SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK PUBLISHERS OF B O O K. S F O K^ Coal Age Electric Railway Journal Electrical World v Engineering. News-Record American Machinist ' v The Contractor Engineering S Mining Journal v Po we r Metallurgical 6 Chemical Engineering Electrical Merchandising SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK BY THOMAS J. SULLIVAN WITH THE MINERAL POINT ZINC COMPANY, A SUBSIDIARY OF THE NEW JEB8EY ZINC COMPANY FIRST EDITION McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC, 239 WEST 39TH STREET. NEW YORK LONDON: HILL PUBLISHING CO., LTD. 6 & 8 BOUVERIE ST., E. C. 1918 COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY THE MCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC. THK MAPI.H! I> K K M S YORK PA PREFACE As sulphuric acid is one of the most important of chemicals, being an intermediate raw product, essential in most manu- facturing processes, I think the appearance of this handbook dealing solely with sulphuric acid is well justified. In fact, in almost every industry some sulphuric acid is used and it has been asserted that the consumption of sulphuric acid by any nation is a measure of its degree of industrial progress. This is certainly not strictly correct, but sulphuric acid forms the starting point of, and is used in so many industries that there is considerable element of truth in this statement. A few examples showing some of its important uses follows : (a) For decomposing salts with the production of nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and sodium sulphate, thus indirectly in the manufacture of soda ash, soap, glass, bleaching powder, etc. (6) For the purification of most kinds of oil, including petro- leum and tar oils. (c) For pickling (i.e., cleaning) iron goods previous to tinning or galvanizing. (d) As a drying agent in the production of organic dyes, on which the textile industry depends to a large extent. (e) For rendering soluble mineral and animal phosphate (superphosphate) for manures; thus agriculture absorbs large amounts, and consequently food stuffs are affected by fluctuations in the supply of this important chemical. (/) For the manufacture of nitric acid from Chile saltpetre: , nitric acid and sulphuric acid together are used in the nitration of organic substances such as glycerine and cellulose forming nitro-glycerine and nitro-cellulose mainly used in the manu- facture of explosives now in great demand. So, a copious 387487 vi PREFACE supply of sulphuric acid is an absolute necessity for the explosive industry and any shortage in this supply would mean a shortage of explosives. Without multiplying examples of this nature, enough has been said to indicate the complexity of modern industrial conditions, the interaction of one industry on the other, and finally the often obscure, but highly important, part played by sulphuric acid as an ultimate and absolutely essential raw material of these industries. Owing to the enormous amount of literature containing data on sulphuric acid, it has become more and more difficult for the busy worker to gather from this mass of literature, the facts which are of practical interest and use to him. Much valuable material is of little use because it is scattered through the litera- ture and is therefore inaccessible. The publication of this handbook was undertaken as an attempt to overcome this difficulty, at least in part. The scope has been limited almost entirely to numerical data, inasmuch as such data cannot generally be carried in mind, but must be readily accessible for use. The special investigator would probably always prefer to go to the original source for the infor- mation he wishes, so, to republish all matter of this kind would be unnecessary and impracticable. The attempt has been made to select and tabulate only that which is of fairly general interest and utility and produce a convenient reference book of numerical data. In collecting the tables only those generally adapted to American practice have been selected. When specific gravity is given in terms of the Baume degrees, the so-called American Standard has been adhered to. Where a different Baume scale has been used in a table, the figures have been recalculated to conform to the American Standard. Almost all of the tables of Bineau, Kolb, Otto, Winkler, Messel, Knietsch, Pickering, Lunge, Isler, Naef, etc., have been omitted as they have long since become obsolete as far as being of practical value for use PREFACE vii in general American practice. All molecular weights as well as the factors for the calculation of analytical results have been calculated from the International Atomic Weights of 1917 (1918). The molecular weights and other figures have been carried out further beyond the decimal point than is necessary for most calculations. Great care and pains have been taken to secure accuracy and completeness of data. All figures have been calculated several times, and it is hoped that the errors have been reduced to the minimum. However, errors have undoubtedly crept in, and the author would greatly appreciate notations of any of these which may come to the reader's attention, with a view to their correction in later reprints or editions of the book. A large amount of time and labor was involved in the prepara- tion of these tables, inasmuch as it was necessary to collect data from many widely scattered sources. The scope of the first issue, therefore, is rather more limited than originally planned, but if the demand for the publication justifies it, the scope will be extended in future issues. The author wishes to express his appreciation to the many friends who assisted in checking problems, reading the manu- script and proof, and giving much valuable criticism and advice. THOMAS J. SULLIVAN. DE PUE, ILL. March 1, 1918. CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE .'... v INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC WEIGHTS xii SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1 Definition of 1 More Common Methods of Determining 1 Corrections to be Applied Conversion of Basis 3 HYDROMETERS 5 Types Classes 5 Manipulation 5 AMERICAN STANDARD BAUME HYDROMETER 8 Specific Gravities Corresponding to Degrees Baume" 11 Degrees Baume" Corresponding to Specific Gravities 16 TWADDLE HYDROMETER 20 Specific Gravities Corresponding to Degrees Twaddle 21 NOMENCLATURE OF SULPHURIC ACID 22 FORMULAS FOR USE IN SULPHURIC ACID CALCULATIONS 24 DESCRIPTION OF METHODS EMPLOYED IN PREPARING THE TABLES OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID, NITRIC ACID, AND HYDROCHLO- RIC ACID, ADOPTED BY THE MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS' ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES 27 Nitric Acid Table 49 Hydrochloric Acid Table 51 Sulphuric Acid Table 54 SULPHURIC ACID 94-100 PER CENT. HjSO* 60 SULPHURIC ACID 0BE.-100 PER CENT HzSO* 61 SULPHURIC ACID 50-2 BE 68 FUMING SULPHURIC Acm 71 Per Cent. Free SO 3 as Units 74 Per Cent. Total SO 3 as Units 76 Equivalent Per Cent. 100 Per Cent. HzSO* as Units 79 SPECIFIC GRAVITY TEST SULPHURIC ACID 76.07-82.5 PER CENT. SO S 81 ix x CONTENTS PAGE SULPHURIC ACID PER CENT SO 3 CORRESPONDING TO EVEN PERCENT- AGES H 2 SO* 85 SULPHURIC ACID PER CENT H 2 SO 4 CORRESPONDING TO EVEN PER- CENTAGES SO 3 86 ACID CALCULATIONS, USE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY TABLES, ESTIMATING STOCKS, ETC 80 DILUTION AND CONCENTRATION OF SULPHURIC ACID TO FORM SOLUTIONS OF ANY DESIRED STRENGTH 89 Table for Mixing 59 Baum6 94 Table for Mixing 60 Baume" 95 Table for Mixing 66 Baume" 96 FORMATION OF MIXTURES OF SULPHURIC AND NITRIC ACIDS OF DEFINITE COMPOSITION (SO-CALLED MIXED ACID) 96 BOILING POINTS SULPHURIC ACID 103 MELTING POINTS SULPHURIC ACID 103 TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOR SULPHURIC ACID 105 STRENGTH FOR EQUILIBRIUM WITH ATMOSPHERIC MOISTURE .... 107 PREPARATION OF THE MONO-HYDRATE 108 POUNDS SULPHURIC ACID OBTAINABLE FROM 100 POUNDS SULPHUR . . 108 POUNDS SULPHURIC ACID OBTAINABLE FROM 100 POUNDS SO 3 .... 109 POUNDS SULPHUR REQUIRED TO MAKE 100 POUNDS SULPHURIC ACID . 109 THE QUANTITATIVE ESTIMATION OF SULPHUR DIOXIDE IN BURNER GAS 109 TEST FOR TOTAL ACIDS IN BURNER GAS 113 CALCULATING THE PERCENTAGE SO 2 CONVERTED TO SO 3 WHEN THE SO 2 IN THE BURNER AND EXIT GASES is KNOWN AS USED IN THE CONTACT PROCESS 113 Table 115 THEORETICAL COMPOSITION OF DRY GAS FROM THE ROASTING OF METALLIC SULPHIDES 123 THEORETICAL COMPOSITION OF DRY GAS FROM THE COMBUSTION OF SUL- PHUR 124 QUALITATIVE TESTS SULPHURIC ACID 125 Nitrogen Acids Selenium Lead Iron and Arsenic QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF SULPHURIC ACID 126 QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF LEAD, IRON AND ZINC IN SULPHURIC ACID 139 THE ANALYSIS OF MIXED ACID AND NITRATED SULPHURIC ACID .... 140 CALIBRATION OF STORAGE TANKS AND TANK CARS 148 MATHEMATICAL TABLE CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS 155 DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOR EACH ^4 INCH 173 CONTENTS xi PAGE DECIMALS OF AN INCH FOB EACH 3^4 177 BELTING RULES 177 ANTI-FREEZING LIQUIDS FOR PRESSURE AND SUCTION GAGES 178 Table 179 FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS 180 Names of Fittings 182 Templates for Drilling Standard and Low Pressure Flanged Valves and Fittings 183 General Dimensions of Standard Flanged Fittings Straight Sizes 184 General Dimensions of Standard Reducing Tees and Crosses . . .186 General Dimensions of Standard Reducing Laterals . 4 187 General Dimensions of Extra Heavy Flanged Fittings Straight Sizes 188 General Dimensions of Extra Heavy Reducing Tees and Crosses . .190 General Dimensions of Extra Heavy Reducing Laterals 191 Templates for Drilling Extra Heavy Flanged Valves and Fittings . 192 Weight of Cast-iron Flanged Fittings 193 CAST-IRON PIPE 194 Nominal Weight of Cast-iron Pipe Without Flanges 194 Standard Cast-iron Pipe Standard Dimensions 195 WROUGHT IRON AND STEEL PIPE 197 Standard Wrought Iron and Steel Pipe 197 Extra Strong Wrought Iron and Steel Pipe 199 Double Extra Strong Wrought Iron and Steel Pipe 200 Standard Outside Diameter (O. D.) Steel Pipe 201 SCREWED FITTINGS 202 Standard Screwed Fittings 202 Extra Heavy Screwed Fittings 203 AMERICAN BRIGGS STANDARD FOR TAPER AND STRAIGHT PIPE AND LOCK- NUT THREADS 204 LEAD PIPE 206 SHEET LEAD 207 STANDARD 9" AND 9" SERIES BRICK SHAPES 208 FIBRE ROPE KNOTS AND HITCHES AND How TO MAKE THEM .... 210 U. S. CUSTOMARY WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 213 METRIC MEASURES ; 214 EQUIVALENTS OF METRIC AND CUSTOMARY (U. S.) WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 216 COMPARISON OF THERMOMETRIC SCALES 219 Fahrenheit degrees as units 219 xii CONTENTS PAGE Centigrade Degrees as Units 220 WATER 221 Density and Volume DENSITY OF SOLUTIONS OF SULPHURIC ACID 222 TEMPERATURE CORRECTIONS TO PER CENT OF SULPHURIC ACID DETER- MINED BY THE HYDROMETER 224 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID 225 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FUMING SULPHURIC ACID 233 INDEX . 235 INTERN A TIONAL INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC WEIGHTS, 1917 l Symbo Atomic weight Symbol Atomic weight Aluminum Al 27.1 Neodymium Nd 144 3 Antimony Sb 120.2 Neon Ne 20 2 Argon A 39.88 Nickel Ni 58 68 Arsenic As 74.96 Niton (radium em- Barium Ba 137 37 anation) Nt 222 4 Bismuth Bi 208.0 Nitrogen N 14.01 Boron B 11 Osmium. . Os 190 9 Bromine Br 79 92 Oxvgen o 16 00 Cadmium Cd 112.40 Palladium Pd 106 7 Caesium Cs 132.81 Phosphorus P 31 04 Calcium Ca 40.07 Platinum Pt 195.2 Carbon c 12 005 Potassium K 39 10 Cerium Ce 140 25 Praseodymium Pr 140 9 Chlorine . . Cl 35 46 Radium Ra 226 Chromium Cr 52 Rhodium Rh 102 9 Cobalt Co 58.97 Rubidium Rb 85 45 Columbium Copper Cb Cu 93.1 63 57 Ruthenium Samarium Ru Sa 101.7 150 4 Dysprosium Dy 162 5 Scandium Sc 44 1 Erbium Europium Er Eu 167.7 152 Selenium Silicon Se Si 79.2 28 3 Fluorine F 19.0 Silver Ag 107 88 Gadolinium Gd 157.3 Sodium _ T 6 Na 23 00 Gallium Ga 69 9 Strontium Sr 87 63 Germanium Ge 72 5 Sulphur s 32 06 Glucinum . . Gl 9 1 Tantalum . Ta 181 5 Gold Au 197 2 Tellurium Te 127 5 Helium He 4 00 Terbium Tb 159 2 Holmium Ho 163.5 Thallium Tl 204 Hydrogen . . . H 1 008 Thorium Th 232 4 Indium In 114 8 Thulium Tm 168 5 Iodine I 126 92 Tin Sn 118 7 Iridium Ir 193 1 Titanium Ti 48 1 Iron Fe 55 84 Tungsten " W 184 Krypton Kr 82 92 Uranium u 238 2 Lanthanum . . La 139 Vanadium V 51 Lead Pb 207 20 Xenon Xe 130 2 Lithium Li 6.94 Ytterbium (Neovt- Lutecium . . Lu 175.0 terbium) ! . . . Yb 173.5 Magnesium . Mg 24 32 Yttrium Yt 88 7 Manganese Mn 54 93 Zinc Zn 65 37 Mercury Hg 200 6 Zirconium Zr 90.6 Molybdenum Mo 96.0 1 On account of the difficulties of correspondence between its members due to the war, the International Committee on Atomic Weights has decided to make no full report for 1918. Although a good number of new determinations have been published during the past year, none of them seem to demand any immediate change in the table for 1917. That table, there- fore, may stand as official during the year 1918. F. W. CLABK, Chairman. SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SPECIFIC GRAVITY Definition of the Term "Specific Gravity of a Liquid" The density of a liquid is defined as the weight of a unit volume. The specific gravity, or the synonymous term, relative density, is the ratio of the density of the liquid in question, referred to the density of some substance which is taken as unity. The standard substance employed is water at its maximum density (4C. or 39.2F.). More Common Methods of Determining the Specific Gravity of Liquids 1. Pycnometer. Here we have vessels of unknown volume, but either having a mark on the neck, or having glass stopper with a capillary hole. Thus the pycnometers are made to hold constant volumes. Constant temperature is obtained by the aid of a bath of constant temperature. For use in a determination the pycnometer is weighed empty, filled with water, and filled with the liquid under consideration. The weight of the pycnom- eter full of water minus the weight of the empty pycnometer is equal to the weight of the water it will hold. This weight, com- pared to the weight of the liquid that the pycnometer will hold, gives us the specific gravity of the liquid. 2. Mohr, Westphal, Sartorius, Specific -gravity Balances. In the balances the right-hand half of the beam is divided into ten equal parts from the fulcrum to the point of suspension at the end of the beam. Suspended from this end of the beam is the plummet while a weight at the other end acts as a counterbalance. When the plummet is immersed in water at 4C., the equilibrium of the balance is destroyed by the buoyancy of the water. To adjust the equilibrium, a weight equal to this force and in grams equal to the weight of the volume of water displaced (which is equal to the volume of the plummet) is hung from the point of 1 2 k . ... t ^SULPHURIC ACID 'HANDBOOK suspension. This weigKt is known as the unit weight and is called a rider. Other riders weighing respectively 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 of the weight of this rider constitute the set of weights used with these balances. With their aid the density of a liquid can be directly read off from the balance beam. 3. Hydrometers. These instruments consist of a spindle- shaped float, with a cylindrical neck containing a scale. They are weighted at their lower end, thus bringing the center of gravity very far down, and insuring an upright position when floating. They depend upon the principle that a body will sink in a liquid until enough liquid has been displaced, so that the weight of the displaced liquid equals the weight of the body. The weight and volume are so adjusted, that the instrument sinks to the lower mark on its neck in the heaviest liquid to be tested by it, and to the highest mark on its neck in the lightest liquid to be tested by it. As the density of a liquid changes with the temperature, the liquid should always be at the temperature at which the hydrometer was calibrated or proper correction made. Corrections to be Applied in Specific Gravity Determinations To obtain the true specific gravity of substances, their densities at 4C., and in vacua, must be compared with the density of water at 4C., in vacuo. For technical use, specific gravity is frequently determined at any convenient temperature, and referred to water, of either that same temperature, or to water at 4C., the weight in air being taken as a basis. In purely scientific calculations, water is taken as standard at 4C., while in commercial laboratories the standard is often in the neighborhood of 15.56C. ? consequently specific gravities determined by these standards do not agree. As the tempera- ture of water increases from 4C., it expands. The weight being constant, with increase of volume, the density is lowered. In the case of water this increase of volume with rise of temperature is not uniform, but has been determined with great care. Know- ing the relative density of water at various temperatures, the SPECIFIC GRAVITY 3 volume of a gram is obtained by taking the reciprocal of the dens- ity. The expansion of liquids being appreciable, conditions should always be given with the specific gravities. 15 Thus jgbC. after the specific gravity figure, means that the temperature of the substance was 15C. at the time of the deter- mination and that the unit volume of it was compared with the 15 weight of a unit volume of water at 15C. Similarly -jo-C. after the specific-gravity figure, means that here the comparison is made with the weight of a unit volume of substance at 15C. compared with the weight of a unit volume of water at 4C. CONVERSION OF DENSITY BASIS 1 Prepared for use in reducing readings of a hydrometer graduated to indi- cate density or specific gravity at a specified standard temperature, 7\ referred to water at a specified temperature, T', as unity, to the basis of another standard temperature, /, and reference temperature, t'. The factor A (given in units of the sixth decimal place), multiplied by the density or specific-gravity reading, gives the correction to be applied to the reading to reduce it to the required basis. 20 Suppose a hydrometer indicates specific gravity at -jo"C., and it is required to know the correction in order that it shall indicate specific gravity at 15.56V ,,, 15.56^'' t] That is, if the hydrometer indicates correctly a specific gravity of 1.5760 at 20 15 56 -r^-, then at ' the reading of the instrument will be too low by 1.5760 X 0.001062 =0.0017. A correction of 0.0017 must, therefore, be added to the indication of the hydrometer. "I f\ \A Or, if a maker using standards indicating D ' C. wishes to graduate a lo.oo (\f\ hydrometer to indicate density at 20C. referred to water at 4C. (D^-), the readings of the standard must be corrected by use of the factor +0.001062. Suppose the standard reads 1 . 5760 The corresponding correction is 1.6 X 0.001062 =.. . +0.0017 Corrected reading ; . . . 1 . 5777 The table is calculated for Jena 16m glass. 1 United States Bureau of Standards, Circular No. 19, 5th edition, March 30, 1916, p. 40. NOTE : The Bureau of Standards for the sake of uniformity, use the same abbreviation, D, with proper temperature basis, for both density and specific gravity. SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK i.o T- iCOCXDCOOCOCd id q I + + + 7 IX, >> ^O5 00 "d q 0) T3 ^ + + + + 1 .1 f O JS ired basis q of the six COTHIOTH !>-TjiC^iCO5 TH 00 C^ C^ c^ 3 O* -2 & 3 O CO O O T*< b- <0 a rHO^ THOOOTtlCOO q ^ _!__)_+ 1 TH TH (M 1 1 1 q TH _j_ 1 O5 O C^ t>- t>- _|_ + 1 TH TH TH (N 1 1 1 o^ TH IOOTHOOCO-^COO TH i t -H Cft O CO !> 00 q + ii 7777 q ""^""77?! ji * r-< CO CO CO (-J iO>O_ 1 . lO^OiO^O - c * i 5 EM |E% O j_ .. . ^* .... C^l'* ^ "* ^H TH TH!^ TH TH TH TH H ^H (N 1 C* C^ I(N 3" i QQQQQQQQQQ HYDROMETERS 5 HYDROMETERS There are two types of hydrometers, namely, hydrometers proper, and hydrometers which are combined with thermometers, called thermo-hydrometers. There are four classes of hydrometers : 1. Density hydrometers, indicating density of a specified liquid, at a specified temperature, in specified units. 2. Specific -gravity hydrometers, indicating the specific gravity or relative density of a specified liquid, at a specified temperature, in terms of water at a specified temperature as unity. 3. Per cent, hydrometers, indicating, at a specified tempera- ture, the percentage of a substance in a mixture or solution. 4. Aibitrary scale hydrometers, concentration or strength of a specified liquid referred to an arbitrarily defined scale at a specified temperature (Baum6 hydrometer, Twaddle hydrometer, etc.). Manipulation of Hydrometers 1 Hydrometers are seldom used for the greatest accuracy, as the usual conditions under which they are used preclude such special manipulation and exact observation as are necessary to obtain high precision. It is, nevertheless, important that they be accurately graduated to avoid as far as possible, the use of in- strumental corrections, and to obtain this result it is necessary to employ certain precautions and methods in standardizing these instruments. The methods of manipulation described below are, in general, the ones employed at this Bureau in testing hydrometers and should be followed by the maker or user to a degree depending on the accuracy required. Observing. The hydrometer should be clean, dry, and at the temperature of the liquid before immersing to make a reading. The liquid in which the observation is made should be con- tained in a clear, smooth glass vessel of suitable size and shape. 1 U. S. Bureau of Standards, Circular No. 16, 4th edition, Feb. 23, 1916. a SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK By means of the stirrer which reaches to the bottom of the vessel, the liquid should be thoroughly mixed. The hydrometer is slowly immersed in the liquid slightly be- yond the point where it floats naturally and then allowed to float freely. The scale reading should not be made until the liquid and hydrometer are free from air bubbles and at rest. In reading the hydrometer scale the eye is placed slightly be- low the plane of the surface of the test liquid; it is raised slowly until the surface, seen as an ellipse, becomes a straight line. The point where this line cuts the hydrometer scale should be taken as the reading of the hydrometer. In reading the thermometer scale, errors of parallax are avoided by so placing the eye that near the end of the mercury column the portions on either side of the stem and that seen through the capillary appear to lie in a straight line. The line of sight is then normal to the stem. NOTE : According to the Bureau of Standards, then, the point A (see figure below) not the point B is the one to be noted as the reading. Influence of Temperature. In order that a hydrometer may cor- rectly indicate the density or strength of a specified liquid, it is essential that the liquid be uniform through- out and at the standard temperature. To insure uniformity in the liquid, stirring is required shortly before making the observation. This stir- ring should be complete and may be well accomplished by a perforated disk or spiral at the end of a rod long enough to reach the bottom of the vessel. Motion of this stirrer from top to bottom serves to disperse layers of the liquid of different density. The liquid should be at nearly the temperature of the surround- ing atmosphere ; as otherwise its temperature will be changing HYDROMETERS 7 during the observation, causing not only differences in density but also doubt as to the actual temperature. When the tem- perature at which the hydrometer is observed differs from the standard temperature of the instrument, the reading is not truly the density according to the basis of the instrument or the quality of the liquid according to per cent, or arbitrary scale, but a figure which differs from the normal reading by an amount depending on the difference in temperature and on the relative thermal ex- pansions of the instrument and the particular liquid. If the latter properties are known, tables of corrections for temperature may be prepared for use with hydrometers at various temperatures. Such tables should be used with caution and only for approximate results when the temperature differs much from the standard temperature or from the temperature of the surrounding air. Influence of Surface Tension. Surface-tension effects on hy- drometer observations are a consequence of the downward force exerted on the stem by the curved surface or meniscus, which rises about the stem, and affects the depth of immersion and consequent scale reading. Because a hydrometer will indicate differently in two liquids having the same density but different surface tension, and since surface tension is a specific property of liquids, it is necessary to specify the liquid for which a hydrometer is intended. Although hydrometers of equivalent dimensions may be com- pared, without error, in a liquid differing in surface tension from the specified liquid, comparisons of dissimilar instruments in such a liquid must be corrected for the effect of the surface tension. In many liquids spontaneous changes in surface tension occur due to the formation of surface films of impurities, which may come from the apparatus, the liquid, or the air. Errors from this cause are avoided either by the use of liquids not subject to such changes, which, however, require correction of the results by calculation, or by the purification of the surface by overflowing immediately before making the observation. 8 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK This latter method is employed at this Bureau for testing hydrom- eters in sulphuric-acid solutions and alcohol solutions, and is accomplished by causing the liquid to overflow from the part of the apparatus in which the hydrometer is immersed by a small rapidly rotating propeller which serves also to stir the liquid. Cleanliness. The accuracy of hydrometer observations de- pends, in many cases, upon the cleanliness of the instruments and of the liquids in which the observations are made. In order that readings shall be uniform and reproducible, the surface of the hydrometers, and especially of the stem, must be clean, so that the liquid will rise uniformly and merge into an imperceptible film on the stem. The readiness with which this condition is fulfilled depends somewhat upon the character of the liquid, certain liquids, such as mineral oils and strong alcoholic mixture, adhere to the stem very readily, while with weak aqueous solutions of sugar, salts, acids, and alcohol, scrupulous cleaning of the stem is required in order to secure the normal condition. Before being tested, hydrometers are thoroughly washed in soap and water, rinsed, and dried by wiping with a clean linen cloth. If to be used in aqueous solutions which do not adhere readily, the stems are dipped into strong alcohol and immediately wiped dry with a soft, clean, linen cloth. AMERICAN STANDARD BAUME HYDROMETER (Liquids Heavier than Water) The Manufacturing Chemists' Association of the United States and the United States Bureau of Standards have adopted a Baume scale based on the following relation to specific gravity: Degrees Baume = 145 - ~~fiO Specific gravity at T^F. or a .<. ., ,60,, 145 Specific gravity at TT^F. = -3 = -, 60 145 degrees Baum6 BAUME HYDROMETERS 9 The following history of the Baume scale is taken from Circular No. 59 issued by the United States Bureau of Standards, April 5, 1916: "The relation between specific gravity and Baume* degrees represented by the formulas given was adopted by this Bureau in 1904, when it first took up the question of testing hydrometers. At that time every important manu- facturer of Baume hydrometers in the United States was using this relation as the basis of these instruments, or at least such was their claim. "The origin and early history of the Baume" scales has been admirably treated by Prof. C. F. Chandler in a paper read before the National Academy of Sciences at Philadelphia in 1881. As this paper may not be readily available to some who are interested in the matter, it may be well to include here a part of the material prepared by Prof. Chandler. "The Baume scale was first proposed and used by Antoine Baume", a French chemist, in 1768, and from this beginning have come different Baume scales that have been prepared since that time. The directions given by Baume for reproducing his scale were first published in L'Avant in 1768, and though simple, are not specific, and the conditions assumed are not easily reproducible. It is not strange, therefore, that differences soon ap- peared between the Baum6 scales as set up by different observers. That this divergence did actually occur is well shown by the large number of Baume" scales that have been used. Prof. Chandler found 23 different scales for liquids heavier than water. " Baum6's directions for setting up his scale state that for the hydrometer scale for liquids heavier than water he used a solution of sodium chloride (common table salt) containing 15 parts of salt by weight in 85 parts of water by weight. He described the salt as being 'very pure' and 'very dry' and states that the experiments were carried out in a cellar in which the temperature was 10 Reaumur, equivalent to 12.5C. or 54.5F. "The point to which the hydrometer sank in the 15 per cent, salt solu- tion was marked 15, and the point to which it sank in distilled water at the same temperature was marked 0. The space between these two points was divided into 15 equal parts or degrees, and divisions of the same length were extended beyond the 15 point. "Other makers of Baume" hydrometers soon began to deviate from the pro- cedure outlined by Baume", the deviations being, no doubt, partly accidental and partly intentional, and in course of time, as already pointed out, many different Baume" scales were in use. "This condition of affairs led to great confusion in the use of the Baum6 scale. 10 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK " From a consideration of the variations that occurred it was soon evident that some means of denning and reproducing the scale more exactly than could be done by the simple rules given by Baume should, if possible, be found. This means was readily provided by assuming that a fixed relation should exist between the Baume scale and the specific-gravity scale at some definite temperature, and in terms of some definite unit. When this relation is expressed in mathematical terms in the form of an equation, then the Baume" scale is fixed beyond all questions of doubt. At the present time all Baume' scales in use are based on such an assumed relation, and the differ- ences existing between them arise from differences in the assumed relation or 'modulus' on which the various scales are based, and the standard tem- perature at which the instruments are intended to be correct. "If a definite modulus is adopted, then the degrees Baume* corresponding to any given specific gravity, or the specific gravity corresponding to any given degree Baume may be calculated; or if the specific gravity and corresponding degree Baume at any point of the scale are known, then the modulus can be determined and the complete Baume scale calculated from this single point. Let s = specific gravity. d = degrees Baume". ra = modulus. Then for liquids heavier than water: -d m s - 1 "At the time the Bureau of Standards was contemplating taking up the work of standardizing hydrometers (1904). diligent inquiry was made of the more important American manufacturers of hydrometers as to the Baume scales used by them. Without exception they replied that they were using the modulus 145 for liquids heavier than water. This scale, the "American Standard," was therefore adopted by the Bureau of Standards and has been in use ever since. "There having been no objection or protest from any manufacturer or user of Baume hydrometers at the time the scale was adopted by the Bureau, it was assumed that they were entirely satisfactory to the American trade and were in universal use." BAUME HYDROMETERS 11 60 /15 56 SPECIFIC GRAVITIES AT bF. t'toC. CORRESPONDING TO DEGREES BAUME (American Standard) 145 Degrees Baum< = 145 - g g . fic ravit for Liquids Heavier than Water Degrees Baume Specific gravity Degrees Baume Specific gravity Degrees Baume Specific gravity Degrees Baum - Specific gravity 0.0 1.0000 .1 .0218 .2 1.0447 .3 .0685 .1 1.0007 .2 .0226 .3 1.0454 .4 .0693 .2 .0014 .3 .0233 .4 1.0462 .5 .0701 .3 .0021 .4 .0240 .5 1.0469 .6 .0709 .4 .0028 .5 .0247 .6 1.0477 .7 .0717 .5 .0035 .6 .0255 .7 1.0484 .8 .0725 .6 .0042 .7 .0262 .8 1.0492 .9 .0733 .7 .0049 .8 .0269 .9 1.0500 10.0 .0741 .8 .0055 .9 .0276 7.0 1 . 0507 .1 .0749 .9 .0062 4.0 .0284 .1 1.0515 .2 0757 1.0 .0069 .1 .0291 .2 1.0522 .3 .076 .1 .0076 .2 .0298 .3 1.0530 .4 .0773 .2 .0083 .3 .0306 .4 1.0538 .5 .0781 .3 .0090 .4 .0313 .5 1.0545 .6 1.0789 .4 .0097 .5 .0320 .6 1.0553 .7 1.0797 .5 .0105 .6 .0328 .7 1.0561 .8 1.0805 .6 .0112 .7 .0335 .8 1 . 0569 .9 1.0813 .7 .0119 .8 .0342 .9 1.0576 11.0 .0821 .8 .0126 .9 .0350 8.0 1.0584 .1 .0829 .9 .0133 5.0 .0357 .1 1 . 0592 .2 .0837 2.0 .0140 .1 .0365 .2 1.0599 .3 .0845 .1 .0147 .2 .0372 .3 1.0607 .4 .0853 .2 .0154 .3 .0379 .4 1.0615 .5 .0861 .3 .0161 .4 .0387 .5 1.0623 .6 .0870 .4 1.0168 .5 .0394 .6 1.0630 .7 .0878 .5 1.0175 .6 .0402 .7 1.0638 .8 .0886 .6 1.0183 .7 .0409 .8 1.0646 .9 .0894 .7 1.0190 .8 .0417 .9 1.0654 12.0 .0902 .8 1.0197 .9 .0424 9.0 1.0662 .1 .0910 .9 1.0204 6.0 .0432 .1 1.0670 .2 .0919 3.0 1.0211 .1 .0439 .2 1.0677 .3 .0927 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SPECIFIC GRAVITIES AT -^r F. [^ ' no C. ) CORRESPONDING TO 60 \15.5o / DEGREES BAUME (Continued) Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity Degrees Baume Specific gravity .4 1.0935 16.0 1 . 1240 .6 1.1563 .2 .1905 .5 1.0943 .1 1 . 1249 .7 1.1572 .3 .1915 .6 1.0952 .2 1 . 1258 .8 1 . 1581 .4 .1924 .7 1.0960 .3 1 . 1267 .9 1.1591 .5 .1934 .8 1.0968 .4 1 . 1275 20.0 1.1600 .6 .1944 .9 1 . 0977 .5 1.1284 .1 .1609 .7 1.1954 13.0 1 . 0985 .6 1 . 1293 .2 .1619 .8 1.1964 .1 1.0993 .7 1.1302 .3 .1628 .9 1 . 1974 . .2. 1.1002 .8 1.1310 .4 .1637 24.0 1 . 1983 .3 1.1010 .9 1.1319 .5 .1647 .1 1 . 1993 .4 1.1018 17.0 1 . 1328 .6 .1656 .2 .2003 .5 1.1027 .1 1 . 1337 .7 .1665 .3 .2013 .6 1 . 1035 .2 1 . 1346 .8 1.1675 .4 .2023 .7 1 . 1043 .3 1 . 1355 .9 1.1684 .5 .2033 .8 1.1052 .4 1.1364 21.0 1.1694 .6 .2043 .9 1.1060 .5 1 . 1373 .1 1 . 1703 .7 1.2053 14.0 1.1069 .6 .1381 .2 1.1712 .8 1.2063 .1 1.1077 .7 .1390 .3 1 . 1722 .9 1.2073 .2 1.1086 .8 .1399 .4 1.1731 25.0 1.2083 .3 1.1094 .9 .1408 .5 .1741 .1 1.2093 .4 1.1103 18.0 .1417 .6 .1750 .2 1.2104 .5 1.1111 .1 .1426 .7 .1760 .3 1.2114 .6 1.1120 .2 .1435 .8 .1769 .4 1.2124 .7 1.1128 .3 1 . 1444 .9 .1779 .5 1.2134 .8 1.1137 .4 1 . 1453 22.0 .1789 .6 1.2144 .9 1.1145 . .5 1 . 1462 .1 .1798 .7 1.2154 15.0 1.1154 .6 1.1472 .2 .1808 .8 1.2164 .1 1.1162 .7 1.1481 .3 1.1817 .9 1.2175 .2 1.1171 .8 1 . 1490 .4 1.1827 26.0 1.2185 .3 1.1180 .9 1 . 1499 .5 1 . 1837 .1 1.2195 .4 1.1188 19.0 1.1508 .6 1.1846 .2 1.2205 .5 1.1197 .1 1.1517 .7 1 . 1856 .3 1.2216 .6 1.1206 .2 1 . 1526 .8 1 . 1866 .4 1.2226 .7 1.1214 .3 1.1535 .9 1 . 1876 .5 1 . 2236 .8 1.1223 .4 1.1545 23.0 1.1885 .6 1.2247 .9 1 . 1232 .5 1.1554 .1 1 . 1895 .7 1 . 2257 BAUME HYDROMETERS 13 60 /15 56 \ SPECIFIC GRAVITIES AT HT^>^- ( i g c^oG- ) CORRESPONDING TO oU \lo.oo / DEGREES BAUME (Continued) Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity Degrees Baume Specific gravity .8 1.2267 .4 1.2653 34.0 1.3063 .6 1.3501 .9 .2278 .5 1.2664 .1 1.3075 .7 1.3514 27.0 .2288 .6 1 . 2675 .2 1 . 3087 .8 1.3526 .1 .2299 .7 1.2686 .3 1.3098 .9 1.3539 .2 .2309 .8 1.2697 .4 1.3110 38.0 1 . 3551 .3 .2319 .9 1 . 2708 .5 1.3122 .1 1.3564 .4 .2330 31.0 1.2719 .6 1.3134 .2 1.3577 .5 .2340 .1 1.2730 .7 1.3146 .3 1.3590 .6 .2351 .2 1 . 2742 .8 1.3158 .4 1.3602 .7 .2361 .3 1.2753 .9 1.3170 .5 .3615 .8 .2372 .4 1.2764 35.0 .3182 .6 .3628 .9 .2383 .5 1 . 2775 .1 .3194 .7 .3641 28.0 .2393 .6 1.2787 .2 .3206 .8 .3653 .1 .2404 .7 1 . 2798 .3 .3218 .9 .3666 .2 .2414 .8 1.2809 .4 .3230 39.0 .3679 .3 .2425 .9 1.2821 .5 .3242 .1 .3692 .4 .2436 32.0 1 . 2832 .6 .3254 .2 .3705 .5 .2446 .1 1.2843 .7 .3266 .3 .3718 .6 .2457 .2 1.2855 .8 .3278 .4 1.3731 .7 .2468 .3 1.2866 .9 1.3291 .5 1.3744 .8 .2478 .4 1.2877 36.0 1.3303 .6 1.3757 .9 .2489 .5 1.2889 .1 1.3315 .7 1.3770 29.0 .2500 .6 1.2900 .2 1 . 3327 .8 1.3783 .1 1.2511 .7 1.2912 .3 1.3329 .9 1.3796 .2 1.2522 .8 1.2923 .4 1.3352 40.0 1.3810 .3 1.2532 .9 1 . 2935 .5 1.3364 .1 1.3823 .4 1.2543 33.0 1.2946 .6 1.3376 .2 1.3836 .5 1.2554 .1 1.2958 .7 1.3389 .3 1.3849 .6 1.2565 .2 1 . 2970 .8 1.3401 .4 .3862 .7 1.2576 .3 1.2981 .9 .3414 .5 .3876 .8 .2587 .4 1.2993 37.0 .3426 .6 .3889 .9 .2598 .5 1.3004 .1 .3438 .7 .3902 30.0 .2609 .6 1.3016 .2 .3451 .8 .3916 .1 .2620 .7 1.3028 .3 .3463 .9 .3929 .2 .2631 .8 1.3040 .4 .3476 41.0 .3942 .3 .2642 .9 1.3051 .5 .3488 .1 .3956 14 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SPECIFIC GRAVITIES AT ^^F. (.. F ' g/ , C. ) CORRESPONDING TO oO \15.5o / DEGREES BAUME (Continued) Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity Degrees Baume Specific gravity Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity .2 1.3969 .8 1.4471 .4 .5010 52.0 1.5591 .3 1 . 3983 .9 1 . 4486 .5 .5026 .1 1.5608 .4 1.3996 45.0 1.4500 .6 .5041 .2 1.5625 .5 1.4010 .1 1.4515 .7 .5057 .3 1.5642 .6 1.4023 .2 1.4529 .8 .5073 .4 1 . 5659 .7 1.4037 .3 1.4544 .9 .5088 .5 1 . 5676 .8 .4050 .4 1.4558 49.0 1.5104 .6 1.5693 .9 .4064 .5 .4573 .1 1.5120 .7 1.5710 42.0 .4078 .6 .4588 .2 1.5136 .8 1 . 5727 .1 .4091 .7 .4602 .3 1.5152 .9 1.5744 .2 .4105 .8 .4617 .4 1 5167 53.0 1.5761 .3 .4119 .9 .4632 .5 1.5183 .1 1.5778 .4 .4133 46.0 .4646 .6 1.5199 .2 1.5795 .5 .4146 .1 .4661 .7 1.5215 .3 1.5812 .6 .4160 .2 .4676 .8 1.5231 .4 1.5830 .7 .4174 .3 .4691 .9 1 . 5247 .5 1 . 5847 .8 .4188 .4 .4706 50.0 1.5263 .6 1.5864 .9 .4202 .5 1.4721 .1 1.5279 .7 1.5882 43.0 1.4216 .6 1.4736 .2 1 . 5295 .8 1 . 5899 .1 1.4230 .7 1.4751 .3 1.5312 .9 1.5917 .2 1.4244 .8 1.4766 .4 1.5328 54.0 1.5934 .3 1.4258 .9 1.4781 .5 1.5344 .1 1.5952 .4 1.4272 47.0 1.4796 .6 1.5360 .2 1 . 5969 .5 1.4286 .1 1.4811 .7 1.5376 .3 1.5987 .6 1.4300 .2 1.4826 .8 1.5393 .4 1.6004 .7 1.4314 .3 1.4841 .9 1 . 5409 .5 1.6022 .8 1.4328 .4 1.4857 51.0 1 . 5426 .6 1.6040 .9 1.4342 .5 1.4872 .1 1.5442 .7 1.6058 44.0 1.4356 .6 1.4887 .2 1 . 5458 .8 .6075 .1 1.4371 .7 1.4902 .3 1 . 5475 .9 .6093 .2 1.4385 .8 1.4918 .4 1.5491 55.0 .6111 .3 1.4399 .9 1.4933 .5 1.5508 .1 .6129 .4 1.4414 48.0 1.4948 .6 1 . 5525 .2 .6147 .5 1 . 4428 .1 1.4964 .7 1.5541 .3 .6165 .6 1.4442 .2 1.4979 .8 1.5558 .4 .6183 .7 1.4457 .3 1.4995 .9 1.5575 .5 .6201 BAUMfi HYDROMETERS 15 60 /15 56 SPECIFIC GRAVITIES AT F. ' CORRESPONDING TO DEGREES BAUME (Concluded) Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity Degrees Baume Specific gravity Degrees Baume Specific gravity Degrees Baume Specific gravity .6 1.6219 .3 1.6724 .9 1.7241 .5 1.7791 .7 1 . 6237 .4 1.6744 61.0 1.7262 .6 1.7813 .8 1.6256 .5 1.6763 .1 1.7282 .7 1 . 7835 .9 1.6274 .6 1 . 6782 .2 .7303 .8 .7857 56.0 1.6292 .7 1.6802 .3 .7324 .9 .7879 .1 1.6310 .8 1.6821 .4 .7344 64.0 .7901 .2 1.6329 .9 1 . 6841 .5 .7365 .1 .7923 .3 1.6347 59.0 1.6860 .6 .7386 .2 .7946 .4 1.6366 .1 1.6880 .7 .7407 .3 .7968 .5 1.6384 .2 1.6900 .8 .7428 .4 .7990 .6 1.6403 .3 1.6919 .9 1.7449 .5 .8012 .7 1.6421 .4 1.6939 62.0 1.7470 .6 .8035 .8 1.6440 .5 1.6959 .1 1.7491 .7 .8057 .9 1.6459 .6 1.6979 .2 1.7512 .8 .8080 57.0 1 . 6477 .7 1.6999 .3 1.7533 .9 1.8102 .1 1.6496 .8 1 . 7019 .4 1.7554 65.0 1.8125 .2 1.6515 .9 1.7039 .5 1 . 7576 .1 1.8148 .3 1 . 6534 60.0 1.7059 .6 1.7597 .2 1.8170 .4 1.6553 .1 1.7079 .7 1.7618 .3 1.8193 .5 1.6571 .2 1.7099 .8 1.7640 .4 1.8216 .6 1.6590 .3 1.7119 .9 1.7661 .5 1.8239 .7 1.6609 .4 .7139 63.0 1.7683 .6 1.8262 .8 1.6628 .5 .7160 .1 1.7705 .7 1.8285 .9 1.6648 .6 .7180 .2 1.7726 .8 1.8308 58.0 1.6667 .7 .7200 .3 1 . 7748 .9 1.8331 .1 1 . 6686 .8 .7221 .4 1.7770 66.0 1 . 8354 .2 1.6705 16 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK fc Jj ffi c ( h OS H a c I w 3 t c j a < p !7 cr 3 v OS PC c , o + e ( kk C cc o to a p C fa '^ o b CO CO ;, H i *o n^ s 1 X s I T3 I 3 sill s *^ ^^ J'&sbs CO i i 00 CO CO -^ TjHCOCOCO OO CO Tfi i i OS !> 1O CO t-i OS -H o CO iO CO b- 00 OS COOOO oo r^. co t^ oo (McOOCOCO (NCO>OCOl> oo TtH O O5 OJ CO O5 CO l^ Cfl iO t^ O (M CO -* ^ COt^CO T^ I-H 1C O5 (N (NCOr^COl> OOO^ Tfl l> GO CO i ( CO CO i i CO OS O i i to OS CO I> O CO CO 00 O CO O rH CO "*< C<1 t^ '^ 00 C^ *O i i (M C^ O CO O l> OS i i O iO CO OS CO *O iO CO C5 COl>r-(TjH t^O5(NT^CO GOO5T-H(NCO Tf Tf< (N OS O i i (N (N 00 OS O C^ CO <* to CO 00 OS O > i t^-T iioOSCO OO^t 1 GO ^O OS i"H C*Q ^D t>* Tji CO l> OS O i ( i i rf to CO t^ OS O i i THrHrHrHrH o ^ t~- o co OOO O O OS OS X t^OOcO OS CO CO *-> t>- C^ O CO ^ 00 co co co co co O CO O t^ t^* CO 00 '"^ I^OCNO OS OS'O^HN CO CO "f ^ T}H co ^t 1 x 10 co < i ' Tfi CO CO O (M X C^ O CO O iC rft CO (N O " CI>. O cO iO 1C CO t~- 00 Oi rp I-H r>. ^H 00 O5 l* CO I-H rf CO t^ 00 CO TJH (M o o co co co co co co co iO C XC5O "H ^ -x ooco^^g (N CO ^f - 00 CSO^'-* C5 Tf t^ Tt< rfi CO oo oo b ^ o (M j- 1 O OS 00 O^OJ !NCO co co co co co CO CO ^ CO CO ^ iC CO t>- 1^ CO CO CO CO CO lO OS i i CO Tf OS CO CO 00 C^ CO -* (N OS t^ 00 OSOO - 1 CO CO TT ^ *? O X X C^ OS I-H CO iOcO CO CO O iO CO C^l C^J t>- 00 O5 (N (N (N o *-* "H c^co CO CO CO CO CO ^ iM O X lOcOt^ t^ co co co coco t^^ CO X O -H cs tC O ^ co CO O: co 30 Ci O O ^ co co ^r rr ^f <* O O C5 O rf I-H 10 (NCN (N ^H O OS X CO O oO"Hoico Tfiocdcdb' cococococo cococococo ~H X -f X CO CO CO O O O rj< (M O t^- LC 00 C5OO *-< CO CO'* "^ ^ S2S 2^:^88 OJ CO ^ lOcOl^XOS C^ C^ C^l C O Tt CO'-HOSt^.iO ^H (NCO cococococo cococococo ^^c^co-^io coaxes COCOCOCOCO COCOCOCO CSO 18 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK CO - b- CO "C Tf< CO (N rH rH O D CD CD CO CO CO cDcOCOcOcO os os oo r^ co 1C ^7) 1C ^C C OS CO IN COTtH Tf 10 HH Tf< -HH TjH ^ I OS CO (N CO CO l> 00 00 c 1 1^ coos >COOO COIN O500 OO b- <* rH (X) CO 00 *O rH t>. CO 00 TF OS OSOOrHrH (N CO CO "* ^ HH 1C 1C *O *O iO iC iO 1C 1C LIQUI 00 O5 OT C O Tfi C<1 00 ^C C^ OO CO CO N OO 00 OC(NrH(N COINOINCO CO"* OO O (N CO CO IN rH OS CO (N 00 CO <* rH t>. CO OS O rH .CO ^ rH 00 -^f rH t> O T* o CO C^l > O 00 OS 'l> COOO OSOOrHrH C^ CO CO -* ^ HH c iC iC C C C iC 1C ic rH IN CO 1C OS OSrHINlNrH OS CO -OS irHCOTflC T^COrHOSlC rHCO \ OS 1C rH |> CO OS C O CO (N l> 00 00 ^TfH OSOSO'-i'-H (NiNCO^Tt 'iCiOC iCiC>C^CC TjH >C I 1C CO 00 rH 1C rH i OQ OS CO IN OS 1C (NCOCOrtHiC iCcOOt^OO -COCOO COrH CD (NOOrt^OcO rHt^ OSOSOrHrH IN (N CO T^ -HH ' 'iiciCiC iOiOiOiCO rHCOT^lCl> OSC<>lCOCO 00 O rH rH O 00 CO IN 00 (N COrHOOiCfN 00C(NOO>C (NCOCO^C CCOJ>I>00 -tf CO TJH t^(N CO OS rH (N CO rH t> Tf O CD O (N i> 1C IN O t^rfi 00 ^ OS iC OSOSQrHrH (N (N CO CO TjH'H^iCiCiC iCCiCiC i rH CO C 00 rH 1C OS 1C (N iCOTtlT^CO (NOSlCrHCO rHrHCOCOlN O rH Tf O OO O CO iC CO l^- t^ CO -^ (N OO rH t>. CO OS C rH l> CO OS T* OSOSQQrH ININ' , TJH rfi C C iC 1C iC 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C "C CO OS IN CO OS CO 00 CO O 00 CO^CI>-t^cO iCC^OSiCOS c^ os co co co ** ^ co r** co C^ CQ CO ^t 1 *C 1C CO rH 1C (N rH IN CO IN IN "* OS OS O rH rH O 00 CO CO OS T* C^ OS 1C rH t > * C^l 00 "^ OS iC OS OS O O rH -* -HH C 1C ^C cO 00 O i i 00 cD 1C I-H t^ 1C CO 00 CO (N 00 CO CO COOCO CO rj< C b O OS CO rH CO 00 C 1C OCO (N 00 CO CO t^ l> 00 OOOSOOrH INfNCOCO'* TjH'rtiiCiCiC iCiCiCiCiC <* OS rHINCO-?.C CO1>OOOSO rH IN CO "* C CO !