D i v i $ i on o f A gri cultural F CALIFORNIA °^U ■ PRODUCTION OF GREEN LI FOR FREEZ ii?iii«iiii ■ :; ,;, Ife. I A. H . HOLLAND j. B. KENDRICK, JR. w. harry lange, jr. john h. mac gillivray CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL nt St a tion iw / .*¥ PRODUCTION "FROZEN GREEN LIMAS" — Everywhere in the country they are the housewife's first choice of vegetable. Conveniently packed, of top quality, they are on the market all year long, within arm's reach in the lighted "deep-freeze" of any good grocery. Grown and dried by the Indians as an essential food before the discovery of America, lima beans are today processed green under contract to freezers to the value of over four million dollars in California alone (and al- most eleven million in the United States). CALIFORNIA OFFERS excellent climatic conditions for production of this crop, especially along the coast in the south. A good yield of Fordhook limas is 3,000 to 4,000 pounds per acre; baby limas run 20 to 25 per cent less. GROWERS AND PROCESSORS will get a clear picture of proper production and harvesting practices in this circular. THE AUTHORS: A. H. Holland is University of California Farm Advisor in Orange County; W. H. Lange, Jr., is Associate Professor of Entomology and Associate Entomologist in the Ex- periment Station; J. B. Kendrick, Jr., is Assistant Plant Pathologist in the Citrus Experi- ment Station; John H. MacGillivray is Professor of Vegetable Crops and Olericulturist in the Experiment Station. MAY 1953 GREEN LIMA BEANS FOR FREEZING A. H. HOLLAND W. HARRY LANGE, JR. J. B. KENDRICK, JR. JOHN H. MAC GILLIVRAY Green limas for freezing have become an important crop during the last five years both in California and in the United States. Although at first limas were grown only for the fresh market, there is now a greater volume of processed beans than that sold fresh. Lima beans are of American origin, and evidence indicates that they have been grown in and near the tropics since prehistoric times. Peru was once considered their original home, but recent studies place it in the highlands of Guatemala, in Central America. From here they spread north to southern and southeastern United States; south into South America; and east to the islands of the Caribbean Sea. American settlers were growing baby limas about 1700 and the large, white lima about 1830. For many years these beans were used in the dry state, but the use of lima beans at the green stage of maturity has been steadily increasing. The first production of processed green beans was of the baby or Henderson type for canning, in New Jersey in 1905. The Seabrook Farms Company of New Jersey froze baby lima beans in 1931. California Consumers Corporation began experimental packs of Fordhook limas in 1936 and 1937. During the 1938 season they processed about one-half million pounds. THE VARIETIES . . . two are first in importance for commercial growers The two most important varieties are plant growth. Both bush and vining types Henderson and Fordhook. Henderson have been used for green baby limas, was discovered as a chance plant about while production of large-seeded green 1883 in Virginia and was grown in that limas is confined to the bush types. Sev- area until 1885, when it became the prop- eral varieties having intermediate-sized erty of T. W. Woods and Sons; they sold seed are referred to as baby potato lima the variety to the Peter Henderson Com- beans. Varieties with a larger and flatter pany in 1887. This company named the type of seed than Fordhook are called variety and introduced the seed to the large or standard limas; they are not used trade 2 years later. for commercial freezing. The Fordhook variety was discovered Most commercial production is with in a field of Challenger pole limas in the Henderson and Fordhook types of 1903 in Santa Barbara County, Cali- lima beans, fornia. W. Atlee Burpee Seed Company developed this variety and introduced it "o&y limcis to the seed trade in 1907. Henderson is characterized by small Considerable variation is shown in the size, dark green color, erect, bushy several varieties in seed and pod size and growth, and early maturity. Pods are [3] about 2% inches long and % inch wide, and they contain 3 or 4 flat, oval beans. There are 70 dry seeds per ounce. The seeds are white when mature and dry. Some Henderson strains have mature, dry seed with green cotyledons. Green- seeded Henderson, Clark's Bush, Can- green, and Thorogreen are similar strains of this type. Vine types. Wilbur and Westan are grown in the central valleys of California for dry beans. In the past they have been used to some extent for frozen beans and are likely to be used whenever the supply of green-seeded Henderson is inadequate. The Wilbur variety is preferred for freez- ing, but the Westan is nematode-tolerant. Sieva is also a vining type of baby lima. Large-seeded limas Fordhook is the large-seeded potato lima type. The plant is a large bush, up- right, sensitive to climatic conditions, but highly productive in a good environment. Pods are straight, 4 inches long and 1 inch wide, with fibrous walls, and con- tain 3 or 4 large, thick, oval beans of excellent quality. Dry beans are white with a tinge of green, and there are 20 seeds per ounce. Fordhook types are not vined as easily as the Henderson types, but mechanical shelling has become common in recent years. Concentrated Fordhook is used commonly in coastal areas; and U. S. 242, another Fordhook type, is used in Stanislaus County. It appears to be the best-yielding variety under warm-temper- ature conditions. Other varieties include U. S. 243 (Peerless), smaller than Fordhook, with 40 dry beans per ounce. Intermediate types between baby and Fordhooks as to thickness of beans are Baby Potato, Baby Fordhook, Evergeen, and Triumph. Chal- lenger is a vining type of Fordhook. WHAT CARE DO THEY NEED? . . . here are the practices that produce good crops Lima beans are a warm-season crop that thrives in moderate temperatures and relatively high humidity. Small- seeded or baby limas are less critical in these requirements than the large-seeded or Fordhook varieties. Both types are in- jured by frost. High temperatures are harmful to pod set and maturity. Good yields depend on profuse blooming and setting in a short period. Under such con- ditions a large percentage of the green beans may be harvested at one time. Moderately cool temperatures are helpful to obtain a heavy pod set and to slow maturity of the beans in the pods. Although the south coastal climate is probably best suited for fruit set and maturing of beans, higher soil tempera- tures at planting time would be beneficial. Average monthly temperatures below 50 to 55° F. are not conducive to good growth. Temperatures from 60° to 80° F. are found generally in areas producing green or dry limas of both types. The requirements for Fordhook limas seem to be 60° to 70° F. with some pro- duction in areas as high as 75° F. for average monthly temperatures. On large- seeded varieties daily temperatures above 90° to 95° F. may cause blooms and young pods to drop. A moderately high humidity also seems more essential for the large-seeded types. Commercial production has been most successful when the beans are grown in fields with deep, highly fertile soils. Loam soils 6 feet or more deep and free from alkali are some of the best. Crop rotations On the better southern California soils dry lima beans