UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA A TWO-ROOM BATHHOUSE FOR MEN AND WOMEN L. W. NEUBAUER' and H. L. BELTON 2 This plan is one of a series of labor-camp structures prepared to aid farmers in the selec- tion of suitable farm-labor housing during the war emergency, and at the same time to provide a semipermanent structure. It is simple in design, provides adequate floor space, and is well lighted and ventilated. When properly arranged in a camp group, it presents a neat appearance; moreover, it provides a structure which meets the requirements of the State Labor Housing and Sani- tation Act. Restrictions on Materials Farmers contemplating construction should fa- miliarize themselves with available local materi- als and should consult with county war boards and other Federal agencies to make certain they are conforming with regulations regarding the use of any critical materials involved. In some cases, the use of substitute materials may be necessary. Size and Arrangement The illustrations show a bathhouse, 16 x 24 feet in size, which provides accommodations for both men and women. The floor plan is divided into two equal areas, and shows laundry trays and three showers for each section. More may be added by placing the laundry trays at the end walls, relocating two windows, and moving the heater nearer the en- trance door. One shower head for each fifteen persons is required. Floor A sanitary floor is required; a curbed con- crete slab properly sloped for drainage is recom- mended (see floor profile and plan detail C) . A 4-inch concrete slab, consisting of a 1—21—4 mix, and laid on a gravel fill to elevate the finished floor about 8 inches above grade is recommended. The concrete should be well tamped into place and the surface edged true and given a smooth finish. Curing for several days with a layer of wet sand or straw is advisable. Bolts, -J- x 8 inches in size, and spaced at about 4-foot centers, should be imbedded in the concrete curb to anchor the wall sills. Framing The framing for walls and roof is 2 x 4 inch stock, with the studding and rafters placed on 2-foot centers. Bracing and bridging in the walls and ties, 4 feet apart across the ceiling line Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineer- ing and Assistant Agricultural Engineer in the Experiment Station. s Associate in Agricultural Engineering. (plan detail D) , with a 1 x 6 inch vertical stay from ridge to tie, should all be included to pro- vide rigid framing. Wall Exteriors The wall exteriors may be sheathed with one of the several styles of stock siding laid horizon- tally, or with 1 x 12 inch boards and battens placed vertically. Only dry material should be used for the exterior siding. Under war condi- tions very little dry lumber, suitable for siding, is available. Green lumber shrinks to such an ex- tent that it may be necessary to remove and re-lay it after one season of exposure. In order to avoid this situation, it is suggested that the ex- terior wall surfaces be sheathed horizontally with common 1x8 inch stock boards, or a common grade of shiplap. These surfaces may then be covered with a good grade of single-ply roll roofing laid vertically, with the joints and corners stripped with battens or lath. The lower grades of lumber are acceptable for this type of sheathing and such shrinkage as occurs may be corrected as far as tightness is concerned by subsequently surfac- ing the walls directly over the roll roofing. It is reasonable to assume that dry lumber of the pattern desired will be more readily available at a later date. The thinner less expensive types of siding not generally placed directly on the studded walls are suitable when applied over a tight-sheathed wall of this type. Roofing The roof surface should be tight-sheathed, and then may be covered with roofing paper, as is done on the walls. If possible, however, a more per- manent type of roofing material such as wood or composition shingles, galvanized iron sheets, or a heavy grade of roll roofing, should be applied. Windows, Doors, and Screens The windows are of the four-light, single- sash type; and are 2 feet 6 inches by 3 feet in size. A drop-in sash supported by wood shields, and a sliding type, are shown in plan details A and B_. Sash hinged at the bottom to open inward (supported by a chain) , or ordinary double-hung windows may also be used. Screens should be in- stalled on all windows. Standard full-panel or panel-and-glass doors may be installed, or home- built doors constructed. The screen doors may be of full-screen, or the panel-and-screen type. Interior Wall Surfaces No finish for the wall interiors is suggested at this time. If a more finished structure is desired for post-war use, the interiors may be sheathed with tongue-and-groove lumber, plain boards and battens, or wood or composition panels. [1] UNIVERS • , N ia COLLE(.l . ULTURE DAVIS • I Head Jamb Sill Head Jamb Sill Detail A Frame Construction Iffi Window height same as door with Drop-in Sash Detail B Concrete Floor Slab and Sliding Sash T ' — "=miit. 'Grade Mm nil ia Detail D _Plate & Rafter Connection Detail C Curbed Concrete Floor Slab _!