472 C33G3 GIFT F NATIONAL CITIZEN TRACT No. 1. WHO PLANNED CAMPAIGN OP OR ANNA ELLA CARROLL VS. ULYSSES S. GRANT : A FEW GENERALLY UNKNOWN FACTS IN REGARD TO OUR CIVIL WAR, BY MATILDA JOSLYN\QAGE. r.V c -f PREFACE. The author of this pamphlet has for many years been cognizant of the facts embodied in it, and also has personal acquaintance with Miss Carroll. Her attention was first called to Miss Carroll s vast work in 1873, at time of the annual Washington Convention of the National Womans Suffrage Association. At that time Miss Carroll sent copies of her memorial to the officers of the association, together with the following letter : "Mv DEAR MRS. GAGE, I yesterday sent to your hotel a copy of a pamphlet which has just been published in regard to my services to the country in the war of the rebellion. "This, as you will perceive, is not designed so much for the general reader as for Congress. And yet I think its entire peru sal may interest you inasmuch as it may serve in some degree to furnish evidence in behalf of the cause you so ably represent. " At this time, however, I would respectfully ask your attention to the letters of Hon. B. F. Wade, page 48 and 49 as giving a just conception of the merits of the case. "1 regret that a difficulty in hearing at the present time deprives me of the pleasure I should otherwise enjoy in listening to your address while in this city. With very high consideration, A. E. CARROLL. Washington, 706 i3th St., Jan i7th 73," This tract has been prepared by request of Mrs. Louisa South- worth of Ohio, who desires to scatter a knowledge of Miss Carroll s work widely over her State, and also to send the pamphlet to her friends abroad. The part headed "Anna Ella Carroll vs. Ulysses S. Grant," was my editorial in NATIONAL CITIZEN last November at time of Grant s return to this country, and is here reproduced as giving a general statement of the subject. The remainder of the tract elucidates this editorial and enables any one so desiring to examine the facts for themselves. A vast amount of proof exists, that I have not been able to use in the compass of this pamphlet. A short sketch of Miss Carroll is given, also a recent letter from Mr. Scott. ^f GIF? NATIONAL CITIZEN TRACT NO. 1, BY MATILDA JOSLYN GAGE. WHO FLAMED The Tennessee Campaign of 1862 ? A FEW GENERALLY UNKNOWN FACTS IN REGARD TO OUR CIVIL WAR. ANNA ELLA CARROLL vs. ULYSSES S. GRANT. After a most wonderful tour around the world in which he has been recognized as the most prominent man living, General Grant has returned to the United States, here to be again feted and honored. Senator Sharon, that man who for several years holding the responsible office of a Senator of the United Sates has never been seen in his seat until last winter, when to please a young daughter who wished an introduction to the gaieties of Washington, he for a short time took his place, has recently given a banquet in Grant s honor, which rivalled foreign ones. Two thousand five hundred people were transported twenty-six miles, by three trains of cars to Senator Sharon s country seat, said to be the largest and most palatial in the United States, and were entertained with music and flowers and the substantiate of a feast, and taking Grant by the hand, proud to say he was their countryman. Why was this ? Twenty years ago Grant was an unknown tanner in Galena. Twenty years ago not a thousand people had heard his name. It is far less time, indeed, than that, when being offered the command of a regiment he doubted his ability to control ten companies, and to-day he is at the summit of human fame, having gained his first reputation at Forts Henry and Donelson and Pillow and other points of the Tennessee cam paign, of which Vicksburg was the finality. The war had been M1562B7 "" :: : **: 2 *!*. ""*** * conducted by Greeley s "On to Richmond" cry, had met its Bull Run, and had fruitlessly beaten itself against the wooden guns of Manassas, under the foolish leadership of McClellan, while the north grew pale and fearful over this utter lack of military strategy. "Whence is our deliverance to come ?" was the cry of many a heart, the utterance of many a half-palsied tongue. But help was near when least expected, and from a quarter that none could have guessed. Anna Ella Carroll, a young girl of Maryland, full of a patriotic spirit which, first used upon its Gov ernor, kept Maryland within the Union, afterwards went to St. Louis to view the situation from that quarter. Here her bright wit taught her that from Charleston to Memphis lay the line of Southern strength, and that not Richmond, but the Tennessee River and all it commanded was the point to strike the fatal blow. She returned to Washington, drew up a plan of campaign from this basis, gave her reasons therefor, and accompanying it by a map fully illustrating her plan, sent it to the War Department at Washington, in November, 1861. The military men who exam ined it, saw at once that a military genius had arisen who would prove the salvation of the country. Miss Carroll s plan was adopted by the Secretary of War and his assistants. Grant was sent west to carry out her ideas, which were a triumphant success, bringing tears of joy to the eyes of her countrymen, and sending Grant s name to thousands of lips, while the cause of it all was silent and unknown. Unknown, I have