have been produced for 20 to 40 years with little or no de- crease in yield. This indicates that the [4] soil is left in good condition after crop- ping. Lima beans for green harvest oc- cupy the soil for only about 3^ months. They are grown in the summer months, and cool-season crops may be produced the rest of the year — green sprouting broccoli, lettuce, peas, celery, and others. Preparing land for planting Residues of previous crops, evenness of land surface, soil type, moisture con- ditions — these all affect the operator's land-preparation practices. Lima beans are almost always planted in the spring, but land preparation may begin in the fall if no winter or spring harvested crops are grown. Fall plowing or sub- soiling is common. Land leveling or grading is also normally done before win- ter rains. Irrigating a month or two be- fore planting is common in some areas where winter rainfall is frequently in- adequate. Spring-tooth harrowing and swede or drag harrowing should be done several times in spring. Chiseling 6 to 8 inches deep once or twice is done on heavier soils in some areas. Soil fumigation for control of root-knot nematode is often done several days before planting. A deep, well-worked seedbed is desirable. Soil at planting time needs to be loose, well pulverized, and dry on the surface, underlaid by a moist, warm soil at the depth the seed is to be dropped. Planting is sometimes difficult if the soil is not deeply tilled. Fertilization In southern California lima beans grown for green harvest are often fer- tilized. In other areas of the state the practice is not common. Livestock and poultry manures broadcast in the fall ap- pear to be beneficial. Rates of application often vary from 300 to 1,000 cu. ft. per acre. Commercial nitrogen fertilizers have proved their value on many soils. Am- monium sulphate, ammonia gas, and other nitrogenous fertilizers are also good when applied before planting. Nitrog- enous fertilizers applied in the irriga- tion water when the crop is about one- half grown are believed to help maintain the pods and fruit in a succulent condi- tion for a longer time. Phosphate ferti- lizers may be beneficial on some soils. One grower drills bands of phosphate fertilizer into the soil, then lists ridges over them. He then pre-irrigates his field, cultivates, and plants his beans on the ridges over the bands of fertilizer. This practice seems well worth while where a soil may be deficient in phosphates. Fertilizer is often needed on lighter soils, while many deep fertile soils pro- duce maximum yields without fertiliza- tion. Nitrogen from commercial fertiliz- ers may vary from none up to a total of 150 lb. or more per acre applied during the season. Inoculation of seed For a discussion of selection of seed see page 19, under Harvesting Practices. Lima-bean seeds are seldom inoculated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, as most soils seem to be adequately supplied with them. Some fields have shown evidence of poor nodulation on the plants; this is thought to be due to some improper en- vironmental condition which prevents their increase. On fields newly planted to lima beans it might be helpful to inocu- late seed. Group III of Rhizobium phaseoli is the proper bacterium to use, the same as is found on cowpeas and peanuts. Time of planting From about April 15 to mid- June in southern California and May 10 into July in central California is the time to plant green lima beans for processing. Minimum soil temperature for germina- tion is about 65°, optimum 85° F. Areas south of Los Angeles can be planted 10 days to 3 weeks earlier than northern 5] districts. The best growing areas usually have soil temperatures at planting time that are not optimum for seed germina- tion. High soil moisture is conducive to most rapid germination. Late planting may result in lowered production and a longer than normal growing period. Early planting may also result in a long growing period, but yields may not necessarily be low. How long do they take to mature? Temperature conditions during the germination period and growing season are the principal factors in determining the length of time from planting to har- vest. Cool temperatures slow seed germi- nation and plant maturity. Fields near the coast will usually re- quire a longer growing period than those in warmer areas. Parts of fields affected by alkali, nematode, or root-rot damage often mature earlier than normal. Un- even maturity of a field may necessitate early harvest, with resultant low yields. Most lima bean fields are harvested 90 to 100 days after planting. However, some have been harvested in less than 90 days, and some early-planted fields may take up to 110 days. Baby-lima varieties will usually mature a few days earlier than Fordhooks. Yields A good yield of Fordhook limas is 3,000 to 4,000 lb. of shelled beans per acre. Under adverse conditions the crop may be so small it is not worth harvesting. Exceptional yields of over 6,000 lb. have been attained. Yields per acre of baby limas are generally 20 to 25 per cent less than Fordhooks. Where both dry and green limas are grown in one area, relative yield from the two types will be of interest. The average acre production figures of standard large-seeded limas and green Fordhook limas are available for the years 1947- 1950 from Orange and Ventura counties. These averages are 1,798 pounds for the dry large limas and 2,980 pounds for the green Fordhook limas. Average yields for baby limas grown in Stanislaus County for 1947-1950 were 2,047 pounds per acre for dry beans and 2,684 for green beans. Studies have been made in the state on baby and Fordhook limas where dry and green yields were obtained in the same field. In some cases there has been a larger production of dry beans, and in others the ratios of green to dry have been as high as 3 to 1. Several factors affect these relative yields. The green beans are harvested when they contain from 65 to 70 per cent water, while the dry beans frequently contain less than 10 per cent water, thus making for greater green lima bean yields. On the contrary, if there is a poor concentration of set only a small num- ber of green mature pods are ready for harvest at any one time, while if har- vested dry, all beans which set are al- lowed to mature. Seeding rate, plant spacing, and row spacing A Ventura pickup-type planter is used for lima beans. Plate-type planters are not satisfactory for limas, as they crack and damage many seeds. Eight-row planters are generally used on large fields. Four-row planters are common and convenient for operators of smaller plantings. Row spacing in most plantings is about 30 inches. Some fields are planted with row spacings of 24 inches. Occasionally growers plant with alternate wide and close row spacings such as 24 inches and 30 inches. Since baby lima bean plants are smaller than large-seeded limas it would seem logical to space the rows closer. Close spacing of plants in the rows has been demonstrated to be desirable. Spac- ing trials have shown that plants spaced 4 to 6 inches produce higher yields than wider spacings. Spacing has shown no [6] Plant on the left shows concentration of set; plant at right has pods of different maturities. Con- centration of set is essential for high yields. Leaves have been removed from both plants. effect on the percentage of white or over- mature beans. To obtain an average plant spacing