SOME DETAILS WATER-WORKS CONSTRUCTION. MW* REESE LIBRARY OF THE " ; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Received _ / Accessions No..^.^.^..^f Shelf No.:. SOME DETAILS OF Water-Works Construction. BY WILLIAM R. BILLINGS, i Superintendent of Water- Works at Taunton, Mass. (From 1879 to 1888.) WITH ILLUSTRATIONS FROM SKETCHES BY THE AUTHOR. SECOND EDITION, NEW YORK : THE ENGINEERING & BUILDING RECORD. 1889. Copyright, 1888, BY THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD. THB ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD PRESS, NEW YORK. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. OOME questions addressed to the Editor of THE ENGI- NEERING AND BUILDING RECORD AND THE SANITARY ENGINEER by persons in the employ of new water- works indicated that a short series of practical articles on the Details of Constructing a Water- Works Plant would be of value ; and, at the suggestion of the Editor, the preparation of these papers was undertaken for the columns of that journal. The task has been an easy and agreeable one, and now, in a more convenient form than is afforded by the columns of the paper, these notes of actual experience are offered to the water-works fraternity, with the belief that they may be of assistance to beginners and of some interest to all. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PACK. Materials for Main Pipes Method of Lining with Cement Tool-Box Derrick Tools Transportation Distributing Pipe. . 9-24 CHAPTER II. Fieid Work Pipe Plans Laying Out a Line Time Keep- ing Tunneling Sheet-Piling 2,-36 CHAPTER III. Trenching and Pipe - Laying Caving Bell - Holes Rock Work Laying Cast-Iron Pipe Derrick Gang Cutting Pipe. 37-45 CHAPTER IV. Laying Cement-Lined Pipe Joint-Making on Iron Pipe Strength of Joints Quantity of Lead 46-56 CHAPTER V. Hydrants Gates Specials Field Notes Back- Filling Pulling Sheet- Piling Filling Pipes 47-66 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. PAGE Service - Pipes Materials Tapping Mains Corporation Cocks 67-73 CHAPTER VII. Wiped-Joint and Cup-Joint Air-Pump and Blow-Pipe Weight of Lead Pipe Tapping Wrought-Iron Mains Service- Boxes Meters 74-8 1 CHAPTER VIII. Notes on Two Miles of i6-Inch Main Items of Cost Tem- porary Supply Cost of Line 82-89 CHAPTER IX. Table of Weights and Dimensions of Cast-Iron Pipe Pipe- JointsTables of Cost Handling Water Close Sheeting Egg-Shaped Conduits Circular Conduits 90-96 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE i. Lining Cone 12 2. Tool-Box... 14 " 3. Derrick 15 " 4. Carrying Stick ib " 5. Tamps 17 6. Cutting-off Tool 18 " 7. Yarning and Calking Tools 19 8. Calking Hammer 20 9. Lead Kettle 21 " io. Pipe Plans 7 14 II. Pipe Plans 29 " 12. Time Book 3 2 " 13. Sheet Piling 35 " 14. Feathers and Wedges 39 " 15. Bell and Spigot Joint 48 ' ' 16. Clamp-Jack 5 2 " 17. Thread Diagram 54 " 18. Main-Pipe Plug 60 " ig. Main-Pipe Sleeve 61 " 20. Sheet-Piling Lever 63 " 21. Tool Wagon 6; " 22. Various Joints and Corporation Cock 70 " 23. Air-Pump and Blow-Pipe 76 ' 24. Tapping Machine 78 25. Meter Well 80 " 26. Plan and Profile of Pipe Line 85 " 27. Temporary Supply 88 " 28. Section of Pipe-Joint qr CHAPTER I. THE DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM. Materials Salt-Glazed Clay Cast Iron Cement* Lined Wrought-Iron Thickness of Sheet Metal Methods of Lining List of Tools Tool- Box Derrick Calking Tools Furnace Transportation Handling Pipe Cost of Carting Distributing Pipe. T N considering the subject of which this book treats, it will be the writer's endeavor to be brief and practical. He assumes that those for whom these papers will have the most interest have had little or no experience in actual con- struction, and desire information and suggestion upon the simplest details. MAIN PIPES. Materials. Cast iron, wrought iron with cement or with a protecting coating by some special process, wood, and steel are the materials used in making pipes for the distributing systems of town and city water-supplies. Salt-glazed vitrified clay pipes have been used by Mr. Stephen E. Babcock, C. E., of Little Falls, N. Y., in that village, and also at Amsterdam and Johnstown in the same io MAIN PIPES. State, for conduits in gravity systems. At Little Falls the conduit is over 30,000 feet in length and is mainly of 18 and 20 inch pipe. The low first cost of clay pipe would certainly entitle its claims to careful investigation in planning a low- pressure gravity system of supply. Mr. Babcock has prepared a very elaborate set of specifications for furnishing and laying this pipe, which would be of value to any one who wished to use it. The writer frankly acknowledges a preference for cast-iron pipe for all but special cases. He is not unmindful of the fact that the town of Plymouth, Mass., after an experience of thirty years, is this summer (1887) extending its distributing system by adding 20,000 feet of 4 to 16 inch cement-lined wrought- iron pipe ; nor that the town of Dedham, Mass., has had no reason thus far to regret that its water-mains are of this material. Without going further, the cities of Fitchburg and Worcester, Mass., seem to offer experience with this sort of pipe to justify the opinion that the chances for poor work and poor material are greater with it than with cast iron, and the advocates of cement-lined pipe admit, I think, that honest and skillful work is indispensable to the success of this method. We must admit that when made and laid upon honor, cement- lined pipe has an advantage over cast iron in not reducing its original diameter by incrustations, nor is the " advantage out ' when we reply that the cleaning machine of Mr. Keating or of Mr. Sweeney may be used to restore tuberculated iron pipe to its original diameter, for the application of these machines cannot be effected without expense. With its acknowledged advantages of strength and ease in laying, cast-iron pipe is heavy and, in its larger sizes, expensive MAIN PIPES. ii to handle. This limits the length in which sections of it can be used, arid so does not permit of any reduction in the number of joints to the mile. In the effort to produce something which should be free from these disadvantages of cast-iron pipe, wrought-iron pipe treated by a protective process is now upon the market, and has been introduced to a limited extent. Of this it is fair to say that it is still on trial, and some time must yet elapse before its durability can be said to be proven. Of wood, the writer has no knowledge by actual experi- ence, but its use seems to be limited to a small territory in the West. Unlike cast-iron pipe, which is bought ready for use, cement-lined pipe is put together in part at some convenient yard or shop in the town which is to use it, and its final con- struction is carried on in the trench where it is to lie. The foundation of this sort of pipe is a sheet-iron drum nine feet in length, made in three sections in the i6-inch and larger sizes, and in single sheets in the 4 to 14 inch diam- eters. The thickness of metal varies with the sizes ; for example we may use, For 4-inch pipe, metal of 21 Birmingham Gauge, " 6 " 19 " " " 10 " 17 " 12 " " 15 " 14 " 14 " 16 " 14 " " with double-riveted seams, using 1 2-pound rivets for 16, 14, and 12 inch pipe, lo-pound for lo-inch, 6-pound for 6-inch, and 5-pound for 4-inch pipes. 12 MAIN TJPES. The first step in the making of this sort of pipe is the put- ting into these drums a lining y* to 24 f an ^ nc ^ ^ n thick- FIGURE i. MAIN PIPES. 13 ness of cement mortar mixed sand and cement half and half. The pipe is placed on end over a hole in a low platform, and a lining cone is let down into it from a crane, a derrick, or a simple windlass, and drops through the hole in the plat- form just far enough to allow the pipe to be entirely filled at its lower end with the mortar. Enough mortar is then shoveled into the top of the pipe from a high platform to make the lining, and the cone is drawn slowly through. The surplus cement as it falls over the top during the upward movement of the cone is shoveled back into the mixing-box, or into another pipe if there be one at hand ready for lining, but no cement that has once set is fit to be used again. After the cone is drawn the pipe should stand 20 minutes or more before it is moved ; it is then taken to the grouting table, the ends scraped, and the whole surface examined for defects. If at any points the cement has settled into wrinkles these should be scraped down, and any holes filled with pure cement. With platforms and swinging crane arranged to place ten pipes on end at once for lining, eight men can fill 100 i4-inch pipes in a day, and three men more can grout and patch them. The grout can be poured in with a dipper, and then spread by rolling the pipe and applying from each end common dust- brushes fastened to long handles. Before applying the grout the lining is brushed with water, using the long-handled brushes. The lining cones are made either of cast iron or of sheet- metal, but if the latter is used they must be filled with cement to give them weight. 14 LIST OF TOOLS. LIST OF TOOLS. Whatever be the material chosen for main pipe, the trench- ing tools will be the same. In the matter of pipe cutting and jointing, cast iron and wrought iron call for very different treatment and appliances. During days which are too stormy for work and over night, all tools should be securely packed in tool-boxes, which may be built according to the following sketch : FIGURE 2 The same carpenter who makes the boxes can make also a derrick after the sketch given in Figure 3, which will be found strorg enough for pipes weighing a ton and easy to handle as soon as three men get the knack of carrying it. This should be made of straight-grained 4x4 sticks, 14% feet long, held together at the top by a i-inch bolt. The link of J& round iron drops one foot, and 3/6 carriage-bolts should LIST OF TOOLS. 15 be put through the end of the sticks to keep them from split- ting. The large cleat on the right is to be bolted on with two fo carriage-bolts about 20 inches from the bottom of the leg, and a hard-wood pin driven in about the same distance from the bottom of each of the other legs. For pipes larger than 20 inches a 4-leg derrick with a windlass may be found more convenient. FIGURE 3. For 6-inch pipe two 8-inch double blocks will give power enough, but for 1 6-inch a quadruple and triple block in com- bination will be needed. The number of picks and shovels required depends, of course, upon the number of men that are to be employed. One shovel to a man is enough, but if the digging is likely to be hard, double the number of picks will not be too many, to 16 LIST OF TOOLS. allow time for sharpening. A shovel with a welded strap does better work than one in which the strap is riveted, and for anything but scraping up from a platform, a round point is better than a square point. FlGlTRB 4. Provide three, four, or half a dozen steel crowbars 5^ to 6 feet long, 2 or 3 sledges weighing, say, 10, 15, and 20 pounds, LIST OF TOOLS. 17 and 2 tunneling bars, if the digging will permit of this sort of work. The tunneling bars are easily made by welding on to a piece of i-inch pipe 8 or 10 feet long a chisel-shaped piece of steel 2 or 3 inches wide. FIGURE 5. For ledge-work, drills made of i ^6-inch octagon steel, forged to cut a i^-inch hole, with sledges weighing 6 co 8 IS LIST OF TOOLS. pounds, and a spoon for scooping out the dust and drillings, will be required. Carrying sticks for lifting 4, 6, and 8 inch pipe, of the shape shown in the sketch Figure 4 (page 16), are useful ; larger sizes of pipe are handled more easily by rolling. FIGURE 6. Skids 6 feet long of 2x4, 4x4, or of 4x6 spruce, according to the weight of the pipe, will be needed to throw across the trench. When water is not available for back-filling some kind of tamp will be needed, and sketches of two patterns are given on page 17 (Figure 5). LIST OF TOOLS. FIGURE 7. 20 LIST OF TOOLS. If any considerable amount of rock-work is expected, either as ledge or boulders, a second derrick will be needed, with some spare rope and a few pieces of chain. FIGURE 8. For cutting cast-iron pipe provide two or three long- handled chisels, such as blacksmiths use for cutting off cold LIST OF TOOLS. 21 iron (see Figure 6, page 18), and a pair of light sledges or striking hammers. For cutting wrought-iron pipe boiler- makers' chisels and hammers are the proper tools. For making lead joints in cast-iron pipe, yarning and calk- ing tools and short-handled calking hammer. One yarning- FURNACE OR LEAD KETTLE: ur-"^ FIGURE iron and four calking tools varying in thickness from ^ to ^ of an inch make a convenient set. A furnace or lead-kettle of the pattern indicated in Figure g is common among water-works contractors. There should be a second door opening on to the grate at the point on the sketch where the shell is broken away to show the interior. 22 TRANSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION. Before the arrival of the pipe arrangements should be made to have men and teams ready to begin work at a few hours' notice ; for, as a rule, vessel captains and railroad com- panies are in a hurry to be rid of their cargoes. Some trust- worthy man should be selected to oversee the unloading and keep tally. In cast-iron pipe it is customary to mark the weight of each piece with white paint inside the bell, and if a memorandum is made of the weight of each piece as it leaves the car or vessels, the pipes will be counted and a check on the weight given in the bill of lading will be obtained. The pipes may be piled up on the wharf, or taken directly from the cars on to the drays or low gears that are to cart them. If they are to be put directly upon the drays little or no blocking will be needed. Strong and careful men with carrying sticks, and some skids in the absence of a derrick, will soon discover the easiest method of handling the pipe and avoiding shocks and blows. If the pipe is coming out of a vessel and is to be piled up on the wharf, 2x4 spruce sticks in market lengths should be placed between the tiers, and strong skids used to roll the pipe from the deck ashore, and blocking be freely applied to prevent bunting, striking, or rolling. In the experience of the writer, six active and fear- less men easily took 16, 6, and 4 inch pipe from a vessel and piled it securely on a wharf faster than the crew could get it out of the hold with a steam derrick. In carting cast-iron pipe convenience and necessity will determine the kind of vehicle to be used, but in carting cement-lined pipe it is well to insist that the wagon shall have TRANSPORTATION. 23 springs that the chances for cracking the cement lining may be reduced. The cost of carting must vary so much with circumstances that the writer can do no more than quote some figures from his own experience. Three bids were received in the spring of 1887 for carting an average distance of about two miles over good roads and streets with no steep grades : 680 tons of i35-lb. i6-inch pipe, loo " 34-lb. 6-inch pipe. 100 " 20-lb. 4-inch pipe. One of $i per ton gross. One of 67! cents per ton gross. One of 64 cents per ton gross. At the lowest figure the teamster appears to be satisfied that he is making a fair profit, but his horses and men are working hard for it. When the town of Middleboro, Mass., constructed its water-works the writer was informed that the carting was done for fifty cents per ton, but the average hauls were short and the roads good. Considerable judgment is required on the part of the teamsters who deliver the pipe on the street to distribute it so that it will not fall short or run over in laying, so that it will not cause excessive risk to night travelers while it is awaiting the coming of the workmen, so that it will not be in the way of entrances to private estates or of merchants whose teams wish to receive or discharge goods. If circumstance will per- mit, it will save time for the pipe-layers to have the pipe laid on the street with all the bells pointing one way, and that in the direction of the movement of the gang. This with refer- 24 TRANSPORTATION. ence to bell and spigot pipe ; with other patterns this condi- tion does not exist. In directing the teamsters on which side of the street to deliver the pipe, consider on which side of the trench the bulk of the dirt is to be thrown, and have the pipe dropped on the side opposite to that, and thus avoid having to lift the pipe over an embankment of loose earth. CHAPTER II. FIELD WORK. Engineering or None Pipe Plans Special Pipe Laying Out a Line Width and Depth of Trench Time- Keeping Book Disposition of Dirt Tunneling Street- Piling. T T is well understood by the readers of THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD that the best preparation for any considerable amount of main-pipe laying is found in a careful survey of the proposed line, which shall take note of every feature which is likely to affect the work. Cross streets or roads, existing or proposed, brooks, bridges, drains, culverts, sewers, gas-pipes, and old water-mains, if there be any, should be indicated on plan and profile, and forethought given to schemes for avoiding and overcoming evident obstacles. Let me warn the novice that, in spite of his most earnest forethought, obstacles that could hardly be foreseen even by one of experience will almost certainly arise, and he can at best only strive to reduce the number of the unexpected diffi- culties. The need for laying pipes to line and grade is an imperative one on the main line from a reservoir in a gravity system ; is almost as necessary with any main larger than ten or twelve 26 FIELD WORK. inches, though perhaps less important in the smaller pipes through the streets of a town. A town may build a respectable system of water-works with a wonderfully small amount of engineering, but money saved at the outset in this way is generally expended at a later date in correcting blunders and repairing defective work. The writer calls to mind at this moment an instance in which a defective length of pipe which was made a part of a submerged river-crossing has since caused an expenditure of not less than $2,000 at different times for repairs ; enough to have paid for a reasonable amount of engineering and thorough inspection. Let us suppose that full surveys and drawings have been made ; in what form, then, shall they be put, so as to be intelligible to the foreman in charge of the gang? If an assistant engineer is constantly on the trench, he may not need a full drawing ; his own notes made at the office may be sufficient, but this arrangement is not always practicable. We give herewith Figure 10, a sketch copied from blue prints used by Mr. R. C. P. Coggeshall in his work at New Bedford, Mass. These sheets are not large, 10x15 inches or less, and are given to the foreman a few days before the beginning of the work, so that he may get the gates, hydrants, and specials on the ground in advance of the digging. The writer has followed essentially the same plan, but in his drawings no attempt is made to show the form of the special castings. Single or double lines, with the names of the castings and size of gates, the whole drawn to scale of forty feet to one inch, are used as shown in Figure n, page 29. If a draughtsman is available the first method is certainly to be preferred, but if one must be his own engineer, super- FIELD WORK. 27 | g? 05 r * St. FIGURE 10, - * *tf/i z~/i7tf&\ ST -ST *_~ ^ & ^ FIG. 12. important detail, and a convenient and well-designed time- book is almost indispensable to good results. A sample page FIELD WORK 33 from the time-book in use by the writer will illustrate one method which has been well tried and is not found wanting (see Figure 12). With the aid of this book we have been able to tell with satisfactory exactness at the end of a season's work where every dollar of the pay-rolls has been expended. For example, the page here given tells us that Jack Cade is number 49 in the gang ; that he is paid $2.25 per day ; that on the first day of August he