> 00 OS O rH C^ iC*CiCiCC CiOCCCO COCO , s BAUME HYDROMETERS - 19 CO iO C^ CO *O *O *O ^^ CO **^ O^ CO CO Tf OS Q O COOS Tf OTt< O ^ OS Tj< 00 8rH co co co co co < -<3< CO CO CO CO CO co 03 co 00 - i CO CO CO co t>- iO iC o i-i -I c^i - O *O I-H 10 CO CO CO ^O CO t g'ssss OO"-i -i(M Tti CO CO O C<1 00 CO 00 C^ t^- ^ O5 ^ O5 CO OQ i CT CO i i 00 >OOCOOO- co t>- os ^* co co i C3 "gj iO *O CO OO CO 00 iOiO*O*O cOcOcOCOcO ocOcOCOcO rH IO CO C5 TfH 00 co oo co iO t>. C5 iO O O ^t^ Tt< 1C iO Tfi CO i i ^p 10 ^0* CO C0 00 >O l> CO o o -H > i c^ t>CO OS rf CO -^ *O O^ Tt^ co coo co co 00 CO t^ CO CO CO CO cO CO COt^OO O5 O 00 0000 00 20 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK TWADDLE HYDROMETER (Generally used in England) Methods of Converting Specific Gravity to Degrees Twaddle 1. Let x = degrees Twaddle. y = specific gravity. IQOOj/ - 1000 ~5~~ 2. Orz = 200 (y - 1). 3. This method may be used for any value below 2.000. Move the decimal point two figures to the right, striking off the first figure and multiplying the remainder by 2. Methods of Converting Degrees Twaddle to Specific Gravity 1. Let x = specific gravity. y = degrees Twaddle. 5y + 1000 1000 The degrees in Twaddle's hydrometer bear a direct relation- ship to the specific gravity, the basis of the system being plain and unmistakable, since every degree is equal to a difference in specific gravity of 0.005. TWADDLE HYDROMETER 21 SPECIFIC GRAVITIES CORRESPONDING TO DEGREES TWADDLE Degrees Twaddle Specific gravity Degrees Twaddle Specific gravity Degrees Twaddle Specific gravity Degrees Twaddle Specific gravity Degrees Twaddle Specific gravity 1 1.005 35 1.175 69 1.345 103 1.515 137 1.685 2 1.010 36 1.180 70 1.350 104 1.520 138 1.690 3 1.015 37 .185 71 1.355 105 1.525 139 .695 4 1.020 38 .190 72 1.360 106 1.530 140 .700 5 1.025 39 .195 73 1.365 107 1.535 141 .705 6 1.030 40 .200 74 1.370 108 1.540 142 .710 7 1.035 41 .205 75 1.375 109 1.545 143 .715 8 1.040 42 .210 76 .380 110 1.550 144 .720 9 1.045 43 .215 77 .385 111 1.555 145 .725 10 1.050 44 .220 78 .390 112 1.560 146 .730 11 1.055 45 .225 79 .395 113 1.565 147 .735 12 1.060 46 .230 80 .400 114 1.570 148 1.740 13 1.065 47 .235 81 .405 115 1.575 149 1.745 14 1.070 48 .240 82 .410 116 1.580 150 1.750 15 1.075 49 .245 83 .415 117 1.585 151 1.755 16 1.080 50 1.250 84 .420 118 1.590 152 1.760 17 1.085 51 1.255 85 .425 119 1.595 153 1.765 18 1 090 52 1.260 86 .430 120 1.600 154 1 770 19 1.095 53 1.265 87 .435 121 1.605 155 1.775 20 1.100 54 1.270 88 .440 122 1.610 156 1.780 21 1.105 55 1.275 89 .445 123 1.615 157 1.785 22 1.110 56 1.280 90 .450 124 1.620 158 1.790 23 1.115 57 1.285 91 .455 125 1.625 159 1.795 24 1.120 58 1.290 92 .460 126 1.630 160 .800 25 1.125 59 .295 93 .465 127 1.635 161 .805 26 1.130 60 .300 94 .470 128 1.640 162 .810 27 1.135 61 .305 95 .475 129 1.645 163 .815 28 1.140 62 .310 96 .480 130 1.650 164 .820 29 1.145 63 .315 97 .485 131 1.655 165 .825 30 1.150 64 .320 98 .490 132 1.660 166 .830 31 1.155 65 .325 99 .495 133 1.665 167 .835 32 1.160 66 .330 100 .500 134 1.670 168 .840 33 1.165 67 1.335 101 .505 135 1.675 169 .845 34 1.170 68 1.340 102 .510 136 1.680 170 .850 22 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK NOMENCLATURE OF SULPHURIC ACID Sulphuric acid shows a definite relation between the specific gravity and strength up to 93.19 per cent. H 2 SO 4 . As it is much easier to determine the specific gravity than the strength, acids weaker than 93.19 per cent, are nearly always spoken of and sold as being of so many degrees Baurne*, the Baume hydrometer being the instrument generally used for determining the specific gravity. The principal strengths of such acids are : Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity Per cent. SO 3 Per cent. H 2 SO 4 50 1.5263 50.76 62.18 60 1 . 7059 63.40 77.67 66 1 . 8354 76.07 93.19 In 1882 the Manufacturing Chemists' Association of the United States agreed on a set of values for Baume degrees and their H 2 S0 4 equivalents. In 1904 the Association adopted the table of Ferguson and Talbot. The H 2 SO 4 equivalents show a slight change from the table of 1882 and those values have been used in this country ever since. In Germany especially, and quite generally on the continent, a different set of values for Baume degrees is used in which all have higher values in specific gravity and H 2 SO 4 than those used here. For instance 66Be. here corresponds to 93.19 per cent. H 2 SO 4 and in Germany to 98 per cent. The 66 acid is also known as oil of vitriol (0. V.) and strengths of weaker acids are sometimes spoken of as so many per cent. O. V., a 60Be. acid containing 77.67 per cent. H 2 S0 4 being called 83.35 per cent. 0. V. 77.67 X 100 93.19 = 83.35 NOMENCLATURE OF SULPHURIC ACID 23 This, however, is not very common. In reporting total pro- duction or uses of sulphuric acid it is frequently stated as being equivalent to a certain quantity of acid of 50 or 60 or some other standard strength, the total amount of H 2 S04 being the same as that contained in the stated quantity of the stated strength. Productions are also often reported as tons of SO 3 . When an acid becomes stronger than 93.19 per cent. H 2 SO 4 , to speak of it in terms of specific gravity or degrees Baume* would be fallacious as 94.5 per cent, acid has practically the same specific gravity as 100 per cent. Acids between 93.19 and 100 per cent, are spoken of as so many per cent, sulphuric acid; 100 per cent, acid being commonly called the mono-hydrate. This contains 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 (81.63 per cent. SO 3 ). SO 3 dissolves in the mono-hydrate giving fuming acid or oleum. It is called fuming acid because the S0 3 escapes, form- ing white fumes, when exposed to the air. Oleum is the German name which has been used extensively in this country, since the first practical methods of making it were German and the German nomenclature was frequently adopted here. It is also known in Germany as Nordhausen Oil of Vitriol. There are three ways of stating the strength of fuming acid: 1. The per cent, of free (dissolved) S0 3 . 2. The per cent, of total SO 3 . 3. The equivalent per cent. 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 . That is the per cent, of 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 it would make if sufficient water were added to combine with all the free SO 3 . For instance an acid containing 20 per cent, free S0 3 would contain a total of 85.30 per cent. SO 3 , and actual H 2 SO 4 content of 80 per cent, and would make 104.49 per cent. H 2 SO 4 if sufficient water were added to combine with all the free SO 3 . It might, therefore, be called 20 per cent., 85.30 per cent, or 104.49 per cent. Mixed acid is the technical term for a mixture of strong sul- phuric acid and nitric acid. 24 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK FORMULAS FOR USE IN SULPHURIC -ACID CALCULATIONS (By non-fuming acid is meant all strengths under 81.63 per cent. SO 3 ) (By fuming acid is meant all strengths over 81.63 per cent. SO 3 ) The following factors were calculated from molecular weights: SO 3 80.06 H 2 SO 4 98.076 H 2 S0 4 = 98.076 SO 3 : 80.06 H 2 O 18.016 = 0.8163 = 1.2250 = 0.1837 = 5.4438 H 2 SO 4 98.076 H 2 SO 4 = 98.076 H 2 = 18.016 S0 3 = 80.06 H 2 O "18.016 H.O _ 18.016 _ S0 3 " 80.06" ' To Calculate Per Cent. S0 3 Non-fuming Acid Per cent. H 2 SO 4 X 0.8163 or Per cent. H 2 S0 4 ^ 1.2250 To Calculate Per Cent. H 2 S0 4 Non-fuming Acid Per cent. SO 3 4- 0.8163 or Per cent. S0 3 X 1.2250 To Calculate Per Cent. Free H 2 Non-fuming Acid 100 - per cent. H 2 SO 4 To Calculate Per Cent. Combined H 2 O Non-fuming Acid Per cent. H 2 S0 4 per cent. S0 3 or Per cent. H 2 S0 4 X 0.1837 or Per cent. S0 3 X 0.2250 SULPHURIC-ACID CALCULATIONS 25 To Calculate Per Cent. Combined H 2 Fuming Add Per cent. H 2 SO 4 X 0.1837 or 100 - per cent, total SO 3 or Per cent, combined SO 3 X 0.2250 To Calculate Per Cent. H 2 S0 4 Fuming Add 98.076 (100 - per cent, total SO 3 ) 18.016 or 100- per cent, free SO 3 or Per cent, combined H 2 O X 5.4438 or Per cent, combined H 2 O + (4.4438 X per cent, combined H 2 0) To Calculate Equivalent 100 Per Cent. H 2 SO 4 Fuming Add Per cent, total SO 3 * 0.8163 or Per cent, total SO 3 X 1.2250 To Calculate Per Cent. Combined SO 3 Fuming Add 80.06 (100 - per cent, free SO 3 ) 98.076 or Per cent, H 2 SO 4 X 0.8163 or Per cent, combined H 2 O X 4.4438 or Per cent, total S0 3 per cent, free SO 3 To Calculate Per Cent. Free S0 3 Fuming Add (Per cent, total SO 3 X 98.076) - 8006 18.016 or (Per cent, total SO 3 X 5.4438) - 444.38 or (Per cent, total SO 3 - 81.63) 5.4438 or Per cent, total SO 3 - (per cent, combined H 2 O X 4.4438) or Per cent, total SO 3 per cent, combined S0 3 or 100 - Per cent. H 2 S0 4 26 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK To Calculate Per Cent. Total SO 3 Fuming Acid (Per cent, free SO 3 X 18.016) + 8008 98.076 or (Per cent, free SO 3 X 0.1837) + 81.63 or 0.8163 (100 - per cent, free SO 3 ) + per cent, free SO 3 or Equivalent per cent. 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 X 0.8163 or Per cent, free SO 3 + per cent, combined S0 3 To Calculate Weight per Cubic Foot Acid Specific gravity at ^goF. L .' C.j X weight per cubic foot water at 60F. (62.37 Ib.) To Calculate Weight SO 3 per Cubic Foot (Weight of acid per cubic foot X per cent. S0 3 ) ^ 100) To Calculate the Equivalent Per Cent, and Weight of One Strength Acid of Compared to Another The equivalent per cent, in 66Be. (93.19 per cent. H 2 SO 4 ) of an acid of 60Be\ (77.67 per cent. H 2 SO 4 ) is: 77 f\7 ^g X 100 = 83.35 per cent. 66Be\ and as 60Be*. corresponds to 1.7059 specific gravity, the pounds of 66B4. equivalent to 1 cu. ft. of 60Be\ is: X L7059 x 62 ' 37 = 88 - 68 lb - 66 B4 ' NOTE. While ascertaining equivalents of non-fuming acid, strengths used for the calculations can either be taken as per cent. SO 3 or of per cent. H 2 SO 4 . If calculating fuming-acid equivalents, strengths should be used in terms of total per cent. SO 3 unless expressed in the equivalent per cent, of 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 . INTRODUCTORY 27 DESCRIPTION OF METHODS EMPLOYED IN PREPARING THE TABLES OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID, NITRIC ACID, AND HYDROCHLORIC ACID, ADOPTED BY THE MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS' ASSO- CIATION OF THE UNITED STATES 1 BY W. C. FERGUSON INTRODUCTORY The General Chemical Company, finding that many different methods of analysis were being used in their various works, and realizing the advantages of uniform methods, submitted the task of unification to the writer. After careful investigation, the methods best adapted were selected, and by the constant ex- amination of new methods described in the literature as well as by original research, these methods are from time to time sub- stituted or modified. The need soon became apparent for uni- form specific-gravity tables, no two authorities agreeing; not only was there disagreement between specific gravities and cor- responding percentage composition when reduced to the same standard, but different moduli, temperatures, etc., were used as standards. The preparation of standard tables of the specific gravity and corresponding composition, with other useful data, was under- taken for nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, ammonia and sulphuric acid. The Manufacturing Chemists' Association of the United States, hearing of our efforts while the work was in progress, after investigation, accepted the tables as they were completed as standard tables of the association. In the case of the sulphuric acid table, they employed Prof. H. P. Talbot of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of Boston, as expert, whose name appears with that of the writer as authority. These tables are designed primarily as a basis for sales which are largely governed by the degree Baume"; they are also useful for controlling processes, taking account of stock, etc. 1 Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., July 31, 1905, pp. 781-790. 28 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK The acids and ammonia used were the purest obtainable c.p., and were carefully examined for impurities and purified when necessary. The impurities in commercial products are such a variable quantity and, as their purity is becoming more pro- nounced as manufacturing processes improve, many substances made on a large scale being nearly c.p., it was deemed that the tables would have more practical value if they were based upon c.p. compounds. As to any scientific merit they may possess, it is needless to say that such a positive basis to which they can always be referred is an essential. All of the analytical and specific-gravity determinations, de- terminations of the coefficient of expansion (or allowance for temperature), determination of boiling points, as well as all cal- culations and clerical work, were performed by two experienced men working independently. SPECIFIC-GRAVITY DETERMINATIONS All specific-gravity determinations were taken at 60F., com- pared with water at 60F. The work was done in winter and no account was taken of differences of atmospheric pressure or temperature, which averaged about 760 mm. and 65F. The apparatus used in this work was a 50-c.c. Geissler picnom- eter having a capillary side-arm tube fitted with a glass cap, in the top of which was a small hole which allowed the liquid to expand without loosening the thermometer or cap, at the same time preventing loss while weighing. The thermometer, which was ground to fit the neck of the bottle, was graduated to J^F. and readable to Hs ^., and was frequently checked against a standard thermometer. Before making a determination the water content of the bottle was first accurately determined and checked from time to time during a series of determinations. To obtain the water content, the bottle together with the thermometer and glass cap were carefully cleaned, dried and weighed. (The accuracy of the balance and weights were systematically checked against a COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION 29 standard set of weights.) The bottle was then filled with freshly distilled water at 55-57F., and the thermometer tightly in- serted. As the temperature slowly rose, the water expanded through the capillary side arm. When the thermometer regis- tered 60F., the last drop was removed from the top of the capil- lary, the tube capped and the whole weighed. This weight, less the tare obtained above, was taken as the water content of the bottle at 60F. Check determinations agreed within 0.002 gram, or less than 0.00005 specific gravity. Distilled water freed from carbon dioxide by boiling, and cooling in a closed vessel, gave the same water content as the ordinary distilled water which was used throughout the work. This water was free from chloride and residue upon evaporation. In determining the specific gravity of liquids, the weight of the liquid contained by the bottle at 60F. was obtained as above. This weight, divided by the water content, equals the specific gravity. It was thought that the temperature of the liquid in the bottle might vary in different parts and the whole not have the same temperature as registered by the thermometer in the center of the bottle. To ascertain the facts in the case a beaker was filled with water below the temperature of the room, and a thermom- eter placed in the center of the beaker showed the same tempera- ture, as those placed near the sides, the temperature rising uni- formly throughout the liquid. COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION The correction for temperature was found by allowing the liquid to slowly expand, and when the temperature had risen 8-10F., the tube was wiped off and capped, and the apparatus again weighed. Another weight was taken at a still higher tem- perature, and from these results the difference in specific gravity for 1F. and the number of degrees corresponding to lBe. were calculated. To determine how much the expansion of the pic- nometer affected the specific-gravity determinations at different 30 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK temperature, the bottle was filled with distilled water and weighed at 50, 60, 70 and 80F. From Kopp's table of the volume of water at different temperatures, the increase in volume of 50 c.c. for each 10F. was calculated. If the bottle had not expanded, the successive differences in weight should have corresponded with the differences in volume, but in each case the differences in weight were less than the calculated expansion of water, the amount less being due to the expansion of the glass bottle. The results showed that 1F. = 0.00062 gram = effect of expansion of 50-c.c. bottle. 100 c.c. = 0.0012 gram which would make a difference of 0.000012 specific gravity, which is less than the accuracy of our determinations, and no correction has been made for it. Analytical Determinations. All calculations are based upon F. W. Clarke's " Table of Atomic Weights," 19010 = 16. Preparation of Standards. The following standards were prepared by the methods to be described: Sodium carbonate (a) ignited at low red heat to constant weight; sodium carbonate (b) heated at 572F. to constant weight; ammonium sulphate; 100 per cent, sulphuric acid; sulphuric anhydride; sulphanilic acid. Sodium Carbonate (a). This standard was prepared from the purest obtainable sodium bicarbonate made by the ammonia process and specially selected for us by a prominent manufac- turer. Our analysis showed it to contain in addition to some sodium chloride Per cent. Per cent. SiO 2 0.001 equivalent Na 2 CO 3 = 0.00 Fe 2 O 3 .Al 2 O 3 0.002 equivalent Na 2 CO 3 = 0.00 CaCO 3 0.010 equivalent Na 2 CO 3 = 0.0106 MgCO 3 .. . . 0.009 equivalent Na 2 CO 3 = 0.0113 0.022 0.0219 The impurities that are titratable by an acid, calcium and magnesium carbonates, are exactly equivalent to the sodium carbonate displaced. COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION 31 About 200 grams of sodium bicarbonate were washed in a funnel having a porcelain plate until entirely free from chloride. It was then dried at 100C., protected from acid gases, finely ground, and kept in a sealed bottle until used. About 20 grams of bicarbonate thus prepared was heated in a platinum dish at a moderate red heat, until the weight was constant, and then 5 grams was quickly and accurately weighed for analysis. Our attention was directed to the method of heating sodium carbon- ate, for, in standardizing, various results were obtained depend- ing on the temperature of ignition, the highest temperature giving the greatest alkalinity, or about 0.09 'per cent, greater than the lowest. It remained to be proved whether the high or low result was correct, and whether in heating to the higher temperature (red heat over a Bunsen flame) water was given off, or whether the loss in weight was due to a decomposition of sodium carbonate into sodium oxide and carbon dioxide. In referring to the literature several references were found upon the ignition of sodium carbonate. Mendeteeff, vol. I, p. 525, in quoting the work of Pickering, says: "When sodium carbonate is fused about 1 per cent, of carbon dioxide is disen- gaged." In Lunge's " Untersuchungs Methoden," vol. I, p. 83, reference is made to an article in Zeitschr. f. Angew. Chem., 1897, p. 522, by Lunge, in which he says that soda intended for the standardization of acids must not be heated higher than 300C. (572F.), and if the heating is carried on at this temperature for a sufficient length of time, one may be sure that neither bicarbon- ate nor water is left behind, and yet no sodium oxide has been formed as may happen if the heating is carried to a low red heat. Sodium Carbonate (b). A portion of the washed and dried bicarbonate was carefully heated in a platinum crucible with occasional stirring at 572F. to constant weight, and immediately analyzed. Ammonium Sulphate. Ten grams of the standard acid (to be hereinafter described) were quickly and accurately weighed in a small glass weighing tube, avoiding absorption of moisture from 32 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK the atmosphere. After rinsing the sample into a large platinum dish, it was made slightly ammoniacal with ammonia that had been freshly distilled to free it from silica. During evaporation on the steam bath, the dish was kept covered by a large funnel and protected from acid fumes. Ammonia was added from time to time, as it was found that the salt became acid on evaporation. After evaporation the dish was dried in an air bath to constant weight at 230F. Sulphuric Acid (100 Per Cent. H 2 SO 4 ). In reviewing the work of Pickering (Jour. Chem. Soc., 1890) it occurred to us that it would be possible to make some pure 100 per cent, sulphuric acid, and that the analysis of this would serve as a suitable check on our other methods. Pickering has shown that the curve of the melting point of sulphuric acid near 100 per cent, reaches a maximum at 100 per cent. Therefore, by starting with an acid slightly less than 100 per cent, and another slightly more than 100 per cent., a point should be reached in recrystallizing when the successive crops of crystals obtained from both acids should show the same per cent, sulphuric acid. This was actually the case. Starting with 2 liters of chemically pure sulphuric acid, pure redistilled sulphuric anhydride was added until, on analysis, the strength was 99.8 per cent. The bottle was shaken during crys- tallization so as to obtain small crystals, and when the bottle was half full of crystals the mother liquor was drained off through a porcelain plate fitted over the mouth of the bottle and having a glass tube passing through its center to the bottom of the bottle through which air dried with strong sulphuric acid was admitted, when the bottle was inverted. By draining the crystals for several hours at a temperature slightly above the melting point, the mother liquor was entirely removed. These crystals were then melted and recrystallized, and drained as described above. The crystals thus contained were melted, recrystallized and drained, the final crystals being melted and kept in a sealed COEFFICIENT OF EXPANSION 33 bottle until analyzed. Two liters of acid were prepared, analyz- ing 100.1 per cent, sulphuric acid. From this the standard was prepared in exactly the same manner as in the case of acid analyz- ing 99.8 per cent, sulphuric acid. Sulphuric Anhydride. Another method used as a check on our standard was the titration of sulphuric acid formed by the addition of water to 100 per cent, sulphuric anhydride. To do this required especial care first, to obtain a sample of sulphuric anhydride free from water, and, after obtaining it, to mix it with water without loss of anhydride. The plan adopted was as follows : Fuming sulphuric acid containing 40 per cent, free SOs was distilled at a low temperature into a long-necked flask fitting tightly over the delivery tube of the retort. A few crystals of potassium permanganate were added to oxidize any sulphur dioxide present. The first 25 c.c. of the distillate were rejected. About 200 c.c. were distilled over. Then this 200 c.c. was redis- tilled, rejecting the first few cubic centimeters and collecting about 100 c.c. in an ordinary distilling flask, to the delivery tube of which was sealed the open end of a test-tube, which had been drawn out in the center, and bent at the constricted part, almost to a right angle, thus forming a receiver. As soon as the distilla- tion into the flask was completed the neck was sealed, thus making the whole apparatus air-tight. By warming the flask to 140F. and cooling the receiver, about 20 grams of sulphuric anhydride were distilled over into the latter, which was then sealed at the constricted part having a slight vacuum. Sulphanilic Acid. In looking through the list of organic acids for one that would be suitable, sulphanilic acid was decided upon on account of its being a monobasic acid with a high molecular weight, crystallizing without water and drying without decompo- sition. The so-called c.p. acid was recrystallized three times, finely ground, and dried in an air bath at 230F. to constant weight. 34 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK ANALYSIS OF STANDARDS For the comparison of the above carefully prepared compounds as standards 2 liters of c.p. sulphuric acid were used. This acid was tested for impurities, found to be practically free, and was kept sealed when not in use, its percentage composition being determined as follows: Sodium Carbonate (a). Five grams of freshly ignited sodium carbonate, prepared as above, were quickly weighed out, and an amount of standard acid, slightly in excess of the amount required for neutralization was weighed in a small weighing tube and washed into a flask containing the sodium carbonate. After boiling for 15 min. to expel carbon dioxide, the excess of sulphuric acid was titrated with N/2 sodium hydroxide, using phenolph- thalein as indicator. A short stem funnel was placed in the neck of the flask to prevent loss while boiling. Duplicate analyses of the standard acid by this method gave 97.33-97.35 per cent, of sulphuric acid. Sodium Carbonate (6). Five grams sodium carbonate, pre- pared as above by heating at 572F. to constant weight, were used in determining the strength of our standard acid. Observing exactly the same conditions described above, we obtained 97.41- 97.42 per cent, sulphuric acid. Ammonium Sulphate. The ammonium sulphate dried to con- stant weight at 230F., as described above, was cooled in a desic- cator and quickly weighed. The salt was then dissolved in water and the small amount of free acid present, as indicated by methyl orange, was titrated with N/3 sodium hydroxide. Adding an equivalent weight of ammonia to the weight above, gave 97.41 per cent, as the strength of the sulphuric acid. The amount of acid titrated was less than 0.10 per cent, (with methyl orange a sharp end point is obtained). A duplicate analysis gave 97.41 per cent, of sulphuric acid. Sulphuric Acid (100 Per Cent. H 2 SO 4 ). About 6 grams of acid, crystallized from 99.8 per cent, sulphuric acid, as described above, were introduced into the bottom of a small weighed tube ANALYSIS OF STANDARDS 35 by means of a long-stemmed dropping tube manipulated with a rubber bulb. The glass stopper was then inserted in the tube, the whole weighed, after which the acid was carefully washed into a casserole containing cold water, and titrated with sodium hydroxide solution, using phenolphthalein as indicator, according to the method to be described. Assuming this acid to be 100 per cent, sulphuric acid, and using the NaOH solution standardized on this basis to determine the composition of the standard acid, duplicate determinations gave 97.39-97.41 per cent, sulphuric acid. Acid crystallized from 100.1 per cent, sulphuric acid. Using this standard exactly as in the preceding our standard acid analyzed 97.40 per cent, sulphuric acid. Sulphuric Anhydride. The tube containing the sulphuric an- hydride was weighed and placed in a glass-stoppered bottle con- taining about 100 c.c. of water. The tip was broken off above the level of the water and the bottle sealed. After standing in a warm place for 3 days, the sulphuric anhydride had distilled out of the tube and was absorbed by the water, thus mixing without any loss of sulphuric anhydride. The glass tube was dried and weighed, and, deducting this weight from the weight above, we have the weight of sulphuric anhydride. The resulting acid was diluted to 1 liter and 300 c.c. measured with the dividing burette were titrated with sodium hydroxide solution, using phenolph- thalein as indicator, boiling out carbon dioxide and observing the same conditions as in standardizing. Assuming the sulphuric anhydride to be absolute, and using the sodium hydroxide solution, standardized on this basis, to determine the strength of the standard acid, it was found to be 97.40 and 97.43 per cent, of sulphuric acid. Sulphanilic Acid. Twenty grams of this acid, prepared as described above, were titrated, using about 95 c.c. of sodium hydroxide solution, phenolphthalein as indicator, and observing all conditions as in standardizing with sulphuric acid. Assuming the acid to be 100 per cent, pure, and using the sodium hydroxide 36 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK solution standardized on this basis to determine the strength of our standard acid, it was found to be 97.41 per cent, of sulphuric acid. Recapitulation of composition of standard sulphuric acid re- ferred to all the standards employed : Per cent. Average Sodium carbonate (A) Ignited at low red heat to constant weight 97.33 97 34 (B) Heated at 572F to constant weight 97.35 97.41 97 415 Ammonium sulphate method [ 97.42 97.41 97 41 100 per cent, sulphuric acid prepared from acid slightly under 100 per cent 100 per cent, sulphuric acid prepared from acid slightly over 100 per cent 97.41 97.39 97.41 97 40 97.40 97 40 Sulphuric anhydride ' 97.40 97.415 Sulphanilic acid 97.43 97.41 97.41 The close agreement between the above standards, with one exception, is only what the writer and his assistants ex- pected, provided the standards themselves were pure. The analytical methods employed and to be described yield results in experienced hands that are entirely in accordance with the above figures. The abnormal result in the case of sodium carbonate ignited at a low red heat was investigated as follows : About 20 grams of sodium carbonate were heated to constant weight at 572F., and 10 grams used for analysis of the standard acid showed it to contain 97.416 per cent, sulphuric acid. Ten ANALYSIS OF STANDARDS 37 grams were placed in a platinum boat in a combustion tube, where it was heated to moderate red heat in a combustion furnace. A slow stream of dry air, free from carbon dioxide, was aspirated through the tube, and the carbon dioxide, disengaged by heating the sodium carbonate, was absorbed in a saturated solution of barium hydroxide, contained in a bottle. A Mohr bulb contain- ing barium hydroxide was connected with the bottle and proved the complete absorption of carbon dioxide therein. After aspi- rating for several hours, the bulb was connected directly to the tube and the aspiration continued, which showed that no more carbon dioxide was evolved, no precipitate being formed. The excess of barium hydroxide was neutralized with strong HC1, and finally carefully titrated with N/300 hydrochloric acid, using phenolphthalein as indicator; the barium carbonate was then titrated with N/300 hydrochloric acid, using methyl orange as. indicator. A blank titration was made using the same reagents, and the difference between the two methyl orange titrations represented the alkalinity due to barium carbonate. In this way 0.0060 gram carbon dioxide were determined by a titration of about 35 c.c. of hydrochloric acid, thus making a simple and accurate determination. 1 The carbonate of soda that had been heated in the combustion tube was removed, accurately weighed, and used to analyze the standard acid. About 10 grams were used, and the result obtained was 97.358 per cent., which is 0.058 per cent, lower than the result obtained above. 0.0060 gram of carbon dioxide formed by decomposition of sodium carbonate would leave 0.0084 gram Na 2 0, which, when weighed and calculated as Na 2 COa, would make a difference in the per cent, of sulphuric acid of 0.056 per cent., which agrees within 0.002 per cent, with the result found. 1 This method was subsequently published in the Analyst, May, 1904, vol, 29, pp. 152-153, THOS. MACARA. 38 SULPHURIC A.CID HANDBOOK After heating to redness: 9.9916 grams Na 2 CO 3 are equivalent to . 9 . 2369 grams H 2 SO 4 0.0084 gram Na 2 CO 3 are equivalent to 0.0134 gram H 2 SO 4 9. 2503 grams H 2 SO 4 Before heating to redness : 10 . 0000 grams Na 2 CO 3 are equivalent to 9 . 2447 grams H 2 SO 4 Increased alkalinity due to Na 2 O formed 0. 0056 gram H 2 SO 4 Equivalent to . 056 per cent, of H 2 S0 4 If the C02 found had been the result of decomposition of sodium bicarbonate, the increased alkalinity would have been 0.078 per cent, instead of 0.058 per cent, as found. By heat : 2NaHC0 3 = Na 2 C0 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O. 168.116 106.1 44 18.016 . 0060 gram CO 2 found are equivalent to . 0228 gram NaHCO 3 , After heating to redness : 10 . grams Na 2 CO 3 are equivalent to 9 . 2447 grams H 2 SO 4 Before heating to redness : 9 . 9772 grams Na 2 CO 3 are equivalent to 9 . 2236 grams 0.0228 gram NaHCO 3 are equivalent to 0.0133 gram 9 . 2369 grams 9 . 2369 grams H 2 SO 4 Increased alkalinity due to formation 0.0078 gram H 2 SO 4 or of Na 2 C0 3 from NaHCO 3 equivalent to 0. 078 per cent, of H 2 SO 4 It is thus indicated by this experiment that the carbon dioxide formed is the result of decomposition of NagCO? into Na,0+C0 8 . ANALYSIS OF STANDARDS 39 A sample of sodium carbonate, prepared by drying to constant weight at 572F., was heated until it had completely fused, and analysis showed an increased alkalinity equivalent to 0.30 per cent, of carbon dioxide disengaged. If the -calcium and magnesium carbonates present in the puri- fied carbonate were entirely converted into oxides when ignited at low red heat only 0.018 per cent, increased alkalinity would be accounted for. These results, considered together with the close agreement between the other standards and sodium carbonate ignited at 572 F., are very convincing arguments in favor of preparing standard sodium carbonate in this manner. Standard Acid. Averaging the results obtained from the different standards enumerated above, excepting sodium carbon- ate ignited to redness, its percentage composition was found to be 97.41 per cent, sulphuric acid. This acid or its equivalent was used for standardizing the caustic soda that was employed for all analytical determinations embraced in these tables. The burette used was a 100-c.c. chamber burette graduated from 95-100 c.c. in Ko c.c., and readable to Koo c.c. The burette was standardized between 95 and 100 by weighing mer- cury delivered every J^ c.c., and for 1 c.c. the mercury was weighed every J^Q c.c.; the readings and graduations were found to be accurate to Koo c.c. The burette was frequently cleaned with strong sulphuric acid, so that it drained perfectly for each determination. Standard Sodium Hydroxide Solution. This solution was pre- pared from c.p. caustic soda, purified by baryta, and was made of such strength that 6 grams of standard acid required 95-98 c.c. Caustic soda purified by alcohol is not suitable for this purpose, as it does not drain properly in the burette, but produces an oily appearance. To standardize this solution, using methyl orange as indicator, about 6 grams of the standard acid were quickly and accurately weighed out, diluted with about 400 c.c. cold dis- 40 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK tilled water and 1 c.c. of a J-{Q P er cent, solution of methyl orange added. The caustic soda solution was then run in from the 100- c.c. chamber burette until a few tenths of a cubic centimeter ex- cess had been added, and after 3-min. draining the burette was read. Standard sulphuric acid of strength about equivalent to the soda solution was added from a burette until a trace changed the color of the solution from yellow to orange. The end point is sharper in titrating from alkaline to acid than vice versa. H 2 SO 4 taken - H 2 SO 4 2d titration ^. ^TT - = grams of sulphuric acid equivalent to 1 c.c. sodium hydroxide solution. A thermometer was kept in the standard solution, and the temperature at which the solution was standardized was re- corded, and in making a subsequent titration at any other tem- perature the necessary correction was applied to the reading. The correction for temperature was determined with the pic- nometer, as described above, and for 100 c.c. of solution was found to be 0.015 c.c. = 1F., to be subtracted when the tem- perature was above the temperature of standardizing, and added when below. Duplicate titrations agreed within 0.03 c.c. Methyl orange was used in titrating nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and ammonia. To standardize with phenolphthalein, about 6 grams of the standard acid were accurately weighed out and poured into a casserole containing about 25 c.c. of cold water, all acid being rinsed from a small weighing beaker into the casserole. One cubic centimeter of phenolphthalein solution (1 gram per liter) was added, and the sodium hydroxide solution run in from the 100-c.c. chamber burette until within about 0.5 c.c. of the end point. The solution was then boiled for 5 min. to remove carbon dioxide, and the titration finished by cutting the drops from the tip of the burette until a fraction of a drop produced a faint pink color. This tint was carefully noted, and all analyses run to the NITRIC-ACID TABLE 41 same end point. By boiling for exactly 5 min., provision was made for uniform draining of the burette. Duplicate titrations agreed within 0.02 c.c. While the limits of burette reading were placed at 0.03 c.c. when methyl orange was used, and 0.02 c.c. for phenolphthalein, yet, as will be shown, the actual duplicates obtained by two men working independently averaged much closer. Dividing Burette. The dividing burette referred to under standardizing with sulphuric anhydride is designed for accurately dividing a solution. It consists of a burette the top of which is drawn to a capillary and bent downward; the stop-cock of the burette is a three-way cock, the third passage being connected to a vertical tube at the top of which is a funnel for filling the burette. One and 2-liter flasks with small necks were graduated by running from the burette a sufficient number of times to fill the flask to a point in the neck. This point was carefully checked, and in subsequent use, it was always filled to this mark/ The amount of water delivered by the burette was weighed, and the weights checked within 0.004 gram, or Ms>ooo of the weight of one burette full. In measuring out an equivalent of 5 grams of a liquid made up to volume, the error would be 0.0002 gram. The tables are described in the order in which they were pre- pared during a period of nearly 3 years. NITRIC-ACID TABLE The c.p. nitric acid employed was free from nitrous and hydro- chloric acids, and the residue upon evaporation at 212F. was too small to affect the determinations. This acid was used for all samples up to 43Be., and for the stronger samples this acid was concentrated by distilling with pure glacial phosphoric acid and potassium permanganate, the latter to prevent the formation 42 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK of nitrous acid. 95.80 per cent, nitric acid was the strongest sample obtainable, for above this point the acid contained large amounts of nitrous acid. The specific-gravity determinations were made as described above, and at the same time the picnometer was filled, a 6 to 8-gram sample was weighed in a small weighing tube having a ground-glass stopper, which prevented loss while weighing and diluting. The sample was diluted with water by removing the stopper of the tube with a glass fork while immersed in a casserole containing approximately 400 c.c. of water. The titration was then made, using methyl orange as indicator, observing the con- ditions described in standardizing. Allowance for Temperature. After determining the specific gravity of the different strengths employed at 60F., the tem- perature was raised to 70F., and the picnometer weighed; like- wise at 80F. from this data the allowance for temperature was calculated, and was found to be uniform for a given strength of acid. At 43Be*. the determinations were made from 50 to 90F. The following determinations were made, and from these the table was calculated by interpolation, the specific gravity and corresponding percentage composition being calculated to cor- respond with each 0.25Be. From the Baume* the corresponding specific gravity was calcu- lated by the formula: Degrees Baume = 145 5 ^ r Specific gravity The instability of 96 per cent, nitric acid is so great that agree- ing determinations were difficult to obtain, and those selected corresponded with the differential of the table at this point. NITRIC-ACID TABLE 43 Specific gravity Per cent. HNOs Specific gravity Per cent. HNOs 1.0844 1 14.49 1.4506 77.15 1.4507 77.16 1.1095 1 18.45 1.4563 78.78 1 . 1659 1 27.15 1.4563 78.80 1.2109 1 33.80 1.4707 82.88 1.4707 82.91 1.2641 41.77 1.2643 41.81 1.4873 88.33 1.4871 88.31 1.3144 49.69 1.3144 49.70 1.4951 91.42 1.4950 91.39 1.3761 60.45 1.3760 60.44 1.4963 91.92 1.4961 91.91 1.4469 76.57 1.4471 76.57 1.5014 94.59 1.5014 94.58 1.4405 74.84 1.4404 74.80 1.5037 95 64 1.5044 95.80 1 These determinations are the average of results that checked within 0.0001 specific gravity and 0.02 per cent., the record of which has been lost. The following will show the comparative sensitiveness of the analytical determinations, specific-gravity determinations and reading of a delicate Baume hydrometer and thermometer gradu- ated to 1F., in terms of specific gravity: 36. Anal. det. Sp.-gr. det. Be. reading Ho 15 30 45 0.00013 sp. gr. 0.00013 sp. gr. 0. 00008 sp. gr. 0.0001 sp. gr. 0.0001 sp. gr. 0.0001 sp. gr. 0.00044 sp. gr. 0. 00056 sp. gr. 0. 00072 sp. gr. 44 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK HYDROCHLORIC-ACID TABLE The purest c.p. hydrochloric acid obtainable was tested for free chlorine, sulphuric acid and residue upon evaporation at 212F. There were only traces of impurities, which would affect the determinations less than the errors of manipulation. For the samples above 22Be. this acid was concentrated by distilling it into a portion cooled in ice water. 42.61 per cent, hydrochloric acid was the strongest sample upon which a specific- gravity determination could be obtained at 60F. Above this point bubbles of gas were formed in the picnometer when warmed to 60F. The specific gravity and allowance for temperature were determined as in the case of nitric acid. The allowance for tem- perature was found to be uniform for each strength of acid; 22Be. deteminations were made from 50 to 90F. After making the above determinations the thermometer of the picnometer was withdrawn while the bottle was immersed in about 700 c.c. of water in a large casserole, thus avoiding loss while diluting. The bottle was carefully washed out and the dilute acid made up to 2 liters in a flask standardized against the 100 c.c., dividing burette and portions of this solution were taken with the burette for titration with sodium hydroxide. Methyl orange was used as indicator, the same conditions used in stand- ardizing being closely followed, about 98 c.c. of sodium hydroxide solution being used for each determination. A sample of hydro- chloric acid was analyzed by precipitating with silver nitrate and the silver chloride calculated to hydrochloric acid checked the results obtained by titration. By silver chloride By titration 29.97 per cent. HC1 29. 