called her ; she was known to the few, men the highest and most honored in the United States knew of her, and as all through the war she still sent in her campaign plans, the War Department still acted upon them, glad to work out the salvation of the country through this woman s brains. But look at the justice of man toward woman. When the war was over she asked for a pension. She had spent time and money as well as brains in her country s service. Grant was at this hour general of the army, and soon to be elected to the presidency. A long line of men, officers and privates, claimed their country s gratitude thousands and tens of thousands re ceived pensions for what they had done, and she, whose work had been an hundred-fold above all others, she, too, asked a pension. Her claim was supported by a long line of eminent 3 men, some of whom are dead, some of whom are living. Old Ben Wade, of stalwart abolition fame, Edwin M. Stanton and his assistant Secretary, Tom Scott, sustained her ; Abraham Lin coln, the martyred President, and Chief Justice Evans, of Texas, Hannibal Hamlin and dozens more of great and lesser note, have acknowledged the justice of her claim, and this testimony is all garnered up in voluminous reports from the Military Com mittee of various Congresses, and rests on the shelves of the libraries of the Senate and of the House of Representatives in Washington, free for the examination of any one. But to-day Ulysses S. Grant traverses the world, the guest of many a nation because of the victories he gained under this woman s direction, while Anna Ella Carroll, whose wisdom saw our country s needs at the hour of its extremest peril, whose genius planned and laid out the campaign which first brought us hope and victory, receives no recognition from those whom her wisdom saved ; and her country, though dealing out. with liberal hand pensions and back pensions to men incapable of planning and whose only virtue was that of fighting in the ranks, still denies to her the pension she asks. To fight lies in the power of most men, but it is only the great military geniuses of the world who can successfully plan. Alex ander and Hannibal and Caesar and Napoleon had good fighters under them, but these fighters were merely the parts of a machine, to do as they were bidden, and to conduce to results whose ways and means were beyond their powers. It is not to the man who fights that the results are mainly due, but to the one who plans. It is acknowledged by military men that to plan a successful campaign requires the highest order of military genius and power, far higher than that of the general who commands the army which follows out this plan. Judging by all the standards of military men throughout the world, in times past and to-day, there is not now existing in this country or in the world, a person possessed of the transcendant military genius of Anna Ella Carroll, of Maryland; and yet Grant, who merely followed her directions, is feted and honored, spoken of for a third term of the Presidency, for a perpetual General-in- chief-ship, as a forthcoming Dictator, while she, in unregarded solitude, seeks of Congress each year the simple recognition of a moderate pension for her services. And this is man s justice to woman. Hon. L. D. Evans, at that time Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas, some eight years ago, prepared a pamphlet, entitled, " The Material Bearing oft he Tennessee Campaign in 1862, upon the Destinies of Our Civil War." In a short preface, Judge Evans declared himself to be in full possession of the question ; that he had thoroughly investigated all data, official and otherwise, connected with Miss Carroll s claim ; that the facts and argument could by no possibility be successfully controverted. AUTHOR OF THE PLAN. In this pamphlet Judge Evans said, "All writers upon our civil war concede that the movement which transferred the National armies from Cairo and the northern part of Kentucky to their new base in northern Mississippi and Alabama, on the Memphis and Charleston railroad, was the decisive campaign of the war. It made the destruction of the " Southern Confederacy " in evitable. It sapped it to its foundation, and thenceforth, it decayed, grew ripe for destruction and smouldered to its fall. But, while there has been universal assent as to the vital im portance of the Tennessee campaign, it was not until the report of the Military Committee of the United States Senate, nine years after, that it became known to whom the merit of the plan belonged. This report establishes the fact, that on the 3oth of November, 1861, Miss Carroll, of Maryland, presented to the War Department at Washington, an elaborate plan for this cam paign, which was adopted by the administration, and there can be no doubt that future critical researches, by bringing more clearly to light the dangers which then hazarded the Union, will not only confirm this judgment, but will lift it to a place which belongs only to the most extraordinary strategic movements in ancient or modern warfare, and invest the author with an historic interest not heretofore conceived. MILITARY SITUATION. It is impossible to comprehend the tremendous importance of this plan without a knowledge of the military situation. 