Three Plate Boxes ; One Dozen each Best Polished Crown Glass Plates, 3^ in. x 2 j in., 4^ x 3^, and . 5x4 in. ; Set of Developing Glasses, Scales and Weights, Graduated Measures, 2 drachms, 2 oz., 10 oz. ; Two Funnels, Plate Vice, Pneumatic Plateholder, Three Porcelain Dishes, Two Printing Frames, Forceps, Six Wood Clips, Glass Rods, Dusting Brush, Chamois Leather, Focussing Cloth, all the necessary Chemicals, &c., Albumenized Paper, Filtering Paper, Test Papers, and Argentometer ; in case, with lock and key. Price ... ... ^,10 10 o MAWSON & SWAN. , 3 & 15, MOSLEY STREE NEIVCAS TLE-ON- TYNE