of 4 inches in rows spaced 30 inches will take about 140 pounds per acre of nor- mal-sized Fordhook seeds if 80 per cent grow. (An 80 per cent stand is about as much as can be expected under most planting conditions; often less than 70 per cent develop into mature plants.) Similar row spacing for baby limas would need 58 pounds of seed per acre. Field tests have demonstrated that lab- oratory germination percentages will usu- ally show higher than the percentage sur- vival of plants in the field. This means that if you expect 70 per cent of your seed to develop into plants, it should have a laboratory germination of more than 70 per cent. The amount of seed used per acre depends upon the practices of the area, but the range of 55 to 70 pounds for baby limas and 100 to 150 pounds of Fordhook is usual. Planting depth varies between 1% and 4 inches. Soil moisture, soil type, and temperature affect planting depth with shallow planting in moist, cool soils. Weed control and tillage After planting, tillage is primarily for weed control and to provide irrigation furrows. This is accomplished by culti- vating first with sweeps shortly after the plants have emerged. Adjust the sweeps so that an inch or more of dry soil is thrown about the base of the plants. This covers and destroys many small weed seedlings. Two cultivations are generally made, the second being made 2 or 3 weeks after the first. Fields are usually hoed once, but if very weedy they are hoed 2 or 3 times. Irrigation A good seedbed should have the soil thoroughly wet to a depth of at least 4 feet or more before lima beans are planted. This is usually accomplished by winter rains, but where rains are inade- quate it is common to irrigate a month or two before planting, depending also on [7 2' 4' 5' This is a drawing of the root systems of Fordhook lima bean plants in sandy soil. Note that some roots go as deep as six feet into the soil. previous cropping practices. Some sum- lima beans are planted following an irri- mer crops grown previous to planting the gated winter vegetable the soil will usu- limas may dry the soil to a depth of 6 ft. ally be wet deep but may need a light or more. When this happens, winter rains irrigation to wet the surface before may not wet the soil deeply enough. If planting. [8] After planting, no irrigation is made for 40 to 60 days. The number of irriga- tions needed is dependent upon the soil type and evaporation conditions. Some fields on heavy soil near the coast need only 1 or 2 light irrigations. Sandy fields in the warm interior may be irrigated every 10 days, once it is begun. An irri- gation is usually made about 10 days before the expected harvest date. This is thought to keep the older pods from ma- turing so rapidly. Irrigation by sprinkling has been prac- ticed successfully, but furrow irrigation is most common. In southern California many furrow-irrigated fields are irri- gated only between every other row. The amount of irrigation water used to grow a crop of green lima beans depends much upon the number of irrigations. Nor- mally 6 inches or more are applied when an irrigation is made before planting. Later 2 to 4 inches are applied each time. Root distribution. The root systems of Fordhook lima beans were excavated at Davis from a loose, sandy loam, and roots were found to a depth of slightly over 6 feet. The root system was fibrous, thoroughly penetrating the soil, and oc- curred in abundance in the top 4 feet. Shallow soils or those with hardpan will limit the root growth of lima beans. DISEASES AND PESTS . . . may give trouble but most are controllable Diseases Diseases affecting lima beans fall into four groups: seed and seedling decays, root rots, foliage blights, and virus dis- eases. The first two are by far the most important in California. Seed and seedling decays are caused by species of Pythium, Fusarium, and Rhizoctonia. These fungi persist in the soil for many years, and when envi- ronmental conditions are favorable they can become destructive. In cool soils Pythiwm species are primarily responsi- ble for seed decay, and in warm soils Rhizoctonia and Fusarium cause this type of damage. Since most plantings of lima beans take place in soils considerably below the most favorable temperature for germination (86° F.), Pythium species, mainly P. ultimum, are largely respon- sible for seed decay. A seed protectant to combat decay is necessary because Pythium and Rhizoc- tonia are almost universally present in soils planted to lima beans. The two widely used and effective seed protec- tants are Spergon and thiram (such as Arasan) . Spergon is used from 3 to 4 oz. per 100 lb. of seed when dusted on the seed, and at 2 oz. per 100 lb. of seed when used in a slurry treater. Thiram is used at 1% oz. of 75 per cent material per 100 lb. of seed in a slurry treater and is not usually used as a dust seed treat- ment on beans. Never plant lima bean seed without fungicidal seed treatment. It must be em- phasized that this treatment protects only the seed and not the developing seedling. In areas where insects damage germi- nating seeds lindane can be used with the fungicides to control seed-decaying organisms and protect seeds from wire- worms and seed-corn maggots. This com- bination treatment is discussed under the section on "Insects," page 12. Since under field conditions the use of lindane or other insecticides by themselves causes an increase in seed decay and lowering of stands, it is always necessary, particu- larly with the larger types of beans, to use a fungicide in combination with an insecticide. This means that the chemi- cals in this combination treatment are [9] best applied as slurries or by other meth- ods of firmly sticking them to the seeds. Under unfavorable conditions for ger- mination, particularly in cool, wet soils, the lima bean is often attacked by Pyth- ium ultimum, an organism favored by these conditions and living in the soil. The shoot is invaded and killed as the bean plant is growing through the soil. The invaded shoot dries to a light tan color and often adheres to the cotyledons. The resulting seedling often grows with- out a terminal shoot and resembles the injury caused by the seed-corn maggot, which produces baldheads. Thiram and Spergon seed treatments aid in control- ling this disease; however, serious losses can be avoided by seeding in soils warm enough to insure rapid germination. Root rots of lima bean are caused by one or more of four soil-inhabiting pathogens. Rhizoctonia root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani is probably the most common root rot of lima beans in southern California. This organism in- vades the below-ground portion of the main root (hypocotyl) . It produces a dry, sunken oval lesion, which in time expands in all directions until the root is com- pletely girdled and rendered useless. Lateral rootlets are not extensively harmed. The color of the lesion is dis- tinctly brick red, and often there is a sug- gestion of concentric circles present within the decayed portion. Rhizoctonia may invade the plant any time during its growth but causes more destruction when this occurs during the first 6- to 8-week period. When the plant approaches maturity and some pods lie on the soil surface, it is not uncommon to have pod infection, which may result in seed infection. Loss from this is usually not extensive; the major loss occurs from early hypocotyl infections, which pro- duce