5 In the autumn of 61, the Confederate States had acquired an organization and consistency, strong enough to put in the field and maintain a military power too formidable to be overthrown by any power the National Government could bring against it, on any of the lines of operation known to the administration. If this rebel power could gain time to prepare for replenishing its warlike material by the creation of machine power, it was numerous enough and rich enough in intellectual and material resources to resist indefinitely, if not able to destroy the Union altogether. No blockade could so control its supplies of warlike material but what was ra pidly being supplemented by the energies of the people. Could the National armies, however, penetrate the central region so as to break up its internal lines of connection and, at the same time, disorganize its industrial system, the Con federacy would be geographically cut in two, and its ability to create resources for large armies forever destroyed." Judge Evans shows that no military plan known to the Govern ment could have saved the Union, as geographically considered, there was but one line which the National armies could take and maintain and that " was unthought of and unknown " until its plan was suggested by Miss Carroll. He further shows that at the time Miss Carroll proposed to the Government to abandon the Mississippi expedition, the war had been waged over six months, but with the exception of West Virginia the battle had been steadly against the Union, that the grand army of the Potomac was a mistake, the capture of Richmond possessing no material influence ; as in order for the National Government to maintain itself against the rebellion it was necessary for it to reach its center and deliver a blow upon its resources, the only avenue to reach this point being the Tennessee river. By taking that river, the Confederacy was cut in two from east to west, and a base secured in Mississippi and Alabama. " That river was navigable for gunboats to the foot of the muscle shoals in Ala bama, within hearing of the locomotives of the Memphis and Charleston railroad, the only complete bond of communication between the rebel armies of the east, and the rebel armies of the Mississippi Valley." "Miss Carroll," says Judge Evans, "had the genius to grasp the 6 situation and perceive that the fall of Richmond could not de stroy the rebellion, and the Mississippi could not be opened on its waters ; that the Government must seize a strategic position within the cotton States, and if a fatal blow could be inflicted, it must fall there." On the i2th of November, 1861, while still in St. Louis, Miss Carroll wrote to the Hon. Edward Bates at Washington, that from information gained by her, she believed the expedition would fail. She urged him to try and have this expedition directed instead, up the Tennessee river, as the true line of attack. Mr. Bates having been the member of the Cabinet who first suggested the gunboat expedition down the Mississippi, Miss Carroll s first suggestion to the Government of a change, was made through him. But she also dispatched a similar letter to Col. Thomas A. Scott, at that time Assistant Secretary of War. On the 3oth of November, (1861,) Miss Carroll laid her plan before, the War Department and soon had the satisfaction of seeing it adopted. MISS CARROLL S PLAN. The civil and military authorities seem to me to be laboring under a great mistake in regard to the true key of the war in the Southwest. It is not the Mississippi, but the Tennessee River. Now all the military preparations made in the west indicate that .the Mississippi River is the point to which the authorities are di recting their attention. On that river many battles must be fought and heavy risks incurred, before any impression can be made on the enemy, all of which could be avoided by using the Tennessee River. This river is navigable for medium-class boats to the foot of Muscle Shoals in Alabama, and is opened to navigation all the year, while the distance is but two hundred and fifty miles by the river from Paducah, on the Ohio. The Tennessee offers many ad vantages over the Mississippi. We should avoid the almost im pregnable batteries of the enemy, which cannot be taken without great danger and great risk of life to our forces, from the fact that our forces, if crippled, would fall a prey to the enemy by being swept by the current to him, and away from the relief of our friends. But even should we succeed, still we have only begun the war, for we shall then have to fight the country from whence the enemy derives his supplies. Now, an advance up the Tennessee River would avoid this danger; for, if our boats were crippled, they would drop back with the current and escape capture. But a still greater advantage would be its tendency to cut the enemy s lines in two, by reaching the Memphis and Charleston rail road, threatening Memphis, which lies one hundred miles due west, and no defensible point between ; also Nashville, only ninety miles northeast, and Florence and Tuscumbia in North Alabama, forty miles east. A movement in this direction would do more to relieve our friends in Kentucky, and inspire the loyal hearts in East Tennessee, than the possession of the whole of the Missis sippi River. If well executed, it would cause the evacuation of all those formidable fortifications on which the rebels ground their