worked only during the fore- noon, in the derrick -gang on Bay Street ; on the second he made a full day in the same position ; on the third he did not begin until the middle of the forenoon, finishing out the day. As pay-day comes once a week the space belonging to Sunday is utilized to put down the footing of total time for each week. On Tuesday, the seventh. Cade during the forenoon worked on Bay Street and on High Street after dinner, and Ck. shows that he was employed in calking joints. In Tim Daley's record B. H. stands for "bell-hole digging," B. F. for ''back filling," Tr. for trenching, and C. S P. (construction service- pipe) shows that Daley was taken from the main pipe gang on those days and sent to dig service-pipe trenches. In working through the streets of a town, especially in the portions occupied by well-kept estates, it is well to remem- ber that a man with a newly-painted fence or a bit of smooth grass-plot is very unwilling to allow gravel or clay to be thrown against his fence or on to his lawn, even if the street be narrow and the workmen cramped for room. A few hemlock boards do not cost much and may save considerable growling, for if they are judiciously placed against the fence they will protect both it and the lawn. Under these conditions, however, 34 FIELD WORK. there is some danger, if the dirt reach nearly to the top of the fence, of straining the structure and throwing it out of line. If this happens the fence must be straightened and the bill paid. When tunneling is impracticable driveways and cross- streets may be kept in constant use by opening the trench half way across the space, leaving just driving room, and then digging on as usual. When the pipe-line is brought up to the undisturbed portion, the last two or three joints may be made without waiting for others, then enough of the trench immedi- ately filled to furnish new driving room, and the undisturbed portion dug out by the derrick gang in quick time. Bracing, if done to any considerable extent, is expensive work, but as it is not right and does not pay in Massachusetts to expose men to risk of injury, bracing the trench is some- times not to be avoided. If the tendency to cave is only slight and the trench is not more than five feet deep, sufficient support may be given by single planks running along just below the edge of the trench and held in place by short pieces of 4x4 joist, which are cut a little longer than the distance across the trench between the planks, and then driven in place with sledges. In loose gravel or sand this sort of bracing amounts to little or nothing, for the stuff will run out from under the planks and finally tumble everything into the ditch. Water-pipes are seldom laid to a depth which requires the thorough bracing and sheet-piling of deep sewer-work, but a simple sketch and a few words of explanation will make plain the vital points involved in the construction of ordinary sheet- piling. After excavating to a depth of four feet, a trench FIELD WORK. 35 which must go four feet deeper, in quicksand, for example, it may be braced as indicated in Figure 13. Lay the 4x6 stringers B along the bottom of the trench and put a lo-foot FIG. 13. plank between each end and the bank. Cut cross-braces C long enough to drive in hard, and then fix the top stringers T in the same manner ; the next is simply driving plank to make the sheet-piling complete. 36 FIELD WORK. It is not always easy to cut sticks of just the right length to be used for cross-braces C, and screw-jacks are economical in time and labor if much sheet-piling is to be done. We may use short jacks and a piece timber shorter than the \\*dth of the trench by the length of the jack, or, in narrow trenches, jacks of sufficient length to enable one to dispense with a timber brace may be preferred. The one thing needful to make sheet-piling thoroughly effective is to keep the ends of the plank as much below the bottom of the trench as is possible, and to this end each plank should be driven frequently if only a little at a time. If the ends of the plank are chamfered and pointed, so as to help to throw them back against the bank and sideways against the plank last driven, better work can be done than with square- toed plank. If the amount of driving is considerable it will pay to protect the ends of the planks by a wrought- iron cap. Driving is to be done with wooden mauls, six inches or more in diameter and twelve inches long, bound with rings of wrought iron. CHAPTER III. TRENCHING AND PIPE-LAYING. Caving Tunneling Bell- Holes Stony Trenches Feathers and Wedges Blasting Rocks and Water Laying Cast- iron Pipe Derrick Gang Handling the Derrick Skids Obstructions Left in Pipes Laying Pipe in Quicksand Cutting Pipe. \ TRENCH which is troublesome on account of caving grows worse the longer it is open ; if, therefore, the trenching gang is a good distance ahead of the pipe-layers, and water and quicksand are found within two or three feet of the surface, it is wise to send the diggers ahead on to dry ground, or make some other arrangement, so that the last two or three feet in depth of the wet trench will not be opened until pipe can be dropped into it. When caving occurs in wet, heavy ground some warning of the impending trouble is given by cracks in the surface, running nearly parallel to the side of the trench ; but in sandy gravel the drop comes with- out warning and men may be seriously injured. In any case the tendency to caving is increased by the weight of the exca- vated material piled up on one edge of the trench, and, if cir- 3 8 TRENCHING AND PIPE-LAYING. cumstances will permit, it is well to keep men on the bank to shovel back the material as fast as it is thrown out. In soil that will allow it, tunneling will often save the pub- lic and individuals much inconvenience by carrying the trench under crosswalks, driveways, and railroad crossings, and the only tools needed are the tunneling-bars, mentioned in the list of tools, and long-handled shovels. A little practice and bold- ness in this detail will give very satisfactory results. With cast-iron pipe, when the digging is good and the trench stands up well, it pays to put three, four, or half a dozen men at work digging bell-holes ; that is, enlarged places in the trench, spaced so as to come about the joints of the pipe, and large enough to give a man room to swing his ham- mer and get at all parts of the joint without unnecessary fatigue. There is little or no danger of getting the bell-holes too large, and plenty of room for the calker will do not a little toward insuring tight and strong work. The bottom of the trench should be dug out eight or ten inches for a length of four feet beyond the joint, and the sides worked out on the same scale to give ample shoulder room. These directions will have a queer sound when one is trying to make joints in quicksand, and at such a time fixed rules amount to but little. No end of grit, plenty of hard work, with some little planning, will make joints in places that seem all but hopeless for the first half-hour. In these cases, bell-hole digging and joint-making must be done together, and some suggestions upon this detail will be given later. Neither stony nor rocky trenches offer any serious difficul- ties, and even in ledge -work it is simply a question of time TRENCHING AND PIPE-LAYING. 39 and money. If the bottom of the trench comes in rock which must be worked out by drilling and blasting, the ledge should be cut away to a depth which will allow sand six or eight inches in depth to be spread upon the rock, in which the pipe may be imbedded. If boulders are encountered which are too large to be taken out by the derrick, they should be well cleared from the confining earth by digging before applying powder or dynamite ; this gives the explosive a fair chance, and digging is cheaper than drilling and blasting. Large pieces may some- FEKTHKU wo \*to^. FIGURE 14. times be worked off from a boulder or ledge which projects into the trench, without using explosives, by means of small hand-drills and "feathers and wedges." To do this, drill y- inch holes with a short steel drill and stone-mason's hand- hammer along the desired line of fracture, eight or ten inches deep and six inches apart ; drop a pair of feathers made of |4- inch y<2, -round iron into each hole and drive the wedges between each pair. The " feathers and wedges " are shown in Figure 14. In blasting, the nitro-glycerine preparation known to the trade as "forcite-powder " is comparatively safe and gives 40 TRENCHING AND PIPE-LAYING. better results than common gunpowder, for it will shatter rocks more thoroughly and with less tamping. To fire a i # - inch hole three feet or more in depth, take a whole forcite- cartridge, cut off perhaps half an inch in length, and set a percussion-cap pinched on to the end of a piece of fuse into this short piece of the forcite by boring out a small hole with a knife. Lower this into the hole and cover it with the re- mainder of the cartridge broken into small pieces between the fingers, and fill up the hole with earth tamped down with a stick. Such a charge as that will let daylight into any rock that a pipe-gang is likely to encounter, but the blast should be care- fully loaded with logs, timbers, or railroad-ties chained together, and covered with brush to arrest small pieces which may do damage if allowed to fly. This forcite-powder may be used to loosen a troublesome boulder, by simply poking a hole into the bank alongside of it and tucking in a little of the explosive folded in an envelope and held in place by a slight packing of earth, or a cracked and seamy rock may be thoroughly split by dropping an envelope full of the powder into one of the cracks, and firing by cap and fuse in the usual manner. Rocks which appear in the bottom of a wet trench are unwelcome enough, but it will not do to leave them in such shape that a pipe will be supported by them in the middle, with the weight of the back-filled earth bearing on the ends, lying in soft ground. If the expense of getting out the rock, seems too great, the depth of the trench should be reduced until a firm and even bearing can be secured. On all trenches that do not stand up well or that must be made wide to get out rocks, the long three-legged derrick, PIPE-LAYING. 41 illustrated on page 15, will be found exceedingly convenient, for its range is wide, and it can straddle fences in a right handy fashion. PIPE-LAYING. Cast-Iron Pipe. When a hundred feet of trench has been bottomed out it is time to make up the derrick gang, and begin the work of putting the pipe into the ground. For six, eight, and ten inch pipe six men are enough, and they should be strong, active, and intelligent laborers. Men who are employed in this gang generally expect perhaps twenty-five cents per day more than the average digger, and good men in the place are worth it. It is not well to let the fellows who may be first chosen for this gang think that they are indispen- sable, and if one of them happens to be off a day, do not hesitate to take any good man out of the trench to fill the vacant place. The first thing that a green lot of men must learn is to raise and carry the derrick, assuming that it be of the three- legged style referred to in a previous chapter. It is to be raised, first, just as a ladder should be, by footing the bottom and walking it into an upright position ; then let one man grasp the pin of the middle leg with one hand and the leg with the other, a man at each of the other legs holding them firmly, and carry it straight away five or six feet ; spread the other two legs the same distance, and the derrick stands alone, though perhaps not very firmly. A little study of the structure will now show that the legs may be spread as far apart as need be, provided always that lines joining the feet of the derrick form either an isosceles or an equilateral triangle, the line 42 PIPE-LAYING. joining the two outside legs being the base. In placing over the trench, the middle leg should stand on the side which has the largest quantity of earth piled upon it. The man who is to carry the third leg, as the derrick is moved along from pipe to pipe, should grasp the pin firmly when the time for moving comes, throw his weight towards the trench, and be careful to keep midway between his comrades who are carrying the out- side legs, and they in turn should walk as close to the edge of the trench as practicable, resist the push of the derrick firmly, and keep about ten feet apart. A man at each leg, another to carry the rope, and two men in the trench, make an ordinary derrick gang ; for handling i6-inch pipe more men will be needed in hoisting and placing. The smaller sizes of pipe can be brought from the side of the road to the trench by means of the carrying-sticks. These sticks thrust into a pipe give good lifting hold, and two stout fellows at each end, shoulder to shoulder, will carry 4-inch easily, and 8-inch without overwork. Skids of 4x4 spruce thrown across the trench may support the pipe while the der- rick is put in place over it ; a sling of rope is then to be passed around the pipe enough nearer to the bell than to the spigot end to cause the spigot end to fall easily into the trench when the pipe is lifted by the tackle from the skids. As the skids are removed to allow the pipe to be lowered into the trench, let one of the gang bunt the pipe with the end of the skid to clear the pipe from sticks, stones, and dirt. This is not enough, however, and it should be the duty of the men in the trench to look through the pipe as it comes down to them and make sure that no one has, either maliciously or carelessly, left therein an old hat, or a pair of boots or overalls. These PIPE-LAYING. 43 remarks are not in jest, for just such combinations of what the doctors might call incompatibles have been made. As the pipe is lowered, one of the trenchmen enters the spigot into the preceding bell, his comrade assisting as best he can, but before the pipe rests on the ground it is well to swing it like a ram against the pipe already laid to make sure that the joints ready for calking are all " home." As soon as the pipe rests on the bottom, the foreman should straddle the trench at a convenient point ahead of the derrick, align the pipe just laid, and look back over the line for joints which may be improved. The trenchmen should carry bars with them to throw the pipe, and not try to use shovels for levers. Attention should be given to vertical alignment, as well as horizontal, and if grades are not given by an engineer, and no use is made of a carpenter's level on the pipes, the vertical alignment may be kept within bounds by keeping the joints of the same width at the bottom as at the top. If the bell end of a pipe when it rests on bottom is found to be too low, raise it with the der- rick, throw rather more than enough loose dirt under it, and then drop the pipe down hard on this two or three times. As soon as the pipe is in position a few shovelfuls of earth should be thrown on to the centre of it to hold it, and if the trench is bad, the section between the joints may be half-filled at once, as this will support the bank and counteract any ten- dency to caving. With 4 and 6 inch pipe and a troublesome trench, two or three lengths may be put together on the bank, the joints made on dry land, and then with two derricks and careful slinging three lengths may be put into the trench at once without straining the joints. The few joints that must 44 PIPE-LAYING. be made in the trench may, in quicksand, seem at first like hopeless cases, but persistence and no thought of ultimate failure have conquered the worst cases that have come in the experience of the writer. In such instances it is useless to attempt to get the sand down so as to make the joint right through without stopping to dig out again. Let the calker stand on the pipe while a good man with a shovel, perhaps a lot of sod, and some pieces of plank, clears away and holds back the stuff so that the joint may be yarned if not poured. If the sand rises as soon as the shoveling ceases, let the calker do all he can by quick work, and then rest while another attempt with planks, sod, pails, and shovels is made to make room for him. In general, whatever means are employed to make and maintain room for joint-making in quicksand, let the preparations be thorough ; let the plank be driven as deep as possible and well braced, sods provided in large quantities ; have pails or a good ditch-pump, and good strong men who are not afraid to " pitch in." In order to locate gates or special castings in a particular spot, or to bring a joint into a more accessible location, it is frequently necessary to cut pipe. For this use an 8 or 10 pound sledge and the long-handled cutting-off tool illustrated in Chapter I.; put a skid under each end of the pipe, placing one directly under the line of cutting and get a firm and even bearing on the ground for its whole length. A line for the cutter to follow may be had by winding the end of a tape-line about the pipe and marking along the edge with chalk, but a little practice will enable one to guide the cutter as the pipe is slowly rolled on the skids, so as to make a square cut. The blows of the sledge should PIPE-LAYING. 45 be rather light for the first time around, aud then when the cut is well marked so that it may be easily followed, the blows may be swung in with vigor. The pipe should at some stage of the work be carefully inspected for cracks, which are oftenest found at the spigot end. If a crack in a spigot end is very slight and so short as to be more than covered by the bell, we may not think it worth while to cut the pipe, but a long crack obliges us to waste nearly twice its length of pipe, for the cut must be made at least six or eight inches above the visible end of the crack, and even then the jar of cutting may cause the crack to run still farther into the sound metal. CHAPTER IV. PIPE-LAYING AND JOINT-MAKING. Laying Cement- Lined Pipe " Mud" Bell and Spigot Yarn Lead Jointers Roll Calking Strength of Joints Quantity of Lead. CEMENT-LINED PIPE. \XTROUGHT-IRON pipe after being lined with cement is not ready for immediate use. It should be allowed to dry for one or two weeks, the time varying with the weather, and the readiness with which the mortar sets, and a careful man will not subject the finished pipe in the trench to pressure for five weeks after laying, unless the pressure be very light. No derrick is needed in laying this pipe, for if circumstances do not allow the men on the bank to hand the lengths to their comrades in the trench as easily as they could lift a piece of stove-pipe, two pieces of rope will furnish means for easy lowering. The cement bed and covering is " mud," in the language of a cement-pipe-laying gang, and is mixed sand and cement, three to two, in a mixing-box on the bank. It may be conveyed in the trench in any convenient manner ; in V-shaped troughs, ten feet long, with handles at CEMENT-LINED PIPE. 47 each end, or in pails, or in wheelbarrows. Before placing a length of pipe, a bed of a dozen pailfuls of cement is spread along the bottom of the trench, thicker than the covering desired, and the pipe, with the rivets down, is pressed firmly into it ; " mud " is then brought in sufficient quantities to allow the pipe to be plastered an inch in thickness, leaving the joints uncovered. The cement is spread with rubber mittens, and the men in the trench who handle the " mud " wear rubber leggings. The joints are covered with pure cement, and are often made by the foreman of the pipe-layers, who can easily keep ahead of his men, for to a practiced hand the operation is simple aid rapid. The exposed pipe-ends are first covered with cement even with the finished pipe, and a sheet-iron sleeve is then slipped along so that its centre is directly over the joint. A pin of %- inch wire stuck into the trench will locate the butt joint of the two pipes, and make the placing of the sleeve an easy and certain matter, and the sleeve is then in turn covered with the pure cement. This pure cement will crack, perhaps, and must be patched, and for this the regular " mud " will answer. To protect the covering from too sudden drying, the pipe should be lightly covered as soon as it is laid, but the final covering should be delayed forty-eight hours. The specials for cement-lined pipe can be made by any good sheet- iron worker. Tee and Y branches are to be soldered at their junction and strengthened by knees of %-inch flat iron, one inch wide, riveted to the metal. 