stunted plants with few pods or even death of the plant in some instances. Soil-temperature studies indicate vari- ability in the occurrence of this disease, due to the presence of a number of strains of the fungus differing in their require- ments for the most favorable temperature for growth. In Ventura County, where strain variation is negligible, it was found that the incidence and severity of Rhizoctonia root rot increased with in- creasing soil temperature. In other areas, Orange County and the Coachella Valley where strain variability was more pro- nounced, the disease occurs over a wider temperature range. Fusarium root rot caused by Fusarium solani f. phaseoli, less common in south- ern California, is characterized by rot of the hypocotyls and the lateral root- lets. The invasion of the hypocotyl is not sharply defined as in the case of Rhizoctonia, and a wet, reddish-brown lesion often involves the entire root. Early infections are characterized by elongated reddish streaks. There is a no- ticeable reduction of smaller roots caused by the decay. Infected plants are stunted and low yielders. Black root rot, caused by Thielaviopsis basicola, is not common in southern Cali- fornia. When it occurs, it produces black, elongated lesions on the hypocotyl and a certain amount of destruction of the smaller lateral roots. Pythium root rot caused by Pythium ultimum, the same organism principally responsible for seed decay and the seed- ling shoot rot, is the least destructive as a root rot of the four root pathogens. The organism invades only the lateral roots and is most active in the early stages of bean growth. The invaded rootlets be- come water-soaked, collapse, and slough off, often leaving no evidence of infec- tion except a reduction in the quantity of small roots. The soil-borne organism Sclerotium roljsii may, in a few instances, cause con- siderable damage to lima beans by pro- ducing a root and stem decay. This or- ganism causes a wet, dark red to brown lesion, often completely girdling the hy- pocotyl. Sclerotia, tight masses of fungus mycelium resembling mustard seed in [10] size and appearance, are sometimes found associated with these lesions or in the soil adjacent to infected plants. The dis- ease is favored by warm soil tempera- tures, hence is seldom noticed on plant- ings of the Fordhook lima, which are planted in more temperate regions. In areas where lima beans are planted along with sugar beets or in fields for- merly cropped to sugar beets, this dis- ease is apt to occur during warm periods. Sugar beets often serve to introduce the organism into new, previously uninfested areas. Fields known to be infested with this organism should not be planted to lima beans for a period of 4 to 5 years after a susceptible crop, notably sugar beets, has been grown there. No economical chemical soil treatment is available at present for control of these root rots. Some success in overcoming the serious aspects of these diseases has been had by taking advantage of the bean plant's ability to produce new roots above the areas of root decay. Moisture is pro- vided by irrigation, to wet the soil in the region of the hypocotyl. With production of new roots and increasing maturity of the plant, damage from early invasions by the pathogens is somewhat overcome. Root-rot-resistant varieties are being de- veloped. Pythium wilt is a disease caused by Pythium aphanidermatum, which attacks the plants as they approach maturity. The organism invades the stem at the soil level and progresses upward into the plant instead of down into the root, as usually occurs with this group of organ- isms. The affected plant exhibits a dry tan decay and disintegration of the main stem and nearby lateral branches, result- ing in a rapid wilting of the whole plant. Pythium wilt is most common on the baby lima types and is rarely seen on the Fordhook and other large-seeded types. The disease is usually found only in areas of the field where the ridges are low, allowing water to stand around the base of the plants. By providing adequate drainage for the runoff of water the dis- ease is easily controlled. Foliage blights, in general, include diseases affecting the above-ground plant parts. California's lima bean production area is particularly unfavorable for the development of most of these diseases. In fact one of the most important assets of California-grown seed is that it is free from the seed-borne organisms of bac- terial spot (Bacterium vignae) , Diapor- the pod blight (Diaporthe phaseolorum) , and Anthracnose {Colletotrichum trun- catujn) . These diseases occur in areas where rainfall is present during the grow- ing season. Lima bean scab, caused by Elsinoe phaseoli, has not been reported in this country but is known to occur in the West Indies and Central America. All of these diseases attack leaves, stems, and pods, causing destruction of tissue to the extent that the plants are sometimes killed. Downy mildew, caused by Phytoph- thora phaseoli, has been reported as oc- curring in California. These reports are unverified, and it is doubtful that the disease is found here. The frequent rains and humid, cool nights necessary for its development rarely occur during the growing season in California. Rust of lima beans, caused by Uro- myces phaseoli typica, is a rare disease in the United States, causing little or no damage. The superficial reddening and russeting of leaves that occurs regularly in most bean fields has been incorrectly called rust by growers, but it is not of parasitic cause. Powdery mildew, caused by Erysiphe polygoui and other species, sometimes occurs on lima beans, causing little or no damage. Gray mold of lima beans, caused by Botrytis cineria, occurs at times in plant- ings approaching maturity near the coast, where there is abundant plant growth and excessive humidity from heavy irriga- tions and foggy weather for several suc- cessive weeks. With the exception of bios- [in soms, which may be invaded directly by germinating spores, lesions originate on any part of the plant in contact with Botrytis-contaminated plant debris, or where an infected blossom is lodged. Lesions on leaves and pods are at first water-soaked or translucent, often with concentric rings of darker greenish-gray tissue, which soon becomes flaccid and slimy. Sporulation occurs freely under highly humid conditions, giving a gray- ish cast to the affected parts. On infected stems, longitudinal brown streaks with the fungus fruiting on lesions are fre- quent. Occasionally, if the organism girdles the stem the terminal portion of the plant wilts and collapses. Control is in avoiding late, extensive ir- rigation, especially during foggy weather, if the vine growth is dense. Spacing rows closer than 30 inches, when fertility levels are high, favors the development of the disease because it permits the mainte- nance of high humidity. Fungicidal con- trol of gray mold is not practical because of the sporadic nature of its occurrence and the extreme difficulty of applying materials so that affected parts are treated. Dense growth of vines prevents adequate dusting, but favors the disease development; less dense growth would permit better dust coverage, but it also discourages the disease. The same environmental conditions fa- voring gray mold encourage infections by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The disease is known as drop or watery soft rot. The symptoms