98 per cent. HC1 29. 97 per cent. HC1 30. 00 per cent. HC1 HYDROCHLORIC-ACID TABLE 45 The following determinations were made, and from these the table was calculated by interpolation, the specific gravity and corresponding percentage composition being calculated for each lBe. from l-5, 0.25Be., from 5-16 and for the rest of the table for each 0.1 Be. Specific gravity Per cent. HC1 Specific gravity Per cent. HC1 1.02813 1.02815 5.73 5.73 1 . 13926 1.13928 27.44 27.47 1.05353 1.05359 10.74 10.73 1 . 15277 1 . 15273 30.07 30.04 1 . 07676 1.07678 15.37 15.37 1 . 16642 1 . 16652 32.70 32.72 1.09670 1.09664 19.29 19.28 1.19918 1.19902 39.61 39.56 1.11440 1.11442 22.73 22.76 1 . 20586 1 . 20584 41.16 41.13 1 . 12300 1 . 12300 24.35 24.37 1.21140 1.21120 42.65 42.57 The following will show the comparative sensitiveness of the analytical determinations, specific gravity determination and reading of a delicate Baume hydrometer and thermometer gradu- ated to 1F. in terms of specific gravity: Specific gravity Anal. det. Sp.-gr. det. Be. Ho 10 18 24 . 00004 sp. gr. 0.00015 sp. gr. 0.00012 sp. gr. 0. 00005 sp. gr. 0. 00005 sp. gr. 0. 00010 sp. gr. 0. 00027 sp. gr. 0.00031 sp. gr. 0.00033 sp. gr. 46 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC-ACID TABLE The c.p. sulphuric acid used was 1.84 specific gravity, was free from hydrochloric and nitric acids and ammonia and gave a trace of residue upon evaporation. The impurities were less than enough to affect either the specific gravity or analytical determinations. The specific-gravity determinations were made as described above, except that in bringing the temperature to 60F., the picnometer was immersed to the neck in a beaker of water a few degrees below 60F., so that the temperature rose slowly, being the same inside and outside when capped. The allowance for temperature for every 10F. between 50 and 90 F. was determined at the following degrees Baume": 66, 63, 57, 51, 44, 36, 29, 21, 12. It was found to be practically uniform for a given strength of acid, and the results are based on a range of 40F., the table giving the corrections at even degrees Baume", being calculated from these results by interpolation. Samples were taken from the picnometer for analysis, and an amount of acid was weighed out each time which would require between 95 and 100 c.c. of soda solution. With the weakest samples a more dilute standard soda solution was used, but the same conditions as used in standardizing with phenolphthalein were closely observed in all cases. The boiling-point determinations were made in a 200 c.c. long- necked flask, using about 100 c.c. of acid in each case. A certi- fied thermometer accurate to 1F. was suspended in the acid. A small piece of porcelain was placed in the bottom of the flask to facilitate boiling. The flask was gradually heated with a free flame and the temperature recorded when boiling was first perceptible. The following determinations were made, and from these the table was calculated by interpolation, the specific gravity and the corresponding percentage composition being calculated for each degree Baume from 0-64 and for each > Be. from 64-e6Be. SULPHURIC-ACID TABLE 47 From the Baume* the corresponding specific gravity was calcu- 145 lated by the formula: Degrees Baume = 145 - specific gravity The degree Twaddle was calculated by dividing the , decimal part of the specific gravity by 0.005. Specific gravity Per cent. H Z SO< Specific gravity Per cent. HjSOi 1 . 00488 0.713 1 . 52814 62.342 1.00468 0.701 1.52803 62.334 1.03471 5.145 1 . 54403 63.792 1.03470 5.142 1 . 54399 63.776 1.06488 9.473 1 . 57481 66.518 1.06472 9.469 1.57482 66.515 1.09918 14.221 1.62722 70.990 1.09912 14.217 1.62723 71.000 1 . 13532 19.042 1.66807 74.480 1 . 13532 19.041 1.66773 74.438 1.17362 23.936 1.70438 77.546 1 . 17344 23.929 1.70449 77.555 1.21051 28.549 1 . 72577 79.377 1.21045 28.543 1.72576 79.398 1.25129 33.488 1.74733 81.322 1.25132 33.484 1.74714 81 . 324 1.29513 38.651 1.77002 83.482 1.29507 38.631 1.76987 83.467 1.34415 44.149 1 . 79590 86.364 1.34403 44.140 1.79603 86.363 1.39469 49.521 1.81185 88.534 1.39460 49.519 1.81163 88.527 1.43084 53.193 1.81939 89.752 1.43072 53.175 1.81929 89.732 1.46673 56.674 1.82756 91.337 1.46678 56.675 1.82750 91.308 1.48219 58.143 1.83557 93.219 1.48225 58.128 1.83555 93.226 48 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK The following will show the comparative sensitiveness of the analytical determinations, the specific-gravity determinations, and the reading of a delicate Baume hydrometer and thermometer graduated to 1F., in terms of a specific gravity: B6. Anal. det. Sp.-gr. det. B6. Ko 20 50 66 0. 00007 sp. gr. 0.00005 sp. gr. 0.00004 sp. gr. 0.00005 sp. gr. 0.00005 sp. gr. 0.00006 sp. gr. 0.00024 sp. gr. 0. 00040 sp. gr. 0.00057 sp. gr. The following chemists, my assistants, aided in the preparation of the tables : W. P. KERN, B. S. N. A. LAURY, B. S. J. G. MELENDY, B. S. A. J. LOTKA, B. Sc. HARDEE CHAMBLISS, M. S., PH. D. C. A. BIGELOW, B. S. H. B. BISHOP, B. S. A. F. WAY, B. S. W. W. SANDERS, B. S. H. P. MERRIAM, PH. D. T. LYNTON BRIGGS, F. I. C., F. C. S. Such merit as these tables possess is largely due to these gentle- men, but more especially to Mr. Bishop who had immediate charge of, and participated in most of the determinations, and who shared with the writer the preparation of this paper. NITRIC ACID 49 NITRIC ACID BY W. C. FERGUSON Degrees Baume Specific gravity 60 F 60 Degrees Twaddle Per cent. HNOa Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity 60 F 60 ' Degrees Twaddle Per cent. HNOi 10.00 1.0741 14.82 12.86 20.75 .1671 33.42 27.33 10.25 1.0761 15.22 13.18 21.00 .1694 33.88 27.67 10. J 50 1.0781 15.62 13.49 21.25 .1718 34.36 28.02 10.75 1.0801 16.02 13.81 21.50 .1741 34.82 28.36 11.00 1.0821 16.42 14.13 21.75 .1765 35.30 28.72 11.25 1.0841 16.82 14.44 22.00 .1789 35.78 29.07 11.50 .0861 17.22 14.76 22.25 .1813 36.26 29.43 11.75 .0881 17.62 15.07 22.50 .1837 36.74 29.78 12.00 .0902 18.04 15.41 22.75 1 . 1861 37.22 30.14 12.25 .0922 18.44 15.72 23.00 1 . 1885 37.70 30.49 12.50 .0943 18.86 16.05 23.25 1.1910 38.20 30.86 12.75 1.0964 19.28 16.39 23.50 .1934 38.68 31.21 13.00 1.0985 19.70 16.72 23.75 .1959 39.18 31.58 13.25 1.1006 20.12 17.05 24.00 .1983 39.66 31.94 13.50 1 . 1027 20.54 17.38 24.25 .2008 40.16 32.31 13.75 .1048 20.96 17.71 24.50 .2033 40.66 32.68 14.00 .1069 21.38 18.04 24.75 .2058 41.16 33.05 14.25 .1090 21.80 18.37 25.00 .2083 41.66 33.42 14.50 .1111 22.22 18.70 25:25 .2109 42.18 33.80 14.75 .1132 22.64 19.02 25.50 .2134 42.68 34.17 15.00 .1154 23.08 19.36 25.75 .2160 43.20 34.56 15.25 .1176 23.52 19.70 26.00 .2185 43.70 34.94 15.50 .1197 23.94 20.02 26.25 1.2211 44.22 35.33 15.75 .1219 24.38 20.36 26.50 1 . 2236 44.72 35.70 16.00 .1240 24.80 20.69 26.75 1 . 2262 45.24 36.09 16.25 .1262 25.24 21.03 27.00 1.2288 45.76 36.48 16.50 .1284 25.68 21.36 27.25 1.2314 46.28 36.87 16.75 .1306 26.12 21.70 27.50 1.2340 46.80 37.26 17.00 .1328 26.56 22.04 27.75 .2367 47.34 37.67 17.25 .1350 27.00 22.38 28.00 .2393 47.86 38.06 17.50 .1373 27.46 22.74 28.25 .2420 48.40 38.46 17.75 .1395 27.90 23.08 28.50 .2446 48.92 38.85 18.00 .1417 28.34 23.42 28.75 .2473 49.46 39.25 18.25 .1440 28.80 23.77 29.00 .2500 50.00 39.66 18.50 .1462 29.24 24.11 29.25 .2527 50.54 40.06 18.75 .1485 29.70 24.47 29.50 .2554 51.08 40.47 19.00 .1508 30.16 24.82 29.75 .2582 51.64 40.89 19.25 .1531 30.62 25.18 30.00 .2609 52.18 41.30 19.50 .1554 31.08 25.53 30.25 .2637 52.74 41.72 19.75 .1577 31.54 25.88 30.50 .2664 53.28 42.14 20.00 .1600 32.00 26.24 30.75 .2692 53.84 42.58 20.25 .1624 32.48 26.61 31.00 .2719 54.38 43.00 20.50 1.1647 32.94 26.96 31.25 .2747 54.94 43.44 50 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK NITRIC ACID (Concluded) Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity ?O! F 60 ' Degrees Twaddle Per cent. HNOa Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity !F 60 Degrees Twaddle Per cent. HNOs 31.50 .2775 55 . 50 43.89 40.25 1 . 3843 76.86 62.07 31.75 .2804 56.08 44.34 40.50 1.3876 77.52 62.77 32.00 .2832 56.64 44.78 40.75 1.3909 78.18 63.48 32.25 .2861 57.22 45.24 41.00 1.3942 78.84 64.20 32.50 .2889 57.78 45.68 41.25 1.3976 79.52 64.93 32.75 .2918 58.36 46.14 41.50 1.4010 80.20 65.67 33.00 .2946 58.92 46.58 41.75 1.4044 80.88 66.42 33.25 .2975 59.50 47.04 42.00 1 . 4078 81.56 67.18 33.50 .3004 60.08 47.49 42.25 1.4112 82.24 67.95 33.75 .3034 60.68 47.95 42.50 1.4146 82.92 68.73 34.00 .3063 61.26 48.42 42.75 1.4181 83.62 69.52 34.25 .3093 61.86 48.90 43.00 1.4216 84.32 70.33 34.50 .3122 62.44 49.35 43.25 1.4251 85.02 71.15 34.75 .3152 63.04 49.83 43.50 1 . 4286 85.72 71.98 35.00 .3182 63.64 50.32 43.75 .4321 86.42 72.82 35.25 .3212 64.24 50.81 44.00 .4356 87.12 73.67 35.50 .3242 64.84 51.30 44.25 .4392 87.84 74.53 35.75 .3273 65.46 51.80 44.50 .4428 88.56 75.40 36.00 .3303 66.06 52.30 44.75 .4464 89.28 76.28 36.25 .3334 66.68 52.81 45.00 .4500 90.00 77.17 36.50 .3364 67.28 53.32 45 . 25 .4536 90.72 78.07 36.75 .3395 67.90 53.84 45.50 .4573 91.46 79.03 37.00 .3426 68.52 54.36 45.75 .4610 92.20 80.04 37.25 .3457 69.14 54.89 46.00 .4646 92.92 81.08 37.50 .3488 69.76 55.43 46.25 .4684 93.68 82.18 37.75 .3520 70.40 55.97 46.50 1.4721 94.42 83.33 38.00 .3551 71.02 56.52 46.75 1.4758 95.16 84.48 38.25 .3583 71.66 57.08 47.00 1.4796 95.92 85.70 38.50 .3615 72.30 57.65 47.25 1 . 4834 96.68 86.98 38.75 .3647 72.94 58.23 47.50 1 . 4872 97.44 88.32 39.00 .3679 73.58 58.82 47.75 1.4910 98.20 89.76 39.25 .3712 74.24 59.43 48.00 1 . 4948 98.96 91.35 39.50 .3744 74.88 60.06 48.25 1 . 4987 99.74 93.13 39.75 .3777 75.54 60.71 48.50 1.5026 100.52 95.11 40.00 1.3810 76.20 61.38 Specific gravity determinations were made at 60F., compared with water at 60F. From the specific gravities, the corresponding degrees Baum6 were calculated by the following formula: = 145 specific gravity Baume hydrometers for use with this table must be graduated by the above formula, which formula should always be printed on the scale. Atomic weights from F. W. Clarke's table of 1901. O = 16. ALLOWANCE FOR TEMPERATURE At 10-20 Be. HoBe. or .00029 specific gravity = 1F. 20-30 Be. ^ 3 Be. or .00044 specific gravity = 1F. 30-40 Be. ^oBe. or . 00060 specific gravity = 1F. 40-48.5Be. M7Be. or .00084 specific gravity 1F. AUTHORITY W. C. FERGUSON This table has been approved and adopted as a Standard by the Manufacturing Chemists' Association of the United States. W. H. BOWER, JAS. L. MORGAN, HENRY HOWARD, ARTHUR WYMAN. A. G. ROSENGARTEN, New York, May 14, 1903, Executive Committee. HYDROCHLORIC ACID 51 HYDROCHLORIC ACID BY W. C. FERGUSON Degrees Baume Specific gravity 60 60* K Degrees Twaddle Per cent. HC1 Degrees Baum^ Specific wi* GO *' Degrees Twaddle Per cent. HC1 1.00 .0069 1.38 1.40 15.00 1.1154 23.08 22.92 2.00 .0140 2.80 2.82 15.25 1.1176 23.52 23.33 3.00 .0211 4.22 4.25 15.50 1.1197 23.94 23.75 4.00 .0284 5.68 5.69 15.75 1.1219 24.38 24.16 5.00 .0357 7.14 7.15 16.0 1.1240 24.80 24.57 5.25 .0375 7.50 7.52 16.1 1 . 1248 24.96 24.73 5.50 .0394 7.88 7.89 16.2 1 . 1256 25.12 24.90 5.75 .0413 8.26 8.26 16.3 .1265 25.30 25.06 6.00 .0432 8.64 8.64 16.4 .1274 25.48 25.23 6.25 .0450 9.00 9.02 16.5 .1283 25.66 25.39 6.50 .0469 9.38 9.40 16.6 .1292 25.84 25.56 6.75 .0488 9.76 9.78 16.7 .1301 26.02 25.72 7.00 .0507 10.14 10.17 16.8 .1310 26.20 25.89 7.25 .0526 10.52 10.55 16.9 .1319 26.38 26.05 7.50 .0545 10.90 10.94 17.0 .1328 26.56 26.22 7.75 .0564 11.28 11.32 17.1 .1336 26.72 26.39 8.00 .0584 11.68 11.71 17.2 .1345 26.90 26.56 8.25 .0603 12.06 12.09 17.3 .1354 27.08 26.73 8.50 .0623 12.46 12.48 17.4 .1363 27.26 26.90 8.75 .0642 12.84 12.87 17.5 .1372 27.44 27.07 9.00 .0662 13.24 13.26 17.6 .1381 27.62 27.24 9.25 .0681 13.62 13.65 17.7 .1390 27.80 27.41 9.50 .0701 14.02 14.04 17.8 .1399 27.98 27.58 9.75 .0721 14.42 14.43 17.9 .1408 28.16 27.75 10.00 .0741 14.82 14.83 18.0 .1417 28.34 27.92 10.25 .0761 15.22 15.22 18.1 . 1426 28.52 28.09 10.50 .0781 15.62 15.62 18.2 .1435 28.70 28.26 10.75 .0801 16.02 16.01 18.3 .1444 28.88 28.44 11.00 .0821 16.42 16.41 18.4 .1453 29.06 28.61 11.25 .0841 16.82 16.81 18.5 .1462 29.24 28.78 11.50 .0861 17.22 17.21 18.6 1.1471 29.42 28.95 11.75 .0881 17.62 17.61 18.7 1.1480 29.60 29.13 12.00 .0902 18.04 18.01 18.8 1.1489 29.78 29.30 12.25 .0922 18.44 18.41 18.9 .1498 29.96 29.48 12.50 .0943 18.86 18.82 10.0 .1508 30.16 29.65 12.75 .0964 19.28 19.22 K.i .1517 30.34 29.83 13.00 .0985 19.70 19.63 19.2 .1526 30.52 30.00 13.25 1.1006 20.12 20.04 19.3 .1535 30.70 30.18 13.50 1.1027 20.54 20.45 19.4 .1544 30.88 30.35 13.75 1.1048 20.96 20.86 19.5 .1554 31.08 30.53 14.00 1 . 1069 21.38 21.27 19.6 .1563 31.26 30.71 14.25 1.1090 21.80 21.68 19.7 .1572 31.44 30.90 14.50 1.1111 22.22 22.09 19.8 .1581 31.62 31.08 14.75 1.1132 22.64 22.50 19.9 .1590 31.80 31.27 52 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK HYDROCHLORIC ACID (Concluded] Degrees Baume Specific gravity ^2! F 60 Degrees Twaddle Per cent. HC1 Degrees Baume Specific gravity ! F 60 Degrees Twaddle Per cent. HC1 20.0 1 . 1600 32.00 31.45 22.8 1 . 1866 37.32 36.73 20.1 1.1609 32.18 31.64 22.9 1 . 1875 37.50 36.93 20.2 1.1619 32.38 31.82 23.0 1 . 1885 37.70 37.14 20.3 1 . 1628 32.56 32.01 23.1 1.1895 37.90 37.36 20.4 1 . 1637 32.74 32.19 23.2 1 . 1904 38.08 37.58 20.5 1.1647 32.94 32.38 23.3 1.1914 38.28 37.80 20.6 1 . 1656 33.12 32.56 23.4 1 . 1924 38.48 38 . 03 20.7 1 . 1666 33.32 32.75 23.5 1 . 1934 38.68 38.26 20.8 1 . 1675 33.50 32.93 23.6 1 . 1944 38.88 38.49 20.9 1 . 1684 33.68 33.12 23.7 1 . 1953 39.06 38.72 21.0 1.1694 33.88 33.31 23.8 1 . 1963 39.26 38.95 21.1 1 . 1703 34.06 33.50 23.9 1.1973 39.46 39.18 21.2 1.1713 34.26 33.69 24.0 1.1983 39.66 39.41 21.3 1 . 1722 34.44 33.88 24.1 1.1993 39.86 39.64 21.4 1 . 1732 34.64 34.07 24.2 1.2003 40.06 39.86 21.5 1.1741 34.82 34.26 24.3 1.2013 40.26 40.09 21.6 1.1751 35.02 34.45 24.4 1 . 2023 40.46 40.32 21.7 .1760 35.20 34.64 24.5 1 . 2033 40.66 40.55 21.8 .1770 35.40 34.83 24.6 1 . 2043 40.86 40.78 21.9 .1779 35.58 35.02 24.7 1 . 2053 41.06 41.01 22.0 .1789 35.78 35.21 24.8 1.2063 41.26 41.24 22.1 .1798 35.96 35.40 24.9 1.2073 41.46 41.48 22.2 .1808 36.16 35.59 25.0 1.2083 41.66 41.72 22.3 .1817 36.34 35.78 25.1 1.2093 41.86 41.99 22.4 .1827 36.54 35.97 25.2 1.2103 42.06 42.30 22.5 .1836 36.72 36.16 25.3 1.2114 42.28 42.64 22.6 .1846 36.92 36.35 25.4 1.2124 42.48 43.01 22.7 .1856 37.12 36.54 25.5 1.2134 42.68 43.40 Specific-gravity determinations were made at 60F., compared with water at 60F. From the specific gravities, the corresponding degrees Baume" were calcu- ated by the following formula : 145 Degrees Baume = 145 r^ : specific gravity Atomic weights from F. W. Clarke's table of 1901. O = 16. ALLOWANCE FOR TEMPERATURE lO-lS'Be". MoBe. or .0002 sp. gr. for 1F. 15-22Be. HoBe. or .0003 sp. gr. for 1F. 22-25Be. H 8 Be. or .00035 sp. gr. for 1F. AUTHORITY W. C. FERGUSON This table has been approved and adopted as a Standard by the Manufac- turing Chemists' Association of the United States. W. H. BOWER, JAS. L. MORGAN, HENRY HOWARD, ARTHUR WYMAN. A. G. ROSENGARTEN, New York, May 14, 1903. Executive Committee. TABLE OF SULPHURIC ACID BY W. C. FERGUSON AND H. P. TALBOT 54 HANDBOOK SULPHURIC ACTD BY W. C. FERGUSON AND'HJP. TAMJOT Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity ! F 60*' Degrees Twaddle Per cent. H 2 S0 4 Weight of 1 cu. ft. in Ib. av. Per cent. O. V. Pounds O. V. in 1 cui ft. 1.0000 0.0 0.00 62.37 0.00 0.00 , 1 1.0069 1.4 1.02 62.80 1.09 0.68 2 1.0140 2.8 2.08 63.24 2.23 1.41 , 3 1.0211 4.2 3.13 63.69 3.36 2.14 4 1.0284 5.7 4.21 64.14 4.52 2.90 5 1.0357 7.1 5.28 64.60 5.67 3.66 6 1.0432 8.6 6.37 65.06 6.84 4.45 7 1.0507 10.1 7.45 65.53 7.99 5.24 8 1.0584 11.7 8.55 66.01 9.17 6.06 9 1.0662 13.2 9.66 66. ,50 10.37 6.89 10 1.0741 14.8 10.77 66.99 11.56 7.74 j 11 1.0821 16.4 11.89 67.49 12.76 8.61 12 1.0902 18.0 13.01 68.00 13.96 9.49 13 1.0985 19.7 14.13 68.51 15.16 10.39 14 1 . 1069 21.4 15.25 69.04 16.36 11.30 15 1-.1154 23.1 16.38 69.57 17.58 12.23 16 1.1240 24.8 17.53 70.10 18.81 13.19 17 1.1328 26.6 18.71 70.65 20.08 14.18 18 1.1417 28.3 19.89 71.21 21.34 15.20 19 1.1508 30.2 21.07 71.78 22.61 16.23 20 1.1600 32.0 22.25 72.35 23.87 17.27 21 1.1694 33.9 23.43 72.94 25.14 18.34 22 1.1789 35.8 24.61 73.53 26.41 19.42 23 1.1885 37.7 25.81 74.13 27.69 20.53 24 1.1983 39.7 27.03 74.74 29.00 21.68 Specific Gravity determinations were made at 60F., compared with water at 60F. From the Specific Gravities, the corresponding degrees Baume" were cal- 145 tfulated by the following formula : Degrees Baume = 145 ~ ^ ~ r Specific Gravity Baume hydrometers for use with this table must be graduated by the above formula, which formula should always be printed on the scale. 66Be*. = specific gravity 1.8354 = Oil of Vitriol (O. V.). 1 cu. ft. water at 60F. weighs 62.37 Ib. av. Atomic weights from F. W. Clarke's table of 1901. O = 16. H 2 SO 4 = 100 per cent. Per cent. Per cent Per cent. H 2 SO 4 O. V. 60 O. V. = 93.19 = 10000 = 119.98 60 = 77.67 = 83.35 = 100.00 50 = 62.18 = 66.72 = 80.06 SULPHURIC ACID 55 SULPHURIC ACID BY W. C. FERGUSON AND H. P. TALBOT Degrees Baume Freezing 1 (melting) points, F. APPROXIMATE BOILING POINTS 50Be\, 295F. 60Be., 386F. 32.0 61Be"., 400F. 1 31.2 62Be., 415F. 2 30.5 63Be., 432F. 3 29.8 64Be"., 451F. 4 28.9 65Be., 485F. 5 28.1 66B<., 538F. 6 27.2 FIXED POINTS 7 26.3 8 9 25.1 24.0 Specific gravity Per cent. HjSO* Specific gravity Per cent. H,S04 10 22 8 -1V/ 11 tt . O 21.5 .0000 0.00 .5281 62.34 12 20.0 .0048 0.71 .5440 63.79 13 18.3 .0347 5.14 .5748 66.51 14 16.6 .0649 9.48 .6272 71.00 15 16 17 10 14.7 12.6 10.2 77 .0992 .1353 .1736 .2105 14.22 19.04 23.94 28.55 .6679 .7044 .7258 .7472 74.46 77.54 79.40 81.32 lo in . i 40 .2513 33.49 .7700 83.47 J. t/ . O .2951 38.64 .7959 86.36 20 + 1.6 1.3441 44.15 .8117 88.53 21 - 1.8 1.3947 49.52 .8194 89.75 22 - 6.0 1.4307 53.17 .8275 91.32 23 -11.0 1.4667 56.68 .8354 93.19 24 -16.0 1.4822 . 58.14 Acids stronger than 66B6. should have their percentage compositions determined by chemical analysis. AUTHORITIES W. C. FERGUSON; H. P. TALBOT. This table has been approved and adopted as a standard by the Manu- facturing Chemists' Association of the United States. W. H. BOWER, HENRY HOWARD, JAS. L. MORGAN, ARTHUR WYMAN, A. G. ROSENGARTEN, New York, June 23, 1904. Executive Committee. 1 Calculated from Pickering's results, Jour. Lon. Chem. Soc., vol. 57, p. 363. 56 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC ACID (Continued) Degrees Baume Specific gravity 60^ 60 Degrees Twaddle Per cent. H 2 SO4 Weight of 1 cu. ft. in Ib av. Per cent. O. V. Pounds O. V. in 1 cu. ft. 25 1.2083 41.7 28.28 75.36 30.34 22.87 26 1.2185 43.7 29.53 76.00 31.69 24.08 27 1 . 2288 45.8 30.79 76.64 33.04 25.32 28 1 . 2393 47.9 32.05 77.30 34.39 26.58 29 1 . 2500 50.0 33.33 77.96 35.76 27.88 30 1.2609 52.2 34.63 78.64 37.16 29.22 31 1.2719 54.4 35.93 79.33 38.55 30.58 32 1 . 2832 56.6 37.26 80.03 39.98 32.00 33 1 . 2946 58.9 38:58 80.74 41.40 33.42 34 1 . 3063 61.3 39.92 81.47 42.83 34.90 35 1.3182 63.6 41.27 82.22 44.28 36.41 36 1.3303 66.1 42.63 82.97 45.74 37.95 37 1.3426 68.5 43.99 83.74 47.20 39.53 38 1.3551 71.0 45.35 84.52 48.66 41.13 39 1.3679 73.6 46.72 85.32 50.13 42.77 40 1.3810 76.2 48.10 86.13 51.61 44.45 41 1.3942 78.8 49.47 86.96 53.08 46.16 42 .4078 81.6 50.87 87.80 54.58 47.92 43 .4216 84.3 52.26 88.67 56.07 49.72 44 .4356 87.1 53 . 66 89.54 57.58 51.56 45 .4500 90.0 55.07 ' 90.44 59.09 53.44 46 .4646 92.9 56.48 91 . 35 60.60 55.36 47 .4796 95.9 57.90 92.28 62.13 57.33 48 .4948 99.0 59.32 93.23 63.65 59.34 49 .5104 102.1 60.75 94.20 65.18 61.40 50 .5263 105.3 62.18 95.20 66.72 63.52 51 .5426 108.5 63.66 96.21 68.31 65.72 52 .5591 111.8 65.13 97.24 69.89 67.96 53 .5761 115.2 66.63 98.30 71.50 70.28 54 .5934 118.7 68.13 99.38 73.11 72.66 55 .6111 122.2 69.65 100.48 74.74 75.10 56 .6292 125.8 71.17 101.61 76.37 77.60 57 .6477 129.5 72.75 102.77 78.07 80.23 58 .6667 133.3 74.36 103.95 79.79 82.95 59 .6860 137.2 75.99 105.16 81.54 85.75 SULPHURIC ACID SULPHURIC ACID (Continued} 57 Degrees Baume Freezing 1 (melting) points F. 25 -23 ALLOWANCE FOR TEMPERATURE 26 -30 At 10Be. .029 Be. or .00023 sp. gr. = F. 27 -39 At 20Be. .036 Be. or .00034 sp. gr. = F. 28 -49 At 30Be. .035 Be. or .00039 sp. gr. = F. 29 -61 At 40Be. .031 Be. or .00041 sp. gr. = F. At 50Be*. .028 Be. or .00045 sp. gr. = F. 30 -74 At 60Be. .026 Be. or .00053 sp. gr. = F. 31 -82 At 63Be. .026 Be. or .00057 sp. gr. = F. 32 -96 At 66Be. .0235Be. or .00054 sp. gr. = F. 33 -97 34 -91 35 -81 36 70 Ovl 37 38 -60 -53 Per cent. 60Be. Pounds 60 Be. in 1 cu. ft. Per cent. 50Be. Pounds 50Be. in 1 cu. ft. 39 -47 40 -41 61.93 53.34 77.36 66.63 41 -35 63.69 55.39 79.56 69.19 42 -31 65.50 57.50 81.81 71.83 43 -27 67.28 59.66 84.05 74.53 44 -23 69.09 61.86 86.30 77.27 45 -20 70.90 64.12 88.56 80.10 46 -14 72.72 66.43 90.83 82.98 47 -15 74.55 68.79 93.12 85.93 48 -18 76.37 71.20 95.40 88.94 49 -22 78.22 73.68 97.70 92.03 50 -27 80.06 76.21 100.00 95.20 51 -33 81.96 78.85 102.38 98.50 52 -39 83.86 81.54 104.74 101.85 53 -49 85.79 84.33 107.15 105.33 54 -59 87.72 87.17 109.57 108.89 55 . } o 89.67 90.10 112.01 112.55 56 91.63 93.11 114.46 116.30 57 ... f | 93.67 96.26 117.00 120.24 58 95.74 99.52 119.59 124.31 59 _7 ; ffl 97.84 102.89 122.21 128.52 Calculated from Pickering's results, Jour. Lon. Chern. Soc., vol. 57, p. 363. 58 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC ACID (Concluded] Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity 62! F 60 * Degrees Twaddle Per cent. H 2 SO4 Weight of 1 cu. ft. in Ibs. av. Per cent. 0. V. Pounds O. V. in 1 cu. ft. 60 1.7059 141.2 77.67 106 . 40 83.35 88.68 61 1.7262 145.2 79.43 107.66 85.23 91.76 62 1.7470 149.4 81.30 108 . 96 87.24 95.06 63 1.7683 153.7 83.34 110.29 89.43 98.63 64 1.7901 158.0 85.66 111.65 91.92 102.63 64^ 1.7957 159.1 86.33 112.00 92.64 103.75 64> .8012 160.2 87.04 112.34 93.40 104 . 93 64% .8068 161.4 87.81 112.69 94.23 106.19 65 .8125 162.5 88.65 113.05 95.13 107.54 65K .8182 163.6 89.55 113.40 96.10 108.97 65^ .8239 164.8 90.60 113.76 97.22 110.60 65% .8297 165.9 91.80 114.12 98.51 112.42 66 .8354 167.1 93.19 114.47 100.00 114.47 SULPHURIC ACID SULPHURIC ACID (Concluded) 59 Degrees Baum6 Freezing 1 (melting) point Per cent. 60B6. Pounds 60Be. in cubic foot Per cent. 50Be. Pounds 50Be. in cubic foot 60 + 12.6 100.00 106.40 124.91 132.91 61 27.3 102.27 110.10 127.74 137.52 62 39.1 104.67 114.05 130.75 142.47 63 46.1 107.30 118.34 134.03 147.82 64 46.4 110.29 123.14 137.76 153.81 64K 43.6 111.15 124.49 138.84 155.50 64^ 41.1 112.06 125.89 139.98 157.25 64% 37.9 113.05 127.40 141.22 159.14 65 33.1 114.14 129.03 142.57 161.17 65^ 24.6 115.30 130.75 144.02 163.32 65^ 13.4 116.65 132.70 145.71 165.76 65% - 1.0 118.19 134.88 147.63 168.48 66 -29.Q 119.98 137.34 149.87 171.56 60 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC ACID 94-100 per cent. H 2 S(V H. B. BISHOP The acid used in this table was prepared from c.p. 95 per cent, sulphuric acid, which was strengthened to 100 per cent, by the addition of fuming acid made by distilling fuming sulphuric acid (70 per cent, free SO 3 ) into a portion of 95 per cent. c.p. acid, The final acid was tested for impurities; residue upon evapora- tion, chlorine, niter and sulphur dioxide (0.001 per cent.) which was less than the sensitiveness of the determination. The analytical and specific-gravity determinations, and the allowance for temperature were made in the same manner, anc with the same accuracy as in the sulphuric-acid table adoptee by the Manufacturing Chemists' Association, the specific gravity 1.8354 and 93.19 per cent. H 2 SO4 being taken as standard. The actual determinations were made within a few hundredth* of a per cent, of the points given in the table, the even percentage being calculated by interpolation. Per cent. H 2 SO4 Specific gravity Allowance for temperature 66Be-. 93.19 1.8354 At 94 per cent. . 00054 sp. gr. = 1F. 94.00 1.8381 At 96 per cent. 0.00053 sp. gr. = 1F. 95.00 1 . 8407 At 97. 5 per cent. 0.00052 sp. gr. = 1F. 96.00 1.8427 At 100 per cent. 0.00052 sp. gr. = 1F. 97.00 1.8437 97.50 1.8439 98.00 1.8437 99.00 1.8424 100.00 1.8391 W. W. SCOTT: " Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis," 1917. SULPHURIC ACID 61 AUTHOR'S NOTE. Mr. Ferguson in his article describing the methods used in the preparation of the tables adopted by the Manufacturing Chemists' Association names several chemists who assisted him, among them Mr. Bishop. "Such merit as these tables possess is largely due to these gentle- men, but more especially to Mr. Bishop who had immediate charge of and participated in most of the determinations, and who shared with the writer the preparation of this paper." SULPHURIC ACID 0Be.-100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 From 0-66Be. the table is from the one of Ferguson and Talbot with the following supplementals incorporated : Per cent. SO 3 Pounds SOs per cubic foot Pounds H 2 SO 4 per cubic foot Per cent, free water Per cent, combined water Freezing (melting) points calculated in degrees Centigrade from the given degrees Fahrenheit. Approximate boiling points calculated in degrees Centigrade from the given degrees Fahrenheit. . Allowance for temperature calculated per degree Centigrade from the given, per degree Fahrenheit. From 94-100 per cent. H 2 S0 4 is from the table of H. B. Bishop. Mr. Bishop gives only the specific gravity and allowance for temperature per degree Fahrenheit. All other calculations are supplied. Freezing (melting) points were calculated after Knietsch, Ber., 1901. It should be noted that the highest percentages show lower specific gravities than those just below, the maximum being at 97.5 per cent. H 2 S0 4 . 62 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC ACID 0B6.-100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 Degrees Baume Degrees Twaddle Specific gravity Lb. av. per cu. ft. Per cent. S0 3 Lb. SOs per cu. ft. Per cent. H 2 S04 Lb. H 2 SO per cu. ft. 1 1.38 1.0069 62.80 0.83 0.52 1.02 0.64 2 2.80 1.0140 63.24 1.70 1.08 2.08 1.32 3 4.22 1.0211 63.69 2.56 1.63 3.13 1.99 4 5.68 .0284 64.14 3.44 2.21 4.21 2.70 5 7.14 .0354 64.60 4.31 2.78 5.28 3.41 6 8.64 .0432 65.06 5.20 3.38 6.37 4.14 7 10.14 .0507 65.53 6.08 3.98 7.45 4.88 8 11.68 .0584- 66.01 6.98 4.61 8.55 5.64 9 13.24 .0662 66.50 7.89 5.25 9.66 6.42 10 14.82 .0741 66.99 8.79 5.89 10.77 7.21 11 16.42 .0821 67.49 9.71 6.55 11.89 8.02 12 18.04 .0902 68.00 10.62 7.22 13.01 8.85 13 19.70 .0985 68.51 11.54 7.91 14.13 9.69 14 21.38 .1069 69.04 12.45 8.60 15.25 10.53 15 23.08 .1154 69.57 13.37 9.30 16.38 11.40 16 24.80 .1240 70.10 14.31 10.03 17.53 12.29 17 26.56 .1328 70.65 15.27 10.78 18.71 13.22 18 28.34 .1417 71.21 16.24 11.56 19.89 14.16 19 30.16 1.1508 71.78 17.20 12.35 21.07 15.12 20 32.00 1 . 1600 72.35 18.16 13.14 22.25 16.10 21 33.88 1 . 1694 72.94 19.13 13.95 23.43 17.09 22 35.78 1 . 1789 73.53 20.09 14.77 24.61 18.10 23 37.70 1 . 1885 74.13 21.07 15.62 25.81 19.13 24 39.66 1 . 1983 74.74 22.07 16.50 27.03 20.20 25 41.66 1.2083 75.36 23.09 17.40 28.28 21.31 26 43.70 1.2185 76.00 24.11 18.32 29.53 22.44 27 45.76 1.2288 76.64 25.14 19.27 30.79 23.60 28 47.86 1.2393 77.30 26.16 20.22 32.05 24.77 29 50.00 1.2500 77.96 27.21 21.21 33.33 25.98 30 52.18 1.2609 78.64 28.27 22.23 34.63 27.23 31 54.38 1.2719 79.33 29.33 23.27 35.93 28.50 32 56.64 1 . 2832 80.03 30.42 24.35 37.26 29.82 33 58.92 1 . 2946 80.74 31.49 25.42 38.58 31.15 34 61.26 1.3063 81.47 32.59 26.55 39.92 32.52 35 63.64 1.3182 82.22 33.69 27.70 41.27 33.93 36 66.06 1.3303 82.97 34.80 28.87 42.63 35.37 37 68.52 1.3426 83.74 35.91 30. 07 43.99 36.84 38 71.02 1.3551 84.52 37.02 31.31 45.35 38.33 39 73.58 1.3679 85.32 38.14 32.54 46.72 39.86 SULPHURIC ACID 63 SULPHURIC ACID 0B<.-100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 Degrees Baume Per cent, free H 2 O Per cent, combined H 2 Per cent. 0. V. Lb. O. V. in 1 cu. ft. Freezing (melting) points F. c. 1 98.98 0.19 1.09 0.68 31.2 -0.4 2 97.92 0.38 2.23 1.41 30.5 . -0.8 3 96.87 0.57 3.36 2.14 29.8 -1.2 4 95.79 0.77 4.52 2.90 28.9 -1.7 5 94.72 0.97 5.67 3.66 28.1 -2.2 6 93.63 1.17 6.84 4.45 27.2 -2.7 7 92.55 1.37 7.99 5.24 26.3 -3.3 8 91.45 1.57 9.17 6.06 25.1 -3.8 9 90.34 1.77 10.37 6.89 24.0 -4.4 10 89.23 1.98 11.56 7.74 22.8 -5.1 11 88.11 2.18 12.76 8.61 21.5 -5.8 12 86.99 2.39 13.96 9.49 20.0 -6.7 13 85.87 2.59 15.16 10.39 18.3 -7.6 14 84.75 2.80 16.36 11.30 16.6 -8.6 15 83.62 3.01 17.58 12.23 14.7 -9.6 16 82.47 3.22 18.81 13.19 12.6 -10.8 17 81.29 3.44 20.08 14.18 10.2 -12.1 18 80.11 3.65 21.34 15.20 7.7 -13.5 19 78.93 3.87 22.61 16.23 4.8 -15.1 20 77.75 4.09 23.87 17.27 1.6 -16.9 21 76.57 4.30 25.14 18.34 -1.8 -18.8 22 75.39 4.52 26.41 19.42 -6.0 -21.1 23 74.19 4.74 27.69 20.53 -11.0 -23.9 24 72.97 4.96 29.00 21.68 -16.0 -26.7 25 71.72 5.19 30.34 22.87 -23.0 -30.6 26 70.47 5.42 31.69 24.08 -30.0 -34.4 27 69.21 5.65 33.04 25.32 -39.0 -39.4 28 67.95 5.89 34.39 26.58 -49.0 -45.0 29 66.67 6.12 35.76 27.88 -61.0 -51.7 30 65.37 6.36 37.16 29.22 -74.0 -58.9 31 64.07 6.60 38.55 30.58 -82.0 -63.3 32 62.74 6.84 39.98 32.00 -96.0 -71.1 33 61.42 7.09 41.40 33.42 . -97.0 -71.7 34 60.08 7.33 42.83 34.90 -91.0 -68.3 35 58.73 7.58 44.28 36.41 -81.0 -62.8 36 57.37 7.83 45.74 37.95 -70.0 -56.7 37 56.01 8.08 47.20 39.53 -60.0 -51.1 38 54.65 8.33 48.66 41.13 -53.0 -47.2 39 53.28 8.58 50.13 42.77 -47.0 -43.9 64. SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC ACID 0Be.-100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 (Continued} Degrees Baum6 Degrees Twaddle Specific gravity Lb. av. per cu. ft. Per cent. SOs Lb. SOs per cu. ft. Per cent. H 2 S04 Lb. H 2 S0 4 per cu. ft. 40 76.20 1.3810 86.13 39.27 33.82 48.10 41.43 41 78.84 1 . 3942 86.96 40.38 35.11 49.47 43.02 42 81.56 1.4078 87.80 41.53 36.46 50.87 44.66 43 84.32 1.4216 88.67 42.66 37.83 52.26 46.34 44 87.12 1.4356 89.54 43.80 39.22 53.66 48.05 45 90.00 1.4500 90.44 44.96 40.66 55.07 49.81 46 92.92 1.4646 91.35 46.11 42.12 56.48 51.59 47 95.92 1 . 4796 92.28 47.27 43.62 57.90 53.43 48 98.96 1 . 4948 93.23 48.43 45.10 59.32 55.30 49 102.08 .5104 94.20 49.59 46.71 60.75 57.23 50 105 . 26 .5263 95.20 50.76 48.32 62.18 59.20 51 108.52 .5426 96.21 51.97 50.00 63.66 61.25 52 111.82 .5591 97.24 53.17 51.70 65.13 63.33 53 115.22 .5761 98.30 54.39 53.47 66.63 65.49 54 118.68 .5934 99.38 55.62 55.28 68.13 67.71 55 122.22 .6111 100 . 48 56.86 57.13 69.65 69.98 56 125 . 84 .6292 101.61 58.10 59.04 71.17 72.32 57 129 . 54 .6477 102.77 59.39 61.04 72.75 74.77 58 133.34 1.6667 103.95 60.70 63.10 74.36 77.30 59 137.20 1.6860 105.16 62.03 65.23 75.99 79.91 60 141.18 1.7059 106.40 63.40 67.46 77.67 82.64 61 145.24 1 . 7262 107.66 64.84 69.81 79.43 85.51 62 149 . 40 1 . 7470 108 . 96 66.37 72.31 81.30 88.58 63 153.66 1 . 7683 110.29 68.03 75.03 83.34 91.92 64 158 . 02 1 . 7901 111.65 69.92 78.07 85.66 95.64 64^ 159.14 1.7957 112.00 70.47 78.93 86.33 96.69 64^ 160.24 1.8012 112.34 71.05 79.82 87.04 97.78 64% 161.36 1.8068 112.69 71.68 80.78 87.81 98.95 65 162 . 50 1.8125 113.05 72.37 81.81 88.65 100.22 65^ 163 . 64 1.8182 113.40 73.10 82.90 89.55 101.55 65^ 164 . 78 1 . 8239 113.76 73.96 84.14 90.60 103.07 65% 165 . 94 1.8297 114.12 74.94 85.52 91.80 104.76 66 167.08 1.8354 114.47 76.07 87.08 93.19 106.67 1.8381 114.64 76.73 87.97 94.00 107.76 1.8407 114.80 77.55 89.03 95.00 109.06 1.8427 114.93 78.37 90.07 96.00 110.33 1 . 8437 114.99 79.18 91.05 97.00 111.54 1 . 8439 115.00 79.59 91.53 97.50 112.13 1.8437 114.99 80.00 91.99 98.00 112.69 1.8424 114.91 80.82 92.87 99.00 113.76 1.8391 114.70 81.63 93.63 100 . 00 114.70 SULPHURIC ACID 65 SULPHURIC ACID 0Be\-100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 (Continued) Degrees Baum6 Per cent. HiSOi Per cent, free H Z Per cent, combin d H,0e Per cent. o. v. Lb. 0. V. in 1 cu. ft. Freezing (melting) points F. c. 40 51.90 8.83 51.61 44.45 -41.0 -40.6 41 50.53 9.09 53.08 46.16 -35.0 -37.2 42 .'.'..'..'. 49.13 9.34 54.58 47.92 -31.0 -35.0 43 47.74 9.60 56.07 49.72 -27.0 -32.8 44 46.34 9.86 57.58 51.56 -23.0 -30.6 45 44.93 10.11 59.09 53.44 -20.0 -28.9 46 43.52 10.37 60.60 55.36 -14.0 -25.6 47 42.10 10.63 62.13 57.33 -15.0 -26.1 48 40.68 10.89 63.65 59.34 -18.0 -27.8 49 39.25 11.16 65.18 61.40 -22.0 -30.0 50 37.82 11.42 66.72 63.52 -27.0 -32.8 51 36.34 11.69 68.31 65.72 -33.0 -36.1 52 34.87 11.96 69.89 67.96 -39.0 -39.4 53 33.37 12.24 71.50 70.28 -49.0 -45.0 54 31.87 12.51 . 73.11 72.66 -59.0 -50.6 55 30.35 12.79 74.74 75.10 } 56 28.83 13.07 76.37 77.60 Below 57 27.25 13.36 78.07 80.23 -40 58 25.64 13.66 79.79 82.95 59 24.01 13.96 81.54 85.75 - 7.0 -21.7 60 22.33 14.27 83.35 88.68 + 12.6 -10.8 61 20.57 14.59 85.23 91.76 27.3 -2.6 62 18.70 14.93 87.24 95.06 39.1 +3.9 63 16.66 15.31 89.43 98.63 46.1 7.8 64 14.34 15.74 91.92 102.63 46.4 8.0 64M 13.67 15.86 92.64 103.75 43.6 6.4 64^ 12.96 15.99 93.40 104.93 41.1 5.1 64% 12.19 16.13 94.23 106.19 37.9 3.3 65 11.35 16.28 95.13 107.54 33.1 0.6 65^ 10.45 16.45 96.10 108.97 24.6 -4.1 65K 9.40 16.64 97.22 110.60 13.4 -10.3 6534 8.20 16.86 98.51 112.42 -1.0 -18.3 66 6.81 17.12 100.00 114.47 -29.0 -33.9 '94.00 6.00 17.26 100.87 115.64 -20.6 -29.2 95.00 5.00 17.45 101.94 117.03 -7.2 -21.8 96.00 4.00 17.63 103.01 118.39 +9.9 -12.3 97.00 3.00 17.82 104.09 119.69 25.3 -3.7 97.50 2.50 17.91 104.63 120.32 31.3 -0.4 98.00 2.00 18.00 105.16 120.92 37.4 +3.0 99.00 1.00 18.18 106.23 122.07 43.3 6.3 100.00 0.00 18.37 107.31 123.08 50.0 10.0 66 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC ACID 0B6-. 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 (Concluded} Degrees Baum6 Per cent. H 2 S04 Per cent. 60Be. Lb. 60 in 1 cu. ft. Per cent. 50Be. Lb. 50 in 1 cu. ft. 40 41 42 43 61.93 63.69 65.50 67 28 53.34 55.39 57.50 59 66 77.36 79.59 81.81 84 05 66.63 69.19 71.83 74 53 44 69.09 61 86 86 30 77 27 45 46 47 48 70.90 72.72 74.55 76 37 64.12 66.43 68.79 71 20 88.56 90.83 93.12 95 40 80.10 82.98 85.93 88 94 49 78 22 73 68 97 70 92 03 50 80 06 76 21 100 00 95 20 51 52 53 54 55 81.96 83.86 85.79 87.72 89 67 78.85 81.54 84.33 87.17 90 10 102 . 38 104 . 74 107.15 109.57 112 01 98.50 101.85 105 . 33 108.89 112 55 56 91 63 93 11 114 46 116 30 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 93.67 95.74 97.84 100.00 102.27 104.67 107 . 30 110 29 96.26 99.52 102.89 106.40 110.10 114.05 118.34 123 14 117.00 119.59 122.21 124.91 127.74 130.75 134.03 137 76 120.24 124.31 128.52 132.91 137.52 142.47 147.82 153 81 64^ 64^ 64% 65 65M 65 U 111.15 112.06 113.05 114.14 115.30 116 65 124.49 125.89 127.40 129.03 130.75 132 70 138.84 139 . 98 141.22 142.57 144.02 145 71 155.50 157.25 159 . 14 161.17 163.32 165 76 65 YA 118 19 134 88 147 63 168 48 66 119.98 137.34 149 87 171 56 94.00 95.00 96.00 97.00 98.00 99.00 100.00 121.02 122.31 123.60 124.89 126.17 126.46 128.75 138.74 140.41 142.05 143.61 145.08 145 . 32 147 . 68 151.17 152.78 154.39 156.00 157.61 159.22 160.82 173.30 175.39 177.44 179.38 181.24 182 . 96 184.46 SULPHURIC ACID APPROXIMATE BOILING POINTS 67 Degrees Baum6 Boiling point F. C. 50 295 146.1 60 386 196.7 61 400 204.4 62 415 212.8 63 432 222.2 64 451 232.8 65 485 251.6 66 538 281.1 ALLOWANCE FOR TEMPERATURE Strength Per degree Fahrenheit Per degree Centigrade 10Be. . 029Be. . 00023 sp. gr. .052Be. .00041 sp. gr. 20Be\ . 036Be. . 00034 sp. gr. .065Be. .00061 sp. gr. 30Be\ .035Be. . 00039 sp. gr. . 063Be. . 00070 sp. gr. 40Be\ .031Be. .056B<. . 00074 sp. gr. 50B6. .028Bc. .00045 sp. gr. .050Be. . 00081 sp. gr. 60Be". . 026Be. . 00053 sp. gr. .047Be. . 00095 sp. gr. 63Be\ .026Be\ . 00057 sp. gr. .047Be. . 00103 sp. gr. 66Be\ .0235Bo. . 00054 sp. gr. .042Be. . 00097 sp. gr. 94percent.H 2 SO 4 . 00054 sp. gr. . 00097 sp. gr. 96 per cent. H 2 SO 4 . 00053 sp. gr. . 00095 sp. gr. 97.5 per cent. H 2 SO 4 .00052 sp. gr. . 00094 sp. gr. 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 . 00052 sp. gr. . 00094 sp. gr. 68 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC AciD 1 50-62B<. Degrees Baume' Specific gravity ^2!p 60 * Lb. av. per cu. ft. Per cent. H 2 SO4 Per cent. SOj 50.0 .5263 95.20 62.18 50.76 .1 .5279 95.30 62.33 50.88 .2 .5295 95.40 62.48 51 . 00 .3 .5312 95.50 62.62 51.12 .4 .5328 95.60 62.77 51.24 .5 .5344 95.71 62.90 51.37 .6 .5360 95.81 63.07 51.49 .7 .5376 95.91 63.22 51.61 .8 .5393 96.01 63.36 51.73 .9 .5409 96.11 63.51 51.85 51.0 .5426 96.21 63.66 51.97 .1 .5442 96.31 63.81 52.09 .2 .5458 96.42 63.95 52.21 .3 .5475 96.52 64.10 52.33 .4 .5491 96.62 64.25 52.45 .5 .5508 96.73 64.40 52.57 .6 .5525 96.83 64.52 52.69 .7 .5541 96.93 64.69 52.81 .8 .5558 97.03 64.84 52.93 .9 .5575 97.14 64.98 53.05 52.0 .5591 97.24 65.13 53.17 .1 .5608 97.35 65.28 53.29 .2 .5625 97.45 65.43 53.41 .3 .5642 97.56 65.58 53.54 .4 .5659 97.66 65.73 53.66 .5 .5676 97.77 65.88 53.78 .6 .5693 97.88 66.03 53.90 .7 .5710 97.98 66.18 54.02 .8 .5727 98.09 66.31 54.15 .9 .5744 98.19 66.45 54.27 53.0 .5761 98.30 66.63 54.39 .1 .5778 98.41 66.78 54.51 .2 .5795 98.52 66.93 54.64 .3 .5812 98.62 67.08 54.76 .4 .5830 98.73 67.23 54.88 .5 .5847 98.84 67.38 55.01 .6 .5864 98.95 67.53 55.13 .7 .5882 99.06 67.68 55.25 .8 .5899 99.16 67.83 55.37 .9 .5917 99.27 67.98 55.50 1 The values for the even degrees were taken from the preceding table and the values for the tenths of a degree calculated by interpolation. SULPHURIC ACID 69 SULPHURIC ACID 50-62Be. (Continued) Degrees Baum6 Specific gravity 60 60 Lb. av. per cu. ft. Per cent. HiSCh Per cent. SOi 54.0 1.5934 99.38 68.13 55.62 .1 .5952 99.49 68.28 55.74 .2 .5969 99.60 68.43 55.87 .3 .5987 99.71 68.59 55.99 .4 .6004 99.82 68.74 56.12 .5 .6022 99.93 68.89 56.24 .6 .6040 100.04 69.04 56.36 .7 .6058 100.15 69.19 56.49 .8 .6075 100.26 69.35 56.61 9 .6093 100.37 69.50 56.74 55.0 .6111 100.48 69.65 56.86 .1 .6129 100.59 69.80 56.98 .2 .6147 100.71 69.95 57.11 .3 .6165 100.82 70.11 57.23 .4 .6183 100.93 70.26 57.36 .5 .6201 101.05 70.41 57.48 .6 .6219 101.16 70.56 57.60 .7 .6237 101.27 70.71 57.73 .8 .6256 101.38 70.87 57.85 .9 .6274 101.50 71.02 57.98 56.0 .6292 101.61 71.17 58.10 .1 .6310 101 . 73 71.33 58.23 .2 .6329 101.84 71.49 58.36 .3 .6347 101.96 71.64 58.49 .4 .6366 102.08 71.80 '58.62 .5 .6384 102.19 71.96 . 58.75 .6 .6403 102.31 72.12 58.87 .7 .6421 102.42 72.28 59.00 .8 .6440 102.54 72.43 59.13 .9 .6459 102.65 72.59 59.26 57.0 .6477 102.77 72.75 59.39 .1 .6496 102.89 72.91 59.52 .2 .6515 103.01 73.07 59.65 .3 .6534 103.12 73.23 59.78 .4 .6553 103.24 73.39 59.91 .5 .6571 103.36 73.56 60.05 .6 .6590 103.48 73.72 60.18 .7 .6609 103.60 73.88 60.31 .8 1.6628 103 71 74.04 60.44 .9 1.6648 103.83 74.20 60.57 70 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC ACID 50-62B6. (Concluded) Degrees Baume Specific gravity 60 60 Lb. av. per cu. ft. Per cent. H 2 SO4 Per cent. SOs Per cent. 60Baume. 58.0 1.6667 103.95 74.36 60.70 95.74 .1 1.6686 104.07 74.52 60.83 95.95 .2 1.6705 104.19 74.69 60.97 96.17 .3 1.6724 104.31 74.85 61.10 96.37 .4 1.6744 104 . 43 75.01 61.23 96.58 .5 1.6763 104.56 75.18 61.37 96.80 .6 1.6782 104.68 75.34 61.50 97.00 .7 1.6802 104.80 75.50 61.63 97.21 .8 .6821 104.92 75.66 61.76 97.41 .9 .6841 105.04 75.83 61.90 97.63 59.0 .6860 105.16 75.99 62.03 97.84 .1 .6880 105.28 76.16 62.17 98.06 .2 .6900 105.41 76.33 62.30 98.27 .3 .6919 105.53 76.49 62.44 98.49 .4 .6939 105.66 76.66 62.58 98.71 .5 .6959 . 105.78 76.83 62.72 98.93 .6 .6979 105.90 77.00 62.85 99.13 .7 .6999 106.03 77.17 62.99 99.35 .8 .7019 106 . 15 77.33 63.13 99.57 .9 .7039 106.28 77.50 63.26 99.78 60.0 .7059 106.40 77.67 63.40 100.00 .1 .7079 106.53 77.85 63.54 100.22 .2 1.7099 106.65 78.02 63.69 100.46 .3 1.7119 106.78 78.20 63.83 100.68 .4 1.7139 106.90 78.37 63.98 100.91 .5 1.7160 107.03 78.55 64.12 101.14 .6 1.7180 107.16 78.73 64.26 101.36 .7 1.7200 107.28 78.90 64.41 101.59 .8 1.7221 107.41 79.08 64.55 101.81 .9 1.7241 107.53 79.25 64.70 102.05 61.0 1 . 7262 107.66 79.43 64.84 102.27 .1 1 . 7282 107 . 79 79.62 64.99 102.51 .2 1.7303 107.92 79.80 65.15 102 . 76 .3 1.7324 108.05 79.99 65.30 103.00 .4 .7344 108.18 80.18 65.45 103.23 .5 .7365 108.31 80.37 65.61 103.49 .6 .7386 108.44 80.55 65.76 103 . 72 .7 .7407 108.57 80.74 65.91 103 . 96 .8 .7428 108.70 80.93 66.06 104 . 20 .9 .7449 108 . 83 81.11 66.22 104.45 62.0 .7470 108.96 81.30 66.37 104.67 FUMING SULPHURIC ACID 71 FUMING SULPHURIC ACID T. J. SULLIVAN Clear commercial acid was used in all analytical, specific grav- ity and coefficient of expansion (allowance for temperature) determinations. Specific-gravity determinations were made at 15.56C., com- pared with water at 15.56C., a Sartorius hydrostatic specific- gravity balance being used for all determinations. Three sepa- rate samples at each given point agreed on all determinations. The specific gravity 1.8391 of 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 (H. B. Bishop) was taken as standard. This table was constructed as a means of obtaining quick analysis for plant control and is very satisfactory as fuming acid may be checked within 0.1 per cent. SO 3 of the titration analysis. Slight deviations may be due to impurities always present in commercial acid. FIXED POINTS Per cent. SOs Specific gravity 81.63 1.8391 81.9 1.848 82.1 1.853 82.7 1.865 83 . 3 1 . 877 83 . 8 1 . 887 84 . 5 1 . 900 85.1 1.911 85.6 1.922 86.2 1.934 86.5 1.942 87.5 1.958 88.1 ALLOWANCE FOR TEMPERATURE At 82 per cent. SO 3 = 0.00100 per degree C. 83 per cent. SO 3 = 0.00105 per degree C. 84 per cent. SO 3 = 0.00110 per degree C. 85 per cent. SO 3 =0.00110 per degree C. 86 per cent. SO 3 = 0.00115 per degree C. 87 per cent. SO 3 = 0.00120 per degree C. 88 per cent. SO 3 = 0.00125 per degree C. 72 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Per cent, total S0 3 Specific gravity 15.56 Weight per cu. ft., Ib. av. Lb. 80s in cu. ft. Per cent, total SOs Specific gravity 15.56 Weight per cu. ft., Ib. av. Lb. S03 in cu. ft. 15.56 U ' 15. 56' 81.63 1 . 8391 114.70 93.63 84.4 1.899 118.44 99.96 81.7 1.842 114.89 93.87 84.5 1.900 118.50 100.13 81.8 1.845 115.07 94.13 84.6 1.902 118.63 100.36 81.9 1.848 115.26 94.40 84.7 1.904 118.75 100 . 58 82.0 1.851 115.45 94.67 84.8 1.906 118.88 100.81 82.1 1.853 115.57 94.88 84.9 1.908 119.00 101.03 82.2 1.855 115.70 95.11 85.0 1.910 119.13 101.26 82.3 1.857 115.82 95.32 85.1 1.912 119.25 101.48 82.4 1.859 115.95 95.54 85.2 1.914 119.38 101.71 82.5 1.861 116.07 95.76 85.3 1.916 119.50 101.93 82.6 1.863 116.20 95.98 85.4 1.918 119.63 102.16 82.7 1.865 116.32 96.20 85.5 1.920 119.75 102.39 82.8 1.867 116.44 96.41 85.6 1.922 119.88 102.62 82.9 1.869 116.57 96.63 85.7 .924 120.00 102.84 83.0 1.871 '116.69 96.85 85.8 .926 120.12 103.06 83.1 1.873 116.82 97.08 85.9 .928 120.25 103.29 83.2 1.875 116.94 97.29 86.0 .930 120.37 103.52 83.3 .877 117.07 97.52 86.1 .932 120.50 103 . 75 83.4 .879 117.19 97.74 86.2 .934 120.62 103.97 83.5 .881 117.32 97.96 86.3 .936 120.75 104.21 83.6 .883 117.44 98.18 86.4 1.939 120.94 104.49 83.7 .885 117.57 98.41 86.5 1.942 121.12 104.77 83.8 .887 117.69 98.63 87.0 1.950 121.62 105.81 83.9 .889 117.82 98.85 87.5 1.958 122.12 106.81 84.0 .891 117.94 99.07 f Crystallized at 15 . 56 84.1 .893 118.07 99.30 88. 1 1 \ 1.966 at 18C. 84.2 .895 118.19 99.52 1 1 . 