48 JOINT-MAKING. Plugs are simple cylinders filled solid with "mud," but they are to be braced in the trench with a heavy stone. JOINT-MAKING. There is not, to my knowledge, any standard form for a cast-iron pipe-bell or socket. This is unfortunate. The lack of agreement in this particular is, it is true, not nearly so un- fortunate as the still greater lack of uniformity which prevails FIGURE 15. in the thicknesses which are specified for cast-iron pipe, but a standard is desirable. The general form of a bell and spigot pipe-joint is shown in Figure 15. In practice, the two lines which in the sketch run through the word " and " should form one, and they will when the spigot end is pushed "home." A space is left in the sketch JOINT-MAKING. 49 to make the parts more distinct. A water-tight joint capable of standing great pressure is secured by using a soft compres- sible substance in combination with molten lead. For the first substance one may use jute, hemp, old rope, old rigging, oakum, or almost anything of this nature, as the principal office of the "yarn," as it is oftenest called, is to prevent the molten lead from running into the pipe. It has been suggested that the yarn in the joints of a distributing system may, by its compres- sibility, serve to mitigate the shocks which come from the water- hammer, and again that the yarn will in time decay and may then furnish feeding-ground for noxious animal or vegetable life which may appear at one time or another in any water- supply. At present these suggestions belong to that class of prob- lems which are of special interest to the investigator. Of the first we may say that it has a reasonable appearance, and of the second, that if it be true the elastic cushion is lost when decay is complete. The writer's experience has led him to adopt for yarn the article known to the cordage trade as i2-thread Russia gasket, tarred. A larger size may be needed for 24-inch and 48-inch pipe, but the i2-thread has worked well on all sizes up to and in- cluding i6-inch. For lead, use any soft pig, such as the " Omaha " or the " Aurora " brands. in a gang of fifty, one man can find enough to do in yarn- ing and pouring the joints. Let tne yarn be cut into pieces long enough to go around trie pipe and lap a little. 50 JOINT-MAKING. The yarner takes a bundle ot these ' ends " as large as he can conveniently carry from one bell-hole to the next, a couple of cold chisels, a yarning-iron, and a hammer, and, going to the first joint that is ready, he should, to begin with, see that the joint-room is even, or alike all around the pipe, and if it is not the chisels should be driven into the small places so as to crowd the pipes into line. This, of course, provided the pipes are intended to be in line, and one is not trying to get around a curve by " taking it out of the joints." The relative amounts of lead and yarn to be used per joint do not seem to be deter- mined by any hard-and-fast rule. Referring to Figure 15 we can see that there is little except stiffness gained by putting in more than enough lead to reach back of the semi-circular groove, say one-quarter or one-half an inch, so that the depth and form of the bell must determine to a great degree the exact depth of lead in the joint. Yarn is cheaper than lead, but the time consumed in yarn- ing may, with lead at a very low figure, make it cheaper to put in only a shred of yarn and save time by filling up the joint with lead. I think some contractors have figured in this way, for joints of their making which I have had occasion to dig up seem to have been made upon that principle. Tarred stuff of some sort packs better and is easier to handle than dry rope or strings. The tarred Russia gasket, bought in loo-pound coils, is convenient to use for slings and lashings, and is just as good as ever for yarning after any other use. To guide the molten lead into the joint, we must have either a " roll " made of ground fire-clay upon a rope- yarn core, or a jointer. If a jointer is used, the yarner carries JOINT-MAKING. 51 it with him in the trench, but a clay roll must be kept in shape and ready for use by the lead-boy. The patent jointers are made of canvas, rubber, and sheet-steel. They are very convenient, and can be obtained of dealers in water-works supplies. They are especially useful in wet places, for they do not easily blow out if a little steam is formed, and the clay roll will frequently give trouble in this particular. For mak- ing a good clay roll we require finely-ground fire-clay, a piece of board somewhat longer than the finished roll, a strand of rope, and a pail of water. Mix two double handfuls of the clay into dough, and after enough kneading to get out the lumps, roll the mass into a short thick club. With a stick or a chisel cut a slit lengthwise of the club and half-way through it, and lay therein a strand of rope a foot longer than the out- side circumference of the pipe. Bring the two edges of the slit together, and then, by working, stroking, squeezing, wet- ting, and rolling, the roll may be drawn out to an inch in diameter, and eight or ten inches longer than the outside cir- cumference of the pipe. This roll-making is the work of the lead-boy, who should keep the roll, when not in use, lying on the board covered with a wet cloth, and mend and wet it as the wear and tear demand. When he has packed the proper amount of yarn into the joint, the yarner should call out " roll " to the lead-boy, who will bring him the roll by the two rope-ends. The roll is wrapped about the pipe close to the bell, bring- ing the two ends on top, and turning them out along the pipe, forming a convenient pouring-hole. The roll should be pressed firmly into place against the bell, and the molten lead poured in not too rapidly. The lead should be hot enough to 52 JOINT-MAKING. run freely, and the furnace should be frequently moved,, so that the hot lead need not be carried far enough to give it time to cool. After the joint appears to be full, and the roll has been removed, the yarner should examine the joint care- fully all around, and especially on the bottom, to make sure that the joint is well filled ; and if a cavity is found it should be filled by a second pouring if possible, or by a plug of cold lead. The calker follows, and should begin on the joint by FIGURE TO. using his chisel, cutting off the lump at the pouring-hoie, and then driving the tool lightly between the lead and the surface of the pipe all around. Having, by this operation, lifted the lead away from the pipe, he begins with the smallest tool and drives back the lead, a little at a time, all round, and, follow- ing with the larger tools, sets the metal in firmly with strong, even blows. JOINT-MAKING. 53 Calking is hard work and needs a muscular man to follow it steadily, but it is not enough that he be " Darby shire born and Darbyshire bred, Strong in the arm and thick in the 'ed," for he should know when a joint is right ; but above all he must be trustworthy and faithful, and certain to call attention to any joint that he cannot get into proper shape without help. The quantity of power required to pull apart a well-made bell and spigot joint will surprise one who sees it measured for the first time. In the experience which the writer has had in endeavoring to pull apart such joints the amount of force applied has not been measured with exactness, but a heavy clamp-jack having a pair of 1 24 -inch screws with four threads to the inch, worked with a lever about thirty-six inches long, was insufficient to pull apart any but pipe from which the rim or bead on the spigot end had been cut off so as to leave a smooth end. Some notion of the force applied to the joints by this clamp- jack, Figure 16, may be had by using the formula for power exerted by screw given in Goodeve's Mechanics : w r P = tan (a -I- 0), in which P *= power applied at end of lever. r = mean radius of screw-thread. a = length of lever. a = angle of thread. = angle of repose. tan == coefficient of friction. TV = force exerted by screw. Then, Pa W ~ r tan ( a + ) 54 JOINT-MAKING. In Figure 17, let B A represent the developed circumfer- ence of the cylinder on which thread is traced, and P A the FIGURE 17. pitch of the thread, and P B A = a = angle of thread. Then P A tan = and substituting the values for this case, calling Jj A L l /2 inches the mean diameter of the screw thread, r = T 7 B ff inch. P A Jft inch. .225 tan r ^-^ = .053 and a = 3 2 . tan 6 = .08 and 6 = 4 35'. 6 -J- a = 7 37'. tan a -f .133724. P = 100 pounds, a = 36 inches. P a 3,600 .75 X .134 P ' Unds - This formula makes no account of the power expended in overcoming friction at the pivot end of the square-threaded screw, and the result above given should be reduced 15 or 20 per cent. The same clamp-jack has been found useful in pushing a hydrant off its branch for repairs. As to the quantity of lead used in joint-making on cast-iron pipe the following notes are offered. Four streets having a JOINT-MAKING. 55 total length of 3,112 feet of 6-inch pipe consumed 1,997 pounds of lead, or ffo pound per running foot. Two streets, 1,796 feet of 8-inch required 1,514 pounds of lead, or ^ pound per running foot. During the past season the writer has directed the laying of 10,000 feet of i6-inch, 1,915 feet of 8-inch, 1,479 ^ eet f 6-inch, 1,817 feet of 4-inch pipe. For purposes of this calcu- lation it is fair to say that the quantity of lead varies directly as the diameter of the pipe, and that the above is equivalent to 11,927 feet of i6-inch pipe, and to make the joints on this 23,579 pounds of lead were used, or 1.97 pounds per running foot. This is larger, as of course it would be, than the amount given by a single experiment on a short piece, for ten pigs weighing 96.7 each (average weight) filled the joints on 550 feet of i6-inch, or 1.75 pounds per running foot. The quantity of yarn used is not large, comparatively speaking, and on the three small sizes, 4, 6, and 8 inch, with the price at ten cents per pound, T % of a cent per foot is a safe figure for estimating purposes. The quantity of pipe laid and the number of joints made in a day will, of course, vary greatly in different cases. If a man is trying to see how many pipes he can get into a trench, with the minimum amount of thought as to how they are put in and jointed, he can make a wonderful record, and the man who comes after him, and has to take care of the pipe-line under the shocks of service, will appreciate more keenly than any one else the value of such a record. The following notes of actual work are offered, not in any sense as instances of model performance, but as simple illus- 56 JOINT-MAKING. trations : Time, July 6, 1887 ; gang 60 men, i6-inch pipe, 2 yarners, 2 calkers, 4 to 10 men digging bell-holes, 30 bell-holes per day, 400 feet of pipe laid and jointed in ten hours. CHAPTER V. HYDRANTS, GATES, AND SPECIALS. OTREET intersections are obviously suitable places for hydrants and gates. A hydrant so placed serves more territory than one placed midway between cross streets, and at the intersection of impor- tant thoroughfares and large mains the four-way hydrants carrying four hose-nozzles are in every way suitable, if post- hydrants are chosen. For the narrow crowded streets of a large city the flush hydrants are better than the post, but, as a rule, the small water-works which have sprung up all over the country during the last few years are fitted with hydrants of the post pattern. If a post hydrant is not placed near a street corner, it is well to put it on a division line between two estates, for the chances that it will in the future be an obstruction are smaller in this position than they can well be in any other. The dis- tance apart for hydrants may be 200 or 500 feet, according to circumstances, but the larger distance should not be exceeded without the best of reasons. It has become a well-established custom to place gates on street lines, and the ease with which gates so placed can be 8 HYDRANTS, GATES, AND SPECIALS. found is a sufficient reason for not departing from the custom except in some special cases. In unpaved streets a gate-box located at a corner on a street line may be a source of trouble if the travel about the corner is considerable, for the wearing of the road will soon leave the box projecting above the sur- face to a dangerous extent. In cases where this condition of things is likely to obtain, the writer has thought it wise to move the gate ten feet away from the street line, and it is fair to ask if a uniform distance of ten feet would not have some advantages over a strict adherence to street lines. The superintendent or the engineer or his assistant should follow the pipe-laying gang closely enough to locate every gate and special before it is covered by the back-filling gang. If one should perchance miss the location of something, he will be both surprised and amused to see how wild and yet how confident will be the guesses of a bystander who saw the gate covered the day before, and then tries to assist one in find- ing it. In locating and making notes for future reference, a little judgment is required to enable one to choose permanent and easily-found landmarks. Fences and stone-bounds come first, as a rule, and the post- hydrants furnish excellent measuring points. Lamp-posts are reasonably permanent, but trees and hitching-posts illustrate the " mutability of human affairs " of Dominie Sampson. A rough sketch, with no regard to scale, will be found more intel- ligible after sixty days than a written description. As a rule, it does not pay to build gate-boxes so that a man can get into them to oil and pack the gates. In paved streets where digging is both expensive and inconvenient for the HYDRANTS, GATES, AND SPECIALS. 59 public, large brick manholes are of course demanded, but for town and country the cast-iron gate-boxes, well known to the trade, leave little to be desired. The writer has heard of main-pipe specifications which called for a bed of concrete under each gate and hydrant. Under a hydrant in wet, uncertain ground the concrete may have some value, but under a gate there seems to be no call for it ; indeed, it may be a source of trouble should the pipe settle a little and the gate be unable to follow. When a hydrant is placed in an ideal manner, it has a firm foundation in a large flat stone or good earth, good backing of stone or well- rammed earth and perfect drainage. If a sewer is not available, fair drainage may be secured by surrounding the base of the hydrant with broken or round stone, provided "the ground has any absorbing power, and 'in clay, a small well may be sunk at some distance from the hydrant, enough below it and of sufficient diameter to contain three or four times as much water as the hydrant-barrel will hold. A small drain is then run from the hydrant to the well and the well is pumped out as often as need be. Frost-jackets seem to be going out of fashion. Without doubt they have little value in sandy or gravelly soils. In clay the action of the frost may be expended on the jacket and so save the barrel some straining, but men of experience are not wanting who declare that the use of frost-jackets may be safely abandoned. Generally speaking, the plugs for main pipe furnished by the foundries are unnecessarily heavy, unless made from special patterns. 6o HYDRANTS, GATES, AND SPECIALS. In Figure 18 is shown the pattern adopted and used by the writer for the past five years. MAIN PIPE. PLUG, FIGURE 18. The following table gives the dimensions for plugs to be used with four, six, eight, and ten inch pipe : Size of Pipe. D B H T t d 4. . 6 i/o v u 6 . : *!*/ 6 5 it V V 8 6 14 V 3 10. \\v 10 6 2 / i/ A The sleeve shown in Figure 19 differs from the ordinary pattern only in having an inside rim which furnishes a sup- port against which the joints can be made. The diameter of this rim should be fixed with some care and with reference to the outside diameter of the pipe with which the sleeve is to HYDRANTS, GATES, AND SPECIALS. 61 be used ; for unless the sleeve will slip over a pipe from which the spigot end has been cut, the chief advantage of this special casting will be lost. PIPE SLEEVE FIGURE 19. Sleeves are all but indispensable in bringing two parts of a pipe-line to a junction between two rigid points, and they may be found useful in assisting one to use up pieces of pipe with- out bells. Some foundries make their special castings with bells all around, while others send out their single and double branches, with spigots on one end of the main run. The writer has found the "bells all round " pattern to be the most economical in the way of using up the pieces, but on every job of magnitude cases will arise in which the spigot-end special will save cutting pipe. If practicable, main-line junctions should be made with specials a size or two larger than the pipe that is, two 8-inch 62 BACK-FILLING. lines may cross each other at right angles, though a lo-inch double branch, and the New Bedford pipe plan by Mr. Cog- geshall, given in a previous chapter, furnishes another case in point. BACK-FILLING. The best possible work in back-filling a trench is done with water, but oftener than not, perhaps, we must be content with ramming and tamping the dry earth. If time enough is put into it, and there is only one man shoveling to each man with a tamp, good work can be done without water, but such a method is expensive, and with contractors, as a rule, it is not in favor. The best results with dry earth are obtained when the dirt is spread evenly in layers, not more than six inches thick, and each layer is thoroughly tamped and trodden before another is added. If he works as he should, the man in the trench will find the pounding and treading harder than shoveling, and to even things the shoveler and tamper may change places several times during the day. If water is used it should not be in such excess as to make " pudding " in the trench, and the amount of wetting must be proportioned to the absorbing power of the filling. The water does its work by carrying down the fine particles of earth as it soaks away, and more than enough to do this thoroughly is not needed. If the trenching has been properly done, the top of the street that is, the good gravel, or the macadam has been put by itself on one side and should be raked over, and the stones and fine material separated ; the stones to be put in just under the surface which is to be finished with the fine material. The BACK-FILLING. 