>=" Grade 10' '="' Graver W=///=J//=J> 'i"7W» PLAN CONFORMS WITH LABOR CODE STATUTES I937,CHAP 90, P6 I8S APPROVED, DIVISION OF IMM^&RATI0NAMX,HOUSIN6, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 'gOg? /& &%T"cHIEF OATE Jcrjll4J4l W'MMmnmsMsM' University of California Division of Agricultural Engineering Branch of the College of agriculture University Farm — Davis, Cal. 3 ^ DETAILS*- LABOR CAMP STRUCTURES AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 20&L ■ H.LA t LVN TH.CED BY L\rt A ceiling should not be necessary with tight, smooth-surfaced, roof sheathing. Shower Partitions The partition wall should be framed to the roof and sheathed on two sides with 1x8 inch shiplap laid horizontally. The shower partitions attached to this wall may be of 2 x 4 inch fram- ing laid flatwise. The front studding is pinned to the concrete floor, the upper end held in po- sition with a cross tie placed at wall-plate height. The entire shower stall should be lined with a waterproof material such as plain or cor- rugated galvanized iron, plywood, pressed board, or asbestos-cement sheets. The partitions need not be over 6 feet high, with the lower ends 1 foot above the floor. Chimney A galvanized- iron chimney of stock design, lined with a 6-inch terra cotta flue, and equipped with metal brackets, cleanout plate, and roof cap, is recommended. Electric Wiring Electric wiring shall be exposed wire with knob and tube installation of a type which meets the minimum requirements of the Electrical Safety Orders of the California Industrial Accident Com- mission. Two ceiling lights controlled by wall switches are listed for each section. A conveni- ence plug located near the wash trays is also in- cluded in each room. Plumbing All plumbing work is to be in full accordance with local ordinances or the standard code drafted and sponsored by the Pacific Coast Plumb- ing Inspectors Association. Cement laundry trays and shower heads complete with faucets, valves, fittings, and traps, should be of simple standard design. The floor plan shows a hot-water heater and boiler which may be of optional type, accord- ing to the fuel available. Water-supply and dis- posal lines outside the building are not included in the estimate. A cesspool is recommended for sanitary disposal of waste water. Painting Two coats of a good grade of lead-and-oil paint are recommended for all exterior woodwork and shower partitions other than metal. When walls are finished with roofing paper and battens, only the trim requires paint. If rustic or other wood, exterior finish is used, it may all be pro- tected with paint. [3] Bill of Materials Concrete .... 35 sacks Portland cement 4 2/3 cu. yd. sand- 5k cu. yd. gravel (fill not included) Sills 4 pes. 2" x 4" — 16' 2 pes. 2" x 4-' — 14' Plates 12 pes. 2" x 4"— 16' Rails and headers ... 8 pes. 2" x 4"_l6' Ties 4 pes. 2" x 4"— 16' Braces 10 pes. 2" x 4"— 10' Studding .... 70 pes. 2" x 4"— 8' Rafters 26 pes. 2" x 4"— 10' Ridgepole ... 2 pes. 1" x 6" — 12' Stays 1 pc. 1" x 6" — 14' Fascia-gable ends 4 pes. 2" * 4" — 10' Wall sheathing . 900 bd. ft-. 1" x 8" shiplap (l) Roll roofing for walls . . 8 rolls 1-ply roofing (2) Battens (or wood lath) .... 300 lin. ft. 3/8"x i±»« strips(3) Roof sheathing . 600 bd . ft. 1" x 8" shiplap Roofing 5 squares, or 20 bundles of shingles (4) Ridge boards . . 2 pes. 1" x 4"— 12' 2 pes. 1" x 4»— 14' ( 5) Partition sheath- ing 400 bd. ft. 1" x 8" shiplap Shower partitions 15 pes. 2" x 4" 8' Shower sheathing 200 sq. ft. 4' x 5' waterproof panels (no allowance for waste) 168 sq. ft. 4' x 6' waterproof panels (see discussion under "Shower Partitions") Shower doors (boards and cleats) 10 pes. 1" x 8"— 10' shiplap Shower door jambs 4 pes. 2" x 4" — 5' Windows .... 6 only, 2'6"x 3'0"xlg", 4-lt. sash, glazed; sill and trim as per detail Screens .... 6 window screens for above windows, screen size and trim dependent on detail used Doors 2 only, 2'8"x 6'8"xlg" stock panel doors 2 only, 2'8" x6'8"xl 1/8" panel-and-screen doors; trim and stops as per detail Nails and hardware ... 42 lbs. 8d common wire nails 14 lbs. 20d common wire nails 20 lbs. 3d galv. nails for shingles (6) 2 lbs. 3d common wire nails for battens (7) 1 lb. each, 6d and 8d finishing nails for trim 20 only, g" x 8" carriage bolts for sills 6 only 3/8" x 7" carriage bolts for shower door jambs 2 prs. 3" x 3" loose-pin butts 2 common rim locks 2 prs. screen-door spring hinges 2 screen-door pulls and catches 6 sash catches for windows 6 prs. window-screen hangers 6 only, 2" hooks and eyes Paint .... Electric wiring Plumbing 3 qts. paint, color as desired, for trim 170 ft. no. 14 insulated cop- per wire , with porcelain knobs (40) and tubes (30) 1 only, 30-amp. fused utility switch 2 only, 15-amp. fuses 4 porcelain screw receptacles 2 single-pole switches, with boxes and covers 2 duplex receptacles, with boxes and covers 10 ft. nonmetallic loom 2 only, two -compartment cement laundry trays 2 sets mixing faucets and cast- iron wall trap assemblies 6 utility showers with mixing valves and fittings (Heater and boiler not estimated) 70 ft. of g" galv. iron pipe with fittings 14 ft. of 2" galv. iron pipe for laundry drain, with fittings Rough Summary of Materials 2,050 bd. ft. lumber less than 2" thick 1,050 bd. ft. lumber, 2" and thicker 80 lbs. nails Electric equipment, including 2.2 lbs. (net) copper wire $10.00 Hardware 5 . 00 Portland cement 24.00 Plumbing 6 5. 00 Waterproof shower partitions .... $30.00 Cost The approximate cost of this bathhouse complete, including labor, will be about $725 according to the price range of materials and labor. Alternate Construction If rustic siding is desired in place of shiplap and paper, deduct items 1, 2,3 and 7 from materi- als list, and add: 900 bd. ft. 1" stock rustic, pattern as desired 2g gal. paint g gal. linseed oil 1 qt . turpentine If roll roofing is desired, deduct items 4, 5, and 6 from materials list, and add: 5 rolls 3-ply roofing paper Summary If alternate construction is used, the critical materials listed as additions to, or deductions from, the original list should be corrected in the rough summary of materials. [4] 5m-6,' 43 (6743b)