944 at 35C. 84.3 .897 118.32 99.75 1 Acid of this strength only remains in solution momentarily when cooled to 18C. Crystallization starts and the acid solidifies with rise of tempera- ture and remains constant at 26C. FUMING SULPHURIC ACID 73 FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Specific gravity at various temperatures degrees C. Per cent. 15.56 20 25 30 35 total SOs 15.56 82.0 1.851 1.846 1.841 1.836 1.831 82.2 1.855 1.850 1.845 1.840 1.835 82.4 1.859 1.854 1.849 1.844 1.839 82.6 1.863 1.858 1.853 1.848 1.843 82.8 1.867 1.862 1.857 1.852 1.847 83.0 .871 1.866 1.860 1.855 1.850 83.2 .875 1.870 1.864 1.859 1.854 83.4 .879 1.874 1.868 1.863 1.858 83.6 .883 1.878 1.872 1.867 1.862 83.8 .887 1.882 1.876 1.871 1.866 84.0 .891 1.886 1.880 1.874 1.869 84.2 .895 1.890 1.884 1.878 .873 84.4 .899 1.894 1.888 1.882 .877 84.6 1.902 1.897 1.891 1.885 .880 84.8 1.906 1.901 1.895 1.889 .884 85.0 1.910 1.905 .899 1.893 .888 85.2 1.914 1.909 .903 1.897 .892 85.4 1.918 1.913 .907 1.901 .896 85.6 1.922 1.917 .911 1.905 .900 85.8 1.926 1.921 .915 1.909 .904 86.0 1.930 1.924 1.918 1.912 1.907 86.2 1.934 1.928 1.922 .916 1.911 86.4 1.939 1.933 1.927 .921 1.916 86.5 1.942 1.936 1.930 .924 1.919 87.0 1.950 1.944 1.938 .932 1.926 87.5 1.958 1.952 1.946 .940 1.934 88.1 Cryst. 1.963 1.956 1.950 1.944 74 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Per cent, free SOs as units Per cent, free SCh Per cent, total S0 3 Per cent, combined S0 3 Per cent, combined H 2 Per cent. H 2 S0 4 Per cent. 100 H 2 S04 81.63 81.63 18.37 100 100.00 1 81.81 80.81 18.19 99 100.22 2 82.00 80.00 18.00 98 100.45 3 82.18 79.18 17.82 97 100.67 4 82.36 78.36 17.64 96 100.89 5 82.55 77.55 17.45 95 101.13 6 82.73 76.73 17.27 94 101.35 7 82.92 75.92 17.08 93 101.58 8 83.10 75.10 16.90 92 101.80 9 83.28 74.28 16.72 91 102.02 10 83.47 73.43 16.57 90 102 . 25 11 83.65 72.65 16.35 89 102 . 47 12 83.83 71.83 16.17 88 102.71 13 84.02 71.02 15.98 87 102 . 92 14 84.20 70.20 15.80 86 103.15 15 84.39 69.39 15.61 85 103.38 16 84.57 68.57 15.43 84 103.60 17 84.75 67.75 15.25 83 103.82 18 84.94 66.94 15.06 82 104.05 19 85.12 66.12 14.88 81 104.28 20 85.30 65.30 14.70 80 104.49 21 85.49 64.49 14.51 79 104.73 22 85.67 63.67 14.33 78 104.95 23 85.86 62.86 14.14 77 105.18 24 86.04 62.04 13.96 76 105.40 25 86.22 61.22 13.78 75 105.62 FUMING SULPHURIC ACID 75 FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Per cent, free SOs as units (Concluded) Per cent, free S03 Per cent, total SO 3 Per cent, combined 80s Per cent, combined H 2 Per cent. Per cent. 26 86.41 60.41 13.59 74 105.85 27 86.59 59.59 13.41 73 106.08 28 86.77 58.77 13.28 72 106.29 29 86.96 57 . 96 13 . 04 71 106.53 30 87.14 57 .14 12 . 86 70 106.75 31 87.32 56.32 12.68 69 106.97 32 87.51 55.51 12.49 68 107.20 33 87.69 54.69 12.31 67 107.42 34 87.88 53.88 12.12 66 107.65 35 88.06 53.06 11.94 65 107.87 36 88.24 52.24 11.76 64 108 . 10 37 88.43 51.43 11.57 63 108.33 38 88.61 50.61 11.39 62 108.55 39 88.79 49.79 11.21 61 108.77 40 88.98 48.98 11.02 60 109.00 41 89.16 48.16 10.84 59 109.22 42 89.35 47.35 10.65 58 109.45 43 89.53 46.53 10.47 57 109.68 44 89.71 45.71 10.29 56 109.90 45 89.90 44.90 10.10 55 110.13 50 90.82 40.82 9.18 50 111.25 60 92.65 32.65 7.35 40 113.50 70 94.49 24.49 5.51 30 115.75 80 96.33 16.33 3.67 20 118.00 90 98.16 8.16 1.84 10 120 . 25 100 100.00 0.00 0.00 122.50 76 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Per cent, total SO 3 as units Per cent, total S0 3 Per cent, free S0 3 Per cent, combined 80s Per cent, combined H 2 Per cent. H 2 S04 Per cent. 100 % H 2 S04 81.63 0.00 81.63 18.37 100.00 100.00 81.7 0.38 81.32 18.30 99.62 100.09 81.8 0.92 80.88 18.20 99.08 100.21 81.9 1.47 80.43 18.10 98.53 100.33 82.0 2.01 79.99 18.00 97.99 100.45 82.1 2.56 79.54 17.90 97.44 100.58 82.2 3.10 79.10 17.80 96.90 100.70 82.3 3.64 78.66 17.70 96.36 100.82 82.4 4.19 . 78.21 17.60 95.81 100.94 82.5 4.73 77.77 17.50 95.27 101.07 82.6 5.28 77.32 17.40 94.72 101 . 19 82.7 5.82 76.88 17.30 94.18 101.31 82.8 6.37 76.43 17.20 93.63 101.43 82.9 6.91 75.99 17.10 93.09 101.56 83.0 7.46 75.54 17.00 92.54 101 . 68 83.1 8.00 75.10 16.90 92.00 101.80 83.2 8.54 74.66 16.80 91.46 101.92 83.3 9.09 74.21 16.70 90.91 102.05 83.4 9.63 73.77 '16.60 90.37 102.17 83.5 10.18 73.32 16.50 89.82 102.29 83.6 10.72 72.88 16.40 89.28 102.41- 83.7 11.27 72.43 16.30 88.73 102.54 83.8 11.81 71.99 16.20 88.19 102 . 66 83.9 12.35 71.55 16.10' 87.65 102.78 84.0 12.90 71.10 16.00 87.10 102.90 84.1 13.44 70.66 15.90 86.56 103.03 84.2 13.99 70.21 15.80 86.01 103.15 84.3 14.53 69.77 15.70 85.47 103.27 84.4 15.08 69.32 15.60 84.92 103 . 39 84.5 15.62 68.88 15.50 84.38 103 . 52 84.6 16.17 68.43 15.40 83.83 103.64 FUMING SULPHURIC ACID 77 FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Per cent, total SO 3 as units (Continued) Per cent, total SOs Per cent, free SOj Per cent, combined 80s Per cent, combined HzO Per cent. H Z SO4 Per cent. 100% HjSO* 84.7 16.71 67.99 15.30 83.29 103.76 84.8 17.26 67.54 15.20 82.74 103.88 84.9 17.80 67.10 15.10 82.20 104.01 85.0 18.34 66.66 15.00 81.66 104.13 85.1 18.89 66.21 14.90 81.11 104.25 85.2 19.43 65.77 14.80 80.57 104.37 85.3 19.98 65.32 14.70 80.02 104.49 85.4 20.52 64.88 14.60 79.48 104.62 85.5 21.06 64.44 14.50 78.94 104.74 85.6 21.61 63.99 14.40 78.39 104.86 85.7 22.15 63.54 14.30 77.84 104.99 85.8 22.70 63.10 14.20 77.30 105.11 85.9 23.24 62.66 14.10 76.76 105.23 86.0 23.79 62.21 14.00 76.21 105.35 86.1 24.33 61.77 13.90 75.67 105.48 86.2 24.88 61.32 13.80 75.12 105.60 86.3 25.42 60.88 13.70 74.58 105.72 86.4 25.96 60.44 13.60 74.04 105.84 86.5 26.51 59.99 13.50 73.49 105.97 86.6 27.05 59.54 13.40 72.94 106.09 86.7 27.60 59.10 13.30 72.40 106.21 86.8 28.14 58.66 13.20 71.86 106.33 86.9 28.69 58.21 13.10 71.31 106.46 87.0 29.23 57.77 13.00 70.77 106.58 87.1 29.77 57.33 12.90 70.23 106.70 87.2 30.32 56.88 12.80 69.68 106.82 87.3 30.86 56.44 12.70 69.14 106.95 87.4 31.41 55.99 12.60 68.59 107 . 07 87.5 31.95 55.55 12.50 68.05 107.19 87 . 6 32 . 50 55.10 12.40 67.50 107.31 87.7 33.04 54.66 12.30 66.96 107.44 87.8 33.59 54.21 12.20 66.41 107.56 78 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Per cent, total SO 3 as units (Concluded] Per cent, total 80s Per cent, free S0 3 Per cent, combined SO 3 Per cent, combined H 2 Per cent. H 2 S04 Per cent. 100% H 2 SO4 87.9 34.13 53.77 12.10 65.87 107.68 88.0 34.67 53.33 12.00 65.33 107.80 88.1 35.22 52.88 11.90 64.78 107.93 88.2 35.76 52.44 11.80 64.24 108.05 88.3 36.31 51.99 11.70 63.69 108.17 88.4 36.85 51.55 11.60 63.15 108.29 88.5 37.40 51.10 11.50 62.60 108.41 88.6 37.94 50.66 11.40 62.06 108.54 88.7 38.49 50.21 11.30 61.51 108.66 88.8 39.03 49.77 11.20 60.97 108.78 88.9 39.57 49.33 11.10 60.43 108.90 89.0 40.12 48.88 11.00 59.88 109.03 89.1 40.66 48.44 10.90 59.34 109.15 89.2 41.21 47.99 10.80 58.79 109.27 89.3 41.75 47.54 10.70 58.24 109.40 89.4 42.30 47.10 10.60 57.70 109.52 89.5 42.84 46.66 10.50 57.16 109.64 89.6 43.38 46.22 10.40 56.62 109.76 89.7 43.93 45.77 10.30 56.07 109.89 89.8 44.47 45.33 10.20 55.53 110.01 89.9 45.02 44.88 10.10 54.98 110.13 90.0 45.56 44.44 10.00 54.44 110.25 91.0 51.01 39.99 9.00 48.99 111.48 92.0 56.45 35.55 8.00 43.55 112.70 93.0 61.89 31.11 7.00 38.11 113.93 94.0 67.34 26.66 6.00 32.66 115.15 95.0 72.78 22.22 5.00 27.22 116.37 96.0 78.23 17.77 4.00 21.77 117.60 97.0 83.67 13.33 3.00 16.33 118.82 98.0 89.11 8.89 2.00 10.89 120.05 99.0 94.56 4.44 1.00 5.44 121.28 100.0 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 122.50 FUMING SULPHURIC ACID 79 FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Equivalent per cent. 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 as units Per cent. 100 % H 2 S04 Per cent, total SOi Per cent, free S0 3 Per cent, combined SOs Per cent, combined HzO Per cent. HzSO* 100.0 81.63 0.00 81.63 18.37 100.00 100.1 81.71 0.44 81.27 18.29 99.56 100.2 81.79 0.89 80.90 18.21 99.11 100.3 81.87 1.33 80.54 18.13 98.67 100.4 81.96 1.78 80.18 18.04 98.22 100.5 82.04 2.22 79.82 17.96 97.78 100.6 82.12 2.67 79.45 17.88 97.33 100.7 82.20 3.11 79.09 17.80 96.89 100.8 82.28 3.56 78.72 17.72 96.44 100.9 82.36 4.00 78.36 17.64 96.00 101.0 82.45 4.44 78.01 17.55 95.56 101.1 82.53 4.89 77.64 17.47 95.11 101.2 82.61 5.33 77.28 17.39 94.67 101.3 82.69 5.78 76.91 17.31 94.22 101.4 82.77 6.22 76.55 17.23 93.78 101.5 82.85 6.67 76.18 17.15 93.33 101.6 82.94 7.11 75.83 17.06 92.89 101.7 83.02 7.55 75.47 16.98 92.45 101.8 83.10 8.00 75.10 16.90 92.00 101.9 83.18 8.44- 74.74 16.82 91.56 102.0 83.26 8.89 74.37 16.74 91.11 102.1 83.34 9.33 74.01 16.66 90.67 102.2 83.43 9.78 73.65 16.57 90.22 102.3 83.51 10.22 73.29 16.49 89.78 102.4 83.59 10.67 72.92 16.41 89.33 102.5 83.67 11.11 72.56 16.33 88.89 102.6 83.75 11.55 72.20 16.25 88.45 102.7 83.83 12.00 71.83 16.17 88.00 102.8 83.92 12.44 71.48 16.08 87.56 102.9 84.00 12.89 71.11 16.00 87.11 103.0 84.08 13.33 70.75 15.92 86.67 103.1 84.16 13.78 70.38 15.84 86.22 103.2 84.24 14.22 70.02 15.76 85.78 103.3 84.32 14.66 69.66 15.68 85.34 103.4 84.41 15.11 69.30 15.59 84.89 103.5 84.49 15.55 68.94 15.51 84.45 103.6 84.57 16.00 68.57 15.43 84.00 103.7 84.65 16.44 68.21 15.35 83.56 103.8 84.73 16.89 67.84 15.27 83.11 103.9 84.81 17.33 67.48 15.19 82.67 104.0 84.90 17.78 67.12 15.10 82.22 104.1 84.98 18.22 66.76 15.02 81.78 104.2 85.06 18.66 66.40 14.94 81.34 104.3 85.14 19.11 66.03 14.86 80.89 80 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Equivalent per cent. 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 as units (Continued} Per cent. 100% H 2 S04 Per cent, total S0 3 Per cent, free SOs Per cent, combined S0 3 Per cent, combined H 2 Per cent. H 2 SO4 104.4 85.22 19.55 65.67 14.78 80.45 104.5 85.30 20.00 65.30 14.70 80.00 104.6 85.38 20.44 64.94 14.62 79.56 104.7 85.47 20.89 64.58 14.53 79.11 104.8 85.55 21.33 64.22 14.45 78.67 104.9 85.63 21.77 63.86 14.37 78.23 105.0 85.71 22.22 63.49 14.29 77.78 105.1 85.79 22.66 63.13 14.21 77.34 105.2 85.87 23.11 62.76 14.13 76.89 105.3 85.96 23.55 62.41 14.04 76.45 105.4 86.04 24.00 62.04 13.96 76.00 105.5 86.12 24.44 61.68 13.88 75.56 105.6 86.20 24.89 61.31 13.80 75.11 105.7 86.28 25.33 60.95 13.72 74.67 105.8 86.36 25.77 60.59 13.64 74.23 105.9 86.45 26.22 60.23 13.55 73.78 106.0 86.53 26.66 59.87 13.47 73.34 106.1 86.61 27.11 59.50 13.39 72.89 106.2 86.69 27.55 59.14 13.31 72.45 106.3 86.77 28.00 58.77 13.23 72.00 106.4 86.85 28.44 58.41 13.15 71.56 106.5 86.94 28.88 58.06 13.06 71.12 106.6 87.02 29.33 57.69 12.98 70.67 106.7 87.10 29.77 57.33 12.90 70.23 106.8 87.18 30.22 56.96 12.82 69.78 106.9 87.26 30.66 56.60 12.74 69.34 107.0 87.34 31.11 56.23 12.66 68.89 107.1 87.43 31.55 55.88 12.57 68.45 107.2 87.51 32.00 55.51 12.49 68.00 107.3 87.59 32.44 55.15 12.41 67.56 107.4 87.67 32.88 54.79 12.33 67.12 107.5 87.75 33.33 54.42 12.25 66.67 107.6 87.83 33.77 54.06 12.17 66.23 107.7 87.92 34.22 53.70 12.08 65.78 107.8 88.00 34.66 53.34 12.00 65.34 107.9 88.08 35.11 52.97 11.92 64.89 108.0 88.16 35.55 52.61 11.84 64.45 108.1 88.24 35.99 52.25 11.76 64.01 108.2 88.32 36.44 51.88 11.68 63.56 108.3 88.41 36.88 51.53 11.59 63.12 108.4 88.49 37.33 51.16 11.51 62.67 108.5 88.57 37.77 50.80 11.43 62.23 108.6 88.65 38.22 50.43 11.35 61.78 108.7 88.73 38.66 50.07 11.27 61.34 SPECIFIC-GRAVITY TEST 81 FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Equivalent per cent. 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 as units (Concluded] Per cent. 100% H 2 SO 4 Per cent, total SOs Per cent, free SOs Per cent, combined SOs Per cent, combined H 2 O Per cent. H 2 SO* 108.8 88.82 39.11 49.71 11.18 60.89 108.9 88.90 39.55 49.35 11.10 60.45 109.0 88.98 39.99 48.99 11.02 60.01 109.1 89.06 40.44 48.62 10.94 59.56 109.2 89.14 40.88 48.26 10.86 59.12 109.3 89.22 41.33 47.89 10.78 58.67 109.4 89.30 41.77 47.53 10.70 58.23 109.5 89.38 42.22 47.16 10.62 57.78 109.6 89.47 42.66 46.81 10.53 57.34 109.7 89.55 43.10 46.45 10.45 56.90 109.8 89.63 ' 43.55 46.08 10.37 56.45 109.9 89.71 43.99 45.72 10.29 56.01 110.0 89.79 44.44 45.35 10.21 55.56 111.0 90.61 48.88 41.73 9.39 51.12 112.0 91.43 53.33 38.10 8.57 46.67 113.0 92.24 57.77 34.47 7.76 42.23 114.0 93.06 62.21 30.85 6.94 37.79 115.0 93.87 66.66 27.21 6.13 33.34 116.0 94.69 71.10 23.59 5.31 28.90 117.0 95.51 75.54 19.97 4.49 24.46 118.0 96.32 79.99 16.33 3.68 20.01 119.0 97.14 84.43 12.71 2.86 15.57 120.0 97.96 88.88 9.08 2.04 11.12 121.0 98.77 93.32 5.45 1.23 6.68 122.0 99.59 97.76 1.83 0.39 2.22 122.5 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 00 SPECIFIC-GRAVITY TEST SULPHURIC ACID 76.07-82.5 per cent. SO 3 T. J. SULLIVAN On account of the irregular specific gravity of. sulphuric acid between 76.07 and 81.9 per cent. SOs specific gravity cannot be used for determining the strength. The principle of this table is to dilute such acids to a strength where specific gravity may be used. The table is extended to 82.5 per cent. SOs which is very convenient for plant use. Strengths, 81.9 per cent. SOs or over may again be determined by using direct specific-gravity readings. Over 82.5 per cent. SOs the dilution test cannot be 82 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK used with accuracy as the sudden evolution of heat upon mixing with water causes the solution to splash about and some, there- fore, may be lost. The table is calculated for mixing equal volumes of water and acid at 15.56C. The following formula is used: Let A = density of water at 15.56C. (0.99904) 1 5 56 B = specific gravity of acid ' C. 1 o.oo C = weight of SO 3 in B D = percentage SO 3 in mixture E = specific gravity of mixture corresponding to D Then 100 C = D A + B The temperature allowance for each degree Centigrade is 0.00081 specific gravity. If the specific gravity of the diluted solution is observed at any of the following given temperatures, above 15.56C. add, below deduct, the corresponding specific- gravity correction. Then consult the table under the caption ''Specific gravity of the diluted solution" for the value of the corrected specific gravity. c. Specific gravity correction c. Specific gravity correction 10 .0046 23 .0060 11 .0037 24 .0069 12 .0029 25 .0077 13 .0021 26 .0085 14 .0013 27 .0093 15 .0005 28 .0101 16 .0004 29 .0109 17 .0012 30 .0117 18 .0020 31 .0125 19 .0028 32 .0133 20 .0036 33 .0141 21 .0044 34 .0150 22 .0052 35 .0158 SPECIFIC-GRAVITY TEST 83 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF THE DILUTED SOLUTION lo.oo C. Per cent. SOj Specific gravity Per cent. SOj Specific gravity 76.07 1.5061 79.2 1 . 5345 76.1 1.5064 79.3 1.5354 76.2 1.5072 79.4 1.5363 76.3 1.5081 79.5 1.5372 76.4 1.5089 79.6 1.5381 76.5 .5099 79.7 1.5389 76.6 .5108 79.8 1.5398 76.7 .5117 79.9 1.5408 76.73 .5120 80.0 1.5417 76.8 .5127 80.1 1.5424 76.9 .5137 80.2 1.5431 77.0 .5147 80.3 1.5439 77.1 .5156 80.4 1.5449 77.2 .5164 80.5 1.5458 77.3 .5173 80.6 1.5467 77.4 .5183 80.7 1.5475 77.5 .5192 80.8 1.5484 77.55 .5196 80.82 1.5485 '77.6 .5200 80.9 .5493 77.7 .5209 81.0 .5501 77.8 .5218 81.1 .5509 77.9 1.5227 81.2 .5518 78.0 1 . 5237 81.3 .5526 78.1 1 . 5247 81.4 .5534 78.2 1.5256 81.5 .5542 78.3 1.5264 81.6 1.5551 78.37 1.5271 81.63 1.5554 78.4 1.5273 81.7 1.5563 78.5 1.5283 81.8 1.5577 78.6 1.5291 81.9 1.5590 78.7 1.5301 82.0 .5604 78.8 1.5310 82.1 .5616 78.9 1.5319 82.2 .5628 79.0 1.5328 82.3 .5639 79.1 1.5336 82.4 .5652 79.18 1 . 5343 82.5 .5664 84 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Two hundred cubic centimeters of acid at 15.56C. and 200 c.< of water at 15.56C. are a convenient amount to mix. Obtain the temperature of both the acid and water. If the vary from 15.56C. use the amounts given below for the variou temperatures, calculated as follows: 200 (specific gravity at 15.56C.) specific gravity at tC. Temp. Acid Water Temp. Acid Water 10C 199.4c.c. 199.9 c.c. 23C. 200.8 c.c. 200.3 C.C. 11 199.5 199.9 24 200.9 200.4 12 199.6 199.9 . 25 201.0 200.4 13 199.7 199.9 26 201.1 200.5 14 199.8 200.0 27 201.3 200.5 15 199.9 200.0 28 201.4 200.6 15.56 200.0 200.0 29 201.5 200.6 16 200.1 200.0 30 201.6 200.7 17 200.2 200.1 31 201.7 200.7 18 200.3 200.1 32 201.8 200.8 19 200.4 200.1 33 201.9 200.9 20 200.5 200.2 34 202.0 201.0 21 200.6 200.2 35 202.1 201.0 22 200.7 200.3 Example. A sample of acid is drawn from a storage tank an the temperature is found to be 30C. The 'temperature of the water to be used is 24. After consulting the preceding tables to ascertain the amount to use for those temperatures, 201.6 c.c. acid and 200.4 c.c. wate are mixed and the mixture then cooled. The specific gravity of the mixture is found to be 1.5388 an the temperature at the time of its determination 20. The corresponding specific gravity correction at 20 is 0.003( 1.5388 + 0.0036 = 1.5424 80.1 per cent. S0 3 corresponds to 1.5424 specific gravity. SPECIFIC-GRAVITY TEST SULPHURIC ACID Per cent. SO 3 corresponding to even percentages H 2 SO 4 85 Per cent. H 2 S04 Per cent. 80s Per cent. H Z S04 Per rent. SOa Per cent. H.S04 Per cent. SOj 1 .82 35 28.57 68 55.51 2 1.63 36 29.39 69 56.32 3 2.45 37 30.20 70 57.14 4 3.27 38 31.02 71 57.96 5 4.08 39 31.84 72 58.77 6 4.90 40 32.65 73 59.59 7 5.71 41 33.47 74 60.41 8 6.53 42 34.28 75 61.22 9 7.35 43 35.10 76 62.04 10 8.16 44 35.92 77 62.86 11 8.98 45 36.73 78 63.67 12 9.80 46 37.55 79 64.49 13 10.61 47 38.37 80 65.30 14 11.43 48 39.18 81 66.12 15 12.24 49 40.00 82 66.94 16 13.06 50 40.82 83 67.75 17 13.88 51 41.63 84 68.57 18 14.69 52 42.45 85 69.39 19 15.51 53 43.26 86 70.20 20 16.33 54 44.08 87 71.02 21 17.14 55 44.90 88 71.83 22 17.96 56 45.71 89 72.65 23 18.77 57 46.54 90 73.47 24 19.59 58 47.36 91 74.28 25 20.41 59 48.17 92 75.10 26 21.22 60 48.99 93 75.92 27 22.04 61 49.79 94 76.73 28 22.86 62 50.61 95 77.55 29 23.67 63 51.43 96 78.36 30 24.49 64 52.24 97 79.18 31 25.31 65 53.06 98 80.00 32 26.12 66 53.88 99 80 . 81 33 26.94 67 54.69 100 81.63 34 27.75 86 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Per cent. SULPHURIC ACID corresponding to even percentages SO 3 Per cent. 80s Per cent. H 2 S04 Per cent. 80s Per cent. H 2 S0 4 Per cent. 80s Per cent. H 2 S04 1 1.23 29 35.53 56 67.60 2 2.45 30 36.75 57 68.83 3 3.68 31 37.98 58 70.05 4 4.90 32 39.20 59 71.28 5 6.13 33 40.43 60 72.50 6 7.35 34 41.65 61 73.73 7 8.58 35 42.88 62 74.95 8 9.80 36 44.10 63 76.18 9 11.03 37 45.33 64 77.40 10 12.25 38 46.55 65 78 63 11 13:48 39 47.78 66 79.85 12 14.70 40 49.00 67 81.08 13 15.93 41 50.23 68 82.30 14 17.15 42 51.45 69 83.53 15 18.38 43 52.68 70 84.75 16 19.60 44 53.90 71 85.98 17 20.83 45 55.13 72 87.20 18 22.05 46 56.35 73 88.43 19 23.28 47 57.58 74 89.65 20 24.50 48 58.80 75 90.88 21 25.73 49 59.03 76 93.10 22 26.95 50 60.25 77 93.33 23 28.18 51 61.48 78 94.55 24 29.40 52 62.70 79 95.78 '25 30.63 53 63.93 80 98.00 26 31.85 54 65.15 81 98.23 27 33.08 55 66.38 81.63 100.00 28 34.30 ACID CALCULATIONS, USE OF SPECIFIC-GRAVITY TABLES, ESTI- MATING STOCKS, ETC. Correction for temperature must be made when determining the specific gravity. As an example illustrating the use to which the specific-gravity tables may be put: suppose it is required to ACID CALCULATIONS 87 calculate the number of pounds of 50Be. sulphuric acid in a storage tank, the following data being given: Calculating the volume in the tank we find 2100 cu. ft. at a temperature of 38C. A sample taken from the tank and specific gravity determined in the laboratory shows 56.88Be. at 33C. Correction must be made for temperature in order to reduce it to 15.56C., the tem- perature for which the tables are constructed: 33 - 15.56 = 17.44 difference From the table under the caption " Allowance for temper ature" it is seen that the allowance for 60Be*. is 0.047Be. for each de- gree Centigrade and that the correction for 50Be. is 0.050Be*. As the acid in question is about midway between these points, the allowance for each degree Centigrade is very nearly 0.048Be\ The correction for temperature is 17.44 X 0.048 = 0.84Be. and as the standard temperature, 15.56C., is lower than 33, the temperature at which the Baume of the sample was taken, this amount must be added. The Baume of the acid at 15.56C. is, then, 56.88 + 0.84 = 57.72Be. The Baume of the acid at 38C., the temperature of the acid in the tank, is calculated, 38 - 15.56 = 22.44 difference 22.44 X 0.048 = 1.08Be. and as the density of the acid is lowered as the temperature is raised 57.72 - 1.08 = 56.64Be. at 38C. 88 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK The easiest way to obtain the specific gravity corresponding to this degree Baume is by interpolating the given data: 57Be\ = 1.6477 specific gravity 56Be. = 1.6292 specific gravity 0.0185 difference 56.64 - 56.00 = 0.064Be. difference 0.0185 X 0.064 = 0.0118 1.6292 + 0.0118 = 1.6410 specific gravity correspond- ing to 56.64Be Then as 2100 cu. ft. are in the tank, the pounds are 2100 X 62.37 X 1.641 - 214,933 Ib. 57.72Be\ If it is required to calculate this acid on a 50Be. basis, the pounds of 50Be. corresponding to 57.72Be. is easily found by interpolating from the table. 58Be. = 119.59 per cent. 50Be\ 57 c Be. = 117.00 per cent. 50Be\ 2.59 per cent. 50Be. difference 57.72 - 57.00 = 0.72Be. difference 2.59 X 0.72 = 1.86 117+ 1.86 = 118.86 per cent. 50Be. acid cor- responding to 57.72Be. acid 214,933 X 1.1886 = 255,469 Ib. of 50Be. If it is required to calculate on a " pounds SO 3 " basis, the per- centage S0 3 in 57.72Be. acid is calculated from the table by interpolation. 58Be. = 60.70 per cent. SO 3 57B6. = 59.39 per cent. S0 3 1.31 difference 0.72 X 1.31 = 0.94 59.39 + 0.94 = 60.33 per cent. S0 3 corresponding to 57.72Be. 214,933 X 0.6033 = 129,669 Ib. S0 3 . DILUTION AND CONCENTRATION 89 DILUTION AND CONCENTRATION OF SULPHURIC ACID TO FORM SOLUTIONS OF ANY DESIRED STRENGTH 1. To Prepare a Definite Amount of Dilute Solution, by Mixing a Strong Solution with a Weak Solution. Let X = quantity of weak solution to be used in the mixture Y = quantity of strong solution to be used in the mixture A = strength of strong solution B = strength of desired solution C = strength of weak solution D = desired quantity D(A - B) A-C Y = D - X Example 1. How many pounds of 60.7 per cent. SOs and how many pounds of 80.0 per cent. SOa must be mixed to obtain 70,000 lb. of 76.07 per cent. SO 3 ? X = 70,000(80.0 - 76.07)/(80.0 - 60.7) = 14,254 lb. Y = 70,000 - 14,254 = 55,746 lb. X + Y = 70,000 lb. If water is to be used for diluting, the formula may be some what simplified. X = D - Y 2. To Prepare a Definite Amount of a Stronger Solution, by Mixing a Weaker Solution with a Stronger Solution. This formula is the reverse of formula (1). Let X = quantity of strong solution to be used in the mixture Y = quantity of weak solution to be used in the mixture A = strength of strong solution B = strength of desired solution C = strength of weak solution D = desired quantity v _ D (B - C) A-C Y = D - X 90 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Example 2. How many pounds of 60.7 per cent. SO 3 and how many pounds of 80.0 per cent. SO 3 must be mixed to obtain 70,000 Ib. of 76.07 per cent. S0 3 ? X = 70,000(76.07 - 60.7)/(80.0 - 60.7) = 55,746 Ib. Y = 70,000 - 55,746 = 14,254 Ib. X + Y = 70,000 Ib. 3. Dilution of a Definite Amount of a Stronger Solution, thus Producing a Greater Amount of a more Dilute Solution. Let X = quantity of diluting solution that must be added A = strength of solution to be diluted B = strength of desired solution C = strength of diluting solution D = quantity of solution to be diluted D + X = total quantity of corrected solution v _ D(A - B) X " B-C Example 3. How many pounds of a 60.7 per cent. SO 3 must be added to 70,000 Ib. of 80.0 per cent. SO 3 to make a whole ,of 76.07 per cent. SO 3 ? X = 70,000(80.0-76.07)/(76.07-60.7) = 17,899 Ib. 60.7 per cent. D + X = 70,000 + 17,899 =87,899 Ib. 76.07 per cent. Calculating the same example by ratios, where X = the amount of diluting solution that must be added. Examples 1 and 2 show 14,254 Ib. of 60.7 per cent. SO 3 must be mixed with 55,746 Ib. of 80.0 per cent. SO 3 to make a whole of 76.07 per cent.' S0 3 . DILUTION AND CONCENTRATION 91 Therefore we have the ratio 14,254 : 55,746 :: X : 70,000 X = 17,899 Ibs. 60.7 per cent, that must be added. 4. Concentration of a Definite Amount of a Weaker Solution, thus Producing a Greater Amount of a More Concentrated Solution. Let X = quantity of strengthening solution that must be added A = strength of strengthening solution B strength of desired solution C = strength of solution to be corrected D = quantity of solution to be corrected D + X = total quantity of corrected solution D(B - C) A -B Example 4. How many pounds of 80.0 per cent. SO 3 must be added to 70,000 Ib. of 60.7 per cent. SO 3 to make a whole of 76.07 per cent. SO 3 ? X = 70,000(76.07 - 60.7)/(80.0 - 76.07) = 273,766 D + X = 70,000 + 273,766 = 343,766 This may also be calculated by ratio, where X = the amount of strengthening solution that must be added. Examples 1 and 2 show 55,746 Ib. of 80.0 per cent. SO 3 must be mixed with 14,254 Ib. of 60.7 per cent. S0 3 to make a whole of 76.07 per cent. SO 3 . Therefore we have the ratio 55,746 : 14,254 :: X : 70,000 X = 273,766 Ib. 80.0 per cent, that must be added. 5. Rectangle Method for Dilution and Concentration of Sul- phuric Acid to Form Solutions of any Desired Strength. The figures expressing the strengths of the two solutions are written in the two left-hand corners of a rectangle, and the figure express- 92 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK ing the desired strength is placed on the intersection of the two diagonals of this rectangle. Now subtract the figures on the diagonals, the smaller from the larger, and write the result at the other end of the respective diagonal. These figures then indicate what quantities of the solution whose strength is given on the other end of the respective horizontal line, must be taken to obtain a solution of the desired strength. 80T 00 If) Example 5. To make a 65 per cent. S0 3 acid by mixing an 80 per cent. SO 3 and a 60 per cent. S0 3 acid we prepare the above figure which indicates that we have to take 5 parts by weight of the 80 per cent, acid and 15 parts by weight of 60 per cent, acid to obtain 20 parts (5 + 15) of the 65 per cent. acid. Or %o parts of an 80 per cent. S0 3 and I %Q parts of a 60 per cent. SO 3 will, if mixed, give 1 part of a 65 per cent. SO 3 . Suppose it is desired to mix 500 Ib. Proceed as follows : 500 X % = 125 Ib. 80 per cent. SO 3 500 X 1 % Q =_375 Ib. 60 per cent. S0 3 500" Suppose it is required to know how much 60 per cent. SO 3 must be added to 500 Ib. 80 per cent. S0 3 to make a whole of 65 per cent. SO 3 . Proceed as follows: cnn - 500 = 1500 Ib. 60 per cent. SO 3 o Or X 500 = 1500 Suppose it is required to know how much 80 per cent. S0 3 must be added to 500 Ib. 60 per cent. SOs to make a whole of 65 per cent. SO 3 . DILUTION AND CONCENTRATION 93 Proceed as follows: 500 -is/- - 500 = 167 Ib. 80 per cent. SO 3 Or { 5 X 500 = 167 Notes. 1. When mixtures of non-fuming acid are calculated, either the SO 3 or H 2 SO 4 percentages may be used. When non- fuming and fuming acid are to be mixed or fuming acid of one strength to be mixed with fuming acid of another strength, SO 3 , percentages should be used unless the H 2 SO 4 percentage of the fuming acid be expressed in its equivalent to 100 per cent, H 2 SO 4 . "For instance an acid of 85.30 per cent. SO 3 has an actual H 2 SC>4 content of 80 per cent, and its 100 per cent, equivalent would be 104.49 per cent. 2. These formulas are accurate when the weights of solutions are considered. If the specific gravities are closely related, the formulas may be used for volumes. When this assumption is not permissible, the weights may be calculated, and knowing the weights of the components, the volumes requisite calculated from the formula Mass \ olume = Weight On mixing such solutions, to use this formula, it must be as- sumed that the volumes are additive, i.e., no change of volume takes place upon mixing. To illustrate the use of this formula: Example 1 shows 14,254 Ib. of 60.7 per cent. SO 3 must be mixed with 55,746 Ib. of 80.0 per cent. SO 3 to obtain 70,000 Ib. of 76.07 per cent. SO 3 . 76.07 per cent. SO 3 weighs 114.47 Ib. per cubic foot at 15.56C. 7O fifin - = 611.5 cu. ft. = volume of 70,000 Ib. 76.07 per cent, 114.47 60.7 per cent, SO 3 weighs 103.95 Ib. per cubic foot at 15.56C. 14 9^4. T^~~ = 137.1 cu. ft. = volume of 14,254 Ib., 60.7 per cent. lUo. t/O 611.5 - 137.1 = 474.4 Therefore, 474.4 cu. ft. of 80.0 per cent, mixed with 137.1 cu. ft. of 60.7 per cent, will make 61 1. 5 cu. ft. or 70,000 Ib. of 76.07 per cent. 94 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK In using this method it must also be assumed that both acids used in mixing are 15.56C., unless the coefficients of expansion be calculated for differences in temperature. This, however, is unnecessary as very accurate results may be obtained without this calculation. Table for Mixing 59Ee. 1 Sulphuric Acid Giving percentage (by volume) of various strengths weak acid to use with various strengths strong acid 59Be". = 62.03 per cent. SO 3 = 75.99 per cent. H 2 SO 4 Degrees Baum6 Weak acid Per cent. SOs in strong acid 79.5 80.0 80.5 81.0 54.0 77.4 78.1 78.5 79.2 54.2 78.1 78.7 79.0 79.7 54.4 78.7 79.4 79.7 80.3 54.6 79.4 80.0 80.3 81.0 54.8 80.0 80.7 81.0 81.6 55.0 80.8 81.3 81.6 82.3 55.2 81.5 82.0 82.3 . 82.9 55.4 82.1 82.6 82.9 83.6 55.6 82.9 83.3 83.7 84.2 55.8 83.7 84.1 84.6 85.0 56.0 84.6 84.9 85.4 85.9 56.2 56.4 85.4 86.2 85.7 86*5 86.2 87.0 86.7 87.5 56.6 87.0 87.3 87.8 88.3 56,8 87.8 88.3 88.6 89.1 57^0 88.8 89.3 89.6 89.9 57.2 89.8 90.2 90.6 90.7 57.4 90.7 91.2 91.5 91.7 57.6 91.7 92.2 92.5 92.7 57.8 92.9 93.2 93.5 93.7 58.0 94.0 94.3 94.5 94.6 58.2 95.1 95.5 95.5 95.6 58.4 96.3 96.6 96.6 96.6 58.6 97.4 97.7 97.7 97.7 58.8 98.7 98.9 98.9 98.9 59.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 It is advisable to ship or store 59 instead of 60 during the winter months on account of its much lower freezing point. DILUTION AND CONCENTRATION 95 Table for Mixing 60Be. Sulphuric Acid Giving percentage (by volume) of various strengths weak acid to use with various strengths strong acid 60Be\ = 63.40 per cent. SO 3 = 77.67 per cent. H 2 SO 4 Degrees Baum6 Weak acid Per cent, in strong acid 79.5 80.0 80.5 81.0 55.0 75.3 76.1 76.6 77.2 55.2 75.9 76.8 77.2 77.9 55.4 76.6 77.4 77.9 78.5 55.6 77.2 78.1 78.5 79.2 55.8 77.9 78.7 79.2 79.8 56.0 78.7 79.4 79.8 80.5 56.2 79.5 80.2 80.7 81.1 56.4 80.3 81.0 81.5 81.8 56.6 81.1 81.8 82.3 82.6 56.8 82.0 82.6 83.1 83.4 57.0 82.8 83.4 83.9 84.2 57.2 83.7 84.2 84.7 85.0 57.4 84.7 85.0 85.5 85.9 57.6 85.7 86.0 86.3 86.7 57.8 86.7 87.0 87.3 87.6 58.0 87.6 88.0 88.3 88.6 58.2 88.6 88.9 89.3 89.6 58.4 89.8 90.1 90.2 90.6 58.6 90.9 91.2 91.4 91.5 58.8 92.0 92.4 92.6 92.7 59.0 93.2 93.5 93.7 93.8 59.2 94.5 94.8 94.8 95.0 59.4 95.8 96.1 96.1 96.1 59.6 97.1 97.4 97.4 97.4 59.8 98.5 98.7 98.7 98.7 60.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 96 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Table for Mixing 66Be\ Sulphuric Acid Giving percentage (by volume) of various strengths strong acid to use with various strengths weak acid 66Be. = 76.07 per cent. SO 3 = 93.19 per cent. H 2 SO 4 Degrees Baum6 Weak acid Per cent. SOs in strong acid 79.0 79.2 79.4 79.6 79.8 80.0 80.2 80.4 80.6 80.8 81.0 81.2 81.4 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 87.5 87.2 86.7 86.2 85.5 84.9 84.2 83.4 82.4 81.3 79.8 78.1 86.7 86.3 85.9 85.4 84.7 83.9 83.3 82.4 81.5 80.2 78.7 76.9 85.9 85.5 85.0 84.6 83.9 83.1 82.4 81.5 85.0 84.7 84.2 83.7 83.1 82.3 81.5 80 5 84.4 83.9 83.4 82.9 82.3 81.5 80.7 79 7 83.7 83.3 82.8 82.1 81.5 80.7 79.8 78 9 82.9 82.4 82.0 81.3 80.7 79. -8 79.0 78 1 82.3 81.8 81.1 80.5 79.8 79.0 78.2 77 ?, 81.6 81.1 80.5 79.7 79.0 78.2 77.4 76 4 81.0 80.5 79.8 79.0 78.2 77.4 76.6 75 6 80.3 79.8 79.2 78.4 77.6 76.6 75.8 74 8 79.7 79.0 78.4 77.7 76.9 75.9 75.0 74 79.0 78.4 77.7 77.1 76.3 75.3 74.3 73 80.579.5j78.5 77.676.475.5 75.874.673.5 77.6 76.3 74.5 72.4 76.6 75.3 73.5 71.4 75.8 74.3 72.5 70.4 75.0 73.3 71.5 69.4 74.2 72.5 70.7 68.5 73.3 71.7 69.9 67.6 72.5 71.1 69.1 66.8 71.7 70.2 68.1 65.9 FORMATION OF MIXTURES OF SULPHURIC AND NITRIC ACIDS OF DEFINITE COMPOSITION ( So-called ''Mixed Acids") " Mixed acid" is a commercial term, generally meaning a mix- ture of nitric and sulphuric acids. Such mixtures are extensively used in manufacturing processes. On account of the relative high cost of concentrated nitric acid, compared with that of the dilute acid, the concentrated acid is diluted with a weak solution of the acid, instead of with water, using a minimum quantity of concentrated and a maximum quantity of dilute nitric acid. Water, as such, is seldom used. Example 1. Calculate the quantities of acids necessary to FORMATIONS OP MIXTURES 97 make a mixture ("mix") of 60,000 Ib. of a mixed acid to consist of Per cent. H 2 SO 4 (add as 98 per cent. H 2 SO 4 ) 46 . 00 HN0 3 (add as 61.4 per cent, and as 95.5 . percent.) 49.00 H 2 5.00 100.00 60,000 X 0.46 = 27,600 Ib. H 2 S0 4 called for 60,000 X 0.49 = 29,400 Ib. HNO 3 called for 60,000 X 0.05 = 3,000 Ib. H 2 O called for 60,000 27,600/0.98 = 28,163lb. 98 per cent. H 2 SO 4 totake 60,000 - 28,163 = 31,837 Ib. still to add 29,400 Ib. of 100 per cent, nitric acid are called for; the weight of material still to be added, after the 98 per cent, sulphuric acid is added, is 31,837. This makes 29,400/31,837 X 100 = 92.35 per cent. HNO 3 to be added To make 31,837 Ib. of an acid of this concentration from 95.5 per cent, and 61.4 per cent, nitric acid, using formula (2). 31,837 (92.35 - 61.4)/(95.50 - 61.4) = 28,896 Ib. 94.5 per cent. HNO 3 to take. 31,837 - 28,896 = 2,941 Ib. 61.4 per cent. HN0 3 to take So, to make the mix, use H 2 SO 4 = 28,163 Ib. 98.0 per cent. HNO 3 = 28,896 Ib. 95.5 per cent. HN0 3 = 2,941 Ib. 61.4 per cent. 60,000 Ib. STRENGTHENING A MIXED ACID BY MEANS OF A FUMING SULPHURIC ACID Example 2. Let it be required to make 61,320 Ib. of a mixed acid of the composition: 7 98 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Per cent. HNO 3 (add as 94.5 per cent. HNO 3 ) 56 . 00 H 2 SO 4 (add as 98.56 per cent. H 2 SO 4 and as 20 per cent, fuming sulphuric acid, a minimum of which is to be taken) 41 . 00 H 2 3.00 100.00 The tank in which the acid is to be mixed already contains 2,604 Ib. of the remains of a previous mix of the composition: Per cent. HNO 3 52.00 H 2 SO 4 42.50 H 2 5.50 Solution. 61,320 X 0.56 = 34,339 Ib. HN0 3 called for 61,320 X 0.41 = 25,141 Ib. H 2 SO 4 called for 61,320 X 0.03 = 1,840 Ib. H 2 called for 2,604 X 0.52 = 1,354 Ib. HN0 3 in tank 2,604 X 0.425 = 1,107 Ib. H 2 SO 4 in tank 2,604 X 0.055 = 143 Ib. H 2 in tank Thus we have: Required: 25,141 Ib. H 2 SO 4 34,339 Ib. HNO 3 1,840 Ib. H 2 O In tank: 1,107 1,354 143 To be added: 24,034 Ib. H 2 S0 4 32,985 Ib. HN0 3 1,697 Ib. H 2 O If the attempt were made to calculate the weights of acid to add by the previous method, it would be seen that the method would not work as too much water would be added with the sulphuric acid and, hence, a nitric acid stronger than 94.5 per cent. HN0 3 would have to be used to complete the mix; hence, fuming sulphuric acid will have to be employed. Thus: 24,034/0.9866 = 24,385 Ib. 98.56 per cent. H 2 SO 4 24,385 - 24,034 = 351 Ib. H 2 added with the 98.56 per cent. H 2 S0 4 1,697 - 351 = 1,346 Ib. H 2 remaining FORMATION OP MIXTURES 99 Adding this water with the nitric acid would call for a stronger nitric acid than 94.5 per cent. HNO 3 , as is seen from the following: 32,985 + 1,346 = 34,331 Ib. HNO 3 and H 2 O still to add 32,985/34,331 X 100 = 96.08 per cent. HN0 3 required to com- plete the mix. Going back to the original figures after this preliminary calcu- lation which has shown the necessity of using fuming sulphuric acid; first calculating the weight of nitric acid to be added: 32,985/0.945 = 34,905 Ib. 94.5 per cent. HNO 3 to add 34,905 - 32,985 = 1,920 Ib. H 2 added with the 94.5 per cent. HN0 3 But the mix only calls for 1,697 Ib. of water, hence 1,920 - 1,697 = 223 Ib. H 2 O will be added in excess. This water must be taken up with fuming sulphuric acid. Now to the acid already in the tank the following quantities of acid must be added: H 2 SO 4 = 24,034 Ib. 100 per cent. H 2 S0 4 HNO 3 = 32,985 Ib. 100 per cent. HNO 3 H 2 = 1,697 Ib. 100 per cent. H 2 58,716 In adding 34,905 Ib. of 94.5 per cent. HN0 3 there remain only 58,716 - 34,905 = 23,811 Ib. of sulphuric acid to add. To adjust proportions and not add more acid than called for is done by adding fuming sulphuric acid which takes up the water from the nitric acid. The percentage strength of the sulphuric acid requisite is 24,034/23,811 X 100 = 100.94 per cent. H 2 S(X The percentage of SO 3 in 100.94 per cent. H 2 SO 4 is 0.8163 X 100.94 = 82.40 per cent. In 98.56 per cent. H 2 S0 4 the percentage of S0 3 is 0.8163 X 98.56 = 80.45 per cent. In 20 per cent, fuming sulphuric acid the percentage of SO? is 0.8163 (100 - 20) + 20 = 85.30 per cent. 100 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Then, to make 23,811 Ib. of 100.94 per cent. H 2 S0 4 from 20.00 per cent, fuming and 98.56 per cent. H 2 S04 require: 23,811 (82.40 - 80.45)/(85.30 - 80.45) = 9,573 Ib. 20 per cent, fuming sulphuric acid, 23,811 - 9,573 = 14,238 Ib. 98.56 per cent. H 2 S0 4 So, to make the mix, add to the acid already in the tank: HNO 3 = 34,905 Ib. 94.50 per cent. H 2 SO 4 = 14,238 Ib. 98.56 per cent. H 2 S0 4 = 9,573 Ib. 20.00 per cent. The amount of 20 per cent, fuming to use may be calculated by another method. Where it is found that 223 Ib. of H 2 O will be added in excess, calculate how many pounds of 20 per cent, will be necessary to take up this water. 4.4438 X 223 = 991 Ib. free S0 3 and this is contained in 4,955 Ib. 20 per cent. 20 per cent, fuming sulphuric acid is equivalent to 104.49 per cent. 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 . The addition of these 4,955 Ib. 20 per cent, corresponds to an addition of 4,955 X 104.49/100 = 5,177 Ib. of 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 24,034 - 5,177 = 18,857 Ib. of 100 per cent. H 2 S0 4 that are yet to be added. Now calculate how much 20 per cent, fuming and 98.56 per cent. H 2 SO 4 will be required to prepare this 18,857 Ib. 100 per cent. H 2 S0 4 . Example 3. It is frequently desired to prepare a "mix" from a mixed acid already on hand by adding to it the requisite amounts of sulphuric and nitric acid to bring it up to the desired concentration. Thus it may be required to fortify a "spent" mixed acid, or it may be that after adding the calculated amounts of ingredients to make a batch of mixed acid that the mixed acid resulting does not analyze up to specifications. It must then be adjusted by a further addition of the deficient constituent. FORMATION OF MIXTURES: 101 Thus, suppose a mixed acid of the following ' desired : H 2 SO 4 Per cent. 60 00 HNO 3 22 50 H 2 O 17 50 100.00 and there is on hand a supply of mixed acid of the composition: Per cent. H 2 SO 4 ........................................ 60.12 HNO 3 .............................. .......... 20.23 H 2 .......................................... 19.65 100.00 A 97.5 per cent. H 2 SO 4 and a 90.5 per cent. HNO 3 are on hand. How many pounds of each of these two acids and of the mixed acid on hand must be taken to make each 1000 Ib. of the required mixture without adding any water? Let x = weight of mixed acid to take y = weight of 97.5 per cent. H 2 SO 4 to take z = weight of 90.5 per cent. HNO 3 to take Then z(0.6012) = weight H 2 SO 4 (100 per cent.) in the mixed acid on hand. y(0.975) = weight H 2 SO 4 (100 per cent.) actually added, when adding the 97.5 per cent. acid. z(0.2023) = weight HNO 3 (100 per cent.) in the mixed acid on hand. 0(0.905) = weight HNO 3 (100 per cent.) actually added, when adding the 90.5 per cent. acid. 2/(0.025) = weight H 2 O contained in the H 2 S0 4 (97.5 per cent.). 2(0.095) = weight H 2 O contained in the HNO 3 (90.5 per cent.). x(0.1965) = weight H 2 O in the mixed acid on hand. 1000 Ib. of the desired mixture must evidently contain: 600 Ib. H 2 SO 4 225 Ib. HN0 3 175 Ib. H 2 102 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Therefore we" have the following equations: (1) 3(0.6012) + ?/(0.975) = 600 Ib. H 2 SO 4 (2) z(0.2023) + z(0.905) = 225 Ib. HNO 3 (3) 3(0.1965) + ?/(0.025) + z(0.905) = 175 Ib. H 2 O y = (600 - zO.6012) /0.975 = 615.38 - z(0.61662) z = (225 - zO.2023) /0.905 = 248.62 - z(0.22354) Substituting these two equations in equation (3), we obtain: 0.1965z + 15.38 - 0.01542z + 23.62 - 0.02124z = 175 0.15984z = 136. x = 850.85 Ib. of the mixed acid on hand to take. Substituting in equation (1) : y = (600 - 511.53)/0.975 = 90.74 Ib. of 97.5 per cent. H 2 SO 4 to take. Substituting in equation (2) : z = (225 -- 172.13)/0.905 = 58.41 Ib. of 90.5 per cent. HNO 3 to take. Therefore for each 1000 Ib. of the desired mixture use Mixed acid 850.85 97.5 per cent. H 2 SO 4 90.74 90. 50 per cent. HN0 3 58.41 1000.00 The ratios of these values may be used either to prepare a definite amount of mixed acid or to correct a definite amount of " spent" acid. Knowing the ratios per 1,000 Ib. the quantities requisite for any weight of acid are readily calculated. "Melting point" is understood to be the temperature to which the mercury of the thermometer, dipping into the solidify- ing liquid, rises and at which it remains constant. It should be noticed that large quantities of fuming acid, such as exists in transportation vessels, frequently do not behave in accord with the given data, because during the carriage and MELTING POINTS OF SULPHURIC ACID 103 storage a separation often takes place in the acid, crystals of a different concentration being formed, which, of course, possess a correspondingly different melting point. The figures given in parentheses signify the melting points of freshly made fuming acid, which has not polymerized. BOILING POINTS, SULPHURIC ACID (Lunge, Ber. 11, 370) Per cent. H 2 S0 4 Boiling point, C. Per cent. H 2 SO4 Boiling point, C. Per cent. HiSO* Boiling point, C. 5 101 56 133 82 218.5 10 102 60 141.5 84 227 15 103.5 62.5 147 86 238.5 20 105 65 153.5 88 251.5 25 106.5 67.5 161 90 262.5 30 108 70 170 SI 268 35 110 72 174.5 92 274.5 40 114 74 180.5 93 281.5 45 118.5 76 189 94 288.5 50 124 78 199 95 295 53 128.5 80 207 100 per cent, begins to boil at 290 and rises to 338 (Marignac). MELTING POINTS OF SULPHURIC ACID Knietsch (Ber., 1901, p. 4100) gives the following melting points of sulphuric acid, non-fuming and fuming from 1 to 100 per cent. 80s. NOTE. Melting and freezing points of sulphuric acid are not the same. The mono-hydrate (100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 ) for instance has a freezing point of about 0C. and a melting point of 10C. From my own determinations, 88.1 per cent, total SO 3 for instance, upon cooling gradually, at 18C., begins to freeze, solidifies with a rise of temperature and remains constant at 26C. 18 would really be the freezing point and 26 the melting point. Knietsch gives his melting points as the temperature where the solidifying liquid remains constant. An acid cooled below its melting point will not solidify until it reaches its freezing point unless it be agitated or a fragment of a crystal introduced. SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC ACID, MELTING POINTS Per cent, total S0 3 Melting point Per cent total 80s Melting point Per cent, free SOs Melting point C. F. C. F. C. F. 1 -0.6 30.9 69 7.0 44.6 10.0 50.0 2 -1.0 30.2 70 4.0 39.2 5 3.5 38.3 3 -1.7 28.9 71 -1.0 30.2 10 -4.8 23.4 4 -2.0 28.4 72 -7.2 19.0 15 -11.2 11.8 5 -2.7 27.1 73 -16.2 2.8 20 -11.0 12.2 6 -3.6 25.5 74 -25.0 -13.0 25 -0.6 30.9 7 -4.4 24.1 75 -34.0 -29.2 30 + 15.2 59.4 8 -5.3 22.5 76 -32.0 -25.6 35 26.0 78. 