hopes for success ; and in the event bf our fleet attacking Mobile, the presence of our troops in the northern part of Alabama, would be material aid to the fleet. Again, the aid our forces would receive from the loyal men in Tennessee would enable them soon to crush the last traitor in that region, and the separation of the two extremes would do more than one hundred battles for the Union cause. The Tennessee river is crossed by the Memphis and Louisville railroad, and the Memphis and Nashville railroad. At Hamburg the river makes the big bend on the east, touching the northeast corner of Mississippi, entering the northwest corner of Alabama, forming an arc to the south, entering the State of Tennessee at the northeast corner of Alabama, and if it does not touch the northwest corner of Georgia, comes very near it. It is but eight miles from Hamburg to the Memphis and Charleston railroad, which goes through Tuscumbia, only two miles from the river, which it crosses at Decatur, thirty miles above, intersecting with the Nashville and Chattanooga road at Stephenson. The Ten nessee never has less than three feet to Hamburg, on the " shoal- est " bar, and during the fall, winter and spring months, there is always water for the largest boats that are used on the Mississippi river. It follows from the above facts, that in making the Missis sippi the key to the war in the West, or rather in overlooking the Tennessee river, the subject is not understood by the superiors in command. Being a civilian and above all, a woman, and knowing the preju dice existing against advice from such quarters, Miss Carroll, with self-sacrificing, patriotic spirit, refrained from signing her name to this plan when she sent it in to the War Department, though her letters of the same tenor, previously written to Hon. Mr. Bates and Col. Scott, bore her signature. The events of the Tennessee campaign proved exactly in ac cordance with Miss Carroll s predictions. The enemy s lines were cut in two, formidable fortifications were evacuated, and more was done for the Union "than one hundred battles" would have brought about. Judge Evans, having critically examined all the plans of gener- als, and every official document published by the War Department, bearing upon this point, and also every history written upon the war, finds that until Miss Carroll submitted her plan to the gov ernment, the idea of the Tennessee River as the true line of invasion had not occurred to any military mind. Col. Scott possessing a knowledge of the railroad facilities and connections of the South, unequaled perhaps by any other man in the country at that time, at once saw the vital importance and power of Miss Carroll s plan. He declared it to be the first clear solution of the difficult problem, and he was soon sent west by the War Department to assist in carrying it out in detail. His opinion of it is very clearly expressed in the following letter which he addressed to the Chairman of the Senate Military Com mittee, Hon. Jacob M. Howard, when after the close of the war, Miss Carroll memorialized the Government, to which she had been of such eminent service, for a pension. COL. THOMAS A. SCOTT S LETTER TO THE SENATE MILITARY COMMITTEE. Hon. Jacob M. Howard, United States Senate : "On or about the 3oth of November, 1861, Miss Carroll, as stated in her memorial, called on me as Assistant Secretary of War, and suggested the propriety of abandoning the expedition which was then preparing to descend the Mississippi river, and to adopt instead, the Tennessee river, and handed to me the plan of the campaign as appended to her memorial, which plan I sub mitted to the Secretary of War, and its general ideas were adopted. On my return from the south-west in 1862, I informed Miss Carroll, as she states in her memorial, that through the adoption of this plan, the country had been saved millions, and that it entitled her to the kind consideration of Congress. THOS A. SCOTT." The capture of Fort Henry was the first result of Miss Carroll s plan. With its fall, the enemy s center was pierced, the decisive point gained. Previous to this rebellion but fifteen decisive battles in the world s history had taken place, battles upon which the fate of nations depended and which had changed the course of the world s history. The capture of Fort Henry, the first fruit of Anna Ella Carroll s strategic brain was the sixteenth and most 9 memorable of such battles. It was not the fate of our nation alone which was at stake, but liberty itself; the future of all mankind depended upon the results of our civil war. At the commencement of the Tennessee Campaign it required $2,000,000 each day to support the army in the field, and Hon. Mr. Dawes, in a speech in the House while showing the vast ex pense to which the country was put, declared it was impossible for the United States to meet this state of things sixty days longer, that an ignominious peace was upon the country and at its very doors. Sixty days more of such warfare would not only have brought financial ruin but would also have induced foreign intervention. England and France were watching our struggle in hopes of our destruction, and a foreign war was imminent. Such was the condition of things at the time Miss Carroll s plan was adopted. The fall of Fort Henry opened the navigation of the Tennessee river. Its