63 amount of crowning to be given the top of trench should depend upon the thoroughness with which back-filling has been done, the size of the pipe, and the character of the soil. If a trench has been well filled a rise of six inches is ample, and if this does not settle down even with the road after one or two hard rains it will have to be cut down if the road surveyor does not want to wait for wear and tear to level it. Some contract- ors prefer to fill without much tamping, crown the trench a FIGURE 20. foot, and then either repair the road after a month or two or deposit with the superintendent of streets a sum large enough to cover the cost of repairs. If sand has been taken from the trench it will ruin any road if allowed to come near the surface, by working up through a thin layer of good road material. If sheet piling has been used it may be removed after the trench is half filled by means of a clamp and lever shown in Figure 20. A 4x6 stick, a piece of chain, and a pile of blocks may be made 64 FILLING NEW PIPES. to do the same work, but not so conveniently. The apparatus shown in Figure 20 is copied in part from a blue print pre- sented at one of the meetings of the New England Water- Works Association by Mr. William B. Sherman, M. E., of Providence, R. I. The horse should be well braced with iron rods, and may be protected on top by a plate of light tank- iron. FILLING NEW PIPES. Pipes should be filled slowly and carefully, because under certain conditions great damage may be caused by too rapid filling. A long line should be filled one section at a time, and no gate before an empty section should be fully opened until positive evidence can be had that the section is filled. If the iine to be filled carries hydrants, the air can be allowed to escape through them, but if these outlets cannot be had air- cocks on the summits are necessary. A special form of air-cock can be had in the market, but for ordinary use any convenient form of corporation cock may serve the purpose by arranging a lever-handle and a blow-off pipe to be operated at will. In concluding the main-pipe division of his subject the writer presents in Figure 21 sketches of a tool wagon for use in main-pipe or sewer con- struction. The drawings are made from blue prints presented by Mr. R. C. P. Coggeshall, Superintendent of the New Bed- ford, Mass., Water-Works, at one of the meetings of the New England Water- Works Association. TOOL-WAGON. R. C. P. Coggeshall, Superintendent, New Bedford Water- Works. This tool-wagon was planned by Mr. Ashley, foreman of this depart- ment, and was built by the regular employees during the winter months, at Intervals whenever an hour or two could be spared. The cost as given TOOL-WAGON. StCTlON ON C-0 FlGURF. 21. 66 TOOL-WAGON. below would in consequence probably exceed the amount at which this tool-wagon could be built by contract. ESTIMATE OF COST. Set of wheels and pole $31 oo Axles, $10 ; bolts, $3 13 oo Door-pulls, soc., 4 bolts $1.40 i 90 6 pair hinges, $i ; 4 pair back-flap?, 4oc I 40 7 pair strap-hinges, $1.33 ; I dozen hooks, 6oc i 93 3 chain bolts, goc, ; 10 feet chain, $i i 90 Screws, $4.16; nails, $2.15 631 303 feet i-inch matched pine, planed 15 58 153 feet i-inch matched spruce 3 52 130 feet 2-inch spruce, planed 2 33 Blacksmithing Labor and painting. 30 49 105 oo Amount $214 36 4 sets of lead and gasket irons, 4 drilling hammers. 1 stone hammer, 2 dozen cold chisels, 6 diamond points, 6 cutting-out irons, 12 joint wedges. CONTENTS. Goose-neck, Paving-pounder and hammer, 3 stone chains, 3 wheelbarrows of wood, 2 buckets of clay, 6-foot measuring-stick. 2. 4 lengths hose. 40 picks and shovels, 3 stone sledges, 6 striking hammers, Hydrant key, 4- 20 dinner-pails. Tackle, Nails and hammers. 6. Small locker for spare tools, Plug drill box, 9 lanterns and oil-can. 7- Can, powder and fuse, 3 hoes, coil gasket, 6 pigs lead, furnace, 2 barrels coke, lead kettle and spoon, bell pole, saw, tamping bar, 12 buckets, 6 lantern sticks, 4 iron bars, 14 blowing-drills. CHAPTER VI. SERVICE-PIPES. Definition Materials Lead vs. Wrought Iron Tapping Mains for Services Different Joints Compression Union Cups. TD Y common consent and general usage, the term service- pipe is applied to the tube which conveys water from the street-main to the premises on which it is to be used. In the majority of cases the service-pipe proper ends just inside the cellar wall, and the term house-pipes is a suitable one to apply to the tubes which convey the water from that point to the various fixtures in the building. There seems to be substantial agreement among those best qualified to judge that lead is the most suitable material for service-pipes, but in spite of this the first cost of lead pipe and the popular prejudice which is often found against it has pre- vented its adoption in many recently constructed works. This is not the place for a thorough discussion of the subject, but those who care to follow it are referred to a paper by Mr. Walter H. Richards, C. E., Engineer and Superintendent of the New London, Conn., Water- Works, which was published 68 SERVICE-PIPES. in the transactions of the New England Water- Works Associa- tion for 1884, and to Professor Nichols' " Water-Supply from a Chemical Standpoint." Lead pipe is to be preferred because it is the most dura- ble, the most easily worked, and the smoothest pipe now in the market. Its substitutes are plain wrought iron, tarred or enameled wrought iron, galvanized iron, and wrought iron lined with cement. One's choice really lies, then, between lead pipe and wrought-iron pipe with some protecting coating. Tin-lined lead pipe is not, to the writer's way of thinking, worthy of much consideration. The tin lining is thin and easily broken in working, and if the lead be exposed at any point the chance for some galvanic action, followed by the formation of lead carbonate or lead oxide, is too great to be taken. If any combination of chemical and physical reasons in some special case should render lead pipe unadvisable, a perfect though expensive substitute may be found in pure block-tin pipe. The experience of every city and town which uses lead for service-pipe is, so far as I can learn, that a thin brownish insoluble coating soon forms on the interior walls of the pipe, and then all further action ceases. The cities of New York and Philadelphia ; Boston, Worcester, New Bedford, Fall River, in Mass.; Denver, Col., Atlanta, Ga., Chicago, 111., Wilmington, N. C., to go no further in this country, and Glas- gow and Manchester abroad, use lead pipe, and this considera- tion would seem to dispose of the question as to its healthful- ness, leaving only the question of cost to be considered, and upon this latter point Mr. Richards' paper referred to gives some interesting figures. TAPPING. 69 TAPPING. Except for special reason, a main should not be tapped for service-pipes until it has been filled and, better still, if possi- ble, not until it has been thoroughly flushed. Cast-iron pipes must be entered by means of some sort of tapping machine. There are several machines for this work upon the market, and one will not make a mistake in buying any one of them, provided it is offered by trustworthy parties. It is well to bear in mind, in selecting a machine, that it is to be carried about, and perhaps knocked about ; that it is to be used in all sorts of trenches, wet and dry, muddy, sandy, and rocky, and, therefore, that it should be light, strong, simple, and with as few wearing parts to collect sand and grit as possible. It will be well for any man who taps a pipe under pressure for the first time to choose, if he can, a section which can be easily shut off, for it will be nothing strange if he has to shut down and take off the machine to get the cock into the pipe. Printed directions for operating are furnished with each machine, and a week's work will make one independent of them. That which is screwed, soldered, or driven into the main pipe is the corporation cock ; at the sidewalk we have the curb or sidewalk cock, and just inside the cellar wall should be placed the house shut-off, or stop and waste cock. In the early days of the Boston Water- Works sidewalk cocks were not used, and to shut off the premises wholly from the main the Water Department was obliged to dig down to the corporation cock. This condition of things was unsatisfac- tory, and, under the direction of Assistant Engineer Brackett, sidewalk cocks are being inserted. TO TAPPING. As to the house shut-off just inside the cellar wall, there seems to be no good reason why the Water Department, or 1 >4 K If I * V, \ fc \\ . h \ II \ \ FIGURE 22. the water company, should furnish that, except to secure uni- formity and a first-class fixture. That there should be a good, TAPPING. 71 sound, easy-working shut-off cock at that point there is no sort of doubt, but who should furnish it may be left as an open question. In Taunton it is furnished by the consumer. Referring to Figure 22, in which is represented the partic- ular pattern of corporation cock, with full 24 -inch way designed by the writer, for use upon the Taunton Water- Works, the end M is the end which is screwed into the main. The general form of this end is the same no matter what is used for service-pipe. Something is saved in the cost of manufacture by using the same thread at S and M. Eleven, twelve, fourteen, or sixteen threads to the inch are admissible, but fourteen has been found to give good results in the practice of the writer. At the end S and in the parts immediately following there is room for great variation in form and method. With the nut u (shown also in section) and the tail-piece forming a ground union-joint at the end S, this form of cock may be used (i) with lead service-pipe by making a wiped joint or a cup-joint between the lead pipe and the tail-piece ; or (2) with any kind of wrought-iron service-pipe by joining on to the tail-piece a short piece of lead pipe, perhaps 18 inches, just as if the ser- vice were to be of lead pipe, and then, by attaching a solder- ing nut, as shown, and continuing the line with screw-joint pipe. There is a form of corporation cock in the market in which the end S has a female connection so that wrought-iron pipe may be screwed directly to the cock without the intervention of lead pipe, but this form cannot be recommended for gen- eral use, because the flexibility of lead pipe is needed to insure safety against overstraining from settlement in the trench. 72 TAPPING. In addition to the joints made with lead pipe by wiping or cupping, there is one which may be called the compression- joint. Some regard this joint as to be preferred to any joint which depends upon solder, but the writer's experience does not lead him to take this view of it. The compression-joint was in use a few years ago in Taunton, but was abandoned for a cup-joint. The corpora- tion-cock then in use was shaped at the end S like the pro- jecting part of N in the compression-joint shown in Figure 22, and tightness was secured by scraping the outside of the lead pipe to a reasonably smooth surface, so that the cone- shaped nut would draw the lead pipe firmly over the conical projection ; the lead pipe having been first spread by driving in a solid plug. It is evident that this principle can be applied in a variety of ways, and that castings can be designed to fit any combina- tion of materials. For example, the cup-joint in Figure 22 shows how a wrought-iron service-pipe may be joined to a lead connection from the corporation-cock. The lead pipe is attached by a wiped or cup joint to the soldering nut, which is tapped out to receive any size of wrought iron or brass pipe that one chooses. Still another form of joint has been brought to my atten- tion, by Mr. J. G. Briggs, Superintendent of Water- Works at Terre Haute, Ind., and shown also in Figure 22, as a union lead joint. Mr. Briggs says the idea is not a new one, but was used twenty years ago or more by an English company who did a large amount of work at , Rio Janeiro, Brazil, and that in San Francisco the joint has been used for sixteen years with good results. The lead pipe is put through the TAPPING. 73 brass thimble, and the end hammered or riveted over on a pin made for the purpose, and tightness secured by a washer. If this washer be of lead it will last, but it would seem as though a leather or a rubber washer would be too short-lived to be wholly satisfactory. As to the merits of this joint the writer has no practical knowledge, but the fact thbt Mr. Briggs favors it would, in the vernacular of the stock market, be counted as a " bull point " for it CHAPTER VII. SERVICE-PIPES AND METERS. Wiped- Joints and Cup- Joints The Lawrence Air -Pump - Wire- Drawn Solder Weight of Lead Service-Pipe Tapping Wrought-Iron Mains Service-Boxes Meters. r I "HE regulation wiped-joint is one of the awful mysteries of the plumber's craft, and a description of its making would avail but little. It is the plumber's shibboleth, and if one of the trade can be found who will admit that any other joint is its equal he may be counted as one out of many. It is not to be denied that in many instances nothing can equal in appearance and fitness a well-wiped joint, and a thorough workman certainly knows how to make one ; but a well-made cup-joint is equally strong perhaps stronger does not require a tenth part of the solder, and is made more quickly and with less practice. A cup-joint is shown in Figure 22, and is made by expand- ing the end of the lead pipe with a properly shaped plug, scraping the inside of the cup with a jack-knife to give a sur- face of clean metal, dropping a soldering nut or tail-piece, properly tinned, into the cup, heating the whole joint by some appropriate method, and finally by filling the thin annular SERVICE-PIPES AND METERS. 75 space between the cup and the tinned brass casting with melted solder. If these details are properly executed a perfect joint is the result. The writer has had several of these joints sawn in two and the bond is then seen to be perfect. This joint was brought to the writer's attention by Mr. Dexter Brackett, Assistant Engineer of the Boston Water- Works, and a study of the method and its results will show that this is not a "tinker's joint," for it is used in Boston, Lawrence, New Bedford, and Taunton by the water depart- ments of those cities, who have no sort of reason for using any methods or materials but the best. The only portions of the process of cup-joint making which call for special mention are the method of heating the joint and the kind of solder to be used. We should note in passing, however, that while the plug is being driven to form the cup, that this end of the lead pipe should be firmly held in a vise between two cast-iron half- round clamps that are cut out to correspond with the outside shape of the cup. When under these circumstances the plug is driven home, the lead forming the walls of the cup is com- pressed, and anything like a blister or defect has a chance of being closed. For heating, Mr. Brackett uses, or did use, a sweating-iron, and so did the writer until Mr. Henry W. Rogers, formerly Superintendent of the Lawrence Water- Works, introduced a blow-pipe and air-pump apparatus, which is a great improve- ment in speed and convenience over a pair of hot irons. The air-pump and the blow-pipe or lamp are shown in Figure 23. A jet of water, whose size may vary with the pressure under which it is to be used and the work to be done, 76 SERVICE-PIPES AND METERS. from T ^-inch to %-inch, induces a current of air to enter the tee, and water and air together enter the separating chamber C made of 2-inch brass or iron pipe. The water flows off through the trap or bent pipe to waste and the air through the smaller pipe to the lamp or blow-pipe. When the apparatus is in operation the outlet for the air is so small that air accu- mulates in the separating chamber and forces the water down 'i firfwrvc r/foJJrfw.^ TO tt~,~~,.~.~}y.^j^ Jf* r i i r 8fi.ow Cn*oe* *e *t WWA^ TO /t p Cl ^ 7 itei w/r* /rf. ***.(* SHO& FlGfRE 23. T,nn tofti Sno* rtt w below the the top of the trap a distance depending on the special conditions which exist in any given case ; and the pressure under which the air accumulates is measured by the difference between the heights of the two water columns in C B and T B. The lamp is a Bunsen burner and the quantity of air from the pump, and of common gas from a convenient TAPPING WROUGHT-IRON MAINS. 77 jet, may be so regulated as to produce a flame hot enough to make a bit of chalk glow like a calcium light. In fact there is an excess of heat for joint-making purposes, and a little expe- rience will be required to prevent one from getting the metals so hot as to cause the solder to run through. A very convenient form in which to use the solder is that given by drawing the common sticks into wire, about ^6-inch in diameter. Wire solder has been for sale at a high price, and a large consumer would find it cheaper to build a small mill and draw the wire for himself than to pay twenty-five cents per pound. There seems to be no standard weights for the various sizes of lead pipe, and an examination of a " Table showing weights of lead service-pipes used in various cities," which was compiled by Mr. William B. Sherman, of Providence, R. I., as an appendix to Mr. Richards' paper before referred to, will show more clearly than anything else the absence of uniformity. For any but excessive pressures, exceeding 150 pounds per square inch, the following weights will be found sufficient : Size Inches i/' *A 3/ I i!/ III Weight per foot. ..Pounds 3 & 4 4^ I 5^ i 7 TAPPING WROUGHT-IRON MAINS. There are more different methods of tapping cement- lined or coated wrought-iron pipe of any sort than of tapping cast-iron mains. Cast iron is seldom less than half an inch in thickness, but with wrought iron the actual thickness of metal is one quarter of an inch or less, and it is evident that such 78 TAPPING WROUGHT-IRON MAINS. different conditions call for different treatment. Figure 24 shows in section the apparatus used for tapping wrought-iron kalamein pipe, used by Mr. Frank E. Hall, Superintendent of the Quincy, Mass., Water Co., and to whom I am indebted for a drawing of the machine. A packing of sheet-lead is put between the clamp and the pipe at the point to be drilled, and if tightness is not secured by screwing the nuts down hard, the lead can be calked up. FIGURE 24. With cement-lined pipe a similar clamp may be used, and such a clamp is a regular article of trade. A corporation cock may, however, be soldered or wiped directly on to the wrought-iron pipe without any clamp, and this is now the prac- tice in many places. A small portion of the outside coating of cement is carefully broken away, the pipe is thoroughly cleaned and tinned, the cock is then attached to the main by SERVICE-BOXESMETER?. 79 soldering with an ordinary iron, or by wiping, and then, with an arrangement similar to that shown in Figure 24, a hole is drilled, passing the drill through the opened cock. After per- toration the drill is withdrawn just far enough to allow the tapper to close the cock, and then the tapping apparatus is removed, the stuffing-box at P having kept the water back during the operation. Any convenient form of drill may be used, but Figure 22 shows the form used at Plymouth, Mass. SERVICE-BOXES. Considerable ingenuity has been expended in efforts to devise a cheap and satisfactory service-box. Wood was, naturally enough, one of the first materials to be chosen, and scored at first an apparent success when the stock was kyan- ized, but even if the preserving process proved to be in some cases successful, the frost made stumbling-blocks of the boxes by throwing them above the sidewalk level. Combinations of drain-pipe, light and heavy castings, and wrought-iron pipe with cast-iron bases might be described, but none of them, so far as the writer can judge, are any better, if as good as a simple cast-iron box in two principal parts sliding, telescope fashion, one inside of the other. The extension shut-off boxes, well known to the trade, give entire satisfaction, and at the price at which they are now offered it will hardly pay for any one to design a new pattern for any but special cases. METERS. Of making many meters there has been no end, and much experience with some of them is a weariness to the flesh. Of the six hundred or more that have been patented, six or less 8o METERS. have come to any extensive use in this country, but in the value of that half dozen the writer has an abiding faith. FIGURE 25. The important points in setting a meter are perfect pro- tection against freezing, a firm support, accessibility, and in METERS. 