8 % 9 -6.0 21.2 77 -28.2 -18.8 40 33.8 92.8 10 -6.7 19.9 78 -16.5 +2.3 45 34.8 94.6 11 -7.2 19.0 79 -5.2 22.6 50 28.5 83.3 12 -7.9 17.8 80 +3.0 37.4 55 18.4 65.1 13 -8.2 17.2 81 7.0 44.6 60 0.7 33.3 14 -9.0 15.8 81.63 10.0 50.0 65 0.8 33.4 15 -9.3 15.3 82" 8.2 46.8 70 9.0 48.2 16 -9.8 14.4 83 -0.8 30.6 75 17.2 63.0 17 -11.4 11.5 84 -9.2 15.4 80 22.0 71.6 18 -13.2 8.2 85 -11.0 12.2 85 33.0 91.4 19 -15.2 4.6 86 -2.2 28.0 90 34.0 93.2 20 -17.1 1.2 87 + 13.5 56.3 95 36.0 96.8 21 -22.5 -8.5 88 26.0 78.8 100 40.0 104.0 22 -31.0 -23.8 89 34.2 93.6 23 -40.1 -40.2 90 34.2 93.6 \ Below 91 25.8 78.4 85 (27.0) (80.6) . . / -40.0 92 14.2 57.6 90 (25.0) (77.0) 61 -40.0 -40.0 93 0.8 33.4 95 (26.0) (78.8) 62 -20.0 -4.0 94 4.5 40.1 100 (15.0) (59.0) 63 -11.5 + 11.3 95 14.8 58.6 64 -4.8 23.4 96 20.3 68.6 65 -4.2 24.4 97 29.2 84.6 66 + 1-2 34.2 98 33.8 92.8 67 8.0 46.4 99 36.0 96.8 68 8.0 46.4 100 40.0 104.0 TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOR 105 SULPHURIC ACID TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOR 1 Readings in millimeters of mercurial pressure Per cent. H,S0 4 Per cent. SOi Approximate degrees Baume Temperatures, C. 10 15 20 25 30 35 44 35.92 37.0 4.4 6.1 8.5 11.5 15.5 20.9 46 37.55 38.5 4.0 5.5 7.7 10.5 14.5 19.7 48 39.18 39.9 3.7 5.0 7.1 9.6 13.4 18.1 50 40.82 41.4 3.3 4.5 6.5 8.8 12.0 16.4 52 42.45 42.8 3.0 4.0 5.8 7.9 10.9 14.5 54 44.08 44.2 2.6 3.6 5.0 7.0 9.5 12.5 56 45.71 45.7 2.2 3.1 4.3 6.0 8.1 11.0 58 47.36 47.1 .9 2.6 3.5 5.1 7.2 9.1 60 48.99 48.5 .6 2.1 3.0 4.3 6.1 7.5 62 50.61 49.9 .4 1.8 2.6 3.6 5.0 6.5 64 52.24 51.2 .2 1.6 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5 66 53.88 52.6 .1 1.4 1.8 2.5 3.5 4.5 68 55.51 53.9 0.9 1.2 1.5 2.1 3.0 3.8 70 57.14 55.2 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.8 2.5 3.3 72 58.77 56.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 74 60.41 57.8 0.5 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.7 2.1 76 62.04 59.0 0.4 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.4 1.8 78 63.67 60.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.1 1.4 80 65.30 61.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.8 1.1 82 66.94 62.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5 1 SOREL: Lunge's "Sulphuric Acid and Alkali," vol. I, part I, p. 312, 4th edition. NOTE. The corresponding per cent. SO 3 and approximate degree Baum4 (American Standard) were calculated from the given per cent. 106 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK SULPHURIC ACID TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOR (Continued) Readings in millimeters of mercurial pressure Per cent. 11,804 Per cent. S0 3 Approximate degrees Baume Temperature, C. 40 45 50 55 60 65 44 35.92 37.0 28.1 37.4 48.3 46 37.55 38.5 26.3 33.6 44.4 59.6 76.5 96.4 48 39.18 39.9 23.9 30.5 40.1 53.5 69.0 86.8 50 40.82 41.4 21.4 27.4 35.9 47.4 61.3 77.0 52 42.45 42.8 18.9 24.1 31.5 41.5 54.0 67.9 54 44.08 44.2 16.5 21.3 27.8 36.2 47.2 59.9 56 45.71 45.7 14.2 18.5 24.1 31.0 41.6 51.6 58 47.36 47.1 12.0 15.8 20.4 26.1 34.5 44.0 60 48.99 48.5 10.0 13.0 16.9 21.6 28.7 36.7 62 50.61 49.9 8.1 10.5 13.9 17.7 23.9 30.0 64 52.24 51.2 6.5 8.2 10.9 14.0 18.7 23.9 66 53.88 '52.6 5.4 6.5 8.9 11.5 15.2 19.1 68 55.51 53.9 4.5 5.4 7.2 9.5 12.3 15.4 70 57.14 55.2 3.8 4.4 5.9 7.5 9.5 12.1 72 58.77 56.5 3.2 3.6 4.8 6.0 7.5 9.5 74 60.41 57.8 2.6 3.1 3.9 4.9 6.0 7.5 76 62.04 59.0 2.1 2.5 3.0 4.0 4.8 5.9 78 63.67 60.2 1.7 2.1 2.4 3.0 3.5 4.0 80 65.30 61.3 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.4 2.9 3.3 82 66.94 62.3 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.3 TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOR 107 SULPHURIC ACID TENSION OF AQUEOUS VAPOR (Concluded) Readings in millimeters of mercurial pressure Per cent. H,SO Per cent S0 3 Approxi- mate degrees Baumg Temperature, C. 70 75 80 85 90 95 44 35.92 37.0 46 37.55 38.5 48 39.18 39.9 107.2 132.1 50 40.82 41.4 95.6 118.1 152.0 192.6 236.7 52 42.45 42.8 84.5 104.5 131.2 166.5 207.9 251.5 54 44.08 44.2 74.8 92.6 116.1 146.8 183.5 222.0 56 45.71 45.7 65.0 80.6 100.9 128.2 160.0 195.0 58 47.36 47.1 55.4 68.4 86.2 110.6 138.5 169.5 60 48.99 48.5 46.1 56.7 72.3 94.0 118.7 146.0 62 50.61 49.9 37.7 46.2 59.7 78.2 100.7 125.0 64 52.24 51.2 30.3 37.4 48.0 63.8 83.7 105.0 66 68 53.88 55.51 52.6 53.9 24.2 19.4 30.3 24.4 39.0 31.4 52.5 42.5 70.0 56.0 88.0 72.0 70 57.14 55.2 15.5 19.8 25.5 33.9 44.4 57.0 72 58.77 56.5 12.0 15.4 20.0 26.2 33.7 43.4 74 60.41 57.8 9.5 12.1 15.4 19.5 24.5 31.5 76 62.04 59.0 7.5 9.5 11.8 15.0 18.5 22.0 78 63.67 60.2 5.7 7.0 8.5 10.5 13.0 15.8 80 65.30 61.3 4.1 5.0 6.2 7.5 9.3 11.0 82 66.94 62.3 2.7 3.2 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.8 Sulphuric Acid Strength for Equilibrium with Atmospheric Moisture 1 Ninety-three thousand pounds of sulphuric acid, with an ex- posed surface of 1260 sq. ft. and a depth of 10 in., had decreased in strength from 86 to 52.12 per cent. H 2 SO 4 after standing in a lead pan, protected from rain, for 42 days (Sept. 9 to Oct. 21, 1916). Air was bubbled through a 2-liter sample of this acid for 7 consecutive days, when the solution was tested and found to contain 52.18 per cent. H 2 SC>4. The average temperature of the laboratory was 74F., the average vapor of the air (7 tests) 1 W. W. SCOTT: "Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis," 1917, p. 502. 108 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK was 0.2223 gram H 2 per standard cubic foot. The average humidity for September and October was 68 per cent. ; the aver- age temperature 62F. The average humidity for the past 33 years was 72 per cent.; the average temperature 57F. Preparation of the Monohydrate (100 Per Cent. H 2 SO 4 ) One hundred per cent. H 2 S0 4 cannot be made by concentrating a weaker acid. The strongest acid obtainable by concentration is about 98.3 per cent. H 2 SO 4 . It may be prepared by strengthening a weaker acid with SOs or fuming sulphuric acid. Acid between about 98 per cent, and 100 per cent, crystallize at a little below 0C. One hundred per cent, acid may be ob- tained from this strength acid by cooling it to below and separating the crystals which form at about that temperature, melting them and recrystallizing a few times. POUNDS SULPHURIC ACID OBTAINABLE FKOM 100 POUNDS SULPHUR Recovery Grade 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 50 Baume. 491 97 467 37 442 77 418 17 393 58 368 98 344 38 60 Baum6 393 86 374 17 354 47 334 78 315 09 295 . 40 275 . 70 66 Baume* 328 26 311 85 295 43 279 02 262 61 246 20 229 78 98 per cent. H 2 SO 4 312.15 296.54 280.94 265.33 249.72 234.11 218.51 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 .... 305 . 91 290.61 275.32 260.02 244.73 229 . 43 214.14 10 per cent, free SO 3 . . . 299.17 284.21 269.25 254.29 239.34 224.38 209 . 42 20 per cent, free SO 8 . . . 292 . 75 278.11 263.48 248.84 234.20 219.56 204.93 30 per cent, free SO 3 . . . 286.57 272.24 257.91 243.58 229.26 214.93 200 . 60 40 per cent, free SO 3 . . . 280.65 266.62 252.59 238.55 224.52 210.49 196.46 100 per cent. SO 3 249.72 237.23 224.75 212.26 199.78 187.29 174.80 SULPHUR DIOXIDE IN BURNER GAS 109 POUNDS SULPHURIC ACID OBTAINABLE FROM 100 POUNDS SO 3 Recovery Grade 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 50 Baume", 197.01 187.16 177.31 167.46 157.61 147.76 137.91 60 Baume" ... 157.72 149.83 141 95 134 . 06 126 18 118 29 110 40 66 Baume* 131.45 124.88 118.31 111.73 105.16 98.59 92.02 98 per cent. H 2 SO 4 . . . . 125.00 118.75 112.50 106.25 100.00 93.75 87.50 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 . . . 122.50 116.38 110.25 104.13 98.00 91.88 85.75 10 per cent, free SO 3 . . . 119.80 113.81 107.82 101.83 95.84 89.85 83.86 20 per cent, free SO 3 . . . 117.23 111.37 105.51 99.65 93.78 87.92 82.06 30 per cent, free SO 3 . . . 114.76 109.02 103.28 97.55 91.81 86.07 80.33 40 per cent, free SO S . . . 112.38 106.76 101.14 95.52 89.90 84.29 78.67 POUNDS SULPHUR REQUIRED TO MAKE 100 POUNDS SULPHURIC ACTD Recovery Grade 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Per Per Per Per Per Per Per cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 50 Baum6 20 33 21 40 22 59 23 92 25 41 27 11 29 04 60 Baum6 25 39 26 73 28 21 29 87 31 74 33 85 36 27 66 Baum6 30 46 32 06 33 84 35 84 38 08 40 61 43 51 98 per cent. H 2 SO 4 32.04 33.73 35.60 37.69 40.05 42.72 45.77 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 . . . . 32.69 34.41 36.32 38.46 40.86 43.59 46.70 10 per cent, free SO 3 . . . 33.42 35 . 18 37.13 39.32 41.78 44.56 47.74 20 per cent, free SO 3 . . . 34.15 35.95 37.94 40.18 42.69 45.53 48.79 30 per cent, free SO 3 . . . 34.89 36.73 38.77 41.05 43.61 46.52 49.84 40percent.freeSO 3 . . . 35.63 37.51 39.59 41.92 44.54 47.51 50.90 100 per cent. SO 3 40.04 42.15 44.49 47.11 50 . 05 53.39 57.20 THE QUANTITATIVE ESTIMATION OF SULPHUR DIOXIDE IN BURNER GAS Reich's Test This is usually determined by Reich's process which consists of aspirating the gas through a measured quantity of iodine con- 110 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK tained in a wide-neck bottle and colored blue by adding starch solution. This bottle is connected with a larger bottle fitted as an aspirator by a siphon. Water is siphoned from this into a 500-c.c. graduated cylinder drawing the gas through the reaction bottle. As soon as the S0 2 contained in the gas enters the iodine solution the free iodine is converted into hydriodic acid and after a time the liquid will be decolorized, which at last happens very suddenly and can be very accurately observed. The reaction takes place as follows: 21 + S0 2 + 2H 2 = 2HI + H 2 S0 4 In this process no S0 2 escapes unabsorbed if the reaction bottle is constantly shaken. The operation may be stopped when the solution is but faint as it generally disappears on shaking a little longer. The volume of water in the cylinder is read off. It is equal to that of the gas aspirated when increased by that of the SO 2 absorbed. When several testings have been made, the decolorized liquid after a short time, again turns blue, because then its percentage of HI has become so large that it decomposes on standing and liberates iodine. This liquid must then be poured away and replaced with fresh water and starch. For estimating burner gas the usual charge in the reaction bottle is 10 c.c. of deci-normal iodine solution along with about 300 c.c. water and a little starch solution. Ten cubic centimeter hundredth-normal iodine solution is usually used for estimating the exit gas. If the gas is very rich in S0 2 , 20-25 c.c. should be used. Calculation of Results. One liter of sulphur dioxide weighs 2.9266 grams at 0C. and a barometric pressure of 760 mm. Deci-normal iodine solution contains 12.69 grams iodine per liter. Each cubic centimeter of solution contains 0.01269 gram I which is an equivalent to 0.003203 gram S0 2 = 1.094 c.c. under standard conditions. Let v = per cent. S0 2 in gas SULPHUR DIOXIDE IN BURNER GAS 111 , c.c. I used Then x = c.c. gas used 109.4a 6 + 1.094a Since calculations are under standard conditions it will be necessary to convert the volumes obtained in the tests to these conditions, using the formula V = F o P^^ 1 760 (1 + 0.00367Q V = measured volume P = observed barometric pressure t = temperature of gas. w = aqueous vapor pressure at temperature of test For all practical purposes, however, this calculation may be neglected. Preparation of Iodine Solution. To prepare N/10 iodine solu- tion weigh out 12.69 grams of pure resublimed iodine. Dissolve about 25 grams potassium iodide with water using just enough to put it in solution. Place the weighed iodine in this solution and stir until completely dissolved. Fill with water to 1 liter. To prepare N/100 iodine solution either weigh 1.269 grams iodine, dissolve and dilute to 1 liter or take 100 c.c. of the N/10 solution and dilute to 1 liter. Iodine solution should be kept in a cool place and protected from direct sunlight. Well-stoppered dark-colored glass bottles are suitable containers. Preparation of Starch Solution. To prepare, take about 3 grams arrow-root starch and mix with water to a thin paste. Place this into about a liter of boiling water and continue to boil about a half hour. After cooling add a few drops chloro- form which preserves it and prevents souring. Keep in well- stoppered bottles. 112 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK REICH'S TEST FOB SO 2 Per cent. SO 2 corresponding to volume of water Burner gas 10 c.c. I solution Exit gas 10 c.c. I solution 100 Cubic centi- meters water Per cent. S0 2 Cubic centi- meters water Per cent. S0 2 Cubic centi- meters water Per cent. S0 2 Cubic centi- meters water Per cent. S0 2 Cubic centi- meters water Per cent. S0 2 1,035 1.0 385 2.8 200 5.2 2,185 .05 270 .40 1,030 1.1 375 2.8 195 5.3 1,820 .06 265 .41 940 .1 370 2.9 190 5.4 1,560 .07 260 .42 935 .2 360 2.9 185 5.6 1,365 .08 255 .43 865 .2 355 3.0 180 5.7 1,215 .09 245 .44 860 .3 350 3.0 175 5.9 1,090 .10 240 .45 800 .3 345 3.1 170 6.0 990 .11 235 .46 795 1.4 340 3.1 165 6.2 910 .12 230 .47 740 1.4 335 3.2 160 6.4 840 .13 225 .48 735 1.5 330 3.2 155 6.6 780 .14 220 .50 690 1.5 325 3.3 150 6.8 730 .15 200 .55 685 1.6 320 3.3 145 7.0 680 .16 180 .60 655 1.6 315 3.4 140 7.2 640 .17 165 .65 650 1.7 310 3.4 135 7.5 605 .18 155 .70 615 1.7 303 3.5 130 7.8 575 .19 145 .75 610 1.8 300 . 3.5 125 8.0 545 .20 135 .80 580 1.8 295 3.6 120 8.3 520 .21 130 .85 575 1.9 290 3.6 115 8.7 495 .22 120 .90 550 1.9 285 3.7 110 9:0 475 .23 115 .95 545 2.0 280 3.8 105 9.4 455 .24 110 1.00 525 2.0 275 3.8 100 9.9 435 .25 105 1.05 520 2.1 270 3.9 95 10.3 420 .26 100 1.10 500 495 2.1 2.2 265 260 4.0 4.0 405 390 .27 .28 95 90 1 .15 1.20 475 2.2 255 4.1 375 .29 85 1.25 470 2.3 250 4.2 365 .30 80 1.35 450 2.3 245 4.3 350 .31 75 1.45 445 2.4 240 4.4 340 .32 70 1,55 440 2.4 235 4.4 330 .33 65 1.65 435 2.5 230 4.5 320 .34 60 1.80 420 2.5 225 4.6 310 .35 55 1.95 415 2.6 220 4.7 300 .36 50 2.15 405 400 2.6 2.7 215 210 4.8 4.9 295 285 .37 .38 . 390 2.7 205 5.1 280 .39 TEST FOR TOTAL ACIDS IN BURNER GAS 113 TEST FOR TOTAL ACIDS IN BURNER GAS Since Reich's test takes no account of the SOs always present in burner gas it is quite practicable and accurate to estimate the total acids (S0 2 + SO 3 ) either along with the Reich's test or exclusively. This is performed in the same apparatus, but the absorbing bottle is preferably provided with a gas entrance tube, closed at the bottom and perforated by numerous pin holes, through which the gas bubbles. A deci-normal solution of sodium hydroxide is employed of which 10 c.c. are diluted to about 300 c.c. and tinged red with phenolphthalein. The gas is aspirated through it slowly, exactly as in Reich's test, with con- tinuous shaking. Especially toward the end, the shaking must be continued for a while (say a half a minute) each time aspi- rating a few cubic centimeters of gas through the liquid, until the color is completely discharged. The calculation is made exactly as with the iodine test, count- ing all the acids as SO 2 . If the ore contains much organic matter as when coal gases are burnt, the carbon dioxide acting on the phenolphthalein will render this method inaccurate. Methyl orange cannot be used with any degree of accuracy as it acts differently toward sulphurous acid and sulphuric acid. It can, however, be used if the SO 2 is determined at the same time and then proper calculations made. CALCULATING THE PERCENTAGE OF SO 2 CONVERTED TO SO 3 WHEN THE S0 2 IN THE BURNER AND EXIT GASES IS KNOWN AS USED IN THE CONTACT PROCESS 1. If a equals the quantity (not per cent.) of S0 2 in one volume of entrance gas and X equals the fraction of this that is converted to S0 3 , then aX equals the quantity of S0 2 converted to SO 3 . As two volumes of SO 2 combine with one volume of oxygen to 114 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK form two of SO 3 the contraction due to the formation and ab- sorption of SOa is equal to 3aX 3aX and the final volume is 1 - If 6 equals the fraction that the SO 2 is of the exit gas b M -- j equals the quantity of unconverted SO 2 in the 3aX\ a ~ b ~ exit gas and X = - Or reducing to its simplest form 2a- 2b X 2a - Sab And WQX equals the per cent, of S0 2 converted to S0 3 . 2. Or let x = per cent, conversion a = per cent. S0 2 in roaster gas. 6 = per cent. S0 2 in exit gas 100 2 (2a - 26) x 200a - 3a5 SO 2 CONVERTED TO SO, 115 PER CENT. SO 2 CONVERTED TO SO 3 Per cent. SO Z Burner gas Per cent. SO* in exit gas 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 2.0 97.6 95.1 92.7 90.3 87.8 85.4 82.9 80.5 2.1 97.7 95.4 93.1 90.8 88.4 86.1 83.8 81.4 2.2 97.8 95.6 93.4 91.2 89.0 86.8 84.5 82.3 2.3 97.9 95.8 93.7 91.6 89.5 87.4 85.2 83.1 2.4 98.0 96.0 94.0 91.9 89.9 87.9 85.9 83.8 2.5 98.1 96.1 94.2 92.3 90.3 88.4 86.5 84.5 2.6 98.2 96.3 94.5 92.6 90.7 88.9 87.0 . 85.1 2.7 98.2 96.4 94.7 92.9 91.1 89.3 87.5 85.7 2.8 98.3 96.6 94.9 93.1 91.4 89.7 88.0 86.2 2.9 98.4 96.7 95.0 93.4 91.7 90.1 88.4 86.7 3.0 98.4 96.8 95.2 93.6 92.0 90.4 88.8 87.2 3.1 98.5 96.9 95.4 93.8 92.3 90.7 89.2 87.6 3.2 98.5 97.0 95.5 94.0 92.5 91.0 89.5 88.0 3.3 98.6 97.1 95.7 94.2 92.8 91.3 89.9 88.4 3.4 98.6 97.2 95.8 94.4 93.0 91.6 90.2 88.8 3.5 98.6 97.3 95.9 94.6 93.2 91.8 90.5 89.1 3.6 98.7 97.4 96.1 94.7 93.4 92.1 90.8 89.4 3.7 98.7 97.4 96.2 94.9 93.6 92.3 91.0 89.7 3.8 98.8 97.5 96.3 95.0 93.8 92.5 91.3 90.0 3.9 98.8 97.6 96.4 95.2 93.9 92.7 91.5 90.3 4.0 98.8 97.7 96.5 95.3 94.1 92.9 91.7 90.5 4.1 98.9 97.7 96.6 95.4 94.3 93.1 91.9 90.8 4.2 98.9 97.8 96.6 95.5 94.4 93.3 92.2 91.0 4.3 98.9 97.8 96.7 95.6 94.5 93.4 92.3 91.2 4.4 98.9 97.9 96.8 95.7 94.7 93.6 92.5 91.3 4.5 99.0 97.9 96.9 95.8 94.8 93.8 92.7 91.7 4.6 99.0 98.0 97.0 95.9 94.9 93.9 92.9 91.9 4.7 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 94.0 93.0 92.0 4.8 99 1 98.1 97.1 96.1 95.2 94.2 93.2 92.2 4.9 99.1 98.1 97.2 96.2 95.3 94.3 93.4 92.4 116 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK PER CENT. SC>2 CONVERTED TO SO 3 (Continued] Per cent. SO 2 Burner gas Per cent. SO2 in exit gas 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 2.0 78 75.6 73.1 70.6 68.2 65.7 63.2 60.7 2.1 79.1 76.8 74.4 72.1 69.7 67.4 65.0 62.7 2.2 80.1 77.9 75.6 73.4 71.2 68.9 66.7 64.4 2.3 81.0 78.9 76.7 74.6 72.5 70.3 68.2 66.0 2.4 81.8 79.8 77.7 75.7 73.6 71.6 69.5 67.5 2.5 82.6 80.6 78.7 76.7 74.7 72.8 70.8 68.8 2.6 83.3 81.4 79.5 77.6 75.7 73.9 72.0 70.1 2.7 83.9 82.1 80.3 78.5 76.7 74.9 73.0 71.2 2.8 84.5 82.8 81.0 79.3 77.5 75.8 74.1 72.3 2.9 85.1 83.4 81.7 80.0 78.4 76.7 75.0 73.3 3.0 85.6 84.0 82.4 80.7 79.1 77.5 75.9 74.2 3.1 86.1 84.5 82.9 81.4 79.8 78.2 76.7 75.1 3.2 86.5 85.0 83.5 82.0 80.5 79.0 77.4 75.9 3.3 87.0 85.5 84.0 82.6 81.1 79.6 78.2 76.7 3.4 87.4 85.9 84.5 83.1 81.7 80.3 78.8 77.4 3.5 87.7 86.4 85.0 83.6 82.2 80.9 79.5 78.1 3.6 88.1 86.8 85.4 84.1 82.8 81.4 80.1 78.7 3.7 88.4 87.1 85.8 84.6 83.2 81.9 80.6 79.3 3.8 88.8 87.5 86.2 85.0 83.7 82.4 81.2 79.9 3.9 89.1 87.8 86.6 85.4 84.2 82.9 81.7 80.5 4.0 89.4 88.2 87.0 85.8 84.6 83.4 82.2 81.0 4.1 89.6 88.5 87.3 86.1 85.0 83.8 82.6 81.5 4.2 89.9 88.8 87.6 86.5 85.4 84.2 83.1 81.9 4.3 90.1 89.0 87.9 86.8 85.7 84.6 83.5 82.4 4.4 90.4 89.3 88.2 87.2 86.1 85.0 83.9 82.8 4.5 90.6 89.6 88.5 87.5 86.4 85.3 84.3 83.2 4.6 90.8 89.8 88.8 87.8 86.7 85.7 84.6 83.6 4.7 91.0 90.0 89.0 88.0 87.0 86.0 85.0 84.0 4.8 91.2 90.3 89.3 88.3 87.3 86.3 85.3 84.3 4.9 91.4 90.5 89.5 88.6 87.6 86.6 85.7 84.7 SO, CONVERTED TO SO, 117 PER CENT. SO 2 CONVERTED TO SO 3 (Continued) Per cent. S0 2 Burner gas Per cent. SOi in exit gas 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 2.0 58.2 55.8 53.3 50.8 48.3 45.7 43.2 40.7 38.2 2.1 60.3 57.9 55.6 53.2 50.8 48.4 46.0 43.6 41.2 2.2 62.2 59.9 57.6 55.4 53.1 50.8 48.6 46.3 44.0 2.3 63.9 61.7 59.5 57.4 55.2 53.6 50.9 48.7 46.5 2.4 65.4 63.4 61.3 59.2 57.1 55.1 53.0 50.9 48.8 2.5 66.9 64.9 62.9 60.9 58.9 56.9 54.9 52.9 51.0 2.6 68.2 66.3 64.4 62.5 60.6 58.7 56.7 54.8 52.9 2.7 69.4 67.6 65.8 63.9 62.1 60.2 58.4 56.6 54.7 2.8 70.5 68.8 67.0 65.3 63.5 61.7 60.0 58.2 56.4 2.9 71.6 69.9 68.2 66.5 64.8 63.1 61.4 59.7 58.0 3.0 72.6 71.0 69.3 67.7 66.0 64.4 62.7 61.1 59.5 3.1 73.5 71.9 70.4 68.8 67.2 65.6 64.0 62.4 60.8 3.2 74.4 72.9 71.3 69.8 68.3 66.7 65.2 63.6 62.1 3.3 75.2 73.7 72.2 70.8 69.3 67.8 66.3 64.8 63.3 3.4 76.0 74.5 73.1 71.7 70.2 68.8 67.3 65.9 64.4 3.5 76.7 75.3 73.9 72.5 71.1 69.7 68.3 66.9 65.5 3.6 77.4 76.0 74.7 73.3 72.0 70.6 69.2 67.9 66.5 3.7 78.0 76.7 75.4 74.1 72.8 71.4 70.1 68.8 67.5 3.8 78.6 77.4 76.1 74.8 73.5 72.2 71.0 69.7 68.4 3.9 79.2 78.0 76.7 75.5 74.2 73.0 71.7 70.5 69.2 4.0 79.8 78.6 77.4 76.1 74.9 73.7 72.5 71.3 70.1 4.1 80.3 79.1 77.9 76.8 75.6 74.4 Y3.2 72.0 70.8 4.2 80.8 79.7 78.5 77.4 76.2 75.0 73.9 72.7 71.6 4.3 81.3 80.1 79.0 78.0 76.8 75.7 74.6 73.4 72.3 4.4 81.7 80.6 79.5 78.5 77.4 76.3 75.2 74.1 73.0 4.5 82.2 81.1 80.0 79.0 77.9 76.8 75.7 74.7 73.6 4.6 82.6 81.5 80.5 79.5 78.4 77.4 76.3 75.3 74.2 4.7 83.0 82.0 80.9 79.9 78.9 77.9 76.9 75.8 74.8 4.8 83.4 82.4 81.4 80.4 79.4 78.4 77.4 76.4 75.4 4.9 83.7 82.7 81.8 80.8 79.8 78.8 77.9 76.9 75.9 118 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK PER CENT. SO 2 CONVERTED TO SO 3 (Continued} Per cent. SO 2 Burner gas Per cent. SOz in exit gas 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 5.0 99.1 98.2 97.2 96.3 95.4 94.4 93.5 92.6 5.1 99.1 98.2 97.3 96.4 95.5 94.5 93.6 92.7 5.2 99.1 98.2 97.3 96.4 95.6 94.7 93.8 92.9 5.3 99.2 98.3 97.4 96.5 95.7 94.8 93.9 93.0 5.4 99.2 98.3 97.4 . 96.6 95.7 94.9 94.0 93.2 5.5 99.2 98.3 97.5 96.7 95.8 95.0 94.1 93.3 5.6 99.2 98.4 97.5 96.7 95.9 95.1 94.3 93.4 5.7 99.2 98.4 97.6 96.8 96.0 95.2 94.4 93.6 5.8 99.2 98.4 97.6 96.9 96.1 95.3 94.5 93.7 5.9 99.2 98.5 97.7 96.9 96.1 95.4 94.6 93.8 6.0 99.3 98.5 97.7 97.0 96.2 95.4 94.7 93.9 6.1 99.3 98.5 97.8 97.0 96.3 95.5 94.8 94.0 6.2 99.3 98.5 97.8 97.1 96.3 95.6 94.9 94.1 6.3 99.3 98.6 97.9 97.1 96.4 95.7 95.0 94.2 6.4 99.3 98.6 97.9 97.2 96.5 95.8 95.0 94.3 6.5 99.3 98.6 97.9 97.2 96.5 95.8 95.1 94.4 6.6 99.3 98.6 98.0 97.3 96.6 95.9 95.2 94.5 6.7 99.3 98.7 98.0 97.3 96.6 96.0 95.3 94.6 6.8 99.3 98.7 98.0 97.4 96.7 96.0 95.4 94.7 6.9 99.4 98.7 98.1 97.4 96.8 96.1 95.4 94.8 7.0 99.4 98.7 98.1 97.4 96.8 96.2 95.5 94.9 7.1 99.4 98.7 98.1 97.5 96.9 96.2 95.6 94.9 7.2 99.4 98.8 98.1 97.5 96.9 96.3 95.7 95.0 7.3 99.4 98.8 98.2 97.6 97.0 96.3 95.7 95.1 7.4 99.4 98.8 98.2 97.6 97.0 96.4 95.8 95.2 7.5 99.4 98.8 98.2 97.6 97.0 96.4 95.8 95.2 7.6 99.4 98.8 98.3 97.7 97.1 96.5 95.9 95.3 7.7 99.4 98.9 98.3 97.7 97.1 96.5 96.0 95.4 7.8 99.4 98.9 98.3 97.7 97.2 96.6 96.0 95.5 7.9 99.5 98.9 98.3 97.8 97.2 96.6 96.1 95.5 8.0 99.5 98.9 98.4 97.8 97.3 96.7 96.1 95.6 SO 2 CONVERTED TO SO 3 119 PER CENT. SO 2 CONVERTED TO SO 3 (Continual) Per cent. SOs Burner gas Per cent. SOi in exit gas 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 5.0 91.6 90.7 89.7 88.8 87.9 86.9 86.0 85.0 5.1 91.8 90.9 90.0 89.0 88.1 87.2 86.3 85.3 5.2 92.0 91.1 90.2 89.3 88.4 37.5 86.6 85.6 5.3 92.1 91.3 90.4 89.5 88.6 87.7 86.8 85.9 5.4 92.3 91.4 90.6 89.7 88.8 88.0 87.1 86.2 5.5 92.5 91.6 90.8 89.9 89.1 88.2 87.4 86.5 5.6 92.6 91.8 90.9 90.1 89.3 88.4 87.6 86.8 5.7 92.7 91.9 01.1 90.3 89.5 88.7 87.8 87.0 5.8 92.9 92.1 91.3 90.5 89.7 88.9 88.1 87.3 5.9 93.0 92.2 91.4 90.7 89.9 89.1 88.3 87.5 6.0 93.1 92.4 91.6 90.8 90.1 89.3 88.5 87.7 6.1 93.3 92.5 91.7 91.0 90.2 89.5 88.7 87.9 6.2 93.4 92.6 91.9 91.2 90.4 89.7 88.9 88.2 6.3 93.5 92.8 92.0 91.3 90.6 89.8 89.1 88.4 6.4 93.6 92.9 92.2 91.5 90.7 90.0 89.3 88.6 6.5 93.7 93.0 92.3 91.6 90.9 90.2 89.5 88.8 6.6 93.8 93.1 92.4 91.7 91.1 90.4 89.7 89.0 6.7 93.9 93.2 92.6 91.9 91.2 90.5 89.8 89.1 6.8 94.0 93.4 92.7 92.0 91.3 90.7 90.0 89.3 6.9 94.1 93.5 92.8 92.1 91.5 90.8 90.2 89.5 7.0 94.2 93.6 92.9 92.3 91.6 91.0 90.3 89.7 7.1 94.3 93.7 93.0 92.4 91.7 91.1 90.5 89.8 7.2 94.4 93.8 93.1 92.5 91.9 91.2 90.6 90.0 7.3 94.5 93.9 93.2 92.6 92.0 91.4 90.8 90.1 7.4 94.6 94.0 93.3 92.7 92.1 91.5 90.9 90.3 7.5 94.6 94.0 93.4 92.8 92.2 91.6 91.0 90.4 7.6 94.7 94.1 93.5 93.0 92.4 91.8 91.2 90.6 7.7 94.8 94.2 93.6 93.1 92.5 91.9 91.3 90.7 7.8 94.9 94.3 93.7 93.2 92.6 92.0 91.4 90.8 7.9 95.0 94.4 93.8 93.3 92.7 92.1 91.5 91.0 120 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK PER CENT. SO 2 CONVERTED TO SO 3 (Continued] Per cent. S0 2 Burner gas Per cent. SO 2 in exit gas 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 5.0 84.1 83.1 82.2 81.2 80.3 79.3 78.4 77.4 76.4 5.1 84.4 83.5 82.6 81.6 80.7 79.7 78.8 77.9 76.9 5.2 84.7 83.8 82.9 82.0 81.1 80.2 79.2 78.3 77.4 5.3 85.1 84.2 83.3 82.4 81.5 80.6 79.7 78.8 77.9 5.4 85.4 84.5 83.6 82.7 81.6 80.8 79.9 79.1 78.3 5.5 85.6 84.8 83.9 83.1 82.2 81.3 80.5 79.6 78.6 5.6 85.9 85.1 84.2 83.4 82.5 81.7 80.9 80.0 79.2 5.7 86.2 85.4 84.5 83.7 82.9 82.1 81.2 80.4 79.6 5.8 86.5 85.6 84.8 84.0 83.2 82.4 81.6 80.8 79.9 5.9 86.7 85.9 85.1 84.3 83.5 82.7 81.9 81.1 80.3 6.0 86.9 86.2 85.4 84.6 83.8 83.0 82.2 81.4 80.6 6.1 87.2 86.4 85.7 84.9 84.1 83.3 82.6 81.8 81.0 6.2 87.4 86.7 85.9 85.2 84.4 83.6 82.9 82.1 81.4 6.3 87.6 86.9 86.2 85.4 84.7 83.9 83.2 82.4 81.7 6.4 87.8 87.1 86.4 85.7 84.9 84.2 83.5 82.7 82.0 6.5 88.1 87.3 86.6 85.9 85.2 84.5 83.8 83.0 82.3 6.6 88.3 87.6 86.9 86.1 85.4 84.7 84.0 83.3 82.6 6.7 88.4 87.8 87.1 86.4 85.7 85.0 84.3 83.6 82.9 6.8 88.6 88.0 87.3 86.6 85.9 85.2 84.5 83.9 83.2 6.9 88.8 88.2 87.5 86.8 86.1 85.5 84.8 84.1 83.4 7.0 89.0 88.3 87.7 87.0 86.4 85.7 85.0 84.4 83.7 7.1 89.2 88.5 87.9 87.2 86.6 85.9 85.3 84.6 84.0 7.2 89.3 88.7 88.1 87.4 86.8 86.1 85.5 84.9 84.2 7.3 89.5 88.9 88.3 87.6 87.0 86.4 85.7 85.1 84.5 7.4 89.7 89.0 88.4 87.8 87.2 86.5 85.9 85.2 84.6 7.5 89.8 89.2 88.6 88.0 87.4 86.8 86.1 85.5 84.9 7.6 90.0 89.4 88.8 88.2 8.7.6 87.0 86.4 85.8 85.2 7.7 90.1 89.5 88.9 88.3 87.7 87.1 86.6 86.0 85.4 7.8 90.3 89.7 89.1 88.5 87.9 87.3 86.7 86.2 85.6 7.9 90.4 89.8 89.3 ; 88.7 88.1 87.5 86.9 86.4 85.8 1 SO 2 CONVERTED TO S0 3 121 PER CENT. SO 2 CONVERTED TO SO 3 (Continued) Per cent. SO* Burner gas Per cent. SOa in exit gas 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 8.0 94.5 93.9 93.3 92.8 92.2 91.7 91.1 90.5 8.1 94.5 94.0 93.4 92.9 92.3 91.8 91.2 90.7 8.2 94.6 94.1 93.5 93.0 92.4 - 91.9 91.3 90.8 8.3 94.7 94.1 93.6 93.1 92.5 92.0 91.5 90 9 8.4 94.8 94.2 93.7 93.2 92.6 92.1 91.6 91.0 8.5 94.8 94.3 93.8 93.3 92.7 92.2 91.7 91.2 8.6 94.9 94.4 93.9 93.3 92.8 92.3 91.8 91.3 8.7 95.0 94.5 93.9 93.4 92.9 92.4 91.9 91.4 8.8 95.0 94.5 94.0 93.5 93.0 92.5 92.0 91.5 8.9 95.1 94.6 94.1 93.6 93.1 92.6 92.1 91.6 9.0 95.2 94.7 94.2 93.7 93.2 92 7 92.2 91.7 9.1 95.2 94.7 94.3 93.8 93.3 92.8 92.3 91.8 9.2 95.3 94.8 94.3 93.8 93.4 92.9 92.4 91.9 9.3 95.3 94.9 94.4 93.9 93.4 93.0 92.5 92.0 9.4 95.4 94.9 94.5 94.0 93.5 93.1 92.6 92.1 9.5 95.5 95.0 04.5 94.1 93.6 93.1 92.7 92.2 9.6 95.5 95.1 94.6 94.1 93.7 93.2 92.8 92.3 9.7 95.6 95.1 94.7 94.2 93.8 93.3 92.9 92.4 9.8 95.6 95 .2 94.7 94.3 93.8 93.4 93.0 92.5 9.9 95.7 95.2 94.8 94.4 93.9 93.5 93.0 92.6 10.0 95.7 95.3 94.9 94.4 94.0 93.5 93.1 92.7 122 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK PER CENT. SO 2 CONVERTED TO S0 3 (Concluded) Per cent. S0 2 Burner gas Per cent. SCh in exit gas 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 8.0 90.0 89.4 88.8 88.3 87.7 87.1 86.6 86 81 90.1 89.5 89.0 88.4 87.9 87.3 86.7 86.2 8.2 90.2 89.7 89.1 88.6 88.0 87.5 86.9 86.4 8.3 90.4 89.8 89.3 88.7 88.2 87.7 87.1 86.6 8.4 90.5 90.0 89.4 88.9 88.4 87.8 87.3 86.7 8.5 90.6 90.1 89.6 89.0 88.5 88.0 87.5 86.9 8.6 90.8 90.2 89.7 89.2 88.7 88.1 87.6 87.1 8.7 90.9 90.4 89.8 89.3 88.8 88.3 87.8 87.3 8.8 91.0 90.5 90.0 89.5 89.0 88.5 87.9 87.4 8.9 91.1 90.6 90.1 89.6 89.1 88.6 88.1 87.6 9.0 91.2 90.7 90.2 89.7 89.2 88.7 88.3 87.8 9.1 91.3 90.9 90.4 89.9 89.4 88.9 88.4 87.9 9.2 91.4 91.0 90.5 90.0 89.5 89.0 88.5 88.1 9.3 91.6 91.1 90.6 90.1 89.6 89.2 88.7 88.2 9.4 91.7 91.2 90.7 90.2 89.8 89.3 88.8 88.4 9.5 91.8 91.3 90.8 90.4 89.9 89.4 89.0 88.5 9.6 91.9 91.4 90.9 90.5 90.0 89.6 89.1 88.6 9.7 92.0 91.5 91.1 90.6 90.1 89.7 89.2 88.8 9.8 92.1 91.6 91.2 90.7 90.3 89.8 89.4 88.9 9.9 92.2 91.7 91.3 90.8 90.4 89.9 89.5 89.0 10.0 92.2 91.8 91.4 90.9 90.5 90.0 89.6 89.2 COMPOSITION OF DRY GAS 123 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Theoretical Composition of Dry Gas from the Roasting of Metallic Sulphides Dry Air Composition 20.8.* O 2 =79.2< N 2 by Volume Reactions Equations of Gas Composition 2 ZnS + 3O 2 =2 Zn O + 2 SOa *O 2 = 20,8-1.396 x O 2 =20.8-1.594x %SO t : SfN 2 =79^ + 0-594 xjfSOj 1 \ \ \ \ NA s^ \X; \ ^ r s \s ^/^ t ^ V \\ & 0^' vft ^ ^ _ ^ t^^ ^ P0^ Gft*j 2*. ^t ^,*^* 11 ** ^ s Ve g \* ^ ^ttog ^J5 / / ^ >w x V* \ \ > \ \ \ s \ > \ \ \ 87 S4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Per Cent Sulphur Dioxide 124 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 9 7 G 5 4 3 2 1 Theoretical Composition of Dry Gas from the Combustion of Sulphur Dry Air Composition - 20. 8% O 2 :79.2% N 2 by Volume leaction Equations of Gas Composition + O 2 =SO 2 %>O 2 =20.8- %SO 2 : %N 2 = 79.2 = S 3 g Per Cent Nitroeen \ \ 3 \ s \ \ \ \ Per Cent Nitrogen \ \ \ \ V fe ^ ^ \ \ \ \ \ M 1 34567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Per Cent Sulphur Dioxide QUALITATIVE TESTS SULPHURIC ACID 125 QUALITATIVE TESTS SULPHURIC ACID Nitrogen Acids Diphenylamine Test. A few grams diphenylamine is dissolved in strong sulphuric acid, free from nitrogen oxides. Put about 2 or 3 c.c. of the acid to be tested in a test-tube and add about 1 c.c. of the diphenylamine solution so that the layers overlay gradually. In case of dilute acids proceed in the opposite man- ner. The slightest trace of nitrogen acids is proved by the ap- pearance of a brilliant blue color at the point of contact of the liquids. In the presence of selenium the diphenylamine test fails as the same color is produced. Ferrous-sulphate Test. A saturated solution of ferrous sul- phate is added to the acid to be tested in a test-tube. Incline the test-tube so the layers overlay gradually. Hold the tube upright and tap gently. In presence of nitric acid a brown ring forms at the junction of the two solutions. Ferrous sulphate should be present in excess, otherwise the brown color is de- stroyed by the free nitric acid. If only a trace of nitric acid is present a pink color is produced. Selenium Ferrous-sulphate Test. Selenium in sulphuric acid can be recognized by adding a strong solution of ferrous sulphate. A brownish-red color will make its appearance which after a while turns into a red precipitate (not vanishing upon heating) like the brown color produced by nitrogen acids. Sodium-sulphite Test. Overlay about 4 c.c. weak hydro- chloric acid containing a granule of sodium sulphite dissolved. A red zone on warming shows the presence of selenium. Lead Dilute the acid to about five times its volume with dilute alcohol. If any lead is present it will be precipitated as the white sulphate, PbS0 4 . 126 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Iron Boil the acid, if free from nitrogen, with a drop of nitric acid to oxidize the iron. Dilute a little, allow to cool and add a solu- tion of potassium thiocyanate. A red color proves the presence of iron. Arsenic Marsh Test. In the presence of nascent hydrogen, both arsenic and arsenious compounds are reduced, and arsine (or arseniuretted hydrogen) AsH 3 is evolved. Hydrogen is slowly generated from zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, both materials being free from arsenic. The issuing gas is passed through a piece of tube which has been drawn out so as to produce one or two constricted places in its length. As soon as the air is expelled from the apparatus, the issuing hydrogen is inflamed. A small quantity of the acid to be tested is then introduced and a piece of cold white porcelain depressed upon the flame. If any arsenic is present, a rich brown-black metallic looking stain will be deposited. The deposit being volatile and the flame very hot, the stain will again disappear if the flame is allowed to impinge for more than a moment or two on the same spot. If the drawn-out tube is heated near one of the constrictions, the arseniuretted hydrogen will be decomposed and an arsenic mirror will be deposited in the tube. Hydrogen-sulphide Test. The acid is diluted and hydrogen sulphide gas passed through. If any arsenic is present it will be precipitated as yellow arsenious sulphide, A 2 S 3 . THE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF SULPHURIC ACID The quantitative analysis of sulphuric acid, volumetrically, is made by titrating a weighed quantity. The titration is per- formed by means of a standard normal sodium-hydroxide solu- tion which is controlled by a standard normal sulphuric-acid solution and results are either expressed as per cent. 80s or per QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 127 cent. H 2 SO 4 . In the following methods all calculations will be for per cent, of SOs. The methods may easily be extended to express as per cent. H 2 S0 4 if desired. Standard Normal Acid The strength of the standard normal sulphuric-acid solution is fixed by chemically pure sodium carbonate which is the ulti- mate standard for acidimetric and alkalimetric volumetric analysis. Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Sodium bicarbonate made by the ammonia-soda process may be obtained in exceedingly pure form. The impurities that may be present are silica, magnesium, ammonia, arsenic, lime, sodium sulphate and sodium chloride. With the exception of silica and lime the impurities may be readily removed by washing the sodium bicarbonate several times with cold water and decanting the supernatant solution of each washing from the difficultly solu- ble bicarbonate. The washing is continued until the material is free from chlorine, as sodium chloride is the principal impurity, and its removal leaves an exceedingly pure product. The bi- carbonate is then dried between large filter papers in a hot-air oven protected from acid gases, at 100C. and kept in a sealed bottle until used. Sodium carbonate is made from this pure sodium bicarbonate by igniting in a platinum crucible at 290-300C. to constant weight in an electric oven. If a constant-temperature oven is not available a simple oven may be improvised by use of a sand bath and a sheet-iron or clay cylinder shell covered at the upper end. A thermometer passing through this shield registers the temperature and at the same time serves as a stirrer as it should be stirred occasionally. The sand on the outside of the crucible should reach the same level as the bicarbonate inside so the con- tents is entirely surrounded by an atmosphere of comparatively even temperature. 128 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Sodium carbonate intended for standardization of acids should not be heated over 300C. and if heating is carried on at this temperature for a sufficient length of time (1 to 5 hours) constant weight will be obtained and one may be sure that neither bi- carbonate or water is left behind and yet no sodium oxide -or carbon dioxide has been formed as may happen if heating is carried on to a low red heat. While the carbonate is still hot place about 2 grams each in several small tared glass-stoppered weighing bottles. Keep in a desiccator up to the time of weigh- ing and titrating, allowing plenty of time to cool. To test for purity dissolve about 5 grams in water which ought to yield a perfectly clear, colorless solution. If after acidifying this solution with nitric acid, no opalescence is caused by barium chloride or silver nitrate, the salt may be taken as sufficiently pure. For exceedingly accurate work the material is analyzed and allowance made for impurities that still remain. The error caused by any such impurities is so small, that for all practical purposes it may be neglected. Chemically pure sodium carbonate prepared by a reliable manufacturer is sufficiently pure but should be ignited at 290- SOO^C. for 1 hour as a precaution. Standardizing the Standard Acid Wash each weighed amount of sodium carbonate (as titrated) into a 350-c.c. beaker and add enough water to dissolve. Methyl orange is 'used as an indicator and the cold solution of sodium carbonate is colored just perceptibly yellow by adding a drop or two of the indicator. If too much is used the color will be too intense and the transition too pink on neutralization will be less sharp. A change to pink takes place only when all the carbonate has been neutralized and the solution slightly acidified. An excess of acid (0.5 to 1 c.c.) is added as this is necessary to drive out all the carbon dioxide. The solution is then heated to boiling to aid in expelling the CO2. Upon heating the color fades, but QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 129 as soon as the carbon dioxide has been expelled, cool by placing the beaker in running water and the pink color will return. Transfer the solution from the beaker into the titrating vessel washing very carefully. The excess of acid is titrated with standard sodium hydroxide, the caustic being added drop by drop, then cutting the drops from the tip of the burette until a fraction of a drop produces a yellow straw color. A comparison solution having the color of the end point sought for may be prepared by using a slight amount of methyl orange, a few drops of standard alkali and diluting to about the same amount as the solution to be titrated. If all the CO 2 is not expelled an intermediate color is observed due to its action on the indicator, the color passing from pink through orange to yellow and vice versa. This transition through orange, however, is much more noticeable when weaker standard solutions, fifth normal, etc., are used. Phenolphthalein as an indicator is colorless in an acid solution and a pinkish-red in an alkaline solution. If phenolphthalein is used, special precautions must be taken as to the exclusion of CO 2 . The solution must be well boiled, the standard solutions should be C02-free; C0 2 -free water should be used and some chemists even claim that the C0 2 contained in the air, which comes into contact with the liquid upon cooling, may cause trouble in accurate work. Preparation and Calculation of the Standard Acid A normal solution of sulphuric acid contains 40.03 grams S0 3 per liter (0.04003 gram per cubic centimeter). To prepare, determine the per cent. SO 3 in the chemically pure acid that the solution is to be prepared from. Let x = grams c.p. acid to be used per liter y = per cent. SO 3 in c.p. acid rp, 100 X 40.03 Then x = - y 130 - SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Titrate an aliquot portion of the newly prepared solution against a weighed quantity of sodium carbonate or if accurate standard alkali solution is at hand it may similarly be employed for examining the provisional acid. Adjustment to normal strength may now be made. Thus far standard solutions have been considered as being ad- justed to normality. Calculations are simplified to a great ex- tent by using normal solutions, but to adjust solutions to be just normal is a matter of considerable difficulty. It is a general practice to calculate the strength of the standard solutions, not attempting to have the normality more than approximate, the exact strength, however, always being known and used in all calculations. Following is given the method for calculating the grams SO 3 per cubic centimeter in the standard acid solution. The grams SO 3 per cubic centimeter may be used directly in calculations or reduced to per cent, normality. For instance, a normal solution contains 0.04003 gram SO 3 per cubic centimeter. Suppose a solution is found to contain 0.0395 gram per cubic centimeter. Then the per cent, normality of this solution would be : - - 9868Ar Molecular weight SO 3 = 80.06 Molecular weight Na 2 C0 3 = 106.005 QO r\r* ' n = 0.7552 = gram S0 3 neutralized by 1 gram Na2CO 3 lUb.UUo Let x = gram S0 3 per cubic centimeter in standard acid a = grams Na2C0 3 neutralized b cubic centimeters standard acid neutralized (cubic centimeters acid cubic centimeters alkali in back titration.) a X 0.7552 X " ~b~ It is necessary to know the relative strengths of the standard acid and alkali solutions so that the value of the alkali solution QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 131 used in producing the desired neutralization may be ascertained. When the two solutions are exactly equivalent cubic centimeters to cubic centimeters, subtraction of the alkali used from the acid used gives the correct amount of acid used. If the solutions are not exactly equivalent the alkali reading should be multiplied by a factor of its per cent, relation to the acid solution in order to equalize the two. For example, in determining the relation between the acid and alkali we find it requires 29.7 c.c. of alkali to neutralize 30 c.c. of acid. The factor then would be: & - 1 - 0101 The temperature of the standard acid should be observed at the time of its standardization for future use. The coefficient of expansion is 0.000325 c.c. or 0.000013 gram SO 3 per cubic centimeter per degree Centigrade for average laboratory tem- peratures (25C.). Example: Weight of Na 2 CO 3 used = 2 grams Cubic centimeters acid used = 39. 17 c.c. Cubic centimeters alkali used = 0.92 c.c. 29.7 c.c. alkali will neutralize 30 c.c. of acid = 1 .0101 (factor) Temperature of acid = 23C. 0.92 X 1.0101 = 0.93 39.17-0.93 =38.24 o y ft 7552 - = 0.039498 gram SO 3 per cubic centimeter at 23C. 5o.^4 Standard Sodium Hydroxide A normal solution of sodium hydroxide contains 40.008 grams NaOH per liter (0.040008 gram per cubic centimeter). It is not essential to have the solution "just normal" but for simplifying calculations it should be as nearly equivalent to the standard acid as possible. 132 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Standard sodium hydroxide is prepared by dissolving approxi- mately 50 grams NaOH per liter. The solution may then be adjusted to proper strength. This solution is controlled by standardizing against the standard sulphuric-acid solution using methyl orange as indicator. Run a quantity of the standard alkali into the titrating vessel, add a drop or two of the indicator which will give a yellow straw color. Now titrate with the standard acid, toward neutraliza- tion drop by drop then cutting the drops from the tip of the bu- rette until a fraction of a drop produces a pink color. Observe the temperature of the standard acid and if it varies from the time of its standardization use the given coefficient of expansion and calculate to the temperature observed at the time of the alkali standardization. Let x = gram S0 3 equivalent per cubic centimeter standard alkali a = gram SO 3 per cubic centimeter standard acid b = cubic centimeters standard acid used c = cubic centimeters standard alkali used a X b X = T Observe the temperature of the standard alkali at the time of its standardization for future use. The coefficient of expansion is 0.00026 c.c. or 0.000011 gram S0 3 equivalent per cubic centi- meter per degree Centigrade for average laboratory tempera- tures (25C.). Example: Gram S0 3 per cubic centimeter standard acid at 23 = 0.039498 Temperature acid at time of alkali standardization = 27 27 - 23 = 4 4 X 0.000013 = 0.000052 0.039498 - 0.000052 = 0.039446 gram SO 3 per cubic centi- meter standard acid at 27C, QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 133 Cubic centimeters standard acid used = 30 Cubic centimeters standard alkali used = 29 . 