are somewhat the same as with gray mold except that the fungus grows with a white, cottony appearance over the affected plant part. Irregular, hard black sclerotia varying in size are often present. Recommended control is the same as for gray mold. The disease is not of major importance because of its rarity. Virus diseases of lima beans are of minor importance. Lima bean mosaic, caused by a strain of cucumber mosaic, has been reported as occurring in Cali- fornia but only in rare instances. It causes a mottling of the leaves. It is trans- mitted by the green-peach and melon aphid, Myzus persicae and Aphis gossy- pii, respectively. It is apparently not seed- transmitted. Fordhook-type beans are re- sistant. Curly top of lima beans occurs in minor amounts nearly every year. The young leaves cup downward and tend to twist and are smaller than normal. There is no noticeable mottling. Plants infected early tend to recover, the curling, twist- ing, and stunting of leaves being less ob- vious as new growth is produced. This disease is the same one that occurs on tomato, pepper, sugar beet, and many other unrelated plants. It is transmitted only by the sugar-beet leaf hopper, Circulifer tenellus. No specific control for the disease in lima beans is recommended because of the infrequency of occurrence and low incidence. Insects Insects attacking green lima beans can be divided for convenience into two groups: those attacking underground parts of plants and those attacking plants above ground. Wireworms, the active, immature stages of click beetles, often cause exten- sive damage to lima beans by boring into the germinating seeds or into the roots or stems. Wireworms of the genus Limonius, and several species of Melanotus, are the chief offenders. They usually take several years to reach maturity, and all sizes overwinter in a single field. The small, white eggs are laid in the soil in the spring of the year. Although cultural methods such as planting additional seed, or cultivation, often assist in averting serious attack, the use of fumigants, seed treatment, or residual insecticides (page 14) is usu- ally necessary to obtain control. Seed-corn maggot. The maggots of this fly, Hylemya cilicrura, often cause losses early in the season, when low soil [12] temperatures and cool weather prevail. The eggs are laid in the soil, and the larvae upon hatching find their way to the germinating seeds. They can also bore in the roots or stems, but their chief dam- age is to the plumules and cotyledons as the seed germinates. This may cause bald- heads or death of the seedlings. Lindane seed treatment as given for wireworms is usually effective (page 14). A thiram- lindane combination is particularly de- structive of this pest. Damage may often be associated with the practice of plowing under plant debris or weeds just before planting. The work- ing up of the soil together with the pres- ence of rotting debris is particularly attractive to flies. Nematodes. The root-knot nematode is often damaging to lima beans. The microscopic worms cause swellings on the roots, which are diagnostic of the trouble. Fumigants are often effective. EDB, or ethylene dibromide, is effective at rates given under wireworms. D-D is used at 25 gallons per acre. No known chemical will eradicate nematodes, but fumigants will often give one to several years' benefit. The full use of resistant varieties remains to be investigated. Cutworms of several different types may cut off the plants at ground level. The variegated cutworm, Peridroma mar- garitosa, and the greasy cutworm, Agro- tis ypsilon, are the most important. These larvae live in the soil during the day, often under clods, and cut off the plants at night. Control them with baits incorporating Paris green and bran, or spray with DDT using 2 pounds of actual DDT per acre. The following insects attack beans pri- marily above ground : Black bean aphid, Aphis rumicis, is common, often completely covering young plants, especially early in the sea- son during cool weather. When the beans are small and the fields are accessible by ground machines, a 1 to 2 per cent parathion dust is very effective when applied at the rate of 35 pounds per acre. Leaf miners: Leaf-mining flies of the genus Liriomyza often make character- istic serpentine mines in the leaves. Lima beans are usually not seriously affected. Recent tests indicate that a 3 per cent dieldrin dust applied at 35 pounds per acre is very effective. This chemical is not yet registered for use on beans. A partial control may be obtained through the use of a 10 per cent toxaphene dust applied at the rate of 35-40 pounds per acre. Two applications 15 days apart be- ginning just after bloom are often neces- sary for control. Two-spotted spider mite. This com- mon pest, Tetranychus bimaculatus, often causes damage to beans. The mites live among webs on the undersides of the leaves, causing them to become yellowed and devitalized. A blend of 1 per cent parathion in sulfur dust applied at 35 pounds per acre is fairly effective by ground machine. By airplane, 40 pounds per acre is necessary. A 3 per cent aramite dust at 35 to 40 pounds per acre is successful when the leaves can be adequately covered. Experi- mentally, ovotran as a 7.5 per cent dust together with 3 per cent aramite or a combination dust of ovotran 7.5 per cent with 2 per cent parathion, both used at 30 to 40 pounds per acre, were effective. TEPP (tetraethyl pyrophosphate) as a 1 per cent dust, or as a spray applied by plane, is effective if one application is correctly timed, or if two applications are made about a week apart. Dusting with sulfur at 30 to 40 pounds per acre about 40 days after planting has been practiced in several areas where mites are commonly a problem. Lygus bugs are often important at the time pods appear, as the nymphs and adults puncture the pods and injure the developing seeds. In processing, the stings appear as defects and lower the grade of green lima beans. Although ex- perimental work is needed to determine [13 the minimum number of bugs necessary to cause damage, a count of five lygus bugs per 25 sweeps is often enough to warrant dusting. The use of a dust of 5 per cent DDT and 50 per cent sulfur has been found effective if applied about 30 days before harvest. A blended dust of 1 per cent parathion, 5 per cent DDT, and 50 per cent sulfur is a combination successful in control of aphids, red spiders, and lygus bugs on beans. A 2 per cent parathion dust will control lygus bugs, as will a 5 per cent methoxychlor dust. Use these latter dusts if you are going to feed the straw to livestock. Lima bean pod borer. The larvae of this moth, Etiella zinckenella, confine their attacks to the green pods, destroy- ing the developing seeds. Infestations are somewhat sporadic but may occasionally be serious. No adequate control has been worked out, but the application of DDT for lygus bugs is partially effective, par- ticularly if more than one application is made. Miscellaneous worms. The salt marsh caterpillar, Estigmerie aerea, often damages the plants and developing pods. Migrating caterpillars can be partially stopped by barriers. A dust mixture con- taining 15 per cent toxaphene and 5 per cent DDT is partially effective. Caterpillars of the corn-ear worm, Heliothis armigera, occasionally bore into the buds and cause loss of beans. DDT applications as used for lygus bugs are usually effective. The bean