81 oome cases protection against meddlesome fingers. Too much care cannot be exercised in the first of these points, for a frozen meter is worth its weight in junk only, as a rule, and meters have been known to freeze in cellars in which the potatoes (so the owner said) never froze. If a house is to be metered, and the cellar is without a furnace, the safest place for the meter is just below the cellar bottom, and if the ground is too wet to allow this, and draining the cellar is out of the question, then a tight double box, with a 2-inch air-space, affords the next best solution. Even if a house is not to be metered > it often is wise to enter the service-pipe from the street below the cellar bottom, as this affords protection to the pipe and secures cooler water in summer. In some cases the only place for a meter is in a driveway, a sidewalk, or a lawn, and in such cases a brick well with a cast-iron cover, the whole costing nearly $25, offers the best arrangement, as shown in Figure 25. Meters should be well supported, either by a hanging shelf or a brick pier if one wishes to avoid all chance of springing the joints or the shell of a meter. With lead pipe there is, of course, not the chance to hang the meter by the pipe that there is when iron or brass is used. It is quite important that a meter be so constructed as to have the inlet and outlet in the same line, and the distance from face to face of the inlet and outlet points exactly the same on all meters of the same size, for the best have to come out once in a while for repairs or cleaning, and then, with proper construction, a piece of pipe may take the place of the meter, with no inconvenience to the consumer. CHAPTER VIII. NOTES ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF ABOUT TWO MILES OF 16-INCH WATER-MAIN. HTHESE notes are offered because the writer's experience has led him to believe that detailed statements of cost and of methods are not overabundant, and that a modest con- tribution to this department of engineering literature, even if it border on the commonplace, will not be unwelcome. The city of Taunton, Mass., is supplied by direct pumping, and there is no store of water for any emergency. The pump- ing-machinery is in two portions, and under any ordinary con- ditions either portion is competent to maintain the supply, but we cannot, of course, be content with provision for nothing but ordinary conditions. For that district of the city which is more distant from the Dumping-station and higher than the City Square, the distrib- uting portion of the system has been for some time inade- quate, and, moreover, the small pipes have made it impossible for the city to receive from a powerful pumping plant belong- ing to a manufacturing establishment in that district the aid which might be rendered should the public pumping-machinery .become disabled. The need for a new and larger main arising CONSTRUCTION OF WATER-MAIN. 83 from the foregoing conditions was easily made evident to the proper authorities, and its construction was ordered. The line was surveyed by the writer with one assistant in April, 1887, and the accompanying illustration shows the main in plan and profile, with its immediate connections. The pipe began to arrive in May, and was carted on low two-horse trucks for 64 cents per gross ton, over good roads, for an average distance of about ij miles. Referring to the plan, the work from A to B was without special features or difficulties. With the exception of a short stretch of quicksand and water at and near the first turn north of A, the digging was good and the trench required no bracing. The distance from A to B is 2,927 feet, and the cost of labor for this section was 32.3 cents per lineal foot. This includes all labor charged on the time-book, from the foreman to the water- boy in a gang of about sixty men. From the point B to the end of the line at E, an 8-inch main was removed and a temporary supply maintained, so that no consumer on the line was without water for more than an hour or two at any one time. That the sections requiring temporary supply might be as small as possible, two gaps in the distributing system were closed ; the first one on Broad- way north and south of Jefferson Street, between points F and G ; and the second between the dead ends on Pleadwell Street and on Fourth Avenue, which were brought to a junction, as shown on the plan. The first connection gave Jefferson, Madisoti, and Monroe Streets a continuous supply while Bay Street was cut off, and the second made possible a temporary surface connection, indicated by the dotted line, from Fourth 84 CONSTRUCTION OF WATER-MAIN. Avenue to Third and Fifth Avenues, which came in use when Whittenton Street was cut out. It is to be understood, of course, that Washington Street continues in a northerly direction (see plan), and by cross lines completes a circuit for Whittenton, Bay, and adjoining streets. The profile makes the proper positions for the blow-offs self-evident, and they are all six inches in size. The only portion of the pipe that cannot be drained by the blow-offs is found on Whittenton Street a few feet east of the line of the Old Colony Railroad, where a short trap exists, because of our unwillingness to disturb and wholly relay a first-class lo-inch drain which had been put in by the street department. While this departure from the grade destroys the perfect drainage at which we had aimed, it will probably in actual practice be found to be of no real importance. The position of the main 1 6-inch gates is shown on both plan and profile ; they are of the ordinary upright bell-end Chapman pattern, not geared, with the exception of the one on Bay Street, near Maple Avenue, where the shallow trench obliged us to use a geared gate lying on its side. At two or three points the stems of the upright gates came so near the street surface that the only box which could be used was Morgan's A A A extension valve-box, or one of like pattern. The method followed in maintaining the temporary supply was adopted after careful consideration of three alternative methods ; it is not new, for since this work was finished we learn that it is essentially the same as that followed by Mr. Coggeshall in a similar case in New Bedford. I fe6 ITEMS OF COST. A temporary supply for consumers on a cut-out section may be furnished (i) by carrying water in tubs or buckets from the nearest available hydrant ; (2) by laying a screw- joint pipe along the curb line, with stand-pipes at convenient intervals from which the consumers can draw at their pleasure; (3) by laying the screw-joint pipe as in the previous case, and then connecting each service-pipe by means of hose at a point near the corporation cock. The last method was adopted, and it is made clear by the accompanying sketch, in which the conditions represented are such that water under pressure comes as far as the large gate in the trench. The section which is temporarily shut off begins in front of the large gate and extends to the next gate on the old line, which is coming up, or to a point on the old line, which may be conveniently plugged if the next gate is too far away. The temporary pipe near the curbstone is common i^-inch screw-joint pipe con- nected with the hydrant by i^-inch hose and special brass couplings, and supplies i-inch branches taken off at conve- nient points, carried down as shown, and connected with each service by ^-inch 4-ply extra heavy rubber hose having special couplings, the nuts of which screw directly on to the end of the i-inch cement-lined service-pipes, making a joint with a leather washer. ITEMS OF COST. Purchase Street. In making preliminary estimates it is comparatively easy to get at the cost of materials, but the cost of labor and incidentals is oftentimes uncertain to an aggra- vating degree. ITEMS OF COST. 87 The following figures of cost of labor are believed to be as near the truth as it is practicable to get them without employ- ing skilled clerical labor in keeping time. Referring to the plan and profile it will be seen that Pur- chase Street for more than half its length is straight and practically level ; it is forty feet wide, and, with the exception of a short section near Broadway, furnished sandy digging with some tendency to caving. The crossing of the brook near Bay Street and the locating of the blow-off called for some comparatively deep digging say ten or twelve feet in depth for 100 feet. The old 8-inch pipe was removed, and eighteen services were furnished with a tem- porary supply, and the total labor on this street cost $729.62. The distance is, say, 2,100 feet, so that the cost per lineal foot was 34.7 cents for the section between B and C on the plan. Bay Street. This though not the most expensive section was the most troublesome, for the difficulties were discourag- ing. The street is forty feet wide, has a horse-car track running through its entire length, with cars passing about once in fifteen minutes ; from Maple Avenue to Britannia Street the line follows a sewer-trench so closely that the caving of the banks was almost constant. The digging was dry and sandy. The sidewalk on the west side was appropriated and all the excavated material was piled thereon ; planks were thrown across the trench to enable the occupants of houses to pass in and out, and hemlock boards against the open fences kept the sand and gravel from the grass plots. The old 8-inch main was removed, the supply maintained for fifty-three ser- vices, the movement of the horse cars was not obstructed, and 88 ITEMS OF COST. the total labor cost 41.8 cents per lineal foot on section C D on plan. Whittenton Street. Here the digging was wet and dirty, but as the street is 65 feet wide there was ample room. Old pipe to remove, temporary supply to maintain for 30 services, and FIGURE 27. four connections, new and old, made for the Whittenton Man- ufacturing Company at and near E on plan made the total cost of labor 47.4 cents per lineal foot. The mill connections were the principal causes of this increase in cost. THE TEMPORARY SUPPLY. 89 The foregoing figures are largely in excess of the cost of labor on ordinary pipe lines. For example, a detachment from the same gang of men who laid the pipe referred to above, laid about 2,000 feet of 8-inch pipe in new ground, good digging, at a cost of 17.3 cents per foot for all labor; two pieces of 4-inch, each about 530 feet long, for 13.1 cents per foot, and 600 feet of 6-inch for 15.38 cents per foot. THE TEMPORARY SUPPLY. The cost of work such as this will, of course, vary greatly with circumstances, for if new pipe and fittings must be pur- chased the cost will be much greater than it would be if old ma- terial and odd pieces can be worked up. In this particular case we bought, expressly for this work, about half of what we used. The labor for the temporary sup- ply-pipes footed u~> to $230.29, or about 3 cents per foot, while the new material purchased cost nearly 4 cents per foot in addition. A little less than 7 cents per foot for the 7,800 feet of pipe required for the temporary supply was the cost as nearly as can be ascertained. The pipe supplying Third and Fifth Avenues, from the hydrant on Fourth Avenue, was laid on the surface across the lots. The total cost of the line and its connections may be stated as follows : i6-inch pipe, 135 pounds per foot (@ $34.50) $22,698 09 6 and 4-inch pipe 563 52 Gates, hydrants, valves, globe special castings and sundries 7,728 56 Old style special castings 200 oo Labor , 4,429 02 $35,6fQ 19 CHAPTER IX. TABLES OF COST. 'T^HROUGH the courtesy of Mr. Dexter Brackett, C. E., Superintendent Eastern Division of Boston Water- Works, I am able to present detailed dimensions of the cast- iron water-pipes used in that city, together with a table showing the cost of pipe-laying under Boston's methods and conditions : Weights and Dimensions of Cast-Iron Water-Pipes, Boston Water- Works. n g $ O DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Total length . Total weight of pipes. Weight per running foot laid. .2 5 a b c d ' 1 Feet. Inch. Lbs. Lbs. 4 B 50 30 .65 4.0 45 0.40 12 4 260 21.7 6 B So .40 .70 4.0 o 40 12 4 418 34.8 8 B .50 50 75 4.0 55 0.40 12 4^ 601 TO B 50 .60 .80 4-5 .60 0.40 12 815 67.9 12 A 50 .60 .80 4-5 58 0.40 12 4* 935 77-9 12 B 50 .70 .85 4-5 ^5 0.40 12 4% 1,050 87. s 16 A 71 .70 .85 .66 0.50 12 5 1,4^3 117.7 16 20 B A 75 75 .00 .90 95 95 5*o -75 73 0.50 0.50 12 12 5 1,615 i,945 134-6 162.1 2O B 75 .90 95 *> o 8-; 0.50 12 5 2,252 187.7 24 A .00 .10 05 .81 0.50 12 5 2.588 215-7 24 B .00 .10 05 5-o 9* 0.50 12 5 2,985 248.8 30 A .00 30 15 5-o 93 0.50 12 5 3,6oo 307.5 30 13 .00 30 15 5.0 .10 0.50 12 5 4,336 361.3 36 A .00 50 25 50 .04 0.50 12 5 4,929 410.7 36 B .00 50 25 50 25 0.50 12 5 5,882 490.2 40 A .00 ( .70 35 12 0.50 12 5,897 491-4 40 B .00 .70 35 5-o 35 0.50 12 5 7,055 587.9 48 .CO .70 35 4.0 .00 o 50 12 4j 6,266 522.1 48 .00 3-00 50 5-5 25 0.50 12 7,917 65,9.7 60 .25 3-40 .70 6.0 375 0.50 12 6 10.959 913.2 TABLES OF COST. FIGURE 28. y = for 4-inch, 6-inch and 8-inch pipes 0.6 inch. 44 lo-inch and i2~inch u 0.8 " *' larger sizes 4t 0.85 " " The pipe-joints are composed of hemp gasket and lead the lead being about 2^ inches in depth and thoroughly calked. The quantity of lead required for different sizes of pipe can be expressed by the formula /= 2 d, in which /== pounds of lead per joint, and d = diameter of pipe in inches, and as the pipes are usually twelve feet in length, the quantity of lead required per lineal foot of pipe equals one-sixth of the diameter of the pipe in inches." The average cost per lineal foot of water-pipe laid in Boston is shown in the table on page 92. The centre of pipe is laid five feet below surface of ground. Labor at $2 per day. Pipe, i^ cents per pound. Special castings, 3 cents ; lead, 5 cents per pound. Cost of rock excavation, $3.50 to $5.50 per cubic yard, measured to neat lines. By permission of Mr. Eliot C. Clarke, C. E., we are able to present the following useful tables of cost of excavation and brick-work. These tables, with others, were calculated espe- cially for sewer-work, but apply, of course, to water-conduits as well, and the compilation of them was made for use during TABLES OF COST. surveys made for the Massachusetts Drainage Commission in 1885 : Cost of Handling Water per too Linear Feet of Trench. 5 feet Deep. 10 feet Deep. 15 feet Deep. 20 feet Deep. 25 feet Deep. SLIGHTLY WET Hand-pump ?6 oo 7i So $7 oo 73 50 $9 So 7650 $12 OO 103 45 $18 oo 127 45 QUITE WET One steam-pump ; one line 8-inch pipe at 2oc. per foot ; wells every 500 feet; moving engine, etc., every 500 feet ; rent of pump and engine, $3 per day; one engineer, $2 50 per day; fuel.. VERY WET Two steam pumps; iz-tnch pipe at 36c. per foot ; wells every 250 feet ; two engines; three engineers; fuel 117 oo 119 oo' 126 oo 164 oo 226 oo Average Cost per Lineal Foot of Water Pipe Laid in Boston. i B i Diameter of Pi Inches. Thickness. Inches. Weight. Pounds. Lead ustd. Pounds. Cost of Pipe and Specials Lead Gasket ai Blocking. Teaming. Labor, Trenchi and Laying. Total Cost. 4 0.45 21.7 0.70 $038 $o 05 $0 02 $o 25 $o 70 6 0.50 35- i. oo 57 6 3 27 93 8 o-55 50. 1-35 83 8 5 3 i 26 10 0.60 68. 1.70 I IO 10 6 34 i 60 12 0.58-. 65 78-88 2.00 i 27-1 42 13 7 37 i 84-1 99 16 0.66-.7S 118-135 2.70 1 87-2 12 17 8 45 2 57-2 82 7O -73- 85 162-188 3-35 2 55-2 94 21 9 55 3 4-3 79 24 o 8I-.Q4 216-250 4.00 3 44-3 95 25 10 68 4 47-4 9 8 30 o 93 308 5.00 4 9 2 29 ii 80 6 12 36 1.04 410 6.00 6 58 34 12 I OO 804 40 1 . 12 490 6.70 7 80 40 15 i 30 9 65 48 1-25 660 8.00 10 40 48 20 i 75 12 83 TABLES OF COST. 93 M M M O CO VI ON en ^ CO J ; ; ; : J : n* n H g M S n M ! ac o ON VI ON ON ON ON ON ON en en en m M O 'J* en OO en to O ^0 g ^r r* CO en en en en en en en en en^ *. oo vl ON en S VI j\ M GO ON co M GO ON r* ' en O to O en O o en $ CO CO ON v? S 4 & g ON en en J- vl en 8 t 8 z 8 00 ON r M oo 8 vl en VI en en M o en O en en NO en en o 5 o 00 00 CO 00 CO oo CO 00 < M H v| ON ON en 4- 4- CO CO ft" M ON O en en M ^J 4- M J*. O o en to O to en o * o to 2 O 8 8 S s * ON H M 2! en en M en I? to en NO o g- g r* n K & oo to to S to to to to 10 to 2 en ^ * to to o NO S en OO M 4- ^j 4- oo O to en O O en o en en en en to en 00 VI VI ON ON g 8 en s CO vj en M CO en vO en CO F to to ON ON ON en en en en en en en to O o NO CO 00 vl ON ON en ?r I? GO O to en vl O to 00 r ^ vl *O S vl & : ON en en ?r CO en en S 4- O en NO Ul en en Q r cr 1 d' PI * 8 TABLES OF COST. w o 3 CO < M 'SI O U o 2 i i O E co _ m t ^ O CO in fc *c -( m ^f rf & CO ^ v> V u CO H "?^ B s O ^ rf- ^- M x~*. CO c? Tt rj- CO CO ^ CO m . Q\ CS M Hi \O CO CO O M 00 CO in "" I Q 1 co in O ^ CO CO a CO O CO CO CO 1 ^ rj- m in ^ o in o 1 .c IN^ ^- co co CO ^t" vxf ! vC_ o* o i- 4 CO ? in !b V J co ^ ? g s CO in CO "*" S 00* O> cs t^ CO CO CS cs s 5- oo "* cs co * J3 in r^ O co CO o & O m s t x 'r J 00* co* 4 cs' ^ M IH cs M 1 CO m & lx| 1 R o r^> O m cs o r~N m s ^ CO CS CS m cs o in 00 co O in w CO cs CO CO ^ m -t rf ' _ CS IxJ 1 CO r}- r>. CO in cs' 6 O CO in vO m N M M l-l M M CO M tn 1 j t ; o IS T3 C - - I ' = 5 u s * s B o o M w & O I 1 .s c *> 8 O in 8 z i m e - : |* o M in o f H rt tf a 1 1 i rt i 5 !s c 4; *0 g : : I * ij 5 S b 1 1 IM CJ 3 p # ~> o en to O D. w O 2, 8 en O 8 S, = , ft 3 cr 2. s 13 3 o P- cr H) ~ -t o 8 1 | o FT q ." It *~* i 9 o tO M ^ o *< x a I en * g> en to f : CO 00 ^to f *p P 1 O 5 2. O en CO O CO CO CO "*^I *^l O^ 00 to CO M to p- n en ^ 4^ 4^ en o r 5 ? VO ! -fe O en s ON CO CO M to en 1 o ET i j O O O CO * CO CO to en en 4- en en o en en en CO CO 00 E I H o _, M M tO ^ 4- jr X ei to O "to to M "o CO M 4i. 00 00 O i~i M en Jk> jk *J M M O en O to g z n DJ CO en O en en eo 1 * X CO CO en i en en ^ vO O vO CO 4- t 00 z 4i. 4i. co ^j ^. ft^ 1 n o >3 <4 en JK, . X 5jj ^J to i | f O O O CO CO O CO to H M 00 f 55 8 CO O a a * CO ft 3" n X M M to & M O O M M H 1 CO CO v^ OO CO O^ o o to O | { en to en CT* X en CO '/. i I en 8 en I? ? ? r M M CO i M i ! I HD.Mj-gO M j* ^ w o w 96 TABLES OF COST, In a letter to the writer Mr. Clarke says : " It should be understood that they (the foregoing tables) were made for a special purpose and are of limited applicability. Roughly approximate results were all we needed. Tables were based on then (1885) existing Boston prices for materials and labor, and average conditions affecting work." With this guiding statement the tables may be safely used in making preliminary estimates. ENGINEERING AND QUILDING RECORD. (Prior to 1887, 77ie Sanitary Engineer.) DEVOTED TO ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE. OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO Engineers, Architects, Builders, Contractors, Mechanics, and Municipal Officers. THE TREATMENT OF MUNICIPAL PROBLEMS A PROMINENT FEATURE. " It has been of incalculable value to the general public, whose interest it has always served." Cincinnati Commercial. " It may be regarded as the representative paper devoted to Architecture and Engineering." Boston Herald. " It stands as a fine example of clean and able journalism." Railroad Gazette. '' A paper whose excellence and independence merit continued prosperity." Railroad and Engineering Journal. "Congratulate it upon the enviable position it has attained." American Machinist. Under date of Tanuary 9, 1888, General M. C. Meigs, formerly Quartermaster- General, U. S. Army, and recently Architect of the new Pension Building at Wash- ington, wrote as follows : 1239 VERMONT AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C.', \ January 9, 1888. f THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD : DEAR SIRS: I enclose check for $5.00, for which please send me "Steam Heating Problems" and "Plumbing and House-Drainage Problems." I will be obliged, also, for a copy of your No. 6, Volume XVII., January 7, 1888, which is a capital number, just read and sent to a Western engineer, a friend, containing much in his line of work. I have looked at the Index of Volume XVI. It is a marvelous list of knowledge made accessible to the profession at small cost to each subscriber. I congratulate you upon producins for the Building trade one of the most copious and valuable instructors in. sate and sanitary building science in all branches ever pub- lished. Faithfully yours, M. C. MEIGS. Published every Saturday. P. O. Box 3037, NEW YORK. $4 per year. IDC. per copy. N. B. An attractive feature is its series of critically selected An hitectum I Illus- trations, artistically rendered and handsomely reproduced > COMMITTEES intrusted with the erection of Public Buildings and Engineering Works should advertise for proposals in The Engi- neering and Building Record. They will thus reach Contractors in every State and Territory, likewise in Canada. The advantage of competition thus secured is obvious. A COLLECTION OF DIAGRAMS Representing the General Plan of Twenty-Six Different Water-Works, Contributed by Members of the NEW ENGLAND WATER-WORKS ASSOCIATION, And Compiled by a Committee. 