7 Temperature standard alkali = 26 0.039446 X 30 . . = 0.039844 gram SOa equivalent per cubic tu .7 centimeter standard alkali at 26C. Sodium hydroxide purified by alcohol is not suitable for pre- paring a standard solution as it does not drain properly in the burette, producing an oily appearance. When employing methyl orange as an indicator an ordinary sodium hydroxide solution may be employed without any special precautions. When intended to be used with phenolphthalein it should be as free as possible from carbonate as this would inter- fere with the indicator. Also the solution should be protected against the absorption of CC>2 from the air. COz free water should be used. A' solution entirely free from carbonate is difficult to prepare and preserve when in constant use. By adding 1 to 2 grams of barium hydroxide or barium chloride per liter of the standard solution the carbonate will be precipitated. It is advisable to add only an amount to precipitate the carbonate as the presence of barium would produce an opalescence with sulphuric acid when titrated. Or a better method would be to add the barium hydroxide in slight excess to precipitate the carbonate, then add enough sulphuric acid to precipitate the excess barium. Protecting the Strength of the Standard Solutions The standard solution containers should be well stoppered and the air drawn into the bottle purified from CO 2 and acid fumes. This can be accomplished by drawing the air through a sodium- hydroxide solution or sodium calcium oxide then through calcium chloride. Some chemists claim that if vapor is lost from the standard reagents and this replaced by dry air, as is the common practice, the solution gradually changes in strength. They rec- 134 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK ommend drawing through a sodium-hydroxide solution only, thus purifying the air from C0 2 and acid fumes and at the same time saturating the air with moisture. Burettes Fifty cubic-centimeter burettes, graduated in tenths, with a mark passing entirely around the tube are very convenient. The eye can be held so that the marks appear to be a straight line drawn across the tube, thus lessening chances of error in reading. One hundred cubic-centimeter burettes graduated in tenths would be too long for convenient manipulation. In extremely accurate work, where it is desired to have a titration of 75 to 100 c.c., the chamber burette is convenient. The chamber located in the upper portion of the tube holds 75 c.c. and the lower portion drawn out into a uniform bore tube holding 25 c.c., is graduated. Burettes should be connected to the reservoir of standard solutions by means of an arm at the base. Burettes should be allowed to drain 2 min. before taking readings. Readings should be in hundredths of a cubic centi- meter. Meniscus readers are of great value. Observing Temperature Thermometers may be suspended from the stoppers of the reservoirs. The burette may be water-jacketed with a large glass tube and the thermometer suspended along side of the burette. The thermometer may be inserted in the upright siphon tube from the reservoir at the base of the burette. Titrating Vessels White porcelain dishes (500-c.c. capacity) or 4-in. casseroles are best adapted for titrating vessels on account of the clear QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 135 white background, enabling the analyst to see the end point clearly. Preparing Indicator Solution Methyl orange may be prepared by dissolving 1 gram of the reagent per liter of water. Phenolphthalein may be prepared by dissolving 1 gram of the reagent per liter of neutral 95 per cent, alcohol. Methods of Weighing Acid Non-fuming. Tared, glass-stoppered, conical-shape weighing bottles about 15-c.c. capacity are very convenient. Weigh about 1.5 to 2 grams for each titration. Wash into the titrating vessel, dilute to 150-200 c.c. and titrate. Fuming. Fuming acid must be confined during weighing and until diluted with water without loss of SO 3 . If the acid is wholly or partly crystallized, heat moderately until it becomes liquid and mix thoroughly before sampling. Acid which is not far removed from real SO 3 in composition would give off too much SO 3 in this operation. Such acid should be weighed out in a stoppered bottle and mixed in this with a known and exactly analyzed quantity of a weaker acid at a temperature from 30 to 40C. In this way an acid that will remain liquid at ordinary temperatures can be formed. Of course the amount of diluting acid added will have to be taken into calculations. A few methods for weighing follow: 1. Lunge -Rey Pipette. This consists of a small bulb with a stop-cock at each end, the tube from one being capillary. The capillary tube is covered with a ground on light glass cup which is weighed with the pipette. The whole apparatus is weighed, the stop-cock next to the capillary is closed and the air in the bulb exhausted by applying suction at the other (upper) tube, the stop-cock is closed thus sealing the vacuum. The capillary tube is then dipped into the acid to be sampled, the lower stop- 136 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK cock then opened and the acid will be drawn into the bulb. The lower stop-cock is closed and the capillary covered with the cup and the whole again weighed. The pipette is emptied by placing the capillary under water, opening both stop-cocks and allowing the acid to run out, then washing thoroughly. Dilute to 150 to 200 c.c. and titrate. 2. Glass-tube Method. Some chemists use glass tubes bent in different shapes for weighing fuming acid. The acid is drawn into the tube by applying suction and emptied by submerging under water and allowing to run out by gravity, regulating the outflow by placing a finger over the end of the tube or by regu- lating the flow of water sometimes used to force the acid out. 3. Glass-bulb Method. In the bulb method thin glass bulbs of about 2-c.c. capacity are used. The bulbs have a capillary tube from two sides, one about J^ in. long which is sealed and used as a handle and the other about 3 in. long. These bulbs may be easily made by an amateur glass blower. After weighing the bulb, heat moderately over a low alcohol flame, then place the long tube into the acid to be sampled and allow to cool. The contraction of the air upon cooling will draw the acid into the bulb. Draw 1.5 to 2 grams. Seal the end with the flame, wipe the acid off carefully and weigh. Insert the bulb along with about 50 c.c. water in a well-stoppered bottle, large enough to allow the bulb to be placed loosely. Give the bottle a vigor- ous shake so as to break the bulb. A sudden vibration occurs from the contact of the acid with the water and clouds of SO 3 rise which will be absorbed by a little shaking. When the SOs fumes are completely absorbed, open the bottle and crush the capillary tubes with a glass rod. Wash into the titrating vessel, dilute to 150-200 c.c. and titrate. Advantages of the bulb method: 1. Convenience in handling as compared to the awkwardness of the other methods. 2. To facilitate drying the tubes or pipette, requires that they be rinsed in alcohol, followed by ether, then heating, dry air QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 137 being aspirated through. This requires a great deal of time and work which is eliminated by the bulb method. 3. In diluting, strong fuming acid cannot be run directly into water in an open vessel without great chances of loss. SOa fumes may escape unabsorbed. Also loss may occur through the bump- ing and splashing caused by the sudden evolution of heat when the acid comes into contact with water. The bulb method does not have these objections. 4. If solid acid is being analyzed, using the bulb method it only has to be kept liquid long enough to draw into the bulb while with the other methods it also must be kept in the liquid state to empty from the tube or pipette. Titration of Acid As indicator methyl orange is used and so much is only taken than the pink color produced is quite visible, say a drop. A yellow straw-colored end point is sought for and to be certain of neutralization it is best to titrate back, cutting a fraction of a drop off the tip of the burette until a faint trace of pink is observed. If phenolphthalein is used as an indicator titrate with alkali until a pinkish-red is observed. Nitrous acid destroys the coloring matter of methyl orange, but commercial acid seldom contains sufficient amount to cause any trouble. If any difficulty is encountered, the indicator should be added or renewed shortly toward neutralization or an excess of alkali added, then methyl orange, and the solution then titrated back with standard acid. Let x = per cent. SO 3 a = gram SOs equivalent per cubic centimeter in stand- ard alkali b = cubic centimeters standard alkali neutralized (cubic centimeters alkali used cubic centimeters acid used) c = grams acid (weight of sample) a X b X 100 x = 138 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK If the temperature of the standard alkali differs from the time of its standardization adjust the temperature correction before making calculations. Example: Grams acid (weight of sample) = 1 . 9845 Cubic centimeters standard alkali used = 40 . 00 Temperature of standard alkali = 22C. Gram SO 3 equivalent per cubic centi- meter standard alkali at 26C. = 0.039844 26 - 22C. = 4.0 4 X 0.000011 = 0.000044 . 039844 + . 000044 = . 039888 0.039888 X 40 X 100 ar . = 80.39 per cent, SO 3 Thus far all operations have been carried on under the assump- tion that no S0 2 is present in the sulphuric acid. If SO 2 is pres- ent, operations and calculations must be extended according to the indicator used. Sulphur dioxide dissolves in water forming sulphurous acid. When phenolphthalein is used as an indicator the reaction is H 2 SO 3 + 2NaOH = Na 2 S0 3 + 2H 2 With methyl orange, the point of neutrality is reached when the acid salt NaHSO 3 has been formed thus requiring only one- half as much alkali for neutralization as when phenolphthalein is used H 2 S0 3 + NaOH = NaHS0 3 + H 2 Determine the amount of S0 2 present by titrating a separate sample with N/10 iodine using starch as an indicator. The end point is reached when a blue color is observed. Let x = per cent. SO 2 a = cubic centimeters N/10 1 used ; 1 cc. = . 0032 gram SO 2 b = grams acid in sample X = QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 139 a X 0.0032 X 100 SO, _ 80.06 _ S0 2 " 64.06 " Using phenolphthalein : Per cent. S0 3 as total acidity (per cent. SO 2 X 1.25) = actual per cent. S0 3 . Using methyl orange: Percent. SO 3 as total acidity - 0.5 (percent. SO 2 X 1.25) = actual per cent. SOa. If it is desired to calculate fuming acid as per cent, free SO 3 , no SO 2 being present, the formulas given under the caption " Form- ulas for use in sulphuric-acid calculations" may be used. If SO 2 is present it should be calculated as follows: Example. Methyl orange is used as indicator: Total acidity per cent. SO 3 = 83.5 Per cent. SO 2 = 2.0 Per cent. Actual total SO 3 = 83.5 - 0.5 (2 X 1.25)= 82.25 H 2 O = 100.0 - (82.25 + 2.0) = 15.75 Combined SO 3 = 15.75 X 4.4438 =69.99 Free SO 3 = 82.25 - 69.99 = 12.26 H 2 S0 4 = 15.75 + 69.99 = 85.74 Therefore the composition of the acid would be: Per cent. H 2 SO 4 = 85.74 FreeSO 3 = 12.26 SO 2 = 2.00 100.00 QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF LEAD, IRON AND ZINC IN SULPHURIC ACID Lead Weigh 100 grams of the acid and dilute with an equal volume of water and twice its vo'ume of alcohol. Upon cooling the lead 140 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK settles as a white precipitate of sulphate. Filter directly on an asbestos mat in a tared Gooch crucible, wash several times with dilute alcohol, dry and weigh as lead sulphate. 1 gram PbS0 4 = 0.68324 gram Pb. Iron Weigh 100 grams of the acid, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to oxidize the iron. Make alkaline by adding ammonia which will precipitate the iron, heat to boiling and filter. Dis- solve the precipitate from the filter with dilute sulphuric acid, wash with hot water, add about 10 c.c. concentrated sulphuric acid and pass through pure zinc shavings. Wash the latter thoroughly and then titrate with potassium permanganate. This is best employed as an empirical solution prepared by dis- solving 564 mg. KMnO 4 per liter. 1 c.c. = 0.001 gram Fe or 0.001 per cent. Fe on a 100-gram sample. Zinc Weigh 100 grams acid, dilute to about 400 c.c., neutralize with ammonia and filter off the iron. Pass through H 2 S gas, allow the ZnS to settle. Decant the supernatant liquor. Dissolve the precipitate with hydrochloric acid, neutralize with ammonia, add a small amount of ammonium chloride and an excess of 10 c.c. hydrochloric acid. Dilute to about 250 c.c., heat to boiling and titrate while hot with potassium ferrocyanide using uranium nitrate on a spot plate as indicator. THE ANALYSIS OF MIXED ACID AND NITRATED SULPHURIC ACID Mixed acid is the technical name for a mixture of strong sul- phuric acid and nitric acid. The analysis includes the deter- mination of H 2 SO 4 , HNO 3 and lower oxides which may be cal- ANALYSIS OF MIXED ACID 141 culated as N 2 O 3 , N 2 O 5 , HNO 2 or even as N 2 O 4 and in the case of faming sulphuric acid being present the determination of SO 3 . In the presence of the latter HNO 3 is supposed to lose its com- bined water according to the reaction: 2HNO 3 + S0 3 = H 2 S0 4 + N 2 O 5 If any SO 2 should be present it is assumed that it is oxidized to SO 3 with the formation of H 2 S0 4 and the anhydrides SO 3 and N 2 O 3 according to the reaction: N 2 O 5 -f H 2 O + 2SO 2 = N 2 O 3 + SO 3 + H 2 SO 4 Some chemists prefer to express the reaction: 2HNO 3 + SO 2 = H 2 SO 4 + N 2 O 4 The analysis is carried out by three titrations: (a) Determination of total acidity. (6) Determination of sulphuric acid, including free SO 3 in the case of fuming acid. (c) Determination of lower oxides of nitrogen. (a) Total Acidity. The sample is accurately weighed by one of the procedures recommended for fuming sulphuric acid and diluted with water as described. If methyl orange is employed as indicator, either add it only toward the end of the titration or renew it as destroyed or add an excess of alkali, then the indi- cator and titrate back. Calculate as per cent. SO 3 . (6) Sulphuric Acid. A second sample is weighed and diluted as in the case of total acids. The solution is evaporated on a steam bath to expel the volatile acids, lower oxides and nitric. The evaporation is hastened by blowing a current of hot, dry, pure air over the sample. About 5 c.c. water are added and this again evaporated. The acid is then diluted with water and titrated with the standard alkali. Calculate as per cent. SO 3 which gives the actual per cent. (c) Lower Oxides. A third sample is weighed and diluted as in the case of total acids. The solution is titrated immediately 142 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK with N/10 KMn0 4 , the reagent being added rapidly at first and finally drop by drop as the end point is approached. The reac- tion at the end is apt to be slow so that time must be allowed for complete oxidation. The titration is completed when a pink color is obtained that does not fade in 3 min. Organic matter is also oxidized by KMnO 4 hence will interfere if present. If organic matter is present the titration should be made with N/10 iodine solution. KMnO4 reacts with nitrous acid or a nitrate as follows: 2KMn0 4 + 5HN0 2 + 3H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + 5HNO 3 + 3H 2 O + 2MnSO 4 4KMnO 4 + 5N 2 O 3 + 6H 2 SO 4 = 2K 2 SO 4 + 4MnSO 4 + 5N 2 O 5 + 6H 2 Therefore 1 c.c. N/10 KMnO 4 = 0.0019 gram N 2 3 0.0046 gram N 2 O 4 0.00235 gram HNO 2 The KMn0 4 solution is standardized against sodium oxalate. Reaction : 5Na 2 C 2 4 -|- 2KMn0 4 + 8H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 5Na 2 S0 4 + 10CO 2 + 8H 2 O. Example. Mixed acid analysis free S0 3 absent. The total acidity in terms of S0 3 is found to be 67.76 per cent. The total S0 3 after evaporation = 34 . 55 per cent. The N 2 O 3 = 0.096 per cent. To calculate the composition of the mixed acid : 67.76 - 34.55 = 33.21 per cent. HNO 3 + HNO 2 as SO 3 . The amount of acidity as nitric acid is: 2HNO 3 2(63.018) S0 3 80.06 X 33.21 = 52.27 per cent. HN0 3 + HNO 2 as HNO 3 . ANALYSIS OF MIXED ACID 143 The equivalent of N 2 O 3 in HNO 3 is: 2HNO 3 2(63.018) v -N^7 ^7o2- X 0.096 = 0.16 per cent The amount of nitric acid present is: 52.27 - 0.16 = 52.11 per cent. HNO 3 . The amount of sulphuric acid present is: ^ = Sx34.5 5 = 42.33 per cent. H 2 so, From these figures the analysis of the mixed acid is : H 2 S0 4 = 42.33 HNO 3 = 52.11 N 2 O 3 = 0.10 By difference H 2 O = 5.46 100.00 per cent. Example. Mixed acid analysis free SO S present. Nitric acid in the presence of free SO 3 is assumed to be the anhydride N 2 Os. The total acidity in terms of SO 3 is found to be 84 per cent. The total SO 3 after evaporation 82 per cent. 84 - 82 = 2 per cent. SO 3 difference. The equivalent N 2 Os is: cent. Water = 100 - (82 + 2.698) = 15.302 per cent. Combined S0 3 = 15.302 X 4.4438 =68.00 Free SO 3 = 82-68 = 14.00 H 2 SO 4 = 68 + 15.30 =83.30 144 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK From these figures the analysis of the mixed acid is: H 2 SO 4 = 83.30 FreeSO 3 = 14.00 N 2 5 = 2.70 100.00 per cent. Du Pont Nitrometer Method The principle of the nitrometer method for the determination of nitrogen acids in sulphuric acid and mixed acid is the reaction between sulphuric acid and nitrogen acids in the presence of mercury. This converts all nitrogen acids into NO: 2HN0 3 + 3H 2 SO 4 + 3Hg. = 4H 2 O + 3HgSO 4 + 2NO There are several types of nitrometers, the Du Pont having proved to be the most accurate and convenient, in fact, in the United States it is now practically accepted as the standard nitrometer apparatus. The United States government uses it ex- clusively in all nitrometer work. By use of this apparatus, direct readings in per cent, may be obtained, without recourse to cor- rection of the volume of gas to standard conditions and calcula- tions such as are required with ordinary nitrometers. The apparatus consists of a generating bulb D of 300 c.c. capac- ity with its reservoir E connected with heavy walled rubber tub- ing. D carries two glass stop-cocks as is shown in illustration. c is a two way stop-cock communicating with either the cup or the right angle capillary exit tube. C is the chamber reading burette, calibrated to read in percentages of nitrogen and gradu- ated from 10 to 14 per cent., divided into one-hundredths. Be- tween 171.8 and 240.4 c.c. of gas must be generated to obtain a reading. B is the ungraduated compensating burette very simi- lar in form to the reading burette C. A is the leveling bulb which is connected with B and C with heavy walled rubber tubing by the glass connection y. By raising or lowering this bulb the standard pressure of the system may be obtained. F is a meas- uring burette- that may be used in place of C where a wider range ANALYSIS OF MIXED ACID 145 of measurement is desired. It can be used for the measurement of small as well as large amounts of gas. It is most commonly graduated to hold 300.1 milligrams of NO at 20C. and 760 mm. pressure and this volume is divided into 100 units (subdivided in tenths) each unit being equivalent to 3.001 milligrams of NO. rt When compensated, the gas from ten times the molecular weight in milligrams of any nitrate of the formula RNO 3 (or five times the molecular weight of R(NO 3 ) 2 ) should exactly fill the burette. This simplifies all calculations; for example, the per cent, nitric acid in a mixed acid would be : Burette reading X 63.02 Grams acid taken X 100 = *** pent ' HN 3 10 146 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Standardizing the Apparatus. The apparatus having been arranged and the various parts filled with mercury, the instru- ment is standardized as follows: 20 to 30 c.c. of sulphuric acid are drawn into the gene- rating bulb through the cup, and at the same time about 210 c.c. of air; cocks c and d are closed and the bulb well shaken; this thoroughly desiccates the air which is then run over into the compensating burette until the mercury is about on a level with the 12.30 per cent, mark on the reading burette, the two being held in the same relative position, after which the compensating burette is sealed off by closing stop-cock a. A further quantity of air is desiccated in the same manner and run into the reading burette so as to fill up to about the same mark; the cock b is then closed and a small glass U-tube filled with sul- phuric acid (not water) is attached to the exit tube of the reading burette; when the mercury columns are balanced and the enclosed air cooled down, the cock b is carefully opened and when the sul- phuric acid balances in the U-tube, and the mercury columns in both burettes are at the same level, then the air in each one is under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. A read- ing is now made from the burette and the barometric pressure and temperature carefully noted using the formula: FoPo(273 + fl V t = ~ The volume this enclosed air would occupy at 760 mm. pressure and 20C. is found. The cock b is again closed and the reservoir A manipulated so as to bring the mercury in both burettes to the same level and in the reading burette to the calculated value as well. A strip of paper is now pasted on the compensating bu- rette at the level of the mercury and the standardization is complete. The better and most rapid method of standardizing is to fill the compensating chamber with desiccated air as stated in the previous method and then to introduce into the generating cham- ANALYSIS OF MIXED ACID 147 ber 1 gram of pure potassium nitrate dissolved in 2 to 4 c.c. of water, the cup is rinsed out with 20 c.c. 66Be. sulphuric acid, making three or four washings of it, each lot being drawn sepa- rately into the bulb. The generating bulb is then shaken vigorously, care being taken that stopcock d is open, until ap- parently all gas is formed. Then close cock d and repeat the shaking for two minutes. The generated gas is then transferred into the measuring burette. The columns in both burettes are balanced so that the reading burette is at 13.85 (per cent. N in KNO 3 ). A strip of paper is pasted on the compensating burette at the level of the mercury and the standardization is accom- plished. By this method the temperature and pressure readings and the calculations are avoided. Making the Test. The acid is weighed, the amount being gov- erned by its nitrogen content and transferred into the cup of the generating bulb. If any free SO 3 is present the acid should be mixed after weighing with 95 per cent, reagent sulphuric acid. The sample is drawn into the bulb; the cup is then rinsed with three or four washings of 95 per cent, sulphuric acid, the total quantity being 20 c.c. Care should be exercised that no air enters the bulb when drawing the acid in. To generate the gas, the bulb is shaken vigorously until ap- parently all the gas is formed, taking care that stop-cock d has been left open; this cock is then closed and the shaking repeated for two minutes. The reservoir A is then lowered until about 60 c.c. of mercury and 20 c.c. of acid are left in the generating bulb. There will remain then sufficient space for 220 c.c. of gas. If too much mercury is left in the bulb the mixture will be so thick that it will be found difficult to complete the reaction, a long time will be required for the residue to settle and some of the gas is liable to be held in suspension by the mercury, so that inaccurate results follow. The generated gas is now transferred to the reading burette, and after waiting a couple of minutes to allow for cooling, both burettes are balanced, so that in the compensating tube the 148 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK mercury column is on a level with the paper mark, as well as with the column in the reading burette ; the reading is then taken : HNO 3 63.018 N 14.01 = 4.4981 Burette reading TTAT/^ r X 4.4981 = per cent. HN0 3 Weight acid taken Note. The generating bulb should be flushed out with 95 per cent, sulphuric acid after every determination. A test should always be made to see whether the glass stop- cocks are tight. They will hardly remain so without greasing occasionally with vaseline, but this ought to be done very slightly, so as to avoid any grease getting into the bore, for if it comes in contact with acid, troublesome froth will be formed. Ferrous-sulphate Method Nitric acid may be estimated quantitatively in sulphuric acid and mixed acid by titration with ferrous sulphate in the presence of strong sulphuric acid. The strong sulphuric acid is used as the medium in which the titration is performed. This method checks the nitrometer method very well and very accurate results may be obtained. The following equation represents the reaction taking place : 4FeSO 4 + 2HNO 3 + 2H 2 SO 4 = 2Fe 2 (S0 4 )3 + N 2 3 + 3H 2 For detailed procedure the analyst is referred to Scott's ''Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis." CALIBRATION OF STORAGE TANKS AND TANK CARS One of the problems often confronted in acid practice is the accurate calibration of storage tanks and tank cars. When these are merely of upright cylindrical shape, the solution is very simple, but when the cylinder has bumped ends and lies on its CALIBRATION OF STORAGE TANKS 149 side, it becomes more complicated as there are two variables to be considered, that is, the cylinder and the spherical segments at the ends. Methods based on the assumption that the tank is a true cylin- der are applicable with accuracy only to cases when the tank has flat heads. In the majority of cases met with in practice, how- ever, the mechanical advantages to be gained have required that the heads of the tanks be bumped. To such tanks it is impossi- ble to apply the aforementioned method of calculation without the introduction of considerable error. General practice of tank design is to have the radius of the tank head equal to the diameter of the tank. On account of the almost universal acceptance of this practice of construction, the proposi- tion will be confined to the above condition. In subsequent calculations, therefore, advantage of the above condition will be taken, which results in making the diameter of the base of the spherical segment equal to the radius of the sphere. Procedure. Treat the tank as consisting of two component parts : 1. The content of the material in the cylindrical portion of the tank, i.e., the tank exclusive of the bumped ends. 2. The content of the material held by the bumped ends. Treating the two component volumes separately, designate them as: Vol. A = volume of cylinder. Vol. B = volume of single bumped end. Total volume = Vol. A + 2 Vol. B. Vol. A is equal to the product of the length of the cylinder and the area of the segment of the circle. Vol. B may be expressed as the volume of a portion of a spher- ical segment. To calibrate a tank for each vertical inch of height, determine these component volumes for every inch of height and add them together. 150 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Determination of Vol. A Calculate the height of the segment as a decimal fraction of the diameter of the tank y . Consult the following table and find the corresponding coefficient. Vol. A = (Coefficient) X (Square of diameter) X (Length of tank) If the tank is filled to over one-half, calculate the volume of the empty space and deduct this from the total capacity of the cylinder. Then Vol. A = (Total capacity of cylinder) (Volume of empty space) h d Coefficient h d Coefficient h d Coefficient h d Coefficient .001 .00004 .021 .00403 .041 .01093 .061 .01972 .002 .00012 .022 .00432 .042 .01133 .062 .02020 .003 .00022 .023 .00462 .043 .01173 .063 .02068 .004 .00034 .024 .00492 .044 .01214 .064 .02117 .005 .00047 .025 .00523 .045 .01256 .065 .02166 .006 .00062 .026 .00555 .046 .01297 .066 .02216 .007 .00078 .027 .00587 .047 .01339 .067 .02265 .008 .00095 .028 .00619 .048 .01382 .068 .02316 .009 .00114 .029 .00653 .049 .01425 .069 .02366 .010 .00133 .030 .00687 .050 .01468 .070 .02417 .011 .00153 .031 .00721 .051 .01512 .071 .02468 .012 .00175 .032 .00756 .052 .01556 .072 .02520 .013 .00197 .033 .00791 .053 .01601 .073 .02571 .014 .00220 .034 .00827 .054 .01646 .074 .02624 .015 .00244 .035 .00864 .055 .01691 .075 .02676 .016 .00269 .036 .00901 .056 .01737 .076 .02729 .017 .00294 .037 .00938 .057 .01783 .077 .02782 .018 .00320 .038 .00976 .058 .01830 .078 .02836 .019 .00347 .039 .01015 .059 .01877 .079 .02889 .020 .00375 .040 .01054 .060 .01924 .080 .02944 CALIBRATION OF STORAGE TANKS 151 h d Coefficient h d Coefficient h d Coefficient h d Coefficient .081 .02998 .116 .05081 .151 .07459 .186 .10077 .082 .03053 .117 .05145 .152 .07531 .187 .10155 .083 .03108 .118 .05209 .153 .07603 .188 . 10233 .084 .03163 .119 .05274 .154 .07675 .189 .10312 .085 .03219 .120 .05339 .155 .07747 .190 .10390 .086 .03275 .121 .05404 .156 .07819 .191 .10468 .087 .03331 .122 .05469 .157 .07892 .192 . 10547 .088 .03387 .123 .05535 .158 .07965 .193 . 10626 .089 .03444 .124 .05600 .159 .08038 .194 . 10705 .090 .03501 .125 .05666 .160 .08111 .195 .10784 .091 .03559 .126 .05733 .161 .08185 .196 .10864 .092 .03616 .127 .05799 .162 .08258 .197 . 10943 .093 .03674 .128 .05866 .163 .08332 .198 .11023 .094 .03732 .129 .05933 .164 .08406 .199 .11103 .095 .03791 .130 .06000 .165 .08480 .200 .11182 .096 .03850 .131 .06067 .166 .08555 .201 .11263 .097 .03909 .132 .06135 .167 .08629 .202 .11343 .098 .03968 .133 .06203 .168 .08704 .203 . 11423 .099 .04028 .134 .06271 .169 .08779 .204 .11504 .100 .04088 .135 .06339 .170 .08854 .205 .11584 .101 .04148 .136 .06407 .171 .08929 .206 .11665 .102 .04208 .137 .06476 .172 .09004 .207 .11746 .103 .04269 .138 .06545 .173 .09080 .208 .11827 .104 .04330 .139 .06614 .174 .09156 .209 .11908 .105 .04391 .140 .06683 .175 .09231 .210 .11990 .106 .04452 .141 .06753 .176 .09307 .211 . 12071 .107 .04514 .142 .06823 .177 .09384 .212 . 12153 .108 .04576 .143 .06892 .178 .09460 .213 . 12235 .109 .04638 .144 .06963 .179 .09537 .214 .12317 .110 .04701 .145 .07033 .180 .09614 .215 . 12399 .111 .04763 .146 ..07103 .181 .09690 .216 .12481 .112 .04826 .147 .07174 .182 .09768 .217 .12563 .113 .04889 .148 .07245 .183 .09845 .218 .12646 .114 .04953 .149 .07316 .184 .09922 .219 . 12729 .115 .05017 .150 .07388 .185 .10000 .220 .12811 152 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK h d Coefficient h d Coefficient h d Coefficient h d Coefficient .221 . 12894 .256 . 15876 .291 . 18996 .326 .22228 .222 .12977 .257 . 15964 .292 . 19087 .327 .22322 .223 . 13061 .258 . 16051 .293 .19177 .328 .22415 .224 .13144 .259 .16139 .294 . 19269 .329 . 22509 .225 . 13227 .260 . 16226 .295 . 19360 .330 .22603 .226 .13311 .261 .16314 .296 . 19451 .331 .22697 .227 . 13395 .262 . 16402 .297 . 19542 .332 . 22792 .228 .13478 .263 . 16490 .298 . 19634 .333 .22886 .229 . 13562 .264 . 16578 .299 . 19725 .334 .22980 .230 . 13647 .265 . 16666 .300 .19817 .335 .23075 .231 .13731 .266 . 16755 .301 . 19909 .336 .23169 .232 .13815 .267 . 16843 .302 .20000 .337 .23263 .233 . 13900 .268 . 16932 .303 .20092 .338 .23358 .234 . 13984 .269 . 17020 .304 .20184 .339 .23453 .235 . 14069 .270 .17109 .305 .20276 .340 .23547 .236 .14154 .271 .17198 .306 .20368 .341 .23642 .237 . 14239 .272 . 17287 .307 .20461 .342 .23737 .238 . 14324 .273 .17376 .308 .20553 .343 .23832 .239 . 14409 .274 . 17465 .309 .20645 .344 .23927 .240 . 14495 .275 . 17554 .310 .20738 .345 . 24022 .241 . 14580 .276 . 17644 .311 .20830 .346 .24117 .242 . 14666 .277 .17733 .312 . 20923 .374 .24212 .243 .14751 .278 . 17823 .313 .21016 .348 .24307 .244 . 14837 .279 .17912 .314 .21108 .349 .24403 .245 . 14923 .280 . 18002 .315 .21201 .350 . 24498 .246 . 15009 .281 . 18092 .316 .21294 .351 . 24594 .247 . 15095 .282 . 18182 .317 .21387 .352 .24689 .248 .15182 .283 . 18272 .318 .21480 .353 . 24785 .249 . 15268 .284 . 18362 .319 .21573 .354 . 24880 .250 . 15355 .285 . 18452 .320 .21667 .355 .24976 .251 . 15441 .286 . 18543 .321 .21760 .356 .25072 .252 . 15528 .287 . 18633 .322 .21853 .357 .25167 .253 .15615 .288 . 18724 .323 .21947 .358 .25263 .254 . 15702 .289 .18814 .324 . 22040 .359 . 25359 .255 . 15789 .290 . 18905 .325 .22134 .360 .25455 CALIBRATION OF STORAGE TANKS 153 h d Coefficient h ~d Coefficient h d Coefficient Coefficient d .361 .25551 .396 .28945 .431 .32392 .466 .35873 .362 .25647 .397 .29043 .432 .32491 .467 .35972 .363 .25743 .398 .29141 .433 .32590 .468 .36072 .364 .25840 .399 .29239 .434 .32689 .469 .36172 .365 .25936 .400 .29337 .435 .32788 .470 .36272 .366 .26032 .401 .29435 .436 .32887 .471 .36372 .367 .26129 .402 .29533 .437 .32987 .472 .36471 .368 .26225 .403 .29631 .438 .33086 .473 .36571 . .369 .26321 .404 .29729 .439 .33185 .474 .36671 .370 .26418 .405 .29827 .440 .33284 .475 .36771 .371 .26515 .406 .29926 .441 .33384 .476 .36871 .372 .26611 .407 .30024 .442 .33483 .477 .36971 .373 .26708 .408 .30122 .443 .33582 .478 .37071 .374 .26805 .409 .30220 .444 .33682 .479 .37171 .375 .26901 .410 .30319 .445 .33781 .480 .37270 .376 .26998 .411 .30417 .446 .33880 .481 .37370 .377 .27095 .412 .30516 .447 .33980 .482 .37470 .378 .27192 .413 .30614 .448 .34079 .483 .37570 .379 .27289 .414 .30713 .449 .34179 .484 .37670 .380 .27386 .415 .30811 .450 .34278 .485 .37770 .381 .27483 .416 .30910 .451 .34378 .486 .37870 .382 .27580 .417 .31008 .452 .34477 .487 .37970 .383 .27678 .418 .31107 .453 .34577 .488 .38070 .384 .27775 .419 .31206 .454 .34676 .489 .38170 .385 .27872 .420 .31304 .455 .34776 .490 .38270 .386 .27970 .421 .31403 .456 .34876 .491 .38370 .387 .28067 .422 .31502 .457 .34975 .492 .38470 .388 .28164 .423 .31601 .458 .35075 .493 .38570 .389 .28262 .424 .31699 .459 .35175 .494 .38670 .390 ' .28359 .425 .31798 .460 .35274 .495 .38770 .391 .28457 .426 .31897 .461 .35374 .496 .38870 .392 .28555 .427 .31996 .462 .35474 .497 .38970 .393 .28652 .428 .32095 .463 .35573 .498 .39070 .394 .28750 .429 .32194 .464 .35673 .499 .39170 .395 .28848 .430 .32293 .465 .35773 .500 .39270 154 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Determination of Vol. B Calculate the height of the portion of the spherical segment as a decimal fraction of the diameter of the tank H) . Consult .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 the following table and find the Coefficient corresponding coefficient or inter- polate to find the approximate co- .00017 efficient if necessary. .00085 .00221 Vol. B = (Coefficient) X (Cube of 00420 diameter) .00687 01048 If the tank is filled to over one- half, calculate the volume of the 02234 empty space and deduct this from 02697 the total capacity of the bumped end. Then Vol. B = (Total capacity of bumped end) (Volume of empty space) . Determination of Total Capacity Calculate one-half the volume of the tank by the previous methods. Double this result which gives the total capacity. Or Vol. A = (Square of diameter) X (0.7854) X (Length of tank) Vol. B = 0.5236 X h(3a 2 + h 2 ). Where a = radius of base of segment h = height of segment r = radius of sphere The height of the segment can better be calculated than measured. If h = height of segment R = radius of sphere r = radius of base of segment h = R - Total capacity = Vol. A + 2 Vol. B. Cubic feet X 7.48 = gallons MATHEMATICAL TABLE 155 CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OP CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS x/ O n*- X T n 1 n \AT ^T 1.0 3.142 0.7854 1. 000 1.000 1.0000 .0000 1.1 3.456 0.9503 1.210 1.331 1.0488 .0323 1.2 3.770 1.1310 1.440 1.728 1.0955 .0627 1.3 4.084 1.3273 1.690 2.197 1 . 1402 .0914 1.4 4.398 1.5394 1.960 2.744 1.1832 .1187 1.5 4.712 1.7672 2.250 3.375 1.2247 .1447 1.6 5.027 2.0106 2.560 4.096 1.2649 .1696 1.7 5.341 2.2698 2.890 4.913 1.3038 .1935 1.8 5.655 2.5447 3.240 5.832 .3416 .2164 1.9 5.969 2.8353 3.610 6.859 .3784 .2386 2.0 6.283 3.1416 4.000 8.000 .4142 1.2599 2.1 6.597 3.4636 4.410 9.261 .4491 1.2806 2.2 6.912 3.8013 4.840 10.648 .4832 1.3006 2.3 7.226 4.1548 5.290 12.167 .5166 1.3200 2.4 7.540 4.5239 5.760 13.824 .5492 1.3389 2.5 7.854 4.9087 6.250 15.625 .5811 1.3572 2.6 8.168 5.3093 6.760 17.576 .6125 1.3751 2.7 8.482 5.7256 7.290 19.683 .6432 1.3925 2.8 8.797 6.1575 7:840 21 . 952 .6733 1.4095 2.9 9.111 6.6052 8.410 24.389 .7029 1.4260 3.0 9.425 7.0686 9.00 27.000 .7321 1.4422 3.1 9.739 7.5477 9.61 29.791 .7607 .4581 3.2 10.053 8.0425 10.24 32.768 .7889 .4736 3.3 10.367 8.5530 10.89 35.937 .8166 .4888 3.4 10.681 9.0792 11.56 39.304 .8439 .5037 3.5 10.996 9.6211 12.25 42.875 1.8708 .5183 3.6 11.310 10.179 12.96 46.656 .8974 .5326 3.7 11.624 10.752 13.69 50.653 .9235 .5467 3.8 11.938 11.341 14.44 54.872 .9494 .5605 3.9 12.252 11.946 15.21 59.319 .9748 .5741 156 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued} n m O n 2 4 n 2 n Vn j/n 4.0 12.566 12.566 16.00 64.000 2.0000 1.5874 4.1 12.881 13 . 203 16.81 68.921 2.0249 1 . 6005 4.2 13 195 13.854 17.64 74.088 2.0494 1.6134 4.3 13 . 509 14.522 18.49 79.507 2.0736 1.6261 4.4 13.823 15 . 205 19.36 85.184 2.0976 1.6386 4.5 14.137 15.904 20.25 91.125 2.1213 1.6510 4.6 14.451 16.619 21.16 97 . 336 2.1448 1.6631 4.7 14.765 17.349 22.09 103.823 2.1680 1.6751 4.8 15.080 18.096 23.04 110.592 2.1909 1 . 6869 4.9 15.394 18.857 24.01 117.649 2.2136 1.6985 5.0 15.708 19.635 25.00 125.000 2.2361 1.7100 5.1 16.022 20.428 26.01 132 . 651 2.2583 1 . 7213 5.2 16.336 21.237 27.04 140.608 2.2804 1.7325 5.3 16.650 22.062 28.09 148.877 2.3022 1 . 7435 5.4 16.965 22.902 29.16 157.464 2.3238 1.7544 5.5 17.279 23.758 30.25 166.375 2.3452 1.7652 5.6 17.593 24 . 630 31.36 175.616 2.3664 1 . 7758 5.7 17.907 25.518 32.49 185.193 2.3875 1.7863 5.8 18.221 26.421 33.64 195.112 2.4083 1.7967 5.9 18.535 27.340 34.81 205.379 2.4290 1 . 8070 6.0 18.850 28.274 36.00 216.000 2.4495 1.8171 6.1 19.164 29.225 37.21 226.981 2.4698 1.8272 6.2 19.478 30.191 38.44 238.328 2.4900 1 . 8371 6.3 19.792 31 . 173 39.69 250 . 047 2.5100 1.8469 6.4 20.106 32.170 40.96 262.144 2.5298 1.8566 6.5 20.420 33.183 42.25 274.625 2.5495 1.8663 6.6 20.735 34.212 43.56 287 . 496 2.5691 1.8758 6.7 21.049 35.257 44.89 300.763 2.5884 1.8852 6.8 21.363 36.317 46.24 314.432 2 . 6077 1.8945 6.9 21.677 37.393 47.61 328.509 2.6268 i 1.9038 MATHEMATICAL TABLE 157 CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) It -n n^ T T . n- n Vn ^T 7.0 21.991 38.485 49.00 343.000 2.6458 .9129 7.1 22.305 39.592 50.41 357.911 2.6646 .9920 7.2 22.619 40.715 51.84 373 . 248 2.6833 .9310 7.3 22.934 41.854 53.29 389 . 017 2.7019 .9399 7.4 23.248 43.008 54.76 405.224 2.7203 .9487 7.5 23.562 44.179 56.25 421.875 2.7386 1.9574 7.6 23.876 45.365 47.76 438.976 2.7568 1.9661 7.7 24.190 46.566 59.29 456.533 2.7749 1.9747 7.8 24.504 47.784 60.84 474.552 2.7929 1.9832 7.9 24.819 49.017 62.41 493.039 2 . 8107 1.9916 8.0 25.133 50.266 64.00 512.000 2.8284 2.0000 8.1 25.447 51.530 65.61 531.441 2.8461 2.0083 8.2 25.761 52.810 67.24 551.368 2.8636 2.0165 8.3 26.075 54.106 68.89 571 . 787 2.8810 2.0247 8.4 26.389 55.418 70.56 592 . 704 2.8983 2.0328 8.5 26.704 56.745 72.25 614.125 2.9155 2.0408 8.6 27.018 58.088 73.96 636.056 2.9326 2.0488 8.7 27.332 59.447 75.69 658.503 2.9496 2.0567 8.8 27.646 60.821 77.44 681 . 472 2.9665 2.0646 8.9 27.960 62.211 79.21 704.969 2.9833 2.0724 9.0 28.274 63.617 81.00 729.000 3.0000 2.0801 9.1 28.588 65.039 82.81 753.571 .0166 2.0878 9.2 28.903 66.476 84.64 778.688 3.0332 2.0954 9.3 29.217 67.929 86.49 804 . 357 3.0496 2.1029 9.4 29.531 69.398 88.36 830.584 3.0659 2.1105 9.5 29.845 70.882 90.25 857.375 3.0822 2.1179 9.6 30.159 72.382 92.16 884 . 736 3.0984 2.1253 9.7 30.473 73.898 94.09 912.673 3.1145 2.1327 9.8 30.788 75.430 96.04 941 . 192 3.1305 2.1400 9.9 31.102 76.977 98.01 970.299 3.1464 2.1472 158 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OP CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued] n TT/l O n- % 2 ns Vn ^n 10.0 31.416 78.540 100.00 1,000.000 3.1623 2.1544 10.1 31 . 730 80.119 102.01 1,030.301 3.1780 2.1616 10.2 32.044 81.713 104.04 1,061.208 3.1937 2.1687 10.3 32.358 83.323 106.09 1,092.727 3.2094 2.1757 10.4 32.673 84.949 108.16 1,124.864 3.2249 2.1828 10.5 32.987 86.590 110.25 1,157.625 3.2404 2.1897 10.6 33^301 88.247 112.36 ,191.016 3.2558 2.1967 10.7 33.615 89.920 114.49 ,225 . 043 3.2711 2.2036 10.8 33.929 91 . 609 116.64 ,259.712 3.2863 2.2104 10.9 34.243 93.313 118.81 ,295.029 3.3015 2.2172 11.0 34.558 95.033 121.00 ,331.000 3.3166 2.2239 11.1 34.872 96.769 123.21 ,367.631 3.3317 2.2307 11.2 35.186 98.520 125.44 ,404.928 3.3466 2.2374 11.3 35.500 100.29 127.69 ,442.897 3.3615 2.2441 11.4 35.814 102.07 129.96 ,481.544 3.3754 2.2506 11.5 36.128 103.87 132.25 ,520.875 3.3912 2.2572 11.6 36.442 105.68 134.56 ,560.896 3.4059 2.2637 11.7 36.757 107.51 136.89 ,601.613 3.4205 2.2702 11.8 37.071 109.36 139.24 ,643.032 3.4351 2.2766 11.9 37.385 111.22 141.61 ,685.159 3.4496 2.2831 12.0 37.699 113.10 144.00 ,728.000 3.4641 2.2894 12.1 38.013 114.99 146.41 ,771.561 3.4785 2.2957 12.2 38.327 116.90 148 . 84 ,815.848 3.4928 2.3021 12.3 38.642 118.82 151.29 ,860.867 3.5071 2.3084 12.4 38.956 120.76 153.76 ,906.624 3.5214 2.3146 12.5 39.270 122.72 156.25 1,953.125 3.5355 2.3208 12.6 39.584 124.69 158.76 2,000.376 3.5496 2.3270 12.7 39.898 126.68 161.29 2,048 . 383 3 . 5637 2.3331 12.8 40.212 128.68 163.84 2,097.152 3.5777 2.3392 12.9 40.527 130.70 166.41 2,146.689 3.5917 2.3453 MATHEMATICAL TABLE 159 CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued] n irn o n* T T n n< v^T ^T i 13.0 40.841 132.73 169.00 2,197.000 3.6056 2.3513 13.1 41.155 134.78 171.61 2,248.091 3.6194 2.3573 13.2 41.469 136.85 174.24 2,299.968 3.6332 2.3633 13.3 41 . 783 138.93 176.89 2,352.637 3.6469 2.3693 13.4 42.097 141.03 179.56 2,406 . 104 3.6606 2.3752 13.5 42.412 143.14 182.25 2,460.375 3.6742 2.3811 13.6 42.726 145.27 184.96 2,515.456 3.6878 2.3870 13.7 43 . 040 147.41 187.69 2,571.353 3.7013 2.3928 13.8 43.354 149.57 190.44 2,628.072 3.7148 2.3986 13.9 43.668 151.75 193.21 2,685.619 3.7283 2.4044 14.0 43.892 153.94 196.00 2,744.000 3.7417 2.4101 14.1 44.296 156.15 198.81 2,803.221 3.7550 2.4159 14.2 44.611 158.37 201.64 2,863 . 288 3.7683 2.4216 14.3 44.925 160.61 204.49 2,924.207 3.7815 2.4272 14.4 45.239 162.86 207.36 2,985.984 3.7947 2.4329 14.5 45.553 165.13 210.25 3,048.625 3.8079 2.4385 14.6 45.867 167.42 213.16 3,112.136 3.8210 2.4441 14.7 46.181 169.72 216.09 3,176.523 3.8341 2.4497 14.8 46.496 172.03 219.04 3,241.792 3.8471 2.4552 14.9 46.810 174.37 222.01 3,307.949 3.8600 2.4607 15.0 47.124 176.72 225.00 3,375.000 3.8730 2.4662 15.1 47.438 179.08 228.09 3,442.951 3.8859 2.4717 15.2 47 . 