lycaenid, Strymon melinus, is an occasional pest of lima beans. The velvety, pale green caterpillars bore in- side the pods destroying the developing seeds. They are usually not abundant enough to warrant special control meas- ures. Fumigants EDB, ethylene dibromide, is particularly effective in controlling wireworms. Apply it before planting a crop, or sidedress it into growing plants. Allow a period of one to three weeks after treatment before plant- ing beans. Apply two to four gallons of actual EDB per acre depending upon soil type: heavier soils and soils high in organic matter require the higher dosages. For sandy loams a usual dose is 2 gallons actual EDB per acre. This chemical is carried by different companies in several approximate strengths by weight— 83 per cent, 40 per cent, 20 per cent, and 10 per cent. The 83 per cent material contains 12 pounds of actual EDB per gallon, and can be diluted by grower or applicator with kerosene or petroleum thinners. A dosage of 3 gallons is recommended, mixed with 7 gallons of a petroleum thinner; this mix- ture is used at 10 gallons per acre. The 83 per cent material gives % of a gallon of actual EDB per gallon, or 2 gallons of actual EDB per acre where 3 gallons are used. The other concentrations of EDB formu- lations on the market should be applied at rates to give the required 2 gallons of actual EDB per acre. EDB is usually applied by special appli- cators which drill the chemical into the soil at a depth of 6 to 8 inches. The soil should be in good tilth and neither too wet nor too dry. It is less effective at temperatures below 50° F. A chain or iron bar is usually dragged behind the injection machine to retard the escape of the fumigant. One fumigation may be enough for 2 to 3 years. D-D or dichloropropene mixture is often used for nematode control and will control wireworms if used at the rate of 40 gallons per acre. Seed treatments Apply lindane to seeds before planting to control wireworms and seed-corn mag- [ 14 Minor pests. Thrips occasionally damage the flower parts or feed on the leaves. A 5 per cent DDT-sulfur dust is effective, or a 10 per cent toxaphene dust. Diabrotica beetles may feed on the leaves or young pods. DDT, 5 per cent dust, is effective as a control measure. Leafhoppers may feed on the leaves. These can be controlled with a 5 per cent DDT dust. Whiteflies occasionally occur on lima beans. No control is ordinarily necessary. HARVESTING ... the crop and getting ready for next year • • • some pointers Most processed green lima beans are grown under contract. Since the capacity of a processing plant is limited it must be run at or near capacity over as long a season as possible. The harvesting of green limas must therefore be continuous and extend over a long period. Since a field of maturing lima beans will be at maximum production and top quality for only a very few days the processor usu- ally requires his contracting growers to plant according to a schedule prepared by him. The processor also determines when the beans should be harvested. In nearly all cases the processor sup- plies the viners or threshing equipment and power loaders. Standard pea viners having screens with larger openings are used, and may be set up at permanent stations or temporarily established in a grower's field. Temporary viner stations may be used to harvest several nearby gots. Use of dosage of Vz ounce of 75 per cent lindane per 100 pounds of seed, to- gether with an appropriate fungicide (thi- ram, such as Arasan or thiram naugets— or Spergon). Apply the insecticide and fun- gicide as a slurry, as dusts, or by liquid fixation (where the chemicals are stuck on the seed with a small amount of moisture). Slurry treatments are effective, and are safe if precautions are taken to avoid mechani- cal damage during the treatment. The chemicals as dry dusts may partially come off during handling of the seed. It is also better not to combine dry and wet treatments. The use of an ethyl or methyl cellulose sticker is often of advantage. Do not treat seed too far ahead of planting. Storage of lindane-treated seed over 3 months is not recommended. Seed treated with lindane or other insecticides alone is more likely to succumb to seed-decay or- ganisms than untreated seed. A fungicide properly applied is always recommended with insecticide treatments. Aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, and chlor- dane have also been used as seed treat- ments,and although under certain conditions they give better control of seed-corn mag- gots, they have not given the consistent control of wireworms obtained with lindane. Residual chemicals DDT for wireworm control is used at the rate of 10 pounds of actual chemical per acre. It can be dusted or sprayed on the surface of the soil, then disked in to a depth of 6-9 in. This is equivalent to 20 lb. of 50 per cent wettable DDT, or 100 lb. of a 10 per cent dust. DDT kills worms slowly and therefore should be applied at least 2-3 mo. before planting, preferably in the fall. It should be effective for several years. Ten pounds of DDT has not proved entirely effective in heavier soils. Aldrin at 3-5 pounds of actual chemical per acre is effective in the control of wire- worms when applied similarly to DDT. [15 A row of stationary viners adjacent to a freez- ing plant. This procedure insures a short inter- val between shelling and processing but makes it necessary to haul plants to the freezer. TWO WAYS IN WHICH LIMA BEANS ARE HARVESTED A self-propelled viner that picks up plants from a windrow, shells out the beans and leaves the plants in the field. fields. Growers cut and load the vines on dump trucks, and in some cases furnish trucks to haul the unthreshed vines to the viner and also to haul away the threshed vines. Plants are cut with ordinary lima bean knives mounted on the front bar of a wheel tractor. Sometimes 4 rows are cut, thrown together with a side-delivery rake, and loaded onto trucks with a draper- type side loader. A more common method is to cut and load two rows at one oper- ation. You will need several trucks to keep the harvesting and vining opera- tions moving smoothly. After the beans are separated from the vines they are passed over screens to eliminate dirt and trash. At this stage they are weighed to determine payments to the grower. Quality of shelled beans changes rapidly. In some cases they are vined at the factory and blanched within a short period. Where shelled beans are hauled from the grower's field they should be kept cool so that the quality changes are kept at a minimum. Ice is used to keep beans cool and prevent un- desirable changes in quality. One system picks up the rows of cut beans, vines them, and leaves the threshed vines in the field. A large bin on the viner collects the beans. When it is filled the threshed beans are dumped into a truck and hauled to the processor. Choose the correct harvest time Skill is needed to judge the best har- vest time for maximum quality and yield. Your problem is simplified if there is a heavy concentration of pod set. Where pods have set over several weeks' time it may be essential to harvest before maxi- mum yield because otherwise there would be too many white overmature beans, which must be removed by brine separa- tion and hand picking in the freezing plant. As lima beans mature, they turn pale green and then white. Pods expand to show the shape of the bean, later turn yellow, then dry. Maturity of beans affects the relative amount of beans and pods. There is a high percentage of pods with immature beans. Percentage of pods to beans decreases as beans approach proper maturity for freezing. Dry matter increases with maturity, as does starch. Sugars tend to decrease. Harvesting at an immature stage will greatly reduce your yield because of the small weight of beans. Harvesting when some beans are overmature increases the weight but forces the freezer to spend considerable money for sorting. The proper time to harvest a field is probably within the limits of one or two days. Maturity of most acreages is deter- mined by going through the field and observing the number or relative abun- dance of mature green pods on the plants. The freezer prefers "deliveries" with not over 3 to 5 per cent white beans. A sug- gested procedure is to go through a field and select 25 or more plants in such a way as to obtain a representative sample. The mature green and riper pods are picked from the plant, and the pods of correct maturity and overmaturity are counted separately. The decision can be made on the percentage of overmature pods, but it is also desirable to shell the beans and obtain the weight of green and white. Frozen-food grades Freezers want a raw product that will comply with Fancy frozen-food standards after preparation and freezing. To appre- ciate the need for a quality crop it will be wise to become familiar with the fol- lowing standards. The United States Department of Agri- culture has developed separate standards for Henderson or baby lima beans and thick-seeded or Fordhook lima beans. The relative importance of the two factors given in the score card is shown here: Points I Color 60 II Absence of defects 40 Total score 100 Color in the case of baby limas is de- termined with the skin removed. With Fordhooks the color is determined with- out removing skin. Color charts are avail- able to indicate the meaning of terms, such as "green," "pale green," and "white." Defects refer to "spotted or otherwise discolored lima beans, broken lima beans, shriveled beans, loose skins, and harmless extraneous material." Relation between age and size of Fordhook lima beans. Figures are for number of days from blooming. Beans at 46 days are at a desirable stage for processing. [17] c 05 of <1) 0> # fl .oooootso cq 2 3 if J O 4) ft. '3 bc(M H CO 00 W rH 00 S © *h © © © d d O. bo 0) 0. 5 > 1 -s ? a, 3 a 5 £ ■5 > ,«D CO 00 CO M N fc- * .2 UJ 3 hoco o o o q t-j © *p e ■o 5 X> fldodddd d S 5 2 s * J* 'bo O JQ o o V 03 u a . 00 H CO 05 t» CO 00 c 1 w>tHthoooo q *-■ 2 O ™ D 2 a d © © © © © d 2) * *•- 2 .s s 73 O © J. t3 E O '3 c8 01 w 5 a o MOO N N N l> N O o g co in t- tm (N q io tQ t-T © 4- t> OS OQ5 c # 5 w 1-1 "Z *- 3 (i CO H CO O N o q 1 >« W T3.2 z * Sdridddd d § §ts 2 £» (A 3 A'l o o -Q s | -t— "- 1 H <« 4- •r- MH CO lO t> t> Cv TjH o | gCO H T|i W •Si bo • ft. .5 ■S 1 CO 0w q ^ o w ^t q © Ti O o * « § la S ..2 a u g X 4- O ■o c o 1 £ 1 2|>INriridr i-i & ! ■3H IO Oi CO h a o 8 oj U» © H 1 g CO 00 © 2>0 CO ^ H H Ifl § d i> c4 <* cn i> q d 03 bos rt — eorJ3 o 3 c t H > © l> Oi © OS 00 00 00 0) 1 ©^S s o ft. O 1 a : •s § ©©2^ <4- IS •si -2 9 °S * ^^ 03 075 > ftft. © bo as Is •J £ c - _- to m O ei CO 4> ■£ co O et: W Pl. C "1 1 c Eh 1 H i> o 2 a CN O iH o CO eg bo +5 CO Q, gi sa|3 ©S ©^ ■as |g * H - w «2 The complete and current grade can be obtained from U.S.D.A. Production and Marketing Administration, Old Mint Building, Fifth and Mission Streets, San Francisco 3, California. The following statements regarding Fancy frozen beans are copied from this grade (effective March 15, 1945). "U. S. Grade A or U. S. Fancy frozen lima beans of the thin-seeded (baby) varieties are lima beans of similar va- rietal characteristics which possess a practically uniform typical color and consist of not less than 97 per cent by count of green beans, are practically free from defects, are tender, possess a nor- mal flavor and odor, and score not less than 90 points when scored in accord- ance with the scoring system outlined herein. . . . "U. S. Grade A or U. S. Fancy frozen limas of the thick-seeded varieties (Ford- hook) are lima beans of similar varietal characteristics which possess a prac- tically uniform typical color and consist of not less than 75 per cent by count of green beans, and not more than 1 per cent by count of white beans; are prac- tically free from defects; are tender, possess a normal flavor and odor; and score not less than 90 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined herein." Food value Green shelled lima beans are relatively rich in energy and the 8 nutrients listed in the National Research Council's "Rec- ommended Dietary Allowances." As a fresh-market crop they are much poorer in nutrients produced per acre and man- hour. Nutrients per man-hour are low because when sold fresh they must be picked and shelled by hand labor, while frozen lima beans are harvested and shelled mechanically with a great saving in labor. Market lima beans are sold in the pod, which represents about 60 per cent of the fresh weight bought, making them relatively low in food value. [18] The data given in the table list the composition of green lima beans, the five vegetables with the highest per capita consumption, and an average of the com- position of the 12 vegetables with the highest per capita consumption. Lima beans are highest in these comparisons in five of the nutrients and about average or above in calcium and ascorbic acid. Green lima beans are a valuable vegetable from the standpoint of their nutrient content. Seed selection High-quality seed true for the variety and good germination is important. Good germinating seed starts at the thresher. Lima bean seeds are very susceptible to mechanical injury. Experimental evi- dence has shown that measures should be taken during harvesting and handling to minimize such injury. The principal factors in reducing seed injury are slow- speed thresher cylinders and high mois- ture content of seed. Good seed will gen- erally have a germination of 90 per cent or better on laboratory test. Practically all lima beans grown for green processing are treated with a fungi- cide before planting. Seed treating with a combination insecticide and fungicide has proved valuable and is being prac- ticed more each year. The usual practice is for the seed to be treated at the ware- house where it is stored. Use of threshed vines After vining, the plants may be used either as a green-manure crop or as live- stock feed. Where self-propelled viners are used the plant residue is turned under as a green manure. In some areas the plants are hauled to central locations for vining. A cheap procedure for disposing of the vines is to pile them in large stacks or put in pits to use as silage. Fresh lima bean plants contain about 70 per cent moisture. Air-dried Fordhook lima beans from a viner were analyzed in 1946 by the Feed Laboratory of the Cali- fornia State Department of Agriculture (Laboratory No. 77,780). Their compo- sition was as follows: Minimum per cent crude protein 17.3 Minimum per cent crude fat 2.5 Maximum per cent crude fiber 22.2 Maximum per cent ash 11.4 Moisture, per cent 5.1 Carotene (parts per million) 59.0 Nutrient analyses of lima bean plants from a viner are as follows : The percent- age composition of Fordhook plants, pods, and immature beans is — nitrogen 2.35 per cent; phosphoric acid 0.44 per cent; and