1887. INTRODUCTION. OFFICE OF SECRETARY, NEW BEDFORD, MASS., November i, 1887. THIS collection of diagrams is the result of the pers.stent efforts of Messrs. William B. Sherman, of Providence, R. I , and Walter H. Richards, of New London, Conn., who, as a Committee on Exchange of Sketches, have secured these drawings from members of the Association. The following extract from a report presented by these gentlemen at the Manchester, N. H., meeting in June, 1887, will explain in pare the origin of the collection : '' In answer to circular letters sent out to members, there were received rough sketches of general plans of twenty-three water works represented in the Association. Having this data on hand, though crude in many particu- lars, it was decided to put the same into available shape for the benefit of the members. This has been accomplished by the Committee without cost to the Association. From these rough sketches revised, reduced to uniform size of 10 by 15 inches a set of tracings has been made, and a sample folio of blue prints prepared. This folio and set of tracings are herewith presented as forming the main part of this report." Since the Manchester meeting three more subjects have been received and subscriptions for sets of reproductions from tie tracings have been called for. The ready response to the call is evidence of the value of the Committee's work, and arrangements were made with The Engineering &* Building i\ecord for publication in this present form. R. C. P. COGGESHALL, Secretary, New England Water- Works Association. Published by THE ENGI: EEKI.,G & BUILDING RECORD. PLATE I. Boston, Mass. II. Burlington, Yt. III. Cambridge, Mass. IV. Fall River, Ma V. Fitchburg, Mass. VI. Knoxville, Tenn. VII. Lawrence, Mass. V11I. Manchester, N. H. IX. -Meriden, Coim. X. Middletown, Conn. XI.-Milford, Mass. XII. Nantucket, Mass. XIII. Natick, Mass. INDEX. >s. Pl.A k i. H. nn. >s. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI -New Bedford, Mass. New London, Conn. New Orleans, La. Pawtucket, R. I. 1'lymouth, Mass. Quincy, Mass. Spencer, Mass Springfield. Mass. Taunton, Mass. Waterbury, Conn. Wilmington, N. C. Woonsocket, R. I. Worcester, Mass. Address, BOOK DEPARTMENT, THE ENGINEERING & BUILDING RECORD, P. o. Box 30^7. No. 277 Pearl Street, New York. SUMMER & GOODWIN, MANUFACTURERS OF AND I'F.ALERS IN PLAIN, GALVANIZD, TARRED and ENAMELED WROUGHT-IRON PIPE. Brass Goods for Water- Works a Specialty, SUCH AS SIDEWALK AMD CORPORATION COCKS, GATE- TALVES, ETC. ALSO SERVICE BOXES. 15 TO 21 OLIVER STREET, BOSTON, MASS. TURNER, CLARKE & RAWSON, ENGINEERS AND CONSTRUCTORS OF WATER-WORKS, 5 TREMONT STREET, x" BOSTON PANCOAST & ROGERS, GENERAL AGENTS FOR READING IRON=WORKS WROUGHT-IRON PIPE, BOILER-TUBES, ARTESIAN AND OIL-WELL TUBING, CASING, LINE-PIPE, ETC. Special Work of every kind in Wrought-Iron. CHAPMAN VALVE MANUFACTURING CO., Valves and Gates for Gas, Steam, Water, Oil, Etc., ^-inch to 48-inch diameter. Fire-Hydrants THE WATERBURY MALLEABLE IRON CO., Malleable and Gray Iron Fittings for Gas, Steam and Water. Manufacturers' Agents for CAST-IRON WATER AND GAS PIPES, SPECIAL CASTINGS, AND DEALERS IN SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE: 28 PLATT 6- 15 GOLD STREETS, NEW YOJK. George Ormrod, Man. and Treas. John Donaldson, Prest., Emaus, ?a. 226 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. EMAUS PIPE FOUNDRY. DONALDSON IRON CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND SPECIAL CASTINGS. EMAUS, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA. All Pipes Cast Vertically. NATIONAL FILTER Used in connection wich the National system of AERATION, PRECIPITATION and FILTRA- TION, is the simplest and most efficient machine on the marke^. The system of surface washing effects such an economy in time and water, that cities using filters of other make are now having us alter them over to our National system. Our filters and system have been adopted by the following cities within the past eleven months : CHAMPAIGN, ILL. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. EXETER, N. H. HACKENSACK, N. J. I Ae rat,o, HOBOKEN, N. J. ["Aeration. KOKOMO, IND. LAWRENCE, KAN. LOUISIANA, MO. MASSILLON, O. SIOUX FALLS, DAK. WINNIPEG, MANITOBA For circulars, testimonials and estimates apply to NATIONAL WATER PURIFYING CO. 145 BROADWAY, Cor. Liberty St., NEW YORK. Refer by permission Henry R. Worthington, 86-88 Liberty St., N. Y. M. J. DRUMMOND, 2 to 48-Inch Diameter. FLANGE PIPE, RETORTS, LAMP-POSTS, STOP-VALVES, FlkE-HYDRANTS, SPECIAL CASTINGS. GENERAL FOUNDRY WORK. Office, Equitable Building, ) 20 Broadway, NEW YORK. Sales Agent New Philadelphia Pipe Works Co. HE NATIONAL TUBE WORKS COMPANY Will, on request, be pleased to forward to any person interested in water-works construction, operation, or maintenance, a publication recently issued giving some remarkable facts and records of actual experience in the use of CONVERSE PATENT LOCK JOINT PIPE for conveyance of Water and Gas, which has enabled them to be so successful in the introduction of Wrought Iron Pipe for water-works purposes. A. H. ROWLAND, C. E., of Boston, Mass., writes as follows regarding his experience with this pipe : " Its strength and semi-flexibility make it secure against fracture or rupture, either in handling, laying or service. Of the some thirty-five (35) miles of it that I have laid, I have riot known of a single case of injury from either of the above causes, and have seen a recorded water hammer in it of 145 pounds per square inch. My impression is that it is safe to use under very excessive pressures, even approximating 300 pounds per square inch. 44 The Converse Patent Lock Joint used makes an almost perfect continuity of the interior surface, which is very smooth and con- ducive to large carrying capacity for any given size. " Early in 1883 I laid about eight (8) miles of this pipe, coated with Asphaltum. The soil was a peculiar mixture of clay and gravel, and quite moist. On account of a street being graded, we were obliged to take up and relay about one-half (^) mile of this in the fall of 1884 and it was found to be perfectly free from rust or corro- sion of any kind. At many other points where it has been dug up for the purpose of making connections, etc., it has always been found in equally good condition. "Other pipes laid at various times have given equally good re- sults. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. PITTSBURG, PA. NEW YORK, N. Y. ST. LOUIS MO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Illustrated Catalogue of Fittings with detailed Instruction for laying pipe furnished on application. PARTIAL RECORD OF PIPE FURNISHED. From the list of hundreds of cities and towns using the Converse Patent Lock Joint Pipe, the following is submitted as a matter of interest : Albuquerque Water Co., Albuquerque, N. M American Water Works & Guarantee Co , Ltd., Kearney, Neb. Adrian Water Works, Adrian, Mich. Aberdeen, City of Aberdeen, D. T. Allegheny Heating Co.. Allegheny City, Pa. Birmingham Water Co., Birmingham, Ala. Braddock Gas & Light Co., Braddock, Pa. B. & O. R. R. Co.'s Water Supply. Bramerd Water & Power Co , Brainerd, Minn. Brockton Gas Co., Brockton, Mass. Brpokville Water Co., Brookville, Pa. Bridge water Natural Gas Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Cors-can Water Co., Corsican, Texas. Cambridge Gas Ligiit Co , Cambridge, Ohio. Colorado Springs Gas Co., Colorado Springs, Col. Colorado Machinery Co., Denver, Col. Colorado Machinery Co., Buena Vista, Col. Colorado Machinery Co., Silverton, Col. Canad a i Pacific R'y Co. Columbia Water Works, Astoria, Oregon. Capital Gas L'ght Co., Des Moines, la. Chestertown Waterworks, Chestertown, Md. Chartiers Valley Gas Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Charlestown Water Works Co., Charlestown.W. Va. Chamberlain, City of Chamberlain, D 1'. Dunham, Carrigan & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Dixon Water Works, Dixon, 111. Denver & Rio Grande R'y. Co. El Paso Wat rCo. .El Paso, Texas. East Dubuque Water Co., East Dubuque, la. Equitable Gas Co., New York, N. Y. Ft. Collins Water Works, Ft. Collins, Col. Fair Play Water Works, Fa'r Play, Col. Freeport Water Works Co., Freeport, Pa. Ft. Collins, City of Ft. Collins, D. T. Fergus Falls Water Works, Fergus Falls, Minn. Garcner Water Works, Gardner, Mass. Gonzales Water Co., Gonzales, Texas. Gunmson Gas & Water Co., Gunnison, Col. Glenwood, City of Glenwood, Minn. Greenville Wat-r Works, Greenville, III. Geneseo, City of Geneseo, 111. Grand Forks, D.T. Helena Water Co., Helena. M . T Haddenfield Water Co., Haddenfield, X. J. Huron, City of Huron, D. T. Hancock, City of Hancock, Mich. Ionia Water Works, Ionia, Mich. Lartdo Water Co., Laredo, Texas. Leadville Water Co., Leadville, Col. Lynn Pub'ic Water Board, Lynn, Mass. La. Crosse Gas Light Co., La Crosse, Wis. Leadville Gas Works, Leadville, Col. Las Yedras Mining Co. Mamaroneck Watt r Co., Mamaroneck, N. Y. Meridian Gas Light Co., Meridian, Miss. Marion County Water Co., ban Rafael, Cal. Menominee Mining Co., Menommee, Mich. I Milford Water Co., Milford, Mass. Minneapolis Gas Light Co. , M inneapolis, Minn . Montevideo Water Works, Montevideo, Minn. Manufacturers' Natural Gas Co., Pittsburg, Pa. McKeesport, City of McKeesport, Pa. N W Water & Gas Supply Co., Savannah, II!. N W Water & Gas Supply Co., Hurley, Wis. N. W. Water & Gas Supply Co., Pierre, M. T. N. W Water & Gas Supply Co., Billings, M. T. Natural Gas Co. of West Va. , Pittsburg, Pa. North S'de Gas Co , Pittsburg Pa. Omaha Gas M'fg Co., Omaha. Neb. Oskaloosa Gas Co., Oskaloosa,' la. Oil City Fuel Supply Co., Oil City, Pa. Ottumwa Water Works, Otiumwa,'la. Perkins Water Works Co , N orth Spnnqfield, Mo. Perkins Water Works Co., Nevada, Mo. Portland, Oregon . Peerless Mining Co., Arizona. Philadelphia (Natural Gas) Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania .Natural Gas Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Quincy Water Works, Quincy, Mass. Russell & Alexander, Colorado Springs, Col. Russell & Alexander, Puebio, Coi. Russell & Alexander, Salida. Col. Russell & Alexander, Topeka, Kans. Russell & Alexander, Ouray, Col. Rapid City Water Works, Rapid City, D. T. Robinson & Cary, St. Paul, Minn. Rob : nson & Cary, Grand Forks, D. T. Robinson & Cary, Crookston, Minn. Robinson & Cary, Mandan, D. T. ban Gabriel Water WorksCo., Georgetown, Tex. Shenaneo Natural Gas Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Schwachbacher Bros. & Co., Seattle, Wash. Ter. Sahda Water Works Co. , Salida, Col. South Bend Gas Liyht Co., bouth Bend, Ind. Springfield Water Works, Springfield. 111. South Framingham, Mass. Sioux Falls Water Co., Sioux Falls, D.T. bt. Clair, City of St. dair, Mich. South- West Natural Gas Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Tucson Water Co., Tacson, Arizona. Texas Water & Gas Co., Terrell, Texas. Texas Water & Gas Co., Cleburne, Texas. Texas Water & Gas Co., Georgetown, Texas. Tonawanda Gas Works, Tonawanda, N. Y. Topeka Water Supply Co., Topeka, Kan. Terreil Warer Co., Terrell, Texas, limn Fuel Gas & Pipe Line Co., Tiffin, Ohio. Tiffin Natural Gas Co., Tiffin, Ohio. U. S. Wind-Engine Pump Co., Omaha, Neb. U. S. Wind-Engine Pump Co , Kansas City, Mo. Union Electric Underground Co., Chicago, 111. United Gas Fuel Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Virginia & Gold Hill Water Co., Virginia City, Nev. Wallingford Gas Co., Wallingford, Conn. Ware Fire Department, Ware, Mass. Walker, M. bheboygan, Mich. Walker, M, Walker, M. Walker, M. Walker, M. Walker, M Midland, Mich. Ludington, Mich. Fremont Centre, Mich. baultSt. Marie, Mich. Loraine, Ohio. Wellsville Water Co. ,' Wellsville, N. Y. Wahpeton WaterCo., Wahpeton, D. T, Willington Gas & Heat Co., WUlmgton, Kan. Wheeling Natural Gas Co., Wheeling, W. Va. Westmoreland f) p' v ^- OTQ ' T3 O cr & ^ ^* P o p 3 p S, ' r-t 2 rT O o yq p- c 3 P p o 5 p g <" p c/> fD 0> S ' P fM o 8 I'D P en Q. 2' 2 O ri p &n* 2". P O P The displacement is absolutely positive, and the meter, as a whole, \ practically frictionlcss, offering 'no extra obstruction to the flow. The engravings illustrate the ^6 -inch size, and are exactly one- third of full scale. Has been thoroughly proven in practice and its performance is guaranteed. The construction is conducted upon the interchangeable system and is in the highest state of the art. In fine, it is the BEST VALUE ever offered. WATER-WASTE PREVENTION Its Importance and the Evils Due to its Neglect. With an account of the Methods adopted in various Cities in Great Britain and the United States. y HENRY C. MEYER, Editor of the THE ENGINEERING & BUILDING RECORD. With an Appendix. EXTRACT FROM PREFACE. During the summer of 1882 the Editor of THE SANITARY ENGINEER carefully investigated the methods employed in various cities in Great Britain for curtailing the waste of water without subjecting the respective communities to either inconvenience or a limited allowance. The results of this investiga- tion appeared in a series of articles entitled " New York's Water-Supply," the purpose being to present to the readers of THE SANITARY ENGINEER such facts as would stimulate public sentiment in support of the enforcement of measures tending to prevent the excessive waste of water so prevalent in American cities, and especially the city of New York, which was then suffering from a short supply Numerous requests for information, together with the recent popular agitation in connection with a proposition to increase the powers of the Water Department of New York City with a view to enabling it to restrict the waste of water, have suggested the desirability of reprinting these articles in a more convenient and accessible form, with data giving the results of efforts in this direction in American cities since the articles first appeared, so far as they have come to the author's notice TABLE OF CONTENTS : CHAPTER I. CONDITION OF NEW YORK'S WATER-SUPPLY. Mr. Thomas Hawksley on Advantages of Waste-Prevention ; Condition of Water-Supply in England Thirty Years Ago ; Means Adopted to Prevent Waste in Great Britain; Norwich the First City in Eng- land to Adopt Measures of Prevention ; Lon- don : the Practice There. CHAPTER II.- GLASGOW. District Meters Tried as an Experiment ; Results of Experi- ments ; Prevalence of Defective Fittings ; Testing and Stamping of Fittings ; Rules Governing Plumbers' Work. CHAPTER Ill.-MANCHESTER.-History of Waste-Prevention Measures ; Methods of House-to-House Inspection ; Duties of In- spectors ; Methods of Testing and Stamping CHAPTER IV. LIVERPOOL. Change from Intermittent to Constant Supply ; Method of Ascertaining Locality of Waste by Use of District Meters ; Method of House Inspec- tion ; Method of Testing Fittings. CHAPTER V. PROVIDENCE AND CINCINNATI. Review of Measures to Prevent Water- Waste in the United States prior to 1882; Providence, R. I.: Results following the Gen- eral Use of Meters ; Cincinnati : Methods of House Inspection with the Aid of the Water- phone ; Results Attained. CHAPTER VI. NEW YORK. Measures Adopt- ed by the Department of Public Works prior to 1882. CHAPTER VII. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. Points to be considered in Adopting Measures for Large Cities. APPENDIX. POINTS SUGGESTED IN THE CON- SIDERATION OF VARIOUS METHODS. Water- Waste Prevention in Boston in 1^83 and 1884 ; Results Attained ; Waste-Prevention in New York City; Liverpool Corporation Water- Works Regulations ; Glasgow Corporation Water- Works Regulations; Description of Standard Fittings; t j enalties for Violations ; Cistern -vs. Valve-Supply to Water-Closets in New York City; New York Board of Health Regulations concerning Water-Sup- ply to Water-Closets; Letters from Water- Works Authorities sustaining the action of the New York Board of Health in Requiring Cistern-Supply to Water-Closets; Extracts from Report of Boston City Engineer on Wasteful Water-Closets: Proposed Water- Rates on Water-Closets in New York ; Reso- lutions of the New York Board of Health endorsing the proposed Water-Rates for Water-Closets; Excerpts from Articles ex- plaining Methods of Arranging Water-Supply to Water-Closets to secure the Minimum Water-Rate in New York (with illustrations). Large $vo. Bound in Cloth, $ i.oo. * Sent p~st paid on receipt of price. Address, BOOK DEPARTMENT, THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD, No. 277 Pearl Street, New York. ESTABLISHED 1868. WATER-METER CO. 3! to 35 HERMON STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. Fitts' Rotary Piston, Ball & Fitts, and Duplex Piston WATEB -METERS. TRIAL METERS will be sent to any Water Company for tests. .. JL. Catalogues, Price Lists, Etc., furnished on application. ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF Water, Steam and Gas Pressure Regulator Valves, The Water-Pressure Regulator is for reducing and regulating (automatically) the pressure between a high and low service supply ; it is very valuable where a reduction in hea is required. Also, Ball's improved method of tapping water-pipes with bands, and fittings for general hydraulic work. WATER-WASTE PREVENTION. Ey HENRY C. MEYER, Editor of the THE ENGINEERING & Bun DING RECORD. PRESS COMMENTS. " Mr. Meyer is competent authority to speak on a subject of very great importance in all cities and one regarded with too much apathy by the public. Furthermore he has given the matter special study, and the facts detailed are the re- sults of investigation. * * * His suggestions are eminently practicable and sensible, and should commend themselves to the judgment of every ! one interested in the subject."