752 181.46 231.04 3,511.808 3.8987 2.4772 15.3 48.066 183.85 234.09 3,581.577 3.9115 2.4825 15.4 48.381 186.27 237.16 3,652.264 3.9243 2.4879 15.5 48.695 188.69 240.25 3,723.875 3.9370 2.4933 15.6 49.009 191.13 243.36 3,796.416 3.9497 2.4986 15.7 49.323 193.59 246.49 3,869 . 893 3.9623 2.5039 15.8 49.637 196 . 07 249.64 3,944.312 3.9749 2.5092 15.9 49.951 198.56 252.81 4,019.679 3.9875 2.5146 160 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) n xn n 2 n2 n3 Vn ^ 16.0 50.265 201.06 256.00 4,096.000 4.0000 2.5198 16.1 50.580 203.58 259.21 4,173.281 4.0125 2.5251 16.2 50.894 206.13 262.44 4,251.528 4.0249 2.5303 16.3 51 . 208 208.67 265 . 69 4,330.747 4.0373 2.5355 16.4 51 . 522 211.24 268.56 4,410.944 4.0497 2.5406 16.5 51.836 213.83 272.25 4,492 . 125 4.0620 2.5458 16.6 52.150 216.42 275.56 4,574.296 4.0743 2.5509 16.7 52.465 219.04 278.89 4,657.463 4.0866 2.5561 16.8 52.779 221.67 282.24 4,741.632 4.0988 2.5612 16.9 53 . 093 224.32 285.61 4,826.809 4.1110 2.5663 17.0 53 . 407 226.98 299.00 4,913.000 4.1231 2.5713 17.1 53.721 229 . 66 292.41 5,000.211 4.1352 2.5763 17.2 54.035 232.35 295.84 5,088.448 4.1473 2.5813 17.3 54.350 235.06 299.29 5,177.717 4.1593 2.5863 17.4 54 . 664 237 . 79 302.76 5,268.024 4.1713 2.5913 17.5 54.978 240.53 306.25 5,359.375 4.1833 2.5963 17.6 55.292 243.29 309.76 5,451.776 4.1952 2.6012 17.7 55.606 246.06 313.29 5,545.233 4.2071 2.6061 17.8 55.920 248.85 316.84 5,639.752 4.2190 2.6109 17.9 56.235 251 . 65 320.41 5,735.339 4.2308 2.6158 18.0 56.549 254.47 324.00 5,832.000 4.2426 2.6207 18.1 56.863 257.30 327.61 5,929 . 741 4.2544 2.6258 18.2 57.177 260 . 16 331.24 6,028.568 4.2661 2.6304 18.3 57.491 263 . 02 334.89 6,128.487 4.2778 2.6352 18.4 57.805 265.90 338.56 6,229.504 4.2895 2.6400 18.5 58.119 268.80 342.25 6,331.625 4.3012 2.6448 18.6 58.434 271.72 345.96 6,434.856 4.3128 2.6495 18.7 58.748 274.65 349.69 6,539.203 4.3243 2.6543 18.8 59.062 277 . 59 353 . 44 6,644.672 4.3459 2 . 6590 18.9 59.376 280.55 357.21 6,751.269 4.3474 2.6637 MATHEMATICAL TABLE 161 CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) n TTH O 2 T T n2 7i3 \AT ^ 19.0 59.690 283.53 361 . 00 6,859.000 4.3589 2.6684 19.1 60.004 286.52 364.81 6,967.871 4.3703 2.6731 19.2 60.319 289.53 368.64 7,077.888 4.3818 2.6777 19.3 60.633 292.55 372.49 7,189.057 4.3942 2.6824 19.4 60.947 295.59 376.36 7,301.384 4.4045 2.6869 19.5 61.261 298.65 380.25 7,414.875 4.4159 2.6916 19.6 61.575 301 . 72 284 . 16 7,529.536 4.4272 2.6962 19.7 61.889 304.81 388.09 7,642.373 4.4385 2.7008 19.8 62.204 307.91 392.04 7,762.392 4.4497 2.7053 19.9 62.518 311.03 396.01 7,880.599 4.4609 2.7098 20.0 62.832 314.16 400.00 8,000.000 4.4721 2.7144 20.1 63.146 317.31 404.01 8,120.601 4.4833 2.7189 20.2 63.460 320.47 408.04 8,242.408 4.4944 2.7234 20.3 63.774 323.66 412.09 8,365.427 4.5055 2.7279 20.4 64.088 326.85 416.16 8,489.664 4.5166 2.7324 20.5 64.403 330.06 420.25 8,615.125 4.5277 2.7368 20.6 64.717 333.29 424.36 8,741.816 4.5387 2.7413 20.7 65.031 336.54 428.49 8,869.743 4.5497 2.7457 20.8 65.345 339.80 432.64 8,998.912 4.5607 2.7502 20.9 65.659 343.07 436.81 9,129.329 4.5716 2.7545 21.0 65.973 346.36 441.00 9,261.000 4.5826 2.7589 21.1 66.288 349.67 445.21 9,393.931 4.5935 2.7633 21.2 66.602 352.99 449.44 9,528.128 4.6043 2.7676 21.3 66.916 356.33 453.69 9,663.597 4.6152 2.7720 21.4 67.230 359.68 457.96 9,800.344 4.6260 2.7763 21.5 67.544 363.05 462.25 9,938.375 4.6368 2.7806 21.6 67.858 366.44 466.56 10,077.696 4.6476 2.7849 21.7 68.173 369.84 470.89 10,218.313 4.6583 2.7893 21.8 68.487 373.25 475.24 10,360.232 4. -6690 2.7935 21.9 68.801 376.69 479.41 10,503.459 4 . 6797 2.7978 11 162 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) n irn o n2 "T 7l2 n vv #n 22.0 69.115 380.13 484.00 10,648.000 4.6904 2.8021 22.1 69.429 383.60 488.41 10,793.861 4.7011 2 . 8063 22.2 69.743 387.08 462.84 10,941.048 4.7117 2.8105 22.3 70.058 390.57 497.29 11,089.567 4.7223 2.8147 22.4 70.372 394.08 501.76 11,239.424 4.7329 2.8189 22.5 70.686 397.61 506.25 11,390.625 4.7434 2.8231 22.6 71.000 401 . 15 510.76 11,543.176 4.7539 2.8273 22.7 71.314 404.71 515.29 11,697.083 4.7644 2.8314 22.8 71.628 408.28 519.84 11,852.352 4.7749 2.8356 22.9 71 . 942 411.87 524.41 12,008.989 4.7854 2.8397 23.0 72.257 415.48 529.00 12,167.000 4.7958 2.8438 23.1 72.571 419.10 533.61 12,326.391 4.8062 2 . 8479 23.2 72.885 422.73 538.24 12,487.168 4.8166 2.8521 23.3 73.199 426.39 542.89 12,649.337 4.8270 2.8562 23.4 73.513 430.05 547.56 12,812.904 4.8373 2.8603 23.5 73.827 433.74 552.25 12,977.875 4.8477 2.8643 23.6 74.142 437.44 556.96 13,144.256 4.8580 2.8684 23.7 74.456 441.15 561.69 13,312.053 4.8683 2.8724 23.8 74.770 444.88 566.44 13,481.272 4.8785 2.8765 23.9 75.084 448.63 571.21 13,651.919 4.8888 2.8805 24.0 75.398 452.39 576.00 13,824.000 4.8990 2.8845 24.1 75.712 456.17 580.81 13,997.521 4.9092 2.8885 24.2 76.027 459.96 585.64 14,172.488 4.9192 2.8925 24.3 76.341 463.77 590.49 14,348.907 4.9295 2.8965 24.4 76.655 467.60 595.36 14,526.784 4.9396 2.9004 24.5 76.969 471.44 600.25 14,706.125 4.9497 2.9044 24.6 77.283 475.29 605.16 14,886.936 4.9598 2.9083 24.7 77.597 479.16 610.09 15,069.223 4.9699 2.9123 24.8 77.911 483.05 615.04 15,252.992 4.9799 2.9162 24.9 78.226 486.96 620.01 15,438.249 4.9899 2.9201 MATHEMATICAL TABLE 163 CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) n n* o V n v^T ^ 25.0 78 540 490.87 625.00 15,625.000 5.0000 2.9241 25.1 78.854 494.81 630.01 15,813.251 5.0099 2.9279 25.2 79.168 498.76 635.04 16,003.008 5.0199 2.9318 25.3 79.482 502.73 640.09 16,194.277 5.0299 2.9356 25.4 79.796 506.71 645.16 16,387.064 5.0398 2.9395 25.5 80.111 510.71 650.25 16,581.375 5.0497 2.9434 25.6 80.425 514.72 655.36 16,777.216 5.0596 2.9472 25.7 80.739 518.75 660.49 16,974.593 5.0695 2.9510 25.8 81.053 522.79 665.64 17,173.512 5.0793 2.9549 25.9 81.367 526.85 670.81 17,373.979 5.0892 2.9586 26.0 81.681 530.93 676.00 17,576.000 5.0990 2.9624 26.1 81.996 535.02 681.21 17,779.581 5.1088 2.9662 26.2 82.310 539.13 686.44 17,984.728 5.1185 2.9701 26.3 82.624 543.25 691 . 69 18,191.447 5.1283 2.9738 26.4 82.938 547.39 696.96 18,399.744 5.1380 2.9776 26.5 83.252 551.55 702.25 18,609.625 5.1478 2.9814 26.6 83.566 555.72 707.56 18,821.096 5.1575 2.9851 26.7 83.881 559.90 712.89 19,034.163 5.1672 2.9888 26.8 84.195 564.10 718.24 19,248.832 5.1768 2.9926 26.9 84.509 568.32 723.61 19,465.109 5.1865 2.9963 27.0 84.823 572.56 729.00 19,683.000 5.1962 3.0000 27.1 85.137 576.80 734.41 19,902.511 5.2057 3.0037 27.2 85.451 581.07 739.84 20,123.648 5.2153 3.0074 27.3 85.765 585.35 745.29 20,346.417 5.2249 3.0111 27.4 86.080 589.65 750.76 20,570.824 5.2345 3.0147 27.5 86.394 593.96 756.25 20,796.875 5.2440 3.0184 27.6 86.708 598.29 761.76 21,024.576 5.2535 3.0221 27.7 87.022 602.63 767.29 21,253.933 5.2630 3.0257 27.8 87.336 606.99 772.84 21,484.952 5.2725 3.0293 27.9 87.650 611.36 778.41 21,717.639 5.2820 3.0330 164 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued] n n-n n 2 * 4 n 2 n^ ^n ^T 28.0 87.965 615.75 784.00 21,952.000 5.2915 3.0366 28.1 88.279 620.16 789.61 22,188.041 5.3009 3.0402 28.2 88.593 624.58 795 . 24 22,425.768 5.3103 3.0438 28.3 88.907 629.02 800.89 22,665.187 5.3197 3.0474 28.4 89.221 633.47 806.56 22,906.304 5.3291 3.0510 28.5 89.535 637.94 812.25 23,149.125 5.3385 3.0546 28.6 89.850 642.42 817.96 23,393.656 5.3478 3.0581 28.7 90.164 646.93 823.69 23,639.903 5.3572 3.0617 28.8 90.478 651.44 829.44 23,887.872 5.3665 3.0652 28.9 90.792 655.97 835.21 24,137.569 5.3758 3.0688 29.0 91 . 106 660.52 841.00 24,389.000 5.3852 3.0723 29.1 91.420 665.08 846.81 24,642.171 5.3944 3.0758 29.2 91.735 669.66 852.64 24,897.088 5 . 4037 3.0794 29.3 92.049 674.26 858.49 25,153.757 5.4129 3.0829 29.4 92.363 678.87 864.36 25,412.184 5.4221 3.0864 29.5 92.677 683.49 870.25 25,672.375 5.4313 3.0899 29.6 92.991 688.13 876.16 25,934.336 5.4405 3.0934 29.7 93 . 305 692.79 882.09 26,198.073 5.4497 3.0968 29.8 93.619 697.47 888.04 26,463.592 5 . 4589 3.1003 29.9 93.934 702.15 894.01 26,730.899 5.4680 3.1038 30.0 94.248 706.86 900.00 27,000.000 5.4772 3.1072 30.1 94.562 711.58 906.01 27,270.901 5.4863 3.1107 30.2 94.876 716.32 912.04 27,543.608 .5.4954- 3.1141 30.3 95.190 721.07 918.09 27,818.127 5.5045 3.1176 30.4 95.504 725.83 924.16 28,094 . 464 5.5136- 3.1210 30.5 95.819 730.62 930.25 28,372.625 5.5226 3.1244 30.6 96.133 735.42 936.36 28,652.616 5.5317 3.1278 30.7 96.447 740.23 942.49 28,934.443 5.5407 3.1312 30.8 96.761 745.06 948.64 29,218.112 5.5497 3.1346 30.9 97.075 749.91 954.81 29,503.629 5.5587 3.1380 MATHEMATICAL TABLE 165 CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) n *-n O n- *T n* n* v^ ^T 31.0 97.389 754.77 961.00 29,791.000 5.5678 3.1414 31.1 97.704 759.65 967.21 30,080.231 5.5767 3.1448 31.2 98.018 764.54 973.44 30,371.328 5.5857 3.1481 31,3 98.332 769.45 979.69 30,664.297 5.5946 3.1515 31.4 98.646 774.37 985.96 30,959.144 5.6035 3.1549 31.5 98.960 779.31 992.25 31,255.875 5.6124 3.1582 31.6 99.274 784:27 998.56 31,554.496 5.6213 3.1615 31.7 99.588 789.24 1,004.89 31,855.013 5.6302 3.1648 31.8 99.903 794.23 1,011.24 32,157.432 5.6391 3.1681 31.9 100.22 799.23 1,017.61 32,461.759 5.6480 3.1715 32.0 100.53 804.25 1,024.00 32,768.000 5.6569 3.1748 32.1 100.85 809.28 1,030.41 33,076.161 5.6656 3.1781 32.2 101.16 814.33 1,036.84 33,386.248 5.6745 3.1814 32.3 101.47 819.40 1,043.29 33,698.267 5.6833 3.1847 32.4 101.79 824.49 1,049.76 34,012.224 5.6921 3.1880 32.5 102.10 829.58 1,056.25 34,328.125 5.7008 3.1913 32.6 102.42 834.69 1,062.76 34,645.976 5.7056 3.1945 32.7 102.73 839.82 1,069.29 34,965.783 5.7183 3.1978 32.8 103.04 844.96 1,075.84 35,287.552 5.7271 3.2010 32.9 103.36 850.12 1,082.41 35,611.289 5.7358 3 . 2043 33.0 103.67 855.30 1,089.00 35,937.000 5.7447 3.2075 33.1 103 . 99 860.49 1,095.61 36,264.691 5.7532 3.2108 33.2 104.30 865.70 1,102.24 36,594.368 5.7619 3.2140 33.3 104.62 870.92 1,108.89 36,925.037 5.7706 3.2172 33.4 104.93 876.19 1,115.56 37,259.704 5.7792 3.2204 33.5 105.24 881.41 1,122.25 37,595.375 5.7879 3 . 2237 33.6 105.56 886.68 1,128.96 37,933.056 5.7965 3.2269 33.7 105 . 87 891 . 97 1,135.69 38,272.753 5.8051 3 . 2301 33.8 106.19 897.27 1,142.44 38,614.472 5.8137 3.2332 33.9 106.50 902.59 1,149.21 38,958.219 5.8223 3.2364 166 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued} n irn o n- n- n* w ^r 34.0 106.81 907.92 1,156.00 39,304.000 5.8310 3.2396 34.1 107.13 913.27 1,162.81 39,651.821 5.8395 3.2424 34.2 107.44 918.63 1,169.64 40,001.688 5.8480 3.2460 34.3 107.76 924.01 1,176.49 40,353.607 5.8566 3.2491 34.4 108.07 929.41 1,183.36 40,707.584 5.8751 3.2522 34.5 108.38 934.82 1,190.25 41,063.525 5.8736 3.2554 34.6 108.70 940 . 25 1,197.16 41,421.736 5.8821 3 . 2586 34.7 109.01 945.69 1,204.09 41,781.923 5.8906 3.2617 34.8 109.33 951.15 1,211.04 42,144.192 5.8991 3 . 2648 34.9 109.64 956.62 1,218.01 42,508.549 5 . 9076 3 . 2679 35.0 109.96 962.11 1,225.00 42,875.000 5.9161 3.2710 35.1 110.27 967 . 62 1,232.01 43,243.551 5 . 9245 3 . 2742 35.2 110.58 973.14 1,239.04 43,614.208 5.9326 3.2773 35.3 110.90 978.68 1,246.09 43,986.977 5.9413 3.2804 35.4 111.21 984.23 1,253.16 44,361.864 5.9497 3.2835 35.5 111.53 989.80 1,260.25 44,738.875 5.9581 3.2860 35.6 111.84 995 . 38 1,267.36 45,118.016 5 . 9665 3.2897 35.7 112.15 1,000.98 1,274.49 45,499.293 5.9749 3 . 2927 35.8 112.47 ,006.60 1,281.64 45,882.712 5.9833 3.2958 35.9 112.78 ,012.23 1,288.81 46,268.279 5.9916 3.2989 36.0 113.10 ,017.88 1,296.00 46,656.000 6.0000 3.3019 36.1 113.41 ,023.54 1,303.21 47,045.881 6.0083 3.3050 36.2 113.73 ,029.22 1,310.44 47,437.928 6.0166 3 3080 36.3 114.04 ,034.91 1,317.69 47,832.147 6.0249 3.31H 36.4 114.35 1,040.62 1,324.96 48,228.544 6.0332 3.3141 36.5 114.67 1,046.35 1,332.25 48,627.125 6.0415 3.3171 36.6 114.98 1,052.09 1,339.56 49,017.896 6.0497 3.3202 36.7 115.30 1,057.84 1,346.89 49,430.863 6.0580 3.3232 36.8 115.61 1,053.62 1,354.24 49,836.032 6.0363 3 . 3262 36.9 115.92 1,069.41 1,361.61 50,243.409 6.0745 3.3292 MATHEMATICAL TABLE 167 CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) n- irn IT -r J n- n \AT ^T 37.0 116.24 1,075.21 1,369.00 50,653.000 6.0827 3.3322 37.1 116.55 1,081.03 1,376.41 51,064.811 6.0909 3.3352 37.2 116.87 1,086.87 1,383.84 51,478.848 6.0991 3.3382 37.3 117.18 1,092.72 1,391.29 51,895.117 6.1073 3.3412 37.4 117.50 1,098.58 1,398.76 52,313.624 6.1155 3.3442 37.5 117.81 1,104.47 1,406.25 52,734.375 6.1237 3.3472 37.6 118.12 1,110.36 1,413.76 53,157.376 6.1318 3.3501 37.7 118.44 1,116.28 1,421.29 53,582.633 6.1400 3.3531 37.8 118.75 1,122.21 1,428.84 54,010.152 6.1481 3.3561 37.9 119.07 1,128.15 1,436.41 54,439.939 6.1563 3.3590 38.0 119.38 1,134.11 1,444.00 54,872.000 6.1644 3.3620 38.1 119.69 1,140.09 1,451.61 55,306.341 6.1725 3 . 3649 38.2 120.01 1,146.08 1,459.24 55,742.968 6.1806 3.3679 38.3 120.32 1,152.09 1,466.89 56,181.887 6.1887 3.3708 38.4 120.64 1,158.12 1,474.56 96,623.104 6.1967 3.3737 38.5 120.95 1,164.16 1,482.25 57,066.625 6.2048 3.3767 38.6 121.27 1,170.21 1,489.96 57,512.456 6.2129 3.3797 38.7 121.58 1,176.28 1,497.69 57,960.603 6.2209 3.3825 38.8 121.80 1,182.37 1,505.44 58,411.072 6.2289 3.3854 38.9 122.21 1,188.47 1,513.21 58,863.869 6.2370 3 . 3883 39.0 122.52 1,194.59 1,521.00 59,319.000 6.2450 3.3912 39.1 122.84 1,200.72 1,528.81 59,776.471 6.2530 3.3941 39.2 123.15 1,206.87 1,536.64 60,236.288 6.2610 3.3970 39.3 123.46 1,213.04 1,544.49 60,698.457 6.2689 3.3999 39.4 123.78 1,219.22 1,552.36 61,162.984 6.2769 3 . 4028 39.5 124.09 1,225.42 1,560.25 61,629.875 6.2849 3.4056 39.6 124.41 1,231.63 1,568.16 62,099.136 6.2928 3 . 4085 39.7 124.72 1,237.86 1,576.09 62,570.773 6.3008 3.4114 39.8 125.04 1,244.10 1,584.04 63,044.792 6.3087 3.4142 39.9 125.35 1,250.36 1,592.01 63,521 . 199 6.3166 3.4171 168 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Contim n 7T7J o n2 V ^ 7l2 n Vn JK 40.0 125.66 1,256.64 1,600.00 64,000.000 6.3245 3.4200 40.1 125.98 1,262.93 1,608.01 64,481.201 6.3325 3.4228 40.2 126.29 1,269.24 1,616.04 64,964.808 6.3404 3.4256 40.3 126.61 1,275.56 1,624.09 65,450.827 6.3482 3.4285 40.4 126.92 1,281.90 1,632.16 65,939.264 6.3561 3.4313 40.5 127.23 1,288.25 1,640.25 66,430.126 6.3639 3.4341 40.6 127.55 1,294.. 62 1,648.36 66,923.416 6.3718 3.4370 40.7 127.86 1,301.00 1,656.49 67,419.143 6.3796 3 . 4398 40.8 128.18 1,307.41 1,664.64 67,917.312 6.3875 3.4426 40.9 128.49 1,313.82 1,672.81 68,417.929 6.3953 3.4454 41.0 128.81 1,320.25 1,681.00 68,921.000 6.4031 3.4482 41.1 129.12 1,326.70 1,689.21 69,426.531 6.4109 3.4510 41.2 129.43 1,333.17 1,697.44 69,934.528 6.4187 3 . 4538 41.3 129.75 1,339.65 1,705.69 70,444.997 6.4265 3.4566 41.4 130.06 1,346.14 1,713.96 70,957.944 6.4343 3.4594 41.5 130.38 1,352.65 1,722.25 71,473.375 6.4421 3.4622 41.6 130 . 69 1,359.18 1,730.56 71,991.296 6.4498 3.4650 41.7 131.00 1,365.72 1,738.89 72,511.719 6.4575 3 . 4677 41.8 131.32 1,372.28 1,747.24 73,034.632 6.4653 3.4705 41.9 131.63 1,378.85 1,755.61 73,560.059 6.4730 3.4733 42.0 131.95 1,385.44 1,764.00 74,088.000 6.4807 3.4760 42.1 132.26 1,392.05 ,772.41 74,618.461 6.4884 3.4788 42.2 132.58 1,398.67 ,780.84 75,151.448 6.4961 3.4815 42.3 132.89 1,405.31 ,789.29 75,686.967 6.5038 3.4843 42.4 133.20 1,411.96 ,797.76 76,225.024 6.5115 3.4870 42.5 133.52 1,418.63 ,806.25 76,765.625 6.5192 3.4898 42.6 133.83 1,425.31 ,814.76 77,308.776 6.5268 3.4925 42.7 134.15 1,432.01 ,823.29 77,854.483 6.5345 3.4952 42.8 134.46 1,438.72 ,831.84 78,402.752 6.5422 3.4980 42.9 134.77 1,445.45 ,840.45 78,953.589 6.5498 3.5007 MATHEMATICAL TABLE 169 CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) n irti o n- T T n* H* vV y; 43.0 135.09 1,452.20 1,849.00 79,507.000 6.5574 3.5034 43.1 135.40 1,458.96 1,857.61 80,062.991 6.5651 3.5061 43.2 135.72 1,465.74 1,866.24 80,621.568 6.5727 3.5088 43.3 136.03 1,472.54 1,874.89 81,182.737 6.5803 3.5115 43.4 136.35 1,479.34 1,883.56 81,746.504 6.5879 3.5142 43.5 136.66 ,486.17 1,892.25 82,312.875 6.5954 3.5169 43.6 136.97 ,493.01 1,900.96 82,881.856 6.6030 3.5196 43.7 137.29 ,499.87 1,909.69 83,453.453 6.6106 3 . 5223 43.8 137.60 ,506.74 1,918.44 84,027.672 6.6182 3.5250 43.9 137.92 ,513.63 1,927.21 84,604.519 6.6257 3.5277 44.0 138.23 ,520,53 1,936.00 85,184.000 6.6333 3.5303 44.1 138.54 ,527.45 1,944.81 85,766.121 6.6408 3.5330 44.2 138.86 ,534.39 1,953.64 86,350.888 6.6483 3.5357 44.3 139.17 ,541.34 1,962.49 86,938.307 6.6558 3.5384 44.4 139.49 ,541.30 1,971.36 87,528.384 6.6633 3.5410 44.5 139.80 1,555.28 1,980.25 88,121.125 6.6708 3.5437 44.6 140.12 1,562.28 1,989.16 88,716.536 6.6783 3.5463 44.7 140.43 4,569.30 1,998.09 89,314.623 6.6858 3.5490 44.8 140.74 1,576 ..33 2,007.04 89,915.392 6.6933 3.5516 44.9 141.06 1,583.37 2,016.01 90,518.849 6.7007 3.5543 45.0 141.37 1,590.43 2,025.00 91,125.000 6.7082 3.5569 45.1 141.69 1,597.51 2,034.01 91,733.851 6.7156 3.5595 45.2 142.06 1,604.60 2,043.04 92,345.408 6.7231 3.5621 45.3 142.31 1,611.71 2,052.09 92,959.677 6.7305 3.5648 45.4 142.63 1,618.83 2,061.16 93,576.664 6.7379 3.5674 45.5 142.94 1,625.97 2,070.25 94,196.375 6.7454 3.5700 45.6 143.26 1,633.13 2,079.36 94,818.816 6.7528 3 . 5726 45.7 143.57 1,640.30 2,088.49 95,443.993 6.7602 3.5752 45.8 143.88 1,647.48 2,097.64 96,071.912 6.7676 3.5778 45.9 144.20 1,654.68 2,106.81 96,702.579 6.7749 3.5805 170 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) n 0* n~ "4 n' 1 n ^n ^V 46.0 144.51 1,661.90 2,116.00 97,336.000 6.7823 3 . 5830 46.1 144.83 1,669.14 2,125.21 97,972.181 6.7897 3.5856 46.2 145.14 1,676.39 2,134.44 98,611.128 6.7971 3.5882 46.3 145.46 1,683.65 2,143.69 99,252.847 6.8044 3.5908 46.4 145.77 1,690.93 2,152.96 99,897.344 6.8117 3.5934 46.5 146.08 1,698.23 2,162.25 100,544.625 6.8191 3 . 5960 46.6 146.40 1,705.54 2,171.56 101,194.696 6.8264 3.5986 46.7 146.71 1,712.87 2,180.89 101,847.563 6.8337 3.6011 46.8 147.03 1,720.21 2,190.24 102,503.232 6.8410 3 . 6037 46.9 147.34 1,727.57 2,199.61 103,161.709 6 . 8484 3 . 6063 47.0 147.65 1,734.94 2,209.00 103,823.000 6.8556 3.6088 47.1 147.97 1,742.34 2,218.41 104,487.111 6.8629 3.6114 47.2 148.28 1,749.74 2,227.84 105,154.048 6.8702 3.6139 47.3 148 . 60 1,757.16 2,237.29 105,823.817 6.8775 3 . 6165 47.4 148.91 1,764.60 2,246.76 106,496.424 6.8847 3.6190 47.5 149.23 1,772.05 2,256.25 107,171.875 6.8920 3.6216 47.6 149.54 1,779.52 2,265.76 107,850.176 6.8993 3 . 6241 47.7 149.85 1,787.01 2,275.29 108,531.333 6.9065 3 . 6267 47.8 150.17 1,794.51 2,284.84 109,215.352 6.9137 3.6292 47.9 150.48 1,802.03 2,294.41 109,902.239 6.9209 3.6317 48.0 150.80 1,809.56 2,304.00 110,592.000 6.9282 3.6342 48.1 151.11 1,817.11 2,313.61 111,284.641 6.9354 3 . 6368 48.2 151.42 1,824.67 2,323.24 111,980.168 6.9426 3 . 6393 48.3 151.74 1,832.25 2,332.89 112,678.587 6.9498 3.6418 48.4 152.05 1,839.84 2,342.56 113,379.904 6.9570 3.6443 48.5 152.37 1,847.45 2,352.25 114,084.125 6.9642 3.6468 48.6 152.68 1,855.08 2,361.96 114,791.256 6.9714 3.6493 48.7 153.00 1,862.72 2,371.69 115,501.303 6.9785 3.6518 48.8 153.31 1,870.38 2,381.44 116,214.272 6 . 9857 3.6543 48.9 153.62 1,878.05 2,391.21 116,930.169 6.9928 3.6568 MATHEMATICAL TABLE 171 CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) n n 2 m T * n* n V^ V* 49.0 153.94 1,885.74 2,401.00 117,649.000 7.0000 3.6593 49.1 154.25 1,893.45 2,410.81 118,370.771 7.0071 3.6618 49.2 154 . 57 1,901.17 2,420.64 119,095.488 7.0143 3 . 6643 49.3 154.88 1,908.90 2,430.49 119,823.157 7.0214 3.6668 .49.4 155.19 1,916.65 2,440.36 120,553.784 7.0285 3.6692 49.5 155.51 1,924.42 2,450.25 121,287.375 7.0356 3.6717 49.6 155.82 1,932.21 2,460.16 122,023.936 7.0427 3.6742 49.7 156.14 1,940.00 2,470.09 122,763.473 7.0498 3.6767 49.8 156'. 45 1,947.82 2,480.04 123,505.992 7.0569 3.6791 49.9 156.77 1,955.65 2,490.01 124,251.499 7.0640 3.6816 50.0 157.08 1,963.50 2,500.00 125,000.000 7.0711 3.6840 51.0 160.22 2,042.82 2,601.00 132,651.000 7.1414 3.7084 52.0 163.36 2,123.72 2,704.00 140,608.000 7.2111 3.7325 53.0 166.50 2,206.19 2,809.00 148,877.000 7.2801 3.7563 54.0 169.64 2,290.22 2,916.00 157,464.000 7.3485 3.7798 55.0 172.78 2,375.83 3,025.00 166,375.000 7.4162 3.8030 56.0 175.93 2,463.01 3,136.00 175,616.000 7.4833 3.8259 57.0 179.07 2,551.76 3,249.00 185,193.000 7.5498 3.8485 58.0 182.21 2,642.08 3,364.00 195,112.000 7.6158 3.8709 59.0 185.35 2,733.97 3,481.00 205,379.000 7.6811 3.8930 60.0 188.49 2,827.44 3,600.00 216,000.000 7.7460 3.9149 61.0 191.63 2,922.47 3,721.00 226,981.000 7.8102 3.9365 62.0 194.77 3,019.07 3,844.00 238,328.000 7 . 8740 3 . 9579 63.0 197.92 3,117.25 3,969.00 250,047.000 7.9373 3.9791 64.0 201.06 3,216.99 4,096.00 262,144.000 8.0000 4.0000 65.0 204.20 3,318.31 4,225.00 274,625.000 8.0623 4.0207 66.0 207.34 3,421.20 4,356.00 287,496.000 8.1240 4.0412 67.0 210.48 3,525.66 4,489.00 300,763.000 8.1854 4.0615 68.0 213.63 3,631.69 4,624.00 314,432.000 8.2462 4.0817 69.0 216.77 3,739.29 1 4,761.00 328,509.000 8.3066 4.1016 172 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK CIRCUMFERENCE AND AREA OF CIRCLES, SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS (Concluded) n n-n o 7l2 T T n 2 n VV VZ 70.0 219.91 3,848.46 4,900.00 343,000.000 8.3666 4.1213 71.0 223.05 3,959.20 5,041.00 357,911.000 8.4261 4.1408 72.0 226.19 4,071.51 5,184.00 373,248.000 8.4853 4.1602 73.0 229.33 4,185.39 5,329 . 00 389,017.000 8.5440 4.1793 74.0 232.47 4,300.85 5,476.00 405,224.000 8.6023 4.1983 75.0 235.62 4,417.87 5,625.00 421,875.000 8.6603 4.2172 76.0 238.76 4,536.47 5,776.00 438,976.000 8.7178 4.2358 77.0 241.90 4,656.63 5,929.00 456,533.000 8.7750 4.2543 78.0 245.04 4,778.37 6,084.00 474,552.000 8.8318 4.2727 79.0 248.18 4,901.68 6,241.00 493,039.000 8.8882 4.2908 80.0 251.32 5,026.56 6,400.00 512,000.000 8.9443 4.3089 81.0 254.47 5,153.01 6,561.00 531,441.000 9.0000 4.3267 82.0 257. 6i 5,281.03 6,724.00 551,368.000 9.0554 4.3445 83.0 260.75 5,410.62 6,889.00 571,787.000 9.1104 4.3621 84.0 263.89 5,541.78 7,056.00 592,704.000 9.1652 4.3795 85.0 267.03 5,674.50 7,225.00 614,125.000 9.2195 4.3968 86.0 270.17 5,808.81 7,396.00 636,056.000 9.2736 4.4140 87.0 273 . 32 5,944.69 7,569 . 00 658,503.000 9.3274 4.4310 88.0 276.46 6,082.13 7,744.00 681,472.000 9.3808 4.4480 89.0 279.60 6,221.13 7,921.00 704,969.000 9.4330 4.4647 90.0 282.74 6,361.74 8,100.00 729,000.000 9.4868 4.4814 91.0 285.88 6,503.89 8,281.00 753,571.000 9.5394 4.4979 92.0 289 . 02 6,647.62 8,464.00 778,688.000 9.5917 4.5144 93.0 292.17 6,792.92 8,649.00 804,357.000 9.6437 4.5307 94.0 295.31 6,939.78 8,836.00 830,584.000 9.6954 4.5468 95.0 298.45 7,088 . 23 9,025.00 857,375.000 9.7468 4.5629 96.0 301.59 7,238.24 9,216.00 884,736.000 9.7980 4.5789 97.0 304.73 7,389.83 9,409.00 912,673.000 9.8489 4.5947 98.0 307.87 7,542.98 9,604.00 941,192.000 9.8995 4.6104 99.0 311.02 7,697.68 9,801.00 970,299.000 9.9499 4.6261 100.0 314.16 7,854.00 10,000.00 1,000,000.000 10.0000 4.6416 DECIMALS OF A FOOT 173 DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOB EACH IN. Inch in. 'I in. 2 in. 3 in. 4 in. 5 in. .0833 .1667 .2500 .3333 .4167 K 4 .0013 .0846 .1680 .2513 .3346 .4180 y*2 .0026 .0859 .1693 .2526 .3359 .4193 %4 .0039 .0872 .1706 .2539 .3372 .4206 He .0052 .0885 .1719 .2552 .3385 .4219 %4 .0065 .0898 .1732 .2565 .3398 .4232 %2 .0078 .0911 .1745 .2578 .3411 .4245 K* .0091 .0924 .1758 .2591 .3424 .4258 H .0104 .0937 .1771 .2604 .3437 .4271 %4 .0117 .0951 .1784 .2617 .3451 .4284 %2 .0130 .0964 .1797 .2630 .3464 .4297 i y*4 .0143 .0977 .1810 .2643 .3477 .4310 Ke .0156 .0990 .1823 .2656 .3490 .4323 ^4 .0169 .1003 .1836 .2669 .3503 .4336 7/ >32 .0182 .1016 .1849 .2682 .3516 .4349 J ^4 .0195 .1029 .1862 .2695 .3529 .4362 >4 .0208 .1042 .1875 .2708 .3542 .4375 ^4 .0221 .1055 .1888 .2721 .3555 .4388 ^2 .0234 .1068 .1901 .2734 .3568 .4401 J %4 .0247 .1081 .1914 .2747 .3581 .4414 He .0260 .1094 .1927 .2760 .3594 .4427 2 ^4 .0273 .1107 .1940 .2773 .3607 .4440 % .0286 .1120 .1953 .2786 .3620 .4453 2 %4 .0299 .1133 .1966 .2799 .3633 .4466 % .0312 .1146 .1979 .2812 .3646 .4479 2 %4 .0326 .1159 .1992 .2826 .3659 .4492 % .0339 .1172 .2005 .2839 .3672 .4505 2 %4 .0352 .1185 .2018 .2852 .3685 .4518 Ke .0365 .1198 .2031 .2865 .3698 .4531 2 %4 .0378 .1211 .2044 .2878 .3711 .4544 % .0391 .1224 .2057 .2891 .3724 .4557 3 ^4 .0404 .1237 .2070 .2904 .3737 .4570 >^ .0417 .1250 .2083 .2917 .3750 .4583 174 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOR EACH IN. (Continued) Inch 6 in. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. .5000 .5833 .6667 .7500 .8333 .9167 ^4 .5013 .5846 .6680 .7513 .8346 .9180 Hs .5026 .5859 .6693 .7526 .8359 .9193 %4 .5039 .5872 .6706 .7539 .8372 .9206 He .5052 .5885 .6719 .7552 .8385 .9219 %4 .5065 .5898 .6732 .7565 .8398 .9232 Hi .5078 .5911 .6745 .7578 .8411 .9245 %4 .5091 .5924 .6758 .7591 .8424 .9258 H .5104 .5937 .6771 .7604 .8437 .9271 %4 .5117 .5951 .6784 .7617 .8451 .9284 H 2 .5130 .5964 .6797 .7630 .8464 .9297 *H4 .5143 .5977 .6810 .7643 .8477 .9310 Me .5156 .5990 .6823 .7656 .8490- .9323 *%4 .5169 .6003 .6836 .7669 .8503 .9336 %2 .5182 .6016 .6849 .7682 .8516 .9349 X %4 .5195 .6029 .6862 .7695 .8529 .9362 M .5208 .6042 .6875 .7708 .8542 .9375 *%4 .5221 .6055 .6888 .7721 .8555 .9388 "32 .5234 .6068 .6901 .7734 .8568 .9401 *%4 .5247 .6081 .6914 .7747 .8581 .9414 X\ .5260 .6094 .6927 .7760 .8594 .9427 2 ^4 .5273 .6107 .6940 .7773 .8607 .9440 l Ha .5286 .6120 .6953 .7786 .8620 .9453 2 %4 .5299 .6133 .6966 .7799 .8633 .9466 H .5312 .6146 .6979 .7812 .8646 .9479 2 ^4 .5326 .6159 .6992 .7826 .8659 .9492 1 8J .5339 .6172 .7005 .7839 .8672 .9505 2 %4 .5352 .6185 .7018 .7852 .8685 .9518 He .5365 .6198 .7031 .7865 .8698 .9531 2 %4 .5378 .6211 .7044 .7878 .8711 .9544 15 /S2 .5391 .6224 .7057 .7891 .8724 .9557 3 K4 .5404 .6237 .7070 .7904 .8737 .9570 H .5417 .6250 .7083 .7917 .8750 .9583 DECIMALS OF A FOOT 175 DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOR EACH ^4 IN. (Continued) Inch in. 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. 4 in. 5 in. 3 %4 .0430 .1263 .2096 .2930 .3763 .4596 17,^ 2 .0443 .1276 .2109 .2943 .3776 .4609 3 ^4 .0456 .1289 .2122 .2956 .3789 .4622 KG .0469 .1302 .2135 .2969 .3802 .4635 3 %4 .0482 .1315 .2148 .2982 .3815 .4648 1-Ko .0495 .1328 .2161 .2995 .3828 .4661 3 %4 .0508 .1341 .2174 .3008 .3841 .4674 % .0521 .1354 .2188 .3021 .3854 .4688 4 K4 .0534 .1367 .2201 .3034 .3867 .4701 2L^ 2 .0547 .1380 .2214 .3047 .3880 .4714 43^ .0560 .1393 .2227 .3060 .3893 .4727 ^le .0573 .1406 .2240 .3073 .3906 .4740 4 %4 .0586 .1419 .2253 .3086 .3919 .4753 2 3 ^ . .0599 .1432 .2266 .3099 .3932 .4766 47,^ .0612 .1445 .2279 .3112 .3945 .4779 ?4 .0625 .1458 .2292 .3125 .3958 .4792 4 %4 .0638 .1471 .2305 .3138 .3971 .4805 2^ 2 .0651 .1484 .2318 .3151 .3984 .4818 5 ^4 .0664 .1497 .2331 .3164 .3997 .4831 % .0677 .1510 .2344 .3177 .4010 .4844 5 %4 .0690 .1523 .2357 .3190 .4023 .4857 2^^ .0703 .1536 .2370 .3203 .4036 .4870 5 %4 .0716 .1549 .2383 .3216 .4049 .4883 % .0729 .1562 .2396 .3229 .4062 .4896 5 %4 .0742 .1576 .2409 .3242 .4076 .4909 2^2 .0755 .1589 .2422 .3255 .4089 .4922 5 %4 .0768 .1602 .2435 .3268 .4102 .4935 l y\& .0781 .1615 .2448 .3281 .4115 .4948 6 K4 .0794 .1628 .2461 .3294 .4128 .4961 3 ^^2 .0807 .1641 .2474 .3307 .4141 .4974 6 %4 .0820 .1654 .2487 .3320 .4154 .4987 1 | 176 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOR EACH ^ 4 IN. (Concluded) Inch 6 in. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 3 %4 .5430 .6263 .7096 .7930 .8763 .9596 1 ^2 .5443 .6276 .7109 .7943 .8776 .9609 35,^ . .5456 .6289 .7122 .7956 .8789 .9622 Jfe .5469 .6302 .7135 .7969 .8802 .9635 37^ 4 .5482 .6315 .7148 .7982 .8815 .9648 ia^2 .5495 .6328 .7161 .7995 .8828 .9661 3 %4 .5508 .6341 .7174 .8008 .8841 .9674 % .5521 .6354 .7188 .8021 .8854 .9688 4 ^4 .5534 .6367 .7201 .8034 .8867 .9701 2 /^2 .5547 .6380 .7214 .8047 .8880 .9714 4 %4 .5560 .6393 .7227 .8060 .8893 .9727 1 Ke .5573 .6406 .7240 .8073 .8906 .9740 4 %4 .5586 .6419 .7253 .8086 .8919 .9753 2 %2 .5599 .6432 .7266 .8099 .8932 .9766 4 %4 .5612 .6445 .7279 .8112 .8945 .9779 ?4 .5625 .6458 .7292 .8125 .8958 .9792 4 %4 .5638 .6471 .7305 .8138 .8971 .9805 2^ 2 .5651 .6484 .7318 .8151 .8984 .9818 51^ . .5664 .6497 .7331 .8164 .8997 .9831 1 ^le .5677 .6510 .7344 .8177 .9010 .9844 5 %4 .5690 .6523 .7357 .8190 .9023 .9857 27,^2 .5703 .6536 .7370 .8203 .9036 .9870 5 %4 .5716 .6549 .7383 .8216 .9049 .9883 % .5729 .6562 .7396 .8229 .9062 .9896 5 %4 .5742 .6576 .7409 .8242 .9076 .9909 2&^ 2 .5755 .6589 .7422 .8255 .9089 .9922 5 %4 .5768 .6602 .7435 .8268 .9102 .9935 1 Ke .5781 .6615 .7448 .8281 .9115 .9948 61/ 4 .5794 .6628 .7461 .8294 .9128 .9961 31 4o .5807 .6641 .7474 .8307 .9141 .9974 63^. .5820 .6654 .7487 .8320 .9154 .9987 1 1 . 0000 DECIMALS OF AN INCH 177 DECIMALS OF AN INCH FOR EACH H 2 ds 1 H*th9 Decimal Fraction i H 2 ds K*ths Decimal Fraction 1 .015625 33 .515625 1 2 .03125 17 34 .53125 3 .046875 35 .546875 2 4 .0625 1-16 18 36 .5625 -16 5 .078125 37 . 578125 3 6 .09375 19 38 .59375 7 . 109375 39 .609375 4 8 .125 1-8 20 40 .625 5-8 9 . 140625 41 .640625 5 10 . 15625 21 42 .65625 11 .171875 43 .671875 6 12 .1875 3-16 22 44 .6875 11-16 13 .203125 45 .703125 7 14 .21875 23 46 .71875 15 .234375 47 .734375 8 16 .25 1-4 24 48 .75 3-4 17 . 265625 49 .765625 9 18 .28125 25 50 .78125 19 .296875 51 .796875 10 20 .3125 5-16 26 52 .8125 13-16 21 .328125 53 .828125 11 22 . 34375 27 54 .84375 23 .359375 55 .859375 12 24 .375 3-8 28 56 .875 7-8 25 .3Q0625 57 .890625 13 26 .40625 29 58 .90625 27 .421875 59 .921875 14 28 .4375 7-16 30 60 .9375 15-16 29 .453125 61 .953125 15 30 .46875 31 62 .96875 31 .484375 63 .984375 16 32 .5 1-2 32 64 1.0 1 BELTING RULES To Find Speed of Belt. Multiply the circumference of either pulley in inches by the number of its revolutions per minute. 12 178 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Divide by 12 and the result is the speed of the belt in feet per minute. To Find Length of Belt. Multiply the distance between the shaft centers by 2 and add to the result one-half the sum of the circumferences of ; the two pulleys. To Find Diameter of Pulley Necessary to Make Any Required Number of Revolutions. Multiply the diameter of the pulley, the speed of which is known, by its revolutions, and divide by the number of revolutions at which the other pulley is required to run. To Find Diameter of Driving Pulley. Multiply diameter of driven pulley by its revolutions and divide the product by the revolution of the driving pulley. To Find Revolution of Driving Pulley. Multiply diameter of driven pulley by its revolution and divide the product by the diameter of the driving pulley. To Find the Approximate Length of Belting in a Roll. Add together the diameter of the roll and the hole in the center, in inches. Multiply by the number of coils in the roll, and then multiply by 0.131. The result will be the approximate number of feet of belting in the roll. ANTI-FREEZING LIQUIDS FOR PRESSURE AND SUCTION GAGES 33Be*. sulphuric acid is a very good anti-freezing liquid to use in permanent pressure and suction gages. This acid has a specific gravity of 1.295 and a freezing point of 97F, If a gage is to be made with two separate glass tubes, construct as follows: Bend the tubes on the bottom at right angles so they meet join with rubber tubing and wire fast then wrap with ordinary elec- trician's friction tape. In this way a connection is made that resists weather and the acid will have but little action on the rubber. To obtain water readings from the acid readings it is, of course, necessary to multiply by 1.295. For gages where high suction and pressures are to be read, ANTI-FREEZING LIQUIDS 179 mercury with a specific gravity of 13.595 and a freezing point of 39.1F. is very satisfactory. ANTI-FREEZING SOLUTIONS FOB SUCTION AND PRESSURE GAGES. READINGS IN INCHES CONVERTED INTO APPROXIMATE INCHES OF WATER 33B6. sulphuric acid = 1.295 specific gravity = 97F. freezing point Acid Water Acid Water Acid Water Acid Water Acid Water 1 1M 7K 9K 14 18 20^ 26K 27 35 V4 2 8 IOK 14K 19 21 27 27^ 35^ 2 2K 8K 11 15 19^ 21^ 28 28 36^ 2X 3 9 UK 15K 20 22 28^ 28^ 37 3 4 9K 12K 16 20^ 22^ 29 29 37^ 3K 4K 10 13 16K 21^ 23 30 29^ 38 4 5 IOK 13K 17 22 23^ 30^ 30 39 *K 6 11 14 17K 22^ 24 31 30^ 39^ 5 6K UK 15 18 23^ 24^ 31K 31 40 5K 7 12 15K 18K 24 25 32K 31^ 41 6 8 12K 16 19 24^ 25K 33 32 41^ 6K 8K 13 17 19M 25}.$ 26 33^ 32^ 42 7 9 13K 17K 20 26 26>^ 34.^ 33 42^ Mercury = 13.595 specific gravity = 39.1F. freezing point Hg H 2 Hg H 2 Hg H 2 Hg H 2 Hg H 2 M 6 1 % 12 1% 23 2K 34 3^6 45 y 8 IK % 12K 1% 24 2K 6 35 3% 46 KG 2K 1 13 K 1^6 24K 2% 35K 3Ke 47 .^ 3K 1K6 14K 1% 25K 2^6 36K 3K 47K 5 /16 4K IK 15K 1% 26K 2^ 37K 3^6 48K H 5 WG 16 2 27 2% 38 3% 49K KG 6 1M 17 2K 6 28 2% 39 3^6 50 K 7 W6 18 2K 29 2% 40 3% 51 KG 7K 1% 18K 2% 6 29K 3 41 3% 52 5 /s 8K IKe 19K 2K 30K 3K 6 41K 3% 52K % 9K IK 20K 2^6 31K 3K 42K 3% 53K % 10 iHe 21K 2% 32 K 3% 6 43K 4 54K l Me 11 1% 22 2K6 33 3M 44 4Me 55 180 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS Much confusion has resulted in the past, due to the various standards for flange dimensions and bolting adopted by manu- facturers and engineering societies. In 1912, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Master Steam and Hot Water Fitters' Association adopted what is known as "The 1912 U. S. Standard," and in the same year, at a meeting of manu- facturers in New York City, the " Manufacturer's Standard" was promulgated. The disadvantages of having two standards in existence were immediately recognized, and committees of the A. S. M. E. and the manufacturers united in a compromise known as the " American Standard," to be effective after Jan. 1, 1914. Notes on the American Standard. The following notes apply to the American Standard for flanges and flanged fittings: (a) Standard and extra heavy reducing elbows carry the same dimensions center-to-face as regular elbows of largest straight size. Standard and extra heavy tees, crosses and laterals, reducing on run only, carry same dimensions face-to-face as largest straight size. Flanged fittings for lower working pressures than 125 Ib. conform to this standard in all dimensions except thickness of shell. . Where long-radius fittings are specified, reference is had only to elbows made in two center-to-face dimensions and known as elbows and long-radius elbows, the latter being used only when so specified. Standard weight fittings are guaranteed for 125 Ib. working pressure and extra heavy fittings for 250 Ib. Extra heavy fittings and flanges have a raised surface }{$ in. high inside of bolt holes for gaskets. Standard weight fittings and flanges are plain- faced. Bolt holes are ^ in. larger in diameter than bolts, and straddle the center line. The size of all fittings scheduled indicates the inside diameter of ports. The face-to-face dimension of reducers, either straight or eccentric, for all pressures, is the same as that given in table of dimensions. Square-head bolts with hexagonal nuts are recommended. For 1%-in. and larger bolts, studs with a nut on each end are satisfactory. Hexagonal nuts for pipe sizes up to 46 in. on the 125-lb. standard, and up to 16 in. on the 250-lb. standard can be conveniently pulled up with open wrenches of minimum design of heads. For larger pipe sizes (up to 100 in. on 125-lb., and to 48 in. on 250-lb. standard) use box wrenches. FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS 181 Twin elbows, whether straight or reducing, carry same dimensions center- to-face and face-to-face as regular straight-size ells and tees. Side outlet elbows and side outlet tees, whether straight or reducing sizes, carry same dimensions center-to-face and face-to-face as regular tees having same reductions. (6) Bull-head tees, or tees increasing on outlet, have same center-to-face and face-to-face dimensions as a straight fitting of the size of the outlet. Tees, crosses and laterals 16 in. and smaller, reducing on the outlet use the same dimensions as straight sizes of the larger port. Sizes 18 in. and larger, reducing on the outlet or branch, are made in two lengths, depending on sizes of outlet or branch as given in dimension table. (c) The dimensions of reducing flanged fittings are always regulated by the reductions of the outlet or branch. (d) For fittings reducing on the run only, always use the long-body pattern. Y's are special and are made to suit conditions. (e) Double-sweep tees are not made reducing on the run. Steel flanges, fittings and valves are recommended for superheated steam. 182 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK AMERICAN STANDARD Names of Fittings Elbow Reducing Elbow Side Outlet Elbow Twin Elbow Long, Radius Elbow 45 Elbow Tee Single Sweep Tee Double Sweep Tee Side Outlet Tee Reducing Tee Reducer Reducing Reducing Single Sweep Tee Side Outlet Tee Cross Reducing Cross Lateral Reducing lateral FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS 183 TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING STANDARD AND LOW-PRESSURE FLANGED VALVES AND FITTINGS l American Standard Size, inches Diameter of flanges, inches Thickness of flanges, inches Bolt circle diameter, inches Number of bolts Size of bolts, inches 1 4 KG 3 4 KG IK 4K H 3% 4 KG IK 5 KG 3% 4 H 2 6 % 4% 4 % V/2 7 X K 6 5K 4 % 3 7K % 6 4 % 3K 8K ^6 7 4 H 4 9 ^6 7K 8 H 4K 9K % 7% 8 % 5 10 i^e 8K 8 % 6 11 1 9K 8 H 7 12K IMe 10% 8 H 8 13M IK 11% 8 % 9 15 IK 13^ 12 % 10 16 1%6 14K 12 H 12 19 IK 17 12 % 14 21 1% 18% 12 \ 15 22K 1% 20 16 i 16 23^ !Ke 21K 16 i 18 25 IMe 22% 16 IK 20 27M 1^6 25 20 IK 22 29K 1^6 ' 27K 20 IK 24 32 IK 29K 20 IK 26 34K 2 31% 24 IK 28 36^ 2Ke 34 28 IK 30 38% 2% 36 28 1% 1 These templates are in multiples of four, so that fittings may be made to face in any quarter and bolt holes straddle the center line. Bolt holes are drilled K in. larger than the nominal diameter of bolts. 184 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK FLANGED FITTINGS 185 .SS.5.2 .Sg.2^ 5 .SO to to -2 8-8 3 < \ VN \ re i row (NfNfNCOCOCOCC'^'* l^ CO 00 O5 O ' \^ i-K i-K'-'X HN, r4\r4\i-!\iW\!-J\ COt > OOO5O'^C s ?CO^iOt > -O5OC v ?^t | t s -' 'CO^t^OCOl^* ^HyH^-lTHr-HT-Hi li ((NlMfNC^COCOCOCO^t 1 ^^ \N\C- O5 (M CO CO CO ^ ^. -^-^-^weo^jg f-K i^\ W\i-(\ !-4\i-f\r-<\W\ S fe^^ ll-i * (.4 si i 190 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK GENERAL DIMENSIONS OF EXTRA HEAVY REDUCING TEES AND CROSSES (SHORT-BODY PATTERN) American Standard Size, Size of outlets Face-to-face run, Center-to-face Center-to- face inches and smaller 1 AA run, A outlet, B 1 to 16 All reducing fittings 1 to 16 in. inclusive have the same center- to-face dimensions as straight-size fittings 18 12 28 14 17 20 14 31 15H 18K 22 15 33 163^ 20 24 16 34 17 21M 26 18 38 19 23 28 18 38 19 24 30 20 41 20K 25^ 1 Long-body patterns are used when outlets are larger than given in the above table, therefore have same dimensions as straight-size fittings. The dimensions of "reducing flanged fittings" are always regulated by the reduc- tion of the outlet. Fittings reducing on the run only, the long-body pattern will always be used, except double-sweep tees, on which the reduced end is always longer than the regular fitting. Bull heads or tees having outlets larger than the run will be the same length center-to-face of all openings as a tee with all openings of the size of the outlet. For example, a 12 by 12 by 18-in. tee will be governed by the dimensions of the 18-in. long-body tee, namely, 18 in. center-to-face of all openings and 36 in. face-to-face. Reducing elbows carry same center-to-face dimension as regular elbows of largest straight size. FLANGED FITTINGS 191 GENERAL DIMENSIONS OF EXTRA HEAVY REDUCING LATERALS (SHORT-BODY PATTERN) n American Standard Size, inches Size of branches and smaller 1 Face-to-face run, C Center-to-facc run, D Center-to-face run, E Center-to-face branch, F 1 to 16 All reducing fittings 1 to 16 in. inclusive have the same center- to-face dimensions as straight-size fittings 18 9 34 31 3 32^ 20 10 37 34 3 36 22 10 40 37 3 39 24 12 44 41 3 43 1 Long -body patterns are used when branches are larger than given in the above table, therefore, have same dimensions as straight-size fittings. The dimensions of "reducing flanged fittings" are always regulated by the reduction of the branch; fittings reducing on the run only, the long-body pattern will always be used. 192 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING EXTRA HEAVY FLANGED VALVES AND FiTTiNGS 1 American Standard Size, inches Diameter of flanges, inches Thickness of flanges, inches Bolt circle diameter, inches Number of bolts Size of bolts 1 4K % 3M 4 K 1M 5 % 3% 4 X IK 6 % 4^ 4 5 A 2 6H % 5 4 5 /8 2K 7K 1 5% 4 % 3 8K IK 6% 8 % 3K 9 1%6 7^ 8 % 4 10 1M 7% 8 H 4K IOK We 8K 8 % 5 11 1%' 9M 8 % 6 12K ' IKe 10% 12 H 7 14 IK 11% 12 % 8 15 1% 13 12 % 9 16M 1% 14 12 i 10 17K 1% 15M 16 i 12 20K 2 17% 16 IK 14 23 2^ 20^ 20 IK 15 24K 2Ke 21K 20 IK 16 25K 2^ 22K 20 IK 18 28 2% 24% 24 IK 20 30K 2K 27 24 l% 22 33 2^ 2934 24 IK 24 36 2^ 32 24 1% 26 38K 2^6 34K 28 1% 28 40% 2^6 37 28 i% 30 43 3 39K 28 1% 1 These templates are in multiples of four, so that fittings may be made to face in any quarter and bolt holes straddle the center line. Bolt holes are drilled K in. larger than nominal diameter of bolts. FLANGED FITTINGS 193 WEIGHTS OF CAST-IRON FLANGED FITTINGS (American Standard Dimensions) Size, inches Approximate weight per piece, pounds Standard (125 Ib.) Extra heavy (250 Ib.) Ell 45 Ell Tee Cross Ell 45 Ell Tee Cross 2 18 15 26 34 23 20 38 80 2H 22 20 34 43 34 29 50 85 3 30 27 45 58 46 38 70 90 3M 37 33 55 74 57 44 75 115 4 45 38 67 89 67 61 100 140 4K 46 43 75 100 85 70 120 170 5 63 53 90 121 95 85 130 190 6 75 68 115 152 125 105 190 250 7 100 90 150 200 160 145 235 325 8 120 100 170 236 190 175 280 370 9 150 130 220 305 240 195 330 480 10 205 160 285 400 320 250 450 580 12 285 230 430 570 450 380 680 900 14 390 300 550 750 640 520 970 1,300 15 440 330 660 800 750 570 1,050 1,400 16 525 400 760 1,000 840 675 1,255 1,675 13 194 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK NOMINAL WEIGHT OF CAST-IRON PIPE WITHOUT FLANGES, POUNDS PER FOOT 1 Inside diameter, inches Thickness of metal in inches K H * H H y* i IK IK 2 5.5 8.7 12.3 16.1 20.3 24.7 29.5 34.5 40.0 2H 6.8 10.6 14.7 19.2 24.0 29.0 34.4 40.0 46.0 3 7.9 12.4 17.2 22.2 27.6 32.3 39.3 45.6 52.2 3/>i 9.2 14.3 19.6 25.3 31.3 37.6 44.2 51.1 58.3 4 10.4 16.1 22.1 28.4 35.0 41.9 49.1 56.6 64.4 4;Hj 11.7 18.0 24.5 31.5 38.7 46.2 54.0 62.1 70.6 5 12.9 19.8 27.0 34.5 42.3 50.5 58.9 67.7 76.7 5M 14.1 21.6 29.5 37.6 46.0 54.8 63.8 73.2 82.8 6 15.3 23.5 31.9 40.7 49.7 59.1 68.7 78.7 89.0 7 17.8 27.2 36.8 46.8 57.1 67.7 78.5 89.7 101.0 8 20.3 30.8 41.7 52.9 64.4 76.2 88.4 101.0 114.0 9 22.7 34.5 46.6 59.1 71.8 84.8 98.2 112.0 126.0 10 25.2 38.2 51.5 65.2 79.2 93.4 108.0 123.0 138.0 11 27.6 41.9 56.5 71.3 86.5 102.0 118.0 134.0 150.0 12 30.1 46.6 61.4 77.5 93.9 111.0 128.0 145.0 163.0 13 32.5 49.2 66.3 83.6 101.0 119.0 137.0 156.0 175.0 14 35.0 52.9 71.2 89.7 109.0 128.0 147.0 167.0 187.0 15 56.6 76.1 95.9 116.0 136.0 157.0 178.0 199.0 16 60.3 81.0 102.0 123.0 145.0 167.0 189.0 212.0 18 67.7 90.8 114.0 138.0 162.0 187.0 211.0 236.0 20 101.0 127.0 153.0 179.0 206.0 233.0 261.0 22 110.0 139.0 168.0 197.0 226.0 255.0 285.0 24 120.0 151.0 182.0 214.0 245.0 278.0 310.0 26 130.0 163.0 197.0 231.0 265.0 299.0 334.0 28 30 .... 