potash 0.46 per cent. Similar data for baby lima plants, pods, and im- mature beans are: nitrogen 2.1 per cent; phosphoric acid 0.63 per cent; and pot- ash 0.6 per cent. If these values were ex- pressed in the same manner as commer- cial fertilizers the ratios would be 2.4- 0.4-0.5 and 2.1-0.6-0.6. An average for manure from several species of animals would be 0.8-0.4-0.6. The plants ob- tained from a lima bean viner are about the same as manure for phosphoric acid and potash and almost three times higher in nitrogen. COSTS AND RETURNS ... Use these figures for comparison with your own Cost of production Green lima beans rank about nine- teenth among vegetables with respect to their national value. The table on page 20 gives the statistical data for the com- bined crops of baby and Fordhook lima beans for processing. During the same period the value of market beans or those sold in the pod was $2,816,000, or about one fourth the value of processed beans. California produces approximately one third of the processed beans. [19 Average Acreage, Yield, Production, Price per Ton, and Farm Value of Green Lima Beans* for Processing, United States, and the Five Most Important States, 1947-1952 Area Acreage field per acre Production Price per ton Farm value United States acres 95,125 20,731 19,366 12,608 6,027 4,650 pounds 1,687 2,602 1,452 1,484 1,374 1,364 tons 80,245 26,968 14,062 9,355 4,142 3,172 dollars 146.88 160.00 138.33 152.98 139.90 129.87 thousands of dollars 11,786 4,315 1,945 1,431 579 412 California Delaware New Jersey Wisconsin Maryland * Both baby and Fordhook beans are included. Source: Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture. The table just below lists the produc- tion of baby lima beans for California and also similar data for Fordhook beans as well as the separate production of four regional areas. The Ventura-Santa Bar- bara area has the greatest acreage and also the greatest yield per acre. About one half the state production is within ten miles of the coast in Ventura and Orange counties. The table on page 21 presents an esti- mated or sample cost of production in such a way as to be useful to the indi- vidual grower in checking and estimating his own costs. It is not to be taken as the average cost of production. Costs per acre and per pound will vary widely, de- pending on yield per acre and the inputs and costs of labor, field power, materials, cash overhead, and rent. California Acreage, Yield, Production, Price per Ton, and Farm Value of Green Lima Beans Grown for Processing by Areas, 1947—1952 Area Acreage, acres Yield per acre, pounds Production, tons Price per ton, dollars Farm value, thousands of dollars Baby Limas California 4,505 1,817 4,093 150.80 617 Fordhook Limas California 16,226 2,077 5,741 5,584 2,824 2,820 2,179 2,485 3,366 2,891 22,875 2,263 7,132 9,399 4,081 161.65 3,698 366 1,155 1,505 672 Central Valleys Central Coast Ventura, Santa Barbara counties Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego counties Source: California Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, Sacramento, California. [20] Estimated Cost of Growing (Fordhook) Green Lima Beans Orange County — 1951 — Based on Yield 4,000 Pounds Items Land preparation Subsoiling — once Disking — twice Level or float — once . . . Chiseling — once Harrowing — twice Drag or cyclone — twice Fumigate soil Miscellaneous Total land preparation Sample cost Per acre dollars 3.50 3.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 14.50 Per cwt. dollars .36 Planting — 4 row. Cultural labor and field power Cultivating and furrow — twice Irrigating — three times Hoeing — once Fertilizing — organic commercial Pest control, dust — once Miscellaneous Total cultural . Materials Seed, 120 pounds Water, 12 acre-inches Fertilizer — organic — 400 cu. ft commercial — 20 pounds nitrogen. Soil fumigation Pest control — dust — 30 pounds Miscellaneous Total materials Cash overhead costs General expense Taxes — included in rent and rates . Insurance — included in rates Miscellaneous Total cash overhead Depreciation — included in rates and rent. Land rent. Harvest Cut, windrow, and load Combine thresh Haul Total harvest. TOTAL ALL COSTS 1.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 1.50 .00 1.50 2.00 13.50 16.80 7.50 16.00 3.00 15.00 2.40 1.00 61.70 4.56 .00 .00 1.00 5.56 .00 100.00 7.50 60.00 4.00 71.50 268.26 .04 .34 1.54 .14 2.50 1.79 6.71 Prepared by Wallace Sullivan, Extension Economist — Farm Management. Costs in this table are based on a better than average commercial operator on medium heavy soil with a yield of 4,000 pounds per acre. Some items shown are not necessary in all cases, while in other instances some might be added. Soil fumigation might be applied only once in two or three years. Irrigation cost is another highly variable factor de- pending on rainfall and soil type. Tillage operations will vary widely depending on soil type and weed infestations. Pest control is another highly variable factor. Depreciation and tgxes have been in- cluded in the rates charged for field power and equipment, and in the rent for the land. Charge for the use of land is estimated at $100 per acre cash rent. Harvesting and threshing costs are in- cluded, although much of the crop is sold where the freeze company does the vining. Total costs include all costs of produc- ing beans ready for the freezer. In order that the information in our publications may be more intelligible it is sometimes necessary to use trade names of products or equipment rather than com- plicated descriptive or chemical identifications. In so doing it is unavoidable in some cases that similar products which are on the market under other trade names may not be cited. No endorsement of named products is intended nor is criticism implied of similar products which are not mentioned. 22 Co-operative Extension work in Agriculture and Ho co-operating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts i, College of Agriculture, University of California, and United States Department of Agriculture of Congress of May 8, and June 30, 1914. J. Earl Coke, Director, California Agricultural Extension Service. 10m-5,'53(A5480)AA HELP WANTED IN PRODUCING one fourth of this nation's vegetables There's a bumper crop of jobs in a wide variety of rewarding fields — all helping Califor- nia produce one fourth of the vegetable crop of the United States. growing • shipping • developing new varieties • producing seed sup- plies • chemical fertilizers • pest control • processing contacts. These jobs are hard to fill, for they need very special training. These jobs are thoroughly covered by the University of California vegetable crops curric- ulum at Davis. It provides a balanced and thor- ough course covering all aspects of vegetable production and handling in different areas. breeding • handling • storage and transit • crop varieties • insect studies • plant diseases • weed control • vegetable growth. These jobs require special skills lhat can be developed only through practical experience under able guidance, using the many and varied facilities that the College of Agriculture at Davis can offer. 140 acres of land for class work and experiment • greenhouses and spe- cial equipment • irrigation facilities • a faculty of national reputation. For further Information • . . write to Department of Vegetable Crops UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Davis, California