- Troy Times. "The economies of this subject deserve the steady attention of tax-payers and municipal officeis. It should be borne in mind that waste of water is more than prodigal. It is dangerous I to the safety of a city. '' Cincinnati Commercial \ Gazette. " The author of this timely book is particularly adapted to deal with the questions he discusses. But few have given the subject so much atten- [ tion, and no one could treat it mote impartially. He is not only intimately acquainted with the water-supply of American cities, but has per- sonally investigated the plans adopted for cur- tailing water-waste in various cities in Great Britain, the results of these investigations ap- pearing in this work. " As our cities increase in population, and new cities spring up, the demand for more water cor- respondmjy increases. At the same time the water-supply is diminishing, and that which would otherwise be available is rendered unfit for use by the contamination of sewage and the refuse of manufactories. It is conceded that the inhabitants of a city shou'd be supplied with all the water they can use. It is not with the use, but with the waste of water that the author deals. " No patented appliances are recommended, but such simple means as are free to all. We recommend the careful reading of this little book to every resident of a city who is interested in its water-supply, and particularly to those who, by virtue of vested authority, have to some extent the matter of water-waste prevention in their hands." A merican Machinist. " A valuable work, which really affects every urban resident. * * * There is not a city in the world in which the rate-payers are not taxed unnecessarily to pay for pumping water which runs to waste, and any work throwing light upon this problem, without subjecting the community as a whole to inconvenience, must be a valuable treatise." - -Ottawa Da ily J- ress . " A little work whose worth cannot be justly estimated. * * * It presents an interesting subject for examination and reflection to every citizen." Houston Post. "A work that should be read and studied by every one." Savannah News. " Though small in size it is a work which repre sents a good deal of solid work. With the amount of information which it contains it ought to prove of no small use to the city governments of the country. It is a vade mecum lor water com- missioners, and will be a valuable little text-book for every water board in America. Briefly, Air. Meyer's object is to show by a comparison be- tween the systems and results in different cities in America and England how much money is an- nually wasted in the shape of water in our larger cities for the wane of proper precautions and how those precautions had best be taken. * * * Mr. Meyer's book is well got up, his arguments con- cisely stated, and his facts and figures well tabu- lated and arranged, the result being the produc- tion of a work which carries conviction with it, and which ought to be of no small value to the larger cities of the countiy in the future. Min- neapolis Tribune. l his volume is a most seasonable contribution to hydraulic and economic litejature. Its author has personally and carefully investigated the problem from a practical standpoint in both Eng- land and America, and speaks with authority and backs his statements by official figures. " The work treats generally of the condition of the water-supply of New York, and the methods tested or adopted for the prevention of waste in Glasgow, Manchester, and Liverpool, and in our own cities of Providence, Cincinnati, Boston, and New York. The data are derived from the most authoritative sources, and presented in a shape that must carry conviction with it." Engineer- ing News. *' Once get a property-owner convinced of the evils of water-waste, and this book will tell him all he wants to know about preventing it." Philadelphia Bulletin. " One of the best and most useful publications now before the public. * * * A copy of this timely publication ought to be in the hands of all water company and city officials and plumbers, and even water consumers might read it with profit." Memphis Appeal. "It is worthy of close attention. Mr. Meyer discloses the true pirit of the disinterested inves- tigator. "--Ha rtford Evening Post. " As a brief, concise treatise upon this subject the work is of the utmost value, the author mak- ing no unproven assertions, but bringing the sys- tems and experiences of other cities to illustrate and enforce his statements. In giving this book to the public the author is deserving of praise as a true and practical economist, whose efforts will be appreciated by thinking men, if not by the public at large. ''"'-Inland A rchitect and Builder. 8vo., bound in cloth, $1.00. Sent post-paid on rece'pt of price. Address, BOOK DEPARTMENT, THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD, P. O. Box, 3037. No. 277 Pe^rl Street, New York. Obtainable at London Office, 92 and 93 Fleet Street, for 5*. HERSEY METER CO., SOUTH BOSTON, MASS. MANUFACTURERS OF THE Hersey Water-Meter CO The cut shows the piston and ring removed from the case. The HERSEY WATER-METER will collect the most revenu~ for the Water Department, because it will make the least number of stop?. The HERSEY METER is the lowest in first cost, and can be main- tained in repair for much less than any other. Send for descriptive circular and price-list. ~~WE INVITE ~~THE~~ATTENTION OF ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE PURCHASE OR CONSTRUCTION OF WATERWORKS TO THE HIGH GRADE OF PUMPING ENGINES,. Steam or Power, WHICH WE ARE NOW PRODUCING. Information or estimates cheerfully furnished at all times. GKO. F. BLAKE MFG. Co., Builders of Pumping Machinery for all Services. iii & 113 FEDERAL ST., 535 ARCH ST., 95 & 97 LIBERTY ST., BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. Send for Catalogue. SECOND EDITION. Plumbing and House-Drainage Problems ; Questions, Answers, and Descriptions from THE SANITARY ENGINEER. With 142 Illustrations. [FROM THE PREFACE.] ' ' A feature of THE SANITARY ENGINEER is its replies to questions on topics that come within its $cope, included in which are VVater-Supply, Sewage Disposal, Ventila- tion, Heating, Lighting, House-Drainage, and Plumbing. Repeated inquiries con- cerning matters often explained in its columns suggested the desirability of putting in a convenient form for reference a selection from its pages of questions and comments on various problems met with in house-drainage and plumbing, improper work being illustrated and explained as well as correct methods. It- is therefore hoped that this book will be useful to those interested in this branch of sanitary engineering." TABLE OF CONTENTS : DANGEROUS BLUNDERS IN PLUMBING. Running Vent-Pipe in Improper Places Con- necting Soii-Pipes with Chimney-FluesBy- Passes in Trap-Ventilation, etc. Illustrated. A Case of Reckless Botching. Illustrated. A Stupid Multiplication of Traps. Illustrated. Plumbing Blunders in a Gentleman's Country House. Illustrated. A Trap Made Useless by Improper Adjustment of Inlet and Outlet Pipes. Illustrated. Unreliability of Heated Flue as a Substitute for Proper Trapping. Illustrated. Need of Plans in Doing Plumbing- Work. HOUSE-DRAINAGE. City and Country House-Drainage Removal of Ground- Water from Houses Trap-Ventila- tion Fresh-Air Inlets Dram-VentTlation by Heated Flues Laying of Stoneware Drains. Requirements for the Drainage of Every House. Drainage of a Saratoga House. Illustrated. Ground- Water Drainage of a Country-House. Illustrated. Ground- Water Drainage of a City House. Il- lustrated. Fresh -Air Inlets. The Location of Fresh-Air Inlets in Cities. Illustrated. Fresh-Air Inlets. Illustrated. Air-Inlets on Drains. The Proper Way to Lay Stoneware Drains. Risks Attending the Omission of Traps and Re - lying on Drain- Ventilation by Flues. Illustrated. The Tightness of Tile-Diains. Danger of Soil-Pipe Terminals Freezing unless Ends are without Hoods or Cowls. Object : on to Connecting Bath-Wastt with Water-Closet Trap. How to Adjust the Inlets and Outlets of Traps. Illustrated. How to Protect Trap when Soil-Pipe is used as a Leader. Size of Ventilating-Pipes for Traps. How to Prevent Condensation Filling Vent - Pipes. Ventilating Soil-Pipes. How to Prevent Accidental Discharge into Tiap Vent-Pipe. Why Traps should ba Vented. I MISCELLANEOUS. Syphoning Water through a Bath-Supply. ! Illustrated. Emptying a Trap by Capillary Attraction. II- : lustrated. As to Safety of Stop-Cocks on Hot Water Pipes. How to Burnish Wiped Joints. Admission to the New York Trade Schools. Irregular Water Supply. Illustrated. Hot Water from the Cold Faucet, and how to Prevent it. Illustrated. Disposal of Bath and Basin Waste Water. To Prevent Corrosion of Tank Lining. Number of Water Closets Required in a Fac- tory. Size of Basin Wastes and Outlets. Tar Coated Water Pipe Affect Taste of Water. How to Deal with Pollution of Cellar Floors. How to Heat a Bathing Pool. Objections to Galvanized Sheet Iron Soil Pipe. To Prevent Rust in a Suction Pipe. Automatic Shut Off for Gas Pumping Engines when Tank is Full. Illustrated. Paint to Protect Tank Linings. Vacuum Valves not always Reliable. Size of Water Pipes in a House. How to Make Rust Joints. Covering for Water Pipes. Size of Soil Pipe for an ordinary City House. How to Construct a Sunken Reservoir to Hold Two Thousand Gallons. Where to Place Burners to Ventilate Flues by Gas Jets. Illustrated. How to Prevent Water Hammer. Why a Hydraulic Ram does not Work. Air in Water Pipes. Proper Size of Water Closet Outlets. Is a Cement Floor Impervious to Air ? Two Traps to a Water Closet Objectionable. Connecting Bath Wastes to Water Closet Traps. Illustrated. Objections to Leaching Cesspool and need of Fresh Air Inlet. The Theory of the Action of Field's Syphon. How to Disinfect a Cesspool. Drainage into Cesspools. Slabs for Pantry Sinks Wood vs. Marbie. Test for Well Pollution. Cesspool for Privy Vault. GALVIN BRASS AND IRON WORKS, DETROIT, MICH. MAKUFACTURKRS OF CALVIN'S COMPOUND WEDGE GATE VALVES, For Steam, Water and Gas. CALVIN'S CONICAL CASE CATE FIRE HYDRANT. CALVIN'S IMPROVED MATTHEW FIRE HYDRANT. GENERAL BRASS AND IRON GOODS, For Steam, Water and Gas, PLUMBING AND HOUSE-DRAINAGE PROBLEMS. Corrosion of Lead Lining. Size of Flush 1 ank to deal with Sewage of a Small Hospital. Details of the Construction of a House-Tank. Illustrated. The Construction of a Cistern under a House. To Protect Lead Lining of a Tank, and Cause of Sweating. Stains on Marble. Lightning Strikes Soil Pipes. Will the Contents of a Cesspool Freeze ? Bad Tast'ng Water from a Coil. Illustrated. How to Fit Sheet Lead in a Large Tank. Why Water is " Milky " When First Drawn. Material for Water Service Pipes. Carving Tables. Illustrated. Is Galvanized Pipe Dangerous for Soft Spring Water. How to Arrange Hush Pipes in Cisterns to Pre- vent Syphoning Water Through Ball Cock. Depth of Foundations to Prevent Dampness of Site. Where to Place a Tank to get Good Discharge at Faucet. Sel f Acting Water Closets. Illustrated. Wind Disturbing Seal of Trap. How to Draw Water from a Deep Well. Cause of Smell of Well Water. Absorption of Light by Gas Globes. Defective Drainage. Illustrated. Fitting Basins to Marble Slabs. Illustrated. Intermediate Tanks for the Water Supply of High Buildings. Illustrated. How to Construct a Filtering Cistern. Illus- trated. Objections to Running Ventilating Pipe Into Chimney-Flue. Size of Water Supply Pipe for Dwelling House. Faulty Plan of a Cesspool. Illustrated. Connecting Refrigerator Wastes with Drains. Illustrated. Disposing of Refrigerator Wastes. Illustrated. Pumping Air From Water Closet into Tea Kettle as Result of Direct Supply to Water Closets. Illustrated. Danger in Connecting Tank Overflows with Soil Pipes. Arrangement of Safe Wastes. Illustrated. The kind of Men Who do not Like the Sani- tary Engineer What is Reasonable Plumbers' Profit. HOT WATER CIRCULATION IN BUILD- INGS. Bath Boilers. Illustrated. Setting Horizontal Boilers. Illustrated '. How to Secure Circulation Between Boilers in Different Houses. Illustrated. Connecting One Boiler with Two Ranges. Illustrated. Taking Return Below Boiler. Illustrated. Trouble with Boiler. An Ignorant Way of Dealing with a Kitchen Boiler. Illustrated. Returning into Hot Water Supply Pipe. Illus- trated. Where should Sediment Pipe from Boiler bs connected with Waste-Pipe ? Several Flow Pipes and one Circulation Pipe. Illustrated. How to Run Pipes from Water Back to Boiler. Illustrated. Hot Water Circulation when Pipes from I3o:ler pass under the Floor. Illustrated. Heating a Room from Water Back. The Operation of Vacuum and Safety Valves. Illustrated. Preventing Collapse of Boilers. Collapse of a Boiler. Illustrated. Explosion of Water Backs. A Proposed Precaution against Water Back Explosions. Illustrated. The Bursting of Kitchen Boilers and Connect- ing Pipes. Illustrated. Giving out of Lead Vent Pipes from Boilers in an Apartment House. Illustrated. Connecting a Kitchen Boiler with One or More Water Backs. Illustrated. New Method of Heating Two Boilers by One Water Back. Illustrated. Plan of Horizontal Hot Water Boiler. Illus- trated. HOT WATER SUPPLY IN VARIOUS BUILDINGS. Kitchen and Hot Water Supply in the Resi- dence of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt, New York. Illustrated. Kitchen and Hot Water Supply in the Resi- dence of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York. Illustrated. Kitchen and Hot Water Supply in the Resi- dence of Mr. Henry G. Marquand, New York. Illustrated. Kitchen and Kot Water Supply in the Resi- dence of Mr. A. J. White. Illustrated. Hot Water Supply in an Office Building. Illus- trated. Kitchen and Hot Water Supply in the Resi- dence of Mr. Sidney Webster. Illustrated. Plumbing and Water Supply in the Residence of Mr. H. H. Ccok. Illustrated. Large 8vo. cloth, $2.00. Address, BOOK DEPARTMENT, THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD, No. 277 Pearl Street, New York. 1 FLANGE COVER. Covers for Stop-Cock Boxes. Key for opening Covers. 8 s Q> fes BINGHAM & TAYLOR'S CAST-IRON Extension Stop-Cock and Valve, Shut-Off Boxes for Gas and Water, BINGHAM & TAYLOR, BUFFALO, N. Y. Send for Circular and Prices. Nickel Plated Models of Stop-Cock and Valve Boxes sent free on application. NOW READY ! PRICE, $3.00. POSTAGE PAID. Steam-Heating Problems ; OR, Questions, Answers, and Descriptions RELATING TO STEAM-HEATING AND STEAM-FITTING, FROM THE SANITARY ENGINEER. With One Hundred and Nine Illustrations. PREFACE. THE SANITARY ENGINEER, while devoted to Engineering. Architecture, Con- struction, and Sanitation, has always made a special feature of its departments of Steam and Hot-Water Heating, in which a great variety of questions have been answered and descriptions of the work in various buildings have been given. The favor with which a recent publication from this office, entitled "Plumbing and House- Drainage Problems, "has been received suggested the publication of " STEAM-HEATING PROBLEMS," which, though dealing with another branch of industry, is similar in character. It consists of a selection from the pages of the THE SANITARY ENGINEER of questions and answers, besides comments on various problems met with in the design- ing and construction of steam-heating apparatus, and descriptions of steam-heating work in notable buildings. It is hoped that this book will prove useful to those who design, construct, and have the charge of steam-heating apparatus. CONTENTS: BOILERS. On blowing off and filling boilers. Where a test-gauge should be applied to a boiler. Domes on boilers* whether they are necessary or not. Expansion of water in boilers. Cast us. wrought iron for nozzles and magazines of house-heating boilers. Pipe-connections to boilers. Passing boiler-pipes through walls ; how to pre- vent breakage by settlement. Suffocation of workmen in boilers. Heating-boilers. (A problem.) A detachable boilpr-lug. Isolating- valve for steam-mam of boilers. On the effect of oil in boilers. Iron rivets and steel boiler-plates. Proportions for rivets for boiler-plates. Is there any danger in using water continuously in boilers? Accident with connected boilers. A. supposed case of charring wood by steam- pipes. Domestic boilers warmed by steam. VALUE OF HEATING-SURFACES. Computing the amount of radia'or-surface for warming: bu'ldings by hot water. Calculating the radiating-surface for heating buildings -the savjng of double-glazed win- dows. Amount of heating-surface required in hot-water apparatus boilers and in steam-apparatus boilers. Calculating the amount of radiating-surface for a given room. How much heating-si rf ace will a steam-pipe of given size supply ? Coils -vs. radiators and size of boiler to heat a given building. Calculating the amount of heating-surface. Computing the cost of steam for warming. RADIATORS AND HEATERS. A woman's method of regulating a radiator (cov- ering it with a cosey). Improper position of radiator- valves. Hot-water radiator for private houses. Remedying a'r-binding of box-coils. How to use a stove as a hot-water heater. " Plane " vs. "Plain " as a term as applied to out- side surface of radiators. Relative value of pipe on cast-iron heating sur- face. Relative value of pipe on steam-coils. mCD Z I I > | u> STEAM-HEATING PROBLEMS. Warming churches (plan of placing a coil in each pew). Warming churches. PIPE AND FITTING. Steam-heating work good and indifferent. Piping adjacent buildings: pumps vs. steam- traps. True diameters and weights of standard pipes. Expansion of pipes of various metals. Expansion of steam-pipes. Advantages claimed for overhead piping. Position of valves on steam-riser connection . Cause of noise in steam-pipes. One-pipe system of steam-heating. How to heat several adjacent buildings with a single apparatus. Patents on Mills' system of steam-heating. Air-binding in return steam-pipes. Air-binding in return steam-pipes, and methods to overcome it. VENTILATION. Size of registers to heat certain rooms. Determining the size of hot-air flues. Window ventilation. Removing vapor from dye-house. Ventilation of Cunard steamer "Umbria." Calculating sizes of flues and registers. On methods of removing air from between ceiling and roof of a church. STEAM. Economy of using exhaust stea*n for heat- ing. Heat of steam for different conditions. Superheating steam by the use of coils. Effect of using a small pipe for exhaust steam- heating. Explosion of a steam-table. CUTTING NIPPLES AND BENDING PIPES. Cutting large nipples large in diameter and short in length. Cutting crooked threads. Cutting a close nipple out of a coupling after a thread is cut. Bending pipe. Cutting large nipples. Cutting various sizes of thread with a solid die. RAISING WATER AUTOMATICALLY. Contrivance for raising water in high buildings. Criticism of the foregoing and description of another device for a similar purpose. MOISTURE ON WALLS, ETC. Cause and prevention of moisture on walls. Effect of moisture on sensible temperature. MISCELLANEOUS. Heating water in large tanks. Heating water for large institutions and high city buildings. Questions relating to water-tanks. Faulty elevator-pump connections. On heating several buildings from one source. Coal-tar coating lor water-pipe. Filters for feeding house- boilers. Other means of clarifying water. Testing gas-pioes for leaks and making pipe- joints. Will boiling drinking-water purify it? Differential rams for testing fittings and valves. Percentage of ashes in coal. Automatic pump-governor. Cast-iron safe for iteam-radiators. Methods of graduating radiator service according to the weather. Preventing fall of spray from steam-exhaust pipes. Exhaust-condenser for preventing fall of spray from steam-exhaust pipts. Steam-heating apparatus and plenum (ventila- tion), system in Kalamazoo Insane Asylum. Heating and ventilation of a prison. Amount of heat due to condensation of water. Expansion-joints. Resetting of house-heating boilers--a possible saving of fuel. How to find the water-lin? of boilers and position of try-cocks. Low-pressure hot-water system for heating buildings in England (comments by The Sanitary Engineer). Steam-heating apparatus in Manhattan Com- pany's and Merchants' Bank Building, New York. Boilers in Manhattan Company's and Merchants' Bank Building, with extracts trom specifica- tions. Steam-heating apparatus in Mutual Life Insur- ance Building on Broadway. The setting of boilers in Tribune Building, New York. Warming and ventilation of West Presbyterian Church, New York City. Principles of heating-apparatus, Fine Arts Exhi- bition Building, Copenhagen. Warming and ventilation of Opera-Hou-e at Ogdensburg, N. Y. Systems of heating houses in Germany and Austria. Steam-pipes under New York streets difference between two systems adopted. Some details of steam and ventilating apparatus used on the continent of Europe. MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. Applying traps to gravity steam-apparatus. Expansion of brass and iron pipe. Connecting steam and return risers at their tops. Power used in running hydraulic elevators. On melting snow in the streets by steam. Action of ashe? street fillings on iron pipes. Arrangement of steam-coils for heating oil-stills. Converting a steam-apparatus into a hot-water apparatus and back again. Condensation per foot of steam-main when laid under ground. Oil in boilers from exhaust steam, and methods of prevention. Address, BOOK DEPARTMENT, THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD, No. 277 Pesrl Street, New York. Obtainable at London Office, 92 and 93 Fleet Street, for i$s. PEET VALVE CO MANUFACTURERS OF DOUBLE GATE VALVES FOR Steam, Water, Gas, Etc. 163 ALBANY STREET, ALL WORK WARRANTED. BOSTON, MASS. LTJDLOW VALVE MFGL CO. OFFICE AND WORKS I 938 to 954 River Street, and 67 to 83 Yail Avenue, TROY, N. Y. VALVES DOUBLE AND SINGLE GATE, ^-INCH TO 48-INCH, Outside and Inside Screws, Indicators, Etc., for Gas, Water Steam, and Oil. ALSO FIRE HYDRANTS, YARD and WASH HYDRABTS, CHECK and FOOT VALVES. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE FIFTEENTH VOL UME OF The Engineering and Building Record AND THE SANITARY ENGINEER. (December 4. 1886 May 28. 1887.) Aside from the weekly record of events of special interest to Engineers, Architects, Municipal Officers, Mechanics, and Contractors, the following of the numerous special articles are mentioned as of permanent interest to Municipal Engineers and Water- Works Superintendents. ENGINEERING: The series on Builders' and Contractors' Engineering and Plant, which are illustrated articles in detail, of the construction of the Equitable Building and St. Patrick's Cathe- dral in New York City; of the Raising of the old U. S. Court House in B os ton; of the Dredging Scow sand Machinery used on sev- eral Government Works; of the Hoisting and other Machinery used on the Elevated Pail- road in Brooklyn; of the Machinery used in the construction of the Suburban Elevated Railroad, of New York. Building Construction and Details, describ- ing the practice in the eastern and western parts of the United Stats and of Europe; of interest both to the engineer and architect. The Engineering at the Lawrenceville School. Including description in detail, with illustrations of the drainage, sewerage, water- supply, heating and ventilation and plumbing of the work. Recent Water-Works Construction in th United States. A series of illustrated articles descriptive of works now building or just com- pleted. The New Croton Aqueduct for New York City is described as it progresses in articles of great value to the engineer. There are many descr.ptions, discussions, and notes of interesting water-works under- takings in America and Europe. These are generally illustrated, and, with the reviews of reports of water-works officers, make up a val- uable history of current undertakings. Modern Sewer Construction and Sewage Disposal. A. Sf.r'.es of papers by Edward >. Philbrick, Mem. Am. Soc. C. E.,on the mod- ern thtory and practice of sewer woik. Recent Sewer Construction contains a num- ber of illustiated articles descriptive of the most important sewer work, such as that at Newark, N. J., now in progress. Pavements and Street Railroads is a series of papers on the construction and maintenance of roadways. In the Natural Gas-Supply of Pittsburg and Vicinity is given a very fully illustrated ac- count of the mechanical means used in applying natural-gas to manufactuiing and domest-c purposes. In addition to the serials, there are many articles on General Engineering, Water- Works, Sewerage. Pavements, and other topics of interest to Fnginccrs, Contractors, and Builders. DOMESTIC ENGINEERING : This department relates more particularly to topics connected with the wel'are of the in- dividual. Ui.derit there are, in ths volume, descriptions of the heating by steam and hot water of notable buildings in the United States and Canada, such as the building for the State, War, and Navy Departments at Washmston, the High School at Honesdale, Pa., the Post- Office at Woodstock, N. B., and others. Descriptions of plumbing. A series of art-'cles on the theory and prac- tice of Hot-Water Heating, by " Thermus." A discussion of the practicabil ty of heating 1 railway cars by means which will not incur the risk of burning passengers in case of co'lision, descriptions of several new systems. Editorials and notes on the preservation of health by purity of water-supply, proper sew- erage, and similar me.aiiS. Reviews of reports of boards of health, and b:oks on sanitary topics. CONTRACTING INTELLIGENCE: Th's department is a v:>ry complete record, week by week, of projected works in water- supplVj sewerage, gas, railroad construction, etc., of great value to the engineer, contractor, bu'lder, and merchant. Returns of projected buildings are al-o made by special correspon- dents from all parts of the United States for each issue. The Proposals cive the earliest information of prjjected worl-s from the Government de- partments, municipal bureaus, and private undertakings. Bound in cloth, with index, $3.00. Postage, 40 cents. THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD, No. 277 Pe^rl Street, New York. Obtainable at London Office, 92 and 93 Fleet Street, for 15*. The Volkar & Felthousen Mfg. Go, BUFFALO, N. Y., MANUFACTURERS OF BUFFALO DUPLEX STEAM PUMPS for all Duties, THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD AND THE SANITARY ENGINEER. $4 per year. 10 cents per copy. Watrr-Works Engineering-, Construction and Management a Special Feature. CONTRACTORS for Municipal and Government Work and Manufacturers of Engineering and Building Supplies will find every week in the Proposal adver- tisements and Contracting News columns of THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD important items indicating the wants of U. S. Government, Municipal Authorities, Water Companies, and Building Committees of Public Buildings. Information will be found there each week not elsewhere published. THE SIXTEENTH VOLUME OF The Engineering and Building Record AND THE SANITARY ENGINEER. (June 4, 1887 November 26, 1887.) Aside from the weekly record of events of special interest to Engineers. Municipal Officers, Mechanics, and Contractors, the following of the numeious special articles are mentioned as of permanent interest to Municipal Engineers and Water-Works Superintendents : ENGINEERING : Location of Plant at shafts on New Croton Aqueduct. (Two Illustrations.) Recent Water-Works Construction East Orange and Bloomfield, N. J., Water Com- panies. (Three Illustrations.) Water-Works at Ware, Mass. (Four Illustrations.) Wattr- Works at Calais, Me. ( Three Illustrations.) Pavements and Street Railroads Continua- tion of this series, in which the question of wood pavements in London is fully discussed. New Croton Aqueduct. No. XII T. Disc for Measuring Cross-section in Tunnel. (Nine Illustrations. ) Tipple for Dumping Carson the New Croton Aqued uct. (Six Illustrations . ) Modern Sewage Disposal and Engineering. By E. S . Philbrick, M . Am. Soc. C. E . ( Two Illustrations.) Sweetwater Dam and Irrigation Experience in Southetn California. (One Illustration.) Repair and Maintenance of Roads. By\/. H. Wheeler, C. E. Report of the Disposal of Sewage in the City of Worcester, Mass. Receiving and Catch Basins at Waterbury. Conn. (Four Illustrations . ) Testing of Portland Cement for the Harbor Works at Calais and Boulogne. By F. Guillain. Carrying Water-Mains Across the River at F.khart, Ind. (Two Illustrations), and at Grand Rapids, Mich. (Three Illustrations.) Filtration or Subsidence. By J. D. Cook, C. E. Special Report of the Chicago Drainage and Water-Supplv Commission. Driven-Well System as a Source of or Means of Obtaining a Water-Supply. Recent Sewer Construction- Chiswick Sew- age Works. ( Three Illustrations . ) Burial of Sewage and Refuse. (Criticism on an Address by Dr. G. V. Poore, of London.) The Molteno Reservoirat Cape Town, Africa. Some Details of Water-Works Construction. By William R. Billings, C. E. (Four articles of this series, with illustrations, have ap- peared.) Accident on the New Crcton Aqueduct Collapse of Bulkhead. (Four Illustrations.) New ^"ater-Works Tunnel, Chicago Ab- stract of specifications. (One Illustration.) Description of Water-Tower at Franklin, Mass. (Four Illustrations.) Wreck of Seneca Falls Stand-Pipe. (De- scription and Four Illustrations.) Six Years' Experience with Memphis Sewers ; Sopcial Report to THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD, by Rudolph Hering, with Editorial Comment. DOMESTIC ENGINEERING: (This Department is of special interest to Water- Works ^superintendents and Plumbers.) Hot- Water Heating and Fitting. By Ther- mus (This Series Continued.) Desciiption of Plumbing Kitchen Boiler Airangement Residence of H. C. Fahne- stock, Esq. (Twj Illustrations.) Kitchen Boiler in Diocesan Hous-, New York. Equitable Building, New York. (Descrip- tion of Plumbing. (Four Illustrations.) Bath in the Residence of Mr. E. H. Wales. (One Illustration.) Comparative value of Steam and Hot Water for Transmitting Heat and Power. Chas. E. Emery. Domestic Engineering Army Mess Hall at Davids Island. (Four Illustrations.) Novel Pipe Joints or Couplings for Natural Gas. Plumbing Hot-Water Circulation from Kitchen to Top Floor of Building. Foot-vents, their Location and Termination. Giles Srrith. Trade Schools and Technical Education in their Relation to the Plumber of the Future. House Drainage Regulations of Haverhill, Mass. Specimens of Bad Plumbing Discovered by the New York Board of Health. (A series. Illustrated.) Conanicut Park Fever Outbreak. Is a Trap on a Mam Drain of a Building a Necessity? tresh-Air Inlets, their Location and Termination. (Paper by Richard Murphy and fames A. Gibson.) Rules for Figuring Steam Heating Surfaces. Plumbing Violations. (Several Illustra- tions . ) Revised Plumbing Regulations, New York Board of Health. The Fitting uoof Hot Water Boilers in Eng- lish Plumbing Practice. (Three Articles, Il- lustrated.) Equitable Building Plan, Showing Domestic Engineering Plants, Including Boilers, En- gines, Hydraulic Pumps and Elevators, Dyna- mos, Pneumatic Service, Heating Mains, Etc. (Seven articles with Illustrations.) Plumbing in the Residence of Mr. Francis Lyne Stetson. (Three Illustrations.) Washington, D. C., Plumbing Regulations. (Controversy Over Them.) Bursting of Little Falls Reservoir. (Descrip- tion.) Remarkable Meeting of Headings on the Plumbing in Residence of Mr. W. F. Weld, New Croton Aqueduct. Brookline, Mass. (Six Illustrations.) Bound in cloth, with index, $3.00. Postage, 40 cents. THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD, No. 277 Pesrl Street, New York. Obtainable at London Office, 92 and 93 Fleet Street, for 15^. DEANE STEAM PUMP CO. HOLYOKE, MASS. MANUFACTURERS WATER-WORKS Pumping Engines CHADWICK LEAD WORKS. Nos. 176, 178, 1 80, 182 and 184 High St. (Fort Hill Sq.), BOSTON, MASS. Manufacturers of and Dealers in LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, TIN PIPE, SHEET TIN, TIN-LINED PIPE, RIBBON AND TAPE LEAD, GLAZIERS' LEAD, LANTERN- LEAD, MONUMENTAL LEAD (for pointing monuments, stone walls, etc.), LEAD WIRE, CAR SEALS AND WIRES, LEAD TRAPS AND BENDS, SOLDER, BABBITT AND BOX METALS, WHITE LEAD (dry and ground in oil) RED LEAD AND LITHARGE (for rubber manufacturers, potters, glass makers, etc.), PIG LEAD, PIG TIN, COPPER AND IRON PUMPS, IRON AND STEEL SINKS, Etc., Etc. Electric Cables and Wires covered with Lead, by our patent process, without injury to the most delicate insulation. Correspondence with Water- IVorks and. Ackers solicited. THE PRINCIPLES OF VENTILA TION AND HEA TING AND THEIR PRACTICAL APPLICATION. BY JOHN S. BILLINGS, M. D., LL.D. (Edinb.), Surgeon U. S. Army. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. This interesting and valuable series of papers, originally published in THE SANI- TARY ENGINEER, have been re-arranged and re- written, with the addition cf new matter. The volume is published in response to the general demand that these important papers should be issued in a more con- venient and permanent form, and also because almost all the reliable literature on this subject has been furnished by English Authors, and written with refer- ence to tke climate of England, which is more uniform and has a higher proportion of moisture. The need of a book based upon the conditions of the American cli- mate is therefore apparent. The following will indicate the charac- ter of the subject-matter : Expense of Ventilation Difference Be- tween "Perfect " and Ordinary Ventila- tion Relations of Carbonic Acid to the Subject Methods of Testing Ventilation. Heat, and some of the Laws which govern its Production and Communication Movementsof Heated Air Movements of Air in Flues Shapes and Sizes of Flues and Chimneys. Amount of Air-Supply Required Cubic Space. Methods of Heating: Stoves, Furnaces, Fire-Places, Steam, and Hot-water. Scheduling for Ventilation Plans Position of Flues and Registers Means of Removing Dust Moisture, and Plans for Supplying It. Patent Systems of Ventilation and Heating The Ruttan System Fire- Places Stoves. Chimney-Caps Ventilators Cowls Syphons Forms of Inlets. Ventilation of Halls of Audience Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church The Houses of Parliament The Hall of the House of Representatives. Theatres The Grand Opera-House at Vienna The Opera-House at Frankfort- on-the-Main The Metropolitan Opera- House, New York The Madison Square Theatre, New York The Criterion Theatre, London The Academy of Music, Baltimore. Schools. Ventilation of Hospitals St. Peters- burgh Hospital Hospitals for Conta- gious Diseases The Barnes Hospital The New York Hospital The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Forced Ventilation Aspirating-Shafts Gas-Jets Steam Heat for Aspiration Prof. Trowbridge's Formulae Application in the Library Building of Columbia Col- lege Ventilating-Fans Mixing-Valves. The book is free from unnecessary technicalities and is not burdened with scientific formulae. It is invaluable to Architects, Physi- cians, Builders, Plumbers, and those who contemplate building or remodeling their houses. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. Large 8vo. Handsomely Bound in Cloth. Price $3.00, Postage Paid. Address, BOOK DEPARTMENT, THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD, No. 277 Pearl Street, New York. OBTAINABLE AT LONDON OFFICE, 92 AND 93 FLEET STREET, FOR 15 SHILLINGS. Knowles Steam Pump -Works, BUILDERS OF STEAM 0R PUMPING MACHINERY POWER. FOR ALL DUTIES. DUPLEX. WATER-WORKS, PUMPING-ENGINES A SPECIALTY. Equal care given to the design of Engines, whether for large cities or small towns. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS : in AND 113 FEDERAL ST., 93 LIBERTY ST., BOSTON. NEW YORK. Send for Catalogue. EDSON'S PATEN! DIAPHRAGM FREE PIMPS. Used by Contractors, Sewer and Water Departments. ' d &O o I af en oj G 3 H oj > G O .2 ^ , m w g.S ^ CJ EDSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Blacksmiths, Machinists, and Brass Finishers, 123 Commercial Street, BOSTON, MASS., TJ. S. A. 4 'A merican o anitary Engineering. BY EDWARD S. PHILBRICK, C. E. Fully Illustrated with thitty-two Figures and Plans of Sewers and Reiver- Appliances, Ventilating and House-Draining Apparatus, etc. AMERICAN SANITARY ENGINEERING, by Edward, S. Philbrick, C. E., is written by a gentleman of great experience in planning sanitary works, and is especially adapted to the difficulties met with in constructing such works in climates of greatly varying temperatures. It contains a very careful summary, in brief compass, of the principles of city, suburban, and household sanitation. The subject of which it treats is generally recognized to be of steadily growing interest and importance, not only to the architect, engineer, and builder, but also to the general reader and house- holder, who has a vital concern in understanding the principles which secure health in his home. In this book has been presented for the first time in this country a resume of the entire subject in a clear and convenient form for professional and non-profes- sional men. Its value was promptly recognized and testified to by the public press, some of the notices of which we quote : OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. The great interests of health and life, the dan- gers which threaten both, and the means of pre- serving the one and prolonging the other, are treated in these lectures in a manner to attract public attention. There are no subjects of house- hold or municipal economy more pressing or im- portant than the ventilation and drainage of houses, the construction and ventilation of sewers, the drainage of towns, and other provisions for the sanitary interests of crowded cities and villages ; and Mr. Philbrick's experience as an engineer and an expert on many of these ques- tions especially qualifies him to treat them intelligently. Every householder and every builder will find in this volume suggestions of great value. Boston Daily Advertiser. A dozen lectures covering in a peculiarly sug- gestive and practical manner the subjects of ventilation, house and town drainage, sewerage, and the like. The matter is presented in a way well calculated to command attention from home- makers as well as house-builders and sanitary engineers. The methods and appliances recom- mended have been chosen for their fitness to meet the conditions of our climate, our modes of life, and more obvious sanitary needs. Scientific American. A useful contribution to the common-sense lit- erature of the day, and one which largely con- cerns the dwellers in our great municipalities, which are frequently managed on the reverse of sanitary principles. The Evening Mail. The Sanitary Engineer has just issued a little volume on the subject that will no doubt prove of interest to the people of all our large cities. It is a compilation of twelve lectures delivered be- fore the School of Industrial Science _at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1880, and contains many valuable hints that builders would do well to take advantage of. Neiu York Herald. Bound in cloth, $2.00. Postage paid. THE ENGINEERING AND BUILDING RECORD, No. 277 Pearl Street, New York. Obtainable at London Office. Q2 and 93 Fleet Street, for TOJ. This book consists of a series of lectures deliv- I ered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, in Boston. We are glad that the interest they awakened has led to their present publica- tion in connected form. Not merely sanitary engineers, but all householders and dwellers in houses who are concerned with the vital questions of ventilation and sewerage, will welcome this suggestive and instructive volume. Men do not wish to be left at the mercy of builders and plumbers ; yet too of ten they are helpless victims, because they do not know where to go for com- petent and disinterested opinions concerning rival methods and devices. The literature of the subject consists largely in puffs of patent con- trivances, proceeding from their inventors or vendors. Mr. Philbrick's opinions are free from this ground of suspicion, and are, moreover, based upon the condition of American society, which is not always the case with those of foreign authors. Engineering and Mining} xrnal. The Lectures on American Sanitary Engi- neering, recently delivered by Edward S. Phil- brick before ihe School of Industrial Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and printed in part in the Sanitary Engineer and the American Architect, have been published in a slim octavo volume from the office of the Sanitary Engineer, New York, with thirty illus- trations. These lectures furnish the reader, pro- fessional or unprofessional, with a very thorough and intelligent d'scussion of a very important subject. Boston Journal. The ventilation of buildings, the drainage of towns, and systems of sewerage receive much careful and thoughtful attention. Contains much valuable information, and should be in the hands of every householder. American Ma- chinist. Southwark Foundry & Machine Co., Washington Avenue and Fifth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PENN. ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS SOLE MAKERS OF Porter- Allen Automatic Engine. ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF COMPOUND CONDENSING DUPLEX PUMPING ENGINES, HYDRAULIC PRESSURE PUMPS, CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, BOILERS AND TANKS, BLOWING ENGINES, STEAM HAMMERS, REVERSING ENGINES, VERTICAL ENGINES, STEAM AND HYDRAULIC CRANES, ETC. INQUIRIES SOLICITED. THE WORTHINGTON HIGH-DUTY PUMPING-ENGINE For Water-Works Supply of Cities and Towns STAND-PIPE, RESERVOIR OR DIRECT PUMPING SYSTEM OVER 1OO,OOO,OOO DUTY GUARANTEED THE WORTHINGTON PUMPING - ENGINES now in use are supplying over Four Hundred Cities and Towns with water, and have an aggregate daily pumping capacity of more than FOURTEEN HUNDRED MILLION GALLONS . In Illustrated Pamphlet Fully Descriptive of the Worthington Steam Pumping-Engine will be Sent on Application HENRY R. 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