140.0 149.0 175.0 188.0 211.0 226.0 248.0 265.0 284.0 304.0 321.0 343.0 358.0 383.0 1 Approximate weight of each flanged joint = weight of 1 ft. of pipe. Values in table are theoretical, and based on cast iron weighing 450 Ib. per cubic foot. CAST-IRON PIPE 195 CO * 00 (N rt< CO 00 Tf< 196 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK *i g g M I? Class H 00 foot head pounds press 0-c! Ill saqoui 'ssaujptqj saqoui 'ssausfoiqj, 111 Class E foot head unds press q^Suaq sa q on i saqoui 'ssau^oiq, s^oq saqoui eijoq jo saqoui ' jo saqoui 'a3uB{j jo ja^auiBtQ saqout T-H rH i 1 i 1 CO I-H I-H -i-iOCOi-iC iC^OO-^iO OOi-ii-i'-i'-Hi-ti-i-OOl>OOOOOi I cOcOCDcOOt^t>t^I>l>l> WROUOHT-IRON AND STEEL PIPE 199 pl-S 1.SP 5 S fill O(NTfr^OQOOOrOQOTjHOO fto = 2 X c3 F Hi COOr^LO^fMOOOOiOCO^OCiCiCCOO^OiOeO COOOOi lOOiOOScOCO' 'OOOt^cOOiOTt^TtHcoco OOcioJt^iO^COC^i-irHT-iTHrHOOOOOOOOO Ex sur "cS o oo 1-1 i-i T-I .CiO ^?5^^ C^C^T^iOGOOlOC^OOOC^I^Or^-CO Nomina internal, inches 200 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK g fl B CO O K il ll 55 u 3 Sg II ill li ij Si l.S o -5 fl .S lOcOOscoOcOfOOOSGOt^cCiOiO-^ T-H TH (N CO O lO OOCOi l ,-H T-H T-H (M CO QO IO O i- H W CO "* "O N- 00 OS TH CSI O 00 iH ^ ^ CO ooooooooooooooo STEEL PIPE 201 M a.s a 15 Q 55 I O O O ^ t>-b-l>O 1 I iOO5(NiOC5tOO5(N 00 ^* I 00 ^ co co ^ ^ "^ ^ S"? ^^2Cn^^?^-H\ \I-H \oo rH\CO\in\t-\ CO\rH\ COCOCOCOCOt^ to CO 00 CO OO 1 ^ iO iO O'* O O O 00 GO 00 00 00 00 d 206 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK LEAD PIPE Inside diam- eter, inches Kind Weight per foot, pounds Inside diam- eter, inches Kind Weight per foot, pounds y* Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong Ex. strong Ex. ex. strong 0.50 0.56 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.63 IK Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong Ex. strong Ex. ex. strong 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.75 4.75 6.00 6.75 Yi Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong Ex. strong Ex. ex. strong 0.63 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.50 3.00 1M Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong Ex. strong Ex. ex. strong 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.50 9.00 H Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong Ex. strong Ex. ex. strong 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 1 3 4 Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong Ex. strong 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.50 6.50 8.00 H Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong Ex. strong Ex. ex. strong 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.25 3.00 3.50 4.00 2 Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong Ex. strong Ex. ex. strong 3.00 4.00 5.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.50 H Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 2>^ Aqueduct Light Medium (% 6 in. thick) Strong (14 in.) Ex. strong (% 6 inch) Ex. ex. strong (% in.) 4.00 6.00 8.00 11.00 14.00 17.00 1 Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong Ex. strong Ex. ex. strong 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.25 4.00 4.75 5.50 3 Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium (% 6 in. thick) Strong (24 in.) Ex. strong (% 6 in.) Ex. ex. strong (% in.) 4.00 4.75 6.19 9.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 LEAD PIPE LEAD PIPE (Concluded) 207 Inside diam- eter, inches Kind Weight per foot, pounds Inside diam- eter, inches i Weight Kind per foot, pounds 4 Aqueduct Ex. light Light Medium Strong (y in. thick) Ex. strong (Y\ in.) Ex. ex. strong (% in.) 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 16.00 22.00 25.00 6 Aqueduct 10 . 00 Ex. light 13.00 Light (Y in. thick) 24.00 Medium (% in.) 36.50 Strong (Y 2 in.) 50.00 5 Aqueduct 8 . 25 Ex. light 11.00 Light '14.63 Medium (% in. thick) 20 . 00 Strong (% in.) 30.25 Ex. strong (H in.) 40.00 8 Light 30 . 50 Medium 39 . 25 Strong 48 . 00 SHEET LEAD Pounds per square foot Thickness in inches Fraction Decimal 2 H 2 0.032 3 ^4 0.048 4 h* 0.066 5 %4 0.082 6 3 /32 0.098 7 K* 0.115 8 X 0.134 9 %4 0.145 10 5 /Z2 0.164 11 1 X* 0.180 12 3 /16 0.198 13 1 H* 0.214 14 7 /32 0.230 15 X 0.248 16 y 0.264 20 5 A G 0.332 25 2 %4 0.414 30 y* 0.496 60 0.992 208 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK s >. a: m u co a 5 2 < 0) CM L. ' 2 CL < Q O 2 > BRICK SHAPES 209 14 210 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK FIBER ROPE KNOTS AND HITCHES AND HOW TO MAKE THEM 1 The principle of a knot is that no 2 parts which would move in the same direction if the rope were to slip, should lie alongside ABC D of and touching each other. This principle is clearly shown in the square knot (I). 1 From LIDDELL'S "Metallurgists and Chemists' Handbook." FIBER ROPE KNOTS AND HITCHES 211 A great number of knots have been devised, of which a few of the most useful are herewith illustrated by courtesy of C. W. Hunt Company, of New York. In the engravings they are shown open, or before being drawn taut, in order to show the position of the parts. The names usually given to them are: A. Bight of a rope. B. Simple or overhand knot. C. Figure 8 knot. D. Double knot. E. Boat knot. F. Bowline, first step. G. Bowline, second step. H. Bowline, completed. I. Square or reef knot. J. Sheet bend or weaver's knot. K. Sheet bend with a toggle. L. Carrick bend. M. " Stevedore" knot completed. N. " Stevedore" knot commenced. 0. Slip knot. P. Flemish loop. Q. Chain knot with toggle. R. Half-hitch. S. Timber-hitch. T. Clove-hitch. U. Rolling-hitch. V. Timber-hitch and half-hitch. W. Blackwall-hitch. X. Fisherman's bend. Y. Round turn and half-hitch. Z. Wall knot commenced. AA. Wall knot completed. BB. Wall knot crown commenced. CC. Wall knot crown completed. DD to HH. Eye splice commenced and completed. 212 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK The bowline (G) is one of the most useful knots; it will not slip, and after being strained is easily untied. It should be tied with facility by everyone who handles rope. Commence by making a bight in the rope, then put the end through the bight and under the standing part, as shown in the engraving, then pass the end again through the bight, and haul tight. The square or reef knot (I) must not be mistaken for the " granny" knot that slips under a strain. Knots (H, K and M) are easily untied after being under strain. The knot (M) is useful when the rope passes through an eye and is held by the knot, as it will not slip, and is easily untied after being strained. The wall knot looks complicated but is easily made by pro- ceeding as follows: Form a bight with strand 1, and pass the strand 2 around the end of it, and the strand 3 around the end of 2, and then through the bight of 1, as shown in engraving Z. Haul the ends taut, when the appearance is as shown in the engraving AA. The end of the strand 1 is now laid over the center of the knot, strand 2 laid over 1, and 3 over 2, when the end of 3 is passed through the bight of 1, as shown in the engraving BB. Haul all the strands taut, as shown in the engraving CC. The " stevedore" knot (M), (N) is used to hold the end of a rope from passing through a hole. When the rope is strained the knot draws up tight, but it can be easily untied when the strain is removed. If a knot or hitch of any kind is tied in a rope, its failure under stress is sure to occur at that place. Each fiber in the straight part of the rope takes proper share of the load, but in all knots the rope is cramped or has a short bend, which throws an over- load on those fibers that are on the outside of the bend and one fiber after another breaks until the rope is torn apart. The shorter the bend in the standing rope, the weaker is the knot. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 213 U. S. CUSTOMARY WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Length 12 inches = 1 foot 3 feet = 1 yard 5% yards = 1 rod 320 rods 1760 yards 1 mile 5280 feet Nautical Units 6080.2 feet = 1 nautical mile 6 feet = 1 fathom 120 fathoms = 1 cable length 1 nautical mile per hour = 1 knot Surveyors Measure 7.92 inches = 1 link 100 links 66 feet = 1 chain 4 rods 80 chains = 1 mile Area 144 square inches = 1 square foot 9 square feet = 1 square yard 30^ square yards = 1 square rod 160 square rods 1 \ = 1 acre 10 square chains J 640 acres = 1 square mile Volume 1728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard 1 cord of wood = 128 cubic feet Liquid Measure 4 gills = 1 pint 2 pints = 1 quart 4 quarts = 1 gallon 7.4805 gallons = 1 cubic foot 214 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Apothecaries Liquid Measure 60 minims = 1 liquid dram 8 drams = 1 liquid ounce 16 ounces = 1 pint Dry Measure 2 pints = 1 quart 8 quarts = 1 peck 4 pecks = 1 bushel Avoirdupois Weight 16 drams =437.5 grains 16 ounces =7000 grains 100 pounds 2000 pounds 2240 pounds = 1 ounce = 1 pound = 1 cental = 1 short ton = 1 long ton Troy Weight 24 grains = 1 pennyweight (dwt.) 20 pennyweights = 1 ounce 12 ounces = 1 pound Apothecaries Weights 20 grains = 1 scruple 3 scruples = 1 dram 8 drams = 1 ounce 12 ounces = 1 pound METRIC MEASURES Length Unit Symbol Value in meters Micron 000001 Millimeter Centimeter Decimeter mm. cm. dm 0.001 0.01 1 Meter (unit) .... m 1 Dekameter. . dkm 10 Hectometer hm 100 Kilometer km 1 000 Myriameter . IVIm 10 000 Megameter 1 000 000 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Area 215 Unit ' Symbol Value in square meters Sq millimeter mm. 2 0.000001 Sq. centimeter Sq decimeter cm. 2 dm. 2 0.0001 0.01 Sq meter (centiare) m. 2 1.0 Sq dekameter (are) a. 100.0 Hectare ha. 10,000.0 Sq kilometer km. 2 1,000,000.0 Volume Unit Symbol Value in liters Milliliter ml. or cm. 3 0.001 Liter (unit) 1. or dm. 3 1.0 Kiloliter kl. or m. 3 1,000.0 Also Centiliter cl. 0.01 Deciliter dl. 0.1 Dekaliter Hectoliter . . dkl. hi. 10.0 100.0 CUBIC MEASURE Unit Symbol Value in cubic meters Cubic kilometer Cubic hectometer km. 3 hm. 3 10 9 10 6 Cubic dekameter Cubic meter dkm. 3 m. 3 10 3 1 Cubic decimeter dm. 3 10~ 3 Cubic centimeter. . cm. 3 io- 6 Cubic millimeter Cubic micron mm. 3 M 3 10~ 9 10~ 18 216 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Weight Unit Symbol Value in grams Microgram 0.000001 IVlilligram msr 001 Centigram C. 01 Decigram dg. 0.1 Gram (unit) Dekagram g- dkg. 1.0 10 Hectogram hg 100 Kilogram kg. 1,000.0 Myriagram Mg. 10,000.0 Quintal ... . Q. 100,000 Ton.. t. 1,000,000.0 EQUIVALENTS OF METRIC AND CUSTOMARY (U. S.) WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 Length METRIC 1 millimeter 1 centimeter 1 'meter 1 meter 1 meter 1 kilometer U. S. STANDARD 1 inch 1 inch 1 foot 1 yard 1 mile METRIC 1 square millimeter 1 square centimeter 1 square meter 1 square meter 1 square kilometer 1 hectare Area U. S. STANDARD 0.03937 inch 0.3937 inch 39 . 37 inches 3. 28083 feet 1.09361 yards 0.62137 mile METRIC 25.4001 millimeters 2 . 5400 centimeters . 3048 meter 0.9144 meter 1 . 60935 kilometers U. S. STANDARD 0.00155 square inch 0. 1550 square inch 10 . 7640 square feet 1 . 1960 square yards 0.3861 square mile 2.471 acres Table of equivalents, U. S. Bureau of Standards. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 217 U. S. STANDARD 1 square inch 1 square inch 1 square foot 1 square yard 1 square mile 1 acre Area (Continued) METRIC 645 . 16 square millimeters 6 . 452 square centimeters . 0929 square meter 0.8361 square meter 2 . 5900 square kilometers 0.4047 hectare Volume METRIC 1 cubic millimeter 1 cubic centimeter 1 cubic meter 1 cubic meter U. S. STANDARD 1 cubic inch 1 cubic inch 1 cubic foot 1 cubic yard U. S. STANDARD . 000061 cubic inch 0.0610 cubic inch 35.314 cubic feet 1 . 3079 cubic yards METRIC 16,387.2 cubic millimeters 16.3872 cubic centimeters 0.02832 cubic meter 0.7646 cubic meter Capacity METRIC milliliter (c.c.) milliliter milliliter liter liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 dekaliter 1 hectoliter 1 hectoliter U. S. STANDARD 0.03381 liquid ounce . 2705 apothecaries' dram 0.8115 apothecaries' scruple 1 . 05668 liquid quarts 0.9081 dry quart 0.26417 liquid gallon 0.11351 peck 1 . 1351 pecks 2. 83774 bushels 26.4176 liquid gallons 218 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK Capacity (Contin ued) U. S. STANDARD 1 liquid ounce 1 apothecaries' dram 1 apothecaries' scruple 1 liquid quart 1 dry quart 1 liquid gallon 1 peck 1 peck 1 bushel 1 bushel METRIC 29.574milliliters (c.c.) 3.6967milliliters 1 . 2322 milliliters 0.94636 liter 1 . 1012 liters 3 . 78543 liters 8 . 80982 liters 0.88098 dekaliter 35 . 239 liters . 35239 hectoliter METRIC Mass 1 gram 1 gram 1 gram 1 kilogram 1 kilogram U. S. STANDARD 1 grain 1 avoirdupois ounce 1 troy ounce 1 avoirdupois pound 1 troy pound U. S. STANDARD 15. 4324 grains . 03527 avoirdupois ounce 0.03215 troy ounce 2 . 20462 avoirdupois pounds 2.67923 troy pounds METRIC . 0648 gram 28 . 3495 grams 31 . 10348 grams 0.45359 kilogram 0.37324 kilogram THERMOMETRIC SCALES 219 COMPARISON OF THERMOMETRIC SCALES Fahrenheit degrees as units C. = %(F. - 32) F. C. F. C. F. C. F. C. F. C. F. C. -40 -40.0 +3 -16.1 +46 +7.8 +89 +31.7 + 132 +55.6 + 175 +79.4 39 39.4 4 15.6 47 8.3 90 32.2 133 56.1 176 80.0 38 38.9 5 15.0 48 8.9 91 32.8 134 56.7 177 80.6 37 38.3 6 14.4 49 9.4 92 33.3 135 57.2 178 81.1 36 37.8 7 13.9 50 10.0 93 33.9 136 57.8 179 81.7 35 37.2 8 13.3 51 10.6 94 34.4 137 58.3 180 82.2 34 36.7 9 12.8 52 11.1 95 35.0 138 58.9 181 82.8 33 36.1 10 12.2 53 11.7 96 35.6 139 59.4 182 83.3 32 35.6 11 11.7 54 12.2 97 36.1 140 60.0 183 83.9 31 35.0 12 11.1 55 12.8 98 36.7 141 60.6 184 84.4 30 34.4 13 10.6 56 13.3 99 37.2 142 61.1 185 85.0 29 33.9 14 10.0 57 13.9 100 37.8 143 61.7 186 85.6 28 33.3 15 9.4 58 14.4 101 38.3 144 62.2 187 86.1 27 32.8 16 8.9 59 15.0 102 38.9 145 62.8 188 86.7 26 32.2 17 8.3 60 15.6 103 39.4 146 63.3 189 87.2 25 31.7 18 7.8 61 16.1 104 40.0 147 63.9 190 87.8 24 31.1 19 7.2 62 16.7 105 40.6 148 64.4 191 88.3 23 30.6 20 6.7 63 17.2 106 41.1 149 65.0 192 88.9 22 30.0 21 6.1 64 17.8 107 41.7 150 65.6 193 89.4 21 29.4 22 5.6 65 18.3 108 42.2 151 66.1 194 90.0 20 28.9 23 5.0 66 18.9 109 42.8 152 66.7 195 90.6 19 28.3 24 4.4 67 19.4 110 43.3 153 67.2 196 91.1 18 27.8 25 3.9 68 20.0 111 43.9 154 67.8 197 91.7 17 27.2 26 3.3 69 20.6 112 44.4 155 68.3 198 92.2 16 26.7 27 2.8 70 21.1 113 45.0 156 68.9 199 92.8 15 26.1 28 2.2 71 21.7 114 45.6 157 69.4 200 93.3 14 25.6 29 1.7 72 22.2 115 46.1 158 70.0 201 93.9 13 25.0 30 1.1 73 22.8 116 46.7 159 70.6 202 94.4 12 24.4 31 0.6 74 23.3 117 47.2 160 71.1 203 95.0 11 23.9 32 0.0 75 23.9 118 47.8 161 71.7 204 95.6 10 23.3 33 +0.6 76 24.4 119 48.3 162 72.2 205 96.1 9 22.8 34 1.1 77 25.0 120 48.9 163 72.8 206 96.7 8 22.2 35 1.7 78 25.6 121 49.4 164 73.3 207 97.2 7 21.7 36 2.2 79 26.1 122 50.0 165 73.9 208 97.8 6 21.1 37 2.8 80 26.7 123 50.6 166 74.4 209 98.3 5 20.6 38 3.3 81 27.2 124 51.1 167 75.0 210 98.9 4 20.0 39 3.9 82 27.8 125 51.7 168 75.6 211 99.4 3 19.4 40 4.4 83 28.3 126 52.2 169 76.1 212 100.0 2 18.9 41 5.0 84 28.9 127 52.8 170 76.7 1 18.3 42 5.6 85 29.4 128 53.3 171 77.2 17.8 43 6.1 86 30.0 129 53.9 172 77.8 + 1 17.2 44 6.7 87 30.6 130 54.4 173 78.3 2 16.7 45 7.2 88 31.1 131 55.0 174 78.9 220 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK COMPARISON OP THERMOMETRIC SCALES Centigrade degrees as units F. = %C. + 32 c. F. C. F. c. F. C. F. -40 -40.0 -4 +24.8 +32 +89.6 +68 + 154.4 39 38.2 3 26.6 33 91.4 69 156.2 38 36.4 2 28.4 34 93.2 70 158.0 37 34.6 1 30.2 35 95.0 71 159.8 36 32.8 32.0 36 96.8 72 161.6 35 31.0 + 1 33.8 37 98.6 73 163.4 34 29.2 2 35.6 38 100.4 74 165.2 33 27.4 3 37.4 39 102.2 75 167.0 32 25.6 4 39.2 40 104.0 76 168.8' 31 23.8 5 41.0 41 105.8 77 170.6 30 22.0 6 42.8 42 107.6 78 172 A 29 20.2 7 44.6 43 109.4 79 174.2 28 18.4 8 46.4 44 111.2 80 176.0 27 16.6 9 48.2 45 113.0 81 177.8 26 14.8 10 50.0 46 114.8 82 179.6 25 13.0 11 51.8 47 116.6 83 181.4 24 11.2 12 53.6 48 118.4 84 183.2 23 9.4 13 55.4 49 120.2 85 185.0 22 7.6 14 57.2 50 122.0 86 186.8 21 5.8 15 59.0 51 123.8 87 188.6 20 4.0 16 60.8 52 125.6 88 190.4 19 2.2 17 62.6 53 127.4 89 192.2 18 0.4 18 64.4 54 129.2 90 194.0 17 + 1.4 19 66.2 55 131.0 91 195.8 16 3.2 20 68.0 56 132.8 92 197.6 15 5.0 21 69.8 57 134.6 93 199.4 14 6.8 22 71.6 58 136.4 94 201.2 13 8.6 23 73.4 59 138.2 95 203.0 12 10.4 24 75.2 60 140.0 96 204.8 11 12.2 25 77.0 61 141.8 97 206.6 10 14.0 26 78.8 62 143.6 98 208.4 9 15.8 27 80.6 63 145.4 99 210.2 8 17.6 28 82.4 64 147.2 100 212.0 7 19.4 29 84.2 65 149.0 6 21.2 30 86.0 66 150.8 5 23.0 31 87.8 67 152.6 WATER 221 WATER 1 Density Weight in grams of 1 c.c. of water free from air Volume Volume in cubic centimeters of 1 gram of water Temperature, C. Density Temperature, C. Volume 0.999868 1.000132 1 0.999927 1 1.000073 2 0.999968 2 1.000032 3 0.999992 3 1.000008 4 1.000000 4 1.000000 5 0.999992 5 1.000008 6 0.999986 6 1.000032 7 0.999929 7 1.000071 8 0.999876 8 1.000124 9 0.999808 9 1.000192 10 . 999727 10 1.000273 11 0.999632 11 1.000368 12 0.999525 12 1.000476 13 0.999404 13 1.000596 14 0.999271 14 1.000729 15 0.999126 15 1.000874 16 0.998970 16 1.001031 17 0.998801 17 1.001200 18 0.998622 18 1.001380 19 0.998432 19 1.001571 20 0.998230 20 1.001773 21 0.998019 21 1.001985 22 0.997797 22 1.002208 23 0.997565 23 1.002441 24 0.997323 24 1.002685 25 0.997071 25 1.002938 26 0.996810 26 1.003201 27 0.996539 27 1.003473 28 0.996259 28 1.003755 29 0.995971 29 1 . 004046 30 0.995673 30 1.004346 31 0.995367 31 .004655 32 0.995052 32 .004972 33 0.994729 33 .005299 34 0.994398 34 .005634 35 0.994058 35 .005978 1 According to THIESEN, SCHEEL and DIESSELHORST: Wiss. Abh. der Physikalisch-Technischen Reichsanstalt., 3, 68-69, 1900. 222 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK DENSITY OF SOLUTIONS OF SULPHURIC Acm 1 (H 2 SO 4 ) AT 20C. 2 (Calculated from Dr. J. Domke's table. 3 Adopted as the basis for standardi- zation of hydrometers indicating per cent, of sulphuric acid at 20C.) Per cent. H 2 S0 4 *?c. Per cent. H 2 S04 n 20 z> T c. Per cent. H 2 S0 4 fr. 0.99823 30 1.21850 60 1.49818 1 1.00506 31 1.22669 61 1.50904 2 1.01178 32 1 . 23492 62 1.51999 3 1.01839 33 1 . 24320 63 1.53102 4 1.02500 34 "1.25154 64 1.54213 5 1.03168 35 1 . 25992 65 1.55333 6 1.03843 36 1.26836 66 1.56460 7 1.04527 37 1.27685 67 1.57595 8 1.05216 38 1 . 28543 68 1 . 58739 9 1.05909 39 1.29407 69 1 . 59890 10 1.06609 40 1 . 30278 70 1.61048 11 1.07314 41 1.31157 71 1.62213 12 1.08026 42 1.32043 72 1.63384 13 1.08744 43 1 . 32938 73 1.64560 14 1.09468 44 1.33843 74 1 . 65738 15 1 . 10199 45 1.34759 75 1.66917 16 1 . 10936 46 1.35686 76 1 . 68095 17 1.11679 47 1.36625 77 1.69268 18 1 . 12428 48 1 . 37574 78 1.70433 19 1 . 13183 49 1.38533 79 1.71585 20 1 . 13943 50 1 . 39505 80 1.72717 21 1.14709 51 1 . 40487 81 1.73827 22 1 . 15480 52 1.41481 82 1 . 74904 23 1 . 16258 53 1 . 42487 83 1.75943 24 1 . 17041 54 1.43503 84 1.76932 25 1 . 17830 55 .44530 85 1.77860 26 1 . 18624 56 . 45568 85.5 1.78300 27 1 . 19423 57 .46615 86 1 . 78721 28 1 . 20227 58 .47673 86.5 1.79124 29 1.21036 59 .48740 87 1 . 79509 SULPHURIC ACID 223 DENSITY OF SOLUTIONS OF SIJLPHURIC AciD 1 (H 2 SO 4 ) AT 20C. 2 (Concluded) (Calculated from Dr. J. Domke's table. 3 Adopted as the basis for standardi- zation of hydrometers indicating per cent, of sulphuric acid at 20C.) Per cent. H Z S04 *?* Per cent. HiS04 *?c. Per cent. H 2 SO4 *& 87.5 1 . 79875 93.0 1.82790 96.0 1.83548 88.0 1.80223 93.2 1.82860 96.1 1 . 83560 88.5 1.80552 93.4 1.82928 96 2 1.83572 89.0 1.80864 93.6 .82993 96.3 1.83584 89.5 1.81159 93.8 .83055 96.4 1.83594 90.0 .81438 94.0 .83115 96.5 1.83604 90.2 .81545 94.2 .83172 96.6 1.83613 90.4 .81650 94.4 .83226 96.7 1.83621 90.6 .81753 94.6 .83276 96.8 1.83628 90.8 .81853 94.8 .83324 96.9 1.83634 91 >0 1.81950 95.0 .83368 97.0 1.83637 91.2 1.82045 95.1 .83389 97.1 1.83639 91.4 1.82137 95.2 .83410 97.2 1.83640 91.6 1.82227 95.3 .83430 97.3 1.83640 91.8 1.82315 95.4 .83449 97.4 1.83639 92.0 .82401 95.5 .83469 97.5 1.83637 92.2 .82484 95.6 .83486 97.6 1.83634 92.4 .82564 95.7 1.83503 97.7 1.83629 92.6 .82641 95.8 1.83520 97.8 1.83623 92.8 .82717 95.9 1.83534 97.9 1.83615 98.0 1.83605 1 For general use the more extensive and elaborate "Standard Tables" under the caption, " Sulphuric acid 0Be. 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 ," should always be referred to. 2 United States Bureau of Standards, Circular No. 19, 5th edition, March 30, 1916, p. 28. The density values in this table are numerically the same as specific gravity at this temperature referred to water at 4C. as unity. 3 Wiss. Abh. der Kaiserlichen Normal-Eichungs-Kommission, 5, p. 131, 1900. 224 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK TEMPERATURE CORRECTIONS TO PER CENT. OF SULPHURIC AciD 1 DETER- MINED BY HYDROMETER (STANDARD AT 20C.) 2 (Calculated from the same data as the preceding table, assuming Jena 16 m glass as the material used. The table should be used with caution, and only for approximate results when the temperature differs much from the stand- ard temperature or from the temperature of the surrounding air.) Observed per cent. H 2 S0 4 ui iat;j^j wo v^iitJgi au.f 5 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Subtract from observed per cent. Add to observed per cent. o 0.16 0.35 0.59 0.86 1.17 1.5 1.9 2.1 5 0.59 0.49 0.36 0.20 0.24 0.50 0.79 1.11 1.45 1.8 2.2 2.6 10 0.92 0.72 0.51 0.27 0.29 0.60 0.93 1.28 1.65 2.0 2.4 2.8 20 1.39 .06 0.72 0.36 0.37 0.75 1.14 1.53 1.93 2.3 2.7 3.1 30 1.64 .23 0.82 0.41 0.41 0.82 1.24 1.65 2.07 2.5 2.9 3.3 40 1.65 .24 0.82 0.41 0.41 0.82 1.22 1.62 2.03 2.4 2.8 3.2 50 1.56 .17 0.78 0.39 0.38 0.77 1.15 1.52 1.90 2.3 2.6 3.0 60 1.52 .14 0.76 0.38 0.37 0.74 1.11 1.48 1.84 2.2 2.6 2.9 70 1.54 .15 0.76 0.38 0.38 0.75 1.13 1.50 1.86 2.2 2.6 3.0 80 1.72 1.30 0.87 0.44 0.45 0.90 1.36 1.83 2.31 2.8 3.3 3.8 81 1.76 1.34 0.92 0.44 0.47 0.93 1.42 1.93 2.44 3.0 3.5 4.0 82 1.84 1.41 0.96 0.47 0.50 1.00 1.51 2.04 2.58 3.1 3.7 4.3 83 1.94 1.48 .00 0.50 0.53 1.06 1.59 2.18 2.78 3.4 4.0 4.6 84 2.05 1.57 .06 0.53 0.55 1.12 1.74 2.36 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.1 85- 2.20 1.67 .13 0.57 0.61 1.23 1.88 2.57 3.3 4.0 4.9 5.8 86 2.36 1.80 .22 0.62 0.66 1.35 2.08 2.84 3.7 4.6 5.5 87 2.54 1.95 .32 0.67 0.73 1.50 2.31 3.2 4.1 5.2 88 2.75 2.12 .44 0.74 0.81 1.67 2.59 3.6 4.7 6.0 89 3.01 2.31 .58 0.82 0.89 1.86 2.91 4.1 5.6 90 3.27 2.53 .73 0.91 0.99 2.10 3.4 4.9 91 3.57 2.78 1.93 1.01 1.13 2.44 4.1 92 3.91 3.06 2.13 1.12 1.32 3.00 93 4.29 3.38 2.37 1.26 1.64 94 4.75 3.77 2.69 1.46 95 5.29 '4.26 3.12 1.76 96 5.96 4.88 3.65 2.19 97 6.78 5.68 4.42 2.90 1 For general use the more extensive and elaborate " Standard Tables" under the caption, "Sulphuric acid 0Be. 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 , " should always be referred to. 2 United States Bureau of Standards, Circular No. 19. 5th edition, March 30, 1916, p. 29. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID 225 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID 1 Table I. Lunge, Isler and Naef (Zeit. angew. Chem. Ind., 1890, 15 131; Chem. Ind., 1883, 39). Specific gravities at -JQ- in vacuo. Table II. In 1909 Lunge publishes this table with the follow- ing note: "This table is based on that which the author formerly worked out with Isler and Naef; some corrections introduced by the Imperial Standards Commission are incorporated." The table appears under the caption "Specific gravity of sulphuric acid at 60F." (No mention is made to a comparison with water.) The entire table is not reproduced here as all strengths up to 166 Twaddell have the same values as Table I. Again in 1913 Lunge republishes Table I and no mention is made of his corrected table of 1909. NOTE. The given degrees Baume in these tables do not check with the American Standard Baume scale. This is the Baume scale mostly used on the continent of Europe and is calculated by the following formula: . fi .. 144.3 Specific gravity -= 144 . 3 _ degrees Baume Water at 15 being put = and sulphuric acid of 1.842 specific gravity at 15= 66Be. 1 These tables are published very extensively but cannot be recommended for general American use. The more extensive and elaborate "Standard Tables" should always be referred to. These can be found under the caption "Sulphuric acid - 0Be\ - 100 per cent. H 2 SO 4 ." 15 226 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK TABLE I. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID Lunge, Isler, and Naef Specific gravity at 15 at 40 in vacua Degrees Baume Degrees Twaddell 100 parts by weight contain, grams 1 liter contains in kilograms S0 3 H ? S0 4 S0 3 H 2 SO4 1.000 0.0 0.07 0.09 0.001 0.001 1.005 0.7 1 0.68 0.83 0.007 0.008 1.010 1.4 2 1.28 1.57 0.013 0.016 1.015 2.1 3 1.88 2.30 0.019 0.023 1.020 2.7 4 2.47 3.03 0.025 0.031 1.025 3.4 5 3.07 3.76 0.032 0.039 1.030 4.1 6 3.67 4.49 0.038 0.046 1.035 4.7 7 4.27 5.23 0.044 0.054 1.040 5.4 8 4.87 5.96 0.051 0.062 1.045 6.0 9 5.45 6.67 0.057 0.071 .050 6.7 10 6.02 7.37 0.063 0.077 .055 7.4 11 6.59 8.07 0.070 0.085 .060 8.0 12 7.16 8.77 0.076 0.093 .065 8.7 13 7.73 9.47 0.082 0.102 .070 9.4 14 8.32 10.19 0.089 0.109 .075 10.0 15 8.90 10.90 0.096 0.117 .080 10.6 16 9.47 11.60 0.103 0.125 .085 11.2 17 10.04 12.30 0.109 0.133 1.090 11.9 18 10.60 12.99 0.116 0.142 1.095 12.4 19 11.16 13.67 0.122 0.150 1.100 13.0 20 11.71 14.35 0.129 0.158 1.105 13.6 21 12.27 15.03 0.136 0.166 1.110 14.2 22 12.82 15.71 0.143 0.175 1.115 14.9 23 13.36 16.36 0.149 0.183 1.120 15.4 24 13.89 17.01 0.156 0.191 .125 16.0 25 14.42 17.66 0.162 0.199 .130 16.5 26 14.95 18.31 0.169 0.207 .135 17.1 27 15.48 18.96 0.176 0.215 .140 17.7 28 16.01 19.61 0.183 0.223 .145 18.3 29 16.54 20.26 . 0.189 0.231 .150 18.8 30 17.07 20.91 0.196 0.239 .155 19.3 31 17.59 21.55 0.203 0.248 .160 19.8 32 18.11 22.19 0.210 0.257 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID 227 TABLE I. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID (Continued) Specific gravity 15 at -50 in vacua Degrees Baum6 Degrees Twaddell 100 parts by weight contain, grams 1 liter contains in kilograms SOj H Z S04 SO, HiSO4 1.165 20.3 33 18.64 22.83 0.217 0.266 1.170 20.9 34 19.16 23.47 0.224 0.275 1.175 21.4 35 19.69 24.12 0.231 0.283 1.180 22.0 36 20.21 24.76 0.238 0.292 1.185 22.5 37 20.73 25.40 0.246 0.301 1.190 23.0 38 21.26 26.04 0.253 0.310 1.195 23.5 39 21.78 26.68 0.260 0.319 1.200 24.0 40 22.30 27.32 0.268 0.328 1.205 24.5 41 22.82 27.95 0.275 0.337 1.210 25.0 42 23.33 28.58 0.282 0.346 1.215 25.5 43 23.84 29.21 0.290 0.355 1.220 26.0 44 24.36 29.84 0.297 0.364 1.225 26.4 45 24.88 30.48 0.305 0.373 1.230 26.9 46 25.39 31.11 0.312 0.382 1.235 27.4 47 25.88 31.70 0.320 0.391 1.240 27.9 48 26.35 32.28 0.327 0.400 1.245 28.4 49 26.83 32.86 0.334 0.409 1.250 28.8 50 27.29 33.43 0.341 0.418 1.255 29.3 51 27.76 34.00 0.348 0.426 1.260 29.7 52 28.22 34.57 0.356 0.435 1.265 30.2 53 28.69 35.14 0.363 0.444 1.270 30.6 54 29.15 35.71 0.370 0.454 1.275 31.1 55 29.62 36.29 0.377 0.462 1.280 31.5 56 30.10 36.87 0.385 0.472 1.285 32.0 57 30.57 37.45 0.393 0.481 1.290 32.4 58 31.04 38.03 0.400 0.490 1.295 32.8 59 31.52 38.61 0.408 0.500 1.300 33.3 60 31.99 39.19 0.416 0.510 1.305 33.7 61 32.46 39.77 0.424 0.519 1.310 34.2 62 32.94 40.35 0.432 0.529 1.315 34.6 63 33.41 40.93 0.439 0.538 1.320 35.0 64 33.88 41.50 0.447 0.548 1.325 35.4 65 34.35 42.08 0.455 0.557 1.330 35.8 66 34.80 42.66 0.462 0.567 228 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK TABLE I. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID (Continued) Specific gravity -V in vacua Degrees Baume Degrees Twaddell 100 parts by weight contain, grams 1 liter contains in kilograms S0 3 H 2 S0 4 S0 3 H 2 SO 4 1.335 36.2 67 35.27 43.20 0.471 0.577 1.340 36.6 68 35.71 43.74 0.479 0.586 1.345 37.0 69 36.14 44.28 0.486 0.596 1.350 37.4 70 36.58 44.82 0.494 0.605 1.355 37.8 71 37.02 45.35 0.502. 0.614 1.360 38.2 72 37.45 45.88 0.509 0.624 1.365 38.6 73 37.89 46.41 0.517 0.633 1.370 39.0 74 38.32 46.94 0.525 0.643 1.375 39.4 75 38.75 47.47 0.533 0.653 1.380 39.8 76 39.18 48.00 0.541 0.662 1.385 40.1 77 39.62 48.53 0.549 0.672 1.390 40.5 78 40.05 49.06 0.557 0.682 1.395 40.8 79 40.48 49.59 0.564 0.692 1.400 41.2 80 40.91 50.11 0.573 0.702 1.405 41.6 81 41.33 50.63 0.581 0.711 ' 1.410 42.0 82 41.76 51.15 0.589 0.721 1.415 42.3 83 42.17 51.66 0.597 ' 0.730 1.420 42.7 84 42.57 52.15 0.604 ; 0.740 .425 43.1 85 42.96 52.63 0.612 0.750 .430 43.4 86 43.36 53.11 0.620 0.759 .435 43.8 87 43.75 53.59 i 0.628 0.769 .440 44.1 88 44.14 54.07 0.636 0.779 .445 44.4 89 44.53 54.55 0.643 0.789 .450 44.8 90 44.92 55.03 0.651 0.798 .455 45.1 91 45.31 55.50 0.659 0.808 .460 45.4 92 45.69 55.97 0.667 0.817 .465 45.8 93 46.07 56.43 0.675 0.827 .470 46.1 94 46.45 56.90 0.683 0.837 .475 46.4 95 46.83 57.37 0.691 0.846 .480 46.8 96 47.21 57.83 0.699 0.856 .485 47.1 97 47.57 58.28 0.707 0.865 .490 47.4 98 47.95 58.74 0.715 0.876 .495 47.8 99 48.34 59.22 0.723 0.885 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID 229 TABLE I. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OP SULPHURIC ACID (Continued) Specific gravity at in vacua Degrees Baume Degrees Twaddell 100 parts by weight contain, grains 1 liter contains in kilograms SOi HiS0 4 SO, H Z SO .500 48.1 100 48.73 59.70 0.731 0.896 .505 48.4 101 49.12 60.18 0.739 0.906 .510 48.7 102 49.51 60.65 0.748 0.916 .515 49.0 103 49.89 61.12 0.756 0.926 .520 49.4 104 50.28 61.59 0.764 0.936 .525 49.7 105 50.66 62.06 0.773 0.946 .530 50.0 106 51.04 62.53 0.781 0.957 .535 50.3 107 51.43 63.00 0.789 0.967 .540 50.6 108 51.78 63.43 0.797 0.977 . .545 50.9 109 52.12 63.85 0.805 0.987 .550 51.2 110 52.46 64.26 0.813 0.996 .555 51.5 111 52.79 64.67 0.821 .006 1.560 51.8 112 53.12 65.08 0.829 .015 1.565 52.1 113 53.46 65.49 0.837 .025 1.570 52.4 114 53.80 65.90 0.845 .035 1.575 52.7 115 54.13 66.30 0.853 .044 1.580 53.0 116 54.46 66.71 0.861 .054 1.585 53.3 117 54.80 67.13 0.869 .064 1.590 53.6 118 55.18 67.59 0.877 .075 1.595 53.9 119 55.55 68.05 0.886 .085 1.600 54.1 120 55.93 68.51 0.895 .096 1.605 54.4 121 56.30 68.97 0.904 .107 1.610 54.7 122 56.68 69.43 0.913 .118 1.615 55.0 123 57.05 69.89 0.921 .128 1.620 55.2 124 57.40 70.32 0.930 .139 1.625 55.5 125 57.75 70.74 0.938 .150 1.630 55.8 126 58.09 71.16 0.947 .160 1.635 56.0 127 58.43 71.57 0.955 .170 1.640 56.3 128 58.77 71.99 0.964 .181 1.645 56.6 129 59.10 72.40 0.972 .192 1.650 56.9 130 59.45 72.82 0.981 .202 1.655 57.1 131 59.78 73.23 0.989 .212 1.660 57.4 132 60.11 73.64 0.998 .222 1.665 57.7 133 60.46 74.07 1.007 .233 230 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK TABLE I. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID (Contin Specific gravity at^ in vacua Degrees Baum6 Degrees Twaddell 100 parts by weight contain, grams 1 liter contains in kilograms S0 3 H 2 S04 80s H 2 SO4 1.670 57.9 134 60.82 74.51 1.016 1.244 1.675 58.2 135 61.20 74.97 1.025 1.256 1.680 58.4 136 61.57 75.42 1.034 1.267 1.685 58.7 137 61.93 75.86 .043 1.278 1.690 58.9 138 62.29 76.30 .053 .289 1.695 59.2 139 62.64 76.73 .062 .301 1.700 59.5 140 63.00 77.17 .071 .312 1.705 59.7 141 63.35 77.60 .080 .323 1.710 60.0 142 63.70 78.04 .089 .334 1.715 60.2 143 64.07 78.48 .099 .346 1.720 60.4 144 64.43 78.92 .108 .357 1.725 60.6 145 64.78 79.36 .118 .369 1.730 60.9 146 65.14 79.80 .127 .381 1.735 61.1 147 65.50 80.24 .136 .392 1.740 61.4 148 65.86 80.68 .146 .404 1.745 61.6 149 66.22 81.12 .156 .416 1.750 61.8 150 66.58 81.56 .165 1.427 1.755 62.1 151 66.94 82.00 .175 1.439 1.760 62.3 152 67.30 82.44 .185 1.451 1.765 62.5 153 67.65 82.88 1.194 1.463 1.770 62.8 154 68.02 83.32 1.204 1.475 1.775 63.0 155 68.49 83.90 1.216 1.489 1.780 63.2 156 68.98 84.50 1.228 1.504 1.785 63.5 157 69.47 85.10 1.240 1.519 1.790 63.7 158 69.96 85.70 1.252 1.534 1.795 64.0 159 70.45 86.30 1.265 1.549 1.800 64.2 160 70.94 86.90 1.277 1.564 1.805 64.4 161 71.50 87.60 1.291 1.581 1.810 64.6 162 72.08 88.30 1.305 .598 1.815 64.8 163 72.69 89.05 1.319 .621 1.820 65.0 164 73.51 90.05 1.338 .639 1.821 73.63 90.20 1.341 .643 1.822 65.1 73.80 90.40 1.345 .647 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID 231 TABLE I. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID (Concluded) Specific gravity in vacua Degrees Baum6 Degrees 'Twaddell 100 parts by weight contain, grams 1 liter contains in kilograms S0 3 H.SO, SOa HzSOi 1.823 73.96 90.60 1.348 1.651 1.824 65.2 .... 74.12 90.80 1.352 1.656 1.825 165 74.29 91.00 1.356 .661 1.826 65.3 74.49 91.25 1.360 .666 1.827 74.69 91.50 1.364 .671 1.828 65.4 .... 74.86 91.70 1.368 .676 1.829 1.830 1.831 ..... 166 75.03 75.19 75.35 91.90 92.10 92.30 1.372 1.376 1.380 .681 .685 .690 65.5 .832 75.53 92.52 1.384 .695 .833 65.6 .... 75.72 92.75 .388 .700 .834 75.96 93.05 .393 .706 .835 65.7 167 76.27 93.43 .400 .713 .836 76.57 93.80 .406 .722 .837 .... 76.90 94.20 .412 .730 .838 65.8 77.23 94.60 .419 .739 .839 77.55 95.00 .426 .748 .840 65.9 168 78.04 95.60 .436 .759 .8405 78.33 95.95 .451 .765 .8410 79.19 97.00 .458 .786 .8415 79.76 97.70 .469 .799 .8410 .... 80.16 98.20 .476 .808 .8405 80.57 98.70 .483 .816 .8400 80.98 99.20 .490 1.825 .8395 81.18 99.45 .494 1.830 .8390 81.39 99.70 .497 1.834 .8385 81.59 99.95 .500 1.838 232 SULPHURIC ACID HANDBOOK ALLOWANCE FOR TEMPERATURE (Lunge) Per degree Centigrade Up to 1 . 170 = 0. 0006 specific gravity 1.170 to 1.450 = 0.0007 specific gravity 1.450 to 1.580 = 0.0008 specific gravity 1.580 to 1.750 = 0.0009 specific gravity 1.750 to 1.840 = 0.0010 specific gravity TABLE II. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID AT 60F. (Lunge) Specific gravity Degrees Twaddell 100 parts by weight contain 1 liter contains in kilograms SOs H 2 SO4 SOs H 2 S04 1.830 166 75.19 92.10 1.376 1.685 1.831 75.46 92.43 1.382 1.692 1.832 75.69 92.70 1.386 1.698 1.833 75.89 92.97 1.391 1.704 1.834 . . 76.12 93.25 1.396 1.710 1.835 167 76.35 93.56 1.402 1.717 1.836 76.57 93.80 1.405 1.722 1.837 . . . 76.90 94.20 1.412 1.730 1.838 77.23 94.60 1.419 1.739 1.839 77.55 95.00 1.426 1.748 , 1.840 168 78.04 95.60 1.436 1.759 1.8405 78.33 95.95 1.441 1.765 1.841 78.69 96.30 1.448 .774 1.8415 . . 79.47 97.35 1.463 .792 1.8410 80.16 98.20 1.476 .808 1.8405 80.43 98.52 1.481 .814 1.8400 80.59 98.72 1.483 .816 1.8395 80.63 98.77 1.484 1.817 1.8390 80.93 99.12 1.488 1.823 1.8385 81.08 99.31 1.490 1.826 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SULPHURIC ACID 233 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FUMING SULPHURIC Acio 1 (Knietsch, Ber. 1901, p. 4101) Per cent, free SOi Per cent, total SO, Specific gravity 35C. Per cent, free SOj Per cent, total SO. Specific gravity 35C 81.63 1.8186 52 91.18 1.9749 2 81.99 .8270 54 91.55 1.9760 4 82.36 .8360 56 91.91 1.9772 (max.) 6 82.73 .8425 58 92.28 1.9754 8 83.09 .8498 60 92.65 1.9738 10 83.46 .8565 62 93.02 1.9709 '12 83.82 .8627 64 93.38 1.9672 14 84.20 .8692 66 93.75 1.9636 16 84.56 1.8756 68 94.11 1.9600 18 84.92 1.8830 70 94.48 1.9564 20 85.30 1.8919 72 94.85 1 . 9502 22 85.66 1.9020 74 95.21 1 . 9442 24 86.03 1.9092 76 95.58 1.9379 26 86.40 1.9158 78 95.95 1.9315 28 86.76 1.9220 80 96.32 1 . 9251 30 87.14 1.9280 82 96.69 1.9183 32 87.50 1.9338 84 97.05 1.9115 34 87.87 1.9405 86 97.45 1.9046 36 88.24 1.9474 88 97.78 1.8980 38 88.60 1 . 9534 90 98.16 1.8888 40 88.97 1.9584 92 98.53 1.8800 42 89.33 1.9612 94 98.90 1.8712 44 89.70 1.9643 96 99.26 1.8605 46 90.07 1 . 9672 98 99.63 1.8488 48 90.41 1.9702 100 100.00 1.8370 50 90.81 1.9733 1 For more extensive tables on Fuming sulphuric acid, the tables of the author under the caption "Fuming sulphuric acid" are referred to. INDEX Acid calculations, 86, 89, 96 methods of weighing, 135 standard, 127 Acids in burner gas, test for, 113 Allowance for temperature, hydro- chloric acid, 52 nitric acid, 50 sulphuric acid, 57, 60, 67, 71, 224, 232 Ammonium sulphate, 31 Analysis of mixed acid, 140 of nitrated sulphuric acid, 140 of sulphur dioxide, 109 of sulphuric acid, qualitative, 125 quantitative, 126, 139 of total acids in burner gas, 113 Anhydride, sulphuric, 33 Anti-freezing liquids, 178 Approximate boiling points, sul- phuric acid, 55, 67 Aqueous vapor, tension of, sulphuric acid, 105 Arbitrary scale hydrometers, 5 Area of circles, 155 Atomic weights, 1 B Baume* degrees, specific gravity equivalents, 11 corresponding to specific grav- ity, 16 Baume" hydrometer, 8 Belting rules, 177 Boiling points, sulphuric acid, 55, 67, 103 Brick shapes, 208 Briggs pipe threads, 204 Burettes, 41, 134 C Calculations, acid, 24, 86 Calibration of tanks, 148 Cast-iron pipe, 194 Centigrade scale, 219, 220 Circles, circumference and area of, 155 Circumferences of circles, 155 Cleanliness of hydrometers, 8 Coefficient of expansion, 29 hydrochloric acid, 52 nitric acid, 50 sulphuric acid, 57, 60, 67, 71. 224, 232 Comparison of metric and U. S. Weights, 216 of thermometric scales, 219, 220 Composition of dry gas, 123, 124 Concentration of sulphuric acid, 89 108 Conversion of density basis, 3 of SO 2 to SO 3 , 113 Corrections, specific gravity, 2 Cube roots of numbers, 155 Cubes of numbers, 155 235 236 INDEX Decimals of a foot, 173 of an inch, 177 Degrees Baume" corresponding to specific gravity, 16 equivalent specific gravity of, 1 1 Twaddle corresponding to spe- cific gravity, 21 Density, conversion of basis, 3 definition of, 1 hydrometers, 5 of sulphuric acid, 222 of water, 221 Description of preparation of stand- ard acid tables, 27 Dilution of sulphuric acid, 89 Diphenylamine test, 125 Du Pont nitrometer, 144 K Elements, names of, 1 symbols of, 1 Equivalents of Baume" degrees and specific gravity, 11, 16 of Metric and U. S. weights, 216 of Twaddle degrees and specific gravity, 21 Estimating acid stock, 86 Formulas for sulphuric acid calcula- tions, 24, 89 Freezing points, sulphuric acid, 55. 63 Fuming sulphuric acid, 23, 71 for strengthening mixed acid, 97 methods of weighing, 135 specific gravity of, 72, 73, 233 tables, 72, 73, 74, 76, 79, 233 Gages, pressure and suction, 178 Gas, composition of, 123, 124 Glass bulb method, 136 tube method, 136 II Hitches, rope, 210 Hydrochloric acid, allowance temperature, 52 specific gravity of, 51 table, 51 preparation of, 44 Hydrogen sulphide test, 126 Hydrometers, 2, 5 Baum6, 8 manipulation of, 5 Twaddle, 20 for Fahrenheit scale, 219, 220 Ferrous sulphate method, 125, 148 Fibre rope knots and hitches, 210 Fittings, flanged, 180 screwed, 202 Flanged fittings, 180 Flanges, 180 Formation of mixed acid, 96 Indicator solution, preparation of, 135 Influence of temperature, hydro- meters, 6 of surface tension, hydrometers, 7 International atomic weights, 1 Iodine solution, preparation of, 111 INDEX 237 Iron, analysis of, in sulphuric acid, 126, 140 K Knots, rope, 210 Lead, analysis of, in sulphuric acid, 125, 139 pipe, 206 sheet, 207 Lock-nut threads, 204 Lunge-Rey pipette, 135 M Manipulation of hydrometers, 5 Marsh test, 126 Mathematical table, 155 Measures, Weights and, 213 Melting points, sulphuric acid, 55, 63, 103 Metallic sulphides, gas composition from roasting, 123 Methyl orange solution, preparation of, 108 Metric measures, 214 Mixed acid, 23 analysis of, 140 formation of, 96 Mixing table, 59 Be Sulphuric acid, 94 60 Be Sulphuric acid, 95 66 Be" Sulphuric acid, 96 Mohr, specific gravity balance, 1 Mono-hydrate, 23, 32 preparation of, 108 Muriatic acid, see Hydrochloric add. N Names of flanged fittings, 182 Nitric acid, allowance for tempera- ture, 50 specific gravity of, 49 table, 49 preparation of, 41 Nitrogen acids, analysis of, in sul- phuric acid, 125, 140 Nitrometer, Du Pont, 144 Nomenclature of sulphuric acid, 22 Nordhausen oil of vitriol, 23 Observing hydrometer readings, 5 Oil of Vitriol, 22 Nordhausen, 23 Oleum, 23 Per cent, hydrometers, 5 Per cent. SO 3 corresponding to per cent. H 2 SO 4 , 85 H2SO4 corresponding to per cent. SO 3 , 86 Phenolphthalein solution, prepara- tion of, 135 Pipe, cast-iron, 194 lead, 206 steel, 197 threads, 204 wrought-iron, 197 Preparation of standard acid tables, description of, 27 Pressure gages, 178 Pycnometer, 1 Q Qualitative tests, sulphuric acid, 125 Quantitative analysis, sulphuric acid, 126, 139 238 INDEX R Rectangle method for dilution and concentration, 91 Rope Knots and Hitches, 210 Rules, belting, 177 Sartorius specific gravity balance, 1 Scales, thermometric, 219 Screwed fittings, 202 Selenium, test for, in sulphuric acid, 125 Shapes, brick, 208 Sheet lead, 207 SO 2 converted to SO 3 , 113 Sodium carbonate, 30, 31, 34, 127 hydroxide solution, standard, 39, 131 sulphite test, 125 Specific gravity, balances, 1 corrections, 2 corresponding to degrees Baume, 11 to degrees Twaddle, 21 definition of, 1 determinations in preparation of standard acid tables, 28 equivalent degrees Baume, 16 hydrometers, 5 methods of determining, 1 of hydrochloric acid, 51 of nitric acid, 49 of sulphuric acid, 54, 60, 62, 68, 72, 73, 222, 225 tables, use of, 86 test, sulphuric acid, 76.07-82.5 per cent. SO 3 , 81 Square roots of numbers, 155 Squares of numbers, 155 Standard acid tables, preparation of, 27 normal acid, 127 sodium hydroxide, 39, 131 solutions, protecting strength of, 133 observing temperature of, 134 Standardization of standard acid, 128 of standard sodium hydroxide, 131 Starch solution, preparation of, 111 Steel pipe, 197 Stock, estimation of, 86 Storage tanks, calibration of, 148 Suction gages, 178 Sulphanilic acid, 33 Sulphides, metallic, gas composition from roasting, 123 Sulphur, acid obtainable from 100 lb., 108 dioxide, estimation of in burner gas, 109 estimation of in sulphuric acid, 138 gas composition from combus- tion of, 124 required to make 100 lb. acid, 109 trioxide, obtainable from 100 lb., 109 preparation of, 33 Sulphuric acid, allowance for tem- perature, 57, 60, 67, 71, 224, 232 boiling points, 55, 67, 107 coefficients of expansion, 57, 60, 67, 71, 224, 232 concentration of, 89, 108 density of, 222 dilution of, 89 INDEX 239 Sulphuric acid, examination for arsenic, 126 for iron, 126, 140 for lead, 125, 139 for nitrogen acids, 125 for selenium, 125 for zinc, 140 freezing points, 55, 63, 103 fuming, 23, 71 for strengthening mixed acid, 97 methods of weighing, 135 specific gravity of, 72, 73, 233 tables, 72, 73, 74, 76, 79, 233 mixing 59 Be., table for, 94 60 Be\, table for, 95 66 Be\, table for, 96 monohydrate, 23, 32, 108 nitrated, analysis of, 140 nomenclature of, 22 obtainable from 100 Ib. sulphur, 108 from 100 Ibs. SO 3 , 109 per cent. SO 3 corresponding to per cent. H 2 SO 4 , 85 H 2 SO 4 corresponding to per cent. SO 3 , 86 qualitative tests of, 125 quantitative analysis of, 126 specific gravity of, 54-, 60, 62, 68, 72, 73, 222, 225 test 76.07-82.5 per cent. SO 3 , 81 strength for equilibrium with atmospheric moisture, 107 sulphur required to make 100 Ib., 109 tables, 54, 60, 61, 68, 225 standard, preparation of, 46 tension of aqueous vapor, 105 Sulphuric anhydride, 23 Symbols of elements, 1 Tanks, calibration of, 148 Temperature correction, hydro- chloric acid, 52 nitric acid, 50 specific gravity, 2 sulphuric acid, 57, 60, 67, 71, 224, 232 Templates for drilling, 183, 192 Tension of aqueous vapor, sulphuric acid, 105 Theoretical composition of dry gas, 123, 124 Thermo-hydrometers, 5 Thermometric scales, 219, 220 Threads, pipe and lock-nut, 204 Titrating vessels, 134 Titration of acid, 137 Total acids in burner gas, test for, 113 Twaddle hydrometer, 20 degrees corresponding to spe- cific gravity, 21 U Use of specific gravity tables, 86 V Vitriol, oil of, 22 Volume, of water, 221 W Water, density and volume of, 221 Weighing acid, methods of, 135 Weights and measures, 213 Westphal specific gravity balance, 1 Wrought-iron pipe, 197 Zinc, analysis of, in sulphuric acid, 140 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINlToF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN rms BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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