capture was soon followed by the evacuation of Columbus and Bowling Green. Fort Donelson was given up and its rebel garrison of 14,000 troops marched out as prisoners of war. Hope sprang up in the hearts of the people, and General Grant s name was heard for the first time. Pittsburgh Landing and Corinth soon followed the fate of the preceeding forts. President Lincoln declared the victory at Fort Henry to be of the utmost importance. North and South its influence was alike felt. Gen. Beauregard was himself conscious that this campaign sealed the fate of the "Southern Confederacy." The author of the plan of the Tennessee Campaign being then unknown, it was attributed to many different persons. A debate as to its origin took place in the House of Representatives Feb. 24, 1862, and in the Senate March i3th, the same year. By some it was ascribed to Lincoln himself ; by others to the Secretary of War. Dr. Draper in his "History of the Civil War," ascribes it to Gen. Halleck. Boynton in the " History of the Navy," gives Commodore Foote credit of the plan. Lossing s "Civil War/ credits it to the combined wisdom of Grant, Halleck and Foote. Badeon s "History of the Civil War," credits Gen. C. F. Smith. Abbott s " Civil War," credits Gen. Fremont. The success of the Tennessee campaign rendered foreign intervention impossible and taught their mistake to those enemies 10 who were anxiously watching for our country s downfall. Missouri was kept in the Union by its means, Tennessee and Kentucky were restored, the National armies were enabled to push to the gulf States and secure possession of all the great rivers and routes of internal communication through the heart of the Confederate territory. As the result of this campaign, President Lincoln on the loth of April, 1862, issued the following proclamation : " It has pleased Almighty God to vouchsafe signal victories to the land and naval forces engaged in suppressing an internal rebellion ; and at the same time to avert from our country the damages of foreign intervention and invasion." Hon. Benjamin F. Wade, who during the war was Chairman of the Committee on the conduct of the War, and during the last pe riod of his services, after the assassination of President Lincoln had elevated Andrew Johnson to the Presidency, was acting Vice-Pres ident and President of the Senate, was a friend of Miss Carroll. He addressed the following letter to her in 1869, just before the close of his last Congressional session : WASHINGTON, March i, 1869. Miss CARROLL : I cannot take leave of my public life without expressing my deep sense of your services to the country during the whole period of our National troubles. Although a citizen of a State almost unanimously disloyal and deeply sympathizing with secession, especially the wealthy and aristocratic class of her people, to which you belonged, yet, in the midst of such sur roundings, you emancipated your own slaves at a great sacrifice of personal interest, and with your powerful pen defended the cause of the Union and loyalty as ably and effectively as it has ever yet been defended. From my position on the Committee on the conduct of the War I know that some of the most successful expeditions of the war were suggested by you, among which I might instance the expedition up the Tennessee river. The powerful support you gave Governor Hicks during the darkest hour of your State s history, prompted him to take and maintain the stand he did, and thereby saved your State from secession and consequent ruin. All those things, as well as your unremitted labors in the cause of reconstruction, I doubt not, are well known and remembered by the members of Congress at that period. I also well know in what high estimation your services were held by President Lincoln ; and I cannot leave this subject with- 11 out sincerely hoping that the Government may yet confer on you some token of acknowledgment for all these services and sacrifices. Very sincerely, your friend, B. F. WADE. Hon. Cassius M. Clay, who was U. S. Minister to St. Peters burg during the crisis of our civil war, after returning home and becoming informed of Miss Carroll s extraordinary work, wrote her at different times in relation to that work. In a letter written Jan 24, 1873, from White Hall, Madison Co., Ky., he said : " I trust that whilst land, and rank, and pensions are allowed Union men, that the Union women who risked life and health, as well in the sanitary and in other departments, should share those similar rewards. Be that as it may, your case stands out unique for you tow ered above all our generals in military genius, and it would be a shame upon our country if you were not honored with the gratitude of all, and solid pecuniary reward. C. M. CLAY." Hon. Orestes H. Browning of Illinois, Senator during the war, and in confidential relations with President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton, wrote Miss Carroll in 1873, from Quincy, 111., saying: "During the progress of the war of the rebellion, from 1861 to 1865, I had frequent conversations with President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton in regard to the active and efficient part you had taken in behalf of the country, in all of which they ex pressed their admiration and gratitude for the patriotic and valuable services you had rendered the cause of the Union, and the hope that you would be adequately compensated by Congress." On the 28th of February, 1872, three years after his leaving public life, Judge Wade addressed .the following letter : To the Chairman of the Military Committee of the United States Senate : DEAR SIR. I have been requested to make a brief statement of what I can recollect concerning the claim of Miss Carroll, now before Congress. From my position as Chairman of the Com mittee on the conduct of the War, it came to my knowledge that the expedition that was preparing, under the special direction of President Lincoln, to descend the Mississippi river, was aban doned, and the Tennessee expedition was adopted by the Gov ernment in pursuance of information and a plan presented to the Secretary of War, I think in the latter part of November, 1861, by Miss Carroll. A copy of this plan was put in my hands im mediately after the fall of Forts Henry and Donelson. With the 12 knowledge of its author I interrogated witnesses before the committee to ascertain how far military men were cognizant of the fact. Subsequently President Lincoln informed me that the merit of this plan was due to Miss Carroll ; that the transfer of the armies from Cairo and the northern part of Kentucky to the Memphis and Charleston railroad was her conception and was afterwards carried out generally, and very much in detail, ac cording to her suggestions. Secretary Stanton also conversed with me on the matter, and fully recognized Miss Carroll s service to the Union in the organization of this campaign. In deed, both Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Stanton, the latter only a few weeks before his death, expressed to me their high appreciation of this service, and all the other services she was enabled to render the country by her influence and ability as a writer, and they both expressed the wish that the Government would reward her liberally for the same, in which wish I most fully concur. B. F. WADE. [Extracts from letters written by B.F.Wade to Miss Carroll at different periods.] JEFFERSON, OHIO, August 14, 1876. "I rejoice that you are to have the testimony in your case published by Congress, as I cannot but believf that Congress, when they have the facts properly before them will be shamed into doing you justice, though late. " I fully appreciate and deeply regret the injustice done you as though the case were my own. The country almost in her last extremity was saved by your sagacity and unremitted labor ; indeed your services were so great that it is hard to make the world believe it. Many have been most generously rewarded for services having no more proportion to yours than a mole hill to a mountain and that all this great work should be brought about by a woman is inconceivable to vulgar minds, but I hope and believe that justice will triumph at last. B. F. WADE." JEFFERSON, OHIO, Sept. 9, 1874. " This Congress may be mean enough to refuse to remunerate you for your services, but thank Heaven they cannot deprive you of the honor and consciousness of having done greater and more efficient services for the country in the time of her greatest peril than any other person in the Republic, and a knowledge of this cannot long be suppressed, though I do not underrate the mighty powers that may be arrayed against you. B. F. WADE." 13 JEFFERSON, O., October 3, 1876. " The truth is, your services were so great that they cannot be comprehended by the ordinary capacity of our public men, and then again your services were of such a character that they threw a shadow over the reputation of some of our would be great men. No doubt great pains has been taken in the business of trying to defeat you : but it has been an article of faith with me that truth and justice must ultimately triumph. Ever yours truly, B. F. WADE." [Letter from Reverdy Johnson.] WESTMINSTER PALACE HOTEL, LONDON, Nov. 29, 1875. My Dear Miss Carroll : I remember very well that you were the first to advise the campaign on the Tennessee River in Novem ber, 1861, this I have never heard doubted, and the great events which followed it demonstrated the value of your suggestions. That you will be recognized by our Government sooner or later I cannot doubt. Sincerely your friend, REVERDY JOHNSON. [Extract from Robert J. Walker s letter on Miss Carroll s "War Power Paper."] WASHINGTON, May 22, 1862. I regret I am without influence to serve you in the War Department, but Mr. Lincoln with whom I have conversed, has I know the highest appreciation of your services in this connec tion." [Extract of a letter from Gerritt Smith.] " Our country will be deeply dishonored if you, its wise and faithful and grandly useful servant, shall be left unpaid." With great regard, your friend, Peterboro, N. Y., May, 1874. GERRITT SMITH. [Extract of a letter from Salmon P. Chase, 1861.] " You have my grateful thanks for the great and patriotic services you have rendered and are still rendering the country in this crisis." I have the honor to be your friend and servant, S. P. CHASE. Prior to the preparation of this tract I addressed a letter to Col. Scott, saying that any information he could give me in re- u lation to Miss Carroll s claims would be most gladly received. I sent this letter to Miss Thompson of Philadelphia, that she might hand it herself to Col. Scott, who is a personal friend of her own. Miss Thompson unfortunately lost my letter, but herself wrote Col. Scott and obtained the following reply : No. 233 South Fourth St., ) PHILADELPHIA, March 29, 1880. (" My Dear Miss Thompson: I have your letter of March 25th in regard to Miss Carroll s matter, and beg to say in reply that I do not know whether the old papers are on file in the War De partment or not, I presume the only way to ascertain would be to apply to the Department direct. I have done all that I feel I can do in this matter, having given my evidence before the Committee in the most concise and direct form possible. I hope that Congress will do something for Miss Carroll, but with their present economical habits, I doubt very much whether they will. Hoping that the committee in charge of the matter may have success. I am, very truly yours THOMAS SCOTT. Miss M. A. THOMPSON, 114 N. nth St. SKETCH OF MISS CARROLL. Anna Ella Carroll is the daughter of Thomas King Carroll, for merly Governor of Maryland, and one of the best men that State ever produced. By descent and blood she belongs to one of the oldest families in the State, her ancestors having founded the city of Baltimore. Charles Carroll of Carrolton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was of the same family. When the war of the rebellion broke out, Maryland was claim ed by the South, and for a long time seemed wavering in the balance. But although Miss Carroll was the resident of a slave State, a member of that class which generally proved disloyal, and although she herself was a slave owner, she resolutely op posed all suggestions of dismemberment,, not only freeing her slaves without compulsion, but exerting her powerful influence against secession. Governor Hicks, of whose family she was an intimate friend, listened to her advice, enforced by both word 15 and pen, and despite the syren wooing of the South, in its plaint of . " Maryland, my Maryland," the influence of Miss Carroll preserved that State to the Union. Her services to the Government did not begin nor end with the plan of the Tennessee campaign. A powerful writer she early in the war prepared several strong papers, making many points clear upon which the nation was in doubt. In the sum mer of 1 86 1, she published a reply to the speech of Senator Breckenridge delivered during the July session of Congress. A large edition was circulated by the War Department as a war measure. The Government then desired her to write other pamphlets in aid of the Union, and particularly upon the power of the Government in the conduct of the war. Under this re quest she wrote a pamphlet entitled the " War Powers of the Government," which was accepted and its publication ordered in December, 1861. Her third pamphlet was entitled " The Rela tions of the Revolted Citizens to the National Government," and was written to meet the expressed views of President Lincoln, to whom it was directly submitted and approved by him. Since the close of the war, Miss Carroll spends her summers at her homestead in Maryland, but each winter is to be found in Washington where she is still engaged in the prosecution of her claims for a pension. In a conversation with Mr. Wade, Vice- President Wilson speaking of Miss Carroll s great services once said, " that the American people would cheerfully pay by contri bution boxes at cross-roads and Post-offices of the country," provided they were made aware of the fact. But during the war, all officials of the government were op posed to having it made known that the government was pro ceeding according to the advice and under the plan of a civilian, and that civilian a woman. Judge Wade at one time said, " I have sometimes reproached myself that I had not made known the author when they were discussing the resolution in Congress to find out, but Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Stanton were opposed to its being known that the armies were moving under the plan of a civilian, directed by the President as Commander-in-Chief. Mr. . Lincoln said it was that which made him hesitate to inaugurate the movement against the opinion of the military commanders and he did not wish to risk the effect it might have upon the armies if they found out some outside party had originated the 16 campaign; that he wanted the country and the armies to believe they were doing the whole business of saving the country." Judge Evans conversed with Col. Scott upon this subject, Scott urging the absolute necessity of Miss Carroll s making no claim to the campaign while the struggle continued. In the plenitude of her self-sacrificing patriotism, Miss Carroll remained obscurely in the back-ground, though the country was indebted to her for its salvation. While thousands of men have in the past years received thanks and rewards from the country for work done under her plan, she is still to-day, fifteen years after the close of the war left to struggle for recognition from that country, which is indebted to her for its very life. Had she not been a woman would she have met this injustice ? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 5Jan 53SS 9EC8 JAN 08 1993 DEC 08 1992 MAY 30 1954 INTER-LIBRARY RECEIVED MAR 2 7 67 -2 fin/! LOAM DEPT, LD 21-100m-7, 52(A2528sl6)476 SL- BERKELEY LIBRARIES M156287 .9 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY